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"_commit_hash": null, |
"architectures": [ |
"VisionEncoderDecoderModel" |
], |
"decoder": { |
"_name_or_path": "bert-base-uncased", |
"add_cross_attention": true, |
"architectures": [ |
"BertForMaskedLM" |
], |
"attention_probs_dropout_prob": 0.1, |
"bad_words_ids": null, |
"begin_suppress_tokens": null, |
"bos_token_id": null, |
"chunk_size_feed_forward": 0, |
"classifier_dropout": null, |
"cross_attention_hidden_size": null, |
"decoder_start_token_id": null, |
"diversity_penalty": 0.0, |
"do_sample": false, |
"early_stopping": false, |
"encoder_no_repeat_ngram_size": 0, |
"eos_token_id": null, |
"exponential_decay_length_penalty": null, |
"finetuning_task": null, |
"forced_bos_token_id": null, |
"forced_eos_token_id": null, |
"gradient_checkpointing": false, |
"hidden_act": "gelu", |
"hidden_dropout_prob": 0.1, |
"hidden_size": 768, |
"id2label": { |
"0": "LABEL_0", |
"1": "LABEL_1" |
}, |
"initializer_range": 0.02, |
"intermediate_size": 3072, |
"is_decoder": true, |
"is_encoder_decoder": false, |
"label2id": { |
"LABEL_0": 0, |
"LABEL_1": 1 |
}, |
"layer_norm_eps": 1e-12, |
"length_penalty": 1.0, |
"max_length": 20, |
"max_position_embeddings": 512, |
"min_length": 0, |
"model_type": "bert", |
"no_repeat_ngram_size": 0, |
"num_attention_heads": 12, |
"num_beam_groups": 1, |
"num_beams": 1, |
"num_hidden_layers": 12, |
"num_return_sequences": 1, |
"output_attentions": false, |
"output_hidden_states": false, |
"output_scores": false, |
"pad_token_id": 0, |
"position_embedding_type": "absolute", |
"prefix": null, |
"problem_type": null, |
"pruned_heads": {}, |
"remove_invalid_values": false, |
"repetition_penalty": 1.0, |
"return_dict": true, |
"return_dict_in_generate": false, |
"sep_token_id": null, |
"suppress_tokens": null, |
"task_specific_params": null, |
"temperature": 1.0, |
"tf_legacy_loss": false, |
"tie_encoder_decoder": false, |
"tie_word_embeddings": true, |
"tokenizer_class": null, |
"top_k": 50, |
"top_p": 1.0, |
"torch_dtype": null, |
"torchscript": false, |
"transformers_version": "4.30.2", |
"type_vocab_size": 2, |
"typical_p": 1.0, |
"use_bfloat16": false, |
"use_cache": true, |
"vocab_size": 30522 |
}, |
"decoder_start_token_id": 101, |
"encoder": { |
"_name_or_path": "facebook/timesformer-base-finetuned-k400", |
"add_cross_attention": false, |
"architectures": [ |
"TimesformerForVideoClassification" |
], |
"attention_probs_dropout_prob": 0.0, |
"attention_type": "divided_space_time", |
"bad_words_ids": null, |
"begin_suppress_tokens": null, |
"bos_token_id": null, |
"chunk_size_feed_forward": 0, |
"cross_attention_hidden_size": null, |
"decoder_start_token_id": null, |
"diversity_penalty": 0.0, |
"do_sample": false, |
"drop_path_rate": 0, |
"early_stopping": false, |
"encoder_no_repeat_ngram_size": 0, |
"eos_token_id": null, |
"exponential_decay_length_penalty": null, |
"finetuning_task": null, |
"forced_bos_token_id": null, |
"forced_eos_token_id": null, |
"hidden_act": "gelu", |
"hidden_dropout_prob": 0.0, |
"hidden_size": 768, |
"id2label": { |
"0": "abseiling", |
"1": "air drumming", |
"2": "answering questions", |
"3": "applauding", |
"4": "applying cream", |
"5": "archery", |
"6": "arm wrestling", |
"7": "arranging flowers", |
"8": "assembling computer", |
"9": "auctioning", |
"10": "baby waking up", |
"11": "baking cookies", |
"12": "balloon blowing", |
"13": "bandaging", |
"14": "barbequing", |
"15": "bartending", |
"16": "beatboxing", |
"17": "bee keeping", |
"18": "belly dancing", |
"19": "bench pressing", |
"20": "bending back", |
"21": "bending metal", |
"22": "biking through snow", |
"23": "blasting sand", |
"24": "blowing glass", |
"25": "blowing leaves", |
"26": "blowing nose", |
"27": "blowing out candles", |
"28": "bobsledding", |
"29": "bookbinding", |
"30": "bouncing on trampoline", |
"31": "bowling", |
"32": "braiding hair", |
"33": "breading or breadcrumbing", |
"34": "breakdancing", |
"35": "brush painting", |
"36": "brushing hair", |
"37": "brushing teeth", |
"38": "building cabinet", |
"39": "building shed", |
"40": "bungee jumping", |
"41": "busking", |
"42": "canoeing or kayaking", |
"43": "capoeira", |
"44": "carrying baby", |
"45": "cartwheeling", |
"46": "carving pumpkin", |
"47": "catching fish", |
"48": "catching or throwing baseball", |
"49": "catching or throwing frisbee", |
"50": "catching or throwing softball", |
"51": "celebrating", |
"52": "changing oil", |
"53": "changing wheel", |
"54": "checking tires", |
"55": "cheerleading", |
"56": "chopping wood", |
"57": "clapping", |
"58": "clay pottery making", |
"59": "clean and jerk", |
"60": "cleaning floor", |
"61": "cleaning gutters", |
"62": "cleaning pool", |
"63": "cleaning shoes", |
"64": "cleaning toilet", |
"65": "cleaning windows", |
"66": "climbing a rope", |
"67": "climbing ladder", |
"68": "climbing tree", |
"69": "contact juggling", |
"70": "cooking chicken", |
"71": "cooking egg", |
"72": "cooking on campfire", |
"73": "cooking sausages", |
"74": "counting money", |
"75": "country line dancing", |
"76": "cracking neck", |
"77": "crawling baby", |
"78": "crossing river", |
"79": "crying", |
"80": "curling hair", |
"81": "cutting nails", |
"82": "cutting pineapple", |
"83": "cutting watermelon", |
"84": "dancing ballet", |
"85": "dancing charleston", |
"86": "dancing gangnam style", |
"87": "dancing macarena", |
"88": "deadlifting", |
"89": "decorating the christmas tree", |
"90": "digging", |
"91": "dining", |
"92": "disc golfing", |
"93": "diving cliff", |
"94": "dodgeball", |
"95": "doing aerobics", |
"96": "doing laundry", |
"97": "doing nails", |
"98": "drawing", |
"99": "dribbling basketball", |
"100": "drinking", |
"101": "drinking beer", |
"102": "drinking shots", |
"103": "driving car", |
"104": "driving tractor", |
"105": "drop kicking", |
"106": "drumming fingers", |
"107": "dunking basketball", |
"108": "dying hair", |
"109": "eating burger", |
"110": "eating cake", |
"111": "eating carrots", |
"112": "eating chips", |
"113": "eating doughnuts", |
"114": "eating hotdog", |
"115": "eating ice cream", |
"116": "eating spaghetti", |
"117": "eating watermelon", |
"118": "egg hunting", |
"119": "exercising arm", |
"120": "exercising with an exercise ball", |
"121": "extinguishing fire", |
"122": "faceplanting", |
"123": "feeding birds", |
"124": "feeding fish", |
"125": "feeding goats", |
"126": "filling eyebrows", |
"127": "finger snapping", |
"128": "fixing hair", |
"129": "flipping pancake", |
"130": "flying kite", |
"131": "folding clothes", |
"132": "folding napkins", |
"133": "folding paper", |
"134": "front raises", |
"135": "frying vegetables", |
"136": "garbage collecting", |
"137": "gargling", |
"138": "getting a haircut", |
"139": "getting a tattoo", |
"140": "giving or receiving award", |
"141": "golf chipping", |
"142": "golf driving", |
"143": "golf putting", |
"144": "grinding meat", |
"145": "grooming dog", |
"146": "grooming horse", |
"147": "gymnastics tumbling", |
"148": "hammer throw", |
"149": "headbanging", |
"150": "headbutting", |
"151": "high jump", |
"152": "high kick", |
"153": "hitting baseball", |
"154": "hockey stop", |
"155": "holding snake", |
"156": "hopscotch", |
"157": "hoverboarding", |
"158": "hugging", |
"159": "hula hooping", |
"160": "hurdling", |
"161": "hurling (sport)", |
"162": "ice climbing", |
"163": "ice fishing", |
"164": "ice skating", |
"165": "ironing", |
"166": "javelin throw", |
"167": "jetskiing", |
"168": "jogging", |
"169": "juggling balls", |
"170": "juggling fire", |
"171": "juggling soccer ball", |
"172": "jumping into pool", |
"173": "jumpstyle dancing", |
"174": "kicking field goal", |
"175": "kicking soccer ball", |
"176": "kissing", |
"177": "kitesurfing", |
"178": "knitting", |
"179": "krumping", |
"180": "laughing", |
"181": "laying bricks", |
"182": "long jump", |
"183": "lunge", |
"184": "making a cake", |
"185": "making a sandwich", |
"186": "making bed", |
"187": "making jewelry", |
"188": "making pizza", |
"189": "making snowman", |
"190": "making sushi", |
"191": "making tea", |
"192": "marching", |
"193": "massaging back", |
"194": "massaging feet", |
"195": "massaging legs", |
"196": "massaging person's head", |
"197": "milking cow", |
"198": "mopping floor", |
"199": "motorcycling", |
"200": "moving furniture", |
"201": "mowing lawn", |
"202": "news anchoring", |
"203": "opening bottle", |
"204": "opening present", |
"205": "paragliding", |
"206": "parasailing", |
"207": "parkour", |
"208": "passing American football (in game)", |
"209": "passing American football (not in game)", |
"210": "peeling apples", |
"211": "peeling potatoes", |
"212": "petting animal (not cat)", |
"213": "petting cat", |
"214": "picking fruit", |
"215": "planting trees", |
"216": "plastering", |
"217": "playing accordion", |
"218": "playing badminton", |
"219": "playing bagpipes", |
"220": "playing basketball", |
"221": "playing bass guitar", |
"222": "playing cards", |
"223": "playing cello", |
"224": "playing chess", |
"225": "playing clarinet", |
"226": "playing controller", |
"227": "playing cricket", |
"228": "playing cymbals", |
"229": "playing didgeridoo", |
"230": "playing drums", |
"231": "playing flute", |
"232": "playing guitar", |
"233": "playing harmonica", |
"234": "playing harp", |
"235": "playing ice hockey", |
"236": "playing keyboard", |
"237": "playing kickball", |
"238": "playing monopoly", |
"239": "playing organ", |
"240": "playing paintball", |
"241": "playing piano", |
"242": "playing poker", |
"243": "playing recorder", |
"244": "playing saxophone", |
"245": "playing squash or racquetball", |
"246": "playing tennis", |
"247": "playing trombone", |
"248": "playing trumpet", |
"249": "playing ukulele", |
"250": "playing violin", |
"251": "playing volleyball", |
"252": "playing xylophone", |
"253": "pole vault", |
"254": "presenting weather forecast", |
"255": "pull ups", |
"256": "pumping fist", |
"257": "pumping gas", |
"258": "punching bag", |
"259": "punching person (boxing)", |
"260": "push up", |
"261": "pushing car", |
"262": "pushing cart", |
"263": "pushing wheelchair", |
"264": "reading book", |
"265": "reading newspaper", |
"266": "recording music", |
"267": "riding a bike", |
"268": "riding camel", |
"269": "riding elephant", |
"270": "riding mechanical bull", |
"271": "riding mountain bike", |
"272": "riding mule", |
"273": "riding or walking with horse", |
"274": "riding scooter", |
"275": "riding unicycle", |
"276": "ripping paper", |
"277": "robot dancing", |
"278": "rock climbing", |
"279": "rock scissors paper", |
"280": "roller skating", |
"281": "running on treadmill", |
"282": "sailing", |
"283": "salsa dancing", |
"284": "sanding floor", |
"285": "scrambling eggs", |
"286": "scuba diving", |
"287": "setting table", |
"288": "shaking hands", |
"289": "shaking head", |
"290": "sharpening knives", |
"291": "sharpening pencil", |
"292": "shaving head", |
"293": "shaving legs", |
"294": "shearing sheep", |
"295": "shining shoes", |
"296": "shooting basketball", |
"297": "shooting goal (soccer)", |
"298": "shot put", |
"299": "shoveling snow", |
"300": "shredding paper", |
"301": "shuffling cards", |
"302": "side kick", |
"303": "sign language interpreting", |
"304": "singing", |
"305": "situp", |
"306": "skateboarding", |
"307": "ski jumping", |
"308": "skiing (not slalom or crosscountry)", |
"309": "skiing crosscountry", |
"310": "skiing slalom", |
"311": "skipping rope", |
"312": "skydiving", |
"313": "slacklining", |
"314": "slapping", |
"315": "sled dog racing", |
"316": "smoking", |
"317": "smoking hookah", |
"318": "snatch weight lifting", |
"319": "sneezing", |
"320": "sniffing", |
"321": "snorkeling", |
"322": "snowboarding", |
"323": "snowkiting", |
"324": "snowmobiling", |
"325": "somersaulting", |
"326": "spinning poi", |
"327": "spray painting", |
"328": "spraying", |
"329": "springboard diving", |
"330": "squat", |
"331": "sticking tongue out", |
"332": "stomping grapes", |
"333": "stretching arm", |
"334": "stretching leg", |
"335": "strumming guitar", |
"336": "surfing crowd", |
"337": "surfing water", |
"338": "sweeping floor", |
"339": "swimming backstroke", |
"340": "swimming breast stroke", |
"341": "swimming butterfly stroke", |
"342": "swing dancing", |
"343": "swinging legs", |
"344": "swinging on something", |
"345": "sword fighting", |
"346": "tai chi", |
"347": "taking a shower", |
"348": "tango dancing", |
"349": "tap dancing", |
"350": "tapping guitar", |
"351": "tapping pen", |
"352": "tasting beer", |
"353": "tasting food", |
"354": "testifying", |
"355": "texting", |
"356": "throwing axe", |
"357": "throwing ball", |
"358": "throwing discus", |
"359": "tickling", |
"360": "tobogganing", |
"361": "tossing coin", |
"362": "tossing salad", |
"363": "training dog", |
"364": "trapezing", |
"365": "trimming or shaving beard", |
"366": "trimming trees", |
"367": "triple jump", |
"368": "tying bow tie", |
"369": "tying knot (not on a tie)", |
"370": "tying tie", |
"371": "unboxing", |
"372": "unloading truck", |
"373": "using computer", |
"374": "using remote controller (not gaming)", |
"375": "using segway", |
"376": "vault", |
"377": "waiting in line", |
"378": "walking the dog", |
"379": "washing dishes", |
"380": "washing feet", |
"381": "washing hair", |
"382": "washing hands", |
"383": "water skiing", |
"384": "water sliding", |
"385": "watering plants", |
"386": "waxing back", |
"387": "waxing chest", |
"388": "waxing eyebrows", |
"389": "waxing legs", |
"390": "weaving basket", |
"391": "welding", |
"392": "whistling", |
"393": "windsurfing", |
"394": "wrapping present", |
"395": "wrestling", |
"396": "writing", |
"397": "yawning", |
"398": "yoga", |
"399": "zumba" |
}, |
"image_size": 224, |
"initializer_range": 0.02, |
"intermediate_size": 3072, |
"is_decoder": false, |
"is_encoder_decoder": false, |
"label2id": { |
"abseiling": 0, |
"air drumming": 1, |
"answering questions": 2, |
"applauding": 3, |
"applying cream": 4, |
"archery": 5, |
"arm wrestling": 6, |
"arranging flowers": 7, |
"assembling computer": 8, |
"auctioning": 9, |
"baby waking up": 10, |
"baking cookies": 11, |
"balloon blowing": 12, |
"bandaging": 13, |
"barbequing": 14, |
"bartending": 15, |
"beatboxing": 16, |
"bee keeping": 17, |
"belly dancing": 18, |
"bench pressing": 19, |
"bending back": 20, |
"bending metal": 21, |
"biking through snow": 22, |
"blasting sand": 23, |
"blowing glass": 24, |
"blowing leaves": 25, |
"blowing nose": 26, |
"blowing out candles": 27, |
"bobsledding": 28, |
"bookbinding": 29, |
"bouncing on trampoline": 30, |
"bowling": 31, |
"braiding hair": 32, |
"breading or breadcrumbing": 33, |
"breakdancing": 34, |
"brush painting": 35, |
"brushing hair": 36, |
"brushing teeth": 37, |
"building cabinet": 38, |
"building shed": 39, |
"bungee jumping": 40, |
"busking": 41, |
"canoeing or kayaking": 42, |
"capoeira": 43, |
"carrying baby": 44, |
"cartwheeling": 45, |
"carving pumpkin": 46, |
"catching fish": 47, |
"catching or throwing baseball": 48, |
"catching or throwing frisbee": 49, |
"catching or throwing softball": 50, |
"celebrating": 51, |
"changing oil": 52, |
"changing wheel": 53, |
"checking tires": 54, |
"cheerleading": 55, |
"chopping wood": 56, |
"clapping": 57, |
"clay pottery making": 58, |
"clean and jerk": 59, |
"cleaning floor": 60, |
"cleaning gutters": 61, |
"cleaning pool": 62, |
"cleaning shoes": 63, |
"cleaning toilet": 64, |
"cleaning windows": 65, |
"climbing a rope": 66, |
"climbing ladder": 67, |
"climbing tree": 68, |
"contact juggling": 69, |
"cooking chicken": 70, |
"cooking egg": 71, |
"cooking on campfire": 72, |
"cooking sausages": 73, |
"counting money": 74, |
"country line dancing": 75, |
"cracking neck": 76, |
"crawling baby": 77, |
"crossing river": 78, |
"crying": 79, |
"curling hair": 80, |
"cutting nails": 81, |
"cutting pineapple": 82, |
"cutting watermelon": 83, |
"dancing ballet": 84, |
"dancing charleston": 85, |
"dancing gangnam style": 86, |
"dancing macarena": 87, |
"deadlifting": 88, |
"decorating the christmas tree": 89, |
"digging": 90, |
"dining": 91, |
"disc golfing": 92, |
"diving cliff": 93, |
"dodgeball": 94, |
"doing aerobics": 95, |
"doing laundry": 96, |
"doing nails": 97, |
"drawing": 98, |
"dribbling basketball": 99, |
"drinking": 100, |
"drinking beer": 101, |
"drinking shots": 102, |
"driving car": 103, |
"driving tractor": 104, |
"drop kicking": 105, |
"drumming fingers": 106, |
"dunking basketball": 107, |
"dying hair": 108, |
"eating burger": 109, |
"eating cake": 110, |
"eating carrots": 111, |
"eating chips": 112, |
"eating doughnuts": 113, |
"eating hotdog": 114, |
"eating ice cream": 115, |
"eating spaghetti": 116, |
"eating watermelon": 117, |
"egg hunting": 118, |
"exercising arm": 119, |
"exercising with an exercise ball": 120, |
"extinguishing fire": 121, |
"faceplanting": 122, |
"feeding birds": 123, |
"feeding fish": 124, |
"feeding goats": 125, |
"filling eyebrows": 126, |
"finger snapping": 127, |
"fixing hair": 128, |
"flipping pancake": 129, |
"flying kite": 130, |
"folding clothes": 131, |
"folding napkins": 132, |
"folding paper": 133, |
"front raises": 134, |
"frying vegetables": 135, |
"garbage collecting": 136, |
"gargling": 137, |
"getting a haircut": 138, |
"getting a tattoo": 139, |
"giving or receiving award": 140, |
"golf chipping": 141, |
"golf driving": 142, |
"golf putting": 143, |
"grinding meat": 144, |
"grooming dog": 145, |
"grooming horse": 146, |
"gymnastics tumbling": 147, |
"hammer throw": 148, |
"headbanging": 149, |
"headbutting": 150, |
"high jump": 151, |
"high kick": 152, |
"hitting baseball": 153, |
"hockey stop": 154, |
"holding snake": 155, |
"hopscotch": 156, |
"hoverboarding": 157, |
"hugging": 158, |
"hula hooping": 159, |
"hurdling": 160, |
"hurling (sport)": 161, |
"ice climbing": 162, |
"ice fishing": 163, |
"ice skating": 164, |
"ironing": 165, |
"javelin throw": 166, |
"jetskiing": 167, |
"jogging": 168, |
"juggling balls": 169, |
"juggling fire": 170, |
"juggling soccer ball": 171, |
"jumping into pool": 172, |
"jumpstyle dancing": 173, |
"kicking field goal": 174, |
"kicking soccer ball": 175, |
"kissing": 176, |
"kitesurfing": 177, |
"knitting": 178, |
"krumping": 179, |
"laughing": 180, |
"laying bricks": 181, |
"long jump": 182, |
"lunge": 183, |
"making a cake": 184, |
"making a sandwich": 185, |
"making bed": 186, |
"making jewelry": 187, |
"making pizza": 188, |
"making snowman": 189, |
"making sushi": 190, |
"making tea": 191, |
"marching": 192, |
"massaging back": 193, |
"massaging feet": 194, |
"massaging legs": 195, |
"massaging person's head": 196, |
"milking cow": 197, |
"mopping floor": 198, |
"motorcycling": 199, |
"moving furniture": 200, |
"mowing lawn": 201, |
"news anchoring": 202, |
"opening bottle": 203, |
"opening present": 204, |
"paragliding": 205, |
"parasailing": 206, |
"parkour": 207, |
"passing American football (in game)": 208, |
"passing American football (not in game)": 209, |
"peeling apples": 210, |
"peeling potatoes": 211, |
"petting animal (not cat)": 212, |
"petting cat": 213, |
"picking fruit": 214, |
"planting trees": 215, |
"plastering": 216, |
"playing accordion": 217, |
"playing badminton": 218, |
"playing bagpipes": 219, |
"playing basketball": 220, |
"playing bass guitar": 221, |
"playing cards": 222, |
"playing cello": 223, |
"playing chess": 224, |
"playing clarinet": 225, |
"playing controller": 226, |
"playing cricket": 227, |
"playing cymbals": 228, |
"playing didgeridoo": 229, |
"playing drums": 230, |
"playing flute": 231, |
"playing guitar": 232, |
"playing harmonica": 233, |
"playing harp": 234, |
"playing ice hockey": 235, |
"playing keyboard": 236, |
"playing kickball": 237, |
"playing monopoly": 238, |
"playing organ": 239, |
"playing paintball": 240, |
"playing piano": 241, |
"playing poker": 242, |
"playing recorder": 243, |
"playing saxophone": 244, |
"playing squash or racquetball": 245, |
"playing tennis": 246, |
"playing trombone": 247, |
"playing trumpet": 248, |
"playing ukulele": 249, |
"playing violin": 250, |
"playing volleyball": 251, |
"playing xylophone": 252, |
"pole vault": 253, |
"presenting weather forecast": 254, |
"pull ups": 255, |
"pumping fist": 256, |
"pumping gas": 257, |
"punching bag": 258, |
"punching person (boxing)": 259, |
"push up": 260, |
"pushing car": 261, |
"pushing cart": 262, |
"pushing wheelchair": 263, |
"reading book": 264, |
"reading newspaper": 265, |
"recording music": 266, |
"riding a bike": 267, |
"riding camel": 268, |
"riding elephant": 269, |
"riding mechanical bull": 270, |
"riding mountain bike": 271, |
"riding mule": 272, |
"riding or walking with horse": 273, |
"riding scooter": 274, |
"riding unicycle": 275, |
"ripping paper": 276, |
"robot dancing": 277, |
"rock climbing": 278, |
"rock scissors paper": 279, |
"roller skating": 280, |
"running on treadmill": 281, |
"sailing": 282, |
"salsa dancing": 283, |
"sanding floor": 284, |
"scrambling eggs": 285, |
"scuba diving": 286, |
"setting table": 287, |
"shaking hands": 288, |
"shaking head": 289, |
"sharpening knives": 290, |
"sharpening pencil": 291, |
"shaving head": 292, |
"shaving legs": 293, |
"shearing sheep": 294, |
"shining shoes": 295, |
"shooting basketball": 296, |
"shooting goal (soccer)": 297, |
"shot put": 298, |
"shoveling snow": 299, |
"shredding paper": 300, |
"shuffling cards": 301, |
"side kick": 302, |
"sign language interpreting": 303, |
"singing": 304, |
"situp": 305, |
"skateboarding": 306, |
"ski jumping": 307, |
"skiing (not slalom or crosscountry)": 308, |
"skiing crosscountry": 309, |
"skiing slalom": 310, |
"skipping rope": 311, |
"skydiving": 312, |
"slacklining": 313, |
"slapping": 314, |
"sled dog racing": 315, |
"smoking": 316, |
"smoking hookah": 317, |
"snatch weight lifting": 318, |
"sneezing": 319, |
"sniffing": 320, |
"snorkeling": 321, |
"snowboarding": 322, |
"snowkiting": 323, |
"snowmobiling": 324, |
"somersaulting": 325, |
"spinning poi": 326, |
"spray painting": 327, |
"spraying": 328, |
"springboard diving": 329, |
"squat": 330, |
"sticking tongue out": 331, |
"stomping grapes": 332, |
"stretching arm": 333, |
"stretching leg": 334, |
"strumming guitar": 335, |
"surfing crowd": 336, |
"surfing water": 337, |
"sweeping floor": 338, |
"swimming backstroke": 339, |
"swimming breast stroke": 340, |
"swimming butterfly stroke": 341, |
"swing dancing": 342, |
"swinging legs": 343, |
"swinging on something": 344, |
"sword fighting": 345, |
"tai chi": 346, |
"taking a shower": 347, |
"tango dancing": 348, |
"tap dancing": 349, |
"tapping guitar": 350, |
"tapping pen": 351, |
"tasting beer": 352, |
"tasting food": 353, |
"testifying": 354, |
"texting": 355, |
"throwing axe": 356, |
"throwing ball": 357, |
"throwing discus": 358, |
"tickling": 359, |
"tobogganing": 360, |
"tossing coin": 361, |
"tossing salad": 362, |
"training dog": 363, |
"trapezing": 364, |
"trimming or shaving beard": 365, |
"trimming trees": 366, |
"triple jump": 367, |
"tying bow tie": 368, |
"tying knot (not on a tie)": 369, |
"tying tie": 370, |
"unboxing": 371, |
"unloading truck": 372, |
"using computer": 373, |
"using remote controller (not gaming)": 374, |
"using segway": 375, |
"vault": 376, |
"waiting in line": 377, |
"walking the dog": 378, |
"washing dishes": 379, |
"washing feet": 380, |
"washing hair": 381, |
"washing hands": 382, |
"water skiing": 383, |
"water sliding": 384, |
"watering plants": 385, |
"waxing back": 386, |
"waxing chest": 387, |
"waxing eyebrows": 388, |
"waxing legs": 389, |
"weaving basket": 390, |
"welding": 391, |
"whistling": 392, |
"windsurfing": 393, |
"wrapping present": 394, |
"wrestling": 395, |
"writing": 396, |
"yawning": 397, |
"yoga": 398, |
"zumba": 399 |
}, |
"layer_norm_eps": 1e-06, |
"length_penalty": 1.0, |
"max_length": 20, |
"min_length": 0, |
"model_type": "timesformer", |
"no_repeat_ngram_size": 0, |
"num_attention_heads": 12, |
"num_beam_groups": 1, |
"num_beams": 1, |
"num_channels": 3, |
"num_frames": 8, |
"num_hidden_layers": 12, |
"num_return_sequences": 1, |
"output_attentions": false, |
"output_hidden_states": false, |
"output_scores": false, |
"pad_token_id": null, |
"patch_size": 16, |
"prefix": null, |
"problem_type": null, |
"pruned_heads": {}, |
"qkv_bias": true, |
"remove_invalid_values": false, |
"repetition_penalty": 1.0, |
"return_dict": true, |
"return_dict_in_generate": false, |
"sep_token_id": null, |
"suppress_tokens": null, |
"task_specific_params": null, |
"temperature": 1.0, |
"tf_legacy_loss": false, |
"tie_encoder_decoder": false, |
"tie_word_embeddings": true, |
"tokenizer_class": null, |
"top_k": 50, |
"top_p": 1.0, |
"torch_dtype": "float32", |
"torchscript": false, |
"transformers_version": "4.30.2", |
"typical_p": 1.0, |
"use_bfloat16": false |
}, |
"is_encoder_decoder": true, |
"model_type": "vision-encoder-decoder", |
"pad_token_id": 0, |
"tie_word_embeddings": false, |
"torch_dtype": "float32", |
"transformers_version": null |
} |