File size: 11,399 Bytes
4ca4e8f 9bcb78e aa9c683 9bcb78e 608be6d 9bcb78e 6486f13 67e3618 9bcb78e 67e3618 9bcb78e 67e3618 9bcb78e aa9c683 9bcb78e aa9c683 5bfc39e 9bcb78e adefdbb 9bcb78e adefdbb 9bcb78e 157ee7d 9bcb78e adefdbb dc20c83 9bcb78e adefdbb 6486f13 aa9c683 6486f13 aa9c683 4ca4e8f 67e3618 4ca4e8f aa9c683 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 |
#usually it's what is on the inside that counts, not this time. This script is a mess, but at least it works.
#import required modules
from huggingface_hub import login, get_token, whoami, repo_exists, file_exists, upload_folder, create_repo, upload_file, create_branch, update_repo_visibility
import os
import sys
import subprocess
import glob
#define os differences
oname =
if oname == 'nt':
osclear = 'cls'
osmv = 'move'
osrmd = 'rmdir /s /q'
oscp = 'copy'
pyt = 'venv\\scripts\\python.exe'
slsh = '\\'
elif oname == 'posix':
osclear = 'clear'
osmv = 'mv'
osrmd = 'rm -rf'
oscp = 'cp'
pyt = './venv/bin/python'
slsh = '/'
sys.exit('This script is not compatible with your machine.')
def clear_screen():
#get token
if os.environ.get('KAGGLE_KERNEL_RUN_TYPE', None) is not None: #check if user in kaggle
from kaggle_secrets import UserSecretsClient # type: ignore
from kaggle_web_client import BackendError # type: ignore
login(UserSecretsClient().get_secret("HF_TOKEN")) #login if token secret found
except BackendError:
When using Kaggle, make sure to use the secret key HF_TOKEN with a 'WRITE' token.
This will prevent the need to login every time you run the script.
Set your secrets with the secrets add-on on the top of the screen.
if get_token() is not None:
#if the token is found then log in:
tfound = "Where are my doritos?" #doesn't matter what this is, only false is used
#if the token is not found then prompt user to provide it:
login(input("API token not detected. Enter your HuggingFace (WRITE) token: "))
tfound = "false"
#if the token is read only then prompt user to provide a write token:
while True:
if whoami().get('auth', {}).get('accessToken', {}).get('role', None) != 'write':
if os.environ.get('HF_TOKEN', None) is not None: #if environ finds HF_TOKEN as read-only then display following text and exit:
You have the environment variable HF_TOKEN set.
You cannot log in.
Either set the environment variable to a 'WRITE' token or remove it.
input("Press enter to continue.")
if os.environ.get('COLAB_BACKEND_VERSION', None) is not None:
Your Colab secret key is read-only
Please switch your key to 'write' or disable notebook access on the left.
sys.exit("Stuck in loop, exiting...")
elif os.environ.get('KAGGLE_KERNEL_RUN_TYPE', None) is not None:
Your Kaggle secret key is read-only
Please switch your key to 'write' or unattach from notebook in add-ons at the top.
Having a read-only key attched will require login every time.
print("You do not have write access to this repository. Please use a valid token with (WRITE) access.")
login(input("Enter your HuggingFace (WRITE) token: "))
#get original model repo url
repo_url = input("Enter unquantized model repository (User/Repo): ")
#look for repo
if repo_exists(repo_url) == False:
print(f"Model repo doesn't exist at{repo_url}")
model = repo_url.replace("/", "_")
modelname = repo_url.split("/")[1]
#ask for number of quants
qmount = int(input("Enter the number of quants you want to create: "))
qmount += 1
#save bpw values
print(f"Type the BPW for the following {qmount - 1} quants. Recommend staying over 2.4 BPW. Use the vram calculator to find the best BPW values:")
qnum = {}
for i in range(1, qmount):
qnum[f"bpw{i}"] = float(input(f"Enter BPW for quant {i} (2.00-8.00): ")) #convert input to float for proper sorting
#collect all values in a list for sorting
bpwvalue = list(qnum.values())
#sort the list from smallest to largest
#ask to change repo visibility to public on hf hub
priv2pub = input("Do you want to make the repo public after successful quants? (y/n): ")
while priv2pub != 'y' and priv2pub != 'n':
priv2pub = input("Please enter 'y' or 'n': ")
#ask to delete original fp16 weights
delmodel = input("Do you want to delete the original model? (Won't delete if paused or failed) (y/n): ")
while delmodel != 'y' and delmodel != 'n':
delmodel = input("Please enter 'y' or 'n': ")
#downloading the model
if not os.path.exists(f"models{slsh}{model}{slsh}converted-st"): #check if model was converted to safetensors, skip download if it was
result ="{pyt} {repo_url}", shell=True) #download model from hf (Credit to oobabooga for this script)
if result.returncode != 0:
print("Download failed.")
#convert to safetensors if bin
if not glob.glob(f"models/{model}/*.safetensors"): #check if safetensors model exists
convertst = input("Couldn't find safetensors model, do you want to convert to safetensors? (y/n): ")
while convertst != 'y' and convertst != 'n':
convertst = input("Please enter 'y' or 'n': ")
if convertst == 'y':
print("Converting weights to safetensors, please wait...")
result ="{pyt} models{slsh}{model} --output models{slsh}{model}-st", shell=True) #convert to safetensors (Credit to oobabooga for this script as well)
if result.returncode != 0:
print("Converting failed. Please look for a safetensors model or convert model manually.")
sys.exit("Exiting...")"{osrmd} models{slsh}{model}", shell=True) #remove previous weights"{osmv} models{slsh}{model}-st models{slsh}{model}", shell=True) #replace with safetensors
open(f"models{slsh}{model}{slsh}converted-st", 'w').close()
print("Finished converting")
sys.exit("Can't quantize a non-safetensors model. Exiting...")
#create new repo if one doesn't already exist
if repo_exists(f"{whoami().get('name', None)}/{modelname}-exl2") == False:
print("Creating model repository...")
create_repo(f"{whoami().get('name', None)}/{modelname}-exl2", private=True)
print(f"Created repo at{whoami().get('name', None)}/{modelname}-exl2") #notify user of repo creation
#create the markdown file
print("Writing model card...")
with open('./', 'w') as file:
file.write(f"# Exl2 quants for [{modelname}]({repo_url})\n\n")
file.write("## Automatically quantized using the auto quant script from [hf-scripts](\n\n")
file.write(f"Would recommend {whoami().get('name', None)} to change up this README to include more info.\n\n")
file.write("### BPW:\n\n")
for bpw in bpwvalue:
file.write(f"[{bpw}]({whoami().get('name', None)}/{modelname}-exl2/tree/{bpw}bpw)\\\n")
file.write(f"[measurement.json]({whoami().get('name', None)}/{modelname}-exl2/blob/main/measurement.json)\n")
upload_file(path_or_fileobj="", path_in_repo="", repo_id=f"{whoami().get('name', None)}/{modelname}-exl2", commit_message="Add temp README") #upload md file
print("Uploaded to main")
input("repo already exists, are you resuming a previous process? (Press enter to continue, ctrl+c to exit)")
#start converting
for bpw in bpwvalue:
if os.path.exists(f"measurements{slsh}{model}-measure{slsh}measurement.json"): # Check if measurement.json exists
cmdir = False
mskip = f" -m measurements{slsh}{model}-measure{slsh}measurement.json" #skip measurement if it exists
cmdir = True
mskip = ""
print(f"Starting quantization for BPW {bpw}")
os.makedirs(f"{model}-exl2-{bpw}bpw-WD", exist_ok=True) #create working directory
os.makedirs(f"{model}-exl2-{bpw}bpw", exist_ok=True) #create compile full directory"{oscp} models{slsh}{model}{slsh}config.json {model}-exl2-{bpw}bpw-WD", shell=True) #copy config to working directory
#more settings exist in the script, to veiw them go to docs/ or
result ="{pyt} exllamav2/ -i models/{model} -o {model}-exl2-{bpw}bpw-WD -cf {model}-exl2-{bpw}bpw -b {bpw}{mskip} -hb 8", shell=True) #run quantization and exit if failed (Credit to turbo for his dedication to exl2)
if result.returncode != 0:
print("Quantization failed.")
if cmdir == True:
os.makedirs(f"measurements{slsh}{model}-measure", exist_ok=True) #create measurement directory"{oscp} {model}-exl2-{bpw}bpw-WD{slsh}measurement.json measurements{slsh}{model}-measure", shell=True) #copy measurement to measure directory
open(f"measurements{slsh}{model}-measure/Delete folder when no more quants are needed from this model", 'w').close()
create_branch(f"{whoami().get('name', None)}/{modelname}-exl2", branch=f"{bpw}bpw") #create branch
print(f"Branch {bpw} already exists, trying upload...")
upload_folder(folder_path=f"{model}-exl2-{bpw}bpw", repo_id=f"{whoami().get('name', None)}/{modelname}-exl2", commit_message=f"Add quant for BPW {bpw}", revision=f"{bpw}bpw") #upload quantized model"{osrmd} {model}-exl2-{bpw}bpw-WD", shell=True) #remove working directory"{osrmd} {model}-exl2-{bpw}bpw", shell=True) #remove compile directory
if file_exists(f"{whoami().get('name', None)}/{modelname}-exl2", "measurement.json") == False: #check if measurement.json exists in main
upload_file(path_or_fileobj=f"measurements{slsh}{model}-measure{slsh}measurement.json", path_in_repo="measurement.json", repo_id=f"{whoami().get('name', None)}/{modelname}-exl2", commit_message="Add measurement.json") #upload measurement.json to main
# if chose to delete model at the beginning, delete the model
if delmodel == 'y':"{osrmd} models{slsh}{model}", shell=True)
print(f"Deleted models/{model}")
#update repo visibility if user chose to
if priv2pub == 'y':
update_repo_visibility(f"{whoami().get('name', None)}/{modelname}-exl2", private=False)
print("Repo is now public.")
#if new sign in, tell user
if tfound == 'false':
You are now logged in as {whoami().get('fullname', None)}.
To logout, use the hf command line interface 'huggingface-cli logout'
To view your active account, use 'huggingface-cli whoami'
print(f'''Quants available at{whoami().get('name', None)}/{modelname}-exl2''') |