--- license: mit datasets: - ILSVRC/imagenet-1k pipeline_tag: unconditional-image-generation library_name: fairseq ---

Stabilize the Latent Space for Image Autoregressive Modeling: A Unified Perspective

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This is the official implementation of DiGIT [(Github)](https://github.com/DAMO-NLP-SG/DiGIT) accepted at NeurIPS 2024. The code will be available soon. ## Overview We present **DiGIT**, an auto-regressive generative model performing next-token prediction in an abstract latent space derived from self-supervised learning (SSL) models. By employing K-Means clustering on the hidden states of the DINOv2 model, we effectively create a novel discrete tokenizer. This method significantly boosts image generation performance on ImageNet dataset, achieving an FID score of 4.59 for class-unconditional tasks and 3.39 for class-conditional tasks. Additionally, the model enhances image understanding, attaining a linear-probe accuracy of 80.3. ## Experimental Results ### Linear-Probe Accuracy on ImageNet | Methods | \# Tokens | Features | \# Params | Top-1 Acc. $\uparrow$ | |-----------------------------------|-------------|----------|------------|-----------------------| | iGPT-L | 32 $\times$ 32 | 1536 | 1362M | 60.3 | | iGPT-XL | 64 $\times$ 64 | 3072 | 6801M | 68.7 | | VIM+VQGAN | 32 $\times$ 32 | 1024 | 650M | 61.8 | | VIM+dVAE | 32 $\times$ 32 | 1024 | 650M | 63.8 | | VIM+ViT-VQGAN | 32 $\times$ 32 | 1024 | 650M | 65.1 | | VIM+ViT-VQGAN | 32 $\times$ 32 | 2048 | 1697M | 73.2 | | AIM | 16 $\times$ 16 | 1536 | 0.6B | 70.5 | | **DiGIT (Ours)** | 16 $\times$ 16 | 1024 | 219M | 71.7 | | **DiGIT (Ours)** | 16 $\times$ 16 | 1536 | 732M | **80.3** | ### Class-Unconditional Image Generation on ImageNet (Resolution: 256 $\times$ 256) | Type | Methods | \# Param | \# Epoch | FID $\downarrow$ | IS $\uparrow$ | |-------|-------------------------------------|----------|----------|------------------|----------------| | GAN | BigGAN | 70M | - | 38.6 | 24.70 | | Diff. | LDM | 395M | - | 39.1 | 22.83 | | Diff. | ADM | 554M | - | 26.2 | 39.70 | | MIM | MAGE | 200M | 1600 | 11.1 | 81.17 | | MIM | MAGE | 463M | 1600 | 9.10 | 105.1 | | MIM | MaskGIT | 227M | 300 | 20.7 | 42.08 | | MIM | **DiGIT (+MaskGIT)** | 219M | 200 | **9.04** | **75.04** | | AR | VQGAN | 214M | 200 | 24.38 | 30.93 | | AR | **DiGIT (+VQGAN)** | 219M | 400 | **9.13** | **73.85** | | AR | **DiGIT (+VQGAN)** | 732M | 200 | **4.59** | **141.29** | ### Class-Conditional Image Generation on ImageNet (Resolution: 256 $\times$ 256) | Type | Methods | \# Param | \# Epoch | FID $\downarrow$ | IS $\uparrow$ | |-------|----------------------|----------|----------|------------------|----------------| | GAN | BigGAN | 160M | - | 6.95 | 198.2 | | Diff. | ADM | 554M | - | 10.94 | 101.0 | | Diff. | LDM-4 | 400M | - | 10.56 | 103.5 | | Diff. | DiT-XL/2 | 675M | - | 9.62 | 121.50 | | Diff. | L-DiT-7B | 7B | - | 6.09 | 153.32 | | MIM | CQR-Trans | 371M | 300 | 5.45 | 172.6 | | MIM+AR | VAR | 310M | 200 | 4.64 | - | | MIM+AR | VAR | 310M | 200 | 3.60* | 257.5* | | MIM+AR | VAR | 600M | 250 | 2.95* | 306.1* | | MIM | MAGVIT-v2 | 307M | 1080 | 3.65 | 200.5 | | AR | VQVAE-2 | 13.5B | - | 31.11 | 45 | | AR | RQ-Trans | 480M | - | 15.72 | 86.8 | | AR | RQ-Trans | 3.8B | - | 7.55 | 134.0 | | AR | ViTVQGAN | 650M | 360 | 11.20 | 97.2 | | AR | ViTVQGAN | 1.7B | 360 | 5.3 | 149.9 | | MIM | MaskGIT | 227M | 300 | 6.18 | 182.1 | | MIM | **DiGIT (+MaskGIT)** | 219M | 200 | **4.62** | **146.19** | | AR | VQGAN | 227M | 300 | 18.65 | 80.4 | | AR | **DiGIT (+VQGAN)** | 219M | 400 | **4.79** | **142.87** | | AR | **DiGIT (+VQGAN)** | 732M | 200 | **3.39** | **205.96** | *: VAR is trained with classifier-free guidance while all the other models are not. ## Checkpoints The K-Means npy file and model checkpoints can be downloaded from: | Model | Link | |:----------:|:-----:| | HF weights🤗 | [Huggingface](https://huggingface.co/DAMO-NLP-SG/DiGIT) | For the base model we use [DINOv2-base](https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/dinov2/dinov2_vitb14/dinov2_vitb14_reg4_pretrain.pth) and [DINOv2-large](https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/dinov2/dinov2_vitl14/dinov2_vitl14_reg4_pretrain.pth) for large size model. The VQGAN we use is the same as [MAGE](https://drive.google.com/file/d/13S_unB87n6KKuuMdyMnyExW0G1kplTbP/view?usp=sharing). ``` DiGIT └── data/ ├── ILSVRC2012 ├── dinov2_base_short_224_l3 ├── km_8k.npy ├── dinov2_large_short_224_l3 ├── km_16k.npy └── outputs/ ├── base_8k_stage1 ├── ... └── models/ ├── vqgan_jax_strongaug.ckpt ├── dinov2_vitb14_reg4_pretrain.pth ├── dinov2_vitl14_reg4_pretrain.pth ``` The training and inference code can be found at our github repo https://github.com/DAMO-NLP-SG/DiGIT ## Citation If you find our project useful, hope you can star our repo and cite our work as follows. ```bibtex @misc{zhu2024stabilize, title={Stabilize the Latent Space for Image Autoregressive Modeling: A Unified Perspective}, author={Yongxin Zhu and Bocheng Li and Hang Zhang and Xin Li and Linli Xu and Lidong Bing}, year={2024}, eprint={2410.12490}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.CV} } ```