{ "cells": [ { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 1, "id": "cc1e9045-4ec9-4a86-8537-084759ea98be", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "\u001b[33mWARNING: Running pip as the 'root' user can result in broken permissions and conflicting behaviour with the system package manager. It is recommended to use a virtual environment instead: https://pip.pypa.io/warnings/venv\u001b[0m\u001b[33m\n", "\u001b[0m\n", "\u001b[1m[\u001b[0m\u001b[34;49mnotice\u001b[0m\u001b[1;39;49m]\u001b[0m\u001b[39;49m A new release of pip is available: \u001b[0m\u001b[31;49m23.3.1\u001b[0m\u001b[39;49m -> \u001b[0m\u001b[32;49m24.0\u001b[0m\n", "\u001b[1m[\u001b[0m\u001b[34;49mnotice\u001b[0m\u001b[1;39;49m]\u001b[0m\u001b[39;49m To update, run: \u001b[0m\u001b[32;49mpython -m pip install --upgrade pip\u001b[0m\n", "time: 268 µs (started: 2024-02-04 09:15:50 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "!pip install -q ipython-autotime\n", "%load_ext autotime" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 2, "id": "593f0ccd-7182-4225-b679-d258705b10b9", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "time: 2.06 s (started: 2024-02-04 09:15:50 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "!python -c \"import torch; assert torch.cuda.get_device_capability()[0] >= 8, 'Hardware not supported for Flash Attention'\"" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 3, "id": "4113e41f-4784-4df9-8514-57ce53ddf27e", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "time: 1min (started: 2024-02-04 09:15:52 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "!pip install -qqq git+https://github.com/huggingface/transformers --progress-bar off\n", "!pip install -qqq git+https://github.com/huggingface/datasets --progress-bar off\n", "!pip install -qqq git+https://github.com/huggingface/peft --progress-bar off\n", "!pip install -qqq git+https://github.com/huggingface/accelerate --progress-bar off\n", "!pip install -qqq --upgrade bitsandbytes --progress-bar off\n", "!pip install -qqq git+https://github.com/huggingface/trl --progress-bar off\n", "!pip install -qqq --upgrade safetensors --progress-bar off\n", "!pip install -qqq -U flash-attn --progress-bar off\n", "!pip install -qqq evaluate --progress-bar off\n", "!pip install -qqq gputil psutil --progress-bar off\n", "!pip install -qqq wandb --progress-bar off\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 4, "id": "b8ebbeb9-1ff0-4a94-93d7-a033fa846c7e", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "time: 2.62 s (started: 2024-02-04 09:16:52 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "!pip install -qqq matplotlib --progress-bar off" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 5, "id": "04df4061-1992-49ac-b75b-366a657bd916", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on\n", "overlay 200G 89G 112G 45% /\n", "tmpfs 64M 0 64M 0% /dev\n", "tmpfs 504G 0 504G 0% /sys/fs/cgroup\n", "shm 62G 0 62G 0% /dev/shm\n", "/dev/nvme0n1p4 868G 33G 792G 4% /usr/bin/nvidia-smi\n", "/dev/nvme1n1 200G 828K 200G 1% /workspace\n", "tmpfs 504G 12K 504G 1% /proc/driver/nvidia\n", "tmpfs 504G 4.0K 504G 1% /etc/nvidia/nvidia-application-profiles-rc.d\n", "tmpfs 504G 0 504G 0% /proc/acpi\n", "tmpfs 504G 0 504G 0% /proc/scsi\n", "tmpfs 504G 0 504G 0% /sys/firmware\n", "time: 222 ms (started: 2024-02-04 09:16:55 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "!df -h" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 6, "id": "61ba6edd-5de3-4d4b-9f7f-c6f229a334a9", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "time: 4.96 s (started: 2024-02-04 09:16:55 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "# Standard libraries\n", "import os\n", "import sys\n", "from random import randrange\n", "\n", "# Data manipulation and visualization\n", "import numpy as np\n", "import pandas as pd\n", "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n", "\n", "# PyTorch for neural networks\n", "import torch\n", "import torch.nn as nn\n", "\n", "# Hugging Face's Transformers and Datasets for NLP\n", "import transformers\n", "from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForCausalLM, TrainingArguments, Trainer, set_seed\n", "from datasets import load_dataset, Dataset, DatasetDict\n", "\n", "# Evaluation metrics\n", "import evaluate\n", "\n", "# Hugging Face Libraries\n", "import bitsandbytes as bnb\n", "from trl import SFTTrainer\n", "from peft import LoraConfig, get_peft_model, prepare_model_for_kbit_training, PeftModel, AutoPeftModelForCausalLM\n", "\n", "# Logging and utility\n", "from transformers import (DataCollatorForLanguageModeling,\n", " EarlyStoppingCallback,\n", " pipeline,\n", " logging)\n", "\n", "# Set random seed for reproducibility\n", "set_seed(42)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 7, "id": "24427865-bd65-4539-9846-76b5325c310a", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "The `load_in_4bit` and `load_in_8bit` arguments are deprecated and will be removed in the future versions. Please, pass a `BitsAndBytesConfig` object in `quantization_config` argument instead.\n" ] }, { "data": { "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": { "model_id": "576e0383e37149dfbaa85b50e8c78cb5", "version_major": 2, "version_minor": 0 }, "text/plain": [ "Loading checkpoint shards: 0%| | 0/19 [00:00', 'eos_token': '', 'unk_token': ''}, clean_up_tokenization_spaces=False), added_tokens_decoder={\n", "\t0: AddedToken(\"\", rstrip=False, lstrip=False, single_word=False, normalized=False, special=True),\n", "\t1: AddedToken(\"\", rstrip=False, lstrip=False, single_word=False, normalized=False, special=True),\n", "\t2: AddedToken(\"\", rstrip=False, lstrip=False, single_word=False, normalized=False, special=True),\n", "}\n", "time: 305 µs (started: 2024-02-04 09:18:15 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "print(tokenizer)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 11, "id": "35827122-a21a-4f5f-a730-77850b5a53a5", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "None\n", "time: 261 µs (started: 2024-02-04 09:18:15 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "print(tokenizer.pad_token)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 12, "id": "fcc25221-3a6a-4550-9618-b68643403d9c", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "time: 217 µs (started: 2024-02-04 09:18:15 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "tokenizer.pad_token = \"!\"" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 13, "id": "e95e1afe-15ef-47c1-93fb-6befaaddc718", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "LlamaTokenizerFast(name_or_path='mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1', vocab_size=32000, model_max_length=1000000000000000019884624838656, is_fast=True, padding_side='left', truncation_side='right', special_tokens={'bos_token': '', 'eos_token': '', 'unk_token': '', 'pad_token': '!'}, clean_up_tokenization_spaces=False), added_tokens_decoder={\n", "\t0: AddedToken(\"\", rstrip=False, lstrip=False, single_word=False, normalized=False, special=True),\n", "\t1: AddedToken(\"\", rstrip=False, lstrip=False, single_word=False, normalized=False, special=True),\n", "\t2: AddedToken(\"\", rstrip=False, lstrip=False, single_word=False, normalized=False, special=True),\n", "}\n", "time: 255 µs (started: 2024-02-04 09:18:15 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "print(tokenizer)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 14, "id": "3313ad35-4fa3-43e1-9136-6d84ad88779d", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "'!'" ] }, "execution_count": 14, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "time: 1.73 ms (started: 2024-02-04 09:18:15 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "tokenizer.pad_token" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 15, "id": "222f188f-d62f-4f56-a6b1-ebb2c3ab4f47", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on\n", "overlay 200G 89G 112G 45% /\n", "tmpfs 64M 0 64M 0% /dev\n", "tmpfs 504G 0 504G 0% /sys/fs/cgroup\n", "shm 62G 4.0K 62G 1% /dev/shm\n", "/dev/nvme0n1p4 868G 33G 792G 4% /usr/bin/nvidia-smi\n", "/dev/nvme1n1 200G 212K 200G 1% /workspace\n", "tmpfs 504G 12K 504G 1% /proc/driver/nvidia\n", "tmpfs 504G 4.0K 504G 1% /etc/nvidia/nvidia-application-profiles-rc.d\n", "tmpfs 504G 0 504G 0% /proc/acpi\n", "tmpfs 504G 0 504G 0% /proc/scsi\n", "tmpfs 504G 0 504G 0% /sys/firmware\n", "time: 323 ms (started: 2024-02-04 09:18:15 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "!df -h" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 16, "id": "9c45fd62-6ed8-4a14-bcb3-9a3a9a99698b", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "time: 849 µs (started: 2024-02-04 09:18:15 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "CUTOFF_LEN = 2048 \n", "LORA_R = 64\n", "LORA_ALPHA = 64\n", "LORA_DROPOUT = 0.0" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 17, "id": "8fdeaf50-b904-4909-b099-43bf2cd7e561", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "############### Setting up LoRA configuration and preparing the model for training using LoRA ###############\n", "time: 505 µs (started: 2024-02-04 09:18:15 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "print(\"############### Setting up LoRA configuration and preparing the model for training using LoRA ###############\")" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 18, "id": "ef597a92-ce8b-4b4b-826b-e1eace6425b9", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "time: 461 µs (started: 2024-02-04 09:18:15 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "from peft import LoraConfig, get_peft_model, prepare_model_for_kbit_training, PeftModel, AutoPeftModelForCausalLM" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 19, "id": "a159d3eb-763c-4140-9d07-13fa59a28608", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "time: 25.4 ms (started: 2024-02-04 09:18:15 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "config = LoraConfig(\n", " r=LORA_R,\n", " lora_alpha=LORA_ALPHA,\n", " target_modules=[ \"q_proj\", \"v_proj\", \"k_proj\", \"o_proj\", \"w1\", \"w2\", \"w3\"], #Only Training the \"expert\" layers\n", " lora_dropout=LORA_DROPOUT,\n", " bias=\"none\",\n", " task_type=\"CAUSAL_LM\"\n", ")\n", "\n", "# prepare model for training\n", "model = prepare_model_for_kbit_training(model)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 20, "id": "a68d6544-4247-437a-829e-bb07b58baffe", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "############### Model prepared for training with PEFT ###############\n", "time: 265 µs (started: 2024-02-04 09:18:15 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "print(\"############### Model prepared for training with PEFT ###############\")" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 21, "id": "a40a32e9-5103-4acd-a3a5-5d60566e0003", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "MixtralForCausalLM(\n", " (model): MixtralModel(\n", " (embed_tokens): Embedding(32000, 4096)\n", " (layers): ModuleList(\n", " (0-31): 32 x MixtralDecoderLayer(\n", " (self_attn): MixtralFlashAttention2(\n", " (q_proj): Linear4bit(in_features=4096, out_features=4096, bias=False)\n", " (k_proj): Linear4bit(in_features=4096, out_features=1024, bias=False)\n", " (v_proj): Linear4bit(in_features=4096, out_features=1024, bias=False)\n", " (o_proj): Linear4bit(in_features=4096, out_features=4096, bias=False)\n", " (rotary_emb): MixtralRotaryEmbedding()\n", " )\n", " (block_sparse_moe): MixtralSparseMoeBlock(\n", " (gate): Linear4bit(in_features=4096, out_features=8, bias=False)\n", " (experts): ModuleList(\n", " (0-7): 8 x MixtralBlockSparseTop2MLP(\n", " (w1): Linear4bit(in_features=4096, out_features=14336, bias=False)\n", " (w2): Linear4bit(in_features=14336, out_features=4096, bias=False)\n", " (w3): Linear4bit(in_features=4096, out_features=14336, bias=False)\n", " (act_fn): SiLU()\n", " )\n", " )\n", " )\n", " (input_layernorm): MixtralRMSNorm()\n", " (post_attention_layernorm): MixtralRMSNorm()\n", " )\n", " )\n", " (norm): MixtralRMSNorm()\n", " )\n", " (lm_head): Linear(in_features=4096, out_features=32000, bias=False)\n", ")\n", "time: 9.27 ms (started: 2024-02-04 09:18:15 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "print(model)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 22, "id": "e5974d97-ab55-4761-a620-330b37023d62", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "MixtralConfig {\n", " \"_name_or_path\": \"mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1\",\n", " \"architectures\": [\n", " \"MixtralForCausalLM\"\n", " ],\n", " \"attention_dropout\": 0.0,\n", " \"bos_token_id\": 1,\n", " \"eos_token_id\": 2,\n", " \"hidden_act\": \"silu\",\n", " \"hidden_size\": 4096,\n", " \"initializer_range\": 0.02,\n", " \"intermediate_size\": 14336,\n", " \"max_position_embeddings\": 32768,\n", " \"model_type\": \"mixtral\",\n", " \"num_attention_heads\": 32,\n", " \"num_experts_per_tok\": 2,\n", " \"num_hidden_layers\": 32,\n", " \"num_key_value_heads\": 8,\n", " \"num_local_experts\": 8,\n", " \"output_router_logits\": false,\n", " \"quantization_config\": {\n", " \"_load_in_4bit\": true,\n", " \"_load_in_8bit\": false,\n", " \"bnb_4bit_compute_dtype\": \"float32\",\n", " \"bnb_4bit_quant_type\": \"fp4\",\n", " \"bnb_4bit_use_double_quant\": false,\n", " \"llm_int8_enable_fp32_cpu_offload\": false,\n", " \"llm_int8_has_fp16_weight\": false,\n", " \"llm_int8_skip_modules\": null,\n", " \"llm_int8_threshold\": 6.0,\n", " \"load_in_4bit\": true,\n", " \"load_in_8bit\": false,\n", " \"quant_method\": \"bitsandbytes\"\n", " },\n", " \"rms_norm_eps\": 1e-05,\n", " \"rope_theta\": 1000000.0,\n", " \"router_aux_loss_coef\": 0.02,\n", " \"sliding_window\": null,\n", " \"tie_word_embeddings\": false,\n", " \"torch_dtype\": \"float16\",\n", " \"transformers_version\": \"4.38.0.dev0\",\n", " \"use_cache\": true,\n", " \"vocab_size\": 32000\n", "}\n", "\n", "time: 2.02 ms (started: 2024-02-04 09:18:15 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "print(model.config)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 23, "id": "a0af6b58-abdd-4262-a9ad-d208ef7b3002", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "############### Creating PEFT Model with Configured Settings ###############\n", "time: 36.5 s (started: 2024-02-04 09:18:15 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "print(\"############### Creating PEFT Model with Configured Settings ###############\")\n", "model = get_peft_model(model, config)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 24, "id": "b10729bf-cd3a-4f7a-813c-34f664791b51", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "PeftModelForCausalLM(\n", " (base_model): LoraModel(\n", " (model): MixtralForCausalLM(\n", " (model): MixtralModel(\n", " (embed_tokens): Embedding(32000, 4096)\n", " (layers): ModuleList(\n", " (0-31): 32 x MixtralDecoderLayer(\n", " (self_attn): MixtralFlashAttention2(\n", " (q_proj): lora.Linear4bit(\n", " (base_layer): Linear4bit(in_features=4096, out_features=4096, bias=False)\n", " (lora_dropout): ModuleDict(\n", " (default): Identity()\n", " )\n", " (lora_A): ModuleDict(\n", " (default): Linear(in_features=4096, out_features=64, bias=False)\n", " )\n", " (lora_B): ModuleDict(\n", " (default): Linear(in_features=64, out_features=4096, bias=False)\n", " )\n", " (lora_embedding_A): ParameterDict()\n", " (lora_embedding_B): ParameterDict()\n", " )\n", " (k_proj): lora.Linear4bit(\n", " (base_layer): Linear4bit(in_features=4096, out_features=1024, bias=False)\n", " (lora_dropout): ModuleDict(\n", " (default): Identity()\n", " )\n", " (lora_A): ModuleDict(\n", " (default): Linear(in_features=4096, out_features=64, bias=False)\n", " )\n", " (lora_B): ModuleDict(\n", " (default): Linear(in_features=64, out_features=1024, bias=False)\n", " )\n", " (lora_embedding_A): ParameterDict()\n", " (lora_embedding_B): ParameterDict()\n", " )\n", " (v_proj): lora.Linear4bit(\n", " (base_layer): Linear4bit(in_features=4096, out_features=1024, bias=False)\n", " (lora_dropout): ModuleDict(\n", " (default): Identity()\n", " )\n", " (lora_A): ModuleDict(\n", " (default): Linear(in_features=4096, out_features=64, bias=False)\n", " )\n", " (lora_B): ModuleDict(\n", " (default): Linear(in_features=64, out_features=1024, bias=False)\n", " )\n", " (lora_embedding_A): ParameterDict()\n", " (lora_embedding_B): ParameterDict()\n", " )\n", " (o_proj): lora.Linear4bit(\n", " (base_layer): Linear4bit(in_features=4096, out_features=4096, bias=False)\n", " (lora_dropout): ModuleDict(\n", " (default): Identity()\n", " )\n", " (lora_A): ModuleDict(\n", " (default): Linear(in_features=4096, out_features=64, bias=False)\n", " )\n", " (lora_B): ModuleDict(\n", " (default): Linear(in_features=64, out_features=4096, bias=False)\n", " )\n", " (lora_embedding_A): ParameterDict()\n", " (lora_embedding_B): ParameterDict()\n", " )\n", " (rotary_emb): MixtralRotaryEmbedding()\n", " )\n", " (block_sparse_moe): MixtralSparseMoeBlock(\n", " (gate): Linear4bit(in_features=4096, out_features=8, bias=False)\n", " (experts): ModuleList(\n", " (0-7): 8 x MixtralBlockSparseTop2MLP(\n", " (w1): lora.Linear4bit(\n", " (base_layer): Linear4bit(in_features=4096, out_features=14336, bias=False)\n", " (lora_dropout): ModuleDict(\n", " (default): Identity()\n", " )\n", " (lora_A): ModuleDict(\n", " (default): Linear(in_features=4096, out_features=64, bias=False)\n", " )\n", " (lora_B): ModuleDict(\n", " (default): Linear(in_features=64, out_features=14336, bias=False)\n", " )\n", " (lora_embedding_A): ParameterDict()\n", " (lora_embedding_B): ParameterDict()\n", " )\n", " (w2): lora.Linear4bit(\n", " (base_layer): Linear4bit(in_features=14336, out_features=4096, bias=False)\n", " (lora_dropout): ModuleDict(\n", " (default): Identity()\n", " )\n", " (lora_A): ModuleDict(\n", " (default): Linear(in_features=14336, out_features=64, bias=False)\n", " )\n", " (lora_B): ModuleDict(\n", " (default): Linear(in_features=64, out_features=4096, bias=False)\n", " )\n", " (lora_embedding_A): ParameterDict()\n", " (lora_embedding_B): ParameterDict()\n", " )\n", " (w3): lora.Linear4bit(\n", " (base_layer): Linear4bit(in_features=4096, out_features=14336, bias=False)\n", " (lora_dropout): ModuleDict(\n", " (default): Identity()\n", " )\n", " (lora_A): ModuleDict(\n", " (default): Linear(in_features=4096, out_features=64, bias=False)\n", " )\n", " (lora_B): ModuleDict(\n", " (default): Linear(in_features=64, out_features=14336, bias=False)\n", " )\n", " (lora_embedding_A): ParameterDict()\n", " (lora_embedding_B): ParameterDict()\n", " )\n", " (act_fn): SiLU()\n", " )\n", " )\n", " )\n", " (input_layernorm): MixtralRMSNorm()\n", " (post_attention_layernorm): MixtralRMSNorm()\n", " )\n", " )\n", " (norm): MixtralRMSNorm()\n", " )\n", " (lm_head): Linear(in_features=4096, out_features=32000, bias=False)\n", " )\n", " )\n", ")\n", "time: 42.2 ms (started: 2024-02-04 09:18:52 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "print(model)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 25, "id": "79833a4c-9dea-45d3-a412-dcf9a832107f", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "MixtralConfig {\n", " \"_name_or_path\": \"mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1\",\n", " \"architectures\": [\n", " \"MixtralForCausalLM\"\n", " ],\n", " \"attention_dropout\": 0.0,\n", " \"bos_token_id\": 1,\n", " \"eos_token_id\": 2,\n", " \"hidden_act\": \"silu\",\n", " \"hidden_size\": 4096,\n", " \"initializer_range\": 0.02,\n", " \"intermediate_size\": 14336,\n", " \"max_position_embeddings\": 32768,\n", " \"model_type\": \"mixtral\",\n", " \"num_attention_heads\": 32,\n", " \"num_experts_per_tok\": 2,\n", " \"num_hidden_layers\": 32,\n", " \"num_key_value_heads\": 8,\n", " \"num_local_experts\": 8,\n", " \"output_router_logits\": false,\n", " \"quantization_config\": {\n", " \"_load_in_4bit\": true,\n", " \"_load_in_8bit\": false,\n", " \"bnb_4bit_compute_dtype\": \"float32\",\n", " \"bnb_4bit_quant_type\": \"fp4\",\n", " \"bnb_4bit_use_double_quant\": false,\n", " \"llm_int8_enable_fp32_cpu_offload\": false,\n", " \"llm_int8_has_fp16_weight\": false,\n", " \"llm_int8_skip_modules\": null,\n", " \"llm_int8_threshold\": 6.0,\n", " \"load_in_4bit\": true,\n", " \"load_in_8bit\": false,\n", " \"quant_method\": \"bitsandbytes\"\n", " },\n", " \"rms_norm_eps\": 1e-05,\n", " \"rope_theta\": 1000000.0,\n", " \"router_aux_loss_coef\": 0.02,\n", " \"sliding_window\": null,\n", " \"tie_word_embeddings\": false,\n", " \"torch_dtype\": \"float16\",\n", " \"transformers_version\": \"4.38.0.dev0\",\n", " \"use_cache\": true,\n", " \"vocab_size\": 32000\n", "}\n", "\n", "time: 1.45 ms (started: 2024-02-04 09:18:52 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "print(model.config)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 26, "id": "e98b66e5-8310-405f-9c4e-70108e88f81d", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "MixtralConfig {\n", " \"_name_or_path\": \"mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1\",\n", " \"architectures\": [\n", " \"MixtralForCausalLM\"\n", " ],\n", " \"attention_dropout\": 0.0,\n", " \"bos_token_id\": 1,\n", " \"eos_token_id\": 2,\n", " \"hidden_act\": \"silu\",\n", " \"hidden_size\": 4096,\n", " \"initializer_range\": 0.02,\n", " \"intermediate_size\": 14336,\n", " \"max_position_embeddings\": 32768,\n", " \"model_type\": \"mixtral\",\n", " \"num_attention_heads\": 32,\n", " \"num_experts_per_tok\": 2,\n", " \"num_hidden_layers\": 32,\n", " \"num_key_value_heads\": 8,\n", " \"num_local_experts\": 8,\n", " \"output_router_logits\": false,\n", " \"quantization_config\": {\n", " \"_load_in_4bit\": true,\n", " \"_load_in_8bit\": false,\n", " \"bnb_4bit_compute_dtype\": \"float32\",\n", " \"bnb_4bit_quant_type\": \"fp4\",\n", " \"bnb_4bit_use_double_quant\": false,\n", " \"llm_int8_enable_fp32_cpu_offload\": false,\n", " \"llm_int8_has_fp16_weight\": false,\n", " \"llm_int8_skip_modules\": null,\n", " \"llm_int8_threshold\": 6.0,\n", " \"load_in_4bit\": true,\n", " \"load_in_8bit\": false,\n", " \"quant_method\": \"bitsandbytes\"\n", " },\n", " \"rms_norm_eps\": 1e-05,\n", " \"rope_theta\": 1000000.0,\n", " \"router_aux_loss_coef\": 0.02,\n", " \"sliding_window\": null,\n", " \"tie_word_embeddings\": false,\n", " \"torch_dtype\": \"float16\",\n", " \"transformers_version\": \"4.38.0.dev0\",\n", " \"use_cache\": true,\n", " \"vocab_size\": 32000\n", "}\n", "\n", "time: 1.53 ms (started: 2024-02-04 09:18:52 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "print(model.config)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 27, "id": "bc7daa37-29c2-42ac-a1e7-962f7358d94f", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "trainable params: 960,495,616 || all params: 47,663,288,320 || trainable%: 2.0151685917082776\n", "time: 27.8 ms (started: 2024-02-04 09:18:52 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "model.print_trainable_parameters()\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 28, "id": "39265034-396e-44c9-a62b-0f0b7ddeabad", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "time: 1.23 s (started: 2024-02-04 09:18:52 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "dataset = load_dataset(\"nateraw/english-to-hinglish\")" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 29, "id": "b7123a3d-f89b-4ce3-a841-5794709dcfdb", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "DatasetDict({\n", " train: Dataset({\n", " features: ['en', 'hi_ng', 'source'],\n", " num_rows: 178701\n", " })\n", " test: Dataset({\n", " features: ['en', 'hi_ng', 'source'],\n", " num_rows: 10401\n", " })\n", "})\n", "time: 352 µs (started: 2024-02-04 09:18:53 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "print(dataset)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 30, "id": "9dc97d28-4ead-4535-a284-57be2cb26ae7", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "time: 3.2 ms (started: 2024-02-04 09:18:53 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "dataset = dataset.remove_columns(\"source\")" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 31, "id": "83c2f1ef-4e80-4bfb-bc8b-5b54a52a4169", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "{'en': 'any beer fest around', 'hi_ng': 'kya aas pas koi beer fest hai'}" ] }, "execution_count": 31, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "time: 2.34 ms (started: 2024-02-04 09:18:53 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "dataset[\"train\"][0]" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 32, "id": "e955084c-c4b9-44dc-aa9b-11fd7b657242", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "DatasetDict({\n", " train: Dataset({\n", " features: ['en', 'hi_ng'],\n", " num_rows: 178701\n", " })\n", " test: Dataset({\n", " features: ['en', 'hi_ng'],\n", " num_rows: 10401\n", " })\n", "})\n", "time: 250 µs (started: 2024-02-04 09:18:53 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "print(dataset)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 33, "id": "6451413e-915b-44a6-aa25-1839541c5a17", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "image/png": 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"text/plain": [ "
" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "time: 4.76 s (started: 2024-02-04 09:18:53 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "# Accessing the train and test sets\n", "train_data = dataset['train']\n", "test_data = dataset['test']\n", "\n", "# Creating Pandas DataFrame for easier handling\n", "train_df = pd.DataFrame(train_data)\n", "test_df = pd.DataFrame(test_data)\n", "\n", "# Adding new columns for character count and word count of 'en' text\n", "train_df['en_char_count'] = train_df['en'].apply(len)\n", "train_df['en_word_count'] = train_df['en'].apply(lambda x: len(x.split()))\n", "\n", "test_df['en_char_count'] = test_df['en'].apply(len)\n", "test_df['en_word_count'] = test_df['en'].apply(lambda x: len(x.split()))\n", "\n", "# Adding new columns for character count and word count of 'hi_ng' text\n", "train_df['hi_ng_char_count'] = train_df['hi_ng'].apply(len)\n", "train_df['hi_ng_word_count'] = train_df['hi_ng'].apply(lambda x: len(x.split()))\n", "\n", "test_df['hi_ng_char_count'] = test_df['hi_ng'].apply(len)\n", "test_df['hi_ng_word_count'] = test_df['hi_ng'].apply(lambda x: len(x.split()))\n", "\n", "# Visualizing the length of 'en' text\n", "plt.figure(figsize=(15, 8))\n", "\n", "# Character count plots\n", "plt.subplot(2, 2, 1)\n", "plt.hist(train_df['en_char_count'], bins=30, color='blue', alpha=0.7)\n", "plt.title('Train Set - Character Count of en text')\n", "plt.xlabel('Character Count')\n", "plt.ylabel('Frequency')\n", "\n", "plt.subplot(2, 2, 2)\n", "plt.hist(test_df['en_char_count'], bins=30, color='red', alpha=0.7)\n", "plt.title('Test Set - Character Count of en text')\n", "plt.xlabel('Character Count')\n", "plt.ylabel('Frequency')\n", "\n", "# Word count plots\n", "plt.subplot(2, 2, 3)\n", "plt.hist(train_df['en_word_count'], bins=30, color='green', alpha=0.7)\n", "plt.title('Train Set - Word Count of en text')\n", "plt.xlabel('Word Count')\n", "plt.ylabel('Frequency')\n", "\n", "plt.subplot(2, 2, 4)\n", "plt.hist(test_df['en_word_count'], bins=30, color='purple', alpha=0.7)\n", "plt.title('Test Set - Word Count of en text')\n", "plt.xlabel('Word Count')\n", "plt.ylabel('Frequency')\n", "\n", "plt.tight_layout()\n", "plt.show()" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 34, "id": "78d5dc05-2ed8-4c3c-ae67-7e008b4e5806", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Statistics for en text:\n", "Maximum character count: 1508\n", "Minimum character count: 1\n", "Average character count: 42.07\n", "Maximum word count: 247\n", "Minimum word count: 1\n", "Average word count: 8.73\n", "\n", "\n", "Statistics for hi_ng text:\n", "Maximum character count: 1490\n", "Minimum character count: 1\n", "Average character count: 47.17\n", "Maximum word count: 273\n", "Minimum word count: 1\n", "Average word count: 9.40\n", "\n", "\n", "Statistics for en text:\n", "Maximum character count: 754\n", "Minimum character count: 1\n", "Average character count: 42.34\n", "Maximum word count: 121\n", "Minimum word count: 1\n", "Average word count: 8.78\n", "\n", "\n", "Statistics for hi_ng text:\n", "Maximum character count: 588\n", "Minimum character count: 1\n", "Average character count: 47.18\n", "Maximum word count: 112\n", "Minimum word count: 1\n", "Average word count: 9.39\n", "\n", "\n", "time: 351 ms (started: 2024-02-04 09:18:58 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "# Function to calculate and print statistics\n", "def print_statistics(df, prefix):\n", " df[f'{prefix}_char_count'] = df[prefix].apply(len)\n", " df[f'{prefix}_word_count'] = df[prefix].apply(lambda x: len(x.split()))\n", "\n", " char_count_col = f'{prefix}_char_count'\n", " word_count_col = f'{prefix}_word_count'\n", "\n", " max_char = df[char_count_col].max()\n", " min_char = df[char_count_col].min()\n", " avg_char = df[char_count_col].mean()\n", "\n", " max_word = df[word_count_col].max()\n", " min_word = df[word_count_col].min()\n", " avg_word = df[word_count_col].mean()\n", "\n", " print(f\"Statistics for {prefix} text:\")\n", " print(f\"Maximum character count: {max_char}\")\n", " print(f\"Minimum character count: {min_char}\")\n", " print(f\"Average character count: {avg_char:.2f}\")\n", " print(f\"Maximum word count: {max_word}\")\n", " print(f\"Minimum word count: {min_word}\")\n", " print(f\"Average word count: {avg_word:.2f}\")\n", " print(\"\\n\")\n", "\n", "# Print statistics for 'en' text in train set\n", "print_statistics(train_df, 'en')\n", "\n", "# Print statistics for 'hi_ng' text in train set\n", "print_statistics(train_df, 'hi_ng')\n", "\n", "# Print statistics for 'en' text in test set\n", "print_statistics(test_df, 'en')\n", "\n", "# Print statistics for 'hi_ng' text in test set\n", "print_statistics(test_df, 'hi_ng')" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 35, "id": "90558233-c32d-409c-89ae-a26120ad2054", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "time: 607 µs (started: 2024-02-04 09:18:58 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "# Define the create_prompt function\n", "def create_prompt(sample):\n", " bos_token = \"\"\n", " system_message = \"[INST] Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request.\\n\\n\"\n", " input = sample[\"en\"].replace(\"\\n\\n### English\\n\", \"\").strip()\n", " translation = sample[\"hi_ng\"].replace(\"\\n### Hinglish Translation\\n\", \"\").strip()\n", " eos_token = \"\"\n", "\n", " full_prompt = \"\"\n", " full_prompt += bos_token\n", " full_prompt += system_message\n", " full_prompt += \"\\n\" + input\n", " full_prompt += \" [/INST]\\n\\n\"\n", " full_prompt += translation\n", " full_prompt += eos_token\n", "\n", " return full_prompt" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 36, "id": "c2cf5537-2fc2-4534-b2f7-cd9a0a2c6b6e", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "time: 571 µs (started: 2024-02-04 09:18:58 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "def create_testing_prompt(sample):\n", " bos_token = \"\"\n", " system_message = \"[INST] Below is an instruction that describes a task. Write a response that appropriately completes the request.\\n\\n\"\n", " input_text = sample[\"en\"].replace(\"\\n\\n### English\\n\", \"\").strip()\n", " eos_token = \"\"\n", "\n", " full_prompt = \"\"\n", " full_prompt += bos_token\n", " full_prompt += system_message\n", " full_prompt += \"\\n\" + input_text\n", " full_prompt += \" [/INST]\\n\\n\"\n", " full_prompt += eos_token\n", "\n", " return full_prompt" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 37, "id": "3b249ea3-f7ee-4da5-b370-b9d5fb184c52", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "time: 354 µs (started: 2024-02-04 09:18:58 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "def tokenize(prompt):\n", " return tokenizer(\n", " prompt,\n", " truncation=True,\n", " max_length=CUTOFF_LEN ,\n", " padding=\"max_length\"\n", " )" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 38, "id": "a9f7ac07-7482-4872-9e39-f75fcf566738", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "time: 19.3 ms (started: 2024-02-04 09:18:58 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "train = dataset[\"train\"].shuffle(42)[:2000]" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 39, "id": "4893b057-f37e-4371-9573-6676e28df0c9", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "{'en': ['switch to chats now', 'hahaha ...solid hai re baba', 'reset the alarm for 6 pm', 'Can you find the reminders about dinner ?', 'Get rid of the reminder to reschedule the meeting at work .', 'Set up a reminder for Dan that he needs to pay me for rent each month .', 'The part where he creates the email system to answer prayers and sets it to auto-reply \"yes\" is pretty funny and says a lot about religion.', 'Can you play classic holiday tunes', 'traffic to work today', 'Will be getting the storm today ?', \"What ' s the temperature going to be today ?\", 'What will the weather be on July 4th .', 'Play classic rock .', 'Is there any traffic on I 24', 'Music festivals in upstate NY', 'Will there be any rainfall this week ?', 'What is the temperature right now in North Dakota', 'Set a reminder for Friday pick up bread', \"But one important institution - the U.S. government - claims not to know Hadayet's goals. An FBI spokesman has said that “there's nothing to indicate terrorism.” Another FBI official said of Hadayet: “It appears he went there with the intention of killing people. Why he did that we are still trying to determine.” Possible causes named include a work dispute and a hate crime.\", \"What ' s the forecast for Sunday ?\", 'delete this song please', \"How ' s the traffic on I - 55 this morning ?\", 'tell me all concerts near me from Maroon five', 'Can you give me the weather for next week ?', 'Summer Solstice celebration this coming weekend in Harvard Square', 'What is it like back home', 'Alarm on wake up', 'What time is the rain moving in', 'Remind me to give dad his - medication at 3', 'Show me traffic', 'remind me to take a photo at the event', 'Message Milton and tell him to meet me by the elevator .', 'How hot is it for Beijing today in degree f', 'Is there a storm ?', 'can you set up a reminder about car oil change appointment on sunday august 5th 2018 at 8 am .', 'be proud #SurgicalStrike #TradebanPak spread this word. kashmiryuva join #BharatiyaSeNa', 'Set timer for 9 hours', 'thank you for your valuable time to chat with me', 'cancel alarm 3', 'any community garage sales in fort worth this weekend', 'Give me the five day weather forecast', 'Restart the timer I set', 'Please display my next alarm', 'remind me to pay my visa and paypal bill on saturday', 'Repeat that song .', 'movie premieres in LA in January', 'Delete the reminder I have for picking up Tim after school Wednesday .', 'how much traffic near Yoyogi Park', 'I need to amend my alarm from 8 pm this evening to 9 : 30 pm', 'Give me the quickest way to get from Wellsboro to Plymouth .', 'is it hot outside', 'What is the temperature going to be today ?', 'how will be the weather after 10 days ?', 'he is a human', 'Tell me how to get to the movie theater from school .', 'Record a video message to send to Todd and Will', 'What is happening in La Plata tomorrow', \"kick out the mullas, don't do TP \", 'is it raining on the roads to work today', 'restart music', 'How long will it take me to drive to the Hampton outlets', 'Text my mom that I ’ m on my way .', 'How congested is the traffic situation in LA', 'Will it be sunny at Moody Beach today ?', 'remind me to get eggs tonight', 'Time remaining on timer .', 'Play me some Imagine Dragons', 'Display alarms for this week', 'remove 5 minutes from timer', 'please play blue', 'love can happen with anyone', 'Play a song by Elton John', 'do i have any alarms still set', 'Set a timer', 'Please remove the alert for my daily yoga sessions .', \"Send Mom a text . Don ' t worry\", 'Yeah, I hear that too often', 'Remind me 30 minutes before the Basketball Event', 'Is there any night skiing this week at Okemo', 'Send my son a message', 'Remind me to take my medicine at 9 pm everyday', 'open satellite map', 'Send a message to the caterer and tell her to bring donuts to the reception', 'will do anything for love type? love with love', 'Skip next track', 'set a timer for 45 minutes', \"let ' s hear the weather\", 'Should I bring an umbrella tomorrow ?', 'Create an alarm that goes off every 2nd Saturday at 4 pm', 'Set Timer Alarm for 15 minutes after start', 'Remind me to buy Maeghan a wedding gift on Saturday .', \"How ' s the traffic in Los Angeles today\", \"when will I arrive to my mom ' s house if I leave now\", 'what US city has the coldest temperature today', \"I don ' t want to forget to watch the latest press conference\", \"message Richard It ' s too short .\", 'What events are happening in Los Angeles tomorrow', 'Play songs from the current top 20 in popular music .', 'repeat alarm 4 pm Tuesdays', 'Can you give me the forecast for this weekend .', 'How far is Atlanta from Maine', 'is it going to be hot out today', 'what is the low temperature for today', 'What is the distance from Miami to New York', 'Any music festivals coming to my area next month', 'Timer for a week', 'Delete February alarms', 'Play me music from the 90s', 'Read me any reminders for today .', 'message la masseria and ask if they found the ring i lost', 'remove the reminder for the oil change Thursday', 'What does highway traffic look like', \"I want to listen to Sinatra ' s hits\", 'You should set an alarm for March 24th , at 3 .', 'when will it start to get dark outside', 'set timer every 20 minutes for a hour', 'How many miles long is the traffic jam', \"How many hours will it take to drive from my grandfather ' s house to Denver ?\", 'What is the weather prediction for 5 : 00 pm ?', 'have an alarm go off please', 'play the sleep playlist', 'When is traffic heaviest in Columbia', \"I ' m leaving my house at 7PM . How long should it take me to get down to Richmond , VA at that time of night ?\", 'is traffic heavy in nyc today', \"What ' s the temperature low for the day ?\", 'Any thoughts on any of the other actors? I had forgotten Tim McGraw was in the movie, haha', 'Stop the music', 'Remind me to pick up apples after work today at 5 pm .', 'Change timer to count up instead of down', 'Who has just texted me ?', 'This song is terrible , next ?', 'Pause my timer , please', 'Marathons near Denver', \"Okay , cancel my reminder about Papa ' s party tomorrow .\", 'How long will it take to drive from home to Dallas', 'Forecast for Ramadan .', 'what is the traffic over the weekend in redmond', 'How long is my ride to the doctor', 'how are the roads looking', 'I need a 1 minute timer .', 'Please set an alarm for 9 pm this evening', 'nooo, the photo was good, atleast people are having a look at it. ', 'is there congestion on the New Jersey Turnpike right now ?', \"aww so sweet, i will sleep first so that i don't have to read any more of your tweets.\", 'Is it quicker to take highway or back roads to the apple harvest fest in southington ?', 'set the same timer again', \"And if their speed is zero, they 'll maintain that restfulness.\", 'I need the traffic report for Tulsa this morning', 'Ask Juan about when he starts his new job .', 'Remove the alert about the Aerosmith concert on August 2 at 4 pm .', 'Is there a Lorde concert available nearby', \"I ' d like to know the weather for tomorrow evening in London\", 'If some work receives opposition instead of praising of the people, then that work is 100% right?. i support note ban', 'Christmas concerts in Dothan this weekend', 'Tell me the weather for Thanksgiving .', 'Change the time on the reminder regarding dinner with Lee from 5 to 6 pm .', 'is it suppose to snow tomorrow', 'Delete my next alarm', 'Remind me that I need to do laundry soon .', 'Make an alarm for wednesdays for 5 weeks', 'average rainfall in NY', 'restart paused timer', 'Remind Kevin about football practice tomorrow .', 'Set an alarm for dinner at 6 : 00 pm .', 'Are there any cooking classes in Philadelphia', 'Is there and reported accidents in Miami', 'Will it rain tonight', 'When will I arrive at Independence Hall if I start at the Liberty Mall at 4 : 18 ?', 'What weather will be like in the evening ?', 'Give me rush hours I need to avoid heavy traffic', 'Set alarm for 4 am tomorrow', 'play the soundtrack to 28 Days Later', 'Is there any concerts in Melbourne tomorrow', 'set me an alarm for the 15th May at 2 PM in the afternoon .', 'Will I be hitting traffic on the way to work today', 'Set a reminder for Luanne bridal shower .', 'Call Mum on the 7th at 4 pm', 'let Karen know the event is cancelled', 'Ok well overall I thought this movie was pretty good.', 'Skip the rap music .', 'Are we expecting more hurricanes in the USA', 'photos: rihanna crowned carnaval queen: pop superstar visited the greystone manor supperclub wednesday night.', \"How long does it take to get to my Dentist ' s office appointment from here\", 'Is my timer still on ?', 'How much rain did they get in Dallas , TX last night', 'make a new alarm for tomorrow', 'get my messages on whatsapp', 'alarm adjustment from 9 pm to 10 pm', 'Find out if there is any lightening in the area', 'Delete the reminder for dinner tomorrow .', 'I think it starts household by household, under the same roof.', 'Please set me an alarm for Sunday the 1st May', 'Turn off now', \"What ' s the route with the lightest traffic\", 'start time', \"What ' s today ' s forecast\", 'Is the 405 still congested', 'Is it raining in Cleveland , Ohio right now ?', 'Are any roads blocked off', 'Send a note to Jordan asking if she can add 3 - 4 vegan menu items to the potluck dinner on June 28th .', 'Could you create Tom Petty station ?', 'Hayrides in Cedar Rapids', 'Is the traffic heavy in San Francisco today', 'Send a message asking what time they want to go to the Santa Monica Pier ?', 'Message Jamie and ask her if she got a ride to the dance Friday', 'Set alarm for 3 : 30 pm', 'music concerts in Detroit this weekend', 'What can I do tomorrow', 'how long will it take me to get there with this traffic', 'show alarms i have set', 'Farmers markets in Cedar Park tomorrow', 'Install 2 alarms for every Tuesday afternoon 3 pm and 4 pm', 'Will it snow in the next 7 days ?', 'Set a 10 minute timer', 'Restart timer from zero .', 'Set timer for 33 minutes and remind .', 'play some gospel music', 'Play the new album from Dre .', 'Holiday events in Schenectady tonight', 'begin alarm for friday 16th at 8 am', 'Play us the newest song', \"What ' s the weather like today ?\", 'Set reminder to pick up Charles', 'Will it rain on New Years Eve ?', 'Create alarm for 7 am and 8 am on Tuesday', 'play some European', 'we will go jalandhar with whiskey!', 'How cold does it get in the Caribbean in January', 'What is the highest temperature in Lima ?', 'Does it rain in southern california ?', 'Any detours on my route', 'will traffic be heavy this weekend', 'How hot is it tomorrow menlo park in degrees c', 'is there any road construction on the way to memorial stadium today ?', 'Search for family events in Washington DC on the weekend', 'Skip the next song .', 'I need to go to the meeting on tuesday , please set up the reminder', 'Concerts in Las Vegas', \"What ' s the 10 day forecast for Puerto Rico\", 'What are the alarm created , please ?', 'cancel my alarm', 'Can you play All of Me by John Legend ?', 'Can I see the weather in California ?', 'Set a reminder for Evan to email Conor tomorrow', 'please someone send drop or so of rain we want to breathe #Frustration #delhipollution #DelhiGasChamber', 'cancel timer', 'What weather is expected for The weekend', 'What is the weather like in Hampton Park right now ?', 'is it supposed to rain tonight', 'any museum events', 'Pause this track now', 'Set a reminder to check on Paulines printer tonight .', 'can you alert me about doctors appointment 30 minutes earlier', 'Please create an alarm that goes off at 8 am and 2 : 30 pm', 'reset alarm for one hour from now', 'I hate the last song .', 'What did that message say again ?', \"show only today ' s reminders\", 'what christmas events are happening in Austin this weekend', \"Message Ethan and tell him that I can ' t wait to see him\", 'How much rain do we get here ?', 'Play my music', 'Tell Teresa that I love her .', 'list my favorite songs', 'Estimated arrival time at home', 'Remind me to send a birthday card to my brother on December 20 .', 'Metal concerts tonight near me', 'Please display to me my current alarms .', 'access unread text messages', 'Is there any road work between Olympia and Seattle', 'Set alarm for 0450 hours', 'Delete all reminders for Class of 76 teleconference', 'Kid friendly holiday parties this week', 'What is the forecast for the weekend ?', \"Change today ' s reminder to 5 .\", 'Cancel Wednesdays alarm', 'what is the timer set to', 'restart my timer', \"remind me that I have a doctor ' s appointment Tuesday at 9 am\", 'Keep going with the first dye hair timer', 'Play the latest song by Lil Wayne', 'Will there be any Storms tonight ?', \"What ' s going on in Irvine tomorrow\", 'Remind me to get more stamps', 'Please cancel the alarm for 4 PM', 'What is the next play at the Childrens Little Theater', 'go back and play the last song again', 'cancel the reminder', 'delete reminder for thawing dinner', 'Where to learn paddling this week', 'what is the traffic like in New York', 'I need an alarm set for 2 pm', 'How hot will it be today', 'is there traffic by the airport', 'morning breakfast - in lahore. lunch - in karachi. night party - in islamabad. jai hind https://twitter.com/IndiaTVHindi/status/781394021402812416', 'Show my list of reminders .', 'Tell me the weather for the Maritimes .', 'The best place to go dancing on Friday night in Roseville', 'send a message to Anna to ask when she has time .', 'Delete my 2 pm meeting reminder , please .', 'Will I need an umbrella today', 'But if he was of the deniers [who were] astray,', 'List all RWA Conventions and locations for the next 3 years', 'cancel timer recording of The Blue Lagoon', 'What ; s thew weather like in Latvia', 'Set a reminder to get a hotel room .', 'Please reply to Jane with this audio message .', 'Please set for 6 am wake up', 'forecast for austin tx ?', 'What is pending for today in my reminders ?', 'Set three alarms at 9 , 12 and 3', 'Everyone needs free entertainment, Damn this atrocious world! *wipes a tear*', \"Send a message to Felicia saying the paint isn ' t drying yet\", 'snooze the alarm', 'Set a reminder for my meeting with Milania tomorrow', ' aage kya karneka socha hai?pic.twitter.com/WpWQQbJ7od', 'Shuffle music', 'Set an alarm for the 17th May at 9 pm', 'start a go to bed alarm for tomorrow at 11 pm', 'send a video message to the cat lovers group thread', 'play 99 . 5 radio station on iheartradio', 'The finish conversation button came up. Have a great afternoon!', 'Concerts by 2 Chainz in Atlanta next week', 'Set an alarm to go off in 15 minutes', 'What is going to occur in Miami this friday', 'Should I wear a jacket ?', 'Is there an alternate route to I 95 that goes from New York to Florida', 'what alarm did i last set', 'message Andrew to take the kids to soccer practice .', 'Give me the weather in Indianapolis .', 'Set alarm for 10 pm every Sunday to remind me to go to bed .', 'Are there any sports events this afternoon', 'Please play my top rated artists', 'Are there traffic detours ahead', 'repeat alarm for 7 days', 'please pause a timer', 'Could you tell me the weather for the next 7 days .', 'Turn that alarm off right now .', 'Discontinue ringing', 'Show me all my reminders for this week and remind me about their times .', 'Is there construction on my way to work ?', 'Will it rain tomorrow ?', 'Will pants be too hot for today', 'How much time is left on the current timer ?', 'What time does the sun set', 'Get rid of all alarms', 'make timer for 20 minutes', 'Set 6 am alarm for Monday through Friday only .', 'Tell Gaia on WhatsApp to hurry up .', 'What does the 5 look like now', \"What ' s the current traffic like\", 'What is the shortest route in miles between Los Angeles and Sacramento', 'find some Beatles for me', 'I do, but my wife enjoys it more for sure!', 'Is there rain in the forecast for Sun ?', 'Please set alarms for 9 . 00am and 9 . 30am on Tuesday', \"oh ok, well I don't really follow the awards stuff anyway. :)\", 'How much is the wine train to take in Nappa', 'set alarm for 6 am , 9 pm and 11 pm .', \"show me friday ' s alarms\", 'phone , message my boss and ask how much was the deposit ?', 'Set an alarm for the next 2 Sundays at noon', 'how much snow are we excepting in Colorado Springs', 'Time me as I do ten laps in the pool', 'Remove my daily wake up alert at 4 am .', 'when does the sun rise tomorow', 'How much time is left on alarm ?', 'Cancel all of my alarms .', 'what is todays high and low', 'Set repeating alarms on Monday at 6 and 7 . 30 AM', 'send a reminder to my wife about picking up chicken , rice and shredded cheese before the game on Thursday .', 'I need an alarm for June 8 at 4 pm', 'Can you snooze my alarm ?', 'garbage bin put posts related to weddings , neighbours’ fights or travel also.', 'I knew what you meant.', 'bye', \"today ' s temperature please\", \"I ' d like to know my alarm schedule\", 'turn off the alarm', 'Music events in St Augustine next week', 'hold the timer', 'Create an alarm for 8 am and 2 pm on a Tuesday', 'Show all the alarms that are set for my classroom', 'is it a good beach day', 'What time will it start raining today ?', 'If I leave Miami at noon what time will it be when I get to Jacksonville ?', 'How cold is it in Beijing next week degrees celcius', 'What kind of weather is there in France', 'Do I need a sweater ?', 'any interesting for Sunday', \"What ' s the weather like in the moutains\", 'delete the timer', 'How long is the traffic delay on Mesa St', 'How much time is left on the timer', \"I don ' t want to miss my show at 9 pm ; can you alert me 20 minutes before ?\", \"I know, that was a pretty weird name. Even 'Facebook' seemed weird back in the day.\", 'Pull up all reminders for dinner plans with the wife this month ?', 'What is this relationship called? https://twitter.com/calestous/status/628777606037553152\\xa0…', 'Message Shaun and ask him what beer he wants .', 'I want to know weather at noon', 'Set my alarm for 9 am on Saturday', 'Show me popular Spotify playlists', 'what is happening in orlando today', 'Skiing near me', 'any snow in gympie', 'How much time until my alarm ?', \"What time should I leave the office to make it to the Dr ' s office by 5 pm ?\", 'play armin van buuren on spotify', \"How long is my drive to Isaiah ' s house\", 'how hot is it going to be', 'ETA', 'Set an alarm for 3 pm tomorrow to phone the vet', 'welcome to twitter\\nplease tie up your brain box, keep your mobile phone glued to your back. happy journey.', 'Is it going to be windy today ?', 'who is spreading this rumor?', 'Set reminder to get the dry cleaning .', 'Smile reaction text', 'Things to do next weekend in Aloha', 'set alarm for church at 8 : 00 am every Sunday', 'How many inches of snow can I expect today ?', 'Have an alarm today at 6 pm', 'show me reminders about the calculator requirements', 'How hot is it near New York tomorrow degrees C', 'I need a reminder at 4 for my appointment tomorrow', 'List all my event reminders for the next 6 months', 'Delete alarm set for 7 : 00 am', 'when should i leave work to get home at 5 . 30 pm ?', 'What is the high for today ?', 'Remind my golf group .', 'Alarm set please , every Sunday for the next 8 weeks .', 'shoot a reply to that text', 'What is the weather for Friday ?', 'Snooze my alarm for half an hour', 'are we going to be in the triple digits this weekend', \"Will tomorrow ' s forecast be the same as today ' s ?\", 'is there traffic on the 101', 'Make an alarm called bedtime for tomorrow', 'I want to be reminded to brush my teeth', 'remind me to clean the car tomorrow morning', 'Remind me to take my cat to the vet on the 15th .', 'change 7 am alarm to 6 : 30 am', 'I agree', 'What time will I arrive in Boise , if I leave Newport at 6 am ?', 'Set the timer for 15 minutes .', 'What is my next reminder ?', 'Remind me to take my medicine', \"How long will it take me to get to Trader Joe ' s from the mall if I leave in 15 minutes ?\", 'I would like to see the weather in Sydney , Australia', 'How long will it take me to get to New York City', 'Message Rebecca to tell her have a good day .', 'Cancel alarm at 7 AM', 'How many miles from Dallas to Green Bay', 'set an alarm to wake me up on the 15th of May at 7 pm', 'skip the song in pandora', 'Set a timer for 45 minutes', 'Who will be performing at the Pechanga Comedy Club tomorrow night', 'Count down last 15 seconds aloud', 'Create an alarm for Tuesday for the next 10 weeks .', 'Plot here to Palm Springs , to 29 Palms , and back again', 'New Alarm named Gym on 15th July at 6 am', 'when will hurricane hit Florida', 'I want to hear some Whitney Houston', \"like the kind of movie you'd take a 14 year old to\", \"what ' s traffic like in baton rouge\", 'What day is the last Snowfall of the week ?', 'Tell me what the weather will be like at 10 pm', 'Delete the homework reminder', 'Please send a text to Deborah', 'April 26 concert at Riverside Club', 'is it raining outside', 'Set uo new alarm called Medication for 2 pm', \"Please play 80 ' s music .\", 'What location has the best weather on earth', 'Are there any accident en - route', 'Turn off my timer please .', \"Remind me at 9 AM Saturday that Aden ' s birthday party is at noon .\", 'Replay last song', 'Midwest storms for this week', 'How much snow is expected today ?', 'Add a reminder for the Gucci Mane concert in 5 months', 'I am not a fan of Meryl Streep though.', 'Can you see if I have a reminder to feed the fish every day ?', 'Create a 9 am and 12 pm alarm .', 'What will the weather be for this afternoon ?', 'remind me walk the dog after school', 'set the timer for 10 minutes', 'Enter an alarm for Tuesday morning at 5 : 30 .', \"What ' s the weekend forecast look like ?\", 'Set an alarm for 5 pm tonight', 'how far is the drive from boston to new york', 'Set up a reminder to wake up at 10 am tomorrow morning', 'Is the rain going to continue all day long ?', 'Please change my wakeup alarm for tomorrow', 'Remind me to return the library books in two weeks .', 'Tell me when Lady Gaga will play in California', 'Change guitar repair reminder to September 3rd at the same time', 'Message Lauren to pick me up at 3 pm', 'How is traffic getting into town', 'Is there traffic on I - 10', 'remind me to get milk', 'How much time will it take to get to Atlanta with the detours ?', 'Message Tom and ask him to send me the documents .', 'play r and b music', 'Is there such an animal as a Hairstyles for Long Hair workshop anywhere in the CST zone in 2018', 'weather australia', 'What is the weather forecast for this weekend ?', 'Is it faster to take Hwy 6 or Hwy 18 to Eugene from my house ?', 'message Aurelien I will give you back your drink .', 'which alarms have i on ?', 'set alarm tomorrow for 4 am', 'His life and the lives of those nearest and dearest to him would be forfeit if he refused to do the bidding of his lord.', \"How ' s the weather looking ?\", 'What is going on this week for Christmas', \"Modi SIr, what place have you gone to, I can't even pronounce the name. Lol \", \"brother, you focus on your bowling, don't try to be nana patekar pic.twitter.com/y7s1oNeU2i\", 'How much snow will we get ?', 'by taking advantage of the fact that someone has given us the K,', 'has it been dry in oregon this summer', 'Play anything by Switch', 'turn iheartradio 94 5 WFLA on , please', 'Play the most popular Michael Jackson song', 'Voice message my grandpa', 'Set alarm for 7 am', 'change the station to heavy metal', \"Haha at Emily ' s question\", 'early afternoon weather please', 'Remind me to take the garbage down for pick up tonight', 'start the time over', 'I forgot we will be on vacation out of town when Ed is having his pool party . So , delete that reminder .', 'Do I need my jacket to go outside ?', 'Remove my reminder', 'Whats the weather going to be in England ?', \"It's raining in Delhi and not in Chicago.\", \"Awesome, I'll look it up!\", 'Is there any construction work on 15th Street in Houston Texas ?', 'Why do these people, who consider themselves creative or artist, always wear loose kurtas, long hair and sadal glasses like such beggars?', 'set an alarm for 4 years', 'Sporting events happening tomorrow in Austin', 'Yesterday the weather man said that it might rain today . How is the weather today ?', 'send a message to patrice asking if i left my ipad at her house', 'play the latest coldplay album', 'Can I be home by 5 pm if I leave now ?', 'message to Lindsay and ask about the hotel in St . Joe she was telling me about', 'i want chat requests', 'why is the traffic backed up on us 59 north', 'Delete my last reminder .', 'King Henry says whoever kills Maleficent will be named his successor and marry his daughter. ', 'Please skip this song', \"Play me some tunes from Reba ' s playlist .\", 'Are there accident reports on my drive home', 'Things to do in Glendale this weekend', 'Turn off alarms on weekdays .', 'Will my timer go off before 5 : 00', 'will it rain this week', 'How many hours to drive to Santa Monica from Hayward', 'cancel all alarms for thursday', 'How much time is left ?', 'When is my mom coming', 'Will the temperature go above freezing this week ?', 'Tell dad I will be home at 9 pm .', 'play this song on repeat', 'Make a video message for Chris .', \"i have come to ask for your daughter's hand, my hands are now tired.\", \"Create a biweekly alarm for Wednesday ' s at 5 pm\", 'PLAY MY RELAXATION STATION ON PANDORA', 'How is the traffic situation this evening', 'How long does it take to get to Trenton from here ?', 'will it rain tomorrow afternoon', 'please set the alarm to ding at 3 pm and then every 2 minutes continuously for 1 hour', 'What rock concerts are playing in Fargo this month', 'Breakfast with Santa events in Brunswick', 'How do I get to the office without going on the interstate .', 'send a text to Greg that says Mafia III is a good game .', 'What is the forecast for the evening of 5 June ?', 'add 10 seconds to the second alarm', 'remove 5 minutes from timer', 'Any Dog Shows coming up', 'Turn off all alarms', 'And she conceived him, and she withdrew with him to a far place.', 'Tell me the weather for 10 am .', 'will it be cloudy today', 'Is there a horse show in Andover this week', 'Siri , tell my mom , talk to her later .', 'Replay last album played in Spotify .', 'set my alarm for the 7th', \"Delete reminder of Chief ' s football game in December\", 'Tell me of the weather in Guangzhou', 'Remind me to get pots and pans today', \"What ' s the distance between Tennessee and Florida\", 'Can you restart the timer ?', 'things to do in hattiesburg this weekend', 'I would like to start a message .', \"Can you tell me what the weather ' s going to be like at the weekend\", 'Create and alarm for Thursday at 3 om and 5 pm', 'is there traffic', 'Play Senses Fail', 'What is the forecast for Texas', 'drive time to the state park', 'Alarm set ; 8 : 00 am Saturday .', 'Inform me about the weather in Australia', 'Shut off all morning alarms for Monday', 'salman brother, never meet me in front of you, you will definitely hug me, you will get beat,', \"delete the reminder to discuss Susan ' s plans for divorce\", 'is the freeway clear right now ?', 'Is it warm outside today ?', \"Text . I ' m taking charge of it .\", 'Is there any traffic on the off ramp to Disneyland', 'Remind Addie that she needs to feed the dog in 30 minutes', 'Is it cold outside ?', 'Are there any weather alerts ?', 'Play some Ozzy Osbourne', 'Are there any events next Sunday in NoHo', 'I want to hear Johnny Cash prison songs', 'What is this! The band bangs only at the end always #IndvsSA', 'delete my current timer', 'Remind me to water the plants on Friday', 'Change my alarm on June 9th from 3 pm to 4 pm', 'Can you text my study statistics study group is the homework due tomorrow ?', 'change my alarm for tomorrow from 5 am to 6 am', 'Remind me to check my schedule for next month .', 'How about a wakeup alarm Wednesday at 6 am', 'delete all alarms', 'Repeat the last song', 'Set an alarm each Monday', 'I need a traffic update', 'What is the wind speed ?', \"Ask Dave if he ' s ever been to The Potting Shed\", 'what is the 3 day forecast', 'Tell me all alarms', 'How often does it rain in seattle', 'Great reviews from critics. But critics like artsy stuff. They were deeply moved. ', 'sure', 'Turn off radio', 'National Rifle Association meeting locations near me this year', 'Did the snow fall in Vancouver reach at least 6 inches ?', 'What is my new texts ?', 'Is there another way to get home', 'Turn off all alarms', 'Is it going to rain', 'Free things to do in New York City this weekend', 'Message Ashok that to bring his Radio today .', 'Set lunchtime alarm today at 12 : 30', 'next song', 'Find music from Beethoven', 'Play kids songs from the 70s', 'Stop playing this track', 'Delete alarm', 'Remind me of the blood work I need on Thursday morning', 'Remind me to give my dog bath this weekend .', 'Send Mack a message and tell him I will be late picking him up from the party', 'Add alarm at 6 am tomorrow', 'I am angry with Megan because she did not invite me to her party.', \"I ' m looking for a song\", 'What is traffic like in Los Angeles', 'Set an alarm for 9 pm tonight , please', 'Set an alarm for 1 pm', 'Are there any closures ahead', 'Easter egg hunts in Boerne on Easter weekend', 'play some rap music', 'Process ID assigned a unique number to every process running in the system.', \"Remind me that Seager ' s flight comes in at 11 : 08 am tomorrow\", 'Sydney Weather prediction , thanks .', 'iphone , text school that Vicki is sick today .', 'Silent my alarm', 'Repeat alarm for this week', 'Remind me to drink a glass of water every two hours between 10 am and 10 pm .', 'I need a reminder to get the car oil changed today .', 'Will it be cloudy today in Seattle ?', 'Have an alarm set up to run every Thursday at 6 am', 'Remind me to make a shopping list for the party .', 'Message Tina , Happy birthday to you ! Many many happy returns of the day .', 'set a new timer for thirty seconds', 'can you delete the alert for my dentist appointment tomorrow', 'Remind me to clean house today at 7 pm', 'OMG Craig Ferguson is a riot!', 'Will it take longer to get to the mall if I go I - 75 or take the back roads', \"Delete the reminder for my friend ' s baby shower\", 'Sporting events in Mesquite this Saturday', 'set an alarm for this Thursday at 5 pm', 'Play party playlist in Spotify on shuffle .', \"after today's bet came in i'm feeling confident with tomorrow's bet: Atlético Madrid , Juventus, Napoli , Bayern Munich , Porto #comeon\", 'find me chat requests', 'Is the flooding on the road slowing traffic', 'Could you change my alarm ?', 'sex ratio has increased, but for this day? When will the daughters be safe?', 'what is the weather like this week', 'amend my alarm at 4 pm to 5 pm', 'cancel timer', 'If I leave work right now , when should I arrive at home ?', 'show me all alarms for mornings this week', 'Will it rain this evening ?', 'Weather now', 'What reminders for Tuesday do I have ?', 'things to do in nyc this weekend', 'play 100 . 9 radio on iheartradio', 'Play some workout music on Spotify', 'Check timer for 12 minutes', 'skip this', \"What ' s the weather in Cancun next week ?\", \"what ' s the wind chill going to be\", 'Where is the closest Target', 'Any traffic on my route today', \"remind me to rsvp to joey ' s party\", 'what is my traffic to work', 'Delete all reminders for my nail appointments next month .', 'Repeat 5 am alarm Monday to Friday', 'play pop music', 'concert by rihanna today in Salt Lake', \"I'm busy so I don't have time to go to the movies\", 'Free church events near me', \"Please play Usher ' s latest album\", 'Set up a timer for 25 minutes', 'Is traffic heavy in London', 'Create a reminder for me to put out the recycles every Monday night', 'Is there a route from Onondaga St to 2300 Degrees Gathering without construction ?', 'resume timer after 5 min', 'what is the weather in Africa right now', \"Remind me my son ' s medicine\", 'What is the fastest way to get to Spring hill', 'What will the weather be for next Friday at 2 pm ?', \"update all today ' s reminders to next week monday\", 'New years parties in Novi', 'what will the temperature be today ?', 'Set an alarm for me for 3 pm , please', 'Tell me the weather .', 'New movies coming out this month', 'What can I expect on my evening commute', 'Kingo ... are there something in the vehicle ? #DilwaleOnSony https://t.co/6qoSjTDhhw', 'Christmas events', 'ETA to home location', \"Tell Bianca we ' re going to video chat in 10 minutes\", 'Set alarm to wake me at 5 AM .', 'Message John , I am coming please get ready', 'pause and start new timer', 'Set an alarm for 12 Thursdays', \"Ohh that movie, no I haven't yet\", 'Play me some music', 'Remind me to schedule an appointment with my foot doctor before November 2018 .', \"What ' s the weather in Edinburgh ?\", 'Resume timer now', 'when is it going to rain', 'Concerts in Walla Walla on the 28th and the 29th', 'IS IT SAFE TO GO TO THE BEACH TODAY', \"Tell me about today ' s weather\", 'set a reminder to pick up spencer a 2 : 00', 'tell me how is it it in tijuana mexico this weekend', 'Will I be able to get to school by 7 : 00 am if I leave now by bike ?', \"Text John I ' m appreciate that .\", \"Show a screen of all of next week ' s reminders\", 'Remind me to go online and complete school registration on Thursday August 9th .', \"Are the roads to Alexis ' s house clear ?\", 'message Molly . I saw your post on Facebook . Do you need any help ?', 'any food festivals in Brooklyn next week', 'Will it rain this weekend ?', 'Wednesday forecast , please', 'How heavy is traffic at 7 am', 'Is it raining in Seattle ?', \"What ' s the humidity ?\", 'will the weather be cold tonight', 'Can you please set an alarm ?', \"If I leave right now can I make it to Angie ' s wedding at 3\", 'make new alarms for 8 . 30am and 10 am tomorrow', 'Alarm for 7 on the 13th please .', 'How much time is left on my timer .', \"thanks garbage bin! this is awesome! look at guddu's face light up with happiness! and mummy's too. i became emotional, that is different! \", 'Get messages from Richard', 'Cancel my reminders .', 'Set a daily alarm for 7 : 00 am .', 'Tell me the current weather in Tokyo .', 'Wake - up alarm please for tomorrow morning , at 6 .', 'are there thunderstorms forecast this week', 'set the alarm in 20 minutes time', 'set alarm to exercise in 2 hours', 'If I leave at 9 when will I arrive at target', 'How is the weather going to be for Saturday in Miami ?', 'snooze alarm for 5 minutes', 'Open Spotify and play kid cudi', 'What kind of delays can i expect from the car crash on 81', \"Love to grandpa ' s text\", 'Where is Lorde performing this weekend', 'what temperature is the record high in orange county', 'Can you tell me if there are any family holiday events going on', 'Update my alarms from 6 am to 7 : 30 am', 'Message mom and tell her that the roads are icy .', 'anyways, what work does the president of india have ?https://twitter.com/republic/status/877075519719718913\\xa0…', 'build an alarm for 5', 'Remind me to check my mileage in one hour', \"Please play Joy Villa ' s current album\", 'Whats the traffic for Hwy 40', 'Send my brother a reminder we are coming next week with our flight number .', 'Tell me about music concerts in Chicago tonight', 'I need the weather for Troy Michigan please .', 'how long is the drive to work today', 'Set an alarm for me to complete my budget for the week on Mondays at 5 pm', 'How many miles to I drive to work everyday ?', 'Should I wear a raincoat today ?', 'set alarms for every weekend at 12 pm', 'where can I find a happy hour in DC tonight', 'expected forecast in Italy', 'Does Florida have a hurricane warning', 'Will I make it to LAX by midnight', 'wake me at midnight', 'Cancel all of this weeks alarms .', 'if i leave now when will i arrive at work', \"How long will it take me to get to John ' s company from here if I leave at 2 pm ?\", 'how is traffic on Monday morning', 'Can you tell me more about the reviews?', 'Get the arrival time to work using closet route .', \"Remind me of Lisa ' s birthday on the 8th .\", 'remind me to pay my electric bill tomorrow', 'play some hip hop', 'Is a cold front moving through this week ?', \"I ' d like to hear some ZZ Top songs , please\", 'Please set alarm for 6 pm', 'Set timer for 30 minutes', \"do your characters's filter by prisma, it will seem better.\", 'whens the next strawberry festival', 'are there any traffic jams on my current route', 'The Krishna temple, Pattabhirama temple, Hazara Ramachandra and Chandrasekhara temple as also the Jain temples, are other examples.', 'cancel my gym reminder for this friday', 'remind me to masturbate today at 10 pm', 'how much time is left on the timer ?', \"Create a reminder for Joselynn ' s birthday party on October 17th\", 'SET THE ALARM FOR A HOUR AHEAD', 'Find some 80s music and play', 'Will it take earlier to get Somokhrate by car or by bus ?', 'how long does the downtown bus take to get to midtown', \"hahah :p We didn't use to get ladoo in school :(\", 'Get the time to LA using Route 1', 'Play all albums by The Weeknd .', 'set up a daily reminder to take insulin at 8 am and 8 pm', 'Is there a chance for tornadoes this weekend ?', 'Turn timer alarm off', 'notify me when the hour is up', 'Me too', 'If I leave work at 3 pm , how long will it take me to drive home ?', '#santrampliji do think about 1 crore followers of india who are seeking justice since 681 days. #ProteinPledge #CriminalAAP #Trump', 'Road closure', 'move the reminder for milk up 10 minutes', 'heavy rain over parts of ne .some showers in cny .any sun ?how about the weekend ?your forecast first at 4am on nbc-3 !http/URL', 'Please accurate weather of Tasmania ?', \"Contact Lucy and tell her we are going to the 9 o ' clock showing instead of the 7 .\", 'cool concerts tonight', \"It is a good thing they didn't get trapped. Memories of a dying parent would be very strong. Would a new memory like this make you change your life?\", 'Tell me what the weather is like outside ?', 'What is the weather forecast for England please', 'How hot is it sao paulo today in degrees celcius', 'Annul my 5 pm alarm', 'Dates for Descanso Gardens light show in Flintridge , CA', 'is there a cloudy overcast for this afternoon after 2 pm', 'Tell about what the weather will be like on the 25th', 'change my weekday alarms to 6 am', 'Set alarm every Sunday at 10 pm for 50 weeks', 'when are the thunderstorms supposed to hit', 'set a timer for 3 minutes', \"yeah, it was just sad how he brushed her off, since things could've been different\", 'Meteorological conditions in Paris on Monday .', 'The Nutcracker show this weekend', 'Will the traffic being re - routed on Benson Road increase my commute time to the Ozzy Concert', 'can i get to Spinning Wheels by 7 : 00 pm of I leave west chester by 6 : 30 pm ?', 'Anything going on in Boston now', 'set up an alarm for tomorrow morning', 'where nearest shoe repair', 'please remind me to finish the take home test prior to 6 pm , otherwise I will fail', 'is there construction on gene field road', \"How long will it take me to get to dad ' s house if I leave now ?\", 'Move the reminder to order pizza from tonight at 8 PM to tomorrow at 6 PM .', \"He is miraculous, don't know how to do it\", 'Play four seasons', 'When will rain ?', 'any holiday events happening in riverside this month', 'Nope ', 'Cancel alarm', 'message Kiran to send me the account statements for last three months .', 'new timer', 'what is the flow of traffic like today', 'what is the high today', 'it seems dunkirk was his latest project and has gotten high marks across the board', 'Bachchan sir always make sure that his sons keep working‚ #IndvsPak https://t.co/Q9AARgNQl1', 'How is traffic back home in NJ today', 'what is the distance between the united states and brazil', 'Remind me to set DVR to tape my show tonight', 'Is it going to be above 54 in degrees Fahrenheit near Seattle tomorrow morning', 'Remove reminder to have lunch with Mike on Sunday .', 'Set an alert for 20 minutes from now in case I fall asleep while working .', 'Set alarm for 10 pm friday night', 'Are there any dangerous driving conditions right now', 'Art Festivals near Charleston within the next couple months', 'message mike , anubhav , and lisa', \"What ' s the weather forecast for Rome in August\", \"I need a set a reminder for Benny ' s music lessons every Saturday at 10 am .\", 'Resume my timer in 30 minutes .', 'there is an example of such people in the world', 'Garth brooks concerts next month', 'I want a midday alarm on May 2nd', \"I ' d like to get rid of every timer\", 'Play country .', 'How slower is the I - 10 at lunch than at 2 pm when heading to PEI - WEI', 'alert me after 15 minutes', 'flight time to denmark', 'Where can I donate extra clothing this week', 'Is there heavy traffic on the 110 south', 'set a timer to go off tomorrow at 6 : 00 am', 'Set timer for 1 hour', 'If this option is checked, every new view will display marks for code folding, if code folding is available.', 'How long will it take me to get to Walmart in The Woodlands ?', 'whats the traffic looking like', 'where is the storm headed', 'How much time is on the timer ?', 'skip song', 'What are the chances of rain today ?', 'community , cougar town , friday night lights , glee , mad men , modern family , six feets under , skins , terra nova or the wire?', 'message Andrew to take the cat to the vet .', 'Send a message to Niki that traffic lights are out and it will take me 10 min . longer than thought .', 'REPEAT THAT SONG', 'repeat alarm weekly at 5 pm', 'Reply to Heisenberg', 'Delete all my alarms for Sunday', 'Ways to help the homeless in Beaumont this weekend', 'Send a message to my family and ask them if they want to get together for a BBQ this Sunday .', \"What ' s the expected weather for 13th January ?\", 'stop the music', 'set an alarm to go off every 15 minutes for 45 minutes', 'is it windy outside', 'Are there any shows playing at DR Phillips this weekend', \"What ' s the temperature currently ?\", 'Is it going to be around 18 in degree C near Houston this weekend', 'Answer last message from Ana , I already bought your sister ’ s present . It ’ s beautiful !', 'How long will it take me to drive from my house to the Celine Dion concert', \"What ' s the length of the trip from work to Danielle ' s house ?\", 'Set an alarm for July 31st', 'Set an alarm for 2 pm', 'Any construction on delays for my drive to new Orleans tomorrow', 'whats the chances for a tornado', 'Make an alarm every Friday and Monday at 4 P . M . for four months .', 'Make a reminder that tells me to get my groceries .', 'Set a reminder for me to ask my boss about a pay raise tomorrow .', \"What ' s the weather today ?\", \"Play all of Fifth Harmony ' s songs .\", 'i agree. it depends on the movie and the seats too', 'Create a timer for 30 minutes and one for 40', 'Please remind me to pick up the dry cleaning on Thursday .', 'this is a track i hate', \"Send a message to Nicholas asking if he ' s feeling okay .\", 'Cancel the reminder from July 1st about dinner plans with Gabby .', 'When is Ed Sheran coming to Florida', 'Is it going to hail tonight ?', 'Internal error: UID in invalid format: %s', 'What weather can I expect at 18 : 00 ?', 'would you fix a timer please', 'Usually, I', 'take me to my chat requests', 'I want to create a text message .', 'Is I - 70 North and South or East and West', 'How long until the next alarm goes off', 'can you show me my chats', 'How far is it from Tillamook to Eugene', \"Let ' s answer Prof . Marcia Reyes with an audio message now .\", 'Is it humid today ?', 'Create a video message for Kael', 'take me to my chat requests', 'Would I need an umbrella tonight ?', 'is it going to rain all day', 'Are they calling for snow next weekend', 'Remind Carly about the work meeting tomorrow at 2 pm .', 'FB message them show starts at 7 .', 'Is the temperature expected to exceed 35 degrees Celsius ?', 'Which road to NJ has the least traffic from Manhattan ?', 'alarm for party at 7 pm on the 4th', 'Will it be overcast today', 'Would you add that station to my favorites ?', 'Gatsby tells Tom of his affair with Daisy.', 'message kathy that my arrival time is 6 a . m . on the 22nd', \"Salman khan is bollywood's pride with back to back blockbuster movies: dabbang. Ready. Bodyguard. Ek tha tiger . Dabbang2. Jai ho. Kick. Bajarangi bhaijaan too will be superhit 300 crore is almsot fixed.\", 'Shorten current timer by half', \"what ' s the best route to avoid traffic right now\", 'how much longer on time out timer', 'Turn off my alarm', 'Write Kelly and ask her if she wants to meet me for coffee at the shop near me .', 'Report traffic problems', \"How long until I ' m there\", 'Charity events happening in Atlanta this week', 'how long will it take to drive to jeffs taking 294', 'How long will it take to get from PBI to Club Med Sandpiper', 'is there a heat advisory on for NJ today', 'What is the status of my timer', 'only play carrie underwood songs', 'Is it going to rain anytime today ?', 'Can you put the alarm on a 10 minute snooze', 'If I drive from Toledo to Chicago , how long will it take ?', \"Yes. I really appreciated how much thought went into the movie's title. I think it's really cool how it refers to Los Angeles, music, and having your head in the clouds all at once. It's really spectacular how they summed up so many elements of the movie in such a short title\", 'How long would it take to get to the movie theater from my house ?', 'Set my timer for an hour .', 'hold timer', 'How many more train stops until I get to my destination ?', 'I need to change my 4 pm alarm to 4 : 15', 'remind me to visit grandma tomorrow', 'How high will the humidity get around here today ?', 'Set alarm for 4 am', 'Should I bring a jacket for my trip to Seattle this weekend ?', 'Message Chuck to bring 100 feet of rope for the tarps', 'last song', 'Delete all alarms on Thursday .', 'Is there a live nativity near me', \"What ' s the weather forecast for Friday the 17th in London ?\", 'let me know if my alarm is set for tonight', \"How ' s the weather looking in the USA\", 'what is the traffic like on 294 today', 'Change a time on my timer .', \"How long will it take me to drive from my house to the Mounir ' s show ?\", 'add 45 second to the timer', \"What ' s the weather in Seattle WA ?\", \"There aren ' t many snow crabs left by 6 pm ; alert me 30 minutes before .\", 'Alert with 2 rings on each hour , and 1 ring every half hour', \"Delete tomorrow ' s reminder for dinner with Bob and his wife .\", 'set alarm every friday at 5 p . m .', 'restart the timer', 'can you set up a reminder about car oil change appointment on sunday august 5th 2018 at 8 am .', 'What time will the snow start today ?', 'has she won any awards recently?', 'cancel alarm for saturday', 'How many miles are in there between California and New York', 'turn on pop music and in an hour rock', 'will it snow tomorrow ?', 'set alarm for 4 am', 'Add 10 minutes to the timer', 'Get directions to church without passing construction .', 'What will the weather be like next week ?', 'How long to Miami FL from home', 'Tell Pandora to play Where Did The Party Go', 'Replay that song .', 'Remind me to pick up my lunch from the fridge before leaving for work .', 'play 97 . 5 radio', 'fun things for children this weekend', 'play a indie rock playlist .', 'Tell me how long it will take to get to the wharf from here avoiding construction', 'Set timer for 5 minutes', 'Restart current song please', 'pause the timer for 3 days', \"Delete all reminders about Logan ' s tennis practices .\", 'Play the latest song from Kid Rock', 'Remind me to pick up dry cleaning Thursday morning .', 'start my timer immediately', 'Are there any reminders for Gary tomorrow', 'Movie premier for this weekend in Savannah', 'Is it windy enough to go sailing ?', 'What is the distance between Los Angeles and New York', 'Please set an alarm for 11 am .', \"play Don ' t Believe A Word\", 'What is the current weather forecast ?', 'Send message to Andrew are you watching the soccer match right now .', \"Let ' s start a new message\", 'I need an alarm at 6 am', 'I need to create an appointment reminder for tomorrow', 'stop the snooze alarms', 'salman khan i am exited for your new film #bajrangi #bhaijan .....................', 'things to do on oahu in december', 'just arrived, be ready', 'How long will it take me to get to Trinity Mother Frances Hospital from here in traffic', 'is there alot of singing in the movie? i dont particular like musical type movies but my kids do?', 'Can you remind me to submit the review at 2 pm ?', 'come on, why are you talking big, are you crazy?', 'Message Kirsten and tell her I liked her hat today', 'what is the ten day forecast', 'Play some Macklemore .', 'How bad is traffic this rush hour', 'what is traffic for afternoon tomorrow', 'Should i bring a jacket today ?', 'What are some fun things to do in Columbus Ohio next week', 'How long will my drive home be ?', 'set a timer for 30 minutes', 'what is there to do this weekend in chicago', 'Give me a traffic update for today', '#229 : #AcademicOfficeFail I appeared for ES 200 endsem exam twice in the semester and got a FR in HS 200 #Aero', 'How many minutes are left on my alarm ?', 'bless', 'Everything has some limitation, friend. pic.twitter.com/0HHxK3GT46', 'is i 64 a mess', \"Send the group no i ' m not coming\", 'Can you play artists like Taylor Swift ?', 'Set a reminder for ten minutes to check dinner .', \"also interesting how it brings up the point that improved technology doesn't make all problems go away\", 'Things to do in Maui', 'close all my active alarms', 'Start timer', 'Please turn off my alarm at 7 : 30 am each morning .', \"I agree with the reviewer stating it's Rocky with robots\", 'Where is the Rolling Stone concert in New York City next week', \"hold the alarm won ' t you\", 'What are the current traffic conditions in my area', \"I couldn't imagine it. Sounds very risky. Especially if the dreamer dies in the dream before the sedative wears off.\", 'am i going to catch a traffic jam on the way home', 'where are the fall festivals in orlando', 'Set a work alarm for tomorrow at 7', 'How long will it take me to drive from my house to the bears game ?', 'Set up a reminder for jury duty next week .', 'set alarms for 8 am and 5 pm for the next seven months .', 'What is the fastest way to get to the Alberta Arts District from Northeast Milwaukee ?', \"I want to listen to Alessia Cara ' s latest album\", \"This Saturday ' s weather in Santa Monica\", 'I need an extra minute on the game timer', 'How cold is it tonight at Houston in degrees F', 'Send Jason a video message please .', 'are there any roadside accidents on my route', 'yeah I think it was 6 months probation? correct me if I am wrong', 'what new movies are there to see', 'set an alarm for 11 pm tonight', 'Remind me to stretch daily at 8 am . EST', 'Can I wear my rain boots today ?', 'The gas chamber which has been built in Delhi… at least tell something about it. We will get consolation. You have nothing to do. #DelhiSmog #You', \"What ' s the highs and lows for tomorrow at Lake Mead ?\", 'Add 30 minutes to this timer', 'I need to write back', 'Set time at 2 minutes to warm', 'Do you need an umbrella today ?', 'I want to end the timer', 'Please show me my iMessages from this morning .', 'how hot is it supposed to be today', 'Add a new timer for seven minutes .', 'What time should I leave to make it to the Broncos game by 2 pm ?', 'When does the sun rise in Vermont', 'What is on January 2', 'I do too, if it is done well.', 'the lioness is to go to forest man https://twitter.com/ANI_news/status/728497653093412864\\\\xa0', 'Is it going to be hot today ?', 'Set an alarm for next Sunday', 'Can I get to Fred Meyers in time , before they close , if I leave my house in 10 minutes ?', 'Shuffle some pop music', 'What festivals are near me soon', 'Make an alarm for next week at 8 pm', 'Does 94 west have traffic', 'Alarm for 6 : 30 pm tonight please', 'Set alarm for 5 am', \"Yes, at the end of the movie, the Allies win the war and the boss makes the cryptographers promise to never see each other again and they destroy all the code. Also, Turing tells Clarke (Knightley) to leave because he is scared for her safety. He tells her he is gay and that he never cared for her, which wasn't true because he was in love with her.\", 'Will it be above 76 in celsius for Houston tonight', 'Set weekly alarm for Monday at 7', 'Will it be warm tonight in Sarasota ?', 'set a reminder to dinner with janice on July 31st', 'How much time have I accumulated this week', 'message Jonh I will lend him my car .', 'how hot is it going to be today', 'Cancel all my alarms for tomorrow', 'set timer for an hour', 'whats the distance between san Francisco and Los angeles', 'message my dad how are you doing', 'when is sunrise tomorrow', 'Me either but superman pretty much started it the article says clark kent was trying to make bruce wayne and batman look bad thru his news articles', 'Can we expect rain at all this week ?', 'set alarm for 5 am daily', 'Play me Johnny Cash on spotify', 'Is there a light parade in San Antonio next week', 'LGA traffic update', 'how long is my drive home from work today', 'Send a message to Kate . I will be there .', 'Very nice to see Deepak Dobriyal and Dhinchak pooja datingpic.twitter.com/7s91ii9nGJ', 'Temperature outside tonight Fahrenheit', 'tomorrow in phoenix', 'can you stop that alarm', 'Set alarm for every 15 minutes', 'Start timer in five minutes', 'Dancing this weekend', 'How many miles to Minneapolis', 'Delete the reminder about my dentist appointment in September .', 'Text V , I am going out , I ll be back before 3 .', 'This seem to be a very interesting movie to say the least.', ' Oops monsters University I’ve been playing monster Hunter sorry ', 'should I bring a coat', \"Remind me to check Jake ' s homework .\", 'How hot is it today ?', \"How ' s the traffic driving from Miami to ft lauderdale\", 'what is the temperature outside', 'What is the timer I have set for tomorrow', 'Hunger drive events in St . George on Saturday', 'IS THERE TRAFFIC CONGESTION ON THE VERRAZZANO BRIDGE ON THE WAY TO BROOKLYN', 'See reminders for launching the GAME PLAN coursework', 'Are there lane closures today ?', 'Play the current playlist in my music app', 'Resume the timer at the gym .', 'Check reminders for meeting on Friday', 'How long will it take me to drive from my house to the dog show', 'How much time will the downed power lines add to my commute this morning ?', \"all have arrived since morning 7 o'clock.\", \"Make an alarm called ' get up now ! ' for 6 am\", 'christmas parties near me in the next month', 'Disable snooze for August 21st', 'will there be traffic heavy if i wait 1 hour to head home', 'How long will it take to get to Bena MN from Oakdale MN ?', 'Remove all the alarms i set for tomorrow morning', 'Remove the alert about the delivery appointment for Friday morning .', 'Popular music', 'Yes :(', 'That is true! And plus they housed the entire family the night before their departure.', 'Set temporary alarm for 5 am weekdays next 2 weeks', 'Remind my coworkers that the holiday party is Friday night at 6 pm .', 'Golf tournaments this week in Dallas', 'is it not 4 pm right now?', 'is there a nutcracker performance somewhere close by', 'oh that evil grin !', 'What is the average temperature in Arizona in July', 'Set a timer for 5 minutes', 'Snooze for 15 minutes', 'please send a message to Group B that the flight was delayed .', \"What is there to do near my sister ' s house this week\", 'How is traffic in Aberdeen today', 'what is the weather at 1 pm today', 'I did not start the night and the messages of #Timiline on Good Morning started. #Insomnia #sleepless', \"What ' s tomorrow ' s weather look like\", 'with luck, we could not have won even against west indies’ women’s team', 'how long will it take us to get to NYC leaving from my house', '-)', 'I want to listen to Miley Cyrus', 'Find me all songs by Boka', 'Play some hard rock music', 'Delete Potty Training timer .', 'Will it rain tomorrow ?', 'please add 10 minutes to my timer', 'please give me the latest weather forecast for Kent', 'when is the next election ?', 'Send a message to Chris and ask if he knows any good restaurants at my location .', 'Would ya cancel that alarm', 'It sounds like a good movie. It sounds like it is a good monsters inc successor.', 'Erase all reminders for today', 'What is the weather for the Christmas long weekend ?', 'Set a daily alarm for 7 am .', 'Will is rain in san diego this week', 'have there been any slow downs on my commute route', 'Set an alarm for Monday at 5 PM', 'yes, I think this is a good chat.', 'START AN ALL AMERICAN REJECTS STATION ON PANDORA', 'Set a weekend alarm for 9 : 00 a . m .', 'Can I get from here to Irondequoit before noon ?', 'accidents on the 101', 'What is the temperature for tomorrow evening ?', 'yes brother rotating. forgive me, and side too.', 'What is the temperature going to be next monday ?', 'SET AN ALARM FOR 1ST JUNE', 'Send picture to mom', 'Create an alarm for Tuesday and Wednesday at 5 : 30 and 6 : 30', 'Set alarm for 6 am tomorrow .', \"what time does today ' s concert begin\", 'Concerts in portland this weekend', 'Yes, his window was open from which Baburao was peeping.', 'What are some fun things going on nearby', 'Remind me to plug my phone in this evening before bed .', \"I want to listen to Luke Bryan ' s latest album .\", 'Please play some soul music .', 'prepare an alarm for 6', 'Please set an alarm at 8 pm on the 30th of April', 'Set reminder to get haircut next week .', 'REmove my reminder to check Sammys work', \"What ' s the weather ?\", 'Please play classical music', 'Are there any Super Bowl parties near Boulder', 'What areas in Greenville should I avoid', 'What reminders do I have set for Wednesday ?', 'Send message to Brad saying I miss you', 'Play my last Pandora station', 'Things to do in Orlando this weekend', 'the distance from florida to the grand canyon', 'do not go, i will play with you, Katti. give me my bat back .https://twitter.com/praneethhr/status/737963544063381504 …', 'I want to listen to Hanson', 'Set alarm for every 2 hours ?', 'Set my alarm for tomorrow night .', 'set a timer for one day', 'what time should I leave to make the 6 pm showtime ?', \"What ' s the traffic driving from Orlando to Miami\", \"Not only that, but Baz Lurhmann's direction was a magnificent sight to behold\", 'Set up a reminder every 13th day of the month to pay my car insurance', 'Batman, Superman and even wonder woman makes an appearance!', 'I want an alarm to go off every 5 minutes for a half hour', 'make an alarm for 10 april', 'Tell me the weather conditions this morning .', 'Can I make it to Home Depot before they close ?', 'Message Clara and Sophie that Jason won ’ t be in class tomorrow .', 'What is the humidity in Spokane ?', \"message Tom I ' m very happy , when he invite me to go to the party .\", 'Add 5 minutes', 'What does my reminder say about Aunt Nellie ?', 'set the timer for 55 minutes', 'I do not want to hear this track . Skip please', 'Resume the alarm in 15 minutes', 'Show my reminders for all upcoming doctor appointments .', 'Sporting events in Raleigh this weekend', 'Will I need a jacket tonight ?', 'expecting any rain today', 'Whats the forecast today ?', 'Show me all my reminders for the current week .', 'please cancel all my alarms', 'Will it snow today', \"Hey google , ask Sandy if she has Linda ' s number .\", 'Remind me to renew my prescription in 80 days from now .', 'Give me the weather forecast for this Friday .', \"Create an alarm for Tuesday 6 ' oclock pm and Wednesday 7 pm\", 'play me 950 on iheartradio', 'Show me the latest traffic report', 'Send a reminder to my friends about our brunch tomorrow at 2 pm', 'so, where else will you fall?', \"What ' s the weather like today ?\", 'Whats the weather ?', 'Add 10 more minutes to the timer', \"I don ' t want to miss the train at 10 am ; can you remind me 30 minutes before ?\", 'what are all my alarms on wednesday ?', 'Tell me the forecast for the next 10 days', 'I want to know the weather for next three days .', 'Disengage alarm', 'What are the projected weather conditions for Boston , MA for Labor Day weekend ?', \"Remind me about my cousin ' s birthday party next month\", 'Turn all alarms back on', 'read to me what i said to bill last night', 'Whats the drive time to Disneyland from here', 'Show me the set alarms please .', 'Repeat the last timer', 'Can you give this track a thumbs up ?', 'Stop ring now !', 'Be quiet', 'My kids love it', 'count down the 10 second break', 'Remind me to congratulate my brother on his new baby .', 'What weather is it going to be this Friday evening ?', 'Snooze alarm for 15 mins .', 'should I bring gloves', 'hows traffic on the belt', 'Is my timer set ?', 'Please message Mikayla that the fundraiser is set for June 30th .', \"What time should I leave to make it to the USC game by 1 o ' clock ?\", 'adjust alarm to 9 am', 'I want to listen to something relaxing', 'When was my reminder for my roommates party last week .', 'Message Nick and ask why he is late', 'Please delete my alarms tomorrow', 'Set alarm for 8 am to text Chris', 'Remind me to pay water bill .', 'set a 20 minutes timer for my run', 'how long before i get to the dentist if i avoid the construction area leaving from haousa quaters', 'What are my next alarms for today ?', 'cancel the alarm for 8 pm on Fridays', 'delete the reminder to walk with Louann on Mondays', 'Remind me to watch all new episodes of meet the browns', 'What are my upcoming alarms', 'generate a 6 am alarm', 'Can you clear all my alarms ?', 'Is it around 23 degrees Fahrenheit near San Francisco tomorrow', 'What weather can I expect for next Friday', \"I'm going to WDW in the fall so I'm excited to see how the park is. Have you ever been? Or to Disneyland?\", 'Delete the last two reminders on my list', \"What ' s the time it ' ll take me to get to Orlando if I leave in an hour .\", 'Is it snowing in Alaska', 'she was mine favourite . . . :p', 'Can I get to the north shore before 1 pm if I leave in half an hour ?', 'Is Ruddell road backed up', 'you have a great day', 'I want to know how long it will take me to Ain Shams university', 'Are there any events in greenbay', 'Set timer for 3 hours', 'Remind me to return library books tomorrow .', 'Distance from Yellowstone to Yosemite', 'How many tropical storms are in the forecast for Florida this year', 'Can you put the timer at a minute', 'Are there any alarms set today ?', 'how many accidents on I 35', 'Cancel my reminder to get icecream', 'get me the weather for Ontario', 'lalu : \"he was born with rajnigandha with him\" #RajnigandhaSixWordsStory mistakes can happen from boys https://t.co/iHo1zAnpB6', 'What is the quickest way to downtown at this time', 'Remind play date group to bring in crafts for Tuesday .', 'What is the temperature going to this week ?', 'music events in Providence on Sunday', 'Is there a race / marathon', 'Message Jose that the snowstorm closed the Palisades interstate parkway .', 'Remind the group that the poker game has been cancelled for this weekend .', 'do we have any board game nights planned at jacks house next week', 'I want to change the alerts for my birthday reminders to a week before the date .', 'Set alarm for 9 am tomorrow', 'Add 3 hours to the golf trip reminder', 'yeah, I\\n like superhero films that rely more on technology and skill than superpowers - feels more within the realm of possibility. Critics describe this as having a military thriller feel, as opposed to a stylized comic book frame by frame replay.', 'set my alarm for 7 minutes from now', 'Display my next alarm', \"Send a message to Rick that ' I am stuck in traffic '\", 'Any traffic accidents to report', 'what time should i leave to make it to my 9 am meeting if i want to avoid the construction', \"play taylor swift ' s most recent song\", 'Modify all 5 am alarm to 7 am', 'set alarm for 8 am on Monday', 'how far is it to gurnee mills', \"What ' s the average high in August\", \"Tell me what it ' s going to feel like in the Maldives .\", 'Video message my sister .', 'what is the high for today', 'What is the low ?', 'What are some family friendly activities in Buffalo , NY', 'set alarm when 5 minutes remain on my timer', 'change alarm length to four weeks', 'Will it be sunny on Saturday ?', 'Play the next song', 'how bad is traffic on Mall St', 'are the roads icy', 'Cancel alarms for this week .', 'when will I arrive at the concert if I leave right now from home ?', 'How much time is left on my work alarm', 'Delete tablet alarms', 'Please modify my medication alarms to 2 pm', 'What time is the dentist appointment reminder ?', 'Are we in the path of the hurricane', 'Set alarm at 6 pm', 'how long to get to the nearest train station from here right now', 'How many hours will it take me to drive 759 miles if I drive an average of 75 miles per hour ?', 'Turn on 8 am alarm', 'Remind me to pay tuition fees on September 10th at 9 am .', \"What ' s the weather doing in Japan ?\", 'Can you resume the timer with the label meditation', 'What does the traffic look like on the way to Hilton head', 'Mute all alarms set before noon', 'I need to know what reminders that I have for Sunday', 'Cancel alarm for this evening', 'set alarm every 5 minutes for 15 minutes', 'Reminder to schedule a manicure appointment', 'Please tell me the weather for Melbourne on June 11 .', 'Show me the reminders that had phone numbers in it', 'Anything cool happening this weekend', 'Is it below 7 degree Fahrenheit seattle tonight', 'How much time will traffic add to my commute if I leave at 4 : 00 ?', 'What reminders are left for today ?', 'Do I need raingear ?', 'remind me to take Camden to speech every Thursday at 9 AM', 'what time is trick or treating in my neighborhood', 'Remind me to pick up Dave at 3 pm .', 'Move the reminders for August 2nd to August 3rd .', 'delete the alarms for the weekend', 'How long did I work out for', 'Set alarm for 9 : 00 am', \"play Lionel Ritchie ' s greatest hits\", 'How does Stark St look for traffic', 'make an alarm go off at 5 am on mondays all month', 'sending into limbo, not quite grasping that in the scene paragraph', 'Do i need rain boots today ?', 'Set alarm for 7 pm tonight', 'Set alarm for 6 : 45 a . m . tomorrow', 'Add 18 minutes to my timer .', 'shanti bhushan, mitron has been corrupted from today', 'Are there any traffic accidents in my route', 'Is there traffic on the southbound lane as well', 'Temperture forecast for today', \"Remind me to set my alarm on my watch so I don ' t forget to take my pills each morning .\", 'What will be the Chicago temperature at 1 : 30 PM this Thursday', 'It did get a 48% on rotten tomatoes.', 'Alarm please next Monday 7th February', 'Play me some rock', 'Remove alarm to take birth control .', 'Will it be around 75 in c in Karachi next week', 'which road goes to the highway .', 'its out of there limit to make someone trust them! they can only do disruption like #Notebandi which gives zero results.', 'I want to hear the \" Chinese Democracy \" album on shuffle , please .', \"Play the Chainsmokers ' newest song .\", 'Yeah I like romance', 'How dangerous are the winds outside ?', 'What time can I see the sunset this weekend ?', 'Set alarm for 5 am tomorrow .', 'Repeat daily alarm', 'not on that :(', 'time to get to the logan valley mall', 'What are the traffic levels in my area right now', 'How hot will it be on Sunday ?', 'Remove all my alarms', 'Free holiday events in zip code xxxxx', 'What are my alarms for next week ?', 'view chats', 'What is the temperature going to be today', \"What ' s the pollen count in Fairborn tomorrow\", 'What alarms do I have set now ?', 'I need a weather forecast for Kent for the next 5 days', 'Set an alarm for 8 pm and 10 pm', 'The heart does not have a mind .. and if you love with your mind then it is not love ... do you agree??', 'Please play some hip hop music', \"I ' d like to know if it ' ll rain this weekend .\", 'What time should I leave from here to get to the nearest movie theater at 8 : 00 pm ?', 'set an alarm for 5 pm everyday', 'Do I need an umbrella for this afternoon ?', 'Turn off my 8 pm alarm .', 'Concerts near me tomorrow', 'set alarm for 3rd thursday 7 am', 'How long would it take to go 34 miles traveling 50 miles per hour', 'Create a reminder for tomorrow to buy milk .', 'SKIP THIS TRACK .', 'Please help me understand the weather for next week .', 'find tom petty live album', 'can you mind me of any and all alarms', 'How long does it take to run a mile on average', 'traffic from kansas city to springfield', \"Please block Mariah Carey ' s songs from playing\", 'drive time to work to home please', 'Is that any traffic right now', 'Get me a traffic report for the Springfield area', 'delete every timer', 'Reset my alarm for 5 PM .', 'What is Beyonce schedule for Oakland next week', 'Ask the group who is coming', 'Change to new timer', 'Make sure you remind me to buy an anniversary gift tonight .', \"Send me a reminder on Tuesday at 8 : 00 am for Mila ' s vet appointment .\", 'iheartradio WMXD', 'Will it be sunny and hot today ?', 'Turn off the alarm .', 'What time is my alarm for tomorrow ?', 'Please change the date of my reminder for the party this tuesday to remind me 2 days sooner .', 'Are we expecting snow this weekend ?', \"I want to listen to Third Day ' s new album .\", 'Will I need my rain jacket tomorrow ?', 'How hot is it inside Celsius', 'Please play a Guns and Roses album .', 'play Drake', '\"i watch cartoons for 5 hours daily.\"pic.twitter.com/gTGepfbIT2', 'Expected weather for the Easter long weekend ?', 'what is the long range forecast .', 'How hot will it be at 1 pm ?', 'Please set my alarm every 2 hours .', 'Set reminder for 11 pm', 'Christmas events', 'Create new alarm for May 21st at 6 am', \"I don ' t want to forget to give mom her medicine tonight . Please remind me this evening\", 'When will it rain this month', 'Set alarm for 6 pm tonight .', 'Cool things to do tonight', 'Start a 5 minute timer', 'What are my reminders for tomorrow and the next day ?', 'Play some pop music .', 'can anyone find a dry route to the city', 'Take me to Chinatown in Los Angeles without using Olympic Blvd and passing through a Korean market .', 'Play Margaritaville .', 'are there any delays on my route home', 'Remind me to get milk .', \"Remind me about Miya ' s dance schedule next monday\", 'message Ronnie and see if i have left my keys at here place .', 'How can I get to Manhattan by 7 and avoid construction', 'Next song', 'Add this song to playlist', 'Repeat song', 'Heartfelt wishes for Mahashivratri. Hail Lord Shiva. [D. S. Rai]', 'Set alarm for midnight tonight', 'launch chat requests', 'This movie received mixed reviews', 'Best tree lighting parties in Roanoke this weekend', 'and who will be told, \"This is what you had called a lie\".', \"Change my ' watering the plants ' alarm today to 8 pm\", 'What can I do tonight', 'Its a great movie ', \"What ' s the traffic like to Buffalo\", \"What ' s the quickest route avoiding traffic for driving to Miami\", 'Remind me to set a timer for 30 minutes', 'set my alarm everyday but sunday at 8', 'change the return books reminder from 11 am to 3 pm', 'Alarm for 7 am tomorrow please', 'Read chats from a different status .', \"what ' s the traffic like to kenosha right now\", \"Was John ' s party going to be outside or indoors\", 'Set a one time alarm for tonight at 9 pm', 'remind me to turn off the stove', 'what is the high temperature today', 'Are there any traffic jams on 5th street', 'turn vacation alarm to 9 am for next 10 days', 'Cancel the reminder for yoga class every month .', 'Play R & B', 'set a timer for 20 minutes', 'Text mom and dad that I have plenty of food', 'Resume the timer in 45 minutes .', 'How long is my commute if i take Bouganville Drive vs Salt Lake to get to the airport', 'It was such a thrilling movie. Based on the life of Alan Turing.', 'Put another 25 minutes on the pomodoro timer', 'Is the weather going to be nice this afternoon ?', 'Cancel my reminder for my eye appointment .', 'Open conversation with David', 'Things to do in Charlotte NC on Sunday', \"i'm still saved used to hide chalk even .. so that would have to go to bring it\", 'hows traffic on the nsp', 'add minutes to timer', 'what is the traffic on NJ Turnpike', \"In Australia , what ' s the current forecast ?\", 'Do I need snowboots today ?', 'Do I have any reminders this weekend ?', 'what is traffic driving from burbank to north hollywood', 'Set alarm for 3 : 30 pm .', 'Play the top 10 on Pandora .', 'set alarm to 5 minutes every Tuesday', 'it seems like jaws may not get another movie', 'Please create alarm for every first of month at noon for 12 months', 'Remind me to write out a grocery list before my shopping trip on Friday .', 'What is the foecast for Coees on the weekend', 'Wow. Those are really low scores! I am surprised at that. Usually these types of movies are popular and do well.', 'What is the temperature supposed to be this weekend ?', 'Did I set any reminders for today ?', 'Live nativity plays in clark county wa', 'What is the weather in Los Angeles tomorrow ?', \"cancel the reminder about hope ' s birthday on sunday\", 'brother it is 4.10, come fast.', 'delete my reminder about doing the grocery shopping on saturday', \"Text Bob I ' m okay .\", 'Christmas festivals in Austin', \"What ' s the UV index at today ?\", '(b) where the marriage of his parents does not subsist, in the net wealth of that parent who maintains the minor child in the previous year as defined in section 3 of the Income-tax Act, and where any such assets are once included in the net wealth of either parent, any such assets shall not be included in the net wealth of the other parent in any succeeding year unless the Assessing Officer is satisfied, after giving that parent an opportunity of being heard, that it is necessary so to do ;', 'SIM will be of BSNL .. Angry owner will be thrown back.', 'Did you happen to read the book too?', 'Whats the traffic like in downtown Portland right now', \"What ' s the traffic like driving from Meridian to Boise\", 'I want to hear some Shakira songs', 'Who is in it?', 'Remind me to pick up dog food .', 'Cancel my 5 pm alarm today', 'is wednesday to be rainy ?', 'message Jessica to pay the dog walker .', 'Can you tell me the weather in the UK ?', 'car shows close by', 'Please , set an alarm for 7 a . m .', 'What reminders do I have for tomorrow ?', \"Are all roads clear from my house to Hannah ' s house ?\", 'Read me my new messages please', 'Tell me driving directions to the Empire State Building', 'Move my 3 pm alarm to 5 pm .', 'turn on an alarm for friday mornings at 5', 'I need a recurring alarm set for 6 . 30am everyday', 'What the average temperature in July here', 'Play Tyrese station', 'How long will it take me to drive from my house to the Jazz Music Festival ?', 'Should I go to the ETID concert with Michael tomorrow night or should I go see that new Dustin Hoffman flick with Randy at the cinemaplexagon', 'Is the weather slowing the traffic', 'repeat this track twice', 'traffic delays on way to work', 'Hello. ', 'Make a reminder to clean out the frig on Saturday .', 'Please play my spotify playlist', \"Cancel my reminder for tomorrow ' s brunch .\", 'message colin and ask if he got the same message from dave that i did', 'Pub crawling in Rocklin next Friday', 'Set a trip reminder for Wednesday 8 am', 'cancel the rest of todays reminders', 'food festivals close by in January', 'Set monthly reminder to pay rent', \"Can you delete the reminder about Alan ' s wedding next week ?\", \"Where ' s the traffic\", 'how cool is it in noosa now', 'STOP TIMER', 'Remind Elle to feed the dog daily .', 'How long will it take me to get to Queens from Eastern Suffolk tomorrow morning ?', 'stop the james bond playlist', 'should i pack a jacket for beech mountain ?', 'How long is the drive to Sacramento', 'Is traffic heavy now', 'Set a reminder for 1 pm', 'set alarm for four hours', 'How many minutes do I have left on the timer ?', 'Do you know who plays Gatsby?', \"update ' take a walk ' alarm from 8 am to 9 am\", 'what will the weather be at 12 pm', 'Delete all timers', 'start a timer in 5 minutes', 'Is Wake County public schools closed due to the snow today', 'you are in Uttar pradesh, you send it', 'Add 20 minutes to timer', 'Nowadays I am also doing work related to watch, Life is passing in social cause.', 'Delete the alarm set for 4 pm .', 'add new playlist', 'Remind me make dinner at 5 pm', 'How long will it take me to drive to the rangers game ?', 'Is there a lot of air traffic', 'do I need an umbrella on Thursday ?', '21 Pilot concerts next week', 'Are there any tours going on tonight in downtown Gettysburg', 'Can you alphabetize the songs in the playlist', 'Did I set an alarm for Tuesday morning ?', 'Cancel timer and reset for twenty minutes .', 'How is the traffic on Route 46', 'Send response to Veronica Carver', \"What ' s the weather like next week ?\", 'Please , again , just cancel my APPOINTMENT reminder from Tuesday .', 'What is the weather like in San Diego ?', \"Create an alarm for March 5th at the 2 o ' clock .\", 'Should I bundle up tommorow', 'What messages do I have on the family chat ?', 'will it rain tonight', 'Tupac on Spotify songs', \"Send a message to Ashley and let her know that the Ray ' s game starts at 9 p . m . and is located at Tropicana Field .\", 'What if the forecast for next weekend in Banff ?', 'Message Amanda , what are the directions to your house in New Brunswick , NS ?', 'haha done brother. we will repair some liver together.', \"I don ' t want the alarm tomorrow morning to go off at 9 am , can this be changed to 11 am please ?\", 'Are there any road blocks traveling to Moorhead ?', 'Make a reminder about my dinner ingredients I need to get .', 'Is it cold in Niagara Falls', 'Set alarm for every 4 hours for 24 hours .', \"How ' s the weather for Sydney on Monday in three weeks ?\", 'How much time will traffic add to my commute if I leave at 3 : 00 pm ?', 'Are there any music festivals in Tampa next weekend', 'please make a lunch time alarm for 12 pm tomorrow', 'Remind me to turn off the lights', 'Will it stop raining tomorrow ?', \"What ' s the weather forecast for Minneola over Labor Day ?\", 'set an alarm for 5 pm on tuesdays', 'When is the next alarm going off ?', 'play the top station on pandora', 'Play my favorite songs', 'holiday events in san clemente next week', 'Music events in Raleigh tonight', 'Next song', \"what ' s the pollen count\", 'What is the morning traffic like in New York City', 'play inception', 'How humid is it in Tampa , Florida compared to Oakland , California', 'Change that Thursday 4 : 45 PM alarm to go off the same time the next day', 'Create a reminder to buy pencils tonight', 'Change by 9 am alarm to 10 am', 'send me a reminder message to setup that new bank account', 'Tell me about the weather in Italy', 'please help me set an alarm 20 minutes from now', \"What ' s my eta to get home with th current traffic\", 'Could you give me a weather forecast for 1 pm today thanks', 'Skip any track from Journey .', 'Times of tides tomorrow', 'things to do today', 'Play the last song again .', 'Temperature tonight for San Francisco Celsius', 'What time did the sun rise today', 'Can you please take 20 minutes off the yardwork timer I set earlier', 'Please remind me to get bread later', 'What is the expected rainfall data for the Easter break ?', 'Remind me to pick up my dry cleaning at 6 : 00 PM tonight', 'how many times you will hit the same joke', 'is there a chance of snow tonight ?', \"don ' t play this song again\", 'Play a song .', 'Whats the weather in Seychelles today ?', 'Create an alarm for tomorrow at 9 am', 'add a reminder', 'Set an alarm for tomorrow morning .', 'How warm is it for Dehli tomorrow in degree Celcius', 'How do I set a timer for ninety five minutes ?', 'How long would it take to drive from New York to Costa Rica', \"Set a reminder for me about my doctor ' s appointment on Wednesday\", 'how is traffic on the florida turnpike', 'What is the drive time to work today', 'create a alarm for Wednesday at 4 pm', 'They cannot try to use the little guy beats the big guy in the next one since the officer proved her self already.', 'Do I need a coat tonight ?', 'Play me Kendrick Lamar .', 'Any road closures on the way to Decatur', 'tell me the weather for today', 'PLAY ME SOME DRIVING MUSIC', 'Friends.. I have some old relation withTaj Mahal .. I only serve Taj Mahal tea to my customers..https://twitter.com/ANI_news/status/800274552144019456\\xa0…', 'Change my reminder alarm .', 'Will it be cold tonight ?', 'Remind me to get bagels after work tonight .', 'Sensory day for kids at theaters next week', 'Set alarm every minute for 6 minutes .', 'Find Latin music', 'set timer for 4 intervals of 15 mins a piece', \"Will I be able to make it to the doctor ' s in 30 minutes ?\", 'What is the weather like in Elysburg , PA ?', 'Create alarm for 9 PM', 'find some comedy shows', 'They can sometimes stray quite far from the other review sites of a bunch of very keen reviewers want to bump the score', 'when was the last time I used the interval timer', \"Message Grace I can ' t wait to see you tomorrow !\", 'where can i get brunch on thursdays', 'Play current country music .', 'start the album at the beginning', 'Will we get rain today ?', 'Set up a group message with my pals Chris and Robert .', 'Go back to the beginning of the song', 'recommence timing', 'can you tell me the weather the day after tomorrow', 'repeat this song for me', 'Remove the snooze option on my alarm', 'remind me to get more batteries tomorrow at 3 pm', 'Play some Sinatra .', 'Hmm , no.', 'Skip the current playlist', 'Message Sam : bring my Kindle back', 'Set alarm for every other Saturday at 6 : 30 am', 'play me some billy joel music', 'Set alarm for every 20 minutes', 'can you give me an alternate route', \"Message Simone , asking what time the New Year ' s Eve party is .\", 'How long will it take from Greensboro to Winston Salem if i take 421', \"Cancel reminder to get gift for patty ' s party .\", 'Can you create an alarm for next week', 'what is the weather next week ?', 'Are there any traffic delays in Seattle around Century Link Stadium', 'Please remind the film crew that we need to begin shooting no later than 8 am .', 'Guys, the marijuana law in colorado, oregon and washington can pass this tuesday. #highhopes', \"by the way where is luncher paji ? doesn't he go to school ?\", 'Send a message to Sabrina Is he okay ?', \"Remind me to get Manny ' s oil changed before September 1 .\", 'How many doctor appointment reminders do I have this week ?', 'Will there be a thunderstorm today ?', 'can i listen queen on spotify', 'WhatsApp Arthur Nice movie recommendation .', \"How long will it take for me to drive to my mom ' s house ?\", 'Timberlake was cool', 'How much less traffic will I encounter on I - 5 southbound if I leave work at 4 : 30 p . m . today', 'Paint parties', 'Message Jace and tell him to be here on my birthday at 7 PM', 'What are your impressions about the weather in New York ?', 'I want to listen to Lady Gaga', 'start chats please', \"I would like to listen to 90 ' s hip Hop\", 'Is north bound traffic heavy on 131 right now', 'Get my reminders for Friday .', 'Drone Racing Events near me', 'broadway plays playing in 2018 in New York City', 'set an alarm for 7 am every day', 'Shatrughan: Son is #WorldBooker today, tell me what is needed?\\n \\n Sonakshi: Vao papa, 1.25 kg samosas and jalebi for me. It is very booked', 'Send message to Kale , make travel arrangements for women groups meetup', 'Set an alarm for 1 hour', 'Remind me to pay tution', 'What time is my alarm for Tuesday ?', 'Tell me the weather forecast for this coming week .', 'What is the weather going to be like on Halloween ?', 'How far is Hawaii from the continental U . S', 'yes! come lets have some fun', 'What is traffic like in Detroit', 'Stop alarm', 'i need a timer for 20 mintues', 'you are sourabh bhola', 'Please send a message to my friend Santiago', 'which roads are blocked off for the Steuben Parade ?', 'What is the current traffic in Pewaukee', 'Will it rain at the Orioles game today', 'Play me some classical music by Mozart .', 'pause my run timer', 'how much time do i have left on my timer ?', 'what are some cool concerts to attend this monday in chicago', 'You can finish ringing', 'Change my wake up alarm .', 'Remind PTO of first day kickoff', 'how hot is it this week', \"Tell dad that I ' ve made it to the store .\", 'Tell me all alarms', 'Change the meeting reminder to next Saturday at 7 instead of this Saturday .', \"set a reminder for Teena ' s party next saturday\", 'timer needs to be suspended please', 'how bad are the storms in phoenix right now', 'How many alarms do I have left for today', \"What is the fastest way to get to my attorney ' s office if I leave in 15 minutes ?\", \"Remind me to attend my son ' s school picnic on August 14th ,\", 'turn off the alarm', 'When is my reminder to email Jon information ?', 'Stop timer .', 'set alarm for 4 : 30 pm', \"what was the least time I ' ve taken to complete the homework this week\", 'shut timer off and reset for 5 minutes', 'Are there any detours to savoy airport tomorrow ?', 'Suggest free family events for over holiday break', 'Can you change my 7 am Thursday alarm to 6 . 30am .', 'message Peter I need to cancel the meeting today . I had a car accident .', 'play some electronica on spotify', 'How is traffic on our route', 'Can you video message Aunt Betty and Chanel ?', 'Cancel my reminder to schedule a hair appointment for Aug 22', \"I ' m not waking up now\", 'Are there any detours on the 101 South this morning ?', 'what reminders do i have for today', 'I need my one hour timer updated', 'Remind me to answer my emails before midnight , tonight and set an alert 1 hour before .', 'Timer off', 'Message Tony and tell him to please pay the electric bill .', 'is it supposed to rain tomorrow ?', 'Play classical music', 'Can you remind me to get ready for the date ?', 'Please let me know what the temperature is like for the Scottish Highlands .', 'Can I have an update on the traffic report', 'Is is going to snow tomorrow ?', \"you have testified for twitter's #KatuSatya, you have hit my face with a stone wrapped in sheet.\", 'Any bands playing in Portland , Maine', 'Send a text message to my mum asking her what ’ s for dinner tonight .', 'Skip this track please .', 'I would like to get directions to the Salsa music festival in Rogers Park .', \"Can you tell me what time my mom ' s plane is supposed to arrive tomorrow and set a reminder for 2 hours before ?\", 'Remind me to send out invoices for my piano students tomorrow .', 'message Cathy , Shall we leave ?', \"yeah I think she was pretty upset. Like I said I didn't really understand all of that. I was mostly in it for the math. What an interesting, fascinating story.\", \"Shoe me the kid ' s reminders .\", 'Get me my recurring reminders', 'how many miles is it between lake michigan and lake erie', 'When is my next alarm set for ?', 'Is the weather affecting the traffic', 'How long will it take me to drive from Manchester to Cinemagic in Hooksett', 'message Scott to ask him to pick up some milk .', 'sir if today BJP was in power it was in country favour #SurgicalStrike they could have bought 10 head for 1 head ', 'Will it be over 90 degrees in Portland today ?', 'first you die, then you also affect other people?https://twitter.com/DailyYeats/status/691365373321568258\\xa0…', 'How high will the humidity be this weekend ?', 'Create a stir the pot alarm .', 'When is the storm coming ?', 'delete the reminder to check stock price this afternoon', \"click like on sabrina ' s reply to me\", 'Extend timer for another 10 minutes .', 'Set recurring alarm at 3 : 00 pm every Tuesday', 'Directions from Branson airport to Walmart Headquarters', 'Is there suppose to be any thanksgiving events going on tonight', 'And then I gave proof too, now see my ration card! ', 'Please tell me how much time remains on the timer', 'Remind me to buy milk', 'Show me all of my gardening reminders for this week .', 'haha, stay away from your wife, you tweet from hospital this not accepted by me', 'Turn off all alarms', 'rap music please', 'When do I need to leave the house to reach Bandelier Monument by 9 am on Saturday morning ?', 'mute alarm', 'Is there a way to avoid the traffic in New Albany today', 'Please record video message and send to milo .', 'it is darpan not drapan .. your hindi is weak', 'how long would it take for me to get to work today', 'set alarm for 8 : 30 pm tonight', 'Message Renee I cannot make the baby shower today .', 'When will the accident be cleared', 'well if you watch it than you can know for sure one way or another.', 'Set an alarm for the babysitter', \"Get me driving directions to Nam ' s salon in Abington\", '2 pm weather please', 'What is my alarm for Tuesday ?', 'I want to set the timer to 30 minutes', 'Change my entire alarm list', 'Cancel my wake up alarm', 'how quick does the traffic on the highway flow', 'Message Ann asking her if she found my phone', 'updates on traffic please', 'When is the lightest traffic', 'Can you remind me to call in refills for meds for mom and dad on Saturday at 9 am ?', 'What is the severe weather risk today here ?', 'Deduct 19 minutes from my active timer', 'How long does it take to get from Kingman to Laughlin ?', 'How fast is the wind in kilometers ?', 'Is Hugh Jackman a robot?', 'set an alarm for 5 Am monday thru thursday', 'Send message to Jack and Jill and tell them I am on my way', \"What is today ' s low ?\", 'Tell me any family friendly events happening this weekend', 'is there any flooding on capitol expressway this morning', 'Is an umbrella necessary today ?', 'Turn on some classic rock music', 'things to do in orange county this weekend', 'Any family events next weekend in katy', 'Please delete any alarms set tomorrow', 'are there any delays on 1 - 29 to kansas city', 'Can I get from here to Lafayette , La before noon ?', 'put the next alarm on silence', 'It is sensible to approach the trader first .', 'what is the traffic from here to lewisville like right now', 'send a message to jeff saying he looked hot today', 'This Thursday , please change my alarm to 8 am', 'What is the temperature like today ?', 'forget the alarm tomorrow', 'What is the weather in Umbria ?', 'The Budget is presented with a Budget Speech which is , in fact , one of the most important speeches in Parliament .', 'On the 19th of May , what do you think the weather will be like ?', \"What ' s going on in Orlando\", 'Are the roads supposed to be icy tomorrow night ?', \"how long will it take me to get to mom ' s\", 'Remind my husband to mow the lawn before 7 pm tonight', 'Set the alarm for 20 minutes from now', 'Tell me the radar for Friday', 'Any good punk concerts in San Fran tonight', 'Type good evening', 'Please play Jonny Lang radio', 'How much time left on 30 second timer', 'loop song', 'by doing this, anna proved that he is not a fascist. . . . .', 'Show me all timers set for with a duration of more than 4 hours', 'cancel the alarm for 6 pm', 'Speed dating events coming up this month', 'Thumbs up the last message in besties group chat', 'Tell Leesa I am busy now but will call her later', 'Will it be below 78 in degrees Celsius in Paris tonight', 'I am looking forward to adding it to my list of movies to watch.', 'set alarm for in the morning', 'CHANGE MY 4 : 45 PM ALARM TO 5 : 00 PM', 'Create a midnight alarm for January 1st .', \"cancel Lucy ' s recital reminder .\", \"Message Lisa , and ask what ' s the fastest route to the interstate .\", 'Can you alert me with a reminder about the meeting I have at 3 pm ?', 'Can you make Cindy a reminder to pull the Turkey out of the oven at 7 ?', 'you get something anjali, you wont understand https://twitter.com/upoliticat/status/864066951475216384 …', 'cancel alarm right now', \"It's about a Superhero called Iron Man, in real non-superhero life he's a genius inventor.\", 'Add 10 minutes to my timer .', 'judge : tell why did #dhoni resign ?', 'is morningside lane drivable in martinsville today', 'What will the weather be like tomorrow in Florida ?', 'how is the traffic between tampa and orlando', 'my xbox live ends tomorrow. moder warfare 3 and gears of war 3 all day ! hit me up !', 'Concerts this week', 'please pause the timer', 'play some more reggae', 'What is the traffic going from Harrisburg to Philadelphia', 'I want to know the weather forecast for Denmark .', 'Is traffic light', 'What is the weather going to be like this week ?', 'What is the low predicted temperature for tonight ?', 'What will the traffic be like if I leave in 30 minutes ?', 'When is the next biggest country event happening', 'Play some reggae', 'Can you update my floss my teeth reminder to once every day instead ?', 'play rap music'], 'hi_ng': ['chats me abhi switch kare', 'hahaha ...solid hai re baba', '6 pm ke liye alarm ko reset karen', 'Kya aap dinner ke reminders khoj sakte hai ?', 'meeting ko work par reschedule karne ke liye reminder se chhutkaara paayen', 'Dan ke liye har mahine mujhe renter ki pay karne ke liye reminder set kare', 'vah hissa jaha vah prarthanao ka javab dene ke liye email system banata hai aur ise auto-reply \"haa\" ke liye set karata hai vah bahut hi majedar hai aur dhharm ke bare me bahut kuchh kahata hai.', 'kya aap classic holiday tunes baja sakte hai', 'Aaj work ke liye traffic', 'kya aaj toofan aa raha hai ?', 'aj temperature kitna hone wala hai ?', 'July 4th ko mausam kaisa hoga .', 'classic rock bajao .', 'kya I 24 par koi traffic hai', 'upstate NY me Music festivals', 'kya is haftey koi baarish hogi ?', 'North Dakota me abhi ka temperature kya hai', 'Friday ke liye bread pick up karne ke liye reminder set kare', 'Parantu ek mahatvapurna sansthan American sarkar ka dava he ki unhe hadayat ke lakshya ka pata nahi tha. F.B. I. ke pravakta ne kaha,”Kuchh bhi nahi he jo aatankvaad ki aur sanket karta ho”. F.B.I. ke ek aur adhikari ne hadayat ke sambandh me kaha, “It appears he went there with the intention of killing people. Why he did that we are still trying to determine.” Possible causes named include a work dispute and a hate crime”.', 'Sunday ke liye forecast kya hai', 'please is gaaney ko delete karen', 'Aaj subha I - 55 par traffic kaisa hai ?', 'mujhe aas paas mei Maroon five ke saarey concerts boliye', 'kya tum mujhe agle hafte ke liye weather bata sakte ho ?', 'Is weekend Harvard Square mei Summer Solstice celebration hai', 'ghar par jaane me kaisa hai', 'wake up par alarm on hai', 'baarish kitne bajhe aai hai', 'mujhe 3 baje dad ko uski - medication dene ke liye yaad dilaye', 'Mujhe traffic dikhao', 'mujhe event me photo lene ke liye yaad dilaye', 'Milton ko message karo aur bolo ki mujhse elevator par milen', 'Beijing ke liye aaj f degree mei kitni garmi hai', 'kya toofan hai ?', 'kya ap car oil change appointment reminder set up kar sakte hai on sunday august 5th 2018 at 8 am', '\" bt ab proud sina tokh k #SurgicalStrike #TradebanPak a nara uthrahai . KASHMIRYUVA JOIN #BharatiyaSeNa', '9 hours ke liye timer set kardo', 'dhanywad aap ke bahumulya samay ke liye mere se baat karne ke liye', 'alarm 3 ko cancel karo', 'kya is weekend fort worth me koi community garage sales hai', 'mujhe panch din ka weather forecast dijiye', 'maine jo timer set kiya use phir se shuru karo', 'Please mere agle alarm ko dikhao', 'mujhe saturday ko mere visa aur paypal bill pay karne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'us gaaney ko repeat kare .', 'January me LA me movie premieres he', 'Mere wednesday ke school ke baad Tim ko pick karne ke reminder ko delete kare', 'Yoyogi Park ke aas paas kitna traffic hai', 'mujhe mere alarm ko is evening 8 pm se is subha 9 : 30 pm tak badal na chahiye', 'mujhe Wellsboro se Plymouth tak pahunchne ke liye sabse tez rasta batao .', 'Kya bahar hot hai', 'aj temperature kitna hone wala hai ?', '10 din baad mausam kaisa rahega ?', 'Wo aadmi hai', 'mujhe batao ki school se the movie theater tak pahunchne ke liye mujhe batao', 'Todd aur Will ko bhejne ke liye ek video message record karo', 'kal La Plata me kya hone wala hai', 'Mullo ko bhagao...TP mat karo', 'kya aj work ke roads par baarish ho rahi hai', 'music ko restart karo', 'Muje Hampton outlets tak drive karke jane me kitna time lagega', 'meri ma ko text karo ke I ’ m on my way .', 'LA me traffic ki condition kitni congested hai', 'kya aj Moody Beach par dhoop hogi ?', 'mujhe aj raat ko andey laane ke liye yaad dilaye', 'timer par time bacha hai .', 'Mere liye thoda Imagine Dragons bajao', 'is haftey ke alarms display kare', 'timer se 5 minutes remove kardo', 'please blue play kare', 'Pyar kisi ke saath bhi ho sakta hai.', 'Elton John ka ek song bajayen', 'kya mere paas koi alarms abhi bhi set hai', 'ek timer set karo', 'Please mere daily yoga sessions ke liye alert hata den .', \"Mom ko text bhejo . Don ' t worry\", 'Ha,me use bhi barbar sunta hu', 'Mujhe Basketball Event se 30 minutes pehle yaad dilaayen', 'kya is haftey Okemo mei koi night skiing hai', 'mere bete ko message bhejo', 'Har roz 9 pm ko mujhe meri dawa khane ke liye yaad dilaye', 'satellite map ko open kare', 'caterer ko message karo aur bolo ki reception me donuts laane ke liye', 'lou ke liye kuch bhi karega types wala? Ishq wala lou?', 'agley track ko skip kare', '45 minutes ke liye timer set kare', 'aaie mausam sunen', 'Kya muje kal umbrella lana chahiye ?', 'har 2nd Saturday ko sham 4 baje bajne ke liye ek alarm create karo', 'shuru hone ke baad 15 minutes ke liye timer alarm set kare', 'Mujhe Saturday ko Maeghan ko ek wedding gift khareedne ke liye yaad dilaayen .', 'aaj Los Angeles me traffic kaisa hai', 'agar mai abhi nikalta hoon toh mai meri mom ke ghar kab paunchunga', 'Aaj kis US city ka temperature sabse thand hai', 'mai latest press conference dekhne ke liye yaad dilana nahi bhulna chahta hu', \"Richard ko message karo ki It ' s too short .\", 'kal Los Angeles me kya events hone wale hai', 'popular music me se current top 20 songs bajao', 'Tuesdays ko shaam 4 baje alarm ko repeat kare', 'Kya aap muje is weekend ka forecast bata sakte he .', 'Maine se Atlanta kitna door he', 'kya aaj baahar garm hone wala hai ?', 'Aaj ke liye low temperature kya he', 'Miami se New York tak ki doori kitni hai', 'kya agle mahine mere area mei koi music festivals aane wale hai', 'hafte ke liye Timer', 'February ke alarms delete karo', 'Mere liye 90s ka music bajao', 'aaj ke liye mere koi bhi reminders padhen', 'la masseria ko message karo aur pucho ki they found the ring i lost', 'Thursday ko oil change karne ke liye reminder hata dein', 'highway par traffic kaisi dikh rahi hai', 'Mai Sinatra ke hits sunna chahta hu', 'March 24th ke liye 3 baje ka alarm set karna chahiye', 'bahar kab andhera hoga', 'ek ghante ke liye har 20 minute ka timer set kare', 'traffic jam kitne miles tak he', 'Mere grandfather ke ghar se Denver tak drive karke jaane me kitne ghante lagega ?', '5 : 00 pm ke liye mausam ka prediction kya hai ?', 'please alarm ko band kardo', 'sleep playlist ko bajao', 'Columbia mei kis samay sabse zyada bhaari traffic hoti hai', 'mai mere ghar se 7 PM ko nikalraha to Richmond , VA tak pahunchne me mujhe kitna samay lagega ?', 'Kya aaj nyc me traffic bhaari hai', 'din ke liye temperature low kya hai ?', 'Doosre actors ke baare mein kya thoughts hain? Main bhook gaya tha ki Tim McGraw bhi movie mein tha, haha.', 'music ko ruko', 'Mujhe aaj sham 5 baje kaam ke baad apples pickup karne ke liye yaad dilaayen .', 'timer ko badlein', 'mujhe kisne abhi text kia', 'ye song kharab hai , agla ?', 'Please mere timer ko roke', 'Denver ke aas paas Marathons', 'Okay , kal Papa ki party ke baare me mera reminder cancel kare .', 'Dallas se ghar tak drive karne mei kitni der lagegi', 'Ramadan ke liye forecast', 'redmond me weekend par traffic kaisa hai', 'doctor ke liye meri ride kitni lambi hogi', 'road kaisa dikh raha hai', 'mujhe 1 minute ka timer chahiye .', 'Please ek alarm set kardo for 9 pm this evening', 'are nahiiiiinnn! poto hi sahi, kam se kam log dekh to pa rahe hain', 'kya abhi New Jersey Turnpike par congestion hai ?', 'Aww so sweet, Chalo main hi so jaata hu pehle...\\nisse pehle ke tumhare aur tweets padhne pade ', 'southington me apple harvest fest ke liye highway lena zyada tezz hoga ya back roads ?', 'us timer ko phirse set kare', 'Aur yadi unki speed zero hai, they’ll maintain that restfulness.', 'mujhe aj subah Tulsa ke liye traffic report chahiye', 'Juan se pucho ki when he starts his new job .', '2nd august 4 pm ko Aerosmith concert ke baare me alert hata dein', 'kya aas paas koi Lorde concert available hai', 'mai London ka kal evening ke liye mausam janna chahta hoon', 'Agar kisi kaam ko logo ki prashansa ke bajaye bajaye virodh mile to wo kaam 100% sahi hai .... I Salute Notebandi', 'is weekend Dothan mei Christmas concerts hai', 'Muje Thanksgiving ke liye weather bataye .', 'Lee ke sath dinner ke liye reminder par time badlein from 5 to 6 pm', 'Kya kal barf padne wali hai', 'mere agle alarm ko delete kare', 'mujhe yaad dilao ki mujhe jaldi laundry karne ki zaroorat hai .', '5 haftou ke liye wednesdays ke liye alarm banaye', 'NY me average rainfall', 'paused timer ko restart kare', 'Kevin ko kal football practice ke baare me yaad dilaayen .', '6 : 00 pm ko dinner ke liye alarm set kare', 'kya Philadelphia me koi cooking classes hai', 'Kya Miami me koi accident ke reports he', 'kya aaj raat baarish hogi', 'agar mai Liberty Mall se 4 : 18 baje shuru hota hoon toh mai Independence Hall kab tak pahuchunga ?', 'shaam ke samay mausam kaisa rahega ?', 'mujhe heavy traffic se bachna hai', 'kal 4 am ke liye alarm set kare', '28 Days Later ke liye soundtrack bajaye', 'kya kal Melbourne me koi concerts hai', '15 may ke liye dopahar 2 bajhe ke liye mere liye ek alarm set karen .', 'Kya me aaj work ke raste me traffic hit karunga', 'Luanne bridal shower ke liye reminder set karen .', '7th ko shaam 4 baje Mum ko call karne ke liye', 'Karen ko batao ki event is canceled', 'theek hai kul milaakar mujhe laga ki yah movie kaaphee achee thee.', 'rap music ko skip kare', 'Kya hum USA me aur hurricanes ki ummeed karsakte hai', 'photos: rihanna crowned carnaval queen: pop superstar visited the greystone manor supperclub wednesday night and was . . . http/URL', \"yaha se meri dentist ' s office appointment tak pahunchne me kitna samay lagega\", 'kya mera timer abhi bhi on hai ?', 'hamare pass pichli raat kitni barish hui', 'kal ke liye ek naya alarm banaen', 'whatsapp par mere messages pahunchne do', 'alarm adjustment from 9 pm to 10 pm', 'area me kya koi lightening hai', 'kal ke dinner ka reminder delete kare', 'I think yah ghar se shuru hoti hai ek hi roof ke niche.', 'Please mere liye alarm set karo for Sunday the 1st May', 'ab band kare', 'route konsa hai jisme sabse kam traffic ho', 'time shuru karo', 'aaj ka forecast kya hai', 'kya the 405 abhi bhi congested hai', 'kya Cleveland , Ohio me abhi barish ho rahi hai ?', 'kya koi roads blocked hai', 'Jordan ko note send karo aur pucho ke if she can add 3 - 4 vegan menu items to the potluck dinner on June 28th .', 'kya aap Tom Petty station create karsakte hai ?', 'Cedar Rapids me Hayrides', 'Kya aaj San Francisco me traffic bhaari hai', 'what time they want to go to the Santa Monica Pier ?', 'Jamie ko message karo aur pucho ki if she got a ride to the dance Friday', '3 : 30 pm ke liye alarm lagaye', 'Is weekend Detroit mei music concerts hai', 'kal mai kya karsakta hu', 'is traffic ke sath mujhe waha pahunchne me kitna samay lagega', 'mere set kiye huwe alarms dikhao', 'kal Cedar Park me Farmers markets hai', 'every Tuesday dopahar 3 pm aur 4 pm ke liye 2 alarms set kare', 'kya agle 7 dino me barf padegi ?', '10 minute ka timer set kare', 'timer ko zero se shuru kare', '33 minutes ke liye timer set kare aur yaad dilaayen .', 'kuch gospel music bajao', 'Dre ka naya album bajao .', 'Schenectady me aj raat Holiday events hai', 'Friday 16th am ke liye alarm shuru kare', 'Usme sabse naya song bajao', 'aaj mousam kaisa hai ?', 'Charles ko pick karne ke liye reminder set kare', 'kya New Years Eve par baarish hogi ?', 'Tuesday ko 7 am aur 8 am ke liye alarm create karo', 'kuch European play kare', 'Jalandhar jayega whisky ke saath to achha lagega!', 'January me Caribbean me kitni thand hone wali hai', 'Lima mei highest temperature kya hai ?', 'kya southern california me baarish hoti hai ?', 'mere raaste me koi detours hai', 'Kya is weekend traffic bhari hoga', 'kal menlo park mein c degree mein kitni garmi hone wali hai', 'kya aj memorial stadium ke raaste me koi road construction hai ?', 'Washington DC me weekend par family events ko khoje', 'agle song ko skip kare', 'mujhe tuesday ko meeting mei jane ke liye reminder set kare please', 'Las Vegas me Concerts', 'Puerto Rico ke liye 10 din ka forecast kya hai', 'Please , alarm create karo .', 'mere alarm ko cancel kare', 'kya aap John Legend ka All of Me baja sakte hai ?', 'Kya me Calfornia ka mausam dekh sakta hu ?', 'Evan ke liye kal Conor ko email karne ke liye reminder set kare', 'Koi Dilli main bhi boond do boond baarish bhej do \" we want to breathe #Frustration #delhipollution #DelhiGasChamber', 'timer ko cancel karo', 'weekend ke liye mausam kaisa rehne ki ummed hai', 'Hampton Park me abhi mausam kaisa hai ?', 'Kya aaj raat baarish honi chahiye', 'kya koi museum events hai', 'is track ko abhi pause kare', 'Aj Paulines printer par check karne ke liye reminder set kare', 'Kya aap muje doctor ki appointment ke baare me 30 minutes pehle alert kar sakte he', 'Please ek alarm create karo jo subha 8 am aur dopahar 2 : 30 pm ko band hojaye', 'Abhi se ek ghante ka alarm reset kare', 'I hate the last song .', 'us message ne fir kya kaha ?', 'aaj ke reminders ko sirf dikhao', 'is weekend Austin me konse christmas events hone wale hai', 'Ethan ko message karo aur use bolo ki mai usey dekhne ke liye intazar nahi kar sakta', 'hamare pass yaha kitni baarish hoti hai ?', 'Mere music ko bajao', 'Teresa ko bolo ki I love her', 'mere favorite songs ki list karo', 'ghar par estimate arrival time', 'mujhe December 20 ko mere brother ko birthday card bhejne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'mere aas paas ki aaj raat Metal concerts', 'Please mujhe mere current alarms display kare .', 'unread text messages ko access karo', 'kya Olympia aur Seattle ke beech koi road work hai', '0450 ghante ke liye alarm set kardo', 'Class of 76 teleconference ke liye sabhi reminders ko delete karo', 'is haftey bacchon ke liye holiday parties', 'weekend ke liye kya forecast hai', 'aaj ke reminder ko 5 bajhe ke liye badliye', 'Wednesdays ke alarm cancel kardo', 'timer kya set hai', 'mere timer ko restart kare', 'mujhe yaad dilao ki Tuesday subah 9 bajhe mere paas doctor ka appointment hai', 'first dye hair timer ke sath chalkar jaayen', 'Lil Wayne ka latest song bajayen', 'Kya aaj raat koi toofan aayega ?', 'kal Irvine me kya hone wala hai', 'Aur stamps laane ke liye mujhe yaad dilaye', '4 PM ke liye alarm cancel kare please', 'the Childrens Little Theater mei agla play kya hai', 'last song ko wapas play kare', 'reminder ko cancel kardo', 'thawing dinner ke liye reminder ko delete karen', 'Is week paddling learning kaha se kare', 'New York me traffic kaisa hai', 'mujhe 2 pm ke liye set kiya hua ek alarm chahiye', 'Aaj kitna hot hone wala he', 'kya airport ke aas paas traffic hai', 'Subah ka naashta - Lahore me\\nDopahar ka khana - Karachi me\\nRaat ki party - Islamabad me\\n\\nJai Hindhttps://twitter.com/IndiaTVHindi/status/781394021402812416Â\\xa0…', 'meri reminder list ko dikhao', 'Muje Maritimes ke liye weather bataye .', 'Roseville me Friday raat ko dancing ke liye sabse acha jagah', 'Anna ko message bheje ye puchne ke liye ki when she has time', 'please , mere dopahar 2 baje ke meeting ke reminder ko delete kare', 'Kya muje aaj umbrella ki zarurat padegi', 'Aur agar woh deniers gumraho mein se hai.', 'RWA ke agle 3 years ke liye sarey Conventions and locations list karo', 'The Blue Lagoon ke timer recording ko cancel karo', 'Latvia mei weather kaisa hai', 'hotel room lene ke liye ek reminder set kare', 'please Jane ko is audio message ke sath reply kare', 'please subah 6 baje ke liye utne ke liye set kare', 'austin tx ka forecast kya hai ?', 'mere reminders me aj ke liye kya pending hai ?', '9 , 12 aur 3 baje teen alarms set kare', 'Entertainment sabko free ka hi chahiye hota hai, haaye ye zaalim duniya *wipes a tear*', \"Felicia ko message bhejo jisme likha ho ki the paint isn ' t drying yet\", 'alarm ko snooze kare', 'kal Milania ke sath meri meeting ke liye reminder set karen', 'When relatives ask', 'music shuffle karo', '17th May ko 9 pm ke liye ek alarm set karen', 'kal sham 11 bajhe ke liye go to bed alarm start kare', 'cat lovers group thread par ek video message bhejo', 'iheartradio par 99 . 5 radio station bajao', 'Khatam vaartaalaap button aaya....aapaka dopahar achchha beete!', 'Agle hafte Atlanta mei 2 Chainz ke hone wale Concerts', '15 minutes me bajne ke liye alarm set kare', 'is friday Miami me kya hone wala hai', 'kya mujhe jacket pehenni chahiye ?', 'kya New York se Florida tak koi dusra raasta hai jo I 95 ke raste se guzarti hai', 'maine last time par kya alarm set kiya', 'Andrew ko message karo take the kids to soccer practice .', 'mujhe Indianapolis ka mausam dijiye .', 'mujhe har Sunday 10 pm ke liye sone jaane ke liye yaad dilane ke liye alarm set kare', 'kya aj dopahar koi sports events hai', 'Please mere top rated artists ko play kare', 'kya aage traffic detours hai', '7 dino ke liye alarm repeat kare', 'Please timer ko rokey', 'kya ap mujhe agley 7 din tak ke liye weather bata sakte hai .', 'us alarm ko abhi band karo', 'ringing ko band karo', 'is hafte ke liye mujhe mere sabhi reminders dikhao aur mujhe yaad dilao about their times .', 'Kya work ke raste me construction hai ?', 'kya kal barish hone wali hai ?', 'kya aaj ke liye pants too hot hone wale hai', 'Mere current timer par kitna time bacha he ?', 'sun set kitne bajhe hota hai', 'sabhi alarms se chhutkaara paayen', '20 minutes ke liye timer banaye', 'Monday through Friday ke liye subah 6 baje ka alarm set kare', 'Gaia ko WhatsApp par hurry up karne ke liye bolo .', 'Abhi 5 kaisi dikh rahi hai', 'current traffic kaisa hai', 'Los Angeles aur Sacramento ke beech ka sabse chota rasta kaunsa hai in miles', 'mere liye thoda Beatles khoje', 'mene karungi, but mera patni tho bahut enjoy karega surely!', 'Kya Sun ke forecast me baarish he ?', 'please alarms set karo for 9 . 00am and 9 . 30am on Tuesday', 'acha, muje yeh award ke stuff ke baare mein tho kuch patha hi nahi hein', 'Nappa me wine train lene ke liye kitna price he', '6 am , 9 pm and 11 pm ke liye alarm set karen .', 'mujhe friday ke alarms dikhao', 'phone , mere boss ko message kare aur puche how much was the deposit ?', 'agley 2 Sundays ko dopahar ko alarm set kare', 'Colorado Springs me kitni barf ko expect kar rahe hai', 'Muje pool mein das laps tak jane ke liye Time nikaliye', 'mere daily wake up alert ko 4 am ko hata do .', 'kal sun rise kab hota hai', 'mere alarm par kitna samay bacha hai ?', 'mere sarey alarms cancel kare', 'todays high and low he', 'Monday ko 6 aur 7 . 30 AM ko repeating alarms set karen', 'mere pati ko Thursday ko game se pehle chicken , rice aur shredded cheese ko pick up karne ke liye reminder send kare', 'mujhe 8th june ko shaam 4 baje ke liye alarm chahiye', 'kya aap mera alarm snooze karsakte hai ?', 'garbage bin kuch shaadi wadi , padosiyo se ladai , gumne ki trip wagerah ke post bhi dalo . . . . . ', 'Mujhe jantha tumhaara matalab pata tha.', 'aalvida', 'aaj ka temperature bataye please', 'mai apni alarm schedule ko janna chahta hoon', 'alarm ko band kardo', 'Agle hafte St Augustine me Music events hai', 'timer ko hold karke rakhe', 'Tuesday ko 8 am aur 2 pm ke liye alarm create kare', 'mere classroom ke liye sabhi alarms dikhao jo mere classroom ke liye set kiye gaye hai', 'kya ye beach day hai', 'Aaj kitne baje baarish shuru hogi ?', 'Agar me Miami dopahar ko nikalta hu to me Jacksonville kab pohchunga ?', 'Agle hafte Beijing mein kitni thand hone wali degrees celcius me', 'France me mausam kaisa hai', 'Kya mujhe sweater chahiye ?', 'kya Sunday ke liye koi interesting hai', 'moutains mei weather kaisa hai', 'timer ko delete kare', 'Mesa St par traffic delay kitni lambi hai', 'timer par kitna time bacha he', 'mujhe 9 pm ko mera show miss karna nahi hai ; kya aap mujhe 20 minutes pehle alert kar sakte hai ?', 'Mujhe pata hai ki woh ek achcha weird naam tha. Un dino mein Facebook bhi weird hua karta tha.', 'is mahine the wife ke saath dinner plans ke sabhi reminders ko pull up kare', 'Ye rishta kya kehlata hai...https://twitter.com/calestous/status/628777606037553152\\xa0…', 'Shaun ko message karo aur pucho ki what beer he wants', 'mai dopahar ke samay ka mausam janna chahta hoon', 'Saturday par subha 9 baje ke liye mera alarm set karen', 'mujhe popular Spotify playlists dikhao', 'today orlando me kya ho raha he', 'mere aas pas skiing', 'kya gympie me koi barf hai', 'Mere alarm tak kitna time he ?', 'mujhe office se kitne baje nikal na chahiye 5 pm tak Dr ke office pahuchne ke liye', 'spotify par armin van buuren ko play karen', 'Isaiah ke ghar drive karke jaane me kitna samay lagega', 'aaj kitna hot hone wala he', 'ETA', 'kal 3 pm ke liye ek alarm set karen vet ko phone karne ke liye', 'Twitter mein aapka swagat hai.\\nKrupya apne dimaag ki peti bandh kare, apna mobile phone apne pichwaade se chipkaye rakhe. Sukkhad yatra.', 'Kya aaj windy hone wala he ?', 'Ye kaun afwaah phaila raha hai?', 'dry cleaning laane ke liye reminder set kare', 'Smile reaction text', 'Aloha me next weekend par karne ke liye cheeze', 'har Sunday subha 8 am ko church ke liye alarm set kare', 'mai aj kitne inches ki barf expect kar sakti hoon ?', 'Aaj sham 6 baje alarm lagaye', 'calculator requirements ke bare mei mujhe reminders dikhao', 'kal New York ke paas kitna hot hone wala hai degrees C me batayen', 'Mujhe kal meri appointment ke liye 4 baje ka reminder chahiye', 'agley 6 months ke liye mere saarey event reminders list karo', '7 : 00 am ke liye set alarm delete kare', 'mujhe work se kab nikalna chahiye at 5 . 30 pm ko home pahuchne ke liye', 'aj ke liye high kya hai ?', 'mere golf group ko yaad dilaye', 'Please agle 8 weeks ke liye har Sunday alarm set kare .', 'Us text ko reply shoot kare', 'Friday ke liye mausam kaisa hai ?', 'adhe ghante ke liye mera alarm snooze karo', 'Kya is weekend triple digits mei hone wale hai', 'Kya kal ka forecast aaj ke jaisa hoga ?', 'kya 101 par traffic hai', 'kal ke liye ek bedtime naam ka alarm banao', 'Me mere teeth brush karne ke liye yad dilana chahta hu', 'mujhe kal subha car ko clean karne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'Muje 15th ko mere cat ko vet me le jane ke liye remind karaye .', 'subha 7 baje ke alarm ko subha 6 : 30 baje me badal do', 'main sahamat hoon', 'agar mai Newport se subah 6 baje nikalta hoon , toh mai Boise me kitne baje pohchunga ?', '15 minutes ke liye timer set karen .', 'mera next reminder kya hai ?', 'mujhe meri dawa khane ke liye yaad dilaye', \"agar mai 15 minutes mei nikalta hoon toh mujhe mall se Trader Joe ' s pahuchne mei kitni der lagegi ?\", 'mai Sydney , Australia ka mausam dekhna chahta hoon', 'New York City tak pahuchne ke liye kitni der lagegi', 'Rebecca ko message karo aur use bolo ki have a good day', 'subah 7 bajhe ke liye alarm cancel kare', 'Dallas se Green Bay tak kitne miles hai', '15th May ko 7 pm ko mujhe jagaane ke liye ek alarm set karen', 'pandora me song ko skip kare', '45 minutes ke liye ek timer set kare', 'kal raat Pechanga Comedy Club me perform karne wale kaunse artist hai', 'last 15 seconds ko aloud count down kare', 'agley 10 hafton ke liye Tuesday ke liye alarm create kare', 'Yaha se Palm Springs , to 29 Palms , and back again', '15th July ko subah 6 baje Gym naam ka ek naya alarm shuru hoga', 'Florida kab tak toofan aayega', 'mujhe kuch Whitney Houston sunna hai', '14 saal ka kids ke hein', 'baton rouge mei traffic kaisa hai', 'is week ka last Snowfall kya din hai ?', 'Muje bataiye ki raat 10 baje mousam kaisa hoga', 'homework reminder ko hata do', 'please Deborah ko text bhejen', 'April 26 ko Riverside Club me concert', 'Kya bahar baarish ho rahi he', '2 pm ke liye ek naya alarm set karo jisey Medication kaha jata hai', \"Please 80 ' s ke music bajao .\", 'dunia mei kis location ka mausam sabse acha hai', 'kya - route par koi accident hua hai', 'please mere timer ko band kardo', 'Mujhe Saturday subah 9 bajhe yaad dilaayen ki Aden ki birthday party dopahar ke samay hai .', 'last song ko reply kare', 'Is hafte ke liye Midwest me toofan', 'aj kitni barf expected hai ?', '5 months me Gucci Mane concert ke liye reminder add karen', 'mei Meryl Streep ka fannahi hui', 'kya aap dekh sakte hai ki mere paas har din fish ko feed karne ka reminder hai ?', 'ek 9 am aur 12 pm ka alarm banaen .', 'Is dopahar ko mausam kaisa rahega ?', 'mujhe school ke baad dog ko walk par lejaane ke liye yaad dilaayen', '10 minutes ke liye timer set karen', 'Tuesday subha 5 30 ke liye ek alarm enter karen .', 'weekend forecast kaisa dikhraha hai ?', 'Aaj raat 5 pm ka ek alarm set karen', 'boston se new york tak ki drive kitni lambi hai', 'Kal subha 10 am ko utne ke liye reminder set kare', 'kya aaj poora din baarish chalne wali hai ?', 'Please kal ke liye mera wakeup alarm change kare', 'mujhe do hafton me library books ko return karne ke liye yaad dilaayen .', 'mujhe batao ki Lady Gaga California mei play hogi', 'guitar repair reminder ko September 3rd ko samaan samay badlein', 'mujhe 3 pm ko pick karne ke liye Lauren ko message karo', 'town me traffic kaise aa raha hai', 'kya I - 10 par traffic hai', 'mujhe milk lane ke liye yaad dilaye', 'detours ke sath Atlanta pohochne me kitna time lagega ?', 'Tom ko message karo aur mujhe documents bhejne ke liye bolo .', 'r and b ke music ko bajao', 'kya 2018 mei CST zone mei Hairstyles for Long Hair workshop naam ka koi animal hai', 'australia ka weather', 'is weekend ka weather forecast kya hai', 'Kya mere ghar se Eugene tak Hwy 6 lena zyada tez hoga ya Hwy 18 ?', 'Aurelien ko message kare ki mai use apni drink wapas dunga', 'Mere pas konsa alarm on hai ?', 'kal 4 am ke liye alarm set kare', 'if he refused to do the bidding of his lord to uske tatha uske nikat sambandhiyo ki jaan jati he.', 'mausam kaisa dikh raha hai ?', 'is week for Christmas kya chal raha hai', 'Modi sir yeh kaunsi jagah chale gaye ho, mere se toh naam bhi sahi se nai liya ja raha...lol :-D', 'Bhai tu bowling par dhyaan de. Nana Patekar mat banpic.twitter.com/y7s1oNeU2i', 'humko kitna snow milne wala he ?', 'by taking advantage of the fact that kisine hume K diya hai,', 'kya oregon me is summer par gila hai', 'Switch ke zariye kuch bhi play kare', 'Please iheartradio 94 5 WFLA ko on karo', 'Michael Jackson ka sabse popular song bajao', 'mere grandpa ko Voice message karo', 'subah 7 baje ke liye alarm set karo', 'station ko heavy metal mein badal do', 'Emily ke question par Haha', 'please early afternoon ka weather bataye', 'mujhe aj raat ko pick up ke liye garbage down karne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'time ko over start kare', 'mai bhul gaya hun ki Ed is having his pool party ke samay hum shahar se bahar nikal jayenge . isliye us reminder ko delete kare', 'Kya muje apna jacket pehen na padega to go outside ?', 'mere reminder ko hata do', 'England me weather kesa rahega ?', 'Delhi mein ho rahi baarish, Chicago mein nahi. Duh', 'Awesome, mene dekungi iss ke bare me!', 'kya Houston Texas me 15th Street par koi construction work chal raha hai ?', 'Ye log jo khudko creative ya artist samajhte hai, hamesha aise bhikariyon ki tarah dheele kurte, lambe baal aur sadyal chashma kyu pehente?', '4 years ke liye alarm set kare', 'kal Austin me hone wale Sporting events', 'kal weather man ne kaha tha ke aaj baarish hosakti hai . aaj weather kaisa hai ?', 'patrice ko message karo aur pucho ki i left my ipad at her house', 'coldplay ka latest album bajao', 'agar mai abhi nikalta hoon toh kya mai shaam 5 baje tak ghar pahunch sakta hoon ?', 'Lindsay ko message karo aur pucho ke the hotel in St . Joe she was telling me about', 'mai chat requests chahta hoon', 'us 59 north par traffic kyu hai', 'mere last reminder ko hata do .', 'King henry bole jo bhi maleficent ko marega vo agla raja banega aur uske beti se shadi karega', 'Please is song ko skip kare', 'Mere liye Reba ki playlist se kuch tunes bajao .', 'kya ghar ke liye meri drive par koi accident reports hai', 'Is weekend Glendale me karne ke liye cheeze', 'weekdays par alarms band karo', 'kya mera timer 5 : 00 se pehle band hoga', 'kya is hafte baarish hogi', 'Hayward se Santa Monica tak drive karne mei kitni der lagegi', 'thursday ke liye sabhi alarms cancel kardo', 'Kitna time bacha he ?', 'meri mom kab aa rahi hai', 'Kya is haftey temperature freezing se upar hoga ?', 'dad ko bolo ki mai 9 pm ko ghar par rahunga', 'ye song ko baar - baar chalayen .', 'Chris ke liye ek video message banaye', 'Main aapke beti ka haath maangne aaya hu, mere haath ab thakk chuke hai.', 'Wednesday ke liye 5 pm ka ek biweekly alarm create kare', 'PANDORA par mera RELAXATION STATION bajao', 'Is evening me traffic ki condition kaisi hai', 'yaha se Trenton ko jaane ke liye kitna samay lagega ?', 'kya kal dopahar baarish hogi', 'please 3 pm ko alarm set karen aur fir ek ghante ke liye har 2 minute mei continuously ding denge', 'is mahine Fargo me konse rock concerts chal rahe he ?', 'Brunswick me Santa ke sath Breakfast events ho rahe he', 'mai interstate par jaane se bachne ke liye office pahunch sakta hoon', 'Greg ko ek text bhejo jo kehta he ki Mafia III is a good game', '5 June ke shaam ke liye kya forecast hai', 'second alarm me 10 seconds add karo', 'timer se 5 minutes remove kardo', 'kya koi Dog Shows aane wala hai', 'saare alarms band karo', 'phir use uss (bachche) ka gharbh rah gaya, and she withdrew with him to a far place.', 'Muje subah 10 baje ka weather bataye .', 'Kya aaj cloudy hone wala he', 'kya is haftey Andover me ek horse show hai', 'Siri , meri ma ko bolo ki , baad me baat karo .', 'Spotify me last album ko replay kare .', '7th ke liye mera alarm set karen', 'December me Chief ke football game ka reminder delete kare', 'Muje Guangzhou ke mausam ke baare me bataye', 'mujhe aaj pots and pans laane ke liye yaad dilaye', 'Tennessee aur Florida ke beech kitna distance hai', 'kya aap timer ko restart karsakte hai ?', 'Is weekend hattiesburg me karne ke liye cheeze', 'mai ek message shuru karna chahta hoon', 'Kya ap mujhe bata sakte hai at the weekend weather kesa rahega', 'Thursday 3 om aur 5 pm ke liye alarm create kare', 'Kya waha traffic hai', 'Senses Fail ko bajao', 'Texas ka forecast kya hai', 'state park tak drive karke jane me kitna time lagega', 'Saturday subha 8 am ka alarm set kare .', 'Muje Australia ke mausam ke baare me bataye', 'Monday ke liye sabhi morning alarms ko band karo', 'Salman bhai,kabhi aap samne miljao na,toh jarur apke gale laag jaunga,,taab mera v kick laag jayegi,,,', 'Susan ke divorce ke plans ko discuss karne wale reminder ko delete karen', 'kya abhi freeway saaf hai ?', 'kya aaj bahar garm hai ?', \"Text karo . I ' m taking charge of it .\", 'kya Disneyland ke liye off ramp par koi traffic hai', 'Addie ko yaad dilaayen ki 30 minutes me she needs to feed the dog', 'kya bahar cold hai ?', 'Kya koi weather alerts he ?', 'Ozzy Osbourne play kariye', 'kya NoHo me agle Sunday ko koi event hai', 'mujhe Johnny Cash ke prison songs sunna hai', 'Ye kya he ... Last me hi Band Baj jati he hamesha #IndvsSA', 'Mere current timer ko delete kare', 'Mujhe Friday ko plants ko water karne ke liye yaad dilaayen', '9th june ko 3 pm se 4 pm tak mere alarm ko badal do', 'Kya aap mere study statistics study group ko text kar sakte hai ki kal homework due hai ?', 'kal 5 am se subah 6 baje ke liye mere alarm ko badal do', 'Mujhe agley mahine ke liye mera schedule check karne ke liye yaad dilaayen .', 'Wednesday subah 6 bajhe wakeup alarm lagaye', 'sarey alarms delete karo', 'last song ko dohrayen', 'har Monday alarm set kare', 'Mujhe traffic update chahiye', 'wind speed kya hai ?', 'Dave se pucho ki kya unhone kabhi Potting Shed mei jana hai', '3 din ka forecast kya hai', 'mujhe sabhi alarms batao', 'seattle me kitni baar baarish hoti hai', 'Critics ne badhiya review diya hai. But critics ko artsy stuff pasand ata hai. Kafi move hogaye the wo log.', 'sure', 'radio band karo', 'is saal mere aas paas ke National Rifle Association ke meeting locations', 'kya Vancouver me snow fall 6 inches se kam nahi hua ?', 'Mere naye texts kya hai ?', 'kya ghar pahuchne ka koi dusra raasta hai', 'saare alarms band karo', 'kya baarish hone wali hai', 'New York City me is weekend karne ke liye free things', 'Ashok ko message karo ki bring his Radio today .', 'aaj 12 : 00 baje lunchtime alarm set kare', 'agla song', 'Beethoven se music dhundo', '70s ke kids songs bajao', 'ye track ko play karna band karo', 'alarm ko delete kare', 'Mujhe Thursday subah mujhe jo blood work chahiye ke baare me yaad dilaayen', 'Is weekend ko mujhe mere dog ko bath time karne ke liye yaad dilaayen .', 'Mack ko message kariye aur use boliye ki mai party se late hojaungi', 'kal subha 6 baje ka alarm add karen', 'Mai megan se krodhit hu because she didn’t invite me to her party.', 'mai ek song ko dhundh raha hoon', 'Los Angeles me traffic kaisa hai', 'Please aaj raat 9 pm ke liye ek alarm set karen', '1 pm ke liye alarm set kare', 'kya aage koi closures hai', 'Easter weekend ko Boerne me Easter egg hunts', 'kuch rap music play karo', 'Process ID assigned a vishishta sankhya to every prakriya running in the system.', \"Muje remind karaye ki Seager ' s flight comes in at 11 : 08 am tomorrow\", 'Sydney ka weather prediction , thanks .', 'iphone , school ko text karo ki Vicki is sick today .', 'mere alarm ko subah Silent kare', 'is haftey ke liye alarm ko repeat kare', 'Mujhe 10 am aur 10 pm ke beech har do ghante mei ek glass water peene ke liye yaad dilaye', 'Mujhe aaj car oil changed karne ke liye reminder chahiye .', 'Kya aaj Seattle me cloudy hoga ?', 'every Thursday subah 6 baje bajne ke liye alarm set kare', 'mujhe party ke liye shopping list banaye ke liye yaad dilayen', 'Tina ko message karo ki , Happy birthday to you ! Many many happy returns of the day .', 'thirty seconds ke liye naya timer set kariye', 'kya aap kal mere dentist appointment ke liye alert delete karsakte hai', 'mujhe aj sham 7 bajhe ghar saaf karne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'Hea God Craig Ferguson to swayam hi riot he!', 'kya mujhe mall pahunchne me zyada samay lagega agar mai I - 75 leta hun ya back roads leta hun', 'meri friend ke baby shower ka reminder delete kare', 'Is saturday ko Mesquite me Sporting events', 'is thursday sham 5 bajhe ke liye alarm set kare', 'Spotify me party playlist bajao shuffle par', \"after today's bet came in i'm feeling confident with tomorrow's bet: ath madrid , juve , napoli , bayern munich , porto #comeon\", 'mere liye chat requests khoje', 'kya road par flooding dheemi traffic par asar kar rahi hai', 'kya aap mera alarm change karsakte hai ?', 'Sex ratio to badh gaya \" magar kya isi din ke liye 0 ? Kab surakshit hongi desh me betiyan 0 ???', 'Is week ka weather kaisa hai', 'mere alarm ko 4 pm se 5 pm me badal do', 'timer ko cancel karo', 'agar mai work se abhi nikal jaoon to mai ghar kab paunchunga', 'mujhe is haftey ke morning ke liye sabhi alarms dikhao', 'kya aaj sham baarish hogi ?', 'abhi ka mausam', 'Mere pas Tuesday ke liye konse reminders he ?', 'Is weekend nyc me karne ke liye cheeze', 'iheartradio par 100 . 9 radio ko play kare', 'Spotify par kuch workout music play karo', '12 minutes ke liye timer ko check karo', 'isey skip kardo', 'Agle hafte Cancun me mausam kaisa rahega ?', 'wind chill kitna hone wala hai', 'the closest Target kaha hai', 'Aaj mere raaste par koi traffic hai', 'mujhe joey ki party me rsvp karne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'work ke liye mera traffic kitna hai', 'mere agley mahine ke nail appointments ke sabhi reminders delete karo', 'Monday se Friday tak subah 5 baje ke alarm ko repeat kare', 'pop music play karo', 'Aaj Salt Lake mei rihanna ka concert hai', 'main busy hoon isliye mujhe movies me jaane ke liye waqth nahin hai', 'mere aas paas ke free church events', 'please Usher ke latest album ko play kare', '25 minutes ke liye timer set kare', 'Kya London me traffic bhaari hai', 'Har Monday night recycles ko bahar nikalne ke liye mere liye ek reminder banaye', 'kya construction ke bina Onondaga St se 2300 Degrees Gathering tak koi raasta hai ?', '5 minute baad timer ko resume kare', 'Africa me abhi mausam kaisa hai', 'mujhe mere son ki dawa ke bare mei yaad dilao', 'Spring hill tak pahunchne ke liye sabse tez rasta konsa hai', 'agle Friday 2 pm ke liye mausam kaisa hoga ?', 'aaj ke sabhi reminders ko agle hafte monday tak update karen', 'Novi me New years parties', 'Aaj ka temperature kya hoga ?', 'Please mere liye 3 pm ka ek alarm set kare', 'mujhe mausam batao .', 'is mahine naye movies aane wale hai', 'Mai apne evening commute par kya expect kar sakti hu', 'Kingo ... Gaadi me kuch the kya ? #DilwaleOnSony https://t.co/6qoSjTDhhw', 'Christmas events', 'ghar ke location tak ETA', 'Bianca ko bolo ki hum 10 minutes me video chat karne wale hai', 'mujhe subha 5 baje uthane ke liye alarm set kare', 'John ko message karo ki , I am coming please get ready', 'naya timer shuru kare', '12 Thursdays ke liye alarm set kare', 'Ohh wo movie, abhi tak nahi', 'Mere liye thoda music bajao', 'mujhe November 2018 se pehle mere foot doctor ke sath appointment schedule karne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'Edinburgh me mausam kaisa hai ?', 'abhi timer resume kare', 'baarish kab hogi', '28th aur 29th ko Walla Walla me Concerts', 'kya aj bEACH par jaane ke liye saaf hai', 'Muje aaj ke mausam ke baare me bataye', '2 : 00 ko spencer ko pick karne ke liye reminder set kare', 'Muje bataiye ki tijuana mexico me is weekend kaisa rahega', 'Agar mai abhi bike se nikalta hoon toh kya mai 7 : 00 am tak school pahunch sakta hoon ?', \"John ku text karo ki I ' m appreciate that .\", 'Next week ke sabhi reminders ki screen ko dikhao', 'Muje Thursday August 9th ko school registration online karke complete karne ke liye remind karaye .', 'kya Alexis ke ghar jaane ke liye roads saaf hai ?', 'Molly ko message karo ki \\\\ \\\\ n I saw your post on Facebook . Do you need any help ?', 'kya agley haftey Brooklyn mei koi food festivals hai', 'kya is weekend ko barish hogi ?', 'Please wednesday ka forecast bataye', 'subah 7 baje traffic kitna zada hai', 'Kya Seattle me baarish horahi hai ?', 'humidity kitni hai ?', 'Kya aaj raat thand hogi', 'kya aap please alarm set kar sakte hai ?', 'agar mai abhi nikalta hun toh kya mai 3 baje Angie ke wedding me shamil hosakta hun', 'kal 8 . 30 am aur 10 am ke liye naye alarms banayen', '13th ko 7 baje ke liye alarm please', 'Mere timer par kitna time bacha he .', \"thanks garbage bin ! this is awesome ! :) look at guddu's face light up with happiness ! and mummy's too :) main to senti ho gayi , that is different ! \", 'Richard se messages bhejen', 'mere reminders cancel kare', 'subha 7 : 00 baje ke liye ek daily alarm set karen .', 'Muje Tokyo ke current weather bataye .', 'Please kal subha 6 baje ke liye wake - up alarm ko set karen .', 'kya is hafte me koi thunderstorms forecast hai', '20 minutes me alarm set karen', '2 ghante me exercise karne ke liye alarm set kare', 'agar mai 9 bajhe nikalta hoon toh mai target par kab pohchunga', 'Miami me Saturday ke liye mausam kaisa rahega ?', '5 minutes ke liye alarm ko snooze kardo', 'Spotify ko open kare aur kid cudi ko play kare', 'mai 81 par car crash ki wajah se kya kind of delays expect kar sakti hu', 'grandpa ke text me Love', 'Is weekend Lorde kaha perform karne wala hai', 'orange county me high record kya hai', 'kya ap mujhe bata sakte hai ki koi family holiday events ho rahe hai', 'Mere alarms ko subah 6 baje se subha 7 : 30 baje me update kare', 'mom ko message karo aur bolo ke the roads are icy', 'India ke president ko waise bhi kaun sa kaam hota hai ?https://twitter.com/republic/status/877075519719718913\\xa0…', '5 baje ke liye alarm build kare', 'mujhe ek ghante me mera mileage check karne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'please Joy Villa ke current album ko play kare', 'Hwy 40 ka traffic kaisa hai', 'mere bhai ko reminder bhejo we are coming next week with our flight number .', 'Mujhe aaj raat Chicago me music concerts ke baare me batayen', 'please mujhe Troy Michigan ka weather chahiye', 'aj work ke liye drive kitni lambi hai', 'Mondays ko 5 pm ko mujhe haftey ke liye budget khatam karne ke liye alarm set kare', 'Mere work ke liye har roz kitne miles drive karke jaane ki zaroorat hai ?', 'Kya aaj mujhe raincoat pehenna chahiye ?', 'har weekend 12 pm ke liye alarms set kare', 'Aaj raat DC me mujhe ek happy hour kaha mil sakta hu', 'Italy me expected forecast', 'kya Florida me hurricane warning hai', 'kya mai midnight tak LAX pahuch paunga', 'mujhe midnight ko uthane ke liye', 'Is weeks ke sabhi alarms cancel kare', 'agar mai abhi nikalta hun toh mai work par kab pohchunga', 'agar mai 2 pm ko nikal jaoon to mujhe yaha se John ke company pahunchne me kitna samay lagega ?', 'Monday subha traffic kaisa hai', 'kya aap mujhe sameekshaon ke baare mein adhik bata sakate hain?', 'closet route ka istemaal karke work par arrival time nikaalen', 'Muje Lisa ke birthday ke liye 8th ko remind karaye .', 'mujhe kal mera electric bill pay karne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'kuch hip hop play kariye', 'kya is hafte cold front aane wala hai ?', 'Me please kuch ZZ Top songs sun na chahta hu ,', 'please 6 pm ke liye alarm set karen', '30 minutes ke liye timer set kardo', 'Apne character ka bhi Prisma filter kar lo, thoda achha toh lagega.', 'agla strawberry festival kab hai', 'kya mere current route par koi traffic jams hai', 'The Krishna temple, Pattabhirama temple, Hazara Ramachandra and Chandrasekhara temple as also the Jain temples jo anya examples he.', 'Is friday ke liye mere gym reminder ko cancel karo', 'mujhe aaj raat 10 baje masturbate karne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'timer par kitna time bacha hai ?', 'October 17th ko Joselynn ki birthday party ke liye reminder banaye', 'ek ghante pehle ke liye alarm set karen', 'kuch 80s ka music play karo', 'Somokhrate pohochne me car fast hogi ya bus ?', 'midtown pohochne me downtown bus kitni der lagegi', 'hahah :p humko ladoo nai milte the school mein :(', 'Route 1 ka istemaal karke LA tak ke liye time nikaalen', 'The Weeknd ke sabhi albums play kare .', 'daily reminders ko set kare to take insulin at 8 am and 8 pm', 'Kya is weekend par tornadoes aane ke chances he ?', 'timer alarm band kare', 'mujhe notify kare jab hour khatam hoga', 'Mai bhi', 'agar mai work se 3 pm ko nikal jaoon to mujhe ghar drive karke jaane me kitna samay lagega ?', 'Kabhi bharat k 1 karode #santramplji k anuyayeeyon k man ki bhi suno jo 681 din se nyaya mang rahe h #ProteinPledge #CriminalAAP #Trump', 'road band hai', 'milk ke Reminder ko 10 minutes upar move karen', 'heavy rain over parts of ne .some showers in cny .any sun ?how about the weekend ?your forecast first at 4am on nbc-3 !http/URL', 'please Tasmania ka accurate weather bataye ?', \"Lucy ko contact kare aur boliye ki hum 7 baje ke bajaye 9 o ' clock showing me ja rahe hai\", 'aj cool concerts hai', 'yeh acchi baat hai ki pakde nahi gaye. marte huye parents ki memories bohot strong hoti hai. kya aise ek nayi memory tumhe apni life change karne par majbor karegi?', 'Muje bataiye baahar kaisa weather hai ?', 'England ka weather forecast kya hai please', 'sao paulo me aaj degrees celcius me kitni garmi hai', 'mere 5 pm ke alarm ko cancel kare', 'Flintridge , CA me Descanso Gardens light show ke liye dates', 'kya is dopahar 2 pm ke baad koi cloudy overcast hai', '25th ko mausam kaisa rahega ye batayen', 'mere weekday alarms ko subah 6 baje ke liye badle', '50 weeks liye har Sunday 10 pm ko alarm set kare', 'thunderstorms kab aane wale hai', '3 minutes ke liye timer set kare', 'han, ye sad tha ki usne usko brush off kar dia, warna baatein kuch alag hi hoti', 'Monday ko Paris me mausam kaisa hoga .', 'is weekend the nutcracker show', 'kya Benson Road par traffic re - route hone se the Ozzy Concert tak mera commute time badhega', 'agar mai 6 : 30 pm tak west chester se nikal jau toh kya mai 7 : 00 pm tak Spinning Wheels pahunch sakta hoon ?', 'Boston me abhi kuch chal raha hai', 'kal subah ka alarm set kare', 'nearest shoe repair kaha hai', 'please mujhe 6 pm se pehle take home test ko khatam karne ke liye yaad dilaye , otherwise mai fail kar jaunga', 'Kya gene field road par construction chal raha he', 'agar mai abhi nikal jaoon to mujhe dad ke ghar pahunchne me kitna samay lagega ?', 'aaj raat 8 baje se kal subah 6 bajhe ke liye pizza order karne ka reminder move kare', 'woh chamatkari hai, pata nahi kaise kar lete hai', 'four seasons bajao', 'baarish kab hogi ?', 'kya is mahine riverside mei koi holiday events hone wale hai', 'nahi', 'Alarm cancel kare', 'Kiran ko message karo ki last three months ke liye mujhe account statements bhejne ke liye', 'naya timer lagaye', 'Aaj traffic ka flow kaisa hai', 'Aaj kya high he', 'Aisa lagta hai k dunkirk uska latest project tha aur usko har jagah se high marks mile hai', 'Bachchan sahab always make sure ki beta kuch to kaam kare 😂 #IndvsPak https://t.co/Q9AARgNQl1', 'aj NJ me ghar ke liye traffic kaisa hai', 'the united states aur brazil ke beech kitna distance hai', 'Mujhe aj raat ko mere show ko DVR par record karne ke liye yaad dilaayen', 'kya kal subha Seattle ke paas 54 degrees Fahrenheit se upar hone wala hai', 'Sunday ko Mike ke sath lunch karne ka reminder remove kare', 'Agar mai kaam par jaaon to mai 20 minutes ke liye alert set kare', 'friday raat 10 baje ke liye alarm set kare', 'kya abhi koi dangerous driving conditions hai', 'agle couple months me Charleston ke aas paas Art Festivals', 'mike , anubhav , aur lisa ko message karo', 'Rome ka weather forecast kya hai in August', 'Mujhe har Saturday subah 10 baje Benny ke music lessons ke liye ek reminder set karne ki zarurat hai', '30 minutes me mera timer fir se shuru karo', 'duniya me ese logo ki misal he . . . .', 'Agle mahine Garth brooks ke concerts', 'mai May 2nd ko ek midday alarm chahiye', 'mai har timer se chutkara paa na chahta hoon', 'country play kare', 'PEI - WEI jaate samay I - 10 kitna dheemi hai than at 2 pm', 'mujhe 15 minute baad alert kare', 'denmark ke liye flight time kya hai', 'is haftey extra clothing kaha donate karsakta hu', 'kya 110 south par heavy traffic hai', 'kal 6 : 00 am ko bajne ke liye timer set kare', '1 hour ke liye timer set karen', 'If this option is checked, every new view will display marks for code folding, Yadi code folding uplabdh he.', 'The Woodlands me Walmart tak pahunchne me mujhe kitna samay lagega ?', 'traffic kaisa dikh raha hai', 'toofan kaha jaa raha hai', 'timer par kitna time hai ?', 'song ko skip kare', 'Aaj baarish hone ke kya chances he ?', 'community , cougar town , friday night lights , glee , mad men , modern family , six feets under , skins , terra nova o the wire ? ? ?', 'Andrew ko message karo take the cat to the vet', 'Niki ko message bhejo ki traffic lights are out and it will take me 10 min . longer than thought .', 'us gaaney ko repeat kare', 'weekly 5 pm ko alarm ko repeat kare', 'Heisenberg ko Reply karo', 'Sunday ke sabhi alarms delete kare', 'Is weekend Beaumont me homeless ko help karne ke liye tarike', 'mere family ko message karo aur pucho ki if they want to get together for a BBQ this Sunday .', '13th January ke liye expected weather kesa rahega ?', 'music ko ruko', '45 minutes ke liye har 15 minute mei bajne ke liye alarm set kare', 'Kya bahar windy he', 'kya is weekend DR Phillips mei koi shows playing hai', 'abhi ka temperature kya hai ?', 'kya is weekend Houston ke paas 18 degree C ke aas paas rahega', \"Ana ka last message answer kare , I already bought your sister ' s present . It ' s beautiful !\", 'Muje mere ghar se the Celine Dion concert tak drive karke jane me kitna time lagega', \"work se Danielle ' s house tak ki trip ka length kya hai ?\", 'July 31st ke liye alarm set kare', '2 pm ke liye alarm set kare', 'kya kal new Orleans jaane ke liye mere drive par koi construction ki deri hogi', 'tornado aane ke chances kya \\\\ \\\\ nhai', 'chaar mahine ke liye har Friday aur Monday ko shaam 4 baje alarm lagaye', 'mujhe mere groceries laane ke liye ek reminder banaye', 'mere liye kal mere boss se pay raise ke baare me puchne ke liye reminder set kare', 'aj weather kaisa hai ?', 'Fifth Harmony ke saarey songs play kare .', 'main sahamat hoon. yah philm aur seeton par bhee nirbhar karata hai', 'ek timer 30 minutes ke liye aur ek 40 minutes ke liye banaye', 'please mujhe Thursday ko dry cleaning ko pick up karne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'ye ek track hai jo mujhe pasand nahi hai', \"Nicholas ko message send karo aur pucho ki he ' s feeling okay .\", 'July 1st ka dinner plans cancel kariye with Gabby', 'Ed Sheran Florida mei kab aa raha hai', 'kya aaj raat ole girne wale hai ?', 'Internal truti: Invalid prarup me UID: %s. ', '18 : 00 ko mausam kaisa rehne ki ummed hai ?', 'please kya aap timer ko fix karsakte hai', 'jaydatar, mai', 'Muje mere chat requests ke liye directions de', 'mai ek text message banana chahta hoon', 'kya I - 70 North and South par hai ya East and West', 'agla alarm kab tak band rahega', 'Kya aap muje meri chats dikha saktey he', 'Tillamook se Eugene tak kitni doori hai', 'Prof . Marcia Reyes ko audio message se reply kare abhi', 'kya aaj zyada humid hai ?', 'Kael ke liye ek video message banaye', 'Muje mere chat requests ke liye directions de', 'Kya muje aaj raat umbrella ki zarurat padegi ?', 'kya aaj poora din baarish hogi', 'Kya next weekend ko barf padegi', 'Carly ko kal dopahar 2 bajhe work meeting ke baare me yaad dilaye', 'FB message karo them show starts at 7', 'Kya temperature 35 degrees Celsius se zyada hone ki ummeed hai ?', 'Manhattan se NJ tak konsa road sabse kam traffic hai ?', '4th sham 7 baje party ke liye alarm', 'kya aj overcast hogi', 'kya ap wo station mere favorites me add kar sakte hai ?', 'gatsby ne daisy ko tom ka affair bola', 'kathy ko message karo ki mera arrival time 22nd ko subah 6 baje hai', 'Salman khan bolliwood ki shan banchuka back to back blockbuster superhit movi name dabbang. Redy. Bodyguard. Ek tha tiger . Dabbang2. Jai ho. Kick. Bajarangi bahizan superhit jayagi 300 fix', 'current timer ko halve tak cut kare', 'Abhi traffic se bachne ka sabse acha tariqa kya hai', 'time out timer par kitna samay hai', 'mera alarm band kardo', 'Kelly ko likh ke pucho ki if she wants to meet me for coffee at the shop near me', 'traffic problems ko report kare', 'Mai waha kab tak pahunchunga', 'Is haftey Atlanta mei Charity events hone wale hai', '294 ko leker jeffs tak drive karke jaane me kitna samay lagega', 'PBI se Club Med Sandpiper tak jane ke liye kitni der lagegi', 'Kya aaj NJ ke liye heat advisory on hai', 'Mere timer ka status kya hai', 'sirf carrie underwood ke songs bajao', 'kya aaj baarish hone wali hai ?', 'kya aap alarm ko 10 minute snooze par laga sakte hai', 'Agar me Toledo se Chicago tak drive karu , to me kitna samay lagega ?', 'Han, maine bht appreciate kiya ki movie ke name ke baare mein kitna socha gya hai. Mujhe achha lga ki kaise ye ek hi baar mein Los Angeles, music, or badalon mein sir dene ke baare mein btata hai. Yeh sach mein bahut badiya hai ki kaise movie ke chhote se titile mein itne saare elements ko pura kiya gya hai.', 'mere ghar se movie theater jaane me kitna samay lagega ?', 'ek ghante ke liye timer ko set kare', 'timer ko hold karo', 'Mere destination tak aur kitne train stops hai ?', 'mujhe mere 4 pm ke alarm ko 4 : 15 ke liye badalne ki zaroorat hai', 'mujhe kal grandma ko visit karne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'Aaj yaha ke aas paas humidity kitni high hogi ?', 'subah 4 baje ke liye alarm set kardo', 'Is weekend ko kya mujhe Seattle ki trip ke liye jacket lana chahiye ?', 'Chuck ko message karo tarps ke liye 100 feet of rope laane ke liye', 'pichla gaana', 'Thursday par sabhi alarms delete kardo', 'kya mere aas paas koi live nativity hai', 'London me Friday ko 17th ke liye weather forecast kia hai', 'Mujhe batao agr mera alarm aaj raat ke liye set hai toh', 'USA me weather kaisa dikh raha hai', 'aaj 294 par traffic kaisa hai', 'mere timer me ek time badle', \"Muje mere ghar se the Mounir ' s show tak drive karke jane me kitna time lagega ?\", 'timer me 45 second add karo', 'Seattle WA me mausam kaisa hai ?', \"6 pm tak There aren ' t many snow crabs left ; mujhe 30 minutes pehle alert karen .\", '2 rings on each hour , and 1 ring every half hour', 'kal ke dinner ke liye reminder ko delete karo with Bob and his wife', 'har friday ko 5 p . m ko alarm set kare', 'timer ko restart kare', 'kya ap car oil change appointment reminder set up kar sakte hai on sunday august 5th 2018 at 8 am', 'aj barf kis time par shuru hogi ?', 'kya usne abhi recent me koi award jeete hai?', 'saturday ke liye alarm cancel karen', 'California aur New York ke beech me kitne miles hai', 'pop music ko on karo aur ek ghante me rock kariye', 'Kya kal barf padegi ?', 'subah 4 baje ke liye alarm set kardo', 'timer me 10 minutes add karo', 'contruction ko bina paar kiye church ke liye directions lo', 'agle hafte ka mousam kaisa hoga', 'ghar se Miami FL tak kitna lamba safar hai', 'Pandora ko bole to play Where Did The Party Go', 'us song ko replay kare .', 'mujhe kaam par jaane se pehle fridge se lunch pick up karne ke liye yaad dilaayen .', '97 . 5 radio ko play kare', 'is weekend children ke liye mazedar chizein', 'indie rock ki playlist bajao .', 'mujhe batao ki yaha se wharf tak pahunchne me kitna samay lagega construction ko avoid karte huye', '5 minute ke liye timer set kardo', 'current song ko phir se shuru kare please', 'timer ko 3 dino ke liye rok den', 'Logan ke tennis practices ke baare me sabhi reminders ko delete karo', 'Kid Rock ka latest song bajayen', 'Mujhe Thursday subah dry cleaning pick up krne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'mera timer immediately shuru karo', 'kya kal Gary ke liye koi reminders hai', 'Savannah me is weekend Movie premier he', 'kya abhi windy enough hai sailing karne ke liye ?', 'New York aur Los Angeles ke beech kitna distance hai', 'Please ek alarm set kardo for 11 am .', \"Don ' t Believe A Word ko play karo\", 'Current weather forecast kya he ?', 'Andrew ko message bhejo ki are you watching the soccer match right now .', 'aaie ek naya message shuru kare', 'mujhe subah 6 baje alarm chahiye', 'Mujhe kal ke liye ek appointment reminder banane ki zaroorat hai', 'snooze alarms ko stop kare', 'Salman khan am exited 4 ur n3w film #bajrangi #bhaijan .....................', 'december me oahu par karne ke liye cheeze', 'bas abhi pahonche, taiyaar raho', 'yaha se mujhe Trinity Mother Frances Hospital pahuchne mei kitni der lagegi', 'Kya movie me bahut sare gane hai? main vishesh rup se musical type movies pasand nahin karata, lekin mere bachche karate hain', 'kya aap mujhe dopahar 2 baje review submit karne ke liye yaad dilasakte hai ?', 'Oye tu kyu badi badi baate karra hi...... Pagal ho kya...', 'Kirsten ko message karo aur use bolo ki mujhe aaj uski hat pasand hai', 'das din ka forecast kya hai', 'kuch Macklemore bajao', 'is rush hour me traffic kitni kharaab hai', 'kal dopaher ka traffic kya hai', 'kya aj mujhe jacket lana chahiye ?', 'Columbus Ohio me next week karne ke liye mazedar chizein kya hai', 'ghar ke liye meri drive kitni lambi hogi ?', '30 minutes ke liye ek timer set kare', 'chicago mei is weekend kya karne ke liye hai', 'Mujhe aaj ke liye traffic update do', '#229 : #AcademicOfficeFail I appeared for ES 200 endsem exam twice in the semester and got a FR in HS 200 :-/ #Aero', 'Mere alarm par kitne minutes bache he ?', 'bless', 'Har cheez ki ek limit hoti hai yaarpic.twitter.com/0HHxK3GT46', 'kya i 64 ek mess hai', \"group ko no i ' m not coming message bheje\", 'kya aap Taylor Swift ke jaisa artists play karsakte hai ?', 'dinner ke liye check karne ke liye das minute ke liye ek reminder set kare', 'yeh kaafi interesting point ubharta hai ki improved technology se problems gaye nahi hain.', 'Maui me karne ke liye cheeze', 'mere sabhi active alarms ko close kardo', 'timer ko start karo', 'Please mere alarm ko har subah 7 : 30 am ko band kare .', 'MEIN MAANTHA HOON, ROCKY KA REVIEWER KO US ROBOTS KE BAARE MEIN', 'Agle hafte New York City me Rolling Stone concert kaha hoga', \"alarm ko hold karke rakhe won ' t you\", 'mere area me current traffic conditions kya hai', 'mein imagine bhi nahi saktha. voh toh badi risky sound kartha. expecially voh dreamer apna dream mein hi mar jaatha uska sedative wear karne ke pehle hi', 'kya mai ghar ke raaste me traffic jam lene wala hoon', 'orlando me the fall festivals kaha hai', 'kal 7 bajhe ke liye work alarm set kare', 'Muje mere ghar se the bears game tak drive karke jane me kitna time lagega ?', 'agley haftey jury duty ke liye reminder set karen .', 'agley teen hafton ke liye subha 8 baje aur sham 5 baje ke liye alarms set karen .', 'Northeast Milwaukee se the Alberta Arts District pahunchne ke liye sabse tez route kya hai ?', 'Mai Alessia Cara ka latest album sunna chahta hu', 'Santa Monica me Is Saturday ka mausam', 'mujhe game timer par extra minute chahiye', 'Aaj raat Houston me kitni thand hone wali degrees F me', 'please Jason ko ek video message bhejen .', 'kya mere raaste par koi roadside accidents hai', 'han mujhe lagta hai ki 6 months ka probation? Mujhe sahi kar dijiye agar main galat huin to', 'dekhne ke liye konse naye movies he', 'aaj raat 11 baje ke liye ek alarm set karen', 'mujhe daily EST subah 8 baje stretch karne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'Kya aaj mai apne rain boots pehen sakta hu ?', 'Delhi jo gas chembar bana hua hai... uske bare me bhi kabhi kuch keh diya karo. Hame saantvana mil jayegi. Karna to aapne kuch hai nahi. #DelhiSmog #AAP', 'Lake Mead me kal ke liye highs aur lows kya hai ?', 'is timer me 30 minutes add kare', 'mujhe wapas likhne ki zarurat hai', 'garm hone ke liye 2 minutes ka time set karo', 'kya aaj mujhe umbrella ki zaroorat padegi ?', 'mai timer ko end karna chahta hoon', 'Please mujhe aj subah ke iMessages dikhao .', 'aj kitni garmi hone wali hai', 'Seven minutes ke liye naya timer add kare', 'Muje the Broncos game me 2 pm tak pohochne ke liye kitne baje nikalna padega ?', 'Vermont me sun rise kab hota hai', 'January 2 ko kya hai', 'main bhi karta hun, if ise acche se kiya jaye.', 'Sherni hai toh jungle mein jaaye yaar.https://twitter.com/ANI_news/status/728497653093412864\\\\xa0…', 'kya aaj hot hone wala he ?', 'next Sunday ke liye alarm set kare', 'agar mai 10 minutes me mere ghar se nikal jau toh kya mai Fred Meyers tak pahunch sakta hoon ?', 'kuch pop music shuffle kare', 'Mere aas paas konse festivals he', 'next week raat 8 baje ke liye alarm banaye', 'kya 94 west me traffic hai', 'aaj raat 6 : 30 pm ke liye alarm please', 'subha 5 baje ke liye alarm set karen', 'haan, philm ke ant mein, mitr raashtr yuddh jeetata hai aur bos kriptograaphars ko ek doosare ko phir kabhee nahin dekhane ka vaada karata hai aur ve sabhee kod ko nasht kar dete hain. isake alaava, tyooring klaark (naitalee) ko chhodane ke lie kahata hai kyonki vah usakee suraksha ke lie darata hai. vah usase kahata hai ki vah samalaingik hai aur usane kabhee usakee paravaah nahin kee, jo sach nahin tha kyonki vah usake saath pyaar mein thee.', 'Kya aaj raat Houston ke liye celsius me 76 ke upar hoga', 'Monday 7 bajhe ke liye weekly alarm set kare', 'kya aj raat Sarasota mei garmi hogi ?', 'July 31st ko janice ke sath dinner karne ke liye reminder set kare', 'is haftey kitna time bacha hai', 'John ku message kare ki mai use apni car udhar dunga', 'aj kitni garmi hone wali hai', 'kal ke liye mere sabhi alarms cancel kariye', 'ek ghante ke liye timer set karo', 'Los angeles aur san Francisco ke beech kitna distance hai', 'mere dad ko message karo ki how are you doing', 'kal sunrise kab hai', 'main bhi but superman ne ye starty kiya, article me clark kent bruce wayna aur batman ko bura dikhane ki koshish kar raha hai', 'Kya hum is week ke sabhi dinon me baarish ki ummeed karsakte hai ?', 'roz 5 am ke liye alarm lagao', 'Mere liye spotify par Johnny Cash ko bajao', 'kya agle hafte San Antonio me a light parade hai', 'LGA ki traffic update', 'aj work se home tak drive kitni lambi hai', 'Kate ko message bhejo . I will be there .', 'Very nice to see Deepak Dobriyal and Dhinchak pooja datingpic.twitter.com/7s91ii9nGJ', 'Aaj raat bahar ka temperature Fahrenheit me', 'phoenix mein kal', 'kya aap wo alarm stop karsakte hai', 'har 15 minutes ke liye alarm set kare', 'five minutes me timer ko shuru kardo', 'is weekend dancing', 'Minneapolis tak kitne miles hai', 'meri dentist appointment ke baare me reminder ko delete kare in september .', 'V ko text karo ki I am going out , I ll be back before 3 .', 'lagta hai ye bahut interesting movie hai.', 'oops monsters university, mein tho monster hunter play kiya hoon, sorry', 'Kya muje coat lana chahiye', 'Muje Jake ke homework ko check karne ka remind karaye .', 'aj kitni garmi hai ?', 'Miami se ft lauderdale driving karte samay traffic kaisi hai', 'baahar ka temperature kitna hai', 'maine kal ke liye jo timer set kiya hai wo kya hai', 'Saturday ko St . George me Hunger drive events hai', 'kya BROOKLYN jaate samay VERRAZZANO BRIDGE par traffic congestion hai', 'GAME PLAN coursework ko launch karne ke liye dekhne ke liye reminders', 'kya aj lane band hai ?', 'Mere music app me current playlist bajao', 'gym me timer ko resume kare', 'Friday ko meeting ke liye reminders check kare', 'Muje mere ghar se dog show tak drive karke jane me kitna time lagega', 'Aaj subha mere commute me kitna samay add hoga ?', 'subah 7 baje se sab aa gaye hai . .', 'Subha 6 baje ke liye ek get up now ! naam ka alarm banao', 'agle mahine mere aas pas ki christmas parties', 'August 21st ke liye snooze ko disable kare', 'kya traffic bhari hoga agar mai 1 ghanta ghar ke liye nikalta hun', 'Oakdale MN se Bena MN tak pahunchne me kitna samay lagega ?', 'kal subha ke liye mere sabhi set kiye huwe alarms ko hata do', 'Friday subah ke liye delivery appointment ka alert hata dein', 'music play karo', 'haa :(', 'voh tho sach hein! aur uska pura family tho us night mein departure ho gaye hein', 'agle 2 weeks ke liye subha 5 baje ke liye temporary alarm set karen', 'mere coworkers ko yaad dilaye ke holiday party is Friday night at 6 pm .', 'Dallas me is haftey Golf tournaments', 'avitak 4pm hua nehi kya ?', 'kya aas pas koi nutcracker performance hai', 'ohh that evil grin !', 'July me Arizona me average temperature kya hai', '5 minute ke liye timer set kare', '15 minutes ke liye snooze karo', 'please Group B ko message bhejo ki the flight was delayed .', 'Is week meri sister ke ghar ke aas paas kya karne ke liye hai', 'aaj Aberdeen me traffic kaisi hai', 'aj 1 pm ko mausam kaisa hai', 'Meri to raat shuru nahi hui aur #timeline pe good morning ke message shuru ho gaye . #insomnia #sleepless', 'kal ka mousam kaisa dikhta hai', \"Aisi kismat ke saath to aaj west indies women's team se bhi nahi jeet sakte they.\", 'mere ghar se NYC jaane me kitna samay lagega', 'I believe an incomplete confession is an inconclusive confession . The guy is only stating the obvious ? you have to score enough to pass anyway otherwise how else will you graduate ? ', 'Mai Miley Cyrus ko sunna chahta hu', 'mujhe Boka ke saarey gaaney dhundo', 'kuch hard rock music bajao', 'Potty Training timer ko delete kijiye', 'kya kal barish hone wali hai ?', 'please mere timer me 10 minutes add karo', 'please mujhe Kent ka latest weather forecast bataye', 'agla election kab hai ?', 'Chris ko message karen aur puchiye ki he knows any good restaurants at my location', 'Kya aap us alarm ko cancel karsakte hai', 'Sunne mein lagta hai ki yeh ek achhi movie hai. Aisa lagt ahai ki yeh ek achhi monsters inc ki successor hai.', 'aaj ke liye sabhi reminders mita den', 'Christmas long weekend ke liye mausam kaisa rahega ?', 'subha 7 baje ke liye ek daily alarm set karen .', 'Is week kya san diego me baarish hogi', 'Kya mere commute route par koi slow downs huwe hai', 'Monday 5 PM ke liye ek alarm set karen', 'haa, mere khayalhai ki ye bahut achi baate hai', 'PANDORA par ek ALL AMERICAN REJECTS STATION shuru karen', 'subha 9 : 00 baje ke liye weekend alarm set karen .', 'kya mai dopaher se pehle yaha se Irondequoit pahuch sakta hoon ?', '101 par accidents', 'Kal evening ke liye temperature kya hai ?', 'Haan bhai rotating. Maafi de do, aur side bhi.', 'agle monday ko temperature kitna hone wala hai ?', '1ST JUNE KE LIYE alarm set kare', 'mom ko picture bhejo', 'Tuesday aur Wednesday ko 5 : 30 aur 6 : 30 ke liye alarm create kare', 'kal subha 6 baje ka alarm set karen .', 'aaj ka concert kitne bajhe shuru hota hai', 'Is weekend portland me concerts', 'Haan, uske khidki khuli thi jismein se baburao jhaank raha tha.', 'aas paas kuch mazedaar chizein chal rahe hai', 'Is evening ko bed par jaane se pehle mujhe mera phone plug karne ke liye yaad dilaayen .', 'Mai Luke Bryan ka latest album sunna chahta hu .', 'Please kuch soul music play kare .', '6 baje ke liye alarm prepare kare', 'Please alarm set karo at 8 pm on the 30th of April', 'agley haftey haircut karne ke liye reminder set kare', 'Sammy ke kaam check karne ke liye mere reminder ko move karen', 'mausam kaisa hai ?', 'Please classical music play kare', 'kya Boulder ke aas paas koi Super Bowl parties hai', 'mujhe Greenville me konse areas avoid karna chahiye', 'maine wednesday ke liye konse reminders set kiye hai ?', 'Brad ko message bheje kehte huye ki I miss you', 'Mere last Pandora station ko play kare', 'Is weekend Orlando me karne ke liye cheeze', 'florida se the grand canyon tak ki doori', 'Jaa nahi khelta main tere saath, Katti. Meri bat wapass do.https://twitter.com/praneethhr/status/737963544063381504\\xa0…', 'Me Hanson ko sunna chahta hu', 'har 2 hours ke liye alarm set kare ?', 'kal raat ke mera alarm set karen .', 'ek din ke liye timer set kare', 'Muje the 6 pm ke showtime ke liye kitne baje nikalna padega ?', 'Orlando se Miami tak traffic driving kya hai', 'Yahi nhi baz lurhmann ki shandaar direction ne bhi roke rakha', 'mere car insurance ko pay karne ke liye har mahine ki 13th day ko ek reminder set kare', 'Batman, Superman aur wonder woman bhi hai isme', 'mai chahta hu ki ek alarm bajne ke liye har 5 minute mei alarm band hojaye', '10 april ke liye alarm banaye', 'mujhe aj subah ke mausam ke baarey mei bathao', 'kya mai Home Depot se pehle pahunch sakta hu ?', 'Clara aur Sophie ko message karo ki Jason kal class me nahi aane wale', 'Spokane me humidity kitni hai ?', \"Tom ko message kare ki I ' m very happy , when he invite me to go to the party .\", '5 minutes add karo', 'Aunt Nellie ke bare mei mera reminder kya kehta hai ?', '55 minutes ke liye timer set karen', 'Mujhe ye track sunna hai . please skip karen .', '15 minutes me alarm ko resume kare', 'mere upcoming doctor appointments ke liye reminders dikhaye', 'Is weekend Raleigh me Sporting events', 'kya mujhe aaj raat jacket ki zarurat padegi ?', 'kya aaj koi baarish expecting hai', 'aaj ke mausam ka forecast kya hai ?', 'current week ke liye mujhe mere sare reminders dikhao .', 'please mere sabhi alarms cancel kardo', 'kya aj barf giregi', 'Hey google , Sandy se pucho ki kya uske paas Linda ka number hai .', 'mujhe 80 dino me mera prescription renew karne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'mujhe is friday ke liye weather forecast do .', \"Tuesday 6 ' oclock pm aur Wednesday 7 pm ke liye alarm create kare\", 'Mere liye iheartradio par 950 ko bajao', 'mujhe sabse latest traffic report dikhao', 'kal dopahar 2 bajhe hamari brunch ke baare me mere friends ko reminder bhejo', 'toh aur kahan giregi?', 'aaj mousam kaisa hai ?', 'mausam kaisa hai ?', 'timer mein 10 minute aur add kare', 'mai 10 am ko train miss karna nahi chahta hu ; kya ap mujhe 30 minutes pehle yaad dila sakte hai ?', 'wednesday ko mere sabhi alarms kya hai', 'Muje agley 10 din tak ke liye forecast bataiye', 'mai agley teen din ka mausam janna chahta hoon', 'alarm ko disengage kare', 'Labor Day weekend ke liye Boston , MA me projected weather conditions kya hai ?', 'Muje agle mahine mere cousin ki birthday party ke baare me remind karaye', 'sabhi alarms ko wapas shuru karo', 'pichli raat bill ko kya maine kya kaha', 'yaha se Disneyland tak drive karke jane me kitna time lagega', 'please mujhe set kiye huwe alarms dikhao .', 'last timer ko dohrayen', 'kya aap is track ko thumbs up de sakte hai ?', 'abhi ring band karo !', 'shaanth', 'Mere kids love it', '10 second ka break count down kare', 'Mujhe yaad dilao to congratulate my brother on his new baby .', 'is friday sham ko mausam kaisa rahega ?', '15 minutes ke liye alarm ko snooze karen .', 'Kya muje gloves laana chahiye', 'belt par traffic kaisi hai', 'kya mera timer set hai ?', 'please Mikayla ko message bhejo ki the fundraiser is set for June 30th .', \"Muje the USC game me 1 o ' clock tak pohochne ke liye kitne baje nikalna padega ?\", 'Alarm ko subah 9 bajhe ke liye adjust kare', 'mai thoda relaxing sunna chahta hoon', 'mere roommates party ka mera last week ka reminder kab tha', 'Nick ko message karo aur pucho ke why he is late', 'Please kal mere alarms delete kare', 'Chris ko text karne ke liye subah 8 baje ka alarm set kare', 'Mujhe water bill pay karne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'meri run ke liye 20 minutes ka timer set kare', 'Agar mai haousa quaters se construction area ko avoid karta hoon toh mai dentist tak pahunchne me kitna samay lagega', 'aj ke liye mere agle alarms kya hai ?', 'Friday raat 8 baje ke liye alarm cancel kare', 'Mondays ko Louann ke sath walk karne ka reminder delete kare', 'mujhe meet the browns ke sabhi naye episodes dekhne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'mere upcoming alarms kya hai', 'ek subah 6 baje ke alarm ko generate kare', 'Kya aap mere sabhi alarms clear karsakte hai ?', 'kya kal San Francisco ke paas 23 degrees Fahrenheit ke aas paas rahega', 'next Friday ke liye mausam kaisa rehne ki ummed karsakta hu', 'mai wdw ja raha hy, bahor excitement hai park dekhne ki, tu kabhi gaya hai ya disneyland ko ?', 'meri list me se last two reminders delete kare', 'Agar mai ek ghante me nikal jaoon to mujhe Orlando pahunchne me kitna samay lagega', 'kya Alaska me snowing ho rahi hai', 's was mine favourite . . . :p', 'agar mai adhe ghante mei nikalta hoon toh kya mai 1 pm se pehle north shore par pahunch sakta hoon ?', 'kya Ruddell road band hai', 'have a great day yar', 'mujhe janna hai ki Ain Shams university pahunchne me mujhe kitna samay lagega', 'greenbay me kya koi events hai', '3 ghante ke liye timer set kardo', 'Muje kal library books return karne ke liye remind karaye .', 'Yellowstone se Yosemite tak ka distance', 'is saal Florida ke forecast me kitne tropical storms he', 'kya aap timer ko ek minute par laga sakte hai', 'kya aj koi alarms set hai ?', 'I 35 par kitne accidents hue he', 'mere icecream lene ke reminder ko cancel karo', 'mujhe Ontario ke liye weather bataye', 'Lalu : \" paida hi rajnigandha leke hua tha \" #RajnigandhaSixWordsStory Lalko se galti hou jati hai https://t.co/iHo1zAnpB6', 'Is time par downtown ke liye sabse tez route kya hai', 'play date group ko Tuesday ke liye crafts laane ke liye yaad dilayen .', 'is haftey temperature kitna jaaraha hai ?', 'Sunday ko Providence me music events', 'kya ek race / marathon hai', 'Jose ko message karo ki the snowstorm closed the Palisades interstate parkway .', 'group ko yaad dilaye ke is weekend poker game cancel kar diya gaya hai .', 'Kya next week jacks house me koi board game nights planned he', 'mai mere birthday reminders ke alerts ko ek week pehle badalna chahta hu .', 'kal subha 9 baje ke liye alarm set karen', 'golf trip reminder me 3 ghante add kare', 'haan, muje superhero films pasand hey, kaafi technology aur skill se rely karthe.. lagtha hein ki yeh realm ka possibility hein.. critics tho military thriller ke tarah feel hota jo stylized comic book se opposed tha', 'abhi se 7 minute ke liye mera alarm set karen', 'mere next alarm ko dikhao', \"Rick ko message bhejo ki ' I am stuck in traffic '\", 'kya koi traffic accidents hai report karne ke liye', 'agar mujhe construction ko avoid karna hai toh mujhe meri subah 9 bajhe ki meeting me jane ke liye kitne baje nikal na chahiye', 'taylor swift ka sabse recent song bajayen', 'sabhi subah 5 baje ke alarm ko modify kariye 7 am ke liye', 'Monday subha 8 baje ke liye alarm set karen', 'gurnee mills tak kitni doori hai', 'August me average high kya hai', 'mujhe batao ki Maldives mei kitni der lagegi .', 'meri behen ko video message bhejo', 'Aaj ke liye high kya hai', 'low kya hai ?', 'Buffalo , NY me kuch family friendly activities kya hai', 'mere timer par 5 minutes bachne par ek alarm ko set kardo', 'alarm length ko chaar hafton me badal do', 'kya Saturday ko dhoop hogi ?', 'agle song ko bajao', 'Mall St par traffic kitna kharab hai', 'kya roads icy hai', 'Is hafte ke liye alarms cancel kardo', 'agar mai ghar se abhi nikalta hoon toh mai consert me kab pohchunga ?', 'mere work alarm par kitna samay bacha hai', 'tablet alarms delete kare', 'Please mere medication alarms ko 2 pm ke liye modify kare', 'dentist appointment ka reminder kitne baje hai ?', 'Kya hum hurricane ke path par he', '6 pm ko alarm set kare', 'abhi yaha se the nearest train station tak pahunchne me kitna samay lagega', 'Agar mai 75 miles per hour ki average se drive karu toh mujhe 759 miles drive karne mei kitni der lagegi ?', 'subah 8 baje ke alarm ko band karo', 'mujhe 10th September ko subah 9 bajhe tuition fees pay karne ka yaad dilaye', 'Japan me weather kesa he ?', 'kya aap timer ko meditation ke label se resume karsakte hai', 'Hilton head ke raaste me traffic kaisi dikh rahi hai', 'dopaher se pehle set kiye hue sabhi alarms ko mute kardo', 'mujhe janna hai ki Sunday ke liye mere paas kya reminders hai', 'Is shaam ke liye alarm cancel karen', '15 minutes ke liye har 5 minute mei alarm set kare', 'manicure appointment schedule karne ke liye reminder', 'Please mujhe 11th June ko Melbourne ka weather bataye .', 'mujhe wo reminders dikhao jo phone numbers in it had', 'kya is weekend kuch mazedaar hone wala hai', 'Kya aaj raat seattle me 7 degree Fahrenheit se niche hai', 'agar mai 4 : 00 baje nikalta hoon toh mere commute par kitna samay add hoga ?', 'aj ke liye kya reminders bache hai ?', 'Kya mujhe raingear chahiye ?', 'Mujhe har thursday subah 9 bajhe Camden ko speech me lejaane ke liye yaad dilaayen', 'mere neighborhood mei trick or treating kab he', 'Muje 3 pm ko Dave ko pick karne ka remind karaye .', 'August 2nd ke reminders ko August 3rd ke liye badlein', 'weekend ke liye alarms delete kare', 'maine kitne samay tak work out kiya', '9 : 00 am ke liye alarm lagaye', 'Lionel Ritchie ke greatest hits play kare', 'Stark St traffic ke liye kaisa dikh raha hai', 'month ke liye mondays ko subah 5 baje bajne ke liye ek alarm banayen', 'limbo mein bhejana, us scene paragraph mein quit grasping nahin hai', 'kya aaj mujhe rain boots ki zarurat hai ?', 'aj raat 7 bajhe ke liye alarm set kare', 'kal 645 a . m ke liye alarm set kare', 'mere timer me 18 minutes add kare', 'Shanti Bhushan aaj se corrupt ho gaye mitron.', 'Kya mere raaste me koi traffic accidents hai', 'kya southbound lane par traffic hai aur waha bhi', 'aaj ke liye temperature forecast', 'mujhe har subah meri dawai lene ke liye alarm set kare takhi mai apna alarm nahi bhul jaoon', 'Is thursday ko 1 : 30 PM ko Chicago ka temperature kya hoga', 'isey 48% miley rotten tomatoes par', 'agle Monday 7th February ko alarm please', 'Mere liye thoda rock bajao', 'birth control lene ke alarm ko hatado', 'Kya next week Karachi me 75 in c ke aas paas rahega', 'highway par konsa road jaa sakta hai', 'Inle bas ki baat nahi hai vishwas dila pana!Ye kewal #Notebandi jaisa disruption hi kar sakte hain jiska result zero hai !', 'please , mujhe Chinese Democracy album shuffle kare', 'Chainsmokers ka naya gaana bajao .', 'han me romance like karti hun.', 'baahar ke hawayein kitni kharaab hai ?', 'is weekend ko mai kitne bajhe sunset dekh sakta hoon ?', 'kal subha 5 baje ka alarm set karen .', 'daily alarm ko repeat kare', 'nahi hai uss par :(', 'logan valley mall tak pahunchne ke liye kitna time lagega', 'Abhi mere area me traffic levels kya hai', 'Sunday ko kitna hot hone wala he ?', 'Mere sarey alarms hata do', 'zip code xxxxx me free holiday events hai', 'agle hafte ke liye mere alarms kya hai ?', 'chats view kare', 'aj temperature kitna hone wala hai', 'kal Fairborn me pollen count kitna hai', 'Mere paas abhi kya alarms set hai ?', 'mujhe Kent ka agale 5 dino ke liye weather forecast chahiye', '8pm ke liye aur 10pm ke liye alarm set kare', 'Dil ke pass dimag nahi hota .. orjo dimag se ho who pyar nahi hota ... Agree ??', 'Please kuch hip hop music play kare', 'Mujhe janna hai ki is weekend ko barish hogi .', 'Muje yaha se 8 : 00 pm ko the nearest movie theater pahuchne ke liye kitne baje nikalna chahiye ?', 'har roz 5 pm ke liye alarm set kare', 'kya aaj dopahar ke liye mujhe umbrella ki zaroorat padegi ?', 'mere 8 pm ke alarm ko band karo', 'kal mere aas paas ke concerts', '3rd thursday subah 7 baje ke liye alarm set kare', '34 miles traveling 50 miles per hour tak kitna time lagega', 'kal ke liye milk khareedne ke liye ek reminder banaen .', 'THIS TRACK ko skip kare', 'Please mujhe agley haftey ke liye weather samjhne me help kare .', 'tom petty ke live album ko khoje', 'kya aap mujhe koi bhi sabhi alarms dikha sakte hai', 'ek mile bhaagne me kitna time lagta he on average', 'kansas city se springfield tak ka traffic', 'please Mariah Carey ke songs ko play nahi hone wale', 'work se home tak drive time kitna lagega please', 'kya abhi koi traffic hai', 'Springfield area ke liye mujhe traffic report do', 'har timer ko delete kare', '5 PM ke liye mera alarm reset karo', 'Oakland ke liye Beyonce ka schedule kya hai next week', 'group ko pucho ki who is coming', 'naya timer badlo', 'yaad dilao mujhe aj raat ko anniversary gift kharidne ka remind karaye .', 'Mujhe Tuesday subah 8 : 00 bajhe Mila ki vet appointment ke liye reminder bhejo', 'WMXD iheartradio', 'kya aj dhoop hogi aur garmi hogi ?', 'alarm band kare', 'kal ke liye mera alarm kitne baje hai ?', 'Please is tuesday ke party ke liye mere reminder ko change kare to yaad dilaayen me 2 days sooner .', 'Kya is weekend ko barf padegi ?', 'Me Third Day ke naye album ko sun na chahta hu .', 'kya mujhe kal apni rain jacket ki zarurat padegi ?', 'andar Celsius me kitna hot hai', 'Please ek Guns and Roses ka album play kare .', 'Drake ko play kare', '\"Mera bhai roz 5 ghante cartoons dekhta hai..\"pic.twitter.com/gTGepfbIT2', 'Easter long weekend ke liye expected mausam ?', 'long range forecast kya hai', '1 pm ko kitna hot hone wala he ?', 'Please mera alarm har 2 ghante ke liye set kare .', 'raat 11 baje ke liye reminder set kardo', 'Christmas events', 'May 21st at 6 am ke liye ek naya alarm banaen', 'mujhe aaj raat mom ko uski dawai den . Please mujhe is evening yaad dilaayen .', 'is mahine baarish kab hogi', 'aj raat 6 pm ke liye alarm set kare', 'aaj raat karne ke liye mazedar chizein', '5 minute ka timer shuru karen', 'mere kal ke liye aur agle din ke liye reminders kya hai ?', 'kuch pop music bajao', 'kya koi shehar ke liye dry route khoj sakta hai', 'mujhe Los Angeles me Chinatown tak le jaye without using Olympic Blvd and passing through a Korean market', 'Margaritaville bajao .', 'Kya mere ghar ke raaste me koi delays hai', 'mujhe milk laane ke liye yaad dilaye', \"mujhe agle monday ko Miya ' s dance schedule ke baare me yaad dilaayen\", 'Ronnie ko message karo aur dekho ke i have left my keys at here place', 'Mai 7 bajhe tak Manhattan pahuch sakta hoon aur construction ko avoid kar sakta hoon', 'agla song', 'Is song ko playlist me add karen \\\\', 'song ko repeat kare', 'Mahashivratri ki hardik mangalkamnayen . JAI SHIVSHANKAR [ D . S . Rai ]', 'aaj raat midnight ke liye alarm set kare', 'chat requests shuru kare', 'Is movie ko mixed reviews mile', 'Is weekend Roanoke me best tree lighting parties', 'And who will be told,” this is jis tum juthlate the”', 'Mere plants ko water karne ke alarm ko aj 8 bajhe ke liye badle', 'Mai aaj raat kya karsakta hu', 'yeh bahut achha movie hain', 'Buffalo tak traffic kaisa hai', 'Miami ke liye driving karne ke liye sabse tez route kya hai traffic ko avoid karte huye', 'mujhe 30 minutes ke liye timer set karne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'Mere alarm ko har roz set kare lekin sunday ko 8 baje', 'return books reminder ko 11 am se 3 pm tak badal do', 'kal subah 7 baje ka alarm please', 'Different status se chats padho', 'Abhi kenosha ke liye traffic kaisa hai', 'John ki party bahar hone wali hai ya andar', 'Aaj raat 9 pm ke liye ek one time alarm set karen', 'mujhe stove band karne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'Aaj ka high temperature kya he', 'kya 5th street par koi traffic jams hai', 'vacation alarm ko agle 10 dino ke liye subah 9 bajhe ke liye badliye', 'har mahine yoga class ke liye reminder cancel kare', 'R & B ko bajao', '20 minutes ke liye timer set kare', 'mom aur dad ko text karo ki I have plenty of food', '45 minutes me timer ko resume kare', 'agar mai Bouganville Drive vs Salt Lake to get to the airport kitna lamba commute hoga', 'woh bada romanchakari movie tha.woh Alan Turing ke jeevan ke bare me tha', 'pomodoro timer par aur 25 minutes add kare', 'kya aaj dopahar achii hone wali hai ?', 'mere eye appointment ke liye mere reminder ko cancel karo', 'David ke sath baat karo', 'Sunday ko Charlotte NC me karne ke liye cheeze', 'main to bachi hui chalk bhi chhupa deta tha . jisse ki bar bar lene jaana pade .', 'nsp par traffic kaisi hai', 'minutes ko timer me add kare', 'NJ Turnpike par traffic kaisa hai', 'Australia mei current forecast kya hai ?', 'kya aaj mujhe snowboots ki zaroorat padegi ?', 'Kya mere paas is weekend koi reminders hai ?', 'burbank se north hollywood tak traffic driving kya hai', '3 : 30 pm ke liye alarm set kare', 'Pandora par top 10 play kare .', 'har Tuesday 5 minutes ke liye alarm set kare', 'aisa lagata hai ki jabade ko doosaree philm nahin mil sakatee hai', 'Please 12 months ke liye alarm create kare for every first of month at noon', 'Mujhe Friday ko meri shopping trip se pehle grocery list likhne ke liye yaad dilaayen .', 'weekend par Coees ka foecast kya hai', 'wah ye to vastav me kam score hai.vaise jayadatar eshi moives popular hoti hai aur acha pradsan karti hai', 'is weekend temperature kya hona chahiye ?', 'kya maine aaj ke liye koi reminders set kiye hai ?', 'clark county wa me live nativity plays', 'kal Los Angeles me mausam kaisa rahega ?', 'Sunday ko hope ke brithday ke baare me reminder cancel kardo', 'Bhai 4.10 hua jaldi aao na', 'Saturday ko grocery shopping karne ka mera reminder delete kar do', \"Bob ko text karo ki I ' m okay .\", 'Austin me Christmas festivals', 'aaj hee UV index kya hai ?', '(b) where the marriage of his parents does not subsist, in the net wealth of that parent who maintains the minor child in the previous year as defined in section 3 of the Income-tax Act, aur jaha aesi koi aastiya parents me se kisi ak ke shuddha dhan me ak bar included kar li jati he, any such assets shall not be included in the net wealth of the other parent in any succeeding yearjab tak nirnadhar adhikari is satisfied, after giving that parent an opportunity of being heard,aesa karna aavshyak he', 'SIM pakka BSNL ki hogi.. Gusse me maalik phenk gaya hogahttps://twitter.com/oneindiaHindi/status/682120115156987905 …', 'Kya tumne book bhi padhi hai?', 'Abhi downtown Portland me traffic kaisa hai', 'Meridian se Boise tak driving karte samay traffic kaisa hai', 'mujhe kuch Shakira songs sunna hai', 'kon kon hein in mein?', 'Muje dog food pick karne ke liye remind karaye .', 'aaj mera 5 pm ka alarm cancel kardo', 'kya wednesday baarish hogi ?', 'Jessica ko message karo dog walker ko pay karne ke liye', 'Kya aap muje UK ka mausam bata sakte he ?', 'aas pas car shows', 'please , 7 a . m ke liye alarm set kare .', 'Mere paas kal ke liye kya reminders he ?', 'kya mere ghar se Hannah ke ghar tak saarey roads saaf hai ?', 'please mere naye messages padker sunaiye', 'Muje Empire State Building ke liye driving directions bataye', 'mere 3 pm ke alarm ko 5 pm me badle', 'friday mornings ko 5 baje ke liye alarm on kare', 'mujhe har roz subah 6 : 30 ke liye set kiya hua ek recurring alarm chahiye', 'yaha July mei average temperature kya hai', 'Tyrese station ko play kare', 'Muje mere ghar se the Jazz Music Festival tak drive karke jane me kitna time lagega ?', 'Michael ke sath ETID concert me jaana chahiye ya fir Randy ke sath cinemaplexagon me wo new Dustin Hoffman flick dekhne jaana chahiye', 'kya mausam traffic ko slow kar raha hai', 'ye track ko twice repeat kare', 'work ke raste me traffic delays', 'Namaste', 'Saturday ko frig ko saaf karne ke liye reminder banaye', 'Please meri spotify playlist ko play kare', 'kal ke brunch ke liye mere reminder ko cancel karo', 'colin ko message karo aur pucho ki he got the same message from dave that i did', 'agle Friday ko Rocklin me Pub crawling', 'Wednesday subah 8 baje ke liye trip reminder set kare', 'aaj ke baaki reminders cancel kare', 'January me aas pas food festivals', 'rent pay karne ke liye monthly reminder set kare', 'kya aap agle hafte Alan ki wedding ke baare me reminder delete karsakte hai ?', 'traffic kaha hai', 'noosa me abhi kitni garmi hai', 'timer pause kare', 'Elle ko daily dog ko feed karne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'kal subha Eastern Suffolk se Queens tak pahunchne me mujhe kitna samay lagega ?', 'james bond ki playlist ko rokein', 'kya mujhe beech mountain ke liye ek jacket pack karni chahiye ?', 'Sacramento tak drive kitni lambi hai', 'kya abhi traffic bhari hai', '1 pm ke liye ek reminder set karen', 'chaar ghante ke liye alarm set kardo', 'timer par kitne minutes bache hai ?', 'aapko gatsby ka role kon play kiya patha hein?', 'walk per jaane ke alarm ko 8 am se badal kar 9 am ka kare', 'dopaher 12 baje mousam kaisa hoga', 'sabhi timers ko delete karo', '5 minutes me timer start kare', 'kya aj barf ki wajah se wake County ke public schools band hai', 'Tum UP mein ho na, tum bhijwao', '20 minutes ko timer me add kare', 'Aajkal ghadi ka bhi kaam kar raha hu, social cause mein zindagi beet rahi hai.', 'shaam 4 baje ka alarm delete kare', 'naya playlist add kare', 'mujhe 5 pm ko dinner banane ke liye yaad dilaye', 'mujhe the rangers game ke liye drive karne mei kitni der lagegi ?', 'Kya bahut saare air traffic he', 'kya Thursday ko mujhe umbrella ki zaroorat padegi ?', 'Agle hafte 21 Pilot ke concerts', 'kya downtown Gettysburg me aaj raat koi tours chal rahe he', 'kya aap playlist me songs ko alphabetize karsakte hai', 'kya Tuesday subha ke liye maine alarm set kiya tha ?', 'timer ko cancel kare aur twenty minutes ke liye reset kare .', 'Route 46 par traffic kaisi hai', 'Veronica Carver ko response bhejo', 'agle hafte mousam kaisa hoga', 'Please Tuesday ka mera APPOINTMENT reminder cancel kare .', 'San Diego me mausam kaisa hai ?', \"March 5th ke liye 2 o ' clock ka ek alarm create karen .\", 'Kya muje kal bundle up karna chahiye', 'Mere pas family chat par kya messages hai ?', 'kya aaj raat baarish hogi', 'Tupac ke Spotify par songs', \"Ashley ko message karo aur use batao ki the Ray ' s game starts at 9 p . m . and is located at Tropicana Field .\", 'Banff me agle weekend ka forecast kya hai ?', 'Amanda ko message karo ki , what are the directions to your house in New Brunswick , NS ?', 'hahahah done bhai.. karte hai milke thoda liver theek', 'mai chahta hu ki kal subha alarm subah 9 bajhe band hojaye , kya ye 11 am me badal diya jaaye please ?', 'Kya Moorhead jaate samay raaste me koi road blocks hai ?', 'mere dinner ingredients mujhe laana hai ke baare me ek reminder banaye', 'kya Niagara Falls me thand hai', '24 ghante ke liye har 4 ghante ke liye alarm set kare', 'Sydney ke liye three weeks me Monday ko weather kesa he ?', 'agar mai 3 00 pm ko nikal jaoon to mere commute par kitna samay add hoga ?', 'next weekend ko Tampa me kya koi music festivals hai', 'Please kal dopaher 12 baje ke liye ek lunch time alarm banayen', 'mujhe lights band karne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'kya kal barish band hojayegi ?', 'Labor Day ke liye Minneola ka weather forecast kya hai ?', 'tuesdays ke din 5 pm ka ek alarm set karen', 'agla alarm kab band hoga ?', 'pandora par top station play kare', 'Mere favorite songs bajao', 'Agle hafte san clemente me holiday events hai', 'Raleigh me aaj raat music events', 'agla song', 'pollen count kitna hai', 'New York City mei subha traffic kaisa hai', 'inception ko play karo', 'Oakland , California ke muqable Tampa , Florida me kitna humid hai', 'us Thursday : 45 PM ke alarm ko agley din samay samay band hone ke liye badlein', 'Aaj raat pencils kharidne ke liye reminder create kare', '9 am ke alarm ko 10 am me badle', 'Muje wo naya bank account setup karne ke liye reminder message bheje', 'Muje Italy ke mausam ke baare me bataye', 'please mujhe abhi se 20 minutes ke baad alarm set karne me help kare', 'current traffic ke sath ghar pahuchne ke liye mera eta kya hai', 'kya ap mujhe aj 1 pm ke liye weather forecast kar sakte hai', 'Journey se koi bhi track skip kare', 'kal tides ke times', 'Aaj karne ke liye cheeze', 'pichla gana fir se chalaye', 'San Francisco ke liye aaj raat ka temperature Celsius me', 'Aaj kitne bajhe suraj niklega', 'kya ap yardwork timer se 20 minutes nikaal sakte hai', 'Please mujhe baad me bread laane ke liye yaad dilayen', 'Easter break ke liye expected rainfall data kya hai ?', 'Aaj raat 6 : 00 baje mujhe meri dry cleaning pick up krne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'Ek hi joke kitni baar maroge?', 'Kya aaj raat barf padne ke koi chance hai ?', 'ye song ko dubaara mat bajao', 'ek song bajao .', 'Seychelles me aaj weather kaisa hai ?', 'kal subah 9 bajhe ke liye alarm lagaye', 'ek reminder add karo', 'Kal subah ke liye alarm set kare .', 'kal Dehli ke liye kitna garm hone wala hai in degree Celcius', 'mai ninety five minutes ke liye timer kaise set karu ?', 'New York se Costa Rica tak drive karne mei kitni der lagegi', 'Wednesday ko mere liye mere doctor ke appointment ke baare me ek reminder set karen', 'florida turnpike par traffic kaisa hai', 'aj work ke liye drive time kya hai', 'Wednesday sham 4 bajhe ke liye alarm lagaye', 'Woh cannot try to use the little guy beats the big guy in the next one kyunki officer proved her self already.', 'Kya muje aaj raat coat chahiye ?', 'Mere liye Kendrick Lamar bajao .', 'Decatur ke raaste me koi road band hai', 'Muje aaj ke liye weather bataye', 'mere liye thoda DRIVING MUSIC bajao', 'MITRON.. Taj Mahal se mera puraana naata hai.. Mein apne grahako ko sirf Taj Mahal chai pilaata tha..https://twitter.com/ANI_news/status/800274552144019456\\xa0…', 'mere reminder alarm ko badal do .', 'Kya aaj raat thand hogi', 'Mujhe aj raat ko kaam ke baad bagels laane ke liye yaad dilaye', 'agley haftey theaters mei kids ke liye Sensory day hai', '6 minute ke liye har minute alarm set kare', 'Latin music dhundein', '4 intervals ke liye 15 minutes ka timer set kare', 'kya mai 30 minutes me doctor ke paas pahunch sakta hoon ?', 'Elysburg , PA me mausam kaisa hai ?', '9 PM ke liye alarm create karo', 'kuch comedy shows dhundo', 'kabhi kabhi wo dusri review sites se jo kuch keen reveiwers ke dwara hoti hai kafi bhatak jate hai', 'last time maine interval timer kab use kiya tha', \"Grace ko message karo ki I can ' t wait to see you tomorrow !\", 'thursdays ko mujhe brunch kaha mil sakta hai', 'ab ke country music ko bajao .', 'album ko shuru se shuru kare', 'Kya aaj baarish hogi ?', 'mere pals Chris aur Robert ke sath group message set kare', 'song ke beginning me vapis jaiye', 'timing ko phirse shuru karo', 'kya aap mujhe kal ke baad ka mausam bata sakte hai', 'is gaaney ko mere liye repeat kare', 'Mere alarm par snooze option remove kardo', 'mujhe kal dopahar 3 bajhe aur batteries laane ke liye yaad dilaye', 'kuch Sinatra play kare .', 'hmm, nahi', 'current playlist ko skip kare', 'sam ko message karo ki bring my Kindle back', 'har dusre Saturday ko subah 6 30 bajhe ke liye alarm set kare', 'mere liye thoda billy joel ka music bajao', 'har 20 minutes ke liye alarm set kare', 'kya aap mujhe koi dusra rasta dwara le sakte hai', \"Simone ko message karo aur pucho ke what time the New Year ' s Eve party is .\", 'Agar mene 421 liya to Greensboro se Winston Salem tak kitna time lagega', 'patty ki party ke liye gift laane ke reminder ko cancel karen .', 'kya aap agle hafte ke liye alarm karsakte hai', 'agle hafte mausam kaisa rahega ?', 'kya Seattle mei Century Link Stadium ke aas paas koi traffic delays hai', 'Please film crew ko yaad dilaayen ki hamare pas subah 8 baje se pehle shooting start karne ki zaroorat hai .', 'guys , the marijuana law in colorado , oregon , and washington can pass this tuesday . #highhopes', 'vaise luncher paji kaha hai ? woh school nahi jate kya ?', 'Sabrina ko message bhejo Is he okay ?', 'Mujhe September 1 se pehle Manny ka oil changed karne ke liye yaad dilaayen .', 'mere is haftey kitne doctor ke appointment ke reminders hai ?', 'kya aaj aandhi aayegi ?', 'Kya mai spotify par queen ko sun sakta hu', 'WhatsApp Arthur Nice movie recommendation .', 'Muje meri mom ke ghar drive karke jane me kitna time lagega ?', 'Timberlake cool tha', 'Agar mai work se aaj shaam 4 : 30 baje nikal jaoon to mai I - 5 southbound par kitna kam traffic encounter kar paonga', 'Paint parties', 'Jace ko message karo aur bolo ki meri birthday par 7 PM ko pahuch jao', 'New York ke mausam ke baare me kya impressions hai ?', 'Mai Lady Gaga ko sunna chahta hu', 'please chats ko start karo', \"mai 90 ' s hip Hop sunna chahta hoon\", 'kya abhi 131 par north bound traffic bhari hai', 'Friday ke liye mere reminders lo', 'mere aas paas ke Drone Racing Events', 'New York City me 2018 mei broadway plays chalne wale', 'har din subha 7 baje ke liye ek alarm set karen', 'Shatrughan: Beta aaj #WorldBookDay hai, batao kya chahiye?\\n \\n Sonakshi: Wow Papa, mere liye 1.25 kilo samose aur jalebi. Bahot book lagi hai', 'Kale ko message bhejo , women groups meetup ke liye travel arrangements karne ke liye', '1 ghante ke liye alarm set kare', 'mujhe tution pay karne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'Tuesday ke liye mera alarm kitne baje hai ?', 'Muje is coming week ke liye weather forecast bataiye', 'Halloween ko mausam kaisa hone wala hai ?', 'continental U . S se Hawai kitni door hai', 'YES! aaja yaar mazze karte hai', 'Detroit me traffic kesa he', 'alarm rokein', 'mujhe 20 minutes ke liye ek timer chahiye', 'Saurabh Bhola tu hai na :P', 'please mere friend Santiago ko message bhejen', 'Steuben Parade ke liye konsa roads blocked hai ?', 'Pewaukee me current traffic kaisa hai', 'kya aaj Orioles game me baarish hogi', 'mere liye thoda classical music bajao by Mozart', 'mere timer ko pause kare', 'Mere pas apne timer par kitna time bacha he ?', 'chicago me is monday ko konse cool concerts attend karne ke liye he', 'kya aap ringing ko khatam karsakte hai', 'mere wake up alarm ko badle', 'PTO ko first day kickoff ke bare mei yaad dilaen', 'is haftey kitni garmi hai', \"dad ko bolo ki I ' ve made it to the store .\", 'mujhe sabhi alarms batao', 'meeting reminder ko is saturday ke bajaaye agle Saturday ko 7 baje ka kare', 'agle saturday ko Teena ki party ke liye reminder set karen', 'please timer ko suspend kare', 'phoenix me abhi toofan kitna hai', 'Mene aaj ke liye kitne alarm bachne he', 'agar mai 15 minutes mei nikalta hoon toh mere attorney ke office pahunchne ke liye sabse tez rasta konsa hai ?', 'Muje August 14th ko mere son ki school picnic attend karne ke liye remind karaye ,', 'alarm ko band kardo', 'Mera John ko information email karne ka reminder kab he ?', 'timer rokein', '4 : 30 pm ka alarm set kardo', 'is week ka homework khatam karne mei mujhe kitni der lagi', 'timer ko band kardo aur 5 minutes ke liye reset karo', 'kya kal savoy airport ke liye koi detours hai ?', 'holiday break ke doraan free family events ko suggest kare', 'kya aap mera thursday subah 7 baje ka alarm subah 6 : 30 bajhe ke liye badle sakte hai .', 'Peter ko message kare ki I need to cancel the meeting today . I had a car accident .', 'spotify par kuch electronica play kariye', 'mere raaste par traffic kaisa hai', 'kya aap Aunt Betty aur Chanel ko video message karsakte hai ?', 'mere Aug 22 ke liye hair appointment schedule karne ke reminder ko cancel karo', 'mai abhi utne wala nahi hu', 'Kya aaj subah 101 South par koi detours hai ?', 'aaj ke liye mere pas kya reminders hai', 'mujhe mere ek ghante ke timer ko updated karna hai', 'Mujhe aaj raat midnight se pehle mere emails ko answer karne ke liye yaad dilaye aur ek ghante pehle alert karen .', 'Timer ko band karo', 'Tony ko message karo aur bolo ki please electric bill pay karne ke liye', 'Kya kal baarish hone wali hai ?', 'classical music play karo', 'Kya aap muje date ke liye tayyar hone ke liye remind karwa sakte he ?', 'please mujhe bataye ke Scottish Highlands ka temperature kya hai .', 'kya mujhe traffic report par update mil sakta hai', 'kya kal barf girne waali hai ?', 'Ye aapne twitter ka #KatuSatya bayaan kiya hai, chaadar mein lapetkar patthar maara hai muh par ', 'kya Portland , Maine me koi bands playing hai', 'meri ma ko text message send karo aur pucho ki aaj raat dinner ke liye kya hai', 'please is track ko skip karen .', 'Mujhe Rogers Park me the Salsa music festival ke liye directions chahiye .', 'Kya aap muje bata sakte he kal meri mom ki plane kab aane wali hai aur 2 ghante pehle ek reminder set kar sakte he ?', 'mujhe kal mere piano students ke liye invoices bhejne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'Cathy ko message karo ki , Shall we leave ?', 'haan, mujhe lagata hai ki vah bahut pareshaan thee. jaisa mainne kaha ki main vaastav mein us sab ko samajh nahin paaya hoon. main jyaadaatar ganit ke lie isamen tha. kya dilachasp, aakarshak kahaanee hai.', 'Muje kid ke reminders Shoe kare', 'mujhe mere recurring reminders laker de', 'lake michigan aur lake erie ke beech kitne miles hai', 'mera agla alarm kab ke liye set hai ?', 'kya traffic par mausam ka asar horaha hai', 'mujhe Manchester se Hooksett me Cinemagic tak drive karke jaane me kitna samay lagega', 'Scott ko message karo milk pick up karne ke liye', 'Sir \" Aaj BJP Hoti satta me to desh ke hit me #SurgicalStrike kar ke 1 ke badle 10 sir le aati ...', 'kya aj Portland me 90 degrees ke upar hoga ?', 'Matlab khud maro phir, dusron ki kyu maarte ho?https://twitter.com/DailyYeats/status/691365373321568258\\xa0…', 'is weekend ko humidity kitni hogi ?', 'ek stir the pot alarm banaen .', 'toofan kab aaraha hai ?', 'Is dopahar stock price check karne ke liye reminder hataye', 'mujhe sabrina ke reply par like kariye', 'aur 10 minutes ke liye timer extend kare', 'har Tuesday 3 00 pm ko recurring alarm set kare', 'Branson airport se Walmart Headquarters tak ke liye directions', 'Kya aaj raat koi thanksgiving events hone wale hai', 'aur phir proof bhi deta.. dekho Mehr ka ration card..', 'please mujhe bataye ke timer par kitna time bacha hai', 'mujhe milk khareedne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'Is hafte ke liye mujhe mere sabhi gardening reminders dikhao .', 'haha, biwi se bachakar bhai, tu hospital se tweet karein ye mujhe bilkul gawara nahi', 'saare alarms band karo', 'rap music play kare please', 'mujhe Saturday subha 9 baje tak Bandelier Monument pahuchne ke liye ghar se kab nikalna chahiye ?', 'alarm ko mute kare', 'kya aaj New Albany me traffic se bachne ka koi raasta hai', 'Please milo ko video message record karo aur use bhejo', 'drapan nhi darpan hota h . . aapki hindi kamzor h', 'Aaj mujhe kaam par jaane ke liye kitna time lagega', 'aaj raat 8 : 30 pm ke liye alarm lagaye', 'Renee ko message karo ki I cannot make the baby shower today .', 'accident kab clear hoga', 'haan, agar aap dekho tho aapko hi patha chalega', 'babysitter ke liye alarm set kare', \"mujhe Abington me Nam ' s salon ke liye driving directions batao\", 'dopaher 2 baje ka weather bataye please', 'Tuesday ke liye mera alarm kya hai ?', 'mai timer ko 30 minutes ke liye set karna chahta hu', 'mere entire alarm list ko change kare', 'mere wake up alarm ko cancel kare', 'highway par traffic kitni tezi se aage badh rahi hai', 'Ann ko message karo aur pucho ki if she found my phone', 'Please traffic par updates den', 'sabse halki traffic kab he', 'Kya aap muje remind kara sakte he to call in refills for meds for mom and dad on Saturday at 9 am ?', 'Aaj yaha severe weather risk kya hai ?', 'mere active timer se 19 minutes deduct kare', 'Kingman se Laughlin tak jane ke liye kitna time lagega ?', 'kilometers me wind kitni fast hoti hai ?', 'Hugh Jackman ek robot hai?', 'monday thru thursday ke liye subah 5 baje ka alarm set kare', 'Jack aur Jill ko message bhejo aur unhe bolo ki I am on my way', \"today ' s low kya hai ?\", 'Kya is weekend par koi family friendly events ho rahe he', 'kya aj subah capitol expressway par koi flooding hai', 'kya aaj umbrella chahiye ?', 'kuch classic rock music bajao', 'Is weekend orange county me karne ke liye cheeze', 'kya katy mei agle weekend koi family events hai', 'please kal ke koi bhi alarms delete karden', 'kya kansas city tak 1 - 29 par koi delays hai', 'kya mai dopaher se pehle yaha se Lafayette , La pahuch sakta hoon ?', 'agle alarm ko silence par rakho', 'pahle trader ko approach karna sensible hoga.', 'abhi yaha se lewisville tak traffic kaisa hai', 'jeff ko message bheje kehte huye ki he looked hot today', 'Is thursday ko , please mere alarm ko subah 8 baje ke liye badlein', 'aj ka temperature kaisa hai ?', 'kal alarm ko yaad dilaayen', 'Umbria me mausam kaisa hai ?', 'Budget, budget hashan krte hue present kiya jaata h, jo in fact, parliament mein sabse important speech meinse ek hota h', 'Aap ko kya lagta he On the 19th of May , weather will be like ?', 'Orlando mei kya hone wala hai', 'Kya kal raat roads barfeeley honge ?', 'Muje mom tak pohochne me kitna time lagega', 'mere pati ko aj raat 7 bajhe se pehle lawn ko mowing karne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'abhi se 20 minutes ke liye alarm set karen', 'Mujhe Friday ke liye radar batao', 'kya aj San Fran me koi ache punk concerts hai', 'good evening type kare', 'please Johnny Lang ke radio ko play kare', '30 second par timer par kitna time bakhi hai', 'song ko loop karen', 'yeh karke anna ne saabith kiya ke woh fascist nahi hai . . . . .', 'mujhe sabhi timers ko dikhao jo 4 ghante se zyada ke liye set kiye gaye ho', '6 pm ke liye alarm cancel kare', 'is mahine Speed dating events aane wala hai', 'besties group chat par last message ko Thumbs up kare', 'Leesa ko bataye ki me abhi busy hu lekin me use baadme call kar lungi', 'Kya aaj raat Paris me 78 degrees Celsius ke neeche rahega', 'mai is movie ko apni dekhi jaane wali list me add karne ke baare soch raha hu.', 'subha ke liye alarm set karen', 'mere 4 : 45 PM ke alarm ko 5 : 00 PM me badle', 'Janauary 1st ke liye ek midnight alarm banaen .', 'Lucy ke recital ke reminder ko cancel kare .', \"Lisa ko message karo aur pucho ke what ' s the fastest route to the interstate .\", 'Kya aap muje meri meeting ke liye 3 pm ko reminder se alert karenge ?', 'Kya aap Cindy ko 7 bajhe Turkey ko oven se baahar nikalne ke liye reminder laga sakte hai ?', 'Kuch kuch milta hai anjali, tum nahi samjhogihttps://twitter.com/uPoliticat/status/864066951475216384\\xa0…', 'alarm ko abhi cancel kardo', 'ye ek Superhero Iron Man ke baare mein hai, real non-superhero life mein wo ek genius inventor hai', 'mere timer me 10 minutes add kare', 'Judge : Batao #Dhoni ne resign kyu kya ?', 'kya aj martinsville mei morningside lane drivable hai', 'Florida me kal ka mousam kaisa hoga', 'tampa aur orlando ke beech ka traffic kaisa hai', 'my xbox live ends tomorrow :( mw3 and gears3 all day ! hit me up !', 'Is week ke Concerts', 'please timer ko pause kare', 'kuch aur reggae play kare', 'Harrisburg se Philadelphia jaate samay traffic kaisa hai', 'mai Denmark ka weather forecast janne chahta hoon', 'kya traffic light hai', 'is haftey mausam kaisa rehne wala hai', 'Aaj raat ke liye low predicted temperature kya he ?', 'Agar mai 30 minutes me nikal jaoon to traffic kaisa hoga ?', 'Agala biggest country event kab hone wala hai', 'kuch reggae play kare', 'Kya aap mere floss my teeth reminder ko ek bar har din ke liye update karsakte hai ?', 'rap music play karo']}\n", "time: 1.1 ms (started: 2024-02-04 09:18:58 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "print(train)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 40, "id": "bab88f71-c14b-4b69-a106-fdd2e61e9570", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "time: 9.54 ms (started: 2024-02-04 09:18:58 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "validation = dataset[\"test\"].shuffle(42)[:500]\n", "test = dataset[\"test\"].shuffle(42)[500:750]" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 41, "id": "6b87035a-c026-479a-92cd-d75fe68ff92b", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "{'en': ['switch to chats now', 'hahaha ...solid hai re baba', 'reset the alarm for 6 pm', 'Can you find the reminders about dinner ?', 'Get rid of the reminder to reschedule the meeting at work .', 'Set up a reminder for Dan that he needs to pay me for rent each month .', 'The part where he creates the email system to answer prayers and sets it to auto-reply \"yes\" is pretty funny and says a lot about religion.', 'Can you play classic holiday tunes', 'traffic to work today', 'Will be getting the storm today ?', \"What ' s the temperature going to be today ?\", 'What will the weather be on July 4th .', 'Play classic rock .', 'Is there any traffic on I 24', 'Music festivals in upstate NY', 'Will there be any rainfall this week ?', 'What is the temperature right now in North Dakota', 'Set a reminder for Friday pick up bread', \"But one important institution - the U.S. government - claims not to know Hadayet's goals. An FBI spokesman has said that “there's nothing to indicate terrorism.” Another FBI official said of Hadayet: “It appears he went there with the intention of killing people. Why he did that we are still trying to determine.” Possible causes named include a work dispute and a hate crime.\", \"What ' s the forecast for Sunday ?\", 'delete this song please', \"How ' s the traffic on I - 55 this morning ?\", 'tell me all concerts near me from Maroon five', 'Can you give me the weather for next week ?', 'Summer Solstice celebration this coming weekend in Harvard Square', 'What is it like back home', 'Alarm on wake up', 'What time is the rain moving in', 'Remind me to give dad his - medication at 3', 'Show me traffic', 'remind me to take a photo at the event', 'Message Milton and tell him to meet me by the elevator .', 'How hot is it for Beijing today in degree f', 'Is there a storm ?', 'can you set up a reminder about car oil change appointment on sunday august 5th 2018 at 8 am .', 'be proud #SurgicalStrike #TradebanPak spread this word. kashmiryuva join #BharatiyaSeNa', 'Set timer for 9 hours', 'thank you for your valuable time to chat with me', 'cancel alarm 3', 'any community garage sales in fort worth this weekend', 'Give me the five day weather forecast', 'Restart the timer I set', 'Please display my next alarm', 'remind me to pay my visa and paypal bill on saturday', 'Repeat that song .', 'movie premieres in LA in January', 'Delete the reminder I have for picking up Tim after school Wednesday .', 'how much traffic near Yoyogi Park', 'I need to amend my alarm from 8 pm this evening to 9 : 30 pm', 'Give me the quickest way to get from Wellsboro to Plymouth .', 'is it hot outside', 'What is the temperature going to be today ?', 'how will be the weather after 10 days ?', 'he is a human', 'Tell me how to get to the movie theater from school .', 'Record a video message to send to Todd and Will', 'What is happening in La Plata tomorrow', \"kick out the mullas, don't do TP \", 'is it raining on the roads to work today', 'restart music', 'How long will it take me to drive to the Hampton outlets', 'Text my mom that I ’ m on my way .', 'How congested is the traffic situation in LA', 'Will it be sunny at Moody Beach today ?', 'remind me to get eggs tonight', 'Time remaining on timer .', 'Play me some Imagine Dragons', 'Display alarms for this week', 'remove 5 minutes from timer', 'please play blue', 'love can happen with anyone', 'Play a song by Elton John', 'do i have any alarms still set', 'Set a timer', 'Please remove the alert for my daily yoga sessions .', \"Send Mom a text . Don ' t worry\", 'Yeah, I hear that too often', 'Remind me 30 minutes before the Basketball Event', 'Is there any night skiing this week at Okemo', 'Send my son a message', 'Remind me to take my medicine at 9 pm everyday', 'open satellite map', 'Send a message to the caterer and tell her to bring donuts to the reception', 'will do anything for love type? love with love', 'Skip next track', 'set a timer for 45 minutes', \"let ' s hear the weather\", 'Should I bring an umbrella tomorrow ?', 'Create an alarm that goes off every 2nd Saturday at 4 pm', 'Set Timer Alarm for 15 minutes after start', 'Remind me to buy Maeghan a wedding gift on Saturday .', \"How ' s the traffic in Los Angeles today\", \"when will I arrive to my mom ' s house if I leave now\", 'what US city has the coldest temperature today', \"I don ' t want to forget to watch the latest press conference\", \"message Richard It ' s too short .\", 'What events are happening in Los Angeles tomorrow', 'Play songs from the current top 20 in popular music .', 'repeat alarm 4 pm Tuesdays', 'Can you give me the forecast for this weekend .', 'How far is Atlanta from Maine', 'is it going to be hot out today', 'what is the low temperature for today', 'What is the distance from Miami to New York', 'Any music festivals coming to my area next month', 'Timer for a week', 'Delete February alarms', 'Play me music from the 90s', 'Read me any reminders for today .', 'message la masseria and ask if they found the ring i lost', 'remove the reminder for the oil change Thursday', 'What does highway traffic look like', \"I want to listen to Sinatra ' s hits\", 'You should set an alarm for March 24th , at 3 .', 'when will it start to get dark outside', 'set timer every 20 minutes for a hour', 'How many miles long is the traffic jam', \"How many hours will it take to drive from my grandfather ' s house to Denver ?\", 'What is the weather prediction for 5 : 00 pm ?', 'have an alarm go off please', 'play the sleep playlist', 'When is traffic heaviest in Columbia', \"I ' m leaving my house at 7PM . How long should it take me to get down to Richmond , VA at that time of night ?\", 'is traffic heavy in nyc today', \"What ' s the temperature low for the day ?\", 'Any thoughts on any of the other actors? I had forgotten Tim McGraw was in the movie, haha', 'Stop the music', 'Remind me to pick up apples after work today at 5 pm .', 'Change timer to count up instead of down', 'Who has just texted me ?', 'This song is terrible , next ?', 'Pause my timer , please', 'Marathons near Denver', \"Okay , cancel my reminder about Papa ' s party tomorrow .\", 'How long will it take to drive from home to Dallas', 'Forecast for Ramadan .', 'what is the traffic over the weekend in redmond', 'How long is my ride to the doctor', 'how are the roads looking', 'I need a 1 minute timer .', 'Please set an alarm for 9 pm this evening', 'nooo, the photo was good, atleast people are having a look at it. ', 'is there congestion on the New Jersey Turnpike right now ?', \"aww so sweet, i will sleep first so that i don't have to read any more of your tweets.\", 'Is it quicker to take highway or back roads to the apple harvest fest in southington ?', 'set the same timer again', \"And if their speed is zero, they 'll maintain that restfulness.\", 'I need the traffic report for Tulsa this morning', 'Ask Juan about when he starts his new job .', 'Remove the alert about the Aerosmith concert on August 2 at 4 pm .', 'Is there a Lorde concert available nearby', \"I ' d like to know the weather for tomorrow evening in London\", 'If some work receives opposition instead of praising of the people, then that work is 100% right?. i support note ban', 'Christmas concerts in Dothan this weekend', 'Tell me the weather for Thanksgiving .', 'Change the time on the reminder regarding dinner with Lee from 5 to 6 pm .', 'is it suppose to snow tomorrow', 'Delete my next alarm', 'Remind me that I need to do laundry soon .', 'Make an alarm for wednesdays for 5 weeks', 'average rainfall in NY', 'restart paused timer', 'Remind Kevin about football practice tomorrow .', 'Set an alarm for dinner at 6 : 00 pm .', 'Are there any cooking classes in Philadelphia', 'Is there and reported accidents in Miami', 'Will it rain tonight', 'When will I arrive at Independence Hall if I start at the Liberty Mall at 4 : 18 ?', 'What weather will be like in the evening ?', 'Give me rush hours I need to avoid heavy traffic', 'Set alarm for 4 am tomorrow', 'play the soundtrack to 28 Days Later', 'Is there any concerts in Melbourne tomorrow', 'set me an alarm for the 15th May at 2 PM in the afternoon .', 'Will I be hitting traffic on the way to work today', 'Set a reminder for Luanne bridal shower .', 'Call Mum on the 7th at 4 pm', 'let Karen know the event is cancelled', 'Ok well overall I thought this movie was pretty good.', 'Skip the rap music .', 'Are we expecting more hurricanes in the USA', 'photos: rihanna crowned carnaval queen: pop superstar visited the greystone manor supperclub wednesday night.', \"How long does it take to get to my Dentist ' s office appointment from here\", 'Is my timer still on ?', 'How much rain did they get in Dallas , TX last night', 'make a new alarm for tomorrow', 'get my messages on whatsapp', 'alarm adjustment from 9 pm to 10 pm', 'Find out if there is any lightening in the area', 'Delete the reminder for dinner tomorrow .', 'I think it starts household by household, under the same roof.', 'Please set me an alarm for Sunday the 1st May', 'Turn off now', \"What ' s the route with the lightest traffic\", 'start time', \"What ' s today ' s forecast\", 'Is the 405 still congested', 'Is it raining in Cleveland , Ohio right now ?', 'Are any roads blocked off', 'Send a note to Jordan asking if she can add 3 - 4 vegan menu items to the potluck dinner on June 28th .', 'Could you create Tom Petty station ?', 'Hayrides in Cedar Rapids', 'Is the traffic heavy in San Francisco today', 'Send a message asking what time they want to go to the Santa Monica Pier ?', 'Message Jamie and ask her if she got a ride to the dance Friday', 'Set alarm for 3 : 30 pm', 'music concerts in Detroit this weekend', 'What can I do tomorrow', 'how long will it take me to get there with this traffic', 'show alarms i have set', 'Farmers markets in Cedar Park tomorrow', 'Install 2 alarms for every Tuesday afternoon 3 pm and 4 pm', 'Will it snow in the next 7 days ?', 'Set a 10 minute timer', 'Restart timer from zero .', 'Set timer for 33 minutes and remind .', 'play some gospel music', 'Play the new album from Dre .', 'Holiday events in Schenectady tonight', 'begin alarm for friday 16th at 8 am', 'Play us the newest song', \"What ' s the weather like today ?\", 'Set reminder to pick up Charles', 'Will it rain on New Years Eve ?', 'Create alarm for 7 am and 8 am on Tuesday', 'play some European', 'we will go jalandhar with whiskey!', 'How cold does it get in the Caribbean in January', 'What is the highest temperature in Lima ?', 'Does it rain in southern california ?', 'Any detours on my route', 'will traffic be heavy this weekend', 'How hot is it tomorrow menlo park in degrees c', 'is there any road construction on the way to memorial stadium today ?', 'Search for family events in Washington DC on the weekend', 'Skip the next song .', 'I need to go to the meeting on tuesday , please set up the reminder', 'Concerts in Las Vegas', \"What ' s the 10 day forecast for Puerto Rico\", 'What are the alarm created , please ?', 'cancel my alarm', 'Can you play All of Me by John Legend ?', 'Can I see the weather in California ?', 'Set a reminder for Evan to email Conor tomorrow', 'please someone send drop or so of rain we want to breathe #Frustration #delhipollution #DelhiGasChamber', 'cancel timer', 'What weather is expected for The weekend', 'What is the weather like in Hampton Park right now ?', 'is it supposed to rain tonight', 'any museum events', 'Pause this track now', 'Set a reminder to check on Paulines printer tonight .', 'can you alert me about doctors appointment 30 minutes earlier', 'Please create an alarm that goes off at 8 am and 2 : 30 pm', 'reset alarm for one hour from now', 'I hate the last song .', 'What did that message say again ?', \"show only today ' s reminders\", 'what christmas events are happening in Austin this weekend', \"Message Ethan and tell him that I can ' t wait to see him\", 'How much rain do we get here ?', 'Play my music', 'Tell Teresa that I love her .', 'list my favorite songs', 'Estimated arrival time at home', 'Remind me to send a birthday card to my brother on December 20 .', 'Metal concerts tonight near me', 'Please display to me my current alarms .', 'access unread text messages', 'Is there any road work between Olympia and Seattle', 'Set alarm for 0450 hours', 'Delete all reminders for Class of 76 teleconference', 'Kid friendly holiday parties this week', 'What is the forecast for the weekend ?', \"Change today ' s reminder to 5 .\", 'Cancel Wednesdays alarm', 'what is the timer set to', 'restart my timer', \"remind me that I have a doctor ' s appointment Tuesday at 9 am\", 'Keep going with the first dye hair timer', 'Play the latest song by Lil Wayne', 'Will there be any Storms tonight ?', \"What ' s going on in Irvine tomorrow\", 'Remind me to get more stamps', 'Please cancel the alarm for 4 PM', 'What is the next play at the Childrens Little Theater', 'go back and play the last song again', 'cancel the reminder', 'delete reminder for thawing dinner', 'Where to learn paddling this week', 'what is the traffic like in New York', 'I need an alarm set for 2 pm', 'How hot will it be today', 'is there traffic by the airport', 'morning breakfast - in lahore. lunch - in karachi. night party - in islamabad. jai hind https://twitter.com/IndiaTVHindi/status/781394021402812416', 'Show my list of reminders .', 'Tell me the weather for the Maritimes .', 'The best place to go dancing on Friday night in Roseville', 'send a message to Anna to ask when she has time .', 'Delete my 2 pm meeting reminder , please .', 'Will I need an umbrella today', 'But if he was of the deniers [who were] astray,', 'List all RWA Conventions and locations for the next 3 years', 'cancel timer recording of The Blue Lagoon', 'What ; s thew weather like in Latvia', 'Set a reminder to get a hotel room .', 'Please reply to Jane with this audio message .', 'Please set for 6 am wake up', 'forecast for austin tx ?', 'What is pending for today in my reminders ?', 'Set three alarms at 9 , 12 and 3', 'Everyone needs free entertainment, Damn this atrocious world! *wipes a tear*', \"Send a message to Felicia saying the paint isn ' t drying yet\", 'snooze the alarm', 'Set a reminder for my meeting with Milania tomorrow', ' aage kya karneka socha hai?pic.twitter.com/WpWQQbJ7od', 'Shuffle music', 'Set an alarm for the 17th May at 9 pm', 'start a go to bed alarm for tomorrow at 11 pm', 'send a video message to the cat lovers group thread', 'play 99 . 5 radio station on iheartradio', 'The finish conversation button came up. Have a great afternoon!', 'Concerts by 2 Chainz in Atlanta next week', 'Set an alarm to go off in 15 minutes', 'What is going to occur in Miami this friday', 'Should I wear a jacket ?', 'Is there an alternate route to I 95 that goes from New York to Florida', 'what alarm did i last set', 'message Andrew to take the kids to soccer practice .', 'Give me the weather in Indianapolis .', 'Set alarm for 10 pm every Sunday to remind me to go to bed .', 'Are there any sports events this afternoon', 'Please play my top rated artists', 'Are there traffic detours ahead', 'repeat alarm for 7 days', 'please pause a timer', 'Could you tell me the weather for the next 7 days .', 'Turn that alarm off right now .', 'Discontinue ringing', 'Show me all my reminders for this week and remind me about their times .', 'Is there construction on my way to work ?', 'Will it rain tomorrow ?', 'Will pants be too hot for today', 'How much time is left on the current timer ?', 'What time does the sun set', 'Get rid of all alarms', 'make timer for 20 minutes', 'Set 6 am alarm for Monday through Friday only .', 'Tell Gaia on WhatsApp to hurry up .', 'What does the 5 look like now', \"What ' s the current traffic like\", 'What is the shortest route in miles between Los Angeles and Sacramento', 'find some Beatles for me', 'I do, but my wife enjoys it more for sure!', 'Is there rain in the forecast for Sun ?', 'Please set alarms for 9 . 00am and 9 . 30am on Tuesday', \"oh ok, well I don't really follow the awards stuff anyway. :)\", 'How much is the wine train to take in Nappa', 'set alarm for 6 am , 9 pm and 11 pm .', \"show me friday ' s alarms\", 'phone , message my boss and ask how much was the deposit ?', 'Set an alarm for the next 2 Sundays at noon', 'how much snow are we excepting in Colorado Springs', 'Time me as I do ten laps in the pool', 'Remove my daily wake up alert at 4 am .', 'when does the sun rise tomorow', 'How much time is left on alarm ?', 'Cancel all of my alarms .', 'what is todays high and low', 'Set repeating alarms on Monday at 6 and 7 . 30 AM', 'send a reminder to my wife about picking up chicken , rice and shredded cheese before the game on Thursday .', 'I need an alarm for June 8 at 4 pm', 'Can you snooze my alarm ?', 'garbage bin put posts related to weddings , neighbours’ fights or travel also.', 'I knew what you meant.', 'bye', \"today ' s temperature please\", \"I ' d like to know my alarm schedule\", 'turn off the alarm', 'Music events in St Augustine next week', 'hold the timer', 'Create an alarm for 8 am and 2 pm on a Tuesday', 'Show all the alarms that are set for my classroom', 'is it a good beach day', 'What time will it start raining today ?', 'If I leave Miami at noon what time will it be when I get to Jacksonville ?', 'How cold is it in Beijing next week degrees celcius', 'What kind of weather is there in France', 'Do I need a sweater ?', 'any interesting for Sunday', \"What ' s the weather like in the moutains\", 'delete the timer', 'How long is the traffic delay on Mesa St', 'How much time is left on the timer', \"I don ' t want to miss my show at 9 pm ; can you alert me 20 minutes before ?\", \"I know, that was a pretty weird name. Even 'Facebook' seemed weird back in the day.\", 'Pull up all reminders for dinner plans with the wife this month ?', 'What is this relationship called? https://twitter.com/calestous/status/628777606037553152\\xa0…', 'Message Shaun and ask him what beer he wants .', 'I want to know weather at noon', 'Set my alarm for 9 am on Saturday', 'Show me popular Spotify playlists', 'what is happening in orlando today', 'Skiing near me', 'any snow in gympie', 'How much time until my alarm ?', \"What time should I leave the office to make it to the Dr ' s office by 5 pm ?\", 'play armin van buuren on spotify', \"How long is my drive to Isaiah ' s house\", 'how hot is it going to be', 'ETA', 'Set an alarm for 3 pm tomorrow to phone the vet', 'welcome to twitter\\nplease tie up your brain box, keep your mobile phone glued to your back. happy journey.', 'Is it going to be windy today ?', 'who is spreading this rumor?', 'Set reminder to get the dry cleaning .', 'Smile reaction text', 'Things to do next weekend in Aloha', 'set alarm for church at 8 : 00 am every Sunday', 'How many inches of snow can I expect today ?', 'Have an alarm today at 6 pm', 'show me reminders about the calculator requirements', 'How hot is it near New York tomorrow degrees C', 'I need a reminder at 4 for my appointment tomorrow', 'List all my event reminders for the next 6 months', 'Delete alarm set for 7 : 00 am', 'when should i leave work to get home at 5 . 30 pm ?', 'What is the high for today ?', 'Remind my golf group .', 'Alarm set please , every Sunday for the next 8 weeks .', 'shoot a reply to that text', 'What is the weather for Friday ?', 'Snooze my alarm for half an hour', 'are we going to be in the triple digits this weekend', \"Will tomorrow ' s forecast be the same as today ' s ?\", 'is there traffic on the 101', 'Make an alarm called bedtime for tomorrow', 'I want to be reminded to brush my teeth', 'remind me to clean the car tomorrow morning', 'Remind me to take my cat to the vet on the 15th .', 'change 7 am alarm to 6 : 30 am', 'I agree', 'What time will I arrive in Boise , if I leave Newport at 6 am ?', 'Set the timer for 15 minutes .', 'What is my next reminder ?', 'Remind me to take my medicine', \"How long will it take me to get to Trader Joe ' s from the mall if I leave in 15 minutes ?\", 'I would like to see the weather in Sydney , Australia', 'How long will it take me to get to New York City', 'Message Rebecca to tell her have a good day .', 'Cancel alarm at 7 AM', 'How many miles from Dallas to Green Bay', 'set an alarm to wake me up on the 15th of May at 7 pm', 'skip the song in pandora', 'Set a timer for 45 minutes', 'Who will be performing at the Pechanga Comedy Club tomorrow night', 'Count down last 15 seconds aloud', 'Create an alarm for Tuesday for the next 10 weeks .', 'Plot here to Palm Springs , to 29 Palms , and back again', 'New Alarm named Gym on 15th July at 6 am', 'when will hurricane hit Florida', 'I want to hear some Whitney Houston', \"like the kind of movie you'd take a 14 year old to\", \"what ' s traffic like in baton rouge\", 'What day is the last Snowfall of the week ?', 'Tell me what the weather will be like at 10 pm', 'Delete the homework reminder', 'Please send a text to Deborah', 'April 26 concert at Riverside Club', 'is it raining outside', 'Set uo new alarm called Medication for 2 pm', \"Please play 80 ' s music .\", 'What location has the best weather on earth', 'Are there any accident en - route', 'Turn off my timer please .', \"Remind me at 9 AM Saturday that Aden ' s birthday party is at noon .\", 'Replay last song', 'Midwest storms for this week', 'How much snow is expected today ?', 'Add a reminder for the Gucci Mane concert in 5 months', 'I am not a fan of Meryl Streep though.', 'Can you see if I have a reminder to feed the fish every day ?', 'Create a 9 am and 12 pm alarm .', 'What will the weather be for this afternoon ?', 'remind me walk the dog after school', 'set the timer for 10 minutes', 'Enter an alarm for Tuesday morning at 5 : 30 .', \"What ' s the weekend forecast look like ?\", 'Set an alarm for 5 pm tonight', 'how far is the drive from boston to new york', 'Set up a reminder to wake up at 10 am tomorrow morning', 'Is the rain going to continue all day long ?', 'Please change my wakeup alarm for tomorrow', 'Remind me to return the library books in two weeks .', 'Tell me when Lady Gaga will play in California', 'Change guitar repair reminder to September 3rd at the same time', 'Message Lauren to pick me up at 3 pm', 'How is traffic getting into town', 'Is there traffic on I - 10', 'remind me to get milk', 'How much time will it take to get to Atlanta with the detours ?', 'Message Tom and ask him to send me the documents .', 'play r and b music', 'Is there such an animal as a Hairstyles for Long Hair workshop anywhere in the CST zone in 2018', 'weather australia', 'What is the weather forecast for this weekend ?', 'Is it faster to take Hwy 6 or Hwy 18 to Eugene from my house ?', 'message Aurelien I will give you back your drink .', 'which alarms have i on ?', 'set alarm tomorrow for 4 am', 'His life and the lives of those nearest and dearest to him would be forfeit if he refused to do the bidding of his lord.', \"How ' s the weather looking ?\", 'What is going on this week for Christmas', \"Modi SIr, what place have you gone to, I can't even pronounce the name. Lol \", \"brother, you focus on your bowling, don't try to be nana patekar pic.twitter.com/y7s1oNeU2i\", 'How much snow will we get ?', 'by taking advantage of the fact that someone has given us the K,', 'has it been dry in oregon this summer', 'Play anything by Switch', 'turn iheartradio 94 5 WFLA on , please', 'Play the most popular Michael Jackson song', 'Voice message my grandpa', 'Set alarm for 7 am', 'change the station to heavy metal', \"Haha at Emily ' s question\", 'early afternoon weather please', 'Remind me to take the garbage down for pick up tonight', 'start the time over', 'I forgot we will be on vacation out of town when Ed is having his pool party . So , delete that reminder .', 'Do I need my jacket to go outside ?', 'Remove my reminder', 'Whats the weather going to be in England ?', \"It's raining in Delhi and not in Chicago.\", \"Awesome, I'll look it up!\", 'Is there any construction work on 15th Street in Houston Texas ?', 'Why do these people, who consider themselves creative or artist, always wear loose kurtas, long hair and sadal glasses like such beggars?', 'set an alarm for 4 years', 'Sporting events happening tomorrow in Austin', 'Yesterday the weather man said that it might rain today . How is the weather today ?', 'send a message to patrice asking if i left my ipad at her house', 'play the latest coldplay album', 'Can I be home by 5 pm if I leave now ?', 'message to Lindsay and ask about the hotel in St . Joe she was telling me about', 'i want chat requests', 'why is the traffic backed up on us 59 north', 'Delete my last reminder .', 'King Henry says whoever kills Maleficent will be named his successor and marry his daughter. ', 'Please skip this song', \"Play me some tunes from Reba ' s playlist .\", 'Are there accident reports on my drive home', 'Things to do in Glendale this weekend', 'Turn off alarms on weekdays .', 'Will my timer go off before 5 : 00', 'will it rain this week', 'How many hours to drive to Santa Monica from Hayward', 'cancel all alarms for thursday', 'How much time is left ?', 'When is my mom coming', 'Will the temperature go above freezing this week ?', 'Tell dad I will be home at 9 pm .', 'play this song on repeat', 'Make a video message for Chris .', \"i have come to ask for your daughter's hand, my hands are now tired.\", \"Create a biweekly alarm for Wednesday ' s at 5 pm\", 'PLAY MY RELAXATION STATION ON PANDORA', 'How is the traffic situation this evening', 'How long does it take to get to Trenton from here ?', 'will it rain tomorrow afternoon', 'please set the alarm to ding at 3 pm and then every 2 minutes continuously for 1 hour', 'What rock concerts are playing in Fargo this month', 'Breakfast with Santa events in Brunswick', 'How do I get to the office without going on the interstate .', 'send a text to Greg that says Mafia III is a good game .', 'What is the forecast for the evening of 5 June ?', 'add 10 seconds to the second alarm', 'remove 5 minutes from timer', 'Any Dog Shows coming up', 'Turn off all alarms', 'And she conceived him, and she withdrew with him to a far place.', 'Tell me the weather for 10 am .', 'will it be cloudy today', 'Is there a horse show in Andover this week', 'Siri , tell my mom , talk to her later .', 'Replay last album played in Spotify .', 'set my alarm for the 7th', \"Delete reminder of Chief ' s football game in December\", 'Tell me of the weather in Guangzhou', 'Remind me to get pots and pans today', \"What ' s the distance between Tennessee and Florida\", 'Can you restart the timer ?', 'things to do in hattiesburg this weekend', 'I would like to start a message .', \"Can you tell me what the weather ' s going to be like at the weekend\", 'Create and alarm for Thursday at 3 om and 5 pm', 'is there traffic', 'Play Senses Fail', 'What is the forecast for Texas', 'drive time to the state park', 'Alarm set ; 8 : 00 am Saturday .', 'Inform me about the weather in Australia', 'Shut off all morning alarms for Monday', 'salman brother, never meet me in front of you, you will definitely hug me, you will get beat,', \"delete the reminder to discuss Susan ' s plans for divorce\", 'is the freeway clear right now ?', 'Is it warm outside today ?', \"Text . I ' m taking charge of it .\", 'Is there any traffic on the off ramp to Disneyland', 'Remind Addie that she needs to feed the dog in 30 minutes', 'Is it cold outside ?', 'Are there any weather alerts ?', 'Play some Ozzy Osbourne', 'Are there any events next Sunday in NoHo', 'I want to hear Johnny Cash prison songs', 'What is this! The band bangs only at the end always #IndvsSA', 'delete my current timer', 'Remind me to water the plants on Friday', 'Change my alarm on June 9th from 3 pm to 4 pm', 'Can you text my study statistics study group is the homework due tomorrow ?', 'change my alarm for tomorrow from 5 am to 6 am', 'Remind me to check my schedule for next month .', 'How about a wakeup alarm Wednesday at 6 am', 'delete all alarms', 'Repeat the last song', 'Set an alarm each Monday', 'I need a traffic update', 'What is the wind speed ?', \"Ask Dave if he ' s ever been to The Potting Shed\", 'what is the 3 day forecast', 'Tell me all alarms', 'How often does it rain in seattle', 'Great reviews from critics. But critics like artsy stuff. They were deeply moved. ', 'sure', 'Turn off radio', 'National Rifle Association meeting locations near me this year', 'Did the snow fall in Vancouver reach at least 6 inches ?', 'What is my new texts ?', 'Is there another way to get home', 'Turn off all alarms', 'Is it going to rain', 'Free things to do in New York City this weekend', 'Message Ashok that to bring his Radio today .', 'Set lunchtime alarm today at 12 : 30', 'next song', 'Find music from Beethoven', 'Play kids songs from the 70s', 'Stop playing this track', 'Delete alarm', 'Remind me of the blood work I need on Thursday morning', 'Remind me to give my dog bath this weekend .', 'Send Mack a message and tell him I will be late picking him up from the party', 'Add alarm at 6 am tomorrow', 'I am angry with Megan because she did not invite me to her party.', \"I ' m looking for a song\", 'What is traffic like in Los Angeles', 'Set an alarm for 9 pm tonight , please', 'Set an alarm for 1 pm', 'Are there any closures ahead', 'Easter egg hunts in Boerne on Easter weekend', 'play some rap music', 'Process ID assigned a unique number to every process running in the system.', \"Remind me that Seager ' s flight comes in at 11 : 08 am tomorrow\", 'Sydney Weather prediction , thanks .', 'iphone , text school that Vicki is sick today .', 'Silent my alarm', 'Repeat alarm for this week', 'Remind me to drink a glass of water every two hours between 10 am and 10 pm .', 'I need a reminder to get the car oil changed today .', 'Will it be cloudy today in Seattle ?', 'Have an alarm set up to run every Thursday at 6 am', 'Remind me to make a shopping list for the party .', 'Message Tina , Happy birthday to you ! Many many happy returns of the day .', 'set a new timer for thirty seconds', 'can you delete the alert for my dentist appointment tomorrow', 'Remind me to clean house today at 7 pm', 'OMG Craig Ferguson is a riot!', 'Will it take longer to get to the mall if I go I - 75 or take the back roads', \"Delete the reminder for my friend ' s baby shower\", 'Sporting events in Mesquite this Saturday', 'set an alarm for this Thursday at 5 pm', 'Play party playlist in Spotify on shuffle .', \"after today's bet came in i'm feeling confident with tomorrow's bet: Atlético Madrid , Juventus, Napoli , Bayern Munich , Porto #comeon\", 'find me chat requests', 'Is the flooding on the road slowing traffic', 'Could you change my alarm ?', 'sex ratio has increased, but for this day? When will the daughters be safe?', 'what is the weather like this week', 'amend my alarm at 4 pm to 5 pm', 'cancel timer', 'If I leave work right now , when should I arrive at home ?', 'show me all alarms for mornings this week', 'Will it rain this evening ?', 'Weather now', 'What reminders for Tuesday do I have ?', 'things to do in nyc this weekend', 'play 100 . 9 radio on iheartradio', 'Play some workout music on Spotify', 'Check timer for 12 minutes', 'skip this', \"What ' s the weather in Cancun next week ?\", \"what ' s the wind chill going to be\", 'Where is the closest Target', 'Any traffic on my route today', \"remind me to rsvp to joey ' s party\", 'what is my traffic to work', 'Delete all reminders for my nail appointments next month .', 'Repeat 5 am alarm Monday to Friday', 'play pop music', 'concert by rihanna today in Salt Lake', \"I'm busy so I don't have time to go to the movies\", 'Free church events near me', \"Please play Usher ' s latest album\", 'Set up a timer for 25 minutes', 'Is traffic heavy in London', 'Create a reminder for me to put out the recycles every Monday night', 'Is there a route from Onondaga St to 2300 Degrees Gathering without construction ?', 'resume timer after 5 min', 'what is the weather in Africa right now', \"Remind me my son ' s medicine\", 'What is the fastest way to get to Spring hill', 'What will the weather be for next Friday at 2 pm ?', \"update all today ' s reminders to next week monday\", 'New years parties in Novi', 'what will the temperature be today ?', 'Set an alarm for me for 3 pm , please', 'Tell me the weather .', 'New movies coming out this month', 'What can I expect on my evening commute', 'Kingo ... are there something in the vehicle ? #DilwaleOnSony https://t.co/6qoSjTDhhw', 'Christmas events', 'ETA to home location', \"Tell Bianca we ' re going to video chat in 10 minutes\", 'Set alarm to wake me at 5 AM .', 'Message John , I am coming please get ready', 'pause and start new timer', 'Set an alarm for 12 Thursdays', \"Ohh that movie, no I haven't yet\", 'Play me some music', 'Remind me to schedule an appointment with my foot doctor before November 2018 .', \"What ' s the weather in Edinburgh ?\", 'Resume timer now', 'when is it going to rain', 'Concerts in Walla Walla on the 28th and the 29th', 'IS IT SAFE TO GO TO THE BEACH TODAY', \"Tell me about today ' s weather\", 'set a reminder to pick up spencer a 2 : 00', 'tell me how is it it in tijuana mexico this weekend', 'Will I be able to get to school by 7 : 00 am if I leave now by bike ?', \"Text John I ' m appreciate that .\", \"Show a screen of all of next week ' s reminders\", 'Remind me to go online and complete school registration on Thursday August 9th .', \"Are the roads to Alexis ' s house clear ?\", 'message Molly . I saw your post on Facebook . Do you need any help ?', 'any food festivals in Brooklyn next week', 'Will it rain this weekend ?', 'Wednesday forecast , please', 'How heavy is traffic at 7 am', 'Is it raining in Seattle ?', \"What ' s the humidity ?\", 'will the weather be cold tonight', 'Can you please set an alarm ?', \"If I leave right now can I make it to Angie ' s wedding at 3\", 'make new alarms for 8 . 30am and 10 am tomorrow', 'Alarm for 7 on the 13th please .', 'How much time is left on my timer .', \"thanks garbage bin! this is awesome! look at guddu's face light up with happiness! and mummy's too. i became emotional, that is different! \", 'Get messages from Richard', 'Cancel my reminders .', 'Set a daily alarm for 7 : 00 am .', 'Tell me the current weather in Tokyo .', 'Wake - up alarm please for tomorrow morning , at 6 .', 'are there thunderstorms forecast this week', 'set the alarm in 20 minutes time', 'set alarm to exercise in 2 hours', 'If I leave at 9 when will I arrive at target', 'How is the weather going to be for Saturday in Miami ?', 'snooze alarm for 5 minutes', 'Open Spotify and play kid cudi', 'What kind of delays can i expect from the car crash on 81', \"Love to grandpa ' s text\", 'Where is Lorde performing this weekend', 'what temperature is the record high in orange county', 'Can you tell me if there are any family holiday events going on', 'Update my alarms from 6 am to 7 : 30 am', 'Message mom and tell her that the roads are icy .', 'anyways, what work does the president of india have ?https://twitter.com/republic/status/877075519719718913\\xa0…', 'build an alarm for 5', 'Remind me to check my mileage in one hour', \"Please play Joy Villa ' s current album\", 'Whats the traffic for Hwy 40', 'Send my brother a reminder we are coming next week with our flight number .', 'Tell me about music concerts in Chicago tonight', 'I need the weather for Troy Michigan please .', 'how long is the drive to work today', 'Set an alarm for me to complete my budget for the week on Mondays at 5 pm', 'How many miles to I drive to work everyday ?', 'Should I wear a raincoat today ?', 'set alarms for every weekend at 12 pm', 'where can I find a happy hour in DC tonight', 'expected forecast in Italy', 'Does Florida have a hurricane warning', 'Will I make it to LAX by midnight', 'wake me at midnight', 'Cancel all of this weeks alarms .', 'if i leave now when will i arrive at work', \"How long will it take me to get to John ' s company from here if I leave at 2 pm ?\", 'how is traffic on Monday morning', 'Can you tell me more about the reviews?', 'Get the arrival time to work using closet route .', \"Remind me of Lisa ' s birthday on the 8th .\", 'remind me to pay my electric bill tomorrow', 'play some hip hop', 'Is a cold front moving through this week ?', \"I ' d like to hear some ZZ Top songs , please\", 'Please set alarm for 6 pm', 'Set timer for 30 minutes', \"do your characters's filter by prisma, it will seem better.\", 'whens the next strawberry festival', 'are there any traffic jams on my current route', 'The Krishna temple, Pattabhirama temple, Hazara Ramachandra and Chandrasekhara temple as also the Jain temples, are other examples.', 'cancel my gym reminder for this friday', 'remind me to masturbate today at 10 pm', 'how much time is left on the timer ?', \"Create a reminder for Joselynn ' s birthday party on October 17th\", 'SET THE ALARM FOR A HOUR AHEAD', 'Find some 80s music and play', 'Will it take earlier to get Somokhrate by car or by bus ?', 'how long does the downtown bus take to get to midtown', \"hahah :p We didn't use to get ladoo in school :(\", 'Get the time to LA using Route 1', 'Play all albums by The Weeknd .', 'set up a daily reminder to take insulin at 8 am and 8 pm', 'Is there a chance for tornadoes this weekend ?', 'Turn timer alarm off', 'notify me when the hour is up', 'Me too', 'If I leave work at 3 pm , how long will it take me to drive home ?', '#santrampliji do think about 1 crore followers of india who are seeking justice since 681 days. #ProteinPledge #CriminalAAP #Trump', 'Road closure', 'move the reminder for milk up 10 minutes', 'heavy rain over parts of ne .some showers in cny .any sun ?how about the weekend ?your forecast first at 4am on nbc-3 !http/URL', 'Please accurate weather of Tasmania ?', \"Contact Lucy and tell her we are going to the 9 o ' clock showing instead of the 7 .\", 'cool concerts tonight', \"It is a good thing they didn't get trapped. Memories of a dying parent would be very strong. Would a new memory like this make you change your life?\", 'Tell me what the weather is like outside ?', 'What is the weather forecast for England please', 'How hot is it sao paulo today in degrees celcius', 'Annul my 5 pm alarm', 'Dates for Descanso Gardens light show in Flintridge , CA', 'is there a cloudy overcast for this afternoon after 2 pm', 'Tell about what the weather will be like on the 25th', 'change my weekday alarms to 6 am', 'Set alarm every Sunday at 10 pm for 50 weeks', 'when are the thunderstorms supposed to hit', 'set a timer for 3 minutes', \"yeah, it was just sad how he brushed her off, since things could've been different\", 'Meteorological conditions in Paris on Monday .', 'The Nutcracker show this weekend', 'Will the traffic being re - routed on Benson Road increase my commute time to the Ozzy Concert', 'can i get to Spinning Wheels by 7 : 00 pm of I leave west chester by 6 : 30 pm ?', 'Anything going on in Boston now', 'set up an alarm for tomorrow morning', 'where nearest shoe repair', 'please remind me to finish the take home test prior to 6 pm , otherwise I will fail', 'is there construction on gene field road', \"How long will it take me to get to dad ' s house if I leave now ?\", 'Move the reminder to order pizza from tonight at 8 PM to tomorrow at 6 PM .', \"He is miraculous, don't know how to do it\", 'Play four seasons', 'When will rain ?', 'any holiday events happening in riverside this month', 'Nope ', 'Cancel alarm', 'message Kiran to send me the account statements for last three months .', 'new timer', 'what is the flow of traffic like today', 'what is the high today', 'it seems dunkirk was his latest project and has gotten high marks across the board', 'Bachchan sir always make sure that his sons keep working‚ #IndvsPak https://t.co/Q9AARgNQl1', 'How is traffic back home in NJ today', 'what is the distance between the united states and brazil', 'Remind me to set DVR to tape my show tonight', 'Is it going to be above 54 in degrees Fahrenheit near Seattle tomorrow morning', 'Remove reminder to have lunch with Mike on Sunday .', 'Set an alert for 20 minutes from now in case I fall asleep while working .', 'Set alarm for 10 pm friday night', 'Are there any dangerous driving conditions right now', 'Art Festivals near Charleston within the next couple months', 'message mike , anubhav , and lisa', \"What ' s the weather forecast for Rome in August\", \"I need a set a reminder for Benny ' s music lessons every Saturday at 10 am .\", 'Resume my timer in 30 minutes .', 'there is an example of such people in the world', 'Garth brooks concerts next month', 'I want a midday alarm on May 2nd', \"I ' d like to get rid of every timer\", 'Play country .', 'How slower is the I - 10 at lunch than at 2 pm when heading to PEI - WEI', 'alert me after 15 minutes', 'flight time to denmark', 'Where can I donate extra clothing this week', 'Is there heavy traffic on the 110 south', 'set a timer to go off tomorrow at 6 : 00 am', 'Set timer for 1 hour', 'If this option is checked, every new view will display marks for code folding, if code folding is available.', 'How long will it take me to get to Walmart in The Woodlands ?', 'whats the traffic looking like', 'where is the storm headed', 'How much time is on the timer ?', 'skip song', 'What are the chances of rain today ?', 'community , cougar town , friday night lights , glee , mad men , modern family , six feets under , skins , terra nova or the wire?', 'message Andrew to take the cat to the vet .', 'Send a message to Niki that traffic lights are out and it will take me 10 min . longer than thought .', 'REPEAT THAT SONG', 'repeat alarm weekly at 5 pm', 'Reply to Heisenberg', 'Delete all my alarms for Sunday', 'Ways to help the homeless in Beaumont this weekend', 'Send a message to my family and ask them if they want to get together for a BBQ this Sunday .', \"What ' s the expected weather for 13th January ?\", 'stop the music', 'set an alarm to go off every 15 minutes for 45 minutes', 'is it windy outside', 'Are there any shows playing at DR Phillips this weekend', \"What ' s the temperature currently ?\", 'Is it going to be around 18 in degree C near Houston this weekend', 'Answer last message from Ana , I already bought your sister ’ s present . It ’ s beautiful !', 'How long will it take me to drive from my house to the Celine Dion concert', \"What ' s the length of the trip from work to Danielle ' s house ?\", 'Set an alarm for July 31st', 'Set an alarm for 2 pm', 'Any construction on delays for my drive to new Orleans tomorrow', 'whats the chances for a tornado', 'Make an alarm every Friday and Monday at 4 P . M . for four months .', 'Make a reminder that tells me to get my groceries .', 'Set a reminder for me to ask my boss about a pay raise tomorrow .', \"What ' s the weather today ?\", \"Play all of Fifth Harmony ' s songs .\", 'i agree. it depends on the movie and the seats too', 'Create a timer for 30 minutes and one for 40', 'Please remind me to pick up the dry cleaning on Thursday .', 'this is a track i hate', \"Send a message to Nicholas asking if he ' s feeling okay .\", 'Cancel the reminder from July 1st about dinner plans with Gabby .', 'When is Ed Sheran coming to Florida', 'Is it going to hail tonight ?', 'Internal error: UID in invalid format: %s', 'What weather can I expect at 18 : 00 ?', 'would you fix a timer please', 'Usually, I', 'take me to my chat requests', 'I want to create a text message .', 'Is I - 70 North and South or East and West', 'How long until the next alarm goes off', 'can you show me my chats', 'How far is it from Tillamook to Eugene', \"Let ' s answer Prof . Marcia Reyes with an audio message now .\", 'Is it humid today ?', 'Create a video message for Kael', 'take me to my chat requests', 'Would I need an umbrella tonight ?', 'is it going to rain all day', 'Are they calling for snow next weekend', 'Remind Carly about the work meeting tomorrow at 2 pm .', 'FB message them show starts at 7 .', 'Is the temperature expected to exceed 35 degrees Celsius ?', 'Which road to NJ has the least traffic from Manhattan ?', 'alarm for party at 7 pm on the 4th', 'Will it be overcast today', 'Would you add that station to my favorites ?', 'Gatsby tells Tom of his affair with Daisy.', 'message kathy that my arrival time is 6 a . m . on the 22nd', \"Salman khan is bollywood's pride with back to back blockbuster movies: dabbang. Ready. Bodyguard. Ek tha tiger . Dabbang2. Jai ho. Kick. Bajarangi bhaijaan too will be superhit 300 crore is almsot fixed.\", 'Shorten current timer by half', \"what ' s the best route to avoid traffic right now\", 'how much longer on time out timer', 'Turn off my alarm', 'Write Kelly and ask her if she wants to meet me for coffee at the shop near me .', 'Report traffic problems', \"How long until I ' m there\", 'Charity events happening in Atlanta this week', 'how long will it take to drive to jeffs taking 294', 'How long will it take to get from PBI to Club Med Sandpiper', 'is there a heat advisory on for NJ today', 'What is the status of my timer', 'only play carrie underwood songs', 'Is it going to rain anytime today ?', 'Can you put the alarm on a 10 minute snooze', 'If I drive from Toledo to Chicago , how long will it take ?', \"Yes. I really appreciated how much thought went into the movie's title. I think it's really cool how it refers to Los Angeles, music, and having your head in the clouds all at once. It's really spectacular how they summed up so many elements of the movie in such a short title\", 'How long would it take to get to the movie theater from my house ?', 'Set my timer for an hour .', 'hold timer', 'How many more train stops until I get to my destination ?', 'I need to change my 4 pm alarm to 4 : 15', 'remind me to visit grandma tomorrow', 'How high will the humidity get around here today ?', 'Set alarm for 4 am', 'Should I bring a jacket for my trip to Seattle this weekend ?', 'Message Chuck to bring 100 feet of rope for the tarps', 'last song', 'Delete all alarms on Thursday .', 'Is there a live nativity near me', \"What ' s the weather forecast for Friday the 17th in London ?\", 'let me know if my alarm is set for tonight', \"How ' s the weather looking in the USA\", 'what is the traffic like on 294 today', 'Change a time on my timer .', \"How long will it take me to drive from my house to the Mounir ' s show ?\", 'add 45 second to the timer', \"What ' s the weather in Seattle WA ?\", \"There aren ' t many snow crabs left by 6 pm ; alert me 30 minutes before .\", 'Alert with 2 rings on each hour , and 1 ring every half hour', \"Delete tomorrow ' s reminder for dinner with Bob and his wife .\", 'set alarm every friday at 5 p . m .', 'restart the timer', 'can you set up a reminder about car oil change appointment on sunday august 5th 2018 at 8 am .', 'What time will the snow start today ?', 'has she won any awards recently?', 'cancel alarm for saturday', 'How many miles are in there between California and New York', 'turn on pop music and in an hour rock', 'will it snow tomorrow ?', 'set alarm for 4 am', 'Add 10 minutes to the timer', 'Get directions to church without passing construction .', 'What will the weather be like next week ?', 'How long to Miami FL from home', 'Tell Pandora to play Where Did The Party Go', 'Replay that song .', 'Remind me to pick up my lunch from the fridge before leaving for work .', 'play 97 . 5 radio', 'fun things for children this weekend', 'play a indie rock playlist .', 'Tell me how long it will take to get to the wharf from here avoiding construction', 'Set timer for 5 minutes', 'Restart current song please', 'pause the timer for 3 days', \"Delete all reminders about Logan ' s tennis practices .\", 'Play the latest song from Kid Rock', 'Remind me to pick up dry cleaning Thursday morning .', 'start my timer immediately', 'Are there any reminders for Gary tomorrow', 'Movie premier for this weekend in Savannah', 'Is it windy enough to go sailing ?', 'What is the distance between Los Angeles and New York', 'Please set an alarm for 11 am .', \"play Don ' t Believe A Word\", 'What is the current weather forecast ?', 'Send message to Andrew are you watching the soccer match right now .', \"Let ' s start a new message\", 'I need an alarm at 6 am', 'I need to create an appointment reminder for tomorrow', 'stop the snooze alarms', 'salman khan i am exited for your new film #bajrangi #bhaijan .....................', 'things to do on oahu in december', 'just arrived, be ready', 'How long will it take me to get to Trinity Mother Frances Hospital from here in traffic', 'is there alot of singing in the movie? i dont particular like musical type movies but my kids do?', 'Can you remind me to submit the review at 2 pm ?', 'come on, why are you talking big, are you crazy?', 'Message Kirsten and tell her I liked her hat today', 'what is the ten day forecast', 'Play some Macklemore .', 'How bad is traffic this rush hour', 'what is traffic for afternoon tomorrow', 'Should i bring a jacket today ?', 'What are some fun things to do in Columbus Ohio next week', 'How long will my drive home be ?', 'set a timer for 30 minutes', 'what is there to do this weekend in chicago', 'Give me a traffic update for today', '#229 : #AcademicOfficeFail I appeared for ES 200 endsem exam twice in the semester and got a FR in HS 200 #Aero', 'How many minutes are left on my alarm ?', 'bless', 'Everything has some limitation, friend. pic.twitter.com/0HHxK3GT46', 'is i 64 a mess', \"Send the group no i ' m not coming\", 'Can you play artists like Taylor Swift ?', 'Set a reminder for ten minutes to check dinner .', \"also interesting how it brings up the point that improved technology doesn't make all problems go away\", 'Things to do in Maui', 'close all my active alarms', 'Start timer', 'Please turn off my alarm at 7 : 30 am each morning .', \"I agree with the reviewer stating it's Rocky with robots\", 'Where is the Rolling Stone concert in New York City next week', \"hold the alarm won ' t you\", 'What are the current traffic conditions in my area', \"I couldn't imagine it. Sounds very risky. Especially if the dreamer dies in the dream before the sedative wears off.\", 'am i going to catch a traffic jam on the way home', 'where are the fall festivals in orlando', 'Set a work alarm for tomorrow at 7', 'How long will it take me to drive from my house to the bears game ?', 'Set up a reminder for jury duty next week .', 'set alarms for 8 am and 5 pm for the next seven months .', 'What is the fastest way to get to the Alberta Arts District from Northeast Milwaukee ?', \"I want to listen to Alessia Cara ' s latest album\", \"This Saturday ' s weather in Santa Monica\", 'I need an extra minute on the game timer', 'How cold is it tonight at Houston in degrees F', 'Send Jason a video message please .', 'are there any roadside accidents on my route', 'yeah I think it was 6 months probation? correct me if I am wrong', 'what new movies are there to see', 'set an alarm for 11 pm tonight', 'Remind me to stretch daily at 8 am . EST', 'Can I wear my rain boots today ?', 'The gas chamber which has been built in Delhi… at least tell something about it. We will get consolation. You have nothing to do. #DelhiSmog #You', \"What ' s the highs and lows for tomorrow at Lake Mead ?\", 'Add 30 minutes to this timer', 'I need to write back', 'Set time at 2 minutes to warm', 'Do you need an umbrella today ?', 'I want to end the timer', 'Please show me my iMessages from this morning .', 'how hot is it supposed to be today', 'Add a new timer for seven minutes .', 'What time should I leave to make it to the Broncos game by 2 pm ?', 'When does the sun rise in Vermont', 'What is on January 2', 'I do too, if it is done well.', 'the lioness is to go to forest man https://twitter.com/ANI_news/status/728497653093412864\\\\xa0', 'Is it going to be hot today ?', 'Set an alarm for next Sunday', 'Can I get to Fred Meyers in time , before they close , if I leave my house in 10 minutes ?', 'Shuffle some pop music', 'What festivals are near me soon', 'Make an alarm for next week at 8 pm', 'Does 94 west have traffic', 'Alarm for 6 : 30 pm tonight please', 'Set alarm for 5 am', \"Yes, at the end of the movie, the Allies win the war and the boss makes the cryptographers promise to never see each other again and they destroy all the code. Also, Turing tells Clarke (Knightley) to leave because he is scared for her safety. He tells her he is gay and that he never cared for her, which wasn't true because he was in love with her.\", 'Will it be above 76 in celsius for Houston tonight', 'Set weekly alarm for Monday at 7', 'Will it be warm tonight in Sarasota ?', 'set a reminder to dinner with janice on July 31st', 'How much time have I accumulated this week', 'message Jonh I will lend him my car .', 'how hot is it going to be today', 'Cancel all my alarms for tomorrow', 'set timer for an hour', 'whats the distance between san Francisco and Los angeles', 'message my dad how are you doing', 'when is sunrise tomorrow', 'Me either but superman pretty much started it the article says clark kent was trying to make bruce wayne and batman look bad thru his news articles', 'Can we expect rain at all this week ?', 'set alarm for 5 am daily', 'Play me Johnny Cash on spotify', 'Is there a light parade in San Antonio next week', 'LGA traffic update', 'how long is my drive home from work today', 'Send a message to Kate . I will be there .', 'Very nice to see Deepak Dobriyal and Dhinchak pooja datingpic.twitter.com/7s91ii9nGJ', 'Temperature outside tonight Fahrenheit', 'tomorrow in phoenix', 'can you stop that alarm', 'Set alarm for every 15 minutes', 'Start timer in five minutes', 'Dancing this weekend', 'How many miles to Minneapolis', 'Delete the reminder about my dentist appointment in September .', 'Text V , I am going out , I ll be back before 3 .', 'This seem to be a very interesting movie to say the least.', ' Oops monsters University I’ve been playing monster Hunter sorry ', 'should I bring a coat', \"Remind me to check Jake ' s homework .\", 'How hot is it today ?', \"How ' s the traffic driving from Miami to ft lauderdale\", 'what is the temperature outside', 'What is the timer I have set for tomorrow', 'Hunger drive events in St . George on Saturday', 'IS THERE TRAFFIC CONGESTION ON THE VERRAZZANO BRIDGE ON THE WAY TO BROOKLYN', 'See reminders for launching the GAME PLAN coursework', 'Are there lane closures today ?', 'Play the current playlist in my music app', 'Resume the timer at the gym .', 'Check reminders for meeting on Friday', 'How long will it take me to drive from my house to the dog show', 'How much time will the downed power lines add to my commute this morning ?', \"all have arrived since morning 7 o'clock.\", \"Make an alarm called ' get up now ! ' for 6 am\", 'christmas parties near me in the next month', 'Disable snooze for August 21st', 'will there be traffic heavy if i wait 1 hour to head home', 'How long will it take to get to Bena MN from Oakdale MN ?', 'Remove all the alarms i set for tomorrow morning', 'Remove the alert about the delivery appointment for Friday morning .', 'Popular music', 'Yes :(', 'That is true! And plus they housed the entire family the night before their departure.', 'Set temporary alarm for 5 am weekdays next 2 weeks', 'Remind my coworkers that the holiday party is Friday night at 6 pm .', 'Golf tournaments this week in Dallas', 'is it not 4 pm right now?', 'is there a nutcracker performance somewhere close by', 'oh that evil grin !', 'What is the average temperature in Arizona in July', 'Set a timer for 5 minutes', 'Snooze for 15 minutes', 'please send a message to Group B that the flight was delayed .', \"What is there to do near my sister ' s house this week\", 'How is traffic in Aberdeen today', 'what is the weather at 1 pm today', 'I did not start the night and the messages of #Timiline on Good Morning started. #Insomnia #sleepless', \"What ' s tomorrow ' s weather look like\", 'with luck, we could not have won even against west indies’ women’s team', 'how long will it take us to get to NYC leaving from my house', '-)', 'I want to listen to Miley Cyrus', 'Find me all songs by Boka', 'Play some hard rock music', 'Delete Potty Training timer .', 'Will it rain tomorrow ?', 'please add 10 minutes to my timer', 'please give me the latest weather forecast for Kent', 'when is the next election ?', 'Send a message to Chris and ask if he knows any good restaurants at my location .', 'Would ya cancel that alarm', 'It sounds like a good movie. It sounds like it is a good monsters inc successor.', 'Erase all reminders for today', 'What is the weather for the Christmas long weekend ?', 'Set a daily alarm for 7 am .', 'Will is rain in san diego this week', 'have there been any slow downs on my commute route', 'Set an alarm for Monday at 5 PM', 'yes, I think this is a good chat.', 'START AN ALL AMERICAN REJECTS STATION ON PANDORA', 'Set a weekend alarm for 9 : 00 a . m .', 'Can I get from here to Irondequoit before noon ?', 'accidents on the 101', 'What is the temperature for tomorrow evening ?', 'yes brother rotating. forgive me, and side too.', 'What is the temperature going to be next monday ?', 'SET AN ALARM FOR 1ST JUNE', 'Send picture to mom', 'Create an alarm for Tuesday and Wednesday at 5 : 30 and 6 : 30', 'Set alarm for 6 am tomorrow .', \"what time does today ' s concert begin\", 'Concerts in portland this weekend', 'Yes, his window was open from which Baburao was peeping.', 'What are some fun things going on nearby', 'Remind me to plug my phone in this evening before bed .', \"I want to listen to Luke Bryan ' s latest album .\", 'Please play some soul music .', 'prepare an alarm for 6', 'Please set an alarm at 8 pm on the 30th of April', 'Set reminder to get haircut next week .', 'REmove my reminder to check Sammys work', \"What ' s the weather ?\", 'Please play classical music', 'Are there any Super Bowl parties near Boulder', 'What areas in Greenville should I avoid', 'What reminders do I have set for Wednesday ?', 'Send message to Brad saying I miss you', 'Play my last Pandora station', 'Things to do in Orlando this weekend', 'the distance from florida to the grand canyon', 'do not go, i will play with you, Katti. give me my bat back .https://twitter.com/praneethhr/status/737963544063381504 …', 'I want to listen to Hanson', 'Set alarm for every 2 hours ?', 'Set my alarm for tomorrow night .', 'set a timer for one day', 'what time should I leave to make the 6 pm showtime ?', \"What ' s the traffic driving from Orlando to Miami\", \"Not only that, but Baz Lurhmann's direction was a magnificent sight to behold\", 'Set up a reminder every 13th day of the month to pay my car insurance', 'Batman, Superman and even wonder woman makes an appearance!', 'I want an alarm to go off every 5 minutes for a half hour', 'make an alarm for 10 april', 'Tell me the weather conditions this morning .', 'Can I make it to Home Depot before they close ?', 'Message Clara and Sophie that Jason won ’ t be in class tomorrow .', 'What is the humidity in Spokane ?', \"message Tom I ' m very happy , when he invite me to go to the party .\", 'Add 5 minutes', 'What does my reminder say about Aunt Nellie ?', 'set the timer for 55 minutes', 'I do not want to hear this track . Skip please', 'Resume the alarm in 15 minutes', 'Show my reminders for all upcoming doctor appointments .', 'Sporting events in Raleigh this weekend', 'Will I need a jacket tonight ?', 'expecting any rain today', 'Whats the forecast today ?', 'Show me all my reminders for the current week .', 'please cancel all my alarms', 'Will it snow today', \"Hey google , ask Sandy if she has Linda ' s number .\", 'Remind me to renew my prescription in 80 days from now .', 'Give me the weather forecast for this Friday .', \"Create an alarm for Tuesday 6 ' oclock pm and Wednesday 7 pm\", 'play me 950 on iheartradio', 'Show me the latest traffic report', 'Send a reminder to my friends about our brunch tomorrow at 2 pm', 'so, where else will you fall?', \"What ' s the weather like today ?\", 'Whats the weather ?', 'Add 10 more minutes to the timer', \"I don ' t want to miss the train at 10 am ; can you remind me 30 minutes before ?\", 'what are all my alarms on wednesday ?', 'Tell me the forecast for the next 10 days', 'I want to know the weather for next three days .', 'Disengage alarm', 'What are the projected weather conditions for Boston , MA for Labor Day weekend ?', \"Remind me about my cousin ' s birthday party next month\", 'Turn all alarms back on', 'read to me what i said to bill last night', 'Whats the drive time to Disneyland from here', 'Show me the set alarms please .', 'Repeat the last timer', 'Can you give this track a thumbs up ?', 'Stop ring now !', 'Be quiet', 'My kids love it', 'count down the 10 second break', 'Remind me to congratulate my brother on his new baby .', 'What weather is it going to be this Friday evening ?', 'Snooze alarm for 15 mins .', 'should I bring gloves', 'hows traffic on the belt', 'Is my timer set ?', 'Please message Mikayla that the fundraiser is set for June 30th .', \"What time should I leave to make it to the USC game by 1 o ' clock ?\", 'adjust alarm to 9 am', 'I want to listen to something relaxing', 'When was my reminder for my roommates party last week .', 'Message Nick and ask why he is late', 'Please delete my alarms tomorrow', 'Set alarm for 8 am to text Chris', 'Remind me to pay water bill .', 'set a 20 minutes timer for my run', 'how long before i get to the dentist if i avoid the construction area leaving from haousa quaters', 'What are my next alarms for today ?', 'cancel the alarm for 8 pm on Fridays', 'delete the reminder to walk with Louann on Mondays', 'Remind me to watch all new episodes of meet the browns', 'What are my upcoming alarms', 'generate a 6 am alarm', 'Can you clear all my alarms ?', 'Is it around 23 degrees Fahrenheit near San Francisco tomorrow', 'What weather can I expect for next Friday', \"I'm going to WDW in the fall so I'm excited to see how the park is. Have you ever been? Or to Disneyland?\", 'Delete the last two reminders on my list', \"What ' s the time it ' ll take me to get to Orlando if I leave in an hour .\", 'Is it snowing in Alaska', 'she was mine favourite . . . :p', 'Can I get to the north shore before 1 pm if I leave in half an hour ?', 'Is Ruddell road backed up', 'you have a great day', 'I want to know how long it will take me to Ain Shams university', 'Are there any events in greenbay', 'Set timer for 3 hours', 'Remind me to return library books tomorrow .', 'Distance from Yellowstone to Yosemite', 'How many tropical storms are in the forecast for Florida this year', 'Can you put the timer at a minute', 'Are there any alarms set today ?', 'how many accidents on I 35', 'Cancel my reminder to get icecream', 'get me the weather for Ontario', 'lalu : \"he was born with rajnigandha with him\" #RajnigandhaSixWordsStory mistakes can happen from boys https://t.co/iHo1zAnpB6', 'What is the quickest way to downtown at this time', 'Remind play date group to bring in crafts for Tuesday .', 'What is the temperature going to this week ?', 'music events in Providence on Sunday', 'Is there a race / marathon', 'Message Jose that the snowstorm closed the Palisades interstate parkway .', 'Remind the group that the poker game has been cancelled for this weekend .', 'do we have any board game nights planned at jacks house next week', 'I want to change the alerts for my birthday reminders to a week before the date .', 'Set alarm for 9 am tomorrow', 'Add 3 hours to the golf trip reminder', 'yeah, I\\n like superhero films that rely more on technology and skill than superpowers - feels more within the realm of possibility. Critics describe this as having a military thriller feel, as opposed to a stylized comic book frame by frame replay.', 'set my alarm for 7 minutes from now', 'Display my next alarm', \"Send a message to Rick that ' I am stuck in traffic '\", 'Any traffic accidents to report', 'what time should i leave to make it to my 9 am meeting if i want to avoid the construction', \"play taylor swift ' s most recent song\", 'Modify all 5 am alarm to 7 am', 'set alarm for 8 am on Monday', 'how far is it to gurnee mills', \"What ' s the average high in August\", \"Tell me what it ' s going to feel like in the Maldives .\", 'Video message my sister .', 'what is the high for today', 'What is the low ?', 'What are some family friendly activities in Buffalo , NY', 'set alarm when 5 minutes remain on my timer', 'change alarm length to four weeks', 'Will it be sunny on Saturday ?', 'Play the next song', 'how bad is traffic on Mall St', 'are the roads icy', 'Cancel alarms for this week .', 'when will I arrive at the concert if I leave right now from home ?', 'How much time is left on my work alarm', 'Delete tablet alarms', 'Please modify my medication alarms to 2 pm', 'What time is the dentist appointment reminder ?', 'Are we in the path of the hurricane', 'Set alarm at 6 pm', 'how long to get to the nearest train station from here right now', 'How many hours will it take me to drive 759 miles if I drive an average of 75 miles per hour ?', 'Turn on 8 am alarm', 'Remind me to pay tuition fees on September 10th at 9 am .', \"What ' s the weather doing in Japan ?\", 'Can you resume the timer with the label meditation', 'What does the traffic look like on the way to Hilton head', 'Mute all alarms set before noon', 'I need to know what reminders that I have for Sunday', 'Cancel alarm for this evening', 'set alarm every 5 minutes for 15 minutes', 'Reminder to schedule a manicure appointment', 'Please tell me the weather for Melbourne on June 11 .', 'Show me the reminders that had phone numbers in it', 'Anything cool happening this weekend', 'Is it below 7 degree Fahrenheit seattle tonight', 'How much time will traffic add to my commute if I leave at 4 : 00 ?', 'What reminders are left for today ?', 'Do I need raingear ?', 'remind me to take Camden to speech every Thursday at 9 AM', 'what time is trick or treating in my neighborhood', 'Remind me to pick up Dave at 3 pm .', 'Move the reminders for August 2nd to August 3rd .', 'delete the alarms for the weekend', 'How long did I work out for', 'Set alarm for 9 : 00 am', \"play Lionel Ritchie ' s greatest hits\", 'How does Stark St look for traffic', 'make an alarm go off at 5 am on mondays all month', 'sending into limbo, not quite grasping that in the scene paragraph', 'Do i need rain boots today ?', 'Set alarm for 7 pm tonight', 'Set alarm for 6 : 45 a . m . tomorrow', 'Add 18 minutes to my timer .', 'shanti bhushan, mitron has been corrupted from today', 'Are there any traffic accidents in my route', 'Is there traffic on the southbound lane as well', 'Temperture forecast for today', \"Remind me to set my alarm on my watch so I don ' t forget to take my pills each morning .\", 'What will be the Chicago temperature at 1 : 30 PM this Thursday', 'It did get a 48% on rotten tomatoes.', 'Alarm please next Monday 7th February', 'Play me some rock', 'Remove alarm to take birth control .', 'Will it be around 75 in c in Karachi next week', 'which road goes to the highway .', 'its out of there limit to make someone trust them! they can only do disruption like #Notebandi which gives zero results.', 'I want to hear the \" Chinese Democracy \" album on shuffle , please .', \"Play the Chainsmokers ' newest song .\", 'Yeah I like romance', 'How dangerous are the winds outside ?', 'What time can I see the sunset this weekend ?', 'Set alarm for 5 am tomorrow .', 'Repeat daily alarm', 'not on that :(', 'time to get to the logan valley mall', 'What are the traffic levels in my area right now', 'How hot will it be on Sunday ?', 'Remove all my alarms', 'Free holiday events in zip code xxxxx', 'What are my alarms for next week ?', 'view chats', 'What is the temperature going to be today', \"What ' s the pollen count in Fairborn tomorrow\", 'What alarms do I have set now ?', 'I need a weather forecast for Kent for the next 5 days', 'Set an alarm for 8 pm and 10 pm', 'The heart does not have a mind .. and if you love with your mind then it is not love ... do you agree??', 'Please play some hip hop music', \"I ' d like to know if it ' ll rain this weekend .\", 'What time should I leave from here to get to the nearest movie theater at 8 : 00 pm ?', 'set an alarm for 5 pm everyday', 'Do I need an umbrella for this afternoon ?', 'Turn off my 8 pm alarm .', 'Concerts near me tomorrow', 'set alarm for 3rd thursday 7 am', 'How long would it take to go 34 miles traveling 50 miles per hour', 'Create a reminder for tomorrow to buy milk .', 'SKIP THIS TRACK .', 'Please help me understand the weather for next week .', 'find tom petty live album', 'can you mind me of any and all alarms', 'How long does it take to run a mile on average', 'traffic from kansas city to springfield', \"Please block Mariah Carey ' s songs from playing\", 'drive time to work to home please', 'Is that any traffic right now', 'Get me a traffic report for the Springfield area', 'delete every timer', 'Reset my alarm for 5 PM .', 'What is Beyonce schedule for Oakland next week', 'Ask the group who is coming', 'Change to new timer', 'Make sure you remind me to buy an anniversary gift tonight .', \"Send me a reminder on Tuesday at 8 : 00 am for Mila ' s vet appointment .\", 'iheartradio WMXD', 'Will it be sunny and hot today ?', 'Turn off the alarm .', 'What time is my alarm for tomorrow ?', 'Please change the date of my reminder for the party this tuesday to remind me 2 days sooner .', 'Are we expecting snow this weekend ?', \"I want to listen to Third Day ' s new album .\", 'Will I need my rain jacket tomorrow ?', 'How hot is it inside Celsius', 'Please play a Guns and Roses album .', 'play Drake', '\"i watch cartoons for 5 hours daily.\"pic.twitter.com/gTGepfbIT2', 'Expected weather for the Easter long weekend ?', 'what is the long range forecast .', 'How hot will it be at 1 pm ?', 'Please set my alarm every 2 hours .', 'Set reminder for 11 pm', 'Christmas events', 'Create new alarm for May 21st at 6 am', \"I don ' t want to forget to give mom her medicine tonight . Please remind me this evening\", 'When will it rain this month', 'Set alarm for 6 pm tonight .', 'Cool things to do tonight', 'Start a 5 minute timer', 'What are my reminders for tomorrow and the next day ?', 'Play some pop music .', 'can anyone find a dry route to the city', 'Take me to Chinatown in Los Angeles without using Olympic Blvd and passing through a Korean market .', 'Play Margaritaville .', 'are there any delays on my route home', 'Remind me to get milk .', \"Remind me about Miya ' s dance schedule next monday\", 'message Ronnie and see if i have left my keys at here place .', 'How can I get to Manhattan by 7 and avoid construction', 'Next song', 'Add this song to playlist', 'Repeat song', 'Heartfelt wishes for Mahashivratri. Hail Lord Shiva. [D. S. Rai]', 'Set alarm for midnight tonight', 'launch chat requests', 'This movie received mixed reviews', 'Best tree lighting parties in Roanoke this weekend', 'and who will be told, \"This is what you had called a lie\".', \"Change my ' watering the plants ' alarm today to 8 pm\", 'What can I do tonight', 'Its a great movie ', \"What ' s the traffic like to Buffalo\", \"What ' s the quickest route avoiding traffic for driving to Miami\", 'Remind me to set a timer for 30 minutes', 'set my alarm everyday but sunday at 8', 'change the return books reminder from 11 am to 3 pm', 'Alarm for 7 am tomorrow please', 'Read chats from a different status .', \"what ' s the traffic like to kenosha right now\", \"Was John ' s party going to be outside or indoors\", 'Set a one time alarm for tonight at 9 pm', 'remind me to turn off the stove', 'what is the high temperature today', 'Are there any traffic jams on 5th street', 'turn vacation alarm to 9 am for next 10 days', 'Cancel the reminder for yoga class every month .', 'Play R & B', 'set a timer for 20 minutes', 'Text mom and dad that I have plenty of food', 'Resume the timer in 45 minutes .', 'How long is my commute if i take Bouganville Drive vs Salt Lake to get to the airport', 'It was such a thrilling movie. Based on the life of Alan Turing.', 'Put another 25 minutes on the pomodoro timer', 'Is the weather going to be nice this afternoon ?', 'Cancel my reminder for my eye appointment .', 'Open conversation with David', 'Things to do in Charlotte NC on Sunday', \"i'm still saved used to hide chalk even .. so that would have to go to bring it\", 'hows traffic on the nsp', 'add minutes to timer', 'what is the traffic on NJ Turnpike', \"In Australia , what ' s the current forecast ?\", 'Do I need snowboots today ?', 'Do I have any reminders this weekend ?', 'what is traffic driving from burbank to north hollywood', 'Set alarm for 3 : 30 pm .', 'Play the top 10 on Pandora .', 'set alarm to 5 minutes every Tuesday', 'it seems like jaws may not get another movie', 'Please create alarm for every first of month at noon for 12 months', 'Remind me to write out a grocery list before my shopping trip on Friday .', 'What is the foecast for Coees on the weekend', 'Wow. Those are really low scores! I am surprised at that. Usually these types of movies are popular and do well.', 'What is the temperature supposed to be this weekend ?', 'Did I set any reminders for today ?', 'Live nativity plays in clark county wa', 'What is the weather in Los Angeles tomorrow ?', \"cancel the reminder about hope ' s birthday on sunday\", 'brother it is 4.10, come fast.', 'delete my reminder about doing the grocery shopping on saturday', \"Text Bob I ' m okay .\", 'Christmas festivals in Austin', \"What ' s the UV index at today ?\", '(b) where the marriage of his parents does not subsist, in the net wealth of that parent who maintains the minor child in the previous year as defined in section 3 of the Income-tax Act, and where any such assets are once included in the net wealth of either parent, any such assets shall not be included in the net wealth of the other parent in any succeeding year unless the Assessing Officer is satisfied, after giving that parent an opportunity of being heard, that it is necessary so to do ;', 'SIM will be of BSNL .. Angry owner will be thrown back.', 'Did you happen to read the book too?', 'Whats the traffic like in downtown Portland right now', \"What ' s the traffic like driving from Meridian to Boise\", 'I want to hear some Shakira songs', 'Who is in it?', 'Remind me to pick up dog food .', 'Cancel my 5 pm alarm today', 'is wednesday to be rainy ?', 'message Jessica to pay the dog walker .', 'Can you tell me the weather in the UK ?', 'car shows close by', 'Please , set an alarm for 7 a . m .', 'What reminders do I have for tomorrow ?', \"Are all roads clear from my house to Hannah ' s house ?\", 'Read me my new messages please', 'Tell me driving directions to the Empire State Building', 'Move my 3 pm alarm to 5 pm .', 'turn on an alarm for friday mornings at 5', 'I need a recurring alarm set for 6 . 30am everyday', 'What the average temperature in July here', 'Play Tyrese station', 'How long will it take me to drive from my house to the Jazz Music Festival ?', 'Should I go to the ETID concert with Michael tomorrow night or should I go see that new Dustin Hoffman flick with Randy at the cinemaplexagon', 'Is the weather slowing the traffic', 'repeat this track twice', 'traffic delays on way to work', 'Hello. ', 'Make a reminder to clean out the frig on Saturday .', 'Please play my spotify playlist', \"Cancel my reminder for tomorrow ' s brunch .\", 'message colin and ask if he got the same message from dave that i did', 'Pub crawling in Rocklin next Friday', 'Set a trip reminder for Wednesday 8 am', 'cancel the rest of todays reminders', 'food festivals close by in January', 'Set monthly reminder to pay rent', \"Can you delete the reminder about Alan ' s wedding next week ?\", \"Where ' s the traffic\", 'how cool is it in noosa now', 'STOP TIMER', 'Remind Elle to feed the dog daily .', 'How long will it take me to get to Queens from Eastern Suffolk tomorrow morning ?', 'stop the james bond playlist', 'should i pack a jacket for beech mountain ?', 'How long is the drive to Sacramento', 'Is traffic heavy now', 'Set a reminder for 1 pm', 'set alarm for four hours', 'How many minutes do I have left on the timer ?', 'Do you know who plays Gatsby?', \"update ' take a walk ' alarm from 8 am to 9 am\", 'what will the weather be at 12 pm', 'Delete all timers', 'start a timer in 5 minutes', 'Is Wake County public schools closed due to the snow today', 'you are in Uttar pradesh, you send it', 'Add 20 minutes to timer', 'Nowadays I am also doing work related to watch, Life is passing in social cause.', 'Delete the alarm set for 4 pm .', 'add new playlist', 'Remind me make dinner at 5 pm', 'How long will it take me to drive to the rangers game ?', 'Is there a lot of air traffic', 'do I need an umbrella on Thursday ?', '21 Pilot concerts next week', 'Are there any tours going on tonight in downtown Gettysburg', 'Can you alphabetize the songs in the playlist', 'Did I set an alarm for Tuesday morning ?', 'Cancel timer and reset for twenty minutes .', 'How is the traffic on Route 46', 'Send response to Veronica Carver', \"What ' s the weather like next week ?\", 'Please , again , just cancel my APPOINTMENT reminder from Tuesday .', 'What is the weather like in San Diego ?', \"Create an alarm for March 5th at the 2 o ' clock .\", 'Should I bundle up tommorow', 'What messages do I have on the family chat ?', 'will it rain tonight', 'Tupac on Spotify songs', \"Send a message to Ashley and let her know that the Ray ' s game starts at 9 p . m . and is located at Tropicana Field .\", 'What if the forecast for next weekend in Banff ?', 'Message Amanda , what are the directions to your house in New Brunswick , NS ?', 'haha done brother. we will repair some liver together.', \"I don ' t want the alarm tomorrow morning to go off at 9 am , can this be changed to 11 am please ?\", 'Are there any road blocks traveling to Moorhead ?', 'Make a reminder about my dinner ingredients I need to get .', 'Is it cold in Niagara Falls', 'Set alarm for every 4 hours for 24 hours .', \"How ' s the weather for Sydney on Monday in three weeks ?\", 'How much time will traffic add to my commute if I leave at 3 : 00 pm ?', 'Are there any music festivals in Tampa next weekend', 'please make a lunch time alarm for 12 pm tomorrow', 'Remind me to turn off the lights', 'Will it stop raining tomorrow ?', \"What ' s the weather forecast for Minneola over Labor Day ?\", 'set an alarm for 5 pm on tuesdays', 'When is the next alarm going off ?', 'play the top station on pandora', 'Play my favorite songs', 'holiday events in san clemente next week', 'Music events in Raleigh tonight', 'Next song', \"what ' s the pollen count\", 'What is the morning traffic like in New York City', 'play inception', 'How humid is it in Tampa , Florida compared to Oakland , California', 'Change that Thursday 4 : 45 PM alarm to go off the same time the next day', 'Create a reminder to buy pencils tonight', 'Change by 9 am alarm to 10 am', 'send me a reminder message to setup that new bank account', 'Tell me about the weather in Italy', 'please help me set an alarm 20 minutes from now', \"What ' s my eta to get home with th current traffic\", 'Could you give me a weather forecast for 1 pm today thanks', 'Skip any track from Journey .', 'Times of tides tomorrow', 'things to do today', 'Play the last song again .', 'Temperature tonight for San Francisco Celsius', 'What time did the sun rise today', 'Can you please take 20 minutes off the yardwork timer I set earlier', 'Please remind me to get bread later', 'What is the expected rainfall data for the Easter break ?', 'Remind me to pick up my dry cleaning at 6 : 00 PM tonight', 'how many times you will hit the same joke', 'is there a chance of snow tonight ?', \"don ' t play this song again\", 'Play a song .', 'Whats the weather in Seychelles today ?', 'Create an alarm for tomorrow at 9 am', 'add a reminder', 'Set an alarm for tomorrow morning .', 'How warm is it for Dehli tomorrow in degree Celcius', 'How do I set a timer for ninety five minutes ?', 'How long would it take to drive from New York to Costa Rica', \"Set a reminder for me about my doctor ' s appointment on Wednesday\", 'how is traffic on the florida turnpike', 'What is the drive time to work today', 'create a alarm for Wednesday at 4 pm', 'They cannot try to use the little guy beats the big guy in the next one since the officer proved her self already.', 'Do I need a coat tonight ?', 'Play me Kendrick Lamar .', 'Any road closures on the way to Decatur', 'tell me the weather for today', 'PLAY ME SOME DRIVING MUSIC', 'Friends.. I have some old relation withTaj Mahal .. I only serve Taj Mahal tea to my customers..https://twitter.com/ANI_news/status/800274552144019456\\xa0…', 'Change my reminder alarm .', 'Will it be cold tonight ?', 'Remind me to get bagels after work tonight .', 'Sensory day for kids at theaters next week', 'Set alarm every minute for 6 minutes .', 'Find Latin music', 'set timer for 4 intervals of 15 mins a piece', \"Will I be able to make it to the doctor ' s in 30 minutes ?\", 'What is the weather like in Elysburg , PA ?', 'Create alarm for 9 PM', 'find some comedy shows', 'They can sometimes stray quite far from the other review sites of a bunch of very keen reviewers want to bump the score', 'when was the last time I used the interval timer', \"Message Grace I can ' t wait to see you tomorrow !\", 'where can i get brunch on thursdays', 'Play current country music .', 'start the album at the beginning', 'Will we get rain today ?', 'Set up a group message with my pals Chris and Robert .', 'Go back to the beginning of the song', 'recommence timing', 'can you tell me the weather the day after tomorrow', 'repeat this song for me', 'Remove the snooze option on my alarm', 'remind me to get more batteries tomorrow at 3 pm', 'Play some Sinatra .', 'Hmm , no.', 'Skip the current playlist', 'Message Sam : bring my Kindle back', 'Set alarm for every other Saturday at 6 : 30 am', 'play me some billy joel music', 'Set alarm for every 20 minutes', 'can you give me an alternate route', \"Message Simone , asking what time the New Year ' s Eve party is .\", 'How long will it take from Greensboro to Winston Salem if i take 421', \"Cancel reminder to get gift for patty ' s party .\", 'Can you create an alarm for next week', 'what is the weather next week ?', 'Are there any traffic delays in Seattle around Century Link Stadium', 'Please remind the film crew that we need to begin shooting no later than 8 am .', 'Guys, the marijuana law in colorado, oregon and washington can pass this tuesday. #highhopes', \"by the way where is luncher paji ? doesn't he go to school ?\", 'Send a message to Sabrina Is he okay ?', \"Remind me to get Manny ' s oil changed before September 1 .\", 'How many doctor appointment reminders do I have this week ?', 'Will there be a thunderstorm today ?', 'can i listen queen on spotify', 'WhatsApp Arthur Nice movie recommendation .', \"How long will it take for me to drive to my mom ' s house ?\", 'Timberlake was cool', 'How much less traffic will I encounter on I - 5 southbound if I leave work at 4 : 30 p . m . today', 'Paint parties', 'Message Jace and tell him to be here on my birthday at 7 PM', 'What are your impressions about the weather in New York ?', 'I want to listen to Lady Gaga', 'start chats please', \"I would like to listen to 90 ' s hip Hop\", 'Is north bound traffic heavy on 131 right now', 'Get my reminders for Friday .', 'Drone Racing Events near me', 'broadway plays playing in 2018 in New York City', 'set an alarm for 7 am every day', 'Shatrughan: Son is #WorldBooker today, tell me what is needed?\\n \\n Sonakshi: Vao papa, 1.25 kg samosas and jalebi for me. It is very booked', 'Send message to Kale , make travel arrangements for women groups meetup', 'Set an alarm for 1 hour', 'Remind me to pay tution', 'What time is my alarm for Tuesday ?', 'Tell me the weather forecast for this coming week .', 'What is the weather going to be like on Halloween ?', 'How far is Hawaii from the continental U . S', 'yes! come lets have some fun', 'What is traffic like in Detroit', 'Stop alarm', 'i need a timer for 20 mintues', 'you are sourabh bhola', 'Please send a message to my friend Santiago', 'which roads are blocked off for the Steuben Parade ?', 'What is the current traffic in Pewaukee', 'Will it rain at the Orioles game today', 'Play me some classical music by Mozart .', 'pause my run timer', 'how much time do i have left on my timer ?', 'what are some cool concerts to attend this monday in chicago', 'You can finish ringing', 'Change my wake up alarm .', 'Remind PTO of first day kickoff', 'how hot is it this week', \"Tell dad that I ' ve made it to the store .\", 'Tell me all alarms', 'Change the meeting reminder to next Saturday at 7 instead of this Saturday .', \"set a reminder for Teena ' s party next saturday\", 'timer needs to be suspended please', 'how bad are the storms in phoenix right now', 'How many alarms do I have left for today', \"What is the fastest way to get to my attorney ' s office if I leave in 15 minutes ?\", \"Remind me to attend my son ' s school picnic on August 14th ,\", 'turn off the alarm', 'When is my reminder to email Jon information ?', 'Stop timer .', 'set alarm for 4 : 30 pm', \"what was the least time I ' ve taken to complete the homework this week\", 'shut timer off and reset for 5 minutes', 'Are there any detours to savoy airport tomorrow ?', 'Suggest free family events for over holiday break', 'Can you change my 7 am Thursday alarm to 6 . 30am .', 'message Peter I need to cancel the meeting today . I had a car accident .', 'play some electronica on spotify', 'How is traffic on our route', 'Can you video message Aunt Betty and Chanel ?', 'Cancel my reminder to schedule a hair appointment for Aug 22', \"I ' m not waking up now\", 'Are there any detours on the 101 South this morning ?', 'what reminders do i have for today', 'I need my one hour timer updated', 'Remind me to answer my emails before midnight , tonight and set an alert 1 hour before .', 'Timer off', 'Message Tony and tell him to please pay the electric bill .', 'is it supposed to rain tomorrow ?', 'Play classical music', 'Can you remind me to get ready for the date ?', 'Please let me know what the temperature is like for the Scottish Highlands .', 'Can I have an update on the traffic report', 'Is is going to snow tomorrow ?', \"you have testified for twitter's #KatuSatya, you have hit my face with a stone wrapped in sheet.\", 'Any bands playing in Portland , Maine', 'Send a text message to my mum asking her what ’ s for dinner tonight .', 'Skip this track please .', 'I would like to get directions to the Salsa music festival in Rogers Park .', \"Can you tell me what time my mom ' s plane is supposed to arrive tomorrow and set a reminder for 2 hours before ?\", 'Remind me to send out invoices for my piano students tomorrow .', 'message Cathy , Shall we leave ?', \"yeah I think she was pretty upset. Like I said I didn't really understand all of that. I was mostly in it for the math. What an interesting, fascinating story.\", \"Shoe me the kid ' s reminders .\", 'Get me my recurring reminders', 'how many miles is it between lake michigan and lake erie', 'When is my next alarm set for ?', 'Is the weather affecting the traffic', 'How long will it take me to drive from Manchester to Cinemagic in Hooksett', 'message Scott to ask him to pick up some milk .', 'sir if today BJP was in power it was in country favour #SurgicalStrike they could have bought 10 head for 1 head ', 'Will it be over 90 degrees in Portland today ?', 'first you die, then you also affect other people?https://twitter.com/DailyYeats/status/691365373321568258\\xa0…', 'How high will the humidity be this weekend ?', 'Create a stir the pot alarm .', 'When is the storm coming ?', 'delete the reminder to check stock price this afternoon', \"click like on sabrina ' s reply to me\", 'Extend timer for another 10 minutes .', 'Set recurring alarm at 3 : 00 pm every Tuesday', 'Directions from Branson airport to Walmart Headquarters', 'Is there suppose to be any thanksgiving events going on tonight', 'And then I gave proof too, now see my ration card! ', 'Please tell me how much time remains on the timer', 'Remind me to buy milk', 'Show me all of my gardening reminders for this week .', 'haha, stay away from your wife, you tweet from hospital this not accepted by me', 'Turn off all alarms', 'rap music please', 'When do I need to leave the house to reach Bandelier Monument by 9 am on Saturday morning ?', 'mute alarm', 'Is there a way to avoid the traffic in New Albany today', 'Please record video message and send to milo .', 'it is darpan not drapan .. your hindi is weak', 'how long would it take for me to get to work today', 'set alarm for 8 : 30 pm tonight', 'Message Renee I cannot make the baby shower today .', 'When will the accident be cleared', 'well if you watch it than you can know for sure one way or another.', 'Set an alarm for the babysitter', \"Get me driving directions to Nam ' s salon in Abington\", '2 pm weather please', 'What is my alarm for Tuesday ?', 'I want to set the timer to 30 minutes', 'Change my entire alarm list', 'Cancel my wake up alarm', 'how quick does the traffic on the highway flow', 'Message Ann asking her if she found my phone', 'updates on traffic please', 'When is the lightest traffic', 'Can you remind me to call in refills for meds for mom and dad on Saturday at 9 am ?', 'What is the severe weather risk today here ?', 'Deduct 19 minutes from my active timer', 'How long does it take to get from Kingman to Laughlin ?', 'How fast is the wind in kilometers ?', 'Is Hugh Jackman a robot?', 'set an alarm for 5 Am monday thru thursday', 'Send message to Jack and Jill and tell them I am on my way', \"What is today ' s low ?\", 'Tell me any family friendly events happening this weekend', 'is there any flooding on capitol expressway this morning', 'Is an umbrella necessary today ?', 'Turn on some classic rock music', 'things to do in orange county this weekend', 'Any family events next weekend in katy', 'Please delete any alarms set tomorrow', 'are there any delays on 1 - 29 to kansas city', 'Can I get from here to Lafayette , La before noon ?', 'put the next alarm on silence', 'It is sensible to approach the trader first .', 'what is the traffic from here to lewisville like right now', 'send a message to jeff saying he looked hot today', 'This Thursday , please change my alarm to 8 am', 'What is the temperature like today ?', 'forget the alarm tomorrow', 'What is the weather in Umbria ?', 'The Budget is presented with a Budget Speech which is , in fact , one of the most important speeches in Parliament .', 'On the 19th of May , what do you think the weather will be like ?', \"What ' s going on in Orlando\", 'Are the roads supposed to be icy tomorrow night ?', \"how long will it take me to get to mom ' s\", 'Remind my husband to mow the lawn before 7 pm tonight', 'Set the alarm for 20 minutes from now', 'Tell me the radar for Friday', 'Any good punk concerts in San Fran tonight', 'Type good evening', 'Please play Jonny Lang radio', 'How much time left on 30 second timer', 'loop song', 'by doing this, anna proved that he is not a fascist. . . . .', 'Show me all timers set for with a duration of more than 4 hours', 'cancel the alarm for 6 pm', 'Speed dating events coming up this month', 'Thumbs up the last message in besties group chat', 'Tell Leesa I am busy now but will call her later', 'Will it be below 78 in degrees Celsius in Paris tonight', 'I am looking forward to adding it to my list of movies to watch.', 'set alarm for in the morning', 'CHANGE MY 4 : 45 PM ALARM TO 5 : 00 PM', 'Create a midnight alarm for January 1st .', \"cancel Lucy ' s recital reminder .\", \"Message Lisa , and ask what ' s the fastest route to the interstate .\", 'Can you alert me with a reminder about the meeting I have at 3 pm ?', 'Can you make Cindy a reminder to pull the Turkey out of the oven at 7 ?', 'you get something anjali, you wont understand https://twitter.com/upoliticat/status/864066951475216384 …', 'cancel alarm right now', \"It's about a Superhero called Iron Man, in real non-superhero life he's a genius inventor.\", 'Add 10 minutes to my timer .', 'judge : tell why did #dhoni resign ?', 'is morningside lane drivable in martinsville today', 'What will the weather be like tomorrow in Florida ?', 'how is the traffic between tampa and orlando', 'my xbox live ends tomorrow. moder warfare 3 and gears of war 3 all day ! hit me up !', 'Concerts this week', 'please pause the timer', 'play some more reggae', 'What is the traffic going from Harrisburg to Philadelphia', 'I want to know the weather forecast for Denmark .', 'Is traffic light', 'What is the weather going to be like this week ?', 'What is the low predicted temperature for tonight ?', 'What will the traffic be like if I leave in 30 minutes ?', 'When is the next biggest country event happening', 'Play some reggae', 'Can you update my floss my teeth reminder to once every day instead ?', 'play rap music'], 'hi_ng': ['chats me abhi switch kare', 'hahaha ...solid hai re baba', '6 pm ke liye alarm ko reset karen', 'Kya aap dinner ke reminders khoj sakte hai ?', 'meeting ko work par reschedule karne ke liye reminder se chhutkaara paayen', 'Dan ke liye har mahine mujhe renter ki pay karne ke liye reminder set kare', 'vah hissa jaha vah prarthanao ka javab dene ke liye email system banata hai aur ise auto-reply \"haa\" ke liye set karata hai vah bahut hi majedar hai aur dhharm ke bare me bahut kuchh kahata hai.', 'kya aap classic holiday tunes baja sakte hai', 'Aaj work ke liye traffic', 'kya aaj toofan aa raha hai ?', 'aj temperature kitna hone wala hai ?', 'July 4th ko mausam kaisa hoga .', 'classic rock bajao .', 'kya I 24 par koi traffic hai', 'upstate NY me Music festivals', 'kya is haftey koi baarish hogi ?', 'North Dakota me abhi ka temperature kya hai', 'Friday ke liye bread pick up karne ke liye reminder set kare', 'Parantu ek mahatvapurna sansthan American sarkar ka dava he ki unhe hadayat ke lakshya ka pata nahi tha. F.B. I. ke pravakta ne kaha,”Kuchh bhi nahi he jo aatankvaad ki aur sanket karta ho”. F.B.I. ke ek aur adhikari ne hadayat ke sambandh me kaha, “It appears he went there with the intention of killing people. Why he did that we are still trying to determine.” Possible causes named include a work dispute and a hate crime”.', 'Sunday ke liye forecast kya hai', 'please is gaaney ko delete karen', 'Aaj subha I - 55 par traffic kaisa hai ?', 'mujhe aas paas mei Maroon five ke saarey concerts boliye', 'kya tum mujhe agle hafte ke liye weather bata sakte ho ?', 'Is weekend Harvard Square mei Summer Solstice celebration hai', 'ghar par jaane me kaisa hai', 'wake up par alarm on hai', 'baarish kitne bajhe aai hai', 'mujhe 3 baje dad ko uski - medication dene ke liye yaad dilaye', 'Mujhe traffic dikhao', 'mujhe event me photo lene ke liye yaad dilaye', 'Milton ko message karo aur bolo ki mujhse elevator par milen', 'Beijing ke liye aaj f degree mei kitni garmi hai', 'kya toofan hai ?', 'kya ap car oil change appointment reminder set up kar sakte hai on sunday august 5th 2018 at 8 am', '\" bt ab proud sina tokh k #SurgicalStrike #TradebanPak a nara uthrahai . KASHMIRYUVA JOIN #BharatiyaSeNa', '9 hours ke liye timer set kardo', 'dhanywad aap ke bahumulya samay ke liye mere se baat karne ke liye', 'alarm 3 ko cancel karo', 'kya is weekend fort worth me koi community garage sales hai', 'mujhe panch din ka weather forecast dijiye', 'maine jo timer set kiya use phir se shuru karo', 'Please mere agle alarm ko dikhao', 'mujhe saturday ko mere visa aur paypal bill pay karne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'us gaaney ko repeat kare .', 'January me LA me movie premieres he', 'Mere wednesday ke school ke baad Tim ko pick karne ke reminder ko delete kare', 'Yoyogi Park ke aas paas kitna traffic hai', 'mujhe mere alarm ko is evening 8 pm se is subha 9 : 30 pm tak badal na chahiye', 'mujhe Wellsboro se Plymouth tak pahunchne ke liye sabse tez rasta batao .', 'Kya bahar hot hai', 'aj temperature kitna hone wala hai ?', '10 din baad mausam kaisa rahega ?', 'Wo aadmi hai', 'mujhe batao ki school se the movie theater tak pahunchne ke liye mujhe batao', 'Todd aur Will ko bhejne ke liye ek video message record karo', 'kal La Plata me kya hone wala hai', 'Mullo ko bhagao...TP mat karo', 'kya aj work ke roads par baarish ho rahi hai', 'music ko restart karo', 'Muje Hampton outlets tak drive karke jane me kitna time lagega', 'meri ma ko text karo ke I ’ m on my way .', 'LA me traffic ki condition kitni congested hai', 'kya aj Moody Beach par dhoop hogi ?', 'mujhe aj raat ko andey laane ke liye yaad dilaye', 'timer par time bacha hai .', 'Mere liye thoda Imagine Dragons bajao', 'is haftey ke alarms display kare', 'timer se 5 minutes remove kardo', 'please blue play kare', 'Pyar kisi ke saath bhi ho sakta hai.', 'Elton John ka ek song bajayen', 'kya mere paas koi alarms abhi bhi set hai', 'ek timer set karo', 'Please mere daily yoga sessions ke liye alert hata den .', \"Mom ko text bhejo . Don ' t worry\", 'Ha,me use bhi barbar sunta hu', 'Mujhe Basketball Event se 30 minutes pehle yaad dilaayen', 'kya is haftey Okemo mei koi night skiing hai', 'mere bete ko message bhejo', 'Har roz 9 pm ko mujhe meri dawa khane ke liye yaad dilaye', 'satellite map ko open kare', 'caterer ko message karo aur bolo ki reception me donuts laane ke liye', 'lou ke liye kuch bhi karega types wala? Ishq wala lou?', 'agley track ko skip kare', '45 minutes ke liye timer set kare', 'aaie mausam sunen', 'Kya muje kal umbrella lana chahiye ?', 'har 2nd Saturday ko sham 4 baje bajne ke liye ek alarm create karo', 'shuru hone ke baad 15 minutes ke liye timer alarm set kare', 'Mujhe Saturday ko Maeghan ko ek wedding gift khareedne ke liye yaad dilaayen .', 'aaj Los Angeles me traffic kaisa hai', 'agar mai abhi nikalta hoon toh mai meri mom ke ghar kab paunchunga', 'Aaj kis US city ka temperature sabse thand hai', 'mai latest press conference dekhne ke liye yaad dilana nahi bhulna chahta hu', \"Richard ko message karo ki It ' s too short .\", 'kal Los Angeles me kya events hone wale hai', 'popular music me se current top 20 songs bajao', 'Tuesdays ko shaam 4 baje alarm ko repeat kare', 'Kya aap muje is weekend ka forecast bata sakte he .', 'Maine se Atlanta kitna door he', 'kya aaj baahar garm hone wala hai ?', 'Aaj ke liye low temperature kya he', 'Miami se New York tak ki doori kitni hai', 'kya agle mahine mere area mei koi music festivals aane wale hai', 'hafte ke liye Timer', 'February ke alarms delete karo', 'Mere liye 90s ka music bajao', 'aaj ke liye mere koi bhi reminders padhen', 'la masseria ko message karo aur pucho ki they found the ring i lost', 'Thursday ko oil change karne ke liye reminder hata dein', 'highway par traffic kaisi dikh rahi hai', 'Mai Sinatra ke hits sunna chahta hu', 'March 24th ke liye 3 baje ka alarm set karna chahiye', 'bahar kab andhera hoga', 'ek ghante ke liye har 20 minute ka timer set kare', 'traffic jam kitne miles tak he', 'Mere grandfather ke ghar se Denver tak drive karke jaane me kitne ghante lagega ?', '5 : 00 pm ke liye mausam ka prediction kya hai ?', 'please alarm ko band kardo', 'sleep playlist ko bajao', 'Columbia mei kis samay sabse zyada bhaari traffic hoti hai', 'mai mere ghar se 7 PM ko nikalraha to Richmond , VA tak pahunchne me mujhe kitna samay lagega ?', 'Kya aaj nyc me traffic bhaari hai', 'din ke liye temperature low kya hai ?', 'Doosre actors ke baare mein kya thoughts hain? Main bhook gaya tha ki Tim McGraw bhi movie mein tha, haha.', 'music ko ruko', 'Mujhe aaj sham 5 baje kaam ke baad apples pickup karne ke liye yaad dilaayen .', 'timer ko badlein', 'mujhe kisne abhi text kia', 'ye song kharab hai , agla ?', 'Please mere timer ko roke', 'Denver ke aas paas Marathons', 'Okay , kal Papa ki party ke baare me mera reminder cancel kare .', 'Dallas se ghar tak drive karne mei kitni der lagegi', 'Ramadan ke liye forecast', 'redmond me weekend par traffic kaisa hai', 'doctor ke liye meri ride kitni lambi hogi', 'road kaisa dikh raha hai', 'mujhe 1 minute ka timer chahiye .', 'Please ek alarm set kardo for 9 pm this evening', 'are nahiiiiinnn! poto hi sahi, kam se kam log dekh to pa rahe hain', 'kya abhi New Jersey Turnpike par congestion hai ?', 'Aww so sweet, Chalo main hi so jaata hu pehle...\\nisse pehle ke tumhare aur tweets padhne pade ', 'southington me apple harvest fest ke liye highway lena zyada tezz hoga ya back roads ?', 'us timer ko phirse set kare', 'Aur yadi unki speed zero hai, they’ll maintain that restfulness.', 'mujhe aj subah Tulsa ke liye traffic report chahiye', 'Juan se pucho ki when he starts his new job .', '2nd august 4 pm ko Aerosmith concert ke baare me alert hata dein', 'kya aas paas koi Lorde concert available hai', 'mai London ka kal evening ke liye mausam janna chahta hoon', 'Agar kisi kaam ko logo ki prashansa ke bajaye bajaye virodh mile to wo kaam 100% sahi hai .... I Salute Notebandi', 'is weekend Dothan mei Christmas concerts hai', 'Muje Thanksgiving ke liye weather bataye .', 'Lee ke sath dinner ke liye reminder par time badlein from 5 to 6 pm', 'Kya kal barf padne wali hai', 'mere agle alarm ko delete kare', 'mujhe yaad dilao ki mujhe jaldi laundry karne ki zaroorat hai .', '5 haftou ke liye wednesdays ke liye alarm banaye', 'NY me average rainfall', 'paused timer ko restart kare', 'Kevin ko kal football practice ke baare me yaad dilaayen .', '6 : 00 pm ko dinner ke liye alarm set kare', 'kya Philadelphia me koi cooking classes hai', 'Kya Miami me koi accident ke reports he', 'kya aaj raat baarish hogi', 'agar mai Liberty Mall se 4 : 18 baje shuru hota hoon toh mai Independence Hall kab tak pahuchunga ?', 'shaam ke samay mausam kaisa rahega ?', 'mujhe heavy traffic se bachna hai', 'kal 4 am ke liye alarm set kare', '28 Days Later ke liye soundtrack bajaye', 'kya kal Melbourne me koi concerts hai', '15 may ke liye dopahar 2 bajhe ke liye mere liye ek alarm set karen .', 'Kya me aaj work ke raste me traffic hit karunga', 'Luanne bridal shower ke liye reminder set karen .', '7th ko shaam 4 baje Mum ko call karne ke liye', 'Karen ko batao ki event is canceled', 'theek hai kul milaakar mujhe laga ki yah movie kaaphee achee thee.', 'rap music ko skip kare', 'Kya hum USA me aur hurricanes ki ummeed karsakte hai', 'photos: rihanna crowned carnaval queen: pop superstar visited the greystone manor supperclub wednesday night and was . . . http/URL', \"yaha se meri dentist ' s office appointment tak pahunchne me kitna samay lagega\", 'kya mera timer abhi bhi on hai ?', 'hamare pass pichli raat kitni barish hui', 'kal ke liye ek naya alarm banaen', 'whatsapp par mere messages pahunchne do', 'alarm adjustment from 9 pm to 10 pm', 'area me kya koi lightening hai', 'kal ke dinner ka reminder delete kare', 'I think yah ghar se shuru hoti hai ek hi roof ke niche.', 'Please mere liye alarm set karo for Sunday the 1st May', 'ab band kare', 'route konsa hai jisme sabse kam traffic ho', 'time shuru karo', 'aaj ka forecast kya hai', 'kya the 405 abhi bhi congested hai', 'kya Cleveland , Ohio me abhi barish ho rahi hai ?', 'kya koi roads blocked hai', 'Jordan ko note send karo aur pucho ke if she can add 3 - 4 vegan menu items to the potluck dinner on June 28th .', 'kya aap Tom Petty station create karsakte hai ?', 'Cedar Rapids me Hayrides', 'Kya aaj San Francisco me traffic bhaari hai', 'what time they want to go to the Santa Monica Pier ?', 'Jamie ko message karo aur pucho ki if she got a ride to the dance Friday', '3 : 30 pm ke liye alarm lagaye', 'Is weekend Detroit mei music concerts hai', 'kal mai kya karsakta hu', 'is traffic ke sath mujhe waha pahunchne me kitna samay lagega', 'mere set kiye huwe alarms dikhao', 'kal Cedar Park me Farmers markets hai', 'every Tuesday dopahar 3 pm aur 4 pm ke liye 2 alarms set kare', 'kya agle 7 dino me barf padegi ?', '10 minute ka timer set kare', 'timer ko zero se shuru kare', '33 minutes ke liye timer set kare aur yaad dilaayen .', 'kuch gospel music bajao', 'Dre ka naya album bajao .', 'Schenectady me aj raat Holiday events hai', 'Friday 16th am ke liye alarm shuru kare', 'Usme sabse naya song bajao', 'aaj mousam kaisa hai ?', 'Charles ko pick karne ke liye reminder set kare', 'kya New Years Eve par baarish hogi ?', 'Tuesday ko 7 am aur 8 am ke liye alarm create karo', 'kuch European play kare', 'Jalandhar jayega whisky ke saath to achha lagega!', 'January me Caribbean me kitni thand hone wali hai', 'Lima mei highest temperature kya hai ?', 'kya southern california me baarish hoti hai ?', 'mere raaste me koi detours hai', 'Kya is weekend traffic bhari hoga', 'kal menlo park mein c degree mein kitni garmi hone wali hai', 'kya aj memorial stadium ke raaste me koi road construction hai ?', 'Washington DC me weekend par family events ko khoje', 'agle song ko skip kare', 'mujhe tuesday ko meeting mei jane ke liye reminder set kare please', 'Las Vegas me Concerts', 'Puerto Rico ke liye 10 din ka forecast kya hai', 'Please , alarm create karo .', 'mere alarm ko cancel kare', 'kya aap John Legend ka All of Me baja sakte hai ?', 'Kya me Calfornia ka mausam dekh sakta hu ?', 'Evan ke liye kal Conor ko email karne ke liye reminder set kare', 'Koi Dilli main bhi boond do boond baarish bhej do \" we want to breathe #Frustration #delhipollution #DelhiGasChamber', 'timer ko cancel karo', 'weekend ke liye mausam kaisa rehne ki ummed hai', 'Hampton Park me abhi mausam kaisa hai ?', 'Kya aaj raat baarish honi chahiye', 'kya koi museum events hai', 'is track ko abhi pause kare', 'Aj Paulines printer par check karne ke liye reminder set kare', 'Kya aap muje doctor ki appointment ke baare me 30 minutes pehle alert kar sakte he', 'Please ek alarm create karo jo subha 8 am aur dopahar 2 : 30 pm ko band hojaye', 'Abhi se ek ghante ka alarm reset kare', 'I hate the last song .', 'us message ne fir kya kaha ?', 'aaj ke reminders ko sirf dikhao', 'is weekend Austin me konse christmas events hone wale hai', 'Ethan ko message karo aur use bolo ki mai usey dekhne ke liye intazar nahi kar sakta', 'hamare pass yaha kitni baarish hoti hai ?', 'Mere music ko bajao', 'Teresa ko bolo ki I love her', 'mere favorite songs ki list karo', 'ghar par estimate arrival time', 'mujhe December 20 ko mere brother ko birthday card bhejne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'mere aas paas ki aaj raat Metal concerts', 'Please mujhe mere current alarms display kare .', 'unread text messages ko access karo', 'kya Olympia aur Seattle ke beech koi road work hai', '0450 ghante ke liye alarm set kardo', 'Class of 76 teleconference ke liye sabhi reminders ko delete karo', 'is haftey bacchon ke liye holiday parties', 'weekend ke liye kya forecast hai', 'aaj ke reminder ko 5 bajhe ke liye badliye', 'Wednesdays ke alarm cancel kardo', 'timer kya set hai', 'mere timer ko restart kare', 'mujhe yaad dilao ki Tuesday subah 9 bajhe mere paas doctor ka appointment hai', 'first dye hair timer ke sath chalkar jaayen', 'Lil Wayne ka latest song bajayen', 'Kya aaj raat koi toofan aayega ?', 'kal Irvine me kya hone wala hai', 'Aur stamps laane ke liye mujhe yaad dilaye', '4 PM ke liye alarm cancel kare please', 'the Childrens Little Theater mei agla play kya hai', 'last song ko wapas play kare', 'reminder ko cancel kardo', 'thawing dinner ke liye reminder ko delete karen', 'Is week paddling learning kaha se kare', 'New York me traffic kaisa hai', 'mujhe 2 pm ke liye set kiya hua ek alarm chahiye', 'Aaj kitna hot hone wala he', 'kya airport ke aas paas traffic hai', 'Subah ka naashta - Lahore me\\nDopahar ka khana - Karachi me\\nRaat ki party - Islamabad me\\n\\nJai Hindhttps://twitter.com/IndiaTVHindi/status/781394021402812416Â\\xa0…', 'meri reminder list ko dikhao', 'Muje Maritimes ke liye weather bataye .', 'Roseville me Friday raat ko dancing ke liye sabse acha jagah', 'Anna ko message bheje ye puchne ke liye ki when she has time', 'please , mere dopahar 2 baje ke meeting ke reminder ko delete kare', 'Kya muje aaj umbrella ki zarurat padegi', 'Aur agar woh deniers gumraho mein se hai.', 'RWA ke agle 3 years ke liye sarey Conventions and locations list karo', 'The Blue Lagoon ke timer recording ko cancel karo', 'Latvia mei weather kaisa hai', 'hotel room lene ke liye ek reminder set kare', 'please Jane ko is audio message ke sath reply kare', 'please subah 6 baje ke liye utne ke liye set kare', 'austin tx ka forecast kya hai ?', 'mere reminders me aj ke liye kya pending hai ?', '9 , 12 aur 3 baje teen alarms set kare', 'Entertainment sabko free ka hi chahiye hota hai, haaye ye zaalim duniya *wipes a tear*', \"Felicia ko message bhejo jisme likha ho ki the paint isn ' t drying yet\", 'alarm ko snooze kare', 'kal Milania ke sath meri meeting ke liye reminder set karen', 'When relatives ask', 'music shuffle karo', '17th May ko 9 pm ke liye ek alarm set karen', 'kal sham 11 bajhe ke liye go to bed alarm start kare', 'cat lovers group thread par ek video message bhejo', 'iheartradio par 99 . 5 radio station bajao', 'Khatam vaartaalaap button aaya....aapaka dopahar achchha beete!', 'Agle hafte Atlanta mei 2 Chainz ke hone wale Concerts', '15 minutes me bajne ke liye alarm set kare', 'is friday Miami me kya hone wala hai', 'kya mujhe jacket pehenni chahiye ?', 'kya New York se Florida tak koi dusra raasta hai jo I 95 ke raste se guzarti hai', 'maine last time par kya alarm set kiya', 'Andrew ko message karo take the kids to soccer practice .', 'mujhe Indianapolis ka mausam dijiye .', 'mujhe har Sunday 10 pm ke liye sone jaane ke liye yaad dilane ke liye alarm set kare', 'kya aj dopahar koi sports events hai', 'Please mere top rated artists ko play kare', 'kya aage traffic detours hai', '7 dino ke liye alarm repeat kare', 'Please timer ko rokey', 'kya ap mujhe agley 7 din tak ke liye weather bata sakte hai .', 'us alarm ko abhi band karo', 'ringing ko band karo', 'is hafte ke liye mujhe mere sabhi reminders dikhao aur mujhe yaad dilao about their times .', 'Kya work ke raste me construction hai ?', 'kya kal barish hone wali hai ?', 'kya aaj ke liye pants too hot hone wale hai', 'Mere current timer par kitna time bacha he ?', 'sun set kitne bajhe hota hai', 'sabhi alarms se chhutkaara paayen', '20 minutes ke liye timer banaye', 'Monday through Friday ke liye subah 6 baje ka alarm set kare', 'Gaia ko WhatsApp par hurry up karne ke liye bolo .', 'Abhi 5 kaisi dikh rahi hai', 'current traffic kaisa hai', 'Los Angeles aur Sacramento ke beech ka sabse chota rasta kaunsa hai in miles', 'mere liye thoda Beatles khoje', 'mene karungi, but mera patni tho bahut enjoy karega surely!', 'Kya Sun ke forecast me baarish he ?', 'please alarms set karo for 9 . 00am and 9 . 30am on Tuesday', 'acha, muje yeh award ke stuff ke baare mein tho kuch patha hi nahi hein', 'Nappa me wine train lene ke liye kitna price he', '6 am , 9 pm and 11 pm ke liye alarm set karen .', 'mujhe friday ke alarms dikhao', 'phone , mere boss ko message kare aur puche how much was the deposit ?', 'agley 2 Sundays ko dopahar ko alarm set kare', 'Colorado Springs me kitni barf ko expect kar rahe hai', 'Muje pool mein das laps tak jane ke liye Time nikaliye', 'mere daily wake up alert ko 4 am ko hata do .', 'kal sun rise kab hota hai', 'mere alarm par kitna samay bacha hai ?', 'mere sarey alarms cancel kare', 'todays high and low he', 'Monday ko 6 aur 7 . 30 AM ko repeating alarms set karen', 'mere pati ko Thursday ko game se pehle chicken , rice aur shredded cheese ko pick up karne ke liye reminder send kare', 'mujhe 8th june ko shaam 4 baje ke liye alarm chahiye', 'kya aap mera alarm snooze karsakte hai ?', 'garbage bin kuch shaadi wadi , padosiyo se ladai , gumne ki trip wagerah ke post bhi dalo . . . . . ', 'Mujhe jantha tumhaara matalab pata tha.', 'aalvida', 'aaj ka temperature bataye please', 'mai apni alarm schedule ko janna chahta hoon', 'alarm ko band kardo', 'Agle hafte St Augustine me Music events hai', 'timer ko hold karke rakhe', 'Tuesday ko 8 am aur 2 pm ke liye alarm create kare', 'mere classroom ke liye sabhi alarms dikhao jo mere classroom ke liye set kiye gaye hai', 'kya ye beach day hai', 'Aaj kitne baje baarish shuru hogi ?', 'Agar me Miami dopahar ko nikalta hu to me Jacksonville kab pohchunga ?', 'Agle hafte Beijing mein kitni thand hone wali degrees celcius me', 'France me mausam kaisa hai', 'Kya mujhe sweater chahiye ?', 'kya Sunday ke liye koi interesting hai', 'moutains mei weather kaisa hai', 'timer ko delete kare', 'Mesa St par traffic delay kitni lambi hai', 'timer par kitna time bacha he', 'mujhe 9 pm ko mera show miss karna nahi hai ; kya aap mujhe 20 minutes pehle alert kar sakte hai ?', 'Mujhe pata hai ki woh ek achcha weird naam tha. Un dino mein Facebook bhi weird hua karta tha.', 'is mahine the wife ke saath dinner plans ke sabhi reminders ko pull up kare', 'Ye rishta kya kehlata hai...https://twitter.com/calestous/status/628777606037553152\\xa0…', 'Shaun ko message karo aur pucho ki what beer he wants', 'mai dopahar ke samay ka mausam janna chahta hoon', 'Saturday par subha 9 baje ke liye mera alarm set karen', 'mujhe popular Spotify playlists dikhao', 'today orlando me kya ho raha he', 'mere aas pas skiing', 'kya gympie me koi barf hai', 'Mere alarm tak kitna time he ?', 'mujhe office se kitne baje nikal na chahiye 5 pm tak Dr ke office pahuchne ke liye', 'spotify par armin van buuren ko play karen', 'Isaiah ke ghar drive karke jaane me kitna samay lagega', 'aaj kitna hot hone wala he', 'ETA', 'kal 3 pm ke liye ek alarm set karen vet ko phone karne ke liye', 'Twitter mein aapka swagat hai.\\nKrupya apne dimaag ki peti bandh kare, apna mobile phone apne pichwaade se chipkaye rakhe. Sukkhad yatra.', 'Kya aaj windy hone wala he ?', 'Ye kaun afwaah phaila raha hai?', 'dry cleaning laane ke liye reminder set kare', 'Smile reaction text', 'Aloha me next weekend par karne ke liye cheeze', 'har Sunday subha 8 am ko church ke liye alarm set kare', 'mai aj kitne inches ki barf expect kar sakti hoon ?', 'Aaj sham 6 baje alarm lagaye', 'calculator requirements ke bare mei mujhe reminders dikhao', 'kal New York ke paas kitna hot hone wala hai degrees C me batayen', 'Mujhe kal meri appointment ke liye 4 baje ka reminder chahiye', 'agley 6 months ke liye mere saarey event reminders list karo', '7 : 00 am ke liye set alarm delete kare', 'mujhe work se kab nikalna chahiye at 5 . 30 pm ko home pahuchne ke liye', 'aj ke liye high kya hai ?', 'mere golf group ko yaad dilaye', 'Please agle 8 weeks ke liye har Sunday alarm set kare .', 'Us text ko reply shoot kare', 'Friday ke liye mausam kaisa hai ?', 'adhe ghante ke liye mera alarm snooze karo', 'Kya is weekend triple digits mei hone wale hai', 'Kya kal ka forecast aaj ke jaisa hoga ?', 'kya 101 par traffic hai', 'kal ke liye ek bedtime naam ka alarm banao', 'Me mere teeth brush karne ke liye yad dilana chahta hu', 'mujhe kal subha car ko clean karne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'Muje 15th ko mere cat ko vet me le jane ke liye remind karaye .', 'subha 7 baje ke alarm ko subha 6 : 30 baje me badal do', 'main sahamat hoon', 'agar mai Newport se subah 6 baje nikalta hoon , toh mai Boise me kitne baje pohchunga ?', '15 minutes ke liye timer set karen .', 'mera next reminder kya hai ?', 'mujhe meri dawa khane ke liye yaad dilaye', \"agar mai 15 minutes mei nikalta hoon toh mujhe mall se Trader Joe ' s pahuchne mei kitni der lagegi ?\", 'mai Sydney , Australia ka mausam dekhna chahta hoon', 'New York City tak pahuchne ke liye kitni der lagegi', 'Rebecca ko message karo aur use bolo ki have a good day', 'subah 7 bajhe ke liye alarm cancel kare', 'Dallas se Green Bay tak kitne miles hai', '15th May ko 7 pm ko mujhe jagaane ke liye ek alarm set karen', 'pandora me song ko skip kare', '45 minutes ke liye ek timer set kare', 'kal raat Pechanga Comedy Club me perform karne wale kaunse artist hai', 'last 15 seconds ko aloud count down kare', 'agley 10 hafton ke liye Tuesday ke liye alarm create kare', 'Yaha se Palm Springs , to 29 Palms , and back again', '15th July ko subah 6 baje Gym naam ka ek naya alarm shuru hoga', 'Florida kab tak toofan aayega', 'mujhe kuch Whitney Houston sunna hai', '14 saal ka kids ke hein', 'baton rouge mei traffic kaisa hai', 'is week ka last Snowfall kya din hai ?', 'Muje bataiye ki raat 10 baje mousam kaisa hoga', 'homework reminder ko hata do', 'please Deborah ko text bhejen', 'April 26 ko Riverside Club me concert', 'Kya bahar baarish ho rahi he', '2 pm ke liye ek naya alarm set karo jisey Medication kaha jata hai', \"Please 80 ' s ke music bajao .\", 'dunia mei kis location ka mausam sabse acha hai', 'kya - route par koi accident hua hai', 'please mere timer ko band kardo', 'Mujhe Saturday subah 9 bajhe yaad dilaayen ki Aden ki birthday party dopahar ke samay hai .', 'last song ko reply kare', 'Is hafte ke liye Midwest me toofan', 'aj kitni barf expected hai ?', '5 months me Gucci Mane concert ke liye reminder add karen', 'mei Meryl Streep ka fannahi hui', 'kya aap dekh sakte hai ki mere paas har din fish ko feed karne ka reminder hai ?', 'ek 9 am aur 12 pm ka alarm banaen .', 'Is dopahar ko mausam kaisa rahega ?', 'mujhe school ke baad dog ko walk par lejaane ke liye yaad dilaayen', '10 minutes ke liye timer set karen', 'Tuesday subha 5 30 ke liye ek alarm enter karen .', 'weekend forecast kaisa dikhraha hai ?', 'Aaj raat 5 pm ka ek alarm set karen', 'boston se new york tak ki drive kitni lambi hai', 'Kal subha 10 am ko utne ke liye reminder set kare', 'kya aaj poora din baarish chalne wali hai ?', 'Please kal ke liye mera wakeup alarm change kare', 'mujhe do hafton me library books ko return karne ke liye yaad dilaayen .', 'mujhe batao ki Lady Gaga California mei play hogi', 'guitar repair reminder ko September 3rd ko samaan samay badlein', 'mujhe 3 pm ko pick karne ke liye Lauren ko message karo', 'town me traffic kaise aa raha hai', 'kya I - 10 par traffic hai', 'mujhe milk lane ke liye yaad dilaye', 'detours ke sath Atlanta pohochne me kitna time lagega ?', 'Tom ko message karo aur mujhe documents bhejne ke liye bolo .', 'r and b ke music ko bajao', 'kya 2018 mei CST zone mei Hairstyles for Long Hair workshop naam ka koi animal hai', 'australia ka weather', 'is weekend ka weather forecast kya hai', 'Kya mere ghar se Eugene tak Hwy 6 lena zyada tez hoga ya Hwy 18 ?', 'Aurelien ko message kare ki mai use apni drink wapas dunga', 'Mere pas konsa alarm on hai ?', 'kal 4 am ke liye alarm set kare', 'if he refused to do the bidding of his lord to uske tatha uske nikat sambandhiyo ki jaan jati he.', 'mausam kaisa dikh raha hai ?', 'is week for Christmas kya chal raha hai', 'Modi sir yeh kaunsi jagah chale gaye ho, mere se toh naam bhi sahi se nai liya ja raha...lol :-D', 'Bhai tu bowling par dhyaan de. Nana Patekar mat banpic.twitter.com/y7s1oNeU2i', 'humko kitna snow milne wala he ?', 'by taking advantage of the fact that kisine hume K diya hai,', 'kya oregon me is summer par gila hai', 'Switch ke zariye kuch bhi play kare', 'Please iheartradio 94 5 WFLA ko on karo', 'Michael Jackson ka sabse popular song bajao', 'mere grandpa ko Voice message karo', 'subah 7 baje ke liye alarm set karo', 'station ko heavy metal mein badal do', 'Emily ke question par Haha', 'please early afternoon ka weather bataye', 'mujhe aj raat ko pick up ke liye garbage down karne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'time ko over start kare', 'mai bhul gaya hun ki Ed is having his pool party ke samay hum shahar se bahar nikal jayenge . isliye us reminder ko delete kare', 'Kya muje apna jacket pehen na padega to go outside ?', 'mere reminder ko hata do', 'England me weather kesa rahega ?', 'Delhi mein ho rahi baarish, Chicago mein nahi. Duh', 'Awesome, mene dekungi iss ke bare me!', 'kya Houston Texas me 15th Street par koi construction work chal raha hai ?', 'Ye log jo khudko creative ya artist samajhte hai, hamesha aise bhikariyon ki tarah dheele kurte, lambe baal aur sadyal chashma kyu pehente?', '4 years ke liye alarm set kare', 'kal Austin me hone wale Sporting events', 'kal weather man ne kaha tha ke aaj baarish hosakti hai . aaj weather kaisa hai ?', 'patrice ko message karo aur pucho ki i left my ipad at her house', 'coldplay ka latest album bajao', 'agar mai abhi nikalta hoon toh kya mai shaam 5 baje tak ghar pahunch sakta hoon ?', 'Lindsay ko message karo aur pucho ke the hotel in St . Joe she was telling me about', 'mai chat requests chahta hoon', 'us 59 north par traffic kyu hai', 'mere last reminder ko hata do .', 'King henry bole jo bhi maleficent ko marega vo agla raja banega aur uske beti se shadi karega', 'Please is song ko skip kare', 'Mere liye Reba ki playlist se kuch tunes bajao .', 'kya ghar ke liye meri drive par koi accident reports hai', 'Is weekend Glendale me karne ke liye cheeze', 'weekdays par alarms band karo', 'kya mera timer 5 : 00 se pehle band hoga', 'kya is hafte baarish hogi', 'Hayward se Santa Monica tak drive karne mei kitni der lagegi', 'thursday ke liye sabhi alarms cancel kardo', 'Kitna time bacha he ?', 'meri mom kab aa rahi hai', 'Kya is haftey temperature freezing se upar hoga ?', 'dad ko bolo ki mai 9 pm ko ghar par rahunga', 'ye song ko baar - baar chalayen .', 'Chris ke liye ek video message banaye', 'Main aapke beti ka haath maangne aaya hu, mere haath ab thakk chuke hai.', 'Wednesday ke liye 5 pm ka ek biweekly alarm create kare', 'PANDORA par mera RELAXATION STATION bajao', 'Is evening me traffic ki condition kaisi hai', 'yaha se Trenton ko jaane ke liye kitna samay lagega ?', 'kya kal dopahar baarish hogi', 'please 3 pm ko alarm set karen aur fir ek ghante ke liye har 2 minute mei continuously ding denge', 'is mahine Fargo me konse rock concerts chal rahe he ?', 'Brunswick me Santa ke sath Breakfast events ho rahe he', 'mai interstate par jaane se bachne ke liye office pahunch sakta hoon', 'Greg ko ek text bhejo jo kehta he ki Mafia III is a good game', '5 June ke shaam ke liye kya forecast hai', 'second alarm me 10 seconds add karo', 'timer se 5 minutes remove kardo', 'kya koi Dog Shows aane wala hai', 'saare alarms band karo', 'phir use uss (bachche) ka gharbh rah gaya, and she withdrew with him to a far place.', 'Muje subah 10 baje ka weather bataye .', 'Kya aaj cloudy hone wala he', 'kya is haftey Andover me ek horse show hai', 'Siri , meri ma ko bolo ki , baad me baat karo .', 'Spotify me last album ko replay kare .', '7th ke liye mera alarm set karen', 'December me Chief ke football game ka reminder delete kare', 'Muje Guangzhou ke mausam ke baare me bataye', 'mujhe aaj pots and pans laane ke liye yaad dilaye', 'Tennessee aur Florida ke beech kitna distance hai', 'kya aap timer ko restart karsakte hai ?', 'Is weekend hattiesburg me karne ke liye cheeze', 'mai ek message shuru karna chahta hoon', 'Kya ap mujhe bata sakte hai at the weekend weather kesa rahega', 'Thursday 3 om aur 5 pm ke liye alarm create kare', 'Kya waha traffic hai', 'Senses Fail ko bajao', 'Texas ka forecast kya hai', 'state park tak drive karke jane me kitna time lagega', 'Saturday subha 8 am ka alarm set kare .', 'Muje Australia ke mausam ke baare me bataye', 'Monday ke liye sabhi morning alarms ko band karo', 'Salman bhai,kabhi aap samne miljao na,toh jarur apke gale laag jaunga,,taab mera v kick laag jayegi,,,', 'Susan ke divorce ke plans ko discuss karne wale reminder ko delete karen', 'kya abhi freeway saaf hai ?', 'kya aaj bahar garm hai ?', \"Text karo . I ' m taking charge of it .\", 'kya Disneyland ke liye off ramp par koi traffic hai', 'Addie ko yaad dilaayen ki 30 minutes me she needs to feed the dog', 'kya bahar cold hai ?', 'Kya koi weather alerts he ?', 'Ozzy Osbourne play kariye', 'kya NoHo me agle Sunday ko koi event hai', 'mujhe Johnny Cash ke prison songs sunna hai', 'Ye kya he ... Last me hi Band Baj jati he hamesha #IndvsSA', 'Mere current timer ko delete kare', 'Mujhe Friday ko plants ko water karne ke liye yaad dilaayen', '9th june ko 3 pm se 4 pm tak mere alarm ko badal do', 'Kya aap mere study statistics study group ko text kar sakte hai ki kal homework due hai ?', 'kal 5 am se subah 6 baje ke liye mere alarm ko badal do', 'Mujhe agley mahine ke liye mera schedule check karne ke liye yaad dilaayen .', 'Wednesday subah 6 bajhe wakeup alarm lagaye', 'sarey alarms delete karo', 'last song ko dohrayen', 'har Monday alarm set kare', 'Mujhe traffic update chahiye', 'wind speed kya hai ?', 'Dave se pucho ki kya unhone kabhi Potting Shed mei jana hai', '3 din ka forecast kya hai', 'mujhe sabhi alarms batao', 'seattle me kitni baar baarish hoti hai', 'Critics ne badhiya review diya hai. But critics ko artsy stuff pasand ata hai. Kafi move hogaye the wo log.', 'sure', 'radio band karo', 'is saal mere aas paas ke National Rifle Association ke meeting locations', 'kya Vancouver me snow fall 6 inches se kam nahi hua ?', 'Mere naye texts kya hai ?', 'kya ghar pahuchne ka koi dusra raasta hai', 'saare alarms band karo', 'kya baarish hone wali hai', 'New York City me is weekend karne ke liye free things', 'Ashok ko message karo ki bring his Radio today .', 'aaj 12 : 00 baje lunchtime alarm set kare', 'agla song', 'Beethoven se music dhundo', '70s ke kids songs bajao', 'ye track ko play karna band karo', 'alarm ko delete kare', 'Mujhe Thursday subah mujhe jo blood work chahiye ke baare me yaad dilaayen', 'Is weekend ko mujhe mere dog ko bath time karne ke liye yaad dilaayen .', 'Mack ko message kariye aur use boliye ki mai party se late hojaungi', 'kal subha 6 baje ka alarm add karen', 'Mai megan se krodhit hu because she didn’t invite me to her party.', 'mai ek song ko dhundh raha hoon', 'Los Angeles me traffic kaisa hai', 'Please aaj raat 9 pm ke liye ek alarm set karen', '1 pm ke liye alarm set kare', 'kya aage koi closures hai', 'Easter weekend ko Boerne me Easter egg hunts', 'kuch rap music play karo', 'Process ID assigned a vishishta sankhya to every prakriya running in the system.', \"Muje remind karaye ki Seager ' s flight comes in at 11 : 08 am tomorrow\", 'Sydney ka weather prediction , thanks .', 'iphone , school ko text karo ki Vicki is sick today .', 'mere alarm ko subah Silent kare', 'is haftey ke liye alarm ko repeat kare', 'Mujhe 10 am aur 10 pm ke beech har do ghante mei ek glass water peene ke liye yaad dilaye', 'Mujhe aaj car oil changed karne ke liye reminder chahiye .', 'Kya aaj Seattle me cloudy hoga ?', 'every Thursday subah 6 baje bajne ke liye alarm set kare', 'mujhe party ke liye shopping list banaye ke liye yaad dilayen', 'Tina ko message karo ki , Happy birthday to you ! Many many happy returns of the day .', 'thirty seconds ke liye naya timer set kariye', 'kya aap kal mere dentist appointment ke liye alert delete karsakte hai', 'mujhe aj sham 7 bajhe ghar saaf karne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'Hea God Craig Ferguson to swayam hi riot he!', 'kya mujhe mall pahunchne me zyada samay lagega agar mai I - 75 leta hun ya back roads leta hun', 'meri friend ke baby shower ka reminder delete kare', 'Is saturday ko Mesquite me Sporting events', 'is thursday sham 5 bajhe ke liye alarm set kare', 'Spotify me party playlist bajao shuffle par', \"after today's bet came in i'm feeling confident with tomorrow's bet: ath madrid , juve , napoli , bayern munich , porto #comeon\", 'mere liye chat requests khoje', 'kya road par flooding dheemi traffic par asar kar rahi hai', 'kya aap mera alarm change karsakte hai ?', 'Sex ratio to badh gaya \" magar kya isi din ke liye 0 ? Kab surakshit hongi desh me betiyan 0 ???', 'Is week ka weather kaisa hai', 'mere alarm ko 4 pm se 5 pm me badal do', 'timer ko cancel karo', 'agar mai work se abhi nikal jaoon to mai ghar kab paunchunga', 'mujhe is haftey ke morning ke liye sabhi alarms dikhao', 'kya aaj sham baarish hogi ?', 'abhi ka mausam', 'Mere pas Tuesday ke liye konse reminders he ?', 'Is weekend nyc me karne ke liye cheeze', 'iheartradio par 100 . 9 radio ko play kare', 'Spotify par kuch workout music play karo', '12 minutes ke liye timer ko check karo', 'isey skip kardo', 'Agle hafte Cancun me mausam kaisa rahega ?', 'wind chill kitna hone wala hai', 'the closest Target kaha hai', 'Aaj mere raaste par koi traffic hai', 'mujhe joey ki party me rsvp karne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'work ke liye mera traffic kitna hai', 'mere agley mahine ke nail appointments ke sabhi reminders delete karo', 'Monday se Friday tak subah 5 baje ke alarm ko repeat kare', 'pop music play karo', 'Aaj Salt Lake mei rihanna ka concert hai', 'main busy hoon isliye mujhe movies me jaane ke liye waqth nahin hai', 'mere aas paas ke free church events', 'please Usher ke latest album ko play kare', '25 minutes ke liye timer set kare', 'Kya London me traffic bhaari hai', 'Har Monday night recycles ko bahar nikalne ke liye mere liye ek reminder banaye', 'kya construction ke bina Onondaga St se 2300 Degrees Gathering tak koi raasta hai ?', '5 minute baad timer ko resume kare', 'Africa me abhi mausam kaisa hai', 'mujhe mere son ki dawa ke bare mei yaad dilao', 'Spring hill tak pahunchne ke liye sabse tez rasta konsa hai', 'agle Friday 2 pm ke liye mausam kaisa hoga ?', 'aaj ke sabhi reminders ko agle hafte monday tak update karen', 'Novi me New years parties', 'Aaj ka temperature kya hoga ?', 'Please mere liye 3 pm ka ek alarm set kare', 'mujhe mausam batao .', 'is mahine naye movies aane wale hai', 'Mai apne evening commute par kya expect kar sakti hu', 'Kingo ... Gaadi me kuch the kya ? #DilwaleOnSony https://t.co/6qoSjTDhhw', 'Christmas events', 'ghar ke location tak ETA', 'Bianca ko bolo ki hum 10 minutes me video chat karne wale hai', 'mujhe subha 5 baje uthane ke liye alarm set kare', 'John ko message karo ki , I am coming please get ready', 'naya timer shuru kare', '12 Thursdays ke liye alarm set kare', 'Ohh wo movie, abhi tak nahi', 'Mere liye thoda music bajao', 'mujhe November 2018 se pehle mere foot doctor ke sath appointment schedule karne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'Edinburgh me mausam kaisa hai ?', 'abhi timer resume kare', 'baarish kab hogi', '28th aur 29th ko Walla Walla me Concerts', 'kya aj bEACH par jaane ke liye saaf hai', 'Muje aaj ke mausam ke baare me bataye', '2 : 00 ko spencer ko pick karne ke liye reminder set kare', 'Muje bataiye ki tijuana mexico me is weekend kaisa rahega', 'Agar mai abhi bike se nikalta hoon toh kya mai 7 : 00 am tak school pahunch sakta hoon ?', \"John ku text karo ki I ' m appreciate that .\", 'Next week ke sabhi reminders ki screen ko dikhao', 'Muje Thursday August 9th ko school registration online karke complete karne ke liye remind karaye .', 'kya Alexis ke ghar jaane ke liye roads saaf hai ?', 'Molly ko message karo ki \\\\ \\\\ n I saw your post on Facebook . Do you need any help ?', 'kya agley haftey Brooklyn mei koi food festivals hai', 'kya is weekend ko barish hogi ?', 'Please wednesday ka forecast bataye', 'subah 7 baje traffic kitna zada hai', 'Kya Seattle me baarish horahi hai ?', 'humidity kitni hai ?', 'Kya aaj raat thand hogi', 'kya aap please alarm set kar sakte hai ?', 'agar mai abhi nikalta hun toh kya mai 3 baje Angie ke wedding me shamil hosakta hun', 'kal 8 . 30 am aur 10 am ke liye naye alarms banayen', '13th ko 7 baje ke liye alarm please', 'Mere timer par kitna time bacha he .', \"thanks garbage bin ! this is awesome ! :) look at guddu's face light up with happiness ! and mummy's too :) main to senti ho gayi , that is different ! \", 'Richard se messages bhejen', 'mere reminders cancel kare', 'subha 7 : 00 baje ke liye ek daily alarm set karen .', 'Muje Tokyo ke current weather bataye .', 'Please kal subha 6 baje ke liye wake - up alarm ko set karen .', 'kya is hafte me koi thunderstorms forecast hai', '20 minutes me alarm set karen', '2 ghante me exercise karne ke liye alarm set kare', 'agar mai 9 bajhe nikalta hoon toh mai target par kab pohchunga', 'Miami me Saturday ke liye mausam kaisa rahega ?', '5 minutes ke liye alarm ko snooze kardo', 'Spotify ko open kare aur kid cudi ko play kare', 'mai 81 par car crash ki wajah se kya kind of delays expect kar sakti hu', 'grandpa ke text me Love', 'Is weekend Lorde kaha perform karne wala hai', 'orange county me high record kya hai', 'kya ap mujhe bata sakte hai ki koi family holiday events ho rahe hai', 'Mere alarms ko subah 6 baje se subha 7 : 30 baje me update kare', 'mom ko message karo aur bolo ke the roads are icy', 'India ke president ko waise bhi kaun sa kaam hota hai ?https://twitter.com/republic/status/877075519719718913\\xa0…', '5 baje ke liye alarm build kare', 'mujhe ek ghante me mera mileage check karne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'please Joy Villa ke current album ko play kare', 'Hwy 40 ka traffic kaisa hai', 'mere bhai ko reminder bhejo we are coming next week with our flight number .', 'Mujhe aaj raat Chicago me music concerts ke baare me batayen', 'please mujhe Troy Michigan ka weather chahiye', 'aj work ke liye drive kitni lambi hai', 'Mondays ko 5 pm ko mujhe haftey ke liye budget khatam karne ke liye alarm set kare', 'Mere work ke liye har roz kitne miles drive karke jaane ki zaroorat hai ?', 'Kya aaj mujhe raincoat pehenna chahiye ?', 'har weekend 12 pm ke liye alarms set kare', 'Aaj raat DC me mujhe ek happy hour kaha mil sakta hu', 'Italy me expected forecast', 'kya Florida me hurricane warning hai', 'kya mai midnight tak LAX pahuch paunga', 'mujhe midnight ko uthane ke liye', 'Is weeks ke sabhi alarms cancel kare', 'agar mai abhi nikalta hun toh mai work par kab pohchunga', 'agar mai 2 pm ko nikal jaoon to mujhe yaha se John ke company pahunchne me kitna samay lagega ?', 'Monday subha traffic kaisa hai', 'kya aap mujhe sameekshaon ke baare mein adhik bata sakate hain?', 'closet route ka istemaal karke work par arrival time nikaalen', 'Muje Lisa ke birthday ke liye 8th ko remind karaye .', 'mujhe kal mera electric bill pay karne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'kuch hip hop play kariye', 'kya is hafte cold front aane wala hai ?', 'Me please kuch ZZ Top songs sun na chahta hu ,', 'please 6 pm ke liye alarm set karen', '30 minutes ke liye timer set kardo', 'Apne character ka bhi Prisma filter kar lo, thoda achha toh lagega.', 'agla strawberry festival kab hai', 'kya mere current route par koi traffic jams hai', 'The Krishna temple, Pattabhirama temple, Hazara Ramachandra and Chandrasekhara temple as also the Jain temples jo anya examples he.', 'Is friday ke liye mere gym reminder ko cancel karo', 'mujhe aaj raat 10 baje masturbate karne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'timer par kitna time bacha hai ?', 'October 17th ko Joselynn ki birthday party ke liye reminder banaye', 'ek ghante pehle ke liye alarm set karen', 'kuch 80s ka music play karo', 'Somokhrate pohochne me car fast hogi ya bus ?', 'midtown pohochne me downtown bus kitni der lagegi', 'hahah :p humko ladoo nai milte the school mein :(', 'Route 1 ka istemaal karke LA tak ke liye time nikaalen', 'The Weeknd ke sabhi albums play kare .', 'daily reminders ko set kare to take insulin at 8 am and 8 pm', 'Kya is weekend par tornadoes aane ke chances he ?', 'timer alarm band kare', 'mujhe notify kare jab hour khatam hoga', 'Mai bhi', 'agar mai work se 3 pm ko nikal jaoon to mujhe ghar drive karke jaane me kitna samay lagega ?', 'Kabhi bharat k 1 karode #santramplji k anuyayeeyon k man ki bhi suno jo 681 din se nyaya mang rahe h #ProteinPledge #CriminalAAP #Trump', 'road band hai', 'milk ke Reminder ko 10 minutes upar move karen', 'heavy rain over parts of ne .some showers in cny .any sun ?how about the weekend ?your forecast first at 4am on nbc-3 !http/URL', 'please Tasmania ka accurate weather bataye ?', \"Lucy ko contact kare aur boliye ki hum 7 baje ke bajaye 9 o ' clock showing me ja rahe hai\", 'aj cool concerts hai', 'yeh acchi baat hai ki pakde nahi gaye. marte huye parents ki memories bohot strong hoti hai. kya aise ek nayi memory tumhe apni life change karne par majbor karegi?', 'Muje bataiye baahar kaisa weather hai ?', 'England ka weather forecast kya hai please', 'sao paulo me aaj degrees celcius me kitni garmi hai', 'mere 5 pm ke alarm ko cancel kare', 'Flintridge , CA me Descanso Gardens light show ke liye dates', 'kya is dopahar 2 pm ke baad koi cloudy overcast hai', '25th ko mausam kaisa rahega ye batayen', 'mere weekday alarms ko subah 6 baje ke liye badle', '50 weeks liye har Sunday 10 pm ko alarm set kare', 'thunderstorms kab aane wale hai', '3 minutes ke liye timer set kare', 'han, ye sad tha ki usne usko brush off kar dia, warna baatein kuch alag hi hoti', 'Monday ko Paris me mausam kaisa hoga .', 'is weekend the nutcracker show', 'kya Benson Road par traffic re - route hone se the Ozzy Concert tak mera commute time badhega', 'agar mai 6 : 30 pm tak west chester se nikal jau toh kya mai 7 : 00 pm tak Spinning Wheels pahunch sakta hoon ?', 'Boston me abhi kuch chal raha hai', 'kal subah ka alarm set kare', 'nearest shoe repair kaha hai', 'please mujhe 6 pm se pehle take home test ko khatam karne ke liye yaad dilaye , otherwise mai fail kar jaunga', 'Kya gene field road par construction chal raha he', 'agar mai abhi nikal jaoon to mujhe dad ke ghar pahunchne me kitna samay lagega ?', 'aaj raat 8 baje se kal subah 6 bajhe ke liye pizza order karne ka reminder move kare', 'woh chamatkari hai, pata nahi kaise kar lete hai', 'four seasons bajao', 'baarish kab hogi ?', 'kya is mahine riverside mei koi holiday events hone wale hai', 'nahi', 'Alarm cancel kare', 'Kiran ko message karo ki last three months ke liye mujhe account statements bhejne ke liye', 'naya timer lagaye', 'Aaj traffic ka flow kaisa hai', 'Aaj kya high he', 'Aisa lagta hai k dunkirk uska latest project tha aur usko har jagah se high marks mile hai', 'Bachchan sahab always make sure ki beta kuch to kaam kare 😂 #IndvsPak https://t.co/Q9AARgNQl1', 'aj NJ me ghar ke liye traffic kaisa hai', 'the united states aur brazil ke beech kitna distance hai', 'Mujhe aj raat ko mere show ko DVR par record karne ke liye yaad dilaayen', 'kya kal subha Seattle ke paas 54 degrees Fahrenheit se upar hone wala hai', 'Sunday ko Mike ke sath lunch karne ka reminder remove kare', 'Agar mai kaam par jaaon to mai 20 minutes ke liye alert set kare', 'friday raat 10 baje ke liye alarm set kare', 'kya abhi koi dangerous driving conditions hai', 'agle couple months me Charleston ke aas paas Art Festivals', 'mike , anubhav , aur lisa ko message karo', 'Rome ka weather forecast kya hai in August', 'Mujhe har Saturday subah 10 baje Benny ke music lessons ke liye ek reminder set karne ki zarurat hai', '30 minutes me mera timer fir se shuru karo', 'duniya me ese logo ki misal he . . . .', 'Agle mahine Garth brooks ke concerts', 'mai May 2nd ko ek midday alarm chahiye', 'mai har timer se chutkara paa na chahta hoon', 'country play kare', 'PEI - WEI jaate samay I - 10 kitna dheemi hai than at 2 pm', 'mujhe 15 minute baad alert kare', 'denmark ke liye flight time kya hai', 'is haftey extra clothing kaha donate karsakta hu', 'kya 110 south par heavy traffic hai', 'kal 6 : 00 am ko bajne ke liye timer set kare', '1 hour ke liye timer set karen', 'If this option is checked, every new view will display marks for code folding, Yadi code folding uplabdh he.', 'The Woodlands me Walmart tak pahunchne me mujhe kitna samay lagega ?', 'traffic kaisa dikh raha hai', 'toofan kaha jaa raha hai', 'timer par kitna time hai ?', 'song ko skip kare', 'Aaj baarish hone ke kya chances he ?', 'community , cougar town , friday night lights , glee , mad men , modern family , six feets under , skins , terra nova o the wire ? ? ?', 'Andrew ko message karo take the cat to the vet', 'Niki ko message bhejo ki traffic lights are out and it will take me 10 min . longer than thought .', 'us gaaney ko repeat kare', 'weekly 5 pm ko alarm ko repeat kare', 'Heisenberg ko Reply karo', 'Sunday ke sabhi alarms delete kare', 'Is weekend Beaumont me homeless ko help karne ke liye tarike', 'mere family ko message karo aur pucho ki if they want to get together for a BBQ this Sunday .', '13th January ke liye expected weather kesa rahega ?', 'music ko ruko', '45 minutes ke liye har 15 minute mei bajne ke liye alarm set kare', 'Kya bahar windy he', 'kya is weekend DR Phillips mei koi shows playing hai', 'abhi ka temperature kya hai ?', 'kya is weekend Houston ke paas 18 degree C ke aas paas rahega', \"Ana ka last message answer kare , I already bought your sister ' s present . It ' s beautiful !\", 'Muje mere ghar se the Celine Dion concert tak drive karke jane me kitna time lagega', \"work se Danielle ' s house tak ki trip ka length kya hai ?\", 'July 31st ke liye alarm set kare', '2 pm ke liye alarm set kare', 'kya kal new Orleans jaane ke liye mere drive par koi construction ki deri hogi', 'tornado aane ke chances kya \\\\ \\\\ nhai', 'chaar mahine ke liye har Friday aur Monday ko shaam 4 baje alarm lagaye', 'mujhe mere groceries laane ke liye ek reminder banaye', 'mere liye kal mere boss se pay raise ke baare me puchne ke liye reminder set kare', 'aj weather kaisa hai ?', 'Fifth Harmony ke saarey songs play kare .', 'main sahamat hoon. yah philm aur seeton par bhee nirbhar karata hai', 'ek timer 30 minutes ke liye aur ek 40 minutes ke liye banaye', 'please mujhe Thursday ko dry cleaning ko pick up karne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'ye ek track hai jo mujhe pasand nahi hai', \"Nicholas ko message send karo aur pucho ki he ' s feeling okay .\", 'July 1st ka dinner plans cancel kariye with Gabby', 'Ed Sheran Florida mei kab aa raha hai', 'kya aaj raat ole girne wale hai ?', 'Internal truti: Invalid prarup me UID: %s. ', '18 : 00 ko mausam kaisa rehne ki ummed hai ?', 'please kya aap timer ko fix karsakte hai', 'jaydatar, mai', 'Muje mere chat requests ke liye directions de', 'mai ek text message banana chahta hoon', 'kya I - 70 North and South par hai ya East and West', 'agla alarm kab tak band rahega', 'Kya aap muje meri chats dikha saktey he', 'Tillamook se Eugene tak kitni doori hai', 'Prof . Marcia Reyes ko audio message se reply kare abhi', 'kya aaj zyada humid hai ?', 'Kael ke liye ek video message banaye', 'Muje mere chat requests ke liye directions de', 'Kya muje aaj raat umbrella ki zarurat padegi ?', 'kya aaj poora din baarish hogi', 'Kya next weekend ko barf padegi', 'Carly ko kal dopahar 2 bajhe work meeting ke baare me yaad dilaye', 'FB message karo them show starts at 7', 'Kya temperature 35 degrees Celsius se zyada hone ki ummeed hai ?', 'Manhattan se NJ tak konsa road sabse kam traffic hai ?', '4th sham 7 baje party ke liye alarm', 'kya aj overcast hogi', 'kya ap wo station mere favorites me add kar sakte hai ?', 'gatsby ne daisy ko tom ka affair bola', 'kathy ko message karo ki mera arrival time 22nd ko subah 6 baje hai', 'Salman khan bolliwood ki shan banchuka back to back blockbuster superhit movi name dabbang. Redy. Bodyguard. Ek tha tiger . Dabbang2. Jai ho. Kick. Bajarangi bahizan superhit jayagi 300 fix', 'current timer ko halve tak cut kare', 'Abhi traffic se bachne ka sabse acha tariqa kya hai', 'time out timer par kitna samay hai', 'mera alarm band kardo', 'Kelly ko likh ke pucho ki if she wants to meet me for coffee at the shop near me', 'traffic problems ko report kare', 'Mai waha kab tak pahunchunga', 'Is haftey Atlanta mei Charity events hone wale hai', '294 ko leker jeffs tak drive karke jaane me kitna samay lagega', 'PBI se Club Med Sandpiper tak jane ke liye kitni der lagegi', 'Kya aaj NJ ke liye heat advisory on hai', 'Mere timer ka status kya hai', 'sirf carrie underwood ke songs bajao', 'kya aaj baarish hone wali hai ?', 'kya aap alarm ko 10 minute snooze par laga sakte hai', 'Agar me Toledo se Chicago tak drive karu , to me kitna samay lagega ?', 'Han, maine bht appreciate kiya ki movie ke name ke baare mein kitna socha gya hai. Mujhe achha lga ki kaise ye ek hi baar mein Los Angeles, music, or badalon mein sir dene ke baare mein btata hai. Yeh sach mein bahut badiya hai ki kaise movie ke chhote se titile mein itne saare elements ko pura kiya gya hai.', 'mere ghar se movie theater jaane me kitna samay lagega ?', 'ek ghante ke liye timer ko set kare', 'timer ko hold karo', 'Mere destination tak aur kitne train stops hai ?', 'mujhe mere 4 pm ke alarm ko 4 : 15 ke liye badalne ki zaroorat hai', 'mujhe kal grandma ko visit karne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'Aaj yaha ke aas paas humidity kitni high hogi ?', 'subah 4 baje ke liye alarm set kardo', 'Is weekend ko kya mujhe Seattle ki trip ke liye jacket lana chahiye ?', 'Chuck ko message karo tarps ke liye 100 feet of rope laane ke liye', 'pichla gaana', 'Thursday par sabhi alarms delete kardo', 'kya mere aas paas koi live nativity hai', 'London me Friday ko 17th ke liye weather forecast kia hai', 'Mujhe batao agr mera alarm aaj raat ke liye set hai toh', 'USA me weather kaisa dikh raha hai', 'aaj 294 par traffic kaisa hai', 'mere timer me ek time badle', \"Muje mere ghar se the Mounir ' s show tak drive karke jane me kitna time lagega ?\", 'timer me 45 second add karo', 'Seattle WA me mausam kaisa hai ?', \"6 pm tak There aren ' t many snow crabs left ; mujhe 30 minutes pehle alert karen .\", '2 rings on each hour , and 1 ring every half hour', 'kal ke dinner ke liye reminder ko delete karo with Bob and his wife', 'har friday ko 5 p . m ko alarm set kare', 'timer ko restart kare', 'kya ap car oil change appointment reminder set up kar sakte hai on sunday august 5th 2018 at 8 am', 'aj barf kis time par shuru hogi ?', 'kya usne abhi recent me koi award jeete hai?', 'saturday ke liye alarm cancel karen', 'California aur New York ke beech me kitne miles hai', 'pop music ko on karo aur ek ghante me rock kariye', 'Kya kal barf padegi ?', 'subah 4 baje ke liye alarm set kardo', 'timer me 10 minutes add karo', 'contruction ko bina paar kiye church ke liye directions lo', 'agle hafte ka mousam kaisa hoga', 'ghar se Miami FL tak kitna lamba safar hai', 'Pandora ko bole to play Where Did The Party Go', 'us song ko replay kare .', 'mujhe kaam par jaane se pehle fridge se lunch pick up karne ke liye yaad dilaayen .', '97 . 5 radio ko play kare', 'is weekend children ke liye mazedar chizein', 'indie rock ki playlist bajao .', 'mujhe batao ki yaha se wharf tak pahunchne me kitna samay lagega construction ko avoid karte huye', '5 minute ke liye timer set kardo', 'current song ko phir se shuru kare please', 'timer ko 3 dino ke liye rok den', 'Logan ke tennis practices ke baare me sabhi reminders ko delete karo', 'Kid Rock ka latest song bajayen', 'Mujhe Thursday subah dry cleaning pick up krne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'mera timer immediately shuru karo', 'kya kal Gary ke liye koi reminders hai', 'Savannah me is weekend Movie premier he', 'kya abhi windy enough hai sailing karne ke liye ?', 'New York aur Los Angeles ke beech kitna distance hai', 'Please ek alarm set kardo for 11 am .', \"Don ' t Believe A Word ko play karo\", 'Current weather forecast kya he ?', 'Andrew ko message bhejo ki are you watching the soccer match right now .', 'aaie ek naya message shuru kare', 'mujhe subah 6 baje alarm chahiye', 'Mujhe kal ke liye ek appointment reminder banane ki zaroorat hai', 'snooze alarms ko stop kare', 'Salman khan am exited 4 ur n3w film #bajrangi #bhaijan .....................', 'december me oahu par karne ke liye cheeze', 'bas abhi pahonche, taiyaar raho', 'yaha se mujhe Trinity Mother Frances Hospital pahuchne mei kitni der lagegi', 'Kya movie me bahut sare gane hai? main vishesh rup se musical type movies pasand nahin karata, lekin mere bachche karate hain', 'kya aap mujhe dopahar 2 baje review submit karne ke liye yaad dilasakte hai ?', 'Oye tu kyu badi badi baate karra hi...... Pagal ho kya...', 'Kirsten ko message karo aur use bolo ki mujhe aaj uski hat pasand hai', 'das din ka forecast kya hai', 'kuch Macklemore bajao', 'is rush hour me traffic kitni kharaab hai', 'kal dopaher ka traffic kya hai', 'kya aj mujhe jacket lana chahiye ?', 'Columbus Ohio me next week karne ke liye mazedar chizein kya hai', 'ghar ke liye meri drive kitni lambi hogi ?', '30 minutes ke liye ek timer set kare', 'chicago mei is weekend kya karne ke liye hai', 'Mujhe aaj ke liye traffic update do', '#229 : #AcademicOfficeFail I appeared for ES 200 endsem exam twice in the semester and got a FR in HS 200 :-/ #Aero', 'Mere alarm par kitne minutes bache he ?', 'bless', 'Har cheez ki ek limit hoti hai yaarpic.twitter.com/0HHxK3GT46', 'kya i 64 ek mess hai', \"group ko no i ' m not coming message bheje\", 'kya aap Taylor Swift ke jaisa artists play karsakte hai ?', 'dinner ke liye check karne ke liye das minute ke liye ek reminder set kare', 'yeh kaafi interesting point ubharta hai ki improved technology se problems gaye nahi hain.', 'Maui me karne ke liye cheeze', 'mere sabhi active alarms ko close kardo', 'timer ko start karo', 'Please mere alarm ko har subah 7 : 30 am ko band kare .', 'MEIN MAANTHA HOON, ROCKY KA REVIEWER KO US ROBOTS KE BAARE MEIN', 'Agle hafte New York City me Rolling Stone concert kaha hoga', \"alarm ko hold karke rakhe won ' t you\", 'mere area me current traffic conditions kya hai', 'mein imagine bhi nahi saktha. voh toh badi risky sound kartha. expecially voh dreamer apna dream mein hi mar jaatha uska sedative wear karne ke pehle hi', 'kya mai ghar ke raaste me traffic jam lene wala hoon', 'orlando me the fall festivals kaha hai', 'kal 7 bajhe ke liye work alarm set kare', 'Muje mere ghar se the bears game tak drive karke jane me kitna time lagega ?', 'agley haftey jury duty ke liye reminder set karen .', 'agley teen hafton ke liye subha 8 baje aur sham 5 baje ke liye alarms set karen .', 'Northeast Milwaukee se the Alberta Arts District pahunchne ke liye sabse tez route kya hai ?', 'Mai Alessia Cara ka latest album sunna chahta hu', 'Santa Monica me Is Saturday ka mausam', 'mujhe game timer par extra minute chahiye', 'Aaj raat Houston me kitni thand hone wali degrees F me', 'please Jason ko ek video message bhejen .', 'kya mere raaste par koi roadside accidents hai', 'han mujhe lagta hai ki 6 months ka probation? Mujhe sahi kar dijiye agar main galat huin to', 'dekhne ke liye konse naye movies he', 'aaj raat 11 baje ke liye ek alarm set karen', 'mujhe daily EST subah 8 baje stretch karne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'Kya aaj mai apne rain boots pehen sakta hu ?', 'Delhi jo gas chembar bana hua hai... uske bare me bhi kabhi kuch keh diya karo. Hame saantvana mil jayegi. Karna to aapne kuch hai nahi. #DelhiSmog #AAP', 'Lake Mead me kal ke liye highs aur lows kya hai ?', 'is timer me 30 minutes add kare', 'mujhe wapas likhne ki zarurat hai', 'garm hone ke liye 2 minutes ka time set karo', 'kya aaj mujhe umbrella ki zaroorat padegi ?', 'mai timer ko end karna chahta hoon', 'Please mujhe aj subah ke iMessages dikhao .', 'aj kitni garmi hone wali hai', 'Seven minutes ke liye naya timer add kare', 'Muje the Broncos game me 2 pm tak pohochne ke liye kitne baje nikalna padega ?', 'Vermont me sun rise kab hota hai', 'January 2 ko kya hai', 'main bhi karta hun, if ise acche se kiya jaye.', 'Sherni hai toh jungle mein jaaye yaar.https://twitter.com/ANI_news/status/728497653093412864\\\\xa0…', 'kya aaj hot hone wala he ?', 'next Sunday ke liye alarm set kare', 'agar mai 10 minutes me mere ghar se nikal jau toh kya mai Fred Meyers tak pahunch sakta hoon ?', 'kuch pop music shuffle kare', 'Mere aas paas konse festivals he', 'next week raat 8 baje ke liye alarm banaye', 'kya 94 west me traffic hai', 'aaj raat 6 : 30 pm ke liye alarm please', 'subha 5 baje ke liye alarm set karen', 'haan, philm ke ant mein, mitr raashtr yuddh jeetata hai aur bos kriptograaphars ko ek doosare ko phir kabhee nahin dekhane ka vaada karata hai aur ve sabhee kod ko nasht kar dete hain. isake alaava, tyooring klaark (naitalee) ko chhodane ke lie kahata hai kyonki vah usakee suraksha ke lie darata hai. vah usase kahata hai ki vah samalaingik hai aur usane kabhee usakee paravaah nahin kee, jo sach nahin tha kyonki vah usake saath pyaar mein thee.', 'Kya aaj raat Houston ke liye celsius me 76 ke upar hoga', 'Monday 7 bajhe ke liye weekly alarm set kare', 'kya aj raat Sarasota mei garmi hogi ?', 'July 31st ko janice ke sath dinner karne ke liye reminder set kare', 'is haftey kitna time bacha hai', 'John ku message kare ki mai use apni car udhar dunga', 'aj kitni garmi hone wali hai', 'kal ke liye mere sabhi alarms cancel kariye', 'ek ghante ke liye timer set karo', 'Los angeles aur san Francisco ke beech kitna distance hai', 'mere dad ko message karo ki how are you doing', 'kal sunrise kab hai', 'main bhi but superman ne ye starty kiya, article me clark kent bruce wayna aur batman ko bura dikhane ki koshish kar raha hai', 'Kya hum is week ke sabhi dinon me baarish ki ummeed karsakte hai ?', 'roz 5 am ke liye alarm lagao', 'Mere liye spotify par Johnny Cash ko bajao', 'kya agle hafte San Antonio me a light parade hai', 'LGA ki traffic update', 'aj work se home tak drive kitni lambi hai', 'Kate ko message bhejo . I will be there .', 'Very nice to see Deepak Dobriyal and Dhinchak pooja datingpic.twitter.com/7s91ii9nGJ', 'Aaj raat bahar ka temperature Fahrenheit me', 'phoenix mein kal', 'kya aap wo alarm stop karsakte hai', 'har 15 minutes ke liye alarm set kare', 'five minutes me timer ko shuru kardo', 'is weekend dancing', 'Minneapolis tak kitne miles hai', 'meri dentist appointment ke baare me reminder ko delete kare in september .', 'V ko text karo ki I am going out , I ll be back before 3 .', 'lagta hai ye bahut interesting movie hai.', 'oops monsters university, mein tho monster hunter play kiya hoon, sorry', 'Kya muje coat lana chahiye', 'Muje Jake ke homework ko check karne ka remind karaye .', 'aj kitni garmi hai ?', 'Miami se ft lauderdale driving karte samay traffic kaisi hai', 'baahar ka temperature kitna hai', 'maine kal ke liye jo timer set kiya hai wo kya hai', 'Saturday ko St . George me Hunger drive events hai', 'kya BROOKLYN jaate samay VERRAZZANO BRIDGE par traffic congestion hai', 'GAME PLAN coursework ko launch karne ke liye dekhne ke liye reminders', 'kya aj lane band hai ?', 'Mere music app me current playlist bajao', 'gym me timer ko resume kare', 'Friday ko meeting ke liye reminders check kare', 'Muje mere ghar se dog show tak drive karke jane me kitna time lagega', 'Aaj subha mere commute me kitna samay add hoga ?', 'subah 7 baje se sab aa gaye hai . .', 'Subha 6 baje ke liye ek get up now ! naam ka alarm banao', 'agle mahine mere aas pas ki christmas parties', 'August 21st ke liye snooze ko disable kare', 'kya traffic bhari hoga agar mai 1 ghanta ghar ke liye nikalta hun', 'Oakdale MN se Bena MN tak pahunchne me kitna samay lagega ?', 'kal subha ke liye mere sabhi set kiye huwe alarms ko hata do', 'Friday subah ke liye delivery appointment ka alert hata dein', 'music play karo', 'haa :(', 'voh tho sach hein! aur uska pura family tho us night mein departure ho gaye hein', 'agle 2 weeks ke liye subha 5 baje ke liye temporary alarm set karen', 'mere coworkers ko yaad dilaye ke holiday party is Friday night at 6 pm .', 'Dallas me is haftey Golf tournaments', 'avitak 4pm hua nehi kya ?', 'kya aas pas koi nutcracker performance hai', 'ohh that evil grin !', 'July me Arizona me average temperature kya hai', '5 minute ke liye timer set kare', '15 minutes ke liye snooze karo', 'please Group B ko message bhejo ki the flight was delayed .', 'Is week meri sister ke ghar ke aas paas kya karne ke liye hai', 'aaj Aberdeen me traffic kaisi hai', 'aj 1 pm ko mausam kaisa hai', 'Meri to raat shuru nahi hui aur #timeline pe good morning ke message shuru ho gaye . #insomnia #sleepless', 'kal ka mousam kaisa dikhta hai', \"Aisi kismat ke saath to aaj west indies women's team se bhi nahi jeet sakte they.\", 'mere ghar se NYC jaane me kitna samay lagega', 'I believe an incomplete confession is an inconclusive confession . The guy is only stating the obvious ? you have to score enough to pass anyway otherwise how else will you graduate ? ', 'Mai Miley Cyrus ko sunna chahta hu', 'mujhe Boka ke saarey gaaney dhundo', 'kuch hard rock music bajao', 'Potty Training timer ko delete kijiye', 'kya kal barish hone wali hai ?', 'please mere timer me 10 minutes add karo', 'please mujhe Kent ka latest weather forecast bataye', 'agla election kab hai ?', 'Chris ko message karen aur puchiye ki he knows any good restaurants at my location', 'Kya aap us alarm ko cancel karsakte hai', 'Sunne mein lagta hai ki yeh ek achhi movie hai. Aisa lagt ahai ki yeh ek achhi monsters inc ki successor hai.', 'aaj ke liye sabhi reminders mita den', 'Christmas long weekend ke liye mausam kaisa rahega ?', 'subha 7 baje ke liye ek daily alarm set karen .', 'Is week kya san diego me baarish hogi', 'Kya mere commute route par koi slow downs huwe hai', 'Monday 5 PM ke liye ek alarm set karen', 'haa, mere khayalhai ki ye bahut achi baate hai', 'PANDORA par ek ALL AMERICAN REJECTS STATION shuru karen', 'subha 9 : 00 baje ke liye weekend alarm set karen .', 'kya mai dopaher se pehle yaha se Irondequoit pahuch sakta hoon ?', '101 par accidents', 'Kal evening ke liye temperature kya hai ?', 'Haan bhai rotating. Maafi de do, aur side bhi.', 'agle monday ko temperature kitna hone wala hai ?', '1ST JUNE KE LIYE alarm set kare', 'mom ko picture bhejo', 'Tuesday aur Wednesday ko 5 : 30 aur 6 : 30 ke liye alarm create kare', 'kal subha 6 baje ka alarm set karen .', 'aaj ka concert kitne bajhe shuru hota hai', 'Is weekend portland me concerts', 'Haan, uske khidki khuli thi jismein se baburao jhaank raha tha.', 'aas paas kuch mazedaar chizein chal rahe hai', 'Is evening ko bed par jaane se pehle mujhe mera phone plug karne ke liye yaad dilaayen .', 'Mai Luke Bryan ka latest album sunna chahta hu .', 'Please kuch soul music play kare .', '6 baje ke liye alarm prepare kare', 'Please alarm set karo at 8 pm on the 30th of April', 'agley haftey haircut karne ke liye reminder set kare', 'Sammy ke kaam check karne ke liye mere reminder ko move karen', 'mausam kaisa hai ?', 'Please classical music play kare', 'kya Boulder ke aas paas koi Super Bowl parties hai', 'mujhe Greenville me konse areas avoid karna chahiye', 'maine wednesday ke liye konse reminders set kiye hai ?', 'Brad ko message bheje kehte huye ki I miss you', 'Mere last Pandora station ko play kare', 'Is weekend Orlando me karne ke liye cheeze', 'florida se the grand canyon tak ki doori', 'Jaa nahi khelta main tere saath, Katti. Meri bat wapass do.https://twitter.com/praneethhr/status/737963544063381504\\xa0…', 'Me Hanson ko sunna chahta hu', 'har 2 hours ke liye alarm set kare ?', 'kal raat ke mera alarm set karen .', 'ek din ke liye timer set kare', 'Muje the 6 pm ke showtime ke liye kitne baje nikalna padega ?', 'Orlando se Miami tak traffic driving kya hai', 'Yahi nhi baz lurhmann ki shandaar direction ne bhi roke rakha', 'mere car insurance ko pay karne ke liye har mahine ki 13th day ko ek reminder set kare', 'Batman, Superman aur wonder woman bhi hai isme', 'mai chahta hu ki ek alarm bajne ke liye har 5 minute mei alarm band hojaye', '10 april ke liye alarm banaye', 'mujhe aj subah ke mausam ke baarey mei bathao', 'kya mai Home Depot se pehle pahunch sakta hu ?', 'Clara aur Sophie ko message karo ki Jason kal class me nahi aane wale', 'Spokane me humidity kitni hai ?', \"Tom ko message kare ki I ' m very happy , when he invite me to go to the party .\", '5 minutes add karo', 'Aunt Nellie ke bare mei mera reminder kya kehta hai ?', '55 minutes ke liye timer set karen', 'Mujhe ye track sunna hai . please skip karen .', '15 minutes me alarm ko resume kare', 'mere upcoming doctor appointments ke liye reminders dikhaye', 'Is weekend Raleigh me Sporting events', 'kya mujhe aaj raat jacket ki zarurat padegi ?', 'kya aaj koi baarish expecting hai', 'aaj ke mausam ka forecast kya hai ?', 'current week ke liye mujhe mere sare reminders dikhao .', 'please mere sabhi alarms cancel kardo', 'kya aj barf giregi', 'Hey google , Sandy se pucho ki kya uske paas Linda ka number hai .', 'mujhe 80 dino me mera prescription renew karne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'mujhe is friday ke liye weather forecast do .', \"Tuesday 6 ' oclock pm aur Wednesday 7 pm ke liye alarm create kare\", 'Mere liye iheartradio par 950 ko bajao', 'mujhe sabse latest traffic report dikhao', 'kal dopahar 2 bajhe hamari brunch ke baare me mere friends ko reminder bhejo', 'toh aur kahan giregi?', 'aaj mousam kaisa hai ?', 'mausam kaisa hai ?', 'timer mein 10 minute aur add kare', 'mai 10 am ko train miss karna nahi chahta hu ; kya ap mujhe 30 minutes pehle yaad dila sakte hai ?', 'wednesday ko mere sabhi alarms kya hai', 'Muje agley 10 din tak ke liye forecast bataiye', 'mai agley teen din ka mausam janna chahta hoon', 'alarm ko disengage kare', 'Labor Day weekend ke liye Boston , MA me projected weather conditions kya hai ?', 'Muje agle mahine mere cousin ki birthday party ke baare me remind karaye', 'sabhi alarms ko wapas shuru karo', 'pichli raat bill ko kya maine kya kaha', 'yaha se Disneyland tak drive karke jane me kitna time lagega', 'please mujhe set kiye huwe alarms dikhao .', 'last timer ko dohrayen', 'kya aap is track ko thumbs up de sakte hai ?', 'abhi ring band karo !', 'shaanth', 'Mere kids love it', '10 second ka break count down kare', 'Mujhe yaad dilao to congratulate my brother on his new baby .', 'is friday sham ko mausam kaisa rahega ?', '15 minutes ke liye alarm ko snooze karen .', 'Kya muje gloves laana chahiye', 'belt par traffic kaisi hai', 'kya mera timer set hai ?', 'please Mikayla ko message bhejo ki the fundraiser is set for June 30th .', \"Muje the USC game me 1 o ' clock tak pohochne ke liye kitne baje nikalna padega ?\", 'Alarm ko subah 9 bajhe ke liye adjust kare', 'mai thoda relaxing sunna chahta hoon', 'mere roommates party ka mera last week ka reminder kab tha', 'Nick ko message karo aur pucho ke why he is late', 'Please kal mere alarms delete kare', 'Chris ko text karne ke liye subah 8 baje ka alarm set kare', 'Mujhe water bill pay karne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'meri run ke liye 20 minutes ka timer set kare', 'Agar mai haousa quaters se construction area ko avoid karta hoon toh mai dentist tak pahunchne me kitna samay lagega', 'aj ke liye mere agle alarms kya hai ?', 'Friday raat 8 baje ke liye alarm cancel kare', 'Mondays ko Louann ke sath walk karne ka reminder delete kare', 'mujhe meet the browns ke sabhi naye episodes dekhne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'mere upcoming alarms kya hai', 'ek subah 6 baje ke alarm ko generate kare', 'Kya aap mere sabhi alarms clear karsakte hai ?', 'kya kal San Francisco ke paas 23 degrees Fahrenheit ke aas paas rahega', 'next Friday ke liye mausam kaisa rehne ki ummed karsakta hu', 'mai wdw ja raha hy, bahor excitement hai park dekhne ki, tu kabhi gaya hai ya disneyland ko ?', 'meri list me se last two reminders delete kare', 'Agar mai ek ghante me nikal jaoon to mujhe Orlando pahunchne me kitna samay lagega', 'kya Alaska me snowing ho rahi hai', 's was mine favourite . . . :p', 'agar mai adhe ghante mei nikalta hoon toh kya mai 1 pm se pehle north shore par pahunch sakta hoon ?', 'kya Ruddell road band hai', 'have a great day yar', 'mujhe janna hai ki Ain Shams university pahunchne me mujhe kitna samay lagega', 'greenbay me kya koi events hai', '3 ghante ke liye timer set kardo', 'Muje kal library books return karne ke liye remind karaye .', 'Yellowstone se Yosemite tak ka distance', 'is saal Florida ke forecast me kitne tropical storms he', 'kya aap timer ko ek minute par laga sakte hai', 'kya aj koi alarms set hai ?', 'I 35 par kitne accidents hue he', 'mere icecream lene ke reminder ko cancel karo', 'mujhe Ontario ke liye weather bataye', 'Lalu : \" paida hi rajnigandha leke hua tha \" #RajnigandhaSixWordsStory Lalko se galti hou jati hai https://t.co/iHo1zAnpB6', 'Is time par downtown ke liye sabse tez route kya hai', 'play date group ko Tuesday ke liye crafts laane ke liye yaad dilayen .', 'is haftey temperature kitna jaaraha hai ?', 'Sunday ko Providence me music events', 'kya ek race / marathon hai', 'Jose ko message karo ki the snowstorm closed the Palisades interstate parkway .', 'group ko yaad dilaye ke is weekend poker game cancel kar diya gaya hai .', 'Kya next week jacks house me koi board game nights planned he', 'mai mere birthday reminders ke alerts ko ek week pehle badalna chahta hu .', 'kal subha 9 baje ke liye alarm set karen', 'golf trip reminder me 3 ghante add kare', 'haan, muje superhero films pasand hey, kaafi technology aur skill se rely karthe.. lagtha hein ki yeh realm ka possibility hein.. critics tho military thriller ke tarah feel hota jo stylized comic book se opposed tha', 'abhi se 7 minute ke liye mera alarm set karen', 'mere next alarm ko dikhao', \"Rick ko message bhejo ki ' I am stuck in traffic '\", 'kya koi traffic accidents hai report karne ke liye', 'agar mujhe construction ko avoid karna hai toh mujhe meri subah 9 bajhe ki meeting me jane ke liye kitne baje nikal na chahiye', 'taylor swift ka sabse recent song bajayen', 'sabhi subah 5 baje ke alarm ko modify kariye 7 am ke liye', 'Monday subha 8 baje ke liye alarm set karen', 'gurnee mills tak kitni doori hai', 'August me average high kya hai', 'mujhe batao ki Maldives mei kitni der lagegi .', 'meri behen ko video message bhejo', 'Aaj ke liye high kya hai', 'low kya hai ?', 'Buffalo , NY me kuch family friendly activities kya hai', 'mere timer par 5 minutes bachne par ek alarm ko set kardo', 'alarm length ko chaar hafton me badal do', 'kya Saturday ko dhoop hogi ?', 'agle song ko bajao', 'Mall St par traffic kitna kharab hai', 'kya roads icy hai', 'Is hafte ke liye alarms cancel kardo', 'agar mai ghar se abhi nikalta hoon toh mai consert me kab pohchunga ?', 'mere work alarm par kitna samay bacha hai', 'tablet alarms delete kare', 'Please mere medication alarms ko 2 pm ke liye modify kare', 'dentist appointment ka reminder kitne baje hai ?', 'Kya hum hurricane ke path par he', '6 pm ko alarm set kare', 'abhi yaha se the nearest train station tak pahunchne me kitna samay lagega', 'Agar mai 75 miles per hour ki average se drive karu toh mujhe 759 miles drive karne mei kitni der lagegi ?', 'subah 8 baje ke alarm ko band karo', 'mujhe 10th September ko subah 9 bajhe tuition fees pay karne ka yaad dilaye', 'Japan me weather kesa he ?', 'kya aap timer ko meditation ke label se resume karsakte hai', 'Hilton head ke raaste me traffic kaisi dikh rahi hai', 'dopaher se pehle set kiye hue sabhi alarms ko mute kardo', 'mujhe janna hai ki Sunday ke liye mere paas kya reminders hai', 'Is shaam ke liye alarm cancel karen', '15 minutes ke liye har 5 minute mei alarm set kare', 'manicure appointment schedule karne ke liye reminder', 'Please mujhe 11th June ko Melbourne ka weather bataye .', 'mujhe wo reminders dikhao jo phone numbers in it had', 'kya is weekend kuch mazedaar hone wala hai', 'Kya aaj raat seattle me 7 degree Fahrenheit se niche hai', 'agar mai 4 : 00 baje nikalta hoon toh mere commute par kitna samay add hoga ?', 'aj ke liye kya reminders bache hai ?', 'Kya mujhe raingear chahiye ?', 'Mujhe har thursday subah 9 bajhe Camden ko speech me lejaane ke liye yaad dilaayen', 'mere neighborhood mei trick or treating kab he', 'Muje 3 pm ko Dave ko pick karne ka remind karaye .', 'August 2nd ke reminders ko August 3rd ke liye badlein', 'weekend ke liye alarms delete kare', 'maine kitne samay tak work out kiya', '9 : 00 am ke liye alarm lagaye', 'Lionel Ritchie ke greatest hits play kare', 'Stark St traffic ke liye kaisa dikh raha hai', 'month ke liye mondays ko subah 5 baje bajne ke liye ek alarm banayen', 'limbo mein bhejana, us scene paragraph mein quit grasping nahin hai', 'kya aaj mujhe rain boots ki zarurat hai ?', 'aj raat 7 bajhe ke liye alarm set kare', 'kal 645 a . m ke liye alarm set kare', 'mere timer me 18 minutes add kare', 'Shanti Bhushan aaj se corrupt ho gaye mitron.', 'Kya mere raaste me koi traffic accidents hai', 'kya southbound lane par traffic hai aur waha bhi', 'aaj ke liye temperature forecast', 'mujhe har subah meri dawai lene ke liye alarm set kare takhi mai apna alarm nahi bhul jaoon', 'Is thursday ko 1 : 30 PM ko Chicago ka temperature kya hoga', 'isey 48% miley rotten tomatoes par', 'agle Monday 7th February ko alarm please', 'Mere liye thoda rock bajao', 'birth control lene ke alarm ko hatado', 'Kya next week Karachi me 75 in c ke aas paas rahega', 'highway par konsa road jaa sakta hai', 'Inle bas ki baat nahi hai vishwas dila pana!Ye kewal #Notebandi jaisa disruption hi kar sakte hain jiska result zero hai !', 'please , mujhe Chinese Democracy album shuffle kare', 'Chainsmokers ka naya gaana bajao .', 'han me romance like karti hun.', 'baahar ke hawayein kitni kharaab hai ?', 'is weekend ko mai kitne bajhe sunset dekh sakta hoon ?', 'kal subha 5 baje ka alarm set karen .', 'daily alarm ko repeat kare', 'nahi hai uss par :(', 'logan valley mall tak pahunchne ke liye kitna time lagega', 'Abhi mere area me traffic levels kya hai', 'Sunday ko kitna hot hone wala he ?', 'Mere sarey alarms hata do', 'zip code xxxxx me free holiday events hai', 'agle hafte ke liye mere alarms kya hai ?', 'chats view kare', 'aj temperature kitna hone wala hai', 'kal Fairborn me pollen count kitna hai', 'Mere paas abhi kya alarms set hai ?', 'mujhe Kent ka agale 5 dino ke liye weather forecast chahiye', '8pm ke liye aur 10pm ke liye alarm set kare', 'Dil ke pass dimag nahi hota .. orjo dimag se ho who pyar nahi hota ... Agree ??', 'Please kuch hip hop music play kare', 'Mujhe janna hai ki is weekend ko barish hogi .', 'Muje yaha se 8 : 00 pm ko the nearest movie theater pahuchne ke liye kitne baje nikalna chahiye ?', 'har roz 5 pm ke liye alarm set kare', 'kya aaj dopahar ke liye mujhe umbrella ki zaroorat padegi ?', 'mere 8 pm ke alarm ko band karo', 'kal mere aas paas ke concerts', '3rd thursday subah 7 baje ke liye alarm set kare', '34 miles traveling 50 miles per hour tak kitna time lagega', 'kal ke liye milk khareedne ke liye ek reminder banaen .', 'THIS TRACK ko skip kare', 'Please mujhe agley haftey ke liye weather samjhne me help kare .', 'tom petty ke live album ko khoje', 'kya aap mujhe koi bhi sabhi alarms dikha sakte hai', 'ek mile bhaagne me kitna time lagta he on average', 'kansas city se springfield tak ka traffic', 'please Mariah Carey ke songs ko play nahi hone wale', 'work se home tak drive time kitna lagega please', 'kya abhi koi traffic hai', 'Springfield area ke liye mujhe traffic report do', 'har timer ko delete kare', '5 PM ke liye mera alarm reset karo', 'Oakland ke liye Beyonce ka schedule kya hai next week', 'group ko pucho ki who is coming', 'naya timer badlo', 'yaad dilao mujhe aj raat ko anniversary gift kharidne ka remind karaye .', 'Mujhe Tuesday subah 8 : 00 bajhe Mila ki vet appointment ke liye reminder bhejo', 'WMXD iheartradio', 'kya aj dhoop hogi aur garmi hogi ?', 'alarm band kare', 'kal ke liye mera alarm kitne baje hai ?', 'Please is tuesday ke party ke liye mere reminder ko change kare to yaad dilaayen me 2 days sooner .', 'Kya is weekend ko barf padegi ?', 'Me Third Day ke naye album ko sun na chahta hu .', 'kya mujhe kal apni rain jacket ki zarurat padegi ?', 'andar Celsius me kitna hot hai', 'Please ek Guns and Roses ka album play kare .', 'Drake ko play kare', '\"Mera bhai roz 5 ghante cartoons dekhta hai..\"pic.twitter.com/gTGepfbIT2', 'Easter long weekend ke liye expected mausam ?', 'long range forecast kya hai', '1 pm ko kitna hot hone wala he ?', 'Please mera alarm har 2 ghante ke liye set kare .', 'raat 11 baje ke liye reminder set kardo', 'Christmas events', 'May 21st at 6 am ke liye ek naya alarm banaen', 'mujhe aaj raat mom ko uski dawai den . Please mujhe is evening yaad dilaayen .', 'is mahine baarish kab hogi', 'aj raat 6 pm ke liye alarm set kare', 'aaj raat karne ke liye mazedar chizein', '5 minute ka timer shuru karen', 'mere kal ke liye aur agle din ke liye reminders kya hai ?', 'kuch pop music bajao', 'kya koi shehar ke liye dry route khoj sakta hai', 'mujhe Los Angeles me Chinatown tak le jaye without using Olympic Blvd and passing through a Korean market', 'Margaritaville bajao .', 'Kya mere ghar ke raaste me koi delays hai', 'mujhe milk laane ke liye yaad dilaye', \"mujhe agle monday ko Miya ' s dance schedule ke baare me yaad dilaayen\", 'Ronnie ko message karo aur dekho ke i have left my keys at here place', 'Mai 7 bajhe tak Manhattan pahuch sakta hoon aur construction ko avoid kar sakta hoon', 'agla song', 'Is song ko playlist me add karen \\\\', 'song ko repeat kare', 'Mahashivratri ki hardik mangalkamnayen . JAI SHIVSHANKAR [ D . S . Rai ]', 'aaj raat midnight ke liye alarm set kare', 'chat requests shuru kare', 'Is movie ko mixed reviews mile', 'Is weekend Roanoke me best tree lighting parties', 'And who will be told,” this is jis tum juthlate the”', 'Mere plants ko water karne ke alarm ko aj 8 bajhe ke liye badle', 'Mai aaj raat kya karsakta hu', 'yeh bahut achha movie hain', 'Buffalo tak traffic kaisa hai', 'Miami ke liye driving karne ke liye sabse tez route kya hai traffic ko avoid karte huye', 'mujhe 30 minutes ke liye timer set karne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'Mere alarm ko har roz set kare lekin sunday ko 8 baje', 'return books reminder ko 11 am se 3 pm tak badal do', 'kal subah 7 baje ka alarm please', 'Different status se chats padho', 'Abhi kenosha ke liye traffic kaisa hai', 'John ki party bahar hone wali hai ya andar', 'Aaj raat 9 pm ke liye ek one time alarm set karen', 'mujhe stove band karne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'Aaj ka high temperature kya he', 'kya 5th street par koi traffic jams hai', 'vacation alarm ko agle 10 dino ke liye subah 9 bajhe ke liye badliye', 'har mahine yoga class ke liye reminder cancel kare', 'R & B ko bajao', '20 minutes ke liye timer set kare', 'mom aur dad ko text karo ki I have plenty of food', '45 minutes me timer ko resume kare', 'agar mai Bouganville Drive vs Salt Lake to get to the airport kitna lamba commute hoga', 'woh bada romanchakari movie tha.woh Alan Turing ke jeevan ke bare me tha', 'pomodoro timer par aur 25 minutes add kare', 'kya aaj dopahar achii hone wali hai ?', 'mere eye appointment ke liye mere reminder ko cancel karo', 'David ke sath baat karo', 'Sunday ko Charlotte NC me karne ke liye cheeze', 'main to bachi hui chalk bhi chhupa deta tha . jisse ki bar bar lene jaana pade .', 'nsp par traffic kaisi hai', 'minutes ko timer me add kare', 'NJ Turnpike par traffic kaisa hai', 'Australia mei current forecast kya hai ?', 'kya aaj mujhe snowboots ki zaroorat padegi ?', 'Kya mere paas is weekend koi reminders hai ?', 'burbank se north hollywood tak traffic driving kya hai', '3 : 30 pm ke liye alarm set kare', 'Pandora par top 10 play kare .', 'har Tuesday 5 minutes ke liye alarm set kare', 'aisa lagata hai ki jabade ko doosaree philm nahin mil sakatee hai', 'Please 12 months ke liye alarm create kare for every first of month at noon', 'Mujhe Friday ko meri shopping trip se pehle grocery list likhne ke liye yaad dilaayen .', 'weekend par Coees ka foecast kya hai', 'wah ye to vastav me kam score hai.vaise jayadatar eshi moives popular hoti hai aur acha pradsan karti hai', 'is weekend temperature kya hona chahiye ?', 'kya maine aaj ke liye koi reminders set kiye hai ?', 'clark county wa me live nativity plays', 'kal Los Angeles me mausam kaisa rahega ?', 'Sunday ko hope ke brithday ke baare me reminder cancel kardo', 'Bhai 4.10 hua jaldi aao na', 'Saturday ko grocery shopping karne ka mera reminder delete kar do', \"Bob ko text karo ki I ' m okay .\", 'Austin me Christmas festivals', 'aaj hee UV index kya hai ?', '(b) where the marriage of his parents does not subsist, in the net wealth of that parent who maintains the minor child in the previous year as defined in section 3 of the Income-tax Act, aur jaha aesi koi aastiya parents me se kisi ak ke shuddha dhan me ak bar included kar li jati he, any such assets shall not be included in the net wealth of the other parent in any succeeding yearjab tak nirnadhar adhikari is satisfied, after giving that parent an opportunity of being heard,aesa karna aavshyak he', 'SIM pakka BSNL ki hogi.. Gusse me maalik phenk gaya hogahttps://twitter.com/oneindiaHindi/status/682120115156987905 …', 'Kya tumne book bhi padhi hai?', 'Abhi downtown Portland me traffic kaisa hai', 'Meridian se Boise tak driving karte samay traffic kaisa hai', 'mujhe kuch Shakira songs sunna hai', 'kon kon hein in mein?', 'Muje dog food pick karne ke liye remind karaye .', 'aaj mera 5 pm ka alarm cancel kardo', 'kya wednesday baarish hogi ?', 'Jessica ko message karo dog walker ko pay karne ke liye', 'Kya aap muje UK ka mausam bata sakte he ?', 'aas pas car shows', 'please , 7 a . m ke liye alarm set kare .', 'Mere paas kal ke liye kya reminders he ?', 'kya mere ghar se Hannah ke ghar tak saarey roads saaf hai ?', 'please mere naye messages padker sunaiye', 'Muje Empire State Building ke liye driving directions bataye', 'mere 3 pm ke alarm ko 5 pm me badle', 'friday mornings ko 5 baje ke liye alarm on kare', 'mujhe har roz subah 6 : 30 ke liye set kiya hua ek recurring alarm chahiye', 'yaha July mei average temperature kya hai', 'Tyrese station ko play kare', 'Muje mere ghar se the Jazz Music Festival tak drive karke jane me kitna time lagega ?', 'Michael ke sath ETID concert me jaana chahiye ya fir Randy ke sath cinemaplexagon me wo new Dustin Hoffman flick dekhne jaana chahiye', 'kya mausam traffic ko slow kar raha hai', 'ye track ko twice repeat kare', 'work ke raste me traffic delays', 'Namaste', 'Saturday ko frig ko saaf karne ke liye reminder banaye', 'Please meri spotify playlist ko play kare', 'kal ke brunch ke liye mere reminder ko cancel karo', 'colin ko message karo aur pucho ki he got the same message from dave that i did', 'agle Friday ko Rocklin me Pub crawling', 'Wednesday subah 8 baje ke liye trip reminder set kare', 'aaj ke baaki reminders cancel kare', 'January me aas pas food festivals', 'rent pay karne ke liye monthly reminder set kare', 'kya aap agle hafte Alan ki wedding ke baare me reminder delete karsakte hai ?', 'traffic kaha hai', 'noosa me abhi kitni garmi hai', 'timer pause kare', 'Elle ko daily dog ko feed karne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'kal subha Eastern Suffolk se Queens tak pahunchne me mujhe kitna samay lagega ?', 'james bond ki playlist ko rokein', 'kya mujhe beech mountain ke liye ek jacket pack karni chahiye ?', 'Sacramento tak drive kitni lambi hai', 'kya abhi traffic bhari hai', '1 pm ke liye ek reminder set karen', 'chaar ghante ke liye alarm set kardo', 'timer par kitne minutes bache hai ?', 'aapko gatsby ka role kon play kiya patha hein?', 'walk per jaane ke alarm ko 8 am se badal kar 9 am ka kare', 'dopaher 12 baje mousam kaisa hoga', 'sabhi timers ko delete karo', '5 minutes me timer start kare', 'kya aj barf ki wajah se wake County ke public schools band hai', 'Tum UP mein ho na, tum bhijwao', '20 minutes ko timer me add kare', 'Aajkal ghadi ka bhi kaam kar raha hu, social cause mein zindagi beet rahi hai.', 'shaam 4 baje ka alarm delete kare', 'naya playlist add kare', 'mujhe 5 pm ko dinner banane ke liye yaad dilaye', 'mujhe the rangers game ke liye drive karne mei kitni der lagegi ?', 'Kya bahut saare air traffic he', 'kya Thursday ko mujhe umbrella ki zaroorat padegi ?', 'Agle hafte 21 Pilot ke concerts', 'kya downtown Gettysburg me aaj raat koi tours chal rahe he', 'kya aap playlist me songs ko alphabetize karsakte hai', 'kya Tuesday subha ke liye maine alarm set kiya tha ?', 'timer ko cancel kare aur twenty minutes ke liye reset kare .', 'Route 46 par traffic kaisi hai', 'Veronica Carver ko response bhejo', 'agle hafte mousam kaisa hoga', 'Please Tuesday ka mera APPOINTMENT reminder cancel kare .', 'San Diego me mausam kaisa hai ?', \"March 5th ke liye 2 o ' clock ka ek alarm create karen .\", 'Kya muje kal bundle up karna chahiye', 'Mere pas family chat par kya messages hai ?', 'kya aaj raat baarish hogi', 'Tupac ke Spotify par songs', \"Ashley ko message karo aur use batao ki the Ray ' s game starts at 9 p . m . and is located at Tropicana Field .\", 'Banff me agle weekend ka forecast kya hai ?', 'Amanda ko message karo ki , what are the directions to your house in New Brunswick , NS ?', 'hahahah done bhai.. karte hai milke thoda liver theek', 'mai chahta hu ki kal subha alarm subah 9 bajhe band hojaye , kya ye 11 am me badal diya jaaye please ?', 'Kya Moorhead jaate samay raaste me koi road blocks hai ?', 'mere dinner ingredients mujhe laana hai ke baare me ek reminder banaye', 'kya Niagara Falls me thand hai', '24 ghante ke liye har 4 ghante ke liye alarm set kare', 'Sydney ke liye three weeks me Monday ko weather kesa he ?', 'agar mai 3 00 pm ko nikal jaoon to mere commute par kitna samay add hoga ?', 'next weekend ko Tampa me kya koi music festivals hai', 'Please kal dopaher 12 baje ke liye ek lunch time alarm banayen', 'mujhe lights band karne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'kya kal barish band hojayegi ?', 'Labor Day ke liye Minneola ka weather forecast kya hai ?', 'tuesdays ke din 5 pm ka ek alarm set karen', 'agla alarm kab band hoga ?', 'pandora par top station play kare', 'Mere favorite songs bajao', 'Agle hafte san clemente me holiday events hai', 'Raleigh me aaj raat music events', 'agla song', 'pollen count kitna hai', 'New York City mei subha traffic kaisa hai', 'inception ko play karo', 'Oakland , California ke muqable Tampa , Florida me kitna humid hai', 'us Thursday : 45 PM ke alarm ko agley din samay samay band hone ke liye badlein', 'Aaj raat pencils kharidne ke liye reminder create kare', '9 am ke alarm ko 10 am me badle', 'Muje wo naya bank account setup karne ke liye reminder message bheje', 'Muje Italy ke mausam ke baare me bataye', 'please mujhe abhi se 20 minutes ke baad alarm set karne me help kare', 'current traffic ke sath ghar pahuchne ke liye mera eta kya hai', 'kya ap mujhe aj 1 pm ke liye weather forecast kar sakte hai', 'Journey se koi bhi track skip kare', 'kal tides ke times', 'Aaj karne ke liye cheeze', 'pichla gana fir se chalaye', 'San Francisco ke liye aaj raat ka temperature Celsius me', 'Aaj kitne bajhe suraj niklega', 'kya ap yardwork timer se 20 minutes nikaal sakte hai', 'Please mujhe baad me bread laane ke liye yaad dilayen', 'Easter break ke liye expected rainfall data kya hai ?', 'Aaj raat 6 : 00 baje mujhe meri dry cleaning pick up krne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'Ek hi joke kitni baar maroge?', 'Kya aaj raat barf padne ke koi chance hai ?', 'ye song ko dubaara mat bajao', 'ek song bajao .', 'Seychelles me aaj weather kaisa hai ?', 'kal subah 9 bajhe ke liye alarm lagaye', 'ek reminder add karo', 'Kal subah ke liye alarm set kare .', 'kal Dehli ke liye kitna garm hone wala hai in degree Celcius', 'mai ninety five minutes ke liye timer kaise set karu ?', 'New York se Costa Rica tak drive karne mei kitni der lagegi', 'Wednesday ko mere liye mere doctor ke appointment ke baare me ek reminder set karen', 'florida turnpike par traffic kaisa hai', 'aj work ke liye drive time kya hai', 'Wednesday sham 4 bajhe ke liye alarm lagaye', 'Woh cannot try to use the little guy beats the big guy in the next one kyunki officer proved her self already.', 'Kya muje aaj raat coat chahiye ?', 'Mere liye Kendrick Lamar bajao .', 'Decatur ke raaste me koi road band hai', 'Muje aaj ke liye weather bataye', 'mere liye thoda DRIVING MUSIC bajao', 'MITRON.. Taj Mahal se mera puraana naata hai.. Mein apne grahako ko sirf Taj Mahal chai pilaata tha..https://twitter.com/ANI_news/status/800274552144019456\\xa0…', 'mere reminder alarm ko badal do .', 'Kya aaj raat thand hogi', 'Mujhe aj raat ko kaam ke baad bagels laane ke liye yaad dilaye', 'agley haftey theaters mei kids ke liye Sensory day hai', '6 minute ke liye har minute alarm set kare', 'Latin music dhundein', '4 intervals ke liye 15 minutes ka timer set kare', 'kya mai 30 minutes me doctor ke paas pahunch sakta hoon ?', 'Elysburg , PA me mausam kaisa hai ?', '9 PM ke liye alarm create karo', 'kuch comedy shows dhundo', 'kabhi kabhi wo dusri review sites se jo kuch keen reveiwers ke dwara hoti hai kafi bhatak jate hai', 'last time maine interval timer kab use kiya tha', \"Grace ko message karo ki I can ' t wait to see you tomorrow !\", 'thursdays ko mujhe brunch kaha mil sakta hai', 'ab ke country music ko bajao .', 'album ko shuru se shuru kare', 'Kya aaj baarish hogi ?', 'mere pals Chris aur Robert ke sath group message set kare', 'song ke beginning me vapis jaiye', 'timing ko phirse shuru karo', 'kya aap mujhe kal ke baad ka mausam bata sakte hai', 'is gaaney ko mere liye repeat kare', 'Mere alarm par snooze option remove kardo', 'mujhe kal dopahar 3 bajhe aur batteries laane ke liye yaad dilaye', 'kuch Sinatra play kare .', 'hmm, nahi', 'current playlist ko skip kare', 'sam ko message karo ki bring my Kindle back', 'har dusre Saturday ko subah 6 30 bajhe ke liye alarm set kare', 'mere liye thoda billy joel ka music bajao', 'har 20 minutes ke liye alarm set kare', 'kya aap mujhe koi dusra rasta dwara le sakte hai', \"Simone ko message karo aur pucho ke what time the New Year ' s Eve party is .\", 'Agar mene 421 liya to Greensboro se Winston Salem tak kitna time lagega', 'patty ki party ke liye gift laane ke reminder ko cancel karen .', 'kya aap agle hafte ke liye alarm karsakte hai', 'agle hafte mausam kaisa rahega ?', 'kya Seattle mei Century Link Stadium ke aas paas koi traffic delays hai', 'Please film crew ko yaad dilaayen ki hamare pas subah 8 baje se pehle shooting start karne ki zaroorat hai .', 'guys , the marijuana law in colorado , oregon , and washington can pass this tuesday . #highhopes', 'vaise luncher paji kaha hai ? woh school nahi jate kya ?', 'Sabrina ko message bhejo Is he okay ?', 'Mujhe September 1 se pehle Manny ka oil changed karne ke liye yaad dilaayen .', 'mere is haftey kitne doctor ke appointment ke reminders hai ?', 'kya aaj aandhi aayegi ?', 'Kya mai spotify par queen ko sun sakta hu', 'WhatsApp Arthur Nice movie recommendation .', 'Muje meri mom ke ghar drive karke jane me kitna time lagega ?', 'Timberlake cool tha', 'Agar mai work se aaj shaam 4 : 30 baje nikal jaoon to mai I - 5 southbound par kitna kam traffic encounter kar paonga', 'Paint parties', 'Jace ko message karo aur bolo ki meri birthday par 7 PM ko pahuch jao', 'New York ke mausam ke baare me kya impressions hai ?', 'Mai Lady Gaga ko sunna chahta hu', 'please chats ko start karo', \"mai 90 ' s hip Hop sunna chahta hoon\", 'kya abhi 131 par north bound traffic bhari hai', 'Friday ke liye mere reminders lo', 'mere aas paas ke Drone Racing Events', 'New York City me 2018 mei broadway plays chalne wale', 'har din subha 7 baje ke liye ek alarm set karen', 'Shatrughan: Beta aaj #WorldBookDay hai, batao kya chahiye?\\n \\n Sonakshi: Wow Papa, mere liye 1.25 kilo samose aur jalebi. Bahot book lagi hai', 'Kale ko message bhejo , women groups meetup ke liye travel arrangements karne ke liye', '1 ghante ke liye alarm set kare', 'mujhe tution pay karne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'Tuesday ke liye mera alarm kitne baje hai ?', 'Muje is coming week ke liye weather forecast bataiye', 'Halloween ko mausam kaisa hone wala hai ?', 'continental U . S se Hawai kitni door hai', 'YES! aaja yaar mazze karte hai', 'Detroit me traffic kesa he', 'alarm rokein', 'mujhe 20 minutes ke liye ek timer chahiye', 'Saurabh Bhola tu hai na :P', 'please mere friend Santiago ko message bhejen', 'Steuben Parade ke liye konsa roads blocked hai ?', 'Pewaukee me current traffic kaisa hai', 'kya aaj Orioles game me baarish hogi', 'mere liye thoda classical music bajao by Mozart', 'mere timer ko pause kare', 'Mere pas apne timer par kitna time bacha he ?', 'chicago me is monday ko konse cool concerts attend karne ke liye he', 'kya aap ringing ko khatam karsakte hai', 'mere wake up alarm ko badle', 'PTO ko first day kickoff ke bare mei yaad dilaen', 'is haftey kitni garmi hai', \"dad ko bolo ki I ' ve made it to the store .\", 'mujhe sabhi alarms batao', 'meeting reminder ko is saturday ke bajaaye agle Saturday ko 7 baje ka kare', 'agle saturday ko Teena ki party ke liye reminder set karen', 'please timer ko suspend kare', 'phoenix me abhi toofan kitna hai', 'Mene aaj ke liye kitne alarm bachne he', 'agar mai 15 minutes mei nikalta hoon toh mere attorney ke office pahunchne ke liye sabse tez rasta konsa hai ?', 'Muje August 14th ko mere son ki school picnic attend karne ke liye remind karaye ,', 'alarm ko band kardo', 'Mera John ko information email karne ka reminder kab he ?', 'timer rokein', '4 : 30 pm ka alarm set kardo', 'is week ka homework khatam karne mei mujhe kitni der lagi', 'timer ko band kardo aur 5 minutes ke liye reset karo', 'kya kal savoy airport ke liye koi detours hai ?', 'holiday break ke doraan free family events ko suggest kare', 'kya aap mera thursday subah 7 baje ka alarm subah 6 : 30 bajhe ke liye badle sakte hai .', 'Peter ko message kare ki I need to cancel the meeting today . I had a car accident .', 'spotify par kuch electronica play kariye', 'mere raaste par traffic kaisa hai', 'kya aap Aunt Betty aur Chanel ko video message karsakte hai ?', 'mere Aug 22 ke liye hair appointment schedule karne ke reminder ko cancel karo', 'mai abhi utne wala nahi hu', 'Kya aaj subah 101 South par koi detours hai ?', 'aaj ke liye mere pas kya reminders hai', 'mujhe mere ek ghante ke timer ko updated karna hai', 'Mujhe aaj raat midnight se pehle mere emails ko answer karne ke liye yaad dilaye aur ek ghante pehle alert karen .', 'Timer ko band karo', 'Tony ko message karo aur bolo ki please electric bill pay karne ke liye', 'Kya kal baarish hone wali hai ?', 'classical music play karo', 'Kya aap muje date ke liye tayyar hone ke liye remind karwa sakte he ?', 'please mujhe bataye ke Scottish Highlands ka temperature kya hai .', 'kya mujhe traffic report par update mil sakta hai', 'kya kal barf girne waali hai ?', 'Ye aapne twitter ka #KatuSatya bayaan kiya hai, chaadar mein lapetkar patthar maara hai muh par ', 'kya Portland , Maine me koi bands playing hai', 'meri ma ko text message send karo aur pucho ki aaj raat dinner ke liye kya hai', 'please is track ko skip karen .', 'Mujhe Rogers Park me the Salsa music festival ke liye directions chahiye .', 'Kya aap muje bata sakte he kal meri mom ki plane kab aane wali hai aur 2 ghante pehle ek reminder set kar sakte he ?', 'mujhe kal mere piano students ke liye invoices bhejne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'Cathy ko message karo ki , Shall we leave ?', 'haan, mujhe lagata hai ki vah bahut pareshaan thee. jaisa mainne kaha ki main vaastav mein us sab ko samajh nahin paaya hoon. main jyaadaatar ganit ke lie isamen tha. kya dilachasp, aakarshak kahaanee hai.', 'Muje kid ke reminders Shoe kare', 'mujhe mere recurring reminders laker de', 'lake michigan aur lake erie ke beech kitne miles hai', 'mera agla alarm kab ke liye set hai ?', 'kya traffic par mausam ka asar horaha hai', 'mujhe Manchester se Hooksett me Cinemagic tak drive karke jaane me kitna samay lagega', 'Scott ko message karo milk pick up karne ke liye', 'Sir \" Aaj BJP Hoti satta me to desh ke hit me #SurgicalStrike kar ke 1 ke badle 10 sir le aati ...', 'kya aj Portland me 90 degrees ke upar hoga ?', 'Matlab khud maro phir, dusron ki kyu maarte ho?https://twitter.com/DailyYeats/status/691365373321568258\\xa0…', 'is weekend ko humidity kitni hogi ?', 'ek stir the pot alarm banaen .', 'toofan kab aaraha hai ?', 'Is dopahar stock price check karne ke liye reminder hataye', 'mujhe sabrina ke reply par like kariye', 'aur 10 minutes ke liye timer extend kare', 'har Tuesday 3 00 pm ko recurring alarm set kare', 'Branson airport se Walmart Headquarters tak ke liye directions', 'Kya aaj raat koi thanksgiving events hone wale hai', 'aur phir proof bhi deta.. dekho Mehr ka ration card..', 'please mujhe bataye ke timer par kitna time bacha hai', 'mujhe milk khareedne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'Is hafte ke liye mujhe mere sabhi gardening reminders dikhao .', 'haha, biwi se bachakar bhai, tu hospital se tweet karein ye mujhe bilkul gawara nahi', 'saare alarms band karo', 'rap music play kare please', 'mujhe Saturday subha 9 baje tak Bandelier Monument pahuchne ke liye ghar se kab nikalna chahiye ?', 'alarm ko mute kare', 'kya aaj New Albany me traffic se bachne ka koi raasta hai', 'Please milo ko video message record karo aur use bhejo', 'drapan nhi darpan hota h . . aapki hindi kamzor h', 'Aaj mujhe kaam par jaane ke liye kitna time lagega', 'aaj raat 8 : 30 pm ke liye alarm lagaye', 'Renee ko message karo ki I cannot make the baby shower today .', 'accident kab clear hoga', 'haan, agar aap dekho tho aapko hi patha chalega', 'babysitter ke liye alarm set kare', \"mujhe Abington me Nam ' s salon ke liye driving directions batao\", 'dopaher 2 baje ka weather bataye please', 'Tuesday ke liye mera alarm kya hai ?', 'mai timer ko 30 minutes ke liye set karna chahta hu', 'mere entire alarm list ko change kare', 'mere wake up alarm ko cancel kare', 'highway par traffic kitni tezi se aage badh rahi hai', 'Ann ko message karo aur pucho ki if she found my phone', 'Please traffic par updates den', 'sabse halki traffic kab he', 'Kya aap muje remind kara sakte he to call in refills for meds for mom and dad on Saturday at 9 am ?', 'Aaj yaha severe weather risk kya hai ?', 'mere active timer se 19 minutes deduct kare', 'Kingman se Laughlin tak jane ke liye kitna time lagega ?', 'kilometers me wind kitni fast hoti hai ?', 'Hugh Jackman ek robot hai?', 'monday thru thursday ke liye subah 5 baje ka alarm set kare', 'Jack aur Jill ko message bhejo aur unhe bolo ki I am on my way', \"today ' s low kya hai ?\", 'Kya is weekend par koi family friendly events ho rahe he', 'kya aj subah capitol expressway par koi flooding hai', 'kya aaj umbrella chahiye ?', 'kuch classic rock music bajao', 'Is weekend orange county me karne ke liye cheeze', 'kya katy mei agle weekend koi family events hai', 'please kal ke koi bhi alarms delete karden', 'kya kansas city tak 1 - 29 par koi delays hai', 'kya mai dopaher se pehle yaha se Lafayette , La pahuch sakta hoon ?', 'agle alarm ko silence par rakho', 'pahle trader ko approach karna sensible hoga.', 'abhi yaha se lewisville tak traffic kaisa hai', 'jeff ko message bheje kehte huye ki he looked hot today', 'Is thursday ko , please mere alarm ko subah 8 baje ke liye badlein', 'aj ka temperature kaisa hai ?', 'kal alarm ko yaad dilaayen', 'Umbria me mausam kaisa hai ?', 'Budget, budget hashan krte hue present kiya jaata h, jo in fact, parliament mein sabse important speech meinse ek hota h', 'Aap ko kya lagta he On the 19th of May , weather will be like ?', 'Orlando mei kya hone wala hai', 'Kya kal raat roads barfeeley honge ?', 'Muje mom tak pohochne me kitna time lagega', 'mere pati ko aj raat 7 bajhe se pehle lawn ko mowing karne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'abhi se 20 minutes ke liye alarm set karen', 'Mujhe Friday ke liye radar batao', 'kya aj San Fran me koi ache punk concerts hai', 'good evening type kare', 'please Johnny Lang ke radio ko play kare', '30 second par timer par kitna time bakhi hai', 'song ko loop karen', 'yeh karke anna ne saabith kiya ke woh fascist nahi hai . . . . .', 'mujhe sabhi timers ko dikhao jo 4 ghante se zyada ke liye set kiye gaye ho', '6 pm ke liye alarm cancel kare', 'is mahine Speed dating events aane wala hai', 'besties group chat par last message ko Thumbs up kare', 'Leesa ko bataye ki me abhi busy hu lekin me use baadme call kar lungi', 'Kya aaj raat Paris me 78 degrees Celsius ke neeche rahega', 'mai is movie ko apni dekhi jaane wali list me add karne ke baare soch raha hu.', 'subha ke liye alarm set karen', 'mere 4 : 45 PM ke alarm ko 5 : 00 PM me badle', 'Janauary 1st ke liye ek midnight alarm banaen .', 'Lucy ke recital ke reminder ko cancel kare .', \"Lisa ko message karo aur pucho ke what ' s the fastest route to the interstate .\", 'Kya aap muje meri meeting ke liye 3 pm ko reminder se alert karenge ?', 'Kya aap Cindy ko 7 bajhe Turkey ko oven se baahar nikalne ke liye reminder laga sakte hai ?', 'Kuch kuch milta hai anjali, tum nahi samjhogihttps://twitter.com/uPoliticat/status/864066951475216384\\xa0…', 'alarm ko abhi cancel kardo', 'ye ek Superhero Iron Man ke baare mein hai, real non-superhero life mein wo ek genius inventor hai', 'mere timer me 10 minutes add kare', 'Judge : Batao #Dhoni ne resign kyu kya ?', 'kya aj martinsville mei morningside lane drivable hai', 'Florida me kal ka mousam kaisa hoga', 'tampa aur orlando ke beech ka traffic kaisa hai', 'my xbox live ends tomorrow :( mw3 and gears3 all day ! hit me up !', 'Is week ke Concerts', 'please timer ko pause kare', 'kuch aur reggae play kare', 'Harrisburg se Philadelphia jaate samay traffic kaisa hai', 'mai Denmark ka weather forecast janne chahta hoon', 'kya traffic light hai', 'is haftey mausam kaisa rehne wala hai', 'Aaj raat ke liye low predicted temperature kya he ?', 'Agar mai 30 minutes me nikal jaoon to traffic kaisa hoga ?', 'Agala biggest country event kab hone wala hai', 'kuch reggae play kare', 'Kya aap mere floss my teeth reminder ko ek bar har din ke liye update karsakte hai ?', 'rap music play karo']}\n", "time: 1.02 ms (started: 2024-02-04 09:18:58 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "print(train)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 42, "id": "a2f91fad-ed91-41a4-8bad-344c9cf03e70", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "{'en': ['cancel alarms tomorrow', 'make timer for 10 minutes', 'How long is a flight from portland to new york', 'So is it snowing outside ?', 'Turn off all alarms', 'New York City things to do for tomorrow', 'Did I get Skype messages this morning ?', 'set an alarm for 9 am', 'send ian a message and ask him if he will put the laundry in the dryer', 'Show all reminders for Tuesday afternoon .', 'How long is a flight from NYC to Mallorca Spain', 'Is it warm is Australia in July', 'What is the fastest route to get to Roberts house from the library in Dublin', 'How long will it take mom to get to my house if she leaves right now', 'Oh my, Are you a human or robot?', 'Play Bruno Mars playlist', 'What time does the sun set', 'Is construction on the 215 done yet', 'Get me up on the 1st at 6 am', 'Message the World of Warcraft guild group that our server is down .', 'Please play some oldies', 'How long will the drive be to Newark if I leave Syracuse at 7 am ?', 'what reminders do i have', \"Play Katy Perry ' s Chained To The Rhythm\", 'Set timer for one hour', 'Is there a lot of traffic by the Giants game', \"what ' s the radar today\", 'Stop my alarm !', 'Do I need an umbrella ?', 'Is there a carpool lane on Main Street ?', 'Is it raining in England', 'what time is going to rain today ?', 'Any fun Arizona events this weekend', \"Set a 3 hour soccer timer for my child ' s game\", 'Snooze that alarm right now .', 'Set a reminder for my 1030 appointment on Monday one hour ahead', 'The water bill is due on the 15th remind me the week before to send it off', 'Set my alarm for 15 minutes', 'Weather forecast for 6 pm today please', 'What is happening next month', 'Get all my reminders for cleaning service appointments', 'Cancel 6 AM alarm repeat', 'add another 30 minutes to this timer', 'Amend my alarm from 1 pm to 2 pm', \"What time is tonight ' s alarm set for ?\", \"Message Jim sup ! How you ' ve been ?\", 'Play the song by and by', 'virtual tor of Taj mahal in Internet.', 'Get me driving directions to Ak - Chin theater at 6 pm .', 'Set alarm for 3 minutes .', 'Favorite this track .', 'i would like an recurring alarm to off on Saturdays at 8 . 30am', 'Are there tornadoes in Kansas right now ?', \"Remind me to take out the neighbor ' s garbage tonight .\", 'How much traffic is on the way to the airport', 'Copy Jolin Tsai Top Tracks from Plex to my phone', 'I want to hear acoustic guitar music', 'Is it going to be around 86 in C near Menlo Park today', 'will it snow tomorrow', 'Will it be below zero tonight ?', 'Weather from April 1st through to April 16th', 'How many minutes will it take me to reach train station from AL Gamhouria st . ?', 'Should I bring my umbrella tomorrow', 'I am trying to find the weather for Poland , what is it like ?', 'How warm will it be this afternoon at 3 : 00 pm ?', 'How much will my way to school be delayed by traffic', 'Proceed reading chat requests to me .', 'cancel my alarm for 7 pm tonight', 'how cold is it today', 'do I need a jacket this morning', 'play Latino music', 'Put on a country station', 'Namaste Bhai jaan . you are not only our bhai jaan but also our life. And you are my god, sir. Jay Bajrang Bali.', 'Show all alarms', 'Voice message Shawn Mitchell', \"Send a message to Genny telling her to cancel the reservations for Tim ' s party tomorrow .\", 'How warm is it this weekend palo alto in degree Celcius', 'skip to the next song please', 'How hot will it be today ?', 'What reminders do I have for the month of September , and which of those are for the kids ?', 'remind me to pay water bill wednesday morning .', 'Kindness, seriousness and restraint were the balance column', 'Is there any bus to Universals at 7 : 00 am', 'list my playlists', 'Set an alert to take out the recycling with the trash for the third week of the month .', \"Delete reminder about Jay ' s dinner\", 'play my favorite playlist', 'what time is tomorrows sunset', 'compared to this one where he said something every scene', 'change my 6 am alarm to walk the dog', 'Mr Sasidharan with dignitaries in his Paddy field', 'Chance of snow', 'Traffic data for my surrounding area', 'The cyst got intumesce as it was not treated.', 'is it supposed to rain today ?', 'Miss you MSD \"Got used to seeing you captain .. #Dhoni\"', 'Reset same alarms for tomorrow', 'next concert in St Louis amphitheater', 'people in mechanical engineering still have a chance, what would happen to the other engineers......', 'Skip song', 'What is the traffic from Bedford to Haverhill', 'Can you wake me up at 7 am tomorrow ?', 'Resume the timer named coffee', 'it seems like the education of pakistan is great!! even sarfaraz is speaking english!! #indvspak #ChampionsTrophy 17 #bleedblue #surgicalstrike', 'Indian youth on twitter thinking that - We have not won against Australia yet, but how would we win final with NZ? #NZvSA', 'stop my timer please', 'merge my timers for 5 and 10 minutes', 'new movies', 'an I get from here to Aswan before noon ?', 'Set a timer for 20 minutes for the next two hours', 'Delete alarm for 4 pm', 'Wake me up in 3 hours', 'is it warm enough to wear shorts in Alabama in March', 'Remind me to sign up for Bootcamp on Tuesday .', 'How long does it take to get to the ball park in Chicago from where I live ?', 'Read me my reminders for picking up my kids for after - school activities .', 'Skip next song', 'give me a reminder of my alarms', 'Replay the song .', 'remind me to go to the doctor next tuesday at 10 am', 'How much are the tickets for the concert', \"UNICEF with PressWise Training Page 31 The Media and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Appendix 1 A journalist 's summary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child The preamble recalls the basic principles of the United Nations - in particular the spirit of peace, dignity, tolerance, freedom, equality and solidarity - and specific provisions of relevant human rights treaties and proclamations.\", 'Looking for something fun in South Lake Tahoe for next weekend', 'start a timer of twenty minutes', 'Should I bring a jacket', 'What is the average time I will spend in traffic today', 'answer message to Tiffany . Yeah , I have the tickets . send .', 'what is the drive time from Dallas to Houston', 'Repeat the Drake song again please', 'Can you set up a monthly reminder to visit the headquarters beginning today ?', 'Are there any reminders for chemistry homework next week ?', 'Set alarm for 6 : 35 am', \"Delete next month ' s alarm\", 'weather forecast for the next three days please', 'record a video message', 'Please play the last track of this album', 'What is the level of rain we are getting ?', 'Remind me to cancel my subscription for Sling', \"message Jessica um , I don ' t know .\", 'gully cricket is going on here. soniya gandhi', \"Directions to Emily ' s house\", 'Tell me what the weather will be like', 'cancel 12 noon alarm', 'Make an anniversary reminder about Joan and Pete for September 20 .', 'Is there anything fun going on , on December 25th in New York City', 'add reminder to grocery list', 'I have to have you send a message to my friend reggie in my contacts that the social event for the reading group is at the library', 'Schedule my alarm for 1 hour .', 'Alarm needed every Friday at 6', 'remind me to start planning the baby shower for November', 'Failed to move temporary file “%s” to final location “%s”: %s', 'reformat alarm to sound biannually', 'Get a remider in order to get my groceries done by tomorrow', 'Wine festivals in NW Arkansas this weekend', 'Turn alarm off', 'Set a new alarm', 'any bull fighting events in Barcelona next weekend', 'change the alert time for all reminders from 15 minutes before to 12 hours before', 'get rishabh pant https://twitter.com/ESPNcricinfo/status/801269455011467264 …', 'Do I need to bring an umbrella today ?', 'Send love and laugh reactions to that SMS', 'Traffic report for morning drive', 'play old school music', 'are there any music festivals in orlando this july', 'Delete my shared reminders with Aaron .', \"Play selena ' s new song\", 'Is there any way I can avoid traffic from the Yankees stadium', 'He could earn Rs. 41, 700 from sale of 275 kg. worms (at Rs. 150 / kg.) and Rs. 11, 500 from the sale of 23 q. compost at Rs. 500 / q', 'Start a time in 5 minutes', \"Please remind everyone in hiking club that it ' s scheduled to rain\", 'Report the weather in New Zealand to me', 'How is the weather today ?', \"What ' s the weather for today ?\", 'Can you tell me directions from Costco in Cedar Park to Brushy Creek', \"how long will it take for me to arrive to Frank ' s house from Cindy ' s place ?\", 'Remove the reminder to pick up my dad .', 'How hot will it be today in Sydney ?', 'How many minutes have I been running for', 'will it snow in quincy today', 'show me all my reminders for September 1 - September 10th so I can reschedule them', 'Change my trash reminder from Mondays to Thursdays .', 'what is the distance between temecula and murrieta', 'The weather condition for this week', \"What ' s going on in Austin the weekend of Jan 9 , 2018\", 'i do not afraid of sahid afridi i have a fear of umesh yadav', 'Please set my timer for 12 minutes', 'Wake me up at 2 pm on Thursday', 'Temperature in Paris today fahrenheit', 'How cold today ?', 'can you shuffle', 'cancel my hair spray reminder', 'are there any routes that dont have tolls', 'Set an alarm at 4 in the afternoon on May 9th .', 'Turn vibrate off on all alarms .', \"Can you please give me tomorrow ' s forecast ?\", 'What will the temperature be at 8 pm tonight ?', 'Hello, Goodafternoon', 'Empty all alarm records', 'Is there traffic in Madison on Saturday', 'Did i have any reminders about Rose that are coming up soon', 'Are there any accidents on Rt . 22 ?', 'organize a get up alarm Monday at 6 am', 'remind me to pay my cable bill on the 20th', 'Make alarm for 3 : 30 pm today', \"How ' s the weather looking this afternoon ?\", 'Give me a route from home to work with the least amount of traffic', 'End alarm please', 'Allergy weather for today', 'Are there any lane closings in Buffalo tonight', 'How warm is it tomorrow morning in degree fahrenheit', 'Set up a reminder to pay tuition tonight .', 'Delete alarm for tomorrow morning', 'Jane has a field trip on Friday , so set a reminder to buy her a lunchable on Thursday .', 'move the reminder for me to enter the Parks art contest to Monday', 'Set alarm every minute for 25 minutes .', 'I want the weather conditions for Sydney .', 'Create an alarm for every Saturday', \"Cancel that reminder about my doctor ' s appointment .\", 'Add one minute to timer .', 'Modify the reminder to meet Roy for our date from this Saturday to next Saturday night .', 'Can you remove the reminders for watering my neighbor ’ s plants ?', 'Remind to switch light off at the porch at 12 mn', 'send a message to mom to meet me at the hockey game tonight', 'What is the warmest state in the U . S', 'Stay silent', 'Repeat alarm at 6 . 00pm', 'try another song', 'Make alarms for 10 pm and 6 am daily for nine days', 'Change my work alarm from 6 am to 530 am .', 'Initiate an alarm for the day after tomorrow', \"What ' s the expected high in Dayton today\", 'Remove 3 minutes from the last timer', \"play Sia ' s new song\", 'Play only Christian music', 'I need an alarm for Friday', 'Tell Rizzo to grade the rest of the papers .', 'Create a gym alarm for tomorrow afternoon', 'Is it going to be windy overnight ?', 'are there any accidents affecting my commute to work', 'Live music and food near me', 'What is the fastest route going back home', 'Whats the weather going to be like in Coledale on Saturday', 'Any traffic accidents today', 'Is traffic heavy in Coral Springs today', 'Repeat 5 minute timer twice', 'will it be windy today', 'make an alarm for 10 . 45pm and 11 : 00 pm on tuesdays and wednesdays for 6 weeks', 'Is there a snow storm in the forecast', 'How many hours will it take me to get to Hermosa Beach', 'please set a timer for ten minutes', 'Is my reminder about the moon landing anniversary in the next week or two ?', 'Show me the alarms', 'update reminder for fish market grand opening from 5 - 10 pm', 'what is the difference in average temperature of tampa and miami', \"set up a reminder every day this week at 3 : 30 to check on kaylee ' s dog\", 'hows it looking at 5 pm', 'Add a timer for 25 minutes', 'Play classical music', 'do i need to bring an umbrella', 'Turn on alarm', 'Remind me to watch my tv show tonight', 'What are the most popular events in Milwaukee', 'get me my chats', 'Hurricane season forecast', 'will it be hotter this weekend than it is today ?', 'Delete all set alarms .', 'Erase any reminders I have set for this weekend .', 'How cloudy will it be today ?', 'Is there a weather advisory for my county today ?', 'Cancel alarms of previous week', 'Events in Los Angeles tonight', 'What is the weather for tomorrow ?', 'Set a alarm for every hour for the next 4 hours .', 'Any wine tasting events this weekend', 'Remind me to set up my dermatology appointment on Monday .', 'add 3 and a half minutes to timer', 'Snooze for another 40 .', 'restart timer now', 'Set my snooze for 2 mins', 'When Sagarika was brn doctor said \"Congratulations and good wishes!!\"', 'I need to know when it is midnight daily', 'Where will traffic lighten up', 'Set reminder to get pepper', 'pop music concerts in Pittsburgh', 'Is it sunny tomorrow ?', \"It is 4 pm but Sallu Sir's entry is still left ....\", 'I dont need to be reminded when to leave for loans dinner party cancel it', 'Set an alarm for March 8th afternoon', 'Remind me to reschedule my upcoming doctor appointment .', \"Make me a Hilda ' s music play list please .\", 'thumbs up that message', 'Ask Terry to pick up the dry cleaning on his way over .', 'Please resume the current timer .', 'Clear my reminders', 'repeat this album', 'rock music please', 'Please remind me at 8 to take my medication', 'what is the weather in Russia', 'What were my reminders for Feb 14 2018', \"What ' s happening in Nashville this weekend\", 'laskhman: brother, who is this lk advani.i think i have heard his name.\\nram: he was in different section of my school. i remembered', 'merge timers', 'Can I listen to some Rihanna ?', \"Text Marina and her mom I ' m going to be late\", 'play liked tracks', 'Stop the timer when I stop running', 'Please set the timer to on', \"'The first short story of Prem Chand, Duniya ka Sabse Anmol Ratan' The Most Precious Jewel in the World, appeared in 1907.\", 'Remove the reminder to check the status on the Amazon shipment', 'Stop my timer .', 'remind me Sunday at 8 pm the plumber is coming in the morning .', 'I want to go to cairo festival city mall by 3 pm when should I leave ?', 'Is there traffic on the way to Tampa', 'Set a reminder for Monday .', 'Remind me to turn the ac back on Sunday at 11 am .', 'give me a two minute warning on the timer', 'How many inches of snow did Colorado get last year', 'Traffic on the Wright Memorial Bridge', 'hahaha very true…….it was a big deception which used to happen to us...', 'how bad is traffic coming from downtown', 'What songs were played on this TV show on Monday ?', 'How bad the weather is ?', 'Message Jay that I will meet him at Carolina Inn for happy hour with mom at 5 : 30 .', 'Cancel all my alarms', 'what time is my alarm set foR ?', 'All my music , shuffle it', 'How long is the drive time to Target', 'Set an alarm to wake up at 7 . 00am tomorrow', 'Will we feel any effects from the offshore hurricane today', 'remind me I have a doctor appointment on Friday at 9 am', 'but the bottom line is that he still has a chance to get lucky unlike you ! :d', 'find alternate route please', 'i want to change the time of my alarm', \"How long will it take me to get to ali ' s house from here if I leave in 15 minutes ?\", 'Is it raining in Toronto ?', 'What is the traffic like on I 95', 'remind me to not eat 12 hours before my blood work appointment', 'play some rolling stones for me', 'church bake sales this week in Fort Payne', 'Send a message to Bailey on Messenger', 'Remind me my tutoring class on Monday , August 6th at 7 : 00 pm', 'How cold will it get tonight ?', 'Hi, do you think this movie deserved a 92% Rotten Tomatoes score? That seems awfully high.', 'How will the weather be on December 31st ?', 'Remind me to pick up a birthday card', 'remind me to get the kitchen sink fixed', 'please set alarm for 9 pm tonight', 'Play out all of my reminders for today', 'set a reminder for 3 pm to watch the baseball game', 'What was your favorite part of the whole movie?', 'Play classical music for 30 minutes .', 'Is there an alternate route to avoid so much traffic', 'Please skip to next song', 'Show the alarm that was set just now', 'Did Gisr AL Seus Road has any traffic congestion right now ?', 'remind me of my dental appointment this Tuesday', 'Delete alarm', 'How long until I reach my destination', 'Pause this timer please', 'Fastest route without using highways', 'Make alarms for 930 and 1030 am', 'get the time to Disney On Ice using local roads only', 'How do I set a timer', \"Send a message to Adrian and tell him I ' ll meet him at the library later\", \"Message him I ' m late for the conference call\", 'Message Missy to see when she will get to the bbq', 'bye', 'Cancel my alarms', 'stop making my alarm sound', \"What ' s the temperature tonight\", \"Cancel today ' s alarms\", 'Show me my reminders for this weekend .', 'fix up my timer', 'when is the next free comic book night at bankstons', 'Set up recurrent alarm for every Tuesday , Friday and Sunday at 6 pm', 'is there any road construction near washington dc', 'Can you tell me the temperature in Celsius ?', 'Create an alarm for Monday at noon', 'Is there a chance for hail with this storm ?', 'this dialogue was better if bipasha said it.', \"How ' s the weather in Greece ?\", 'set a timer for 10 mins', 'if the meeting starts at 9 am what time will i have to leave my mom ; s home', 'What are my reminders for this coming weekend ?', 'Search all% {DRIVENAME}', 'add alarm for 8 : 55 PM everyday', 'SET UP DAILY REMINDER TO TAKE NEW BLOOD PRESSURE PILL EVERYDAY AT 8 AM', 'will you alert me at 4 pm ?', \"angry react to steve ' s last message\", 'Fun events for toddlers in Kissimmee', 'Start a new alarm for this evening', 'set an alarm for 8 pm tonight', 'What day is my next exercise reminder on', \"so if you think relationships are just about spending money. i am glad you don't have any girlfriend \", 'The whole Real Steel story seems like a series of machinations of bad guys against good guys, without much else.', 'Message Pam : book a car', 'how cold is it', 'Pause this timer', 'put this song on repeat', 'sleep playlist started from the beginning', 'How long is drive home with traffic today', 'everyone is mental here. okay, keep going.', 'is the traffic will be better to get to Helwan ?', 'cancel alarms for this week', 'Play Bruno Mars latest song', 'delete this song from playlist', 'How much longer on my timer ?', 'tell me my alarms', 'What yoga related events are coming up', 'What will the temperature be in Centigrade this afternoon ?', 'IS THERE AN ACCIDENT RIGHT NOW ON PACIFIC COAST HWY 1', 'Sad reaction for the hiking group message on Messenger', 'bring up my chats', 'Set reminder to get gluten free flour recipe to Jennifer', 'Set a reminder for me to prep for my job interview this weekend .', \"play ' Despacito '\", 'Wake me up at 4 am on June 3rd .', 'Remind me to clean stove tonight .', 'whats traffic like on 94 West', 'repeat last song', 'Set up a reminder tonight for vet appointment in the morning .', 'create an alarm to wake me up every monday at 5 am', 'Set two alarms every day at 8 am and 8 : 30 am .', 'Play every other song', 'snooze alarm for 15 minutes', 'How much time will traffic add to my commute if I leave at 12 : 30 pm ?', 'Set a reminder to start making dinner at 5 : 00 pm .', 'can you cancel my alarm for 10 pm', \"Remind me to pick up Wanda ' s kid after Tuesday ' s swim practice\", 'Is interstate 80 clear between here and Denver', 'What is zootopia about?', 'I need to email Peter tommorw at 4 PM . Can you remind me at 3 PM ?', \"He is the best. Ramu kaka's dialogue is the best.\", \"remind me to notify all family members of Liz ' s HS graduation\", \"Send an email to Sally letting her know that the shower is at Kathy ' s\", 'Play something popular among teenagers .', 'How is lunch time traffic in downtown Dallas', 'LET ME KNOW HOW LONG IT TAKES FROM HERE TO SAN FRANSISCO', \"What ' s the weather for next Tuesday ?\", 'How much time until my alarm', \"I need a reminder for Tom ' s birthday next Friday .\", 'Start a radio station based on Bruno Mars on Pandora', 'Subtract 60 seconds from my crepe timer', 'I need to know the weather .', 'that could be created by things like cosmic rays,', 'How long will it take for me to drive until my interview at 9 am ?', 'Set a countdown to 9 pm', 'Firework displays in Raleigh', 'Send text to er , Laura .', 'Will it be sunny on Saturday', 'What is the traffic on I 25 north in denver', 'What is the weather in Maine ?', 'Resume time', \"What ' s the weather going to be like in Brisbane for Christmas ?\", 'Play heavy metal now', 'Free events in San Francisco', 'Set an alarm every minute for 5 minutes .', \"don ' t allow snooze times on the Monday alarm\", 'girls usually get failed in those schools . . .', '-)', 'What is the air temperature in Grand Haven right now', 'Set a timer for 60 seconds .', 'Remind me to check my calendar tomorrow morning', 'Does the document describe who the enemy is?', 'Cancel the snooze alarm .', 'What will be weather be this weekend ?', 'Live music in Alexandria this Thursday', 'What is the distance from California to New York', \"give me the weather for where I ' m at .\", 'What will the weather be like tomorrow at 8 am ?', 'Set an alarm for May 5th at 9 am', 'remind me at 4 pm I want to pay my mortgage', 'Cancel the 6 am alarm for the morning .', 'Okay. Well, thank you for all of the information. It looks like we are finished up with our chat. Thank you again for providing me with the information about the movie! Have a great night.', 'set an alarm for 630 am monday - friday', 'Snooze on the 7 am alarm for 45 minutes', 'How is the weather like ?', 'How long will it take me to drive to Buffalo today', 'set timer for twenty seconds', 'provide me traffic report please', 'which route takes less time , atlanta to dallas or atlanta to houston', 'skip track', 'End timer now', 'Please give me all reminders that I have with Marshall .', 'Skip this', \"it always feels like doubts, this type of talk, this scooter etc., only someone from 90's kvian can do, is guddu kvian???\", 'Mulayam: \"there can be only one gangster in each party and i am the gangster of this party\" \\n\\nAll SP members:\"then what will happen to us?\"', 'What time does the Christmas party start', 'Play Let it Go without vocals', 'Set alarm for 9 am tomorrow', 'What is the traffic driving from home to chadbourn', \"And what if there 's no GPS?\", 'What time should I leave to make it to the meeting by 8 am ?', 'how many nights is bruce playing on broadway in new york', 'restart timer', \"If I leave now , how long will it take me to get to Adam ' s house ?\", 'Bad traffic in Mishawaka', 'change my 4 am alarm to 5 am for tomorrow', 'Extend the alarm at 8 am every Monday for three more months', 'Can you cancel all alarms'], 'hi_ng': ['kal alarms cancel kardo', '10 minutes ke liye timer banaye', 'portland se new york tak kitni lambi flight hai', 'To kya bahar snowing ho rahi he ?', 'saare alarms band karo', 'kal ke liye New York City me karne ke liye cheeze', 'kya aj subah mujhe Skype messages milgaye hai ?', 'subah 9 bajhe ke liye alarm set karo', 'ian ko message karo aur pucho ki if he will put the laundry in the dryer', 'Tuesday dopahar ke liye sabhi reminders ko dikhao .', 'NYC se Mallorca Spain tak kitni lambi flight hai', 'kya Australia July me garm hai', 'Dublin me the library se Roberts house tak pahunchne ke liye sabse tez route kya hai', 'agar wo abhi nikalta hai toh mom ko mere ghar pahunchne me kitna samay lagega', 'oh teri . . . insan h ya robot', 'Bruno Mars ki playlist bajao', 'kya time par sun set hoga', 'kya the 215 par construction abhi bhi chal raha hai', '1st ko subah 6 baje mujhe jagaane do', 'World of Warcraft guild group ko message kare ki our server is down .', 'Please kuch oldies play kare', 'agar mai Syracuse subah 7 baje nikalta hoon toh Newark tak drive karke jane me kitna samay lagega ?', 'mere paas kya reminders hai', 'Katy Perry ke Chained To The Rhythm ko bajao', 'ek ghante ke liye timer set karen', 'kya the Giants game ke aas paas bahut traffic hai', 'Aaj radar kya hai', 'Mere alarm ko stop kare !', 'Kya mujhe umbrella chahiye ?', 'kya Main Street par carpool lane hai ?', 'kya England me baarish horahi hai', 'Aaj kitne baje baarish hone wali hai ?', 'Kya koi Arizona events hai this weekend', 'mere bete ke game ke liye ek 3 ghante ka soccer timer set karen', 'us alarm ko abhi snooze kare .', 'Monday ke mere 1030 baje ki appointment ke liye ek ghante pehle ek reminder set karen', 'water bill is due on the 15th me the week before to send it off', 'mere alarm 15 minutes ke liye set karen', 'Aaj shaam 6 baje ke liye weather forecast please', 'agle mahine kya hone wala hai', 'cleaning service appointments ke liye mere sabhi reminders ko dikhao', 'subah 6 baje ke alarm ko cancel karo', 'is timer me ek aur 30 minutes ko add kare', 'mere alarm ko 1 pm se 2 pm tak amend kare', 'aaj raat ka alarm kitne baje set kiya gaya hai ?', \"Jim ko message karo ki sup ! How you ' ve been ?\", 'by and by song ko bajao', 'Taj mahal ka virtual tour internet par.', 'mujhe 6 pm ko Ak - Chin theater ke liye driving directions batao', '3 minutes ke liye alarm set karen .', 'ye track ko favorite karo', 'mai saturdays ko subah 8 : 30 bajhe band hone ke liye recurring alarm chahiye', 'kya Kansas me abhi tornadoes chal rahe he ?', 'Muje aaj raat neighbor ke garbage ko bahar nikalne ke liye remind karaye .', 'airport ke raaste me kitna traffic hai', 'Please Jolin Tsai ke Top Tracks ko mere phone par copy kare', 'Muje acoustic guitar music sunna he', 'kya aj Menlo park ke paas C mei 86 ke aas paas rahega', 'kya kal barf padegi', 'Kya aaj raat ye zero se neeche hojayega ?', 'April 1st se 16th tak ka weather', 'AL Gamhouria st . se mujhe train station pahuchne mei kitni der lagegi ?', 'Kya muje kal apna umbrella lena chahiye', 'mai Poland ka mausam khoj raha hoon , kaisa hai ?', 'Is dopahar ko 3 00 pm ko kitna garm hone wala he ?', 'traffic ki wajah se meri school ke liye raasta kitna delay hoga', 'mere chat requests ko padhen', 'aaj raat 7 pm ke liye mera alarm cancel karen', 'aj kitni thandi hai', 'kya mujhe aj subah jacket ki zarurat padegi', 'Latino music play karo', 'ek country station ko on karo', 'Namaste Bhai jaan . aap sirf bhai jaan hi nahi aap to hum sab ka jaan hey . aur mera Bhagwan hay sir . Jay Bajrang Bali ..........', 'sabhi alarms dikhao', 'Shawn Mitchell ko Voice message bheje', \"Genny ko message bhejo jisme likha ho ki kal ke Timu ' s party ke liye reservations cancel kardo\", 'Is weekend palo alto me kitna garm hai degree Celcius me bataye', 'agle song par jaayen please', 'Aaj kitna hot hone wala he ?', 'Mere paas September ke mahine ke liye konse reminders he , aur usme se konsa kids ke liye he ?', 'Mujhe wednesday subha water bill pay karne ka yaad dilaye', 'Kindness, vicharshilta aur sayyam were the balance column', 'kya subha 7 : 00 baje Universals ke liye koi bus hai', 'Meri playlists list karo', 'month ke third week ke liye recycling ko trash me se nikalne ke liye alert set kare', 'Jay ke dinner ke baare me reminder ko delete kare', 'Meri favorite playlist bajao', 'kals ka sunset kya time par hai', 'is ke comparison mein jahan usne har scene mein kuch kaha', 'mere subah 6 baje ke alarm ko dog ko walk per lejane ke liye badle', 'Mr Sasidharan with ganmaanya vyaktiyo in his dhaan field', 'snow aane ke chance hai', 'mere aas paas ke liye traffic data', 'As the cyst was not treated, woh suuj gya.', 'Kya aaj baarish hone wali hai ?', 'Miss u msd \" aadat ho gayi hai aapko captain dekhte hue .. #Dhoni', 'kal ke liye same alarms ko reset karo', 'St Louis amphitheater mei agla concert hai', 'mechanical me toh fir bhi chance hai aur engineers ka kya hoga......', 'song ko skip kare', 'Bedford se Haverhill tak ka traffic kitna he', 'Kya aap muje kal subah 7 baje jagane me help kar sakte he ?', 'coffee naam ke timer ko resume kare', 'Lagta hai pakistan mai padai likhai zoro par hai !! Sarfaraz v english bol raha hai !! #indvspak #ChampionsTrophy 17 #bleedblue #surgicalstrike', 'Australia ke saath abhi jeete nahi hai, magar NZ ke saath final kaise jeetenge iss soch mein bhartiya yuvak on twitter. #NZvSA', 'please mere timer ko roke', 'mere 5 aur 10 minutes ke timers ek sath rakho', 'new movies', 'kya mai dopaher se pehle yaha se Aswan pahuch sakta hoon ?', 'agley do ghante ke liye 20 minutes ka timer set kare', 'shaam 4 baje ka alarm delete kare', '3 ghante me mujhe jagaane', 'kya March mei Alabama mei shorts pehanne jitni garmi hai', 'Mujhe Tuesday ko Bootcamp ke liye sign up karne ke liye yaad dilaayen .', 'Mere ghar se Chicago me the ball park tak pahunchne me kitna samay lagega ?', 'mere kids ko after - school activities ke liye pick up karne ke liye mujhe mere reminders padhen', 'agley song ko skip kare', 'mujhe mere alarms ka reminder de', 'song ko reply kare', 'agley tuesday ko 10 am ko mujhe doctor ke pas jane ke liye yaad dilaye', 'concert ke tickets ka price kya hai', 'UNICEF aur pressWise training 31 media aur samyukta Rashtra baal samzauta parishishta 1, Patrakaro ke summary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child The preamble recalls the basic principles of the United Nations - in particular the spirit of peace, dignity, tolerance, freedom, equality and solidarity - and specific provisions of relevant human rights treaties and proclamations.', 'agle weekend ke liye South Lake Tahoe me kuch mazedaar khoj rahe hai', 'twenty minutes ke liye timer start kare', 'Kya muje jacket lana chahiye', 'Aaj traffic me kitna time spend karunga', 'Tiffany ko answer message karo ki . Yeah , I have the tickets . send .', 'Dallas se Houston tak ka drive time kya hai', 'Drake ka song fir se chalaye please', 'kya aap aaj se headquarters visit karne ke liye ek monthly reminder set up kar sakte hai ?', 'kya agley haftey chemistry homework ke liye koi reminders hai ?', '6 : 35 am ke liye alarm lagaye', 'agle mahine ke alarm ko delete karo', 'Please agley teen din ka weather forecast bataye', 'ek video message record karo', 'Please is album ka last track play kare', 'humko kitna baarish milraha hai ?', 'mujhe Sling ke liye mera subscription cancel karne ke liye yaad dilaye', \"Jessica ko message karo ki um , I don ' t know .\", 'Gully cricket chal raha hain yaha \" ( Soniya ) Gandhi \"', 'Emily ke ghar ke liye directions', 'Muje bataiye ki mausam kaisa rahega', 'dopaher 12 baje ke alarm ko cancel karo', 'September 20 ke liye Joan and Pete ke baare me ek anniversary reminder banaye', 'kya New York City mei December 25th ko kuch mazedaar hone wala hai', 'grocery list me reminder add karen', 'mujhe apko mere contacts me se mere friend reggie ko ek message bhejna hai ki the social event for the reading group is at the library', '1 ghante ke liye mera alarm schedule karen .', 'har Friday ko 6 baje alarm chahiye', 'mujhe November ke liye baby shower ki planning shuru karne ke liye yaad dilaye', '“%s” Asthayi file ko final location “%s” failed to move “%s” :', 'biannually alarm ko sound karne ke liye reformat kare', 'Kal tak mujhe apne groceries lene ke liye ek remider le', 'Is weekend NW Arkansas mei Wine festivals hai', 'alarm band kare', 'ek naya alarm set karo', 'kya agle weekend Barcelona mei koi bull fighting events hai', 'sabhi reminders ka alert time 15 minutes pehle se 12 hours pehle ka kardo', 'Get Rishabh Pant yaarhttps://twitter.com/ESPNcricinfo/status/801269455011467264\\xa0…', 'Kya muje aaj umbrella lane ki zarurat he ?', 'Us SMS ko love aur laugh reactions bheje', 'subha drive ke liye traffic report', 'old school music play karo', 'kya is july orlando me koi music festivals hai', 'Aaron ke sath mere shared reminders delete karo', 'selena ke naye song ko bajao', 'kya mai Yankees stadium se traffic avoid kar sakta hun', 'Unhone 275 kilo keeto ke vikrya se 150 Rupye/kilo ki darse 41,700 rupye kamaye and Rs. 11, 500 from the sale of 23 q. compost at Rs. 500 / q', '5 minutes me time shuru kare', \"please hiking club me sabko yaad dilao ki it ' s scheduled to rain\", 'Mujhe New Zealand ka mausam report kare', 'aj weather kaisa hai ?', 'Aaj ke liye mausam kaisa hai ?', 'kya ap mujhe Cedar Park me Costco se Brushy Creek tak ke liye directions bolinge', 'Cindy ke ghar se Frank ke ghar pahunchne me mujhe kitna samay lagega ?', 'mere dad ko pick karne ke reminder ko hata dein', 'Aaj Sydney me kitna hot hone wala he ?', 'Me kitne minutes se daud raha hu', 'kya aaj quincy me barf padegi', 'September 1 - September 10th ke liye mujhe mere saarey reminders dikhao takhi mai usey reschedule kar saku', 'mere trash reminder ko Mondays se Thursdays tak badlein .', 'temecula aur murrieta ke beech kitna distance hai', 'is haftey ke liye mausam ki condition', '9th Jan , 2018 ke weekend par Austin me kya hone wala hai', 'Shahid Afridi se dar nahi lagta saab, Umesh Yadav se lagta hai.', 'Please 12 minutes ke liye timer ko set karen', 'Thursday dopahar 2 bajhe mujhe jagaane ke liye', 'Paris me aaj fahrenheit ka temperature', 'aj kitni thandi hai ?', 'kya aap shuffle karsakte hai', 'mere hair spray reminder ko cancel karo', 'kya koi routes hai jisme tolls nae hai', 'May 9th ko dopahar 4 baje alarm set kare .', 'sabhi alarms par vibrate band kare', 'kya ap mujhe kal ka forecast bata sakte hai ?', 'aj raat 8 bajhe temperature kitna hoga ?', 'hello, good afternoon', 'sabhi alarm records ko empty karo', 'Kya Saturday par Madison me traffic hai', 'kya mere paas Rose ke konse reminders hai jo jaldi aane wale hai', 'kya Rt . 22 par koi accidents hai ?', 'ek get up alarm organize kare monday at 6 am', '20th ko mujhe mera cable bill pay karne ke liye yaad dilaayen', 'aaj 3 : 30 pm ke liye alarm banaye', 'Is dopahar ko mausam kaisa dikh raha hai ?', 'mujhe ghar se work tak ke liye sabse kam traffic વ ા ળ ી raasta do', 'alarm ko end kare please', 'aaj ke liye Allergy weather', 'Kya Buffalo me aaj raat koi lane band hai', 'Kal subha fahrenheit degree mei kitna garm rahega', 'Aj tuition pay karne ke liye reminder set kare', 'Kal subha ke liye alarm ko hatado', 'Jane ko Friday ke din field trip hai , isliye Thursday ko uske liye lunchable khareedne ke liye reminder set kare', 'mere Parks art contest mei enter karne ke reminder ko Monday ke liye move karen', '25 minute ke liye har minute alarm set kare', 'mai Sydney ke liye weather conditions chahiye .', 'har Saturday ke liye alarm create kare', 'mere doctor ke appointment ke baare me wo reminder cancel kariye', 'ek minute ko timer me add kare', 'Roy ko milne ke liye reminder ko modify kare from this Saturday to next Saturday night .', 'Kya aap mere neighbor ke plants ko water karne ke liye reminders hata sakte hai ?', '12 mn ko porch par light band karne ke liye yaad dilayen', 'mujhse aaj raat hockey game me milne ke liye mom ko message bhejo', 'U . S . ke andar sabse garm state konsa hai', 'silent raho', '6 baje ko alarm ko repeat kare', 'aur song ko try kare', '9 dino ke liye roz 10 pm aur 6 am ke liye alarms banayen', 'mere work alarm ko subah 6 baje se 530 baje tak badle', 'kal ke din ke liye alarm shuru kare', 'Aaj Dayton me expected high kya hai', 'last timer se 3 minutes remove kardo', 'Sia ke naye song ko bajao', 'sirf christian music bajao', 'Mujhe Friday ke liye alarm chahiye', 'Rizzo ko rest of the papers ko grade karne ke liye bolo .', 'kal dopaher ke liye ek gym alarm banaen', 'Kya overnight windy hone wala he ?', 'kya work ke raste me mere commute ko koi accidents affect kar rahe he', 'mere paas live music and food', 'ghar jaane ke liye sabse tez route kya hai', 'Saturday par Coledale me mausam kaisa hone wala hai', 'kya aj koi traffic accidents hai', 'Kya aaj Coral Springs me traffic heavy he', '5 minute ka timer dohrayen', 'Kya aaj windy hone wala he', '6 haftou ke liye alarm lagaye for 10 . 45pm and 11 : 00 pm on tuesdays and wednesdays', 'Kya forecast me snow storm he', 'Hermosa Beach tak pahuchne ke liye kitne ghante ki zarurat hogi', 'please das minute ke liye timer ko set karen', 'kya mera moon landing anniversary ke baare me reminder agle hafte ya do hafte me hai ?', 'mujhe alarms dikhao', 'fish market grand opening ke liye 5 - 10 pm tak update reminder', 'tampa aur miami ke average temperature mei kitna difference hai', \"is haftey ko 3 : 30 baje ke liye har din ek reminder set kare to check on kaylee ' s dog\", '5 pm ko kaisa dikh raha hai', '25 minutes ke liye timer add kare', 'classical music play karo', 'Kya muje umbrella lane ki zarurat he', 'alarm ko on karo', 'Mujhe aj raat ko mere tv show ko dekhne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'Milwaukee mei sabse popular events kya hai', 'Muje mere chats laiye', 'Hurricane ka season forecast', 'kya is weekend ko aaj se garmi hogi ?', 'sabhi set kiye huwe alarm ko delete karo', 'Is weekend ke liye mere saare set reminders mita den .', 'Aaj kitna cloudy hone wala he ?', 'kya aaj mere county ke liye koi weather advisory hai ?', 'previous week ke alarms cancel kardo', 'Los Angeles me aaj raat events', 'kal ke liye mausam kaisa hai ?', 'agley 4 ghantey ke liye har ghante ke liye alarm set kare', 'Kya is weekend koi wine tasting events hai', 'Mujhe Monday ko mere dermatology appointment ko set up karne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'timer me 3 aur ek half minutes ko add kare', 'aur 40 ke liye snooze karen .', 'abhi timer restart kare', '2 mins ke liye mere snooze ko set karen', 'When Sagarika was born doctor said \"Mubarak ho aur Shubhkamnayen bhi\"', 'mujhe janna hai ki midnight daily kab hai', 'sabse dheemi traffic kaha se hogi', 'pepper lene ke liye reminder set kare', 'Pittsburgh me pop music concerts', 'kya kal dhoop hogi ?', '4 baj gaye Lekin sallu sir ki entry abi baaaki hai....', 'mujhe loans dinner party ke liye kab nikalna chahiye cancel kare', 'March 8th dopahar ke liye alarm set kare', 'mujhe mere upcoming doctor appointment ko reschedule karne ke liye yaad dilaye', \"please mere liye ek Hilda ' s music ki play list banayen .\", 'us message ko thumbs up kare', 'Terry ko pucho ki pick up the dry cleaning on his way over .', 'current timer ko resume kare please', 'mere reminders ko clear karo', 'is album ko repeat kare', 'rock music please', 'please mujhe 8 baje meri dawai lene ke liye yaad dilayen', 'Russia me mausam kaisa hai', 'Feb 14 2018 ke liye mere reminders kya the', 'is weekend Nashville mei kya hone wala hai', 'Laskhman: Bhaiya ye LK Advani kaun hai.. Naam suna suna sa lag raha..\\n\\nRam: Arre yaar mere baju wale section me tha school hai.. Yaad aaya..', 'timers merge kare', 'Kya mai thoda Rihanna sun sakta hu ?', \"Marina aur uski mom ko text karo ki I ' m going to be late\", 'liked tracks bajao', 'running band ho jae toh timer ko stop kare', 'please timer ko on karo', 'The first short story of premchand duniya ka sabse', 'Amazon shipment par status check karne ke reminder ko remove kar de', 'Mere timer ko stop kare .', 'Muje Sunday 8 pm ko remind karaye ki the plumber is coming in the morning .', 'mai 3 pm tak cairo festival city mall jaana chahta hoon toh mujhe kab nikalna chahiye ?', 'Kya Tampa ke raaste me traffic hai', 'Monday ke liye ek reminder set karen .', 'mujhe sunday 11 am ko ac ko wapas on karne ke liye yaad dilaayen .', 'mujhe timer par two minute ka warning de', 'pichle saal Colorado mei kitne inches ki barf padi', 'Wright Memorial Bridge par traffic', 'hahahah very true . . . bht bda dhoka hota tha ye hmare with . . :d', 'downtown se aane wala traffic kitna kharab hai', 'Monday ko is TV show par kya songs play kare gaye hai ?', 'mausam kaisa hai ?', 'Jay ko message kare ki mai usey Carolina Inn mei mile agle hafte happy hour ke liye', 'mere sarey alarms cance kare', 'mere alarms kya time ke liye set kare gaye hai', 'mere saare music ko shuffle kare', 'Target tak drive karke jane me kitna time lagega', 'kal subah 7 bajhe utne ke liye alarm set kare', 'Kya hum aaj offshore hurricane ke koi effects sun sakte hai', 'mujhe yaad dilao ki Friday subah 9 bajhe mere paas doctor ka appointment hai', 'but the bottom line is that he still has a chance to get lucky . . . unlike you ! :d', 'please alternate route khoje', 'mai apni alarm ke time ko change karna chahta hoon', 'agar mai 15 minutes mei nikalta hoon toh mujhe yaha se ali ke ghar pahunchne me kitna samay lagega ?', 'kya Toronto me baarish horahi hai ?', 'I 95 par traffic kaisa hai', 'mujhe 12 ghante pehle mere blood work appointment ke barey me nae khaana ke liye yaad dilaye', 'mere liye thoda rolling stones bajao', 'Fort Payne me is haftey church ke bake sales', 'Bailey ko Messenger par message bheje', 'mujhe Monday , August 6th ko 7 : 00 pm ko meri tutoring class ke baare me yaad dilaye', 'Aaj raat kitni thand hogi ?', 'HI, KYA ROTTEN TOMATOES 92% DIYA JO DESERVED HEI? VOH THO AWFULLY HIGH HEI YAR', 'December 31st ko mausam kaisa rahega ?', 'mujhe birthday card lene ke liye yaad dilaye', 'kitchen sink ko thik karane ke liye mujhe yaad dilaye', 'please aaj raat 9 pm ke liye alarm set karen', 'aj ke liye mere sare reminders play kare', 'baseball game dekhne ke liye 3 pm ka ek reminder set kare', 'tumhare liye movie ka sabse favorite part kya tha?', '30 minutes ke liye classical music bajao', 'kya koi dusra raasta hai is tarah ki traffic se bachne ke liye', 'Please agle song par jaayen', 'maine abhi jo alarm set kiya tha use dikhao', 'kya abhi Gisr AL Seus Road par koi traffic congestion hai ?', 'mujhe is tuesday mere dental appointment ke bare mei yaad dilaiye', 'alarm ko delete kare', 'Mai mera destination kab tak pahunchunga', 'please is timer ko roke', 'highways ka istemaal kiye bina sabse tez route', '930 aur 1030 am ke liye alarms banayen', 'local roads ka istemaal karke Disney On Ice tak ke liye time nikaalen', 'mai timer kaise set karu', 'Adrian ko message karo aur use bolo ki mai use baadme library time par mil jaunga', \"Use message karo ki I ' m late for the conference call\", 'Missy ko message karo aur dekho ke when she will get to the bbq', 'alavida', 'mere alarms cancel kare', 'meri alarm sound ko banane se ruko', 'aaj raat ka temperature kya hai', 'aaj ke alarms cancel kardo', 'Is weekend ke liye mujhe mere reminders dikhao .', 'mere timer ko fix kare', 'bankstons me agla free comic book night kab hai', 'har Tuesday , Friday aur Sunday ko 6 pm ke liye recurrent alarm set kare', 'kya washington dc ke aas paas koi road construction hai', 'Kya aap muje Celsius me temperature bata sakte he ?', 'Monday dopahar ko alarm create kare', 'kya is toofan ke sath ole girne ka koi chance hai ?', 'ye dialogue bipasha bolti to jyaada accha tha ! ! !', 'Greece me weather kesa he ?', '10 mins ke liye timer set kare', 'agar meeting subah 9 baje shuru hogi toh mujhe meri mom ke ghar se kitne baje niklane ki zarurat hoga', 'is aane wale weekend ke liye mere reminders kya hai', 'all% {DRIVENAME} khoje.', 'har roz 8 : 55 PM ke liye alarm add kare', 'DAILY REMINDER SET KARE TO TAKE NEW BLOOD PRESSURE PILL EVERYDAY AT 8 AM', 'sham 4 bajhe mujhe alert kareinge ?', 'steve ke last message ko angry react karo', 'Kissimme me toddlers ke liye fun events ho rahe he', 'Is shaam ke liye ek naya alarm shuru kare', 'aj raat 8 bajhe ke liye alarm set kare', 'mera next exercise reminder kis din hai', \"So if you think relationships are just about spending money .,.,.. i am glad you don't have any Girlfriend .,., :P\", 'REAL STEEL KA STORY THO SERIES OF MACHINATION US BAD GUYS JO GOOD GUYS SE AGAINS HEIN,', 'Pam ko message karo ki : book a car', 'kitni thand hai', 'is timer ko pause kare', 'is gaaney ko repeat par rakhiye', 'sleep playlist shuru se shuru ho raha he', 'aj traffic ke sath ghar drive karke jaane me kitna samay lagega', 'yaha sab mental hai.. ok lage raho yaro', 'kya Helwan pohochne me traffic acha hoga ?', 'is haftey ke alarms cancel kardo', 'Bruno Mars ka latest song bajao', 'is song ko playlist se hatao', 'mera timer par kitna samay hai ?', 'Muje mere alarms bataiye', 'Aane wale yoga related events kya hai', 'Is dopahar ko Centigrade me temperature kitna hoga ?', 'kya abhi PACIFIC COAST HWY 1 par koi accident hai', 'messenger par hiking group message ke liye sad reaction', 'Meri chat laiye', 'Jennifer ko gluten free flour recipe bhejne ke liye reminder set kare', 'Is weekend ko mujhe meri job interview ke liye prep karne ke liye reminder set kare', 'Despacito ko bajao', 'mujhe June 3rd ko subah 4 baje uthane ke liye yaad dilaye', 'Mujhe aj raat ko stove saaf karne ke liye yaad dilaye', '94 West par traffic kaisa hai', 'last song ko repeat kare .', 'Aaj raat vet appointment ke liye reminder set karen in the morning', 'har monday subah 5 baje mujhe jagaane ke liye ek alarm create karen', 'har din subha 8 am aur 8 : 30 am ko do alarms set karen .', 'har dusre song ko bajao', '15 minutes ke liye alarm ko snooze kardo', 'Agar mai 12 : 00 pm ko nikal jaoon to mere commute par kitna samay add hoga ?', '5 : 00 pm ko dinner ke liye cooking start karne ke liye reminder set kare', 'kya aap raat 10 baje ke liye mera alarm cancel karsakte hai', 'mujhe Tuesday ki swim practice ke baad Wanda ke bete ko pick karne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'kya yaha aur Denver ke beech interstate 80 saaf hai', 'Kis ke baare mein hai Zootopia', 'mujhe kal sham 4 bajhe Peter ko email bhejna hai . kya aap mujhe 3 PM ko yaad dila sakte hai ?', 'he is the best . . ramu kaka waala dialogue best hai . .', 'Liz ke HS graduation ke bare mei saare family members ko notify karne ke liye mujhe yaad dilaye', \"Sally ko email bhejkar batao ki the shower is at Kathy ' s\", 'teenagers ke beech kuch popular play kare', 'downtown Dallas me lunch time par traffic kaisa hai', 'Muje bataiye ki yaha se SAN FRANSISCO tak kitna time lagta he', 'agle Tuesday ke liye mausam kaisa hai ?', 'mere alarm bajne mei kitni der hai', 'Mujhe agle Friday ko Tom ke brithday ke liye reminder chahiye .', 'Pandora par Bruno Mars ke naam se ek radio station shuru kare', 'mere crepe timer se 60 seconds subtract kare', 'mujhe mausam janna chahiye .', 'jo cosmic rays jesi chiz ke karan hota hai.', 'mujhe subah 9 bajhe meri interview tak drive karke jaane me kitna samay lagega ?', '9 pm ke liye countdown set kare', 'Raleigh me Firework displays', 'er , Laura ko text bheje', 'kya Saturday ko dhoop hogi', 'denver me I 25 north par traffic kaisa hai', 'Maine me mausam kaisa hai ?', 'time ko phir se shuru karo', 'Christmas ke liye Brisbane me weather kesa rahega ?', 'ab heavy metal bajao', 'San Francisco me Free events', '5 minute ke liye har minute alarm set kare', 'Monday ke alarm par snooze times nae den', 'bt ladkyian wahan humesa hi fail krti hain us school main . . .', 'the nonstop movies on 31st ', 'Grand Haven me abhi air temperature kya hai', '60 seconds ke liye timer set kare', 'mujhe kal subha mera calendar check karne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'vo document describe kiya hi kya koun dushman hi?', 'snooze alarm ko cancel kare .', 'is weekend mousam kaisa rahega ?', 'Is thursday Alexandria me live music', 'California se New York ki doori kitni hai', 'mujhe mere liye yaha ka weather bataye', 'kal subah 8 baje mousam kaisa hoga', 'May 5th ko subah 9 bajhe ke liye alarm set kare', 'mujhe 4 pm par mere mortage pay karne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'subah 6 baje ke alarm ko cancel kare', 'acha tho thankyou is information ke liye.. tho ab muje thoda kaam hein.. hum fir is movie ke baare mein kal baat chat karenge.. subh raathri..', 'monday - friday ko subah 6 : 30 ke liye alarm set kare', '7 am ke alarm ko 45 minutes ke liye snooze kare', 'mausam kaisa hai ?', 'Aaj mujhe Buffalo drive karke jaane me kitna samay lagega', 'twenty seconds ke liye timer set kare', 'Mujhe traffic ki report dijiye please', 'Atlanta se dallas tak ka raasta kum samay leta hai ya atlanta se houston tak ka raasta', 'track ko skip kare', 'timer ko abhi band karo', 'Please mujhe wo sabhi reminders dedijiye jo mere paas Marshall ke saath hai', 'Isey skip kijiye', \"hamesha shaq sa hota hai ... ye iss tarah ki batein ye scooter wagerah sirf ek 90's ka kvian hi kar sakta hai ,guddu kvian hai kya ???\", 'Mulayam: \"Har party main sirf ek Gunda reh sakta hai. Aur is party ka Gunda main hun\" \\n\\nAll SP members:\"Fir hamara kya hoga netaji?\"', 'Christmas party kitne bajhe shuru hoti hai', 'Let it Go ko without vocals play karo', 'kal subha 9 baje ke liye alarm set karen', 'chadbourn se ghar tak driving traffic kya hai', 'And what agar GPS nahi hai to ?', 'Muje meeting me 8 am tak pohochne ke liye kitne baje nikalna padega ?', 'New York me broadway par bruce kitne nights se chal raha hai', 'timer ko restart karo', 'Agar mai abhi nikal jaoon to mujhe Adam ke ghar pahunchne me kitna samay lagega ?', 'Mishawaka me traffic ki wajah se kharab traffic', 'mere 4 am ke alarm ko kal 5 am ke liye badle', 'three more months ke liye alarm extend kare at 8 am every Monday', 'kya aap sabhi alarms cancel karsakte hai']}\n", "time: 538 µs (started: 2024-02-04 09:18:58 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "print(validation)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 43, "id": "3af7f625-33d4-4dc8-9372-6a4d04addb27", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "{'en': ['How far is Walgreens', 'Set reminder every Tuesday for Cross Fit .', 'Snooze all of my alarms', 'What is the driving time between Philadelphia and Richmond', 'I need reminder for tomorrow 6 am', 'How many reminders do I have for waxing appointments ?', 'What is the weather today in La Jolla ?', 'Make a repeating alarm Monday', 'Update all work reminders from 9 am to 10 am . for the month of September .', 'stop my two hour timer', 'Is it gonna be hot tomorrow', 'If I want to be in Bend by 6 pm what time should I leave', 'What will the weather be like at 7 pm', 'Can I go to the playground today ?', 'what is the traffic driving from CT to NYC', 'Set a daily alarm for 12 pm', 'Is there traffic coming home from the concert', 'Tell me the remaining time on the timer .', 'Resume that coffee timer', 'Can you remind me about my meeting on Tuesday ?', 'When is my next alarm ?', 'remind me at 8 pm to paint my nails', 'List the reminder time for my meeting with Gloria .', 'how many inches of rain did it rain today', 'is it heavy traffic in orlando', 'Turn off all alarms', 'Do I need a jacket tonight', '#Mariyam_Sarif is enjoying because of relationship with pak general', 'Family friendly concerts by Blake Shelton tomorrow', 'whats happening in miami in february', 'How many miles are between Seattle and New York', 'remind me to get bread and orange juice', 'please cancel my all alarm', 'Are there any upcoming live shows for kids', 'Am I going to need a coat today ?', 'Remove next weeks alarms', \"Text Nic saying that I ' m trying to parallel park with no success .\", 'We are going out to lunch with my dad today at 1 : 00 pm , can you remind me at 11 : 00 am ?', 'Change my timer from two minutes to three', 'What is the record low temperature', 'any auctions this weekend', 'ask Melanie if I can come September 5th', 'remind me to get a mammogram in September', '% s,% d%% done,% s remaining', 'Cancel my alarm', 'Reply to Uncle Jay with an audio message', \"ASK MY HUSBAND IF HE ' S GOING TO MAKE IT HOME FOR DINNER\", 'Is the weather conducive for a picnic today ?', 'How long should my commute take with the current traffic conditions', 'If i leave Seabreeze at 730 pm , when will I get to Mt Hope ave ?', 'Delete the reminder to take the dog to the vet next week', 'Turn on bell sound on alarm', 'Restart the timer .', 'bajrang bali set fire to lanka, and bajrangi bhaijaan will set your ticket money on fire.', 'play some motivating music', 'What is the average temperature difference today compared to last year', \"send a follow - up message to mike to see if he ' s in town this weekend\", 'Did it rain in New York yesterday', 'Events occurring in LA', \"I want to delete tomorrow ' s reminder about Luke coming over .\", 'Should I pack a sweater for our trip to Vermont ?', 'Remove the reminder about the staff meeting on Wednesday .', 'Set an alarm for 7 pm on the 8th of October', 'Cancel alarm', 'delete all of my running reminders', 'Alert me when it is 12 pm on May 3rd', 'add timer', 'Entertainment for the weekend', 'Remind me to ask Al about buying the pool cues next week on Monday .', 'heavy traffic on Bronx River Parkway', 'please text Joanne Brennan that I will be five minutes late .', 'add basketball game alarm tuesday at 3 : 00 pm', 'Do I have any reminders for sports practices next week ?', 'Respond to Molly with this message .', 'whats the temperature like', 'Set an alarm for Monday at 6 pm .', ' girls club is friday from 3-6 ! hope to see you there :)', 'How is the weather going to be like at 6 pm', 'whats the weekend construction schedule in chicago', 'play all Jimmy Ray songs from 90s please', 'Do I have messages on Twitter ?', 'Please play Never Say Goodbye by Bon Jovi on Pandora .', 'Set the alarm for 6 am', 'Set a go to work alarm', 'Lady Gaga concerts any time soon in New York', 'Play that funky music !', 'play me johnny cash', 'things to do tonight in downtown Orlando', 'when was the hottest summer', 'how long is the drive to the store', 'concerts for harry styles this weekend', 'weather now', 'cancel reminder to email john tonight', 'If I leave now , how long will it take me to get to El Paso with all the road construction on the freeway ?', 'Start timer', 'I liked the ending, although I though the last few scene were a bit gruesome\\n.', 'set alarm in 3 minute intervals', 'Like reaction the team thread', 'What is the weather going to be like in alpha Nj ?', 'play sam hunt music', 'How much time is left on my 20 minute alarm', 'Tell my co workers that there is an accident on the highway and to search for another route .', 'I want to know weather in Australia .', 'Please send a message to my mom that Happy Birthday .', 'Snooze the alarm for the next 5 minutes', 'How many miles to the zoo ?', 'Set reminder for August 28 at 11 am for pediatrician', 'are there a lot of accidents in my area today', \"What ' s the distance between tucson and San Diego\", \"What ' s the distance from El Paso to Houston\", 'Any fun Christmas related parties going on', 'Turn off alarm .', \"Play Madonna ' s top hits\", 'I expected more like the avengers where a bunch of heroes work together ', 'where is the storm now ?', 'Play the song over and over again', 'Is traffic heavier than usual', 'Replay this song', 'Are there any other alarms set for today ?', 'show me all my alarms for tonight', 'Make two alarms for 9 am and 3 pm every weekday', 'speechless and diya bhai tu to. General Chat Chat Lounge General Chat Chat Lounge excellent post yar (y)', 'How long is the drive the to the grocery store', 'Go get information on raves in Portland Friday', 'What reminders do I have for the 20th ?', 'I need to a hear a traffic report for my area', 'Where do I need to go to get to the Imax Theater located in Winnipeg ?', 'How many hours will it be until I get to San Francisco from my residence ?', 'Start a country station for me', 'lower the volume on the oven timer', \"Play Rihanna ' s most popular song\", 'update traffic every 10 minutes', 'Will this weather affect traffic', 'Are there any accidents on 92', \"Message Lisa , letting her know I ' m running late .\", \"what is cancun ' s hottest month of the year ?\", 'Clear all set alarms', 'Is it supposed to rain this weekend ?', \"dr.mohamed morsi announced as egypt's first elected president after the glorious 25th jan revolution.\", 'do I need a jacket tonight', 'show next three alarms', 'Can I get an estimate of the traffic ahead', 'Alarm set for last Friday of each month', 'what christmas things are happening this weekend in chicago', 'yoga events in wilmington this month', 'gujaratis rushing to the nearby bhel seller for rs.10 bhel and asking, brother give change for 500', 'Repeat song', 'should i wear a rainjacket today', 'set a timer for two and a half days', 'Could you forecast the weather for two days time', 'What are my alarms for Wednesday', 'Delete reminder to pick up lunch for team today', 'Delete all of my reminders for next Sunday', '#ModiWeakestPMever after seeing this troll yoday #ManMohanSinghwould be very happy But #PakistanArmy need not to be that much happy #Wait & Watch', 'Clear my alarms', 'Pause the current 1 - hour timer and add 15 minutes', \"What shoes are good for today ' s forecast ?\", 'Set up a reminder for Final Project 2 due on August 15th .', 'Set my pick up alarm to 15 mins after 4 .', 'please update traffic status', 'I dont want to miss the eye appointment at 1 , can you remind me 20 mins early .', 'Add 30 minutes to all my Tuesday alarms .', 'Delete the shopping reminder that i have set for tomorrow', 'what are the wind speeds', 'how many accidents are there on the freeway', 'Oh, I like bob too. I also like the personality of other minions.', \"I ' m bored . What can I do\", 'Will it be getting warmer or colder the rest of the day ?', 'Message Adriana with Line that you better start getting your act together .', 'holiday music concerts in hershey this month', 'Is it supposed to rain all day ?', 'will it frost in the morning ?', 'Play Eminem .', 'i have to uninstall the keyboard because it was typing and clicking everything', 'man, there were a lot of thorns in my inherent nature, some became flowers and some my dreams', 'send a message to Dr . Yoon ! Okay .', 'Resume the timer please', 'How long is left on the timer ?', 'Play the Sia station', 'Report the weather outside at 4 PM', 'Next song', 'If I had a dozen of a dozen eggs - - a dozen is twelve.', 'Please search for the forecast of this week ?', \"what time do I get to Rol â ndia if I leave my college at 5 o ' clock ?\", 'Change the pickup John from the station alarm for next week', 'Whats the weather forecast for my holidays next week ?', 'How warm is it at Mumbai this weekend in Fahrenheit', 'skip this one', 'Set reminder on the 13th to follow up with dr gupta', 'Delete all my alarms for tomorrow morning .', 'Remind me at 2 : 00 pm tomorrow to fill out the application for the new apartment', 'When was the last time a hurricane hit the US', 'What does the temperature feel like right now in Westhampton , MA ?', 'relationship status: what is it?', 'Could you tell me the Weather for London .', \"I didn't know Billy Crystal was the voice of Mike but I love it!\", 'What is the traffic driving from San Diego to Los Angeles', 'Delete my alarm with my income tax specialist .', 'set weekday alarm', \"he dosen't even know the spelling of demonetization.https://twitter.com/ArvindKejriwal/status/805744517005524996\\xa0…\", 'message Pauline thank you very much for the lunch .', 'events this weekend', 'Dislike Indie Movie Club thread text .', 'is there a bike lane on Haram Street ?', 'Is there a heat advisory warning for Luzerne County ?', \"Tell me today ' s weather forecast .\", \"I ' m travelling to Alaska , will I need to bring snow boots ?\", 'Will it take longer to get to Walmart by car or by bike ?', 'take off 3 minutes from my timer', 'I have noticed that too! I love Octavia Spencer in anything she does. ', 'will it rain later ?', 'When are our lunch reminders that are set for the next month .', 'Snooze for 13 minutes', 'How are traffic conditions between Salt Lake and Spanish Fork ?', 'Do you anticipate heavy traffic this weekend', 'Is there any construction on the way to work ?', 'Take away all the reminders that are set for tomorrow at 5 pm .', 'Set an alarm to wake me at 7 in the morning .', 'for sure', 'How is the weather in Greece at night ?', 'Set an alarm for 10 am tomorrow', 'Start the timer', 'Create alarm for Saturday at 11 am', 'Skip to the next song', 'play my Spotify classic rock playlist .', 'Play Layla by Eric Clapton .', 'when should i leave to arrive by 9 am', 'Find a Spring Break 2005 Playlist', 'stop the track', \"Set a reminder for 6 weeks from today that the rebate for the dog ' s medicine is due to arrive in the mail .\", 'Coolest pool parties this summer', \"Can I hear Demi Lovato ' s music ?\", \"It's about a boy who is left behind when his family goes on vacation. Some robbers try to break in and he has to deal with them.\", 'What is the traffic like right now', 'How long is the drive from LA to Paradise Valley', 'is there a faster route to downtown Portland', 'Send Kate I ’ m already there .', 'Add 10 mins to timer .', 'Haha yeah', 'Add 3 minutes to timer', 'Let Susan know that I am almost there', 'Out of all the available routes home , which is fastest', 'What is the driving time to Indianapolis via I 74', 'Send an audio message to sister', 'Should I bring a jacket', 'get up alarm for 6 am', 'But, so this is the first quadrant intersection.', 'reset the timer for tomorrow', 'add 10 min to timer', 'where is tampa'], 'hi_ng': ['Walgreens kitni door hai', 'Cross Fit ke liye har Tuesday reminder set kare', 'mere sarey alarms snooze kare', 'Philadelphia aur Richmond ke beech ka driving time kya hai', 'mujhe kal subah 6 bajhe ke liye reminder chahiye', 'Mere pas waxing appointments ke kitne reminders he ?', 'La Jolla me aaj mausam kaisa hai ?', 'Monday ka repeating alarm banaye', 'September ke mahine ke liye sabhi work reminders ko subah 9 baje se subah 10 baje me update karen .', 'mere two hour ke timer ko stop kare', 'Kya kal hot hone wala he', 'Agar mujhe 6 pm tak Bend me rahna hai to mujhe kitne baje nikalna chahiye', 'sham 7 baje ka mousam kaisa hoga', 'kya mai aj playground mei jaa sakta hoon ?', 'CT se NYC ki oor driving traffic kaisa hai', '12 pm ke liye ek daily alarm set karen', 'kya concert se ghar ke liye traffic hai', 'mujhe timer par bacha hua time batao .', 'us coffee timer ko resume kare', 'Kya aap muje meri meeting ke baare me Tuesday ko yaad dilasakte he ?', 'mera agla alarm kab hai ?', 'mujhe 8 pm ko mere nails paint karne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'Gloria ke sath meri meeting ke liye reminder time ko list karen .', 'aj kitne inches ki barish hui', 'Kya orlando me heavy traffic hai', 'saare alarms band karo', 'kya aaj raat mujhe jacket ki zarurat padegi', 'Pak General se relationship hone se maze kar rhi #Mariyam _ Sarif', 'kal Blake Shelton ke Family friendly concerts', 'february me miami mei kya hone wala hai', 'New York aur Seattle ke beech kitne miles hai', 'mujhe bread aur orange juice laane ke liye yaad dilaye', 'please mere sabhi alarms cancel kardo', 'kya kids ke liye koi upcoming live shows hai', 'Kya muje aaj coat ki zarurat padegi ?', 'next weeks ke alarms remove kardo', \"Nic ko text karo aur bolo ki I ' m trying to parallel park with no success .\", 'Aaj 1 : 00 pm ko mere dad ke sath lunch karne wale hai , kya ap mujhe 11 : 00 am ko yaad dila sakte hai ?', 'Mere timer ko do minutes se badal kar three minutes me badal do', 'low temperature record kya hai', 'kya is weekend koi auctions hai', 'Melanie se pucho ki kya mai September 5th ko aa sakta hoon', 'September me mujhe mammogram lene ke liye yaad dilaayen', '% s,% d%% done,%s shesh shesh.', 'mere alarm ko cancel kare', 'Uncle Jay ko audio message ke sath reply kare', 'mere pati se pucho ki kya wo raat ke khane ke liye ghar par jaane wala hai', 'kya aj picnic ke liye weather kaisa hai ?', 'current traffic conditions ke sath mera commute kitna samay lagega', 'agar mai Seabreeze at 730 pm ko leave karta hoon , toh mai Mt Hope ave kab tak pahuchunga ?', 'agley haftey dog ko vet me le jane ka reminder delete kare', 'alarm par bell sound on karo', 'timer ko restart kare', 'Bajrang Bali ne Lanka mein aag lagayi thi, aur bajrangi bhaijaan tumhare ticket ke paison ko aag lagayega.', 'kuch motivating music play karo', 'pichle saal ke aaj ke average temperature difference kya hai', \"mike ko follow - up message bheje to see if he ' s in town this weekend\", 'kya kal New York me baarish hui hai', 'LA me hone wale events', 'mai kal ke Luke aane ke liye reminder ko delete karna chahta hu .', 'Kya muje Vermont ki trip ke liye sweater pack karna chahiye ?', 'Wednesday ko staff meeting ke baare me reminder hataye', '8th October ko 7 pm ke liye ek alarm set karen', 'Alarm cancel kare', 'mere sarey running reminders delete karo', 'mujhe alert kare jab wo May 3rd ko 12 pm ko ho', 'timer ko add kare', 'weekend ke liye Entertainment', 'Mujhe agle hafte Monday ko Al se pool cues kharidne ke baare me pucho', 'Bronx River Parkway par heavy traffic', 'please Joanne Brennan ko text kare ki mai five minutes der se pahuchunga', 'tuesday 3 00 pm ko basketball game alarm add karo', 'kya mere paas agle hafte sports practices ke liye koi reminders hai ?', 'Molly ko is message ke sath reply kare', 'temperature kaisa hai', 'Monday 6 pm ke liye ek alarm set karen .', \"kick-off your weekend with service ! ev ! 's get on the bus trip to the boys &\", '6 pm ko mausam kaisa hone wala hai', 'chicago me weekend construction schedule kya hai', 'please 90s ke sabhi Jimmy Ray songs bajao', 'Kya Twitter par mere messages hai ?', 'Please Pandora par Bon Jovi dwara Never Say Goodbye play kare .', 'subah 6 baje ke liye alarm set karo', 'ek go to work alarm set karo', 'New York me Lady Gaga ke concerts koi time par hone wale hai', 'us funky music ko bajao !', 'Mere liye johnny cash bajao', 'downtown Orlando me tonight kuch karna he', 'hottest summer kab tha', 'store tak drive kitni lambi hai', 'Is weekend harry styles ke liye concerts hai', 'abhi ka mausam', 'aj raat john ko email karne ke liye reminder cancel kare', 'Agar mai abhi nikalta hu , to mujhe freeway par saare road construction ke sath El Paso pahuchne mei kitni der lagegi ?', 'timer ko start karo', 'muje ending pasand hein, muje tho us last few scene ko thoda gruesome laga', '3 minute ke intervals me alarm set kare', 'team thread ko Like reaction kare', 'alpha Nj me mausam kaisa rehne wala hai ?', 'sam hunt music play karo', 'mere 20 minute ke alarm par kitna time bakhi hai', 'mere co workers ko bolo ki highway par accident hua hai aur usey dusra rasta dhoondne ke liye', 'mai Australia ka mausam janna chahta hoon', 'Please meri ma ko message bhejo ki Happy Birthday .', 'agley 5 minutes ke liye alarm ko snooze karen', 'Zoo ko kitne miles hai ?', 'pediatrician ke liye August 28 at 11 am ka reminder set kare', 'Kya aaj mere area me bahut accidents he', 'San Diego aur tucson ke beech kitna distance hai', 'El Paso se Houston ki doori kitni hai', 'kya koi Christmas related parties chal rahe hai', 'alarm band kare', 'Madonna ke top hits bajao', 'main ise kuch avengers ke jaise expect kiya that jis may kuch heroes saath mai kaam karthe hai', 'abhi toofan kaha hai ?', 'bar bar aur bar bar song ko bajao', 'kya traffic pehle se zyada bhaari hai', 'Is song ko reply kare', 'kya aaj ke liye koi aur alarms set hai ?', 'Mujhe aaj raat ke liye mere sabhi alarms dikhao', 'Do alarms banao har weekday 9 am and 3 pm ke liye', 'speechless kar diya bhai tu to ... excellent post yar (y)', 'grocery store tak drive kitni lambi hai', 'Friday ko Portland me raves ke baare me jaanne ke liye information le', 'Mere paas 20th ke liye konse reminders he ?', 'mujhe mere area ke liye ek traffic report sunna hai', 'Mujhe Winnipeg me Imax Theater pahunchne ke liye kaha jaana chahiye ?', 'mere residence se San Francisco pahuchne mei kitni der lagegi ?', 'mere liye ek country station shuru kare', 'oven timer par volume ko lower kare', 'Rihanna ka sabse popular song bajao', 'har 10 minute mei traffic update kare', 'kya traffic par is mausam ka asar horaha hai', 'kya 92 par koi accidents hai', \"Lisa ko message karo aur use batao ki I ' m running late .\", 'cancun ke saal ke hottest month kya hai ?', 'sabhi set kiye huwe alarm ko clear karo', 'Kya is weekend ko baarish honi chahiye ?', \"dr . mohamed morsi announced as egypt's first elected president after the glorious 25th of jan revolution . .\", 'kya mujhe aj raat jacket ki zarurat padegi', 'agley three alarms dikhao', 'kya mujhe aage ki traffic ke estimate milsakti hai', 'har mahine ki last Friday ke liye alarm set kare', 'is weekend chicago mei kya christmas things hone wale hai', 'Is mahine wilmington me yoga events', 'Gujaratis rushing to the near buy bhel wala for Rs.10 ka bhel & asking bhai 500 chutto aapi de', 'song ko repeat kare', 'Kya aaj mujhe rainjacket pahanani chahiye', 'Do aur adhe din ke liye timer set kare', 'Kya aap do din ke liye weather forecast kar sakte hai', 'Wednesday ke liye mere alarms kya hai', 'aaj team ke liye lunch pick up karne ke reminder ko delete kare', 'next Sunday ke liye mere sabhi reminders delete karo', '#ModiWeakestPMever ye troll dekh k aaj #ManMohanSingh bahut khush honge ... But #PakistanArmy ko itna khus hone ki jaroorat nehi 0 #Wait & Watch', 'mere alarms clear kare', 'current 1 - hour timer ko rok do aur usme 15 minutes add karo', 'aaj ke forecast ke liye konse shoes ache hai ?', 'August 15th ko Final Project 2 due ke liye reminder set karen .', 'mere pick up alarm ko 4 baje ke baad 15 mins ke liye set karen .', 'please traffic status ko update karen', 'mai 1 baje eye appointment nahi miss karna chahta hu , kya ap mujhe 20 mins pehle yaad dila sakte hai .', 'mere sabhi Tuesday ke alarms me 30 minutes add kare', 'maine kal ke liye jo shopping reminder set kiya hai use delete karden', 'wind ki speeds kya hai', 'freeway par kitne accidents hue he', 'Oh, mujhe bhi bob pasand hai. Mujhe dusre minions ki personality bhi pasand hai.', 'mai bored hoon . kya karsakta hu', 'kya din ke baaki dinon me garm hone wala hai ya colder ?', 'Adriana ko message karo ki you better start getting your act together .', 'Is mahine hershey me holiday music concerts', 'Kya aaj poora din baarish honi chahiye ?', 'Kya subha frost padegi ?', 'Eminem ko bajao .', 'mejhe keyboard uninstall karna pada because ye everything type aur click kar raha tha.', 'Kante Bahut Thay Daman eFitrat Mein Adam .. KuchPhul Aur Kuch Mere ArmanBan Gaye ..', 'Okay . Dr . Yoon ko message send kare !', 'timer ko resume kare please', 'timer par kitna samay bacha hai ?', 'Sia station ko play kare', 'sham 4 bajhe bahar ka mausam report kare', 'agla song', 'If I had a dozen of a dozen eggs-- ek dozen 12 ke barabar hota he.', 'Please is week ke forecast ko search kare', \"Agar mai mere college se 5 o ' clock ko nikal jaoon to mai Rol â ndia kab tak pahunch jaoonga\", 'agle hafte ke liye John ko station se pickup karne ke alarm ko badlein', 'agle hafte mere holidays ke liye weather forecast kia hai', 'Is weekend Mumbai me Fahrenheit me kitna garm hai', 'isey skip kardo', 'dr gupta ke sath follow up karne ke liye 13th ko reminder set kare', 'kal subha ke liye mere sabhi alarms delete kardo', 'Mujhe kal 2 00 pm ko new apartment ke liye application fill karne ke liye yaad dilaye', 'US ko aakhiri baar toofan kab giri tha', 'Westhampton , MA me abhi temperature kitna lagta hai ?', 'Relationship status: wo kya hota hai?', 'Kya ap mujhe London ka mausam bata sakte hai .', 'mujhe nahi pata tha Billy Crystal Mike ka voice tha par mujhe ye acha laga!', 'San Diego se Los Angeles tak traffic driving kya hai', 'Mere income tax specialist ke sath mera alarm delete kare', 'weekday alarm set karo', 'Inhe Demonetization ki spelling bhi nahi aati.https://twitter.com/ArvindKejriwal/status/805744517005524996\\xa0…', 'Pauline ko message karo ki thank you very much for the lunch .', 'is weekend ke events', 'Indie Movie Club thread text ko dislike kare', 'kya Haram Street par bike lane hai ?', 'kya Luzerne County ke liye koi heat advisory warning hai ?', 'Muje aaj ka weather forecast bataiye .', 'mai Alaska jaa raha hoon , kya mujhe snow boots lane ki zarurat padegi ?', 'Walmart pohochne me car fast hogi ya bike ?', 'mere timer se 3 minutes nikaal do', 'MEIN BHI YEH NOTICED KIYAHOON. MUJE OCTAVIA SPENCER PASAND HEIN', 'Kya baad baarish hogi ?', 'mere lunch reminders agley mahine ke liye kab set kiye gaye hai', '13 minutes ke liye snooze karen', 'Salt Lake aur Spanish Fork ke beech ka traffic kaisa hai ?', 'kya aap is weekend heavy traffic ki ummeed karsakte hai', 'Kya work ke raste me koi construction hai ?', 'kal sham 5 bajhe ke liye set kiye hue sabhi reminders ko nikaal do', 'mujhe subha 7 baje uthane ke liye alarm set kare', 'sure hee', 'Greece me raat ko weather kesa he ?', 'kal subah 10 baje ke liye alarm set karo', 'timer ko start karo', 'Saturday subah 11 bajhe ke liye alarm create karo', 'agle song par jaayen', 'mere Spotify classic rock playlist ko bajao', 'Eric Clapton dwara Layla bajaye', 'mujhe 9 am tak pahunchne ke liye kab nikalna chahiye', 'Spring Break 2005 ki playlist ko khoje', 'track band kardo', 'aaj se 6 weeks baad ek reminder set kare ki dog ki dawa ke liye rebate mail me aane wala hai', 'is summer par coolest pool parties', 'Kya mai Demi Lovato ke music ko sun sakta hu ?', 'wah ek ladke ke baare mein hai jo chhot jata hai jab uski family vacation pe jaate hain. Kuch robbers andar ghusne ke ;iye try karte hain and use unse nipatna padta hai.', 'abhi traffic kaisa hai', 'LA se Paradise Valley tak drive kitni lambi hai', 'kya downtown Portland ke liye koi faster route hai', 'Kate ko bheje ki I ’ m already there .', '10 mins ko timer me add kare', 'HAHA HAAN YAR', '3 minutes ko timer me add kare', 'Susan ko batao ki I am almost there', 'ghar ke liye sarey available routes me se konsa sabse tez hai', 'I 74 ke zariye Indianapolis tak driving time kya hai', 'sister ko ek audio message bhejo', 'Kya muje jacket lana chahiye', 'Subha 6 baje ke liye get up alarm set karen', 'But, so this is the first quadrant milanbindu he.', 'kal ke liye timer ko reset karen', '10 min ko timer me add kare', 'tampa kaha hai']}\n", "time: 408 µs (started: 2024-02-04 09:18:58 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "print(test)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 44, "id": "7a6a53db-26db-4b15-a3aa-c9348aad803d", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "time: 352 µs (started: 2024-02-04 09:18:58 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "def tokenize(prompt):\n", " return tokenizer(\n", " prompt,\n", " truncation=True,\n", " max_length=CUTOFF_LEN ,\n", " padding=\"max_length\"\n", " )" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 45, "id": "2e7039cb-f365-4f18-9363-38bccedb3609", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": { "model_id": "c8876e7330fe461586f56826de3e400d", "version_major": 2, "version_minor": 0 }, "text/plain": [ "Map: 0%| | 0/2000 [00:00 \u001b[0m\u001b[32;49m24.0\u001b[0m\n", "\u001b[1m[\u001b[0m\u001b[34;49mnotice\u001b[0m\u001b[1;39;49m]\u001b[0m\u001b[39;49m To update, run: \u001b[0m\u001b[32;49mpython -m pip install --upgrade pip\u001b[0m\n", "time: 2.81 s (started: 2024-02-04 09:19:01 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "!pip install -q rouge_score" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 48, "id": "7716356d-f77c-4c41-80d2-5f19a3f3f131", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "/tmp/ipykernel_1671/1263529513.py:1: FutureWarning: load_metric is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version of datasets. Use 'evaluate.load' instead, from the new library 🤗 Evaluate: https://huggingface.co/docs/evaluate\n", " rouge_score = load_metric(\"rouge\")\n", "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/datasets/load.py:753: FutureWarning: The repository for rouge contains custom code which must be executed to correctly load the metric. You can inspect the repository content at https://raw.githubusercontent.com/huggingface/datasets/main/metrics/rouge/rouge.py\n", "You can avoid this message in future by passing the argument `trust_remote_code=True`.\n", "Passing `trust_remote_code=True` will be mandatory to load this metric from the next major release of `datasets`.\n", " warnings.warn(\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "time: 386 ms (started: 2024-02-04 09:19:03 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "rouge_score = load_metric(\"rouge\")" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 49, "id": "b3686672-d78b-4592-b204-13f022a2502b", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "time: 345 ms (started: 2024-02-04 09:19:04 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "import time\n", "\n", "import numpy as np\n", "from transformers import TrainingArguments\n", "import nltk\n", "from nltk.translate.bleu_score import corpus_bleu, SmoothingFunction\n", "\n", "# Import evaluate from py-rouge package\n", "import evaluate\n", "\n", "# Initialize ROUGE metric using py-rouge\n", "rouge_metric = evaluate.load(\"rouge\")\n", "\n", "def preprocess_logits_for_metrics(logits, labels):\n", " if isinstance(logits, tuple):\n", " logits = logits[0]\n", " return logits.argmax(dim=-1)\n", "\n", "def compute_metrics(eval_preds, tokenizer):\n", " preds, labels = eval_preds\n", "\n", " if isinstance(preds, tuple):\n", " preds = preds[0]\n", "\n", " # Replace -100 in the preds as we can't decode them\n", " preds = np.where(preds != -100, preds, tokenizer.pad_token_id)\n", "\n", " # Decode generated summaries into text\n", " decoded_preds = tokenizer.batch_decode(preds, skip_special_tokens=True)\n", "\n", " # Replace -100 in the labels as we can't decode them\n", " labels = np.where(labels != -100, labels, tokenizer.pad_token_id)\n", " # Decode reference summaries into text\n", " decoded_labels = tokenizer.batch_decode(labels, skip_special_tokens=True)\n", "\n", " # ROUGE expects a newline after each sentence\n", " decoded_preds = [\"\\n\".join(pred.strip()) for pred in decoded_preds]\n", " decoded_labels = [\"\\n\".join(label.strip()) for label in decoded_labels]\n", "\n", " # Calculate ROUGE scores using py-rouge\n", " result = rouge_metric.compute(predictions=decoded_preds, references=decoded_labels, use_stemmer=True)\n", " # Extract a few results and convert to percentage\n", " result = {key: value * 100 for key, value in result.items()}\n", "\n", " #smoothing function\n", " smoothing_function = SmoothingFunction().method4\n", "\n", " # Calculate BLEU score for n-grams (1 to 4)\n", " bleu_scores = []\n", " for n in range(1, 5):\n", " weights = (1/n,) * n\n", " bleu_scores_n = [corpus_bleu([[ref]], [pred], weights=weights, smoothing_function=smoothing_function) for ref, pred in zip(decoded_labels, decoded_preds)]\n", " bleu_scores.append(sum(bleu_scores_n) / len(bleu_scores_n))\n", "\n", " # Calculate mean generated length\n", " prediction_lens = [np.count_nonzero(pred != tokenizer.pad_token_id) for pred in preds]\n", " gen_len = np.mean(prediction_lens)\n", "\n", " # You can process the rouge_scores, bleu_scores, and gen_len as needed\n", " return {\n", " \"rouge_scores\": result,\n", " \"bleu_scores\": bleu_scores,\n", " \"gen_len\": gen_len\n", " }\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 50, "id": "cbdd1a5c-587f-4a36-9444-39cfb24d0474", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Detected kernel version 5.4.0, which is below the recommended minimum of 5.5.0; this can cause the process to hang. It is recommended to upgrade the kernel to the minimum version or higher.\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "time: 11.5 ms (started: 2024-02-04 09:19:04 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "# Declare training arguments\n", "training_args = TrainingArguments(\n", " output_dir=\"mixtral-8x7b-instruct-v0.1-english-to-hinglish-translation\",\n", " evaluation_strategy=\"epoch\",\n", " do_eval=True,\n", " save_strategy=\"epoch\",\n", " learning_rate=1e-4,\n", " logging_strategy='epoch', # log according to log_steps\n", " num_train_epochs=2,\n", " per_device_train_batch_size=2,\n", " gradient_accumulation_steps=2,\n", " greater_is_better=True,\n", " # metric_for_best_model='eval_loss',\n", " load_best_model_at_end=True,\n", " lr_scheduler_type=\"cosine\",\n", " group_by_length=True,\n", " save_safetensors=True,\n", " #report_to=\"wandb\",\n", " fp16=True,\n", " seed=42\n", "\n", ")\n", "\n", "# Declare trainer\n", "trainer = Trainer(\n", " model=model,\n", " args=training_args,\n", " train_dataset=train_data,\n", " eval_dataset=validation_data,\n", " compute_metrics=lambda eval_preds: compute_metrics(eval_preds, tokenizer), # Pass the tokenizer\n", " preprocess_logits_for_metrics=preprocess_logits_for_metrics,\n", " data_collator=transformers.DataCollatorForLanguageModeling(tokenizer, mlm=False)\n", ")" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 51, "id": "79c92e8a-f171-4bf4-a70d-133f7d5a78c9", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "GPU = NVIDIA A100 80GB PCIe. Max memory = 79.199 GB.\n", "29.957 GB of memory reserved.\n", "time: 1.49 ms (started: 2024-02-04 09:19:04 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "# Show current memory stats\n", "gpu_stats = torch.cuda.get_device_properties(0)\n", "start_gpu_memory = round(torch.cuda.max_memory_reserved() / 1024 / 1024 / 1024, 3)\n", "max_memory = round(gpu_stats.total_memory / 1024 / 1024 / 1024, 3)\n", "print(f\"GPU = {gpu_stats.name}. Max memory = {max_memory} GB.\")\n", "print(f\"{start_gpu_memory} GB of memory reserved.\")" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 52, "id": "007ada20-24e7-4513-9c6b-e1ff94ef37ee", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "huggingface/tokenizers: The current process just got forked, after parallelism has already been used. Disabling parallelism to avoid deadlocks...\n", "To disable this warning, you can either:\n", "\t- Avoid using `tokenizers` before the fork if possible\n", "\t- Explicitly set the environment variable TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM=(true | false)\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on\n", "overlay 200G 89G 112G 45% /\n", "tmpfs 64M 0 64M 0% /dev\n", "tmpfs 504G 0 504G 0% /sys/fs/cgroup\n", "shm 62G 4.0K 62G 1% /dev/shm\n", "/dev/nvme0n1p4 868G 33G 792G 4% /usr/bin/nvidia-smi\n", "/dev/nvme1n1 200G 212K 200G 1% /workspace\n", "tmpfs 504G 12K 504G 1% /proc/driver/nvidia\n", "tmpfs 504G 4.0K 504G 1% /etc/nvidia/nvidia-application-profiles-rc.d\n", "tmpfs 504G 0 504G 0% /proc/acpi\n", "tmpfs 504G 0 504G 0% /proc/scsi\n", "tmpfs 504G 0 504G 0% /sys/firmware\n", "time: 379 ms (started: 2024-02-04 09:19:04 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "!df -h" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 53, "id": "f609ac5a-ca38-4bf7-b88f-89998c620b26", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "huggingface/tokenizers: The current process just got forked, after parallelism has already been used. Disabling parallelism to avoid deadlocks...\n", "To disable this warning, you can either:\n", "\t- Avoid using `tokenizers` before the fork if possible\n", "\t- Explicitly set the environment variable TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM=(true | false)\n", "huggingface/tokenizers: The current process just got forked, after parallelism has already been used. Disabling parallelism to avoid deadlocks...\n", "To disable this warning, you can either:\n", "\t- Avoid using `tokenizers` before the fork if possible\n", "\t- Explicitly set the environment variable TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM=(true | false)\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "time: 5.6 s (started: 2024-02-04 09:19:05 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "!pip install -qqq gputil psutil --progress-bar off\n", "!pip install -qqq wandb --progress-bar off" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 54, "id": "61ebc4e1-48d3-43ba-a0fb-f59b9163c550", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "\u001b[34m\u001b[1mwandb\u001b[0m: Currently logged in as: \u001b[33mdrishtisharma96505\u001b[0m. Use \u001b[1m`wandb login --relogin`\u001b[0m to force relogin\n" ] }, { "data": { "text/plain": [ "True" ] }, "execution_count": 54, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "time: 1.04 s (started: 2024-02-04 09:19:10 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "\n", "# Initialize wandb\n", "import wandb\n", "import GPUtil\n", "import psutil\n", "wandb.login() # You might need to log in to your wandb account" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 55, "id": "066f521e-783f-4912-8fe1-cdee3775e10e", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/html": [ "Tracking run with wandb version 0.16.2" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "Run data is saved locally in /workspace/wandb/run-20240204_091911-5iuogjgs" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "Syncing run mixtral_8x7b_english_to_hinglish to Weights & Biases (docs)
" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ " View project at https://wandb.ai/drishtisharma96505/mixtral_8x7b_english_to_hinglish" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ " View run at https://wandb.ai/drishtisharma96505/mixtral_8x7b_english_to_hinglish/runs/5iuogjgs" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "execution_count": 55, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "time: 536 ms (started: 2024-02-04 09:19:11 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "wandb.init(project=\"mixtral_8x7b_english_to_hinglish\", entity=\"drishtisharma96505\", group='mixtral_8x7b_english_to_hinglish', name='mixtral_8x7b_english_to_hinglish') \n" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 56, "id": "9f5f6f57-8e1d-4cd3-8e54-69a9cd3d2c58", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "`use_cache=True` is incompatible with gradient checkpointing. Setting `use_cache=False`...\n", "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/torch/utils/checkpoint.py:429: UserWarning: torch.utils.checkpoint: please pass in use_reentrant=True or use_reentrant=False explicitly. The default value of use_reentrant will be updated to be False in the future. To maintain current behavior, pass use_reentrant=True. It is recommended that you use use_reentrant=False. Refer to docs for more details on the differences between the two variants.\n", " warnings.warn(\n", "The input hidden states seems to be silently casted in float32, this might be related to the fact you have upcasted embedding or layer norm layers in float32. We will cast back the input in torch.float16.\n", "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/bitsandbytes/nn/modules.py:226: UserWarning: Input type into Linear4bit is torch.float16, but bnb_4bit_compute_dtype=torch.float32 (default). This will lead to slow inference or training speed.\n", " warnings.warn(f'Input type into Linear4bit is torch.float16, but bnb_4bit_compute_dtype=torch.float32 (default). This will lead to slow inference or training speed.')\n", "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/torch/utils/checkpoint.py:429: UserWarning: torch.utils.checkpoint: please pass in use_reentrant=True or use_reentrant=False explicitly. The default value of use_reentrant will be updated to be False in the future. To maintain current behavior, pass use_reentrant=True. It is recommended that you use use_reentrant=False. Refer to docs for more details on the differences between the two variants.\n", " warnings.warn(\n", "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/torch/utils/checkpoint.py:429: UserWarning: torch.utils.checkpoint: please pass in use_reentrant=True or use_reentrant=False explicitly. The default value of use_reentrant will be updated to be False in the future. To maintain current behavior, pass use_reentrant=True. It is recommended that you use use_reentrant=False. Refer to docs for more details on the differences between the two variants.\n", " warnings.warn(\n", "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/torch/utils/checkpoint.py:429: UserWarning: torch.utils.checkpoint: please pass in use_reentrant=True or use_reentrant=False explicitly. The default value of use_reentrant will be updated to be False in the future. To maintain current behavior, pass use_reentrant=True. It is recommended that you use use_reentrant=False. Refer to docs for more details on the differences between the two variants.\n", " warnings.warn(\n", "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/torch/utils/checkpoint.py:429: UserWarning: torch.utils.checkpoint: please pass in use_reentrant=True or use_reentrant=False explicitly. The default value of use_reentrant will be updated to be False in the future. To maintain current behavior, pass use_reentrant=True. It is recommended that you use use_reentrant=False. Refer to docs for more details on the differences between the two variants.\n", " warnings.warn(\n", "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/torch/utils/checkpoint.py:429: UserWarning: torch.utils.checkpoint: please pass in use_reentrant=True or use_reentrant=False explicitly. The default value of use_reentrant will be updated to be False in the future. To maintain current behavior, pass use_reentrant=True. It is recommended that you use use_reentrant=False. Refer to docs for more details on the differences between the two variants.\n", " warnings.warn(\n", "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/torch/utils/checkpoint.py:429: UserWarning: torch.utils.checkpoint: please pass in use_reentrant=True or use_reentrant=False explicitly. The default value of use_reentrant will be updated to be False in the future. To maintain current behavior, pass use_reentrant=True. It is recommended that you use use_reentrant=False. Refer to docs for more details on the differences between the two variants.\n", " warnings.warn(\n", "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/torch/utils/checkpoint.py:429: UserWarning: torch.utils.checkpoint: please pass in use_reentrant=True or use_reentrant=False explicitly. The default value of use_reentrant will be updated to be False in the future. To maintain current behavior, pass use_reentrant=True. It is recommended that you use use_reentrant=False. Refer to docs for more details on the differences between the two variants.\n", " warnings.warn(\n", "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/torch/utils/checkpoint.py:429: UserWarning: torch.utils.checkpoint: please pass in use_reentrant=True or use_reentrant=False explicitly. The default value of use_reentrant will be updated to be False in the future. To maintain current behavior, pass use_reentrant=True. It is recommended that you use use_reentrant=False. Refer to docs for more details on the differences between the two variants.\n", " warnings.warn(\n", "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/torch/utils/checkpoint.py:429: UserWarning: torch.utils.checkpoint: please pass in use_reentrant=True or use_reentrant=False explicitly. The default value of use_reentrant will be updated to be False in the future. To maintain current behavior, pass use_reentrant=True. It is recommended that you use use_reentrant=False. Refer to docs for more details on the differences between the two variants.\n", " warnings.warn(\n", "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/torch/utils/checkpoint.py:429: UserWarning: torch.utils.checkpoint: please pass in use_reentrant=True or use_reentrant=False explicitly. The default value of use_reentrant will be updated to be False in the future. To maintain current behavior, pass use_reentrant=True. It is recommended that you use use_reentrant=False. Refer to docs for more details on the differences between the two variants.\n", " warnings.warn(\n", "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/torch/utils/checkpoint.py:429: UserWarning: torch.utils.checkpoint: please pass in use_reentrant=True or use_reentrant=False explicitly. The default value of use_reentrant will be updated to be False in the future. To maintain current behavior, pass use_reentrant=True. It is recommended that you use use_reentrant=False. Refer to docs for more details on the differences between the two variants.\n", " warnings.warn(\n", "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/torch/utils/checkpoint.py:429: UserWarning: torch.utils.checkpoint: please pass in use_reentrant=True or use_reentrant=False explicitly. The default value of use_reentrant will be updated to be False in the future. To maintain current behavior, pass use_reentrant=True. It is recommended that you use use_reentrant=False. Refer to docs for more details on the differences between the two variants.\n", " warnings.warn(\n", "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/torch/utils/checkpoint.py:429: UserWarning: torch.utils.checkpoint: please pass in use_reentrant=True or use_reentrant=False explicitly. The default value of use_reentrant will be updated to be False in the future. To maintain current behavior, pass use_reentrant=True. It is recommended that you use use_reentrant=False. Refer to docs for more details on the differences between the two variants.\n", " warnings.warn(\n", "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/torch/utils/checkpoint.py:429: UserWarning: torch.utils.checkpoint: please pass in use_reentrant=True or use_reentrant=False explicitly. The default value of use_reentrant will be updated to be False in the future. To maintain current behavior, pass use_reentrant=True. It is recommended that you use use_reentrant=False. Refer to docs for more details on the differences between the two variants.\n", " warnings.warn(\n", "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/torch/utils/checkpoint.py:429: UserWarning: torch.utils.checkpoint: please pass in use_reentrant=True or use_reentrant=False explicitly. The default value of use_reentrant will be updated to be False in the future. To maintain current behavior, pass use_reentrant=True. It is recommended that you use use_reentrant=False. Refer to docs for more details on the differences between the two variants.\n", " warnings.warn(\n", "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/torch/utils/checkpoint.py:429: UserWarning: torch.utils.checkpoint: please pass in use_reentrant=True or use_reentrant=False explicitly. The default value of use_reentrant will be updated to be False in the future. To maintain current behavior, pass use_reentrant=True. It is recommended that you use use_reentrant=False. Refer to docs for more details on the differences between the two variants.\n", " warnings.warn(\n", "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/torch/utils/checkpoint.py:429: UserWarning: torch.utils.checkpoint: please pass in use_reentrant=True or use_reentrant=False explicitly. The default value of use_reentrant will be updated to be False in the future. To maintain current behavior, pass use_reentrant=True. It is recommended that you use use_reentrant=False. Refer to docs for more details on the differences between the two variants.\n", " warnings.warn(\n", "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/torch/utils/checkpoint.py:429: UserWarning: torch.utils.checkpoint: please pass in use_reentrant=True or use_reentrant=False explicitly. The default value of use_reentrant will be updated to be False in the future. To maintain current behavior, pass use_reentrant=True. It is recommended that you use use_reentrant=False. Refer to docs for more details on the differences between the two variants.\n", " warnings.warn(\n", "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/torch/utils/checkpoint.py:429: UserWarning: torch.utils.checkpoint: please pass in use_reentrant=True or use_reentrant=False explicitly. The default value of use_reentrant will be updated to be False in the future. To maintain current behavior, pass use_reentrant=True. It is recommended that you use use_reentrant=False. Refer to docs for more details on the differences between the two variants.\n", " warnings.warn(\n", "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/torch/utils/checkpoint.py:429: UserWarning: torch.utils.checkpoint: please pass in use_reentrant=True or use_reentrant=False explicitly. The default value of use_reentrant will be updated to be False in the future. To maintain current behavior, pass use_reentrant=True. It is recommended that you use use_reentrant=False. Refer to docs for more details on the differences between the two variants.\n", " warnings.warn(\n", "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/torch/utils/checkpoint.py:429: UserWarning: torch.utils.checkpoint: please pass in use_reentrant=True or use_reentrant=False explicitly. The default value of use_reentrant will be updated to be False in the future. To maintain current behavior, pass use_reentrant=True. It is recommended that you use use_reentrant=False. Refer to docs for more details on the differences between the two variants.\n", " warnings.warn(\n", "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/torch/utils/checkpoint.py:429: UserWarning: torch.utils.checkpoint: please pass in use_reentrant=True or use_reentrant=False explicitly. The default value of use_reentrant will be updated to be False in the future. To maintain current behavior, pass use_reentrant=True. It is recommended that you use use_reentrant=False. Refer to docs for more details on the differences between the two variants.\n", " warnings.warn(\n", "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/torch/utils/checkpoint.py:429: UserWarning: torch.utils.checkpoint: please pass in use_reentrant=True or use_reentrant=False explicitly. The default value of use_reentrant will be updated to be False in the future. To maintain current behavior, pass use_reentrant=True. It is recommended that you use use_reentrant=False. Refer to docs for more details on the differences between the two variants.\n", " warnings.warn(\n", "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/torch/utils/checkpoint.py:429: UserWarning: torch.utils.checkpoint: please pass in use_reentrant=True or use_reentrant=False explicitly. The default value of use_reentrant will be updated to be False in the future. To maintain current behavior, pass use_reentrant=True. It is recommended that you use use_reentrant=False. Refer to docs for more details on the differences between the two variants.\n", " warnings.warn(\n", "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/torch/utils/checkpoint.py:429: UserWarning: torch.utils.checkpoint: please pass in use_reentrant=True or use_reentrant=False explicitly. The default value of use_reentrant will be updated to be False in the future. To maintain current behavior, pass use_reentrant=True. It is recommended that you use use_reentrant=False. Refer to docs for more details on the differences between the two variants.\n", " warnings.warn(\n", "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/torch/utils/checkpoint.py:429: UserWarning: torch.utils.checkpoint: please pass in use_reentrant=True or use_reentrant=False explicitly. The default value of use_reentrant will be updated to be False in the future. To maintain current behavior, pass use_reentrant=True. It is recommended that you use use_reentrant=False. Refer to docs for more details on the differences between the two variants.\n", " warnings.warn(\n", "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/torch/utils/checkpoint.py:429: UserWarning: torch.utils.checkpoint: please pass in use_reentrant=True or use_reentrant=False explicitly. The default value of use_reentrant will be updated to be False in the future. To maintain current behavior, pass use_reentrant=True. It is recommended that you use use_reentrant=False. Refer to docs for more details on the differences between the two variants.\n", " warnings.warn(\n", "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/torch/utils/checkpoint.py:429: UserWarning: torch.utils.checkpoint: please pass in use_reentrant=True or use_reentrant=False explicitly. The default value of use_reentrant will be updated to be False in the future. To maintain current behavior, pass use_reentrant=True. It is recommended that you use use_reentrant=False. Refer to docs for more details on the differences between the two variants.\n", " warnings.warn(\n", "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/torch/utils/checkpoint.py:429: UserWarning: torch.utils.checkpoint: please pass in use_reentrant=True or use_reentrant=False explicitly. The default value of use_reentrant will be updated to be False in the future. To maintain current behavior, pass use_reentrant=True. It is recommended that you use use_reentrant=False. Refer to docs for more details on the differences between the two variants.\n", " warnings.warn(\n", "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/torch/utils/checkpoint.py:429: UserWarning: torch.utils.checkpoint: please pass in use_reentrant=True or use_reentrant=False explicitly. The default value of use_reentrant will be updated to be False in the future. To maintain current behavior, pass use_reentrant=True. It is recommended that you use use_reentrant=False. Refer to docs for more details on the differences between the two variants.\n", " warnings.warn(\n", "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/torch/utils/checkpoint.py:429: UserWarning: torch.utils.checkpoint: please pass in use_reentrant=True or use_reentrant=False explicitly. The default value of use_reentrant will be updated to be False in the future. To maintain current behavior, pass use_reentrant=True. It is recommended that you use use_reentrant=False. Refer to docs for more details on the differences between the two variants.\n", " warnings.warn(\n", "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/torch/utils/checkpoint.py:429: UserWarning: torch.utils.checkpoint: please pass in use_reentrant=True or use_reentrant=False explicitly. The default value of use_reentrant will be updated to be False in the future. To maintain current behavior, pass use_reentrant=True. It is recommended that you use use_reentrant=False. Refer to docs for more details on the differences between the two variants.\n", " warnings.warn(\n" ] }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "\n", "
\n", " \n", " \n", " [1000/1000 3:06:20, Epoch 2/2]\n", "
\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "
EpochTraining LossValidation LossRouge ScoresBleu ScoresGen Len
10.9944000.857161{'rouge1': 93.66433639177112, 'rouge2': 86.16312209617104, 'rougeL': 88.96569028246026, 'rougeLsum': 93.65082127462976}[0.000581715028380836, 0.0005735131190908485, 0.000559640714092523, 0.0005441766968373427]2047.998000
20.6294000.871945{'rouge1': 93.54182106152926, 'rouge2': 86.05446823709033, 'rougeL': 88.96922992123118, 'rougeLsum': 93.53351107529416}[0.0005895581385084092, 0.0005810015690343468, 0.0005667645554887882, 0.0005509301891024064]2047.998000

" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "name": "stderr", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/torch/utils/checkpoint.py:429: UserWarning: torch.utils.checkpoint: please pass in use_reentrant=True or use_reentrant=False explicitly. The default value of use_reentrant will be updated to be False in the future. To maintain current behavior, pass use_reentrant=True. It is recommended that you use use_reentrant=False. Refer to docs for more details on the differences between the two variants.\n", " warnings.warn(\n" ] }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Training Time: 11194.280026435852 minutes\n", "time: 3h 6min 34s (started: 2024-02-04 09:19:12 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "start_time = time.time() # Start timer\n", "\n", "trainer_stats = trainer.train()\n", "\n", "end_time = time.time() # End timer\n", "training_duration = end_time - start_time\n", "\n", "print(f\"Training Time: {training_duration} minutes\")" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 57, "id": "5a775538-b70f-463e-a867-5165c4a08463", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "11191.0048 seconds used for training.\n", "186.52 minutes used for training.\n", "Peak reserved memory = 76.193 GB.\n", "Peak reserved memory for training = 46.236 GB.\n", "Peak reserved memory % of max memory = 96.204 %.\n", "Peak reserved memory for training % of max memory = 58.38 %.\n", "time: 3.26 ms (started: 2024-02-04 12:25:46 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "#@title Show final memory and time stats\n", "used_memory = round(torch.cuda.max_memory_reserved() / 1024 / 1024 / 1024, 3)\n", "used_memory_for_lora = round(used_memory - start_gpu_memory, 3)\n", "used_percentage = round(used_memory /max_memory*100, 3)\n", "lora_percentage = round(used_memory_for_lora/max_memory*100, 3)\n", "print(f\"{trainer_stats.metrics['train_runtime']} seconds used for training.\")\n", "print(f\"{round(trainer_stats.metrics['train_runtime']/60, 2)} minutes used for training.\")\n", "print(f\"Peak reserved memory = {used_memory} GB.\")\n", "print(f\"Peak reserved memory for training = {used_memory_for_lora} GB.\")\n", "print(f\"Peak reserved memory % of max memory = {used_percentage} %.\")\n", "print(f\"Peak reserved memory for training % of max memory = {lora_percentage} %.\")" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 58, "id": "727e9d54-6391-45da-9b80-aa23f8b0d9f0", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "time: 3.33 ms (started: 2024-02-04 12:25:46 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "wandb.log({\n", " 'Model Name': 'mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1',\n", " 'Dataset': 'nateraw/english-to-hinglish',\n", " 'Key Features': 'Flash Attention 2, No Unsloth, No NEFTune',\n", " 'Hardware Specifications': 'GPU = {}, Max memory = {} GB'.format(gpu_stats.name, max_memory),\n", " 'Training Time (minutes)': training_duration,\n", " 'Training Arguments': training_args.to_dict(),\n", " 'Memory Stats': {\n", " 'Start GPU Memory (GB)': start_gpu_memory,\n", " 'Peak Reserved Memory (GB)': used_memory,\n", " 'Peak Reserved Memory for Training (GB)': used_memory_for_lora,\n", " 'Peak Reserved Memory % of Max Memory': used_percentage,\n", " 'Peak Reserved Memory for Training % of Max Memory': lora_percentage\n", " },\n", " 'Training Runtime (seconds)': trainer_stats.metrics['train_runtime'],\n", " 'Peak Reserved Memory (GB)': used_memory # Added missing parameter\n", "})" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 59, "id": "68330c1c-e5e5-4313-8d89-e221f97dbb1f", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": { "model_id": "c10447fdfc1440bfb4f4c904e267d5b4", "version_major": 2, "version_minor": 0 }, "text/plain": [ "VBox(children=(HTML(value='

', 'eos_token': '', 'unk_token': '', 'pad_token': ''}, clean_up_tokenization_spaces=False), added_tokens_decoder={\n", "\t0: AddedToken(\"\", rstrip=False, lstrip=False, single_word=False, normalized=False, special=True),\n", "\t1: AddedToken(\"\", rstrip=False, lstrip=False, single_word=False, normalized=False, special=True),\n", "\t2: AddedToken(\"\", rstrip=False, lstrip=False, single_word=False, normalized=False, special=True),\n", "}" ] }, "execution_count": 67, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" }, { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "time: 2.95 ms (started: 2024-02-04 12:43:43 +00:00)\n" ] } ], "source": [ "tokenizer" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 68, "id": "8f4a2c8e-8de5-4e8a-9cfc-c4d6015bf2c8", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": { "model_id": "8f64f19bf7ef4cd48a4d2d74bac890ef", "version_major": 2, "version_minor": 0 }, "text/plain": [ "model-00001-of-00006.safetensors: 0%| | 0.00/5.00G [00:00