Fine Tuning

by Jenish-23 - opened

Thank you for releasing this model. It gives surprisingly coherent responses for its size. I would really like to learn more about it.

How did you train it?
How can one fine tune it? What parameters to adjust?
What prompt format to use?
Are you going to release more iterations of it?

Hi thanks for your interests.

We trained it using the conventional transformer trainer on the downstream task for one epoch

I am not sure which task you want to fine-tune on, I guess the setup depends on different tasks, but I think if you want to naive fine-tuning (i.e., not collective-boost tuning) you can stick with trainer, which can help you adapt some of the params.

For this model we only do pretrain, so we basically use the raw format for C4 and wikitext

We don't have the plan for releasing a better version for now, but there is a chance that we will release another speculation architecture along with the tuned model weights.

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