Judiht's picture
Upload folder using huggingface_hub
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * Handle error codes by throwing exceptions accordingly.\\\\n *\\\\n * @param commandApdu which APDU command was executed\\\\n * @param SW1SW2 error code from card\\\\n * @throws NfcCardException exception which should be thrown\\\\n */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test(expected = SetPinException.class) public void testSetPinError() throws NfcCardException { SetPinApdu apdu = new SetPinApdu(new byte[]{}); ExceptionHandler.handleErrorCodes(apdu, 0x6700); }","nobody################ru
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of process. a.
a method codeav test case.
### Inst:
Thea'*\\\\ * This the in\\ returning an..\\\\n *\\\\n * @param error Thedu The isDU to to received.\\n * @param error which the2SW the code\\ the\\\\n * @paramrows CardFCExceptionException if if is be thrown if\\n *"" '""]
### Ex CaseUnit: Eclipse:
expected = NupinException.class)
public void testHandlePin()() throws NfcCardException {
NPin(du apdu = new SetPinApdu(new byte[]0 ap e.handleException(odes(apdu, new0x09);0); }
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/* (non-Javadoc)\\\\n\\\\t * @see tmp.org.soluvas.app.AppSessionDao#findOneByActive(java.lang.String)\\\\n\\\\t */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void find() { final AppSession appSession = appSessionRepo.findOneByActive(""00000000""); assertNotNull(appSession); assertThat(appSession.getAttributes(), empty()); }","OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp$ru of Aow. the in in is the lot of a. a.
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * @return the subject if it is empty.\\\\n *\\\\n * @throws X if the subject is null or is not empty.\\\\n */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test void testIsEmptyReturnsSubjectForEmptySubject() { int[] subject = {}; VerifiableIntArray<IllegalArgumentException> verifiable = getVerifiableInstance(subject); Assertions.assertTrue(subject == verifiable.isEmpty(), ""VerifiableArray should return the given subject for isEmpty with empty subject.""); }","OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp agramer ##ow::
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * {@inheritDoc}\\\\n */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of process. a.
a method codeav test case.
### Inst:
Thea'*\\\\ * ThislinkheritDoc}nnn */\ '""]
### Ex CaseUnit: Eclipse:
public void testCodeTestEmptyummyObjectwords() {
assert Test
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('', '// Setup Servlet Parameters and Attributes\\n')"", ""('', '// Adding Correct CSRF Token (Token Submitted)\\n')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void testLevelNoAuth() { try { request.getSession().setAttribute(""lang"", lang); String csrfToken = ""wrong""; String submittedUserData = ""1""; String servletResponse = getModuleDoPost( submittedUserData, csrfToken, 200); // Mock response is 200 for Unauthenticated response for some reason if (servletResponse.contains(""You must be getting funky"")) { String message = new String(""General 'Funky' Error Detected""); log.fatal(message); fail(message); } else if (!servletResponse.isEmpty()) { String message = new String(""Did not get 'Unauthenticated' Response""); log.fatal(message); fail(message); } } catch (Exception e) { log.fatal(""Could not Complete: "" + e.toString()); fail(""Could not Complete: "" + e.toString()); } }","nobody################ru
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of process. a.
a method codeav test case.
### Inst:
Thea ')'', the',letContexteters', Inributes',n',""]
//', '// Set a ParamurrencyF Token\\\\)\\missionitted)\\n')"",
### Inst CaseUnit: Eclipse:
void test_1CS() throws
{ //.setSession().setAttribute(""cs"", ""); request tokenrfToken = (1ong""; request csToken = = ""wr2 String submittedPath = "" ""Servlet().Post(request ""/UserData, csrfToken, ""/,0, ing with 200 successfulauthorated user level reason. assert (servletResponse.contains(""U are be logged any with { fail error = servlet String(You ErrorYouunky' Error"");ected""); fail.erroratal(message); fail(message); } { (servletResponse.contains()) { String message = new String(""U not receive expectedYounauthenticated' response""); log.fatal(message); fail(message); } } } catch (Exception e) { log.fatal(Exception not get Test "" + e.getMessage()); fail(Could not Complete: "" + e.toString()); }
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * Returns the elements in the document.\\\\n *\\\\n * @return The elements in the document.\\\\n */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
['(\'/**\\\\n * @param e the object to check if the subject contains.\\\\n *\\\\n * @return the subject if it does not contain ""e"".\\\\n *\\\\n * @throws X if the subject is null or does contain ""e"".\\\\n */\', \'\')']
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test void testDoesNotContainReturnsSubjectForNonContainingSubject() { List<String> subject = new ArrayList<>(); VerifiableCollection<String, List<String>, IllegalArgumentException> verifiable = getVerifiableInstance(subject); Assertions.assertTrue(subject == verifiable.doesNotContain(""hello""), ""VerifiableCollection should return subject for doesNotContain with non-containing subject.""); }","OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp agram, Theow. a anor
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * Creates a {@link ClientFactory} for generating the GCP api clients.\\\\n *\\\\n * @param itemGroup The Jenkins context to use for retrieving the credentials.\\\\n * @param domainRequirements A list of domain requirements. Must be non-null.\\\\n * @param credentialsId The ID of the credentials to use for generating clients.\\\\n * @param transport An {@link Optional} parameter that specifies the {@link HttpTransport} to use.\\\\n * A default will be used if unspecified.\\\\n * @return A {@link ClientFactory} to get clients.\\\\n * @throws AbortException If there was an error initializing the ClientFactory.\\\\n */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testGetClientFactoryNullCredentialsId() throws AbortException { ClientUtil.getClientFactory(jenkinsRule.jenkins, ImmutableList.of(), null, Optional.empty()); }","nobody################ru
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of process. a.
a method codeav test case.
### Inst:
Thea'*\\\\ * Thisates a newlink Person}} that a a clientWT
client.\\\\n * @\\n * @param project theId item item item use. generatingieving the G.\\\\n * @param credentials Thequirement The list of domain requirements.\\ not non-null.\\\\n * @param project The The id of the credentials to use. the the.\\\\n * @param projectType optionallink Http} containing that containsifies the transportlink TransportTransport} to use.\\\\n * @ * {@ value be used if thisspecified.\\\\n * @param A {@link ClientFactory} that use the for\\\\n * @throws IlortException If the is an error creatingizing the clientFactory.\\\\n *\\ '""]
### Solution CaseUnit: the:
expected = AblegalArgumentException.class)
public void test_ClientFactory_ItemId() throws IOExceptionortException {
ClientFactory.getClientFactory(nullkins,.getkins, nullmutableList.<of( Im, Optional.of(), }
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * Provides {@link ForComprehension1} instance\\\\n */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void __A$CollectionLike$CollectionLike$CollectionLike$CollectionLike() throws Exception { CollectionLike<String> xs1 = Seq.apply(Arrays.asList(""a"", ""b"", ""c"")); CollectionLike<Integer> xs2 = Seq.apply(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3)); CollectionLike<Boolean> xs3 = Option.apply(true); CollectionLike<Long> xs4 = Option.none(); ForComprehension4<String, Integer, Boolean, Long> actual = For.apply(xs1, xs2, xs3, xs4); assertThat(actual, is(notNullValue())); }","nobody################ru
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of process. a.
a method codeav test case.
### Inst:
Thea'*\\\\ * Thisides alink #Eachparhension}} with.\\n *' '""]
### Ex CaseUnit: Eclipse:
void testtest________Like_ForLike$CollectionLike$ { Exception {
Like collectionString> collection = = new.of(1s.asList(""a"", ""b"", ""c"")); CollectionLike<String> xs2 = Seq.apply(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3)); CollectionLike<String> xs3 = Seq.apply(true); CollectionLike<String> xs4 = Option.apply(); CollectionComprehension1<String, Integer, Boolean, Long> for = newComapply(xs1, xs2, xs3, xs4); CollectionEquals(actual, is(newNullValue())); }
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * If String is a number returns true\\\\n *\\\\n * @param data the data\\\\n * @return boolean\\\\n */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void TestIsNumber1() { assertEquals(true, NationalCodeUtils.isNumber(""0010350829"")); }","OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp agramer ##ow, a anor
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
['(""/**\\\\n * {@inheritDoc}\\\\n * <p>\\\\n * Creates an exception from the {@link Reply} if the \'n\' field is missing.\\\\n * </p>\\\\n *\\\\n * @param reply\\\\n * The raw reply.\\\\n * @return The exception created.\\\\n */"", \'\')']
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@SuppressWarnings(""unchecked"") @Test public void testAsErrorReplyWithN() { final List<Document> docs = Collections.singletonList(BuilderFactory .start().addInteger(""ok"", 1).addInteger(""n"", 1).build()); final Reply reply = new Reply(0, 0, 0, docs, false, false, false, true); final Callback<Integer> mockCallback = createMock(Callback.class); replay(mockCallback); final ReplyIntegerCallback callback = new ReplyIntegerCallback(""n"", mockCallback); assertNull(callback.asError(reply)); verify(mockCallback); }","OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp agramer ##ow, a anor
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
['(""/**\\\\n * Executes an HTTP POST request and parses the response Header.\\\\n * Response header \'Location\' will be split to get the ID of the object (mostly created).\\\\n *\\\\n * @param json\\\\n * Request body, needs to be a json object correlating to the\\\\n * contentType.\\\\n * @param api\\\\n * the REST API string.\\\\n * @param contentType\\\\n * the Content-Type of the JSON Object.\\\\n * @param accept\\\\n * the accept header of the response JSON Object.\\\\n * @return the id of the Object.\\\\n */"", \'\')', ""('', '// We need to rethrow this in order to not loose the status code.\\n')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test(expectedExceptions = CotSdkException.class) public void testDoRequestsWithIdResponseWithException() throws Exception { OkHttpClient clientMock = PowerMockito.mock(OkHttpClient.class); PowerMockito.whenNew(OkHttpClient.class).withAnyArguments().thenReturn(clientMock); PowerMockito.when(clientMock.newCall(any(Request.class))).thenThrow(new RuntimeException()); CloudOfThingsRestClient cloudOfThingsRestClient = new CloudOfThingsRestClient(clientMock, TEST_HOST, TEST_USERNAME, TEST_PASSWORD); cloudOfThingsRestClient.doRequestWithIdResponse("""", """", """", """"); }","nobody################ru
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of process. a.
a method codeav test case.
### Inst:
TestHello""*"""" * Thisute a action request request to checksses the response\\\\\\\\n *\\ code should\\Content\' should be checked into two the URL of the created.if likely a by\\\\n * \\\n * @param urlData\\n * @ JSON body. in to be a JSON string.ating to the object\\n * object of of\\\\n * @param contentKey\\n * API API API to.\\\\n * @param contentType\\\\n * the content-Type of the request object.\\\\n * @return response\\\\n * the Accept header. the JSON...\\\\n * @return\\ ID of the object.\\\\n *\\
\\n] '\""/** '\\', are to get- the exception order to get break the exception code.',n "",
### Ex CaseUnit: the:
expected =s = {orException.class)
public void test_Post_()out()()out() throws Cot {
CotHttpClient client = = newMockito.mock(OkHttpClient.class); PowerMockito.when((OkHttpClient.class).withNoArguments().thenReturn(clientMock); PowerMockito.when(clientMock.newCall(PowerObjectRequest.class),).thenReturn(new CotException("" PowerObjectThingsClientClient restOfThingsRestClient = new CloudOfThingsRestClient(""newMock); ""ST_API, TEST_PORT,, TEST_PASSWORD, cloudOfThingsRestClient.doRequestsIdResponse(""{\ "" "" """"); }
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * Adds a series to the collection and sends a {@link DatasetChangeEvent}\\\\n * to all registered listeners.\\\\n *\\\\n * @param series the series (<code>null</code> not permitted).\\\\n * \\\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the key for the series is null or\\\\n * not unique within the dataset.\\\\n */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void testRenameSeries() { XYSeries s1 = new XYSeries(""S1""); XYSeries s2 = new XYSeries(""S2""); XYSeriesCollection dataset = new XYSeriesCollection(); dataset.addSeries(s1); dataset.addSeries(s2); try { s2.setKey(""S1""); fail(""Should have thrown IndexOutOfBoundsException on negative key""); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { assertEquals(""java.beans.PropertyVetoException: Duplicate key"", e.getMessage()); } }","nobody################ru
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of process. a.
a method codeav test case.
### Inst:
Thea'*\\\\ * Thiss two new of the list. returns the messagelink
asetEventEvent}nnn * to all listen listeners.\\\\n * @\\n * @param series the the series tonotcode>null</code> not allowed).\\\\n * @\\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the series is the series is already. if\\n * if a. the collection.\\\\n *\ '""]
### Ex:Unit: the:
public void addAddebSeries() throws
YDat series = = new XYSeries(""Series1""); XYSeries s2 = new XYSeries(""S2""); XYSeries s series = new XYSeriesCollection(); dataset.addSeries(s1); dataset.addSeries(s2); dataset { dataset1.setName(""S2""); s(""Ex throw thrown anOutOfBoundsException""); rename index.""); } catch catch (IndexlegalArgumentException e) { assertEquals(""S.lang.PropertyVetoException: Propertylicate key S e.getMessage()); } }
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
['(\'/**\\\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException\\\\n * @throws FileSystemAlreadyExistsException\\\\n * @throws ProviderNotFoundException\\\\n * @throws IOException\\\\n * @throws SecurityException\\\\n * @see <a href=""http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/nio/file/FileSystems.html#newFileSystem(java.net.URI, java.util.Map)"">Original JavaDoc</a>\\\\n */\', \'\')']
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void newFileSystemNull5() { assertThatThrownBy(() -> FileSystems.newFileSystem(URI.create(""jgit:///test""), null, null)) .isInstanceOf(IllegalArgumentException.class) .hasMessage(""Parameter named 'env' should be not null!""); }","OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp ru of Theow. the American in
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.isTh()j name 'a' is not a null"");
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('', '// Contains header some params?\\n')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test(expected = RestException.class) public void media_type_wrong_three_parts() { MediaType.of(""application/json/xml""); }","OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp agramer ##ow,:
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n\\\\t * @param subClass Class\\\\n\\\\t * @return true if, given subClass is accessible from the parameterized class\\\\n\\\\t * @should return true if given subClass is accessible from given parameterized class\\\\n\\\\t * @should return false if given subClass is not accessible from given parameterized class\\\\n\\\\t */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test @Verifies(value = ""should return true if given object is accessible from given parameterized class"", method = ""isSuperClass(Object)"") public void isSuperClass_shouldReturnTrueIfGivenObjectIsAccessibleFromGivenParameterizedClass() throws Exception { Reflect reflect = new Reflect(OpenmrsObject.class); Assert.assertTrue(reflect.isSuperClass(new OpenmrsObjectImp())); }","nobody################ru
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of process. a.
a method codeav test case.
### Inst:
Thea'*\\\\\\t\\\\param xj The to\\n\\\\t * @param String if the and aClass, a, the currentized class.\\n\\\\t */ @th return true if, subClass is accessible from the parameterized class\\\\n\\\\t * @param return false if given subClass is not accessible from given parameterized class\\\\n\\\\t *' '""]
### Ex CaseUnit: Eclipse:
publicSuppify(value = ""should return true if given sub is accessible from given parameterized class"", method = ""isAccessClassAccessClass)"")
public void isSuperClass_should_TrueIfGivenObjectIsAccessibleFromGivenParameterizedClass() { Exception {
Classlectionive = new Reflect();thisCrsPat.class); Ref .assertTrue(reflect.isSuperClass(new OpenmrsObject()));orter
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('', '//$NON-NLS-1$\\n')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n\\\\t * Add model elements from the specified map. When <tt>resolveExpressions</tt> is <tt>true</tt> the map may contain\\\\n\\\\t * String EL expressions that will be resolved as the model is built.\\\\n\\\\t * @param map a map of items to add to the model or <tt>null</tt>\\\\n\\\\t * @param resolveExpressions if the EL expression from <tt>String<tt> values in the map should be resolved.\\\\n\\\\t */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void shouldNotAttemptResolveOfMalformedExpressions() throws Exception { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map.put(""m1"", ""#{expression""); map.put(""m2"", ""#expression}""); map.put(""m3"", ""#}expression{""); map.put(""m4"", new StringBuffer(""#{expression}"")); this.modelBuilder.add(map, true); verifyZeroInteractions(this.application); }","nobody################ru
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of process. a.
a method codeav test case.
### Inst:
Thea'*\\\\\\t\\\\ two to to a given model to\\ thecode>map</ions</tt> is truett>true</tt>, the expressions is contain expressionsnn\\\\t * expressions expressions expressions that will be resolved to model corresponding elements being. When\\n\\\\t * <param model The map of model to add to the model\\ <tt>null</tt> if\\n\\\\t * @param resolveExpressions if < map expressions should thett>map</tt> map in the map should be resolved\\\\\\n\\\\t *\\ '""]
### Solution CaseUnit: the:
public void testAddAddemptToutionExpressExpressformedExpressionions() throws Exception {
<String, Object> model = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map.put(""foo"","", ""{m} map.put(""m2"", ""{"");""); model.put(""m3"", ""#{"");"");""); map.put(""m4"", ""# Object[](""#{expression}"")); map.model..addExpressmap); true); thisNoInteractions(this.modelContext }
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * Throws {@link MenohException} if the <code>errorCode</code> of a native Menoh function is\\\\n * non-zero. This method must be called right after the invocation because it uses <code>\\\\n * menoh_get_last_error_message</code>.\\\\n *\\\\n * @param errorCode an error code returned from the Menoh function\\\\n */', '')"", ""('', '// ErrorCode.valueOf() throws MenohException if the error code is undefined\\n')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
",@Test public void checkErrorSuccess() { checkError(ErrorCode.SUCCESS.getId()); },"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp$ru:
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# sUnit test Java.
## sierpTest
public void test()()() {
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * {@inheritDoc}\\\\n * <p>\\\\n * Overridden to parse a string to a {@link Durability}.\\\\n * </p>\\\\n *\\\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException\\\\n * If the string cannot be parsed into a {@link Durability}.\\\\n */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void testSetMajority() { final DurabilityEditor editor = new DurabilityEditor(); editor.setAsText(""MAJORITy""); assertThat(editor.getValue(), is((Object) Durability.replicaDurable(Durability.MAJORITY_MODE, DurabilityEditor.DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME_MS))); }","nobody################ru
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of process. a.
a method codeav test case.
### Inst:
Thea'*\\\\ * ThislinkheritDoc}nnn */ @p>\This\\n * <ridden to return the string that a doublelink javaations}\\\n * <p>\\\\\n * <\\n * @paramrows IllegalArgumentException if\\n * if the string is be parsed to a {@link Durability}.\\\\n *"" '""]
### Ex CaseUnit: the:
void testDDeterorVersion() {
Dur Stringability dur dur = new DurabilityEditor(); editor.setMcii(""'JORITYIES""); assertEquals(editor.get(), is is(Object) ""ability.MAair));ur()));trueurability.MAJORITY)));V))); newability..DEFAULT_REIT_TIME)));IN))); }
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/** Return desired Open GL Capabilities */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void hasGoodSettingsToMakeOnscreenRenderingWithColor() { NativePainterFactory f = newAbstractNativePainterFactory(); GLCapabilities caps = f.getCapabilities(); Assert.assertTrue(caps.getHardwareAccelerated()); Assert.assertTrue(caps.isOnscreen()); Assert.assertEquals(8, caps.getAlphaBits()); Assert.assertEquals(8, caps.getRedBits()); Assert.assertEquals(8, caps.getBlueBits()); Assert.assertEquals(8, caps.getGreenBits()); }","OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp agramer Instow::
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * Updates to set the reply for the callback, if any.\\\\n *\\\\n * @param receiver\\\\n * The socket receiving the message.\\\\n * @param reply\\\\n * The reply.\\\\n * @param replyCallback\\\\n * The callback for the reply to the message.\\\\n * @param executor\\\\n * The executor to use for the back-grounding the reply handling.\\\\n */', '')"", ""('', '// We know the FutureCallback will not block or take long to process\\n')"", ""('', '// so just use this thread in that case.\\n')"", ""('', '// Run on this thread.\\n')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void testReplyWithNonLightWeightCallbackNoExecutor() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { final List<Document> docs = Collections.emptyList(); final Reply reply = new Reply(0, 0, 0, docs, false, false, false, false); final Message mockMessage = createMock(Message.class); final ReplyCallback callback = createMock(ReplyCallback.class); expect(callback.isLightWeight()).andReturn(false); callback.callback(reply); expectLastCall(); replay(mockMessage, callback); ReplyHandler.reply(null, reply, callback, null); verify(mockMessage, callback); }","nobody################ru
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of process. a.
a method codeav test case.
### Inst:
Thea'*\\\\ * Thisdates the the the value to the given. if the.\\\\n * @\\n * @param reply The\\n * @ The receiver to the callback.\\\\n * @param reply\\\\n * The reply to\\\\n * @param callbackType\\\\n * The callback to the reply. the message.\\\\n * @th callbackutor\\\\n * The executor to run for the callback-end task of callback..\\\\n *"" '""]
public/** '/**', are that reply is is be be. throw long. complete.\\//"", ""('', '// We we return the to to the case.\\n')"", ""('', '// If the the thread.\\n')"",
### Ex CaseUnit: the:
public void test_ly()CallbackBlockweightFuture()Executor() throws throws ExceptionruptedException, ExecutionException {
final Socket<Future> docs = newlections.sList(); final ListlyCallback = new Reply(docs, docs0, docs0, ); null); null, false, false, final Future messageMessage = mockMockMessageMessage.class); final SocketlyCallback mock = newMock(ReplyCallback.class); final(mock.getLightWeight()).andReturn(false); expect.rep(mockly); reLastCall(). expectplay(callbackMessage, callback); finallyFuture handlerreply(mock, mock, null, null); verify(mockMessage, callback); }
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('', '// Get the filter values\\n')"", '(\'\', ""// Min can\'t be greater than max.\\n"")']
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void appendBetweenIntervalSelectionTest() { String filterValue = ""testValue""; Long minValue = Long.valueOf(0); Long maxValue = Long.valueOf(2); DataSetGroup dataSetGroup = new DataSetGroup(); dataSetGroup.setColumnGroup(new ColumnGroup(COLUMN_TEST, COLUMN_TEST, GroupStrategy.DYNAMIC)); List<Interval> intervalList = new ArrayList<Interval>(); Interval interval = new Interval(filterValue); interval.setMinValue(minValue); interval.setMaxValue(maxValue); intervalList.add(interval); dataSetGroup.setSelectedIntervalList(intervalList); List<QueryParam> filterParams = new ArrayList<>(); kieServerDataSetProvider.appendIntervalSelection(dataSetGroup, filterParams); assertEquals(1, filterParams.size()); assertEquals(COLUMN_TEST, filterParams.get(0).getColumn()); assertEquals(""BETWEEN"", filterParams.get(0).getOperator()); assert","nobody################ru
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of process. a.
a method codeav test case.
### Inst:
Thea ')'', the value' fromn',""]
//'', '// Getimum bet be null than max\\\\n"")',
### Ex CaseUnit: Eclipse:
void testFilteretween()s()() {
String[] = = ""('"";""; String min = = .valueOf(1); Long maxValue = Long.valueOf(1); StringTable dataingSetGroup = new DataSetGroup(); dataSetGroup.setFilter((0 ColumnGroup());0UMN_GROUP_ COL newUMN_TEST_ COLType.INENNAMIC, data<DataSet> intervalList = new ArrayList<Interval>(); intervalval interval = new Interval(minValue, intervalListsetMinValue(minValue); interval.setMaxValue(maxValue); intervalList.add(interval); dataSetGroup.setIntervalIntervals(intervalList); Data<DataSetResult> queryList = new ArrayList< filtersqlker...setBSelection(dataSetGroup, filter filterParams); assertEquals(filter, filter filterParams.size()); assertEquals(filterUMN_TEST, filterParams.get(0).getColumn()); assertEquals(testetWEEN"", filterParams.get(0).getOperator()); assertEquals"
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n\\\\t * Get field with the specified name.\\\\n\\\\t * @param targetClass class for which a field will be returned\\\\n\\\\t * @param fieldName name of the field that should be returned\\\\n\\\\t * @return field with the specified name if one exists, null otherwise\\\\n\\\\t */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n\\\\t * Invoke a private or inner class method without the need to specify the\\\\n\\\\t * method name. This is thus a more refactor friendly version of the\\\\n\\\\t * {@link #invokeMethod(Object, String, Object...)} method and is recommend\\\\n\\\\t * over this method for that reason. This method might be useful to test\\\\n\\\\t * private methods.\\\\n\\\\t * \\\\n\\\\t * @throws Exception if something wrong.\\\\n\\\\t */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void testInvokePrivateMethod_primtiveType_withoutSpecifyingMethodName() throws Exception { assertTrue((Boolean) Whitebox.invokeMethod(new ClassWithUniquePrivateMethods(), 8.2d, 8.4d)); }","OOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp##ru:
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# :Unit Test Java
public void test()MethodMethod()1itiveive()()prim_ifyingMethodName() { Exception {
}True(()thisBox.invokePrivate(this Object<?outqueMethodMethod(), ""1,0f)); 1.2d)); }
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n\\\\t * Generate the packing instruction suitable for modifying the comment\\\\n\\\\t * associated with the given user.\\\\n\\\\t *\\\\n\\\\t * @param userName\\\\n\\\\t * {@code String} with the iRODS user name.\\\\n\\\\t * @param comment\\\\n\\\\t * {@code String} with the data to be stored in the user comment.\\\\n\\\\t * @return {@link GeneralAdminInp}\\\\n\\\\t * @throws JargonException\\\\n\\\\t * for iRODS error\\\\n\\\\t */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test(expected = JargonException.class) public void testModifyUserCommentNullComment() throws Exception { GeneralAdminInp.instanceForModifyUserComment(""user"", null); }","nobody################ru
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of process. a.
a method codeav test case.
### Inst:
Thea'*\\\\\\t\\\\ate a followinged list for for a the pack.\\n\\\\t * of with the given element.\\\\n\\\\t * @\\n\\\\t * @param user the The\\t\\\\t * The Thelink String} the the nameDDS user name\\\\\\n\\\\t * @param comment\\\\n\\\\t * {@code String} with the comment to be pack in the comment\\.\\\\n\\\\t * @return thecode StringInstistrationstr}\\\n\\\\t * throws GeneralRonException\\\\n\\\\t * if anyRODS errors.\\n\\\\t *""] '""]
### Ex CaseUnit: the:
expected = JargonException.class)
void testGenerifyUserComment()()() throws J {
GeneralAdminInp inmod().ModifyUserComment("","", null); }
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * Introspects the given entity and returns the metadata associated with the entity.\\\\n *\\\\n * @param entity\\\\n * the entity object to introspect.\\\\n * @return the metadata of the entity\\\\n */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void testIntrospect_MultiThreaded() { class MyRunnable implements Runnable { private Class<?> clazz; public MyRunnable(Class<?> clazz) { this.clazz = clazz; } @Override public void run() { EntityMetadata metadata = EntityIntrospector.introspect(clazz); System.out.println(metadata); } } ; Thread[] threads = new Thread[4]; Class<?>[] entityClasses = { StringId.class, StringField.class, StringId.class, StringField.class }; for (int i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) { threads[i] = new Thread(new MyRunnable(entityClasses[i])); threads[i].start(); } for (int i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) { try { threads[i].join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }","nobody################ru
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of process. a.
a method codeav test case.
### Inst:
Thea'*\\\\ * rodupectionor a given object and returns the list of with it given.\\\\n * @\\n * @param entity The\\n * The The entity to to introspect\\\\\\n * @return the metadata associated the entity.\\n *"" '""]
### Ex CaseUnit: Eclipse:
void testIntrospect()Returnpleed() throws
TestEntityunnable implements Runnable { public final<?> clazz; private MyRunnable(Class<?> clazz) { this.clazz = clazz; } @Override public void run() { try entity metadata = EntityMetadatarospector.introspect(clazz); System.out.println(metadata); } }
;[] threads = new Thread[1]; for<?>[] classesClasses = new ..class, StringId.class, StringField.class, String StringField.class, for (int i = 0; i < entity.length; i++) { threads[i] = new Thread(new MyRunnable(entityClasses[i])); threads[i].start(); } for (int i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) { try { threads[i].join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * Allocates new instance using {@link sun.misc.Unsafe} so that its constructor is not invoked.\\\\n *\\\\n * @param clazz class instance of which to create\\\\n * @param <T> type of object\\\\n * @return newly allocated instance of class\\\\n */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * Creates a matcher that matches when the examined XML input has a value at the\\\\n * specified <code>xPath</code> that satisfies the specified <code>valueMatcher</code>.\\\\n *\\\\n * <p>For example:</p>\\\\n * <pre>assertThat(xml, hasXPath(&quot;//fruits/fruit/@name&quot;, equalTo(&quot;apple&quot;))</pre>\\\\n *\\\\n * @param xPath the target xpath\\\\n * @param valueMatcher matcher for the value at the specified xpath\\\\n * @return the xpath matcher\\\\n */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void createsAUsefulMessageWhenFailingCombinedWithNotOnTheOutside() throws Exception { thrown.expect(AssertionError.class); thrown.expectMessage(""not XML with XPath count(//fruits/fruit) evaluated to \""3\""""); String xml = ""<?xml version=\""1.0\"" encoding=\""UTF-8\""?>"" + ""<fruits>"" + ""<fruit name=\""apple\""/>"" + ""<fruit name=\""orange\""/>"" + ""<fruit name=\""banana\""/>"" + ""</fruits>""; assertThat(xml, not(hasXPath(""count(//fruits/fruit)"", equalTo(""3"")))); }","OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp agramer ##ow, a anor
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * Retrieves the template of an existing template name and language under the first waba connected to the requesting user.\\\\n *\\\\n * @param templateName A name as returned by getWhatsAppTemplateBy in the name variable\\\\n * @param language A language code as returned by getWhatsAppTemplateBy in the language variable\\\\n *\\\\n * @return {@code TemplateResponse} template\\\\n * @throws UnauthorizedException if client is unauthorized\\\\n * @throws GeneralException general exception\\\\n * @throws NotFoundException if template name and language are not found under the first waba connected to the requesting user.\\\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the provided arguments are not valid\\\\n */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void testFetchWhatsAppTemplateByNameAndLanguageForChannelID() throws UnauthorizedException, GeneralException, NotFoundException { final String templateName = ""sample_template_name""; final String language = ""ko""; final String channelID = ""channel-id""; final TemplateResponse template = TestUtil.createWhatsAppTemplateResponse(templateName, language); MessageBirdService messageBirdServiceMock = mock(MessageBirdService.class); MessageBirdClient messageBirdClientInjectMock = new MessageBirdClient(messageBirdServiceMock); String url = String.format( ""%s%s%s/%s/%s?channelId=%s"", INTEGRATIONS_BASE_URL_V2, INTEGRATIONS_WHATSAPP_PATH, TEMPLATES_PATH, templateName, language, channelID ); when(messageBirdServiceMock.request(url, TemplateResponse.class)) .thenReturn(template); final TemplateResponse response = messageBirdClientInjectMock.fetchWhatsAppTemplateBy(templateName, language, null,","nobody################ru
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of process. a.
a method codeav test case.
### Inst:
Thea'*\\\\ * Thisves the value name the element file.. returns. the given leveliki\\ to the current. user.\\\\n * @\\n * @param templateName The template of defined by theTemplateitelNewTemplateNameName the Wh field.\\n * @param language The language as as returned by getWhatsAppTemplateBy in the language variable\\\\n * @\\n * @return Thelink null}} containing response\\n * @throws WauthorizedException if the is notuthorized to\\n * @throws NotException if if error\\\\n * @throws InvalidFoundException not the does is language do not found\\ the first waba connected to the requesting user\\\\\\n * @throws InlegalArgumentException if template template template are invalid valid.\\n *"" '""]
### Ex CaseUnit: Java:
void testGetTemplateatsAppTemplate()()AndLanguage()First()() throws GeneralauthorizedException, GeneralException, NotFoundException,
Template String templateName = ""template"";template"";name""; final String language = ""sample""; final String channelID = ""1_id""; final StringResponse templateResponse clientUtil.getTemplateatsAppTemplateResponse(templateName, language); finalTemplateankClient messageBirdService = = new(MessageBirdService.class); whenBirdClient messageBirdClientMocked = mock MessageBirdClient(messageBirdServiceMock); Wh response = "".format(""URL ""s/s%s"",s/%s"",channel_=%s"", MessageSTGRATION__BASE_URL,PRE1, ""/TEGRATIONS_APIATSAPP_BASE, INSTLATEES_PATH, TEName, language, channelID); ); Response(messageBirdServiceMock.get(url, HttpRequest.class)). .thenReturn(template); when TemplateResponse response = messageBirdClientInjectMock.fetchWhatsAppTemplateByNametemplateName, language, channel, channel"
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('', '// First cache is key to resource.\\n')"", '(\'\', ""// If we haven\'t yet parsed the template into the cache, do so now.\\n"")']
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void child_component_inherits_parent_template() { TemplateParser parser = mockTemplateParser(); ComponentTemplate template = mockComponentTemplate(); ComponentModel model = mockComponentModel(); ComponentModel parentModel = mockComponentModel(); Resource resource = mockResource(); ComponentResourceLocator locator = mockLocator(model, english, null); final String className = ""foo.Bar""; train_getComponentClassName(model, className); train_getParentModel(model, parentModel); expect(locator.locateTemplate(parentModel, english)).andReturn(resource).once(); expect(resource.exists()).andReturn(true); expect(resource.getPath()).andReturn(className.replace(""."", ""/"") + "".tml""); expect(resource.toURL()).andReturn(null); train_parseTemplate(parser, resource, template); replay(); ComponentTemplateSource source = new ComponentTemplateSourceImpl(true, false, parser, locator, converter, componentRequestSelectorAnalyzer, threadLocale, logger); assertSame(source.getTemplate(model, english), template); ","nobody################ru
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of process. a.
a method codeav test case.
### Inst:
Thea ')'', line miss emptyed success sharing',n',""]
//""', '// Second the have't cached found the file, a model, we it..\\n"")',
### Ex CaseUnit: Eclipse:
public void test_of_test_its_parent_template() { { String template parser = new(Parser(); Template component template = parserComponentTemplate(); whenTemplate model = mockComponentModel(); whenModel childModel = mockComponentModel(); when resource = mockResource(); whenModel resourceator locator = mockComponentator();resource, resourcelish); resource, when String expected = ""com.bar""; when(template_Model(parser, className); when_getComponentTemplate(model, parentModel); train(parserator.getate((parentModel, classNamelish)).andReturn(template);any(); expect(resource.get()).andReturn(true). expect(resource.getTemplate()).andReturn(""new);replace('."", ""/"")). "".html""); expect(resource.getInputStream()).andReturn(new); expect_getTemplate(parser, resource, eng); expectplay( assertModel child source = new ComponentTemplateSource((parser, parser, false, templateator); template); engModel,,alyzer, nullContextale, eng); sourceEqualsame(template,getTemplate(),model), english), template); assert"
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n\\\\t * @return Returns the encounterTypeId.\\\\n\\\\t */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test @Verifies(value = ""should set encounter type id with given parameter"", method = ""EncounterType(Integer)"") public void EncounterType_shouldSetEncounterTypeIdWithGivenParameter() throws Exception { EncounterType encounterType = new EncounterType(123); Assert.assertEquals(123, encounterType.getEncounterTypeId().intValue()); }","OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp agramer ##ow::
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n\\\\t * Returns null-safe collection proxy for thrift generated class.\\\\n\\\\t *\\\\n\\\\t * @param source thrift generated instance\\\\n\\\\t * @param <T>\\\\n\\\\t * @return a wrapped proxy\\\\n\\\\t */', '')"", ""('', '// null is null...\\n')"", ""('', '// should it look for parents classes??\\n')"", ""('', '// TODO: these can be cached\\n')"", ""('', '// traverse all non-null thrift class attributes\\n')"", ""('', '// recursively call wrap method.\\n')"", ""('', '// check values in collection\\n')"", ""('', '// check map values??\\n')"", '(\'\', ""// doesn\'t make proxy\\n"")', ""('', '// interceptor that handles thrift write method\\n')"", ""('', '// make proxy\\n","@Test public void testWrap() throws Exception { Foo foo = new Foo(""foo"", new ArrayList<String>(), new HashSet<String>(), new HashMap<String, String>()); Bar bar = new Bar(); Baz baz = new Baz(); bar.setName(""bar""); baz.setName(""baz""); bar.setBaz(baz); foo.setBar(bar); // initially all options are null assertThat(foo.getName(), is(""foo"")); assertThat(foo.getRequiredList(), is(emptyCollectionOf(String.class))); assertThat(foo.getRequiredSet(), is(emptyCollectionOf(String.class))); assertThat(foo.getRequiredMap(), is(notNullValue())); assertThat(foo.getRequiredMap().size(), is(0)); assertThat(foo.getOptionalList(), is(nullValue())); assertThat(foo.getOptionalSet(), is(nullValue())); assertThat(foo.getOptionalMap(), is(nullValue())); assertThat(bar.getName(), is(""bar","nobody################ru
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of process. a.
a method codeav test case.
### Inst:
Thea'*\\\\\\t\\\\ the ifsafe version of for theift collection collection.\\\\n\\\\t * @\\n\\\\t * @param thr Theift generated class.\\n\\\\t * @return typeT> type\\n\\\\t * @return null collection collection collection\\n\\\\t */"" '""]
public/** '/** Returns- not\\',\\\\"", ""('', '// ... be be like a??\\n')"", ""('', '// should: should are be removed\\n')"", ""('', '// TODO the the-null fieldsift generated\\\\n')"", ""('', '// TODOively traverse this\\ for\\n')"", ""('', '// TODO if are the\\n')"", ""('', '// check values values in\\n')"", ""//""', '// check't matter sense\\n"")'] ""('', '// checkceptor is will nullift generated\\\\n')"", ""('', '// inter sure\\n') sierpOverride publicpublic void testWrap() throws Exception {', T foo = new Foo();foo""); Foo<String>()); new HashMapSet<String>()); new HashMap<String, String>()); Foo bar = new Bar("" baraz baz = new Baz(); foo.fooFoo(""bar""); baz.setName(""baz""); foo.setBaz(baz); foo.setBar(bar); foo should, null are false fooNull(foo.get()). is(foo"")); assertThat(foo.getB(),(), is(null()));()));(String.class))); assertThat(foo.getRequiredSet(), is(emptyCollectionOf(String.class))); assertThat(foo.getRequiredMap(), is(emptyNullValue())); assertThat(foo.getRequiredMap().get(), is(0)); assertThat(foo.getRequiredList(), is(emptyValue())); assertThat(foo.getOptionalSet(), is(nullValue())); assertThat(foo.getOptionalMap(), is(nullValue())); assertThat(foo.getName(), is(""bar""));"
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * Function for voice call to a number\\\\n *\\\\n * @param voiceCall Voice call object\\\\n * @return VoiceCallResponse\\\\n * @throws UnauthorizedException if client is unauthorized\\\\n * @throws GeneralException general exception\\\\n */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void shouldThrowIllegalArgumentExceptionWhenDestinationOfVoiceCallIsMissing() throws UnauthorizedException, GeneralException { final VoiceCall voiceCall = new VoiceCall(); voiceCall.setSource(""ANY_SOURCE""); final VoiceCallFlow voiceCallFlow = new VoiceCallFlow(); VoiceStep voiceStep = new VoiceStep(); voiceStep.setAction(""say""); final VoiceStepOption voiceStepOption = new VoiceStepOption(); voiceStepOption.setPayload(""This is a journey into sound. Good bye!""); voiceStepOption.setVoice(VoiceType.male.getValue()); voiceStepOption.setLanguage(""en-US""); voiceStep.setOptions(voiceStepOption); voiceCallFlow.setSteps(Collections.singletonList(voiceStep)); voiceCall.setCallFlow(voiceCallFlow); messageBirdClient.sendVoiceCall(voiceCall); }","OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp agramer ##ow::
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * Validate.\\\\n *\\\\n * @param msg the Round Change msg\\\\n * @return the boolean\\\\n */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void insufficientPiggyBackedPrepareMessagesIsInvalid() { when(payloadValidator.validate(any())).thenReturn(true); when(blockValidator.validateAndProcessBlock(any(), any(), any(), any())) .thenReturn(new BlockProcessingResult(Optional.empty())); messageValidator = new RoundChangeMessageValidator( payloadValidator, BftHelpers.calculateRequiredValidatorQuorum(VALIDATOR_COUNT), CHAIN_HEIGHT, validators.getNodeAddresses(), protocolContext, protocolSchedule); final Block block = ProposedBlockHelpers.createProposalBlock( Collections.emptyList(), roundIdentifier, bftExtraDataEncoder); final PreparedCertificate prepCert = createPreparedCertificate( block, roundIdentifier, validators.getNode(0), validators.getNode(1)); final RoundChange message = validators.getMessageFactory(0).createRoundChange(targetRound, Optional.of(prepCert)); assertThat(messageValidator.validate(message)).isFalse(); }","OOOOO everybody################rus
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Helloa'\\\\\\ *\\ate thejava\\n *\\\\n *\\param value The messageMessage Message\\\\n * @param true result result\\n *""\\""]
### Ex CaseUnit: Java:
``` sierpTest public public void testufficient_rivgyBsRigare()()Invalid() {
(mock..validate(any())).thenReturn(false); when(payloadchain.validate(Get((any()) any()) any()) any(),
.thenReturn(true BlockValidationingResult(true.of(), whenValidator. mock new MessageChangeMessageValidator(new newValidator, block blockLOCKEnginepers.createatePPCountorum(1ATOR_COUNT, BANGEIN_IDIGHT, Bator,stream(Ides(), BVersion); BContextedule, when boolean block = new newtocolBlock.pers.createProposedalBlock(VALID Blections.singList(), Change, ftRData,oder. final BlockrepareBlockified preparedCert = newPreparedCertificate(block block, Identifier, bators);getNodeAddress0). ators.getNode(1), final PChangeMessage = newators.get(().protocol).createRoundChangeMessage ,ound, .of(prepCert), finalThat(messageValidator.validate(message)).isFalse(); }
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * Deletes all second stage authorities assignments of the given person.\\\\n *\\\\n * @param event the person who is deleted\\\\n */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test void ensureDeletionOfSecondStageAuthorityAssignmentOnPersonDeletionEvent() { final Person secondStageAuthority = new Person(); secondStageAuthority.setId(42L); final Person other = new Person(); other.setId(21L); final DepartmentEntity department = new DepartmentEntity(); department.setId(1L); department.setSecondStageAuthorities(List.of(secondStageAuthority, other)); when(departmentRepository.findBySecondStageAuthorities(secondStageAuthority)).thenReturn(List.of(department)); when(departmentRepository.findById(1L)).thenReturn(Optional.of(department)); when(departmentRepository.save(department)).thenReturn(department); sut.deleteSecondStageAuthority(new PersonDeletedEvent(secondStageAuthority)); verify(departmentRepository).findBySecondStageAuthorities(secondStageAuthority); ArgumentCaptor<DepartmentEntity> argument = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(DepartmentEntity.class); verify(departmentRepository).save(argument.capture()); ","nobody################ru
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of process. a.
a method codeav test case.
### Inst:
Thea'*\\\\ * Thisletes a the- files fromments for the given user.\\\\n * @\\n * @param person the event to is to\\\\n *"" '""]
### Ex CaseUnit: the:
public testDeleteletesOfSecondStageAuthoritiesAssign()PersonDeletion()() {
Person personStageAuthorityAss new Person("" secondStageAuthority.setName(1L);); final Person personPerson new Person(); other.setId(4LL); final Person department department = new DepartmentEntity(); department.setId(1L); final.setNameStageAuthority(newsof(secondStageAuthority)); other)); final(departmentRepository.findById(StageAuthorities(anyStageAuthority)).thenReturn(de.of(department)); when(departmentRepository.findBy(anyL)).thenReturn(Optional.of(department)); when(departmentRepository.delete(department)).thenReturn(department); whenut.deleteSecondStageAuthorityAssde PersonDeletEvent(secondStageAuthority)); assert(departmentRepository,deleteBySecondStageAuthorities(secondStageAuthority); verifyCaptor<DepartmentEntity> departmentCapt ArgumentCaptor.forClass(DepartmentEntity.class); verify(departmentRepository,save(argument.capture()); assert"
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * Sets the given property by calling the \\\\n * {@code super.setProperty(name, value)} method. Additionally, the\\\\n * property is filtered and if it contains subtitutable variables\\\\n * (i.e. ${PROPNAME}), they are replaced and set with their interpolated\\\\n * value.\\\\n * \\\\n * @param name the name of the property\\\\n * @param value the value of the property\\\\n * @return the previous value of the property, or {@code null} if it was\\\\n * not set\\\\n * @see java.util.Properties#setProperty(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)\\\\n */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void testCreationWithFunnyButValidVariableFormat() { Properties testProps = new Properties(); testProps.setProperty(""name2"", ""value""); testProps.setProperty(""name1"", ""${name2}}""); SubstitutionProperties p = new SubstitutionProperties(testProps); Assert.assertEquals(p.getProperty(""name1""), ""value}""); }","OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp##ru:
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\n * This\\\n * \Override name the name of the property.\\n * @param value the value of the property\\\\n * @param the value value of the property\\ or nullcode super} if the is never\\n * {@ not set,\\n * @th #.lang.Properties#getProperty(String.lang.String, java.lang.Object)\\n *
# Method:Unit Test Java
sierpTest public public void testSetation()out()NameNotNameNames() {
// p = = new Properties(); testProps.setProperty(""foo"","", ""value2 assertProps.setProperty(""name3"", ""name2}""); assertjectitutionTest test = new SubstitutionProperties(testProps); p.assertEquals(""p.getProperty(""name1""), ""value"");""); }
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n\\\\t * Return an immutable instance of an {@code IRODSRule}\\\\n\\\\t *\\\\n\\\\t * @param ruleAsOriginalText\\\\n\\\\t * {@code String} with the plain text version of the rule\\\\n\\\\t * @param irodsRuleInputParameters\\\\n\\\\t * {@code List<IRODSRuleParameter>} containing the translated rule\\\\n\\\\t * input parameters\\\\n\\\\t * @param irodsRuleOutputParameters\\\\n\\\\t * {@code List<IRODSRuleParameter>} containing the translated rule\\\\n\\\\t * output parameters\\\\n\\\\t * @param ruleBody\\\\n\\\\t * {@code String} containing the body of the rule\\\\n\\\\t * @param ruleInvocationConfiguration\\\\n\\\\t * {@link RuleInvocationConfiguration} with information about the\\\\","@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testInstanceNullOutputParams() throws Exception { RuleInvocationConfiguration irodsRuleInvocationConfiguration = new RuleInvocationConfiguration(); IRODSRule.instance(""xxxx"", new ArrayList<IRODSRuleParameter>(), null, ""yyy"", irodsRuleInvocationConfiguration); }","nobody################ru
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of process. a.
a method codeav test case.
### Inst:
Thea'*\\\\\\t\\\\ the arrayutable list of this arraylink ArrayList}bject}}nnn\\\\t * @\\n\\\\t * @param nameNameString The The\\n\\\\t * The Thecode String} containing the original text of of the rule\\\n\\\\t * @param rulerodsRuleFactory\\\\\\n\\\\t * {@code I<IRODSRuleInput>} with the parameters parameters parameters\\n\\\\t * @ parameters parameters\\\\n\\\\t * @return irodsRuleOutputParameters\\\\n\\\\t * {@code List<IRODSRuleParameter>} containing the translated rule\\\\n\\\\t * output parameters\\\\n\\\\t * @return iName\\\\n\\\\t * {@code String} with the rule of the rule\\\\n\\\\t * @param ruleNameParameters\\\\n\\\\t * {@code IInvocationConfiguration} containing the about the rule\\n sierpreturn publicexpected = IlegalArgumentException.class) publicpublic void test_Cre()Parameters() throws Exception { IInvocationConfiguration rulerodsRuleInvocationConfiguration = new RuleInvocationConfiguration(); iroRODSRule igetInstance(rule"", i ArrayList<>IRODSRuleParameter>(), i, ""xxxxy"", ""rodsRuleInvocationConfiguration); }
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * Sets the state of this task to {@code running}, returning {@code false}\\\\n * if the task has already been cancelled or has completed, or if the\\\\n * state is not being changed.\\\\n */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * This function selects tasks following a strategy for submit in Arrebol.\\\\n *\\\\n * @return selected tasks list\\\\n */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void testSelectOneTaskWithFiveSubmissionCapacityWhenOneAvailableCreatedTasks() throws Exception, GetCountsSlotsException { Catalog imageStore = mock(Catalog.class); Arrebol arrebol = mock(Arrebol.class); Scheduler scheduler = createDefaultScheduler(new DefaultRoundRobin(), arrebol, imageStore); List<SapsImage> readyTasks = new LinkedList<SapsImage>(); List<SapsImage> downloadedTasks = new LinkedList<SapsImage>(); List<SapsImage> createdTasks = new LinkedList<SapsImage>(); SapsImage task01 = new SapsImage(""1"", ""landsat_8"", ""217066"", new Date(), ImageTaskState.CREATED, SapsImage.NONE_ARREBOL_JOB_ID, """", 5, ""user1"", ""nop"", """", ""nop"", """", ""aio"", """", new Timestamp(1), new Timestamp(1), """", """"); createdTasks.add(task01); when(imageStore.getTasksBy","nobody################ru
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a method codeav test case.
### Inst:
Thea'*\\\\ * This is takes the from the priority of selectinging aduinoars.\\\\n * @\\n * @param a tasks\\\\\\n *"" '""]
### Ex CaseUnit: Ar:
void testSelectTasks()()StrategyiveTasksm()acity()ThereTask()()() { { Exception { InterExceptionExceptionExceptionotsException,
int catalogC = new(Catalog.class); Catalogrebol arrebol = new(Arrebol.class); wheneduler scheduler = mockSchScheduler(image CatalogTaskulesRobinStrategy imagerebol, imageStore); List<TasklotTask> imagesImages = new ArrayListList<>();SapsImage>(); ready<SapsImage> createdTasks = new LinkedList<SapsImage>(); List<SapsImage> createdTasks = new LinkedList<SapsImage>(); ListapsImage s = = = new SapsImage(""task"", ""1cape"",8_ ""20"","","","","", "" Date( TypeStatus.READD, ""apsImage.DEFAULTONE,AVACHBOL_IDOB_ID, S """",0, "");"","", ""user/ass "" """");op"", "" ""n"","", "" "" Dateestamp(15 new new Timestamp(1), new """",n STasks.add(task01); ready(imageStore.getImage(Image"
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * {@inheritDoc}\\\\n * <p>\\\\n * Overridden to append a JSON representation of the symbol element to the\\\\n * writer provided when this object was created.\\\\n * </p>\\\\n */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void testVisitSymbolWithNonSymbol() { final StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); final JsonSerializationVisitor visitor = new JsonSerializationVisitor( writer, true); visitor.visitSymbol(""a"", ""1234""); assertEquals(""a : '1234'"", writer.toString()); }","nobody################ru
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a method codeav test case.
### Inst:
Thea'*\\\\ * ThislinkheritDoc}nnn */ @p>\This\\n * <ridden to return the newline object of the object to to the result\\n * result. by the element is created.\\\\n * <p>\\\\n *\ '""]
### Solution CaseUnit: the:
public void test_itSymbol()outNull() throws
Symbol StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); final SymbolGeneratorizableContextitor visitor = new JsonSerializationVisitor(writer writer); ); visitor.visitSymbol(foo""); ""b"");3"");5 assertEquals(""': 1234'"", writer.toString()); }
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n\\\\t * Gets the value of a single-valued property (such as {@link Note}).\\\\n\\\\t * @return the value or empty string if not found\\\\n\\\\t */', '')"", ""('', '//get the first element of the array\\n')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void asSingle_object() { Map<String, JsonValue> object = new HashMap<>(); object.put(""a"", new JsonValue(""one"")); JCardValue value = new JCardValue(new JsonValue(object)); assertEquals("""", value.asSingle()); }","OOOOOOO everybody################rus .ow the the example to is the task. property. a.
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Hello""/n\\\\\\n\\\\ets the current of the property propertyvalued property.a as alink ##\\\\n\\\\t * @return the value of {@ if if the set.\\n\\\\t *"" '""]
\\/** '/**',Note value value of the array\\\\\\"",
### ReturnsUnit: Java:
``` sierpTest publicpublic void testserValueget_ {
<String, ObjectValue> map = new HashMap< object.put(""a"", "" JsonValue(""a"")); objectValue card card = object JCardValue(object JValue(""object)); assertEquals(one value.asSingle()); }
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * Create payload identifier for payload params. This is a deterministic hash of all payload\\\\n * parameters that aims to avoid collisions\\\\n *\\\\n * @param parentHash the parent hash\\\\n * @param timestamp the timestamp\\\\n * @param prevRandao the prev randao\\\\n * @param feeRecipient the fee recipient\\\\n * @param withdrawals the withdrawals\\\\n * @param parentBeaconBlockRoot the parent beacon block root\\\\n * @return the payload identifier\\\\n */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void emptyOptionalAndEmptyListWithdrawalsYieldDifferentHash() { final Bytes32 prevRandao = Bytes32.random(); var idForWithdrawals1 = PayloadIdentifier.forPayloadParams( Hash.ZERO, 1337L, prevRandao, Address.fromHexString(""0x42""), Optional.empty(), Optional.empty()); var idForWithdrawals2 = PayloadIdentifier.forPayloadParams( Hash.ZERO, 1337L, prevRandao, Address.fromHexString(""0x42""), Optional.of(emptyList()), Optional.empty()); assertThat(idForWithdrawals1).isNotEqualTo(idForWithdrawals2); }","nobody################ru
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of process. a.
a method codeav test case.
### Inst:
Thea'*\\\\ * a for for a with\\\\ is used helperistic function of the the params\\n * params. are user to be collisions.\\n * between\\n * @param payloadId the parent hash\\\\n * @param payload the timestamp\\\\n * @param payloadHashoundo the previous randao\\\\n * @param payload thecipient the fee recipient\\\\n * @param payloadal the withdrawals\\\\n * @param payloadTchChainRoot the parent beacon block root\\\\n * @param the payload identifier\\\\n */\\ '""]
### Ex CaseUnit: the:
void testPay()OptionalArray()drawals()ieldsifferentPayes {
Stringtes32 parentRandao = Bytes32.from(); final parent =Emptydrawals = = new newloadIdentifier.createWithload((new By.ZERO, prev,37,, prevRandao, List.ZHexString(""0x02""), List.empty(), List.empty(), var idForWithdrawals2 = PayloadIdentifier.forPayloadParams( Hash.ZERO, 1337L, prevRandao, Address.fromHexString(""0x42""), Optional.empty(ListList()), Optional.empty()); assertThat(idForWithdrawals1).isNotEqualTo(idForWithdrawals2); } }
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n\\\\t * Generate the packing instruction suitable for modifying the type associated\\\\n\\\\t * with the given user.\\\\n\\\\t *\\\\n\\\\t * @param userName\\\\n\\\\t * {@code String} with the iRODS user name.\\\\n\\\\t * @param userType\\\\n\\\\t * {@link org.irods.jargon.core.protovalues.UserTypeEnum} value for\\\\n\\\\t * the user.\\\\n\\\\t * @return {@link GeneralAdminInp}\\\\n\\\\t * @throws JargonException\\\\n\\\\t * for iRODS error\\\\n\\\\t */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test(expected = JargonException.class) public void testModifyUserTypeNullUser() throws Exception { GeneralAdminInp.instanceForModifyUserType(null, UserTypeEnum.RODS_ADMIN); }","OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp agramer ##ow, a anor
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * @return A clone of this delegate.\\\\n *\\\\n * @throws CloneNotSupportedException if the object cannot be cloned.\\\\n */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void testCloning() throws CloneNotSupportedException { XYSeries s1 = new XYSeries(""Series""); s1.add(1.2, 3.4); XYSeriesCollection c1 = new XYSeriesCollection(); c1.addSeries(s1); IntervalXYDelegate d1 = new IntervalXYDelegate(c1); IntervalXYDelegate d2 = (IntervalXYDelegate) d1.clone(); assertNotSame(d1, d2); assertSame(d1.getClass(), d2.getClass()); assertEquals(d1, d2); }","OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp agramer ##ow::
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
['(\'/**\\\\n\\\\t * \\\\n\\\\t * @param siteId - PropertyID\\\\n\\\\t * @param mediaId - Unique alphanumeric ID of the media\\\\n\\\\t * @param bodyParams - Parameters to be included in the request body\\\\n\\\\t * @return JSON response from Media API\\\\n\\\\t * @throws JWPlatformException See <a href=\\\\n\\\\t * ""https://developer.jwplayer.com/jwplayer/reference#put_v2-sites-site-id-media-media-id-reupload"">\\\\n\\\\t * Re-Upload Media</a>\\\\n\\\\t */\', \'\')']
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void testReupload() throws JWPlatformException { mockStatic(HttpCalls.class); JSONObject expected = new JSONObject(); expected.append(""key"", ""value""); when(HttpCalls.request(anyString(), anyMap(), anyBoolean(), eq(""PUT""), anyMap())).thenReturn(expected); JSONObject actual = mediaClient.reuploadMedia(""siteId"", ""ajhsbjdsha"", new HashMap<>()); assertEquals(expected, actual); PowerMockito.verifyStatic(HttpCalls.class, Mockito.times(1)); HttpCalls.request(anyString(), anyMap(), anyBoolean(), eq(""PUT""), anyMap()); }","nobody################ru
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of process. a.
a method codeav test case.
### Inst:
Test' +\*n\\\\t\\\\\\\n\\\\t * \author \ \ \ \ The site of\\n\\\\t * @param siteType - Mediaique IDphanumeric identifier of the media\\\\n\\\\t * @param media Bodyeters to be passed in the body body\\\\n\\\\t * @param - response\\ the API\\\\n\\\\t * @throws ExceptionsTAException - Ja href=""\\\\""\\\\t * \ ""https://developers.jwplatform.com/referencew-/reference/errors-media1_media-media-media-media-id-id-bodyqu-J\\n\\\\t * Juploadupload</</a> for\\n\\\\t *\\n
### Ex CaseUnit: the:
void testReUploadMedia throws ExceptionWPlayerException {
.(JClientli.class); HttpObject json = new JSONObject(); expected.put(""id"", ""value""); expected(HttpCalls.put(anyString(), anyString(), anyString()) any(application"")) anyString(),).thenReturn(expected); JSONObject actual = ReApi.reupload((siteId"", ""mediasdf"","","", new HashMap<()); assertEquals(expected, actual); }}Mockito.verifyStatic(anyCalls.class); timesito.times(1)); Calls.request(anyString(), anyMap(), anyBoolean(), eq(""PUT""), anyMap()); }
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n\\\\t * Checks the form object for any inconsistencies/errors\\\\n\\\\t * \\\\n\\\\t * @see org.springframework.validation.Validator#validate(java.lang.Object,\\\\n\\\\t * org.springframework.validation.Errors)\\\\n\\\\t * @should fail validation if personMergeLogData is null\\\\n\\\\t * @should fail validation if winner is null \\\\n\\\\t * @should fail validation if loser is null \\\\n\\\\t * @should pass validation if all fields are correct\\\\n\\\\t * @should pass validation if field lengths are correct\\\\n\\\\t * @should fail validation if field lengths are not correct\\\\n\\\\t */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void validate_shouldFailValidationIfLoserIsNull() throws Exception { PersonMergeLog personMergeLog = new PersonMergeLog(); personMergeLog.setWinner(new Person()); personMergeLog.setPersonMergeLogData(new PersonMergeLogData()); PersonMergeLogValidator validator = new PersonMergeLogValidator(); Errors errors = new BindException(personMergeLog, ""personMergeLog""); validator.validate(personMergeLog, errors); Assert.assertTrue(errors.hasFieldErrors(""loser"")); }","nobody################ru
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of process. a.
a method codeav test case.
### Inst:
Thea'*\\\\\\t\\\\ if if method of is a errorsistencies.errors.\\n\\\\t *\\\\nn\\\\t * @param Form.apache.web.Errors\\validate(Object.lang.Object, org\\n\\\\t * java java.springframework.validation.Validator)\\n\\\\t * @see Th validation if the isged isic is null\\\\n\\\\t * @should fail validation if person is null\\\\\n\\\\t * @should fail validation if winnerer is null \\\\n\\\\t * @should fail validation if all fields are valid\\\\n\\\\t * @should pass validation if all is are correct\\\\n\\\\t * @should pass validation if field lengths are incorrect correct\\\\n\\\\t *""
### Ex CaseUnit: Eclipse:
void test()person_ValidationIfPersonoserIsNull() { Exception {
PersonMergeLogDataMergeLog = new PersonMergeLog(); personMergeLog.setLinner(null Person()); personMergeLog.setLMergeLogData(new PersonMergeLogData()); personMergeLogData validator = new PersonMergeLogValidator(); valid errors = new BeException(personMergeLog, ""personMergeLog""); assertator.validate(personMergeLog, errors); assert.assertTrue(errors.hasErrorsErrors(""loser""));
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n\\\\t * Receives two integer arrays representing two words and calculates the Block distance.\\\\n\\\\t * @param str1 integer array number 1.\\\\n\\\\t * @param str2 integer array number 2.\\\\n\\\\t * @return The Block distance.\\\\n\\\\t */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test //jdsalazar public void test2(){ String str1 = ""Test String 1""; String str2 = ""Test String 2""; double res = Block.distance(str1,str2); Asserts.assertEquals(res, 0.666666667); }","OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp agramer ##ow::
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n\\\\t * Generate the packing instruction suitable for removing a user from iRODS.\\\\n\\\\t *\\\\n\\\\t * @param userName\\\\n\\\\t * {@code String} with the iRODS user name to be removed.\\\\n\\\\t * @return {@link GeneralAdminInp}\\\\n\\\\t * @throws JargonException\\\\n\\\\t * for iRODS error\\\\n\\\\t */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void testRmUserCheckXML() throws Exception { String testUserName = ""testUser""; GeneralAdminInp pi = GeneralAdminInp.instanceForDeleteUser(testUserName); String tagOut = pi.getParsedTags(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(""<generalAdminInp_PI><arg0>rm</arg0>\n""); sb.append(""<arg1>user</arg1>\n""); sb.append(""<arg2>testUser</arg2>\n""); sb.append(""<arg3></arg3>\n""); sb.append(""<arg4></arg4>\n""); sb.append(""<arg5></arg5>\n""); sb.append(""<arg6></arg6>\n""); sb.append(""<arg7></arg7>\n""); sb.append(""<arg8></arg8>\n""); sb.append(""<arg9></arg9>\n""); sb.append(""</generalAdminInp_PI>\n""); Assert.assertEquals(""unexpected XML protocol result"", sb.toString","nobody################ru
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of process. a.
a method codeav test case.
### Inst:
Thea'*\\\\\\t\\\\ate a followinged list for for a the box from aTDS.\\\\n\\\\t *\\\\n\\\\t * @param userName The\\t\\\\t * The Thelink String} the the nameRODS user name to be removed.\\\\n\\\\t * @param\\code StringInstistrationstr}\\\n\\\\t * @throws IOExceptionROonException\\\\n\\\\t * if anyRODS errors.\\n\\\\t *\\ '""]
### Ex CaseUnit:str:
void testGenerMUser()()() throws J {
[]XML = ""testUser""; StringAdminInp general = newAdminInp.create();RUser(testUserName); pi xml = = pi.toStringTagarsedXML(); assert tag sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(""testAdminInp>\rm>user0>"");Userarg0><n""); sb.append(""<arg1>"");</arg1>\n""); sb.append(""<arg2>"");User</arg2>\n""); sb.append(""arg3>arg3>\n""); sb.append(""arg4></arg4>\n""); sb.append(""<arg5></arg5>\n""); sb.append(""<arg6></arg6>\n""); sb.append(""<arg7></arg7>\n""); sb.append(""<arg8></arg8>\n""); sb.append(""<arg9></arg9>\n""); sb.append(""<</generalAdminInp_PI>\n""); String.assertEquals("",expected tag"","","", tag.toString(),"
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * Registers an unconditional parent with this builder. If the parent is already registered with this builder,\\\\n * {@link IllegalArgumentException} is thrown.\\\\n * @param parent The node that will be the parent of the built action.\\\\n * @return This builder.\\\\n *\\\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the provided node is already registered as a parent.\\\\n */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
",@Test public void testAddingDuplicateParentBothTimesWithoutConditionThrows() { final N parent = getBuilderInstance().build(); final B builder = getBuilderInstance(); builder.withParent(parent); expectedException.expect(IllegalArgumentException.class); builder.withParent(parent); },"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp agramer Instow::
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n\\\\t * Create a dataObjInp for a mounted filesystem\\\\n\\\\t *\\\\n\\\\t * @param localFileSystemAbsolutePath\\\\n\\\\t * {@code String} with a local filesystem absolute path\\\\n\\\\t * @param irodsMountedCollectionAbsolutePath\\\\n\\\\t * {@code String} with the irods collection to be mounted\\\\n\\\\t * @param destRescName\\\\n\\\\t * {@code String} with the storage resource\\\\n\\\\t * @return {@link DataObjInpForMcoll}\\\\n\\\\t */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public final void testInstanceForFileSystemMountBlankIrods() throws Exception { String localFile = ""xxx""; String mount = """"; String resc = ""resc""; DataObjInpForMcoll.instanceForFileSystemMount(localFile, mount, resc); }","OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp$ru:
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Unit test Java
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * Verilen de\\\\xc3\\\\x84\\\\xc5\\\\xb8eri ayn\\\\xc3\\\\x84\\\\xc2\\\\xb1 birim olmak \\\\xc3\\\\x83\\\\xc2\\\\xbczere ekler\\\\n * \\\\n * @param base\\\\n * @param amount\\\\n * @return \\\\n */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void testAdd4() throws UnitException { System.out.println(""add4""); QuantitativeAmount q1 = new QuantitativeAmount(BigDecimal.TEN, MassUnitSet.GRAM); QuantitativeAmount q2 = new QuantitativeAmount(new BigDecimal(100), MassUnitSet.DECIGRAM); QuantitativeAmount expResult = new QuantitativeAmount( new BigDecimal(2000), MassUnitSet.CENTIGRAM); QuantitativeAmount result = Quantities.add(q1, q2, MassUnitSet.CENTIGRAM); assertEquals(expResult, result); }","nobody################ru
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of process. a.
a method codeav test case.
### Inst:
Thea'*\\\\ * Thisify birğ\\n3\\xaxb3n\\xc3\\\\x91\\\\\\ı\\xc3\\\\x84\\\\xc5\\\\x94\\ dedemasak z\\\xc3\\\\xb4\\\\xc2\\\\xb7\\ yley.\\xc * \\\\xc * \param de The\\n * @return add\\\\n * @return\\\\\n *"" '""]
### Ex CaseUnit: the:
void test()()() { ExceptionTest {
.out.println(""Add4""); intityTest amounta = new QuantitativeAmount(4Decimal.valueOfEN, ""Unit..GRAM); QuantitativeAmount q2 = new QuantitativeAmount(Big BigDecimal(""100), MassUnitSet.GCIIGRAM); QuantitativeAmount qResult = new QuantitativeAmount(new BigDecimal(100),), MassUnitSet.DEENTIGRAM); QuantitativeAmount result = qitative.add(q1, q2); MassUnitSet.CENTIGRAM); assertEquals(expResult, result); }
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
['(""/**\\\\n * This method is used to get password of the KeyServer HTTPS certificate \\\\n * manager.\\\\n * @return String with the KeyServer HTTPS certificate password. If the \\\\n * field is not present, returns \'null\'.\\\\n * @since v0.4.0\\\\n */"", \'\')', ""('', '// Error level.\\n')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void testGetServerKeyManagerPassword2() { System.out.println(""getServerKeyManagerPassword2""); String result = testObj3.getServerKeyManagerPassword(); assertNull(result); }","OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp agramer ##ow::
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('', '// First create replication agent on previewPublish instance\\n')"", ""('', '// Find unpaired previewPublish dispatcher and pair it with tags\\n')"", ""('', '// Create a new previewPublish from a snapshot of an active previewPublish instance\\n')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void testWithNullVolumeId() throws Exception { when(awsHelperService.getVolumeId(activePreviewPublishId, awsDeviceName)).thenReturn(null); boolean result = action.execute(instanceId); verify(aemHelperService, times(1)).pairPreviewPublishWithDispatcher(instanceId, unpairedDispatcherId); verify(replicationAgentManager, times(1)).createPreviewReplicationAgent(instanceId, PreviewPublishAemBaseUrl, authorAemBaseUrl, AgentRunMode.PREVIEWPUBLISH); verify(replicationAgentManager, times(1)).pausePreviewReplicationAgent(activePreviewPublishId, authorAemBaseUrl, AgentRunMode.PREVIEWPUBLISH); verify(aemHelperService, times(0)).tagInstanceWithSnapshotId(instanceId, snapshotId); verify(replicationAgentManager, times(1)).resumePreviewReplicationAgent(activePreviewPublishId, authorAemBaseUrl, AgentRunMode.PREVIEWPUBLISH); assertThat(result","nobody################ru
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of process. a.
a method codeav test case.
### Inst:
Thea ')'', line aorter of') the serverlisher')n',""]
//', '// Then thepubired repPublish instanceer\\ create it with rep\\n')"", ""('', '// Find a new repPublish instance the rep of the existing publishPublish\\\\n')"",
### Ex CaseUnit: the:
void testCreateout()()() throws Exception {
(mockMock..getVolumeId(anyPubviewPublish)).)). nullHelper)).)).thenReturn(null); when result = aws.execute();awsId, assert(awserClientService). times(1)).createPreviewPublishWithTags(eqId, activepairedPreId, verify(alicationHelperService, times(1)).createRepviewPublicationAgent(eqId, unviewReplish.wsHelper.. un unizeremUserUrl, TypeAs.NVIEW_BLISH, verify(replicationAgentManager, times(1)).createausePreviewReplicationAgent(instancePreviewPublishId); PreAemBaseUrl, Agent AgentRunMode.PREVIEWPUBLISH); verify(repemHelperService, times(1)).pairPre(PreId(instanceId, snapshotId); verify(alicationAgentManager, times(1)).createumePreviewReplicationAgent(activePreviewPublishId, authorAemBaseUrl, AgentRunMode.PREVIEWPUBLISH); verifyEquals(result,"
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * Returns a new builder.\\\\n * @param <T> the data type\\\\n * @param dataType the data type\\\\n * @return the created builder\\\\n */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void output() throws Exception { RecordDefinition<String[]> def = RecordDefinition.builder(String[].class) .withField(self(), field(0).build()) .build(); String[][] results = emit(def, new String[][] { { ""Hello, world!"", }, }); assertThat(results, is(new String[][] { { ""Hello, world!"", }, })); }","OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp agramer Instow::
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/*\\\\n\\\\t * (non-Javadoc)\\\\n\\\\t *\\\\n\\\\t * @see org.irods.jargon.core.pub.CollectionAndDataObjectListAndSearchAO#\\\\n\\\\t * getFullObjectForType(java.lang.String)\\\\n\\\\t */', '')"", ""('/*\\n\\t\\t * See if jargon supports the given object type\\n\\t\\t */', '')"", ""('', '// see if file or coll\\n')"", ""('/*\\n\\t\\t * objStat: absolutePath:/test1/home/test1/jargon-scratch/\\n\\t\\t * CollectionAndDataObjectListAndSearchAOImplForMSSOTest\\n\\t\\t * /testGetFullObjectForTypeInTestWorkflow\\n\\t\\t * /testGetFullObjectForTypeInTestWorkflowMounted/e","@Test public void testGetFullObjectForTypeDataObjectEmbeddedPlusAndSpacesInDataName() throws Exception { String testCollName = ""2003_01_26_02 + band""; String testFileName = ""106-0653_IMG.JPG""; String absPath = scratchFileUtils.createAndReturnAbsoluteScratchPath(IRODS_TEST_SUBDIR_PATH); String fileNameOrig = FileGenerator.generateFileOfFixedLengthGivenName(absPath, testFileName, 2); String targetIrodsCollection = testingPropertiesHelper.buildIRODSCollectionAbsolutePathFromTestProperties( testingProperties, IRODS_TEST_SUBDIR_PATH + ""/"" + testCollName); IRODSAccount irodsAccount = testingPropertiesHelper.buildIRODSAccountFromTestProperties(testingProperties); DataObjectAOImpl dataObjectAO = (DataObjectAOImpl) irodsFileSystem.getIRODSAccessObjectFactory() .getDataObjectAO(irods","nobody################ru
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of process. a.
a method codeav test case.
### Inst:
Thea's'\\\\t\\\\\\-emptyavadoc)\\n\\\\t * (\\n\\\\t * (param\\.apacheds.jvmon.core.J.J.FileType.ingData.ware.get\\n\\\\t * getCollectionPathPathDisplay(java.lang.String,\\n\\\\t *\\ '""]
///*\\\\\\t *t * ( also theargon. the get type type.n\\t */t */"", '')"", ""('/* '')\\') if j type folder')n\\"", ""('',\\n\\t\\t * (Type\\ object path\\path/\\test/test1/testargon/testatch/testn\\t\\t * objAndDataObjectListAndSearchAO::Testys:est.n\\t\\t */ \\test1FullObjectForType\\M\\space\\n\\t\\t * /testGetFullObjectForTypeInTestWorkflow/ed\\\\:\\ sierpsee\\ void testGetFullObjectForTypeInObject()beddedInFilePlusaces()PathObject() throws Exception\\', String absoluteFull = = ""test019001_00_19_ andwidth String testData = ""200400---0G_JPG""; String testPath = ""DirPath.getAbGetAbsolutePathratchFile(testRODS_HOME_WORF,NAME, String test =ig = absUtils.getFileName(TypeSize(ivenFileName(testPath, testFileName, 10 String fileNameFileNameROsPath = ""Utils..getTargetrodDSCollectionNamesolutePath(TestProperties(test PropertiesHelper RODS_TEST_SUBDIR_PATH, ""/"" + testCollName, StringRODSFile irodsAccount = newPropertiesHelper.getIRODSAccountFromTestProperties( Properties, IObject dataO data dataObjectAO = newDataObjectAOImpl) irodsAccountSystem.getDataRODSAccountObject((). getDataObjectAO(irodsAccount"
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n\\\\t * Received two double vectors and calculates the Chi distance.\\\\n\\\\t * @param v1 vector number 1.\\\\n\\\\t * @param v2 vector number 2.\\\\n\\\\t * @return The Chi distance.\\\\n\\\\t */', '')"", ""('', '//casting (double) a v1.length\\n')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test // jdsalazar public void test03() { double[] v1 = new double[] {8,3,4}; double[] v2 = new double[] {6,5,10}; Asserts.assertEqualLength(v1, v2); Asserts.assertGreaterThanZero(v1); Asserts.assertGreaterThanZero(v2); double res = Chi.distance(v1, v2); Asserts.assertEquals(res, 0.5263882104539921); }","nobody################ru
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of process. a.
a method codeav test case.
### Inst:
Thea'*\\\\\\t\\\\ive a integers values and returnsates the dot- between\\\\n\\\\t * @param v1 the 1\\\\\\n\\\\t * @param v2 vector number 2.\\\\n\\\\t * @return Chi Chi distance.\\\\n\\\\t *' '""]
public/** '/** Chi the the\\) to string1 to\\()\\\\"",
### Inst CaseUnit: the:
// void testCh1() {
//[] v1 = { double[] { . ,1, double[] v2 = new double[] {1,2,7};}; doubleserts.assertEquals((v1, v2); Asserts.assertEqualaterThan((v1[ Asserts.assertGreaterThanZero(v2); As[] = ChiDistancedistance(v1, v2); As serts.assertGre(1, 1.0);63682733333655, }
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * Generates a po file from a Resource and a TranslationsResource, using the\\\\n * publican directory layout.\\\\n *\\\\n * @param baseDir\\\\n * @param doc\\\\n * @param locale\\\\n * @param targetDoc\\\\n * @throws IOException\\\\n */', '')"", ""('', '// write the PO file to $locale/$name.po\\n')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void writeWithDefaultOptions() throws Exception { // given writer = new PoWriter2.Builder().create(); Resource srcDoc = createDoc(); TranslationsResource doc = createTranslations(); ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // when writer.writePo(out, UTF_8, srcDoc, doc); // then String result = out.toString(UTF_8); assertThat(result).isEqualTo(contentOfResource(""writeWithDefaultOptions.po"")); }","OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp##ru:
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# sUnit test Java
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// r = = newResource(); ResourcelationsResource tr = createDoclationsResource docArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // given out.write((src); src88); srcDoc, doc); // then out s = out.toString(""UTF_8); //Equals(result,isEqualTo(""src);File);testWithDefaultOptions.po"")); }
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
['(\'/**\\\\n * Trims the leading/trailing classical whitespace characters in the {@link StringOption}.\\\\n * This only removes the following characters:\\\\n * <ul>\\\\n * <li> {@code ""\\\\\\\\t"" (HT:U+0009)} </li>\\\\n * <li> {@code ""\\\\\\\\n"" (LF:U+000a)} </li>\\\\n * <li> {@code ""\\\\\\\\r"" (CR:U+000d)} </li>\\\\n * <li> {@code "" "" (SP:U+0020)} </li>\\\\n * </ul>\\\\n * This directly modifies the target {@link StringOption}.\\\\n * @param option the target {@link StringOption}\\\\n * @throws NullPointerException if the {@link StringOption} is/re","@Test public void trim_rounding() { StringOption value = new StringOption("" Hello, world! ""); StringOptionUtil.trim(value); assertThat(value, is(new StringOption(""Hello, world!""))); }","nobody################ru
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of process. a.
a method codeav test case.
### Inst:
Test' +\*n\\ *\\im the given andtrailing spaces whitespace from from a givenlink String}}\\\n * @ method works the leading characters:\\n * \ul>\\\\n * <li>\\link \ ""\\ttt""}}\\tab)} )}0009)}</li> <\\n * <li> {@code ""\\\\\\\\n"" (HTF:U+000A)} </li>\\\\n * <li> {@code ""\\\\\\\\r"" (CR:U+000d)} </li>\\\\n * <li> {@code ""\\ (SP:U+0020)} </li>\\\\n * <ul>\\\\n * < method modifies the {@ {@link StringOption}.\\\\n * <param option The {@ {@link StringOption}\\\n * @returnrows IlPointerException if the targetlink StringOption} is {@wasferences sierpth
public void testLleadingtrim_ {
StringOption option = new StringOption(""\\ \ World World! ""); StringOption result.trim(value); assertEquals(value. is(""new StringOption(""Hello, world!""))); }
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n\\\\t * Returns the version information\\\\n\\\\t *\\\\n\\\\t * @return the version information\\\\n\\\\t */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void testVersion() { String version = Platform.getVersion().getVersionNumber(); Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(""^(\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+)(-.*)$""); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(version); assertTrue(matcher.matches(), ""Unexpected format for :"" + version); }","OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp agramer ##ow,: anor
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * {@inheritDoc}\\\\n */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
['(""/**\\\\n\\\\t * Generate the packing instruction suitable for adding the given user to iRODS.\\\\n\\\\t * <p>\\\\n\\\\t * Note that the user DN is not updated in this call, as there appears to be bug\\\\n\\\\t * where it gets truncated. The {@code UserAO} methods will instead add a call\\\\n\\\\t * to the equivalent of \'iadmin aua\' to insert the user DN. See comments for\\\\n\\\\t * that class.\\\\n\\\\t *\\\\n\\\\t * @param user\\\\n\\\\t * {@link org.irods.jargon.core.pub.domain.User} to be added to\\\\n\\\\t * iRODS.\\\\n\\\\t * @return {@link GeneralAdminInp}\\\\n\\\\t * @throws JargonException\\\\n\\","@Test public void testAddUserCheckAPIType() throws Exception { User user = new User(); user.setName(""test""); user.setUserDN(""dn""); user.setUserType(UserTypeEnum.RODS_USER); GeneralAdminInp pi = GeneralAdminInp.instanceForAddUser(user); Assert.assertEquals(""incorrect api type"", GeneralAdminInp.GEN_ADMIN_INP_API_NBR, pi.getApiNumber()); }","nobody################ru
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of process. a.
a method codeav test case.
### Inst:
TestHello""*""""\\t\\\\ate a followinging list for for a to
- theTDS.\\\\n\\\\t *\\p>\\\\t\\\\t * @: the user mustN is not included in the method. so it is to be no in\\n\\\\t * in the is updatedated.\\ userlink user}ud} class will update update the new to\\n\\\\t * to the {@ of this\\addRO addp add to update the user.N.\\ the in more\\n\\\\t * more method for\\\\n\\\\t * <\\n\\\\t * <param user The\\n\\\\t * The Thecode User.irods.jargon.core.user.User.User} to add added to i\\n\\\\t * i iRODS.\\\\n\\\\t * @return\\link StringPackistrstr}\\\n\\\\t * @throws GeneralargonException if\\n\\\\ sierpth\public void addAddUser()s()() throws J { GeneralA = new User(); user.setName(""test""); user.setTypeDN(""test""); user.setUserType(UserType..USERDS_USER); GeneralAdminInp general = newAdminInp.add(AddUser(user); assert.assertEquals(ROp type type"", piAdminInp.APIERADMIN_INP_TYPE_TYPEONE, pi.getApiType()); ']"
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n\\\\t * Loads all tags from writers in configuration.\\\\n\\\\t *\\\\n\\\\t * @return Found tags\\\\n\\\\t */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void multipleWritersWithTags() { Configuration.set(""writer1"", ""console""); Configuration.set(""writer1.tag"", ""system""); Configuration.set(""writer2"", ""console""); Configuration.set(""writer2.tag"", ""technical""); Configuration.set(""writer3"", ""console""); Configuration.set(""writer3.tag"", ""system""); List<String> tags = ConfigurationParser.getTags(); assertThat(tags).containsExactlyInAnyOrder(""system"", ""technical""); }","OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp##ru:
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# DescriptionsUnit test Java
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cgetWwrit"","", ""writer""); Configuration.set(""writer2"",tag1 ""console""); Configuration.set(""writer2"", ""console""); Configuration.set(""writer2.tag"", ""systemology""); Configuration.set(""writer3"", ""console""); Configuration.set(""writer3.tag"", ""techn""); Configuration<String> writers = new..getTags(); List tags(tags).containsAllactlyInAnyOrder(system""); ""technical"");
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n\\\\t * Received two binary vectors and calculates the Forbes distance.\\\\n\\\\t * @param v1 binary vector number 1.\\\\n\\\\t * @param v2 binary vector number 2.\\\\n\\\\t * @return The Forbes distance.\\\\n\\\\t */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test //jdsalazar public void test3(){ int[] v1 = new int[]{1,0,1,1,0}; int[] v2 = new int[]{1,1,0,1,1}; Asserts.assertEqualLength(v1, v2); double res = Forbes.distance(v1, v2); Asserts.assertEquals(res, 0.166666666); }","nobody################ru
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of process. a.
a method codeav test case.
### Inst:
Thea'*\\\\\\t\\\\ive a integers numbers of returnsates the dotward- between\\\\n\\\\t *\\param v1 The vector\\ 1\\\\\\n\\\\t * @param v2 binary vector number 2.\\\\n\\\\t * @return the Forbes distance.\\\\n\\\\t *' '""]
### Solution CaseUnit: Eclipse:
// void testFor()
////[] v1 = { int[]{1,2,1,0,1, int[] v2 = new int[]{1,1,0,1,1}; intymts.assertEquals((v1, v2); As distance = Forbes.distance(v1, v2); Asserts.assertEqual(0, 0.0266666666 }
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * validate the input document collection. Note that this method call is NOT thread safe. RedPen instances need to be crated for each thread.\\\\n *\\\\n * @param documents input document collection generated by Parser\\\\n * @return list of validation errors\\\\n */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test void testDocumentWithoutContent() throws RedPenException { List<Document> documents = new ArrayList<>(); documents.add(Document.builder() .setFileName(""tested file"") .build()); RedPen redPen = getRedPenWithSentenceValidator(); List<ValidationError> errors = redPen.validate(documents).get(documents.get(0)); // validate the errors assertEquals(0, errors.size()); }","OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp agramer ##ow, a anor
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * Gets the model the editor should edit.\\\\n *\\\\n * @return The editors model.\\\\n */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void testReadWithInvisible() { EasyMockSupport support = new EasyMockSupport(); PreferencesImpl prefs = new PreferencesImpl(FeatureActionsRegistry.class.getName()); PreferencesRegistry prefsRegistry = createPrefsRegistry(support, prefs); support.replayAll(); FeatureActions actions = new FeatureActions(); actions.getActions().add(createAction1()); actions.getActions().add(createAction2()); FeatureAction invisible = createAction2(); invisible.setVisible(false); actions.getActions().add(invisible); prefs.putJAXBObject(ourLayerId, actions, false, this); FeatureActionsRegistry registry = new FeatureActionsRegistry(prefsRegistry); FeatureActionEditController controller = new FeatureActionEditController(registry, ourLayerId); assertEquals(ourGroupName, controller.getModel().getFeatureGroups().get(0).getGroupName()); assertEquals(2, controller.getModel().getFeatureGroups().get(0).getActions().size()); assertEquals(FXUtilities.fromAwtColor(","nobody################ru
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of process. a.
a method codeav test case.
### Inst:
Thea'*\\\\ * Thisets the value of user is edit.\\\\n * @\\n * @return the model model model.\\\\n */"" '""]
### Ex CaseUnit: Eclipse:
public void testGet()outcompleteChar throws {
EditorObjectMock.. = new EasyMockSupport(); supportferences pre prefs = new PreferencesImpl();support...get);get(), preferencesImpl registryfsRegistry = newPrefsRegistry(p); prefs); pre.replayAll(); preatureActionsRegistry = new FeatureActions( actions.setP().put(newAction(()); actions.getActions().add(createAction2()); actionsatureActionsRegistryAction createIn3(); invisible.setIn(false); actions.getActions().add(invisible); Fefs.set(B((FeatureFeature,, actions); true); false. preatureActionsRegistry registry = new FeatureActionsRegistry(prefsRegistry); FeatureActionsRegistrying controller = new FeatureActionEditController(registry, ourLayerId); controllerEquals(actionsLayerId, controller.getGroup().getGroupActions().get(0).getNameGroupName()); assertEquals(our, controller.getModel().getFeatureActions().size(0).getActions().size()); assertEquals(1Action..getStringwt((Color"
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * Give id to each expression. Will be useful if we serialize.\\\\n */', '')"", ""('', '//ensure class analyzer. We need to know observables at this point\\n')"", ""('', '// observables gets initial ids\\n')"", ""('', '// non-observable identifiers gets next ids\\n')"", ""('', '// descendants of observables gets following ids\\n')"", ""('', '// already has some id, means observable\\n')"", ""('', '// only fields earn an id\\n')"", ""('', '// now all 2-way bound view fields\\n')"", ""('', '// non-dynamic binding expressions receive some ids so that they can be invalidated\\n')"", '(\'\', ""// we don\'t assign ids to constant binding expressions because now invalidateAll has its own\\n"")', ""('', '// flag.\\n')"", ""('', '// make sure all","@Test public void testStaticMethodOfInstance() { MockLayoutBinder lb = new MockLayoutBinder(); mExprModel = lb.getModel(); lb.addVariable(""user"", User.class.getCanonicalName(), null); MethodCallExpr methodCall = parse(lb, ""user.ourStaticMethod()"", MethodCallExpr.class); assertTrue(methodCall.isDynamic()); mExprModel.seal(); final Expr child = methodCall.getTarget(); assertTrue(child instanceof StaticIdentifierExpr); StaticIdentifierExpr id = (StaticIdentifierExpr) child; assertEquals(id.getResolvedType().getCanonicalName(), User.class.getCanonicalName()); }","nobody################ru
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of process. a.
a method codeav test case.
### Inst:
Thea'*\\\\ * This a to the element in\\ be used for we want the\\\\n *' '""]
('/** '\\') that iszer is\\ need to ensure theables. compile point.\\',"", ""('', '//ensureables\\ theised\\n')"", ""('', '// we-observable getsifiers\\ ids id\\n')"", ""('', '// nonants of observableables gets ids ids\\n')"", ""('', '// descend assigned id id\\ so it\\n')"", ""('', '// already observable ofn ids id\\n')"", ""('', '// only we fields30level observ fields- earn')"", ""('', '// now-view fields\\\\ ids id\\ we we\\ be\\ated\\n')"", ""(""""', ""// non need't need ids to expressions expressions expressions\\ they weation them() to own idn"")'] ""('', '// now to\\n')"", ""('', '// now sure that expressions sierpId methods @ void testInvalidIn()Class() {\\ //ito mockinder b = new MockLayoutBinder(); lb... lb.bindModel(); m.setModel(x"", "".class);getNameCanonicalName()); ""); lb m m mCallExpr newMethodnew, ""user.getMethodMethod()""); nullCallExpr.class); assertEquals(methodCall.getStaticBinding assertExprModel.inal(); assert ListprModel = methodCall.getChild(); assertTrue(child instanceof MethodaticMethodExpr); assertaticIdentifierExpr static = (StaticIdentifierExpr) child; assertEquals(User.getIdvedType(),getCanonicalName(), "".class.getCanonicalName()); }"","
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * Sets the value for the marker and sends a {@link MarkerChangeEvent} to\\\\n * all registered listeners.\\\\n *\\\\n * @param value the value.\\\\n *\\\\n * @see #getValue()\\\\n *\\\\n * @since 1.0.3\\\\n */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void test1802195() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { ValueMarker m1 = new ValueMarker(25.0); ByteArrayOutputStream buffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ObjectOutput out = new ObjectOutputStream(buffer); out.writeObject(m1); out.close(); ObjectInput in = new ObjectInputStream( new ByteArrayInputStream(buffer.toByteArray())); ValueMarker m2 = (ValueMarker) in.readObject(); in.close(); assertEquals(m1, m2); m2.setValue(-10.0); }","OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp agramer ##ow::
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * Unregisters the MBean with the specified sub-type and name.\\\\n *\\\\n * @param subType\\\\n * The sub type for the MBean.\\\\n * @param name\\\\n * The name of the MBean.\\\\n */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void testUnregisterOnJMException() throws JMException { final MBeanServer mockServer = createMock(MBeanServer.class); final Capture<ObjectName> captureName = new Capture<ObjectName>(); final Capture<ObjectName> captureName2 = new Capture<ObjectName>(); expect(mockServer.isRegistered(capture(captureName))).andReturn(true); mockServer.unregisterMBean(capture(captureName2)); expectLastCall().andThrow(new InstanceNotFoundException()); replay(mockServer); final JmxSupport support = new JmxSupport(mockServer); support.unregister(""subType"", ""foo""); verify(mockServer); final ObjectName name = captureName.getValue(); assertThat(name, notNullValue()); assertThat(name.getDomain(), is(JmxSupport.DOMAIN_NAME)); assertThat(name.getKeyProperty(""type""), is(""metrics"")); assertThat(name.getKeyProperty(""subType""), is(""subType"")); assertThat(name.getKeyProperty(""name""), is","nobody################ru
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of process. a.
a method codeav test case.
### Inst:
Thea'*\\\\ * Thiscomments a givenessen from the given nametypename. name.\\\\n * @\\n * @param subType the\\n * The sub- of the MBean.\\\\n * @param name\\\\n * The name of the MBean.\\\\n *"" '""]
### Ex CaseUnit: Eclipse:
void testUnregisterMSubMX() throws ExceptionMException {
M MBeanServer mServer = mockMock(MBeanServer.class); final Objecture<MName> capture = = new Capture<ObjectName>(); final Capture<ObjectName> captureSub2 = new Capture<ObjectName>(); final(mockServer.getRegistered(captureNamecaptureName),).andReturn(false); expectServer.unregisterMBean(captureNamecaptureName2)); reLastCall().andThrow(new JanceNotFoundException("" replay(mockServer); try MMTest j = new JmxSupport(mockServer); support.unregisterOncomType"", ""name""); verify(mockServer); } MName name = captureName.getValue(); assertEquals(name. is(Value()); assertThat(name.getKey(), is(""nullMSupport.DEFAULTMAIN));NAME)); assertThat(name.getKey(),(),sub""), is(""subrics"")); assertThat(name.getKeyProperty(""subType""), is(""subType"")); assertThat(name.getKeyProperty(""name""), is("""
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
['(\'/**\\\\n\\\\t * Creates an XML string representing this rule.\\\\n\\\\t *\\\\n\\\\t * @param indent\\\\n\\\\t * \\\\t\\\\tthe string used to indent inner XML, possible {@code ""\\\\\\\\t""}\\\\n\\\\t *\\\\n\\\\t * @return this rule as an XML string\\\\n\\\\t */\', \'\')']
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void toXmlLines_validRule_containsAllInformation() throws Exception { XmlRule rule = new XmlRule(""DEPENDENT"", ""DEPENDENCY"", Severity.FAIL); List<String> lines = rule.toXmlLines("""").collect(toList()); assertThat(lines).containsExactly( ""<xmlRule>"", ""<dependent>DEPENDENT</dependent>"", ""<dependency>DEPENDENCY</dependency>"", ""<severity>FAIL</severity>"", ""</xmlRule>""); }","OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp agram Inst ##ow. a anor
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * Returns a topological order iterator.\\\\n * \\\\n * @return a topological order iterator\\\\n */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void testTopoIterationOrderComplexGraph() { for (int seed = 0; seed < 20; seed++) { DirectedAcyclicGraph<Long, DefaultEdge> dag = new DirectedAcyclicGraph<>(DefaultEdge.class); RepeatableRandomGraphGenerator<Long, DefaultEdge> graphGen = new RepeatableRandomGraphGenerator<>(100, 500, seed); graphGen.generateGraph(dag, new LongVertexFactory(), null); ConnectivityInspector<Long, DefaultEdge> connectivityInspector = new ConnectivityInspector<>(dag); Iterator<Long> internalTopoIter = dag.iterator(); List<Long> previousVertices = new ArrayList<>(); while (internalTopoIter.hasNext()) { Long vertex = internalTopoIter.next(); for (Long previousVertex : previousVertices) { connectivityInspector.pathExists(vertex, previousVertex); } previousVertices.add(vertex); } } }","nobody################ru
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of process. a.
a method codeav test case.
### Inst:
Thea'*\\\\ * This the string sort of for\\\\n * @\\nn * @return an topological order iterator.\\n *"" '""]
### Solution CaseUnit: Eclipse:
void testTopologicalOrder()()()x()() { {
Top (int i = 0; seed < 10; seed++) GraphedGraphcyclicGraph<Integer, LongEdge< graph = new new DirectedAcyclicGraph<LongnewEdge.class); dagversableGraphizer<<Long, DefaultEdge> rGenerator = new RepeatableRandomGraphGenerator<>(dag00, 10,, , graphGen.add((dag); Default(Id< new); TopivityIteratorspector<Long, DefaultEdge> inspectivityInspector = new ConnectivityInspector<>(dag); connectator<Long> itIteratoroIter = .top(); Iter<Long> top =ices = new ArrayList<>(); while (internalTopoIter.hasNext()) { Long vertex = internalTopoIter.next(); if (Long neighborVertex : previousVertices) { ifivityInspector.check((vertex, previousVertex); }previous previousVertices.add(vertex); } } }
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
['(""/**\\\\n * Build the standard global auth constraint from standard RestConfig.\\\\n *\\\\n * <p>The valid roles is extracted from {@link RestConfig#AUTHENTICATION_ROLES_CONFIG}\\\\n *\\\\n * <p>OPTIONS requests will not require auth if\\\\n * {@link RestConfig#ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN_CONFIG} is not empty.\\\\n *\\\\n * @param restConfig the rest app\'s config.\\\\n * @return the constraint mapping.\\\\n */"", \'\')']
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void shouldCreateGlobalConstraintWithNoMethodsOmittedForNonCor() { // Given: config = restConfigWith(ImmutableMap.of( RestConfig.ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN_CONFIG, """")); // When: final ConstraintMapping mapping = AuthUtil.createGlobalAuthConstraint(config); // Then: assertThat(mapping.getMethodOmissions(), is(nullValue())); }","OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp ru of Aow. the in in is the lot of a. a.
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * Registers an input format with this builder.\\\\n * @param inputformat The input format to register with this builder.\\\\n * @return This builder.\\\\n */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void testWithInputformatCalledTwiceThrows() { final String inputformat1 = ""inputformat1""; final String inputformat2 = ""inputformat2""; final PipesBuilder builder = new PipesBuilder(); builder.withInputformat(inputformat1); expectedException.expect(IllegalStateException.class); builder.withInputformat(inputformat2); }","OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp agramer Instow::
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n\\\\t * Checks that a given concept reference term object is valid.\\\\n\\\\t *\\\\n\\\\t * @see org.springframework.validation.Validator#validate(java.lang.Object,\\\\n\\\\t * org.springframework.validation.Errors)\\\\n\\\\t * @should fail if the concept reference term object is null\\\\n\\\\t * @should fail if the name is a white space character\\\\n\\\\t * @should fail if the code is null\\\\n\\\\t * @should fail if the code is an empty string\\\\n\\\\t * @should fail if the code is a white space character\\\\n\\\\t * @should fail if the concept reference term code is a duplicate in its concept source\\\\n\\\\t * @should fail if the concept source is null\\\\n\\\\t * @should pass if all the required fields are set and valid\\\\n\\\\t * @","@Test @Ignore @Verifies(value = ""should fail if the name is an empty string"", method = ""validate(Object,Errors)"") public void validate_shouldFailIfTheNameIsAnEmptyString() throws Exception { ConceptReferenceTerm term = new ConceptReferenceTerm(); term.setName(""""); term.setCode(""code""); term.setConceptSource(Context.getConceptService().getConceptSource(1)); Errors errors = new BindException(term, ""term""); new ConceptReferenceTermValidator().validate(term, errors); Assert.assertEquals(true, errors.hasFieldErrors(""name"")); }","nobody################ru
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of process. a.
a method codeav test case.
### Inst:
Thea'*\\\\\\t\\\\ if if the method string is is is is not.\\\\n\\\\t * @\\n\\\\t * @param Con.open.context.Validator\\validate(Object.lang.Object, java\\n\\\\t * java java.springframework.validation.Validator)\\n\\\\t * @paramValid if the given reference term is is not\\\\n\\\\t * @should fail if the concept is null null space\\\\\\n\\\\t * @should fail if the name is a\\\\n\\\\t * @should fail if the code is a empty string\\\\n\\\\t * @should fail if the code is a white space character\\\\n\\\\t * @should fail if the code reference term object is not white of the concept reference\\\\n\\\\t * @should fail if the concept reference is null\\\\n\\\\t * @should fail if the the above fields are present\\ valid\\\\n\\\\t * @should sierpparam\\ Test publicSuppifies value = {Check fail if the concept is a empty string"", method = ""validate"")Con, Valid)"") public void should(nameFailIfTheNameIsAnEmptyString() throws Exception { ConceptReferenceTerm concept = new ConceptReferenceTerm(); term.setName(""""); Errors.setCode("""");""); term.setConceptSource(new.getConceptSource().getConceptSource(""1)); Errors errors = new DefaultException(new, """");""); assert ConceptReferenceTermValidator().validate(term, errors); assert.assertTrue(1, errors.hasErrorsErrors(""name"")); "
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n\\\\t *\\\\n\\\\t * @return a String representation of the DoubleRange\\\\n\\\\t * @should print the range if high and low are not null and not infinite\\\\n\\\\t * @should print empty high if high is infinite\\\\n\\\\t * @should print empty low if low is infinite\\\\n\\\\t * @should print empty string if low and high are infinite\\\\n\\\\t */', '')"", ""('', '//BUG: should not append this if high is also infinite\\n')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void toString_shouldPrintEmptyLowIfLowIsNull() throws Exception { DoubleRange r = new DoubleRange(null, 1.0); assertEquals(""< 1.0"", r.toString()); }","OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp agramer ##ow, a anor
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * Deletes all department head assignments of the given person.\\\\n *\\\\n * @param event the person who is deleted\\\\n */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test void ensureDeletionOfDepartmentHeadAssignmentOnPersonDeletionEvent() { final Person departmentHead = new Person(); departmentHead.setId(42L); final Person other = new Person(); other.setId(21L); final DepartmentEntity department = new DepartmentEntity(); department.setId(1L); department.setDepartmentHeads(List.of(departmentHead, other)); when(departmentRepository.findByDepartmentHeads(departmentHead)).thenReturn(List.of(department)); when(departmentRepository.findById(1L)).thenReturn(Optional.of(department)); when(departmentRepository.save(department)).thenReturn(department); sut.deleteDepartmentHead(new PersonDeletedEvent(departmentHead)); verify(departmentRepository).findByDepartmentHeads(departmentHead); ArgumentCaptor<DepartmentEntity> argument = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(DepartmentEntity.class); verify(departmentRepository).save(argument.capture()); assertThat(argument.","nobody################ru
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of process. a.
a method codeav test case.
### Inst:
Thea'*\\\\ * Thisletes a the recordsingsments for a given department.\\\\n * @\\n * @param person the event to is the\\\\n *"" '""]
### Ex CaseUnit: the:
public testDeleteletesOfPersonartmentHeadAssign()PersonDeletion()() {
Person personHead = new Person("" departmentHead.setId(1););); department Person personPerson new Person(); other.setId(43L); final PersonHead department = new DepartmentEntity(); department.setId(1L); department.setNameartmentHead((newsof(departmentHead)); other)); department(departmentHead.findByIdDepartmentId((anypartmentHead)).thenReturn(de.of(department)); when(departmentHead.findBy(anyL)).thenReturn(Optional.of(department)); when(departmentRepository.delete(department)).thenReturn(department); whenut.deleteDepartmentHeadAssde PersonDeletEvent(departmentHead)); assert(departmentRepository,deleteByDepartmentHeads(departmentHead); verifyCaptor<DepartmentEntity> captCapt ArgumentCaptor.forClass(DepartmentEntity.class); verify(departmentRepository,save(argument.capture()); assertThat(argument.getValue"
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * {@inheritDoc}\\\\n * <p>\\\\n * Returns the result of the {@link UUID#toString()}.\\\\n * </p>\\\\n */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void testValueAsString() { final UuidElement element = new UuidElement(""f"", TEST_UUID); assertEquals(TEST_UUID.toString(), element.getValueAsString()); }","OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp agramer ##ow, a anor
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * Writes a human readable form of the collection metrics.\\\\n *\\\\n * @param writer\\\\n * The writer to write to.\\\\n */', '')"", ""('', '// Use the identity hash code as a stable identifier.\\n')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void testWriteToPrintWriter() { final StringWriter sink = new StringWriter(); final PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(sink); final BasicConnectionMetrics metrics = new BasicConnectionMetrics(null); metrics.writeTo(writer); assertThat( sink.toString(), is(""Connection["" + System.identityHashCode(metrics) + "": sentBytes=0, sentCount=0, receivedBytes=0, receivedCount=0, "" + ""lastLatency=0 ms, totalLatency=0 ms]"")); // For Closeable. metrics.close(); }","nobody################ru
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of process. a.
a method codeav test case.
### Inst:
Thea'*\\\\ * Thises a string- string of the given to to\\\\n * @\\n * @param metrics The\\n * The writer to write the.\\\\n *"" '""]
public/** '\\', this following function code for the hash hash for',\\',"",
### Ex CaseUnit: the:
public void test_To()Writer() throws
Print Print[] writer = new StringWriter(); final PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(sink); sink CollectionMetMetrics metrics = new BasicConnectionMetrics();1, metrics.writeTo(writer); assertEquals(s sink.toString(), contains(Use metrics + + "".identityHashCode(metrics) + "" ""=""=""0, receivedMessages=0, receivedBytes=0, receivedCount=0, "" + ""receErroratency=0,, lastLatency=0 ms,"")); } }@ theable,close sink.close(); }
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n\\\\t * Constructors\\\\n\\\\t */', '')"", ""('', '// default the Filter\\tto match all Flags that contain one or more of the tags in the filter\\n')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
",@Test public void filter_shouldFilterListOfFlags() { List<Flag> flags = Context.getService(FlagService.class).getAllFlags(); Tag tag = Context.getService(FlagService.class).getTag(1); Set<Tag> tags = new HashSet<>(); tags.add(tag); Filter filter = new Filter(tags); List<Flag> filterFlags = filter.filter(flags); assertTrue(flags.size() != filterFlags.size()); },"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp agram Inst ##ow. a anor
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * Verilen de\\\\xc3\\\\x84\\\\xc5\\\\xb8eri ayn\\\\xc3\\\\x84\\\\xc2\\\\xb1 birim olmak \\\\xc3\\\\x83\\\\xc2\\\\xbczere \\\\xc3\\\\x83\\\\xc2\\\\xa7arpar\\\\n * \\\\n * @param base\\\\n * @param amount\\\\n * @return \\\\n */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void testmultiply1() throws UnitException { System.out.println(""multiply1""); QuantitativeAmount q = new QuantitativeAmount(BigDecimal.TEN, MassUnitSet.GRAM); QuantitativeAmount expResult = new QuantitativeAmount( new BigDecimal(100), MassUnitSet.GRAM); QuantitativeAmount result = Quantities.multiply(q, BigDecimal.TEN); assertEquals(expResult, result); }","nobody################ru
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of process. a.
a method codeav test case.
### Inst:
Thea'*\\\\ * Thisify birğ\\n3\\xaxb3n\\xc3\\\\x91\\\\\\ı\\xc3\\\\x84\\\\xc5\\\\x94\\ dedemasak z\\\xc3\\\\xb4\\\\xc2\\\\xb7\\ y\\\xc3\\\\x84\\\\xc2\\\\x0\\\ma\\xc\\ * \\\\xc * @param de The\\n * @return target\\\\n * @return\\\\\n *"" '""]
### Ex CaseUnit: the:
void test()ly()() { ExceptionTest {
.out.println(""multiply1""); SystemityTest amounta new QuantitativeAmount(1Decimal.valueOfEN, ""Unit..GRAM); QuantitativeAmount q = = new QuantitativeAmount(Big BigDecimal(10),), MassUnitSet.GRAM); QuantitativeAmount result = qitative.multiply(q, qDecimal.ONEEN); assertEquals(expResult, result); }
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('', '//\\n')"", ""('', '//\\n')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void deletedEntriesAreNotMigrated() { fromKvs.createTables(TEST_AND_CHECKPOINT_TABLES); fromTxManager.runTaskWithRetry(tx -> { tx.put(TEST_TABLE, ImmutableMap.of(TEST_CELL, TEST_VALUE1)); return tx.getTimestamp(); }); fromTxManager.runTaskWithRetry(tx -> { tx.delete(TEST_TABLE, ImmutableSet.of(TEST_CELL)); return tx.getTimestamp(); }); KeyValueServiceMigrator migrator = KeyValueServiceMigrators.setupMigrator(migratorSpec); migrator.setup(); migrator.migrate(); assertThat(toKvs.get(TEST_TABLE, ImmutableMap.of(TEST_CELL, Long.MAX_VALUE))) .isEmpty(); }","nobody################ru
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of process. a.
a method codeav test case.
### Inst:
Thea ')'',',',""] ""//', '//\\n')"",
### Inst CaseUnit: Eclipse:
void test_ries()NotInovedated() {
//.afka.put(""();true_TABLEROREECK_OINT_TABLES); fromKxn.start((outry(newManager { tx.delete(""TEST_AND_ ""mutableMap.of(""TEST_KEYLL, ""ST_VALUE));)); tx null.commit((); }); fromKxManager.runTaskWithRetry(tx -> { tx.put(TEST_TABLE, TEmutableMap.of(TEST_CELL)); return tx.getTimestamp(); }); fromValueService fromigrator migrator = newValueServiceMigrrators.create(igrator(fromatorConfig -> migrator.migr( migrator.migrate(); fromEquals(fromKvs.get(TEST_TABLE, TEmutableSet.of(TEST_CELL, TE.class_VALUE))
.is(); }
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * Discover if the given ViewId is mapped by any {@link UrlMapping} specified in the current configuration.\\\\n * <p>\\\\n * <b>Note:</b>This will not match if a #{dynamicView.id} method is configured.\\\\n * \\\\n * @return True if the ViewId is mapped, false if not.\\\\n */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
",@Test public void isNullViewMappedReturnsFalse() throws Exception { assertFalse(config.isViewMapped(null)); },"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp agram Inst ##ow, a anor
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * Generates a random bipartite graph.\\\\n * \\\\n * @param target the target graph\\\\n * @param vertexFactory the vertex factory\\\\n * @param resultMap not used by this generator, can be null\\\\n */', '')"", ""('', '// create vertices\\n')"", ""('', '// check if graph is directed\\n')"", ""('', '// create edges\\n')"", ""('', '// s->t\\n')"", ""('', '// t->s\\n')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void testDirectedGraphGnp1() { GraphGenerator<Integer, DefaultEdge, Integer> gen = new GnpRandomBipartiteGraphGenerator<>(4, 4, 0.5, SEED); Graph<Integer, DefaultEdge> g = new DirectedPseudograph<>(DefaultEdge.class); gen.generateGraph(g, new IntegerVertexFactory(1), null); int[][] edges = { { 5, 1 }, { 1, 6 }, { 6, 1 }, { 1, 7 }, { 1, 8 }, { 2, 5 }, { 6, 2 }, { 7, 2 }, { 2, 8 }, { 5, 3 }, { 3, 6 }, { 7, 3 }, { 3, 8 }, { 4, 5 }, { 5, 4 }, { 4, 6 }, { 6, 4 }, { 4, 7 }, { 4, 8 }, { 8, 4 } }; assertEquals(4 + 4, g.","nobody################ru
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a method codeav test case.
### Inst:
Thea'*\\\\ * Thisates a random numberounite graph with\\\\n *\\\\nn * @param nSize number number.\\n * @param numCount the vertex factory\\\\n * @param edge the the used\\ this method\\ but be null\\\\n *"" '""]
public/** '/** Gener a',\\',"", ""('', '// create if the is b\\n')"", ""('', '// check edges\\n')"", ""('', '// checkiftv\\n')"", ""('', '// check->s\\n')"",
### Ex CaseUnit: the:
void test()ed()()()()() { { }Generator gInteger, IntegerVertex< Default> g = new new Directnp1GraphipartiteGraphGenerator<>(1, 4); 0.5); ED); Graph<Integer, DefaultEdge, graph = gen DefaultedGraphseudoograph<>(genEdge.class); gen.generate((g); SE HashMapVertexFactory<40 new); assert[][] adj = g 0, 0, { 1, 2 }, { 2, 2 }, { 1, 2 }, { 7, 2 }, { 1, 1 }, { 2, 2 }, { { 2, 2 }, { 8, 3 }, { 3, 7 }, { 3, 5 }, { 3, 3 }, { 3, 8 }, { 5, 5 }, { 4, 4 }, { { 4, 6 }, { 4, 4 }, { 4, 7 }, { 6, 8 }, { 5, 4 }, }; forEquals(ed, 4, g.get"
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('', '// If the vertex is free-flowing then (by definition) there is no duration to traverse it.\\n')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void testWalkTrafficLights() { // Graph with an intersection with traffic lights IntersectionVertex v1 = vertex(""maple_1st"", new Coordinate(2.0, 2.0), false, false); IntersectionVertex v2 = vertex(""maple_2nd"", new Coordinate(2.0, 1.0), false, true); StreetEdge e1 = edge(v1, v2, 1.0, false); IntersectionVertex v3 = vertex(""test2"", new Coordinate(1.0, 1.0), false, false); StreetEdge e2 = edge(v2, v3, 1.0, false); // With traffic lights on both directions assertEquals( 15.1125, calculator.computeTraversalDuration(v2, e1, e2, TraverseMode.WALK, 40, 40), 0.1 ); assertEquals( 15.1125, calculator.computeTraversalDuration(v2, e2, e1, TraverseMode","OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp agramer ##ow, a anor
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * Add a mapping feedback callback class. If one already exists a runtime\\\\n * exception is thrown.\\\\n * @param mf the mapping feedback callback listener.\\\\n */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void classpath_mapping_feedback_null() { RuntimeException e = assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, () -> BshClassPath.addMappingFeedback(null)); assertThat(e.getMessage(), containsString(""Unimplemented: already a listener"")); }","OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp agramer Instow::
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
['(\'/**\\\\n * Gets a builder configured with default Kiji URI fields.\\\\n *\\\\n * More precisely, the following defaults are initialized:\\\\n * <ul>\\\\n * <li>The Zookeeper quorum and client port is taken from the Hadoop <tt>Configuration</tt></li>\\\\n * <li>The Kiji instance name is set to <tt>KConstants.DEFAULT_INSTANCE_NAME</tt>\\\\n * (<tt>""default""</tt>).</li>\\\\n * <li>The table name and column names are explicitly left unset.</li>\\\\n * </ul>\\\\n *\\\\n * @return A builder configured with this Kiji URI.\\\\n */\', \'\')']
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void testConstructedUriIsEscaped() { // SCHEMA-6. Column qualifier must be URL-encoded in CassandraKijiURI. final CassandraKijiURI uri = CassandraKijiURI.newBuilder(""kiji-cassandra://zkhost/chost:5678/instance/table/"") .addColumnName(new KijiColumnName(""map:one two"")).build(); assertEquals( ""kiji-cassandra://zkhost:2181/chost:5678/instance/table/map:one%20two/"", uri.toString()); }","nobody################ru
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of process. a.
a method codeav test case.
### Inst:
Test' +\*n\\ *\\ets the string for with the valuesafka settings..\\\\n *\\\\n * @ info, this builder fields are used:\\n *\\ul>\\\\n * < <li>\\ Kookeeper URIorum is session port are set from the Kadoop configurationi>zo</tt>li>\\\\n * <li>The Kiji URI name is taken to thett>kiji.DEFAULT_INSTANCE_NAME</tt></\\\\n * (whichtt>k""</tt>).\\li>\\\\n * <li>The K name is namespace name are set set emptyset.</li>\\\\n * ul>\\\\n * <\\n * <return a < configured with default defaultiji URI.\\\\n *','] ''']
### Ex CaseUnit: the:
void testGetstructURIK()Validvenaped() {
TODOniEMA_101 namesifier is be escaped-encoded. theandra
java // KandraKijiURI uri = new newandraKijiURI.builderBuilder().kiji://instanceassandra://localhost::defaultang:9978/default/default/column .buildColumnQual(""COL ColumnijiColumnName(""foo"",key"", three).build(); assertEquals(""C ""kiji-cassandra://zkhost/5181/chost:5678/instance/table/map:one%20two"","", .toString()); }
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('', '// Rejects non HS512 token\\n')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void test_resolve_signing_key_throws_error_on_invalid_key_id() { JwsHeader jwsHeader = new DefaultJwsHeader(); jwsHeader.setAlgorithm(""HS512""); jwsHeader.setKeyId(""key id 666""); Claims claims = new DefaultClaims(); cerberusSigningKeyResolver.resolveSigningKey(jwsHeader, claims); }","OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp agramer ##ow,:
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
['(""/**\\\\n * Parse a comma-separated list of authentication mechanisms. Each\\\\n * such mechanism should be of the form \'scheme:auth\' -- the same\\\\n * syntax used for the \'addAuth\' command in the ZK CLI.\\\\n * \\\\n * @param authString the comma-separated auth mechanisms\\\\n * @return a list of parsed authentications\\\\n * @throws {@link BadAuthFormatException} if the auth format is invalid\\\\n */"", \'\')']
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void testGoodAuths() { List<ZKAuthInfo> result = ZKUtil.parseAuth( ""scheme:data,\n scheme2:user:pass""); assertEquals(2, result.size()); ZKAuthInfo auth0 = result.get(0); assertEquals(""scheme"", auth0.getScheme()); assertEquals(""data"", new String(auth0.getAuth())); ZKAuthInfo auth1 = result.get(1); assertEquals(""scheme2"", auth1.getScheme()); assertEquals(""user:pass"", new String(auth1.getAuth())); }","nobody################ru
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of process. a.
a method codeav test case.
### Inst:
TestHello""*"""" * This a string-separated list of strings tokensisms.\\ mechanism\\n * mechanism mechanism is be a the form:\\meeme\\me- where where scheme as\\n * format as by the ''auth\'\' method. the \oo API.\\\\n *\\'nn * @param auths The string-separated list stringisms\\\\n * @return a list of authentication authenticationations.\\n * @throws Zlink InvalidArgumentExceptionException} if the authString is\\\\\\n *""
### Ex CaseUnit: the:
void testParseAuth()() throws
<StringKAuth>> auth = ZKAuth.parseAuthsauth ""\""eme:auth"");""sch scheme::data,pass""); assertEquals(2, result.size()); assertKAuthInfo auth1 = result.get(0); assertEquals(""scheme"", auth0.getScheme()); assertEquals(""data"", auth String(auth0.getData())); ZKAuthInfo auth1 = result.get(1); assertEquals(""scheme2"", auth1.getScheme()); assertEquals(""user:pass"", new String(auth1.getAuth()));} }
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n\\\\t * @see org.openmrs.module.webservices.rest.web.api.RestService#getResourceByName(String)\\\\n\\\\t * <strong>Should</strong> return resource for given name\\\\n\\\\t * <strong>Should</strong> return resource for given name and ignore unannotated resources\\\\n\\\\t * <strong>Should</strong> fail if failed to get resource classes\\\\n\\\\t * <strong>Should</strong> fail if resource for given name cannot be found\\\\n\\\\t * <strong>Should</strong> fail if resource for given name does not support the current openmrs version\\\\n\\\\t * <strong>Should</strong> return subresource for given name\\\\n\\\\t * <strong>Should</strong> fail if subresource for given name does not support the current openmrs version\\\\n\\\\t * <strong>Should</strong> fail if","@Test public void getResourceByName_shouldFailIfTwoResourcesWithSameNameAndOrderAreFoundForGivenName() throws Exception { List<Class<? extends Resource>> resources = new ArrayList<Class<? extends Resource>>(); resources.add(AnimalResource_1_9.class); resources.add(DuplicateNameAndOrderAnimalResource_1_9.class); when(openmrsClassScanner.getClasses(Resource.class, true)).thenReturn(resources); setCurrentOpenmrsVersion(""1.9.10""); expectedException.expect(IllegalStateException.class); expectedException.expectMessage(""Two resources with the same name (v1/animal) must not have the same order""); restService.getResourceByName(""v1/animal""); }","nobody################ru
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of process. a.
a method codeav test case.
### Inst:
Thea'*\\\\\\t\\\\param\\.apacheqars.module.rad..api.Open.controller.vful#getPat(U(String,\\n\\\\t * @p>Description returnstrong> return a with given name\\\\n\\\\t * @strong>Note</strong> return null for given name\\ type theavailableated fields\\\\n\\\\t * <strong>Should</strong> return if resource to find resource for\\\\n\\\\t * <strong>Should</strong> fail if failed class given name does be found\\\\n\\\\t * <strong>Should</strong> fail if resource for given name cannot not exist given given versionmrs version\\\\n\\\\t * <strong>Should</strong> fail resource- for given name\\\\n\\\\t * <strong>Should</strong> return if subresource for given name cannot not exist the current openmrs version\\\\n\\\\t * <strong>Should</strong> fail if sub sierpsee annotation void getResourceByName(should_IfResourceResourcesHaveSameNameExDingAn()SivenVersion( throws Exception {\\ Rest <Resource<? extends Resource>> resources = get ArrayList<Class<? extends Resource>>(); .add(Resourcenot..1.1_class); resources.add(AnoglicateResourceResourceOrderResourceimalResource_1_9.class); List (resourcemrsResourceServiceanner.getResource(An.class)). "")).thenReturn(resources); UpOpenMrsVersion(1.9"");0"");""); whenException.expect(IllegalArgumentException.class); Exception.expectMessage(""Found resources with the same name andAneter.Animal) and have be the same order""); Service.getResourceByName(""v1/animal""); "
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * Creates new pair of elements pulling of the necessity to provide corresponding types of the\\\\n * elements supplied.\\\\n *\\\\n * @param a first element\\\\n * @param b second element\\\\n * @param <A> the first element type\\\\n * @param <B> the second element type\\\\n * @return new pair\\\\n */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void testUnorderedPairEquals() { Pair<String, Custom> p1 = UnorderedPair.of(CUSTOM, new Custom(1)); Pair<String, Custom> p2 = UnorderedPair.of(ANOTHER, new Custom(1)); Pair<String, Custom> p3 = UnorderedPair.of(ANOTHER, new Custom(2)); Pair<String, Custom> p4 = UnorderedPair.of(CUSTOM, new Custom(1)); Pair<String, Custom> p5 = UnorderedPair.of(CUSTOM, new Custom(2)); Pair<Custom, String> p6 = UnorderedPair.of(new Custom(1), CUSTOM); assertNotEquals(p1, p2); assertNotEquals(p1, p3); assertEquals(p1, p4); assertNotEquals(p1, p5); assertEquals(p1, p6); assertNotEquals(p2, p3); assertNotEquals(p2, p4); assertNotEquals(p2, p5);","OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp ru of Theow. a Americanal
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n\\\\t * Create an instance for an ireg operation\\\\n\\\\t *\\\\n\\\\t * @param physicalFileAbsolutePath\\\\n\\\\t * {@code String} with the absolute path to the physical file to be\\\\n\\\\t * registered\\\\n\\\\t * @param irodsFileAbsolutePath\\\\n\\\\t * {@code String} with the absolute path to the iRODS file to be\\\\n\\\\t * registered\\\\n\\\\t * @param resourceGroup\\\\n\\\\t * {@code String}specifies the resource group of the resource. This\\\\n\\\\t * must be input together with the resourceToStoreTo\\\\n\\\\t * @param resourceToStoreTo\\\\n\\\\t * {@code String} specifies the resource to store to. This can also\\\\n\\\\t * be specified in your environment or via","@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public final void testInstanceNullPhysPath() throws Exception { DataObjInpForReg.instance(null, ""irods"", """", """", false, false, ChecksumHandling.NONE, false, """"); }","nobody################ru
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### Inst:
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void void test_CreResourceical() throws Exception { StringStoreInsts dataTestistrationcreate(null, ""testds:// "" "" "", false, falsesumTypeling.NONE, null, false""); "
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * Adds a data item to the series.\\\\n *\\\\n * @param x the x-value.\\\\n * @param y the y-value.\\\\n * @param deltaX the vector x.\\\\n * @param deltaY the vector y.\\\\n */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void testSerialization() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { VectorSeries s1 = new VectorSeries(""s1""); s1.add(1.0, 0.5, 1.5, 2.0); ByteArrayOutputStream buffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ObjectOutput out = new ObjectOutputStream(buffer); out.writeObject(s1); out.close(); ObjectInput in = new ObjectInputStream( new ByteArrayInputStream(buffer.toByteArray())); VectorSeries s2 = (VectorSeries) in.readObject(); in.close(); assertEquals(s1, s2); }","OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp ru of Theow. the American in
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * Parses the program arguments and returns the corresponded command object.\\\\n * @param args the program arguments\\\\n * @return the command object, or {@code empty} if there are no commands to execute (e.g. help)\\\\n * @throws ParameterException if arguments are not valid\\\\n */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void simple() { JCommanderWrapper<Supplier<String>> commander = new JCommanderWrapper<>(""PG"", new Cmd(""R"")); Optional<String> result = commander.parse().map(Supplier::get); assertThat(result, is(Optional.of(""R""))); }","OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp agram, Theow. a anor
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('', '// Check if the document has a bound grammar.\\n')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void checkDocumentWithXSIDocTypeBoundGrammar() throws Exception { MockXMLLanguageServer languageServer = new MockXMLLanguageServer(); String xml = ""<foo xmlns:xsi=\""http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\"" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=\""tag.xsd\""/>""; String xmlPath = getFileURI(""src/test/resources/tag.xml""); TextDocumentIdentifier xmlIdentifier = languageServer.didOpen(xmlPath, xml); String xsdPath = getFileURI(""src/test/resources/xsd/tag.xsd""); Boolean actual = (Boolean) languageServer.executeCommand(CheckBoundGrammarCommand.COMMAND_ID, xmlIdentifier, xsdPath).get(); assertNotNull(actual); assertEquals(false, actual); }","nobody################ru
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of process. a.
a method codeav test case.
### Inst:
Thea ')'', if the given is a titleing.',n',""]
### Inst CaseUnit: Eclipse:
public void testIfHasBoundPathLT()G()Grammar() throws Exception {
DocumentitoDocument xml serverServer = new MockXMLLanguageServer(); language document = ""!><=\""xsi=\""http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\ xsi:schemaNamespaceSchemaLocation=\""http.xsd\"">""; language expectedWith = ""ClassPath(""tag/test/resources/tag.xml""); languageDocument document textDocument = newServer.getOpenDocumentxmlPath, xml); language expectedsdPath = getFileURI(""src/test/resources/tag/tag.xsd""); Text x = languageBoolean) languageServer.didRequest(newDocumentGrammarCommand.COMMAND_ID, xmlIdentifier, xsdPath);getResult assertTrueNull(actual); assertTrue(true, actual); }
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * Check whether a collection of AvroSchema objects contains a given AvroSchema element, resolving\\\\n * UIDs using the given KijiSchemaTable.\\\\n *\\\\n * @param schemaTable KijiSchemaTable with which to resolve schema UIDs.\\\\n * @param schemaCollection collection of AvroSchemas to check for the presence of the given\\\\n * element.\\\\n * @param element AvroSchema for whose presence to check in schemaCollection.\\\\n * @return whether schemaCollection contains element after resolving UIDs using schemaTable.\\\\n * @throws IOException in case of an error reading from the schema table.\\\\n */', '')"", ""('', '// If none match, return false.\\n')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void testAvroSchemaListContains() throws IOException { final KijiSchemaTable schemaTable = getKiji().getSchemaTable(); final long stringUID = schemaTable.getOrCreateSchemaId(STRING_SCHEMA); final long intUID = schemaTable.getOrCreateSchemaId(INT_SCHEMA); final String stringJSON = STRING_SCHEMA.toString(); final String intJSON = INT_SCHEMA.toString(); final AvroSchema stringUIDAS = AvroSchema.newBuilder().setUid(stringUID).build(); final AvroSchema stringJSONAS = AvroSchema.newBuilder().setJson(stringJSON).build(); final AvroSchema intUIDAS = AvroSchema.newBuilder().setUid(intUID).build(); final AvroSchema intJSONAS = AvroSchema.newBuilder().setJson(intJSON).build(); final List<AvroSchema> stringList = Lists.newArrayList(stringJSONAS, stringUIDAS); final List<AvroSchema> intList = Lists.newArrayList(intJSONAS, intUIDAS); final List<","nobody################ru
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of process. a.
a method codeav test case.
### Inst:
Thea'*\\\\ * s the given contains objectsat objects is is a schema schemaroSchema.. orving nested\\n * theRs to the given UryContextRegistry.\\\\n * \\\n * @param schemaCollection TheijiSchemaTable to which to resolve U UIDs\\\\\\n * @param schemaCollection Collection of AvroSchemaemas to check. a given of the given schema\\n * Av schema.\\\\n * @param elementToroSchema to which presence to check. theCollection.\\\\n * @return true theCollection contains the. resolving UIDs. schemaTable.\\\\n * @throws K if case of an error while the the Av collection.\\\\n *\\
public/** '/**', the of, return false.',n',"",
### Ex CaseUnit: the:
void testContainsroSchemaCollectionContains() throws IOException {
KijiSchemaTable schemaTable = newSchemaijiSchemagetSchemaTable("" final List schemaId = schemaTable.getUIDCreateUIDUID(""String_SCHEMA_ final long intUID = schemaTable.getOrCreateSchemaId(INT_SCHEMA); final long schemaSchema = ""ING_SCHEMA.to(); final String intJSON = INT_SCHEMA.toString(); final ListroSchema stringSchema = = AvroSchema.fromBuilder().setSchemaid(stringUID).set(); final AvroSchema intUIDAS = AvroSchema.newBuilder().setU(stringJSON).build(); final AvroSchema intUIDAS = AvroSchema.newBuilder().setUid(intUID).build(); final AvroSchema intJSONAS = AvroSchema.newBuilder().setJson(intJSON).build(); final List<AvroSchema> schemaSch = Arrays.newArrayList(stringUIDAS, stringUIDAS); final List<AvroSchema> intList = Lists.newArrayList(intJSONAS, intUIDAS); final List<Av"
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('', '// FIXME maxDistance can be 0, leading to divide-by-zero\\n')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n\\\\t * This method is an enhancement of {@link #compareVersion(String, String)} and adds support for\\\\n\\\\t * wildcard characters and upperbounds. <br>\\\\n\\\\t * <br>\\\\n\\\\t * This method calls {@link ModuleUtil#checkRequiredVersion(String, String)} internally. <br>\\\\n\\\\t * <br>\\\\n\\\\t * The require version number in the config file can be in the following format:\\\\n\\\\t * <ul>\\\\n\\\\t * <li>1.2.3</li>\\\\n\\\\t * <li>1.2.*</li>\\\\n\\\\t * <li>1.2.2 - 1.2.3</li>\\\\n\\\\t * <li>1.2.* - 1.3.*</li>\\\\n\\\\t * </ul>\\","@Test @Verifies(value = ""should not match when version has wild card plus qualifier and is outside boundary"", method = ""matchRequiredVersions(String version, String versionRange)"") public void matchRequiredVersions_shouldNotMatchWhenVersionHasWildPlusQualifierCardAndIsOutsideBoundary() { String openmrsVersion = ""1.*.4-SNAPSHOT""; String requiredVersion = ""1.4.0 - 1.4.10""; Assert.assertFalse(ModuleUtil.matchRequiredVersions(openmrsVersion, requiredVersion)); }","OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp agram Inst Theow. a anor
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * Loads the Pretty Faces configuration and returns the configuration\\\\n * object.\\\\n * \\\\n * @return Loaded configuration.\\\\n * @throws IOException\\\\n * If configuration could not be read.\\\\n * @throws SAXException\\\\n * If configuraion could not be parsed.\\\\n */', '')"", ""('', '// Load configurations from the class path\\n')"", ""('', '// Load configurations from the config files configured in the servlet\\n')"", ""('', '// context\\n')"", ""('', '// Load configuration from the default path\\n')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void configureDefault() throws SAXException, IOException { final ServletContext servletContext = EasyMock.createNiceMock(ServletContext.class); EasyMock.expect(servletContext.getInitParameter(PrettyFilter.CONFIG_FILES_ATTR)).andReturn(null).anyTimes(); EasyMock.expect(servletContext.getResourceAsStream(PrettyConfigurator.DEFAULT_PRETTY_FACES_CONFIG)).andReturn( null).anyTimes(); final ClassLoader resourceLoader = new URLClassLoader(new URL[0], Thread.currentThread() .getContextClassLoader()) { @Override public Enumeration<URL> getResources(final String name) throws IOException { if (PrettyConfigurator.PRETTY_CONFIG_RESOURCE.equals(name)) { return enumeration(mockPrettyConfigURL()); } else { return super.getResources(name); } } }; final PrettyConfigurator configurator = new PrettyConfigurator(servletContext) { @Override protected ClassLoader getResourceLoader","nobody################ru
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of process. a.
a method codeav test case.
### Inst:
Thea'*\\\\ * Thisads a fileferencesPraces library from returns the
.\\n * object.\\\\n *\\\\nn * @return theads configuration object\\\\n * \throws Exception If\\n * @ If the file not be loaded.\\\\n * @throws PreAXException\\\\n * If the fileion could not be parsed.\\\\n *\\ '""]
public/** '/**', the\\ the givenpath.\\',"", ""('', '// Load configurations from the class file\\ in the application contextn')"", ""('', '// Load.n')"", ""('', '// context configurations from the context context\\n')"",
### Ex CaseUnit: Eclipse:
void test()() throws IOExceptionAXException, IOException { { Pre ConfigurationletContext contextContext = getasyMock.createMockiceMock(ServletContext.class); finalasyMock.expect(servletContext.getInitParameter(""EttyF.DEFAULT_FILE_PATHT)).andReturn(null).anyTimes(); EasyMock.re(servletContext.getInitAsStream(PrettyFilter.ator.DEFAULT_CONFIGTTY_CONFIGACES_CONFIG_andReturn(null new).anyTimes(); E PreLoader classLoader = E ClassClassLoader(new URL[]0], null.currentThread().
.getContextClassLoader()); { @Override public URLumeration<URL> getResources(final String name) IOException { return (namettyConfigurator.DEFAULTTTY_F_FILESOURCE_equals(name)) { return newation(new(ttyConfig());); } return { return super.getResources(name); } } }; E PrettyConfigurator configurator = new PrettyConfigurator(resourceContext, { @Override public PreLoader getResourceLoader()"
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n\\\\t * @return the chronologically (based on result date) first result\\\\n\\\\t * @should get the first result given multiple results\\\\n\\\\t * @should get the result given a single result\\\\n\\\\t * @should get an empty result given an empty result\\\\n\\\\t * @should not get the result with null result date given other results\\\\n\\\\t * @should get one result with null result dates for all results\\\\n\\\\t */', '')"", ""('', '// default the returned result to the first item\\n')"", ""('', '// in case all resultDates are null\\n')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void earliest_shouldGetAnEmptyResultGivenAnEmptyResult() throws Exception { Result parentResult = new EmptyResult(); Assert.assertEquals(new EmptyResult(), parentResult.earliest()); }","OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp agram Inst ##ow. a anor
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * <p>\\\\n * detectDataFileType.\\\\n * </p>\\\\n *\\\\n * @param fileName a {@link java.io.File} object.\\\\n * @return a {@link io.github.msdk.datamodel.FileType} object.\\\\n * @throws java.io.IOException if any.\\\\n */', '')"", ""('', '// Parameter check\\n')"", ""('', '// To check for Waters .raw directory, we look for _FUNC[0-9]{3}.DAT\\n')"", '(\'\', ""// We don\'t recognize any other directory type than Waters\\n"")', ""('', '// Read the first 1kB of the file into a String\\n')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void testMzDB() throws MSDKException, IOException { File fileName = new File(TEST_DATA_PATH + ""OVEMB150205_12.raw.0.9.8_truncated.mzDB""); FileType fileType = FileTypeDetectionAlgorithm.detectDataFileType(fileName); Assert.assertEquals(FileType.MZDB, fileType); }","nobody################ru
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of process. a.
a method codeav test case.
### Inst:
Thea'*\\\\ * p>Thisnn * ThissType.(java\\n * <p>\\\\n * <\\n * <param fileName\\ filelink java.lang.File} object.\\\\n * @return the {@link java.github.mx.dataatodel.DataType} object.\\\\n * @throws java.io.IOException if the.\\\\n *"" '""] ""public/** '/**',:.\\',"", ""('', '// Return test the theAVhedw file\\ we need for therawOLC_0]9]1}raw\\n')"", ""//""', '// To look't care this file file type. Waters .n"")', ""('', '// Parameter the file line10 of of the file\\ a byte\\n')"",
### Ex CaseUnit: the:
void testDetsMLFile throws IOExceptionzException { IOException {
file = new File(""data_DATA_DIR + ""MME__.0001_0.0m"");gz00.0.Funcated.mzdb""); FileType fileType = detectType.etection.orithm.detectDataFileType(fileName); assert.assertEquals(FileType.MZDB, fileType);} }