top =ices = new ArrayList<>(); while (internalTopoIter.hasNext()) { Long vertex =; if (Long neighborVertex : previousVertices) { ifivityInspector.check((vertex, previousVertex); }previous previousVertices.add(vertex); } } }"
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
['(""/**\\\\n * Build the standard global auth constraint from standard RestConfig.\\\\n *\\\\n * The valid roles is extracted from {@link RestConfig#AUTHENTICATION_ROLES_CONFIG}\\\\n *\\\\n *
OPTIONS requests will not require auth if\\\\n * {@link RestConfig#ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN_CONFIG} is not empty.\\\\n *\\\\n * @param restConfig the rest app\'s config.\\\\n * @return the constraint mapping.\\\\n */"", \'\')']
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void shouldCreateGlobalConstraintWithNoMethodsOmittedForNonCor() { // Given: config = restConfigWith(ImmutableMap.of( RestConfig.ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN_CONFIG, """")); // When: final ConstraintMapping mapping = AuthUtil.createGlobalAuthConstraint(config); // Then: assertThat(mapping.getMethodOmissions(), is(nullValue())); }","OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp ru of Aow. the in in is the lot of a. a.
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Config;NoconfigmutableMap argument = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(DepartmentEntity.class); verify(departmentRepository).save(argument.capture()); assertThat(argument.","nobody################rual
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publicpublic# Inst:
n\\\\ public Thisletes a the recordsingsments for a given department.\\\\n * @\\n * @param person the event to is to\\\\n *""] '""]
### Inst:Unit: the:
sierpTest public public testDeleteletionOfPersonartmentHeadAssignment()PersonDeletion()() { Person Person personHead = new Person("" departmentHead.setId(1L);); department Person personPerson new Person(); other.setId(4LL); final PersonHead department = new DepartmentEntity(); department.setId(1L); department.setNameartmentHead((newsof(departmentHead)); other)); department(departmentHead.findByIdDepartmentId((anypartmentHead)).thenReturn(de.of(department)); when(departmentHead.findBy(anyL)).thenReturn(Optional.of(department)); when(departmentRepository.delete(department)).thenReturn(department); whenut.deleteDepartmentHeadAssnew PersonDeletEvent(departmentHead)); assert(departmentRepository,deleteByDepartmentHeads(departmentHead); verifyCaptor captCapt ArgumentCaptor.forClass(DepartmentEntity.class); verify(departmentRepository,save(argument.capture()); assertThat(argument.getValue"
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * {@inheritDoc}\\\\n * \\\\n * Returns the result of the {@link UUID#toString()}.\\\\n *
\\\\n */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void testValueAsString() { final UuidElement element = new UuidElement(""f"", TEST_UUID); assertEquals(TEST_UUID.toString(), element.getValueAsString()); }","OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp agramer ##ow. a anor
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * Writes a human readable form of the collection metrics.\\\\n *\\\\n * @param writer\\\\n * The writer to write to.\\\\n */', '')"", ""('', '// Use the identity hash code as a stable identifier.\\n')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void testWriteToPrintWriter() { final StringWriter sink = new StringWriter(); final PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(sink); final BasicConnectionMetrics metrics = new BasicConnectionMetrics(null); metrics.writeTo(writer); assertThat( sink.toString(), is(""Connection["" + System.identityHashCode(metrics) + "": sentBytes=0, sentCount=0, receivedBytes=0, receivedCount=0, "" + ""lastLatency=0 ms, totalLatency=0 ms]"")); // For Closeable. metrics.close(); }","nobody################rual
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of procedure. a.
a method methodav test that that
publicpublic# Inst:
n\\\\ public Thises a string- string of the given to to\\\\n * @\\n * @param metrics The\\n * The writer to write the.\\\\n *""] '] ""public/** '\\', the given function code for the hash hash for',\\',"",
### Inst:Unit: the:
sierpTest public public void testGetTo()Writer() throws Print Print[] writer = new StringWriter(); final PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(sink); sink CollectionMetMetrics metrics = new BasicConnectionMetrics();1, metrics.writeTo(writer); assertEquals(s sink.toString(), contains(\\ metrics + + "".identityHashCode(metrics) + "" ""=""=""0, receivedMessages=0, receivedBytes=0, receivedCount=0, "" + ""receErroratency=0,, lastLatency=0 ms,"")); }@ theable,close sink.close(); }
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n\\\\t * Constructors\\\\n\\\\t */', '')"", ""('', '// default the Filter\\tto match all Flags that contain one or more of the tags in the filter\\n')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
",@Test public void filter_shouldFilterListOfFlags() { List flags = Context.getService(FlagService.class).getAllFlags(); Tag tag = Context.getService(FlagService.class).getTag(1); Set tags = new HashSet<>(); tags.add(tag); Filter filter = new Filter(tags); List filterFlags = filter.filter(flags); assertTrue(flags.size() != filterFlags.size()); },"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp agram Inst ##ow. a anor
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * Verilen de\\\\xc3\\\\x84\\\\xc5\\\\xb8eri ayn\\\\xc3\\\\x84\\\\xc2\\\\xb1 birim olmak \\\\xc3\\\\x83\\\\xc2\\\\xbczere \\\\xc3\\\\x83\\\\xc2\\\\xa7arpar\\\\n * \\\\n * @param base\\\\n * @param amount\\\\n * @return \\\\n */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void testmultiply1() throws UnitException { System.out.println(""multiply1""); QuantitativeAmount q = new QuantitativeAmount(BigDecimal.TEN, MassUnitSet.GRAM); QuantitativeAmount expResult = new QuantitativeAmount( new BigDecimal(100), MassUnitSet.GRAM); QuantitativeAmount result = Quantities.multiply(q, BigDecimal.TEN); assertEquals(expResult, result); }","nobody################rual
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of procedure. a.
a method methodav test that that
publicpublic# Inst:
n\\\\ public Thisifies birğ\\n3\\xaxb3er\\xc3\\\\x91\\\\\\\\\\xc3\\\\x84\\\\xc5\\\\x94\\ dedemasak z\\\xc3\\\\xb4\\\\xc2\\\\xb7\\ g\\\xc3\\\\x84\\\\xc2\\\\x0\\\m\\xc\\ * \\\\xc * @param de The\\n * @return target\\\\n * @return\\\\\n *\ '""]
### SolutionsUnit: Action:
sierpTest public public void testAddly()() { ExceptionTest { double.out.println(""multiply1""); assertityTest amounta new QuantitativeAmount(1Decimal.valueOfEN, ""Unit..GRAM); QuantitativeAmount qResult = new QuantitativeAmount(Big BigDecimal(10),), MassUnitSet.GRAM); QuantitativeAmount result = qitative.multiply(q, qDecimal.ONEEN); assertEquals(expResult, result); }
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('', '//\\n')"", ""('', '//\\n')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void deletedEntriesAreNotMigrated() { fromKvs.createTables(TEST_AND_CHECKPOINT_TABLES); fromTxManager.runTaskWithRetry(tx -> { tx.put(TEST_TABLE, ImmutableMap.of(TEST_CELL, TEST_VALUE1)); return tx.getTimestamp(); }); fromTxManager.runTaskWithRetry(tx -> { tx.delete(TEST_TABLE, ImmutableSet.of(TEST_CELL)); return tx.getTimestamp(); }); KeyValueServiceMigrator migrator = KeyValueServiceMigrators.setupMigrator(migratorSpec); migrator.setup(); migrator.migrate(); assertThat(toKvs.get(TEST_TABLE, ImmutableMap.of(TEST_CELL, Long.MAX_VALUE))) .isEmpty(); }","nobody################rual
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of procedure. a.
a method methodav test that that
publicpublic# Inst:
Test] ')'',',',""] ""//', '//\\n')"",
### Inst CaseUnit: the:
sierpTest public public void test_ries()NotInovedated() throws assert(afka.put(""();true_TABLEROREECK_OINT_TABLES); fromKxn.start((outry(newManager { tx.delete(""TEST_AND_ ""mutableMap.of(""TEST_KEYLL, ""ST_VALUE));)); tx null.commit((); }); fromKxManager.runTaskWithRetry(tx -> { tx.put(TEST_TABLE, TEmutableMap.of(TEST_CELL)); return tx.getTimestamp(); }); fromValueService fromigrator migrator = newValueServiceMigrrators.create(igrator(fromateConfig -> migrator.migr( migrator.migrate(); assertEquals(fromKvs.get(TEST_TABLE, TEmutableSet.of(TEST_CELL, TE.class_VALUE))
.contains(); }
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * Discover if the given ViewId is mapped by any {@link UrlMapping} specified in the current configuration.\\\\n * \\\\n * Note:This will not match if a #{} method is configured.\\\\n * \\\\n * @return True if the ViewId is mapped, false if not.\\\\n */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
",@Test public void isNullViewMappedReturnsFalse() throws Exception { assertFalse(config.isViewMapped(null)); },"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp agramer ##ow. a anor
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * Generates a random bipartite graph.\\\\n * \\\\n * @param target the target graph\\\\n * @param vertexFactory the vertex factory\\\\n * @param resultMap not used by this generator, can be null\\\\n */', '')"", ""('', '// create vertices\\n')"", ""('', '// check if graph is directed\\n')"", ""('', '// create edges\\n')"", ""('', '// s->t\\n')"", ""('', '// t->s\\n')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void testDirectedGraphGnp1() { GraphGenerator gen = new GnpRandomBipartiteGraphGenerator<>(4, 4, 0.5, SEED); Graph g = new DirectedPseudograph<>(DefaultEdge.class); gen.generateGraph(g, new IntegerVertexFactory(1), null); int[][] edges = { { 5, 1 }, { 1, 6 }, { 6, 1 }, { 1, 7 }, { 1, 8 }, { 2, 5 }, { 6, 2 }, { 7, 2 }, { 2, 8 }, { 5, 3 }, { 3, 6 }, { 7, 3 }, { 3, 8 }, { 4, 5 }, { 5, 4 }, { 4, 6 }, { 6, 4 }, { 4, 7 }, { 4, 8 }, { 8, 4 } }; assertEquals(4 + 4, g.","nobody################rual
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of procedure. a.
a method methodav test that that
publicpublic# Inst:
n\\\\ public Thisates a random numberounite graph with\\\\n * @\\nn * @param nSize number size\\\\n * @param numCount the vertex factory\\\\n * @param edge the the used\\ this method\\ but be null\\\\n *""] '] ""public/** 'public Gener a\\\\ "", ""('', '// create if the is b\\n')"", ""('', '// check edges\\n')"", ""('', '// checkiftv\\n')"", ""('', '// check->s\\n')"",
### Inst:Unit: the:
sierpTest public public void testRandomed()()()()() { { GraphGenerator gInteger, IntegerVertex< Default> g = new new Directnp1GraphipartiteGeneratorGenerator<>(1, 4, 0.5); ED); Graph(genEdge.class); gen.generate((g, SE HashMapVertexFactory<40 new); assert[][] adj = g 0, 0, { 1, 2 }, { 2, 2 }, { 1, 2 }, { 7, 2 }, { 1, 1 }, { 2, 2 }, { { 2, 2 }, { 8, 3 }, { 3, 7 }, { 3, 5 }, { 3, 3 }, { 3, 8 }, { 5, 5 }, { 4, 4 }, { { 4, 6 }, { 6, 4 }, { 4, 7 }, { 6, 8 }, { 5, 4 }, }; forEquals(ed, 4, g.get"
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('', '// If the vertex is free-flowing then (by definition) there is no duration to traverse it.\\n')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void testWalkTrafficLights() { // Graph with an intersection with traffic lights IntersectionVertex v1 = vertex(""maple_1st"", new Coordinate(2.0, 2.0), false, false); IntersectionVertex v2 = vertex(""maple_2nd"", new Coordinate(2.0, 1.0), false, true); StreetEdge e1 = edge(v1, v2, 1.0, false); IntersectionVertex v3 = vertex(""test2"", new Coordinate(1.0, 1.0), false, false); StreetEdge e2 = edge(v2, v3, 1.0, false); // With traffic lights on both directions assertEquals( 15.1125, calculator.computeTraversalDuration(v2, e1, e2, TraverseMode.WALK, 40, 40), 0.1 ); assertEquals( 15.1125, calculator.computeTraversalDuration(v2, e2, e1, TraverseMode","OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp agramer ##ow. a anor
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * Add a mapping feedback callback class. If one already exists a runtime\\\\n * exception is thrown.\\\\n * @param mf the mapping feedback callback listener.\\\\n */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void classpath_mapping_feedback_null() { RuntimeException e = assertThrows(RuntimeException.class, () -> BshClassPath.addMappingFeedback(null)); assertThat(e.getMessage(), containsString(""Unimplemented: already a listener"")); }","OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp agramer Instow::
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
['(\'/**\\\\n * Gets a builder configured with default Kiji URI fields.\\\\n *\\\\n * More precisely, the following defaults are initialized:\\\\n * \\\\n * - The Zookeeper quorum and client port is taken from the Hadoop Configuration
\\\\n * - The Kiji instance name is set to KConstants.DEFAULT_INSTANCE_NAME\\\\n * (""default"").
\\\\n * - The table name and column names are explicitly left unset.
\\\\n *
\\\\n *\\\\n * @return A builder configured with this Kiji URI.\\\\n */\', \'\')']
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void testConstructedUriIsEscaped() { // SCHEMA-6. Column qualifier must be URL-encoded in CassandraKijiURI. final CassandraKijiURI uri = CassandraKijiURI.newBuilder(""kiji-cassandra://zkhost/chost:5678/instance/table/"") .addColumnName(new KijiColumnName(""map:one two"")).build(); assertEquals( ""kiji-cassandra://zkhost:2181/chost:5678/instance/table/map:one%20two/"", uri.toString()); }","nobody################rual
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of procedure. a.
a method methodav test that that
publicpublic# Inst:
Testn +\\\\\\\ * ets the random for with the valuesafka settings..\\\\n * @\\n * @ info, this builder fields are used:\\\\n *\\ul>\\\\n * < \\ Kookeeper URIorum is session port are set from the Kadoop configurationcode>zoli>\\\\n * The Kiji URI name is taken to thett>kiji.DEFAULT_INSTANCE_NAME\\\\n * (whichtt>k"").\\li>\\\\n * The K name is namespace name are set set emptyset.\\\\n * ul>\\\\n * <\\n * @return a < configured with default defaultiji URI.\\\\n *\'] ''']
### Solution:Unit: K:
sierpTest public public void testGetstructURIK()Validvenaped() { K GUTEMA_101 namesifier is be escaped-encoded. theandra.ijiURI. assert KandraKijiURI uri = Cass CassandraKijiURI.builderBuilder().kiji://instanceassandra://localhost::defaultang:9978/default/default/column .buildColumnQual(""COL ColumnijiColumnName(""foo"",key"", three).build(); assertEquals(""C ""kiji-cassandra://zkhost/5181/chost:5678/instance/table/map:one%20two"","", .toString()); }"
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('', '// Rejects non HS512 token\\n')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void test_resolve_signing_key_throws_error_on_invalid_key_id() { JwsHeader jwsHeader = new DefaultJwsHeader(); jwsHeader.setAlgorithm(""HS512""); jwsHeader.setKeyId(""key id 666""); Claims claims = new DefaultClaims(); cerberusSigningKeyResolver.resolveSigningKey(jwsHeader, claims); }","OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp agramer ##ow:: anor
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
['(""/**\\\\n * Parse a comma-separated list of authentication mechanisms. Each\\\\n * such mechanism should be of the form \'scheme:auth\' -- the same\\\\n * syntax used for the \'addAuth\' command in the ZK CLI.\\\\n * \\\\n * @param authString the comma-separated auth mechanisms\\\\n * @return a list of parsed authentications\\\\n * @throws {@link BadAuthFormatException} if the auth format is invalid\\\\n */"", \'\')']
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void testGoodAuths() { List result = ZKUtil.parseAuth( ""scheme:data,\n scheme2:user:pass""); assertEquals(2, result.size()); ZKAuthInfo auth0 = result.get(0); assertEquals(""scheme"", auth0.getScheme()); assertEquals(""data"", new String(auth0.getAuth())); ZKAuthInfo auth1 = result.get(1); assertEquals(""scheme2"", auth1.getScheme()); assertEquals(""user:pass"", new String(auth1.getAuth())); }","nobody################rual
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of procedure. a.
a method methodav test that that
publicpublic# Inst:
Testa""*\\\\ * This a string-separated list of values tokensisms.\\ mechanism\\n * mechanism mechanism is be a the form ""\\meeme\\me\' where where scheme as\\n * format as by the authentication'auth\'\' method. the APIoo API.\\\\n * \nnn * @param auths The string-separated list stringisms\\\\n * @return a list of authentication authenticationations\\\\n * @throws Zlink InvalidArgumentExceptionException} if the authString is\\\\\\n *\ ""\\n]
### Solution:Unit: the:
sierpTest public public void testParseAuth()() throws String> auth = ZKAuth.parseAuthsZ ""\""eme:auth"");""sch scheme::data,pass""); assertEquals(2, result.size()); assertKAuthInfo auth1 = result.get(0); assertEquals(""scheme"", auth0.getScheme()); assertEquals(""data"", auth String(auth0.getData())); ZKAuthInfo auth1 = result.get(1); assertEquals(""scheme2"", auth1.getScheme()); assertEquals(""user:pass"", new String(auth1.getAuth())); }
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n\\\\t * @see\\\\n\\\\t * Should return resource for given name\\\\n\\\\t * Should return resource for given name and ignore unannotated resources\\\\n\\\\t * Should fail if failed to get resource classes\\\\n\\\\t * Should fail if resource for given name cannot be found\\\\n\\\\t * Should fail if resource for given name does not support the current openmrs version\\\\n\\\\t * Should return subresource for given name\\\\n\\\\t * Should fail if subresource for given name does not support the current openmrs version\\\\n\\\\t * Should fail if","@Test public void getResourceByName_shouldFailIfTwoResourcesWithSameNameAndOrderAreFoundForGivenName() throws Exception { List> resources = new ArrayList>(); resources.add(AnimalResource_1_9.class); resources.add(DuplicateNameAndOrderAnimalResource_1_9.class); when(openmrsClassScanner.getClasses(Resource.class, true)).thenReturn(resources); setCurrentOpenmrsVersion(""1.9.10""); expectedException.expect(IllegalStateException.class); expectedException.expectMessage(""Two resources with the same name (v1/animal) must not have the same order""); restService.getResourceByName(""v1/animal""); }","nobody################rual
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of procedure. a.
a method methodav test that that
publicpublic# Inst:
n\\\\\\n\\ Thisparam\\.apacheqars.module.rad..api.Open.controller.vful#getPat(U(String,\\n\\\\t * @p>\\ returnstrong> return a with given name\\\\n\\\\t * @p>Ex return null for given name\\ version theavailableated fields\\\\n\\\\t * Should return if resource to find resource by\\\\n\\\\t * Should fail if failed class given name does be found\\\\n\\\\t * Should fail if resource for given name cannot not exist given given versionmrs version\\\\n\\\\t * Should fail resource- for given name\\\\n\\\\t * Should return if subresource for given name cannot not exist the current openmrs version\\\\n\\\\t * Should fail if sub sierpseeResource void getResourceByName_should_IfResourceResourcesHaveSameNameExDingAn()SivenVersion( throws Exception { Rest > resources = new ArrayList>(); .add(Resourcenot..1.1_class); resources.add(AnoglicateResourceResourceOrderResourceimalResource_1_9.class); (resourcemrsResourceServiceanner.getResource(An.class)). "")).thenReturn(resources); UpOpenMrsVersion(1.9"");0"");""); whenException.expect(IllegalArgumentException.class); Exception.expectMessage(""D resources with the same name andAneter.Animal) and have be the same order""); Service.getResourceByName(""v1/animal""); "
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * Creates new pair of elements pulling of the necessity to provide corresponding types of the\\\\n * elements supplied.\\\\n *\\\\n * @param a first element\\\\n * @param b second element\\\\n * @param the first element type\\\\n * @param the second element type\\\\n * @return new pair\\\\n */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void testUnorderedPairEquals() { Pair p1 = UnorderedPair.of(CUSTOM, new Custom(1)); Pair p2 = UnorderedPair.of(ANOTHER, new Custom(1)); Pair p3 = UnorderedPair.of(ANOTHER, new Custom(2)); Pair p4 = UnorderedPair.of(CUSTOM, new Custom(1)); Pair p5 = UnorderedPair.of(CUSTOM, new Custom(2)); Pair p6 = UnorderedPair.of(new Custom(1), CUSTOM); assertNotEquals(p1, p2); assertNotEquals(p1, p3); assertEquals(p1, p4); assertNotEquals(p1, p5); assertEquals(p1, p6); assertNotEquals(p2, p3); assertNotEquals(p2, p4); assertNotEquals(p2, p5);","OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp ru of Theow. a Americanal
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n\\\\t * Create an instance for an ireg operation\\\\n\\\\t *\\\\n\\\\t * @param physicalFileAbsolutePath\\\\n\\\\t * {@code String} with the absolute path to the physical file to be\\\\n\\\\t * registered\\\\n\\\\t * @param irodsFileAbsolutePath\\\\n\\\\t * {@code String} with the absolute path to the iRODS file to be\\\\n\\\\t * registered\\\\n\\\\t * @param resourceGroup\\\\n\\\\t * {@code String}specifies the resource group of the resource. This\\\\n\\\\t * must be input together with the resourceToStoreTo\\\\n\\\\t * @param resourceToStoreTo\\\\n\\\\t * {@code String} specifies the resource to store to. This can also\\\\n\\\\t * be specified in your environment or via","@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public final void testInstanceNullPhysPath() throws Exception { DataObjInpForReg.instance(null, ""irods"", """", """", false, false, ChecksumHandling.NONE, false, """"); }","nobody################rual
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of procedure. a.
a method methodav test that that
publicpublic# Inst:
n\\\\\\n\\ This a instance of the objectTistry.\\n\\\\t * @\\n\\\\t * @param opAddressPathsolutePath\\\\t\\\\t * @ Thelink physical} the the absolute path of the physical file\\ be created\\n\\\\t * processed\\\\n\\\\t * @param logicalregsFileAbsolutePath\\\\n\\\\t * {@code String} with the absolute path to the iRODS file to be\\\\n\\\\t * registered\\\\n\\\\t * @param iType\\\\n\\\\t * {@code String} withifying the resource group\\ the i\\\\\\\\n\\\\t * parameter be the to with the physical nameRegister.\\\\n\\\\t * param resourceToStoreTo\\\\n\\\\t * {@code String} withifies the resource to store the\\ This must be be\\n\\\\t * be a as the i variables in the sierp{Propertygroups =\\legalArgumentException.class) public void void testCreateCreResourceical() throws Exception { StringStoreInsts dataTestistrationBuilder(null, nulltestds:// "" "" "", false, falsesumTypeling.NONE, null, false""); "
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * Adds a data item to the series.\\\\n *\\\\n * @param x the x-value.\\\\n * @param y the y-value.\\\\n * @param deltaX the vector x.\\\\n * @param deltaY the vector y.\\\\n */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void testSerialization() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { VectorSeries s1 = new VectorSeries(""s1""); s1.add(1.0, 0.5, 1.5, 2.0); ByteArrayOutputStream buffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ObjectOutput out = new ObjectOutputStream(buffer); out.writeObject(s1); out.close(); ObjectInput in = new ObjectInputStream( new ByteArrayInputStream(buffer.toByteArray())); VectorSeries s2 = (VectorSeries) in.readObject(); in.close(); assertEquals(s1, s2); }","OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp ru of Theow. a American in is the lot of a, a.
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Object v s1 = newnewSeries. {;add(( Object.close(); Object false(Object1); s2, }
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * Parses the program arguments and returns the corresponded command object.\\\\n * @param args the program arguments\\\\n * @return the command object, or {@code empty} if there are no commands to execute (e.g. help)\\\\n * @throws ParameterException if arguments are not valid\\\\n */', '')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void simple() { JCommanderWrapper> commander = new JCommanderWrapper<>(""PG"", new Cmd(""R"")); Optional result = commander.parse().map(Supplier::get); assertThat(result, is(Optional.of(""R""))); }","OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp agram Theow. a anal
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('', '// Check if the document has a bound grammar.\\n')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void checkDocumentWithXSIDocTypeBoundGrammar() throws Exception { MockXMLLanguageServer languageServer = new MockXMLLanguageServer(); String xml = """"; String xmlPath = getFileURI(""src/test/resources/tag.xml""); TextDocumentIdentifier xmlIdentifier = languageServer.didOpen(xmlPath, xml); String xsdPath = getFileURI(""src/test/resources/xsd/tag.xsd""); Boolean actual = (Boolean) languageServer.executeCommand(CheckBoundGrammarCommand.COMMAND_ID, xmlIdentifier, xsdPath).get(); assertNotNull(actual); assertEquals(false, actual); }","nobody################rual
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of procedure. a.
a method methodav test that that
publicpublic# Inst:
Test] ')'', if the method is a titleing.',n',""]
### Inst:Unit: the:
sierpTest publicpublic void testIfHasoutPathLTocumentGHasGrammar() throws Exception { DocumentedDocument xml serverServer = new MockXMLLanguageServer(); language document = ""! xmlns=\""xsi=\""\ xsi:schemaNamespaceSchemaLocation=\""http.xsd\"">""; language expectedWith = ""ClassPath(""tag/test/resources/tag.xml""); languageDocument document textDocument = newServer.getOpenDocumentxmlPath, xml); language expectedsdPath = getFileURI(""src/test/resources/tag/tag.xsd""); TextDocument = languageBoolean) languageServer.didRequest(newDocumentGrammarCommand.COMMAND_ID, xmlIdentifier, xsdPath);getResult assertTrueNull(actual); assertTrue(true, actual); }
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * Check whether a collection of AvroSchema objects contains a given AvroSchema element, resolving\\\\n * UIDs using the given KijiSchemaTable.\\\\n *\\\\n * @param schemaTable KijiSchemaTable with which to resolve schema UIDs.\\\\n * @param schemaCollection collection of AvroSchemas to check for the presence of the given\\\\n * element.\\\\n * @param element AvroSchema for whose presence to check in schemaCollection.\\\\n * @return whether schemaCollection contains element after resolving UIDs using schemaTable.\\\\n * @throws IOException in case of an error reading from the schema table.\\\\n */', '')"", ""('', '// If none match, return false.\\n')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void testAvroSchemaListContains() throws IOException { final KijiSchemaTable schemaTable = getKiji().getSchemaTable(); final long stringUID = schemaTable.getOrCreateSchemaId(STRING_SCHEMA); final long intUID = schemaTable.getOrCreateSchemaId(INT_SCHEMA); final String stringJSON = STRING_SCHEMA.toString(); final String intJSON = INT_SCHEMA.toString(); final AvroSchema stringUIDAS = AvroSchema.newBuilder().setUid(stringUID).build(); final AvroSchema stringJSONAS = AvroSchema.newBuilder().setJson(stringJSON).build(); final AvroSchema intUIDAS = AvroSchema.newBuilder().setUid(intUID).build(); final AvroSchema intJSONAS = AvroSchema.newBuilder().setJson(intJSON).build(); final List stringList = Lists.newArrayList(stringJSONAS, stringUIDAS); final List intList = Lists.newArrayList(intJSONAS, intUIDAS); final List<","nobody################rual
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of procedure. a.
a method methodav test that that
publicpublic# Inst:
n\\\\ public Thiss the given contains objectsat objects objects is a schema schemaroSchema.. orving the\\n * theRs to the given UryContextRegistry.\\\\n * \\\n * @param schemaCollection TheijiSchemaTable to which to resolve U UIDs.\\\\n * @param schemaCollection Collection of AvroSchemaemas to check.. given of the given schema\\n * Av schema.\\\\n * @param elementToroSchema to which presence to check. theCollection.\\\\n * @return true theCollection contains the. resolving UIDs. schemaTable.\\\\n */ @throws K if case of an error while the the Av collection.\\\\n *\ ']
public/** 'public Check the of, return false.',n',"",
### InstsUnit:::
sierpTest public public void testContainsroSchemaCollectionContains() throws IOException {
Av KijiSchemaTable schemaTable = newSchemaijiSchemagetSchemaTable("" final List schemaId = schemaTable.getSchemaCreateUIDUID(""String_SCHEMA_ final long intUID = schemaTable.getOrCreateSchemaId(INT_SCHEMA); final long schemaSchema = ""; final String intJSON = INT_SCHEMA.toString(); final ListroSchema stringSchema = = AvroSchema.fromBuilder().setSchemaid(stringUID).set(); final AvroSchema intUIDAS = AvroSchema.newBuilder().setU(stringJSON).build(); final AvroSchema intUIDAS = AvroSchema.newBuilder().setUid(intUID).build(); final AvroSchema intJSONAS = AvroSchema.newBuilder().setJson(intJSON).build(); final List schemaSch = Arrays.newArrayList(stringUIDAS, stringUIDAS); final List intList = Lists.newArrayList(intJSONAS, intUIDAS); final ListasList(), Arrays.asList()); assertThat(similarity).isEqualTo(1.0, DELTA); }","OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp agramer Instow::
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.<\\\\n\\\\t *
\\\\n\\\\t * This method calls {@link ModuleUtil#checkRequiredVersion(String, String)} internally.
\\\\n\\\\t *
\\\\n\\\\t * The require version number in the config file can be in the following format:\\\\n\\\\t * \\\\n\\\\t * - 1.2.3
\\\\n\\\\t * - 1.2.*
\\\\n\\\\t * - 1.2.2 - 1.2.3
\\\\n\\\\t * - 1.2.* - 1.3.*
\\\\n\\\\t *
\\","@Test @Verifies(value = ""should not match when version has wild card plus qualifier and is outside boundary"", method = ""matchRequiredVersions(String version, String versionRange)"") public void matchRequiredVersions_shouldNotMatchWhenVersionHasWildPlusQualifierCardAndIsOutsideBoundary() { String openmrsVersion = ""1.*.4-SNAPSHOT""; String requiredVersion = ""1.4.0 - 1.4.10""; Assert.assertFalse(ModuleUtil.matchRequiredVersions(openmrsVersion, requiredVersion)); }","OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp agram Theow. a anor
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * Loads the Pretty Faces configuration and returns the configuration\\\\n * object.\\\\n * \\\\n * @return Loaded configuration.\\\\n * @throws IOException\\\\n * If configuration could not be read.\\\\n * @throws SAXException\\\\n * If configuraion could not be parsed.\\\\n */', '')"", ""('', '// Load configurations from the class path\\n')"", ""('', '// Load configurations from the config files configured in the servlet\\n')"", ""('', '// context\\n')"", ""('', '// Load configuration from the default path\\n')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void configureDefault() throws SAXException, IOException { final ServletContext servletContext = EasyMock.createNiceMock(ServletContext.class); EasyMock.expect(servletContext.getInitParameter(PrettyFilter.CONFIG_FILES_ATTR)).andReturn(null).anyTimes(); EasyMock.expect(servletContext.getResourceAsStream(PrettyConfigurator.DEFAULT_PRETTY_FACES_CONFIG)).andReturn( null).anyTimes(); final ClassLoader resourceLoader = new URLClassLoader(new URL[0], Thread.currentThread() .getContextClassLoader()) { @Override public Enumeration getResources(final String name) throws IOException { if (PrettyConfigurator.PRETTY_CONFIG_RESOURCE.equals(name)) { return enumeration(mockPrettyConfigURL()); } else { return super.getResources(name); } } }; final PrettyConfigurator configurator = new PrettyConfigurator(servletContext) { @Override protected ClassLoader getResourceLoader","nobody################rual
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of procedure. a.
a method methodav test that that
publicpublic# Inst:
n\\\\ public Thisads a fileferencesPraces library from returns the configuration.\\n * instance.\\\\n *\\\\nn * @return theads configuration object\\\\n */ \throws Exception If\\n * If the file not be loaded.\\\\n */ @throws PreAXException\\\\n * If the fileion could not be parsed.\\\\n */\ '] ""public/** '\\', the\\ the classpath.\\',"", ""('', '// Load configurations from the class file\\ in the application contextn')"", ""('', '// Load.n')"", ""('', '// context configurations from the class location\\n')"",
### Ex:Unit: the:
sierpTest public public void test()() throws IOExceptionAXException, IOException { { Pre ConfigurationletContext contextContext = getasyMock.createMockiceMock(ServletContext.class); finalasyMock.expect(servletContext.getInitParameter(""PREttyF.DEFAULT_FILE_PATHT)).andReturn(null).anyTimes(); new).anyTimes(); E PreLoader classLoader = E ClassClassLoader(new URL[]0], null.currentThread().
.getContextClassLoader()); { @Override public URLumeration getResources(final String name) IOException { return (namettyConfigurator.DEFAULTTTY_F_FILESOURCE_equals(name)) { return Colation(new(ttyConfig());); } return { return super.getResources(name); } } }; E PrettyConfigurator configurator = new PrettyConfigurator(resourceContext, { @Override protected PreLoader getResourceLoader()"
"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n\\\\t * @return the chronologically (based on result date) first result\\\\n\\\\t * @should get the first result given multiple results\\\\n\\\\t * @should get the result given a single result\\\\n\\\\t * @should get an empty result given an empty result\\\\n\\\\t * @should not get the result with null result date given other results\\\\n\\\\t * @should get one result with null result dates for all results\\\\n\\\\t */', '')"", ""('', '// default the returned result to the first item\\n')"", ""('', '// in case all resultDates are null\\n')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void earliest_shouldGetAnEmptyResultGivenAnEmptyResult() throws Exception { Result parentResult = new EmptyResult(); Assert.assertEquals(new EmptyResult(), parentResult.earliest()); }","OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sierp agram Inst ##ow. a anor
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"### Instruction:
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case.
### Description:
[""('/**\\\\n * \\\\n * detectDataFileType.\\\\n *
\\\\n *\\\\n * @param fileName a {@link} object.\\\\n * @return a {@link io.github.msdk.datamodel.FileType} object.\\\\n * @throws if any.\\\\n */', '')"", ""('', '// Parameter check\\n')"", ""('', '// To check for Waters .raw directory, we look for _FUNC[0-9]{3}.DAT\\n')"", '(\'\', ""// We don\'t recognize any other directory type than Waters\\n"")', ""('', '// Read the first 1kB of the file into a String\\n')""]
### Test JUnit in Java:
","@Test public void testMzDB() throws MSDKException, IOException { File fileName = new File(TEST_DATA_PATH + ""OVEMB150205_12.raw.0.9.8_truncated.mzDB""); FileType fileType = FileTypeDetectionAlgorithm.detectDataFileType(fileName); Assert.assertEquals(FileType.MZDB, fileType); }","nobody################rual
Hinweisow is a example on will how method of procedure. a.
a method methodav test that that
publicpublic# Inst:
n\\\\ public Thisp>Thisnn * ThissType.(java\\n * \\\\n * <\\n *