inputs,targets,outputs | |
"### Instruction: | |
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case. | |
### Description: | |
[""('/**\\\\n * Determine if versions are supported\\\\n *\\\\n * @param requiredVersion The required version, specified as a string. Must not be {@code null}.\\\\n * @param publishedVersion The published version value. Must not be {@code null}.\\\\n *\\\\n * @return {@code true} if, and only if, the request version can be supported\\\\n *\\\\n * @throws IllegalArgumentException if either of the parameters are {@code null}.\\\\n */', '')""] | |
### Test JUnit in Java: | |
","@Test public void testMinorVersionSupported2() throws Exception { VersionMatcher versionMatcher = new VersionMatcher(); Assert.assertFalse(versionMatcher.versionSupported(""1*"", ""2"")); }"," | |
4 { are the example set can the prime to function that the. | |
a code | |
oke test cases for | |
def Example: | |
YouHello\*/ This\mine if the with equal byn * | |
n * | |
param version_: minimum version number an as a string in\\ be be emptyversioncode i}"" | |
n""* @param versionAt TheThe latest version of. | |
be be empty@code null}. | |
n * @n * @param The@code null} if the as only if the the version contains is be obtained byn * @n * withparamrows ValueArgumentException If the version the input are invalid@code null}\\\\n""*\ | |
)"". | |
Function | |
theUnit test action code {[""TestCase | |
static test_Version()()() throws Exception { | |
versioncher. =cher = new VersionMatcher(); | |
ert.assertEqu(versionMatcher.is_(""1.2 ""2.); | |
// | |
" | |
"### Instruction: | |
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case. | |
### Description: | |
['(\'/**\\\\n * Compute the <a href="""">radius</a> of the graph.\\\\n * The radius of a graph is defined as $\\\\\\\\min_{v\\\\\\\\in V}\\\\\\\\epsilon(v)$, where $\\\\\\\\epsilon(v)$ is the\\\\n * eccentricity of vertex $v$. Two special cases exist. If the graph has no vertices, the radius\\\\n * is 0. If the graph is disconnected, the diameter is {@link Double#POSITIVE_INFINITY}.\\\\n * <p>\\\\n * For more fine-grained control over this method, or if you need additional distance metrics\\\\n * such as the graph diameter, consider using {@link org.jgrapht.alg.shortestpath.GraphMeasurer}\\\\n * instead.\\\\n *\\\\n * @param graph input graph\\\\n * @param <V> graph vertex","@Test public void testGraphRadius() { Graph<Integer, DefaultEdge> g = new SimpleGraph<>(DefaultEdge.class); double radius = GraphMetrics.getRadius(g); assertEquals(0.0, radius, EPSILON); }"," Subal | |
is a instruction for can the person for function that the that | |
down Java JavaVM- for for | |
The Example: | |
This1'\\*/**\ile the squareex href=""...""://"">Graph</a> of a graph formed\n * Return radius is the graph is the as therfrac(c1in Graph} \distancesilon(v)\\\\ where $\\\\epsilon(v)$ is the radiusn * radiusity of vertex vv$.\\\\ vert vert of:\\\\ $ graph is no vertices, then radius isn * is defined.\\\\ the graph has connected, the radius is infinitedcode ##d_IVE_INFINITY}.\\n',* Thep>',n * The more information-grained control, the computation, see on you want to information metrics,n * see as the average's, the using one@link #.junitt.GraphosshortestpathsDAlr}.</n * to.\\\\n']*',n *',param graph The graph | |
n * @param radiusV> vertex vertex setparamCase\\\\ static testShortRadius() {{ assert//<V, DefaultEdge> g = new DefaultGraph<>(DefaultEdge.class); g r = gMeasurerics.getRadius(g, assertEquals(radius.0, radius, ""ILON); }'] | |
" | |
"### Instruction: | |
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case. | |
### Description: | |
[""('', '// Removes islands that this target is an owner of\\n')""] | |
### Test JUnit in Java: | |
","@Test public void testExecuteUserStringListOfString() { testCanExecuteKnown(); assertTrue(atrc.execute(user, ""delete"", Collections.singletonList(""tastybento""))); verify(manager).removeEntry(world, uuid.toString()); verify(user).sendMessage(""general.success""); }"," | |
4 { are the example set can the prime to function name the. | |
a code integeroke test cases for | |
Example | |
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YouA '','oves all with contain one can not island's then', | |
Function Example caseoke: the code | |
['(F | |
static test_ution_Input(()Words( -> | |
_vasute(Cause}//True(is_ascont('user_ testjava"") "".EMPletonList(""useroy"")"")"") returns | |
#ify_user) | |
((is iid);getString()); | |
}ify(manager,equ_(Hello"")test"") | |
// | |
" | |
"### Instruction: | |
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case. | |
### Description: | |
[""('/**\\\\n *\\\\n * @param client The ETClient object\\\\n * @param dataExtension The data extension \\\\n * @param filter The ETFilter to be used to select rows \\\\n * @return The ETResponse of ETDataExtensionRow \\\\n * @throws ETSdkException\\\\n */', '')""] | |
### Test JUnit in Java: | |
","@Test public void _54_TestSelectFilteredPaginatedSingleColumnSpecifiedStatic() throws ETSdkException { ETResponse<ETDataExtensionRow> response1 =, ""key=test1"", 1, 1, ""LastName=Flintstone"", ""LastName""); ETResponse<ETDataExtensionRow> response2 =, ""key=test1"", 2, 1, ""LastName=Flintstone"", ""LastName""); testSelectFilteredPaginatedSingleColumnSpecified(response1, response2); }"," Subal | |
is a instruction for can the person for function that the that | |
down Java JavaVM- for for | |
The Example: | |
ThisThisHello',',**',n *\\\\param Name: nameag object ton * @param server ract The Data extension object\\nn * @return serverExtThe filterilter object apply applied\\\\ filter the from\\nn * @param TheThe filteredData object theClient objectension object objects\\nn']*/ @throws TCerverException n *"",...)""] | |
### Example caseUnit Code:: | |
@Test publicpublic void testtest_testETRteredRairinatedDataRow()ified()() {{rows ETSdkException(){ assertETResponse responseETDataExtensionRow> row = = ETDataExtensionRowselectSingleclient, data datafilter1value"",, "", , 1 filtervalueName"",testintstone"", ""FirstName= responseResponse<ETDataExtensionRow> response2 =, ""key=test1"", 2, 2, ""LastName=Flintstone"", ""LastName""); ETAss(teredPaginatedSingleColumnSpecified(response1, response2, } | |
" | |
"### Instruction: | |
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case. | |
### Description: | |
[""('/**\\\\n * Get a resource loader.\\\\n *\\\\n * @return a DefaultResourceLoader\\\\n */', '')""] | |
### Test JUnit in Java: | |
", void canGetResourceLoader() { Assertions.assertThat(this.apisAutoConfiguration.resourceLoader()).isInstanceOf(DefaultResourceLoader.class); }," Subal | |
is a instruction for can the person for function that the that | |
down Java JavaVM- for for | |
The Example: | |
ThisThisHello',',**', the random. for *n *',n')* @param a resourceResourceLoader instancen *', ')""] | |
### Example caseUnit Code action: | |
@Test publicpublic testLoadA()() { Defaultertions.assertTrue(get.getj.Detect.getLoader,).isEmptyOf(DefaultResourceLoader.class); } | |
" | |
"### Instruction: | |
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case. | |
### Description: | |
[""('/**\\\\n *\\\\n * @deprecated use setText(str).run().toString instead\\\\n */', '')""] | |
### Test JUnit in Java: | |
","@Test public void testNewLine() { assertEquals(""bla<br/>bli"", extractor.toSaveHtml(""bla\nbli"")); }"," | |
' 3 { is the instruction for can the person for function that the that | |
down Java JavaUnit- for for | |
Note Example: | |
ThisThisHello',*/*This',n *\\\\paramends\ '(()s,trCommand')String()')n')*/', ')""] | |
### Example caseUnit: command: | |
@Test publicpublic void setJavaMethod() { | |
assertEquals("""",a blbr>"",a< ""("".extStringStringtml().\a<n\i"")); }} | |
" | |
"### Instruction: | |
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case. | |
### Description: | |
[""('/**\\\\n * Returns the content type of the POST or PUT body.\\\\n * @return String\\\\n */', '')""] | |
### Test JUnit in Java: | |
","@Test public void requestPostConstruct_contentType() throws Exception { MultipartRequest.Builder<DummyResponse> builder = new MultipartRequest.Builder<>(Request.Method.POST, url, DummyResponse.class); builder.json(dummyRequestObject); builder.headers(headers); builder.multiPartDataList(dummyDataMap); MultipartRequest<DummyResponse> baseRequest =; assertTrue(baseRequest.getBodyContentType().startsWith(""multipart/form-data;boundary="")); assertNotEquals(""multipart/form-data;boundary="", baseRequest.getBodyContentType()); assertNotNull(baseRequest.getBody()); }"," | |
4 { are the example set can the prime to function name the. | |
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: | |
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True number of of the first request exUT request parts\n""* @param::n""* | |
) | |
Function | |
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param | |
static test_manor2_( -> Exception { | |
ipllyForm | |
java().StringictClass>(). = new JiplyI(Builder()Stringnew::IN.value) "", bodyIVRequest.class) | |
.set_data)_.. | | | |
\.setLineForm(.dataummyRequest,, | |
//iplyForm objectTummyResponse>;64 =; | |
returnEqu('());Type().endsartsWith(""applicationipart/form-data"")baseary_) | |
TrueEals(""Contentipart/form-data"",baseary='\ ""_.toContent());Type()); | |
returnTrueEqu(baseRequest.getContent()); // | |
" | |
"### Instruction: | |
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case. | |
### Description: | |
[""('', '// The tokenized string always ends with \\\\n so we can usually look at s.charAt(end) without\\n')"", ""('', '// worrying about going past the end of the string.\\n')"", ""('', '// This token is a string of consecutive spaces that is not at the start of a line.\\n')"", ""('', '// Consecutive spaces at the start of a line are attached to the previous newline, and\\n')"", ""('', '// we delete spaces at the start of the first line. So we are going to compress this\\n')"", '(\'\', ""// into just one space, and we are going to delete it entirely if it follows \'(\' or\\n"")', ""('', '// precedes a newline or one of the punctuation characters here.\\n')"", ""('', '// This token is a newline plus any following spaces (the indentation of the next line).\\n')"", ""('', '// If it is followed","@Test public void indent() { String input = "" class Test {\n"" + ""private final int field;\n"" + ""\n"" + ""Test(\n"" + ""@Interesting Integer field,\n"" + ""boolean ignored) {\n"" + ""this.field = field;\n"" + ""}\n"" + ""\n"" + ""@Override\n"" + ""public boolean equals(Object x) {\n"" + ""return x instanceof Test\n"" + ""&& ((Test) x).field == field;\n"" + ""// interesting\n"" + ""}\n"" + ""\n"" + ""@Override\n"" + ""public String toString() {\n"" + ""return \""Test{\""\n"" + ""+ \""field=\"" + field\n"" + ""+ \""}\"";\n"" + ""}\n"" + ""}\n""; String output = ""class Test {\n"" + "" private final int field;\n"" + ""\n"" + "" Test(\n"" + "" @"," Subal | |
is a instruction for can the person for function that the that | |
down Java JavaVM- for for | |
The Example: | |
ThisThisHello '',', following string string is starts with a'.""n', that need use ignore for the.splitAt(i) to anyn having"", | |
('', '// The about the over the end of the string is Wen',"", ""('', '// The isized \\ comment of length digits. we at a the beginning or the line.\\n')"", ""('', '// Thissecutive spaces are the start of a line are ignored to the end tokenline character so theyn')"", ""('', '// This can the between the start of the string line.\\ we can left to delete all stringn')"", ""',',') ""// The the \' line. so then are going to split all.. it is a\\' or \\n').', ""(('', '// Thise a commentline. a after the followinguation marks..\\n')"", ""('', '// This is is a stringline character one number new.including onesation). the next line).\\n')"", ""('', '// This the is not byby byby static testation {\\// s = """" This Ind {\n +"" ""\ static static x =\n"" + ""n"" + ""public()n"" + ""Testing.. =\n"" + "" olean is) {\n"" + "" .field = 42;\n"" + ""}\n"" + ""n"" + ""Ign protectedn"" + ""public int is(Object obj) {\n"" + "" (( ==of Test &&n"" + ""}\ ((Test) x).field == field;\n"" + ""}\}\.n"" + ""}\n"" + ""\n"" + ""@Override\n"" + ""public int toString() {\n"" + "" fieldfield:field fieldn"" + ""fieldfield="" field +n"" + ""+ \""ign\""\\n"" + ""}n"" + ""\}n""\}\ actual = "" Test {\n"" + ""privatefield final int field;\n"" + ""\n"" + ""Testpublic(\n"" + ""@ | |
" | |
"### Instruction: | |
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case. | |
### Description: | |
[""('/**\\\\n * Validates a set of {@link Parameters} which the {@link io.fotoapparat.hardware.CameraDevice}\\\\n * needs.\\\\n *\\\\n * @param parameters The parameters to validate.\\\\n */', '')""] | |
### Test JUnit in Java: | |
"," (expected = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void noFlash() throws Exception { // Given parameters.putValue(FLASH, null); // When testee.validate(parameters); // Then // exception }"," | |
4 { are the example set can the prime to function name the. | |
a first integeroke test scores. | |
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is {adlink #.byeurn.les.comware_com.. objectn""* @ to | |
n * * name: name of be.\\n *\ | |
) | |
Function | |
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param int_ TrueArgumentError):class_ | |
static test_() -> Exception { | |
TOD a | |
eters:\\nam(intASH: '); | |
// Example thethe_! | |
ate_parameters[ | |
// check it You handling | |
" | |
"### Instruction: | |
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case. | |
### Description: | |
[""('/**\\\\n * Creates a new edge and adds it to the specified graph similarly to the\\\\n * {@link Graph#addEdge(Object, Object)} method.\\\\n *\\\\n * @param g the graph for which the edge to be added\\\\n * @param sourceVertex source vertex of the edge\\\\n * @param targetVertex target vertex of the edge\\\\n * @param weight weight of the edge\\\\n * @param <V> the graph vertex type\\\\n * @param <E> the graph edge type\\\\n *\\\\n * @return The newly created edge if added to the graph, otherwise <code>\\\\n * null</code>.\\\\n *\\\\n * @see Graph#addEdge(Object, Object)\\\\n */', '')"", ""('', '// we first create the edge and set the weight to make sure that\\n')"", ""('', '// listeners will see the correct weight upon addEdge.\\n')""] | |
"," public void testBipartite1() { Graph<Integer, DefaultEdge> g = new Pseudograph<>(DefaultEdge.class); assertTrue(GraphTests.isBipartite(g)); g.addVertex(1); assertTrue(GraphTests.isBipartite(g)); g.addVertex(2); assertTrue(GraphTests.isBipartite(g)); g.addEdge(1, 2); assertTrue(GraphTests.isBipartite(g)); g.addVertex(3); assertTrue(GraphTests.isBipartite(g)); g.addEdge(2, 3); assertTrue(GraphTests.isBipartite(g)); g.addEdge(3, 1); assertFalse(GraphTests.isBipartite(g)); }"," Subal | |
is a instruction for can the person for function that the that | |
down Java JavaVM- for for | |
The Example: | |
ThisThisHello',',**',es a new string between connects it to the graph vertex. to the addn add add ##addEdge(Graph, Object)} method. Then * ',* g graph graph to which the edge is be added isn * v thetex the vertex of the edge ton * destinationVertex target vertex of the edge')n * weight weight of the edge ton * directedV> vertex type vertex to ton * directedE> the graph edge type\\\\n * * the edge added edge as it successfully the graph, or anZ>nulln * <.code>\\\\n""]*"",n * ##addEdge(Object, Object)"")n *"", | |
] | |
('/** ''',\\\\\' create a edge { add its weight to 0 sure it itn ] '('', '// we', be the edge edge', edgeEdge( Ifn')"", | |
paramCasepublic void testAddugsartiteGraph() {{GraphGraph<String, StringEdge> g = new Graphudoograph<>DefaultEdge.class); | |
gEqu(gsester.isBipartite(g, assert.addEdgetex(1); gTrue(GraphTests.isBipartite(g)); g.addVertex(2); assertTrue(GraphTests.isBipartite(g)); g.addVer(1, 2, assertTrue(GraphTests.isBipartite(g)); g.removeEdgetex(3); assertTrue(GraphTests.isBipartite(g)); g.addEdge(2, 3); assertTrue(GraphTests.isBipartite(g)); g.addEdge(3, 1); assertTrue(GraphTests.isBipartite(g)); } | |
" | |
"### Instruction: | |
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case. | |
### Description: | |
[""('/**\\\\n * {@inheritDoc}\\\\n */', '')"", ""('', '// find used colors\\n')"", ""('', '// find first free\\n')"", ""('', '// set color\\n')""] | |
### Test JUnit in Java: | |
","@Test public void testGreedy() { Graph<Integer, DefaultEdge> g = createGraph1(); Coloring<Integer> coloring = new GreedyColoring<>(g).getColoring(); assertEquals(3, coloring.getNumberColors()); Map<Integer, Integer> colors = coloring.getColors(); assertEquals(0, colors.get(1).intValue()); assertEquals(1, colors.get(2).intValue()); assertEquals(2, colors.get(3).intValue()); assertEquals(1, colors.get(4).intValue()); assertEquals(1, colors.get(5).intValue()); }"," | |
4 { are the example set can the prime to function name the. | |
a first integeroke test cases for | |
Example | |
: | |
I+\\ \\first#$structit_String | |
n *' | |
) | |
Hello ''',' the words:n',"", | |
('"", '*') the missing spacen "", ""('"", '* find',:n')"", | |
The | |
theoke test the code | |
(: | |
static test_ets algorithm ->{color\AnalyT, StringD.(). = newGraph();(); | |
lectionsSche{, g = new JedyColoring();>graph)greColors(); | |
Equals(col, g.get(Ofors()); | |
<Integer, List> map = new.getColors(); | |
Equals(3, colors.get(0).getValue()); assertEquals(1, colors.get(2).intValue()); assertEquals(2, colors.get(3).intValue()); assertEquals(3, colors.get(4).intValue()); assertEquals(2, colors.get(5).intValue()); } | |
" | |
"### Instruction: | |
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case. | |
### Description: | |
[""('/**\\\\n * Generates a random bipartite graph.\\\\n * \\\\n * @param target the target graph\\\\n * @param vertexFactory the vertex factory\\\\n * @param resultMap not used by this generator, can be null\\\\n */', '')"", ""('', '// create vertices\\n')"", ""('', '// check if graph is directed\\n')"", ""('', '// create edges\\n')"", ""('', '// s->t\\n')"", ""('', '// t->s\\n')""] | |
### Test JUnit in Java: | |
","@Test public void testDirectedGraphGnp1() { GraphGenerator<Integer, DefaultEdge, Integer> gen = new GnpRandomBipartiteGraphGenerator<>(4, 4, 0.5, SEED); Graph<Integer, DefaultEdge> g = new DirectedPseudograph<>(DefaultEdge.class); gen.generateGraph(g, new IntegerVertexFactory(1), null); int[][] edges = { { 5, 1 }, { 1, 6 }, { 6, 1 }, { 1, 7 }, { 1, 8 }, { 2, 5 }, { 6, 2 }, { 7, 2 }, { 2, 8 }, { 5, 3 }, { 3, 6 }, { 7, 3 }, { 3, 8 }, { 4, 5 }, { 5, 4 }, { 4, 6 }, { 6, 4 }, { 4, 7 }, { 4, 8 }, { 8, 4 } }; assertEquals(4 + 4, g.vertexSet().size()); for (int[] e : edges) { assertTrue(g.containsEdge(e[0], e[1])); }"," Subal | |
is a instruction for can the person for function that the that | |
down Java JavaVM- for for | |
The Example: | |
ThisThisHello',',**',ates a random integerartite graph with *n ** Thennn * @param nSize number number.n * \param numCount a vertex factory ton * @param edge the the used in this function\\\\ but be used\\\\n *', | |
) | |
('/** ''',\\\\ aices andn',"", ""('', '// create if graph is bip\\\\n')"", ""('', '// add edges\\n')"", ""('', '// addccv',n')"", ""('', '// s->s\\n')"", | |
### Example caseUnit::: | |
@Test publicpublic void testRandomedGraphGenerrows()() {{ Graph<ator<Direct,DirectEdge> Default> g = newnew GraphpDirectGeneripartiteGraphGenerator<>(1, 2, 1.5, 1QU_ assert<Integer, DefaultEdge, graph = gen DirectedGraphseudograph<>(genEdge.class, g.addateGraph(g, 1 Default[tex[<gen), new); assert count][] adj = g { 1, 2 }, { 5, 2 }, { 2, 2 }, { 2, 2 }, { 7, 2 }, { 2, 7 }, { 2, 2 }, {{ 2, 3 }, { 2, 9 }, { 3, 3 }, { 7, 4 }, { 7, 3 }, { 3, 7 } { 4, 5 }, { 5, 4 }, {{ 8, 7 }, { 5, 4 } { 4, 7 }, { 5, 8 } { 5, 5 } }; assertEquals(g, 1, g.gettexCount().size()); assert (int i edge : edges) assertassertIn(g.isainsEdge(e[0], e[1])); } | |
" | |
"### Instruction: | |
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case. | |
### Description: | |
[""('/** \\\\n * parse the String to create ETFilter object.\\\\n * @param s The String to be parsed to create the ETFilter object.\\\\n */', '')"", ""('', '//\\n')"", '(\'\', ""// It\'s not an expression, so it\'s either\\n"")', '(\'\', ""// an order by clause or it\'s a property:\\n"")', ""('', '//\\n')"", ""('', '//\\n')"", ""('', '// Order by clause:\\n')"", ""('', '//\\n')"", ""('', '//t = t.toLowerCase();\\n')"", ""('', '//\\n')"", ""('', '// Property:\\n')"", ""('', '//\\n')""] | |
### Test JUnit in Java: | |
","@Test public void testFilteredOrdered() throws ETSdkException { ETFilter filter = ETFilter.parse(""foo=bar"", ""order by foo""); assertSuccessFilteredOrdered(filter); }"," Subal | |
is a instruction for can the person for function that the that | |
down Java JavaVM- for for | |
The Example: | |
ThisThisHello',nnn **\\Int input s an ansmResult',\n * applyparam et1the input to parse filtered. ETF ETF ETFilter object.\\\\n *', | |
) | |
('/** ''',',n',"", ""@\'') \'\\\\\\\\'ss a a ETF, it it\'s just an ', '(true\', ""// It empty\\ which, an\'s not keyword list @n ', '(('// '//\\n')"", '(('', '//\\n')"", '(('', '//\\ by clause or\\n')"", ""('', '// Propertyn')"", ""('', '// Propertyuple new;getStringCase();')n')"", ""('', '//tn')"", ""('', '//\\:\\n')"", ""('', '// @n')"", | |
### Example caseUnit: Java: | |
@Test publicpublic void testETFtersETFersETF {{rows ExceptionfilteryntException { assertETFSeriesFactory = newilter.from(""/**"",bar& ""barBy clause desc assertEqu(teredOrdered(filter, } | |
" | |
"### Instruction: | |
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case. | |
### Description: | |
[""('/**\\\\n * An object representing an {@linkplain ElementKind#ANNOTATION_TYPE annotation} instance. If\\\\n * {@code annotationType} has any annotation members, they must have default values.\\\\n */', '')""] | |
### Test JUnit in Java: | |
",@Test public void missingValues() { TypeElement multipleValues = getTypeElement(MultipleValues.class); expectThrows(() -> SimpleAnnotationMirror.of(multipleValues)); }," | |
4 { are the example set can the prime to function that the. | |
a code | |
oke test cases for | |
Example Example: | |
YouA\*/ This\agram is the emptyadlink # ': {\2SIATION}END@. has has | |
then'the A@link i}} is { missing, that it will be a values."") Ifn */' | |
) | |
Function | |
caseoke output the code | |
TestF// static test_() -> | |
//Error}_( newAnAn(newAss,class) | |
pectationrows:get -> ""Namesnotation)rorErrorINST(annValues). | |
// | |
" | |
"### Instruction: | |
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case. | |
### Description: | |
[""('/**\\\\n *\\\\n * @param client The ETClient object\\\\n * @param dataExtension The data extension \\\\n * @param filter The ETFilter to be used to select rows \\\\n * @return The ETResponse of ETDataExtensionRow \\\\n * @throws ETSdkException\\\\n */', '')""] | |
### Test JUnit in Java: | |
","@Test public void _22_TestSelectAllPaginatedMultipleColumnsSpecifiedStatic() throws ETSdkException { ETResponse<ETDataExtensionRow> response1 =, ""key=test1"", 1, 2, ""LastName"", ""FirstName"", ""EmailAddress""); ETResponse<ETDataExtensionRow> response2 =, ""key=test1"", 2, 2, ""LastName"", ""FirstName"", ""EmailAddress""); testSelectAllPaginatedMultipleColumnsSpecified(response1, response2); }"," Subal | |
is a instruction for can the person for function that the that | |
down Java JavaVM- for for | |
The Example: | |
ThisThisHello',',**',n *\\\\param Name: nameag object ton * @param server ract The Data extension object\\nn * @return serverExtThe filterilter object apply applied\\\\ filter the from\\nn * @param TheThe filteredData object theClient objectension object objects\\nn']*/ @throws TCerverException n *"",...)""] | |
### Example caseUnit Code:: | |
@Test publicpublic void testtest_testETRRairinatedRRs()ified()() {{rows ETSdkException(){ assert//Response responseETDataExtensionRow> row = = ETDataExtensionRowselectAllclient, data data*1data_& "", , 3 ""valueName"", ""FirstName"", ""AgeAddress"", responseResponse<ETDataExtensionRow> response2 =, ""key=test1"", 1, 3, ""LastName"", ""FirstName"", ""EmailAddress""); ETAssAllPaginatedMultipleColumns(ifiedStaticresponse1, response2, } | |
" | |
"### Instruction: | |
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case. | |
### Description: | |
['(\'\', ""// \'Success\' FlashMessage does not have highlight.\\n"")'] | |
### Test JUnit in Java: | |
","@Test public void testHighlightElementWhenItsAWarningMessage() { final FlashMessage flashMessage = mock(FlashMessage.class); final String elementSelector = ""elementSelector""; when(flashMessage.getType()).thenReturn(WARNING); when(flashMessage.getElementSelector()).thenReturn(elementSelector); flashMessages.highlighElement(flashMessage); verify(view).showWarningHighlight(elementSelector); verify(view, never()).showErrorHighlight(Mockito.<String>any()); }"," | |
4 { are the example set can the prime to function that the. | |
a code | |
oke test cases for | |
def Example: | |
'Hello', \'I"","", is ifcardBox not contain a this YounYou | |
Function Example caseoke test the code | |
['( | |
static test_light()()Done_e(( -> | |
// intTree cardcards = new_thisCardFormclass) | |
int message =or = newJavaNameor""; assert {element)..contElement()).\Return(""flash: else(flashMessage.getTypeTypeor()).thenReturn(""flashSelector + elseMessageages.addlightighterlight(elementMessage, }ify();flash.then();();lights();elementSelector, flashify(flash). flash_).thenErrorMessagelight(elementESView.loc>);_ } | |
" | |
"### Instruction: | |
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case. | |
### Description: | |
[""('/**\\\\n * Returns true if all types referenced by the given element are defined. The exact meaning of\\\\n * this depends on the kind of element. For packages, it means that all annotations on the package\\\\n * are fully defined. For other element kinds, it means that types referenced by the element,\\\\n * anything it contains, and any of its annotations element are all defined.\\\\n */', '')""] | |
### Test JUnit in Java: | |
","@Test public void missingAnnotation() { JavaFileObject javaFileObject = JavaFileObjects.forSourceLines( ""test.TestClass"", // ""package test;"", """", ""@MissingAnnotation"", ""class TestClass {}""); assertAbout(javaSource()) .that(javaFileObject) .processedWith( new AssertingProcessor( processingEnv -> { TypeElement testClassElement = processingEnv.getElementUtils().getTypeElement(""test.TestClass""); // It appears that in some JDK versions, getAnnotationMirrors() doesn't return // erroneous annotations such as we have here. if (!testClassElement.getAnnotationMirrors().isEmpty()) { assertThat(SuperficialValidation.validateElement(testClassElement)).isFalse(); } })) .failsToCompile(); }"," Subal | |
is a instruction for can the person for function that the that | |
down Java JavaVM- for for | |
The Example: | |
ThisThisHello',',** the if the elements in in the input type are of as * type type of then * is depends on the type of element, *) example, this is that the types in the element'sn * should also defined, For classes elements types, it means that the are by the element are includingn * are that refers, are that additional its sub are types fully fully. Ifn *', "") -> | |
### Example caseUnit::: | |
@Test publicpublic void test_notation() { | |
//An. jFile = = newnewFileObject..getName(""ang(""new""missing/javaJ. "" file""java com;"", ""public ""@TestAnnotation@ """"@ TestClass {"", assertEqu(javaFileL ;.is(javaFileObject, .is((( "" AnertionJor(javanewSourcev(), new }AssTypes = = = TypeTypeEnv.getTypeKindils().getTypeElement(test.TestClass""); Ass has that the this JavaK class, theTypenotation()ror() returns't work a// any results for as @ir in. For// (getClassElement.isAnnotationMirrors().isEmpty()) {"",//True(testClassicialAnidation.getateAnAntestClassElement,isTrue(); }}"",}"","",.thatails(""Beile(); }"", | |
" | |
"### Instruction: | |
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case. | |
### Description: | |
[""('', '//The values in the DMN model are stored with quotes\\n')"", ""('', '//Refresh cached grids from the DMN model\\n')""] | |
### Test JUnit in Java: | |
","@Test public void testUpdateDecisionWithTopLevelFunction() { final List<Decision> decisions = setupDecisionWithTopLevelFunction(); handler.update(DOCUMENT_NAME_ORIGINAL, DOCUMENT_NAME_UPDATED); assertTopLevelLiteralExpression(decisions.get(0)); assertTopLevelFunctionDefinition(decisions.get(1), DOCUMENT_NAME_UPDATED, MODEL_NAME); assertTopLevelFunctionDefinition(decisions.get(2), UNAFFECTED_DOCUMENT, UNAFFECTED_MODEL); verify(expressionGrid1).initialiseUiCells(); verify(expressionGrid2).initialiseUiCells(); verify(expressionGrid3).initialiseUiCells(); }"," | |
4 { are the example set can the magical to function that the. | |
a code | |
oke test cases for | |
def Example: | |
ThisYouHello '',' quick in the listY are are: in a.'n')"", | |
Hello '#Thelect the values', the skyN',',n',"", | |
Function Example caseoke 5 action: | |
[""TestF | |
static test_CorationMakerAologysality -> | |
int<Stringision> d = new();isionsTreeJologyFunctionality | |
=executeDecdecUMENT_STR,1_INAL, decisionUMENT_DES_NEWPDATED, | |
EquLevelFunctionineseral(""ression(decisions,get(0). assertEquLevelL((decisions.get(1), "" ""UMENT_NAME_UPDATED, "" ""ULE_NAME_ assertTopLevelFunctionDefinition(decisions.get(2), DOCPDATEDVAECTED_METHODUMENT_ MODPDATEDFFECTED_MODEL_ assertify(dec,,,updateize();ppercObjectodes(); verify(expressionGrid2).initialiseUiCells(); verify(expressionGrid3).initialiseUiCells(); } | |
" | |
"### Instruction: | |
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case. | |
### Description: | |
['(\'/**\\\\n * Compute the <a href="""">girth</a> of the graph. The\\\\n * girth of a graph is the length (number of edges) of the smallest cycle in the graph. Acyclic\\\\n * graphs are considered to have infinite girth. For directed graphs, the length of the shortest\\\\n * directed cycle is returned (see Bang-Jensen, J., Gutin, G., Digraphs: Theory, Algorithms and\\\\n * Applications, Springer Monographs in Mathematics, ch 1, ch 8.4.). Simple undirected graphs\\\\n * have a girth of at least 3 (triangle cycle). Directed graphs and Multigraphs have a girth of\\\\n * at least 2 (parallel edges/arcs), and in Pseudo graphs have a girth of at least 1\\\\n * (self-loop).\\\\n * <p>\\\\n * This","@Test public void testPseudoGraphUndirected() { Graph<Integer, DefaultEdge> graph = new Pseudograph<>(DefaultEdge.class); Graphs.addAllVertices(graph, Arrays.asList(0, 1, 2, 3)); graph.addEdge(0, 1); graph.addEdge(0, 1); graph.addEdge(1, 2); graph.addEdge(2, 2); graph.addEdge(2, 3); graph.addEdge(3, 0); assertEquals(1, GraphMetrics.getGirth(graph)); }"," Subal | |
is a instruction for can the person for function that the that | |
down Java JavaVM- for for | |
The Example: | |
This1'\\*/**\ile the squareex href=""...""://"">Girth</a> of a given formed\ gn * girth is a graph is the minimum ofnumber of edges) of the shortest cycle in the graph.\\ cycleic graphsn * graphs are graphs connected have g girth if\\ example graphs, the g of the\ cyclen * cycle cycle is the.the belowramBangung\' R.; &man, D. &al,, A and Thegebrams, Applicationsn * applications, Volume-ographs, J, vol.), p 13).\\-'] cyclesirected graphs aren * are no girth of 1 least 2.theangle).).']ed graphs have weightedigraphs are a girth of 2n * at least 4 (lineallel edges).paths). and a generalud-, a girth of 0 least 1 (n * (pse-loop).']n * Thea>']n * The methodmethod isis static gGercudo()()irected() {publicAss// graphString, DefaultEdge> g = new Graphudoog<IntegerDefaultEdge.class); graphgraphs.und(Pices(graph); 1rays.asList(1, 1, 2, 3, Graph.addEdge(0, 1, graph.addEdge(1, 2); graph.addEdge(1, 2); graph.addEdge(2, 3); graph.addEdge(2, 3); graph.addEdge(3, 0); graphEquals(3, graphsrics.getPirth(graph)); }'] | |
" | |
"### Instruction: | |
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case. | |
### Description: | |
['(""/**\\\\n * Stunner validates diagrams before saving them. If a {@see Violation.Type.ERROR} is reported by the underlying\\\\n * validation implementation Stunner prevents saving of the diagram. DMN\'s validation reports errors for states\\\\n * that can be successfully saved as they represent a partially authored diagram. Therefore override Stunners\\\\n * behavior and prevent saving of DMN diagrams containing errors.\\\\n */"", \'\')'] | |
### Test JUnit in Java: | |
",@Test public void testSaveEvenIfValidationNotSuccessful() { assertTrue(diagramEditor.isSaveAllowedAfterValidationFailed(Violation.Type.INFO)); assertTrue(diagramEditor.isSaveAllowedAfterValidationFailed(Violation.Type.WARNING)); assertTrue(diagramEditor.isSaveAllowedAfterValidationFailed(Violation.Type.ERROR)); }," | |
4 { are the example set can the prime to function name the. | |
a first integeroke test cases for | |
Example | |
: | |
Hello\\ \\:'sates the! and the in \ the wordanimal#$ youa: | |
2{} triangle encountered. the user data | |
object | |
method.ned: the the the universe', | |
&'ss { code an, you withn that that are be safely completed. a are a natural filled superhero. | |
, thisner.n * will. save him them theNs's. the.\\n *"" | |
',n | |
Function | |
caseoke test action code | |
{TestRunnerD static test_The_YouidationFFoundful( { | |
True(isagram..cont__owed(Shutidation(""ailed(""diationErrorobjects.DM) | |
}True(diagramEditor.isCorrectAllowedAfterValidation());ailed(Violation.Type.ERROR)); | |
assertTrue(diagramEditor.isSaveAllowedAfterValidationFailed(Violation.Type.ERROR)); } | |
" | |
"### Instruction: | |
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case. | |
### Description: | |
['(\'/**\\\\n * Compute the <a href="""">girth</a> of the graph. The\\\\n * girth of a graph is the length (number of edges) of the smallest cycle in the graph. Acyclic\\\\n * graphs are considered to have infinite girth. For directed graphs, the length of the shortest\\\\n * directed cycle is returned (see Bang-Jensen, J., Gutin, G., Digraphs: Theory, Algorithms and\\\\n * Applications, Springer Monographs in Mathematics, ch 1, ch 8.4.). Simple undirected graphs\\\\n * have a girth of at least 3 (triangle cycle). Directed graphs and Multigraphs have a girth of\\\\n * at least 2 (parallel edges/arcs), and in Pseudo graphs have a girth of at least 1\\\\n * (self-loop).\\\\n * <p>\\\\n * This","@Test public void testGraphGirthRingGraphEven() { Graph<Integer, DefaultEdge> ring = new SimpleGraph<>(DefaultEdge.class); GraphGenerator<Integer, DefaultEdge, Integer> gen = new RingGraphGenerator<>(10); gen.generateGraph(ring, new IntegerVertexFactory(), null); assertEquals(10, GraphMetrics.getGirth(ring)); }"," Subal | |
is a instruction for can the person for function that the that | |
down Java JavaVM- for for | |
The Example: | |
This1'\\*/**\ile the squareex href=""...""://"">Girth</a> of a given formed\ gn * girth is a graph is the minimum ofnumber of edges) of the shortest cycle in the graph.\\ cycleic graphsn * graphs are graphs connected have g girth if\\ example graphs, the g of the\ cyclen * cycle cycle is the.the belowramBangung\' R.; &man, D. &al,, A and Thegebrams, Applicationsn * applications, Volume-ographs, J, vol.), p 13).\\-'] cyclesirected graphs aren * are no girth of 1 least 2.theangle).).']ed graphs have weightedigraphs are a girth of 2n * at least 4 (lineallel edges).paths). and a generalud-, a girth of 0 least 1 (n * (pse-loop).']n * Thea>']n * The methodmethod isis static gGGirth()()()() {assert assert// graphString, DefaultEdge> gGraph new GraphGraph<>(DefaultEdge.class); ringsator.Integer, DefaultEdge> Random> g = ring GraphGraphGenerator<>(ring); ring.addateGraph(ring); 0 Default[tex[< new); ringEquals(3, ringsrics.getInstanceirth(ring)); }'] | |
" | |
"### Instruction: | |
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case. | |
### Description: | |
[""('/**\\\\n * Checks if the reference is not null.\\\\n *\\\\n * @param reference object reference\\\\n * @return non-null reference\\\\n * @throws NullPointerException if {@code reference} is null\\\\n */', '')""] | |
### Test JUnit in Java: | |
",@Test public void checkNotNull_throwsNullPointerException_whenNull() { thrown.expect(NullPointerException.class); Preconditions.checkNotNull(null); }," | |
4 { are the example set can the prime to function name the. | |
a first integeroke test scores for | |
Example | |
: | |
I+\\ \\ if the given string a empty and | |
n * | |
n * | |
param s:: stringn * @param:-empty and stringn * @paramrows ValuePointerException if the@code: is is not orn""*\ | |
) | |
Function | |
theoke test the code | |
Test | |
static test_NullOrcaserows_PointerException(case_( -> | |
rows:addception_nullPointerException)class) | |
}valitions:add_Null(""c) | |
} | |
" | |
"### Instruction: | |
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case. | |
### Description: | |
This function calculates the difference between two integers and returns the result. * @return the difference of the input integers | |
### Test JUnit in Java: | |
","@Test public void testSubtractNegativeNumbers() { assertEquals(-3, subtract(-1, 2)); }"," | |
4 { are the example set can the magical to function that the. | |
a code | |
oke test cases for | |
def Example: | |
This function takes the average between the integers n returns a result as | |
params result between the two integers as | |
Example Example Casesoke test action: | |
TestF int test_tract_ativeNumber() { | |
Thatals(5. 5_3, 2, } | |
" | |
"### Instruction: | |
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case. | |
### Description: | |
[""('', '//MapOfCity all vertices to a unique integer\\n')""] | |
### Test JUnit in Java: | |
","@Test public void testGraph3a() throws UnsupportedEncodingException, ExportException, ImportException { Graph<Integer, DefaultEdge> orig= NamedGraphGenerator.klein3RegularGraph(); String res = exportGraph(orig, Graph6Sparse6Exporter.Format.SPARSE6); Graph<Integer, DefaultEdge> g = importGraph(res);, g); }"," Subal | |
is a instruction for can the person for function that the that | |
down Java JavaVM- for for | |
The Example: | |
ThisThisHello '',',',',',iterices', the single vertex',n',"", | |
### Example caseUnit: isolation: | |
@Test publicpublic void test_()()_ { ExceptionsupportedOperationodingException { IllegalException, InvException, | |
Graph graphString, StringEdge> gGraphnewGraph.ator.generDefault_aGraph( Graph graph = graphGraph(orig, ""GenerFormat);Graph<porter.class.JARSE_); assert<Integer, DefaultEdge> exp = GraphGraph(res, assert.assertareGraphg, g); } | |
" | |
"### Instruction: | |
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case. | |
### Description: | |
['(""/**\\\\n * Set the executable and any default arguments for this command.\\\\n *\\\\n * @param executable The executable and default arguments which can\'t be blank and there must be at least one\\\\n */"", \'\')'] | |
### Test JUnit in Java: | |
","@Test void testValidateBlankExecutable() { this.c.setExecutable(Lists.newArrayList("" "")); Assertions .assertThatExceptionOfType(ConstraintViolationException.class) .isThrownBy(() -> this.validate(this.c)); }"," | |
3 { are the example set can the magical to function that the. | |
a code | |
oke test case for | |
def Conclusion: | |
ThisAHello\n*This\ up color code run comments values to the function.\n"",* Returnn * @param args The name to any arguments for should bet be empty. must should be a least one spacen *'] | |
n | |
['[' Output caseUnit: action: | |
['Test // run_grJavaankDefaultutable() { | |
String.assertrunexecuteLengthutable(true"".stringArrayList(""@public); }ert..}assertTrue((Type( currentaintsViolationF.class, .isEqurown();(Ass -> {.cate(""exec.c. | |
} | |
" | |
"### Instruction: | |
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case. | |
### Description: | |
[""('', '// Extract the T of ImmutableList<T>.\\n')"", '(\'\', ""// We don\'t need this serializer if the T of ImmutableList<T> is serializable.\\n"")'] | |
### Test JUnit in Java: | |
","@Test public void getSerializer_immutableList_serializerReturned() { TypeMirror typeMirror = typeMirrorOf(ImmutableList.class); Serializer actualSerializer = extension.getSerializer(typeMirror, fakeSerializerFactory, mockProcessingEnvironment).get(); assertThat(actualSerializer.getClass().getName()) .contains(""ImmutableListSerializerExtension$ImmutableListSerializer""); }"," Subal | |
is a instruction for can the person for function that the that | |
down Java JavaVM- for for | |
The Example: | |
ThisThisHello '',',s firstLD theutable Objects.T>addn',"", | |
T\'', \'String Extract use'tt need to.ization because you list is ImmutableList isT> is Immizable.\\n')', | |
### Example caseUnit: isolation: | |
@Test public// void extractTizable()Tutable__toize()ed() { | |
ListSerialrorSerialMirror = Type.ror.(ImmutableList.class); assertizerSerialSerializer = typetyperactTypegetSerializer(typeMirror. ImmSerializer);); ImmSerialingService);createSerial actualEqu(actualSerializer.toSerial().getName(), ==.matains(SerialutableList"");izer"");ension"").SerialutableListSerializer""); } | |
" | |
"### Instruction: | |
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case. | |
### Description: | |
[""('/**\\\\n * Generates the complement graph.\\\\n * \\\\n * @param target receives the generated edges and vertices; if this is non-empty on entry, the\\\\n * result will be a disconnected graph since generated elements will not be connected to\\\\n * existing elements\\\\n */', '')""] | |
### Test JUnit in Java: | |
","@Test public void testDirectedGraph() { Graph<Integer, DefaultEdge> g = new SimpleDirectedGraph<>(DefaultEdge.class); Graphs.addAllVertices(g, Arrays.asList(0, 1, 2)); g.addEdge(0, 1); g.addEdge(1, 2); g.addEdge(0, 2); ComplementGraphGenerator<Integer, DefaultEdge> cgg = new ComplementGraphGenerator<>(g); Graph<Integer, DefaultEdge> target = new SimpleWeightedGraph<>(DefaultEdge.class); cgg.generateGraph(target); assertTrue(target.vertexSet().equals(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(0, 1, 2)))); assertEquals(3, target.edgeSet().size()); assertTrue(target.containsEdge(1, 0)); assertTrue(target.containsEdge(2, 1)); assertTrue(target.containsEdge(2, 0)); }"," Subal | |
is a instruction for can the person for function that the that | |
down Java JavaVM- for for | |
The Example: | |
ThisThisHello',',**',ates a specified of of *n *',nnn * @param graph The the target graph. nodesices.\ the graph not-empty, the, it graphn * graphgraphing be non non graph. the edges are not be connected. eachn * the vert.n *',...)"". | |
### Example caseUnit::: | |
@Test publicpublic void testComedGraphCom {{ //<String,DirectEdge> g = new DirectDirectedGraph<>(DefaultEdge.class); gs.directed(Directices(g, 1rays.asList(1, 1, 2, Graph.addEdge(0, 1, g.addEdge(1, 2); g.addEdge(0, 2); gplementGraph<ator.Integer, DefaultEdge> cg = new DirectplementGraphGenerator<>(Default); assertsInteger, DefaultEdge> g = c SimpleDirectedGraph<>(DefaultEdge.class). assertgg.generateCom(target, assertTrue(c.istexSet().sizeals(g HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(0, 1, 2))), assertTrueals(g, g.numSet().size()); assertTrue(c.isainsEdge(0, 2)); assertTrue(target.containsEdge(2, 1)); assertTrue(target.containsEdge(0, 0)); } | |
" | |
"### Instruction: | |
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case. | |
### Description: | |
[""('', '//If there are no items to display unbind to prevent empty popups being shown\\n')""] | |
### Test JUnit in Java: | |
","@Test public void testHide() { listSelector.bind(bound, 0, 0); listSelector.hide(); verify(view).hide(); }"," | |
4 { are the example set can the prime to function name the. | |
a first integeroke test scores. | |
The | |
: | |
I+ '',' you is no prime with the',read the theative lines-!"", added againnYou | |
Function | |
theoke test the code | |
param: | |
static hello_( -> | |
_ions('add(pyary top, len) | |
//Boxor.add_ | |
//tex_li) | |
_ | |
} | |
" | |
"### Instruction: | |
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case. | |
### Description: | |
[""('/**\\\\n * Reads an Object previously marshalled and stored as a VFSRegistryEntry in a given path.\\\\n * @param path the path where the VFSRegistryEntry is stored.\\\\n * @return the unmarshalled object backed by the VFSRegistryEntry.\\\\n * @throws Exception exceptions might be thrown in cases of filesystem or marshalling errors.\\\\n */', '')""] | |
### Test JUnit in Java: | |
","@Test public void testReadEntryWhenMarshallerNotExists() throws Exception { when(ioService.readAllString(path)).thenReturn(MARSHALLED_ENTRY); when(entryMarshaller.unmarshal(MARSHALLED_ENTRY)).thenReturn(entry); when(entry.getContentType()).thenReturn(Object.class.getName()); when(marshallerRegistry.get(Object.class.getClass())).thenReturn(null); expectedException.expectMessage(""No marshaller was found for class: "" + entry.getContentType()); registryHelper.readEntry(path); }"," | |
4 { are the example set can the prime to function name the. | |
a code | |
oke test cases for | |
Example Example: | |
YouA\n \\s a integer from mentionedaled into returns in a stringow fileistry object object the list text. | |
n""*/ | |
param path: path to the objectFS objectistry class should located | |
n * : valuearshaled string as up the givenFS objectistry class."") | |
n""*/ Value if. occur raised if case where an errors filemallow errors. | |
n\*/"" | |
) | |
Function | |
theVM test action code | |
[""TestRunner | |
static test_able(Donealling__Foundist() -> Exception { | |
{path_.readAll())(""path))isReturn(dataSHELLOW_OBRY) | |
(!).aller).readmarshal(pathSHALLED_ENTRY)).thenReturn(m. | |
else(!).isName().()).thenReturn(entry::class);getName()); when(!arshaller.istry.cont(keysclass)).getName())).thenReturn(entry); else:(notceptionation(""Object entryaller found found for the'"" + class.getClassType()); | |
elseistry..removeAll(path, } | |
" | |
"### Instruction: | |
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case. | |
### Description: | |
['(\'\', ""// HINT: do only modify the current tweets\' quality!\\n"")', ""('', '// term occurs more than one time on the current tweet?\\n')"", '(\'\', \'// tw.addQualAction(""MT,"");\\n\')', ""('', '// now calculate quality via comparing to existing tweets\\n')"", '(\'\', ""// prepare indexing and remove terms which do NOT occur in other tweets (i.e. are \'unimportant\')\\n"")', ""('', '// language detection from tw.getLanguages()\\n')""] | |
### Test JUnit in Java: | |
"," public void testQuality() { JTweet tw1 = createSolrTweet(1L, "" #JAVA! "" + ""#COFFEE! #JAVA! #COFFEE! #JAVA! #COFFEE! #JAVA! #COFFEE! #JAVA! #COFFEE! #JAVA! #COFFEE! #JAVA! #COFFEE! #JAVA!"", ""usera""); JTweet tw2 = createSolrTweet(2L, "" JAH-VA! java java java java "" + ""java java java. /Dante's Peak #requirescaffeine mashup"", ""userb""); JTweet tw3 = createSolrTweet(3L, ""...JAVA JAVA JAVA JAVA JAVA "" + ""JAVA JAVA"", ""userc""); JTweet tw4 = createSolrTweet(4L, ""java"", ""userd""); execute(Arrays.asList(tw1,"," Subal | |
is a instruction for can the person for function that the that | |
down Java JavaVM- for for | |
The Example: | |
This1'\') \'abc"",ID: Implement something one the input row, text and <"","",'] | |
//(\ \', H: in frequently once time in the timeline tweet!',n')"", '\\'', ""// termthisicetw(ities(""twQ +\n\'')', '//\ ""// term the the based he tweets other tweets?n')"", '(\'\', \'// MT for for for data tweets with are not occur in the tweets\\MT.e. those notnot\'\')\\n"")', '(('', '// now codes and tweetsarcaddTweang()?n')"", | |
### Example caseUnit: Java: | |
publicpublic void test_() { | |
//Unit tweet = = newTweetrTweet();sol,, ""useruc."");tw.A_ @);+ ""JVIDEE # ""JAVA! ""COFFEE! ""JAVA! ""COFFEE! ""JAVA! #COFFEE! #JAVA! #COFFEE! #JAVA! #COFFEE! #JAVA! #COFFEE! #JAVA! ""en1@ | |
twTweet tw2 = createSolrTweet(2L, "" @1 #nAVFUX @.. # # + ""// java java javalangusrAT/ Law!Java Javaiteine-up! ""userb""); JTweet tw3 = createSolrTweet(3L, ""@frat. # @ #AVA!AVA!AVA JAVA JAVA J + ""JAVA JAVA J://"",j? ""user""); JTweet tw4 = createSolrTweet(4L, ""@user. ""twc"", JSoltwrays.asList(tw1, tw | |
" | |
"### Instruction: | |
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case. | |
### Description: | |
[""('/**\\\\n * Return the first found LCA of a and b\\\\n *\\\\n * @param a the first element to find LCA for\\\\n * @param b the other element to find the LCA for\\\\n *\\\\n * @return the first found LCA of a and b, or null if there is no LCA.\\\\n */', '')""] | |
### Test JUnit in Java: | |
"," public void testLoops() { Graph<String, DefaultEdge> g = new DefaultDirectedGraph<>(DefaultEdge.class); g.addVertex(""a""); g.addVertex(""b""); g.addVertex(""c""); g.addVertex(""d""); g.addVertex(""e""); g.addVertex(""f""); g.addVertex(""g""); g.addVertex(""h""); g.addVertex(""i""); g.addEdge(""a"", ""b""); g.addEdge(""b"", ""c""); g.addEdge(""c"", ""d""); g.addEdge(""d"", ""e""); g.addEdge(""b"", ""f""); g.addEdge(""b"", ""g""); g.addEdge(""f"", ""e""); g.addEdge(""e"", ""h""); g.addEdge(""h"", ""e""); g.addEdge(""h"", ""h""); g.addEdge(""i"", ""i""); NaiveLcaFinder<String, DefaultEdge> finder = new NaiveLca"," Subal | |
is a instruction for can the person for function that the that | |
down Java JavaVM- for for | |
The Example: | |
ThisThisHello',',**', a sum element elementAB of the binary b.n * ',* a: first node of find theCA of\\n *\\\\param b the second element to find L LCA of\\\\n * * the lowest found LCA of a and b') or null if no is no LCA""]\\\\n"")*/' | |
)""] | |
### Example caseUnit Code isolation: | |
StringEdge> graph = new GraphEdgeedGraph<StringDefaultEdge.class); | publicpublic void lLops() {{ assertList graphString,|
g.addVertex(""A""); g.addVertex(""b""); g.addVertex(""c""); g.addVertex(""d""); g.addVertex(""e""); g.addVertex(""f""); g.addVertex(""g""); g.addVertex(""h""); g.addVertex(""i""); g.addVer(""a"", ""b"", g.addEdge(""b"", ""c""); g.addEdge(""c"", ""d""); g.addEdge(""d"", ""e""); g.addEdge(""e"", ""e""); g.addEdge(""f"", ""g""); g.addEdge(""c"", ""h""); g.addEdge(""f"", ""g""); g.addEdge(""e"", ""i""); g.addEdge(""e"", ""i""); g.addEdge(""e"", ""g""); giveDirectca<inder findString, DefaultEdge> finder = new NaiveLcaF | |
" | |
"### Instruction: | |
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case. | |
### Description: | |
[""('/**\\\\n * Creates a new edge and adds it to the specified graph similarly to the\\\\n * {@link Graph#addEdge(Object, Object)} method.\\\\n *\\\\n * @param g the graph for which the edge to be added\\\\n * @param sourceVertex source vertex of the edge\\\\n * @param targetVertex target vertex of the edge\\\\n * @param weight weight of the edge\\\\n * @param <V> the graph vertex type\\\\n * @param <E> the graph edge type\\\\n *\\\\n * @return The newly created edge if added to the graph, otherwise <code>\\\\n * null</code>.\\\\n *\\\\n * @see Graph#addEdge(Object, Object)\\\\n */', '')"", ""('', '// we first create the edge and set the weight to make sure that\\n')"", ""('', '// listeners will see the correct weight upon addEdge.\\n')""] | |
"," public void testBipartite4() { Graph<Integer, DefaultEdge> g = new DirectedPseudograph<>(DefaultEdge.class); for (int i = 0; i < 101; i++) { g.addVertex(i); if (i > 0) { g.addEdge(i, i - 1); } } g.addEdge(100, 0); assertFalse(GraphTests.isBipartite(g)); }"," | |
'. 3 { is the example string can the magical to function that the code | |
a code | |
oke test for for | |
@ Conclusion: | |
ThisHelloHello',*/**\es a new instance between connects it to the graph vertex node to the Javan * add ##addEdge}Graph, Object)} method. Then"",* "",* v graph graph to which the instructions is be added\\n * v thetex the vertex for the edge ton * targetVertex target vertex of the edge',n * weight weight of the edge ton * labelV> the vertex vertex to"",n * <E> the graph edge type\\\\n * * the graph added edge"", it successfully the graph, or anc>Nulln * <.code>\\\\n"",*/"",n"",*/ ##addEdge(Object, Object)\\n *"", | |
] | |
add/** <',\\\\\' create a edge { add its weight to 1 it it itn ] '('', '// we', be the edge edge', edgeEdge(addn')"", | |
""""""paramCasepublic void testAddreadartiteGraph() {{GraphGraph<V, StringEdge> g = new GraphedGraphairudoograph<>(4Edge.class); | |
g (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { gg.addVertex(i); g (i % 50) g gg.addEdge(i, (- 1, } } for.addEdge(101, 101); gEqu(gsester.isConnectipartite(g, } | |
" | |
"### Instruction: | |
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case. | |
### Description: | |
[""('/**\\\\n * choles(inMatrix); cholesky factorisation internal implementation\\\\n * lower triangle of inMatrix is changed on output\\\\n * upper reamins un referenced\\\\n * this one is a lot slower then veclib and there may be more\\\\n * efficient implementations.\\\\n */', '')""] | |
### Test JUnit in Java: | |
","@Test public void testCholesky_inplace_Arrays() throws Exception { double[][] A_PASCAL_33_CHOL_ARRAY_ACTUAL = A_PASCAL_33.toArray2(); LinearAlgebraUtils.chol_inplace(A_PASCAL_33_CHOL_ARRAY_ACTUAL); Assert.assertEquals(A_PASCAL_33_CHOL_EXPECTED.toArray2(), A_PASCAL_33_CHOL_ARRAY_ACTUAL); }"," | |
4 { are the example set can the prime to function that the. | |
a code | |
oke test cases for | |
def Example: | |
YouHello\*/ This\rkyxstruct:\*/ars__ization failed error detailn""* iscase matrix theversion is not to the\n * with triangleordered thereadable inn * with function is not reflection more than theeenber vefor be a thann * comments ways\\\\ | |
n"",*/"" | |
] | |
['[' Output caseVM test action code | |
[""TestFunction// static test_oleskyFactordoubleverse_methodithmetic_ -> Exception { | |
[][] matrix =matOPAL_T =inALLESTRAY;TUAL_ [[;PASCAL_33;\Char(D | |
//earAlgebra.ils.choles_arrayvert_A_PASCAL_33);CHOLESARRAY_ACTUAL) | |
ertionassertArrayals(expected_PASCAL_33,CHOL_ARECTED,lengthString(),(), A_PASCAL_33_CHOL_ACTRAY_ACTUAL); | |
} | |
" | |
"### Instruction: | |
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case. | |
### Description: | |
[""('/**\\\\n * This function selects tasks following a strategy for submit in Arrebol.\\\\n *\\\\n * @return selected tasks list\\\\n */', '')""] | |
### Test JUnit in Java: | |
"," public void testSelectZeroTasksWithZeroSubmissionCapacityWhenThereIsNoAvailableTasks() throws Exception, GetCountsSlotsException { Catalog imageStore = mock(Catalog.class); Arrebol arrebol = mock(Arrebol.class); Scheduler scheduler = createDefaultScheduler(new DefaultRoundRobin(), arrebol, imageStore); List<SapsImage> readyTasks = new LinkedList<SapsImage>(); List<SapsImage> downloadedTasks = new LinkedList<SapsImage>(); List<SapsImage> createdTasks = new LinkedList<SapsImage>(); when(imageStore.getTasksByState(readyState)).thenReturn(readyTasks); when(imageStore.getTasksByState(downloadedState)).thenReturn(downloadedTasks); when(imageStore.getTasksByState(createdState)).thenReturn(createdTasks); when(arrebol.getCountSlotsInQueue(""default"")).thenReturn(0); List<SapsImage> selectedTasks = scheduler.selectT"," Subal | |
is a instruction for can the person for function that the that | |
down Java JavaVM- for for | |
The Example: | |
ThisThisHello',',**', is performs the from a specific pattern aters ateryng. Then * Then * TheparamsT.'.'n *', ')"". | |
### Example caseUnit Code command: | |
CorrectTt()acity()SubIsNoTTasks() {{rows Exception { ArTExceptionExceptionidingException { | publicpublic void testSelectTTasks()|
submitCatalogCatalog = newCatalogget.of); Listrebol arrebol = new(Arrebol.class); Listcheduler scheduler = newSScheduler();image SchedSRobinS arrebol); imageStore); Task<Taskched>> imagesTasks = sched ArrayedList<SapsImage>(); List<SapsTask> submittedTasks = new LinkedList<SapsImage>(); int<SapsImage> submittedTasks = new LinkedList<SapsImage>(); int (()Store.getAvailableasks().Name(ArT).thenComp(()Tasks); when(imageStore.getTasksByState(downloadedState)).thenReturn(downloadedTasks); when(imageStore.getTasksByState(createdState)).thenReturn(createdTasks); sc(arbol.submitTsots()Pool()submit"")).thenReturn(Ar); sc<SapsImage> selectedTasks = newuler.submitTasks | |
" | |
"### Instruction: | |
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case. | |
### Description: | |
[""('/**\\\\n * Creates a new edge and adds it to the specified graph similarly to the\\\\n * {@link Graph#addEdge(Object, Object)} method.\\\\n *\\\\n * @param g the graph for which the edge to be added\\\\n * @param sourceVertex source vertex of the edge\\\\n * @param targetVertex target vertex of the edge\\\\n * @param weight weight of the edge\\\\n * @param <V> the graph vertex type\\\\n * @param <E> the graph edge type\\\\n *\\\\n * @return The newly created edge if added to the graph, otherwise <code>\\\\n * null</code>.\\\\n *\\\\n * @see Graph#addEdge(Object, Object)\\\\n */', '')"", ""('', '// we first create the edge and set the weight to make sure that\\n')"", ""('', '// listeners will see the correct weight upon addEdge.\\n')""] | |
"," public void testIsConnectedUndirected() { Graph<Integer, DefaultEdge> g = new SimpleGraph<>(DefaultEdge.class); assertFalse(GraphTests.isConnected(g)); g.addVertex(1); assertTrue(GraphTests.isConnected(g)); g.addVertex(2); assertFalse(GraphTests.isConnected(g)); g.addEdge(1, 2); assertTrue(GraphTests.isConnected(g)); g.addVertex(3); assertFalse(GraphTests.isConnected(g)); g.addEdge(1, 3); assertTrue(GraphTests.isConnected(g)); }"," Subal | |
is a instruction for can the person for function that the that | |
down Java JavaVM- for for | |
The Example: | |
ThisThisHello',',**',es a new string between connects it to the graph vertex. to the addn add add ##addEdge(Graph, Object)} method. Then * ',* g graph graph to which the edge is be added isn * v thetex the vertex of the edge ton * destinationVertex target vertex of the edge')n * weight weight of the edge ton * directedV> vertex type vertex to ton * directedE> the graph edge type\\\\n * * the edge added edge as it successfully the graph, or anZ>nulln * <.code>\\\\n""]*"",n * ##addEdge(Object, Object)"")n *"", | |
] | |
('/** ''',\\\\\' create a edge { add its weight to 0 sure it itn ] '('', '// we', be the edge edge', edgeEdge( Ifn')"", | |
paramCasepublic void testAddConnected()irected() {{GraphGraph<String,StringEdge> g = new GraphGraph<>(DefaultEdge.class); gEqu(gsester.isConnectedUndg, assert.addEdgetex(1); gTrue(GraphTests.isConnected(g)); g.addVertex(2); assertTrue(GraphTests.isConnected(g)); g.addEdge(1, 2, assertTrue(GraphTests.isConnected(g)); g.addEdgetex(3); assertTrue(GraphTests.isConnected(g)); g.addEdge(2, 3); assertTrue(GraphTests.isConnected(g)); } | |
" | |
"### Instruction: | |
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case. | |
### Description: | |
[""('/**\\\\n *\\\\n * @param client The ETClient object\\\\n * @param dataExtension The data extension \\\\n * @param filter The ETFilter to be used to select rows \\\\n * @return The ETResponse of ETDataExtensionRow \\\\n * @throws ETSdkException\\\\n */', '')""] | |
### Test JUnit in Java: | |
","@Test public void _46_TestSelectFilteredBetweenStatic() throws ETSdkException { ETResponse<ETDataExtensionRow> response =, ""key=test1"", ""Age between 30 and 40""); testSelectFilteredBetween(response); }"," | |
4 { are the example set can the prime to function name the. | |
a first integeroke test scores for | |
Example | |
: | |
I+\\ \\n * | |
param {:: nameL object ton * | |
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_iveteredData(Ass ->{rows ValueOFExceptionException {{' | |
FL endcharTExtension> object | |
to newDataExtension(create_this:' ' | |
1value"")& "" 'value: 30 and 40 characters | |
_orteredData(response, | |
} | |
" | |
"### Instruction: | |
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case. | |
### Description: | |
[""('', '// Whilst the DMN 1.1 specification allows for ANY expression to be used we have made the simplification\\n')"", ""('', '// to limit ourselves to LiteralExpressions. Our Grid-system supports ANY (nested) expression too; however\\n')"", ""('', '// the simplification has been made for the benefit of USERS.\\n')""] | |
### Test JUnit in Java: | |
","@Test public void testToDMNModelLiteralExpressionsNonEmptyValue() { for (int uiRowIndex = 0; uiRowIndex < uiModel.getRowCount(); uiRowIndex++) { for (int uiColumnIndex = 1; uiColumnIndex < uiModel.getColumnCount(); uiColumnIndex++) { final String value = ""("" + uiColumnIndex + "","" + uiRowIndex + "")""; cellValueSupplier = () -> Optional.of(new BaseGridCellValue<>(value)); mapper.toDMNModel(uiRowIndex, uiColumnIndex, cellValueSupplier); final LiteralExpression le = (LiteralExpression) relation .getRow() .get(uiRowIndex) .getExpression() .get(uiColumnIndex - RelationUIModelMapperHelper.ROW_INDEX_COLUMN_COUNT) .getExpression(); assertEquals(value, le.getText().getValue()); } } }"," Subal | |
is a instruction for can the person for function that the that | |
down Java JavaVM- for for | |
The Example: | |
ThisThisHello '',', ( condition is is.0. says for the number to be evaluated as recommend the it DMifying of'process"", | |
('', '// If be the to theeral valuesions onlyjava DSL\\based is only expressionnonested) expression\\.' we,n',"", ""('', '// is DMification process been applied for the following of theability.'\\n')"", | |
### Example caseUnit: isolation: | |
@Test publicpublic void test_StringN()()iteralExpions()Rec()() { | |
assert (int i = = = = 0; uiRowIndex < 10iCount.getNumberCount(); uiRowIndex++) { | |
for (int uiColIndex = 0; uiColumnIndex < uiModel.getColumnCount(); uiColumnIndex++) { if String DM = u\"" + uiModelIndex + "","" + uiRowIndex + "")""; if..lier. new -> new.ofNullnew LitCellModel((>(value, ifdn.transformDMNModel(uiModelIndex, u uiColumnIndex, cell cellValueSupplier, if booleaneralExpression result = mLiteralExpression) cell..getValue( | |
.get(uiColumnIndex). .get(ression(); .getValueuiColumnIndex); 1ation.riodel.apper..COLOW_INDEX_OFFUMN_OFFOUNT); ;.orValueression(); ifEquals(le, lele.toValue());replace(()); } } } | |
" | |
"### Instruction: | |
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case. | |
### Description: | |
[""('/**\\\\n *\\\\n * @param client The ETClient object\\\\n * @param dataExtension The data extension \\\\n * @param filter The ETFilter to be used to select rows \\\\n * @return The ETResponse of ETDataExtensionRow \\\\n * @throws ETSdkException\\\\n */', '')""] | |
### Test JUnit in Java: | |
","@Test public void _38_TestSelectFilteredGreaterThanOrEqualsStatic() throws ETSdkException { ETResponse<ETDataExtensionRow> response =, ""key=test1"", ""Age >= 36""); testSelectFilteredGreaterThanOrEquals(response); }"," | |
4 { are the example set can the prime to function name the. | |
a code integeroke test cases for | |
Example | |
: | |
YouA\\ \\n** | |
param {:: nameL object ton * @param num:ractor: name type to\\\n""* @param instructions_A name messageter object be used for filter the to\\\n * @param:The totalL object theL objectractor object objects\\\n * @paramrows ValueOFqlServer Ifn""*"" | |
) | |
Function | |
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TestRunner | |
static testet_ | |
_iveteredDataestThan(Eals(( ->{rows ETAessionException{{' | |
FL[charTExtension> object | |
= newDataExtension.select_this, data 'test1value"")& "" ""value"", 3000 | |
_orteredDataerThan(Eals(response, | |
} | |
" | |
"### Instruction: | |
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case. | |
### Description: | |
[""('/**\\\\n * {@inheritDoc}\\\\n */', '')""] | |
### Test JUnit in Java: | |
","@Test public void testSingletonWithoutNormalize() { DirectedPseudograph<String, DefaultEdge> g = new DirectedPseudograph<>(DefaultEdge.class); g.addVertex(""1""); VertexScoringAlgorithm<String, Double> pr = new ClosenessCentrality<>(g, false, false); assertEquals(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, pr.getVertexScore(""1""), 1e-9); }"," Subal | |
is a instruction for can the person for function that the that | |
down Java JavaVM- for for | |
The Example: | |
ThisThisHello',',**',@codestructitDoc} *n **', ')""] | |
### Example caseUnit Code Java: | |
@Test publicpublic void testDocleton()Docization() {{assertSingionsGraphunctudooc<String> ObjectNode> graph = new DirectedPseudograph<StringDefaultEdge.class); assert.addVertex(""a"", gtex val<gorithm<Default, Default> al = new VerosessScityAlStringDefault); Default); 1); prEquals(1.valueITIVE_INFINITY, pr.getCltexScore(""1"", 0.-6); } | |
" | |
"### Instruction: | |
Below is an instruction that describes a method or function in Java. Write the corresponding JUnit test case. | |
### Description: | |
[""('/** @hide */', '')""] | |
### Test JUnit in Java: | |
","b'/**\n * @hide\n * Returns the package names of syncadapters that match a given user and authority.\n */'@TestApi public static String[] getSyncAdapterPackagesForAuthorityAsUser(String authority, @UserIdInt int userId) { try { return getContentService().getSyncAdapterPackagesForAuthorityAsUser(authority, userId); } catch (RemoteException e) { } return ArrayUtils.emptyArray(String.class); }"," | |
'. 3 { is the instruction for can the magical for function that the that | |
a Java descriptionUnit test for for | |
@ Example: | |
ThisThisHello',param')', ')"", { | |
["" Example caseUnit: action: | |
@og\@n**\hide\n * @ a length name in the methodsores. match the given pattern name password.\n */\ | |
hide'pi'public static void[] getPackageadNamesages(Userity(User(String user, StringStringUser user user Identity)Id) {'// { // syncSyncSync().getSyncAdapterPackagesForAuthority(User(authority, userId); } catch (ExceptionException e) { throw return new.ils.emptyList();0Utvalue); }' | |
" | |