missing citations, UNA weights present.

by fblgit - opened

missing citations, UNA weights present.

no una im afraid !! (i di not merge you? as i id not see you anywhere in the leader board above me?)
sorry i just saw this

LeroyDyer changed discussion status to closed

Cybertron is a UNA model.... u guys merge stuff dont even know what u cocktail into..

again bro its not ~~
I think i told you this already ! <<
im afriad you copied my name but it was expectable :
I created a whole series of transformers based on the cartoon!
i recently changed all the names as they are all past models and have no use !
but Under principle i did not delete this one ! <<< Also you notice that also nvidai also used these names !
you probably merged one of my models bro without realizing !

send me any form of evidences !

Also i read those papers which are in the public domain !

In fact they are old knowledge rehashed ! - so i dont know which citations your pertaiing to either ?

Also your datasets are also in the publiic domain ! << i may have downloaded and used oe of these .. for a few steps ? So if thats what your refering too then ! I dont Always Share my Dataset USE ! << As it is part of my Remedy ! <<

SO !!!!

You tell me what your thinking and talking about.

your obscure bro ! i never say you until you metioned yourself !


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