from typing import List import numpy as np import torch from import * # from backend.StampRemoval.util import * __all__ = ["CustomUnetBlock", "CustomDynamicUnet", "UnetInference"] class CustomUnetBlock(Module): """A quasi-UNet block, using `PixelShuffle_ICNR upsampling`.""" @delegates(ConvLayer.__init__) def __init__( self, up_in_c, x_in_c, hook, final_div=True, blur=False, act_cls=defaults.activation, self_attention=False, init=nn.init.kaiming_normal_, norm_type=None, **kwargs, ): self.hook = hook self.shuf = PixelShuffle_ICNR(up_in_c, up_in_c // 2, blur=blur, act_cls=act_cls, norm_type=norm_type) = BatchNorm(x_in_c) ni = up_in_c // 2 + x_in_c # nf = ni if final_div else ni//2 nf = ni // 2 if final_div else ni // 4 self.conv1 = ConvLayer(ni, nf, act_cls=act_cls, norm_type=norm_type, **kwargs) self.conv2 = ConvLayer( nf, nf, act_cls=act_cls, norm_type=norm_type, xtra=SelfAttention(nf) if self_attention else None, **kwargs, ) self.relu = act_cls() apply_init(nn.Sequential(self.conv1, self.conv2), init) def forward(self, up_in): s = self.hook.stored up_out = self.shuf(up_in) ssh = s.shape[-2:] if ssh != up_out.shape[-2:]: up_out = F.interpolate(up_out, s.shape[-2:], mode="nearest") cat_x = self.relu([up_out,], dim=1)) return self.conv2(self.conv1(cat_x)) class CustomDynamicUnet(SequentialEx): """Create a U-Net from a given architecture.""" def __init__( self, encoder, n_out, img_size, blur=False, blur_final=True, self_attention=False, y_range=None, last_cross=True, bottle=False, act_cls=defaults.activation, init=nn.init.kaiming_normal_, norm_type=None, **kwargs, ): imsize = img_size sizes = model_sizes(encoder, size=imsize) sz_chg_idxs = list(reversed(self._get_sz_change_idxs(sizes))) self.sfs = hook_outputs([encoder[i] for i in sz_chg_idxs], detach=False) x = dummy_eval(encoder, imsize).detach() ni = sizes[-1][1] middle_conv = nn.Sequential( ConvLayer(ni, ni, act_cls=act_cls, norm_type=norm_type, **kwargs), ConvLayer(ni, ni, act_cls=act_cls, norm_type=norm_type, **kwargs), ).eval() x = middle_conv(x) layers = [encoder, BatchNorm(ni), nn.ReLU(), middle_conv] for i, idx in enumerate(sz_chg_idxs): not_final = i != len(sz_chg_idxs) - 1 up_in_c, x_in_c = int(x.shape[1]), int(sizes[idx][1]) do_blur = blur and (not_final or blur_final) sa = self_attention and (i == len(sz_chg_idxs) - 3) unet_block = CustomUnetBlock( up_in_c, x_in_c, self.sfs[i], final_div=not_final, blur=do_blur, self_attention=sa, act_cls=act_cls, init=init, norm_type=norm_type, **kwargs, ).eval() layers.append(unet_block) x = unet_block(x) ni = x.shape[1] if imsize != sizes[0][-2:]: layers.append(PixelShuffle_ICNR(ni, act_cls=act_cls, norm_type=norm_type)) layers.append(ResizeToOrig()) if last_cross: layers.append(MergeLayer(dense=True)) ni += in_channels(encoder) layers.append( ResBlock( 1, ni, ni // 2 if bottle else ni, act_cls=act_cls, norm_type=norm_type, **kwargs, ) ) layers += [ConvLayer(ni, n_out, ks=1, act_cls=None, norm_type=norm_type, **kwargs)] apply_init(nn.Sequential(layers[3], layers[-2]), init) # apply_init(nn.Sequential(layers[2]), init) if y_range is not None: layers.append(SigmoidRange(*y_range)) super().__init__(*layers) def _get_sz_change_idxs(self, sizes): "Get the indexes of the layers where the size of the activation changes." feature_szs = [size[-1] for size in sizes] sz_chg_idxs = list(np.where(np.array(feature_szs[:-1]) != np.array(feature_szs[1:]))[0]) return sz_chg_idxs def __del__(self): if hasattr(self, "sfs"): self.sfs.remove() class PerceptualLoss: pass class UnetInference: def __init__(self, model_path): """Inference interface for unet model""" self.learn = load_learner(model_path) self.learn.model.eval() def __call__(self, image_array: str, bs: int = 1) -> List[np.ndarray]: """Perform forward pass and decode the prediction of Unet model Args: image_array (list): list of numpy array bs (int, optional): [batch size]. Defaults to 1. Returns: [list]: list of numpy array """ if len(image_array) < 1: return [] batches = self.__build_batches(image_array, bs=bs) outs = [] with torch.no_grad(): for b in batches: outs.append(self.learn.model(b)) del b pil_images = self.__decode_prediction(outs) return pil_images def __decode_prediction(self, preds): out = [] i2f = IntToFloatTensor() for pred in preds: img_np = i2f.decodes(pred.squeeze()).numpy() img_np = img_np.transpose(1, 2, 0) img_np = img_np.astype(np.uint8) out.append(img_np) # out.append(Image.fromarray(img_np)) del img_np return out def __build_batches(self, image_array: list, bs=1): "Builds batches to skip `DataLoader` overhead" type_tfms = [PILImage.create] item_tfms = [ToTensor()] type_pipe = Pipeline(type_tfms) item_pipe = Pipeline(item_tfms) i2f = IntToFloatTensor() batches = [] batch = [] k = 0 for i, im in enumerate(image_array): batch.append(item_pipe(type_pipe(im))) k += 1 if i == len(image_array) - 1 or k == bs: # batches.append([norm(i2f(b.cuda())) for b in batch])) batches.append(torch.stack([i2f(b.cpu()) for b in batch], axis=0)) batch = [] k = 0 return batches