import logging from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod from dataclasses import dataclass, replace from math import cos, pi, sqrt from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple import torch import torch.distributed as dist import torch.nn as nn from torch.distributed.fsdp import FullyShardedDataParallel from torch.optim.optimizer import Optimizer as OptimizerBase from . import LayerNormBase, BitLinear158 from .config import OptimizerType, SchedulerConfig, SchedulerType, TrainConfig from .torch_util import get_default_device, is_distributed __all__ = [ "Optimizer", "LionW", "AdamW", "Scheduler", "CosWithWarmup", "LinearWithWarmup", "InvSqrtWithWarmup", "MaxScheduler", "ConstantScheduler", "BoltOnWarmupScheduler", "build_optimizer", "build_scheduler", ] log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Optimizer(OptimizerBase): def _clean_param_name(self, name: str) -> str: return name.replace("_fsdp_wrapped_module.", "") @torch.no_grad() def clip_grads_and_collect_metrics( self, global_step: int, collect_param_metrics: bool = True ) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: """ Clips gradients for every group that has the field `max_grad_norm`. At the same time collect metrics for each parameter and its gradient. """ device = get_default_device() # NOTE (epwalsh): during distributed training we're making an assumption that the order of # the param groups and the params within each group are the same across all ranks. # This is justified since we initialize the parameter groups in every rank by iterating over # `module.parameters()` or `module.named_modules()` / `module.named_parameters()`, each of which # provides a consistent order. # For each parameter (with a gradient) we'll collect: # - min, max, avg, norm of the param itself # - min, max, avg, norm of the param's gradient # - min, max, avg, norm of any additional per-parameter optimizer state metrics returned from # `self.get_state_for_param()`. # Afterwards we'll reduce these all over all ranks. per_param_min_metrics: List[torch.Tensor] = [] per_param_max_metrics: List[torch.Tensor] = [] per_param_sum_metrics: List[torch.Tensor] = [] per_param_norm_metrics: List[torch.Tensor] = [] per_param_numel_metrics: List[torch.Tensor] = [] per_param_min_metric_names: List[str] = [] per_param_max_metric_names: List[str] = [] per_param_avg_metric_names: List[str] = [] per_param_norm_metric_names: List[str] = [] # Collect metrics locally. for group in self.param_groups: if is_distributed(): # TODO (epwalsh): handle non-sharded params. We don't have any right now but we would # with ReLoRa, for example. assert group.get("sharded", True) is True for name, p in zip(group["param_names"], group["params"]): name = self._clean_param_name(name) # Always need to collect the norm of gradients for clipping, even if we're not collecting # other metrics. tensors: List[Optional[torch.Tensor]] = [p.grad] prefixes: List[str] = [f"grad/{name}"] if collect_param_metrics: state = self.get_state_for_param(p) sorted_state_keys = sorted([k for k in state.keys()]) tensors.extend([p] + [state[key] for key in sorted_state_keys]) prefixes.extend([f"param/{name}"] + [f"{key}/{name}" for key in sorted_state_keys]) assert len(tensors) == len(prefixes) # Get min, max, avg, and norm for all `tensors` associated with the parameter. for x, prefix in zip(tensors, prefixes): # grad or state tensors could be none for params that have their shards completely on # other ranks. if x is not None and x.numel() > 0: if collect_param_metrics: x_abs = x.abs() per_param_min_metrics.append(x_abs.min().unsqueeze(0).to(dtype=torch.float32)) per_param_max_metrics.append(x_abs.max().unsqueeze(0).to(dtype=torch.float32)) per_param_sum_metrics.append(x.sum().unsqueeze(0).to(dtype=torch.float32)) per_param_numel_metrics.append( torch.tensor([x.numel()], device=device, dtype=torch.float32) ) per_param_norm_metrics.append( torch.linalg.vector_norm(x, 2.0, dtype=torch.float32).unsqueeze(0) ) else: if collect_param_metrics: per_param_min_metrics.append( torch.tensor([float("inf")], device=device, dtype=torch.float32) ) per_param_max_metrics.append(torch.tensor([0.0], device=device, dtype=torch.float32)) per_param_sum_metrics.append(torch.tensor([0.0], device=device, dtype=torch.float32)) per_param_numel_metrics.append(torch.tensor([0.0], device=device, dtype=torch.float32)) per_param_norm_metrics.append(torch.tensor([0.0], device=device, dtype=torch.float32)) if collect_param_metrics: per_param_min_metric_names.append(f"{prefix}.min") per_param_max_metric_names.append(f"{prefix}.max") per_param_avg_metric_names.append(f"{prefix}.avg") per_param_norm_metric_names.append(f"{prefix}.norm") assert ( len(per_param_min_metrics) == len(per_param_min_metric_names) == len(per_param_max_metrics) == len(per_param_max_metric_names) == len(per_param_sum_metrics) == len(per_param_numel_metrics) == len(per_param_avg_metric_names) ) assert len(per_param_norm_metrics) == len(per_param_norm_metric_names) def is_grad_norm_metric(metric_name: str) -> bool: return metric_name.startswith("grad/") and metric_name.endswith(".norm") # Now reduce metrics over all ranks. total_grad_norm: torch.Tensor per_param_avg_metrics: List[torch.Tensor] = [] if is_distributed(): # TODO (epwalsh): skip for non-sharded params # Reduce metrics across all ranks. Note that we can use a `reduce` for most cases # instead of an `all_reduce`, but we need `all_reduce` for norms so that all ranks # get the right value for gradient norms so they can clip correctly. # Reduce mins. if per_param_min_metrics: all_mins = dist.reduce(all_mins, 0, op=dist.ReduceOp.MIN) per_param_min_metrics = all_mins.split(1) # Reduce maxs. if per_param_max_metrics: all_maxs = dist.reduce(all_maxs, 0, op=dist.ReduceOp.MAX) per_param_max_metrics = all_maxs.split(1) # Reduce sums or just norms. all_norms = ** 2.0 if per_param_sum_metrics and per_param_numel_metrics: all_sums = all_numels = all_sums_norms_numels = [all_sums.unsqueeze(0), all_norms.unsqueeze(0), all_numels.unsqueeze(0)], dim=0 ) dist.all_reduce(all_sums_norms_numels, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM) all_sums, all_norms, all_numels = all_sums_norms_numels.split(1) # Get averages. # NOTE: could get infs for non-rank0 processes but that's okay. per_param_avg_metrics = (all_sums / all_numels).squeeze(0).split(1) else: dist.all_reduce(all_norms, op=dist.ReduceOp.SUM) grad_norm_metric_mask = torch.tensor( [float(is_grad_norm_metric(n)) for n in per_param_norm_metric_names], device=all_norms.device ) total_grad_norm = (all_norms * grad_norm_metric_mask).sum() ** 0.5 per_param_norm_metrics = (all_norms ** (0.5)).squeeze(0).split(1) else: total_grad_norm = ( [ m for m, n in zip(per_param_norm_metrics, per_param_norm_metric_names) if is_grad_norm_metric(n) ] ) ** 2.0 ).sum() ** 0.5 per_param_avg_metrics = [x / n for x, n in zip(per_param_sum_metrics, per_param_numel_metrics)] assert len(per_param_avg_metrics) == len(per_param_avg_metric_names) # Collect all metrics into a single dict. all_metrics: Dict[str, torch.Tensor] = {} for metric_name, metric in zip(per_param_min_metric_names, per_param_min_metrics): all_metrics[metric_name] = metric.squeeze(0) for metric_name, metric in zip(per_param_max_metric_names, per_param_max_metrics): all_metrics[metric_name] = metric.squeeze(0) for metric_name, metric in zip(per_param_avg_metric_names, per_param_avg_metrics): all_metrics[metric_name] = metric.squeeze(0) for metric_name, metric in zip(per_param_norm_metric_names, per_param_norm_metrics): all_metrics[metric_name] = metric.squeeze(0) all_metrics["total_grad_norm"] = total_grad_norm # Clip gradients. num_grads_clipped = 0 num_eligible_grads = 0 for group in self.param_groups: if (max_norm_ratio := group.get("max_grad_norm_ratio")) is not None: num_clipped = self._do_adaptive_clipping( group, max_norm_ratio, global_step, all_metrics, collect_param_metrics=collect_param_metrics ) elif (max_norm := group.get("max_grad_norm")) is not None: num_clipped = self._do_global_fixed_clipping( group, max_norm, all_metrics, collect_param_metrics=collect_param_metrics ) else: # No clipping needed. continue num_eligible_grads += len(group["params"]) if num_clipped is not None: num_grads_clipped += num_clipped if collect_param_metrics: if num_eligible_grads > 0: clipping_rate = torch.tensor(num_grads_clipped / num_eligible_grads, device="cpu") else: clipping_rate = torch.tensor(0.0, device="cpu") all_metrics["clipping_rate"] = clipping_rate return all_metrics else: return {} @torch.no_grad() def _do_adaptive_clipping( self, group: Dict[str, Any], max_norm_ratio: float, global_step: int, all_metrics: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], collect_param_metrics: bool = True, ) -> Optional[int]: """ Do adaptive gradient clipping on a param group. If ``collect_param_metrics`` is ``True`` this will return the total number of gradients clipped. """ device = get_default_device() num_grads_clipped = 0 # We'll use the bigger of beta1 and beta2 to update the exponential average of the norm of # the gradient (a scalar), not to be confused with the exponential average of the gradient. # TODO (epwalsh): handle optimizers that don't have betas. beta1, beta2 = group["betas"] beta = max(beta1, beta2) for name, p in zip(group["param_names"], group["params"]): name = self._clean_param_name(name) grad_norm = all_metrics.get(f"grad/{name}.norm") if grad_norm is None: continue # Get or initialize the exponential average of grad norm. # TODO: The way we have it right now, every rank tracks the `grad_norm_exp_avg` of every parameter, # even parameters for which the corresponding local shard is empty. This has the potential to # cause some issues with the optimizer, as we ran into with # So we should consider changing how we do this at some point so that we don't add any state # to parameters for which the local shard is empty. That would probably add extra distributed # communication, at least on steps where we have to log (i.e. when `collect_param_metrics=True`). state = self.state[p] grad_norm_exp_avg = state.get("grad_norm_exp_avg") if grad_norm_exp_avg is None: grad_norm_exp_avg = grad_norm.clone().to(device) # We don't want to add anything to `state` until `state` has been initialized, otherwise # this will crash some optimizers which rely on checking `len(state)`. The downside here # is that we won't start tracking `grad_norm_exp_avg` until the 2nd training step. if global_step > 1: state["grad_norm_exp_avg"] = grad_norm_exp_avg max_allowed_norm = max_norm_ratio * grad_norm_exp_avg clip_coef = max_allowed_norm / (grad_norm + 1e-6) # Clip the gradients and update the exponential average. # Note that multiplying by the clamped coefficient is meaningless when it is # equal to 1, but it avoids the host-device sync that would result from `if clip_coef_clamped < 1`. clip_coef_clamped = torch.clamp(clip_coef, max=1.0) if p.grad is not None: # p.grad could be none for some ranks when using FSDP. p.grad.detach().mul_(, p.grad.dtype)) # Update the exponential average of the norm of the gradient with the clipped norm of the gradient. grad_norm_exp_avg.lerp_((grad_norm * clip_coef_clamped).to(grad_norm_exp_avg.device), 1 - beta) # Alternative: update with the *unclipped* norm of the gradient. # grad_norm_exp_avg.lerp_(, 1 - beta) if collect_param_metrics: # Can't avoid host-device sync here. if clip_coef_clamped < 1.0: num_grads_clipped += 1 all_metrics[f"grad_norm_exp_avg/{name}"] = grad_norm_exp_avg return num_grads_clipped if collect_param_metrics else None @torch.no_grad() def _do_global_fixed_clipping( self, group: Dict[str, Any], max_norm: float, all_metrics: Dict[str, torch.Tensor], collect_param_metrics: bool = True, ) -> Optional[int]: """ Do global fixed gradient clipping on a param group. If ``collect_param_metrics`` is ``True`` this will return the total number of gradients clipped. """ device = get_default_device() total_grad_norm = all_metrics["total_grad_norm"] clip_coef = max_norm / ( + 1e-6) clip_coef_clamped = torch.clamp(clip_coef, max=1.0) num_grads_clipped: Optional[int] = None if collect_param_metrics: # Can't avoid host-device sync here. if clip_coef_clamped < 1.0: num_grads_clipped = len(group["params"]) for p in group["params"]: # Clip the gradients. # Note that multiplying by the clamped coefficient is meaningless when it is # equal to 1, but it avoids the host-device sync that would result from `if clip_coef_clamped < 1`. if p.grad is not None: # p.grad could be none for some ranks when using FSDP. p.grad.detach().mul_(, p.grad.dtype)) return num_grads_clipped def get_post_step_metrics(self, module: nn.Module) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: del module return {} def get_state_for_param(self, param: nn.Parameter) -> Dict[str, Optional[torch.Tensor]]: del param return {} class LionW(Optimizer): """ Adapted from """ def __init__( self, params, lr: float = 1e-4, betas: Tuple[float, float] = (0.9, 0.99), weight_decay: float = 0.0, ): assert lr > 0.0 assert all([0.0 <= beta <= 1.0 for beta in betas]) defaults = dict(lr=lr, betas=betas, weight_decay=weight_decay) super().__init__(params, defaults) for group in self.param_groups: group["initial_lr"] = group["lr"] self._update_total_dot_prod: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None self._update_total_norm: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None self._signed_update_total_norm: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None def get_post_step_metrics(self, module: nn.Module) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: update_total_dot_prod = self._update_total_dot_prod update_total_norm = self._update_total_norm signed_update_total_norm = self._signed_update_total_norm if update_total_dot_prod is None or update_total_norm is None or signed_update_total_norm is None: return {} if is_distributed() and isinstance(module, FullyShardedDataParallel): # Reduce total dot prod and norms across all ranks. update_total_norm = update_total_norm**2.0 signed_update_total_norm = signed_update_total_norm**2.0 # Reduce all together to avoid multiple communication calls. all_together = torch.stack([update_total_dot_prod, update_total_norm, signed_update_total_norm]) # Only need the final result on rank0, since that's where we log from. dist.reduce(all_together, 0) update_total_dot_prod, update_total_norm, signed_update_total_norm = all_together update_total_norm = update_total_norm**0.5 signed_update_total_norm = signed_update_total_norm**0.5 update_cos_sim = update_total_dot_prod / torch.max( update_total_norm * signed_update_total_norm, torch.tensor(1e-8, device=get_default_device()) ) return {"update_cos_sim": update_cos_sim} @torch.no_grad() def step(self, closure=None) -> None: if closure is not None: with torch.enable_grad(): closure() update_total_dot_prod = torch.tensor(0.0, dtype=torch.float32) update_norms = [] signed_update_norms = [] for group in self.param_groups: for p in group["params"]: if p.grad is None: continue # Perform step weight decay - group["lr"] * group["weight_decay"]) grad = p.grad state = self.state[p] # State initialization if len(state) == 0: # Exponential moving average of gradient values state["exp_avg"] = torch.zeros_like(p) exp_avg = state["exp_avg"] beta1, beta2 = group["betas"] # Weight update update = exp_avg * beta1 + grad * (1 - beta1) signed_update = torch.sign(update) p.add_(signed_update, alpha=-group["lr"]) # Decay the momentum running average coefficient exp_avg.mul_(beta2).add_(grad, alpha=1 - beta2) # Track dot product and norms of update vs signed update in order to calculate # their cosine similarity. update_total_dot_prod = update_total_dot_prod += torch.tensordot(update, signed_update, dims=len(update.shape)) update_norms.append(torch.linalg.vector_norm(update, 2.0, dtype=torch.float32)) signed_update_norms.append(torch.linalg.vector_norm(signed_update, 2.0, dtype=torch.float32)) # Compute cosine similarity between update and signed update. self._update_total_dot_prod = self._update_total_norm = torch.linalg.vector_norm( torch.stack(update_norms), 2.0, dtype=torch.float32, ).to(get_default_device()) self._signed_update_total_norm = torch.linalg.vector_norm( torch.stack(signed_update_norms), 2.0, dtype=torch.float32, ).to(get_default_device()) class AdamW(torch.optim.AdamW, Optimizer): def get_state_for_param(self, param: nn.Parameter) -> Dict[str, Optional[torch.Tensor]]: return {key: self.state[param].get(key) for key in ("exp_avg", "exp_avg_sq")} # type: ignore @dataclass class Scheduler(metaclass=ABCMeta): # NOTE: these fields are not given default values because otherwise dataclasses complains # about how the scheduler subclasses are defined. grad_clip_warmup_steps: Optional[int] grad_clip_warmup_factor: Optional[float] @abstractmethod def get_lr(self, initial_lr: float, step: int, max_steps: int) -> float: raise NotImplementedError def _get_max_grad_norm_coeff( self, initial_value: Optional[float], step: int, max_steps: int ) -> Optional[float]: del max_steps # might need this in the future, but for now I just wanted to match the API of `get_lr()`. if initial_value is None: return None elif ( self.grad_clip_warmup_steps is None or self.grad_clip_warmup_factor is None or step > self.grad_clip_warmup_steps ): return initial_value else: return self.grad_clip_warmup_factor * initial_value def get_max_grad_norm( self, initial_max_grad_norm: Optional[float], step: int, max_steps: int ) -> Optional[float]: return self._get_max_grad_norm_coeff(initial_max_grad_norm, step, max_steps) def get_max_grad_norm_ratio( self, initial_max_grad_norm_ratio: Optional[float], step: int, max_steps: int ) -> Optional[float]: return self._get_max_grad_norm_coeff(initial_max_grad_norm_ratio, step, max_steps) def _linear_warmup(self, initial_lr: float, step: int, warmup_steps: int = 2000) -> float: return initial_lr * (0.1 + 0.9 * min(step, warmup_steps) / warmup_steps) @dataclass class CosWithWarmup(Scheduler): warmup_steps: int alpha_f: float = 0.1 t_max: Optional[int] = None def get_lr(self, initial_lr: float, step: int, max_steps: int) -> float: max_steps = max_steps if self.t_max is None else self.t_max eta_min = initial_lr * self.alpha_f if step < self.warmup_steps: return self._linear_warmup(initial_lr, step, self.warmup_steps) elif step >= max_steps: return eta_min else: step = step - self.warmup_steps max_steps = max_steps - self.warmup_steps return eta_min + (initial_lr - eta_min) * (1 + cos(pi * step / max_steps)) / 2 @dataclass class LinearWithWarmup(Scheduler): warmup_steps: int alpha_f: float = 0.1 t_max: Optional[int] = None def get_lr(self, initial_lr: float, step: int, max_steps: int) -> float: max_steps = max_steps if self.t_max is None else self.t_max eta_min = initial_lr * self.alpha_f if step < self.warmup_steps: return self._linear_warmup(initial_lr, step, self.warmup_steps) elif step >= max_steps: return eta_min else: step = step - self.warmup_steps max_steps = max_steps - self.warmup_steps return initial_lr - (initial_lr - eta_min) * (step / max_steps) @dataclass class InvSqrtWithWarmup(Scheduler): warmup_steps: int def get_lr(self, initial_lr: float, step: int, max_steps: int) -> float: if step < self.warmup_steps: return self._linear_warmup(initial_lr, step, self.warmup_steps) del max_steps return initial_lr * sqrt(self.warmup_steps / max(self.warmup_steps, step)) @dataclass class MaxScheduler(Scheduler): sched1: Scheduler sched2: Scheduler def get_lr(self, initial_lr: float, step: int, max_steps: int) -> float: return max( self.sched1.get_lr(initial_lr, step, max_steps), self.sched2.get_lr(initial_lr, step, max_steps) ) @dataclass class BoltOnWarmupScheduler(Scheduler): inner: Scheduler warmup_start: int warmup_end: int @classmethod def wrap(cls, scheduler: Scheduler, warmup_start: int, warmup_end: int) -> "BoltOnWarmupScheduler": return cls( grad_clip_warmup_steps=None, grad_clip_warmup_factor=None, inner=scheduler, warmup_start=warmup_start, warmup_end=warmup_end, ) def get_lr(self, initial_lr: float, step: int, max_steps: int) -> float: if step < self.warmup_start: return 0.0 if step < self.warmup_end: lr_at_intercept = self.inner.get_lr(initial_lr, self.warmup_end, max_steps) return lr_at_intercept * (step - self.warmup_start) / (self.warmup_end - self.warmup_start) else: return self.inner.get_lr(initial_lr, step, max_steps) def _get_max_grad_norm_coeff( self, initial_value: Optional[float], step: int, max_steps: int ) -> Optional[float]: return self.inner._get_max_grad_norm_coeff(initial_value, step, max_steps) @dataclass class ConstantScheduler(Scheduler): def get_lr(self, initial_lr: float, step: int, max_steps: int) -> float: del step, max_steps return initial_lr PARAM_GROUP_FIELDS = ("sharded", "max_grad_norm", "max_grad_norm_ratio", "param_names") def get_param_groups(cfg: TrainConfig, model: nn.Module) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Separate parameters into weight decay and non weight decay groups. """ param_groups: List[Dict[str, Any]] param_group_defaults = { "sharded": isinstance(model, FullyShardedDataParallel), "max_grad_norm": cfg.max_grad_norm, "max_grad_norm_ratio": cfg.max_grad_norm_ratio, } # Separate out parameters that we don't want to apply weight decay to, like norms and biases. decay = set() no_decay = set() all_params = {} for mn, m in model.named_modules(): for pn, p in m.named_parameters(): # NOTE: because named_modules and named_parameters are recursive # we will see the same tensors p many many times, but doing it this way # allows us to know which parent module any tensor p belongs to... if not p.requires_grad: continue fpn = f"{mn}.{pn}" if mn else pn all_params[fpn] = p if pn.endswith("bias"): if cfg.optimizer.decay_norm_and_bias: decay.add(fpn) else: no_decay.add(fpn) elif pn.endswith("weight") and (isinstance(m, nn.Linear) or isinstance(m, BitLinear158)): decay.add(fpn) elif pn.endswith("weight") and isinstance(m, (LayerNormBase, nn.LayerNorm)): if cfg.optimizer.decay_norm_and_bias: decay.add(fpn) else: no_decay.add(fpn) elif pn.endswith("weight") and isinstance(m, nn.Embedding): if cfg.optimizer.decay_embeddings: decay.add(fpn) else: no_decay.add(fpn) # Validate that we've considered every parameter inter_params = decay & no_decay union_params = decay | no_decay assert len(inter_params) == 0, f"parameters {inter_params} made it into both decay/no_decay sets!" assert ( len(all_params.keys() - union_params) == 0 ), f"parameters {all_params.keys() - union_params} were not separated into either decay/no_decay set!" # Create the pytorch optimizer groups. decay_sorted = sorted(list(decay)) no_decay_sorted = sorted(list(no_decay)) param_groups = [] if len(decay_sorted) > 0: param_groups.append( { "params": [all_params[pn] for pn in decay_sorted], "param_names": decay_sorted, **param_group_defaults, } ) if len(no_decay_sorted) > 0: param_groups.append( { "params": [all_params[pn] for pn in no_decay_sorted], "param_names": no_decay_sorted, "weight_decay": 0.0, **param_group_defaults, } ) # Validate fields. for group in param_groups: for key in PARAM_GROUP_FIELDS: assert key in group return param_groups def fix_optim_state_dict(optimizer: Optimizer, state_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Make sure old optim state dicts are compatible with new versions. """ if len(state_dict["param_groups"]) == 1 and len(optimizer.param_groups) == 2: assert optimizer.param_groups[1]["weight_decay"] == 0.0 # Decay decay_param_group = {k: v for k, v in state_dict["param_groups"][0].items() if k != "params"} decay_param_group["params"] = optimizer.state_dict()["param_groups"][0]["params"] # No decay. no_decay_param_group = {k: v for k, v in state_dict["param_groups"][0].items() if k != "params"} no_decay_param_group["weight_decay"] = 0.0 no_decay_param_group["params"] = optimizer.state_dict()["param_groups"][1]["params"] state_dict["param_groups"] = [decay_param_group, no_decay_param_group] assert len(optimizer.param_groups) == len(state_dict["param_groups"]) # Make sure: # - All required fields are included in the state dict, # - And that the values of those fields doesn't change from what's currently set in the optimizer, # since we might have changed those fields on purpose after a restart. for group, sd_group in zip(optimizer.param_groups, state_dict["param_groups"]): for key in PARAM_GROUP_FIELDS: sd_group[key] = group[key] return state_dict def build_optimizer(cfg: TrainConfig, model: nn.Module) -> Optimizer: param_groups = get_param_groups(cfg, model)"Constructing optimizer with {len(param_groups)} param groups") if == OptimizerType.lionw: return LionW( param_groups, lr=cfg.optimizer.learning_rate, betas=cfg.optimizer.betas, weight_decay=cfg.optimizer.weight_decay, ) elif == OptimizerType.adamw: return AdamW( param_groups, lr=cfg.optimizer.learning_rate, betas=cfg.optimizer.betas, weight_decay=cfg.optimizer.weight_decay, eps=1e-5, ) else: raise NotImplementedError def build_scheduler(cfg: TrainConfig, sched_cfg: Optional[SchedulerConfig] = None) -> Scheduler: sched_cfg = sched_cfg if sched_cfg is not None else cfg.scheduler if == SchedulerType.cosine_with_warmup: return CosWithWarmup( grad_clip_warmup_steps=None if sched_cfg.grad_clip_warmup_steps is None else int(sched_cfg.grad_clip_warmup_steps), grad_clip_warmup_factor=sched_cfg.grad_clip_warmup_factor, warmup_steps=int(sched_cfg.t_warmup), alpha_f=sched_cfg.alpha_f, t_max=None if sched_cfg.t_max is None else int(sched_cfg.t_max), ) elif == SchedulerType.linear_with_warmup: return LinearWithWarmup( grad_clip_warmup_steps=None if sched_cfg.grad_clip_warmup_steps is None else int(sched_cfg.grad_clip_warmup_steps), grad_clip_warmup_factor=sched_cfg.grad_clip_warmup_factor, warmup_steps=int(sched_cfg.t_warmup), alpha_f=sched_cfg.alpha_f, t_max=None if sched_cfg.t_max is None else int(sched_cfg.t_max), ) elif == SchedulerType.inverse_sqrt_with_warmup: return InvSqrtWithWarmup( grad_clip_warmup_steps=None if sched_cfg.grad_clip_warmup_steps is None else int(sched_cfg.grad_clip_warmup_steps), grad_clip_warmup_factor=sched_cfg.grad_clip_warmup_factor, warmup_steps=int(sched_cfg.t_warmup), ) elif == SchedulerType.max_scheduler: return MaxScheduler( grad_clip_warmup_steps=None if sched_cfg.grad_clip_warmup_steps is None else int(sched_cfg.grad_clip_warmup_steps), grad_clip_warmup_factor=sched_cfg.grad_clip_warmup_factor, sched1=build_scheduler(cfg, replace(sched_cfg, name=SchedulerType.cosine_with_warmup)), sched2=build_scheduler(cfg, replace(sched_cfg, name=SchedulerType.inverse_sqrt_with_warmup)), ) elif == SchedulerType.constant: return ConstantScheduler( grad_clip_warmup_steps=None if sched_cfg.grad_clip_warmup_steps is None else int(sched_cfg.grad_clip_warmup_steps), grad_clip_warmup_factor=sched_cfg.grad_clip_warmup_factor, ) else: raise NotImplementedError