AI & ML interests

ORION STAR is a globally leading service robot solution company founded in September 2016. Committed to creating the next generation of revolutionary robots based on artificial intelligence technology. ORION STAR has fully self-developed end-to-end artificial intelligence technologies, including voice interaction and visual navigation.

OrionStar is a leading global service robot solutions company, founded in September 2016. OrionStar is dedicated to using artificial intelligence technology to create the next generation of revolutionary robots, allowing people to break free from repetitive physical labor and making human work and life more intelligent and enjoyable. Through technology, OrionStar aims to make society and the world a better place.

OrionStar possesses fully self-developed end-to-end artificial intelligence technologies, such as voice interaction and visual navigation. It integrates product development capabilities and technological application capabilities. Based on the Orion robotic arm platform, it has launched products such as OrionStar AI Robot Greeting, AI Robot Greeting Mini, Lucki, Coffee Master, and established the open platform OrionOS for Orion robots. Following the philosophy of "Born for Truly Useful Robots", OrionStar empowers more people through AI technology.

猎户星空(ORION STAR)是一家全球领先的服务机器人解决方案公司,成立于2016年9月。猎户星空致力于基于人工智能技术打造下一代革命性机器人,使人们能够摆脱重复的体力劳动,使人类的工作和生活更加智能和有趣,通过技术使社会和世界变得更加美好。

猎户星空拥有完全自主开发的全链条人工智能技术,如语音交互和视觉导航。它整合了产品开发能力和技术应用能力。基于Orion机械臂平台,它推出了ORION STAR AI Robot Greeting、AI Robot Greeting Mini、Lucki、Coffee Master等产品,并建立了Orion机器人的开放平台OrionOS。通过为 真正有用的机器人而生 的理念实践,它通过AI技术为更多人赋能。


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