Rajan Ghimire
commited on
ADD pos
Browse files
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
1 |
2 |
"cells": [
3 |
4 |
"cell_type": "code",
5 |
"execution_count": 31,
6 |
"metadata": {},
7 |
"outputs": [],
8 |
"source": [
9 |
"import torch\n",
10 |
"import numpy as np\n",
11 |
"from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.sequence import pad_sequences\n",
12 |
"max_len = 45"
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
"cell_type": "code",
17 |
"execution_count": 32,
18 |
"metadata": {},
19 |
"outputs": [],
20 |
"source": [
21 |
"tag2idx = {'X': 0,\n",
22 |
" 'YM': 1,\n",
23 |
" '[CLS]': 2,\n",
24 |
" 'DUM': 3,\n",
25 |
" 'VBF': 4,\n",
26 |
" 'RP': 5,\n",
27 |
" 'VBKO': 6,\n",
28 |
" 'CS': 7,\n",
29 |
" 'VBX': 8,\n",
30 |
" 'VBNE': 9,\n",
31 |
" 'CC': 10,\n",
32 |
" 'Unknown': 11,\n",
33 |
" 'PKO': 12,\n",
34 |
" 'JJM': 13,\n",
35 |
" 'PLE': 14,\n",
36 |
" 'VBO': 15,\n",
37 |
" 'HRU': 16,\n",
38 |
" 'YF': 17,\n",
39 |
" 'NN': 18,\n",
40 |
" 'YQ': 19,\n",
41 |
" 'VBI': 20,\n",
42 |
" '[SEP]': 21,\n",
43 |
" 'JJ': 22,\n",
44 |
" 'POP': 23,\n",
45 |
" 'PLAI': 24,\n",
46 |
" 'RBO': 25,\n",
47 |
" 'PP': 26,\n",
48 |
" 'CD': 27,\n",
49 |
" 'NNP': 28}\n",
50 |
51 |
"# Mapping index to name\n",
52 |
"tag2name={tag2idx[key] : key for key in tag2idx.keys()}\n"
53 |
54 |
55 |
56 |
"cell_type": "code",
57 |
"execution_count": 33,
58 |
"metadata": {},
59 |
"outputs": [],
60 |
"source": [
61 |
"tag_2_nees = {'NN': 'Noun',\n",
62 |
"'JJ': 'Normal/Unmarked Adjective', \n",
63 |
"'NNP': 'Noun Plural',\n",
64 |
"'POP': 'Other Postpositions',\n",
65 |
"'PKO': 'Ko-Postpositions', \n",
66 |
"'YF': 'Sentence-final Punctuation',\n",
67 |
"'CD': 'Cardinal Digits',\n",
68 |
"'PLE':'Postpositions(Le- postpositions)',\n",
69 |
"'VBF': 'Finite Verb', \n",
70 |
"'HRU': 'Plural Marker',\n",
71 |
"'YM': 'Sentence-medial punctuation',\n",
72 |
"'VBX': 'Auxiliary Verb',\n",
73 |
"'VBKO': 'Verb aspectual participle',\n",
74 |
"'CC': 'Coordinating conjunction',\n",
75 |
" 'DUM':'Pronoun unmarked demonstrative',\n",
76 |
" 'VBNE': 'Verb(Prospective participle)',\n",
77 |
" 'VBO':'Other participle verb',\n",
78 |
"'PLAI': 'Postpositions(Lai-Postpositions)',\n",
79 |
" 'RBO': 'Adverb(Other Adverb)',\n",
80 |
" 'VBI': 'Verb Infinitive',\n",
81 |
" 'YQ': 'Quotation Marks',\n",
82 |
" 'PP':'Possessive pronoun',\n",
83 |
" 'JJM': 'Marked adjective',\n",
84 |
" 'CS': 'Subordinating conjunction appearing before/after the clause it subordinates',\n",
85 |
" 'RP': 'Particle'}"
86 |
87 |
88 |
89 |
"cell_type": "code",
90 |
"execution_count": 34,
91 |
"metadata": {},
92 |
"outputs": [],
93 |
"source": [
94 |
"# ! pip install transformers\n"
95 |
96 |
97 |
98 |
"cell_type": "code",
99 |
"execution_count": 35,
100 |
"metadata": {},
101 |
"outputs": [],
102 |
"source": [
103 |
"from transformers import BertForMaskedLM\n",
104 |
"from transformers import BertTokenizer\n",
105 |
"model = BertForMaskedLM.from_pretrained('./models/bert_out_model/en09',\n",
106 |
" num_labels=len(tag2idx),\n",
107 |
" output_attentions = False,\n",
108 |
" output_hidden_states = False\n",
109 |
" )\n",
110 |
"vocab_file_dir = './models/bert_out_model/en09' \n",
111 |
"tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained(vocab_file_dir,\n",
112 |
" strip_accents=False,\n",
113 |
" clean_text=False )"
114 |
115 |
116 |
117 |
"cell_type": "code",
118 |
"execution_count": 36,
119 |
"metadata": {},
120 |
"outputs": [],
121 |
"source": [
122 |
"def Get_POS(test_query):\n",
123 |
" tokenized_texts = []\n",
124 |
" temp_token = []\n",
125 |
" # Add [CLS] at the front \n",
126 |
" temp_token.append('[CLS]')\n",
127 |
" token_list = tokenizer.tokenize(test_query)\n",
128 |
" for m,token in enumerate(token_list):\n",
129 |
" temp_token.append(token)\n",
130 |
" # Trim the token to fit the length requirement\n",
131 |
" if len(temp_token) > max_len-1:\n",
132 |
" temp_token= temp_token[:max_len-1]\n",
133 |
" # Add [SEP] at the end\n",
134 |
" temp_token.append('[SEP]')\n",
135 |
" tokenized_texts.append(temp_token)\n",
136 |
" # Make text token into id\n",
137 |
" input_ids = pad_sequences([tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(txt) for txt in tokenized_texts],\n",
138 |
" maxlen=max_len, dtype=\"long\", truncating=\"post\", padding=\"post\")\n",
139 |
" # print(input_ids[0])\n",
140 |
" \n",
141 |
" # For fine tune of predict, with token mask is 1,pad token is 0\n",
142 |
" attention_masks = [[int(i>0) for i in ii] for ii in input_ids]\n",
143 |
" attention_masks[0];\n",
144 |
" segment_ids = [[0] * len(input_id) for input_id in input_ids]\n",
145 |
" segment_ids[0];\n",
146 |
" input_ids = torch.tensor(input_ids)\n",
147 |
" attention_masks = torch.tensor(attention_masks)\n",
148 |
" segment_ids = torch.tensor(segment_ids)\n",
149 |
" # Set save model to Evalue loop\n",
150 |
" model.eval();\n",
151 |
" # Get model predict result\n",
152 |
" with torch.no_grad():\n",
153 |
" outputs = model(input_ids, token_type_ids=None,\n",
154 |
" attention_mask=None,)\n",
155 |
" # For eval mode, the first result of outputs is logits\n",
156 |
" logits = outputs[0]\n",
157 |
" \n",
158 |
" # Make logits into numpy type predict result\n",
159 |
" # The predict result contain each token's all tags predict result\n",
160 |
" predict_results = logits.detach().cpu().numpy()\n",
161 |
162 |
" predict_results.shape\n",
163 |
164 |
" from scipy.special import softmax\n",
165 |
166 |
" result_arrays_soft = softmax(predict_results[0])\n",
167 |
168 |
" result_array = result_arrays_soft\n",
169 |
170 |
" # Get each token final predict tag index result\n",
171 |
" result_list = np.argmax(result_array,axis=-1)\n",
172 |
173 |
" \n",
174 |
" x = list()\n",
175 |
" y = list()\n",
176 |
" new_tokens, new_labels = [], []\n",
177 |
" for i, mark in enumerate(attention_masks[0]):\n",
178 |
" if mark>0:\n",
179 |
" print(\"Token:%s\"%(temp_token[i]))\n",
180 |
" x.append(temp_token[i])\n",
181 |
" # print(\"Tag:%s\"%(result_list[i]))\n",
182 |
" print(\"Predict_Tag:%s\"%(tag2name[result_list[i]]))\n",
183 |
" y.append(result_list[i])\n",
184 |
" # print(\"Posibility:%f\"%(result_array[i][result_list[i]]))\n",
185 |
" \n",
186 |
" for token, label_idx in zip(x, y):\n",
187 |
" if token.startswith(\"##\"):\n",
188 |
" new_tokens[-1] = new_tokens[-1] + token[2:]\n",
189 |
" else:\n",
190 |
" new_labels.append(tag2name[label_idx])\n",
191 |
" new_tokens.append(token)\n",
192 |
" \n",
193 |
" # for token, label in zip(new_tokens, new_labels):\n",
194 |
" # print(\"{} ---------------> {}\".format(token, label))\n",
195 |
" \n",
196 |
" \n",
197 |
" tag_names = []\n",
198 |
" for i in new_labels[1:-1]:\n",
199 |
" tag_names.append(\n",
200 |
" tag_2_nees[i]\n",
201 |
" )\n",
202 |
" \n",
203 |
" return new_tokens[1:-1],tag_names"
204 |
205 |
206 |
207 |
"cell_type": "code",
208 |
"execution_count": 37,
209 |
"metadata": {},
210 |
"outputs": [
211 |
212 |
"name": "stdout",
213 |
"output_type": "stream",
214 |
"text": [
215 |
216 |
217 |
218 |
219 |
220 |
221 |
222 |
223 |
224 |
225 |
226 |
227 |
228 |
229 |
230 |
231 |
232 |
233 |
234 |
235 |
236 |
237 |
238 |
239 |
240 |
241 |
242 |
243 |
244 |
245 |
246 |
247 |
248 |
249 |
250 |
251 |
252 |
253 |
254 |
255 |
256 |
257 |
258 |
"source": [
259 |
"x,y = Get_POS(\"हाल नेपालका विभिन्न राजनैतिक दलहरूबीच एमसीसी कार्यक्रमबारे मतैक्यता हुन नसकेका कारण आन्दोलन पनि चर्किरहेको छ।\")"
260 |
261 |
262 |
263 |
"cell_type": "code",
264 |
"execution_count": 38,
265 |
"metadata": {},
266 |
"outputs": [
267 |
268 |
"data": {
269 |
"text/plain": [
270 |
271 |
" 'नेपालका',\n",
272 |
" 'विभिन्न',\n",
273 |
" 'राजनैतिक',\n",
274 |
" 'दलहरूबीच',\n",
275 |
" 'एमसीसी',\n",
276 |
" 'कार्यक्रमबारे',\n",
277 |
" 'मतैक्यता',\n",
278 |
" 'हुन',\n",
279 |
" 'नसकेका',\n",
280 |
" 'कारण',\n",
281 |
" 'आन्दोलन',\n",
282 |
" 'पनि',\n",
283 |
" 'चर्किरहेको',\n",
284 |
" 'छ',\n",
285 |
" '।'],\n",
286 |
" ['Adverb(Other Adverb)',\n",
287 |
" 'Normal/Unmarked Adjective',\n",
288 |
" 'Normal/Unmarked Adjective',\n",
289 |
" 'Normal/Unmarked Adjective',\n",
290 |
" 'Normal/Unmarked Adjective',\n",
291 |
" 'Normal/Unmarked Adjective',\n",
292 |
" 'Noun',\n",
293 |
" 'Noun',\n",
294 |
" 'Verb Infinitive',\n",
295 |
" 'Verb aspectual participle',\n",
296 |
" 'Noun',\n",
297 |
" 'Noun',\n",
298 |
" 'Particle',\n",
299 |
" 'Other participle verb',\n",
300 |
" 'Auxiliary Verb',\n",
301 |
" 'Sentence-final Punctuation'])"
302 |
303 |
304 |
"execution_count": 38,
305 |
"metadata": {},
306 |
"output_type": "execute_result"
307 |
308 |
309 |
"source": [
310 |
311 |
312 |
313 |
314 |
"metadata": {
315 |
"interpreter": {
316 |
"hash": "ca894e04cc6fd3e8c60826e0ca22793858ad83aa785622f3d49ff6f88f1ccbf8"
317 |
318 |
"kernelspec": {
319 |
"display_name": "Python 3.7.0 64-bit ('pt3.7': conda)",
320 |
"name": "python3"
321 |
322 |
"language_info": {
323 |
"codemirror_mode": {
324 |
"name": "ipython",
325 |
"version": 3
326 |
327 |
"file_extension": ".py",
328 |
"mimetype": "text/x-python",
329 |
"name": "python",
330 |
"nbconvert_exporter": "python",
331 |
"pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
332 |
"version": "3.7.5"
333 |
334 |
"orig_nbformat": 4
335 |
336 |
"nbformat": 4,
337 |
"nbformat_minor": 2
338 |
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
1 |
2 |
"_name_or_path": "../input/nepalibert",
3 |
"architectures": [
4 |
5 |
6 |
"attention_probs_dropout_prob": 0.1,
7 |
"classifier_dropout": null,
8 |
"gradient_checkpointing": false,
9 |
"hidden_act": "gelu",
10 |
"hidden_dropout_prob": 0.1,
11 |
"hidden_size": 768,
12 |
"id2label": {
13 |
"0": "LABEL_0",
14 |
"1": "LABEL_1",
15 |
"2": "LABEL_2",
16 |
"3": "LABEL_3",
17 |
"4": "LABEL_4",
18 |
"5": "LABEL_5",
19 |
"6": "LABEL_6",
20 |
"7": "LABEL_7",
21 |
"8": "LABEL_8",
22 |
"9": "LABEL_9",
23 |
"10": "LABEL_10",
24 |
"11": "LABEL_11",
25 |
"12": "LABEL_12",
26 |
"13": "LABEL_13",
27 |
"14": "LABEL_14",
28 |
"15": "LABEL_15",
29 |
"16": "LABEL_16",
30 |
"17": "LABEL_17",
31 |
"18": "LABEL_18",
32 |
"19": "LABEL_19",
33 |
"20": "LABEL_20",
34 |
"21": "LABEL_21",
35 |
"22": "LABEL_22",
36 |
"23": "LABEL_23",
37 |
"24": "LABEL_24",
38 |
"25": "LABEL_25",
39 |
"26": "LABEL_26",
40 |
"27": "LABEL_27",
41 |
"28": "LABEL_28"
42 |
43 |
"initializer_range": 0.02,
44 |
"intermediate_size": 3072,
45 |
"label2id": {
46 |
"LABEL_0": 0,
47 |
"LABEL_1": 1,
48 |
"LABEL_10": 10,
49 |
"LABEL_11": 11,
50 |
"LABEL_12": 12,
51 |
"LABEL_13": 13,
52 |
"LABEL_14": 14,
53 |
"LABEL_15": 15,
54 |
"LABEL_16": 16,
55 |
"LABEL_17": 17,
56 |
"LABEL_18": 18,
57 |
"LABEL_19": 19,
58 |
"LABEL_2": 2,
59 |
"LABEL_20": 20,
60 |
"LABEL_21": 21,
61 |
"LABEL_22": 22,
62 |
"LABEL_23": 23,
63 |
"LABEL_24": 24,
64 |
"LABEL_25": 25,
65 |
"LABEL_26": 26,
66 |
"LABEL_27": 27,
67 |
"LABEL_28": 28,
68 |
"LABEL_3": 3,
69 |
"LABEL_4": 4,
70 |
"LABEL_5": 5,
71 |
"LABEL_6": 6,
72 |
"LABEL_7": 7,
73 |
"LABEL_8": 8,
74 |
"LABEL_9": 9
75 |
76 |
"layer_norm_eps": 1e-12,
77 |
"max_position_embeddings": 512,
78 |
"model_type": "bert",
79 |
"num_attention_heads": 12,
80 |
"num_hidden_layers": 6,
81 |
"pad_token_id": 0,
82 |
"position_embedding_type": "absolute",
83 |
"transformers_version": "4.15.0",
84 |
"type_vocab_size": 2,
85 |
"use_cache": true,
86 |
"vocab_size": 50000
87 |
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
1 |
f1 socre:
2 |
3 |
4 |
Accuracy score:
5 |
6 |
7 |
precision recall f1-score support
8 |
9 |
BF 0.9538 0.9253 0.9393 937
10 |
BI 0.9129 0.9402 0.9263 468
11 |
BKO 0.9785 0.9287 0.9529 785
12 |
BNE 0.9429 0.9319 0.9374 514
13 |
BO 0.8293 0.8872 0.8573 931
14 |
BX 0.9570 0.9547 0.9558 816
15 |
C 0.9943 0.9914 0.9929 701
16 |
D 0.9007 0.8772 0.8888 920
17 |
F 0.9963 0.9945 0.9954 1083
18 |
J 0.8835 0.8817 0.8826 2520
19 |
JM 0.8914 0.8914 0.8914 221
20 |
KO 0.9942 0.9976 0.9959 2070
21 |
LAI 0.9980 0.9980 0.9980 496
22 |
LE 0.9972 0.9945 0.9959 1088
23 |
M 0.9265 0.8164 0.8680 757
24 |
N 0.9304 0.9202 0.9253 6655
25 |
NP 0.8689 0.9005 0.8844 1648
26 |
OP 0.9880 0.9816 0.9848 2015
27 |
P 0.9833 0.9883 0.9858 597
28 |
Q 0.9513 0.8729 0.9104 425
29 |
RU 0.9977 0.9953 0.9965 859
30 |
S 0.9482 0.9337 0.9409 196
31 |
UM 0.9709 0.9799 0.9754 647
32 |
_ 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0
33 |
nknown 0.8970 0.8172 0.8552 629
34 |
35 |
micro avg 0.9329 0.9333 0.9331 27978
36 |
macro avg 0.9077 0.8960 0.9015 27978
37 |
weighted avg 0.9413 0.9333 0.9370 27978
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
1 |
version https://git-lfs.github.com/spec/v1
2 |
oid sha256:779b44ae9309548a82a0f7631bde4e740cdeaf1c7117d200db157da46222c6ef
3 |
size 327908843
The diff for this file is too large to render.
See raw diff