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πŸ“Œ [08/19/2024] xGen-MM-v1.5 released:

Model description

We are excited to announce the continuation and rebranding of our BLIP series into XGen-MM, to be better aligned with Salesforce's unified XGen initiative for large foundation models! This rebranding marks a significant step in our ongoing development of cutting-edge multimodal technologies.

XGen-MM is a series of the latest foundational Large Multimodal Models (LMMs) developed by Salesforce AI Research. This series advances upon the successful designs of the BLIP series, incorporating fundamental enhancements that ensure a more robust and superior foundation.
These models have been trained at scale on high-quality image caption datasets and interleaved image-text data. XGen-MM highlights a few features below,

  • The pretrained foundation model, xgen-mm-phi3-mini-base-r-v1, achieves state-of-the-art performance under 5b parameters and demonstrates strong in-context learning capabilities.
  • The instruct fine-tuned model, xgen-mm-phi3-mini-instruct-r-v1, achieves state-of-the-art performance among open-source and closed-source VLMs under 5b parameters.
  • xgen-mm-phi3-mini-instruct-r-v1 supports flexible high-resolution image encoding with efficient visual token sampling.

The model is for research purposes, more technical details will come with a technical report soon.


Pretrain (base model without instruction tuning)

Model Shot COCO (val) NoCaps (val) TextCaps (val) OKVQA (val) TextVQA (val) VizWiz (testdev) VQAv2 (testdev)
Flamingo-3B 4 85.0 - - 43.3 32.7 34 53.2
8 90.6 - - 44.6 32.4 38.4 55.4
MM1-3B 0 73.5 55.6 63.3 26.1 29.4 15.6 46.2
4 112.3 99.7 84.1 48.6 45.3 38.0 57.9
8 114.6 104.7 88.8 48.4 44.6 46.4 63.6
xgen-mm-phi3-mini-base-r-v1 (Ours) 0 81.7 80.2 60.7 26.5 36.0 21.2 48.1
4 110.5 101.7 84.6 49.2 46.1 38.4 63.9
8 112.1 104.4 87.7 49.1 46.4 44.3 63.8

Instruct (after instruction tuning)

Model SEED-IMG MMBench(dev) MME-total MME-P MME-C MMStar MMMU (val) MMVet MathVista (mini) ScienceQA (test) POPE AI2D
MM1-3B-Chat 68.8 67.8 1761 1482 279 - 33.9 43.7 - - 87.4 -
openbmb/MiniCPM-V-2 67.1 69.6 1808 - - - 38.2 - 38.7 - - -
VILA1.5-3B 67.9 63.4 - 1442 - - 33.3 35.4 - 69.0 85.9 -
xtuner/llava-phi-3-mini-hf 70.0 69.2 1790 1477 313 43.7 41.4 - - 73.7 87.3 69.3
xgen-mm-phi3-mini-instruct-r-v1 (Ours) 72.1 74.1 1827 1467 360 44.6 39.8 45.1 39.3 74.2 87.2 75.8

How to use

> We require the use of the development version ("4.41.0.dev0") of the transformers library. To get it, as of 05/07/2024, one can use pip uninstall -y transformers && pip install git+https://github.com/huggingface/transformers.

from transformers import AutoModelForVision2Seq, AutoTokenizer, AutoImageProcessor
import requests
from PIL import Image
import IPython.display as display
import torch
model_name_or_path = "Salesforce/xgen-mm-phi3-mini-base-r-v1"
model = AutoModelForVision2Seq.from_pretrained(model_name_or_path, trust_remote_code=True)
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name_or_path, trust_remote_code=True, use_fast=True, legacy=False)
image_processor = AutoImageProcessor.from_pretrained(model_name_or_path, trust_remote_code=True)
tokenizer = model.update_special_tokens(tokenizer)

model = model.to('cuda')
tokenizer.padding_side = "left"

def apply_prompt_template(prompt, num_images=1, num_tokens_per_vis = 128, in_context=False, output=None):
    num_tokens_per_vis: model.vlm.num_tokens_per_vis
    placeholder_image_tokens = "<image placeholder>" * (num_tokens_per_vis - 1)
    if in_context:
        formatted_prompt = f"<image>{placeholder_image_tokens}" + f"{prompt}" + f"{output}" + "<|endofchunk|>"
        formatted_prompt = f"<image>{placeholder_image_tokens}"*num_images + f"{prompt}"
    return formatted_prompt

############ Zero shot inference ##########
img_url = 'https://storage.googleapis.com/sfr-vision-language-research/BLIP/demo.jpg'
raw_image = Image.open(requests.get(img_url, stream=True).raw).convert('RGB')
instruction = "Describe what is the dog doing in this image in one sentence:"
print("==> Instruction: ", instruction)
print("==> Image: ")
display.display(raw_image.resize((int(raw_image.width*0.3), int(raw_image.height*0.3))))
inputs = image_processor([raw_image], return_tensors="pt")
prompt = apply_prompt_template(instruction)
language_inputs = tokenizer([prompt], return_tensors="pt")
inputs = {name: tensor.cuda() for name, tensor in inputs.items()}

with torch.cuda.amp.autocast(dtype=torch.bfloat16):
    generated_text = model.generate(**inputs, 
                                    do_sample=False, max_new_tokens=64, top_p=None, num_beams=1,
                                    length_penalty=1.0, repetition_penalty=3.0)
prediction = tokenizer.decode(generated_text[0], skip_special_tokens=True)
print("==> prediciton: ", prediction)
# ==> prediciton: The dog is sitting on the beach and waving at his owner.

More comprehensive examples can be found in the notebook, where we provide a zero-shot and a few-shot example, respectively.


Our SFT evaluation is based on the VLMEvalKit, in which we fixed some inconsistencies with the official benchmarks (e.g., LLM judge API). During our development, we noticed that the raw resolution of the input image would noticeably affect the model output in some cases.

Bias, Risks, Limitations, and Ethical Considerations

The main data sources are from the internet, including webpages, image stock sites, and curated datasets released by the research community. We have excluded certain data, such as LAION, due to known CSAM concerns. The model may be subject to bias from the original data source, as well as bias from LLMs and commercial APIs. We strongly recommend users assess safety and fairness before applying to downstream applications.


Our code and weights are released under the Apache-2.0 license. The copyright of the training data remains with the original data owner.

Code acknowledgment



      title={xGen-MM (BLIP-3): A Family of Open Large Multimodal Models}, 
      author={Le Xue and Manli Shu and Anas Awadalla and Jun Wang and An Yan and Senthil Purushwalkam and Honglu Zhou and Viraj Prabhu and Yutong Dai and Michael S Ryoo and Shrikant Kendre and Jieyu Zhang and Can Qin and Shu Zhang and Chia-Chih Chen and Ning Yu and Juntao Tan and Tulika Manoj Awalgaonkar and Shelby Heinecke and Huan Wang and Yejin Choi and Ludwig Schmidt and Zeyuan Chen and Silvio Savarese and Juan Carlos Niebles and Caiming Xiong and Ran Xu},


  1. If you missed any packages, please consider the following
pip install torch==2.2.1 torchvision==0.17.1 torchaudio==2.2.1 --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu121
pip install open_clip_torch==2.24.0
pip install einops
pip install einops-exts
pip install transformers==4.41.1


  • 05/24/2024
    • update codebase to be compatible with transformers==4.41.1.
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Model size
4.58B params
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Inference Examples
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Collection including Salesforce/xgen-mm-phi3-mini-base-r-v1