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"language": "en",
"title": "Agra DeKala",
"versionSource": "",
"versionTitle": "Sefaria Community Translation",
"actualLanguage": "en",
"languageFamilyName": "english",
"isBaseText": false,
"isSource": false,
"direction": "ltr",
"heTitle": "讗讙专讗 讚讻诇讛",
"categories": [
"Other Chasidut Works"
"text": {
"Permutations of Bereshit": [],
"Bereshit": [
"An additional reason why the holy Torah starts with the letter Beis, which the numerical value is two, is to teach that there are two Torahs, there is written and oral."
"Noach": [],
"Lech Lecha": [],
"Vayera": [],
"Chayei Sara": [],
"Toldot": [],
"Vayetzei": [],
"Vayishlach": [
"<b>And Yaakov journeyed to Sukkot and built a house for himself; and for his cattle, he made Sukkot; hence he called the name of the place, Sukkot. (Genesis 33:17):</b> One should explain several hints in this verse. For also according to its simple meaning, it is necessary to understand what the Torah added for us by telling us this. But it can be explained about the holiday of Sukkot, which is the time of our joy, to rejoice in front of the Lord, our God - to teach that 'this is all of man' - to serve God, may He be blessed. Whereas all of his seeming possessions in this world are fleeting and transient like a sukkah (hut) in a vineyard. Hence we were commanded to dwell then during the time of joy in a sukkah and to rejoice in front of the Lord, since that is the essence [of life]. So the hint of, \"And Yaakov journeyed to Sukkot,\" is that when the whole of the nation, which is called Yaakov, travels to Sukkot - meaning to say, when it reaches the holiday of Sukkot - it should then, \"build a house for himself\": You already know (Sefer Yetzirah) that a letter is called a stone and a word, a house. If so, every letter in its full spelling is also called a house, since it is a word [when spelled out] like this, <i>alef, bet</i>. So, if so, it is hinted here, \"and he built a house for himself,\" that he builds for himself houses from the word, Yaakov, in its full spelling - like this, <i>yod, ayin, kof, bet</i>. That is the numerical equivalent (<i>gematria</i>) of rejoice (<i>tismach</i>); which is to teach that the time of our joy is then, to rejoice in God, may He be blessed. And then the name of Yaakov will be complete in its fullness and goodness. \"And for his cattle (<i>mikneh</i>)\" - meaning acquisitions (<i>kniyot</i>) of the world - \"he made Sukkot.\" That is to say that through the joy in God, he meditates that all possessions in the world are similar to sukkot, which are 'here for a night, etc.' And this is [the meaning of], \"he made\" - that he made them in his thought like naught and nothing, similar to sukkot which do not have permanence. \"Hence he called the name of the place,\" of the whole world, \"Sukkot\" (as it has no permanence). And also the full spelling of [the letters that spell] Yaakov, without [those letters in] the simple spelling are the numerical equivalent of, sweeten (<i>yamtiku</i>). For the judgements are sweetened at that time (Sukkot), as is known about [the mystical] intention of Sukkot. And that is [the meaning of], \"and he built a house for himself.\" And the meaning of, \"and for his cattle\" (meaning the letters of his [name's] simple spelling, since they are his essential possession), is that Yaakov is the numerical equivalent of two times, sukkah. That is to teach that with the arousal from below, there is an arousal of actions from above - two sukkot (which are shelters): The Higher Mother to shelter over the Small Face and the Female; and the Lower Mother to shelter over her children. And understand."
"Vayeshev": [],
"Miketz": [],
"Vayigash": [],
"Vayechi": [],
"Shemot": [
"<b>There is a midrash there (Shemot Rabbah 1:13):</b> \"Shifrah - because she cleansed (<i>mishaperet</i>) the baby, etc.\" Measure for measure, she merited that out from her would come the priests who cleanse the Jewish people from the dirt of their sins, since they atone for them with sacrifices. \"Puah - because she squirted (<i>nofaat</i>) wine, etc.\" Measure for measure, she merited that out from her would come the monarchy of the House of David, about which it is stated, \"He will bind to the vine, etc. he will wash his raiment in wine, etc.\" (Genesis 49:11). \"Shifrah - because they were fruitful (<i>she paru</i>) and multiplied, etc.\" Measure for measure, she merited that out from her would come the priests who atone with the sacrifices of the <i>sotah</i>, and if she is pure, she will be cleansed and shall bear seed; and who atone with the sacrifices of <i>zavim</i>, <i>zavot</i> and those struck with <i>tsaraat</i>, who are prohibited to cohabit while they are in a state of impurity. \"Puah - because she would cause the baby to cry out (<i>mefiaah</i>) when they would say [that it was dead], etc.\" She merited that out from her would come the monarchy of the Messiah, who will revive Israel after all the nations of the world will say that their hope is lost, God forbid. Then he will come and save us. \"Shifrah - because her deeds were pleasing (<i>shafru</i>) before God.\" Meaning to say, that she did not do it for honor and that which is similar, but rather that her intention was specifically for God. [So] she merited that out from her would come the priests that bring sacrifices for His name specifically, may He be blessed, since a sacrifice is disqualified by [an external] thought. \"Puah - she raised up (<i>hofiah</i>) the Jewish people to God.\" Meaning to say, she enlightened their faces, by teaching them knowledge, such that they not cease from His commandments out of the fear of Pharaoh, just like she was not concerned about fearing him. [So] she merited that out from her would come the Messiah, \"and the homage of peoples shall be his\" (Genesis 49:10) - \"and the peoples shall obey him\" (Onkelos Genesis 49:10). \"Puah - she raised up (<i>hofiah</i>) her face towards Pharaoh, etc.\" Measure for measure, [to] the King Messiah and the son of David, [God] \"will deliver up nations to him and trodden sovereigns down\" (Isaiah 41:2). \"Shifrah - because she conciliated (<i>meshaperet</i>) her daughter's words, etc.\" [So] out from her came the priests who would pacify the empires when they reigned, such as Shimon the Righteous towards Alexander (Yoma 69a) and Ezra towards Cyrus. \"Shifrah - because she held up, etc.\" Anyone who upholds a soul, etc. (Bava Batra 11a), whereas they uphold so many souls. [So] she merited that out from her would come out the priests: \"The person who sins, etc.\" (Ezekiel 18:20, see Yerushalmi Makkot 2:6), yet they atone for them and uphold them."
"Vaera": [],
"Bo": [],
"Beshalach": [],
"Yitro": [],
"Mishpatim": [],
"Terumah": [],
"Tetzaveh": [],
"Ki Tisa": [],
"Vayakhel": [],
"Pekudei": [],
"Vayikra": [],
"Tzav": [],
"Shmini": [],
"Tazria": [],
"Metzora": [],
"Achrei Mot": [],
"Kedoshim": [],
"Emor": [],
"Behar": [],
"Bechukotai": [],
"Bamidbar": [],
"Nasso": [],
"Beha'alotcha": [],
"Sh'lach": [],
"Korach": [],
"Chukat": [],
"Balak": [],
"Pinchas": [
"<b>To Yetzer, the Yitzri family. To Shalem, the Shilmi family.</b> A resonance of this verse was told to me in the name of the holy rabbi the Maharza\"v (may the memory of the righteous and holy be a blessing), which was said in the name of his father the holy rabbi the Mahari\"m (may the memory of the righteous and holy be a blessing), that this pasuk refers to the urge [<i>yetzer</i>]. For when a person desires to follow the advice of their [evil] inclination in any matter, the \"family of the inclination\" -- many families, and many supports, does the inclination have to [persuade one] to follow it. \"To Shalem\", that when a person wishes to walk in wholeness [<i>shleimut</i>]of service, the family of wholeness... as stated above. And it completes it, this is its language, and it says this also \"To Tachan, the Tachani family\" (Numbers 26:35) -- when a person wishes to pray and plead [<i>lehitchanein</i>], then it is the Tachani family, as stated above."
"Matot": [],
"Masei": [],
"Devarim": [],
"Vaetchanan": [],
"Eikev": [],
"Re'eh": [],
"Shoftim": [],
"Ki Teitzei": [],
"Ki Tavo": [],
"Nitzavim": [],
"Vayeilech": [],
"Insights on Midrash, Targum and Rashi on Bereshit, Noach and Lech Lecha": {
"Rashi": [],
"Onkelos": [],
"Targum Yonatan": [],
"Targum Yerushalmi": [],
"Midrash Rabbah": [],
"Midrash Tanchuma": [],
"Aggadat Bereshit": [],
"Sheiltot": [],
"Megaleh Amukot": []
"schema": {
"heTitle": "讗讙专讗 讚讻诇讛",
"enTitle": "Agra DeKala",
"key": "Agra DeKala",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "爪讬专讜驻讬 讘专讗砖讬转",
"enTitle": "Permutations of Bereshit"
"heTitle": "讘专讗砖讬转",
"enTitle": "Bereshit"
"heTitle": "谞讞",
"enTitle": "Noach"
"heTitle": "诇讱 诇讱",
"enTitle": "Lech Lecha"
"heTitle": "讜讬专讗",
"enTitle": "Vayera"
"heTitle": "讞讬讬 砖专讛",
"enTitle": "Chayei Sara"
"heTitle": "转讜诇讚讜转",
"enTitle": "Toldot"
"heTitle": "讜讬爪讗",
"enTitle": "Vayetzei"
"heTitle": "讜讬砖诇讞",
"enTitle": "Vayishlach"
"heTitle": "讜讬砖讘",
"enTitle": "Vayeshev"
"heTitle": "诪拽抓",
"enTitle": "Miketz"
"heTitle": "讜讬讙砖",
"enTitle": "Vayigash"
"heTitle": "讜讬讞讬",
"enTitle": "Vayechi"
"heTitle": "砖诪讜转",
"enTitle": "Shemot"
"heTitle": "讜讗专讗",
"enTitle": "Vaera"
"heTitle": "讘讗",
"enTitle": "Bo"
"heTitle": "讘砖诇讞",
"enTitle": "Beshalach"
"heTitle": "讬转专讜",
"enTitle": "Yitro"
"heTitle": "诪砖驻讟讬诐",
"enTitle": "Mishpatim"
"heTitle": "转专讜诪讛",
"enTitle": "Terumah"
"heTitle": "转爪讜讛",
"enTitle": "Tetzaveh"
"heTitle": "讻讬 转砖讗",
"enTitle": "Ki Tisa"
"heTitle": "讜讬拽讛诇",
"enTitle": "Vayakhel"
"heTitle": "驻拽讜讚讬",
"enTitle": "Pekudei"
"heTitle": "讜讬拽专讗",
"enTitle": "Vayikra"
"heTitle": "爪讜",
"enTitle": "Tzav"
"heTitle": "砖诪讬谞讬",
"enTitle": "Shmini"
"heTitle": "转讝专讬注",
"enTitle": "Tazria"
"heTitle": "诪爪讜专注",
"enTitle": "Metzora"
"heTitle": "讗讞专讬 诪讜转",
"enTitle": "Achrei Mot"
"heTitle": "拽讚讜砖讬诐",
"enTitle": "Kedoshim"
"heTitle": "讗诪讜专",
"enTitle": "Emor"
"heTitle": "讘讛专",
"enTitle": "Behar"
"heTitle": "讘讞讜拽转讬",
"enTitle": "Bechukotai"
"heTitle": "讘诪讚讘专",
"enTitle": "Bamidbar"
"heTitle": "谞砖讗",
"enTitle": "Nasso"
"heTitle": "讘讛注诇讜转讱",
"enTitle": "Beha'alotcha"
"heTitle": "砖诇讞",
"enTitle": "Sh'lach"
"heTitle": "拽专讞",
"enTitle": "Korach"
"heTitle": "讞拽转",
"enTitle": "Chukat"
"heTitle": "讘诇拽",
"enTitle": "Balak"
"heTitle": "驻谞讞住",
"enTitle": "Pinchas"
"heTitle": "诪讟讜转",
"enTitle": "Matot"
"heTitle": "诪住注讬",
"enTitle": "Masei"
"heTitle": "讚讘专讬诐",
"enTitle": "Devarim"
"heTitle": "讜讗转讞谞谉",
"enTitle": "Vaetchanan"
"heTitle": "注拽讘",
"enTitle": "Eikev"
"heTitle": "专讗讛",
"enTitle": "Re'eh"
"heTitle": "砖讜驻讟讬诐",
"enTitle": "Shoftim"
"heTitle": "讻讬 转爪讗",
"enTitle": "Ki Teitzei"
"heTitle": "讻讬 转讘讜讗",
"enTitle": "Ki Tavo"
"heTitle": "谞爪讘讬诐",
"enTitle": "Nitzavim"
"heTitle": "讜讬诇讱",
"enTitle": "Vayeilech"
"heTitle": "讘讬讗讜专讬诐 注诇 诪讚专砖讬诐, 转专讙讜诪讬诐 讜驻讬专讜砖 专砖\"讬 诇驻专砖讜转 讘专讗砖讬转 谞讞 讜诇讱 诇讱",
"enTitle": "Insights on Midrash, Targum and Rashi on Bereshit, Noach and Lech Lecha",
"nodes": [
"heTitle": "专砖\"讬",
"enTitle": "Rashi"
"heTitle": "转专讙讜诐 讗讜谞拽诇讜住",
"enTitle": "Onkelos"
"heTitle": "讘讬讗讜专讬 转专讙讜诐 讬讜谞转谉",
"enTitle": "Targum Yonatan"
"heTitle": "讘讬讗讜专讬 转专讙讜诐 讬专讜砖诇诪讬",
"enTitle": "Targum Yerushalmi"
"heTitle": "诪讚专砖 专讘讛",
"enTitle": "Midrash Rabbah"
"heTitle": "讘讬讗讜专讬 诪讚专砖 转谞讞讜诪讗",
"enTitle": "Midrash Tanchuma"
"heTitle": "讘讬讗讜专讬 讗讙讚转 讘专讗砖讬转",
"enTitle": "Aggadat Bereshit"
"heTitle": "讘讬讗讜专讬 砖讗讬诇转讜转 讚专讘 讗讞讗讬 讙讗讜谉",
"enTitle": "Sheiltot"
"heTitle": "讘讬讗讜专讬 诪讙诇讛 注诪讜拽讜转",
"enTitle": "Megaleh Amukot"
} |