/Other Chasidut Works
/Arvei Nachal
/Sefaria Community Translation.json
{ | |
"language": "en", | |
"title": "Arvei Nachal", | |
"versionSource": "", | |
"versionTitle": "Sefaria Community Translation", | |
"actualLanguage": "en", | |
"languageFamilyName": "english", | |
"isBaseText": false, | |
"isSource": false, | |
"direction": "ltr", | |
"heTitle": "注专讘讬 谞讞诇", | |
"categories": [ | |
"Chasidut", | |
"Other Chasidut Works" | |
], | |
"text": { | |
"Bereshit": [], | |
"Noach": [], | |
"Lech Lecha": [], | |
"Vayera": [], | |
"Chayei Sara": [], | |
"Toldot": [ | |
[], | |
[ | |
"", | |
"\"And Yitzchak entreated God regarding his wife, for she was barren, and God was entreated of him...\" (Bereishit 25:21). Regarding his wife entirely, and see Rashi on Genesis 25:21 [which says that it means <i>facing</i> his wife]. And we can continue in precision: \"for she was barren\" has no explanation, and it should have said \"And Rivka was barren, and Yitzchak entreated...\" And the commentators pose a further problem regarding what Rashi wrote: \"[And God was entreated] to him\" [Yitzchak] and not to her, because the prayer of a righteous person child of a righteous person isn't similar to the prayer of a righteous person child of a wicked person. And behold, our Sages of blessed memory said (Ta'anit 25b) regarding Rabbi Eliezer who said 24 prayers and was not answered, and Rabbi Akiva was answered -- not because one was greater than the other, but because this one was forgiving (lit. \"passed over his traits\"). And it was explained regarding this value[?], that it wished to say that since there was a a child of converts and needed to break his nature and traits and look there -- behold, it seems the opposite, that the prayer of a righteous person child of a wicked person is more acceptable! And we can continue in precision with the language of Rashi, who wrote that the prayer of a righteous person child of a righteous person isn't similar, etc. - he should have said the opposite, that the prayer of a righteous person child of wicked person isn't similar to the prayer of a righteous person child of a righteous person, and [the former] is better. And we can further continue in precision with Rashi's conclusion, that \"therefore [God was entreated] to him and not to her\", that it's an additional lip [?] and doubled language. And we can also be precise with its saying of \"and [God] was entreated\" [<i>vaye'ater</i> 讜讬注转专], and our Sages of blessed memory said, (Sukkot 14a) \"Why is the prayer of the righteous like a pitchfork [注转专 <i>'eter</i>]? Just as a pitchfork turns grain on the threshing floor from place to place, so too the prayer of the righteous turns the mind of the Holy Blessed One from justice to mercy. What is this verse teaching us that this matter is specifically here? Did Avraham and the rest of the righteous not also pray, and it didn't say this language [ie that God was entreated]? And we can be further precise, in her saying \"If so, why do I exist?\" she was praying regarding children, which seems as though she was choosing childlessness from the pain of the pregnancy - and certainly this righteous one was not considering this!" | |
] | |
], | |
"Vayetzei": [], | |
"Vayishlach": [], | |
"Vayeshev": [], | |
"Miketz": [], | |
"Vayigash": [], | |
"Vayechi": [], | |
"Chanukah": [], | |
"Shemot": [], | |
"Vaera": [], | |
"Bo": [], | |
"Beshalach": [], | |
"Yitro": [], | |
"Shavuot": [], | |
"Terumah": [], | |
"Tetzaveh": [], | |
"Ki Tisa": [], | |
"Vayakhel": [], | |
"Pekudei": [], | |
"Vayikra": [], | |
"Tzav": [], | |
"Shabbat Hagadol": [], | |
"Shmini": [], | |
"Tazria": [], | |
"Achrei Mot": [], | |
"Kedoshim": [], | |
"Emor": [], | |
"Rosh Hashanah": [], | |
"Behar": [], | |
"Bechukotai": [], | |
"Nasso": [], | |
"Sh'lach": [], | |
"Korach": [], | |
"Chukat": [], | |
"Balak": [], | |
"Pinchas": [], | |
"Masei": [], | |
"Vaetchanan": [], | |
"Eikev": [], | |
"Ki Teitzei": [], | |
"Shoftim": [], | |
"Ki Tavo": [ | |
[ | |
"", | |
"", | |
"", | |
"", | |
"", | |
"", | |
"", | |
"", | |
"", | |
"", | |
"", | |
"\"Because you would not serve the LORD your God in joy and gladness over the abundance of everything,\" (Devarim 28:47) This can be properly explained through the words of the Ikarim (2:15), which briefly explained are as follows. The wise have joy in that they feel the have achieved some of the wholeness of wisdom...and though this joy of necessity has some end limitation, since it is the product of human comprehension which is itself limited, nevertheless it grows continually. This is because anyone who seeks something which is of a limited nature, once they achieve it their desire and joy will cease. However, if that which one desires and seeks has no fundamental limit, then the desire and the comprehension will never cease. This is why the joy of the wise is continual and unceasing, as it is written \"...let all who seek the LORD rejoice.\" (Psalms 105:3) In that God and his perfection are limitless all those who seek God, though they will grasp what they do, nonetheless will be left ever desiring. The joy will never cease, increasing as one comprehends ever more." | |
] | |
], | |
"Nitzavim": [], | |
"Vayeilech": [], | |
"Ha'Azinu": [], | |
"V'Zot HaBerachah": [] | |
}, | |
"schema": { | |
"heTitle": "注专讘讬 谞讞诇", | |
"enTitle": "Arvei Nachal", | |
"key": "Arvei Nachal", | |
"nodes": [ | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "讘专讗砖讬转", | |
"enTitle": "Bereshit" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "谞讞", | |
"enTitle": "Noach" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "诇讱 诇讱", | |
"enTitle": "Lech Lecha" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "讜讬专讗", | |
"enTitle": "Vayera" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "讞讬讬 砖专讛", | |
"enTitle": "Chayei Sara" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "转讜诇讚讜转", | |
"enTitle": "Toldot" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "讜讬爪讗", | |
"enTitle": "Vayetzei" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "讜讬砖诇讞", | |
"enTitle": "Vayishlach" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "讜讬砖讘", | |
"enTitle": "Vayeshev" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "诪拽抓", | |
"enTitle": "Miketz" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "讜讬讙砖", | |
"enTitle": "Vayigash" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "讜讬讞讬", | |
"enTitle": "Vayechi" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "讞谞讜讻讛", | |
"enTitle": "Chanukah" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "砖诪讜转", | |
"enTitle": "Shemot" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "讜讗专讗", | |
"enTitle": "Vaera" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "讘讗", | |
"enTitle": "Bo" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "讘砖诇讞", | |
"enTitle": "Beshalach" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "讬转专讜", | |
"enTitle": "Yitro" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "砖讘讜注讜转", | |
"enTitle": "Shavuot" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "转专讜诪讛", | |
"enTitle": "Terumah" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "转爪讜讛", | |
"enTitle": "Tetzaveh" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "讻讬 转砖讗", | |
"enTitle": "Ki Tisa" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "讜讬拽讛诇", | |
"enTitle": "Vayakhel" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "驻拽讜讚讬", | |
"enTitle": "Pekudei" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "讜讬拽专讗", | |
"enTitle": "Vayikra" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "爪讜", | |
"enTitle": "Tzav" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "砖讘转 讛讙讚讜诇", | |
"enTitle": "Shabbat Hagadol" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "砖诪讬谞讬", | |
"enTitle": "Shmini" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "转讝专讬注", | |
"enTitle": "Tazria" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "讗讞专讬 诪讜转", | |
"enTitle": "Achrei Mot" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "拽讚讜砖讬诐", | |
"enTitle": "Kedoshim" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "讗诪讜专", | |
"enTitle": "Emor" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "专讗砖 讛砖谞讛", | |
"enTitle": "Rosh Hashanah" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "讘讛专", | |
"enTitle": "Behar" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "讘讞讜拽转讬", | |
"enTitle": "Bechukotai" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "谞砖讗", | |
"enTitle": "Nasso" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "砖诇讞", | |
"enTitle": "Sh'lach" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "拽专讞", | |
"enTitle": "Korach" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "讞拽转", | |
"enTitle": "Chukat" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "讘诇拽", | |
"enTitle": "Balak" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "驻谞讞住", | |
"enTitle": "Pinchas" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "诪住注讬", | |
"enTitle": "Masei" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "讜讗转讞谞谉", | |
"enTitle": "Vaetchanan" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "注拽讘", | |
"enTitle": "Eikev" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "讻讬 转爪讗", | |
"enTitle": "Ki Teitzei" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "砖讜驻讟讬诐", | |
"enTitle": "Shoftim" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "讻讬 转讘讜讗", | |
"enTitle": "Ki Tavo" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "谞爪讘讬诐", | |
"enTitle": "Nitzavim" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "讜讬诇讱", | |
"enTitle": "Vayeilech" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "讛讗讝讬谞讜", | |
"enTitle": "Ha'Azinu" | |
}, | |
{ | |
"heTitle": "讜讝讗转 讛讘专讻讛", | |
"enTitle": "V'Zot HaBerachah" | |
} | |
] | |
} | |
} |