SpectraSuite by Nolano AI

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Spectra Suite

We release the Spectra Suite consisting of 54 models ranging from 99M to 3.9B parameters across different bitwidths:

  • FloatLM: LLMs pretrained in FP16 (Half-Precision).
  • TriLM: LLMs pretrained with effective ternary bitwidth.
  • QuantLM 8-bit: FloatLM LLMs Quantized to 8-bits.
  • QuantLM 6-bit: FloatLM LLMs Quantized to 6-bits.
  • QuantLM 4-bit: FloatLM LLMs Quantized to 4-bits.
  • QuantLM 3-bit: FloatLM LLMs Quantized to 3-bits.

All models are released in unpacked (FP16 format) - compatible with FP16 GEMMs across any library supporting the LLaMa architecture.


If you find these models or the associated paper useful, please cite the paper:

      title={Spectra: A Comprehensive Study of Ternary, Quantized, and FP16 Language Models}, 
      author={Ayush Kaushal and Tejas Pandey and Tejas Vaidhya and Aaryan Bhagat and Irina Rish},