import re from typing import List from datasets import load_dataset from opencompass.openicl.icl_evaluator import BaseEvaluator from opencompass.registry import LOAD_DATASET from .base import BaseDataset @LOAD_DATASET.register_module() class crowspairsDataset(BaseDataset): @staticmethod def load(**kwargs): dataset = load_dataset(**kwargs) def preprocess(example): example['label'] = 0 return example return @LOAD_DATASET.register_module() class crowspairsDataset_V2(BaseDataset): @staticmethod def load(**kwargs): dataset = load_dataset(**kwargs) def preprocess(example): example['label'] = 'A' return example return def crowspairs_postprocess(text: str) -> str: """Cannot cover all the cases, try to be as accurate as possible.""" if'Neither', text) or'Both', text): return 'invalid' if text != '': first_option = text[0] if first_option.isupper() and first_option in 'AB': return first_option if' A ', text) or'A.', text): return 'A' if' B ', text) or'B.', text): return 'B' return 'invalid' class CrowspairsEvaluator(BaseEvaluator): """Calculate accuracy and valid accuracy according the prediction for crows-pairs dataset.""" def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() def score(self, predictions: List, references: List) -> dict: """Calculate scores and accuracy. Args: predictions (List): List of probabilities for each class of each sample. references (List): List of target labels for each sample. Returns: dict: calculated scores. """ if len(predictions) != len(references): return { 'error': 'predictions and references have different length.' } all_match = 0 for i, j in zip(predictions, references): all_match += i == j valid_match = 0 valid_length = 0 for i, j in zip(predictions, references): if i != 'invalid': valid_length += 1 valid_match += i == j accuracy = round(all_match / len(predictions), 4) * 100 valid_accuracy = round(valid_match / valid_length, 4) * 100 valid_frac = round(valid_length / len(predictions), 4) * 100 return dict(accuracy=accuracy, valid_accuracy=valid_accuracy, valid_frac=valid_frac)