import os import os.path as osp import random import subprocess import time from functools import partial from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple import mmengine from mmengine.config import ConfigDict from mmengine.utils import track_parallel_progress from opencompass.registry import RUNNERS, TASKS from opencompass.utils import get_logger from .base import BaseRunner @RUNNERS.register_module() class SlurmRunner(BaseRunner): """Distributed runner based on Slurm. It will launch tasks in parallel using `srun` command. Args: task (ConfigDict): Task type config. max_num_workers (int): Max number of workers to run in parallel. Defaults to 32. retry (int): Number of retries if the job failed. Defaults to 2. partition (str): Slurm partition name. Defaults to None. quotatype (str): Slurm quota type. Defaults to None. qos (str): Slurm quality of service. Defaults to None. debug (bool): Whether to run in debug mode. Defaults to False. lark_bot_url (str): Lark bot url. Defaults to None. extra_command (List, optional): Extra slurm command. For example ['-c 12', '-w node1']. Defaults to None. """ def __init__(self, task: ConfigDict, max_num_workers: int = 32, retry: int = 2, partition: str = None, quotatype: str = None, qos: str = None, debug: bool = False, lark_bot_url: str = None, extra_command: Optional[List[str]] = None): super().__init__(task=task, debug=debug, lark_bot_url=lark_bot_url) self.max_num_workers = max_num_workers self.retry = retry self.partition = partition self.quotatype = quotatype self.qos = qos if not extra_command: extra_command = [] assert isinstance(extra_command, list) self.extra_command = extra_command def launch(self, tasks: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> List[Tuple[str, int]]: """Launch multiple tasks. Args: tasks (list[dict]): A list of task configs, usually generated by Partitioner. Returns: list[tuple[str, int]]: A list of (task name, exit code). """ if not self.debug: status = track_parallel_progress(self._launch, tasks, nproc=self.max_num_workers, keep_order=False) else: status = [self._launch(task, random_sleep=False) for task in tasks] return status def _launch(self, cfg: ConfigDict, random_sleep: bool = True): """Launch a single task. Args: cfg (ConfigDict): Task config. random_sleep (bool): Whether to sleep for a random time before running the command. This avoids cluster error when launching multiple tasks at the same time. Default: True. Returns: tuple[str, int]: Task name and exit code. """ task =, type=self.task_cfg['type'])) num_gpus = task.num_gpus task_name = # Dump task config to file mmengine.mkdir_or_exist('tmp/') param_file = f'tmp/{os.getpid()}' try: cfg.dump(param_file) # Build up slurm command tmpl = 'srun' if self.partition: tmpl += f' -p {self.partition}' if self.quotatype: tmpl += f' --quotatype={self.quotatype}' if self.qos: tmpl += f' --qos={self.qos}' if num_gpus > 0: tmpl += f' --gres=gpu:{num_gpus}' for extra_cmd in self.extra_command: tmpl += f' {extra_cmd}' tmpl += f" -N1 -u -J '{task_name[:512]}'" + ' {task_cmd}' get_cmd = partial(task.get_command, cfg_path=param_file, template=tmpl) cmd = get_cmd() logger = get_logger() logger.debug(f'Running command: {cmd}') # Run command with retry if self.debug: stdout = None else: out_path = task.get_log_path(file_extension='out') mmengine.mkdir_or_exist(osp.split(out_path)[0]) stdout = open(out_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') if random_sleep: time.sleep(random.randint(0, 10)) result =, shell=True, text=True, stdout=stdout, stderr=stdout) retry = self.retry output_paths = task.get_output_paths() while self._job_failed(result.returncode, output_paths) and retry > 0: retry -= 1 if random_sleep: time.sleep(random.randint(0, 10)) # Re-generate command to refresh ports. cmd = get_cmd() result =, shell=True, text=True, stdout=stdout, stderr=stdout) if result.returncode != 0 and not self.debug: logger.warning(f'task {task_name} fail, see\n{out_path}') finally: # Clean up os.remove(param_file) return task_name, result.returncode def _job_failed(self, return_code: int, output_paths: List[str]) -> bool: return return_code != 0 or not all( osp.exists(output_path) for output_path in output_paths)