import re from typing import Callable, Optional, Union from opencompass.registry import TEXT_POSTPROCESSORS @TEXT_POSTPROCESSORS.register_module('general') def general_postprocess(text: str) -> str: # Cut off the first newline, period, or comma truncated_text = re.split(r'[\n.,]', text, 1)[0] # Remove punctuation no_punctuation = re.sub(r'[^\w\s]', '', truncated_text) # Remove article no_articles = re.sub(r'\b(a|an|the)\b', '', no_punctuation, flags=re.IGNORECASE) # Remove duplicated blank spaces cleaned_text = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', no_articles).strip() return cleaned_text @TEXT_POSTPROCESSORS.register_module('general_cn') def general_cn_postprocess(text: str) -> str: truncated_text = re.split(r'[\n.,]', text, 1)[0] no_punctuation = re.sub(r'[^\w\s]', '', truncated_text) no_articles = re.sub(r'\b(a|an|the)\b', '', no_punctuation, flags=re.IGNORECASE) cleaned_text = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', no_articles).strip() import jieba cleaned_text = ' '.join(jieba.cut(text)) return cleaned_text @TEXT_POSTPROCESSORS.register_module('first-capital') def first_capital_postprocess(text: str) -> str: for t in text: if t.isupper(): return t return '' @TEXT_POSTPROCESSORS.register_module('last-capital') def last_capital_postprocess(text: str) -> str: for t in text[::-1]: if t.isupper(): return t return '' def first_option_postprocess(text: str, options: str, cushion=True) -> str: """Find first valid option for text.""" # yapf: disable # flake8: noqa: W605 patterns = [ f'答案是?\s?([{options}])', f'答案是?\s?:([{options}])', f'答案是?\s?:([{options}])', f'答案应该?是\s?([{options}])', f'答案应该?选\s?([{options}])', f'答案为\s?([{options}])', f'答案选\s?([{options}])', f'选择?\s?([{options}])', f'故选?\s?([{options}])' f'只有选?项?\s?([{options}])\s?是?对', f'只有选?项?\s?([{options}])\s?是?错', f'只有选?项?\s?([{options}])\s?不?正确', f'只有选?项?\s?([{options}])\s?错误', f'说法不?对选?项?的?是\s?([{options}])', f'说法不?正确选?项?的?是\s?([{options}])', f'说法错误选?项?的?是\s?([{options}])', f'([{options}])\s?是正确的', f'([{options}])\s?是正确答案', f'选项\s?([{options}])\s?正确', f'所以答\s?([{options}])', f'所以\s?([{options}][.。$]?$)', f'所有\s?([{options}][.。$]?$)', f'[\s,::,]([{options}])[。,,\.]?$', f'[\s,,::][故即]([{options}])[。\.]?$', f'[\s,,::]因此([{options}])[。\.]?$', f'[是为。]\s?([{options}])[。\.]?$', f'因此\s?([{options}])[。\.]?$', f'显然\s?([{options}])[。\.]?$', f'答案是\s?(\S+)(?:。|$)', f'答案应该是\s?(\S+)(?:。|$)', f'答案为\s?(\S+)(?:。|$)', f'[Tt]he answer is ([{options}])', f'[Tt]he answer is option ([{options}])', f'[Tt]he correct answer is ([{options}])', f'[Tt]he correct answer is option ([{options}])', f'[Tt]he answer to the question is ([{options}])', f'^选项\s?([{options}])', f'^([{options}])\s?选?项', f'(\s|^)[{options}][\s。,,::\.$]', f'(\s|^)[{options}](\s|$)', f'1.\s?(.*?)$', f'1.\s?([{options}])[.。$]?$', ] cushion_patterns = [ f'([{options}]):', f'[{options}]', ] # flake8: noqa # yapf: enable if cushion: patterns.extend(cushion_patterns) for pattern in patterns: match =, text) if match: outputs = for i in options: if i in outputs: return i return '' @TEXT_POSTPROCESSORS.register_module('first-capital-multi') def first_capital_postprocess_multi(text: str) -> str: match ='([A-D]+)', text) if match: return return '' def last_option_postprocess(text: str, options: str) -> str: match = re.findall(rf'([{options}])', text) if match: return match[-1] return '' def first_number_postprocess(text: str) -> float: """Return the first number in a string.""" # regex pattern to match numbers (both integers and decimals) pattern = r'(-?\d*\.?\d+)' # search the string for the pattern match =, text) # if a match is found, return it. Otherwise, return None. return float( if match else None @TEXT_POSTPROCESSORS.register_module('multiple-select') def multiple_select_postprocess(text: str) -> str: ret = set([t for t in text if t.isupper()]) return ''.join(sorted(ret)) def general_eval_wrapper_postprocess(text: str, postprocess: Optional[Union[ str, Callable]] = None, **kwargs) -> str: """Wrapper for eval text repr. Especially for chatglmpro. Args: text(str): Text to be postprocessed. postprocess(Callable, optional): Original post processing function. Defaults to None. **kwargs: Other necessary kwargs for post processing function. """ try: text = eval(text) except Exception: # in case empty input or other error, skip eval pass if postprocess: if isinstance(postprocess, str): postprocess = TEXT_POSTPROCESSORS.get(postprocess) return postprocess(text, **kwargs) else: return text