import re import os import subprocess """ Task: legal document grammar correction Metric: F0.5 score 文书校对 """ def compute_wsjd(data_dict): origins, references, predictions = [], [], [] for example in data_dict: question, prediction, answer = example["origin_prompt"], example["prediction"], example["refr"] if isinstance(question, list): question = question[0]['prompt'] start = question.index('句子:\n') + 4 origins.append(re.sub(r'\n|\t', '', question[start:].split('\n')[0])) # truncate predictions >5 tokens longer than the reference prediction = re.sub(r'\n|\t', '', prediction) if len(prediction) - len(answer) > 5: prediction = prediction[:len(answer) + 5] if len(prediction) == 0: prediction = "无内容" predictions.append(prediction) references.append(re.sub(r'\n|\t', '', answer)) #generate input files for ChERRANT preds = [f'{i} \t {origin} \t {prediction} \n' for i, (origin, prediction) in enumerate(zip(origins, predictions))] golds = [f'{i} \t {origin} \t {reference} \n' for i, (origin, reference) in enumerate(zip(origins, references))] now_path = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()) utils_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(__file__, '..', '..', 'utils')) uid = os.getuid() os.chdir(utils_path) with open(f'/tmp/tmp_pred_{uid}.para', 'w') as f: f.writelines(preds) with open(f'/tmp/tmp_gold_{uid}.para', 'w') as f: f.writelines(golds) os.environ['KMP_DUPLICATE_LIB_OK']='True' os.system(f'python3 -f /tmp/tmp_pred_{uid}.para -o /tmp/tmp_pred_{uid}.para.m2 -g char') os.system(f'python3 -f /tmp/tmp_gold_{uid}.para -o /tmp/tmp_gold_{uid}.para.m2 -g char') output = subprocess.check_output(f"python3 -hyp /tmp/tmp_pred_{uid}.para.m2 -ref /tmp/tmp_gold_{uid}.para.m2", shell = True) score = float(output.decode().split('\t')[-1].split('\n')[0]) #remove prediction files os.remove(f'/tmp/tmp_pred_{uid}.para') os.remove(f'/tmp/tmp_gold_{uid}.para') os.remove(f'/tmp/tmp_pred_{uid}.para.m2') os.remove(f'/tmp/tmp_gold_{uid}.para.m2') os.chdir(now_path) return {"score": score}