import argparse import copy import fnmatch import os.path as osp import random import time from typing import List, Union import mmengine from mmengine.config import Config, ConfigDict from mmengine.utils import mkdir_or_exist from opencompass.registry import ICL_EVALUATORS, MODELS, TEXT_POSTPROCESSORS from opencompass.tasks.base import BaseTask from opencompass.tasks.openicl_eval import extract_role_pred from opencompass.utils import (build_dataset_from_cfg, dataset_abbr_from_cfg, get_infer_output_path, get_logger, model_abbr_from_cfg, task_abbr_from_cfg) class SubjectiveEvalTask(BaseTask): """Subjective Evaluation Task. This task is used to evaluate the metric between predictions and references. Args: cfg (ConfigDict): The configuration of the entire evaluation task. """ name_prefix = 'SubjectiveEval' log_subdir = 'logs/eval' output_subdir = 'results' def __init__(self, cfg: ConfigDict): super().__init__(cfg) self.logger = get_logger() judge_cfg = cfg.eval.runner.task.get('judge_cfg', {}) if type(judge_cfg) != ConfigDict: print('*' * 100) print('Due to different Judge model needs different summarizer and' " prompts, we don't support multi judge model evaluation at " 'one time, please do not use list to set your judge cfg, jus' 't use a dict or list[0] should be fine. If you want to eval' 'uation multi judge model in one script, we suggest you to u' 'se a bash or bat script to start multi configs evaluation!') print('*' * 100) assert type(judge_cfg) == ConfigDict run_cfg = judge_cfg.get('run_cfg', {}) self.num_gpus = run_cfg.get('num_gpus', 0) self.num_procs = run_cfg.get('num_procs', 1) self.judge_cfg = copy.deepcopy(judge_cfg) def get_command(self, cfg_path, template): """Get the command template for the task. Args: cfg_path (str): The path to the config file of the task. template (str): The template which have '{task_cmd}' to format the command. """ script_path = __file__ if self.num_gpus > 0: port = random.randint(12000, 32000) command = (f'torchrun --master_port={port} ' f'--nproc_per_node {self.num_procs} ' f'{script_path} {cfg_path}') else: command = f'python {script_path} {cfg_path}' return template.format(task_cmd=command) def run(self): # model_cfg can be a list of model configs for model_cfg, dataset_cfgs in zip(self.model_cfgs, self.dataset_cfgs): for dataset_cfg in dataset_cfgs: # Load Dataset eval_cfg = dataset_cfg.get('eval_cfg') output_column = dataset_cfg['reader_cfg']['output_column'] if type(model_cfg) == ConfigDict: model_cfg = (model_cfg, ) model_cfg += ({ 'abbr': 'judged-by--' + model_abbr_from_cfg(self.judge_cfg) }, ) out_path = get_infer_output_path( model_cfg, dataset_cfg, osp.join(self.work_dir, 'results')) if osp.exists(out_path): continue self._score(model_cfg, dataset_cfg, eval_cfg, output_column) def _load_model_pred(self, model_cfg: Union[ConfigDict, List[ConfigDict]], dataset_cfg: ConfigDict, eval_cfg: ConfigDict) -> Union[None, List[str]]: if isinstance(model_cfg, (tuple, list)): return [ self._load_model_pred(m, dataset_cfg, eval_cfg) for m in model_cfg ] pred_strs = None # There will be 5 situations, so we need to deal with them # 1.There are no partitions in infer and judge stage # 2.No partition in infer stage, but use partition in judge stage # 3.Use partition in infer stage, but not use partition in judge stage # 4.Use both partition, with same partition size # 5.Use both partition, but different partition size # If take SubjectSizePartition, get new filename without _0 if 'test_range' in dataset_cfg['reader_cfg']: filename = get_infer_output_path( model_cfg, dataset_cfg, osp.join(self.work_dir, 'predictions')) root, ext = osp.splitext(filename) last_underscore_index = root.rfind('_') root = root[:last_underscore_index] filename = root + ext # If take SubjectNaivePartition, get filename else: filename = get_infer_output_path( model_cfg, dataset_cfg, osp.join(self.work_dir, 'predictions')) # Get partition name root, ext = osp.splitext(filename) partial_filename = root + '_0' + ext # If no predictions get in predictions dir if not osp.exists(osp.realpath(filename)) and not osp.exists( osp.realpath(partial_filename)): return {'error': 'No predictions found.'} else: # If use Naive partition in infer stage if osp.exists(osp.realpath(filename)): preds = mmengine.load(filename) pred_strs = [ preds[str(i)]['prediction'] for i in range(len(preds)) ] # If use Size partition in infer stage else: filename = partial_filename pred_strs = [] i = 1 while osp.exists(osp.realpath(filename)): preds = mmengine.load(filename) filename = root + f'_{i}' + ext i += 1 pred_strs += [ preds[str(i)]['prediction'] for i in range(len(preds)) ] # Get all predictions in pred_strs # If take SubjectSizePartition, get new pred_strs based on test_range if 'test_range' in dataset_cfg['reader_cfg']: test_range = dataset_cfg['reader_cfg']['test_range'] pred_strs = eval('pred_strs' + test_range) # If take SubjectNaivePartition, get all pred_strs else: pred_strs = pred_strs if ('pred_role' in eval_cfg and 'meta_template' in model_cfg and not MODELS.get(model_cfg['type']).is_api and isinstance(pred_strs[0], str)): # Create a prompt template for role config parsing from opencompass.models.base import LMTemplateParser parser = LMTemplateParser(model_cfg['meta_template']) role = parser.roles[eval_cfg['pred_role']] pred_strs = [ extract_role_pred(pred, role.get('begin', None), role.get('end', None)) for pred in pred_strs ] # Postprocess predictions if necessary ds_abbr = dataset_abbr_from_cfg(dataset_cfg) model_postprocessors = model_cfg.get('pred_postprocessor', {}) pred_postprocessor = None for pattern in model_postprocessors.keys(): if fnmatch.fnmatch(ds_abbr, pattern): pred_postprocessor = model_postprocessors[pattern] break if 'pred_postprocessor' in eval_cfg or pred_postprocessor: kwargs = pred_postprocessor or eval_cfg['pred_postprocessor'] proc = TEXT_POSTPROCESSORS.get(kwargs.pop('type')) pred_strs = [proc(s, **kwargs) for s in pred_strs] return { 'model_name': model_abbr_from_cfg(model_cfg), 'model_preds': pred_strs } def _score(self, model_cfg, dataset_cfg, eval_cfg, output_column): test_set = build_dataset_from_cfg(dataset_cfg).test # Postprocess dataset if necessary if 'dataset_postprocessor' in eval_cfg: proc = TEXT_POSTPROCESSORS.get( eval_cfg['dataset_postprocessor']['type']) def postprocess(sample): s = sample[output_column] sample[output_column] = proc(s) return sample test_set = # Get out_path out_path = get_infer_output_path(model_cfg, dataset_cfg, osp.join(self.work_dir, 'results')) new_model_cfg = [] for m_cfg in model_cfg: if len(m_cfg) > 1: new_model_cfg.append(m_cfg) if len(new_model_cfg) == 1: new_model_cfg = new_model_cfg[0] model_preds = self._load_model_pred(new_model_cfg, dataset_cfg, eval_cfg) if not self.judge_cfg: raise ValueError('missing "eval.runner.task.judge_cfg"') eval_cfg['evaluator']['judge_cfg'] = self.judge_cfg eval_cfg['evaluator']['dataset_cfg'] = dataset_cfg eval_cfg['evaluator']['output_path'] = out_path icl_evaluator =['evaluator']) references = (test_set[output_column] if output_column else None) if 'error' not in model_preds: result = icl_evaluator.score(predictions=model_preds, references=references) else: result = model_preds if 'error' in result: self.logger.error( f'Task {task_abbr_from_cfg(self.cfg)}: {result["error"]}') return else: f'Task {task_abbr_from_cfg(self.cfg)}') #: {result}') # Save result mkdir_or_exist(osp.split(out_path)[0]) mmengine.dump(result, open(out_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8'), file_format='json', ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) def get_output_paths(self, file_extension: str = 'json') -> List[str]: """Get the paths to the output files. Every file should exist if the task succeeds. Args: file_extension (str): The file extension of the output files. Default: 'json'. """ output_paths = [] for model, datasets in zip(self.model_cfgs, self.dataset_cfgs): for dataset in datasets: if type(model) == ConfigDict: model = (model, ) model += ({ 'abbr': 'judged-by--' + model_abbr_from_cfg(self.judge_cfg) }, ) output_paths.append( get_infer_output_path( model, dataset, osp.join(self.work_dir, self.output_subdir), file_extension)) return output_paths def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Score Calculator') parser.add_argument('config', help='Config file path') args = parser.parse_args() return args if __name__ == '__main__': args = parse_args() cfg = Config.fromfile(args.config) start_time = time.time() inferencer = SubjectiveEvalTask(cfg) end_time = time.time() get_logger().info(f'time elapsed: {end_time - start_time:.2f}s')