import copy from typing import Dict, List from lagent.actions import ActionExecutor from lagent.agents.react import ReAct as _ReAct from lagent.agents.react import ReActProtocol as _ReActProtocol from lagent.schema import ActionReturn, ActionStatusCode, AgentReturn class ReActProtocol(_ReActProtocol): def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) # defaults to system self.system_role = 'system' self.first_system_role = 'system' self.merge_adjacent_role = False def format(self, chat_history: List[Dict], inner_step: List[Dict], action_executor: ActionExecutor, force_stop: bool = False) -> list: """Generate the ReAct format prompt. Args: chat_history (List[Dict]): The history log in previous runs. inner_step (List[Dict]): The log in the current run. action_executor (ActionExecutor): the action manager to execute actions. force_stop (boolean): whether force the agent to give responses under pre-defined turns. Returns: List[Dict]: ReAct format prompt. """ call_protocol = self.call_protocol.format( tool_description=action_executor.get_actions_info(), action_names=action_executor.action_names(), thought=self.thought['begin'], action=self.action['begin'], action_input=self.action_input['begin'], response=self.response['begin'], finish=self.finish['begin'], ) formatted = [] formatted.append( dict(role=self.first_system_role, content=call_protocol)) formatted += chat_history formatted += inner_step if force_stop: formatted.append( dict(role=self.system_role, content=self.force_stop)) if self.merge_adjacent_role and formatted: merged = [formatted[0]] # Add the first dict for d in formatted[1:]: # If the 'role' of current dict matches with the 'role' of the # last dict in merged list, # append its 'content' to the 'content' of the last dict. if d['role'] == merged[-1]['role']: merged[-1]['content'] += d['content'] else: # If 'role' does not match, add it as a new dict in the # merged list merged.append(d) return merged return formatted class ReAct(_ReAct): def __init__(self, use_system_role: bool = True, first_system_role: bool = True, merge_adjacent_role: bool = False, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) if use_system_role: self.system_role = 'system' else: self.system_role = 'user' if use_system_role or first_system_role: first_system_role = 'system' else: first_system_role = 'user' self._protocol.first_system_role = first_system_role self._protocol.system_role = self.system_role self._protocol.merge_adjacent_role = merge_adjacent_role def chat(self, message: str) -> AgentReturn: for hist in self._session_history: if hist['role'] == 'system': hist['role'] = self.system_role self._inner_history = [] self._inner_history.append(dict(role='user', content=message)) agent_return = AgentReturn() default_response = 'Sorry that I cannot answer your question.' for turn in range(self.max_turn): prompt = self._protocol.format( chat_history=self.session_history, inner_step=self._inner_history, action_executor=self._action_executor, force_stop=(turn == self.max_turn - 1)) response = self._llm.generate_from_template(prompt, 512) self._inner_history.append(dict(role='assistant', content=response)) thought, action, action_input = self._protocol.parse( response, self._action_executor) action_return: ActionReturn = self._action_executor( action, action_input) action_return.thought = thought agent_return.actions.append(action_return) if action_return.type == agent_return.response = action_return.result['text'] break self._inner_history.append( dict(role=self.system_role, content=self._protocol.format_response(action_return))) else: agent_return.response = default_response agent_return.inner_steps = copy.deepcopy(self._inner_history) # only append the user and final response self._session_history.append(dict(role='user', content=message)) self._session_history.append( dict(role='assistant', content=agent_return.response)) return agent_return class CIReAct(ReAct): """Code Interpreter version of ReAct. The success state is different from ReAct. Args: llm (BaseModel or BaseAPIModel): a LLM service which can chat and act as backend. action_executor (ActionExecutor): an action executor to manage all actions and their response. protocol (ReActProtocol): a wrapper to generate prompt and parse the response from LLM / actions. max_turn (int): the maximum number of trails for LLM to generate plans that can be successfully parsed by ReWOO protocol. """ def reset(self): """Reset history and reset action if suit the case.""" self._session_history = [] # hard code here from opencompass.lagent.actions.ipython_interpreter import \ IPythonInterpreter b = IPythonInterpreter() b.reset() def chat(self, message: str) -> AgentReturn: for hist in self._session_history: if hist['role'] == 'system': hist['role'] = self.system_role self._inner_history = [] # append the user message for session history self._session_history.append(dict(role='user', content=message)) agent_return = AgentReturn() force_stop = False default_response = '对不起,我无法回答你的问题' for turn in range(self.max_turn): prompt = self._protocol.format( chat_history=self.session_history, inner_step=self._inner_history, action_executor=self._action_executor, force_stop=force_stop) response = self._llm.generate_from_template(prompt, 512) self._inner_history.append(dict(role='assistant', content=response)) thought, action, action_input = self._protocol.parse( response, self._action_executor) action_return: ActionReturn = self._action_executor( action, action_input) action_return.thought = thought agent_return.actions.append(action_return) if action_return.state == ActionStatusCode.SUCCESS: # if success, stash model response and system response self._session_history.append( dict(role='assistant', content=response)) self._session_history.append( dict( role=self.system_role, content=self._protocol.format_response(action_return))) agent_return.response = action_return.result['text'] return agent_return elif action_return.type == # noqa action_return.errmsg = 'The action is invalid, please check the action name.' # noqa self._inner_history.append( dict(role=self.system_role, content=self._protocol.format_response(action_return))) if turn == self.max_turn - 1: force_stop = True agent_return.response = default_response self._session_history.append( dict(role='assistant', content=agent_return.response)) return agent_return