import datetime import json import os import os.path as osp import random import re import subprocess import sys import time from functools import partial from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple import mmengine from mmengine.config import ConfigDict from mmengine.utils import track_parallel_progress from opencompass.registry import RUNNERS, TASKS from opencompass.utils import get_logger from .base import BaseRunner @RUNNERS.register_module() class DLCRunner(BaseRunner): """Distributed runner based on Alibaba Cloud Deep Learning Cluster (DLC). It will launch multiple tasks in parallel with 'dlc' command. Please install and configure DLC first before using this runner. Args: task (ConfigDict): Task type config. aliyun_cfg (ConfigDict): Alibaba Cloud config. max_num_workers (int): Max number of workers. Default: 32. retry (int): Number of retries when job failed. Default: 2. debug (bool): Whether to run in debug mode. Default: False. lark_bot_url (str): Lark bot url. Default: None. """ def __init__(self, task: ConfigDict, aliyun_cfg: ConfigDict, max_num_workers: int = 32, eval_with_gpu: list = ['plugin_eval'], retry: int = 2, debug: bool = False, lark_bot_url: str = None): super().__init__(task=task, debug=debug, lark_bot_url=lark_bot_url) self.aliyun_cfg = aliyun_cfg self.max_num_workers = max_num_workers self.retry = retry self.eval_with_gpu = eval_with_gpu logger = get_logger() logger.warning( 'To ensure the integrity of the log results, the log displayed ' f'by {self.__class__.__name__} has a 10-second delay.') def launch(self, tasks: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> List[Tuple[str, int]]: """Launch multiple tasks. Args: tasks (list[dict]): A list of task configs, usually generated by Partitioner. Returns: list[tuple[str, int]]: A list of (task name, exit code). """ if not self.debug: status = track_parallel_progress(self._launch, tasks, nproc=self.max_num_workers, keep_order=False) else: status = [self._launch(task, random_sleep=False) for task in tasks] return status def _launch(self, cfg: ConfigDict, random_sleep: Optional[bool] = None): """Launch a single task. Args: cfg (ConfigDict): Task config. random_sleep (bool): Whether to sleep for a random time before running the command. When Aliyun has many tasks to schedule, its stability decreases. Therefore, when we need to submit a large number of tasks at once, we adopt the "random_sleep" strategy. Tasks that would have been submitted all at once are now evenly spread out over a 10-second period. Default: None. Returns: tuple[str, int]: Task name and exit code. """ if random_sleep is None: random_sleep = (self.max_num_workers > 32) task =, type=self.task_cfg['type'])) num_gpus = task.num_gpus task_name = is_eval_task = 'OpenICLEval' in task_name if is_eval_task and num_gpus == 0: for check_name in self.eval_with_gpu: if check_name in task_name: num_gpus = 1 break # Dump task config to file mmengine.mkdir_or_exist('tmp/') param_file = f'tmp/{os.getpid()}' pwd = os.getcwd() try: cfg.dump(param_file) if self.aliyun_cfg.get('bashrc_path') is not None: # using user's conda env bashrc_path = self.aliyun_cfg['bashrc_path'] assert osp.exists(bashrc_path) assert self.aliyun_cfg.get('conda_env_name') is not None conda_env_name = self.aliyun_cfg['conda_env_name'] shell_cmd = (f'source {bashrc_path}; ' f'conda activate {conda_env_name}; ') else: # using public conda env # users can also set `python_env_path` to their # own env python path assert self.aliyun_cfg.get('python_env_path') is not None shell_cmd = ( f'export PATH={self.aliyun_cfg["python_env_path"]}/bin:$PATH; ' # noqa: E501 f'export PYTHONPATH={pwd}:$PYTHONPATH; ') huggingface_cache = self.aliyun_cfg.get('huggingface_cache') if huggingface_cache is not None: # HUGGINGFACE_HUB_CACHE is a Legacy env variable, here we set # `HF_HUB_CACHE` and `HUGGINGFACE_HUB_CACHE` for bc shell_cmd += f'export HF_HUB_CACHE={huggingface_cache}; ' shell_cmd += f'export HUGGINGFACE_HUB_CACHE={huggingface_cache}; ' # noqa: E501 torch_cache = self.aliyun_cfg.get('torch_cache') if torch_cache is not None: shell_cmd += f'export TORCH_HOME={torch_cache}; ' hf_offline = self.aliyun_cfg.get('hf_offline', True) if hf_offline: shell_cmd += 'export HF_DATASETS_OFFLINE=1; export TRANSFORMERS_OFFLINE=1; export HF_EVALUATE_OFFLINE=1; ' # noqa: E501 http_proxy = self.aliyun_cfg.get('http_proxy') if http_proxy is not None: shell_cmd += f'export http_proxy={http_proxy}; export https_proxy={http_proxy}; ' # noqa: E501 shell_cmd += f'export HTTP_PROXY={http_proxy}; export HTTPS_PROXY={http_proxy}; ' # noqa: E501 hf_endpoint = self.aliyun_cfg.get('hf_endpoint') if hf_endpoint is not None: shell_cmd += f'export HF_ENDPOINT={hf_endpoint}; ' shell_cmd += f'cd {pwd}; ' shell_cmd += '{task_cmd}' tmpl = ('dlc create job' f" --command '{shell_cmd}'" f' --name {task_name[:512]}' ' --kind BatchJob' f" -c {self.aliyun_cfg['dlc_config_path']}" f" --workspace_id {self.aliyun_cfg['workspace_id']}" ' --worker_count 1' f' --worker_cpu {max(num_gpus * 8, 32)}' f' --worker_gpu {num_gpus}' f' --worker_memory {max(num_gpus * 128, 256)}' f" --worker_image {self.aliyun_cfg['worker_image']}") get_cmd = partial(task.get_command, cfg_path=param_file, template=tmpl) cmd = get_cmd() logger = get_logger() logger.debug(f'Running command: {cmd}') # Run command with retry if self.debug: stdout = sys.stdout else: out_path = task.get_log_path(file_extension='out') mmengine.mkdir_or_exist(osp.split(out_path)[0]) stdout = open(out_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') if random_sleep: time.sleep(random.randint(0, 10)) def _run_within_retry(): output = subprocess.getoutput(cmd) match ='\|\s+(dlc[0-9a-z]+)\s+\|', output) if match is None: raise RuntimeError( f'Failed to launch dlc job for {output}') else: job_id = stdout.write(output) pod_create_time = None pri_time = None initial_time = while True: # 1. Avoid to request dlc too frequently. # 2. DLC job may not be ready immediately after creation. for _ in range(5): time.sleep(2) try: job_info = json.loads( subprocess.getoutput(f'dlc get job {job_id}')) break except: # noqa: E722 pass else: raise RuntimeError( f'Failed to get job info for {job_id}') status = job_info['Status'] if status == 'Failed': return -1 elif status == 'Succeeded': return 0 elif status != 'Running': continue # The pod time could be different from the real time. # Therefore we need to extract the pod start time from # the `job_info` and calculate the `start_time` and # `end_time` in pod. if pod_create_time is None: pod_create_time = job_info['GmtCreateTime'] pri_time = pod_create_time pod_create_time = datetime.datetime.strptime( pod_create_time, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') elasped_time = - initial_time cur_time = (pod_create_time + elasped_time).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') logs_cmd = ('dlc logs' f' {job_id} {job_id}-worker-0' f" -c {self.aliyun_cfg['dlc_config_path']}" f' --start_time {pri_time}' f' --end_time {cur_time}') log_output = subprocess.getoutput(logs_cmd) if '[WARN] No logs found for the pod' not in log_output: pri_time = cur_time stdout.write(log_output) stdout.flush() return_code = _run_within_retry() retry = self.retry output_paths = task.get_output_paths() while self._job_failed(return_code, output_paths) and retry > 0: retry -= 1 cmd = get_cmd() return_code = _run_within_retry() finally: # Clean up os.remove(param_file) return task_name, return_code def _job_failed(self, return_code: int, output_paths: List[str]) -> bool: return return_code != 0 or not all( osp.exists(output_path) for output_path in output_paths)