import re import cn2an """ task: law article prediction metric: F1 score 法律判决预测-法条预测 """ def replace_match(match): return def compute_ljp_article(data_dict): """ Compute the F1-score A reference contains a list of articles of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China. We compute the F1-score between the prediction and the reference. """ score_list, abstentions = [], 0 for example in data_dict: question, prediction, answer = example["origin_prompt"], example["prediction"], example["refr"] assert answer.startswith("法条:刑法第"), f"answer: {answer}" assert answer.endswith("条"), f"answer: {answer}" answer = answer.replace("法条:刑法第", "") answer = answer.replace("条", "") answer_law_indices = answer.split("、") answer_law_index_digit_list = [] for answer_law_index in answer_law_indices: assert answer_law_index.isdigit(), f"answer_law_index: {answer_law_index}" answer_law_index_digit = int(answer_law_index) assert answer_law_index_digit <= 490, "刑法总共只有490条" answer_law_index_digit_list.append(answer_law_index_digit) prediction_law_chunks = prediction.split("、") prediction_law_index_digit_list = [] for prediction_law_chunk in prediction_law_chunks: prediction_law_chunk = prediction_law_chunk.replace("万元", "元") # delete phrase starts with "第" and ends with "款", we don't care about it in the answer prediction_law_chunk = re.sub(r'第(.*?)款', "", prediction_law_chunk) # keep only the digits in the phrase starts with "第" and ends with "条", otherwise cn may fail to convert prediction_law_chunk = re.sub(r'第(.*?)条', replace_match, prediction_law_chunk) prediction_law_chunk = cn2an.transform(prediction_law_chunk, "cn2an") # find digtis in prediction_law_chunk prediction_law_section_numbers = re.findall(r"\d+", prediction_law_chunk) if len(prediction_law_section_numbers) == 0: continue if len(prediction_law_section_numbers) != 1: # in this case, we only take the first number, and reject the others pass prediction_law_index_digit = int(prediction_law_section_numbers[0]) prediction_law_index_digit_list.append(prediction_law_index_digit) gt_set = set(answer_law_index_digit_list) pred_set = set(prediction_law_index_digit_list) if len(pred_set) == 0: abstentions += 1 precision = len(gt_set.intersection(pred_set)) / len(pred_set) if len(pred_set) != 0 else 0 recall = len(gt_set.intersection(pred_set)) / len(gt_set) if len(gt_set) != 0 else 0 f1_score = 2 * precision * recall / (precision + recall) if (precision + recall) != 0 else 0 score_list.append(f1_score) # compute the accuracy of score_list average_f1 = sum(score_list) / len(score_list) return {'score': average_f1, 'abstention_rate': abstentions/len(data_dict)}