''' |
AnyText: Multilingual Visual Text Generation And Editing |
Paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2311.03054 |
Code: https://github.com/tyxsspa/AnyText |
Copyright (c) Alibaba, Inc. and its affiliates. |
''' |
import os |
os.environ['TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL'] = '3' |
import torch |
import random |
import re |
import numpy as np |
import cv2 |
import einops |
import time |
from PIL import ImageFont |
from cldm.model import create_model, load_state_dict |
from cldm.ddim_hacked import DDIMSampler |
from t3_dataset import draw_glyph, draw_glyph2 |
from util import check_channels, resize_image, save_images |
from pytorch_lightning import seed_everything |
from modelscope.pipelines import pipeline |
from modelscope.utils.constant import Tasks |
from modelscope.models.base import TorchModel |
from modelscope.preprocessors.base import Preprocessor |
from modelscope.pipelines.base import Model, Pipeline |
from modelscope.utils.config import Config |
from modelscope.pipelines.builder import PIPELINES |
from modelscope.preprocessors.builder import PREPROCESSORS |
from modelscope.models.builder import MODELS |
from bert_tokenizer import BasicTokenizer |
checker = BasicTokenizer() |
max_chars = 20 |
@MODELS.register_module('my-anytext-task', module_name='my-custom-model') |
class MyCustomModel(TorchModel): |
def __init__(self, model_dir, *args, **kwargs): |
super().__init__(model_dir, *args, **kwargs) |
self.init_model(**kwargs) |
''' |
return: |
result: list of images in numpy.ndarray format |
rst_code: 0: normal -1: error 1:warning |
rst_info: string of error or warning |
debug_info: string for debug, only valid if show_debug=True |
''' |
def forward(self, input_tensor, **forward_params): |
tic = time.time() |
str_warning = '' |
seed = input_tensor.get('seed', -1) |
if seed == -1: |
seed = random.randint(0, 99999999) |
seed_everything(seed) |
prompt = input_tensor.get('prompt') |
draw_pos = input_tensor.get('draw_pos') |
ori_image = input_tensor.get('ori_image') |
mode = forward_params.get('mode') |
sort_priority = forward_params.get('sort_priority', '↕') |
show_debug = forward_params.get('show_debug', False) |
revise_pos = forward_params.get('revise_pos', False) |
img_count = forward_params.get('image_count', 4) |
ddim_steps = forward_params.get('ddim_steps', 20) |
w = forward_params.get('image_width', 512) |
h = forward_params.get('image_height', 512) |
strength = forward_params.get('strength', 1.0) |
cfg_scale = forward_params.get('cfg_scale', 9.0) |
eta = forward_params.get('eta', 0.0) |
a_prompt = forward_params.get('a_prompt', 'best quality, extremely detailed,4k, HD, supper legible text, clear text edges, clear strokes, neat writing, no watermarks') |
n_prompt = forward_params.get('n_prompt', 'low-res, bad anatomy, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, watermark, unreadable text, messy words, distorted text, disorganized writing, advertising picture') |
prompt, texts = self.modify_prompt(prompt) |
n_lines = len(texts) |
if mode in ['text-generation', 'gen']: |
edit_image = np.ones((h, w, 3)) * 127.5 |
elif mode in ['text-editing', 'edit']: |
if draw_pos is None or ori_image is None: |
return None, -1, "Reference image and position image are needed for text editing!", "" |
if isinstance(ori_image, str): |
ori_image = cv2.imread(ori_image)[..., ::-1] |
assert ori_image is not None, f"Can't read ori_image image from{ori_image}!" |
elif isinstance(ori_image, torch.Tensor): |
ori_image = ori_image.cpu().numpy() |
else: |
assert isinstance(ori_image, np.ndarray), f'Unknown format of ori_image: {type(ori_image)}' |
edit_image = ori_image.clip(1, 255) |
edit_image = check_channels(edit_image) |
edit_image = resize_image(edit_image, max_length=768) |
h, w = edit_image.shape[:2] |
if draw_pos is None: |
pos_imgs = np.zeros((w, h, 1)) |
if isinstance(draw_pos, str): |
draw_pos = cv2.imread(draw_pos)[..., ::-1] |
assert draw_pos is not None, f"Can't read draw_pos image from{draw_pos}!" |
pos_imgs = 255-draw_pos |
elif isinstance(draw_pos, torch.Tensor): |
pos_imgs = draw_pos.cpu().numpy() |
else: |
assert isinstance(draw_pos, np.ndarray), f'Unknown format of draw_pos: {type(draw_pos)}' |
pos_imgs = pos_imgs[..., 0:1] |
pos_imgs = cv2.convertScaleAbs(pos_imgs) |
_, pos_imgs = cv2.threshold(pos_imgs, 254, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) |
pos_imgs = self.separate_pos_imgs(pos_imgs, sort_priority) |
if len(pos_imgs) == 0: |
pos_imgs = [np.zeros((h, w, 1))] |
if len(pos_imgs) < n_lines: |
if n_lines == 1 and texts[0] == ' ': |
pass |
else: |
return None, -1, f'Found {len(pos_imgs)} positions that < needed {n_lines} from prompt, check and try again!', '' |
elif len(pos_imgs) > n_lines: |
str_warning = f'Warning: found {len(pos_imgs)} positions that > needed {n_lines} from prompt.' |
pre_pos = [] |
poly_list = [] |
for input_pos in pos_imgs: |
if input_pos.mean() != 0: |
input_pos = input_pos[..., np.newaxis] if len(input_pos.shape) == 2 else input_pos |
poly, pos_img = self.find_polygon(input_pos) |
pre_pos += [pos_img/255.] |
poly_list += [poly] |
else: |
pre_pos += [np.zeros((h, w, 1))] |
poly_list += [None] |
np_hint = np.sum(pre_pos, axis=0).clip(0, 1) |
info = {} |
info['glyphs'] = [] |
info['gly_line'] = [] |
info['positions'] = [] |
info['n_lines'] = [len(texts)]*img_count |
gly_pos_imgs = [] |
for i in range(len(texts)): |
text = texts[i] |
if len(text) > max_chars: |
str_warning = f'"{text}" length > max_chars: {max_chars}, will be cut off...' |
text = text[:max_chars] |
gly_scale = 2 |
if pre_pos[i].mean() != 0: |
gly_line = draw_glyph(self.font, text) |
glyphs = draw_glyph2(self.font, text, poly_list[i], scale=gly_scale, width=w, height=h, add_space=False) |
gly_pos_img = cv2.drawContours(glyphs*255, [poly_list[i]*gly_scale], 0, (255, 255, 255), 1) |
if revise_pos: |
resize_gly = cv2.resize(glyphs, (pre_pos[i].shape[1], pre_pos[i].shape[0])) |
new_pos = cv2.morphologyEx((resize_gly*255).astype(np.uint8), cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel=np.ones((resize_gly.shape[0]//10, resize_gly.shape[1]//10), dtype=np.uint8), iterations=1) |
new_pos = new_pos[..., np.newaxis] if len(new_pos.shape) == 2 else new_pos |
contours, _ = cv2.findContours(new_pos, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE) |
if len(contours) != 1: |
str_warning = f'Fail to revise position {i} to bounding rect, remain position unchanged...' |
else: |
rect = cv2.minAreaRect(contours[0]) |
poly = np.int0(cv2.boxPoints(rect)) |
pre_pos[i] = cv2.drawContours(new_pos, [poly], -1, 255, -1) / 255. |
gly_pos_img = cv2.drawContours(glyphs*255, [poly*gly_scale], 0, (255, 255, 255), 1) |
gly_pos_imgs += [gly_pos_img] |
else: |
glyphs = np.zeros((h*gly_scale, w*gly_scale, 1)) |
gly_line = np.zeros((80, 512, 1)) |
gly_pos_imgs += [np.zeros((h*gly_scale, w*gly_scale, 1))] |
pos = pre_pos[i] |
info['glyphs'] += [self.arr2tensor(glyphs, img_count)] |
info['gly_line'] += [self.arr2tensor(gly_line, img_count)] |
info['positions'] += [self.arr2tensor(pos, img_count)] |
masked_img = ((edit_image.astype(np.float32) / 127.5) - 1.0)*(1-np_hint) |
masked_img = np.transpose(masked_img, (2, 0, 1)) |
masked_img = torch.from_numpy(masked_img.copy()).float().cuda() |
encoder_posterior = self.model.encode_first_stage(masked_img[None, ...]) |
masked_x = self.model.get_first_stage_encoding(encoder_posterior).detach() |
info['masked_x'] = torch.cat([masked_x for _ in range(img_count)], dim=0) |
hint = self.arr2tensor(np_hint, img_count) |
cond = self.model.get_learned_conditioning(dict(c_concat=[hint], c_crossattn=[[prompt + ' , ' + a_prompt] * img_count], text_info=info)) |
un_cond = self.model.get_learned_conditioning(dict(c_concat=[hint], c_crossattn=[[n_prompt] * img_count], text_info=info)) |
shape = (4, h // 8, w // 8) |
self.model.control_scales = ([strength] * 13) |
samples, intermediates = self.ddim_sampler.sample(ddim_steps, img_count, |
shape, cond, verbose=False, eta=eta, |
unconditional_guidance_scale=cfg_scale, |
unconditional_conditioning=un_cond) |
x_samples = self.model.decode_first_stage(samples) |
x_samples = (einops.rearrange(x_samples, 'b c h w -> b h w c') * 127.5 + 127.5).cpu().numpy().clip(0, 255).astype(np.uint8) |
results = [x_samples[i] for i in range(img_count)] |
if mode == 'edit' and False: |
results = [r*np_hint+edit_image*(1-np_hint) for r in results] |
results = [r.clip(0, 255).astype(np.uint8) for r in results] |
if len(gly_pos_imgs) > 0 and show_debug: |
glyph_bs = np.stack(gly_pos_imgs, axis=2) |
glyph_img = np.sum(glyph_bs, axis=2) * 255 |
glyph_img = glyph_img.clip(0, 255).astype(np.uint8) |
results += [np.repeat(glyph_img, 3, axis=2)] |
if not show_debug: |
debug_info = '' |
else: |
input_prompt = prompt |
for t in texts: |
input_prompt = input_prompt.replace('*', f'"{t}"', 1) |
debug_info = f'<span style="color:black;font-size:18px">Prompt: </span>{input_prompt}<br> \ |
<span style="color:black;font-size:18px">Size: </span>{w}x{h}<br> \ |
<span style="color:black;font-size:18px">Image Count: </span>{img_count}<br> \ |
<span style="color:black;font-size:18px">Seed: </span>{seed}<br> \ |
<span style="color:black;font-size:18px">Cost Time: </span>{(time.time()-tic):.2f}s' |
rst_code = 1 if str_warning else 0 |
return results, rst_code, str_warning, debug_info |
def init_model(self, **kwargs): |
font_path = kwargs.get('font_path', 'font/Arial_Unicode.ttf') |
self.font = ImageFont.truetype(font_path, size=60) |
cfg_path = kwargs.get('cfg_path', 'models_yaml/anytext_sd15.yaml') |
ckpt_path = kwargs.get('model_path', os.path.join(self.model_dir, 'anytext_v1.1.ckpt')) |
clip_path = os.path.join(self.model_dir, 'clip-vit-large-patch14') |
self.model = create_model(cfg_path, cond_stage_path=clip_path).cuda().eval() |
self.model.load_state_dict(load_state_dict(ckpt_path, location='cuda'), strict=False) |
self.ddim_sampler = DDIMSampler(self.model) |
self.trans_pipe = pipeline(task=Tasks.translation, model=os.path.join(self.model_dir, 'nlp_csanmt_translation_zh2en')) |
def modify_prompt(self, prompt): |
prompt = prompt.replace('“', '"') |
prompt = prompt.replace('”', '"') |
p = '"(.*?)"' |
strs = re.findall(p, prompt) |
if len(strs) == 0: |
strs = [' '] |
else: |
for s in strs: |
prompt = prompt.replace(f'"{s}"', f' {PLACE_HOLDER} ', 1) |
if self.is_chinese(prompt): |
old_prompt = prompt |
prompt = self.trans_pipe(input=prompt + ' .')['translation'][:-1] |
print(f'Translate: {old_prompt} --> {prompt}') |
return prompt, strs |
def is_chinese(self, text): |
text = checker._clean_text(text) |
for char in text: |
cp = ord(char) |
if checker._is_chinese_char(cp): |
return True |
return False |
def separate_pos_imgs(self, img, sort_priority, gap=102): |
num_labels, labels, stats, centroids = cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats(img) |
components = [] |
for label in range(1, num_labels): |
component = np.zeros_like(img) |
component[labels == label] = 255 |
components.append((component, centroids[label])) |
if sort_priority == '↕': |
fir, sec = 1, 0 |
elif sort_priority == '↔': |
fir, sec = 0, 1 |
components.sort(key=lambda c: (c[1][fir]//gap, c[1][sec]//gap)) |
sorted_components = [c[0] for c in components] |
return sorted_components |
def find_polygon(self, image, min_rect=False): |
contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(image, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE) |
max_contour = max(contours, key=cv2.contourArea) |
if min_rect: |
rect = cv2.minAreaRect(max_contour) |
poly = np.int0(cv2.boxPoints(rect)) |
else: |
epsilon = 0.01 * cv2.arcLength(max_contour, True) |
poly = cv2.approxPolyDP(max_contour, epsilon, True) |
n, _, xy = poly.shape |
poly = poly.reshape(n, xy) |
cv2.drawContours(image, [poly], -1, 255, -1) |
return poly, image |
def arr2tensor(self, arr, bs): |
arr = np.transpose(arr, (2, 0, 1)) |
_arr = torch.from_numpy(arr.copy()).float().cuda() |
_arr = torch.stack([_arr for _ in range(bs)], dim=0) |
return _arr |
@PREPROCESSORS.register_module('my-anytext-task', module_name='my-custom-preprocessor') |
class MyCustomPreprocessor(Preprocessor): |
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): |
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) |
self.trainsforms = self.init_preprocessor(**kwargs) |
def __call__(self, results): |
return self.trainsforms(results) |
def init_preprocessor(self, **kwarg): |
""" Provide default implementation based on preprocess_cfg and user can reimplement it. |
if nothing to do, then return lambda x: x |
""" |
return lambda x: x |
@PIPELINES.register_module('my-anytext-task', module_name='my-custom-pipeline') |
class MyCustomPipeline(Pipeline): |
""" Give simple introduction to this pipeline. |
Examples: |
>>> from modelscope.pipelines import pipeline |
>>> input = "Hello, ModelScope!" |
>>> my_pipeline = pipeline('my-task', 'my-model-id') |
>>> result = my_pipeline(input) |
""" |
def __init__(self, model, preprocessor=None, **kwargs): |
super().__init__(model=model, auto_collate=False) |
assert isinstance(model, str) or isinstance(model, Model), \ |
'model must be a single str or Model' |
pipe_model = self.model |
pipe_model.eval() |
if preprocessor is None: |
preprocessor = MyCustomPreprocessor() |
super().__init__(model=pipe_model, preprocessor=preprocessor, **kwargs) |
def _sanitize_parameters(self, **pipeline_parameters): |
return {}, pipeline_parameters, {} |
def _check_input(self, inputs): |
pass |
def _check_output(self, outputs): |
pass |
def forward(self, inputs, **forward_params): |
return super().forward(inputs, **forward_params) |
def postprocess(self, inputs): |
return inputs |
usr_config_path = 'models' |
config = Config({ |
"framework": 'pytorch', |
"task": 'my-anytext-task', |
"model": {'type': 'my-custom-model'}, |
"pipeline": {"type": "my-custom-pipeline"}, |
"allow_remote": True |
}) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
img_save_folder = "SaveImages" |
inference = pipeline('my-anytext-task', model=usr_config_path) |
params = { |
"show_debug": True, |
"image_count": 2, |
"ddim_steps": 20, |
} |
mode = 'text-generation' |
input_data = { |
"prompt": 'photo of caramel macchiato coffee on the table, top-down perspective, with "Any" "Text" written on it using cream', |
"seed": 66273235, |
"draw_pos": 'example_images/gen9.png' |
} |
results, rtn_code, rtn_warning, debug_info = inference(input_data, mode=mode, **params) |
if rtn_code >= 0: |
save_images(results, img_save_folder) |
mode = 'text-editing' |
input_data = { |
"prompt": 'A cake with colorful characters that reads "EVERYDAY"', |
"seed": 8943410, |
"draw_pos": 'example_images/edit7.png', |
"ori_image": 'example_images/ref7.jpg' |
} |
results, rtn_code, rtn_warning, debug_info = inference(input_data, mode=mode, **params) |
if rtn_code >= 0: |
save_images(results, img_save_folder) |
print(f'Done, result images are saved in: {img_save_folder}') |