--- license: creativeml-openrail-m --- This is the beta version of the yama-no-susume character model (ヤマノススメ, aka encouragement of climb in English). Unlike most of the models out there, this model is capable of generating **multi-character scenes** beyond images of a single character. Of course, the result is still hit-or-miss, but it is possible to get **as many as 5 characters** right in one shot, and otherwise, you can always rely on inpainting. Here are two examples (the first one done with some inpainting): _Coming soon_ ### Dataset description The dataset contains around 40K images with the following composition - 11424 anime screenshots from the four seasons of the anime - 726 fan arts - ~30K customized regularization images The model is trained with a specific weighting scheme to balance between different concepts. For example, the above three categories have weights respectively 0.3, 0.2, and 0.5. Each category is itself split into many sub-categories in a hierarchical way. For more detail on the data preparation process please refer to https://github.com/cyber-meow/anime_screenshot_pipeline ### Training Details #### Trainer The model was trained using [EveryDream1](https://github.com/victorchall/EveryDream-trainer) as EveryDream seems to be the only trainer out there that supports sample weighting (through the use of `multiply.txt`). Note that for future training it makes sense to migrate to [EveryDream2](https://github.com/victorchall/EveryDream2trainer). #### Hardware and cost The model was trained on runpod with an A6000 and cost me around 80 dollors. However, I estimate a model of similar quality can be trained with fewer than 20 dollars on runpod. #### Hyperparameter specification - The model was first trained for 18000 steps, at batch size 8, lr 1e-6, resolution 640, and conditional dropping rate of 15%. - After this, I modified a little the captions and trained the model for another 22000 steps, at batch size 8, lr 1e-6, reslution 704, and conditional dropping rate of 15%. Note that as a consequence of the weighting scheme which translates into a number of different multiply for each image, the count of repeat and epoch has a quite different meaning here. For example, depending on the weighting, I have 400K~600K images (some images are used multiple times) in an epoch, and therefore I did not even finish an entire epoch with the 40000 steps at batch size 8. ### Failures I tried several things in this model (this is why I trained for so long), but I failed most of them. - I put the number of people at the beginning of the captions, but at the end of 40000 steps the model still cannot count (it can generate like 3~5 people when we prompt 3people). - I use some tokens to describe the face position within a 5x5 grid but the model did not learn anything about these tokens. I think this is either due to 1) face position being too abstract to learn, 2) data imbalance as I did not balance my training for this, or 3) captions not enough focused on these concepts (it is much longer and contains other information). - As mentioned, the model can generate multi-character scenes but the success rate becomes lower and lower as we increase the number of character in the scene. Character bleeding is always a hard problem to solve. - The model is trained with 5% weight for hand images, but I doubt it helps in any kind. Actually, I have a doubt whether the last 22000 steps really improved the models. This is how I get my 20$ estimate taking into account that we can simply train at resolution 512 on 3090 with ED2. ### More Example Generations _coming soon_