--- language: - en license: apache-2.0 tags: - {image-classification} - {pytorch} datasets: - CelebA-faces model-index: - name: celebA_orientation_detection_model results: - task: type: image_classification # Required. Example: automatic-speech-recognition name: Image Classification # Optional. Example: Speech Recognition dataset: type: CelebA-faces name: CelebA-faces metrics: - type: f1score # Required. Example: wer value: 0.97 # Required. Example: 20.90 name: Val F1 Score # Optional. Example: Test WER --- ## Detecting the Orientation of CelebA pictures using Deep Learning This model has been trained on a modified version of the CelebA dataset, which was made from flipping 20,000 and keeping 20,000 images intact. The model relies on Resnet-18 as a backbone and then is connected to one output node to classify whether images are flipped upside down (1) or not (0).