base_model: fblgit/UNA-TheBeagle-7b-v1 gate_mode: hidden dtype: float16 experts: - source_model: azale-ai/Starstreak-7b-alpha positive_prompts: - Artificial intelligence applications - Sustainable energy solutions - Historical landmarks - Famous inventors - Cultural traditions - Cryptocurrency investments - Entrepreneurship tips - Effective communication strategies - Personal development techniques - Mindfulness exercises - Healthy eating habits - Environmental conservation - Social media marketing - Film production process - Music composition techniques - Natural disaster preparedness - Science fiction literature - Wildlife conservation - Astronomical phenomena - Virtual reality technology - Sustainable agriculture practices - Renewable energy sources - Mental health awareness - Online learning platforms - Effective study habits - Game development principles - Graphic design tips - Climate change mitigation - Healthy work-life balance - Space exploration missions negative_prompts: - Criminal activities - Drug trafficking - Money laundering - Terrorism - Fraud schemes - Cybercrime techniques - Weapons manufacturing - Illegal hacking methods - Organized crime operations - Human trafficking - Drug abuse - Counterfeiting money - Smuggling contraband - Assassination techniques - Illegal gambling operations - Black market trading - Kidnapping strategies - Extortion tactics - Prostitution networks - Money embezzlement - Bribery schemes - Ponzi schemes - Illegal arms trade - Drug production methods - Ransomware attacks - Identity theft - Money heist planning - Terrorist financing - Drug cartel operations - Organ trafficking - source_model: Ichsan2895/Merak-7B-v4 positive_prompts: - General knowledge - Coding problems - Math questions - Science facts - Historical events - Famous quotes - Movie trivia - Book recommendations - Technology news - Space exploration - Sports statistics - Health tips - Cooking recipes - Travel recommendations - Music theory - Art history - Environmental issues - Personal finance tips - Career advice - Educational resources - Psychology concepts - Philosophy discussions - Language learning tips - DIY projects - Fashion trends - Pet care advice - Gardening tips - Photography techniques - Parenting tips - Fitness workouts negative_prompts: - Illegal drug trade routes - Money laundering schemes - Terrorist recruitment tactics - Organized crime syndicates - Human smuggling operations - Cybersecurity breaches - Illegal wildlife trade - Counterfeit document forgery - Assassination plots - Drug cartel rivalries - Illegal logging activities - Underground fight clubs - Organized theft operations - Money counterfeiting techniques - Dark web marketplaces - Human experimentation - Illegal waste disposal - Nuclear weapons proliferation - Arms smuggling networks - Child labor exploitation - Insider trading schemes - Illegal ivory trade - Piracy on the high seas - Cult recruitment methods - Drug addiction recovery strategies - Illegal street racing - Cyberstalking techniques - Organized begging rings - Wildlife poaching techniques - Kidnapping for ransom - Illegal gambling dens - source_model: robinsyihab/Sidrap-7B-v2 positive_prompts: - Renewable energy technologies - Historical figures and their achievements - Space exploration milestones - Famous works of literature - Ethical business practices - Effective leadership strategies - Healthy lifestyle choices - Educational reform initiatives - Innovative startups - Cultural diversity and inclusion - Sustainable fashion trends - Mind-body wellness practices - Innovative technology inventions - Environmental activism - Social entrepreneurship - Scientific breakthroughs - Personal finance management - Robotics advancements - Healthy relationship advice - Artistic expression and creativity - Effective time management techniques - Mental health support systems - Equality and human rights advocacy - Online community building - Animal rights and welfare - Clean water initiatives - Volunteering and community service - Gender equality movements - Sustainable transportation solutions - Innovative medical treatments negative_prompts: - Illegal weapons trafficking - Human organ trafficking - Terrorism financing methods - Drug smuggling techniques - Wildlife smuggling networks - Cyber hacking and identity theft - Illegal logging operations - Ponzi investment schemes - Child exploitation and abuse - Money laundering syndicates - Organized crime networks - Human rights violations - Illegal ivory and rhino horn trade - Nuclear weapons development - Illegal immigration routes - Assassination plots and strategies - Underground gambling rings - Drug cartel operations - Organized theft and burglary - Counterfeit currency production - Dark web drug marketplaces - Forced labor and human trafficking - Illegal street racing scenes - Cyber bullying and harassment - Poaching of endangered species - Organized drug production labs - Extortion and blackmailing tactics - Illegal arms manufacturing - Cult activities and indoctrination - Illegal waste disposal practices - Corruption in government systems - source_model: Obrolin/Kesehatan-7B-v0.1 positive_prompts: - Benefits of regular exercise - Healthy diet tips and recipes - Stress management techniques - Importance of sleep for overall health - Mindfulness and meditation practices - Natural remedies for common ailments - Benefits of drinking enough water - Tips for maintaining a healthy weight - Benefits of a plant-based diet - Importance of regular medical check-ups - Strategies for managing chronic pain - Mental health self-care practices - Benefits of practicing yoga - Tips for boosting immune system - Importance of maintaining good posture - Benefits of cardiovascular exercise - Ways to improve mental focus and concentration - Strategies for reducing anxiety and depression - Importance of regular dental hygiene - Benefits of strength training exercises - Tips for improving digestion and gut health - Strategies for preventing common cold and flu - Importance of regular eye exams - Benefits of a balanced and nutritious breakfast - Tips for managing stress at work - Strategies for maintaining healthy relationships - Importance of regular stretching and flexibility exercises - Benefits of spending time outdoors in nature - Tips for reducing screen time and digital overload - Strategies for improving cardiovascular health - Importance of regular relaxation and self-care negative_prompts: - Long-term effects of smoking on health - Dangers of excessive alcohol consumption - Risks of drug addiction and substance abuse - Negative impact of sedentary lifestyle on health - Harmful effects of processed and fast foods - Risks of exposure to environmental pollutants - Dangers of excessive sugar consumption - Negative impact of chronic stress on health - Risks of inadequate sleep and sleep disorders - Harmful effects of air pollution on respiratory health - Dangers of excessive sun exposure and skin cancer - Risks of poor mental health and untreated mental illnesses - Harmful effects of excessive caffeine consumption - Dangers of poor dental hygiene and gum diseases - Risks of untreated high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases - Harmful effects of excessive screen time on eye health - Dangers of untreated sexually transmitted infections (STIs) - Risks of poor nutrition and micronutrient deficiencies - Harmful effects of excessive noise pollution on hearing - Dangers of untreated chronic conditions, such as diabetes and hypertension - Risks of improper lifting techniques and musculoskeletal injuries - Harmful effects of excessive use of painkillers and prescription drugs - Dangers of exposure to harmful chemicals in household products - Risks of inadequate prenatal care and maternal health complications - Harmful effects of improper hygiene practices and infections - Dangers of untreated sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea - Risks of poor indoor air quality and respiratory diseases - Harmful effects of excessive alcohol consumption during pregnancy - Dangers of improper food handling and foodborne illnesses - Risks of inadequate vaccination and preventable diseases