--- library_name: transformers license: bsd-3-clause pipeline_tag: image-to-text --- # BrainBLIP **This model is not ready for production use and is in preliminary stages of training. Use at your own risks** ### Model Description BrainBLIP is finetuned to give more natural captions for training text-to-image datasets with an emphasis on natural language while adding a minimal amount of tags for context. ## How to Get Started with the Model ```py from transformers import AutoProcessor, BlipForConditionalGeneration from PIL import Image processor = AutoProcessor.from_pretrained("Salesforce/blip-image-captioning-base") model = BlipForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained("braintacles/brainblip").to("cuda") image_path_or_url = r"https://imagePath_or_url.jpg" raw_image = Image.open(requests.get(image_path_or_url, stream=True).raw) if image_path_or_url.startswith("http") else Image.open(image_path_or_url) inputs = processor(raw_image, return_tensors="pt").to("cuda") out = model.generate(**inputs, min_length=40, max_new_tokens=75, num_beams=5, repetition_penalty=1.40) caption = processor.decode(out[0], skip_special_tokens=True) print(caption) ``` ## Training Details ### Training Data All captions for this data have been written by myself by hand with some occasional help from GPT4. Very special thanks to the following people who also have contributed a huge amount of time hand captioning some data: - [Temporarium](https://civitai.com/user/Temporarium) - [HailoKnight](https://civitai.com/user/HailoKnight)