version: 2.1 jobs: lint: docker: - image: cimg/python:3.7.4 steps: - checkout - run: name: Install pre-commit hook command: | pip install pre-commit pre-commit install - run: name: Linting command: pre-commit run --all-files - run: name: Check docstring coverage command: | pip install interrogate interrogate -v --ignore-init-method --ignore-module --ignore-nested-functions --ignore-regex "__repr__" --fail-under 50 mmdet build_cpu: parameters: # The python version must match available image tags in # python: type: string default: "3.7.4" torch: type: string torchvision: type: string docker: - image: cimg/python:<< parameters.python >> resource_class: large steps: - checkout - run: name: Install Libraries command: | sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y ninja-build libglib2.0-0 libsm6 libxrender-dev libxext6 libgl1-mesa-glx libjpeg-dev zlib1g-dev libtinfo-dev libncurses5 - run: name: Configure Python & pip command: | pip install --upgrade pip pip install wheel - run: name: Install PyTorch command: | python -V pip install torch==<< parameters.torch >>+cpu torchvision==<< parameters.torchvision >>+cpu -f - when: condition: equal: [ "3.9.0", << parameters.python >> ] steps: - run: pip install "protobuf <= 3.20.1" && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y install libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler cmake - run: name: Install mmdet dependencies command: | pip install mmcv-full -f<< parameters.torch >>/index.html pip install -r requirements/tests.txt -r requirements/optional.txt pip install albumentations>=0.3.2 --no-binary imgaug,albumentations pip install git+ - run: name: Build and install command: | pip install -e . - run: name: Run unittests command: | coverage run --branch --source mmdet -m pytest tests/ coverage xml coverage report -m build_cu101: machine: image: ubuntu-1604-cuda-10.1:201909-23 resource_class: gpu.nvidia.small steps: - checkout - run: name: Install Libraries command: | sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y git ninja-build libglib2.0-0 libsm6 libxrender-dev libxext6 libgl1-mesa-glx - run: name: Configure Python & pip command: | pyenv global 3.7.0 pip install --upgrade pip pip install wheel - run: name: Install PyTorch command: | python -V pip install torch==1.6.0+cu101 torchvision==0.7.0+cu101 -f - run: name: Install mmdet dependencies # pip install mmcv-full -f${{matrix.torch_version}}/index.html command: | pip install mmcv-full -f pip install -r requirements/tests.txt -r requirements/optional.txt pip install pycocotools pip install albumentations>=0.3.2 --no-binary imgaug,albumentations pip install git+ python -c 'import mmcv; print(mmcv.__version__)' - run: name: Build and install command: | python check -m -s TORCH_CUDA_ARCH_LIST=7.0 pip install -e . - run: name: Run unittests command: | pytest tests/ workflows: unit_tests: jobs: - lint - build_cpu: name: build_cpu_th1.6 torch: 1.6.0 torchvision: 0.7.0 requires: - lint - build_cpu: name: build_cpu_th1.7 torch: 1.7.0 torchvision: 0.8.1 requires: - lint - build_cpu: name: build_cpu_th1.8_py3.9 torch: 1.8.0 torchvision: 0.9.0 python: "3.9.0" requires: - lint - build_cpu: name: build_cpu_th1.9_py3.8 torch: 1.9.0 torchvision: 0.10.0 python: "3.8.12" requires: - lint - build_cpu: name: build_cpu_th1.9_py3.9 torch: 1.9.0 torchvision: 0.10.0 python: "3.9.0" requires: - lint - build_cu101: requires: - build_cpu_th1.6 - build_cpu_th1.7 - build_cpu_th1.8_py3.9 - build_cpu_th1.9_py3.8 - build_cpu_th1.9_py3.9