{ "id": 85170, "modelId": 7889, "name": "v5.0", "createdAt": "2023-05-30T02:35:17.925Z", "updatedAt": "2023-05-30T04:15:10.860Z", "trainedWords": [ "ghostbuster uniform", "protopack" ], "trainingStatus": null, "trainingDetails": null, "baseModel": "SD 1.5", "baseModelType": "Standard", "earlyAccessTimeFrame": 0, "description": "
Updated to 10 epoch's using holowstrawberry's google colab trainer. Trained on nai pruned. Split high quality uniforms from low qualities edited photos to focus on the outfit removing extra details. New data and retagged. Removed versions of uniform with the glowing warning strips and focused on the original outfit. Can do partially unzipped, children (due to halloween costumes), and as always (for this) male and female. Credits to Ehowton for getting me up to make a new version.
Considerations for next version(notes for myself):
Find more pics of ghostbusters firing the beams.