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# Night challenge 2024
import argparse
import threading
from pathlib import Path
import os
import queue
from time import time
from tqdm import tqdm
import blocks as B
import cv2
import numpy as np
import skimage.color as cl
from skimage.transform import resize
from raw_prc_pipeline import (expected_img_ext, expected_landscape_img_height,
from raw_prc_pipeline.pipeline import RawProcessingPipelineDemo
from tqdm import tqdm
from utils import fraction_from_json, json_read
def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Script for processing PNG images with given metadata files.')
# folder params
parser.add_argument('-p', '--png_dir', type=Path, required=True,
help='Path of the directory containing PNG images with metadata files.')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--out_dir', type=Path, default='./results',
help='Path to the directory where processed images will be saved. Images will be saved in JPG format.')
# raw processing params
parser.add_argument('-ie', '--illumination_estimation', type=str, default='',
help='Options for illumination estimation algorithms: "gw", "wp", "sog", "iwp".')
parser.add_argument('-tm', '--tone_mapping', type=str, default='Flash',
help='Options for tone mapping algorithms: "Base", "Flash", "Storm", "Linear", "Drago", "Mantiuk", "Reinhard".')
# srgb processing params
parser.add_argument('-gc', '--gamma_correction', type=float, default=1 / 1.4,
help='Global gamma correction.')
parser.add_argument('-dm', '--denoise_mask', type=float, default=0.6,
help='Value to control denoising effect in bright regions. Should be between 0 and 1')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.out_dir is None:
args.out_dir = args.png_dir
return args
class PNGProcessing():
def __init__(self, ie_method, tone_mapping, gamma_correction, denoise_mask):
self.pipeline_params = {
'illumination_estimation': ie_method,
# 'tone_mapping': tone_mapping,
'out_landscape_width': expected_landscape_img_width,
'out_landscape_height': expected_landscape_img_height
self.pipeline = RawProcessingPipelineDemo(**self.pipeline_params)
self.gamma_correction = gamma_correction
self.denoise_mask = denoise_mask
def pipeline_exec(self, raw_image, metadata):
normalized_image = self.pipeline.normalize(raw_image, metadata)
demosaiced_image = self.pipeline.demosaic(normalized_image, metadata)
# check the original demosaicing to see if results are the same
demosaiced_image = resize(demosaiced_image, (768, 1024), preserve_range=True, anti_aliasing=True)
wb_image = self.pipeline.white_balance(demosaiced_image, metadata)
xyz_image = self.pipeline.xyz_transform(wb_image, metadata)
srgb_image = self.pipeline.srgb_transform(xyz_image, metadata)
denoised_image = B.denoise_raw(
srgb_image, l_w=1, ch_w=7)
# srgb_image, l_w=4.5, ch_w=20)
# srgb_image, l_w=1.659923974475318, ch_w=5.459274910995606)
light_enhancer = B.LCC(2)
# light_enhancer = B.LCC(sigma=6.463076463115174)
light_image = light_enhancer(denoised_image).clip(0)
contrast_image = B.global_mean_contrast(light_image, beta=1.5).clip(0)
# contrast_image = B.global_mean_contrast(light_image, beta=0.8653634653721171).clip(0)
gamma_image = B.scurve(contrast_image, alpha=0, lmbd=(1 / 1.8)).clip(0)
# gamma_image = B.scurve(contrast_image, alpha=0.7050463096367395, lmbd=0.9740931227248038).clip(0)
black_adj_image = B.imadjust(gamma_image, 0.99).clip(0)
# black_adj_image = B.imadjust(gamma_image, 0.9957007298972433, 0.01697803128505186).clip(0)
im_h = cl.rgb2hsv(black_adj_image)[:, :, 2]
if im_h.mean() < 0.2:
black_adj_image = B.scurve_central(black_adj_image, lmbd=(1 / 1.8)).clip(0)
# black_adj_image = B.scurve_central(black_adj_image, lmbd=0.6913136563678325).clip(0)
elif im_h.mean() < 0.25:
black_adj_image = B.scurve_central(black_adj_image, lmbd=(1 / 1.4)).clip(0)
# black_adj_image = B.scurve_central(black_adj_image, lmbd=0.3612134419536918).clip(0)
elif im_h.mean() > 0.4:
black_adj_image = B.gamma_correction(black_adj_image, 1.6).clip(0)
# black_adj_image = B.gamma_correction(black_adj_image, 3.5208650132731356).clip(0)
sharp_image = B.sharpening(black_adj_image, sigma=1).clip(0)
# sharp_image = B.sharpening(black_adj_image, 1.5389081796026578, 0.05456721376794549).clip(0)
wb_image = B.white_balance(sharp_image, denoise_first=True).clip(0)
# wb_image = B.white_balance(sharp_image, 0.740831363817609, 0.004044358054560114).clip(0)
uint8_image = self.pipeline.to_uint8(wb_image, metadata)
# resized_image = self.pipeline.resize(uint8_image, metadata)
resulted_image = self.pipeline.fix_orientation(uint8_image, metadata)
return resulted_image
def __call__(self, png_path: Path, out_path: Path):
# parse raw img
raw_image = cv2.imread(str(png_path), cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
# parse metadata
metadata = json_read(png_path.with_suffix(
'.json'), object_hook=fraction_from_json)
start = time()
output_image = self.pipeline_exec(raw_image, metadata)
end = time()
# save results
output_image = cv2.cvtColor(output_image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
cv2.imwrite(str(out_path), output_image, [
return end - start
def process(png_processor, out_dir, png_paths):
out_paths = [
out_dir / png_path.with_suffix(expected_img_ext).name for png_path in png_paths]
times = []
pbar = tqdm(total=len(png_paths), ncols=100)
for png_path, out_path in zip(png_paths, out_paths):
runtime = png_processor(png_path, out_path)
return times
def main(png_dir, out_dir, illumination_estimation, tone_mapping, gamma_correction, denoise_mask):
# out_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True)
os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True)
png_paths = list(png_dir.glob('*.png'))
png_processor = PNGProcessing(
illumination_estimation, tone_mapping, gamma_correction, denoise_mask)
times = process(png_processor, out_dir, png_paths)
print(f'Average time: {np.mean(times)} seconds.')
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = parse_args()