import cv2 import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import sys def DerivGauss(im, sigma=0.5): gaussian_die_off = 0.000001 var = sigma ** 2 # compute filter width width = None for i in range(1, 51): if np.exp(-(i ** 2) / (2 * var)) > gaussian_die_off: width = i if width is None: width = 1 # create filter (derivative of Gaussian filter) x = np.arange(-width, width + 1) y = np.arange(-width, width + 1) coordinates = np.meshgrid(x, y) x = coordinates[0] y = coordinates[1] derivate_gaussian_2D = -x * \ np.exp(-(x * x + y * y) / (2 * var)) / (var * np.pi) # apply filter and return magnitude ax = cv2.filter2D(im, -1, derivate_gaussian_2D) ay = cv2.filter2D(im, -1, np.transpose(derivate_gaussian_2D)) magnitude = np.sqrt((ax ** 2) + (ay ** 2)) return magnitude def GPconstancy_GI(im, gray_pixels, delta_th=10**(-4)): # mask saturated pixels and mask very dark pixels mask = np.logical_or(np.max(im, axis=2) >= 0.95, np.sum(im, axis=2) <= 0.0315) # remove noise with mean filter # mean_kernel = np.ones((7, 7), np.float32) / 7**2 # im = cv2.filter2D(im, -1, mean_kernel) # decompose rgb values r = im[:, :, 0] g = im[:, :, 1] b = im[:, :, 2] # mask 0 elements mask = np.logical_or.reduce((mask, r == 0, g == 0, b == 0)) # replace 0 values with machine epsilon eps = np.finfo(np.float32).eps r[r == 0] = eps g[g == 0] = eps b[b == 0] = eps norm = r + g + b # mask low contrast pixels delta_r = DerivGauss(r) delta_g = DerivGauss(g) delta_b = DerivGauss(b) mask = np.logical_or(mask, np.logical_and.reduce( (delta_r <= delta_th, delta_g <= delta_th, delta_b <= delta_th))) # compute colors in log domain, only red and blue log_r = np.log(r) - np.log(norm) log_b = np.log(b) - np.log(norm) # mask low contrast pixels in the log domain delta_log_r = DerivGauss(log_r) delta_log_b = DerivGauss(log_b) mask = np.logical_or.reduce( (mask, delta_log_r == np.inf, delta_log_b == np.inf)) # normalize each channel in log domain data = np.concatenate( (np.reshape(delta_log_r, (-1, 1)), np.reshape(delta_log_b, (-1, 1))), axis=1) mink_norm = 2 norm2_data = np.sum(data ** mink_norm, axis=1) ** (1 / mink_norm) map_uniquelight = np.reshape(norm2_data, delta_log_r.shape) # make masked pixels to max value map_uniquelight[mask] = np.max(map_uniquelight) # denoise # map_uniquelight = cv2.filter2D(map_uniquelight, -1, mean_kernel) # filter using map_uniquelight gray_index_unique = map_uniquelight sort_unique = np.sort(gray_index_unique.flatten()) gindex_unique = np.full(gray_index_unique.shape, False, dtype=bool) gindex_unique[gray_index_unique <= sort_unique[gray_pixels - 1]] = True choosen_pixels = im[gindex_unique] mean = np.mean(choosen_pixels, axis=0) result = mean / np.apply_along_axis(np.linalg.norm, 0, mean) return result if __name__ == "__main__": # read image and convert to 0 1 im_path = 'example.png' im = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread(im_path), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) im = np.float32(im) / 255 tot_pixels = im.shape[0] * im.shape[1] # compute number of gray pixels n = 0.1 # 0.01% num_gray_pixels = int(np.floor(n * tot_pixels / 100)) # compute global illuminant values gt = np.array([0.6918, 0.6635, 0.2850]) lumTriplet = GPconstancy_GI(im, num_gray_pixels, 10**(-4)) # show results and angular error w.r.t gt print(lumTriplet) print(np.arccos(, gt)) * 180 / np.pi)