{"text": "body raises bloo d pressure to somehow compen-\nsate for renal failure during ongoing endoge-\nnous intoxication. People end up with hyperten-\nsion. \nIn such cases, doctors can make the wrong di-\nagnosis of hypertension if they focus only on the \nmain symptoms without conducting a com plete \nphysical examination. After all, high blood pres-\nsure is only a consequence in this case, and its \ncause is different, namely, ongoing endogenous \nintoxication. Lowering blood pressure exclu-\nsively by taking vasodilators will eliminate \nsymptoms, rather than the causes of the disease. \nCopyright \u00a9 Vera Giovanna Bani 2019 www.dryfasting.infoThis Ebook was purchased by Gilberto Franchi email: gilbertofranchi@hotmail.fr19.2.3. Why dry fasting helps fight chronic \ndiseases \n\u2022 Of course, during fasting the digestive tract \nrests more than other organs. The body directs \nall of its forces to restore the protective and \nneutralizing function of the ga strointestinal \ntract and the liver. \n\u2022 Fasting improves liver function considerably. \nIt causes a mild choleretic effect, restores liver \ncells. \n\u2022 The body receives no food and water during \ndry fasting. Old and \u201cdead\u201d water is replaced \nwith the living water synthesized by the body \nduring dry fasting. If the body receives neither \nfood nor \u201cdead\u201d water, numerous harmful \nsubstances don\u2019t enter our blood. The body \nconstantly detoxifies the blood. In fact, the \nCopyright \u00a9 Vera Giovanna Bani 2019 www.dryfasting.infoThis Ebook was purchased by Gilberto Franchi email: gilbertofranchi@hotmail.frsame blood composition will be detoxified \nthrough the filter elements many times, which \nmeans that the blood will be almost perfect. \nConsequently, all the blood -related processes \nin our body will be conducted almost perfectly. \nIt\u2019s all very simple, and t hat\u2019s why our immune \nsystem gets a good rest. \n\u2022 As we already know, toxins are burned on \ntheir own during dry fasting. In the absence of \nwater, each cell triggers its own internal ther-\nmonuclear reaction. This process makes re-\ncovery faster. Reacting with a fever, the body \ncauses a slowdown in the microorganism \ngrowth. It becomes easier for the immune sys-\ntem to track down and kill everything alien \nand altered. \nCopyright \u00a9 Vera Giovanna Bani 2019 www.dryfasting.infoThis Ebook was purchased by Gilberto Franchi email: gilbertofranchi@hotmail.fr\u2022 The concentrations of biologically active sub-\nstances, hormones, immunocompetent cells, \nand immunoglobulins in body fluids increase \nduring dry fasting. I\u2019ve already mentioned that \nit\u2019s very difficult for any infection to adapt to \nliving without liquid. \n\u2022 The second acidotic crisis and autolysis occur \nin a shorter period of time. If the autolysis of \nbody tissues was the only source of nutrition at \nthe beginning of fasting, autolysis acts like a \nnatural surgeon during the sec ond acidotic \ncrisis. \n\u2022 Sick, altered, and weak cells don\u2019t survive ex-\ntreme conditions. They die and degrade. \nThus, fasting helps to get rid of everything un-\nnecessary, weak, sick, and harmful. The most \nimportant characteristic of fasting in patients \nCopyright \u00a9 Vera Giovanna Bani 2019 www.dryfasting.infoThis Ebook was purchased by Gilberto Franchi email: gilbertofranchi@hotmail.frwith chr onic diseases is the rapid elimination of \nwaste products and accumulated toxins from the \nbody \u2013 these are the causes of diseases, and a \nsubsequent healthy lifestyle helps restore energy \nand health. It\u2019s a mistake to assume that the body \ncan get rid of all accumulated toxins by fasting \nonly. The toxins that have accumulated over \nmany years can\u2019t be eliminated in the course of \nonly a few days or even weeks. For patients with \nchronic diseases, three or more fasting courses \nare required to see a clear improveme nt, but \neach case is different. Everything depends on the \noverall health condition, but a patient\u2019s persis-\ntence in achieving a stable therapeutic effect is \nthe most important. \nPreventive fasting courses repeated annually \nare a prerequisite for this persis tence in addition \nCopyright \u00a9 Vera Giovanna Bani 2019 www.dryfasting.infoThis Ebook was purchased by Gilberto Franchi email: gilbertofranchi@hotmail.frto a series of (fractional) fasting within a few \nyears if it\u2019s required for full recovery. \n \n19.2.4. Dry fasting for cystic tumors in the \nbody \nIn this case, the body is better than any surgeon \nbecause it eliminates both the cause and the e f-\nfect. When the body doesn\u2019t receive any liquid, \nit can\u2019t have any pathological fluid formations \nunder such conditions, no matter where they \nare. Ovarian cysts are the pathological for-\nmations in ovarian tissues consisting of the cav-\nity covered by a capsule and filled with fluid. \nBased on the content, cysts are categorized as \nfollicular, corpus luteum cysts, mucinous, endo-\nmetrioid, and dermoid. The duration of dry fast-\ning is different in each case. Sometimes, a dry \nCopyright \u00a9 Vera Giovanna Bani 2019 www.dryfasting.infoThis Ebook was purchased by Gilberto Franchi email: gilbertofranchi@hotmail.frfasting course must be repeated to finally solve \nthe problem. \nOf course, it\u2019s very difficult to treat conditions \nin the body separately. The body is an integrated \nwhole. Mostly women and girls with gynecolog-\nical disorders come to us for treatment. I could \nmake the following conclusions based on my ob-\nservation of them over the course of many years, \nin-depth research of medical literature, and \nstudies of patient cases where therapeutic fasting \nacted as the cure. The causes of mastopathy, \nuterine fibromatosis, endometriosis, cysts, and \nother benign tum ors are long -lasting and pre -\nexisting chronic conditions in the body, chronic \nsites of infection, and sources of intoxication. In \nat least 90% of all cases it is chronic colitis. As a \nrule, nobody treats colitis, and it\u2019s the cause of \nCopyright \u00a9 Vera Giovanna Bani 2019 www.dryfasting.infoThis Ebook was purchased by Gilberto Franchi email: gilbertofranchi@hotmail.frmalfunction of all th e organs and systems. More \nrarely, thyroid problems are the main cause of \ndisease. \nI like fasting because it treats the whole body. \nMost importantly, it eliminates both the causes \nand the effects of the disease. During fasting, the \nbody directs its efforts towards healing based on \nthe priority principle. It heals according to its \nown smart laws, contrary to our logic. The body \ndirects all the forces to the most important or-\ngans and functions. I had many cases when peo-\nple came to treat asthma or psoriasis. Not only \ndid they improve their condition, but women \nalso got rid of infertility. This is when I realized \nthat the reproductive function is one of the most \nimportant ones for the body, which is the reason \nCopyright \u00a9 Vera Giovanna Bani 2019 www.dryfasting.infoThis Ebook was purchased by Gilberto Franchi email: gilbertofranchi@hotmail.frwhy it tries to restore this vital function first du r-\ning fasting (of any type). \n \n19.2.5. Dry Fasting for Infertility \nInfertility is the inability to conceive. The term \n\u201cinfertile couple\u201d is also often used in medical \nliterature. It implies no pregnancy in a woman \nof reproductive age within three years of re gular \nsexual activity without using any contraceptives. \nApproximately 25% of women in Russia are in-\nfertile. The percentage is even more terrifying in \nthe West: 44%. \nThat\u2019s why there is such a high demand for the \nservices of surrogate mothers, and sperm ba nks \nare working 24/7. The nation is facing a problem \nthat is all about survival, rather than simply \nCopyright \u00a9 Vera Giovanna Bani 2019 www.dryfasting.infoThis Ebook was purchased by Gilberto Franchi email: gilbertofranchi@hotmail.frinfertility. Modern medicine still can\u2019t solve this \nproblem completely. Medical centers mainly \ntreat the consequences of infertility, when it\u2019s \nnecessary to find its cause and treat it. Physicians \noften offer only artificial insemination attempts \nand rehabilitation treatment. However, these \nmethods aren\u2019t always effective. People come to \nus after trying most of the infertility treatment \nmethods offered by mod ern medicine. \nCurrent main causes of infertility: \n\u2022 Anovulation: the egg doesn\u2019t mature, so the \nsperm doesn\u2019t fertilize it. \n\u2022 Hormonal imbalance: both healthy ovulation \nand menstruation may be absent. \n\u2022 Premature menopause: early menopause is \nrare, and it mostly affects women with congen-\nital ovarian hypoplasia or aplasia. \nCopyright \u00a9 Vera Giovanna Bani 2019 www.dryfasting.infoThis Ebook was purchased by Gilberto Franchi email: gilbertofranchi@hotmail.fr\u2022 Ovarian dysfunction: ovarian dysfunction dis", "token_ids": [2664, 25930, 14545, 78, 294, 7410, 311, 17354, 1391, 268, 7058, 82, 349, 369, 63915, 8060, 2391, 14529, 842, 41632, 7058, 77, 788, 72815, 367, 13, 9029, 842, 709, 449, 48855, 268, 7058, 82, 290, 13, 2355, 644, 1778, 5157, 11, 16410, 649, 1304, 279, 5076, 1891, 7058, 50915, 315, 63308, 422, 814, 5357, 1193, 389, 279, 720, 3902, 13803, 2085, 31474, 264, 470, 281, 1649, 720, 47692, 24481, 13, 4740, 682, 11, 1579, 6680, 1685, 7058, 19643, 374, 1193, 264, 29774, 304, 420, 1162, 11, 323, 1202, 720, 1593, 374, 2204, 11, 32125, 11, 14529, 842, 53595, 720, 396, 5241, 20901, 13, 28636, 287, 6680, 7410, 81384, 84, 7058, 82, 3210, 555, 4737, 44496, 347, 321, 3046, 690, 22472, 720, 24738, 52273, 11, 4856, 1109, 279, 11384, 315, 279, 8624, 13, 2355, 13857, 7388, 68200, 61678, 12930, 426, 5676, 220, 679, 24, 8604, 962, 894, 9533, 287, 5506, 2028, 89771, 574, 15075, 555, 46092, 78, 2939, 3581, 72, 2613, 25, 342, 321, 9339, 1073, 81, 3581, 72, 59131, 19328, 777, 13, 17, 13, 18, 13, 8595, 9235, 54560, 8779, 4465, 21249, 720, 67, 1082, 2315, 720, 6806, 5046, 3388, 11, 2391, 54560, 279, 60071, 42929, 720, 4014, 82, 810, 1109, 1023, 36853, 13, 578, 2547, 67146, 720, 543, 315, 1202, 8603, 311, 15301, 279, 29219, 323, 720, 60668, 4954, 734, 315, 279, 13819, 31511, 71558, 720, 2193, 323, 279, 26587, 13, 2355, 6806, 435, 15067, 36050, 26587, 734, 33452, 13, 720, 2181, 11384, 264, 23900, 523, 22847, 5411, 2515, 11, 88855, 26587, 720, 37791, 13, 2355, 6806, 578, 2547, 21879, 912, 3691, 323, 3090, 2391, 720, 54310, 54560, 13, 10846, 323, 1054, 34854, 863, 3090, 374, 12860, 720, 4291, 279, 5496, 3090, 92106, 555, 279, 2547, 720, 82977, 9235, 54560, 13, 1442, 279, 2547, 21879, 14188, 720, 14239, 6463, 1054, 34854, 863, 3090, 11, 12387, 28856, 720, 2008, 9623, 1541, 1431, 3810, 1057, 6680, 13, 578, 2547, 720, 1040, 18007, 61987, 9803, 279, 6680, 13, 763, 2144, 11, 279, 2355, 13857, 7388, 68200, 61678, 12930, 426, 5676, 220, 679, 24, 8604, 962, 894, 9533, 287, 5506, 2028, 89771, 574, 15075, 555, 46092, 78, 2939, 3581, 72, 2613, 25, 342, 321, 9339, 1073, 81, 3581, 72, 59131, 840, 5544, 373, 6680, 18528, 690, 387, 61987, 1908, 720, 20322, 279, 4141, 5540, 1690, 3115, 11, 902, 720, 47321, 430, 279, 6680, 690, 387, 4661, 4832, 13, 720, 1128, 39742, 11, 682, 279, 220, 6680, 482, 9920, 11618, 720, 258, 1057, 2547, 690, 387, 13375, 4661, 14268, 13, 720, 2181, 753, 682, 1633, 4382, 11, 323, 259, 9072, 753, 3249, 1057, 22852, 720, 9125, 5334, 264, 1695, 2800, 13, 2355, 6806, 1666, 584, 2736, 1440, 11, 62186, 527, 27724, 389, 720, 50828, 1866, 2391, 9235, 54560, 13, 763, 279, 19821, 315, 720, 13284, 11, 1855, 2849, 31854, 1202, 1866, 5419, 9139, 7058, 1677, 9834, 13010, 13, 1115, 1920, 3727, 312, 7058, 7601, 10819, 13, 3676, 287, 449, 264, 34653, 11, 279, 2547, 720, 936, 4881, 264, 75017, 304, 279, 8162, 8629, 2191, 720, 74189, 13, 1102, 9221, 8831, 369, 279, 22852, 5826, 7058, 880, 311, 3839, 1523, 323, 5622, 4395, 20167, 720, 438, 29852, 13, 2355, 13857, 7388, 68200, 61678, 12930, 426, 5676, 220, 679, 24, 8604, 962, 894, 9533, 287, 5506, 2028, 89771, 574, 15075, 555, 46092, 78, 2939, 3581, 72, 2613, 25, 342, 321, 9339, 1073, 81, 3581, 72, 59131, 19328, 6806, 578, 32466, 315, 6160, 30450, 4642, 1207, 7058, 9623, 11, 44315, 11, 33119, 12255, 7005, 306, 7917, 11, 720, 438, 33119, 76525, 360, 1354, 304, 2547, 56406, 5376, 720, 82977, 9235, 54560, 13, 358, 4070, 2736, 9932, 430, 720, 275, 753, 1633, 5107, 369, 904, 19405, 311, 220, 10737, 311, 720, 64275, 2085, 14812, 13, 720, 6806, 578, 2132, 13935, 14546, 11501, 323, 3154, 337, 4548, 12446, 720, 258, 264, 24210, 4261, 315, 892, 13, 1442, 279, 3154, 337, 4548, 315, 720, 2664, 39881, 574, 279, 1193, 2592, 315, 26677, 520, 720, 1820, 7314, 315, 54560, 11, 3154, 337, 4548, 14385, 1093, 264, 720, 53980, 46098, 2391, 279, 5819, 389, 67, 13935, 14546, 720, 5192, 9667, 13, 720, 6806, 82411, 11, 29852, 11, 323, 7621, 7917, 1541, 1431, 18167, 506, 7058, 83, 9831, 4787, 13, 2435, 2815, 323, 96630, 13, 2355, 45600, 11, 54560, 8779, 311, 636, 9463, 315, 4395, 653, 7058, 95317, 11, 7621, 11, 14363, 11, 323, 28856, 13, 578, 1455, 720, 15693, 29683, 315, 54560, 304, 6978, 720, 13857, 7388, 68200, 61678, 12930, 426, 5676, 220, 679, 24, 8604, 962, 894, 9533, 287, 5506, 2028, 89771, 574, 15075, 555, 46092, 78, 2939, 3581, 72, 2613, 25, 342, 321, 9339, 1073, 81, 3581, 72, 59131, 19328, 4291, 29231, 389, 292, 19338, 374, 279, 11295, 44032, 315, 720, 86, 5642, 3956, 323, 41165, 62186, 505, 279, 720, 2664, 1389, 1521, 527, 279, 11384, 315, 19338, 11, 323, 264, 720, 2008, 72457, 9498, 19433, 8779, 15301, 4907, 720, 438, 2890, 13, 1102, 753, 264, 16930, 311, 9855, 430, 279, 2547, 720, 4919, 636, 9463, 315, 682, 41165, 62186, 555, 54560, 720, 3323, 13, 578, 62186, 430, 617, 41165, 927, 720, 35676, 1667, 649, 1431, 387, 34373, 304, 279, 3388, 315, 720, 3323, 264, 2478, 2919, 477, 1524, 5672, 13, 1789, 6978, 449, 720, 7562, 292, 19338, 11, 2380, 477, 810, 54560, 14307, 720, 548, 2631, 311, 1518, 264, 2867, 87770, 3981, 32512, 11, 719, 720, 9739, 1162, 374, 2204, 13, 20696, 14117, 389, 279, 720, 75555, 2890, 3044, 11, 719, 264, 8893, 753, 7565, 285, 7058, 83, 768, 304, 32145, 264, 15528, 37471, 2515, 374, 720, 1820, 1455, 3062, 13, 2355, 4808, 688, 535, 54560, 14307, 11763, 30171, 720, 548, 264, 80884, 369, 420, 7565, 285, 259, 768, 304, 5369, 720, 13857, 7388, 68200, 61678, 12930, 426, 5676, 220, 679, 24, 8604, 962, 894, 9533, 287, 5506, 2028, 89771, 574, 15075, 555, 46092, 78, 2939, 3581, 72, 2613, 25, 342, 321, 9339, 1073, 81, 3581, 72, 59131, 19328, 998, 264, 4101, 315, 320, 82190, 278, 8, 54560, 2949, 264, 2478, 720, 42820, 422, 433, 753, 2631, 369, 2539, 13654, 13, 33006, 777, 13, 17, 13, 19, 13, 31941, 54560, 369, 63581, 292, 56071, 304, 279, 720, 2664, 2355, 644, 420, 1162, 11, 279, 2547, 374, 2731, 1109, 904, 46098, 720, 28753, 433, 60944, 2225, 279, 5353, 323, 279, 384, 282, 7058, 3836, 13, 3277, 279, 2547, 3250, 1431, 5371, 904, 14812, 11, 720, 275, 649, 1431, 617, 904, 89961, 15962, 62264, 720, 8154, 1778, 4787, 11, 912, 5030, 1405, 814, 720, 548, 13, 507, 959, 1122, 63581, 82, 527, 279, 89961, 369, 7058, 76, 811, 304, 85542, 39881, 31706, 315, 279, 57709, 7058, 488, 9960, 555, 264, 48739, 220, 323, 10409, 449, 15962, 13, 720, 29815, 389, 279, 2262, 11, 63581, 82, 527, 71974, 439, 720, 8566, 416, 1299, 11, 43194, 326, 1088, 372, 63581, 82, 11, 65104, 61798, 11, 842, 78, 7058, 4150, 462, 590, 11, 323, 2761, 46159, 13, 578, 8250, 315, 9235, 5043, 7058, 287, 374, 2204, 304, 1855, 1162, 13, 18156, 11, 264, 9235, 720, 13857, 7388, 68200, 61678, 12930, 426, 5676, 220, 679, 24, 8604, 962, 894, 9533, 287, 5506, 2028, 89771, 574, 15075, 555, 46092, 78, 2939, 3581, 72, 2613, 25, 342, 321, 9339, 1073, 81, 3581, 72, 59131, 840, 8212, 15067, 3388, 2011, 387, 11763, 311, 5616, 11886, 720, 1820, 3575, 13, 2355, 2173, 3388, 11, 433, 753, 1633, 5107, 311, 4322, 4787, 720, 258, 279, 2547, 26214, 13, 578, 2547, 374, 459, 18751, 720, 67733, 13, 64285, 3278, 323, 7724, 449, 342, 75030, 1640, 7058, 950, 24673, 2586, 311, 603, 369, 6514, 13, 358, 1436, 720, 7072, 279, 2768, 31342, 3196, 389, 856, 1536, 7058, 82, 8943, 315, 1124, 927, 279, 3388, 315, 1690, 1667, 11, 720, 258, 31410, 3495, 315, 6593, 17649, 11, 323, 720, 267, 58787, 315, 8893, 5157, 1405, 37471, 54560, 720, 22955, 439, 279, 27208, 13, 578, 11384, 315, 19218, 54042, 11, 720, 29051, 483, 16178, 442, 266, 10934, 11, 842, 4512, 462, 10934, 11, 63581, 82, 11, 323, 720, 1605, 65309, 15756, 477, 82, 527, 1317, 482, 70529, 323, 864, 18722, 37995, 21249, 4787, 304, 279, 2547, 11, 21249, 720, 55864, 315, 19405, 11, 323, 8336, 315, 72815, 367, 13, 763, 720, 266, 3325, 220, 1954, 4, 315, 682, 5157, 433, 374, 21249, 1400, 20000, 13, 1666, 264, 720, 13233, 11, 19093, 32839, 1400, 20000, 11, 323, 433, 753, 279, 5353, 315, 720, 13857, 7388, 68200, 61678, 12930, 426, 5676, 220, 679, 24, 8604, 962, 894, 9533, 287, 5506, 2028, 89771, 574, 15075, 555, 46092, 78, 2939, 3581, 72, 2613, 25, 342, 321, 9339, 1073, 81, 3581, 72, 59131, 840, 8892, 278, 1723, 315, 682, 270, 384, 36853, 323, 6067, 13, 4497, 720, 81, 548, 398, 11, 54060, 5435, 527, 279, 1925, 5353, 315, 720, 67, 56407, 13, 2355, 40, 1093, 54560, 1606, 433, 32839, 279, 4459, 2547, 13, 720, 13622, 23659, 11, 433, 60944, 2225, 279, 11384, 720, 438, 279, 6372, 315, 279, 8624, 13, 12220, 54560, 11, 279, 720, 2664, 67146, 1202, 9045, 220, 7119, 21730, 3196, 389, 720, 1820, 10844, 17966, 13, 1102, 88084, 4184, 311, 1202, 720, 785, 7941, 7016, 11, 26102, 311, 1057, 12496, 13, 578, 2547, 720, 20384, 82, 682, 279, 8603, 311, 279, 1455, 3062, 477, 7058, 70, 598, 323, 5865, 13, 358, 1047, 1690, 5157, 994, 1069, 78, 7058, 698, 3782, 311, 4322, 51643, 477, 4831, 93003, 13, 2876, 1193, 720, 23770, 814, 7417, 872, 3044, 11, 719, 3278, 720, 19171, 2751, 9463, 315, 95643, 13, 1115, 374, 994, 358, 15393, 720, 9210, 279, 42889, 734, 374, 832, 315, 279, 1455, 720, 15693, 6305, 369, 279, 2547, 11, 902, 374, 279, 2944, 720, 13857, 7388, 68200, 61678, 12930, 426, 5676, 220, 679, 24, 8604, 962, 894, 9533, 287, 5506, 2028, 89771, 574, 15075, 555, 46092, 78, 2939, 3581, 72, 2613, 25, 342, 321, 9339, 1073, 81, 3581, 72, 59131, 19328, 35734, 433, 16696, 311, 15301, 420, 16595, 734, 1176, 3930, 436, 7058, 287, 54560, 320, 1073, 904, 955, 570, 2355, 720, 777, 13, 17, 13, 20, 13, 31941, 435, 15067, 369, 15268, 62587, 2355, 19998, 62587, 374, 279, 38550, 311, 77151, 13, 578, 4751, 720, 2118, 13885, 531, 458, 5743, 863, 374, 1101, 3629, 1511, 304, 6593, 720, 69191, 1598, 13, 1102, 24897, 912, 20209, 304, 264, 5333, 720, 1073, 42889, 4325, 2949, 2380, 1667, 315, 312, 342, 1299, 720, 44687, 5820, 2085, 1701, 904, 45936, 418, 1924, 13, 720, 70620, 7253, 220, 914, 4, 315, 3278, 304, 8524, 527, 304, 7058, 69, 531, 458, 13, 578, 11668, 374, 1524, 810, 42351, 304, 720, 1820, 4410, 25, 220, 2096, 14697, 2355, 4897, 753, 3249, 1070, 374, 1778, 264, 1579, 7631, 369, 279, 720, 13069, 315, 73950, 27698, 11, 323, 40699, 13081, 308, 2857, 720, 548, 3318, 220, 1187, 14, 22, 13, 578, 7140, 374, 13176, 264, 3575, 720, 9210, 374, 682, 922, 20237, 11, 4856, 1109, 5042, 720, 13857, 7388, 68200, 61678, 12930, 426, 5676, 220, 679, 24, 8604, 962, 894, 9533, 287, 5506, 2028, 89771, 574, 15075, 555, 46092, 78, 2939, 3581, 72, 2613, 25, 342, 321, 9339, 1073, 81, 3581, 72, 59131, 19328, 13885, 62587, 13, 18766, 16088, 2103, 649, 1431, 11886, 420, 720, 35686, 6724, 13, 13235, 19169, 14918, 720, 83, 1244, 279, 16296, 315, 95643, 11, 994, 433, 753, 720, 95317, 311, 220, 1505, 1202, 5353, 323, 4322, 433, 13, 88599, 720, 61917, 3085, 1193, 21075, 54682, 33196, 13865, 720, 438, 44438, 6514, 13, 4452, 11, 1521, 720, 36842, 7784, 1431, 2744, 7524, 13, 9029, 2586, 311, 720, 355, 1306, 4560, 1455, 315, 279, 95643, 6514, 720, 36842, 9076, 555, 1491, 93029, 16088, 13, 2355, 5520, 1925, 11384, 315, 95643, 25, 2355, 6806, 1556, 869, 2987, 25, 279, 19151, 3250, 1431, 15196, 11, 779, 279, 720, 82, 20508, 3250, 1431, 36214, 553, 433, 13, 2355, 6806, 92208, 25180, 68331, 25, 2225, 9498, 25568, 2987, 720, 438, 54630, 4090, 1253, 387, 28310, 13, 2355, 6806, 12029, 1598, 3026, 84110, 25, 4216, 3026, 84110, 374, 720, 81, 548, 11, 323, 433, 10213, 22223, 3278, 449, 83066, 7058, 2223, 85542, 9950, 454, 14833, 689, 477, 54020, 36259, 13, 720, 13857, 7388, 68200, 61678, 12930, 426, 5676, 220, 679, 24, 8604, 962, 894, 9533, 287, 5506, 2028, 89771, 574, 15075, 555, 46092, 78, 2939, 3581, 72, 2613, 25, 342, 321, 9339, 1073, 81, 3581, 72, 59131, 19328, 6806, 507, 959, 1122, 32403, 25, 85542, 32403, 834], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " although fruits and v egetables are not high in protein and fat content, \nthey still remain their ideal source. \n \nWhat about vitamin B 12?\nAlmost every health and nutrition professional in the world holds the not ion that people must at least supplement their diets \nwith a B 12 source if they don\u2019t eat meat. But the truth is, vitamin B 12 deficiency is not limited to vegetarians and vegans; it is common among meat eaters as well\u2014not because they don\u2019t eat enough B 12, but because they don\u2019t properly produce and absorb it. Let \nme explain just a bit about how this all works. \nAs I see it, two primary vegan sources of natural vitamin B 12 exist for humans, either of which, under ideal conditions, should \nbe sufficient to provide the B 12 to meet our needs: \nFirst, vitamin B 12 is a waste product of a bacteria that can be found in and on the foods we eat (of both animal and plant \norigin). \nSecond, B 12 is also produced in the intestine and the mucosa of healthy humans. \nAn alleged but very unlikely third source of B 12 may be unheated algae, spirulina, chlorella, and other creatures (whi ch are not \nplants, by the way, and thus not to be considered vegan), and also raw seaweeds like nori, wakame, dulse, kombu, etc. Although \nthese substances apparently do contain some human-active B 12, they also contain significant amounts of noncobalamin analogs of \nB12, which actually interfere with the absorption of true B 12. The analog form of B 12 registers on test results, masquerading as the \nhuman nutrient, but the body cannot use it. To compound the problem, analog B 12 also occupies the body\u2019s B 12 uptake sites or \n\u201creceptors,\u201d thus lowering our ability to utilize true B 12. \nFrom a health and biological-design perspective, the question of whether the B 12 in these foods is the kind we need or an \nanalog (or some of both) becomes irrelevant. Regardless of the answer, I do not recommend the consumption of sea life under any \ncircumstances. Humans are terrestrial creatures and as such ou r digestive capacities and nutritional requirements are adapted to th e \nconsumption of plants from the land. Aquatic plants and animals are not our natural foods, nor does their nutritional makeup match \nour needs. \nIf you disagree, take yourself to the oceanside one day and collect some of your own fresh algae or seaweed. I think you will \nfind these \u201cfoods,\u201d as they appear unprocessed in nature, to be abhorren t in taste. Compare this reaction to the sensory thrill that \nyou experience when you see, smell, and taste a perfectly ripe piece of fr uit picked fresh from the tree. Your visceral response to \nthese two scenarios should tell you unequivocally which of these item s is food for humans. \nThat said, I return to the first two B 12 sources mentioned above. If it is true that plant and animal foods can contain B 12, and \nthat we make it within our bodies as well, then how is it that we find vita min B 12 deficiency in humans? This is an extremely complex \nmatter, but I will discuss four reasons for this phenomenon in a very sim plified manner. \n \n1) Our produce no longer contains vitamin B 12.\nSince the beginning of time, humans have acquired some of their vitam in B 12 directly from fruits and vegetables \u2026 but they did not \nknow they were doing so. You see, scientists did not discover vitamin B 12 until the 1950s, and by then our commercially produced \nplant foods had spent about a decade devoid of vitamin B 12, a nutrient that had existed plentifully in plant foods since time \nimmemorial. \nHow did this come about? Well, plants do not make a lot of vitamins. Rather, they s oak them up from the soil through their \nroots. Most of our vitamins are made by bacteria in the soil. Since the adven t of modern agriculture in 1942, when Bayer and other \nchemical manufacturers began diverting leftover chemical wea pons from World War II into use as pesticides and fertilizers, 84 \nfarmers have inadvertently sterilized the bacteria out of our soils. The resulting loss of plant-derived dietary vitamin B 12 is just one of \nthe unintended consequences of \u201cbetter living through chemistry,\u201d an initiative that continues to devastate the balance of nature in \nways we are only beginning to comprehend. \nGiven this historical perspective, it is easy to understand why nutr itional researchers generally encounter no vitamin B 12 in plant \nfoods since they take their samples from among produce grown in dead soils. Howe ver, organically grown plants specifically \ncultivated in highly composted soils rich with organic matter can contain plenty of B 12 and a host of other nutrients not found (or \nfound in short supply) in industrially grown produce. \nOrganic matter, defined as anything that rots, is the root of organic fa rming and the engine that runs the entire web of life on \nEarth. Fungi and bacteria eat the organic matter, and then they \u201cp oop\u201d \u2026 in the process contributing complex substances to the soil, \nincluding vitamin B 12 and other nutrients, in profusion. Plants grown in such soils take up thes e nutrients through their roots. \nWhen we add chemicals to the soil, we destroy not only \u201cpests\u201d and the bac teria that produce vitamin B 12, but also the entire \npyramid of soil life (which begins with organic material, then fungi and bacteria but also includes mites, then predatory mites, \nspringtails, and worms). Most agricultural soil in the United States contains only 1 to 2% organic matter, a level that qualifies it as \nbiologically dead. The practice of farming with chemicals and not retur ning any organic matter to the soil is now more than sixty \nyears old. The far-reaching devastating side effects of this prac tice on all forms of life on Earth\u2014and their delicately balanced \necosystems\u2014are too numerous to adequately describe in anything less than a separate book. \nTherefore, I recommend getting to know the organic farmers at your local farmer\u2019s markets and making sure that they use \ncompost. (I prefer vegan fertilizers and compost that don\u2019t contain a nimal products or manure.) People find this difficult to hear, but I also believe that if you live where farmer\u2019s markets and organic ally grown tropical fruits are not available, you would do well to \nconsider relocating. Of course, growing your own food would be best of all, and I hig hly recommend doing so, whenever possible. \n \n2) We wash our produce. \nA hundred years ago, people tended to bathe once a week or less, on average, and they did not concern themselves with \nfastidiously washing the surfaces of their fruits and vegetables as they do these days. In part, this is another result of agrochemical \nfood production, as people have been misled to believe that pesticide residues ca n be adequately washed off by rinsing or scrubbing \nthe outsides of their produce. \nIn the past, when people ate lettuce, celery, carrots, and other vegetable s fresh from the ground, the soil left clinging to the \nvegetables often contained vitamin B 12. They also obtained the nutrient from the bacteria-laden dirt that acc umulates near the stems \nof apples, peaches, pears, and other core and stone fruits. But between the che micals we apply to the soils and our obsessive fear \nof germs and bacteria, we effectively eliminate this source of the n utrient, as well. \n \n3) We cannot absorb the B 12 we eat. \nMeat eaters easily consume enough B 12 because the bacteria that make it, live in the digestive tracts of li vestock, and it is distributed \nin the muscle meats of the animals they eat. As described earlier, v egans who eat organically grown plants from richly composted \nsoils, and who don\u2019t compulsively wash their produce, should also get ple nty of the nutrient. \nIn both of these cases, vitamin B 12 deficiency is usually only a problem if you lack a chemical calle d the \u201cintrinsic factor,\u201d \nwhich causes people to be unable to absorb B 12. How does this occur? It seems that intrinsic factor production is reduce d as \ndietary fat increases. This is by far the most common cause of B 12 deficiency. Doctors can easily test whether a person has a normal \nability to absorb B 12. For those who do not, no amount of the vitamin in the diet will help. Thus, all of u s, vegetarians and meat \neaters alike, are at risk of B 12 deficiency. \nA high-fat diet increases this risk substantially, for two reasons. F irst, the colonies of B 12 -producing bacteria in our intestines \nutilize carbohydrates for fuel. As the amount of fat in our diets goes up, t he amount of carbohydrate goes down, thus reducing the \nquantity of fuel available to the microbe. Less fuel results in a smal ler colony and an overall decrease in B 12 production. Second, the \nB12 uptake sites in our intestines become clogged when there is excess fa t in the diet, further reducing B 12 absorption. When \nreduced B 12 production is coupled with impaired absorption, the likelihood of B 12 deficiency becomes", "token_ids": [8051, 26390, 323, 348, 70763, 4893, 527, 539, 1579, 304, 13128, 323, 8834, 2262, 11, 720, 20670, 2103, 7293, 872, 10728, 2592, 13, 33006, 3923, 922, 28170, 426, 220, 717, 18072, 39782, 1475, 2890, 323, 26677, 6721, 304, 279, 1917, 10187, 279, 539, 28772, 430, 1274, 2011, 520, 3325, 22822, 872, 41943, 720, 4291, 264, 426, 220, 717, 220, 2592, 422, 814, 1541, 1431, 8343, 13339, 13, 2030, 279, 8206, 374, 11, 28170, 426, 220, 717, 220, 48294, 374, 539, 7347, 311, 13294, 30627, 323, 48438, 598, 26, 433, 374, 4279, 4315, 13339, 8343, 388, 439, 1664, 63938, 1606, 814, 1541, 1431, 8343, 3403, 426, 220, 717, 1174, 719, 1606, 814, 1541, 1431, 10489, 8356, 323, 35406, 433, 13, 220, 6914, 720, 2727, 10552, 1120, 264, 2766, 922, 1268, 420, 682, 4375, 13, 720, 2170, 358, 1518, 433, 11, 1403, 6156, 30249, 8336, 315, 5933, 28170, 426, 220, 717, 3073, 369, 12966, 11, 3060, 315, 902, 11, 1234, 10728, 4787, 11, 1288, 720, 1395, 14343, 311, 3493, 279, 426, 220, 717, 220, 311, 3449, 1057, 3966, 25, 720, 5451, 11, 28170, 426, 220, 717, 220, 374, 264, 12571, 2027, 315, 264, 24032, 430, 649, 387, 1766, 304, 323, 389, 279, 15657, 584, 8343, 320, 1073, 2225, 220, 10065, 323, 220, 6136, 720, 8781, 570, 720, 16041, 11, 426, 220, 717, 220, 374, 1101, 9124, 304, 279, 92234, 323, 279, 65104, 12252, 315, 9498, 12966, 13, 720, 2127, 10711, 719, 1633, 17821, 4948, 2592, 315, 426, 220, 717, 220, 1253, 387, 653, 383, 660, 68951, 11, 18823, 360, 2259, 11, 523, 385, 34142, 11, 323, 1023, 20566, 320, 1336, 72, 523, 527, 539, 720, 64805, 11, 555, 279, 1648, 11, 323, 8617, 539, 311, 387, 6646, 30249, 705, 323, 1101, 7257, 67329, 68, 6910, 220, 1093, 6463, 72, 11, 289, 587, 373, 11, 294, 17660, 11, 85564, 84, 11, 5099, 13, 10541, 720, 45010, 33155, 14132, 656, 6782, 1063, 3823, 32344, 426, 220, 717, 1174, 814, 1101, 6782, 5199, 15055, 315, 2536, 86656, 278, 8778, 24291, 82, 315, 720, 33, 717, 1174, 902, 3604, 40978, 449, 279, 44225, 315, 837, 426, 220, 717, 662, 578, 24291, 1376, 315, 426, 220, 717, 220, 25771, 389, 1296, 3135, 11, 9427, 16339, 2277, 439, 279, 720, 26380, 50123, 11, 719, 279, 2547, 4250, 1005, 433, 13, 2057, 24549, 279, 3575, 11, 24291, 426, 220, 717, 220, 1101, 76854, 279, 2547, 753, 426, 220, 717, 220, 69575, 6732, 477, 720, 2118, 265, 58650, 2476, 8617, 46301, 1057, 5845, 311, 29166, 837, 426, 220, 717, 662, 720, 3915, 264, 2890, 323, 24156, 47117, 13356, 11, 279, 3488, 315, 3508, 220, 279, 426, 220, 717, 304, 1521, 15657, 374, 279, 3169, 584, 1205, 477, 459, 720, 276, 32051, 320, 269, 1063, 315, 2225, 8, 9221, 40815, 13, 44840, 315, 279, 4320, 11, 358, 656, 539, 220, 7079, 279, 15652, 315, 9581, 2324, 1234, 904, 720, 44398, 372, 9623, 13, 66094, 527, 80492, 20566, 323, 439, 1778, 6033, 436, 60071, 59539, 323, 43226, 8670, 527, 30464, 311, 270, 384, 720, 67776, 562, 315, 11012, 505, 279, 4363, 13, 23815, 780, 11012, 323, 10099, 527, 539, 1057, 220, 5933, 15657, 11, 6463, 1587, 872, 43226, 27649, 2489, 720, 414, 3966, 13, 720, 2746, 499, 29395, 11, 1935, 6261, 311, 279, 54280, 579, 832, 1938, 323, 6667, 1063, 315, 701, 220, 1866, 7878, 68951, 477, 67329, 12320, 13, 358, 1781, 499, 690, 720, 3990, 1521, 1054, 96420, 2476, 439, 814, 5101, 653, 35122, 304, 7138, 11, 311, 387, 671, 20100, 1466, 259, 304, 12945, 13, 24702, 420, 13010, 311, 279, 49069, 54904, 430, 720, 9514, 3217, 994, 499, 1518, 11, 22843, 11, 323, 12945, 264, 14268, 57796, 6710, 315, 1448, 25290, 13061, 7878, 505, 279, 5021, 13, 4718, 89116, 2077, 311, 720, 45010, 1403, 26350, 1288, 3371, 499, 84035, 511, 750, 902, 315, 1521, 1537, 274, 374, 3691, 369, 12966, 13, 720, 4897, 1071, 11, 358, 471, 311, 279, 1176, 1403, 426, 220, 717, 8336, 9932, 3485, 13, 1442, 433, 374, 837, 430, 6136, 323, 220, 10065, 15657, 649, 6782, 426, 220, 717, 1174, 323, 720, 9210, 584, 1304, 433, 2949, 1057, 13162, 439, 1664, 11, 1243, 1268, 374, 433, 430, 584, 1505, 55576, 1332, 426, 220, 717, 48294, 304, 12966, 30, 1115, 374, 459, 9193, 6485, 720, 60065, 11, 719, 358, 690, 4358, 3116, 8125, 369, 420, 25885, 304, 264, 1633, 1675, 628, 1908, 11827, 13, 33006, 16, 8, 5751, 8356, 912, 5129, 5727, 28170, 426, 220, 717, 16853, 12834, 279, 7314, 315, 892, 11, 12966, 617, 19426, 1063, 315, 872, 126305, 304, 426, 220, 717, 220, 6089, 505, 26390, 323, 24822, 4696, 719, 814, 1550, 539, 720, 33134, 814, 1051, 3815, 779, 13, 1472, 1518, 11, 14248, 1550, 539, 7142, 28170, 426, 220, 717, 220, 3156, 279, 220, 6280, 15, 82, 11, 323, 555, 1243, 1057, 54453, 9124, 720, 21494, 15657, 1047, 7543, 922, 264, 13515, 76939, 315, 28170, 426, 220, 717, 1174, 264, 50123, 430, 1047, 25281, 81826, 398, 304, 6136, 15657, 2533, 892, 720, 318, 10759, 22676, 13, 720, 4438, 1550, 420, 2586, 922, 30, 8489, 11, 11012, 656, 539, 1304, 264, 2763, 315, 46192, 13, 26848, 11, 814, 274, 38971, 1124, 709, 505, 279, 17614, 1555, 872, 720, 38265, 13, 7648, 315, 1057, 46192, 527, 1903, 555, 24032, 304, 279, 17614, 13, 8876, 279, 1008, 1055, 259, 315, 6617, 30029, 304, 220, 6393, 17, 11, 994, 86520, 323, 1023, 720, 32056, 17032, 6137, 37098, 287, 65543, 11742, 584, 64, 281, 2439, 505, 4435, 5111, 8105, 1139, 1005, 439, 61257, 323, 36214, 12509, 11, 220, 5833, 720, 66911, 388, 617, 70185, 66740, 1534, 279, 24032, 704, 315, 1057, 69561, 662, 578, 13239, 4814, 315, 6136, 72286, 34625, 28170, 426, 220, 717, 374, 1120, 832, 315, 720, 1820, 73443, 16296, 315, 1054, 58234, 5496, 1555, 30903, 1174, 863, 220, 459, 20770, 430, 9731, 311, 23248, 349, 279, 8335, 315, 7138, 220, 304, 720, 2336, 584, 527, 1193, 7314, 311, 58389, 13, 720, 22818, 420, 13970, 13356, 11, 433, 374, 4228, 311, 3619, 3249, 10184, 81, 433, 4001, 12074, 8965, 13123, 912, 28170, 426, 220, 717, 220, 304, 6136, 720, 96420, 2533, 814, 1935, 872, 10688, 505, 4315, 8356, 15042, 304, 5710, 69561, 13, 86631, 2807, 11, 2942, 2740, 15042, 11012, 11951, 720, 93113, 55786, 304, 7701, 57823, 291, 69561, 9257, 449, 17808, 5030, 649, 6782, 11510, 315, 426, 220, 717, 220, 323, 264, 3552, 315, 1023, 37493, 539, 1766, 320, 269, 720, 15456, 304, 2875, 8312, 8, 304, 67965, 750, 15042, 8356, 13, 720, 24105, 292, 5030, 11, 4613, 439, 4205, 430, 938, 2641, 11, 374, 279, 3789, 315, 17808, 2267, 436, 5424, 323, 279, 4817, 430, 8640, 279, 4553, 3566, 315, 2324, 389, 720, 44924, 13, 435, 82590, 323, 24032, 8343, 279, 17808, 5030, 11, 323, 1243, 814, 1054, 79, 297, 454, 863, 4696, 304, 279, 1920, 29820, 6485, 33155, 311, 279, 17614, 11, 720, 16564, 28170, 426, 220, 717, 220, 323, 1023, 37493, 11, 304, 2848, 7713, 13, 50298, 15042, 304, 1778, 69561, 1935, 709, 279, 82, 384, 37493, 1555, 872, 20282, 13, 720, 4599, 584, 923, 26333, 311, 279, 17614, 11, 584, 7066, 539, 1193, 1054, 30223, 82, 863, 323, 279, 80980, 2024, 689, 430, 8356, 28170, 426, 220, 717, 1174, 719, 1101, 279, 4553, 720, 3368, 32803, 315, 17614, 2324, 320, 8370, 12302, 449, 17808, 3769, 11, 1243, 81540, 220, 323, 24032, 719, 1101, 5764, 296, 3695, 11, 1243, 88170, 296, 3695, 11, 720, 30323, 41060, 11, 323, 63000, 570, 7648, 29149, 17614, 304, 279, 3723, 4273, 220, 5727, 1193, 220, 16, 311, 220, 17, 4, 17808, 5030, 11, 264, 2237, 430, 81007, 433, 439, 720, 8385, 30450, 5710, 13, 578, 6725, 315, 33489, 449, 26333, 323, 539, 2160, 324, 46607, 904, 17808, 5030, 311, 279, 17614, 374, 1457, 810, 1109, 53474, 720, 42820, 2362, 13, 578, 3117, 87248, 33318, 3185, 6372, 315, 420, 61986, 259, 560, 389, 682, 7739, 315, 2324, 389, 9420, 17223, 872, 61353, 2718, 24770, 720, 762, 437, 95890, 83872, 2288, 12387, 311, 49672, 7664, 304, 4205, 2753, 220, 1109, 264, 8821, 2363, 13, 2355, 55915, 11, 358, 7079, 3794, 311, 1440, 279, 17808, 20957, 520, 701, 2254, 220, 37500, 753, 11987, 323, 3339, 2771, 430, 814, 1005, 720, 884, 2252, 13, 320, 40, 10932, 30249, 36214, 12509, 323, 57823, 430, 1541, 1431, 6782, 264, 308, 2931, 3956, 477, 893, 554, 6266, 9029, 1505, 420, 5107, 311, 6865, 11, 719, 358, 1101, 4510, 430, 422, 499, 3974, 1405, 37500, 753, 11987, 323, 17808, 31953, 15042, 35148, 26390, 527, 539, 2561, 11, 499, 1053, 656, 1664, 311, 720, 25742, 75395, 1113, 13, 5046, 3388, 11, 7982, 701, 1866, 3691, 1053, 387, 1888, 315, 682, 11, 323, 358, 305, 343, 305, 398, 7079, 3815, 779, 11, 15716, 3284, 13, 33006, 17, 8, 1226, 11623, 1057, 8356, 13, 720, 32, 7895, 1667, 4227, 11, 1274, 49890, 311, 16120, 383, 3131, 264, 2046, 477, 2753, 11, 389, 5578, 11, 323, 814, 220, 1550, 539, 4747, 5694, 449, 720, 9533, 307, 13610, 28786, 279, 27529, 315, 872, 26390, 323, 24822, 220, 439, 814, 656, 1521, 2919, 13, 763, 961, 11, 420, 374, 2500, 1121, 315, 945, 299, 32056, 720, 14239, 5788, 11, 439, 1274, 617, 1027, 99525, 311, 4510, 430, 84673, 71783, 2211, 308, 387, 49672, 38593, 1022, 555, 97139, 287, 477, 46001, 7278, 720, 1820, 23651, 3422, 315, 872, 8356, 13, 720, 644, 279, 3347, 11, 994, 1274, 30912, 71655, 11, 70121, 11, 62517, 11, 323, 1023, 36581, 274, 7878, 505, 279, 5015, 11, 279, 17614, 2163, 97458, 311, 279, 720, 83571, 4893, 3629, 13282, 28170, 426, 220, 717, 662, 2435, 1101, 12457, 279, 50123, 505, 279, 24032, 2922, 21825, 26351, 430, 1046, 4543, 24031, 3221, 279, 44814, 720, 1073, 41776, 11, 1069, 14576, 11, 281, 7596, 11, 323, 1023, 6332, 323, 9998, 26390, 13, 2030, 1990, 279, 3091, 296, 53703, 584, 3881, 311, 279, 69561, 323, 1057, 84132, 8850, 720, 1073, 17684, 1026, 323, 24032, 11, 584, 13750, 22472, 420, 2592, 315, 279, 308, 8791, 13283, 11, 439, 1664, 13, 33006, 18, 8, 1226, 4250, 35406, 279, 426, 220, 717, 220, 584, 8343, 13, 720, 7979, 266, 8343, 388, 6847, 25024, 3403, 426, 220, 717, 220, 1606, 279, 24032, 430, 1304, 433, 11, 3974, 304, 279, 60071, 490, 11613, 315, 908, 28705, 1197, 11, 323, 433, 374, 4332, 720, 258, 279, 16124, 63875, 315, 279, 10099, 814, 8343, 13, 1666, 7633, 6931, 11, 348, 8866, 598, 889, 8343, 2942, 2740, 15042, 11012, 505, 9257, 398, 57823, 291, 720, 708, 8839, 11, 323, 889, 1541, 1431, 48206, 3210, 11623, 872, 8356, 11, 1288, 1101, 636, 7245, 308, 1919, 315, 279, 50123, 13, 2355, 644, 2225, 315, 1521, 5157, 11, 28170, 426, 220, 717, 220, 48294, 374, 6118, 1193, 264, 3575, 422, 499, 6996, 264, 11742, 68935, 294, 279, 1054, 258, 46102, 8331, 2476, 720, 8370, 11384, 1274, 311, 387, 12153, 311, 35406, 426, 220, 717, 662, 2650, 1587, 420, 12446, 30, 1102, 5084, 430, 47701, 8331, 5788, 374, 8108, 294, 439, 720, 94942, 661, 8834, 12992, 13, 1115, 374, 555, 3117, 279, 1455, 4279, 5353, 315, 426, 220, 717, 220, 48294, 13, 54943, 649, 6847, 1296, 3508, 264, 1732, 706, 264, 4725, 720, 2968, 311, 35406, 426, 220, 717, 662, 1789, 1884, 889, 656, 539, 11, 912, 3392, 315, 279, 28170, 304, 279, 10173, 690, 1520, 13, 14636, 11, 682, 315, 577, 274, 11, 13294, 30627, 323, 13339, 720, 68, 11796, 27083, 11, 527, 520, 5326, 315, 426, 220, 717, 220, 48294, 13, 720, 32, 1579, 64354, 10173, 12992, 420, 5326, 32302, 11, 369, 1403, 8125, 13, 435, 220, 874, 11, 279, 49028, 315, 426, 220, 717, 482, 8723, 6253, 24032, 304, 1057, 39408, 1572, 720, 1338, 553, 62345, 369, 10633, 13, 1666, 279, 3392, 315, 8834, 304, 1057, 41943, 5900, 709, 11, 259, 568, 3392, 315, 67732, 5900, 1523, 11, 8617, 18189, 279, 720, 13832, 315, 10633, 2561, 311, 279, 8162, 1395, 13, 9865, 10633, 3135, 304, 264, 1554, 278, 76120, 42036, 323, 459, 8244, 18979, 304, 426, 220, 717, 220, 5788, 13, 10657, 11, 279, 720, 33, 717, 220, 69575, 6732, 304, 1057, 39408, 1572, 3719, 272, 25909, 994, 1070, 374, 13937, 2267, 259, 304, 279, 10173, 11, 4726, 18189, 426, 220, 717, 220, 44225, 13, 3277, 720, 265, 54478, 426, 220, 717, 220, 5788, 374, 34356, 449, 50160, 44225, 11, 279, 29736, 315, 426, 220, 717, 220, 48294, 9221], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " acemannan, also has a virus-\ufb01ghting effect against measles, in\ufb02uenza, and herpes simplex viruses.\u201d\nBirch \u2022 Dr. James A. Duke \u2013 \u201c. It contains two compounds, betulin and betulinic acid, that have \nantiviral activity.\u201d\n\u2022 Linda B. White, MD \u2013 \u201cThis bark contains antiviral compounds and salicylic acid.\u201d\nPokeweed \u2022 Donald R. Yance, Jr. \u2013 \u201cModern research has reported that pokeweed contains a potent \nviral inhibitor that is capable of reducing the infectivity of the tobacco mosaic virus. Since then, three proteinaceous substances have been puri\ufb01ed and shown to have \n \nantiviral activity.\u201d\nLapachol \n(in Pau D\u2019Arco tree bark) also antitumor, a quinone, \nanti-malaria\u2022 Joseph E. Pizzorno, N.D. - \u201cLapachol has been shown to have both antimicrobial and \nantiviral activity. Lapachol has proven to be active against certain viral strains, including \nherpes virus hominis types I and II.\u201d\nGlycyrrhizin (licorice) \u2022 Joseph E. Pizzorno, N.D. - \u201cGlycyrrhizin and glycyrrhetinic acid have been shown to \ninduce interferon.20 The induction of interferon leads to signi\ufb01cant antiviral activity, as \ninterferons bind to cell surfaces where they stimulate synthesis of intracellular proteins \nthat block the transcription of viral DNA.\u201d\nRed Raspberry Leaf \u2022 Ralph T. Golan, ND \u2013 \u201cRed raspberry leaf tea is a mild antiviral, a good long-term tonic.\u201d\nForsythia and \nHoneysuckle\u2022 Dr. James A. Duke \u2013 \u201cThese herbs are the traditional Chinese approach to colds, \ufb02u \nand other viruses. Reviewing the research, I\u2019m persuaded that they have real antiviral bene\ufb01ts\u201d \u201cHoneysuckle contains known virucides (virus-destroying compounds). It\u2019s a \nmajor antiviral and immune-stimulating herb in traditional Chinese medicine.\u201d\n\u2022 Joseph B. Marion \u2013 \u201cAnti -viral and antibacterial for skin eruptions.\u201d\nDragon\u2019s Blood \u2022 Dr. James A. Duke \u2013 \u201cSeveral compounds in it, among them dimethylcedrusine and \ntaspine, have antiviral and wound-healing properties that may be especially useful against \nthe viral sores caused by herpes.\u201d\nYellow Cedar \u2022 Dr. James A. Duke \u2013 \u201cIt contains antiviral compounds, some of which are also found in \nmayapple.\u201d\nAjwain Seed \u2022 Ralph T. Golan, ND \u2013 \u201cThe seeds are immune building and antiviral.\u201d\nCinchona Bark \u2022 Ralph T. Golan, ND \u2013 \u201cThis antiviral herb is especially potent against colds and \ufb02u. It\u2019s \nalso useful after you have full-blown symptoms (discussed coming up), especially in \nsynergy with willow bark for pain.\u201d\nCubeb Berry \u2022 Ralph T. Golan, ND \u2013 \u201cCubeb has many bene\ufb01ts as a cold and \ufb02u treatment. It\u2019s generally \nantiviral (immune supportive), has a particular af\ufb01nity for respiratory tissues (both sinus and lung; it\u2019s an exceptional long-term lung-tissue builder), and is an adrenal builder.\u201d\nBeat the Bird Flu Virus\n20Cinchona Bark \u2022 Ralph T. Golan, ND \u2013 \u201cIn addition to its antiviral activity, cinchona bark is a muscle \nrelaxant\u2014good for muscular pain and spasm. It\u2019s also relaxing and sedating, which can help \nyou get more rest when you\u2019re sick.\u201d\nBoneset Leaf \u2022 Ralph T. Golan, ND \u2013 \u201cIt\u2019s a cooling upper-respiratory remedy, eases aches and pains, \nlowers fever, and is antiviral, so it\u2019s ideal for cold and \ufb02u.\u201d\nIsatidis Root \u2022 Ralph T. Golan, ND \u2013 \u201cThis Chinese antiviral is an excellent choice for viral hepatitis \nbecause it is antiviral and reduces liver in\ufb02ammation.\u201d\nPi\ufb01on Blanco \u2022 Linda B. White, MD \u2013 \u201cThis Peruvian shrub has antiviral properties.\u201d\nOregano \u2022 Phyllis A. Balch, CNC & James F. Balch, MD - \u201cWild oregano oil contains antibacterial, \nantifungal, antiparasitic, and antiviral agents.\u201d\nSweet Sumach \u2022 Medical Economics - \u201cSweet Sumach has an effect on the smooth muscles, causing \nchanges in muscle tone and increased frequency of contraction. The plant also has antimicrobial and antiviral effects.\u201d\nRicini Semen \n(castor seed extract)\u2022 Medical Economics - \u201cThe anti -viral effect of Ricini semen has been proven in experiments.\u201d\nMomordica Charantia \n(bitter melon)\u2022 Joseph E. Pizzorno, ND \u2013 \u201cAntiviral plant protein inactivates viral DNA.\u201d\nDandelion \u2022 Rebecca Wood \u2013 \u201cIt stimulates liver function, reduces swelling and in\ufb02ammation, and \nimproves digestion. Dandelion is antiviral and useful in the treatment of AIDS and herpes.\u201d\nUno de Gato \n(Cat\u2019s Claw)\u2022 Donald R. Yance, Jr. \u2013 \u201cIt grows as a woody vine in the highlands of the Peruvian Amazon \nand has many potent health bene\ufb01ts, including its overall boosting effect to the immune \nsystem. It is antimicrobial, antiviral, antihy-pertensive, and a digestive aid.\u201d\n\u2022 Mary Dan Eades - \u201cThere are six alkaloids prevalent in cat\u2019s claw bark. These are what \ngive this herb its incredible healing power. These alkaloids are antiviral, anti-in\ufb02ammatory, \nimmuno-stimulating, and antioxidant.\u201d\nThuja (yellow cedar) \u2022 Donald R. Yance, Jr. \u2013 \u201cThuja also possesses antiviral and immune-modulating abilities \nthat may allow for greater tolerance of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.\u201d\nSundew \u2022 Donald R. Yance, Jr. \u2013 \u201c It repairs genetic malfunction, is cytotoxic, is antiviral, lowers \ncholesterol, and enhances the action of antibiotics.\u201d\nBloodroot \u2022 Donald R. Yance, Jr. \u2013 \u201cBloodroot possesses antitumor, antiviral, and antimicrobial actions.\u201d\nCurcumin \u2022 LEF.org \u2013 \u201cCurcumin is a potent antioxidant extract from the spice turmeric that has a \nwide range of health bene\ufb01ts with speci\ufb01c antiviral effects.\u201d\nJuniper \u2022 Dr. James A. Duke \u2013 \u201cEven among herbalists, it\u2019s not widely known that juniper contains \na potent antiviral compound (deoxy-podophyllotoxin). Juniper extracts appear to inhibit a number of different viruses, including those that cause \ufb02u and herpes.\u201d\nCotton Root \u2022 Donald R. Yance, Jr. \u2013 \u201cCotton root contains a number of constituents, including the \npolyphenol gossypol, which has been shown to possess antiviral, anticancer, and \nantibacterial activity.\u201d\nViolet \u2022 Donald R. Yance Jr - \u201cViola contains antineoplastic and antiviral activity.\u201d\nBeat the Bird Flu Virus\n21Anise \u2022 Dr. James A. Duke \u2013 \u201cIn large doses, it also has some antiviral bene\ufb01ts.\u201d\nMullein \u2022 Linda B. White, MD - \u201cThe \ufb02owers of this common weed are antiviral, healing, and \nsoothing. They make a good addition to an herbal eyewash blend.\u201d\nCarrageenans \u2022 Sheldon Saul Hendle and Davis Rorvik - \u201cCarrageenans have been reported to lower \ncholesterol levels in animals and also to have anti -viral activity against some membrane-\ncontaining viruses in culture.\u201d\nEphedra \u2022 Thomas Bartram \u2013 \u201cThe essential oil has antibacterial and antiviral properties.\u201d\nChamomile \u2022 Mark Stengler - \u201cChamomile also enhances antiviral and antibacterial activity, promoting \nthe proliferation of substances that help \ufb01ght off infection.\u201d\nGermanium \u2022 Sheldon Saul Hendler, MD, PhD \u2013 \u201cThough not \u201cthe most important healing substance \non the planet,\u201d as someone recently claimed, germanium may have some immune-\nstimulating, anti-cancer and antiviral properties.\u201d\nBarberry \u2022 Gary Null - \u201cLike goldenseal and yellow dock, barberry bark is yellow because it contains \nberberine, an antibacterial and antiviral alkyloid.\nMarigold \u2022 Gary Null \u2013 \u201cThe marigold \ufb02owerhead is antibacterial, antivira, and antiseptic. It also \nenhances the function of the lymphatic system, which in turn aids both the acquired and \n\ufb01xed immune system.\u201d\nPau d\u2019arco \u2022 Gary Null \u2013 \u201c..has attracted a lot of attention with evidence of its strong antiviral, antitumor, \nantifungal, and antibacterial action since it was introduced in the U.S. in 1980.\u201d\nBlack Elder \u2022 Joseph B. Marion - \u201cRemoves mucous and bile (\ufb01rst shoots, young leaves, and stalks \nboiled like Asparagus), antiviral for infections, in\ufb02ammations, strep infection fever chills with red skin, soreness, swellings, stiff joints (with Chamomile in poultice), for longevity; \ngood for complexion, spots, freckles, skin softening (int/ext.), warts, and burns; counters breast", "token_ids": [1645, 80998, 276, 11, 1101, 706, 264, 17188, 12, 171, 71831, 2121, 287, 2515, 2403, 80337, 11, 304, 171, 120912, 10529, 4458, 11, 323, 70085, 92751, 42068, 49216, 105812, 331, 7436, 2999, 13, 7957, 362, 13, 27453, 1389, 1054, 13, 1102, 5727, 1403, 32246, 11, 1297, 24292, 323, 1297, 24292, 292, 13935, 11, 430, 617, 720, 519, 344, 37478, 5820, 49216, 6806, 39162, 426, 13, 5929, 11, 14306, 1389, 1054, 2028, 54842, 5727, 3276, 344, 37478, 32246, 323, 4371, 2912, 416, 13935, 49216, 93276, 365, 12320, 7436, 9641, 432, 13, 816, 685, 11, 16014, 13, 1389, 220, 1054, 49552, 3495, 706, 5068, 430, 45295, 365, 12320, 5727, 264, 36875, 720, 85, 37478, 70785, 430, 374, 13171, 315, 18189, 279, 34527, 1968, 315, 279, 27531, 71624, 17188, 13, 8876, 1243, 11, 2380, 13128, 77140, 33155, 617, 1027, 4087, 72, 171, 71831, 291, 323, 6982, 311, 617, 33006, 519, 344, 37478, 5820, 49216, 43, 391, 613, 337, 2355, 6024, 393, 2933, 423, 529, 7098, 1030, 5021, 54842, 8, 1101, 3276, 275, 69361, 11, 264, 934, 258, 606, 11, 720, 15719, 1474, 58016, 6806, 15466, 469, 13, 393, 8934, 11368, 11, 452, 920, 13, 482, 1054, 43, 391, 613, 337, 706, 1027, 6982, 311, 617, 2225, 79312, 83059, 323, 720, 519, 344, 37478, 5820, 13, 50155, 613, 337, 706, 17033, 311, 387, 4642, 2403, 3738, 29962, 42400, 11, 2737, 720, 1964, 20975, 17188, 5105, 85703, 4595, 358, 323, 8105, 49216, 38, 398, 11377, 637, 71, 78071, 220, 320, 416, 269, 560, 8, 7436, 15466, 469, 13, 393, 8934, 11368, 11, 452, 920, 13, 482, 1054, 38, 398, 11377, 637, 71, 78071, 323, 37807, 11377, 637, 14122, 93435, 13935, 617, 1027, 6982, 311, 720, 485, 10743, 41305, 263, 13, 508, 578, 38156, 315, 41305, 263, 11767, 311, 1879, 72, 171, 71831, 66363, 3276, 344, 37478, 220, 5820, 11, 439, 720, 2295, 809, 2439, 10950, 311, 2849, 27529, 1405, 814, 51077, 39975, 315, 10805, 65441, 28896, 720, 9210, 2565, 279, 46940, 315, 29962, 15922, 49216, 6161, 48665, 27967, 7436, 40904, 350, 13, 480, 38872, 11, 39544, 1389, 1054, 6161, 94802, 16312, 15600, 374, 264, 23900, 3276, 344, 37478, 11, 264, 1695, 1317, 9860, 99305, 49216, 37, 1105, 77996, 689, 323, 720, 39, 606, 1065, 57075, 6806, 2999, 13, 7957, 362, 13, 27453, 1389, 1054, 9673, 42393, 527, 279, 8776, 8620, 5603, 311, 9439, 82, 11, 33595, 120912, 84, 720, 438, 1023, 42068, 13, 10506, 287, 279, 3495, 11, 358, 4344, 65101, 430, 814, 617, 1972, 3276, 344, 37478, 20331, 171, 71831, 2641, 863, 1054, 39, 606, 1065, 57075, 5727, 3967, 9043, 1791, 3422, 320, 85, 17402, 12, 15886, 287, 32246, 570, 1102, 753, 264, 720, 37605, 3276, 344, 37478, 323, 22852, 5594, 318, 15853, 39999, 304, 8776, 8620, 16088, 49216, 6806, 15466, 426, 13, 56679, 1389, 1054, 33749, 482, 85, 37478, 323, 21196, 71034, 369, 6930, 61354, 1324, 49216, 58922, 753, 20671, 7436, 2999, 13, 7957, 362, 13, 27453, 1389, 1054, 35862, 32246, 304, 433, 11, 4315, 1124, 5213, 42972, 2041, 20962, 483, 323, 720, 83, 13671, 483, 11, 617, 3276, 344, 37478, 323, 27653, 38435, 6260, 6012, 430, 1253, 387, 5423, 5505, 2403, 720, 1820, 29962, 779, 417, 9057, 555, 70085, 49216, 48799, 57748, 7436, 2999, 13, 7957, 362, 13, 27453, 1389, 1054, 2181, 5727, 3276, 344, 37478, 32246, 11, 1063, 315, 902, 527, 1101, 1766, 304, 720, 18864, 23182, 49216, 62173, 86, 467, 36922, 7436, 40904, 350, 13, 480, 38872, 11, 39544, 1389, 1054, 791, 19595, 527, 22852, 4857, 323, 3276, 344, 37478, 49216, 34, 37850, 6863, 60629, 7436, 40904, 350, 13, 480, 38872, 11, 39544, 1389, 1054, 2028, 3276, 344, 37478, 39999, 374, 5423, 36875, 2403, 9439, 82, 323, 33595, 120912, 84, 13, 1102, 753, 720, 19171, 5505, 1306, 499, 617, 2539, 16677, 785, 13803, 320, 17242, 59942, 5108, 709, 705, 5423, 304, 720, 23707, 10202, 449, 690, 363, 54842, 369, 6784, 49216, 34, 392, 3141, 44685, 7436, 40904, 350, 13, 480, 38872, 11, 39544, 1389, 1054, 34, 392, 3141, 706, 1690, 20331, 171, 71831, 2641, 439, 264, 9439, 323, 33595, 120912, 84, 6514, 13, 1102, 753, 8965, 720, 519, 344, 37478, 320, 70155, 33445, 705, 706, 264, 4040, 8136, 171, 71831, 77, 488, 369, 42631, 39881, 320, 21704, 76914, 323, 21271, 26, 433, 753, 459, 25363, 1317, 9860, 21271, 2442, 11407, 7514, 705, 323, 374, 459, 60564, 7514, 49216, 44758, 279, 24214, 61626, 65092, 198, 508, 34, 37850, 6863, 60629, 7436, 40904, 350, 13, 480, 38872, 11, 39544, 1389, 1054, 644, 5369, 311, 1202, 3276, 344, 37478, 5820, 11, 8628, 331, 6863, 54842, 374, 264, 16124, 720, 3833, 710, 519, 2345, 19045, 369, 52192, 6784, 323, 993, 10753, 13, 1102, 753, 1101, 34948, 323, 11163, 1113, 11, 902, 649, 1520, 720, 9514, 636, 810, 2800, 994, 499, 3207, 14363, 49216, 33, 3233, 295, 27967, 7436, 40904, 350, 13, 480, 38872, 11, 39544, 1389, 1054, 2181, 753, 264, 28015, 8582, 11849, 5682, 5382, 40239, 11, 384, 2315, 264, 8696, 323, 51266, 11, 720, 10516, 388, 34653, 11, 323, 374, 3276, 344, 37478, 11, 779, 433, 753, 10728, 369, 9439, 323, 33595, 120912, 84, 49216, 3957, 266, 85342, 19385, 7436, 40904, 350, 13, 480, 38872, 11, 39544, 1389, 1054, 2028, 8620, 3276, 344, 37478, 374, 459, 9250, 5873, 369, 29962, 73975, 720, 28753, 433, 374, 3276, 344, 37478, 323, 26338, 26587, 304, 171, 120912, 8836, 367, 49216, 35867, 171, 71831, 263, 99923, 7436, 39162, 426, 13, 5929, 11, 14306, 1389, 1054, 2028, 3700, 99712, 14362, 392, 706, 3276, 344, 37478, 6012, 49216, 46, 1610, 5770, 7436, 2405, 25734, 285, 362, 13, 19984, 331, 11, 60797, 612, 7957, 435, 13, 19984, 331, 11, 14306, 482, 1054, 41703, 297, 1610, 5770, 5707, 5727, 21196, 71034, 11, 720, 519, 333, 58267, 11, 3276, 575, 73942, 49086, 11, 323, 3276, 344, 37478, 13307, 49216, 59522, 8279, 613, 7436, 13235, 35300, 482, 1054, 59522, 8279, 613, 706, 459, 2515, 389, 279, 11113, 24569, 11, 14718, 720, 19926, 304, 16124, 16630, 323, 7319, 11900, 315, 71895, 13, 578, 6136, 1101, 706, 79312, 83059, 323, 3276, 344, 37478, 6372, 49216, 49, 292, 6729, 14582, 268, 2355, 1361, 561, 269, 10533, 8819, 8, 6806, 13235, 35300, 482, 1054, 791, 7294, 482, 85, 37478, 2515, 315, 33652, 6729, 75757, 706, 1027, 17033, 304, 21896, 49216, 59883, 541, 3074, 4969, 519, 689, 720, 1921, 3328, 10804, 263, 8, 6806, 15466, 469, 13, 393, 8934, 11368, 11, 39544, 1389, 1054, 17555, 344, 37478, 6136, 13128, 304, 9035, 988, 29962, 15922, 49216, 35, 38221, 290, 7436, 45557, 12404, 1389, 1054, 2181, 95455, 26587, 734, 11, 26338, 55307, 323, 304, 171, 120912, 8836, 367, 11, 323, 720, 318, 782, 2396, 74502, 13, 423, 38221, 290, 374, 3276, 344, 37478, 323, 5505, 304, 279, 6514, 315, 46060, 323, 70085, 49216, 48037, 409, 480, 4428, 2355, 3100, 266, 753, 88110, 8, 6806, 9641, 432, 13, 816, 685, 11, 16014, 13, 1389, 1054, 2181, 28815, 439, 264, 24670, 1094, 30050, 304, 279, 1579, 8329, 315, 279, 3700, 99712, 8339, 720, 438, 706, 1690, 36875, 2890, 20331, 171, 71831, 2641, 11, 2737, 1202, 8244, 56028, 2515, 311, 279, 22852, 720, 9125, 13, 1102, 374, 79312, 83059, 11, 3276, 344, 37478, 11, 3276, 7141, 88, 2320, 531, 4114, 11, 323, 264, 60071, 12576, 49216, 6806, 10455, 11824, 469, 3536, 482, 1054, 3947, 527, 4848, 66787, 17390, 46941, 304, 8415, 753, 57590, 54842, 13, 4314, 527, 1148, 720, 47530, 420, 39999, 1202, 15400, 21730, 2410, 13, 4314, 66787, 17390, 527, 3276, 344, 37478, 11, 7294, 3502, 171, 120912, 8836, 5382, 11, 720, 12828, 16711, 5594, 318, 15853, 11, 323, 70339, 49216, 51022, 5697, 320, 28969, 76396, 8, 7436, 9641, 432, 13, 816, 685, 11, 16014, 13, 1389, 1054, 51022, 5697, 1101, 50326, 3276, 344, 37478, 323, 22852, 17515, 15853, 18000, 720, 9210, 1253, 2187, 369, 7191, 25065, 315, 62730, 323, 25407, 15419, 662, 89874, 50, 1263, 365, 7436, 9641, 432, 13, 816, 685, 11, 16014, 13, 1389, 220, 1054, 1102, 31286, 19465, 72287, 11, 374, 79909, 91676, 11, 374, 3276, 344, 37478, 1174, 73115, 720, 971, 273, 33282, 11, 323, 57924, 279, 1957, 315, 46850, 49216, 52586, 2959, 7436, 9641, 432, 13, 816, 685, 11, 16014, 13, 1389, 220, 1054, 52586, 2959, 50326, 3276, 275, 69361, 11, 3276, 344, 37478, 1174, 323, 79312, 83059, 6299, 49216, 17119, 66, 10318, 7436, 11396, 37, 2726, 1389, 1054, 17119, 66, 10318, 374, 264, 36875, 70339, 8819, 505, 279, 42786, 13535, 2165, 430, 706, 264, 720, 9328, 2134, 315, 2890, 20331, 171, 71831, 2641, 449, 118020, 171, 71831, 66, 3276, 344, 37478, 6372, 49216, 36690, 13154, 7436, 2999, 13, 7957, 362, 13, 27453, 1389, 1054, 13461, 4315, 51487, 1705, 11, 433, 753, 539, 13882, 3967, 430, 18169, 13154, 5727, 720, 64, 36875, 3276, 344, 37478, 24549, 320, 451, 61263, 2320, 347, 5237, 25734, 2117, 59866, 570, 12044, 13154, 49062, 5101, 311, 69033, 264, 1396, 315, 2204, 42068, 11, 2737, 1884, 430, 5353, 33595, 120912, 84, 323, 70085, 49216, 34, 17307, 19385, 7436, 9641, 432, 13, 816, 685, 11, 16014, 13, 1389, 220, 1054, 34, 17307, 3789, 5727, 264, 1396, 315, 51720, 11, 2737, 279, 720, 34535, 15112, 337, 342, 3746, 1100, 337, 11, 902, 706, 1027, 6982, 311, 15575, 3276, 344, 37478, 1174, 88143, 11967, 1174, 323, 720, 519, 581, 71034, 5820, 49216, 53, 32012, 7436, 9641, 432, 13, 816, 685, 16014, 482, 1054, 36644, 8083, 5727, 3276, 483, 454, 52279, 323, 3276, 344, 37478, 5820, 49216, 44758, 279, 24214, 61626, 65092, 198, 1691, 2127, 1082, 7436, 2999, 13, 7957, 362, 13, 27453, 1389, 1054, 644, 3544, 35130, 11, 433, 1101, 706, 1063, 3276, 344, 37478, 20331, 171, 71831, 2641, 49216, 44, 41154, 258, 7436, 39162, 426, 13, 5929, 11, 14306, 482, 1054, 791, 33595, 120912, 16345, 315, 420, 4279, 40475, 527, 3276, 344, 37478, 11, 21730, 11, 323, 720, 708, 78, 1626, 13, 2435, 1304, 264, 1695, 5369, 311, 459, 51487, 3999, 365, 1003, 20955, 49216, 34, 1138, 425, 268, 598, 7436, 78710, 68624, 30594, 273, 323, 17200, 432, 269, 44181, 482, 1054, 34, 1138, 425, 268, 598, 617, 1027, 5068, 311, 4827, 720, 971, 273, 33282, 5990, 304, 10099, 323, 1101, 311, 617, 7294, 482, 85, 37478, 220, 5820, 2403, 1063, 39654, 7058, 778, 2101, 42068, 304, 7829, 49216, 36, 764, 291, 969, 7436, 11355, 4821, 99040, 1389, 1054, 791, 7718, 5707, 706, 21196, 71034, 323, 3276, 344, 37478, 6012, 49216, 1163, 309, 316, 458, 7436, 4488, 800, 833, 1565, 482, 1054, 1163, 309, 316, 458, 1101, 57924, 3276, 344, 37478, 323, 21196, 71034, 5820, 11, 22923, 720, 1820, 53840, 315, 33155, 430, 1520, 33595, 71831, 2121, 1022, 19405, 49216, 33179, 2411, 7436, 78710, 68624, 30594, 1565, 11, 14306, 11, 30661, 1389, 1054, 27831, 539, 1054, 1820, 1455, 3062, 21730, 20278, 720, 263, 279, 11841, 2476, 439, 4423, 6051, 11922, 11, 43627, 2411, 1253, 617, 1063, 22852, 7058, 54754, 15853, 11, 7294, 1824, 11967, 323, 3276, 344, 37478, 6012, 49216, 3511, 15717, 7436, 24765, 18576, 482, 1054, 13246, 6761, 1137, 278, 323, 14071, 28649, 11, 3703, 15717, 54842, 374, 14071, 1606, 433, 5727, 720, 655, 655, 483, 11, 459, 21196, 71034, 323, 3276, 344, 37478, 453, 8050, 52196, 627, 12331, 343, 820, 7436, 24765, 18576, 1389, 1054, 791, 3678, 343, 820, 33595, 120912, 1223, 2025, 374, 21196, 71034, 11, 3276, 344, 9008, 1174, 323, 3276, 1082, 27330, 13, 1102, 1101, 720, 40967, 3095, 279, 734, 315, 279, 43745, 780, 1887, 11, 902, 304, 2543, 52797, 2225, 279, 19426, 323, 720, 171, 71831, 52419, 22852, 1887, 49216, 47, 2933, 294, 529, 277, 1030, 7436, 24765, 18576, 1389, 1054, 497, 4752, 29123, 264, 2763, 315, 6666, 449, 6029, 315, 1202, 3831, 3276, 344, 37478, 11, 3276, 275, 69361, 11, 720, 519, 333, 58267, 11, 323, 21196, 71034, 1957, 2533, 433, 574, 11784, 304, 279, 549, 815, 13, 304, 220, 3753, 15, 49216, 14755, 39669, 7436, 15466, 426, 13, 56679, 482, 1054, 6728, 10296, 65104, 788, 323, 73394, 320, 171, 71831, 59125, 44727, 11, 3995, 11141, 11, 323, 55972, 82, 720, 754, 2230, 1093, 1666, 94789, 705, 3276, 344, 37478, 369, 30020, 11, 304, 171, 120912, 8836, 811, 11, 5527, 79, 19405, 34653, 523, 3385, 449, 2579, 6930, 11, 36366, 2136, 11, 78353, 826, 11, 31161, 35358, 320, 4291, 42883, 316, 458, 304, 17258, 4937, 560, 705, 369, 58219, 26, 720, 19045, 369, 91679, 11, 19300, 11, 3541, 377, 645, 11, 6930, 8579, 6147, 320, 396, 82243, 25390, 289, 7183, 11, 323, 44154, 26, 32632, 17659], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " that he does. He has given everything he has to God and says that no one can steal anything from him because he has nothing. If \nthey take something that God has loaned him to use they have taken it from God. \nOn one occasion someone questioned him about riding in a Cadil-\nlac with a chauffeur. He said, \"That's not my Cadillac.\" \n\"Whose is it?\" he was asked. \"How come you are riding in some-\nbody else's car?\" \nHe said, \"It belongs to the Lord. The Lord just lets me use it, and \nHe also furnished me with a chauffeur.\" \nHe frankly says that his Father is so good to him He gives him all \nof his needs, and supplies all of hi s wants. He has gotten to the place \nnow where he is afraid to ask God for anything because he believes that God will give it to him. He relates God is now often giving him things that he did not ask for, did not want, but yet the Lord said to him, \"I want you to be the steward of this for me,\" to which Reams re-160 plied, \"Yes, Lord. Show me how. Send me your people and give me \nthe victory and I will give You the glory.\" \nMr. Reams fought for his country on foreign shores in World War \nII in the South Pacific. He was a Battalion Commander and Major and \nwas made so on the battlefront, and before it could be confirmed through channels he was in a truck that was blown up. Completely blinded in one eye, he had his helmet shot off of his head from the in-side and a bullet went around the side of his head, shaving off the hair just above his ear. Also a bullet went through his arm. The scar is still there today, it has never healed. \nIn regard to his instantaneous healing received at the Kathryn \nKuhlman meeting he reports, \"Jesus made the biological laws of phys-ics, the laws of health, and He can change them any time He wants to for His glory and He can do it instantaneously, but God has only given me the gift of teaching people how to cleanse the temple. \" \nHe learned how to handle men and designate authority. He says he \nis not a business manager but an executive. He makes a distinction be-tween the two. God, he says, \"is not a businessman either, because there is no other God for him to do business with. Consequently, He's in the miracle business and He has made us soldiers of the battlefront to do battle for Him. If we are not doing battle for Him, for the Father and the Son, then we may be on the supply line supplying things nec-essary for those who are on the battlefront. God did not call everyone to become soldiers, but he called upon all men to take up their cross \nand follow Him.\" This Reams has done. \nCarey Reams is not only a chemist, mathematician but is also a \nbiophysicist. He deals with chemicals with the expert ease that is as \nskilled as a skilled mechanic uses tools. He can read equations and pronounce long chemical words as easily as a first grade teacher can read first-grade books. \nReams loves children very, very much, as well as adults and sen-\nior citizens. Children do not quickly take to him. They seem to be afraid of him because of the word \"doctor,\" but very quickly he puts the child at ease and they become great friends. 161 He is also a farmer and agricultural engineer. He has owned an ag-\nricultural engineering firm, doing the impossible in agriculture all over \nthe free world. Reams retired in 1968 and had intentions of going into research. He maintained the laboratories, the mineral and research di-vision, and gave the business to the other engineers. His aim when he was a young man was to be a medical doctor, but the great Depression came and he was not able to get into medical college. He then decided to study foods and food chemistry to help prevent people from becom-ing ill. He was surprised that most farmers did not care whether or not their foods made people sick or kept them well. Their remark was, \"I do not grow foods to eat. I grow them to sell. \" \nCarey Reams is a very good musician. He does not sing, but he \nplays a number of instruments, including the bassoon, trombone, ac-cordian, baritone, alto horn, french horn, piano and organ. He is not a classical player, but does play well enough to get through a service. \nHe does not have time enough to stay in practice on any of these in-struments, but is a lover of music. \nHe is a lover of the great outdoors, and a fisherman. Plus being a \ncamera enthusiast. He loves to take pictures of landscapes and flow-ers, and has many albums of pictures taken in various parts of the world. \nHe has owned citrus groves and been highly successful as a \nfarmer. He knows food processing and makes the statement that much of our prepared foods today (canned and frozen) are 40 years behind of what science has developed for the preparation of higher nutritional foods. In order to prepare a higher nutritional food it must begin be-fore the seeds are planted, or before the trees come into blossom. \nReams is an excellent cook, and does not mind washing the dish-\nes. If he is ever a visitor in your home, you will find that he makes his own bed, cleans the tub, keeps his room tidy, and you hardly know he's there. He realizes the heavy load the new mother has and does all in his power to lighten that load. He is more like a member of the fam-ily from the first day, and it seems you have known him forever. He does not seem a stranger, and he does not \"put on the dog.\" 162 He is a very fine public speaker. On one occasion he was asked to \nspeak in a university in which half of the students didn't want him to \nspeak, and began to boo. As he stood to speak he waited a number of minutes for the booing to die down and It didn't. Very loudly he said, \"Would you like for me to tell you about the time I was caught in bed with another man's wife?\" A few in the front rows quieted down. After a second and third repeat of the same question most of the students were sitting on the edge of their seats. Then he said, \"An honest con-fession is good for the soul.\" \nHe left them in suspense for a bit then said, \"You know what that \nman said to me?\" The audience could hardly wait to hear what the man said to him. \"I was five years old and my father said, 'Son, go get in your own bed. Your father is tired from a hard day's work and wishes to go to bed.' \" It is remark able the wisdom that God has given \nthis man. \nCarey is a man of great patience but says the best of saints have \nvery sharp horns because they don't use them very often. \nHorns mean power; power with God and power with man. C. Reams is a pilot of small airc raft. He became a pilot in 1936 \nand has continued flying until recently when his eyesight is not suffi-cient to either drive a car or to fly a plane without someone with him. He says that when he is flying he is \"chicken.\" \nHe believes in obeying every rule of aerodynamics and that God \nmeant what He said when He said, \"Tempt not the Lord thy God\" (es-pecially when you are in the air flying light aircraft!). \nRecently while teaching a class on the Reams Biological Theory \nof Ionization he received word that his mother had died. \nNo one in the class had even suspicioned the message he had re-\nceived, but by the next morning the word was out that his mother had passed away the previous afternoon. Before the class began sympathy was expressed to him. He did not attend the funeral but continued his \nFather's business and said, \"Let the dead bury the dead.\" He 'knew his brothers and sisters could take care of it without his being there. He had taken care of his mother for the last few years of her life. After eu-163 logy was expressed in the class he said, \"If it were not for Jesus today \nI would be an orphan.\u201d \nHe never shed a tear. The class shed the tears for him. A few days later he received the bill from the funeral home. With \nthe check he sent a note: \"Thank you for delivering my mother to the angels, to be taken to the throne of my Saviour.\" \nHe does not perform his religion, he wears it. He thinks it. He breathes it. He talks it. You will not be around him very long \nbefore he will be telling you something about the greatness of God. \nOften when he lectures, Reams will say to the audience, \"There is \none book on health I highly recommend, please get out your pencil and paper and write the name of th is book because I don't want you to \nforget it.\" He waits for them to get their pencil and paper then says, \"This is one book that I have never found to be wrong, and it's abso-lutely accurate. It will work every time, if you will follow the instruc-tions.\" By this time the audience can hardly wait for the name of the \nbook. Then he says, \"The name of the book is the Bible.\" \nThis man is impartial to race, religion, creed and sex. He treats all \nal", "token_ids": [430, 568, 1587, 13, 1283, 706, 2728, 4395, 568, 706, 311, 4359, 323, 2795, 430, 912, 832, 649, 27669, 4205, 505, 1461, 1606, 568, 706, 4400, 13, 1442, 720, 20670, 1935, 2555, 430, 4359, 706, 11941, 291, 1461, 311, 1005, 814, 617, 4529, 433, 505, 4359, 13, 720, 1966, 832, 13402, 4423, 29440, 1461, 922, 20427, 304, 264, 33160, 321, 7058, 93529, 449, 264, 74817, 12844, 13, 1283, 1071, 11, 330, 4897, 596, 539, 856, 78595, 1210, 720, 1, 1671, 974, 374, 433, 7673, 568, 574, 4691, 13, 330, 4438, 2586, 499, 527, 20427, 304, 1063, 7058, 2664, 775, 596, 1841, 7673, 720, 1548, 1071, 11, 330, 2181, 17623, 311, 279, 10425, 13, 578, 10425, 1120, 15714, 757, 1005, 433, 11, 323, 720, 1548, 1101, 24330, 757, 449, 264, 74817, 12844, 1210, 720, 1548, 42762, 2795, 430, 813, 20941, 374, 779, 1695, 311, 1461, 1283, 6835, 1461, 682, 720, 1073, 813, 3966, 11, 323, 17135, 682, 315, 15960, 274, 6944, 13, 1283, 706, 17454, 311, 279, 2035, 720, 3409, 1405, 568, 374, 16984, 311, 2610, 4359, 369, 4205, 1606, 568, 13919, 430, 4359, 690, 3041, 433, 311, 1461, 13, 1283, 36716, 4359, 374, 1457, 3629, 7231, 1461, 2574, 430, 568, 1550, 539, 2610, 369, 11, 1550, 539, 1390, 11, 719, 3686, 279, 10425, 1071, 311, 1461, 11, 330, 40, 1390, 499, 311, 387, 279, 69606, 315, 420, 369, 757, 1359, 311, 902, 1050, 4214, 312, 12, 6330, 628, 1142, 11, 330, 9642, 11, 10425, 13, 7073, 757, 1268, 13, 11244, 757, 701, 1274, 323, 3041, 757, 720, 1820, 12845, 323, 358, 690, 3041, 1472, 279, 27025, 1210, 720, 12555, 13, 1050, 4214, 21095, 369, 813, 3224, 389, 7362, 63263, 304, 4435, 5111, 720, 5660, 304, 279, 4987, 16867, 13, 1283, 574, 264, 74739, 35238, 323, 17559, 323, 720, 16514, 1903, 779, 389, 279, 8209, 7096, 11, 323, 1603, 433, 1436, 387, 11007, 1555, 12006, 568, 574, 304, 264, 11092, 430, 574, 36574, 709, 13, 86214, 90216, 304, 832, 8071, 11, 568, 1047, 813, 32635, 6689, 1022, 315, 813, 2010, 505, 279, 304, 25034, 323, 264, 17889, 4024, 2212, 279, 3185, 315, 813, 2010, 11, 81109, 1022, 279, 7013, 1120, 3485, 813, 2487, 13, 7429, 264, 17889, 4024, 1555, 813, 6916, 13, 578, 23087, 374, 2103, 1070, 3432, 11, 433, 706, 2646, 62320, 13, 720, 644, 5363, 311, 813, 96219, 21730, 4036, 520, 279, 92168, 720, 42, 96274, 1543, 6574, 568, 6821, 11, 330, 55065, 1903, 279, 24156, 7016, 315, 4571, 12, 1233, 11, 279, 7016, 315, 2890, 11, 323, 1283, 649, 2349, 1124, 904, 892, 1283, 6944, 311, 369, 5414, 27025, 323, 1283, 649, 656, 433, 9888, 20933, 11, 719, 4359, 706, 1193, 2728, 757, 279, 8352, 315, 12917, 1274, 1268, 311, 81155, 279, 27850, 13, 330, 720, 1548, 9687, 1268, 311, 3790, 3026, 323, 75224, 11447, 13, 1283, 2795, 568, 720, 285, 539, 264, 2626, 6783, 719, 459, 11145, 13, 1283, 3727, 264, 30296, 387, 2442, 1818, 279, 1403, 13, 4359, 11, 568, 2795, 11, 330, 285, 539, 264, 47378, 3060, 11, 1606, 1070, 374, 912, 1023, 4359, 369, 1461, 311, 656, 2626, 449, 13, 53123, 11, 1283, 596, 304, 279, 45125, 2626, 323, 1283, 706, 1903, 603, 15201, 315, 279, 8209, 7096, 311, 656, 8209, 369, 21058, 13, 1442, 584, 527, 539, 3815, 8209, 369, 21058, 11, 369, 279, 20941, 323, 279, 12103, 11, 1243, 584, 1253, 387, 389, 279, 8312, 1584, 44413, 2574, 19591, 12, 434, 661, 369, 1884, 889, 527, 389, 279, 8209, 7096, 13, 4359, 1550, 539, 1650, 5127, 311, 3719, 15201, 11, 719, 568, 2663, 5304, 682, 3026, 311, 1935, 709, 872, 5425, 720, 438, 1833, 21058, 1210, 1115, 1050, 4214, 706, 2884, 13, 720, 33099, 88, 1050, 4214, 374, 539, 1193, 264, 8590, 380, 11, 21651, 1122, 719, 374, 1101, 264, 720, 8385, 85404, 292, 380, 13, 1283, 12789, 449, 26333, 449, 279, 6335, 14553, 430, 374, 439, 720, 4991, 4473, 439, 264, 26611, 45239, 5829, 7526, 13, 1283, 649, 1373, 39006, 323, 89082, 1317, 11742, 4339, 439, 6847, 439, 264, 1176, 12239, 11326, 649, 1373, 1176, 41327, 6603, 13, 720, 697, 4214, 16180, 2911, 1633, 11, 1633, 1790, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 12884, 323, 6252, 7058, 2521, 10495, 13, 15394, 656, 539, 6288, 1935, 311, 1461, 13, 2435, 2873, 311, 387, 16984, 315, 1461, 1606, 315, 279, 3492, 330, 38083, 1359, 719, 1633, 6288, 568, 9711, 279, 1716, 520, 14553, 323, 814, 3719, 2294, 4885, 13, 220, 10718, 1283, 374, 1101, 264, 37500, 323, 29149, 24490, 13, 1283, 706, 13234, 459, 945, 7058, 2265, 44547, 15009, 7626, 11, 3815, 279, 12266, 304, 30029, 682, 927, 720, 1820, 1949, 1917, 13, 1050, 4214, 22311, 304, 220, 5162, 23, 323, 1047, 34334, 315, 2133, 1139, 3495, 13, 1283, 18908, 279, 70760, 11, 279, 25107, 323, 3495, 1891, 8437, 1854, 11, 323, 6688, 279, 2626, 311, 279, 1023, 25175, 13, 5414, 9395, 994, 568, 574, 264, 3995, 893, 574, 311, 387, 264, 6593, 10896, 11, 719, 279, 2294, 46904, 3782, 323, 568, 574, 539, 3025, 311, 636, 1139, 6593, 7926, 13, 1283, 1243, 6773, 311, 4007, 15657, 323, 3691, 30903, 311, 1520, 5471, 1274, 505, 387, 884, 85005, 5986, 13, 1283, 574, 14792, 430, 1455, 20957, 1550, 539, 2512, 3508, 477, 539, 872, 15657, 1903, 1274, 14363, 477, 8774, 1124, 1664, 13, 11205, 14162, 574, 11, 330, 40, 656, 539, 3139, 15657, 311, 8343, 13, 358, 3139, 1124, 311, 4662, 13, 330, 720, 33099, 88, 1050, 4214, 374, 264, 1633, 1695, 39844, 13, 1283, 1587, 539, 7936, 11, 719, 568, 720, 28897, 264, 1396, 315, 24198, 11, 2737, 279, 22253, 9186, 11, 65636, 20337, 11, 1645, 1824, 541, 1122, 11, 3703, 85166, 11, 24180, 21281, 11, 42293, 21281, 11, 27374, 323, 2942, 13, 1283, 374, 539, 264, 29924, 2851, 11, 719, 1587, 1514, 1664, 3403, 311, 636, 1555, 264, 2532, 13, 720, 1548, 1587, 539, 617, 892, 3403, 311, 4822, 304, 6725, 389, 904, 315, 1521, 304, 12, 38818, 11, 719, 374, 264, 31657, 315, 4731, 13, 720, 1548, 374, 264, 31657, 315, 279, 2294, 34632, 11, 323, 264, 7795, 4858, 13, 12623, 1694, 264, 720, 25954, 61912, 13, 1283, 16180, 311, 1935, 9364, 315, 55890, 323, 6530, 12, 388, 11, 323, 706, 1690, 28785, 315, 9364, 4529, 304, 5370, 5596, 315, 279, 1917, 13, 720, 1548, 706, 13234, 60290, 10707, 2396, 323, 1027, 7701, 6992, 439, 264, 720, 24470, 1195, 13, 1283, 8964, 3691, 8863, 323, 3727, 279, 5224, 430, 1790, 315, 1057, 10235, 15657, 3432, 320, 66, 7443, 323, 20268, 8, 527, 220, 1272, 1667, 4920, 315, 1148, 8198, 706, 8040, 369, 279, 18459, 315, 5190, 43226, 15657, 13, 763, 2015, 311, 10772, 264, 5190, 43226, 3691, 433, 2011, 3240, 387, 12, 1348, 279, 19595, 527, 39441, 11, 477, 1603, 279, 12690, 2586, 1139, 89858, 13, 720, 697, 4214, 374, 459, 9250, 4394, 11, 323, 1587, 539, 4059, 28786, 279, 12269, 7058, 288, 13, 1442, 568, 374, 3596, 264, 20792, 304, 701, 2162, 11, 499, 690, 1505, 430, 568, 3727, 813, 1866, 4950, 11, 35294, 279, 15286, 11, 13912, 813, 3130, 58905, 11, 323, 499, 20781, 1440, 568, 596, 1070, 13, 1283, 52694, 279, 8987, 2865, 279, 502, 6691, 706, 323, 1587, 682, 304, 813, 2410, 311, 83608, 430, 2865, 13, 1283, 374, 810, 1093, 264, 4562, 315, 279, 2138, 12, 1570, 505, 279, 1176, 1938, 11, 323, 433, 5084, 499, 617, 3967, 1461, 16058, 13, 1283, 1587, 539, 2873, 264, 35058, 11, 323, 568, 1587, 539, 330, 631, 389, 279, 5679, 1210, 220, 10674, 1283, 374, 264, 1633, 7060, 586, 19114, 13, 1952, 832, 13402, 568, 574, 4691, 311, 720, 82, 23635, 304, 264, 12374, 304, 902, 4376, 315, 279, 4236, 3287, 956, 1390, 1461, 311, 720, 82, 23635, 11, 323, 6137, 311, 47370, 13, 1666, 568, 14980, 311, 6604, 568, 30315, 264, 1396, 315, 4520, 369, 279, 47370, 287, 311, 2815, 1523, 323, 1102, 3287, 956, 13, 15668, 54945, 568, 1071, 11, 330, 29089, 499, 1093, 369, 757, 311, 3371, 499, 922, 279, 892, 358, 574, 10791, 304, 4950, 449, 2500, 893, 596, 7555, 7673, 362, 2478, 304, 279, 4156, 7123, 11594, 291, 1523, 13, 4740, 264, 2132, 323, 4948, 13454, 315, 279, 1890, 3488, 1455, 315, 279, 4236, 1051, 11961, 389, 279, 6964, 315, 872, 16712, 13, 5112, 568, 1071, 11, 330, 2127, 10978, 390, 2269, 1362, 374, 1695, 369, 279, 13836, 1210, 720, 1548, 2163, 1124, 304, 72930, 369, 264, 2766, 1243, 1071, 11, 330, 2675, 1440, 1148, 430, 720, 1543, 1071, 311, 757, 7673, 578, 10877, 1436, 20781, 3868, 311, 6865, 1148, 279, 893, 1071, 311, 1461, 13, 330, 40, 574, 4330, 1667, 2362, 323, 856, 7126, 1071, 11, 364, 46714, 11, 733, 636, 304, 701, 1866, 4950, 13, 4718, 7126, 374, 19781, 505, 264, 2653, 1938, 596, 990, 323, 25223, 311, 733, 311, 4950, 3238, 330, 1102, 374, 14162, 3025, 279, 24278, 430, 4359, 706, 2728, 720, 576, 893, 13, 720, 33099, 88, 374, 264, 893, 315, 2294, 30401, 719, 220, 2795, 279, 1888, 315, 68220, 617, 720, 1225, 17676, 61084, 1606, 814, 1541, 956, 1005, 1124, 1633, 3629, 13, 720, 39, 44129, 3152, 2410, 26, 2410, 449, 4359, 323, 2410, 449, 893, 13, 356, 13, 1050, 4214, 374, 264, 18178, 315, 2678, 264, 2496, 53555, 13, 1283, 6244, 264, 18178, 304, 220, 7285, 21, 720, 438, 706, 8738, 16706, 3156, 6051, 994, 813, 6548, 492, 374, 539, 8657, 72, 1824, 1188, 311, 3060, 6678, 264, 1841, 477, 311, 11722, 264, 11277, 2085, 4423, 449, 1461, 13, 1283, 2795, 430, 994, 568, 374, 16706, 568, 374, 330, 331, 9890, 1210, 720, 1548, 13919, 304, 41701, 287, 1475, 6037, 315, 34548, 80011, 323, 430, 4359, 720, 2727, 519, 1148, 1283, 1071, 994, 1283, 1071, 11, 330, 51, 21643, 539, 279, 10425, 26236, 4359, 1, 320, 288, 12, 4899, 994, 499, 527, 304, 279, 3805, 16706, 3177, 14467, 43492, 720, 46237, 1418, 12917, 264, 538, 389, 279, 1050, 4214, 63711, 31535, 720, 1073, 45905, 2065, 568, 4036, 3492, 430, 813, 6691, 1047, 8636, 13, 720, 2822, 832, 304, 279, 538, 1047, 1524, 38141, 291, 279, 1984, 568, 1047, 312, 7058, 8946, 11, 719, 555, 279, 1828, 6693, 279, 3492, 574, 704, 430, 813, 6691, 1047, 5946, 3201, 279, 3766, 13658, 13, 13538, 279, 538, 6137, 47084, 574, 13605, 311, 1461, 13, 1283, 1550, 539, 9604, 279, 32079, 719, 8738, 813, 720, 62416, 596, 2626, 323, 1071, 11, 330, 10267, 279, 5710, 56444, 279, 5710, 1210, 1283, 364, 74, 943, 813, 20820, 323, 30393, 1436, 1935, 2512, 315, 433, 2085, 813, 1694, 1070, 13, 1283, 1047, 4529, 2512, 315, 813, 6691, 369, 279, 1566, 2478, 1667, 315, 1077, 2324, 13, 4740, 15925, 12, 9892, 1515, 88, 574, 13605, 304, 279, 538, 568, 1071, 11, 330, 2746, 433, 1051, 539, 369, 10811, 3432, 720, 40, 1053, 387, 459, 13036, 2029, 720, 1548, 2646, 25351, 264, 18036, 13, 578, 538, 25351, 279, 24014, 369, 1461, 13, 362, 2478, 2919, 3010, 568, 4036, 279, 4121, 505, 279, 32079, 2162, 13, 3161, 720, 1820, 1817, 568, 3288, 264, 5296, 25, 330, 13359, 499, 369, 24944, 856, 6691, 311, 279, 46968, 11, 311, 387, 4529, 311, 279, 44721, 315, 856, 328, 9073, 1210, 720, 1548, 1587, 539, 2804, 813, 13901, 11, 568, 38400, 433, 13, 1283, 15849, 433, 13, 1283, 11745, 288, 433, 13, 1283, 13739, 433, 13, 1472, 690, 539, 387, 2212, 1461, 1633, 1317, 720, 15145, 568, 690, 387, 11890, 499, 2555, 922, 279, 63556, 315, 4359, 13, 720, 78013, 994, 568, 46232, 11, 1050, 4214, 690, 2019, 311, 279, 10877, 11, 330, 3947, 374, 720, 606, 2363, 389, 2890, 358, 7701, 7079, 11, 4587, 636, 704, 701, 47218, 323, 5684, 323, 3350, 279, 836, 315, 270, 374, 2363, 1606, 358, 1541, 956, 1390, 499, 311, 720, 41119, 433, 1210, 1283, 48036, 369, 1124, 311, 636, 872, 47218, 323, 5684, 1243, 2795, 11, 330, 2028, 374, 832, 2363, 430, 358, 617, 2646, 1766, 311, 387, 5076, 11, 323, 433, 596, 671, 708, 2922, 98466, 13687, 13, 1102, 690, 990, 1475, 892, 11, 422, 499, 690, 1833, 279, 9680, 1791, 2442, 919, 1210, 3296, 420, 892, 279, 10877, 649, 220, 20781, 3868, 369, 279, 836, 315, 279, 720, 2239, 13, 5112, 568, 2795, 11, 330, 791, 836, 315, 279, 2363, 374, 279, 17377, 1210, 720, 2028, 893, 374, 68824, 311, 7102, 11, 13901, 11, 92107, 323, 1877, 13, 1283, 32839, 682, 720, 278], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " week and smaller portions of butter, vegetables and barley were\nconsumed regularly. Soup from animal bones was consumed regularly.\nDiet of Healthy Indigenous People in the Swiss Alps\n8\nCalories\nFood\nFat-Soluble Vitamins\nCalcium\nPhosphorus\n800\nRye Bread\nLow\n0.07\n0.46\n400\nMilk\nHigh\n0.68\n0.53\n400\nCheese\nVery High\n0.84\n0.62\n100\nButter\nVery High\n0.00\n0.00\n100\nBarley\nLow\n0.00\n0.03\n100\nVegetables\nLow\n0.06\n0.08\n100\nMeat\nMedium\n0.00\n0.12\n2000\n \nVery High\n1.76\n1.84\n9\nImmunity to Tooth Decay\nIn a study of 4,280 teeth of the children in these high valleys, only 3.4% were found to have been\nattacked by tooth decay. In the Loetschental Valley 0.3% of all teeth were affected with tooth decay.\na\nModern Swiss were Losing Their Health\nIn the 1930s, tooth decay was a major problem for school children in the modern parts of\nSwitzerland, with 85-100 percent of the population affected. The local health director advised sun\ntanning for the children as it was believed that the vitamins produced from the sunlight would prevent\ntooth decay. However, this tactic did not work. The modernized Swiss no longer ate their native diets\nof soured rye bread, summer cheese, summer butter and fresh goat or cow milk.The Nutrition of Modern Swiss\nFoods that the modern Swiss ate that promoted tooth decay included white-flour products,\nmarmalades, jams, canned vegetables, confections, and fruits. All of these devitalized foods were\ntransported to the area. Only limited supplies of vegetables were grown locally.\nWhile there are several differences between the modern and isolated diets, there are two points of\nsignificant interest. When you compare these two tables, the key nutrient differences between the diets\nare not related to rye bread vs. white bread. Rather 500 calories of the modern diet comes from\nsweets and chocolate which are low in fat-soluble vitamins and minerals. These products replaced\ncheese and milk which where dense sources of fat-soluble vitamins and minerals.Nutrient-Displacing, Tooth-Decay-Causing Diet of Modern Swiss\n11\nCalories\nFood\nFat-Soluble\nVitamins\nCalcium\nPhosphorus\n1000\nWhite Bread\nLow\n0.11\n0.35\n400\nJam, Honey, Sugar, Syrup\nLow\n0.05\n0.08\n100\nChocolate and Coffee\nLow\n0.02\n0.07\n100\nMilk\nHigh\n0.17\n0.13\n100\nCanned Vegetables\nLow\n0.08\n0.08\n100\nMeat\nMedium\n0.01\n0.11\n100\nVegetable Fat\nLow\n0.00\n0.00\n100\nButter (dairy)\nHigh\n0.00\n0.00\n2000\n \nLow\n0.44\n0.82\nHere is an interesting observation from Dr. Price of some of the modern Swiss:\nWe studied some children here whose parents retained their primitive methods of food\nselection, and without exception those who were immune to dental caries were eating a\ndistinctly different food from those with high susceptibility to dental caries.\n12\nImmunity to Tooth Decay\nOf 2,065 teeth that Dr Price analyzed in one study of modern Swiss, 25.5 per cent had been attacked\nby dental caries and many teeth had become abscessed (infected).\n13\n The difference between the\nmodern Swiss and the isolated Swiss, who were highly immune to cavities, is not an enigma. Dr.\nPrice repeated his observations across the world. Let's carefully look at two more examples.The Healthy People of the Outer Hebrides\n\u00a9 Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation, www.ppnf.org\nThe splendid physical development of the native Gaelic fisher folk is characterized by excellent\nteeth and well-formed faces.\n14\n ( Original caption.)\nStories have long been told of the superb health of the people living in the Islands of the Outer\nHebrides.\n15\nThe Outer Hebrides are islands off of the coast of Scotland.\nThe basic foods of these islanders are fish and oat products with a little barley. Oat\ngrain is the one cereal that develops fairly readily, and it provides the porridge and oat\ncakes that in many homes are eaten in some form regularly with each meal. The fishing\nabout the Outer Hebrides is especially favorable, and small seafoods including lobsters,\ncrabs, oysters and clams, are abundant. An important and highly relished article of diet\nhas been baked cod's head stuffed with chopped cod's liver and oatmeal.\n16\nImmunity to Tooth Decay\nOn the Isle of Lewis, only 1.3 teeth out of every hundred examined had been attacked by dental caries\n(1.3%). On the Isle of Harris, just 1.0% of teeth were decayed, and on the Isle of Skye, those living\non primitive foods had only 0.7 carious teeth per hundred (0.7%).Gaelics on Modern Foods are Losing Their Health\nOne of the sad stories of the Isle of Lewis has to do with \nthe recent rapid progress of the\nwhite plague. \nThe younger generation of the modernized part of the Isle of Lewis is not\nshowing the same resistance to tuberculosis as their ancestors.\n17\n (Emphasis added.)\nThe pictures of the brothers on the next pages illustrate how it is not genetics that causes physical\ndeterioration. Rather it is a factor of the amount of modern, nutrient-poor processed foods that one\neats.Younger Brother\n\u00a9 Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation, www.ppnf.org\nThe younger boy, seen to the left, had extensive tooth decay. Many teeth were missing including\ntwo in the front. He insisted on having white bread, jam, highly sweetened coffee and also sweet\nchocolates. His father told me with deep concern how difficult it was for this boy to get up in the\nmorning and go to work.\n18\nOlder Brother\u00a9 Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation, www.ppnf.org\n[The older brother] had excellent teeth and [younger brother] rampant caries. The older boy,\n[shown here] with excellent teeth, was still enjoying primitive food of oatmeal and oatcake and\nsea foods with some limited dairy products.\n19\n Note the narrow face and [dental] arch of the\nyounger brother\n.\n20\nNutrition of Modernized Gaelics\nIn Stornoway, one could purchase angel food cake, white bread, as snow white as that to be found in\nany community in the world, many other white-flour products; also, canned marmalades, canned\nvegetables, sweetened fruit juices, jams, confections of every type filled the store windows and\ncounters.\n21\nImmunity to Tooth Decay\nOn the Isle of Lewis, in a count of one hundred individuals appearing to be between the ages of\ntwenty and forty, twenty-five were already wearing artificial teeth. On the Isle of Harris, 32.4% of\nteeth had been attacked by tooth decay and on the Isle of Skye, 16.3%, or twenty-three times as many\nteeth as the isolated Gaelics, had been attacked with dental caries.\nGenetics and Tooth Decay\nA little girl and her grandfather on the Isle of Skye illustrated the change in the two\ngenerations. He was the product of the old r\u00e9gime, and about eighty years of age. Hewas carrying the harvest from the fields on his back when I stopped him to take his\npicture. He was typical of the stalwart product raised on the native foods. She had the\ntypical expression of the result of modernization after the parents had adopted the\nmodern foods of commerce, and abandoned the oatcake, oatmeal porridge and sea\nfoods.\n22\n[The granddaughter] has low immunity to dental caries, contracted nostrils and is a\nmouth breather. Her grandfather, age 82, has excellent teeth.\n23\nI have now provided you with two compelling examples of the effect of nutrition on dental health.\nFirst, we have the case of the two brothers, one who is immune to cavities and one who is not. The\nsecond example is of an older man. One would expect by his age to have a majority of his teeth\nmissing or full of fillings, yet he has healthy, cavity-free teeth. His granddaughter does not have\nhealthy, cavity-free teeth because she does not eat according to the old way.\nIn both the case of the brothers, and the case of the grandfather and his granddaughter, the difference\nin their health is not based in their genetics, but in the foods consumed. These observations show\nobvious cause and effect, yet they defy mainstream medical beliefs. In our modern culture, we are\ntaught to believe that tooth decay and many other diseases are primarily a factor of heredity. I have\nshown you that this is not always the case. Tens of millions of people go to the dentist and are never\ntold that tooth decay is due to missing vitamins and minerals in their diet.Aborigines of Australia\nDr. Price visited Australia in 1936. He discovered that the average rate of tooth decay among\nAustralia's native Ab", "token_ids": [2046, 323, 9333, 19885, 315, 14432, 11, 24822, 323, 81817, 1051, 198, 67776, 291, 15870, 13, 61434, 505, 10065, 25896, 574, 27073, 15870, 627, 35, 3978, 315, 44454, 47103, 9029, 304, 279, 30791, 94000, 198, 23, 198, 9027, 2490, 198, 27844, 198, 69557, 6354, 337, 41572, 29560, 38925, 198, 48268, 2411, 198, 3438, 24527, 30969, 198, 4728, 198, 49, 9188, 50141, 198, 25162, 198, 15, 13, 2589, 198, 15, 13, 2790, 198, 3443, 198, 44, 34263, 198, 12243, 198, 15, 13, 2614, 198, 15, 13, 4331, 198, 3443, 198, 27941, 2423, 198, 26840, 5234, 198, 15, 13, 5833, 198, 15, 13, 5538, 198, 1041, 198, 4071, 466, 198, 26840, 5234, 198, 15, 13, 410, 198, 15, 13, 410, 198, 1041, 198, 3511, 3258, 198, 25162, 198, 15, 13, 410, 198, 15, 13, 2839, 198, 1041, 198, 43712, 456, 4893, 198, 25162, 198, 15, 13, 2705, 198, 15, 13, 2318, 198, 1041, 198, 7979, 266, 198, 42094, 198, 15, 13, 410, 198, 15, 13, 717, 198, 1049, 15, 27907, 26840, 5234, 198, 16, 13, 4767, 198, 16, 13, 5833, 198, 24, 198, 51839, 2498, 311, 83499, 98386, 198, 644, 264, 4007, 315, 220, 19, 11, 11209, 18311, 315, 279, 2911, 304, 1521, 1579, 86497, 11, 1193, 220, 18, 13, 19, 4, 1051, 1766, 311, 617, 1027, 198, 1617, 11440, 555, 26588, 31815, 13, 763, 279, 6621, 1441, 331, 6430, 13345, 220, 15, 13, 18, 4, 315, 682, 18311, 1051, 11754, 449, 26588, 31815, 627, 64, 198, 49552, 30791, 1051, 99239, 11205, 6401, 198, 644, 279, 220, 7285, 15, 82, 11, 26588, 31815, 574, 264, 3682, 3575, 369, 2978, 2911, 304, 279, 6617, 5596, 315, 198, 13521, 27521, 11, 449, 220, 5313, 12, 1041, 3346, 315, 279, 7187, 11754, 13, 578, 2254, 2890, 7690, 26160, 7160, 198, 83, 6073, 369, 279, 2911, 439, 433, 574, 11846, 430, 279, 46192, 9124, 505, 279, 40120, 1053, 5471, 198, 998, 8942, 31815, 13, 4452, 11, 420, 39001, 1550, 539, 990, 13, 578, 6617, 1534, 30791, 912, 5129, 30912, 872, 10068, 41943, 198, 1073, 5945, 1171, 436, 9188, 16385, 11, 7474, 17604, 11, 7474, 14432, 323, 7878, 54392, 477, 19923, 14403, 11829, 39700, 315, 18766, 30791, 198, 37, 9242, 430, 279, 6617, 30791, 30912, 430, 30026, 26588, 31815, 5343, 4251, 12556, 414, 3956, 345, 76, 2227, 278, 3536, 11, 90398, 11, 64114, 24822, 11, 390, 25384, 11, 323, 26390, 13, 2052, 315, 1521, 3567, 2223, 1534, 15657, 1051, 198, 27543, 291, 311, 279, 3158, 13, 8442, 7347, 17135, 315, 24822, 1051, 15042, 24392, 627, 8142, 1070, 527, 3892, 12062, 1990, 279, 6617, 323, 25181, 41943, 11, 1070, 527, 1403, 3585, 315, 198, 91645, 2802, 13, 3277, 499, 9616, 1521, 1403, 12920, 11, 279, 1401, 50123, 12062, 1990, 279, 41943, 198, 548, 539, 5552, 311, 436, 9188, 16385, 6296, 13, 4251, 16385, 13, 26848, 220, 2636, 25247, 315, 279, 6617, 10173, 4131, 505, 198, 82, 26488, 323, 18414, 902, 527, 3428, 304, 8834, 1355, 337, 41572, 46192, 323, 34072, 13, 4314, 3956, 12860, 198, 1557, 2423, 323, 14403, 902, 1405, 29050, 8336, 315, 8834, 1355, 337, 41572, 46192, 323, 34072, 2112, 332, 13283, 12, 4944, 49033, 11, 83499, 80729, 352, 7813, 64, 985, 27304, 315, 18766, 30791, 198, 806, 198, 9027, 2490, 198, 27844, 198, 69557, 6354, 337, 41572, 198, 53, 275, 38925, 198, 48268, 2411, 198, 3438, 24527, 30969, 198, 1041, 15, 198, 14404, 50141, 198, 25162, 198, 15, 13, 806, 198, 15, 13, 1758, 198, 3443, 198, 65241, 11, 40715, 11, 32019, 11, 5837, 31722, 198, 25162, 198, 15, 13, 2304, 198, 15, 13, 2318, 198, 1041, 198, 94064, 323, 27171, 198, 25162, 198, 15, 13, 2437, 198, 15, 13, 2589, 198, 1041, 198, 44, 34263, 198, 12243, 198, 15, 13, 1114, 198, 15, 13, 1032, 198, 1041, 198, 34, 7443, 43800, 4893, 198, 25162, 198, 15, 13, 2318, 198, 15, 13, 2318, 198, 1041, 198, 7979, 266, 198, 42094, 198, 15, 13, 1721, 198, 15, 13, 806, 198, 1041, 198, 43712, 456, 481, 26417, 198, 25162, 198, 15, 13, 410, 198, 15, 13, 410, 198, 1041, 198, 4071, 466, 320, 67, 22704, 340, 12243, 198, 15, 13, 410, 198, 15, 13, 410, 198, 1049, 15, 27907, 25162, 198, 15, 13, 2096, 198, 15, 13, 6086, 198, 8586, 374, 459, 7185, 22695, 505, 2999, 13, 8650, 315, 1063, 315, 279, 6617, 30791, 512, 1687, 20041, 1063, 2911, 1618, 6832, 6699, 35363, 872, 28694, 5528, 315, 3691, 198, 24536, 11, 323, 2085, 4788, 1884, 889, 1051, 22852, 311, 29106, 1841, 552, 1051, 12459, 264, 198, 54121, 398, 2204, 3691, 505, 1884, 449, 1579, 88636, 311, 29106, 1841, 552, 627, 717, 198, 51839, 2498, 311, 83499, 98386, 198, 2173, 220, 17, 11, 26478, 18311, 430, 2999, 8650, 30239, 304, 832, 4007, 315, 6617, 30791, 11, 220, 914, 13, 20, 824, 2960, 1047, 1027, 18855, 198, 1729, 29106, 1841, 552, 323, 1690, 18311, 1047, 3719, 3731, 1140, 291, 320, 13885, 1599, 4390, 1032, 198, 578, 6811, 1990, 279, 198, 50889, 30791, 323, 279, 25181, 30791, 11, 889, 1051, 7701, 22852, 311, 57709, 1385, 11, 374, 539, 459, 665, 11750, 13, 2999, 627, 7117, 11763, 813, 24654, 4028, 279, 1917, 13, 6914, 596, 15884, 1427, 520, 1403, 810, 10507, 11829, 44454, 9029, 315, 279, 56297, 1283, 1347, 3422, 198, 20644, 8650, 9483, 1751, 10214, 39700, 5114, 11, 8604, 558, 20553, 69, 2726, 198, 791, 70960, 7106, 4500, 315, 279, 10068, 89738, 292, 7795, 261, 29036, 374, 32971, 555, 9250, 198, 668, 774, 323, 1664, 95977, 12580, 627, 975, 198, 320, 17674, 17703, 29275, 93531, 617, 1317, 1027, 3309, 315, 279, 33689, 2890, 315, 279, 1274, 5496, 304, 279, 23028, 315, 279, 56297, 198, 1548, 1347, 3422, 627, 868, 198, 791, 56297, 1283, 1347, 3422, 527, 30100, 1022, 315, 279, 13962, 315, 19627, 627, 791, 6913, 15657, 315, 1521, 13218, 388, 527, 7795, 323, 72754, 3956, 449, 264, 2697, 81817, 13, 507, 266, 198, 911, 467, 374, 279, 832, 62233, 430, 39671, 14470, 31368, 11, 323, 433, 5825, 279, 4247, 11431, 323, 72754, 198, 63092, 430, 304, 1690, 10632, 527, 35661, 304, 1063, 1376, 15870, 449, 1855, 15496, 13, 578, 20543, 198, 9274, 279, 56297, 1283, 1347, 3422, 374, 5423, 37849, 11, 323, 2678, 53405, 82, 2737, 41253, 12855, 345, 5192, 3518, 11, 297, 100163, 323, 1206, 4214, 11, 527, 44611, 13, 1556, 3062, 323, 7701, 1375, 3384, 4652, 315, 10173, 198, 4752, 1027, 41778, 20950, 596, 2010, 45413, 449, 38525, 20950, 596, 26587, 323, 72754, 42880, 627, 845, 198, 51839, 2498, 311, 83499, 98386, 198, 1966, 279, 55365, 315, 21256, 11, 1193, 220, 16, 13, 18, 18311, 704, 315, 1475, 7895, 25078, 1047, 1027, 18855, 555, 29106, 1841, 552, 198, 7, 16, 13, 18, 53172, 1952, 279, 55365, 315, 21750, 11, 1120, 220, 16, 13, 15, 4, 315, 18311, 1051, 31815, 291, 11, 323, 389, 279, 55365, 315, 4923, 9188, 11, 1884, 5496, 198, 263, 28694, 15657, 1047, 1193, 220, 15, 13, 22, 1841, 1245, 18311, 824, 7895, 320, 15, 13, 22, 53172, 38, 6015, 1233, 389, 18766, 40160, 527, 99239, 11205, 6401, 198, 4054, 315, 279, 12703, 7493, 315, 279, 55365, 315, 21256, 706, 311, 656, 449, 720, 1820, 3293, 11295, 5208, 315, 279, 198, 5902, 55537, 13, 720, 791, 14992, 9659, 315, 279, 6617, 1534, 961, 315, 279, 55365, 315, 21256, 374, 539, 198, 3528, 287, 279, 1890, 13957, 311, 88234, 439, 872, 38618, 627, 1114, 198, 320, 2321, 55249, 3779, 29275, 791, 9364, 315, 279, 20820, 389, 279, 1828, 6959, 41468, 1268, 433, 374, 539, 56104, 430, 11384, 7106, 198, 67, 1430, 2521, 367, 13, 26848, 433, 374, 264, 8331, 315, 279, 3392, 315, 6617, 11, 50123, 2320, 10922, 15590, 15657, 430, 832, 198, 68, 1900, 39537, 65167, 27445, 198, 20644, 8650, 9483, 1751, 10214, 39700, 5114, 11, 8604, 558, 20553, 69, 2726, 198, 791, 14992, 8334, 11, 3970, 311, 279, 2163, 11, 1047, 16781, 26588, 31815, 13, 9176, 18311, 1051, 7554, 2737, 198, 20375, 304, 279, 4156, 13, 1283, 29676, 389, 3515, 4251, 16385, 11, 20673, 11, 7701, 10437, 6901, 11033, 323, 1101, 10437, 198, 331, 4650, 988, 13, 5414, 7126, 3309, 757, 449, 5655, 4747, 1268, 5107, 433, 574, 369, 420, 8334, 311, 636, 709, 304, 279, 198, 57902, 1251, 323, 733, 311, 990, 627, 972, 198, 18788, 261, 27445, 20644, 8650, 9483, 1751, 10214, 39700, 5114, 11, 8604, 558, 20553, 69, 2726, 198, 58, 791, 9191, 10868, 60, 1047, 9250, 18311, 323, 510, 9514, 65167, 10868, 60, 63677, 1841, 552, 13, 578, 9191, 8334, 345, 58, 70463, 1618, 60, 449, 9250, 18311, 11, 574, 2103, 22128, 28694, 3691, 315, 72754, 42880, 323, 72754, 48484, 323, 198, 37541, 15657, 449, 1063, 7347, 34479, 3956, 627, 777, 198, 7181, 279, 15376, 3663, 323, 510, 67, 6430, 60, 5438, 315, 279, 198, 9514, 65167, 10868, 198, 627, 508, 198, 79570, 17462, 315, 18766, 1534, 89738, 1233, 198, 644, 800, 1540, 363, 352, 11, 832, 1436, 7782, 34426, 3691, 19692, 11, 4251, 16385, 11, 439, 12056, 4251, 439, 430, 311, 387, 1766, 304, 198, 3852, 4029, 304, 279, 1917, 11, 1690, 1023, 4251, 12556, 414, 3956, 26, 1101, 11, 64114, 296, 2227, 278, 3536, 11, 64114, 198, 83571, 4893, 11, 10437, 6901, 14098, 65959, 11, 90398, 11, 390, 25384, 315, 1475, 955, 10409, 279, 3637, 11276, 323, 198, 1868, 388, 627, 1691, 198, 51839, 2498, 311, 83499, 98386, 198, 1966, 279, 55365, 315, 21256, 11, 304, 264, 1797, 315, 832, 7895, 7931, 26449, 311, 387, 1990, 279, 17051, 315, 198, 95065, 323, 36498, 11, 17510, 36399, 1051, 2736, 12512, 21075, 18311, 13, 1952, 279, 55365, 315, 21750, 11, 220, 843, 13, 19, 4, 315, 198, 668, 774, 1047, 1027, 18855, 555, 26588, 31815, 323, 389, 279, 55365, 315, 4923, 9188, 11, 220, 845, 13, 18, 13689, 477, 17510, 49493, 3115, 439, 1690, 198, 668, 774, 439, 279, 25181, 89738, 1233, 11, 1047, 1027, 18855, 449, 29106, 1841, 552, 627, 10172, 25265, 323, 83499, 98386, 198, 32, 2697, 3828, 323, 1077, 38950, 389, 279, 55365, 315, 4923, 9188, 36762, 279, 2349, 304, 279, 1403, 198, 7642, 811, 13, 1283, 574, 279, 2027, 315, 279, 2362, 38682, 547, 11, 323, 922, 80679, 1667, 315, 4325, 13, 60350, 300, 15691, 279, 24322, 505, 279, 5151, 389, 813, 1203, 994, 358, 10717, 1461, 311, 1935, 813, 198, 27581, 13, 1283, 574, 14595, 315, 279, 80576, 36708, 2027, 9408, 389, 279, 10068, 15657, 13, 3005, 1047, 279, 198, 3737, 950, 7645, 315, 279, 1121, 315, 6617, 2065, 1306, 279, 6699, 1047, 18306, 279, 198, 50889, 15657, 315, 36754, 11, 323, 23838, 279, 72754, 48484, 11, 72754, 42880, 4247, 11431, 323, 9581, 198, 96420, 627, 1313, 198, 58, 791, 92490, 60, 706, 3428, 40368, 311, 29106, 1841, 552, 11, 51068, 57426, 8839, 323, 374, 264, 198, 33780, 5395, 1894, 13, 6385, 38950, 11, 4325, 220, 6086, 11, 706, 9250, 18311, 627, 1419, 198, 40, 617, 1457, 3984, 499, 449, 1403, 29722, 10507, 315, 279, 2515, 315, 26677, 389, 29106, 2890, 627, 5451, 11, 584, 617, 279, 1162, 315, 279, 1403, 20820, 11, 832, 889, 374, 22852, 311, 57709, 1385, 323, 832, 889, 374, 539, 13, 578, 198, 5686, 3187, 374, 315, 459, 9191, 893, 13, 3861, 1053, 1755, 555, 813, 4325, 311, 617, 264, 8857, 315, 813, 18311, 198, 31716, 477, 2539, 315, 5266, 826, 11, 3686, 568, 706, 9498, 11, 56429, 12862, 18311, 13, 5414, 92490, 1587, 539, 617, 198, 38128, 11, 56429, 12862, 18311, 1606, 1364, 1587, 539, 8343, 4184, 311, 279, 2362, 1648, 627, 644, 2225, 279, 1162, 315, 279, 20820, 11, 323, 279, 1162, 315, 279, 38950, 323, 813, 92490, 11, 279, 6811, 198, 258, 872, 2890, 374, 539, 3196, 304, 872, 56104, 11, 719, 304, 279, 15657, 27073, 13, 4314, 24654, 1501, 198, 677, 2528, 5353, 323, 2515, 11, 3686, 814, 90672, 21391, 6593, 21463, 13, 763, 1057, 6617, 7829, 11, 584, 527, 198, 2629, 3948, 311, 4510, 430, 26588, 31815, 323, 1690, 1023, 19338, 527, 15871, 264, 8331, 315, 1077, 291, 488, 13, 358, 617, 198, 70463, 499, 430, 420, 374, 539, 2744, 279, 1162, 13, 350, 729, 315, 11990, 315, 1274, 733, 311, 279, 50351, 323, 527, 2646, 198, 83, 820, 430, 26588, 31815, 374, 4245, 311, 7554, 46192, 323, 34072, 304, 872, 10173, 26271, 4775, 1572, 315, 8494, 198, 9023, 13, 8650, 12263, 8494, 304, 220, 7285, 21, 13, 1283, 11352, 430, 279, 5578, 4478, 315, 26588, 31815, 4315, 198, 49137, 596, 10068, 3765], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " Sulfoxide (DMSO) in Trauma and Disease\nchanges without the anatomic necrotic changes to neurons described earlier. \nThe\u00a0 s econdary injury primarily involves reduced cerebral perfusion, inflammatory \nchanges, lowered cerebral energy metabolism, release of excitatory neurotransmit -\nters, and oxidative stress.23,24 These cell and molecular abnormalities not only add to \nthe site of injury but can give rise to an area of the brain adjacent to the injury core \nwhere a ring of ischemic penumbral neurons can accumulate.\nIn his classic paper describing the ischemic penumbra, Astrup and his colleagues25 \nrecognized two stages where penumbral neurons can experience functional impair -\nment and irreparable degenerative damage, usually with the former stage preceding the latter.\nHowever, irreparable damage to penumbral neurons is not always the case, and \nit is clear that at least in embolic stroke, these neurons are salvageable with the proper treatment, for example, using intra-arterial thrombolytics such as the tissue plasminogen activators (tPAs). These clot busters are able to accelerate the conver -\nsion of plasminogen to plasmin, the major enzyme that catalyzes clot breakdown. However, one of the disadvantages of tPA therapy is that it must be administered as quickly as possible after an embolic stroke, usually within 4\u00bd h after the onset of symptoms.\n26\nThis brief window of opportunity means that only 3% of persons qualify for treat -\nment with tPAs since most patients wait beyond this time period to seek medical help after the onset of stroke symptoms. Another serious disadvantage of tPAs is the risk of hemorrhage in the brain, worsening the primary damage from stroke.\nDue to the bleeding risk, tPA has not been assessed in any traumatic brain injury \ntrial that we are aware of, but other agents have been used to address the disturbances in platelet function, leading to hyperaggregability following a head injury.\n27\nNeurons in the ischemic penumbra are formed as a result of critically subnor -\nmal brain perfusion following a stroke or local brain trauma.28 These penumbral \nneurons retain their structural integrity but lose their ability to function normally.29 \nThe penumbral region is therefore a functionally silent population of neurons. The physiological outcome of penumbral neurons is dependent on the degree and dura -\ntion of ischemia.\n30 It has been reported that an ischemic penumbra results when local \ncerebral blood flow dips between 12 and 18 mL/100 g tissue/min following brain trauma.\n31 Below 12 mL/100 g tissue/min, the tissue becomes irreparably damaged \nand soon dies.31\nThe penumbral neurons are more likely to die if normal cerebral perfusion is \nnot quickly restored. However, the grace time before penumbral neurons die from a reduced blood flow supply is variable and dependent on the type of injury involved, severity, region of the brain affected, and many other constants. Penumbral neu -\nrons have been reported to remain viable for hours, days, months, or even beyond a year.\n32\u201334 During traumatic brain injury, astrocytes become reactive and increase \nproinflammatory cytokines to produce excitotoxicity through the excessive pro -\nduction of extracellular glutamate. This results in brain edema and swelling, a \n condition that promotes neuronal death from the activation of reactive oxygen \n species (ROS).\nIn addition, the activation of Janus kinase and signal transducer and activator of \ntranscription signaling pathway is one of the most important transducing signals 137 DMSO in Basic Neuroprotection\nfrom the cell surface to the nucleus in response to cytokines, particularly the \n proinflammatory interleukin-6 cytokine family.36 The Janus kinase and signal trans -\nducer and activator of transcription signaling pathway is the focus of much research \nat the present time due to studies that report its involvement in the pathophysiology of brain ischemia, brain trauma, and spinal cord injury (SCI).\n37,38\nIt is clear that when primary traumatic brain injury cannot be prevented, secondary \ninjuries must be restricted with appropriate neuroprotective strategies. Nevertheless, present drug treatments are not generally able to do that consistently or effectively.\n39\nThe ability of pharmacotherapy to rescue salvageable neurons following brain \ntrauma and arrest or reverse the quantitative damage that results from such injuries remains elusive and extremely limited.\nA recent Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews and Cochrane Injury Group \nconducted an exhaustive literature search analyzing drug therapeutic studies dealing with severe head injury. The search concluded that the majority of these clinical tri -\nals included only a modest number of patients largely due to the uncertainty of the trial drug effectiveness.\n40 Not surprisingly, the quality of these clinical trials was \nregarded as more or less questionable.40\nFor this reason, there is an expectation that the effects of dimethyl sulfoxide \n(DMSO) used to treat brain trauma, stroke, Alzheimer\u2019s disease (AD), and SCI will receive the clinical attention it deserves. When brain trauma, stroke, AD, and SCI are combined, it represents a block of disorders that affect 8% of adult Americans and more than 15 million individuals in the United States alone.\nThe findings reviewed here will reveal a very unusual molecule possessing a num-\nber of biological actions that may explain its positive therapeutic effects following traumatic brain injury and other CNS insults.\nDMSO IN EXPERIMENTAL BRAIN TRAUMA\nThe mechanism of action(s) exerted by DMSO in improving the outcome of trau -\nmatic brain injury remains unknown. However, DMSO is reported to display a range of properties, which may be useful in the management of the brain trauma patient or animal. For example, DMSO increases cerebral blood flow without altering blood pressure,\n41,42 quickly reduces ICP without a rebound effect,43\u201346 is a potent diuretic \nthat does not affect cardiac rate or output,41,42 reduces cerebral edema,47,49 blocks \nsodium channel activation,50,51 is a powerful free radical scavenger,52,53 prevents glu -\ntamate excitotoxic neuron death,54 lowers the Janus kinase and signal transducer \nand activator of transcription signaling pathway whose activation can be induced by excitotoxic cytokines following brain ischemia,\n55 and suppresses NMDA-\nAMPA-induced (NMDA, N-methyl- d-aspartate; AMPA, alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5- \nmethylisoxazole-4-propionate) ion currents and excessive calcium influx known to damage and kill neurons.\n54,56 Additionally, DMSO has a protective and stabilizing \neffect on cell membranes57\u201359 and inhibits inflammation, a reaction that is generally \nassociated with moderate-to-severe brain trauma.60\u201362\nThe biological actions listed earlier for DMSO are relevant to our review of the \ncellular\u2013molecular events associated with CNS injuries, including traumatic brain injury, stroke, or neurodegenerative conditions since these events generally involve 138 Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) in Trauma and Disease\nsodium channel activation, free radical formation, and glutamate excitotoxic signal -\ning involving NMDA-AMPA-induced ion channels and calcium signaling in cell-\ndeath pathways.50,51,54,61 These cellular\u2013molecular actions modified by DMSO will \nbe discussed in detail in this section of this chapter and in Chapter 9. Chapter 9 will detail how the basic research of DMSO in cerebral injuries has been successfully applied to humans sustaining a variety of insults to the brain.\nIt is important to point out that the cellular and subcellular biological actions of \nDMSO with the exception of lowering brain edema after trauma are not known to be associated with mannitol, a drug commonly used for the treatment of head injuries. This may be one of the reasons why DMSO treatment has been shown to be more efficacious and safer than mannitol when used in patients with severe, closed head injury.\n44,45\nThe initial studies with DMSO were first carried out in the early 1970s in the \nDivision of Neurosurgery at the University of Chicago by a team of investigators led by Jack de la Torre. How DMSO was chosen to be tested against an animal model of head injury among dozens of other potentially worthwhile compounds is worth men-tioning. At that time, about a dozen head injury centers existed in the United States funded by National Institutes of Health (NIH) and most of these centers were des -\nperately seeking new agents to address the rising incidence of head trauma. These head injuries occurred from falls, especially in children and the elderly. Automobile accidents were also high on the list of head injury causes.\nSince seat belts were not in common use in the early 1970s, about 50,000 deaths \nper year were recorded from acceleration\u2013deceleration brain damage sustained mainly from falls and car crashes. Most of these deaths occurred from complications that followed injury to the brain, generally within several days following hospital admissions. The frustration from personnel working in the emergency room after admitting a severe head-injured patient, whether the patient was a child or an adult, was the inconsistent nature of the treatments available at the time, which sometimes worked, but more often did not.\nAt the research meeting held every other week in the Division of Neurosurgery \nat the University of Chicago in 1971, DMSO was proposed by a member of the fac -\nulty, Jack de la Torre, as a possible agent to test in experimental animals with severe head injury. When asked by Sean Mullan, the chief of neurosurgery, for the reasons behind this proposal, de la Torre pointed out DMSO\u2019s unique properties as", "token_ids": [46962, 15361, 579, 320, 35, 4931, 46, 8, 304, 17747, 13722, 323, 31974, 198, 19926, 2085, 279, 459, 6756, 19591, 4744, 292, 4442, 311, 34313, 7633, 6931, 13, 720, 791, 4194, 274, 384, 1321, 661, 11134, 15871, 18065, 11293, 60745, 22535, 7713, 11, 47288, 720, 19926, 11, 39920, 60745, 4907, 39097, 11, 4984, 315, 25435, 5382, 90351, 1800, 18722, 5153, 11, 323, 79401, 8631, 13, 1419, 11, 1187, 4314, 2849, 323, 31206, 75815, 539, 1193, 923, 311, 720, 1820, 2816, 315, 11134, 719, 649, 3041, 10205, 311, 459, 3158, 315, 279, 8271, 24894, 311, 279, 11134, 6332, 720, 2940, 264, 10264, 315, 98108, 292, 5869, 372, 42743, 34313, 649, 47376, 627, 644, 813, 11670, 5684, 23524, 279, 98108, 292, 5869, 3635, 969, 11, 39616, 455, 323, 813, 18105, 914, 720, 47167, 1403, 18094, 1405, 5869, 372, 42743, 34313, 649, 3217, 16003, 38974, 18722, 479, 323, 25912, 50256, 5367, 75989, 5674, 11, 6118, 449, 279, 4846, 6566, 38846, 279, 15629, 627, 11458, 11, 25912, 50256, 5674, 311, 5869, 372, 42743, 34313, 374, 539, 2744, 279, 1162, 11, 323, 720, 275, 374, 2867, 430, 520, 3325, 304, 8126, 7918, 12943, 11, 1521, 34313, 527, 72836, 481, 449, 279, 6300, 6514, 11, 369, 3187, 11, 1701, 50938, 12, 5408, 532, 84664, 65, 5849, 13024, 1778, 439, 279, 20438, 628, 300, 1083, 11968, 4197, 3046, 320, 83, 47, 2170, 570, 4314, 94263, 293, 14947, 527, 3025, 311, 43880, 279, 19873, 18722, 82, 290, 315, 628, 300, 1083, 11968, 311, 628, 300, 1083, 11, 279, 3682, 49242, 430, 34454, 18854, 288, 94263, 31085, 13, 4452, 11, 832, 315, 279, 64725, 315, 259, 8201, 15419, 374, 430, 433, 2011, 387, 38018, 439, 6288, 439, 3284, 1306, 459, 8126, 7918, 12943, 11, 6118, 2949, 220, 19, 27154, 305, 1306, 279, 42080, 315, 13803, 627, 1627, 198, 2028, 10015, 3321, 315, 6776, 3445, 430, 1193, 220, 18, 4, 315, 11434, 26456, 369, 4322, 18722, 479, 449, 259, 47, 2170, 2533, 1455, 6978, 3868, 7953, 420, 892, 4261, 311, 6056, 6593, 1520, 1306, 279, 42080, 315, 12943, 13803, 13, 13596, 6129, 49836, 315, 259, 47, 2170, 374, 279, 5326, 315, 71417, 425, 304, 279, 8271, 11, 93405, 279, 6156, 5674, 505, 12943, 627, 34160, 311, 279, 35763, 5326, 11, 259, 8201, 706, 539, 1027, 32448, 304, 904, 54286, 8271, 11134, 720, 48447, 430, 584, 527, 8010, 315, 11, 719, 1023, 13307, 617, 1027, 1511, 311, 2686, 279, 85160, 304, 12235, 1169, 734, 11, 6522, 311, 17508, 351, 8157, 2968, 2768, 264, 2010, 11134, 627, 1544, 198, 8989, 54769, 304, 279, 98108, 292, 5869, 3635, 969, 527, 14454, 439, 264, 1121, 315, 41440, 1207, 45807, 18722, 14991, 8271, 22535, 7713, 2768, 264, 12943, 477, 2254, 8271, 30988, 13, 1591, 4314, 5869, 372, 42743, 720, 818, 54769, 14389, 872, 24693, 17025, 719, 9229, 872, 5845, 311, 734, 14614, 13, 1682, 720, 791, 5869, 372, 42743, 5654, 374, 9093, 264, 734, 750, 21737, 7187, 315, 34313, 13, 578, 53194, 15632, 315, 5869, 372, 42743, 34313, 374, 18222, 389, 279, 8547, 323, 294, 5808, 18722, 28491, 315, 98108, 689, 627, 966, 1102, 706, 1027, 5068, 430, 459, 98108, 292, 5869, 3635, 969, 3135, 994, 2254, 720, 66, 486, 42743, 6680, 6530, 97604, 1990, 220, 717, 323, 220, 972, 65170, 14, 1041, 342, 20438, 45273, 2768, 8271, 30988, 627, 2148, 21883, 220, 717, 65170, 14, 1041, 342, 20438, 45273, 11, 279, 20438, 9221, 25912, 1768, 2915, 20727, 720, 438, 5246, 8898, 13, 2148, 198, 791, 5869, 372, 42743, 34313, 527, 810, 4461, 311, 2815, 422, 4725, 60745, 22535, 7713, 374, 720, 1962, 6288, 28101, 13, 4452, 11, 279, 21507, 892, 1603, 5869, 372, 42743, 34313, 2815, 505, 264, 11293, 6680, 6530, 8312, 374, 3977, 323, 18222, 389, 279, 955, 315, 11134, 6532, 11, 31020, 11, 5654, 315, 279, 8271, 11754, 11, 323, 1690, 1023, 18508, 13, 393, 9195, 42743, 21143, 18722, 26692, 617, 1027, 5068, 311, 7293, 31528, 369, 4207, 11, 2919, 11, 4038, 11, 477, 1524, 7953, 264, 1060, 627, 843, 4235, 1958, 12220, 54286, 8271, 11134, 11, 47804, 11377, 2392, 3719, 56563, 323, 5376, 720, 782, 258, 55097, 83185, 1572, 311, 8356, 25435, 91676, 488, 1555, 279, 27639, 463, 18722, 23985, 315, 11741, 65441, 35169, 92166, 13, 1115, 3135, 304, 8271, 1608, 9355, 323, 55307, 11, 264, 720, 3044, 430, 39990, 79402, 4648, 505, 279, 15449, 315, 56563, 24463, 720, 9606, 320, 34539, 4390, 644, 5369, 11, 279, 15449, 315, 4448, 355, 82160, 323, 8450, 1380, 30038, 323, 4197, 859, 315, 720, 1485, 1479, 43080, 38970, 374, 832, 315, 279, 1455, 3062, 1380, 1072, 6253, 17738, 220, 10148, 423, 4931, 46, 304, 14967, 32359, 782, 40241, 198, 1527, 279, 2849, 7479, 311, 279, 62607, 304, 2077, 311, 83185, 1572, 11, 8104, 279, 720, 463, 258, 55097, 96068, 3178, 258, 12, 21, 83185, 483, 3070, 13, 1927, 578, 4448, 355, 82160, 323, 8450, 1380, 18722, 30038, 323, 4197, 859, 315, 46940, 43080, 38970, 374, 279, 5357, 315, 1790, 3495, 720, 266, 279, 3118, 892, 4245, 311, 7978, 430, 1934, 1202, 22315, 304, 279, 1853, 85404, 31226, 315, 8271, 98108, 689, 11, 8271, 30988, 11, 323, 50112, 23125, 11134, 320, 71679, 4390, 1806, 11, 1987, 198, 2181, 374, 2867, 430, 994, 6156, 54286, 8271, 11134, 4250, 387, 32098, 11, 14580, 720, 258, 90927, 2011, 387, 22486, 449, 8475, 18247, 47079, 535, 15174, 13, 35053, 11, 3118, 5623, 22972, 527, 539, 8965, 3025, 311, 656, 430, 21356, 477, 13750, 627, 2137, 198, 791, 5845, 315, 36449, 42811, 311, 17629, 72836, 481, 34313, 2768, 8271, 720, 2221, 13722, 323, 8163, 477, 10134, 279, 47616, 5674, 430, 3135, 505, 1778, 15319, 8625, 66684, 323, 9193, 7347, 627, 32, 3293, 3623, 17207, 2194, 10199, 315, 744, 780, 19832, 323, 3623, 17207, 2194, 66176, 5856, 720, 444, 55015, 459, 73603, 17649, 2778, 42118, 5623, 37471, 7978, 14892, 449, 15748, 2010, 11134, 13, 578, 2778, 20536, 430, 279, 8857, 315, 1521, 14830, 2463, 18722, 1147, 5343, 1193, 264, 27946, 1396, 315, 6978, 14090, 4245, 311, 279, 27924, 315, 279, 9269, 5623, 27375, 627, 1272, 2876, 29392, 11, 279, 4367, 315, 1521, 14830, 19622, 574, 720, 1610, 21632, 439, 810, 477, 2753, 44378, 13, 1272, 198, 2520, 420, 2944, 11, 1070, 374, 459, 31293, 430, 279, 6372, 315, 5213, 42972, 26858, 15361, 579, 720, 5549, 4931, 46, 8, 1511, 311, 4322, 8271, 30988, 11, 12943, 11, 44531, 753, 8624, 320, 1846, 705, 323, 81563, 690, 5371, 279, 14830, 6666, 433, 30675, 13, 3277, 8271, 30988, 11, 12943, 11, 9827, 11, 323, 81563, 527, 11093, 11, 433, 11105, 264, 2565, 315, 24673, 430, 7958, 220, 23, 4, 315, 6822, 9053, 323, 810, 1109, 220, 868, 3610, 7931, 304, 279, 3723, 4273, 7636, 627, 791, 14955, 22690, 1618, 690, 16805, 264, 1633, 19018, 43030, 60662, 264, 1661, 7058, 655, 315, 24156, 6299, 430, 1253, 10552, 1202, 6928, 37471, 6372, 2768, 54286, 8271, 11134, 323, 1023, 93643, 68989, 627, 35, 4931, 46, 2006, 81181, 67053, 984, 74863, 691, 5091, 32, 2864, 32, 198, 791, 17383, 315, 1957, 1161, 8, 43844, 291, 555, 423, 4931, 46, 304, 18899, 279, 15632, 315, 490, 2933, 18722, 38344, 8271, 11134, 8625, 9987, 13, 4452, 11, 423, 4931, 46, 374, 5068, 311, 3113, 264, 2134, 315, 6012, 11, 902, 1253, 387, 5505, 304, 279, 6373, 315, 279, 8271, 30988, 8893, 477, 10065, 13, 1789, 3187, 11, 423, 4931, 46, 12992, 60745, 6680, 6530, 2085, 60923, 6680, 7410, 345, 3174, 11, 2983, 6288, 26338, 358, 7269, 2085, 264, 42632, 2515, 11, 3391, 4235, 2790, 374, 264, 36875, 1891, 554, 29150, 720, 9210, 1587, 539, 7958, 47345, 4478, 477, 2612, 11, 3174, 11, 2983, 26338, 60745, 1608, 9355, 11, 2618, 11, 2491, 10215, 720, 82, 47876, 5613, 15449, 11, 1135, 11, 3971, 374, 264, 8147, 1949, 18336, 83750, 10214, 11, 4103, 11, 4331, 29034, 78376, 18722, 73807, 349, 25435, 91676, 49384, 4648, 11, 4370, 73115, 279, 4448, 355, 82160, 323, 8450, 1380, 30038, 720, 438, 4197, 859, 315, 46940, 43080, 38970, 6832, 15449, 649, 387, 36572, 555, 25435, 91676, 83185, 1572, 2768, 8271, 98108, 689, 345, 2131, 323, 28321, 288, 452, 6204, 32, 7058, 1428, 8201, 38973, 320, 45, 6204, 32, 11, 452, 1474, 42972, 12, 294, 33534, 4581, 349, 26, 64008, 32, 11, 8451, 33317, 3394, 12, 18, 2902, 68107, 4223, 12, 20, 12, 2355, 76, 42972, 285, 5241, 77001, 12, 19, 77671, 85999, 8, 28772, 60701, 323, 27639, 35719, 53952, 3967, 311, 5674, 323, 5622, 34313, 627, 4370, 11, 3487, 23212, 11, 423, 4931, 46, 706, 264, 29219, 323, 27276, 4954, 720, 27153, 389, 2849, 79348, 3226, 4235, 2946, 323, 20747, 1220, 37140, 11, 264, 13010, 430, 374, 8965, 720, 50187, 449, 24070, 4791, 7962, 19846, 8271, 30988, 13, 1399, 4235, 5538, 198, 791, 24156, 6299, 10212, 6931, 369, 423, 4931, 46, 527, 9959, 311, 1057, 3477, 315, 279, 720, 5997, 1299, 4235, 76, 43943, 4455, 5938, 449, 93643, 15319, 11, 2737, 54286, 8271, 11134, 11, 12943, 11, 477, 18247, 451, 7642, 1413, 4787, 2533, 1521, 4455, 8965, 21736, 220, 10350, 8289, 42972, 46962, 15361, 579, 320, 35, 4931, 46, 8, 304, 17747, 13722, 323, 31974, 198, 82, 47876, 5613, 15449, 11, 1949, 18336, 18488, 11, 323, 35169, 92166, 25435, 91676, 8450, 18722, 287, 16239, 452, 6204, 32, 12, 1428, 8201, 38973, 28772, 12006, 323, 35719, 43080, 304, 2849, 7058, 63007, 44014, 13, 1135, 11, 3971, 11, 4370, 11, 5547, 4314, 35693, 4235, 76, 43943, 6299, 11041, 555, 423, 4931, 46, 690, 720, 1395, 14407, 304, 7872, 304, 420, 3857, 315, 420, 12735, 323, 304, 15957, 220, 24, 13, 15957, 220, 24, 690, 7872, 1268, 279, 6913, 3495, 315, 423, 4931, 46, 304, 60745, 15319, 706, 1027, 7946, 9435, 311, 12966, 80184, 264, 8205, 315, 68989, 311, 279, 8271, 627, 2181, 374, 3062, 311, 1486, 704, 430, 279, 35693, 323, 1207, 5997, 1299, 24156, 6299, 315, 720, 35, 4931, 46, 449, 279, 4788, 315, 46301, 8271, 1608, 9355, 1306, 30988, 527, 539, 3967, 311, 387, 5938, 449, 38908, 27094, 11, 264, 5623, 17037, 1511, 369, 279, 6514, 315, 2010, 15319, 13, 1115, 1253, 387, 832, 315, 279, 8125, 3249, 423, 4931, 46, 6514, 706, 1027, 6982, 311, 387, 810, 31914, 19995, 323, 30549, 1109, 38908, 27094, 994, 1511, 304, 6978, 449, 15748, 11, 8036, 2010, 11134, 627, 2096, 11, 1774, 198, 791, 2926, 7978, 449, 423, 4931, 46, 1051, 1176, 11953, 704, 304, 279, 4216, 220, 4468, 15, 82, 304, 279, 720, 52337, 315, 32359, 82, 85392, 520, 279, 3907, 315, 10780, 555, 264, 2128, 315, 26453, 6197, 555, 7762, 409, 1208, 8611, 265, 13, 2650, 423, 4931, 46, 574, 12146, 311, 387, 12793, 2403, 459, 10065, 1646, 315, 2010, 11134, 4315, 22700, 315, 1023, 13893, 48776, 32246, 374, 5922, 3026, 2442, 290, 287, 13, 2468, 430, 892, 11, 922, 264, 21030, 2010, 11134, 19169, 25281, 304, 279, 3723, 4273, 24853, 555, 5165, 73828, 315, 6401, 320, 15259, 39, 8, 323, 1455, 315, 1521, 19169, 1051, 951, 18722, 716, 2718, 11125, 502, 13307, 311, 2686, 279, 16448, 39775, 315, 2010, 30988, 13, 4314, 2010, 15319, 10222, 505, 17503, 11, 5423, 304, 2911, 323, 279, 29920, 13, 86241, 33788, 1051, 1101, 1579, 389, 279, 1160, 315, 2010, 11134, 11384, 627, 12834, 10954, 53779, 1051, 539, 304, 4279, 1005, 304, 279, 4216, 220, 4468, 15, 82, 11, 922, 220, 1135, 11, 931, 16779, 720, 716, 1060, 1051, 12715, 505, 31903, 4235, 451, 3757, 21597, 8271, 5674, 29759, 14918, 505, 17503, 323, 1841, 37237, 13, 7648, 315, 1521, 16779, 10222, 505, 36505, 430, 8272, 11134, 311, 279, 8271, 11, 8965, 2949, 3892, 2919, 2768, 8952, 48911, 13, 578, 33086, 505, 17274, 3318, 304, 279, 13147, 3130, 1306, 55689, 264, 15748, 2010, 3502, 80491, 8893, 11, 3508, 279, 8893, 574, 264, 1716, 477, 459, 6822, 11, 574, 279, 40240, 7138, 315, 279, 22972, 2561, 520, 279, 892, 11, 902, 7170, 6575, 11, 719, 810, 3629, 1550, 539, 627, 1688, 279, 3495, 6574, 5762, 1475, 1023, 2046, 304, 279, 14829, 315, 32359, 82, 85392, 720, 266, 279, 3907, 315, 10780, 304, 220, 4468, 16, 11, 423, 4931, 46, 574, 11223, 555, 264, 4562, 315, 279, 3547, 18722, 15070, 11, 7762, 409, 1208, 8611, 265, 11, 439, 264, 3284, 8479, 311, 1296, 304, 22772, 10099, 449, 15748, 2010, 11134, 13, 3277, 4691, 555, 26044, 386, 42220, 11, 279, 10388, 315, 18247, 82, 85392, 11, 369, 279, 8125, 4920, 420, 14050, 11, 409, 1208, 8611, 265, 14618, 704, 423, 4931, 46, 753, 5016, 6012, 439], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": ".\nVishwakarma, S.K., \u201cDimethyl Sulfoxide in Tympanoplasty. A PreliminaryReport,\u201d \nPlastic Reconstructive Surgery\n, 42, 15, 1968.\nWeitgasser, H., \u201cDermatological Investigations with Dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO),\u201d\nZ. \nHaut-Geschlechts Krankh.\n, 21, 749, 1967.\nWeitgasser, H., \u201cDie Lokalbehandlung von Chronischen Paronychien mit Einer\nKombination von Triamcinolon-Acetonid und Dimetilsulfoxide,\u201d Z. \nHaut-\nGeschlechts Krankh.\n, 44, 27, 1969.\nWodniansky, P., \u201cDupuytrem und Sklerodermie,\u201d \nDMSO Symposium\n, Vienna,\n1966, Laudahn, G. (ed.), Saladruck, Berlin, 1966, p. 158.\nYeats, R.O., Preliminary Test Using DMSO as a Vehicle for Drugs in Leprosy,\u201d\nAnnals New York Academy of Sciences\n, 141, 668, 1967.\nZiv-Silberman, G., \u201cDMSO in the Treatment of Chronic Mastitis,\u201d \nVeterinary\nRecord\n, 81, 527, 1967.\nZuckner, J., and Uddin, J., \u201cLocal Applications of Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO)\nand DMSO Combined With Trincinolone Acetonide in Rheumatoid Arthritis,\u201d\nNature\n, 1389, 55, 1965.Index\nThe page numbers in this index refer to the printed version of this book. To find\nthe corresponding locations in the text of this digital version, please use the\n\u201csearch\u201d function on your e-reader. Note that not all terms may be searchable.\nAdenocarcinoma, 177, 180, 182.\nSee also\n Cancer, DMSO and.\nAIDS, DMSO and, 221\nAloe vera, for DMSO\u2013treated skin, 46\nAmerican College of Advancement in Medicine, 34, 40, 68\nAmerican Home Products, 128\nAmerican Pharmaceutical Enterprises, 20\nAmerican Podiatry Association, 128\nAnnals of Rheumatic Diseases\n, 221\nAnthracycline, extravasation of, 4\u20135\nArmour Pharmaceutical Company, 128\nArthritis, DMSO and, 106\u2013124\namyloidosis, 42, 122, 123\nanti-arthritis diet, 115\u2013121\northodox treatment of, 107, 108\nrole of sugar in, 115, 117\u2013118\nspondylitis, 83\u201384, 111\nwrapping technique, 114\u2013115, 131\u2013132\nSee also\n Osteoarthritis; Rheumatoid arthritis.\nArthritis Foundation and DMSO, 108\u2013110\nAspillaga, Manuel, M.D., 168\nAsthma, DMSO and, 69\u201370\nAtherosclerosis, DMSO and, 46\nAthlete\u2019s foot. \nSee\n Foot and leg problems, DMSO and.\nAvendano, Isabel, M.D., 168\nAvery, Lorae, PhD, 2, 3\nBack pain, DMSO and, 84\u201385\nBarrios, Luis Varela, M.D., 174, 175\nBaylor, Elgin, 94Belitnikoff, Fred, 99, 100\nBell, Sam, 125, 126, 127\nBennett, Charles C., 108\u2013109\nBennett, Norman, M.D., 71\nBernadow, Maria E.M., M.D., 169\nBernath, Zoltain, M.D., 71\nBevil, Jack, M.D., 185\nBone cancer, 194. \nSee also\n Cancer, DMSO and.\nBonker, Congressman Don, 162\nBreast cancer, 61. \nSee also\n Cancer, DMSO and.\nBritish Journal of Dermatology\n, 63\nBrobyn, Richard D., M.D., 80\u201381\nBronchiolitis, DMSO and, 215\u2013216\nBruises. \nSee\n Musculoskeletal injuries, DMSO and.\nBuc, Nancy L., 231, 239, 240\nBunions. \nSee\n Foot and leg problems, DMSO and.\nBurdach, Rodolfo, M.D., 215\nBurns, DMSO and, 57\u201358, 66, 127\nBursitis, DMSO and, 2, 3, 17, 26, 44, 50\ncalcified, 91\u201392\nBush, George, 249\nCalluses. \nSee\n Foot and leg problems, DMSO and.\nCamp, Dr. Perry E., 51\u201352\nCancer, DMSO and, 46, 60\u201363\nanti-cancer solution, 200, 205, 206\u2013207\nchemotherapy and DMSO, 148\nDMSO-cancer connection, 177\u2013207\nDMSO-hematoxylon solution, 185, 192\u2013199, 206\u2013207\nDMSO-hematoxylon studies, 179\u2013183, 184\u2013185, 202, 205\northomolecular therapy, 62\nSee also\n individual cancers.\nCapdeville, Lucila, M.D., 168\nCarrizo, A., M.D., 181\nCataracts. \nSee\n Eye problems, DMSO and.\nCervical cancer, 53, 54, 198\u2013199, 215. \nSee also\n Cancer, DMSO and.\nCervical os, stenosis of the, 1\u20132Chacon, Ernesto, M.D., 71\nChicago Tribune\n, 19\nClinical Orthopaedics & Related Research\n, 60\nClinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics\n, 63\nClubnails. \nSee\n Foot and leg problems, DMSO and.\nColon cancer, 177. \nSee also\n Cancer, DMSO and.\nCommercial Laboratories of Florida, 45\nConsumer Reports\n, 75\nCoping With Cancer\n, 207\nCorneal swelling. \nSee\n Eye problems, DMSO and.\nCorns. \nSee\n Foot and leg problems, DMSO and.\nCREST syndrome.\nSee\n Scleroderma, DMSO and.\nCrichtlow, Dr. James, 20\nCrout, Richard J., M.D., 7, 8, 9, 10, 27, 73, 74, 75, 90, 247\nCrown Zellerbach Paper Company, 15, 33, 73\nCystic mastitis, DMSO and, 72\nDaily News\n, New York, 52\nDancer\u2019s foot. \nSee\n Foot and leg problems, DMSO and.\nDavidson, Ben, 99\nDavis, Orville J., M.D., 215\nDe Coriat, Lydia F., M.D., 164\nDe la Torre, Jack C., M.D., 54\u201355, 81, 82, 127, 147, 148, 149, 150, 152, 153,\n154, 157, 242\u2013243\nDeLuca, Michael A., M.D., 90\nDenehy, Bill, 93\u201395\nDermatologische Monatsschrift\n, 243\nDiabetes, DMSO and, 63\u201364\ndiabetic ulcers, 67\u201368\njuvenile diabetes, 64, 205\nDimethyl Sulfoxide Technical Bulletin\n, 33\nDimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)\nantifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties of, 58\u201359\nbrand name preparations of Dekaris, 220\nDimexid, 220, 244 87\u20132, 224\nIpran, 218, 219Plus-Par, 216, 218, 219\nRimso-50, 45, 242\nSatori, 230\ndrug transport properties of, 38\u201339\nFDA and, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 16\u201318, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, \n28, 29, 39, 42,\n52, 72, 73, 75, 78\u201380, 88, 89\u201390, 109, 128, 129, 147, 163, 174, 179, 205,\n228, 229, 230, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 247, 248\u2013249\nhealing power of, 35\u201337\ninfectious diseases and, 209\u2013221. \nSee also\n AIDS; Leprosy; Orchitis;\nOsteomyelitis; Parasitic worms; Respiratory infections.\nmedia exposure for, 26\u201330. \nSee also\n 60 Minutes.\nmedical uses for, general, 50\u201372. \nSee also", "token_ids": [627, 53, 819, 86, 587, 20306, 11, 328, 11606, 2637, 1054, 10557, 42972, 46962, 15361, 579, 304, 350, 1631, 857, 92335, 88, 13, 362, 41188, 78973, 10577, 2476, 720, 2169, 5174, 1050, 7750, 535, 48190, 198, 11, 220, 2983, 11, 220, 868, 11, 220, 5162, 23, 627, 1687, 275, 70, 34858, 11, 473, 2637, 1054, 35, 4289, 266, 5848, 89205, 449, 8289, 42972, 82, 360, 15361, 579, 320, 35, 4931, 46, 705, 89874, 57, 13, 720, 39, 2784, 12279, 60478, 273, 55427, 93070, 71, 627, 11, 220, 1691, 11, 220, 25541, 11, 220, 5162, 22, 627, 1687, 275, 70, 34858, 11, 473, 2637, 1054, 18674, 58501, 278, 1395, 10888, 39049, 6675, 26560, 18211, 4366, 3633, 331, 3675, 5568, 469, 10670, 198, 42, 2925, 2617, 6675, 12639, 309, 18595, 73369, 6830, 66, 35794, 307, 2073, 8289, 295, 8839, 360, 15361, 579, 2476, 1901, 13, 720, 39, 2784, 7058, 38, 60478, 273, 55427, 93070, 71, 627, 11, 220, 2096, 11, 220, 1544, 11, 220, 5162, 24, 627, 54, 347, 77, 5493, 8050, 11, 393, 2637, 1054, 86813, 4168, 83, 1864, 2073, 4923, 1565, 347, 4289, 648, 2476, 720, 35, 4931, 46, 74938, 198, 11, 47387, 345, 5162, 21, 11, 71136, 30660, 11, 480, 13, 320, 291, 25390, 8375, 15008, 1983, 11, 20437, 11, 220, 5162, 21, 11, 281, 13, 220, 11286, 627, 87575, 1900, 11, 432, 8548, 2637, 41188, 78973, 3475, 12362, 423, 4931, 46, 439, 264, 25736, 369, 51766, 304, 121688, 3714, 88, 2476, 198, 28192, 1147, 1561, 4356, 16192, 315, 23199, 198, 11, 220, 9335, 11, 220, 24427, 11, 220, 5162, 22, 627, 57, 344, 6354, 321, 81295, 11, 480, 2637, 1054, 35, 4931, 46, 304, 279, 31969, 315, 73782, 37582, 20000, 2476, 720, 91177, 3367, 198, 6607, 198, 11, 220, 5932, 11, 220, 22369, 11, 220, 5162, 22, 627, 57, 1983, 1215, 11, 622, 2637, 323, 549, 634, 258, 11, 622, 2637, 1054, 7469, 32625, 315, 8289, 42972, 46962, 15361, 579, 320, 35, 4931, 46, 340, 438, 423, 4931, 46, 58752, 3161, 1183, 2910, 258, 337, 606, 6515, 35794, 579, 304, 71636, 46313, 590, 1676, 40485, 2476, 198, 79519, 198, 11, 220, 10350, 24, 11, 220, 2131, 11, 220, 5162, 20, 18844, 198, 791, 2199, 5219, 304, 420, 1963, 8464, 311, 279, 17124, 2373, 315, 420, 2363, 13, 2057, 1505, 198, 1820, 12435, 10687, 304, 279, 1495, 315, 420, 7528, 2373, 11, 4587, 1005, 279, 198, 2118, 1874, 863, 734, 389, 701, 384, 91579, 13, 7181, 430, 539, 682, 3878, 1253, 387, 74743, 627, 2654, 268, 511, 8362, 258, 7942, 11, 220, 11242, 11, 220, 5245, 11, 220, 10828, 627, 10031, 1101, 198, 26211, 11, 423, 4931, 46, 323, 627, 32, 26696, 11, 423, 4931, 46, 323, 11, 220, 12425, 198, 32, 35598, 92344, 11, 369, 423, 4931, 46, 4235, 83, 2920, 6930, 11, 220, 2790, 198, 29518, 9304, 315, 12605, 16887, 304, 19152, 11, 220, 1958, 11, 220, 1272, 11, 220, 2614, 198, 29518, 5492, 15899, 11, 220, 4386, 198, 29518, 59373, 67056, 11, 220, 508, 198, 29518, 17241, 10574, 894, 10229, 11, 220, 4386, 198, 28192, 1147, 315, 71636, 33030, 70674, 198, 11, 220, 12425, 198, 2127, 61124, 2826, 89034, 11, 58439, 300, 367, 315, 11, 220, 19, 4235, 20, 198, 34013, 414, 59373, 8351, 11, 220, 4386, 198, 7098, 40485, 11, 423, 4931, 46, 323, 11, 220, 7461, 4235, 8874, 198, 27322, 52196, 10934, 11, 220, 2983, 11, 220, 8259, 11, 220, 4513, 198, 15719, 58493, 40485, 10173, 11, 220, 7322, 4235, 7994, 198, 2419, 31162, 6514, 315, 11, 220, 7699, 11, 220, 6640, 198, 5898, 315, 13465, 304, 11, 220, 7322, 11, 220, 8546, 4235, 8899, 198, 82, 3595, 4010, 20000, 11, 220, 6069, 4235, 5833, 11, 220, 5037, 198, 19239, 3713, 15105, 11, 220, 8011, 4235, 7322, 11, 220, 9263, 4235, 9413, 198, 10031, 1101, 198, 507, 5455, 78, 277, 40485, 26, 71636, 46313, 590, 55652, 627, 7098, 40485, 5114, 323, 423, 4931, 46, 11, 220, 6640, 4235, 5120, 198, 2170, 50946, 12748, 11, 44681, 11, 386, 920, 2637, 220, 8953, 198, 32, 31177, 1764, 11, 423, 4931, 46, 323, 11, 220, 3076, 4235, 2031, 198, 32, 91882, 91711, 11, 423, 4931, 46, 323, 11, 220, 2790, 198, 86340, 1649, 753, 4579, 13, 720, 10031, 198, 15819, 323, 2531, 5435, 11, 423, 4931, 46, 323, 627, 10066, 408, 5770, 11, 87886, 11, 386, 920, 2637, 220, 8953, 198, 32, 1225, 11, 69830, 6043, 11, 30661, 11, 220, 17, 11, 220, 18, 198, 3792, 6784, 11, 423, 4931, 46, 323, 11, 220, 5833, 4235, 5313, 198, 3511, 28951, 11, 34297, 650, 548, 4355, 11, 386, 920, 2637, 220, 11771, 11, 220, 10005, 198, 33, 14350, 11, 4072, 8326, 11, 220, 6281, 22404, 275, 22212, 1885, 11, 28588, 11, 220, 1484, 11, 220, 1041, 198, 85238, 11, 8388, 11, 220, 6549, 11, 220, 9390, 11, 220, 6804, 198, 33, 2734, 7211, 11, 15274, 356, 2637, 220, 6640, 4235, 7743, 198, 33, 2734, 7211, 11, 41168, 11, 386, 920, 2637, 220, 6028, 198, 61026, 5967, 11, 23880, 469, 1345, 2637, 386, 920, 2637, 220, 11739, 198, 61026, 589, 11, 1901, 6312, 467, 11, 386, 920, 2637, 220, 6028, 198, 3513, 46352, 11, 7762, 11, 386, 920, 2637, 220, 9741, 198, 63429, 9572, 11, 220, 6393, 13, 720, 10031, 1101, 198, 26211, 11, 423, 4931, 46, 323, 627, 47696, 7197, 11, 71483, 4418, 11, 220, 10674, 198, 51329, 561, 9572, 11, 220, 5547, 13, 720, 10031, 1101, 198, 26211, 11, 423, 4931, 46, 323, 627, 52961, 10139, 315, 76508, 75014, 198, 11, 220, 5495, 198, 27368, 40185, 11, 12131, 423, 2637, 386, 920, 2637, 220, 1490, 4235, 5932, 198, 42059, 14946, 337, 20000, 11, 423, 4931, 46, 323, 11, 220, 12112, 4235, 12463, 198, 68977, 5014, 13, 720, 10031, 198, 5444, 79134, 86255, 15319, 11, 423, 4931, 46, 323, 627, 33, 1791, 11, 35336, 445, 2637, 220, 12245, 11, 220, 14815, 11, 220, 8273, 198, 33, 359, 919, 13, 720, 10031, 198, 15819, 323, 2531, 5435, 11, 423, 4931, 46, 323, 627, 33, 16468, 613, 11, 13611, 337, 831, 11, 386, 920, 2637, 220, 12112, 198, 67313, 82, 11, 423, 4931, 46, 323, 11, 220, 3226, 4235, 2970, 11, 220, 2287, 11, 220, 6804, 198, 33, 1759, 20000, 11, 423, 4931, 46, 323, 11, 220, 17, 11, 220, 18, 11, 220, 1114, 11, 220, 1627, 11, 220, 2096, 11, 220, 1135, 198, 27684, 1908, 11, 220, 5925, 4235, 6083, 198, 100175, 11, 10058, 11, 220, 14735, 198, 7368, 4881, 13, 720, 10031, 198, 15819, 323, 2531, 5435, 11, 423, 4931, 46, 323, 627, 34955, 11, 2999, 13, 31421, 469, 2637, 220, 3971, 4235, 4103, 198, 34, 11967, 11, 423, 4931, 46, 323, 11, 220, 2790, 11, 220, 1399, 4235, 5495, 198, 15719, 1824, 11967, 6425, 11, 220, 1049, 11, 220, 10866, 11, 220, 11056, 4235, 12060, 198, 2464, 42811, 323, 423, 4931, 46, 11, 220, 10410, 198, 35, 4931, 46, 1824, 11967, 3717, 11, 220, 11242, 4235, 12060, 198, 35, 4931, 46, 2902, 336, 4428, 87, 27095, 6425, 11, 220, 9741, 11, 220, 5926, 4235, 2550, 11, 220, 11056, 4235, 12060, 198, 35, 4931, 46, 2902, 336, 4428, 87, 27095, 7978, 11, 220, 11128, 4235, 10750, 11, 220, 10336, 4235, 9741, 11, 220, 2366, 11, 220, 10866, 198, 2419, 316, 43943, 15419, 11, 220, 5538, 198, 10031, 1101, 198, 3927, 51423, 627, 13199, 3667, 4618, 11, 14103, 10746, 11, 386, 920, 2637, 220, 8953, 198, 34, 1138, 43994, 11, 362, 2637, 386, 920, 2637, 220, 10562, 198, 34, 6526, 11613, 13, 720, 10031, 198, 28929, 5435, 11, 423, 4931, 46, 323, 627, 34, 651, 950, 9572, 11, 220, 4331, 11, 220, 4370, 11, 220, 3753, 4235, 2550, 11, 220, 12112, 13, 720, 10031, 1101, 198, 26211, 11, 423, 4931, 46, 323, 627, 34, 651, 950, 2709, 11, 357, 268, 10934, 315, 279, 11, 220, 16, 4235, 17, 1163, 23184, 11, 62023, 78, 11, 386, 920, 2637, 220, 6028, 198, 47275, 41439, 198, 11, 220, 777, 198, 96830, 32210, 40952, 81811, 612, 25368, 8483, 198, 11, 220, 1399, 198, 96830, 71881, 2508, 323, 23258, 88886, 198, 11, 220, 5495, 198, 54849, 77, 6341, 13, 720, 10031, 198, 15819, 323, 2531, 5435, 11, 423, 4931, 46, 323, 627, 89765, 9572, 11, 220, 11242, 13, 720, 10031, 1101, 198, 26211, 11, 423, 4931, 46, 323, 627, 60816, 78717, 315, 9784, 11, 220, 1774, 198, 31068, 29140, 198, 11, 220, 2075, 198, 34, 34807, 3161, 26211, 198, 11, 220, 12060, 198, 10803, 818, 278, 55307, 13, 720, 10031, 198, 28929, 5435, 11, 423, 4931, 46, 323, 627, 34, 44129, 13, 720, 10031, 198, 15819, 323, 2531, 5435, 11, 423, 4931, 46, 323, 627, 9614, 790, 28439, 627, 10031, 198, 328, 566, 261, 4414, 1764, 11, 423, 4931, 46, 323, 627, 34, 37802, 10516, 11, 2999, 13, 7957, 11, 220, 508, 198, 16384, 412, 11, 12131, 622, 2637, 386, 920, 2637, 220, 22, 11, 220, 23, 11, 220, 24, 11, 220, 605, 11, 220, 1544, 11, 220, 5958, 11, 220, 5728, 11, 220, 2075, 11, 220, 1954, 11, 220, 14125, 198, 34, 4935, 1901, 7218, 35638, 18343, 8351, 11, 220, 868, 11, 220, 1644, 11, 220, 5958, 198, 34, 599, 292, 19218, 20000, 11, 423, 4931, 46, 323, 11, 220, 5332, 198, 44653, 5513, 198, 11, 1561, 4356, 11, 220, 4103, 198, 35, 11967, 753, 4579, 13, 720, 10031, 198, 15819, 323, 2531, 5435, 11, 423, 4931, 46, 323, 627, 23083, 942, 11, 7505, 11, 220, 1484, 198, 97284, 11, 2582, 8078, 622, 2637, 386, 920, 2637, 220, 12112, 198, 1951, 4563, 10574, 11, 92306, 435, 2637, 386, 920, 2637, 220, 10513, 198, 1951, 1208, 8611, 265, 11, 7762, 356, 2637, 386, 920, 2637, 220, 4370, 4235, 2131, 11, 220, 5932, 11, 220, 6086, 11, 220, 6804, 11, 220, 10288, 11, 220, 10410, 11, 220, 10161, 11, 220, 3965, 11, 220, 9756, 11, 220, 9800, 345, 10559, 11, 220, 10895, 11, 220, 12754, 4235, 14052, 198, 1951, 50302, 936, 11, 8096, 362, 2637, 386, 920, 2637, 220, 1954, 198, 35, 1994, 8671, 11, 8766, 11, 220, 6365, 4235, 2721, 198, 35, 4289, 266, 1640, 10782, 3206, 266, 784, 83950, 198, 11, 220, 14052, 198, 22427, 16629, 11, 423, 4931, 46, 323, 11, 220, 5495, 4235, 1227, 198, 8747, 45938, 8725, 17254, 11, 220, 3080, 4235, 2614, 198, 8783, 40204, 20335, 11, 220, 1227, 11, 220, 10866, 198, 10557, 42972, 46962, 15361, 579, 27766, 61063, 198, 11, 220, 1644, 198, 10557, 42972, 26858, 15361, 579, 320, 35, 4931, 46, 340, 519, 333, 58267, 11, 21196, 71034, 11, 323, 3276, 344, 37478, 6012, 315, 11, 220, 2970, 4235, 2946, 198, 13781, 836, 47979, 315, 75563, 42960, 11, 220, 8610, 198, 10557, 327, 307, 11, 220, 8610, 11, 220, 13719, 220, 4044, 4235, 17, 11, 220, 10697, 198, 40, 652, 276, 11, 220, 13302, 11, 220, 13762, 22560, 12, 4368, 11, 220, 12463, 11, 220, 13302, 11, 220, 13762, 198, 49, 318, 708, 12, 1135, 11, 220, 1774, 11, 220, 12754, 198, 50, 51737, 11, 220, 9870, 198, 73821, 7710, 6012, 315, 11, 220, 1987, 4235, 2137, 198, 82169, 323, 11, 220, 22, 11, 220, 23, 11, 220, 24, 11, 220, 605, 11, 220, 1032, 11, 220, 845, 4235, 972, 11, 220, 777, 11, 220, 508, 11, 220, 1691, 11, 220, 1313, 11, 220, 1419, 11, 220, 914, 11, 220, 1627, 11, 220, 1544, 11, 720, 1591, 11, 220, 1682, 11, 220, 2137, 11, 220, 2983, 345, 4103, 11, 220, 5332, 11, 220, 5958, 11, 220, 2075, 11, 220, 2495, 4235, 1490, 11, 220, 2421, 11, 220, 4578, 4235, 1954, 11, 220, 7743, 11, 220, 4386, 11, 220, 9748, 11, 220, 10288, 11, 220, 9892, 11, 220, 11771, 11, 220, 11128, 11, 220, 10866, 345, 14261, 11, 220, 14378, 11, 220, 9870, 11, 220, 12338, 11, 220, 12994, 11, 220, 11727, 11, 220, 12422, 11, 220, 14087, 11, 220, 14125, 11, 220, 14185, 4235, 14735, 198, 383, 6260, 2410, 315, 11, 220, 1758, 4235, 1806, 198, 258, 3836, 1245, 19338, 323, 11, 220, 12652, 4235, 12425, 13, 720, 10031, 1101, 198, 46060, 26, 121688, 3714, 88, 26, 55405, 20000, 280, 46, 5455, 5650, 301, 20000, 26, 94137, 49086, 63000, 26, 77934, 5382, 30020, 627, 7551, 14675, 369, 11, 220, 1627, 4235, 966, 13, 720, 10031, 1101, 198, 220, 1399, 42099, 627, 69216, 5829, 369, 11, 4689, 11, 220, 1135, 4235, 5332, 13, 720, 10031, 1101], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " time for allicin to form.\nTraditional & \nCurrent Uses\n\u25a0 Traditional remedy Garlic has \nalways been esteemed for its healing \npowers, and before the development \nof antibiotics it was a treatment for all \nmanner of infections, from tuberculosis \nto typhoid. It was also used to dress \nwounds in World War I. \n\u25a0 Bronchial infections Garlic is \nan excellent remedy for all types of \nchest infections. It is good for colds, \nflu, and ear infections, and it helps \nto reduce mucus. \n\u25a0 Digestive tract Digestive \ninfections respond well to garlic. \nThe herb can also rid the body of \nintestinal parasites. \n\u25a0 Circulatory remedy Garlic \nprevents circulatory problems and \nstrokes by keeping the blood thin. \nIt lowers cholesterol levels and \nblood pressure.Garlic\nA bulbous perennial \ngrowing to 1\u20133 ft \n(30 cm\u20131 m), with \npale pink or green-\nwhite flowers.\n\u25a0 Other uses Garlic has been \nused to treat diverse health problems, \nfrom hay fever and asthma to an \nenlarged prostate and osteoarthritis. \nIt is useful when taken alongside \nconventional antibiotics to help \nprevent side-effects such as diarrhea. \nStrongly antifungal, garlic can be an \neffective treatment in fungal skin \nconditions, taken internally and \napplied to the skin. It has anti-cancer \nactivity and helps to protect against \nstomach and colon cancer.Garlic is widely cultivated commercially \nfor use in cooking.Parts Used\nKey Preparations \n& Their Uses\nSelf-help Uses\n\u25a0 Acne & boils, p. 305.\n\u25a0 Athlete\u2019s foot, p. 304.\n\u25a0 Colds & flu, p. 311.\n\u25a0 Cold sores, p. 304.\n\u25a0 Coughs & bronchitis, p. 310. \n\u25a0 Digestive infections, p. 305. \n\u25a0 Earache, p. 312.\n\u25a0 Fungal infections, p. 314.\n\u25a0 High blood pressure, p. 301.\n\u25a0 Old age tonic, p. 319.\n\u25a0 Tonsillitis, p. 311. \n\u25a0 Urinary infections, p. 314. QCaution Consult a professional practitioner before giving garlic as a medicine to \nchildren under 12. T ake on professional advice if taking blood-thinning medication.Garlic whole, chopped, or crushed, has \nbeen used as a medicine and as a tonic \nfood for thousands of years.\nChopped cloves Use \nregularly in cooking to \nhelp reduce cholesterol \nlevels and boost the \nimmune system.Pearls contain garlic oil. T ake to \nincrease resistance to infections.ClovesBulb\nFresh \nplant\nGarlic syrup \n(to make, p. 293). \nFor coughs, take \n1 tsp every 3 hours.\nCapsules (to make, p. 292). For bronchitis, take 2 x 100 mg capsules 3 times a day.\nTablets T ake for high blood pressure and bronchitis.\nUS_058-059_Aesculus_Allium.indd 59 17/03/16 4:00 pm\n60Aloe verAkey medicinal plantsAloe vera syn. A. barbadensis (Xanthorrhoeaceae)\nAloe Vera, AloesAloe vera\nA perennial with succulent leaves 2 ft (60 cm) long and a spike of yellow or orange flowers.\nAloe vera has prickly, gray-green, \nsucculent leaves that yield effective medicinal substances.\nHabitat & Cultivation\nNative to eastern and southern Africa, \naloe vera grows wild in the tropics and is cultivated extensively worldwide. (Aloe vera plants grown as potted plants have a low anthraquinone content.) Aloe vera is propagated by breaking off small rooted plantlets. To collect the gel and bitter liquid, the leaves are cut and drained.\nRelated Species\nCape aloes (A. ferox ) is used in \nherbal medicine as an irritant \nlaxative. Many other Aloe species \nare also useful medicinally. \nKey Constituents\n\u25a0 Anthraquinones (aloin, \n aloe-emodin)\n\u25a0 Resins\n\u25a0 Tannins\n\u25a0 Polysaccharides\n\u25a0 Aloectin B\nKey Actions\n\u25a0 Heals wounds\n\u25a0 Emollient\u25a0 Stimulates secretions of bile\n\u25a0 Laxative\nResearch\n\u25a0 Healing properties Extensive \nresearch since the 1930s in the U.S. and Russia has shown that the clear gel has a dramatic ability to heal wounds, ulcers, and burns, putting a protective coat on the affected area and speeding up the rate of healing. This action is in part due to the presence of aloectin B, which stimulates the immune system.\nTraditional & \nCurrent Uses\n\u25a0 Beauty treatment Aloe vera \nhas a long history as a skin lotion\u2014\nCleopatra is said to have attributed her beauty to it.\n\u25a0 Western remedy In the West, \naloe vera first became popular in the 1950s when its ability to heal burns, in particular radiation burns, was discovered. \n\u25a0 First aid Aloe vera is an excellent \nfirst aid remedy for burns, scrapes, scalds, and sunburn. A leaf, broken off, releases soothing gel, which may be applied to the affected part.\n\u25a0 Skin conditions The gel is useful \nfor almost any skin condition that needs soothing and astringing, and will help varicose veins to some degree.\n\u25a0 Ulcers The protective and healing \neffect of aloe vera also works internally, and the gel can be used for peptic ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome.\n\u25a0 Laxative The bitter yellow liquid \nin the leaves (bitter aloes) contains anthraquinones, which are strongly laxative. They cause the colon to contract, generally producing a \nbowel movement 8\u201312 hours after consumption. At low doses, the bitter properties of the herb stimulate digestion. At higher doses, bitter aloes are laxative and purgative. Parts Used\nKey Preparations \n& Their Uses\nSelf-help Uses\n\u25a0 Minor burns & sunburn, p. 303.\n\u25a0 Stretch marks, p. 317.\n\u25a0 Warts, p. 304.\n\u25a0 Weeping skin, p. 303.\n\u25a0 Wounds, p. 304.Native to Africa, aloe vera is commonly cultivated \nas a potted plant and has two distinct types of medicinal \nuse. The clear gel contained in the leaf is a remarkably effective healer of wounds and burns, speeding up \nthe rate of healing and reducing the risk of infection. The yellow sap from the base of the leaf when dried is known as \u201cbitter aloes.\u201d It is a strong laxative, useful for short-term constipation.\n QCautions Do not use the bitter yellow juice from \nthe base of the leaves (bitter aloes) on the skin. Its\nuse is restricted in some countries. Do not take internally during pregnancy or while breast feeding. Do not take if suffering from hemorrhoids or kidney disease.Leaves exude a bitter \nliquid, which is dried and known as \u201cbitter aloes.\u201d They also contain a clear gel, which is a soothing skin remedy. \nChopped leaves Leaves\nLeaves Break off a leaf and split open \nto collect the gel. For burns and \neczema, apply liberally twice a day.Juice is made commercially from \nthe gel. For peptic ulcers, \ntake 21/2 tbsp 3 times a day.Leaves are broken \noff and the clear \ngel is applied to the \nskin as a first aid \nremedy for burns\nBitter aloes are \nused by herbalists to treat constipation.\nTincture made from bitter aloes (see p. 292). To stimulate the appetite, take 3 drops with water before meals.\nUS_060-061_Aloe_Alpinia.indd 60 26/02/16 3:58 pm61 key medicinal plantsAlpini A OFF i CinARUM\nTincture (to make, p. 292) is suitable for \nlong-term use. To improve digestion, \ntake 20 drops diluted with 1/2 cup \n(100 ml) hot water 3 times a day.\nPowder For nausea, take \na 250 mg capsule (to make, \np. 292) twice a day.Chopping root for a decoction \n(to make, p. 291). For motion \nsickness, slowly sip up to \n3\u20444 cup (150 ml).Alpinia officinarum (Zingiberaceae)\nGalangal (Hindi), Gao Liang Jiang (Chinese)\nLike other members of the ginger family, galangal \nis warming and comforting to the digestion. It has a \npleasantly aromatic and mildly spicy taste, and is suitable \nfor all conditions where the central areas of the body \nneed greater warmth. It was introduced into Europe in \nabout the 9th century. The German mystic Hildegard of \nBingen regarded it literally as the \u201cspice of life,\u201d given by \nGod to ward off ill-health.\nHabitat & Cultivation\nNative to grassland areas of southern \nChina, and Southeast Asia in general, \ngalangal is now cultivated as a spice \nand as a medicine throughout much \nof tropical Asia. It is propagated by \ndividing and replanting the rhizomes in \nspring, and it requires well-drained soil \nand a shady position. The rhizomes are \nhar", "token_ids": [892, 369, 453, 416, 258, 311, 1376, 627, 85782, 612, 2355, 5520, 39923, 198, 47774, 46560, 40239, 220, 95825, 706, 720, 33222, 1027, 97564, 369, 1202, 21730, 720, 78404, 11, 323, 1603, 279, 4500, 720, 1073, 46850, 433, 574, 264, 6514, 369, 682, 720, 76, 4992, 315, 30020, 11, 505, 88234, 720, 998, 13892, 764, 590, 13, 1102, 574, 1101, 1511, 311, 8679, 720, 86, 3171, 304, 4435, 5111, 358, 13, 720, 47774, 20407, 331, 532, 30020, 220, 95825, 374, 2355, 276, 9250, 40239, 369, 682, 4595, 315, 720, 27417, 30020, 13, 1102, 374, 1695, 369, 9439, 82, 11, 720, 27256, 11, 323, 2487, 30020, 11, 323, 433, 8779, 2355, 998, 8108, 296, 38601, 13, 720, 47774, 54389, 535, 42929, 220, 54389, 535, 720, 258, 25384, 6013, 1664, 311, 31735, 13, 2355, 791, 39999, 649, 1101, 9463, 279, 2547, 315, 720, 71558, 79383, 13, 720, 47774, 16741, 38220, 40239, 220, 95825, 720, 1762, 48764, 4319, 38220, 5435, 323, 720, 267, 56137, 555, 10494, 279, 6680, 15792, 13, 2355, 2181, 73115, 39086, 5990, 323, 2355, 51105, 7410, 1246, 277, 416, 198, 32, 46912, 788, 74718, 720, 70, 25156, 311, 220, 16, 4235, 18, 10702, 2355, 7, 966, 10166, 4235, 16, 296, 705, 449, 720, 79, 1604, 18718, 477, 6307, 7058, 5902, 19837, 627, 47774, 7089, 5829, 220, 95825, 706, 1027, 2355, 2656, 311, 4322, 17226, 2890, 5435, 11, 720, 1527, 18137, 34653, 323, 51643, 311, 459, 720, 268, 27995, 291, 47447, 323, 52368, 78, 277, 40485, 13, 720, 2181, 374, 5505, 994, 4529, 16662, 720, 444, 44322, 46850, 311, 1520, 720, 93755, 3185, 75888, 1778, 439, 69393, 13, 720, 48686, 398, 3276, 333, 58267, 11, 31735, 649, 387, 459, 720, 78995, 6514, 304, 95447, 6930, 720, 16902, 11, 4529, 34167, 323, 720, 391, 3523, 311, 279, 6930, 13, 1102, 706, 7294, 1824, 11967, 720, 7323, 323, 8779, 311, 6144, 2403, 720, 267, 316, 613, 323, 15235, 9572, 1246, 277, 416, 220, 374, 13882, 67166, 54453, 720, 2000, 1005, 304, 17677, 1087, 7183, 12477, 198, 1622, 5075, 1768, 811, 720, 5, 11205, 39923, 198, 12363, 50570, 39923, 198, 47774, 6515, 818, 612, 90055, 1174, 281, 13, 220, 13364, 627, 47774, 20277, 1649, 753, 4579, 1174, 281, 13, 220, 12166, 627, 47774, 356, 18938, 612, 20236, 1174, 281, 13, 220, 15134, 627, 47774, 24062, 779, 417, 1174, 281, 13, 220, 12166, 627, 47774, 356, 1409, 82, 612, 31071, 331, 20000, 1174, 281, 13, 220, 12226, 13, 720, 47774, 54389, 535, 30020, 1174, 281, 13, 220, 13364, 13, 720, 47774, 6952, 1815, 1174, 281, 13, 220, 13384, 627, 47774, 435, 58267, 30020, 1174, 281, 13, 220, 16104, 627, 47774, 5234, 6680, 7410, 1174, 281, 13, 220, 12405, 627, 47774, 10846, 4325, 99305, 1174, 281, 13, 220, 16874, 627, 47774, 350, 2439, 484, 20000, 1174, 281, 13, 220, 15134, 13, 720, 47774, 17229, 3367, 30020, 1174, 281, 13, 220, 16104, 13, 220, 1229, 23389, 1516, 20556, 264, 6721, 55472, 1603, 7231, 31735, 439, 264, 16088, 311, 720, 5988, 1234, 220, 717, 13, 350, 264, 441, 389, 6721, 9650, 422, 4737, 6680, 7716, 20353, 24099, 1246, 277, 416, 4459, 11, 38525, 11, 477, 33745, 11, 706, 720, 82850, 1511, 439, 264, 16088, 323, 439, 264, 99305, 720, 14239, 369, 9214, 315, 1667, 627, 1163, 18033, 85388, 5560, 720, 23108, 398, 304, 17677, 311, 720, 8823, 8108, 39086, 720, 43664, 323, 7916, 279, 2355, 70155, 1887, 1087, 686, 4835, 6782, 31735, 5707, 13, 350, 264, 441, 311, 720, 79601, 13957, 311, 30020, 732, 385, 2396, 33, 360, 65, 198, 56753, 720, 21494, 198, 45030, 416, 45322, 2355, 12464, 1304, 11, 281, 13, 220, 17313, 570, 2355, 2520, 40700, 82, 11, 1935, 2355, 16, 39020, 1475, 220, 18, 4207, 627, 61841, 2482, 320, 998, 1304, 11, 281, 13, 220, 16443, 570, 1789, 31071, 331, 20000, 11, 1935, 220, 17, 865, 220, 1041, 14060, 65879, 220, 18, 3115, 264, 1938, 627, 2620, 2641, 350, 264, 441, 369, 1579, 6680, 7410, 323, 31071, 331, 20000, 627, 2078, 62, 24824, 12, 27033, 1596, 3380, 19990, 54729, 2411, 29573, 67, 256, 220, 2946, 220, 1114, 14, 2839, 14, 845, 256, 220, 19, 25, 410, 9012, 198, 1399, 32, 35598, 2807, 32, 798, 58041, 11012, 32, 35598, 92344, 6925, 13, 362, 13, 3703, 14176, 87778, 320, 55, 32329, 54308, 4748, 114785, 340, 32, 35598, 68200, 11, 95554, 288, 32, 35598, 92344, 198, 32, 74718, 449, 20639, 29580, 11141, 220, 17, 10702, 320, 1399, 10166, 8, 1317, 220, 323, 264, 37393, 315, 14071, 477, 19087, 19837, 627, 32, 35598, 92344, 706, 89800, 398, 11, 18004, 39368, 11, 2355, 65541, 29580, 11141, 430, 7692, 7524, 58041, 33155, 627, 39, 40027, 266, 612, 26676, 40227, 198, 21464, 311, 24024, 323, 18561, 10384, 11, 720, 278, 4748, 92344, 28815, 8545, 304, 279, 21965, 1233, 323, 374, 67166, 42817, 15603, 13, 320, 32, 35598, 92344, 11012, 15042, 439, 281, 15889, 11012, 617, 264, 3428, 23064, 969, 36444, 606, 2262, 6266, 362, 35598, 92344, 374, 86150, 555, 15061, 1022, 2678, 41976, 6136, 10145, 13, 2057, 6667, 279, 18316, 323, 26242, 14812, 11, 279, 11141, 527, 4018, 323, 61508, 627, 11948, 51567, 198, 34, 2070, 54266, 288, 320, 32, 13, 282, 99258, 883, 374, 1511, 304, 2355, 1964, 13616, 16088, 439, 459, 30118, 519, 2355, 75, 710, 1413, 13, 9176, 1023, 362, 35598, 9606, 2355, 548, 1101, 5505, 8249, 38745, 13, 720, 1622, 76704, 84, 812, 198, 47774, 16989, 969, 36444, 3233, 320, 278, 2003, 11, 2355, 264, 35598, 37612, 347, 258, 340, 47774, 1838, 1354, 198, 47774, 350, 1036, 1354, 198, 47774, 3735, 1065, 582, 1799, 3422, 198, 47774, 95554, 440, 258, 426, 198, 1622, 27820, 198, 47774, 1283, 1147, 34254, 198, 47774, 5867, 337, 1477, 47774, 71872, 24031, 6367, 919, 315, 73394, 198, 47774, 445, 710, 1413, 198, 28528, 198, 47774, 49741, 6012, 9634, 4114, 720, 61564, 2533, 279, 220, 7285, 15, 82, 304, 279, 549, 815, 13, 323, 8524, 706, 6982, 430, 279, 2867, 18316, 706, 264, 22520, 5845, 311, 27661, 34254, 11, 8725, 17254, 11, 323, 44154, 11, 10917, 264, 29219, 23724, 389, 279, 11754, 3158, 323, 58675, 709, 279, 4478, 315, 21730, 13, 1115, 1957, 374, 304, 961, 4245, 311, 279, 9546, 315, 54266, 440, 258, 426, 11, 902, 95455, 279, 22852, 1887, 627, 85782, 612, 2355, 5520, 39923, 198, 47774, 31685, 6514, 362, 35598, 92344, 2355, 4752, 264, 1317, 3925, 439, 264, 6930, 87942, 2345, 198, 34, 273, 454, 40658, 374, 1071, 311, 617, 30706, 1077, 13444, 311, 433, 627, 47774, 11104, 40239, 763, 279, 4410, 11, 2355, 278, 4748, 92344, 1176, 6244, 5526, 304, 220, 279, 220, 6280, 15, 82, 994, 1202, 5845, 311, 27661, 44154, 11, 304, 4040, 25407, 44154, 11, 574, 11352, 13, 720, 47774, 5629, 12576, 362, 35598, 92344, 374, 459, 9250, 720, 3983, 12576, 40239, 369, 44154, 11, 21512, 288, 11, 1156, 4852, 82, 11, 323, 7160, 22464, 13, 362, 16312, 11, 11102, 1022, 11, 19786, 65464, 18316, 11, 902, 1253, 387, 9435, 311, 279, 11754, 961, 627, 47774, 28049, 4787, 578, 18316, 374, 5505, 720, 2000, 4661, 904, 6930, 3044, 430, 3966, 65464, 323, 264, 928, 287, 11, 323, 690, 1520, 767, 292, 974, 60764, 311, 1063, 8547, 627, 47774, 16991, 17254, 578, 29219, 323, 21730, 720, 27153, 315, 264, 35598, 92344, 1101, 4375, 34167, 11, 323, 279, 18316, 649, 387, 1511, 220, 369, 1069, 27330, 8725, 17254, 323, 6348, 23349, 220, 66358, 28439, 627, 47774, 445, 710, 1413, 578, 26242, 14071, 14812, 720, 258, 279, 11141, 320, 65, 3328, 54266, 288, 8, 5727, 23064, 969, 36444, 3233, 11, 902, 527, 16917, 74830, 1413, 13, 2435, 5353, 279, 15235, 220, 311, 5226, 11, 8965, 17843, 264, 2355, 15802, 301, 7351, 220, 23, 4235, 717, 4207, 1306, 15652, 13, 2468, 3428, 35130, 11, 279, 26242, 6012, 315, 279, 39999, 51077, 74502, 13, 2468, 5190, 35130, 11, 26242, 54266, 288, 527, 74830, 1413, 323, 4087, 70, 1413, 13, 27399, 12477, 198, 1622, 5075, 1768, 811, 2355, 5, 11205, 39923, 198, 12363, 50570, 39923, 198, 47774, 30893, 44154, 612, 7160, 22464, 11, 281, 13, 220, 13236, 627, 47774, 61205, 15785, 11, 281, 13, 220, 16718, 627, 47774, 468, 7183, 11, 281, 13, 220, 12166, 627, 47774, 1226, 55323, 6930, 11, 281, 13, 220, 13236, 627, 47774, 468, 3171, 11, 281, 13, 220, 12166, 69724, 311, 10384, 11, 264, 35598, 92344, 374, 17037, 67166, 2355, 300, 264, 281, 15889, 6136, 323, 706, 1403, 12742, 4595, 315, 58041, 2355, 817, 13, 578, 2867, 18316, 13282, 304, 279, 16312, 374, 264, 49723, 220, 7524, 98211, 315, 34254, 323, 44154, 11, 58675, 709, 2355, 1820, 4478, 315, 21730, 323, 18189, 279, 5326, 315, 19405, 13, 220, 578, 14071, 35735, 505, 279, 2385, 315, 279, 16312, 994, 32720, 220, 374, 3967, 439, 1054, 65, 3328, 54266, 288, 2029, 1102, 374, 264, 3831, 74830, 1413, 11, 5505, 220, 369, 2875, 9860, 738, 49686, 627, 43707, 2784, 919, 3234, 539, 1005, 279, 26242, 14071, 23661, 505, 2355, 1820, 2385, 315, 279, 11141, 320, 65, 3328, 54266, 288, 8, 389, 279, 6930, 13, 11699, 198, 817, 374, 22486, 304, 1063, 5961, 13, 3234, 539, 1935, 34167, 256, 2391, 20209, 477, 1418, 17659, 26040, 13, 3234, 539, 1935, 220, 422, 16066, 505, 71417, 17390, 477, 39042, 8624, 12087, 4798, 506, 799, 264, 26242, 2355, 54737, 11, 902, 374, 32720, 323, 220, 3967, 439, 1054, 65, 3328, 54266, 288, 2029, 2435, 220, 1101, 6782, 264, 2867, 18316, 11, 902, 374, 264, 65464, 6930, 40239, 13, 720, 1163, 18033, 11141, 78614, 198, 2356, 4798, 15996, 1022, 264, 16312, 323, 6859, 1825, 2355, 998, 6667, 279, 18316, 13, 1789, 44154, 323, 720, 69768, 9355, 11, 3881, 34929, 750, 11157, 264, 1938, 3587, 84, 560, 374, 1903, 54453, 505, 720, 1820, 18316, 13, 1789, 1069, 27330, 8725, 17254, 11, 2355, 23609, 220, 1691, 14, 17, 64975, 220, 18, 3115, 264, 1938, 12087, 4798, 527, 11102, 720, 1885, 323, 279, 2867, 720, 29952, 374, 9435, 311, 279, 720, 37282, 439, 264, 1176, 12576, 720, 1864, 9497, 369, 44154, 198, 33, 3328, 54266, 288, 527, 2355, 2656, 555, 51487, 1705, 220, 311, 4322, 738, 49686, 627, 51, 7956, 554, 1903, 505, 26242, 54266, 288, 320, 4151, 281, 13, 220, 16443, 570, 2057, 51077, 279, 38575, 11, 220, 1935, 220, 18, 21701, 449, 3090, 1603, 21644, 627, 2078, 62, 15101, 12, 23324, 1596, 35598, 41912, 13576, 689, 29573, 67, 256, 220, 1399, 220, 1627, 14, 2437, 14, 845, 256, 220, 18, 25, 2970, 9012, 5547, 1401, 58041, 11012, 2149, 79, 6729, 362, 18076, 602, 30011, 946, 2864, 198, 51, 7956, 554, 320, 998, 1304, 11, 281, 13, 220, 16443, 8, 374, 14791, 369, 720, 4930, 9860, 1005, 13, 2057, 7417, 74502, 11, 720, 23609, 220, 508, 21701, 80703, 449, 220, 16, 14, 17, 10747, 2355, 7, 1041, 16116, 8, 4106, 3090, 220, 18, 3115, 264, 1938, 627, 67684, 1126, 1789, 61880, 11, 1935, 2355, 64, 220, 5154, 14060, 48739, 320, 998, 1304, 11, 720, 79, 13, 220, 16443, 8, 11157, 264, 1938, 6487, 7153, 3789, 369, 264, 68652, 407, 720, 12464, 1304, 11, 281, 13, 220, 17335, 570, 1789, 11633, 720, 82, 26989, 11, 14297, 47715, 709, 311, 2355, 18, 53233, 226, 19, 10747, 320, 3965, 16116, 570, 2149, 13576, 689, 2856, 14080, 372, 320, 57, 287, 8799, 114785, 340, 53619, 526, 278, 320, 39, 29785, 705, 480, 3524, 14851, 526, 61922, 320, 46023, 340, 13246, 1023, 3697, 315, 279, 44768, 3070, 11, 15730, 526, 278, 2355, 285, 24808, 323, 69130, 311, 279, 74502, 13, 1102, 706, 264, 2355, 45007, 398, 82688, 323, 76949, 48351, 12945, 11, 323, 374, 14791, 720, 2000, 682, 4787, 1405, 279, 8792, 5789, 315, 279, 2547, 2355, 17483, 7191, 41463, 13, 1102, 574, 11784, 1139, 4606, 304, 2355, 9274, 279, 220, 24, 339, 9478, 13, 578, 6063, 11679, 292, 39696, 16915, 569, 315, 720, 33, 29018, 27458, 433, 16280, 439, 279, 1054, 2203, 560, 315, 2324, 2476, 2728, 555, 2355, 28622, 311, 26741, 1022, 5986, 79505, 627, 39, 40027, 266, 612, 26676, 40227, 198, 21464, 311, 16763, 1974, 5789, 315, 18561, 720, 23078, 11, 323, 36664, 13936, 304, 4689, 11, 720, 16876, 526, 278, 374, 1457, 67166, 439, 264, 42786, 2355, 438, 439, 264, 16088, 6957, 1790, 2355, 1073, 35148, 13936, 13, 1102, 374, 86150, 555, 720, 614, 6714, 323, 5911, 519, 287, 279, 22408, 450, 20969, 304, 720, 30323, 11, 323, 433, 7612, 1664, 19158, 2692, 17614, 720, 438, 264, 78181, 2361, 13, 578, 22408, 450, 20969, 527, 720, 13279], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": "to a height of 1 ft (30 cm). Has slender knotty rhizomes and curving fronds that are dotted with brown spores (sori) on their lower surface.\nHabitat & Cultivation Native to Europe \nand northern Asia, polypody is commonly found growing in damp woodland and hedgerows, and on walls. The rhizome is unearthed in autumn.\nPart Used Rhizome.\nConstituents Polypody rhizome contains \nsaponins (based on polypodosapogenin), ecdysteroids, phloroglucins, volatile oil, fixed oil, and tannins.\nUS_246-265_Pergularia_Extensa_Salvia_Sclarea.indd 254 26/02/16 12:47 pm255 other medicinal plantsPotentilla anserina\nproperties. It is often taken to treat arthritic \nand rheumatic aches and pains. It is also used \nto lower fever, especially when this condition \nis associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Being \nstimulant, quaking aspen bark acts as a tonic \nremedy in the treatment of anorexia and other \ndebilitated states. The bark\u2019s significant astringent \nand antiseptic qualities make it useful for treating \ndiarrhea and the symptoms of irritable bowel \nsyndrome. It is also used to treat urinary \ntract infections.\nCaution Do not take quaking aspen if allergic \nto aspirin.Cautions Best avoided while breastfeeding. \nDo not take if allergic to aspirin.\nSelf-help Use Coughs, p. 310.\nPopulus tremuloides (Salicaceae)\nQuaking Aspen\nDescription Deciduous, spreading tree \ngrowing to 65 ft (20 m). Has oval, slightly sticky \nbuds and round, finely toothed leaves that quiver \nin the wind.\nHabitat & Cultivation Native to North \nAmerica, quaking aspen prefers damp and moist \nareas, and grows alongside rivers and in valleys, \nhedgerows, and groves. It is also widely cultivated \nin temperate regions. The bark is collected in \nearly spring.\nPart Used Bark.\nConstituents The bark contains phenolic \nglycosides (including salicin and populin) and \ntannins. Salicin and populin are salicylates, substances \nthat have fever-reducing, pain-relieving, and \nanti-inflammatory properties that are \nsimilar to those of aspirin.\nQuaking aspen bark contains salicin, a substance \nwith aspirin-like effects.Purslane is a good \nsource of vitamins and \ncalcium. It also has \nantibiotic properties.\nHistory & Folklore The Ojibwa people used \nan oily compound made from quaking aspen and \nbear fat to treat earache. Other Native Americans \nused the bark for a variety of purposes, including \nas an eyewash for sore eyes.\nMedicinal Actions & Uses Like willow bark \n(Salix alba, p. 129), quaking aspen bark has widely \nrecognized anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving Research Purslane is being intensively researched. \nExtracts of the herb show antioxidant, anti-\ninflammatory, analgesic, and antidiabetic activity, \nunderlining that fact that purslane is valuable as \nfood and as medicine. The alkaloids have \nneuroprotective activity and inhibit \nacetylcholinesterase, making the herb \ntheoretically of use in Alzheimer\u2019s disease.\nCaution Do not take purslane as a medicine \nduring pregnancy.\nPotentilla anserina (Rosaceae)\nSilverweed\nDescription Perennial plant growing to \n16 in (40 cm). Has toothed compound leaves \nthat are silvery on the underside, and 5-petaled \nyellow flowers.\nHabitat & Cultivation Silverweed is found \nin Europe, Asia, and North America, where it \nflourishes in dry grassy places. The aerial parts are \ncollected in late summer, the root at the same time \nor in autumn.\nParts Used Aerial parts, root.\nConstituents Silverweed contains 2\u201310% \nellagitannins, flavonoids, choline, and bitters. \nHistory & Folklore William Withering, the \n18th-century doctor who discovered the \ncardiotonic effects of foxglove ( Digitalis purpurea, \np. 202), recommended a teaspoon of dried leaves \nto be taken at 3-hour intervals to assuage bouts \nof malarial fever. \nMedicinal Actions & Uses Silverweed\u2019s \nmain medicinal value lies in its astringent and anti-\ninflammatory activity. It makes an effective gargle LeavesPortulaca oleracea (Portulacaceae)\nPurslane\nDescription Succulent annual plant growing \nto 6 in (15 cm). Has small, thick rounded leaves \nand small yellow flowers growing in clusters.\nHabitat & Cultivation Native to Europe \nand Asia, purslane is now one of the most \nwidely distributed plants, growing \nfrom Australia and China to the \nAmericas. Often found growing \nnear water, it is gathered \nthroughout the summer. Wild \npurslane is the variety chiefly used \nas a medicine; the golden variety, \nP. oleracea var. sativa, is cultivated \nmostly as a kitchen potherb.\nParts Used Aerial parts.\nConstituents Purslane contains flavonoids, \nalkaloids, fatty acids (significant omega-3 oil \ncontent), terpenoids, polysaccharides, vitamins A, \nB1, and C, proteins and minerals (especially calcium).\nHistory & Folklore Purslane\u2019s use as a \nmedicinal herb in Europe, Iran, and India dates \nback at least 2,000 years, and it was probably \neaten as a vegetable well before then. In ancient \nRome, purslane was used to treat headaches, \nstomach ache and dysentery, intestinal worms, \nand lizard bite.\nMedicinal Actions & Uses Purslane has \nlong been considered valuable in the treatment \nof urinary and digestive problems. The diuretic \neffect of the juice makes it useful in the alleviation \nof bladder ailments, for example difficulty in \npassing urine. The plant\u2019s mucilaginous properties \nalso make it a soothing remedy for gastrointestinal \nproblems such as dysentery and diarrhea. In \nChinese herbal medicine, purslane is employed for \nsimilar problems and, additionally, for appendicitis. \nThe Chinese also use the plant as an antidote for \nwasp stings and snake bite. Used as an external \nwash, the juice or a decoction relieves skin ailments \nsuch as boils and carbuncles, and also helps to \nreduce fever.\nUS_246-265_Pergularia_Extensa_Salvia_Sclarea.indd 255 26/02/16 12:47 pm\n256\nother medicinal plantsPotentilla erecta\nfor sore throats, and is a helpful remedy for \ndiarrhea. Less astringent than its close relative tormentil (P. erecta, see following entry), it also has a gentler action within the gastrointestinal tract. It is used externally as a lotion or ointment for bleeding hemorroids. \nCaution Use internally for more no more than \n3\u20134 weeks at a time.\nPotentilla erecta syn. P. tormentilla \n(Rosaceae)\nTormentil\nDescription Downy creeping perennial growing \nto 4 in (10 cm). Has leaves bearing 5 leaflets, and \nmany 4-petaled yellow flowers.\nHabitat & Cultivation Native to temperate \nregions of Asia and Europe, tormentil thrives in grassy sites and on heaths and moorland. The aerial parts of tormentil are harvested in summer and the root is gathered in autumn.\nParts Used Aerial parts, root.\nConstituents Tormentil contains 15\u201320% \ntannins, catechins, ellagitannins, and a phlobaphene.\nHistory & Folklore According to the \n17th-century herbalist Nicholas Culpeper, the herb \u201cis most excellent to stay all kinds of fluxes of blood or humours in man or woman, whether it be at nose, mouth, belly, or any wound in the veins or elsewhere.\u201d\nMedicinal Actions & Uses Containing even \nmore tannins than oak bark (Quercus robur, p. 260), all parts of tormentil are strongly astringent, finding use wherever this action is required. The plant makes a beneficial gargle for throat infections, and an effective mouthwash for treating mouth ulcers and infected gums. Tormentil may be taken for conditions that give rise to diarrhea, such as irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, ulcerative colitis, and dysentery, and for rectal bleeding. Applied externally as a lotion or ointment, tormentil helps relieve hemorroids (especially those that are bleeding). In the form of a lotion, tormentil is used to help staunch wounds and protect areas of damaged or burned skin.\nCaution Use internally for more no more than \n3\u20134 weeks at a time.and so easing the clearance of phlegm. It is given for chronic coughs, especially those associated with chronic bronchitis and mucus congestion. The root is also thought to be mildly diuretic and antirheumatic and to slow blood clotting. The leaves have similar properties to the root, but are weaker in action. The flowers are", "token_ids": [998, 264, 2673, 315, 220, 16, 10702, 320, 966, 10166, 570, 11697, 73342, 1168, 58739, 22408, 450, 20969, 323, 2917, 4504, 1448, 51058, 430, 527, 59201, 220, 449, 14198, 993, 4692, 320, 82, 13915, 8, 389, 872, 4827, 7479, 627, 39, 40027, 266, 612, 26676, 40227, 17118, 311, 4606, 2355, 438, 18671, 13936, 11, 1499, 1100, 1094, 374, 17037, 1766, 7982, 304, 41369, 98731, 323, 61316, 1414, 4336, 11, 323, 220, 389, 14620, 13, 578, 22408, 450, 638, 374, 79675, 291, 304, 42774, 627, 5920, 12477, 18452, 450, 638, 627, 1128, 3781, 84, 812, 3735, 1100, 1094, 22408, 450, 638, 5727, 720, 82, 10969, 1354, 320, 31039, 389, 1499, 1100, 16790, 391, 11968, 258, 705, 384, 4484, 22604, 17390, 11, 1343, 9761, 98347, 1791, 1354, 11, 17509, 5707, 11, 8521, 220, 5707, 11, 323, 259, 1036, 1354, 627, 2078, 62, 14205, 12, 14374, 1106, 2431, 1299, 689, 62, 6899, 58925, 1117, 278, 20708, 1117, 566, 4903, 29573, 67, 256, 220, 12375, 220, 1627, 14, 2437, 14, 845, 256, 220, 717, 25, 2618, 9012, 3192, 1023, 58041, 11012, 45716, 306, 6374, 459, 805, 2259, 198, 13495, 13, 1102, 374, 3629, 4529, 311, 4322, 802, 339, 50308, 2355, 438, 68132, 33030, 264, 8696, 323, 51266, 13, 1102, 374, 1101, 1511, 2355, 998, 4827, 34653, 11, 5423, 994, 420, 3044, 2355, 285, 5938, 449, 68132, 46313, 590, 55652, 13, 21347, 720, 54754, 69733, 11, 934, 1802, 439, 2821, 54842, 14385, 439, 264, 99305, 720, 1864, 9497, 304, 279, 6514, 315, 459, 461, 68294, 323, 1023, 720, 39035, 3748, 660, 5415, 13, 578, 54842, 753, 5199, 264, 928, 306, 720, 438, 3276, 1082, 27330, 29600, 1304, 433, 5505, 369, 27723, 720, 8747, 1138, 41033, 323, 279, 13803, 315, 6348, 23349, 66358, 720, 23707, 303, 6786, 13, 1102, 374, 1101, 1511, 311, 4322, 72735, 2355, 2193, 30020, 627, 23389, 1516, 3234, 539, 1935, 934, 1802, 439, 2821, 422, 57596, 2355, 998, 25689, 258, 732, 2784, 919, 7252, 31890, 1418, 65864, 13, 2355, 5519, 539, 1935, 422, 57596, 311, 25689, 258, 627, 12363, 50570, 5560, 220, 356, 1409, 82, 1174, 281, 13, 220, 12226, 627, 11859, 19990, 18659, 360, 590, 288, 320, 17691, 292, 114785, 340, 2232, 1802, 94328, 198, 5116, 3799, 307, 9373, 11, 31135, 5021, 2355, 70, 25156, 311, 220, 2397, 10702, 320, 508, 296, 570, 11697, 61137, 11, 10284, 28502, 720, 65, 29088, 323, 4883, 11, 61802, 26588, 291, 11141, 430, 934, 1553, 720, 258, 279, 10160, 627, 39, 40027, 266, 612, 26676, 40227, 17118, 311, 4892, 720, 32132, 11, 934, 1802, 439, 2821, 55064, 41369, 323, 21147, 720, 33637, 11, 323, 28815, 16662, 36617, 323, 304, 86497, 11, 720, 42109, 1414, 4336, 11, 323, 10707, 2396, 13, 1102, 374, 1101, 13882, 67166, 2355, 258, 6940, 349, 13918, 13, 578, 54842, 374, 14890, 304, 2355, 22928, 10683, 627, 5920, 12477, 60629, 627, 1128, 3781, 84, 812, 578, 54842, 5727, 14345, 7918, 720, 23797, 9594, 3422, 320, 16564, 4371, 292, 258, 323, 2477, 24292, 8, 323, 720, 83, 1036, 1354, 13, 8375, 292, 258, 323, 2477, 24292, 527, 4371, 2912, 49346, 11, 33155, 720, 9210, 617, 34653, 5621, 1072, 6253, 11, 6784, 48712, 84446, 11, 323, 720, 15719, 67595, 6012, 430, 527, 720, 65387, 311, 1884, 315, 25689, 258, 627, 2232, 1802, 439, 2821, 54842, 5727, 4371, 292, 258, 11, 264, 20278, 2355, 4291, 25689, 258, 12970, 6372, 1087, 1759, 38947, 374, 264, 1695, 720, 2484, 315, 46192, 323, 720, 27684, 2411, 13, 1102, 1101, 706, 720, 519, 581, 62114, 6012, 627, 13730, 612, 65337, 20763, 578, 507, 73, 581, 10196, 1274, 1511, 720, 276, 78571, 24549, 1903, 505, 934, 1802, 439, 2821, 323, 720, 68760, 8834, 311, 4322, 2487, 1815, 13, 7089, 17118, 9053, 720, 2656, 279, 54842, 369, 264, 8205, 315, 10096, 11, 2737, 2355, 300, 459, 3999, 365, 1003, 369, 36366, 6548, 627, 13613, 292, 992, 27820, 612, 39923, 9086, 690, 363, 54842, 720, 3844, 278, 953, 453, 4749, 1174, 281, 13, 220, 9748, 705, 934, 1802, 439, 2821, 54842, 706, 13882, 720, 47167, 7294, 67595, 323, 6784, 48712, 84446, 8483, 71760, 38947, 374, 1694, 25228, 3210, 57098, 13, 720, 30059, 82, 315, 279, 39999, 1501, 70339, 11, 7294, 7058, 258, 55097, 11, 3260, 4282, 292, 11, 323, 3276, 12558, 45938, 5820, 11, 720, 8154, 35981, 430, 2144, 430, 10037, 38947, 374, 15525, 439, 720, 14239, 323, 439, 16088, 13, 578, 66787, 17390, 617, 720, 818, 2868, 47079, 535, 5820, 323, 69033, 720, 582, 87348, 331, 37737, 5302, 521, 11, 3339, 279, 39999, 2355, 1820, 18673, 2740, 315, 1005, 304, 44531, 753, 8624, 627, 23389, 1516, 3234, 539, 1935, 10037, 38947, 439, 264, 16088, 720, 82977, 20209, 627, 45716, 306, 6374, 459, 805, 2259, 320, 75120, 114785, 340, 53443, 86427, 198, 5116, 3700, 32331, 6136, 7982, 311, 2355, 845, 304, 320, 1272, 10166, 570, 11697, 26588, 291, 24549, 11141, 2355, 9210, 527, 5554, 1225, 389, 279, 96321, 11, 323, 220, 20, 2320, 1955, 839, 720, 28969, 19837, 627, 39, 40027, 266, 612, 26676, 40227, 15347, 86427, 374, 1766, 2355, 258, 4606, 11, 13936, 11, 323, 4892, 5270, 11, 1405, 433, 720, 1517, 414, 21168, 304, 9235, 16763, 88, 7634, 13, 578, 41884, 5596, 527, 720, 2119, 2258, 304, 3389, 7474, 11, 279, 3789, 520, 279, 1890, 892, 720, 269, 304, 42774, 627, 30021, 12477, 362, 2918, 5596, 11, 3789, 627, 1128, 3781, 84, 812, 15347, 86427, 5727, 220, 17, 4235, 605, 4, 720, 616, 74972, 1036, 1354, 11, 18779, 263, 17390, 11, 523, 22671, 11, 323, 293, 29163, 13, 720, 13730, 612, 65337, 20763, 12656, 468, 2544, 287, 11, 279, 720, 972, 339, 34457, 10896, 889, 11352, 279, 720, 5057, 11345, 14338, 6372, 315, 39935, 70, 31153, 320, 14434, 285, 4087, 52833, 64, 1174, 720, 79, 13, 220, 2366, 705, 11349, 264, 42384, 315, 32720, 11141, 720, 998, 387, 4529, 520, 220, 18, 21925, 28090, 311, 1089, 84, 425, 96271, 720, 1073, 296, 8093, 532, 34653, 13, 720, 13613, 292, 992, 27820, 612, 39923, 15347, 86427, 753, 2355, 3902, 58041, 907, 15812, 304, 1202, 264, 928, 306, 323, 7294, 7058, 258, 55097, 5820, 13, 1102, 3727, 459, 7524, 97183, 273, 220, 78614, 7229, 360, 17544, 297, 1565, 83682, 320, 7229, 360, 582, 114785, 340, 47, 1759, 38947, 198, 5116, 89279, 29580, 9974, 6136, 7982, 2355, 998, 220, 21, 304, 320, 868, 10166, 570, 11697, 2678, 11, 12314, 18460, 11141, 720, 438, 2678, 14071, 19837, 7982, 304, 28066, 627, 39, 40027, 266, 612, 26676, 40227, 17118, 311, 4606, 720, 438, 13936, 11, 10037, 38947, 374, 1457, 832, 315, 279, 1455, 720, 44715, 989, 4332, 11012, 11, 7982, 2355, 1527, 8494, 323, 5734, 311, 279, 720, 28079, 300, 13, 36016, 1766, 7982, 720, 52759, 3090, 11, 433, 374, 20802, 720, 20322, 412, 279, 7474, 13, 13944, 720, 79, 1759, 38947, 374, 279, 8205, 89382, 1511, 2355, 300, 264, 16088, 26, 279, 21411, 8205, 11, 2355, 47, 13, 297, 1565, 83682, 767, 13, 7731, 10126, 1174, 374, 67166, 720, 63995, 439, 264, 9979, 281, 1605, 65, 627, 30021, 12477, 362, 2918, 5596, 627, 1128, 3781, 84, 812, 71760, 38947, 5727, 18779, 263, 17390, 11, 720, 1727, 278, 17390, 11, 40085, 33969, 320, 91645, 34998, 12, 18, 5707, 720, 1834, 705, 2024, 2821, 17390, 11, 99919, 582, 1799, 3422, 11, 46192, 362, 11, 720, 33, 16, 11, 323, 356, 11, 28896, 323, 34072, 320, 36046, 35719, 4390, 13730, 612, 65337, 20763, 71760, 38947, 753, 1005, 439, 264, 720, 2106, 292, 992, 39999, 304, 4606, 11, 10471, 11, 323, 6890, 13003, 2355, 1445, 520, 3325, 220, 17, 11, 931, 1667, 11, 323, 433, 574, 4762, 2355, 68, 13827, 439, 264, 36581, 1664, 1603, 1243, 13, 763, 14154, 720, 49, 638, 11, 10037, 38947, 574, 1511, 311, 4322, 55403, 11, 720, 267, 316, 613, 78831, 323, 22709, 306, 727, 11, 63900, 63000, 11, 2355, 438, 95911, 23556, 627, 13613, 292, 992, 27820, 612, 39923, 71760, 38947, 706, 2355, 4930, 1027, 6646, 15525, 304, 279, 6514, 2355, 1073, 72735, 323, 60071, 5435, 13, 578, 1891, 554, 29150, 720, 27153, 315, 279, 23661, 3727, 433, 5505, 304, 279, 46649, 7246, 720, 1073, 62564, 82907, 11, 369, 3187, 17250, 304, 720, 6519, 287, 40335, 13, 578, 6136, 753, 65104, 321, 351, 61798, 6012, 720, 19171, 1304, 433, 264, 65464, 40239, 369, 80311, 720, 96440, 1778, 439, 22709, 306, 727, 323, 69393, 13, 763, 720, 46023, 51487, 16088, 11, 10037, 38947, 374, 20011, 369, 720, 65387, 5435, 323, 11, 37938, 11, 369, 8911, 19195, 285, 13, 720, 791, 8620, 1101, 1005, 279, 6136, 439, 459, 90687, 1295, 369, 720, 86, 13671, 357, 826, 323, 26332, 23556, 13, 12477, 439, 459, 9434, 720, 70545, 11, 279, 23661, 477, 264, 68652, 407, 1375, 39235, 6930, 82907, 720, 21470, 439, 90055, 323, 35872, 1371, 645, 11, 323, 1101, 8779, 311, 720, 27369, 34653, 627, 2078, 62, 14205, 12, 14374, 1106, 2431, 1299, 689, 62, 6899, 58925, 1117, 278, 20708, 1117, 566, 4903, 29573, 67, 256, 220, 3192, 220, 1627, 14, 2437, 14, 845, 256, 220, 717, 25, 2618, 9012, 198, 4146, 198, 1605, 58041, 11012, 45716, 306, 6374, 38732, 64, 198, 2000, 36366, 60187, 1900, 11, 323, 374, 264, 11190, 40239, 369, 720, 8747, 1138, 41033, 13, 9865, 264, 928, 306, 1109, 1202, 3345, 8844, 73770, 321, 320, 47, 13, 38732, 64, 11, 1518, 2768, 4441, 705, 433, 1101, 706, 220, 264, 16265, 1565, 1957, 2949, 279, 80311, 42929, 13, 220, 1102, 374, 1511, 69442, 439, 264, 87942, 477, 297, 396, 479, 369, 35763, 17728, 269, 41194, 13, 720, 23389, 1516, 5560, 34167, 369, 810, 912, 810, 1109, 720, 18, 4235, 19, 5672, 520, 264, 892, 627, 45716, 306, 6374, 38732, 64, 6925, 13, 393, 13, 73770, 6374, 720, 2855, 437, 114785, 340, 33450, 479, 321, 198, 5116, 6419, 88, 88692, 74718, 7982, 720, 998, 220, 19, 304, 320, 605, 10166, 570, 11697, 11141, 18534, 220, 20, 16312, 10145, 11, 323, 720, 35676, 220, 19, 2320, 1955, 839, 14071, 19837, 627, 39, 40027, 266, 612, 26676, 40227, 17118, 311, 6940, 349, 720, 58808, 315, 13936, 323, 4606, 11, 73770, 321, 8983, 1924, 304, 16763, 88, 6732, 323, 389, 568, 27382, 323, 4647, 269, 1974, 13, 578, 41884, 5596, 315, 73770, 321, 527, 67572, 304, 7474, 323, 279, 3789, 374, 20802, 304, 42774, 627, 30021, 12477, 362, 2918, 5596, 11, 3789, 627, 1128, 3781, 84, 812, 8611, 479, 321, 5727, 220, 868, 4235, 508, 4, 720, 83, 1036, 1354, 11, 59239, 331, 1354, 11, 26689, 74972, 1036, 1354, 11, 323, 264, 1343, 1718, 1366, 1994, 627, 13730, 612, 65337, 20763, 10771, 311, 279, 720, 1114, 339, 34457, 51487, 380, 40796, 32794, 375, 716, 11, 279, 220, 39999, 1054, 285, 1455, 9250, 311, 4822, 682, 13124, 315, 31405, 288, 220, 315, 6680, 477, 2854, 2530, 304, 893, 477, 5333, 11, 3508, 220, 433, 387, 520, 19689, 11, 11013, 11, 36517, 11, 477, 904, 27653, 304, 279, 60764, 477, 18403, 49216, 13613, 292, 992, 27820, 612, 39923, 2140, 2101, 1524, 720, 6518, 259, 1036, 1354, 1109, 38971, 54842, 320, 2232, 3035, 355, 10773, 324, 11, 281, 13, 220, 11387, 705, 682, 5596, 315, 73770, 321, 527, 16917, 264, 928, 306, 11, 9455, 1005, 28578, 420, 1957, 374, 2631, 13, 578, 6136, 3727, 264, 24629, 97183, 273, 369, 28691, 30020, 11, 323, 459, 7524, 11013, 70545, 369, 27723, 11013, 8725, 17254, 323, 29374, 98754, 13, 8611, 479, 321, 1253, 387, 4529, 369, 4787, 430, 3041, 10205, 311, 69393, 11, 1778, 439, 6348, 23349, 66358, 28439, 11, 1400, 20000, 11, 96971, 1413, 1400, 20000, 11, 323, 22709, 306, 727, 11, 323, 369, 7763, 278, 35763, 13, 43608, 69442, 439, 264, 87942, 477, 297, 396, 479, 11, 73770, 321, 8779, 48839, 17728, 269, 41194, 320, 36046, 1884, 430, 527, 35763, 570, 763, 279, 1376, 315, 264, 87942, 11, 73770, 321, 374, 1511, 311, 1520, 82721, 34254, 323, 6144, 5789, 315, 20727, 477, 27724, 6930, 627, 23389, 1516, 5560, 34167, 369, 810, 912, 810, 1109, 720, 18, 4235, 19, 5672, 520, 264, 892, 35824, 779, 45404, 279, 36654, 315, 1343, 1978, 76, 13, 1102, 374, 2728, 369, 21249, 40700, 82, 11, 5423, 1884, 5938, 220, 449, 21249, 31071, 331, 20000, 323, 296, 38601, 55146, 13, 220, 578, 3789, 374, 1101, 3463, 311, 387, 76949, 1891, 554, 29150, 220, 323, 3276, 404, 383, 33030, 323, 311, 6435, 6680, 94263, 1303, 13, 220, 578, 11141, 617, 4528, 6012, 311, 279, 3789, 11, 220, 719, 527, 43383, 304, 1957, 13, 578, 19837, 527], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": "omecol\nAging,Long-LastingHealth,andYourHealingSystem209\noredpaints,andabrush.Hehadneverheldabrushbeforeinhis\nlife,andhefelttotallyawkward.Theteacherannouncedthatthe\nclassassignmentwastopaintanythingtheparticipantswanted.Whilehewasholdingontothebrush,Harry\u2019sminddriftedback\ntothedayswhenhewasaboygrowingupinavillageinhiscoun\ntryofbirth,Poland.Slowly,hebegantopaintwhathismindsaw.\nAttheendofclass,theteacherlookedatthispainting,thankedhim\nforhisattendance,andencouragedhimtoreturnthefollowingday.Thefollowingday,however,Harrydidn\u2019twanttopaintanotherpicture.Instead,helookedforwardtoresuminghischessgamewith\nhispartner.Attheappointedhour,however,whenHarrysatdown\natthechessboardandwaitedforhisfriend,oneoftheyoungvol\nunteerscameandinformedHarrythathisfriendwasstillinthehospital.Sheencouragedhimtopleaseattendtheartclassonemoretime.Harryreluctantlyagreed.Now,forthesecondtimeinasmanydays,Harryfoundhimselfsittingdownwithabrush,ablankpieceofpaper,andsomepaints.Today\u2019sassignment:\u201cPaintanythingyouwant.\u201dAgain,Harrydriftedofftohischildhooddaysandslowlybeganpainting.\nAtthecloseoftheclass,theteacheragaincamebyHarry\u2019stable,\nsawhispainting,andmadeanencouragingcomment.HetoldHarryhewantedhimtoattendtheeveningartclassatthelocaljuniorcollege.TheteachertoldHarrythatattheveryleastthiswouldbeachancetogetoutandmeetsomenewpeople,especiallyyoung,attractivecollegegirls.Hesitantatfirst,Harryfinallyagreed.\nIntheeveningofthenextday,avanpickedHarryupandtook\nhimseveralmilesawaytotheartclassatthejuniorcollege,wherehe\nwasusheredinsidewithmorethan40students,mostofthemyoungenoughtobehisgrandchildren.Thissettingwasmuchdifferent\nfromthedull,sedate,andsomberatmosphereofhisnursinghome.\nForthethirdtimeinasmanydays,Harryfoundhimselfseated\natadeskwithabrush,ablankpieceofpaper,andpaints.Theassignment:\u201cPaintanythingyouwant.\u201dOnceagain,Harry\u2019sminddriftedofftohispastashedippedhisbrushintothepaintsandbeganapplyingstrokestothepaper.\nAtthecloseoftheclass,theteacherwalkedaroundtheroomtocritiqueeachstudent\u2019swork.WhenhecametoHarry\u2019spainting,\nhepausedforamoment.Thenhemadeasurprisingcomment.\n210 YourExtraordinaryHealingSystem\n\u201cWouldyoubesokindastoautographthispaintingforme?\u201dheaskedHarry.Harrywasdumbfounded.\u201cWhy?\u201dheasked.\nTheteacherreplied,\u201cBecauseIhaveafeelingthatsomedayyou\u2019regoingtobeafamousartist.\u201dHarrythoughttohimself,\u201cRight,butfirstI\u2019llbethenextpresidentofAmerica!\u201d\nForthenext25years,HarryLiebermanpaintedeverydayandeventuallyestablishedhimselfasoneofthepreeminentartistsintheworld,paintingvillagescenesfromhischildhoodlifeinPoland,alongwithstoriesfromtheOldTestament.Tothisday,hisworksaredisplayedprominentlyinbooks,museums,andgalleriesallovertheworld.Doingwhathelovedtodo,HarryLiebermanlivedpastthe\nageof103.\nDowhatyoulove,andlovewhatyoudo.Thisistheessenceofallowingthecreativespiritwithinyoutoflourishandexpressitself,producinglong-lastinghealthandasenseofwell-beingasbyprod\nucts.Ifyousuppressordenythisspirit,itwillwitherupanddie,\nandyourhealthwillsurelyfollow.Suppressingordenyingyourinherentcreativeinstincts,notdoingwhatyoulove,ornotlovingwhatyoudo,willdrainyourlifeforceandrenderyourhealingsystempowerless.Whenthishappens,youwillbecomesick.Manypeopleareallowedtopursuetheirdreamsandareencouragedtofollowtheirheartsfromanearlyage.Thesearethelucky\nones.Others,likeHarryLieberman,discovertheirtruejoyandpassionwhentheyareatanadvancedage.However,regardlessofyour\nage,thehealth-enhancingbenefitsofputtingyourheartintowhat\nyouaredoingareundeniable.Organizingyourlifearounddoingwhatyouloveisoneofthewisestandmosteffectivewaystostrengthenandfortifyyourhealingsystem,allowingyoutheopportunitytoenjoylong-lastinghealth.\nCelebrateYourYearsandEnhanceYourHeaUngSystem~\nOldageisatimeforcelebrationandenjoyingthefruitsofyourlabors.It\nisthetimeofyour\u201dsecondchildhood?\u2019 achancetoregainyourinnocence,\ntoseebeautyinsimple,everydaythings,andatimetoplayandenjoy\nAging,Long-LastingHealth,andYourHealingSystem211\nyourself.Oldageisatimetolove,beloved,andtoknowthatloveisthefundamentalunderlyingrealityinalloflife.Withallofthistolookforward\nto,itiscriticalthatyoukeepyourhealthasyouagesoyoucanmaximize\ntheenjoymentofyourgoldenyears.StrengtheningandfortifyingyourhealingsystemasyouageisthebestinsurancepolicyIknowtohelpyourealizethisgoal.\nManypeoplelivehealthy,pain-free,disease-free,activelivesforalong,\nlongtime,andthentheyleavethisworldpeacefullyandgentlywithoutany\npainorsuffering.Thesepeoplehavefoundwaystocooperatewiththeir\nbody\u2019shealingsystems,andtheyhavelearnedtostrengthenandfortify\nthemastheyhaveadvancedinyears.WhileI\u2019mnotdenyingthatsomeday\nweallmustdepartthisearth,thereisnoreasontobuyintothefalse\nnotionthatyouhavetobecomesickanddisabledbeforeitisyourtimeto\nleave.Whenyouworkwithyourhealingsystem,youcanenjoylong-last\ninghealth,andstayhealthy,untilyourfinaldays.\nFrommyownresearchandexperience,Ihavefoundthefollowingpracticaltipstobeparticularlyhelpfultostrengthenandfortifythehealing\nsystemasyouage:\n~Practicetheprinciples,exercises,andtechniquesdescribedinthisbook.\n~Drinkplentyoffluids.\n~Eatplentyoffruitsandvegetables.\n~Getadequatefiberinyourdiet.\n~Practicegoodbowelhygiene.\n~Practicestressmanagement.\n~Relaxregularly.\n~Dobreathingexercises.\n~Thinkyoung.Rememberthatyouareonlyasoldasyouthinkyouare.\n~Takethetimetoplanforabrightfuture.\n~Learntobespontaneous.\n~Developaflexiblemindset.Avoidbeingtoosetinyourways.\n~Dowhatyoulovetodo.\n~Stayactive.\n212 YourExtraordinaryHealingSystem\nOMaintainaviablesocialsupportsystem.\nOStayinvolvedwithhobbiesandcreativeactivities.\noBeanonconformist.\noBeadventuresomeandtrynewthings.\nOSpendtimeinnature.\noIfyougetbored,learntoplayamusicalinstrumentorpaint.\noSing.\noDanceregularlyandoften,evenifyouarealone.\noAvoidgettingangry.\noCultivateandnourishlovingrelationshipswithyourfamilyandfriends.\n0Don\u2019tfosterresentment.\noIfyouaresingle,date,orbeactiveinsocialclubs.\noSpendtimeoutdoors.\noSurroundyourselfwithbeauty.\noHavefun,andremembertosmileandlaughgenuinelyfromyourheart.\noEnjoycomedyandkeepalight-heartedattitude.\noDon\u2019ttakelifetooseriously.\noDon\u2019ttakeyourselftooseriously.\noSpendtimewithpeoplewhoarebusyandinvolvedindoingsomethingmeaningfulwiththeirlives.\noChooseyourfriendsandcompanywisely.\noDon\u2019twasteyourtime.\noDon\u2019tdothingsyoudon\u2019twanttodo.\nOBetruetoyoursenseofpurpose.\noTakethetimetoreflectonthemeaningoflife.\n\u00b0Appreciatethefactthatyourlifeisagift,nomatterhowdifficultithas\nbeen.\noAcknowledgeallthethingsinlifeforwhichyouhavetobegrateful.\nOHonorthedignityofyoursoul.\n0Findawaytogivebacktotheworld.\nAging,Long-LastingHealth,andYourHealingSystem213\n~Performsomeformofregularcommunityservicethatmakesyoufeel\ngoodinside.\n~Spendtimewithchildren;letthemteachyouhowtoplayandbeinthe\npresentmoment.\n~Spendtimewithanimals.Ifpossible,haveoneormorepets.\n~Vowtodoatleastonethingdifferentlyeachday.\n~Getupearlyeverymorning,andgotobedearlyeverynight.\n~Listentomusicthatinspiresandupliftsyou.\n~Travelifyoucan", "token_ids": [638, 2119, 198, 32, 3252, 11, 6720, 12, 5966, 287, 14884, 51526, 7927, 1548, 6260, 2374, 12652, 198, 3093, 34717, 82, 51526, 370, 78277, 52425, 32345, 37593, 28708, 370, 78277, 15145, 21538, 285, 198, 14789, 51526, 383, 66922, 28879, 750, 24286, 1637, 5221, 7870, 11252, 1036, 20018, 9210, 1820, 198, 1058, 31051, 86, 561, 454, 1673, 73254, 339, 752, 472, 29025, 87692, 95386, 71, 365, 1003, 15345, 10138, 1820, 37161, 11, 42398, 753, 38824, 3696, 2130, 20313, 198, 998, 79371, 954, 9493, 71, 365, 300, 370, 2303, 70, 25156, 455, 258, 402, 48164, 21538, 3510, 1656, 198, 1568, 1073, 28813, 11, 15000, 438, 815, 10516, 398, 11, 383, 52253, 519, 454, 1673, 1336, 589, 2191, 8843, 675, 627, 1688, 1820, 408, 1073, 1058, 11, 339, 7870, 11252, 7349, 291, 266, 576, 34717, 287, 11, 339, 41872, 40617, 198, 2000, 26301, 63725, 51526, 967, 414, 3359, 40617, 83, 461, 413, 339, 830, 1573, 287, 1316, 11829, 44018, 1316, 11, 98936, 11, 42398, 97849, 1431, 53757, 3565, 1673, 43063, 27581, 5450, 43280, 20393, 301, 1982, 291, 13741, 998, 417, 30589, 71, 16438, 434, 40429, 98909, 198, 26301, 37358, 15913, 1820, 71216, 25704, 11, 98936, 11, 9493, 42398, 37568, 2996, 198, 266, 1820, 331, 434, 2541, 438, 11748, 291, 2000, 26301, 10931, 11, 606, 1073, 20670, 283, 983, 12821, 198, 63784, 6142, 51701, 10365, 42398, 339, 589, 285, 10931, 16514, 44466, 258, 1820, 71127, 99641, 967, 414, 3359, 40617, 83, 1184, 521, 57558, 1820, 472, 1058, 263, 336, 461, 1712, 3924, 11687, 3833, 670, 18007, 351, 29616, 13547, 11, 2000, 45010, 1321, 1712, 20718, 35676, 14097, 11, 42398, 15456, 40617, 726, 82, 15154, 2996, 4291, 370, 78277, 11, 62573, 1201, 23164, 1073, 19716, 11, 2914, 638, 34717, 82, 73772, 753, 31051, 25, 2118, 18590, 73254, 9514, 53757, 2029, 31485, 11, 42398, 3696, 2130, 291, 1885, 998, 26301, 3124, 5812, 14097, 2914, 10516, 398, 65, 16133, 34717, 287, 627, 1688, 339, 762, 1497, 1073, 339, 762, 448, 11, 339, 7870, 11252, 33871, 6142, 1729, 42398, 529, 29092, 345, 82, 675, 71, 13391, 71959, 51526, 28010, 276, 967, 414, 4210, 6313, 3924, 295, 820, 42398, 71, 365, 7719, 40617, 998, 57558, 1820, 17206, 287, 472, 1058, 266, 339, 301, 3768, 58781, 2521, 68534, 5221, 7870, 613, 531, 820, 42398, 9210, 266, 1820, 424, 982, 561, 576, 41450, 1395, 613, 1149, 11269, 456, 412, 438, 2727, 1441, 6431, 365, 16455, 11, 36046, 82279, 11, 266, 70178, 68534, 61296, 3924, 288, 52044, 266, 3983, 11, 42398, 40276, 351, 29616, 627, 644, 1820, 17206, 287, 1073, 3473, 428, 1316, 11, 32005, 94599, 42398, 455, 438, 91453, 198, 40617, 325, 424, 7828, 3742, 14075, 998, 1820, 472, 1058, 266, 1820, 58781, 2521, 68534, 11, 2940, 383, 198, 16514, 1136, 12616, 1354, 307, 98909, 6518, 54895, 1272, 38318, 11, 3646, 1073, 339, 4625, 283, 100111, 2509, 677, 2701, 285, 53766, 5988, 5221, 4993, 1303, 86, 10753, 1412, 64750, 198, 1527, 79371, 620, 10900, 291, 349, 11, 2914, 316, 655, 266, 8801, 8182, 1073, 26301, 77, 1759, 287, 5227, 627, 37, 2419, 774, 2668, 1712, 20718, 35676, 14097, 11, 42398, 15456, 40617, 726, 325, 660, 198, 266, 3536, 74, 4291, 370, 78277, 11, 62573, 1201, 23164, 1073, 19716, 51526, 34717, 82, 11829, 31051, 25, 2118, 18590, 73254, 9514, 53757, 2029, 12805, 33871, 11, 42398, 753, 38824, 3696, 2130, 291, 1885, 998, 71, 13391, 561, 13883, 6586, 26301, 37161, 396, 8942, 752, 1673, 92346, 65, 16133, 680, 6852, 29341, 267, 8942, 752, 3271, 627, 1688, 339, 762, 1497, 1073, 339, 762, 448, 11, 339, 7870, 11252, 19599, 291, 20019, 700, 4285, 55880, 1018, 2428, 9739, 12307, 753, 1816, 51861, 383, 11860, 11269, 42398, 753, 34717, 287, 345, 383, 79393, 2000, 309, 13209, 5221, 40967, 29532, 300, 324, 34754, 6313, 627, 8848, 4718, 11873, 21707, 1548, 6260, 2374, 198, 2118, 29089, 88, 5599, 288, 564, 485, 54485, 2784, 3257, 576, 34717, 287, 76701, 12671, 383, 1091, 291, 42398, 3924, 11687, 16514, 67, 3635, 69, 13382, 35147, 10445, 12671, 383, 1091, 291, 627, 1016, 7870, 11252, 265, 3523, 102305, 18433, 40, 19553, 5763, 20659, 339, 1900, 25111, 352, 9514, 529, 68817, 76019, 15784, 2642, 23333, 19135, 2029, 42398, 61665, 998, 40617, 726, 102305, 6107, 100004, 3983, 40, 4805, 83144, 268, 428, 24544, 1748, 1073, 32132, 18319, 198, 37, 2419, 268, 428, 914, 42820, 11, 42398, 43, 61341, 1543, 34717, 15686, 1225, 1316, 438, 3163, 1870, 34500, 291, 40617, 726, 300, 606, 1073, 339, 752, 265, 336, 14168, 77735, 258, 16142, 1410, 7385, 71959, 85, 484, 1154, 66, 22383, 1527, 26301, 3124, 5812, 14789, 258, 15000, 438, 11, 39393, 4291, 69335, 1527, 1820, 18788, 2323, 2908, 3354, 576, 1316, 20393, 285, 19033, 1636, 2369, 291, 25475, 258, 4501, 258, 12383, 13387, 817, 6370, 51526, 70, 98326, 37037, 424, 16142, 1410, 34696, 287, 1336, 589, 301, 5047, 17825, 11, 42398, 43, 61341, 1543, 75, 2270, 53520, 1820, 198, 425, 1073, 6889, 627, 35, 363, 9379, 9514, 31153, 51526, 36247, 81575, 88, 3023, 78, 29845, 380, 383, 434, 768, 1073, 7331, 287, 339, 762, 1244, 1924, 53829, 4291, 6577, 412, 1073, 75, 414, 819, 438, 14107, 275, 726, 11, 8723, 6253, 4930, 65265, 12393, 56533, 1137, 1073, 9336, 33851, 300, 1729, 20329, 198, 670, 82, 2506, 31695, 788, 455, 1911, 28884, 88, 576, 86390, 80824, 14724, 86, 2544, 455, 438, 27591, 345, 13634, 414, 12393, 86, 3385, 554, 398, 19070, 53388, 287, 28884, 7169, 22479, 258, 38638, 52817, 6442, 7956, 82, 11, 1962, 45359, 12840, 9514, 31153, 11, 1540, 354, 385, 4504, 12840, 88, 3023, 78, 11, 14724, 3696, 467, 22479, 113276, 830, 16716, 438, 9484, 727, 414, 383, 278, 826, 615, 13477, 1752, 18951, 21341, 819, 680, 729, 7509, 283, 14724, 17106, 20969, 875, 31002, 500, 1184, 548, 21642, 3565, 1759, 14127, 383, 2668, 1259, 92346, 548, 967, 414, 3359, 998, 19070, 50828, 383, 7183, 1527, 276, 22928, 425, 5221, 2423, 57365, 301, 10279, 198, 3233, 8548, 3058, 11, 4908, 42398, 43, 61341, 1543, 11, 98729, 50828, 1904, 4215, 438, 6519, 290, 1336, 306, 36661, 548, 16623, 42879, 425, 67103, 2099, 11, 1610, 569, 645, 708, 69, 22479, 198, 425, 63738, 12393, 84182, 9151, 68244, 275, 708, 69, 631, 1303, 22479, 18207, 396, 363, 9379, 198, 9514, 1636, 78, 287, 548, 22945, 2205, 8548, 8609, 4954, 22479, 113276, 686, 801, 45359, 12840, 9514, 31153, 285, 606, 1073, 16142, 285, 478, 438, 3646, 27153, 344, 25754, 267, 537, 265, 18972, 438, 4057, 1463, 22479, 383, 278, 826, 615, 11, 7331, 287, 9514, 1820, 454, 68164, 998, 268, 4215, 4930, 65265, 12393, 627, 55754, 65216, 7927, 55519, 438, 58568, 685, 7927, 1548, 64, 52, 983, 2374, 89241, 18788, 425, 285, 266, 547, 9009, 273, 1347, 367, 62800, 4215, 287, 339, 830, 21702, 708, 69, 22479, 14717, 1105, 28628, 198, 380, 71, 4199, 1073, 22479, 863, 5686, 3124, 5812, 45258, 34361, 1149, 295, 461, 60246, 22479, 6258, 511, 768, 345, 83, 974, 109977, 59051, 1354, 6592, 23379, 1225, 1316, 58174, 51526, 266, 86366, 37365, 62800, 4215, 198, 32, 3252, 11, 6720, 12, 5966, 287, 14884, 51526, 7927, 1548, 6260, 2374, 11483, 198, 22479, 726, 8548, 509, 425, 285, 266, 86366, 337, 1009, 8568, 301, 5047, 51526, 30694, 3409, 9210, 31153, 380, 383, 58703, 44186, 8154, 6852, 265, 2786, 992, 385, 1517, 1643, 27216, 37037, 69, 339, 92868, 1982, 13741, 198, 998, 80824, 3510, 14849, 9210, 9514, 13397, 22479, 12393, 6539, 283, 1154, 2303, 283, 4919, 2880, 12117, 198, 1820, 268, 4215, 479, 1073, 22479, 98335, 42820, 7914, 265, 18972, 287, 438, 4057, 7922, 22479, 383, 278, 826, 615, 6539, 283, 425, 380, 383, 16241, 71054, 35890, 40, 33134, 998, 8823, 9514, 8110, 450, 774, 285, 35039, 627, 1692, 500, 1184, 25859, 38128, 7385, 467, 12862, 12260, 56407, 12862, 11, 9035, 301, 1924, 2000, 39393, 345, 4930, 1712, 51526, 339, 306, 383, 982, 402, 774, 285, 14957, 55225, 3725, 438, 70, 4501, 30096, 3852, 198, 92724, 1105, 2084, 287, 5221, 2423, 16455, 19553, 15456, 3195, 267, 13441, 86299, 4291, 50828, 198, 2664, 753, 383, 278, 826, 95890, 51526, 20670, 19553, 12964, 291, 83, 537, 265, 18972, 438, 4057, 1463, 198, 49818, 561, 36661, 19553, 42879, 258, 42820, 95386, 40, 4344, 1962, 5294, 7169, 339, 1900, 25111, 352, 198, 906, 543, 25849, 33148, 576, 28641, 11, 19041, 285, 94166, 300, 546, 677, 4168, 396, 8942, 830, 714, 198, 1962, 290, 9210, 9514, 71, 402, 295, 125886, 20969, 875, 438, 18502, 2042, 4746, 20000, 22479, 20693, 11269, 198, 22233, 51861, 9514, 1816, 4291, 22479, 383, 278, 826, 615, 7509, 283, 4919, 268, 4215, 4930, 61615, 198, 287, 12393, 51526, 60021, 38128, 11, 3935, 1570, 414, 12085, 14097, 627, 3915, 2465, 785, 61564, 45626, 13267, 38868, 19553, 15456, 339, 830, 1573, 287, 652, 37119, 13446, 267, 677, 752, 472, 49257, 8823, 69, 495, 537, 265, 18972, 438, 4057, 1463, 1820, 383, 6260, 198, 9125, 6539, 283, 425, 512, 93, 3617, 24045, 19030, 652, 5824, 645, 11, 327, 48815, 51526, 26522, 8467, 5919, 17890, 258, 576, 2239, 627, 93, 86037, 501, 7313, 1885, 75, 92316, 627, 93, 89711, 501, 7313, 1885, 68998, 438, 83571, 4893, 627, 93, 1991, 1037, 19684, 84045, 6577, 77492, 3978, 627, 93, 89592, 19045, 15802, 301, 8671, 43312, 627, 93, 3617, 24045, 478, 676, 43573, 627, 93, 6882, 710, 23108, 398, 627, 93, 35, 38708, 44661, 327, 48815, 627, 93, 39787, 82279, 11652, 1402, 9210, 9514, 548, 3323, 300, 820, 6539, 2969, 771, 9514, 548, 627, 93, 109848, 774, 295, 86366, 94560, 2000, 370, 1315, 21733, 627, 93, 43, 686, 406, 677, 25632, 546, 18133, 627, 93, 21076, 2642, 95644, 38824, 751, 885, 1019, 35214, 998, 437, 295, 6577, 414, 2336, 627, 93, 35, 363, 9379, 9514, 385, 17553, 6132, 627, 93, 39202, 3104, 627, 11227, 4718, 11873, 21707, 1548, 6260, 2374, 198, 1937, 1673, 467, 402, 2205, 23191, 24249, 9125, 627, 46, 39202, 14386, 8905, 4291, 71, 41412, 438, 52817, 33078, 627, 78, 10654, 263, 444, 630, 380, 627, 78, 33, 3228, 688, 1439, 638, 438, 1568, 943, 58174, 627, 3204, 3825, 1712, 6258, 1598, 627, 78, 2746, 9514, 456, 65, 3093, 11, 1576, 406, 37365, 56455, 950, 67468, 31215, 1673, 627, 78, 60300, 627, 78, 35, 1149, 53733, 1299, 398, 4988, 26117, 11, 17206, 1463, 283, 548, 32676, 627, 78, 53216, 51210, 526, 894, 627, 78, 34, 495, 736, 438, 77, 414, 819, 385, 4504, 37195, 22966, 22479, 19521, 438, 30562, 627, 15, 8161, 1431, 69, 11975, 2762, 479, 627, 78, 2746, 9514, 5518, 2222, 63315, 11, 269, 1395, 3104, 1354, 2772, 77385, 627, 73843, 3825, 14482, 28404, 627, 78, 23912, 1067, 22479, 726, 4291, 1395, 59051, 627, 78, 12389, 12158, 51526, 1864, 9034, 68219, 67697, 438, 4355, 7595, 70, 1509, 22870, 1527, 22479, 18207, 627, 78, 39804, 884, 9497, 438, 13397, 278, 492, 70395, 1617, 3993, 627, 78, 8161, 1431, 119711, 12740, 11269, 24332, 13610, 627, 78, 8161, 1431, 23609, 22479, 726, 998, 24332, 13610, 627, 73843, 3825, 20693, 98909, 16455, 14965, 548, 79567, 438, 14386, 8905, 36099, 826, 11793, 57865, 1285, 4291, 1820, 2881, 1924, 627, 78, 25017, 22479, 30562, 438, 10348, 49143, 989, 627, 78, 8161, 1431, 86, 561, 1216, 414, 1712, 627, 78, 8161, 529, 1320, 8942, 826, 88, 3023, 263, 1431, 53757, 17825, 627, 21257, 295, 2739, 295, 2303, 2530, 1137, 1073, 77763, 627, 78, 109848, 774, 295, 86366, 47852, 772, 6167, 3981, 44159, 1073, 14789, 627, 11877, 2213, 2827, 10574, 19030, 34210, 9210, 22479, 14789, 285, 351, 2130, 10337, 316, 1683, 5269, 13798, 3951, 411, 300, 198, 82850, 627, 78, 56659, 52286, 543, 339, 774, 826, 258, 113276, 830, 269, 8370, 9514, 71, 402, 295, 677, 58117, 1285, 627, 47861, 263, 2419, 291, 625, 488, 1073, 88, 2530, 11206, 627, 15, 10086, 14075, 68273, 535, 1445, 998, 16142, 1410, 627, 32, 3252, 11, 6720, 12, 5966, 287, 14884, 51526, 7927, 1548, 6260, 2374, 11702, 198, 93, 3976, 10008, 638, 630, 1073, 23108, 29502, 31875, 292, 774, 266, 80785, 9514, 57676, 198, 19045, 42450, 627, 93, 50, 3825, 20693, 98909, 5988, 26, 1169, 49818, 668, 613, 9514, 5269, 3565, 6789, 438, 1395, 258, 1820, 198, 29844, 29699, 627, 93, 50, 3825, 20693, 98909, 77896, 34001, 10236, 11, 19553, 606, 494, 461, 65301, 627, 93, 53, 363, 17825, 266, 56371, 263, 2350, 67, 14657, 4501, 9739, 1316, 627, 93, 1991, 84, 8174, 398, 30115, 57902, 1251, 51526, 23196, 677, 291, 22928, 30115, 9471, 627, 93, 861, 306, 316, 11785, 9210, 1354, 19505, 438, 455, 36069, 82, 9514, 627, 93, 41348, 1463, 283, 4919], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": "\tAgain\tI\traised\tmy\thead,\tand\tthis\ttime\tI\tsaw\ttwo\nyoung\tlovers\tfrom\tthe\tvillage\twho\thad\tjust\tbecome\tengaged.\tThey\twere\nwalking\thand\tin\thand,\tgazing\tat\teach\tother\tsilently.\nAfter\tthey\twere\tpast,\tBaba\tsaid,\t\u201cPeople\tshout\twhen\ttheir\thearts\tare\tfar\tapart.\nThey\tspeak\tnormally\twhen\ttheir\thearts\tare\tin\ttune.\tBut\twhen\ttwo\thearts\tare\none,\tthere\tis\tno\tneed\tfor\twords\tat\tall.\tThat\tis\thow\tthe\tway\tof\tthe\theart\n\tworks.\nIn\tsilence\tyou\twill\tfind\tyour\tsoul\tas\tthe\tlove\tguiding\tyou\tfrom\tyour\theart.\u201d\nW\nHAT\n\tI\tL\nEARNED\nThe\tway\tof\tthe\theart\tisn\u2019t\tabout\twords\u2014it\u2019s\tabout\tfeelings.\tYour\theart\tis\tthe\nnatural\thome\tof\tspirit.\tIf\tyou\tsay\tto\tsomeone,\t\u201cShow\tme\twhere\tyour\tsoul\tis,\u201d\nalmost\twithout\thesitation\tthey\twill\tpoint\tto\tthe\theart.\tWhat\tthey\tmight\tnot\nknow\tis\twhat\tthe\theart\tcan\treally\taccomplish.\tHave\tyou\theard\tof\thorse\nwhispering?\tWhen\ta\twild\thorse\tis\tcaught,\tsomeone\thas\tto\tbreak\tit\tin.\tWild\nhorses\tare\tafraid\tof\tthe\tsaddle;\tthey\tpanic\tand\tfight\twhen\tthey\tfeel\ta\trider\ton\ntheir\tback\tfor\tthe\tfirst\ttime.\tSo\ttraditionally\tthe\tsight\tof\ta\thorse\tbeing\tbroken\nin\twas\twild\tand\tviolent.\nThen\tsomeone\tdiscovered\tanother\tway,\tcalled\thorse\twhispering.\tInstead\tof\nforcing\tthe\thorse\tto\tobey,\tthe\ttrainer\thandles\tit\tgently,\tlooking\tit\tin\tthe\teye,\nstroking\tits\tflanks\tto\tcalm\tit\tdown,\tand\tmounting\tthe\thorse\tonly\twhen\tthe\ntrainer\tfeels\ta\tsignal\tfrom\tthe\tanimal\tthat\tsays,\t\nYou\tmay\tget\ton\tme.\tI\ttrust\tyou\n.\nThe\told,\tviolent\tway\tof\tbreaking\thorses\ttook\tdays;\thorse\twhispering\tcan\toften\nget\ta\twild\thorse\tto\taccept\ta\tsaddle\tin\ta\tfew\thours.\nWhat\u2019s\tat\twork\there\tis\tthe\tway\tof\tthe\theart,\tand\tthe\tsteps\tare\tthe\tsame\twith\npeople\tas\twith\thorses:\nTune\tin\tto\tthe\tother\tperson\n.\nGain\tthe\tother\tperson\u2019s\ttrust.\nBe\tin\tharmony;\tdo\tnot\tresist\tthe\tother\tperson\u2019s\tfeelings.These\tthree\tsteps\tdon\u2019t\tuse\twords;\tin\tfact,\twords\tjust\tget\tin\tthe\tway.\tYou\thave\nto\tbe\twilling\tto\tenter\tsomeone\telse\u2019s\tworld.\tThat\tcan\tsound\tscary,\tyet\tas\tyou\nget\tused\tto\tthe\tway\tof\tthe\theart\tyou\twill\tsee\thow\tnaturally\tit\tworks.\n1.\tT\nUNE\n\tI\nN\nThe\tfirst\tstep\tcomes\tdown\tto\treally\tlooking\tand\tlistening.\tThe\tsimple\nquestion\t\u201cHow\tdo\tyou\tfeel?\u201d\tis\talways\ta\tgood\tstart.\tBut\tlook\tand\tlisten\tfrom\nthe\theart;\tthat\u2019s\tthe\tkey.\tSomeone\tmay\tsay,\t\u201cI\u2019m\tfine,\u201d\tyet\tif\tthey\tlook\tstiff,\nwith\tarms\tfolded\tand\ta\ttense\ttone\tin\ttheir\tvoice,\tdon\u2019t\tthose\tthings\ttell\tyou\nmore\tthan\twords?\tIf\tyou\tlook\tinto\tsomeone\u2019s\teyes\u2014not\tstaring,\tbut\tjust\nmaking\tcontact\u2014you\tbegin\tto\tfeel\twhat\tthey\tare\tfeeling.\tLikewise,\tyou\thave\nto\tlisten\tfrom\tthe\theart,\twhich\ttunes\tin\tto\tfeelings\tall\tthe\ttime.\nWhenever\tyou\tmeet\tanyone,\tyour\theart\treaches\tout\tand\tasks:\t\nIs\tthis\tperson\nfeeling\tgood\tor\tbad,\texcited\tor\tdepressed,\tworried\tor\texpectant?\n\tEveryone\nelse\u2019s\theart\tis\tdoing\tthe\tsame\tthing.\tSo\tdon\u2019t\tget\tin\tthe\tway\tor\tpretend\tthat\nyou\tdon\u2019t\tnotice.\tWe\tall\tnotice\tfeelings\tat\tthe\theart\tlevel.\tWords\tare\teasily\nforgotten,\tbut\ta\tlook\tfrom\tthe\theart\tbecomes\tpart\tof\twho\tyou\tare.\n2.\tG\nAIN\n\tT\nRUST\nWhen\tyou\topen\tyourself\tto\tsomeone,\ttrust\tbegins\tto\tdevelop.\tHave\tyou\tever\nwatched\tsquirrels\tin\tthe\tpark?\tIf\tyou\tthrow\ta\tpeanut\tat\tone,\tit\twill\tscamper\naway\tand\tkeep\tits\tdistance,\twondering\tif\tyou\tare\tto\tbe\ttrusted.\tBut\tif\tyou\n\thold\nthe\tpeanut\tin\tyour\topen\thand,\tthe\tsquirrel\twill\tdart\tcloser,\tthen\trun\taway,\tthen\ncome\tcloser\tagain.\tAfter\ta\tmoment\teven\ta\tskittish\tsquirrel\twill\tbe\teating\tout\nof\tyour\thand.\nWith\tpeople\tit\ttakes\tan\topen\theart\tinstead\tof\ta\tpeanut,\tbut\tyou\thold\tit\tout\tjust\nas\tpatiently\tand\tjust\tas\tstill.\tWe\u2019re\tall\tafraid\tat\ttimes\tto\tshow\tour\tfeelings\nwhen\twe\tthink\tthey\twill\tmake\tus\tlook\tweak\tor\tset\tus\tup\tfor\trejection.\tBut\tif\nyou\tsimply\tallow\tyourself\tto\tbe\twith\tsomeone\telse,\tquietly\tand\twith\tan\topen\nheart,\ttrust\tcomes\tnaturally.\nThink\tabout\tsomeone\tin\tyour\tlife\twho\tleaves\tan\topen\tspace\tfor\tyou\tto\tbe\nyourself.\tNo\tone\tis\tmore\tvaluable.\tI\twould\tmuch\trather\thave\ta\tpillar\tof\ttrust\nin\tmy\tlife\tthan\ta\tpillar\tof\tstrength.\tSo\ttest\tthe\twaters\tand\tfind\tsomeone\twho\nwill,\tfirst,\tlisten\tto\tyou\tand,\tsecond,\taccept\twhat\tyou\u2019re\tfeeling.\n3.\tB\nE\tIN\n\tH\nARMONYThe\tthird\tstep\tcomes\tdown\tto\tacceptance.\tIn\tthe\tjoining\tof\ttwo\thearts\tthere\tis\nalways\tacceptance.\tThis\tis\tbecause\tneither\tone\tis\tthinking,\t\nI\tcan\u2019t\twaste\tmy\nvaluable\ttime\tputting\tup\twith\tyou\n.\tWhen\tyou\tare\tin\tharmony,\tyou\thave\tas\nmuch\ttime\tfor\tanother\tperson\tas\tfor\tyourself.\tLovers\tdon\u2019t\tneed\tto\tspeak\nbecause\tthey\tfeel\tlike\tone\tperson.\tWhat\tif\tyou\taren\u2019t\tin\tlove?\tYou\tcan\tstill\nclose\tthe\tgap\tbetween\tyourself\tand\tanyone\tyou\tmeet.\t\nFeel\twhat\tthe\tother\nperson\tfeels\n.\tIf\tyou\tdo\tthis\twithout\tjudging,\tthen\tthe\tsame\tthing\n\talways\nhappens.\tYou\trealize,\t\nI\u2019ve\tfelt\tthat\tway\ttoo\n.\tNow\tyou\tare\tin\tharmony.\nIt\u2019s\thuman\tnature\tto\tsit\tin\tjudgment,\tbut\tit\u2019s\talso\thuman\tnature\tto\trise\tabove\njudgment.\tThe\tchoice\tis\tyours.\tJudging\tmeans\tmaking\tsomebody\telse\ninferior.\tIf\tyou\tcan\u2019t\tstand\tit\tbecause\tsomebody\taround\tyou\tis\tcrying\tor\ndepressed\tor\tcriticizing\tall\tthe\ttime,\tstop\tand\task\tyourself,\t\u201cAm\tI\tbetter\tthan\nthat?\u201d\tIf\tyou\tsay\tyes,\tyou\tare\tjudging\tthem.\tAnd\tthey\tknow\tit,\tbecause\tin\ntheir\theart\tthey\tread\tyour\tsecret\tfeeling\tof\tsuperiority.\nYet\tthe\ttruth\tis\tthat\tall\tof\tus\thave\tcried,\tthrown\tan\tangry\tfit,\tand\tcriticized\nothers.\tFeelings\thappen.\tWhen\tyou\taccept\tthem\tas\ta\tpart\tof\tlife,\tyou\tcan\nbegin\tto\taccept\tother\tpeople,\tand\tin\ttime\t\nall\n\tpeople,\tfrom\tthe\theart.\tI\nsometimes\tthink\tthe\tworld\tcould\tbe\tchanged\tovernight\tif\tthe\tGolden\tRule\nsaid,\t\u201cFeel\tabout\tothers\tas\tyou\twould\thave\tthem\tfeel\tabout\tyou.\u201d\tCertainly\nthis\tis\twhat\tmy\theart\tis\tthinking,\tand\tyours,\ttoo,\tif\tI\tam\tnot\tmistaken.The\tWay\tof\tthe\tMind\nY\nour\tsoul\tis\talways\tsending\tyou\tmessages,\u201d\tBaba\tremarked.\t\u201cSome\teveryday\nthoughts\tare\tactually\tthese\tsoul\tmessages.\tDid\tyou\tknow\tthat?\tThey\tare\tthe\nsecond\tway\tyour\tsoul\twants\tyou\tto\tlive\tby\tthe\tway\tof\tthe\tmind.\u201d\nI\thad\tgotten\tvery\thungry\tand\tyet\tbefore\tI\ttold\thim,\tBaba\tproduced", "token_ids": [197, 31485, 25494, 197, 93613, 13938, 47181, 11, 53577, 2090, 22724, 25494, 1942, 675, 3324, 1146, 198, 82279, 197, 385, 3078, 43827, 33188, 5306, 48164, 197, 14965, 9793, 329, 197, 4345, 2282, 52521, 197, 833, 3359, 13, 197, 7009, 6831, 486, 198, 81749, 9793, 438, 17886, 9793, 438, 11, 3253, 6795, 36547, 7883, 613, 197, 1605, 1942, 321, 4501, 627, 6153, 197, 20670, 6831, 486, 3303, 561, 11, 13083, 12273, 1942, 3864, 11, 197, 2118, 16298, 37296, 412, 61280, 33188, 404, 197, 383, 7183, 197, 548, 1186, 277, 70998, 472, 627, 7009, 1942, 23635, 9215, 494, 750, 61280, 33188, 404, 197, 383, 7183, 197, 548, 17886, 3324, 2957, 13, 197, 4071, 61280, 3324, 1146, 197, 383, 7183, 197, 548, 198, 606, 11, 197, 19041, 20501, 73204, 197, 17483, 2066, 197, 5880, 36547, 52060, 13, 197, 4897, 20501, 197, 5269, 33188, 197, 3195, 44323, 33188, 197, 18207, 198, 197, 19033, 627, 644, 1942, 321, 768, 197, 9514, 6831, 484, 81703, 14862, 414, 1942, 11206, 61551, 33188, 197, 31153, 3253, 2480, 287, 197, 9514, 43827, 14862, 414, 197, 18207, 49216, 54, 198, 39, 835, 198, 25494, 15420, 198, 36, 9228, 1507, 198, 791, 197, 3195, 44323, 33188, 197, 18207, 20501, 77, 1431, 197, 9274, 197, 5880, 44603, 753, 197, 9274, 1186, 96551, 826, 13, 197, 7927, 197, 18207, 20501, 33188, 198, 53980, 197, 5227, 44323, 1942, 53829, 13, 52792, 197, 9514, 1942, 352, 32809, 1942, 638, 606, 11, 197, 2118, 7968, 50394, 56842, 14862, 414, 1942, 11206, 20501, 2476, 198, 60301, 197, 30096, 9793, 288, 7709, 197, 20670, 6831, 484, 59574, 32809, 33188, 197, 18207, 13, 197, 3923, 197, 20670, 2157, 492, 98366, 198, 33134, 20501, 197, 12840, 33188, 197, 18207, 94036, 17643, 750, 197, 73087, 501, 819, 13, 197, 12389, 197, 9514, 197, 55603, 44323, 9793, 11073, 198, 1336, 28470, 287, 30, 197, 4599, 11575, 6831, 699, 9793, 11073, 20501, 197, 62308, 11, 1942, 638, 606, 64355, 32809, 3470, 24263, 17886, 13, 17749, 699, 198, 71, 23242, 197, 548, 197, 2642, 14152, 44323, 33188, 1942, 20741, 26, 197, 20670, 31864, 53577, 1186, 492, 61280, 197, 20670, 1186, 96551, 11575, 7145, 1814, 25653, 198, 50828, 78546, 2066, 33188, 43290, 22724, 13, 78012, 26665, 329, 17868, 33188, 1942, 492, 44323, 11575, 9793, 11073, 197, 35214, 2282, 82809, 198, 258, 6831, 300, 6831, 699, 53577, 5306, 25947, 306, 627, 12487, 1942, 638, 606, 35697, 21468, 197, 43063, 197, 3195, 11, 1470, 4841, 9793, 11073, 197, 1336, 28470, 287, 13, 197, 31887, 44323, 198, 42596, 33188, 9793, 11073, 32809, 64453, 1216, 11, 33188, 26665, 1780, 9793, 20729, 24263, 3253, 4501, 11, 197, 20986, 24263, 17886, 33188, 197, 19494, 345, 97041, 10789, 197, 1220, 1186, 75, 4129, 32809, 1470, 7828, 24263, 2765, 785, 11, 53577, 2157, 632, 287, 33188, 9793, 11073, 197, 3323, 61280, 33188, 198, 84876, 1186, 68, 2053, 11575, 82419, 43827, 33188, 197, 48999, 64442, 1942, 954, 11, 1602, 2675, 2157, 352, 10582, 25653, 50394, 13, 25494, 26665, 592, 197, 9514, 198, 627, 791, 62928, 11, 5306, 25947, 306, 197, 3195, 44323, 3470, 287, 9793, 23242, 32809, 564, 2765, 954, 26, 9793, 11073, 197, 1336, 28470, 287, 94036, 197, 61917, 198, 456, 11575, 6831, 699, 9793, 11073, 32809, 197, 10543, 11575, 1942, 20741, 17886, 11575, 1186, 365, 9793, 2530, 627, 3923, 753, 36547, 98138, 197, 6881, 20501, 33188, 197, 3195, 44323, 33188, 197, 18207, 11, 53577, 33188, 18895, 7270, 197, 548, 33188, 1942, 373, 48048, 198, 16455, 61551, 48048, 9793, 23242, 512, 51, 2957, 17886, 32809, 33188, 197, 1605, 99905, 198, 627, 59711, 33188, 197, 1605, 99905, 753, 26665, 592, 627, 3513, 17886, 9793, 277, 65527, 26, 20530, 98366, 10413, 380, 33188, 197, 1605, 99905, 753, 1186, 96551, 826, 5221, 2423, 197, 28956, 18895, 7270, 2765, 263, 1431, 42919, 197, 5880, 26, 17886, 1186, 533, 11, 197, 5880, 197, 4345, 10582, 17886, 33188, 197, 3195, 13, 197, 2675, 9793, 525, 198, 998, 74242, 6831, 9585, 32809, 197, 1992, 1942, 638, 606, 2525, 753, 77608, 13, 197, 4897, 94036, 95487, 31028, 661, 11, 14862, 295, 61551, 197, 9514, 198, 456, 197, 2656, 32809, 33188, 197, 3195, 44323, 33188, 197, 18207, 197, 9514, 6831, 484, 197, 4151, 197, 5269, 9215, 72247, 24263, 197, 19033, 627, 16, 13, 10473, 198, 50489, 198, 25494, 198, 45, 198, 791, 43290, 78193, 197, 6716, 2765, 785, 32809, 17643, 750, 197, 20986, 53577, 14779, 6147, 13, 33026, 1942, 6592, 198, 7998, 197, 98476, 20530, 197, 9514, 1186, 96551, 12671, 20501, 197, 33222, 11575, 3253, 1411, 22087, 13, 197, 4071, 197, 7349, 53577, 14779, 268, 43827, 198, 1820, 197, 18207, 26, 64442, 753, 33188, 24555, 13, 7721, 638, 606, 2157, 352, 1942, 352, 11, 197, 10378, 4344, 1186, 483, 2476, 14862, 295, 748, 197, 20670, 197, 7349, 18895, 3168, 345, 4291, 197, 16293, 1186, 820, 291, 53577, 11575, 3324, 1137, 3324, 606, 17886, 33188, 404, 197, 10063, 11, 2765, 263, 1431, 197, 54719, 197, 58174, 3324, 616, 197, 9514, 198, 6518, 197, 54895, 197, 5880, 30, 52792, 197, 9514, 197, 7349, 2129, 78, 1942, 638, 606, 753, 197, 58331, 63938, 18895, 3329, 11, 2282, 332, 197, 4345, 198, 28936, 197, 6421, 71480, 81531, 32809, 1186, 96551, 197, 12840, 197, 20670, 197, 548, 1186, 68, 20659, 13, 15420, 1609, 25346, 11, 197, 9514, 9793, 525, 198, 998, 14779, 268, 43827, 33188, 197, 18207, 11, 197, 8370, 3324, 8699, 17886, 32809, 1186, 96551, 826, 52060, 33188, 22724, 627, 65361, 197, 9514, 50394, 295, 197, 3852, 606, 11, 14862, 414, 197, 18207, 17643, 14576, 14294, 53577, 197, 4707, 25, 1602, 3957, 2090, 99905, 198, 1897, 20659, 3253, 1411, 82266, 2282, 329, 11, 8285, 66, 1639, 82266, 59451, 14655, 11, 6831, 269, 4588, 82266, 25997, 519, 5380, 197, 34124, 198, 1531, 753, 197, 18207, 20501, 20530, 287, 33188, 1942, 373, 197, 1626, 13, 78012, 2765, 263, 1431, 10582, 17886, 33188, 197, 3195, 82266, 197, 8203, 408, 64442, 198, 9514, 2765, 263, 1431, 197, 24467, 13, 197, 1687, 52060, 197, 24467, 1186, 96551, 826, 36547, 33188, 197, 18207, 54843, 13, 17749, 2311, 197, 548, 7883, 38367, 198, 97944, 10503, 11, 2282, 332, 11575, 197, 7349, 43827, 33188, 197, 18207, 2282, 762, 20969, 73972, 44323, 197, 14965, 197, 9514, 197, 548, 627, 17, 13, 9796, 198, 6979, 198, 10473, 198, 49, 8721, 198, 4599, 197, 9514, 53299, 14862, 414, 726, 32809, 1942, 638, 606, 11, 26665, 592, 2282, 797, 1354, 32809, 197, 16219, 13, 197, 12389, 197, 9514, 197, 2099, 198, 14658, 291, 1942, 11642, 54883, 17886, 33188, 3303, 847, 30, 52792, 197, 9514, 9776, 11575, 197, 375, 38918, 36547, 197, 606, 11, 24263, 6831, 484, 1942, 11860, 716, 198, 14075, 53577, 197, 13397, 197, 1220, 99152, 11, 6831, 14518, 287, 748, 197, 9514, 197, 548, 32809, 74242, 26665, 28244, 13, 197, 4071, 748, 197, 9514, 198, 197, 6416, 198, 1820, 197, 375, 38918, 17886, 14862, 414, 53299, 9793, 438, 11, 33188, 1942, 87740, 6831, 484, 2765, 472, 1470, 70315, 11, 59733, 57842, 197, 14075, 11, 59733, 198, 2063, 1470, 70315, 197, 33871, 13, 197, 6153, 11575, 2157, 13209, 7883, 1055, 11575, 1942, 74, 1468, 819, 1942, 87740, 6831, 484, 74242, 7883, 1113, 14294, 198, 1073, 14862, 414, 9793, 438, 627, 2409, 197, 16455, 24263, 3324, 2094, 80557, 53299, 197, 18207, 197, 65937, 44323, 11575, 197, 375, 38918, 11, 2282, 332, 197, 9514, 197, 6416, 24263, 14294, 197, 4345, 198, 300, 3303, 16794, 398, 53577, 197, 4345, 61551, 18895, 484, 13, 197, 1687, 3207, 52060, 197, 2642, 14152, 36547, 3324, 1769, 32809, 33827, 197, 414, 1186, 96551, 826, 198, 9493, 197, 906, 197, 27963, 197, 20670, 6831, 484, 78538, 71275, 197, 7349, 197, 13451, 82266, 8360, 71275, 60910, 2066, 17643, 7761, 13, 197, 4071, 748, 198, 9514, 1942, 318, 2603, 197, 7331, 14862, 414, 726, 32809, 74242, 48048, 1942, 638, 606, 2525, 11, 197, 44750, 398, 53577, 48048, 80557, 53299, 198, 18207, 11, 26665, 592, 197, 6716, 9215, 72247, 627, 39787, 197, 9274, 1942, 638, 606, 17886, 14862, 414, 8986, 1643, 197, 14965, 197, 273, 4798, 80557, 53299, 1942, 1330, 2066, 197, 9514, 32809, 74242, 198, 22479, 726, 13, 197, 2822, 197, 606, 20501, 2157, 461, 19860, 13429, 13, 25494, 6831, 619, 2157, 1412, 7145, 1894, 9793, 525, 11575, 3303, 484, 277, 44323, 26665, 592, 198, 258, 13938, 8986, 1643, 197, 54895, 11575, 3303, 484, 277, 44323, 18895, 18323, 13, 78012, 18684, 33188, 6831, 11796, 53577, 81703, 1942, 638, 606, 197, 14965, 198, 14724, 11, 43290, 11, 14779, 268, 32809, 197, 9514, 53577, 11, 197, 5686, 11, 197, 10543, 197, 12840, 197, 9514, 3207, 1186, 68, 20659, 627, 18, 13, 13083, 198, 36, 41266, 198, 13595, 198, 18394, 53375, 791, 197, 32827, 78193, 197, 6716, 2765, 785, 32809, 197, 10543, 685, 13, 71267, 33188, 197, 66305, 44323, 3324, 1146, 197, 383, 7183, 197, 19041, 20501, 198, 33222, 197, 10543, 685, 13, 41065, 20501, 2282, 6769, 197, 818, 2544, 197, 606, 20501, 71579, 16113, 11, 1602, 40, 94036, 1431, 6831, 5642, 13938, 198, 838, 13429, 22724, 46162, 1303, 60910, 48048, 197, 9514, 198, 13, 197, 4599, 197, 9514, 197, 548, 17886, 9793, 277, 65527, 11, 197, 9514, 9793, 525, 61551, 198, 59178, 22724, 2066, 197, 43063, 99905, 61551, 2066, 14862, 414, 726, 13, 15420, 9146, 2765, 263, 1431, 197, 17483, 32809, 1942, 23635, 198, 28753, 197, 20670, 1186, 96551, 197, 4908, 197, 606, 99905, 13, 197, 3923, 748, 197, 9514, 197, 9329, 1431, 17886, 197, 31153, 30, 197, 2675, 94036, 18895, 484, 198, 5669, 33188, 3253, 391, 2282, 10259, 14862, 414, 726, 53577, 197, 3852, 606, 197, 9514, 50394, 295, 13, 1602, 34027, 197, 12840, 33188, 197, 1605, 198, 9164, 1186, 68, 2053, 198, 13, 52792, 197, 9514, 20530, 2090, 197, 30096, 12710, 88412, 11, 59733, 33188, 1942, 373, 197, 1626, 198, 197, 33222, 198, 71, 680, 729, 13, 197, 2675, 92974, 553, 11, 1602, 40, 4070, 1186, 3903, 64442, 197, 3195, 32809, 78, 198, 13, 197, 7184, 197, 9514, 197, 548, 17886, 9793, 277, 65527, 627, 2181, 753, 9793, 7282, 9215, 1598, 32809, 1942, 275, 17886, 12710, 664, 9247, 11, 2282, 332, 24263, 753, 197, 19171, 9793, 7282, 9215, 1598, 32809, 7145, 1082, 197, 49532, 198, 18631, 9247, 13, 33026, 197, 12008, 20501, 14862, 2530, 13, 17538, 88412, 50394, 598, 2157, 1802, 1942, 638, 2664, 2525, 198, 90659, 2521, 13, 52792, 197, 9514, 94036, 1431, 197, 2752, 24263, 2282, 6769, 1942, 638, 2664, 197, 20019, 197, 9514, 20501, 1470, 28609, 82266, 198, 451, 14655, 82266, 1470, 50308, 4954, 52060, 33188, 22724, 11, 63744, 53577, 197, 1091, 14862, 414, 726, 11, 197, 2118, 6219, 25494, 2282, 22120, 197, 54895, 198, 9210, 12671, 52792, 197, 9514, 1942, 352, 197, 9891, 11, 197, 9514, 197, 548, 12710, 88412, 197, 49818, 13, 197, 3112, 197, 20670, 16868, 3409, 24263, 11, 2282, 6769, 17886, 198, 50828, 197, 18207, 197, 20670, 38143, 14862, 414, 197, 21107, 1186, 68, 20659, 44323, 12750, 2521, 488, 627, 29174, 33188, 26665, 952, 20501, 64442, 52060, 44323, 71275, 9793, 525, 197, 745, 291, 11, 71579, 4935, 80557, 197, 526, 894, 1186, 275, 11, 53577, 1470, 50308, 1534, 198, 59961, 13, 197, 34027, 826, 9793, 64860, 13, 197, 4599, 197, 9514, 197, 10543, 197, 49818, 61551, 11575, 73972, 44323, 8986, 1643, 11, 197, 9514, 94036, 198, 7413, 32809, 197, 10543, 197, 1605, 197, 16455, 11, 53577, 17886, 22724, 1602, 543, 198, 197, 16455, 11, 43827, 33188, 197, 18207, 13, 25494, 198, 57753, 197, 27963, 33188, 77608, 1470, 619, 74242, 197, 17805, 197, 6846, 492, 748, 33188, 9796, 820, 268, 11391, 1130, 198, 84359, 11, 197, 2118, 34027, 197, 9274, 23021, 3058, 61551, 197, 9514, 6831, 619, 9793, 525, 197, 49818, 1186, 96551, 197, 9274, 197, 9514, 2029, 6391, 7770, 398, 198, 576, 20501, 197, 12840, 13938, 197, 18207, 20501, 71579, 16113, 11, 53577, 14862, 2530, 11, 32809, 78, 11, 748, 25494, 197, 309, 98366, 2157, 380, 3448, 11829, 17749, 352, 44323, 33188, 9391, 485, 198, 56, 198, 414, 1942, 11206, 20501, 197, 33222, 1942, 2518, 197, 9514, 2157, 3822, 2476, 13083, 12273, 197, 38548, 291, 13, 197, 2118, 8538, 7883, 1225, 1316, 198, 61665, 82, 197, 548, 197, 74128, 197, 45010, 1942, 11206, 2157, 3822, 13, 197, 7131, 197, 9514, 16868, 3409, 64442, 30, 197, 7009, 197, 548, 33188, 198, 5686, 197, 3195, 14862, 414, 1942, 11206, 6831, 1821, 197, 9514, 32809, 8986, 535, 197, 1729, 33188, 197, 3195, 44323, 33188, 2157, 485, 49216, 40, 9793, 329, 3253, 10503, 197, 1225, 9793, 2234, 894, 53577, 14862, 295, 64334, 25494, 3324, 820, 9793, 318, 11, 13083, 12273, 197, 8723, 2041], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": "oods, accept toxemia, defile the environ-\nment, attempt to remedy disease with chemicals, pardon \npollution, f orsake compassion, condone k illing and ig\nnore Nature\u2019s munificent provi-\ndence. And now our planet and too many of us are sick, suffering and in turmoil, hoping our go vernmen ts and unna \ntural technologies will bail us out. \nThe most aberrant and destructive human imprudence of all is not eating our natural biological diet: the Fruitarian Diet. This mistake is the prime cause of:\n \u2022 unhealthy minds and bodies\n \u2022 worldwide disharmony and tur\nmoil\n \u2022 disrespect for life\n, killing and wars\n \u2022 neurological and endocrine biochemical imbalances (men\ntal and emotional)\n \u2022 inability to reason and solve pr\noblems for the good of society and the planet\n \u2022 addiction to and dependence upon unnatur\nal, toxic and unsustainable industries and \ntechnologies for our basic needs \n \u2022 extrav\nagant cancer and other killer disease rates\n10\nFruiticulture \u2022 exorbitant human overpopulation\n \u2022 perilous environmental/ec\nological degradation\n \u2022 cataclysmic animal extinc\ntions\n \u2022 birth defects\n \u2022 rising infertility\n \u2022 great planetary suff\nering\nNow here\u2019s the good news!\nBy making a change to the Fruitarian Diet Lifestyle and Fruiticulture, the degradation of our \ngenes, inability to reproduce, deformities, stunted intelligence potential, sociological delinquen-cies and turmoil, moral and ethical erosion, extravagant disease incidences, increasing overpop -\nulation, environmental degradation and destruction of our planet will be reversed. \nTo be healthy in mind, body and spirit, each of us must be more vigilant than ever in bringing \nNature back into our lives on a daily basis, and connecting with our Fruitarian instincts. Nature is beckoning! Wholeness will only be restored when we reconnect with our natural instincts and follow Natural Law, living healthfully and cooperatively/symbiotically as one human race and community of life.\nThat means embracing the spirit of giving: appreciation, help, restoration, fruit sustenance, and \nlove\u2014every day, at every turn, for the good of all. This also means disconnecting from toxic technologies, sacrificing no animal for food and sanctioning no wars. Embracing Fruitarianism and Fruiticulture begets vibrant health, contentedness and deep reverence for the gifts of Nature. It puts an end to 99 percent of medical procedures and the 99 percent of the pharma-ceutical industry\u2019s drugs, and sets humanity on the path of sustainable health for planet Earth and all her inhabitants.\nPermaculture DefinedPermaculture is a \nconscientious, civilized, way of living in harmony with Nature\u2014a culture of \nliving integrously, reverentially, synergistically, wholistically, healthfully, and sustainably, em-\nploying biomimicry and diverse organic horticulture, and complementary \u201cgreen\u201d design and regenerative practices.11\nFruiticultureFruit Defined \nThat part of a seed package developed and grown specifically by a plant (stalk, vine or tree) to \ninduce consumption by its biological symbionts, begetting the incidental benefit of the spread-ing of its seed. Fruit is the only form of plant life grown specifically as food for symbiotic beings. \nFruiticulture DefinedFruiticulture is simply Permaculture with a focus on fruit (or \u201cfruit-centric\u201d) agriculture, or agro-\nforestry, and local and global communities and economies based on fruit growing and eating.\nFrugivore DefinedA frugivore is an animal or being whose biological, physiological and anatomical design, con-\nstitution, and natural instincts indicate that a fruit-based diet is its natural and, therefore, most healthful diet.\nFruitarian DefinedA fruitarian is a human who eats his/her natural biological diet of primarily raw fruits and, sec -\nondarily, raw vegetables, plus minimal-to-moderate amounts of raw seeds and nuts.A Look at HistoryThroughout the ages, the healthiest and most successful people have been those living in har -\nmony with Nature. The history of the Essenes, Hunzakuts, Vilcabambans and various aboriginal \ntribes provide us with significant lessons that we can use to our benefit. Consider that before the Europeans descended upon North America 500 years ago, this was a glorious, pristine conti-nent with abundance for all its inhabitants, who coexisted nearly perfectly with the land and its natural gifts. There was no waste, no pollution, no excessive carnage, minimal interference with the balance of Nature and no unnatural human population overgrowth. Of course, we \u201ccivilized, \u201d technology-obsessed humans have changed all of that and we must now reverse the tide, re-turning to our innate natural ways, getting ourselves \u201cback to the garden, \u201d as Joni Mitchell put it. \nThe world view of indigenous North American people included a collective responsibility for \nstewarding the land and taking from it only the essentials for sustenance and shelter. With a spiritual awareness of the interconnectedness and interdependence of all life forms on the Earth, they lived by a credo of sustainability for many generations. The Great Law of the Haudenosaunee, for example, states that \u201cin our every deliberation we must consider the impact 12\nFruiticultureof our decisions on the next seven generations. \u201d They sustained themselves well by anchoring \ntheir diet with the \u201cThree Sisters\u201d: squash, beans and corn, plus berries and nuts\u2014each of which, except for nuts, is botanically classified as a fruit.\nThe theme of the wonderful book Original Instructions \u2013 Indigenous Teachings for a Sustainable \nFuture, edited by Melissa K. Nelson (2008), is remembrance of the \u201coriginal instructions\u201d handed down to and taught by indigenous people of our lands\u2014that is, how to live on Earth \u201cin a good way, in a way that lasts. \u201d This way is a sacred journey marked by peace and harmony for seven generations and more to come. Via a spiritually-aware attitude of gratitude and conscious giving back to Mother Earth, a respectful kinship with all life is cultivated, facilitating civiliza-tions living in intimate harmony with their local environments, maintaining wholeness and abundance. \nIn accordance with a common ancient legend, Native Americans revere their continent as \n\u201cTurtle Island. \u201d As the story goes, a very large tortoise volunteered its shell as a home for the land animals; North America is perched on its back. As such, their \u201cisland\u201d home deserves to be \nA depiction of how the Haudenosaunee lived in what is now New York state13\nFruiticulture\ntreated with honor and respect, since, if it was tipped over, everyone would drown. It seems we \nhave tipped our \u201cisland\u201d and are treading water. Today\u2019s aboriginal elders pray that we wake up, join the original \u201csacred circle\u201d and return to Turtle Island, restoring peace, health and prosperity for all. \nThe ancient Essenes\u2019 lovely doctrine of \u201cSevenfold Peace\u201d can help us get there. It is about spiri-\ntualizing our lives by practicing peace of body, mind, heart, family, community, creative work, ecology and, ultimately, all of physical and spiritual reality. This a good way for all of us to \u201cbe\u201d every day. \nThe Promise of FruiticultureAs you will glean from this book, the Fruitarian Diet and Fruiticulture are not only a delicious \nway to eat and a better form of agriculture, but they are the keys to every personal and plane -\ntary transformation we desire, and they can optimally nourish all of humanity. We\u2019ll explain how and why this is possible, and how the Fruitarian Diet literally saved my life and at least greatly enhanced the lives of most of the other contributors, as well as a million or so of others who\u2019ve gone Fruitarian. After assimilating this entire book, I\u2019d love to get your response to all of this!\nf\nA Fruiticulture food forest, Maui, Hawaii14\nFruiticultureVeganic Fruiticulture is the Fruitful Way\nby Jesse Krebs, Ph.D.\nVeganic Fruiticulture is an approach to growing food \nthat encompasses a respect for animals, the envi-ronment and human health. It is a form of agricul-ture that goes above and beyond the standards for organic farming by e x\ncluding the use of products \nderived from confined animals and by encouraging the presence of native wild animals on the farmland. Organic farmers are permitted to use animal prod -\nucts as fertilizers: manure, blood meal, bone meal, feather meal, and fish emulsion. \n \nVeganic Fruiticulture breaks the link between live -\nstock operations for the production of organic plant-foods by using plant-based t\nechniques for soil fer -\ntility such as: glacial rock dust, mulching, fruit and \nvegetable compost, g r\neen manure, wood chips, crop rotation, polyculture and other sus-\ntainable methods. A veganic maxim states that by feeding the soil, the soil will feed the plan ts and trees. A dding or \nganic plant-based materials to the soil produces a rich, living \nsoil that has a plethora of microorganisms, which in turn feed the plants and create long-term sustainable fertility.\nVeganic Fruiticulture is the ultimate ideal for a sustainable, vibrantly thriving culture. \nThere simply is no better way of living in harmony with Mother Nature and being true to our frug", "token_ids": [9242, 11, 4287, 41569, 22689, 11, 711, 458, 279, 50026, 7058, 479, 11, 4879, 311, 40239, 8624, 449, 26333, 11, 65268, 720, 31241, 1516, 11, 282, 477, 82, 731, 30481, 11, 9955, 606, 597, 5986, 287, 323, 19935, 198, 94166, 22037, 753, 51079, 37243, 2605, 72, 7058, 67, 768, 13, 220, 1628, 1457, 1057, 11841, 323, 2288, 1690, 315, 603, 527, 14363, 11, 16066, 323, 304, 63355, 11, 16026, 1057, 733, 72693, 5794, 10814, 323, 653, 3458, 720, 83, 4269, 14645, 690, 25487, 603, 704, 13, 2355, 791, 1455, 82102, 519, 323, 40652, 3823, 23356, 74193, 315, 682, 374, 539, 12459, 1057, 5933, 24156, 10173, 25, 279, 435, 2739, 20631, 27304, 13, 256, 1115, 16930, 374, 279, 10461, 5353, 315, 512, 7436, 220, 53808, 20663, 323, 13162, 198, 7436, 256, 15603, 12269, 277, 65527, 323, 13535, 198, 61147, 198, 7436, 256, 57309, 369, 2324, 198, 11, 13419, 323, 25981, 198, 7436, 256, 64908, 323, 842, 78738, 93532, 737, 76527, 320, 5794, 198, 51977, 323, 14604, 340, 7436, 256, 38550, 311, 2944, 323, 11886, 550, 198, 677, 40716, 369, 279, 1695, 315, 8396, 323, 279, 11841, 198, 7436, 256, 27471, 311, 323, 44393, 5304, 17380, 2693, 198, 278, 11, 21503, 323, 98609, 19647, 323, 5996, 26522, 9268, 369, 1057, 6913, 3966, 720, 7436, 256, 58439, 198, 351, 519, 9572, 323, 1023, 25534, 8624, 7969, 198, 605, 198, 37, 21702, 93828, 7436, 256, 506, 75441, 519, 3823, 927, 45541, 198, 7436, 256, 60392, 788, 12434, 74158, 198, 5848, 53568, 198, 7436, 256, 31179, 85245, 3647, 292, 10065, 1327, 2910, 198, 83, 919, 198, 7436, 256, 7342, 42655, 198, 7436, 256, 16448, 95643, 198, 7436, 256, 2294, 62938, 8657, 198, 4776, 198, 7184, 1618, 753, 279, 1695, 3754, 4999, 1383, 3339, 264, 2349, 311, 279, 435, 2739, 20631, 27304, 69256, 323, 44187, 93828, 11, 279, 53568, 315, 1057, 720, 59275, 11, 38550, 311, 23645, 11, 79212, 1385, 11, 357, 28736, 11478, 4754, 11, 15983, 5848, 1624, 53988, 268, 1824, 552, 323, 63355, 11, 16033, 323, 31308, 58097, 11, 95950, 8624, 62960, 2436, 11, 7859, 927, 8539, 18722, 2987, 11, 12434, 53568, 323, 19814, 315, 1057, 11841, 690, 387, 28537, 13, 2355, 1271, 387, 9498, 304, 4059, 11, 2547, 323, 9090, 11, 1855, 315, 603, 2011, 387, 810, 81334, 1109, 3596, 304, 12967, 720, 79519, 1203, 1139, 1057, 6439, 389, 264, 7446, 8197, 11, 323, 21583, 449, 1057, 435, 2739, 20631, 62921, 13, 220, 22037, 374, 92186, 20324, 0, 220, 1254, 17648, 434, 690, 1193, 387, 28101, 994, 584, 51136, 449, 1057, 5933, 62921, 323, 1833, 18955, 7658, 11, 5496, 2890, 3725, 323, 22415, 8046, 2754, 3437, 11345, 2740, 439, 832, 3823, 7102, 323, 4029, 315, 2324, 627, 4897, 3445, 56501, 279, 9090, 315, 7231, 25, 35996, 11, 1520, 11, 35093, 11, 14098, 10446, 10431, 11, 323, 720, 31153, 2345, 30115, 1938, 11, 520, 1475, 2543, 11, 369, 279, 1695, 315, 682, 13, 220, 1115, 1101, 3445, 30069, 287, 505, 21503, 14645, 11, 73128, 912, 10065, 369, 3691, 323, 45361, 287, 912, 25981, 13, 220, 5867, 1347, 4628, 435, 2739, 20631, 2191, 323, 44187, 93828, 387, 19209, 34076, 2890, 11, 2262, 291, 2136, 323, 5655, 98464, 369, 279, 21258, 315, 22037, 13, 220, 1102, 9711, 459, 842, 311, 220, 1484, 3346, 315, 6593, 16346, 323, 279, 220, 1484, 3346, 315, 279, 1343, 20306, 54312, 332, 950, 5064, 753, 11217, 11, 323, 7437, 22706, 389, 279, 1853, 315, 22556, 2890, 369, 11841, 9420, 323, 682, 1077, 40771, 627, 3976, 12214, 10745, 69946, 3976, 12214, 10745, 374, 264, 720, 444, 56447, 1245, 11, 86079, 11, 1648, 315, 5496, 304, 26348, 449, 22037, 29096, 7829, 315, 720, 64275, 5503, 27620, 398, 11, 36237, 31668, 11, 80526, 38210, 11, 421, 35775, 2740, 11, 2890, 3725, 11, 323, 14201, 2915, 11, 991, 7058, 2760, 287, 39538, 318, 292, 894, 323, 17226, 17808, 305, 371, 93828, 11, 323, 58535, 220, 1054, 13553, 863, 2955, 323, 1239, 75989, 12659, 13, 806, 198, 37, 21702, 93828, 37, 21702, 69946, 720, 4897, 961, 315, 264, 10533, 6462, 8040, 323, 15042, 11951, 555, 264, 6136, 320, 90849, 11, 30050, 477, 5021, 8, 311, 720, 485, 10743, 15652, 555, 1202, 24156, 67754, 290, 2641, 11, 387, 51210, 279, 84316, 8935, 315, 279, 9041, 85005, 315, 1202, 10533, 13, 220, 44187, 374, 279, 1193, 1376, 315, 6136, 2324, 15042, 11951, 439, 3691, 369, 67754, 62114, 23837, 13, 720, 37, 21702, 93828, 69946, 37, 21702, 93828, 374, 5042, 3700, 12214, 10745, 449, 264, 5357, 389, 14098, 320, 269, 1054, 36698, 65524, 33611, 30029, 11, 477, 945, 299, 7058, 1348, 4720, 11, 323, 2254, 323, 3728, 10977, 323, 37671, 3196, 389, 14098, 7982, 323, 12459, 627, 23376, 773, 344, 461, 69946, 32, 1448, 773, 344, 461, 374, 459, 10065, 477, 1694, 6832, 24156, 11, 53194, 323, 75893, 950, 2955, 11, 390, 7058, 10663, 11, 323, 5933, 62921, 13519, 430, 264, 14098, 6108, 10173, 374, 1202, 5933, 323, 11, 9093, 11, 1455, 2890, 1285, 10173, 627, 37, 2739, 20631, 69946, 32, 14098, 8997, 374, 264, 3823, 889, 50777, 813, 39007, 5933, 24156, 10173, 315, 15871, 7257, 26390, 323, 11, 5819, 18722, 2159, 6751, 11, 7257, 24822, 11, 5636, 17832, 4791, 1474, 4414, 349, 15055, 315, 7257, 19595, 323, 31049, 885, 9372, 520, 11346, 60105, 279, 17051, 11, 279, 2890, 13744, 323, 1455, 6992, 1274, 617, 1027, 1884, 5496, 304, 4960, 18722, 65527, 449, 22037, 13, 220, 578, 3925, 315, 279, 13133, 22383, 11, 14834, 89, 587, 6256, 11, 64749, 55893, 3042, 598, 323, 5370, 671, 10090, 720, 1356, 288, 3493, 603, 449, 5199, 18872, 430, 584, 649, 1005, 311, 1057, 8935, 13, 220, 21829, 430, 1603, 279, 51607, 58842, 5304, 4892, 5270, 220, 2636, 1667, 4227, 11, 420, 574, 264, 44308, 11, 66085, 687, 72, 5392, 306, 449, 37492, 369, 682, 1202, 40771, 11, 889, 1080, 327, 13539, 7154, 14268, 449, 279, 4363, 323, 1202, 5933, 21258, 13, 220, 2684, 574, 912, 12571, 11, 912, 25793, 11, 912, 27639, 39438, 425, 11, 17832, 32317, 449, 279, 8335, 315, 22037, 323, 912, 81846, 3823, 7187, 927, 74189, 13, 220, 5046, 3388, 11, 584, 1054, 94230, 1534, 11, 19524, 5557, 12, 5598, 22456, 12966, 617, 5614, 682, 315, 430, 323, 584, 2011, 1457, 10134, 279, 43038, 11, 312, 65051, 287, 311, 1057, 65070, 5933, 5627, 11, 3794, 13520, 1054, 1445, 311, 279, 13863, 11, 19524, 439, 12565, 72, 31038, 2231, 433, 13, 720, 791, 1917, 1684, 315, 39678, 4892, 3778, 1274, 5343, 264, 22498, 12014, 369, 720, 267, 24998, 287, 279, 4363, 323, 4737, 505, 433, 1193, 279, 59886, 369, 10446, 10431, 323, 23756, 13, 220, 3161, 264, 18330, 17985, 315, 279, 83416, 2136, 323, 958, 91746, 315, 682, 2324, 7739, 389, 279, 9420, 11, 814, 12439, 555, 264, 4281, 78, 315, 41329, 369, 1690, 22540, 13, 220, 578, 8681, 7658, 315, 279, 473, 8039, 268, 12252, 359, 2176, 11, 369, 3187, 11, 5415, 430, 1054, 258, 1057, 1475, 21835, 367, 584, 2011, 2980, 279, 5536, 220, 717, 198, 37, 21702, 93828, 1073, 1057, 11429, 389, 279, 1828, 8254, 22540, 13, 19524, 256, 2435, 29759, 5694, 1664, 555, 34330, 5620, 720, 50828, 10173, 449, 279, 1054, 20215, 62088, 57633, 59576, 11, 27994, 323, 14095, 11, 5636, 63494, 323, 31049, 2345, 9739, 315, 902, 11, 3734, 369, 31049, 11, 374, 11164, 276, 2740, 21771, 439, 264, 14098, 627, 791, 7057, 315, 279, 11364, 2363, 17674, 39397, 1389, 47103, 70377, 826, 369, 264, 61593, 720, 25184, 11, 19685, 555, 48148, 735, 13, 27562, 320, 1049, 23, 705, 374, 1323, 72669, 315, 279, 1054, 10090, 11470, 863, 23415, 1523, 311, 323, 15972, 555, 39678, 1274, 315, 1057, 12098, 41128, 374, 11, 1268, 311, 3974, 389, 9420, 1054, 258, 264, 1695, 1648, 11, 304, 264, 1648, 430, 40758, 13, 19524, 256, 1115, 1648, 374, 264, 32442, 11879, 13160, 555, 9096, 323, 26348, 369, 8254, 22540, 323, 810, 311, 2586, 13, 220, 45899, 264, 88853, 66104, 19451, 315, 46135, 323, 17371, 7231, 1203, 311, 21720, 9420, 11, 264, 49150, 24890, 5383, 449, 682, 2324, 374, 67166, 11, 68365, 8431, 17528, 2442, 919, 5496, 304, 32487, 26348, 449, 872, 2254, 22484, 11, 20958, 421, 17648, 434, 323, 37492, 13, 720, 644, 18859, 449, 264, 4279, 14154, 13314, 11, 17118, 9053, 312, 19846, 872, 32843, 439, 720, 2118, 51, 22492, 10951, 13, 19524, 220, 1666, 279, 3446, 5900, 11, 264, 1633, 3544, 16831, 69289, 74771, 1202, 12811, 439, 264, 2162, 369, 279, 4363, 10099, 26, 4892, 5270, 374, 824, 2454, 389, 1202, 1203, 13, 220, 1666, 1778, 11, 872, 1054, 285, 1974, 863, 2162, 30675, 311, 387, 720, 32, 73764, 315, 1268, 279, 473, 8039, 268, 12252, 359, 2176, 12439, 304, 1148, 374, 1457, 1561, 4356, 1614, 1032, 198, 37, 21702, 93828, 198, 83, 2920, 449, 16044, 323, 5201, 11, 2533, 11, 422, 433, 574, 66472, 927, 11, 5127, 1053, 87968, 13, 220, 1102, 5084, 584, 720, 19553, 66472, 1057, 1054, 285, 1974, 863, 323, 527, 259, 6285, 3090, 13, 220, 11450, 753, 671, 10090, 61776, 24739, 430, 584, 15508, 709, 11, 5249, 279, 4113, 1054, 82, 582, 1171, 12960, 863, 323, 471, 311, 67906, 10951, 11, 50203, 9096, 11, 2890, 323, 44202, 369, 682, 13, 720, 791, 14154, 13133, 22383, 529, 17104, 33235, 315, 1054, 60628, 20557, 26888, 863, 649, 1520, 603, 636, 1070, 13, 1102, 374, 922, 18823, 72, 7058, 120895, 4954, 1057, 6439, 555, 36666, 9096, 315, 2547, 11, 4059, 11, 4851, 11, 3070, 11, 4029, 11, 11782, 990, 11, 72546, 323, 11, 13967, 11, 682, 315, 7106, 323, 18330, 8903, 13, 256, 1115, 264, 1695, 1648, 369, 682, 315, 603, 311, 1054, 1395, 863, 1475, 1938, 13, 720, 791, 7451, 315, 44187, 93828, 2170, 499, 690, 95116, 505, 420, 2363, 11, 279, 435, 2739, 20631, 27304, 323, 44187, 93828, 527, 539, 1193, 264, 18406, 720, 3195, 311, 8343, 323, 264, 2731, 1376, 315, 30029, 11, 719, 814, 527, 279, 7039, 311, 1475, 4443, 323, 11277, 18722, 83, 661, 18475, 584, 12876, 11, 323, 814, 649, 7706, 750, 46798, 819, 682, 315, 22706, 13, 220, 1226, 4805, 10552, 1268, 323, 3249, 420, 374, 3284, 11, 323, 1268, 279, 435, 2739, 20631, 27304, 16280, 6924, 856, 2324, 323, 520, 3325, 19407, 24872, 279, 6439, 315, 1455, 315, 279, 1023, 20965, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 264, 3610, 477, 779, 315, 3885, 889, 4070, 8208, 435, 2739, 20631, 13, 220, 4740, 40054, 321, 1113, 420, 4553, 2363, 11, 358, 7070, 3021, 311, 636, 701, 2077, 311, 682, 315, 420, 4999, 69, 198, 32, 44187, 93828, 3691, 13952, 11, 93550, 11, 28621, 975, 198, 37, 21702, 93828, 53, 16133, 292, 44187, 93828, 374, 279, 44187, 1285, 12424, 198, 1729, 40271, 30718, 1302, 11, 2405, 920, 627, 53, 16133, 292, 44187, 93828, 374, 459, 5603, 311, 7982, 3691, 720, 9210, 71010, 264, 5201, 369, 10099, 11, 279, 50364, 12, 2298, 479, 323, 3823, 2890, 13, 220, 1102, 374, 264, 1376, 315, 40574, 292, 360, 2442, 554, 430, 5900, 3485, 323, 7953, 279, 10886, 369, 17808, 33489, 555, 384, 865, 198, 11150, 279, 1005, 315, 3956, 720, 51182, 505, 45408, 10099, 323, 555, 26921, 279, 9546, 315, 10068, 8545, 10099, 389, 279, 3117, 86794, 13, 220, 44037, 20957, 527, 15480, 311, 1005, 10065, 14814, 18722, 670, 82, 439, 36214, 12509, 25, 893, 554, 11, 6680, 15496, 11, 17685, 15496, 11, 50876, 15496, 11, 323, 7795, 991, 34003, 13, 2355, 720, 53, 16133, 292, 44187, 93828, 18808, 279, 2723, 1990, 3974, 18722, 13787, 7677, 369, 279, 5788, 315, 17808, 6136, 64567, 82, 555, 1701, 6136, 6108, 259, 198, 102698, 8467, 369, 17614, 18728, 18722, 12467, 1778, 439, 25, 2840, 33211, 7091, 16174, 11, 15975, 28075, 11, 14098, 323, 720, 83571, 481, 57823, 11, 342, 436, 198, 15258, 893, 554, 11, 7732, 24512, 11, 19641, 12984, 11, 1499, 3418, 10745, 323, 1023, 4582, 7058, 23771, 481, 5528, 13, 220, 362, 30249, 292, 31127, 5415, 430, 555, 26040, 279, 17614, 11, 279, 17614, 690, 5510, 279, 3197, 10814, 323, 12690, 13, 220, 362, 294, 7113, 477, 720, 30528, 292, 6136, 6108, 7384, 311, 279, 17614, 19159, 264, 9257, 11, 5496, 720, 708, 321, 430, 706, 264, 68706, 315, 8162, 76991, 11, 902, 304, 2543, 5510, 279, 11012, 323, 1893, 1317, 9860, 22556, 48111, 627, 53, 16133, 292, 44187, 93828, 374, 279, 17139, 10728, 369, 264, 22556, 11, 17358, 18007, 53414, 7829, 13, 2355, 3947, 5042, 374, 912, 2731, 1648, 315, 5496, 304, 26348, 449, 21720, 22037, 323, 1694, 837, 311, 1057, 1448, 773], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": "rum. However, it is \nconnected with the outside world with a tube called auditory or \nEustachian tube. This tube is the most important player in ear infections \nand glue ear, so I would like to concentrate on it in detail. \nThe Eustachian tube stretches from the inside wall of middle ear to the \nnasopharynx (back of your nose and throat), where it opens quite near the \nback of the nose. The major function of this tube is to equalise the pressure \nin the middle ear with the atmospheric pressure. The opening of the \nEustachian tube in the pharynx is guarded by a lump of lymphoid tissue, FIG. 8 Interconnecting structure of the middle ear and pharynx. called the Tube Tonsil (FIG. 8). These tube tonsils are a part of the immune \nsystem. Their function is to prevent infectious agents from getting through \nthe nose and throat into the Eustachian tubes and the middle ear. There is \none situation when we feel the presence of tube tonsils very well. I am sure \nthat everybody recalls that blocked ears feeling when flying on the aero\u00ad\nplanes. What happens is that the tube tonsils can get inflamed and swollen \ndue to infection in your nose or throat or simply due to the plane's air con\u00ad\nditioning. When the tube tonsils get swollen, they block the entrance into \nthe Eustachian tubes. As a result the pressure inside your middle ear \ncannot be equalised with the changing atmospheric pressure when the \nplane is taking off or landing, which gives you that muffled hearing and \npain in the affected ear. Swallowing, yawning, chewing, and holding the \nnose and mouth shut while gently trying to force air out of the lungs \nstretches the opening of the Eustachian tube and allows the air into the \nmiddle ear. But if the tube tonsils are swollen too much these measures \nusually don't work. \nThe Eustachian tube is the most obvious way for any infection to get into \nthe middle ear. However, it is not so simple. \nThe mucous membranes of the Eustachian tubes are covered by ciliated \nepithelium and contain a lot of mucus glands and lymphatic follicles. \nCiliated epithelium is a layer of cells with tiny hair on them. These hair are \nnormally pointing away from the middle ear to the direction of the \nnasopharynx providing an effective barrier for any debris from food or air \ntrying to get into the middle ear from the nose and the mouth. The numer\u00ad\nous mucous producing cells in the walls of the Eustachian tubes are con\u00ad\nstantly cleaning the tubes up with their mucous secretions, which are \nmoving along the direction of the tiny hair of the ciliated epithelium down \ninto the back of your nose. In order for any infection to get into the middle \near it would have to struggle against this flow of mucous. But if any infec\u00ad\ntious agents do manage to get into the Eustachian tube, the lymphatic \nfollicles in its walls, which are part of the immune system, will launch their \nattack and finish the invader off. And, of course, before the infection even \ngets into the Eustachian tube it has to pass the first barrier - the tube tonsil, \nwhich is a concentration of immune cells specially designed to stop any \ninvader. This combination of factors provides a pretty formidable defence \nfor the middle ear! In healthy children it works very well indeed. Why don't \nthese defences work in so many children? How does the infection get \nthrough all these barriers? Why do we have an epidemic of ear infections \nand glue ear? Here we come to a very important point. The mouth, nose, throat, \nEustachian tubes and middle ear of a newborn baby are sterile. Fairly soon \nafter birth the mouth, nose and throat get populated by a varied mixture of \nmicrobes, coming from the environment, mum, dad and anybody else, \nwho is in contact with the child. Just as it happens with the gut, due to \nvarious factors which we have discussed, many children develop abnormal \nflora in that area. This will do two things. First - the epithelium of \nEustachian tubes will start producing too much mucous in order to protect \nand clean itself. Second - the tube tonsils will be in a chronic state of \ninflammation, blocking the entrance into the tubes and not allowing the \nmucous to drain out. Fairly quickly the middle ear fills up with mucous. \nThis situation is called the glue ear. Mucous will not allow appropriate pas\u00ad\nsage of sound through the middle ear impairing the child's hearing and \nhence development. A lot of children with glue ear do not become autistic, \nfor example, but their general learning abilities suffer. Speech delay is very \ncommon among these children. The mucous which fills their middle ear \nwould provide a good growing environment for any infection which may \ncome along from the back of the nose through the Eustachian tube. When \nthat happens the child gets typical symptoms of ear infection - pain and \nfever, when antibiotics are usually prescribed. Antibiotics would clear \naway the infectious agent, but they would not remove the glue ear. In fact \nin the long run they make the situation worse by altering the bacterial flora \nin the nose and throat even further. So, with the middle ear still filled with \nmucous, a good medium for growing bacteria, predictably the ear infection \nhappens again and fairly soon. Having suffered numerous ear infections, \nmany children finish up with little pipes, called grommets put through \ntheir eardrum in order to provide another channel for draining the mucous \nfrom the middle ear. This operation is a symptomatic measure, but it usu\u00ad\nally resolves the problem of glue ear and stops the chain of constant ear \ninfections. So, the epithelium of the middle ear and Eustachian tube will \nstill be producing a lot of mucous and the natural channel for draining this \nmucous will still be blocked, but the mucous now will drain through an \nartificial pipe - grommet into the outside. \nAs we said, grommets are a symptomatic measure, a crutch in a way, \nwhich does not remove the real problem. The real problem is an abnormal \nflora developed in the child's nose and throat. Practise shows that when \nthat flora is normalised, the glue ear and ear infections disappear. Two \nthings have to be done to normalise bacterial flora in that area. \nFirst - the diet should not provide food for abnormal bacteria. As we discussed in earlier chapters these foods are sugar, milk and processed \ncarbohydrates. It is amazing how quickly glue ear resolves when these \nfoods are taken out of the diet. \nA second important measure is adding a strong therapeutic probiotic to \nthe child's regimen. The beneficial bacteria in the probiotic would help to \nclear out pathogenic flora and re-establish normal healthy flora in the \nmouth, nose and throat, which would keep the child clear from ear infec\u00ad\ntions. To do that, apart from adding a probiotic to the food, I routinely sug\u00ad\ngest to the parents of children whom I see in my clinic to open a capsule of \nprobiotic and put the powder on the child's tongue last thing before bed, \nafter the child has cleaned his teeth and is not going to eat or drink any \nmore. This way the probiotic bacteria will have a chance to work on the \nflora of the mouth and throat all night. As the back of the nose and the back \nof the mouth both open to the same place, the probiotic bacteria have a \ngood chance of reaching the back of the nose, where the tube tonsils are, \nand deal with any pathogenic flora in that area. On top of that, the stimula\u00ad\ntion of the immune responses, which the probiotics produce, would also \nhelp to clear out any infection. As a result the inflammation would subside \nand the tube tonsils would resume their normal size and not block the \nEustachian tubes any more, allowing mucous to drain from the middle ear. \nThis will resolve glue ear and the constant chain of ear infections. \nAnother common contributing factor to ear infections are food allergies, \nparticularly allergy to milk. In the previous chapters we have discussed what \nrole the gut flora plays in the development of food allergies. With the use of \ndiet and probiotics we can improve the state of the gut flora and the immune \nsystem in the child's body. Clinical experience shows that a lot of food aller\u00ad\ngies disappear as the gut heals. In the meantime it is a good idea to remove \nthe foods, which the child may be allergic to, particularly cow's milk. \nHowever, it takes time to change the child's diet and to establish normal \nbacterial flora in the throat. What do we do as an immediate response to an \near infection? \nUnfortunately, a very common thing that happens is the prescription of \nantibiotics. It is a routine response of the medical profession pretty much \neverywhere in the western world. We have discussed in detail what anti\u00ad\nbiotics do to the bodily flora (in the gut, on the skin, on all mucous mem\u00ad\nbranes, including the nose, throat and ears). Though the course of anti\u00ad\nbiotics would clear that particular ear infection, it would lay the ground for \nthe next one to come. Apart from destroying the beneficial", "token_ids": [10952, 13, 4452, 11, 433, 374, 720, 15647, 449, 279, 4994, 1917, 449, 264, 14019, 2663, 83629, 477, 720, 36, 592, 613, 1122, 14019, 13, 1115, 14019, 374, 279, 1455, 3062, 2851, 304, 2487, 30020, 720, 438, 38561, 2487, 11, 779, 358, 1053, 1093, 311, 37455, 389, 433, 304, 7872, 13, 720, 791, 469, 592, 613, 1122, 14019, 50699, 505, 279, 4871, 7147, 315, 6278, 2487, 311, 279, 720, 46523, 5237, 661, 24244, 320, 1445, 315, 701, 19689, 323, 28691, 705, 1405, 433, 16264, 5115, 3221, 279, 720, 1445, 315, 279, 19689, 13, 578, 3682, 734, 315, 420, 14019, 374, 311, 6273, 1082, 279, 7410, 720, 258, 279, 6278, 2487, 449, 279, 45475, 7410, 13, 578, 8736, 315, 279, 720, 36, 592, 613, 1122, 14019, 304, 279, 1343, 661, 24244, 374, 64263, 555, 264, 49629, 315, 43745, 590, 20438, 11, 38699, 13, 220, 23, 5783, 91911, 6070, 315, 279, 6278, 2487, 323, 1343, 661, 24244, 13, 2663, 279, 30124, 350, 2439, 321, 320, 6507, 13, 220, 23, 570, 4314, 14019, 20181, 8839, 527, 264, 961, 315, 279, 22852, 720, 9125, 13, 11205, 734, 374, 311, 5471, 50600, 13307, 505, 3794, 1555, 720, 1820, 19689, 323, 28691, 1139, 279, 469, 592, 613, 1122, 34083, 323, 279, 6278, 2487, 13, 2684, 374, 720, 606, 6671, 994, 584, 2733, 279, 9546, 315, 14019, 20181, 8839, 1633, 1664, 13, 358, 1097, 2771, 720, 9210, 16470, 41231, 430, 19857, 25212, 8430, 994, 16706, 389, 279, 264, 2382, 5879, 198, 39157, 13, 3639, 8741, 374, 430, 279, 14019, 20181, 8839, 649, 636, 4704, 3690, 323, 76193, 720, 24567, 311, 19405, 304, 701, 19689, 477, 28691, 477, 5042, 4245, 311, 279, 11277, 596, 3805, 390, 5879, 198, 2400, 287, 13, 3277, 279, 14019, 20181, 8839, 636, 76193, 11, 814, 2565, 279, 20396, 1139, 720, 1820, 469, 592, 613, 1122, 34083, 13, 1666, 264, 1121, 279, 7410, 4871, 701, 6278, 2487, 720, 34360, 387, 6273, 4147, 449, 279, 10223, 45475, 7410, 994, 279, 720, 19563, 374, 4737, 1022, 477, 20948, 11, 902, 6835, 499, 430, 296, 43435, 11011, 323, 720, 92724, 304, 279, 11754, 2487, 13, 4593, 7331, 287, 11, 46772, 1251, 11, 75477, 11, 323, 10168, 279, 720, 77, 974, 323, 11013, 9495, 1418, 30373, 4560, 311, 5457, 3805, 704, 315, 279, 45274, 720, 267, 2171, 8696, 279, 8736, 315, 279, 469, 592, 613, 1122, 14019, 323, 6276, 279, 3805, 1139, 279, 720, 20231, 2487, 13, 2030, 422, 279, 14019, 20181, 8839, 527, 76193, 2288, 1790, 1521, 11193, 720, 44066, 1541, 956, 990, 13, 720, 791, 469, 592, 613, 1122, 14019, 374, 279, 1455, 8196, 1648, 369, 904, 19405, 311, 636, 1139, 720, 1820, 6278, 2487, 13, 4452, 11, 433, 374, 539, 779, 4382, 13, 720, 791, 65104, 788, 79348, 315, 279, 469, 592, 613, 1122, 34083, 527, 9960, 555, 272, 54873, 720, 752, 411, 301, 2411, 323, 6782, 264, 2763, 315, 296, 38601, 82375, 323, 43745, 780, 82714, 645, 13, 720, 34, 54873, 64779, 301, 2411, 374, 264, 6324, 315, 7917, 449, 13987, 7013, 389, 1124, 13, 4314, 7013, 527, 720, 86336, 22364, 3201, 505, 279, 6278, 2487, 311, 279, 5216, 315, 279, 720, 46523, 5237, 661, 24244, 8405, 459, 7524, 22881, 369, 904, 35098, 505, 3691, 477, 3805, 720, 85134, 311, 636, 1139, 279, 6278, 2487, 505, 279, 19689, 323, 279, 11013, 13, 578, 8015, 5879, 198, 788, 65104, 788, 17843, 7917, 304, 279, 14620, 315, 279, 469, 592, 613, 1122, 34083, 527, 390, 5879, 198, 4811, 398, 16204, 279, 34083, 709, 449, 872, 65104, 788, 6367, 919, 11, 902, 527, 720, 66215, 3235, 279, 5216, 315, 279, 13987, 7013, 315, 279, 272, 54873, 64779, 301, 2411, 1523, 720, 18614, 279, 1203, 315, 701, 19689, 13, 763, 2015, 369, 904, 19405, 311, 636, 1139, 279, 6278, 720, 686, 433, 1053, 617, 311, 14993, 2403, 420, 6530, 315, 65104, 788, 13, 2030, 422, 904, 4225, 762, 5879, 198, 83, 1245, 13307, 656, 10299, 311, 636, 1139, 279, 469, 592, 613, 1122, 14019, 11, 279, 43745, 780, 720, 8566, 416, 645, 304, 1202, 14620, 11, 902, 527, 961, 315, 279, 22852, 1887, 11, 690, 7195, 872, 720, 21208, 323, 6381, 279, 1558, 1013, 1022, 13, 1628, 11, 315, 3388, 11, 1603, 279, 19405, 1524, 720, 19209, 1139, 279, 469, 592, 613, 1122, 14019, 433, 706, 311, 1522, 279, 1176, 22881, 482, 279, 14019, 20181, 321, 11, 720, 8370, 374, 264, 20545, 315, 22852, 7917, 35426, 6319, 311, 3009, 904, 720, 14386, 1013, 13, 1115, 10824, 315, 9547, 5825, 264, 5128, 54829, 23682, 720, 2000, 279, 6278, 2487, 0, 763, 9498, 2911, 433, 4375, 1633, 1664, 13118, 13, 8595, 1541, 956, 720, 45010, 711, 2436, 990, 304, 779, 1690, 2911, 30, 2650, 1587, 279, 19405, 636, 720, 20322, 682, 1521, 30740, 30, 8595, 656, 584, 617, 459, 42620, 315, 2487, 30020, 720, 438, 38561, 2487, 30, 5810, 584, 2586, 311, 264, 1633, 3062, 1486, 13, 578, 11013, 11, 19689, 11, 28691, 11, 720, 36, 592, 613, 1122, 34083, 323, 6278, 2487, 315, 264, 46397, 8945, 527, 82743, 13, 14930, 398, 5246, 720, 10924, 7342, 279, 11013, 11, 19689, 323, 28691, 636, 35459, 555, 264, 28830, 21655, 315, 720, 41543, 9620, 11, 5108, 505, 279, 4676, 11, 39959, 11, 18233, 323, 21739, 775, 11, 720, 14965, 374, 304, 3729, 449, 279, 1716, 13, 4702, 439, 433, 8741, 449, 279, 18340, 11, 4245, 311, 720, 959, 1245, 9547, 902, 584, 617, 14407, 11, 1690, 2911, 2274, 35663, 720, 1517, 6347, 304, 430, 3158, 13, 1115, 690, 656, 1403, 2574, 13, 5629, 482, 279, 64779, 301, 2411, 315, 720, 36, 592, 613, 1122, 34083, 690, 1212, 17843, 2288, 1790, 65104, 788, 304, 2015, 311, 6144, 720, 438, 4335, 5196, 13, 10657, 482, 279, 14019, 20181, 8839, 690, 387, 304, 264, 21249, 1614, 315, 720, 258, 45864, 367, 11, 22978, 279, 20396, 1139, 279, 34083, 323, 539, 10923, 279, 720, 76, 1791, 788, 311, 24659, 704, 13, 14930, 398, 6288, 279, 6278, 2487, 41687, 709, 449, 65104, 788, 13, 720, 2028, 6671, 374, 2663, 279, 38561, 2487, 13, 386, 1791, 788, 690, 539, 2187, 8475, 6502, 5879, 198, 108718, 315, 5222, 1555, 279, 6278, 2487, 38974, 287, 279, 1716, 596, 11011, 323, 720, 71, 768, 4500, 13, 362, 2763, 315, 2911, 449, 38561, 2487, 656, 539, 3719, 81391, 11, 720, 2000, 3187, 11, 719, 872, 4689, 6975, 18000, 7831, 13, 39841, 7781, 374, 1633, 720, 5581, 4315, 1521, 2911, 13, 578, 65104, 788, 902, 41687, 872, 6278, 2487, 720, 41450, 3493, 264, 1695, 7982, 4676, 369, 904, 19405, 902, 1253, 720, 2063, 3235, 505, 279, 1203, 315, 279, 19689, 1555, 279, 469, 592, 613, 1122, 14019, 13, 3277, 720, 9210, 8741, 279, 1716, 5334, 14595, 13803, 315, 2487, 19405, 482, 6784, 323, 720, 1897, 424, 11, 994, 46850, 527, 6118, 32031, 13, 95951, 83300, 1053, 2867, 720, 14075, 279, 50600, 8479, 11, 719, 814, 1053, 539, 4148, 279, 38561, 2487, 13, 763, 2144, 720, 258, 279, 1317, 1629, 814, 1304, 279, 6671, 11201, 555, 60923, 279, 45964, 82088, 720, 258, 279, 19689, 323, 28691, 1524, 4726, 13, 2100, 11, 449, 279, 6278, 2487, 2103, 10409, 449, 720, 76, 1791, 788, 11, 264, 1695, 11298, 369, 7982, 24032, 11, 7168, 2915, 279, 2487, 19405, 720, 71, 680, 729, 1578, 323, 14470, 5246, 13, 20636, 16654, 12387, 2487, 30020, 11, 720, 35676, 2911, 6381, 709, 449, 2697, 32275, 11, 2663, 342, 442, 76, 1441, 2231, 1555, 720, 50828, 384, 569, 10952, 304, 2015, 311, 3493, 2500, 5613, 369, 74109, 279, 65104, 788, 720, 1527, 279, 6278, 2487, 13, 1115, 5784, 374, 264, 12104, 13795, 6767, 11, 719, 433, 41388, 5879, 198, 750, 64397, 279, 3575, 315, 38561, 2487, 323, 18417, 279, 8957, 315, 6926, 2487, 720, 258, 25384, 13, 2100, 11, 279, 64779, 301, 2411, 315, 279, 6278, 2487, 323, 469, 592, 613, 1122, 14019, 690, 720, 44466, 387, 17843, 264, 2763, 315, 65104, 788, 323, 279, 5933, 5613, 369, 74109, 420, 720, 76, 1791, 788, 690, 2103, 387, 19857, 11, 719, 279, 65104, 788, 1457, 690, 24659, 1555, 459, 720, 472, 16895, 13961, 482, 342, 442, 4150, 1139, 279, 4994, 13, 720, 2170, 584, 1071, 11, 342, 442, 76, 1441, 527, 264, 12104, 13795, 6767, 11, 264, 1589, 14390, 304, 264, 1648, 11, 720, 8370, 1587, 539, 4148, 279, 1972, 3575, 13, 578, 1972, 3575, 374, 459, 35663, 720, 1517, 6347, 8040, 304, 279, 1716, 596, 19689, 323, 28691, 13, 18373, 1082, 5039, 430, 994, 720, 9210, 82088, 374, 4725, 4147, 11, 279, 38561, 2487, 323, 2487, 30020, 32153, 13, 9220, 720, 58174, 617, 311, 387, 2884, 311, 4725, 1082, 45964, 82088, 304, 430, 3158, 13, 720, 5451, 220, 482, 279, 10173, 1288, 539, 3493, 3691, 369, 35663, 24032, 13, 1666, 584, 14407, 304, 6931, 30732, 1521, 15657, 527, 13465, 11, 14403, 323, 15590, 720, 7063, 34658, 988, 13, 1102, 374, 8056, 1268, 6288, 38561, 2487, 64397, 994, 1521, 720, 96420, 527, 4529, 704, 315, 279, 10173, 13, 720, 32, 2132, 220, 3062, 6767, 374, 7999, 264, 3831, 37471, 3650, 62114, 311, 720, 1820, 1716, 596, 68128, 13, 578, 24629, 24032, 304, 279, 3650, 62114, 1053, 1520, 311, 720, 7574, 704, 1853, 29569, 82088, 323, 312, 48587, 4725, 9498, 82088, 304, 279, 720, 33780, 11, 19689, 323, 28691, 11, 902, 1053, 2567, 279, 1716, 2867, 505, 2487, 4225, 762, 5879, 198, 83, 919, 13, 2057, 656, 430, 11, 10980, 505, 7999, 264, 3650, 62114, 311, 279, 3691, 11, 358, 40076, 31705, 5879, 198, 7114, 311, 279, 6699, 315, 2911, 8884, 358, 1518, 304, 856, 28913, 311, 1825, 264, 48739, 315, 720, 782, 8385, 14546, 323, 2231, 279, 17138, 389, 279, 1716, 596, 25466, 1566, 3245, 1603, 4950, 11, 720, 10924, 279, 1716, 706, 28822, 813, 18311, 323, 374, 539, 2133, 311, 8343, 477, 7172, 904, 720, 6518, 13, 1115, 1648, 279, 3650, 62114, 24032, 690, 617, 264, 6140, 311, 990, 389, 279, 720, 1517, 6347, 315, 279, 11013, 323, 28691, 682, 3814, 13, 1666, 279, 1203, 315, 279, 19689, 323, 279, 1203, 720, 1073, 279, 11013, 2225, 1825, 311, 279, 1890, 2035, 11, 279, 3650, 62114, 24032, 617, 264, 720, 19045, 6140, 315, 19261, 279, 1203, 315, 279, 19689, 11, 1405, 279, 14019, 20181, 8839, 527, 11, 720, 438, 3568, 449, 904, 1853, 29569, 82088, 304, 430, 3158, 13, 1952, 1948, 315, 430, 11, 279, 12936, 5724, 5879, 198, 28491, 315, 279, 22852, 14847, 11, 902, 279, 3650, 83300, 8356, 11, 1053, 1101, 720, 8823, 311, 2867, 704, 904, 19405, 13, 1666, 264, 1121, 279, 37140, 1053, 1207, 3002, 720, 438, 279, 14019, 20181, 8839, 1053, 16063, 872, 4725, 1404, 323, 539, 2565, 279, 720, 36, 592, 613, 1122, 34083, 904, 810, 11, 10923, 65104, 788, 311, 24659, 505, 279, 6278, 2487, 13, 720, 2028, 690, 9006, 38561, 2487, 323, 279, 6926, 8957, 315, 2487, 30020, 13, 720, 14364, 4279, 29820, 8331, 311, 2487, 30020, 527, 3691, 58742, 11, 720, 74039, 60754, 311, 14403, 13, 763, 279, 3766, 30732, 584, 617, 14407, 1148, 720, 5898, 279, 18340, 82088, 11335, 304, 279, 4500, 315, 3691, 58742, 13, 3161, 279, 1005, 315, 720, 94942, 323, 3650, 83300, 584, 649, 7417, 279, 1614, 315, 279, 18340, 82088, 323, 279, 22852, 720, 9125, 304, 279, 1716, 596, 2547, 13, 33135, 3217, 5039, 430, 264, 2763, 315, 3691, 48908, 5879, 198, 68469, 32153, 439, 279, 18340, 88084, 13, 763, 279, 33953, 433, 374, 264, 1695, 4623, 311, 4148, 720, 1820, 15657, 11, 902, 279, 1716, 1253, 387, 57596, 311, 11, 8104, 19923, 596, 14403, 13, 720, 11458, 11, 433, 5097, 892, 311, 2349, 279, 1716, 596, 10173, 323, 311, 5813, 4725, 720, 65, 71034, 82088, 304, 279, 28691, 13, 3639, 656, 584, 656, 439, 459, 14247, 2077, 311, 459, 720, 686, 19405, 30, 720, 31140, 11, 264, 1633, 4279, 3245, 430, 8741, 374, 279, 22866, 315, 720, 519, 581, 83300, 13, 1102, 374, 264, 14348, 2077, 315, 279, 6593, 4913, 5128, 1790, 720, 30115, 2940, 304, 279, 19001, 1917, 13, 1226, 617, 14407, 304, 7872, 1148, 7294, 5879, 198, 8385, 51003, 656, 311, 279, 48131, 82088, 320, 258, 279, 18340, 11, 389, 279, 6930, 11, 389, 682, 65104, 788, 1871, 5879, 198, 1347, 14997, 11, 2737, 279, 19689, 11, 28691, 323, 25212, 570, 18056, 279, 3388, 315, 7294, 5879, 198, 8385, 51003, 1053, 2867, 430, 4040, 2487, 19405, 11, 433, 1053, 11203, 279, 5015, 369, 720, 1820, 1828, 832, 311, 2586, 13, 35802, 505, 33812, 279, 24629], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " 2007. All rights reserved.\nThis material may not be reproduced in any medium, print or electronic without prior written permission from the author.Page 246Healing the Gerson Way\u2014Defeating Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases\nwww.thegersonway.comBraised Cabbage\nPreparation time: 15 minutes\nCooking time: 1 hour\nServes 2\n1 lb. green cabbage\n4 oz. carrots, diced\n4 oz. onion, diced\n2 sticks celery, diced\ndill seeds\nCut the cabbage into quarters. Remove the stalk, the core and any discolored leaves. Cook the \ncabbage in a little water in a saucepan for 10 minutes. Dice the carrots, onion and celery and put \ninto a large oven -proof dish with very little water. Place the cabbage on top. Scatter with dill \nseeds. Bake covered for about 1 hour at 350 \u00b0 F (180\u00b0 C) or until the vegetables are tender.\nBraised Fennel with Orange and Tomato Sauce\nPreparation time: 10 minutes\nCooking time: 30 minutes\nServes 2\n1 medium head of fennel\n1-1/2 lb. tomatoes\n1 tbsp. tomato pur\u00e9e\njuice of 1/2 orange\nherbs\ngreen fennel tops\nCut the fennel into quarters and remove the core. Cook gently for 8-10 minutes. Meanwhile, \ncook the tomatoes to a pulp and add the tomato pur\u00e9e, orange juice and herbs. Add the fennel \nand cook covered for 12-15 minutes. Garnish with fennel tops and serve.\nCopyright \u00a9 Charlotte Gerson, 2007. All rights reserved.\nThis material may not be reproduced in any medium, print or electronic without prior written permission from the author.Page 247Healing the Gerson Way\u2014Defeating Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases\nwww.thegersonway.comBroccoli \nBake in a covered casserole in low oven at 300 \u00b0 F (149\u00b0 C) with onions or a small amount of \nsoup stock (see \u201c\u2018 Special Soup\u2019 or \u2018Hippocrates Soup \u2019\u201d in Chapter 12, \u201cPreparing Food and \nJuices\u2014The Basic Rules, p. 106) for 1-2 hours. Serve with tomato sauce. \nBroccoli and Herbs \n2 bunches of broccoli \n4-6 cloves garlic \n1/2 onion sliced\n1/4 tsp. dill \n1/4 cup soup stock\nPeel the broccoli stems. Put garlic and onion in one pot and cook until onion becomes \ntranslucent. \nAdd cut broccoli crowns and stems, dill and soup stock (see \u201c\u2018Special Soup\u2019 or \u2018Hippocrates \nSoup\u2019\u201d in Chapter 12, \u201cPreparing Food and Juices\u2014The Basic Rules,\u201d p. X). Cook on low heat \nuntil broccoli is tender. \nBroccoli, Beans and Pears\nPreparation time: 5 minutes\nCooking time: 20 minutes\nServes 2\nbroccoli\ngreen beans\n2 pears, peeled and chopped\nDressing:\nlemon juice (or apple cider vinegar)\nflaxseed oil\nGently cook the broccoli and green beans. Allow to cool. Peel and chop the pears and put in a \ndish together with the broccoli and beans. Gently toss in dressing and serve with a baked potato \nand a mixed green salad.\nCopyright \u00a9 Charlotte Gerson, 2007. All rights reserved.\nThis material may not be reproduced in any medium, print or electronic without prior written permission from the author.Page 248Healing the Gerson Way\u2014Defeating Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases\nwww.thegersonway.comButternut Squash (Pur\u00e9ed)\nPreparation time: 10 minutes\nCooking time: 35 minutes\nServes 2\nbutternut squash, peeled and cored\nonion\nFollow the \u201cMashed Potatoes\u201d recipe (see p. X) but use peeled and cored chunks of butternut \nsquash instead of the potato. You will probably not need the cooking water as the butternut \nsquash is a \u201cwetter\u201d vegetable.\nCabbage and Tomato Hot Pot\nPreparation time: 15 minutes\nCooking time: 35 minutes\nServes 2\n1 small cabbage\n1 onion, chopped\n1 dessert apple, chopped\n4 large tomatoes, skinned and chopped\nyogurt \nbread crumbs\nparsley, chopped\nCook the cabbage gently in water until cooked but still crisp. Chop the onion, apple and skinned \ntomatoes, and cook gently until they form a thick pur\u00e9 e. Shred the cabbage and add to the pur\u00e9 e. \nTurn into a casserole dish. Mix the yogurt with the bread crumbs and sprinkle over the top. Top-\nbrown under the broiler to heat a little. Sprinkle with chopped parsley and serve immediately.\nCopyright \u00a9 Charlotte Gerson, 2007. All rights reserved.\nThis material may not be reproduced in any medium, print or electronic without prior written permission from the author.Page 249Healing the Gerson Way\u2014Defeating Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases\nwww.thegersonway.comCarrot and Leek Bake\nPreparation time: 10 minutes\nCooking time: 1-2 hours\nServes 2-4\n1 lb. carrots, diced or sliced\n4 or 5 small leeks, sliced\n2 medium oranges\nhandful of raisins\nDice or slice the carrots and slice the leeks. Put into a baking dish with the raisins. Add the juice \nof two oranges. Bake in a medium oven at 325\u00b0 F (170\u00b0 C ) for 1 to 2 hours, depending upon \nhow well-done you like your carrots. If you wish, you can thicken the orange juice with corn \nstarch to make a sauce. (Organic corn starch may be used occasionally.) Serve with a baked \npotato. \nCarrot and Tomato Casserole\nPreparation time: 15 minutes\nCooking time: 1 hour\nServes 2\n8 oz. tomatoes, sliced or chopped\n1/2 tbs p. chopped fresh sage (or 1/2 tsp. dried sage)\n2 medium onions, sliced\n1 lb. carrots, sliced\nSlice or chop the tomatoes and put a layer into the bottom of a casserole dish. Add some sage. \nSlice the onions and place a layer on top of the tomatoes. Add another sprinkling of sage. Slice \nthe carrot and place on top, finishing with a layer of tomato mixed with the last of the sage. \nPlace the casserole in the oven and bake for 1 hour at 350\u00b0 F (180\u00b0 C) until the carrots are \ntender. Serve with a mixed green salad and a baked potato.\nCopyright \u00a9 Charlotte Gerson, 2007. All rights reserved.\nThis material may not be reproduced in any medium, print or electronic without prior written permission from the author.Page 250Healing the Gerson Way\u2014Defeating Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases\nwww.thegersonway.comCarrots and Honey \ncarrots, sliced\nsoup stock\n1/2 tsp. honey\nCut off the ends of the carrots and slice. Do not peel or scrape. Stew in a small amount of soup \nstock (see \u201c\u2018 Special Soup\u2019 or \u2018Hippocrates Soup \u2019\u201d in Chapter 12, \u201cPreparing Food and Juices\u2014\nThe Basic Rules,\u201d p. 106) for 45 minutes or until tender. During the last 5 to 10 minutes of \nstewing, add honey for slight flavoring.\nCauliflower \ncauliflower\n2-3 tomatoes, sliced and chunked\nBreak cauliflower into sections. Add tomatoes, sliced and cut into chunks. Stew together for \napproximately 45 minutes (or until tender) on low heat. \nCauliflower and Carrot Sauce \n1 small cauliflower \n3 carrots \nflaxseed oil\nSeparate the cauli-florets, place them in a baking dish with a little water and cook until soft at \n250\u00b0 F (121\u00b0 C). When ready, drain off the water. At the same time, simmer the carrots on low \nheat with enough water until they are soft. Blend carrots in blender with the oil. Pour sauce over \nthe cooked cauliflower and place in warm oven at 250-300 \u00b0 F (121-149\u00b0 C ) (turned off) for 5-\n10 minutes before serving. \nCopyright \u00a9 Charlotte Gerson, 2007. All rights reserved.\nThis material may not be reproduced in any medium, print or electronic without prior written permission from the author.Page 251Healing the Gerson Way\u2014Defeating Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases\nwww.thegersonway.comChard Rolls, Stuffed \n1/2 onion, sliced \n6 medium potatoes \n4 carrots \n3 large cloves garlic, minced\n1 bunch of chard \nCook onions and potatoes in one pot. In another pot, cook carrots and garlic. When done, pur\u00e9e \neach potful separately, then mix together. Put chard leaves in very hot water, being sure not to \novercook. Spread each leaf and remove tough center stem. Place pur\u00e9e in center of each leaf \nand roll tightly. Display on tray and serve with tomato sauce made with tomatoes, onion, garlic \nand small potato, which have been cooked and pur\u00e9ed.\nCooked Sweet Potato and Beet Salad\nPreparation time: 10 minutes\nCooking time: 30 minutes\n", "token_ids": [220, 1049, 22, 13, 220, 2052, 3268, 4694, 627, 2028, 3769, 1253, 539, 387, 55717, 304, 904, 11298, 11, 1194, 477, 14683, 2085, 4972, 5439, 8041, 505, 279, 3229, 662, 2732, 220, 14205, 1548, 6260, 279, 480, 1293, 12424, 2345, 2685, 91955, 26211, 323, 7089, 73782, 70674, 198, 2185, 13991, 797, 1293, 3195, 916, 33, 93613, 356, 57589, 198, 4808, 36235, 892, 25, 220, 868, 4520, 198, 59482, 287, 892, 25, 220, 16, 6596, 198, 50, 13583, 220, 17, 198, 16, 19398, 13, 6307, 74873, 198, 19, 25616, 13, 62517, 11, 89964, 198, 19, 25616, 13, 38427, 11, 89964, 198, 17, 34240, 70121, 11, 89964, 198, 67, 484, 19595, 198, 38766, 279, 74873, 1139, 32573, 13, 11016, 279, 55972, 11, 279, 6332, 323, 904, 834, 2119, 3093, 11141, 13, 220, 12797, 279, 720, 66, 57589, 304, 264, 2697, 3090, 304, 264, 19737, 857, 369, 220, 605, 4520, 13, 57745, 279, 62517, 11, 38427, 323, 70121, 323, 2231, 720, 18614, 264, 3544, 24276, 482, 16157, 12269, 449, 1633, 2697, 3090, 13, 11004, 279, 74873, 389, 1948, 13, 220, 95459, 449, 294, 484, 720, 325, 6910, 13, 220, 53174, 9960, 220, 369, 922, 220, 16, 6596, 520, 220, 8652, 37386, 435, 320, 5245, 11877, 356, 8, 477, 3156, 279, 24822, 527, 28682, 627, 33, 93613, 435, 2734, 301, 449, 22725, 323, 94091, 220, 61276, 198, 4808, 36235, 892, 25, 220, 605, 4520, 198, 59482, 287, 892, 25, 220, 966, 4520, 198, 50, 13583, 220, 17, 198, 16, 11298, 2010, 315, 282, 2734, 301, 198, 16, 12, 16, 14, 17, 19398, 13, 41613, 198, 16, 64975, 13, 42120, 4087, 8047, 198, 8783, 560, 315, 220, 16, 14, 17, 19087, 198, 1964, 1302, 198, 13553, 282, 2734, 301, 33522, 198, 38766, 279, 282, 2734, 301, 1139, 32573, 323, 4148, 279, 6332, 13, 220, 12797, 30373, 369, 220, 23, 12, 605, 4520, 13, 26982, 11, 720, 87895, 279, 41613, 311, 264, 64188, 323, 923, 279, 42120, 4087, 8047, 11, 220, 19087, 23661, 323, 42393, 13, 220, 2758, 279, 282, 2734, 301, 720, 438, 4394, 9960, 369, 220, 717, 12, 868, 4520, 13, 65132, 819, 449, 282, 2734, 301, 33522, 323, 8854, 627, 13857, 7388, 29473, 480, 1293, 11, 220, 1049, 22, 13, 220, 2052, 3268, 4694, 627, 2028, 3769, 1253, 539, 387, 55717, 304, 904, 11298, 11, 1194, 477, 14683, 2085, 4972, 5439, 8041, 505, 279, 3229, 662, 2732, 220, 14125, 1548, 6260, 279, 480, 1293, 12424, 2345, 2685, 91955, 26211, 323, 7089, 73782, 70674, 198, 2185, 13991, 797, 1293, 3195, 916, 27368, 60803, 720, 33, 731, 304, 264, 9960, 272, 34858, 1286, 304, 3428, 24276, 520, 220, 3101, 37386, 435, 320, 10161, 11877, 356, 8, 220, 449, 45697, 477, 264, 2678, 3392, 315, 720, 90642, 5708, 320, 4151, 1054, 14336, 9984, 61434, 529, 477, 3451, 39, 2877, 78046, 61434, 18217, 863, 304, 15957, 220, 717, 11, 1054, 98291, 12369, 323, 720, 63704, 1238, 2345, 791, 14967, 23694, 11, 281, 13, 220, 7461, 8, 369, 220, 16, 12, 17, 4207, 13, 54032, 449, 42120, 19737, 13, 720, 27368, 60803, 323, 6385, 1302, 720, 17, 15860, 288, 315, 79276, 720, 19, 12, 21, 85388, 31735, 720, 16, 14, 17, 38427, 48715, 198, 16, 14, 19, 39020, 13, 294, 484, 720, 16, 14, 19, 10747, 19724, 5708, 198, 10407, 301, 279, 79276, 44814, 13, 10435, 31735, 323, 38427, 304, 832, 3419, 323, 4394, 3156, 38427, 9221, 720, 1485, 60154, 13, 720, 2261, 4018, 79276, 9460, 4511, 323, 44814, 11, 294, 484, 323, 19724, 5708, 320, 4151, 1054, 14336, 20989, 61434, 529, 220, 477, 3451, 39, 2877, 78046, 720, 33642, 529, 863, 304, 15957, 220, 717, 11, 1054, 98291, 12369, 323, 22410, 1238, 2345, 791, 14967, 23694, 2476, 281, 13, 1630, 570, 12797, 389, 3428, 8798, 720, 39830, 79276, 374, 28682, 13, 720, 27368, 60803, 11, 81836, 323, 393, 7596, 198, 4808, 36235, 892, 25, 220, 20, 4520, 198, 59482, 287, 892, 25, 220, 508, 4520, 198, 50, 13583, 220, 17, 198, 15222, 60803, 198, 13553, 220, 27994, 198, 17, 281, 7596, 11, 83612, 323, 38525, 198, 35, 57881, 512, 273, 1677, 23661, 320, 269, 24149, 66155, 47205, 340, 1517, 710, 23425, 5707, 198, 38, 4501, 4394, 279, 79276, 323, 6307, 220, 27994, 13, 220, 27628, 311, 7155, 13, 220, 89694, 323, 48094, 279, 281, 7596, 323, 2231, 304, 264, 720, 73933, 3871, 449, 279, 79276, 323, 27994, 13, 220, 480, 4501, 26251, 304, 32623, 323, 8854, 449, 264, 41778, 39834, 720, 438, 264, 9709, 6307, 33566, 627, 13857, 7388, 29473, 480, 1293, 11, 220, 1049, 22, 13, 220, 2052, 3268, 4694, 627, 2028, 3769, 1253, 539, 387, 55717, 304, 904, 11298, 11, 1194, 477, 14683, 2085, 4972, 5439, 8041, 505, 279, 3229, 662, 2732, 220, 14185, 1548, 6260, 279, 480, 1293, 12424, 2345, 2685, 91955, 26211, 323, 7089, 73782, 70674, 198, 2185, 13991, 797, 1293, 3195, 916, 4071, 4253, 332, 20685, 1003, 320, 47, 324, 978, 291, 340, 4808, 36235, 892, 25, 220, 605, 4520, 198, 59482, 287, 892, 25, 220, 1758, 4520, 198, 50, 13583, 220, 17, 198, 8248, 4253, 332, 59576, 11, 83612, 323, 272, 3093, 198, 263, 290, 198, 12763, 279, 1054, 44, 13883, 14020, 20798, 863, 11363, 320, 4151, 281, 13, 1630, 8, 719, 1005, 83612, 323, 272, 3093, 27855, 315, 719, 4253, 332, 720, 98507, 1003, 4619, 315, 279, 39834, 13, 1472, 690, 4762, 539, 1205, 279, 17677, 3090, 439, 279, 719, 4253, 332, 720, 98507, 1003, 374, 264, 1054, 86, 22120, 863, 36581, 627, 34, 57589, 323, 94091, 8166, 14020, 198, 4808, 36235, 892, 25, 220, 868, 4520, 198, 59482, 287, 892, 25, 220, 1758, 4520, 198, 50, 13583, 220, 17, 198, 16, 2678, 74873, 198, 16, 38427, 11, 38525, 198, 16, 43849, 24149, 11, 38525, 198, 19, 3544, 41613, 1174, 1940, 21203, 323, 38525, 198, 88, 540, 5757, 720, 48616, 97677, 198, 73480, 3258, 11, 38525, 198, 59482, 279, 74873, 30373, 304, 3090, 3156, 30205, 719, 2103, 42954, 13, 220, 65097, 279, 38427, 11, 24149, 323, 1940, 21203, 720, 38501, 20798, 11, 323, 4394, 30373, 3156, 814, 1376, 264, 12314, 4087, 978, 384, 13, 1443, 1171, 279, 74873, 323, 923, 311, 279, 4087, 978, 384, 13, 720, 19952, 1139, 264, 272, 34858, 1286, 12269, 13, 19771, 279, 55575, 449, 279, 16385, 97677, 323, 85947, 927, 279, 1948, 13, 7054, 7058, 65561, 1234, 279, 2967, 5888, 311, 8798, 264, 2697, 13, 15883, 36244, 449, 38525, 88621, 323, 8854, 7214, 16853, 13857, 7388, 29473, 480, 1293, 11, 220, 1049, 22, 13, 220, 2052, 3268, 4694, 627, 2028, 3769, 1253, 539, 387, 55717, 304, 904, 11298, 11, 1194, 477, 14683, 2085, 4972, 5439, 8041, 505, 279, 3229, 662, 2732, 220, 14735, 1548, 6260, 279, 480, 1293, 12424, 2345, 2685, 91955, 26211, 323, 7089, 73782, 70674, 198, 2185, 13991, 797, 1293, 3195, 916, 9028, 4744, 323, 2009, 1247, 53174, 198, 4808, 36235, 892, 25, 220, 605, 4520, 198, 59482, 287, 892, 25, 220, 16, 12, 17, 4207, 198, 50, 13583, 220, 17, 12, 19, 198, 16, 19398, 13, 62517, 11, 89964, 477, 48715, 198, 19, 477, 220, 20, 2678, 514, 21854, 11, 48715, 198, 17, 11298, 85138, 198, 10888, 1285, 315, 6503, 1354, 198, 82095, 477, 16363, 279, 62517, 323, 16363, 279, 514, 21854, 13, 220, 10435, 1139, 264, 28915, 12269, 449, 279, 6503, 1354, 13, 220, 2758, 220, 279, 23661, 720, 1073, 1403, 85138, 13, 220, 53174, 304, 264, 11298, 24276, 520, 220, 15257, 11877, 435, 320, 8258, 11877, 356, 883, 369, 220, 16, 311, 220, 220, 17, 4207, 11, 220, 11911, 5304, 720, 5269, 1664, 95388, 499, 1093, 701, 62517, 13, 220, 1442, 499, 6562, 11, 499, 649, 270, 9890, 279, 19087, 23661, 449, 14095, 720, 267, 1132, 311, 1304, 264, 19737, 13, 220, 320, 24105, 292, 14095, 70181, 1253, 387, 1511, 23781, 6266, 220, 54032, 449, 264, 41778, 720, 19644, 4428, 13, 720, 9028, 4744, 323, 94091, 26520, 261, 1286, 198, 4808, 36235, 892, 25, 220, 868, 4520, 198, 59482, 287, 892, 25, 220, 16, 6596, 198, 50, 13583, 220, 17, 198, 23, 25616, 13, 41613, 11, 48715, 477, 38525, 198, 16, 14, 17, 259, 1302, 281, 13, 38525, 7878, 39361, 220, 320, 269, 220, 16, 14, 17, 39020, 13, 32720, 39361, 340, 17, 11298, 220, 45697, 11, 48715, 198, 16, 19398, 13, 62517, 11, 48715, 198, 34336, 477, 48094, 279, 41613, 323, 2231, 264, 6324, 1139, 279, 5740, 315, 264, 272, 34858, 1286, 12269, 13, 220, 2758, 1063, 39361, 13, 2355, 34336, 279, 45697, 323, 2035, 264, 6324, 389, 1948, 315, 279, 41613, 662, 2758, 2500, 51798, 2785, 315, 39361, 13, 220, 57576, 720, 1820, 75294, 323, 2035, 389, 1948, 11, 25270, 449, 264, 6324, 315, 42120, 9709, 449, 279, 1566, 315, 279, 39361, 13, 2355, 17826, 279, 272, 34858, 1286, 304, 279, 24276, 323, 23360, 369, 220, 16, 6596, 520, 220, 8652, 11877, 435, 320, 5245, 11877, 356, 8, 3156, 279, 62517, 527, 720, 83, 1693, 13, 54032, 449, 264, 9709, 6307, 33566, 323, 264, 41778, 39834, 627, 13857, 7388, 29473, 480, 1293, 11, 220, 1049, 22, 13, 220, 2052, 3268, 4694, 627, 2028, 3769, 1253, 539, 387, 55717, 304, 904, 11298, 11, 1194, 477, 14683, 2085, 4972, 5439, 8041, 505, 279, 3229, 662, 2732, 220, 5154, 1548, 6260, 279, 480, 1293, 12424, 2345, 2685, 91955, 26211, 323, 7089, 73782, 70674, 198, 2185, 13991, 797, 1293, 3195, 916, 9028, 90329, 323, 40715, 720, 7063, 90329, 11, 48715, 198, 90642, 5708, 198, 16, 14, 17, 39020, 13, 26828, 198, 38766, 1022, 279, 10548, 315, 279, 62517, 323, 16363, 13, 3234, 539, 58212, 477, 58228, 13, 800, 365, 304, 264, 2678, 3392, 315, 19724, 720, 13787, 320, 4151, 1054, 14336, 9984, 61434, 529, 477, 3451, 39, 2877, 78046, 61434, 18217, 863, 304, 15957, 220, 717, 11, 1054, 98291, 12369, 323, 22410, 1238, 2345, 198, 791, 14967, 23694, 2476, 281, 13, 220, 7461, 8, 369, 220, 1774, 4520, 477, 3156, 28682, 13, 12220, 279, 1566, 220, 20, 311, 220, 605, 4520, 315, 720, 267, 79510, 11, 923, 26828, 369, 8275, 17615, 287, 627, 34, 5049, 77873, 720, 936, 360, 77873, 198, 17, 12, 18, 41613, 11, 48715, 323, 12143, 291, 198, 23340, 96970, 1139, 14491, 13, 2758, 41613, 11, 48715, 323, 4018, 1139, 27855, 13, 800, 365, 3871, 369, 720, 97836, 220, 1774, 4520, 320, 269, 3156, 28682, 8, 389, 3428, 8798, 13, 720, 34, 5049, 77873, 323, 3341, 4744, 61276, 720, 16, 2678, 96970, 720, 18, 62517, 720, 1517, 710, 23425, 5707, 198, 14832, 349, 279, 2211, 24520, 2269, 385, 76430, 11, 2035, 1124, 304, 264, 28915, 12269, 449, 264, 2697, 3090, 323, 4394, 3156, 8579, 520, 720, 5154, 11877, 435, 320, 7994, 11877, 356, 570, 3277, 5644, 11, 24659, 1022, 279, 3090, 13, 2468, 279, 1890, 892, 11, 62915, 279, 62517, 389, 3428, 720, 20559, 449, 3403, 3090, 3156, 814, 527, 8579, 13, 55248, 62517, 304, 62895, 449, 279, 5707, 13, 27058, 19737, 927, 720, 1820, 30205, 96970, 323, 2035, 304, 8369, 24276, 520, 220, 5154, 12, 3101, 37386, 435, 320, 7994, 12, 10161, 11877, 356, 883, 320, 42286, 1022, 8, 369, 220, 20, 7058, 605, 4520, 1603, 13788, 13, 720, 13857, 7388, 29473, 480, 1293, 11, 220, 1049, 22, 13, 220, 2052, 3268, 4694, 627, 2028, 3769, 1253, 539, 387, 55717, 304, 904, 11298, 11, 1194, 477, 14683, 2085, 4972, 5439, 8041, 505, 279, 3229, 662, 2732, 220, 13860, 1548, 6260, 279, 480, 1293, 12424, 2345, 2685, 91955, 26211, 323, 7089, 73782, 70674, 198, 2185, 13991, 797, 1293, 3195, 916, 1163, 569, 70710, 11, 800, 41673, 720, 16, 14, 17, 38427, 11, 48715, 720, 21, 11298, 35267, 720, 19, 62517, 720, 18, 3544, 85388, 31735, 11, 94927, 198, 16, 15860, 315, 523, 569, 720, 59482, 45697, 323, 35267, 304, 832, 3419, 13, 763, 2500, 3419, 11, 4394, 62517, 323, 31735, 13, 3277, 2884, 11, 4087, 8047, 720, 9739, 3419, 1285, 26214, 11, 1243, 6651, 3871, 13, 10435, 523, 569, 11141, 304, 1633, 4106, 3090, 11, 1694, 2771, 539, 311, 720, 2017, 87895, 13, 48816, 1855, 16312, 323, 4148, 11292, 4219, 19646, 13, 11004, 4087, 8047, 304, 4219, 315, 1855, 16312, 720, 438, 6638, 40069, 13, 10848, 389, 35788, 323, 8854, 449, 42120, 19737, 1903, 449, 41613, 11, 38427, 11, 31735, 720, 438, 2678, 39834, 11, 902, 617, 1027, 30205, 323, 4087, 978, 291, 16853, 59482, 291, 27687, 78703, 323, 75049, 64646, 198, 4808, 36235, 892, 25, 220, 605, 4520, 198, 59482, 287, 892, 25, 220, 966, 4520, 198], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": "weakened\norganism.\nTherefore,\nhealing\nis\nslow,\nvarious\ncomplications\narise.\nRussian \nacademician\nL.\n\u0160tern,\nhowever,\nbelieves\nthat\nthese\nmetabolites\n(dead\nsubstances),\nrepresenting \nsome\nkind\nof\nfragments\nof\nprotein\nmolecules,\nhormones,\nenzymes,\netc.,\ncan\nbecome\na\nbuilding \nmaterial\nas\nwell\nas\na\nstimulator\nand\nregulator\nof\nlife\nprocesses.\nAcademician\nFilatov\nwent\neven \nfurther\nwhen\nhe\nasserted\nthat\nthe\norganism\ndefends\nitself\nwith\nall\navailable\nmeans\nduring\na \nserious\nillness\nand\nmobilizes\nall\ndefense\nforces\nto\nfight\nagainst\nailments.\nAs\na\nresult\nof\nthis \nextreme\nmobilization,\nsubstances\nof\na\nnon-protein\nnature\nare\ncreated\nin\nthe\nbody,\nwhich\nact\nnot \non\nindividual\ntissues,\nbut\non\nthe\nentire\norganism,\non\nall\nits\nfunctions\nsimultaneously.\nFilatov \nnamed\nthese\nsubstances\nbiogenic\nstimulators\nand\nlater\nproved\ntheir\neffect\nin\nmany\npractical \nexamples.\nTreatment\nwith\nnosodes,\nbiogenic\nstimulators,\nmetabolites,\nwhich\nare\nall\nin\nan\nideal\ncomposition\ncomposed\nin\nour\nurine,\nbrings\ngroundbreaking\nsuccesses.\nFinally,\nlet's\nrepeat\nwhy\nurine\nhas\nsuch\na\nbeneficial\neffect\non\nthe\nhuman\nbody\nand\nwhat\nits\ntherapeutic\neffects\nare:\nThe\neffect\nof\nsignificant\nenergy\nsavings\nwhen\nusing\nurine,\nit\narises\nbecause\nurine\nrepresents:\na)\na\nstructured\nliquid,\nb)\na\nliquid\ncomposed\nof\ncertain\nisomers\nof\nwater,\nc)\nluminescent\nliquid,\nd)\nfluid\ncontaining\nmetabolites\n(dead\nsubstances)\nthat\nact\nas\nbiogenic\nstimulators,\ne)\nliquid\nsaturated\nwith\nvarious\nsalts\n(trace\nelements\nand\nminerals),\nenzymes,\nvitamins,\nhormones,\netc.\nTherapeutic\neffect\nwhen\nusing\nurine\nit\nis\ncaused\nby\nurine\ncausing\nan\nacidic\nreaction,\nhas\nimmune\nand\nantibacterial\neffects,\ncontains\nurea,\nbiogenic\nstimulators,\nand\nhas\na\npolyhormonal \neffect.\nUrine\ncontains\ninformation\nabout\nspecific\ndiseases\nof\nthe\nbody,\nit\nis\nuniversal\nnosodic \nmedicine.\nUrine\nmetabolites\nact\nas\nstimulators\nand\nregulators\nof\nlife\nprocesses.\nIn\nother\nwords,\nbased\non\nboth\nscientific\nresearch\nand\nextensive\npractice,\nwe\ncan\nreaffirmthe\nconclusion\nthat\nurine\nis\nthe\nbasis\nof\nall\nmedicines.\nAt\nthe\nsame\ntime,\nit\nis\nthe\nmost\neffective, \naffordable\nand\nreasonable\nuse\nand\nthe\nsafest.\nTypes\nof\nurine\nand\ntheir\npeculiarities\nIn\nA.\nMaslenikov's\nbook\n\"The\nSecret\nof\nthe\nDrink\nof\nthe\nGods\"\nit\nis\nsaid\nthat\nurine\ncures\nall \ndiseases.\nBut\nwhen\nwe\nstarted\nusing\nurine\nin\npractice,\nwe\nfound\nthat\nnot\nall\ndiseases\ncan\nbe \ntreated\nwith\nit,\nand\nthe\neffect\nis\nnot\nas\nfast\nas\ndescribed\nin\nthe\ntext\nof\nShivambukalpa.\nWe \nbegan\nto\nlook\nfor\nthe\ncauses\nand\nfound\nimportant\npeculiarities\non\nwhich\nthe\nsuccess\nof\nurine \nhealing\nlargely\ndepends.\nLet's\nstart\nwith\nthe\nfact\nthat\nthere\nare\ndifferent\ntypes\nof\nurine,\nand\neach\nhas,\nin\naddition\nto\ngeneral\nproperties,\nsome\nthat\nbelong\nonly\nto\nit\nand\nalso\naffect\nthe\norganism\nin\na\nspecific \nway.\nSo\nguys\nurine\nare\nas\nfollows:\n1)\nNewborn,\nchildren,\nmature\npeople,\nelderly,\nmale\nand\nfemale,\npregnant\nwomen.\n2)\nFresh,\nold,\nvery\nold,\nevaporated,\ncooled,\nsaturated\nwith\nvarious\nsubstances\nand\nactivated.\n3)\nMorning,\nday,\nevening\nand\nnight.\n4)\nFirst\npart\n(trickle)\nof\nurine,\nmiddle\nand\nlast,\neven\nand\nodd\nnumber\nof\nsips.\nThe\nquality\nand\ncomposition\nof\nurine\nis\ninfluenced\nby\ndiet,\na\nperson's\nemotional\nstate,\nhis\nphysical\nstructure,\nj\nhis\nthinking.\nIt\nis\nalso\nnecessary\nto\ntake\ninto\naccount\nthe\ninfluence\nof \nindividual\nphases\nof\nthe\nlunar\ncycle\nand\nseasons.\nIt\nfollows\nfrom\nthe\nabove\nthat\nit\nis\nsuitable\nfor\nany\nkind\nof\ndisease\nor\nhealth\nproblem\nuse\nyour\nown\nurine.\nOnly\nthen\ndoes\nthe\nabstract\nphrase\n\"it\nis\nsaid\nto\ncure\nall\ndiseases\"\nbecome\na \nconcrete\nand\neffective\nrecommendation\non\nhow\nto\ntreat.\nWithout\nthis\nknowledge\nand\nmany \nother\nfactors\nthat\nI\ndescribe\nbelow,\nyou\nwill\nbe\ndisappointed\nand\nwill\nnot\nexperience\nany\nof\nthe \nwonders\nof\nurine\ntherapy.\nPeculiarities\nof\ndiffer ent\ntypes\nof\nurine\n1)\nNewborn\nurine\nThe\nreaction\nof\nurine\nin\nchildren\nin\nthe\nfirst\ndays\nof\nlife\nis\nstrongly\nacidic.\nA\nsignificant\npart\nof\nthe\nnitrogen\nexcreted\nin\nthe\nurine\ncomes\nout\nin\nthe\nform\nof\nurea.\nAddition\nthe\nurine\nof \nnewborns\nis\nsaturated\ninformation\nof\nrapidly\ndeveloping\nlife\nprocesses.\nThese\nproperties\nof\nthe\nurine\nof\nnewborns\ncan\nbe\nused\nwell\nin\nsuppressing\nputrefactive\nor\nfermentative\nprocesses,\nwhen\nthe\ninternal\nenvironment\nof\nthe\nbody\nshows\nincreased\nalkalinity \nand\n\"putrefaction\nalive\"\ntakes\nplace.\nThe\nsmell\nof\nold\nage\nis\nthe\nexternal\nmanifestation\nof\nthis \ndecay.\nPeople\nwho\nemit\nsuch\nan\nodor\nare\nadvised\nto\ndrink\nthis\nnewborn\nurine.\nThose\nwho \nsuffer\nfrom\ncolon\ndysmicrobia\na\nsimilar\nproblems,\nthey\nshould\ndo\nan\nenema\nwith\nthis\nurine. \nAn\nexcellent\nway\nto\nurinate\nhelps\nnewborns\nwith\nfestering,\nhard-to-heal\nwounds,\ngangrene\nand \nother\nsimilar\nproblems.\nDue\nto\nthe\nfact\nthat\nit\ncontains\na\nlot\nof\nurea,\nit\ncan\nbe\nused\nas\na\nnatural \ndiuretic\nto\nremove\nexcess\nfluids\nfrom\nthe\nbody,\nreduce\nthe\npressure\nof\ncerebrospinal\nfluid, \nheal\nthe\nkidneys,\nespecially\nif\nthey\nare\naffected\nby\ninfection.\nIn\naddition,\nit\nis\npossible\nto \nstrengthen\ndigestive\nprocesses,\nsuppress\nvarious\ninfectious\ndiseases,\ndissolve\nfibrin\n(thrombi) \nin\nthe\nblood,\nreduce\nblood\nclotting\nand\nuse\nthis\nurine\nfor\ndrinking\nand\ncompresses\nin \noncology. \n2)\nBaby\nurineAs\nwe\nhave\nalready\nsaid,\nthe\nmain\nadvantage\nof\nthe\nurine\nof\nchildren\nfrom\n1\nmonth\nto\n12-13\nyears\nis\nhers\nsaturation\nimmune\nsubstances\n.\nThe\nimmune\nsystem\n(body\ndefense)\nconsists \nof\ncentral\nand\nperipheral\norgans.\nCentral\norgans\ninclude\nthe\nbone\nmarrow\nand\nthymus, \nperipheral\norgans\ninclude\nthe\nspleen,\nlymph\nnodes\nand\nlymphoid\ntissue\nof\nthe\ndigestive\n", "token_ids": [906, 3448, 291, 198, 8629, 2191, 627, 55915, 345, 383, 6260, 198, 285, 198, 36311, 345, 959, 1245, 198, 5807, 10939, 198, 277, 1082, 627, 48807, 720, 91356, 1122, 198, 43, 627, 104907, 4253, 345, 98936, 13801, 32898, 2396, 198, 9210, 198, 45010, 198, 4150, 53904, 3695, 198, 84307, 198, 2008, 9623, 1350, 36369, 287, 720, 15031, 198, 15674, 198, 1073, 198, 34298, 1392, 198, 1073, 198, 79565, 198, 76, 82206, 345, 71, 494, 3233, 345, 17007, 79809, 345, 12380, 39188, 4919, 198, 17106, 638, 198, 64, 198, 24177, 720, 8407, 198, 300, 198, 9336, 198, 300, 198, 64, 198, 54754, 10733, 198, 438, 198, 1610, 10733, 198, 1073, 198, 14789, 198, 4734, 288, 627, 11916, 70858, 1122, 198, 51240, 266, 869, 198, 42700, 198, 17206, 720, 69, 4004, 198, 9493, 198, 383, 198, 2256, 291, 198, 9210, 198, 1820, 198, 8629, 2191, 198, 755, 1438, 198, 275, 726, 198, 4291, 198, 543, 198, 10547, 198, 47321, 198, 82977, 198, 64, 720, 94427, 198, 484, 2136, 198, 438, 198, 76, 29029, 4861, 198, 543, 198, 98092, 198, 49896, 198, 998, 198, 21828, 198, 69849, 198, 607, 1392, 627, 2170, 198, 64, 198, 1407, 198, 1073, 198, 576, 720, 428, 9831, 198, 76, 29029, 2065, 345, 2008, 9623, 198, 1073, 198, 64, 198, 6414, 10039, 39340, 198, 67812, 198, 548, 198, 7266, 198, 258, 198, 1820, 198, 2664, 13801, 8370, 198, 533, 198, 1962, 720, 263, 198, 55977, 198, 83, 18934, 345, 8248, 198, 263, 198, 1820, 198, 306, 556, 198, 8629, 2191, 345, 263, 198, 543, 198, 1220, 198, 22124, 198, 15124, 495, 20933, 16853, 51240, 266, 869, 720, 31345, 198, 45010, 198, 2008, 9623, 198, 8385, 29569, 198, 54754, 42391, 198, 438, 198, 68676, 198, 96608, 198, 50828, 198, 27153, 198, 258, 198, 35676, 198, 652, 37119, 720, 52768, 627, 99654, 198, 4291, 198, 37491, 2601, 345, 8385, 29569, 198, 54754, 42391, 345, 4150, 53904, 3695, 345, 8370, 198, 548, 198, 543, 198, 258, 198, 276, 198, 64053, 198, 77907, 198, 93834, 198, 258, 198, 414, 198, 324, 483, 345, 1347, 826, 198, 1993, 37757, 198, 5748, 288, 627, 24901, 13801, 1169, 596, 198, 31724, 198, 35734, 198, 324, 483, 198, 4752, 198, 21470, 198, 64, 198, 68244, 7235, 198, 27153, 198, 263, 198, 1820, 198, 26380, 198, 2664, 198, 438, 198, 12840, 198, 1220, 198, 700, 32486, 198, 81524, 198, 548, 512, 791, 198, 27153, 198, 1073, 198, 91645, 198, 17947, 198, 82, 46851, 198, 9493, 198, 985, 198, 324, 483, 345, 275, 198, 277, 5014, 198, 28753, 198, 324, 483, 198, 10200, 9773, 512, 64, 340, 64, 198, 52243, 198, 54737, 345, 65, 340, 64, 198, 54737, 198, 93834, 198, 1073, 198, 66, 7770, 198, 285, 69638, 198, 1073, 198, 13284, 13801, 66, 340, 108606, 1572, 1189, 198, 54737, 345, 67, 340, 67125, 198, 778, 2101, 198, 4150, 53904, 3695, 198, 84307, 198, 2008, 9623, 340, 9210, 198, 533, 198, 300, 198, 8385, 29569, 198, 54754, 42391, 345, 68, 340, 54737, 198, 82, 35467, 198, 4291, 198, 959, 1245, 198, 19776, 2641, 198, 56558, 198, 22138, 198, 438, 198, 1083, 17822, 1350, 17007, 79809, 345, 55911, 38925, 345, 71, 494, 3233, 345, 12380, 627, 1016, 261, 32486, 198, 27153, 198, 9493, 198, 985, 198, 324, 483, 198, 275, 198, 285, 198, 936, 2656, 198, 1729, 198, 324, 483, 198, 936, 985, 198, 276, 198, 58156, 292, 198, 60307, 345, 4752, 198, 70155, 198, 438, 198, 519, 581, 71034, 198, 81524, 345, 13676, 198, 554, 64, 345, 8385, 29569, 198, 54754, 42391, 345, 438, 198, 4752, 198, 64, 198, 34535, 71, 494, 25180, 720, 27153, 627, 52, 40101, 198, 13676, 198, 26125, 198, 9274, 198, 52340, 198, 67, 1082, 2315, 198, 1073, 198, 1820, 198, 2664, 13801, 275, 198, 285, 198, 96400, 198, 37491, 53860, 720, 83543, 627, 52, 40101, 198, 4150, 53904, 3695, 198, 533, 198, 300, 198, 54754, 42391, 198, 438, 198, 1610, 42391, 198, 1073, 198, 14789, 198, 4734, 288, 627, 644, 198, 1605, 198, 5880, 345, 31039, 198, 263, 198, 21704, 198, 85930, 198, 61564, 198, 438, 198, 428, 4114, 198, 60621, 345, 906, 198, 4919, 198, 265, 2715, 2923, 1820, 198, 444, 9134, 198, 9210, 198, 324, 483, 198, 285, 198, 1820, 198, 89926, 198, 1073, 198, 543, 198, 2106, 292, 1572, 627, 1688, 198, 1820, 198, 25030, 198, 1712, 345, 275, 198, 285, 198, 1820, 198, 3646, 198, 78995, 11, 720, 2715, 36270, 198, 438, 198, 47792, 198, 817, 198, 438, 198, 1820, 198, 82, 2642, 478, 627, 4266, 198, 1073, 198, 324, 483, 198, 438, 198, 50828, 198, 1007, 42718, 1385, 198, 644, 198, 32, 627, 44749, 2963, 1609, 869, 596, 198, 2239, 198, 10227, 198, 20357, 198, 1073, 198, 1820, 198, 86037, 198, 1073, 198, 1820, 198, 28622, 82, 702, 275, 198, 285, 198, 84359, 198, 9210, 198, 324, 483, 198, 66, 1439, 198, 543, 720, 67, 1082, 2315, 627, 4071, 198, 9493, 198, 906, 198, 47823, 198, 985, 198, 324, 483, 198, 258, 198, 60621, 345, 906, 198, 15456, 198, 9210, 198, 1962, 198, 543, 198, 67, 1082, 2315, 198, 4919, 198, 1395, 720, 83, 2920, 198, 4291, 198, 275, 345, 438, 198, 1820, 198, 27153, 198, 285, 198, 1962, 198, 300, 198, 9533, 198, 300, 198, 5919, 17890, 198, 258, 198, 1820, 198, 1342, 198, 1073, 198, 2059, 344, 3042, 3178, 278, 6733, 627, 1687, 720, 65, 16133, 198, 998, 198, 7349, 198, 2000, 198, 1820, 198, 936, 4881, 198, 438, 198, 15456, 198, 15693, 198, 1007, 42718, 1385, 198, 263, 198, 8370, 198, 1820, 198, 5748, 198, 1073, 198, 324, 483, 720, 383, 6260, 198, 27995, 989, 198, 59047, 627, 10267, 596, 198, 2527, 198, 4291, 198, 1820, 198, 34210, 198, 9210, 198, 19041, 198, 548, 198, 64750, 198, 9426, 198, 1073, 198, 324, 483, 345, 438, 198, 9739, 198, 4752, 345, 258, 198, 723, 684, 198, 998, 198, 25615, 198, 13495, 345, 15031, 198, 9210, 198, 9978, 647, 198, 3323, 198, 998, 198, 275, 198, 438, 198, 19171, 198, 64, 1740, 198, 1820, 198, 8629, 2191, 198, 258, 198, 64, 198, 52340, 720, 3195, 627, 4516, 198, 8890, 1065, 198, 324, 483, 198, 548, 198, 300, 198, 19070, 82, 512, 16, 340, 3648, 16381, 345, 5988, 345, 76, 1598, 198, 16455, 345, 68076, 398, 13801, 37576, 198, 438, 198, 43734, 345, 30585, 52985, 198, 65762, 627, 17, 340, 56753, 345, 820, 345, 1225, 198, 820, 345, 5230, 21374, 660, 345, 1030, 42831, 345, 82, 35467, 198, 4291, 198, 959, 1245, 198, 2008, 9623, 198, 438, 198, 31262, 627, 18, 340, 85444, 345, 1316, 345, 17206, 287, 198, 438, 198, 9471, 627, 19, 340, 5451, 198, 4581, 198, 7779, 26688, 340, 1073, 198, 324, 483, 345, 20231, 198, 438, 198, 4354, 345, 17206, 198, 438, 198, 14898, 198, 4174, 198, 1073, 198, 82, 3153, 627, 791, 198, 10692, 198, 438, 198, 77907, 198, 1073, 198, 324, 483, 198, 285, 198, 258, 27256, 5886, 198, 1729, 198, 94942, 345, 64, 198, 9164, 596, 198, 336, 41964, 198, 2513, 345, 26301, 198, 47692, 198, 7993, 345, 73, 198, 26301, 198, 83360, 627, 2181, 198, 285, 198, 19171, 198, 95317, 198, 998, 198, 23609, 198, 18614, 198, 4711, 198, 1820, 198, 258, 41116, 198, 1073, 720, 55977, 198, 764, 2315, 198, 1073, 198, 1820, 198, 75, 86092, 198, 22352, 198, 438, 198, 17217, 82, 627, 2181, 198, 19070, 82, 198, 1527, 198, 1820, 198, 49532, 198, 9210, 198, 275, 198, 285, 198, 73140, 481, 198, 2000, 198, 3852, 198, 15674, 198, 1073, 198, 67, 56407, 198, 269, 198, 12393, 198, 35686, 198, 817, 198, 22479, 198, 785, 198, 324, 483, 627, 7456, 198, 3473, 198, 28156, 198, 1820, 198, 16647, 198, 28810, 198, 1, 275, 198, 285, 198, 84359, 198, 998, 198, 66, 554, 198, 543, 198, 67, 1082, 2315, 702, 17106, 638, 198, 64, 720, 444, 9537, 198, 438, 198, 78995, 198, 67689, 367, 198, 263, 198, 5269, 198, 998, 198, 83, 1244, 627, 27131, 198, 576, 198, 90153, 198, 438, 198, 35676, 720, 1605, 198, 69, 21846, 198, 9210, 198, 40, 198, 12612, 198, 54277, 13801, 9514, 198, 14724, 198, 1395, 198, 4338, 71216, 198, 438, 198, 14724, 198, 1962, 198, 50659, 198, 3852, 198, 1073, 198, 1820, 720, 86, 28413, 198, 1073, 198, 324, 483, 198, 46755, 16853, 47, 762, 42718, 1385, 198, 1073, 198, 67, 14657, 1218, 198, 9426, 198, 1073, 198, 324, 483, 198, 16, 340, 3648, 16381, 198, 324, 483, 198, 791, 198, 60307, 198, 1073, 198, 324, 483, 198, 258, 198, 5988, 198, 258, 198, 1820, 198, 3983, 198, 14097, 198, 1073, 198, 14789, 198, 285, 198, 4620, 398, 198, 58156, 292, 627, 32, 198, 91645, 198, 4581, 198, 1073, 198, 1820, 198, 45168, 26252, 198, 327, 4523, 291, 198, 258, 198, 1820, 198, 324, 483, 198, 6716, 198, 412, 198, 258, 198, 1820, 198, 630, 198, 1073, 198, 554, 64, 627, 2261, 684, 198, 1820, 198, 324, 483, 198, 1073, 720, 943, 16381, 82, 198, 285, 198, 82, 35467, 198, 26125, 198, 1073, 198, 86812, 398, 198, 16219, 287, 198, 14789, 198, 4734, 288, 627, 9673, 198, 13495, 198, 1073, 198, 1820, 198, 324, 483, 198, 1073, 198, 943, 16381, 82, 198, 4919, 198, 1395, 198, 2656, 198, 9336, 198, 258, 198, 98060, 287, 198, 631, 1116, 3104, 198, 269, 198, 809, 479, 1413, 198, 4734, 288, 345, 9493, 198, 1820, 198, 10701, 198, 24175, 198, 1073, 198, 1820, 198, 2664, 198, 60556, 198, 43842, 1503, 198, 1727, 278, 13797, 720, 438, 198, 1, 631, 1116, 1335, 198, 52061, 702, 79079, 198, 2050, 627, 791, 198, 3647, 616, 198, 1073, 198, 820, 198, 425, 198, 285, 198, 1820, 198, 21591, 198, 43415, 367, 198, 1073, 198, 576, 720, 85599, 16853, 16298, 198, 14965, 198, 19233, 198, 21470, 198, 276, 198, 50017, 198, 548, 198, 329, 26451, 198, 998, 198, 98427, 198, 576, 198, 943, 16381, 198, 324, 483, 627, 23025, 198, 14965, 720, 82, 2084, 198, 1527, 198, 77924, 198, 67, 1065, 41543, 14840, 198, 64, 198, 65387, 198, 96440, 345, 20670, 198, 5562, 198, 3055, 198, 276, 198, 268, 9355, 198, 4291, 198, 576, 198, 324, 483, 13, 720, 2127, 198, 327, 25777, 198, 3195, 198, 998, 198, 324, 3357, 198, 8823, 82, 198, 943, 16381, 82, 198, 4291, 198, 53864, 4776, 345, 19221, 4791, 38435, 278, 198, 86, 3171, 345, 47114, 48009, 198, 438, 720, 1605, 198, 65387, 198, 96440, 627, 34160, 198, 998, 198, 1820, 198, 34210, 198, 9210, 198, 275, 198, 13676, 198, 64, 198, 9363, 198, 1073, 198, 554, 64, 345, 275, 198, 4919, 198, 1395, 198, 2656, 198, 300, 198, 64, 198, 53980, 720, 8747, 554, 29150, 198, 998, 198, 5514, 198, 327, 1140, 198, 67125, 82, 198, 1527, 198, 1820, 198, 2664, 13801, 27369, 198, 1820, 198, 47074, 198, 1073, 198, 66, 486, 15222, 2203, 992, 198, 67125, 11, 720, 383, 278, 198, 1820, 198, 64381, 36371, 345, 36046, 198, 333, 198, 20670, 198, 548, 198, 32157, 198, 1729, 198, 258, 13421, 627, 644, 198, 723, 684, 345, 275, 198, 285, 198, 10236, 198, 998, 720, 67523, 18972, 198, 37439, 535, 198, 4734, 288, 345, 98060, 198, 959, 1245, 198, 258, 3836, 1245, 198, 67, 1082, 2315, 345, 67, 1056, 4035, 198, 69, 10892, 258, 198, 25364, 442, 8385, 8, 720, 258, 198, 1820, 198, 51105, 345, 27369, 198, 51105, 198, 566, 354, 1303, 198, 438, 198, 817, 198, 576, 198, 324, 483, 198, 2000, 198, 3696, 16113, 198, 438, 198, 39460, 288, 198, 258, 720, 263, 66, 2508, 662, 720, 17, 340, 60860, 198, 324, 483, 2170, 198, 906, 198, 19553, 198, 46584, 198, 84359, 345, 1820, 198, 3902, 198, 14625, 25843, 198, 1073, 198, 1820, 198, 324, 483, 198, 1073, 198, 5988, 198, 1527, 198, 16, 198, 10460, 198, 998, 198, 717, 12, 1032, 198, 42820, 198, 285, 198, 71, 388, 198, 37568, 2060, 198, 70155, 198, 2008, 9623, 198, 627, 791, 198, 70155, 198, 9125, 198, 15582, 198, 98092, 340, 6387, 1705, 720, 1073, 198, 52911, 198, 438, 198, 716, 24179, 198, 1813, 598, 627, 44503, 198, 1813, 598, 198, 1012, 198, 1820, 198, 20337, 198, 5730, 654, 198, 438, 198, 339, 1631, 355, 11, 720, 716, 24179, 198, 1813, 598, 198, 1012, 198, 1820, 198, 82, 698, 268, 345, 398, 56102, 198, 20606, 198, 438, 198, 398, 56102, 590, 198, 83, 11407, 198, 1073, 198, 1820, 198, 37439, 535, 198], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": "\teven\ta\ngood\tsurvey\tlike\tSusan\tBlackmore,\t\nConsciousness\n:\t\nAn\tIntroduction\n\t(Oxford\nUniversity\tPress,\t2004),\twhich\tdoes\ta\tthorough\tjob\tcovering\tthe\tmany\nphilosophical\tquestions\traised\tby\tcurrent\ttheories.\tThe\tmost\tpraised\tauthors\nin\tthe\tfield\tseem\tto\tbe\tskeptics\twho\tbelieve\tthat\tmind\tis\tactually\tan\tillusion\ncreated\tby\tneural\tactivity\tand\toutmoded\tthinking\tabout\tthe\tbrain.\tSee\tDaniel\nDennett,\t\nConsciousness\tExplained\n\t(Back\tBay\tBooks,\t1992),\twhich\targues\naggressively\tfor\tthe\tproposition\tthat\tconsciousness\tis\ta\tmaterialistic\nphenomenon\tand\tnothing\tmore.\tTherefore,\thuman\tconsciousness\tcould\t(and\none\tday\twill)\tbe\tduplicated\tby\ta\tcomputer.\nFor\ta\tmore\tpluralistic,\topen-minded\tdiscussion,\tsee\tSusan\tBlackmore,\neditor,\t\nConversations\ton\tConsciousness:\tWhat\tthe\tBest\tMinds\tThink\tAbout\nthe\tBrain,\tFree\tWill,\tand\tWhat\tIt\tMeans\tto\tBe\tHuman\n\t(Oxford\tUniversity\nPress,\t2006),\tin\twhich\ttwenty-one\tthinkers\ttalk\tin\tconversational\tinterviews\nabout\tthe\twhole\tproblem\tof\trelating\tmind\tand\tbrain.\tFinally,\tfor\ta\tperspective\nthat\tis\tmore\tneurological,\tI\tread\tthe\tfascinating\tspeculations\tof\tHumberto\tR.\nMaturana\tand\tFrancisco\tJ.\tVarela,\t\nThe\tTree\tof\tKnowledge:\tThe\tBiological\nRoots\tof\tHuman\tUnderstanding\n\t(Shambhala,\t1998),\twhich\tattempts\tan\tall-\ninclusive\ttheory\tthat\tfollows\tthe\tevolution\tof\tmind\tfrom\ta\tbasis\tin\torganic\nchemicals.\tIt\tis\tup\tto\teach\treader\tto\tdecide\tif\tVedanta,\twhose\town\tall-\ninclusive\ttheory\tbegins\twith\tconsciousness\tinstead\tof\tchemicals,\tstands\tup\tto\nmodern\tskepticism\tas\tI\thave\tclaimed.\nThe\tdiscussion\tof\tthe\tfive\tKoshas\tis\tmy\town\tsynthesis\tof\ttraditional\tVedic\nideas.\tThose\tideas\tare\teasy\tto\texplore\tonline\tat\tWeb\tsites\tsuch\tas\nhttp://swamij.com/koshas.htm\n.\nChapter\t11:\tGuides\tand\tMessengers\nThe\tliterature\ton\tangels\tis\tvast,\tbut\tI\tfound\tthat\twhat\tI\twanted\tto\tsay\tdid\tnot\ninvolve\tthe\tmany\thistorical\tsurveys\tdescribing\thow\tangels\tappear\tin\tvarious\nworld\treligions.\tHowever,\tthere\tare\tmany\tfascinating\taccounts\tfrom\tpeople\nwho\thave\tlearned\tto\tcooperate\twith\tthe\tdevas,\t\ncreative\n\tagents\tthat\tare\tthe\nIndian\tparallel\tof\tangels.\tThese\tare\tall\tNew\tAge\tbooks\tthat\tcenter\ton\nFindhorn,\ta\tfamous\tScottish\tcommunity\tthat\tclaimed\tto\tuse\tdevas\tto\tgrowcrops\ton\tbarren\tsoil,\tamong\tother\tremarkable\tthings.\tSee\tDorothy\tMacLean,\nTo\tHear\tthe\tAngels\tSing:\tAn\tOdyssey\tof\tCo-Creation\twith\tthe\tDevic\tKingdom\n(Lindisfarne\tBooks,\t1994)\tand\tMachaelle\tSmall\tWright,\t\nBehaving\tAs\tif\tthe\nGod\tin\tAll\tLife\tMattered\n\t(Perelandra,\t1997)\tfor\ttwo\tsympathetic\tstories\tof\nwomen\twho\tsuddenly\tfound\tthat\tthey\tcould\ttalk\tto\tdevas\tand\tuse\tthem\tto\nmanifest\tdesires.\tBoth\tare\tat\tpolar\topposites\tto\tskepticism\tand\tmaterialism.\nChapter\t12:\tThe\tDream\tContinues\nThe\tliterature\ton\treincarnation\tis\tquite\tunwieldy\tsince\tit\tspans\tevery\treligion\nand\tspiritual\tmovement.\tThe\tmain\tsource\tof\tpopular\tbelief\tin\treincarnation\tis\nprobably\tTheosophy,\ta\tmovement\tthat\tgrew\tout\tof\tnineteenth-century\nspiritualism\tbut\talso\tincorporated\ta\tbroad\trange\tof\tideas\tfrom\tIndia.\tSee\nJames\tS.\tPerkins,\t\nExperiencing\tReincarnation\n\t(Theosophical\tPublishing\nHouse,\t1977),\tfor\ta\treadable\tintroduction.\tFor\tme\tpersonally,\tit\twas\nfascinating\tto\tdiscover\thow\tmany\tspiritual\tnotions\tI\tabsorbed\tas\ta\tchild\tat\nhome\thave\tbeen\tadopted\tby\tthe\tTheosophists,\tand\tthe\tNew\tAge\tin\tgeneral.\nFor\tthe\tscientific\tproof\tof\treincarnation,\tI\tam\tindebted\tto\tan\texcellent\nsurvey\tarticle,\t\u201cDeath,\tRebirth,\tand\tEverything\tin\tBetween:\tA\tScientific\tand\nPhilosophical\tExploration,\u201d\tby\tCarter\tPhipps,\tin\tthe\tjournal\t\nWhat\tIs\nEnlightenment?\n\t(Issue\t32,\tMarch-May\t2006,\tpp.\t60\u201390).\tThe\tWeb\taddress\tis\nhttp://www.wie.org/\n,\twhere\tsubscribers\tcan\tread\tthe\tentire\tarticle.\nThis\tled\tme\tto\tthe\timportant\tresearch\tby\tthe\tUniversity\tof\tVirginia\npsychiatrist\tIan\tStevenson\ton\tchildren\twho\tclaim\tto\tremember\tpast\tlives.\tHis\nWeb\tsite\tis\t\nhttp://www.healthsystem.virginia.edu/internet/personalitystudies/\n.\nOn\tthe\tsame\ttopic\tan\tinvaluable\tbook\tis\tCarol\tBowman,\t\nChildren\u2019s\tPast\nLives:\tHow\tPast\tLife\tMemories\tAffect\tYour\tChild\n\t(Bantam,\t1998),\t\nin\n\twhich\ta\nmother\tfinds\tthat\ther\tchildren\u2019s\tirrational\tfears\tof\tloud\tnoises\tand\thouse\tfires\nis\tcured\tby\tpast-life\tregression,\tleading\ther\tto\texplore\tthe\tfield\tin\tdepth.\tA\nWeb\tsite\tdevoted\tto\tregressing\tchildren\tto\ttheir\tpast\tlives\tis\nhttp://www.childpastlives.org/\n.\nT\nEXT\tNOTES:\npp.\t173\u201374\n\tI\tfirst\tbecame\taware\tof\tthe\tboy\twho\tremembered\tdying\tin\ta\tWorld\nWar\tII\tair\tbattle\tfrom\tan\tABC\tNews\treport:\nhttp://www.reversespins.com/proofofreincarnation.html\n.\npp.\t174\u201376\n\tet\tpassim\tThe\tanecdotes\tof\tchildren\twho\tremember\ttheir\tpast\nlives,\tmostly\tderived\tfrom\tIan\tStevenson\u2019s\tdatabase,\tare\trecounted\tin\nPhipps,\tpp.\t63\u201370\t(see\tabove).\np.\t175\n\tThe\tquotes\tfrom\tchildren\treported\tby\ttheir\tparents\tis\tfrom\tIan\nStevenson\u2019s\t Web\t site,http://www.healthsystem.virginia.edu/internet/personalitystudies/\n.\np.\t176\n\tThe\tsource\tof\tout-of-body\tresearch\tat\tthe\tMonroe\tInstitute\tcan\tbe\nbrowsed\tat\t\nhttp://www.monroeinstitute.org/\n.\tAnother\tgood\tarticle,\tlinking\nout-of-body\texperiences\tand\tNDEs,\tcan\tbe\tfound\tonline\tat\nhttp://www.paradigm-sys.com/cttart/sci-docs/ctt97-ssooo.html\n.\nChapter\t13:\tIs\tAkasha\tReal?\nI\thad\talready\tstarted\twriting\tabout\tAkasha\tbefore\tdiscovering\tErvin\tLaszlo\u2019s\nScience\tand\tthe\tAkashic\tField:\tAn\tIntegral\tTheory\tof\tEverything\n\t(Inner\nTraditions,\t2004),\tthe\tmost\twide-ranging\targument\tfor\tincorporating\nconsciousness\tand\tscience.\tSince\tmy\ttopic\twas\tthe\tafterlife,\tI\twasn\u2019t\table\tto\ninclude\tthe\tdozen\tor\tmore\tmysteries,\tranging\tfrom\tadvanced\tquantum\ttheory,\ncosmology,\tbiology,\tand\tneuroscience,\tthat\taccording\tto\tLaszlo\twill\tnever\tbe\nsolved\tuntil\tconsciousness\tis\ttaken\tinto\taccount.\tReaders\twho\twant\tto\ninvestigate\tthese\tprevailing\tenigmas\tshould\tstart\there.\nLaszlo\tdiscusses\tthe\tZero\tPoint\tField,\tbut\tthere\tis\ta\tcomplete\tand\tvery\nreadable\tbook\tdevoted\tto\tit\u2014see\tLynne\tMcTaggart,\t\nThe\tField:\tThe\tQuest\tfor\nthe\tSecret\tForce\tof\tthe\tUniverse\n\t(Harper\tPerennial,\t2002),\twhich\tdescribes\nmany\texperiments\tand\tgives\tdetailed\tanecdotes\tof\tvarious\tdiscoveries,\tin\ncontrast\tto\tLaszlo\u2019s\tmethod,\twhich\tis\tto\toutline\tand\tsurvey\tprevailing\ttheories\nwith\ta\tminimum\tof\tnarrative.\nT\nEXT\tNOTES:\npp.\t202\u2013204\n\tHelmut\tSchmidt\u2019s\texperiments,\tfollowed\tby\tthe\tJahn\tteam\tat\nPrinceton,\tare\trecounted\tin\tMcTaggart,\t\nThe\tField\n,", "token_ids": [7883, 1055, 11575, 198, 19045, 1942, 39378, 197, 4908, 7721, 41312, 197, 14755, 6518, 11, 1602, 1128, 23995, 2136, 198, 25, 1602, 2127, 197, 38255, 198, 197, 19792, 23382, 198, 31272, 197, 6010, 11, 197, 1049, 19, 705, 197, 8370, 2765, 7217, 11575, 71579, 14776, 69677, 197, 93013, 33188, 197, 35676, 198, 46185, 11597, 950, 197, 17800, 197, 93613, 197, 1729, 20725, 33188, 2490, 13, 33026, 2157, 537, 26736, 24917, 197, 48105, 198, 258, 33188, 40350, 85786, 336, 32809, 74242, 1942, 99020, 1233, 197, 14965, 2282, 301, 19704, 64442, 2157, 485, 20501, 197, 74128, 80557, 197, 82262, 198, 7266, 197, 1729, 197, 818, 4269, 197, 7323, 53577, 14294, 2658, 291, 71579, 16113, 197, 9274, 33188, 197, 54160, 13, 197, 10031, 11198, 12315, 198, 35, 2734, 7211, 11, 1602, 1128, 23995, 2136, 197, 45053, 2692, 198, 197, 7, 3792, 13083, 352, 197, 25335, 11, 197, 2550, 17, 705, 197, 8370, 49003, 1157, 198, 351, 2542, 3210, 2066, 33188, 197, 782, 3571, 64442, 38303, 23995, 2136, 20501, 11575, 2157, 2229, 4633, 198, 15112, 6431, 263, 53577, 197, 42312, 2157, 461, 13, 197, 55915, 11, 9793, 7282, 38303, 23995, 2136, 1470, 619, 197, 61011, 198, 606, 99297, 6831, 484, 8, 74242, 2765, 100084, 197, 1729, 11575, 33910, 11533, 627, 2520, 11575, 2157, 461, 197, 67646, 4633, 11, 53299, 34423, 2765, 3510, 17861, 11, 197, 4151, 7721, 41312, 197, 14755, 6518, 345, 9044, 11, 1602, 1128, 74095, 25653, 94170, 23995, 2136, 25, 197, 3923, 33188, 13083, 478, 9391, 8843, 197, 39787, 197, 10714, 198, 1820, 197, 66177, 11, 197, 11180, 197, 10149, 11, 53577, 197, 3923, 62635, 42238, 598, 32809, 197, 3513, 13595, 7282, 198, 197, 19792, 23382, 197, 31272, 198, 6010, 11, 197, 1049, 21, 705, 17886, 197, 8370, 3324, 86, 7313, 19101, 197, 27963, 388, 3324, 1727, 17886, 38303, 3078, 1697, 2129, 13169, 82, 198, 9274, 33188, 197, 67733, 197, 35686, 44323, 197, 3833, 1113, 2157, 485, 53577, 197, 54160, 13, 197, 24901, 11, 2066, 11575, 3303, 86191, 198, 9210, 20501, 2157, 461, 197, 818, 2868, 31356, 11, 25494, 38143, 33188, 1186, 5171, 16252, 99200, 7607, 44323, 13595, 3635, 14200, 11391, 627, 44, 2693, 3444, 53577, 13017, 81, 1149, 9652, 17538, 13, 17904, 548, 4355, 11, 1602, 791, 197, 6670, 44323, 197, 81434, 25, 33026, 13083, 41314, 198, 8605, 82, 44323, 13595, 7282, 16360, 910, 10276, 198, 197, 7, 2059, 3042, 71, 6181, 11, 197, 2550, 23, 705, 197, 8370, 36547, 34372, 80557, 52060, 7058, 99461, 33188, 683, 64442, 1186, 1573, 82, 33188, 75937, 3294, 44323, 2157, 485, 43827, 11575, 2282, 10949, 17886, 197, 61694, 198, 32056, 82, 13, 62635, 20501, 60910, 32809, 7883, 613, 62577, 32809, 197, 8332, 579, 748, 17904, 291, 8424, 11, 197, 86243, 197, 785, 52060, 7058, 99461, 33188, 683, 2282, 797, 1354, 48048, 38303, 23995, 2136, 197, 65937, 44323, 197, 32056, 82, 11, 197, 97815, 60910, 32809, 198, 50889, 1942, 441, 27330, 2191, 61551, 25494, 9793, 525, 197, 21974, 627, 791, 2765, 3510, 17861, 44323, 33188, 1186, 535, 40440, 437, 4752, 20501, 13938, 197, 785, 1942, 74767, 44323, 26665, 329, 3079, 17904, 34383, 198, 94784, 13, 197, 23025, 197, 94784, 197, 548, 7883, 6539, 32809, 49658, 20763, 25653, 1074, 36547, 197, 6109, 1942, 3695, 1942, 1412, 61551, 198, 1277, 1129, 2332, 309, 3251, 916, 14441, 437, 4752, 24165, 198, 627, 26072, 197, 806, 25, 9796, 2480, 288, 53577, 9391, 434, 15232, 198, 791, 8986, 2058, 1598, 25653, 197, 526, 2053, 20501, 5306, 561, 11, 2282, 332, 25494, 59202, 64442, 197, 12840, 25494, 6831, 7719, 32809, 1942, 352, 2765, 307, 98366, 198, 14386, 4035, 33188, 197, 35676, 9793, 96798, 1942, 324, 50369, 54012, 44631, 197, 5269, 197, 526, 2053, 197, 41866, 17886, 2462, 1245, 198, 14957, 197, 3833, 343, 919, 13, 197, 11458, 11, 197, 19041, 197, 548, 197, 35676, 1186, 5171, 16252, 197, 27298, 43827, 197, 16455, 198, 14965, 9793, 525, 197, 12964, 291, 32809, 197, 1030, 86299, 48048, 33188, 28402, 300, 11, 1602, 52817, 198, 197, 55975, 64442, 197, 548, 33188, 198, 48664, 197, 47203, 44323, 197, 526, 2053, 13, 197, 9673, 197, 548, 52060, 197, 3648, 197, 17166, 197, 12383, 64442, 94651, 25653, 198, 10086, 51984, 11, 11575, 1186, 23333, 197, 39320, 819, 197, 29502, 64442, 197, 21974, 32809, 42919, 28402, 300, 32809, 3253, 654, 66, 3787, 25653, 91809, 1466, 197, 708, 321, 11, 197, 77405, 197, 1605, 197, 38548, 481, 197, 58174, 13, 197, 10031, 11198, 269, 29671, 9391, 582, 49862, 345, 1271, 13595, 686, 33188, 197, 10976, 2053, 7721, 287, 25, 197, 2127, 49149, 67, 54347, 44323, 6391, 78, 7813, 27551, 48048, 33188, 197, 14934, 292, 197, 34655, 5717, 198, 5063, 485, 285, 24470, 818, 197, 25335, 11, 197, 2550, 19, 8, 53577, 9391, 613, 6015, 273, 7721, 30632, 17749, 1315, 11, 1602, 10226, 2370, 197, 2170, 748, 33188, 198, 28622, 17886, 197, 2460, 15420, 1643, 9391, 22688, 198, 197, 7, 3976, 18615, 969, 11, 197, 2550, 22, 8, 2066, 3324, 1146, 1942, 88, 1331, 589, 5411, 18895, 2490, 44323, 198, 65762, 197, 14965, 1942, 44806, 59202, 64442, 197, 20670, 1470, 619, 3324, 1727, 32809, 28402, 300, 53577, 42919, 197, 49818, 32809, 198, 43415, 54012, 3946, 13, 197, 21279, 197, 548, 36547, 3303, 7569, 40803, 81239, 32809, 1942, 441, 27330, 2191, 53577, 2157, 2229, 2191, 627, 26072, 197, 717, 25, 33026, 11198, 1259, 197, 37239, 1157, 198, 791, 8986, 2058, 1598, 25653, 17643, 2910, 55149, 20501, 197, 84270, 21113, 86, 823, 88, 1942, 1736, 24263, 42478, 598, 7883, 1225, 197, 3833, 32718, 198, 438, 1942, 53829, 940, 2157, 14797, 13, 33026, 37741, 48518, 44323, 75913, 1299, 2282, 301, 4843, 17886, 17643, 2910, 55149, 20501, 198, 55540, 33026, 11597, 88, 11, 11575, 2157, 14797, 64442, 3253, 4361, 14294, 44323, 9215, 258, 7870, 21341, 34457, 198, 86390, 940, 2191, 2282, 332, 197, 19171, 197, 2910, 39382, 660, 11575, 2282, 8714, 76187, 44323, 197, 94784, 43827, 197, 34648, 13, 197, 10031, 198, 29184, 7721, 13, 197, 3976, 11966, 11, 1602, 849, 32836, 11627, 197, 697, 2910, 55149, 198, 197, 83696, 11597, 950, 10230, 2600, 287, 198, 29707, 11, 197, 4468, 22, 705, 2066, 11575, 38143, 481, 2129, 17158, 13, 197, 2520, 50394, 99905, 750, 11, 24263, 6831, 300, 198, 69, 5171, 16252, 32809, 35697, 3773, 197, 5269, 197, 35676, 1942, 53829, 940, 98366, 919, 25494, 197, 3518, 269, 2788, 61551, 11575, 59491, 36547, 198, 5227, 9793, 525, 74242, 268, 197, 99338, 291, 197, 1729, 33188, 33026, 11597, 1705, 11, 53577, 33188, 197, 3648, 197, 17166, 17886, 3253, 18958, 627, 2520, 33188, 1942, 12575, 1104, 197, 16157, 44323, 17643, 2910, 55149, 11, 25494, 197, 309, 17886, 39035, 6702, 32809, 80557, 8285, 25777, 198, 48554, 197, 7203, 11, 197, 2118, 40358, 11, 197, 697, 28813, 11, 53577, 197, 36064, 17886, 13083, 10259, 25, 23845, 197, 51665, 1104, 53577, 198, 30690, 11597, 950, 197, 45053, 7769, 2476, 197, 1729, 6391, 5408, 10230, 2200, 1725, 11, 17886, 33188, 12710, 5036, 1602, 3923, 197, 3957, 198, 1737, 4238, 53061, 5380, 197, 9149, 84990, 197, 843, 11, 9391, 1132, 63086, 197, 1049, 21, 11, 66829, 13, 197, 1399, 4235, 1954, 570, 33026, 197, 6109, 64302, 20501, 198, 1277, 1129, 2185, 1444, 648, 2726, 6018, 11, 56842, 29724, 47461, 94036, 38143, 33188, 78755, 556, 197, 7203, 627, 2028, 197, 839, 50394, 32809, 33188, 197, 15693, 17643, 1874, 197, 1729, 33188, 197, 31272, 44323, 17904, 404, 8326, 689, 198, 92109, 10574, 2889, 25494, 276, 197, 626, 5230, 34237, 25653, 83570, 197, 14965, 197, 8017, 32809, 197, 30380, 3303, 561, 8986, 1924, 13, 13595, 285, 198, 6109, 1942, 635, 20501, 1602, 1277, 1129, 2185, 39207, 9125, 3211, 404, 8326, 689, 12871, 32214, 14166, 57561, 2786, 267, 58787, 6018, 627, 1966, 33188, 1942, 373, 3324, 25847, 80557, 17886, 838, 13429, 197, 2239, 20501, 6391, 277, 337, 13083, 363, 1543, 11, 1602, 11800, 753, 10230, 561, 198, 43, 1924, 25, 197, 4438, 10230, 561, 15420, 1643, 9391, 336, 2490, 23845, 1740, 197, 7927, 197, 3736, 198, 197, 5462, 519, 309, 11, 197, 2550, 23, 705, 1602, 258, 198, 197, 8370, 11575, 198, 27510, 1186, 8843, 64442, 197, 1964, 83570, 753, 197, 404, 81, 1697, 1186, 7596, 44323, 8986, 3023, 73204, 5014, 53577, 197, 7830, 1186, 3946, 198, 285, 1470, 3149, 197, 1729, 3303, 561, 26928, 38113, 11433, 11, 197, 21307, 197, 1964, 32809, 49658, 20763, 33188, 40350, 17886, 197, 18021, 13, 23845, 198, 6109, 1942, 635, 28402, 9437, 32809, 38113, 57881, 83570, 32809, 33188, 404, 3303, 561, 8986, 1924, 20501, 198, 1277, 1129, 2185, 17990, 53520, 75, 1924, 2726, 6018, 627, 51, 198, 5841, 197, 14394, 1600, 512, 604, 13, 197, 11908, 4235, 5728, 198, 25494, 43290, 2282, 762, 373, 197, 20111, 44323, 33188, 197, 17627, 197, 14965, 197, 30380, 291, 2765, 7169, 17886, 11575, 197, 10343, 198, 29784, 197, 5660, 197, 1334, 2282, 4730, 43827, 80557, 197, 26484, 197, 14710, 71031, 512, 1277, 1129, 2185, 1351, 3078, 25632, 1354, 916, 18493, 78, 831, 25746, 2910, 55149, 2628, 198, 627, 604, 13, 197, 11771, 4235, 4767, 198, 197, 295, 42531, 318, 33026, 80557, 38306, 6429, 44323, 83570, 197, 14965, 197, 30380, 33188, 404, 3303, 561, 198, 75, 1924, 11, 2157, 537, 398, 197, 51182, 43827, 25494, 276, 197, 626, 5230, 34237, 753, 2765, 2260, 11, 197, 548, 17643, 1868, 291, 17886, 198, 47, 2200, 1725, 11, 66829, 13, 197, 5495, 4235, 2031, 197, 7, 4151, 197, 49532, 4390, 79, 13, 197, 10005, 198, 33026, 197, 54382, 43827, 83570, 71031, 291, 197, 1729, 33188, 404, 25841, 82, 20501, 43827, 25494, 276, 198, 626, 5230, 34237, 753, 197, 5000, 197, 2816, 11, 1277, 1129, 2185, 39207, 9125, 3211, 404, 8326, 689, 12871, 32214, 14166, 57561, 2786, 267, 58787, 6018, 627, 79, 13, 197, 10967, 198, 33026, 48518, 44323, 14294, 8838, 9534, 17643, 1874, 36547, 33188, 9391, 263, 35804, 71267, 7815, 94036, 74242, 198, 65, 1849, 291, 36547, 1602, 1277, 1129, 2185, 53153, 35804, 258, 7815, 2726, 6018, 13, 197, 14364, 3253, 1411, 197, 7203, 11, 55338, 287, 198, 412, 8838, 9534, 8285, 69597, 53577, 18822, 1170, 82, 11, 94036, 74242, 59202, 25653, 1074, 36547, 198, 1277, 1129, 2185, 34377, 329, 25100, 1355, 1065, 916, 14, 302, 83, 472, 34574, 72, 11788, 82, 14, 302, 83, 3534, 1355, 708, 2689, 2628, 198, 627, 26072, 197, 1032, 25, 197, 3957, 23845, 74, 31543, 197, 13058, 5380, 40, 9793, 329, 197, 46584, 22087, 291, 6831, 12479, 197, 9274, 23845, 74, 31543, 64334, 35697, 93013, 197, 20027, 9799, 15420, 53440, 385, 753, 198, 36500, 53577, 33188, 23845, 74, 1003, 292, 95578, 25, 197, 2127, 58252, 27919, 33026, 683, 44323, 197, 36064, 198, 197, 7, 32697, 198, 43934, 6055, 11, 197, 1049, 19, 705, 33188, 2157, 537, 6831, 579, 82105, 197, 14819, 2066, 197, 2910, 39382, 1113, 198, 64589, 2136, 53577, 31028, 1873, 13, 7721, 1736, 13938, 3324, 25847, 6831, 300, 33188, 197, 10924, 14789, 11, 25494, 6831, 66636, 1431, 197, 481, 32809, 198, 1012, 33188, 20530, 5797, 82266, 2157, 461, 2157, 599, 4804, 11, 7145, 8764, 43827, 197, 42879, 197, 31548, 372, 33188, 683, 345, 9594, 76, 2508, 11, 2282, 31226, 11, 53577, 197, 818, 2868, 40657, 11, 64442, 197, 74946, 32809, 15420, 53440, 385, 6831, 484, 197, 37593, 74242, 198, 82, 8905, 21113, 1678, 38303, 23995, 2136, 20501, 3324, 3448, 2129, 78, 87966, 13, 97143, 388, 197, 14965, 51880, 32809, 198, 43114, 65056, 197, 45010, 51828, 14612, 82948, 343, 7044, 197, 5562, 22087, 197, 6881, 627, 44903, 89, 385, 2765, 3510, 83972, 33188, 197, 18483, 51398, 95578, 11, 2282, 332, 197, 19041, 20501, 11575, 197, 15079, 53577, 197, 1225, 198, 888, 481, 197, 2239, 28402, 9437, 32809, 24263, 2345, 4151, 15420, 1910, 818, 9391, 66, 5786, 46346, 11, 1602, 791, 95578, 25, 33026, 17428, 3121, 2066, 198, 1820, 7721, 51956, 197, 19085, 44323, 33188, 197, 1844, 8194, 198, 197, 11135, 277, 716, 197, 3976, 32331, 11, 197, 1049, 17, 705, 197, 8370, 54012, 56236, 198, 35676, 8285, 50732, 53577, 3253, 1924, 2765, 10319, 80557, 38306, 6429, 44323, 2462, 1245, 35697, 3773, 552, 11, 17886, 198, 85324, 32809, 15420, 53440, 385, 753, 43357, 11, 197, 8370, 20501, 32809, 14294, 1074, 53577, 1942, 39378, 51828, 14612, 33188, 2490, 198, 4291, 11575, 26388, 3375, 44323, 9215, 1138, 1413, 627, 51, 198, 5841, 197, 14394, 1600, 512, 604, 13, 197, 2366, 4235, 7854, 198, 13595, 301, 7129, 7721, 331, 43401, 753, 8285, 50732, 11, 1186, 1573, 291, 197, 1729, 33188, 17538, 30660, 197, 9376, 36547, 198, 3617, 42690, 11, 197, 548, 17643, 1868, 291, 17886, 9391, 66, 5786, 46346, 11, 1602, 791, 95578, 198, 11], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " setbacks, and loss indicate the power that the past holds over us.\nIn the operation of karma, a positive memory can color or control your\nlife, too. The high school quart erback who discovers that nothing in later\nlife feels quite as good as being a teenage hero is overshad owed by a\npositive memory. Good or bad karma is how most people think of karma,\nbut Royal Yoga is concerned with the binding power of all karmas, the\nstickiness that allows memories to color or control our lives.\nIn pratyahara, there are pract ical ways to achieve a state of awareness\nwhere you use your memories, instead of the other way around.\nGAINING CONTROL OF YOUR MEMORIES\nDon\u2019t believe everything you remember.\nSubstitute positive thoughts when a bad memory arises.\nDon\u2019t dwell on the past.\nFeel the fear but move ahead anyway.\nIf a memory throws you off, take time to center yourself.\nDon\u2019t repeat the past just because your memory tells you to.\nPractice being in the light through meditation.\nRemind yourself that the only permanent reality is bliss.The most untrustworthy memories arise from fear. Let\u2019 s say you want to\nask for a raise at work, but you remember that the last time you did that you\nwere turned down. Memory is using you if this recollection is enough to\nstop you from asking for a raise; as a result, you defeat yourself. You can\nreverse the situation if you realiz e that today is new, which motivates you to\ngo in and ask for a raise without being overshadowed by the past.\nThe practices for gaining contro l over your memories work as general\nguidelines for everyone, but they are most effective if you have a vision of\nconstantly movi ng toward the light. Keep in mind that the light of pure\nawareness is the ultimate healer and that being in the light place s you in the\neternal now, which the past cannot touch.\nExercise\nPratyahara teaches that you can defuse your karma by starving it of\nattention. Attention is what makes karmic seeds sprout and grow. The\nearlier you detec t them, the better. This ensures the least pain and struggle,\nand once you master the following exercise, there will be none at all.\nLie on your back, eyes closed, and take a few deep breaths. Place your\nattention in the region of your heart. Karma is easiest to detect as faint\nsensations and emotions in the heart. In an easy way, sense your heart\nbecoming warm and relaxed. If it helps, you can visualize a warm, golden\nglow suf fusing your heart.\nAs thoughts arise, they might draw your attention, which is only\nnatural. As soon as you can, return to the warm glow of your heart. A\nthought or sensation might be unpleasant. Say to yourself, \u201cI no longer need\nyou,\u201d and resume the exercise. If a strong negative memory or feeling\narises, open your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and let it subside. Then,\nonce you feel more at ease in yourself, return to the exercise.\nYou can choose how long to perform this exercise. It works well for a\nfew minutes or up to half an hour or more. But it would be best if you\nstarted with a shorter duration. If you are dealing with a painful memory,\nthe attitude to take is that you can invite the memory to go. There is noreason for the past to linger over the present. All negative energy will\ndissipate once you learn how you are meant to use your memories, not the\nother way around.\nWEDNESDAY\nExposing Three Myths\nBegin by silently repeating today\u2019 s theme:\nI share one awareness with my body.\nI share one awareness with my body.\nBy staying in the light, you begin to dissolve the separation of mind\nand body. The same creative intelligence flows through both. They share\nthe same source in pure consciousness. The place that pratyahara leads\nyou to is neither mind nor body, however. It is a silent field of awareness,\nand the faint sensations that arise in the field are like creative sparks or\nimpulses.\nIt takes a shift in your perspective to fully inhabit this field of\nawareness. This is where you meet your true self. Any other version of\nyourself\u2014physical, mental, social, or emotional\u2014is second ary, a by-\nproduct of the flow of creative intelligence. There is no reason to judge\nyourself against these secondary selves. They spring from the one source\nthat all of creation springs from. The problem is that we mistake them for\nwho we really are. Then a set of false beliefs surrounds us and blocks the\njourney to the true self.\nYou will dispel your old conditioning and false beliefs by resting in the\nfield of awarene ss; the light offers a feeling of bliss, oneness, and belonging\nthat no secondar y self can matc h. But Royal Yoga is also about knowledge\n(vidya ) that contains truth, and truth, as the biblical adage says, can set you\nfree.To get closer to the truth abou t who you really are, let\u2019s examine its\nopposite. The opposite of truth is myth, and three powerful myths about\nmind and body pervade society.\nMyth #1: You are captive inside your body.\nMyth #2: You were created out of matter.\nMyth #3: Your brain is doing the thinking.\nThese are such pervasive myths that you have probably never\nquestioned them, but if we shatter each myth, you will come closer to\nmerging your bodymind with the field of light. Only then will you\nexperience who you really are.\nMyth #1: You are captive inside your body.\nCan you feel yourself inside your head looking out at the world, taking\nin its sights, sounds, tastes, smells, and textures? This is such a convincing\nexperience that it is hard to fathom that it is false. But Royal Yoga teaches\nthat it is. Y ou aren\u2019 t \u201cin\u201d your head or your body at all.\nYour body is a zone of awareness, and your mind shares the same zone\nof awareness. Pratyahara teaches this fundamental truth.\nWhen the two zones of awareness are separate, you can feel like a\ncaptive in your body because of pain, disease, and aging. The mind wants to\nescape from these experiences and is driven into separation as the only way\nout. But once you shatter the myth of being \u201cin\u201d your body, you realize that\nthere is only one zone\u2014the bodymind\u2014sharing the same life. With this\nrealization comes the ability to free yourself from being held hostage.\nMerged as one consciousness, you open the possibility that you are not your\nbody or your mind. This realization frees you from pain and suffering and\nmakes aging irrelevant. You grow into the truth that you are timeless, and,\nat the same time, bliss overwhelms any physical or mental pain.\nMyth #2: You were created out of matter.\nThis myth was born out of the worldview that traces all of creati on back\nto physi cal events, processes, and things. The thing can be as small as aquark, the event as titanic as the Big Bang. Worldviews are consistent, but\nthat doesn\u2019t make them the truth. By showing you that you can experience\nyourself as one zone of awareness, pratyahara frees you from the trap of\nmaterialism. Y ou begin to live the truth that consciousness is all-embracing.\nProving that this all-embracing consciousness exists (call it God or the\ngods, Buddha mind, Brahman) has vexed humanity for centu ries, yet we\ncan cut through all the confusion and conflict quite simply. The proof that\nconsciousness underlies everything comes down to one thing: knowing.\nNature knows what it is doing. If Nature were only random events that\nshuffled matter and energy around, it would know nothing, and existence\nwould be meaningless. Yet every cell in your body knows how to sustain\nitself by organizing hundreds of thousands of chemical reactions per\nsecond. A cell isn\u2019t a bag of proteins suspended in a watery soup. It is\norganized intelligence. Every living thing is organized intelligence, and\nthere is no reason to claim that this intelligence didn\u2019 t precede life on Earth.\nThe entire cosmos leading up to life on Earth is a sequence of events\ngoverned and controlled by creative intelligence.\nPratyahara teaches that you can also govern and control the events in\nyour body because you are the same creative intelligence that lies at the\nheart of everything. The most advanced yogis achieve such an amazing\ndegree of control that they can consciously lower vital functions like heart\nrate, breathing, and body temp erature nearly to zero, as the yogi merges\nfully into the zone of awarene ss. The next step is to erase all physical\nlimitations. Advanced yogis can experience being in two places\nsimultaneously or even visiti ng other dimensions. Without exploring\npratyahara that deeply, as Patanjali does in the Yoga Sutras, the issue of\nthese advanced powers\u2014 siddhis \u2014remains apart from everyday life. But\nyou can achieve much more control over the physical than you realize,\nthanks to the freedom of awaren ess that humans are gifted with. At the very\nleast, by accepting your body as a zone of awareness, you free it to heal,\nevolve, strength en its immunity, and resist or reverse aging. Those\nprocesses occur in the one shared awareness of the bodymind.\nMyth #3: Your brain", "token_ids": [97737, 11, 323, 4814, 13519, 279, 2410, 430, 279, 3347, 10187, 927, 603, 627, 644, 279, 5784, 315, 71542, 11, 264, 6928, 5044, 649, 1933, 477, 2585, 701, 198, 14789, 11, 2288, 13, 578, 1579, 2978, 41376, 2781, 1445, 889, 52114, 430, 4400, 304, 3010, 198, 14789, 11321, 5115, 439, 1695, 439, 1694, 264, 34268, 12084, 374, 17918, 32345, 49009, 555, 264, 198, 31587, 5044, 662, 7839, 477, 3958, 71542, 374, 1268, 1455, 1274, 1781, 315, 71542, 345, 8248, 16591, 38673, 374, 11920, 449, 279, 11212, 2410, 315, 682, 597, 2227, 300, 11, 279, 198, 30133, 1918, 430, 6276, 19459, 311, 1933, 477, 2585, 1057, 6439, 627, 644, 550, 51071, 1494, 5169, 1174, 1070, 527, 3856, 220, 950, 5627, 311, 11322, 264, 1614, 315, 17985, 198, 2940, 499, 1005, 701, 19459, 11, 4619, 315, 279, 1023, 1648, 2212, 627, 38, 6979, 1753, 54279, 3083, 21592, 25486, 43837, 198, 8161, 1431, 4510, 4395, 499, 6227, 627, 3214, 7815, 6928, 11555, 994, 264, 3958, 5044, 48282, 627, 8161, 1431, 44935, 389, 279, 3347, 627, 34027, 279, 8850, 719, 3351, 8469, 13971, 627, 2746, 264, 5044, 3872, 499, 1022, 11, 1935, 892, 311, 4219, 6261, 627, 8161, 1431, 13454, 279, 3347, 1120, 1606, 701, 5044, 10975, 499, 311, 627, 89592, 1694, 304, 279, 3177, 1555, 33862, 627, 6728, 485, 6261, 430, 279, 1193, 15690, 8903, 374, 59045, 11829, 1455, 653, 57755, 43629, 19459, 31889, 505, 8850, 662, 6914, 529, 274, 2019, 499, 1390, 311, 198, 1091, 369, 264, 4933, 520, 990, 11, 719, 499, 6227, 430, 279, 1566, 892, 499, 1550, 430, 499, 198, 52898, 6656, 1523, 13, 14171, 374, 1701, 499, 422, 420, 1421, 1947, 374, 3403, 311, 198, 9684, 499, 505, 10371, 369, 264, 4933, 26, 439, 264, 1121, 11, 499, 18506, 6261, 13, 1472, 649, 198, 26992, 279, 6671, 422, 499, 34860, 384, 430, 3432, 374, 502, 11, 902, 12521, 988, 499, 311, 198, 3427, 304, 323, 2610, 369, 264, 4933, 2085, 1694, 85305, 291, 555, 279, 3347, 627, 791, 12659, 369, 30240, 83264, 326, 927, 701, 19459, 990, 439, 4689, 198, 24343, 11243, 369, 5127, 11, 719, 814, 527, 1455, 7524, 422, 499, 617, 264, 11376, 315, 198, 1040, 18007, 2016, 72, 7933, 9017, 279, 3177, 13, 13969, 304, 4059, 430, 279, 3177, 315, 10748, 198, 20111, 2136, 374, 279, 17139, 98211, 323, 430, 1694, 304, 279, 3177, 2035, 274, 499, 304, 279, 198, 295, 3051, 1457, 1174, 902, 279, 3347, 4250, 5916, 627, 53809, 198, 3617, 51071, 1494, 5169, 220, 33992, 220, 430, 499, 649, 711, 817, 701, 71542, 555, 78501, 433, 315, 198, 54203, 13, 63120, 374, 1148, 3727, 597, 2227, 292, 19595, 8314, 412, 323, 3139, 662, 578, 198, 686, 5741, 499, 3474, 762, 259, 1124, 11, 279, 2731, 13, 1115, 26420, 279, 3325, 6784, 323, 14993, 345, 438, 3131, 499, 7491, 279, 2768, 10368, 11, 1070, 690, 387, 7000, 520, 682, 627, 77591, 389, 701, 1203, 11, 6548, 8036, 11, 323, 1935, 264, 2478, 5655, 11745, 82, 13, 11004, 701, 198, 54203, 304, 279, 5654, 315, 701, 4851, 13, 75980, 374, 30689, 311, 11388, 439, 38678, 198, 82, 729, 811, 323, 21958, 304, 279, 4851, 13, 763, 459, 4228, 1648, 11, 5647, 701, 4851, 198, 17106, 18238, 8369, 220, 323, 31467, 13, 1442, 433, 8779, 11, 499, 649, 51187, 264, 8369, 11, 21411, 198, 6200, 363, 56868, 282, 985, 701, 4851, 627, 2170, 11555, 31889, 11, 814, 2643, 4128, 701, 6666, 11, 902, 374, 1193, 198, 53980, 13, 1666, 5246, 439, 499, 649, 11, 471, 311, 279, 8369, 37066, 315, 701, 4851, 13, 362, 198, 61665, 477, 37392, 2643, 387, 47989, 13, 25961, 311, 6261, 11, 1054, 40, 912, 5129, 1205, 198, 9514, 2476, 323, 16063, 279, 10368, 13, 1442, 264, 3831, 8389, 5044, 477, 8430, 198, 277, 5014, 11, 1825, 701, 6548, 11, 1935, 264, 2478, 5655, 11745, 82, 11, 323, 1095, 433, 1207, 3002, 13, 5112, 345, 13486, 499, 2733, 810, 520, 14553, 304, 6261, 11, 471, 311, 279, 10368, 627, 2675, 649, 5268, 1268, 1317, 311, 2804, 420, 10368, 13, 1102, 4375, 1664, 369, 264, 198, 71830, 4520, 477, 709, 311, 4376, 459, 6596, 477, 810, 13, 2030, 433, 1053, 387, 1888, 422, 499, 198, 47823, 449, 264, 24210, 8250, 13, 1442, 499, 527, 14892, 449, 264, 26175, 5044, 13801, 1820, 19451, 311, 1935, 374, 430, 499, 649, 22114, 279, 5044, 311, 733, 13, 2684, 374, 308, 461, 1525, 369, 279, 3347, 311, 40609, 927, 279, 3118, 13, 2052, 8389, 4907, 690, 198, 67, 1056, 575, 349, 3131, 499, 4048, 1268, 499, 527, 8967, 311, 1005, 701, 19459, 11, 539, 279, 198, 1605, 1648, 2212, 627, 54, 1507, 72858, 34212, 198, 849, 8478, 14853, 3092, 17323, 198, 11382, 555, 50494, 40916, 3432, 529, 274, 7057, 512, 40, 4430, 832, 17985, 449, 856, 2547, 627, 40, 4430, 832, 17985, 449, 856, 2547, 627, 1383, 19994, 304, 279, 3177, 11, 499, 3240, 311, 73739, 279, 25768, 315, 4059, 198, 438, 2547, 13, 578, 1890, 11782, 11478, 28555, 1555, 2225, 13, 2435, 4430, 198, 1820, 1890, 2592, 304, 10748, 25917, 13, 578, 2035, 430, 550, 51071, 1494, 5169, 220, 11767, 198, 9514, 311, 374, 14188, 4059, 6463, 2547, 1174, 4869, 662, 1102, 374, 264, 21737, 2115, 315, 17985, 345, 438, 279, 38678, 72597, 430, 31889, 304, 279, 2115, 527, 1093, 11782, 76883, 477, 198, 6802, 67116, 627, 2181, 5097, 264, 6541, 304, 701, 13356, 311, 7373, 33427, 420, 2115, 315, 198, 20111, 2136, 13, 1115, 374, 1405, 499, 3449, 701, 837, 659, 13, 5884, 1023, 2373, 315, 198, 22479, 726, 2345, 47692, 11, 10723, 11, 3674, 11, 477, 14604, 55434, 2132, 74021, 11, 264, 555, 7058, 3107, 315, 279, 6530, 315, 11782, 11478, 13, 2684, 374, 912, 2944, 311, 11913, 198, 22479, 726, 2403, 220, 1521, 14580, 84137, 13, 2435, 10683, 505, 279, 832, 2592, 198, 9210, 682, 315, 9886, 42242, 505, 662, 578, 3575, 374, 430, 584, 16930, 1124, 369, 198, 14965, 584, 2216, 527, 13, 5112, 264, 743, 315, 905, 21463, 71374, 603, 323, 10215, 279, 198, 30362, 3520, 311, 279, 837, 659, 627, 2675, 690, 13262, 301, 701, 2362, 35121, 323, 905, 21463, 555, 41219, 304, 279, 198, 2630, 315, 8010, 818, 11107, 26, 279, 3177, 6209, 264, 8430, 315, 59045, 11, 389, 24639, 11, 323, 33152, 198, 9210, 912, 2132, 277, 379, 659, 649, 5634, 66, 305, 13, 2030, 16591, 38673, 374, 1101, 922, 6677, 198, 7, 1325, 7911, 883, 430, 5727, 8206, 11, 323, 8206, 11, 439, 279, 53640, 1008, 425, 2795, 11, 649, 743, 499, 198, 10816, 3354, 636, 12401, 311, 279, 8206, 671, 283, 259, 889, 499, 2216, 527, 11, 1095, 753, 21635, 1202, 198, 454, 13921, 13, 578, 14329, 315, 8206, 220, 374, 21849, 11, 323, 2380, 8147, 51286, 922, 198, 38824, 323, 2547, 47274, 1037, 8396, 16853, 5159, 339, 674, 16, 25, 1472, 527, 60951, 4871, 701, 2547, 627, 5159, 339, 674, 17, 25, 1472, 1051, 3549, 704, 315, 5030, 627, 5159, 339, 674, 18, 25, 4718, 8271, 374, 3815, 279, 7422, 627, 9673, 527, 1778, 71867, 51286, 430, 499, 617, 4762, 2646, 198, 7998, 291, 1124, 11, 719, 422, 584, 559, 1683, 1855, 21849, 11, 499, 690, 2586, 12401, 311, 198, 1195, 3252, 701, 2547, 38824, 449, 279, 2115, 315, 3177, 13, 8442, 1243, 690, 499, 198, 50659, 889, 499, 2216, 527, 627, 5159, 339, 674, 16, 25, 1472, 527, 60951, 4871, 701, 2547, 16853, 6854, 499, 2733, 6261, 4871, 701, 2010, 3411, 704, 520, 279, 1917, 11, 4737, 198, 258, 1202, 42266, 11, 10578, 11, 36263, 11, 50737, 11, 323, 30953, 30, 1115, 374, 1778, 264, 40661, 198, 50659, 430, 433, 374, 2653, 311, 282, 73555, 430, 433, 374, 905, 13, 2030, 16591, 38673, 33992, 198, 9210, 433, 374, 13, 816, 6033, 7784, 529, 259, 1054, 258, 863, 701, 2010, 477, 701, 2547, 520, 682, 627, 7927, 2547, 374, 264, 10353, 315, 17985, 11, 323, 701, 4059, 13551, 279, 1890, 10353, 198, 1073, 17985, 13, 2394, 51071, 1494, 5169, 220, 33992, 420, 16188, 8206, 627, 4599, 279, 1403, 26467, 315, 17985, 527, 8821, 11, 499, 649, 2733, 1093, 264, 198, 66, 28881, 304, 701, 2547, 1606, 315, 6784, 11, 8624, 11, 323, 30084, 13, 578, 4059, 6944, 311, 198, 13295, 505, 1521, 11704, 323, 374, 16625, 1139, 25768, 439, 279, 1193, 1648, 198, 412, 13, 2030, 3131, 499, 559, 1683, 279, 21849, 315, 1694, 1054, 258, 863, 701, 2547, 1174, 499, 13383, 430, 198, 19041, 374, 1193, 832, 10353, 22416, 2547, 38824, 2345, 84746, 279, 1890, 2324, 13, 3161, 420, 198, 8110, 2065, 4131, 279, 5845, 311, 1949, 6261, 505, 1694, 5762, 59468, 627, 44, 52625, 439, 832, 25917, 11, 499, 1825, 279, 13336, 430, 499, 527, 539, 701, 198, 2664, 477, 701, 4059, 13, 1115, 49803, 72555, 499, 505, 6784, 323, 16066, 323, 198, 80785, 30084, 40815, 13, 1472, 3139, 1139, 279, 8206, 430, 499, 527, 58105, 11, 323, 345, 266, 279, 1890, 892, 11, 59045, 17201, 1026, 904, 7106, 477, 10723, 6784, 627, 5159, 339, 674, 17, 25, 1472, 1051, 3549, 704, 315, 5030, 16853, 2028, 21849, 574, 9405, 704, 315, 279, 78162, 430, 35483, 682, 315, 6184, 72, 389, 1203, 198, 998, 4571, 72, 1652, 4455, 11, 11618, 11, 323, 2574, 13, 578, 3245, 649, 387, 439, 2678, 439, 15715, 847, 11, 279, 1567, 220, 439, 8305, 32370, 439, 279, 6295, 17343, 13, 4435, 5182, 527, 13263, 11, 719, 198, 9210, 3250, 1431, 1304, 1124, 279, 8206, 662, 3296, 9204, 499, 430, 499, 649, 3217, 198, 22479, 726, 439, 832, 10353, 315, 17985, 11, 550, 51071, 1494, 5169, 220, 72555, 499, 505, 279, 23709, 315, 198, 8407, 2191, 13, 816, 6033, 3240, 311, 3974, 279, 8206, 430, 25917, 374, 682, 37612, 1347, 4628, 627, 1360, 4504, 430, 420, 682, 37612, 1347, 4628, 25917, 6866, 320, 6797, 433, 4359, 477, 279, 198, 70, 30797, 11, 46054, 4059, 11, 78084, 1543, 8, 706, 84265, 291, 22706, 369, 2960, 84, 54698, 11, 3686, 584, 198, 4919, 4018, 1555, 682, 279, 22047, 323, 12324, 5115, 5042, 662, 578, 11311, 430, 198, 64589, 2136, 1234, 49201, 4395, 4131, 1523, 311, 832, 3245, 25, 14392, 627, 79519, 8964, 1148, 433, 374, 3815, 13, 1442, 22037, 1051, 1193, 4288, 4455, 430, 198, 939, 43435, 5030, 323, 4907, 2212, 11, 433, 1053, 1440, 4400, 11, 323, 14209, 198, 41450, 387, 57026, 13, 14968, 1475, 2849, 304, 701, 2547, 8964, 1268, 311, 14201, 198, 275, 726, 555, 35821, 11758, 315, 9214, 315, 11742, 25481, 824, 198, 5686, 13, 362, 2849, 4536, 1431, 264, 9145, 315, 28896, 22340, 304, 264, 30125, 727, 220, 19724, 13, 1102, 374, 198, 63316, 11478, 13, 7357, 5496, 3245, 374, 17057, 11478, 11, 323, 198, 19041, 374, 912, 2944, 311, 3802, 430, 420, 11478, 3287, 529, 259, 16599, 68, 2324, 389, 9420, 627, 791, 4553, 83645, 6522, 709, 311, 2324, 389, 9420, 374, 264, 8668, 315, 4455, 198, 70, 6846, 291, 323, 14400, 555, 11782, 11478, 627, 3617, 51071, 1494, 5169, 220, 33992, 220, 430, 499, 649, 1101, 2633, 323, 2585, 279, 4455, 304, 198, 22479, 2547, 1606, 499, 527, 279, 1890, 11782, 11478, 430, 15812, 520, 279, 198, 18207, 315, 4395, 13, 578, 1455, 11084, 42453, 285, 11322, 1778, 459, 8056, 198, 42127, 315, 2585, 430, 814, 649, 70903, 4827, 16595, 5865, 1093, 4851, 198, 7853, 11, 27027, 11, 323, 2547, 2798, 2781, 1598, 7154, 311, 7315, 11, 439, 279, 42453, 72, 82053, 198, 3725, 1139, 279, 10353, 315, 8010, 818, 11107, 13, 578, 1828, 3094, 374, 311, 37088, 682, 7106, 198, 74268, 13, 21844, 42453, 285, 649, 3217, 1694, 304, 1403, 7634, 198, 15124, 495, 20933, 477, 1524, 4034, 72, 7933, 1023, 15696, 13, 17586, 24919, 198, 652, 51071, 1494, 5169, 220, 430, 17693, 1174, 439, 7281, 53191, 8115, 1587, 304, 279, 38673, 328, 332, 13075, 1174, 279, 4360, 315, 198, 45010, 11084, 13736, 2345, 274, 1810, 26301, 2001, 1864, 1771, 10980, 505, 18254, 2324, 13, 2030, 198, 9514, 649, 11322, 1790, 810, 2585, 927, 279, 7106, 1109, 499, 13383, 345, 46593, 311, 279, 11542, 315, 8010, 77, 4043, 430, 12966, 527, 47880, 449, 13, 2468, 279, 1633, 198, 56371, 11, 555, 25694, 701, 2547, 439, 264, 10353, 315, 17985, 11, 499, 1949, 433, 311, 27661, 345, 5230, 4035, 11, 8333, 665, 1202, 40368, 1174, 323, 22884, 477, 10134, 30084, 13, 13266, 198, 4734, 288, 12446, 304, 279, 832, 6222, 17985, 315, 279, 2547, 38824, 627, 5159, 339, 674, 18, 25, 4718, 8271], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " \n \nThere is an easy method o f getting plenty of vitamin B17 back into your bodily system. And the program we are going to use is \nbased largely upon using one of nature's produce in particular, the apricot seed. \n \nThe apricot seed is laden with vitamin B17. They are easy to eat, and y ou don't need to eat many to provide your body with what it \nneeds. Apricot seeds are also inexpensive to buy; it should work out at around $1 to $2 a week, per person. \nThere are a number of companies selling bags of apricot seeds (already removed from the stone) over the Internet. A bag tends to \nweight 1 lb (just under 1/2 a kilo) and should contain between 700 and 850 apricot seeds (kernels). \n \nThe apricot seed is quite bitter. We will also utilise the apple seed on the program, which tastes like a bitter v ersion of marzipan. \nPrune seeds, to me at least, seem a little sweeter to the pallet. \n \nOver time you can of course begin to vary your diet more widely to include produce that has a good B17 content. Eating one or \ntwo portions of either bamboo sprouts, lent ils, butter beans, mung beans, cassava, fava beans, macadamia nuts, linseed/flaxseed, \nmillet cereal, alfalfa sprouts/leaves and chick peas, daily, should provide very significant benefits to your asthma and your \nallergies. \n \nHowever, because you may find it difficult to change your diet more substantially, for various reasons, we are going to take the \neasy, fast and effective approach. \n \nI doubt you'll be able to purchase apricot seeds from a health food shop or any normal retail outlet. No matter, it is eas y and \ninexpensive to order them over the web. Listed below are links to various websites that sell apricot seeds. Please note, this website \nhas no affiliation with any of these sites, or any site that sells apricot seeds. Alternatively you can search the w eb under the term \nvitamin B17, or apricot seeds with a search engine, and this should provide links to companies that sell apricot seeds. \n \nwww.urcancercure.com \n \nwww.doc.intersessions.com/cancerchoices.com/onlineorder.html \n \nwww.zianet.com/kgriffi/ \n \nI personally, tend to eat between 5 -7 apricot seeds per day, most days. So you should find that a 1 lb bag will last you around 3 -4 \nmonths, per person. I usually order 3 or 4 bags at a time. Apricot seeds keep their freshness extremely well, especially if y ou put \nthem in the fridge. I've not yet had a problem with apricot seeds spoiling. \n \nChapter 3. - Step by Step \n \nIn this chapter, I'm going to explain the program that should really sort out your asthma and allergy problems. This program is for \nadults only. For children with asthma/hay fever/allergies please read chapter 6. \n \nIt is probably b est not to attempt this program if you are pregnant, or nursing. I am totally certain this program is perfectly safe for \nexpectant mothers, for it is all -natural; nonetheless, I believe you shouldn't make any sustained changes to diet during pregnancy. \nYou could always start including some of the natural products mentioned in the last chapter from time to time with your meals \nthough. \n \nIf you or your child suffer from any nut or seed allergies please consult a doctor before you or your child consider using t his \nprogram. Please use common sense at all times. \n \nYou can begin this program today, and where better a place to start than in the present! \n \nOnce you have ordered your apricot seeds on -line, you'll probably have to wait a few days for their arrival, perh aps up to a week \nfor international orders. This is not a problem, as we will begin the program using the simple apple. \n \nUntil your apricot seeds arrive, I suggest you begin eating two or three apples daily. And this includes eating the seeds. Cr unch up \nthe seeds with your teeth before swallowing. \n \nIf you can get hold of some millet cereal, and eat a small bowl daily then this would make a good addition to your apples, or try \nand eat a few butter beans daily. Or alternatively you could chomp on 10 -15 grapes per day, including munching the pips. If for \nsome reason you don't eat apples then I suggest prunes as an alternative. You can add to this by eating a few macadamia nuts daily, \nif you can get hold of them or by consuming a teaspoon full of linseed daily. \n \nPrune seeds are much larger than apple seeds, so as a replacement for apples you only need take 4 -5 prune seeds in your diet for \nthe first few days. Often you will find tinned prunes from your supermarket contain the stone, and within the stone you will find \nthe seed. Obviously you need be careful when opening any stone, I suggest to avoid using your teeth. Alternatively you could use \nplum seeds. \n \nWhen your apricot seeds do arrive you may be surprised just how large they are. I reckon one apricot seed is a bout 10 -15 times \nbigger than the average apple seed. For your first few days, you have probably been taking the equivalent of just 1 to 3 apri cot \nseeds daily. \n \nNow you have possession of your apricot seeds, and you've been on the vitamin B17 program for a few days (to a week) its time to \nraise your intake. I suggest taking 2 apricot seeds twice daily for the next two days. Keep eating a couple of apples, includ ing the \nseeds or a few prunes with seeds each day, or a bowl of millet cereal, if you so wish, it's up to you. As the apricot seeds taste quite \nbitter you will probably find it easier to eat them at meal times. Or try eating them with a teaspoon or two of raw unprocess ed \nhoney. Give them a good crunch before swallowing. \n \nFive to nine days or thereabo uts into the program and you may already be feeling some positive results. You may find yourself a \nlittle less wheezy and sniffley than usual, and a little less dependant on inhalers and antihistamines. However, don't worry if you \ndon't feel any change jus t yet, it's early days! \n \nAfter taking 2 apricot seeds, twice daily for your first two days I now suggest you increase your dose to 2 apricot seeds, th ree times \ndaily, for the next two days. \n \nAnd after those two days raise your apricot seed intake again, t o 3 seeds, three times a day for a whole week. This program is \nbased on progression, taking gentle progressive steps forward. You shouldn't rush, please follow my guidelines; this lets you r body \nget used to absorbing higher levels of vitamin B17. \n \nYou now will be consuming 3 apricot seeds, three times a day, and perhaps a couple of apples plus seeds, or a bowl of millet \ncereal, etc. Excellent. \n \nYou should find once you are consuming 3 apricot seeds, three times daily that your asthmatic and allergi c symptoms really start \nto ease up. If this is the case, brilliant. If not, don't worry. \n \nI wish to stress here that as your asthma and allergy symptoms begin to ease up, use common sense with the way you use other \nmedicines. I'd advise you to continue to take your inhalers and antihistamines with you when you go out. \n \nFollowing one week of taking 3 seeds three times a day, I would now like you to take 4 seeds, three times a day, for the foll owing \nweek. \n \nNow you'll have been taking a much higher level of vitamin B17 than in your normal diet for around three to three and a half \nweeks. I expect you to be seeing very noticeable benefits by now, and if this is the case congratulations, and stick with tak ing 4 \napricot seeds three times daily for the next month. After this time you will probably be able to gently reduce the number of apricot \nseeds you take to just 5 -7, once daily. Do whatever you feel comfortable with. Continue taking 4 apricot seeds three times daily \nthough, if you feel you need a longer period to adjust, both psychologically and physically. \n \nFor anybody not feeling any significant benefits after seven to eight weeks (and let me state, I think this is unlikely), I s uggest you \nraise the dose again. Try taking 6 apricot seeds, three times daily for the next month. You may also require adding a good \ncomponent of raw unprocessed honey (plus some bee -pollen if possible) to your diet too (local honey if possible). Three or four \nteaspoons, twice daily. I also suggest you cut out coffee and other stimulan t drinks from your diet; you should really try to \nconsume 7 -8 large glasses of water daily instead. \n \nI would be very surprised indeed if after all this your asthma and allergies were not showing significant signs of improvemen t. \nWhen they do improve stick with you current intake for another few weeks and then gradually drop it to just 5 -7 seeds once daily \nover the next few weeks. If your asthma", "token_ids": [2355, 720, 3947, 374, 459, 4228, 1749, 297, 282, 3794, 11510, 315, 28170, 426, 1114, 1203, 1139, 701, 48131, 1887, 13, 1628, 279, 2068, 584, 527, 2133, 311, 1005, 374, 720, 31039, 14090, 5304, 1701, 832, 315, 7138, 596, 8356, 304, 4040, 11, 279, 21726, 87537, 10533, 13, 2355, 720, 791, 21726, 87537, 10533, 374, 82787, 449, 28170, 426, 1114, 13, 2435, 527, 4228, 311, 8343, 11, 323, 379, 6033, 1541, 956, 1205, 311, 8343, 1690, 311, 3493, 701, 2547, 449, 1148, 433, 720, 56345, 13, 5186, 87537, 19595, 527, 1101, 44252, 311, 3780, 26, 433, 1288, 990, 704, 520, 2212, 400, 16, 311, 400, 17, 264, 2046, 11, 824, 1732, 13, 2355, 3947, 527, 264, 1396, 315, 5220, 11486, 18381, 315, 21726, 87537, 19595, 320, 46584, 7108, 505, 279, 9998, 8, 927, 279, 8191, 13, 362, 9145, 28335, 311, 720, 4870, 220, 16, 19398, 320, 4345, 1234, 220, 16, 14, 17, 264, 15395, 78, 8, 323, 1288, 6782, 1990, 220, 7007, 323, 220, 16217, 21726, 87537, 19595, 320, 74, 43429, 570, 2355, 720, 791, 21726, 87537, 10533, 374, 5115, 26242, 13, 1226, 690, 1101, 69152, 279, 24149, 10533, 389, 279, 2068, 11, 902, 36263, 1093, 264, 26242, 348, 220, 1349, 315, 3678, 10169, 276, 13, 720, 3617, 2957, 19595, 11, 311, 757, 520, 3325, 11, 2873, 264, 2697, 10769, 1430, 311, 279, 59903, 13, 2355, 720, 1959, 892, 499, 649, 315, 3388, 3240, 311, 13592, 701, 10173, 810, 13882, 311, 2997, 8356, 430, 706, 264, 1695, 426, 1114, 2262, 13, 60638, 832, 477, 2355, 20375, 19885, 315, 3060, 59982, 8314, 11934, 11, 48907, 46152, 11, 14432, 27994, 11, 296, 2234, 27994, 11, 45324, 2979, 11, 282, 2979, 27994, 11, 9155, 52054, 689, 31049, 11, 10006, 23425, 59403, 710, 23425, 11, 720, 76, 41984, 62233, 11, 85766, 85526, 8314, 11934, 14, 273, 4798, 323, 31863, 47136, 11, 7446, 11, 1288, 3493, 1633, 5199, 7720, 311, 701, 51643, 323, 701, 2355, 543, 2431, 552, 13, 2355, 720, 11458, 11, 1606, 499, 1253, 1505, 433, 220, 5107, 311, 2349, 701, 10173, 810, 32302, 11, 369, 5370, 8125, 11, 584, 527, 2133, 311, 1935, 279, 720, 46122, 11, 5043, 323, 7524, 5603, 13, 2355, 720, 40, 10712, 499, 3358, 387, 3025, 311, 7782, 21726, 87537, 19595, 505, 264, 2890, 3691, 8221, 477, 904, 4725, 11040, 27487, 13, 2360, 5030, 11, 433, 374, 2593, 379, 323, 720, 258, 4683, 4114, 311, 2015, 1124, 927, 279, 3566, 13, 69548, 3770, 527, 7902, 311, 5370, 13335, 430, 4662, 21726, 87537, 19595, 13, 5321, 5296, 11, 420, 220, 3997, 720, 4752, 912, 53891, 449, 904, 315, 1521, 6732, 11, 477, 904, 2816, 430, 31878, 21726, 87537, 19595, 13, 39578, 499, 649, 2778, 279, 289, 25470, 1234, 279, 4751, 720, 55911, 8778, 426, 1114, 11, 477, 21726, 87537, 19595, 449, 264, 2778, 4817, 11, 323, 420, 1288, 3493, 7902, 311, 5220, 430, 4662, 21726, 87537, 19595, 13, 2355, 720, 2185, 45885, 66, 1149, 3035, 554, 916, 5996, 720, 2185, 24595, 6537, 388, 8719, 916, 2971, 11967, 25825, 916, 14, 26732, 1382, 2628, 5996, 720, 2185, 4025, 1122, 295, 916, 14441, 911, 3168, 72, 14, 5996, 720, 40, 16102, 11, 8541, 311, 8343, 1990, 220, 20, 482, 22, 21726, 87537, 19595, 824, 1938, 11, 1455, 2919, 13, 2100, 499, 1288, 1505, 430, 264, 220, 16, 19398, 9145, 690, 1566, 499, 2212, 220, 18, 482, 19, 720, 50814, 11, 824, 1732, 13, 358, 6118, 2015, 220, 18, 477, 220, 19, 18381, 520, 264, 892, 13, 5186, 87537, 19595, 2567, 872, 99316, 9193, 1664, 11, 5423, 422, 379, 6033, 2231, 720, 49818, 304, 279, 38681, 13, 358, 3077, 539, 3686, 1047, 264, 3575, 449, 21726, 87537, 19595, 20016, 8138, 13, 2355, 720, 26072, 220, 18, 13, 482, 15166, 555, 15166, 2355, 720, 644, 420, 12735, 11, 358, 2846, 2133, 311, 10552, 279, 2068, 430, 1288, 2216, 3460, 704, 701, 51643, 323, 60754, 5435, 13, 1115, 2068, 374, 369, 720, 68956, 82, 1193, 13, 1789, 2911, 449, 51643, 7682, 352, 34653, 32506, 2431, 552, 4587, 1373, 12735, 220, 21, 13, 2355, 720, 2181, 374, 4762, 293, 1826, 539, 311, 4879, 420, 2068, 422, 499, 527, 20895, 11, 477, 28456, 13, 358, 1097, 12756, 3738, 420, 2068, 374, 14268, 6220, 369, 720, 17557, 519, 27698, 11, 369, 433, 374, 682, 482, 53980, 26, 38913, 11, 358, 4510, 499, 13434, 956, 1304, 904, 29759, 4442, 311, 10173, 2391, 20209, 13, 720, 2675, 1436, 2744, 1212, 2737, 1063, 315, 279, 5933, 3956, 9932, 304, 279, 1566, 12735, 505, 892, 311, 892, 449, 701, 21644, 720, 4636, 13, 2355, 720, 2746, 499, 477, 701, 1716, 7831, 505, 904, 10184, 477, 10533, 58742, 4587, 8666, 264, 10896, 1603, 499, 477, 701, 1716, 2980, 1701, 259, 813, 720, 15252, 13, 5321, 1005, 4279, 5647, 520, 682, 3115, 13, 2355, 720, 2675, 649, 3240, 420, 2068, 3432, 11, 323, 1405, 2731, 264, 2035, 311, 1212, 1109, 304, 279, 3118, 0, 2355, 720, 12805, 499, 617, 11713, 701, 21726, 87537, 19595, 389, 482, 1074, 11, 499, 3358, 4762, 617, 311, 3868, 264, 2478, 2919, 369, 872, 19163, 11, 824, 71, 1469, 82, 709, 311, 264, 2046, 720, 2000, 6625, 10373, 13, 1115, 374, 539, 264, 3575, 11, 439, 584, 690, 3240, 279, 2068, 1701, 279, 4382, 24149, 13, 2355, 720, 25503, 701, 21726, 87537, 19595, 17782, 11, 358, 4284, 499, 3240, 12459, 1403, 477, 2380, 41776, 7446, 13, 1628, 420, 5764, 12459, 279, 19595, 13, 4656, 653, 331, 709, 720, 1820, 19595, 449, 701, 18311, 1603, 91747, 13, 2355, 720, 2746, 499, 649, 636, 3412, 315, 1063, 112455, 62233, 11, 323, 8343, 264, 2678, 19763, 7446, 1243, 420, 1053, 1304, 264, 1695, 5369, 311, 701, 41776, 11, 477, 220, 1456, 720, 438, 8343, 264, 2478, 14432, 27994, 7446, 13, 2582, 69487, 499, 1436, 523, 14773, 389, 220, 605, 482, 868, 66008, 220, 824, 1938, 11, 2737, 99345, 287, 279, 281, 3153, 13, 1442, 369, 720, 15031, 2944, 499, 1541, 956, 8343, 41776, 1243, 358, 4284, 550, 8699, 439, 459, 10778, 13, 1472, 649, 923, 311, 420, 555, 12459, 264, 2478, 9155, 52054, 689, 31049, 7446, 11, 720, 333, 499, 649, 636, 3412, 315, 1124, 477, 555, 35208, 264, 42384, 2539, 315, 10006, 23425, 7446, 13, 2355, 720, 3617, 2957, 19595, 527, 1790, 8294, 1109, 24149, 19595, 11, 779, 439, 264, 14039, 369, 41776, 499, 1193, 1205, 1935, 220, 19, 482, 20, 80626, 19595, 304, 701, 10173, 369, 720, 1820, 1176, 2478, 2919, 13, 36016, 499, 690, 1505, 259, 21203, 550, 8699, 505, 701, 49313, 6782, 279, 9998, 11, 323, 2949, 279, 9998, 499, 690, 1505, 720, 1820, 10533, 13, 36530, 499, 1205, 387, 16994, 994, 8736, 904, 9998, 11, 358, 4284, 311, 5766, 1701, 701, 18311, 13, 39578, 499, 1436, 1005, 720, 501, 372, 19595, 13, 2355, 720, 4599, 701, 21726, 87537, 19595, 656, 17782, 499, 1253, 387, 14792, 1120, 1268, 3544, 814, 527, 13, 358, 88565, 832, 21726, 87537, 10533, 374, 264, 25646, 220, 605, 482, 868, 3115, 720, 65, 4601, 1109, 279, 5578, 24149, 10533, 13, 1789, 701, 1176, 2478, 2919, 11, 499, 617, 4762, 1027, 4737, 279, 13890, 315, 1120, 220, 16, 311, 220, 18, 1469, 462, 48681, 720, 325, 6910, 7446, 13, 2355, 720, 7184, 499, 617, 19243, 315, 701, 21726, 87537, 19595, 11, 323, 499, 3077, 1027, 389, 279, 28170, 426, 1114, 2068, 369, 264, 220, 2478, 2919, 320, 998, 264, 2046, 8, 1202, 892, 311, 720, 19223, 701, 23730, 13, 358, 4284, 4737, 220, 17, 21726, 87537, 19595, 11157, 7446, 369, 279, 1828, 1403, 2919, 13, 13969, 12459, 264, 5743, 315, 41776, 11, 1836, 6892, 279, 720, 325, 6910, 477, 264, 2478, 550, 8699, 449, 19595, 1855, 1938, 11, 477, 264, 19763, 315, 112455, 62233, 11, 422, 499, 779, 6562, 11, 433, 364, 82, 709, 311, 499, 13, 1666, 279, 21726, 87537, 19595, 12945, 5115, 720, 65, 3328, 499, 690, 4762, 1505, 433, 8831, 311, 8343, 1124, 520, 15496, 3115, 13, 2582, 1456, 12459, 1124, 449, 264, 42384, 477, 1403, 315, 7257, 653, 4734, 1608, 720, 71, 2596, 13, 21335, 1124, 264, 1695, 42834, 1603, 91747, 13, 2355, 720, 38120, 311, 11888, 2919, 477, 1070, 48521, 220, 6256, 1139, 279, 2068, 323, 499, 1253, 2736, 387, 8430, 1063, 6928, 3135, 13, 1472, 1253, 1505, 6261, 264, 720, 56492, 2753, 15240, 68, 4341, 323, 58387, 3258, 220, 1109, 13783, 11, 323, 264, 2697, 2753, 6904, 519, 389, 77773, 388, 323, 3276, 7141, 380, 97081, 13, 4452, 11, 1541, 956, 11196, 422, 499, 720, 15357, 956, 2733, 904, 2349, 45907, 259, 3686, 11, 433, 596, 4216, 2919, 0, 2355, 720, 6153, 4737, 220, 17, 21726, 87537, 19595, 11, 11157, 7446, 369, 701, 1176, 1403, 2919, 358, 1457, 4284, 499, 5376, 701, 19660, 311, 220, 17, 21726, 87537, 19595, 11, 270, 312, 68, 3115, 720, 49174, 11, 369, 279, 1828, 1403, 2919, 13, 2355, 720, 3112, 1306, 1884, 1403, 2919, 4933, 701, 21726, 87537, 10533, 23730, 1578, 11, 259, 297, 220, 18, 19595, 11, 2380, 3115, 264, 1938, 369, 264, 4459, 2046, 13, 1115, 2068, 374, 720, 31039, 389, 33824, 11, 4737, 22443, 23053, 7504, 4741, 13, 1472, 13434, 956, 13270, 11, 4587, 1833, 856, 17959, 26, 420, 15714, 499, 436, 2547, 720, 456, 1511, 311, 70275, 5190, 5990, 315, 28170, 426, 1114, 13, 2355, 720, 2675, 1457, 690, 387, 35208, 220, 18, 21726, 87537, 19595, 11, 2380, 3115, 264, 1938, 11, 323, 8530, 264, 5743, 315, 41776, 5636, 19595, 11, 477, 264, 19763, 315, 112455, 720, 66, 44353, 11, 5099, 13, 37866, 13, 2355, 720, 2675, 1288, 1505, 3131, 499, 527, 35208, 220, 18, 21726, 87537, 19595, 11, 2380, 3115, 7446, 430, 701, 12025, 35401, 780, 323, 25405, 72, 272, 13803, 2216, 1212, 720, 998, 14553, 709, 13, 1442, 420, 374, 279, 1162, 11, 20333, 13, 1442, 539, 11, 1541, 956, 11196, 13, 2355, 720, 40, 6562, 311, 8631, 1618, 430, 439, 701, 51643, 323, 60754, 13803, 3240, 311, 14553, 709, 11, 1005, 4279, 5647, 449, 279, 1648, 499, 1005, 1023, 720, 2106, 292, 1572, 13, 358, 4265, 32113, 499, 311, 3136, 311, 1935, 701, 77773, 388, 323, 3276, 7141, 380, 97081, 449, 499, 994, 499, 733, 704, 13, 2355, 720, 28055, 832, 2046, 315, 4737, 220, 18, 19595, 2380, 3115, 264, 1938, 11, 358, 1053, 1457, 1093, 499, 311, 1935, 220, 19, 19595, 11, 2380, 3115, 264, 1938, 11, 369, 279, 52506, 56612, 720, 10476, 13, 2355, 720, 7184, 499, 3358, 617, 1027, 4737, 264, 1790, 5190, 2237, 315, 28170, 426, 1114, 1109, 304, 701, 4725, 10173, 369, 2212, 2380, 311, 2380, 323, 264, 4376, 720, 82089, 13, 358, 1755, 499, 311, 387, 9298, 1633, 43426, 7720, 555, 1457, 11, 323, 422, 420, 374, 279, 1162, 82644, 11, 323, 9396, 449, 18608, 6892, 220, 19, 720, 391, 2265, 354, 19595, 2380, 3115, 7446, 369, 279, 1828, 2305, 13, 220, 4740, 420, 892, 499, 690, 4762, 387, 3025, 311, 30373, 8108, 279, 1396, 315, 21726, 87537, 720, 325, 6910, 499, 1935, 311, 1120, 220, 20, 482, 22, 11, 3131, 7446, 13, 3234, 8996, 499, 2733, 10882, 449, 13, 15353, 4737, 220, 19, 21726, 87537, 19595, 2380, 3115, 7446, 720, 4636, 11, 422, 499, 2733, 499, 1205, 264, 5129, 4261, 311, 7652, 11, 2225, 96655, 323, 22655, 13, 2355, 720, 2520, 21739, 539, 8430, 904, 5199, 7720, 1306, 8254, 311, 8223, 5672, 320, 438, 1095, 757, 1614, 11, 358, 1781, 420, 374, 17821, 705, 358, 274, 68756, 7114, 499, 720, 19223, 279, 19660, 1578, 13, 9934, 4737, 220, 21, 21726, 87537, 19595, 11, 2380, 3115, 7446, 369, 220, 279, 1828, 2305, 13, 1472, 1253, 1101, 1397, 7999, 264, 1695, 720, 8739, 315, 7257, 653, 35122, 26828, 320, 7284, 1063, 38328, 482, 31241, 268, 422, 3284, 8, 311, 701, 10173, 2288, 320, 2497, 26828, 422, 3284, 570, 14853, 477, 3116, 720, 668, 300, 83188, 11, 11157, 7446, 13, 358, 1101, 4284, 499, 4018, 704, 11033, 323, 1023, 12936, 51835, 259, 21662, 505, 701, 10173, 26, 499, 1288, 2216, 1456, 311, 720, 85594, 220, 22, 482, 23, 3544, 29247, 315, 3090, 7446, 4619, 13, 2355, 720, 40, 1053, 387, 1633, 14792, 13118, 422, 1306, 682, 420, 701, 51643, 323, 58742, 1051, 539, 9204, 5199, 12195, 315, 87770, 16737, 259, 13, 720, 4599, 814, 656, 7417, 9396, 449, 499, 1510, 23730, 369, 2500, 2478, 5672, 323, 1243, 27115, 6068, 433, 311, 1120, 220, 20, 482, 22, 19595, 3131, 7446, 720, 2017, 279, 1828, 2478, 5672, 13, 1442, 701, 51643], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": "\thow\tto\ttake\tcharge\u2014relying\ton\tmedicine\talone\tis\tnot\ta\tsensible\tlong-term\nsolution.Like\tmost\tpeople\tin\tour\tsociety,\tI\tgrew\tup\twholeheartedly\ttrusting\tmodern\nmedicine.\tWhen\tI\tbecame\tsick\tI\ttook\tmy\tphysicians\u2019\tadvice\twithout\tquestion\nand\tbelieved\tthat\tI\twas\tbenefiting\tfrom\tthe\tmost\tadvanced\tmedical\tscience\tand\nthe\tmost\teffective\ttreatments.\tI\tunwittingly\twaited\tin\tline\tat\tthe\tpharmacy\tfor\nmy\ttoxic\tdrugs.\tNot\tuntil\tI\talmost\tdied\tas\ta\tdirect\tresult\tof\tmy\tmedical\ntreatments\tdid\tI\tquestion\tthe\tvalidity\tof\tthis\tapproach,\tand\tthen\tit\twas\talmost\ttoo\nlate.\tBefore\tchoosing\tany\tmedical\ttreatment,\tconsider\tboth\tbenefits\tand\trisks.\nUnderstand\tyour\tchoices\tand\thow\tthey\tare\tsupposed\tto\tbenefit\tyou,\tand\tfind\tout\nthe\trisks.\nWhat\tIs\tNot\ton\tthe\tDeath\tCertificate\nA\tphysician\tmay\tactually\tguide\tyour\tmovement\talong\tthe\tpathways\ttoward\ndisease\trather\tthan\taway\tfrom\tit.\tThat\thappened\tto\tHarry,\ta\tdelightful\tseventy-\ntwo-year-old\tman\tand\ta\tdear\tfriend.\tI\twas\tshocked\tto\thear\tthat\tHarry\thad\tdied\tof\npneumonia.\tHis\tstory\tis\timportant\tto\trelate.\nAlthough\tHarry\u2019s\tpneumonia\twas\tcaused\tby\ta\tbacterial\tinfection,\thealthy\npeople\trarely\tdevelop\tinfections,\tespecially\tserious\tones.\tGenerally,\tinfections\noccur\tin\tpeople\twho\tare\talready\tunhealthy,\twhose\tcells\tare\tmalfunctioning\tand\nwhose\timmunity\tis\talready\tcompromised.\tHarry\thad\talways\tbeen\ta\tstrong,\nhealthy\tperson\twho\trarely\tsuccumbed\tto\tcolds\tor\tflu.\tThat\tpneumonia\tcaused\this\ndeath\tseemed\tsuspicious.\tSomething\tmust\thave\thappened\tto\tmake\thim\nsusceptible\tto\tthe\tinfection\tthat\tkilled\thim.\tI\tsadly\tsurmised\tthat,\tmost\tlikely,\nmodern\tmedicine\tkilled\tHarry.\nHarry\thad\tbeen\tsuffering\tpain\tin\this\thip\tfrom\ta\tcongenital\tproblem.\tHis\ndoctor\tprescribed\ta\tsteroid\thormone,\tcortisone.\tThis\tdrug\thelps\talleviate\tpain\nand\tinflammation,\tbut\tit\thas\tnasty\tside\teffects.\tCortisone\tdamages\tthe\timmune\nsystem\tby\tinhibiting\tthe\tproduction\tof\tantibodies\tand\t\u201ckiller\u201d\tT-cells.\tIn\naddition,\tthis\tdamage\tmakes\tlocalizing\tinfections\tdifficult\tif\tthey\tdevelop.\tThe\ncortisone\tmade\tHarry\tvulnerable\tto\tinfection.\tHe\tdeveloped\tpneumonia\tin\tone\nlung\tand\twas\thospitalized,\twhere\the\twas\tgiven\tlarge\tdoses\tof\tantibiotics\u2014\npresumably\tto\tkill\tthe\t\u201cgerms\u201d\tcausing\tthe\tpneumonia.\tPneumonia,\tlike\tany\ninfection,\tis\tcaused\tby\tmalfunctioning\tcells\tand\tdepressed\timmunity,\tnot\tby\ngerms\talone.\tNormalizing\tcell\tfunction\tand\trebuilding\timmunity,\trather\tthan\ntrying\tto\tkill\tgerms,\tis\tneeded\tfor\trecovery.\tBut\tthat\tis\tnot\twhat\thappened\tin\nHarry\u2019s\tcase:\tAfter\ta\tfew\tdays\ton\tantibiotics,\the\twas\tdischarged,\tsupposedly\n\u201ccured.\u201d\nIn\treality,\tthe\tantibiotics\thad\tincreased\tHarry\u2019s\tproblems\tbecause\tthey\tfurthercompromised\this\timmunity.\tHis\talready\tdepressed\timmune\tsystem\twas\tnow\tin\nworse\tshape\tthan\tbefore.\tShortly\tafter\treturning\thome\tHarry\tdeveloped\tanother\ninfection.\tThis\ttime\tthe\tpneumonia\taffected\tboth\tlungs,\tand\tshortly\tthereafter\the\ndied.\tDuring\this\tfirst\thospitalization,\tHarry\tbecame\tinfected\twith\ta\t\u201csuperbug,\u201d\nan\tantibiotic-resistant\tgerm\tthat\tis\tnow\tcommon\tin\thospitals.\tAntibiotics\twere\nuseless\tagainst\tthis\tinfection,\tas\twas\tHarry\u2019s\tdamaged\timmune\tsystem.\tIn\tall\nlikelihood,\tthe\tstate-of-the-art\tmedical\testablishment\tboth\tdestroyed\tHarry\u2019s\nimmune\tsystem\tand\tsubjected\thim\tto\tthe\tuntreatable\tinfection\tthat\tkilled\thim.\nYet,\tthe\tdeath\tcertificate\tstated\tthe\tofficial\tcause\tof\tdeath\tas\tpneumonia.\nAt\tmy\tsickest,\tI\twas\tdying\tfrom\tliver\tfailure\tthat\tresulted\tfrom\tthe\ttoxic\neffects\tof\ta\tprescription\tdrug.\tIf\tI\thad\tdied,\tguess\twhat\tcause\twould\thave\tbeen\nlisted\ton\tmy\tdeath\tcertificate?\tLiver\tdisease.\tPeriod.\tNo\tmention\tof\tthe\tdrug\tthat\nmade\tme\tsick\twould\thave\tbeen\trecorded.\nOnly\tin\tthe\tmost\tblatant\tand\tobvious\tcases\tdoes\tmodern\tmedicine\tconsider\tor\ntake\tresponsibility\tfor\tthe\tdamage\tit\tcauses.\tFears\tof\tmalpractice\tclaims\tonly\nenhance\tthe\tresolve\tof\tthe\tmedical\tcommunity\tto\tkeep\tlisting\tcauses\tof\tdeath\tas\nresulting\tfrom\tthe\tsickness\tof\tthe\tpatient,\trather\tthan\tthe\ttreatments\tof\tthe\ndoctor.\tPhysicians\tusually\tassume\tthat\tthe\thealth\tproblems\tthey\tcause\twould\nhave\thappened\tanyway.\tThe\tgeneral\tbelief\tis\tthat\tthe\tnegative\teffects\tof\tdrugs\nand\tprocedures\tare\tworth\tthe\trisk.\tLittle\twonder\tthat\tthe\tcause\tof\tdeath\ton\tdeath\ncertificates\toften\thas\tto\tdo\twith\tthe\tspecialty\tof\tthe\tdoctor\ttreating\tthe\tdisease.\nPrescriptions\tfor\tTrouble\nTo\tunderstand\tthe\textent\tof\tthe\tdamage\tcaused\tby\tthe\tmedical\testablishment,\nconsider\thow\tthe\tpatient\tcan\tbe\tsent\ttoward\tdisease\talong\tthe\tsix\tpathways:\n\u2022\tMedical\ttreatments\tcan\tcause\tnutritional\tdeficiencies.\tAntibiotics,\tanti-\ninflammatories\tand\tsteroid\tprescription\tdrugs\tseriously\tdamage\tthe\thuman\ndigestive\tsystem,\timpairing\tthe\tability\tto\tdigest\tfood\tand\tabsorb\tnutrients.\nDiuretics\tstrip\tnutrients\tsuch\tas\tmagnesium,\tcalcium,\tpotassium,\tzinc\tand\niodine.\n\u2022\tDrugs\twork\tbecause\tthey\tare\ttoxic;\tthey\tinterfere\twith\tnormal\tcell\nfunction,\tin\torder\tto\tsuppress\tdisease\tsymptoms.\tBoth\tprescription\tand\nover-the-counter\tdrugs\tproduce\ta\tvast\tvariety\tof\tdisease\tsymptoms\treferred\nto\tas\t\nside\teffects.\n\u2022\tOften\tphysicians\tinflict\tpsychological\tdamage\ton\ttheir\tpatients.\tWhen\ndoctors\testimate\thow\tlong\ta\tpatient\twill\tlive,\tor\tpredict\tthat\tthe\tpatient\twill\nnever\twalk\tor\tsee\tagain,\tthey\tcan\tcreate\ta\tself-fulfilling\tprophecy.\tOftenphysicians\tdon\u2019t\teven\tlisten\tto\ttheir\tpatients\u2019\tthoughts\tand\topinions,\ninterrupting\tthem\tless\tthan\ta\tminute\tafter\tthe\tpatients\tstart\tdescribing\nsymptoms.\tSuch\tpractices\tsabotage\tone\tof\tthe\tphysician\u2019s\tprimary\tgoals:\tto\nhelp\tand\tsupport\tthe\tpatient\tthroughout\tthe\tentire\thealing\tprocess.\n\u2022\tMany\tmedical\tprocedures,\tincluding\tsurgery,\tmedical\tX\trays\tand\nradiation,\tphysically\tdamage\tthe\tbody\tand\tultimately\tcause\tmalfunction\tand\ndisease.\tThis\tphysical\tdamage\tcan\tlead\tto\tgenetic\tdamage.\tGenetic\nmutations\tcan\tcause\tcancer\tand\tother\tdiseases,\tand\tmay\tbe\tpassed\tto\tfuture\ngenerations.\nManaging\tSymptoms\t\nInstead\tof\tCuring\tDisease\nIf\tyou\tseek\tmedical\ttreatment,\tyour\tphysician\tasks\tyou\ta\tseries\tof\tquestions\nand,\tperhaps,\truns\ta\tseries\tof\ttests\tto\tdetermine\tyour\tsymptoms.\tThe\tpurpose\tof\nthis\tactivity\tis\tto\tdiagnose\u2014\tto\tmatch\tyour\tset\tof\tsymptoms\twith\tspecific\tnamed\ncategories,\talso\tknown\tas\tdiseases.\tDiagnosed\tin\tthis\tmanner,\ta\tdisease\tis\nnothing\tmore\tthan\ta\tset\tof\tsymptoms.\tAfter\tdiagnosis,\tmodern\tmedicine\t(also\nknown\tas\t\u201callopathic\u201d\tmedicine;\t\u201callo\u201d\t=\tagainst,\tand\t\u201cpathic\u201d\t=\tdisease)\nliterally\tseeks\tto\t\u201cgo\tagainst\u201d\tthe\tsymptoms\tof\tdisease.\nSymptoms\tare\tsignificant\tonly\tbecause\tthey\tattract\tyour\tattention;\tthey\tare\nunpleasant\tand\tinterfere\twith\tyour\tability\tto\tfunction,\tbut", "token_ids": [197, 5269, 32809, 3324, 731, 7602, 713, 2345, 265, 6852, 25653, 197, 83543, 197, 32676, 20501, 98366, 11575, 1942, 37864, 17972, 9860, 198, 50560, 1236, 3043, 2157, 537, 197, 16455, 17886, 197, 414, 1942, 6180, 11, 25494, 3253, 4361, 60910, 197, 67733, 18207, 53423, 26665, 38587, 43328, 944, 198, 83543, 13, 197, 4599, 25494, 2282, 762, 373, 1942, 875, 25494, 32809, 564, 13938, 197, 42305, 9818, 529, 99880, 1805, 197, 30096, 197, 7998, 198, 438, 2282, 301, 32077, 64442, 25494, 6831, 300, 2282, 51565, 5977, 43827, 33188, 2157, 537, 197, 42879, 197, 69216, 31028, 1873, 53577, 198, 1820, 2157, 537, 7883, 40784, 3324, 1244, 1392, 13, 25494, 21113, 86, 15154, 398, 49850, 291, 17886, 28208, 36547, 33188, 197, 764, 76342, 2066, 198, 2465, 32809, 14668, 2765, 81, 13602, 13, 197, 2688, 21113, 1678, 25494, 197, 60301, 2765, 1142, 61551, 11575, 2765, 1248, 9753, 44323, 13938, 197, 69216, 198, 83, 1244, 1392, 2765, 307, 25494, 197, 7998, 33188, 57422, 488, 44323, 2090, 197, 16082, 613, 11, 53577, 59733, 24263, 6831, 300, 197, 60301, 32809, 78, 198, 5185, 13, 197, 10438, 197, 971, 14759, 197, 3852, 197, 69216, 3324, 35320, 11, 197, 25742, 197, 21704, 2282, 51565, 1220, 53577, 197, 6091, 2857, 627, 16648, 2752, 14862, 414, 197, 25825, 53577, 197, 5269, 197, 20670, 197, 548, 1942, 455, 3950, 32809, 2282, 89729, 197, 9514, 11, 53577, 81703, 14294, 198, 1820, 197, 6091, 2857, 627, 3923, 197, 3957, 197, 2688, 25653, 33188, 197, 40358, 6391, 21636, 198, 32, 197, 42305, 12734, 2157, 352, 197, 74128, 3253, 35805, 14862, 414, 2157, 14797, 197, 39393, 33188, 27879, 2336, 3324, 83071, 198, 67, 56407, 7145, 1894, 197, 54895, 197, 14075, 43827, 24263, 13, 197, 4897, 9793, 680, 6901, 32809, 13595, 11687, 11, 11575, 70609, 492, 1285, 85786, 688, 88, 7058, 20375, 4771, 6418, 197, 1543, 53577, 11575, 59451, 277, 52203, 13, 25494, 6831, 300, 37296, 68485, 32809, 197, 87160, 64442, 13595, 11687, 9793, 329, 2765, 1142, 44323, 198, 79, 126261, 21947, 13, 13595, 285, 18895, 683, 20501, 197, 15693, 32809, 197, 3833, 349, 627, 16179, 13595, 11687, 753, 3303, 126261, 21947, 6831, 300, 197, 936, 2656, 197, 1729, 11575, 2282, 71034, 17886, 13421, 11, 197, 38128, 198, 16455, 7145, 548, 398, 197, 16219, 17886, 25384, 11, 197, 36046, 197, 94427, 197, 3233, 13, 197, 77641, 11, 17886, 25384, 198, 511, 2407, 17886, 197, 16455, 197, 14965, 197, 548, 197, 46584, 21113, 38128, 11, 197, 86243, 1470, 6572, 197, 548, 2157, 278, 1723, 287, 53577, 198, 86243, 197, 12828, 2498, 20501, 197, 46584, 197, 5807, 442, 4147, 13, 13595, 11687, 9793, 329, 197, 33222, 74242, 268, 11575, 197, 4620, 345, 38128, 99905, 197, 14965, 7145, 548, 398, 1942, 14912, 99696, 32809, 1470, 18938, 82266, 1186, 10036, 13, 197, 4897, 3303, 126261, 21947, 197, 936, 2656, 9793, 285, 198, 63007, 85786, 16809, 1942, 30863, 9824, 13, 7721, 11793, 2157, 592, 9793, 525, 9793, 680, 6901, 32809, 78538, 9793, 318, 198, 86521, 1512, 1260, 32809, 33188, 17886, 13421, 64442, 16868, 4473, 9793, 318, 13, 25494, 1942, 329, 398, 1942, 53470, 4147, 64442, 11, 2157, 537, 197, 14617, 345, 50889, 197, 83543, 16868, 4473, 13595, 11687, 627, 42398, 9793, 329, 74242, 268, 1942, 2084, 287, 3303, 467, 17886, 9793, 285, 197, 2200, 43827, 11575, 38303, 4469, 2223, 197, 35686, 13, 13595, 285, 198, 38083, 3303, 417, 17890, 11575, 197, 3751, 590, 9793, 494, 606, 11, 1470, 371, 285, 606, 13, 41065, 2765, 73047, 88740, 82, 70671, 3532, 6629, 3303, 467, 198, 438, 17886, 45864, 367, 11, 2282, 332, 24263, 64355, 9215, 15329, 94864, 7883, 41027, 13, 6391, 371, 285, 606, 2765, 309, 1154, 33188, 197, 70155, 198, 9125, 197, 1729, 17886, 5923, 5977, 33188, 197, 23452, 44323, 197, 519, 581, 10233, 53577, 197, 2118, 73178, 863, 10473, 1824, 6572, 13, 71267, 198, 723, 684, 11, 2090, 78217, 2157, 2094, 9030, 4954, 17886, 25384, 81664, 3951, 748, 197, 20670, 197, 16219, 13, 33026, 198, 66, 371, 285, 606, 2157, 1037, 13595, 11687, 5306, 94007, 32809, 17886, 13421, 13, 197, 1548, 197, 16219, 291, 3303, 126261, 21947, 17886, 197, 606, 198, 39049, 53577, 6831, 300, 9793, 6432, 1534, 11, 56842, 197, 383, 6831, 300, 3253, 2116, 8986, 2812, 2765, 20274, 44323, 197, 519, 581, 83300, 2345, 198, 24544, 76051, 32809, 197, 11088, 33188, 197, 2118, 1414, 1026, 863, 197, 936, 985, 33188, 3303, 126261, 21947, 13, 10230, 126261, 21947, 11, 197, 4908, 197, 3852, 198, 258, 13421, 11, 20501, 197, 936, 2656, 197, 1729, 2157, 278, 1723, 287, 1470, 6572, 53577, 59451, 14655, 197, 12828, 2498, 11, 98366, 197, 1729, 198, 1414, 1026, 197, 32676, 13, 197, 12484, 4954, 47087, 7679, 53577, 17643, 24177, 197, 12828, 2498, 11, 7145, 1894, 197, 54895, 198, 85134, 32809, 197, 11088, 197, 1414, 1026, 11, 20501, 197, 41917, 2066, 17643, 7601, 13, 197, 4071, 64442, 20501, 98366, 197, 12840, 9793, 680, 6901, 17886, 198, 42398, 753, 2789, 25, 197, 6153, 11575, 1186, 365, 2765, 954, 25653, 197, 519, 581, 83300, 11, 197, 383, 6831, 300, 2765, 16438, 93349, 11, 1942, 455, 3950, 398, 198, 2118, 66, 3149, 49216, 644, 17643, 2786, 11, 33188, 197, 519, 581, 83300, 9793, 329, 17886, 846, 1503, 13595, 11687, 753, 197, 96440, 2282, 6769, 197, 20670, 1186, 4004, 5807, 442, 4147, 9793, 285, 197, 12828, 2498, 13, 13595, 285, 197, 46584, 59451, 14655, 197, 70155, 41393, 6831, 300, 82022, 17886, 198, 86, 11073, 197, 12510, 197, 54895, 64334, 13, 197, 79143, 197, 10924, 862, 287, 197, 5227, 13595, 11687, 197, 16219, 291, 197, 43063, 198, 258, 13421, 13, 41065, 22724, 33188, 3303, 126261, 21947, 197, 32157, 197, 21704, 8986, 29222, 11, 53577, 49081, 398, 197, 19041, 10924, 197, 383, 198, 67, 1142, 13, 11198, 1711, 9793, 285, 43290, 9793, 6432, 2065, 11, 13595, 11687, 2282, 762, 373, 197, 13885, 1599, 48048, 11575, 197, 2118, 9712, 2365, 2476, 198, 276, 197, 519, 581, 62114, 47056, 197, 1414, 76, 64442, 20501, 82022, 84925, 17886, 9793, 4890, 16664, 13, 197, 17555, 581, 83300, 6831, 486, 198, 817, 1752, 197, 69849, 2090, 17886, 13421, 11, 61551, 6831, 300, 13595, 11687, 753, 2765, 92920, 197, 70155, 41393, 13, 71267, 52060, 198, 62230, 11, 33188, 25277, 8838, 10826, 38921, 197, 69216, 197, 34500, 479, 197, 21704, 197, 15886, 291, 13595, 11687, 753, 198, 70155, 41393, 53577, 29724, 29403, 9793, 318, 32809, 33188, 197, 3935, 1244, 481, 17886, 13421, 64442, 16868, 4473, 9793, 318, 627, 29174, 11, 33188, 59451, 589, 1470, 21636, 18895, 660, 33188, 197, 33912, 197, 1593, 44323, 59451, 589, 61551, 3303, 126261, 21947, 627, 1688, 13938, 1942, 70852, 11, 25494, 6831, 300, 2765, 7169, 43827, 8986, 1553, 1186, 9557, 64442, 9753, 291, 43827, 33188, 32809, 14668, 198, 81524, 44323, 11575, 3303, 417, 1479, 2765, 73047, 13, 52792, 25494, 9793, 329, 2765, 1142, 11, 3253, 34401, 197, 12840, 197, 1593, 6831, 619, 9793, 525, 74242, 268, 198, 32340, 25653, 13938, 59451, 589, 1470, 21636, 30, 15420, 1553, 2765, 56407, 13, 197, 24684, 13, 197, 2822, 197, 30348, 44323, 33188, 2765, 73047, 64442, 198, 28010, 50394, 1942, 875, 6831, 619, 9793, 525, 74242, 268, 73052, 291, 627, 7456, 17886, 33188, 2157, 537, 97521, 266, 519, 53577, 64453, 2528, 1470, 2315, 2765, 7217, 43328, 944, 197, 83543, 197, 25742, 82266, 198, 23609, 10413, 2805, 3225, 2066, 33188, 78217, 24263, 197, 936, 4881, 13, 13017, 7596, 44323, 2157, 278, 60621, 197, 49661, 197, 3323, 198, 40967, 685, 33188, 88878, 44323, 33188, 197, 69216, 197, 29502, 32809, 197, 13397, 14779, 287, 197, 936, 4881, 44323, 59451, 589, 61551, 198, 1407, 287, 43827, 33188, 1942, 26989, 44323, 33188, 3303, 16794, 11, 7145, 1894, 197, 54895, 33188, 3324, 1244, 1392, 44323, 33188, 198, 38083, 13, 197, 67171, 9818, 197, 44066, 197, 46151, 64442, 33188, 197, 12393, 197, 96440, 197, 20670, 197, 1593, 6831, 619, 198, 19553, 9793, 680, 6901, 197, 3852, 3195, 13, 33026, 3253, 18958, 2282, 301, 4843, 20501, 64442, 33188, 9215, 15410, 7883, 41027, 44323, 2765, 81, 13602, 198, 438, 197, 782, 54791, 197, 548, 6831, 2419, 33188, 7145, 3267, 13, 15420, 2433, 6831, 14518, 64442, 33188, 197, 1593, 44323, 59451, 589, 25653, 59451, 589, 198, 12525, 25409, 197, 61917, 64355, 32809, 20530, 48048, 33188, 1942, 3037, 1919, 44323, 33188, 20530, 5009, 3324, 73910, 33188, 2765, 56407, 627, 14704, 25712, 2066, 10473, 583, 901, 198, 1271, 197, 8154, 2752, 33188, 197, 71272, 44323, 33188, 78217, 197, 936, 2656, 197, 1729, 33188, 197, 69216, 197, 34500, 479, 345, 25742, 197, 5269, 33188, 3303, 16794, 94036, 74242, 1942, 306, 3324, 83071, 2765, 56407, 197, 39393, 33188, 1942, 953, 27879, 2336, 512, 6806, 9391, 291, 950, 3324, 1244, 1392, 94036, 197, 1593, 9215, 332, 37842, 7604, 43690, 13, 197, 17555, 581, 83300, 11, 197, 15719, 7058, 258, 45864, 38270, 53577, 197, 3751, 590, 3303, 417, 1479, 2765, 81, 13602, 197, 805, 13610, 78217, 33188, 9793, 7282, 198, 37439, 535, 41393, 11, 197, 6802, 1334, 287, 33188, 197, 2968, 32809, 2765, 15505, 197, 14239, 53577, 197, 3518, 30986, 9215, 332, 32930, 627, 22427, 554, 13024, 197, 13406, 9215, 332, 32930, 1942, 1412, 61551, 2157, 3326, 41930, 11, 1470, 17356, 2411, 11, 3303, 354, 49163, 11, 21499, 2910, 53577, 198, 3205, 483, 627, 6806, 197, 9023, 13602, 98138, 2282, 6769, 197, 20670, 197, 548, 32809, 14668, 26, 197, 20670, 60015, 69, 486, 48048, 197, 8416, 47087, 198, 1723, 11, 17886, 43345, 32809, 1942, 455, 1911, 2765, 56407, 1942, 1631, 52273, 13, 197, 21279, 3303, 417, 1479, 53577, 198, 2017, 10826, 64289, 2765, 81, 13602, 197, 98374, 11575, 5306, 561, 2462, 72, 2676, 44323, 2765, 56407, 1942, 1631, 52273, 17643, 5671, 198, 998, 61551, 1602, 3002, 7883, 41027, 627, 6806, 49149, 26117, 197, 42305, 9818, 197, 13885, 21937, 36109, 5759, 5848, 78217, 25653, 33188, 404, 3303, 266, 4167, 13, 197, 4599, 198, 3055, 12816, 197, 41230, 197, 5269, 17972, 11575, 3303, 16794, 6831, 484, 8986, 535, 11, 82266, 3303, 9037, 64442, 33188, 3303, 16794, 6831, 484, 198, 37593, 6831, 1727, 82266, 197, 4151, 197, 33871, 11, 197, 20670, 94036, 40363, 11575, 5311, 12, 1285, 7712, 287, 80344, 50831, 13, 49149, 26117, 42305, 9818, 2765, 263, 1431, 7883, 1055, 14779, 268, 32809, 33188, 404, 3303, 266, 4167, 529, 197, 61665, 82, 53577, 40803, 84996, 345, 55905, 287, 197, 49818, 197, 1752, 197, 54895, 11575, 26388, 1088, 197, 10924, 33188, 3303, 266, 4167, 22087, 54012, 44631, 198, 24738, 52273, 13, 7721, 1412, 26736, 90290, 1942, 370, 354, 425, 197, 606, 44323, 33188, 197, 42305, 12734, 753, 197, 6682, 31780, 1147, 25, 32809, 198, 8823, 53577, 1942, 2870, 33188, 3303, 16794, 197, 20322, 412, 33188, 78755, 556, 197, 383, 6260, 54414, 627, 6806, 197, 8607, 197, 69216, 197, 782, 54791, 11, 197, 16564, 1942, 85392, 11, 197, 69216, 22906, 7145, 954, 53577, 198, 70312, 367, 11, 197, 42305, 2740, 78217, 33188, 36502, 53577, 197, 495, 7253, 197, 1593, 2157, 278, 1723, 53577, 198, 67, 56407, 13, 41065, 197, 47692, 78217, 94036, 197, 27152, 32809, 83381, 5411, 78217, 13, 9796, 268, 5411, 198, 52855, 94036, 197, 1593, 1470, 11967, 53577, 197, 1605, 2765, 1082, 2315, 11, 53577, 2157, 352, 74242, 42531, 291, 32809, 1186, 3049, 198, 7642, 811, 627, 99729, 7721, 1631, 52273, 1602, 31887, 44323, 6391, 1711, 11198, 56407, 198, 2746, 197, 9514, 197, 26797, 197, 69216, 3324, 35320, 11, 14862, 414, 197, 42305, 12734, 197, 4707, 197, 9514, 11575, 197, 20473, 44323, 197, 17800, 198, 438, 11, 197, 66372, 11, 197, 54410, 11575, 197, 20473, 44323, 79316, 32809, 2765, 25296, 14862, 414, 1942, 1631, 52273, 13, 33026, 3303, 30349, 44323, 198, 576, 197, 7323, 20501, 32809, 2765, 72, 3326, 974, 2345, 32809, 48806, 14862, 414, 8360, 44323, 1942, 1631, 52273, 48048, 1942, 15934, 9215, 3690, 198, 15865, 11, 197, 19171, 197, 5391, 61551, 2765, 1082, 2315, 13, 11198, 72, 3326, 20158, 17886, 2090, 2157, 4992, 11, 11575, 2765, 56407, 20501, 198, 42312, 2157, 461, 197, 54895, 11575, 8360, 44323, 1942, 1631, 52273, 13, 197, 6153, 2765, 72, 50915, 11, 43328, 944, 197, 83543, 197, 18109, 708, 198, 5391, 61551, 197, 2118, 37037, 2398, 292, 863, 197, 83543, 26, 197, 2118, 37037, 863, 197, 28, 197, 69849, 11, 53577, 197, 2118, 2398, 292, 863, 197, 28, 2765, 56407, 340, 69191, 750, 85786, 21854, 32809, 197, 2118, 3427, 197, 69849, 863, 33188, 1942, 1631, 52273, 44323, 2765, 56407, 627, 29012, 52273, 197, 548, 70154, 34828, 197, 3323, 2282, 6769, 197, 20670, 36547, 2193, 14862, 414, 197, 54203, 26, 197, 20670, 197, 548, 198, 359, 45007, 53577, 60015, 69, 486, 48048, 14862, 414, 197, 2968, 32809, 7679, 11, 2282, 332], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " a bit of research with both plants and animals \u2013 and, \nagain, get his book, \u201cSea Energy Agriculture.\u201d \nMike : Can people buy that through bookstores, or is this only through your site and the publisher\u2019s site? \nHartman : I\u2019ve even seen it on Amazon, so try Amazon or Acres USA, which is the publisher, or go \nthrough our website. \nMike : Okay, wonderful. I\u2019m going to do some testing with your product on some sprouts and \nhydroponic plants. \nHow remineralization can reduce appetite cravings and produce natural \nweight loss\nHartman : That sparks something in me that I haven\u2019t said. You know, one of the results that I noticed \nwhen I was drinking Ocean Grown and Ocean Solution -fed wheatgrass is that, as the food gets better, it\u2019s \nmore efficient on whatever consumes that food. For instance, in Florida, where our company is located, \ncattle graze on what looks like the most beautiful grass for 18 hours a day. From before dawn to after \ndusk, they\u2019re grazing, and that seems peculiar because it seems like an inordinately long period of time \nto get their proper nutrition. But if you go to other parts of the country where you know that the soils \nare richer in minerals, cattle may graze only three or four hours a day. What you\u2019ll notice when you \nstart eating seawater-fed fruits and vegetables is that you\u2019ll be satisfied much earlier. You\u2019ll eat less, and \nyou\u2019ll lose weight if you\u2019re overweight. This is what happened to me. \nMike : I just did a report on this saying the exact same thing. Those cravings for empty carbohydrates \ngo away once you are remineralized, because you just don\u2019t have that desire for minerals. In a bigger \nsense, this is an interesting way to reframe tsunamis and hurricanes and natural disasters. I mean, aren\u2019t \nthese events, in some sense, the planet\u2019s way of remineralizing the land? \nHartman : Well, I don\u2019t know, and now that you mention it, there was an article a couple weeks ago about \nhow the farmers were noticing after the tsunami near Sri Lanka that the fields were just phenomenally \naltered in a good way. \n\u0018\u0018seawater Minerals and the Coming Agricultural Revolution\nMike : I haven\u2019t seen that. \nHartman : I\u2019ll email you the article, but it says exactly that\u2014it\u2019s the planet\u2019s way to remineralize. Think \nabout it: I know the hurricane in New Orleans happened not long ago, but the levy system that runs \ndown the Mississippi River and other dams in the world are ways man has come along and inhibited \nthe planet\u2019s ability to replenish itself. Nutrient-laden rivers are no longer able to flood and replenish the \nland. That\u2019s what\u2019s going on. I mean, that\u2019s the way it should\u2019ve been done with tsunamis and annual \nflooding, but we don\u2019t allow it anymore. \nMike : Right. Again, for those reading, I\u2019m talking with John Hartman of Ocean Grown, at \nOceanGrown.com, and the products you have are Ocean Solution and Sea Solution, which are both \nconcentrated ocean water loaded with natural minerals, 90 elements, as you said. \nHartman : And aerobic bacteria. \nMike : And aerobic bacteria. This is for your garden, for your produce and for boosting your personal \nhealth through the foods you eat. Is there anything else you\u2019d like to add to that, John? \nHartman : We could continue forever, but I appreciate your time, Mike, and we\u2019re happy to help anybody \nthrough the process of using our product. They\u2019re welcome to call or write, and we\u2019ll respond. \nMike : Wonderful, and thank you again for your time. \nGet instant access to more exclusive reports absolutely FREE!\nSubscribe to the NewsTarget.com e-mail newsletter (it\u2019s free!) and you\u2019ll receive an e-mail news alert \neach weekday with the latest breaking news and alerts on natural health, green living and more. You\u2019ll \nalso get exclusive access to over 15 free reports and interviews with today\u2019s top experts in natural health \nand green living.\nSubscribe today! Visit www.NewsTarget.com/ReaderRegistration.html\nCopyright \u00a9 2007 by Truth Publishing International, Ltd.\nAll rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.\n<|eot_id|><|begin_of_text|> What they say about OP \u2013 A few extracts\nI have been doing OP since two years with my family members. It is ahealthy and good habit\nand has no side effects.\n- Dr. Arvind M. Sangolli, M.S., Consultant Surgeon (ENT), Bangalore\nI am a retired government medical officer. Now a day, diseases are developing fast, people\nare exploited by costly drugs, tests and fees and poor people cannot afford. You know our\ncountry is poor and the medical treatment cost is much more than before. You have to be\ncongratulated for the meritorious work in spreading OP to nook and corner of A.P and helping the\npoor to get rid of diseases cheaply, safely and that by staying at home without drugs, tests and\nfees.\n- Dr.S.Subbarao, Vijayawada, A.P\nOP brings out phlegm from the body. Phlegm is poison. Removal of this brings life, energy, light\nand shine to the body. I can say with 58 years experience in Ayurveda, that\nOP is a therapy of potency and power to bring health to people.\n- Dr. T. Madhusudhana Rao, Ayurveda Practioner, Nuzvid.\nIn case of joint pains the improvement that would have resulted in eight months with my\nmedicines, have come within two moths of OP. For allergy, asthma and tooth diseases,\nthe results are wonderful.\n- Dr.S.Chandramouli, Homeopath, Gollalamamidalam, E.G. Dt., A. P\nThis therapy is very simple and inexpensive. Based on the benefits I gained, I strongly\nrecommend this therapy to heart patients as well as people suffering from asthma\nand other lung infections. It has many good effects and therefore all can practice.\n- Prof. M.S.Naidu, PhD, IISc, Bangalore\nI am recommending OP to others. I use gingely oil. All members of my household\nare now practicing OP. OP is a magic and wonder cure for all diseases.\n- Prof C S Mahadevan, Chennai, Tamil Nadu\nI am 82 years old. I have been suffering from constipation and piles for the last four\ndecades. Within two weeks of practicing OP, I started getting relief. Inflammation and piles\ndecreased. Decades old pain has gone just by doing OP with gingelly (sesame) oil.It is good for\nall to practice.\n- Padma Bhusan, Sri Kalogi Narayana Rao, People's Poet,Tirupathi, A.P\n \u201cMany think it is a simple therapy. True it is simple, cheap, safe and sure therapy. It is gentle and\nkind to the afflicted - a divine gift to the suffering humanity. \"Practice it and become healthy \u201d.\n- Swami Swaroopananda Bharati, Hyderabad\nI am practicing OP daily. It is very good. I am instructing all my devotees to practice OP and they\nare practicing.\n- Swami Devananda, The Divine Life Society Rishikesh, U.P\nOP has been brought into light and has gained great popularity and is spreading further day by\nday. Those who are practicing and having faith believe that it is the nectarine gift of God to the\npeople.\n- A.Lakshmaiah S.P (Rtd), Visakhapatnam, A.P\nPeople are able to regain health by OP introduced by you. \u2018Health is great Wealth\u2019 is a saying.\nYou have given this great wealth to the people of Andhra through OP with just one spoon of oil,\nwhich costs very little.\n- Bujji.Y, Rayalacheruvu, A.P\nEnsnared by the modern methods of living, people are loosing the God given health. For those\npoor souls sufferin g from diseases your \u201cWonderful OP Therapy\u201d is a \u201cLight of Hope\u201d.\n- P.Satyanarayana, Guntur\nLarge number of people in Andhra Pradesh regained their health by practicing your advice. So\nmany people, who got rid of their diseases, are going forward in their lives with renewed health\nand enthusiasm.\n- R.S Narayana, Tirupathi\nSMALL BOOK ON\nOIL PULLING\nA UNIVERSAL REMEDY\nIntroduction\nAt the dawn of twenty first century it causes doubt, disbelief and astonishment, if one advises you\nto practice a therapy, which cures most diseases. In the past twelve years the curative results of\n\"Oil Pulling\u201d (OP) of thousands of people provides proof beyond doubt. It is described as the 'Best\nDrugless Therapy' a cure for most diseases.\nThe aim of this pamphlet is to provide the essential details about OP to help you to cure yourself\nby practicing at home.\nDr F Karach, who proposed the oil treatment at a conference of oncologists and bacteriologists in\nUDSSR, said most different diseases, could be totally cured without medicines or surgery. \"With\noil therapy I have cured my chronic blood disease with which I suffered for 15 years. It healed in\nthree days an acute arthritis\".\nDiseases curable\nDr F Karach said", "token_ids": [264, 2766, 315, 3495, 449, 2225, 11012, 323, 10099, 1389, 323, 11, 720, 33871, 11, 636, 813, 2363, 11, 1054, 60261, 12634, 37963, 2029, 720, 35541, 551, 3053, 1274, 3780, 430, 1555, 2363, 44569, 11, 477, 374, 420, 1193, 1555, 701, 2816, 323, 279, 21959, 753, 2816, 30, 720, 39, 472, 1543, 551, 358, 4070, 1524, 3970, 433, 389, 8339, 11, 779, 1456, 8339, 477, 83559, 7427, 11, 902, 374, 279, 21959, 11, 477, 733, 720, 20322, 1057, 3997, 13, 720, 35541, 551, 36539, 11, 11364, 13, 358, 4344, 2133, 311, 656, 1063, 7649, 449, 701, 2027, 389, 1063, 8314, 11934, 323, 720, 67229, 621, 292, 11012, 13, 720, 4438, 43650, 3333, 2065, 649, 8108, 38575, 89928, 323, 8356, 5933, 720, 4870, 4814, 198, 39, 472, 1543, 551, 3011, 76883, 2555, 304, 757, 430, 358, 9167, 1431, 1071, 13, 1472, 1440, 11, 832, 315, 279, 3135, 430, 358, 14000, 720, 9493, 358, 574, 16558, 22302, 480, 4935, 220, 323, 22302, 12761, 482, 52223, 34153, 54454, 374, 430, 11, 439, 279, 3691, 5334, 2731, 11, 433, 753, 720, 6518, 11297, 389, 8996, 60606, 430, 3691, 13, 1789, 2937, 11, 304, 9784, 11, 1405, 1057, 2883, 374, 7559, 11, 720, 66, 4730, 28699, 3059, 389, 1148, 5992, 1093, 279, 1455, 6366, 16763, 369, 220, 972, 4207, 264, 1938, 13, 5659, 1603, 39493, 311, 1306, 720, 67, 33879, 11, 814, 3207, 84550, 11, 323, 430, 5084, 44797, 1606, 433, 5084, 1093, 459, 304, 6114, 2718, 1317, 4261, 315, 892, 720, 998, 636, 872, 6300, 26677, 13, 2030, 422, 499, 733, 311, 1023, 5596, 315, 279, 3224, 1405, 499, 1440, 430, 279, 69561, 720, 548, 59774, 304, 34072, 11, 36952, 1253, 28699, 3059, 1193, 2380, 477, 3116, 4207, 264, 1938, 13, 3639, 499, 4805, 5406, 994, 499, 720, 2527, 12459, 67329, 977, 79100, 26390, 323, 24822, 374, 430, 499, 4805, 387, 20097, 1790, 6931, 13, 1472, 4805, 8343, 2753, 11, 323, 720, 9514, 4805, 9229, 4785, 422, 499, 3207, 50254, 13, 1115, 374, 1148, 7077, 311, 757, 13, 720, 35541, 551, 358, 1120, 1550, 264, 1934, 389, 420, 5605, 279, 4839, 1890, 3245, 13, 13266, 89928, 369, 4384, 62345, 720, 3427, 3201, 3131, 499, 527, 43650, 3333, 1534, 11, 1606, 499, 1120, 1541, 1431, 617, 430, 12876, 369, 34072, 13, 763, 264, 11493, 720, 98935, 11, 420, 374, 459, 7185, 1648, 311, 312, 6906, 10814, 359, 309, 285, 323, 90127, 323, 5933, 51751, 13, 358, 3152, 11, 7784, 1431, 720, 45010, 4455, 11, 304, 1063, 5647, 11, 279, 11841, 753, 1648, 315, 43650, 3333, 4954, 279, 4363, 30, 720, 39, 472, 1543, 551, 8489, 11, 358, 1541, 1431, 1440, 11, 323, 1457, 430, 499, 6420, 433, 11, 1070, 574, 459, 4652, 264, 5743, 5672, 4227, 922, 720, 5269, 279, 20957, 1051, 62464, 1306, 279, 72155, 3221, 34445, 43579, 430, 279, 5151, 1051, 1120, 17151, 750, 720, 278, 34259, 304, 264, 1695, 1648, 13, 720, 212, 212, 325, 675, 977, 84886, 323, 279, 40991, 60134, 22910, 198, 35541, 551, 358, 9167, 1431, 3970, 430, 13, 720, 39, 472, 1543, 551, 358, 4805, 2613, 499, 279, 4652, 11, 719, 433, 2795, 7041, 430, 44603, 753, 279, 11841, 753, 1648, 311, 43650, 3333, 553, 13, 21834, 720, 9274, 433, 25, 358, 1440, 279, 49784, 304, 1561, 27008, 7077, 539, 1317, 4227, 11, 719, 279, 77162, 1887, 430, 8640, 720, 2996, 279, 29538, 11188, 323, 1023, 83625, 304, 279, 1917, 527, 5627, 893, 706, 2586, 3235, 323, 99669, 720, 1820, 11841, 753, 5845, 311, 70543, 819, 5196, 13, 18878, 13283, 2922, 21825, 36617, 527, 912, 5129, 3025, 311, 18197, 323, 70543, 819, 279, 720, 1974, 13, 3011, 753, 1148, 753, 2133, 389, 13, 358, 3152, 11, 430, 753, 279, 1648, 433, 1288, 4070, 1027, 2884, 449, 10814, 359, 309, 285, 323, 9974, 720, 90906, 3785, 11, 719, 584, 1541, 1431, 2187, 433, 14926, 13, 720, 35541, 551, 10291, 13, 14077, 11, 369, 1884, 5403, 11, 358, 4344, 7556, 449, 3842, 23750, 1543, 315, 22302, 480, 4935, 11, 520, 720, 97283, 38, 4935, 916, 1174, 323, 279, 3956, 499, 617, 527, 22302, 12761, 220, 323, 15379, 12761, 1174, 902, 527, 2225, 720, 444, 1189, 55373, 18435, 3090, 6799, 449, 5933, 34072, 11, 220, 1954, 5540, 11, 439, 499, 1071, 13, 720, 39, 472, 1543, 551, 1628, 91490, 24032, 13, 720, 35541, 551, 1628, 91490, 24032, 13, 1115, 374, 369, 701, 13863, 11, 369, 701, 8356, 323, 369, 56028, 701, 4443, 720, 12393, 1555, 279, 15657, 499, 8343, 13, 2209, 1070, 4205, 775, 499, 7070, 1093, 311, 923, 311, 430, 11, 3842, 30, 720, 39, 472, 1543, 551, 1226, 1436, 3136, 16058, 11, 719, 358, 15763, 701, 892, 11, 11519, 11, 323, 584, 3207, 6380, 311, 1520, 21739, 720, 20322, 279, 1920, 315, 1701, 1057, 2027, 13, 2435, 3207, 10788, 311, 1650, 477, 3350, 11, 323, 584, 4805, 6013, 13, 720, 35541, 551, 68963, 11, 323, 9901, 499, 1578, 369, 701, 892, 13, 720, 1991, 9888, 2680, 311, 810, 14079, 6821, 11112, 16655, 4999, 29673, 311, 279, 5513, 6531, 916, 384, 11724, 20846, 320, 275, 753, 1949, 16715, 323, 499, 4805, 5371, 459, 384, 11724, 3754, 5225, 720, 9739, 47678, 449, 279, 5652, 15061, 3754, 323, 30350, 389, 5933, 2890, 11, 6307, 5496, 323, 810, 13, 1472, 4805, 720, 19171, 636, 14079, 2680, 311, 927, 220, 868, 1949, 6821, 323, 19905, 449, 3432, 753, 1948, 11909, 304, 5933, 2890, 720, 438, 6307, 5496, 627, 29673, 3432, 0, 19545, 8604, 96183, 6531, 916, 14, 5172, 24253, 2628, 198, 13857, 7388, 220, 1049, 22, 555, 30198, 37933, 7327, 11, 12604, 627, 2460, 3268, 4694, 11, 2737, 279, 1314, 315, 39656, 304, 4459, 477, 304, 961, 304, 904, 1376, 627, 128009, 128000, 792, 3639, 814, 2019, 922, 13435, 1389, 362, 2478, 49062, 198, 40, 617, 1027, 3815, 13435, 2533, 1403, 1667, 449, 856, 3070, 3697, 13, 220, 1102, 374, 264, 38128, 323, 1695, 14464, 198, 438, 706, 912, 3185, 6372, 16853, 12, 2999, 13, 1676, 85, 485, 386, 13, 52022, 337, 747, 11, 386, 815, 2637, 56546, 57257, 263, 320, 1863, 705, 59225, 198, 40, 1097, 264, 22311, 3109, 6593, 9640, 13, 256, 4800, 264, 1938, 11, 19338, 527, 11469, 5043, 11, 220, 1274, 198, 548, 51763, 555, 34348, 11217, 11, 7177, 323, 12718, 323, 8009, 1274, 4250, 10150, 13, 1472, 1440, 1057, 198, 11389, 374, 8009, 323, 279, 6593, 6514, 2853, 374, 1790, 810, 1109, 1603, 13, 1472, 617, 311, 387, 198, 444, 911, 266, 7913, 369, 279, 4809, 1960, 1245, 990, 304, 31135, 13435, 311, 912, 564, 323, 9309, 315, 362, 1087, 323, 10695, 279, 198, 5481, 269, 311, 636, 9463, 315, 19338, 12136, 398, 11, 21676, 323, 430, 555, 19994, 520, 2162, 2085, 11217, 11, 7177, 323, 198, 1897, 288, 627, 12, 2999, 815, 12672, 2308, 3524, 11, 79127, 352, 675, 2649, 11, 362, 1087, 198, 3143, 12716, 704, 1343, 1978, 76, 505, 279, 2547, 13, 2405, 1978, 76, 374, 21109, 13, 57817, 315, 420, 12716, 2324, 11, 4907, 11, 3177, 198, 438, 33505, 311, 279, 2547, 13, 358, 649, 2019, 449, 220, 2970, 256, 1667, 3217, 304, 24852, 80627, 64, 11, 220, 430, 198, 3143, 374, 264, 15419, 315, 77229, 323, 256, 2410, 311, 4546, 2890, 311, 1274, 627, 12, 2999, 13, 350, 13, 9671, 13092, 664, 84203, 89000, 11, 24852, 80627, 64, 393, 16597, 261, 11, 452, 5308, 1325, 627, 644, 1162, 315, 10496, 51266, 279, 16048, 430, 1053, 617, 19543, 304, 8223, 4038, 449, 856, 198, 2106, 292, 1572, 11, 617, 2586, 2949, 1403, 4647, 17323, 315, 13435, 13, 256, 1789, 60754, 11, 51643, 323, 26588, 19338, 345, 1820, 3135, 527, 11364, 627, 12, 2999, 815, 6487, 438, 2453, 283, 747, 11, 5492, 36211, 11, 480, 980, 17243, 309, 307, 17243, 11, 469, 1246, 13, 95251, 2637, 362, 13, 393, 198, 2028, 15419, 374, 1633, 4382, 323, 44252, 13, 20817, 389, 279, 7720, 358, 18661, 11, 358, 16917, 198, 67689, 420, 15419, 311, 4851, 6978, 439, 1664, 439, 1274, 16066, 505, 51643, 198, 438, 1023, 21271, 30020, 13, 1102, 706, 1690, 1695, 6372, 323, 9093, 682, 649, 6725, 627, 12, 8626, 13, 386, 815, 2112, 36901, 11, 30661, 11, 358, 1669, 66, 11, 59225, 198, 40, 1097, 65774, 13435, 311, 3885, 13, 358, 1005, 67193, 989, 5707, 13, 2052, 3697, 315, 856, 14048, 198, 548, 1457, 36666, 13435, 13, 13435, 374, 264, 11204, 323, 5895, 27208, 369, 682, 19338, 627, 12, 8626, 356, 328, 16566, 1037, 16023, 11, 64921, 11, 44883, 75905, 198, 40, 1097, 220, 6086, 1667, 2362, 13, 358, 617, 1027, 16066, 505, 738, 49686, 323, 59872, 369, 279, 1566, 3116, 198, 8332, 3536, 13, 25218, 1403, 5672, 315, 36666, 13435, 11, 358, 3940, 3794, 16337, 13, 763, 45864, 367, 323, 59872, 198, 451, 846, 1503, 13, 3799, 3536, 2362, 6784, 706, 8208, 1120, 555, 3815, 13435, 449, 67193, 12160, 320, 9459, 373, 8, 5707, 662, 2181, 374, 1695, 369, 198, 543, 311, 6725, 627, 12, 26367, 1764, 426, 13092, 276, 11, 34445, 27930, 64977, 29853, 352, 3444, 89000, 11, 9029, 596, 14128, 295, 1174, 51, 404, 455, 67631, 11, 362, 1087, 198, 1054, 8607, 1781, 433, 374, 264, 4382, 15419, 13, 3082, 433, 374, 4382, 11, 12136, 11, 6220, 323, 2771, 15419, 13, 1102, 374, 22443, 323, 198, 15674, 311, 279, 92268, 482, 264, 30467, 8352, 311, 279, 16066, 22706, 13, 330, 89592, 433, 323, 3719, 9498, 19524, 627, 12, 4593, 10830, 4593, 17606, 454, 276, 10018, 67692, 9491, 11, 69547, 198, 40, 1097, 36666, 13435, 7446, 13, 1102, 374, 1633, 1695, 13, 358, 1097, 21745, 287, 682, 856, 48772, 288, 311, 6725, 13435, 323, 814, 198, 548, 36666, 627, 12, 4593, 10830, 6168, 276, 10018, 11, 578, 43361, 9601, 13581, 432, 819, 1609, 4385, 11, 549, 1087, 198, 3143, 706, 1027, 7263, 1139, 3177, 323, 706, 18661, 2294, 23354, 323, 374, 31135, 4726, 1938, 555, 198, 1316, 13, 13266, 889, 527, 36666, 323, 3515, 10082, 4510, 430, 433, 374, 279, 308, 39916, 483, 8352, 315, 4359, 311, 279, 198, 16455, 627, 12, 362, 1236, 587, 939, 1764, 19870, 220, 328, 1087, 320, 49, 1320, 705, 7811, 22506, 26844, 12682, 11, 362, 1087, 198, 16298, 527, 3025, 311, 49655, 2890, 555, 13435, 11784, 555, 499, 13, 3451, 14884, 374, 2294, 60841, 529, 374, 264, 5605, 627, 2675, 617, 2728, 420, 2294, 12205, 311, 279, 1274, 315, 1628, 73010, 1555, 13435, 449, 1120, 832, 46605, 315, 5707, 345, 8370, 7194, 1633, 2697, 627, 12, 426, 9832, 7910, 7659, 11, 13558, 278, 11252, 12328, 84, 11, 362, 1087, 198, 1737, 9810, 1636, 555, 279, 6617, 5528, 315, 5496, 11, 1274, 527, 781, 14759, 279, 4359, 2728, 2890, 13, 1789, 1884, 198, 5481, 269, 35826, 7831, 258, 342, 505, 19338, 701, 1054, 62372, 1285, 13435, 40143, 863, 374, 264, 1054, 14235, 315, 18231, 113068, 12, 393, 815, 266, 8503, 277, 352, 3444, 11, 480, 3935, 324, 198, 35353, 1396, 315, 1274, 304, 1628, 73010, 43458, 86025, 872, 2890, 555, 36666, 701, 9650, 13, 2100, 198, 35676, 1274, 11, 889, 2751, 9463, 315, 872, 19338, 11, 527, 2133, 4741, 304, 872, 6439, 449, 36646, 2890, 198, 438, 36232, 627, 12, 432, 815, 29853, 352, 3444, 11, 83655, 455, 67631, 198, 9691, 4006, 48198, 220, 6328, 198, 46, 1750, 393, 1452, 1753, 198, 32, 65899, 984, 26669, 1507, 56, 198, 38255, 198, 1688, 279, 39493, 315, 17510, 1176, 9478, 433, 11384, 10712, 11, 74354, 323, 37473, 16409, 11, 422, 832, 70074, 499, 198, 998, 6725, 264, 15419, 11, 902, 272, 1439, 1455, 19338, 13, 763, 279, 3347, 30335, 1667, 279, 2917, 1413, 3135, 315, 198, 1, 78009, 32928, 287, 863, 320, 3143, 8, 315, 9214, 315, 1274, 5825, 11311, 7953, 10712, 13, 1102, 374, 7633, 439, 279, 364, 14809, 198, 78893, 1752, 40143, 6, 264, 27208, 369, 1455, 19338, 627, 791, 9395, 315, 420, 75931, 1169, 374, 311, 3493, 279, 7718, 3649, 922, 13435, 311, 1520, 499, 311, 27208, 6261, 198, 1729, 36666, 520, 2162, 627, 9023, 435, 13528, 613, 11, 889, 11223, 279, 5707, 6514, 520, 264, 10017, 315, 78970, 22012, 323, 17854, 72, 22012, 304, 198, 4760, 1242, 49, 11, 1071, 1455, 2204, 19338, 11, 1436, 387, 12756, 64688, 2085, 39653, 477, 15173, 13, 330, 2409, 198, 74913, 15419, 358, 617, 64688, 856, 21249, 6680, 8624, 449, 902, 358, 16654, 369, 220, 868, 1667, 13, 1102, 62320, 304, 198, 28956, 2919, 459, 30883, 55652, 23811, 35, 1082, 2315, 2917, 481, 198, 9023, 435, 13528, 613, 1071], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " is new, the process itself is not. There\nhave always been patients who do not follow the normal\ncourse of healing. A tiny minority, for example, do not\nwaste away from cancer; others have tumors that grow\nmuch more slowly than what the statistics for their\ndiseases predict. Many cures that share mysterious origins\n\u2014faith healing, spontaneous remissions, and the e\ufb00ective\nuse of placebos, or \u201cdummy drugs\u201d\u2014also point toward a\nquantum leap. Why? Because in all of these instances, the\nfaculty of inner awareness seems to have promoted a\ndrastic jump\u2014a quantum leap\u2014in the healing mechanism.\nConsciousness is a force that most of us undervalue.\nGenerally we do not focus our inner awareness or use its\nreal power, even in the most di\ufb00icult moments of crisis.\nThat may account for why \u201cmiracle\u201d cures are greeted with\na mixture of awe, disbel ief, and reverence. Yet, everyone\npossesses consciousness. Perhaps these miracles are\nextensions of normal abilities. When your body mends a\nbroken bone, why is that not a miracle? As a healing\nprocess, it is certainly complex, far too complex for\nmedicine to duplicate; it involves an incredible number of\nperfectly synchronized processes, of which medici ne knows\nonly the major ones and those imperfectly.\nThe reason why curing cancer by yourself is a miracle but\nmending a broken arm is not comes down to the mind-body\nconnection: The broken bone seems to mend itself\nphysically, without the intervention of your mind; yet, a\nspontaneous cure of cancer\u2014so it is widely believed\u2014depends on a special quality of mind, some deep will to live,\na heroically positive outlook, or some other rare capacity.\nThis implies that there are two kinds of healing, one that is\nnormal, the other abnormal, or at least exceptional.\nI belie ve that this distinction is false. The broken arm\nmends because consciousness makes it mend, and the same\nholds true for the miraculous cancer cure, the long-term\nsurvival of AIDS, the healing by faith, and even the ability\nto live to a great old age without falling prey to disease.\nThe reason why not everyone manages to take the healing\nprocess as far as it can go is that we di\ufb00er drastically in our\nability to mobilize it.\nWe can see this in the way that di\ufb00erent people react to\ndisease. A minute fraction, far less than 1 percent, of all the\npatients who contract an incurable disease manage to cure\nthemselves. A larger fraction, but still under 5 percent, live\nmuch longer than average\u2014this is con\ufb01rmed in the 2\npercent of AIDS patients who have survived longer than\neight years, while the vast majority do not survive beyond\ntwo. These \ufb01nding s are not restricted to incurable disea ses.\nStudies have generally shown that only 20 percent of\npatients with serious but treatable disorders recover with\nexcellent results. That leaves nearly 80 percent who either\ndo not recover or only partially recover. Why is\nunsuccessful healing so far out of proportion? What marks\na survivor as opposed to a non-survivor?\nApparently the successful patients have learned to\nmotivate their own healing, and the most successful have\ngone much further than that. They have found the secret of\nquantum healing. They are the geniuses of the mind-body\nconnection. Modern medicine cannot even begin to\nduplicate their cures, because no cure that relies on drugs\nor surgery is so precisely timed, so beautifully coordinated,\nso benign and free of side e\ufb00ects, so e\ufb00ortless as theirs.\nTheir ability springs from a level so deep that you cannotgo any deepe r. If we knew what their brains were doing to\nmotivate their bodies, we would have the basic unit of the\nhealing process in our hands.\n\u2014\nAs yet, medicine has not taken the quantum leap, and the\nword quantum has no clinical application. Because\nquantum physics works with ultra-high-speed accelerators,\nyou may think that quantum healing uses radioisotopes or\nX rays. But that is the opposite of what it means. Quantum\nhealing moves away from external, high-technology\nmethods toward the deepest core of the mind-body system.\nThis core is where healing begins. To go there and learn to\npromote the healing response, you must get past all the\ngrosser levels of the body\u2014cells, tissues, organs, and\nsystems\u2014and arrive at the junction point between mind\nand matter, the point where consciousness actually starts\nto have an e\ufb00ect.\nThe quantum itself\u2014what it is, how it behaves\u2014takes up\nthe \ufb01rst half of this book. The second half then blends the\nquantum into Ayurveda, making a marriage of two cultures\nwhile trying to arrive at one answer. The scienti\ufb01c\nworldview of the West surprisingly supports the vision of\nthe ancient sages of India. This is a journey that breaks\ndown barriers and ignores cultural fences. To me, the\nwhole story has to be found out. Chitra asked me for it, and\nso I am writing for her and all patients like her. Until they\n\ufb01nd an answer, their lives still hang in the balance.\nEXPANDING THE TOPIC\nMuch can be said in favor of consciousness a\ufb00ecting the\nbody, to the extent that the gap between \u201cnormal\u201d healingand \u201cmiraculous\u201d healing has closed even more over the\npast few decades. The main obstacle, as far as mainstream\nmedicine is concerned, is a \ufb01xed belief that the body\noperates entirely like a physical machine. If that were so,\nthe following experiment would have failed.\nThe experiment was the brainchild of the pioneering\nwork of Harvard psycholo gist Ellen Langer, who as far back\nas 1981 was testing the possibility that aging has a major\nmental component. (The notion is actually ancient in origin.\nThe medieva l Indian philosopher and sage Adi Shankara\ndeclared that people grow old and die because they see\nother people grow old and die.)\nIn 1981, Langer took eight men in their seventies, all in\ngood health but exhibiting signs of age, and immersed\nthem for \ufb01ve days in an environment that was like time\ntravel going back to 1959, including the music and\ntelevision of the period, along with the movies and events\nin the news. The men were told to act as if they were their\nyounger selves, becau se Langer had alrea dy done\nexperiments in which memory loss in the elderly could\nsometimes be reversed by giving subjects an incentive to\nremember. In other words, the mind was being motivated\nto a\ufb00ect the body.\nBefore enter ing the time-capsule environment, the men\nwere tested on various markers of aging such as grip\nstrength, dexterity, and how well they could hear and see.\nAt the end of the \ufb01ve days, the group had improved on\nseven out of eight measures, including better vision, a\nstartling \ufb01nding. They looked younger as assessed by\noutside judges. Thirty-three years ago Langer was\nproceeding more or less intuitively, without the knowledge\ninto gene expression and neuroplasticity that we can turn\nto today (more on those breakthroughs in later \u201cExpanding\nthe T opic\u201d sections).In another startling experiment, Langer went into a\nretirement home and divided her subjects into two groups.\nBoth were given some houseplants for their room. One\ngroup was told that they were responsible for keeping the\nplants alive, and that they could make choices in their own\ndaily schedule. The other group was told that the sta\ufb00\nwould tend the plants, and in addition they were given no\nchoice in their \ufb01xed daily schedule. At the end of eighteen\nmonths, twice as many subjects in the \ufb01rst group were still\nalive compared with the second group. (The same rationale\nlies behind the accepted practice of giving the elderly a pet\nto take care of. At the very least it improves their mood and\nquality of life. It may prolong their lives as well.)\nAging and healing have in common that they have long\nbeen viewed as \ufb01xed processes based on strict physical\nlimitations. An invisible factor like making your own\nchoices abou t how to spend your day never \ufb01gured into the\ncalculation. This bias has been shifting for quite a while,\nbut only the beginning signs were evident when Quantum\nHealing appeared. Today what\u2019s important isn\u2019t the\nacceptance of conscious ness as a factor in healing\u2014that\nbattle has been won, more or less. Instead we need a set of\nnew assumptions about how far consciousness can go to\nalter healing and aging, not to mention intractable chronic\npain, addictions, dependency on prescription drugs,\nrecovery from surgery, and so on.\nHere are the basic assumptions I\u2019d suggest:\n1.Mind comes before matter.\n2.Mental choices originate the messages that change\norgans, tissues, and cells.\n3.The body is \ufb02uid and dynamic, not \ufb01xed and\ndetermined.4.Genes express whatever a person desires. They\noperate through switches that the mind can access.\n5.The mind-body system is a feedback loop where input\nand output have many determinants, including\nlifestyle, environment, behavior, beliefs, and past\nconditioning.\n6.Th", "token_ids": [374, 502, 11, 279, 1920, 5196, 374, 539, 13, 2684, 198, 19553, 2744, 1027, 6978, 889, 656, 539, 1833, 279, 4725, 198, 12120, 315, 21730, 13, 362, 13987, 23413, 1174, 369, 3187, 11, 656, 539, 198, 86, 5642, 3201, 505, 9572, 26, 3885, 617, 56071, 430, 3139, 198, 59178, 810, 14297, 1109, 1148, 279, 13443, 369, 872, 198, 67, 1082, 2315, 7168, 13, 9176, 272, 1439, 430, 4430, 26454, 33472, 198, 2345, 75710, 21730, 11, 54557, 1323, 16935, 11, 323, 279, 384, 171, 105, 222, 96978, 198, 817, 315, 2035, 79548, 11, 477, 1054, 32490, 11217, 63750, 19171, 1486, 9017, 264, 198, 31548, 372, 32571, 13, 8595, 30, 9393, 304, 682, 315, 1521, 13422, 11, 279, 198, 86268, 315, 9358, 17985, 5084, 311, 617, 30026, 264, 198, 3696, 5174, 7940, 29096, 31228, 32571, 49525, 279, 21730, 17383, 627, 1128, 23995, 2136, 374, 264, 5457, 430, 1455, 315, 603, 2073, 651, 542, 627, 77641, 584, 656, 539, 5357, 1057, 9358, 17985, 477, 1005, 1202, 198, 8110, 2410, 1174, 1524, 304, 279, 1455, 1891, 171, 105, 222, 3951, 14269, 315, 11501, 627, 4897, 1253, 2759, 369, 3249, 1054, 20531, 8061, 863, 272, 1439, 527, 44865, 449, 198, 64, 21655, 315, 51517, 11, 834, 9978, 602, 830, 11, 323, 98464, 13, 14968, 11, 5127, 198, 9007, 65970, 25917, 13, 19292, 1521, 71912, 527, 198, 28709, 315, 4725, 18000, 13, 3277, 701, 2547, 296, 1438, 264, 198, 50009, 17685, 11, 3249, 374, 430, 539, 264, 45125, 30, 1666, 264, 21730, 198, 4734, 11, 433, 374, 7995, 6485, 11, 3117, 2288, 6485, 369, 198, 83543, 311, 23329, 26, 433, 18065, 459, 15400, 1396, 315, 198, 64185, 398, 22183, 11618, 11, 315, 902, 1812, 3457, 841, 8964, 198, 3323, 279, 3682, 6305, 323, 1884, 69063, 398, 16853, 791, 2944, 3249, 97330, 9572, 555, 6261, 374, 264, 45125, 719, 198, 76, 2518, 264, 11102, 6916, 374, 539, 4131, 1523, 311, 279, 4059, 9534, 198, 7898, 25, 578, 11102, 17685, 5084, 311, 45876, 5196, 198, 42305, 2740, 1174, 2085, 279, 21623, 315, 701, 4059, 26, 3686, 11, 264, 198, 2203, 546, 18133, 27208, 315, 9572, 2345, 708, 433, 374, 13882, 11846, 2345, 59047, 389, 264, 3361, 4367, 315, 4059, 11, 1063, 5655, 690, 311, 3974, 345, 64, 12084, 2740, 6928, 36721, 11, 477, 1063, 1023, 9024, 8824, 16853, 2028, 24897, 430, 1070, 527, 1403, 13124, 315, 21730, 11, 832, 430, 374, 198, 8416, 11, 279, 1023, 35663, 11, 477, 520, 3325, 25363, 627, 40, 2888, 5320, 430, 420, 30296, 374, 905, 13, 578, 11102, 6916, 198, 76, 1438, 1606, 25917, 3727, 433, 45876, 11, 323, 279, 1890, 198, 54219, 837, 369, 279, 91813, 9572, 27208, 11, 279, 1317, 9860, 198, 20370, 85, 4023, 315, 46060, 1174, 279, 21730, 555, 10082, 11, 323, 1524, 279, 5845, 198, 998, 3974, 311, 264, 2294, 2362, 4325, 2085, 16054, 37693, 311, 8624, 627, 791, 2944, 3249, 539, 5127, 29972, 311, 1935, 279, 21730, 198, 4734, 439, 3117, 439, 433, 649, 733, 374, 430, 584, 1891, 171, 105, 222, 261, 48863, 304, 1057, 198, 2968, 311, 29905, 553, 433, 627, 1687, 649, 1518, 420, 304, 279, 1648, 430, 1891, 171, 105, 222, 261, 306, 1274, 14085, 311, 198, 67, 56407, 13, 362, 9568, 19983, 11, 3117, 2753, 1109, 220, 16, 3346, 11, 315, 682, 279, 198, 81437, 889, 5226, 459, 62622, 481, 8624, 10299, 311, 27208, 198, 339, 12116, 4372, 13, 362, 8294, 19983, 11, 719, 2103, 1234, 220, 20, 3346, 11, 3974, 198, 59178, 5129, 1109, 5578, 2345, 576, 374, 390, 171, 71831, 81, 2106, 304, 279, 220, 17, 198, 25426, 315, 46060, 6978, 889, 617, 26968, 5129, 1109, 198, 68632, 1667, 11, 1418, 279, 13057, 8857, 656, 539, 18167, 7953, 198, 20375, 13, 4314, 33595, 71831, 303, 287, 274, 527, 539, 22486, 311, 62622, 481, 6759, 64, 15907, 627, 94607, 617, 8965, 6982, 430, 1193, 220, 508, 3346, 315, 198, 81437, 449, 6129, 719, 4322, 481, 24673, 11993, 449, 198, 327, 25777, 3135, 13, 3011, 11141, 7154, 220, 1490, 3346, 889, 3060, 198, 3055, 539, 11993, 477, 1193, 26310, 11993, 662, 8595, 374, 198, 359, 32050, 21730, 779, 3117, 704, 315, 21801, 30, 3639, 15785, 198, 64, 49748, 439, 16475, 311, 264, 2536, 68806, 85, 50775, 5380, 70043, 279, 6992, 6978, 617, 9687, 311, 198, 47928, 736, 872, 1866, 21730, 11, 323, 279, 1455, 6992, 617, 198, 46696, 1790, 4726, 1109, 430, 13, 2435, 617, 1766, 279, 6367, 315, 198, 31548, 372, 21730, 13, 2435, 527, 279, 4173, 72, 4881, 315, 279, 4059, 9534, 198, 7898, 13, 18766, 16088, 4250, 1524, 3240, 311, 198, 64926, 872, 272, 1439, 11, 1606, 912, 27208, 430, 34744, 389, 11217, 198, 269, 15173, 374, 779, 24559, 26245, 11, 779, 32719, 47672, 345, 708, 65309, 323, 1949, 315, 3185, 384, 171, 105, 222, 115192, 11, 779, 384, 171, 105, 222, 371, 1752, 439, 48301, 627, 35897, 5845, 42242, 505, 220, 264, 2237, 779, 5655, 430, 499, 4250, 3427, 904, 45833, 375, 436, 13, 1442, 584, 7020, 1148, 872, 35202, 1051, 3815, 311, 198, 47928, 736, 872, 13162, 11, 584, 1053, 617, 279, 6913, 5089, 315, 279, 198, 383, 6260, 1920, 304, 1057, 6206, 627, 2345, 198, 2170, 3686, 11, 16088, 706, 539, 4529, 279, 31228, 32571, 11, 323, 279, 198, 1178, 31228, 220, 706, 912, 14830, 3851, 13, 9393, 198, 31548, 372, 22027, 4375, 449, 24955, 28661, 30699, 14511, 3046, 345, 9514, 1253, 1781, 430, 31228, 21730, 5829, 9063, 285, 354, 19031, 477, 198, 55, 45220, 13, 2030, 430, 374, 279, 14329, 315, 1148, 433, 3445, 13, 56413, 198, 383, 6260, 11031, 3201, 505, 9434, 11, 1579, 12, 59342, 198, 36842, 9017, 279, 51621, 6332, 315, 279, 4059, 9534, 1887, 627, 2028, 6332, 374, 1405, 21730, 12302, 13, 2057, 733, 1070, 323, 4048, 311, 198, 25475, 1295, 279, 21730, 2077, 11, 499, 2011, 636, 3347, 682, 279, 198, 94902, 261, 5990, 315, 279, 2547, 2345, 37791, 11, 39881, 11, 36853, 11, 323, 198, 46654, 17223, 17782, 520, 279, 49341, 1486, 1990, 4059, 198, 438, 5030, 1174, 279, 1486, 1405, 25917, 3604, 8638, 198, 998, 617, 459, 384, 171, 105, 222, 440, 627, 791, 31228, 5196, 2345, 12840, 433, 374, 11, 1268, 433, 74157, 2345, 79079, 709, 198, 1820, 33595, 71831, 59125, 4376, 315, 420, 2363, 13, 578, 2132, 4376, 1243, 58943, 279, 198, 31548, 372, 1139, 24852, 80627, 64, 11, 3339, 264, 11103, 315, 1403, 27833, 198, 3556, 4560, 311, 17782, 520, 832, 4320, 662, 578, 7330, 72, 171, 71831, 66, 198, 14957, 1068, 315, 279, 4410, 29392, 11815, 279, 11376, 315, 198, 1820, 14154, 274, 1154, 315, 6890, 13, 1115, 374, 264, 11879, 430, 18808, 198, 2996, 30740, 323, 49378, 13042, 70255, 13, 2057, 757, 11, 279, 198, 67733, 3446, 706, 311, 387, 1766, 704, 13, 921, 37529, 4691, 220, 757, 369, 433, 11, 323, 198, 708, 358, 1097, 4477, 369, 1077, 323, 682, 6978, 1093, 1077, 13, 30070, 814, 198, 171, 71831, 303, 459, 4320, 1174, 872, 6439, 2103, 15020, 304, 279, 8335, 627, 33437, 82679, 3247, 26063, 1341, 198, 43182, 649, 387, 1071, 304, 4799, 315, 25917, 264, 171, 105, 222, 440, 287, 279, 198, 2664, 11, 311, 279, 13112, 430, 279, 13225, 1990, 1054, 8416, 863, 21730, 438, 1054, 20531, 582, 13850, 863, 21730, 706, 8036, 1524, 810, 927, 279, 198, 53520, 2478, 11026, 13, 578, 1925, 33287, 11, 439, 3117, 439, 21391, 198, 83543, 374, 11920, 11, 374, 264, 33595, 71831, 52419, 16801, 430, 279, 2547, 198, 3376, 988, 11622, 1093, 264, 7106, 5780, 13, 1442, 430, 1051, 779, 345, 1820, 2768, 9526, 1053, 617, 4745, 627, 791, 9526, 574, 279, 8271, 3124, 315, 279, 71674, 198, 1816, 315, 25996, 8841, 10216, 91600, 47685, 445, 4091, 1174, 889, 439, 3117, 1203, 198, 300, 220, 3753, 16, 574, 7649, 279, 13336, 430, 30084, 706, 264, 3682, 198, 93221, 3777, 13, 320, 791, 23035, 374, 3604, 14154, 304, 6371, 627, 791, 1812, 648, 6723, 326, 7904, 55475, 323, 39361, 2467, 72, 83910, 5169, 198, 10210, 1636, 430, 1274, 3139, 2362, 323, 2815, 1606, 814, 1518, 198, 1605, 1274, 3139, 2362, 323, 2815, 29275, 644, 220, 3753, 16, 11, 445, 4091, 3952, 8223, 3026, 304, 872, 22084, 552, 11, 682, 304, 198, 19045, 2890, 719, 87719, 12195, 315, 4325, 11, 323, 78308, 198, 49818, 369, 33595, 71831, 588, 2919, 304, 459, 4676, 430, 574, 1093, 892, 198, 49610, 2133, 1203, 311, 220, 6280, 24, 11, 2737, 279, 4731, 323, 198, 668, 11101, 315, 279, 4261, 11, 3235, 449, 279, 9698, 323, 4455, 198, 258, 279, 3754, 13, 578, 3026, 1051, 3309, 311, 1180, 439, 422, 814, 1051, 872, 198, 9514, 65167, 84137, 11, 387, 936, 84, 513, 445, 4091, 1047, 453, 5325, 14282, 2884, 198, 327, 50732, 304, 902, 5044, 4814, 304, 279, 29920, 1436, 198, 57753, 387, 28537, 555, 7231, 15223, 459, 36210, 311, 198, 30380, 662, 763, 1023, 4339, 11, 279, 4059, 574, 1694, 27762, 198, 998, 264, 171, 105, 222, 440, 279, 2547, 16853, 10438, 3810, 6892, 279, 892, 1824, 2690, 1130, 4676, 11, 279, 3026, 198, 52898, 12793, 389, 5370, 24915, 315, 30084, 1778, 439, 25703, 198, 75337, 11, 294, 59916, 1174, 323, 1268, 1664, 814, 1436, 6865, 323, 1518, 627, 1688, 279, 842, 315, 279, 33595, 71831, 588, 2919, 11, 279, 1912, 1047, 13241, 389, 198, 81285, 704, 315, 8223, 11193, 11, 2737, 2731, 11376, 11, 264, 198, 2527, 2785, 33595, 71831, 303, 287, 13, 2435, 7111, 220, 14992, 439, 32448, 555, 198, 68090, 24958, 13, 67720, 49493, 1667, 4227, 445, 4091, 574, 198, 782, 4739, 287, 810, 477, 2753, 97301, 3210, 1174, 2085, 279, 6677, 198, 18614, 15207, 7645, 323, 18247, 501, 5174, 488, 430, 584, 649, 2543, 198, 998, 3432, 320, 6518, 389, 1884, 42445, 82, 304, 3010, 1054, 8193, 26673, 198, 1820, 350, 1200, 292, 863, 14491, 570, 644, 2500, 68834, 9526, 11, 445, 4091, 4024, 1139, 264, 198, 2171, 47668, 2162, 323, 18255, 1077, 15223, 1139, 1403, 5315, 627, 21279, 1051, 2728, 1063, 3838, 64805, 369, 872, 3130, 13, 3861, 198, 4166, 574, 3309, 430, 814, 1051, 8647, 369, 10494, 279, 198, 64805, 13989, 11, 323, 430, 814, 1436, 1304, 11709, 304, 872, 1866, 198, 49174, 9899, 13, 578, 1023, 1912, 574, 3309, 430, 279, 29611, 171, 105, 222, 198, 41450, 8541, 279, 11012, 11, 323, 304, 5369, 814, 1051, 2728, 912, 198, 12008, 304, 872, 33595, 71831, 52419, 7446, 220, 9899, 13, 2468, 279, 842, 315, 63134, 198, 50814, 11, 11157, 439, 1690, 15223, 304, 279, 33595, 71831, 59125, 1912, 1051, 2103, 198, 52061, 7863, 449, 279, 2132, 1912, 13, 320, 791, 1890, 57916, 198, 49201, 4920, 279, 11928, 6725, 315, 7231, 279, 29920, 264, 6896, 198, 998, 1935, 2512, 315, 13, 2468, 279, 1633, 3325, 433, 36050, 872, 20247, 323, 198, 10692, 315, 2324, 13, 1102, 1253, 33482, 872, 6439, 439, 1664, 29275, 32, 3252, 323, 21730, 617, 304, 4279, 430, 814, 617, 1317, 198, 82850, 19894, 439, 33595, 71831, 52419, 11618, 3196, 389, 7452, 7106, 198, 74268, 13, 1556, 30547, 8331, 1093, 3339, 701, 1866, 198, 25825, 671, 283, 259, 1268, 311, 8493, 701, 1938, 2646, 33595, 71831, 70, 3149, 1139, 279, 198, 27684, 2987, 13, 1115, 15837, 706, 1027, 32931, 369, 5115, 264, 1418, 345, 8248, 1193, 279, 7314, 12195, 1051, 30576, 994, 56413, 198, 1548, 6260, 220, 9922, 13, 11450, 1148, 753, 3062, 4536, 1431, 279, 198, 10543, 685, 315, 17371, 86496, 439, 264, 8331, 304, 21730, 41128, 198, 66054, 706, 1027, 2834, 11, 810, 477, 2753, 13, 12361, 584, 1205, 264, 743, 315, 198, 943, 32946, 922, 1268, 3117, 25917, 649, 733, 311, 198, 38377, 21730, 323, 30084, 11, 539, 311, 6420, 304, 2193, 481, 21249, 198, 92724, 11, 923, 22155, 11, 24999, 389, 22866, 220, 11217, 345, 265, 7601, 505, 15173, 1174, 323, 779, 389, 627, 8586, 527, 279, 6913, 32946, 358, 7070, 4284, 512, 16, 1345, 485, 4131, 1603, 5030, 16853, 17, 1345, 6430, 11709, 82316, 279, 6743, 430, 2349, 198, 1813, 598, 11, 39881, 11, 323, 7917, 627, 18, 11829, 2547, 374, 33595, 120912, 2480, 323, 8915, 11, 539, 33595, 71831, 52419, 323, 198, 67, 47737, 13, 19, 1246, 22383, 3237, 8996, 264, 1732, 32097, 13, 2435, 198, 86299, 1555, 32267, 430, 279, 4059, 649, 2680, 627, 20, 11829, 4059, 9534, 1887, 374, 264, 11302, 6471, 1405, 1988, 198, 438, 2612, 617, 1690, 6449, 1821, 11, 2737, 198, 75, 16886, 11, 4676, 11, 7865, 1174, 21463, 11, 323, 3347, 198, 9233, 287, 627, 21, 5221], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": "leaves\tyou\tfeeling\tsoothed\tand\tchilled\tout.\tNo\tstimulating\thip-\nhop\tor\thard\trock\tat\tthis\ttime!\nHONOR\tTHE\t\nSACRED\tHOUR\nTreat\tthe\tlast\thour\tbefore\tbed\tas\tsacred\ttime\tfor\tyou.\tTry\treading\tsomething\nrelaxing\tor\tspiritually\tuplifting,\tor\tmeditating.\tThere\tare\texcellent\tways\tto\tset\nthe\tenergetic\ttone\tas\tyou\tdrift\tinto\tsleep.\t(See\t\nPillar\t6\n\tfor\tmore\tspecifics\tabout\nmeditation.)\tYour\tnighttime\treading\tshould\tbe\tdone\twith\treal\tbooks\tinstead\tof\nan\telectronic\treader\tthat\tcan\tdisrupt\tyour\tinternal\tcues\tand\tsleep\tpatterns.\nDuring\tthe\tsacred\thour,\twhat\tyou\tavoid\tis\tjust\tas\tcrucial\tas\twhat\tyou\tengage\nin.\tAvoid\tstressful\tor\tstimulating\tactivities.\tLate\tat\tnight\tis\tnot\tthe\tideal\ttime\tto\ncomplete\tlast-minute\twork\ton\ta\tpresentation,\thit\tthe\tgym,\tor\tengage\tin\ta\ndynamic\tVinyasa\tyoga\tflow.\tIt\u2019s\talso\tnot\tthe\t\nbest\ttime\tto\tget\tinto\ta\tbig\nemotional\tdiscussion\twith\tyour\tpartner\tor\ta\tfriend.\tYou\u2019ll\tbe\tbetter\toff\tsaving\nthat\tfor\tmorning\ttea\tor\ta\tSaturday\thike,\tif\tyou\tcan\tput\tit\toff\tuntil\tthen.\nStressful\tactivities\tjust\thave\tno\tplace\tbefore\tbedtime.\tThey\tcan\tinduce\tyour\nbody\tto\tsecrete\tthe\tstress\thormone\tcortisol,\twhich\tcan\tmake\tyou\tfeel\tmore\talert.\nChill\tout\tand\tsteer\tclear\tof\tanything\tnon\u2013chilled\tout.\nSECURE\tTHE\tBEST\tBEAUTY\tSLEEP\tPOSE\nResearch\thas\tshown\tthat\texactly\thow\tyou\tsleep\ton\tyour\tpillow\tcan\tinfluence\twrinkleformation.\tOne\tstudy\tfrom\tthe\tjournal\tof\t\nClinical\tand\tExperimental\tDermatology\nstudied\tmechanical\tforces\ton\tthe\tface\tand\thow\tthey\tinfluenced\twrinkles\tand\nsuperficial\tfacial\tchanges,\tincluding\tthe\tformation\tof\tcrow\u2019s-feet\tand\tlines\taround\nthe\tmouth.\tThey\tfound\tthat\tredistributing\tpressure\tcould\thelp\treduce\twrinkles.\n3\nSo\twhat\tcan\tyou\tdo?\tFirst,\tensure\tthat\tyou\thave\tthe\tright\tkind\tof\tpillow\t(see\t\nthis\npage\n)\tand\tavoid\tsleeping\ton\tyour\tstomach,\twhich\tmay\tcreate\tpressure\tand\nenhance\twrinkles\tto\tan\teven\tgreater\tdegree.\tAlso\tavoid\tcrossing\tyour\tlegs\twhen\nyou\tsleep.\tIt\u2019s\tnot\tonly\tbad\tfor\tcirculation,\tbut\tcan\talso\ttwist\tyour\tspine,\tleaving\tyou\nfeeling\tunbalanced\tin\tthe\tmorning.\tTry\tsleeping\twith\ta\tpillow\tbetween\tyour\tlegs,\nwhich\twill\tkeep\tyour\tlegs\tand\thips\tmore\tbalanced.\nCreate\ta\tPersonal\tBedroom\tCave\nOne\tof\tthe\tmost\timportant\troutines\tyou\tcan\tcreate\tis\tthe\thabit\tof\t\nsleeping\tin\nan\tideal\tenvironment.\tIf\tyou\tlook\tat\tthe\tsleeping\thabits\tof\tother\tanimals,\nregardless\tof\twhether\tthey\tsleep\tduring\tthe\tday\tor\tthe\tnight,\tyou\twill\tfind\tbears\nand\tbats\tburrowed\tdeep\tin\tcool,\t\ndark,\tquiet\tcaves.\tLet\u2019s\ttake\tthis\tcue\tfrom\nnature\tas\ta\tguide\tto\tcreate\tan\tideal\t\nsleep\tenvironment.\tThere\tare\tthree\tfactors\nthat\tare\tessential\tfor\tcreating\tyour\town\tpersonal\tbeauty\tsleep\t\u201ccave\u201d\tright\tin\nyour\town\thome.\nCOOL\nWarm\ttemperatures\tmight\tfeel\tgreat\tduring\tthe\tday\twhen\tyou\u2019re\toutside,\nespecially\tif\tyou\tlike\tto\thike,\tbike,\tor\tgo\tto\tthe\tbeach.\tBut\thigh\ttemperatures\tare\nnot\tgreat\tfor\tsleep.\tIn\tfact,\tsome\tresearch\thas\tshown\ta\tconnection\tbetween\ninsomnia\tand\televated\tbody\ttemperatures.\n4\n\tYou\u2019ve\tperhaps\talready\texperienced\nhow\tmuch\teasier\tit\tis\tto\tsleep\tsoundly\twhen\tyou\tcan\tsnuggle\tunder\tthe\tcovers.\nWhen\tyou\tsleep,\tyour\tbody\u2019s\ttemperature\tdrops\tmildly,\twhich\tactually\thelps\nprepare\tyou\tto\tsleep\tthrough\tthe\tnight.\nWhile\tthe\t\nNational\tSleep\tFoundation\trecommends\ta\tcool\t65\tdegrees\nFahrenheit\t(18\tdegrees\tCelsius)\n5\n\tfor\tsleep,\tsomewhere\tbetween\t65\tand\t75\ndegrees\tFahrenheit\t(18\tto\t24\tdegrees\tCelsius),\tdepending\ton\tyour\tparticular\nbody\tconstitution,\tis\ta\tgood\trange\tto\thelp\tyou\tdrop\toff\tto\tsleep\tfaster\tand\tmore\ndeeply.\tSome\tresearchers\tbelieve\tthat\tkeeping\ttemperatures\tsteady\tthroughout\nthe\tnight\tis\timportant,\tand\tthat\tif\tthere\tis\ta\trise\tor\tfall\tin\ttemperature\tyou\nmight\texperience\tless\tquality\tREM\tsleep.\tIf\tpossible,\tset\tyour\thome\nthermometer\tto\thold\tsteady\tat\ta\tcertain\ttemperature.\tFrom\ta\tbeauty\tperspective,\nexcessive\theat\tcan\tcause\tyou\tto\tlose\teven\tmore\tfluids\tthroughout\tthe\tnight,\tand\nsleep\tis\talready\tdehydrating.\tChronic,\texcessive\tnighttime\t\ndehydration\tover\ntime\tcan\tcontribute\tto\tdrying\tout\tand\ttaxing\tyour\tskin.DARK\nYour\twhole\tbedroom\tneeds\tto\tbe\tas\tdark\tas\tpossible.\tMove\tas\tmuch\telectronic\nequipment\tout\tof\tyour\tbedroom\tas\tpossible\t(surely\tthe\tprinter\tcan\tfit\nsomewhere\t\nin\tthe\tliving\troom)\tand\tget\trid\tof\tdigital\talarm\tclocks\tthat\tare\nplugged\tin\tand\tintroduce\ttheir\town\tlights\tand\telectromagnetic\tfrequencies.\nThen\tgo\tthrough\tand\tuse\tblack\ttape\tto\tcover\tany\tlittle\tblinking\tlights\tthat\tcan\u2019t\nbe\tavoided.\tLight\ttells\tyour\tbrain\tthat\tit\u2019s\ttime\tto\twake\tup,\tand\teven\ta\tsmall\namount\tof\tambient\tlight\tfrom\tyour\tcell\tphone\tor\tcomputer\tcan\tdisrupt\tthe\nproduction\tof\tmelatonin,\n6\n\twhich\tregulates\tsleep\tcycles.\nIt\u2019s\talso\tvery\thelpful\tto\tequip\tyour\troom\twith\theavy\tblackout\tshades\tthat\ncompletely\tblock\tout\tthe\tsunlight\talong\twith\toutside\tstreetlights\tor\tcar\tlights.\nThis\tis\tespecially\timportant\tif\tyou\tlive\ton\ta\tbusy\troad\tor\tin\ta\tcity.\tAn\teye\tmask\nis\talso\ta\tgreat\ttool\tto\thelp\tblock\tout\tlight.\tIf\tyou\tdon\u2019t\tlike\tthe\tfeel\tof\ta\tmask,\nwhich\tcan\tfeel\tconstricting\tto\tsome,\tsimply\tdrape\ta\tdark\tT-shirt\tover\tyour\teyes.\nStrive\tfor\tthe\tcomplete\tdarkness\tof\ta\tdeeply\tburrowed\tcave,\ttrying\tto\tre-create\nthat\tnatural\tenvironment\tof\tpeace\tand\trelaxation.\nSACRED\tBEDROOM\tACTIVITIES\nThere\tare\t(probably)\tmultiple\trooms\tin\tyour\thouse\tor\tapartment\tfor\tall\tthe\nfunctions\tyou\tperform\tdaily\tas\ta\thuman\tbeing.\tWhile\tit\u2019s\tnot\ta\tbad\tidea\tto\twork\ton\nyour\tcomputer\tat\tthe\tkitchen\ttable\tor\tsometimes\teat\tdinner\ton\tyour\tcouch\tin\tthe\nliving\troom\tif\tyou\tfeel\tlike\tit,\tit\u2019s\timportant\tto\tkeep\tyour\tbedroom\tactivities\tto\tthe\nbare\tminimum:\tsleep,\trelaxation,\tand\tsex.\t\nThat\u2019s\tit\n.\tBan\tlaptops,\tTVs,\tand\twork\nmaterials\tfrom\tyour\tbedroom.\tKeeping\tyour\tbed\tonly\tfor\trelaxing\tor\tlovemaking\twill\nhelp\tstrengthen\tyour\tmental\tassociation\tbetween\tyour\tbedroom\tand\tsleep\u2014or\nlovemaking\tand\tthen\tsleep,\ton\tthose\toccasions!\nSome\tlight\treading\tin\tbed,\tespecially\tof\tinspiring\tor\tspiritual\tmaterial,\tis\thighly\nrecommended.\tThis\tcontent\tcan\tseep\tinto\tand\tpositively\tinfluence\tyour\tmind\tas\tyou\nare\tdrifting\toff\tto\tsleep.\tBut\tTV,\twith\tits\tstimulating\tlights\tand\timages,\tshould\tbe\navoided.\tKeep\tyour\tTV\tin\tyour\tliving\troom,\tnot\tyour\tbedroom.\nQUIET\nDepending\ton\twhere\tyou\tlive,\tyou\tmay\tnot\tbe\table\tto\tcontrol\tthe\tnoise\tin\tyour\nexternal\tenvironment,\twhich\tmay\tinclude\tbarking\tdogs,\tchattering\tteenagers,\nnoisy\tcar\tengines,\tand\tthe\tlike.\tAs\tmuch\tas\twe\twould\tlike\tto,\twe\tcan\u2019t\tmake\tall\nthe\toutside\tsigns\tof\tlife\tgo\taway\twhen\tit\u2019s\ttime\tfor\tbed.\tBut\tyou\t\ncan\n\tcontrol\tthe\n", "token_ids": [273, 4798, 197, 9514, 1186, 68, 20659, 197, 708, 8942, 291, 53577, 23918, 4473, 14294, 13, 197, 2822, 18895, 318, 15853, 197, 2200, 7058, 26172, 82266, 9793, 569, 197, 21161, 36547, 2090, 22724, 4999, 39, 715, 878, 10473, 1837, 1602, 50, 1741, 6641, 13595, 6934, 198, 51, 1244, 33188, 34196, 9793, 414, 64334, 2282, 291, 61551, 1942, 582, 1171, 22724, 2066, 197, 9514, 13, 10473, 894, 197, 6285, 1942, 11793, 198, 3833, 710, 287, 82266, 1942, 53829, 1870, 60910, 53003, 11, 82266, 197, 2106, 50644, 13, 197, 3947, 197, 548, 8285, 25777, 197, 2336, 32809, 8360, 198, 1820, 197, 804, 36324, 3324, 606, 61551, 197, 9514, 2765, 42480, 2129, 78, 53633, 13, 197, 7, 10031, 1602, 47, 484, 277, 197, 21, 198, 2066, 2157, 461, 1942, 15934, 82, 197, 9274, 198, 2106, 7709, 6266, 197, 7927, 9215, 492, 1712, 197, 6285, 197, 5562, 74242, 41595, 48048, 92974, 197, 12383, 197, 65937, 44323, 198, 276, 7883, 772, 8535, 62577, 64442, 94036, 35697, 6722, 14862, 414, 34443, 1470, 1157, 53577, 53633, 3303, 3307, 82, 627, 16397, 33188, 1942, 582, 1171, 9793, 414, 11, 197, 12840, 197, 9514, 197, 48956, 20501, 197, 4345, 61551, 1470, 80455, 532, 61551, 197, 12840, 197, 9514, 197, 85839, 198, 258, 13, 23845, 1019, 18895, 676, 1285, 82266, 18895, 318, 15853, 197, 33078, 13, 15420, 349, 36547, 9215, 492, 20501, 98366, 33188, 197, 64053, 22724, 32809, 198, 15079, 34196, 24401, 98138, 25653, 11575, 3303, 13898, 11, 95878, 33188, 3253, 1631, 11, 82266, 197, 85839, 17886, 11575, 198, 22269, 17904, 6577, 15790, 14862, 14361, 1186, 10516, 13, 62635, 753, 197, 19171, 98366, 33188, 1602, 16241, 22724, 32809, 10582, 2129, 78, 11575, 2282, 343, 198, 336, 41964, 2765, 3510, 17861, 48048, 14862, 414, 73972, 1215, 82266, 11575, 52203, 13, 197, 2675, 4805, 74242, 2282, 22120, 197, 1885, 1942, 2370, 198, 9210, 2066, 2157, 80675, 197, 82694, 82266, 11575, 7721, 7115, 9793, 3043, 11, 748, 197, 9514, 94036, 46162, 24263, 197, 1885, 21113, 1678, 59733, 627, 626, 676, 1285, 197, 33078, 197, 4345, 9793, 525, 73204, 197, 2050, 64334, 2282, 291, 1712, 13, 197, 7009, 94036, 197, 485, 10743, 14862, 414, 198, 2664, 32809, 85786, 9537, 33188, 18895, 676, 9793, 494, 606, 1470, 371, 61023, 11, 197, 8370, 94036, 78538, 197, 9514, 1186, 96551, 2157, 461, 25167, 627, 1163, 484, 14294, 53577, 197, 5455, 261, 41508, 44323, 197, 73254, 197, 6414, 4235, 331, 4473, 14294, 627, 26629, 4622, 10473, 1837, 13083, 5288, 197, 11855, 58376, 56, 7721, 44390, 197, 7297, 198, 28528, 64355, 37296, 785, 64442, 8285, 33839, 197, 5269, 197, 9514, 53633, 25653, 14862, 414, 3303, 97023, 94036, 17886, 41116, 6831, 35465, 273, 1659, 13, 197, 4054, 18895, 18339, 43827, 33188, 12710, 5036, 44323, 1602, 96830, 53577, 197, 82430, 11198, 4289, 75014, 198, 76443, 1142, 2157, 4842, 45983, 2066, 1634, 25653, 33188, 1186, 580, 53577, 197, 5269, 197, 20670, 17886, 27256, 5886, 6831, 35465, 645, 53577, 198, 9712, 69, 7235, 1186, 33211, 197, 19926, 11, 197, 16564, 33188, 197, 1659, 44323, 1470, 654, 753, 34303, 295, 53577, 79490, 197, 20019, 198, 1820, 2157, 2969, 13, 197, 7009, 59202, 64442, 197, 1171, 4894, 10831, 197, 47074, 1470, 619, 88740, 17643, 13677, 6831, 35465, 645, 627, 18, 198, 4516, 197, 12840, 94036, 197, 9514, 20530, 30, 197, 5451, 11, 197, 28389, 64442, 197, 9514, 9793, 525, 33188, 49021, 197, 15674, 44323, 3303, 97023, 197, 7, 4151, 1602, 576, 198, 2964, 198, 8, 53577, 197, 48956, 53633, 287, 25653, 14862, 414, 18895, 316, 613, 11, 197, 8370, 2157, 352, 40363, 197, 47074, 53577, 198, 40967, 685, 6831, 35465, 645, 32809, 80557, 7883, 1055, 3253, 29462, 197, 42127, 13, 197, 13699, 197, 48956, 1470, 2177, 287, 14862, 414, 197, 73336, 61280, 198, 9514, 53633, 13, 62635, 753, 98366, 197, 3323, 2282, 329, 2066, 1470, 2496, 2987, 11, 2282, 332, 94036, 197, 19171, 3324, 86, 380, 14862, 414, 1942, 39138, 11, 197, 273, 2370, 197, 9514, 198, 1897, 20659, 21113, 59502, 17886, 33188, 2157, 80675, 13, 10473, 894, 53633, 287, 48048, 11575, 3303, 97023, 2282, 10259, 14862, 414, 197, 73336, 345, 8370, 6831, 484, 197, 13397, 14862, 414, 197, 73336, 53577, 197, 34322, 2157, 461, 2282, 278, 4979, 627, 4110, 11575, 10230, 1293, 278, 13083, 291, 3039, 6391, 525, 198, 4054, 44323, 33188, 2157, 537, 197, 15693, 7145, 29728, 197, 9514, 94036, 40363, 20501, 33188, 9793, 40027, 44323, 1602, 26894, 287, 17886, 198, 276, 197, 64053, 197, 24175, 13, 52792, 197, 9514, 197, 7349, 36547, 33188, 53633, 287, 9793, 370, 1220, 44323, 197, 1605, 197, 77896, 345, 1610, 30920, 44323, 197, 49864, 197, 20670, 53633, 2765, 1711, 33188, 99297, 82266, 33188, 9215, 492, 11, 197, 9514, 6831, 484, 81703, 2282, 7596, 198, 438, 2282, 1900, 2282, 324, 654, 291, 197, 33980, 17886, 197, 43296, 11, 1602, 23449, 11, 197, 44750, 1470, 4798, 13, 197, 10267, 753, 3324, 731, 2090, 1470, 361, 43827, 198, 67812, 61551, 11575, 3253, 35805, 32809, 40363, 80557, 197, 64053, 1602, 26894, 197, 24175, 13, 197, 3947, 197, 548, 197, 28956, 1186, 21846, 198, 9210, 197, 548, 197, 49582, 2066, 197, 46002, 14862, 414, 197, 785, 99905, 278, 74242, 59051, 53633, 197, 2118, 66, 525, 863, 49021, 17886, 198, 22479, 197, 785, 197, 5227, 627, 8445, 1971, 198, 96375, 197, 880, 716, 2859, 2157, 492, 1186, 96551, 3253, 1244, 2765, 1711, 33188, 99297, 61280, 197, 9514, 3207, 14294, 3002, 345, 36046, 748, 197, 9514, 197, 4908, 32809, 9793, 3043, 11, 2282, 3043, 11, 82266, 31780, 32809, 33188, 74242, 613, 13, 197, 4071, 9793, 1108, 197, 880, 716, 2859, 197, 548, 198, 1962, 3253, 1244, 2066, 53633, 13, 71267, 1186, 533, 11, 1942, 638, 17643, 1874, 64355, 37296, 785, 11575, 55690, 2282, 10259, 198, 1354, 50405, 53577, 7883, 3532, 660, 36502, 197, 880, 716, 2859, 627, 19, 198, 197, 2675, 4070, 197, 66372, 197, 46584, 8285, 45933, 198, 5269, 2157, 1412, 7883, 77783, 24263, 20501, 32809, 53633, 95487, 398, 61280, 197, 9514, 94036, 49351, 50428, 197, 8154, 33188, 1470, 9146, 627, 4599, 197, 9514, 53633, 11, 14862, 414, 36502, 753, 197, 35658, 2765, 3787, 2157, 699, 398, 11, 197, 8370, 197, 74128, 88740, 82, 198, 13923, 197, 9514, 32809, 53633, 197, 20322, 33188, 9215, 492, 627, 8142, 33188, 1602, 31912, 7721, 3583, 13017, 4159, 17643, 3705, 1438, 11575, 197, 43296, 197, 2397, 197, 70849, 198, 37, 49010, 197, 7, 972, 197, 70849, 6391, 41347, 340, 20, 198, 2066, 53633, 11, 1942, 316, 61752, 2282, 10259, 197, 2397, 53577, 197, 2075, 198, 70849, 13017, 49010, 197, 7, 972, 32809, 197, 1187, 197, 70849, 6391, 41347, 705, 197, 81580, 25653, 14862, 414, 73972, 24553, 198, 2664, 4882, 34790, 11, 20501, 11575, 3253, 1411, 76187, 32809, 88740, 197, 9514, 2765, 897, 197, 1885, 32809, 53633, 1186, 2352, 53577, 2157, 461, 198, 33980, 398, 13, 7721, 638, 17643, 1874, 388, 2282, 301, 19704, 64442, 197, 33494, 197, 880, 716, 2859, 18895, 3228, 88, 197, 20322, 412, 198, 1820, 9215, 492, 20501, 197, 15693, 11, 53577, 64442, 748, 197, 19041, 20501, 11575, 7145, 1082, 82266, 1186, 543, 17886, 197, 35658, 197, 9514, 198, 46068, 8285, 13267, 197, 1752, 197, 10692, 35369, 44, 53633, 13, 52792, 197, 10236, 11, 8360, 14862, 414, 197, 5227, 198, 700, 76, 21037, 32809, 197, 6416, 18895, 3228, 88, 36547, 11575, 1470, 7770, 197, 35658, 13, 197, 3915, 11575, 74242, 59051, 3303, 86191, 345, 327, 87728, 197, 20559, 94036, 197, 1593, 197, 9514, 32809, 197, 1497, 7883, 1055, 2157, 461, 1186, 75, 92316, 197, 20322, 412, 33188, 9215, 492, 11, 53577, 198, 26894, 20501, 197, 46584, 59451, 26233, 1113, 13, 197, 1163, 8535, 11, 8285, 87728, 9215, 492, 1712, 1602, 80660, 50791, 197, 2017, 198, 1712, 94036, 38303, 2248, 32809, 2765, 28609, 14294, 53577, 3324, 710, 287, 14862, 414, 1942, 8148, 920, 9272, 198, 7927, 197, 67733, 2282, 291, 3039, 197, 56345, 32809, 74242, 61551, 2765, 847, 61551, 197, 10236, 13, 9391, 1009, 61551, 2157, 1412, 7883, 772, 8535, 198, 68618, 14294, 44323, 14862, 414, 2282, 291, 3039, 61551, 197, 10236, 197, 1161, 554, 398, 33188, 7045, 261, 94036, 1186, 275, 198, 57839, 61752, 1602, 258, 33188, 8986, 2299, 197, 3039, 8, 53577, 10582, 197, 1907, 44323, 2765, 10444, 197, 57880, 1470, 36036, 64442, 197, 548, 198, 501, 20752, 17886, 53577, 2129, 48945, 33188, 404, 197, 785, 8986, 2866, 53577, 7883, 772, 442, 39100, 1186, 72831, 627, 12487, 31780, 197, 20322, 53577, 42919, 197, 11708, 3324, 2070, 32809, 197, 3773, 197, 3852, 8986, 2433, 97521, 16113, 8986, 2866, 64442, 94036, 1431, 198, 1395, 197, 48956, 291, 13, 197, 14235, 3324, 6572, 14862, 414, 197, 54160, 64442, 24263, 753, 22724, 32809, 6831, 731, 60910, 11, 53577, 7883, 1055, 11575, 1942, 30632, 198, 6173, 44323, 197, 60714, 95053, 43827, 14862, 414, 47087, 197, 4949, 82266, 33910, 11533, 94036, 35697, 6722, 33188, 198, 23452, 44323, 2157, 301, 99512, 345, 21, 198, 197, 8370, 38113, 24031, 53633, 1470, 16182, 627, 2181, 753, 197, 19171, 197, 1225, 88740, 1285, 32809, 7883, 36847, 14862, 414, 197, 3039, 48048, 197, 89945, 197, 11708, 412, 37296, 3536, 64442, 198, 884, 50268, 49096, 14294, 33188, 1942, 359, 4238, 197, 39393, 48048, 14294, 3002, 18895, 3829, 14146, 82266, 1470, 277, 8986, 2866, 627, 2028, 20501, 197, 36046, 197, 15693, 748, 197, 9514, 8986, 535, 25653, 11575, 93630, 88, 197, 8714, 82266, 17886, 11575, 1470, 488, 13, 197, 2127, 197, 19494, 76012, 198, 285, 197, 19171, 11575, 3253, 1244, 197, 14506, 32809, 88740, 49096, 14294, 95053, 13, 52792, 197, 9514, 2765, 263, 1431, 197, 4908, 33188, 1186, 96551, 44323, 11575, 76012, 345, 8370, 94036, 1186, 96551, 38303, 6765, 287, 32809, 1942, 638, 11, 1942, 318, 2603, 2765, 20432, 11575, 2765, 847, 10473, 34768, 197, 2017, 14862, 414, 197, 58331, 627, 2645, 535, 2066, 33188, 197, 15079, 2765, 847, 2136, 44323, 11575, 197, 33980, 398, 2282, 324, 654, 291, 1470, 525, 11, 6942, 287, 32809, 17643, 40779, 198, 9210, 9215, 4688, 197, 24175, 44323, 197, 55225, 53577, 197, 3833, 710, 367, 627, 50, 1741, 6641, 13083, 1507, 51770, 197, 6966, 3166, 37744, 198, 3947, 197, 548, 197, 75594, 2915, 8, 2157, 12508, 197, 9949, 17886, 14862, 414, 197, 7830, 82266, 70998, 3275, 2066, 52060, 33188, 198, 22124, 197, 9514, 197, 29588, 2765, 5179, 61551, 11575, 9793, 7282, 197, 35214, 13, 197, 8142, 24263, 753, 98366, 11575, 2282, 329, 197, 42877, 32809, 98138, 25653, 198, 22479, 33910, 11533, 36547, 33188, 16868, 7606, 27579, 82266, 1942, 12982, 7883, 266, 2765, 4481, 25653, 14862, 414, 1470, 3102, 17886, 33188, 198, 64275, 197, 3039, 748, 197, 9514, 1186, 96551, 197, 4908, 24263, 11, 24263, 753, 197, 15693, 32809, 197, 13397, 14862, 414, 2282, 291, 3039, 197, 33078, 32809, 33188, 198, 55202, 26388, 3375, 25, 53633, 11, 197, 3833, 710, 367, 11, 53577, 197, 11814, 13, 1602, 4897, 753, 24263, 198, 13, 13083, 276, 8986, 42073, 11, 10473, 52837, 11, 53577, 98138, 198, 78672, 43827, 14862, 414, 2282, 291, 3039, 13, 197, 72447, 14862, 414, 2282, 291, 197, 3323, 2066, 197, 3833, 710, 287, 82266, 197, 36247, 336, 1802, 6831, 484, 198, 8823, 18895, 265, 18972, 14862, 414, 197, 93221, 197, 55565, 2282, 10259, 14862, 414, 2282, 291, 3039, 53577, 53633, 51749, 198, 36247, 336, 1802, 53577, 59733, 53633, 11, 25653, 197, 54719, 197, 14310, 88771, 4999, 8538, 95053, 197, 6285, 17886, 2282, 291, 11, 197, 36046, 44323, 197, 1354, 79863, 82266, 1942, 53829, 940, 2157, 2229, 11, 20501, 9793, 1108, 398, 198, 86447, 13, 41065, 28851, 94036, 85786, 752, 2129, 78, 53577, 197, 2792, 3210, 17886, 41116, 14862, 414, 2157, 485, 61551, 197, 9514, 198, 548, 2765, 81, 18148, 197, 1885, 32809, 53633, 13, 197, 4071, 10473, 53, 11, 48048, 197, 1220, 18895, 318, 15853, 8986, 2866, 53577, 197, 3726, 11, 197, 5562, 74242, 198, 48956, 291, 13, 197, 19999, 14862, 414, 10473, 53, 17886, 14862, 414, 8986, 2299, 197, 3039, 11, 98366, 14862, 414, 2282, 291, 3039, 627, 12247, 1372, 198, 80245, 25653, 56842, 197, 9514, 8986, 535, 11, 197, 9514, 2157, 352, 98366, 74242, 197, 481, 32809, 83886, 33188, 197, 53318, 17886, 14862, 414, 198, 21591, 197, 24175, 11, 197, 8370, 2157, 352, 25728, 2282, 34552, 2765, 27403, 11, 23918, 31436, 197, 15247, 11467, 345, 2201, 29113, 1470, 277, 197, 833, 1572, 11, 53577, 33188, 197, 4908, 13, 197, 2170, 2157, 1412, 61551, 197, 906, 6831, 619, 197, 4908, 32809, 11, 197, 906, 94036, 1431, 78538, 52060, 198, 1820, 14294, 3002, 70154, 82, 44323, 8986, 1643, 31780, 197, 14075, 61280, 24263, 753, 22724, 2066, 2282, 291, 13, 197, 4071, 197, 9514, 1602, 4919, 198, 83886, 33188, 198], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": "ria which are too often described as \"health\" literature! \nThe colossal task of translation has been nobly accomplished by \nMr. L. Purcell Weaver, but for whom, declares the author, this book \nwould still be lying in manuscript form in French among the records of \nhis various scientific expeditions. The decorations in black and white by \nArthur Wragg aptly interpret the theme. No more massive, profound or \nfar-reaching work on Health and Life has ever been published. <|eot_id|><|begin_of_text|>Soil and Health Library\nThis document is a reproduction of the book or other copyrighted material you\nrequested. It was prepared on for the exclusive use of Oriana, whose email address is\norianaoriana@gmail.com. \nThis reproduction was made by the Soil and Health Library only for the purpose of\nresearch and study. Any further reproduction or distribution of this copy in any form\nwhatsoever constitutes a violation of copyrights. A NEW DIETARY \nDISCOVERY \n \nSTALE FOOD \n-vs- \nFRESH FOOD \nBY ROBERT S. FORD \nPresident, Magnolia Laboratory \n \u2014 MEMBER \u2014 \nNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE \nAMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF CEREAL CHEMISTS \nTHE INSTITUTE OF FOOD TECHNOLOGISTS \nA.H.A. COUNCIL ON ARTERIOSCLEROSIS \nAMERICAN OIL CHEMISTS' SOCIETY \nP. M. P. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE \nAMERICAN AGING ASSOCIATION \n AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION \n \nDEDICATION \nTHIS WORK IS DEDICATED TO A BETTER LIFE FOR ALL \n \nTHIS BOOKLET IS AVAILABLE FROM MAGNOLIA LABORATORY \n701 BEACH BLVD. \u2014 PASCAGOULA, MISS. \u2014 U.S.A. \nMAGNOLIA LABORATORY DOES NOT SELL FOOD, AND DOES NOT TREATOR \nADVISE INDIVIDUALS. IF YOU NEED HELP, TAKE THIS BOOKLET TO YOUR FAMILY \nDOCTOR. \n \n Copyright \u00a9 By R. S. Ford \n1969 Second Edition Copyright \u00a9 By R. S. Ford 1969 \n Third Edition Copyright \u00a9 By R. S. Ford 1970 \nFourth Edition Copyright \u00a9 By R. S. Ford 1971 \nFifth Edition Copyright \u00a9 By R. S. Ford 1975 \nSixth Edition Copyright \u00a9 By R. S. 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Box 1306, Pascagoula, Miss. 39567 \n PREFACE TO SIXTH EDITION \n Thousands with the good sense and will power to change their eating habits say they have been \ngreatly helped by the discoveries described in this now-famous booklet, and are enjoying good health \nagain. They say they have cleansed their arteries, avoided surgery, and become free of anginal pain in \nthe chest and legs. Circulation in the head and neck have improved so as to clear up dizziness and ear \nnoises, and enhance mental clarity. Likewise, visual disturbances and blackouts have ended. Blood pressure, cholesterol, and tri-glycerides have been reduced far more effectively than by drugs or low-\ncholesterol diets. Many people say they have never before eaten so well, and with so little kitchen \nwork, yet their weight and figure are improved. They sa y such things as: \"I am back to work again\", or \n\"No more standing still while the pain fades\". Some are even frank enough to say \"Sex is a joy again\". Many say their diabetes is controlled without drugs on this diet. Since it is always a pleasure to see \npeople enjoying the use of one's discovery, these results make all our hard work seem very much \nworthwhile. See how it all started, on inside back cover ( at the end of this booklet in the internet \nversion).\n \n \nTHE BASIC CAUSE OF COMMON ARTHRITIS \n It is widely agreed among medical scientists th at common arthritis starts with deterioration of the \nsynovial membrane. As shown in the drawing on the rear cover, this membrane encloses the moving parts of the joint like a bag. Nature provides this membrane bag containing a clear white lubricating \nfluid to keep blood out of the joint space, because the delicate red cells of blood would be quickly crushed between the weight bearing surfaces. Since there is no blood circulation inside the joint space \nor in the cartilage, the clear white lubricating fluid must play another role as well, nourishing and \ncarrying away the wastes of the cartilage as it constantly grows to repair wear and tear. In a healthy joint, the lubricating fluid does this very well by a process called dialysis, by which it interchanges \nessential nutritive materials and wastes with the bloodstream coursing through a rich network of tiny \nblood vessels in the walls of the bag. The joint fluid is secreted by special cells lining the bag, utilizing \nmaterials taken from the bloodstream, and is thus c onstantly made afresh as required. Excluded from \nthe life-giving bloodstream, the joint cartilage is entirely dependent on the services of the membrane \nbag for its lubrication, nourishment, waste dispos al, and microbic protection by means of the special \njoint fluid. If the joint fluid is not thus constantly freshened by interchange with the blood, the cartilage \nmust starve, weaken, be worn away, and perhaps be come infected by invading microbes. Healthy joints \nare to a large degree self-repairing due to the consta ntly growing cartilage, but are sure to deteriorate \nwhen not properly supplied with joint fluid.\n \nTHE BASIC CAUSE OF COMMON ARTHRITIS \n This diagram shows how a typical joint is enclosed by its \nmembrane bag, which makes a clear white fluid from blood to \nlubricate and nourish the working surfaces. When blood circulation \nthrough the wall of this membrane bag is choked by fatty rubbish from stale food, the joint fluid can no longer be properly made. The \njoint is thus starved and begins to fail. Various forms of arthritis \ncan then develop from wear and tear, infection, self-repair \nreactions, etc. See text page 1.\n \n Medical authorities agree that the network of fi ne blood vessels in the membrane bag is subject to \nbeing choked with fatty rubbish the same as other arteries. Also, the fibrous walls of the membrane \nresemble the walls of the arteries, and the entire membrane tends to become thickened, hardened, and \ndeadened in much the same way as arteries are affected. This deterioration of the membrane bag \ndisturbs its performance in freshening the joint fluid, and the joint cartilage suffers accordingly. As described in authoritative medical textbooks, common arthritis begins with deterioration of the \nmembrane and consequent disturbance of the joint fluid, followed by a variety of painful and \ndisfiguring reactions in the joint.\n \n When blood circulation in the membrane fails and the joint begins to starve, automatic repair \nresponses by", "token_ids": [4298, 902, 527, 2288, 3629, 7633, 439, 330, 12393, 1, 17649, 0, 720, 791, 97937, 3465, 315, 14807, 706, 1027, 13348, 398, 27332, 555, 720, 12555, 13, 445, 13, 14874, 5997, 67372, 11, 719, 369, 8884, 11, 50888, 279, 3229, 11, 420, 2363, 720, 41450, 2103, 387, 21078, 304, 47913, 1376, 304, 8753, 4315, 279, 7576, 315, 720, 26301, 5370, 12624, 31727, 6055, 13, 578, 48679, 304, 3776, 323, 4251, 555, 720, 60762, 468, 4193, 70, 20697, 398, 14532, 279, 7057, 13, 2360, 810, 11191, 11, 28254, 477, 720, 24470, 87248, 990, 389, 6401, 323, 9601, 706, 3596, 1027, 4756, 13, 220, 128009, 128000, 4516, 321, 323, 6401, 11896, 198, 2028, 2246, 374, 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15173, 11, 323, 3719, 1949, 315, 6590, 992, 6784, 304, 720, 1820, 15489, 323, 14535, 13, 16741, 2987, 304, 279, 2010, 323, 13272, 617, 13241, 779, 439, 311, 2867, 709, 294, 97745, 323, 2487, 720, 2201, 5014, 11, 323, 18885, 10723, 32373, 13, 50487, 11, 9302, 85160, 323, 3776, 11934, 617, 9670, 13, 20671, 7410, 11, 39086, 11, 323, 2463, 2427, 68590, 3422, 617, 1027, 220, 11293, 3117, 810, 13750, 1109, 555, 11217, 477, 3428, 7058, 971, 273, 33282, 41943, 13, 9176, 1274, 2019, 814, 617, 2646, 1603, 35661, 779, 1664, 11, 323, 449, 779, 2697, 9979, 720, 1816, 11, 3686, 872, 4785, 323, 7216, 527, 13241, 13, 2435, 829, 379, 1778, 2574, 439, 25, 330, 40, 1097, 1203, 311, 990, 1578, 498, 477, 720, 39522, 810, 11509, 2103, 1418, 279, 6784, 87509, 3343, 4427, 527, 1524, 26875, 3403, 311, 2019, 330, 20004, 374, 264, 16267, 1578, 3343, 9176, 2019, 872, 20335, 374, 14400, 2085, 11217, 389, 420, 10173, 13, 8876, 433, 374, 2744, 264, 17069, 311, 1518, 720, 16455, 22128, 279, 1005, 315, 832, 596, 18841, 11, 1521, 3135, 1304, 682, 1057, 2653, 990, 2873, 1633, 1790, 720, 20069, 3556, 13, 3580, 1268, 433, 682, 3940, 11, 389, 4871, 1203, 3504, 320, 520, 279, 842, 315, 420, 74343, 304, 279, 7757, 720, 4464, 8, 16853, 49526, 17673, 81148, 9362, 8069, 3083, 67777, 6395, 99747, 964, 1669, 2355, 256, 1102, 374, 13882, 7378, 4315, 6593, 14248, 270, 520, 4279, 55652, 8638, 449, 82189, 315, 279, 720, 20960, 869, 532, 39654, 13, 1666, 6982, 304, 279, 13633, 389, 279, 14981, 3504, 11, 420, 39654, 3289, 50441, 279, 7366, 5596, 315, 279, 10496, 1093, 264, 9145, 13, 22037, 5825, 420, 39654, 9145, 8649, 264, 2867, 4251, 54494, 1113, 720, 67125, 311, 2567, 6680, 704, 315, 279, 10496, 3634, 11, 1606, 279, 36301, 2579, 7917, 315, 6680, 1053, 387, 6288, 33745, 1990, 279, 4785, 18534, 27529, 13, 8876, 1070, 374, 912, 6680, 35855, 4871, 279, 10496, 3634, 720, 269, 304, 279, 7558, 88076, 11, 279, 2867, 4251, 54494, 1113, 15962, 2011, 1514, 2500, 3560, 439, 1664, 11, 46798, 11218, 323, 720, 7063, 28609, 3201, 279, 82320, 315, 279, 7558, 88076, 439, 433, 15320, 28815, 311, 13023, 10051, 323, 18036, 13, 763, 264, 9498, 10496, 11, 279, 54494, 1113, 15962, 1587, 420, 1633, 1664, 555, 264, 1920, 2663, 28960, 4548, 11, 555, 902, 433, 958, 19926, 720, 49582, 69714, 535, 7384, 323, 82320, 449, 279, 100216, 45369, 287, 1555, 264, 9257, 4009, 315, 13987, 720, 51105, 31080, 304, 279, 14620, 315, 279, 9145, 13, 578, 10496, 15962, 374, 6367, 291, 555, 3361, 7917, 36471, 279, 9145, 11, 35988, 720, 78672, 4529, 505, 279, 100216, 11, 323, 374, 8617, 272, 389, 4811, 398, 1903, 8136, 2548, 439, 2631, 13, 1398, 10391, 505, 720, 1820, 2324, 2427, 2299, 100216, 11, 279, 10496, 7558, 88076, 374, 11622, 18222, 389, 279, 3600, 315, 279, 39654, 720, 21946, 369, 1202, 54494, 367, 11, 46798, 16409, 11, 12571, 54240, 453, 11, 323, 8162, 94598, 9313, 555, 3445, 315, 279, 3361, 720, 33950, 15962, 13, 1442, 279, 10496, 15962, 374, 539, 8617, 15320, 7878, 6901, 555, 52363, 449, 279, 6680, 11, 279, 7558, 88076, 720, 25849, 6917, 588, 11, 33556, 11, 387, 24634, 3201, 11, 323, 8530, 387, 2586, 29374, 555, 83631, 80727, 13, 44454, 35358, 720, 548, 311, 264, 3544, 8547, 659, 5621, 12959, 287, 4245, 311, 279, 738, 64, 32512, 398, 7982, 7558, 88076, 11, 719, 527, 2771, 311, 39436, 349, 720, 9493, 539, 10489, 17665, 449, 10496, 15962, 627, 2355, 17673, 81148, 9362, 8069, 3083, 67777, 6395, 99747, 964, 1669, 2355, 256, 1115, 13861, 5039, 1268, 264, 14595, 10496, 374, 44910, 555, 1202, 720, 10759, 88554, 9145, 11, 902, 3727, 264, 2867, 4251, 15962, 505, 6680, 311, 720, 104098, 2265, 349, 323, 46798, 819, 279, 3318, 27529, 13, 3277, 6680, 35855, 720, 20322, 279, 7147, 315, 420, 39654, 9145, 374, 94743, 555, 40085, 62024, 505, 51451, 3691, 11, 279, 10496, 15962, 649, 912, 5129, 387, 10489, 1903, 13, 578, 720, 33950, 374, 8617, 6917, 2111, 323, 12302, 311, 220, 3775, 13, 40741, 7739, 315, 55652, 720, 4919, 1243, 2274, 505, 10051, 323, 18036, 11, 19405, 11, 659, 5621, 12959, 720, 265, 4109, 11, 5099, 13, 3580, 1495, 2199, 220, 16, 627, 720, 256, 13235, 11527, 7655, 430, 279, 4009, 315, 9314, 841, 6680, 31080, 304, 279, 39654, 9145, 374, 3917, 311, 720, 35214, 94743, 449, 40085, 62024, 279, 1890, 439, 1023, 85648, 13, 7429, 11, 279, 16178, 27620, 14620, 315, 279, 39654, 720, 265, 16167, 279, 14620, 315, 279, 85648, 11, 323, 279, 4553, 39654, 28335, 311, 3719, 12314, 6901, 11, 71836, 11, 323, 720, 34854, 6901, 304, 1790, 279, 1890, 1648, 439, 85648, 527, 11754, 13, 1115, 82189, 315, 279, 39654, 9145, 720, 12489, 324, 1302, 1202, 5178, 304, 7878, 6147, 279, 10496, 15962, 11, 323, 279, 10496, 7558, 88076, 47521, 28178, 13, 1666, 7633, 304, 65693, 6593, 65303, 11, 4279, 55652, 12302, 449, 82189, 315, 279, 720, 10759, 88554, 323, 12777, 306, 65858, 315, 279, 10496, 15962, 11, 8272, 555, 264, 8205, 315, 26175, 323, 720, 4338, 915, 1711, 25481, 304, 279, 10496, 627, 720, 256, 3277, 6680, 35855, 304, 279, 39654, 14865, 323, 279, 10496, 12302, 311, 6917, 588, 11, 17392, 13023, 720, 72100, 555], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " Plus in California. I\ndon\u2019t recall how I selected that particular software, but as\nI look back now, it must have been an inspired decision\u2014\nI ended up having some serious destiny with that\ncompany.\nBy late 1979, I was doing more and more work selling\nthe accounting package and the related hardware and\nsupport. I took such good care of my clients that even\nSystems Plus began referring customers to me. Just as I\nhad learned all my programming skills through the jobs\nthat came to m e, so these new jobs were teaching me\nhow to analyze, implement, and support the\ncomputerization of various-sized businesses.\nWord spread like wildfire, and the demand for my\nproducts and services kept increasing. Between\nreferences from Systems Plus, Radio Shack, and my\nexisting clients, I started getting requests from\nbusinesses sca ttered across the state. But I was only one\nperson, and I was very committed to attending morning\nand evening services at the Temple. To avoid overnight\nbusiness trips, I just let those opportunities go and fully\nsurrendered to putting my spiritual practices first. I\nwould have gone on like that, but then James showed up.\nJames Pierson was a very sin cere seeker who had just\nmoved into one of the houses on Temple property. Asperfection wou ld have it, James had a pilot\u2019s license. One\nday he overhea rd me discussing my inability to take on\nout-of-town cli ents, and he o ffered to fly me around. If\nwe rented a small, single-engine plane for the trips,\nJames\u2019s rates were more than reasonable. We began to\ndo day trips to the out-of-town clients who were willing\nto p ay a prem ium for my services. These tended to be\nupscale businesses, like a client in West Palm who\nbrokered private jets. With life as my teacher, little by\nlittle th is non-suit-wearing hippie from the woods of\nAlachua was learning to deal professionally with\nsuccessful businesspeople. My formula for success was\nvery sim ple: Do whatever is put in front of you with all\nyour heart and soul without regard for personal results.\nDo the work as though it were given to you by the\nuniverse itself\u2014because it was.\nPersonalized Programming was always an exciting\nbusiness. Now I got to fly abo ve the clouds in a tiny two-\nseater p lane. I would often look out over the expansive\nsky and wonde r, How did I get here? I ha d m oved out to\nthe woo ds to drop out and devote my life to my spiritual\npractices. I never left the woods, and I never for a\nmoment took my life back. N ow a boutique business in\nWest Pa lm, one of the most affluent cities in the United\nStates, had hired me to fly down and computerize the\nbusiness. It was all beyond my comprehension. I was\nnever even trained in any of this. I was just living in a\nfairy tale.3 3.\nT h e B i r t h o f T h e M e d i c a l M a n a g e r\nP ersonalized Pro gramming ha d grown into a successful,\none-man company. In 1980, my brother-in-law, Harvey,\nsuggested that I incorporate the business for liability\npurposes. I remember how unnecessary it seemed to\nincorporate yet another bus iness. Still, I accepted his\nadvice and registered Perso nalized Programming with\nthe State of Florida. The State sent me a stock certificate\nfor the business, which I stuck in my safety deposit box\nat the bank. The certificate had a beautiful official-\nlooking seal on it, but it had no real value to anyone but\nme. Nonetheless, Personalized Programming, Inc. was\nnow a legal corporation in the State of Florida.\nI r eally loved t he work I was doing with Personalized\nProgramming. If anything, my passion for computers\nhad grown stronger since that first day in Radio Shack.\nEach co mputer I installed was like a dear friend I left\nbehind to serve my clients. I may have looked like a one-\nman co mpany, but in reality I had left my workers at\nevery one of my clients\u2019 sites. They worked for free day\nand night, and they never complained.\nOnce I starte d selling and supporting full system\nsolutions for my clients, P ersonalized Programming\nbegan generating more than a hundred thousand dollars\na year. That was a far cry from the five thousand I was\nearning at Santa Fe just a few years earlier. In addition,\nBuilt wi th Love was still earn ing a decent living. Through\nall t his, I had hardly changed my lifestyle. The money the\nbusinesses were earning got donated to the Temple to\nsupport land purchases and the expenses incurredserving the community. The perfection of how everything\nwas unfolding was enough to silence the personal mind.\nIt was around that time when I noticed that my mental\nconcepts separating worldly and spiritual had finally\ndissolved. Ever ything began to appear as the miraculous\nperfection of the flow of life.\nIf I\u2019 d had my way, I would h ave continued my life in\nthat direction. But somehow it seems that in my\nexperiment with surrender\u2014I never have my way. So it\nwas in early 1980 when I received two phone calls on the\nsame d ay that would end up initiating the next stage of\nmy phenomen al journey. The calls seemed innocent\nenough; they were from people looking for a medical\nbilling system. What they w anted was the ability to do\npatient and insurance billing using a personal computer.\nI didn\u2019t have a system that could do that, but I told them\nI would look around and get back to them.\nAfter some searching, I found a system through a\ncontact I had in Miami. I t was supposed to be a\nnationally distributed software package with successful\ninstallations. I should have checked references. I got\nliterature and pricing on the system and got back to my\nprospective cli ents with a bid. I had no idea what I was\ngetting into. Once I started testing the software, it didn\u2019t\ntake long to realize that the package was absolute\ngarbage. There was no way I was going to represent that\nsoftware.\nWhen I called my clients to give them the bad news,\nthey each had the same res ponse. They said they had\nheard t hat I was a very reliable programmer who had\nwritten custom software for numerous businesses. Why\ncouldn\u2019t I write software for their medical practice\nbusiness?\nI re member I was sitting o n the floor of my small\noffice. The little voice in my head was going on about\nhow it took s o long to write software versus selling\nsomeone else\u2019s. Writing a patient and insurance billingsystem would be a much larger project than anything I\nhad eve r done. I told my clients that it could take as\nmuch as two years to finish such a system.\nUnfortunately, they both said they were willing to wait if\nthey could give input along the way. I definitely didn\u2019t\nwant to get int o a programming project of that size. But\nthough there was no definitive agreement with these\nclients, there was my agreement to honor life\u2019s flow. My\nmind be came s till as I realize d that I really had no choice\nbut to surrend er to the situa tion life had put me in. It\nwas jus t like all the other ti mes I let go when I didn\u2019t\nwant to. I took a deep breath and told both clients that I\nwould try my best to write a billing system for their\nmedical practices.\nThe moment I hung up from these phone calls, I\nreached over and picked up the standard insurance claim\nform th at was lying on the floor next to me. I had\nobtained it earlier to see what an insurance bill looked\nlike. I began th inking about how I was going to structure\na program that would collect and store the diverse data\nnecessary to fill out this fo rm. Little did I know that\nthose first thoughts were the start of a journey into the\ncomputerization of the medic al industry that would span\nalmost three decades. People have often asked me how\nback in 1980 I had the fore sight to focus Personalized\nProgramming on the medical industry. Now you see that\nthe answer is simple: I didn\u2019t do a thing except serve with\nall m y heart a nd soul what life brought before me. But\nthe scope of the task I had been given this time was way\nbeyond anything I had ever faced.\nThere were no meetings, or budgets, or project plans.\nThere w as just me. I immediately started to code the\nsoftware that would come to be called The Medical\nManager\u2014a product that would end up revolutionizing\nthe U.S. medic al practice management industry. I know\nit is difficult fo r people to un derstand, but to me writing\ncode was the sa me as having a conversation with anotherhuman being. I didn\u2019t have to think about what I wanted\nto s ay or how to say it. There was just a natural flow\ndirectly from the stream of my thoughts into the\nmachine. When I was writing a program, the voice in my\nhead wo uld speak in the computer language I was using.\nI didn\u2019 t think in English and then convert to the\nlanguage; my primary thoughts were in", "token_ids": [12623, 304, 7188, 13, 358, 198, 15357, 1431, 19635, 1268, 358, 4183, 430, 4040, 3241, 11, 719, 439, 198, 40, 1427, 1203, 1457, 11, 433, 2011, 617, 1027, 459, 14948, 5597, 2345, 198, 40, 9670, 709, 3515, 1063, 6129, 47176, 449, 430, 198, 10348, 627, 1383, 3389, 220, 4468, 24, 11, 358, 574, 3815, 810, 323, 810, 990, 11486, 198, 1820, 24043, 220, 6462, 323, 279, 5552, 12035, 323, 198, 24249, 13, 358, 3952, 1778, 1695, 2512, 315, 856, 8403, 430, 1524, 198, 49165, 12623, 6137, 22797, 220, 6444, 311, 757, 13, 4702, 439, 358, 198, 32345, 9687, 682, 856, 15840, 7512, 1555, 279, 7032, 198, 9210, 3782, 311, 296, 384, 11, 779, 1521, 502, 7032, 1051, 12917, 757, 198, 5269, 311, 24564, 11, 4305, 11, 323, 1862, 279, 198, 44211, 2065, 315, 5370, 28935, 9873, 627, 11116, 9041, 1093, 93225, 11, 323, 279, 7631, 369, 856, 198, 10354, 323, 220, 3600, 8774, 7859, 13, 28232, 198, 37009, 505, 15264, 12623, 11, 13792, 86523, 11, 323, 856, 198, 37995, 8403, 11, 358, 3940, 220, 3794, 7540, 505, 198, 27243, 288, 15710, 259, 34259, 4028, 279, 1614, 13, 2030, 358, 574, 1193, 832, 198, 9164, 11, 323, 358, 574, 1633, 11411, 311, 24096, 6693, 198, 438, 11714, 3600, 520, 279, 19176, 13, 2057, 5766, 25402, 198, 27243, 23277, 11, 220, 358, 1120, 1095, 1884, 10708, 733, 323, 7373, 198, 82, 852, 910, 291, 311, 10917, 856, 18330, 12659, 1176, 13, 358, 198, 41450, 617, 8208, 389, 1093, 430, 11, 719, 1243, 7957, 8710, 709, 627, 29184, 21286, 1293, 574, 264, 1633, 7589, 28091, 90233, 889, 1047, 1120, 198, 95918, 1139, 832, 315, 279, 15316, 389, 19176, 3424, 13, 1666, 716, 13421, 289, 283, 27221, 617, 433, 11, 7957, 1047, 264, 18178, 753, 5842, 13, 3861, 198, 1316, 568, 927, 41033, 23527, 757, 25394, 856, 38550, 311, 1935, 389, 198, 412, 8838, 84003, 22059, 37952, 11, 323, 568, 297, 282, 809, 291, 311, 11722, 757, 2212, 13, 1442, 198, 906, 49959, 264, 2678, 11, 3254, 50725, 11277, 369, 279, 23277, 345, 29184, 753, 7969, 1051, 810, 1109, 13579, 13, 1226, 6137, 311, 198, 3055, 1938, 23277, 311, 279, 704, 8838, 84003, 8403, 889, 1051, 10032, 198, 998, 281, 19432, 264, 6954, 602, 372, 369, 856, 3600, 13, 4314, 49890, 311, 387, 198, 8772, 2296, 9873, 11, 1093, 264, 3016, 304, 4410, 33578, 889, 198, 70409, 291, 879, 44305, 13, 3161, 2324, 439, 856, 11326, 11, 2697, 555, 198, 56492, 270, 374, 2536, 1355, 3159, 2695, 13992, 44656, 648, 505, 279, 33633, 315, 198, 2149, 613, 4381, 574, 6975, 311, 3568, 46029, 449, 198, 32050, 2626, 16455, 13, 3092, 15150, 369, 2450, 574, 198, 1225, 1675, 7245, 25, 3234, 8996, 374, 2231, 304, 4156, 315, 499, 449, 682, 198, 22479, 4851, 323, 13836, 2085, 5363, 369, 4443, 3135, 627, 5519, 279, 220, 990, 439, 3582, 433, 1051, 2728, 311, 499, 555, 279, 198, 359, 8194, 5196, 2345, 28753, 433, 574, 627, 35127, 1534, 39524, 574, 2744, 459, 13548, 198, 27243, 13, 4800, 358, 2751, 311, 11722, 671, 78, 5320, 279, 30614, 304, 264, 13987, 1403, 7058, 325, 977, 281, 21971, 13, 358, 1053, 3629, 1427, 704, 927, 279, 61838, 198, 27782, 323, 220, 2834, 451, 436, 11, 2650, 1550, 358, 636, 1618, 30, 220, 358, 6520, 294, 296, 297, 2111, 704, 311, 198, 1820, 69732, 11729, 311, 6068, 704, 323, 48772, 856, 2324, 311, 856, 18330, 198, 652, 90290, 13, 358, 2646, 2163, 279, 33633, 11, 323, 358, 2646, 369, 264, 198, 29699, 3952, 856, 2324, 1203, 13, 452, 15941, 264, 53185, 2626, 304, 198, 24188, 16056, 41338, 11, 832, 315, 279, 1455, 81879, 9919, 304, 279, 3723, 198, 24137, 11, 1047, 22163, 757, 311, 11722, 1523, 323, 6500, 553, 279, 198, 27243, 13, 1102, 574, 682, 7953, 856, 62194, 13, 358, 574, 198, 37593, 1524, 16572, 304, 904, 315, 420, 13, 358, 574, 1120, 5496, 304, 264, 198, 69, 22704, 24162, 13, 18, 220, 18, 16853, 51, 305, 384, 220, 426, 602, 436, 259, 305, 220, 297, 282, 220, 350, 305, 384, 220, 386, 384, 294, 602, 272, 264, 326, 220, 386, 264, 308, 264, 342, 384, 436, 198, 47, 220, 1293, 278, 1534, 1322, 23882, 5424, 6520, 294, 15042, 1139, 264, 6992, 345, 606, 21110, 2883, 13, 763, 220, 3753, 15, 11, 856, 10868, 3502, 31412, 11, 34422, 345, 82, 54376, 430, 358, 33435, 279, 2626, 369, 24305, 198, 26047, 8449, 13, 358, 6227, 1268, 26225, 433, 9508, 311, 198, 2910, 39382, 349, 3686, 2500, 5951, 304, 434, 13, 16782, 11, 358, 11928, 813, 198, 329, 1805, 323, 9879, 21097, 78, 85633, 1534, 39524, 449, 198, 1820, 3314, 315, 9784, 13, 578, 3314, 3288, 757, 264, 5708, 16125, 198, 2000, 279, 2626, 11, 902, 358, 16075, 304, 856, 7296, 16946, 3830, 198, 266, 279, 6201, 13, 578, 16125, 1047, 264, 6366, 4033, 7058, 20986, 26418, 389, 433, 11, 719, 433, 1047, 912, 1972, 907, 311, 5606, 719, 198, 2727, 13, 56733, 11, 19758, 1534, 39524, 11, 4953, 13, 574, 198, 3409, 264, 5897, 27767, 304, 279, 3314, 315, 9784, 627, 40, 436, 384, 750, 10456, 259, 568, 990, 358, 574, 3815, 449, 19758, 1534, 198, 46819, 13, 1442, 4205, 11, 856, 11939, 369, 19002, 198, 32345, 15042, 16643, 2533, 430, 1176, 1938, 304, 13792, 86523, 627, 4959, 1080, 296, 11533, 358, 10487, 574, 1093, 264, 25237, 4333, 358, 2163, 198, 30998, 485, 311, 8854, 856, 8403, 13, 358, 1253, 617, 7111, 1093, 264, 832, 7058, 1543, 1080, 296, 2023, 11, 719, 304, 8903, 358, 1047, 2163, 856, 7487, 520, 198, 30115, 832, 315, 856, 8403, 529, 6732, 13, 2435, 6575, 369, 1949, 1938, 198, 438, 3814, 11, 323, 814, 2646, 35070, 627, 12805, 358, 220, 1212, 68, 294, 11486, 323, 12899, 2539, 1887, 198, 82, 20813, 369, 856, 8403, 11, 393, 220, 1293, 278, 1534, 39524, 198, 65, 16133, 24038, 810, 1109, 264, 7895, 16579, 11441, 198, 64, 1060, 13, 3011, 574, 264, 3117, 16106, 505, 279, 4330, 16579, 358, 574, 198, 16933, 520, 16376, 3926, 1120, 264, 2478, 1667, 6931, 13, 763, 5369, 345, 55400, 24129, 270, 10919, 220, 574, 2103, 7380, 6892, 264, 15326, 5496, 13, 17331, 198, 543, 259, 813, 11, 358, 1047, 20781, 5614, 856, 19433, 13, 578, 3300, 279, 198, 27243, 288, 1051, 28744, 2751, 34468, 311, 279, 19176, 311, 198, 24249, 4363, 24393, 323, 279, 18512, 3709, 852, 5469, 20073, 279, 4029, 13, 578, 39143, 315, 1268, 4395, 198, 16514, 33831, 574, 3403, 311, 21847, 279, 4443, 4059, 627, 2181, 574, 2212, 430, 892, 994, 358, 14000, 430, 856, 10723, 198, 444, 58871, 50545, 97706, 220, 323, 18330, 220, 1047, 5616, 198, 67, 1056, 8905, 13, 18374, 379, 1626, 6137, 311, 5101, 439, 279, 91813, 198, 716, 13421, 315, 279, 6530, 315, 2324, 627, 2746, 358, 529, 294, 1047, 856, 1648, 11, 358, 1053, 305, 42738, 8738, 856, 2324, 304, 198, 9210, 5216, 13, 2030, 17354, 433, 5084, 430, 304, 856, 198, 60529, 449, 32859, 51757, 2646, 617, 856, 1648, 13, 2100, 433, 198, 16514, 304, 4216, 220, 3753, 15, 994, 358, 4036, 1403, 4641, 6880, 389, 279, 198, 25030, 294, 19432, 430, 1053, 842, 709, 220, 79516, 279, 1828, 6566, 315, 198, 2465, 17151, 453, 11879, 13, 578, 6880, 9508, 25226, 198, 268, 1409, 26, 814, 1051, 505, 1274, 3411, 369, 264, 6593, 198, 39737, 1887, 13, 220, 3639, 814, 289, 3276, 291, 574, 279, 5845, 311, 656, 198, 23557, 323, 8276, 34631, 1701, 264, 4443, 6500, 627, 40, 3287, 1431, 617, 264, 1887, 430, 1436, 656, 430, 11, 719, 358, 3309, 1124, 198, 40, 1053, 1427, 2212, 323, 636, 1203, 311, 1124, 627, 6153, 1063, 15389, 11, 358, 1766, 264, 1887, 1555, 264, 198, 6421, 358, 1047, 304, 18045, 13, 358, 259, 574, 10171, 311, 387, 264, 198, 77, 30154, 4332, 3241, 6462, 449, 6992, 198, 12527, 811, 13, 358, 220, 1288, 617, 10273, 15407, 13, 358, 2751, 198, 69191, 1598, 323, 21913, 389, 279, 1887, 323, 2751, 1203, 311, 856, 198, 782, 82, 9262, 22059, 37952, 449, 264, 14435, 13, 358, 1047, 912, 4623, 1148, 358, 574, 198, 51210, 1139, 13, 9843, 358, 3940, 7649, 279, 3241, 11, 433, 3287, 1431, 198, 23609, 1317, 311, 13383, 430, 279, 6462, 574, 10973, 198, 12440, 21305, 13, 2684, 574, 912, 1648, 358, 574, 2133, 311, 4097, 430, 198, 37751, 627, 4599, 358, 2663, 856, 8403, 311, 3041, 1124, 279, 3958, 3754, 345, 20670, 1855, 1047, 279, 1890, 594, 35023, 325, 13, 2435, 1071, 814, 1047, 198, 55603, 259, 9072, 358, 574, 264, 1633, 15062, 48888, 889, 1047, 198, 26650, 2587, 220, 3241, 369, 12387, 9873, 13, 8595, 198, 92062, 1431, 358, 3350, 3241, 369, 872, 6593, 6725, 198, 27243, 5380, 40, 312, 4562, 358, 574, 11961, 297, 308, 279, 6558, 315, 856, 2678, 198, 27614, 13, 578, 2697, 7899, 304, 856, 220, 2010, 574, 2133, 389, 922, 198, 5269, 433, 3952, 274, 297, 1317, 311, 3350, 3241, 19579, 11486, 198, 90579, 775, 753, 662, 24838, 264, 8893, 323, 8276, 4121, 826, 615, 1053, 387, 264, 1790, 8294, 2447, 1109, 4205, 358, 198, 32345, 49996, 436, 2884, 13, 358, 3309, 856, 8403, 430, 433, 1436, 1935, 439, 198, 59178, 439, 1403, 1667, 311, 6381, 1778, 264, 1887, 627, 31140, 11, 814, 2225, 1071, 814, 1051, 10032, 311, 3868, 422, 198, 20670, 1436, 3041, 1988, 3235, 279, 1648, 13, 358, 8659, 3287, 1431, 198, 53757, 311, 636, 528, 297, 264, 15840, 2447, 315, 430, 1404, 13, 2030, 198, 4636, 1070, 574, 912, 45813, 9306, 449, 1521, 198, 32969, 11, 1070, 574, 856, 9306, 311, 16044, 2324, 753, 6530, 13, 3092, 198, 38824, 387, 3782, 274, 12222, 439, 358, 13383, 294, 430, 358, 2216, 1047, 912, 5873, 198, 8248, 311, 25139, 303, 2781, 311, 279, 2503, 4381, 73352, 2324, 1047, 2231, 757, 304, 13, 1102, 198, 16514, 45907, 259, 1093, 682, 279, 1023, 9165, 11083, 358, 1095, 733, 994, 358, 3287, 1431, 198, 53757, 311, 662, 358, 3952, 264, 5655, 11745, 220, 323, 3309, 2225, 8403, 430, 358, 198, 41450, 1456, 856, 1888, 311, 3350, 264, 34631, 1887, 369, 872, 198, 69216, 12659, 627, 791, 4545, 358, 18799, 709, 505, 1521, 4641, 6880, 11, 358, 198, 265, 3939, 927, 323, 13061, 709, 279, 5410, 8276, 3802, 198, 630, 270, 520, 574, 21078, 389, 279, 220, 6558, 1828, 311, 757, 13, 358, 1047, 198, 677, 83, 2692, 433, 6931, 311, 1518, 1148, 459, 8276, 4121, 7111, 198, 4908, 13, 358, 6137, 270, 304, 10789, 922, 1268, 358, 574, 2133, 311, 6070, 198, 64, 2068, 430, 1053, 6667, 220, 323, 3637, 279, 17226, 828, 198, 95317, 311, 5266, 704, 420, 12018, 19535, 13, 15013, 1550, 358, 1440, 430, 198, 54719, 1176, 11555, 1051, 279, 1212, 315, 264, 11879, 1139, 279, 198, 44211, 2065, 315, 279, 8249, 453, 5064, 430, 1053, 9575, 198, 60301, 2380, 11026, 13, 9029, 617, 3629, 4691, 757, 1268, 198, 1445, 304, 220, 220, 3753, 15, 358, 1047, 279, 2291, 14254, 311, 5357, 19758, 1534, 198, 46819, 389, 279, 6593, 5064, 13, 4800, 499, 1518, 430, 198, 1820, 4320, 374, 4382, 25, 358, 3287, 1431, 656, 264, 3245, 3734, 8854, 449, 198, 543, 296, 379, 4851, 264, 15953, 13836, 1148, 2324, 7263, 1603, 757, 13, 2030, 198, 1820, 7036, 315, 279, 3465, 358, 1047, 1027, 2728, 420, 892, 574, 1648, 198, 65, 23478, 4205, 358, 1047, 3596, 17011, 627, 3947, 1051, 912, 16659, 11, 477, 42484, 11, 477, 2447, 6787, 627, 3947, 289, 439, 1120, 757, 13, 358, 7214, 3940, 311, 2082, 279, 198, 37751, 430, 1053, 2586, 311, 387, 2663, 578, 13235, 198, 2087, 29096, 2027, 430, 1053, 842, 709, 14110, 4954, 198, 1820, 549, 815, 662, 8249, 453, 6725, 6373, 5064, 13, 358, 1440, 198, 275, 374, 5107, 12018, 436, 1274, 311, 653, 2761, 2752, 11, 719, 311, 757, 4477, 198, 1889, 574, 279, 829, 757, 439, 3515, 264, 10652, 449, 2500, 26380, 1694, 13, 358, 3287, 1431, 617, 311, 220, 1781, 922, 1148, 358, 4934, 198, 998, 274, 19432, 477, 1268, 220, 311, 2019, 433, 13, 2684, 574, 1120, 264, 5933, 6530, 198, 20384, 398, 505, 279, 4365, 315, 856, 11555, 1139, 279, 198, 33156, 13, 3277, 358, 574, 4477, 264, 2068, 11, 279, 7899, 304, 856, 198, 2025, 24670, 8725, 67, 6604, 304, 279, 6500, 4221, 358, 574, 1701, 627, 40, 3287, 529, 259, 1781, 220, 304, 6498, 323, 1243, 5625, 311, 279, 198, 11789, 26, 856, 6156, 11555, 1051, 304], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": "orice;shotbush;small\nspikeard;rabbitroot\nSarsaparilla isaperennialclimberfoundincertainparts\nofnorthandsouthAmerica. Ithaslong,slender,\nbitter-tastingrootletswhicharepoisonous iftakenin\nlargequantity,producingnausea,vomitinganda\ntemporarylossofappetite.\nTheplantwasbroughttoEuropeinthemid-\nsixteenthcenturybyexplorersofthe'NewWorld'andPHYSICALCOMPLAINTS\nBreastfeedingproblems\nSymptomsNipplesinverted.\nThismakesitverydifficulttoestablishbreastfeeding.\nCystitis\nSymptomsDesiretourinate:ineffectual.Painscut-\nting.Urination:slow;dribbling;canonlypassurine\nwhilestanding.Urine:green;pale;withmucus;with\nsediment.\nWorseatendofurination;duringamenstrualperiod.\nCausesgettingchilled;cold,wetweather.\nThepersonmaypassurinewithoutfeelingit,butwill\nexperienceunbearablepainattheendofurinating,\nandwillyellwiththepain.Urinatingisdifficultwhile\nsittingdown,andthepersonmayonlybeableto\nurinatefreelywhilestandingup.Eventhenshemay\nonlymanageafeeblestream.Childrenwithcystitiscry\noutbeforepeeingbecauseoftheanticipatedpain.The\nkidneysmayalsobepainful(therightmoresothanthe\nleft)andinflamed(withcuttingpains)-itisadvisable\ntoseekprofessionalhelpbeforethispoint,butSarsa-\nparillawillhelptorelievethepaininthemeantime.\nSepia(Sep.)\nFamilyname:Dibranchiata\nOthernames:squid,cuttlefish\nCuttlefisharemolluscsrelatedtotheoctopusand\nsquid,andarefoundmostcommonlyinthe\nMediterraneanandotherEuropeanseas.Unlikemost\nmolluscs,whichhaveshellsoutsidetheirbodies,\ncuttlefishhavesoft,gelatinousbodieswithtinyshells\ninside.Theygrowtoonetotwofeetlong,andswim\nINTERNALMATERIAMEDICA Sepia(Sep.)\u2022147\naboutrapidlybysquirtingjetsofwaterfromtheir\nbodies.Theycanchangecolourandsquirtjetsofinkas\naprotective,camouflagingdevice.\nSepiaisthenamegiventothedriedbrownish-black\nink,whichisusedasanartists'pigment;therawinkis\nnotfitformedicinaluseandindeedwasunknownto\nmedicineuntilHahnemannobservedthatasickly\nartistfriendofhislickedhispaintbrushfrequentlyas\nheworked.Hemadeapotencyofthe'sepia'inkand\ncuredtheartistofhiscomplaints.\nForthehomeopathicpreparationthepurepigment\nistriturated.\nGENERALSYMPTOMS\nCatchescoldseasily.Complaintsfromgettingwet.\nCravesvinegar.Dischargesvellow.Dislikesmeat.\nFacepasty.Painspressing.Sweat:cold;hot;profuse;\nsmelly;sour;fromslightestphysicalexertion;from\nmentalexertion;frompain;onsinglepartsofthe\nbody.Symptomsleft-sided.\nBetteraftereating;forvigorousexercise;forrunning;\nforfastwalking.\nWorsebeforeduring/aftermenstrualperiod;atnight;\nforcold;forfasting;forgettingwet;forrest;forfrosty\nair;forsweating;fortouch;forwalkinginthewind;for\nmental/physical exertion;forwriting.\nSepiaisaremedythathasaprofoundeffectonthe\nfemalehormonesandisthereforeoftenneededduringandafterpregnancy,aroundthetimeofthemeno-\npause,andforproblemswithperiodsorproblemsthat\nareexacerbatedaroundthetimeofthemenstrual\nperiod.\nThetypicalSepiafaceisyellow,earthyandpale,\nwithamarkedyellownessrunningacrossthesaddle\nofthenoseanddarkringsundertheeyes.\nThesearechillytypes,withcoldhandsandfeet,\nwhoareextremelysensitivetothecoldinalmostany\nshapeorform.Theysweateasilyandprofusely,when\nexperiencingstrongemotionsorwithanyexertionof\neitherthebodyorthemind.Coughingcanalsomake\nthemsweat.Thesweatwillsmellsourandwillmake\nthemfeelworseandaggravatetheirsymptoms.\nTheyfeelexhaustedandrundown.Theyhaveno\nmuscletoneandtheyfeelandlooksaggy;theyfeelas\nthoughthereissomethingheavyinsidethatisdrag-\ngingthemdown.Thisisamarvellousremedyfor\nprolapseoftheuterus,whateverthecause(though\nthisisusuallytoomanychildrentooclosetogether),\nandmeansthatthetraumaofanoperationcanbe\navoided.However,thisconditiondoesalwaysrequire\ncarefulprescribingbyaprofessionalhomeopath.De-\nspiteSepiatvpes'weakness,theyaregenerallyworse\nforrest,andexercisingvigorouslywillenergisetheir\nsluggishstate.Eatingwillhelptemporarily(theyare\nmuchworseformissingmeals).Theydonotwantto\nbetouchedormassaged.\nEMOTIONAL/MENTALSYMPTOMS\nAngryfromcontradiction.Anxious:duringafever;\nduringtheevening.Confused.Depressed.Desires\ntobealone.Dislikescompany;consolation;\ncontradiction.Forgetful.Indifferent:toown\nchildren;tofamily;tolovedones;towork.Irritable.\nSensitive:tomusic;tonoise;topain.Sluggish.\nTearful.Weepy.\nSepiatypesarepronetodreadfulemotionalstates,\nwheretheybecomesluggish,indifferent, irritable,\nweepvanddepressed.Sepiahasbeenfoundtobe\nmoreusefulforwomenthanformenandisespecially\nneededforthetypicalworn-out-mother-without-any-\nsupportsyndrome,forwomenwhoareworndownby\nthecaresoflifeandtoomanychildrenwithnot\nenoughtimebetweenthemfortheirbodiestorecover.\nThisistheclassicalSepiapicture,thoughwomenmay\nalsobesimplywornoutfromhavingtoomuchtodo\nandnotenoughpersonalresourcestoseethem\nthrough it.\nWheninthisdepressedstate,Sepiassag,mentally\nandphysicallyTheysitsilently,feelingemptyand\nenjoyingnothingintheirlives,andfeelingindifferent\ntoallthosethingsthatformerlygavethemenjoyment\n-suchastheirchildrenandfamily,andtheirwork.\n148\u2022Sepia(Sep.) INTERNALMATERIAMEDICA\nTheydonotwantanyhelpandwillrespondbadlyto\nsympathy,preferringtobealonetoavoidanyfurther\nstress.Becausethinkingissodifficultandtheirbrains\nseemtohavegroundtoahalttheonlythingtheywant\ntodoistobequietandalone.\nTheywillfeelverymuchbetteriftheydragthem-\nselvesoutoftheirtorportodosomethingstrenuous,\nsuchasexercise,aerobics,dancingorspringcleaning.\nItisasifthecirculationhasslowedrightdownandthe\nexercisegetsitmovingagain.Thisistheonlyremedy\nthathasthissymptomtothisdegree.Childrenwho\nneedSepiamaybenegativeandsulkyandindifferent\ntotheirwork,thatis,toplaying!Theymaybeafraidof\nbeingalone,ofthedark(becauseofghosts)butthey\nwillnotwanttobehandledeither.Theybecomelazy\nanddonotwanttodoanything,butoncetheyhave\nactuallygotgoing,orhave,forexample,arrivedatthe\nparty,theyarequitehappyandhaveagoodtime.\nPHYSICALCOMPLAINTS\nBackache\nSymptomsPains:inlowerback;aching;dragging\ndown.\nBetterforpressure.\nWorseduringtheafternoon;atnight;before/during\nmenstrualperiod;forbendingdown;forsitting.\nThelowerbackfeelsweakandtiredandasifithas\nbeenhitwithahammer.\nColdsores\nSymptomsSoresonlips.\nCommoncold\nSymptomsNasalcatarrh:green;dirtyyellow;\nvellow-green;dripsdownbackofthroat.Senseof\nsmelllost.\nConstipation\nSymptomsBellystomachfeelsfull.Stools:hard;\nlarge.Strainingineffectual.\nWorseduringamenstrualperiod.\nCausespregnancy.\nThisisforthetypeofacuteconstipationthatcan\naccompanypregnancyorawoman'speriods.The\npersonwillstraintopassalarge,hardstoolbutwillbe\nunableto.\nCough\nSymptomsBreathingfast.Couch:constantatnight;\ndry;exhausting;hacking;irritating;loose;mustsitup\ntocough;rattling;short;disturbssleep;tickling;vio-\nl", "token_ids": [269, 560, 26, 6474, 65, 1136, 26, 9181, 198, 2203, 3043, 569, 86408, 20544, 2959, 198, 50, 1590, 391, 277, 6374, 374, 3271, 32331, 566, 318, 655, 15456, 2910, 7770, 18753, 198, 1073, 62995, 2914, 2969, 32132, 13, 358, 339, 300, 4930, 11, 3306, 1693, 345, 65, 3328, 2442, 15067, 2959, 10145, 8370, 548, 5481, 3416, 788, 422, 83261, 258, 198, 17185, 13832, 11, 8723, 6253, 3458, 817, 64, 14605, 316, 5977, 10018, 198, 79190, 2353, 708, 69, 680, 295, 635, 627, 791, 21494, 16514, 65, 6478, 998, 31880, 48121, 336, 307, 7058, 51464, 46487, 1189, 3431, 1729, 30992, 269, 388, 1073, 1820, 6, 3648, 10343, 6, 438, 11079, 9579, 15942, 8867, 2989, 32, 3301, 50, 198, 51329, 561, 46519, 96440, 198, 29012, 52273, 45, 51660, 258, 22361, 627, 2028, 80785, 275, 1225, 13798, 3951, 998, 34500, 21152, 561, 46519, 627, 34, 599, 20000, 198, 29012, 52273, 5001, 556, 52439, 3357, 25, 483, 1740, 940, 1087, 1771, 10453, 7058, 1303, 5368, 81, 2617, 25, 36311, 100249, 1936, 9894, 26, 4919, 3323, 6519, 324, 483, 198, 3556, 10276, 5368, 40101, 96831, 57013, 1604, 26, 4291, 76, 38601, 26, 4291, 198, 32424, 3904, 627, 54, 11073, 266, 408, 1073, 324, 2617, 26, 82977, 25807, 496, 940, 19862, 627, 23389, 4881, 51210, 331, 4473, 79732, 820, 25576, 295, 15561, 627, 791, 9164, 18864, 6519, 324, 258, 98909, 412, 1897, 20659, 275, 100004, 14724, 198, 50659, 359, 68760, 481, 92724, 266, 1820, 408, 1073, 324, 16252, 345, 438, 86, 14722, 616, 4291, 339, 752, 467, 5368, 81, 16252, 285, 13798, 3951, 3556, 198, 82, 15154, 2996, 51526, 339, 752, 1293, 18864, 3323, 1395, 481, 998, 198, 324, 3357, 25746, 989, 3556, 10276, 455, 7049, 71, 729, 30132, 352, 198, 3323, 26174, 5763, 68, 901, 4116, 38670, 4291, 66, 599, 275, 3510, 894, 198, 412, 15145, 375, 32875, 28753, 1073, 1820, 93878, 92724, 11829, 198, 64381, 36371, 18864, 1147, 677, 752, 467, 1285, 7, 700, 492, 76, 4692, 8942, 276, 1820, 198, 2414, 8, 51701, 1517, 3690, 17411, 10453, 1303, 79, 1771, 7435, 20000, 329, 2749, 481, 198, 83, 974, 1247, 66886, 8823, 15145, 576, 2837, 100004, 50, 1590, 64, 7058, 1768, 484, 675, 484, 50222, 418, 461, 11828, 17553, 383, 92724, 258, 9224, 519, 547, 627, 42214, 689, 3844, 752, 29275, 15547, 609, 64943, 10892, 3581, 72, 460, 198, 46, 6456, 986, 14835, 447, 307, 10317, 99343, 18668, 198, 38766, 11489, 18668, 69468, 980, 355, 4942, 9920, 998, 1820, 42792, 46970, 438, 198, 98507, 307, 51526, 548, 15456, 3646, 5581, 398, 258, 1820, 198, 44, 3671, 618, 33561, 438, 1605, 64469, 325, 300, 10840, 7792, 336, 537, 198, 76, 980, 355, 4942, 11, 8370, 71, 402, 4385, 6572, 11934, 307, 19030, 404, 65, 10233, 345, 10453, 11489, 18668, 71, 4798, 14450, 22377, 301, 15111, 788, 65, 10233, 4291, 47216, 939, 6572, 198, 42450, 76369, 67318, 998, 69786, 354, 86, 1073, 68, 295, 4930, 51526, 2332, 318, 198, 51525, 44, 19706, 40, 70622, 32101, 17907, 689, 3844, 752, 6266, 6806, 10288, 198, 370, 283, 376, 44221, 398, 65, 1065, 11642, 1303, 15769, 708, 69, 13284, 1527, 50828, 198, 65, 10233, 11829, 3418, 3581, 526, 762, 337, 414, 2914, 447, 2154, 15769, 708, 69, 771, 300, 198, 391, 4744, 96978, 10317, 309, 62840, 4210, 6239, 627, 42214, 689, 380, 71, 1878, 70, 81541, 8942, 291, 4588, 65561, 819, 38046, 198, 771, 11, 8370, 285, 2656, 46488, 77735, 6, 90600, 479, 26, 700, 675, 771, 285, 198, 1962, 6410, 10365, 292, 992, 817, 438, 28074, 291, 16514, 3200, 3409, 406, 78, 198, 83543, 39830, 39, 30660, 80998, 5598, 2841, 9210, 300, 875, 398, 198, 19135, 10931, 1073, 26301, 1228, 291, 71, 13391, 1673, 37161, 69, 70941, 300, 198, 71, 2504, 291, 3924, 29532, 91001, 2301, 1073, 1820, 596, 752, 689, 6, 771, 438, 198, 66, 3149, 1820, 19135, 1073, 26301, 884, 32397, 82, 627, 2520, 1820, 5227, 62209, 1762, 36235, 339, 752, 554, 90600, 479, 198, 380, 1018, 324, 660, 627, 95836, 80334, 2898, 1937, 50, 198, 58860, 3380, 820, 325, 38367, 3034, 32397, 82, 1527, 51210, 86, 295, 627, 16384, 4798, 62301, 12440, 10376, 63399, 85, 5412, 10376, 26094, 2727, 266, 627, 16680, 79, 15329, 1087, 1771, 1911, 287, 815, 906, 266, 49131, 820, 26, 10847, 26, 22579, 817, 280, 3647, 12160, 40514, 414, 26, 1527, 3306, 492, 478, 42305, 292, 56975, 531, 290, 26, 1527, 198, 479, 56975, 531, 290, 26, 1527, 92724, 26, 2439, 2222, 4581, 708, 69, 1820, 198, 2664, 815, 1631, 52273, 2414, 50858, 627, 56351, 10924, 91955, 26, 2000, 85, 71070, 1559, 87, 18865, 26, 2000, 28272, 280, 2000, 9533, 81749, 627, 54, 11073, 58747, 3093, 1711, 14, 10924, 5794, 496, 940, 19862, 26, 266, 9471, 280, 10676, 820, 26, 2000, 9533, 287, 26, 41119, 1303, 86, 295, 26, 2000, 4014, 26, 2000, 69, 42602, 88, 198, 1334, 26, 69, 1105, 906, 1113, 26, 4057, 3102, 26, 2000, 81749, 258, 16142, 485, 26, 2000, 198, 93221, 14, 47692, 43844, 290, 26, 2000, 26372, 627, 42214, 57567, 548, 2106, 77996, 589, 300, 59948, 15456, 27153, 263, 1820, 198, 43734, 71, 494, 3233, 438, 380, 6881, 1348, 61917, 41917, 82977, 10018, 1064, 30585, 77, 6709, 11, 20019, 339, 4199, 1073, 49818, 12052, 7058, 28548, 51526, 2000, 96440, 4291, 19862, 82, 269, 35686, 267, 9379, 198, 548, 327, 51919, 660, 20019, 339, 4199, 1073, 339, 16737, 496, 940, 198, 19862, 627, 1016, 295, 89215, 42214, 689, 1594, 285, 28969, 11, 686, 27520, 438, 79, 1604, 345, 4291, 309, 847, 9497, 616, 785, 434, 28272, 582, 3714, 267, 17082, 20741, 198, 1073, 3473, 974, 438, 23449, 81, 826, 8154, 1820, 58331, 627, 9673, 548, 331, 14722, 9426, 11, 4291, 88172, 89112, 438, 1897, 295, 345, 14965, 548, 428, 54358, 82, 729, 275, 99754, 8942, 762, 820, 992, 3646, 3852, 198, 12510, 269, 630, 11829, 1065, 906, 349, 38367, 438, 22579, 355, 989, 11, 9493, 198, 327, 32836, 11627, 4620, 336, 41356, 269, 4291, 3852, 327, 531, 290, 1073, 198, 50998, 1820, 2664, 2419, 336, 485, 732, 1409, 287, 4919, 1147, 316, 731, 198, 339, 12116, 906, 266, 5221, 288, 906, 266, 86, 3385, 76, 6572, 414, 438, 14724, 7072, 198, 49818, 57676, 86, 11073, 438, 351, 36490, 266, 19030, 17260, 1631, 52273, 627, 7009, 31117, 2635, 15424, 291, 74976, 1263, 785, 76369, 72012, 78, 198, 76, 26089, 1169, 606, 438, 20670, 1897, 18615, 95373, 351, 4680, 26, 20670, 1897, 40843, 198, 4636, 19041, 1056, 11793, 89945, 1354, 307, 774, 3689, 35031, 7058, 3252, 49818, 2996, 5221, 9667, 15924, 73312, 788, 1864, 9497, 2000, 198, 782, 75, 7629, 1073, 1820, 29051, 355, 11, 69386, 339, 6769, 7, 4636, 198, 576, 285, 44066, 998, 316, 3852, 3124, 8135, 78, 511, 385, 751, 78, 3522, 1350, 438, 14622, 267, 9379, 339, 295, 969, 13722, 1073, 276, 9446, 4919, 1395, 198, 48956, 291, 67103, 2099, 23224, 9233, 28156, 33222, 4408, 198, 10727, 1285, 24544, 44631, 1729, 59948, 69, 16151, 5227, 36211, 9111, 7058, 2203, 635, 42214, 10574, 15618, 288, 6, 13451, 2136, 11, 20670, 548, 7642, 750, 86, 11073, 198, 2000, 4014, 11, 45626, 3035, 3876, 85, 71070, 7162, 14724, 804, 52198, 19030, 404, 198, 3306, 2661, 819, 2513, 5253, 1113, 14724, 50222, 418, 53471, 6751, 7, 20670, 548, 198, 59178, 86, 11073, 630, 13889, 2727, 1147, 570, 7009, 15357, 354, 53757, 998, 198, 29651, 34170, 494, 395, 3359, 627, 2783, 55101, 984, 14, 5441, 984, 80334, 2898, 1937, 50, 198, 10976, 894, 1527, 8386, 329, 2538, 8794, 30351, 41522, 1711, 5763, 424, 280, 82977, 1820, 17206, 287, 4906, 69, 2656, 35948, 14715, 24458, 3946, 198, 83, 15784, 32676, 10376, 26094, 10348, 26, 6387, 36062, 280, 8386, 329, 2538, 27774, 456, 1285, 13, 1451, 18780, 25, 998, 785, 198, 5988, 26, 998, 19521, 26, 21220, 5047, 3233, 54847, 363, 672, 2506, 637, 15729, 627, 64416, 25, 38501, 11785, 26, 783, 69289, 82854, 467, 815, 75, 2661, 819, 627, 51, 686, 1285, 23210, 71648, 627, 42214, 10574, 1842, 548, 652, 69786, 347, 888, 69, 1130, 76, 41964, 33169, 345, 1336, 261, 19030, 88, 17106, 20969, 75, 2661, 819, 11, 485, 18780, 11, 6348, 23349, 345, 49642, 85, 438, 451, 14655, 815, 752, 689, 4752, 82850, 15456, 83, 15784, 198, 6518, 817, 1285, 2000, 86, 13209, 10118, 630, 268, 438, 5014, 4899, 198, 41917, 71627, 295, 89215, 86, 1540, 9994, 1474, 1605, 27281, 412, 89527, 7058, 24249, 23707, 303, 6786, 11, 2000, 65762, 14965, 548, 50810, 303, 785, 1729, 198, 339, 762, 5518, 1073, 14789, 438, 998, 316, 3852, 5988, 4291, 1962, 198, 268, 2509, 547, 29651, 906, 21341, 336, 2000, 50828, 65, 347, 13744, 461, 3773, 627, 2028, 380, 383, 1058, 950, 42214, 68821, 3911, 11, 4636, 65762, 18864, 198, 1147, 677, 288, 318, 2603, 86, 1540, 412, 1527, 69666, 998, 316, 1412, 17825, 198, 438, 1962, 268, 1409, 30712, 9416, 267, 974, 774, 336, 198, 20322, 433, 627, 4599, 258, 576, 451, 14655, 2513, 21861, 752, 72, 395, 351, 11, 479, 750, 198, 438, 42305, 2740, 791, 1065, 1220, 321, 4501, 11, 1897, 20659, 3274, 438, 198, 268, 4215, 287, 42312, 258, 1820, 2881, 1924, 51526, 1897, 20659, 485, 18780, 198, 998, 543, 339, 437, 2350, 31177, 3410, 261, 398, 70, 402, 774, 16737, 4215, 479, 198, 1355, 1412, 561, 383, 404, 5988, 438, 19521, 51526, 50828, 1816, 627, 10410, 6806, 42214, 689, 3844, 752, 6266, 73755, 44, 19706, 40, 70622, 32101, 198, 7009, 15357, 354, 53757, 3852, 8823, 438, 14724, 417, 621, 2042, 329, 398, 998, 198, 23707, 1331, 19682, 7385, 1116, 14782, 83, 15784, 44711, 11269, 48956, 3852, 69, 4004, 198, 95290, 1823, 762, 12119, 774, 16113, 1056, 347, 3168, 3951, 438, 50828, 33725, 198, 325, 336, 998, 19553, 1993, 998, 1494, 3223, 1820, 3323, 1626, 20670, 53757, 198, 17825, 380, 15784, 44750, 85212, 627, 7009, 14724, 57676, 1225, 59178, 58234, 333, 20670, 35031, 49818, 7058, 82, 4372, 412, 1073, 1820, 2154, 269, 403, 16790, 11793, 267, 1466, 9373, 345, 21470, 300, 64562, 15362, 261, 677, 1233, 12260, 9151, 1105, 2702, 18883, 287, 627, 2181, 87034, 58710, 762, 2496, 2987, 71, 395, 10516, 291, 1315, 2996, 438, 1820, 198, 64562, 19209, 275, 66215, 33871, 29845, 380, 383, 3323, 1864, 9497, 198, 339, 589, 561, 71, 1056, 1631, 80797, 998, 576, 42127, 38670, 14965, 198, 17483, 42214, 5038, 352, 8123, 15410, 2914, 360, 8050, 438, 485, 18780, 198, 998, 50828, 1816, 11, 339, 3689, 87569, 6789, 287, 0, 791, 1631, 50891, 2642, 14152, 1073, 198, 35214, 32676, 11, 1073, 79371, 847, 1921, 6769, 1073, 39754, 82, 8, 8248, 20670, 198, 14724, 1962, 53757, 83, 677, 2701, 3397, 451, 2544, 76369, 17106, 316, 301, 13933, 198, 438, 15357, 354, 53757, 17825, 73254, 100004, 263, 66, 19030, 88, 19553, 198, 74128, 23196, 9738, 11, 269, 19553, 11, 1348, 87, 1545, 99603, 2270, 266, 1820, 198, 34057, 11, 20670, 548, 84270, 57621, 438, 19553, 351, 1411, 1712, 627, 11079, 9579, 15942, 8867, 2989, 32, 3301, 50, 198, 3792, 1815, 198, 29012, 52273, 47, 1771, 25, 258, 15115, 1445, 26, 12092, 26, 35031, 3252, 198, 2996, 627, 56351, 2000, 47074, 627, 54, 1105, 291, 1711, 1820, 10924, 12684, 26, 266, 9471, 26, 15145, 3529, 1711, 198, 5794, 496, 940, 19862, 26, 2000, 65, 2518, 2996, 26, 69, 1105, 15154, 627, 1016, 301, 1223, 1445, 1897, 2053, 13451, 438, 83, 2757, 56533, 333, 411, 300, 198, 82850, 23306, 4291, 1494, 67699, 627, 77518, 708, 417, 198, 29012, 52273, 4516, 417, 263, 75, 3153, 627, 11076, 88172, 198, 29012, 52273, 45, 116607, 4719, 1138, 71, 96831, 26, 54588, 28969, 280, 85, 5412, 39368, 100249, 76816, 2996, 1445, 1073, 87164, 815, 1137, 1073, 198, 3647, 616, 55437, 627, 19717, 49686, 198, 29012, 52273, 33, 12160, 267, 316, 613, 1897, 2053, 9054, 7914, 6309, 25, 19221, 280, 17185, 28418, 2101, 483, 1740, 940, 627, 54, 1105, 291, 1711, 25807, 496, 940, 19862, 627, 23389, 4881, 30585, 77, 6709, 627, 2028, 285, 71627, 16612, 1073, 32590, 1040, 49686, 9210, 4919, 198, 582, 45349, 1100, 40381, 6709, 269, 675, 7053, 596, 19862, 82, 11829, 198, 9164, 14724, 4759, 454, 395, 278, 2812, 11, 19221, 267, 1786, 8248, 14724, 1395, 198, 47028, 998, 627, 34, 1409, 198, 29012, 52273, 51329, 44661, 9533, 732, 3102, 25, 18568, 266, 9471, 280, 54310, 26, 327, 15424, 287, 26, 71, 9162, 26, 404, 1018, 1113, 26, 385, 974, 26, 25849, 47965, 455, 198, 55880, 1409, 86408, 1617, 2785, 26, 8846, 26, 12489, 9225, 784, 3583, 26, 35255, 2785, 26, 73822, 7058, 75], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": "Philodendron spp.)\nSpider Plants (Chlorophytum comosum)\nBamboo plant (Rhapis excelsea)\nCorn Plant (Dracaena fragrans)\nEnglish Ivy (Heder\u00e1 helix)\nBromeliads (Cryp tan thus spp.)\nChrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum spp.)\nHouse-type Palms\nFicus TreeGolden Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)\n3\n. \nAlways wash your fruits and vegetables before you eat them. Use a\nvegetable wash or fresh lemon juice with hydrogen peroxide.\n4\n. \nEat an 80 to 100 percent raw food diet. Eat fruits even more so than\nvegetables. Fruits are full of antioxidant and astringent properties. They\nwill keep your lymphatic (immune) system clean and moving. They also\nenhance the strength of a cell, especially brain and nerve cells.\n5\n. \nIn traffic, keep your car\u2019s outside air vent closed. Make sure your car\u2019s\nexhaust system is not leaking and in good order.\n6\n. \nUse 100 percent natural hygiene products (soaps, shampoos, etc.). Read\nthe labels. If they have chemicals in them, don\u2019t use them. (If you can\u2019t\npronounce it\u2014you probably don\u2019t want it.) What you put on your skin\nabsorbs into your blood stream and circulates throughout your body.\nThis can damage your brain, heart, kidneys and especially your liver.\n7\n. \nAvoid dry cleaning, as the chemicals used are extremely toxic.\n8\n. \nUse common sense with everything you do and use. It\u2019s your body and it\ncarries you around this world, as any vehicle would. If it fails\u2014you\u2019re\nstuck. Chemicals can be extremely dangerous.\n9\n. \nAvoid cooking. If you must cook, steam your food in stainless steel.\nAlways use stainless steel cookware.\n10\n. \nUse and clean your air conditioners and air filters. Use the natural, high-\nfiltration-type that removes 1-micron to 3-micron size particles.\n11\n. \nUse R/O (reverse-osmosis) or steam-distilled water. Note: Avoid storing\ndistilled water in plastic containers. Distilled water will leach some of the\nchemicals from the plastic into itself.\n12\n. \nDrink from and use glass as much as possible. Plastic can be toxic to\nyou.\n13\n. \nAvoid walking for exercise near high traffic areas. Walk in a safe park or\nwooded area instead.\n14\n. \nAvoid florescent lighting as much as possible. Be aware of what you eat,\ndrink, breathe and what you put on your skin, as this is how you bring\nthe outside world in.\n MODULE 4.7\nPoison Control Centers\n \nHere are the telephone numbers for local Poison Control Centers in the\nUnited States. You may want to program the numbers for your area into your\nautomatic dialing feature, if you have one. Please note that all phone numbers\nare subject to change. Check your state\u2019s Poison Control Center number for\naccuracy.\nUNITED STATES\n \nALABAMA\n205-939-9201\n205-933-4050\n800-292-6678 (AL only)\nALASKA\n907-261-3193\nARIZONA\nStatewide\n800-362-0101 (AZ only)\nPhoenix Area\n602-253-3334\nTucson Area\n602-626-6016\nARKANSAS\n501-686-6161\nCALIFORNIA\nDavis Area\n916-734-3692800-342-9293 (Northern CA only)\nFresno Area\n209-445-1222\n800-346-5922 (CA only)\nOrange County Area\n714-634-5988\n800-544-4404 (Southern CA only)\nSan Diego Area\n619-543-6000\n800-876-4766 (619 area code)\nSan Francisco/Bay Area\n415-476-6600\nSan Jose/Santa Clara Valley\n408-299-5112\n800-662-9886 (CA only)\nCOLORADO\n303-629-1123\nCONNECTICUT\n203-679-1000\n800-343-277 (CT only)\nDELAWARE\n302-655-3389\nDISTRICT OF COLUMBIA\n202-625-3333\n202-784-4660 (TTY)\n*\nFLORIDA\n813-253-4444\n800-282-3171 (FL only)\nGEORGIA404-589-4400\n800-282-5846 (GA only)\nHAWAII\n808-941-4411\nIDAHO\n208-378-2707\n800-632-8000\nILLINOIS\n217-753-3330\n800-543-2022 (IL only)\n800-942-5969\nINDIANA\n317-929-2323\n800-382-9097(IN only)\nIOWA\n800-272-6477 (IA only)\n800-362-2327 (IA only)\nKANSAS\nTopeka/Northern KS\n913-354-6100\nWichita/Southern KS\n316-263-9999\nKENTUCKY\n502-629-7275\n800-722-5725 (KY only)\nLOUISIANA\n800-256-9822 (LA only)\nMAINE\n800-442-6305 (ME only)MARY LAND\nStatewide\n410-528-7701\n800-492-2414 (MD only)\nD.C. \nSuburbs\n202-625-3333\n202-784-4660 (TTY)\n*\nMASSACHUSETTS\n617-232-2120\n800-682-9211\nMICHIGAN\nStatewide\n800-632-2727 (MI only)\n800-356-3232 (TTY)\n*\nDetroit Area\n313-745-5711\nMINNESOTA\nStatewide\n800-222-1222\nDuluth/Northern MN\n218-726-5466\nMinneapolis/St. Paul Area\n612-347-3141\n612-337-7474 (TDD)\n612-221-2113\nMISSISSIPPI\n601-354-7660\nMISSOURI\n314-772-5200800-366-8888\nMONTANA\n303-629-1123\nNEBRASKA\nStatewide\n800-955-9119 (NE only)\nOmaha Area\n402-390-5555\nNEVADA\n702-732-4989\nNEW HAMPSHIRE\n603-650-5000\n800-562-8236 (NH only)\nNEW JERSEY\n800-962-1253\nMARY LAND\nNEW MEXICO\n505-843-2551\n800-432-6866 (NM only)\nNEW YORK\nAlbany Area\n800-336-6997\nBinghamton/Southern Tier\n800-252-5655\nBuffalo/Western\n NY\n716-878-7654\n800-888-7655\nLong Island\n516-542-2323516-542-2324\n516-542-2325\nNyack/Hudson Valley\n914-353-1000\nNew \nYork City\n212-340-4494\n212-POISONS\n212-689-9014 (TDD)\n**\nSyracuse/Central\n NY\n315-476-4766\nNORTH CAROLINA\nStatewide\n800-672-1697\nCharlotte Area\n704-355-4000\nNORTH DAKOTA\n800-732-2200 (ND only)\nOHIO\nStatewide\n800-682-7625\nColumbus/Central OH\n614-228-1323\n614-461-2012\n614-228-2272 (TTY)\n*\nCincinnati Area\n513-558-5111\n800-872-5111 (OH only)\nOKLAHOMA\n800-522-4611 (OK only)OREGON\n503-494-8968\n800-452-7165 (OR only)\nPENNSYLV ANIA\nPhiladelphia/Eastern PA\n215-386-2100\nPittsburgh/Western PA\n412-681-6669\nHershey/Central PA\n800-521-6110\nPUERTO RICO\n809-754-8535\nRHODE ISLAND\n401-277-5727\nSOUTH CAROLINA\n800-777-1117\nSOUTH DAKOTA\n803-952-0123 (SD only)\nTENNESSEE\nMemphis/Western\n TN\n901-528-6048\nNashville/Eastern\n TN\n615-322-6435\nTEXAS\n214-590-5000\n800-441-0040 (TX only)\nUTAH\n801-581-2151\n800-456-7707 (UT only)VERMONT\n800-562-8236 (VT only)\nVIRGINIA \nStatewide\n800-451-1428\nCharlottesville/Blue Ridge\n804-925-5543\nD.C. Suburbs\n202-625-3333\n202-784-4660 (TTY)\n*\nWASHINGTON\n800-732-6985 (WA only)\nWEST VIRGINIA\n304-348-4211\n800-642-3625 (WV only)\nWISCONSIN\nMadison/Southwestern and", "token_ids": [30690, 347, 408, 2298, 91799, 29275, 74008, 50298, 320, 1163, 9761, 5237, 16820, 372, 470, 437, 372, 340, 33, 309, 34093, 6136, 320, 73262, 14041, 3521, 24159, 340, 91641, 18317, 320, 9023, 17544, 7304, 8508, 34489, 340, 23392, 57979, 320, 39, 7442, 1995, 11591, 953, 340, 33, 442, 12574, 7819, 320, 34, 894, 79, 14531, 8617, 91799, 29275, 1163, 42426, 32329, 336, 372, 320, 1163, 42426, 32329, 336, 372, 91799, 29275, 29707, 10827, 11165, 1026, 198, 37, 59344, 9119, 60890, 393, 8942, 437, 320, 23176, 575, 1864, 2470, 86768, 372, 340, 18, 198, 13, 720, 38195, 11623, 701, 26390, 323, 24822, 1603, 499, 8343, 1124, 13, 5560, 264, 198, 83571, 481, 11623, 477, 7878, 30564, 23661, 449, 35784, 824, 55189, 627, 19, 198, 13, 720, 89711, 459, 220, 1490, 311, 220, 1041, 3346, 7257, 3691, 10173, 13, 45614, 26390, 1524, 810, 779, 1109, 198, 83571, 4893, 13, 435, 68998, 527, 2539, 315, 70339, 323, 264, 928, 306, 6012, 13, 2435, 198, 14724, 2567, 701, 43745, 780, 320, 70155, 8, 1887, 4335, 323, 7366, 13, 2435, 1101, 198, 40967, 685, 279, 8333, 315, 264, 2849, 11, 5423, 8271, 323, 32015, 7917, 627, 20, 198, 13, 720, 644, 9629, 11, 2567, 701, 1841, 753, 4994, 3805, 10594, 8036, 13, 7557, 2771, 701, 1841, 753, 198, 327, 15424, 1887, 374, 539, 52929, 323, 304, 1695, 2015, 627, 21, 198, 13, 720, 10464, 220, 1041, 3346, 5933, 53056, 3956, 320, 708, 2690, 11, 559, 54830, 437, 11, 5099, 36434, 4557, 198, 1820, 9382, 13, 1442, 814, 617, 26333, 304, 1124, 11, 1541, 1431, 1005, 1124, 13, 320, 2746, 499, 649, 1431, 198, 72239, 9933, 433, 71480, 4762, 1541, 1431, 1390, 433, 6266, 3639, 499, 2231, 389, 701, 6930, 198, 3518, 269, 1302, 1139, 701, 6680, 4365, 323, 4319, 24031, 6957, 701, 2547, 627, 2028, 649, 5674, 701, 8271, 11, 4851, 11, 81960, 323, 5423, 701, 26587, 627, 22, 198, 13, 720, 53216, 9235, 16204, 11, 439, 279, 26333, 1511, 527, 9193, 21503, 627, 23, 198, 13, 720, 10464, 4279, 5647, 449, 4395, 499, 656, 323, 1005, 13, 1102, 753, 701, 2547, 323, 433, 198, 7063, 4108, 499, 2212, 420, 1917, 11, 439, 904, 7458, 1053, 13, 1442, 433, 14865, 71480, 3207, 198, 267, 1983, 13, 36424, 82, 649, 387, 9193, 11660, 627, 24, 198, 13, 720, 53216, 17677, 13, 1442, 499, 2011, 4394, 11, 20930, 701, 3691, 304, 25468, 9699, 627, 38195, 1005, 25468, 9699, 4394, 1698, 627, 605, 198, 13, 720, 10464, 323, 4335, 701, 3805, 3044, 388, 323, 3805, 13711, 13, 5560, 279, 5933, 11, 1579, 7058, 85846, 367, 10827, 430, 29260, 220, 16, 1474, 292, 2298, 311, 220, 18, 1474, 292, 2298, 1404, 19252, 627, 806, 198, 13, 720, 10464, 432, 17991, 320, 26992, 83528, 8801, 285, 8, 477, 20930, 88359, 4473, 3090, 13, 7181, 25, 35106, 28672, 198, 12489, 4473, 3090, 304, 12466, 24794, 13, 28704, 4473, 3090, 690, 514, 613, 1063, 315, 279, 198, 32056, 82, 505, 279, 12466, 1139, 5196, 627, 717, 198, 13, 720, 86037, 505, 323, 1005, 9168, 439, 1790, 439, 3284, 13, 37108, 649, 387, 21503, 311, 198, 9514, 627, 1032, 198, 13, 720, 53216, 11689, 369, 10368, 3221, 1579, 9629, 5789, 13, 12839, 304, 264, 6220, 6246, 477, 198, 6798, 291, 3158, 4619, 627, 975, 198, 13, 720, 53216, 9943, 417, 1189, 18186, 439, 1790, 439, 3284, 13, 2893, 8010, 315, 1148, 499, 8343, 345, 98427, 11, 37397, 323, 1148, 499, 2231, 389, 701, 6930, 11, 439, 420, 374, 1268, 499, 4546, 198, 1820, 4994, 1917, 304, 627, 41474, 220, 19, 13, 22, 198, 34004, 3416, 7935, 41991, 27907, 8586, 527, 279, 21186, 5219, 369, 2254, 52212, 7935, 41991, 304, 279, 198, 23175, 4273, 13, 1472, 1253, 1390, 311, 2068, 279, 5219, 369, 701, 3158, 1139, 701, 198, 84556, 28960, 287, 4668, 11, 422, 499, 617, 832, 13, 5321, 5296, 430, 682, 4641, 5219, 198, 548, 3917, 311, 2349, 13, 4343, 701, 1614, 753, 52212, 7935, 5955, 1396, 369, 198, 33829, 627, 23909, 1507, 74000, 27907, 984, 1905, 39200, 198, 10866, 12, 26164, 12, 18485, 16, 198, 10866, 12, 25806, 12, 16408, 15, 198, 4728, 12, 16443, 12, 19774, 23, 320, 984, 1193, 340, 984, 7536, 32, 198, 23505, 12, 15602, 12, 16874, 18, 198, 946, 2913, 96087, 198, 1423, 9328, 198, 4728, 12, 18509, 12, 7755, 16, 320, 24476, 1193, 340, 79925, 12299, 198, 20224, 12, 14022, 12, 8765, 19, 198, 51, 60385, 12299, 198, 20224, 12, 22385, 12, 18262, 21, 198, 9272, 11954, 1950, 198, 14408, 12, 22347, 12, 21379, 16, 198, 50633, 2843, 47052, 5987, 198, 97284, 12299, 198, 24487, 12, 24438, 12, 19929, 11209, 15, 12, 17590, 12, 25344, 18, 320, 72191, 9362, 1193, 340, 37, 417, 2201, 12299, 198, 12652, 12, 19697, 12, 8259, 17, 198, 4728, 12, 18061, 12, 20128, 17, 320, 5158, 1193, 340, 43069, 6406, 12299, 198, 23193, 12, 24307, 12, 21856, 23, 198, 4728, 12, 21239, 12, 14868, 19, 320, 86838, 9362, 1193, 340, 24661, 18842, 12299, 198, 23388, 12, 19642, 12, 5067, 15, 198, 4728, 12, 24870, 12, 22191, 21, 320, 23388, 3158, 2082, 340, 24661, 13175, 16675, 352, 12299, 198, 18136, 12, 22191, 12, 19274, 15, 198, 24661, 11097, 11628, 8424, 51657, 13345, 198, 18058, 12, 15531, 12, 18625, 17, 198, 4728, 12, 24199, 12, 24538, 21, 320, 5158, 1193, 340, 32043, 29914, 198, 13236, 12, 24239, 12, 7261, 18, 198, 40621, 1341, 1406, 198, 9639, 12, 25136, 12, 1041, 15, 198, 4728, 12, 16522, 12, 16367, 320, 1182, 1193, 340, 1170, 18326, 7818, 198, 13121, 12, 15573, 12, 18633, 24, 198, 80540, 40577, 3083, 356, 13108, 33, 5987, 198, 2366, 12, 15894, 12, 8765, 18, 198, 2366, 12, 22148, 12, 21404, 15, 320, 56644, 340, 5736, 6254, 878, 52271, 198, 24288, 12, 14022, 12, 14870, 19, 198, 4728, 12, 16544, 12, 16718, 16, 320, 6254, 1193, 340, 11010, 46027, 5987, 7507, 12, 22905, 12, 14868, 15, 198, 4728, 12, 16544, 12, 23816, 21, 320, 16519, 1193, 340, 39, 14757, 32, 5660, 198, 11770, 12, 21322, 12, 18495, 16, 198, 52271, 24755, 198, 12171, 12, 19166, 12, 10914, 22, 198, 4728, 12, 20775, 12, 4728, 15, 198, 9410, 49075, 1669, 198, 13460, 12, 25504, 12, 8765, 15, 198, 4728, 12, 19642, 12, 2366, 17, 320, 1750, 1193, 340, 4728, 12, 20249, 12, 24515, 24, 198, 5358, 22774, 32, 198, 16718, 12, 25344, 12, 12338, 18, 198, 4728, 12, 18781, 12, 21278, 22, 24419, 1193, 340, 40, 3387, 32, 198, 4728, 12, 15741, 12, 22644, 22, 320, 5987, 1193, 340, 4728, 12, 18509, 12, 12338, 22, 320, 5987, 1193, 340, 42, 11954, 1950, 198, 1271, 375, 4657, 20906, 269, 6456, 47474, 198, 24331, 12, 18384, 12, 17608, 15, 198, 54, 718, 6388, 11628, 283, 6456, 47474, 198, 15340, 12, 15666, 12, 5500, 24, 198, 42, 1863, 28643, 56, 198, 17824, 12, 24239, 12, 23486, 20, 198, 4728, 12, 23024, 12, 22468, 20, 320, 77685, 1193, 340, 1623, 29621, 22774, 32, 198, 4728, 12, 4146, 12, 25873, 17, 320, 18326, 1193, 340, 4940, 4069, 198, 4728, 12, 20502, 12, 18660, 20, 320, 7614, 1193, 8, 49970, 92956, 198, 1423, 9328, 198, 14487, 12, 21458, 12, 20772, 16, 198, 4728, 12, 21776, 12, 13341, 19, 320, 6204, 1193, 340, 35, 732, 13, 720, 3214, 324, 1302, 198, 2366, 12, 15894, 12, 8765, 18, 198, 2366, 12, 22148, 12, 21404, 15, 320, 56644, 340, 5736, 4940, 1242, 12137, 52, 6008, 10155, 198, 21717, 12, 12338, 12, 11227, 15, 198, 4728, 12, 25178, 12, 22536, 16, 198, 44, 33929, 1953, 1111, 198, 1423, 9328, 198, 4728, 12, 20775, 12, 15741, 22, 320, 9972, 1193, 340, 4728, 12, 18349, 12, 15726, 17, 320, 56644, 340, 5736, 98393, 12299, 198, 15231, 12, 23901, 12, 22005, 16, 198, 16818, 72858, 37644, 198, 1423, 9328, 198, 4728, 12, 9716, 12, 8259, 17, 198, 35, 360, 952, 20906, 269, 6456, 36095, 198, 13302, 12, 24430, 12, 22048, 21, 198, 6349, 39576, 85540, 13, 7043, 12299, 198, 21018, 12, 17678, 12, 16104, 16, 198, 21018, 12, 17609, 12, 23619, 19, 320, 51, 4195, 340, 21018, 12, 12425, 12, 11483, 18, 198, 80570, 31949, 3378, 1932, 198, 18262, 12, 18384, 12, 25358, 15, 198, 80570, 6934, 40, 198, 16104, 12, 23624, 12, 15830, 13837, 15, 12, 18044, 12, 12251, 23, 198, 44, 10443, 39874, 198, 13236, 12, 24239, 12, 7261, 18, 198, 4031, 13396, 7536, 32, 198, 1423, 9328, 198, 4728, 12, 25875, 12, 17000, 24, 320, 4031, 1193, 340, 64588, 13856, 12299, 198, 16496, 12, 15515, 12, 14148, 20, 198, 4031, 53, 33393, 198, 20253, 12, 24289, 12, 21962, 24, 198, 21242, 473, 1428, 5119, 39, 7618, 198, 21006, 12, 13655, 12, 2636, 15, 198, 4728, 12, 19242, 12, 23848, 21, 320, 52371, 1193, 340, 21242, 622, 643, 937, 56, 198, 4728, 12, 26366, 12, 6549, 18, 198, 49970, 92956, 198, 21242, 386, 3337, 33750, 198, 17786, 12, 23996, 12, 3192, 16, 198, 4728, 12, 16739, 12, 22347, 21, 320, 38425, 1193, 340, 21242, 47404, 198, 2149, 65, 3852, 12299, 198, 4728, 12, 17014, 12, 23459, 22, 198, 33, 24125, 783, 11628, 283, 6456, 36332, 198, 4728, 12, 12326, 12, 20943, 20, 198, 35361, 12812, 22964, 478, 944, 198, 12551, 198, 23929, 12, 25890, 12, 22240, 19, 198, 4728, 12, 12251, 12, 22240, 20, 198, 6720, 10951, 198, 20571, 12, 21791, 12, 12338, 18113, 21, 12, 21791, 12, 12338, 19, 198, 20571, 12, 21791, 12, 12338, 20, 198, 99192, 474, 24240, 32778, 13345, 198, 24579, 12, 17228, 12, 1041, 15, 198, 3648, 720, 100077, 4409, 198, 11227, 12, 13679, 12, 21125, 19, 198, 11227, 12, 2089, 1669, 30626, 198, 11227, 12, 25458, 12, 19319, 19, 320, 51, 4195, 340, 1035, 50, 11160, 582, 817, 11547, 46186, 198, 12551, 198, 15189, 12, 22191, 12, 22191, 21, 198, 45, 37041, 28876, 1971, 33004, 198, 1423, 9328, 198, 4728, 12, 22768, 12, 11739, 22, 198, 96995, 12299, 198, 21949, 12, 17306, 12, 3443, 15, 198, 45, 37041, 423, 12173, 37644, 198, 4728, 12, 24289, 12, 8610, 15, 320, 8225, 1193, 340, 47861, 3895, 198, 1423, 9328, 198, 4728, 12, 25178, 12, 24376, 20, 198, 34, 1152, 10551, 11547, 46186, 29822, 198, 22638, 12, 14261, 12, 9413, 18, 198, 22638, 12, 19608, 12, 679, 17, 198, 22638, 12, 14261, 12, 14206, 17, 320, 56644, 340, 5736, 34, 33276, 12299, 198, 21164, 12, 22895, 12, 18625, 16, 198, 4728, 12, 25303, 12, 18625, 16, 320, 47861, 1193, 340, 4012, 18326, 39, 1937, 32, 198, 4728, 12, 20936, 12, 19608, 16, 320, 4012, 1193, 8, 6005, 38, 715, 198, 17735, 12, 22054, 12, 24542, 23, 198, 4728, 12, 21098, 12, 23929, 20, 320, 878, 1193, 340, 47, 965, 2507, 56, 41358, 2147, 5987, 198, 90524, 26729, 561, 944, 13174, 198, 12112, 12, 16481, 12, 8848, 15, 198, 47, 1468, 26320, 22964, 478, 944, 13174, 198, 17574, 12, 25091, 12, 10943, 24, 198, 39, 388, 36661, 11547, 46186, 13174, 198, 4728, 12, 20767, 12, 20973, 15, 198, 6459, 3481, 46, 432, 33750, 198, 21474, 12, 23952, 12, 25724, 20, 198, 68073, 2951, 3507, 40915, 198, 10841, 12, 16367, 12, 22468, 22, 198, 50, 41627, 28876, 1971, 33004, 198, 4728, 12, 15831, 12, 5037, 22, 198, 50, 41627, 423, 12173, 37644, 198, 20899, 12, 24597, 12, 11531, 18, 320, 5608, 1193, 340, 51, 965, 72858, 49840, 198, 19346, 37889, 22964, 478, 944, 198, 32023, 198, 19319, 12, 21458, 12, 20354, 23, 198, 45, 1003, 8078, 26729, 561, 944, 198, 32023, 198, 21385, 12, 15805, 12, 22956, 20, 198, 26256, 1950, 198, 11584, 12, 20615, 12, 2636, 15, 198, 4728, 12, 18495, 12, 8759, 15, 320, 23715, 1193, 340, 1406, 31023, 198, 17973, 12, 23864, 12, 12112, 16, 198, 4728, 12, 10961, 12, 20772, 22, 320, 1406, 1193, 8, 3848, 44, 10443, 198, 4728, 12, 19242, 12, 23848, 21, 320, 21089, 1193, 340, 53, 2871, 21303, 5987, 720, 1423, 9328, 198, 4728, 12, 20360, 12, 10239, 23, 198, 4873, 75, 61670, 14, 10544, 35305, 198, 20417, 12, 21910, 12, 22303, 18, 198, 35, 732, 13, 3804, 324, 1302, 198, 2366, 12, 15894, 12, 8765, 18, 198, 2366, 12, 22148, 12, 21404, 15, 320, 56644, 340, 5736, 51577, 198, 4728, 12, 24289, 12, 25169, 20, 320, 27486, 1193, 340, 95325, 75795, 21303, 5987, 198, 12166, 12, 19746, 12, 18245, 16, 198, 4728, 12, 22266, 12, 18509, 20, 320, 54, 53, 1193, 340, 54, 1669, 96594, 691, 198, 38136, 3416, 11628, 2969, 31382, 323], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " you have now drawn within you \nthe Victory of Achievement! If you allow your human in-\ntellect to cause you again to doubt and fear, then you will \nhave to wait another Opportunity of the Messengers, to re-\nestablish This Work! \nWe are giving you the Opportunity here and did also \nin San Francisco, to utilize These Qualities which We are \nanchoring in your feeling world for Definite, but Powerful, \nUse! To the degree that you can feel This Help and let It 24 THE \"7 AM\" DISCOURSES \nbegin to act, will you find Response and Manifestation in \nyour outer world of activity. \nSo, tonight, you have entered a New World, the World \nof your \"Mighty I AM Presence.\" Will you say to Me: \"I \ndon't feel any change in my body, I do not see any outward \nmanifestation of It\"? If that should be your feeling, you \nare not apt to; but if you can say sincerely: \" 'Mighty I AM \nPresence,' I accept These Qualities which have been given \nme for use! You set them into action now! 'Mighty I AM \nPresence,' see that I have the feeling of the Truth and the \nActivity of These Qualities, quickly brought into my outer \nuse and manifestation.\" Then you will have Them! You \nwill begin quickly to experience the Truth of the Words I \nspeak to you! \nBefore going on, I wish to say just a few Words to the \nMessengers: \"The greatest need at the present time is in \nPhiladelphia and New York, and then you will be directed \nwhat is to follow. Great need is in the World, tonight. Saint \nGermain will not be able to come and direct you, before \nyou leave the city; and has asked Me to convey This Mes-\nsage to you.\" Oh, that mankind might understand, what it \nmeans to have the Assistance of Great Wise Beings Who \nhave gone the Pathway you are treading; having conquered \nand set Themselves Free into the Ascension! They are \nThose who know every struggle, every sorrow, everything \nany one of you experiences. Then, will you understand how \nit is within Our Ability, to give such Great Assistance ? We \nknow all that you suffer. DISCOURSE III 25 \nIn the ages of long ago when I achieved My Freedom, \nit was not so difficult; but at the time Our Beloved Saint \nGermain attained His Freedom, it was an hundred times \nmore difficult than you have to contend with today. In \nthose ages, people had to hide in caves in the mountains \nto worship as Their Hearts dictated! Today, you have the \nGreat Country of America! Oh, that you might know just \nwhat that Word means to you\u2014AMERICA! OH, \nAMERICA! If you clearly knew what that Heavenly, Di-\nvine Word meant, you would almost wish to speak It like \nthe words \"I AM,\" for It belongs to the \"I AM.\" One day, \nWe shall tell you Its full Meaning. \nNow, Precious Ones, I am speaking to the students who \nare firmly and with Great Determination holding to the \nLight of the \"Mighty I AM Presence\": Your Goddess of \nLiberty in New York harbor, is but the symbol of that \nMighty Being who is entering into the ruling world of \nAmerica,\u2014the Mighty Goddess of Liberty! \nDo not fear ever! that the Great Law will fail to find \nIts Fulfilment in America; but those who have willingly \nchosen to serve the shadows, will one day know the Power \nof Her Radiation, which even row is saturating the Earth! \nOh, that you may know the Great Enfolding Radiance \nand Illumining Presence\u2014the Great Change which is in \nyour atmosphere, even today! Oh, Beloved Ones, when you \nbreathe, feel and breathe the Fire-Breath of God, in which \nno imperfection can exist! As you think of It from time to \ntime, feel yourselves breathing in That Mighty Fire-Breath 26 THE \"7 AM\" DISCOURSES \nof God, the Mighty Purifying Flame! the Unfed Flame! \nwhich purifies and strengthens every cell of your body, ex-\npanding the Light within your Heart; until It knows no \ninterference, either from yourself or outside forces! \nOne day, when you are sufficiently prepared, I shall stand \nbefore you\u2014as I stood before those Blessed Ones in the \nCave of Light in India! Then, shall mankind realize the \nGreat Beings Who have loved the World and have stood \nthe Guards over it, are no myth of anyone's imagination! \nSo also, shall ALL mankind know the \"Great I AM Pres-\nence,\" Which has stood guard over it, when the people \nwould have destroyed themselves. Precious Ones, Beloved of \nthe Light! never again let a single thought or feeling enter \nyour world, but praise of your \"Mighty I AM Presence\" \nwhich gives you Life! In Eternal Gratitude to Life, speak \nIt before the World! Life alone pours forth to you Its Eter-\nnal, Its Ever-lasting Perfection! Yet, mankind in the lack \nof understanding, is constantly re-qualifying Its Mighty \nCurrents of Energy, which would of their own volition, \nproduce Beauty and Perfection in the human form. Those \nCurrents of Energy, if left unchanged, would make it a \nPerfect Receptacle to the Outpouring of the Presence and \nglorify the people with Freedom quickly. Those Currents \nof Energy from the Presence would glorify them with Do-\nminion, not from the human self, but over all substance. All \nform in the Universe, in the Octave of Earth, is composed \nof the One Substance\u2014the Universal Substance of Elec-\ntronic Light, which of Itself is Wholly Perfect. DISCOURSE III 27 \nNow you understand, Precious Hearts, the need of Self-\ncontrol in your feeling world\u2014stop all irritation\u2014all de-\nstructive feeling, anger, hatred, jealousy or any of those \nqualities which fill your world with distress. Stop it at once! \nFeel the Glory of the \"Mighty I AM Presence\" fill your \nworld and flow forth with Happiness and Perfection! Only \nas you do that, can you have evidence of the Perfection \nwhich you long to have flow forth like a river into your \nworld! We can only do it, as you give attention to your \n\"Mighty I AM Presence,\" thru Whom We must work! \nWill you not do this? \nWill you not feel the Truth", "token_ids": [220, 499, 220, 617, 220, 1457, 220, 15107, 220, 2949, 220, 499, 720, 1820, 49427, 220, 315, 66695, 0, 220, 1442, 499, 220, 2187, 220, 701, 220, 3823, 220, 304, 7058, 23774, 772, 220, 311, 5353, 220, 499, 220, 1578, 220, 311, 10712, 220, 323, 220, 8850, 11, 220, 1243, 220, 499, 220, 690, 720, 19553, 220, 311, 3868, 220, 2500, 220, 48379, 220, 315, 279, 19234, 15232, 11, 220, 311, 312, 7058, 34500, 220, 1115, 220, 5664, 0, 720, 1687, 527, 7231, 220, 499, 220, 279, 48379, 220, 1618, 220, 323, 220, 1550, 220, 1101, 720, 258, 5960, 220, 13175, 11, 220, 311, 29166, 220, 4314, 220, 20143, 1385, 220, 902, 220, 1226, 220, 527, 720, 3581, 5620, 220, 304, 701, 220, 8430, 220, 1917, 220, 369, 3979, 16235, 11, 220, 719, 75458, 11, 720, 10464, 0, 220, 2057, 279, 8547, 220, 430, 220, 499, 220, 649, 2733, 220, 1115, 220, 11736, 220, 323, 220, 1095, 1102, 220, 1187, 3247, 220, 330, 22, 6912, 1, 220, 12244, 34, 6934, 29095, 720, 7413, 220, 311, 1180, 11, 690, 220, 499, 220, 1505, 220, 6075, 220, 323, 220, 40461, 367, 220, 304, 720, 22479, 220, 16335, 220, 1917, 220, 315, 5820, 13, 720, 4516, 11, 18396, 11, 220, 499, 220, 617, 220, 10862, 220, 264, 1561, 220, 4435, 11, 220, 279, 4435, 720, 1073, 701, 220, 330, 44, 492, 88, 220, 358, 6912, 220, 79723, 1210, 220, 4946, 220, 499, 220, 2019, 311, 2206, 25, 220, 330, 40, 720, 15357, 956, 220, 2733, 220, 904, 220, 2349, 220, 304, 856, 2547, 11, 220, 358, 656, 539, 1518, 904, 52046, 720, 43415, 367, 220, 315, 1102, 44969, 220, 1442, 430, 220, 1288, 220, 387, 701, 220, 8430, 11, 220, 499, 720, 548, 539, 20697, 311, 26, 719, 422, 499, 220, 649, 2019, 59383, 25, 220, 330, 364, 44, 492, 88, 220, 358, 6912, 720, 90269, 2965, 220, 358, 4287, 220, 4314, 220, 20143, 1385, 220, 902, 220, 617, 220, 1027, 220, 2728, 720, 2727, 369, 1005, 0, 220, 1472, 220, 743, 1124, 220, 1139, 220, 1957, 220, 1457, 0, 220, 364, 44, 492, 88, 220, 358, 6912, 720, 90269, 2965, 220, 1518, 430, 220, 358, 617, 220, 279, 8430, 220, 315, 279, 30198, 220, 323, 220, 279, 720, 4142, 220, 315, 4314, 220, 20143, 1385, 11, 220, 6288, 220, 7263, 220, 1139, 220, 856, 16335, 720, 817, 323, 220, 64050, 1210, 220, 5112, 220, 499, 220, 690, 220, 617, 220, 49038, 0, 220, 1472, 720, 14724, 3240, 220, 6288, 220, 311, 3217, 220, 279, 30198, 220, 315, 279, 28730, 220, 358, 720, 82, 23635, 220, 311, 499, 0, 720, 10438, 220, 2133, 220, 389, 11, 358, 6562, 220, 311, 2019, 1120, 220, 264, 2478, 220, 28730, 220, 311, 279, 720, 85523, 15232, 25, 220, 330, 791, 220, 12474, 220, 1205, 220, 520, 279, 3118, 220, 892, 220, 374, 304, 720, 90524, 220, 323, 220, 1561, 220, 4356, 11, 220, 323, 220, 1243, 220, 499, 220, 690, 220, 387, 15910, 720, 12840, 220, 374, 311, 1833, 13, 220, 8681, 220, 1205, 220, 374, 304, 279, 4435, 11, 220, 18396, 13, 220, 14539, 720, 66497, 3902, 220, 690, 220, 539, 387, 3025, 220, 311, 2586, 220, 323, 220, 2167, 220, 499, 11, 220, 1603, 720, 9514, 5387, 220, 279, 3363, 26, 220, 323, 220, 706, 4691, 220, 2206, 311, 20599, 220, 1115, 220, 36684, 7058, 108718, 220, 311, 499, 1210, 220, 8840, 11, 220, 430, 220, 43384, 220, 2643, 220, 3619, 11, 220, 1148, 220, 433, 720, 47321, 220, 311, 617, 220, 279, 46865, 220, 315, 8681, 220, 62101, 220, 2893, 826, 220, 10699, 720, 19553, 220, 8208, 220, 279, 8092, 3195, 220, 499, 220, 527, 259, 6285, 26, 220, 3515, 220, 69912, 720, 438, 743, 666, 12116, 4372, 220, 3658, 220, 1139, 220, 279, 220, 40660, 2711, 0, 220, 2435, 220, 527, 720, 23025, 220, 889, 220, 1440, 220, 1475, 220, 14993, 11, 220, 1475, 220, 58596, 11, 220, 4395, 720, 3852, 832, 315, 499, 11704, 13, 220, 5112, 11, 220, 690, 220, 499, 220, 3619, 220, 1268, 720, 275, 374, 2949, 220, 5751, 220, 37083, 11, 220, 311, 3041, 220, 1778, 220, 8681, 220, 46865, 220, 949, 1226, 720, 33134, 220, 682, 430, 220, 499, 220, 7831, 13, 12244, 34, 75008, 220, 14767, 220, 914, 720, 644, 279, 17051, 220, 315, 1317, 220, 4227, 220, 994, 220, 358, 17427, 220, 3092, 220, 25320, 11, 720, 275, 574, 220, 539, 779, 5107, 26, 220, 719, 220, 520, 279, 892, 220, 5751, 220, 7984, 5047, 220, 14539, 720, 66497, 3902, 220, 63260, 220, 5414, 220, 25320, 11, 220, 433, 574, 220, 459, 7895, 220, 3115, 720, 6518, 220, 5107, 220, 1109, 220, 499, 220, 617, 220, 311, 56195, 220, 449, 220, 3432, 13, 220, 763, 720, 54719, 220, 17051, 11, 220, 1274, 220, 1047, 220, 311, 10477, 220, 304, 66664, 220, 304, 279, 24405, 720, 998, 24863, 220, 439, 11205, 220, 53876, 220, 81498, 0, 220, 11450, 11, 220, 499, 220, 617, 220, 279, 720, 22111, 220, 14438, 220, 315, 5270, 0, 220, 8840, 11, 220, 430, 220, 499, 220, 2643, 220, 1440, 220, 1120, 720, 12840, 220, 430, 220, 9506, 220, 3445, 220, 311, 499, 2345, 1428, 96390, 0, 220, 29822, 11, 720, 1428, 96390, 0, 220, 1442, 499, 220, 9539, 220, 7020, 220, 1148, 220, 430, 220, 88150, 11, 220, 7923, 7058, 62301, 220, 9506, 220, 8967, 11, 220, 499, 220, 1053, 220, 4661, 220, 6562, 220, 311, 6604, 220, 1102, 1093, 720, 1820, 4339, 220, 330, 40, 6912, 1359, 220, 369, 1102, 17623, 220, 311, 279, 330, 40, 6912, 1210, 220, 3861, 220, 1938, 11, 720, 1687, 4985, 220, 3371, 499, 220, 11699, 2539, 49203, 13, 720, 7184, 11, 220, 42770, 1245, 220, 74933, 11, 220, 358, 1097, 12365, 220, 311, 279, 4236, 220, 889, 720, 548, 32620, 220, 323, 220, 449, 220, 8681, 220, 36007, 367, 220, 10168, 220, 311, 279, 720, 14235, 220, 315, 279, 330, 44, 492, 88, 220, 358, 6912, 220, 79723, 794, 220, 4718, 220, 61785, 220, 315, 720, 9374, 1368, 220, 304, 1561, 220, 4356, 220, 57511, 11, 220, 374, 719, 220, 279, 7891, 220, 315, 430, 720, 44, 492, 88, 220, 21347, 220, 889, 220, 374, 16661, 220, 1139, 220, 279, 220, 17864, 220, 1917, 220, 315, 720, 32132, 96197, 1820, 220, 75268, 220, 61785, 220, 315, 32492, 0, 720, 5519, 539, 220, 8850, 220, 3596, 0, 220, 430, 220, 279, 220, 8681, 220, 7658, 220, 690, 220, 3775, 220, 311, 1505, 720, 37220, 48550, 12723, 479, 220, 304, 5270, 26, 220, 719, 220, 1884, 220, 889, 220, 617, 220, 73652, 720, 64175, 220, 311, 8854, 220, 279, 35612, 11, 220, 690, 220, 832, 220, 1938, 220, 1440, 220, 279, 7572, 720, 1073, 6385, 220, 90326, 11, 220, 902, 220, 1524, 220, 2872, 220, 374, 94577, 1113, 220, 279, 9420, 0, 720, 12174, 11, 430, 220, 499, 220, 1253, 220, 1440, 220, 279, 8681, 220, 2998, 69, 15345, 220, 35969, 685, 720, 438, 61720, 5859, 220, 79723, 22416, 220, 8681, 220, 10604, 220, 902, 220, 374, 304, 720, 22479, 220, 16975, 11, 220, 1524, 220, 3432, 0, 220, 8840, 11, 220, 7984, 5047, 220, 74933, 11, 220, 994, 220, 499, 720, 65, 1244, 383, 11, 220, 2733, 220, 323, 220, 37397, 220, 279, 6785, 7826, 265, 589, 220, 315, 4359, 11, 220, 304, 902, 720, 2201, 17190, 13421, 220, 649, 220, 3073, 0, 220, 1666, 499, 220, 1781, 220, 315, 1102, 505, 220, 892, 220, 311, 720, 1712, 11, 220, 2733, 58996, 220, 27027, 220, 304, 3011, 220, 75268, 220, 6785, 7826, 265, 589, 220, 1627, 3247, 220, 330, 22, 6912, 1, 220, 12244, 34, 6934, 29095, 720, 1073, 4359, 11, 220, 279, 75268, 220, 14874, 7922, 220, 49957, 0, 220, 279, 220, 1252, 52223, 220, 49957, 0, 720, 8370, 220, 4087, 9803, 220, 323, 220, 96931, 220, 1475, 220, 2849, 315, 701, 220, 2547, 11, 220, 506, 7058, 79, 26673, 220, 279, 8828, 220, 2949, 220, 701, 220, 18449, 26, 220, 3156, 220, 1102, 8964, 220, 912, 720, 2295, 2251, 11, 220, 3060, 220, 505, 220, 6261, 220, 477, 4994, 220, 8603, 0, 720, 4054, 1938, 11, 220, 994, 220, 499, 220, 527, 40044, 220, 10235, 11, 220, 358, 4985, 220, 2559, 720, 15145, 220, 499, 60654, 220, 358, 14980, 220, 1603, 220, 1884, 220, 77097, 220, 74933, 220, 304, 279, 720, 34, 525, 220, 315, 8828, 220, 304, 6890, 0, 220, 5112, 11, 220, 4985, 220, 43384, 220, 13383, 220, 279, 720, 22111, 220, 2893, 826, 220, 10699, 220, 617, 220, 10456, 220, 279, 4435, 220, 323, 220, 617, 220, 14980, 720, 1820, 70385, 220, 927, 220, 433, 11, 527, 912, 21849, 220, 315, 5606, 596, 220, 28899, 0, 720, 4516, 1101, 11, 220, 4985, 220, 13398, 220, 43384, 220, 1440, 220, 279, 330, 22111, 220, 358, 6912, 220, 4203, 7058, 768, 1359, 220, 16299, 220, 706, 220, 14980, 220, 7771, 220, 927, 220, 433, 11, 994, 220, 279, 220, 1274, 720, 41450, 220, 617, 220, 14763, 220, 5694, 13, 220, 42770, 1245, 220, 74933, 11, 220, 7984, 5047, 220, 315, 720, 1820, 8828, 0, 220, 2646, 220, 1578, 220, 1095, 264, 3254, 220, 3463, 220, 477, 8430, 220, 3810, 720, 22479, 220, 1917, 11, 220, 719, 220, 29488, 220, 315, 701, 220, 330, 44, 492, 88, 220, 358, 6912, 220, 79723, 1, 720, 8370, 220, 6835, 220, 499, 220, 9601, 0, 220, 763, 67872, 220, 2895, 17584, 220, 311, 9601, 11, 220, 6604, 720, 2181, 1603, 220, 279, 4435, 0, 220, 9601, 220, 7636, 220, 67807, 220, 13544, 220, 311, 499, 220, 11699, 469, 466, 7058, 43078, 11, 11699, 18374, 65265, 220, 3700, 13421, 0, 220, 14968, 11, 220, 43384, 220, 304, 279, 6996, 720, 1073, 8830, 11, 220, 374, 15320, 220, 312, 12, 1788, 7922, 220, 11699, 75268, 720, 5520, 82, 220, 315, 12634, 11, 220, 902, 220, 1053, 220, 315, 872, 220, 1866, 220, 4499, 684, 11, 720, 98374, 220, 31685, 220, 323, 220, 3700, 13421, 220, 304, 279, 3823, 220, 1376, 13, 220, 13266, 720, 5520, 82, 220, 315, 12634, 11, 220, 422, 2163, 220, 35957, 11, 220, 1053, 220, 1304, 220, 433, 264, 720, 52141, 220, 1050, 1512, 8061, 220, 311, 279, 4470, 55619, 287, 220, 315, 279, 79723, 220, 323, 720, 6200, 269, 1463, 220, 279, 1274, 220, 449, 220, 25320, 220, 6288, 13, 220, 13266, 220, 9303, 82, 720, 1073, 12634, 220, 505, 220, 279, 79723, 220, 1053, 220, 58135, 1463, 220, 1124, 220, 449, 220, 3234, 7058, 1083, 290, 11, 220, 539, 505, 220, 279, 3823, 220, 659, 11, 220, 719, 927, 220, 682, 20278, 13, 220, 2052, 720, 630, 220, 304, 279, 29849, 11, 220, 304, 279, 5020, 525, 220, 315, 9420, 11, 220, 374, 24306, 720, 1073, 279, 220, 3861, 220, 95387, 22416, 220, 26581, 220, 95387, 220, 315, 27039, 66, 7058, 376, 14338, 220, 8828, 11, 220, 902, 220, 315, 1102, 726, 220, 374, 1254, 8788, 220, 24118, 13, 12244, 34, 75008, 220, 14767, 220, 220, 1544, 720, 7184, 220, 499, 220, 3619, 11, 220, 42770, 1245, 220, 53876, 11, 220, 279, 1205, 220, 315, 10323, 7058, 2935, 220, 304, 701, 220, 8430, 220, 1917, 2345, 9684, 220, 682, 66510, 87247, 220, 409, 7058, 1257, 535, 220, 8430, 11, 220, 19788, 11, 220, 35242, 11, 220, 80822, 220, 477, 904, 220, 315, 1884, 720, 83465, 220, 902, 220, 5266, 701, 220, 1917, 220, 449, 220, 35104, 13, 220, 14549, 220, 433, 520, 3131, 0, 720, 34027, 279, 59261, 220, 315, 279, 330, 44, 492, 88, 220, 358, 6912, 220, 79723, 1, 220, 5266, 701, 720, 14957, 220, 323, 220, 6530, 220, 13544, 220, 449, 220, 79244, 220, 323, 220, 3700, 13421, 0, 220, 8442, 720, 300, 499, 220, 656, 430, 11, 220, 649, 220, 499, 220, 617, 220, 6029, 220, 315, 279, 220, 3700, 13421, 720, 8370, 220, 499, 220, 1317, 220, 311, 617, 220, 6530, 220, 13544, 220, 1093, 220, 264, 15140, 220, 1139, 220, 701, 720, 14957, 0, 220, 1226, 220, 649, 220, 1193, 220, 656, 433, 11, 439, 499, 220, 3041, 220, 6666, 220, 311, 701, 720, 74627, 492, 88, 220, 358, 6912, 220, 79723, 1359, 220, 41178, 220, 1254, 316, 220, 1226, 220, 2011, 220, 990, 0, 720, 10149, 220, 499, 220, 539, 656, 420, 949, 720, 10149, 220, 499, 220, 539, 2733, 220, 279, 30198], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " the progesterone. It became more radiant, which isa great thing to have happen at my age. I used to have all of theseskin tags on my neck, and about a month after I started theprogesterone they all disappeared.54 THE MIRACLE OF BIO-IDENTICAL HORMONES Ultimately, it took me ten months to lose about 60 pounds\nand get down to a size 4. I must have gained a lot of muscle mass,because I don\u2019t weigh 105 pounds like most size 4 women. I weigh137 pounds. Of course, with more muscle mass my metabolismis much higher than it used to be, so it is that much easier tomaintain my weight while still eating the foods I love to eat.\nA LIFETIME OF BATTLING OBESITY \nSusan B. is typical of the many people who have fought obesity\ntheir entire life not because of an eating problem but because ofa hormone problem. \nI believe the only cause for postpartum depression\nis low progesterone.\nSusan had the classic history of someone with a low\nprogesterone level who becomes estrogen dominant anddepressed. I believe the only cause for postpartum depressionis low progesterone. In the second and third trimesters theplacenta pours out progesterone, which is why women feel sogood during this time of their pregnancy. But after the baby isdelivered, progesterone levels go down.\nFor most women, once they start ovulating again, their\nbodies begin producing progesterone and their moods lift. ButSusan was low in progesterone to begin with, and she was in her40s, when hormone levels are on the decline anyway. So she hadno source of progesterone.\nHer low progesterone caused high insulin levels\u2014the num-\nber one cause of obesity. Low progesterone also led to an increasein estrogen\u2014another hormone that creates fat. Low proges-terone leads to depression and other psychological problems.55 POSTP ARTUM DEPRESSION AND SUSAN B. She also had the standard symptoms of an under-active\nthyroid: her skin was dry, her nails didn\u2019t grow well, she waseasily fatigued, and so on. Her blood tests bore out thisdeficiency. Her low thyroid contributed to her depression, too.The thyroid has a tremendous influence on the metabolism ofevery cell of the body, including the brain cells.\nHelping Susan was a very simple matter. As soon as her\nhormones were balanced she regained a zest for living. Theweight loss made her feel even better\u2014it was a particularlysweet reward for a woman who had spent half a lifetimestruggling with obesity. \nI hope you, the reader, are beginning to understand the\nimportance of hormones when it comes to health. Susan\u2019s caseis another example of a deficiency of hormones creating havocwith one\u2019s health and illustrates the importance of beingpro-active with your own health care. For the most part, youcannot expect the medical community to come up withanswers it is ill-equipped to find.\nEVEN MOVIE STARS GET THE BLUES\nAs many of you are aware, actress/model Brooke Shields wrote\na book detailing her experience with severe postpartum depression.Her advice to women with this problem is to avail themselvesof anti-depressant medications. She has been on multiple talkshows reiterating this advice.\nWhat she is proposing is the classic, standard medical care\napproach: take a Band-Aid (drug) for your problem.\nIt is my understanding that Ms. Shields utilized in vitro\nfertilization to get pregnant. The number one reason why awoman cannot get pregnant is a low progesterone level. Myunderstanding is that she did not have morning sickness, theoccurrence of which I would have expected. After her delivery,56 THE MIRACLE OF BIO-IDENTICAL HORMONES her progesterone level might have dropped to non-existent\nlevels, which could have precipitated her severe postpartumdepression.\nUsing natural, bio-identical progesterone might have\neliminated the need for in vitro fertilization and preventedpostpartum depression. In fact, giving her progesterone wouldhave eliminated her depression almost immediately.\nThere is an ironic twist to this situation. Many of you\nmight be aware that actor T om Cruise, who I understand is apracticing Scientologist, advised Ms. Shields to take a morenatural approach for her depression\u2014healing with prayer, andso on.\nInterestingly, T om Cruise has said that he has a problem\nwith ADHD\u2014a condition I feel is also caused by a lowprogesterone level. So both of these well-known actors havethe same hormone deficiency, in my view, yet neither of themis aware of it.57 POSTP ARTUM DEPRESSION AND SUSAN B. FIBROMYALGIA AND\nJANET L.\nchapter SEVEN\nFibromyalgia is a rheumatism of the muscles, ligaments, and\ntendons that can cause crippling pain and can make normalactivity excruciating. It is far more common than most peoplerealize and seems to occur with great frequency among over-weight people. Fibromyalgia can be healed using a natural,drugless approach, a fact that should bring joy to the hearts ofmany sufferers. I hope Janet\u2019s story will inspire others to \u201csay no\u201dto this debilitating condition and begin living a pain-free,joyous life.\nI\u2019ve had fibromyalgia for 20 years, although it wasn\u2019t diagnosed\nuntil recently. Most people who have fibromyalgia do not getproperly diagnosed until they have had it for at least seven years.That\u2019s because it is a progressive disease, and when it starts out itmight only manifest as a stiff neck or isolated pain and generalfatigue. The symptoms, in other words, are so general they can beinterpreted as the flu, tired muscles, a sleep disorder, or anynumber of less serious problems.\nWhen I first started experiencing the pain of fibromyalgia I\nwas living in the mountains in Washington State. In that oftencold, usually moist climate my body behaved like a barometer\u2014\n59whenever the weather changed my body would feel it. Whether it\nwas dampness, cold, a change in the wind\u2014any change wouldregister in my body as pain. I went to rheumatologists, chiropractors,all kinds of doctors about my pain, but none of them had asolution for me.\nOne doctor started me on cortisone shots. We reached a point\nwhere he was shooting cortisone into 42 muscles in my back everyday. He finally said, \u201cJanet, I can\u2019t do this any more. You\u2019vebecome a human pincushion.\u201d\nI would have good days and bad days. On my good days I was\nenergetic and took part in family activities with great zest. Onbad days I wouldn\u2019t be able to get dressed without stopping a fewtimes to lie down and rest and get my energy back.\nIn the days before the fibromyalgia was advanced, my husband\nand I decided to build our dream house up in the mountains inCardiff. I took a very active part in designing it, a house on threelevels. It was a project that went on for several years. By the timewe were close to finishing it, the major symptoms of my fibromyalgiahad set in. At that point, I found it unbearable to climb stairs. Ihad to wonder who that person was who had thought to design athree-story house. But no one had diagnosed me or told me myproblem would get worse every year.\nI was given various medications for pain, Neurontin being the\none I ended up taking long-term. It dulled the pain withoutgetting at the source of the problem.\nThe way I dealt with the pain in the early days was to be very\nactive. Inactivity seemed to exacerbate the stiffness and pain, so Ithrew myself into family activities. We have a large extendedfamily up north and I loved making dinners and entertaining. Icould forget about my pain if I had a goal like cooking for 40people. However, the activity took a lot out of me and after thesedinners were over I would have to recuperate for a week.60 THE MIRACLE OF BIO-IDENTICAL HORMONES Part of the fibromyalgia was a sleeping problem\u2014the pain\nkept me awake. Often I would get only three hours of sleep atnight. I would toss and turn and then finally go to my husband\u2019srecliner to get some sleep. It was easier to find a comfortableposition there. I also started getting migraine headaches.\nGradually I reached the point where I was quite debilitated.\nIf it were snowing outside I could only walk a half a block or sobefore exhaustion would set in. My knees would get so swollen theywould be like footballs. I couldn\u2019t bend them.\nA rheumatologist finally diagnosed me. He checked my\npressure points and told me all 18 of them were inflamed. He saidI had both osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia.\nI finally had a diagnosis, but the rheumatologist didn\u2019t have a\nsolution for my pain. He just prescribed more Neurontin. Myhusband and I arrived at the point where we were ready tosacrifice our dream house so we could live in a warm, dry climatewhere I could be in less pain. We sold our house in Cardiff andbought a house in the desert. As soon as we\u2019d moved in I contacteda rheumatologist\u2014I needed a local source for my Neurontin. Thisdoctor checked my pressure points, and they were, as usual,inflamed.\nMeanwhile, I happened to see Dr. Platt on television", "token_ids": [279, 30371, 5302, 606, 13, 1102, 6244, 810, 77443, 11, 902, 52435, 2294, 3245, 311, 617, 3621, 520, 856, 4325, 13, 358, 1511, 311, 617, 682, 315, 279, 9459, 8148, 9681, 389, 856, 13272, 11, 323, 922, 264, 2305, 1306, 358, 3940, 279, 34092, 5302, 606, 814, 682, 29496, 13, 4370, 3247, 386, 2871, 75801, 3083, 73166, 12, 20398, 15942, 473, 4463, 61389, 220, 55106, 11, 433, 3952, 757, 5899, 4038, 311, 9229, 922, 220, 1399, 16701, 198, 438, 636, 1523, 311, 264, 1404, 220, 19, 13, 358, 2011, 617, 18661, 264, 2763, 315, 16124, 3148, 8568, 6769, 358, 1541, 1431, 17988, 220, 6550, 16701, 1093, 1455, 1404, 220, 19, 3278, 13, 358, 17988, 10148, 16701, 13, 5046, 3388, 11, 449, 810, 16124, 3148, 856, 39097, 285, 1790, 5190, 1109, 433, 1511, 311, 387, 11, 779, 433, 374, 430, 1790, 8831, 10390, 1673, 467, 856, 4785, 1418, 2103, 12459, 279, 15657, 358, 3021, 311, 8343, 627, 32, 445, 2843, 45718, 3083, 79081, 13778, 1753, 44273, 1600, 3414, 720, 86383, 426, 13, 374, 14595, 315, 279, 1690, 1274, 889, 617, 21095, 33048, 198, 50828, 4553, 2324, 539, 1606, 315, 459, 12459, 3575, 719, 1606, 315, 64, 36908, 3575, 13, 720, 40, 4510, 279, 1193, 5353, 369, 1772, 4581, 372, 18710, 198, 285, 3428, 30371, 5302, 606, 627, 86383, 1047, 279, 11670, 3925, 315, 4423, 449, 264, 3428, 198, 34092, 5302, 606, 2237, 889, 9221, 70180, 25462, 323, 451, 14655, 13, 358, 4510, 279, 1193, 5353, 369, 1772, 4581, 372, 18710, 285, 3428, 30371, 5302, 606, 13, 763, 279, 2132, 323, 4948, 75110, 388, 279, 501, 582, 16985, 67807, 704, 30371, 5302, 606, 11, 902, 374, 3249, 3278, 2733, 45942, 1411, 2391, 420, 892, 315, 872, 20209, 13, 2030, 1306, 279, 8945, 374, 9783, 44156, 11, 30371, 5302, 606, 5990, 733, 1523, 627, 2520, 1455, 3278, 11, 3131, 814, 1212, 25568, 15853, 1578, 11, 872, 198, 65, 10233, 3240, 17843, 30371, 5302, 606, 323, 872, 296, 9242, 12157, 13, 2030, 86383, 574, 3428, 304, 30371, 5302, 606, 311, 3240, 449, 11, 323, 1364, 574, 304, 1077, 1272, 82, 11, 994, 36908, 5990, 527, 389, 279, 18174, 13971, 13, 2100, 1364, 1047, 2201, 2592, 315, 30371, 5302, 606, 627, 21364, 3428, 30371, 5302, 606, 9057, 1579, 32152, 5990, 22416, 220, 1661, 7058, 655, 832, 5353, 315, 33048, 13, 12310, 30371, 5302, 606, 1101, 6197, 311, 459, 5376, 258, 70180, 2345, 43063, 36908, 430, 11705, 8834, 13, 12310, 463, 4282, 12, 466, 606, 11767, 311, 18710, 323, 1023, 24064, 5435, 13, 2131, 13165, 47, 34979, 2864, 3467, 64924, 3651, 90129, 1111, 426, 13, 220, 3005, 1101, 1047, 279, 5410, 13803, 315, 459, 1234, 32344, 198, 27520, 1607, 25, 1077, 6930, 574, 9235, 11, 1077, 40943, 3287, 1431, 3139, 1664, 11, 1364, 289, 521, 38367, 8834, 343, 3340, 11, 323, 779, 389, 13, 6385, 6680, 7177, 39786, 704, 420, 755, 10603, 13, 6385, 3428, 54060, 20162, 311, 1077, 18710, 11, 2288, 11829, 54060, 706, 264, 28040, 10383, 389, 279, 39097, 315, 30115, 2849, 315, 279, 2547, 11, 2737, 279, 8271, 7917, 627, 12978, 287, 31033, 574, 264, 1633, 4382, 5030, 13, 1666, 5246, 439, 1077, 198, 71, 494, 3233, 1051, 24770, 1364, 86025, 264, 81631, 369, 5496, 13, 666, 365, 68632, 4814, 1903, 1077, 2733, 1524, 2731, 44603, 574, 264, 8104, 95928, 11565, 369, 264, 5333, 889, 1047, 7543, 4376, 264, 10345, 295, 4350, 81, 63031, 449, 33048, 13, 720, 40, 3987, 499, 11, 279, 6742, 11, 527, 7314, 311, 3619, 279, 198, 475, 685, 315, 44315, 994, 433, 4131, 311, 2890, 13, 31033, 753, 1162, 285, 2500, 3187, 315, 264, 48294, 315, 44315, 6968, 66592, 4291, 832, 753, 2890, 323, 46480, 279, 12939, 315, 1694, 782, 32344, 449, 701, 1866, 2890, 2512, 13, 1789, 279, 1455, 961, 11, 499, 34360, 1755, 279, 6593, 4029, 311, 2586, 709, 449, 25739, 433, 374, 5986, 88202, 311, 1505, 627, 36, 42122, 38728, 5484, 4015, 17485, 8049, 3247, 15195, 11560, 198, 2170, 1690, 315, 499, 527, 8010, 11, 24577, 25925, 79561, 75897, 6267, 198, 64, 2363, 45293, 1077, 3217, 449, 15748, 1772, 4581, 372, 18710, 3924, 261, 9650, 311, 3278, 449, 420, 3575, 374, 311, 39011, 5694, 1073, 7294, 6953, 1911, 519, 31010, 13, 3005, 706, 1027, 389, 5361, 3137, 60556, 312, 2058, 1113, 420, 9650, 627, 3923, 1364, 374, 57515, 374, 279, 11670, 11, 5410, 6593, 2512, 198, 16082, 613, 25, 1935, 264, 17366, 6830, 307, 320, 73821, 8, 369, 701, 3575, 627, 2181, 374, 856, 8830, 430, 16450, 13, 75897, 34716, 304, 55004, 198, 69, 86795, 2065, 311, 636, 20895, 13, 578, 1396, 832, 2944, 3249, 1384, 7053, 4250, 636, 20895, 374, 264, 3428, 30371, 5302, 606, 2237, 13, 3092, 8154, 10276, 374, 430, 1364, 1550, 539, 617, 6693, 54950, 11, 279, 14310, 21201, 315, 902, 358, 1053, 617, 3685, 13, 4740, 1077, 9889, 11, 3487, 3247, 386, 2871, 75801, 3083, 73166, 12, 20398, 15942, 473, 4463, 61389, 220, 1077, 30371, 5302, 606, 2237, 2643, 617, 12504, 311, 2536, 60928, 198, 43664, 11, 902, 1436, 617, 36841, 33337, 1077, 15748, 1772, 4581, 372, 451, 4099, 627, 16834, 5933, 11, 17332, 12, 1748, 950, 30371, 5302, 606, 2643, 617, 198, 40895, 15846, 279, 1205, 369, 304, 55004, 36214, 2065, 323, 32098, 2252, 4581, 372, 18710, 13, 763, 2144, 11, 7231, 1077, 30371, 5302, 606, 1053, 19553, 34373, 1077, 18710, 4661, 7214, 627, 3947, 374, 459, 59560, 27744, 311, 420, 6671, 13, 9176, 315, 499, 198, 46068, 387, 8010, 430, 12360, 350, 8019, 47477, 11, 889, 358, 3619, 374, 21726, 533, 10332, 21302, 16549, 11, 26160, 16450, 13, 75897, 311, 1935, 264, 810, 53980, 5603, 369, 1077, 18710, 76929, 6260, 449, 23788, 11, 323, 708, 389, 627, 82990, 11, 350, 8019, 47477, 706, 1071, 430, 568, 706, 264, 3575, 198, 4291, 52564, 29096, 3044, 358, 2733, 374, 1101, 9057, 555, 264, 3428, 34092, 5302, 606, 2237, 13, 2100, 2225, 315, 1521, 1664, 22015, 20142, 31081, 19030, 1890, 36908, 48294, 11, 304, 856, 1684, 11, 3686, 14188, 315, 1124, 285, 8010, 315, 433, 13, 3226, 13165, 47, 34979, 2864, 3467, 64924, 3651, 90129, 1111, 426, 13, 220, 435, 3336, 3442, 56, 984, 38, 5987, 3651, 198, 41, 1111, 1372, 445, 627, 41326, 5161, 42122, 198, 37, 581, 442, 16858, 55901, 374, 264, 68132, 46313, 2191, 315, 279, 24569, 11, 29413, 24469, 11, 323, 198, 83, 408, 2439, 430, 649, 5353, 97106, 6784, 323, 649, 1304, 4725, 7323, 3521, 80455, 23747, 13, 1102, 374, 3117, 810, 4279, 1109, 1455, 1069, 56178, 44353, 553, 323, 5084, 311, 12446, 449, 2294, 11900, 4315, 927, 12923, 1274, 13, 43564, 442, 16858, 55901, 649, 387, 62320, 1701, 264, 5933, 11, 73821, 1752, 5603, 11, 264, 2144, 430, 1288, 4546, 16267, 311, 279, 23492, 315, 35676, 96460, 13, 358, 3987, 54765, 753, 3446, 690, 31740, 3885, 311, 1054, 37890, 912, 863, 998, 420, 92890, 3044, 323, 3240, 5496, 264, 6784, 12862, 11, 4215, 788, 2324, 627, 40, 4070, 1047, 16178, 442, 16858, 55901, 369, 220, 508, 1667, 11, 8051, 433, 5828, 1431, 29704, 198, 39830, 6051, 13, 7648, 1274, 889, 617, 16178, 442, 16858, 55901, 656, 539, 636, 81768, 398, 29704, 3156, 814, 617, 1047, 433, 369, 520, 3325, 8254, 1667, 33861, 753, 1606, 433, 374, 264, 23053, 8624, 11, 323, 994, 433, 8638, 704, 433, 46068, 1193, 14794, 439, 264, 31161, 13272, 477, 25181, 6784, 323, 1803, 3181, 266, 22711, 13, 578, 13803, 11, 304, 1023, 4339, 11, 527, 779, 4689, 814, 649, 387, 94561, 439, 279, 20236, 11, 19781, 24569, 11, 264, 6212, 19823, 11, 477, 904, 4174, 315, 2753, 6129, 5435, 627, 4599, 358, 1176, 3940, 25051, 279, 6784, 315, 16178, 442, 16858, 55901, 358, 198, 16514, 5496, 304, 279, 24405, 304, 6652, 3314, 13, 763, 430, 43146, 967, 820, 11, 6118, 21147, 10182, 856, 2547, 89831, 1093, 264, 3703, 21037, 2345, 198, 2946, 1336, 31845, 279, 9282, 5614, 856, 2547, 1053, 2733, 433, 13, 13440, 433, 198, 16514, 41369, 2136, 11, 9439, 11, 264, 2349, 304, 279, 10160, 2345, 3852, 2349, 1053, 6477, 304, 856, 2547, 439, 6784, 13, 358, 4024, 311, 68132, 46313, 22012, 11, 77301, 21846, 11, 543, 13124, 315, 16410, 922, 856, 6784, 11, 719, 7000, 315, 1124, 1047, 439, 3294, 369, 757, 627, 4054, 10896, 3940, 757, 389, 23100, 285, 606, 15300, 13, 1226, 8813, 264, 1486, 198, 2940, 568, 574, 10658, 23100, 285, 606, 1139, 220, 2983, 24569, 304, 856, 1203, 18254, 13, 1283, 5616, 1071, 11, 1054, 18820, 295, 11, 358, 649, 1431, 656, 420, 904, 810, 13, 1472, 4070, 17106, 638, 264, 3823, 281, 2910, 1136, 290, 49216, 40, 1053, 617, 1695, 2919, 323, 3958, 2919, 13, 1952, 856, 1695, 2919, 358, 574, 198, 804, 36324, 323, 3952, 961, 304, 3070, 7640, 449, 2294, 81631, 13, 1952, 14176, 2919, 358, 8434, 1431, 387, 3025, 311, 636, 26435, 2085, 23351, 264, 2478, 15487, 311, 10457, 1523, 323, 2800, 323, 636, 856, 4907, 1203, 627, 644, 279, 2919, 1603, 279, 16178, 442, 16858, 55901, 574, 11084, 11, 856, 10177, 198, 438, 358, 6773, 311, 1977, 1057, 8063, 3838, 709, 304, 279, 24405, 304, 5889, 3168, 13, 358, 3952, 264, 1633, 4642, 961, 304, 30829, 433, 11, 264, 3838, 389, 2380, 43664, 13, 1102, 574, 264, 2447, 430, 4024, 389, 369, 3892, 1667, 13, 3296, 279, 6935, 88823, 1051, 3345, 311, 25270, 433, 11, 279, 3682, 13803, 315, 856, 16178, 442, 16858, 70, 19870, 329, 743, 304, 13, 2468, 430, 1486, 11, 358, 1766, 433, 99930, 311, 26438, 32249, 13, 19589, 329, 311, 5895, 889, 430, 1732, 574, 889, 1047, 3463, 311, 2955, 12004, 770, 46199, 3838, 13, 2030, 912, 832, 1047, 29704, 757, 477, 3309, 757, 856, 35686, 1053, 636, 11201, 1475, 1060, 627, 40, 574, 2728, 5370, 31010, 369, 6784, 11, 4275, 324, 546, 258, 1694, 279, 198, 606, 358, 9670, 709, 4737, 1317, 9860, 13, 1102, 82627, 839, 279, 6784, 2085, 51210, 520, 279, 2592, 315, 279, 3575, 627, 791, 1648, 358, 27023, 449, 279, 6784, 304, 279, 4216, 2919, 574, 311, 387, 1633, 198, 3104, 13, 763, 7323, 9508, 311, 52875, 349, 279, 70334, 323, 6784, 11, 779, 358, 339, 4361, 7182, 1139, 3070, 7640, 13, 1226, 617, 264, 3544, 11838, 19521, 709, 10411, 323, 358, 10456, 3339, 74413, 323, 30311, 13, 358, 29177, 10894, 922, 856, 6784, 422, 358, 1047, 264, 5915, 1093, 17677, 369, 220, 1272, 16455, 13, 4452, 11, 279, 5820, 3952, 264, 2763, 704, 315, 757, 323, 1306, 279, 82, 31501, 5079, 1051, 927, 358, 1053, 617, 311, 52621, 349, 369, 264, 2046, 13, 1399, 3247, 386, 2871, 75801, 3083, 73166, 12, 20398, 15942, 473, 4463, 61389, 220, 3744, 315, 279, 16178, 442, 16858, 55901, 574, 264, 21811, 3575, 22416, 6784, 198, 99020, 757, 35447, 13, 36016, 358, 1053, 636, 1193, 2380, 4207, 315, 6212, 520, 9471, 13, 358, 1053, 26251, 323, 2543, 323, 1243, 5616, 733, 311, 856, 10177, 753, 265, 566, 10670, 311, 636, 1063, 6212, 13, 1102, 574, 8831, 311, 1505, 264, 10882, 3571, 1070, 13, 358, 1101, 3940, 3794, 92981, 55403, 627, 24956, 1870, 358, 8813, 279, 1486, 1405, 358, 574, 5115, 4316, 3748, 660, 627, 2746, 433, 1051, 12056, 287, 4994, 358, 1436, 1193, 4321, 264, 4376, 264, 2565, 477, 11752, 4746, 70663, 1053, 743, 304, 13, 3092, 31624, 1053, 636, 779, 76193, 814, 41450, 387, 1093, 9141, 82, 13, 358, 7846, 1431, 37920, 1124, 627, 32, 68132, 46313, 16549, 5616, 29704, 757, 13, 1283, 10273, 856, 198, 47074, 3585, 323, 3309, 757, 682, 220, 972, 315, 1124, 1051, 4704, 3690, 13, 1283, 1071, 40, 1047, 2225, 52368, 78, 277, 40485, 323, 16178, 442, 16858, 55901, 627, 40, 5616, 1047, 264, 23842, 11, 719, 279, 68132, 46313, 16549, 3287, 1431, 617, 264, 198, 50560, 369, 856, 6784, 13, 1283, 1120, 32031, 810, 4275, 324, 546, 258, 13, 3092, 13092, 7198, 323, 358, 11721, 520, 279, 1486, 1405, 584, 1051, 5644, 311, 82, 65848, 22660, 1057, 8063, 3838, 779, 584, 1436, 3974, 304, 264, 8369, 11, 9235, 10182, 2940, 358, 1436, 387, 304, 2753, 6784, 13, 1226, 6216, 1057, 3838, 304, 61692, 323, 65, 2509, 264, 3838, 304, 279, 24521, 13, 1666, 5246, 439, 584, 7070, 7882, 304, 358, 3729, 14151, 68132, 46313, 16549, 51757, 4460, 264, 2254, 2592, 369, 856, 4275, 324, 546, 258, 13, 1115, 38083, 10273, 856, 7410, 3585, 11, 323, 814, 1051, 11, 439, 13783, 54788, 1517, 3690, 627, 26054, 11, 358, 7077, 311, 1518, 2999, 13, 95778, 389, 12707], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " replace\nher old, unsuccessful pattern?\u201cYou\u2019re here this weekend to talk about healing,\u201d I said, \u201cand in your\ncase, physical and emotional healing would be superficial. Your need is for\na healing at the level of belief.\u201d\n\u201cMeaning what?\u201d she asked.\n\u201cI suppose we could say you need a better love life with God. First your\nconcept of \u2018higher \u2019 power has to be reexamined. God or spirit stands beside\nus in every aspect of our everyday lives. Second, the belief that God is\nmasculine must be exchanged for a genderless alternative, given how\nthreatening masculine energy is to you. If you can begin to see how your\nnotion of spirit has been shaped by your early childhood, you can start to\nlook at love as a mirror of the present instead of the past.\u201d This last is a key\nconcept:\nWhen you fall in love, you fall for a mirr or of your own most pr esent needs.\nThe intense desirability of another person isn\u2019t innate in that person.\nDesire is born in the one who desires. In Clare\u2019 s case, since her underlying\nself-image is that of a helpless, unloved girl, any show of power arouses\nincredible yearning in her.\nThere is nothing wrong with this\u2014we all project similar needs in our\nsearch for love. Nor is there anything wrong with the bedazz led state of\ninfatuation that Clare has so often sought. Each affair, real or imaginary, has\na repeated message to offer her: \u201cYou are loved.\u201d It is the simplest of\nmessages, but often the hardest to absorb. For spirit isn\u2019t saying, \u201cYou are\nloved as long as your passion for this man lasts.\u201d It is saying, \u201cYou are\nloved,\u201d without any qualifications. If Clare does begin to gain insight and\nremove the obstacles that block her vision, spirit\u2019 s message will be awaiting\nher. There is infinite patience in spirit, infinite willingness to wait upon our\nattention. And one day, in her own time, Clare will notice.\n\u201cI think that each man you have loved is a tiny reminder of who you are,\u201d\nI told Clare. \u201cThis isn\u2019t solipsistic but a natural reflection of your needs.\nYou aren\u2019 t judged by the love life you choose, since no one is outside\nyourself to judge\u2014there is only you as the Self, looking at you from a\ndifferent angle.\u201d\n\u201cI don\u2019 t see how that helps,\u201d Clare said.\u201cThe Self looki ng at you is the primary relationship you bring into all\nsituations,\u201d I said. \u201cRealizing that, you will start to reduce expectations for\nother relationships. In your case you expect a lot from fantasy, but you\ncould transfer those expectation s to yourself. What do you really want from\nmen? Security, well-being, a sense of belonging? These are all available to\nyou from your own Self, and your healing will be to fall in love with that\nSelf.\u201d\nThe secret to spiritual healing is that its foundation is already laid. In his\nexalted poetry, Walt Whitman speaks of the ever -presentness of love:\nThere was never any more inception than there is now,\nNor any more youth or age than there is now,\nAnd will never be any more perfection than there is now,\nNor any more heaven or hell than there is now.\nI read this passage to Clare, who sat silently for a moment. \u201cI\u2019ve been\naround for a while,\u201d she said, \u201cand I\u2019m not unconscious. I see that I\u2019m\nstuck, and for a long time this concept of learning to love yours elf has been\nprescribed to me. But I honestly cannot see how it works.\u201d\n\u201cThe reason for that,\u201d I said, \u201cis that you are bringing the wrong model to\nyour notion of what self-love is. In duality, love connects two separate\npeople. If that is your model of love, you will have no choice but to see\nself-love in much the same way. That is, you\u2019ll try to separate off the parts\nof yourself that you value and direct appreciation toward them. But\nfragmentation is the problem, not the solution. Self-love and self-division\ndon\u2019t go togethe r. Self-love isn\u2019t on the level of personality; it\u2019s on the level\nof being. Being is whole, and when you recognize that, every part of\nyourself rejoins its true status as totality. Learning to love and accept the\npowerless, lonely little girl inside you, giving her permission to be part of\nyou, will lessen her role in directing your love life.\u201d\nIf you strip away the details of Clare\u2019 s story, her search for love in all the\nwrong places stands for a much more general condition. Love between\n\u201cyou\u201d and \u201cme\u201d is a dualistic conception. People have been falling madly in\nlove for centuries, but that hasn\u2019t solved the deeper problem of inner\ndivision. If anything, such divisi on has been exacerbated as generation after\ngeneration tries to resolve separation through others. What heals inner\ndivision is a change of perception.You are not just a small piece of divine essence that was create d to exist\nseparately. At the level of your soul you are the whole of spirit. Your\nconnection to God is complete and seamless; your loving relatio nship to the\nuniverse is total. The mind cannot conceive of this all-inclusiveness,\nhowever, while being caught in its own dualism. We think of ourselves as\nfather or mother, son or daughter, man or woman, here or there, this or that.\nSeparation is built from our own self-image.\nThought cannot restore wholeness because by definition thoug ht is also\nfragmented. Yet everyone\u2019 s mind contains the essence of spirit; silence and\nintuitive knowle dge come naturally to us. The fact that we have drastically\ndevalued these aspects of our inner life doesn\u2019 t abolish them. Already you\ncan touch on valuable parts of your life that you can know only by setting\nthoughts aside. How do you know if you are happy, or intelligent, or\nawake? These aren\u2019 t issues you reason with; they are self-evident.\nYou do not have to think in order to see and hear; you do not have to\nhave an active dialogue inside your head to know that you exist.\nAwareness is awar e of itself befor e it gains knowledge of anything else.\nThe deep er reaches of intuitive knowledge, however, feel foreign because\nour cultu re hasn\u2019 t shown us how to explore the inner world. When we turn\nto privileged outsiders\u2014to seers and poets, for example\u2014we discover\nmany truths that only the silent voice of spirit can reveal. If we could rise\nabove our narrowness of vision, we would perceive our higher Self directly,\nas W alt Whitman did:\nThere is that in me\u2014I do not know what it is\u2014but I know it is in me....\nDo you see O my brothers and sisters?\nIt is not chaos or death\u2014it is form, union, plan\u2014it is eternal life\u2014it is Happiness.\nThe fact that we cannot sustain Whitman\u2019 s vision means that our growth\nfrom duality to unity is still under way, which is why the path to love exists.\nThe ability to live in the Self must be relearned\u2014this is what walking the\npath is all about.\nTENDER COUR TSHIP\nThe next stage of romance, courtship, is more than just the time for winning\none\u2019s love. At a subtler level it brings together two people\u2019 s perceptions.Beneath the lovers\u2019 talk and tender emotions, the fragile birth of spirit is\nbeing tested. Its survival depends not just on how exalted and transformed a\nman and woman may feel. An act of interpretation must also take place, in\nwhich the right words are found for a shared experience.\nCourtship is a tender, tentative stage in which two lovers decide whether\nto pursue a new reality or return to the old. It is the first phase in which two\nfutures are at stake, not just one.\nIn ancient India the spiritual equivalent of this phase was called Satsang,\na word that can be translated as \u201cthe company of truth,\u201d or more loosely,\n\u201cthe sharing of spirit.\u201d When disciples sat at the feet of their master,\nlistening to his wisdom, they were taking satsang, but any communion of\nspiritual seekers is given the same name. Before departing this world, Christ\ntold his disciples, \u201cWhere two or three of you gather in my name, I will be\nthere.\u201d That is satsang without the master \u2019s physical presence. Turning your\nconversation in the direction of spirit makes a casual chat with a friend a\nform of satsang as well. The link with courtship is very clear, for courtship\nis about speakin g your heart to another, sharing your spirit in a way you\ncannot do alone.\nThe satsang of lovers often takes place in silence, which holds true for\nsome of the greatest saints also; simply to be in their presenc e infuses us\nwith the spirit of God. People who feel genuinely comfortabl e with each\nother are able to talk about their fears, wishes, and hopes, but the\ncommunion of lovers is far more intense. Courtship is a shared birth, a rare\nopportunity to exchange what is most innocent in each partner. Intimacy\nallows a man to tell a woman things he did not know existed within himself,\nand the same for a woman.\nWhat becomes shared may have never existed in the past. The past is\nbased on memor y", "token_ids": [8454, 198, 1964, 2362, 11, 46025, 5497, 108986, 2675, 3207, 1618, 420, 9178, 311, 3137, 922, 21730, 2476, 358, 1071, 11, 1054, 438, 304, 701, 198, 5756, 11, 7106, 323, 14604, 21730, 1053, 387, 59915, 13, 4718, 1205, 374, 369, 198, 64, 21730, 520, 279, 2237, 315, 16801, 49216, 2118, 19312, 287, 1148, 12671, 1364, 4691, 627, 10378, 23289, 584, 1436, 2019, 499, 1205, 264, 2731, 3021, 2324, 449, 4359, 13, 5629, 701, 198, 69587, 315, 3451, 90447, 18217, 2410, 706, 311, 387, 312, 42716, 1619, 13, 4359, 477, 9090, 13656, 30488, 198, 355, 304, 1475, 13189, 315, 1057, 18254, 6439, 13, 10657, 11, 279, 16801, 430, 4359, 374, 198, 7044, 3395, 483, 2011, 220, 387, 48501, 369, 264, 10026, 1752, 10778, 11, 2728, 1268, 198, 97229, 6147, 61165, 4907, 374, 311, 499, 13, 1442, 499, 649, 3240, 311, 1518, 1268, 701, 198, 1962, 290, 315, 9090, 706, 1027, 27367, 220, 555, 701, 4216, 20587, 11, 499, 649, 1212, 311, 198, 7349, 520, 3021, 439, 264, 18327, 315, 279, 3118, 4619, 315, 279, 3347, 2029, 1115, 1566, 374, 264, 1401, 198, 69587, 512, 4599, 499, 4498, 304, 3021, 11, 499, 4498, 369, 264, 8822, 81, 477, 315, 701, 1866, 1455, 550, 1560, 306, 3966, 627, 791, 19428, 951, 404, 2968, 315, 2500, 1732, 4536, 1431, 65070, 304, 430, 1732, 627, 5001, 556, 374, 9405, 304, 279, 832, 889, 32097, 13, 763, 62140, 529, 274, 1162, 11, 2533, 1077, 16940, 198, 726, 14064, 374, 430, 315, 264, 63628, 11, 653, 385, 2111, 3828, 11, 904, 1501, 315, 2410, 66208, 9459, 198, 258, 59041, 1060, 1251, 304, 1077, 16853, 3947, 374, 4400, 5076, 449, 420, 86319, 682, 2447, 4528, 3966, 304, 1057, 198, 1874, 369, 3021, 13, 220, 8170, 374, 1070, 4205, 5076, 449, 279, 4950, 10002, 6197, 1614, 315, 198, 13885, 266, 4090, 430, 62140, 706, 779, 3629, 16495, 13, 9062, 31017, 11, 1972, 477, 51052, 1174, 706, 198, 64, 11763, 1984, 311, 3085, 1077, 25, 1054, 2675, 527, 10456, 2029, 1102, 374, 279, 45648, 315, 198, 16727, 11, 719, 3629, 279, 37554, 220, 311, 35406, 13, 1789, 9090, 4536, 1431, 5605, 11, 1054, 2675, 527, 198, 385, 2111, 439, 1317, 439, 701, 11939, 369, 420, 893, 40758, 2029, 1102, 374, 5605, 11, 1054, 2675, 527, 198, 385, 2111, 2476, 2085, 904, 43784, 13, 1442, 62140, 1587, 3240, 311, 8895, 20616, 323, 198, 5514, 279, 32116, 430, 2565, 1077, 11376, 11, 9090, 529, 274, 1984, 690, 387, 45088, 198, 1964, 13, 2684, 374, 24746, 30401, 304, 9090, 11, 24746, 39375, 311, 3868, 5304, 1057, 198, 54203, 13, 1628, 832, 1938, 1174, 304, 1077, 1866, 892, 11, 62140, 690, 5406, 627, 10378, 1781, 430, 1855, 893, 499, 617, 10456, 374, 264, 13987, 27626, 315, 889, 499, 527, 2476, 198, 40, 3309, 62140, 13, 1054, 2028, 4536, 1431, 2092, 3153, 4633, 719, 264, 5933, 22599, 315, 701, 3966, 627, 2675, 7784, 529, 259, 45487, 555, 279, 3021, 2324, 499, 5268, 11, 2533, 912, 832, 374, 4994, 198, 22479, 726, 311, 11913, 2345, 19041, 374, 1193, 499, 439, 279, 10323, 11, 3411, 520, 499, 505, 264, 198, 64750, 9392, 49216, 10378, 1541, 529, 259, 1518, 1268, 430, 8779, 2476, 62140, 1071, 35147, 791, 10323, 1427, 72, 7933, 520, 499, 374, 279, 6156, 5133, 499, 4546, 1139, 682, 198, 82, 33462, 811, 2476, 358, 1071, 13, 1054, 13058, 4954, 430, 11, 499, 690, 1212, 311, 8108, 17078, 369, 198, 1605, 12135, 13, 763, 701, 1162, 499, 1755, 264, 2763, 505, 18884, 1174, 719, 499, 198, 29177, 8481, 1884, 31293, 274, 311, 6261, 13, 3639, 656, 499, 2216, 1390, 505, 198, 5794, 30, 8398, 1174, 1664, 33851, 11, 264, 5647, 315, 33152, 30, 4314, 527, 682, 2561, 311, 198, 9514, 505, 220, 701, 1866, 10323, 11, 323, 701, 21730, 690, 387, 311, 4498, 304, 3021, 449, 430, 198, 12363, 49216, 791, 6367, 311, 18330, 21730, 374, 430, 1202, 16665, 374, 2736, 17551, 13, 763, 813, 198, 327, 62334, 32349, 1174, 36367, 27484, 1543, 21881, 315, 279, 3596, 482, 29844, 2136, 315, 3021, 512, 3947, 574, 2646, 904, 810, 54529, 1109, 1070, 374, 1457, 13801, 33763, 904, 810, 12822, 477, 4325, 1109, 1070, 374, 1457, 13801, 3112, 690, 2646, 387, 904, 810, 39143, 1109, 1070, 374, 1457, 13801, 33763, 904, 810, 23070, 477, 15123, 1109, 1070, 374, 1457, 16853, 40, 1373, 420, 21765, 311, 62140, 11, 889, 7731, 50494, 369, 264, 4545, 13, 1054, 40, 4070, 1027, 198, 20019, 369, 264, 1418, 2476, 1364, 1071, 11, 1054, 438, 358, 4344, 539, 40711, 13, 358, 1518, 430, 358, 4344, 198, 267, 1983, 11, 323, 369, 264, 1317, 892, 420, 7434, 315, 6975, 311, 3021, 18821, 41845, 706, 1027, 198, 24544, 17890, 311, 757, 13, 2030, 358, 27136, 4250, 1518, 1268, 433, 4375, 49216, 14305, 2944, 369, 430, 2476, 358, 1071, 11, 1054, 285, 430, 499, 527, 12967, 279, 5076, 220, 1646, 311, 198, 22479, 23035, 315, 1148, 659, 27578, 588, 374, 13, 763, 294, 10965, 1174, 3021, 34161, 1403, 8821, 198, 16455, 13, 1442, 430, 374, 701, 1646, 315, 3021, 11, 499, 690, 617, 912, 5873, 719, 311, 1518, 198, 726, 27578, 588, 304, 1790, 279, 1890, 1648, 13, 3011, 374, 11, 499, 4805, 1456, 311, 8821, 1022, 279, 5596, 198, 1073, 6261, 430, 499, 907, 323, 2167, 35996, 9017, 1124, 13, 2030, 198, 43302, 367, 374, 279, 3575, 11, 539, 279, 6425, 13, 10323, 27578, 588, 323, 659, 12, 29864, 198, 15357, 1431, 733, 311, 456, 383, 436, 13, 10323, 27578, 588, 4536, 1431, 389, 279, 2237, 315, 17743, 26, 433, 753, 389, 279, 2237, 198, 1073, 1694, 13, 21347, 374, 4459, 11, 323, 994, 499, 15641, 430, 11, 1475, 961, 315, 198, 22479, 726, 48041, 1354, 1202, 837, 2704, 439, 2458, 2786, 662, 21579, 311, 3021, 323, 4287, 279, 198, 13477, 1752, 11, 40666, 2697, 3828, 4871, 499, 11, 7231, 1077, 8041, 311, 387, 961, 315, 198, 9514, 11, 690, 76970, 1077, 3560, 304, 46090, 701, 3021, 2324, 49216, 2746, 499, 13619, 3201, 220, 279, 3649, 315, 62140, 529, 274, 3446, 1174, 1077, 2778, 369, 3021, 304, 682, 279, 198, 35970, 7634, 13656, 369, 264, 1790, 810, 4689, 3044, 13, 10919, 1990, 198, 2118, 9514, 863, 323, 1054, 2727, 863, 220, 374, 264, 19091, 4633, 43656, 13, 9029, 617, 1027, 16054, 13088, 398, 304, 198, 31153, 369, 24552, 11, 719, 430, 12775, 1431, 29056, 279, 19662, 3575, 315, 9358, 198, 29864, 13, 1442, 4205, 11, 1778, 3512, 13532, 389, 706, 1027, 92541, 439, 9659, 1306, 198, 81157, 16696, 311, 9006, 25768, 1555, 3885, 13, 3639, 88084, 9358, 198, 29864, 374, 264, 2349, 315, 21063, 39537, 527, 539, 1120, 264, 2678, 6710, 315, 30467, 28591, 430, 574, 1893, 294, 311, 3073, 198, 325, 1768, 2718, 662, 2468, 279, 2237, 315, 701, 13836, 499, 527, 279, 4459, 315, 9090, 13, 4718, 198, 7898, 311, 4359, 374, 4686, 323, 47970, 26, 701, 21955, 1375, 6400, 308, 5383, 311, 279, 198, 359, 8194, 374, 2860, 13, 578, 4059, 4250, 77151, 315, 420, 682, 3502, 4256, 13071, 345, 98936, 1174, 1418, 1694, 10791, 304, 1202, 1866, 19091, 2191, 13, 1226, 1781, 315, 13520, 439, 198, 23881, 477, 6691, 1174, 4538, 477, 10003, 1174, 893, 477, 5333, 11, 1618, 477, 1070, 11, 420, 477, 430, 627, 14832, 367, 374, 5918, 505, 1057, 1866, 659, 14064, 627, 85269, 4250, 15301, 421, 17648, 434, 1606, 555, 7419, 34223, 70, 35423, 374, 1101, 198, 43302, 291, 13, 14968, 5127, 529, 274, 4059, 5727, 279, 28591, 315, 9090, 26, 21847, 323, 198, 396, 35251, 1440, 273, 294, 713, 2586, 18182, 311, 603, 13, 578, 2144, 430, 584, 617, 48863, 198, 451, 838, 3340, 1521, 13878, 315, 1057, 9358, 2324, 3250, 529, 259, 90376, 1124, 13, 40612, 499, 198, 4919, 5916, 389, 15525, 5596, 315, 701, 2324, 430, 499, 649, 1440, 1193, 555, 6376, 198, 61665, 82, 16038, 13, 2650, 656, 499, 1440, 422, 499, 527, 6380, 1174, 477, 25530, 11, 477, 198, 675, 731, 30, 4314, 7784, 529, 259, 4819, 499, 2944, 449, 26, 814, 527, 659, 5773, 1325, 306, 627, 2675, 656, 539, 617, 311, 1781, 304, 2015, 311, 1518, 323, 6865, 26, 499, 656, 539, 617, 311, 198, 19553, 459, 4642, 21976, 4871, 701, 2010, 311, 1440, 430, 499, 3073, 627, 59893, 2136, 374, 1384, 277, 384, 315, 5196, 387, 2000, 384, 433, 20192, 6677, 315, 4205, 775, 627, 791, 5655, 2781, 25501, 315, 42779, 6677, 11, 4869, 1174, 2733, 7362, 1606, 198, 414, 4612, 84, 312, 12775, 529, 259, 6982, 603, 1268, 311, 13488, 279, 9358, 1917, 13, 3277, 584, 2543, 198, 998, 47361, 73289, 50617, 513, 388, 323, 74072, 11, 369, 3187, 86319, 7142, 198, 35676, 53219, 430, 1193, 279, 21737, 7899, 315, 9090, 649, 16805, 13, 1442, 584, 1436, 10205, 198, 49532, 1057, 15376, 2136, 315, 11376, 11, 220, 584, 1053, 45493, 1057, 5190, 10323, 6089, 13801, 300, 468, 4902, 27484, 1543, 1550, 512, 3947, 374, 430, 304, 757, 51757, 656, 539, 1440, 1148, 433, 374, 38542, 358, 1440, 433, 374, 304, 757, 13, 662, 662, 16853, 5519, 499, 1518, 507, 856, 20820, 323, 30393, 5380, 2181, 374, 539, 28013, 477, 4648, 44603, 374, 1376, 11, 11552, 11, 3197, 44603, 374, 35825, 2324, 44603, 374, 79244, 627, 791, 2144, 430, 584, 4250, 14201, 27484, 1543, 529, 274, 11376, 3445, 430, 1057, 6650, 198, 1527, 294, 10965, 311, 31426, 374, 2103, 1234, 1648, 11, 902, 374, 3249, 279, 1853, 311, 3021, 6866, 627, 791, 5845, 311, 3974, 304, 279, 10323, 2011, 387, 312, 12964, 291, 2345, 576, 374, 1148, 11689, 279, 198, 2398, 374, 682, 922, 627, 51, 44704, 54548, 350, 71320, 198, 791, 1828, 6566, 315, 30363, 11, 5590, 5383, 11, 374, 810, 1109, 1120, 279, 892, 369, 11230, 198, 606, 753, 3021, 13, 2468, 264, 42129, 1565, 2237, 433, 12716, 3871, 1403, 1274, 529, 274, 51866, 1823, 1994, 589, 279, 33218, 529, 3137, 323, 28682, 21958, 11, 279, 45350, 7342, 220, 315, 9090, 374, 198, 35214, 12793, 13, 11699, 20237, 14117, 539, 1120, 389, 1268, 506, 62334, 323, 24411, 264, 198, 1543, 323, 5333, 1253, 2733, 13, 1556, 1180, 315, 23692, 2011, 1101, 1935, 2035, 11, 304, 198, 8370, 279, 1314, 4339, 527, 1766, 369, 264, 6222, 3217, 627, 76874, 5383, 374, 264, 28682, 1174, 76220, 6566, 304, 902, 1403, 33218, 10491, 3508, 198, 998, 23564, 264, 502, 8903, 477, 471, 311, 279, 2362, 13, 1102, 374, 279, 1176, 10474, 304, 902, 1403, 198, 69, 75706, 527, 520, 18783, 11, 539, 1120, 832, 627, 644, 14154, 6890, 279, 18330, 13890, 315, 420, 10474, 574, 2663, 328, 1900, 526, 345, 64, 3492, 430, 649, 387, 25548, 439, 1054, 1820, 2883, 315, 8206, 2476, 477, 810, 63557, 13801, 2118, 1820, 11821, 315, 9090, 2029, 3277, 49260, 7731, 520, 279, 7693, 315, 872, 7491, 13801, 75919, 311, 813, 24278, 11, 814, 1051, 4737, 274, 1900, 526, 11, 719, 904, 94132, 315, 198, 86390, 940, 50433, 374, 2728, 279, 1890, 836, 13, 13538, 81573, 420, 1917, 11, 3771, 198, 83, 820, 813, 49260, 11, 1054, 9241, 1403, 477, 2380, 315, 499, 9762, 304, 856, 836, 11, 358, 690, 387, 198, 19041, 2029, 3011, 374, 274, 1900, 526, 2085, 279, 7491, 18217, 82, 7106, 9546, 13, 72633, 701, 198, 62737, 304, 279, 5216, 315, 9090, 3727, 264, 16736, 6369, 449, 264, 4333, 264, 198, 630, 315, 274, 1900, 526, 439, 1664, 13, 578, 2723, 449, 5590, 5383, 374, 1633, 2867, 1174, 369, 5590, 5383, 198, 285, 922, 220, 6604, 258, 342, 701, 4851, 311, 2500, 1174, 11821, 701, 9090, 304, 264, 1648, 499, 198, 34360, 656, 7636, 627, 791, 274, 1900, 526, 315, 33218, 3629, 5097, 2035, 304, 21847, 11, 902, 10187, 837, 369, 198, 15031, 315, 279, 12474, 68220, 1101, 26, 5042, 311, 387, 304, 872, 1685, 967, 384, 4225, 4881, 603, 198, 4291, 279, 9090, 315, 4359, 13, 9029, 889, 2733, 36297, 6981, 62573, 384, 449, 1855, 198, 1605, 527, 3025, 311, 3137, 922, 872, 24087, 11, 25223, 11, 323, 16388, 11, 719, 279, 198, 3705, 16588, 315, 33218, 374, 3117, 810, 19428, 13, 7301, 5383, 374, 264, 6222, 7342, 11, 264, 9024, 198, 454, 68164, 311, 9473, 1148, 374, 1455, 25226, 304, 1855, 8427, 662, 1357, 318, 2826, 198, 56967, 264, 893, 311, 3371, 264, 5333, 2574, 568, 1550, 539, 1440, 25281, 2949, 5678, 345, 438, 279, 1890, 369, 264, 5333, 627, 3923, 9221, 6222, 1253, 617, 2646, 25281, 304, 279, 3347, 13, 578, 3347, 374, 198, 31039, 389, 16420, 379], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " under \nwhich portions of the fish proved to be hidden. \nWhen wholly exposed it cor-responded with his dream and his \ndrawing, and he succeeded in classifying it with ease.\u201d \n\u2022 An outstanding physician solved the problem of diabetes \nSome years ago I received a clipping from a magazine descr ibing \nthe origin of the discovery of insulin. This is the essence of the article \nas I recall it. \nAbout forty years ago or more, Dr. Frederick Banting, a brillia nt \nCanadian physician and surgeon, was concentrating his attention on \nthe ravages of diabetes. At that time medical science of fered no \neffective method of arresting the disease. Dr. Banting spent \n 130 considerable time experimenting and study-ing the international \nliterature on the subject. One night he was exhausted and fell asleep. \nWhile asleep, his subconscious mind instructed him to extr act the \nresidue from the degenerated pancreatic duct of dogs. This was the \norigin of insulin which has helped millions of people. \nYou will note that Dr. Banting had been consciously dwell-ing on \nthe problem for some time seeking a solution, a way out, and his \nsubconscious responded accordingly. \nIt does not follow that you will always get an answer overnight. The \nanswer may not come for some time. Do not be discouraged. Keep on \nturning the problem over every night to the subconscious mind pr ior \nto sleep, as if you had never done it before. \nOne of the reasons for the delay may be that you look upon it as a \nmajor problem. You may believe it will take a long time to solve it. \nYour subconscious mind is timeless and spaceless. Go to sleep \nbelieving you have the answer now. Do not postulate the answer in the \nfuture. Have an abiding faith in the outcome. Become convinced now \nas you read this book that there is an answer and a perfect solution for \nyou. \n\u2022 How a famous scientist and physicist escaped from a Russi an \nconcentration camp \nDr. Lothar von Blenk-Schmidt, a member of the Rocket Society and \nan outstanding research electronic engineer, gives the followi ng \ncondensed summary of how he used his subcon-scious mind to free \nhimself from certain death at the hands of brutal guards in a Russian \nprison camp coal mine. He states as follows: \n\u201cI was a prisoner of war in a coal mine in Russia, and I saw m en \ndying all around me in that prison compound. We were watched over \nby brutal guards, arrogant officers, and sharp, fast-thinking \ncommissars. After a short medical checkup, a quota of coal was \nassigned to each person. My quota was three hundred pounds per day. \n 131 In case any man did not fill his quota, his small food ration wa s cut \ndown, and in a short time he was resting in the cemetery. \n \u201cI started concentrating on my escape. I knew that my subconscious \nmind would somehow find a way. My home in Germany was \ndestroyed, my family wiped out; all my friends and former associ ates \nwere either killed in the war or were in concentration camps. \n\u201cI said to my subconscious mind, \u2018I want to go to Los Angeles, and \nyou will find the way.\u2019 I had seen pictures of Los Angeles and I \nremembered some of the boulevards very well as well as s ome of the \nbuildings. \n\u201cEvery day and night I would imagine I was walking down Wilshire \nBoulevard with an American girl whom I met in Berlin prior to the \nwar (she is now my wife). In my imagina-tion we would visit th e \nstores, ride buses, and eat in the restau-rants. Every night I made it a \nspecial point to drive my imaginary American automobile up and \ndown the boulevards of Los Angeles. I made all this vivid and rea l. \nThese pictures in my mind were as real and as natural to me as one of \nthe trees out-side the prison camp. \n \u201cEvery morning the chief guard would count the prisoners as they \nwere lined up. He would call out \u2018one, two, three,\u2019 etc., and when \nseventeen was called out, which was my number in sequence, I \nstepped aside. In the meantime, the guard was called away for a \nminute or so, and on his return he started by mistake on the n ext man \nas number seventeen. When the crew returned in the evening, the \nnumber of men was the same, and I was not missed, and the discovery \nwould take a long time. \n\u201cI walked out of the camp undetected and kept walking for twenty -\nfour hours, resting in a deserted town the next day. I was able to live \nby fishing and killing some wild life. I found coal trains going t o \nPoland and traveled on them by night, until finally I reached Pola nd. \nWith the help of friends, I made my way to Lucerne, Switzerland. \n\u201cOne evening at the Palace Hotel, Lucerne, I had a talk with a man \nand his wife from the United States of America. This man ask ed me if \n 132 I would care to be a guest at his home in Santa Monica, Cal ifornia. I \naccepted, and when I arrived in Los Angeles, I found that their \nchauffeur drove me along Wilshire Boulevard and many other \nboulevards, which I had imagined, so vividly in the long months in the \nRussian coalmines. I recognized the buildings, which I had seen in my \nmind so often. It actually seemed as if I had been in Los Angeles \nbefore. I had reached my goal. \n \u201cI will never cease to marvel at the wonders of the sub- conscious \nmind. Truly, it has ways we know not of.\u201d \n\u2022 How archaeologists and paleontologists reconstruct ancient \nscenes \nThese scientists know that their subconscious mind has a memory of \neverything that has ever transpired. As they study the ancien t ruins \nand fossils, through their imaginative percep-tion, their subc onscious \nmind aids them in reconstructing the ancient scenes. The dead p ast \nbecomes alive and audible once more. Looking at these ancient \ntemples and studying the pottery, statuary, tools, and household \nutensils of these ancient times, the scientist tells us of an age when \nthere was no language. Communication was done by grunts, groans, \nand signs. \nThe keen concentration and disciplined imagination of the scienti st \nawakens the latent powers of his subconscious mind enabling him t o \nclothe the ancient temples with roofs, and surround them with \ngardens, pools, and fountains. The fossil remains are clothed with \neyes, sinews, and muscles, and they again walk and talk. The p ast \nbecomes the living present, and we find that in mind there is no time \nor space. Through disci-plined, controlled, and directed imagination, \nyou can be a companion of the most scientific and inspired think ers of \nall time. \n\u2022 How to receive guidance from your subconscious \nWhen you have what you term \u201ca difficult decision\u201d to make, or \nwhen you fail to see the solution to your problem, begin at onc e to \n 133 think constructively about it. If you are fearful and worried, you are \nnot really thinking. True thinking is free from fear. \nHere is a simple technique you can use to receive guidance on a ny \nsubject: Quiet the mind and still the body. Tell the body to relax; it has \nto obey you. It has no volition, initiative, or self-conscious \nintelligence. Your body is an emotional disk, which records your \nbeliefs and impressions. \nMobilize your at-tention; focus your thought on the solution to your \nproblem. Try to solve it with your conscious mind. Think how happy \nyou would be about the perfect solution. Sense the feeling y ou would \nhave if the perfect answer were yours now. Let your mind play w ith \nthis mood in a relaxed way; then drop off to sleep. When you aw aken, \nand you do not have the answer, get busy about something else. \nProbably, when you are preoccupied with some-thing else, the ans wer \nwill come into your mind like toast pops out of a toaster. \nIn receiving guidance from the subconscious mind, the simple way \nis the best. This is an illustration: I once lost a valuable ring, which \nwas an heirloom. I looked everywhere for it and could not locate it. At \nnight I talked to the subconscious in the same manner that I would talk \nto anyone. I said to it prior to dropping off to sleep, \u201cYou know a ll \nthings; you know where that ring is, and you now reveal to me where \nit is.\u201d \nIn the morning I awoke suddenly with the words ringing in my ear, \n\u201cAsk Robert!\u201d \nI thought it very strange that I should ask Robert, a young boy ab out \nnine years of age; however, I followed the inner voice of intuition. \nRobert said, \u201cOh, yes, I picked it up in the yard while I wa s playing \nwith the boys. I placed it on the desk in my room. I did not think it \nworth anything, so I did not say anything about it.\u201d The subconsc ious \nmind will always answer you if you trust it. \n \n \n 134 \u2022 His subconscious revealed the location of his father \u2019s will \nA young man who attends my lectures had this experi-ence. His \nfather died and apparently left no will.", "token_ids": [1234, 720, 8370, 19885, 315, 279, 7795, 19168, 311, 387, 8340, 13, 2355, 4599, 42241, 15246, 433, 1867, 12, 6961, 291, 449, 813, 8063, 323, 813, 720, 81949, 11, 323, 568, 26399, 304, 538, 7922, 433, 449, 14553, 2029, 720, 6806, 1556, 19310, 28378, 29056, 279, 3575, 315, 20335, 720, 8538, 1667, 4227, 358, 4036, 264, 62956, 505, 264, 14756, 57317, 19185, 287, 720, 1820, 6371, 315, 279, 18841, 315, 32152, 13, 1115, 374, 279, 28591, 315, 279, 220, 4652, 720, 300, 358, 19635, 433, 13, 720, 10714, 36498, 1667, 4227, 477, 810, 11, 2999, 13, 51764, 426, 519, 287, 11, 264, 18041, 689, 32512, 720, 60674, 28378, 323, 46098, 11, 574, 76387, 813, 6666, 389, 720, 1820, 43643, 1154, 315, 20335, 13, 2468, 430, 892, 6593, 8198, 315, 282, 12616, 912, 720, 78995, 1749, 315, 84866, 279, 8624, 13, 2999, 13, 426, 519, 287, 7543, 2355, 220, 5894, 220, 24779, 892, 60257, 323, 4007, 85005, 279, 6625, 2355, 69191, 1598, 389, 279, 3917, 13, 3861, 3814, 568, 574, 39019, 323, 11299, 33173, 13, 720, 8142, 33173, 11, 813, 84951, 4059, 42075, 1461, 311, 11741, 1180, 279, 720, 417, 61707, 505, 279, 5367, 10766, 98144, 45339, 315, 12875, 13, 1115, 574, 279, 720, 8781, 315, 32152, 902, 706, 9087, 11990, 315, 1274, 13, 2355, 2675, 690, 5296, 430, 2999, 13, 426, 519, 287, 1047, 1027, 70903, 44935, 85005, 389, 720, 1820, 3575, 369, 1063, 892, 11125, 264, 6425, 11, 264, 1648, 704, 11, 323, 813, 2355, 2008, 64589, 16846, 28178, 13, 720, 2181, 1587, 539, 1833, 430, 499, 690, 2744, 636, 459, 4320, 25402, 13, 578, 720, 9399, 1253, 539, 2586, 369, 1063, 892, 13, 3234, 539, 387, 64770, 13, 13969, 389, 2355, 413, 287, 279, 3575, 927, 1475, 3814, 311, 279, 84951, 4059, 550, 602, 269, 720, 998, 6212, 11, 439, 422, 499, 1047, 2646, 2884, 433, 1603, 13, 720, 4054, 315, 279, 8125, 369, 279, 7781, 1253, 387, 430, 499, 1427, 5304, 433, 439, 264, 720, 37605, 3575, 13, 1472, 1253, 4510, 433, 690, 1935, 264, 1317, 892, 311, 11886, 433, 13, 720, 7927, 84951, 4059, 374, 58105, 323, 3634, 1752, 13, 6122, 311, 6212, 720, 32898, 4504, 499, 617, 279, 4320, 1457, 13, 3234, 539, 1772, 6468, 279, 4320, 304, 279, 720, 21733, 13, 12522, 459, 671, 6714, 10082, 304, 279, 15632, 13, 51378, 22954, 1457, 720, 300, 499, 1373, 420, 2363, 430, 1070, 374, 459, 4320, 323, 264, 4832, 6425, 369, 720, 9514, 13, 720, 6806, 2650, 264, 11495, 28568, 323, 83323, 28883, 505, 264, 4608, 72, 459, 720, 444, 94376, 3190, 2355, 9023, 13, 6621, 339, 277, 6675, 2563, 79671, 6354, 331, 43401, 11, 264, 4562, 315, 279, 40318, 13581, 323, 2355, 276, 19310, 3495, 14683, 24490, 11, 6835, 279, 1833, 72, 7933, 720, 1321, 30040, 12399, 315, 1268, 568, 1511, 813, 1207, 444, 31419, 1245, 4059, 311, 1949, 720, 40617, 726, 505, 3738, 4648, 520, 279, 6206, 315, 28860, 27270, 304, 264, 220, 8690, 720, 652, 3416, 3190, 11756, 10705, 13, 1283, 5415, 439, 11263, 25, 720, 10378, 574, 264, 42950, 315, 4208, 304, 264, 11756, 10705, 304, 8524, 11, 323, 358, 5602, 296, 665, 720, 67, 7169, 682, 2212, 757, 304, 430, 9527, 24549, 13, 1226, 1051, 15746, 927, 720, 1729, 28860, 27270, 11, 66468, 9808, 11, 323, 17676, 11, 5043, 100051, 720, 884, 1869, 1590, 13, 4740, 264, 2875, 6593, 1817, 455, 11, 264, 43142, 315, 11756, 574, 720, 40121, 311, 1855, 1732, 13, 3092, 43142, 574, 2380, 7895, 16701, 824, 1938, 13, 2355, 220, 9263, 220, 763, 1162, 904, 893, 1550, 539, 5266, 813, 43142, 11, 813, 2678, 3691, 66901, 10667, 274, 4018, 720, 2996, 11, 323, 304, 264, 2875, 892, 568, 574, 41219, 304, 279, 59404, 13, 720, 1054, 40, 3940, 76387, 389, 856, 12731, 13, 358, 7020, 430, 856, 84951, 720, 38824, 1053, 17354, 1505, 264, 1648, 13, 3092, 2162, 304, 10057, 574, 720, 15886, 291, 11, 856, 3070, 49266, 704, 26, 682, 856, 4885, 323, 4846, 4189, 520, 288, 720, 52898, 3060, 7577, 304, 279, 4208, 477, 1051, 304, 20545, 29135, 13, 2355, 10378, 1071, 311, 856, 84951, 4059, 11, 3451, 40, 1390, 311, 733, 311, 9853, 12167, 11, 323, 2355, 9514, 690, 1505, 279, 1648, 14639, 358, 1047, 3970, 9364, 315, 9853, 12167, 323, 358, 720, 30380, 291, 1063, 315, 279, 30870, 3532, 2402, 1633, 1664, 439, 1664, 439, 274, 297, 2727, 315, 279, 720, 5957, 826, 13, 2355, 2118, 11769, 1938, 323, 3814, 358, 1053, 13085, 358, 574, 11689, 1523, 10785, 15255, 2355, 33, 283, 43343, 449, 459, 3778, 3828, 8884, 358, 2322, 304, 20437, 4972, 311, 279, 720, 11710, 320, 32158, 374, 1457, 856, 7555, 570, 763, 856, 6669, 2259, 2442, 290, 584, 1053, 4034, 270, 384, 720, 44569, 11, 12141, 34480, 11, 323, 8343, 304, 279, 125084, 3880, 1821, 13, 7357, 3814, 358, 1903, 433, 264, 720, 15495, 1486, 311, 6678, 856, 51052, 3778, 35528, 709, 323, 720, 2996, 279, 30870, 3532, 2402, 315, 9853, 12167, 13, 358, 1903, 682, 420, 43120, 323, 312, 64, 326, 13, 720, 9673, 9364, 304, 856, 4059, 1051, 439, 1972, 323, 439, 5933, 311, 757, 439, 832, 315, 720, 1820, 12690, 704, 25034, 279, 9527, 3190, 13, 2355, 1054, 11769, 6693, 279, 10388, 7771, 1053, 1797, 279, 28240, 439, 814, 720, 52898, 32393, 709, 13, 1283, 1053, 1650, 704, 3451, 606, 11, 1403, 11, 2380, 23189, 5099, 2637, 323, 994, 720, 325, 688, 15258, 574, 2663, 704, 11, 902, 574, 856, 1396, 304, 8668, 11, 358, 720, 5455, 7069, 16038, 13, 763, 279, 33953, 11, 279, 7771, 574, 2663, 3201, 369, 264, 720, 43657, 477, 779, 11, 323, 389, 813, 471, 568, 3940, 555, 16930, 389, 279, 308, 1327, 893, 720, 300, 1396, 82497, 13, 3277, 279, 13941, 6052, 304, 279, 11714, 11, 279, 720, 4174, 315, 3026, 574, 279, 1890, 11, 323, 358, 574, 539, 13942, 11, 323, 279, 18841, 720, 41450, 1935, 264, 1317, 892, 13, 720, 10378, 15203, 704, 315, 279, 3190, 2073, 295, 1599, 323, 8774, 11689, 369, 17510, 18722, 35124, 4207, 11, 41219, 304, 264, 83410, 6424, 279, 1828, 1938, 13, 358, 574, 3025, 311, 3974, 720, 1729, 20543, 323, 13419, 1063, 8545, 2324, 13, 358, 1766, 11756, 28788, 2133, 259, 297, 720, 15000, 438, 323, 31796, 389, 1124, 555, 3814, 11, 3156, 5616, 358, 8813, 3735, 64, 15953, 13, 720, 2409, 279, 1520, 315, 4885, 11, 358, 1903, 856, 1648, 311, 14103, 68495, 11, 30221, 13, 720, 99799, 11714, 520, 279, 31396, 14894, 11, 14103, 68495, 11, 358, 1047, 264, 3137, 449, 264, 220, 893, 720, 438, 813, 7555, 505, 279, 3723, 4273, 315, 5270, 13, 1115, 893, 2610, 1608, 757, 422, 2355, 220, 9413, 220, 358, 1053, 2512, 311, 387, 264, 8810, 520, 813, 2162, 304, 16376, 46844, 11, 3400, 422, 1540, 689, 13, 358, 720, 55674, 11, 323, 994, 358, 11721, 304, 9853, 12167, 11, 358, 1766, 430, 872, 720, 6583, 1386, 12844, 23980, 757, 3235, 10785, 15255, 48540, 323, 1690, 1023, 720, 112669, 3532, 2402, 11, 902, 358, 1047, 35706, 11, 779, 43120, 398, 304, 279, 1317, 4038, 304, 279, 720, 48807, 11756, 1083, 288, 13, 358, 15324, 279, 14016, 11, 902, 358, 1047, 3970, 304, 856, 720, 38824, 779, 3629, 13, 1102, 3604, 9508, 439, 422, 358, 1047, 1027, 304, 9853, 12167, 2355, 15145, 13, 358, 1047, 8813, 856, 5915, 13, 720, 1054, 40, 690, 2646, 32616, 311, 45882, 520, 279, 40164, 315, 279, 1207, 12, 17371, 720, 38824, 13, 88248, 11, 433, 706, 5627, 584, 1440, 539, 315, 2029, 720, 6806, 2650, 39211, 22012, 323, 28639, 546, 22012, 44928, 14154, 720, 88065, 720, 9673, 14248, 1440, 430, 872, 84951, 4059, 706, 264, 5044, 315, 720, 73826, 430, 706, 3596, 1380, 11986, 13, 1666, 814, 4007, 279, 46845, 3675, 259, 46762, 720, 438, 81473, 11, 1555, 872, 77361, 824, 32752, 2442, 290, 11, 872, 1207, 66, 389, 23995, 720, 38824, 52797, 1124, 304, 44928, 287, 279, 14154, 16451, 13, 578, 5710, 281, 12025, 720, 17106, 20969, 13989, 323, 80415, 3131, 810, 13, 21815, 520, 1521, 14154, 720, 3975, 645, 323, 21630, 279, 83763, 11, 2863, 3620, 11, 7526, 11, 323, 14048, 720, 332, 729, 8839, 315, 1521, 14154, 3115, 11, 279, 28568, 10975, 603, 220, 315, 459, 4325, 994, 720, 19041, 574, 912, 4221, 13, 31966, 574, 2884, 555, 1099, 38040, 11, 10707, 598, 11, 720, 438, 12195, 13, 2355, 791, 27989, 20545, 323, 70166, 28899, 315, 279, 7330, 72, 357, 720, 675, 71837, 279, 42767, 13736, 315, 813, 84951, 4059, 28462, 1461, 259, 297, 720, 33678, 1820, 279, 14154, 57997, 449, 77395, 11, 323, 9172, 1124, 449, 720, 54592, 729, 11, 34239, 11, 323, 282, 93406, 13, 578, 31376, 8625, 527, 28392, 291, 449, 2355, 58331, 11, 7589, 28844, 11, 323, 24569, 11, 323, 814, 1578, 4321, 323, 3137, 13, 578, 281, 12025, 720, 17106, 20969, 279, 5496, 3118, 11, 323, 584, 1505, 430, 304, 4059, 1070, 374, 912, 892, 720, 269, 3634, 13, 17331, 2624, 72, 33207, 1619, 11, 14400, 11, 323, 15910, 28899, 11, 2355, 9514, 649, 387, 264, 22489, 315, 279, 1455, 12624, 323, 14948, 1781, 55495, 315, 720, 543, 892, 13, 720, 6806, 2650, 311, 5371, 19351, 505, 701, 84951, 720, 4599, 499, 617, 1148, 499, 4751, 1054, 64, 5107, 5597, 863, 311, 1304, 11, 477, 2355, 9493, 499, 3775, 311, 1518, 279, 6425, 311, 701, 3575, 11, 3240, 520, 78970, 384, 311, 2355, 220, 9423, 220, 1781, 9429, 3210, 922, 433, 13, 1442, 499, 527, 63757, 323, 18290, 11, 499, 527, 720, 1962, 2216, 7422, 13, 3082, 7422, 374, 1949, 505, 8850, 13, 720, 8586, 374, 264, 4382, 15105, 499, 649, 1005, 311, 5371, 19351, 389, 264, 19541, 720, 11760, 25, 68587, 279, 4059, 323, 2103, 279, 2547, 13, 25672, 279, 2547, 311, 12234, 26, 433, 706, 2355, 998, 41701, 499, 13, 1102, 706, 912, 4499, 684, 11, 20770, 11, 477, 659, 66666, 720, 93375, 13, 4718, 2547, 374, 459, 14604, 13668, 11, 902, 7576, 701, 720, 9978, 30921, 323, 51091, 13, 2355, 44, 29029, 553, 701, 520, 2442, 3012, 26, 5357, 701, 3463, 389, 279, 6425, 311, 701, 720, 35686, 13, 9934, 311, 11886, 433, 449, 701, 17371, 4059, 13, 21834, 1268, 6380, 2355, 9514, 1053, 387, 922, 279, 4832, 6425, 13, 47329, 279, 8430, 379, 6033, 1053, 720, 19553, 422, 279, 4832, 4320, 1051, 18821, 1457, 13, 6914, 701, 4059, 1514, 289, 78942, 720, 576, 20247, 304, 264, 31467, 1648, 26, 1243, 6068, 1022, 311, 6212, 13, 3277, 499, 1384, 264, 2779, 11, 720, 438, 499, 656, 539, 617, 279, 4320, 11, 636, 13326, 922, 2555, 775, 13, 720, 70553, 11, 994, 499, 527, 864, 41456, 449, 1063, 12, 1626, 775, 11, 279, 8261, 7205, 720, 14724, 2586, 1139, 701, 4059, 1093, 23211, 48700, 704, 315, 264, 90918, 13, 720, 644, 12588, 19351, 505, 279, 84951, 4059, 11, 279, 4382, 1648, 2355, 285, 279, 1888, 13, 1115, 374, 459, 40134, 25, 358, 3131, 5675, 264, 15525, 10264, 11, 902, 720, 16514, 459, 51543, 18981, 13, 358, 7111, 17277, 369, 433, 323, 1436, 539, 25539, 433, 13, 2468, 720, 9471, 358, 15243, 311, 279, 84951, 304, 279, 1890, 11827, 430, 358, 1053, 3137, 720, 998, 5606, 13, 358, 1071, 311, 433, 4972, 311, 26156, 1022, 311, 6212, 11, 1054, 2675, 1440, 264, 9507, 720, 58174, 26, 499, 1440, 1405, 430, 10264, 374, 11, 323, 499, 1457, 16805, 311, 757, 1405, 720, 275, 374, 2029, 720, 644, 279, 6693, 358, 264, 96428, 15187, 449, 279, 4339, 68143, 304, 856, 2487, 11, 720, 2118, 27264, 8563, 18319, 720, 40, 3463, 433, 1633, 15234, 430, 358, 1288, 2610, 8563, 11, 264, 3995, 8334, 671, 704, 720, 94323, 1667, 315, 4325, 26, 4869, 11, 358, 8272, 279, 9358, 7899, 315, 57351, 13, 720, 35632, 1071, 11, 1054, 12174, 11, 10035, 11, 358, 13061, 433, 709, 304, 279, 20085, 1418, 358, 10667, 274, 5737, 720, 4291, 279, 13305, 13, 358, 9277, 433, 389, 279, 18496, 304, 856, 3130, 13, 358, 1550, 539, 1781, 433, 720, 20069, 4205, 11, 779, 358, 1550, 539, 2019, 4205, 922, 433, 2029, 578, 1207, 444, 2445, 602, 788, 720, 38824, 690, 2744, 4320, 499, 422, 499, 7095, 433, 13, 33006, 2355, 220, 9565, 220, 7436, 5414, 84951, 10675, 279, 3813, 315, 813, 7126, 18217, 82, 690, 720, 32, 3995, 893, 889, 75112, 856, 46232, 1047, 420, 5866, 12, 768, 13, 5414, 720, 23881, 8636, 323, 14132, 2163, 912, 690, 13], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " hardened, and liquify it so that it will run out of the body. \nThis is the beginning of the program. \nThe real work in healing the body is going to come later when there is a transformation in tissue integrity resulting in a hi gher \nquality body. This process brings on the healing crisis and may take 6 months to bring on a complete elimination. Thi s will result \nin cleaner, purer tissue that is able to accept and handle the good, vital foods you\u2019re feeding it. \nThis program is not just a colonic - it is much more. We call it a colema because it\u2019s a combination of an enema and a colonic. \nThis program i nvolves more than just taking Core of the bowel. We must prepare the body\u2019s elimination channels for the \nhousecleaning that is on the way. If we build the body up to cause a cleansing to occur, then we must open up the elimination \nsystems to handle this di scarded material. \nIt is common for old, toxic substances to flow not only from the bowel, but from all channels; lungs, mouth, nose, ears, skin, \nkidneys, lymph, vagina; all possible channels must be ready and capable of handling the flood. \nIn preparing for this occurrence, I strongly advise that you become more familiar with the process by studying my book which \nexplains the healing crisis in detail, titled Doctor -Patient Handbook. One of the usual occurrences for those who have experienced \nthis system is t he extreme elimination of feces. One patient explains that she could have a complete bowel movement and then take \na colema and have still another bowel movement and, after an hour or so, have another complete bowel movement! \n \nMany people think that they ar e cleaned out when they have one movement. Unfortunately, most people are as many as 10 meals \nbehind in their eliminations! They are holding many meals in the ballooning, pocketed portions of their bowel. The colema \ntreatment will loosen up this material a nd make it flow. It will also restore tone and activity to that part of the bowel that is \ndistorted and underactive. We\u2019ve had some people who are afraid that they are losing part of the bowel because the material \ncoming through is so unbelievable in its s hape, color, consistency and odor. They can\u2019t imagine the heavy mucous lining being so \nfoul, thick and stringy. This is not a desirable thing to retain in the bowel because it is carrying the seeds of disease and illness. It is \nloaded with old drugs, tissu e and morbid substances. It is the favored environment for the disease -producing bacillus coli. As the \nbody rises up from the old, we must work with it, support it and encourage the process. We work with less food, more broths, more \nrest. The body responds with revitalization and regeneration in all the tissues of the organism. This is why we call it a tissue \ncleansing treatment. It gets after every tissue in the body, not just the bowel. We realize by now that every tissue in the b ody is as \nclean as the bo wel. This is due to the fact that every tissue is fed by the blood which is nourished by the bowel. When the bowel is \ndirty, the blood is dirty and so on to the organs and tissues. \n \nWhen diarrhea comes along, don\u2019t stop it. Let it go, it is a cleansing pr ocess. Drink plenty of liquids to avoid being dehydrated. \nDuring the healing crisis, do not eat very much; nothing at all is best. Overeating during this time will possibly shut down the \nprocess and thereby delay that which you have worked so hard to make occur. Go instead to the vegetable juices, vegetable broths \nand light liquids. If there is any fever, do not use any fruit juices, especially citrus juices. Potato peeling broth is the best thing to \nuse at this time. A fever indicates that the body is hard at work burning up toxic substances. Let\u2019s not interfere with it by forcing \nthe body to divert needed cleansing energy into having to process food. \n \nThe bowel is like a vacuum cleaner bag. It filters and filters until it is all clogged up and doesn\u2019t do i ts job anymore. In fact, a \nclogged up bag causes damage to the motor by allowing debris to pass by where it finds its way into the delicate machinery. I t also \nplaces a very heavy load upon the motor, which is trying to draw air through the dirty bag. The c olema treatment unplugs the filter, \nso to speak. This treatment will be relatively new to a lot of people. It can be used by young and old alike, as well as so -called \nhealthy people. Practically any disease, discharging, infection, catarrhal or bowel distu rbance and lowered hormone balance due to \ntoxins can benefit from this treatment. \n \nWHERE CAUTION IS NECESSARY \nIn diverticulitis we find that there can be severe reactions resulting from the painful condition that already exists in the patient. \nThere may b e abscesses forming. We might have a perforation of the bowel and we must be very careful in taking care of this. It \nwill always be best to have a doctor\u2019s counsel and to see just what is going on. We find that if we can cleanse the bowel wit hout \nany diste ntion, even though using large amounts of water in the enema, we will be helping these sensitive problems. We feel that \nthe colema, which is one of the most natural ways of putting water into the bowel and eliminating it without any heavy disten tion, \nis probably the best way to take care of these things. However, we must make sure that we don\u2019t have any symptoms that are really \ngrievous to the patient, mentally or physically. We must also watch that the white cell count does not become very high becau se \nwe find that this will be a sign of infection and possibly conditions developing other than the diverticulitis that couir be of a serious \nnature. Further, we have to consider that there could be obstructions in that bowel from a growth and that to expect anyt hing to \nhappen immediately from the colema and from the tissue cleansing treatment may be unrealistic. It is always best to have a do ctor \ncheck over these conditions to make sure this treatment can be used in combination with his suggestions and with his d iag-nosis. \n \nWARNING AND ADVICE \nDue to the fact that this can be considered the most powerful tissue cleansing treatment available today, some skill must be \nattended to persons given this treatment. It is well to have the cooperation of a doctor to handle t he most severe cases. It is also \nadvisable to have a complete clinical examination so that all and any tests can be monitored as patient makes progress. This is not \nto be considered a \u201ccure -all,\u201d but an adjunctive treatment. It is a foundation for thorough tissue detoxification by way of colon \ncleansing. It is well to have complete regulatory and competent advisory consultation with those giving and administering thi s \ntreatment. A doctor knowing the \u201creversal process of cure\u201d is to be desired. A disease in its reversal system will bring about \ndifferent symptoms and can be responsible for elimination processes. Chemical, mechanical or nutritional assistance is also \ndesirable and can be used with any other form of treatment favoring elimination and detoxificat ion. A clinical examination should \nbasically include: urinalysis, a complete blood count, PBI, SMA -24, acid -alkaline fecal test, test for acidophilus bacteria, X -rays \nwhen needed, and any other test(s) that can be used to show tissue or functional changes taking place during this treatment. Any \nparticular weakness of any organ or system that is underactive should be tested often, or as deemed appropriate by doctor in order \nto monitor the patient closely. \n \nWARNING. Diabetic, tubercular, cancer and extreme de generative diseases must have guidance, sanction and assistance by the \nmost capable minds and doctor. Diabetic cases must be handled with particular care in regard to the fasting aspect of the \ncleanse. Also all cases are not alike in their response to the detoxification program. Results may vary considerably according to \nindividual constitutions. Frequent colonic irrigation will have an adverse effect upon the electrolyte balance of the colon. \nElectrolyte leaching is not a good process and must be avoided. The best way to prevent this occurrence is to be absolutely certain \nthat adequate amounts of lactobacillus organisms are re -established in the colon. To accomplish this task, refer to pages 51 through \n55 in this book. \n \nWhen the body is properly fed with go od quality foods containing organic sodium, potassium and magnesium, the electrolyte level \nof the colon will be replenished as part of the diet. We must eat properly along with colon treatments. DO NOT OVERLOOK \nTHIS VERY IMPORTANT ASPECT OF COLON HEALTH. \n \nSUPPLEMENTS \nA DEFINITION OF PROPERTIES \nThe following ingredients are used in the treatment for specific reasons. So that you may more fully appreciate the usefulnes s of \nthese items, a brief explanation of their properties is included. \nAlfalfa \u2014The differe nce between alfalfa tablets, Green Life and Sun Chlorella is that alfalfa has all the fiber material left in it from \nthe stems and fiber structure of the leaves. These act as a bulk and a material for a ballooned or weakened bowel to work aga inst \nthe tone of the tissues of the bowel. This also allows a faster transit time for the bowel. This is one", "token_ids": [71836, 11, 323, 12046, 1463, 433, 779, 430, 433, 690, 1629, 704, 315, 279, 2547, 13, 2355, 2028, 374, 279, 7314, 315, 279, 2068, 13, 2355, 791, 1972, 990, 304, 21730, 279, 2547, 374, 2133, 311, 2586, 3010, 994, 1070, 374, 264, 18475, 304, 20438, 17025, 13239, 304, 264, 15960, 342, 1964, 720, 10692, 2547, 13, 1115, 1920, 12716, 389, 279, 21730, 11501, 323, 1253, 1935, 220, 21, 4038, 311, 4546, 389, 264, 4686, 44032, 13, 60223, 274, 690, 1121, 720, 258, 32981, 11, 4087, 261, 20438, 430, 374, 3025, 311, 4287, 323, 3790, 279, 1695, 11, 16595, 15657, 499, 3207, 26040, 433, 13, 2355, 2028, 2068, 374, 539, 1120, 264, 1400, 14338, 482, 433, 374, 1790, 810, 13, 1226, 1650, 433, 264, 74041, 1764, 1606, 433, 753, 264, 10824, 315, 459, 665, 9355, 323, 264, 1400, 14338, 13, 2355, 2028, 2068, 602, 308, 12821, 2396, 810, 1109, 1120, 4737, 9708, 315, 279, 66358, 13, 1226, 2011, 10772, 279, 2547, 753, 44032, 12006, 369, 279, 720, 7830, 18883, 287, 430, 374, 389, 279, 1648, 13, 1442, 584, 1977, 279, 2547, 709, 311, 5353, 264, 60052, 311, 12446, 11, 1243, 584, 2011, 1825, 709, 279, 44032, 2355, 46654, 311, 3790, 420, 1891, 1156, 21632, 3769, 13, 2355, 2181, 374, 4279, 369, 2362, 11, 21503, 33155, 311, 6530, 539, 1193, 505, 279, 66358, 11, 719, 505, 682, 12006, 26, 45274, 11, 11013, 11, 19689, 11, 25212, 11, 6930, 1174, 720, 64381, 36371, 11, 43745, 11, 39888, 26, 682, 3284, 12006, 2011, 387, 5644, 323, 13171, 315, 11850, 279, 18197, 13, 2355, 644, 20646, 369, 220, 420, 32659, 11, 358, 16917, 32113, 430, 499, 3719, 810, 11537, 449, 279, 1920, 555, 21630, 856, 2363, 902, 720, 30992, 1771, 279, 21730, 11501, 304, 7872, 11, 25891, 19150, 482, 37692, 49924, 13, 3861, 315, 279, 13783, 57115, 369, 1884, 889, 617, 10534, 720, 576, 1887, 374, 259, 568, 14560, 44032, 315, 55061, 288, 13, 3861, 8893, 15100, 430, 1364, 1436, 617, 264, 4686, 66358, 7351, 323, 1243, 1935, 720, 64, 74041, 1764, 323, 617, 2103, 2500, 66358, 7351, 323, 11, 1306, 459, 6596, 477, 779, 11, 617, 2500, 4686, 66358, 7351, 0, 2355, 720, 8607, 1274, 1781, 430, 814, 802, 384, 28822, 704, 994, 814, 617, 832, 7351, 13, 19173, 11, 1455, 1274, 527, 439, 1690, 439, 220, 605, 21644, 720, 30998, 485, 304, 872, 9961, 12922, 0, 2435, 527, 10168, 1690, 21644, 304, 279, 57953, 20324, 11, 18301, 291, 19885, 315, 872, 66358, 13, 578, 74041, 1764, 720, 83, 35320, 690, 83842, 709, 420, 3769, 264, 15953, 1304, 433, 6530, 13, 1102, 690, 1101, 15301, 16630, 323, 5820, 311, 430, 961, 315, 279, 66358, 430, 374, 720, 12489, 13909, 323, 1234, 3104, 13, 1226, 4070, 1047, 1063, 1274, 889, 527, 16984, 430, 814, 527, 13490, 961, 315, 279, 66358, 1606, 279, 3769, 720, 5065, 1555, 374, 779, 52229, 304, 1202, 274, 305, 2070, 11, 1933, 11, 29237, 323, 54097, 13, 2435, 649, 1431, 13085, 279, 8987, 65104, 788, 36471, 1694, 779, 720, 69, 11206, 11, 12314, 323, 925, 88, 13, 1115, 374, 539, 264, 35946, 3245, 311, 14389, 304, 279, 66358, 1606, 433, 374, 15691, 279, 19595, 315, 8624, 323, 220, 17563, 13, 1102, 374, 720, 15961, 449, 2362, 11217, 11, 259, 1056, 84, 384, 323, 4411, 21301, 33155, 13, 1102, 374, 279, 46603, 4676, 369, 279, 8624, 482, 8723, 6253, 80980, 87437, 74110, 13, 1666, 279, 720, 2664, 38268, 709, 505, 279, 2362, 11, 584, 2011, 990, 449, 433, 11, 1862, 433, 323, 15253, 279, 1920, 13, 1226, 990, 449, 2753, 3691, 11, 810, 2967, 17323, 11, 810, 720, 4014, 13, 578, 2547, 31680, 220, 449, 79955, 2065, 323, 60517, 304, 682, 279, 39881, 315, 279, 47120, 13, 1115, 374, 3249, 584, 1650, 433, 264, 20438, 720, 9326, 598, 287, 6514, 13, 1102, 5334, 1306, 1475, 20438, 304, 279, 2547, 11, 539, 1120, 279, 66358, 13, 1226, 13383, 555, 1457, 430, 1475, 20438, 304, 279, 293, 297, 10470, 374, 439, 720, 18883, 439, 279, 712, 12724, 13, 1115, 374, 4245, 311, 279, 2144, 430, 1475, 20438, 374, 23114, 555, 279, 6680, 902, 374, 46798, 3384, 555, 279, 66358, 13, 3277, 279, 66358, 374, 720, 54588, 11, 279, 6680, 374, 19108, 323, 779, 389, 311, 279, 36853, 323, 39881, 13, 2355, 720, 4599, 69393, 4131, 3235, 11, 1541, 1431, 3009, 433, 13, 6914, 433, 733, 11, 433, 374, 264, 60052, 550, 297, 1140, 13, 48573, 11510, 315, 67849, 311, 5766, 1694, 409, 26233, 660, 13, 720, 16397, 279, 21730, 11501, 11, 656, 539, 8343, 1633, 1790, 26, 4400, 520, 682, 374, 1888, 13, 6193, 91955, 2391, 420, 892, 690, 11000, 9495, 1523, 279, 720, 4734, 323, 28592, 7781, 430, 902, 499, 617, 6575, 779, 2653, 311, 1304, 12446, 13, 6122, 4619, 311, 279, 36581, 65959, 11, 36581, 2967, 17323, 720, 438, 3177, 67849, 13, 1442, 1070, 374, 904, 34653, 11, 656, 539, 1005, 904, 14098, 65959, 11, 5423, 60290, 65959, 13, 78703, 1069, 20659, 45993, 374, 279, 1888, 3245, 311, 720, 817, 520, 420, 892, 13, 362, 34653, 15151, 430, 279, 2547, 374, 2653, 220, 520, 990, 20252, 709, 21503, 33155, 13, 6914, 753, 539, 40978, 449, 433, 555, 25957, 720, 1820, 2547, 311, 37098, 4460, 60052, 4907, 1139, 3515, 311, 1920, 3691, 13, 2355, 720, 791, 66358, 374, 1093, 264, 29302, 32981, 9145, 13, 1102, 13711, 323, 13711, 3156, 433, 374, 682, 272, 25909, 709, 323, 3250, 1431, 656, 602, 10814, 2683, 14926, 13, 763, 2144, 11, 264, 720, 66, 25909, 709, 9145, 11384, 5674, 311, 279, 9048, 555, 10923, 35098, 311, 1522, 555, 1405, 433, 14035, 1202, 1648, 1139, 279, 36301, 26953, 13, 358, 259, 1101, 720, 27170, 264, 1633, 8987, 2865, 5304, 279, 9048, 11, 902, 374, 4560, 311, 4128, 3805, 1555, 279, 19108, 9145, 13, 578, 272, 32878, 1764, 6514, 84945, 13602, 279, 4141, 11, 720, 708, 311, 6604, 13, 1115, 6514, 690, 387, 12309, 502, 311, 264, 2763, 315, 1274, 13, 1102, 649, 387, 1511, 555, 3995, 323, 2362, 27083, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 779, 482, 44982, 720, 38128, 1274, 13, 18373, 2740, 904, 8624, 11, 834, 63459, 11, 19405, 11, 8415, 1138, 12130, 477, 66358, 1612, 84, 19238, 685, 323, 39920, 36908, 8335, 4245, 311, 720, 998, 87, 1354, 649, 8935, 505, 420, 6514, 13, 2355, 720, 27611, 9362, 29717, 3507, 8014, 5359, 8812, 2355, 644, 37098, 292, 360, 20000, 584, 1505, 430, 1070, 649, 387, 15748, 25481, 13239, 505, 279, 26175, 3044, 430, 2736, 6866, 304, 279, 8893, 13, 720, 3947, 1253, 293, 384, 3731, 1140, 288, 30164, 13, 1226, 2643, 617, 264, 84868, 367, 315, 279, 66358, 323, 584, 2011, 387, 1633, 16994, 304, 4737, 2512, 315, 420, 13, 1102, 720, 14724, 2744, 387, 1888, 311, 617, 264, 10896, 753, 16467, 323, 311, 1518, 1120, 1148, 374, 2133, 389, 13, 1226, 1505, 430, 422, 584, 649, 81155, 279, 66358, 38467, 305, 412, 720, 3852, 1612, 68, 308, 28491, 11, 1524, 3582, 1701, 3544, 15055, 315, 3090, 304, 279, 665, 9355, 11, 584, 690, 387, 10695, 1521, 16614, 5435, 13, 1226, 2733, 430, 720, 1820, 74041, 1764, 11, 902, 374, 832, 315, 279, 1455, 5933, 5627, 315, 10917, 3090, 1139, 279, 66358, 323, 40599, 433, 2085, 904, 8987, 1612, 268, 73352, 11, 720, 285, 4762, 279, 1888, 1648, 311, 1935, 2512, 315, 1521, 2574, 13, 4452, 11, 584, 2011, 1304, 2771, 430, 584, 1541, 1431, 617, 904, 13803, 430, 527, 2216, 2355, 70, 462, 5230, 788, 311, 279, 8893, 11, 34325, 477, 22655, 13, 1226, 2011, 1101, 3821, 430, 279, 4251, 2849, 1797, 1587, 539, 3719, 1633, 1579, 387, 936, 84, 513, 720, 906, 1505, 430, 420, 690, 387, 264, 1879, 315, 19405, 323, 11000, 4787, 11469, 1023, 1109, 279, 37098, 292, 360, 20000, 430, 4020, 404, 387, 315, 264, 6129, 720, 67812, 13, 15903, 11, 584, 617, 311, 2980, 430, 1070, 1436, 387, 1536, 20232, 304, 430, 66358, 505, 264, 6650, 323, 430, 311, 1755, 904, 83, 305, 287, 311, 720, 71, 64860, 7214, 505, 279, 74041, 1764, 323, 505, 279, 20438, 60052, 6514, 1253, 387, 71985, 13, 1102, 374, 2744, 1888, 311, 617, 264, 656, 57553, 720, 2071, 927, 1521, 4787, 311, 1304, 2771, 420, 6514, 649, 387, 1511, 304, 10824, 449, 813, 18726, 323, 449, 813, 294, 602, 351, 5392, 10934, 13, 2355, 720, 33804, 3651, 9827, 8688, 2355, 34160, 311, 279, 2144, 430, 420, 649, 387, 6646, 279, 1455, 8147, 20438, 60052, 6514, 2561, 3432, 11, 1063, 10151, 2011, 387, 720, 86006, 311, 11434, 2728, 420, 6514, 13, 1102, 374, 1664, 311, 617, 279, 23915, 315, 264, 10896, 311, 3790, 259, 568, 1455, 15748, 5157, 13, 1102, 374, 1101, 2355, 329, 2749, 481, 311, 617, 264, 4686, 14830, 24481, 779, 430, 682, 323, 904, 7177, 649, 387, 41223, 439, 8893, 3727, 5208, 13, 1115, 374, 539, 720, 998, 387, 6646, 264, 1054, 66, 554, 482, 543, 2476, 719, 459, 90695, 535, 6514, 13, 1102, 374, 264, 16665, 369, 17879, 220, 20438, 61987, 2461, 555, 1648, 315, 15235, 720, 9326, 598, 287, 13, 1102, 374, 1664, 311, 617, 4686, 23331, 323, 40883, 41537, 29173, 449, 1884, 7231, 323, 86661, 62428, 274, 720, 83, 35320, 13, 362, 10896, 14392, 279, 1054, 265, 3078, 278, 1920, 315, 27208, 863, 374, 311, 387, 12974, 13, 362, 8624, 304, 1202, 59214, 1887, 690, 4546, 922, 720, 64750, 13803, 323, 649, 387, 8647, 369, 44032, 11618, 13, 36424, 11, 22936, 477, 43226, 13291, 374, 1101, 720, 5919, 26014, 323, 649, 387, 1511, 449, 904, 1023, 1376, 315, 6514, 4799, 287, 44032, 323, 61987, 1104, 266, 28772, 13, 362, 14830, 24481, 1288, 720, 18275, 2740, 2997, 25, 4433, 992, 4548, 11, 264, 4686, 6680, 1797, 11, 393, 8768, 11, 96996, 482, 1187, 11, 13935, 482, 1727, 278, 483, 55061, 278, 1296, 11, 1296, 369, 13935, 98635, 355, 24032, 11, 1630, 482, 66243, 720, 9493, 4460, 11, 323, 904, 1023, 1296, 1161, 8, 430, 649, 387, 1511, 311, 1501, 20438, 477, 16003, 4442, 4737, 2035, 2391, 420, 6514, 13, 5884, 720, 4581, 24553, 23948, 315, 904, 2942, 477, 1887, 430, 374, 1234, 3104, 1288, 387, 12793, 3629, 11, 477, 439, 25660, 8475, 555, 10896, 304, 2015, 720, 998, 8891, 279, 8893, 15499, 13, 2355, 720, 33804, 13, 7923, 45938, 11, 15286, 3035, 1299, 11, 9572, 323, 14560, 409, 1803, 1413, 19338, 2011, 617, 19351, 11, 45361, 323, 13291, 555, 279, 720, 3646, 13171, 20663, 323, 10896, 13, 7923, 45938, 5157, 2011, 387, 18073, 449, 4040, 2512, 304, 5363, 311, 279, 54560, 13189, 315, 279, 2355, 18883, 325, 13, 7429, 682, 5157, 527, 539, 27083, 304, 872, 2077, 311, 279, 61987, 2461, 2068, 13, 18591, 1253, 13592, 33452, 4184, 311, 720, 55977, 9129, 4065, 13, 7730, 17187, 1400, 14338, 63566, 690, 617, 459, 31959, 2515, 5304, 279, 73396, 668, 8335, 315, 279, 15235, 13, 720, 30431, 299, 398, 668, 514, 12092, 374, 539, 264, 1695, 1920, 323, 2011, 387, 31890, 13, 578, 1888, 1648, 311, 5471, 420, 32659, 374, 311, 387, 11112, 3738, 720, 9210, 26613, 15055, 315, 51644, 677, 582, 87437, 44304, 527, 312, 482, 34500, 291, 304, 279, 15235, 13, 2057, 22829, 420, 3465, 11, 8464, 311, 6959, 220, 3971, 1555, 720, 2131, 304, 420, 2363, 13, 2355, 720, 4599, 279, 2547, 374, 10489, 23114, 449, 733, 11018, 4367, 15657, 8649, 17808, 39695, 11, 62275, 323, 61933, 11, 279, 73396, 668, 2237, 720, 1073, 279, 15235, 690, 387, 70543, 3384, 439, 961, 315, 279, 10173, 13, 1226, 2011, 8343, 10489, 3235, 449, 15235, 22972, 13, 9503, 4276, 36564, 95528, 720, 37012, 48174, 68240, 5871, 7433, 3083, 26659, 715, 73725, 13, 2355, 720, 77032, 9705, 29863, 2355, 32, 62026, 7237, 3083, 5421, 46787, 2355, 791, 2768, 14293, 527, 1511, 304, 279, 6514, 369, 3230, 8125, 13, 2100, 430, 499, 1253, 810, 7373, 15763, 279, 5505, 4978, 274, 315, 720, 45010, 3673, 11, 264, 10015, 16540, 315, 872, 6012, 374, 5343, 13, 2355, 2149, 69, 85526, 2001, 791, 3722, 486, 308, 346, 1990, 85766, 85526, 29679, 11, 7997, 9601, 323, 8219, 921, 385, 34142, 374, 430, 85766, 85526, 706, 682, 279, 24722, 3769, 2163, 304, 433, 505, 720, 1820, 44814, 323, 24722, 6070, 315, 279, 11141, 13, 4314, 1180, 439, 264, 20155, 323, 264, 3769, 369, 264, 57953, 20262, 477, 58764, 66358, 311, 990, 945, 64, 1798, 720, 1820, 16630, 315, 279, 39881, 315, 279, 66358, 13, 1115, 1101, 6276, 264, 10819, 25032, 892, 369, 279, 66358, 13, 1115, 374, 832], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " do. I advised the mother to pee in a glass and give the child eight ounces of urine immediately. Meanwhile I called 911 to 163 get the poison control center and an ambulance to her. It was difficult convincing the child to drink the mother's urine, but by the time the paramedics arrived, the child was out of danger.\u201d Uropathy by Martin J. Lara RECTAL BLEEDING Mr. M. Florida \"If it is of interest to you for any research purposes, I nearly died from the reactions of several strong antibiotics administered over several months of lung infections. I have been hospitalized three times in the past year for the resulting gastrointestinal problems created by the medication. After the most recent hospital stay, I refused to continue with the medication. Most of the problems began to clear up within a few days. However, my rectal bleeding from colitis and internal hemorrhoids continued. In the meantime a friend told me that in the Tennessee Hills, where he was raised, urine enemas were used for similar problems. On July31, 1988, I began using urine for daily enemas. By the end of the following week, the bleeding had stopped completely, and as of this date (September25, 1988), I have not passed a single drop of blood.\" World-wide Case Histories of Urine Therapy by Gary Ward RHEUMATISM Ms. H.P., The Netherlands \"I have suffered from rheumatism for years, especially in my hands. My son told me about urine therapy and suggested I use urine compresses. This surprised me, but I started treating my hands daily with urine. The result was extraordinary. Besides the fact that my hands felt much smoother, the most remarkable thing was that the pain practically disappeared\" The Golden Fountain by Coen van der Kroon RHEUMATISM Mrs. Ma. de J. Esparza { Mexico } \"I am cured of rheumatism, the vesicle, blood pressure and other several diseases that I had. I began with the Urine-therapy the 13th of August of last year and to date I am very well. Thanks to God and the Urine with its great power I have been healed as so many people who I know have been healed.\" 164 World-wide Case Histories of Urine Therapy by Gary Ward RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS \u201cPatient: Mrs. Prafullaben Maklesh Singala, aged 35 years. Suffered from rheumatoid arthritis. Almost every one of her joints was affected with rheumatism. The hands, legs and all the fingers were twisted. Due to this she could not even wear her own clothes She used Ayurvedic, allopathy and homeopathic medicines for 2 to 3 years, but did not get results. She was advised to drink all the urine during the day and massage was to be done using the urine of her husband for 3 to 4 times a day. Urine bath was to be given on the joints. Initially she had to reduce her diet slowly to only liquids within one month. Then her liquid diet continued for six months, after which she was told to take light, easily digested foods only, which she is continuing until today. Her husband worked very hard over her treatment and was 90 to 95% successful within 18 months.\u201d Urine: The Holy Water by Harald W. Tietze RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS Hope F.: \"First, I give thanks to God and Mary, then to those who gave us the message about the conference. In the conference, they spoke of the great medicine that is urine. For one year, I was suffering the pains of rheumatism in my hands. I could not hold anything in my hands, because I dropped everything. My hands would cramp and my fingers would begin to deform. After just eight days of starting to take my urine, I began to remove such pain and all the trouble I had. I started treatment on April 15, 1996 and today I have no trouble, I have my fingers almost in place. I can control the pressure. And a few spots on my face went away.\" Testimonials of Patients Cured by Urine Therapy http://paraisodelasalud.org/testimonios.htm RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS Ms. B.A., England 165 \"I had been suffering from migraine for twenty years. Because I also suffered from rheumatoid arthritis, I was often taking painkillers. Then I started drinking my urine. A few months later, my arthritis had disappeared and so did my headaches.\" The Golden Fountain by Coen van der Kroon RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS Waldo Chavez {Tacna, Peru} Sunday, May 20, 2001 \"I am 60 years old, Now retired. I am rejoiced and I was Bohemian, loving the celebrations, the good life and the meat. For this reason three years ago I was committed the military hospital in Lima for six months where they diagnosed ambulatory arthritis. {Rheumatoid arthritis}. My normal treatment at the hospital did not make the intense pains go away and I suffered in the joints, knees, elbows foot and fingers, heel inflammation of the legs inflammation of the joints. I could not eat neither a piece of meat nor drink any type of liquor, and especially beer. I had the luck to find the works of the WATER OF LIFE and URINE-THERAPY. Good luck for all the people who wish to follow this method, for it is a 100% effective.'' World-wide Case Histories of Urine Therapy by Gary Ward RINGWORMS \u201cS. Shamalbhai had an allergy, impurity of the blood (which resulted in ringworm of his body, Its worst attack on his nose), and diabetes. He began Urine Therapy on his own in a faulty way. Without full consideration of his bodily condition, he did not abstain from taking saccharine in tea, even during the course of treatment. With-in a couple of days, nettle-rash appeared on his entire body, along with a few pimples. He was urged to stop sacchanne and do the rubbing of urine with slight pressure so that the pimples may burst. He did accordingly and his troubles disappeared within a couple of days.\u201d Urine Therapy by Dr. John O'Quinn ****************************** S ****************************** SADNESS 166 \u201cDear Harald, may I tell you how urine has changed my emotions; from a situation of hurts and sadness and uncertainties, I am now calm and peaceful. I am told this is the \u201cS\u201d factor in my urine. Thank you for writing your book \u2018Water Medicine\u2019. May you help many other people like you have helped me. PF.M\u201d Urine: The Holy Water by Harald W. Tietze SCIATICA \u201cShri Malkiat Singh Gill is Sports Instructor at the Central Public School of the Pherozepur Cantonment (Punjab). He was suffering from nervous ailment of the hips and the thighs. He was also a patient of gastric congestion. He had very little appetite. Nature-cure could not give him complete relief. Urine therapist Shri Vijay Kumar Gupta, Advocate, treated him under auto-urine therapy and put him on a fast with urine. A fortnight urine intake and massage cured him of all his complaints.\u201d from Manav Mootra by R. M. Patel SCORPION STING Consuelo MS. Mexico. \"In my family, my husband and children used urine therapy for cuts, blows, angina, cough, etc. For my husband, a scorpion pricked him. We took his urine and I put a compress on the bite. He resisted the poison. Thanks to God.\" World-wide Case Histories of Urine Therapy by Gary Ward SEIZURE \u201cWhile visiting Palmira, Colombia, one of my students described what happened one afternoon when the 11-year-old child of a friend had an epileptic seizure. While the family hysterically looked for medication for the child, my student quickly went to the bathroom and put 10 drops of his urine in a dropper and immediately applied it under the tongue of the sick child. He activate the chronometer in his watch to see what happened since this was an experiment to see if the urine could help in this case. Within 30 seconds the epileptic attack stopped and two minutes later the child was back to normal. By the time the family obtained the medication the child was out of danger. They were baffled to see how quickly he recovered and wanted to know what on earth 167 was so effective that the child recovered so miraculously fast. At first they thought my friend was joking, then they thought he was trying to poison the child. They could not believe that all this time they had been powerless to deal with the situation when they always had the treatment at hand. Six months later the child has not had another epilepsy attack after learning to drink a little urine (two to four ounces) every morning.\u201d Uropathy by Martin J. Lara SEPSIS \u201cRampyari of thirty years had irritation in her right fingers and they had sepsis also. But a fortnight's urine-wash made her fingers return to their healthy normal state.\u201d from Manav Mootra by R. M. Patel SHOULDER PAIN \u201c A religious minded lady suffered from pain and stiffness in her shoulders for three years. Doctors could not cure her, but Urine Therapy with regular drinking and massage cured her completely. Moreover, she got rid of her poor eye sight by applying urine drops in her eyes and washing them with urine. She has cured wounds and", "token_ids": [656, 13, 358, 26160, 279, 6691, 311, 65238, 304, 264, 9168, 323, 3041, 279, 1716, 8223, 49138, 315, 40335, 7214, 13, 26982, 358, 2663, 220, 17000, 311, 220, 9892, 636, 279, 21109, 2585, 4219, 323, 459, 51632, 311, 1077, 13, 1102, 574, 5107, 40661, 279, 1716, 311, 7172, 279, 6691, 596, 40335, 11, 719, 555, 279, 892, 279, 1719, 81811, 11721, 11, 279, 1716, 574, 704, 315, 8137, 2029, 220, 549, 897, 19682, 555, 11826, 622, 13, 73257, 220, 76903, 984, 52818, 1507, 1753, 220, 4491, 13, 386, 13, 9784, 330, 2746, 433, 374, 315, 2802, 311, 499, 369, 904, 3495, 10096, 11, 358, 7154, 8636, 505, 279, 25481, 315, 3892, 3831, 46850, 38018, 927, 3892, 4038, 315, 21271, 30020, 13, 358, 617, 1027, 70340, 2380, 3115, 304, 279, 3347, 1060, 369, 279, 13239, 80311, 5435, 3549, 555, 279, 24099, 13, 4740, 279, 1455, 3293, 8952, 4822, 11, 358, 16436, 311, 3136, 449, 279, 24099, 13, 7648, 315, 279, 5435, 6137, 311, 2867, 709, 2949, 264, 2478, 2919, 13, 4452, 11, 856, 7763, 278, 35763, 505, 1400, 20000, 323, 5419, 71417, 17390, 8738, 13, 220, 763, 279, 33953, 264, 4333, 3309, 757, 430, 304, 279, 24097, 25964, 11, 1405, 568, 574, 9408, 11, 40335, 665, 35262, 1051, 1511, 369, 4528, 5435, 13, 1952, 5887, 2148, 11, 220, 3753, 23, 11, 358, 6137, 1701, 40335, 369, 7446, 665, 35262, 13, 3296, 279, 842, 315, 279, 2768, 2046, 11, 279, 35763, 1047, 10717, 6724, 11, 323, 439, 315, 420, 2457, 320, 30649, 914, 11, 220, 3753, 23, 705, 358, 617, 539, 5946, 264, 3254, 6068, 315, 6680, 1210, 220, 4435, 25480, 11799, 67005, 2490, 315, 17229, 483, 40143, 555, 24765, 27738, 220, 432, 1837, 2864, 835, 47905, 256, 16450, 13, 473, 1087, 2637, 578, 26746, 330, 40, 617, 16654, 505, 68132, 46313, 2191, 369, 1667, 11, 5423, 304, 856, 6206, 13, 3092, 4538, 3309, 757, 922, 40335, 15419, 323, 12090, 358, 1005, 40335, 25633, 288, 13, 1115, 14792, 757, 11, 719, 358, 3940, 27723, 856, 6206, 7446, 449, 40335, 13, 578, 1121, 574, 24674, 13, 31909, 279, 2144, 430, 856, 6206, 6612, 1790, 61405, 11, 279, 1455, 23649, 3245, 574, 430, 279, 6784, 32367, 29496, 1, 256, 578, 18288, 78324, 555, 3623, 268, 5355, 2761, 68917, 263, 220, 432, 1837, 2864, 835, 47905, 220, 18083, 13, 11583, 13, 409, 622, 13, 9419, 1768, 4458, 314, 12550, 335, 330, 40, 1097, 64688, 315, 68132, 46313, 2191, 11, 279, 65635, 2045, 11, 6680, 7410, 323, 1023, 3892, 19338, 430, 358, 1047, 13, 358, 6137, 449, 279, 17229, 483, 12, 46755, 279, 220, 1032, 339, 315, 6287, 315, 1566, 1060, 323, 311, 2457, 358, 1097, 1633, 1664, 13, 11361, 311, 4359, 323, 279, 17229, 483, 449, 1202, 2294, 2410, 358, 617, 1027, 62320, 439, 779, 1690, 1274, 889, 358, 1440, 617, 1027, 62320, 1210, 220, 10513, 220, 4435, 25480, 11799, 67005, 2490, 315, 17229, 483, 40143, 555, 24765, 27738, 220, 432, 1837, 2864, 835, 30905, 6395, 99747, 964, 1669, 220, 1054, 37692, 25, 18083, 13, 41465, 9054, 41408, 40424, 17927, 11070, 6181, 11, 20330, 220, 1758, 1667, 13, 328, 2084, 291, 505, 68132, 46313, 590, 55652, 13, 35403, 1475, 832, 315, 1077, 35358, 574, 11754, 449, 68132, 46313, 2191, 13, 578, 6206, 11, 14535, 323, 682, 279, 19779, 1051, 38817, 13, 24586, 311, 420, 1364, 1436, 539, 1524, 10051, 1077, 1866, 15447, 3005, 1511, 24852, 80627, 292, 11, 63747, 2398, 88, 323, 2162, 62209, 39653, 369, 220, 17, 311, 220, 18, 1667, 11, 719, 1550, 539, 636, 3135, 13, 3005, 574, 26160, 311, 7172, 682, 279, 40335, 2391, 279, 1938, 323, 6378, 574, 311, 387, 2884, 1701, 279, 40335, 315, 1077, 10177, 369, 220, 18, 311, 220, 19, 3115, 264, 1938, 13, 17229, 483, 9061, 574, 311, 387, 2728, 389, 279, 35358, 13, 59656, 1364, 1047, 311, 8108, 1077, 10173, 14297, 311, 1193, 67849, 2949, 832, 2305, 13, 5112, 1077, 14812, 10173, 8738, 369, 4848, 4038, 11, 1306, 902, 1364, 574, 3309, 311, 1935, 3177, 11, 6847, 4170, 10185, 15657, 1193, 11, 902, 1364, 374, 14691, 3156, 3432, 13, 220, 6385, 10177, 6575, 1633, 2653, 927, 1077, 6514, 323, 574, 220, 1954, 311, 220, 2721, 4, 6992, 2949, 220, 972, 4038, 2029, 220, 17229, 483, 25, 578, 19229, 10164, 555, 5340, 4852, 468, 13, 350, 3978, 3059, 220, 432, 1837, 2864, 835, 30905, 6395, 99747, 964, 1669, 220, 18231, 435, 18976, 330, 5451, 11, 358, 3041, 9523, 311, 4359, 323, 10455, 11, 1243, 311, 1884, 889, 6688, 603, 279, 1984, 922, 279, 10017, 13, 763, 279, 10017, 11, 814, 12570, 315, 279, 2294, 16088, 430, 374, 40335, 13, 1789, 832, 1060, 11, 358, 574, 16066, 220, 279, 51266, 315, 68132, 46313, 2191, 304, 856, 6206, 13, 358, 1436, 539, 3412, 4205, 304, 856, 6206, 11, 1606, 358, 12504, 4395, 13, 3092, 6206, 1053, 1589, 1141, 323, 856, 19779, 1053, 3240, 311, 79212, 13, 256, 4740, 1120, 8223, 2919, 315, 6041, 311, 1935, 856, 40335, 11, 358, 6137, 311, 4148, 1778, 6784, 323, 682, 279, 12544, 358, 1047, 13, 358, 3940, 6514, 389, 5936, 220, 868, 11, 220, 2550, 21, 323, 3432, 358, 617, 912, 12544, 11, 358, 617, 856, 19779, 4661, 304, 2035, 13, 358, 649, 2585, 279, 7410, 13, 1628, 264, 2478, 19300, 389, 856, 3663, 4024, 3201, 1210, 220, 3475, 58435, 315, 44430, 356, 3149, 555, 17229, 483, 40143, 1795, 1129, 1768, 2852, 725, 116607, 664, 2726, 12986, 26490, 3614, 24165, 220, 432, 1837, 2864, 835, 30905, 6395, 99747, 964, 1669, 256, 16450, 13, 426, 885, 2637, 9635, 220, 10680, 330, 40, 1047, 1027, 16066, 505, 92981, 369, 17510, 1667, 13, 9393, 358, 1101, 16654, 505, 68132, 46313, 590, 55652, 11, 358, 574, 3629, 4737, 6784, 11088, 388, 13, 5112, 358, 3940, 16558, 856, 40335, 13, 362, 2478, 4038, 3010, 11, 856, 55652, 1047, 29496, 323, 779, 1550, 856, 55403, 1210, 256, 578, 18288, 78324, 555, 3623, 268, 5355, 2761, 68917, 263, 220, 432, 1837, 2864, 835, 30905, 6395, 99747, 964, 1669, 220, 14916, 3055, 77341, 314, 80680, 3458, 11, 48847, 92, 7418, 11, 3297, 220, 508, 11, 220, 1049, 16, 330, 40, 1097, 220, 1399, 1667, 2362, 11, 4800, 22311, 13, 358, 1097, 48041, 7725, 323, 358, 574, 52450, 336, 1122, 11, 21955, 279, 47674, 11, 279, 1695, 2324, 323, 279, 13339, 13, 1789, 420, 2944, 2380, 1667, 4227, 358, 574, 11411, 279, 6411, 8952, 304, 63053, 369, 4848, 4038, 1405, 814, 29704, 9049, 38220, 55652, 13, 314, 49, 383, 46313, 590, 55652, 7966, 220, 3092, 4725, 6514, 520, 279, 8952, 1550, 539, 1304, 279, 19428, 51266, 733, 3201, 323, 358, 16654, 304, 279, 35358, 11, 31624, 11, 82012, 4579, 323, 19779, 11, 35428, 37140, 315, 279, 14535, 37140, 315, 279, 35358, 13, 358, 1436, 539, 8343, 14188, 264, 6710, 315, 13339, 6463, 7172, 904, 955, 315, 45304, 11, 323, 5423, 13179, 13, 220, 358, 1047, 279, 15369, 311, 1505, 279, 4375, 315, 279, 76347, 3083, 61094, 323, 35514, 4069, 9469, 3087, 2599, 56, 13, 7839, 15369, 369, 682, 279, 1274, 889, 6562, 311, 1833, 420, 1749, 11, 369, 433, 374, 264, 220, 1041, 4, 7524, 43584, 220, 4435, 25480, 11799, 67005, 2490, 315, 17229, 483, 40143, 555, 24765, 27738, 220, 432, 1753, 54, 4463, 50, 220, 1054, 50, 13, 73191, 278, 65, 26279, 1047, 459, 60754, 11, 3242, 5631, 315, 279, 6680, 320, 8370, 19543, 304, 10264, 56741, 315, 813, 2547, 11, 11699, 12047, 3440, 389, 813, 19689, 705, 323, 20335, 13, 1283, 6137, 17229, 483, 40143, 389, 813, 1866, 304, 264, 58671, 1648, 13, 17586, 2539, 18361, 315, 813, 48131, 3044, 11, 568, 1550, 539, 63944, 467, 505, 4737, 11347, 1799, 483, 304, 15600, 11, 1524, 2391, 279, 3388, 315, 6514, 13, 220, 3161, 3502, 264, 5743, 315, 2919, 11, 4272, 11489, 3880, 1003, 9922, 389, 813, 4553, 2547, 11, 220, 3235, 449, 264, 2478, 85448, 645, 13, 1283, 574, 28932, 311, 3009, 11347, 5776, 818, 323, 656, 279, 57035, 315, 40335, 449, 8275, 7410, 779, 430, 279, 85448, 645, 1253, 21165, 13, 1283, 1550, 28178, 323, 813, 35665, 29496, 2949, 264, 5743, 315, 2919, 2029, 220, 17229, 483, 40143, 555, 2999, 13, 3842, 507, 6, 2232, 6258, 220, 55276, 6967, 328, 55276, 6967, 328, 1846, 7415, 220, 11247, 220, 1054, 31765, 5340, 4852, 11, 1253, 358, 3371, 499, 1268, 40335, 706, 5614, 856, 21958, 26, 505, 264, 6671, 315, 44164, 323, 51978, 323, 69867, 11, 358, 1097, 1457, 19858, 323, 26733, 13, 358, 1097, 3309, 420, 374, 279, 1054, 50, 863, 8331, 304, 856, 40335, 13, 9930, 499, 369, 4477, 701, 2363, 3451, 29353, 19152, 24535, 3297, 499, 1520, 1690, 1023, 1274, 1093, 499, 617, 9087, 757, 13, 29515, 1345, 863, 220, 17229, 483, 25, 578, 19229, 10164, 555, 5340, 4852, 468, 13, 350, 3978, 3059, 220, 81563, 835, 32101, 220, 1054, 2059, 462, 98991, 10574, 27992, 33826, 374, 13482, 63462, 520, 279, 10913, 3142, 6150, 315, 279, 393, 1964, 9700, 752, 324, 73466, 479, 320, 47, 359, 40016, 570, 1283, 574, 16066, 505, 23418, 60243, 479, 315, 279, 43523, 323, 279, 60611, 13, 1283, 574, 1101, 264, 8893, 315, 89385, 55146, 13, 1283, 1047, 1633, 2697, 38575, 13, 22037, 1824, 554, 1436, 539, 3041, 1461, 4686, 16337, 13, 17229, 483, 42863, 1443, 462, 79127, 352, 41240, 74798, 11, 80107, 11, 12020, 1461, 1234, 3313, 12, 324, 483, 15419, 323, 2231, 1461, 389, 264, 5043, 449, 40335, 13, 362, 84311, 492, 40335, 23730, 323, 6378, 64688, 1461, 315, 682, 813, 21859, 2029, 220, 505, 2418, 402, 386, 1944, 969, 555, 432, 13, 386, 13, 63855, 220, 7683, 878, 47, 1294, 4015, 1753, 220, 7440, 4088, 78, 10504, 13, 12550, 13, 330, 644, 856, 3070, 11, 856, 10177, 323, 2911, 1511, 40335, 15419, 369, 15455, 11, 46303, 11, 6590, 2259, 11, 40700, 11, 5099, 13, 220, 1789, 856, 10177, 11, 264, 1156, 73575, 550, 19011, 1461, 13, 1226, 3952, 813, 40335, 323, 358, 2231, 264, 25633, 389, 279, 23556, 13, 1283, 67414, 279, 21109, 13, 11361, 311, 4359, 1210, 220, 4435, 25480, 11799, 67005, 2490, 315, 17229, 483, 40143, 555, 24765, 27738, 220, 5161, 2913, 4622, 220, 1054, 8142, 17136, 33578, 9008, 11, 39133, 11, 832, 315, 856, 4236, 7633, 1148, 7077, 832, 13658, 994, 279, 220, 806, 4771, 6418, 1716, 315, 264, 4333, 1047, 459, 58652, 27330, 53250, 13, 6104, 279, 3070, 54119, 2740, 7111, 369, 24099, 369, 279, 1716, 11, 856, 5575, 6288, 4024, 311, 279, 15197, 323, 2231, 220, 605, 21701, 315, 813, 40335, 304, 264, 7118, 7067, 323, 7214, 9435, 433, 1234, 279, 25466, 315, 279, 14363, 1716, 13, 1283, 20891, 279, 27076, 21037, 304, 813, 3821, 311, 1518, 1148, 7077, 2533, 420, 574, 459, 9526, 311, 1518, 422, 279, 40335, 1436, 1520, 304, 420, 1162, 13, 25218, 220, 966, 6622, 279, 58652, 27330, 3440, 10717, 323, 1403, 4520, 3010, 279, 1716, 574, 1203, 311, 4725, 13, 3296, 279, 892, 279, 3070, 12457, 279, 24099, 279, 1716, 574, 704, 315, 8137, 13, 2435, 1051, 65516, 839, 311, 1518, 1268, 6288, 568, 26403, 323, 4934, 311, 1440, 1148, 389, 9578, 220, 11515, 574, 779, 7524, 430, 279, 1716, 26403, 779, 66066, 38662, 5043, 13, 2468, 1176, 814, 3463, 856, 4333, 574, 58134, 11, 1243, 814, 3463, 568, 574, 4560, 311, 21109, 279, 1716, 13, 2435, 1436, 539, 4510, 430, 682, 420, 892, 814, 1047, 1027, 85452, 311, 3568, 449, 279, 6671, 994, 814, 2744, 1047, 279, 6514, 520, 1450, 13, 19198, 4038, 3010, 279, 1716, 706, 539, 1047, 2500, 70655, 3440, 1306, 6975, 311, 7172, 264, 2697, 40335, 320, 20375, 311, 3116, 49138, 8, 1475, 6693, 2029, 220, 549, 897, 19682, 555, 11826, 622, 13, 73257, 220, 5161, 5119, 1669, 220, 1054, 49, 1141, 88, 2850, 315, 27219, 1667, 1047, 66510, 304, 1077, 1314, 19779, 323, 814, 1047, 513, 1725, 285, 1101, 13, 2030, 264, 84311, 492, 596, 40335, 2695, 1003, 1903, 1077, 19779, 471, 311, 872, 9498, 4725, 1614, 2029, 220, 505, 2418, 402, 386, 1944, 969, 555, 432, 13, 386, 13, 63855, 220, 6570, 46, 1112, 11645, 393, 6979, 220, 1054, 362, 10597, 61267, 17240, 16654, 505, 6784, 323, 70334, 304, 1077, 28004, 369, 2380, 1667, 13, 54943, 1436, 539, 27208, 1077, 11, 719, 17229, 483, 40143, 449, 5912, 16558, 323, 6378, 64688, 1077, 6724, 13, 23674, 11, 1364, 2751, 9463, 315, 1077, 8009, 8071, 14254, 555, 19486, 40335, 21701, 304, 1077, 6548, 323, 28786, 1124, 449, 40335, 13, 3005, 706, 64688, 34254, 323], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " extremely useful, especially for those individuals who can not or will not tolerate a water fast. \n The best foods for monodiet fast ing are the easiest ones digest: juices of raw fruits and nonstarchy vegetables with all solids \nstrained out. Strained mineral broths made of long -simmered non -starchy vegetables (the best of them made of leafy green \nvegetables) fall in the same category. So if you are highly partial to the flavor of grapes or lemons or cayenne and (highly diluted) \nmaple syrup, a long fast on one of these would do you a world of good, just not quite as much good as the same amount of time \nspent on water alone. If you select something more \"solid\" for a long monodiet fast, like pureed zucchini, it is essential that you \nnot overeat. Dr. Bieler gave his fasting patients only one pint of zucchini soup three or four times a day. The way to evalua te how \nmuch to eat is by how much weight you are losing. When fasting, you must lose weight! And the faster the better. \n Pure absolute water fasting while not taking any vitamins or other nutritional supplementation has a very limited maximum \nduration, perhaps 45 days. The key concept h ere is nutritional reserves. Body fat is stored, surplus energy fuel. But energy alone \ncannot keep a body going. It needs much more than fuel to rebuild and repair and maintain its systems. So the body in its wis dom \nalso stores up vitamins and minerals and other essential substances in and in -between all its cells. Bodies that have been very well \nnourished for a long time have very large reserves; poorly nourished ones may have very little set aside for a rainy day. And it is \nalmost a truism that a sick per son has, for quite some time, been a poorly nourished one. With low nutritional reserves. This fact \nalone can make it difficult for a sick person to water fast for enough time to completely heal their damaged organs and other \nsystems. \n Obese people have fat reserves sufficient to provide energy for long periods, but rarely can any body, no matter how complete \nits nutrition was for years previously, contain sufficient nutritional reserves to support a water fast of over six weeks. To water fast \nthe very o bese down to normal weight can take months but to make this possible, rather diverse and concentrated nutrition \ncontaining few calories must be given. It is possible to fast even a very slim a person for quite a bit longer than a month w hen their \nbody is r eceiving easily assimilable vitamins and minerals and small amounts of sugars or other simple carbohydrates. \n I estimate that fasting on raw juices and mineral broths will result in healing at 25 to 75 percent of the efficiency of wate r \nfasting, depend ing on the amount of nutrition taken and the amount the juices or broths are diluted. But juice fasting can permit \nhealing to go on several times longer than water might. \n Fasting on dilute juice and broth can also save the life of someone whose organs of elimination are insufficiently strong to \nwithstand the work load created by water fasting. In this sense, juices can be regarded as similar to the moderators in a nuc lear \nreactor, slowing the process down so it won\u2019t destroy the container. On a fast of undiluted juice, the healing power drops \nconsiderably, but a person on this regimen, if not sick, is usually capable of working. \n Duration of juice fasts can vary greatly. Most of the time there is no need to continue fasting after the symptoms causing \nconcern have been eliminated, and this could happen as quickly as one week or take as long as 60 days if the person is very o bese. \nFasters also lose their motivation once the complaint has vanished. But feeling better is no certain indication that the need to fast \nhas ended. This points up one of the liabilities of juice fasting; the person is already eating, their digestive system never shut down \nand consequently, it is much easier for them to resume eating. The thing to keep in mind is that if the symptoms return, the fast \nwas not long enough or the diet was not properly reformed after the fast. \n During a long fast on water or d ilute juice, if the body has used up all of it\"s reserves and/or the body has reached skeletal \ncondition, and the condition or symptoms being addressed persists the fast should be ended, the person should go on a raw foo d \nhealing diet. If three to six mont hs on raw food don\u2019t solve the complaint then another spell of water or dilute juice fasting should \nbe attempted. Most fasters are incapable of persisting until the body reserves have been used up because social conditioning is \ntelling them their emaciated -looking body must be dying when it is actually far from death, but return of true hunger is the critical \nindicator that must not be ignored. True hunger is not what most people think of when they think they are hungry. Few America ns \nhave ever experienced true hunger. It is not a rumbling in the stomach or a set of uncomfortable sensations (caused by the \nbeginning of detoxification) you know will go away after eating. True hunger is an animal, instinctual feeling in the back of one\"s \nthroat (not in the stom ach) that demands you eat something, anything, even grass or shoe leather. \n Seriously ill people inevitably start the cleansing process with a pre -existing and serious mineral deficiencies. I say inevitably \nbecause they likely would not have become ill had they been properly nourished. Sick fasters may be wise to take in minerals from \nthin vegetable broths or vitamin -like supplements in order to prevent uncomfortable deficiency states. For example calcium or \nmagnesium deficiencies can make water fasters experience unpleasant symptoms such as hand tremors, stiff muscles, cramps in \nthe hands, feet, and legs, and difficulty relaxing. I want to stress here that fasting itself does not create deficiencies. B ut a person \nalready deficient in minerals should watc h for these symptoms and take steps to remedy the deficiencies if necessary. \n \nRaw Food Healing Diets \n Next in declining order of healing effectiveness is what I call a raw food healing diet or cleansing diet. It consists of tho se very \nsame watery fruits and nonstarchy vegetables one juices or makes into vegetable broths, but eaten whole and raw. Heating food \ndoes two harmful things: it destroys many vitamins, enzymes and other nutritional elements and it makes many foods much harde r \nto digest. So no cook ed vegetables or fruits are allowed because to maintain health on this limited regimen it is essential that every \npossible vitamin and enzyme present in the food be available for digestion. Even though still raw, no starchy or fatty vegeta bles or \nfruits ar e allowed that contain concentrated calories like potatoes, winter squash, avocados, sweet potatoes, fresh raw corn, dates, \nfigs, raisins, or bananas. And naturally, no salad dressings containing vegetable oils or (raw) ground seeds are allowed. Nor are \nraw grains or other raw concentrated energy sources. \n When a person starts this diet they will at first experience considerable weight loss because it is difficult to extract a la rge \nnumber of calories from these foods (though I have seen people actually gain weight on a pure melon diet, so much sugar do these \nfruits have, and well -chewed watermelon seeds are very nourishing). Eating even large quantities of only raw fruit and raw non -\nstarchy vegetables results in a slow but steady healing process about 10 to 20 percent as rapid as water fasting. \n A raw food cleansing diet has several huge advantages. It is possible to maintain this regimen and regularly do non -strenuous \nwork for many months, even a year or more without experiencing massive weight loss a nd, more important to some people, \nwithout suffering the extremes of low blood sugar, weakness and loss of ability to concentrate that happen when water fasting. \nSomeone on a raw food cleanse will have periods of lowered energy and strong cravings for more concentrated foods, but if they \nhave the self -discipline to not break their cleansing process they can accomplish a great deal of healing while still maintaining \nmore or less normal (though slower paced) life activities. However, almost no one on this die t is able to sustain an extremely active \nlife-style involving hard physical labor or competitive sports. And from the very beginning someone on a raw food cleanse must \nbe willing and able to lie down and rest any time they feel tired or unable to face thei r responsibilities. Otherwise they will \ninevitably succumb to the mental certainty that their feelings of exhaustion or overwhelm can be immediately solved by eating \nsome concentrated food to \"give them energy.\" Such low -energy states will, however, pass q uickly after a brief nap or rest. \n Something else gradually happens to a body when on such a diet. Do you recall that I mentioned that after my own long fast I \nbegan to get more \"mileage\" out of my food. A cleansed, healed body becomes far more efficien t at digestion and assimilation; a \nbody that is kept on a raw food cleansing diet will initially lose weight rapidly, but eventually weight loss slows to virtua lly \nnothing and then stabilizes. However, long -term raw fooders are usually thin as toothpicks. \n Once starchy vegetables like potatoes or winter squash, raw or cooked, or any cereals, raw or cooked, are added to a cleansin g \ndiet, the detoxification and healing virtually ceases and it becomes very easy to maintain or even gain weight", "token_ids": [9193, 5505, 11, 5423, 369, 1884, 7931, 889, 649, 539, 477, 690, 539, 50134, 264, 3090, 5043, 13, 2355, 262, 578, 1888, 15657, 369, 1647, 347, 3978, 5043, 6892, 527, 279, 30689, 6305, 21552, 25, 65959, 315, 7257, 26390, 323, 2536, 267, 15630, 24822, 449, 682, 82486, 720, 58827, 704, 13, 4610, 2692, 25107, 2967, 17323, 1903, 315, 1317, 482, 15124, 1195, 291, 2536, 482, 267, 15630, 24822, 320, 1820, 1888, 315, 1124, 1903, 315, 16312, 88, 6307, 720, 83571, 4893, 8, 4498, 304, 279, 1890, 5699, 13, 2100, 422, 499, 527, 7701, 7276, 311, 279, 17615, 315, 66008, 477, 514, 24483, 477, 272, 352, 26193, 323, 320, 12156, 398, 80703, 8, 720, 2235, 273, 45322, 11, 264, 1317, 5043, 389, 832, 315, 1521, 1053, 656, 499, 264, 1917, 315, 1695, 11, 1120, 539, 5115, 439, 1790, 1695, 439, 279, 1890, 3392, 315, 892, 2355, 95464, 389, 3090, 7636, 13, 1442, 499, 3373, 220, 2555, 810, 330, 32127, 1, 369, 264, 1317, 1647, 347, 3978, 5043, 11, 1093, 10748, 291, 1167, 86670, 11, 433, 374, 7718, 430, 499, 720, 1962, 927, 33166, 13, 2999, 13, 12371, 8023, 6688, 813, 54560, 6978, 1193, 832, 46746, 315, 1167, 86670, 19724, 2380, 477, 3116, 3115, 264, 1938, 13, 578, 1648, 311, 5720, 4381, 1028, 1268, 720, 59178, 311, 8343, 374, 555, 1268, 1790, 4785, 499, 527, 13490, 13, 3277, 54560, 11, 499, 2011, 9229, 4785, 0, 1628, 279, 10819, 279, 2731, 13, 2355, 262, 30688, 10973, 3090, 54560, 1418, 539, 4737, 904, 46192, 477, 1023, 43226, 73796, 706, 264, 1633, 7347, 7340, 720, 17456, 11, 8530, 220, 1774, 2919, 13, 578, 1401, 7434, 305, 39357, 374, 43226, 30600, 13, 14285, 8834, 374, 9967, 11, 41548, 4907, 10633, 13, 2030, 4907, 7636, 720, 34360, 2567, 264, 2547, 2133, 13, 1102, 3966, 1790, 810, 1109, 10633, 311, 32593, 323, 13023, 323, 10519, 1202, 6067, 13, 2100, 279, 2547, 304, 1202, 19112, 4824, 720, 19171, 10756, 709, 46192, 323, 34072, 323, 220, 1023, 7718, 33155, 304, 323, 304, 482, 42967, 682, 1202, 7917, 13, 81446, 430, 617, 1027, 1633, 1664, 720, 77, 414, 3384, 369, 264, 1317, 892, 617, 1633, 3544, 30600, 26, 31555, 46798, 3384, 6305, 1253, 617, 1633, 2697, 743, 16038, 369, 264, 63857, 1938, 13, 1628, 220, 433, 374, 720, 60301, 264, 490, 84, 2191, 430, 264, 14363, 824, 4538, 706, 11, 369, 5115, 1063, 892, 11, 1027, 264, 31555, 46798, 3384, 832, 13, 3161, 3428, 43226, 30600, 13, 1115, 2144, 720, 32676, 649, 1304, 433, 5107, 369, 264, 14363, 1732, 311, 3090, 5043, 369, 3403, 892, 311, 6724, 27661, 872, 20727, 36853, 323, 1023, 2355, 46654, 13, 2355, 262, 4761, 2423, 1274, 617, 220, 8834, 30600, 14343, 311, 3493, 4907, 369, 1317, 18852, 11, 719, 19029, 649, 904, 2547, 11, 912, 5030, 1268, 4686, 720, 1220, 26677, 574, 369, 1667, 8767, 11, 6782, 14343, 43226, 30600, 311, 1862, 264, 3090, 5043, 315, 927, 4848, 5672, 13, 2057, 220, 3090, 5043, 720, 1820, 1633, 297, 293, 2423, 1523, 311, 4725, 4785, 649, 1935, 4038, 719, 311, 1304, 420, 3284, 11, 4856, 17226, 323, 38626, 26677, 720, 778, 2101, 2478, 25247, 2011, 387, 2728, 13, 1102, 374, 3284, 311, 5043, 1524, 264, 1633, 30453, 264, 1732, 369, 5115, 264, 2766, 5129, 1109, 264, 2305, 289, 48916, 872, 720, 2664, 374, 436, 384, 47444, 6847, 40054, 321, 481, 46192, 323, 34072, 323, 2678, 15055, 315, 70913, 477, 1023, 4382, 62345, 13, 2355, 262, 358, 16430, 430, 54560, 389, 7257, 65959, 323, 25107, 2967, 17323, 690, 1121, 304, 21730, 520, 220, 914, 311, 220, 2075, 3346, 315, 279, 15374, 315, 289, 349, 436, 720, 9533, 287, 11, 6904, 6892, 389, 279, 3392, 315, 26677, 4529, 323, 279, 3392, 279, 65959, 477, 2967, 17323, 527, 80703, 13, 2030, 23661, 54560, 649, 11810, 720, 383, 6260, 311, 733, 389, 3892, 3115, 5129, 1109, 3090, 2643, 13, 2355, 262, 435, 15067, 389, 19371, 1088, 23661, 323, 45993, 649, 1101, 3665, 279, 2324, 315, 4423, 6832, 36853, 220, 315, 44032, 527, 39413, 398, 3831, 311, 720, 4291, 2752, 279, 990, 2865, 3549, 555, 3090, 54560, 13, 763, 420, 5647, 11, 65959, 649, 387, 27458, 439, 4528, 311, 279, 83847, 304, 264, 308, 1791, 35499, 720, 3007, 269, 11, 48408, 279, 1920, 1523, 779, 433, 2834, 1431, 7066, 279, 5593, 13, 1952, 264, 5043, 315, 220, 2073, 321, 2844, 23661, 11, 279, 21730, 2410, 21701, 720, 25742, 2915, 11, 719, 264, 1732, 389, 420, 68128, 11, 422, 539, 14363, 11, 374, 6118, 13171, 315, 3318, 13, 2355, 262, 21722, 315, 23661, 5043, 82, 649, 13592, 19407, 13, 7648, 315, 279, 892, 1070, 374, 912, 1205, 311, 3136, 54560, 1306, 279, 13803, 14718, 720, 444, 29644, 617, 1027, 34373, 11, 323, 420, 1436, 3621, 439, 6288, 439, 832, 2046, 477, 1935, 439, 1317, 439, 220, 1399, 2919, 422, 279, 1732, 374, 1633, 297, 293, 2423, 13, 720, 37, 14533, 1101, 9229, 872, 25835, 3131, 279, 12458, 706, 59581, 13, 2030, 8430, 2731, 374, 912, 3738, 28137, 430, 279, 1205, 220, 311, 5043, 720, 4752, 9670, 13, 1115, 3585, 709, 832, 315, 279, 58165, 315, 23661, 54560, 26, 279, 1732, 374, 2736, 12459, 11, 872, 60071, 1887, 2646, 9495, 1523, 720, 438, 52394, 11, 433, 374, 1790, 8831, 369, 1124, 311, 16063, 12459, 13, 578, 3245, 311, 2567, 304, 4059, 374, 430, 422, 279, 13803, 471, 11, 279, 5043, 720, 16514, 539, 1317, 3403, 477, 279, 10173, 574, 539, 10489, 312, 10365, 1306, 279, 5043, 13, 2355, 262, 12220, 264, 1317, 5043, 389, 3090, 477, 294, 3900, 1088, 23661, 11, 422, 279, 2547, 706, 1511, 709, 682, 315, 433, 41887, 30600, 323, 5255, 279, 2547, 706, 8813, 69397, 720, 9233, 11, 323, 279, 3044, 477, 13803, 1694, 20669, 67145, 279, 5043, 1288, 387, 9670, 11, 279, 1732, 1288, 733, 389, 264, 7257, 15586, 294, 720, 383, 6260, 10173, 13, 1442, 2380, 311, 4848, 20605, 33320, 389, 7257, 3691, 1541, 1431, 11886, 279, 12458, 1243, 2500, 13141, 315, 3090, 477, 19371, 1088, 23661, 54560, 1288, 720, 1395, 17644, 13, 7648, 5043, 388, 527, 58271, 315, 23135, 287, 3156, 279, 2547, 30600, 617, 1027, 1511, 709, 1606, 3674, 35121, 374, 720, 83, 6427, 1124, 872, 991, 582, 10234, 482, 20986, 2547, 2011, 387, 23069, 994, 433, 374, 3604, 3117, 505, 4648, 11, 719, 471, 315, 837, 34906, 374, 279, 9200, 720, 57251, 430, 2011, 539, 387, 12305, 13, 3082, 34906, 374, 539, 1148, 1455, 1274, 1781, 315, 994, 814, 1781, 814, 527, 30056, 13, 44015, 5270, 12548, 720, 19553, 3596, 10534, 837, 34906, 13, 1102, 374, 539, 264, 14322, 9894, 304, 279, 23152, 477, 264, 743, 315, 29213, 72597, 320, 936, 2656, 555, 279, 720, 7413, 1251, 315, 61987, 2461, 8, 499, 1440, 690, 733, 3201, 1306, 12459, 13, 3082, 34906, 374, 459, 10065, 11, 31655, 940, 8430, 304, 279, 1203, 315, 220, 832, 41887, 720, 87164, 320, 1962, 304, 279, 20703, 34361, 8, 430, 18651, 499, 8343, 2555, 11, 4205, 11, 1524, 16763, 477, 30077, 18012, 13, 2355, 262, 57606, 5986, 1274, 40605, 1212, 279, 60052, 1920, 449, 264, 864, 482, 37995, 323, 6129, 25107, 72946, 13, 358, 2019, 40605, 720, 28753, 814, 4461, 1053, 539, 617, 3719, 5986, 1047, 814, 1027, 10489, 46798, 3384, 13, 82411, 5043, 388, 1253, 387, 24219, 311, 1935, 304, 34072, 505, 720, 64771, 36581, 2967, 17323, 477, 28170, 482, 4908, 33690, 304, 2015, 311, 5471, 29213, 48294, 5415, 13, 1789, 3187, 35719, 477, 720, 76, 3326, 41930, 72946, 649, 1304, 3090, 5043, 388, 3217, 47989, 13803, 1778, 439, 1450, 18659, 1105, 11, 31161, 24569, 11, 1589, 14989, 304, 720, 1820, 6206, 11, 7693, 11, 323, 14535, 11, 323, 17250, 34948, 13, 358, 1390, 311, 8631, 1618, 430, 54560, 5196, 1587, 539, 1893, 72946, 13, 426, 8791, 264, 1732, 720, 46584, 87544, 304, 34072, 1288, 30125, 66, 305, 369, 1521, 13803, 323, 1935, 7504, 311, 40239, 279, 72946, 422, 5995, 13, 2355, 720, 20613, 12369, 49741, 7923, 1441, 2355, 262, 9479, 304, 43848, 2015, 315, 21730, 27375, 374, 1148, 358, 1650, 264, 7257, 3691, 21730, 10173, 477, 60052, 10173, 13, 1102, 17610, 315, 40425, 513, 1633, 720, 25030, 30125, 727, 26390, 220, 323, 2536, 267, 15630, 24822, 832, 65959, 477, 3727, 1139, 36581, 2967, 17323, 11, 719, 35661, 4459, 323, 7257, 13, 68954, 3691, 720, 28156, 1403, 28856, 2574, 25, 433, 60832, 1690, 46192, 11, 56067, 323, 1023, 43226, 5540, 323, 433, 3727, 1690, 15657, 1790, 4960, 451, 436, 720, 998, 21552, 13, 2100, 912, 4394, 1608, 24822, 477, 26390, 527, 5535, 1606, 311, 10519, 2890, 389, 420, 7347, 68128, 433, 374, 7718, 430, 1475, 720, 10236, 28170, 323, 49242, 3118, 304, 279, 3691, 387, 2561, 369, 74502, 13, 7570, 3582, 2103, 7257, 11, 912, 357, 15630, 477, 40085, 13294, 64, 293, 645, 477, 720, 1658, 12059, 802, 384, 5535, 430, 6782, 38626, 25247, 1093, 35267, 11, 12688, 59576, 11, 1860, 511, 5670, 11, 10437, 35267, 11, 7878, 7257, 14095, 11, 13003, 11, 720, 915, 82, 11, 6503, 1354, 11, 477, 68442, 13, 1628, 18182, 11, 912, 33566, 8679, 826, 8649, 36581, 32462, 477, 320, 1059, 8, 5015, 19595, 527, 5535, 13, 8170, 220, 527, 720, 1059, 41936, 477, 1023, 7257, 38626, 4907, 8336, 13, 2355, 262, 3277, 264, 1732, 8638, 420, 10173, 814, 690, 520, 1176, 3217, 24779, 4785, 4814, 1606, 433, 374, 5107, 311, 8819, 264, 1208, 436, 713, 720, 4174, 315, 25247, 505, 1521, 15657, 320, 4636, 358, 617, 3970, 1274, 3604, 8895, 4785, 389, 264, 10748, 10804, 263, 10173, 11, 779, 1790, 13465, 656, 1521, 720, 1658, 12059, 617, 11, 323, 1664, 482, 331, 93176, 3090, 72218, 19595, 527, 1633, 46798, 11218, 570, 60638, 1524, 3544, 33776, 315, 1193, 7257, 14098, 323, 7257, 2536, 18722, 267, 15630, 24822, 3135, 304, 264, 6435, 719, 24981, 21730, 1920, 922, 220, 605, 220, 311, 220, 508, 3346, 439, 11295, 439, 3090, 54560, 13, 2355, 262, 362, 7257, 3691, 60052, 10173, 706, 3892, 6908, 22934, 13, 1102, 374, 3284, 311, 10519, 420, 68128, 323, 15870, 656, 2536, 482, 267, 1466, 9373, 720, 1816, 369, 1690, 4038, 11, 1524, 264, 1060, 477, 810, 2085, 25051, 11191, 4785, 4814, 264, 15953, 11, 810, 3062, 311, 1063, 1274, 11, 720, 30096, 16066, 279, 69971, 315, 3428, 6680, 13465, 11, 23948, 323, 4814, 315, 5845, 311, 37455, 430, 3621, 994, 3090, 54560, 662, 720, 55611, 389, 264, 7257, 3691, 81155, 690, 617, 18852, 315, 39920, 4907, 323, 3831, 89928, 369, 810, 220, 38626, 15657, 11, 719, 422, 814, 720, 19553, 279, 659, 482, 17242, 48529, 311, 539, 1464, 872, 60052, 1920, 814, 649, 22829, 264, 2294, 3568, 315, 21730, 1418, 2103, 20958, 720, 6518, 477, 2753, 4725, 320, 4636, 29493, 78780, 8, 2324, 7640, 13, 4452, 11, 4661, 912, 832, 389, 420, 2815, 259, 374, 3025, 311, 14201, 459, 9193, 4642, 720, 14789, 11549, 16239, 2653, 7106, 9511, 477, 15022, 10034, 13, 1628, 505, 279, 1633, 7314, 4423, 389, 264, 7257, 3691, 81155, 2011, 720, 1395, 10032, 323, 3025, 311, 10457, 1523, 323, 2800, 904, 892, 814, 2733, 19781, 477, 12153, 311, 3663, 279, 72, 436, 28423, 13, 18715, 814, 690, 720, 483, 85, 35768, 20639, 3635, 311, 279, 10723, 44743, 430, 872, 16024, 315, 70663, 477, 96848, 649, 387, 7214, 29056, 555, 12459, 2355, 15031, 38626, 3691, 311, 330, 47530, 1124, 4907, 1210, 15483, 3428, 482, 17947, 5415, 690, 11, 4869, 11, 1522, 2874, 577, 875, 398, 1306, 264, 10015, 26944, 477, 2800, 13, 2355, 262, 25681, 775, 27115, 8741, 311, 264, 2547, 994, 389, 1778, 264, 10173, 13, 3234, 499, 19635, 430, 358, 9932, 430, 1306, 856, 1866, 1317, 5043, 358, 720, 65, 16133, 311, 636, 810, 330, 67697, 425, 1, 704, 315, 856, 3691, 13, 362, 35294, 291, 11, 62320, 2547, 9221, 3117, 810, 3369, 3457, 268, 259, 520, 74502, 323, 40054, 13763, 26, 264, 720, 2664, 430, 374, 8774, 389, 264, 7257, 3691, 60052, 10173, 690, 15453, 9229, 4785, 19019, 11, 719, 9778, 4785, 4814, 70270, 311, 13053, 4381, 326, 398, 720, 42312, 323, 1243, 27276, 4861, 13, 4452, 11, 1317, 482, 5098, 7257, 3691, 388, 527, 6118, 15792, 439, 26588, 79, 5908, 13, 2355, 262, 9843, 357, 15630, 24822, 1093, 35267, 477, 12688, 59576, 11, 7257, 477, 30205, 11, 477, 904, 28091, 1147, 11, 7257, 477, 30205, 11, 527, 3779, 311, 264, 35294, 258, 342, 720, 94942, 11, 279, 61987, 2461, 323, 21730, 21907, 3846, 2315, 323, 433, 9221, 1633, 4228, 311, 10519, 477, 1524, 8895, 4785], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " priceless.\nUpon our return we began to change our lifestyle to fit D's new program. It was \ndifficult, but we followed it in its entirety without any alterations. D had amazingly \nfew problems and returned to work June 1. (A total leave-of-absence of 6 months.) To \ndate she has had no recurrence of cancer and no major health problems of any \nnature. She takes vitamin and mineral supplements.\n152\nWinning The Cancer War\nWhat we have learned about cancer through Dr. Kelley has spared at least eight \nlives. We would go the same route again well knowing what we would be getting \ninto and knowing the results. D's life was worth it all; the other eight we look at as a \nmajor bonus from the Lord. My unanswered question: Why could Dr. Kelley find in \none day what many doctors could not find in many months?\nDr. Kelley: \"Pancreatic cancer is very devastating and very close to my heart \nbecause that's what I had. The average life expectancy of a clinically diagnosed case \nof pancreas malignancy is two months. This lovely young lady, with eight years' \nsurvival, is an example of what can be done with total family unity. This family is a \nwonderful example of 'how to.' They addressed two contributing factors to successful \nhealing \u2014 a positive attitude and the willingness to do whatever it takes to get well.\n\"Pancreatic cancer has some particular characteristics which are not like other \ncancers. These characteristics include a lot of excessive gas and very unusual mental \nstates such as very severe nightmares, depression, anxiety and all the negative factors \nthat otherwise happy and cheerful individuals would not have. Such individuals flip \ninto depression and irritation and become hard to get along with.\n\"D is so nice, it's hard to imagine her being hard to get along with. But even if she \nwas, her parents would have understood and paid no attention. That kind of unselfish \nsupport can make the difference between life and death.\"\nSkin Cancer Testimonial\nBetty F. ~ Spokane, WA\n11-Year Victory Over Skin Cancer \n\"You have cancer.\"\nWhen I heard those three words over the telephone my only thought was \"I'm \ngoing to die!\" I was \"shook up!\" I barely heard the voice on the other end of the \ntelephone tell me to come in and see Dr. S.L. as soon as possible.\nOnly another cancer patient knows what it means to be told \"you have cancer.\" It \nis not only a sentence of death; it is a sentence of death linked with severe pain.\nI was 46, living and working in New York City when I was diagnosed as having \ncancer. I had been feeling \"poorly\" since I was 37 and had had a partial \nhysterectomy. I was trying every day to live with \"feeling poorly\" because no doctor I \nsaw was able to help me \"feel better.\" And believe me, I saw many physicians in the\n153\nWinning The Cancer War\n\"Big Apple.\"\nOur family physician, Dr. H.H., said I should see a specialist because my periods \nwere too long, I was losing too much blood during each period and I had fibroids. I \nwent to the specialist he recommended who urged me not to wait, but to have the \noperation \"before it was too late.\" I followed orders. I had the operation. (By the way,\nI remember being sedated and prepared in the morning for the operation, which was \nscheduled for 1:00 p.m. I remember not being wheeled in until 4:00 p.m.! I was \nworried and wondered... w ill I get the right operation? This experience filled me \nwith dismay and created distrust for the medical profession.)\nI was discharged with a clean bill of health. Now that I had had the operation, did I \nfeel better? No, I felt worse! I was passing gas, feeling tired and terribly constipated. It \ndid no good to hear nice words of assurance from the doctor or that the tumor they \nhad removed was the size of a five-month pregnancy. I didn't feel better hearing that \nit was normal for some people not to have daily bowel movements. I felt loggy.\nShortly after the operation and an \"OK checkup\" from the surgeon, I went to our \nfamily physician with the complaint \"I have pain in the abdomen.\" He examined me \nand was surprised to find a cyst in the former womb area. He asked me to return to \nthe specialist. I refused. I told our family physician that my confidence in the \nspecialist was gone. I asked him to take care of me. After much pleading, he did. He \nremoved the cyst in his office by cauterization. Those were two painful office visits \nfor me.\nI still felt rotten. I was fatigued all the time and passing gas much of the time. I had \nattacks of illness diagnosed as myositis and facial neuritis. I had pains in my \nabdomen, which were diagnosed as a nervous stomach. The family doctor suggested \nI take the gallbladder test. I took it. Fortunately, at the time, there was nothing wrong \nwith my gallbladder. I went to the dentist often because my gums were bleeding and \nmy teeth were loose.\nI was born with a brown mole on my left cheek. When I was 14, hair began to \ngrow in the mole. It didn't hurt, but I felt a pulsating sensation in the mole area. I saw \na doctor who recommended removing the hairs by electrolysis. I did this. Afterward, \nthe doctor said \"It looks OK; we'll leave it alone for now, but you should always \nwatch the mole for any changes.\"\nTwo years after the hysterectomy operation at the age of 39, the brown mole on my \nleft check started to throb and grow. I saw a skin specialist and had the mole excised. \nA biopsy was performed. Diagnosis: Non-malignant.\nIn the fall of 1969, I saw a gynecologist for a checkup. This doctor recommended\n154\nWinning The Cancer War\nestrogen because I had had a partial hysterectomy. I took the estrogen for three \nmonths only because round white spots emerged on both of my thighs and a growth \ndeveloped under the arch of my left foot. I had to have this growth surgically \nremoved. This, too, was biopsied and declared non-malignant. At the same time, the \nskin specialist removed some small growths on my face, forehead and right wrist.\nI was depressed; I was still suffering with passing gas; my eyes were deteriorating. I \ncouldn't focus; couldn't see telephone numbers or addresses in the telephone book, \nfound it difficult to read the newspapers. I suffered with muscle weakness and \ncramps. The latter condition would often strike me at night while I was sleeping with \nsuch severity that I would wake up screaming from the pain. My chestnut brown hair \nwas turning gray; the texture was now brittle. Worst of all, my face \"itched\" 24 hours \na day. I wanted to holler because there was no letup of pain. I found I could no \nlonger tolerate any sunlight.\nI went to yet another specialist. I gave him a list of my complaints. He gave me a \nbattery of tests, a big bill, and said that the tests showed there was nothing wrong \nwith me. He said, \"You're getting older, try to make things easier.\" He suggested I see \na psychiatrist. I questioned him about my facial condition. He said the facial problem \nwas probably part of my active imagination. Ooh, but I was angry when I left his \noffice.\nI found the pain in my face intolerable. I made an appointment with a skin \nspecialist in 1971. He performed surgery in his office and said, \"W e'll do a biopsy but \nI doubt that you'll get your money's worth,\" Well, his office is the party that called \nand told me, \"You have cancer.\" I think I was shocked because I thought I had a \ncharmed existence when it came to surgery and biopsies. After all, I had been \nthrough many operations and biopsies and all had been diagnosed as being benign.\nI followed the skin specialist's recommendation of going into the hospital \nimmediately and having the \"entire cancerous tumor completely removed.\" He said \nhe was sure this would be the case.\nThe short hospital stay was an ordeal. For a facial condition, I had to undergo a \nseries of body X-rays and other tests. When I asked, \"Why? I was told it was \"hospital \nprocedure.\" I don't know what good they did; I do know it hiked up the bill. In the \nhospital I had a section between my lip and chin cut again. This biopsy also stated \nthat \"the patient has cancer.\" The doctor said, \"Go home, let your face heal and see \nme in six months.\"\nAbout this time I began to visit health food stores in my neighborhood. Why? I \nthought there might be something to taking supplements. I was hoping to find \nsomething to take to have more energy. I bought books on health and I bought health\n155\nWinning The Cancer War\nmagazines. I was investigating another avenue", "token_ids": [92044, 627, 50384, 1057, 471, 584, 6137, 311, 2349, 1057, 19433, 311, 5052, 423, 596, 502, 2068, 13, 1102, 574, 720, 13798, 3951, 11, 719, 584, 8272, 433, 304, 1202, 49017, 2085, 904, 61086, 13, 423, 1047, 63615, 720, 71830, 5435, 323, 6052, 311, 990, 5651, 220, 16, 13, 320, 32, 2860, 5387, 8838, 97510, 768, 315, 220, 21, 4038, 6266, 2057, 720, 1045, 1364, 706, 1047, 912, 76293, 315, 9572, 323, 912, 3682, 2890, 5435, 315, 904, 720, 67812, 13, 3005, 5097, 28170, 323, 25107, 33690, 627, 9756, 198, 17400, 1251, 578, 26211, 5111, 198, 3923, 584, 617, 9687, 922, 9572, 1555, 2999, 13, 74813, 706, 74688, 520, 3325, 8223, 720, 75, 1924, 13, 1226, 1053, 733, 279, 1890, 6149, 1578, 1664, 14392, 1148, 584, 1053, 387, 3794, 720, 18614, 323, 14392, 279, 3135, 13, 423, 596, 2324, 574, 5922, 433, 682, 26, 279, 1023, 8223, 584, 1427, 520, 439, 264, 720, 37605, 12306, 505, 279, 10425, 13, 3092, 76547, 3488, 25, 8595, 1436, 2999, 13, 74813, 1505, 304, 720, 606, 1938, 1148, 1690, 16410, 1436, 539, 1505, 304, 1690, 4038, 5380, 9023, 13, 74813, 25, 330, 36793, 846, 780, 9572, 374, 1633, 33318, 323, 1633, 3345, 311, 856, 4851, 720, 28753, 430, 596, 1148, 358, 220, 1047, 13, 578, 5578, 2324, 66995, 315, 264, 70432, 29704, 1162, 720, 1073, 62268, 300, 60327, 6709, 374, 1403, 4038, 13, 1115, 17104, 3995, 17240, 11, 449, 8223, 1667, 6, 720, 20370, 85, 4023, 11, 374, 459, 3187, 315, 1148, 649, 387, 2884, 449, 2860, 3070, 31426, 13, 1115, 3070, 374, 264, 720, 86, 14518, 1285, 3187, 315, 364, 5269, 311, 3238, 2435, 20669, 1403, 29820, 9547, 311, 6992, 720, 383, 6260, 2001, 264, 6928, 19451, 323, 279, 39375, 311, 656, 8996, 433, 5097, 311, 636, 1664, 627, 1, 36793, 846, 780, 9572, 706, 1063, 4040, 17910, 902, 527, 539, 1093, 1023, 720, 66, 32842, 13, 4314, 17910, 2997, 264, 2763, 315, 27639, 6962, 323, 1633, 19018, 10723, 720, 33169, 1778, 439, 1633, 15748, 75362, 11, 18710, 11, 18547, 323, 682, 279, 8389, 9547, 720, 9210, 6062, 6380, 323, 71414, 7931, 1053, 539, 617, 13, 15483, 7931, 18791, 720, 18614, 18710, 323, 66510, 323, 3719, 2653, 311, 636, 3235, 449, 627, 62528, 374, 779, 6555, 11, 433, 596, 2653, 311, 13085, 1077, 1694, 2653, 311, 636, 3235, 449, 13, 2030, 1524, 422, 1364, 720, 16514, 11, 1077, 6699, 1053, 617, 16365, 323, 7318, 912, 6666, 13, 3011, 3169, 315, 653, 726, 819, 720, 24249, 649, 1304, 279, 6811, 1990, 2324, 323, 4648, 10246, 38286, 26211, 3475, 50425, 198, 57299, 1919, 435, 13, 4056, 89280, 11, 29666, 198, 806, 71998, 49427, 6193, 28049, 26211, 720, 22336, 617, 9572, 10246, 4599, 358, 220, 6755, 1884, 2380, 4339, 927, 279, 21186, 856, 1193, 3463, 574, 330, 40, 2846, 720, 9738, 311, 2815, 9135, 358, 220, 574, 330, 939, 1982, 709, 9135, 358, 220, 20025, 6755, 279, 7899, 389, 279, 1023, 842, 315, 279, 720, 53027, 3371, 757, 311, 2586, 304, 323, 1518, 2999, 13, 328, 1236, 13, 439, 5246, 439, 3284, 627, 7456, 2500, 9572, 8893, 8964, 1148, 433, 3445, 311, 387, 3309, 330, 9514, 617, 9572, 1210, 1102, 720, 285, 539, 1193, 264, 11914, 315, 4648, 26, 433, 374, 264, 11914, 315, 4648, 10815, 449, 15748, 6784, 627, 40, 220, 574, 220, 2790, 11, 5496, 323, 3318, 304, 1561, 4356, 4409, 994, 358, 220, 574, 29704, 439, 3515, 720, 66, 11967, 13, 358, 220, 1047, 1027, 8430, 330, 5481, 269, 398, 1, 2533, 358, 220, 574, 220, 1806, 323, 1047, 1047, 264, 7276, 720, 71, 22604, 72783, 13, 358, 220, 574, 4560, 1475, 1938, 311, 3974, 449, 330, 1897, 20659, 31555, 1, 1606, 912, 10896, 358, 2355, 82, 675, 574, 3025, 311, 1520, 757, 330, 57676, 2731, 1210, 1628, 4510, 757, 11, 358, 220, 5602, 1690, 35944, 304, 279, 198, 9800, 198, 17400, 1251, 578, 26211, 5111, 198, 1, 16010, 8325, 10246, 8140, 3070, 28378, 11, 2999, 13, 473, 3924, 2637, 1071, 358, 220, 1288, 1518, 264, 24687, 1606, 856, 18852, 720, 52898, 2288, 1317, 11, 358, 220, 574, 13490, 2288, 1790, 6680, 2391, 1855, 4261, 323, 358, 220, 1047, 16178, 41194, 13, 358, 2355, 42700, 311, 279, 24687, 568, 11349, 889, 28932, 757, 539, 311, 3868, 11, 719, 311, 617, 279, 720, 9446, 330, 15145, 433, 574, 2288, 3389, 1210, 358, 220, 8272, 10373, 13, 358, 220, 1047, 279, 5784, 13, 320, 1383, 279, 1648, 345, 40, 220, 6227, 1694, 11163, 660, 323, 10235, 304, 279, 6693, 369, 279, 5784, 11, 902, 574, 720, 94685, 369, 220, 16, 25, 410, 281, 749, 13, 358, 220, 6227, 539, 1694, 15240, 41189, 304, 3156, 220, 19, 25, 410, 281, 749, 62450, 358, 220, 574, 720, 50810, 4588, 323, 31156, 662, 662, 662, 289, 5986, 358, 220, 636, 279, 1314, 5784, 30, 1115, 3217, 10409, 757, 720, 4291, 73082, 323, 3549, 77086, 369, 279, 6593, 4913, 29275, 40, 220, 574, 57191, 449, 264, 4335, 4121, 315, 2890, 13, 4800, 430, 358, 220, 1047, 1047, 279, 5784, 11, 1550, 358, 2355, 57676, 2731, 30, 2360, 11, 358, 220, 6612, 11201, 0, 358, 220, 574, 12579, 6962, 11, 8430, 19781, 323, 50136, 738, 63332, 13, 1102, 720, 23770, 912, 1695, 311, 6865, 6555, 4339, 315, 44701, 505, 279, 10896, 477, 430, 279, 36254, 814, 720, 32345, 7108, 574, 279, 1404, 315, 264, 4330, 23086, 20209, 13, 358, 220, 3287, 956, 2733, 2731, 11011, 430, 720, 275, 574, 4725, 369, 1063, 1274, 539, 311, 617, 7446, 66358, 19567, 13, 358, 220, 6612, 1515, 4680, 627, 79143, 1306, 279, 5784, 323, 459, 330, 4012, 1817, 455, 1, 505, 279, 46098, 11, 358, 220, 4024, 311, 1057, 720, 19521, 28378, 449, 279, 12458, 330, 40, 617, 6784, 304, 279, 64772, 1210, 1283, 25078, 757, 720, 438, 574, 14792, 311, 1505, 264, 63581, 304, 279, 4846, 73937, 3158, 13, 1283, 4691, 757, 311, 471, 311, 720, 1820, 24687, 13, 358, 220, 16436, 13, 358, 220, 3309, 1057, 3070, 28378, 430, 856, 12410, 304, 279, 720, 15495, 380, 574, 8208, 13, 358, 220, 4691, 1461, 311, 1935, 2512, 315, 757, 13, 4740, 1790, 74073, 11, 568, 1550, 13, 1283, 720, 46856, 279, 63581, 304, 813, 5274, 555, 2211, 29051, 2065, 13, 13266, 1051, 1403, 26175, 5274, 21728, 720, 2000, 757, 627, 40, 220, 2103, 6612, 78792, 13, 358, 220, 574, 8834, 343, 3340, 682, 279, 892, 323, 12579, 6962, 1790, 315, 279, 892, 13, 358, 220, 1047, 720, 81210, 315, 17563, 29704, 439, 856, 437, 20000, 323, 28900, 21850, 20000, 13, 358, 220, 1047, 51266, 304, 856, 720, 370, 5717, 268, 11, 902, 1051, 29704, 439, 264, 23418, 23152, 13, 578, 3070, 10896, 12090, 720, 40, 220, 1935, 279, 19754, 2067, 21473, 1296, 13, 358, 220, 3952, 433, 13, 42536, 11, 520, 279, 892, 11, 1070, 574, 4400, 5076, 720, 4291, 856, 19754, 2067, 21473, 13, 358, 220, 4024, 311, 279, 50351, 3629, 1606, 856, 98754, 1051, 35763, 323, 720, 2465, 18311, 1051, 20784, 627, 40, 220, 574, 9405, 449, 264, 14198, 35751, 389, 856, 2163, 41803, 13, 3277, 358, 220, 574, 220, 975, 11, 7013, 6137, 311, 720, 67318, 304, 279, 35751, 13, 1102, 3287, 956, 13194, 11, 719, 358, 220, 6612, 264, 56037, 1113, 37392, 304, 279, 35751, 3158, 13, 358, 220, 5602, 720, 64, 10896, 889, 11349, 18054, 279, 66060, 555, 73396, 14744, 13, 358, 220, 1550, 420, 13, 4740, 1637, 11, 720, 1820, 10896, 1071, 330, 2181, 5992, 10619, 26, 584, 3358, 5387, 433, 7636, 369, 1457, 11, 719, 499, 1288, 2744, 720, 14658, 279, 35751, 369, 904, 4442, 10246, 11874, 1667, 1306, 279, 54119, 72783, 5784, 520, 279, 4325, 315, 220, 2137, 11, 279, 14198, 35751, 389, 856, 720, 2414, 1817, 3940, 311, 270, 23576, 323, 3139, 13, 358, 220, 5602, 264, 6930, 24687, 323, 1047, 279, 35751, 3521, 4147, 13, 720, 32, 99647, 574, 10887, 13, 95452, 25, 11842, 1474, 6750, 519, 627, 644, 279, 4498, 315, 220, 5162, 24, 11, 358, 220, 5602, 264, 342, 75030, 16549, 369, 264, 1817, 455, 13, 1115, 10896, 11349, 198, 10559, 198, 17400, 1251, 578, 26211, 5111, 198, 478, 26252, 1606, 358, 220, 1047, 1047, 264, 7276, 54119, 72783, 13, 358, 220, 3952, 279, 70180, 369, 2380, 720, 50814, 1193, 1606, 4883, 4251, 19300, 22763, 389, 2225, 315, 856, 60611, 323, 264, 6650, 720, 16219, 291, 1234, 279, 5438, 315, 856, 2163, 4579, 13, 358, 220, 1047, 311, 617, 420, 6650, 12274, 2740, 720, 46856, 13, 1115, 11, 2288, 11, 574, 6160, 3806, 1142, 323, 14610, 2536, 1474, 6750, 519, 13, 2468, 279, 1890, 892, 11, 279, 720, 37282, 24687, 7108, 1063, 2678, 6650, 82, 389, 856, 3663, 11, 52354, 323, 1314, 33271, 627, 40, 220, 574, 42642, 26, 358, 220, 574, 2103, 16066, 449, 12579, 6962, 26, 856, 6548, 1051, 39436, 1113, 13, 358, 2355, 92062, 956, 5357, 26, 7846, 956, 1518, 21186, 5219, 477, 14564, 304, 279, 21186, 2363, 11, 720, 15456, 433, 5107, 311, 1373, 279, 32594, 13, 358, 220, 16654, 449, 16124, 23948, 323, 720, 5192, 14989, 13, 578, 15629, 3044, 1053, 3629, 13471, 757, 520, 3814, 1418, 358, 220, 574, 21811, 449, 720, 21470, 31020, 430, 358, 220, 1053, 15508, 709, 35101, 505, 279, 6784, 13, 3092, 15489, 24217, 14198, 7013, 720, 16514, 13353, 18004, 26, 279, 10651, 574, 1457, 95749, 13, 70192, 315, 682, 11, 856, 3663, 330, 93503, 1, 220, 1187, 4207, 720, 64, 1938, 13, 358, 220, 4934, 311, 305, 70496, 1606, 1070, 574, 912, 1095, 455, 315, 6784, 13, 358, 220, 1766, 358, 220, 1436, 912, 720, 4930, 261, 50134, 904, 40120, 627, 40, 220, 4024, 311, 3686, 2500, 24687, 13, 358, 220, 6688, 1461, 264, 1160, 315, 856, 21859, 13, 1283, 6688, 757, 264, 720, 75459, 315, 7177, 11, 264, 2466, 4121, 11, 323, 1071, 430, 279, 7177, 8710, 1070, 574, 4400, 5076, 720, 4291, 757, 13, 1283, 1071, 11, 330, 2675, 2351, 3794, 9191, 11, 1456, 311, 1304, 2574, 8831, 1210, 1283, 12090, 358, 220, 1518, 720, 64, 73969, 13, 358, 220, 29440, 1461, 922, 856, 28900, 3044, 13, 1283, 1071, 279, 28900, 3575, 720, 16514, 4762, 961, 315, 856, 4642, 28899, 13, 507, 2319, 11, 719, 358, 220, 574, 19021, 994, 358, 220, 2163, 813, 720, 27614, 627, 40, 220, 1766, 279, 6784, 304, 856, 3663, 72729, 481, 13, 358, 220, 1903, 459, 18101, 449, 264, 6930, 720, 15495, 380, 304, 220, 4468, 16, 13, 1283, 10887, 15173, 304, 813, 5274, 323, 1071, 11, 330, 54, 384, 3358, 656, 264, 99647, 719, 720, 40, 220, 10712, 430, 499, 3358, 636, 701, 3300, 596, 5922, 1359, 8489, 11, 813, 5274, 374, 279, 4717, 430, 2663, 720, 438, 3309, 757, 11, 330, 2675, 617, 9572, 1210, 358, 220, 1781, 358, 220, 574, 27718, 1606, 358, 220, 3463, 358, 220, 1047, 264, 720, 1799, 2106, 14209, 994, 433, 3782, 311, 15173, 323, 6160, 3806, 552, 13, 4740, 682, 11, 358, 220, 1047, 1027, 720, 20322, 1690, 7677, 323, 6160, 3806, 552, 323, 682, 1047, 1027, 29704, 439, 1694, 65309, 627, 40, 220, 8272, 279, 6930, 24687, 596, 28782, 315, 2133, 1139, 279, 8952, 720, 318, 44287, 323, 3515, 279, 330, 306, 556, 9572, 788, 36254, 6724, 7108, 1210, 1283, 1071, 720, 383, 574, 2771, 420, 1053, 387, 279, 1162, 627, 791, 2875, 8952, 4822, 574, 459, 74781, 13, 1789, 264, 28900, 3044, 11, 358, 220, 1047, 311, 37771, 264, 720, 20473, 315, 2547, 1630, 82817, 323, 1023, 7177, 13, 3277, 358, 220, 4691, 11, 330, 10445, 30, 358, 220, 574, 3309, 433, 574, 330, 71127, 720, 21826, 1210, 358, 220, 1541, 956, 1440, 1148, 1695, 814, 1550, 26, 358, 220, 656, 1440, 433, 305, 43708, 709, 279, 4121, 13, 763, 279, 720, 71127, 358, 220, 1047, 264, 3857, 1990, 856, 19588, 323, 46175, 4018, 1578, 13, 1115, 99647, 1101, 11224, 720, 9210, 330, 1820, 8893, 706, 9572, 1210, 578, 10896, 1071, 11, 330, 11087, 2162, 11, 1095, 701, 3663, 27661, 323, 1518, 720, 2727, 304, 4848, 4038, 10246, 10714, 420, 892, 358, 220, 6137, 311, 4034, 2890, 3691, 10756, 304, 856, 12818, 13, 8595, 30, 358, 2355, 61665, 1070, 2643, 387, 2555, 311, 4737, 33690, 13, 358, 220, 574, 16026, 311, 1505, 720, 34431, 311, 1935, 311, 617, 810, 4907, 13, 358, 220, 11021, 6603, 389, 2890, 323, 358, 220, 11021, 2890, 198, 9992, 198, 17400, 1251, 578, 26211, 5111, 198, 31606, 29841, 13, 358, 220, 574, 24834, 2500, 62803], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " child has to\nbe.\n\u2022 Being embarrassed by a child\u2019s, spouse\u2019s, or parent\u2019s behavior,\nas if what they are is a part of what you are.\n\u2022 Being in training all of your life for a job or position. Never\nleaving the training phase for self-reliance.\n\u2022 Being hurt by what others say, feel, think, or do.\n\u2022 Only feeling happy or successful if your mate is feeling that\nway.\n\u2022 Taking orders from someone.\n\u2022 Allowing someone else to make decisions for you, or always\nasking advice before deciding.\n\u2022 \u201cYou owe me, look what I did for you.\u201d The obligations that go\nwith being dependent.\n\u2022 Not doing something in front of a parent or dominant person\nbecause they wouldn\u2019t approve. Not smoking, drinking, swearing,\neating a hot fudge sundae, or whatever, because of your submissive\nrole.\n\u2022 Giving up on your own life when a loved one dies, or becomes\nseriously ill.\n\u2022 Using careful language around a dominant person, so that he\nwon\u2019t be upset with you.\n\u2022 Persistently lying about your own behavior, and having to distort\nthe truth so that \u201cthey\u201d won\u2019t be upset with you.\nThe Psychological Compensation of Dependency\nThe reasons for hanging on to this self-thwarting behavior are not\nvery complicated. You may know the payoffs for being a dependent,\nbut do you know how destructive they are? Dependency may appear\nharmless, but it is the enemy of all happiness and fulfillment. Here\nare the more common dividends for keeping yourself in a dependent\nstate:204 / Your Erroneous Zones\u2022 Being dependent can keep you in the protective custody of\nothers, and give you the little child benefits of not being responsible\nfor your own behavior.\n\u2022 By staying dependent, you can blame your shortcomings on\nothers.\n\u2022 If you are dependent on others, you don\u2019t have to undertake\nthe hard work and risk of change. You are secure in your reliance\non others who will take responsibility for you.\n\u2022 You can feel good about yourself because you are pleasing oth-\ners. You learned that the way to be good is to please Mommy, and\nnow many symbolic Mommies manipulate you.\n\u2022 You can avoid guilt which you choose when you behave assert-\nively. It is easier to behave than to learn to eliminate guilt.\n\u2022 You needn\u2019t make choices or decisions for yourself. You model\nyourself on the parent, spouse, or individual on whom you depend.\nSo long as you think what they think or feel what they feel, there\u2019s\nno need for the hard work of determining what you think or feel.\n\u2022 When everything else is boiled away, it is just plain easier to be\na follower than a leader. You can do what you\u2019re told and avoid\ntrouble, even though you may not like the way you feel as a follower.\nIt\u2019s still simpler than taking all those risks that go with being your\nown person. Dependency is distasteful because it makes you into\nless than a whole, independently functioning person. But it is easier,\nthat\u2019s for sure.\nA Prospectus for Ridding Yourself of Dependency\n\u2022 Write your own Declaration of Independence in which you spell\nout for yourself how you want to function in all relationships, not\neliminating compromise, but wiping out any manipulation without\nrepresentation. \u201cI, the person, in order to have a more perfect union,\netc.\u201d\n\u2022 Talk with each person that you feel you are psychologically\ndependent upon. Declare your aims of functioning indepen-DECLARE YOUR INDEPENDENCE / 205dently, explain how you feel when you do things out of a sense of\nobligation. This is an excellent strategy for getting started, because\nthe other may not even be aware of how you feel as a dependent.\n\u2022 Give yourself five-minute goals for how you\u2019re going to deal\nwith dominant people in your life. Try a one-shot \u201cNo, I don\u2019t want\nto,\u201d and test the reaction of your reaction in the other person\u2019s.\n\u2022 Arrange a planning session with your dominant partner at a\ntime when you are feeling unthreatened. During this session, explain\nthat you sometimes feel manipulated and submissive and that you\nwould like to arrange a nonverbal signal to let the other person know\nhow you are feeling when it crops up, but that you don\u2019t want to\ndiscuss it at that time. A simple tugging of the ear or a thumb in the\nmouth to signal you\u2019re feeling submissive at a particular time.\n\u2022 At the moment you are feeling shoved-around psychologically,\nstate how you feel to the person, and then act out the way you\u2019d like\nto behave.\n\u2022 Remind yourself that parents, spouses, friends, bosses, children\nand others will often disapprove of your behavior, and that has\nnothing to do with who or what you are. It is a given fact in any re-\nlationship that you will incur some disapproval. If you expect it,\nthen you won\u2019t be thrown by it. In this way you can break many of\nthe dependency-ties that enslave you emotionally.\n\u2022 Even if you are deliberately avoiding dominant people (parent,\nspouse, boss, child), you are still being controlled by them in their\nabsence if you are experiencing emotional immobilization because\nof them.\n\u2022 If you are feeling obligated to visit certain people, ask yourself\nif you would want others to visit you simply because they felt re-\nquired to do so. If not, extend a similar courtesy to those you are\ntreating in this manner, and talk it out with them. That is, reverse\nthe logic and see how undignified a relationship of obligation really\nis.206 / Your Erroneous Zones\u2022 Make a decision to get out of your dependency role by doing\nvolunteer work, reading, getting a baby-sitter (even if you can\u2019t af-\nford it), getting a job that doesn\u2019t necessarily even pay well. Why?\nSimply because the remuneration of your own high self-esteem is\nworth whatever the price it costs in money or time.\n\u2022 Insist on financial independence with no strings, and no account-\ning to anyone. You are a slave if you must ask for money. If that is\nimpossible, arrange to make your own money in any creative way\nthat you can devise.\n\u2022 Let them go! Let yourself go! Stop giving orders! Stop taking\norders!\n\u2022 Recognize your desire for privacy and not having to share\neverything you feel and experience with someone. You are unique\nand private. If you feel you must share everything then you are\nwithout choice, and of course, a dependent.\n\u2022 Let a child\u2019s room be his. Give him an area that he can control,\nand, as long as it\u2019s not unhealthy, allow him to make decisions about\nhow it will be organized. A made bed is not any more psychologic-\nally sound than an unmade bed, even though you may have learned\nthe opposite.\n\u2022 At a party, congregate with people away from your partner.\nDon\u2019t feel responsible to be with that person at all times. Split up\nand then join forces when it is over. You\u2019ll double your learning and\nexperience.\n\u2022 If you want to go to a movie and your partner wants to play\ntennis, do it that way! Allow yourself more separateness, and your\nmoments of togetherness will be happier, and more exciting.\n\u2022 Take mini-trips alone, or with friends without having to feel\nattached to your partner. You\u2019ll feel more strongly toward your\npartner when you come back, and you\u2019ll treasure your independent\nfunctioning as well.\n\u2022 Keep in mind that you have no responsibility to make others\nhappy. Others make themselves happy. Thus, you may truly enjoy\nthe company of another, but if you feel it is yourDECLARE YOUR INDEPENDENCE / 207mission to make them happy, then you are a dependent who will\nalso feel gloom when the other person is down. Or even worse, you\u2019ll\nfeel as though you let him down. You are responsible for your own\nemotions and so is everyone else. No one has control over your\nfeelings, except you.\n\u2022 Remember that habit is no reason to do anything. Just because\nyou\u2019ve always been submissive to others is not sufficient justification\nfor allowing it to continue.\nThe business of effective living and parenting is independence.\nSimilarly, the hallmark of effective marriage is minimal fusion and\noptimal autonomy and self-reliance. And while you may feel real\nfear about breaking away from dependent relationships, if you asked\nthose upon whom you are emotionally dependent, you would sur-\nprisingly discover that they most admire those who think and act\nfor themselves. More irony. You get the most respect for being inde-\npendent, particularly from those who try the hardest to keep you\nsubordinate.\nThe nest is a beautiful place for a child to develop, but nest-leaving\nis even more beautiful and can be viewed that way by the one leav-\ning, as well as the one watching the takeoff.208 / Your Erroneous ZonesXI\nFAREWELL TO ANGER\nThe only antidote to anger is to eliminate the internal sentence, \u201cIf\nonly you were more like me.\u201d\nIs your fuse too short? You may accept anger as a part of your life,\nbut do you recognize that it serves no utilitarian purpose? Perhaps\nyou\u2019ve justified your short-fuse behavior by saying things like, \u201cIt\u2019s\nonly human,\u201d or \u201cIf I don\u2019t express it, then I\u2019ll store it up and have\nan ulcer.\u201d But anger is probably a part of you that you don\u2019t like,\nand needless to say, neither does anyone else.\nAnger is not \u201conly human.\u201d You do not have to", "token_ids": [1716, 706, 311, 198, 1395, 627, 6806, 21347, 49230, 555, 264, 1716, 753, 11, 32080, 753, 11, 477, 2748, 753, 7865, 345, 300, 422, 1148, 814, 527, 374, 264, 961, 315, 1148, 499, 527, 627, 6806, 21347, 304, 4967, 220, 682, 315, 701, 2324, 369, 264, 2683, 477, 2361, 13, 15037, 198, 273, 2370, 279, 4967, 10474, 369, 659, 5621, 747, 685, 627, 6806, 21347, 13194, 555, 1148, 3885, 2019, 11, 2733, 11, 1781, 11, 477, 656, 627, 6806, 8442, 8430, 6380, 477, 6992, 422, 701, 30276, 374, 8430, 430, 198, 3195, 627, 6806, 36925, 10373, 505, 4423, 627, 6806, 2052, 24060, 4423, 775, 311, 1304, 11429, 369, 499, 11, 477, 2744, 198, 71805, 9650, 1603, 30230, 627, 6806, 1054, 2675, 42210, 757, 11, 1427, 1148, 358, 1550, 369, 499, 2029, 578, 30255, 430, 733, 198, 4291, 1694, 18222, 627, 6806, 2876, 3815, 2555, 304, 4156, 315, 264, 2748, 477, 25462, 1732, 198, 28753, 814, 8434, 1431, 29251, 13, 2876, 20149, 11, 16558, 11, 91781, 345, 91955, 264, 4106, 282, 20132, 51682, 6043, 11, 477, 8996, 11, 1606, 315, 701, 97340, 198, 5898, 627, 6806, 58951, 709, 389, 701, 1866, 2324, 994, 264, 10456, 832, 8898, 11, 477, 9221, 198, 805, 13610, 5986, 627, 6806, 12362, 16994, 4221, 2212, 264, 25462, 1732, 11, 779, 430, 568, 198, 55767, 1431, 387, 23268, 449, 499, 627, 6806, 94443, 4501, 21078, 922, 701, 1866, 7865, 11, 323, 3515, 311, 70584, 198, 1820, 8206, 779, 430, 1054, 20670, 863, 2834, 1431, 387, 23268, 449, 499, 627, 791, 70069, 70396, 315, 34077, 198, 791, 8125, 369, 21363, 389, 311, 420, 659, 7716, 36708, 287, 7865, 527, 539, 198, 1225, 17395, 13, 1472, 1253, 1440, 279, 2343, 33583, 369, 1694, 264, 18222, 345, 8248, 656, 499, 1440, 1268, 40652, 814, 527, 30, 34077, 1253, 5101, 198, 71, 2227, 1752, 11, 719, 433, 374, 279, 9354, 315, 682, 23871, 323, 57383, 13, 5810, 198, 548, 279, 810, 4279, 56364, 369, 10494, 6261, 304, 264, 18222, 198, 2513, 25, 7854, 611, 4718, 15863, 606, 788, 95686, 6806, 21347, 18222, 649, 2567, 499, 304, 279, 29219, 25502, 315, 198, 59961, 11, 323, 3041, 499, 279, 2697, 1716, 7720, 315, 539, 1694, 8647, 198, 2000, 701, 1866, 7865, 627, 6806, 3296, 19994, 18222, 11, 499, 649, 19065, 701, 73021, 389, 198, 59961, 627, 6806, 1442, 499, 527, 18222, 389, 3885, 11, 499, 1541, 1431, 617, 311, 49643, 198, 1820, 2653, 990, 323, 5326, 315, 2349, 13, 1472, 527, 9966, 304, 701, 54180, 198, 263, 3885, 889, 690, 1935, 12014, 369, 499, 627, 6806, 1472, 649, 2733, 1695, 922, 6261, 1606, 499, 527, 54799, 297, 339, 7058, 388, 13, 1472, 9687, 430, 279, 1648, 311, 387, 1695, 374, 311, 4587, 22969, 2465, 11, 323, 198, 3409, 1690, 36396, 386, 20372, 552, 37735, 499, 627, 6806, 1472, 649, 5766, 34951, 902, 499, 5268, 994, 499, 36792, 2105, 7058, 3210, 13, 1102, 374, 8831, 311, 36792, 1109, 311, 4048, 311, 22472, 34951, 627, 6806, 1472, 1205, 77, 1431, 1304, 11709, 477, 11429, 369, 6261, 13, 1472, 1646, 198, 22479, 726, 389, 279, 2748, 11, 32080, 11, 477, 3927, 389, 8884, 499, 6904, 627, 4516, 1317, 439, 499, 1781, 1148, 814, 1781, 477, 2733, 1148, 814, 2733, 11, 1070, 753, 198, 2201, 1205, 369, 279, 2653, 990, 315, 26679, 1148, 499, 1781, 477, 2733, 627, 6806, 3277, 4395, 775, 374, 66185, 3201, 11, 433, 374, 1120, 14733, 8831, 311, 387, 198, 64, 49307, 1109, 264, 7808, 13, 1472, 649, 656, 1148, 499, 3207, 3309, 323, 5766, 198, 376, 1222, 11, 1524, 3582, 499, 1253, 539, 1093, 279, 1648, 499, 2733, 439, 264, 49307, 627, 2181, 753, 2103, 35388, 1109, 4737, 682, 1884, 15635, 430, 733, 449, 1694, 701, 198, 785, 1732, 13, 34077, 374, 1612, 561, 52221, 1606, 433, 3727, 499, 1139, 198, 1752, 1109, 264, 4459, 11, 29235, 31301, 1732, 13, 2030, 433, 374, 8831, 345, 9210, 753, 369, 2771, 627, 32, 78915, 355, 369, 432, 27598, 60005, 315, 34077, 198, 6806, 9842, 701, 1866, 42021, 315, 44177, 304, 902, 499, 13141, 198, 412, 369, 6261, 1268, 499, 1390, 311, 734, 304, 682, 12135, 11, 539, 198, 40895, 16252, 30485, 11, 719, 84239, 704, 904, 34786, 2085, 198, 84216, 13, 1054, 40, 11, 279, 1732, 11, 304, 2015, 311, 617, 264, 810, 4832, 11552, 345, 12380, 49216, 6806, 19513, 449, 1855, 1732, 430, 499, 2733, 499, 527, 96655, 198, 38655, 5304, 13, 62410, 701, 22262, 315, 31301, 5278, 2821, 12, 36782, 21592, 2006, 96778, 10360, 220, 611, 220, 10866, 67, 4501, 11, 10552, 1268, 499, 2733, 994, 499, 656, 2574, 704, 315, 264, 5647, 315, 198, 677, 7864, 367, 13, 1115, 374, 459, 9250, 8446, 369, 3794, 3940, 11, 1606, 198, 1820, 1023, 1253, 539, 1524, 387, 8010, 315, 1268, 499, 2733, 439, 264, 18222, 627, 6806, 21335, 6261, 4330, 24401, 9021, 369, 1268, 499, 3207, 2133, 311, 3568, 198, 4291, 25462, 1274, 304, 701, 2324, 13, 9934, 264, 832, 64630, 1054, 2822, 11, 358, 1541, 1431, 1390, 198, 998, 2476, 323, 1296, 279, 13010, 315, 701, 13010, 304, 279, 1023, 1732, 753, 627, 6806, 41680, 264, 9293, 3882, 449, 701, 25462, 8427, 520, 264, 198, 1712, 994, 499, 527, 8430, 653, 97229, 6901, 13, 12220, 420, 3882, 11, 10552, 198, 9210, 499, 7170, 2733, 55315, 323, 97340, 323, 430, 499, 198, 41450, 1093, 311, 31993, 264, 2536, 424, 13616, 8450, 311, 1095, 279, 1023, 1732, 1440, 198, 5269, 499, 527, 8430, 994, 433, 31665, 709, 11, 719, 430, 499, 1541, 1431, 1390, 311, 198, 17242, 1892, 433, 520, 430, 892, 13, 362, 4382, 259, 36368, 315, 279, 2487, 477, 264, 25015, 304, 279, 198, 33780, 311, 8450, 499, 3207, 8430, 97340, 520, 264, 4040, 892, 627, 6806, 2468, 279, 4545, 499, 527, 8430, 83198, 46716, 96655, 345, 2513, 1268, 499, 2733, 311, 279, 1732, 11, 323, 1243, 1180, 704, 279, 1648, 499, 7070, 1093, 198, 998, 36792, 627, 6806, 5031, 485, 6261, 430, 6699, 11, 66312, 11, 4885, 11, 42847, 11, 2911, 198, 438, 3885, 690, 3629, 834, 50321, 315, 701, 7865, 11, 323, 430, 706, 198, 42312, 311, 656, 449, 889, 477, 1148, 499, 527, 13, 1102, 374, 264, 2728, 2144, 304, 904, 312, 7058, 75, 15838, 430, 499, 690, 62622, 1063, 834, 55539, 13, 1442, 499, 1755, 433, 345, 3473, 499, 2834, 1431, 387, 15338, 555, 433, 13, 763, 420, 1648, 499, 649, 1464, 1690, 315, 198, 1820, 24999, 2442, 552, 430, 665, 53605, 499, 38683, 627, 6806, 7570, 422, 499, 527, 36192, 31526, 25462, 1274, 320, 3850, 345, 2203, 1559, 11, 13697, 11, 1716, 705, 499, 527, 2103, 1694, 14400, 555, 1124, 304, 872, 198, 3518, 768, 422, 499, 527, 25051, 14604, 77441, 2065, 1606, 198, 1073, 1124, 627, 6806, 1442, 499, 527, 8430, 67976, 311, 4034, 3738, 1274, 11, 2610, 6261, 198, 333, 499, 1053, 1390, 3885, 311, 4034, 499, 5042, 1606, 814, 6612, 312, 7058, 3004, 311, 656, 779, 13, 1442, 539, 11, 13334, 264, 4528, 27104, 311, 1884, 499, 527, 198, 10367, 1113, 304, 420, 11827, 11, 323, 3137, 433, 704, 449, 1124, 13, 3011, 374, 11, 10134, 198, 1820, 12496, 323, 1518, 1268, 2073, 625, 1908, 264, 5133, 315, 29672, 2216, 198, 285, 13, 11056, 611, 4718, 15863, 606, 788, 95686, 6806, 7557, 264, 5597, 311, 636, 704, 315, 701, 24999, 3560, 555, 3815, 198, 12821, 42005, 990, 11, 5403, 11, 3794, 264, 8945, 1355, 3328, 320, 17206, 422, 499, 649, 1431, 8136, 7058, 8350, 433, 705, 3794, 264, 2683, 430, 3250, 1431, 14647, 1524, 2343, 1664, 13, 8595, 5380, 61346, 1606, 279, 1323, 359, 21597, 315, 701, 1866, 1579, 659, 65906, 374, 198, 20069, 8996, 279, 3430, 433, 7194, 304, 3300, 477, 892, 627, 6806, 9925, 380, 389, 6020, 24589, 449, 912, 9246, 11, 323, 912, 2759, 7058, 287, 311, 5606, 13, 1472, 527, 264, 20985, 422, 499, 2011, 2610, 369, 3300, 13, 1442, 430, 374, 198, 318, 10236, 11, 31993, 311, 1304, 701, 1866, 3300, 304, 904, 11782, 1648, 198, 9210, 499, 649, 53165, 627, 6806, 6914, 1124, 733, 0, 6914, 6261, 733, 0, 14549, 7231, 10373, 0, 14549, 4737, 198, 8076, 4999, 6806, 67975, 553, 701, 12876, 369, 12625, 323, 539, 3515, 311, 4430, 198, 73826, 499, 2733, 323, 3217, 449, 4423, 13, 1472, 527, 5016, 198, 438, 879, 13, 1442, 499, 2733, 499, 2011, 4430, 4395, 1243, 499, 527, 198, 30096, 5873, 11, 323, 315, 3388, 11, 264, 18222, 627, 6806, 6914, 264, 1716, 753, 3130, 387, 813, 13, 21335, 1461, 459, 3158, 430, 568, 649, 2585, 345, 438, 11, 439, 1317, 439, 433, 753, 539, 53808, 11, 2187, 1461, 311, 1304, 11429, 922, 198, 5269, 433, 690, 387, 17057, 13, 362, 1903, 4950, 374, 539, 904, 810, 8841, 39227, 7058, 750, 5222, 1109, 459, 653, 28010, 4950, 11, 1524, 3582, 499, 1253, 617, 9687, 198, 1820, 14329, 627, 6806, 2468, 264, 4717, 11, 390, 14574, 449, 1274, 3201, 505, 701, 8427, 627, 8161, 1431, 2733, 8647, 311, 387, 449, 430, 1732, 520, 682, 3115, 13, 28910, 709, 198, 438, 1243, 5249, 8603, 994, 433, 374, 927, 13, 1472, 4805, 2033, 701, 6975, 323, 198, 50659, 627, 6806, 1442, 499, 1390, 311, 733, 311, 264, 5818, 323, 701, 8427, 6944, 311, 1514, 198, 2002, 26209, 11, 656, 433, 430, 1648, 0, 27628, 6261, 810, 4941, 13827, 434, 11, 323, 701, 198, 61874, 812, 315, 311, 456, 71, 29668, 690, 387, 44467, 11, 323, 810, 13548, 627, 6806, 12040, 13726, 10398, 3153, 7636, 11, 477, 449, 4885, 2085, 3515, 311, 2733, 198, 68597, 311, 701, 8427, 13, 1472, 4805, 2733, 810, 16917, 9017, 701, 198, 37358, 994, 499, 2586, 1203, 11, 323, 499, 4805, 32726, 701, 9678, 198, 1723, 287, 439, 1664, 627, 6806, 13969, 304, 4059, 430, 499, 617, 912, 12014, 311, 1304, 3885, 198, 57621, 13, 26080, 1304, 5694, 6380, 13, 14636, 11, 499, 1253, 9615, 4774, 198, 1820, 2883, 315, 2500, 11, 719, 422, 499, 2733, 433, 374, 701, 36782, 21592, 2006, 96778, 10360, 220, 611, 220, 12060, 2796, 311, 1304, 1124, 6380, 11, 1243, 499, 527, 264, 18222, 889, 690, 198, 19171, 2733, 14015, 316, 994, 279, 1023, 1732, 374, 1523, 13, 2582, 1524, 11201, 11, 499, 4805, 198, 57676, 439, 3582, 499, 1095, 1461, 1523, 13, 1472, 527, 8647, 369, 701, 1866, 198, 336, 41356, 323, 779, 374, 5127, 775, 13, 2360, 832, 706, 2585, 927, 701, 198, 57676, 826, 11, 3734, 499, 627, 6806, 20474, 430, 14464, 374, 912, 2944, 311, 656, 4205, 13, 4702, 1606, 198, 9514, 4070, 2744, 1027, 97340, 311, 3885, 374, 539, 14343, 42535, 198, 2000, 10923, 433, 311, 3136, 627, 791, 2626, 315, 7524, 5496, 323, 49058, 374, 24589, 627, 68791, 11, 279, 98799, 315, 7524, 11103, 374, 17832, 37608, 323, 198, 2985, 2931, 51360, 323, 659, 5621, 747, 685, 13, 1628, 1418, 499, 1253, 2733, 1972, 198, 69, 686, 922, 15061, 3201, 505, 18222, 12135, 11, 422, 499, 4691, 198, 54719, 5304, 8884, 499, 527, 38683, 18222, 11, 499, 1053, 1765, 7058, 49264, 7142, 430, 814, 1455, 50863, 1884, 889, 1781, 323, 1180, 198, 2000, 5694, 13, 4497, 51705, 13, 1472, 636, 279, 1455, 5201, 369, 1694, 5278, 7058, 3825, 306, 11, 8104, 505, 1884, 889, 1456, 279, 37554, 311, 2567, 499, 198, 2008, 8904, 627, 791, 23634, 374, 264, 6366, 2035, 369, 264, 1716, 311, 2274, 11, 719, 23634, 31307, 2370, 198, 285, 1524, 810, 6366, 323, 649, 387, 19894, 430, 1648, 555, 279, 832, 514, 402, 7058, 287, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 279, 832, 10307, 279, 1935, 1885, 13, 12171, 611, 4718, 15863, 606, 788, 95686, 84214, 198, 3711, 94252, 19659, 5257, 2147, 8912, 198, 791, 1193, 90687, 1295, 311, 19788, 374, 311, 22472, 279, 5419, 11914, 11, 1054, 2746, 198, 3323, 499, 1051, 810, 1093, 757, 49216, 3957, 701, 32802, 2288, 2875, 30, 1472, 1253, 4287, 19788, 439, 264, 961, 315, 701, 2324, 345, 8248, 656, 499, 15641, 430, 433, 17482, 912, 4186, 20631, 7580, 30, 19292, 198, 9514, 4070, 35516, 701, 2875, 2269, 817, 7865, 555, 5605, 2574, 1093, 11, 1054, 2181, 753, 198, 3323, 3823, 2476, 477, 1054, 2746, 358, 1541, 1431, 3237, 433, 11, 1243, 358, 4805, 3637, 433, 709, 323, 617, 198, 276, 96971, 2029, 2030, 19788, 374, 4762, 264, 961, 315, 499, 430, 499, 1541, 1431, 1093, 345, 438, 97930, 311, 2019, 11, 14188, 1587, 5606, 775, 627, 10976, 261, 374, 539, 1054, 3323, 3823, 2029, 1472, 656, 539, 617, 311], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " Wilson, 1983, Law Hospital, Scotland). \nOr the Harvard medical researchers who discovered that active \"antibodies \nto cholera, typhoid, diphtheria, pneumonia, polio, leptospira and salmonella \nhave been found in the unconcentrated urine of infected individuals.\" \n(Lerner, Remington & Finland, Harvard Medical School, 1962). \nWhat abut the Scandinavian researcher who, in 1951, conclusively proved \nthat human urine can completely destroy tuberculosis? It's a deadly disease, \nand is now resistant to antibiotics. Isn't it time someone told us that our own \nurine is medically proven to be anti-tubercule? \nThen there's the research into wounds and burns using urea \n(the primary solid component of urine). \nAs only one research study among many reported: \n\"In America, urea has been used for the treatment of various infected \nwounds and it has been found to be extremely efficient... \neven the deepest wound can be treated effectively..\u2022. \nUrea treatment has been successful where other treatments have failed. \nFor external staph infections we found urea preferable to any other \ndressing... there are no contra-indications to its use.\" (Dr. L. Muldavis, 1938, \nRoyal Free Hospital, London). \nNow these medical reports are only a few of the more than 50 research \nstudies I compiled and published in the book Your Own Peifect Medicine, \nbut they certainly give an indication of the importance of what we've never \nbeen told about urine by the medical community. \nAs far back as 1954, the Journal of the American Medical Association \n(July issue) reported that \"More scientific papers have probably been \npublished on urine than on any other organic compound.\" \n43 Another publication revealed that \"more than 1,000 technical and scientific \npapers, related only to low molecular weight substances in urine, \nappeared in medical and scientific literature in one single year.\" \nAll this fuss about a substance that we're told is a body waste? \nI think one of the most interesting pieces of information on urine I came \nacross was the fact that the amniotic fluid that surrounds human infants in \nthe womb is primarily urine. Actually, the infant \"breathes in\" urine-filled \namniotic fluid continually, and without this fluid, the lungs don't develop. \nDoctors also believe that the softness of baby skin and the ability of in-utero \ninfants to heal quickly without scarring after pre-birth surgery is due to the \ntherapeutic properties of the urine-filled amniotic fluid. \nReports on the extraordinary external benefits of urine abound as well. \nMedical studies relate remarkable cases of stubborn or \"incurable\" chronic, \nsevere eczema that miraculously disappear with urine therapy. Because urine \nis both anti-viral and anti-bacterial, it's ideal for treating cuts, wounds and \nabrasions of all kinds. Acne, rashes, athlete's foot and fungal skin problems \nrespond dramatically to urine soaks and compresses as well. \n(You'll f'md complete instructions for using urine therapy internally and \nexternally in Your Own Petfect Medicine.) \nFor home use or emergency treatment care for wounds, poisonous bites or \nstings, and even broken bones, urine is an incomparable, proven natural \nhealing agent that provides instantaneous therapeutic benefits under any \ncircumstances. \nFor years, people have said to me, \"Well, I have heard of people surviving by \ningesting their own urine, but I thought it was just a myth.\" Myth it isn't. \nMedical fact it is. As Dr. John R. Herman remarked in his article which \nappeared in the New York State Journal of Medicine in June, 1980: \n\"Auto-uropathy (urine therapy) did.flourish in many parts of the world and \ncontinues to flourish today.... there is unknown to most of us, a wide usage of \nuropathy and a great volume of knowledge available showing the multitudinous \nadvantages of this modality. Actually, the listed constituents of human urine \ncan be carefully checked and no items not found in human diet are found in it. \nPercentages differ, but urinary constituents are valuable to \nhuman metabolism.\" \nYour Body's Own Super-Nutrition Therapy \nIn 1975, one of the founders of Miles Laboratories, Dr. A.H. Free, published \nhis book Urinalysis in Clinical Laboratory Practice, in which he remarked \nthat not only is urine a sterile body compound (purer than distilled water), \nbut that \"it is now recognized that urine contains thousands of compounds, \nand as new, more sensitive analytical tools evolve, it is quite certain that new \nconstituents of urine will be recognized.\" \n44 Among the urine constituents mentioned in Dr. Free's revealing treatise is a \nlist of nutrients that will knock your socks off. As Dr. Free comments, the \ningredients listed below are only a few critical nutrients found in urine: \nAlanine, total..... 38 mg/day \nArginine, total..... 32 mg/day \nAscorbic acid..... 30 mg/day \nAllantoin..... 12 mglday \nAmino acids, total..... 2.1 g/day \nBicarbonate..... 140 mg/day \nBiotin..... 35 mglday \nCalcium..... 23 mg/day \nCreatinine..... 1.4 mg/day \nCystine..... 120 mg/day \nDopamine..... 0.40 mglday \nEpinephrine..... 0.01 mglday \nFolic acid..... 4 mg/day \nGlucose..... 100 mg/day \nGlutamic acid..... 308 mglday \nGlycine..... 455 mg/day \nInositol..... 14 mg/day \nIodine..... 0.25 mg/day \nIron..... 0.5 mg/day \nLysine, total..... 56 mg/day \nMagnesium..... 100 mg/day \nManganese..... 0.5 mglday \nMethionine, total..... 10 mglday \nNitrogen, total..... 15 g/day \nOrnithine..... 10 mg/day \nPantothenic acid..... 3 mg/day \nPhenylalanine..... 21 mg/day \nPhosphorus, organic..... 9 mg/day \n45 Potassium..\u2022.. 2.5 mg/day \nProteins, total..... 5 mg/day \nRiboflavin..... 0.9 mg/day \nTryptophan, total..... 28 mg/day \nTyrosine, total..\u2022.. 50 mg/day \nUrea..... 24.5 mg/day \nVitamin B6..... 100 mg/day \nVitamin B12..\u2022.\u2022 0.03 mg/qay \nZinc..... 1.4 mg/day \nAs you read over this extraordinary list of nutritional elements, you can \nbegin to understand why the stories you may have heard of people surviving \non their own urine are true. \nBut what about other elements in urine that you've heard about? \nClearing Up the Misconceptions \nIf you asked a person on the street what uric acid is, he or she would \ninvariably answer that it's a toxic body waste. No so, say medical researchers \nat the University of California at Berkeley who in 1982 reported they had \ndiscovered that \"uric acid destroys body-damaging, cancer-causing free \nradicals and is considered to be one of the physiological factors that enable \nhuman beings to live so much longer than other mammals.\" \nBut what about urea? Urea is in urine and isn't that the toxic stuff that \ncauses uremic poisoning? Actually, medical researchers discovered many \ndecades ago that urea, far from being a toxic body waste, is an incredibly \nversatile, far-reaching and effective medicinal agent. \nIn numerous medical studies, it was shown that urea is one of the most potent \nnon-toxic virucidal agents ever discovered. In one particular study, the rabies \nand polio virus [sic] were killed so quickly and efficiently by concentrated \nurea, that even the laconic researchers themselves were surprised: \n\"Urea is such a relatively inactive substance and certainly not a protoplasmic \npoison such as are most virucidal agents, that it is in a way surprising that \nrabies and poliomyelitis are killed so easily by urea solutions\" (McKay & \nSchroeder, Society of Experimental Biology, 1936). \nIn reality, Urea is an FDA-approved medicinal agent that doctors and \nresearchers utilize in an amazing variety of therapeutic modalities. Because \nof its remarkable and comprehensive anti-neoplastic (anti-tumor) properties, \nit's presently being used in anti-cancer drugs and is extensively studied for \nuse in cancer treatments. \n46 The urea compound drug, glicazide, is used successfully by the medical \nestablishment in treating both insulin-dependent and non-insulin-dependent \ndiabetics. \nAs a natural diuretic, urea is unparalleled, and is a proven and accepted \ntreatment in cases of edema or swelling such as excess cerebral and spinal \npressure, glaucoma, epilepsy, meningitis, even premenstrual edema and \nmany other disorders in which excess fluid is a problem. \nAs one American neurosurgeon reported regarding a patient who nearly died \nform complications following brain surgery: \n\"Urea was administered intravenously as an emergency measure. Within 20 \nminutes from the start of injection, her blood pressure had returned to \nnormal.... from this time on her recovery", "token_ids": [17882, 11, 220, 3753, 18, 11, 7658, 15429, 11, 19627, 570, 720, 2244, 279, 25996, 6593, 12074, 889, 11352, 430, 4642, 330, 519, 581, 10233, 720, 998, 99740, 2473, 11, 13892, 764, 590, 11, 294, 15619, 700, 689, 11, 69329, 11, 1499, 822, 11, 95540, 4890, 9008, 323, 41420, 6985, 720, 19553, 1027, 1766, 304, 279, 26118, 1189, 55373, 40335, 315, 29374, 7931, 1210, 720, 5063, 42472, 11, 5031, 4910, 612, 37355, 11, 25996, 13235, 6150, 11, 220, 5162, 17, 570, 720, 3923, 671, 332, 279, 85674, 32185, 889, 11, 304, 220, 6280, 16, 11, 84082, 3210, 19168, 720, 9210, 3823, 40335, 649, 6724, 7066, 88234, 30, 1102, 596, 264, 25114, 8624, 11, 720, 438, 374, 1457, 31785, 311, 46850, 13, 53296, 956, 433, 892, 4423, 3309, 603, 430, 1057, 1866, 720, 324, 483, 374, 78269, 17033, 311, 387, 7294, 2442, 392, 3035, 1130, 30, 720, 12487, 1070, 596, 279, 3495, 1139, 34254, 323, 44154, 1701, 53560, 64, 720, 31524, 6156, 6573, 3777, 315, 40335, 570, 720, 2170, 1193, 832, 3495, 4007, 4315, 1690, 5068, 25, 720, 33703, 5270, 11, 53560, 64, 706, 1027, 1511, 369, 279, 6514, 315, 5370, 29374, 720, 86, 3171, 323, 433, 706, 1027, 1766, 311, 387, 9193, 11297, 13, 5354, 720, 17206, 279, 51621, 27653, 649, 387, 12020, 13750, 5354, 6806, 13, 720, 52, 5325, 6514, 706, 1027, 6992, 1405, 1023, 22972, 617, 4745, 13, 720, 2520, 9434, 357, 1366, 30020, 584, 1766, 53560, 64, 70668, 311, 904, 1023, 720, 67, 57881, 2564, 1070, 527, 912, 32150, 18251, 124085, 311, 1202, 1005, 1210, 320, 9023, 13, 445, 13, 30451, 67, 23156, 11, 220, 7285, 23, 11, 720, 74872, 3658, 15429, 11, 7295, 570, 720, 7184, 1521, 6593, 6821, 527, 1193, 264, 2478, 315, 279, 810, 1109, 220, 1135, 3495, 720, 267, 58787, 358, 20276, 323, 4756, 304, 279, 2363, 4718, 21189, 5250, 333, 440, 19152, 11, 720, 8248, 814, 7995, 3041, 459, 28137, 315, 279, 12939, 315, 1148, 584, 3077, 2646, 720, 82850, 3309, 922, 40335, 555, 279, 6593, 4029, 13, 720, 2170, 3117, 1203, 439, 220, 6280, 19, 11, 279, 10139, 315, 279, 3778, 13235, 10229, 720, 16772, 3988, 4360, 8, 5068, 430, 330, 7816, 12624, 16064, 617, 4762, 1027, 720, 33966, 389, 40335, 1109, 389, 904, 1023, 17808, 24549, 1210, 720, 3391, 13596, 17009, 10675, 430, 330, 6518, 1109, 220, 16, 11, 931, 11156, 323, 12624, 720, 48393, 11, 5552, 1193, 311, 3428, 31206, 4785, 33155, 304, 40335, 11, 720, 99567, 304, 6593, 323, 12624, 17649, 304, 832, 3254, 1060, 1210, 720, 2460, 420, 64864, 922, 264, 20278, 430, 584, 2351, 3309, 374, 264, 2547, 12571, 30, 720, 40, 1781, 832, 315, 279, 1455, 7185, 9863, 315, 2038, 389, 40335, 358, 3782, 720, 582, 2177, 574, 279, 2144, 430, 279, 1097, 7907, 14546, 15962, 430, 71374, 3823, 42534, 304, 720, 1820, 73937, 374, 15871, 40335, 13, 34863, 11, 279, 31383, 330, 21152, 589, 288, 304, 1, 40335, 44518, 720, 309, 7907, 14546, 15962, 35611, 11, 323, 2085, 420, 15962, 11, 279, 45274, 1541, 956, 2274, 13, 720, 96269, 1101, 4510, 430, 279, 8579, 2136, 315, 8945, 6930, 323, 279, 5845, 315, 304, 12, 332, 2382, 720, 13885, 1821, 311, 27661, 6288, 2085, 1156, 20450, 1306, 864, 1481, 4914, 15173, 374, 4245, 311, 279, 720, 700, 32486, 6012, 315, 279, 40335, 44518, 1097, 7907, 14546, 15962, 13, 720, 24682, 389, 279, 24674, 9434, 7720, 315, 40335, 87690, 439, 1664, 13, 720, 53654, 7978, 29243, 23649, 5157, 315, 52496, 477, 330, 258, 2407, 481, 1, 21249, 11, 720, 325, 19846, 12208, 89, 9355, 430, 66066, 38662, 32153, 449, 40335, 15419, 13, 9393, 40335, 720, 285, 2225, 7294, 8437, 37478, 323, 7294, 1481, 71034, 11, 433, 596, 10728, 369, 27723, 15455, 11, 34254, 323, 720, 54988, 919, 315, 682, 13124, 13, 6515, 818, 11, 436, 14380, 11, 34880, 596, 4579, 323, 95447, 6930, 5435, 720, 6961, 29057, 311, 40335, 779, 10011, 323, 25633, 288, 439, 1664, 13, 720, 7, 2675, 3358, 282, 2846, 67, 4686, 11470, 369, 1701, 40335, 15419, 34167, 323, 720, 4399, 750, 304, 4718, 21189, 11586, 3836, 19152, 6266, 720, 2520, 2162, 1005, 477, 13147, 6514, 2512, 369, 34254, 11, 74508, 49433, 477, 720, 267, 826, 11, 323, 1524, 11102, 25896, 11, 40335, 374, 459, 53990, 50256, 11, 17033, 5933, 720, 383, 6260, 8479, 430, 5825, 96219, 37471, 7720, 1234, 904, 720, 44398, 372, 9623, 13, 720, 2520, 1667, 11, 1274, 617, 1071, 311, 757, 11, 330, 11649, 11, 358, 617, 6755, 315, 1274, 40746, 555, 720, 287, 60955, 872, 1866, 40335, 11, 719, 358, 3463, 433, 574, 1120, 264, 21849, 1210, 47595, 433, 4536, 956, 13, 720, 53654, 2144, 433, 374, 13, 1666, 2999, 13, 3842, 432, 13, 61338, 61414, 304, 813, 4652, 902, 720, 99567, 304, 279, 1561, 4356, 3314, 10139, 315, 19152, 304, 5651, 11, 220, 3753, 15, 25, 720, 1, 13556, 46481, 897, 19682, 320, 324, 483, 15419, 8, 1550, 662, 1517, 414, 819, 304, 1690, 5596, 315, 279, 1917, 323, 720, 22025, 1157, 311, 67784, 3432, 22666, 1070, 374, 9987, 311, 1455, 315, 603, 11, 264, 7029, 10648, 315, 720, 84, 897, 19682, 323, 264, 2294, 8286, 315, 6677, 2561, 9204, 279, 2814, 13138, 61798, 720, 14625, 38886, 315, 420, 1491, 2786, 13, 34863, 11, 279, 10212, 51720, 315, 3823, 40335, 720, 4919, 387, 15884, 10273, 323, 912, 3673, 539, 1766, 304, 3823, 10173, 527, 1766, 304, 433, 13, 720, 33110, 1154, 1782, 11, 719, 72735, 51720, 527, 15525, 311, 720, 26380, 39097, 1210, 720, 7927, 14285, 596, 21189, 7445, 11500, 332, 17462, 40143, 720, 644, 220, 4468, 20, 11, 832, 315, 279, 48727, 315, 36303, 78717, 11, 2999, 13, 362, 3924, 13, 3658, 11, 4756, 720, 26301, 2363, 17229, 992, 4548, 304, 33135, 32184, 28082, 11, 304, 902, 568, 61414, 720, 9210, 539, 1193, 374, 40335, 264, 82743, 2547, 24549, 320, 79, 7889, 1109, 89867, 3090, 705, 720, 8248, 430, 330, 275, 374, 1457, 15324, 430, 40335, 5727, 9214, 315, 32246, 11, 720, 438, 439, 502, 11, 810, 16614, 44064, 7526, 38680, 11, 433, 374, 5115, 3738, 430, 502, 720, 1040, 33462, 812, 315, 40335, 690, 387, 15324, 1210, 720, 2096, 22395, 279, 40335, 51720, 9932, 304, 2999, 13, 3658, 596, 31720, 4322, 1082, 374, 264, 720, 1638, 315, 37493, 430, 690, 14459, 701, 40086, 1022, 13, 1666, 2999, 13, 3658, 6170, 11, 279, 720, 39220, 10212, 3770, 527, 1193, 264, 2478, 9200, 37493, 1766, 304, 40335, 25, 720, 68724, 483, 11, 2860, 68229, 220, 1987, 14060, 45839, 720, 2803, 83334, 11, 2860, 68229, 220, 843, 14060, 45839, 720, 2170, 6133, 94598, 13935, 68229, 220, 966, 14060, 45839, 720, 2460, 519, 2003, 68229, 220, 717, 14060, 509, 352, 720, 32, 32924, 33969, 11, 2860, 68229, 220, 17, 13, 16, 342, 45839, 720, 33, 292, 97342, 68229, 220, 6860, 14060, 45839, 720, 33, 11345, 258, 68229, 220, 1758, 14060, 509, 352, 720, 48268, 2411, 68229, 220, 1419, 14060, 45839, 720, 31844, 83334, 68229, 220, 16, 13, 19, 14060, 45839, 720, 34, 599, 483, 68229, 220, 4364, 14060, 45839, 720, 35, 454, 20588, 68229, 220, 15, 13, 1272, 14060, 509, 352, 720, 23176, 483, 764, 40101, 68229, 220, 15, 13, 1721, 14060, 509, 352, 720, 37, 7918, 13935, 68229, 220, 19, 14060, 45839, 720, 32641, 94697, 68229, 220, 1041, 14060, 45839, 720, 32641, 332, 4079, 13935, 68229, 220, 14498, 14060, 509, 352, 720, 38, 398, 66, 483, 68229, 220, 20325, 14060, 45839, 720, 644, 437, 27094, 68229, 220, 975, 14060, 45839, 720, 40, 347, 483, 68229, 220, 15, 13, 914, 14060, 45839, 720, 47493, 68229, 220, 15, 13, 20, 14060, 45839, 720, 43, 1065, 483, 11, 2860, 68229, 220, 3487, 14060, 45839, 720, 88755, 41930, 68229, 220, 1041, 14060, 45839, 720, 44, 66964, 68229, 220, 15, 13, 20, 14060, 509, 352, 720, 44, 774, 290, 483, 11, 2860, 68229, 220, 605, 14060, 509, 352, 720, 98547, 26252, 11, 2860, 68229, 220, 868, 342, 45839, 720, 2244, 77, 411, 483, 68229, 220, 605, 14060, 45839, 720, 47, 13873, 3473, 292, 13935, 68229, 220, 18, 14060, 45839, 720, 3438, 268, 4010, 33383, 483, 68229, 220, 1691, 14060, 45839, 720, 3438, 24527, 30969, 11, 17808, 68229, 220, 24, 14060, 45839, 720, 1774, 14020, 49163, 5354, 6806, 497, 220, 17, 13, 20, 14060, 45839, 720, 1360, 668, 1354, 11, 2860, 68229, 220, 20, 14060, 45839, 720, 99984, 1073, 75, 35716, 68229, 220, 15, 13, 24, 14060, 45839, 720, 51, 3655, 5237, 276, 11, 2860, 68229, 220, 1591, 14060, 45839, 720, 32974, 3714, 483, 11, 2860, 5354, 6806, 497, 220, 1135, 14060, 45839, 720, 52, 5325, 68229, 220, 1187, 13, 20, 14060, 45839, 720, 53, 76652, 426, 21, 68229, 220, 1041, 14060, 45839, 720, 53, 76652, 426, 717, 5354, 6806, 98566, 220, 15, 13, 2839, 14060, 34994, 352, 720, 57, 2910, 68229, 220, 16, 13, 19, 14060, 45839, 720, 2170, 499, 1373, 927, 420, 24674, 1160, 315, 43226, 5540, 11, 499, 649, 720, 7413, 311, 3619, 3249, 279, 7493, 499, 1253, 617, 6755, 315, 1274, 40746, 720, 263, 872, 1866, 40335, 527, 837, 13, 720, 4071, 1148, 922, 1023, 5540, 304, 40335, 430, 499, 3077, 6755, 922, 30, 720, 14335, 287, 3216, 279, 33659, 444, 36028, 720, 2746, 499, 4691, 264, 1732, 389, 279, 8761, 1148, 4433, 292, 13935, 374, 11, 568, 477, 1364, 1053, 720, 258, 71091, 4320, 430, 433, 596, 264, 21503, 2547, 12571, 13, 2360, 779, 11, 2019, 6593, 12074, 720, 266, 279, 3907, 315, 7188, 520, 33108, 889, 304, 220, 3753, 17, 5068, 814, 1047, 720, 4338, 21468, 430, 330, 324, 292, 13935, 60832, 2547, 1773, 309, 4210, 11, 9572, 51877, 985, 1949, 720, 13584, 53703, 323, 374, 6646, 311, 387, 832, 315, 279, 53194, 9547, 430, 7431, 720, 26380, 23837, 311, 3974, 779, 1790, 5129, 1109, 1023, 56669, 1210, 720, 4071, 1148, 922, 53560, 64, 30, 549, 5325, 374, 304, 40335, 323, 4536, 956, 430, 279, 21503, 6392, 430, 720, 936, 4881, 53560, 21914, 52236, 30, 34863, 11, 6593, 12074, 11352, 1690, 720, 8332, 3536, 4227, 430, 53560, 64, 11, 3117, 505, 1694, 264, 21503, 2547, 12571, 11, 374, 459, 17235, 720, 3078, 9187, 11, 3117, 87248, 323, 7524, 58041, 8479, 13, 720, 644, 12387, 6593, 7978, 11, 433, 574, 6982, 430, 53560, 64, 374, 832, 315, 279, 1455, 36875, 720, 6414, 4791, 14668, 9043, 1791, 26966, 13307, 3596, 11352, 13, 763, 832, 4040, 4007, 11, 279, 31674, 552, 720, 438, 1499, 822, 17188, 510, 52877, 60, 1051, 7577, 779, 6288, 323, 30820, 555, 38626, 720, 554, 64, 11, 430, 1524, 279, 1208, 444, 292, 12074, 5694, 1051, 14792, 25, 720, 1, 52, 5325, 374, 1778, 264, 12309, 32899, 20278, 323, 7995, 539, 264, 1760, 56178, 10753, 292, 720, 5481, 3416, 1778, 439, 527, 1455, 9043, 1791, 26966, 13307, 11, 430, 433, 374, 304, 264, 1648, 15206, 430, 720, 51205, 552, 323, 1499, 72, 5650, 301, 20000, 527, 7577, 779, 6847, 555, 53560, 64, 10105, 1, 320, 26353, 67417, 612, 720, 31224, 299, 7442, 11, 13581, 315, 57708, 40023, 11, 220, 7285, 21, 570, 720, 644, 8903, 11, 549, 5325, 374, 459, 30473, 67362, 58041, 8479, 430, 16410, 323, 720, 61564, 388, 29166, 304, 459, 8056, 8205, 315, 37471, 13531, 1385, 13, 9393, 720, 1073, 1202, 23649, 323, 16195, 7294, 41078, 454, 52279, 320, 15719, 2442, 69361, 8, 6012, 11, 720, 275, 596, 50801, 1694, 1511, 304, 7294, 1824, 11967, 11217, 323, 374, 42817, 20041, 369, 720, 817, 304, 9572, 22972, 13, 720, 2790, 578, 53560, 64, 24549, 5623, 11, 342, 416, 1394, 579, 11, 374, 1511, 7946, 555, 279, 6593, 720, 34500, 479, 304, 27723, 2225, 32152, 43918, 323, 2536, 22610, 24292, 43918, 720, 8747, 10448, 1233, 13, 720, 2170, 264, 5933, 1891, 554, 29150, 11, 53560, 64, 374, 71257, 11, 323, 374, 264, 17033, 323, 11928, 720, 83, 35320, 304, 5157, 315, 1608, 9355, 477, 55307, 1778, 439, 13937, 60745, 323, 50112, 720, 47074, 11, 2840, 2933, 82945, 11, 70655, 11, 67979, 20000, 11, 1524, 864, 5794, 496, 940, 1608, 9355, 323, 720, 35676, 1023, 24673, 304, 902, 13937, 15962, 374, 264, 3575, 13, 720, 2170, 832, 3778, 18247, 20370, 713, 263, 5068, 9002, 264, 8893, 889, 7154, 8636, 720, 630, 36505, 2768, 8271, 15173, 25, 720, 1, 52, 5325, 574, 38018, 10805, 5389, 7162, 439, 459, 13147, 6767, 13, 25218, 220, 508, 720, 38137, 505, 279, 1212, 315, 26127, 11, 1077, 6680, 7410, 1047, 6052, 311, 720, 8416, 22666, 505, 420, 892, 389, 1077, 13654], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": ", when they end you would end too.\nY our body and mind together make up what we call a\nperson\u2014the imagined self.\nA person is what you experience, it is not what you ar e.\nW e can never ha ve true lasting happiness while we hold on\nto the belief that we\u2019r e a person.\nY ou ar e experiencing a body, experiencing a mind, and\nhaving the experience of being a person, but they ar e not\nyou.\nW e\u2019r e pr etending we\u2019r e a small, limited person thr ough\nconstant thoughts of limitation.\nWho you r eally ar e is un limited, which means absolutely\nnothing has power over you.\nY ou\u2019ve b een awar e your entir e life; A war eness is and has\nbeen the only constant in your life.That awar eness is who you really ar e. Y ou are awareness.\nY ou couldn\u2019 t know or experience any of life without\nawar eness.\nIt\u2019 s not the min d or the body that is awar e of your life.\nA war eness is what is awar e of every single life experience\nyou have.\nImagine you have no body or mind, name, life story, past,\nmemory, beliefs, or thought. What is left is A war eness.\nW e usua lly give our attention exclusively to thoughts and to\neverything we per ceive, so we m iss what is always pr esent\u2014\nA war eness.\nA war eness is pr esent even when you\u2019r e asleep.\nWhen you ask yourself the question, \u201cAm I awar e?\u201d\nimmediately awar eness is noticed. It didn\u2019 t appear; it was\nalways pr esent.\nEverything other than awar eness eventually ends or dies.\nThe \u201cI\u201d that we call ourselves at every age is the ageless\n\u201cI\u201d of A war eness, which has witnessed our entir e life.\nInstead of looking outwar d to t he world for happiness, we\nneed to turn and look inwar d; it\u2019 s only in that dir ection that\nwe will find everything we\u2019r e looking for.C h a p t e r 3\nThe Reveal Continued\nY ou ar e A wareness; you\u2019re not a person being awar e of something. Y ou are\nInfinite A wareness itself.\nAs Francis Lucille said, a telescope is just an instrument without the astronomer\nlooking through it. Y our body and mind are instruments too. And so what\u2019 s\nlooking through your eyes? Y ou, A wareness! What\u2019 s hearing sounds? Y ou,\nA wareness! Y our body is alive because of A wareness\u2014A wareness is actually\nthe life force that animates your body.\n\u201cThe fu ndamental mistake is to believe a human being is experiencing\nawareness. This is not correct. Only awareness is aware, and therefore only\nawareness can experience awareness. When I ask you, \u2018Are yo u aware?,\u2019 you\nwill pau se to check your experie nce and you will answer, \u2018Y es.\u2019 That \u2018yes\u2019 is an\naf firmation of awareness\u2019 s awareness of itself. It is not a body or a brain that\nexperiences being aware. The body and brain are experienced ; they don\u2019 t\nexperience.\u201d\nRupert Spira, fr om the talk \u201cThe Light of Consciousness\u201d\nTher e Is Only One: Our Name Is \u201cI\u201d\n\u201cOnly awarenes s is aware. Hum an beings aren\u2019 t aware. Dogs and cats aren\u2019 t\naware. Animals aren\u2019 t aware. Only awareness is aware. There is only one\nawareness, just as there is only one space in the universe. That awareness is\nrefracted in each of our minds and, as a result, each of our minds seems to have\nits o wn package of awareness, just as every building seems to contain its own\nspace. B ut the awareness with which each of our minds is aware of its\nexperience is the only awareness there is, infinite awareness, just as the space in\nall buildings is the same space.\u201d\nRupert Spira, fr om the talk \u201cA war eness Is the Only A war e Entity in Existence\u201d\nThis Infinite A wareness\u2014this one and only A wareness\u2014 is you, and every other\nperson! There is only one A wareness, and it\u2019 s the same A wareness that is\noperating through everybody. There is just one of us. Our name is \u201cI.\u201d\u201cThere is only one \u2018I,\u2019 and you are It, as everyone is It.\u201d\nDavid Bingham\nIt\u2019 s the one A w areness operating through every living form. A ll the physical\nforms are simply dif ferent veh icles for the one glorious, Infin ite A wareness.\nThis is the true meaning of the teaching, \u201cW e are one.\u201d\nConsciousness and A wareness are dif ferent words used to des cribe the same\nthing. They both describe you.\n\u201cThis very ordinary consciousn ess, which is hearing these w ords right this\nmoment, and understanding the m, happens to be also the divine consciousness\nthat lives all lives. There is not a single separate entity in the entire cosmos.\u201d\nFrancis Lucille, fr om T ruth Love Beauty\n\u201cW e are One. There is only one in us. There is only one as us.\u201d\nMooji, fr om White Fire, second edition\nIt\u2019 s a little like t he trillions of individual cells living, working, a nd operating in\nyour bod y. Unbe knownst to each of the individual cells, they are really part of\nthe one human being. There ar e billions of beings in the world, operating as\nindividuals, and unbeknownst to most of them, they\u2019re the one a nd only Infinite\nBeing.\n\u201cW e have been taught to believe that this consciousness is personal and limited,\nand that each person is endowed with a private and separate co nsciousness, so\nthat ther e are many consciousne sses. W e have never considered that while it is\neasy to verify that two objects are separate, because it is possible to see their\nborders and limits, it is not possible to find any border or limit to\nconsciousness.\u201d\nFrancis Lucille, fr om T ruth Love Beauty\nIf there\u2019 s only one A wareness or Consciousness, why aren\u2019 t you aware of\nthoughts or sensations in other people\u2019 s bodies? Or of what an animal in Africa\nis seein g or hearing? It\u2019 s bec ause A wareness or Consciousness has been\nfunneled throug h your mind, m aking it localized to your body. Plus, the belief\nthat you\u2019re a s eparate individual prevents you from experi encing the full\nexpansiveness of A wareness. But when you feel compassio n or love for\nanother, you are far more tuned in to the one A wareness than you might have\nrealized.\nW e\u2019ve all had gl impses in our li fe of the A wareness that we are, but more often\nthan not we passed them of f as something we imagined or a trick of the mind.\nWhether we remember them or not, we\u2019ve had experiences that we can\u2019 t\nexplain, very often when we were children. It may have been an experience\nwhere y ou felt you expanded to be really big, and felt like the w orld was within\nyou, or maybe you saw or heard something that no one else could see or hear.\nChildren are more tuned in to A wareness because their mind hasn\u2019 t yet covered\nA wareness over with a whole array of mental concepts and beliefs. Under the\nage of two and a half, children are pure, simple A wareness. They don\u2019 t have the\nexperience of being separate, wh ich is why they refer to themselves in the third\nperson. On seeing herself in a photograph, two-year -old Sarah will point andsay, \u201cTh at\u2019 s Sarah!\u201d She won\u2019 t say, \u201cThat\u2019 s me,\u201d because she\u2019 s not yet\nexperiencing herself as a \u201cm e,\u201d a separate person. H er experience is that there\u2019 s\nonly One and she is it, and everyone else is it.\n\u201cThere\u2019 s nothing out there but our consciousness. The re\u2019 s only one\nconsciousness and we\u2019re it.\u201d\nLester Levenson, fr om Happiness Is Free, volumes 1\u20135\nA wareness or Consciousness is all through your body and everywhere outside\nyour body; A wareness can\u2019 t be contained within your body because A wareness\nis formless. It would be like trying to contain space in a jar; of course, space is\nboth inside the jar and everywh ere outside the jar. In fact, the jar is in space,\njust as all bodi es are in A war eness. Ab solutely everything is con tained in\nA wareness, and it\u2019 s the reason why the enlightened beings\u2019 expe rience of life is\nthat they are everything\u2014becau se they ar e e veryth ing. And as A wareness, so\nare you!\n\u201cBehind your eyes is the same consciousness, the only consciousness that is\nbehind Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, and behind all eyes.\u201d\nMy teacher\nThink ab out tha t. Y our Consciousness is the same Consciousness as all of the\ngreat beings; that\u2019 s how close you are to them", "token_ids": [11, 994, 814, 842, 499, 1053, 842, 2288, 627, 56, 1057, 2547, 323, 4059, 3871, 220, 1304, 709, 1148, 584, 1650, 264, 198, 9164, 22416, 35706, 659, 627, 32, 1732, 374, 1148, 499, 3217, 11, 433, 374, 539, 1148, 499, 802, 384, 627, 54, 384, 649, 2646, 6520, 5320, 837, 29869, 23871, 1418, 584, 3412, 389, 198, 998, 279, 16801, 430, 584, 529, 81, 384, 264, 1732, 627, 56, 6033, 802, 384, 220, 25051, 264, 2547, 1174, 25051, 264, 4059, 11, 323, 198, 69666, 279, 220, 3217, 315, 1694, 264, 1732, 11, 719, 814, 802, 384, 539, 198, 9514, 627, 54, 384, 529, 81, 384, 550, 1880, 2518, 584, 529, 81, 384, 264, 2678, 11, 7347, 1732, 8983, 220, 1409, 198, 18568, 11555, 315, 20893, 627, 15546, 499, 436, 384, 750, 802, 384, 374, 220, 653, 7347, 11, 902, 3445, 11112, 198, 42312, 706, 2410, 927, 499, 627, 56, 6033, 4070, 293, 8517, 1384, 277, 384, 701, 1218, 404, 384, 2324, 26, 362, 4208, 665, 434, 374, 323, 706, 198, 82850, 279, 1193, 6926, 304, 701, 2324, 33861, 1384, 277, 665, 434, 374, 889, 499, 220, 2216, 802, 384, 13, 220, 816, 6033, 527, 17985, 627, 56, 6033, 7846, 529, 259, 1440, 477, 3217, 904, 315, 2324, 2085, 198, 675, 277, 665, 434, 627, 2181, 529, 274, 539, 279, 1332, 294, 477, 279, 2547, 430, 374, 1384, 277, 384, 315, 701, 2324, 627, 32, 4208, 665, 434, 374, 1148, 374, 1384, 277, 384, 315, 1475, 3254, 2324, 3217, 198, 9514, 617, 627, 52157, 499, 617, 912, 2547, 477, 4059, 11, 836, 11, 2324, 3446, 1174, 3347, 345, 17717, 1174, 21463, 11, 477, 3463, 13, 3639, 374, 2163, 374, 362, 4208, 665, 434, 627, 54, 384, 603, 4381, 326, 398, 3041, 1057, 6666, 24121, 311, 11555, 323, 311, 198, 73826, 584, 824, 3846, 535, 11, 779, 584, 296, 2425, 1148, 374, 2744, 550, 1560, 306, 2345, 198, 32, 4208, 665, 434, 627, 32, 4208, 665, 434, 374, 550, 1560, 306, 1524, 994, 499, 529, 81, 384, 33173, 627, 4599, 499, 2610, 6261, 279, 3488, 11, 1054, 6219, 358, 1384, 277, 384, 12671, 198, 318, 44287, 1384, 277, 665, 434, 374, 14000, 13, 1102, 3287, 529, 259, 5101, 26, 433, 574, 198, 33222, 550, 1560, 306, 627, 36064, 1023, 1109, 1384, 277, 665, 434, 9778, 10548, 477, 8898, 627, 791, 1054, 40, 863, 430, 584, 1650, 13520, 520, 1475, 4325, 374, 279, 4325, 1752, 198, 10378, 863, 315, 362, 4208, 665, 434, 11, 902, 706, 32126, 1057, 1218, 404, 384, 2324, 627, 31887, 315, 3411, 704, 11710, 294, 311, 259, 568, 1917, 369, 23871, 11, 584, 198, 17483, 311, 2543, 323, 220, 1427, 304, 11710, 294, 26, 433, 529, 274, 1193, 304, 430, 5534, 384, 407, 430, 198, 906, 690, 1505, 4395, 584, 529, 81, 384, 3411, 369, 662, 34, 305, 264, 281, 259, 384, 436, 220, 220, 18, 198, 791, 1050, 41711, 51721, 198, 56, 6033, 802, 384, 220, 362, 51806, 2136, 26, 499, 3207, 539, 264, 1732, 1694, 1384, 277, 384, 220, 315, 2555, 13, 816, 6033, 527, 198, 644, 26806, 362, 51806, 2136, 5196, 627, 2170, 26184, 14103, 4618, 1071, 11, 264, 56925, 374, 1120, 459, 14473, 2085, 279, 46382, 261, 198, 20986, 1555, 433, 13, 816, 1057, 2547, 323, 4059, 527, 24198, 2288, 13, 1628, 779, 1148, 529, 274, 198, 20986, 1555, 220, 701, 6548, 30, 816, 6033, 11, 362, 51806, 2136, 0, 3639, 529, 274, 11011, 10578, 30, 816, 6033, 345, 32, 51806, 2136, 0, 816, 1057, 2547, 374, 13989, 1606, 315, 362, 51806, 2136, 2345, 32, 51806, 2136, 374, 3604, 198, 1820, 2324, 5457, 430, 4039, 988, 701, 2547, 16853, 14305, 18922, 15953, 44186, 16930, 374, 311, 4510, 264, 3823, 1694, 374, 25051, 198, 20111, 2136, 13, 1115, 374, 539, 4495, 13, 8442, 17985, 374, 8010, 11, 323, 220, 9093, 1193, 198, 20111, 2136, 649, 3217, 17985, 13, 3277, 358, 2610, 499, 11, 3451, 11787, 30596, 577, 8010, 12909, 529, 499, 198, 14724, 84295, 513, 311, 1817, 701, 2183, 648, 308, 346, 323, 499, 690, 4320, 1174, 3451, 56, 1560, 14639, 3011, 3451, 9891, 529, 374, 459, 198, 2642, 7626, 367, 315, 17985, 529, 274, 17985, 315, 5196, 13, 1102, 374, 539, 264, 2547, 477, 264, 8271, 430, 198, 327, 69597, 1694, 8010, 13, 578, 2547, 323, 8271, 527, 10534, 2652, 814, 1541, 529, 259, 198, 50659, 49216, 49, 50580, 3165, 9008, 11, 1448, 8019, 279, 3137, 1054, 791, 8828, 315, 92752, 2136, 89874, 1016, 261, 384, 2209, 8442, 3861, 25, 5751, 4076, 2209, 1054, 40, 89874, 2118, 7456, 8010, 4978, 274, 374, 8010, 13, 20449, 459, 23837, 7784, 529, 259, 8010, 13, 39525, 323, 19987, 7784, 529, 259, 198, 20111, 13, 47966, 220, 7784, 529, 259, 8010, 13, 8442, 17985, 374, 8010, 13, 2684, 374, 1193, 832, 198, 20111, 2136, 11, 1120, 439, 1070, 374, 1193, 220, 832, 3634, 304, 279, 15861, 13, 3011, 17985, 374, 198, 1116, 81, 22955, 304, 1855, 315, 1057, 20663, 323, 11, 439, 264, 1121, 11, 1855, 315, 1057, 20663, 5084, 311, 617, 198, 1220, 297, 66580, 6462, 315, 17985, 11, 1120, 439, 1475, 4857, 5084, 311, 6782, 1202, 1866, 198, 8920, 13, 426, 8791, 279, 17985, 449, 220, 902, 1855, 315, 1057, 20663, 374, 8010, 315, 1202, 198, 50659, 374, 279, 1193, 17985, 1070, 374, 11, 24746, 17985, 11, 1120, 439, 279, 3634, 304, 198, 543, 14016, 374, 279, 1890, 3634, 49216, 49, 50580, 3165, 9008, 11, 1448, 8019, 279, 3137, 1054, 32, 4208, 665, 434, 2209, 279, 8442, 362, 4208, 384, 10606, 304, 62909, 768, 89874, 2028, 55643, 362, 51806, 2136, 2345, 576, 832, 323, 1193, 362, 51806, 2136, 2345, 374, 499, 1174, 323, 1475, 1023, 198, 9164, 0, 2684, 374, 1193, 832, 362, 51806, 2136, 11, 323, 433, 529, 274, 279, 1890, 362, 51806, 2136, 430, 374, 198, 3376, 1113, 1555, 16470, 662, 2684, 374, 1120, 832, 315, 603, 13, 5751, 836, 374, 1054, 40, 2029, 2118, 3947, 374, 1193, 832, 3451, 40, 23189, 323, 499, 527, 1102, 11, 439, 5127, 374, 1102, 49216, 23083, 426, 24125, 198, 2181, 529, 274, 279, 832, 362, 289, 527, 2136, 10565, 1555, 1475, 5496, 1376, 13, 362, 9507, 279, 7106, 198, 10008, 527, 5042, 1422, 18728, 306, 5275, 220, 4440, 369, 279, 832, 44308, 11, 763, 5589, 433, 68, 362, 51806, 2136, 627, 2028, 374, 279, 837, 7438, 315, 279, 12917, 11, 1054, 54, 384, 527, 832, 49216, 1128, 23995, 2136, 323, 362, 51806, 2136, 527, 1422, 18728, 306, 4339, 1511, 311, 951, 28658, 1395, 279, 1890, 198, 1626, 13, 2435, 2225, 7664, 499, 627, 31378, 1633, 19664, 17371, 77, 4043, 11, 902, 374, 11011, 1521, 289, 477, 5469, 1314, 420, 198, 29699, 11, 323, 8830, 279, 296, 11, 8741, 311, 387, 1101, 279, 30467, 25917, 198, 9210, 6439, 682, 6439, 13, 2684, 374, 539, 264, 3254, 8821, 5502, 304, 279, 4553, 83645, 49216, 81428, 285, 14103, 4618, 11, 1448, 8019, 220, 350, 54246, 10919, 31685, 198, 2118, 54, 384, 527, 3861, 13, 2684, 374, 1193, 832, 304, 603, 13, 2684, 374, 1193, 832, 439, 603, 49216, 44, 2689, 7910, 11, 1448, 8019, 220, 5929, 6785, 11, 2132, 14002, 198, 2181, 529, 274, 264, 2697, 1093, 259, 568, 490, 91387, 315, 3927, 7917, 5496, 11, 3318, 11, 264, 15953, 10565, 304, 198, 22479, 30111, 379, 662, 1252, 1395, 3967, 267, 311, 1855, 315, 279, 3927, 7917, 11, 814, 527, 2216, 961, 315, 198, 1820, 832, 3823, 1694, 13, 2684, 802, 384, 33151, 315, 23837, 304, 279, 1917, 11, 10565, 439, 198, 55977, 82, 11, 323, 42644, 1247, 4262, 267, 311, 1455, 315, 1124, 11, 814, 3207, 279, 832, 264, 15953, 1193, 55643, 198, 34242, 627, 2118, 54, 384, 617, 1027, 15972, 311, 4510, 430, 420, 25917, 374, 4443, 323, 7347, 345, 438, 430, 220, 1855, 1732, 374, 98728, 449, 264, 879, 323, 8821, 1080, 308, 23995, 2136, 11, 779, 198, 9210, 9139, 384, 527, 1690, 17371, 818, 274, 9459, 13, 468, 384, 617, 2646, 6646, 430, 1418, 433, 374, 198, 46122, 311, 10356, 430, 1403, 6302, 527, 8821, 11, 1606, 433, 374, 3284, 311, 1518, 872, 198, 65, 8076, 323, 13693, 11, 433, 374, 539, 3284, 311, 1505, 904, 3973, 477, 4017, 311, 198, 64589, 2136, 49216, 81428, 285, 14103, 4618, 11, 1448, 8019, 220, 350, 54246, 10919, 31685, 198, 2746, 1070, 529, 274, 1193, 832, 362, 51806, 2136, 477, 92752, 2136, 11, 3249, 7784, 529, 259, 499, 8010, 315, 198, 61665, 82, 477, 72597, 304, 1023, 1274, 529, 274, 13162, 30, 2582, 315, 1148, 459, 10065, 304, 10384, 198, 285, 1518, 258, 342, 477, 11011, 30, 1102, 529, 274, 106508, 264, 817, 362, 51806, 2136, 477, 92752, 2136, 706, 1027, 198, 12158, 818, 839, 270, 583, 70, 305, 701, 4059, 11, 296, 264, 10789, 433, 44589, 311, 701, 2547, 662, 12623, 11, 279, 16801, 198, 9210, 499, 3207, 264, 274, 384, 68698, 3927, 29034, 499, 505, 5866, 3289, 287, 279, 2539, 198, 4683, 598, 13071, 315, 362, 51806, 2136, 13, 2030, 994, 499, 2733, 24653, 822, 308, 477, 3021, 369, 198, 43063, 1174, 499, 527, 3117, 810, 33519, 304, 311, 279, 832, 362, 51806, 2136, 1109, 499, 2643, 617, 198, 8110, 1534, 627, 54, 384, 4070, 682, 1047, 2840, 737, 1725, 288, 304, 1057, 908, 1172, 315, 279, 362, 51806, 2136, 430, 584, 527, 11, 719, 810, 3629, 198, 54895, 539, 220, 584, 5946, 1124, 315, 282, 439, 2555, 584, 35706, 477, 264, 14397, 315, 279, 4059, 627, 25729, 584, 6227, 1124, 477, 539, 11, 584, 4070, 1047, 11704, 430, 584, 649, 529, 259, 198, 95444, 11, 1633, 3629, 994, 584, 1051, 2911, 13, 1102, 1253, 617, 1027, 459, 3217, 198, 2940, 379, 6033, 6612, 499, 17626, 311, 387, 2216, 2466, 11, 323, 6612, 1093, 279, 289, 477, 509, 574, 2949, 198, 9514, 11, 477, 7344, 499, 5602, 477, 6755, 2555, 430, 912, 832, 775, 1436, 1518, 477, 6865, 16853, 11800, 527, 810, 33519, 304, 311, 362, 51806, 2136, 1606, 872, 4059, 12775, 529, 259, 3686, 9960, 198, 32, 51806, 2136, 927, 220, 449, 264, 4459, 1358, 315, 10723, 19476, 323, 21463, 13, 9636, 279, 198, 425, 315, 1403, 323, 264, 220, 4376, 11, 2911, 527, 10748, 11, 4382, 362, 51806, 2136, 13, 2435, 1541, 529, 259, 617, 279, 198, 50659, 315, 1694, 8821, 11, 421, 10864, 374, 3249, 814, 8464, 311, 5694, 304, 279, 4948, 198, 9164, 13, 1952, 9298, 11937, 304, 264, 10512, 11, 1403, 4771, 482, 820, 21077, 220, 690, 1486, 323, 37890, 1174, 1054, 1016, 520, 529, 274, 21077, 18319, 3005, 2834, 529, 259, 2019, 1174, 1054, 4897, 529, 274, 757, 2476, 1606, 1364, 529, 274, 539, 3686, 198, 327, 32836, 11627, 11937, 220, 439, 264, 1054, 76, 384, 2476, 264, 8821, 1732, 13, 473, 2781, 3217, 374, 430, 1070, 529, 274, 198, 3323, 3861, 323, 1364, 374, 433, 11, 323, 5127, 775, 374, 433, 627, 35816, 529, 274, 4400, 704, 1070, 719, 1057, 25917, 13, 578, 312, 529, 274, 1193, 832, 198, 64589, 2136, 323, 584, 3207, 433, 49216, 43, 5302, 2009, 21778, 263, 11, 1448, 8019, 220, 79244, 2209, 3658, 11, 27378, 220, 16, 4235, 20, 198, 32, 51806, 2136, 477, 92752, 2136, 374, 682, 1555, 701, 2547, 323, 17277, 4994, 198, 22479, 2547, 26, 362, 51806, 2136, 649, 529, 259, 387, 13282, 2949, 701, 2547, 1606, 362, 51806, 2136, 198, 285, 1376, 1752, 13, 1102, 1053, 387, 1093, 4560, 311, 6782, 3634, 304, 264, 30695, 26, 315, 3388, 11, 3634, 374, 198, 21704, 4871, 279, 30695, 323, 1475, 1336, 39357, 4994, 279, 30695, 662, 763, 2144, 11, 279, 30695, 374, 304, 3634, 13801, 4345, 439, 682, 30111, 72, 1560, 527, 304, 362, 4208, 665, 434, 662, 3765, 2092, 98466, 4395, 374, 390, 259, 2692, 304, 198, 32, 51806, 2136, 11, 323, 433, 529, 274, 279, 2944, 3249, 279, 82315, 23837, 529, 506, 375, 436, 1873, 315, 2324, 374, 198, 9210, 814, 220, 527, 4395, 2345, 17106, 2933, 513, 814, 802, 384, 220, 384, 1633, 339, 6892, 13, 1628, 439, 362, 51806, 2136, 11, 779, 198, 548, 499, 4999, 2118, 74742, 701, 6548, 374, 279, 1890, 25917, 11, 279, 1193, 25917, 430, 374, 198, 30998, 485, 10811, 11, 46054, 11, 80409, 11, 323, 4920, 682, 6548, 49216, 5159, 11326, 198, 39787, 671, 704, 49588, 259, 13, 816, 1057, 92752, 2136, 374, 279, 1890, 92752, 2136, 439, 682, 315, 279, 198, 47991, 23837, 26, 430, 529, 274, 1268, 3345, 499, 527, 311, 1124], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": "anna Bani 2019 www.dryfasting.infoThis Ebook was purchased by Gilberto Franchi email: gilbertofranchi@hotmail.fr(such as a fever, loss of appetite, and fatigue) in-\ndicate the following: \n\u2022 A fever indicates that the vital force is activated \nand the body is getting rid of the cause of the \ndisease through sweating; \n\u2022 Loss of appetite indicates that the v ital force is \nbeing preserved because it is no longer spent \non digestion; \n\u2022 Fatigue indicates that the vital force is being \npreserved because it is no longer spent on \nphysical and secondary functional body activ-\nities. \nPatients fully recover from an acute co ndition \nif they have an adequate supply of vital force and \nwhen they preserve it by refusing to eat food and \nstay inactive. The intake of any medications and \nantifebrile drugs isn\u2019t recommended. On the \nCopyright \u00a9 Vera Giovanna Bani 2019 www.dryfasting.infoThis Ebook was purchased by Gilberto Franchi email: gilbertofranchi@hotmail.frcontrary, they stop, suppress, and harm this pro-\ncess. True doctors of antiquity and modern phy-\nsicians did everything possible to make this nat-\nural process easier. \nDon\u2019t think that fasting should be used only for \nserious conditions and you can keep eating as \nlong as the body can digest food. On the con-\ntrary, s kipping a few meals at the onset of the dis-\nease is often sufficient to prevent a serious con-\ndition. If functional disorders are still insignifi-\ncant, as indicated by a coated tongue, headache, \nfeeling generally unwell, and other equally mi-\nnor symptoms, shor t-term fasting is enough for \nthe body to eliminate intoxication before devel-\noping a serious condition. \nIf a person undergoes fasting in a calm setting \nat the first signs of the disease, acute diseases will \nCopyright \u00a9 Vera Giovanna Bani 2019 www.dryfasting.infoThis Ebook was purchased by Gilberto Franchi email: gilbertofranchi@hotmail.frbe mild and short -term in most cases. A patient \nfeels less discomfort, pain is weaker, there\u2019s no \nfever, weight loss is smaller, complications that \nfollow the disease are rare, and its duration is \nmuch shorter than in patients who keep eating \nwhen they\u2019re sick. There\u2019s only one conclusion - \nas soon as you have the symptoms of an acute \ncondition, such as a loss of appetite and high fe-\nver, start fasting at once, and you will recover \nquickly and without complications. \n \n19.1.1. Fasting for acute infections (acute res-\npiratory diseases, influenza) \nFasting is co mmon and natural if you have any \nviral infection. \nIn fact, any acute infection manifested by in-\nflammatory changes in the upper respiratory \nCopyright \u00a9 Vera Giovanna Bani 2019 www.dryfasting.infoThis Ebook was purchased by Gilberto Franchi email: gilbertofranchi@hotmail.frtract, runny nose, cough, sore throat, and fever \nis a detoxifying crisis. With its help, the body is \ntrying to get rid of excessive nutrition and escape \nfrom overload, stress, and other adverse factors. \nThe effectiveness of dry fasting is very high. Any \ninflammatory disease is treated 2 -3 times faster \nthan with normal water fasting. \nPlease be aware that inflammation can\u2019t exist \nwithout liquid. Any inflamed area swells (swells \nwith liquid). Microorganisms, such as microbes \nand viruses, can multiply only in sufficiently hu-\nmid conditions. Water deficiency is extremely \nharmful for inflammation. The human body can \nwithstand 10-day water deprivation (with low \nactivity and high air temperature). Microbes die \ninstantly without water. \nCopyright \u00a9 Vera Giovanna Bani 2019 www.dryfasting.infoThis Ebook was purchased by Gilberto Franchi email: gilbertofranchi@hotmail.frOddly enough, the body can synthesize water \nitself. It receives oxygen from the air and hydro-\ngen from fatty tissues. Therefore, weight loss can \nreach 3 kg per day during dry fasting, but only at \nthe expense of water. I must say that the body \nalso has certain water reserves. Up to 2 liters of \nwater is deposited just in the skin. There are wa-\nter reserves in some body cavities (serous cavi-\nties) and internal organs. At the very least, the \nbody can always withstand 5 days, even with an \nactive lifestyle. \nAs I said, the effectiveness of dry fasting treat-\nment is 2 -3 times higher than that of water fast-\ning. Acute respiratory diseases can be cured in \njust one day, influenza in 2 -3 days, and pneumo-\nnia in 4 -5 days. Of course, dry fasting is subjec-\ntively rather difficult and is accompanied by \nCopyright \u00a9 Vera Giovanna Bani 2019 www.dryfasting.infoThis Ebook was purchased by Gilberto Franchi email: gilbertofranchi@hotmail.frweakness. However, I met people who hadn\u2019t felt \nweak during dry fasting, and even experienced \nmild euphoria. \nSometimes, we are in certain conditions that \nleave almost no time for normal treatment and \neven regular fasting. You can try dry fasting \nwithout cleansing the intestines during flights, \ntrips with transfers, or in complicated condi-\ntions when it\u2019s impossible to prepare properly. \nSubjectively, this type of fasting is tolerated with \nmore difficulty, but its anti -inflammatory effect \nwill be exactly the same. Since the treatment \nwon\u2019t take a lot of time due to its high effective-\nness, the recovery period will also be short. \nShort- term therapeutic fasting, both water and \ndry, can be successfully used not only in treating \nCopyright \u00a9 Vera Giovanna Bani 2019 www.dryfasting.infoThis Ebook was purchased by Gilberto Franchi email: gilbertofranchi@hotmail.frcolds but also in all cases of inflammation in any \ninternal or external organs. \nFasting is equally effective for treating skin \nblotches and liver inflammation (hepatitis), in-\nner ear inflammation and periostitis. Regardless \nof the location of the inflammation, the effect is \nalways very good. \nHow to cure acute respiratory diseases in the \nshortest time possible? I really don\u2019t know a \nmore effective method than shor t-term fasting. \nSometimes, sick people start fasting after step-\nping on the airplane ramp and they come off the \nplane completely healthy, thanks to short -term \nfasting. \nPerformance impairment is not the most im-\nportant harmful effect caused by catarrhal dis-\neases. On the average, only acute respiratory \nCopyright \u00a9 Vera Giovanna Bani 2019 www.dryfasting.infoThis Ebook was purchased by Gilberto Franchi email: gilbertofranchi@hotmail.frdiseases take 25 years of our life. Pneumonia is \nthe most common complication of influenza. As \na rule, it\u2019s a secondary bacterial infection. A \ncombined infection (viral and bacterial pneu-\nmonia) develops more rare ly. Primary viral \npneumonia is a rare complication characterized \nby a high mortality rate. It develops when influ-\nenza is caused by a virus of the highest virulence. \nAt the same time, rapid and deadly hemorrhagic \npneumonia develops, lasting no longer than 3 -4 \ndays. True and primary influenza pneumonia \nprimarily affects patients with chronic heart and \nlung conditions accompanied by pulmonary en-\ngorgement. Other secondary bacterial infections \nthat often develop following influenza include \nrhinitis, sinusitis, b ronchitis, and otitis. Influ-\nenza and acute respiratory viral infections are in \nCopyright \u00a9 Vera Giovanna Bani 2019 www.dryfasting.infoThis Ebook was purchased by Gilberto Franchi email: gilbertofranchi@hotmail.frthe first place in the frequency and number of \ncases in the world, and they constitute 95% of all \ninfectious diseases. Every year, up to 500 million \npeople in the world get sick, and 2 million of \nthem die. \nSo, you caught a cold at the wrong moment. \nLet's be realistic and try to determine your con-\ndition at once because it largely depends on the \ntype of infection. If you have a simple acute res-\npiratory disease, 1 -2 days will be eno ugh to cure \nyou. If you have influenza, the case is more seri-\nous, and you will need at least 3 days to get bet-\nter. If you\u2019re unfortunate enough to get pneumo-\nnia, I saw only one patient who treated this dis-\nease in just 4 days of fasting. \nCopyright \u00a9 Vera Giovanna Bani 2019 www.dryfasting.infoThis Ebook was purchased by Gilberto Franchi email: gilbertofranchi@hotmail.frThere are more tha n 140 causative agents of \nacute respiratory diseases and only a few influ-\nenza viruses (different strains). \nHow to distinguish an acute respiratory disease \nfrom influenza? An acute respiratory disease is \nusually characterized by a mild fever (38\u00b0). Body \ntemperature is usually about 37.5\u00b0 -37.8\u00b0C. This \ndisease lasts for no longer than 2 weeks if it\u2019s not \ntreated. Influenza is more serious. It\u2019s consid-\nered a serious infectious", "token_ids": [12930, 426, 5676, 220, 679, 24, 8604, 962, 894, 9533, 287, 5506, 2028, 89771, 574, 15075, 555, 46092, 78, 2939, 3581, 72, 2613, 25, 342, 321, 9339, 1073, 81, 3581, 72, 59131, 19328, 1161, 1412, 439, 264, 34653, 11, 4814, 315, 38575, 11, 323, 36709, 8, 304, 7058, 67, 8630, 279, 2768, 25, 720, 6806, 362, 34653, 15151, 430, 279, 16595, 5457, 374, 22756, 720, 438, 279, 2547, 374, 3794, 9463, 315, 279, 5353, 315, 279, 720, 67, 56407, 1555, 81366, 26, 2355, 6806, 25733, 315, 38575, 15151, 430, 279, 348, 433, 278, 5457, 374, 720, 35214, 34683, 1606, 433, 374, 912, 5129, 7543, 720, 263, 74502, 26, 2355, 6806, 26417, 22711, 15151, 430, 279, 16595, 5457, 374, 1694, 720, 24544, 2841, 1606, 433, 374, 912, 5129, 7543, 389, 720, 47692, 323, 14580, 16003, 2547, 4197, 7058, 1385, 13, 2355, 86245, 7373, 11993, 505, 459, 30883, 1080, 15953, 684, 720, 333, 814, 617, 459, 26613, 8312, 315, 16595, 5457, 323, 720, 9493, 814, 21813, 433, 555, 39089, 311, 8343, 3691, 323, 720, 60021, 32899, 13, 578, 23730, 315, 904, 31010, 323, 720, 519, 1643, 1347, 458, 11217, 4536, 1431, 11349, 13, 1952, 279, 720, 13857, 7388, 68200, 61678, 12930, 426, 5676, 220, 679, 24, 8604, 962, 894, 9533, 287, 5506, 2028, 89771, 574, 15075, 555, 46092, 78, 2939, 3581, 72, 2613, 25, 342, 321, 9339, 1073, 81, 3581, 72, 59131, 19328, 8386, 661, 11, 814, 3009, 11, 28321, 11, 323, 11682, 420, 463, 7058, 1140, 13, 3082, 16410, 315, 61386, 488, 323, 6617, 37555, 7058, 82, 9818, 1550, 4395, 3284, 311, 1304, 420, 18050, 7058, 4269, 1920, 8831, 13, 720, 8161, 1431, 1781, 430, 54560, 1288, 387, 1511, 1193, 369, 720, 94427, 4787, 323, 499, 649, 2567, 12459, 439, 720, 4930, 439, 279, 2547, 649, 21552, 3691, 13, 1952, 279, 390, 7058, 376, 661, 11, 274, 597, 5772, 264, 2478, 21644, 520, 279, 42080, 315, 279, 834, 7058, 47714, 374, 3629, 14343, 311, 5471, 264, 6129, 390, 7058, 2400, 13, 1442, 16003, 24673, 527, 2103, 54127, 13215, 7058, 66363, 11, 439, 16717, 555, 264, 49482, 25466, 11, 47846, 11, 720, 1897, 20659, 8965, 653, 9336, 11, 323, 1023, 18813, 9686, 7058, 45807, 13803, 11, 559, 269, 259, 9860, 54560, 374, 3403, 369, 720, 1820, 2547, 311, 22472, 72815, 367, 1603, 90870, 7058, 34807, 264, 6129, 3044, 13, 2355, 2746, 264, 1732, 37771, 288, 54560, 304, 264, 19858, 6376, 720, 266, 279, 1176, 12195, 315, 279, 8624, 11, 30883, 19338, 690, 720, 13857, 7388, 68200, 61678, 12930, 426, 5676, 220, 679, 24, 8604, 962, 894, 9533, 287, 5506, 2028, 89771, 574, 15075, 555, 46092, 78, 2939, 3581, 72, 2613, 25, 342, 321, 9339, 1073, 81, 3581, 72, 59131, 19328, 1395, 23900, 323, 2875, 482, 5098, 304, 1455, 5157, 13, 362, 8893, 720, 1897, 2053, 2753, 44776, 11, 6784, 374, 43383, 11, 1070, 753, 912, 720, 1897, 424, 11, 4785, 4814, 374, 9333, 11, 36505, 430, 720, 19070, 279, 8624, 527, 9024, 11, 323, 1202, 8250, 374, 720, 59178, 24210, 1109, 304, 6978, 889, 2567, 12459, 720, 9493, 814, 3207, 14363, 13, 2684, 753, 1193, 832, 17102, 482, 720, 300, 5246, 439, 499, 617, 279, 13803, 315, 459, 30883, 720, 9233, 11, 1778, 439, 264, 4814, 315, 38575, 323, 1579, 1172, 7058, 424, 11, 1212, 54560, 520, 3131, 11, 323, 499, 690, 11993, 720, 28863, 398, 323, 2085, 36505, 13, 33006, 777, 13, 16, 13, 16, 13, 435, 15067, 369, 30883, 30020, 320, 32590, 594, 7058, 5682, 5382, 19338, 11, 62937, 8, 2355, 37, 15067, 374, 1080, 296, 1677, 323, 5933, 422, 499, 617, 904, 720, 85, 37478, 19405, 13, 2355, 644, 2144, 11, 904, 30883, 19405, 79754, 555, 304, 7058, 55097, 4442, 304, 279, 8582, 42631, 720, 13857, 7388, 68200, 61678, 12930, 426, 5676, 220, 679, 24, 8604, 962, 894, 9533, 287, 5506, 2028, 89771, 574, 15075, 555, 46092, 78, 2939, 3581, 72, 2613, 25, 342, 321, 9339, 1073, 81, 3581, 72, 59131, 19328, 2193, 11, 1629, 3919, 19689, 11, 40700, 11, 36366, 28691, 11, 323, 34653, 720, 285, 264, 61987, 7922, 11501, 13, 3161, 1202, 1520, 11, 279, 2547, 374, 720, 85134, 311, 636, 9463, 315, 27639, 26677, 323, 12731, 720, 1527, 43284, 11, 8631, 11, 323, 1023, 31959, 9547, 13, 720, 791, 27375, 315, 9235, 54560, 374, 1633, 1579, 13, 5884, 720, 258, 55097, 8624, 374, 12020, 220, 17, 482, 18, 3115, 10819, 720, 54895, 449, 4725, 3090, 220, 54560, 13, 2355, 5618, 387, 8010, 430, 37140, 649, 1431, 3073, 720, 30096, 14812, 13, 5884, 4704, 3690, 3158, 2064, 6572, 320, 2332, 6572, 720, 4291, 14812, 570, 18654, 76991, 11, 1778, 439, 80727, 720, 438, 42068, 11, 649, 31370, 1193, 304, 40044, 34065, 7058, 16497, 4787, 13, 10164, 48294, 374, 9193, 720, 71, 2227, 1285, 369, 37140, 13, 578, 3823, 2547, 649, 720, 4291, 2752, 220, 605, 11477, 3090, 69764, 320, 4291, 3428, 720, 7323, 323, 1579, 3805, 9499, 570, 18654, 9620, 2815, 720, 86258, 398, 2085, 3090, 13, 2355, 13857, 7388, 68200, 61678, 12930, 426, 5676, 220, 679, 24, 8604, 962, 894, 9533, 287, 5506, 2028, 89771, 574, 15075, 555, 46092, 78, 2939, 3581, 72, 2613, 25, 342, 321, 9339, 1073, 81, 3581, 72, 59131, 19328, 68489, 398, 3403, 11, 279, 2547, 649, 6925, 27985, 3090, 720, 275, 726, 13, 1102, 21879, 24463, 505, 279, 3805, 323, 17055, 7058, 4469, 505, 40085, 39881, 13, 15636, 11, 4785, 4814, 649, 720, 23430, 220, 18, 21647, 824, 1938, 2391, 9235, 54560, 11, 719, 1193, 520, 720, 1820, 20900, 315, 3090, 13, 358, 2011, 2019, 430, 279, 2547, 720, 19171, 706, 3738, 3090, 30600, 13, 3216, 311, 220, 17, 93966, 315, 720, 13284, 374, 54568, 1120, 304, 279, 6930, 13, 2684, 527, 10667, 7058, 466, 30600, 304, 1063, 2547, 57709, 1385, 320, 805, 788, 272, 6321, 7058, 29646, 8, 323, 5419, 36853, 13, 2468, 279, 1633, 3325, 11, 279, 720, 2664, 649, 2744, 51571, 220, 20, 2919, 11, 1524, 449, 459, 720, 3104, 19433, 13, 2355, 2170, 358, 1071, 11, 279, 27375, 315, 9235, 54560, 4322, 7058, 479, 374, 220, 17, 482, 18, 3115, 5190, 1109, 430, 315, 3090, 220, 5043, 7058, 287, 13, 6515, 1088, 42631, 19338, 649, 387, 64688, 304, 720, 4345, 832, 220, 1938, 11, 62937, 304, 220, 17, 482, 18, 2919, 11, 323, 57223, 78, 7058, 21557, 304, 220, 19, 482, 20, 2919, 13, 5046, 3388, 11, 9235, 54560, 374, 1207, 74301, 7058, 83, 3210, 4856, 5107, 323, 374, 24895, 555, 720, 13857, 7388, 68200, 61678, 12930, 426, 5676, 220, 679, 24, 8604, 962, 894, 9533, 287, 5506, 2028, 89771, 574, 15075, 555, 46092, 78, 2939, 3581, 72, 2613, 25, 342, 321, 9339, 1073, 81, 3581, 72, 59131, 19328, 13451, 2136, 13, 4452, 11, 358, 2322, 1274, 889, 19117, 1431, 6612, 720, 13451, 2391, 9235, 54560, 11, 323, 1524, 10534, 720, 76, 699, 65043, 96729, 13, 720, 32148, 11, 584, 220, 527, 304, 3738, 4787, 430, 720, 22233, 4661, 912, 892, 369, 4725, 6514, 323, 720, 17206, 5912, 54560, 13, 1472, 649, 1456, 9235, 54560, 720, 30096, 60052, 279, 39408, 1572, 2391, 25952, 11, 720, 376, 3153, 449, 31711, 11, 477, 304, 17395, 87556, 7058, 83, 919, 994, 433, 753, 12266, 311, 10772, 10489, 13, 720, 13317, 3210, 11, 420, 955, 315, 54560, 374, 66441, 449, 720, 6518, 17250, 11, 719, 1202, 7294, 482, 258, 55097, 2515, 720, 14724, 387, 7041, 279, 1890, 13, 8876, 279, 6514, 720, 55767, 1431, 1935, 264, 2763, 315, 892, 4245, 311, 1202, 1579, 7524, 7058, 2136, 11, 279, 13654, 4261, 690, 1101, 387, 2875, 13, 720, 12755, 12, 4751, 37471, 54560, 11, 2225, 3090, 220, 323, 720, 54310, 11, 649, 387, 7946, 1511, 539, 1193, 304, 27723, 720, 13857, 7388, 68200, 61678, 12930, 426, 5676, 220, 679, 24, 8604, 962, 894, 9533, 287, 5506, 2028, 89771, 574, 15075, 555, 46092, 78, 2939, 3581, 72, 2613, 25, 342, 321, 9339, 1073, 81, 3581, 72, 59131, 840, 1310, 18938, 719, 1101, 304, 682, 5157, 315, 37140, 304, 904, 720, 10701, 477, 9434, 36853, 13, 2355, 37, 15067, 374, 18813, 7524, 369, 27723, 6930, 720, 2067, 354, 8696, 323, 26587, 37140, 320, 383, 4781, 20000, 705, 304, 7058, 1215, 2487, 37140, 323, 62257, 537, 20000, 13, 44840, 720, 1073, 279, 3813, 315, 279, 37140, 11, 279, 2515, 374, 720, 33222, 1633, 1695, 13, 720, 4438, 311, 27208, 30883, 42631, 19338, 304, 279, 720, 8846, 478, 892, 3284, 30, 358, 2216, 1541, 1431, 1440, 264, 720, 6518, 7524, 1749, 1109, 559, 269, 259, 9860, 54560, 13, 720, 32148, 11, 14363, 1274, 1212, 54560, 1306, 3094, 7058, 10194, 389, 279, 44024, 23091, 323, 814, 2586, 1022, 279, 720, 19563, 6724, 9498, 11, 9523, 311, 2875, 482, 5098, 720, 9533, 287, 13, 2355, 35891, 53317, 374, 539, 279, 1455, 737, 7058, 403, 519, 28856, 2515, 9057, 555, 8415, 1138, 12130, 834, 7058, 68, 2315, 13, 1952, 279, 5578, 11, 1193, 30883, 42631, 720, 13857, 7388, 68200, 61678, 12930, 426, 5676, 220, 679, 24, 8604, 962, 894, 9533, 287, 5506, 2028, 89771, 574, 15075, 555, 46092, 78, 2939, 3581, 72, 2613, 25, 342, 321, 9339, 1073, 81, 3581, 72, 59131, 840, 6634, 1082, 2315, 1935, 220, 914, 1667, 315, 1057, 2324, 13, 393, 126261, 21947, 374, 720, 1820, 1455, 4279, 86919, 315, 62937, 13, 1666, 720, 64, 6037, 11, 433, 753, 264, 14580, 45964, 19405, 13, 362, 720, 67407, 19405, 320, 85, 37478, 323, 45964, 44626, 84, 7058, 1677, 689, 8, 39671, 810, 9024, 14869, 13, 26150, 29962, 720, 79, 126261, 21947, 374, 264, 9024, 86919, 32971, 720, 1729, 264, 1579, 29528, 4478, 13, 1102, 39671, 994, 6791, 7058, 24238, 374, 9057, 555, 264, 17188, 315, 279, 8592, 9043, 59566, 13, 720, 1688, 279, 1890, 892, 11, 11295, 323, 25114, 71417, 13070, 720, 79, 126261, 21947, 39671, 11, 29869, 912, 5129, 1109, 220, 18, 482, 19, 720, 14097, 13, 3082, 323, 6156, 62937, 69329, 720, 18375, 6751, 22223, 6978, 449, 21249, 4851, 323, 720, 39049, 4787, 24895, 555, 70524, 665, 7058, 70, 1813, 1133, 13, 7089, 14580, 45964, 30020, 720, 9210, 3629, 2274, 2768, 62937, 2997, 720, 41196, 2381, 285, 11, 76914, 20000, 11, 293, 436, 263, 331, 20000, 11, 323, 14479, 20000, 13, 88654, 7058, 24238, 323, 30883, 42631, 29962, 30020, 527, 304, 720, 13857, 7388, 68200, 61678, 12930, 426, 5676, 220, 679, 24, 8604, 962, 894, 9533, 287, 5506, 2028, 89771, 574, 15075, 555, 46092, 78, 2939, 3581, 72, 2613, 25, 342, 321, 9339, 1073, 81, 3581, 72, 59131, 19328, 1820, 1176, 2035, 304, 279, 11900, 323, 1396, 315, 720, 24857, 304, 279, 1917, 11, 323, 814, 35256, 220, 2721, 4, 315, 682, 720, 258, 3836, 1245, 19338, 13, 7357, 1060, 11, 709, 311, 220, 2636, 3610, 720, 16455, 304, 279, 1917, 636, 14363, 1174, 323, 220, 17, 3610, 315, 720, 49818, 2815, 13, 2355, 4516, 11, 499, 10791, 264, 9439, 520, 279, 5076, 4545, 13, 720, 10267, 596, 387, 26569, 323, 1456, 311, 8417, 701, 390, 7058, 2400, 520, 3131, 1606, 433, 14090, 14117, 389, 279, 720, 1337, 315, 19405, 13, 1442, 499, 617, 264, 4382, 30883, 594, 7058, 5682, 5382, 8624, 11, 220, 16, 482, 17, 2919, 690, 387, 665, 78, 577, 876, 311, 27208, 720, 9514, 13, 1442, 499, 617, 62937, 11, 279, 1162, 374, 810, 94446, 7058, 788, 11, 323, 499, 690, 1205, 520, 3325, 220, 18, 2919, 311, 636, 1297, 7058, 466, 13, 1442, 499, 3207, 34707, 3403, 311, 636, 57223, 78, 7058, 21557, 11, 358, 5602, 1193, 832, 8893, 889, 12020, 420, 834, 7058, 47714, 304, 1120, 220, 19, 2919, 315, 54560, 13, 2355, 13857, 7388, 68200, 61678, 12930, 426, 5676, 220, 679, 24, 8604, 962, 894, 9533, 287, 5506, 2028, 89771, 574, 15075, 555, 46092, 78, 2939, 3581, 72, 2613, 25, 342, 321, 9339, 1073, 81, 3581, 72, 59131, 19328, 3947, 527, 810, 49588, 308, 220, 6860, 25540, 1413, 13307, 315, 720, 32590, 42631, 19338, 323, 1193, 264, 2478, 6791, 7058, 24238, 42068, 320, 64750, 42400, 570, 2355, 4438, 311, 33137, 459, 30883, 42631, 8624, 720, 1527, 62937, 30, 1556, 30883, 42631, 8624, 374, 720, 44066, 32971, 555, 264, 23900, 34653, 320, 1987, 11877, 570, 14285, 720, 35658, 374, 6118, 922, 220, 1806, 13, 20, 11877, 482, 1806, 13, 23, 32037, 13, 1115, 720, 67, 56407, 40758, 369, 912, 5129, 1109, 220, 17, 5672, 422, 433, 753, 539, 720, 83, 2920, 13, 763, 1517, 10529, 4458, 374, 810, 6129, 13, 1102, 753, 77554, 7058, 12616, 264, 6129, 50600], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": ", as I could do everything I did before \n80/10/10. That\u2019s less than a third of the time it took the first time. Since I\u2019m m ore active now than at any other time in my life, it took \na few more weeks before I could do everything I was doing again\u2014still le ss than half the time it took for a less-severe break that \noccurred before going low-fat raw vegan. My foot feels as good as new now an d doesn\u2019t give me any trouble in any of my \nactivities, even with the contortions and stresses I put it through i n the process. Nice. \n Now I Love to Exercise! \nThe first thing that I noticed when switching from approximately 20% of calories from fat to 10% or less was that I felt better. My \nbody seemed to get down to deeper repair work. My legs suddenly felt lighter and st ronger, too, like they could jump really high \nmore easily\u2014and they wanted to, so I did. My husband was simultaneously am used and amazed. \nWhen I first started eating low-fat raw vegan, I used to have to get my son or husband to carry the watermelons I got at the \nmarket. Now, not only do I carry them myself with ease, I can even carry t wo of them at a time\u2014and they\u2019re each twice as big, \ntoo! \nFor the first time in my life I actually truly want to exercise. I find myself looking for excuses to move my body, which is very \nforeign to me indeed. I had always been one to find excuses to sit where I was and not exercise. Never before have I experienced \nlooking forward to my free time in order to exercise! As a result, I\u2019m sta rting to look more athletic. People now think I\u2019m a dancer \nor a gymnast. \nI feel so physically adventurous now\u2014loads more than I ever was bef ore. I\u2019m no daredevil or anyth ing\u2014I\u2019m not skydiving or \nbungee jumping\u2014but I have become more athletic, and I\u2019m willing to try new things that require physical activity, purely for th e fun \nof it or just to see if I can. (It\u2019s not hard to be more willing than I use d to be \u2026 heck, I wasn\u2019t at all willing before.) I\u2019m no \nbodybuilder, although my body\u2019s been building itself quite nicely. I have been gaining strength, endurance, and muscle weight whil e \neating this way\u2014once I got rid of most of my excess fat, that is. \nI discovered new physical abilities, as well. My balance, coordination, and de xterity dramatically improved somehow, even at \nthe beginning, before I had been active much at all. My aerobic exercise had always been limited by my breathing capacity, because \nI would lose my breath long before my muscles would get enough of a workout to work ou t my heart. \nNow, in retrospect and in comparison, it was like I had been running on dirty fu el when I exercised before. Suddenly, aerobic \nworkouts felt so \u201cclean\u201d and \u201ccrisp.\u201d I felt like I could go forever (but my heart wasn\u2019t used to it, so I took it gradually). I could \nbreathe really deeply and not have that sick and dirty feeling at the beginning. It was and still is great! Now when I\u2019m exercising, I\nfeel happy and my body feels happy, which makes me happier, which gives me more energy and motivation to keep exercising, \nwhich makes me even happier, and so on \u2026 I love it! I\u2019ve never felt like thi s before. \nUntil I was following Dr. Graham\u2019s program for a while, I never was a ble to do full-on push ups, even though I used to \nbodybuild a bit in college and could do hundreds of bent-knee push-ups in various han d arrangements when doing martial arts in \nhigh school. I discovered that I could do a full push-up after eating this wa y for a time, and I worked on them to see how many I \ncould do. I got up to 23 in a row before I moved onto something else. \nI later went back to push-ups, going airborne this time by quickly powering th e pushing so that at the top of my full push-up \nmy hands and toes hop off the ground while keeping my full body tight and straig ht! I got up to 15 in a row before I got sidetracked \nwith pull-ups. \nI got a pull-up/chin-up bar for myself and couldn\u2019t even pull my self up enough to make a movement at first\u2014as had been the \ncase all my life. My husband showed me how to help myself with a step stool an d after a month, I could lift myself halfway up. \nExciting! It wasn\u2019t much longer before one day I pulled myself al l the way up\u2014without the step stool. My chin was all the way \nabove that bar on my own\u2014not just above but high above, so the bar was at my chest and my chin was above the door! Not long \nafter that, I became hooked on Ashtanga yoga practice, so I haven\u2019t c ontinued with the chin-ups much since. I\u2019m having so much \nfun! \nI went surfing for the first time ever about a year into the 80/10/10 lifestyle. I did pretty darn well, especially for a then thirty- \neight-year-old mom who had only ridden a skateboard a few times (for only a few feet each time), a boogie board once, and a \nsurfboard not at all. I stood up and rode the very first wave! I was catching l ittle waves on my own and riding after only about 45 \nminutes. Cool! \nI belonged to a health club for a while about a year into 80/10/10 and was surprised to find myself, a petite 5'2\", then 98- \npound woman, lifting about the same weight or more than the businessmen t here, without effort. I was more surprised to find that \nsome days I could just keep adding more and more weight, seemingly to no end. I woul d go with small increments, so on those \ndays, I usually ended up getting tired from the number of reps before the wei ght ever got to be too heavy. \nBig guys were always there lifting tons of weight in order to build m ore muscle and get more \u201ccut\u201d\u2026and then there\u2019s little old \nme lifting relatively minute amounts of weight while my muscle s just burst out. I can actually feel my muscles growing during m y \u201coff\u201d \ntime, and they don\u2019t get sore if I eat fruit afterwards like Dr. Graham s uggests. It makes me feel bad for them\u2014if only they would \ndo their exercises properly and follow Dr. Graham\u2019s program, they\u2019 d get much better results for their time and effort. \nThese days, I no longer go to the health club, as I\u2019ve gotten more into bodyw eight exercises, Ashtanga yoga, aerial fabric, \ndance, and other things. I also have free weights at home and at work, if I dec ide that I want to use them. The machines are fun, but \nthey aren\u2019t \u201ccalling\u201d me right now. \n \nThis Is Eeeeeasy \u2026 \nI have found this way of eating is much, much, much easier, quicker, and mor e efficient than any other I\u2019ve tried. Life itself has also \nbecome easier overall. Not only do I have greater peace of mind, increased phy sical abilities, increased energy, and greater health and happiness, but my personal needs are so much simpler and easier to meet t han before. I have more time and resources to spend \non other things. My life is very full of activities and responsibiliti es, so this improvement really helps. \nI know that there is no way I could have done all that I have done and all that I am doing, if I were still eating any other way. \nSince beginning Dr. Graham\u2019s program, I started homeschooling my gifted and dyslexic son with self-created custom curricula, \nstarted two corporations with my husband, organized a local branch of our chur ch, was ordained as one of the clergy, and \ncounseled members of our congregation. I have also started a homeschooling support group, a raw food support group, and \norganized regular raw food potlucks, all with corresponding websites. \nI am still doing all of these things now, and I am also writing two books, filmi ng a video/TV series, working on building up my \nfitness level, doing occasional work for long-standing clients from my ol d consultancy, and of course, continuing to maintain terrific \nand loving relationships with both my husband and my son. \nNow I find it much easier to go places for the day, or even a few days. I have le ss stuff to take with me. I no longer need to \nwalk around with a water bottle on a shoulder strap so I always have wat er. I don\u2019t even use it during the day now. I still drink \nwater in the morning and after intense exercise, but I don\u2019t find th e need for it otherwise. My body regulates its temperature better, \nso I don\u2019t need to take as many clothing options with me when going out, eith er. \nBecause of my autoimmune condition, I used to get sunburned almost in minu tes, at times even in the shade, whereas now I \ncan stay in the sun without a burn ten times longer than I used to. My skin is not tan yet, but it\u2019s not pas ty anymore. I don\u2019t need to \ndesperately seek out", "token_ids": [11, 439, 358, 1436, 656, 4395, 358, 1550, 1603, 720, 1490, 14, 605, 14, 605, 662, 3011, 753, 2753, 1109, 264, 4948, 315, 279, 892, 433, 3952, 279, 1176, 892, 13, 8876, 358, 4344, 296, 16536, 4642, 1457, 1109, 520, 904, 1023, 892, 304, 856, 2324, 11, 433, 3952, 720, 64, 2478, 810, 5672, 1603, 358, 1436, 656, 4395, 358, 574, 3815, 1578, 2345, 44466, 514, 11107, 1109, 4376, 279, 892, 433, 3952, 369, 264, 2753, 7962, 19846, 1464, 430, 720, 14310, 8293, 1603, 2133, 3428, 64354, 7257, 30249, 13, 3092, 4579, 11321, 439, 1695, 439, 502, 1457, 459, 294, 3250, 1431, 3041, 757, 904, 12544, 304, 904, 315, 856, 720, 33078, 11, 1524, 449, 279, 687, 371, 919, 323, 59623, 358, 2231, 433, 1555, 602, 308, 279, 1920, 13, 29959, 13, 720, 4800, 358, 10919, 311, 33918, 0, 720, 791, 1176, 3245, 430, 358, 14000, 994, 28865, 505, 13489, 220, 508, 4, 315, 220, 25247, 505, 8834, 311, 220, 605, 4, 477, 2753, 574, 430, 358, 6612, 2731, 13, 3092, 720, 2664, 9508, 311, 636, 1523, 311, 19662, 13023, 990, 13, 3092, 14535, 15187, 6612, 30673, 323, 357, 436, 647, 261, 11, 2288, 11, 1093, 814, 1436, 7940, 2216, 1579, 720, 6518, 6847, 17223, 814, 4934, 311, 11, 779, 358, 1550, 13, 3092, 10177, 574, 25291, 1097, 1511, 323, 46304, 13, 720, 4599, 358, 1176, 3940, 12459, 3428, 64354, 7257, 30249, 11, 358, 1511, 311, 617, 311, 636, 856, 220, 4538, 477, 10177, 311, 6920, 279, 3090, 28226, 2439, 358, 2751, 520, 279, 720, 19859, 13, 4800, 11, 539, 1193, 656, 358, 6920, 1124, 7182, 449, 14553, 11, 358, 649, 1524, 6920, 259, 24670, 315, 1124, 520, 264, 892, 17223, 814, 3207, 1855, 11157, 439, 2466, 11, 720, 37227, 0, 720, 2520, 279, 1176, 892, 304, 856, 2324, 358, 3604, 9615, 1390, 220, 311, 10368, 13, 358, 1505, 7182, 3411, 369, 55586, 311, 3351, 856, 2547, 11, 902, 374, 1633, 720, 29543, 311, 757, 13118, 13, 358, 1047, 2744, 1027, 832, 311, 1505, 55586, 311, 2503, 1405, 358, 574, 220, 323, 539, 10368, 13, 15037, 1603, 617, 358, 10534, 720, 20986, 4741, 311, 856, 1949, 892, 304, 2015, 311, 10368, 0, 1666, 264, 1121, 11, 358, 4344, 29611, 436, 1303, 311, 1427, 810, 29703, 13, 9029, 1457, 1781, 358, 4344, 264, 64682, 720, 269, 264, 70221, 561, 13, 720, 40, 2733, 779, 22655, 68188, 1457, 2345, 33785, 810, 1109, 358, 3596, 574, 58046, 16536, 13, 358, 4344, 912, 33304, 81252, 477, 904, 339, 6892, 51757, 4344, 220, 539, 13180, 614, 287, 477, 720, 65, 14208, 68, 30102, 38542, 358, 617, 3719, 810, 29703, 11, 323, 358, 4344, 10032, 220, 311, 1456, 502, 2574, 430, 1397, 7106, 5820, 1174, 32227, 369, 270, 384, 2523, 720, 1073, 433, 477, 1120, 311, 1518, 422, 358, 649, 13, 320, 2181, 753, 539, 2653, 311, 387, 810, 10032, 1109, 358, 1005, 294, 311, 387, 4696, 47781, 11, 358, 5828, 1431, 520, 682, 220, 10032, 1603, 6266, 358, 4344, 912, 720, 2664, 18331, 11, 8051, 856, 2547, 753, 1027, 4857, 5196, 5115, 29921, 662, 358, 617, 1027, 30240, 8333, 11, 49286, 11, 323, 16124, 4785, 421, 321, 384, 720, 91955, 420, 1648, 2345, 13486, 358, 2751, 9463, 315, 1455, 315, 856, 13937, 8834, 11, 430, 374, 13, 2355, 40, 11352, 502, 7106, 18000, 11, 439, 1664, 13, 3092, 8335, 11, 38793, 11, 323, 409, 865, 466, 488, 29057, 13241, 17354, 11, 1524, 520, 720, 1820, 7314, 11, 1603, 358, 1047, 1027, 4642, 1790, 520, 682, 13, 3092, 91490, 10368, 220, 1047, 2744, 1027, 7347, 555, 856, 27027, 8824, 11, 1606, 720, 40, 1053, 9229, 856, 11745, 1317, 1603, 856, 24569, 1053, 636, 3403, 315, 264, 26308, 311, 990, 6033, 259, 856, 4851, 13, 720, 7184, 11, 304, 77653, 323, 304, 12593, 11, 433, 574, 1093, 358, 1047, 1027, 4401, 389, 19108, 18922, 658, 994, 358, 62113, 1603, 13, 58801, 11, 91490, 720, 1816, 11934, 6612, 779, 1054, 18883, 863, 323, 1054, 5192, 13391, 2029, 358, 6612, 1093, 358, 1436, 733, 16058, 320, 8248, 856, 220, 4851, 5828, 1431, 1511, 311, 433, 11, 779, 358, 3952, 433, 27115, 570, 358, 1436, 720, 65, 1244, 383, 2216, 17693, 323, 539, 617, 430, 14363, 323, 19108, 8430, 520, 279, 220, 7314, 13, 1102, 574, 323, 2103, 374, 2294, 0, 4800, 994, 358, 4344, 51582, 11, 358, 198, 57676, 6380, 323, 856, 2547, 11321, 6380, 11, 902, 3727, 757, 44467, 11, 902, 6835, 757, 810, 220, 4907, 323, 25835, 311, 2567, 51582, 11, 720, 8370, 3727, 757, 1524, 44467, 11, 323, 779, 389, 4696, 358, 3021, 433, 0, 358, 4070, 2646, 6612, 1093, 62428, 274, 1603, 13, 2355, 25503, 358, 574, 2768, 2999, 13, 26181, 753, 2068, 369, 264, 1418, 11, 358, 2646, 574, 264, 12704, 311, 656, 2539, 10539, 4585, 33834, 11, 1524, 3582, 358, 1511, 311, 720, 2664, 5957, 264, 2766, 304, 7926, 323, 1436, 656, 11758, 315, 30280, 12934, 34191, 4585, 27859, 304, 5370, 19538, 294, 28904, 994, 3815, 37959, 19071, 304, 720, 12156, 2978, 13, 358, 11352, 430, 358, 1436, 656, 264, 2539, 4585, 5352, 1306, 12459, 420, 10667, 379, 369, 264, 892, 11, 323, 358, 6575, 389, 1124, 311, 1518, 1268, 1690, 358, 720, 29177, 656, 13, 358, 2751, 709, 311, 220, 1419, 304, 264, 2872, 1603, 358, 7882, 8800, 2555, 775, 13, 720, 40, 3010, 4024, 1203, 311, 4585, 27859, 11, 2133, 70863, 420, 892, 555, 6288, 91000, 270, 384, 17919, 779, 430, 520, 279, 1948, 315, 856, 2539, 4585, 5352, 720, 2465, 6206, 323, 45713, 7598, 1022, 279, 5015, 1418, 10494, 856, 2539, 2547, 10508, 323, 114118, 343, 35423, 0, 358, 2751, 709, 311, 220, 868, 304, 264, 2872, 1603, 358, 2751, 14414, 17820, 11440, 720, 4291, 6958, 27859, 13, 720, 40, 2751, 264, 6958, 5352, 21987, 258, 5352, 3703, 369, 7182, 323, 7846, 1431, 1524, 6958, 856, 659, 709, 3403, 311, 1304, 264, 7351, 520, 1176, 60654, 1047, 1027, 279, 720, 5756, 682, 856, 2324, 13, 3092, 10177, 8710, 757, 1268, 311, 1520, 7182, 449, 264, 3094, 64172, 459, 294, 1306, 264, 2305, 11, 358, 1436, 12157, 7182, 42436, 709, 13, 720, 42821, 5977, 0, 1102, 5828, 1431, 1790, 5129, 1603, 832, 1938, 358, 13541, 7182, 453, 326, 279, 1648, 709, 2345, 30096, 279, 3094, 64172, 13, 3092, 46175, 574, 682, 279, 1648, 720, 49532, 430, 3703, 389, 856, 1866, 63938, 1120, 3485, 719, 1579, 220, 3485, 11, 779, 279, 3703, 574, 520, 856, 15489, 323, 856, 46175, 574, 3485, 279, 6134, 0, 2876, 1317, 720, 10924, 430, 11, 358, 6244, 43770, 389, 1666, 427, 19934, 27102, 6725, 11, 779, 358, 9167, 1431, 272, 14848, 258, 3340, 449, 279, 46175, 27859, 1790, 2533, 13, 358, 4344, 3515, 779, 1790, 720, 12158, 0, 720, 40, 4024, 58840, 369, 279, 1176, 892, 3596, 922, 264, 1060, 1139, 279, 220, 1490, 14, 605, 14, 605, 220, 19433, 13, 358, 1550, 5128, 74777, 1664, 11, 5423, 369, 264, 1243, 27219, 12, 720, 68632, 4771, 6418, 3450, 889, 1047, 1193, 93327, 264, 99082, 264, 2478, 3115, 320, 2000, 1193, 264, 2478, 220, 7693, 1855, 892, 705, 264, 712, 78772, 4580, 3131, 11, 323, 264, 720, 78960, 2541, 539, 520, 682, 13, 358, 14980, 709, 323, 41761, 279, 1633, 1176, 12330, 0, 358, 574, 34168, 326, 433, 11489, 17301, 389, 856, 1866, 323, 20427, 1306, 1193, 922, 220, 1774, 720, 38137, 13, 24882, 0, 720, 40, 46959, 311, 264, 2890, 6469, 369, 264, 1418, 922, 264, 1060, 1139, 220, 1490, 14, 605, 14, 605, 220, 323, 574, 14792, 311, 1505, 7182, 11, 264, 38920, 220, 20, 6, 17, 498, 1243, 220, 3264, 12, 720, 79, 801, 5333, 11, 33510, 922, 279, 1890, 4785, 477, 810, 1109, 279, 83650, 259, 1618, 11, 2085, 5149, 13, 358, 574, 810, 14792, 311, 1505, 430, 720, 15031, 2919, 358, 1436, 1120, 2567, 7999, 810, 323, 810, 4785, 11, 23490, 311, 912, 842, 13, 358, 289, 11206, 294, 733, 449, 2678, 62700, 11, 779, 389, 1884, 720, 14097, 11, 358, 6118, 9670, 709, 3794, 19781, 505, 279, 1396, 315, 41511, 1603, 279, 85004, 342, 427, 3596, 2751, 311, 387, 2288, 8987, 13, 720, 16010, 7752, 1051, 2744, 1070, 33510, 20181, 315, 4785, 304, 2015, 311, 1977, 296, 16536, 16124, 323, 636, 810, 1054, 10453, 863, 1981, 438, 1243, 1070, 753, 2697, 2362, 720, 2727, 33510, 12309, 9568, 15055, 315, 4785, 1418, 856, 16124, 274, 1120, 21165, 704, 13, 358, 649, 3604, 2733, 856, 24569, 7982, 2391, 296, 379, 1054, 1885, 863, 720, 1712, 11, 323, 814, 1541, 1431, 636, 36366, 422, 358, 8343, 14098, 27905, 1093, 2999, 13, 26181, 274, 68756, 7114, 82, 13, 1102, 3727, 757, 2733, 3958, 369, 1124, 90863, 1193, 814, 1053, 720, 3055, 872, 23783, 10489, 323, 1833, 2999, 13, 26181, 753, 2068, 11, 814, 529, 294, 636, 1790, 2731, 3135, 369, 872, 892, 323, 5149, 13, 2355, 9673, 2919, 11, 358, 912, 5129, 733, 311, 279, 2890, 6469, 11, 439, 358, 4070, 17454, 810, 1139, 2547, 86, 8223, 23783, 11, 1666, 427, 19934, 27102, 11, 41884, 13354, 11, 720, 99975, 11, 323, 1023, 2574, 13, 358, 1101, 617, 1949, 14661, 520, 2162, 323, 520, 990, 11, 422, 358, 1654, 2679, 430, 358, 1390, 311, 1005, 1124, 13, 578, 12933, 527, 2523, 11, 719, 720, 20670, 7784, 1431, 1054, 74826, 863, 757, 1314, 1457, 13, 33006, 2028, 2209, 469, 69716, 6539, 4696, 720, 40, 617, 1766, 420, 1648, 315, 12459, 374, 1790, 11, 1790, 11, 1790, 8831, 11, 39392, 11, 323, 4411, 384, 11297, 1109, 904, 1023, 358, 4070, 6818, 13, 9601, 5196, 706, 1101, 720, 17106, 638, 8831, 8244, 13, 2876, 1193, 656, 358, 617, 7191, 9096, 315, 4059, 11, 7319, 37555, 274, 950, 18000, 11, 7319, 4907, 11, 323, 7191, 2890, 323, 23871, 11, 719, 856, 4443, 3966, 527, 779, 1790, 35388, 323, 8831, 311, 3449, 259, 19538, 1603, 13, 358, 617, 810, 892, 323, 5070, 311, 8493, 720, 263, 1023, 2574, 13, 3092, 2324, 374, 1633, 2539, 315, 7640, 323, 4294, 40948, 72, 1560, 11, 779, 420, 16048, 2216, 8779, 13, 720, 40, 1440, 430, 1070, 374, 912, 1648, 358, 1436, 617, 2884, 682, 430, 358, 617, 2884, 323, 682, 430, 220, 358, 1097, 3815, 11, 422, 358, 1051, 2103, 12459, 904, 1023, 1648, 13, 720, 12834, 7314, 2999, 13, 26181, 753, 2068, 11, 358, 3940, 90919, 287, 856, 220, 47880, 323, 22709, 2635, 292, 4538, 449, 659, 72057, 2587, 2917, 46582, 11, 720, 47823, 1403, 25341, 449, 856, 10177, 11, 17057, 264, 2254, 9046, 315, 1057, 523, 324, 523, 11, 574, 86724, 439, 832, 315, 279, 63584, 11, 323, 720, 66, 1656, 325, 839, 3697, 315, 1057, 59635, 13, 358, 617, 1101, 3940, 264, 90919, 287, 220, 1862, 1912, 11, 264, 7257, 3691, 1862, 1912, 11, 323, 720, 63316, 5912, 7257, 3691, 3419, 75, 15954, 11, 682, 449, 12435, 13335, 13, 720, 40, 1097, 2103, 3815, 682, 315, 1521, 2574, 1457, 11, 323, 358, 1097, 1101, 4477, 1403, 6603, 11, 4632, 72, 7933, 264, 2835, 14, 16027, 4101, 11, 3318, 389, 4857, 709, 856, 720, 74621, 2237, 11, 3815, 28961, 990, 369, 1317, 56703, 8403, 505, 856, 8492, 294, 74379, 11, 323, 315, 3388, 11, 14691, 311, 10519, 43660, 720, 438, 21955, 12135, 449, 2225, 856, 10177, 323, 856, 4538, 13, 720, 7184, 358, 1505, 433, 1790, 8831, 311, 733, 7634, 369, 279, 1938, 11, 477, 1524, 264, 2478, 2919, 13, 358, 617, 514, 11107, 6392, 311, 1935, 449, 757, 13, 358, 912, 5129, 1205, 311, 720, 19599, 2212, 449, 264, 3090, 16893, 389, 264, 17308, 34647, 779, 358, 2744, 617, 30125, 2781, 13, 358, 1541, 1431, 1524, 1005, 433, 2391, 279, 1938, 1457, 13, 358, 2103, 7172, 720, 13284, 304, 279, 6693, 323, 1306, 19428, 10368, 11, 719, 358, 1541, 1431, 1505, 270, 384, 1205, 369, 433, 6062, 13, 3092, 2547, 80412, 1202, 9499, 2731, 1174, 720, 708, 358, 1541, 1431, 1205, 311, 1935, 439, 1690, 17895, 2671, 449, 757, 994, 2133, 704, 11, 384, 411, 2781, 13, 720, 18433, 315, 856, 88191, 3044, 11, 358, 1511, 311, 636, 7160, 22464, 291, 4661, 304, 1332, 84, 51309, 11, 520, 3115, 1524, 304, 279, 28601, 11, 20444, 1457, 358, 720, 4919, 4822, 304, 279, 7160, 2085, 264, 8395, 220, 5899, 3115, 5129, 1109, 358, 1511, 311, 13, 3092, 6930, 374, 539, 14531, 3686, 11, 719, 433, 753, 539, 6502, 13892, 14926, 13, 358, 1541, 1431, 1205, 311, 720, 5919, 716, 2718, 6056, 704], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " Donald Walsch 1920Bringers of the Light\nSome of you may have already done this \u2013 or may\nhave started with a statement of Beingness. If you\nhave, go right to Step 3.\nFor those of you who have not made this transla-\ntion, or don\u2019t even know what is being talked about\nhere, read on.\nTo be a Bringer of the Light one must understand\nthe difference between \u201cdoing,\u201d and \u201cbeing,\u201d and\nbetween \u201cdoingness\u201d and \u201cbeingness.\u201d\nBringers Step 2\nT ranslate your purpose\nfrom Doingness\nto Beingness.Neale Donald Walsch 21\nRight Livelihood is seldom attained through a\ndoingness decision... although it may involve a\ndoingness function somewhere along the way.\nRight Livelihood is easily attained through a\nbeingness decision... which leads to a doingness\nfunction somewhere along the way.\nTo move into Right Livelihood, one must decide\nwhat one wishes to BE, not what one wishes to DO.\nDoingness must spring from Beingness, not the otherway around.\nTo understand the difference between these two\nlife experiences, explore Principle #2.\n\u201cDoingness\u201d\nis a function of the body,\n\u201cBeingness\u201d\nis a function of the soul.22Bringers of the LightNeale Donald Walsch 23\nPrinciple #2\nYou are a\nHuman Being\nnot a\nHuman Doing.24Bringers of the Light\nIt is true that every minute of your life your body\nis doing something. Yet it is doing something\nfor a reason. Everything you have willfully causedyour body to do, you have caused it to do because\nthere is some state of being you wish to achieve...\nand you know no other way to achieve it.\nThink about this a minute.\nYour body goes through the motions of eating \u2013\nyou cause it to eat; you make it \u201cdo\u201d that \u2013 becauseyou want it to be nourished. You are seeking to be\nthe thing called healthy.\nYou sleep because you are trying to be the thing\ncalled rested \u2013 which you know leads to the same\nthing as above... namely, healthy.\nYou sit because you are trying to be the thing called\ncomfortable. You stand because you are trying to more\nof the thing called mobile. You talk because you are try-\ning to be the thing called understood. You listen because\nyou are trying to be the thing called understanding.\nThe list goes on and on, but it never changes. Al-\nways it points through the thing called Doing, to aNeale Donald Walsch 25\nthing called Being.\nEverything you willfully cause your body to do, it\ndoes in order to assist you in achieving a state of Be-\ning.\nDo the following exercise. In the chart, make a\nlist of things your body has done recently, then indi-\ncate the Beingness you were seeking to achieve.\nWe\u2019ve started the list for you, to give you an ex-\nample of how to complete the entries.\nThis is an excellent exercise to help you define\nand clarify the motives behind all of your actions.\nDoingness Beingness I wish to achieve\nReading this Book Wisdom, clarity, understanding\nWriting the author Sharing, connecting, expressing\nCleaning the dishesFill this in yourself26Bringers of the Light\nNow it is true that there are some things your\nbody does which you do not willfully cause\nit to do. When your body does one of these things,it is doing it automatically, not willfully. The body\u2019s\nautomatic responses are reflections or announce-\nments of a State of Beingness which has already beenattained, rather than attempts to attain one.\nDid you follow that? Are you clear about this?\nLet\u2019s look at some examples.\nWhen you laugh, that is an automatic response to\na State of Beingness which has already been attained,\ncalled happy, joyful \u2014 or, in some cases, nervous.\nWhen you cry, that is an automatic response to a\nState of Beingness which has already been attained,\ncalled sad, sorrowful \u2014 or, in some cases, happy.\nWhen your heart rate increases wildly, that is an\nautomatic response to a State of Beingness which\nhas already been attained, called excited \u2014 or, in some\ncases, scared.\nWhen your heart rate decreases, producing a slow\nand steady pulse, that is an automatic response to aNeale Donald Walsch 27\nIn both cases it is the mind which is causing the\nbody, signaling the body, to \u201cdo\u201d what it is \u201cdoing\u201d\n\u2014 and it is the mind which thinks that \u201cdoingness\u201d\nis the only way to achieve \u201cbeingness.\u201d\nIf you are still unclear about the automatic vs. will-\nful paradigm, talk to any actor about it.\nFor an actor, being told to \u201claugh out loud,\u201d or to\n\u201cbegin to cry on that line,\u201d can be a nightmare...un-\nless the actor has learned to be the thing that creates\nthe automatic response the director requires.\nYes, there are so-called \u201ctechnical\u201d actors who can\nproduce the bodily action on command... but in\nmore recent years it has been the \u201cmethod\u201d actors \u2014actors such as Dustin Hoffman, Al Pacino, MerylState of Beingness which has already been attained,\ncalled peaceful, serene.\nSo we see that Automatic Doingness Functions of the\nbody are used by the mind to reflect a Beingness State,\nwhile Willful Doingness Functions are used by the mind\nto achieve a Beingness State.28Bringers of the Light\nStreep \u2014 who have gained the widest respect. Many\nsay their acting seems somehow more \u201creal.\u201d That is\nbecause they are not \u201cacting like.\u201d They are being.\nIn \u201cmethod acting\u201d the actor thinks of a thing, or\nremembers a time, which produced the same emotional\nresponse in the past as the one now called for by the\nscript. By this device the actor\u2019s mind tricks the body,causing it to cry, or to smile, or even to break into\ngales of laughter. When the mind sends the body a\nsignal, the body doesn\u2019t know whether what the mindis experiencing is \u201creal,\u201d or only a memory. To the\nbody, it is all the same.\nThat is why the body\u2019s heart rate will increase, and\nthe body itself may even break out in a cold sweat, at\nthe memory of a beautiful woman, or a wonderful\nman, and a passionately romantic time. Nothing ishappening in the present moment, but the body\ndoesn\u2019t know that. It receives precisely the same sig-\nnals from the brain as it did when the adventure wasfirst experienced.\nFear can likewise be recreated with a memory,Neale Donald Walsch 29\nwhich in turn produces bodily responses exactly as\nif the experience was occurring all over again.\nTo repeat, then: the mind can \u201ctell\u201d the body to\n\u201cdo\u201d things for two different reasons. It can tell the\nbody to \u201cdo\u201d something in order to achieve a State of\nBeing (this is called a Willful Action), or it can tell\nthe body to \u201cdo\u201d something in order to demonstrate\nthe State of Being it has already achieved (this is called\nan Automatic Response).\nIn any event, you are always being something. And\nyour body is always demonstrating what you are be-ing. Sometimes the demonstration is very subtle,\nand sometimes it is not, but the demonstration never\nends.\nYour body is a living\ndemonstration of the\nstate of beingness\nin which your soul resides.30Bringers of the Light\nReturning now to Step 2, what you are asked to\ndo is take a look at the declaration you came up with\nin Step 1 when asked to declare your Life Purpose.\nIs the declaration a statement of \u201cbeingness\u201d or a\nstatement of \u201cdoingness\u201d?\nIf it is a statement of \u201cdoingness,\u201d Step 2 now\nasks you to translate that into a Statement of Beingness.\nUse the chart on page 22 as a guide.\nThe reason you are asked to do this is that only\nwhen your Doing flows out of your place of Being, an-\nnouncing it rather than seeking to create it, can you ever\nbe centered enough to become a Bringer of the Light.\nMost of the world has this \u201cbeing/doing\u201d para-\ndigm backwards. People are running around every-\nwhere doing, doing, doing, and hoping by this de-vice to one day achieve a state of beingness (\u201chappy,\u201d\n\u201cpeaceful,\u201d \u201cabundant,\u201d \u201cenlightened\u201d...whatever)\nthat will make it all worthwhile.\nThe sad thing about all this is that for most people,\nit doesn\u2019t work out that way. They spend their whole\nlife doing this and doing that, doing this and doingNeale Donald Walsch 31\nthat, and all they wind up with is a great big pile of\n\u201cdo-do.\u201d\nSo complete Step 2 now, if you haven\u2019t already\ndone so. Take any doingness statement which mayhave found itself into your declaration of Life Pur-\npose and translate it into a beingness description.\nThen...move on.32Bringers of the Light\nBringers Step 3\nAdopt right now\nthe state of being\nyou have described,\nno matter what you are doing\nOkay, you\u2019ve moved through the first two steps\ntoward Right Livelihood and toward becom-\ning a Bringer of the Light.\nA person in \u201cright livelihood,\u201d by the", "token_ids": [9641, 468, 1147, 331, 220, 5926, 15, 6971, 14437, 315, 279, 8828, 198, 8538, 315, 499, 1253, 617, 2736, 2884, 420, 1389, 220, 477, 1253, 198, 19553, 3940, 220, 449, 264, 5224, 315, 21347, 2136, 13, 1442, 499, 198, 19553, 11, 733, 1314, 311, 15166, 220, 18, 627, 2520, 1884, 315, 499, 889, 617, 539, 1903, 420, 1380, 4355, 7058, 28491, 11, 477, 1541, 1431, 1524, 1440, 1148, 374, 1694, 15243, 922, 198, 6881, 11, 1373, 389, 627, 1271, 387, 264, 3320, 5248, 315, 279, 8828, 220, 832, 2011, 3619, 198, 1820, 6811, 1990, 1054, 45359, 2476, 323, 1054, 35214, 2476, 323, 198, 42967, 1054, 45359, 2136, 863, 323, 1054, 35214, 2136, 49216, 6971, 14437, 15166, 220, 17, 198, 51, 436, 598, 5185, 701, 7580, 198, 1527, 44245, 2136, 198, 998, 21347, 2136, 2112, 68, 1604, 9641, 468, 1147, 331, 220, 1691, 198, 6107, 37311, 20500, 374, 56452, 63260, 1555, 264, 198, 45359, 2136, 5597, 662, 662, 662, 8051, 433, 1253, 21736, 220, 264, 198, 45359, 2136, 734, 220, 15038, 3235, 279, 1648, 627, 6107, 37311, 20500, 374, 6847, 63260, 1555, 264, 198, 35214, 2136, 5597, 662, 662, 662, 902, 11767, 311, 264, 3815, 2136, 198, 1723, 15038, 3235, 279, 1648, 627, 1271, 3351, 1139, 10291, 37311, 20500, 11, 832, 2011, 10491, 198, 12840, 832, 25223, 311, 7354, 11, 539, 1148, 832, 25223, 311, 9503, 627, 84146, 2136, 2011, 10683, 505, 21347, 2136, 11, 539, 279, 1023, 3195, 2212, 627, 1271, 3619, 279, 6811, 1990, 1521, 1403, 198, 14789, 11704, 11, 13488, 82086, 674, 17, 627, 2118, 84146, 2136, 89874, 285, 264, 734, 315, 279, 2547, 345, 2118, 34242, 2136, 89874, 285, 264, 734, 315, 279, 13836, 13, 1313, 6971, 14437, 315, 279, 8828, 8989, 1604, 9641, 468, 1147, 331, 220, 1419, 198, 3617, 16379, 220, 674, 17, 198, 2675, 527, 264, 198, 35075, 21347, 198, 1962, 264, 198, 35075, 44245, 13, 1187, 6971, 14437, 315, 279, 8828, 198, 2181, 374, 837, 430, 1475, 9568, 315, 701, 2324, 701, 2547, 198, 285, 3815, 2555, 13, 14968, 433, 374, 3815, 2555, 198, 2000, 264, 2944, 13, 20696, 499, 617, 690, 3725, 9057, 22479, 2547, 311, 656, 11, 499, 617, 9057, 433, 311, 656, 1606, 198, 19041, 374, 1063, 1614, 315, 1694, 499, 6562, 311, 11322, 662, 662, 16853, 438, 499, 1440, 912, 1023, 1648, 311, 11322, 433, 627, 39787, 922, 420, 264, 9568, 627, 7927, 2547, 5900, 1555, 279, 54245, 315, 12459, 115972, 9514, 5353, 433, 311, 8343, 26, 499, 1304, 433, 1054, 3055, 863, 430, 1389, 1606, 9514, 1390, 433, 311, 387, 46798, 3384, 13, 1472, 527, 11125, 311, 387, 198, 1820, 3245, 2663, 9498, 627, 2675, 6212, 1606, 499, 527, 4560, 311, 387, 279, 3245, 198, 44982, 66529, 1389, 220, 902, 499, 1440, 11767, 311, 279, 1890, 198, 1626, 439, 3485, 662, 662, 662, 32125, 11, 9498, 627, 2675, 2503, 1606, 499, 527, 4560, 311, 387, 279, 3245, 2663, 198, 19975, 481, 13, 220, 1472, 2559, 1606, 499, 527, 4560, 311, 810, 198, 1073, 279, 3245, 2663, 6505, 13, 220, 1472, 3137, 1606, 499, 527, 1456, 7058, 287, 311, 387, 279, 3245, 2663, 16365, 13, 220, 1472, 9020, 1606, 198, 9514, 527, 4560, 311, 387, 279, 3245, 2663, 8830, 627, 791, 1160, 5900, 389, 323, 389, 11, 719, 433, 2646, 4442, 13, 1708, 7058, 2336, 433, 3585, 1555, 279, 3245, 2663, 44245, 11, 311, 264, 8989, 1604, 9641, 468, 1147, 331, 220, 914, 198, 1626, 2663, 21347, 627, 36064, 499, 690, 3725, 5353, 701, 2547, 311, 656, 11, 433, 198, 28156, 304, 2015, 311, 7945, 499, 304, 32145, 264, 1614, 315, 2893, 7058, 287, 627, 5519, 279, 2768, 10368, 13, 763, 279, 9676, 11, 1304, 264, 198, 1638, 315, 2574, 701, 2547, 706, 2884, 6051, 11, 1243, 1280, 72, 7058, 43872, 279, 21347, 2136, 220, 499, 1051, 11125, 311, 11322, 627, 1687, 4070, 3940, 279, 1160, 369, 499, 11, 311, 3041, 499, 459, 506, 7058, 1545, 315, 1268, 311, 4686, 279, 10925, 627, 2028, 374, 459, 9250, 10368, 311, 1520, 499, 7124, 198, 438, 38263, 279, 52140, 4920, 682, 315, 701, 6299, 627, 84146, 2136, 394, 21347, 2136, 358, 6562, 311, 11322, 198, 32999, 420, 6017, 57201, 11, 32373, 11, 8830, 198, 40413, 279, 3229, 57135, 11, 21583, 11, 37810, 198, 98281, 279, 26863, 14788, 420, 304, 6261, 1627, 6971, 14437, 315, 279, 8828, 198, 7184, 433, 374, 837, 430, 1070, 527, 1063, 2574, 701, 198, 2664, 1587, 902, 499, 656, 539, 690, 3725, 5353, 198, 275, 311, 656, 13, 220, 3277, 701, 2547, 1587, 832, 315, 1521, 2574, 80824, 374, 3815, 433, 9651, 11, 539, 690, 3725, 13, 220, 578, 2547, 753, 198, 84556, 14847, 527, 63851, 477, 22203, 7058, 1392, 315, 264, 3314, 315, 21347, 2136, 902, 706, 2736, 1027, 1617, 2692, 11, 4856, 1109, 13865, 311, 36861, 832, 627, 7131, 499, 1833, 430, 30, 220, 8886, 499, 2867, 922, 420, 5380, 10267, 753, 1427, 520, 1063, 10507, 627, 4599, 499, 12835, 11, 430, 374, 459, 17392, 220, 2077, 311, 198, 64, 3314, 315, 21347, 2136, 902, 706, 2736, 1027, 63260, 345, 44982, 6380, 11, 83212, 2001, 477, 11, 304, 1063, 5157, 11, 23418, 627, 4599, 499, 16106, 11, 430, 374, 459, 17392, 2077, 311, 264, 198, 1423, 315, 21347, 2136, 902, 706, 2736, 1027, 63260, 345, 44982, 12703, 11, 58596, 1285, 2001, 220, 477, 11, 304, 1063, 5157, 11, 6380, 627, 4599, 701, 4851, 4478, 12992, 48295, 11, 430, 374, 459, 198, 84556, 2077, 311, 264, 3314, 315, 21347, 2136, 902, 198, 4752, 2736, 1027, 63260, 11, 2663, 12304, 2001, 477, 11, 304, 1063, 198, 24857, 11, 27207, 627, 4599, 701, 4851, 4478, 43154, 11, 17843, 264, 220, 6435, 198, 438, 24981, 28334, 11, 430, 374, 459, 17392, 2077, 311, 264, 8989, 1604, 9641, 468, 1147, 331, 220, 1544, 198, 644, 2225, 5157, 433, 374, 279, 4059, 902, 374, 14718, 279, 198, 2664, 11, 43080, 279, 2547, 11, 311, 1054, 3055, 863, 1148, 433, 374, 1054, 45359, 89874, 2345, 323, 433, 374, 279, 4059, 902, 15849, 430, 1054, 45359, 2136, 89874, 285, 279, 1193, 1648, 311, 11322, 1054, 35214, 2136, 49216, 2746, 499, 527, 2103, 25420, 922, 279, 17392, 220, 6296, 13, 690, 7058, 1285, 49340, 11, 3137, 311, 904, 12360, 922, 433, 627, 2520, 459, 12360, 11, 1694, 3309, 311, 1054, 4355, 7595, 704, 17813, 2476, 477, 311, 198, 2118, 7413, 311, 16106, 389, 430, 1584, 2476, 649, 387, 264, 38911, 2564, 359, 7058, 1752, 279, 12360, 706, 9687, 311, 387, 279, 3245, 430, 11705, 198, 1820, 17392, 2077, 220, 279, 7690, 7612, 627, 9642, 11, 1070, 527, 779, 19434, 1054, 73237, 863, 20142, 889, 649, 198, 98374, 279, 48131, 1957, 389, 3290, 1131, 719, 304, 198, 6518, 3293, 1667, 433, 706, 1027, 279, 1054, 4492, 863, 20142, 2001, 21846, 1778, 439, 79418, 62982, 11, 1708, 12925, 3394, 11, 386, 46125, 1423, 315, 21347, 2136, 902, 706, 2736, 1027, 63260, 345, 44982, 26733, 11, 95863, 627, 4516, 584, 1518, 430, 220, 35081, 44245, 2136, 24460, 315, 279, 198, 2664, 527, 1511, 555, 279, 4059, 311, 8881, 220, 264, 21347, 2136, 3314, 345, 3556, 4946, 1285, 44245, 2136, 24460, 527, 1511, 555, 279, 4059, 198, 998, 11322, 220, 264, 21347, 2136, 3314, 13, 1591, 6971, 14437, 315, 279, 8828, 198, 626, 265, 752, 2001, 889, 617, 18661, 279, 81339, 5201, 13, 220, 9176, 198, 37890, 872, 15718, 5084, 17354, 810, 1054, 8110, 2029, 220, 3011, 374, 198, 28753, 814, 527, 539, 1054, 36022, 1093, 2029, 220, 2435, 527, 1694, 627, 644, 1054, 4492, 15718, 863, 279, 12360, 15849, 315, 264, 3245, 11, 477, 198, 1864, 7207, 264, 892, 11, 902, 9124, 279, 1890, 14604, 198, 2376, 304, 279, 3347, 439, 279, 832, 1457, 2663, 369, 555, 279, 198, 2334, 13, 220, 3296, 420, 3756, 279, 12360, 753, 4059, 29862, 279, 2547, 11, 936, 985, 433, 311, 16106, 11, 477, 311, 15648, 11, 477, 1524, 311, 1464, 1139, 198, 70, 3916, 315, 43214, 13, 220, 3277, 279, 4059, 22014, 279, 2547, 264, 198, 27720, 11, 279, 2547, 3250, 1431, 1440, 3508, 1148, 279, 4059, 285, 25051, 374, 1054, 8110, 2476, 477, 1193, 264, 5044, 13, 220, 2057, 279, 198, 2664, 11, 433, 374, 682, 279, 1890, 627, 4897, 374, 3249, 279, 2547, 753, 4851, 4478, 690, 5376, 11, 323, 198, 1820, 2547, 5196, 1253, 1524, 1464, 704, 304, 264, 9439, 28566, 11, 520, 198, 1820, 5044, 315, 264, 6366, 5333, 11, 477, 264, 11364, 198, 1543, 11, 323, 264, 92925, 24364, 892, 13, 220, 12334, 374, 71, 680, 6147, 304, 279, 3118, 4545, 11, 719, 279, 2547, 198, 73014, 1431, 1440, 430, 13, 256, 1102, 21879, 24559, 279, 1890, 8531, 7058, 77, 1147, 505, 279, 8271, 439, 433, 1550, 994, 279, 18427, 574, 3983, 10534, 627, 91471, 649, 39022, 387, 37680, 449, 264, 5044, 11, 8989, 1604, 9641, 468, 1147, 331, 220, 1682, 198, 8370, 304, 2543, 19159, 48131, 14847, 7041, 439, 198, 333, 279, 3217, 574, 31965, 682, 927, 1578, 627, 1271, 13454, 11, 1243, 25, 220, 279, 4059, 649, 1054, 73457, 863, 279, 2547, 311, 198, 2118, 3055, 863, 2574, 369, 1403, 2204, 8125, 13, 220, 1102, 649, 3371, 279, 198, 2664, 311, 1054, 3055, 863, 2555, 304, 2015, 311, 11322, 264, 3314, 315, 198, 34242, 320, 576, 374, 2663, 264, 4946, 1285, 5703, 705, 477, 433, 649, 3371, 198, 1820, 2547, 311, 1054, 3055, 863, 2555, 304, 2015, 311, 20461, 198, 1820, 3314, 315, 21347, 433, 706, 2736, 17427, 320, 576, 374, 2663, 198, 276, 35081, 6075, 4390, 644, 904, 1567, 11, 499, 527, 2744, 1694, 2555, 13, 1628, 198, 22479, 2547, 374, 2744, 45296, 1148, 499, 527, 387, 85005, 13, 220, 18156, 279, 30816, 374, 1633, 27545, 345, 438, 7170, 433, 374, 539, 11, 719, 279, 30816, 2646, 198, 1438, 627, 7927, 2547, 374, 264, 5496, 198, 67, 7439, 55681, 315, 279, 198, 2513, 315, 1694, 2136, 198, 258, 902, 701, 13836, 54068, 13, 966, 6971, 14437, 315, 279, 8828, 198, 85914, 1457, 311, 15166, 220, 17, 1174, 1148, 499, 527, 4691, 311, 198, 3055, 374, 1935, 264, 1427, 520, 279, 18489, 499, 3782, 709, 449, 198, 258, 15166, 220, 16, 220, 994, 4691, 311, 16292, 701, 9601, 30145, 627, 3957, 279, 18489, 264, 5224, 315, 256, 1054, 35214, 2136, 863, 477, 264, 198, 25159, 315, 1054, 45359, 2136, 863, 5380, 2746, 433, 374, 264, 5224, 315, 1054, 45359, 2136, 2476, 15166, 220, 17, 1457, 198, 4707, 499, 311, 15025, 430, 1139, 264, 22504, 315, 21347, 2136, 627, 10464, 279, 9676, 389, 2199, 220, 1313, 439, 264, 8641, 627, 791, 2944, 499, 527, 4691, 311, 656, 420, 374, 430, 1193, 198, 9493, 701, 44245, 28555, 704, 315, 701, 2035, 315, 21347, 11, 459, 7058, 77, 37857, 433, 4856, 1109, 11125, 311, 1893, 433, 11, 649, 499, 3596, 198, 1395, 31288, 3403, 311, 3719, 264, 3320, 5248, 315, 279, 8828, 627, 13622, 315, 279, 1917, 706, 420, 1054, 35214, 14, 45359, 863, 3429, 7058, 67, 25100, 29512, 13, 220, 9029, 527, 4401, 2212, 1475, 7058, 2940, 3815, 11, 3815, 11, 3815, 11, 323, 16026, 555, 420, 409, 12, 1805, 311, 832, 1938, 11322, 264, 1614, 315, 1694, 2136, 27179, 57621, 2476, 198, 2118, 55225, 1285, 2476, 1054, 370, 1263, 519, 2476, 1054, 268, 4238, 6901, 863, 1131, 69386, 340, 9210, 690, 1304, 433, 682, 48776, 627, 791, 12703, 3245, 922, 682, 420, 374, 430, 369, 1455, 1274, 345, 275, 3250, 1431, 990, 704, 430, 1648, 13, 220, 2435, 8493, 872, 4459, 198, 14789, 3815, 420, 323, 3815, 430, 11, 3815, 420, 323, 3815, 8989, 1604, 9641, 468, 1147, 331, 220, 2148, 198, 9210, 11, 323, 682, 814, 10160, 709, 449, 374, 264, 2294, 2466, 27402, 315, 198, 2118, 3055, 30659, 49216, 4516, 4686, 15166, 220, 17, 220, 1457, 11, 422, 499, 9167, 1431, 2736, 198, 10655, 779, 13, 220, 12040, 904, 3815, 2136, 5224, 902, 1253, 19553, 1766, 5196, 1139, 701, 18489, 315, 9601, 14874, 7058, 2972, 323, 15025, 433, 1139, 264, 1694, 2136, 4096, 627, 12487, 1131, 3479, 389, 13, 843, 6971, 14437, 315, 279, 8828, 198, 6971, 14437, 15166, 220, 18, 198, 2654, 2985, 1314, 1457, 198, 1820, 1614, 315, 1694, 198, 9514, 617, 7633, 345, 2201, 5030, 1148, 499, 527, 3815, 198, 33413, 11, 499, 4070, 7882, 1555, 279, 1176, 1403, 7504, 198, 83, 83071, 10291, 37311, 20500, 323, 9017, 387, 884, 7058, 287, 264, 3320, 5248, 315, 279, 8828, 16853, 32, 1732, 304, 1054, 1315, 64751, 2476, 555, 279], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " according to a 1994 Chinese study. Stories of success illustrate the benefits of \nreflexology, which include, above all, its ability to \nelicit a relaxation response in body and mind in \na natural, drug-free way. It can release \nendorphins, the body\u2019s \u201cfeel-good\u201d chemicals; \npossibly the best way to relieve stress. Reflexology treatments help people survive the \ndemands of high-pressure jobs, busy family lives, \nand active athletic pastimes. It is also highly \nvalued by patients and practitioners as a means \nof triggering the body to respond to particular \nailments, and by rebalancing body, mind, and \nemotions, to maintain health by preventing \nmedical conditions arising or worsening. \nEvidence from some research studies indicates \nthat the use of some reflexology techniques even \nreduces the need for medication, or helps \nmedicines work more effectively. When you read the short case studies \npresented on the opposite page you will get \nsome idea of how reflexology can enrich your \nlife and that of others. Why not put yourself in a \nposition to experience its successful use? Use the \ntechniques on yourself in order to become Success stories\nThe world of reflexology is alive with success stories recounted by \npractitioners and patients alike. Such anecdotal evidence attests to the willingness \nof reflexology patients to participate in the healing process, a factor that may be \nvital for the efficacy of complementary therapies. \n56 Benefits for lifefamiliar with the reflex areas, their use, and the \nproper application of techniques. Try it on others \nwho are interested. Find a reflexology buddy so \nyou, too, can gain the benefits of reflexology \nwork. Or consider making an appointment for \nsome professional reflexology services.\nDeveloping your skills \nEach piece of reflexology you carry out is a \npositive step. Reflexology can produce immediate \nresults in some situations; in others, success \ncomes over time. As your work progresses, \nconsider each interruption of stress to be a result, \nas is the sense of empowerment and self-control. \nAs you get results and discover your own \nsuccessful outcomes, you will become more and \nmore tempted to make reflexology a significant \npart of your life. Try keeping a golf ball in your \ndesk for self-help, working on family members, \nadvising friends about health problems, and \nusing reflexology for your health worries too. \u201cThe knowledge that one can have a \npositive effect on one\u2018s own health \ncan only provide an emotional uplift. \u201d\u201cAs you get results and discover your \nown successful outcomes, you will \nbecome more and more tempted to \nmake reflexology a significant part of \nyour life.\u201dCase stu Dies\nCombating workplace pollution\nSally had breathing difficulties following years of \nexposure to chemicals and aerosols in the course \nof her work as a cosmetologist. Looking for \nrespite, she sought the services of a reflexologist. \nHer breathing eased and, over time, the problem \nwas completely eliminated.\nEasier childbirth\nJoanna was being wheeled into the delivery \nroom when she suddenly realized that she did \nnot have her golf ball at hand. Since she had \nfound that using a golf-ball technique had \nhelped to relieve some of the problems of \npregnancy, she asked a nurse to bring the ball to \nher. The staff were surprised \nat the ease of her delivery.\nEasing tired feet\nMaria\u2019s work as a waitress in a busy restaurant \nmeant that she was on her feet for hours each \nday. The stress on her body was manifesting \nitself not just in tired feet, but also in headaches, \nbackache, and general fatigue. Reflexology \nsessions not only eased Maria\u2019s immediate \nsymptoms, but by inducing total relaxation, \nsignificantly improved her general health. She \nalso learned self-help techniques that she can put \ninto practice throughout the day.\n \nAiding recovery\nRecovery from a life-threatening condition had \nleft Bob feeling depleted, discouraged, and \ndependent on expensive medication. As his \nreflexology work progressed, his color improved, \nhe reported feeling better, his medication was \nwithdrawn by the doctor, and he now \nreports feeling good.\nsuCCess stories 57Averting shock following trauma\nAlex\u2019s eagerly anticipated hiking experience in \nthe forest had gone badly awry when he \nfell down a cliff, sustaining serious injuries to \nboth his legs and pelvis. As his fellow hikers \ntransported him to medical help several hours \naway, they used reflexology techniques to help \nward off the threat of shock. The emergency-\nroom doctor was surprised by Alex\u2019s condition, \ncommenting that he would not have expected to \nsee someone who had undergone such trauma \nto be in such good shape.\nself-help reflexology \ntechniques can be used at \nany time of the day to aid \nrelaxation and help bring \nrelief from symptoms. The foot is excellent at adapting itself to a certain \nset of demands, such as walking on smooth \nsidewalks or climbing up a grassy hill. However, \nif these demands don\u2019t vary enough, the feet, and \nsubsequently the rest of the body, pay a price. \nAs with all forms of exercise, underuse of any of \nthe foot\u2019s structures can cause them to suffer \nfrom a decline in strength, and this can create \ncomplex health problems. The foot is also \ncapable of adapting to stressful situations by \nshifting responsibility from the correct part of its \nanatomy onto another part, ill-designed for such \nfunctions. Such repetitive, incorrect movements \ncan lead to the uneven displacement of weight, \nresulting in tight muscles.\na full range of motion\nFoot health can be improved just by walking, \nrunning, and standing on different surfaces that \nstimulate different pressure sensors and allow \neach foot its full range of motion. Walking on \nthe textured surfaces of health pathways, for \nexample, can stimulate neglected pressure \nsensors in the foot and break up ingrained stress \npatterns. Health pathways, such as those \nsuggested on pp302-304, combine the benefits of \nthe downward pull of gravity for the feet with a \nvariety of surface textures that challenge muscles, \ntendons, bones, and sensors.Look after your feet\nThe modern world is bad for feet. Old cobbled roads have given \nway to concrete sidewalks, resulting in loss of texture, so feet move in the \nsame way, all day, every day. This stress leaves the modern foot susceptible \nto injury. Avoid problems by combining the following advice with regular \nreflexology workouts.\nThe foot reacts to varying terrain through its \nability to move in four basic directions. The \nmost-used directions are experienced during the \nheel-to-toe movement of a footstep. Two less \ncommon directions are inward and outward \nmovements. Practicing exercises for these four \ndirections gives back to the foot its full range \nof possible motion. \n The surfaces that we walk on play a vital role \nin shock absorption, too. If these surfaces do not \naccept part of the shock, the body must absorb it \nall. The hardness of a surface determines how \nmuch shock it absorbs\u2212concrete, asphalt, or \nhardwood absorb little shock, while soft grass \nand sand absorb more. While it would be nice if \nlife were a \u201cwalk on the beach,\u201d walkers today \nmost commonly face surfaces that are unyielding \nand unforgiving. Through health pathways, \nreflexology offers the chance to compensate for \nthe environment and so relax the whole body.\n58 benefits for life\u201cFoot health can be improved just \nby walking, running, and standing \non different surfaces that stimulate \ndifferent pressure sensors and allow \neach foot its full range of motion.\u201dlook after your feet 59Walking on soft surfaces such as \nsand is healthier for the feet than \nwalking on those that are hard, \nbecause yielding surfaces absorb most \nof the shock of the step.selecting tHe rigHt sHoes\nIf you are walking on a natural surface, the bare \nfoot works best, but researchers have found that \ngoing barefoot is far from ideal on surfaces such \nas concrete. With only the heel\u2019s padding, bare \nfeet absorb all the shock of a hard surface. So, \nthe correct shoes have an enormous impact on \nthe well-being of your feet, as well as on the rest \nof your body. Follow the advice below to find \nthe best footwear. If you\u2019re not sure, remember \nnever to buy or wear shoes that hurt your feet.\nCheck the size\nYou may assume you know your shoe size, but \nthe size of an adult foot can change, especially \nfor pregnant women. A child\u2019s foot size changes \nas many as 26 times. Ask to have your feet \nmeasured when you buy shoes, and you may \nfind that, like most people, one foot is larger than \nthe other. Buy for the larger foot. To ensure a \nproper fit, shop for shoes in the late afternoon or \nevening, after any swelling has already occurred. \nBuy for comfort\nResist buying shoes just because you like \nthe style. A badly designed shoe may look \nfashionable, but if it hurts your foot, your whole \nbody may suffer. A high-heeled shoe, for \nexample, throws weight forward onto the balls \nof the feet, forcing an awkward posture on the \nwearer. Pointed-toed shoes do not allow the toes \nto play their role in walking. A low kitten-heeled \nshoe provides a too-small base on which to \nbalance and walk. Platform shoes can lead to \ntwisted ankles, and high-tech running shoes \nhave", "token_ids": [4184, 311, 264, 220, 2550, 19, 8620, 4007, 13, 30129, 315, 2450, 41468, 279, 7720, 315, 720, 1116, 2635, 2508, 11, 902, 2997, 11, 3485, 682, 11, 1202, 5845, 311, 720, 301, 19195, 264, 43685, 2077, 304, 2547, 323, 4059, 304, 720, 64, 5933, 11, 5623, 12862, 1648, 13, 1102, 649, 4984, 720, 8188, 40772, 11, 279, 2547, 753, 1054, 57676, 72800, 863, 26333, 26, 720, 54228, 279, 1888, 1648, 311, 48839, 8631, 13, 262, 94493, 2508, 22972, 1520, 1274, 18167, 279, 720, 28531, 2914, 315, 1579, 89561, 7032, 11, 13326, 3070, 6439, 11, 720, 438, 4642, 29703, 3347, 1769, 13, 1102, 374, 1101, 7701, 720, 838, 3340, 555, 6978, 323, 43195, 439, 264, 3445, 720, 1073, 52605, 279, 2547, 311, 6013, 311, 4040, 720, 607, 1392, 11, 323, 555, 12646, 278, 9151, 2547, 11, 4059, 11, 323, 720, 336, 41356, 11, 311, 10519, 2890, 555, 27252, 720, 69216, 4787, 40986, 477, 93405, 13, 720, 93702, 505, 1063, 3495, 7978, 15151, 720, 9210, 279, 1005, 315, 1063, 33766, 2508, 12823, 1524, 720, 265, 1072, 1634, 279, 1205, 369, 24099, 11, 477, 8779, 720, 2106, 292, 1572, 990, 810, 13750, 13, 3277, 499, 1373, 279, 2875, 1162, 7978, 720, 29844, 291, 389, 279, 14329, 2199, 499, 690, 636, 720, 15031, 4623, 315, 1268, 33766, 2508, 649, 31518, 701, 720, 14789, 323, 430, 315, 3885, 13, 8595, 539, 2231, 6261, 304, 264, 720, 3571, 311, 3217, 1202, 6992, 1005, 30, 5560, 279, 720, 26522, 8467, 389, 6261, 304, 2015, 311, 3719, 13346, 7493, 198, 791, 1917, 315, 33766, 2508, 220, 374, 13989, 449, 2450, 7493, 89591, 555, 720, 652, 533, 684, 388, 323, 6978, 27083, 13, 15483, 50750, 2426, 6029, 1651, 18450, 311, 279, 39375, 720, 1073, 33766, 2508, 6978, 311, 16136, 304, 279, 21730, 1920, 11, 264, 8331, 430, 1253, 387, 720, 85, 2223, 369, 279, 41265, 315, 58535, 52312, 13, 720, 3487, 39195, 369, 10345, 830, 41505, 449, 279, 33766, 5789, 11, 872, 1005, 11, 323, 279, 720, 81768, 3851, 315, 12823, 13, 9934, 433, 389, 3885, 720, 14965, 527, 8173, 13, 7531, 264, 33766, 2508, 37772, 779, 720, 9514, 11, 2288, 11, 649, 8895, 279, 7720, 315, 33766, 2508, 720, 1816, 13, 2582, 2980, 3339, 459, 18101, 369, 720, 15031, 6721, 33766, 2508, 3600, 627, 21076, 287, 701, 7512, 2355, 4959, 6710, 315, 33766, 2508, 499, 6920, 704, 374, 264, 720, 31587, 3094, 13, 94493, 2508, 649, 8356, 14247, 720, 8234, 304, 1063, 15082, 26, 304, 3885, 11, 2450, 720, 6716, 927, 892, 13, 1666, 701, 990, 68711, 11, 720, 25742, 1855, 75103, 315, 8631, 311, 387, 264, 1121, 11, 720, 300, 374, 279, 5647, 315, 74477, 323, 659, 4565, 13, 720, 2170, 499, 636, 3135, 323, 7142, 701, 1866, 720, 32050, 20124, 11, 499, 690, 3719, 810, 323, 720, 6518, 54980, 311, 1304, 33766, 2508, 264, 5199, 720, 4581, 315, 701, 2324, 13, 9934, 10494, 264, 19665, 5041, 304, 701, 720, 51169, 369, 659, 50570, 11, 3318, 389, 3070, 3697, 11, 720, 329, 2749, 287, 4885, 922, 2890, 5435, 11, 323, 720, 985, 33766, 2508, 369, 701, 2890, 38145, 2288, 13, 1054, 791, 6677, 430, 832, 649, 617, 264, 720, 31587, 2515, 389, 832, 43741, 1866, 2890, 720, 4919, 1193, 3493, 459, 14604, 97547, 13, 19524, 2118, 2170, 499, 636, 3135, 323, 7142, 701, 720, 785, 6992, 20124, 11, 499, 690, 720, 17106, 638, 810, 323, 810, 54980, 311, 720, 7072, 33766, 2508, 264, 5199, 961, 315, 720, 22479, 2324, 2029, 4301, 55854, 24934, 198, 37292, 1113, 27465, 25793, 198, 50, 750, 1047, 27027, 27129, 2768, 1667, 315, 720, 327, 12313, 311, 26333, 323, 49825, 3145, 304, 279, 3388, 720, 1073, 1077, 990, 439, 264, 8119, 4150, 16549, 13, 21815, 369, 720, 417, 6100, 11, 1364, 16495, 279, 3600, 315, 264, 33766, 16549, 13, 720, 21364, 27027, 95982, 323, 11, 927, 892, 11, 279, 3575, 720, 16514, 6724, 34373, 627, 36, 77783, 97294, 198, 23307, 12930, 574, 1694, 15240, 41189, 1139, 279, 9889, 720, 3039, 994, 1364, 15187, 15393, 430, 1364, 1550, 720, 1962, 617, 1077, 19665, 5041, 520, 1450, 13, 8876, 1364, 1047, 720, 15456, 430, 1701, 264, 19665, 68302, 15105, 1047, 720, 8823, 291, 311, 48839, 1063, 315, 279, 5435, 315, 720, 30585, 77, 6709, 11, 1364, 4691, 264, 29198, 311, 4546, 279, 5041, 311, 720, 1964, 13, 578, 5687, 1051, 14792, 2355, 266, 279, 14553, 315, 1077, 9889, 627, 36, 4522, 19781, 7693, 198, 69656, 753, 990, 439, 264, 96307, 304, 264, 13326, 10960, 720, 2727, 519, 430, 1364, 574, 389, 1077, 7693, 369, 4207, 1855, 720, 1316, 13, 578, 8631, 389, 1077, 2547, 574, 14794, 287, 720, 275, 726, 539, 1120, 304, 19781, 7693, 11, 719, 1101, 304, 55403, 11, 720, 1445, 1815, 11, 323, 4689, 36709, 13, 94493, 2508, 720, 52064, 539, 1193, 95982, 23880, 753, 14247, 720, 24738, 52273, 11, 719, 555, 96811, 2860, 43685, 11, 720, 7908, 98864, 13241, 1077, 4689, 2890, 13, 3005, 720, 19171, 9687, 659, 50570, 12823, 430, 1364, 649, 2231, 720, 18614, 6725, 6957, 279, 1938, 627, 11187, 32, 6714, 13654, 198, 697, 7601, 505, 264, 2324, 62999, 3044, 1047, 720, 2414, 14596, 8430, 79266, 11, 64770, 11, 323, 720, 38655, 389, 11646, 24099, 13, 1666, 813, 720, 1116, 2635, 2508, 990, 62916, 11, 813, 1933, 13241, 11, 720, 383, 5068, 8430, 2731, 11, 813, 24099, 574, 720, 63546, 77, 555, 279, 10896, 11, 323, 568, 1457, 2355, 38006, 8430, 1695, 627, 28149, 3791, 434, 7493, 220, 3226, 32, 50517, 10988, 2768, 30988, 198, 28487, 753, 63473, 30199, 38464, 3217, 304, 720, 1820, 13952, 1047, 8208, 25587, 1384, 894, 994, 568, 2355, 67643, 1523, 264, 44106, 11, 80184, 6129, 15319, 311, 720, 21704, 813, 14535, 323, 12077, 2749, 13, 1666, 813, 12637, 305, 54213, 720, 27543, 291, 1461, 311, 6593, 1520, 3892, 4207, 720, 14075, 11, 814, 1511, 33766, 2508, 12823, 311, 1520, 720, 1637, 1022, 279, 6023, 315, 10988, 13, 578, 13147, 7058, 3039, 10896, 574, 14792, 555, 8683, 753, 3044, 11, 720, 6313, 287, 430, 568, 1053, 539, 617, 3685, 311, 720, 4151, 4423, 889, 1047, 64238, 1778, 30988, 720, 998, 387, 304, 1778, 1695, 6211, 627, 726, 50570, 33766, 2508, 2355, 26522, 8467, 649, 387, 1511, 520, 720, 3852, 892, 315, 279, 1938, 311, 12576, 720, 3833, 710, 367, 323, 1520, 4546, 720, 3833, 4843, 505, 13803, 13, 578, 4579, 374, 9250, 520, 70817, 5196, 311, 264, 3738, 720, 751, 315, 18651, 11, 1778, 439, 11689, 389, 11113, 720, 21703, 365, 1727, 82, 477, 30608, 709, 264, 16763, 88, 24898, 13, 4452, 11, 720, 333, 1521, 18651, 1541, 1431, 13592, 3403, 11, 279, 7693, 11, 323, 720, 2008, 39742, 279, 2800, 315, 279, 2547, 11, 2343, 264, 3430, 13, 2355, 2170, 449, 682, 7739, 315, 10368, 11, 1234, 817, 315, 904, 315, 720, 1820, 4579, 753, 14726, 649, 5353, 1124, 311, 7831, 720, 1527, 264, 18174, 304, 8333, 11, 323, 420, 649, 1893, 720, 24126, 2890, 5435, 13, 578, 4579, 374, 1101, 720, 11600, 481, 315, 70817, 311, 46883, 15082, 555, 720, 939, 18148, 12014, 505, 279, 4495, 961, 315, 1202, 720, 276, 41895, 8800, 2500, 961, 11, 5986, 69956, 369, 1778, 720, 22124, 13, 15483, 59177, 11, 15465, 19567, 720, 4919, 3063, 311, 279, 61437, 44153, 315, 4785, 11, 720, 1407, 287, 304, 10508, 24569, 627, 64, 2539, 2134, 315, 11633, 198, 42920, 2890, 649, 387, 13241, 1120, 555, 11689, 11, 720, 28272, 11, 323, 11509, 389, 2204, 27529, 430, 720, 54754, 6468, 2204, 7410, 26148, 323, 2187, 720, 9739, 4579, 1202, 2539, 2134, 315, 11633, 13, 40155, 389, 2355, 1820, 74644, 27529, 315, 2890, 44014, 11, 369, 720, 8858, 11, 649, 51077, 51533, 7410, 2355, 82, 27627, 304, 279, 4579, 323, 1464, 709, 81336, 2692, 8631, 720, 27061, 13, 6401, 44014, 11, 1778, 439, 1884, 720, 82, 54376, 389, 12086, 13121, 12, 12166, 11, 16343, 279, 7720, 315, 720, 1820, 45578, 6958, 315, 24128, 369, 279, 7693, 449, 264, 720, 30265, 2676, 315, 7479, 30953, 430, 8815, 24569, 11, 720, 83, 408, 2439, 11, 25896, 11, 323, 26148, 37951, 1306, 701, 7693, 198, 791, 6617, 1917, 374, 3958, 369, 7693, 662, 10846, 272, 92046, 19795, 617, 2728, 720, 3195, 311, 14509, 82835, 11, 13239, 304, 4814, 315, 10651, 11, 779, 7693, 3351, 304, 279, 720, 25030, 1648, 11, 682, 1938, 11, 1475, 1938, 13, 1115, 8631, 11141, 279, 6617, 4579, 47281, 2355, 998, 11134, 13, 35106, 5435, 555, 35271, 279, 2768, 9650, 449, 5912, 720, 1116, 2635, 2508, 46944, 627, 791, 4579, 69945, 311, 29865, 25911, 1555, 1202, 720, 2968, 311, 3351, 304, 3116, 6913, 18445, 13, 578, 720, 3646, 69621, 18445, 527, 10534, 2391, 279, 720, 8597, 4791, 4791, 68, 7351, 315, 264, 4579, 9710, 13, 9220, 2753, 720, 5581, 18445, 527, 63018, 323, 52046, 720, 31061, 3808, 13, 18373, 10332, 23783, 369, 1521, 3116, 720, 19612, 82, 6835, 1203, 311, 279, 4579, 1202, 2539, 2134, 2355, 1073, 3284, 11633, 13, 720, 578, 27529, 430, 584, 4321, 389, 1514, 264, 16595, 3560, 720, 258, 10988, 44225, 11, 2288, 13, 1442, 1521, 27529, 656, 539, 720, 10543, 961, 315, 279, 10988, 11, 279, 2547, 2011, 35406, 433, 720, 543, 13, 578, 72003, 315, 264, 7479, 27667, 1268, 720, 59178, 10988, 433, 91111, 34363, 444, 9537, 11, 46362, 11, 477, 720, 19221, 6798, 35406, 2697, 10988, 11, 1418, 8579, 16763, 720, 438, 9462, 35406, 810, 13, 6104, 433, 1053, 387, 6555, 422, 720, 14789, 1051, 264, 1054, 19599, 389, 279, 11573, 2476, 95737, 3432, 720, 3646, 17037, 3663, 27529, 430, 527, 653, 30796, 287, 720, 438, 9662, 1813, 2299, 13, 17331, 2890, 44014, 11, 720, 1116, 2635, 2508, 6209, 279, 6140, 311, 46794, 369, 720, 1820, 4676, 323, 779, 12234, 279, 4459, 2547, 627, 2970, 7720, 369, 2324, 2118, 42920, 2890, 649, 387, 13241, 1120, 2355, 1729, 11689, 11, 4401, 11, 323, 11509, 720, 263, 2204, 27529, 430, 51077, 720, 64750, 7410, 26148, 323, 2187, 720, 9739, 4579, 1202, 2539, 2134, 315, 11633, 2029, 7349, 1306, 701, 7693, 220, 2946, 79616, 389, 8579, 27529, 220, 1778, 439, 720, 92346, 374, 39345, 369, 279, 7693, 1109, 720, 81749, 389, 1884, 430, 527, 2653, 11, 720, 28753, 78504, 27529, 35406, 1455, 720, 1073, 279, 10988, 315, 279, 3094, 9911, 287, 220, 259, 1548, 13552, 39, 83, 274, 39, 7217, 198, 2746, 499, 527, 11689, 389, 264, 5933, 7479, 11, 279, 12743, 720, 5447, 4375, 1888, 11, 719, 12074, 617, 1766, 430, 720, 9738, 12743, 5447, 374, 3117, 505, 10728, 389, 27529, 1778, 720, 300, 14509, 13, 3161, 1193, 279, 35428, 753, 5413, 11, 12743, 720, 1897, 295, 35406, 682, 279, 10988, 315, 264, 2653, 7479, 13, 2100, 11, 720, 1820, 4495, 15653, 617, 459, 23205, 5536, 389, 720, 1820, 1664, 33851, 315, 701, 7693, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 389, 279, 2800, 720, 1073, 701, 2547, 13, 11359, 279, 9650, 3770, 311, 1505, 720, 1820, 1888, 68172, 13, 1442, 499, 3207, 539, 2771, 11, 6227, 720, 37593, 311, 3780, 477, 10051, 15653, 430, 13194, 701, 7693, 627, 4061, 279, 1404, 198, 2675, 1253, 9855, 499, 1440, 701, 30077, 1404, 11, 719, 720, 1820, 1404, 315, 459, 6822, 4579, 649, 2349, 11, 5423, 720, 2000, 20895, 3278, 13, 362, 1716, 753, 4579, 1404, 4442, 720, 300, 1690, 439, 220, 1627, 3115, 13, 21069, 311, 617, 701, 7693, 720, 2727, 40412, 994, 499, 3780, 15653, 11, 323, 499, 1253, 720, 3990, 430, 11, 1093, 1455, 1274, 11, 832, 4579, 374, 8294, 1109, 720, 1820, 1023, 13, 11544, 369, 279, 8294, 4579, 13, 2057, 6106, 264, 720, 81768, 5052, 11, 8221, 369, 15653, 304, 279, 3389, 13658, 477, 720, 17206, 287, 11, 1306, 904, 55307, 706, 2736, 10222, 13, 720, 17940, 369, 6981, 198, 1079, 380, 12096, 15653, 1120, 1606, 499, 1093, 2355, 1820, 1742, 13, 362, 25587, 6319, 30077, 1253, 1427, 720, 69, 8958, 481, 11, 719, 422, 433, 44164, 701, 4579, 11, 701, 4459, 720, 2664, 1253, 7831, 13, 362, 1579, 38435, 41189, 30077, 11, 369, 720, 8858, 11, 3872, 4785, 4741, 8800, 279, 20953, 720, 1073, 279, 7693, 11, 25957, 459, 29859, 48378, 389, 279, 720, 86, 21449, 13, 5236, 291, 4791, 291, 15653, 656, 539, 2187, 279, 45713, 720, 998, 1514, 872, 3560, 304, 11689, 13, 362, 3428, 77757, 38435, 41189, 720, 939, 4748, 5825, 264, 2288, 34859, 2385, 389, 902, 311, 720, 22298, 323, 4321, 13, 17916, 15653, 649, 3063, 311, 720, 15930, 13539, 90713, 11, 323, 1579, 42357, 4401, 15653, 720, 19553], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " by dental drilling to remove mercury fromseveral teeth and can overwhelm the nervous system.\nThe other problem I have encountered is people who remove their mercury fillings yet feel no\ndifference in their health. Removing mercury fillings for most people should lead to a noticeable\nimprovement in energy levels, or a sense of relaxation in the body. The likely reason why people did\nnot notice any improvement from removing their mercury fillings is because it was not done correctly,\nand because the replacement composite may also have been toxic. Another important detail in\nremoving mercury is the order in which the mercury fillings are removed. Each mercury filling exerts\nan electrical charge. Fillings create an electrical current when the five metals in the filling combine\nwith saliva to create a battery effect. The electrical charge is much stronger than what our nervous\nsystem runs on and it can interfere with brain and heart function.\n6\n The charge of each filling dictates\nthe order in which they need to be removed. When people have dramatic and noticeable results from\nremoving mercury fillings it is from a change in electrical currents which allows the individual\u2019s\nnervous system to function properly.\n7\nYes, mercury fillings are highly poisonous and need to be removed carefully. But for some people the\ntiming is not right to immediately have them replaced. Contacting an excellent dentist from the\nresource list provided in this chapter will help you ensure that when you remove your old fillings, it\nis done in a way that does not make you sicker and with the appropriate timing. Before your dental\nprocedure you will want to take plenty of Activator X rich-butter and cod liver oil. But you will not\nwant to take too much oral vitamin C, since vitamin C interferes with Novocain\u2019s effects. Part of the\nholistic mercury removal protocol is the administration of intravenous vitamin C, which acts\ndifferently from oral supplementation of vitamin C.\nMercury Fillings Lead To Crowns and Root Canals\nMercury amalgam fillings lead to the need to have root canals and crowns. As a filling material,\nmercury fillings do not reinforce the strength of teeth. With the \u201cextension for prevention\u201d treatment\nphilosophy sound parts of the teeth are drilled away in order to place mercury fillings in a wedge\nshape. Thousands of cases illustrate that teeth restored with mercury fillings are the ones that will\neventually need crowns or root canals.\n8\n When 30% of a tooth is drilled out to place an amalgam\nfilling, the tooth can lose up to 80% of its strength. When the mercury filling is in place, the tooth still\ndoes not regain its lost strength. Our teeth are under tremendous biting forces. When we bite on the\ntooth with a mercury filling, that tooth can have stress placed upon it in the wrong spots, causing\ncracking, or a slow crumbling around the area where the mercury filling meets the tooth. This loss of\nstructural integrity, in combination with a poor diet that does not permit the tooth to recover from its\nstress, eventually causes the tooth to fracture. I have not even mentioned that the mercury leaking out\nof the filling will poison the bone-building cells within the tooth. Over time the mercury-laden tooth\ncan continue to weaken, and eventually the severe damage requires an equally severe treatment to\nsave it, such as a crown or a root canal.More Dental Dangers from Toxic Dentistry\nBattery Mouth\nYour body and nervous system operate on a very small electrical current. Metal fillings can produce\nelectrical currents that can be exponentially stronger than the electrical currents in your body.\nConsidering that your teeth are connected to the largest sensory nerve in your body, the trigeminal\nnerve, this excess of electricity can cause harm. The mix of metals in the mouth greatly magnifies the\nproblems of electrical current. For example gold and mercury, or crowns that are reinforced with\n\u201cstainless steel,\u201d can all be present in a mouth also containing mercury fillings. Dissimilar metals in\nthe mouth can be responsible for neurological problems including migraine headaches.\nComposite fillings also interfere with the natural electrical current of the teeth. Rather than greatly\nmagnify it, however, composites completely dampen the current since they are made from plastic and\nplastic does not conduct an electrical current.\nGold Fillings and Crowns\nPure gold is naturally quite soft. This makes it a bad dental material. It needs to be mixed with other\nmetals to make it stronger. While it is possible that not many people\u2019s immune systems would react\nnegatively to gold by itself, the other metals in gold fillings such as palladium can pose an immune\nsystem challenge.\n9\n Dental gold has an affinity for mercury released from \u201csilver\u201d mercury amalgam\nfillings. The gold attracts and stores the released mercury from other fillings. Then when exposed to\nheat such as a hot drink, toxic mercury vapor will release from the gold crowns.\n10\nTo place crowns requires extra grinding down of the tooth. This is done because of the weak bonding\nstrength of dental cement. Dentists using new bonding technologies can avoid placing crowns, or\nremove significantly less of the tooth to place a crown.\n11\nNickel and Stainless Steel\nStainless steel contains nickel. Nickel is used in braces, bridges, partials and crowns. Nickel is a\nmetal that is highly toxic the body. Nickel is hidden in crowns and metal jackets for children\u2019s tooth\ncavities and creates a negative electrical current in the mouth.\n12\n Nickel is highly toxic to the nervous\nsystem and may be related to arthritis and some types of cancer such as lung cancer and breast\ncancer.\n13\n Nickel is used to induce cancer in laboratory animals.\n14\nPorcelain as a Dental Material\nPorcelain contains aluminum in the form of aluminum oxide. Aluminum is toxic to humans. The\nofficial belief in dentistry regarding the stability of aluminum in porcelain is identical to the official\nbelief of mercury\u2019s safety in amalgam. Aluminum is purported to remain bonded to the other materials\nin porcelain and not leak, but this is not likely the case.\n15\n Porcelain crowns are often reinforced with\nlow-cost stainless steel which often contains nickel.\n16Safer Filling Materials\nThere are at least three holistic paradigms for safe dental filling materials. I cannot determine which\none is best. I suggest you choose one that feels good for you after you have done your own\ninvestigations. As important as filling materials are, what is equally or more important is the quality\nof the dental work. My perspective on determining filling materials is first to find a dentist with\nwhom you feel comfortable and trust, and who abides by a biocompatible paradigm. The premise of\nbiocompatible dentistry is that you do not place just any material in somebody\u2019s body and hope that\neverything will be all right. Biocompatible dentistry aims to test and confirm that the filling materials\nwill not adversely affect your health. One sophisticated but accurate approach to test filling materials\nis to get a sample vial of the filling material from your dentist, and find an osteopath, or cranial sacral\ntherapist who can check how your cranial / sacral rhythm is influenced by the filling material.\nElectro-dermal screening, blood testing and muscle testing are other methods to determine how safe\nfilling materials are for you. Holistically oriented dentists typically either subscribe to one of these\nparadigms and offer treatments accordingly, or offer many of these treatments and they decide with\nthe patient which treatment perspective to pursue.\nDentist Hal Huggins \u2013\n Dr. Huggins developed a careful program for removing mercury fillings and\nplacing compatible replacements. It is based on a blood chemistry test in which your blood is\nchecked with a database of filling materials to match for immune system compatibility.\nDentist Douglas Cook\n \u2013 Dr. Cook has tested a variety of filling materials and believes that Holistore\nby Den-Mat for smaller fillings and Premise Indirect (formally BelleGlass) unshaded for large\ncavities are the best filling materials.\n17\n Slow speed drilling prevents damage to teeth during removal.\nDr. Robert Marshall\n \u2013 Electrical testing shows that composite materials block vital electrical flows\nto the body, while metals overly increase them and are toxic. Therefore from Dr. Marshall\u2019s\nperspective, the only safe dental materials are low-fusing ceramics laser bonded to the teeth. Low-\nfusing ceramics and ceramic resin hybrids allow a slight electrical current and mimic the function of\nnatural tooth. These materials include Degussa Ceramic, Cerec 3-Vita II and MZ100, Cristobal+,\nLuminesse.\n18\nThe disadvantage to the low-fusing ceramics is that they can cost significantly more than other filling\nmaterials and they may in certain cases require more of the tooth to be drilled.Finding a Good Dentist\nAt a conference I talked with a dentist who really seemed to understand minimally invasive dentistry.\nWhen I asked if I could put him on my website referral list he declined because his practice was\nalready too full. Another popular holistic dentist in the Los Angeles area has a three-month waiting\nlist. The cranial dental specialist I see has a one-month or longer wait for new patients.\nGood dentists take their time with patients. They do not rush the procedures and they make sure to\nperform each step carefully. That means that they will not be able to handle a large number of\npatients. Good dentists also get good referrals because they make people feel good. Their practices\nquickly fill up since there are so few good dentists. Good dentists usually do not have a full waiting\nroom if they are the solo dentist in their practice, because they are not rushing from one patient to the\nnext the way", "token_ids": [555, 29106, 39662, 311, 4148, 51852, 505, 325, 17998, 18311, 323, 649, 96848, 279, 23418, 1887, 627, 791, 1023, 3575, 358, 617, 23926, 374, 1274, 889, 4148, 872, 51852, 5266, 826, 3686, 2733, 912, 198, 60351, 304, 872, 2890, 13, 67803, 51852, 5266, 826, 369, 1455, 1274, 1288, 3063, 311, 264, 43426, 198, 318, 782, 7986, 304, 4907, 5990, 11, 477, 264, 5647, 315, 43685, 304, 279, 2547, 13, 578, 4461, 2944, 3249, 1274, 1550, 198, 1962, 5406, 904, 16048, 505, 18054, 872, 51852, 5266, 826, 374, 1606, 433, 574, 539, 2884, 12722, 345, 438, 1606, 279, 14039, 28814, 1253, 1101, 617, 1027, 21503, 13, 13596, 3062, 7872, 304, 198, 1864, 9308, 51852, 374, 279, 2015, 304, 902, 279, 51852, 5266, 826, 527, 7108, 13, 9062, 51852, 21973, 506, 15916, 198, 276, 20314, 6900, 13, 22748, 826, 1893, 459, 20314, 1510, 994, 279, 4330, 37182, 304, 279, 21973, 16343, 198, 4291, 85657, 311, 1893, 264, 11863, 2515, 13, 578, 20314, 6900, 374, 1790, 16643, 1109, 1148, 1057, 23418, 198, 9125, 8640, 389, 323, 433, 649, 40978, 449, 8271, 323, 4851, 734, 627, 21, 198, 578, 6900, 315, 1855, 21973, 80330, 198, 1820, 2015, 304, 902, 814, 1205, 311, 387, 7108, 13, 3277, 1274, 617, 22520, 323, 43426, 3135, 505, 198, 1864, 9308, 51852, 5266, 826, 433, 374, 505, 264, 2349, 304, 20314, 60701, 902, 6276, 279, 3927, 753, 198, 77, 651, 788, 1887, 311, 734, 10489, 627, 22, 198, 9642, 11, 51852, 5266, 826, 527, 7701, 74508, 323, 1205, 311, 387, 7108, 15884, 13, 2030, 369, 1063, 1274, 279, 198, 90860, 374, 539, 1314, 311, 7214, 617, 1124, 12860, 13, 9359, 287, 459, 9250, 50351, 505, 279, 198, 9416, 1160, 3984, 304, 420, 12735, 690, 1520, 499, 6106, 430, 994, 499, 4148, 701, 2362, 5266, 826, 11, 433, 198, 285, 2884, 304, 264, 1648, 430, 1587, 539, 1304, 499, 274, 5327, 323, 449, 279, 8475, 18912, 13, 13538, 701, 29106, 198, 21826, 499, 690, 1390, 311, 1935, 11510, 315, 15050, 859, 1630, 9257, 1481, 6339, 323, 20950, 26587, 5707, 13, 2030, 499, 690, 539, 198, 53757, 311, 1935, 2288, 1790, 21308, 28170, 356, 11, 2533, 28170, 356, 41305, 288, 449, 4723, 511, 467, 753, 6372, 13, 3744, 315, 279, 198, 8619, 4633, 51852, 17065, 11766, 374, 279, 8735, 315, 10805, 81443, 28170, 356, 11, 902, 14385, 198, 67, 14657, 4501, 505, 21308, 73796, 315, 28170, 356, 627, 27814, 26533, 22748, 826, 30982, 2057, 27991, 4511, 323, 19385, 3053, 1147, 198, 27814, 26533, 90865, 309, 5266, 826, 3063, 311, 279, 1205, 311, 617, 3789, 649, 1147, 323, 9460, 4511, 13, 1666, 264, 21973, 3769, 345, 1195, 26533, 5266, 826, 656, 539, 55414, 279, 8333, 315, 18311, 13, 3161, 279, 1054, 12709, 369, 27344, 863, 6514, 198, 46185, 11597, 88, 5222, 5596, 315, 279, 18311, 527, 68865, 3201, 304, 2015, 311, 2035, 51852, 5266, 826, 304, 264, 64785, 198, 12510, 13, 63294, 315, 5157, 41468, 430, 18311, 28101, 449, 51852, 5266, 826, 527, 279, 6305, 430, 690, 198, 3163, 1870, 1205, 9460, 4511, 477, 3789, 649, 1147, 627, 23, 198, 3277, 220, 966, 4, 315, 264, 26588, 374, 68865, 704, 311, 2035, 459, 90865, 309, 198, 7712, 287, 11, 279, 26588, 649, 9229, 709, 311, 220, 1490, 4, 315, 1202, 8333, 13, 3277, 279, 51852, 21973, 374, 304, 2035, 11, 279, 26588, 2103, 198, 28156, 539, 49655, 1202, 5675, 8333, 13, 5751, 18311, 527, 1234, 28040, 68196, 8603, 13, 3277, 584, 23556, 389, 279, 198, 998, 8942, 449, 264, 51852, 21973, 11, 430, 26588, 649, 617, 8631, 9277, 5304, 433, 304, 279, 5076, 19300, 11, 14718, 198, 5192, 9162, 11, 477, 264, 6435, 89417, 2212, 279, 3158, 1405, 279, 51852, 21973, 20628, 279, 26588, 13, 1115, 4814, 315, 198, 96797, 17025, 11, 304, 10824, 449, 264, 8009, 10173, 430, 1587, 539, 11810, 279, 26588, 311, 11993, 505, 1202, 198, 95290, 11, 9778, 11384, 279, 26588, 311, 59904, 13, 358, 617, 539, 1524, 9932, 430, 279, 51852, 52929, 704, 198, 1073, 279, 21973, 690, 21109, 279, 17685, 52499, 7917, 2949, 279, 26588, 13, 6193, 892, 279, 51852, 2922, 21825, 26588, 198, 4919, 3136, 311, 33556, 11, 323, 9778, 279, 15748, 5674, 7612, 459, 18813, 15748, 6514, 311, 198, 6766, 433, 11, 1778, 439, 264, 27631, 477, 264, 3789, 40021, 93868, 48804, 423, 14381, 505, 67502, 43911, 5050, 198, 70363, 66255, 198, 7927, 2547, 323, 23418, 1887, 14816, 389, 264, 1633, 2678, 20314, 1510, 13, 19757, 5266, 826, 649, 8356, 198, 19493, 12381, 60701, 430, 649, 387, 75251, 16643, 1109, 279, 20314, 60701, 304, 701, 2547, 627, 83896, 430, 701, 18311, 527, 8599, 311, 279, 7928, 49069, 32015, 304, 701, 2547, 11, 279, 54033, 336, 992, 198, 1215, 588, 11, 420, 13937, 315, 18200, 649, 5353, 11682, 13, 578, 6651, 315, 37182, 304, 279, 11013, 19407, 8622, 9803, 279, 198, 96440, 315, 20314, 1510, 13, 1789, 3187, 6761, 323, 51852, 11, 477, 9460, 4511, 430, 527, 49680, 449, 198, 2118, 267, 16864, 9699, 2476, 649, 682, 387, 3118, 304, 264, 11013, 1101, 8649, 51852, 5266, 826, 13, 52132, 79962, 37182, 304, 198, 1820, 11013, 649, 387, 8647, 369, 64908, 5435, 2737, 92981, 55403, 627, 42785, 5266, 826, 1101, 40978, 449, 279, 5933, 20314, 1510, 315, 279, 18311, 13, 26848, 1109, 19407, 198, 76, 3326, 1463, 433, 11, 4869, 11, 470, 81239, 6724, 41369, 268, 279, 1510, 2533, 814, 527, 1903, 505, 12466, 323, 198, 501, 5174, 1587, 539, 6929, 459, 20314, 1510, 627, 26509, 22748, 826, 323, 27991, 4511, 198, 58713, 6761, 374, 18182, 5115, 8579, 13, 1115, 3727, 433, 264, 3958, 29106, 3769, 13, 1102, 3966, 311, 387, 9709, 449, 1023, 198, 4150, 1147, 311, 1304, 433, 16643, 13, 6104, 433, 374, 3284, 430, 539, 1690, 1274, 753, 22852, 6067, 1053, 14085, 198, 29875, 8046, 311, 6761, 555, 5196, 11, 279, 1023, 37182, 304, 6761, 5266, 826, 1778, 439, 67597, 13786, 649, 17477, 459, 22852, 198, 9125, 8815, 627, 24, 198, 48804, 6761, 706, 459, 51552, 369, 51852, 6004, 505, 1054, 83014, 863, 51852, 90865, 309, 198, 7712, 826, 13, 578, 6761, 61191, 323, 10756, 279, 6004, 51852, 505, 1023, 5266, 826, 13, 5112, 994, 15246, 311, 198, 20559, 1778, 439, 264, 4106, 7172, 11, 21503, 51852, 38752, 690, 4984, 505, 279, 6761, 9460, 4511, 627, 605, 198, 1271, 2035, 9460, 4511, 7612, 5066, 17282, 1523, 315, 279, 26588, 13, 1115, 374, 2884, 1606, 315, 279, 7621, 64186, 198, 75337, 315, 29106, 24532, 13, 43911, 1705, 1701, 502, 64186, 14645, 649, 5766, 25012, 9460, 4511, 11, 477, 198, 5514, 12207, 2753, 315, 279, 26588, 311, 2035, 264, 27631, 627, 806, 198, 31456, 301, 323, 33590, 12783, 198, 626, 16864, 9699, 5727, 52349, 13, 67942, 374, 1511, 304, 60291, 11, 40073, 11, 7276, 82, 323, 9460, 4511, 13, 67942, 374, 264, 198, 55108, 430, 374, 7701, 21503, 279, 2547, 13, 67942, 374, 8340, 304, 9460, 4511, 323, 9501, 61242, 369, 2911, 753, 26588, 198, 66, 402, 1385, 323, 11705, 264, 8389, 20314, 1510, 304, 279, 11013, 627, 717, 198, 67942, 374, 7701, 21503, 311, 279, 23418, 198, 9125, 323, 1253, 387, 5552, 311, 55652, 323, 1063, 4595, 315, 9572, 1778, 439, 21271, 9572, 323, 17659, 198, 66, 11967, 627, 1032, 198, 67942, 374, 1511, 311, 49853, 9572, 304, 27692, 10099, 627, 975, 198, 29197, 60242, 439, 264, 48804, 10441, 198, 29197, 60242, 5727, 25674, 304, 279, 1376, 315, 25674, 51180, 13, 46953, 374, 21503, 311, 12966, 13, 578, 198, 33912, 16801, 304, 18653, 5050, 9002, 279, 20334, 315, 25674, 304, 78742, 374, 20086, 311, 279, 4033, 198, 60876, 315, 51852, 753, 7296, 304, 90865, 309, 13, 46953, 374, 59860, 311, 7293, 70241, 311, 279, 1023, 7384, 198, 258, 78742, 323, 539, 24237, 11, 719, 420, 374, 539, 4461, 279, 1162, 627, 868, 198, 20388, 60242, 9460, 4511, 527, 3629, 49680, 449, 198, 10516, 41238, 25468, 9699, 902, 3629, 5727, 52349, 627, 845, 53379, 809, 435, 9585, 32009, 198, 3947, 527, 520, 3325, 2380, 61876, 28417, 343, 1026, 369, 6220, 29106, 21973, 7384, 13, 358, 4250, 8417, 902, 198, 606, 374, 1888, 13, 358, 4284, 499, 5268, 832, 430, 11321, 1695, 369, 499, 1306, 499, 617, 2884, 701, 1866, 198, 43114, 343, 811, 13, 1666, 3062, 439, 21973, 7384, 527, 11, 1148, 374, 18813, 477, 810, 3062, 374, 279, 4367, 198, 1073, 279, 29106, 990, 13, 3092, 13356, 389, 26679, 21973, 7384, 374, 1176, 311, 1505, 264, 50351, 449, 198, 1336, 316, 499, 2733, 10882, 323, 7095, 11, 323, 889, 671, 3422, 555, 264, 6160, 12255, 38179, 49340, 13, 578, 41302, 315, 198, 8385, 12255, 38179, 18653, 5050, 374, 430, 499, 656, 539, 2035, 1120, 904, 3769, 304, 18570, 753, 2547, 323, 3987, 430, 198, 73826, 690, 387, 682, 1314, 13, 12371, 12255, 38179, 18653, 5050, 22262, 311, 1296, 323, 7838, 430, 279, 21973, 7384, 198, 14724, 539, 69214, 7958, 701, 2890, 13, 3861, 27877, 719, 13687, 5603, 311, 1296, 21973, 7384, 198, 285, 311, 636, 264, 6205, 348, 532, 315, 279, 21973, 3769, 505, 701, 50351, 11, 323, 1505, 459, 52368, 36211, 11, 477, 70637, 532, 11347, 3545, 198, 700, 60329, 889, 649, 1817, 1268, 701, 70637, 532, 611, 11347, 3545, 37390, 374, 28160, 555, 279, 21973, 3769, 627, 30431, 299, 12, 1126, 14991, 23061, 11, 6680, 7649, 323, 16124, 7649, 527, 1023, 5528, 311, 8417, 1268, 6220, 198, 7712, 287, 7384, 527, 369, 499, 13, 16071, 38210, 42208, 18653, 1705, 11383, 3060, 18447, 311, 832, 315, 1521, 198, 1768, 329, 343, 1026, 323, 3085, 22972, 28178, 11, 477, 3085, 1690, 315, 1521, 22972, 323, 814, 10491, 449, 198, 1820, 8893, 902, 6514, 13356, 311, 23564, 627, 35, 306, 380, 20442, 473, 2661, 1354, 115972, 2999, 13, 473, 2661, 1354, 8040, 264, 16994, 2068, 369, 18054, 51852, 5266, 826, 323, 198, 49033, 18641, 54155, 13, 1102, 374, 3196, 389, 264, 6680, 30903, 1296, 304, 902, 701, 6680, 374, 198, 7702, 449, 264, 4729, 315, 21973, 7384, 311, 2489, 369, 22852, 1887, 25780, 627, 35, 306, 380, 31164, 12797, 198, 1389, 2999, 13, 12797, 706, 12793, 264, 8205, 315, 21973, 7384, 323, 13919, 430, 16071, 380, 461, 198, 1729, 9973, 5364, 266, 369, 9333, 5266, 826, 323, 12029, 1082, 2314, 1248, 320, 630, 750, 51608, 85103, 8, 653, 939, 14589, 369, 3544, 198, 66, 402, 1385, 527, 279, 1888, 21973, 7384, 627, 1114, 198, 39247, 4732, 39662, 29034, 5674, 311, 18311, 2391, 17065, 627, 9023, 13, 8563, 30508, 198, 1389, 45034, 7649, 5039, 430, 28814, 7384, 2565, 16595, 20314, 28555, 198, 998, 279, 2547, 11, 1418, 37182, 39532, 5376, 1124, 323, 527, 21503, 13, 15636, 505, 2999, 13, 30508, 753, 198, 32390, 9262, 11, 279, 1193, 6220, 29106, 7384, 527, 3428, 2269, 985, 96806, 21120, 70241, 311, 279, 18311, 13, 12310, 7058, 69, 985, 96806, 323, 43124, 54614, 97205, 2187, 264, 8275, 20314, 1510, 323, 56459, 279, 734, 315, 198, 53980, 26588, 13, 4314, 7384, 2997, 58337, 1892, 64, 79350, 11, 356, 486, 66, 220, 18, 20198, 6388, 8105, 323, 386, 57, 1041, 11, 35218, 677, 278, 10, 345, 43, 372, 1572, 325, 627, 972, 198, 791, 49836, 311, 279, 3428, 2269, 985, 96806, 374, 430, 814, 649, 2853, 12207, 810, 1109, 1023, 21973, 198, 78672, 323, 814, 1253, 304, 3738, 5157, 1397, 810, 315, 279, 26588, 311, 387, 68865, 1006, 4049, 264, 7839, 43911, 380, 198, 1688, 264, 10017, 358, 15243, 449, 264, 50351, 889, 2216, 9508, 311, 3619, 21877, 750, 53354, 18653, 5050, 627, 4599, 358, 4691, 422, 358, 1436, 2231, 1461, 389, 856, 3997, 45880, 1160, 568, 19284, 1606, 813, 6725, 574, 198, 46584, 2288, 2539, 13, 13596, 5526, 61876, 50351, 304, 279, 9853, 12167, 3158, 706, 264, 2380, 23086, 8748, 198, 1638, 13, 578, 70637, 532, 29106, 24687, 358, 1518, 706, 264, 832, 23086, 477, 5129, 3868, 369, 502, 6978, 627, 15571, 18653, 1705, 1935, 872, 892, 449, 6978, 13, 2435, 656, 539, 13270, 279, 16346, 323, 814, 1304, 2771, 311, 198, 29588, 1855, 3094, 15884, 13, 3011, 3445, 430, 814, 690, 539, 387, 3025, 311, 3790, 264, 3544, 1396, 315, 198, 81437, 13, 7839, 18653, 1705, 1101, 636, 1695, 70401, 1606, 814, 1304, 1274, 2733, 1695, 13, 11205, 12659, 198, 28863, 398, 5266, 709, 2533, 1070, 527, 779, 2478, 1695, 18653, 1705, 13, 7839, 18653, 1705, 6118, 656, 539, 617, 264, 2539, 8748, 198, 3039, 422, 814, 527, 279, 13839, 50351, 304, 872, 6725, 11, 1606, 814, 527, 539, 38117, 505, 832, 8893, 311, 279, 198, 3684, 279, 1648], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " damage af ter TBI\n12 Synaptic failur e\nInflammationCytokines\nChemokinesImpair ed axonal\ntranspo rt\nMitochondri a\n4Reactive oxygen sp ecies\nLow ATP\nEner gy failur e\nNeuronal deat hGlutamate bind s\nto NMDA re ceptors3\nIINMDAGlutamate uptake\nblockedIonic fluxes K+ Na+ Ca2+\nFIGURE 9.4 (See color insert.) Diagram shows major subcellular events associated \nwith secondary damage following primary traumatic brain injury (TBI). Astrocytes undergo reactive transformation in response to blunt head injury and release cyto -\ntoxic cytokines and chemokines. Reactive astrocytes are unable to uptake glutamate. Glutamate, in turn, accumulates in the extracellular space at the site of injury where it binds and opens NMDA channel receptors in neurons. This action by glutamate creates an influx of calcium (Ca\n2+) and sodium (Na+) ions and an efflux of potassium (K+) ions, \nwhich result in the depolarization of neurons. This ionic dyshomeostasis damages intra -\ncytoplasmic mitochondria that promote the formation of reactive oxygen species, reduced ATP synthesis, energy failure, and cell death. Studies have shown that DMSO is able to antagonize the formation of cytokines and chemokines in injured tissue (1), block Na\n+ \nand Ca2+ influx into cells after neuronal depolarization (2), prevent glutamate induction \nof excitotoxic neuronal death by suppressing NMDA ion currents (3), and scavenge the formation of reactive oxygen species and the damage caused by these oxidizing radicals. See text for details.219 DMSO in Clinical Neuroprotection\nAstrocytes undergo reactive transformation in response to physical brain injury by \na process known as reactive gliosis, which may impede neural recovery. Astrocytes, \nlike other brain cells, are vulnerable to reactive oxygen species generated by trau-matic brain injury and ischemia.\n92\nIntact brain studies93 suggest that the rise of extracellular glutamate in brain that \noccurs during energy failure secondary to brain trauma may be due to failure of astrocytes to uptake extracellular glutamate, which then accumulates excessively at the site of injury and binds to N -methyl- d-aspartate (NMDA) receptors in neurons \nwhere an influx of calcium and sodium ions and an efflux of potassium ions result in the depolarization of neurons.\n94 This ionic imbalance damages neuronal mito -\nchondria that leads to cytotoxic reactive oxygen species, reactive nitrogen species, mitochondrial ATP loss, energy failure, and neuronal death (Figure 9.4).\nFindings suggest that DMSO administration in traumatic brain injury appears to \ntarget several of these pathophysiological processes to either block or reverse their activity (Figure 9.4).\nFor example, in normal brain metabolism, glutamate, the most abundant excit -\natory neurotransmitter, is taken up by astrocytes, which convert it to glutamine and deliver it to neurons where it is converted back to glutamate as a source of energy. All glutamate receptors are cation channels that allow the influx of sodium (Na\n+) and \ncalcium (Ca2+) ions and the efflux of potassium (K+) ions in response to glutamate \nbinding to NMDA membrane receptors.95 In traumatic brain injury, astrocytes are \nunable to take up glutamate, which can accumulate outside brain cells.\nThis excitotoxic process causes K+ ions to exit and Na+ and Ca2+ ions to enter \nnerve cells via NMDA receptor channels located on the neuronal membrane, a patho -\nlogic process leading to neuronal depolarization, damage, and eventual neuronal cell \ndeath (Figure 9.4). Ionic dyshomeostasis will uncouple mitochondrial ATP s ynthesis, \ninduce oxidative stress, reactive oxygen species, and neuronal cell death.96,97\nThe mechanism of neuronal cell death includes damage to mitochondria from \nexcessively high intracellular Ca2+, while the production of reactive oxygen species \nwill lead to lowered ATP energy fuel and eventual energy failure (Figure 9.4). Energy failure will disrupt axonal transport mechanisms and impede neurotransmission. The excitotoxic ischemic cascade will also create inflammatory cytokine and chemokine secretions from damaged astrocytes.\n97 The delicate balance of glutamate metabolism \nin brain implies that too much or too little glutamate can be harmful.\u00a0If glutamate lev -\nels are too low, cognitive and behavioral problems can develop, but if\u00a0glutamate levels are too high, the overstimulation of nerve cells can lead to cell death.\nRegulation of the subcellular events associated with traumatic brain injury is \ntherefore vital for controlling the pathophysiological cascade and neurological dys -\nfunction that will result following brain trauma.\nThere are reports that DMSO is able to block Na\n+ and Ca2+ ions entry into cells \nfollowing tissue injury98,99 and block Na+ channel activation after neuronal depo -\nlarization.99,100 Drugs like DMSO that prevent abnormal sodium influx into injured \ncells provide effective protection against Na+ and Ca2+ overload. However, it remains \nunclear whether DMSO is capable of exerting this effect in normalizing ionic dys-homeostasis in traumatized brain tissue. The mechanisms exerted by DMSO on Na\n+ \nand Ca2+ channels need to be further investigated in mammalian models of traumatic 220 Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) in Trauma and Disease\nbrain injury since the results of such studies could produce extremely useful and \nrelatively safe agents in treating neurotrauma.\nAnother critically important action shown by DMSO is the prevention of glu -\ntamate induction of excitotoxic neuronal death by the suppression of NMDA ion currents\n101 (Figure 9.4). DMSO was observed to suppress NMDA-induced cation cur -\nrents and excessive Ca2+ influx into plated hippocampal neurons within minutes after \nits introduction, sparing brain cells from excitotoxic death.101 This action by DMSO \non cultured neurons did not appear to involve changes in gene expression or protein translation. It suggested instead a direct effect by DMSO on neuronal membrane receptors mediating glutamate receptor channels and excitatory transmission.\n101\nThe decrease in NMDA ionic currents by DMSO could also be affected by the \nantioxidant action of DMSO, which is capable of modulating glutamate receptor activity.\nAn important phase of traumatic brain injury is the inflammatory reaction seen \nwith blunt head injuries. Although the peak inflammatory response to brain trauma can evolve after several days, cytokines and chemokines (Figure 9.4) are released from astrocytes, microglia, and polymorphonuclear cells within hours after injury, a \nprocess that leads to opening of the blood\u2013brain barrier and to complement- me diated \nactivation of cell death.102,103\nPrevention or control of cytokine release and accumulation in the extracellular \nspace after brain injury, especially cytotoxic concentrations of several important pro-inflammatory interleukins, such as the IL-1 family, IL-6, and TNF- \u03b1, may be \nlife saving in head injury if specific therapy can be applied to diminish their patho -\ngenic effect.\n104\nIn this vein, the actions of DMSO on inflammatory cytokines have been reported \nin intestinal cells exposed to a variety of inflammatory cytokines in vitro.105\nDMSO at 0.5% was shown to significantly decrease mRNA levels of inflam -\nmatory proteins, including IL-1 \u03b1, IL-1 \u03b2, and IL-6.105 The IL-1 family constitutes a \ncomplex network of cytokines involved in the initiation of inflammatory responses resulting from tissue injury, including brain ischemia and stroke.\n106 These interleu -\nkins have become a therapeutic target that when neutralized can result in a sustained reduction of ischemic trauma severity.\n107\nIL-6 plays a major role in many undesired effects of the immune system, and its \nexpression has been found to increase quickly at the sites of axonal injury.108,109\nIn addition to suppressing cytokine production, DMSO was reported to decrease \nsecretions of a macrophage chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) in a dose- d ependent \nmanner in rodent intestinal cells.105 MCP-1 is a major chemokine involved in mac -\nrophage migration and has been shown to play important roles in tumor growth and metastasis. Chemokines are small proteins that direct the trafficking of immune cells to sites of inflammation and activate the production and secretion of inflam -\nmatory cytokines such as the IL-1 family.\n110 MCP-1 is involved in inflammation \nand has been isolated from monocyte and macrophages during an inflammatory \nreaction.110\nIt remains to be seen whether the actions of DMSO in suppressing inflammatory \ncytokines and chemokines in intestinal cells also apply to the formation and accu -\nmulation of these small proteins in brain following neurotrauma.221 DMSO in Clinical Neuroprotection\nTraumatic brain injury may result in a dynamic, pathological process that can \nevolve quickly if not aggressively treated.\nThus, it seems clear from the collective findings relevant to traumatic brain injury \nthat once secondary damage appears and remains uncontrolled, extensive neuronal \ncell populations will die, and the prognosis will be poor despite the best efforts of any successful therapy.\nFor these reasons, it seems logical and proper to implement new procedures to \ntreat moderate-to-severe head injuries as an emergency, much", "token_ids": [5674, 8136, 2024, 350, 8768, 198, 717, 24028, 53274, 3775, 324, 384, 198, 644, 45864, 367, 34, 16820, 564, 1572, 198, 64938, 564, 1572, 26282, 1334, 1608, 3944, 25180, 198, 1485, 5481, 17091, 198, 55470, 47517, 462, 264, 198, 19, 697, 3104, 24463, 993, 12208, 552, 198, 25162, 67656, 198, 36, 1215, 29720, 3775, 324, 384, 198, 8989, 324, 25180, 409, 266, 305, 32641, 332, 92166, 10950, 274, 198, 998, 452, 6204, 32, 312, 3846, 418, 1105, 18, 198, 40, 691, 6204, 1929, 87954, 92166, 69575, 198, 62448, 97240, 31405, 288, 735, 10, 13106, 10, 14751, 17, 17359, 6507, 4622, 220, 24, 13, 19, 220, 320, 10031, 1933, 5774, 6266, 36361, 5039, 3682, 1207, 5997, 1299, 4455, 5938, 720, 4291, 14580, 5674, 2768, 6156, 54286, 8271, 11134, 320, 51, 8768, 570, 65229, 11377, 2392, 37771, 56563, 18475, 304, 2077, 311, 49770, 2010, 11134, 323, 4984, 9693, 998, 18722, 998, 14668, 83185, 1572, 323, 8590, 564, 1572, 13, 40922, 47804, 11377, 2392, 527, 12153, 311, 69575, 35169, 92166, 13, 8444, 332, 92166, 11, 304, 2543, 11, 15783, 24031, 304, 279, 11741, 65441, 3634, 520, 279, 2816, 315, 11134, 1405, 433, 58585, 323, 16264, 452, 6204, 32, 5613, 44540, 304, 34313, 13, 1115, 1957, 555, 35169, 92166, 11705, 459, 53952, 315, 35719, 320, 23389, 198, 17, 37297, 323, 39695, 320, 16589, 37297, 65125, 323, 459, 3369, 63959, 315, 62275, 320, 42, 37297, 65125, 11, 720, 8370, 1121, 304, 279, 2219, 7569, 2065, 315, 34313, 13, 1115, 220, 21427, 14282, 939, 638, 537, 10949, 26186, 50938, 18722, 11377, 99705, 10753, 292, 55042, 4298, 430, 12192, 279, 18488, 315, 56563, 24463, 9606, 11, 11293, 67656, 39975, 11, 4907, 8060, 11, 323, 2849, 4648, 13, 19241, 617, 6982, 430, 423, 4931, 46, 374, 3025, 311, 43215, 553, 279, 18488, 315, 83185, 1572, 323, 8590, 564, 1572, 304, 15902, 20438, 320, 16, 705, 2565, 13106, 198, 10, 720, 438, 14751, 17, 10, 53952, 1139, 7917, 1306, 79402, 2219, 7569, 2065, 320, 17, 705, 5471, 35169, 92166, 38156, 720, 1073, 25435, 91676, 79402, 4648, 555, 98795, 452, 6204, 32, 28772, 60701, 320, 18, 705, 323, 1156, 5389, 713, 279, 18488, 315, 56563, 24463, 9606, 323, 279, 5674, 9057, 555, 1521, 36172, 4954, 74356, 13, 3580, 1495, 369, 3649, 13, 13762, 423, 4931, 46, 304, 33135, 32359, 782, 40241, 198, 62152, 299, 11377, 2392, 37771, 56563, 18475, 304, 2077, 311, 7106, 8271, 11134, 555, 720, 64, 1920, 3967, 439, 56563, 29032, 10934, 11, 902, 1253, 3242, 15686, 30828, 13654, 13, 65229, 11377, 2392, 11, 720, 4908, 1023, 8271, 7917, 11, 527, 20134, 311, 56563, 24463, 9606, 8066, 555, 490, 2933, 1474, 780, 8271, 11134, 323, 98108, 689, 627, 6083, 198, 1090, 533, 8271, 7978, 6365, 4284, 430, 279, 10205, 315, 11741, 65441, 35169, 92166, 304, 8271, 430, 720, 14310, 1759, 2391, 4907, 8060, 14580, 311, 8271, 30988, 1253, 387, 4245, 311, 8060, 315, 47804, 11377, 2392, 311, 69575, 11741, 65441, 35169, 92166, 11, 902, 1243, 15783, 24031, 87146, 520, 279, 2816, 315, 11134, 323, 58585, 311, 452, 482, 76, 42972, 12, 294, 33534, 4581, 349, 320, 45, 6204, 32, 8, 44540, 304, 34313, 720, 2940, 459, 53952, 315, 35719, 323, 39695, 65125, 323, 459, 3369, 63959, 315, 62275, 65125, 1121, 304, 279, 2219, 7569, 2065, 315, 34313, 627, 6281, 1115, 220, 21427, 68331, 26186, 79402, 5568, 78, 18722, 331, 2159, 4298, 430, 11767, 311, 79909, 91676, 56563, 24463, 9606, 11, 56563, 47503, 9606, 11, 72061, 67656, 4814, 11, 4907, 8060, 11, 323, 79402, 4648, 320, 22804, 220, 24, 13, 19, 4390, 10086, 826, 4284, 430, 423, 4931, 46, 8735, 304, 54286, 8271, 11134, 8111, 311, 720, 5775, 3892, 315, 1521, 1853, 85404, 41314, 11618, 311, 3060, 2565, 477, 10134, 872, 5820, 320, 22804, 220, 24, 13, 19, 4390, 2520, 3187, 11, 304, 4725, 8271, 39097, 11, 35169, 92166, 11, 279, 1455, 44611, 25435, 18722, 5382, 90351, 16517, 11, 374, 4529, 709, 555, 47804, 11377, 2392, 11, 902, 5625, 433, 311, 35169, 20588, 323, 6493, 433, 311, 34313, 1405, 433, 374, 16489, 1203, 311, 35169, 92166, 439, 264, 2592, 315, 4907, 13, 2052, 35169, 92166, 44540, 527, 272, 367, 12006, 430, 2187, 279, 53952, 315, 39695, 320, 16589, 198, 37297, 323, 720, 27684, 2411, 320, 23389, 17, 37297, 65125, 323, 279, 3369, 63959, 315, 62275, 320, 42, 37297, 65125, 304, 2077, 311, 35169, 92166, 720, 32136, 311, 452, 6204, 32, 39654, 44540, 13, 2721, 763, 54286, 8271, 11134, 11, 47804, 11377, 2392, 527, 720, 47028, 311, 1935, 709, 35169, 92166, 11, 902, 649, 47376, 4994, 8271, 7917, 627, 2028, 25435, 91676, 1920, 11384, 735, 10, 65125, 311, 4974, 323, 13106, 10, 323, 14751, 17, 10, 65125, 311, 3810, 720, 1215, 588, 7917, 4669, 452, 6204, 32, 35268, 12006, 7559, 389, 279, 79402, 39654, 11, 264, 1853, 78, 18722, 25205, 1920, 6522, 311, 79402, 2219, 7569, 2065, 11, 5674, 11, 323, 42835, 79402, 2849, 720, 63007, 320, 22804, 220, 24, 13, 19, 570, 40674, 14282, 939, 638, 537, 10949, 690, 21482, 85489, 72061, 67656, 220, 274, 81861, 13491, 11, 720, 485, 10743, 79401, 8631, 11, 56563, 24463, 9606, 11, 323, 79402, 2849, 4648, 13, 4161, 11, 3534, 198, 791, 17383, 315, 79402, 2849, 4648, 5764, 5674, 311, 55042, 4298, 505, 720, 327, 1140, 3210, 1579, 10805, 65441, 14751, 17, 45762, 1418, 279, 5788, 315, 56563, 24463, 9606, 720, 14724, 3063, 311, 39920, 67656, 4907, 10633, 323, 42835, 4907, 8060, 320, 22804, 220, 24, 13, 19, 570, 12634, 8060, 690, 24927, 3944, 25180, 7710, 24717, 323, 3242, 15686, 90351, 2796, 13, 578, 25435, 91676, 98108, 292, 43118, 690, 1101, 1893, 47288, 83185, 483, 323, 8590, 564, 483, 6367, 919, 505, 20727, 47804, 11377, 2392, 627, 3534, 578, 36301, 8335, 315, 35169, 92166, 39097, 720, 258, 8271, 24897, 430, 2288, 1790, 477, 2288, 2697, 35169, 92166, 649, 387, 28856, 13, 4194, 2746, 35169, 92166, 23464, 18722, 2053, 527, 2288, 3428, 11, 25702, 323, 36695, 5435, 649, 2274, 11, 719, 422, 4194, 6200, 332, 92166, 5990, 527, 2288, 1579, 11, 279, 927, 54754, 2987, 315, 32015, 7917, 649, 3063, 311, 2849, 4648, 627, 3561, 2987, 315, 279, 1207, 5997, 1299, 4455, 5938, 449, 54286, 8271, 11134, 374, 720, 19041, 1348, 16595, 369, 26991, 279, 1853, 85404, 41314, 43118, 323, 64908, 22709, 18722, 1723, 430, 690, 1121, 2768, 8271, 30988, 627, 3947, 527, 6821, 430, 423, 4931, 46, 374, 3025, 311, 2565, 13106, 198, 10, 323, 14751, 17, 10, 65125, 4441, 1139, 7917, 720, 44018, 20438, 11134, 3264, 11, 1484, 323, 2565, 13106, 10, 5613, 15449, 1306, 79402, 2219, 78, 18722, 14115, 2065, 13, 1484, 11, 1041, 51766, 1093, 423, 4931, 46, 430, 5471, 35663, 39695, 53952, 1139, 15902, 720, 37791, 3493, 7524, 9313, 2403, 13106, 10, 323, 14751, 17, 10, 43284, 13, 4452, 11, 433, 8625, 720, 1371, 1576, 3508, 423, 4931, 46, 374, 13171, 315, 43844, 287, 420, 2515, 304, 4725, 4954, 220, 21427, 22709, 25389, 537, 10949, 304, 99136, 1534, 8271, 20438, 13, 578, 24717, 43844, 291, 555, 423, 4931, 46, 389, 13106, 198, 10, 720, 438, 14751, 17, 10, 12006, 1205, 311, 387, 4726, 27313, 304, 36041, 10700, 4211, 315, 54286, 220, 8610, 8289, 42972, 46962, 15361, 579, 320, 35, 4931, 46, 8, 304, 17747, 13722, 323, 31974, 198, 54160, 11134, 2533, 279, 3135, 315, 1778, 7978, 1436, 8356, 9193, 5505, 323, 720, 3833, 8046, 6220, 13307, 304, 27723, 18247, 2221, 13722, 627, 14364, 41440, 3062, 1957, 6982, 555, 423, 4931, 46, 374, 279, 27344, 315, 78376, 18722, 73807, 349, 38156, 315, 25435, 91676, 79402, 4648, 555, 279, 46735, 315, 452, 6204, 32, 28772, 60701, 198, 4645, 320, 22804, 220, 24, 13, 19, 570, 423, 4931, 46, 574, 13468, 311, 28321, 452, 6204, 32, 38973, 272, 367, 2917, 18722, 8135, 82, 323, 27639, 14751, 17, 10, 53952, 1139, 88233, 71206, 1141, 278, 34313, 2949, 4520, 1306, 720, 1220, 17219, 11, 96055, 8271, 7917, 505, 25435, 91676, 4648, 13, 4645, 1115, 1957, 555, 423, 4931, 46, 720, 263, 89948, 34313, 1550, 539, 5101, 311, 21736, 4442, 304, 15207, 7645, 477, 13128, 14807, 13, 1102, 12090, 4619, 264, 2167, 2515, 555, 423, 4931, 46, 389, 79402, 39654, 44540, 1812, 23747, 35169, 92166, 35268, 12006, 323, 25435, 5382, 18874, 627, 4645, 198, 791, 18979, 304, 452, 6204, 32, 220, 21427, 60701, 555, 423, 4931, 46, 1436, 1101, 387, 11754, 555, 279, 720, 519, 42651, 519, 1957, 315, 423, 4931, 46, 11, 902, 374, 13171, 315, 1491, 15853, 35169, 92166, 35268, 5820, 627, 2127, 3062, 10474, 315, 54286, 8271, 11134, 374, 279, 47288, 13010, 3970, 720, 4291, 49770, 2010, 15319, 13, 10541, 279, 16557, 47288, 2077, 311, 8271, 30988, 649, 38680, 1306, 3892, 2919, 11, 83185, 1572, 323, 8590, 564, 1572, 320, 22804, 220, 24, 13, 19, 8, 527, 6004, 505, 47804, 11377, 2392, 11, 8162, 6200, 689, 11, 323, 46033, 16751, 263, 9834, 7917, 2949, 4207, 1306, 11134, 11, 264, 720, 4734, 430, 11767, 311, 8736, 315, 279, 6680, 4235, 54160, 22881, 323, 311, 23606, 12, 220, 757, 1891, 660, 720, 23863, 315, 2849, 4648, 13, 4278, 11, 6889, 198, 4808, 7611, 477, 2585, 315, 83185, 483, 4984, 323, 46835, 304, 279, 11741, 65441, 720, 8920, 1306, 8271, 11134, 11, 5423, 79909, 91676, 32466, 315, 3892, 3062, 463, 67595, 96068, 3178, 1354, 11, 1778, 439, 279, 11598, 12, 16, 3070, 11, 11598, 12, 21, 11, 323, 32023, 37, 12, 19581, 11, 1253, 387, 720, 14789, 14324, 304, 2010, 11134, 422, 3230, 15419, 649, 387, 9435, 311, 57160, 872, 1853, 78, 18722, 89305, 2515, 627, 6849, 198, 644, 420, 54344, 11, 279, 6299, 315, 423, 4931, 46, 389, 47288, 83185, 1572, 617, 1027, 5068, 720, 258, 63900, 7917, 15246, 311, 264, 8205, 315, 47288, 83185, 1572, 304, 55004, 662, 6550, 198, 35, 4931, 46, 520, 220, 15, 13, 20, 4, 574, 6982, 311, 12207, 18979, 78872, 5990, 315, 4704, 309, 18722, 76, 5382, 28896, 11, 2737, 11598, 12, 16, 19581, 11, 11598, 12, 16, 34318, 11, 323, 11598, 12, 21, 13, 6550, 578, 11598, 12, 16, 3070, 42675, 264, 720, 24126, 4009, 315, 83185, 1572, 6532, 304, 279, 61568, 315, 47288, 14847, 13239, 505, 20438, 11134, 11, 2737, 8271, 98108, 689, 323, 12943, 627, 7461, 4314, 96068, 84, 18722, 11966, 617, 3719, 264, 37471, 2218, 430, 994, 21277, 1534, 649, 1121, 304, 264, 29759, 14278, 315, 98108, 292, 30988, 31020, 627, 7699, 198, 1750, 12, 21, 11335, 264, 3682, 3560, 304, 1690, 56838, 2757, 6372, 315, 279, 22852, 1887, 11, 323, 1202, 720, 29199, 706, 1027, 1766, 311, 5376, 6288, 520, 279, 6732, 315, 3944, 25180, 11134, 13, 6640, 11, 7743, 198, 644, 5369, 311, 98795, 83185, 483, 5788, 11, 423, 4931, 46, 574, 5068, 311, 18979, 720, 21107, 919, 315, 264, 18563, 764, 425, 523, 6868, 266, 2193, 519, 13128, 12, 16, 320, 44, 7269, 12, 16, 8, 304, 264, 19660, 12, 220, 294, 384, 3825, 306, 720, 76, 4992, 304, 21236, 306, 63900, 7917, 13, 6550, 80248, 12, 16, 374, 264, 3682, 8590, 564, 483, 6532, 304, 9155, 18722, 22761, 425, 12172, 323, 706, 1027, 6982, 311, 1514, 3062, 13073, 304, 36254, 6650, 323, 68370, 10949, 13, 19531, 564, 1572, 527, 2678, 28896, 430, 2167, 279, 34563, 315, 22852, 7917, 311, 6732, 315, 37140, 323, 20891, 279, 5788, 323, 87067, 315, 4704, 309, 18722, 76, 5382, 83185, 1572, 1778, 439, 279, 11598, 12, 16, 3070, 627, 5120, 80248, 12, 16, 374, 6532, 304, 37140, 720, 438, 706, 1027, 25181, 505, 1647, 79759, 323, 18563, 764, 1154, 2391, 459, 47288, 720, 60307, 13, 5120, 198, 2181, 8625, 311, 387, 3970, 3508, 279, 6299, 315, 423, 4931, 46, 304, 98795, 47288, 720, 11377, 30694, 1572, 323, 8590, 564, 1572, 304, 63900, 7917, 1101, 3881, 311, 279, 18488, 323, 1046, 84, 18722, 76, 2987, 315, 1521, 2678, 28896, 304, 8271, 2768, 18247, 2221, 13722, 13, 12425, 423, 4931, 46, 304, 33135, 32359, 782, 40241, 198, 49238, 33030, 8271, 11134, 1253, 1121, 304, 264, 8915, 11, 89961, 1920, 430, 649, 720, 5230, 4035, 6288, 422, 539, 49139, 12020, 627, 45600, 11, 433, 5084, 2867, 505, 279, 22498, 14955, 9959, 311, 54286, 8271, 11134, 720, 9210, 3131, 14580, 5674, 8111, 323, 8625, 653, 59707, 11, 16781, 79402, 720, 5997, 22673, 690, 2815, 11, 323, 279, 95350, 690, 387, 8009, 8994, 279, 1888, 9045, 315, 904, 6992, 15419, 627, 2520, 1521, 8125, 11, 433, 5084, 20406, 323, 6300, 311, 4305, 502, 16346, 311, 720, 83, 1244, 24070, 4791, 7962, 19846, 2010, 15319, 439, 459, 13147, 11, 1790], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " are literally dying in front of witnesses, they have stopped\nheart, which confirmed the electrocardiogram, was eliminated\nbreathing stopped brain activity, as evidenced by\nEEG, decreased body temperature. It is true there was no\nrigor mortis, as, among other things, and Hambo Lama. Such\npeople could for a week and even month to dig into the ground, dip\ninto the water, leaving lifeless outdoors - and each time\nThey certainly came to life.\nEspecially amazed and surprised by reports of long-term\nStay in the nude on the Tibetan lamas tridtsatigradusnom\nfrost, and even llamas managed to dry wet sheets\non their shoulders!\nBut remember both - people with normal sight, not llamas, go\nbarefoot on hot coals to 400-600 degrees, even wear\nat the hands of children in the crowd of spectators - all performed by the Bulgarian\n\"Nestarki; remember and our compatriot Svetlana Kim,\nwhich also went barefoot on the sharp blades of swords, arranged\nladder on a special support...\nSpecialists in miracles set about showing off their\ncapacity only after entering into a special trance, in particular\nthe state of his inner self - their own, we can say the soul.\nSvetlana Kim once, not entered as follows in a trance, tried\ngo to the blades of swords (and they are sharp - they are demonstrably\nbefore a session cut on the stage of silk scarves), - tried to\nand nearly died from severe bleeding from deep wounds\non the feet of sabers. But she saved, and she overcame the fear, again\nstarted to show their wonders. and successfully.\nAnd in the wild, like the Tibetan lamas, there exists\nsame ease of transport at low temperatures. Get at least a dipper\n- \"Water-sparrow, a tiny Birdie, bravely diving\nin ice water in our northern rivers and even walking in the bottom.\n55\n55Or Antarctic penguin (male), continuously for 40\ndays of egg hatch in the winter when cold, high winds under\n80 \u00b0 Celsius. and let him explain this phenomenon by the fact that the penguin\nin the lower part of the abdomen has a special pouch for downy\neggs - in Antarctica, such bags shall not pass! Here are manifested\nother properties of living beings - both people and animals: their\nbio!\nThus, gradually, in human society of believers is\n\"Namalivanie\" bio of that same parish church premises,\nmosques, synagogues and datsans, icons and other ceremonial and religious\nsubjects. For the same reason under the influence of bio-fields begin\nshine on display in museums to view paintings, sculptures\nand other values, but they are also deprived of communicating with people, dim\nin store.\nBut there are other kinds of such exposure own biofield\n(Samoobluchenie) own biofield - instantaneous and extremely strong.\nwith the release of \"a colossal amount of energy as it is capable of\nTibetan lamas carry when immersed in a trance in the cold\nand in the nude. Hambo Lama Itigilov, of course, had a\nall the arts of Tibetan lamas and the necessary time itself\nuse one of them. Reported that the funeral prayer\nHambo Lama made in the room and only after the introduction of\nin suspended animation it was transferred to cedar crypt. We think that the prayer for the dying\nprayer Hambo Lama, they won already in the vault. He should sanctify\nits own energy \"home\" in which he was to\nspend tens of years, so he could not use such\nopportunity. We do not know when Hambo Lama Itigilov counted\nout of hibernation, but his body is constantly irradiated bio\nmany reverent fans constantly saturated\nmore and more energy. Therefore, from a position of bioenergy\nit can be in a state of suspended animation almost forever. Glory\nremarkable man who had brought himself a sacrifice for the common\ngood of humanity!\nWe will not give its opinion on the significance of such\nphenomenon of suspended animation rights, although, of course, have it - let\nthis favors academic science. We will not object,\nif you our discoveries will benefit scientists, we will only\nhappy about this.\nIn conclusion, we state their views on the motivation of care\nHambo Lama Itigilova in suspended animation: what prompted him to this? Of course,\nIt was a feat: a full health and your mind away from all the unknown,\nparted forever with your loved ones with their own loyal flock\nbut in a different way to do it but could not. Him and in general all Buddhists\nRussia then threatened with mortal danger, and it comes from I.\nStalin.\nAt the direction of Joseph Stalin, who was very interested in the sciences,\nespecially cultivated in Tibet, was founded in Moscow\n56\n56extremely Secret Laboratory, where both were engaged in\nthe study of Tibetan secrets. delivered to the lab arrested\nmonks from datsans. By means of torture and cruel treatment of them knocked out\nintimate knowledge of Tibetan lamas, but Stalin had intended to\nto get the chief expert on Tibetan secrets - Hambo Lama Dashi-\nDorzho Itigilova, head of the Buddhist clergy throughout East\nSiberia. Hambo Lama was a known person, and not only in the USSR\nbut also in the East. He got his childhood in Tibet datsan, 1923\nstudied in him all sorts of Tibetan Wisdom. perfectly mastered\nOld Mongolian and Tibetan languages, he studied ancient books,\nstored in Tibetan temples. In 1910 he was honorably\nadopted by the Russian Czar Nicholas II. received a royal order. Of course,\nHambo Lama's popularity to Stalin prevented simply arrest\nand bring a llama to Moscow. and he went as often liked to do\na detour.\nAt the direction of Stalin was organized funded\nSoviet expedition to Tibet, which was headed by a great artist\nand ethnographer, NK Roerich, a commander of the expedition was appointed\nwell-known adventurer and spy James Blumkin.\nExpedition to Tibet passes through Buryatia, Mongolia,\nand of course, two well-known person - NK Roerich and Hambo Lama Itigilov\n- Met more than once. Met with the Hambo Lama and J. Blumkin, a secret\nemployee of the same secret laboratory in Moscow. For sure\nHe flattery and all sorts of promises of what was far, persuading Hambo\nLama to come to Moscow. And when he got flat refusal, was\nthreatened him. Hambo Lama, of course, knew who pose these threats,\nhe certainly knew - through communication biofield (this is quite possible\nwe were doing and therefore affirm) - knew about the sad fate\nBuddhist monks in Moscow, but to go abroad in secret he could not.\nHe was immediately announced to the enemy of the people, and all his supporters, all\nBuddhists, he came just would have destroyed. J. Blumkin three more times,\nalready secretly visited Tibet, and if he got into it through Mongolia,\nyou probably visited and Hambo Lama.\nAnd at this time Hambo Lama carefully prepared to care in suspended animation,\nand when it became absolutely intolerable and dangerous, \"he left\" a proud\nand undefeated, preserved their dignity and honor, and had saved\nmany people's lives. Honor and praise him for it. And that care Hambo Lama\nconnected precisely with Joseph Stalin, and shows a curious\nfact: it open the crypt and to determine the state of his body of Hambo Lama\npointed out in 1953, 30 years after the immersion in suspended animation. But\n1953 - the year of the death of Stalin, the worst enemy Hambo Lama and all\nBuddhists. If this is not a coincidence, because the Hambo Lama was\nvisionary, it is very fine revenge to the enemy, and it is worthy of respect.\nOn the MENE phenotype COMAT\nThis is probably one of the most mysterious phenomena of the human\nBody and Soul, which became known to the public in many ways\n57\n57by Ernst Rifgatovich Muldasheva that during\nTravel in Tibet is deeply studied and described this phenomenon.\nSomatic - is the highest form of meditation. There are special\nschools to facilitate the entry of people into somatic. Somatic\n- This is not lethargy. With a lethargic sleep working heart\nbrain, are the metabolic processes. When somatic body goes into the rock-\nstandstill. The body becomes unnaturally hard\nand cold. The body of a deceased person is also harder than the living body, but\nsomatic body many times harder. Figuratively speaking, the body - like a stone.\nThis is achieved by lowering the metabolism to\nzero.\nWhen somatic mechanism to reduce metabolism to zero, resulting\nto hardening of the body and its peculiar preservation, carried out\nwater-borne organism. The water body can be affected\nthrough the aura, by meditation. Man must learn so\neffectively meditate in order to start work on aura\nwater body and through metabolic processes.\nSomatic - is not a state of clinical death. Soul in the state\nclinical death leaves the body, but the body, as opposed to somatic, not\nprepared to make a long time to be canned\nform. When somatic soul is outside the body, as if close to the body.\nA person can continue the life, leaving his body as if\nin caretaker status, and then go back.\nusing somatic can", "token_ids": [527, 16280, 23069, 304, 4156, 315, 28823, 11, 814, 617, 10717, 198, 18207, 11, 902, 11007, 279, 25396, 5057, 72, 13255, 11, 574, 34373, 198, 21152, 44661, 10717, 8271, 5820, 11, 439, 69457, 555, 198, 7244, 38, 11, 25983, 2547, 9499, 13, 1102, 374, 837, 1070, 574, 912, 198, 14746, 269, 10237, 285, 11, 439, 11, 4315, 1023, 2574, 11, 323, 9777, 754, 83659, 13, 15483, 198, 16455, 1436, 369, 264, 2046, 323, 1524, 2305, 311, 4170, 1139, 279, 5015, 11, 24522, 198, 18614, 279, 3090, 11, 9564, 2324, 1752, 34632, 482, 323, 1855, 892, 198, 7009, 7995, 3782, 311, 2324, 627, 17812, 4899, 46304, 323, 14792, 555, 6821, 315, 1317, 9860, 198, 39202, 304, 279, 20637, 389, 279, 73074, 326, 29189, 490, 307, 2641, 266, 5346, 329, 355, 17101, 198, 69, 42602, 11, 323, 1524, 9507, 29189, 9152, 311, 9235, 14739, 25112, 198, 263, 872, 28004, 4999, 4071, 6227, 2225, 482, 1274, 449, 4725, 14254, 11, 539, 9507, 29189, 11, 733, 198, 55202, 5447, 389, 4106, 1080, 1147, 311, 220, 3443, 12, 5067, 12628, 11, 1524, 10051, 198, 266, 279, 6206, 315, 2911, 304, 279, 13734, 315, 70402, 482, 682, 10887, 555, 279, 89724, 198, 93466, 478, 847, 72, 26, 6227, 323, 1057, 1391, 2416, 354, 328, 17553, 75, 3444, 13818, 345, 8370, 1101, 4024, 12743, 5447, 389, 279, 17676, 42742, 315, 53157, 11, 28902, 198, 75, 21473, 389, 264, 3361, 1862, 12515, 20989, 1705, 304, 71912, 743, 922, 9204, 1022, 872, 198, 38487, 1193, 1306, 16661, 1139, 264, 3361, 98531, 11, 304, 4040, 198, 1820, 1614, 315, 813, 9358, 659, 482, 872, 1866, 11, 584, 649, 2019, 279, 13836, 627, 50, 17553, 75, 3444, 13818, 3131, 11, 539, 10862, 439, 11263, 304, 264, 98531, 11, 6818, 198, 3427, 311, 279, 42742, 315, 53157, 320, 438, 814, 527, 17676, 482, 814, 527, 7912, 2915, 198, 15145, 264, 3882, 4018, 389, 279, 6566, 315, 41044, 23087, 2396, 705, 482, 6818, 311, 198, 438, 7154, 8636, 505, 15748, 35763, 505, 5655, 34254, 198, 263, 279, 7693, 315, 19972, 388, 13, 2030, 1364, 6924, 11, 323, 1364, 927, 6142, 279, 8850, 11, 1578, 198, 47823, 311, 1501, 872, 40164, 13, 323, 7946, 627, 3112, 304, 279, 8545, 11, 1093, 279, 73074, 326, 29189, 11, 1070, 6866, 198, 25030, 14553, 315, 7710, 520, 3428, 20472, 13, 2175, 520, 3325, 264, 24522, 716, 198, 12, 330, 29353, 1355, 1768, 654, 11, 264, 13987, 24214, 648, 11, 76813, 989, 43515, 198, 258, 10054, 3090, 304, 1057, 18671, 36617, 323, 1524, 11689, 304, 279, 5740, 627, 2131, 198, 2131, 2244, 80841, 281, 46972, 320, 37576, 705, 31978, 369, 220, 1272, 198, 14097, 315, 19151, 44355, 304, 279, 12688, 994, 9439, 11, 1579, 29592, 1234, 198, 1490, 37386, 62447, 13, 323, 1095, 1461, 10552, 420, 25885, 555, 279, 2144, 430, 279, 281, 46972, 198, 258, 279, 4827, 961, 315, 279, 64772, 706, 264, 3361, 56952, 369, 1523, 88, 198, 797, 5981, 482, 304, 72787, 11, 1778, 18381, 4985, 539, 1522, 0, 5810, 527, 79754, 198, 1605, 6012, 315, 5496, 23837, 482, 2225, 1274, 323, 10099, 25, 872, 198, 38423, 4999, 45600, 11, 27115, 11, 304, 3823, 8396, 315, 52013, 374, 198, 1, 72467, 278, 344, 19700, 1, 17332, 315, 430, 1890, 52297, 8993, 35022, 345, 8801, 14295, 11, 6925, 55180, 1157, 323, 294, 1900, 598, 11, 24699, 323, 1023, 93642, 323, 10597, 198, 65882, 13, 1789, 279, 1890, 2944, 1234, 279, 10383, 315, 17332, 80685, 3240, 198, 31338, 389, 3113, 304, 51677, 311, 1684, 36692, 11, 75973, 198, 438, 1023, 2819, 11, 719, 814, 527, 1101, 62683, 315, 42247, 449, 1274, 11, 5213, 198, 258, 3637, 627, 4071, 1070, 527, 1023, 13124, 315, 1778, 14675, 1866, 17332, 2630, 198, 3844, 21781, 38834, 46077, 648, 8, 1866, 17332, 2630, 482, 96219, 323, 9193, 3831, 627, 4291, 279, 4984, 315, 330, 64, 97937, 3392, 315, 4907, 439, 433, 374, 13171, 315, 198, 51, 581, 295, 276, 326, 29189, 6920, 994, 78308, 304, 264, 98531, 304, 279, 9439, 198, 438, 304, 279, 20637, 13, 9777, 754, 83659, 1102, 343, 321, 869, 11, 315, 3388, 11, 1047, 264, 198, 543, 279, 19071, 315, 73074, 326, 29189, 323, 279, 5995, 892, 5196, 198, 817, 832, 315, 1124, 13, 79711, 430, 279, 32079, 23788, 198, 41041, 754, 83659, 1903, 304, 279, 3130, 323, 1193, 1306, 279, 17219, 315, 198, 258, 22340, 10571, 433, 574, 23217, 311, 76396, 14774, 13, 1226, 1781, 430, 279, 23788, 369, 279, 23069, 198, 652, 1155, 9777, 754, 83659, 11, 814, 2834, 2736, 304, 279, 35684, 13, 1283, 1288, 35589, 1463, 198, 1220, 1866, 4907, 330, 5227, 1, 304, 902, 568, 574, 311, 198, 2203, 408, 22781, 315, 1667, 11, 779, 568, 1436, 539, 1005, 1778, 198, 454, 68164, 13, 1226, 656, 539, 1440, 994, 9777, 754, 83659, 1102, 343, 321, 869, 31094, 198, 412, 315, 305, 18127, 367, 11, 719, 813, 2547, 374, 15320, 76327, 660, 17332, 198, 35676, 36237, 306, 7359, 15320, 50585, 198, 6518, 323, 810, 4907, 13, 15636, 11, 505, 264, 2361, 315, 17332, 17947, 198, 275, 649, 387, 304, 264, 1614, 315, 22340, 10571, 4661, 16058, 13, 59261, 198, 38548, 481, 893, 889, 1047, 7263, 5678, 264, 28235, 369, 279, 4279, 198, 19045, 315, 22706, 4999, 1687, 690, 539, 3041, 1202, 9647, 389, 279, 26431, 315, 1778, 198, 15112, 6431, 263, 315, 22340, 10571, 3268, 11, 8051, 11, 315, 3388, 11, 617, 433, 482, 1095, 198, 576, 54947, 14584, 8198, 13, 1226, 690, 539, 1665, 345, 333, 499, 1057, 54098, 690, 8935, 14248, 11, 584, 690, 1193, 198, 57621, 922, 420, 627, 644, 17102, 11, 584, 1614, 872, 6325, 389, 279, 25835, 315, 2512, 198, 41041, 754, 83659, 1102, 343, 321, 12949, 304, 22340, 10571, 25, 1148, 29746, 1461, 311, 420, 30, 5046, 3388, 345, 2181, 574, 264, 12627, 25, 264, 2539, 2890, 323, 701, 4059, 3201, 505, 682, 279, 9987, 345, 4581, 291, 16058, 449, 701, 10456, 6305, 449, 872, 1866, 29947, 49816, 198, 8248, 304, 264, 2204, 1648, 311, 656, 433, 719, 1436, 539, 13, 21058, 323, 304, 4689, 682, 50618, 1705, 198, 45606, 1243, 21699, 449, 49972, 8137, 11, 323, 433, 4131, 505, 358, 627, 626, 36207, 627, 1688, 279, 5216, 315, 15466, 47765, 11, 889, 574, 1633, 8173, 304, 279, 36788, 345, 36046, 67166, 304, 45261, 11, 574, 18538, 304, 23223, 198, 3487, 198, 3487, 428, 54358, 8769, 32184, 11, 1405, 2225, 1051, 17045, 304, 198, 1820, 4007, 315, 73074, 24511, 13, 12886, 311, 279, 10278, 12800, 198, 1677, 2857, 505, 294, 1900, 598, 13, 3296, 3445, 315, 30667, 323, 28128, 6514, 315, 1124, 33085, 704, 198, 396, 3509, 6677, 315, 73074, 326, 29189, 11, 719, 47765, 1047, 10825, 311, 198, 998, 636, 279, 10388, 6335, 389, 73074, 24511, 482, 9777, 754, 83659, 423, 31478, 7058, 35, 68423, 6292, 1102, 343, 321, 12949, 11, 2010, 315, 279, 47841, 63584, 6957, 6460, 198, 50, 8799, 689, 13, 9777, 754, 83659, 574, 264, 3967, 1732, 11, 323, 539, 1193, 304, 279, 73315, 198, 8248, 1101, 304, 279, 6460, 13, 1283, 2751, 813, 20587, 304, 45261, 294, 1900, 276, 11, 220, 5926, 18, 198, 76443, 1142, 304, 1461, 682, 21522, 315, 73074, 57201, 13, 14268, 71325, 198, 18788, 44539, 89108, 323, 73074, 15823, 11, 568, 20041, 14154, 6603, 345, 72349, 304, 73074, 57997, 13, 763, 220, 7529, 15, 568, 574, 16044, 2915, 198, 99338, 291, 555, 279, 8690, 356, 57000, 40796, 8105, 13, 4036, 264, 30336, 2015, 13, 5046, 3388, 345, 41041, 754, 83659, 596, 23354, 311, 47765, 32098, 5042, 8163, 198, 438, 4546, 264, 94776, 311, 23223, 13, 323, 568, 4024, 439, 3629, 15262, 311, 656, 198, 64, 3474, 414, 627, 1688, 279, 5216, 315, 47765, 574, 17057, 24853, 198, 50, 869, 3978, 51264, 311, 45261, 11, 902, 574, 19946, 555, 264, 2294, 10255, 198, 438, 79180, 42606, 11, 71163, 12093, 261, 718, 11, 264, 29094, 315, 279, 51264, 574, 21489, 198, 9336, 22015, 100235, 323, 21930, 7957, 2563, 372, 8148, 627, 849, 7018, 684, 311, 45261, 16609, 1555, 426, 3431, 266, 689, 11, 91850, 345, 438, 315, 3388, 11, 1403, 1664, 22015, 1732, 482, 71163, 12093, 261, 718, 323, 9777, 754, 83659, 1102, 343, 321, 869, 198, 12, 6344, 810, 1109, 3131, 13, 6344, 449, 279, 9777, 754, 83659, 323, 622, 13, 2563, 372, 8148, 11, 264, 6367, 198, 13243, 315, 279, 1890, 6367, 27692, 304, 23223, 13, 1789, 2771, 198, 1548, 1344, 19187, 323, 682, 21522, 315, 21300, 315, 1148, 574, 3117, 11, 24613, 2277, 9777, 754, 198, 43, 3105, 311, 2586, 311, 23223, 13, 1628, 994, 568, 2751, 10269, 44251, 11, 574, 198, 97229, 6901, 1461, 13, 9777, 754, 83659, 11, 315, 3388, 11, 7020, 889, 17477, 1521, 18208, 345, 383, 7995, 7020, 482, 1555, 10758, 17332, 2630, 320, 576, 374, 5115, 3284, 198, 906, 1051, 3815, 323, 9093, 33449, 8, 482, 7020, 922, 279, 12703, 25382, 198, 33, 8512, 21843, 66477, 304, 23223, 11, 719, 311, 733, 22917, 304, 6367, 568, 1436, 539, 627, 1548, 574, 7214, 7376, 311, 279, 9354, 315, 279, 1274, 11, 323, 682, 813, 15879, 11, 682, 198, 33, 8512, 71, 1705, 11, 568, 3782, 1120, 1053, 617, 14763, 13, 622, 13, 2563, 372, 8148, 2380, 810, 3115, 345, 46584, 42839, 12263, 45261, 11, 323, 422, 568, 2751, 1139, 433, 1555, 91850, 345, 9514, 4762, 12263, 323, 9777, 754, 83659, 627, 3112, 520, 420, 892, 9777, 754, 83659, 15884, 10235, 311, 2512, 304, 22340, 10571, 345, 438, 994, 433, 6244, 11112, 72729, 481, 323, 11660, 11, 330, 383, 2163, 1, 264, 12691, 198, 438, 93576, 11, 34683, 872, 38929, 323, 16044, 11, 323, 1047, 6924, 198, 35676, 1274, 596, 6439, 13, 43044, 323, 29488, 1461, 369, 433, 13, 1628, 430, 2512, 9777, 754, 83659, 198, 15647, 24559, 449, 15466, 47765, 11, 323, 5039, 264, 22999, 198, 34210, 25, 433, 1825, 279, 14774, 323, 311, 8417, 279, 1614, 315, 813, 2547, 315, 9777, 754, 83659, 198, 2837, 291, 704, 304, 220, 6280, 18, 11, 220, 966, 1667, 1306, 279, 75657, 304, 22340, 10571, 13, 2030, 198, 6280, 18, 482, 279, 1060, 315, 279, 4648, 315, 47765, 11, 279, 12047, 9354, 9777, 754, 83659, 323, 682, 198, 33, 8512, 71, 1705, 13, 1442, 420, 374, 539, 264, 50278, 11, 1606, 279, 9777, 754, 83659, 574, 198, 13311, 661, 11, 433, 374, 1633, 7060, 37169, 311, 279, 9354, 11, 323, 433, 374, 28390, 315, 5201, 627, 1966, 279, 386, 37420, 82423, 7837, 835, 198, 2028, 374, 4762, 832, 315, 279, 1455, 26454, 44247, 315, 279, 3823, 198, 5561, 323, 30242, 11, 902, 6244, 3967, 311, 279, 586, 304, 1690, 5627, 198, 3226, 198, 3226, 1729, 74210, 90831, 70, 266, 51214, 30451, 35989, 383, 6723, 430, 2391, 198, 41348, 304, 45261, 374, 17693, 20041, 323, 7633, 420, 25885, 627, 50, 13795, 482, 374, 279, 8592, 1376, 315, 33862, 13, 2684, 527, 3361, 198, 91756, 311, 28696, 279, 4441, 315, 1274, 1139, 1794, 780, 13, 328, 13795, 198, 12, 1115, 374, 539, 98522, 867, 88, 13, 3161, 264, 98522, 867, 292, 6212, 3318, 4851, 198, 54160, 11, 527, 279, 41861, 11618, 13, 3277, 1794, 780, 2547, 5900, 1139, 279, 7091, 7058, 2752, 44466, 13, 578, 2547, 9221, 17380, 72247, 2653, 198, 438, 9439, 13, 578, 2547, 315, 264, 43720, 1732, 374, 1101, 16127, 1109, 279, 5496, 2547, 11, 719, 198, 82, 13795, 2547, 1690, 3115, 16127, 13, 23966, 324, 8046, 12365, 11, 279, 2547, 482, 1093, 264, 9998, 627, 2028, 374, 17427, 555, 46301, 279, 39097, 311, 198, 14486, 627, 4599, 1794, 780, 17383, 311, 8108, 39097, 311, 7315, 11, 13239, 198, 998, 2653, 6147, 315, 279, 2547, 323, 1202, 44797, 46643, 11, 11953, 704, 198, 13284, 1481, 17334, 47120, 13, 578, 3090, 2547, 649, 387, 11754, 198, 20322, 279, 40142, 11, 555, 33862, 13, 2418, 2011, 4048, 779, 198, 27153, 3210, 1812, 20227, 304, 2015, 311, 1212, 990, 389, 40142, 198, 13284, 2547, 323, 1555, 41861, 11618, 627, 50, 13795, 482, 374, 539, 264, 1614, 315, 14830, 4648, 13, 30242, 304, 279, 1614, 198, 91899, 4648, 11141, 279, 2547, 11, 719, 279, 2547, 11, 439, 16475, 311, 1794, 780, 11, 539, 198, 61212, 311, 1304, 264, 1317, 892, 311, 387, 64114, 198, 630, 13, 3277, 1794, 780, 13836, 374, 4994, 279, 2547, 11, 439, 422, 3345, 311, 279, 2547, 627, 32, 1732, 649, 3136, 279, 2324, 11, 9564, 813, 2547, 439, 422, 198, 258, 53401, 4506, 2704, 11, 323, 1243, 733, 1203, 627, 985, 1794, 780, 649], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": "see p. 296).Bark contains constituents \nthat inhibit the formation of kidney stones.\nLeaves are harvested in spring and are used in infusions. \nis very useful for urinary tract \ninfections, including cystitis. It is also sometimes effective for bladder conditions involving poor muscle tone, some cases of incontinence, and urinary problems associated with prostate enlargement.Powdered bark is used in \nAyurveda. For urinary infections, \ntake 15 g with water daily.Dried bark\nDried leavesThe bark of the varuna tree is an important herb for \nproblems affecting the kidneys and bladder, especially kidney and bladder stones. In Ayurvedic medicine, it has been used for around 3,000 years to treat these problems, and, as is the case with so many herbs, recent scientific research is confirming the appropriateness of its traditional usage, demonstrating that it prevents the formation of kidney stones.\n QCaution Best taken under professional supervision.\nUS_088-089_Crateva_Crocus.indd 88 26/02/16 3:58 pm89Cro Cus sativakey medicinal plants\nDried stigma For low mood, take \n5 threads 1\u20132 times a day.Crocus sativa (Iridaceae)\nSaffron\nPerhaps most familiar as an ingredient in the Spanish \ndish paella, saffron is a prized herbal medicine that by \nweight is more valuable than gold. The thin, deep-orange \nfilaments picked from the saffron flower have long-\nstanding traditional use as a remedy for lowered mood, \nmenstrual disorders, and as a sexual tonic. Current \nresearch is endorsing some of these findings, and \nsaffron clearly offers significant health benefits. \nHabitat & Cultivation\nSaffron prefers a sunny, well-drained \nsite. It is cultivated in Iran, which \ngrows roughly 90% of world \nproduction. The stigma are collected \nin the autumn when the plant is in \nflower. The flowers are first cut, the \nstigma then being plucked from \nwithin. The corms (bulbs) naturally \nreproduce themselves\u2014one corm \nproducing five after 3 years.\nRelated Species\nSaffron should not be confused \nwith meadow saffron ( Colchicum \nautumnale, p. 193), an important \n(but toxic) medicinal plant that is \nonly distantly related to saffron.\nKey Constituents\n\u25a0 Crocins (carotenoid glucosides)\n\u25a0 Volatile oil (including safranal)\n\u25a0 Bitter substances\nKey Actions\n\u25a0 Neuroprotective\n\u25a0 Antidepressant\n\u25a0 Antispasmodic\u25a0 Aphrodisiac\n\u25a0 Stomach tonic\nResearch\n\u25a0 Depression Several clinical \ntrials have found saffron to be \nbeneficial in depression. In 2005, \nIranian researchers found that \nsaffron was as effective as \nfluoxetine (Prozac) for mild \nto moderate depression. In a \ndifferent clinical trial, saffron was \nshown to help relieve the symptoms \nof sexual dysfunction (in both men \nand women) that can sometimes \npresent themselves as a side effect \nof taking fluoxetine. \n\u25a0 Eye health Research from a \ncombined Italian-Australian study \nsuggests that saffron has a useful \nrole to play in helping to support \neye health in the early stages of \nmacular degeneration. The study \nfound that retinal function \nimproved in those taking saffron. \nOther research suggests that \nsaffron might prove useful in \ntreating glaucoma. \n\u25a0 Cognitive function \nSaffron appears to have marked \nneuroprotective activity ( see \nDepression and Eye health ). Iranian \nclinical research has examined \nsaffron\u2019s therapeutic potential in \npeople with moderate Alzheimer\u2019s \ndisease. Though still at a very early \nstage, two small studies indicate \nthat saffron, and particularly the \ncrocins within it, acts on the brain \nto improve memory and cognitive \nfunction, including in those \nwith dementia.\n\u25a0 Adulteration Due to its high \ncost, saffron is frequently adulterated. Saffron\nA perennial growing \nto 1 ft (30 cm), saffron \nhas slender leaves and \nmultiple lilac to mauve \nflowers.\nFor medicinal purposes, good-quality \nmaterial is essential.\nTraditional & \nCurrent Uses\n\u25a0 Traditional uses Avicenna, \na 10th-century physician famous for \nhis Canon of Medicine, described \nsaffron in detail, noting that it was \nan \u201cexhilarant and cardiac tonic\u201d that \n\u201cstrengthens eyesight,\u201d \u201creduces \nappetite,\u201d and is \u201ca stimulant of sexual \ndesire.\u201d A rereading of the Canon \npaved the way for much of the \nIranian research over recent years. \nThe herbalist Christopher Catton, \nfollowing the English view of saffron Saffron\u2019s golden-red threads may help \nto support eyesight and prevent \nmacular degeneration.Parts Used\nKey Preparations \n& Their UsesStigma are the three deep \norange-red threads at the \ncenter of the flower.\nas a \u201ccordial\u201d or heart tonic, wrote in \n1862 that \u201cSaffron hath power to \nquicken the spirits, and the virtue \nthereof pierceth by and by to the \nheart, provoking laughter and \nmerriness.\u201d It is said that rubbed into \nthe palm, saffron has an immediate \naction on the heart. \n\u25a0 Chinese herbal medicine \nIn Chinese medicine, saffron is used \nfor depression and shock. It also has \nlong use as a remedy for menstrual \ndifficulties such as period cramps \nand pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS). \nSaffron is also used to treat skin \ndisorders, stomach weakness, and \nto reduce appetite.StigmaFlower head\n QCautions Do not take as a medicine during pregnancy. \nExcessive doses can be toxic.\nCapsules (to make, p. 292). For menstrual cramps, take a 300 mg capsule up to \nfive times a day.\nUS_088-089_Crateva_Crocus.indd 89 26/02/16 3:59 pm\n90Cur Cuma longakey medicinal plantsCurcuma longa syn. C. domestica (Zingiberaceae)\nTurmeric, Haldi (Hindi), Jiang Huang (Chinese)T urmeric\nA perennial reaching 3 ft (90 cm), with a short stem, lance-shaped leaves, and \na knobbly rhizome.\nTurmeric is a valuable remedy for \narthritic and skin conditions.\nHabitat & Cultivation\nTurmeric is native to India and \nsouthern Asia and is now cultivated throughout the tropics. It is propagated by cuttings from the root, and needs well-drained soil and a humid climate. The rhizome is unearthed in winter.Key Constituents\n\u25a0 Curcumin\n\u25a0 Volatile oil (3\u20135%), including \n zingiberen and turmerone\n\u25a0 Bitter principles\n\u25a0 Resin\nKey Actions\n\u25a0 Anti-inflammatory\n\u25a0 Lowers cholesterol levels\n\u25a0 Antimicrobial\n\u25a0 Anti-platelet (blood-thinning)\nResearch\n\u25a0 New interest in turmeric \nDespite its long-standing use in India and China, the therapeutic actions of turmeric were not researched until recent decades when there was an upsurge of interest in foods and medicines that lower cholesterol levels or have antioxidant properties \nParts Used Key Preparations & Their Uses(neutralize harmful free radicals). Research from the 1970s onward, mostly in India, has tended to confirm traditional uses of the root.\n\u25a0 Anti-inflammatory Research \nhas established that turmeric, and curcumin in particular, blocks several different inflammatory pathways, countering inflammation throughout the body. Turmeric is largely taken as a supplement to prevent or treat cancer, dementia, and many auto-immune diseases. Black pepper is traditionally taken with turmeric to augment its efficacy. This effect is now supported by research.\n\u25a0 Curcumin When applied to the \nskin and exposed to sunlight, turmeric is strongly antibacterial. Curcumin is the constituent responsible for this action. Curcumin is also more strongly antioxidant than vitamin E.\n\u25a0 Cholesterol Chinese clinical trials \nin 1987 indicate that turmeric lowers cholesterol levels.\n\u25a0 Cancer Turmeric may be a \nvaluable preventative remedy for those at risk of developing cancer, but more research is needed.\n\u25a0 Other actions Research has \nshown that turmeric has an anti-coagulant action, keeping the blood thin. It also increases bile production and flow, and has a protective action on the stomach and liver.\nTraditional & \nCurrent Uses\n\u25a0 Traditional remedy Turmeric \nimproves the action of the liver and \nis a traditional remedy for jaundice in both Ayurvedic and Chinese herbal medicine. It is also an ancient herb for digestive problems such as gastritis and acidity, helping to increase mucus production and protect the stomach. The herb also alleviates nausea.\n\u25a0 Arthritis & allergies Even though \nturmeric does not relieve pain, its anti-inflammatory action makes it useful for arthritis and other inflammatory conditions such as asthma and eczema.\n\u25a0 Circulatory disorders Due to \nits anti-inflammatory, blood-thinning, and cholesterol-lowering properties, turmeric is now used to reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks.\n\u25a0 Skin conditions Applied to the \nskin, turmeric is useful in treating \na number of conditions, including psoriasis, and fungal infections such as athlete\u2019s foot.\nSelf-help Uses\n\u25a0 Athlete\u2019s foot", "token_ids": [4151, 281, 13, 220, 17408, 570, 33, 847, 5727, 51720, 720, 9210, 69033, 279, 18488, 315, 39042, 27302, 627, 2356, 4798, 527, 67572, 304, 10683, 323, 527, 1511, 304, 4225, 36807, 13, 720, 285, 1633, 5505, 369, 72735, 42929, 720, 258, 25384, 11, 2737, 63581, 20000, 13, 1102, 374, 220, 1101, 7170, 7524, 369, 62564, 4787, 16239, 8009, 16124, 16630, 11, 1063, 5157, 315, 304, 22025, 768, 11, 220, 323, 72735, 5435, 5938, 220, 449, 47447, 66507, 55991, 1126, 291, 54842, 374, 1511, 304, 2355, 74209, 80627, 64, 13, 1789, 72735, 30020, 11, 2355, 23609, 220, 868, 342, 449, 3090, 7446, 920, 4588, 54842, 198, 35, 4588, 11141, 791, 54842, 315, 279, 767, 8733, 5021, 374, 459, 3062, 39999, 369, 720, 96440, 28987, 279, 81960, 323, 62564, 11, 5423, 39042, 323, 62564, 27302, 13, 763, 24852, 80627, 292, 16088, 11, 433, 706, 1027, 1511, 369, 2212, 220, 18, 11, 931, 1667, 311, 4322, 1521, 5435, 11, 323, 11, 439, 374, 279, 1162, 449, 779, 1690, 42393, 11, 3293, 12624, 3495, 374, 50096, 279, 7333, 13827, 434, 315, 1202, 8776, 10648, 11, 45296, 430, 433, 29034, 279, 18488, 315, 39042, 27302, 627, 1229, 23389, 1516, 7252, 4529, 1234, 6721, 38217, 627, 2078, 62, 25620, 12, 25867, 932, 7853, 6723, 932, 28787, 355, 29573, 67, 256, 220, 2421, 220, 1627, 14, 2437, 14, 845, 256, 220, 18, 25, 2970, 9012, 4578, 96141, 356, 355, 7731, 344, 731, 88, 58041, 11012, 198, 35, 4588, 60381, 1789, 3428, 20247, 11, 1935, 720, 20, 14906, 220, 16, 4235, 17, 3115, 264, 1938, 732, 28787, 355, 7731, 10126, 220, 320, 40, 1907, 114785, 340, 50, 2715, 2298, 198, 32576, 1455, 11537, 439, 459, 25795, 304, 279, 15506, 720, 73933, 7251, 6985, 11, 829, 544, 2298, 374, 264, 87630, 51487, 16088, 430, 555, 720, 4870, 374, 810, 15525, 1109, 6761, 13, 578, 15792, 11, 5655, 85483, 720, 12723, 24469, 13061, 505, 279, 829, 544, 2298, 23153, 617, 1317, 7058, 10276, 8776, 1005, 439, 264, 40239, 369, 39920, 20247, 11, 720, 5794, 496, 940, 24673, 11, 323, 439, 264, 7392, 99305, 13, 9303, 720, 61564, 374, 98859, 1063, 315, 1521, 14955, 11, 323, 720, 82, 2715, 2298, 9539, 6209, 5199, 2890, 7720, 13, 720, 39, 40027, 266, 612, 26676, 40227, 198, 50, 2715, 2298, 55064, 264, 40798, 11, 1664, 19158, 2692, 720, 9703, 13, 1102, 374, 67166, 304, 10471, 11, 902, 720, 70, 1849, 17715, 220, 1954, 4, 315, 1917, 720, 23452, 13, 578, 60381, 527, 14890, 720, 258, 279, 42774, 994, 279, 6136, 374, 304, 720, 39853, 13, 578, 19837, 527, 1176, 4018, 11, 279, 720, 267, 11750, 1243, 1694, 628, 40458, 505, 720, 56950, 13, 578, 272, 494, 82, 320, 16501, 1302, 8, 18182, 720, 265, 98374, 5694, 87671, 272, 494, 720, 8723, 6253, 4330, 1306, 220, 18, 1667, 627, 11948, 51567, 198, 50, 2715, 2298, 1288, 539, 387, 22568, 2355, 4291, 757, 5967, 829, 544, 2298, 320, 4349, 331, 86231, 720, 2784, 22082, 1604, 1174, 281, 13, 220, 7285, 705, 459, 3062, 2355, 1921, 332, 21503, 8, 58041, 6136, 430, 374, 2355, 3323, 1612, 18007, 5552, 311, 829, 544, 2298, 627, 1622, 76704, 84, 812, 198, 47774, 25611, 66, 1354, 320, 7063, 66728, 590, 30217, 437, 3422, 340, 47774, 11119, 9187, 5707, 320, 16564, 829, 1658, 49921, 340, 47774, 426, 3328, 33155, 198, 1622, 27820, 198, 47774, 32359, 47079, 535, 198, 47774, 6898, 59933, 519, 198, 47774, 6898, 13391, 300, 2658, 292, 47774, 98408, 299, 4338, 18029, 198, 47774, 800, 316, 613, 99305, 198, 28528, 198, 47774, 46904, 220, 26778, 14830, 2355, 376, 10522, 617, 1766, 829, 544, 2298, 311, 387, 720, 68244, 7235, 304, 18710, 13, 763, 220, 1049, 20, 11, 720, 62819, 1122, 12074, 1766, 430, 2355, 82, 2715, 2298, 574, 439, 7524, 439, 2355, 27256, 91703, 320, 1360, 96726, 8, 369, 23900, 2355, 998, 24070, 18710, 13, 763, 264, 2355, 64750, 14830, 9269, 11, 829, 544, 2298, 574, 720, 70463, 311, 1520, 48839, 279, 13803, 720, 1073, 7392, 32403, 320, 258, 2225, 3026, 2355, 438, 3278, 8, 430, 649, 7170, 720, 29844, 5694, 439, 264, 3185, 2515, 720, 1073, 4737, 20236, 91703, 13, 720, 47774, 28929, 2890, 220, 8483, 505, 264, 720, 67407, 15155, 6830, 58249, 4007, 720, 96861, 82, 430, 829, 544, 2298, 706, 264, 5505, 2355, 5898, 311, 1514, 304, 10695, 311, 1862, 2355, 19494, 2890, 304, 279, 4216, 18094, 315, 720, 12214, 1299, 5367, 17699, 13, 578, 4007, 720, 15456, 430, 2160, 992, 734, 2355, 318, 96608, 304, 1884, 4737, 829, 544, 2298, 13, 720, 11663, 3495, 13533, 430, 2355, 82, 2715, 2298, 2643, 12391, 5505, 304, 720, 10367, 1113, 2840, 2933, 82945, 13, 720, 47774, 73235, 734, 5996, 50, 2715, 2298, 8111, 311, 617, 13160, 720, 818, 2868, 47079, 535, 5820, 320, 1518, 720, 7996, 11433, 220, 323, 28929, 2890, 7609, 28501, 720, 91899, 3495, 706, 25078, 720, 82, 2715, 2298, 753, 37471, 4754, 304, 720, 16455, 449, 24070, 44531, 753, 720, 67, 56407, 13, 18056, 2103, 520, 264, 1633, 4216, 720, 21406, 11, 1403, 2678, 7978, 13519, 2355, 9210, 829, 544, 2298, 11, 323, 8104, 279, 720, 66, 28787, 1354, 2949, 433, 11, 14385, 389, 279, 8271, 2355, 998, 7417, 5044, 323, 25702, 720, 1723, 11, 2737, 304, 1884, 2355, 4291, 52857, 627, 47774, 2467, 360, 466, 367, 24586, 311, 1202, 1579, 720, 16845, 11, 829, 544, 2298, 374, 14134, 40694, 466, 660, 13, 328, 2715, 2298, 198, 32, 74718, 7982, 2355, 998, 220, 16, 10702, 320, 966, 10166, 705, 829, 544, 2298, 720, 4752, 73342, 11141, 323, 720, 36773, 62471, 582, 311, 60014, 588, 720, 89770, 627, 2520, 58041, 10096, 11, 1695, 22867, 720, 8407, 374, 7718, 627, 85782, 612, 2355, 5520, 39923, 198, 47774, 46560, 5829, 220, 7671, 292, 15299, 11, 2355, 64, 220, 605, 339, 34457, 28378, 11495, 369, 720, 26301, 39216, 315, 19152, 1174, 7633, 720, 82, 2715, 2298, 304, 7872, 11, 27401, 430, 433, 574, 2355, 276, 1054, 327, 71, 3653, 519, 323, 47345, 99305, 863, 430, 720, 2118, 75337, 729, 6548, 492, 2476, 1054, 265, 1072, 1634, 720, 680, 295, 635, 2476, 323, 374, 1054, 64, 12936, 69733, 315, 7392, 720, 5919, 556, 2029, 362, 436, 486, 2277, 315, 279, 39216, 2355, 79, 4234, 279, 1648, 369, 1790, 315, 279, 720, 62819, 1122, 3495, 927, 3293, 1667, 13, 720, 791, 51487, 380, 26035, 17810, 783, 11, 720, 44018, 279, 6498, 1684, 315, 829, 544, 2298, 328, 2715, 2298, 753, 220, 21411, 32698, 14906, 1253, 1520, 2355, 998, 1862, 6548, 492, 323, 5471, 2355, 12214, 1299, 5367, 17699, 1087, 7183, 12477, 198, 1622, 5075, 1768, 811, 720, 5, 11205, 39923, 626, 11750, 220, 527, 279, 2380, 5655, 720, 35264, 32698, 14906, 520, 279, 720, 3133, 315, 279, 23153, 627, 300, 264, 1054, 32089, 532, 863, 477, 4851, 99305, 11, 6267, 304, 720, 9714, 17, 430, 1054, 50, 2715, 2298, 52677, 2410, 311, 720, 447, 9890, 279, 31739, 11, 323, 279, 35460, 720, 19041, 1073, 22710, 66, 774, 555, 323, 555, 311, 279, 720, 18207, 11, 2605, 10979, 43214, 323, 720, 76, 618, 1918, 2029, 1102, 374, 1071, 430, 67854, 1139, 720, 1820, 33552, 11, 829, 544, 2298, 706, 459, 14247, 720, 1335, 389, 279, 4851, 13, 720, 47774, 8620, 51487, 16088, 720, 644, 8620, 16088, 11, 829, 544, 2298, 374, 1511, 720, 2000, 18710, 323, 10988, 13, 1102, 1101, 706, 720, 4930, 1005, 439, 264, 40239, 369, 78727, 720, 13798, 3951, 552, 1778, 439, 4261, 1589, 14989, 2355, 438, 864, 89069, 496, 940, 28439, 320, 47, 4931, 570, 720, 50, 2715, 2298, 374, 1101, 1511, 311, 4322, 6930, 720, 4338, 8076, 11, 23152, 23948, 11, 323, 2355, 998, 8108, 38575, 7914, 11750, 3968, 1223, 2010, 198, 43707, 2784, 919, 220, 3234, 539, 1935, 439, 264, 16088, 2391, 20209, 13, 2355, 849, 87728, 35130, 649, 387, 21503, 627, 61841, 2482, 220, 320, 998, 1304, 11, 281, 13, 220, 16443, 570, 1789, 78727, 1589, 14989, 11, 1935, 264, 220, 3101, 14060, 48739, 709, 311, 720, 53770, 3115, 264, 1938, 627, 2078, 62, 25620, 12, 25867, 932, 7853, 6723, 932, 28787, 355, 29573, 67, 256, 220, 4578, 220, 1627, 14, 2437, 14, 845, 256, 220, 18, 25, 2946, 9012, 198, 1954, 17119, 356, 13722, 1317, 731, 88, 58041, 11012, 17119, 66, 13722, 1317, 64, 6925, 13, 356, 13, 74522, 3074, 320, 57, 287, 8799, 114785, 340, 38062, 2165, 11, 473, 78016, 320, 39, 29785, 705, 61922, 59509, 320, 46023, 8, 51, 4433, 2165, 198, 32, 74718, 19261, 220, 18, 10702, 320, 1954, 10166, 705, 449, 264, 2875, 19646, 11, 86345, 35831, 11141, 11, 323, 2355, 64, 1168, 21046, 398, 22408, 450, 638, 627, 38062, 2165, 374, 264, 15525, 40239, 369, 2355, 47601, 50308, 323, 6930, 4787, 627, 39, 40027, 266, 612, 26676, 40227, 198, 38062, 2165, 374, 10068, 311, 6890, 323, 720, 105270, 6456, 13936, 323, 374, 1457, 67166, 6957, 279, 21965, 1233, 13, 1102, 374, 86150, 555, 4018, 2110, 505, 279, 3789, 11, 323, 3966, 1664, 19158, 2692, 17614, 323, 264, 67038, 10182, 13, 578, 22408, 450, 638, 374, 79675, 291, 304, 12688, 9807, 76704, 84, 812, 198, 47774, 13182, 66, 10318, 198, 47774, 11119, 9187, 5707, 320, 18, 4235, 20, 34971, 2737, 720, 1167, 287, 8799, 268, 323, 13535, 1195, 606, 198, 47774, 426, 3328, 16565, 198, 47774, 1838, 258, 198, 1622, 27820, 198, 47774, 23853, 67595, 198, 47774, 12310, 388, 39086, 5990, 198, 47774, 6898, 318, 83059, 198, 47774, 23853, 12, 1787, 1169, 320, 51105, 7716, 20353, 340, 28528, 198, 47774, 1561, 2802, 304, 13535, 2165, 720, 20397, 1202, 1317, 56703, 1005, 304, 6890, 323, 5734, 11, 279, 37471, 6299, 315, 13535, 2165, 1051, 539, 57098, 3156, 3293, 11026, 994, 1070, 574, 459, 709, 20370, 713, 315, 2802, 304, 15657, 323, 39653, 430, 4827, 39086, 5990, 477, 617, 70339, 6012, 720, 30021, 12477, 5422, 5075, 1768, 811, 612, 11205, 39923, 49505, 14587, 553, 28856, 1949, 74356, 570, 8483, 505, 279, 220, 4468, 15, 82, 79287, 11, 10213, 304, 6890, 11, 706, 49890, 311, 7838, 8776, 5829, 315, 279, 3789, 627, 47774, 23853, 67595, 8483, 720, 4752, 9749, 430, 13535, 2165, 11, 323, 2917, 66, 10318, 304, 4040, 11, 10215, 3892, 2204, 47288, 44014, 11, 1797, 4776, 37140, 6957, 279, 2547, 13, 8877, 2165, 374, 14090, 4529, 439, 220, 264, 22822, 311, 5471, 477, 4322, 9572, 11, 52857, 11, 323, 1690, 3313, 64683, 2957, 19338, 13, 5348, 25349, 220, 374, 36342, 4529, 449, 13535, 2165, 220, 311, 49806, 1202, 41265, 13, 1115, 2515, 220, 374, 1457, 7396, 555, 3495, 627, 47774, 13182, 66, 10318, 3277, 9435, 311, 279, 720, 37282, 323, 15246, 311, 40120, 11, 13535, 2165, 374, 16917, 21196, 71034, 13, 13182, 66, 10318, 374, 279, 75164, 8647, 369, 420, 1957, 13, 13182, 66, 10318, 374, 1101, 810, 16917, 70339, 1109, 28170, 469, 627, 47774, 921, 35244, 8620, 14830, 19622, 720, 258, 220, 3753, 22, 13519, 430, 13535, 2165, 73115, 39086, 5990, 627, 47774, 26211, 8877, 2165, 1253, 387, 264, 720, 838, 13429, 97420, 40239, 369, 1884, 520, 5326, 315, 11469, 9572, 11, 719, 810, 3495, 374, 4460, 627, 47774, 7089, 6299, 8483, 706, 720, 70463, 430, 13535, 2165, 706, 459, 7294, 23283, 351, 69733, 1957, 11, 10494, 279, 6680, 15792, 13, 1102, 1101, 12992, 73394, 5788, 323, 6530, 11, 323, 706, 264, 29219, 1957, 389, 279, 23152, 323, 26587, 627, 85782, 612, 2355, 5520, 39923, 198, 47774, 46560, 40239, 8877, 2165, 720, 318, 782, 2396, 279, 1957, 315, 279, 26587, 323, 2355, 285, 264, 8776, 40239, 369, 12203, 1263, 560, 304, 2225, 24852, 80627, 292, 323, 8620, 51487, 16088, 13, 1102, 374, 1101, 459, 14154, 39999, 369, 60071, 5435, 1778, 439, 56780, 20000, 323, 98026, 11, 10695, 311, 5376, 296, 38601, 5788, 323, 6144, 279, 23152, 13, 578, 39999, 1101, 46649, 43398, 61880, 627, 47774, 1676, 40485, 612, 58742, 7570, 3582, 720, 66467, 2165, 1587, 539, 48839, 6784, 11, 1202, 7294, 67595, 1957, 3727, 433, 5505, 369, 55652, 323, 1023, 47288, 4787, 1778, 439, 51643, 323, 12208, 89, 9355, 627, 47774, 16741, 38220, 24673, 24586, 311, 720, 1220, 7294, 67595, 11, 6680, 7716, 20353, 11, 323, 39086, 2922, 90714, 6012, 11, 13535, 2165, 374, 1457, 1511, 311, 8108, 279, 5326, 315, 53572, 323, 4851, 8951, 627, 47774, 28049, 4787, 43608, 311, 279, 720, 37282, 11, 13535, 2165, 374, 5505, 304, 27723, 2355, 64, 1396, 315, 4787, 11, 2737, 4831, 93003, 11, 323, 95447, 30020, 1778, 220, 439, 34880, 753, 4579, 627, 12363, 50570, 39923, 198, 47774, 20277, 1649, 753, 4579], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " the more delicate parts, such as flowers. St. John\u2019s wort (Hypericum perforatum, p. 106), calendula (Calendula officinalis, p. 73), and melilot (Melilotus officinalis, p. 234) are three of the most commonly produced cold infused oils. St. John\u2019s wort oil is anti-inflammatory and analgesic, and may be applied topically or taken internally (after consulting an herbalist) for peptic ulceration. Olive oil is particularly suitable for cold infusion as it rarely turns rancid. The intensity of sunlight and length of time an herb is infused affects the concentration of its medicinal constituents. For greater strength, add the extracted oil to a fresh supply of herbs and infuse again.Infused Oils\nInfusing an herb in oil allows its active, fat-soluble ingredients to be extracted; \nhot infused oils are simmered, while cold infused oils are heated naturally by the sun. Both types of oil can be used externally as massage oils or added to creams and ointments. Infused oil should not be confused with essential oil, which is an active constituent naturally present in a plant and has specific medicinal properties and a distinct aroma. Essential oil may be added to an infused oil to increase its medicinal efficacy.Standard Quantity (infused oils)\n250 g dried or 500 g fresh herb to 3 cups (750 \nml) olive, sunflower, or other good-quality vegetable oil \nStorage\nStore in sterilized, airtight, dark glass bottles for up to 1 year; for the best results, use within 6 months.\n1Stir the chopped herb and oil together in a \nglass bowl over a saucepan of boiling water. \nCover and simmer gently for 2\u20133 hours.\n2Remove from the heat and allow the \nmixture to cool, then pour into the wine press (or jug if not available) with a jelly bag in place. Collect the strained oil in a jug, pressing all the liquid out of the herb.\n3Pour the infused oil into clean, dark \nglass bottles, using a funnel. Seal and label each bottle.\n1Place the herb in a clear glass jar. Pour in oil until it \ncompletely covers the herb, close the jar, and shake well. Place the jar in a sunny spot, such as on a windowsill, and leave for 2\u20136 weeks. 2Pour the oil and herb mixture into a jelly bag, \nsecured to the rim of a jug or bowl with string (or use a wine press as pictured above in hot infused oils). Allow the oil to filter through the bag. 3Squeeze out the remaining oil from the bag. Pour the \ninfused oil into dark glass bottles, label, and store. Alternatively, repeat the whole process with the infused oil and fresh herbs.\nUS_294-295_Infused_Oils.indd 294 26/02/16 4:43 pm295 herbal remedies for home use\nOintments can be made with dozens of bases \nand they vary in consistency, depending on the \nconstituents and proportions used. The simplest \nway to make a soft, all-purpose ointment is to use \npetroleum jelly or soft paraffin wax (other methods \nare explained below). Petroleum jelly is impermeable \nto water and provides a protective barrier for the \nskin. Single herbs or mixtures of herbs may be \nused as required, provided they are finely cut, and \nessential oil can be stirred into the ointment just \nbefore straining.\nDifferent Consistencies\nA solid and relatively grease-free ointment will \nspread easily and is useful for preparations such as \nlip balms. This may be made by using alternatives \nto mineral oils. Melt 140 g of coconut oil with \n120 g of beeswax and 100 g of powdered herb. \nSimmer gently for 90 minutes in a glass bowl set \nin a pan of boiling water or a double boiler, then \nstrain and pour into jars.\nA less solid ointment, for conditions such as skin \nrashes, may be made by combining olive oil and \nbeeswax. Melt 60 g of beeswax with 2 cups (500 \nml) of olive oil and 120 g of dried or 300 g of \nfresh herb in a glass bowl. Cover and place in a \nwarm oven for 3 hours, then remove, strain, and \npour into jars. This ointment can also be made by \ncombining 2 cups (500 ml) of hot infused oil ( see \np. 294) with 60 g of melted beeswax.\nA poultice of self-heal ( Prunella vulgaris, p. 256) \nrelieves sprains and fractures, while St. John\u2019s wort \n(Hypericum perforatum, p. 106) can help ease muscle \nor nerve pains.\nDrawing Boils & Infected Wounds\nSlippery elm powder ( Ulmus rubra, p. 145) \nmixed with calendula ( Calendula officinalis, p. 73) \ntincture or myrrh ( Commiphora molmol, p. 85) \ntincture makes a useful poultice for drawing boils \nand wounds.Ointments\nOintments contain oils or fats heated with herbs and, unlike creams, contain no \nwater. As a result, ointments form a separate layer on the surface of the skin. \nThey protect against injury or inflammation of damaged skin and carry active \nmedicinal constituents, such as essential oils, to the affected area. Ointments \nare useful in conditions such as hemorrhoids or where protection is needed \nfrom moisture, as in chapped lips and diaper rash.\nPoultices\nA poultice is a mixture of fresh, dried, or powdered herbs that is applied to an \naffected area. Poultices are used to ease nerve or muscle pains, sprains, or broken \nbones, and to draw pus from infected wounds, ulcers, or boils.Standard Quantity\n60 g dried or 150 g fresh herb (or mixture \nof herbs) to 500 g of petroleum jelly or soft \nparaffin wax\nStandard Application\nApply a little 3 times a day.\nStorage\nStore in sterilized, dark glass jars with lids for up \nto 3 months.\nStandard Quantity\nSufficient herb to cover the affected area\nStandard Application\nApply a new poultice every 2\u20133 hours. Repeat \nas often as required.1Melt the petroleum jelly or wax \nin a glass bowl set in a pan of \nboiling water, or use a double \nboiler. Add the finely cut herb \nand simmer for 15 minutes, \nstirring continuously.\n1Simmer the herb for 2 minutes. Squeeze out any \nexcess liquid, rub some oil on the affected area to \nprevent sticking, and apply the herb while hot.2Bandage the \nherb securely \nin place using gauze or \ncotton strips. Leave on for \nup to 3 hours, as required.2Pour the herb mixture \ninto a jelly bag secured \nto the rim of a jug with \nstring, and allow the liquid \nto filter through.\n3Wearing rubber gloves, squeeze as much of the \nhot herb mixture as possible through the bag into \nthe jug.4Quickly pour the molten \nointment into jars before \nit sets in the jug. Place the \nlid on each jar without \nsecuring it firmly. When \ncool, tighten the lids \nand label.\nUS_294-295_Infused_Oils.indd 295 26/02/16 4:43 pm\n296\nherbal remedies for home useSmall quantities of additional ingredients such as \ntinctures, powders, and essential oils can be added to a cream before or after it is put in jars. Adding an essential oil, such as 1 ml of tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia, p. 112), to 1/2 cup (100 ml) of cream, counters mold growth and lengthens shelf life, as does 1 tsp (5 ml) of borax. Other recipes for making cream use infusions, tinctures, or infused oils.\nAfter an accident or sports injury, bruising and \nswelling can often be reduced or prevented \nif a hot compress is swiftly applied, provided the skin is unbroken. Cold compresses are particularly useful in soothing inflammation, cooling fevers, and easing headaches. Both hot and cold compresses should be frequently soaked and reapplied for maximum benefit.\nApplying a Lotion\nAs specified, make an infusion or decoction \n(see p. 291), and strain it well. Alternatively, \ndilute a tincture with water. Soak a clean cloth \nin the lotion and wring it out thoroughly. Then \ngently bathe the affected area with the cloth (rather than laying it on the skin as you would a compress).Creams\nMaking a cream involves combining oil or fat and water in an emulsion. If the \nprocess is rushed, the oil and water may separate. Unlike ointments, creams blend with the skin and have the advantage of being cooling and soothing \nwhile at the same time allowing the skin to breathe and sweat naturally. They can, however, deteriorate quite quickly and are best stored in dark, airtight jars in a refrigerator.\nCompresses & Lotions\nLotions are water-based herbal preparations such as infusions, decoctions, or diluted tinctures that are used to bathe inflamed or irritated skin. Compresses are cloths soaked in a lotion and held against the", "token_ids": [279, 810, 36301, 5596, 11, 1778, 439, 19837, 13, 800, 13, 3842, 753, 289, 371, 320, 75046, 86231, 84868, 27349, 11, 281, 13, 220, 7461, 705, 51070, 5724, 320, 9027, 408, 5724, 2856, 992, 285, 11, 281, 13, 220, 5958, 705, 323, 10804, 24911, 320, 40249, 24911, 355, 2856, 992, 285, 11, 281, 13, 220, 11727, 8, 527, 2380, 315, 279, 1455, 17037, 9124, 9439, 72903, 32462, 13, 800, 13, 3842, 753, 289, 371, 5707, 374, 7294, 67595, 323, 3260, 4282, 292, 11, 323, 1253, 387, 9435, 1948, 2740, 477, 4529, 34167, 320, 10924, 31831, 459, 51487, 380, 8, 369, 1069, 27330, 96971, 367, 13, 220, 47814, 5707, 374, 8104, 14791, 369, 9439, 71308, 439, 433, 19029, 10800, 436, 1149, 307, 13, 578, 21261, 315, 40120, 323, 3160, 315, 892, 459, 39999, 374, 72903, 22223, 279, 20545, 315, 1202, 58041, 51720, 13, 1789, 7191, 8333, 11, 923, 279, 28532, 5707, 311, 264, 7878, 8312, 315, 42393, 323, 4225, 817, 1578, 34621, 2656, 507, 8839, 198, 19998, 985, 459, 39999, 304, 5707, 6276, 1202, 4642, 11, 8834, 1355, 337, 41572, 14293, 311, 387, 28532, 26, 720, 10847, 72903, 32462, 527, 62915, 291, 11, 1418, 9439, 72903, 32462, 527, 32813, 18182, 555, 279, 7160, 13, 11995, 4595, 315, 5707, 649, 387, 1511, 69442, 439, 6378, 32462, 477, 3779, 311, 81316, 323, 297, 396, 1392, 13, 15268, 2656, 5707, 1288, 539, 387, 22568, 449, 7718, 5707, 11, 902, 374, 459, 4642, 75164, 18182, 3118, 304, 264, 6136, 323, 706, 3230, 58041, 6012, 323, 264, 12742, 55279, 13, 48833, 5707, 1253, 387, 3779, 311, 459, 72903, 5707, 311, 5376, 1202, 58041, 41265, 54715, 34623, 320, 13885, 2656, 32462, 340, 5154, 342, 32720, 477, 220, 2636, 342, 7878, 39999, 311, 220, 18, 26446, 320, 11711, 720, 1029, 8, 33213, 11, 7160, 39853, 11, 477, 1023, 1695, 22867, 36581, 5707, 720, 5913, 198, 6221, 304, 66740, 1534, 11, 264, 2154, 492, 11, 6453, 9168, 27474, 220, 369, 709, 311, 220, 16, 1060, 26, 369, 279, 1888, 3135, 11, 1005, 2949, 220, 220, 21, 4038, 627, 16, 626, 404, 279, 38525, 39999, 323, 5707, 3871, 304, 264, 720, 59536, 19763, 927, 264, 19737, 857, 315, 50937, 3090, 13, 720, 31996, 323, 62915, 30373, 369, 220, 17, 4235, 18, 4207, 627, 17, 13319, 505, 279, 8798, 323, 2187, 279, 720, 76, 13025, 311, 7155, 11, 1243, 5019, 1139, 279, 13378, 3577, 320, 269, 23200, 422, 539, 2561, 8, 449, 264, 52441, 9145, 304, 2035, 13, 21153, 279, 73779, 5707, 304, 264, 23200, 11, 26422, 682, 279, 14812, 704, 315, 279, 39999, 627, 18, 43278, 279, 72903, 5707, 1139, 4335, 11, 6453, 720, 59536, 27474, 11, 1701, 264, 61319, 13, 53625, 323, 2440, 1855, 16893, 627, 16, 17826, 279, 39999, 304, 264, 2867, 9168, 30695, 13, 27058, 304, 5707, 3156, 433, 720, 884, 50268, 14861, 279, 39999, 11, 3345, 279, 30695, 11, 323, 27116, 1664, 13, 11004, 279, 30695, 304, 264, 40798, 7858, 11, 1778, 439, 389, 264, 11276, 484, 11, 323, 5387, 369, 220, 17, 4235, 21, 5672, 13, 220, 17, 43278, 279, 5707, 323, 39999, 21655, 1139, 264, 52441, 9145, 11, 720, 85408, 311, 279, 31230, 315, 264, 23200, 477, 19763, 449, 925, 320, 269, 1005, 264, 13378, 3577, 439, 42666, 3485, 304, 4106, 72903, 32462, 570, 27628, 279, 5707, 311, 4141, 1555, 279, 9145, 13, 220, 18, 50, 19901, 704, 279, 9861, 5707, 505, 279, 9145, 13, 27058, 279, 720, 13885, 2656, 5707, 1139, 6453, 9168, 27474, 11, 2440, 11, 323, 3637, 13, 39578, 11, 13454, 279, 4459, 1920, 449, 279, 72903, 5707, 323, 7878, 42393, 627, 2078, 62, 17168, 12, 16780, 62, 19998, 2656, 2281, 8839, 29573, 67, 256, 220, 17168, 220, 1627, 14, 2437, 14, 845, 256, 220, 19, 25, 3391, 9012, 16780, 51487, 51236, 369, 2162, 1005, 198, 46, 396, 1392, 649, 387, 1903, 449, 22700, 315, 23963, 2355, 438, 814, 13592, 304, 29237, 11, 11911, 389, 279, 720, 1040, 33462, 812, 323, 49892, 1511, 13, 578, 45648, 720, 3195, 311, 1304, 264, 8579, 11, 682, 59338, 297, 396, 479, 374, 311, 1005, 720, 7005, 41099, 52441, 477, 8579, 1370, 2715, 258, 37123, 320, 1605, 5528, 720, 548, 11497, 3770, 570, 73026, 52441, 374, 17190, 2727, 481, 720, 998, 3090, 323, 5825, 264, 29219, 22881, 369, 279, 720, 37282, 13, 11579, 42393, 477, 6651, 19020, 315, 42393, 1253, 387, 720, 2656, 439, 2631, 11, 3984, 814, 527, 61802, 4018, 11, 323, 720, 49582, 5707, 649, 387, 75940, 1139, 279, 297, 396, 479, 1120, 720, 15145, 610, 2101, 627, 70223, 7440, 380, 6072, 198, 32, 6573, 220, 323, 12309, 63471, 12862, 297, 396, 479, 690, 720, 59295, 6847, 323, 374, 5505, 369, 47979, 1778, 439, 720, 34215, 9839, 1026, 13, 1115, 1253, 387, 1903, 555, 1701, 27548, 720, 998, 25107, 32462, 13, 386, 3903, 220, 6860, 342, 315, 34557, 5707, 449, 720, 4364, 342, 315, 40558, 86, 710, 323, 220, 1041, 342, 315, 83583, 39999, 13, 720, 14354, 1195, 30373, 369, 220, 1954, 4520, 304, 264, 9168, 19763, 743, 720, 258, 264, 7363, 315, 50937, 3090, 477, 264, 2033, 28725, 11, 1243, 720, 78726, 323, 5019, 1139, 61111, 627, 32, 2753, 6573, 220, 297, 396, 479, 11, 369, 4787, 1778, 439, 6930, 720, 81, 14380, 11, 1253, 387, 1903, 555, 35271, 33213, 5707, 323, 720, 1395, 288, 86, 710, 13, 386, 3903, 220, 1399, 342, 315, 40558, 86, 710, 449, 220, 17, 26446, 320, 2636, 720, 1029, 8, 315, 33213, 5707, 323, 220, 4364, 342, 315, 32720, 477, 220, 3101, 342, 315, 720, 72408, 39999, 304, 264, 9168, 19763, 13, 18230, 323, 2035, 304, 264, 720, 83697, 24276, 369, 220, 18, 4207, 11, 1243, 4148, 11, 26800, 11, 323, 720, 55619, 1139, 61111, 13, 1115, 297, 396, 479, 649, 1101, 387, 1903, 555, 720, 22631, 5859, 220, 17, 26446, 320, 2636, 16116, 8, 315, 4106, 72903, 5707, 320, 1518, 720, 79, 13, 220, 17168, 8, 449, 220, 1399, 342, 315, 50459, 40558, 86, 710, 627, 32, 17258, 4937, 560, 315, 659, 38435, 278, 320, 2394, 359, 6985, 74260, 285, 1174, 281, 13, 220, 4146, 8, 720, 3833, 39235, 8314, 1771, 323, 78332, 11, 1418, 800, 13, 3842, 753, 289, 371, 720, 11135, 40352, 86231, 84868, 27349, 1174, 281, 13, 220, 7461, 8, 649, 1520, 14553, 16124, 720, 269, 32015, 51266, 627, 38537, 2577, 8839, 612, 15268, 1599, 468, 3171, 198, 7594, 575, 62479, 43305, 17138, 320, 16991, 38827, 10485, 969, 1174, 281, 13, 220, 9591, 8, 2355, 57785, 449, 51070, 5724, 320, 3400, 408, 5724, 2856, 992, 285, 1174, 281, 13, 220, 5958, 8, 720, 83, 7956, 554, 477, 856, 637, 71, 320, 6947, 15619, 6347, 22337, 45444, 1174, 281, 13, 220, 5313, 8, 720, 83, 7956, 554, 3727, 264, 5505, 17258, 4937, 560, 369, 13633, 90055, 720, 438, 34254, 8548, 396, 1392, 198, 46, 396, 1392, 6782, 32462, 477, 50127, 32813, 449, 42393, 323, 11, 20426, 81316, 11, 6782, 912, 720, 13284, 13, 1666, 264, 1121, 11, 297, 396, 1392, 1376, 264, 8821, 6324, 389, 279, 7479, 315, 279, 6930, 13, 720, 7009, 6144, 2403, 11134, 477, 37140, 315, 20727, 6930, 323, 6920, 4642, 720, 2106, 292, 992, 51720, 11, 1778, 439, 7718, 32462, 11, 311, 279, 11754, 3158, 13, 507, 396, 1392, 720, 548, 5505, 304, 4787, 1778, 439, 71417, 17390, 477, 1405, 9313, 374, 4460, 720, 1527, 32257, 11, 439, 304, 523, 5795, 23726, 323, 76853, 57342, 627, 47, 283, 4937, 1238, 198, 32, 17258, 4937, 560, 374, 264, 21655, 315, 7878, 11, 32720, 11, 477, 83583, 42393, 430, 374, 9435, 311, 459, 720, 32157, 3158, 13, 90123, 4937, 1238, 527, 1511, 311, 14553, 32015, 477, 16124, 51266, 11, 8314, 1771, 11, 477, 11102, 720, 82091, 11, 323, 311, 4128, 75676, 505, 29374, 34254, 11, 8725, 17254, 11, 477, 90055, 54715, 34623, 198, 1399, 342, 32720, 477, 220, 3965, 342, 7878, 39999, 320, 269, 21655, 2355, 1073, 42393, 8, 311, 220, 2636, 342, 315, 60063, 52441, 477, 8579, 720, 1768, 2715, 258, 37123, 198, 20367, 7473, 198, 29597, 264, 2697, 220, 18, 3115, 264, 1938, 627, 5913, 198, 6221, 304, 66740, 1534, 11, 6453, 9168, 61111, 449, 100078, 369, 709, 720, 998, 220, 18, 4038, 627, 20367, 34623, 198, 50, 27781, 39999, 311, 3504, 279, 11754, 3158, 198, 20367, 7473, 198, 29597, 264, 502, 17258, 4937, 560, 1475, 220, 17, 4235, 18, 4207, 13, 45901, 2355, 300, 3629, 439, 2631, 13, 16, 44, 3903, 279, 60063, 52441, 477, 37123, 2355, 258, 264, 9168, 19763, 743, 304, 264, 7363, 315, 2355, 754, 8138, 3090, 11, 477, 1005, 264, 2033, 720, 754, 5888, 13, 2758, 279, 61802, 4018, 39999, 720, 438, 62915, 369, 220, 868, 4520, 11, 720, 267, 404, 12928, 31978, 627, 16, 14354, 1195, 279, 39999, 369, 220, 17, 4520, 13, 328, 19901, 704, 904, 720, 327, 1140, 14812, 11, 10485, 1063, 5707, 389, 279, 11754, 3158, 311, 720, 93755, 38072, 11, 323, 3881, 279, 39999, 1418, 4106, 13, 17, 34844, 425, 279, 720, 1964, 65, 52123, 720, 258, 2035, 1701, 342, 2933, 3059, 477, 720, 66, 17307, 31022, 13, 26257, 389, 369, 2355, 455, 311, 220, 18, 4207, 11, 439, 2631, 13, 17, 43278, 279, 39999, 21655, 720, 18614, 264, 52441, 9145, 27528, 720, 998, 279, 31230, 315, 264, 23200, 449, 720, 928, 11, 323, 2187, 279, 14812, 2355, 998, 4141, 1555, 627, 18, 54, 13992, 23506, 36516, 11, 37663, 439, 1790, 315, 279, 720, 10847, 39999, 21655, 439, 3284, 1555, 279, 9145, 1139, 720, 1820, 23200, 13, 19, 25310, 398, 5019, 279, 22337, 2002, 720, 29019, 1139, 61111, 1603, 2355, 275, 7437, 304, 279, 23200, 13, 11004, 279, 2355, 62306, 389, 1855, 30695, 2085, 720, 5132, 1711, 433, 32620, 13, 3277, 720, 43296, 11, 67845, 279, 100078, 720, 438, 2440, 627, 2078, 62, 17168, 12, 16780, 62, 19998, 2656, 2281, 8839, 29573, 67, 256, 220, 16780, 220, 1627, 14, 2437, 14, 845, 256, 220, 19, 25, 3391, 9012, 198, 17408, 198, 1964, 13616, 51236, 369, 2162, 1005, 26375, 33776, 315, 5217, 14293, 1778, 439, 720, 83, 7956, 1439, 11, 7019, 12601, 11, 323, 7718, 32462, 649, 387, 3779, 311, 264, 12932, 1603, 477, 1306, 433, 374, 2231, 304, 61111, 13, 31470, 459, 7718, 5707, 11, 1778, 439, 220, 16, 16116, 315, 15600, 5021, 320, 40249, 1604, 84, 936, 7064, 333, 39260, 11, 281, 13, 220, 7261, 705, 311, 220, 16, 14, 17, 10747, 320, 1041, 16116, 8, 315, 12932, 11, 32632, 29561, 6650, 323, 3160, 729, 28745, 2324, 11, 439, 1587, 220, 16, 39020, 320, 20, 16116, 8, 315, 32732, 710, 13, 7089, 19141, 369, 3339, 12932, 1005, 4225, 36807, 11, 259, 7956, 1439, 11, 477, 72903, 32462, 627, 6153, 459, 11677, 477, 10034, 11134, 11, 43100, 3876, 323, 720, 2332, 6427, 649, 3629, 387, 11293, 477, 32098, 2355, 333, 264, 4106, 25633, 374, 56651, 9435, 11, 3984, 279, 6930, 374, 653, 50009, 13, 24062, 25633, 288, 527, 8104, 5505, 304, 65464, 37140, 11, 28015, 1172, 3078, 11, 323, 45404, 55403, 13, 11995, 4106, 323, 9439, 25633, 288, 1288, 387, 14134, 69975, 323, 58003, 3523, 369, 7340, 8935, 627, 2213, 6852, 264, 445, 6082, 198, 2170, 5300, 11, 1304, 459, 71308, 477, 68652, 407, 2355, 7, 4151, 281, 13, 220, 17335, 705, 323, 26800, 433, 1664, 13, 39578, 11, 2355, 67, 321, 1088, 264, 259, 7956, 554, 449, 3090, 13, 2100, 587, 264, 4335, 28392, 2355, 258, 279, 87942, 323, 3189, 287, 433, 704, 27461, 13, 5112, 720, 70, 4501, 16120, 383, 279, 11754, 3158, 449, 279, 28392, 320, 74303, 1109, 35744, 433, 389, 279, 6930, 439, 499, 1053, 220, 264, 25633, 570, 99881, 82, 198, 43346, 264, 12932, 18065, 35271, 5707, 477, 8834, 323, 3090, 304, 459, 991, 34003, 13, 1442, 279, 720, 4734, 374, 33341, 11, 279, 5707, 323, 3090, 1253, 8821, 13, 27140, 297, 396, 1392, 11, 81316, 20955, 449, 279, 6930, 323, 617, 279, 9610, 315, 1694, 28015, 323, 65464, 2355, 3556, 520, 279, 1890, 892, 10923, 279, 6930, 311, 37397, 323, 28566, 18182, 13, 2435, 649, 11, 4869, 11, 39436, 349, 5115, 6288, 323, 527, 1888, 9967, 304, 6453, 11, 264, 2154, 492, 220, 61111, 304, 264, 46044, 627, 1110, 1911, 288, 612, 22503, 919, 198, 43, 41356, 527, 3090, 6108, 51487, 47979, 1778, 439, 4225, 36807, 11, 68652, 5247, 11, 220, 477, 80703, 259, 7956, 1439, 430, 527, 1511, 311, 16120, 383, 4704, 3690, 477, 84971, 6930, 13, 1219, 1911, 288, 527, 5405, 17323, 69975, 304, 264, 87942, 323, 5762, 2403, 279], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": "adicate.AfamoussuccessstoryofapersonwhoovercamelymphaticcancerisLanceArmstrong,legendaryTourdeFrancechampionandauthorofIt\u2019sNotAbouttheBike.\nNervousSystemDisorders\nDisordersofthenervesaresomeofthemorecomplexanddifficult\nofallconditionstotreat.Thesechallengesarebecauseofthe\nConqueringCommonHealthConditions 315\nintricateinteractionsbetweenyourbrain,yournervoussystem,yourmind,andyouremotions.\nCentralNervousSystemDisorders\nCentralnervoussystemdisordersofteninvolvethebrainandareusuallyserious.Theyincludesuchconditionsasthefollowing:\n~Alzheimer\u2019sdisease,characterizedbyalossofshort-termmemory.\nnCerebralpalsy,whichappearsearlyinlifeandisadebilitatingconditionrelatedtobirthtraumaorothercongenitalproblems;cerebralpalsyresultsinspeechandmovementdisturbances.\n~Epilepsy,whichincludesawiderangeofconditionsthatcauseseizures.Multiplesclerosis,thoughttobeanautoimmunedisease,withsymptomsincludingprogressiveweakness,lossofbalance,lack\nofcoordination,andspeechandvisualdisturbances.\n~Parkinson\u2019sdisease,characterizedbytremors,ashufflingwalk,\nandrigidity.Spinal-corddisorders,whichareusuallytraumarelatedandresult\ninlife-alteringparalysisofonedegreeoranother.\nBecauseoftheseriousnessofcentralnervoussystemdisorders\nandthedifficultiesintreatingthemoncetheyareestablished,the\nfocusshouldbeonworkingwithyourhealingsystemtopreventthem.Conventionalmedicinesmaybenecessarytohelpmanagetheseproblemsoncetheyareestablished,supportedbygoodnutri\ntionandnaturalmedicines.Gingkobiloba,whichhasbeenshowntoincreasebloodflowtothebrain,maybehelpfulinselectedcasesofAlzheimer\u2019sandParkinson\u2019sdiseases.Stressmanagement,includingrelaxationtrainingandbreathingtechniques,haveanaturalcalmingeffectonthemindandbrain,andtheyhelpmanagetheseconditions\nbystabilizingtheelectricalactivityofthenervoussystem.Stress-managementtechniquesarealsoeffectiveinrelievingpainandtensionresultingfromtheseconditions.Gentleyogatechniquescanalsosup\nportthehealingsystembyimprovingbalanceandcoordination.Acupuncture,musictherapy,andmassagecanalsobehelpful.\n316ActivatingYourHealingSystemWhenYou\u2019reSick\nThemostimportantthingyoucandoispayattentiontotheunderlyingcausesoftheseconditionsandstarttreatmentintheear\nlieststageswhensymptomsarelesssevere.Excitingnewresearchin\nthefieldofnerveregenerationisinvestigatingproceduresthatsup\nportthehealingsystem\u2019sabilitytomenddamagednervesandcreate\nnewpathwaysforvictimsofspinalcordinjuryandotherdiseasesof\nthecentralnervoussystem.PeripheralNeuropathiesPeripheralneuropathiesarenervedisordersthatusuallyinvolvetheextremities.Thesedisordersincludediabeticneuropathy,sciaticaand\u201cpinchednerves,\u201dandnutritionalneuropathies,suchasthosecaused\nbyvitaminB12deficiency,(perniciousanemia),orthiamindeficiency,(beriberi).Becausetheseconditionsareoftenassociatedwithotherhealthproblemsthatarebothcorrectableandpreventable,addressingthoseunderlyingfactorsisthekeytoworkingwithyourhealingsystemtoimproveandreversethenervedisorders.Payingattentiontogoodnutritionandincorporatingstressmanagementandothernaturalmethodsthatworkwithyourhealingsystemcan\ngoalongwaytowardimprovingtheseconditions.\nMusculoskeletalDisorders\nProblemsinthemusclesandbonesarecommonandrangefrombruisesandcontusionstofracturesandotherconditions.\nFractures\nFractureshealbestwithadequatecalciumandvitaminD,rest,immobilization,plentyoffluids,naturalsunlight,propernutrition,\nandnaturalmedicinesthatsupportyourhealingsystem.Becauseof\nyourhealingsystem\u2019samazingabilitytomendandremodelbone,\nmostfractureshealuneventfullyoncethebonesareheldinplacebyeitheracastorsplint.Thelargestboneinthebody,thefemur,takes\njustsixweekstohealfromasimplefracture.Somecomplexfracturesmightrequireassistancewithmethods\nsuchasbonesettingandopensurgicalreductionusingplates,rods,\nscrews,andpins,aswellaselectricalbonestimulation,butmost\nConqueringCommonHealthConditions 317\nfracturesmaynotevenrequirecasting.Thiswasdemonstratedinawell-knownstudyinvolvingNigerianbonedoctors,whoneverwent\ntomedicalschool,yettheyshowedthatthefracturestheytreated\nusingonlystickshealedinthesameamountoftimeasthosetreated\nwithmodernmethodsinalargehospitalinAmerica.\nMuscularInjuriesInjuriesofthemusclesarecommon.Ifmusclesarestrongandoverdeveloped,butnotflexibleorrelaxed,thelikelihoodofinjuriesincreasesbecauseoftheirstiffnessandrigidity.Additionally,because\nyourmusclesareconnectedtoyournerves,mentaltensionandstress\ncanalsocausemusculartensionandstiffness.Theseconditionscontributetomusclepain,andtheyareoftencontributingfactorsto\nmanymuscularandneuromusculardisorders,includingbackpain\nandfibromyalgia.Dietaryfactorsandotherlifestyleandpersonalhealthhabitsalsoplayamajorroleintheseconditions.\nAhealthymuscleisonethatisstrong,flexible,andrelaxed;soregularlystretchingandrelaxingallthemusclesinyourbody,inadditiontoexercising,areimportant.Yogaisagentle,systematicapproachtoensuringproperhealthofyourmusclesthroughexer\ncisesthatlengthen,stretch,andrelaxthemuscleswhilebuilding\ntoneandstrength.Anyonewithamuscularconditionwoulddowell\ntoinvestigatethepossibilityofaddingyogatohisorheroverallheal\ningprogram.OsteoporosisCommoninpost-menopausalwomen,osteoporosisrepresentsaloss\nofbonedensityandstrength.Manyexpertsbelievethisconditioniscausedbyalackofestrogen;however,newerresearchonastronautsshowsthatalackofweight-bearingexercisemayplayalargerrole.Thereisevidencethatstress,whichaffectstheendocrinesystemandinfluencescalciummetabolism,andhigh-proteindiets,whichcanleechcalciumfrombone,mayalsocontributetothecondition.Osteoporosiscanbepreventedandoftenreversedbyregularweight-bearingexerciseandstretching,adequatevitaminDandcalcium,stressmanagement,andahealthy,wholesomedietthatsupports\nyourhealingsystem.\n318ActivatingYourHealingSystemWhenYoureSick\nJointDisorders\nBecauseyouareconstantlymoving,yourjointsaresubjecttowear\nandtear,andtheyareacommonsiteforpainfulproblemsanddisturbances.JointdiseasesareparticularlycommonintheWesterndevelopedworld.Ironically,theseconditionsarerelativelyrarein\nmostdevelopingcountrieswhereactivitiesandlifestylesarelesssedentary.\nGout\nKnownasthe\u201crichman\u2019sdisease,\u201dgoutiscausedbyexcessuricacidproduction,oftentheresultofrichfoodssuchasmeatandfleshproducts.Goutisvirtuallyabsentamongpoorpopulations,whichsubsistpredominantlyonvegetablesandgrains.Goutisentirelycur\nableandpreventable,anditrespondswelltoreducingorabstainingfromallmeats,fowl,andseafood.Inaddition,increasingfluidintakeandavoidingcoffeeandalcoholcanpreventflare-upsofthiscondition.Osteoarthritis\nMostdoctorsbelievethatosteoarthritisiscausedbythesteadywear\nandtearofjoints.Thisconditioncanbepreventedandreversed\nbyfollowingmethodsthatworkwithyourhealingsystem.Theseincludegentlestretchingofthemusclesthatsurroundtheaffectedjoints,andincreasedconsumptionoffluids,includingfruitandvegetablejuices.Movementtherapiessuchasyoga,taichi,andswimming;acupuncture;andvisualizationandguidedimagerycan\nalsobeveryhelpfulforthiscondition.Certainfoodsandnaturalsupplementssuchasglucosaminemayalsobehelpful.RheumatoidArthritis\nNowconsideredanautoimmuneproblem,rheumatoidarthritisiscausedbydysfunctioninthelinesofcommunicationamongtheimmunesystem,theendocrinesystem,andyourbrain.Emotionalupheavaloftenprecedespainfulflare-upsofrheumatoidarthritis.\nDr.GeorgeFreemanSolomon,atUCLA,whoisoneoftheworld\u2019sforemostauthoritiesonrheumatoidarthritis,hasidentifiedseveralpsychologicalfactors,suchasrepressedanger", "token_ids": [329, 8630, 885, 69, 309, 283, 784, 2621, 27583, 1073, 391, 1293, 14965, 2017, 11860, 989, 56102, 780, 66, 11967, 285, 43, 685, 34013, 4620, 11, 14845, 661, 56050, 451, 50100, 331, 13580, 438, 3170, 1073, 2181, 753, 2688, 10714, 1820, 33, 3043, 627, 45, 651, 788, 2374, 4944, 8076, 198, 4944, 8076, 1073, 3473, 13583, 5518, 638, 1073, 49818, 461, 24126, 438, 13798, 3951, 198, 1073, 543, 9233, 267, 354, 1244, 5221, 2423, 331, 43470, 548, 28753, 1073, 1820, 198, 1128, 447, 4776, 11076, 14884, 36535, 220, 15189, 198, 59888, 8630, 2295, 4109, 42967, 22479, 54160, 7509, 3514, 651, 283, 784, 615, 7509, 414, 38824, 51526, 9514, 1864, 41356, 627, 44503, 45, 651, 788, 2374, 4944, 8076, 198, 44503, 77, 651, 283, 784, 615, 4338, 8076, 61917, 258, 12821, 17553, 383, 54160, 438, 548, 44066, 94427, 76369, 14866, 1412, 16902, 561, 383, 44018, 512, 93, 2149, 42360, 753, 67, 56407, 11, 19740, 1534, 1729, 278, 437, 708, 69, 8846, 12, 466, 3906, 4836, 627, 77, 34, 486, 42743, 79, 60384, 11, 8370, 34531, 2648, 277, 398, 258, 14789, 438, 285, 1037, 65, 76254, 9233, 9920, 83, 677, 4914, 2221, 13722, 269, 1605, 444, 4469, 2223, 96440, 79732, 486, 42743, 79, 60384, 8234, 1354, 40686, 438, 62274, 12489, 9225, 3095, 627, 93, 36, 12470, 46246, 11, 8370, 14866, 675, 1814, 853, 1073, 9233, 267, 9379, 936, 355, 2423, 450, 1439, 1345, 10046, 645, 91711, 11, 61665, 83, 15784, 3444, 1564, 12828, 49983, 56407, 11, 4291, 24738, 52273, 16564, 14703, 344, 88823, 587, 2136, 11, 2353, 708, 11032, 5085, 22997, 474, 198, 1073, 27500, 2617, 11, 2914, 40686, 438, 30318, 12489, 9225, 3095, 627, 93, 64706, 29973, 753, 67, 56407, 11, 19740, 1534, 104929, 1864, 1105, 11, 1003, 80790, 19599, 345, 438, 14746, 19025, 49401, 992, 1824, 541, 4338, 8076, 11, 8370, 548, 44066, 2221, 372, 548, 22851, 438, 1407, 198, 258, 14789, 19308, 60485, 1768, 9270, 1073, 20262, 27874, 269, 43063, 627, 18433, 1073, 6509, 261, 1245, 2136, 1073, 52911, 77, 651, 283, 784, 615, 4338, 8076, 198, 438, 79371, 3168, 3951, 552, 396, 73910, 339, 7439, 66, 19030, 88, 548, 34500, 291, 63738, 198, 17870, 5562, 1395, 263, 21837, 4291, 22479, 383, 278, 826, 615, 3565, 265, 688, 49818, 4906, 44322, 2106, 292, 1572, 18864, 8123, 20726, 998, 8823, 1543, 351, 774, 288, 752, 299, 10329, 942, 66, 19030, 88, 548, 34500, 291, 10900, 12796, 1729, 19045, 24217, 462, 198, 28491, 438, 53980, 2106, 292, 1572, 1246, 287, 74, 29029, 27931, 11, 8370, 4752, 1395, 729, 5269, 406, 2003, 20542, 51105, 5072, 998, 1820, 54160, 13387, 50891, 8823, 1285, 258, 4626, 24857, 1073, 2149, 42360, 753, 438, 64706, 29973, 753, 67, 1082, 2315, 7914, 676, 43573, 11, 16564, 3833, 710, 367, 31754, 438, 21152, 44661, 26522, 8467, 11, 19553, 276, 4688, 5531, 5424, 27153, 6167, 336, 485, 438, 54160, 51526, 20670, 8823, 1543, 351, 774, 2423, 16902, 198, 65, 599, 13052, 4954, 1820, 19493, 12381, 7323, 1073, 3473, 651, 283, 784, 615, 7914, 676, 55885, 26522, 8467, 548, 19171, 78995, 258, 3833, 84446, 92724, 438, 83, 2711, 1407, 287, 1527, 45010, 16902, 1246, 306, 3258, 540, 349, 2174, 5118, 3380, 276, 1147, 437, 455, 198, 403, 1820, 383, 278, 826, 615, 1729, 318, 782, 4504, 22298, 438, 27500, 2617, 885, 37765, 63974, 13387, 11785, 46755, 51526, 79685, 4919, 1147, 677, 2701, 1290, 1285, 627, 15340, 24055, 1113, 7927, 1548, 6260, 2374, 4599, 2675, 3207, 50, 875, 198, 88070, 537, 15693, 1626, 9514, 66, 4988, 13391, 352, 54203, 998, 1820, 8154, 6852, 936, 4881, 1073, 45010, 16902, 438, 2527, 83, 35320, 258, 1820, 686, 198, 24013, 267, 1154, 1336, 729, 1631, 52273, 548, 1752, 325, 19846, 5231, 66, 5977, 943, 61564, 258, 198, 339, 830, 823, 1073, 1215, 424, 797, 17699, 285, 43114, 343, 1113, 21826, 31177, 1900, 455, 198, 403, 1820, 383, 278, 826, 615, 753, 2968, 38501, 408, 15770, 3359, 77, 13583, 438, 3261, 198, 943, 2398, 2336, 2000, 92039, 708, 93213, 992, 66, 6114, 42861, 438, 1605, 67, 1082, 2315, 1073, 198, 339, 762, 46186, 77, 651, 283, 784, 615, 15178, 24179, 8989, 84, 897, 589, 552, 88504, 818, 84, 897, 589, 552, 9329, 2841, 285, 1382, 31177, 1015, 1870, 258, 12821, 17553, 383, 428, 1864, 1385, 5221, 288, 42925, 8076, 83722, 72, 45938, 818, 84, 897, 19682, 11, 54927, 54397, 438, 2118, 13576, 2454, 77, 13583, 2476, 438, 24217, 37842, 818, 84, 897, 589, 552, 10900, 1412, 561, 71, 974, 936, 2656, 198, 1729, 55911, 8778, 33, 717, 755, 10603, 13247, 716, 77, 9824, 276, 22689, 705, 2419, 5038, 258, 755, 10603, 13247, 655, 8799, 72, 570, 33, 762, 12119, 774, 2423, 16902, 548, 61917, 50187, 4291, 1605, 12393, 35686, 31177, 460, 265, 21704, 20523, 481, 438, 93755, 481, 92353, 287, 54719, 8154, 6852, 69, 21846, 380, 383, 798, 83, 363, 672, 287, 4291, 22479, 383, 278, 826, 615, 998, 318, 35563, 80281, 3078, 774, 268, 2841, 285, 8076, 1087, 17718, 54203, 68273, 1411, 83664, 438, 2910, 39382, 1113, 95290, 43573, 438, 1605, 53980, 4492, 267, 9379, 1816, 4291, 22479, 383, 278, 826, 615, 4919, 198, 35039, 647, 3195, 83, 83071, 318, 782, 4504, 45010, 16902, 627, 62698, 79134, 86255, 4944, 8076, 198, 1360, 22442, 48121, 336, 355, 19153, 438, 82091, 548, 5581, 74976, 526, 830, 442, 33713, 5014, 438, 778, 7713, 267, 1073, 118843, 1439, 438, 1605, 16902, 627, 23376, 533, 1439, 198, 23376, 533, 1439, 383, 278, 16241, 4291, 1037, 19684, 27684, 2411, 438, 55911, 8778, 35, 11, 4014, 11, 12828, 29029, 2065, 11, 501, 7313, 1885, 75, 92316, 10337, 2693, 1147, 359, 4238, 11, 81768, 83664, 345, 438, 53980, 2106, 292, 258, 478, 71, 1900, 2870, 22479, 383, 278, 826, 615, 1823, 6769, 1073, 198, 22479, 383, 278, 826, 615, 753, 309, 6795, 2968, 38501, 408, 438, 1864, 725, 20337, 345, 3646, 1658, 533, 1439, 383, 278, 2957, 688, 3725, 263, 66, 19030, 82091, 548, 28708, 258, 2050, 29474, 2544, 582, 561, 1105, 501, 396, 5221, 301, 33481, 20337, 258, 1820, 2664, 11, 339, 830, 336, 324, 14287, 2094, 198, 4345, 51464, 10476, 34152, 383, 278, 1527, 300, 6592, 1658, 533, 554, 87933, 24126, 1658, 533, 1439, 46068, 4408, 395, 4011, 4291, 36842, 198, 21470, 300, 82091, 52189, 438, 25149, 57673, 265, 23985, 985, 7426, 11, 299, 5469, 345, 82, 846, 9092, 51526, 75658, 11, 300, 9336, 521, 772, 12381, 6098, 478, 61461, 100004, 3646, 198, 1128, 447, 4776, 11076, 14884, 36535, 220, 16718, 198, 1658, 533, 1439, 18864, 10179, 1055, 4408, 77432, 29845, 16514, 67, 7439, 496, 660, 258, 675, 616, 22015, 56065, 258, 12821, 4504, 45, 7420, 1122, 6098, 66981, 12816, 11, 1336, 606, 424, 42700, 198, 83, 61860, 22606, 7509, 295, 20670, 3528, 291, 9210, 339, 830, 118843, 554, 267, 383, 16820, 2920, 198, 985, 3323, 70045, 383, 5962, 258, 6509, 373, 6173, 14450, 547, 561, 42935, 295, 2920, 198, 4291, 50889, 36842, 992, 2812, 71127, 258, 32132, 627, 62698, 22077, 644, 90927, 644, 90927, 1073, 49818, 355, 19153, 548, 5581, 2506, 21796, 355, 19153, 548, 4620, 438, 2017, 16219, 291, 100004, 1962, 12287, 1260, 269, 3833, 52551, 11, 339, 102182, 20500, 1073, 258, 90927, 43842, 2315, 28753, 1073, 1820, 874, 3168, 2136, 438, 14746, 19025, 1943, 17868, 8568, 6769, 198, 22479, 38827, 19153, 548, 15647, 82325, 3514, 13583, 11, 479, 3223, 2711, 438, 95290, 198, 4919, 1147, 511, 3538, 38827, 3395, 472, 2711, 438, 267, 3168, 2136, 5221, 2423, 16902, 48210, 332, 295, 316, 355, 9326, 92724, 51526, 20670, 548, 61917, 48210, 10831, 38691, 34152, 198, 1543, 1631, 355, 22077, 438, 818, 84, 442, 355, 3395, 569, 285, 8076, 11, 16564, 1445, 92724, 198, 438, 76426, 442, 16858, 55901, 920, 3978, 661, 69, 21846, 438, 1605, 75, 16886, 438, 30712, 12393, 10796, 1220, 1147, 37365, 309, 3111, 5898, 258, 45010, 16902, 627, 32, 12393, 1631, 355, 9326, 3416, 774, 3689, 4620, 11, 12287, 1260, 51526, 3833, 52551, 40514, 461, 70, 1299, 398, 73184, 287, 438, 3833, 710, 287, 543, 49818, 355, 19153, 6577, 414, 2664, 54788, 723, 684, 998, 327, 3035, 3876, 11, 548, 15693, 7659, 540, 2852, 8252, 273, 11, 9125, 780, 16082, 613, 998, 729, 1711, 81768, 12393, 1073, 22479, 38827, 9326, 88001, 327, 261, 198, 79155, 478, 9379, 4222, 268, 11, 73184, 51526, 3833, 710, 49818, 355, 19153, 3556, 24177, 198, 59029, 438, 75337, 13614, 263, 98909, 56455, 22077, 9233, 41450, 67, 80599, 198, 998, 43114, 343, 266, 19030, 9007, 3225, 1073, 3071, 88, 540, 266, 2319, 16220, 1964, 75555, 383, 278, 198, 287, 15252, 8548, 5455, 89766, 10934, 11076, 258, 2252, 89069, 454, 80174, 65762, 11, 85223, 89766, 10934, 10200, 9773, 278, 3746, 198, 1073, 6098, 291, 8127, 438, 75337, 40734, 4683, 15916, 32898, 85, 774, 285, 9233, 285, 936, 2656, 1729, 278, 474, 1073, 478, 26252, 26, 98936, 33385, 261, 61564, 6863, 496, 37164, 784, 5269, 31177, 4306, 474, 1073, 4870, 92253, 327, 3035, 285, 336, 352, 1387, 278, 42876, 5898, 53407, 1082, 1325, 967, 774, 266, 95290, 11, 8370, 64, 1740, 267, 383, 408, 4309, 1572, 615, 51701, 27256, 2436, 27684, 2411, 4150, 53904, 2191, 51526, 12156, 10039, 668, 29785, 1441, 11, 8370, 4919, 273, 4842, 27684, 2411, 1527, 20337, 13387, 352, 19171, 48210, 332, 11269, 1820, 9233, 8548, 5455, 89766, 437, 3510, 276, 65, 752, 265, 74228, 4988, 26117, 265, 44876, 1729, 23108, 4870, 92253, 64562, 438, 73184, 287, 11, 1037, 19684, 55911, 8778, 35, 438, 27684, 2411, 91359, 676, 43573, 11, 10018, 38128, 11, 1336, 7298, 25111, 3978, 339, 1900, 2870, 82, 198, 22479, 383, 278, 826, 615, 627, 17592, 24055, 1113, 7927, 1548, 6260, 2374, 4599, 2675, 265, 50, 875, 198, 42097, 4944, 8076, 198, 18433, 9514, 548, 1040, 18007, 66215, 7509, 414, 73, 14737, 5518, 392, 585, 83, 363, 686, 198, 438, 668, 277, 51526, 20670, 548, 45670, 1677, 9703, 2000, 92724, 1285, 96440, 438, 12489, 9225, 3095, 3587, 787, 67, 1082, 2315, 548, 74039, 5581, 258, 1820, 54, 5302, 43441, 1851, 291, 14957, 2506, 2298, 2740, 11, 45010, 16902, 61570, 301, 8046, 81, 548, 258, 198, 3646, 16219, 287, 47808, 2940, 33078, 438, 75, 73625, 548, 645, 784, 291, 306, 661, 627, 38, 412, 198, 49306, 561, 383, 2118, 14172, 1543, 753, 67, 56407, 2476, 70, 412, 285, 936, 2656, 1729, 327, 1140, 324, 292, 58156, 23452, 11, 14450, 306, 1964, 288, 495, 1073, 14172, 14239, 784, 1412, 300, 2727, 266, 438, 69, 17927, 10354, 1246, 412, 285, 48481, 1870, 3518, 306, 77405, 5481, 269, 8539, 7607, 11, 8370, 65898, 380, 24361, 8129, 18007, 263, 83571, 4893, 438, 911, 1771, 1246, 412, 285, 306, 556, 398, 2407, 198, 481, 438, 93755, 481, 51526, 275, 6961, 2332, 33963, 461, 1072, 6253, 269, 370, 267, 2101, 1527, 543, 2727, 1900, 17514, 9802, 51526, 37541, 14239, 5450, 723, 684, 11, 43842, 4522, 67125, 396, 731, 438, 48956, 287, 79217, 17086, 11353, 4919, 93755, 32705, 5352, 708, 69, 576, 9233, 8548, 5455, 78, 277, 40485, 198, 13622, 3055, 12816, 32898, 85, 774, 266, 537, 25634, 47601, 1018, 9667, 936, 2656, 1729, 61943, 3228, 88, 23581, 198, 438, 668, 277, 1073, 73, 14737, 29845, 9233, 4919, 65, 752, 265, 74228, 80281, 44876, 198, 1729, 44018, 4492, 267, 9379, 1816, 4291, 22479, 383, 278, 826, 615, 5221, 2423, 1012, 16149, 60244, 10420, 287, 1073, 49818, 355, 9326, 31177, 1900, 324, 1067, 1820, 32157, 73, 14737, 51526, 43842, 1503, 67776, 562, 1885, 75, 92316, 11, 16564, 36698, 438, 83571, 481, 8783, 1238, 1345, 14797, 700, 2113, 434, 1412, 6539, 14361, 11, 2629, 41652, 51526, 2332, 41133, 26, 582, 69562, 26, 438, 90081, 438, 66519, 29116, 727, 4919, 198, 1147, 15784, 1225, 8823, 1285, 2000, 576, 9233, 732, 7770, 14239, 92346, 77, 2693, 1147, 455, 2833, 784, 1412, 300, 6200, 1791, 437, 8778, 336, 352, 1147, 677, 2701, 1290, 1285, 2056, 383, 46313, 590, 7098, 40485, 198, 7184, 25742, 291, 3444, 1564, 12828, 359, 752, 299, 10329, 16262, 383, 46313, 590, 47601, 1018, 9667, 936, 2656, 1729, 67, 1065, 1723, 48121, 11243, 1073, 51271, 77405, 1820, 12828, 8699, 615, 63738, 408, 4309, 1572, 615, 11, 13634, 414, 54160, 13, 2321, 41964, 455, 383, 402, 12812, 26117, 27244, 25632, 467, 1285, 32705, 5352, 708, 1658, 383, 46313, 590, 277, 40485, 627, 9023, 47063, 6809, 37831, 16357, 49912, 35685, 11, 266, 52, 42235, 11, 14965, 285, 606, 1073, 16142, 1410, 753, 1348, 3646, 3170, 1385, 263, 81, 383, 46313, 590, 277, 40485, 11, 4752, 43360, 325, 17998, 92109, 5848, 69, 21846, 10900, 1412, 300, 265, 14655, 4091], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": "ATIONS. This when and how factor is what you have been searching for, \nthe missing link that will insure your success! \nWhat is most exciting is that this is a sensible approach to weight loss \nthat can be readily employed as a life-style. It works! It is innovative and it \nis fun! This system will give you lasting results\\ It is NOT a fad diet, and it \nsucceeds because, unlike fad diets, it is NOT a temporary solution! You \nwill never again have to experience the disappointment of gaining back \nweight you have tried so hard to lose. You'll have at your fingertips some \nunique tools that you'll be able to use whenever you feel a few unwanted \nINTRODUCTION \u2022 5 pounds sneaking back into your life. This system overcomes the built-in \nfailure of fad dieting. The weight you lose on this program will be gone \nforever! \nFIT FOR LIFE is a safe and balanced system based on natural phys\u00ad\niological laws and cycles of the human body. And because it is based on \nnatural laws, it will work for you. Everything in life is regulated by natu\u00ad\nral physical law, including your bodies, and so if we wish to lose weight \neffectively, we must do it in accordance with those natural laws. \nAt the foundation of this system is a universal truth concerning weight \nloss that, until now, has not been very well understood: SAFE AND PER\u00ad\nMANENT WEIGHT REDUCTION IS DIRECTLY RELATED TO THE AMOUNT \nOF VITAL ENERGY YOU HAVE AT YOUR DISPOSAL AND TO THE EFFI\u00ad\nCIENT USE OF THIS ENERGY TO EUMINATE WASTE (EXCESS WEIGHT) \nFROM YOUR BODY. The key to this system is that it works with your body \nto free up energy. With this new energy pool, your body goes to work \nautomatically to shed any burden of excess weight. The more energy \nfreed up, the more weight you lose. Because you will be eating to free up \nenergy you will have more energy than you ever had before. Consistently \noptimizing your energy is a critical part of FIT FOR LIFE. It has been \ndesigned not only for weight loss but also for the personal energy crisis \nthat many people are experiencing because they are continually interfer\u00ad\ning with the proper functioning of their bodies. Even if you don't need to \nlose weight, we assure you that on this program you will definitely be \naware of a significant energy boost. \nLet go of the diet mentality! If for some reason you have to get off the \nprogram, don't worry about it. Just get right back on as soon as you can. \nYou can't blow this system! It is a life-style, not a temporary pattern of \nbehavior. You can always pick it right back up at any point, and you will \nimmediately begin to see results. Obviously, the fastest way to lose weight \nis not to deviate! For best results, adhere closely to the recommended \nprogram. \nIn the Health Reporter Dr. Ralph Cinque of Hygeia Health Retreat, \nYorktown, Texas, writes: \"Americans have become accustomed to \nbulkiness, but this is by no means a universal plight. Virtually all the long-\nlived peoples of the world, from Asia to South America to New Zealand, \ntend to be lean. In America, life insurance statistics show' that the greatest \nhealth, longevity and freedom from degenerative disease are found among \nthose who are 15% under the conventional standards, since the norm for \nbody weight is too high if judged by current health standards.\" \nA life-style that brings on obesity is often a life-style that brings on \ndisease. The FIT FOR LIFE program has been designed to offer a new life\u00ad\nstyle for the American people. Many of the problems of excess weight \n6 \u2022 FIT FOR UFE and the ill health it causes result from ignorance of how the human body \nworks, ignorance of the critical role that energy plays in weight loss, and \nsome very wrong ideas about how to eat. Joy Gross, in her book Positive \nPower People, tells us that \"Life is based on awesome immutable laws. \nIgnorance of those laws does not excuse anyone from the consequences of \ntheir nonapplication or the breaking of those laws.\" This program is \nbased on universal laws and physiological truths. Apply them to your life! \nReward yourself abundantly with a youthful, slender body, beauty, vi\u00ad\ntality... and physical, emotional, and spiritual health! \nAbout seventeen years ago a very close friend of mine said in a mo\u00ad\nment of anger, \"Look, Blimpo, why don't you just go over there and be \nfat!\" Blimpo? Me? This statement affected me as if someone had taken a \nbig steel pot, put it over my head, and smashed it with a metal spoon. \nThere were a couple of reasons that his statement so destroyed me. For \none, I was certain that I was doing a fantastic job of cleverly concealing \nmy girth with some very stylish, loose-fitting clothing, if you know what I \nmean. But what frustrated me more was that I had been making a career \nout of dieting, and my friend's comment made me realize how unsuc\u00ad\ncessful I had been. Every program that ever came down the pike, I would \ntry. If it called for nothing but eggs and cheese for thirty days, I would do \nit. If it called for nothing but celery and hamburger patties for thirty days, \nI would eat them. And I would lose weight. I would lose the weight, and \nthen as soon as the program was over, of course, I would revert to my old \neating habits and go right back to my old weight. If you have ever done \nany dieting, you know exactly what I mean, because\u2014let's face it\u2014what \nwas I thinking about while I was dieting? FOOD! As soon as the ordeal \nwas over I would run out of the house like a scalded cat to end my \ndeprivation. I always found that no matter how much weight I had lost, it \nseemed that in less time than it took me to lose it, I had already put that \nweight back on, plus an additional five pounds. \nI hadn't been fat as a kid. But after I was released from the Air Force in \nmy early twenties, I began to struggle with a weight problem that just \nwouldn't quit. During a time of my life when I should have been active \nand vibrant, I was nearly fifty pounds overweight. When I finally reached \nthat much-dreaded two-hundred-pound mark and then passed it, I was \ndesperate. At that same time in my life my father died at a young age, of \nstomach cancer. It was a terrible drawn-out ordeal, and the memory of \nhis final days will never leave me. In his youth he had been a boxer and a \nlongshoreman, strong and burly, over two hundred pounds. When he \ndied he weighed under one hundred pounds. Soon after his death I \nawoke one night in a fever of fear, realizing that as a small-boned, five-\nfeet ten-inch, two-hundred-two-pound male, I had all the problems that \nINTRODUCTION \u2022 7 had plagued him during his life. He also was over two hundred pounds, \nand also like me, he had never felt really well. My subsequent studies \nshowed me that anytime you're carrying around an extra fifty pounds, \nyou are going to have other problems as well. My dad had frequent colds, \nheadaches, and stomach problems. A lack of energy was his constant \ncomplaint. I had these problems too. I didn't participate in sports or so\u00ad\ncial activities. Removing my shirt at the beach was always a traumatic \nordeal. When I made it through my workday, I had no energy left except \nto eat and feel sorry for myself. (I always seemed to muster the energy \nnecessary to eat.) When my father died I felt not only sorry for myself, \nbut also scared. \nThis fear was the impetus for my turning point. My fear of dying \nyoung coupled with my desire not to be referred to as \"Blimpo\" propelled \nme at last to a determined course of action. I was prepared to throw down \nmy ever-present Big Mac and Coke and commit myself to the resurrec\u00ad\ntion of my body. In the heat of my enthusiasm and with great resolve I \nplunged dramatically into a series of diets that promised to take the \nweight off for good. I did my first diet, then my second, then my third. \nAfter a considerable amount of frustration and disappointment I came to \nrealize that... \n8 \u2022 FIT FOR LIFE CHAPTER \nDiets Don't Work \na of the most ineffective and \ncurious of all human experiences is the process of dieting. When else do \npeople deprive and discipline themselves for days, weeks, and even \nmonths to achieve a certain goal, only to see that goal sabotaged the \nminute it is achieved? And as if this experience isn't frustrating enough, \nmany dieters put themselves through this process regularly, enthusi\u00ad\nastically losing a few pounds for a short time, only to gain them back. \nThese dieters are draining themselves mentally, spiritually, physically, \nand emotionally, always searching, yet never quite finding the permanent \nresult they seek. And this frequent, unsuccessful quest creates the undue \nstress and emotional havoc that dieters know too well. \nWhat exactly is a diet, anyway? People indulge themselves and indulge \nthemselves until they can't look at themselves in", "token_ids": [22545, 13, 1115, 994, 323, 1268, 8331, 374, 1148, 499, 617, 1027, 15389, 369, 11, 720, 1820, 7554, 2723, 430, 690, 70632, 701, 2450, 0, 720, 3923, 374, 1455, 13548, 374, 430, 420, 374, 264, 38761, 5603, 311, 4785, 4814, 720, 9210, 649, 387, 31368, 20011, 439, 264, 2324, 11549, 13, 1102, 4375, 0, 1102, 374, 18699, 323, 433, 720, 285, 2523, 0, 1115, 1887, 690, 3041, 499, 29869, 3135, 59, 1102, 374, 4276, 264, 282, 329, 10173, 11, 323, 433, 720, 82, 30364, 82, 1606, 11, 20426, 282, 329, 41943, 11, 433, 374, 4276, 264, 13643, 6425, 0, 1472, 720, 14724, 2646, 1578, 617, 311, 3217, 279, 41698, 315, 30240, 1203, 720, 4870, 499, 617, 6818, 779, 2653, 311, 9229, 13, 1472, 3358, 617, 520, 701, 72148, 1063, 720, 9782, 7526, 430, 499, 3358, 387, 3025, 311, 1005, 15716, 499, 2733, 264, 2478, 36021, 720, 3301, 91199, 7436, 220, 20, 16701, 21423, 1802, 1203, 1139, 701, 2324, 13, 1115, 1887, 927, 6716, 279, 5918, 3502, 720, 30039, 315, 282, 329, 10173, 287, 13, 578, 4785, 499, 9229, 389, 420, 2068, 690, 387, 8208, 720, 1348, 424, 0, 720, 68854, 4716, 61094, 374, 264, 6220, 323, 24770, 1887, 3196, 389, 5933, 4571, 5879, 198, 41314, 7016, 323, 25492, 315, 279, 3823, 2547, 13, 1628, 1606, 433, 374, 3196, 389, 720, 53980, 7016, 11, 433, 690, 990, 369, 499, 13, 20696, 304, 2324, 374, 35319, 555, 18050, 84, 5879, 198, 3545, 7106, 2383, 11, 2737, 701, 13162, 11, 323, 779, 422, 584, 6562, 311, 9229, 4785, 720, 27153, 3210, 11, 584, 2011, 656, 433, 304, 18859, 449, 1884, 5933, 7016, 13, 720, 1688, 279, 16665, 315, 420, 1887, 374, 264, 20789, 8206, 18815, 4785, 720, 9563, 430, 11, 3156, 1457, 11, 706, 539, 1027, 1633, 1664, 16365, 25, 66969, 3651, 18335, 5879, 198, 23111, 1863, 96920, 26895, 52, 3664, 3507, 20843, 9109, 85447, 5257, 3247, 6912, 7615, 720, 12766, 650, 34288, 84376, 15334, 19102, 7520, 21592, 12244, 17914, 984, 3651, 5257, 3247, 96288, 40, 5879, 198, 34, 10990, 9645, 3083, 10245, 84376, 5257, 469, 2864, 691, 2390, 468, 87620, 320, 3337, 5359, 96920, 8, 720, 31193, 21592, 69683, 13, 578, 1401, 311, 420, 1887, 374, 430, 433, 4375, 449, 701, 2547, 720, 998, 1949, 709, 4907, 13, 3161, 420, 502, 4907, 7463, 11, 701, 2547, 5900, 311, 990, 720, 28172, 7167, 311, 25351, 904, 23104, 315, 13937, 4785, 13, 578, 810, 4907, 720, 25746, 291, 709, 11, 279, 810, 4785, 499, 9229, 13, 9393, 499, 690, 387, 12459, 311, 1949, 709, 720, 17947, 499, 690, 617, 810, 4907, 1109, 499, 3596, 1047, 1603, 13, 7440, 380, 4501, 720, 19680, 4954, 701, 4907, 374, 264, 9200, 961, 315, 7608, 4716, 61094, 13, 1102, 706, 1027, 720, 5919, 1571, 539, 1193, 369, 4785, 4814, 719, 1101, 369, 279, 4443, 4907, 11501, 720, 9210, 1690, 1274, 527, 25051, 1606, 814, 527, 35611, 41305, 5879, 198, 287, 449, 279, 6300, 31301, 315, 872, 13162, 13, 7570, 422, 499, 1541, 956, 1205, 311, 720, 1497, 4785, 11, 584, 36015, 499, 430, 389, 420, 2068, 499, 690, 8659, 387, 720, 20111, 315, 264, 5199, 4907, 7916, 13, 720, 10267, 733, 315, 279, 10173, 49395, 0, 1442, 369, 1063, 2944, 499, 617, 311, 636, 1022, 279, 720, 15252, 11, 1541, 956, 11196, 922, 433, 13, 4702, 636, 1314, 1203, 389, 439, 5246, 439, 499, 649, 13, 720, 2675, 649, 956, 12523, 420, 1887, 0, 1102, 374, 264, 2324, 11549, 11, 539, 264, 13643, 5497, 315, 720, 56966, 13, 1472, 649, 2744, 3820, 433, 1314, 1203, 709, 520, 904, 1486, 11, 323, 499, 690, 720, 318, 44287, 3240, 311, 1518, 3135, 13, 36530, 11, 279, 26731, 1648, 311, 9229, 4785, 720, 285, 539, 311, 3567, 6629, 0, 1789, 1888, 3135, 11, 49553, 15499, 311, 279, 11349, 720, 15252, 13, 720, 644, 279, 6401, 48081, 2999, 13, 40904, 30011, 593, 315, 10320, 713, 689, 6401, 88494, 11, 720, 100077, 28931, 11, 8421, 11, 14238, 25, 330, 92786, 617, 3719, 53184, 311, 720, 68242, 1918, 11, 719, 420, 374, 555, 912, 3445, 264, 20789, 71075, 13, 48875, 1870, 682, 279, 1317, 7058, 75, 2270, 32538, 315, 279, 1917, 11, 505, 13936, 311, 4987, 5270, 311, 1561, 17340, 11, 720, 83, 408, 311, 387, 16025, 13, 763, 5270, 11, 2324, 8276, 13443, 1501, 6, 430, 279, 12474, 720, 12393, 11, 58219, 323, 11542, 505, 5367, 75989, 8624, 527, 1766, 4315, 720, 54719, 889, 527, 220, 868, 4, 1234, 279, 21349, 10886, 11, 2533, 279, 7617, 369, 720, 2664, 4785, 374, 2288, 1579, 422, 45487, 555, 1510, 2890, 10886, 1210, 720, 32, 2324, 11549, 430, 12716, 389, 33048, 374, 3629, 264, 2324, 11549, 430, 12716, 389, 720, 67, 56407, 13, 578, 7608, 4716, 61094, 2068, 706, 1027, 6319, 311, 3085, 264, 502, 2324, 5879, 198, 3612, 369, 279, 3778, 1274, 13, 9176, 315, 279, 5435, 315, 13937, 4785, 720, 21, 7436, 7608, 4716, 549, 11673, 323, 279, 5986, 2890, 433, 11384, 1121, 505, 41660, 315, 1268, 279, 3823, 2547, 720, 19033, 11, 41660, 315, 279, 9200, 3560, 430, 4907, 11335, 304, 4785, 4814, 11, 323, 720, 15031, 1633, 5076, 6848, 922, 1268, 311, 8343, 13, 28237, 43907, 11, 304, 1077, 2363, 45003, 720, 15335, 9029, 11, 10975, 603, 430, 330, 26833, 374, 3196, 389, 12738, 52672, 7016, 13, 720, 44437, 269, 685, 315, 1884, 7016, 1587, 539, 28391, 5606, 505, 279, 16296, 315, 720, 50828, 2536, 5242, 477, 279, 15061, 315, 1884, 7016, 1210, 1115, 2068, 374, 720, 31039, 389, 20789, 7016, 323, 53194, 53219, 13, 21194, 1124, 311, 701, 2324, 0, 720, 60722, 6261, 23325, 18007, 449, 264, 65655, 11, 73342, 2547, 11, 13444, 11, 3355, 5879, 198, 83, 2786, 662, 662, 662, 323, 7106, 11, 14604, 11, 323, 18330, 2890, 0, 720, 10714, 82497, 1667, 4227, 264, 1633, 3345, 4333, 315, 10705, 1071, 304, 264, 4647, 5879, 198, 479, 315, 19788, 11, 330, 10596, 11, 2563, 318, 5481, 11, 3249, 1541, 956, 499, 1120, 733, 927, 1070, 323, 387, 720, 45283, 9135, 2563, 318, 5481, 30, 2206, 30, 1115, 5224, 11754, 757, 439, 422, 4423, 1047, 4529, 264, 720, 16548, 9699, 3419, 11, 2231, 433, 927, 856, 2010, 11, 323, 57520, 433, 449, 264, 9501, 46605, 13, 720, 3947, 1051, 264, 5743, 315, 8125, 430, 813, 5224, 779, 14763, 757, 13, 1789, 720, 606, 11, 358, 574, 3738, 430, 358, 574, 3815, 264, 14964, 2683, 315, 28799, 398, 20245, 6260, 720, 2465, 342, 4914, 449, 1063, 1633, 32461, 11, 20784, 2269, 15154, 17895, 11, 422, 499, 1440, 1148, 358, 720, 14622, 13, 2030, 1148, 33630, 757, 810, 574, 430, 358, 1047, 1027, 3339, 264, 7076, 720, 412, 315, 10173, 287, 11, 323, 856, 4333, 596, 4068, 1903, 757, 13383, 1268, 7120, 1791, 5879, 198, 1140, 1285, 358, 1047, 1027, 13, 7357, 2068, 430, 3596, 3782, 1523, 279, 281, 3043, 11, 358, 1053, 720, 1568, 13, 1442, 433, 2663, 369, 4400, 719, 19335, 323, 17604, 369, 27219, 2919, 11, 358, 1053, 656, 720, 275, 13, 1442, 433, 2663, 369, 4400, 719, 70121, 323, 89847, 84167, 552, 369, 27219, 2919, 11, 720, 40, 1053, 8343, 1124, 13, 1628, 358, 1053, 9229, 4785, 13, 358, 1053, 9229, 279, 4785, 11, 323, 720, 3473, 439, 5246, 439, 279, 2068, 574, 927, 11, 315, 3388, 11, 358, 1053, 42228, 311, 856, 2362, 720, 91955, 26870, 323, 733, 1314, 1203, 311, 856, 2362, 4785, 13, 1442, 499, 617, 3596, 2884, 720, 3852, 10173, 287, 11, 499, 1440, 7041, 1148, 358, 3152, 11, 1606, 2345, 1169, 596, 3663, 433, 2345, 12840, 720, 16514, 358, 7422, 922, 1418, 358, 574, 10173, 287, 30, 88227, 0, 1666, 5246, 439, 279, 74781, 720, 16514, 927, 358, 1053, 1629, 704, 315, 279, 3838, 1093, 264, 1156, 4852, 291, 8415, 311, 842, 856, 720, 451, 65593, 13, 358, 2744, 1766, 430, 912, 5030, 1268, 1790, 4785, 358, 1047, 5675, 11, 433, 720, 325, 16809, 430, 304, 2753, 892, 1109, 433, 3952, 757, 311, 9229, 433, 11, 358, 1047, 2736, 2231, 430, 720, 4870, 1203, 389, 11, 5636, 459, 5217, 4330, 16701, 13, 720, 40, 19117, 956, 1027, 8834, 439, 264, 10585, 13, 2030, 1306, 358, 574, 6004, 505, 279, 6690, 11994, 304, 720, 2465, 4216, 97696, 11, 358, 6137, 311, 14993, 449, 264, 4785, 3575, 430, 1120, 720, 41450, 77, 956, 17257, 13, 12220, 264, 892, 315, 856, 2324, 994, 358, 1288, 617, 1027, 4642, 720, 438, 34076, 11, 358, 574, 7154, 33517, 16701, 50254, 13, 3277, 358, 5616, 8813, 720, 9210, 1790, 1773, 888, 291, 1403, 2902, 7259, 48730, 1906, 323, 1243, 5946, 433, 11, 358, 574, 720, 5919, 80213, 13, 2468, 430, 1890, 892, 304, 856, 2324, 856, 7126, 8636, 520, 264, 3995, 4325, 11, 315, 720, 267, 316, 613, 9572, 13, 1102, 574, 264, 17936, 15107, 9994, 74781, 11, 323, 279, 5044, 315, 720, 26301, 1620, 2919, 690, 2646, 5387, 757, 13, 763, 813, 12822, 568, 1047, 1027, 264, 79557, 323, 264, 720, 4930, 29526, 1543, 11, 3831, 323, 7951, 398, 11, 927, 1403, 7895, 16701, 13, 3277, 568, 720, 67, 1142, 568, 47712, 1234, 832, 7895, 16701, 13, 32862, 1306, 813, 4648, 358, 720, 675, 4845, 832, 3814, 304, 264, 34653, 315, 8850, 11, 44114, 430, 439, 264, 2678, 1481, 20262, 11, 4330, 7058, 1897, 295, 5899, 25224, 11, 1403, 2902, 7259, 38502, 48730, 8762, 11, 358, 1047, 682, 279, 5435, 430, 720, 3301, 91199, 7436, 220, 22, 1047, 66402, 1461, 2391, 813, 2324, 13, 1283, 1101, 574, 927, 1403, 7895, 16701, 11, 720, 438, 1101, 1093, 757, 11, 568, 1047, 2646, 6612, 2216, 1664, 13, 3092, 17876, 7978, 720, 3528, 291, 757, 430, 30194, 499, 2351, 15691, 2212, 459, 5066, 33517, 16701, 11, 720, 9514, 527, 2133, 311, 617, 1023, 5435, 439, 1664, 13, 3092, 18233, 1047, 21420, 9439, 82, 11, 720, 2025, 14576, 11, 323, 23152, 5435, 13, 362, 6996, 315, 4907, 574, 813, 6926, 720, 884, 32397, 13, 358, 1047, 1521, 5435, 2288, 13, 358, 3287, 956, 16136, 304, 10034, 477, 779, 5879, 198, 16158, 7640, 13, 67803, 856, 15845, 520, 279, 11573, 574, 2744, 264, 54286, 720, 269, 30739, 13, 3277, 358, 1903, 433, 1555, 856, 990, 1316, 11, 358, 1047, 912, 4907, 2163, 3734, 720, 998, 8343, 323, 2733, 14931, 369, 7182, 13, 320, 40, 2744, 9508, 311, 84750, 279, 4907, 720, 95317, 311, 8343, 6266, 3277, 856, 7126, 8636, 358, 6612, 539, 1193, 14931, 369, 7182, 11, 720, 8248, 1101, 27207, 13, 720, 2028, 8850, 574, 279, 3242, 64476, 369, 856, 13353, 1486, 13, 3092, 8850, 315, 23069, 720, 82279, 34356, 449, 856, 12876, 539, 311, 387, 14183, 311, 439, 330, 33, 4763, 5481, 1, 92785, 720, 2727, 520, 1566, 311, 264, 11075, 3388, 315, 1957, 13, 358, 574, 10235, 311, 2571, 1523, 720, 2465, 3596, 49124, 6295, 7553, 323, 74362, 323, 5379, 7182, 311, 279, 594, 852, 66, 5879, 198, 28491, 315, 856, 2547, 13, 763, 279, 8798, 315, 856, 36232, 323, 449, 2294, 9006, 358, 720, 501, 2234, 291, 29057, 1139, 264, 4101, 315, 41943, 430, 19487, 311, 1935, 279, 720, 4870, 1022, 369, 1695, 13, 358, 1550, 856, 1176, 10173, 11, 1243, 856, 2132, 11, 1243, 856, 4948, 13, 720, 6153, 264, 24779, 3392, 315, 33086, 323, 41698, 358, 3782, 311, 720, 8110, 553, 430, 662, 662, 662, 720, 23, 7436, 7608, 4716, 61094, 96424, 720, 22427, 1441, 4418, 956, 5664, 720, 64, 315, 279, 1455, 55288, 323, 720, 2407, 1245, 315, 682, 3823, 11704, 374, 279, 1920, 315, 10173, 287, 13, 3277, 775, 656, 720, 16455, 36980, 535, 323, 26434, 5694, 369, 2919, 11, 5672, 11, 323, 1524, 720, 50814, 311, 11322, 264, 3738, 5915, 11, 1193, 311, 1518, 430, 5915, 62058, 3359, 279, 720, 43657, 433, 374, 17427, 30, 1628, 439, 422, 420, 3217, 4536, 956, 35711, 3403, 11, 720, 35676, 1891, 2481, 2231, 5694, 1555, 420, 1920, 15870, 11, 21827, 5879, 198, 36419, 13490, 264, 2478, 16701, 369, 264, 2875, 892, 11, 1193, 311, 8895, 1124, 1203, 13, 720, 9673, 1891, 2481, 527, 74109, 5694, 34325, 11, 88853, 11, 22655, 11, 720, 438, 38683, 11, 2744, 15389, 11, 3686, 2646, 5115, 9455, 279, 15690, 720, 1407, 814, 6056, 13, 1628, 420, 21420, 11, 46025, 2271, 11705, 279, 91642, 720, 95290, 323, 14604, 66592, 430, 1891, 2481, 1440, 2288, 1664, 13, 720, 3923, 7041, 374, 264, 10173, 11, 13971, 30, 9029, 68190, 5694, 323, 68190, 720, 339, 12116, 4372, 3156, 814, 649, 956, 1427, 520, 5694, 304], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " ensures that a natural balance of all the 30+ biologically-essential mineral elements are provided for health. These naturally mixed gravels can provide all 92 elements of the Earth\u2019s crust. \nSumma Minerals rock powder/dust127\nFruiticultureTo purchase rock dust, try your local nursery or garden supply store, requesting they \ncarry it if it is not in stock. You can help them find the most practical suppliers for your region by using the worldwide Resources listing at http://www.remineralize.org. A 50-pound bag of rock dust typically costs about $25, with quantity discounts available. Bulk purchases with fellow growers may be wise. \nRock powder should be as finely ground as possible to encourage the growth of tiny soil \nmicroorganisms and earthworms and, thus, soil fertility. Microorganisms secrete acids and enzymes to digest the inorganic rock minerals and build their organic protoplasm, in turn creating organic soil matter. They \u201cfeed at the first table\u201d (as stated by Professor William Albrecht), transforming the soil components into readily assimilatable \u201cplant food. \u201d As such, they are the first link in the food chain for all planetary life. They also need organic matter, such as your homemade compost, water and the atmospheric gas-es of carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, etc. \nFor better plant health at home, add a couple of tablespoons of rock dust to houseplants \nor other potted plants. To grow mineralized, organic produce in your garden, apply 1/4 pound to 1 pound per square foot of planting area. This is a generous rate of about 5 tons to 20 tons per acre. Also, incorporate rock dust throughout your compost heap for a superior finished product. \nWhen planting fruit and nut tree orchards, add 10 to 20 pounds of rock dust to the soil \nsurrounding new tree root zones (including throughout the planting hole), spreading the dust out to the drip line and beyond. Mature trees and sick trees will especially ap -\npreciate 50 pounds or more. While rock dust is great for the soil and plants, you should, \nRock powder/dust products128\nFruiticultureof course, avoid breathing it and use a protective mask.\nThe Link to Climate Records show that there have been 25 or more Ice Age cycles, each lasting approximate -\nly 90,000 years, followed by a temperate period, such as ours, of approximately 10,000 \nyears. Glaciers advance and recede in many cycles during each recurrent Ice Age. This action grinds down the rocks in the glaciers\u2019 paths, yielding mineral-rich dust which, along with mineral-rich volcanic rock dust, is distributed by glaciers, water, and wind far over the surface of the Earth, remineralizing soils and enhancing plant life. \nIt has been established that the Earth\u2019s soil becomes progressively demineralized dur -\ning each lush, warm interglacial period. This has major global consequences\u2014primar -\nily, a decline of the world\u2019s forests and other vegetation. This in turn causes a release of \ncarbon dioxide into the atmosphere, exceeding the available sinks for the collection of greenhouse gases, thus trapping excess heat from the sun and dramatically altering the world\u2019s climate. We have seen the level of carbon dioxide in the Earth\u2019s atmosphere rise exponentially over the past century, while global weather patterns have become more and more extreme. \nHamaker\u2019s research on soil demineralization and CO\n2 at last explains the reasons for the \nrecurring 90,000-year glacial periods following each 10,000-year warm period. His re -\nsearch indicated that CO2 released from soil demineralization and consequent forest die-\nback and burning intensifies the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect occurs primarily in the tropics, which get the most sunshine, rath-\ner than in the polar regions, which get very little sunshine. When the temperature dif-ferential between the tropics and the poles increases, there is a resultant cycle of fierce wind systems, hurricanes, tornadoes and other violent storms. (Sound familiar?) More of the moisture gathered by these increasing storm systems is transported to the higher latitudes where it is deposited as snow and ice, eventually inducing a new glacial cycle. \nThus, we can understand the paradox in Hamaker\u2019s theory of how global warming can \ntrigger the next Ice Age. Our agricultural and deforestation practices, fossil fuel burning and overpopulation all contribute to and accelerate the climatic shift process. \nIn light of this and the historical evidence that we are at the end of a 10,000-year inter -129\nFruiticultureglacial period, it would be prudent to wake up to the far-reaching and potentially tragic \nimplications of this. The current man-made \u201cclimate chaos\u201d which is costing upwards of $100 billion each year in economic damages alone will most likely steadily worsen. The global toll of devastation should inspire us\u2014or could force us\u2014to wake up to our plan-etary responsibilities of remineralizing and regenerating the Earth today. \nEvidence supporting most of Hamaker\u2019s thesis has mounted in recent years, as shown by \nrecord snow cover in parts of the northern hemisphere and a shortening of the growing season by weeks in some locations. Insects, disease and fire are devastating forests at record levels worldwide. Hamaker first estimated in 1976 that within a few decades the growing season could decrease to the point that millions of people will starve, and this applies to the currently affluent countries as well. Unfortunately, there is now much evi -\ndence for the truth of his predictions. Clearly, no nation or world can be truly rich with -\nout rich, productive soil and healthful foods as its foundation. \nReviving Dying Forests There have been stunning results from the remineralization of forests suffering from acid \nrain, soil erosion and general disease. Here are some examples from the Research sec -\ntion at http://remineralize.org: \n\u2022 \u201cA 1986 report on long-term experiments in central Europe by the Bavarian Research \nand Experimental Institute of Forestry in Munich, Germany showed that in one forest, 24 years after pine seedlings were remineralized, the wood volume was four times higher than in the untreated area. \u201d \n\u2022 \u201cThe results of Dr. Robert Bruck\u2019s experimental remineralization trials of a dying forest \non Mt. Mitchell near Asheville, North Carolina showed that 12 weeks after the applica-tion of rock dust, the height of red spruce was increased by 27% over non-treated con-trols, and the height of Fraser fir was 19% greater than the untreated controls. \u201d \n\u2022 \u201cThe Men of Trees organization in Australia (www.trilliontrees.org.au) performed rem-\nineralization trials on many species of trees in Australia with phenomenal results. For ex -\nample, compared to untreated controls, trees grown from eucalyptus seedlings in remin-eralized soil grew five times faster. \u201d \n\u2022 \u201cThe Sudden Oak Life organization website (www.suddenoaklife.org) displays photos 130\nFruiticultureof some of the thousands of \u2018fatally sick\u2019 trees that have recovered through remineraliza-\ntion. Orthodox forestry still appears to be stuck on the \u2018no cure\u2014use chemicals\u2019 mental-ity in treating such disease. \u201d \nRemineralization of the world\u2019s soils and forests will propagate carbon sinks which ab -\nsorb CO\n2 from the atmosphere and contribute to climatic stability. A return to normal \ninterglacial CO2 levels of about 280 ppm, rather than the current 408+ ppm, is quite pos -\nsible and probably essential to our survival. By accepting the great task of remineral-\nizing the Earth\u2019s soils (much as the glaciers do during an Ice Age), we can create fertile soil and sustainable abundance for all to share. We must also plant many billions of new trees, including fruit and nut varieties, and convert farms and gardens to the organic, mineralized approach. Using our great intelligence and compassion in giving back to the Earth, we can restore human health and sanity and create a new Eden. \nThe Nutritional Aspect When we eat food grown on depleted soil we, like the plants, become more susceptible \nto disease. All degenerative diseases have been on the rise in America in recent decades. Dietary fat, cholesterol, salt, overly-refined and pesticide-contaminated foods are obvi-ous culprits, but a serious deficiency of minerals in our food is a frequent contributing factor. Mineral-depleted soil has been directly correlated with increased death rates. Laboratory studies have shown that trace mineral deficiencies are associated with an in-creased risk of cancer. Even one trace mineral deficiency carries this risk. Vibrant health depends upon a broad spectrum of all the minerals essential to human health. \n\u201cThe rock is the mother of the soil, \u201d is how one geologist in the 1800s put it. Since the \nmost fertile soils usually have a variety of types of \u201cparent rocks\u201d, it seems wise to try to duplicate the natural processes when we remineralize.\nThe Hunza Valley soils have grown some of the best crops of fruits, vegetables and peo -\nple for centuries. The Hunzas irrigate their crops two or more times a year with the Ultar \nGlacier meltwater which contains glacial gravel dust, treasured as \u201cglacial milk. \u201d Glacial action has produced much of the Earth\u2019s fertility, as glacier\u2019s crushing mass grinds and mixes together rocks of broad variety and element content. Some volcanically-derived soils, such as those in Java, can also be very fertile, although it is areas like Hunza and also Vilcabamba", "token_ids": [26420, 430, 264, 5933, 8335, 315, 682, 279, 220, 966, 10, 6160, 30450, 12, 49582, 25107, 5540, 527, 3984, 369, 2890, 13, 220, 4314, 18182, 9709, 29059, 2053, 649, 3493, 682, 220, 6083, 5540, 315, 279, 9420, 753, 40712, 13, 720, 9370, 1764, 84886, 7091, 17138, 3529, 592, 6804, 198, 37, 21702, 93828, 1271, 7782, 7091, 16174, 11, 1456, 701, 2254, 56226, 477, 13863, 8312, 3637, 11, 35792, 814, 720, 74865, 433, 422, 433, 374, 539, 304, 5708, 13, 220, 1472, 649, 1520, 1124, 1505, 279, 1455, 15325, 20972, 369, 701, 5654, 555, 1701, 279, 15603, 16607, 15182, 520, 1795, 1129, 2185, 1351, 1083, 3333, 553, 2726, 13, 220, 362, 220, 1135, 48730, 9145, 315, 7091, 16174, 11383, 7194, 922, 400, 914, 11, 449, 12472, 32162, 2561, 13, 220, 62020, 24393, 449, 12637, 70077, 1253, 387, 24219, 13, 720, 36152, 17138, 1288, 387, 439, 61802, 5015, 439, 3284, 311, 15253, 279, 6650, 315, 13987, 17614, 720, 41543, 76991, 323, 9578, 56741, 82, 323, 11, 8617, 11, 17614, 48111, 13, 220, 18654, 76991, 513, 9537, 33969, 323, 56067, 311, 21552, 279, 304, 61694, 7091, 34072, 323, 1977, 872, 17808, 1760, 56178, 10753, 11, 304, 2543, 6968, 17808, 17614, 5030, 13, 220, 2435, 1054, 11432, 520, 279, 1176, 2007, 863, 320, 300, 11224, 555, 17054, 12656, 1708, 21152, 14244, 705, 46890, 279, 17614, 6956, 1139, 31368, 40054, 321, 15436, 1054, 21494, 3691, 13, 19524, 220, 1666, 1778, 11, 814, 527, 279, 1176, 2723, 304, 279, 3691, 8957, 369, 682, 62938, 2324, 13, 220, 2435, 1101, 1205, 17808, 5030, 11, 1778, 439, 701, 36433, 57823, 11, 3090, 323, 279, 45475, 6962, 32954, 315, 12782, 11, 47503, 11, 72591, 11, 5099, 13, 720, 2520, 2731, 6136, 2890, 520, 2162, 11, 923, 264, 5743, 315, 56588, 315, 7091, 16174, 311, 3838, 64805, 720, 269, 1023, 281, 15889, 11012, 13, 220, 2057, 3139, 25107, 1534, 11, 17808, 8356, 304, 701, 13863, 11, 3881, 220, 16, 14, 19, 31123, 311, 220, 16, 31123, 824, 9518, 4579, 315, 48114, 3158, 13, 220, 1115, 374, 264, 28771, 4478, 315, 922, 220, 20, 20181, 311, 220, 508, 20181, 824, 46323, 13, 220, 7429, 11, 33435, 7091, 16174, 6957, 701, 57823, 17817, 369, 264, 16757, 8220, 2027, 13, 720, 4599, 48114, 14098, 323, 10184, 5021, 41245, 2402, 11, 923, 220, 605, 311, 220, 508, 16701, 315, 7091, 16174, 311, 279, 17614, 720, 20370, 1067, 287, 502, 5021, 3789, 26467, 320, 16564, 6957, 279, 48114, 14512, 705, 31135, 279, 16174, 704, 311, 279, 73599, 1584, 323, 7953, 13, 220, 43259, 12690, 323, 14363, 12690, 690, 5423, 1469, 18722, 63553, 349, 220, 1135, 16701, 477, 810, 13, 220, 6104, 7091, 16174, 374, 2294, 369, 279, 17614, 323, 11012, 11, 499, 1288, 11, 720, 36152, 17138, 3529, 592, 3956, 4386, 198, 37, 21702, 93828, 1073, 3388, 11, 5766, 27027, 433, 323, 1005, 264, 29219, 7056, 627, 791, 6074, 311, 31636, 22293, 1501, 430, 1070, 617, 1027, 220, 914, 477, 810, 20534, 13381, 25492, 11, 1855, 29869, 45968, 18722, 398, 220, 1954, 11, 931, 1667, 11, 8272, 555, 264, 6940, 349, 4261, 11, 1778, 439, 11604, 11, 315, 13489, 220, 605, 11, 931, 720, 42820, 13, 220, 8444, 582, 4918, 12178, 323, 1421, 15686, 304, 1690, 25492, 2391, 1855, 65174, 20534, 13381, 13, 1115, 1957, 1099, 8843, 1523, 279, 23902, 304, 279, 95790, 529, 13006, 11, 78504, 25107, 41947, 16174, 902, 11, 3235, 449, 25107, 41947, 67164, 7091, 16174, 11, 374, 4332, 555, 95790, 11, 3090, 11, 323, 10160, 3117, 927, 279, 7479, 315, 279, 9420, 11, 43650, 3333, 4954, 69561, 323, 47594, 6136, 2324, 13, 720, 2181, 706, 1027, 9749, 430, 279, 9420, 753, 17614, 9221, 72859, 2486, 258, 3333, 1534, 10878, 18722, 287, 1855, 58367, 11, 8369, 958, 6200, 33211, 4261, 13, 220, 1115, 706, 3682, 3728, 16296, 2345, 18375, 277, 18722, 1570, 11, 264, 18174, 315, 279, 1917, 753, 36658, 323, 1023, 54832, 13, 220, 1115, 304, 2543, 11384, 264, 4984, 315, 720, 74441, 40589, 1139, 279, 16975, 11, 49005, 279, 2561, 58052, 369, 279, 4526, 315, 37647, 45612, 11, 8617, 93669, 13937, 8798, 505, 279, 7160, 323, 29057, 60923, 279, 1917, 753, 10182, 13, 220, 1226, 617, 3970, 279, 2237, 315, 12782, 40589, 304, 279, 9420, 753, 16975, 10205, 75251, 927, 279, 3347, 9478, 11, 1418, 3728, 9282, 12912, 617, 3719, 810, 323, 810, 14560, 13, 720, 41041, 4506, 753, 3495, 389, 17614, 2486, 258, 3333, 2065, 323, 7432, 198, 17, 520, 1566, 15100, 279, 8125, 369, 279, 720, 265, 46839, 220, 1954, 11, 931, 4771, 2840, 33211, 18852, 2768, 1855, 220, 605, 11, 931, 4771, 8369, 4261, 13, 220, 5414, 312, 18722, 1874, 16717, 430, 7432, 17, 6004, 505, 17614, 2486, 258, 3333, 2065, 323, 12777, 306, 13952, 2815, 7058, 1445, 323, 20252, 25228, 9803, 279, 37647, 2515, 13, 220, 578, 37647, 2515, 13980, 15871, 304, 279, 21965, 1233, 11, 902, 636, 279, 1455, 52495, 11, 436, 589, 7058, 261, 1109, 304, 279, 25685, 13918, 11, 902, 636, 1633, 2697, 52495, 13, 220, 3277, 279, 9499, 1422, 12, 809, 2335, 1990, 279, 21965, 1233, 323, 279, 51879, 12992, 11, 1070, 374, 264, 84913, 11008, 315, 42442, 10160, 6067, 11, 90127, 11, 45272, 288, 323, 1023, 16806, 44583, 13, 220, 320, 16493, 11537, 10380, 220, 4497, 315, 279, 32257, 20802, 555, 1521, 7859, 13766, 6067, 374, 40460, 311, 279, 5190, 6987, 21237, 1405, 433, 374, 54568, 439, 12056, 323, 10054, 11, 9778, 96811, 264, 502, 2840, 33211, 11008, 13, 2355, 45600, 11, 584, 649, 3619, 279, 52313, 304, 9777, 4506, 753, 10334, 315, 1268, 3728, 24808, 649, 720, 18975, 279, 1828, 20534, 13381, 13, 220, 5751, 29149, 323, 711, 97893, 12659, 11, 31376, 10633, 20252, 323, 927, 45541, 682, 17210, 311, 323, 43880, 279, 11323, 780, 6541, 1920, 13, 5996, 644, 3177, 315, 420, 323, 279, 13970, 6029, 430, 584, 527, 520, 279, 842, 315, 264, 220, 605, 11, 931, 4771, 958, 482, 9748, 198, 37, 21702, 93828, 6200, 33211, 4261, 11, 433, 1053, 387, 74978, 311, 15508, 709, 311, 279, 3117, 87248, 323, 13893, 35279, 720, 6802, 10939, 315, 420, 13, 220, 578, 1510, 893, 27975, 1054, 94874, 28013, 863, 902, 374, 54824, 45054, 315, 400, 1041, 7239, 1855, 1060, 304, 7100, 26186, 7636, 690, 1455, 4461, 43071, 47293, 268, 13, 578, 3728, 26936, 315, 83015, 1288, 31740, 603, 51749, 1436, 5457, 603, 50617, 15508, 709, 311, 1057, 3197, 12, 16238, 28423, 315, 43650, 3333, 4954, 323, 1239, 94207, 279, 9420, 3432, 13, 2355, 93702, 12899, 1455, 315, 9777, 4506, 753, 17850, 706, 22563, 304, 3293, 1667, 11, 439, 6982, 555, 720, 8716, 12056, 3504, 304, 5596, 315, 279, 18671, 69766, 323, 264, 2875, 6147, 315, 279, 7982, 3280, 555, 5672, 304, 1063, 10687, 13, 763, 55529, 11, 8624, 323, 4027, 527, 33318, 36658, 520, 3335, 5990, 15603, 13, 220, 9777, 4506, 1176, 13240, 304, 220, 4468, 21, 430, 2949, 264, 2478, 11026, 279, 7982, 3280, 1436, 18979, 311, 279, 1486, 430, 11990, 315, 1274, 690, 6917, 588, 11, 323, 420, 17208, 311, 279, 5131, 81879, 5961, 439, 1664, 13, 220, 19173, 11, 1070, 374, 1457, 1790, 3721, 72, 18722, 67, 768, 369, 279, 8206, 315, 813, 20492, 13, 220, 54504, 11, 912, 7140, 477, 1917, 649, 387, 9615, 9257, 449, 18722, 412, 9257, 11, 27331, 17614, 323, 2890, 1285, 15657, 439, 1202, 16665, 13, 1084, 37284, 2299, 423, 7169, 20585, 82, 2684, 617, 1027, 20441, 3135, 505, 279, 43650, 3333, 2065, 315, 36658, 16066, 505, 13935, 720, 30193, 11, 17614, 58097, 323, 4689, 8624, 13, 220, 5810, 527, 1063, 10507, 505, 279, 8483, 5819, 18722, 28491, 520, 1795, 1129, 265, 1083, 3333, 553, 2726, 25, 720, 6806, 220, 1054, 32, 220, 3753, 21, 1934, 389, 1317, 9860, 21896, 304, 8792, 4606, 555, 279, 78080, 8997, 8483, 720, 438, 57708, 10181, 315, 8371, 4720, 304, 47304, 11, 10057, 8710, 430, 304, 832, 13952, 11, 220, 1187, 1667, 1306, 34697, 10533, 19342, 1051, 43650, 3333, 1534, 11, 279, 7732, 8286, 574, 3116, 3115, 5190, 1109, 304, 279, 83920, 3158, 13, 19524, 5996, 6806, 220, 1054, 791, 3135, 315, 2999, 13, 8563, 3320, 1983, 753, 22772, 43650, 3333, 2065, 19622, 315, 264, 23069, 13952, 720, 263, 36608, 13, 31038, 3221, 97638, 11, 4892, 13030, 8710, 430, 220, 717, 5672, 1306, 279, 4666, 64, 2442, 290, 315, 7091, 16174, 11, 279, 2673, 315, 2579, 8314, 10743, 574, 7319, 555, 220, 1544, 4, 927, 2536, 88186, 390, 2442, 1098, 82, 11, 323, 279, 2673, 315, 56230, 35092, 574, 220, 777, 4, 7191, 1109, 279, 83920, 11835, 13, 19524, 2355, 6806, 220, 1054, 791, 11258, 315, 59984, 7471, 304, 8494, 320, 2185, 5543, 15068, 91512, 2726, 31877, 8, 10887, 1323, 7058, 258, 3333, 2065, 19622, 389, 1690, 9606, 315, 12690, 304, 8494, 449, 57492, 3135, 13, 220, 1789, 506, 18722, 1545, 11, 7863, 311, 83920, 11835, 11, 12690, 15042, 505, 384, 1791, 5893, 418, 355, 10533, 19342, 304, 43650, 12, 3333, 1534, 17614, 14264, 4330, 3115, 10819, 13, 19524, 2355, 6806, 220, 1054, 791, 328, 39095, 18787, 9601, 7471, 3997, 320, 2185, 516, 8512, 12052, 587, 14789, 2726, 8, 19207, 7397, 220, 5894, 198, 37, 21702, 93828, 1073, 1063, 315, 279, 9214, 315, 3451, 45283, 750, 14363, 529, 12690, 430, 617, 26403, 1555, 43650, 3333, 17528, 7058, 28491, 13, 220, 46273, 88134, 2103, 8111, 311, 387, 16075, 389, 279, 3451, 2201, 27208, 2345, 817, 26333, 529, 10723, 12, 488, 304, 27723, 1778, 8624, 13, 19524, 1084, 6728, 258, 3333, 2065, 315, 279, 1917, 753, 69561, 323, 36658, 690, 58514, 12782, 58052, 902, 671, 18722, 82, 30986, 7432, 198, 17, 505, 279, 16975, 323, 17210, 311, 11323, 780, 20334, 13, 256, 362, 471, 311, 4725, 720, 2295, 6200, 33211, 7432, 17, 5990, 315, 922, 220, 11209, 64697, 11, 4856, 1109, 279, 1510, 220, 18058, 10, 64697, 11, 374, 5115, 1153, 18722, 82, 1260, 323, 4762, 7718, 311, 1057, 20237, 13, 220, 3296, 25694, 279, 2294, 3465, 315, 43650, 3333, 7058, 4954, 279, 9420, 753, 69561, 320, 59178, 439, 279, 95790, 656, 2391, 459, 20534, 13381, 705, 584, 649, 1893, 70225, 17614, 323, 22556, 37492, 369, 682, 311, 4430, 13, 220, 1226, 2011, 1101, 6136, 1690, 33151, 315, 502, 12690, 11, 2737, 14098, 323, 10184, 36680, 11, 323, 5625, 34324, 323, 36536, 311, 279, 17808, 11, 25107, 1534, 5603, 13, 220, 12362, 1057, 2294, 11478, 323, 30481, 304, 7231, 1203, 311, 279, 9420, 11, 584, 649, 15301, 3823, 2890, 323, 47942, 323, 1893, 264, 502, 51915, 13, 720, 791, 18878, 37842, 81153, 3277, 584, 8343, 3691, 15042, 389, 79266, 17614, 584, 11, 1093, 279, 11012, 11, 3719, 810, 47281, 720, 998, 8624, 13, 220, 2052, 5367, 75989, 19338, 617, 1027, 389, 279, 10205, 304, 5270, 304, 3293, 11026, 13, 220, 83808, 8834, 11, 39086, 11, 12290, 11, 39532, 44107, 1619, 323, 84673, 35172, 8778, 660, 15657, 527, 1536, 10176, 12, 788, 11957, 652, 1220, 11, 719, 264, 6129, 48294, 315, 34072, 304, 1057, 3691, 374, 264, 21420, 29820, 8331, 13, 220, 50416, 6953, 11274, 17614, 706, 1027, 6089, 49393, 449, 7319, 4648, 7969, 13, 32184, 7978, 617, 6982, 430, 11917, 25107, 72946, 527, 5938, 449, 459, 304, 12, 846, 1503, 5326, 315, 9572, 13, 220, 7570, 832, 11917, 25107, 48294, 24266, 420, 5326, 13, 60288, 519, 2890, 14117, 5304, 264, 7353, 20326, 315, 682, 279, 34072, 7718, 311, 3823, 2890, 13, 2355, 14305, 7091, 374, 279, 6691, 315, 279, 17614, 11, 19524, 374, 1268, 832, 3980, 16549, 304, 279, 220, 5245, 15, 82, 2231, 433, 13, 220, 8876, 279, 720, 3646, 70225, 69561, 6118, 617, 264, 8205, 315, 4595, 315, 1054, 3850, 23902, 863, 1174, 433, 5084, 24219, 311, 1456, 311, 23329, 279, 5933, 11618, 994, 584, 43650, 3333, 553, 627, 791, 14834, 4458, 13345, 69561, 617, 15042, 1063, 315, 279, 1888, 31665, 315, 26390, 11, 24822, 323, 1069, 78, 18722, 698, 369, 24552, 13, 220, 578, 14834, 51455, 53105, 349, 872, 31665, 1403, 477, 810, 3115, 264, 1060, 449, 279, 21253, 277, 720, 32641, 54553, 30099, 13284, 902, 5727, 2840, 33211, 42623, 16174, 11, 4353, 40412, 439, 1054, 6200, 33211, 14403, 13, 19524, 220, 8444, 33211, 1957, 706, 9124, 1790, 315, 279, 9420, 753, 48111, 11, 439, 94867, 753, 14770, 3148, 1099, 8843, 323, 63526, 3871, 23902, 315, 7353, 8205, 323, 2449, 2262, 13, 220, 4427, 36373, 2740, 72286, 69561, 11, 1778, 439, 1884, 304, 8102, 11, 649, 1101, 387, 1633, 70225, 11, 8051, 433, 374, 5789, 1093, 14834, 4458, 323, 1101, 64749, 55893, 43008], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " are\nresponsible for its healing powers are\nantioxidants. Red wine contains several\nantioxidants beneficial to good health.\nOne of the most studied antioxidants isresveratrol, a compound found in the\nseeds and skins of grapes. Red wine has a\nhigh concentration of resveratrol because\nthe skins and seeds ferment in the grape\njuices during the wine-making process.\nThis prolonged contact during\nfermentation produces significant levels of\nresveratrol in the finished red wine. White\nwine also contains resveratrol, but \nthe\nseeds and skins are removed early in the\nwine making process, reducing the\nconcentration of the compound in the\nfinished white wine.\nFound in red wine, peanuts, blueberries\nand cranberries, resveratrol is easily\nabsorbed by the body. Its antioxidant\nproperties also offer health benefits in theprevention of heart disease and the\nreduction of lung tissue inflammation in\nchronic obstructive pulmonary disease\n(COPD).\nStudies have shown that resveratrol has\nthe ability to inhibit the process that leads\nto the growth and spreading (metastasis)\nof cancer. Resveratrol helps to neutralize\nthe oxidation of free radicals, which keeps\nthem from penetrating the cell membrane\nand destroying the protein and DNA\ninside healthy cells. Resveratrol also\nshows properties of tumour suppression\nby preventing the production of new blood\nvessels, which can help limit the growth\nof tumours by cutting off their supply of\nnutrients.Red wine also contains other antioxidants\nsuch as a flavonoid known as catechin,\nwhich is also present in green tea.\nResearch indicates that along with\nresveratrol, catechin plays an important\nrole in reducing the risk of heart disease.\nSaponins, also found in red wine, olive\noil and soya beans, offer protective\nbenefits for the heart and are easily\nabsorbed by the body. Yet another\nantioxidant found in red wine, guercetin,\nis being studied for its value in the\nprevention of lung cancer.\nSeaweed\nAs a food, seaweed is primarily used incertain salads, sushi and other ethnic\noriented cuisines around the world, but\nfood is not the only way to enjoy the\nbenefits of seaweed. Studies show a vast\narray of overwhelming health benefits.\nNot only does seaweed have a wonderful\neffect on the thyroid because it normalizes\nand stabilizes its function but the benefits\ncontinue. It can also stabilize blood\npressure, lower cholesterol and promote a\nhealthy intestinal tract. The best nutritional\nbenefit is, however, that various cancers\namong those who regularly consume\nseaweed are extremely low.\nSeaweeds are algae and have unique\nhealth and nutritional properties. A list of\nsome of the main types of seaweed andtheir main health benefits follows.\n\u2022 Nori is rich in iodine and iron, and quite\nhigh in protein. It is also a good source\nof vitamins C and A, potassium,\nmagnesium and riboflavin (B2), and it\nis low in fat.\n\u2022 Dulse is exceptionally nutritious,\ncontaining around 10 to 20 percent\nprotein and a whole host of vitamins\nand minerals, including magnesium,\niron and beta-carotene (which the body\nuses to produce vitamin A). It is now\nbeing farmed in Ireland for its health\nbenefits and for making skin care and\ncosmetic products.\n\u2022 Carrageen or Irish moss (chondrus\ncripus) is widely used in all sorts offood products because it has\nemulsifying and gelling properties. It is\nused to thicken foods and produces a\ncolourless jelly-like consistency, so it\nis used in lots of commercial desserts.\nIt is also a vegetarian answer to\ngelatine. It was traditionally rated in\nIreland as a cold and cough remedy. It\nis rich in retinol and minerals.\n\u2022 Wakame is a green seaweed with a\nslippery consistency and an almost\nsweet taste. It has a thick band of fibre\nin the centre which can be easily cut\nout to give a more palatable effect. It\ncan easily be added in small amounts\nto lots of cooked dishes such as stir-\nfries and stews, and is also delicious\nas a side dish. The Japanese use it aspart of miso soup.\n\u2022 Kelp (laminaria digitata) is found in\nmany areas of the world. It is a brown\nseaweed with literally thousands of\nvarieties. It is found in all sorts\nof \ncommercial\n products, from\ntoothpaste to fertilizer. As it is\nexceptionally rich in iodine, it used to\nbe the main source for preventing\ngoitre and treating thyroid conditions. It\nis still highly rated by naturopaths and\nnutritional therapists for that use. \nSpinach\nSpinach is one of the most beneficial and\nhealthy vegetables, and is known to be apowerhouse of nutrients among all green\nleafy vegetables. It is filled with vitamins,\nproteins, antioxidants and essential\nnutrients that promote overall good health\nand well-being. To get the maximum\nhealth benefits from spinach, it should be\nconsumed as soon as it is purchased. The\nlonger it is refrigerated, the fewer\nnutrients it contains. When kept in the\nfridge for more than a week, fresh spinach\ntends to lose almost half its nutrients, so\nit\u2019s best to consume it in the shortest\npossible time.\nSpinach and other dark leafy greens like\nkale, collard greens, Swiss chard, turnip\ngreens and bok choy are loaded with\ncalcium, folic acid, vitamin K and iron.Spinach is also rich in vitamin C, fibre\nand carotenoids. Include its lutein and\nbioflavonoid compounds, and spinach is a\nnutritional powerhouse. The calcium\ncontent strengthens bones, while the A and\nC vitamins plus fibre, folic acid,\nmagnesium and other nutrients help\ncontrol cancer, especially colon, lung and\nbreast cancers. Folate also lowers the\nblood levels of homocysteine, which\nhelps protect against heart disease.\nThe flavonoids in spinach help protect\nagainst age-related memory loss. Its secret\nweapon is lutein, which makes it one of\nthe best foods in the world to prevent\ncataracts, as well as age-related macular\ndegeneration, the leading cause ofpreventable blindness in the elderly.\nFoods rich in lutein are also thought to\nhelp prevent cancer.\nSweet Potatoes\nSweet potatoes provide an excellent\nsource of carotenes and the darker\nvarieties contain a higher concentration.\nThey also offer a good source of vitamins\nB2, B6 and C, manganese, copper, biotin,\npantothenic acid and fibre. Sweet potatoes\ncontain unique root storage proteins,\nwhich have been shown to have\nsignificant antioxidant effects. Being rich\nin dietary fibre, they lower the risk of\nconstipation, diverticulosis, colon andrectal cancer.\nSweet potatoes have been found to be\nhelpful in minimizing the risk of heart\ndisease, diabetes and obesity. Eating\nsweet potatoes has been known to help in\navoiding stroke, by bringing down the\nharmful effects of low-density cholesterol\nand preventing blood clots.\nThe presence of beta-carotene in sweet\npotatoes helps the body fight against free\nradicals and thus assists in preventing\ncancer. Since they have a low glycemic\nindex (GI), they can be consumed by those\nsuffering from diabetes without concern.\nThe high amount of potassium helps the\nbody in maintaining fluid and electrolytebalance as well as cell integrity.\nSweet potatoes have been found to be\nbeneficial for blood purification as well\nas lowering of blood pressure. Owing to\nthe presence of calcium and iron, they\nensure proper blood flow and also\nimprove bone density. Regular\nconsumption of sweet potato is good for\nstomach ulcers and inflamed condition of\nthe colon.\nSwiss Chard\nSwiss chard is a tall, leafy green\nvegetable with a thick, crunchy stalk that\ncomes in white, red or yellow with widefan-like green leaves. Chard belongs to\nthe same family as beets and spinach, and\nshares a similar taste profile. Both the\nleaves and stalk are edible, although the\nstems vary in texture with the white ones\nbeing the most tender.\nThe leaves and roots have been the\nsubject of fascinating health studies. The\ncombination of traditional nutrients,\nphytonutrients (particularly anthocyans)\nplus fibre seems particularly effective in\npreventing digestive tract cancers. Several\nresearch studies on chard focus\nspecifically on colon cancer, where the\nincidence of precancerous lesions in\nanimals has been found to be significantly\nreduced following dietary intake of swisschard extracts or fibre.\nSwiss chard is also a very good source of\ncopper, calcium, vitamins B1, B2 and B6,\nprotein, phosphorus, zinc, folate, biotin,\nniacin and pantothenic acid.\nTamarind\nTamarind is a long bean-like pod that\nbelongs to the vegetable order but is\ntreated like a fruit. Its name is derived\nfrom the Arabic word \u2018tamar\u2019, meaning a\ndry date fruit. It was the Arabs in India\nwho gave the name of \u2018tamar-hindi\u2019 to this\ntree.Tamarind is green when immature and,\nwhen it matures, it becomes f", "token_ids": [527, 198, 417, 43419, 369, 1202, 21730, 13736, 527, 198, 519, 42651, 1821, 13, 3816, 13378, 5727, 3892, 198, 519, 42651, 1821, 24629, 311, 1695, 2890, 627, 4054, 315, 279, 1455, 20041, 81115, 374, 417, 424, 266, 1098, 11, 264, 24549, 1766, 304, 279, 198, 325, 6910, 323, 51050, 315, 66008, 13, 3816, 13378, 706, 264, 198, 12156, 20545, 315, 594, 424, 266, 1098, 1606, 198, 1820, 51050, 323, 19595, 68736, 304, 279, 52252, 198, 8783, 1238, 2391, 279, 13378, 28846, 1920, 627, 2028, 44387, 3729, 2391, 198, 809, 32199, 19159, 5199, 5990, 315, 198, 417, 424, 266, 1098, 304, 279, 8220, 2579, 13378, 13, 5929, 198, 72537, 1101, 5727, 594, 424, 266, 1098, 11, 719, 720, 1820, 198, 325, 6910, 323, 51050, 527, 7108, 4216, 304, 279, 198, 72537, 3339, 1920, 11, 18189, 279, 198, 444, 94376, 315, 279, 24549, 304, 279, 198, 12402, 4251, 13378, 627, 6788, 304, 2579, 13378, 11, 90177, 11, 6437, 36989, 198, 438, 70637, 36989, 11, 594, 424, 266, 1098, 374, 6847, 198, 3518, 269, 2788, 555, 279, 2547, 13, 11699, 70339, 198, 13495, 1101, 3085, 2890, 7720, 304, 279, 1762, 7611, 315, 4851, 8624, 323, 279, 198, 265, 23985, 315, 21271, 20438, 37140, 304, 198, 7562, 292, 54292, 535, 70524, 8624, 198, 3100, 3143, 35, 4390, 94607, 617, 6982, 430, 594, 424, 266, 1098, 706, 198, 1820, 5845, 311, 69033, 279, 1920, 430, 11767, 198, 998, 279, 6650, 323, 31135, 320, 4150, 561, 10949, 340, 1073, 9572, 13, 1838, 424, 266, 1098, 8779, 311, 21277, 553, 198, 1820, 71162, 315, 1949, 74356, 11, 902, 13912, 198, 49818, 505, 90300, 279, 2849, 39654, 198, 438, 33812, 279, 13128, 323, 15922, 198, 42450, 9498, 7917, 13, 1838, 424, 266, 1098, 1101, 198, 60556, 6012, 315, 15756, 414, 46735, 198, 1729, 27252, 279, 5788, 315, 502, 6680, 198, 85, 434, 2053, 11, 902, 649, 1520, 4017, 279, 6650, 198, 1073, 15756, 2530, 555, 14713, 1022, 872, 8312, 315, 198, 24217, 32930, 21616, 13378, 1101, 5727, 1023, 81115, 198, 21470, 439, 264, 18779, 263, 590, 3967, 439, 59239, 60171, 345, 8370, 374, 1101, 3118, 304, 6307, 15600, 627, 28528, 15151, 430, 3235, 449, 198, 417, 424, 266, 1098, 11, 59239, 60171, 11335, 459, 3062, 198, 5898, 304, 18189, 279, 5326, 315, 4851, 8624, 627, 50, 10969, 1354, 11, 1101, 1766, 304, 2579, 13378, 11, 33213, 198, 74913, 323, 779, 7911, 27994, 11, 3085, 29219, 198, 68244, 1220, 369, 279, 4851, 323, 527, 6847, 198, 3518, 269, 2788, 555, 279, 2547, 13, 14968, 2500, 198, 519, 42651, 519, 1766, 304, 2579, 13378, 11, 1709, 3035, 115324, 345, 285, 1694, 20041, 369, 1202, 907, 304, 279, 198, 1762, 7611, 315, 21271, 9572, 627, 1542, 675, 12320, 198, 2170, 264, 3691, 11, 67329, 12320, 374, 15871, 1511, 3709, 7770, 77852, 11, 67322, 323, 1023, 22277, 198, 33536, 31547, 1572, 2212, 279, 1917, 11, 719, 198, 14239, 374, 539, 279, 1193, 1648, 311, 4774, 279, 198, 68244, 1220, 315, 67329, 12320, 13, 19241, 1501, 264, 13057, 198, 1686, 315, 22798, 2890, 7720, 627, 2688, 1193, 1587, 67329, 12320, 617, 264, 11364, 198, 27153, 389, 279, 54060, 1606, 433, 4725, 4861, 198, 438, 27276, 4861, 1202, 734, 719, 279, 7720, 198, 9726, 13, 1102, 649, 1101, 70236, 6680, 198, 47074, 11, 4827, 39086, 323, 12192, 264, 198, 38128, 63900, 42929, 13, 578, 1888, 43226, 198, 68244, 275, 374, 11, 4869, 11, 430, 5370, 51423, 198, 77405, 1884, 889, 15870, 25024, 198, 325, 675, 12320, 527, 9193, 3428, 627, 1542, 85277, 6910, 527, 68951, 323, 617, 5016, 198, 12393, 323, 43226, 6012, 13, 362, 1160, 315, 198, 15031, 315, 279, 1925, 4595, 315, 67329, 12320, 323, 50828, 1925, 2890, 7720, 11263, 627, 6806, 8170, 72, 374, 9257, 304, 80087, 483, 323, 11245, 11, 323, 5115, 198, 12156, 304, 13128, 13, 1102, 374, 1101, 264, 1695, 2592, 198, 1073, 46192, 356, 323, 362, 11, 62275, 345, 76, 3326, 41930, 323, 20735, 1073, 75, 35716, 320, 33, 17, 705, 323, 433, 198, 285, 3428, 304, 8834, 627, 6806, 423, 17660, 374, 48298, 78216, 345, 778, 2101, 2212, 220, 605, 311, 220, 508, 3346, 198, 79565, 323, 264, 4459, 3552, 315, 46192, 198, 438, 34072, 11, 2737, 61933, 345, 2534, 323, 13746, 24948, 354, 1994, 320, 8370, 279, 2547, 198, 4881, 311, 8356, 28170, 362, 570, 1102, 374, 1457, 198, 35214, 3117, 2106, 304, 14990, 369, 1202, 2890, 198, 68244, 1220, 323, 369, 3339, 6930, 2512, 323, 198, 9594, 18474, 3956, 627, 6806, 30474, 425, 268, 477, 18088, 78343, 320, 331, 2159, 20962, 198, 745, 18299, 8, 374, 13882, 1511, 304, 682, 21522, 315, 14239, 3956, 1606, 433, 706, 198, 336, 14630, 7922, 323, 342, 6427, 6012, 13, 1102, 374, 198, 2656, 311, 270, 9890, 15657, 323, 19159, 264, 198, 48439, 1752, 52441, 12970, 29237, 11, 779, 433, 198, 285, 1511, 304, 10283, 315, 8518, 72513, 627, 2181, 374, 1101, 264, 46482, 4320, 311, 198, 29952, 266, 483, 13, 1102, 574, 36342, 22359, 304, 198, 40, 87566, 439, 264, 9439, 323, 40700, 40239, 13, 1102, 198, 285, 9257, 304, 2160, 258, 337, 323, 34072, 627, 6806, 86637, 373, 374, 264, 6307, 67329, 12320, 449, 264, 198, 3306, 575, 62479, 29237, 323, 459, 4661, 198, 95928, 12945, 13, 1102, 706, 264, 12314, 7200, 315, 57525, 198, 258, 279, 12541, 902, 649, 387, 6847, 4018, 198, 412, 311, 3041, 264, 810, 11091, 15436, 2515, 13, 1102, 198, 4919, 6847, 387, 3779, 304, 2678, 15055, 198, 998, 10283, 315, 30205, 26863, 1778, 439, 23935, 7058, 69, 4108, 323, 357, 28844, 11, 323, 374, 1101, 18406, 198, 300, 264, 3185, 12269, 13, 578, 11002, 1005, 433, 439, 4581, 315, 5906, 78, 19724, 627, 6806, 735, 1290, 320, 75, 8778, 10649, 16099, 460, 8, 374, 1766, 304, 198, 35676, 5789, 315, 279, 1917, 13, 1102, 374, 264, 14198, 198, 325, 675, 12320, 449, 16280, 9214, 315, 198, 959, 32606, 13, 1102, 374, 1766, 304, 682, 21522, 198, 1073, 720, 84707, 198, 3956, 11, 505, 198, 998, 8942, 57968, 311, 65391, 13, 1666, 433, 374, 198, 7959, 750, 9257, 304, 80087, 483, 11, 433, 1511, 311, 198, 1395, 279, 1925, 2592, 369, 27252, 198, 3427, 49834, 323, 27723, 54060, 4787, 13, 1102, 198, 285, 2103, 7701, 22359, 555, 18050, 84, 897, 27382, 323, 198, 24217, 37842, 68616, 369, 430, 1005, 13, 720, 42838, 613, 198, 42838, 613, 374, 832, 315, 279, 1455, 24629, 323, 198, 38128, 24822, 11, 323, 374, 3967, 311, 387, 1469, 1223, 7830, 315, 37493, 4315, 682, 6307, 198, 25126, 88, 24822, 13, 1102, 374, 10409, 449, 46192, 345, 782, 668, 1354, 11, 81115, 323, 7718, 198, 24217, 32930, 430, 12192, 8244, 1695, 2890, 198, 438, 1664, 33851, 13, 2057, 636, 279, 7340, 198, 12393, 7720, 505, 68798, 11, 433, 1288, 387, 198, 67776, 291, 439, 5246, 439, 433, 374, 15075, 13, 578, 198, 4930, 261, 433, 374, 30477, 660, 11, 279, 17162, 198, 24217, 32930, 433, 5727, 13, 3277, 8774, 304, 279, 198, 1658, 6614, 369, 810, 1109, 264, 2046, 11, 7878, 68798, 198, 83, 1438, 311, 9229, 4661, 4376, 1202, 37493, 11, 779, 198, 275, 753, 1888, 311, 25024, 433, 304, 279, 40243, 198, 10236, 892, 627, 42838, 613, 323, 1023, 6453, 16312, 88, 52011, 1093, 198, 74, 1604, 11, 4631, 569, 52011, 11, 30791, 523, 569, 11, 2543, 575, 198, 82826, 323, 293, 564, 523, 2303, 527, 6799, 449, 198, 27684, 2411, 11, 282, 7918, 13935, 11, 28170, 735, 323, 11245, 815, 13576, 613, 374, 1101, 9257, 304, 28170, 356, 11, 57525, 198, 438, 1841, 66728, 17390, 13, 30834, 1202, 326, 1088, 258, 323, 198, 38423, 1517, 402, 263, 590, 32246, 11, 323, 68798, 374, 264, 198, 24217, 37842, 75214, 13, 578, 35719, 198, 1834, 96931, 25896, 11, 1418, 279, 362, 323, 198, 34, 46192, 5636, 57525, 11, 282, 7918, 13935, 345, 76, 3326, 41930, 323, 1023, 37493, 1520, 198, 2935, 9572, 11, 5423, 15235, 11, 21271, 323, 198, 21152, 561, 51423, 13, 435, 34166, 1101, 73115, 279, 198, 51105, 5990, 315, 5105, 511, 599, 68, 483, 11, 902, 198, 8823, 82, 6144, 2403, 4851, 8624, 627, 791, 18779, 263, 17390, 304, 68798, 1520, 6144, 198, 69849, 4325, 14228, 5044, 4814, 13, 11699, 6367, 198, 23722, 374, 326, 1088, 258, 11, 902, 3727, 433, 832, 315, 198, 1820, 1888, 15657, 304, 279, 1917, 311, 5471, 198, 4719, 277, 11613, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 4325, 14228, 9155, 1299, 198, 451, 81157, 11, 279, 6522, 5353, 315, 93755, 481, 85515, 304, 279, 29920, 627, 37, 9242, 9257, 304, 326, 1088, 258, 527, 1101, 3463, 311, 198, 8823, 5471, 9572, 627, 59522, 14020, 20798, 198, 59522, 35267, 3493, 459, 9250, 198, 2484, 315, 1841, 354, 22383, 323, 279, 40130, 198, 959, 32606, 6782, 264, 5190, 20545, 627, 7009, 1101, 3085, 264, 1695, 2592, 315, 46192, 198, 33, 17, 11, 426, 21, 323, 356, 11, 87934, 11, 24166, 11, 6160, 354, 258, 345, 79, 13873, 3473, 292, 13935, 323, 57525, 13, 27687, 35267, 198, 53195, 5016, 3789, 5942, 28896, 345, 8370, 617, 1027, 6982, 311, 617, 198, 91645, 70339, 6372, 13, 21347, 9257, 198, 258, 34625, 57525, 11, 814, 4827, 279, 5326, 315, 198, 1040, 49686, 11, 37098, 292, 360, 10934, 11, 15235, 323, 2921, 278, 9572, 627, 59522, 35267, 617, 1027, 1766, 311, 387, 198, 8823, 1285, 304, 77391, 279, 5326, 315, 4851, 198, 67, 56407, 11, 20335, 323, 33048, 13, 60638, 198, 95928, 35267, 706, 1027, 3967, 311, 1520, 304, 198, 48956, 287, 12943, 11, 555, 12967, 1523, 279, 198, 71, 2227, 1285, 6372, 315, 3428, 89131, 39086, 198, 438, 27252, 6680, 1206, 2469, 627, 791, 9546, 315, 13746, 24948, 354, 1994, 304, 10437, 198, 19644, 20798, 8779, 279, 2547, 4465, 2403, 1949, 198, 13584, 53703, 323, 8617, 29944, 304, 27252, 198, 66, 11967, 13, 8876, 814, 617, 264, 3428, 72157, 8274, 198, 1275, 320, 29134, 705, 814, 649, 387, 27073, 555, 1884, 198, 82, 2084, 287, 505, 20335, 2085, 4747, 627, 791, 1579, 3392, 315, 62275, 8779, 279, 198, 2664, 304, 20958, 15962, 323, 73396, 668, 22298, 439, 1664, 439, 2849, 17025, 627, 59522, 35267, 617, 1027, 1766, 311, 387, 198, 68244, 7235, 369, 6680, 94536, 439, 1664, 198, 300, 46301, 315, 6680, 7410, 13, 507, 24510, 311, 198, 1820, 9546, 315, 35719, 323, 11245, 11, 814, 198, 28389, 6300, 6680, 6530, 323, 1101, 198, 318, 35563, 17685, 17915, 13, 29900, 198, 67776, 562, 315, 10437, 39834, 374, 1695, 369, 198, 267, 316, 613, 8725, 17254, 323, 4704, 3690, 3044, 315, 198, 1820, 15235, 627, 13521, 1056, 921, 569, 198, 13521, 1056, 523, 569, 374, 264, 16615, 11, 16312, 88, 6307, 198, 83571, 481, 449, 264, 12314, 11, 95333, 55972, 430, 198, 6716, 304, 4251, 11, 2579, 477, 14071, 449, 7029, 31278, 12970, 6307, 11141, 13, 921, 569, 17623, 311, 198, 1820, 1890, 3070, 439, 387, 1441, 323, 68798, 11, 323, 198, 76147, 264, 4528, 12945, 5643, 13, 11995, 279, 198, 273, 4798, 323, 55972, 527, 67740, 11, 8051, 279, 198, 267, 12116, 13592, 304, 10651, 449, 279, 4251, 6305, 198, 35214, 279, 1455, 28682, 627, 791, 11141, 323, 20282, 617, 1027, 279, 198, 11760, 315, 27387, 2890, 7978, 13, 578, 198, 76128, 315, 8776, 37493, 345, 12989, 783, 332, 32930, 320, 74039, 23064, 34946, 598, 340, 7284, 57525, 5084, 8104, 7524, 304, 198, 1762, 82920, 60071, 42929, 51423, 13, 26778, 198, 61564, 7978, 389, 523, 569, 5357, 198, 52340, 750, 389, 15235, 9572, 11, 1405, 279, 198, 2910, 7232, 315, 5956, 11967, 788, 63324, 304, 198, 77896, 706, 1027, 1766, 311, 387, 12207, 198, 265, 54478, 2768, 34625, 23730, 315, 2064, 1056, 331, 569, 49062, 477, 57525, 627, 13521, 1056, 523, 569, 374, 1101, 264, 1633, 1695, 2592, 315, 198, 66, 18994, 11, 35719, 11, 46192, 426, 16, 11, 426, 17, 323, 426, 21, 345, 79565, 11, 33088, 30969, 11, 49601, 11, 9630, 349, 11, 6160, 354, 258, 345, 7907, 40488, 323, 281, 13873, 3473, 292, 13935, 627, 51, 15924, 485, 198, 51, 15924, 485, 374, 264, 1317, 21059, 12970, 7661, 430, 198, 81997, 311, 279, 36581, 2015, 719, 374, 198, 83, 2920, 1093, 264, 14098, 13, 11699, 836, 374, 14592, 198, 1527, 279, 35217, 3492, 3451, 83, 15924, 20182, 7438, 264, 198, 54310, 2457, 14098, 13, 1102, 574, 279, 58709, 304, 6890, 198, 14965, 6688, 279, 836, 315, 3451, 83, 15924, 2902, 29785, 529, 311, 420, 198, 9528, 844, 15924, 485, 374, 6307, 994, 86525, 323, 345, 9493, 433, 89726, 11, 433, 9221, 282], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " Matthew.\nAs you know, all of the Bible stories are your stories; its characters live \nonly in the mind of man. They have no reference at all to any person, who\nlived in time and space, or to any event that ever occurred upon earth. \n*****\nThe drama related in Matthew takes place in this manner. Jesus turns to \nhis disciples and asks them, \u201cWhom do men say that I the Son of man \nam?\u201d (Matt 16:13).\n\u201cAnd they said, Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and\nothers, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets.\u201d\n\u201cHe saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am?\u201d\n\u201cAnd Simon Peter answered and said, Thou are the Christ, the Son of the \nliving God.\u201d\n\u201cAnd Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-Jon -\nah: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it until thee, but my Father \nwhich is in heaven.\u201d\n\u201cAnd I say also unto thee that thou are Peter, and upon this rock I will \nbuild my church.\u201d (Matt 16:14-18).\nJesus turning to his disciples is man turning to his disciplined mind in self-\ncontemplation. You ask yourself the question, \u201cWhom do men say that I \nam?\u201d In our language, \u201cI wonder what men think of me?\u201d\nYou answer, \u201cSome say John come again, some say Elias, others say \nJeremiah, and still others a prophet of old come again.\u201d\nIt is very flattering to be told that you are, or that you resemble, the \ngreat men of the past, but enlightened reason is not enslaved by public \nopinion. It is only concerned with the truth so it asks itself another ques -\ntion, \u201cBut whom say ye that I am?\u201d In other words, \u201cWho am I?\u201d\nMore Free Books Law of Attraction HavenIf I am bold enough to assume that I am Christ Jesus, the answer will \ncome back, \u201cThou are Christ Jesus.\u201d\nWhen I can assume it and feel it and boldly live it, I will say to myself, \n\u201cFlesh and blood could not have told me this. But my Father which is in \nHeaven revealed it unto me.\u201d Then I make this concept of self the rock on\nwhich I establish my church, my world. \n\u201cIf ye believe not that I am He, ye shall die in your sins.\u201d (John 8:24).\nBecause consciousness is the only reality I must assume that I am al -\nready that which I desire to be. If I do not believe that I am already what \nI want to be, then I remain as I am and die in this limitation.\nMan is always looking for some prop on which to lean. He is always look -\ning for some excuse to justify his failure. This revelation gives man no ex -\ncuse for failure. His concept of himself is the cause of all the circum -\nstances of his life. All changes must first come from within himself; and if \nhe does not change on the outside it is because he has not changed with -\nin. But man does not like to feel that he is solely responsible for the con -\nditions of his life.\n\u201cFrom that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more \nwith him.\u201d\n\u201cThen said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away?\u201d\n\u201cThen Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go?\u201d Thou has \nthe words of eternal life.\u201d (John 6:66-68).\nI may not like what I have just heard, that I must turn to my own con -\nsciousness as to the only reality, the only foundation on which all phe -\nnomena can be explained. It was easier living when I could blame anoth -\ner. It was much easier living when I could blame society for my ills, or \npoint a finger across the sea, and blame another nation. It was easier liv -\ning when I could blame the weather for the way I feel. But to tell me that \nI am the cause of all that happens to me that I am forever molding my \nworld in harmony with my inner nature, that is more than man is willing \nto accept. If this is true, to whom would I go? If these are the words of \neternal life, I must return to them, even though they seem so difficult to \ndigest.\nWhen man fully understands this, he knows that public opinion does not \nmatter, for men only tell him who he is. The behavior of men constantly \ntell me who I have conceived myself to be. \nMore Free Books Law of Attraction HavenIf I accept this challenge and begin to live by it, I finally reach the point \nthat is called the great prayer of the Bible. It is related in the 17th chapter \nof the Gospel of St John. \u201cI have finished the work which thou gavest me \nto do. (John 17:4).\n\u201cAnd now, O Father, glorify me with thine own self with the glory which I \nhad with thee before the world was.\u201d (John 17:5). \n\u201cWhile I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name: those that \nthou gavest me I have kept, and one of them is lost, but the son of perdi -\ntion.\u201d (John 17:12).\nIt is impossible for anything to be lost. In this divine economy nothing can\nbe lost, it cannot even pass away. The little flower which has bloomed \nonce, blooms forever. It is invisible to you here with your limited focus, \nbut blooms forever in the larger dimension of your being, and tomorrow \nyou will encounter it.\nAll that thou gavest me I have kept in thy name, and none have I lost \nsave the son of perdition. The son of perdition means simply the belief in \nloss. Son is a concept, an idea. Perdido is loss. I have only truly lost the \nconcept of loss, for nothing can be lost. \nI can descend from the sphere where the thing itself now lives, and as I \ndescend in consciousness to a lower level within myself it passes from my\nworld. I say, \u201cI have lost my health. I have lost my wealth. I have lost my\nstanding in the community. I have lost faith. I have lost a thousand \nthings.\u201d But the things in themselves, having once been real in my world, \ncan never cease to be. They never become unreal with the passage of \ntime.\nI, by my descent in consciousness to a lower level, cause these things to \ndisappear from my sight and I say, \u201cThey have gone; they are finished as \nfar as my world goes.\u201d All I need do is to ascend to the level where they \nare eternal, and they once more objectify themselves and appear as reali -\nties within my world. \nThe crux of the whole 17th chapter of the Gospel of St John is found in the\n19th verse. \u201cAnd for their sake I sanctify myself, that they also might be \nsanctified through the truth.\u201d \nHeretofore I thought I could change others through effort. Now I know I \ncannot change another unless I first change myself. To change another \nwithin my world I must first change my concept of that other; and to do it\nbest I change my concept of self. For it was the concept I held of self that \nmade me see others as I did.\nMore Free Books Law of Attraction HavenHad I a noble, dignified concept of myself, I never could have seen the \nunlovely in others. \nInstead of trying to change others through argument and force, let me \nbut ascend in consciousness to a higher level and I will automatically \nchange others by changing myself. \u201cThere is no one to change but self; \nthat self is simply your awareness, your consciousness and the world in \nwhich it lives is determined by the concept you hold of self. It is to con -\nsciousness that we must turn as to the only reality. For there is no clear \nconception of the origin of phenomena except that consciousness is all \nand all is consciousness.\nYou need no helper to bring you what you seek. Do not for one second \nbelieve that I am advocating escape from reality when I ask you to simply\nassume you are now the man or the lady that you want to be.\nIf you and I could feel what it would be like were we now that which we \nwant to be, and live in this mental atmosphere as though it were real, \nthen, in a way we do not know, our assumption would harden into fact. \nThis is all we need do in order to ascend to the level where our assump -\ntion is already an objective, concrete reality.\nI need change no man, I sanctify myself and in so doing I sanctify others.\nTo the pure all things are pure. \u201cThere is nothing unclean of itself: but to \nhim that esteemeth anything to be unclean, to him it is unclean.\u201d (Rom \n14:14). There is nothing in itself unclean, but you, by your concept of self,\nsee things either clean or unclean.\n\u201cI and my Father are one.\u201d (John 10:30).\n\u201cIf I do not the works of my Father, believe me not.\u201d\n\u201cBut if I do, though ye believe not me, believe the works: that ye may \nknow, and believe, that the Father is in me, and I in him.\u201d (John 10:37, \n38).\nHe made himself one with God and thought it not strange or robbery to \ndo the works of God. You always bear fruit in harmony with what you are.\nIt is the most natural thing in the world", "token_ids": [19475, 627, 2170, 499, 1440, 11, 682, 315, 279, 17377, 7493, 527, 701, 7493, 26, 1202, 5885, 3974, 720, 3323, 304, 279, 4059, 315, 893, 13, 2435, 617, 912, 5905, 520, 682, 311, 904, 1732, 11, 889, 198, 75, 2270, 304, 892, 323, 3634, 11, 477, 311, 904, 1567, 430, 3596, 10222, 5304, 9578, 13, 720, 58965, 791, 20156, 5552, 304, 19475, 5097, 2035, 304, 420, 11827, 13, 10811, 10800, 311, 720, 26301, 49260, 323, 17501, 1124, 11, 1054, 1671, 316, 656, 3026, 2019, 430, 358, 279, 12103, 315, 893, 720, 309, 12671, 320, 40917, 220, 845, 25, 1032, 4390, 68932, 814, 1071, 11, 4427, 2019, 430, 34223, 1989, 3842, 279, 43748, 25, 1063, 11, 86756, 26, 323, 198, 59961, 11, 83725, 11, 477, 832, 315, 279, 72768, 49216, 40565, 829, 411, 30449, 1124, 11, 2030, 8884, 2019, 20043, 430, 358, 1097, 12671, 198, 68932, 22021, 11291, 19089, 323, 1071, 11, 86471, 527, 279, 3771, 11, 279, 12103, 315, 279, 720, 64275, 4359, 49216, 68932, 10811, 19089, 323, 1071, 30449, 1461, 11, 77097, 1989, 34223, 11, 22021, 4821, 12278, 263, 18722, 1494, 25, 369, 26000, 323, 6680, 52677, 539, 10675, 433, 3156, 40344, 11, 719, 856, 20941, 720, 8370, 374, 304, 23070, 49216, 68932, 358, 2019, 1101, 30449, 40344, 430, 34223, 527, 11291, 11, 323, 5304, 420, 7091, 358, 690, 720, 5957, 856, 8993, 2029, 320, 40917, 220, 845, 25, 975, 12, 972, 4390, 55065, 13353, 311, 813, 49260, 374, 893, 13353, 311, 813, 70166, 4059, 304, 659, 7058, 778, 26980, 367, 13, 1472, 2610, 6261, 279, 3488, 11, 1054, 1671, 316, 656, 3026, 2019, 430, 358, 720, 309, 12671, 763, 1057, 4221, 11, 1054, 40, 5895, 1148, 3026, 1781, 315, 757, 12671, 198, 2675, 4320, 11, 1054, 8538, 2019, 3842, 2586, 1578, 11, 1063, 2019, 86756, 11, 3885, 2019, 720, 45057, 65945, 11, 323, 2103, 3885, 264, 53604, 315, 2362, 2586, 1578, 49216, 2181, 374, 1633, 84208, 311, 387, 3309, 430, 499, 527, 11, 477, 430, 499, 52280, 11, 279, 720, 47991, 3026, 315, 279, 3347, 11, 719, 82315, 2944, 374, 539, 95389, 555, 586, 720, 454, 37400, 13, 1102, 374, 1193, 11920, 449, 279, 8206, 779, 433, 17501, 5196, 2500, 92484, 18722, 28491, 11, 1054, 4071, 8884, 2019, 20043, 430, 358, 1097, 12671, 763, 1023, 4339, 11, 1054, 15546, 1097, 358, 12671, 198, 7816, 3658, 18312, 7658, 315, 2468, 27523, 42714, 2746, 358, 1097, 14265, 3403, 311, 9855, 430, 358, 1097, 3771, 10811, 11, 279, 4320, 690, 720, 2063, 1203, 11, 1054, 1016, 283, 527, 3771, 10811, 49216, 4599, 358, 649, 9855, 433, 323, 2733, 433, 323, 96029, 3974, 433, 11, 358, 690, 2019, 311, 7182, 11, 720, 2118, 37, 17927, 323, 6680, 1436, 539, 617, 3309, 757, 420, 13, 2030, 856, 20941, 902, 374, 304, 720, 1548, 5389, 10675, 433, 30449, 757, 2029, 5112, 358, 1304, 420, 7434, 315, 659, 279, 7091, 389, 198, 8370, 358, 5813, 856, 8993, 11, 856, 1917, 13, 720, 38684, 20043, 4510, 539, 430, 358, 1097, 1283, 11, 20043, 4985, 2815, 304, 701, 40444, 2029, 320, 13379, 220, 23, 25, 1187, 4390, 18433, 25917, 374, 279, 1193, 8903, 358, 2011, 9855, 430, 358, 1097, 453, 18722, 2359, 430, 902, 358, 12876, 311, 387, 13, 1442, 358, 656, 539, 4510, 430, 358, 1097, 2736, 1148, 720, 40, 1390, 311, 387, 11, 1243, 358, 7293, 439, 358, 1097, 323, 2815, 304, 420, 20893, 627, 1692, 374, 2744, 3411, 369, 1063, 2047, 389, 902, 311, 16025, 13, 1283, 374, 2744, 1427, 18722, 287, 369, 1063, 28391, 311, 9541, 813, 8060, 13, 1115, 40010, 6835, 893, 912, 506, 18722, 66, 817, 369, 8060, 13, 5414, 7434, 315, 5678, 374, 279, 5353, 315, 682, 279, 10408, 18722, 9623, 315, 813, 2324, 13, 2052, 4442, 2011, 1176, 2586, 505, 2949, 5678, 26, 323, 422, 720, 383, 1587, 539, 2349, 389, 279, 4994, 433, 374, 1606, 568, 706, 539, 5614, 449, 18722, 258, 13, 2030, 893, 1587, 539, 1093, 311, 2733, 430, 568, 374, 21742, 8647, 369, 279, 390, 18722, 2400, 82, 315, 813, 2324, 627, 2118, 3915, 430, 892, 1690, 315, 813, 49260, 4024, 1203, 11, 323, 15203, 912, 810, 720, 4291, 1461, 49216, 2118, 12487, 1071, 10811, 30449, 279, 30335, 11, 4946, 20043, 1101, 733, 3201, 12671, 198, 2118, 12487, 22021, 11291, 19089, 1461, 11, 10425, 11, 311, 8884, 4985, 584, 733, 12671, 86471, 706, 720, 1820, 4339, 315, 35825, 2324, 2029, 320, 13379, 220, 21, 25, 2287, 12, 2614, 4390, 40, 1253, 539, 1093, 1148, 358, 617, 1120, 6755, 11, 430, 358, 2011, 2543, 311, 856, 1866, 390, 18722, 23995, 2136, 439, 311, 279, 1193, 8903, 11, 279, 1193, 16665, 389, 902, 682, 281, 383, 18722, 77, 6431, 64, 649, 387, 11497, 13, 1102, 574, 8831, 5496, 994, 358, 1436, 19065, 459, 8942, 18722, 261, 13, 1102, 574, 1790, 8831, 5496, 994, 358, 1436, 19065, 8396, 369, 856, 220, 3385, 11, 477, 720, 2837, 264, 14654, 4028, 279, 9581, 11, 323, 19065, 2500, 7140, 13, 1102, 574, 8831, 15471, 18722, 287, 994, 358, 1436, 19065, 279, 9282, 369, 279, 1648, 358, 2733, 13, 2030, 311, 3371, 757, 430, 720, 40, 1097, 279, 5353, 315, 682, 430, 8741, 311, 757, 430, 358, 1097, 16058, 66157, 856, 720, 14957, 304, 26348, 449, 856, 9358, 7138, 11, 430, 374, 810, 1109, 893, 374, 10032, 720, 998, 4287, 13, 1442, 420, 374, 837, 11, 311, 8884, 1053, 358, 733, 30, 1442, 1521, 527, 279, 4339, 315, 720, 295, 3051, 2324, 11, 358, 2011, 471, 311, 1124, 11, 1524, 3582, 814, 2873, 779, 5107, 311, 720, 37439, 627, 4599, 893, 7373, 31869, 420, 11, 568, 8964, 430, 586, 9647, 1587, 539, 720, 60065, 11, 369, 3026, 1193, 3371, 1461, 889, 568, 374, 13, 578, 7865, 315, 3026, 15320, 720, 73457, 757, 889, 358, 617, 50178, 7182, 311, 387, 13, 720, 7816, 3658, 18312, 7658, 315, 2468, 27523, 42714, 2746, 358, 4287, 420, 8815, 323, 3240, 311, 3974, 555, 433, 11, 358, 5616, 5662, 279, 1486, 720, 9210, 374, 2663, 279, 2294, 23788, 315, 279, 17377, 13, 1102, 374, 5552, 304, 279, 220, 1114, 339, 12735, 720, 1073, 279, 44468, 315, 800, 3842, 13, 1054, 40, 617, 8220, 279, 990, 902, 34223, 342, 402, 478, 757, 720, 998, 656, 13, 320, 13379, 220, 1114, 25, 19, 4390, 68932, 1457, 11, 507, 20941, 11, 58135, 1463, 757, 449, 270, 483, 1866, 659, 449, 279, 27025, 902, 358, 720, 32345, 449, 40344, 1603, 279, 1917, 574, 2029, 320, 13379, 220, 1114, 25, 20, 570, 720, 2118, 8142, 358, 574, 449, 1124, 304, 279, 1917, 11, 358, 8774, 1124, 304, 26236, 836, 25, 1884, 430, 720, 339, 283, 342, 402, 478, 757, 358, 617, 8774, 11, 323, 832, 315, 1124, 374, 5675, 11, 719, 279, 4538, 315, 824, 8747, 18722, 28491, 2029, 320, 13379, 220, 1114, 25, 717, 4390, 2181, 374, 12266, 369, 4205, 311, 387, 5675, 13, 763, 420, 30467, 8752, 4400, 649, 198, 1395, 5675, 11, 433, 4250, 1524, 1522, 3201, 13, 578, 2697, 23153, 902, 706, 14545, 25111, 720, 13486, 11, 92889, 16058, 13, 1102, 374, 30547, 311, 499, 1618, 449, 701, 7347, 5357, 11, 720, 8248, 92889, 16058, 304, 279, 8294, 13167, 315, 701, 1694, 11, 323, 16986, 720, 9514, 690, 13123, 433, 627, 2460, 430, 34223, 342, 402, 478, 757, 358, 617, 8774, 304, 26236, 836, 11, 323, 7000, 617, 358, 5675, 720, 6766, 279, 4538, 315, 824, 2400, 13, 578, 4538, 315, 824, 2400, 3445, 5042, 279, 16801, 304, 720, 9563, 13, 12103, 374, 264, 7434, 11, 459, 4623, 13, 3700, 67, 5362, 374, 4814, 13, 358, 617, 1193, 9615, 5675, 279, 720, 69587, 315, 4814, 11, 369, 4400, 649, 387, 5675, 13, 720, 40, 649, 55668, 505, 279, 26436, 1405, 279, 3245, 5196, 1457, 6439, 11, 323, 439, 358, 720, 8784, 408, 304, 25917, 311, 264, 4827, 2237, 2949, 7182, 433, 16609, 505, 856, 198, 14957, 13, 358, 2019, 11, 1054, 40, 617, 5675, 856, 2890, 13, 358, 617, 5675, 856, 12205, 13, 358, 617, 5675, 856, 198, 10276, 304, 279, 4029, 13, 358, 617, 5675, 10082, 13, 358, 617, 5675, 264, 16579, 720, 58174, 2029, 2030, 279, 2574, 304, 5694, 11, 3515, 3131, 1027, 1972, 304, 856, 1917, 11, 720, 4919, 2646, 32616, 311, 387, 13, 2435, 2646, 3719, 50204, 449, 279, 21765, 315, 720, 1712, 627, 40, 11, 555, 856, 38052, 304, 25917, 311, 264, 4827, 2237, 11, 5353, 1521, 2574, 311, 720, 4338, 41866, 505, 856, 14254, 323, 358, 2019, 11, 1054, 7009, 617, 8208, 26, 814, 527, 8220, 439, 720, 24470, 439, 856, 1917, 5900, 2029, 2052, 358, 1205, 656, 374, 311, 76412, 311, 279, 2237, 1405, 814, 720, 548, 35825, 11, 323, 814, 3131, 810, 1665, 1463, 5694, 323, 5101, 439, 1972, 72, 18722, 29646, 2949, 856, 1917, 13, 720, 791, 1589, 2249, 315, 279, 4459, 220, 1114, 339, 12735, 315, 279, 44468, 315, 800, 3842, 374, 1766, 304, 279, 198, 777, 339, 33487, 13, 1054, 3112, 369, 872, 25491, 358, 35589, 1463, 7182, 11, 430, 814, 1101, 2643, 387, 720, 34182, 302, 1908, 1555, 279, 8206, 2029, 720, 21364, 295, 1073, 461, 358, 3463, 358, 1436, 2349, 3885, 1555, 5149, 13, 4800, 358, 1440, 358, 720, 34360, 2349, 2500, 7389, 358, 1176, 2349, 7182, 13, 2057, 2349, 2500, 720, 56950, 856, 1917, 358, 2011, 1176, 2349, 856, 7434, 315, 430, 1023, 26, 323, 311, 656, 433, 198, 16241, 358, 2349, 856, 7434, 315, 659, 13, 1789, 433, 574, 279, 7434, 358, 5762, 315, 659, 430, 720, 28010, 757, 1518, 3885, 439, 358, 1550, 627, 7816, 3658, 18312, 7658, 315, 2468, 27523, 42714, 56568, 358, 264, 35482, 11, 28677, 1908, 7434, 315, 7182, 11, 358, 2646, 1436, 617, 3970, 279, 720, 359, 385, 16637, 304, 3885, 13, 720, 31887, 315, 4560, 311, 2349, 3885, 1555, 5811, 323, 5457, 11, 1095, 757, 720, 8248, 76412, 304, 25917, 311, 264, 5190, 2237, 323, 358, 690, 9651, 720, 3455, 3885, 555, 10223, 7182, 13, 1054, 3947, 374, 912, 832, 311, 2349, 719, 659, 26, 720, 9210, 659, 374, 5042, 701, 17985, 11, 701, 25917, 323, 279, 1917, 304, 720, 8370, 433, 6439, 374, 11075, 555, 279, 7434, 499, 3412, 315, 659, 13, 1102, 374, 311, 390, 18722, 23995, 2136, 430, 584, 2011, 2543, 439, 311, 279, 1193, 8903, 13, 1789, 1070, 374, 912, 2867, 720, 444, 1010, 315, 279, 6371, 315, 44247, 3734, 430, 25917, 374, 682, 720, 438, 682, 374, 25917, 627, 2675, 1205, 912, 13438, 311, 4546, 499, 1148, 499, 6056, 13, 3234, 539, 369, 832, 2132, 720, 9978, 19704, 430, 358, 1097, 59416, 12731, 505, 8903, 994, 358, 2610, 499, 311, 5042, 198, 46151, 499, 527, 1457, 279, 893, 477, 279, 17240, 430, 499, 1390, 311, 387, 627, 2746, 499, 323, 358, 1436, 2733, 1148, 433, 1053, 387, 1093, 1051, 584, 1457, 430, 902, 584, 720, 53757, 311, 387, 11, 323, 3974, 304, 420, 10723, 16975, 439, 3582, 433, 1051, 1972, 11, 720, 3473, 11, 304, 264, 1648, 584, 656, 539, 1440, 11, 1057, 25329, 1053, 2653, 268, 1139, 2144, 13, 720, 2028, 374, 682, 584, 1205, 656, 304, 2015, 311, 76412, 311, 279, 2237, 1405, 1057, 1089, 1538, 18722, 28491, 374, 2736, 459, 16945, 11, 14509, 8903, 627, 40, 1205, 2349, 912, 893, 11, 358, 35589, 1463, 7182, 323, 304, 779, 3815, 358, 35589, 1463, 3885, 627, 1271, 279, 10748, 682, 2574, 527, 10748, 13, 1054, 3947, 374, 4400, 653, 18883, 315, 5196, 25, 719, 311, 720, 40617, 430, 85597, 774, 4205, 311, 387, 653, 18883, 11, 311, 1461, 433, 374, 653, 18883, 2029, 320, 45459, 720, 975, 25, 975, 570, 2684, 374, 4400, 304, 5196, 653, 18883, 11, 719, 499, 11, 555, 701, 7434, 315, 659, 345, 4151, 2574, 3060, 4335, 477, 653, 18883, 627, 10378, 323, 856, 20941, 527, 832, 2029, 320, 13379, 220, 605, 25, 966, 4390, 38684, 358, 656, 539, 279, 4375, 315, 856, 20941, 11, 4510, 757, 539, 49216, 61603, 422, 358, 656, 11, 3582, 20043, 4510, 539, 757, 11, 4510, 279, 4375, 25, 430, 20043, 1253, 720, 33134, 11, 323, 4510, 11, 430, 279, 20941, 374, 304, 757, 11, 323, 358, 304, 1461, 2029, 320, 13379, 220, 605, 25, 1806, 11, 720, 1987, 4390, 1548, 1903, 5678, 832, 449, 4359, 323, 3463, 433, 539, 15234, 477, 44214, 311, 720, 3055, 279, 4375, 315, 4359, 13, 1472, 2744, 11984, 14098, 304, 26348, 449, 1148, 499, 527, 627, 2181, 374, 279, 1455, 5933, 3245, 304, 279, 1917], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": "headaches \nstopped.'\nComment\nand\nrecommendation:\nThis\nwoman\nwas\nvery\nsick.\nShe\ntook\na\nlot\nof\nmedicine \nand\ncalled\nthe\nemer gency\nroom\nonce\na\nweek.\nMassage\nof\nthe\nhead,\nacupuncture\npoints\nand \nreflex\nzones\nagitated\nthe\nwhole\norganism,\nwhich\nled\nto\nthe\nmentioned\nreactions.\nIt\nis\nnecessary \nto\nclean\nthe\nliver,\nit\nis\nclogged,\nwhich\nwas\none\nof\nthe\ncauses\nof\nthe\nincrease\nin\nblood\npressure.\nAnother\nexample\nshows\nsymptoms\nwhen\nblood\nclots\ndissolve\nin\nthe\nlegs.\nExample:\n\"After\nmalaria,\nI\nhave\na\ndiseased\nliver\nand\nblocked\nblood\nvessels\nin\nmy\nright\nleg.\nI've\nbeen\ndrinking\nurine\nfor\na\nmonth\nnow.\nIn\nthe\nplace\nwhere\nthe\nthrombus\nis,\nit\nitches \nstrongly,\nas\nif\nthere\nis\nsome\nkind\nof\nrash.\nThe\nblood\nclot\nsuddenly\ndisappeared.\nI\nam\nhappy \nand\nnow\ndrink\nurine\nthree\ntimes\na\nday.'\nIf\na\nperson\nhas\ngallstones\nor\nkidney\nstones\nand\ndoesn't\nknow\nabout\nit,\nsand\nmay\nstart\ncoming\nout\nof\nhis\nbody\nwhen\nhe\ndrinks\nurine.\nThis\nshould\nnot\nsurprise\nyou,\nurine\nsimply \neliminates\nall\npathology\nin\nthe\nbody.\nExample:\n\"I\nstarted\ndoing\nurinotherapy\nin\n1990.\nDuring\nthat\ntime,\nI\nmanaged\nto\nget\nrid\nof\nthe\nnoise\nin\nmy\nhead,\nI\ncan\nhear\nagain\nin\nmy\nleft\near,\nmy\nhands\nstopped\nshaking,\nmy\nfingers \nand\ntoes\nbecame\nfree,\nand\nthe\nstones\ncame\nout\nof\nthe\ngall\nbladder,\nthree\nmonths\nthe\nsand\nwent, \nthe\nswelling\nof\nthe\nknees\ndisappeared.'Recommendation:\nWhen\nyou\nclean\nyour\ncolon\nand\nwith\nit\nthe\nwhole\nbody\nwith\nurine\nenemas,\nyou\nmay\ninitially\nfeel\ngreat\npain\nand\nthe\nurine\nwill\nbe\nexcreted\nimmediately.\nThis \nindicates\nthe\npathology\nof\nthe\ncolon\nand\nthe\nwhole\nbody.\nWhen\nusing\nenemas\nwith\nevaporated \nurine,\nyou\ncan\nget\nworms\nof\nconsiderable\nsize,\nwhole\nchains,\njellyfish-like\nmasses,\nvarious \nformations\nas\nblack\nas\ntar,\nblanks,\ndetached\npolyps\nand\nother\nmesses.\nThe\nexcretion\nof\nthese \npollutants\nand\nwastes\nconfirms\nthe\nhealing\neffects\nof\nurine.\nContinue\nthe\nurine\nenemas,\nevery \nother\nday,\ndeny\nyour\nbody\nrest,\nso\nthat\nthe\npain\nsubsides\nand\neverything\ncalms\ndown.\nYou\nwill \nbe\nable\nto\nkeep\neven\nevaporated\nurine\nin\nyou\nfor\n20\nminutes\nor\nlonger.\nExample:\n\"I\ncleaned\nmy\ncolon\ntwice.\nFor\nthe\nfirst\ntime,\na\nkind\nof\nwick\nwith\nballs\nof\nhard\nsludge\ncame\nout.\nSo\nmuch\ncrap,\nit\ncan't\nbe\ndescribed.\nAnd\nwhen\nI\ndid\nmicro-enemas\nwith \nevaporated\nurine,\nI\ngot\nsuch\nclumps\nthat\nI\ncouldn't\nbelieve\nwhat\nwas\ninside\nme.\nDuring\nthe \nfirst\nbowel\ncleansing,\nI\ngot\nchronic\ninflammation\nof\nthe\nintestine,\nwhich\nI\nalways\nhave\nin\nthe \nspring.\nI\nfelt\nhorrible\npains\nin\nmy\nstomach.\nClay\ncompresses\nwith\nurine,\nwhich\nI\nchanged\nthree \ntimes\na\nday,\nhelped\nme.\"\nComment\nand\nrecommendation:\nThis\nwoman\ntreated\nher\npain\nvery\nwell\nwith\nclay\ncompresses.\nThe\nfirst\ncycle\nof\nenemas\nis\nover,\nduring\nthe\nsecond\ncycle\nshe\nshould\nget\nrid\nof \nherself\ndeep\nwater\npathology,\nwhich\nnothing\nbut\nevaporated\nurine\n(and\nfasting)\ncan\nremove. \nThe\nsecond\ncleaning\nwill\npass\nwithout\nany\nproblems.\nConclusion:\nAlways\nstart\nyour\ncolon\ncleansing\nwith\nplain\nfresh\nurine\nand\nwork\nyour\nway\nup\ncycle\napply\nvaporized.\nThe\nuse\nof\nurine\nin\ngynecological,\nproctological\n(digestive)\nand\nsimilar\ndiseases\ninitially\ncauses\nsevere\ncutting\npain.\nThis\nis\ndue\nto\nthe\neffect\nof\nthe\nacidic\nenvironment\nof\nurine\non\nthe \nfestering\n(alkaline)\nsurface\nof\nthe\nwound.\nAfter\nseveral\nprocedures,\nthe\npain\nsubsides\nand\nthe \nwound\nheals\nquickly.\nExample:\nPatient\n36\nyears\nold.\nCervical\nerosion.\nIt\nall\nstarted\n12\nyears\nago\nafter\na\ndifficult\nbirth.\nFor\nthe\npast\nthree\nyears,\nthe\ndisease\nhas\nbeen\nin\nthe\n\"blooming\nrose\"\nstage.\nShe\ndecided \nto\ndo\nthe\nmorning\ninjection\nof\nher\nown\nfresh\nand\nwarm\nurine\non\nthe\naffected\narea\nand\napply \ntampons\nwith\nher\nown\nstanding\nurine\nat\nnight.\nDuring\nthe\nfirst\ninjection,\nthe\npatient\nfelt\nonly\na \nslight\nstinging.\nThree\nhours\nafter\ninserting\nthe\nfirst\ntampon\nwith\nold\nurine,\nthe\nwoman\nfelt \nunbearable\npain.\nShe\nremoved\nthe\ntampon\nand\nwanted\nto\nleave\neverything.\nThe\nauthor\ntried\nto \nprove\nto\nher\nthat\nthe\npains\nare\nfrom\nthe\n\"blooming\nrose\".\nUntil\nthe\nurine\nremoves\nthe\nscarring \nof\nthe\nmucous\nmembrane,\nuntil\nhealthy\ntissue\nappears,\nit\nis\nneed\nto\nsuffer.\nThe\nhospital\nwas \nconvinced\nby\na\nstory\nabout\na\ncase\nof\nleg\ngangrene,\nwhen\na\ncertain\nprofessor \nhe\nmade\nthe\npatient\nsuffer\npain\nuntil\nthe\nurine\nremoved\nthe\ndiseased\ntissue\nand\nhealthy\nskin \nformed\nand\nthe\nlegs\nwere\nsaved.\nThe\npatient\nresumed\napplying\ntampons.\nThe\npain\nlasted\nfor \nanother\n3-4\ndays.\nThey\nstopped\ncompletely\nin\na\nweek.\nThe\npatient\nstarted\ndrinking\nher\nown \nurine\non\nthe\nthird\nattempt.\nShe\nthrew\nup\non\nthe\nfirst\ntwo.\nShe\nwent\nto\nthe\ngynecologist\nin\n14 \ndays.\nThe\npatient's\ngeneral\npractitioner\nwas\nnot\npresent,\nso\nanother\ndoctor\ntook\nher\nin.\nAfter\na \nlong\nexamination\nof\nabout\nhalf\na\nyear's\nrecords\nand\na\nthorough\nexamination,\nthe\ndoctor\nstated \nin\namazement:\n\"This\nis\nstrange,\nyou\nhave\nso\nmuch\nin\nthe\ncard\nand\neverything\nis\nclean\nhere.\"\nRecommendations\nand\ncomments:\nIn\nsuch\ncases,\ntampons\nare\nnot\nsoaked\nin\nstanding\nurine,\nbut\nin\nchildren's\nor\nfresh\nurine.\nFresh\nurine\nhas\nan\nanti-inflammatory\neffect\nand\nreduces\npain. \nOnly\nthen\ncan\nyou\nuse\ntampons\nwith\nevaporated\nor\nlong-standing\nurine,\nwhich\nperfectly \nremoves\nand\ntears\noff\ndead\ntissue.\nExample:\n\u201cI\nused\nto\nsuffer\nfrom\nparaproctitis.\nThey\neven\noperated\non\nme.\nNow\nthere\nis\na\nrelapse,\nthe\ntumor\nhas\ngrown\nlike\na\nfist,\nI\ncan't\nwalk.\nI\nstarted\ndoing\nsmall\nenemas\nwith \nevapor", "token_ids": [2025, 14576, 720, 90963, 24314, 10906, 198, 438, 198, 67689, 367, 512, 2028, 198, 22803, 198, 16514, 198, 1225, 198, 82, 875, 627, 8100, 198, 91453, 198, 64, 198, 9363, 198, 1073, 198, 83543, 720, 438, 198, 44982, 198, 1820, 198, 41996, 342, 2301, 198, 3039, 198, 13486, 198, 64, 198, 10476, 627, 88155, 198, 1073, 198, 1820, 198, 2025, 345, 582, 69562, 198, 7862, 198, 438, 720, 1116, 2635, 198, 68634, 198, 351, 33337, 198, 1820, 198, 67733, 198, 8629, 2191, 345, 8370, 198, 839, 198, 998, 198, 1820, 198, 37691, 198, 265, 4109, 627, 2181, 198, 285, 198, 95317, 720, 998, 198, 18883, 198, 1820, 198, 75, 1553, 345, 275, 198, 285, 198, 66, 25909, 345, 8370, 198, 16514, 198, 606, 198, 1073, 198, 1820, 198, 936, 4881, 198, 1073, 198, 1820, 198, 79601, 198, 258, 198, 51105, 198, 47074, 627, 14364, 198, 8858, 198, 60556, 198, 24738, 52273, 198, 9493, 198, 51105, 198, 566, 2469, 198, 67, 1056, 4035, 198, 258, 198, 1820, 198, 73336, 627, 13617, 512, 99519, 198, 76, 58016, 345, 40, 198, 19553, 198, 64, 198, 67, 1082, 1503, 198, 75, 1553, 198, 438, 198, 62448, 198, 51105, 198, 85, 434, 2053, 198, 258, 198, 2465, 198, 1315, 198, 1978, 627, 40, 3077, 198, 82850, 198, 3696, 16113, 198, 324, 483, 198, 2000, 198, 64, 198, 10460, 198, 3409, 627, 644, 198, 1820, 198, 2050, 198, 2940, 198, 1820, 198, 339, 442, 10551, 198, 285, 345, 275, 198, 26286, 720, 4620, 398, 13801, 300, 198, 333, 198, 19041, 198, 285, 198, 15031, 198, 15674, 198, 1073, 198, 81, 1003, 627, 791, 198, 51105, 198, 566, 354, 198, 82, 44806, 198, 4338, 99567, 627, 40, 198, 309, 198, 57621, 720, 438, 198, 3409, 198, 98427, 198, 324, 483, 198, 28956, 198, 15487, 198, 64, 198, 1316, 24314, 2746, 198, 64, 198, 9164, 198, 4752, 198, 70, 543, 33610, 198, 269, 198, 64381, 3520, 198, 33610, 198, 438, 198, 73014, 956, 198, 33134, 198, 9274, 198, 275, 345, 92346, 198, 18864, 198, 2527, 198, 5065, 198, 412, 198, 1073, 198, 26301, 198, 2664, 198, 9493, 198, 383, 198, 3696, 15872, 198, 324, 483, 627, 2028, 198, 5562, 198, 1962, 198, 20370, 9868, 198, 9514, 345, 324, 483, 198, 15124, 2603, 720, 40895, 258, 988, 198, 543, 198, 2398, 2508, 198, 258, 198, 1820, 198, 2664, 16853, 13617, 512, 7189, 198, 47823, 198, 45359, 198, 324, 258, 42811, 198, 258, 198, 2550, 15, 627, 16397, 198, 9210, 198, 1712, 345, 40, 198, 26337, 198, 998, 198, 456, 198, 1907, 198, 1073, 198, 1820, 198, 53318, 198, 258, 198, 2465, 198, 2025, 345, 40, 198, 4919, 198, 87160, 198, 33871, 198, 258, 198, 2465, 198, 2414, 198, 686, 345, 2465, 198, 89112, 198, 90963, 198, 939, 1802, 345, 2465, 198, 69, 14437, 720, 438, 198, 998, 288, 198, 17106, 373, 198, 10816, 345, 438, 198, 1820, 198, 33610, 198, 6142, 198, 412, 198, 1073, 198, 1820, 198, 70, 543, 198, 2067, 21473, 13801, 28956, 198, 50814, 198, 1820, 198, 92346, 198, 42700, 11, 720, 1820, 198, 2332, 6427, 198, 1073, 198, 1820, 198, 74, 69819, 198, 4338, 99567, 3238, 68744, 367, 512, 4599, 198, 9514, 198, 18883, 198, 22479, 198, 77924, 198, 438, 198, 4291, 198, 275, 198, 1820, 198, 67733, 198, 2664, 198, 4291, 198, 324, 483, 198, 268, 35262, 345, 9514, 198, 18864, 198, 9613, 398, 198, 57676, 198, 47991, 198, 92724, 198, 438, 198, 1820, 198, 324, 483, 198, 14724, 198, 1395, 198, 327, 4523, 291, 198, 318, 44287, 16853, 2028, 720, 485, 25858, 198, 1820, 198, 2398, 2508, 198, 1073, 198, 1820, 198, 77924, 198, 438, 198, 1820, 198, 67733, 198, 2664, 16853, 4599, 198, 985, 198, 268, 35262, 198, 4291, 198, 5230, 21374, 660, 720, 324, 483, 345, 9514, 198, 4919, 198, 456, 198, 56741, 82, 198, 1073, 198, 25742, 481, 198, 2190, 345, 67733, 198, 59458, 345, 73, 12160, 18668, 12970, 198, 27428, 288, 345, 959, 1245, 720, 630, 811, 198, 300, 198, 11708, 198, 300, 198, 27835, 345, 2067, 4129, 345, 19842, 3939, 198, 10097, 76299, 198, 438, 198, 1605, 198, 50846, 288, 627, 791, 198, 327, 89790, 198, 1073, 198, 45010, 720, 31241, 332, 1821, 198, 438, 198, 86, 28006, 198, 6263, 14742, 198, 1820, 198, 383, 6260, 198, 81524, 198, 1073, 198, 324, 483, 627, 24433, 198, 1820, 198, 324, 483, 198, 268, 35262, 345, 30115, 720, 1605, 198, 1316, 345, 91063, 198, 22479, 198, 2664, 198, 4014, 345, 708, 198, 9210, 198, 1820, 198, 92724, 198, 65898, 3422, 198, 438, 198, 73826, 198, 5531, 1026, 198, 2996, 627, 2675, 198, 14724, 720, 1395, 198, 481, 198, 998, 198, 13397, 198, 17206, 198, 5230, 21374, 660, 198, 324, 483, 198, 258, 198, 9514, 198, 2000, 198, 508, 198, 38137, 198, 269, 198, 4930, 261, 16853, 13617, 512, 7189, 198, 18883, 291, 198, 2465, 198, 77924, 198, 15930, 560, 627, 2520, 198, 1820, 198, 3983, 198, 1712, 345, 64, 198, 15674, 198, 1073, 198, 21878, 198, 4291, 198, 46618, 198, 1073, 198, 19221, 198, 3306, 20132, 198, 6142, 198, 412, 627, 4516, 198, 59178, 198, 99821, 345, 275, 198, 4919, 956, 198, 1395, 198, 5919, 17890, 627, 3112, 198, 9493, 198, 40, 198, 23770, 198, 41543, 21430, 35262, 198, 4291, 720, 5230, 21374, 660, 198, 324, 483, 345, 40, 198, 23196, 198, 21470, 198, 566, 12055, 198, 9210, 198, 40, 198, 92062, 956, 198, 9978, 19704, 198, 12840, 198, 16514, 198, 42450, 198, 2727, 627, 16397, 198, 1820, 720, 3983, 198, 15802, 301, 198, 9326, 598, 287, 345, 40, 198, 23196, 198, 7562, 292, 198, 258, 45864, 367, 198, 1073, 198, 1820, 198, 396, 478, 483, 345, 8370, 198, 40, 198, 33222, 198, 19553, 198, 258, 198, 1820, 720, 30323, 627, 40, 198, 66922, 198, 20100, 12560, 198, 79, 1771, 198, 258, 198, 2465, 198, 267, 316, 613, 627, 5176, 352, 198, 39460, 288, 198, 4291, 198, 324, 483, 345, 8370, 198, 40, 198, 17805, 198, 28956, 720, 15487, 198, 64, 198, 1316, 345, 8823, 291, 198, 2727, 10246, 10906, 198, 438, 198, 67689, 367, 512, 2028, 198, 22803, 198, 83, 2920, 198, 1964, 198, 92724, 198, 1225, 198, 9336, 198, 4291, 198, 566, 352, 198, 39460, 288, 627, 791, 198, 3983, 198, 22352, 198, 1073, 198, 268, 35262, 198, 285, 198, 2017, 345, 82977, 198, 1820, 198, 5686, 198, 22352, 198, 32158, 198, 5562, 198, 456, 198, 1907, 198, 1073, 720, 71, 388, 491, 198, 33980, 198, 13284, 198, 2398, 2508, 13801, 8370, 198, 42312, 198, 8248, 198, 5230, 21374, 660, 198, 324, 483, 198, 61011, 198, 9533, 287, 340, 4919, 198, 5514, 13, 720, 791, 198, 5686, 198, 18883, 287, 198, 14724, 198, 6519, 198, 30096, 198, 3852, 198, 96440, 627, 44534, 512, 38195, 198, 2527, 198, 22479, 198, 77924, 198, 9326, 598, 287, 198, 4291, 198, 21435, 198, 72408, 198, 324, 483, 198, 438, 198, 1816, 198, 22479, 198, 3195, 198, 455, 198, 22352, 198, 10492, 198, 85, 21374, 1534, 627, 791, 198, 817, 198, 1073, 198, 324, 483, 198, 258, 198, 70, 75030, 5848, 345, 782, 302, 5848, 198, 1528, 15505, 535, 340, 438, 198, 65387, 198, 67, 1082, 2315, 198, 9613, 398, 198, 936, 4881, 198, 325, 19846, 198, 10453, 1303, 198, 92724, 627, 2028, 198, 285, 198, 24567, 198, 998, 198, 1820, 198, 27153, 198, 1073, 198, 1820, 198, 58156, 292, 198, 24175, 198, 1073, 198, 324, 483, 198, 263, 198, 1820, 720, 53864, 4776, 198, 7, 1727, 278, 483, 340, 40846, 198, 1073, 198, 1820, 198, 86, 801, 627, 6153, 198, 325, 17998, 198, 782, 54791, 345, 1820, 198, 92724, 198, 65898, 3422, 198, 438, 198, 1820, 720, 86, 801, 198, 383, 1147, 198, 28863, 398, 16853, 13617, 512, 37692, 198, 1927, 198, 42820, 198, 820, 627, 34, 651, 950, 198, 6398, 290, 627, 2181, 198, 543, 198, 47823, 198, 717, 198, 42820, 198, 6438, 198, 10924, 198, 64, 198, 13798, 3951, 198, 28813, 627, 2520, 198, 1820, 198, 53520, 198, 28956, 198, 42820, 345, 1820, 198, 67, 56407, 198, 4752, 198, 82850, 198, 258, 198, 1820, 198, 1, 39245, 18238, 198, 25888, 702, 21406, 627, 8100, 198, 8332, 4591, 720, 998, 198, 3055, 198, 1820, 198, 57902, 1251, 198, 258, 7761, 198, 1073, 198, 1964, 198, 785, 198, 72408, 198, 438, 198, 83697, 198, 324, 483, 198, 263, 198, 1820, 198, 32157, 198, 4903, 198, 438, 198, 10492, 720, 73807, 2805, 198, 4291, 198, 1964, 198, 785, 198, 10276, 198, 324, 483, 198, 266, 198, 9471, 627, 16397, 198, 1820, 198, 3983, 198, 258, 7761, 345, 1820, 198, 23557, 198, 66922, 198, 3323, 198, 64, 720, 3306, 492, 198, 267, 24992, 627, 20215, 198, 31482, 198, 10924, 198, 4302, 287, 198, 1820, 198, 3983, 198, 73807, 621, 198, 4291, 198, 820, 198, 324, 483, 345, 1820, 198, 22803, 198, 66922, 720, 359, 68760, 481, 198, 92724, 627, 8100, 198, 46856, 198, 1820, 198, 73807, 621, 198, 438, 198, 87692, 198, 998, 198, 22233, 198, 73826, 627, 791, 198, 3170, 198, 376, 1142, 198, 998, 720, 35563, 198, 998, 198, 1964, 198, 9210, 198, 1820, 198, 79, 1771, 198, 548, 198, 1527, 198, 1820, 198, 1, 39245, 18238, 198, 25888, 23811, 25503, 198, 1820, 198, 324, 483, 198, 1864, 10296, 198, 1820, 198, 2445, 20450, 720, 1073, 198, 1820, 198, 76, 1791, 788, 198, 10759, 88554, 345, 39830, 198, 38128, 198, 83, 11407, 198, 34531, 1590, 345, 275, 198, 285, 198, 17483, 198, 998, 198, 82, 2084, 627, 791, 198, 71127, 198, 16514, 720, 444, 9799, 2041, 198, 1729, 198, 64, 198, 27583, 198, 9274, 198, 64, 198, 5756, 198, 1073, 198, 1978, 198, 47114, 48009, 345, 9493, 198, 64, 198, 66, 7770, 198, 22579, 8473, 720, 383, 198, 28010, 198, 1820, 198, 23557, 198, 82, 2084, 198, 92724, 198, 39830, 198, 1820, 198, 324, 483, 198, 46856, 198, 1820, 198, 67, 1082, 1503, 198, 83, 11407, 198, 438, 198, 38128, 198, 37282, 720, 10365, 198, 438, 198, 1820, 198, 73336, 198, 52898, 198, 33802, 627, 791, 198, 23557, 198, 417, 39255, 198, 680, 6852, 198, 73807, 2805, 627, 791, 198, 92724, 198, 4354, 291, 198, 2000, 720, 43063, 198, 18, 12, 19, 198, 14097, 627, 7009, 198, 90963, 198, 884, 50268, 198, 258, 198, 64, 198, 10476, 627, 791, 198, 23557, 198, 47823, 198, 3696, 16113, 198, 1964, 198, 785, 720, 324, 483, 198, 263, 198, 1820, 198, 32827, 198, 56605, 627, 8100, 198, 339, 4361, 198, 455, 198, 263, 198, 1820, 198, 3983, 198, 20375, 627, 8100, 198, 42700, 198, 998, 198, 1820, 198, 70, 75030, 16549, 198, 258, 198, 975, 720, 14097, 627, 791, 198, 23557, 596, 198, 25615, 198, 652, 533, 72346, 198, 16514, 198, 1962, 198, 29844, 345, 708, 198, 43063, 198, 38083, 198, 91453, 198, 1964, 198, 258, 627, 6153, 198, 64, 720, 4930, 198, 327, 27935, 198, 1073, 198, 9274, 198, 38106, 198, 64, 198, 3236, 596, 198, 27295, 198, 438, 198, 64, 198, 339, 14776, 198, 327, 27935, 345, 1820, 198, 38083, 198, 267, 660, 720, 258, 198, 109931, 1133, 512, 22244, 198, 285, 198, 496, 853, 345, 9514, 198, 19553, 198, 708, 198, 59178, 198, 258, 198, 1820, 198, 5057, 198, 438, 198, 73826, 198, 285, 198, 18883, 198, 6881, 10246, 68744, 811, 198, 438, 198, 15069, 512, 644, 198, 21470, 198, 24857, 345, 73807, 2805, 198, 548, 198, 1962, 198, 708, 7897, 198, 258, 198, 10276, 198, 324, 483, 345, 8248, 198, 258, 198, 5988, 596, 198, 269, 198, 72408, 198, 324, 483, 627, 56753, 198, 324, 483, 198, 4752, 198, 276, 198, 15719, 67595, 198, 27153, 198, 438, 198, 265, 1072, 1634, 198, 92724, 13, 720, 7456, 198, 3473, 198, 4919, 198, 9514, 198, 817, 198, 73807, 2805, 198, 4291, 198, 5230, 21374, 660, 198, 269, 198, 4930, 56703, 198, 324, 483, 345, 8370, 198, 64185, 398, 720, 1864, 10296, 198, 438, 198, 668, 1590, 198, 1885, 198, 34854, 198, 83, 11407, 627, 13617, 512, 10378, 198, 2656, 198, 998, 198, 82, 2084, 198, 1527, 198, 1768, 59948, 302, 20000, 627, 7009, 198, 17206, 198, 3376, 660, 198, 263, 198, 2727, 627, 7184, 198, 19041, 198, 285, 198, 64, 198, 3833, 7629, 345, 1820, 198, 83, 69361, 198, 4752, 198, 62376, 198, 4908, 198, 64, 198, 69, 380, 345, 40, 198, 4919, 956, 198, 19599, 627, 40, 198, 47823, 198, 45359, 198, 9181, 198, 268, 35262, 198, 4291, 720, 5230, 21374], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": "various\tessential\tbiochemical\tprocesses.\tThe\tonset\tof\tdaylight\ttriggers\tthe\trelease\tof\npowerful\thormones\t(\nglucocorticoids\n),\tof\twhich\tthe\tmain\tones\tare\t\ncortisol\n\tand\ncorticosterone\n.\tTheir\tsecretion\thas\ta\tmarked\tcircadian\tvariation.\tThese\thormones\tregulate\nsome\tof\tthe\tmore\timportant\tfunctions\tin\tthe\tbody,\tincluding\tmetabolism,\tblood\tsugar\nlevel,\tand\timmune\tresponses.\tPeak\tlevels\toccur\tbetween\t4\ta.m.\tand\t8\ta.m.\tand\tgradually\ndecrease\tas\tthe\tday\tcontinues.\tThe\tlowest\tlevel\toccurs\tbetween\tmidnight\tand\t3\ta.m.\n\t\nBy\taltering\tyour\tnatural\tdaily\tsleep/wake\tschedule\tto\ta\tdifferent\tone,\tthe\tpeak\tof\ncortisol\u2019s\tcycle\tchanges\tas\twell.\tFor\texample,\tif\tyou\tsuddenly\tstart\tgoing\tto\tsleep\tafter\nmidnight,\tinstead\tof\tbefore\t10\tp.m.,\tand/or\tyou\tarise\tin\tthe\tmorning\tafter\t8\tor\t9\ta.m.,\ninstead\tof\twith\tor\tbefore\tsunrise\tat\taround\t6\ta.m.,\tyou\twill\tenforce\ta\thormonal\ttime-shift\nthat\tcan\tlead\tto\tchaotic\tconditions\tin\tthe\tbody.\tWaste\tmaterials\tthat\ttend\tto\taccumulate\tin\nthe\trectum\tand\turinary\tbladder\tduring\tthe\tnight\tare\tnormally\teliminated\tbetween\t6\tand\t8\na.m.\tWith\ta\tchanged\tsleep/wake\tcycle,\tthe\tbody\thas\tno\tchoice\tbut\tto\thold\ton\tto\tthat\twaste\nmatter\tand\tpossibly\treabsorb\ta\tpart\tof\tit.\tWhen\tyou\tdisrupt\tyour\tnatural\tsleep/wake\ncycles,\tthe\tbody\u2019s\tbiological\trhythms\tdesynchronize\twith\tthe\tlarger\tcircadian\trhythms\ncontrolled\tby\tthe\tregular\tphases\tof\tdarkness\tand\tlight.\tThis\tcan\tlead\tto\tnumerous\ttypes\tof\ndisorders,\tincluding\tchronic\tliver\tdisease,\trespiratory\tailments,\tand\theart\ttrouble.\n\t\nAn\tupset\tcortisol\tcycle\tcan\talso\tbring\ton\tacute\thealth\tproblems.\tIn\tthe\t1980s,\nresearchers\tdiscovered\tthat\tmore\tstrokes\tand\theart\tattacks\toccur\tin\tthe\tmorning\tthan\tat\nany\tother\ttime\tof\tday.\tBlood\tclots\tform\tmost\trapidly\tat\tabout\t8\ta.m.\tBlood\tpressure\talso\nrises\tin\tthe\tmorning\tand\tstays\televated\tuntil\tlate\tafternoon.\tAt\taround\t6\tp.m.\tit\tdrops\toff,\nand\tit\thits\tits\tlowest\tlevel\tduring\tthe\tnight.\tTo\tsupport\tthe\tbasic\thormonal\tand\tcirculatory\nrhythms\tin\tthe\tbody,\tit\tis,\ttherefore,\tbest\tto\tgo\tto\tsleep\tearly\t(before\t10\tp.m.)\tand\trise\tno\nlater\tthan\tthe\tsun\tdoes\t(ideally\tat\taround\t6\ta.m.).\t(\nNote:\n\tThese\ttimes\tchange\taccording\tto\nthe\tseasons.\tDuring\tthe\twinter,\twe\tmay\tneed\ta\tlittle\tmore\tsleep;\tin\tthe\tsummer,\twe\tmay\nneed\ta\tlittle\tless.)\n\t\nOne\tof\tthe\t\npineal\tgland\u2019\ns\tmost\tpowerful\thormones\tis\tthe\tneurotransmitter\t\nmelatonin\n.\nThe\tsecretion\tof\tmelatonin\tstarts\tbetween\t9:30\tand\t10:30\tp.m.\t(depending\ton\tage),\ninducing\tsleepiness.\tIt\treaches\tpeak\tlevels\tbetween\t1\tand\t2\ta.m.\tand\tdrops\tto\tits\tlowest\nlevels\tat\tmidday.\tThe\tpineal\tgland\tcontrols\treproduction,\tsleep\tand\tmotor\tactivity,\tblood\npressure,\tthe\timmune\tsystem,\tthe\tpituitary\tand\tthyroid\tglands,\tcellular\tgrowth,\tbody\ntemperature,\tand\tmany\tother\tvital\tfunctions.\tAll\tof\tthese\tdepend\ton\ta\tbalanced\tmelatonin\ncycle.\tBy\tgoing\tto\tsleep\tlate\tor\tworking\tnight\tshifts,\tyou\tthrow\tthis\tcycle\tout\tof\tbalance,\nand\tthrow\toff\tmany\tother\thormonal\tcycles\tas\twell.\n\tApart\tfrom\tmaking\tmelatonin,\tthe\tbrain\talso\tsynthesizes\t\nserotonin,\n\twhich\tis\ta\tvery\nimportant\tneurotransmitter/hormone\trelated\tto\tour\tstate\tof\tphysical\tand\temotional\twell-\nbeing.\tIt\taffects\tday\tand\tnight\trhythms,\tsexual\tbehavior,\tmemory,\tappetite,\timpulsiveness,\nfear,\tand\teven\tsuicidal\ttendencies.\tUnlike\tmelatonin,\tserotonin\tincreases\twith\tthe\tlight\tof\nday;\tphysical\texercise\tand\tsugar\talso\tstimulate\tit.\tIf\tyou\tget\tup\tlate\tin\tthe\tmorning,\tthe\nresultant\tlack\tof\texposure\tto\tsufficient\tamounts\tof\tdaylight\treduces\tyour\tserotonin\tlevels\nduring\tthe\tday.\tMoreover,\tsince\tmelatonin\tis\ta\tbreakdown\tproduct\tof\tserotonin,\tthis\thabit\nof\trising\tlate\talso\tlowers\tthe\tlevels\tof\tmelatonin\tduring\tthe\tnight.\n\t\nAny\tdeviation\tfrom\tthe\tcircadian\trhythms\tcauses\tabnormal\tsecretions\tof\tthe\timportant\nbrain\thormones\tmelatonin\tand\tserotonin.\tThis,\tin\tturn,\tleads\tto\tdisturbed\tbiological\nrhythms,\twhich\tcan\tupset\tthe\tharmonious\tfunctioning\tof\tthe\tentire\torganism,\tincluding\nmetabolism\tand\tendocrine\tbalance.\tSuddenly,\tyou\tmay\tfeel\t\u201cout\tof\tsynch\u201d\tand\tbecome\nsusceptible\tto\ta\twide\trange\tof\tdisorders,\tfrom\ta\tsimple\theadache\tto\tdepression\tto\ta\tfully\ngrown\ttumor.\n\t\nThe\tproduction\tof\tgrowth\thormones,\twhich\tstimulates\tgrowth\tin\tchildren\tand\thelps\nmaintain\tmuscle\tand\tconnective\ttissue\tin\tadults,\tdepends\ton\tproper\tsleeping\tcycles.\tSleep\ntriggers\tgrowth\thormone\tproduction.\tPeak\tsecretion\toccurs\tat\taround\t11\tp.m.,\tprovided\nyou\tgo\tto\tsleep\tbefore\t10\tp.m.\tThis\tshort\tperiod\tcoincides\twith\tdreamless\tsleep,\toften\nreferred\tto\tas\t\u201cbeauty\tsleep.\u201d\tIt\tis\tduring\tthis\tperiod\tof\tthe\tsleep\tcycle\tthat\tthe\tbody\ncleanses\titself\tand\tdoes\tits\tmain\trepair\tand\trejuvenation\twork.\tIf\tyou\tare\tsleep-deprived,\ngrowth\thormone\tproduction\tdrops\tdramatically.\tPeople\twho\twork\tthe\tnight\tshift\thave\ta\ngreater\tincidence\tof\tinsomnia,\tinfertility,\tcardiovascular\tillness,\tand\tstomach\tproblems.\tIn\naddition,\tperformance\tfalls\tand\taccident\trates\tare\thigher\tduring\tthe\tnight.\n\tNatural\tMealtimes\n\t\nAyurveda,\tthe\t\nScience\tof\tLife,\n\tdeclared\tthousands\tof\tyears\tago\tthat\tto\tmaintain\tphysical\nand\temotional\twell-being,\tthe\tbody\tmust\tbe\tfed\taccording\tto\ta\tnatural\ttime\tschedule.\tLike\nmost\tother\tfunctions\tin\tthe\tbody,\tthe\tdigestive\tprocess\tis\tcontrolled\tby\tcircadian\trhythms.\nThe\tsecretions\tof\tbile\tand\tother\tdigestive\tjuices\tpeak\tat\tmidday\tand\tare\tat\ttheir\tlowest\nduring\tthe\tnight.\tFor\tthis\treason,\tit\tis\tbest\tto\teat\tthe\tlargest\tmeal\tof\tthe\tday\tat\taround\nmidday\tand\ttake\trelatively\tlight\tmeals\tat\tbreakfast\tand\tdinner\ttimes.\tThis\tenables\tthe\tbody\nto\tdigest\tthe\tingested\tfood\tefficiently\tand\tabsorb\tthe\tappropriate\tamount\tof\tnutrients\nnecessary\tfor\tthe\tmaintenance\tof\tall\tbodily\tfunctions.\tTo\tavoid\tinterfering\twith\tthe\nsecretion\tof\tdigestive\tjuices\tat\tlunchtime,\tit\tis\tideal\tto\teat\tbreakfast\tno\tlater\tthan\t8\ta.m.\nLikewise,\tto\tdigest\tyour\tevening\tmeal\tproperly,\tit\tis\tbest\tto\teat\tit\tno\tlater\tthan\t6:30\tor\t7\np.m.\n\t\nAny\tlong-term\tdisruption\tof\tthis\tcycle,\tcaused\teither\tby\tirregular\teating\thabits\tor\tby\nplacing\tthe\tmain\temphasis\ton\tthe\tevening\tmeal\tand/or\tbreakfast,\tleads\tto\tthe\naccumulation\tof\tundigested\tfoods\tand\tcongests\tlymph\tand\tblood.\tThis\talso\tdisturbs\tthe\nbody\u2019s\tnatural\tinstincts.\tIf\tits\tinstincts\twere\tintact\tand\tfunctioning\tproperly,\twe\twould\nnaturally\twant\tto\teat\tonly\tthose\tfoods\tthat\tare\tsuitable\tfor\tour\tbody\ttype,\tand\twe\twould\neat\tthem\twhen\twe\tcould\tdigest\tthem\tbest.\tOne\tof\tthe\tleading\tcauses\tof\tgallstone\nformation\tis\tthe\taccumulation\tof\timproperly\tdigested\tfoods\tin\tthe\tintestinal\ttract.\tEating\nmeals", "token_ids": [959, 1245, 197, 49582, 2282, 822, 32056, 54414, 288, 13, 33026, 25653, 751, 44323, 99297, 4238, 26665, 22099, 33188, 17643, 1655, 44323, 198, 13477, 1285, 9793, 494, 3233, 197, 1021, 6200, 1791, 511, 90438, 17390, 198, 705, 44323, 197, 8370, 33188, 37741, 197, 3233, 197, 548, 1602, 66, 371, 61023, 198, 53577, 198, 66, 90438, 33574, 198, 13, 33026, 404, 197, 21107, 290, 64355, 11575, 2157, 43161, 1470, 2496, 10272, 2462, 7246, 13, 197, 9673, 9793, 494, 3233, 38113, 6468, 198, 15031, 44323, 33188, 2157, 461, 197, 15693, 7679, 82, 17886, 33188, 36502, 11, 197, 16564, 2157, 295, 53904, 2191, 11, 2282, 4659, 1942, 8734, 198, 3374, 11, 53577, 197, 70155, 10413, 23475, 13, 10230, 68, 587, 197, 43664, 197, 511, 2407, 2282, 10259, 197, 19, 11575, 749, 13, 53577, 197, 23, 11575, 749, 13, 53577, 197, 6902, 1870, 198, 451, 20542, 61551, 33188, 99297, 197, 22025, 1157, 13, 33026, 8986, 363, 478, 54843, 197, 14310, 1759, 2282, 10259, 2157, 307, 9471, 53577, 197, 18, 11575, 749, 627, 1602, 1383, 197, 38377, 287, 14862, 414, 9215, 4688, 2765, 5179, 53633, 6458, 731, 1942, 8972, 32809, 11575, 2765, 18780, 197, 606, 11, 33188, 197, 23635, 44323, 198, 66, 371, 61023, 753, 1470, 5566, 197, 19926, 61551, 6831, 616, 13, 197, 2520, 8285, 1545, 11, 748, 197, 9514, 1942, 44806, 22087, 31780, 287, 32809, 53633, 197, 10924, 198, 16497, 9471, 11, 197, 65937, 44323, 64334, 197, 605, 3303, 749, 2637, 53577, 5255, 197, 9514, 70440, 1082, 17886, 33188, 2157, 80675, 197, 10924, 197, 23, 82266, 197, 24, 11575, 749, 39188, 65937, 44323, 48048, 82266, 64334, 1942, 359, 32609, 36547, 197, 20019, 197, 21, 11575, 749, 2637, 197, 9514, 6831, 484, 82948, 9009, 11575, 9793, 494, 25180, 22724, 91043, 198, 9210, 94036, 197, 27152, 32809, 197, 6583, 14546, 197, 16902, 17886, 33188, 36502, 13, 17749, 5642, 2157, 2229, 82, 64442, 3324, 408, 32809, 197, 99487, 17886, 198, 1820, 66172, 372, 53577, 197, 324, 3367, 97521, 21473, 2765, 1711, 33188, 9215, 492, 197, 548, 9215, 494, 750, 197, 40895, 15846, 2282, 10259, 197, 21, 53577, 197, 23, 198, 64, 749, 13, 197, 2409, 11575, 197, 17805, 53633, 6458, 731, 1470, 5566, 11, 33188, 36502, 64355, 73204, 197, 12008, 2282, 332, 32809, 197, 6416, 25653, 32809, 64442, 6831, 5642, 198, 60065, 53577, 197, 54228, 17643, 3518, 30986, 11575, 73972, 44323, 24263, 13, 197, 4599, 197, 9514, 35697, 6722, 14862, 414, 9215, 4688, 53633, 6458, 731, 198, 49521, 11, 33188, 36502, 753, 2282, 41314, 7145, 23394, 1026, 54012, 53887, 48048, 33188, 8986, 42876, 1470, 2496, 10272, 7145, 23394, 1026, 198, 59707, 197, 1729, 33188, 197, 23108, 197, 764, 2315, 44323, 2765, 847, 2136, 53577, 95053, 13, 41065, 94036, 197, 27152, 32809, 23239, 261, 788, 99885, 44323, 198, 4338, 8076, 11, 197, 16564, 197, 7562, 292, 8986, 1553, 2765, 56407, 11, 10413, 5682, 5382, 197, 607, 1392, 11, 53577, 197, 18207, 26665, 1222, 627, 1602, 2127, 60910, 751, 1470, 371, 61023, 1470, 5566, 94036, 197, 19171, 81355, 287, 25653, 197, 32590, 197, 12393, 197, 96440, 13, 71267, 33188, 197, 3753, 15, 82, 345, 61564, 388, 35697, 21468, 64442, 2157, 461, 18895, 56137, 53577, 197, 18207, 197, 81210, 197, 511, 2407, 17886, 33188, 2157, 80675, 197, 54895, 36547, 198, 3852, 197, 1605, 22724, 44323, 99297, 13, 13083, 4659, 40507, 2469, 38510, 2157, 537, 197, 86812, 398, 36547, 197, 9274, 197, 23, 11575, 749, 13, 13083, 4659, 197, 47074, 197, 19171, 198, 81, 5014, 17886, 33188, 2157, 80675, 53577, 18895, 954, 7883, 3532, 660, 21113, 1678, 197, 5185, 197, 10924, 12684, 13, 197, 1688, 197, 20019, 197, 21, 3303, 749, 13, 24263, 2765, 3787, 197, 1885, 345, 438, 24263, 9793, 1220, 197, 1220, 8986, 363, 478, 54843, 2765, 1711, 33188, 9215, 492, 13, 197, 1271, 1942, 2870, 33188, 2282, 6099, 9793, 494, 25180, 53577, 1470, 2496, 38220, 198, 81, 23394, 1026, 17886, 33188, 36502, 11, 24263, 20501, 11, 197, 19041, 1348, 11, 93510, 32809, 31780, 32809, 53633, 197, 22928, 197, 94718, 197, 605, 3303, 749, 6266, 53577, 7145, 1082, 73204, 198, 68676, 197, 54895, 33188, 1942, 359, 2765, 7217, 197, 7, 579, 750, 36547, 197, 20019, 197, 21, 11575, 749, 36434, 197, 1021, 9290, 512, 197, 9673, 3324, 1769, 69480, 197, 74946, 32809, 198, 1820, 197, 17217, 82, 13, 11198, 1711, 33188, 6831, 2295, 11, 197, 906, 2157, 352, 197, 17483, 11575, 8986, 2433, 2157, 461, 53633, 26, 17886, 33188, 32579, 1195, 11, 197, 906, 2157, 352, 198, 17483, 11575, 8986, 2433, 197, 1752, 29275, 1602, 4054, 44323, 33188, 1602, 39138, 278, 3253, 1974, 123956, 82, 2157, 537, 3303, 1223, 1285, 9793, 494, 3233, 20501, 33188, 197, 818, 2868, 1485, 16517, 1602, 28226, 99512, 198, 627, 791, 197, 21107, 290, 44323, 2157, 301, 99512, 22087, 82, 2282, 10259, 197, 24, 25, 966, 53577, 197, 605, 25, 966, 3303, 749, 13, 197, 13089, 29310, 25653, 197, 425, 1350, 485, 59144, 53633, 1918, 13, 62635, 17643, 14576, 197, 23635, 197, 43664, 2282, 10259, 197, 16, 53577, 197, 17, 11575, 749, 13, 53577, 2765, 3787, 32809, 197, 1220, 8986, 363, 478, 198, 43664, 36547, 2157, 307, 1316, 13, 33026, 3303, 483, 278, 3253, 1974, 197, 29617, 17643, 23452, 11, 53633, 53577, 2157, 10088, 197, 7323, 11, 2282, 4659, 198, 47074, 11, 33188, 197, 70155, 41393, 11, 33188, 3303, 275, 3159, 661, 53577, 197, 27520, 1607, 3253, 8329, 11, 47087, 1299, 3253, 19632, 11, 36502, 198, 35658, 11, 53577, 197, 35676, 197, 1605, 5306, 2223, 7679, 82, 13, 197, 2460, 44323, 197, 45010, 197, 20080, 25653, 11575, 2282, 278, 4979, 2157, 301, 99512, 198, 22352, 13, 197, 1383, 31780, 287, 32809, 53633, 197, 5185, 82266, 197, 21837, 9215, 492, 197, 13724, 82, 11, 197, 9514, 9776, 2090, 1470, 5566, 14294, 44323, 2282, 5085, 345, 438, 9776, 197, 1885, 197, 35676, 197, 1605, 9793, 494, 25180, 1470, 16182, 61551, 6831, 616, 627, 23845, 4581, 43827, 2157, 1802, 2157, 301, 99512, 11, 33188, 197, 54160, 197, 19171, 1942, 1910, 6509, 4861, 1602, 805, 68055, 345, 197, 8370, 20501, 11575, 197, 1225, 198, 15693, 197, 818, 2868, 1485, 16517, 7682, 494, 606, 197, 9920, 32809, 197, 414, 25277, 44323, 197, 47692, 53577, 67304, 41964, 6831, 616, 7058, 35214, 13, 62635, 11575, 41027, 99297, 53577, 9215, 492, 7145, 23394, 1026, 11, 197, 44687, 197, 56966, 11, 2157, 4836, 11, 29336, 295, 635, 11, 197, 6802, 14630, 13071, 345, 69, 686, 11, 53577, 7883, 1055, 1942, 84, 292, 26966, 3324, 38431, 13, 197, 44179, 2157, 301, 99512, 11, 197, 805, 68055, 17886, 846, 2315, 48048, 33188, 95053, 44323, 198, 1316, 26, 197, 47692, 8285, 18865, 53577, 1942, 8734, 197, 19171, 18895, 318, 6468, 24263, 13, 52792, 197, 9514, 10582, 60910, 197, 5185, 17886, 33188, 2157, 80675, 11, 33188, 198, 1407, 519, 8986, 474, 44323, 8285, 12313, 32809, 1942, 27781, 197, 6173, 82, 44323, 99297, 4238, 17643, 1072, 1634, 14862, 414, 197, 805, 68055, 197, 43664, 198, 82977, 33188, 99297, 13, 197, 58276, 11, 1942, 1736, 2157, 301, 99512, 20501, 11575, 3470, 2996, 70388, 44323, 197, 805, 68055, 11, 2090, 9793, 40027, 198, 1073, 7145, 3876, 197, 5185, 197, 19171, 8986, 16345, 33188, 197, 43664, 44323, 2157, 301, 99512, 2765, 1711, 33188, 9215, 492, 627, 1602, 8780, 28402, 7246, 43827, 33188, 1470, 2496, 10272, 7145, 23394, 1026, 197, 936, 4881, 197, 370, 8416, 197, 21107, 919, 44323, 33188, 197, 15693, 198, 54160, 9793, 494, 3233, 2157, 301, 99512, 53577, 197, 805, 68055, 13, 41065, 11, 17886, 197, 413, 11, 197, 99470, 32809, 75582, 75325, 2282, 41314, 198, 81, 23394, 1026, 11, 197, 8370, 94036, 60910, 751, 33188, 9793, 277, 1677, 1245, 7679, 287, 44323, 33188, 78755, 556, 197, 8629, 2191, 11, 197, 16564, 198, 4150, 53904, 2191, 53577, 6379, 78738, 2282, 5085, 13, 7721, 44806, 11, 197, 9514, 2157, 352, 1186, 96551, 197, 2118, 412, 44323, 1942, 69581, 863, 53577, 2282, 52521, 198, 86521, 1512, 1260, 32809, 11575, 6831, 579, 76187, 44323, 35697, 8076, 11, 43827, 11575, 1942, 6592, 47181, 1815, 32809, 59451, 4099, 32809, 11575, 1186, 22732, 198, 62376, 3324, 69361, 627, 1602, 791, 197, 23452, 44323, 3253, 19632, 9793, 494, 3233, 11, 197, 8370, 18895, 318, 24031, 3253, 19632, 17886, 83570, 53577, 88740, 82, 198, 67913, 467, 2157, 355, 9326, 53577, 58005, 535, 3324, 11407, 17886, 197, 68956, 82, 11, 197, 59047, 25653, 197, 81768, 53633, 287, 1470, 16182, 13, 7721, 3583, 198, 376, 22099, 3253, 19632, 9793, 494, 606, 197, 23452, 13, 10230, 68, 587, 197, 21107, 290, 197, 14310, 1759, 36547, 197, 20019, 197, 806, 3303, 749, 2637, 197, 64525, 198, 9514, 31780, 32809, 53633, 64334, 197, 605, 3303, 749, 13, 41065, 49081, 197, 19862, 197, 1030, 2910, 3422, 48048, 2765, 1259, 1752, 53633, 11, 197, 61917, 198, 265, 5671, 32809, 61551, 197, 2118, 1395, 59051, 53633, 2029, 62635, 20501, 2765, 1711, 2090, 197, 19862, 44323, 33188, 53633, 1470, 5566, 64442, 33188, 36502, 198, 9326, 598, 288, 24263, 726, 53577, 2765, 7217, 197, 1220, 37741, 74831, 1334, 53577, 17643, 63231, 367, 98138, 13, 52792, 197, 9514, 197, 548, 53633, 6953, 652, 2270, 345, 74189, 9793, 494, 606, 197, 23452, 2765, 3787, 2765, 2453, 7167, 13, 10230, 68, 1184, 197, 14965, 98138, 33188, 9215, 492, 197, 13724, 9793, 525, 11575, 198, 66335, 197, 2910, 7232, 44323, 197, 1354, 50405, 11, 197, 13885, 62587, 11, 81184, 822, 33945, 197, 484, 2136, 11, 53577, 18895, 316, 613, 197, 96440, 13, 71267, 198, 723, 684, 11, 197, 62344, 1186, 5700, 53577, 197, 4575, 1748, 7145, 988, 197, 548, 9793, 1108, 261, 2765, 1711, 33188, 9215, 492, 627, 18822, 4688, 42238, 3223, 1769, 18108, 74209, 80627, 64, 11, 33188, 1602, 36500, 44323, 15420, 1643, 345, 197, 10210, 1636, 71579, 40137, 44323, 197, 42820, 197, 6438, 64442, 32809, 2157, 1673, 467, 197, 47692, 198, 438, 67304, 41964, 6831, 616, 33851, 11, 33188, 36502, 2157, 592, 74242, 1186, 291, 197, 74946, 32809, 11575, 9215, 4688, 22724, 1942, 8972, 13, 197, 13246, 198, 3646, 197, 1605, 7679, 82, 17886, 33188, 36502, 11, 33188, 2765, 15505, 535, 54414, 20501, 197, 59707, 197, 1729, 1470, 2496, 10272, 7145, 23394, 1026, 627, 791, 197, 21107, 919, 44323, 2282, 458, 53577, 197, 1605, 2765, 15505, 535, 197, 8783, 1238, 197, 23635, 36547, 2157, 307, 1316, 53577, 197, 548, 36547, 33188, 404, 8986, 363, 478, 198, 82977, 33188, 9215, 492, 13, 197, 2520, 2090, 17643, 1525, 11, 24263, 20501, 93510, 32809, 7883, 266, 33188, 8986, 33481, 50394, 278, 44323, 33188, 99297, 36547, 197, 20019, 198, 16497, 1316, 53577, 3324, 731, 197, 3833, 8046, 95053, 50394, 1147, 36547, 3470, 9533, 53577, 2765, 4481, 3324, 1769, 13, 41065, 82948, 4893, 33188, 36502, 198, 998, 2765, 15505, 33188, 197, 287, 10185, 197, 14239, 197, 43870, 398, 53577, 197, 3518, 30986, 33188, 197, 29228, 197, 6173, 44323, 9215, 332, 32930, 198, 95317, 2066, 33188, 2157, 25577, 44323, 52060, 2282, 347, 1570, 7679, 82, 13, 197, 1271, 197, 48956, 60015, 809, 287, 48048, 33188, 198, 21107, 290, 44323, 2765, 15505, 535, 197, 8783, 1238, 36547, 8986, 3265, 1712, 11, 24263, 20501, 197, 64053, 32809, 7883, 266, 3470, 9533, 73204, 8986, 977, 197, 54895, 197, 23, 11575, 749, 627, 73097, 25346, 11, 32809, 2765, 15505, 14862, 414, 7883, 1055, 287, 50394, 278, 197, 81768, 398, 11, 24263, 20501, 93510, 32809, 7883, 266, 24263, 73204, 8986, 977, 197, 54895, 197, 21, 25, 966, 82266, 197, 22, 198, 79, 749, 627, 1602, 8780, 17972, 9860, 35697, 14455, 44323, 2090, 1470, 5566, 11, 197, 936, 2656, 7883, 2544, 197, 1729, 197, 404, 23108, 7883, 1113, 9793, 370, 1220, 82266, 197, 1729, 198, 49033, 33188, 37741, 67304, 55249, 25653, 33188, 7883, 1055, 287, 50394, 278, 53577, 5255, 3470, 9533, 11, 197, 99470, 32809, 33188, 198, 40031, 2987, 44323, 197, 1263, 343, 10185, 197, 96420, 53577, 38303, 7114, 82, 197, 398, 56102, 53577, 2282, 4659, 13, 41065, 197, 19171, 75582, 324, 1302, 33188, 198, 2664, 753, 9215, 4688, 89756, 7956, 82, 13, 52792, 197, 1220, 89756, 7956, 82, 6831, 486, 2129, 533, 53577, 7679, 287, 197, 81768, 398, 11, 197, 906, 6831, 619, 198, 77, 72247, 51880, 32809, 7883, 266, 197, 3323, 197, 54719, 197, 96420, 64442, 197, 548, 1942, 86581, 2066, 197, 414, 36502, 13459, 11, 53577, 197, 906, 6831, 619, 198, 33166, 197, 49818, 61280, 197, 906, 1470, 619, 2765, 15505, 197, 49818, 93510, 13, 197, 4054, 44323, 33188, 197, 21307, 197, 936, 4881, 44323, 3253, 543, 11046, 198, 1659, 20501, 33188, 197, 40031, 2987, 44323, 55992, 81768, 398, 2765, 343, 10185, 197, 96420, 17886, 33188, 2129, 65050, 197, 2193, 13, 23626, 1113, 198, 2727, 1147], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": ". G. P. was also a heavy milk drinker. He told me that he \nwas particularly fond of buttermilk and clabber. For contrast, a lady from a distant city stopped in Hereford one \nday on her way to California and called at my office. Mrs. N. had just \nabout the cleanest mouth I had ever found in a patient. She told me \nthat from early girlhood she had religiously kept the old textbook rule: \n\"Brush your teeth after each meal.\" For all that, my patient had a \nmouthful of fillings, three or four to every tooth, between the teeth, \nnear the base and all around. There was more gold than enamel \nshowing in her mouth. \nWhat Mrs. N. told me about her eating habits bore out my theory \ncompletely. All her life she had lived on pastry, cakes, pies, jams and \njellies. She had eaten but little meat, raw or cooked vegetables or fruit. \nShe drank tea instead of milk. \n \n \n \nCHAPTER 31. \n \nAN EXPLORER COMES TO TEXAS HIGH \nPLAINS \n \nFor the better part of a lifetime, Dr. Weston A. Price, Cleveland \ndentist, was exploring Africa and Amazonian jungles, South Sea Islands and other out-of-the-way places where primitive people live with little or no contact with civilization. \nDr. Price summed up his findings in his book, \"Nutrition and \nPhysical Degeneration.\" That manual is a \"must\" for every dentist who \nwould understand the role that a person's food and drink plays in \nbuilding sound teeth. The evidence which he gathered in his \nexplorations, evidence that he sets down in great detail, had led Dr. \nPrice to conclude that the primitive would be free of tooth decay, and \nat the same time be free of \"white man's diseases,\" so long as he lived \nout of contact with modern civilization and its refined foods but lived \nwhere he could obtain sea food. \nIn his book, Dr. Price proves his point with any number of case \nstudies; but even more convincingly with photographs. Conversely, \nthis manual shows as strikingly that when the white man introduces \nhis refined starched fo ods, the primitive man who drops his raw diet \nfor \"civilized\" foods speedily pays the penalty. His teeth decay and he \nsuffers all sorts of aches and pains. \nNow, my findings here in Deaf Smith County convinced me \nbeyond a shadow of a doubt that the white man himself, right in the \nmiddle of his civilization, with no contact with sea, and even without \nimported sea foods, can have perfect teeth as long as he lives. What is \nmore, the same factors that give a man sound teeth can assure him long life free of disease. \nOf course, Dr. Price knew about my findings, and until his death \na few years ago, an incalculable loss to the profession, showed a \nfriendly interest in them. While he maintained his great experimental \nlaboratory at Cleveland, Dr. Price would send to various parts of the \ncountry for cream which he would feed to patients to test the effects of \nthe vitamins and minerals which it contained on the building of teeth. \nFor some years Dr. Price used cream from Bonnie Brumley's \nfarm in Deaf Smith County. He l earned to work seeming magic with \nthe butterfat which cows grazed on Mr. Brumley's green wheat had \nproduced. For example, when he fed that cream to an arthritis patient \nfor a while, the arthritic pains disappeared. But when Mr. Brumley would take his cows off green wheat Dr. Price would immediately \nnotice the difference in the type of cream he was getting: \"You have changed your feed,\" Dr. Price would write. \"The last \nlot of cream which you shipped me does not measure up to your usual \nstandard. It is short on vitamins and various minerals which my \npatients require.\" \nMr. Brumley would protest that he was feeding the same \nscientifically balanced ration that he had been feeding his milk cows \nright along. The green wheat which the cows had grazed on made the \ndifference. The native grass might have been as good but Bonnie did \nnot have this. \nLater on, Dr. Price came to Hereford and I drove him out to \nBonnie Brumley's place. Then and there, the nutrition expert set the \ndairy farmer right on the relative values of dry and green feed: \n\"The butterfat that you get from co ws on dry feed, Mr. Brumley, \nis of value only as grease.\" \nThen Dr. Price explained that the curing of hay and fodder, the \nmilling of corn, oats, rye, grain sorghum, alfalfa and other crops \nvitiated and so largely destroyed the vitamins which grass and grain \ncontained. In like fashion the proteins, calcium, phosphorus, \nmagnesium, iron, iodine and the numerous trace minerals that are found in the fresh green and growing plant is in organic and \nassimilable form, undergoes chemical changes when the plan is cured \nor the grain is milled. Besides, as the biochemists have learned, the \nchlorophyll which gives the wheat blade or the leaf its green color \nplays a vital role in the plant's food factory. No chlorophyll, no food. \nWhile Dr. Price was here I took hi m out to Ira Ott's poultry farm. \nSoon after we arrived Mr. Ott drove up with a batch of day-old baby \nchicks. Immediately, Dr. Price gave the poultryman a trade secret: \n\"Would you like to have every one of those baby chicks live, Mr. \nOtt? Well, here is what you do: for its first ration, give each chick a \nfew drops of cream from cows which have grazed on a lush green wheatfield.\" \nIt was on that visit the dentist-explorer confided his \"hunch\" to \nme: \"Your Deaf Smith County soil, Dr. Heard, contains an element \nwhich never has been named. When taken up in wheat and other food \nplants that element is very powerful. I call it 'activator X'.\" \n \n \n \nCHAPTER 32. \n \nON DENTISTRY AND FOOD THERAPY \n I have often wondered if we dentists were perfectly honest with \nourselves, we would not have to acknowledge that we are following a \nrepair trade rather than a professi on. To be sure it takes skill and a \ncertain precision with tools to drill out a cavity in a tooth and fill it with gold or alloy. But I say that dental science hardly has begun to \nsolve the problems which challenge it. \nThere remains a vast unexplored field of research in which a few \nbold pioneers like the late Dr. Weston A. Price of Cleveland have \nblazed trails. It is my fond belief that one day my profession will \nfollow out those trails to their in dicated goal. In his great book, \n\"Nutrition and Physical Degeneration,\" that ought to be in every \ndentist's working laboratory, Dr. Price tells how he restored \nsupposedly incurable cases to health simply by feeding the patients the \nfoods which they required for perfect nutrition. \nFor example, Dr. Price tells the case history of Freddie S., 8 \nyears old, suffering from convulsions and a broken leg that for three \nmonths had refused to knit together again. As he relates, Dr. Price put \nhis small patient on a diet of fresh cream from Bonnie Brumley's dairy \nfarm near Hereford, Texas. Mr. Brumley's cows, pastured on lush \ngreen wheat producing milk rich in vitamins and minerals. It was Dr. \nPrice's theory that the milk cont ained an added element (which he \ncalled 'activator X') that enabled the child to assimilate the minerals in \nhis food. In addition he gave the patient a gruel made from freshly \nground Deaf Smith County whole wheat and served with whole raw \nmilk. The wheat had to be ground fresh because the flour in a few \ndays oxidizes and thereby loses esse ntial minerals. The milk had to be \nconsumed raw because the 140 degrees essential temperature for \npasteurizing, which kills vitamins and puts the food elements out of \nbalance. Soon 'after he was put on the diet, the child's convulsions stopped. Before long, the broken bone began knitting together. Six weeks after this treatment Freddie S. climbed a waterspout at the \ncorner of the house. \nThen, on pages 272-3 of his book, Dr. Price describes Johnnie F., \n5 years old, and bed-ridden with supposedly incurable arthritis \nrheumatism and heart lesions. Dr. Price began feeding that boy \nbutterfat from Bonnie Brumley's dairy, and on the same diet of wheat \ngruel and raw milk he had given Freddie S. within a year Johnnie \ncould leave the hospital in sound health. Evidently enough, both those childre n were suffering from a lack \nof correct nutrition to supply their small bodies and keep them \nworking properly. In plain terms, th e children were being starved. All \nthe elements which the human body contains, including the trace \nelements, must be in the food we eat. If a single item is missing the \ndelicate balance of nature is upset and the body suffers. \nIt follows that most sick people derive their troubles from the \ndinner table. They do not get a balanced diet. For that very reason, I \ncontend, almost 40 per cent of the young men", "token_ids": [13, 480, 13, 393, 13, 574, 1101, 264, 8987, 14403, 7172, 261, 13, 1283, 3309, 757, 430, 568, 720, 16514, 8104, 21901, 315, 220, 719, 5098, 34263, 323, 1206, 370, 655, 13, 1789, 13168, 11, 264, 17240, 505, 264, 29827, 3363, 10717, 304, 5810, 8350, 832, 720, 1316, 389, 1077, 1648, 311, 7188, 323, 2663, 520, 856, 5274, 13, 18083, 13, 452, 13, 1047, 1120, 720, 9274, 279, 4335, 478, 11013, 358, 1047, 3596, 1766, 304, 264, 8893, 13, 3005, 3309, 757, 720, 9210, 505, 4216, 3828, 5812, 1364, 1047, 10597, 398, 8774, 279, 2362, 56185, 6037, 25, 720, 1, 26004, 701, 18311, 1306, 1855, 15496, 1210, 1789, 682, 430, 11, 856, 8893, 1047, 264, 720, 33780, 1285, 315, 5266, 826, 11, 2380, 477, 3116, 311, 1475, 26588, 11, 1990, 279, 18311, 11, 720, 52759, 279, 2385, 323, 682, 2212, 13, 2684, 574, 810, 6761, 1109, 92848, 720, 3528, 287, 304, 1077, 11013, 13, 720, 3923, 18083, 13, 452, 13, 3309, 757, 922, 1077, 12459, 26870, 39786, 704, 856, 10334, 720, 884, 50268, 13, 2052, 1077, 2324, 1364, 1047, 12439, 389, 74155, 11, 48669, 11, 61777, 11, 90398, 323, 720, 73, 616, 552, 13, 3005, 1047, 35661, 719, 2697, 13339, 11, 7257, 477, 30205, 24822, 477, 14098, 13, 720, 8100, 54244, 15600, 4619, 315, 14403, 13, 2355, 33006, 720, 88539, 220, 2148, 13, 33006, 1111, 4154, 2989, 878, 643, 7837, 1600, 5257, 77324, 1950, 38717, 720, 2989, 73991, 33006, 2520, 279, 2731, 961, 315, 264, 19569, 11, 2999, 13, 91119, 362, 13, 8650, 11, 24372, 720, 55923, 380, 11, 574, 24919, 10384, 323, 8339, 1122, 70010, 645, 11, 4987, 15379, 23028, 323, 1023, 704, 8838, 10826, 27896, 7634, 1405, 28694, 1274, 3974, 449, 2697, 477, 912, 3729, 449, 36017, 13, 720, 9023, 13, 8650, 66766, 709, 813, 14955, 304, 813, 2363, 11, 330, 79570, 17462, 323, 720, 40353, 58337, 17699, 1210, 3011, 11630, 374, 264, 330, 25849, 1, 369, 1475, 50351, 889, 720, 41450, 3619, 279, 3560, 430, 264, 1732, 596, 3691, 323, 7172, 11335, 304, 720, 24177, 5222, 18311, 13, 578, 6029, 902, 568, 20802, 304, 813, 720, 30992, 269, 811, 11, 6029, 430, 568, 7437, 1523, 304, 2294, 7872, 11, 1047, 6197, 2999, 13, 720, 7117, 311, 32194, 430, 279, 28694, 1053, 387, 1949, 315, 26588, 31815, 11, 323, 720, 266, 279, 1890, 892, 387, 1949, 315, 330, 5902, 893, 596, 19338, 1359, 779, 1317, 439, 568, 12439, 720, 412, 315, 3729, 449, 6617, 36017, 323, 1202, 38291, 15657, 719, 12439, 720, 2940, 568, 1436, 6994, 9581, 3691, 13, 720, 644, 813, 2363, 11, 2999, 13, 8650, 36862, 813, 1486, 449, 904, 1396, 315, 1162, 720, 267, 58787, 26, 719, 1524, 810, 36961, 11559, 449, 25232, 13, 82671, 11, 720, 576, 11630, 5039, 439, 21933, 398, 430, 994, 279, 4251, 893, 40019, 720, 26301, 38291, 70181, 291, 12018, 297, 5469, 11, 279, 28694, 893, 889, 21701, 813, 7257, 10173, 720, 2000, 330, 94230, 1534, 1, 15657, 4732, 1570, 21935, 279, 16750, 13, 5414, 18311, 31815, 323, 568, 720, 82, 20964, 682, 21522, 315, 264, 8696, 323, 51266, 13, 720, 7184, 11, 856, 14955, 1618, 304, 1611, 2642, 9259, 6406, 22954, 757, 720, 65, 23478, 264, 12737, 315, 264, 10712, 430, 279, 4251, 893, 5678, 11, 1314, 304, 279, 720, 20231, 315, 813, 36017, 11, 449, 912, 3729, 449, 9581, 11, 323, 1524, 2085, 720, 475, 291, 9581, 15657, 11, 649, 617, 4832, 18311, 439, 1317, 439, 568, 6439, 13, 3639, 374, 720, 6518, 11, 279, 1890, 9547, 430, 3041, 264, 893, 5222, 18311, 649, 36015, 1461, 1317, 2324, 1949, 315, 8624, 13, 720, 2173, 3388, 11, 2999, 13, 8650, 7020, 922, 856, 14955, 11, 323, 3156, 813, 4648, 720, 64, 2478, 1667, 4227, 11, 459, 3709, 278, 3395, 481, 4814, 311, 279, 4913, 11, 8710, 264, 720, 82630, 2802, 304, 1124, 13, 6104, 568, 220, 18908, 813, 2294, 22772, 720, 75, 4422, 5382, 520, 24372, 11, 2999, 13, 8650, 1053, 3708, 311, 5370, 5596, 315, 279, 720, 11389, 369, 12932, 902, 568, 1053, 5510, 311, 6978, 311, 1296, 279, 6372, 315, 720, 1820, 46192, 323, 34072, 902, 433, 13282, 389, 279, 4857, 315, 18311, 13, 720, 2520, 1063, 1667, 2999, 13, 8650, 1511, 12932, 505, 74295, 3320, 372, 3258, 596, 720, 66911, 304, 1611, 2642, 9259, 6406, 13, 1283, 326, 15662, 311, 990, 76795, 11204, 449, 720, 1820, 14432, 45283, 902, 46266, 51933, 291, 389, 220, 4491, 13, 3320, 372, 3258, 596, 6307, 34153, 1047, 720, 8723, 2041, 13, 1789, 3187, 11, 994, 568, 23114, 430, 12932, 311, 459, 55652, 8893, 720, 2000, 264, 1418, 11, 279, 802, 339, 50308, 51266, 29496, 13, 2030, 994, 4491, 13, 3320, 372, 3258, 1053, 1935, 813, 46266, 1022, 6307, 34153, 2999, 13, 8650, 1053, 7214, 720, 24467, 279, 6811, 304, 279, 955, 315, 12932, 568, 574, 3794, 25, 330, 2675, 617, 5614, 701, 5510, 1359, 2999, 13, 8650, 1053, 3350, 13, 330, 791, 1566, 720, 9363, 315, 12932, 902, 499, 28358, 757, 1587, 539, 6767, 709, 311, 701, 13783, 720, 20885, 13, 1102, 374, 2875, 389, 46192, 323, 5370, 34072, 902, 856, 720, 81437, 1397, 1210, 720, 12555, 13, 3320, 372, 3258, 1053, 8835, 430, 568, 574, 26040, 279, 1890, 720, 85930, 750, 24770, 66901, 430, 568, 1047, 1027, 26040, 813, 14403, 46266, 720, 1315, 3235, 13, 578, 6307, 34153, 902, 279, 46266, 1047, 51933, 291, 389, 1903, 279, 720, 60351, 13, 578, 10068, 16763, 2643, 617, 1027, 439, 1695, 719, 74295, 1550, 720, 1962, 617, 420, 13, 720, 31082, 389, 11, 2999, 13, 8650, 3782, 311, 5810, 8350, 323, 358, 23980, 1461, 704, 311, 720, 47696, 11044, 3320, 372, 3258, 596, 2035, 13, 5112, 323, 1070, 11, 279, 26677, 6335, 743, 279, 720, 67, 22704, 37500, 1314, 389, 279, 8844, 2819, 315, 9235, 323, 6307, 5510, 25, 720, 10227, 14432, 45283, 430, 499, 636, 505, 1080, 18090, 389, 9235, 5510, 11, 4491, 13, 3320, 372, 3258, 11, 720, 285, 315, 907, 1193, 439, 63471, 1210, 720, 12487, 2999, 13, 8650, 11497, 430, 279, 97330, 315, 18137, 323, 98895, 11, 279, 720, 76, 9585, 315, 14095, 11, 85270, 11, 436, 9188, 11, 24875, 25551, 876, 372, 11, 85766, 85526, 323, 1023, 31665, 720, 55911, 10234, 323, 779, 14090, 14763, 279, 46192, 902, 16763, 323, 24875, 720, 53615, 13, 763, 1093, 11401, 279, 28896, 11, 35719, 11, 33088, 30969, 11, 720, 76, 3326, 41930, 11, 11245, 11, 80087, 483, 323, 279, 12387, 11917, 34072, 430, 527, 1766, 304, 279, 7878, 6307, 323, 7982, 6136, 374, 304, 17808, 323, 720, 395, 318, 321, 481, 1376, 11, 37771, 288, 11742, 4442, 994, 279, 3197, 374, 64688, 720, 269, 279, 24875, 374, 296, 4473, 13, 31909, 11, 439, 279, 17332, 2464, 1705, 617, 9687, 11, 279, 720, 72967, 5237, 25734, 902, 6835, 279, 34153, 25879, 477, 279, 16312, 1202, 6307, 1933, 720, 28897, 264, 16595, 3560, 304, 279, 6136, 596, 3691, 8803, 13, 2360, 37833, 5237, 25734, 11, 912, 3691, 13, 720, 8142, 2999, 13, 8650, 574, 1618, 358, 3952, 15960, 296, 704, 311, 358, 969, 24881, 596, 66628, 8961, 13, 720, 67196, 1306, 584, 11721, 4491, 13, 24881, 23980, 709, 449, 264, 7309, 315, 1938, 6418, 8945, 720, 331, 5908, 13, 69352, 11, 2999, 13, 8650, 6688, 279, 66628, 1543, 264, 6696, 6367, 25, 720, 1, 29089, 499, 1093, 311, 617, 1475, 832, 315, 1884, 8945, 69089, 3974, 11, 4491, 13, 720, 46, 5683, 30, 8489, 11, 1618, 374, 1148, 499, 656, 25, 369, 1202, 1176, 66901, 11, 3041, 1855, 31863, 264, 720, 71830, 21701, 315, 12932, 505, 46266, 902, 617, 51933, 291, 389, 264, 58367, 6307, 34153, 2630, 1210, 720, 2181, 574, 389, 430, 4034, 279, 50351, 10397, 80925, 2389, 4591, 813, 330, 71, 3265, 1, 311, 720, 2727, 25, 330, 7927, 1611, 2642, 9259, 6406, 17614, 11, 2999, 13, 95208, 11, 5727, 459, 2449, 720, 8370, 2646, 706, 1027, 7086, 13, 3277, 4529, 709, 304, 34153, 323, 1023, 3691, 720, 64805, 430, 2449, 374, 1633, 8147, 13, 358, 1650, 433, 364, 9035, 859, 1630, 6, 1210, 2355, 33006, 720, 88539, 220, 843, 13, 33006, 715, 423, 1863, 63149, 3651, 88227, 350, 3087, 2599, 56, 720, 358, 617, 3629, 31156, 422, 584, 18653, 1705, 1051, 14268, 10978, 449, 720, 2530, 4372, 11, 584, 1053, 539, 617, 311, 25670, 430, 584, 527, 2768, 264, 720, 77539, 6696, 4856, 1109, 264, 35578, 72, 389, 13, 2057, 387, 2771, 433, 5097, 10151, 323, 264, 720, 66, 7770, 16437, 449, 7526, 311, 31646, 704, 264, 56429, 304, 264, 26588, 323, 5266, 433, 449, 6761, 477, 46964, 13, 2030, 358, 2019, 430, 29106, 8198, 20781, 706, 22088, 311, 720, 60519, 279, 5435, 902, 8815, 433, 13, 720, 3947, 8625, 264, 13057, 653, 69331, 1171, 2115, 315, 3495, 304, 902, 264, 2478, 720, 15168, 83407, 1093, 279, 3389, 2999, 13, 91119, 362, 13, 8650, 315, 24372, 617, 720, 2067, 28109, 33965, 13, 1102, 374, 856, 21901, 16801, 430, 832, 1938, 856, 4913, 690, 720, 19070, 704, 1884, 33965, 311, 872, 304, 294, 10297, 5915, 13, 763, 813, 2294, 2363, 11, 720, 1, 79570, 17462, 323, 28479, 58337, 17699, 1359, 430, 22525, 311, 387, 304, 1475, 720, 55923, 380, 596, 3318, 27692, 11, 2999, 13, 8650, 10975, 1268, 568, 28101, 720, 13066, 3950, 398, 62622, 481, 5157, 311, 2890, 5042, 555, 26040, 279, 6978, 279, 720, 96420, 902, 814, 2631, 369, 4832, 26677, 13, 720, 2520, 3187, 11, 2999, 13, 8650, 10975, 279, 1162, 3925, 315, 68362, 328, 2637, 220, 23, 720, 42820, 2362, 11, 16066, 505, 5804, 14630, 919, 323, 264, 11102, 2531, 430, 369, 2380, 720, 50814, 1047, 16436, 311, 53203, 3871, 1578, 13, 1666, 568, 36716, 11, 2999, 13, 8650, 2231, 720, 26301, 2678, 8893, 389, 264, 10173, 315, 7878, 220, 12932, 505, 74295, 3320, 372, 3258, 596, 34479, 720, 66911, 3221, 5810, 8350, 11, 8421, 13, 4491, 13, 3320, 372, 3258, 596, 46266, 11, 3347, 3149, 389, 58367, 720, 13553, 34153, 17843, 14403, 9257, 304, 46192, 323, 34072, 13, 1102, 574, 2999, 13, 720, 7117, 596, 10334, 430, 279, 14403, 687, 264, 1619, 459, 3779, 2449, 320, 8370, 568, 720, 44982, 364, 9035, 859, 1630, 873, 430, 9147, 279, 1716, 311, 40054, 76457, 279, 34072, 304, 720, 26301, 3691, 13, 763, 5369, 568, 6688, 279, 8893, 264, 1099, 4088, 1903, 505, 50999, 720, 1993, 1611, 2642, 9259, 6406, 4459, 34153, 323, 10434, 449, 4459, 7257, 720, 76, 34263, 13, 578, 34153, 1047, 311, 387, 5015, 7878, 1606, 279, 20415, 304, 264, 2478, 720, 14097, 36172, 4861, 323, 28592, 33291, 42479, 32512, 532, 34072, 13, 578, 14403, 1047, 311, 387, 720, 67776, 291, 7257, 1606, 279, 220, 6860, 12628, 7718, 9499, 369, 720, 57968, 324, 4954, 11, 902, 29910, 46192, 323, 9711, 279, 3691, 5540, 704, 315, 720, 22298, 13, 32862, 364, 10924, 568, 574, 2231, 389, 279, 10173, 11, 279, 1716, 596, 5804, 14630, 919, 10717, 13, 13538, 1317, 11, 279, 11102, 17685, 6137, 72899, 3871, 13, 19198, 5672, 1306, 420, 6514, 68362, 328, 13, 45519, 264, 21160, 79, 412, 520, 279, 720, 74525, 315, 279, 3838, 13, 720, 12487, 11, 389, 6959, 220, 15741, 12, 18, 315, 813, 2363, 11, 2999, 13, 8650, 16964, 3842, 11044, 435, 2637, 720, 20, 1667, 2362, 11, 323, 4950, 3880, 2924, 449, 33828, 62622, 481, 55652, 720, 81, 383, 46313, 2191, 323, 4851, 63324, 13, 2999, 13, 8650, 6137, 26040, 430, 8334, 720, 65, 6339, 45283, 505, 74295, 3320, 372, 3258, 596, 34479, 11, 323, 389, 279, 1890, 10173, 315, 34153, 720, 911, 4088, 323, 7257, 14403, 568, 1047, 2728, 68362, 328, 13, 2949, 264, 1060, 3842, 11044, 720, 29177, 5387, 279, 8952, 304, 5222, 2890, 13, 469, 1325, 4501, 3403, 11, 2225, 1884, 1716, 265, 308, 1051, 16066, 505, 264, 6996, 720, 1073, 4495, 26677, 311, 8312, 872, 2678, 13162, 323, 2567, 1124, 720, 21837, 10489, 13, 763, 14733, 3878, 11, 270, 384, 2911, 1051, 1694, 6917, 2111, 13, 2052, 720, 1820, 5540, 902, 279, 3823, 2547, 5727, 11, 2737, 279, 11917, 720, 22138, 11, 2011, 387, 304, 279, 3691, 584, 8343, 13, 1442, 264, 3254, 1537, 374, 7554, 279, 720, 9783, 8630, 8335, 315, 7138, 374, 23268, 323, 279, 2547, 47521, 13, 720, 2181, 11263, 430, 1455, 14363, 1274, 43530, 872, 35665, 505, 279, 720, 67, 4481, 2007, 13, 2435, 656, 539, 636, 264, 24770, 10173, 13, 1789, 430, 1633, 2944, 11, 358, 720, 778, 408, 11, 4661, 220, 1272, 824, 2960, 315, 279, 3995, 3026], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " \"Small adjustments in the (all - \nvegetarian) raw diet... to avoid slowly developing but disastrous health problems.\" \nHundreds of mice were used to test diets such as the vegan, fruitarian, vegetarian, lacto -vegetarian, ovo -vegetarian, raw diets, \ncooked diet, other diets and variations, periodic fasting and longevity, juice programs, all -raw vs. cooked Natural Hygiene diets. \n \n \n copyright \u00a9 Dr. Stanley S. Bass (718) 648 -1500 www.drbass.com 84 \n \n \nAccompany Dr. Bass on a fascinating journey, one which is comparable to testing theories of nutrition on what is the equivale nt \nof 120 years of nutritional experiments on hundreds of humans. - postpaid $8.50 \nIncluded in \"3 books to download for $12.00\" (Adobe Acrobat Format, 54 pages, 359 KB): \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n \nDiscovery of the Ultimate (Vegetarian) Diet / [In Search of the Ultimate (Vegetarian) Diet - Volume II.] --- (Testing Nutritional \nTheories on Mice) \nFollow Dr. Bass step by step to the conclusion of \"In Search of the Ultimate (Vegetarian) Diet\". The tale of all the tests a nd re - \ntests in choosing the best vegetarian diets, the best aspect of each diet, and eliminating all weaknesses in each. After 14 y ears \nof much painstaking work testing 50 diets and 65 related diets - the discovery of 4 ultimate diets - the safest and ide al raw food \ndiet, cooked food diet, etc. The information will give the reader knowledge to arrange any type of a diet which will lead to superb \nhealth - proven by living creatures, beyond theoretical guesswork - something which is impossible to arrive at b y book study or \nexperience with human patients alone. - Quote: \"... we have now arrived at the knowledge of how to design nutritional \nprograms, which in my opinion will be able to reverse some of the most advanced pathologies which presently plague long - \nsuffering mankind.\" \n- Note: if you send a US check or international money order to Dr. Bass, you can get the booklet postpaid $20, incl. priority m ail \n-. \nNow as download for $14 (Adobe Acrobat Format, 89 pages, 575 KB) \n------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- \n \nThe Laws of Life \nA simplified yet complete interpretation of the Laws of Life which will give you a clear understanding of the causes of disea se \nand health, not taught in medical colleges. Through understanding these basic laws, you can evaluate the true causes of illness \nand can chart a lifestyle for yourself which is synchronized with Nature and leads to peace of mind, vibrant health and \nhappiness. \nQuote: \"Strange as it may seem, the philosophy of \"Natural Hygi ene\" was evolved (appr. 150 years ago), mostly by medical \ndoctors who concluded that the philosophy and practice of medicine are an incorrect approach to health care. These medical \npractitioners came to the reasoned conclusion that there were natural laws which governed human life, and when these laws \nwere applied, health could be both maintained and recovered if lost.\" - postpaid $4.75 \nIncluded in \"4 books to download for $16.00\" (Adobe Acrobat Format, 34 pages, 343 KB): \nClick below for Free download - the first pages: (Adobe Acrobat Format, 213 kb, zipped): \n \nOvercoming Compulsive Habits \nHow to overcome compulsive habits, based upon a lifetime of study and personal experience of Oriental and Western \nphilosophy, psychology and yoga. All methods were tested, choosing only the very best and most practical methods of self - \nmastery and self -understanding. It explains the relationship between energy, feeling and thought, how to eliminate bad habits \nand create good ones through understanding the laws of mind involv ed, meditation and visualization techniques, and embraces \na wide variety of information related to stress elimination, physical and mental health and happiness. - postpaid $9 \nIncluded in \"4 books to download for $16.00\" (Adobe Acrobat Format, 104 pages, 47 5 KB): \n \nNatural Health and Nutrition - Condensed Natural Hygiene Nutrition Course \nThese lessons were organized and used by Dr. Bass at \"The Life Science Health Haven\" in Woodridge, N.Y. for several years \nas part of the curriculum of a training course in ve getarian Natural Hygiene for students. There are only a limited number of sets \nleft and these may be had for $21 each. \nIncluded in \"4 books to download for $16.00\" (Adobe Acrobat Format, 66 pages, 1608 KB): \n \nThe Eye of Revelation (The 5 Tibetan Rites of Re juvenation). \nReproduction of the original unedited book by Peter Kelder, 1939. An edited version of this book exists, \"Ancient Secrets of the \nFountain of Youth\" - Dr. Bass searched for the original all over because of his interest in the missing nutritiona l chapter - and \nfinally found an old copy of the original book. Why? Because what you eat and don't eat is very important for successful mind \nand body exercises, e.g. meditation. (Ever wondered why Jesus fasted 40 days?) \nDescribes the Five Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation, which stimulate the 7 subtle energy centers along the spine called Chakras, \nmaking the practitioner feel dramatically revitalized and rejuvenated. \nDr. Bass first published the complete original text of \"Five Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation\" in Chet Day's \"Health and Beyond\" \nnewsletter. \n \n$8.00 postpaid \nIncluded in \"4 books to download for $16.00\" (Adobe Acrobat Format, 42 pages, 342 KB): \n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \nDOWNLOAD ALL BOOKS \nDownload all of the above 8 books by Stanley Bass for $29 \n \n \n copyright \u00a9 Dr. Stanley S. Bass (718) 648 -1500 www.drbass.com 85 \n \n \nNOTE: To get the most from Dr. Bass' articles and books it is best to read them over and over - since they contain a wealth of valuable and hard -to-find \ninformation. Every sentence has significance, it is essential to digest and redigest the content. \nAnd most important of all - you will not understand the importance of the text until you have put the ideas into practice, until you have tested the concepts for \nyourself, until you have verified the truth of them by your own actions. \n \n \nCONTACT INFORMATION \n \nDr. Stanley S. Bass \n3119 Coney Island Ave. \nBrooklyn, N.Y. 11235 \nUSA \nTelephone: (718) 648 -1500 \nE-mail: ssbass@drbass.com \n( NOTE: I don't have time to answer e -mail questions, but you are welcome to send comments Someone prints my emails for me.) \n \nCONSULTATIONS: \n \nIf you have health problems and want advice on the optimal die t for fastest healing - utilizing the traditional natural hygiene knowledge of \nfast healing, combined with the latest knowledge in nutritional science - you are welcome to call Dr. Bass for a consultation. Dr. Bass is not \nrestricted to vegan - vegetarian diets, unlike most natural hygiene doctors, even though he has 40 years experience with vegetarianism. \nCall for consultations 10 am - 9 pm weekdays, Dr. Bass will answer whenever available. No charge for initial consultation phone call - if no \nmore than 10 minutes. \nDr. Bass recommends that you try to understand the basics of drug -free nutritional healing methods, either from reading his books or from \nthe information in this website, before calling him. \nLong experience with detoxification, fasting, juice pro grams, diets. \n \nCONSULTATION INFORMATION \nConsultation can mean different things - e.g. to \n\u2022 guide and coach you towards health - through an individualized eating and living plan. \n\u2022 improve your current diet and living through small easy -to-make changes that will have great positive impact on you health and mental \nwell-being. \n\u2022 help you through your first detoxification, or perhaps a difficult detoxification - helping you to understand symptoms that appear. \n \nThe first phone consultation is $200 (to be p aid by check or money order), and you can use as much time as you need (for solving your \nhealth problem). This also includes a couple of follow -up calls during the first 2 weeks. The purpose is get you started on a good program to \nchange your condition, an d teach you to improve your health in the fastest way possible. I will also mail you articles, and other information to \nimprove your understanding of what to do. Always call first to find out when I have time for your first consultation. - Note: I do not use e -mail. \nLater, if you need more help/consultation, I will give instructions on how to proceed, and what the cost is. \nFor example if you are going on a juice program or fasting program, you may pay $200 per two weeks, and you can call me as mu ch as you \nlike for questions. During the program that I will individually design for you, you will typically get a steady stream of dif ferent symptoms - \nwhich will vary from person to person. \nAll patients will get reading material and written instructions. (Prices - April 2003) \n \n \nFind examples of testimonial letters to a Natural Hygiene doctor here: http://goldbergclinic.com/testimonials.html \nInterview with Dr. Bass: \nQ: Can you help me with m y sick pet?", "token_ids": [256, 330, 26375, 34074, 304, 279, 320, 543, 482, 720, 83571, 8997, 8, 7257, 10173, 2564, 311, 5766, 14297, 11469, 719, 53057, 2890, 220, 5435, 1210, 2355, 91722, 315, 24548, 1051, 1511, 311, 1296, 41943, 1778, 439, 279, 30249, 11, 14098, 8997, 11, 46482, 11, 51644, 78, 482, 83571, 8997, 11, 297, 3415, 482, 83571, 8997, 11, 7257, 41943, 11, 2355, 99797, 10173, 11, 1023, 41943, 323, 27339, 11, 39445, 54560, 323, 58219, 11, 23661, 7620, 11, 682, 482, 1059, 6296, 13, 30205, 18955, 220, 10320, 43312, 41943, 13, 2355, 33006, 7065, 7388, 2999, 13, 31552, 328, 13, 37053, 256, 320, 21982, 8, 220, 23802, 482, 3965, 15, 262, 8604, 962, 10910, 395, 916, 220, 220, 5833, 33006, 720, 14945, 316, 2023, 2999, 13, 37053, 389, 264, 27387, 11879, 11, 832, 902, 374, 30139, 311, 7649, 26018, 315, 26677, 389, 1148, 374, 279, 69558, 1604, 32512, 720, 1073, 220, 4364, 1667, 315, 43226, 21896, 389, 11758, 315, 12966, 13, 482, 1772, 35778, 400, 23, 13, 1135, 2355, 85710, 304, 330, 18, 6603, 311, 4232, 369, 400, 717, 13, 410, 1, 320, 82705, 98647, 15392, 11, 220, 4370, 6959, 11, 220, 19192, 26068, 1680, 2355, 44549, 2355, 720, 68500, 315, 279, 29950, 320, 43712, 456, 8997, 8, 27304, 256, 611, 510, 644, 7694, 315, 279, 29950, 320, 43712, 456, 8997, 8, 27304, 482, 20880, 8105, 25750, 12730, 320, 16856, 18878, 37842, 2355, 791, 2490, 389, 386, 560, 8, 2355, 12763, 2999, 13, 37053, 3094, 555, 3094, 311, 279, 17102, 315, 330, 644, 7694, 315, 279, 29950, 320, 43712, 456, 8997, 8, 27304, 3343, 578, 24162, 315, 682, 279, 7177, 264, 15953, 312, 482, 720, 24781, 304, 19301, 279, 1888, 46482, 41943, 11, 279, 1888, 13189, 315, 1855, 10173, 11, 323, 40599, 682, 44667, 304, 1855, 13, 4740, 220, 975, 379, 25212, 720, 1073, 1790, 98713, 990, 7649, 220, 1135, 41943, 323, 220, 2397, 5552, 41943, 482, 279, 18841, 315, 220, 19, 17139, 41943, 482, 279, 62844, 323, 2679, 453, 7257, 3691, 2355, 94942, 11, 30205, 3691, 10173, 11, 5099, 13, 578, 2038, 690, 3041, 279, 6742, 6677, 311, 31993, 904, 955, 315, 264, 10173, 902, 690, 3063, 311, 33689, 2355, 12393, 482, 17033, 555, 5496, 20566, 11, 7953, 32887, 8101, 1816, 482, 2555, 902, 374, 12266, 311, 17782, 520, 293, 379, 2363, 4007, 477, 2355, 50659, 449, 3823, 6978, 7636, 13, 482, 25552, 25, 39813, 584, 617, 1457, 11721, 520, 279, 6677, 315, 1268, 311, 2955, 43226, 2355, 74053, 11, 902, 304, 856, 9647, 690, 387, 3025, 311, 10134, 1063, 315, 279, 1455, 11084, 1853, 9268, 902, 50801, 55537, 1317, 482, 720, 82, 2084, 287, 43384, 1210, 2355, 12, 7181, 25, 422, 499, 3708, 264, 2326, 1817, 477, 6625, 3300, 2015, 311, 2999, 13, 37053, 11, 499, 649, 636, 279, 74343, 1772, 35778, 400, 508, 11, 18916, 13, 10844, 296, 60243, 720, 12, 662, 720, 7184, 439, 4232, 369, 400, 975, 320, 82705, 98647, 15392, 11, 220, 4578, 6959, 11, 220, 21228, 26068, 8, 2355, 1434, 15431, 20308, 18580, 2355, 720, 791, 42089, 315, 9601, 2355, 32, 44899, 3686, 4686, 23692, 315, 279, 42089, 315, 9601, 902, 690, 3041, 499, 264, 2867, 8830, 315, 279, 11384, 315, 6759, 64, 513, 720, 438, 2890, 11, 539, 15972, 304, 6593, 31252, 13, 17331, 8830, 1521, 6913, 7016, 11, 499, 649, 15806, 279, 837, 11384, 315, 17563, 2355, 438, 649, 9676, 264, 19433, 369, 6261, 902, 374, 22183, 449, 22037, 323, 11767, 311, 9096, 315, 4059, 11, 34076, 2890, 323, 2355, 71, 67391, 13, 2355, 20031, 25, 330, 92434, 439, 433, 1253, 2873, 11, 279, 19675, 315, 330, 55381, 10320, 8376, 665, 68, 1, 574, 28995, 320, 391, 652, 13, 220, 3965, 1667, 4227, 705, 10213, 555, 6593, 2355, 3055, 12816, 889, 20536, 430, 279, 19675, 323, 6725, 315, 16088, 527, 459, 15465, 5603, 311, 2890, 2512, 13, 4314, 6593, 2355, 652, 533, 684, 388, 3782, 311, 279, 93469, 17102, 430, 1070, 1051, 5933, 7016, 902, 27800, 3823, 2324, 11, 323, 994, 1521, 7016, 2355, 52898, 9435, 11, 2890, 1436, 387, 2225, 18908, 323, 26403, 422, 5675, 1210, 482, 1772, 35778, 400, 19, 13, 2075, 2355, 85710, 304, 330, 19, 6603, 311, 4232, 369, 400, 845, 13, 410, 1, 320, 82705, 98647, 15392, 11, 220, 1958, 6959, 11, 220, 16522, 26068, 1680, 2355, 2677, 3770, 369, 3658, 4232, 482, 279, 1176, 6959, 25, 320, 82705, 98647, 15392, 11, 220, 11702, 39753, 11, 1167, 6586, 1680, 2355, 720, 1959, 5065, 13620, 58921, 29976, 1220, 2355, 4438, 311, 23075, 48206, 535, 26870, 11, 3196, 5304, 264, 19569, 315, 4007, 323, 4443, 3217, 315, 72051, 323, 11104, 2355, 46185, 11597, 88, 11, 31018, 323, 27102, 13, 2052, 5528, 1051, 12793, 11, 19301, 1193, 279, 1633, 1888, 323, 1455, 15325, 5528, 315, 659, 482, 720, 76, 54671, 323, 659, 482, 8154, 10276, 13, 1102, 15100, 279, 5133, 1990, 4907, 11, 8430, 323, 3463, 11, 1268, 311, 22472, 3958, 26870, 2355, 438, 1893, 1695, 6305, 1555, 8830, 279, 7016, 315, 4059, 4457, 85, 1608, 11, 33862, 323, 42148, 12823, 11, 323, 83487, 2355, 64, 7029, 8205, 315, 2038, 5552, 311, 8631, 44032, 11, 7106, 323, 10723, 2890, 323, 23871, 13, 482, 1772, 35778, 400, 24, 2355, 85710, 304, 330, 19, 6603, 311, 4232, 369, 400, 845, 13, 410, 1, 320, 82705, 98647, 15392, 11, 220, 6849, 6959, 11, 220, 2618, 220, 20, 26068, 1680, 2355, 720, 55381, 6401, 323, 39700, 482, 45926, 30040, 18955, 10320, 43312, 39700, 17026, 2355, 9673, 18872, 1051, 17057, 323, 1511, 555, 2999, 13, 37053, 520, 330, 791, 9601, 10170, 6401, 42714, 1, 304, 12404, 11431, 11, 452, 7659, 13, 369, 3892, 1667, 2355, 300, 961, 315, 279, 30676, 315, 264, 4967, 3388, 304, 5320, 636, 8997, 18955, 10320, 43312, 369, 4236, 13, 2684, 527, 1193, 264, 7347, 1396, 315, 7437, 2355, 2414, 323, 1521, 1253, 387, 1047, 369, 400, 1691, 1855, 13, 2355, 85710, 304, 330, 19, 6603, 311, 4232, 369, 400, 845, 13, 410, 1, 320, 82705, 98647, 15392, 11, 220, 2287, 6959, 11, 220, 6330, 23, 26068, 1680, 2355, 720, 791, 28929, 315, 76607, 320, 791, 220, 20, 73074, 432, 3695, 315, 1050, 99545, 367, 570, 2355, 697, 23452, 315, 279, 4113, 653, 62503, 2363, 555, 11291, 735, 68076, 11, 220, 7285, 24, 13, 1556, 19685, 2373, 315, 420, 2363, 6866, 11, 330, 89167, 1188, 53179, 315, 279, 720, 37, 35624, 315, 30160, 1, 482, 2999, 13, 37053, 27600, 369, 279, 4113, 682, 927, 1606, 315, 813, 2802, 304, 279, 7554, 26677, 64, 326, 12735, 482, 323, 720, 40276, 1766, 459, 2362, 3048, 315, 279, 4113, 2363, 13, 8595, 30, 9393, 1148, 499, 8343, 323, 1541, 956, 8343, 374, 1633, 3062, 369, 6992, 4059, 2355, 438, 2547, 23783, 11, 384, 1326, 13, 33862, 13, 320, 44587, 31156, 3249, 10811, 5043, 291, 220, 1272, 2919, 10380, 2355, 5001, 56236, 279, 21594, 73074, 432, 3695, 315, 220, 1050, 63231, 367, 11, 902, 51077, 279, 220, 22, 27545, 4907, 19169, 3235, 279, 35776, 2663, 921, 587, 13075, 11, 2355, 28936, 279, 55472, 2733, 29057, 79955, 1534, 323, 73484, 660, 13, 2355, 9023, 13, 37053, 1176, 4756, 279, 4686, 4113, 1495, 315, 330, 38120, 73074, 432, 3695, 315, 1050, 63231, 367, 1, 304, 220, 921, 295, 6187, 596, 330, 14884, 323, 31886, 1, 2355, 72468, 13, 2355, 720, 3, 23, 13, 410, 1772, 35778, 2355, 85710, 304, 330, 19, 6603, 311, 4232, 369, 400, 845, 13, 410, 1, 320, 82705, 98647, 15392, 11, 220, 2983, 6959, 11, 220, 17590, 26068, 1680, 2355, 44549, 2355, 69351, 13398, 48198, 50, 2355, 11631, 682, 315, 279, 3485, 220, 23, 6603, 555, 31552, 37053, 369, 400, 1682, 2355, 33006, 7065, 7388, 2999, 13, 31552, 328, 13, 37053, 256, 320, 21982, 8, 220, 23802, 482, 3965, 15, 262, 8604, 962, 10910, 395, 916, 17712, 220, 5313, 33006, 720, 28892, 25, 2057, 636, 279, 1455, 505, 2999, 13, 37053, 6, 9908, 323, 6603, 433, 374, 1888, 311, 1373, 1124, 927, 323, 927, 482, 2533, 814, 6782, 264, 12205, 315, 15525, 323, 2653, 482, 998, 76884, 720, 26125, 13, 7357, 11914, 706, 26431, 11, 433, 374, 7718, 311, 21552, 323, 2579, 15505, 279, 2262, 13, 2355, 3112, 1455, 3062, 315, 682, 482, 499, 690, 539, 3619, 279, 12939, 315, 279, 1495, 3156, 499, 617, 2231, 279, 6848, 1139, 6725, 11, 3156, 499, 617, 12793, 279, 19476, 369, 2355, 22479, 726, 11, 3156, 499, 617, 24884, 279, 8206, 315, 1124, 555, 701, 1866, 6299, 13, 2355, 33006, 74471, 45613, 2355, 720, 9023, 13, 31552, 328, 13, 37053, 2355, 15134, 24, 356, 2596, 10951, 21998, 13, 2355, 27368, 83287, 11, 452, 7659, 13, 220, 7261, 1758, 2355, 25342, 720, 68491, 25, 320, 21982, 8, 220, 23802, 482, 3965, 15, 720, 36, 11724, 25, 11107, 65, 395, 31, 3696, 65, 395, 916, 2355, 7, 17160, 25, 358, 1541, 956, 617, 892, 311, 4320, 384, 482, 3796, 4860, 11, 719, 499, 527, 10788, 311, 3708, 6170, 35272, 24370, 856, 14633, 369, 757, 6266, 2355, 720, 96594, 3616, 22545, 25, 2355, 720, 2746, 499, 617, 2890, 5435, 323, 1390, 9650, 389, 279, 23669, 2815, 259, 369, 26731, 21730, 482, 35988, 279, 8776, 5933, 53056, 6677, 315, 2355, 9533, 21730, 11, 11093, 449, 279, 5652, 6677, 304, 43226, 8198, 482, 499, 527, 10788, 311, 1650, 2999, 13, 37053, 369, 264, 29173, 13, 2999, 13, 37053, 374, 539, 2355, 51897, 311, 30249, 482, 46482, 41943, 11, 20426, 1455, 5933, 53056, 16410, 11, 1524, 3582, 568, 706, 220, 1272, 1667, 3217, 449, 46482, 2191, 13, 2355, 7368, 369, 75537, 220, 605, 1097, 482, 220, 24, 9012, 73095, 11, 2999, 13, 37053, 690, 4320, 15716, 2561, 13, 2360, 6900, 369, 2926, 29173, 4641, 1650, 482, 422, 912, 720, 6518, 1109, 220, 605, 220, 4520, 13, 2355, 9023, 13, 37053, 40912, 430, 499, 1456, 311, 3619, 279, 32874, 315, 5623, 482, 10816, 43226, 21730, 5528, 11, 3060, 505, 5403, 813, 6603, 477, 505, 2355, 1820, 2038, 304, 420, 3997, 11, 1603, 8260, 1461, 13, 2355, 6720, 3217, 449, 61987, 2461, 11, 54560, 11, 23661, 463, 34419, 11, 41943, 13, 2355, 720, 96594, 3616, 3579, 45613, 2355, 60855, 367, 649, 3152, 2204, 2574, 482, 384, 1326, 13, 311, 2355, 6806, 256, 8641, 323, 7395, 499, 7119, 2890, 482, 1555, 459, 3927, 1534, 12459, 323, 5496, 3197, 13, 2355, 6806, 256, 7417, 701, 1510, 10173, 323, 5496, 1555, 2678, 4228, 482, 998, 95319, 4442, 430, 690, 617, 2294, 6928, 5536, 389, 499, 2890, 323, 10723, 2355, 9336, 33851, 13, 2355, 6806, 256, 1520, 499, 1555, 701, 1176, 61987, 2461, 11, 477, 8530, 264, 5107, 61987, 2461, 482, 10695, 499, 311, 3619, 13803, 430, 5101, 13, 2355, 720, 791, 1176, 4641, 29173, 374, 400, 1049, 320, 998, 387, 281, 12576, 555, 1817, 477, 3300, 2015, 705, 323, 499, 649, 1005, 439, 1790, 892, 439, 499, 1205, 320, 2000, 22581, 701, 2355, 12393, 3575, 570, 1115, 1101, 5764, 264, 5743, 315, 1833, 482, 455, 6880, 2391, 279, 1176, 220, 17, 5672, 13, 578, 7580, 374, 636, 499, 3940, 389, 264, 1695, 2068, 311, 2355, 3455, 701, 3044, 11, 459, 294, 4639, 499, 311, 7417, 701, 2890, 304, 279, 26731, 1648, 3284, 13, 358, 690, 1101, 8232, 499, 9908, 11, 323, 1023, 2038, 311, 2355, 318, 35563, 701, 8830, 315, 1148, 311, 656, 13, 24119, 1650, 1176, 311, 1505, 704, 994, 358, 617, 892, 369, 701, 1176, 29173, 13, 482, 7181, 25, 358, 656, 415, 539, 220, 1005, 384, 482, 3796, 13, 720, 31082, 11, 422, 499, 1205, 810, 1520, 14, 49512, 367, 11, 358, 690, 3041, 11470, 389, 1268, 311, 10570, 11, 323, 1148, 279, 2853, 374, 13, 2355, 2520, 3187, 422, 499, 527, 2133, 389, 264, 23661, 2068, 477, 54560, 2068, 11, 499, 1253, 2343, 400, 1049, 824, 1403, 5672, 11, 323, 499, 649, 1650, 757, 439, 12097, 523, 439, 499, 2355, 4908, 369, 4860, 13, 12220, 279, 2068, 430, 358, 690, 32399, 2955, 369, 499, 11, 499, 690, 11383, 636, 264, 24981, 4365, 315, 1422, 18728, 306, 13803, 482, 720, 8370, 690, 13592, 505, 1732, 311, 1732, 13, 2355, 2460, 6978, 690, 636, 5403, 3769, 323, 5439, 11470, 13, 220, 320, 63818, 482, 5936, 220, 1049, 18, 8, 2355, 33006, 10086, 10507, 315, 47762, 532, 12197, 311, 264, 18955, 10320, 43312, 10896, 1618, 25, 1795, 1129, 35637, 7881, 90365, 916, 12986, 58435, 2628, 2355, 62434, 449, 2999, 13, 37053, 25, 2355, 48, 25, 220, 3053, 499, 1520, 757, 449, 296, 379, 14363, 6896, 30], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": "ant) and a manner that verges on edginess. These days he spends a lot\nof time at his computer, as rapt as a conspiracy theorist, cruising Medline for new data on infectiousdiseases and, one imagines, almost cackling to himself when he finds something really good.Cochran's background in a field dominated by grand theories and universal laws may serve as avaluable counterpoint to the empirical and theory-hostile universe of the health sciences.\nEwald and Cochran encountered each other serendipitously, after Cochran decided to pursue a\ncertain line of thinking about a very sensitive subject. \"I was reading an article in Scientific American\nin 1992 about pathogens manipulating a host to get what they want,\" Cochran recalls. \"It described aflowering plant infected by a fungus, and the fungus hijacks the plant's reproductive machinery so\nGregory Cochran\nthat instead of pollen it produces fungal spores. I thought, Could it be? \" Cochran strayed from his\nfield to try his hand at writing an article on biology -- elaborating an audacious theory that humanhomosexuality might result from a \"manipulation\" of a host by a germ with its own agenda. He senthis draft to a prestigious biology journal, which sent it out to three scientists for peer review. Twowere unconvinced, even appalled; the third was Paul Ewald, who thought the article was flawedbut who was nonetheless impressed by the logic of the idea. The article was rejected, but Ewald andCochran began their association.\nTo illustrate his thinking about infectiousness and disease, Cochran not long ago gave me a tour of\nhis conceptual bins, into which he sorts afflictions according to their fitness impact. Remember thatfitness can be defined as the evolutionary success of one organism relative to competing organisms.Only one thing counts: getting one's genes into the future. Any disease that kills host organismsbefore they can reproduce reduces fitness to zero. Obviously, fitness takes a major hit whenever thereproductive system itself is involved, as in the case of venereal chlamydia.\nConsider a disease with a fitness cost of one percent -- that is, a disease that takes a toll on survival\nor reproduction such that people who have it end up with one percent fewer offspring, on average,than the general population. That small amount adds up. If you have an inherited disease with aone percent fitness cost, in the next generation there will be 99 percent of the original number in thegene pool. Eventually the number of people with the disease will dwindle to close to zero -- or,more precisely, to the rate produced by random genetic mutations: about one in 50,000 to one in100,000. \nWe were considering the bin containing diseases that are profoundly antagonistic to fitness, with a\nfitness cost of somewhere between one and 10 percent by Cochran's calculations. My eye took in acatalogue of human ills -- some familiar, some exotic, some historically fearsome but close to extinct,some lethal in the tropics but of little concern to inhabitants of the temperate zones. This list alsoshowed prevailing medical opinion about cause. Each name of a disease was trailed by a lower-caseletter: i(for infectious), g(genetic), g+(genetic defense against an infectious disease), e(caused by an\nenvironmental agent), or u(unknown). I read, \"Atherosclerosis ( u),... chlamydia (venereal) ( i),\ncholera ( i), diphtheria ( i), endometriosis ( u), filariasis ( i), G6PD deficiency ( g+),... hemoglobin E\ndisease ( g+), hepatitis B ( i), hepatitis C ( i), hookworm disease ( i), kuru ( i),... malaria (vivax) ( i),...\npertussis ( i), pneumococcal pneumonia ( i), polycystic ovary disease ( u), scarlet fever ( i),...\ntuberculosis ( i), typhoid ( i), yellow fever ( i).\"\nOf the top forty fitness-antagonistic diseases on the list, thirty-three are known to be directly\ninfectious and three are indirectly caused by infection; Cochran believes that the others will turn outto be infectious too. The most fitness-antagonistic diseases must be infectious, not genetic, Ewaldand Cochran reason, because otherwise their frequency would have sunk to the level of randommutations. The exceptions would be either diseases that could be the effect of some newenvironmental factor (radiation or smoking, for example), or genetic diseases that balance theirfitness cost with a benefit. Sickle-cell anemia is one example of the latter.\nThough sickle-cell anemia is strictly heritable according to Mendelian laws, it is widely believed to\nhave persisted in the population in response to infectious selective pressures. It heads the list ofgenetic diseases that Ewald dubs \"self-destructive defenses,\" in which a disease fatal in itshomozygous form (two copies of the gene) carries an evolutionary advantage to heterozygouscarriers (with one copy), protecting against a terrible infection: in this case falciparum malaria,common in Africa. Similarly, cystic fibrosis, some argue, evolved in northern Europe as a defenseagainst Salmonella typhi, the cause of typhoid fever. Infection thus explains why these deadly genetic\ndiseases have remained in the human gene pool when they should have died out. \nBut what about something like atherosclerosis? I asked. Leaving aside the evidence concerning C.\npneumoniae, it is not apparent why a genetic cause for atherosclerosis should be dismissed out of\nhand on evolutionary grounds. If it hits people in midlife or later, after they have launched theirgenes, how could it possibly affect fitness? \nCochran's response illustrates some of the intricacies of evolutionary thinking. \"Well, obviously, it's\nnot as bad as a disease that kills you before puberty, but I think it does have a fitness cost. First ofall, it's really common. Second, people think that all you have to do to pass your genes along is have\nchildren, but that's not true. You still need to raise the offspring to adulthood. In a hunter-gathereror subsistence-farming culture, the fitness impact of dying in midlife might be considerable,especially during bad times, like famines. You've got to feed your family. Also, cardiovasculardisease is a leading cause of impotence, and any disease that makes males impotent at age forty-fivehas got to affect reproduction somewhat.\" \nBut fifty-year-olds? Sixty-year-olds? Grandmothers do a large proportion of the food-gathering in some tribal cultures, according to\nrecent anthropological reports. \"They aren't hampered by babies anymore, and they don't have to goaround chucking spears like the men,\" says George C. Williams, a professor emeritus of ecology andevolution at the State University of New York at Stonybrook, and one of the pillars of modernevolutionary biology. \"They contribute substantially to the family diet.\" If long-lived eldershistorically have made a difference by fostering the survival of their descendants, and thereforetheir genes, Cochran figures, then a disease that kills sixty-year-olds could have a fitness impact ofaround one percent.\nThe Cause-and-Effect Conundrum\nKNOW what that is?\" Ewald asked. We were standing in the main corridor of the Life SciencesBuilding, gazing up at a decorative metalwork frieze that runs along the walls just abovedoor height. A pair of hummingbirds chase each other in a circle. A human eye and an\noctopus eye face off. A human hand is juxtaposed with a chimpanzee hand. Ewald pointed tosomething that looked like a daddy longlegs with a video camera for a head. \"Some kind of insect?\"I ventured. \"It's a virus,\" he said. \"See, it's like a spaceship. That\" -- he pointed at the head -- \"is itsDNA. It injects it inside the cell.\"\nThere is something unsettling and fascinating about a virus, an organism that is neither strictly alive\nnor strictly inanimate, and that replicates by sneaking inside a host cell and commandeering itsmachinery. \"Viruses are essentially bits of nucleic acid -- either DNA or RNA -- wrapped in a proteincapsule,\" Ewald explained. \"A retrovirus, like HIV, is an RNA virus with a protein called reversetranscriptase built into it, and once it gets into a cell, it uses the reverse transcriptase to make a DNAcopy of its RNA. This viral DNA copy can insert itself into our DNA, where it can be read by ourprotein-making machinery the same way our own instructions are read.\" \nThe modus operandi of the world's most feared virus, HIV, is clever, killing its hosts very, very\nslowly. A sexually transmitted pathogen, without the luxury of being spread through sneezes orcoughs, must await its few opportunities patiently; if those infected have no symptoms and don'tknow they are sick, so much the better. A mild, chronic form of AIDS had in all likelihood beenaround for centuries in Africa, according to Ewald. Suddenly in the 1970s -- owing to changingpatterns of sexual activity and to population movements -- deadly strains spread in the populationof Central and East Africa.\nHIV has an extremely high mutation rate, which means that it is continually evolving, even within a\nsingle patient, producing competing strains that fight for survival against the weapons produced bythe immune system. If selective pressures -- in this case a high potential sexual transmission -- have\nforced the virus to evolve toward virulence, the", "token_ids": [519, 8, 323, 264, 11827, 430, 38901, 288, 389, 1608, 70, 1918, 13, 4314, 2919, 568, 38202, 264, 2763, 198, 1073, 892, 520, 813, 6500, 11, 439, 436, 2756, 439, 264, 26359, 46820, 380, 11, 73327, 3344, 1074, 369, 502, 828, 389, 50600, 67, 1082, 2315, 323, 11, 832, 6669, 1572, 11, 4661, 272, 474, 2785, 311, 5678, 994, 568, 14035, 2555, 2216, 1695, 732, 5059, 6713, 596, 4092, 304, 264, 2115, 30801, 555, 6800, 26018, 323, 20789, 7016, 1253, 8854, 439, 41635, 13429, 5663, 2837, 311, 279, 46763, 323, 10334, 39689, 458, 15861, 315, 279, 2890, 36788, 627, 36, 54006, 323, 95495, 6713, 23926, 1855, 1023, 1446, 408, 575, 275, 7162, 11, 1306, 95495, 6713, 6773, 311, 23564, 264, 198, 66, 7770, 1584, 315, 7422, 922, 264, 1633, 16614, 3917, 13, 330, 40, 574, 5403, 459, 4652, 304, 38130, 3778, 198, 258, 220, 2550, 17, 922, 78284, 63614, 264, 3552, 311, 636, 1148, 814, 1390, 1359, 95495, 6713, 41231, 13, 330, 2181, 7633, 264, 39853, 287, 6136, 29374, 555, 264, 79902, 11, 323, 279, 79902, 22130, 7977, 279, 6136, 596, 42889, 26953, 779, 198, 44612, 683, 95495, 6713, 198, 9210, 4619, 315, 79784, 433, 19159, 95447, 993, 4692, 13, 358, 3463, 11, 16910, 433, 387, 30, 330, 95495, 6713, 610, 43995, 505, 813, 198, 2630, 311, 1456, 813, 1450, 520, 4477, 459, 4652, 389, 34458, 1198, 25985, 1113, 459, 6264, 19995, 10334, 430, 3823, 35940, 20377, 10965, 2643, 1121, 505, 264, 330, 1543, 575, 2987, 1, 315, 264, 3552, 555, 264, 82986, 449, 1202, 1866, 18909, 13, 1283, 3288, 26301, 10165, 311, 264, 41385, 34458, 8486, 11, 902, 3288, 433, 704, 311, 2380, 14248, 369, 14734, 3477, 13, 12015, 363, 486, 26118, 9799, 2041, 11, 1524, 917, 4841, 26, 279, 4948, 574, 7043, 469, 54006, 11, 889, 3463, 279, 4652, 574, 48008, 8248, 889, 574, 38913, 25408, 555, 279, 12496, 315, 279, 4623, 13, 578, 4652, 574, 18010, 11, 719, 469, 54006, 323, 34, 5059, 6713, 6137, 872, 15360, 627, 1271, 41468, 813, 7422, 922, 50600, 2136, 323, 8624, 11, 95495, 6713, 539, 1317, 4227, 6688, 757, 264, 7364, 315, 198, 26301, 44901, 29618, 11, 1139, 902, 568, 21522, 95623, 919, 4184, 311, 872, 17479, 5536, 13, 20474, 430, 74621, 649, 387, 4613, 439, 279, 41993, 2450, 315, 832, 47120, 8844, 311, 27260, 44304, 13, 7456, 832, 3245, 14921, 25, 3794, 832, 596, 21389, 1139, 279, 3938, 13, 5884, 8624, 430, 29910, 3552, 44304, 15145, 814, 649, 23645, 26338, 17479, 311, 7315, 13, 36530, 11, 17479, 5097, 264, 3682, 4295, 15716, 1070, 34370, 1887, 5196, 374, 6532, 11, 439, 304, 279, 1162, 315, 11457, 44353, 523, 24705, 88, 32106, 627, 38275, 264, 8624, 449, 264, 17479, 2853, 315, 832, 3346, 1198, 430, 374, 11, 264, 8624, 430, 5097, 264, 26936, 389, 20237, 198, 269, 39656, 1778, 430, 1274, 889, 617, 433, 842, 709, 449, 832, 3346, 17162, 46471, 11, 389, 5578, 11, 54895, 279, 4689, 7187, 13, 3011, 2678, 3392, 11621, 709, 13, 1442, 499, 617, 459, 28088, 8624, 449, 264, 606, 3346, 17479, 2853, 11, 304, 279, 1828, 9659, 1070, 690, 387, 220, 1484, 3346, 315, 279, 4113, 1396, 304, 279, 43471, 7463, 13, 38274, 279, 1396, 315, 1274, 449, 279, 8624, 690, 14156, 58863, 311, 3345, 311, 7315, 1198, 477, 11, 6518, 24559, 11, 311, 279, 4478, 9124, 555, 4288, 19465, 34684, 25, 922, 832, 304, 220, 1135, 11, 931, 311, 832, 304, 1041, 11, 931, 13, 720, 1687, 1051, 13126, 279, 9736, 8649, 19338, 430, 527, 66278, 43215, 4633, 311, 17479, 11, 449, 264, 198, 74621, 2853, 315, 15038, 1990, 832, 323, 220, 605, 3346, 555, 95495, 6713, 596, 29217, 13, 3092, 8071, 3952, 304, 1645, 7906, 361, 315, 3823, 220, 3385, 1198, 1063, 11537, 11, 1063, 39418, 11, 1063, 35901, 24087, 638, 719, 3345, 311, 69918, 10900, 638, 45089, 304, 279, 21965, 1233, 719, 315, 2697, 4747, 311, 40771, 315, 279, 6940, 349, 26467, 13, 1115, 1160, 10942, 437, 5269, 291, 61129, 6593, 9647, 922, 5353, 13, 9062, 836, 315, 264, 8624, 574, 97171, 555, 264, 4827, 39585, 9638, 25, 602, 19793, 50600, 705, 342, 37984, 5411, 705, 342, 13666, 4469, 5411, 9232, 2403, 459, 50600, 8624, 705, 384, 83606, 2656, 555, 459, 198, 24175, 278, 8479, 705, 477, 577, 7, 16476, 570, 358, 1373, 11, 330, 32, 91882, 91711, 320, 577, 705, 2564, 523, 24705, 88, 32106, 320, 1055, 44353, 8, 320, 602, 1350, 331, 337, 2473, 320, 602, 705, 294, 15619, 700, 689, 320, 602, 705, 842, 4512, 462, 10934, 320, 577, 705, 1488, 2850, 10949, 320, 602, 705, 480, 21, 23891, 48294, 320, 342, 10, 705, 2564, 17728, 94855, 469, 198, 67, 56407, 320, 342, 10, 705, 73975, 426, 320, 602, 705, 73975, 356, 320, 602, 705, 9903, 56741, 8624, 320, 602, 705, 123528, 320, 602, 705, 2564, 69263, 320, 85, 344, 710, 8, 320, 602, 705, 12515, 77468, 1892, 285, 320, 602, 705, 57223, 511, 511, 5531, 69329, 320, 602, 705, 1499, 3418, 599, 292, 25568, 661, 8624, 320, 577, 705, 23087, 1169, 34653, 320, 602, 705, 12515, 83, 392, 74554, 320, 602, 705, 13892, 764, 590, 320, 602, 705, 14071, 34653, 320, 602, 570, 702, 2173, 279, 1948, 36498, 17479, 12, 519, 6241, 4633, 19338, 389, 279, 1160, 11, 27219, 49493, 527, 3967, 311, 387, 6089, 198, 258, 3836, 1245, 323, 2380, 527, 46345, 9057, 555, 19405, 26, 95495, 6713, 13919, 430, 279, 3885, 690, 2543, 704, 998, 387, 50600, 2288, 13, 578, 1455, 17479, 12, 519, 6241, 4633, 19338, 2011, 387, 50600, 11, 539, 19465, 11, 469, 54006, 438, 95495, 6713, 2944, 11, 1606, 6062, 872, 11900, 1053, 617, 68265, 311, 279, 2237, 315, 4288, 52855, 13, 578, 20157, 1053, 387, 3060, 19338, 430, 1436, 387, 279, 2515, 315, 1063, 502, 24175, 278, 8331, 320, 70312, 367, 477, 20149, 11, 369, 3187, 705, 477, 19465, 19338, 430, 8335, 872, 74621, 2853, 449, 264, 8935, 13, 328, 26688, 33001, 459, 22689, 374, 832, 3187, 315, 279, 15629, 627, 27831, 14363, 273, 33001, 459, 22689, 374, 26549, 1077, 15729, 4184, 311, 46211, 70664, 7016, 11, 433, 374, 13882, 11846, 311, 198, 19553, 54095, 304, 279, 7187, 304, 2077, 311, 50600, 44010, 40850, 13, 1102, 14971, 279, 1160, 315, 4469, 5411, 19338, 430, 469, 54006, 294, 16115, 330, 726, 97322, 535, 46616, 1359, 304, 902, 264, 8624, 19094, 304, 433, 939, 16279, 4341, 70, 788, 1376, 320, 20375, 11236, 315, 279, 15207, 8, 24266, 459, 41993, 9610, 311, 30548, 76523, 70, 788, 7063, 17740, 320, 4291, 832, 3048, 705, 22973, 2403, 264, 17936, 19405, 25, 304, 420, 1162, 282, 17356, 121481, 372, 69263, 11, 5581, 304, 10384, 13, 35339, 11, 63581, 292, 16178, 63412, 11, 1063, 18046, 11, 28995, 304, 18671, 4606, 439, 264, 9232, 69849, 62826, 6985, 13892, 17247, 11, 279, 5353, 315, 13892, 764, 590, 34653, 13, 763, 13421, 8617, 15100, 3249, 1521, 25114, 19465, 198, 67, 1082, 2315, 617, 14958, 304, 279, 3823, 15207, 7463, 994, 814, 1288, 617, 8636, 704, 13, 720, 4071, 1148, 922, 2555, 1093, 264, 91882, 91711, 30, 358, 4691, 13, 74062, 16038, 279, 6029, 18815, 356, 627, 79, 126261, 21947, 68, 11, 433, 374, 539, 10186, 3249, 264, 19465, 5353, 369, 264, 91882, 91711, 1288, 387, 27292, 704, 315, 198, 10888, 389, 41993, 21319, 13, 1442, 433, 13280, 1274, 304, 5209, 14789, 477, 3010, 11, 1306, 814, 617, 11887, 872, 59275, 11, 1268, 1436, 433, 11000, 7958, 17479, 30, 720, 34, 5059, 6713, 596, 2077, 46480, 1063, 315, 279, 94603, 27121, 315, 41993, 7422, 13, 330, 11649, 11, 14224, 11, 433, 596, 198, 1962, 439, 3958, 439, 264, 8624, 430, 29910, 499, 1603, 87398, 11, 719, 358, 1781, 433, 1587, 617, 264, 17479, 2853, 13, 5629, 315, 543, 11, 433, 596, 2216, 4279, 13, 10657, 11, 1274, 1781, 430, 682, 499, 617, 311, 656, 311, 1522, 701, 21389, 3235, 374, 617, 198, 5988, 11, 719, 430, 596, 539, 837, 13, 1472, 2103, 1205, 311, 4933, 279, 46471, 311, 64033, 13, 763, 264, 40827, 2427, 1894, 261, 269, 5258, 81624, 2269, 34002, 7829, 11, 279, 17479, 5536, 315, 23069, 304, 5209, 14789, 2643, 387, 24779, 11, 36046, 2391, 3958, 3115, 11, 1093, 2138, 1572, 13, 1472, 3077, 2751, 311, 5510, 701, 3070, 13, 7429, 11, 32844, 4378, 3395, 569, 56407, 374, 264, 6522, 5353, 315, 3242, 98660, 11, 323, 904, 8624, 430, 3727, 25000, 3242, 64632, 520, 4325, 36498, 36399, 4752, 2751, 311, 7958, 39656, 14738, 1210, 720, 4071, 33517, 4771, 65248, 30, 19198, 1919, 4771, 65248, 30, 10517, 6489, 3058, 656, 264, 3544, 21801, 315, 279, 3691, 2427, 83895, 304, 1063, 40489, 27833, 11, 4184, 311, 198, 47743, 41416, 5848, 6821, 13, 330, 7009, 7784, 956, 13824, 43868, 555, 24869, 14926, 11, 323, 814, 1541, 956, 617, 311, 733, 20019, 43560, 287, 2395, 1590, 1093, 279, 3026, 1359, 2795, 10058, 356, 13, 13926, 11, 264, 14561, 991, 261, 36891, 315, 72546, 323, 5230, 3294, 520, 279, 3314, 3907, 315, 1561, 4356, 520, 36219, 88, 43366, 11, 323, 832, 315, 279, 64982, 315, 77580, 65272, 661, 34458, 13, 330, 7009, 17210, 32302, 311, 279, 3070, 10173, 1210, 1442, 1317, 62954, 61776, 44541, 2740, 617, 1903, 264, 6811, 555, 86644, 279, 20237, 315, 872, 49446, 11, 323, 9093, 50828, 21389, 11, 95495, 6713, 12678, 11, 1243, 264, 8624, 430, 29910, 53474, 4771, 65248, 1436, 617, 264, 17479, 5536, 315, 20019, 832, 3346, 627, 791, 45446, 9976, 12, 7894, 1221, 1263, 10952, 198, 17596, 3387, 1148, 430, 374, 7673, 469, 54006, 4691, 13, 1226, 1051, 11509, 304, 279, 1925, 46979, 315, 279, 9601, 23199, 31233, 11, 342, 6795, 709, 520, 264, 46536, 9501, 1816, 2698, 68, 3059, 430, 8640, 3235, 279, 14620, 1120, 671, 5047, 10922, 2673, 13, 362, 6857, 315, 87427, 67461, 33586, 1855, 1023, 304, 264, 12960, 13, 362, 3823, 8071, 323, 459, 198, 42792, 46970, 8071, 3663, 1022, 13, 362, 3823, 1450, 374, 98953, 20158, 449, 264, 99425, 99066, 1450, 13, 469, 54006, 14618, 311, 34431, 430, 7111, 1093, 264, 57642, 1317, 73336, 449, 264, 2835, 6382, 369, 264, 2010, 13, 330, 8538, 3169, 315, 27080, 7673, 40, 99507, 13, 330, 2181, 596, 264, 17188, 1359, 568, 1071, 13, 330, 10031, 11, 433, 596, 1093, 264, 85942, 13, 3011, 1, 1198, 568, 14618, 520, 279, 2010, 1198, 330, 285, 1202, 56420, 13, 1102, 15921, 82, 433, 4871, 279, 2849, 10246, 3947, 374, 2555, 92080, 323, 27387, 922, 264, 17188, 11, 459, 47120, 430, 374, 14188, 26549, 13989, 198, 45807, 26549, 304, 22805, 11, 323, 430, 29641, 988, 555, 21423, 1802, 4871, 264, 3552, 2849, 323, 68851, 4776, 1202, 55377, 16725, 13, 330, 50135, 4881, 527, 16168, 9660, 315, 31484, 292, 13935, 1198, 3060, 15922, 477, 41214, 1198, 20037, 304, 264, 5541, 2910, 2690, 1130, 1359, 469, 54006, 11497, 13, 330, 32, 17189, 85, 17402, 11, 1093, 23495, 1174, 374, 459, 41214, 17188, 449, 264, 13128, 2663, 17888, 17820, 598, 1250, 521, 5918, 1139, 433, 11, 323, 3131, 433, 5334, 1139, 264, 2849, 11, 433, 5829, 279, 10134, 36815, 521, 311, 1304, 264, 15922, 8728, 315, 1202, 41214, 13, 1115, 29962, 15922, 3048, 649, 5774, 5196, 1139, 1057, 15922, 11, 1405, 433, 649, 387, 1373, 555, 1057, 79565, 28846, 26953, 279, 1890, 1648, 1057, 1866, 11470, 527, 1373, 1210, 720, 791, 1491, 355, 28312, 72, 315, 279, 1917, 596, 1455, 38569, 17188, 11, 23495, 1174, 374, 28799, 11, 13419, 1202, 18939, 1633, 11, 1633, 198, 36311, 398, 13, 362, 27681, 34699, 1853, 11968, 11, 2085, 279, 19913, 315, 1694, 9041, 1555, 21423, 10333, 288, 76791, 1409, 82, 11, 2011, 2597, 1202, 2478, 10708, 79261, 26, 422, 1884, 29374, 617, 912, 13803, 323, 1541, 956, 33134, 814, 527, 14363, 11, 779, 1790, 279, 2731, 13, 362, 23900, 11, 21249, 1376, 315, 46060, 1047, 304, 682, 29736, 1027, 20019, 369, 24552, 304, 10384, 11, 4184, 311, 469, 54006, 13, 58801, 304, 279, 220, 4468, 15, 82, 1198, 56612, 311, 10223, 27061, 315, 7392, 5820, 323, 311, 7187, 19567, 1198, 25114, 42400, 9041, 304, 279, 7187, 1073, 10913, 323, 6460, 10384, 627, 39, 3166, 706, 459, 9193, 1579, 27472, 4478, 11, 902, 3445, 430, 433, 374, 35611, 42028, 11, 1524, 2949, 264, 198, 15698, 8893, 11, 17843, 27260, 42400, 430, 4465, 369, 20237, 2403, 279, 10094, 9124, 555, 1820, 22852, 1887, 13, 1442, 44010, 40850, 1198, 304, 420, 1162, 264, 1579, 4754, 7392, 18874, 1198, 617, 198, 25229, 279, 17188, 311, 38680, 9017, 9043, 59566, 11, 279], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " muscle to contract more powerfully \nand loosen such deposits, which are occasionally vi sible as hard, black material and \"ropes\" of \nmucus. Gradually, as the protein metabolism of the body improves, the muscle tone of the bowel \nbecomes normal and thorough evacuation is possible without the aid of the enema. \nEssentially, the coffee enemas help the liver perfo rm a task for which it was not designed \u2014 that \nof elimination in 1 or 2 years the accumulated wast es from many years of living in ignorance of \nthe laws of nature. \nAt first, most people dislike enemas and have psych ological barriers against them. Ignorance of \nthe purpose and function of the enema, as well as m isunderstanding of the proper procedure for \ntaking it bring about this aversion. I have observe d, however, that the persons most opposed to \nenemas soon reverse their prejudices and become the most avid supporters of them! In many \ncases, the enema relieves distress and gives a sens e of well being and cleanliness never before \nexperienced. The proper removal of toxins and debri s from the colon is absolutely essential in all \nconditions of disease and ill health. \nIt is most desirable to take the coffee enema early in the morning and it may be repeated again in \nearly afternoon and/or evening, depending upon the toxic condition of the body. Enemas using \ncoffee in the afternoon or evening may interfere wi th sound sleep. If enemas are needed at these \ntimes, many patients prefer to use only warm pure w ater omitting the coffee. But it is better to take coffee at these times also, and a weaker solut ion to permit sleep would be better than not \nusing coffee at all. \nHow To Make A Coffee Enema \n1. Just before bedtime each day, make a pot of coffee (1 quart). Unplug coffeepot and allow \nto cool to room temperature. \n2. It is best to arise early enough each morning to al low time to take the enema in a relaxed, \nunhurried state. \n3. The coffee must be regular, non-instant, non-decaff einated coffee. It must be prepared in \nenamelware, Corning Ware\u2122, glass or stainless steel, or by the tricolator filter method. \nAluminum or Teflon should not be used at any time! We have found the coffee that is \nunboiled or prepared via the \"drip method\" is prefe rable. Use 3 to 4 tablespoons of \nground coffee to 1 quart of Filtered Reverse Osmosi s (RO) or distilled water. Any water \nthat enters into the body should be RO filtered or distilled water. \nAvoidance of city water supplies (always chlorinate d, which has been strongly linked to \nhardening of the arteries, and often fluoridated, w hich has been strongly linked to cancer \nand thyroid disease) is most essential to removing stress from the kidneys. Pure RO \nfiltered water or distilled water should be used fo r cooking and drinking \u2014 and even for \npreparing enemas, since a significant portion of th e enema water may be absorbed and \nfiltered through the kidneys. Even if one has a wel l, it should not be assumed safe. Often \ntoxic amounts of copper, cadmium, and lead are pick ed up from the plumbing even if the \nwell is pure. It is best to purchase a small distil ling unit and distill from one\u2019s tap. If one \ndistills water from a city supply, one must remembe r that certain hydrocarbon \ncontaminants have a lower boiling point than that o f water. The distiller should have a \nvalve to permit their escape as they gasify. If not, they will concentrate in the distilled \nwater and will need to be removed by filtering thro ugh activated charcoal. \nOne may purchase a Reverse Osmosis Filter Unit from : \nSparkling Water Company \u2014 800-460-5728 or \nOzark Water Service \u2014 800-835-8908. \nAn acceptable Distilled Water System: \nH20 Only, Inc. \u2014 724-287-5555 \nNote: Filters breed deadly bacteria. If your water suppl y is dirty a filter will get dirty in \nless than 30 days \u2014 A filter should be changed ever y 30 days even if your water supply \nis clean. \n4. If a coffee enema makes a person jittery, shaky, ne rvous, nauseated, or light-headed, the \ncoffee solution is too strong. The amount of coffee can be adjusted from 1 teaspoon to 4 \ntablespoons per quart of water as tolerance level p ermits. \n5. The high, retention coffee enema should consist of 1 quart of coffee, held for 15 minutes. \nSome people, children especially, can take and reta in only a pint (2 cups) of enema solution at a time. If this is the case, one must t ake 2 enemas each time, one right after the \nother, and hold each for 15 minutes as directed. \n6. Upon rising each morning plug in the coffeepot for a few seconds to bring coffee to body \ntemperature; unplug and take the morning coffee ene ma. \nHow To Take A Coffee Enema \nA. Before the enema do some form of mild exercise if p ossible, such as walking briskly. If \none is extremely debilitated and weak, this step wi ll of course need to be omitted until \nstrength returns. \nB. Attempt a normal bowel movement. The enema is much more effective if the colon has \nbeen evacuated. One should not become disturbed, ho wever, if there are no regular bowel \nmovements, or very few, during Metabolic Medicine\u2019s Cancer Cure Program. In many \ncases, not enough bulk collects to instigate a norm al bowel movement. When no normal \nbowel movements are forthcoming, the enema cleans t he colon adequately. \nC. Bulk formers such as Metamucil\u2122 (or other brands of Psyllium Husks obtainable at drug \nor health food stores) taken as directed, or 2 tabl espoons of miller\u2019s bran with each meal \n(obtainable at the health food store) are quite hel pful in forming stools and thereby \ncreating more normal bowel movements for those who take daily enemas. \nD. After the normal bowel movement, if one is forthcom ing, or before taking the coffee \nretention enema, most people find that taking an en ema with 1 quart of warm RO filtered \nwater or distilled water is very helpful (do not re tain this enema). This procedure begins \nthe cleansing of the colon, removing large particle s of residue and most of the gas. When \nit is completed, the coffee retention enema may be taken. The warm water enema is \noptional and does not need to be taken if the coffe e enema can be retained for the desired \nperiod. \nE. Place 1 quart of coffee in your enema bag or bucket. You may use a Fleet enema bag, \nwhich is a disposable large volume plastic bag, an over-the-counter item from the local \npharmacy or hospital supply outlet. This enema bag lasts about 2 years. \nF. The enema tip on the end of the hose is not adequat e to give a \"high enema.\" Place a \ncolon tube (DAVOL) size 24 French or 26 French or 2 8 French on the opposite end of \nthe plastic tube from the enema bag. This colon tub e is a soft flexible rubber-like tube \naround 30 inches in length. It follows the curves a nd flexure of the colon. The colon tube \nis usually inserted about 12 to 20 inches into the rectum. (Editor\u2019s Note: It is difficult \ntoday to find a colon tube. However, a plastic rect al catheter or tube about 18 inches long \nmay be ordered from your pharmacy as an over-the-co unter item.) \nG. Next, allow the coffee to flow to the end of the co lon tube, thus eliminating any air in the \ntube. \nH. The colon tube should be lubricated with natural cr eamery butter, Vitamin E cream or \nother lubricant that doesn\u2019t contain additives or c hemicals. \nI. Insert the tube 12 to 20 inches into the rectum, if possible. This should be done slowly, in \na rotating motion that helps to keep the tube from \"kinking up\" inside the colon. \nJ. The enema bag should not be over 36 inches higher t han the rectum. If it is placed too \nhigh, the coffee runs into the colon too fast and u nder too much pressure, causing \ndiscomfort. K. There are several positions that can be used while inserting the colon tube. Squatting is \none. There is also the knee-chest method, with ches t and knees on the floor and buttocks \nin the highest position possible. Most people, howe ver, find it easiest to lie on the left \nside until the solution is out of the bag or bucket. The enema should never be taken while \nsitting on the toilet or standing. \nL. Some people\u2019s colons have kinks or turns in them th at may prevent the tube from being \ninserted even 18 inches. Often, if a little bit of the solution is allowed to flow into the \ncolon as the tube is being inserted, one", "token_ids": [16124, 311, 5226, 810, 2410, 3725, 720, 438, 83842, 1778, 34751, 11, 902, 527, 23781, 3355, 274, 1260, 439, 2653, 11, 3776, 3769, 323, 330, 897, 288, 1, 315, 720, 76, 38601, 13, 22547, 1870, 11, 439, 279, 13128, 39097, 315, 279, 2547, 36050, 11, 279, 16124, 16630, 315, 279, 66358, 720, 17106, 20969, 4725, 323, 17879, 60773, 374, 3284, 2085, 279, 12576, 315, 279, 665, 9355, 13, 720, 38538, 31668, 11, 279, 11033, 665, 35262, 1520, 279, 26587, 824, 831, 19535, 264, 3465, 369, 902, 433, 574, 539, 6319, 2001, 430, 720, 1073, 44032, 304, 220, 16, 477, 220, 17, 1667, 279, 41165, 41421, 1560, 505, 1690, 1667, 315, 5496, 304, 41660, 315, 720, 1820, 7016, 315, 7138, 13, 720, 1688, 1176, 11, 1455, 1274, 48969, 665, 35262, 323, 617, 8841, 297, 31356, 30740, 2403, 1124, 13, 34881, 269, 685, 315, 720, 1820, 7580, 323, 734, 315, 279, 665, 9355, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 296, 374, 8154, 10276, 315, 279, 6300, 10537, 369, 720, 89894, 433, 4546, 922, 420, 1860, 1349, 13, 358, 617, 23846, 294, 11, 4869, 11, 430, 279, 11434, 1455, 16475, 311, 720, 268, 35262, 5246, 10134, 872, 99876, 323, 3719, 279, 220, 1455, 56653, 15879, 315, 1124, 0, 763, 1690, 720, 24857, 11, 279, 665, 9355, 1375, 39235, 35104, 323, 6835, 264, 6225, 384, 315, 1664, 1694, 323, 96391, 2646, 1603, 720, 327, 45933, 13, 578, 6300, 17065, 315, 62186, 323, 4316, 462, 274, 505, 279, 15235, 374, 11112, 7718, 304, 682, 720, 16902, 315, 8624, 323, 5986, 2890, 13, 720, 2181, 374, 1455, 35946, 311, 1935, 279, 11033, 665, 9355, 4216, 220, 304, 279, 6693, 323, 433, 1253, 387, 11763, 1578, 304, 720, 22928, 13658, 323, 5255, 11714, 11, 11911, 5304, 279, 21503, 3044, 315, 279, 2547, 13, 2998, 35262, 1701, 720, 79217, 304, 279, 13658, 477, 11714, 1253, 40978, 24129, 270, 5222, 6212, 13, 1442, 665, 35262, 527, 4460, 520, 1521, 720, 15487, 11, 1690, 6978, 10932, 311, 1005, 1193, 8369, 10748, 289, 264, 466, 52144, 1303, 279, 11033, 13, 2030, 433, 374, 2731, 311, 1935, 11033, 520, 1521, 3115, 1101, 11, 323, 264, 43383, 2092, 332, 28772, 311, 11810, 6212, 1053, 387, 2731, 1109, 539, 720, 985, 11033, 520, 682, 13, 720, 4438, 2057, 7557, 362, 27171, 2998, 9355, 2355, 16, 13, 220, 4702, 1603, 89607, 1855, 1938, 11, 1304, 264, 3419, 315, 11033, 320, 16, 41376, 570, 1252, 48574, 10095, 68, 752, 354, 323, 2187, 720, 998, 7155, 311, 3130, 9499, 13, 2355, 17, 13, 220, 1102, 374, 1888, 311, 31889, 4216, 3403, 1855, 6693, 311, 453, 3428, 892, 311, 1935, 279, 665, 9355, 304, 264, 31467, 11, 720, 359, 104402, 4588, 1614, 13, 2355, 18, 13, 220, 578, 11033, 2011, 387, 5912, 11, 2536, 3502, 4811, 11, 2536, 6953, 24712, 4466, 660, 11033, 13, 1102, 2011, 387, 10235, 304, 720, 268, 36662, 1698, 11, 4563, 1251, 69834, 16500, 11, 9168, 477, 25468, 9699, 1174, 477, 555, 279, 490, 27561, 859, 4141, 1749, 13, 720, 2149, 19344, 477, 350, 830, 12490, 1288, 539, 387, 1511, 520, 904, 892, 0, 1226, 617, 1766, 279, 11033, 430, 374, 720, 359, 754, 2230, 477, 10235, 4669, 279, 330, 67, 4664, 1749, 1, 374, 864, 1897, 436, 481, 13, 5560, 220, 18, 311, 220, 19, 56588, 315, 720, 1993, 11033, 311, 220, 16, 41376, 315, 12619, 291, 25263, 507, 3647, 31824, 274, 320, 1308, 8, 477, 89867, 3090, 13, 5884, 3090, 720, 9210, 29933, 1139, 279, 2547, 1288, 387, 12076, 18797, 477, 89867, 3090, 13, 2355, 53216, 685, 315, 3363, 3090, 17135, 320, 33222, 37833, 3357, 294, 11, 902, 706, 1027, 16917, 10815, 311, 720, 19221, 6147, 315, 279, 85648, 11, 323, 3629, 54736, 307, 660, 11, 289, 305, 718, 706, 1027, 16917, 10815, 311, 9572, 720, 438, 54060, 8624, 8, 374, 1455, 7718, 311, 18054, 8631, 505, 279, 81960, 13, 30688, 12076, 720, 42231, 3090, 477, 89867, 3090, 1288, 387, 1511, 12018, 436, 17677, 323, 16558, 2001, 323, 1524, 369, 720, 1762, 45252, 665, 35262, 11, 2533, 264, 5199, 13651, 315, 270, 384, 665, 9355, 3090, 1253, 387, 42101, 323, 720, 42231, 1555, 279, 81960, 13, 7570, 422, 832, 706, 264, 12724, 326, 11, 433, 1288, 539, 387, 19655, 6220, 13, 36016, 720, 998, 14668, 15055, 315, 24166, 11, 19973, 51318, 11, 323, 3063, 527, 3820, 1608, 709, 505, 279, 44288, 1524, 422, 279, 720, 9336, 374, 10748, 13, 1102, 374, 1888, 311, 7782, 264, 2678, 1612, 321, 38172, 5089, 323, 1612, 484, 505, 832, 753, 15596, 13, 1442, 832, 720, 12489, 3385, 3090, 505, 264, 3363, 8312, 11, 832, 2011, 1323, 336, 1395, 436, 430, 3738, 17055, 74441, 720, 778, 8778, 1821, 617, 264, 4827, 50937, 1486, 1109, 430, 297, 282, 3090, 13, 578, 1612, 15610, 1288, 617, 264, 720, 838, 588, 311, 11810, 872, 12731, 439, 814, 6962, 1463, 13, 1442, 539, 1174, 814, 690, 37455, 304, 279, 89867, 720, 13284, 323, 690, 1205, 311, 387, 7108, 555, 30770, 60187, 577, 876, 22756, 61203, 13, 720, 4054, 1253, 7782, 264, 25263, 507, 3647, 10934, 12619, 8113, 505, 551, 720, 68583, 2785, 10164, 8351, 2001, 220, 4728, 12, 16551, 12, 22468, 23, 477, 720, 46, 89, 847, 10164, 5475, 2001, 220, 4728, 12, 23424, 12, 21381, 23, 13, 720, 2127, 22281, 28704, 4473, 10164, 744, 25, 720, 39, 508, 8442, 11, 4953, 13, 2001, 220, 24735, 12, 17897, 12, 14148, 20, 720, 9290, 25, 220, 46112, 28875, 25114, 24032, 13, 1442, 701, 3090, 82113, 379, 374, 19108, 264, 4141, 690, 636, 19108, 304, 720, 1752, 1109, 220, 966, 2919, 2001, 362, 4141, 1288, 387, 5614, 3596, 379, 220, 966, 2919, 1524, 422, 701, 3090, 8312, 720, 285, 4335, 13, 2355, 19, 13, 220, 1442, 264, 11033, 665, 9355, 3727, 264, 1732, 85492, 88, 11, 84513, 11, 841, 18030, 788, 11, 49394, 660, 11, 477, 3177, 62166, 11, 279, 720, 79217, 6425, 374, 2288, 3831, 13, 578, 3392, 315, 11033, 220, 649, 387, 24257, 505, 220, 16, 42384, 311, 220, 19, 720, 2048, 2203, 29639, 824, 41376, 315, 3090, 439, 25065, 2237, 281, 2781, 45803, 13, 2355, 20, 13, 220, 578, 1579, 11, 38231, 11033, 665, 9355, 1288, 6824, 315, 220, 16, 41376, 315, 11033, 11, 5762, 369, 220, 868, 4520, 13, 720, 8538, 1274, 11, 2911, 5423, 11, 649, 1935, 323, 2160, 64, 304, 1193, 264, 46746, 320, 17, 26446, 8, 315, 665, 9355, 6425, 520, 264, 892, 13, 1442, 420, 374, 279, 1162, 11, 832, 2011, 259, 264, 441, 220, 17, 665, 35262, 1855, 892, 11, 832, 1314, 1306, 279, 720, 1605, 11, 323, 3412, 1855, 369, 220, 868, 4520, 439, 15910, 13, 2355, 21, 13, 220, 30538, 16448, 1855, 6693, 20206, 304, 279, 10095, 68, 752, 354, 369, 264, 2478, 6622, 311, 4546, 11033, 311, 2547, 720, 35658, 26, 653, 48574, 323, 1935, 279, 6693, 11033, 665, 68, 7643, 13, 2355, 4438, 2057, 12040, 362, 27171, 2998, 9355, 2355, 32, 13, 220, 13538, 279, 665, 9355, 656, 1063, 1376, 315, 23900, 10368, 422, 281, 31159, 1260, 11, 1778, 439, 11689, 75491, 398, 13, 1442, 720, 606, 374, 9193, 4316, 3748, 660, 323, 7621, 11, 420, 3094, 24129, 9507, 315, 3388, 1205, 311, 387, 40542, 3156, 720, 75337, 4780, 13, 2355, 33, 13, 220, 44617, 264, 4725, 66358, 7351, 13, 578, 665, 9355, 374, 1790, 810, 7524, 422, 279, 15235, 706, 720, 82850, 63358, 13, 3861, 1288, 539, 3719, 56507, 11, 11640, 584, 424, 11, 422, 1070, 527, 912, 5912, 66358, 720, 31061, 3808, 11, 477, 1633, 2478, 11, 2391, 6344, 57565, 19152, 753, 220, 26211, 70819, 6826, 13, 763, 1690, 720, 24857, 11, 539, 3403, 20155, 52307, 311, 1798, 65056, 264, 7617, 453, 66358, 7351, 13, 3277, 912, 4725, 720, 15802, 301, 19567, 527, 45764, 11, 279, 665, 9355, 35294, 259, 568, 15235, 49672, 13, 2355, 34, 13, 220, 62020, 1376, 388, 1778, 439, 6344, 309, 1791, 321, 16500, 320, 269, 1023, 16097, 315, 220, 12065, 25734, 2411, 28997, 2857, 6994, 481, 520, 5623, 720, 269, 2890, 3691, 10756, 8, 4529, 439, 15910, 11, 477, 220, 17, 5769, 75, 1560, 83188, 315, 2606, 261, 753, 53358, 449, 1855, 15496, 720, 50695, 23771, 481, 520, 279, 2890, 3691, 3637, 8, 527, 5115, 11591, 281, 1285, 304, 30164, 90872, 323, 28592, 720, 46002, 810, 4725, 66358, 19567, 369, 1884, 889, 1935, 7446, 665, 35262, 13, 2355, 35, 13, 220, 4740, 279, 4725, 66358, 7351, 11, 422, 832, 374, 13544, 884, 6892, 11, 477, 1603, 4737, 279, 11033, 720, 2171, 3012, 665, 9355, 11, 1455, 1274, 1505, 430, 4737, 459, 665, 991, 64, 449, 220, 16, 41376, 315, 8369, 12076, 18797, 720, 13284, 477, 89867, 3090, 374, 1633, 11190, 320, 3055, 539, 312, 259, 467, 420, 665, 9355, 570, 1115, 10537, 12302, 720, 1820, 60052, 315, 279, 15235, 11, 18054, 3544, 19320, 274, 315, 49232, 323, 1455, 315, 279, 6962, 13, 3277, 720, 275, 374, 8308, 11, 279, 11033, 38231, 665, 9355, 1253, 387, 4529, 13, 578, 8369, 3090, 665, 9355, 374, 720, 13099, 323, 1587, 539, 1205, 311, 387, 4529, 422, 279, 10095, 68, 384, 665, 9355, 649, 387, 35363, 369, 279, 12974, 720, 19862, 13, 2355, 36, 13, 220, 11004, 220, 16, 41376, 315, 11033, 304, 701, 665, 9355, 9145, 477, 15994, 662, 1472, 1253, 1005, 264, 44555, 665, 9355, 9145, 11, 720, 8370, 374, 264, 44890, 3544, 8286, 12466, 9145, 11, 459, 927, 10826, 64289, 1537, 505, 279, 2254, 720, 764, 76342, 477, 8952, 8312, 27487, 13, 1115, 665, 9355, 9145, 40758, 922, 220, 17, 1667, 13, 2355, 37, 13, 220, 578, 665, 9355, 11813, 389, 279, 842, 315, 279, 38600, 374, 539, 41228, 266, 384, 311, 3041, 264, 330, 12156, 665, 9355, 1210, 11004, 264, 720, 77924, 14019, 320, 6486, 53, 1971, 8, 1404, 220, 1187, 8753, 477, 220, 1627, 8753, 477, 220, 17, 220, 23, 8753, 389, 279, 14329, 842, 315, 720, 1820, 12466, 14019, 505, 279, 665, 9355, 9145, 13, 1115, 15235, 15286, 384, 374, 264, 8579, 19303, 23506, 12970, 14019, 720, 20019, 220, 966, 15271, 304, 3160, 13, 1102, 11263, 279, 37033, 264, 15953, 5882, 554, 315, 279, 15235, 13, 578, 15235, 14019, 720, 285, 6118, 22306, 922, 220, 717, 311, 220, 508, 15271, 1139, 279, 7763, 372, 13, 320, 9597, 753, 7181, 25, 1102, 374, 5107, 720, 31213, 311, 1505, 264, 15235, 14019, 13, 4452, 11, 264, 12466, 7763, 453, 31747, 1430, 477, 14019, 922, 220, 972, 15271, 1317, 720, 18864, 387, 11713, 505, 701, 33400, 439, 459, 927, 10826, 23283, 22229, 1537, 6266, 2355, 38, 13, 220, 9479, 11, 2187, 279, 11033, 311, 6530, 311, 279, 842, 315, 279, 1080, 18285, 14019, 11, 8617, 40599, 904, 3805, 304, 279, 720, 74838, 13, 2355, 39, 13, 220, 578, 15235, 14019, 1288, 387, 54494, 660, 449, 5933, 1589, 384, 309, 727, 14432, 11, 45774, 469, 12932, 477, 720, 1605, 54494, 519, 430, 3250, 1431, 6782, 85286, 477, 272, 17728, 53703, 13, 2355, 40, 13, 220, 17539, 279, 14019, 220, 717, 311, 220, 508, 15271, 1139, 279, 7763, 372, 11, 422, 220, 3284, 13, 1115, 1288, 387, 2884, 14297, 11, 304, 720, 64, 42496, 11633, 430, 8779, 311, 2567, 279, 14019, 505, 330, 74, 16113, 709, 1, 4871, 279, 15235, 13, 2355, 41, 13, 220, 578, 665, 9355, 9145, 1288, 539, 387, 927, 220, 1927, 15271, 5190, 259, 19538, 279, 7763, 372, 13, 1442, 433, 374, 9277, 2288, 720, 12156, 11, 279, 11033, 8640, 1139, 279, 15235, 2288, 5043, 323, 577, 220, 910, 2288, 1790, 7410, 11, 14718, 720, 4338, 19975, 13, 220, 735, 13, 220, 2684, 527, 3892, 10093, 430, 649, 387, 1511, 1418, 39398, 279, 15235, 14019, 13, 20685, 266, 1303, 374, 720, 606, 13, 2684, 374, 1101, 279, 22095, 11843, 478, 1749, 11, 449, 523, 288, 259, 323, 31624, 389, 279, 6558, 323, 98035, 14895, 720, 258, 279, 8592, 2361, 3284, 13, 7648, 1274, 11, 1268, 68, 2807, 11, 1505, 433, 30689, 311, 10457, 389, 279, 2163, 720, 3002, 3156, 279, 6425, 374, 704, 315, 279, 9145, 477, 15994, 662, 578, 665, 9355, 1288, 2646, 387, 4529, 1418, 720, 82, 15154, 389, 279, 27306, 477, 11509, 13, 2355, 43, 13, 220, 4427, 1274, 753, 1400, 2439, 617, 597, 15872, 477, 10800, 304, 1124, 270, 520, 1253, 5471, 279, 14019, 505, 1694, 720, 4302, 291, 1524, 220, 972, 15271, 13, 36016, 11, 422, 264, 2697, 2766, 315, 279, 6425, 374, 5535, 311, 6530, 1139, 279, 720, 77924, 439, 279, 14019, 374, 1694, 22306, 11, 832], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " emerges from thousands\nof scattered dots. The matter in our bodies never\ndisintegrates into a shapeless, mindless pile\u2014until the\nmoment of death. In answer to the obvio us question,\n\u201cWhere is this quantum mechanical body, anyway?\u201d one\ncan now con\ufb01dently answer that it lies in a gap that\nunfortunately is rather di\ufb00icult to picture, since it is silent,\nhas no thickness, and exists everywhere.\nTo dive into the \ufb01eld of intelligence appears easy now: it\nrequires only a trip across a gap. But even though the gap\nhas no thickness, it forms a barrier no steel door could\npossibly match. We can simplify our diagram to show what\nhas happened to make the journey so di\ufb00icult:\n\u2014The whole story is contained in the di\ufb00erence between\nactive and silent intelligence. We have con\ufb01rmed that this\ndi\ufb00erence is very real. DNA can be active or silent; our\nthoughts can be express ed or stored away in drawers of\nsilence; we can be awake or asleep. All these changes\nrequire a journey acros s the gap, but not a conscious\njourney. To see what sleep is like, you would have to stay\nawake, which is impossible. If you want to see the\ndi\ufb00erence between activ e and dormant DNA, you cannot\n\ufb01nd it in any chemical bond, since the two DNAs are\nphysically identical. And so on and on for all the\ntransformations of mind and body.\nThe same di\ufb00iculty holds true in physics\u2014a photon is a\nform of light, as is a light wave, but both arise from a\nhidden \ufb01eld. On the surface of reality we see either photons\nor light waves, but the reason why both can exist in one\nreality is that they preexist as mere possibilitie s in the\nquantum \ufb01eld. Who has ever photograp hed a possibility?\nYet, that is all the quantum world is made of. If you say a\nword or make a molecule, you have chosen to act. A little\nwave laps up from the ocean\u2019s surface, becoming an\nincident in the space-time world. The whole ocean remains\nbehind, a vast, silent reservoir of possibilities, of waves that\nhave yet to be born.\nAs they dance around on the paper, the iron \ufb01lings might\nlook at one another and say, \u201cWell, this is life, let\u2019s look into\nits mysteries.\u201d Deciding to do that, they can begin a\nthought-adventure of the kind we call science. No matter\nhow adventurous their thoughts become, they will never\ncross the gap. The gap is a one-way door, as far as thinking\ngoes, and that is its true mystery.\nFrom a certain perspecti ve, the whole idea that we are\noutcroppings from an invisible, in\ufb01nite \ufb01eld seems\nridiculous. A man\u2019s body is a pack et of \ufb02esh and bones\noccupying a few cubic feet of space; his mind is anamazingly intricate but \ufb01nite mechanism \ufb01lled with a set\nnumber of conceptions; his society is a grossly imperfect\norganization bound to a history of ignorance and con\ufb02ict.\nThese obvious facts have never settled the issue,\nstrangely enough. We trust our \ufb01nite everyd ay experiences,\nwhich are good enough for driving a car, earning a living,\nand going to the beach, but they are not quite convincing\nenough compared to the overwhelming experien ce of the\nin\ufb01nite. That experience, repeated throughout the\ncenturies, causes some people to suspect that reality is\nvery di\ufb00eren t, and far vaster, than what the mind, the body,\nand society generally accept.\nEinstein himself experienced this reality. He has testi\ufb01ed\nto moments when \u201cone feels free from one\u2019s own\nidenti\ufb01cation with human limitation\u201d:\n\u201cAt such moments one imagines that one stands on some\nspot of a small planet gazing in amazement at the cold and\nyet profoun dly moving beauty of the eternal, the\nunfathomable. Life and death \ufb02ow into one, and there is\nneither evolution nor destiny, only Being.\u201d\nAlthough this sounds like a spiritual insight (and Einstein\nconsidered himself deeply spiritual), it is really a glimpse\ninto a level of our own consciousness that can be mapped\nand explored. Without having any control over their\nawareness or any cogent explanation for what is\nhappening, people sense that the state of rapt silen ce is not\nsimply emptiness. The great traditions of wisdom have\nlargely been founded by one or a few individuals who\nrealized the universe through themselves. To solve the\nmystery of the gap, we need to consult the ones who have\nbeen there; if they have found a real world, then there will\nbe new Einsteins to follow, and they will be Einsteins of\nconsciousness.EXPANDING THE TOPIC\nThe wisdom of the body comes from two places\u2014active\nintelligence and silent intelligence. Self-care is an example\nof active intelligence. You listen to your body. You heed its\nsignals of pain and discom fort. You take steps to maintai n a\nstate of wellbeing. Active intelligence stretches no one\u2019s\nimagination. Silent intelligence is di\ufb00erent, because being\ninvisible, it can only be located in the gap. Yet of the two\nkinds of intelligence, the kind that works in silence is\nin\ufb01nitely wiser.\nWhen Quantum Healing \ufb01rst appea red, it was almost\nimpossible to get mainstream doctors even to entertain\nsuch a notion as \u201cthe wisdom of the body.\u201d I found refuge in\nthe mystica l poets, who became almost constant\ncompanions. They knew about the hidden dimensions of\nexistence. Here is a verse from Rumi, the illuminated\nPersian poet:\nWhat do I long for?\nSomething that is felt in the night\nBut not seen in the day.\nIn a rational age, poetic intimations aren\u2019t enough. Yet\npoets can think, too, as when Rabindranath Tagore, the\ngreat Bengali poet, contemplates how a full-blown rose\nopens from a bud. He sees at work the same silent\nintelligence I was describing in the human body.\nHe who can open a bud does it simply\nOne glance, and the sap must stir,\nOne breath, and a \ufb02ower \ufb02utters in the wind,\nColors \ufb02ash out like longings of the heart,And perfume betrays sweet secrets.\nHe who can open a bud does it simply.\nWho could put it more beautifully? Instead of saying \u201cHe\nwho can open a bud,\u201d why not \u201cShe who can bring a child\ninto the world\u201d? Silent intelligence is simple, spontaneous,\nand a part of us.\nAs it turned out, I was lucky to be writing when I was.\nHard research was just uncovering the receptor sites on\nthe cell membrane, the \u201cplug-ins\u201d for messages from the\nbrain. One found exactly the same receptor sites\neverywhere. The immune system therefore became known\nas a \ufb02oating brain, and science had an explanation for gut\ninstincts\u2014tissues remote from the brain were thinking, too,\nin a chemical language.\nYet the lifestyle advice that looks so promising for healing\nthe mind-bod y connection doesn\u2019t really penetrate into the\nquantum domain. It remains in the domain of active\nintelligence. We have to be a bit careful here. If you change\nyour diet, new messages will be sent to the cells of the\ndigestive tract, and from there the messaging throughout\nthe body is altered (which is why, for example, you fall\nasleep after eating too much at Thanksgiving). Because all\nmessages are produced in the gap, there is a quantum\ndimension to every process in the body.\nWhat\u2019s lacking is a direct telephone line, so that you can\nspeak to your own silent intelligence and hear what it says\nin return. A direct line is opened through \u201csecond\nattention.\u201d With \ufb01rst attention you live your life in the\nworld\u2014working, eating, sleeping, relating. With second\nattention you peer into the invisible domain that creates,\ngoverns, and regulates the \ufb02ow of life. Let\u2019s call silent\nintelligence X, because it cannot be labeled or named.\nLabels belong to things, not to processes. What is X doingfrom its invisible station behind the scene? Its range of\nactivity is quite astonishing:\nIt takes each tiny event and weaves it into the tapestry of\nlife.\nIt gives meaning and purpose to everything you\nexperience.\nIt guides every action to its highest and best use.\nIt breathes love into being.\nIt favors evolution and progress.\nIt promotes those outcomes that are the most life\nsupporting.\nIf this sounds like a mystical laundry list, consider the\nbeating of a single heart cell. It meshes with every other\nheart cell in perfect sync. It regis ters love, pain, hope, fear,\nand every other emotion. It tells you without a doubt that\nyou are in love. It settles into wise contentment as you\nmature. It looks out for the healt h of the entire body. I\u2019ve\nused slightly metaphorical language, but a cell biologist\ncould identify the receptor sites and messaging paths that\nconnect brain and heart so completely that every function\nI\u2019ve mentioned has a physiological basis.\nThe deeper point, howe ver", "token_ids": [59696, 505, 9214, 198, 1073, 38067, 32094, 13, 578, 5030, 304, 1057, 13162, 2646, 198, 4338, 81829, 988, 1139, 264, 6211, 1752, 11, 4059, 1752, 27402, 2345, 39830, 279, 198, 29699, 315, 4648, 13, 763, 4320, 311, 279, 1536, 73822, 603, 3488, 345, 2118, 9241, 374, 420, 31228, 22936, 2547, 11, 13971, 12671, 832, 198, 4919, 1457, 390, 171, 71831, 67, 4501, 4320, 430, 433, 15812, 304, 264, 13225, 430, 198, 359, 11275, 374, 4856, 1891, 171, 105, 222, 3951, 311, 6945, 11, 2533, 433, 374, 21737, 345, 4752, 912, 26839, 11, 323, 6866, 17277, 627, 1271, 30963, 1139, 279, 33595, 71831, 789, 315, 11478, 8111, 4228, 1457, 25, 433, 198, 42475, 1193, 264, 8577, 4028, 264, 13225, 13, 2030, 1524, 3582, 279, 13225, 198, 4752, 912, 26839, 11, 433, 7739, 264, 22881, 912, 9699, 6134, 1436, 198, 54228, 2489, 13, 1226, 649, 40821, 1057, 13861, 311, 1501, 1148, 198, 4752, 7077, 311, 1304, 279, 11879, 779, 1891, 171, 105, 222, 3951, 512, 2345, 791, 4459, 3446, 374, 13282, 304, 279, 1891, 171, 105, 222, 112265, 1990, 198, 3104, 323, 21737, 11478, 13, 1226, 617, 390, 171, 71831, 81, 2106, 430, 420, 198, 8747, 171, 105, 222, 112265, 374, 1633, 1972, 13, 15922, 649, 387, 4642, 477, 21737, 26, 1057, 198, 61665, 82, 649, 387, 3237, 1608, 477, 9967, 3201, 304, 62707, 315, 198, 35904, 768, 26, 584, 649, 387, 35447, 477, 33173, 13, 2052, 1521, 4442, 198, 4408, 264, 11879, 1645, 3714, 274, 279, 13225, 11, 719, 539, 264, 17371, 198, 30362, 3520, 662, 2057, 1518, 1148, 6212, 374, 1093, 11, 499, 1053, 617, 311, 4822, 198, 675, 731, 11, 902, 374, 12266, 13, 1442, 499, 1390, 311, 1518, 279, 198, 8747, 171, 105, 222, 112265, 1990, 4197, 384, 323, 89460, 15922, 11, 499, 4250, 198, 171, 71831, 303, 433, 304, 904, 11742, 11049, 11, 2533, 279, 1403, 61756, 2170, 527, 198, 42305, 2740, 20086, 13, 1628, 779, 389, 323, 389, 369, 682, 279, 198, 4806, 811, 315, 4059, 323, 2547, 16853, 791, 1890, 1891, 171, 105, 222, 27081, 10187, 220, 837, 304, 22027, 29096, 69010, 374, 264, 198, 630, 315, 3177, 11, 439, 374, 264, 3177, 12330, 11, 719, 2225, 31889, 505, 264, 198, 6397, 33595, 71831, 789, 13, 1952, 279, 7479, 315, 8903, 584, 1518, 3060, 89235, 198, 269, 3177, 17301, 11, 719, 279, 2944, 3249, 2225, 649, 3073, 304, 832, 198, 265, 2786, 374, 430, 814, 864, 29675, 439, 17983, 67239, 648, 274, 304, 279, 198, 31548, 372, 33595, 71831, 789, 13, 10699, 706, 3596, 4604, 540, 4714, 61316, 264, 13336, 5380, 29174, 11, 430, 374, 682, 279, 31228, 1917, 374, 1903, 315, 13, 1442, 499, 2019, 264, 198, 1178, 477, 1304, 264, 43030, 11, 499, 617, 12146, 311, 1180, 13, 362, 2697, 198, 31498, 51055, 709, 505, 279, 18435, 753, 7479, 11, 10671, 459, 198, 76111, 304, 279, 3634, 7394, 220, 1917, 13, 578, 4459, 18435, 8625, 198, 30998, 485, 11, 264, 13057, 11, 21737, 45512, 315, 24525, 11, 315, 17301, 430, 198, 19553, 3686, 311, 387, 9405, 627, 2170, 814, 15612, 2212, 389, 279, 5684, 1174, 279, 11245, 33595, 71831, 19342, 2643, 198, 7349, 520, 832, 2500, 323, 2019, 11, 1054, 11649, 11, 420, 374, 2324, 11, 1095, 753, 1427, 1139, 198, 1220, 57700, 2029, 3799, 6714, 311, 656, 430, 11, 814, 649, 3240, 264, 198, 61665, 26831, 46043, 315, 279, 3169, 584, 1650, 8198, 13, 2360, 5030, 198, 5269, 68188, 872, 11555, 3719, 11, 814, 690, 2646, 198, 29942, 279, 13225, 13, 578, 13225, 374, 264, 832, 27896, 6134, 11, 439, 3117, 439, 7422, 198, 3427, 288, 11, 323, 430, 374, 1202, 837, 23347, 16853, 3915, 264, 3738, 7565, 1002, 72, 5320, 11, 279, 4459, 4623, 430, 584, 527, 198, 412, 38984, 604, 826, 505, 459, 30547, 11, 304, 171, 71831, 62664, 33595, 71831, 789, 5084, 198, 1907, 292, 13850, 13, 362, 893, 753, 2547, 374, 264, 3854, 1880, 315, 33595, 120912, 4385, 323, 25896, 198, 24719, 7169, 264, 2478, 41999, 7693, 315, 3634, 26, 813, 4059, 374, 459, 309, 6795, 398, 57216, 719, 33595, 71831, 62664, 17383, 33595, 71831, 75, 839, 449, 264, 743, 198, 4174, 315, 390, 36028, 26, 813, 8396, 374, 264, 20547, 398, 69063, 198, 24844, 6965, 311, 264, 3925, 315, 41660, 323, 390, 171, 120912, 858, 627, 9673, 8196, 13363, 617, 2646, 23183, 279, 4360, 345, 496, 526, 989, 3403, 13, 1226, 7095, 1057, 33595, 71831, 62664, 1475, 67, 19432, 11704, 345, 8370, 527, 1695, 3403, 369, 10043, 264, 1841, 11, 28744, 264, 5496, 345, 438, 2133, 311, 279, 11573, 11, 719, 814, 527, 539, 5115, 40661, 198, 268, 1409, 7863, 311, 279, 22798, 2183, 3675, 3846, 315, 279, 198, 258, 171, 71831, 62664, 13, 3011, 3217, 11, 11763, 6957, 279, 198, 1189, 10612, 11, 11384, 1063, 1274, 311, 15562, 430, 8903, 374, 198, 1225, 1891, 171, 105, 222, 17848, 259, 11, 323, 3117, 348, 2352, 1174, 1109, 1148, 279, 4059, 11, 279, 2547, 345, 438, 8396, 8965, 4287, 627, 36, 37494, 5678, 10534, 420, 8903, 662, 1283, 706, 1296, 72, 171, 71831, 291, 198, 998, 14269, 994, 1054, 606, 11321, 1949, 505, 832, 753, 1866, 198, 1748, 72, 171, 71831, 65982, 449, 3823, 20893, 863, 512, 96203, 1778, 14269, 832, 6669, 1572, 430, 832, 13656, 389, 1063, 198, 19164, 315, 264, 2678, 11841, 342, 6795, 304, 1097, 1394, 1133, 520, 279, 9439, 323, 198, 47492, 2848, 1656, 294, 398, 7366, 220, 13444, 315, 279, 35825, 11, 279, 198, 359, 69, 73555, 481, 13, 9601, 323, 4648, 33595, 120912, 363, 1139, 832, 11, 323, 1070, 374, 198, 818, 2544, 15740, 6463, 47176, 1174, 1193, 21347, 49216, 16179, 420, 10578, 1093, 264, 18330, 20616, 320, 438, 55152, 198, 25742, 291, 5678, 17693, 18330, 705, 433, 374, 2216, 264, 40942, 198, 18614, 264, 2237, 315, 1057, 1866, 25917, 430, 649, 387, 24784, 198, 438, 36131, 13, 17586, 3515, 904, 2585, 927, 872, 198, 20111, 2136, 477, 904, 62666, 306, 16540, 369, 1148, 374, 198, 71, 680, 6147, 11, 1274, 5647, 430, 279, 1614, 315, 436, 2756, 5554, 268, 3846, 374, 539, 198, 15124, 2603, 54169, 1918, 13, 578, 2294, 32006, 315, 24278, 617, 198, 27995, 989, 1027, 18538, 555, 832, 477, 264, 2478, 7931, 889, 198, 8110, 1534, 279, 15861, 1555, 5694, 13, 2057, 11886, 279, 198, 76, 96357, 315, 279, 13225, 11, 584, 1205, 311, 8666, 279, 6305, 889, 617, 198, 82850, 1070, 26, 422, 814, 617, 1766, 264, 1972, 1917, 11, 1243, 1070, 690, 198, 1395, 502, 18560, 5455, 1354, 311, 1833, 11, 323, 814, 690, 387, 18560, 5455, 1354, 315, 198, 64589, 2136, 96067, 82679, 3247, 26063, 1341, 198, 791, 24278, 315, 279, 2547, 4131, 505, 1403, 7634, 2345, 3104, 198, 93375, 323, 21737, 11478, 13, 10323, 41206, 374, 459, 3187, 198, 1073, 4642, 11478, 13, 1472, 9020, 311, 701, 2547, 13, 1472, 75499, 1202, 198, 61715, 315, 6784, 323, 834, 884, 12108, 13, 1472, 1935, 7504, 311, 5088, 2192, 308, 264, 198, 2513, 315, 57930, 13, 10106, 11478, 50699, 912, 832, 753, 198, 318, 10569, 13, 60555, 11478, 374, 1891, 171, 105, 222, 261, 306, 11, 1606, 1694, 198, 91851, 11, 433, 649, 1193, 387, 7559, 304, 279, 13225, 13, 14968, 315, 279, 1403, 198, 74, 8843, 315, 11478, 11, 279, 3169, 430, 4375, 304, 21847, 374, 198, 258, 171, 71831, 45168, 989, 289, 12329, 16853, 4599, 56413, 49741, 220, 33595, 71831, 59125, 2708, 64, 2579, 11, 433, 574, 4661, 198, 318, 10236, 311, 636, 21391, 16410, 1524, 311, 46276, 198, 21470, 264, 23035, 439, 1054, 1820, 24278, 315, 279, 2547, 2029, 358, 1766, 14850, 304, 198, 1820, 11679, 3074, 326, 74072, 11, 889, 6244, 4661, 6926, 198, 45349, 919, 13, 2435, 7020, 922, 279, 8340, 15696, 315, 198, 93772, 13, 5810, 374, 264, 33487, 505, 432, 25330, 11, 279, 75648, 198, 59742, 1122, 40360, 512, 3923, 656, 358, 1317, 369, 5380, 23958, 430, 374, 6612, 304, 279, 3814, 198, 4071, 539, 3970, 304, 279, 1938, 16853, 644, 264, 25442, 4325, 11, 76534, 22713, 811, 7784, 1431, 3403, 13, 14968, 198, 5481, 1441, 649, 1781, 11, 2288, 11, 439, 994, 36824, 485, 6713, 589, 12633, 461, 11, 279, 198, 47991, 26316, 8115, 40360, 11, 687, 77893, 1268, 264, 2539, 16677, 785, 16392, 198, 25149, 505, 264, 37808, 13, 1283, 16008, 520, 990, 279, 1890, 21737, 198, 93375, 358, 574, 23524, 304, 279, 3823, 2547, 16853, 1548, 889, 649, 1825, 264, 37808, 1587, 433, 5042, 198, 4054, 34522, 11, 323, 279, 35735, 2011, 23935, 13801, 4054, 11745, 11, 323, 264, 33595, 120912, 1223, 33595, 120912, 74870, 304, 279, 10160, 345, 13409, 33595, 120912, 1003, 704, 1093, 1317, 826, 315, 279, 4851, 11, 3112, 67443, 1297, 66243, 10437, 24511, 627, 1548, 889, 649, 1825, 264, 37808, 1587, 433, 5042, 16853, 15546, 1436, 2231, 433, 810, 32719, 30, 12361, 315, 5605, 1054, 1548, 198, 14965, 649, 1825, 264, 37808, 2476, 3249, 539, 1054, 8100, 889, 649, 4546, 264, 1716, 198, 18614, 279, 1917, 74022, 60555, 11478, 374, 4382, 11, 54557, 345, 438, 264, 961, 315, 603, 627, 2170, 433, 6656, 704, 11, 358, 574, 18069, 311, 387, 4477, 994, 358, 574, 627, 28005, 3495, 574, 1120, 45063, 287, 279, 35268, 6732, 389, 198, 1820, 2849, 39654, 11, 279, 1054, 48574, 22610, 863, 369, 6743, 505, 279, 198, 54160, 13, 3861, 1766, 7041, 279, 1890, 35268, 6732, 198, 30115, 2940, 13, 578, 22852, 220, 1887, 9093, 6244, 3967, 198, 300, 264, 33595, 120912, 78, 1113, 8271, 11, 323, 8198, 1047, 459, 16540, 369, 18340, 198, 6442, 7956, 82, 2345, 83, 18934, 8870, 505, 279, 8271, 1051, 7422, 11, 2288, 345, 258, 264, 11742, 4221, 627, 29174, 279, 19433, 9650, 430, 5992, 779, 26455, 369, 21730, 198, 1820, 4059, 1481, 347, 379, 3717, 220, 3250, 1431, 2216, 64855, 1139, 279, 198, 31548, 372, 8106, 13, 1102, 8625, 304, 279, 8106, 315, 4642, 198, 93375, 13, 1226, 617, 311, 387, 264, 2766, 16994, 1618, 13, 1442, 499, 2349, 198, 22479, 10173, 11, 502, 6743, 690, 387, 3288, 311, 279, 7917, 315, 279, 198, 37439, 535, 42929, 11, 323, 505, 220, 1070, 279, 30622, 6957, 198, 1820, 2547, 374, 29852, 320, 8370, 374, 3249, 11, 369, 3187, 11, 499, 4498, 198, 300, 3583, 1306, 12459, 2288, 1790, 520, 37250, 570, 9393, 682, 198, 16727, 527, 9124, 304, 279, 13225, 11, 1070, 374, 264, 31228, 198, 43639, 311, 1475, 1920, 304, 279, 2547, 16853, 3923, 753, 32161, 374, 264, 2167, 21186, 1584, 11, 779, 430, 499, 649, 198, 82, 23635, 311, 701, 1866, 21737, 11478, 323, 6865, 1148, 433, 2795, 198, 258, 471, 13, 362, 2167, 1584, 374, 9107, 1555, 1054, 5686, 198, 54203, 2029, 3161, 33595, 71831, 59125, 6666, 499, 3974, 701, 2324, 304, 279, 198, 14957, 2345, 21837, 11, 12459, 11, 21811, 11, 23343, 13, 3161, 2132, 198, 54203, 499, 14734, 1139, 279, 30547, 8106, 430, 11705, 345, 70, 2017, 4511, 11, 323, 80412, 279, 33595, 120912, 363, 315, 2324, 13, 6914, 753, 1650, 21737, 198, 93375, 1630, 11, 1606, 433, 4250, 387, 30929, 477, 7086, 627, 24600, 9352, 311, 2574, 11, 539, 311, 11618, 13, 3639, 374, 1630, 3815, 1527, 1202, 30547, 8216, 220, 4920, 279, 6237, 30, 11699, 2134, 315, 198, 7323, 374, 5115, 50013, 512, 2181, 5097, 1855, 220, 13987, 1567, 323, 584, 4798, 433, 1139, 279, 17401, 4720, 315, 198, 14789, 627, 2181, 6835, 7438, 323, 7580, 311, 4395, 499, 198, 50659, 627, 2181, 28292, 1475, 1957, 311, 1202, 8592, 323, 1888, 1005, 627, 2181, 11745, 288, 3021, 1139, 1694, 627, 2181, 54947, 15740, 323, 5208, 627, 2181, 39990, 1884, 20124, 430, 527, 279, 1455, 2324, 198, 24249, 287, 627, 2746, 420, 10578, 1093, 264, 69532, 35189, 1160, 11, 2980, 279, 198, 1395, 1113, 315, 264, 3254, 4851, 2849, 13, 1102, 65614, 449, 1475, 1023, 198, 18207, 2849, 304, 4832, 13105, 13, 220, 1102, 1239, 285, 88730, 3021, 11, 6784, 11, 3987, 11, 8850, 345, 438, 1475, 1023, 20356, 13, 1102, 10975, 499, 2085, 264, 10712, 430, 198, 9514, 527, 304, 3021, 13, 1102, 93018, 1139, 24219, 2262, 479, 439, 499, 198, 76, 1598, 13, 1102, 5992, 704, 369, 279, 568, 3223, 305, 315, 279, 4553, 2547, 13, 358, 4070, 198, 2656, 10284, 46450, 950, 4221, 11, 719, 264, 2849, 88704, 198, 29177, 10765, 279, 35268, 6732, 323, 30622, 13006, 430, 198, 6595, 8271, 323, 4851, 779, 6724, 430, 1475, 734, 198, 40, 4070, 9932, 706, 264, 53194, 8197, 627, 791, 19662, 1486, 11, 1268, 68, 2807], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " it were an invisible object that could bepossessed. In palace of a soul that you own, which is mythical, there\u2019s an unbounded soul that existseverywhere.The soul is pure awareness a link to the in\ufb01nite; it is unbounded as the universe. But we reverted to anownable soul to make it easier to comprehend and live with. By giving up the idea of \u201cmy soul\u201d we can beas free and unbounded as creation.As long as you cling to anything by saying \u201cmine,\u201d you can\u2019t be free. Your soul isn\u2019t a thing you can clingto and make your own. You can only win your freedom by letting go. The mystery of the unbounded soulis wrapped up in those two things: how to let go and how much you want to be free.We learn to let go by seeing through the ego\u2019s insistence upon being right. Letting go comes down toadopting between the values of the soul over the values of the ego:Soul EgoAccepting RejectingApproving CriticalCooperating OpposingDetached ClingingCalm AgitatedForgiving ResentfulSel\ufb02ess Sel\ufb01shPeaceful Con\ufb02ictedNon-judgmental JudgmentalIt\u2019s not that your ego has a totally negative agenda. Under normal circumstances it doesn\u2019t. Mainly it actsout of self-protection. Some people have consciously learned how to cope with the world withoutprotecting themselves. They rely on a higher power to protect them, and that\u2019s what you and I must learn to do by identifying with our unbounded soul.We cannot transform our ego by condemning it and labeling it as bad. It has no motivation to cooperate --quite the opposite. Whatever you \ufb01ght against tries to stick even harder. After all, you are threatening itssurvival. Likewise, the parts of yourself that feel judged against will not relent. They will try to convinceyou even harder to be sel\ufb01sh, judgmental, and resentful whenever you face outside opposition. Spiritualtraditions haven\u2019t taken into account that there\u2019s a process involved in weaning the ego from its self-defeating ways. By putting the issue in terms of morality, sin, and the threat of God\u2019s wrath, Christianityhas taken the opposite of an effective approach.Making a stark contrast between the lower and higher self is futile. There is no separate, all-good, all-wisepart of you that you must either win or lose. Life is one \ufb02ow of awareness. No aspect of you wasconstructed out of anything else. It\u2019s wrong to think that there are two creations, one dark, the other light.Fear and anger are actually made from the same pure awareness that love and compassion are made of.Erecting a barrier between ego and soul fails to recognize this simple fact. In the end, letting go is achieved, not by condemning what\u2019s bad in yourself and throwing it away, but by a process that brings opposites together. Your ego must see that it belongs to the same reality as your soul. It needs to \ufb01nd so much in common with your soul that it lets go of its sel\ufb01sh agenda in favor of a better way of life. \n EXERCISES FOR LESSON 111. What is a so-called negative quality within your soul that you constantly battle with? (Somecommon qualities people try to \ufb01ght or repress are laziness, negativity, gluttony, dependence on others and judging others.) Do a week-long experiment where every time your ego-driven personality trait arises, you do not \ufb01ght it and show absolutely no resistance. Wear a bracelet or a rubber band around your wrist to remind yourself of this week-long commitment to not \ufb01ght your ego-driven qualities. 2. Journal about your own personal relationship with your soul. What are some of the conventionalideas about the soul that you believe in? Can you make the steps to see the soul as a universal vibration that encompasses everything, rather than something you own as a possession? Write about your own struggles, triumphs and past events from your own personal journey. 3. Write an intention on what you plan on doing to feel more free in spirit. Right before you do so, take amoment to completely visualize the sensation, frequency and texture of how your soul feels when it iscompletely unrestricted and unbounded.LESSON 12: The Fruit Of Surrender Is GraceWATCH LESSON 12 VIDEO BY DEEPAK CHOPRA ONLINE: http://blip.tv/play/AYGpjFgC\n \nGrace transforms human nature when the process of surrendering or letting go eventually comes to anend. But this end-point is very different from anything one would anticipate. In the ultimate surrender yougive up all needs. For the \ufb01rst time you will be able to say, \u201cI am enough.\u201d You will \ufb01nd yourself in aworld where everything \ufb01ts together as it should.By letting go completely, a person can achieve a new identity. The fruit of surrender is grace, the all-embracing power of God. Grace is the invisible in\ufb02uence of the divine. Once it enters a person\u2019s life, theold means that we use to run our lives \u2013 reason, logic, effort, planning, forethought, discipline \u2013 are thrown away like the training wheels of a bicycle.Grace abolishes life\u2019s limitations. There is nothing to fear, nothing to be guilty of. The whole issue of goodversus evil disappears. Peace is no longer a dream to be chased but an innate quality of the heart. Thesethings are the result, not of supernatural intervention, but of coming to the end of a process.Before it is touched by grace, religion\u2019s moralistic view is that human nature is fallen, corrupt, sinful, andignorant. In fact, we are simply bound by the ego\u2019s conception of identity. The word \u201cboundary\u201d is neutral;it simply refers to a state of limitation. If you take a person and force him to live in severe limitation \u2013 say,in the dungeon of a prison \u2013 all kinds of \ufb02aws will develop, from paranoia to delusion. But they aren\u2019tbecause the prisoner is morally defective. They result from being bound up.The difference between a prisoner captive in his cell and you or me is that we voluntarily chose to liveinside boundaries. The part of ourselves that made this choice is the ego. The root cause of all suffering is the false identity of the \u201cI\u201d that handles everyday life and masks the real self at the soul level.This false self has an agenda. It thinks it knows how to run everyday life, and when threatened withdisassembly, it \ufb01ghts back \u2013 after all, survival itself is at stake.. Transforming your identity is likeperforming surgery on yourself. You must act as both doctor and patient. An impossible task physically but entirely possible in awareness.The ego\u2019s vision of life is unworkable. What it promises as a completely ful\ufb01lling life is an illusion you canchase all your life without every laying hands on it. When you become aware of this defect, the result isfatal for the ego. It can\u2019t compete with the soul\u2019s vision of ful\ufb01llment.We have all been conditioned to believe that it\u2019s the ego that is practical and realistic in its approach to life, while the soul is unattainable and detached from everyday affairs. But that was a complete reversal of the truth.Two Visions of Ful\ufb01llmentThe ego\u2019s vision:\u00b7 I have everything I need to be comfortable.\u00b7 I am serene because bad things can\u2019t come near me.\u00b7 Through hard work anything can be achieved.\u00b7 I measure myself by my accomplishments.\u00b7 I win much more often than I lose.\u00b7 I have a strong self-image.The soul\u2019s vision:\u00b7 I am everything I need.\u00b7 I am secure because I have nothing to fear in myself.\u00b7 The \ufb02ow of life\u2019s abundance brings me everything.\u00b7 I do not measure myself by any external standard.\u00b7 Giving is more important than winning.\u00b7 Because I\u2019m attractive, I win the attention of the opposite sex.\u00b7 When I \ufb01nd the perfect love, it will be on my terms.\u00b7 I can \ufb01nd perfect love, because I have discovered it \ufb01rst in myself.\u00b7 I have no self-image; I am beyond images.\u00b7 Other people are attracted to me as soul to soul.It\u2019s fair to say, I think, that the second vision describes life in a state of grace. It stands for lifetransformed, not life as presided over by the ego. Yet looking at the two choices, most people would \ufb01ndthe ego\u2019s version easier and more reasonable. For one thing, they are already quite used to it.The ego\u2019s vision of ful\ufb01llment is unattainable, because each isolated \u201cI\u201d is on its own, cut off from thesource of life. The steady improvement being promised can only be external, because there\u2019s no securityinside.Ful\ufb01llment is not a matter of self-improvement. It involves a shift away from the ego\u2019s agenda, turningfrom externals to the inner world. The soul holds out a kind of happiness that isn\u2019t dependent on whetherconditions outside are good or bad. The path of the soul leads to a place where you experience ful\ufb01llmentas a birthright, as part of who you are. You don\u2019t have to work for it; you only have to be. Grace comesfrom a clear vision of who you really are. \n EXERCISES FOR LESSON 121. Who in your life do you need to forgive the most (even if it is yourself)? What is preventing you fromfully forgiving this person? Visualize how you can release yourself from the pain of bearing grudges, andhow you can open your heart to this person again. Do not be discouraged if this is uncomfortable", "token_ids": [433, 1051, 459, 30547, 1665, 430, 1436, 387, 9007, 22456, 13, 763, 44439, 315, 264, 13836, 430, 499, 1866, 11, 902, 374, 84219, 11, 1070, 753, 459, 653, 66786, 13836, 430, 3073, 325, 1225, 2940, 11829, 13836, 374, 10748, 17985, 264, 2723, 311, 279, 304, 171, 71831, 62664, 26, 433, 374, 653, 66786, 439, 279, 15861, 13, 2030, 584, 94693, 311, 459, 785, 481, 13836, 311, 1304, 433, 8831, 311, 58389, 323, 3974, 449, 13, 3296, 7231, 709, 279, 4623, 315, 1054, 2465, 13836, 863, 584, 649, 387, 300, 1949, 323, 653, 66786, 439, 9886, 20855, 1317, 439, 499, 78264, 311, 4205, 555, 5605, 1054, 6095, 2476, 499, 649, 1431, 387, 1949, 13, 4718, 13836, 4536, 1431, 264, 3245, 499, 649, 78264, 998, 323, 1304, 701, 1866, 13, 1472, 649, 1193, 3243, 701, 11542, 555, 20806, 733, 13, 578, 23347, 315, 279, 653, 66786, 13836, 285, 20037, 709, 304, 1884, 1403, 2574, 25, 1268, 311, 1095, 733, 323, 1268, 1790, 499, 1390, 311, 387, 1949, 23210, 4048, 311, 1095, 733, 555, 9298, 1555, 279, 37374, 753, 79397, 5304, 1694, 1314, 13, 6914, 1303, 733, 4131, 1523, 311, 99338, 287, 1990, 279, 2819, 315, 279, 13836, 927, 279, 2819, 315, 279, 37374, 76469, 11206, 469, 3427, 17059, 287, 88393, 287, 29688, 4504, 35761, 7489, 3376, 1113, 29710, 14759, 17513, 3939, 2493, 24992, 34, 7828, 4701, 33337, 34635, 2299, 1838, 306, 1285, 40141, 171, 120912, 434, 24082, 171, 71831, 939, 85743, 1285, 1221, 171, 120912, 13060, 8284, 13636, 664, 9247, 278, 89662, 278, 2181, 753, 539, 430, 701, 37374, 706, 264, 12756, 8389, 18909, 13, 9636, 4725, 13463, 433, 3250, 1431, 13, 4802, 398, 433, 14385, 412, 315, 659, 10039, 40241, 13, 4427, 1274, 617, 70903, 9687, 1268, 311, 37586, 449, 279, 1917, 2085, 47079, 287, 5694, 13, 2435, 17631, 389, 264, 5190, 2410, 311, 6144, 1124, 11, 323, 430, 753, 1148, 499, 323, 358, 2011, 4048, 311, 656, 555, 25607, 449, 1057, 653, 66786, 13836, 23210, 4250, 5276, 1057, 37374, 555, 82234, 433, 323, 55402, 433, 439, 3958, 13, 1102, 706, 912, 25835, 311, 47903, 1198, 84270, 279, 14329, 13, 33739, 499, 33595, 71831, 2121, 2403, 16696, 311, 9396, 1524, 16127, 13, 4740, 682, 11, 499, 527, 27903, 433, 784, 97860, 4023, 13, 50487, 11, 279, 5596, 315, 6261, 430, 2733, 45487, 2403, 690, 539, 43946, 13, 2435, 690, 1456, 311, 28008, 9514, 1524, 16127, 311, 387, 12069, 171, 71831, 939, 11, 19971, 278, 11, 323, 47540, 1285, 15716, 499, 3663, 4994, 14076, 13, 63849, 48126, 6055, 9167, 1431, 4529, 1139, 2759, 430, 1070, 753, 264, 1920, 6532, 304, 584, 44159, 279, 37374, 505, 1202, 659, 29899, 91955, 5627, 13, 3296, 10917, 279, 4360, 304, 3878, 315, 45651, 11, 7589, 11, 323, 279, 6023, 315, 4359, 753, 64391, 11, 32186, 4752, 4529, 279, 14329, 315, 459, 7524, 5603, 1345, 1802, 264, 38246, 13168, 1990, 279, 4827, 323, 5190, 659, 374, 85627, 13, 2684, 374, 912, 8821, 11, 682, 72800, 11, 682, 2695, 285, 752, 472, 315, 499, 430, 499, 2011, 3060, 3243, 477, 9229, 13, 9601, 374, 832, 33595, 120912, 363, 315, 17985, 13, 2360, 13189, 315, 499, 574, 82678, 704, 315, 4205, 775, 13, 1102, 753, 5076, 311, 1781, 430, 1070, 527, 1403, 53862, 11, 832, 6453, 11, 279, 1023, 3177, 1006, 686, 323, 19788, 527, 3604, 1903, 505, 279, 1890, 10748, 17985, 430, 3021, 323, 30481, 527, 1903, 315, 5253, 2921, 287, 264, 22881, 1990, 37374, 323, 13836, 14865, 311, 15641, 420, 4382, 2144, 13, 763, 279, 842, 11, 20806, 733, 374, 17427, 11, 539, 555, 82234, 1148, 753, 3958, 304, 6261, 323, 21939, 433, 3201, 11, 719, 555, 264, 1920, 430, 12716, 8081, 3695, 3871, 13, 4718, 37374, 2011, 1518, 430, 433, 17623, 311, 279, 1890, 8903, 439, 701, 13836, 13, 1102, 3966, 311, 33595, 71831, 303, 779, 1790, 304, 4279, 449, 701, 13836, 430, 433, 15714, 733, 315, 1202, 12069, 171, 71831, 939, 18909, 304, 4799, 315, 264, 2731, 1648, 315, 2324, 13, 7071, 4154, 28534, 9311, 50, 4716, 76048, 715, 220, 5037, 13, 3639, 374, 264, 779, 19434, 8389, 4367, 2949, 701, 13836, 430, 499, 15320, 8209, 449, 30, 320, 8538, 5581, 29600, 1274, 1456, 311, 33595, 71831, 2121, 477, 312, 1911, 527, 65536, 1918, 11, 93795, 11, 2840, 973, 88, 11, 44393, 389, 3885, 323, 50790, 3885, 6266, 3234, 264, 2046, 24725, 9526, 1405, 1475, 892, 701, 37374, 32505, 17743, 18027, 48282, 11, 499, 656, 539, 33595, 71831, 2121, 433, 323, 1501, 11112, 912, 13957, 13, 42162, 264, 59519, 477, 264, 23506, 7200, 2212, 701, 33271, 311, 24928, 6261, 315, 420, 2046, 24725, 15507, 311, 539, 33595, 71831, 2121, 701, 37374, 32505, 29600, 13, 220, 17, 13, 10139, 922, 701, 1866, 4443, 5133, 449, 701, 13836, 13, 3639, 527, 1063, 315, 279, 21349, 94784, 922, 279, 13836, 430, 499, 4510, 304, 30, 3053, 499, 1304, 279, 7504, 311, 1518, 279, 13836, 439, 264, 20789, 48913, 430, 71010, 4395, 11, 4856, 1109, 2555, 499, 1866, 439, 264, 19243, 30, 9842, 922, 701, 1866, 28970, 11, 38586, 82, 323, 3347, 4455, 505, 701, 1866, 4443, 11879, 13, 256, 220, 18, 13, 9842, 459, 14944, 389, 1148, 499, 3197, 389, 3815, 311, 2733, 810, 1949, 304, 9090, 13, 10291, 1603, 499, 656, 779, 11, 1935, 1097, 13209, 311, 6724, 51187, 279, 37392, 11, 11900, 323, 10651, 315, 1268, 701, 13836, 11321, 994, 433, 374, 884, 50268, 78939, 323, 653, 66786, 10147, 1242, 715, 220, 717, 25, 578, 44187, 5046, 55166, 910, 2209, 32171, 65592, 76048, 715, 220, 717, 42869, 7866, 3467, 36, 8201, 42, 6969, 3143, 5726, 53374, 25, 1795, 1129, 2067, 575, 14825, 82192, 14, 3097, 38, 92216, 37, 70, 34, 198, 792, 10912, 87643, 29575, 3823, 7138, 994, 279, 1920, 315, 32859, 287, 477, 20806, 733, 9778, 4131, 311, 459, 408, 13, 2030, 420, 842, 16983, 374, 1633, 2204, 505, 4205, 832, 1053, 48248, 13, 763, 279, 17139, 32859, 499, 47530, 709, 682, 3966, 13, 1789, 279, 33595, 71831, 59125, 892, 499, 690, 387, 3025, 311, 2019, 11, 1054, 40, 1097, 3403, 2029, 1472, 690, 33595, 71831, 303, 6261, 304, 1384, 1410, 1405, 4395, 33595, 71831, 2641, 3871, 439, 433, 1288, 50006, 20806, 733, 6724, 11, 264, 1732, 649, 11322, 264, 502, 9764, 13, 578, 14098, 315, 32859, 374, 21507, 11, 279, 682, 37612, 1347, 4628, 2410, 315, 4359, 13, 32171, 374, 279, 30547, 304, 171, 120912, 84, 768, 315, 279, 30467, 13, 9843, 433, 29933, 264, 1732, 753, 2324, 11, 279, 820, 3445, 430, 584, 1005, 311, 1629, 1057, 6439, 1389, 2944, 11, 12496, 11, 5149, 11, 9293, 11, 2291, 61665, 11, 26434, 1389, 527, 15338, 3201, 1093, 279, 4967, 23529, 315, 264, 36086, 1246, 42283, 37276, 21168, 2324, 753, 9669, 13, 2684, 374, 4400, 311, 8850, 11, 4400, 311, 387, 16390, 315, 13, 578, 4459, 4360, 315, 1695, 3078, 355, 14289, 61370, 13, 26888, 374, 912, 5129, 264, 8063, 311, 387, 62920, 719, 459, 65070, 4367, 315, 279, 4851, 13, 666, 288, 774, 826, 527, 279, 1121, 11, 539, 315, 50058, 21623, 11, 719, 315, 5108, 311, 279, 842, 315, 264, 1920, 32253, 433, 374, 24891, 555, 21507, 11, 13901, 753, 16033, 4633, 1684, 374, 430, 3823, 7138, 374, 21536, 11, 22681, 11, 97727, 11, 323, 625, 269, 519, 13, 763, 2144, 11, 584, 527, 5042, 6965, 555, 279, 37374, 753, 43656, 315, 9764, 13, 578, 3492, 1054, 66280, 863, 374, 21277, 26, 275, 5042, 19813, 311, 264, 1614, 315, 20893, 13, 1442, 499, 1935, 264, 1732, 323, 5457, 1461, 311, 3974, 304, 15748, 20893, 1389, 2019, 54788, 279, 43539, 315, 264, 9527, 1389, 682, 13124, 315, 33595, 120912, 8805, 690, 2274, 11, 505, 83544, 311, 1624, 7713, 13, 2030, 814, 7784, 1431, 28753, 279, 42950, 374, 57323, 64903, 13, 2435, 1121, 505, 1694, 6965, 709, 11829, 6811, 1990, 264, 42950, 60951, 304, 813, 2849, 323, 499, 477, 757, 374, 430, 584, 54523, 14896, 311, 3974, 42450, 23546, 13, 578, 961, 315, 13520, 430, 1903, 420, 5873, 374, 279, 37374, 13, 578, 3789, 5353, 315, 682, 16066, 374, 279, 905, 9764, 315, 279, 1054, 40, 863, 430, 13777, 18254, 2324, 323, 27227, 279, 1972, 659, 520, 279, 13836, 2237, 29845, 905, 659, 706, 459, 18909, 13, 1102, 15849, 433, 8964, 1268, 311, 1629, 18254, 2324, 11, 323, 994, 21699, 449, 4338, 15343, 11, 433, 33595, 71831, 2121, 82, 1203, 1389, 1306, 682, 11, 20237, 5196, 374, 520, 18783, 13, 662, 15583, 287, 701, 9764, 374, 1093, 29588, 287, 15173, 389, 6261, 13, 1472, 2011, 1180, 439, 2225, 10896, 323, 8893, 13, 1556, 12266, 3465, 22655, 719, 11622, 3284, 304, 17985, 11829, 37374, 753, 11376, 315, 2324, 374, 653, 1816, 481, 13, 3639, 433, 21300, 439, 264, 6724, 5716, 171, 71831, 657, 287, 2324, 374, 459, 41919, 499, 649, 331, 521, 682, 701, 2324, 2085, 1475, 35744, 6206, 389, 433, 13, 3277, 499, 3719, 8010, 315, 420, 23011, 11, 279, 1121, 374, 75494, 369, 279, 37374, 13, 1102, 649, 1431, 20874, 449, 279, 13836, 753, 11376, 315, 5716, 171, 71831, 657, 479, 23210, 617, 682, 1027, 66731, 311, 4510, 430, 433, 753, 279, 37374, 430, 374, 15325, 323, 26569, 304, 1202, 5603, 311, 2324, 11, 1418, 279, 13836, 374, 653, 1617, 467, 481, 323, 45017, 505, 18254, 22747, 13, 2030, 430, 574, 264, 4686, 59214, 315, 279, 8206, 844, 1146, 650, 6948, 315, 48550, 171, 71831, 657, 479, 791, 37374, 753, 11376, 25, 14260, 358, 617, 4395, 358, 1205, 311, 387, 10882, 13, 14260, 358, 1097, 95863, 1606, 3958, 2574, 649, 1431, 2586, 3221, 757, 13, 14260, 17331, 2653, 990, 4205, 649, 387, 17427, 13, 14260, 358, 6767, 7182, 555, 856, 53881, 13, 14260, 358, 3243, 1790, 810, 3629, 1109, 358, 9229, 13, 14260, 358, 617, 264, 3831, 659, 14064, 11829, 13836, 753, 11376, 25, 14260, 358, 1097, 4395, 358, 1205, 13, 14260, 358, 1097, 9966, 1606, 358, 617, 4400, 311, 8850, 304, 7182, 13, 14260, 578, 33595, 120912, 363, 315, 2324, 753, 37492, 12716, 757, 4395, 13, 14260, 358, 656, 539, 6767, 7182, 555, 904, 9434, 5410, 13, 14260, 58951, 374, 810, 3062, 1109, 11230, 13, 14260, 9393, 358, 4344, 19411, 11, 358, 3243, 279, 6666, 315, 279, 14329, 1877, 13, 14260, 3277, 358, 33595, 71831, 303, 279, 4832, 3021, 11, 433, 690, 387, 389, 856, 3878, 13, 14260, 358, 649, 33595, 71831, 303, 4832, 3021, 11, 1606, 358, 617, 11352, 433, 33595, 71831, 59125, 304, 7182, 13, 14260, 358, 617, 912, 659, 14064, 26, 358, 1097, 7953, 5448, 13, 14260, 7089, 1274, 527, 29123, 311, 757, 439, 13836, 311, 13836, 28628, 753, 6762, 311, 2019, 11, 358, 1781, 11, 430, 279, 2132, 11376, 16964, 2324, 304, 264, 1614, 315, 21507, 13, 1102, 13656, 369, 10345, 17820, 598, 10365, 11, 539, 2324, 439, 1685, 4591, 927, 555, 279, 37374, 13, 14968, 3411, 520, 279, 1403, 11709, 11, 1455, 1274, 1053, 33595, 71831, 303, 1820, 37374, 753, 2373, 8831, 323, 810, 13579, 13, 1789, 832, 3245, 11, 814, 527, 2736, 5115, 1511, 311, 433, 11829, 37374, 753, 11376, 315, 5716, 171, 71831, 657, 479, 374, 653, 1617, 467, 481, 11, 1606, 1855, 25181, 1054, 40, 863, 374, 389, 1202, 1866, 11, 4018, 1022, 505, 279, 2484, 315, 2324, 13, 578, 24981, 16048, 1694, 19487, 649, 1193, 387, 9434, 11, 1606, 1070, 753, 912, 4868, 42450, 1006, 360, 171, 71831, 657, 479, 374, 539, 264, 5030, 315, 659, 38025, 782, 7986, 13, 1102, 18065, 264, 6541, 3201, 505, 279, 37374, 753, 18909, 11, 13353, 1527, 16011, 1147, 311, 279, 9358, 1917, 13, 578, 13836, 10187, 704, 264, 3169, 315, 23871, 430, 4536, 1431, 18222, 389, 3508, 16902, 4994, 527, 1695, 477, 3958, 13, 578, 1853, 315, 279, 13836, 11767, 311, 264, 2035, 1405, 499, 3217, 5716, 171, 71831, 657, 479, 300, 264, 7342, 1315, 11, 439, 961, 315, 889, 499, 527, 13, 1472, 1541, 1431, 617, 311, 990, 369, 433, 26, 499, 1193, 617, 311, 387, 13, 32171, 4131, 1527, 264, 2867, 11376, 315, 889, 499, 2216, 527, 13, 5351, 16052, 4154, 28534, 9311, 50, 4716, 76048, 715, 220, 7994, 13, 10699, 304, 701, 2324, 656, 499, 1205, 311, 44491, 279, 1455, 320, 17206, 422, 433, 374, 6261, 12106, 3639, 374, 27252, 499, 505, 3725, 93441, 420, 1732, 30, 20796, 553, 1268, 499, 649, 4984, 6261, 505, 279, 6784, 315, 18534, 1099, 664, 4282, 11, 323, 5269, 499, 649, 1825, 701, 4851, 311, 420, 1732, 1578, 13, 3234, 539, 387, 64770, 422, 420, 374, 29213], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " more gravel and gallstones, poor absorption of fats and a more \ntoxic liver. \nFurther, carnitine is needed to shuttle fatty acids into the energy -\nproducing mitochondria. This is bes t supplied as the better absorbed N -\nacetyl -carnitine. \nThe chain of treatment for restoring liver energy, bile flow and fat \nmetabolism is like this: \n\u2022 Coconut oil several times daily for liver energy and the production of \n ketoacids \n\u2022 P5P and zinc to enable th e synthesis of essential proteins \n\u2022 Up to 2 x \u00bd teaspoon s each of taurine and N -acetyl -carnitine with \n food \nAfter sufficient health improvement these supplements can be reduced \nor phased out. \nSpecial Foods \nSpecial foods high in protective nutrients may be used for general healing \nqualities or to overcome various health problems. Examples are sprouted \nseeds, bee pollen, cereal grasses juiced or as powder, purple foods, \nsulphur foods, and unheated lactic acid fermented foo ds. \nBone Jelly Broth is excellent for improving connective tissue and is \nuseful with arthritis, fibromyalgia, osteoporosis, weak blood vessels, \nvaricose veins, sagging skin and other age -related problems. Simmer \nfish heads or knucklebones for several hour s with the addition of several \ntablespoons of vinegar in a non -metal pot. Strain and refrigerate or freeze \nin small lots. Frequently add to meals. 27 \n Alternatively, you may add a tablespoon of gelatine when cooking food. \nIt also helps to absorb minerals. \nFermented Foods help to maintain a healthy gastro -intestinal tract. Try \nto make your own using lacto bacterial cultures from several sources to \nprovide a wide range of different strains. Also, kefir grains are good and \nwork at room temperature. In additio n to or instead of milk -based \nferments explore fermenting grains, bee pollen and vegetables, \npreferably at temperatures from 37 to 40\u00b0C. However, many individuals \nare very sensitive to yeasts and aged proteins in ferments as well as to \nthe mucus -inducing e ffects of galactose/lactose, especially from kefir. \nFor recipes see: users.chariot.net.au/~dna/kefirpage.html and \nwww.agmfoods.com \nGlycerine (also Glycerin or Glycerol) is a sweet carbohydrate and part \nof fats and oils. Unlike sucrose or fructose, it does not elevate insulin \nlevels. High insulin levels convert glucose into fat, and are a main cause \nof overweight, and by causing hypoglycaemia a wide range of symptoms \nmay result including overacidity, fatigue, fainting spells, anxiety attacks \nand phobias. While the underlying cause commonly is Candida, taking a \nspoonful of glycerine with water and flavoured with lemon juice before \nstressful event s can reduce problems. \nGreen Juice may be from fresh leaves, celery, and from wheat or barley \ngrass or even soft lawn grass, or you may blend fresh leaves of any kind \nat high speed with water and ingest without straining. \nLemon Juice is especially impo rtant because it helps to regenerate the \noxidative energy metabolism which is at the heart of most modern \ndiseases. Citric acid is the key nutrient in the citric acid cycle that oxidises \nfood to carbon dioxide and water, yielding 20 times more energy than the \nanaerobic energy production to lactic acid in cells with blocked oxidation. \nTake about 50 ml of fresh (or unfrozen) lemon juice 1 to 3 times daily \nbefore meals. Partly neutralise with some sodium bicarbonate and dilute \nwith several parts of other juice or (energised) water. You may also use 28 \n this as the main nutrient on fasting day s, e.g., use about 25 ml in diluted \nform every hour. \nLiver is high in many nutrients that a diseased body cannot produce or \nconvert into its active forms, such as vitamin B12, folate, P5P (activated \nvitamin B6); also, vitamin A, enzymes and others. These v itamins and \nnutrients from liver are much more potent than synthetic ones as in \ntablets or capsules. Additional supplements may still be needed such as \nvitamins C, D and B -vitamins, especially niacin. \nYou can use liver powder from free -range beef but even better is fresh \nfree-range liver, buy frozen and use raw. This may be cut or chopped \ninto small pieces or pressed through a large garlic press and mixed with \nother food. Alternatively process a larger amount with a slow juicer and \nfreeze in ice -cube trays. Use about 20 to 40 g with breakfast or lunch and \nadd 5,000 IU of vitamin D3 to balance the high vitamin A content of liver. \nProtein Powders, stirred into a suitable liquid, are good as a basic snack \nor meal. You may mix any of the following in any combi nation or quantity: \nspirulina, chlorella, barley or wheat grass powder, ground linseed, bee \npollen, whey protein isolate (but not concentrate), pea protein, soaked \nquinoa or chia seeds. You may make the consistency so that you can drink \nit or eat it like porridge. For convenience pre -mix a supply of protein \npowders in a large container that lasts for several weeks. \nPurple Foods supply strong antioxidants. When cooked or pressed with \nskin they yield purple juice. Common examples are beetroot, black, \npurple or red grapes or currants, cherries, red wine and red cabbage, \nraspberries, bilberries, blackberries and blueberries. \nSprouted seeds and young shoots such as cereal grasses provide a \nhigher degree of vitality and rejuvenation than other foods. Sprouted \nseeds are a mainstay of a good diet. Commonly used for sprouting are \nlegumes such as lentils, mung beans, fenugreek, peas and chickpeas, \nbut also almonds, nuts and sunflower kernels ma y be spouted. Sunflower \nand buckwheat seeds make a tasty salad when grown in seed boxes and \ncut close to the soil when 5 -10 cm high. 29 \n Sulphur -rich foods improve detoxification and strengthen the immune \nsystem. These include raw egg yolk, garlic, onion, hor seradish, \nwatercress, turnip and members of the cabbage family. \nProblem Foods \nProblem foods are widely used basic foods that lead to health problems \nin large parts of the population. So -called junk food and heavily \nprocessed and chemicalised food belong i n this category, but also dried \nfruits, milk products and wholemeal bread. \nWhat chiefly makes a particular food a problem is the presence of one or \nseveral components that frequently cause metabolic or digestive \nproblems. Avoid or minimize any problem foo ds that you can identify as \ncontributing to your health problems. \nThe main problem foods in our society are: \nCow\u2019s milk products and lactose cause mucus congestion and \nsusceptibility to colds, \u2018flu and asthma, as well as allergies, and enzyme \ndeficiencies when using pasteurized products. Casein from Friesian \ncows (called A1 milk) is a cause of type 1 diabetes and other problems. \nWheat and glut en products tend to cause intestinal irritation and \ninflammation, and contribute to the development of malabsorption, \nallergies and overweight. Other gluten grains are rye and barley. Oats \ncontain a less reactive protein but can still cause problems for ce liacs. \nSugar and sweet foods make us overacid and oversensitive, cause \nmineral deficiencies and contribute to a wide range of diseases, including \nCandida, overweight, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer. \nRecommended sugar substitutes are xylitol, glycerine and stevia. \nRed mea t and saturated fats (when heated) cause enzyme deficiencies \nand may contribute to many diseases, especially if highly heated, \nhowever unheated they can be health foods. \nChemicalised foods are basically all non -organic processed foods with \nadded chemicals - most supermarket foods. Grain products, peanuts and 30 \n dried fruit are most affected by moulds. \nOxalic Acid is rather high in many vegetables, fruit and seeds. Some \nexamples of high-level foods are spinach, silverbeet/chard, beet leaves, \nrhubarb, parsley, tea, and many berries. Even though most oxalates are \nproduced within the body, a, high level in food can cause digestive \ndistress, increase mucus congestion by irritating mucous membranes, \nand contribute to kidney stones. Any problems can be reduced by adding \nsome calcium carbonate or eggshell powder when cooking or juicing high \noxalate foods. This then forms calcium oxalate which is not absorbed. \nFor details see : Cows Milk and Lactose Problems and Chemicals and \nOther Food Problems. \nAvoid or Minimize: wheat and gluten -enriched foods; soy products \nexcept if traditionally fermented; synthetic sweeteners, sugar and sweet \nfoods; dried and pasteurized milk; margarine, shortenings, canola and \npolyunsaturated seed oils; highly heated, microwave -heated and GM -\nfoods, and generally highly processed food with added chemicals. \nMetabolic Types \nWe have inherited our metabolic make", "token_ids": [810, 42623, 323, 19754, 33610, 11, 8009, 44225, 315, 50127, 323, 264, 810, 720, 998, 14668, 26587, 13, 2355, 31428, 11, 39438, 275, 483, 220, 374, 4460, 311, 45641, 40085, 33969, 1139, 279, 4907, 18722, 8723, 6253, 55042, 4298, 13, 1115, 374, 9234, 259, 17665, 439, 279, 2731, 42101, 452, 18722, 582, 87348, 482, 66, 1923, 275, 483, 13, 2355, 791, 8957, 315, 6514, 369, 50203, 26587, 4907, 11, 73394, 6530, 323, 8834, 720, 4150, 53904, 2191, 374, 1093, 420, 25, 2355, 6806, 72379, 5707, 3892, 3115, 7446, 369, 26587, 4907, 323, 279, 5788, 315, 720, 66634, 582, 3447, 2355, 6806, 393, 20, 47, 323, 49601, 311, 7431, 270, 384, 39975, 315, 7718, 28896, 2355, 6806, 3216, 311, 220, 17, 865, 220, 27154, 42384, 274, 1855, 315, 259, 4202, 483, 323, 452, 482, 582, 87348, 482, 66, 1923, 275, 483, 449, 720, 3691, 2355, 6153, 14343, 2890, 16048, 1521, 33690, 649, 387, 11293, 720, 269, 86329, 704, 13, 2355, 20989, 40160, 2355, 20989, 15657, 220, 1579, 304, 29219, 37493, 1253, 387, 1511, 369, 4689, 21730, 720, 83465, 477, 311, 23075, 5370, 2890, 5435, 13, 26379, 527, 8314, 19042, 720, 325, 6910, 11, 38328, 79784, 11, 62233, 16763, 288, 10479, 7725, 477, 439, 17138, 11, 25977, 15657, 11, 720, 82, 360, 764, 324, 15657, 11, 323, 653, 383, 660, 326, 24045, 13935, 96080, 15586, 11729, 13, 2355, 63429, 74239, 6031, 339, 220, 374, 9250, 369, 18899, 4667, 535, 20438, 323, 374, 720, 817, 1285, 449, 55652, 11, 16178, 442, 16858, 55901, 11, 52368, 89766, 10934, 11, 7621, 6680, 31080, 11, 720, 959, 292, 974, 60764, 11, 30811, 3252, 6930, 323, 1023, 4325, 482, 9920, 5435, 13, 4567, 1195, 720, 18668, 14971, 477, 1168, 57075, 82091, 369, 3892, 6596, 274, 449, 279, 5369, 315, 3892, 720, 2048, 2203, 29639, 315, 47205, 304, 264, 2536, 482, 55108, 3419, 13, 4610, 467, 323, 30477, 349, 477, 220, 31030, 720, 258, 2678, 10283, 13, 93720, 923, 311, 21644, 13, 220, 220, 1544, 720, 39578, 11, 499, 1253, 923, 264, 62611, 315, 18316, 266, 483, 994, 17677, 3691, 13, 720, 2181, 1101, 8779, 311, 35406, 34072, 13, 2355, 37, 261, 28078, 40160, 220, 1520, 311, 10519, 264, 9498, 59349, 482, 71558, 42929, 13, 9934, 720, 998, 1304, 701, 1866, 1701, 51644, 78, 45964, 27833, 505, 3892, 8336, 311, 720, 62556, 264, 7029, 2134, 315, 2204, 42400, 13, 7429, 11, 220, 2004, 92736, 41936, 527, 1695, 323, 720, 1816, 520, 3130, 9499, 13, 220, 763, 923, 275, 822, 308, 311, 477, 4619, 315, 14403, 482, 31039, 720, 809, 1392, 13488, 68736, 287, 41936, 11, 38328, 79784, 323, 24822, 11, 720, 81160, 2915, 520, 20472, 505, 220, 1806, 311, 220, 1272, 32037, 13, 4452, 11, 1690, 7931, 720, 548, 1633, 16614, 311, 20043, 12019, 323, 20330, 28896, 304, 18728, 1392, 439, 1664, 439, 311, 720, 1820, 296, 38601, 482, 485, 59144, 384, 282, 3836, 82, 315, 15730, 533, 974, 13631, 533, 974, 11, 5423, 505, 2004, 92736, 13, 5996, 2520, 19141, 1518, 25, 3932, 11402, 11345, 5181, 31877, 54896, 93977, 14, 441, 92736, 2964, 2628, 220, 323, 720, 2185, 29192, 76, 96420, 916, 5996, 38, 68590, 483, 220, 320, 19171, 480, 68590, 258, 477, 480, 68590, 337, 8, 374, 264, 10437, 67732, 323, 961, 720, 1073, 50127, 323, 32462, 13, 27140, 11405, 25888, 477, 1448, 87873, 11, 220, 433, 1587, 539, 69730, 32152, 720, 43664, 13, 5234, 32152, 5990, 5625, 34323, 1139, 8834, 11, 323, 527, 264, 1925, 5353, 720, 1073, 50254, 11, 323, 555, 14718, 9950, 540, 398, 936, 22689, 264, 220, 7029, 2134, 315, 13803, 720, 18864, 1121, 2737, 927, 582, 19025, 11, 36709, 11, 38678, 287, 26701, 11, 18547, 8951, 720, 438, 1343, 677, 3557, 13, 6104, 279, 16940, 5353, 17037, 374, 94916, 64, 11, 4737, 264, 720, 2203, 9186, 1285, 315, 37807, 3913, 483, 449, 3090, 323, 18779, 21020, 449, 30564, 23661, 1603, 720, 95290, 1285, 1567, 274, 649, 8108, 5435, 13, 5996, 20147, 66851, 1253, 387, 220, 505, 7878, 11141, 11, 70121, 11, 323, 505, 34153, 477, 81817, 720, 54454, 477, 1524, 8579, 37125, 16763, 11, 477, 499, 1253, 20955, 7878, 11141, 315, 904, 3169, 720, 266, 1579, 4732, 449, 3090, 323, 220, 89372, 2085, 610, 2101, 13, 2355, 43, 7439, 66851, 220, 374, 5423, 3242, 78, 17091, 519, 1606, 433, 8779, 311, 80551, 279, 720, 85078, 1413, 4907, 39097, 902, 374, 520, 279, 4851, 315, 1455, 6617, 720, 67, 1082, 2315, 13, 18002, 2265, 13935, 374, 279, 1401, 50123, 304, 279, 6681, 2265, 13935, 11008, 430, 36172, 5014, 720, 14239, 311, 12782, 40589, 323, 3090, 11, 78504, 220, 508, 3115, 810, 4907, 1109, 279, 720, 3444, 261, 31906, 4907, 5788, 311, 326, 24045, 13935, 304, 7917, 449, 19857, 71162, 13, 2355, 18293, 922, 220, 1135, 16116, 315, 7878, 320, 269, 9662, 43340, 8, 30564, 23661, 220, 16, 311, 220, 18, 3115, 7446, 720, 15145, 21644, 13, 3744, 398, 21277, 1082, 449, 1063, 39695, 60831, 97342, 323, 19371, 1088, 720, 4291, 3892, 5596, 315, 1023, 23661, 477, 320, 804, 70, 4147, 8, 3090, 13, 1472, 1253, 1101, 1005, 220, 1591, 720, 420, 439, 279, 1925, 50123, 389, 54560, 1938, 274, 11, 384, 1326, 2637, 1005, 922, 220, 914, 16116, 304, 80703, 720, 630, 1475, 6596, 13, 2355, 83995, 220, 374, 1579, 304, 1690, 37493, 430, 264, 6759, 1503, 2547, 4250, 8356, 477, 720, 14500, 1139, 1202, 4642, 7739, 11, 1778, 439, 28170, 426, 717, 11, 9630, 349, 11, 393, 20, 47, 320, 31262, 720, 55911, 8778, 426, 21, 1237, 1101, 11, 28170, 362, 11, 56067, 323, 3885, 13, 4314, 348, 433, 38925, 323, 720, 24217, 32930, 505, 26587, 527, 1790, 810, 36875, 1109, 28367, 6305, 439, 304, 720, 2048, 2641, 477, 65879, 13, 24086, 33690, 1253, 2103, 387, 4460, 1778, 439, 720, 55911, 38925, 356, 11, 423, 323, 426, 482, 55911, 38925, 11, 5423, 13080, 40488, 13, 2355, 2675, 649, 1005, 26587, 17138, 505, 1949, 482, 9866, 25309, 719, 1524, 220, 2731, 374, 7878, 720, 10816, 31608, 26587, 11, 3780, 20268, 323, 1005, 7257, 13, 1115, 1253, 387, 4018, 477, 38525, 720, 18614, 2678, 9863, 477, 17770, 1555, 264, 3544, 31735, 3577, 323, 9709, 449, 720, 1605, 3691, 13, 39578, 1920, 264, 8294, 3392, 449, 264, 6435, 10479, 13296, 323, 720, 52738, 304, 10054, 482, 46511, 92825, 662, 5560, 922, 220, 508, 311, 220, 1272, 342, 449, 17954, 477, 16163, 323, 720, 723, 220, 20, 11, 931, 81725, 315, 28170, 423, 18, 311, 8335, 279, 1579, 28170, 362, 2262, 315, 26587, 13, 2355, 1360, 39340, 24523, 12601, 11, 75940, 1139, 264, 14791, 14812, 11, 527, 1695, 439, 264, 6913, 40459, 720, 269, 15496, 13, 1472, 1253, 6651, 904, 315, 279, 2768, 304, 904, 3698, 72, 7140, 477, 12472, 25, 720, 50177, 360, 2259, 11, 523, 385, 34142, 11, 81817, 477, 34153, 16763, 17138, 11, 5015, 10006, 23425, 11, 38328, 720, 31241, 268, 11, 15240, 88, 13128, 43223, 320, 8248, 539, 37455, 705, 98763, 13128, 11, 69975, 720, 447, 80094, 477, 107361, 19595, 13, 1472, 1253, 1304, 279, 29237, 779, 430, 499, 649, 7172, 720, 275, 477, 8343, 433, 1093, 4247, 11431, 13, 1789, 19679, 864, 482, 36171, 264, 8312, 315, 13128, 720, 22491, 12601, 304, 264, 3544, 5593, 430, 40758, 369, 3892, 5672, 13, 2355, 75613, 40160, 220, 8312, 3831, 81115, 13, 3277, 30205, 477, 17770, 449, 2355, 37282, 814, 7692, 25977, 23661, 13, 7874, 10507, 527, 49112, 2959, 11, 3776, 11, 720, 57607, 477, 2579, 66008, 477, 10004, 1821, 11, 23008, 4108, 11, 2579, 13378, 323, 2579, 74873, 11, 720, 13075, 79, 36989, 11, 20934, 36989, 11, 3776, 36989, 323, 6437, 36989, 13, 2355, 64505, 19042, 19595, 220, 323, 3995, 44727, 1778, 439, 62233, 16763, 288, 3493, 264, 720, 90447, 8547, 315, 75716, 323, 73484, 367, 1109, 1023, 15657, 13, 15883, 19042, 720, 325, 6910, 527, 264, 1925, 60021, 315, 264, 1695, 10173, 13, 7874, 398, 1511, 369, 8314, 11149, 527, 720, 1978, 19131, 1778, 439, 48907, 8839, 11, 296, 2234, 27994, 11, 44585, 773, 10957, 11, 47136, 323, 31863, 375, 300, 11, 720, 8248, 1101, 88922, 11, 31049, 323, 7160, 39853, 64615, 7643, 379, 387, 993, 19042, 13, 8219, 39853, 720, 438, 22786, 86, 20559, 19595, 1304, 264, 39953, 33566, 994, 15042, 304, 10533, 15039, 323, 720, 10453, 3345, 311, 279, 17614, 994, 220, 20, 482, 605, 10166, 1579, 13, 220, 220, 1682, 720, 46962, 764, 324, 482, 14172, 15657, 220, 7417, 61987, 2461, 323, 20259, 279, 22852, 720, 9125, 13, 4314, 2997, 7257, 19151, 379, 23427, 11, 31735, 11, 38427, 11, 4917, 1446, 329, 819, 11, 720, 13284, 66, 676, 11, 2543, 575, 323, 3697, 315, 279, 74873, 3070, 13, 2355, 32298, 40160, 2355, 32298, 15657, 527, 13882, 1511, 6913, 15657, 430, 3063, 311, 2890, 5435, 720, 258, 3544, 5596, 315, 279, 7187, 13, 2100, 482, 44982, 30774, 3691, 323, 17345, 720, 35122, 323, 11742, 4147, 3691, 9352, 602, 308, 420, 5699, 11, 719, 1101, 32720, 720, 1658, 12059, 11, 14403, 3956, 323, 4459, 42880, 16385, 13, 2355, 3923, 89382, 3727, 264, 4040, 3691, 264, 3575, 374, 279, 9546, 315, 832, 477, 720, 325, 17998, 6956, 430, 14134, 5353, 41861, 477, 60071, 720, 96440, 13, 35106, 477, 30437, 904, 3575, 15586, 11729, 430, 499, 649, 10765, 439, 720, 48210, 10831, 311, 701, 2890, 5435, 13, 2355, 791, 1925, 3575, 15657, 304, 1057, 8396, 527, 25, 2355, 91015, 753, 14403, 3956, 323, 51644, 974, 220, 5353, 296, 38601, 55146, 323, 720, 86521, 1512, 3225, 311, 9439, 82, 11, 3451, 27256, 323, 51643, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 58742, 1174, 323, 49242, 720, 755, 43690, 994, 1701, 3347, 12844, 1534, 3956, 13, 11799, 258, 505, 435, 4108, 1122, 720, 66, 4336, 320, 44982, 362, 16, 14403, 8, 374, 264, 5353, 315, 955, 220, 16, 20335, 323, 1023, 5435, 13, 2355, 54, 20559, 323, 35169, 665, 3956, 8541, 311, 5353, 63900, 66510, 323, 720, 258, 45864, 367, 11, 323, 17210, 311, 279, 4500, 315, 8811, 3518, 66181, 11, 720, 543, 2431, 552, 323, 50254, 13, 7089, 38455, 41936, 527, 436, 9188, 323, 81817, 13, 507, 1900, 720, 53195, 264, 2753, 56563, 13128, 719, 649, 2103, 5353, 5435, 369, 3846, 908, 19807, 13, 2355, 84514, 323, 10437, 15657, 220, 1304, 603, 927, 58156, 323, 17918, 19245, 11, 5353, 720, 1083, 3333, 72946, 323, 17210, 311, 264, 7029, 2134, 315, 19338, 11, 2737, 720, 34, 4654, 64, 11, 50254, 11, 20335, 11, 41713, 8624, 323, 9572, 13, 720, 57627, 13465, 91362, 527, 865, 4010, 27094, 11, 37807, 3913, 483, 323, 4179, 20708, 13, 2355, 6161, 757, 64, 259, 323, 50585, 50127, 220, 320, 9493, 32813, 8, 5353, 49242, 72946, 720, 438, 1253, 17210, 311, 1690, 19338, 11, 5423, 422, 7701, 32813, 11, 720, 98936, 653, 383, 660, 814, 649, 387, 2890, 15657, 13, 2355, 64938, 950, 4147, 15657, 527, 13524, 682, 2536, 482, 61694, 15590, 15657, 449, 720, 17249, 26333, 482, 1455, 49313, 15657, 13, 75374, 3956, 11, 90177, 323, 220, 966, 720, 32720, 14098, 527, 1455, 11754, 555, 51370, 82, 13, 2355, 46, 87, 32613, 50234, 374, 4856, 1579, 304, 1690, 24822, 11, 14098, 323, 19595, 13, 4427, 720, 52768, 315, 1579, 11852, 15657, 527, 68798, 11, 15310, 1395, 295, 21987, 569, 11, 49112, 11141, 11, 720, 81, 27780, 76370, 11, 88621, 11, 15600, 11, 323, 1690, 63494, 13, 7570, 3582, 1455, 19488, 278, 988, 527, 720, 8723, 2041, 2949, 279, 2547, 11, 264, 11, 1579, 2237, 304, 3691, 649, 5353, 60071, 720, 12489, 676, 11, 5376, 296, 38601, 55146, 555, 85077, 65104, 788, 79348, 11, 720, 438, 17210, 311, 39042, 27302, 13, 5884, 5435, 649, 387, 11293, 555, 7999, 720, 15031, 35719, 84443, 477, 19151, 22098, 17138, 994, 17677, 477, 10479, 10332, 1579, 720, 5241, 278, 349, 15657, 13, 1115, 1243, 7739, 35719, 19488, 278, 349, 902, 374, 539, 42101, 13, 2355, 2520, 3649, 1518, 551, 356, 4336, 44925, 323, 445, 533, 974, 45635, 220, 323, 36424, 82, 323, 720, 11663, 12369, 45635, 662, 2355, 53216, 477, 3468, 12117, 25, 220, 34153, 323, 38455, 482, 268, 14172, 291, 15657, 26, 29839, 3956, 720, 11945, 422, 36342, 96080, 26, 28367, 10437, 18724, 11, 13465, 323, 10437, 720, 96420, 26, 32720, 323, 3347, 12844, 1534, 14403, 26, 19205, 75314, 11, 74481, 826, 11, 649, 8083, 323, 720, 34535, 11099, 35467, 10533, 32462, 26, 7701, 32813, 11, 42374, 482, 383, 660, 323, 19722, 18722, 96420, 11, 323, 8965, 7701, 15590, 3691, 449, 3779, 26333, 13, 2355, 35773, 57565, 21431, 2355, 1687, 617, 28088, 1057, 41861, 1304], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": "swithsevereshooting\npains.Repeatasnecessary,butseekprofessional\nhelp.\nSunburn\nSeeBurnsabove.LEDUM(Led.)\nInsectbites/stings\nUseLedumtinctureneatoninsectbitesandstingsto\npreventswellinganditching.\nManyhomeopathicpharmacieshavetheirown\npreparationsforrelievingbitesandstings.Theseare\ngenerallymixturesofanumberofremediesandare\nappliedneatasabove.\nIfyouareoftenbittenandaresensitivetoinsect\nbites,youwillbenefitfromconstitutionalhomeo-\npathictreatment(seepage205),especially ifyour\nresponseisextremelysevere.\nPhytolacca (Phyt.)\nCrackednipples\nApplythetinctureneatforspeedyhealingofnipples\nthataresoreand/orcrackedthroughbreastfeeding.\nSorethroat\nUseastronglotionasagargle(40dropstoVepintof\ncooled,boiledwatertowhichateaspoonofseasaltcan\nalsobeadded).Taketheappropriateinternalremedy.\nPLANTAGO(Plant.)\nEarache\nDiluteafewdropsoftincturewithequalquantitiesof\nwarmalmondoil(orcooled,boiledwater)anddrop\nintothepainfulear.Followtheseguidelines:\n1Heataspoonbydippingitinboilingwater,then\npourtheoilandthetinctureintoitandwait30\nsecondsforthespoontocoolandtheoiltowarm.\n2Tiptheheadononeside.\n3Droptheliquidintotheear.\n4Pullthelobeoftheeardownandroundandoutvery\ngentlysothattheliquidgoesrightintotheear.\nSomechildrenwillnotallowanythingtobeputinto\ntheirearswhentheyareinpain.Donotforcethison\nthem.Offerinsteadawarmhotwaterbottlewrapped\ninasofttowelforthemtolieon;ifthatdoesn'thelptry\nanicepack(crushediceinaplasticbaginathin,soft\ntowel).Orwraptheheadtightlywithascarf.Oneof\nthesemeasuresmightoffertemporaryreliefandalso\nguideyoutothecorrectinternalremedy.\nNBSEEKPROFESSIONALHELPIFPAINIS\nSEVERE.\nEXTERNALMATERIAMEDICA Symphytum(Symph.) \u202235\nToothache\nApplyneattincturetotheaffectedtoothorswooshthe\nmouthoutfrequentlywithastronglotion(40drops\ntincturewithVspintcooled,boiledwater).\nPYRETHRUM (Pyr.)\nInsectrepellent\nApplythelotiontoallexposedareasofskin,andcarry\naspraybottleofthelotionwithyoutorenewthe\napplications.Somepharmacies sellPyrethrumina\nspray,otherwisebuythetinctureandmakeafresh\nbatchoflotiondaily.Somehomeopathicpharmacies\nalsoproducetheirown'anti-bitelotion'whichcanbe\ndilutedandusedasabove.Experimenttoseewhich\nsuitsvoubest.\nRESCUEREMEDY(RR)\nThiswonderfulall-purpose'remedy'isbasedon\nflowersandcomesinacreamorasatincture.Ithas\nbeenknowntohelpanythingfrombruises,coldsores,\ncrackednipples,eczema,insectbitesandstings,\nnappyrashandpilestosunburn.IfRescueRemedy\nisallyouhavethenuseit.(Seepage250.)RUTAGRAVEOLENS (Ruta.)\nBunions/corns\nApplytheointmenttwicedailytoeasepain.\nBruises\nThisisforwhenbonypartsofthebodyaresoreaftera\nknock,afterArnicahasreducedtheswelling,butthe\nsorenesspersists.Shinbones,elbowsandkneecaps\nareallpartsthathavelittleprotectivemuscleandthe\ncoveringtothebonecantakelongertoheal.Rutacan\nspeeduptheprocess.Applytheointmenttwoorthree\ntimesdailyuntilthepaineases.\nEyestrain\nDilutetwodropsofRutatincturewithaneyebathof\ncooled,boiledwater,tohelpeyesstrainedbytoo\nmuchstudy,reading,orworkingataVDU.\nSprains\nUseRutawhereRhus-t.hasn'thelpedandthecovering\ntothebonemayhavebeendamaged. Ihavefounda\nmixtureofRhus-t.andRutainanointmentwonderful\nforsprainsandstrains.\nTenniselbow\nApplyointmentorcreamasnecessarytorelievethe\npain.Donotfurtherstressthejointbymorestrenuous\nactivity.\nRHUSTOXICODENDRON (Rhus-t.)\nJointpain\nRhustoxicodendronointmentrubbedintojointscan\nprovidereliefforsufferersfromrheumatismand\narthritis.\nSprains(secondstage)\nAftertheswellinghassubsided(withapplicationsof\nArnicaointmentorcream),applyRhustoxicodendron\nointmenttwicedailytothesprainedjoint,andban-\ndagetightly.Usethejoint/limbaslittleaspossibleand\nkeepitelevatedtogiveitachancetoheal.Rhus-t.is\nespeciallyusefulwhereligamentsaretorn.\nStrains\nAfterliftingorover-exertion,theointmentcanhelp\nenormously,especially ifyouhavethetypicalRhus\nsymptoms:stiffnessonbeginningtomove(ongetting\nup,forexample),improvementwithcontinuedmove-\nment,butareturnofthepainfulstiffnessifyouoverdo\nitorsitdownagain.Symphytum(Symph.)\nCuts/wounds\nSymphytum isagoodall-purposeointmentorcream.\nUseonminorcutsonceyouhavecleanedthem.\nNappyrash\nWhereCalendulahasn'thelped,Symphytumointment\noftenwill.Ifitdoesn't,yourbabywillneedconsti-\ntutionaltreatmentfromaprofessionalhomeopath.\nItisworthaskingyourmidwifeorhealthvisitorfor\nsimplepracticalmeasurestohelpthiscomplaint.For\ninstance,dryingababy'sbottomwithawarmhair-\ndryer(atasafedistance)beforeapplyingointments\nhelpstoclearastubbornrash.CautionTestthehair-\ndryeronyourowninnerforearmfirstandtakegreat\ncare.\nSprains\nApplySymphytumointmenttosprainsthatdon'tre-\nspondtoRutaorRhus-t.within48hours.Alsotake\nSymphytuminternally,astheremaybedamagetothe\nboneitself.\nNBSEEALSOPAGES203-26FORGENERALADVICE,DOSANDDON'TS.\n36\u2022Tamus(Tarn.) EXTERNALMATERIAMEDICA\nTAMUS(Tarn.)\nChilblains\nApplytheointmenttwotothreetimesdailybeforethe\nchilblainsbreaktostopitchingandtospeeduphealing.\nWarning:neverapplytoachilblainwheretheskinhas\nbroken.treatedwithrespect.Theyarecuredsuccessfullywith\nconstitutionalhomeopathictreatment,sodonotsup-\npressthemwithacidsfromthechemistorhavethem\ncutout.Homeopathshavefoundagainandagainthat\nsuppressingwartsinthiswaycanleadtothedevelop-\nmentofmoreseriouscomplaints.\nTHIOSINAMINUM (Thios.)\nScars\nThiosinaminumreducestheswellingofabadlyhealed\nscar-wheretherearelumpsandbumps(keloids)-as\nlongasitisusedsoonaftertheevent(withinthree\nmonths),butitisstillworthtryingonolderscars.Itis\nusefulforlumpyscarsfollowingappendicectomies,\nepisiotomies,andsoon.Aprofessionalhomeopath\nwillalsotreatthesewithinternalremedies.\nThuja(Thu.)\nWarts/verrucas\nNeatThujatincturecanbeappliedtwicedailyand\nThuja6takenorallyforuptotendays.\nWarning: ifthisremedyhasnoeffectseektheadvice\nofaprofessionalhomeopath.Thecontinueduseof\nThujaisnotadvisableasthesymptomsfromthe\nprovingareunpleasantanddifficulttogetridof.Itisa\ndeep-actingremedythatshouldnotgenerallybeused\ninafirst-aidkitforself-prescribing.However,sinceit\nispartoftherangestockedbymanychemists Ihave\nincludedtheminimumindications forsafe\nadministration.\nItisnowacceptedthatyoudonot'catch'verrucasin\nswimmingpoolsaswascommonlybelieveduntilre-\ncently.Homeopathsbelievethatwartsandverrucas\narepartofanoverallsymptompictureandneedtobeURTIGAURENS(Urt-u.)\nBeesting\nDabonneattinctureandtaketheappropriateinternal\nremedy-\nBums(minor)\nForminorburnswithrednessbutnoblistering,apply\ncream,ointment,oracompresssoakedinlotion.Take\ntheappropriateinternalremedyifneeded.\nEczema/r", "token_ids": [22966, 325, 424, 4385, 28562, 198, 79, 1771, 2887, 11221, 66636, 20726, 100004, 26797, 66886, 198, 8823, 627, 31192, 22464, 198, 10031, 67313, 82, 49532, 10147, 35, 2864, 5063, 291, 29275, 644, 9885, 65, 3695, 14607, 826, 198, 10464, 61950, 372, 83, 7956, 554, 818, 99512, 9885, 65, 3695, 438, 267, 287, 34152, 198, 93755, 2332, 6427, 438, 1641, 287, 627, 8607, 5227, 62209, 764, 2227, 27121, 71, 402, 19030, 72, 4935, 198, 1762, 1768, 811, 2000, 3833, 84446, 65, 3695, 438, 267, 826, 5221, 2423, 548, 198, 7642, 750, 36171, 19020, 1073, 276, 900, 1073, 1864, 291, 552, 438, 548, 198, 391, 3523, 818, 19907, 49532, 627, 2746, 9514, 548, 61917, 65, 23257, 438, 5518, 729, 275, 99754, 2003, 9885, 198, 65, 3695, 7509, 283, 14724, 68244, 275, 1527, 49674, 5227, 78, 7058, 2398, 858, 35320, 10698, 752, 425, 10866, 705, 36046, 422, 22479, 198, 2376, 285, 428, 54358, 325, 19846, 627, 3438, 16820, 337, 582, 936, 320, 3438, 16820, 29275, 16384, 11440, 77, 51660, 198, 29597, 339, 295, 7956, 554, 818, 266, 69, 1105, 4609, 88, 383, 6260, 1073, 77, 51660, 198, 339, 460, 417, 461, 438, 5255, 5192, 11440, 20322, 21152, 561, 46519, 627, 50, 461, 87164, 198, 10464, 64, 4620, 75, 6082, 300, 351, 867, 273, 7, 1272, 6861, 34152, 53, 752, 396, 1073, 198, 1030, 42831, 11, 754, 2230, 59147, 531, 363, 71, 718, 349, 300, 33076, 1073, 325, 300, 3223, 4919, 198, 1147, 15784, 17249, 570, 109848, 19030, 29228, 10701, 1864, 9497, 627, 2989, 2891, 72161, 7, 55747, 29275, 18292, 1815, 198, 35, 321, 1088, 2642, 365, 6861, 3594, 7956, 554, 86, 83856, 1788, 31548, 1385, 1073, 198, 83697, 278, 1677, 3055, 321, 81020, 1030, 42831, 11, 754, 2230, 13284, 8, 438, 6861, 198, 396, 8942, 752, 467, 69, 1130, 277, 1006, 1573, 6509, 797, 2480, 11243, 512, 16, 1548, 19907, 33076, 1729, 67, 5772, 85986, 754, 8138, 13284, 11, 3473, 198, 55619, 1820, 74913, 438, 339, 295, 7956, 554, 18614, 275, 438, 11748, 966, 198, 17859, 2000, 6509, 5481, 546, 511, 1786, 438, 1820, 78, 3036, 363, 2227, 627, 17, 16394, 1820, 2025, 263, 3233, 579, 627, 18, 20463, 339, 301, 33089, 18614, 1820, 686, 627, 19, 37168, 339, 301, 15784, 1073, 1820, 68, 38596, 438, 1067, 438, 412, 1225, 198, 70, 4501, 708, 9210, 339, 301, 33089, 3427, 288, 1315, 18614, 1820, 686, 627, 8538, 5988, 14724, 1962, 7331, 73254, 83, 15784, 631, 18614, 198, 1820, 556, 1590, 1336, 306, 36661, 548, 43192, 467, 920, 263, 354, 10676, 774, 3416, 198, 49818, 8548, 3018, 65937, 675, 2227, 10847, 13284, 65, 63218, 76804, 198, 20718, 14450, 83, 363, 491, 2419, 336, 21220, 648, 263, 82104, 9210, 73014, 956, 8823, 1568, 198, 276, 560, 4853, 40062, 53078, 560, 258, 391, 52279, 21946, 258, 589, 258, 11, 3594, 198, 83, 68157, 570, 2244, 10305, 1820, 2025, 83, 73048, 4291, 5171, 60326, 38167, 1073, 198, 6509, 3981, 24368, 46068, 1885, 531, 14084, 3833, 4843, 17086, 708, 198, 49470, 88, 412, 8942, 762, 28132, 10701, 1864, 9497, 627, 34442, 49840, 42, 9295, 11673, 5123, 984, 51812, 1932, 11960, 6979, 1669, 198, 937, 3848, 36, 627, 96376, 44, 19706, 40, 70622, 32101, 11629, 12989, 83, 372, 3844, 32800, 6266, 7436, 1758, 198, 1271, 8942, 1815, 198, 29597, 818, 1617, 7956, 554, 998, 1820, 32157, 998, 8942, 1105, 1146, 9451, 1820, 198, 33780, 412, 69, 70941, 4291, 64, 4620, 75, 6082, 7, 1272, 91612, 198, 83, 7956, 554, 4291, 53, 2203, 396, 1030, 42831, 11, 754, 2230, 13284, 4390, 38981, 793, 99747, 2864, 320, 47, 11160, 29275, 644, 9885, 10200, 616, 306, 198, 29597, 339, 301, 6082, 998, 278, 2635, 3950, 33637, 1073, 37282, 51526, 74865, 198, 300, 91704, 65, 63218, 1073, 339, 301, 6082, 4291, 88, 412, 461, 943, 1820, 198, 83553, 87933, 764, 2227, 27121, 4662, 14149, 265, 339, 10952, 2259, 198, 52773, 352, 11, 61036, 20369, 339, 295, 7956, 554, 438, 7072, 2642, 2548, 198, 14377, 1073, 75, 6082, 49174, 87933, 5227, 62209, 764, 2227, 27121, 198, 1147, 454, 4653, 66, 19030, 72, 4935, 6, 15719, 15615, 301, 6082, 6, 8370, 4919, 1395, 198, 67, 321, 2844, 438, 2656, 300, 49532, 5231, 14666, 83, 974, 365, 71, 718, 198, 82, 12059, 85, 5599, 478, 627, 793, 3624, 52, 643, 2783, 1507, 56, 2855, 49, 340, 2028, 86, 14518, 1285, 543, 59338, 2351, 2106, 88, 6, 285, 31039, 263, 198, 89770, 438, 6716, 258, 582, 1259, 65747, 266, 7956, 554, 2506, 339, 300, 198, 82850, 33134, 406, 2319, 301, 2023, 1626, 1527, 33713, 5014, 10317, 820, 708, 417, 345, 5192, 11440, 77, 51660, 11, 69768, 9355, 54788, 9885, 65, 3695, 438, 267, 826, 345, 77, 680, 11160, 1003, 438, 12470, 267, 437, 359, 22464, 34001, 1079, 32824, 6728, 9497, 198, 285, 750, 283, 71, 402, 774, 268, 817, 275, 13127, 1542, 752, 425, 5154, 6266, 49, 1406, 1929, 5726, 4592, 17328, 2507, 320, 49, 16382, 29275, 33, 359, 919, 2971, 44129, 198, 29597, 1820, 29019, 15930, 7725, 5179, 998, 47714, 92724, 627, 68977, 5014, 198, 2028, 285, 2000, 9493, 6098, 1100, 472, 708, 69, 1820, 2664, 5518, 461, 10924, 64, 198, 19639, 1197, 11, 10924, 7098, 11851, 93066, 265, 54478, 6509, 86, 6427, 100004, 1820, 198, 82, 461, 2136, 32390, 1705, 11086, 258, 82091, 11, 301, 55631, 438, 74, 818, 762, 2690, 198, 548, 543, 4581, 31177, 589, 3963, 2433, 47079, 344, 336, 355, 9326, 438, 1820, 198, 93013, 998, 1820, 20337, 66363, 587, 39122, 14200, 383, 278, 2056, 332, 582, 276, 198, 20997, 455, 339, 752, 41948, 37151, 1820, 29019, 20375, 2419, 770, 198, 15487, 49174, 39830, 339, 752, 8511, 2315, 627, 98554, 15462, 467, 198, 35, 321, 332, 295, 86, 347, 897, 708, 69, 49, 332, 266, 7956, 554, 4291, 82286, 3141, 589, 1073, 198, 1030, 42831, 11, 754, 2230, 13284, 77347, 50222, 375, 9891, 58827, 1729, 37227, 198, 59178, 56065, 11, 6285, 11, 269, 21837, 460, 12757, 52, 627, 64505, 1771, 198, 10464, 49, 332, 675, 6881, 49, 13092, 2442, 7001, 77, 956, 8823, 291, 438, 339, 762, 2017, 287, 198, 998, 1820, 6098, 336, 352, 19553, 1395, 408, 92920, 13, 358, 19553, 15456, 64, 198, 76, 13025, 1073, 49, 13092, 2442, 35824, 49, 332, 467, 276, 29019, 86, 14518, 1285, 198, 69, 1105, 652, 1771, 438, 496, 1771, 627, 51, 16550, 301, 15802, 198, 29597, 29019, 269, 846, 29189, 95317, 83, 461, 11828, 17553, 383, 198, 92724, 662, 8161, 354, 69, 4004, 267, 417, 267, 383, 33950, 65, 1631, 42519, 1466, 9373, 198, 7323, 627, 68073, 8721, 61255, 1341, 2114, 4794, 42814, 320, 49, 13092, 2442, 29275, 42097, 92724, 198, 73262, 592, 82329, 347, 408, 2298, 29019, 60530, 2788, 18614, 33950, 16810, 198, 20576, 301, 648, 544, 1105, 2084, 388, 1527, 81, 383, 372, 3689, 1969, 198, 277, 40485, 627, 64505, 1771, 46958, 21406, 340, 6153, 6509, 86, 6427, 71, 395, 16115, 4591, 17411, 5242, 708, 69, 198, 59431, 3074, 29019, 269, 47100, 705, 10492, 73262, 592, 82329, 347, 408, 2298, 198, 29019, 15930, 7725, 5179, 998, 6509, 652, 2692, 33950, 51526, 6993, 7058, 51741, 295, 73048, 5368, 751, 383, 33950, 14, 4763, 18275, 56492, 300, 10236, 438, 198, 13397, 635, 3532, 660, 68273, 535, 275, 613, 1149, 11269, 383, 278, 2056, 13092, 2442, 2124, 198, 36046, 817, 1285, 1336, 261, 39567, 24469, 11554, 1540, 627, 2645, 1771, 198, 6153, 53003, 269, 2017, 10397, 531, 290, 63738, 29019, 4919, 8823, 198, 268, 494, 7162, 11, 36046, 422, 9514, 71, 402, 774, 295, 89215, 49, 13092, 198, 24738, 52273, 25, 267, 3168, 2136, 263, 7413, 1251, 38501, 1009, 30455, 51210, 198, 455, 11, 1348, 87, 1545, 705, 318, 782, 7986, 4291, 86957, 3479, 7058, 479, 100004, 548, 413, 1073, 339, 752, 467, 1285, 267, 3168, 2136, 1463, 283, 2017, 3055, 198, 12170, 275, 2996, 33871, 815, 1631, 12989, 83, 372, 3844, 32800, 29275, 34, 6256, 6458, 3171, 198, 29012, 12989, 83, 372, 374, 351, 1411, 543, 59338, 29019, 269, 47100, 627, 10464, 263, 46770, 10453, 942, 346, 9514, 19553, 18883, 291, 49818, 627, 45, 680, 11160, 1003, 198, 9241, 9027, 408, 360, 1494, 66636, 956, 8823, 291, 21861, 1631, 12989, 83, 372, 29019, 198, 61917, 14724, 2506, 6410, 73014, 956, 7509, 414, 79064, 14724, 17483, 1040, 72, 7058, 83, 1516, 3223, 35320, 1527, 59948, 69, 16151, 5227, 36211, 627, 2181, 285, 20069, 71805, 22479, 16497, 48841, 269, 12393, 41085, 2000, 198, 23796, 652, 37119, 48899, 267, 2319, 1290, 576, 884, 32397, 27774, 198, 4956, 12260, 28609, 370, 6243, 596, 15205, 4291, 675, 2227, 51729, 7058, 54310, 261, 7, 19907, 2642, 291, 4011, 8, 15145, 680, 6852, 60617, 198, 8823, 267, 511, 1576, 561, 392, 16381, 81, 1003, 732, 64, 1516, 2323, 1820, 51729, 7058, 54310, 261, 3633, 283, 4935, 4481, 1348, 2227, 3983, 438, 23609, 47991, 198, 10727, 627, 64505, 1771, 198, 29597, 29012, 12989, 83, 372, 29019, 43681, 652, 467, 267, 9379, 15357, 956, 265, 7058, 82, 3595, 998, 49, 16382, 269, 49, 13092, 2442, 18662, 258, 2166, 31482, 885, 4835, 354, 731, 198, 29012, 12989, 83, 372, 56544, 750, 11, 561, 1964, 336, 352, 2788, 309, 351, 11269, 1820, 198, 20337, 275, 726, 627, 34442, 49840, 47837, 3143, 11488, 9639, 12, 1627, 32002, 95836, 1846, 8688, 28365, 3204, 4064, 85741, 17773, 50, 627, 1927, 6806, 51, 56455, 4233, 1923, 6266, 4154, 18871, 44, 19706, 40, 70622, 32101, 198, 51, 1428, 2078, 4233, 1923, 29275, 1163, 321, 2067, 1771, 198, 29597, 1820, 29019, 15930, 2117, 339, 3829, 1769, 49174, 15145, 1820, 198, 331, 321, 2067, 1771, 9137, 83, 537, 454, 1641, 287, 438, 43681, 4609, 455, 383, 6260, 627, 12358, 25, 37593, 10492, 998, 613, 321, 2067, 467, 1336, 261, 774, 288, 8148, 4752, 198, 50009, 739, 2920, 4291, 45734, 76369, 548, 66, 3149, 61605, 4291, 198, 49674, 5227, 36211, 858, 35320, 10900, 77152, 2469, 455, 7058, 24544, 267, 30132, 4291, 582, 3447, 1527, 1820, 2464, 5436, 71, 402, 774, 336, 198, 10453, 412, 61065, 36211, 939, 525, 15456, 33871, 438, 33871, 9210, 198, 98060, 287, 64156, 258, 576, 3195, 4919, 27152, 998, 339, 15686, 1851, 7058, 479, 1073, 76, 4692, 261, 1245, 884, 32397, 82, 627, 3701, 29236, 691, 1428, 691, 2864, 320, 1016, 3614, 29275, 3407, 1590, 198, 1016, 3614, 258, 8778, 372, 27369, 267, 17082, 86, 6427, 1073, 28447, 398, 383, 5962, 198, 25529, 56432, 261, 774, 486, 31531, 12055, 438, 65, 12055, 6097, 301, 17390, 7435, 300, 198, 4930, 300, 20000, 2656, 708, 6863, 1064, 1820, 3163, 17411, 258, 28956, 198, 50814, 705, 8248, 20000, 44466, 20069, 85134, 263, 33220, 51808, 28628, 285, 198, 817, 1285, 2000, 75, 1538, 1065, 51808, 44018, 5200, 292, 440, 316, 552, 345, 752, 285, 11345, 316, 552, 51526, 67156, 885, 66886, 5227, 36211, 198, 14724, 1147, 354, 1244, 6509, 98909, 10701, 1864, 291, 552, 627, 51022, 5697, 7, 51022, 29275, 54, 7183, 14, 424, 81, 49946, 198, 8989, 266, 1016, 9832, 266, 7956, 554, 4919, 1395, 391, 3523, 15930, 7725, 5179, 438, 198, 51022, 5697, 21, 83261, 269, 750, 2000, 7717, 354, 408, 954, 627, 12358, 25, 422, 576, 1864, 9497, 4752, 2201, 27153, 26797, 11671, 1805, 198, 1073, 59948, 69, 16151, 5227, 36211, 11829, 86957, 817, 1073, 198, 1016, 9832, 2852, 1962, 329, 2749, 481, 561, 17082, 1631, 52273, 1527, 1820, 198, 782, 4504, 548, 359, 45007, 438, 13798, 3951, 998, 456, 1907, 1073, 28628, 10994, 198, 33980, 12, 36022, 1864, 9497, 9210, 5562, 1962, 7642, 750, 1395, 2656, 198, 2259, 3983, 12, 3864, 8390, 2000, 726, 80876, 44631, 67103, 2099, 10900, 1736, 275, 198, 285, 4581, 1073, 700, 526, 478, 68485, 1729, 35676, 2464, 1705, 358, 19553, 198, 83722, 339, 26768, 3375, 86184, 811, 369, 19193, 198, 91690, 627, 2181, 285, 3409, 55674, 9210, 88, 3023, 263, 354, 6, 7320, 3077, 637, 49946, 258, 198, 2332, 41133, 79, 6309, 300, 16514, 5581, 398, 9978, 32077, 39830, 265, 7058, 1189, 398, 61065, 454, 27382, 32898, 85, 774, 266, 64156, 438, 424, 81, 49946, 198, 548, 4581, 1073, 276, 2017, 5700, 1631, 418, 14773, 3911, 438, 17483, 83, 15784, 88196, 1953, 32, 4622, 2507, 12597, 3423, 46481, 29275, 3513, 60955, 198, 35, 370, 30052, 1617, 7956, 554, 438, 119711, 19030, 29228, 10701, 198, 1864, 9497, 7058, 33, 6370, 14478, 269, 340, 1876, 258, 269, 22464, 22966, 1171, 2136, 8248, 77, 38834, 1601, 287, 11, 10492, 198, 47100, 11, 29019, 11, 269, 45670, 1911, 708, 7897, 258, 75, 6082, 84172, 198, 1820, 29228, 10701, 1864, 9497, 333, 41917, 627, 36, 14088, 9355, 7534], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": "/G0E/G01/G10/G0B/G04/G01\nexpanded perspective of Source energy\u2019s infinite intelligence, \nand simply trust it to guide the flow of our highest good. It is a process of relaxing into that level of trust. In listening to my urges to /G0C/G15/G0B/G0E/G0E/G09/G1A/G01/G24/G16/G13/G08/G13/G0F /G01/G02/G03/G01/G0F/G19/G01/G07/G1C/G03/G01/G27/G08/G04/G16/G10/G01/G0A/G07/G05/G01/G0B/G04/G12/G0C/G02/G03/G0E/G09/G01/G13/G07/G08/G0D/G0C/G04/G11/G01\nwith listening to my urges to /G17/G08/G13/G0F/G09 (without even knowing \nwhat I /G14/G07/G12/G10/G11 write), I allowed the flow of Source energy to \nguide me to my scribing purpose, without really knowing that was happening. It is a kind of trust that I believe exists within all of us. It begins with a willingness to try, and to listen An \u201cAlready Is\u201d Twist on Living the Law of Attraction 51 \nat a deeper level within ourselve s. Our willingness is a critical \nbridge that closes the non-physical gap /G24/G06 /G1E/G09/G0F/G17/G09/G09/G0E/G01/G17/G15/G09/G08/G09/G01/G17/G09/G01/G0B/G08/G09/G01\nand that which we /G05/G06/G03/G07/G05/G08/G04/G09/G05/G03/G07 /G01/G0F/G15/G0B/G0F/G01/G17/G09/G01/G0B/G08/G09/G01/G1E/G09/G0C/G10/G25/G13/G0E/G1F /G20/G01/G01/G17/G04/G01 \nalready are what we are becomi ng, because we already are our \ndivine, infinite, limitless, creative, Source-filled selves. We are simply moving toward expansion, to experience greater depths \nof our divine perfection. Ha ving the willingness builds the \nbridge that brings into our lives the rich goodness that already is and that awaits us all, from the world of the non-physical and \nthe world of the unseen. I am still amazed at how I questioned \nthe content for these book chapters, and how most of the information was already waitin g within my notebooks, \nsmiling back at me, as if to say, \u201c /G27/G05/G2E/G13/G05/G06/G18/G05/G05/G0C/G06/G02/G05/G09/G05/G06/G01/G02/G05/G06/G14/G02/G07/G10/G05/G06 \ntime. /G01/G01Everything already is. Your purpose aligned with the simple \nwillingness to be led by the expansive broader perspective of Source \nintelligence - which knows all things at all times, for highest good. \nFor your highest good.\u201d /G01\n/G01 /G2E/G07/G0F/G04/G10/G02/G0F/G04/G16/G09/G01/G02/G03/G01/G12/G01/G03/G08/G0F/G22/G04/G05/G01/G07/G0A/G01/G13/G12/G16/G04/G16/G09/G01/G04/G26/G12/G13/G10/G0C/G19/G01/G1C/G0B/G12/G10/G01/G1C/G04/G01/G03/G04/G04/G11/G01\nto be doing is exactly what we /G0F/G09/G05 doing. If we can turn to our \nheart\u2019s wisdom - of what we are being guided to do, and truly listen, Source can take us where we desire to go. The Source-ful message about the law of attraction for this chapter came in the following channeling, which I ha ve transcribed for you. This \nmessage strung together many of their teachings about the \u201calready is\u201d state and how to manife st the rich life that we truly \nwant. Here is a new twist, for perhaps a greater understanding \nof, the law of the attraction. \nYou wonder about your intentio ns, your inner desires, and \nyour freedom. Nothing /G06/G03/G04/G06/G05/G13/G05/G09/G06/G16/G05/G08/G01/G06/G17/G09/G07/G19/G06/G1A/G07/G12/G0A/G06/G06/G1C/G01/G06/G04/G03/G19/G08/G10/G1A/G06 \nwaits to be called energetically /G0C/G01 /G06/G1A/G07/G12/G0A/G06/G06 /G27/G0D/G0A/G01/G1C/G10/G12/G28 /G06/G0D/G07/G0C/G01/G03/G0C/G12/G05/G06/G01/G07 \ncall from a place of \u201cstill want ing,\u201d that energy creates \u201cstill \nwanting.\u201d \nI would say to myself: \nThe __(Name your desire here.)__\n\u2019s goodness flows within me \nnow. The riches I have already won enable me to afford all that \nI physically desire. I feel wealth in every part of my being, \nand it serves me well. /G15/G07/G16/G0F/G02/G13/G01/G17/G04/G12/G0C/G10/G0B \n 52 \n/G2Find the cleanest, clearest truth \u2013 that is /G04/G01/G02/G03 /G06/G01/G09/G12/G01/G02/G24/G06/G01/G07/G06\nresonate with the desire you are dreaming, and you see how \neasy it is to harmonize drea ms into physical existence. \nHarmonize an \u201calready is\u201d truth /G27/G0F/G15/G0B/G0F/G01/G1C/G10/G12/G01/G0C/G15/G10/G10/G19/G09/G01 \u2013 that \nyou already know about yourself] with your dream/desire \n\u2013 and the desire is /G05/G06/G12/G05/G04/G0F/G09 /G14/G03/G01/G02/G03/G0C/G06/G09/G05/G0F/G0D/G02/G24/G06/G05/G0F/G04/G03/G10/G1A/G06/G0F/G0C/G11/G06/G05/G17/G17/G07/G09/G01/G10/G05/G04/G04/G10/G1A/G0A/G06/G06\nFind the light of the \u201calready is\u201d state that attracts you in the \ndesire or dream, and feel that li ght within you as well. Hone \nthat feeling of vibration \u2013 beca use you already knew it or you \nwouldn\u2019t have \u201cwanted\u201d it. Then let go of wanting and simply \nHummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm \nyourself into the feeling of the desire. /G27/G24/G0B/G1C/G28/G01 /G1C/G06experience my desire /G01again and again, because I \nsteadily choose the vibrat ion I wish to match. I feel the \nvibration in my desire that I relate to the most easily \nand generously, and then I craft my inner feeling place \nevery day to simply feel and think about the easy generous vibration of that desire /G27/G0B/G01/G25/G0B/G0F/G0C/G15/G13/G0E/G1F/G01/G0F/G08/G12/G0F/G15/G01/G0F/G15/G0B/G0F/G01 \nexists already within me] /G16/G09/G02/G0A/G0C/G0D/G06/G09/G0D/G0C/G09/G06/G05/G0A/G08/G0F/G09/G0D/G0C/G0F/G07/G06/G11/G09/G0D/G0A/G09/G14/G04/G09/G06/G05/G17 /G0A/G06\n/G1E/G07/G06/G03/G01/G06/G14/G03/G01/G02/G06/G11/G03/G04/G0D/G03/G08/G10/G03/G0C/G05/G06/G0F/G0C/G11/G06/G11/G03/G04/G0D/G05/G09/G0C/G19/G05/G0C/G01/G06/G0F/G01/G06/G17/G03/G09/G04/G01/G0A/G06/G06/G29/G0C/G11/G06/G05/G13/G05/G0C/G01/G12/G0F/G10/G10/G1A/G06\nyou return to the original /G27/G16/G08/G10/G19/G16/G09/G08/G13/G0F/G1C/G28 \u2013 the gift of your \ndivine self, in full flow of Source\u2019s innate creative loving \npower. \n/G01 /G18/G0B/G02/G16", "token_ids": [16169, 15, 36, 16169, 1721, 16169, 605, 16169, 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Mountain\nKathrin Woodlyn Bateman\nP.O. Box 381\nWorthington, MA 01098-0381\nwww.floweressencesoffoxmountain.com\nSupplies high quality flower essences, including two of our favorites\n\u201cEmergency Relief\u201d and \u201cMoonshine Yarrow.\u201d\nFOODS, SEEDS, NUTS, GRAINS, SPROUTING SEEDS\u2014ORGANIC\n \nDiamond Organics\n1-888-ORGANIC (toll free)\nP.O. Box 2159\nFreedom, CA 95019\nwww.diamondorganics.com\nCarries an extensive line of organic foods, shipped directly to your door.\nPavich Family Farms\nP.O. Box 10420Terra Bella, CA 93279\nwww.consciouschoice.com/issues/cc115/pavich farm.html\nCarries some of the finest organic raisins, dates, and other natural foods\navailable.\nEco-Organics\n(201) 333-8840\nContact: Nanda or Nick\nwww.eco-organics.com\nDistributes organic fruits, vegetables, etc.\nJohnny Selected Seeds\nFourth Hill Road\nAlbion, ME 04910\n(207) 437-9294 (phone)\n(207) 437-2165 (fax)\nwww.johnnyseeds.com\nOrganically grown seeds, herbs and other products.\nSeeds\n of \nChange\nP.O. Box 15700\nSanta Fe, NM 87506-5700\n(800) 957-3337 (catalog requests) toll free\n(888) 762-7333 (customer service) toll free\n(505) 438-7052 (fax)\nwww.oskri.com\nOrganic herb seeds and wonderful sesame bars.\nSun Organic Farm\n(888) 269-9888 (toll free)\nContact: Stan\nwww.sunorganic.comDistributes organic raw seeds, nuts, grains, sprouting seeds, low-temperature\ndried fruits, virgin oils, herbs and spices.\nNature\u2019s First Law\nP.O. Box 900202\nSan Diego, CA 92190\n(888) RAW-FOOD (toll free)\nThe best raw organic olives, coconut butter, stone-crushed olive oil, dried\nfruits and nuts, etc.\nMountain Valley Growers\n38325 Pepperweed Road\nSquaw Valley, CA 93675\n(559) 338-2775 (phone)\n(559) 338-0075 (fax)\nwww.mountainvalleygrowers.com\nLive plants and seeds.\nAbundant Life Seed Foundation\nP.O. Box 772\nPort Townsend, WA 98368\n(206) 385-5660 (phone)\n(206) 385-7455 (fax)\nwww.abundantlifeseed.org\nLive plants and seeds.\nElixir Farm Botanicals\nGeneral Delivery\nBrixey MO 65618\n(417) 261-2393 (phone)\n(417) 261-2355 (fax)\nwww.elixirfarm.comChinese medicin\u00e1is and indigenous seeds.\nHorizon Herbs, LLC\nThe Cech Family\nP.O. Box 69\nWilliams, OR 97544-0069\n(541) 846-6704 (phone)\n(541) 846-6233 (fax)\nwww.chatlink.com/herbseed\nSeeds.\nRichter\u2019s\n357 Highway 47\nGoodwood, Ontario\nCanada LOC 1AO\n(905) 640-6677 (phone)\n(905) 640-6641 (fax)\nwww.richters.com\nSeeds.\nShepherd\u2019s Garden Seeds\nP.O. Box 50\nLitchfield, CT 06790-0050\n(860) 567-0801 ext. 6405 (phone)\n(860) 567-9293 (fax)\nemail: \nstevefrow@aol.com\nwww.shepherdseeds.com\nHerb and vegetable seeds; many heirloom strains; retail and wholesale.\nWalnut Acres\nP.O. Box 8\nPenns Creek, PA 17862(800) 433-3998 (toll free)\n(717) 873-1146 (local)\nwww.walnutacres.com\nNuts, seeds, condiments, and an array of fresh organic vegetables.\nGREEN PRODUCTS\n \nGod\u2019s Herbs\n730-C Tamiami Trail\nPort Charlotte, FL 33953\n(941) 766-8068 (phone)\n(941) 766-8067 (fax)\nwww.robertmorsend@aol.com\nGod\u2019s GardenSuperfood Blend (25 of the most power-packed herbs on\nearth!)\nNature\u2019s First Law\nP.O. Box 900202\nSan Diego, CA 92190\n(888) RAW-FOOD (toll free)\nNature\u2019s First Food (wild food combo).\nGreen Foods Corporation\n318 North Graves Avenue\nOxnard, CA 93030\n(805) 983-7470\nwww.greenfoods.com\nGreen Magma.\nChristopher\u2019s Original Formulas\n1195 Spring Creek PlaceSpringville, UT 84663-0777\n(800) 453-1406 (toll free)\n(801) 489-8787 (local) (801) 489-7207 (fax)\nVitalherbs and jurassic Green.\nHERBS AND HERB PRODUCTS\n \nGod\u2019s Herbs\n730-C Tamiami Trail\nPort Charlotte, FL 33953\n(941) 766-8068 (phone)\n(941) 766-8067 (fax)\ne-mail: \ninfo@godsherbs.com\nwww.robertmorsend@aol.com\nOffers the highest quality and most powerful herbal formulas known for\ndetoxification and cellular regeneration.\nGod\u2019s Herbs Pharmacy & Clinic\n941-C Tamiami Trail\nPort Charlotte, FL 33953\n(941) 255-1979 (phone)\n(941) 255-1815 (fax)\ne-mail: \nrobertsmorse@aol.com\nHigh quality herbal pharmacy and Dr. Robert Morse\u2019s Clinic.\nThe Herb Shoppe\n2404 Tamiami Trail\nPort Charlotte, FL 33952\n(941) 255-1970 (phone)\n(941) 255-8218 (fax)e-mail: \ndanandtony@msn.com\nHerbal formulas, bulk herbs, supplements, etc.\nDental Herb Company, Inc.\n1000 Holland Drive\nSuite 7, Boca Raton, FL 33487\n(800) 747-HERB (4372)\n(561) 241-4480 (fax)\nTruly natural dental herbal formulas.\nA. C. Grace Company\n1100 Quitman Road\nP.O. Box 570\nBig Sandy, TX 75755\n(903) 636-4368 (phone orders)\n(903) 636-4051 (fax orders)\nwww.acgrace.com\nOffers the finest vitamin E on the market.\nV.E. Irons, Inc.\n705 McGee Street\nKansas City, MO 64106\n(800) 544-8147 (toll free)\n(816) 221-3719 (local)\n(816) 221-1272 (fax)\nQuality detoxification products, especially for colon regeneration.\nKroeger Herb Products Co., Inc.\n805 Walnut Street\nBoulder, CO 80302\n(303) 433-0261 (local phone)\n(800) 255-8787 (toll free)(303) 443-0108 (fax)\nwww.kroegerherb.com\nCarries high quality herbal products, and an especially good parasite\nprogram.\nwww.naturalhealthsupply.com\nwww.huldaclark.com\nThese web sites carry Dr. Hulda Clark\u2019s detoxifying herbs, etc.\nDr. Christopher\u2019s Original Formulas\nProvo, UT 84601\n(800) 453-1406 (toll free)\nwww.drchristopher.com\nHigh quality herbal formulas.\nBlessed Herbs\n109 Barre Plains Road\nOakham, MA 01068\n(800) 489-4372 (toll free)\n(508) 882-3755 (fax)\nwww.blessedherbs.com\nHigh quality herbal products.\nSage Mountain Herbal\nProducts-Rosemary Gladstar\nP.O. Box 420\nEast Barre, VT 05649\n(802) 479-9825 (phone)\n(802) 476-3722 (fax)\nwww.sagemtnherbproducts.com\nProduces the finest herbal skin and face creams, and more.\nFrontier Natural Brands3021 78th Street\nP.O. Box 299\nNorway, WI 52318\n(800) 669-3275 (toll free)\nwww.frontiernaturalbrands.com\nLarge, natural-products co-op.\nStarwest Botanicals, Inc.\n11253 Trade Center Drive\nRancho Cordova, CA 95742\n(916) 853-9354 (local)\n(800) 800-4372 (toll free)\n(916) 853-9673 (fax)\ne-mail: \nsales-w@starwest-botanicals.com\nProducts for natural healing.\nAmerican Botanical Pharmacy\nP.O. Box ", "token_ids": [11, 29666, 198, 7, 4728, 8, 220, 26013, 12, 4146, 18, 320, 83, 980, 1949, 340, 7, 11056, 8, 220, 22210, 12, 26164, 19, 320, 40153, 340, 3438, 16820, 677, 7596, 320, 9712, 64567, 82, 304, 37433, 481, 1376, 369, 12884, 323, 2911, 8, 527, 264, 198, 18375, 6751, 17808, 11, 7257, 11, 8381, 1773, 4588, 11, 4459, 15657, 37455, 627, 47160, 643, 19844, 937, 10153, 1600, 27907, 3968, 1223, 13133, 2436, 315, 13585, 19149, 198, 42, 589, 26355, 12404, 18499, 16488, 16357, 198, 47, 8548, 13, 8425, 220, 19162, 198, 54, 269, 1626, 783, 11, 9917, 220, 7755, 3264, 12, 24462, 16, 198, 2185, 8265, 1223, 434, 2436, 1885, 5241, 16966, 467, 916, 198, 10254, 7350, 1579, 4367, 23153, 4043, 2436, 11, 2737, 1403, 315, 1057, 27672, 198, 2118, 80069, 53495, 863, 323, 1054, 77119, 31338, 816, 6172, 49216, 3873, 2114, 50, 11, 5161, 1507, 50, 11, 452, 1406, 50, 11, 65120, 9751, 11, 328, 9295, 1406, 1753, 5161, 1507, 50, 2345, 46027, 1111, 1341, 27907, 77610, 10995, 1233, 198, 16, 12, 12251, 12, 46027, 1111, 1341, 320, 83, 980, 1949, 340, 47, 8548, 13, 8425, 220, 12112, 24, 198, 86872, 11, 9362, 220, 15862, 777, 198, 2185, 962, 18986, 8629, 1233, 916, 198, 9028, 4108, 459, 16781, 1584, 315, 17808, 15657, 11, 28358, 6089, 311, 701, 6134, 627, 47, 402, 718, 12517, 68121, 198, 47, 8548, 13, 8425, 220, 6849, 508, 51, 14210, 55600, 11, 9362, 220, 25401, 4643, 198, 2185, 2932, 23995, 12008, 916, 39845, 88410, 7322, 4420, 402, 718, 8961, 2628, 198, 9028, 4108, 1063, 315, 279, 28807, 17808, 6503, 1354, 11, 13003, 11, 323, 1023, 5933, 15657, 198, 10547, 627, 36, 1030, 12, 24105, 1233, 198, 7, 679, 8, 220, 8765, 12, 25962, 15, 198, 8906, 25, 452, 10018, 477, 15341, 198, 2185, 30288, 78, 12, 8629, 1233, 916, 198, 35, 4894, 2142, 17808, 26390, 11, 24822, 11, 5099, 627, 88960, 30402, 74089, 198, 89703, 8270, 9728, 198, 2149, 65, 290, 11, 16691, 220, 25307, 605, 198, 7, 12060, 8, 220, 18318, 12, 25344, 19, 320, 4949, 340, 7, 12060, 8, 220, 18318, 12, 12463, 20, 320, 40153, 340, 2185, 1190, 3180, 3919, 325, 6910, 916, 198, 24105, 2740, 15042, 19595, 11, 42393, 323, 1023, 3956, 627, 1542, 6910, 198, 315, 720, 4164, 198, 47, 8548, 13, 8425, 220, 10895, 410, 198, 64248, 3926, 11, 40814, 220, 17419, 2705, 12, 18712, 15, 198, 7, 4728, 8, 220, 27341, 12, 8765, 22, 320, 27637, 7540, 8, 26936, 1949, 198, 7, 12251, 8, 220, 24376, 12, 24865, 18, 320, 11296, 2532, 8, 26936, 1949, 198, 7, 17786, 8, 220, 20596, 12, 21469, 17, 320, 40153, 340, 2185, 9475, 74, 462, 916, 198, 24105, 292, 39999, 19595, 323, 11364, 92223, 16283, 627, 31192, 44037, 18945, 198, 7, 12251, 8, 220, 16955, 12, 24538, 23, 320, 83, 980, 1949, 340, 8906, 25, 15560, 198, 2185, 33752, 61694, 916, 35, 4894, 2142, 17808, 7257, 19595, 11, 31049, 11, 41936, 11, 8314, 11149, 19595, 11, 3428, 12, 35658, 198, 67, 4588, 26390, 11, 36999, 32462, 11, 42393, 323, 49659, 627, 79519, 753, 5629, 7658, 198, 47, 8548, 13, 8425, 220, 7467, 2366, 198, 24661, 18842, 11, 9362, 220, 22536, 1954, 198, 7, 12251, 8, 53951, 12, 3873, 2114, 320, 83, 980, 1949, 340, 791, 1888, 7257, 17808, 8492, 1924, 11, 34557, 14432, 11, 9998, 48689, 53078, 33213, 5707, 11, 32720, 198, 1658, 12059, 323, 31049, 11, 5099, 627, 92269, 13345, 47660, 388, 198, 19230, 914, 52882, 86427, 9728, 198, 50, 447, 675, 13345, 11, 9362, 220, 25612, 2075, 198, 7, 22424, 8, 220, 18633, 12, 16367, 20, 320, 4949, 340, 7, 22424, 8, 220, 18633, 12, 11194, 20, 320, 40153, 340, 2185, 749, 35624, 838, 3258, 67318, 388, 916, 198, 20944, 11012, 323, 19595, 627, 5953, 1263, 519, 9601, 36922, 5114, 198, 47, 8548, 13, 8425, 220, 23624, 198, 7229, 96782, 11, 29666, 220, 24742, 2614, 198, 7, 11056, 8, 220, 18695, 12, 23477, 15, 320, 4949, 340, 7, 11056, 8, 220, 18695, 12, 23901, 20, 320, 40153, 340, 2185, 22823, 1263, 519, 113276, 2423, 291, 2726, 198, 20944, 11012, 323, 19595, 627, 36, 98872, 18945, 23869, 45983, 82, 198, 15777, 27303, 198, 33, 18862, 1216, 11672, 220, 20744, 972, 198, 7, 19561, 8, 220, 15602, 12, 14815, 18, 320, 4949, 340, 7, 19561, 8, 220, 15602, 12, 12422, 20, 320, 40153, 340, 2185, 16230, 953, 404, 66911, 916, 46023, 8249, 106361, 285, 323, 39678, 19595, 627, 40701, 17403, 6385, 1302, 11, 15620, 198, 791, 356, 4842, 12517, 198, 47, 8548, 13, 8425, 220, 3076, 198, 62939, 11, 2794, 220, 24609, 2096, 12, 11030, 24, 198, 7, 22058, 8, 220, 26563, 12, 21218, 19, 320, 4949, 340, 7, 22058, 8, 220, 26563, 12, 22801, 18, 320, 40153, 340, 2185, 27215, 2125, 916, 39007, 65, 23425, 198, 1542, 6910, 627, 49, 4970, 261, 753, 198, 18520, 29866, 220, 2618, 198, 15571, 6798, 11, 21193, 198, 37031, 28195, 220, 16, 19268, 198, 7, 22393, 8, 220, 14033, 12, 19774, 22, 320, 4949, 340, 7, 22393, 8, 220, 14033, 12, 23888, 16, 320, 40153, 340, 2185, 1783, 4970, 388, 916, 198, 1542, 6910, 627, 8100, 43631, 753, 19558, 74089, 198, 47, 8548, 13, 8425, 220, 1135, 198, 43, 1641, 2630, 11, 19084, 220, 27309, 1954, 12, 8504, 15, 198, 7, 18670, 8, 220, 19282, 12, 13837, 16, 1327, 13, 220, 14033, 20, 320, 4949, 340, 7, 18670, 8, 220, 19282, 12, 25344, 18, 320, 40153, 340, 2386, 25, 720, 5455, 588, 69, 654, 90317, 337, 916, 198, 2185, 516, 383, 43631, 325, 6910, 916, 198, 21364, 65, 323, 36581, 19595, 26, 1690, 51543, 18981, 42400, 26, 11040, 323, 35557, 627, 89398, 24217, 83559, 198, 47, 8548, 13, 8425, 220, 23, 198, 82031, 82, 24076, 11, 13174, 220, 11256, 5538, 7, 4728, 8, 220, 20153, 12, 18572, 23, 320, 83, 980, 1949, 340, 7, 25150, 8, 220, 25747, 12, 8011, 21, 320, 2497, 340, 2185, 1444, 278, 24217, 582, 417, 916, 198, 45, 6256, 11, 19595, 11, 9955, 12843, 11, 323, 459, 1358, 315, 7878, 17808, 24822, 627, 57054, 88390, 27907, 28622, 753, 6385, 1302, 198, 20785, 7813, 29988, 15622, 19177, 198, 7229, 29473, 11, 13062, 220, 17887, 4331, 198, 7, 21322, 8, 220, 25358, 12, 22397, 23, 320, 4949, 340, 7, 21322, 8, 220, 25358, 12, 22397, 22, 320, 40153, 340, 2185, 31942, 9339, 76, 1105, 408, 90317, 337, 916, 198, 28622, 753, 19558, 19841, 14239, 55248, 320, 914, 315, 279, 1455, 2410, 71004, 42393, 389, 198, 28641, 28684, 79519, 753, 5629, 7658, 198, 47, 8548, 13, 8425, 220, 7467, 2366, 198, 24661, 18842, 11, 9362, 220, 22536, 1954, 198, 7, 12251, 8, 53951, 12, 3873, 2114, 320, 83, 980, 1949, 340, 79519, 753, 5629, 12369, 320, 68974, 3691, 23569, 4390, 20147, 40160, 13332, 198, 17592, 4892, 80158, 17569, 198, 46, 44067, 569, 11, 9362, 220, 19306, 966, 198, 7, 21032, 8, 220, 24742, 12, 23619, 15, 198, 2185, 30054, 96420, 916, 198, 20147, 386, 5835, 627, 75066, 753, 17674, 3459, 26622, 198, 9079, 20, 12531, 24076, 11004, 26208, 8078, 11, 26639, 220, 26563, 5495, 12, 23102, 22, 198, 7, 4728, 8, 220, 20235, 12, 6860, 21, 320, 83, 980, 1949, 340, 7, 17973, 8, 220, 22418, 12, 25890, 22, 320, 2497, 8, 320, 17973, 8, 220, 22418, 12, 13104, 22, 320, 40153, 340, 53, 2223, 1964, 1302, 323, 16422, 65444, 7997, 627, 3087, 7497, 3651, 16019, 33, 88390, 27907, 28622, 753, 6385, 1302, 198, 20785, 7813, 29988, 15622, 19177, 198, 7229, 29473, 11, 13062, 220, 17887, 4331, 198, 7, 21322, 8, 220, 25358, 12, 22397, 23, 320, 4949, 340, 7, 21322, 8, 220, 25358, 12, 22397, 22, 320, 40153, 340, 68, 11724, 25, 720, 2801, 9980, 347, 90605, 1302, 916, 198, 2185, 31942, 9339, 76, 1105, 408, 90317, 337, 916, 198, 96609, 279, 8592, 4367, 323, 1455, 8147, 51487, 55179, 3967, 369, 198, 19842, 5241, 2461, 323, 35693, 60517, 627, 28622, 753, 6385, 1302, 48175, 612, 40324, 198, 21322, 7813, 29988, 15622, 19177, 198, 7229, 29473, 11, 13062, 220, 17887, 4331, 198, 7, 21322, 8, 220, 3192, 12, 4468, 24, 320, 4949, 340, 7, 21322, 8, 220, 3192, 12, 10562, 20, 320, 40153, 340, 68, 11724, 25, 720, 299, 9339, 3647, 11073, 90317, 337, 916, 198, 12243, 4367, 51487, 33400, 323, 2999, 13, 8563, 87339, 753, 40324, 627, 791, 74956, 14355, 375, 198, 8273, 19, 29988, 15622, 19177, 198, 7229, 29473, 11, 13062, 220, 17887, 4103, 198, 7, 21322, 8, 220, 3192, 12, 4468, 15, 320, 4949, 340, 7, 21322, 8, 220, 3192, 12, 23282, 23, 320, 40153, 53021, 11724, 25, 720, 36255, 438, 783, 88, 31, 1026, 77, 916, 198, 21364, 13616, 55179, 11, 20155, 42393, 11, 33690, 11, 5099, 627, 35, 6430, 74956, 8351, 11, 4953, 627, 1041, 15, 38915, 16542, 198, 29100, 220, 22, 11, 99657, 432, 24444, 11, 13062, 220, 17153, 4044, 198, 7, 4728, 8, 220, 23619, 12, 3087, 33, 320, 18318, 17, 340, 7, 20460, 8, 220, 13341, 12, 19956, 15, 320, 40153, 340, 1305, 3988, 5933, 29106, 51487, 55179, 627, 32, 13, 356, 13, 32171, 8351, 198, 5120, 15, 54652, 1543, 9728, 198, 47, 8548, 13, 8425, 220, 18712, 198, 16010, 39485, 11, 17467, 220, 23776, 2131, 198, 7, 23305, 8, 220, 22422, 12, 21299, 23, 320, 4949, 10373, 340, 7, 23305, 8, 220, 22422, 12, 16408, 16, 320, 40153, 10373, 340, 2185, 15761, 911, 580, 916, 198, 96609, 279, 28807, 28170, 469, 389, 279, 3157, 627, 53, 5253, 13, 16979, 82, 11, 4953, 627, 21469, 23778, 2176, 6825, 198, 94963, 4409, 11, 11672, 220, 23525, 2705, 198, 7, 4728, 8, 220, 21239, 12, 25498, 22, 320, 83, 980, 1949, 340, 7, 23713, 8, 220, 12425, 12, 18650, 24, 320, 2497, 340, 7, 23713, 8, 220, 12425, 12, 6804, 17, 320, 40153, 340, 34174, 61987, 2461, 3956, 11, 5423, 369, 15235, 60517, 627, 42, 299, 1916, 74956, 15899, 3623, 2637, 4953, 627, 21032, 86302, 6825, 198, 33, 38734, 11, 7432, 220, 20899, 2437, 198, 7, 13236, 8, 220, 20153, 12, 21641, 16, 320, 2497, 4641, 340, 7, 4728, 8, 220, 3192, 12, 25890, 22, 320, 83, 980, 1949, 2432, 13236, 8, 220, 17147, 12, 7755, 23, 320, 40153, 340, 2185, 5314, 299, 1916, 1964, 65, 916, 198, 9028, 4108, 1579, 4367, 51487, 3956, 11, 323, 459, 5423, 1695, 85573, 198, 15252, 627, 2185, 1276, 4688, 12393, 95783, 916, 198, 2185, 870, 360, 3315, 566, 847, 916, 198, 9673, 3566, 6732, 6920, 2999, 13, 473, 360, 3315, 22010, 753, 61987, 7922, 42393, 11, 5099, 627, 9023, 13, 26035, 753, 17674, 3459, 26622, 198, 1360, 3415, 11, 26639, 220, 26563, 1721, 198, 7, 4728, 8, 220, 20235, 12, 6860, 21, 320, 83, 980, 1949, 340, 2185, 38038, 83232, 17370, 916, 198, 12243, 4367, 51487, 55179, 627, 33, 1752, 291, 6385, 1302, 198, 7743, 4821, 265, 63911, 9728, 198, 86939, 5721, 11, 9917, 220, 7755, 2614, 198, 7, 4728, 8, 220, 22418, 12, 18318, 17, 320, 83, 980, 1949, 340, 7, 19869, 8, 220, 23213, 12, 12935, 20, 320, 40153, 340, 2185, 960, 1752, 291, 1964, 1302, 916, 198, 12243, 4367, 51487, 3956, 627, 50, 425, 19149, 87972, 198, 18219, 11151, 974, 1563, 52741, 12134, 198, 47, 8548, 13, 8425, 220, 12819, 198, 37440, 4821, 265, 11, 34051, 220, 25921, 2491, 198, 7, 13135, 8, 220, 21848, 12, 25873, 20, 320, 4949, 340, 7, 13135, 8, 220, 22191, 12, 17662, 17, 320, 40153, 340, 2185, 516, 15003, 1546, 1964, 65, 10354, 916, 198, 50212, 279, 28807, 51487, 6930, 323, 3663, 81316, 11, 323, 810, 627, 24284, 1291, 18955, 55332, 13121, 16, 220, 2495, 339, 6825, 198, 47, 8548, 13, 8425, 220, 15531, 198, 33763, 3195, 11, 43023, 220, 21123, 972, 198, 7, 4728, 8, 220, 25289, 12, 13817, 20, 320, 83, 980, 1949, 340, 2185, 24340, 72, 944, 4688, 70294, 916, 198, 35353, 11, 5933, 68973, 1080, 30592, 627, 12988, 11285, 23869, 45983, 82, 11, 4953, 627, 7261, 4331, 17657, 5955, 16542, 198, 49, 276, 971, 37987, 12949, 11, 9362, 220, 27341, 2983, 198, 7, 24487, 8, 220, 25724, 12, 26970, 19, 320, 2497, 340, 7, 4728, 8, 220, 4728, 12, 18318, 17, 320, 83, 980, 1949, 340, 7, 24487, 8, 220, 25724, 12, 27134, 18, 320, 40153, 340, 68, 11724, 25, 720, 30141, 2695, 31, 12134, 11285, 90461, 45983, 82, 916, 198, 18219, 369, 5933, 21730, 627, 29518, 23869, 45983, 48175, 198, 47, 8548, 13, 8425, 220], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " VIOLET CONSUMING FLAME \nDISSOLVES AND CONSUMES YOUR OWN INDI-\nVIDUAL CREATION, SO YOU MAY NOT LOOK \nUPON IT. YOU NO LONGER FEEL ITS EFFECTS. \nYOU CANNOT IMAGINE EVEN IN YOUR FOND-\nEST IMAGINATION, WHAT THAT MEANS TO \nYOU! \nUtilize This Power, Beloved Students, and call your Pres-264 THE \"I AM99 DISCOURSES \nence into action as never before; to use the Violet Consum-\ning Flame thru your physical body, your mental and feeling \nworld with dynamic power! Already you have consumed \nthe larger percent\u2014I mean ALL EARNEST SINCERE \nSTUDENTS\u2014have consumed the larger percent of their \nown accumulation; but there are some who are trying to \ndo this with their intellects. They are not producing the \nresults in their feeling world. I say to you today, be sure \nyour feeling is following the activity of your attention. \nThen, what do I mean by that in regard to the Violet \nConsuming Flame? If you say just from your neck up: \n\" 'Mighty I AM Presence'! dissolve and consume all my \ndiscordant accumulation by the Power of the Violet Con-\nsuming Flame,\" a slight result is produced; but if you are \naware, your feeling is sustaining your call, then you will \nfind Results which are astonishing, take place in your Life. \nWatch your feeling follows your Call or the Power of your \nattention in everything you do. Whether it be in your outer \nbusiness or what it is, makes no difference; the same Law is \nacting, whether it is for your own Purification or your bus-\niness. \nAs you understand this, you will compel your feeling to \narise as it were, and go forth on the Power of your attention. \nThat is the Power of Accomplishment. You have heard Us \nsay mankind in the past has used only one of the Trinity of \nAction; sometimes Power, sometimes Divine Love, some-\ntimes Wisdom; but just one in itself, is not sufficient in the \nWorld today. Divine Love is not sufficient, because It lacks DISCOURSE XVIII 265 \nthe Discrimination, which is within Wisdom; and on the \nother hand, if Power is not acting the force of action is \nlacking, to produce quick results. \nToday, in order to relieve mankind from the mistakes of \nthe past, Beloved Saint Germain brought forth This Under-\nstanding and the Eye Picture before you of your own God \nPresence; which compels Love, Wisdom and Power to act \nin Perfect Balance at your call to the \"I AM Presence.\" You \nwill see then how constant, how definite it has made the \nBalanced Action of Life in you and your world. Without \nIt, you only have partial results, because one element has \nbeen missing, sometimes two; but today in the Call to your \nPresence, there cannot be anything lacking or missing in \nthe Total Result, and the Completeness of It which you \nrequire. \nAs you understand this, you will see how Self-evident it \nis, and with that will come an ease, rest and confidence in \nyour feeling, which never was there before. This is what \nyour feeling needs. It has been so accustomed to agitation, \nworry, disturbance, doubts and fear. Oh yes, disturbed feel-\ning has been acting a thousand times, when you did not \neven imagine it! That is the worst part of it. If you were \nonly aware of all these things, you could stop them; but if \nyou are unaware of them, how can you stop them or have \nany effect upon them ? \nIn the Great Understanding of This Law of the \"I AM \nPresence,\" again you have the Same Trinity of Action thru \nyour physical form, which is called forth from your Pres-266 THE \"I AM99 DISCOURSES \nence, and again it is the Balancing Activity. You have your \nvision, your attention and your power of qualification; act-\ning within the human form and feeling world. It again is \nthe Balance; cooperating Perfectly with the Call to the \nPresence, which is Love, Wisdom and Power in Action. \nDear Ones, if you were to see in the past, how your Power \nof qualification has been acting and clothing your Energy, \nproducing just the opposite results from which you intend, \nyou would be so astonished! No words could explain. To-\nday, that is fast being remedied; and as We watch the Activ-\nity within the Life Streams of Individuals who are earnest, \nsincere students, We see the constant change. In eighty per-\ncent\u2014notice how tremendous\u2014in eighty percent, the re-\nsults are tremendous. \nI touch upon this point to give you the Strength, and En-\ncouragement, to know you are not failing in your Applica-\ntion; not even the one who is producing the least results. \nPlease feel This; for who of you shall say what moment, you \nwill strike a Certain Vibratory Action. The Power of your \nPresence releases in one tremendous sweep, and brings you \nto the point of Balance, wherein comes the Great Release \nfrom your Presence, governing all activities in your world. \nSometimes Individuals have thought in the Magazine, \nthere were contradictions of that which is in the books. It \nis not so! Dear Ones, the books give the Fundamental Law \nof Life! In the Magazine, different angles of that Law are \ntouched upon; and if there seems to be a contradiction, re-\nmember it is only referring to Another Activity, another DISCOURSE XVIII 267 \nExplanation of the Same Mighty Thing. So do not let your \nhuman mind begin to feel, there are contradictions in This \nActivity. It is impossible in the Ascended Masters' Work. \nSo if there seems to be, it is just a lack of discrimination \nwithin the human intellect, which makes you feel it for the \nmoment, because of the suggestion which is given forth. \nThere are a few unfortunate Individuals who have spread \nthe falsehood, the Ascended Masters had made mistakes; \nthe Messengers had made mistakes; and in Beloved Saint \nGermain's dismissal of certain Individuals, said: \"Could an \nAscended Master have written Those Words\" ? Well, They \njust did! Because it was imperative to place that human \nviciousness where it could no longer misrepresent the \nTruth, in the pretense of representing This Law. \nEvery Individual who condemns the Messengers and \nThis Work, will find himself or herself out of the Radiance \nof the Ascended Masters. Not only that, but those Indi-\nviduals", "token_ids": [650, 3895, 21419, 220, 3501, 28477, 1753, 220, 13062, 2797, 720, 18091, 1242, 1971, 77864, 220, 3651, 220, 3501, 28477, 1600, 220, 21592, 220, 69569, 220, 2006, 18091, 7058, 7635, 16788, 220, 50708, 3579, 11, 220, 5745, 220, 15334, 220, 40330, 220, 4276, 220, 50969, 720, 3202, 715, 220, 8871, 13, 220, 15334, 220, 5782, 220, 35042, 643, 220, 29031, 2818, 220, 47175, 220, 63153, 50, 13, 720, 57489, 220, 356, 47975, 220, 6654, 1929, 4069, 220, 27755, 220, 2006, 21592, 220, 435, 38539, 7058, 5288, 220, 6654, 1929, 52960, 11, 220, 38535, 220, 26336, 220, 16691, 11954, 220, 5257, 720, 57489, 0, 720, 2810, 553, 220, 1115, 220, 7572, 11, 220, 7984, 5047, 220, 20783, 11, 220, 323, 220, 1650, 701, 220, 4203, 12, 12815, 3247, 220, 330, 40, 6912, 1484, 220, 12244, 34, 6934, 29095, 720, 768, 220, 1139, 220, 1957, 220, 439, 2646, 220, 1603, 26, 220, 311, 1005, 279, 74574, 220, 42062, 7058, 287, 49957, 220, 41178, 220, 701, 220, 7106, 220, 2547, 11, 220, 701, 220, 10723, 220, 323, 220, 8430, 720, 14957, 220, 449, 220, 8915, 220, 2410, 0, 220, 40612, 220, 499, 220, 617, 220, 27073, 720, 1820, 8294, 220, 3346, 51757, 220, 3152, 220, 13398, 220, 91396, 4031, 790, 220, 328, 39539, 43272, 720, 790, 4760, 44978, 2345, 19553, 220, 27073, 220, 279, 8294, 220, 3346, 220, 315, 872, 720, 785, 220, 46835, 26, 220, 719, 220, 1070, 220, 527, 1063, 220, 889, 220, 527, 4560, 220, 311, 720, 3055, 420, 220, 449, 220, 872, 220, 17108, 82, 13, 220, 2435, 220, 527, 539, 220, 17843, 220, 279, 720, 8234, 220, 304, 872, 220, 8430, 220, 1917, 13, 220, 358, 2019, 311, 499, 220, 3432, 11, 220, 387, 2771, 720, 22479, 220, 8430, 220, 374, 2768, 220, 279, 5820, 220, 315, 701, 220, 6666, 13, 720, 12487, 11, 220, 1148, 220, 656, 358, 3152, 220, 555, 430, 220, 304, 5363, 220, 311, 279, 74574, 720, 43066, 287, 220, 49957, 30, 220, 1442, 499, 220, 2019, 1120, 220, 505, 220, 701, 220, 13272, 220, 709, 25, 720, 1, 364, 44, 492, 88, 220, 358, 6912, 220, 79723, 6, 0, 220, 73739, 220, 323, 220, 25024, 220, 682, 856, 720, 43679, 519, 220, 46835, 220, 555, 279, 7572, 220, 315, 279, 74574, 220, 1221, 7058, 62217, 220, 49957, 1359, 220, 264, 8275, 220, 1121, 220, 374, 9124, 26, 220, 719, 422, 499, 220, 527, 720, 20111, 11, 220, 701, 220, 8430, 220, 374, 80184, 220, 701, 220, 1650, 11, 220, 1243, 220, 499, 220, 690, 720, 3990, 18591, 220, 902, 220, 527, 50013, 11, 220, 1935, 220, 2035, 220, 304, 701, 220, 9601, 13, 720, 14581, 220, 701, 220, 8430, 220, 11263, 220, 701, 220, 7290, 220, 477, 279, 7572, 220, 315, 701, 720, 54203, 220, 304, 4395, 220, 499, 220, 656, 13, 13440, 220, 433, 387, 304, 701, 220, 16335, 720, 27243, 220, 477, 1148, 220, 433, 374, 11, 3727, 220, 912, 6811, 26, 220, 279, 1890, 220, 7658, 220, 374, 720, 36022, 11, 220, 3508, 220, 433, 374, 369, 701, 220, 1866, 220, 14874, 2461, 220, 477, 701, 220, 5951, 7058, 1918, 13, 720, 2170, 499, 220, 3619, 220, 420, 11, 220, 499, 220, 690, 220, 83173, 220, 701, 220, 8430, 220, 311, 720, 277, 1082, 220, 439, 433, 1051, 11, 220, 323, 220, 733, 13544, 220, 389, 279, 7572, 220, 315, 701, 220, 6666, 13, 720, 4897, 220, 374, 279, 7572, 220, 315, 54064, 501, 16409, 13, 220, 1472, 220, 617, 220, 6755, 220, 4073, 720, 37890, 43384, 220, 304, 279, 3347, 220, 706, 1511, 220, 1193, 220, 832, 315, 279, 45659, 220, 315, 720, 2573, 26, 220, 7170, 220, 7572, 11, 220, 7170, 220, 43361, 220, 10919, 11, 220, 1063, 7058, 15487, 220, 57201, 26, 220, 719, 1120, 220, 832, 220, 304, 5196, 11, 220, 374, 539, 14343, 220, 304, 279, 720, 10343, 220, 3432, 13, 220, 43361, 220, 10919, 220, 374, 539, 14343, 11, 220, 1606, 220, 1102, 37856, 12244, 34, 75008, 220, 53694, 23440, 220, 220, 14374, 720, 1820, 78400, 2617, 11, 220, 902, 220, 374, 2949, 220, 57201, 26, 220, 323, 220, 389, 279, 720, 1605, 220, 1450, 11, 220, 422, 7572, 220, 374, 539, 15718, 220, 279, 220, 5457, 220, 315, 1957, 220, 374, 720, 75, 9162, 11, 220, 311, 8356, 220, 4062, 220, 3135, 13, 720, 15724, 11, 220, 304, 2015, 220, 311, 48839, 220, 43384, 220, 505, 220, 279, 21294, 220, 315, 720, 1820, 3347, 11, 220, 7984, 5047, 220, 14539, 220, 20524, 3902, 220, 7263, 220, 13544, 220, 1115, 220, 9636, 7058, 10276, 220, 323, 220, 279, 28929, 220, 25586, 220, 1603, 220, 499, 220, 315, 701, 220, 1866, 220, 4359, 720, 90269, 26, 220, 902, 220, 1391, 2053, 220, 10919, 11, 220, 57201, 220, 323, 220, 7572, 220, 311, 1180, 720, 258, 24118, 220, 31946, 220, 520, 701, 220, 1650, 311, 279, 330, 40, 6912, 220, 79723, 1210, 220, 1472, 720, 14724, 1518, 1243, 220, 1268, 220, 6926, 11, 220, 1268, 220, 44870, 220, 433, 706, 220, 1903, 220, 279, 720, 38989, 4979, 220, 5703, 220, 315, 9601, 220, 304, 499, 220, 323, 220, 701, 220, 1917, 13, 220, 17586, 720, 2181, 11, 499, 220, 1193, 220, 617, 220, 7276, 220, 3135, 11, 220, 1606, 220, 832, 220, 2449, 220, 706, 720, 82850, 220, 7554, 11, 220, 7170, 220, 1403, 26, 220, 719, 3432, 220, 304, 279, 7290, 220, 311, 701, 720, 90269, 11, 220, 1070, 220, 4250, 220, 387, 4205, 220, 32161, 220, 477, 7554, 220, 304, 720, 1820, 10884, 220, 5832, 11, 220, 323, 220, 279, 43454, 64197, 220, 315, 1102, 902, 220, 499, 720, 4408, 13, 720, 2170, 499, 220, 3619, 220, 420, 11, 220, 499, 220, 690, 220, 1518, 1268, 220, 10323, 5773, 1325, 306, 220, 433, 720, 285, 11, 323, 220, 449, 220, 430, 220, 690, 220, 2586, 220, 459, 14553, 11, 220, 2800, 220, 323, 220, 12410, 220, 304, 720, 22479, 220, 8430, 11, 220, 902, 220, 2646, 220, 574, 220, 1070, 220, 1603, 13, 220, 1115, 220, 374, 1148, 720, 22479, 220, 8430, 220, 3966, 13, 220, 1102, 706, 1027, 220, 779, 53184, 220, 311, 91317, 11, 720, 86, 8635, 11, 220, 65858, 11, 220, 40017, 220, 323, 220, 8850, 13, 220, 8840, 10035, 11, 220, 56507, 220, 2733, 7058, 287, 706, 220, 1027, 220, 15718, 220, 264, 16579, 220, 3115, 11, 220, 994, 220, 499, 220, 1550, 220, 539, 720, 17206, 220, 13085, 220, 433, 0, 3011, 220, 374, 279, 12047, 220, 961, 220, 315, 433, 13, 1442, 499, 220, 1051, 720, 3323, 220, 8010, 220, 315, 682, 1521, 220, 2574, 11, 220, 499, 220, 1436, 220, 3009, 220, 1124, 26, 220, 719, 422, 720, 9514, 527, 41747, 220, 315, 1124, 11, 220, 1268, 220, 649, 499, 220, 3009, 220, 1124, 220, 477, 617, 720, 3852, 2515, 220, 5304, 220, 1124, 220, 949, 720, 644, 279, 8681, 220, 46551, 220, 315, 1115, 220, 7658, 220, 315, 279, 330, 40, 6912, 720, 90269, 1359, 220, 1578, 220, 499, 220, 617, 220, 279, 26823, 220, 45659, 220, 315, 5703, 220, 41178, 720, 22479, 220, 7106, 220, 1376, 11, 220, 902, 220, 374, 2663, 220, 13544, 220, 505, 220, 701, 220, 4203, 12, 15999, 3247, 220, 330, 40, 6912, 1484, 220, 12244, 34, 6934, 29095, 720, 768, 11, 220, 323, 220, 1578, 220, 433, 374, 279, 19984, 9151, 220, 15330, 13, 220, 1472, 220, 617, 220, 701, 720, 13311, 11, 220, 701, 220, 6666, 220, 323, 220, 701, 220, 2410, 220, 315, 46160, 26, 220, 1180, 7058, 287, 2949, 220, 279, 3823, 220, 1376, 220, 323, 220, 8430, 220, 1917, 13, 220, 1102, 1578, 220, 374, 720, 1820, 31946, 26, 220, 82589, 220, 24118, 398, 220, 449, 220, 279, 220, 7290, 220, 311, 279, 720, 90269, 11, 220, 902, 220, 374, 10919, 11, 220, 57201, 220, 323, 220, 7572, 220, 304, 5703, 13, 720, 31765, 220, 74933, 11, 220, 422, 499, 220, 1051, 220, 311, 1518, 304, 279, 3347, 11, 220, 1268, 220, 701, 220, 7572, 720, 1073, 46160, 220, 706, 1027, 220, 15718, 220, 323, 220, 17895, 220, 701, 220, 12634, 11, 720, 8723, 6253, 220, 1120, 220, 279, 14329, 220, 3135, 220, 505, 220, 902, 220, 499, 220, 30730, 11, 720, 9514, 1053, 220, 387, 779, 100174, 0, 220, 2360, 4339, 220, 1436, 220, 10552, 13, 220, 2057, 7058, 1316, 11, 430, 220, 374, 5043, 1694, 220, 34630, 1142, 26, 220, 323, 220, 439, 1226, 3821, 220, 279, 15050, 7058, 488, 2949, 220, 279, 9601, 220, 95622, 220, 315, 62525, 220, 889, 220, 527, 55349, 11, 720, 82, 2910, 486, 220, 4236, 11, 220, 1226, 1518, 279, 6926, 220, 2349, 13, 220, 763, 80679, 220, 824, 7058, 1189, 2345, 24467, 220, 1268, 220, 28040, 49525, 220, 80679, 220, 3346, 11, 220, 279, 312, 7058, 82, 122761, 220, 527, 28040, 13, 720, 40, 5916, 220, 5304, 220, 420, 220, 1486, 220, 311, 3041, 220, 499, 220, 279, 32937, 11, 220, 323, 220, 2998, 7058, 67971, 3531, 11, 220, 311, 1440, 220, 499, 220, 527, 539, 22109, 220, 304, 701, 220, 1883, 15677, 7058, 28491, 26, 220, 539, 220, 1524, 220, 279, 832, 220, 889, 220, 374, 17843, 220, 279, 3325, 220, 3135, 13, 720, 5618, 220, 2733, 1115, 26, 220, 369, 889, 220, 315, 499, 4985, 220, 2019, 1148, 220, 4545, 11, 220, 499, 720, 14724, 13471, 220, 264, 35211, 220, 60288, 5382, 220, 5703, 13, 220, 578, 220, 7572, 220, 315, 701, 720, 90269, 220, 19786, 220, 304, 832, 220, 28040, 220, 24021, 11, 220, 323, 220, 12716, 220, 499, 720, 998, 279, 1486, 220, 315, 31946, 11, 220, 42418, 220, 4131, 220, 279, 8681, 220, 17836, 720, 1527, 220, 701, 220, 79723, 11, 220, 10217, 220, 682, 7640, 220, 304, 701, 220, 1917, 13, 720, 32148, 220, 62525, 220, 617, 220, 3463, 220, 304, 279, 220, 22168, 11, 720, 19041, 220, 1051, 220, 81523, 220, 315, 430, 220, 902, 220, 374, 304, 279, 6603, 13, 220, 1102, 720, 285, 539, 779, 0, 43922, 220, 74933, 11, 220, 279, 6603, 220, 3041, 220, 279, 92539, 220, 7658, 720, 1073, 9601, 0, 220, 763, 279, 22168, 11, 220, 2204, 220, 27030, 220, 315, 430, 220, 7658, 220, 527, 720, 83, 34170, 220, 5304, 26, 220, 323, 220, 422, 1070, 220, 5084, 220, 311, 387, 264, 50859, 11, 220, 312, 7058, 9792, 220, 433, 374, 1193, 220, 22797, 220, 311, 13596, 220, 15330, 11, 220, 2500, 12244, 34, 75008, 220, 53694, 23440, 220, 220, 16567, 720, 70869, 220, 315, 279, 26823, 220, 75268, 220, 38300, 13, 220, 2100, 656, 539, 1095, 701, 720, 26380, 220, 4059, 220, 3240, 220, 311, 2733, 11, 220, 1070, 220, 527, 81523, 220, 304, 1115, 720, 4142, 13, 220, 1102, 374, 12266, 220, 304, 279, 40660, 2954, 220, 34722, 6, 220, 5664, 13, 720, 4516, 422, 1070, 220, 5084, 220, 311, 387, 11, 433, 374, 1120, 220, 264, 6996, 220, 315, 21934, 720, 56950, 220, 279, 3823, 220, 17108, 11, 220, 902, 220, 3727, 220, 499, 220, 2733, 433, 369, 279, 720, 29699, 11, 220, 1606, 220, 315, 279, 24710, 220, 902, 220, 374, 2728, 220, 13544, 13, 720, 3947, 220, 527, 264, 2478, 34707, 220, 62525, 220, 889, 220, 617, 220, 9041, 720, 1820, 96118, 11, 220, 279, 40660, 2954, 220, 34722, 220, 1047, 220, 1903, 220, 21294, 26, 720, 1820, 19234, 15232, 220, 1047, 220, 1903, 220, 21294, 26, 220, 323, 220, 304, 7984, 5047, 220, 14539, 720, 66497, 3902, 596, 220, 59323, 220, 315, 3738, 220, 62525, 11, 220, 1071, 25, 220, 330, 13191, 220, 459, 720, 41203, 2954, 220, 11060, 220, 617, 220, 5439, 220, 13266, 220, 28730, 1, 220, 949, 8489, 11, 220, 2435, 720, 4345, 1550, 0, 220, 9393, 220, 433, 574, 220, 48696, 220, 311, 2035, 220, 430, 220, 3823, 720, 85, 9824, 2136, 220, 1405, 220, 433, 1436, 220, 912, 5129, 220, 5906, 36369, 220, 279, 720, 25025, 11, 220, 304, 279, 4509, 1137, 220, 315, 14393, 220, 1115, 220, 7658, 13, 720, 11769, 220, 30440, 220, 889, 220, 21748, 4511, 220, 279, 220, 19234, 15232, 220, 323, 720, 2028, 220, 5664, 11, 220, 690, 220, 1505, 220, 5678, 220, 477, 11937, 220, 704, 315, 279, 35969, 685, 720, 1073, 279, 40660, 2954, 220, 34722, 13, 220, 2876, 220, 1193, 220, 430, 11, 220, 719, 220, 1884, 220, 113744, 7058, 1325, 940, 82], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " crisis. Stop all eating. That also means\nno fruit or fruit juices. At regular intervals drink large\namounts of hot, distilled water, add a little honey with\nlemon juice or apple cider vinegar. Eat and drink nothing\nelse. See that you have a good circulation of pure air in your\nbedroom. Don\u2019t read, listen to the radio or watch TV! Justsleep and rest \u2013 nothing else. Above all, don\u2019t waste precious\nenergy talking to relatives and friends! Go into seclusion to\ncleanse and recharge. You are on God\u2019s cleansing table.\nHow long should you fast during a winter healing\ncrisis or, for that matter, a summer healing crisis? They\ncan happen at any time of the year, but generally strikein cold weather. In most instances,\n 3 days of restful\nfasting will put you on your feet again. But sometimes\nit may take a week or 10 days to do a successful job.\nDon\u2019t quibble about it! You will find that you will be in\nbetter health after the healing crisis. If you will work\nwith your Vital Force, you will flush out a tremendousamount of internal poison. Just don\u2019t panic! MotherNature is very wise and she knows what is best for you.\nIf you have faith and confidence in Mother Nature,\nyou will always work with her. I reared\n 5 children and\nwhen the sniffles hit them, I had them fast and rest. In\na few days they would snap out of the healing crisis and\nbe their same robust selves again. My grandchildrenfollowed this program... and now my great-\ngrandchildren are following it! To most people this\nprogram seems too simple \u2013 they feel that they must door take something. They are filled with fear.\nThere is absolutely nothing to fear as long as Mother\nNature is working to keep you alive and healthy. She knowsbest and will see you through any crisis, because she is\nGod\u2019s own physician! Each person should regard his health\nas the most precious blessing that he can possess and shouldattempt to understand his body which is so \u201c fearfully and\nwonderfully made \u201d. Do maintain your precious body in\nSupreme Health as the Bragg Motto states in \n3 John 2.127The Body is Self-Healing & Self-Repairing\nEvery man is not only the \u201cMaster Builder\u201d of his\ncharacter, but also the custodian of his health and\nphysical well-being. N ot only has the Creator endowed\nman with a \u201cGod-like\u201d body, but He has given him awonderful mind and r easoning power. Humans are\ncapable of comprehending and putting to use all the\nnatural resources for self-health and self-healing which\nhave been so generously placed at their disposal.\nThe Miracle of Fasting is another way to help yourself\nto Higher H ealth. Mother Nature gives us simple healing\nremedies. We must be w illing to cooperate w ith M other\nNature and conform our lives to her unchangeable laws.\nFollowing the \u201cNatural Way of Living\u201d we can recapture\nthe precious bloom of youth through the gifts of physical,\nmental and spiritual regeneration. There are no shortcuts\nto health! Mother Nature expects us to do our part. Whenyou fast you are working with Mother Nature. God and\nMother N ature w on\u2019t perform a miracle until we are\nwilling to bring our lives and habits into conformity withTheir Eternal Laws of Health.\nIt\u2019s my honest and sincere belief that nobody should\never promise to cure anyone of their physical misery.To promise anyone a cure means that someone is trying\nto play both God and Mother Nature and no humancan promise you the results that They can perform!\nBy combining fasting and eating only healthy, natural\nfoods, you can attain a more youthful, healthful life. Healingis an internal biological function that only the body canperform. By fasting you are helping your body do itscleansing work efficiently. Mother Nature is continuallyworking to keep you alive and well. So when Mother Naturestarts a healing crisis (colds, flu, etc.), she knows what she isdoing, be thankful and fast and help your body detox.\nFasting is the greatest assistance you can provide your\nbody, because you are letting all of your Vital Force pushthe toxic poisons out of your entire body so you can becleaner and healthier and more youthful!\nFasting is for internal cleansing, purification, to stay healthy and youthful.128\nHe who understands Mother Nature walks with God.START TODAY\nLiving The\nBragg Healthy\nLifestyle!Do You\nShow Signs of\nPREMATURE\nAGEING?\nIs everything you do a big effort?\n\u2022\nHave you started to lose your skin tone?\nYour muscle tone? Your energy? Your hair?\n\u2022\nDo small things irritate you?\nAre you forgetful? Confused?\n\u2022\nIs your elimination sluggish?\n\u2022\nDo you have allergies? Joint pains\n\u2022\nDo you have aches and pains?\n\u2022\nDo you get out of breath\nwhen you run or climb stairs?\n\u2022\nHow limber is your back and body?\n\u2022\nHow well do you adjust to cold and heat?\n\u2022\nAsk yourself these important questions:\nAm I healthy and happy?\nDo I seem to be slipping and\nnot quite like myself anymore?\nIf the answer to these questions are \u201cYes,\u201dVisit bragg.com and send free Bragg Health Musical E\u2013Cards from our web to friends!129\nMother Nature, time and patience are three great physicians. \u2013 Irish ProverbOutwit Premature Ageing\nTake This Quiz and The Mirror Test Now &\nEach Month After to Monitor Your Well-Being\nGo to your mirror nude now and take this Mirror\nTest: Are you happy with what you see? \u2022 Do you look\nold and tired? \u2022 Does your body sag? \u2022 Do you have\npoor skin and muscle tone? \u2022 How\u2019s your hair? \u2022 How\u2019syour posture? \u2022 Are your eyes dull and lifeless? \u2022 Do you\nhave a pale, sallow complexion? \u2022 Are you trim and fit?\nAfter making a careful examination of your body,\nhow would you describe it? \u2022 Youthful? \u2022 Ageing? Noone can answer these questions more honestly than you.\nYou\u2019re the only one that can take charge of your life!\nLet us go farther than mere looks. How do you really\nfeel today? \u2022 Are you bursting with energy and vitalityor do you have bothersome aches and pains? \u2022 Whatabout the moveable joints of your body? \u2022 Are you stiff\nand sore? \u2022 Does your lower back plague you with pain?\n\u2022 How did you sleep last night? \u2022 Did you get up freshand feeling alive? \u2022 Did you go to bed tired, yet unable\nto sleep? \u2022 Did you face the new day feeling energyless\nas if all your energy had drained away? \u2022 How is yourappetite? \u2022 Do you relish every mouthful of food you\neat? \u2022 Are you plagued with gas pains after meals? \u2022 What\nabout your elimination? \u2022 Is it perfect or are your bowelsclogged? \u2022 Above all things, were you happy today?\n\u2022 Yesterday? \u2022 Or are you depressed and blue?\n \u2022 Do you feel that you are ageing rapidly? \u2022 Is life\npassing you by? \u2022 Can you honestly say, \u201cI am gettingyounger as I live longer?\u201d \u2022 Or will you have to admit\nthat the longer you live, the older you feel? \u2022 I knowyou want to look and feel youthful and not get old before\nyour time. \u2022 So begin NOW to live The Bragg Healthy\nLifestyle! You will see results \u2013 take this quiz monthly.Chapter 1 7130\nA book is a garden, an orchard, a storehouse, a party, a mentor,\na teacher, a guidepost and a counsellor. \u2013 Henry Ward Beecher\nWisdom thoroughly learned, will never be forgotten. \u2013 PythagorasFasting is a Miraculous Rebirth & Resurrection!\nLet me tell you honestly what fasting can do for you.\nThis natural miracle can help reverse the premature ageing\nprocess for you. From this minute on, you could take anew lease on life! It has been proven by some of the world\u2019sgreatest scientists that fasting is the magic key that opensthe door to agelessness and youthfulness.\nScientists have been experimenting for years on worms,\nwhite rats and guinea pigs, and they have discovered someremarkable scientific facts. They fasted these laboratoryanimals and, in between fasts, they fed them scientificallybalanced, natural diets. A miracle occurred \u2013 they gotyounger and lived longer! These scientists are single-mindedand want only facts, and the facts revealed the truth. (We\npraise these honest scientists and all dedicated health crusaders.)\nSee this interesting research website: www.walford.com\nFasting not only slows down the ageing clock, but it\nproduces a healthy youthfulness and rebirth in the body.In my years supervising fasts, I have seen thousands ofunbelievable miracles happen to people of all ages.\nI remember a Bragg health student named Martin\nCornica who had spent many years working in the filmindustry. He was about\n 40 when he realized he was ageing\nprematurely. He regarded himself as a middle-aged man.And why shouldn\u2019t he? Since the average life expectancyof an American today is \n76.7 years if lucky, he decided\nthat at 40 he had lived half of his life. So he slowed his\npace to that of a typical middle-aged man, as millions do.\nIn his younger days Martin Cornica had been a\nchampion tennis player. But he had discarded his tennisracket because he felt the", "token_ids": [11501, 662, 14549, 682, 12459, 13, 3011, 1101, 3445, 198, 2201, 14098, 477, 14098, 65959, 13, 2468, 5912, 28090, 7172, 3544, 198, 6173, 82, 315, 4106, 11, 89867, 3090, 11, 923, 264, 2697, 220, 26828, 449, 198, 273, 1677, 23661, 477, 24149, 66155, 47205, 13, 45614, 323, 7172, 4400, 198, 1531, 13, 3580, 430, 499, 617, 264, 1695, 35855, 315, 10748, 3805, 304, 701, 198, 2788, 3039, 13, 4418, 1431, 1373, 11, 9020, 311, 279, 9063, 477, 3821, 6007, 0, 4702, 26894, 323, 2800, 1389, 4400, 775, 13, 44710, 682, 11, 1541, 1431, 12571, 27498, 198, 17947, 7556, 311, 29658, 323, 4885, 0, 6122, 1139, 513, 9134, 311, 198, 18883, 325, 323, 47923, 13, 1472, 527, 389, 4359, 753, 60052, 2007, 627, 4438, 1317, 1288, 499, 5043, 2391, 264, 12688, 21730, 198, 5192, 9667, 477, 11, 369, 430, 5030, 11, 264, 7474, 21730, 11501, 30, 2435, 198, 4919, 3621, 520, 904, 892, 315, 279, 1060, 11, 719, 8965, 13471, 258, 9439, 9282, 13, 763, 1455, 13422, 345, 220, 18, 2919, 315, 2800, 1285, 198, 9533, 287, 690, 2231, 499, 389, 701, 7693, 1578, 13, 2030, 7170, 198, 275, 1253, 1935, 264, 2046, 477, 220, 220, 605, 2919, 311, 656, 264, 6992, 2683, 627, 8161, 1431, 934, 83518, 922, 433, 0, 1472, 690, 1505, 430, 499, 690, 387, 304, 198, 58234, 2890, 1306, 279, 21730, 11501, 13, 1442, 499, 690, 990, 198, 4291, 701, 55371, 11994, 11, 499, 690, 18698, 704, 264, 28040, 6173, 315, 5419, 21109, 13, 4702, 1541, 1431, 22743, 0, 21720, 79519, 374, 1633, 24219, 323, 1364, 8964, 1148, 374, 1888, 369, 499, 627, 2746, 499, 617, 10082, 323, 12410, 304, 21720, 22037, 345, 9514, 690, 2744, 990, 449, 1077, 13, 358, 312, 1636, 198, 220, 20, 2911, 323, 198, 9493, 279, 58387, 645, 4295, 1124, 11, 358, 1047, 1124, 5043, 323, 2800, 13, 763, 198, 64, 2478, 2919, 814, 1053, 10885, 704, 315, 279, 21730, 11501, 323, 198, 1395, 872, 1890, 22514, 84137, 1578, 13, 3092, 50851, 19070, 291, 420, 2068, 662, 662, 662, 323, 1457, 856, 2294, 7058, 53766, 5988, 527, 2768, 433, 0, 2057, 1455, 1274, 420, 198, 15252, 5084, 2288, 4382, 1389, 814, 2733, 430, 814, 2011, 6134, 1935, 2555, 13, 2435, 527, 10409, 449, 8850, 627, 3947, 374, 11112, 4400, 311, 8850, 439, 1317, 439, 21720, 198, 79519, 374, 3318, 311, 2567, 499, 13989, 323, 9498, 13, 3005, 8964, 16241, 323, 690, 1518, 499, 1555, 904, 11501, 11, 1606, 1364, 374, 198, 28622, 753, 1866, 28378, 0, 9062, 1732, 1288, 5363, 813, 2890, 198, 300, 279, 1455, 27498, 40149, 430, 568, 649, 15575, 323, 1288, 56605, 311, 3619, 813, 2547, 902, 374, 779, 1054, 8850, 3725, 323, 198, 86, 14518, 3725, 1903, 19524, 13, 3234, 10519, 701, 27498, 2547, 304, 198, 10254, 9831, 6401, 439, 279, 3320, 16094, 19514, 998, 5415, 304, 720, 18, 3842, 220, 17, 13, 6804, 791, 14285, 374, 10323, 12, 1548, 6260, 612, 10323, 69060, 12959, 287, 198, 11769, 893, 374, 539, 1193, 279, 1054, 18532, 21275, 863, 315, 813, 198, 19740, 11, 719, 1101, 279, 16973, 64949, 315, 813, 2890, 323, 198, 47692, 1664, 33851, 13, 452, 14479, 1193, 706, 279, 36778, 98728, 198, 1543, 449, 264, 1054, 28622, 12970, 863, 2547, 11, 719, 1283, 706, 2728, 1461, 1384, 14518, 1285, 4059, 323, 436, 384, 1525, 287, 2410, 13, 66094, 527, 198, 11600, 481, 315, 12963, 2518, 323, 10917, 311, 1005, 682, 279, 198, 53980, 5070, 369, 659, 79505, 323, 659, 38435, 6260, 902, 198, 19553, 1027, 779, 80220, 9277, 520, 872, 220, 34545, 627, 791, 77064, 315, 435, 15067, 374, 2500, 1648, 311, 1520, 6261, 198, 998, 35321, 473, 384, 1902, 13, 21720, 22037, 6835, 603, 4382, 21730, 198, 1864, 291, 552, 13, 1226, 2011, 387, 289, 5986, 287, 311, 47903, 289, 78942, 386, 1023, 198, 79519, 323, 26965, 1057, 6439, 311, 1077, 653, 3455, 481, 7016, 627, 28055, 279, 1054, 55381, 12424, 315, 19048, 863, 584, 649, 1421, 12114, 198, 1820, 27498, 52554, 315, 12822, 1555, 279, 21258, 315, 7106, 345, 93221, 323, 18330, 60517, 13, 2684, 527, 912, 56020, 198, 998, 2890, 0, 21720, 22037, 25283, 603, 311, 656, 1057, 961, 13, 3277, 9514, 5043, 499, 527, 3318, 449, 21720, 22037, 13, 4359, 323, 198, 59978, 452, 520, 554, 289, 389, 1431, 2804, 264, 45125, 3156, 584, 527, 198, 86, 9585, 311, 4546, 1057, 6439, 323, 26870, 1139, 90301, 449, 35897, 67872, 42089, 315, 6401, 627, 2181, 753, 856, 10978, 323, 49424, 16801, 430, 19093, 1288, 198, 2099, 11471, 311, 27208, 5606, 315, 872, 7106, 58701, 3354, 11471, 5606, 264, 27208, 3445, 430, 4423, 374, 4560, 198, 998, 1514, 2225, 4359, 323, 21720, 22037, 323, 912, 2854, 1149, 276, 11471, 499, 279, 3135, 430, 2435, 649, 2804, 4999, 1383, 35271, 54560, 323, 12459, 1193, 9498, 11, 5933, 198, 96420, 11, 220, 499, 220, 649, 36861, 264, 810, 65655, 11, 2890, 1285, 2324, 13, 49741, 285, 459, 5419, 24156, 734, 430, 1193, 279, 2547, 649, 29588, 13, 3296, 54560, 499, 527, 10695, 701, 2547, 656, 1202, 9326, 598, 287, 990, 30820, 13, 21720, 22037, 374, 35611, 21837, 311, 2567, 499, 13989, 323, 1664, 13, 2100, 994, 21720, 22037, 66976, 264, 21730, 11501, 320, 66, 18938, 11, 20236, 11, 5099, 25390, 1364, 8964, 1148, 1364, 374, 45359, 11, 387, 43788, 323, 5043, 323, 1520, 701, 2547, 61987, 627, 37, 15067, 374, 279, 12474, 13291, 499, 649, 3493, 701, 198, 2664, 11, 1606, 499, 527, 20806, 682, 315, 701, 55371, 11994, 4585, 1820, 21503, 3273, 19941, 704, 315, 701, 4553, 2547, 779, 499, 649, 387, 18883, 261, 323, 39345, 323, 810, 65655, 4999, 37, 15067, 374, 369, 5419, 60052, 11, 94536, 11, 311, 4822, 9498, 323, 65655, 13, 4386, 198, 1548, 889, 31869, 21720, 22037, 23291, 449, 4359, 55157, 41362, 198, 45605, 578, 198, 33, 4193, 70, 44454, 198, 43, 16886, 0, 5519, 1472, 198, 7968, 59124, 315, 198, 17809, 44, 15215, 198, 3669, 1753, 5380, 3957, 4395, 499, 656, 264, 2466, 5149, 5380, 6806, 198, 12389, 499, 3940, 311, 9229, 701, 6930, 16630, 5380, 7927, 16124, 16630, 30, 4718, 4907, 30, 4718, 7013, 5380, 6806, 198, 5519, 2678, 2574, 30118, 349, 499, 5380, 11787, 499, 10894, 1285, 30, 256, 15323, 2656, 5380, 6806, 198, 3957, 701, 44032, 88046, 5380, 6806, 198, 5519, 499, 617, 58742, 30, 220, 30833, 51266, 198, 6806, 198, 5519, 499, 617, 264, 8696, 323, 51266, 5380, 6806, 198, 5519, 499, 636, 704, 315, 11745, 198, 9493, 499, 1629, 477, 26438, 32249, 5380, 6806, 198, 4438, 4671, 655, 374, 701, 1203, 323, 2547, 5380, 6806, 198, 4438, 1664, 656, 499, 7652, 311, 9439, 323, 8798, 5380, 6806, 198, 27264, 6261, 1521, 3062, 4860, 512, 6219, 358, 9498, 323, 6380, 5380, 5519, 358, 2873, 311, 387, 64802, 323, 198, 1962, 5115, 1093, 7182, 14926, 5380, 2746, 279, 4320, 311, 1521, 4860, 527, 1054, 9642, 2476, 27312, 1437, 16094, 916, 323, 3708, 1949, 3320, 16094, 6401, 57357, 469, 4235, 29548, 505, 1057, 3566, 311, 4885, 0, 9748, 198, 59978, 22037, 11, 892, 323, 30401, 527, 2380, 2294, 35944, 13, 1389, 18088, 1322, 23129, 2729, 89619, 12029, 1598, 13381, 287, 198, 18293, 1115, 42248, 323, 578, 34954, 3475, 4800, 28370, 4959, 19961, 4740, 311, 24423, 4718, 8489, 12, 34242, 198, 11087, 311, 701, 18327, 20637, 1457, 323, 1935, 420, 34954, 198, 2323, 25, 8886, 499, 6380, 449, 1148, 499, 1518, 30, 7436, 3234, 499, 1427, 198, 820, 323, 19781, 30, 7436, 12838, 701, 2547, 30811, 30, 7436, 3234, 499, 617, 198, 5481, 269, 6930, 323, 16124, 16630, 30, 7436, 2650, 753, 701, 7013, 30, 7436, 2650, 753, 22479, 48378, 30, 7436, 8886, 701, 6548, 41630, 323, 2324, 1752, 30, 7436, 3234, 499, 198, 19553, 264, 28639, 11, 274, 7331, 91679, 30, 7436, 8886, 499, 11259, 323, 5052, 5380, 6153, 3339, 264, 16994, 24481, 315, 701, 2547, 345, 5269, 1053, 499, 7664, 433, 30, 7436, 30160, 1285, 30, 7436, 13381, 287, 30, 2360, 606, 649, 4320, 1521, 4860, 810, 27136, 1109, 499, 627, 2675, 3207, 279, 1193, 832, 430, 649, 1935, 6900, 315, 701, 2324, 4999, 10267, 603, 733, 43726, 1109, 17983, 5992, 13, 2650, 656, 499, 2216, 198, 57676, 3432, 30, 7436, 8886, 499, 77850, 449, 4907, 323, 75716, 269, 656, 499, 617, 82454, 638, 264, 8696, 323, 51266, 30, 7436, 1254, 2143, 412, 279, 3351, 481, 35358, 315, 701, 2547, 30, 7436, 8886, 499, 31161, 198, 438, 36366, 30, 7436, 12838, 701, 4827, 1203, 55537, 499, 449, 6784, 5380, 6806, 2650, 1550, 499, 6212, 1566, 3814, 30, 7436, 14910, 499, 636, 709, 7878, 438, 8430, 13989, 30, 7436, 14910, 499, 733, 311, 4950, 19781, 11, 3686, 12153, 198, 998, 6212, 30, 7436, 14910, 499, 3663, 279, 502, 1938, 8430, 4907, 1752, 198, 300, 422, 682, 701, 4907, 1047, 61508, 3201, 30, 7436, 2650, 374, 701, 680, 295, 635, 30, 7436, 3234, 499, 1375, 819, 1475, 11013, 1285, 315, 3691, 499, 198, 33166, 30, 7436, 8886, 499, 66402, 449, 6962, 51266, 1306, 21644, 30, 7436, 3639, 198, 9274, 701, 44032, 30, 7436, 2209, 433, 4832, 477, 527, 701, 15631, 2053, 66, 25909, 30, 7436, 44710, 682, 2574, 11, 1051, 499, 6380, 3432, 5380, 6806, 61133, 30, 7436, 2582, 527, 499, 42642, 323, 6437, 5380, 7436, 3234, 499, 2733, 430, 499, 527, 80043, 19019, 30, 7436, 2209, 2324, 198, 6519, 287, 499, 555, 30, 7436, 220, 3053, 499, 27136, 2019, 11, 1054, 40, 1097, 3794, 9514, 65167, 439, 358, 3974, 5129, 12671, 7436, 2582, 690, 499, 617, 311, 17113, 198, 9210, 279, 5129, 499, 3974, 11, 279, 9191, 499, 2733, 30, 7436, 358, 220, 1440, 9514, 1390, 311, 1427, 323, 2733, 65655, 323, 539, 636, 2362, 1603, 198, 22479, 892, 13, 7436, 2100, 3240, 23214, 311, 3974, 578, 3320, 16094, 44454, 198, 43, 16886, 0, 1472, 690, 1518, 3135, 1389, 1935, 420, 28223, 15438, 6487, 2943, 220, 16, 220, 22977, 15, 198, 32, 2363, 374, 264, 13863, 11, 459, 41245, 569, 11, 264, 3637, 7830, 11, 264, 4717, 11, 264, 36528, 345, 64, 11326, 11, 264, 8641, 2252, 323, 264, 2346, 35935, 269, 13, 220, 1389, 18063, 27738, 38530, 9211, 198, 79848, 5717, 27461, 9687, 11, 690, 2646, 387, 25565, 662, 1389, 5468, 96462, 65747, 37, 15067, 374, 264, 14603, 582, 13850, 1050, 28813, 612, 1838, 40304, 4999, 10267, 757, 3371, 499, 27136, 1148, 54560, 649, 656, 369, 499, 627, 2028, 5933, 45125, 649, 1520, 10134, 279, 42227, 80043, 198, 4734, 369, 499, 13, 5659, 420, 9568, 389, 11, 499, 1436, 1935, 93392, 26120, 389, 2324, 0, 1102, 706, 1027, 17033, 555, 1063, 315, 279, 1917, 753, 70, 11423, 14248, 430, 54560, 374, 279, 11204, 1401, 430, 1825, 267, 383, 6134, 311, 4325, 33028, 323, 12822, 31514, 627, 72326, 617, 1027, 60257, 369, 1667, 389, 63000, 345, 5902, 32510, 323, 1709, 35518, 49910, 11, 323, 814, 617, 11352, 1794, 261, 21799, 481, 12624, 13363, 13, 2435, 5043, 291, 1521, 27692, 77896, 323, 11, 304, 1990, 5043, 82, 11, 814, 23114, 1124, 74647, 59502, 11, 5933, 41943, 13, 362, 45125, 10222, 1389, 814, 2751, 9514, 65167, 323, 12439, 5129, 0, 4314, 14248, 527, 3254, 34423, 438, 1390, 1193, 13363, 11, 323, 279, 13363, 10675, 279, 8206, 13, 320, 1687, 198, 652, 4105, 1521, 10978, 14248, 323, 682, 12514, 2890, 62818, 6527, 29275, 10031, 420, 7185, 3495, 3997, 25, 8604, 1444, 3181, 541, 916, 198, 37, 15067, 539, 1193, 70270, 1523, 279, 80043, 9042, 11, 719, 433, 198, 8723, 1634, 264, 9498, 12822, 31514, 323, 12646, 4914, 304, 279, 2547, 5450, 856, 1667, 15945, 3876, 5043, 82, 11, 358, 617, 3970, 9214, 315, 359, 32898, 24694, 71912, 3621, 311, 1274, 315, 682, 17051, 627, 40, 6227, 264, 3320, 16094, 2890, 5575, 7086, 11826, 198, 91641, 3074, 889, 1047, 7543, 1690, 1667, 3318, 304, 279, 4632, 71864, 13, 1283, 574, 922, 198, 220, 1272, 994, 568, 15393, 568, 574, 80043, 198, 1762, 76, 1598, 398, 13, 1283, 27458, 5678, 439, 264, 6278, 57859, 893, 32264, 3249, 13434, 1431, 568, 30, 8876, 279, 5578, 2324, 66995, 1073, 459, 3778, 3432, 374, 720, 4767, 13, 22, 1667, 422, 18069, 11, 568, 6773, 198, 9210, 520, 220, 1272, 568, 1047, 12439, 4376, 315, 813, 2324, 13, 2100, 568, 48946, 813, 198, 1330, 311, 430, 315, 264, 14595, 6278, 57859, 893, 11, 439, 11990, 656, 627, 644, 813, 14992, 2919, 11826, 22036, 3074, 1047, 1027, 264, 198, 331, 13580, 32515, 2851, 13, 2030, 568, 1047, 44310, 813, 32515, 81, 5827, 1606, 568, 6612, 279], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " tendencies:\noverexacting moral standards impossible to live up to and pride in\nbeing invulnerable, aloof, and superior. The coexistence of these\nmutually exclusive ways presents a particular hardship for the\npsyche. Needless to say, the conscious awareness of this\ncontradiction is missing until this particular work is well in\nprogress.\nThere are many more facets, possibilities, and individual pseudo-\nsolutions combining all sorts of mutually exclusive behaviors. All\nthis has to be found individually.\nLet us now consider some of the general e\u0000ects of the existence of\nthe idealized self and some of the implications. Since the standards\nand dictates of the idealized self are impossible to realize, and yet\nyou never give up the attempt to uphold them, you cultivate within\nyourself an inner tyranny of the worst order. You do not realize the\nimpossibility of being as perfect as your idealized self demands, and\nnever give up whipping yourself, castigating yourself, and feeling a\ncomplete failur e whenever it is proven that you cannot live up to its\ndemands. A sense of abject worthlessness comes over you whenever\nyou fall short of these fantastic demands and engulfs you in misery.\nThis misery may at times be conscious but most of the time it is not.\nEven if it is, you do not realize the entire signi\u0000 cance, the\nimpossibility of what you expect from yourself. When you try to\nhide your reactions to your own \u201cfailure,\u201d you use specia l means to\navoid seeing it. One of the most common devices is to project the\nblame for \u201cfailure\u201d into the outer world, onto others, onto life.\nThe more you try to identify with your idealized self-image, the harder\nthe disillusionment whenever life brings you into a position where this\nmasquerade can no longer be maintained. Many a personal crisis is\nbased on this dilemma, rather than on outer di\u0000culties. Thesedi\u0000culties then become an added menace beyond their objective\nhardship. The existence of the di\u0000culties is a proof to you that you\nare not your idealized self, and this robs you of the false self-\ncon\u0000dence you tried to establish with the creation of the idealized\nself. There are personality types who know perfectly well that they\ncannot identify with their idealized self. But they do not know this\nin a healthy way. They despair. They believe they ought to be able\nto live up to it. Their whole life is permeated with a sense of failure,\nwhile the former type experi ences it only on more consc ious levels\nwhen outer and inner conditions culminate in showi ng up the\nphantom of the idealized self for what it really is: an illusion, a\npretense, a dishonesty. It amounts to saying: \u201cI know I am\nimperfect, but I make believe I am perfect.\u201d Not to recognize this\ndishonesty is comparatively easy when rationalized by\nconscientiousness, honorable standards and goals, and a desire to be\ngood.\nSelf-Acceptance\nThe genuine desire to better oneself leads one to accept one\u2019s\npersonality as it is now. If this basic premise is the main governing\nforce of your motivation for perfection, any discovery of where you\nfall short of your ideals will not throw you into depressio n, anxiety,\nand guilt, but will rather strengthen you. You will not need to\nexaggerate the \u201cbadness\u201d of the behavior in question, nor will you\ndefend yourse lf against it with the excuse that it is the fault of\nothers, of life, of fate. You will gain an objective view of yourself in\nthis respect, and this view will liberate you. You will fully assume\nresponsibility for the faulty attitude, being willing to take the\nconsequences upon yourself. When you act out your idealized self,\nyou dread nothing more than that, for taking the responsibility of\nyour shortcom ings upon yourself is tantamount to saying, \u201cI am not\nmy idealized self.\u201dThe Inner Tyrant\nFeelings of failure, frustratio n, and compulsion, as well as guilt\nand shame, are the most outstanding indications that your idealized\nself is at work. These are the consciously felt emotions out of all\nthose that lie hidden underneath. Actually, the basis of the tyranny\nof the idealized self-image is the sense of false shame and false guilt\nthat this image produces when one cannot live up to it. In addition,\nthe idealized self also manifests false needs, which are superimposed\nand arti\u0000cially created, like the need for glory, the need to triumph,\nto satisfy vanity or pride. The pursuit of these needs never results in\ntrue ful\u0000llment.\nThe idealized self has been called into existence in order to attain\nself-con\u0000dence and therefore, \u0000nally, happiness, pleasure supreme.\nThe stronger its presence, the more genuine self-con\u0000dence fades\naway. Since you cannot live up to its standards, you think even less\nof yourself than you origin ally did. It is therefore obvious that\ngenuine self-con\u0000dence can be established only when you remove\nthe superstructure, which is this merciless tyrant, your idealized\nself.\nYes, you could have self-co n\u0000dence if the idealized self were\nreally you; and if you could live up to these standards. Since this is\nimpossible and since, deep down, you know perfectly well you are\nnot anything like what you think you are supposed to be, you build\nup additional insecurity with this \u201csuper self,\u201d and further vicious\ncircles come into existence. The original insecurity, which was\nsupposedly whisked away by the establishment of the idealized self,\nsteadily increa ses. It snowballs, and becomes worse and worse. The\nmore insecure you feel, the more stringent the demands of the\nsuperstructure or idealized self, the less you are able to live up to it,\nand the more insecure you feel. It is very important to see how this\nvicious circle works. But this cannot be done until and unless you\nbecome fully aware of the devious, subtle, unconscious ways in\nwhich this idealized self-ima ge exists in your particular case. Askyourself in what particular areas it manifests. What causes and\ne\u0000ects are connected with it?\nEstrangement from the Real Self\nA furth er and drastic result of this problem is the constantly\nincreasing estrangement from the real self. The idealized self is a\nfalsity. It is a rigid, arti\u0000ciall y constructed imitation of a live human\nbeing. You may invest it with many aspects of your real being;\nnevertheless, it remains an arti\u0000cial construct. The more you invest\nyour energies, your persona lity, your thought processes, concepts,\nideas, and ideals into it, the more strength you take from the center\nof your being, which alone is amenable to growth. This center of\nyour being is the only part of you, the real you, that can live, grow,\nand be. It is the only part that can properly guide you. It alone\nfunctions with all your capacities. It is \u0000exible and intuitive. Its\nfeelings alone are true and valid even if, for the moment, they are\nnot yet fully in truth and reality, in perfection and purity. But the\nfeelings of the real self function in perfection relative to what you\nare now. The more you take out of that live center in order to invest\ninto the robot you have created, the more estranged you become\nfrom the real self and the more you weaken and impoverish it.\nIn the course of this work, you have sometimes come upon the\npuzzling and often frightenin g question: \u201cWho am I really?\u201d This is\nthe result of the discrepancy and struggle between the real and the\nfalse self. Only upon solving this most vital and profoun d question\nwill your live center respond and function to its full capacity, will\nyour intuition begin to function to its full capacity, will you become\nspontaneous, free of all compulsions, will you trust in your feelings\nbecause they will have an opportunity to mature and grow. Feelings\nwill become every bit as reliable to you as your reasoning power\nand your intellect.\nAll this is the \u0000nal \u0000nding of self. Before this can be done, a great\nmany hurdles have to be overcome. It seems to you that this is a\nlife-or-death struggle. You still believe you need the idealized self inorder to live and be happy. Once you understand that this is not so,\nyou will be able to give up the pseudo-defense that makes the\nmaintenance and cultivation of the idealized self seem so necessary.\nOnce you understand that the idealized self was supposed to solve\nthe particular problems in your life above and beyond your need for\nhappiness, pleasure, and security, you will come to see the wrong\nconclusion of this theory. Once you go a step still further and\nrecognize the damage the idealized self has brought into your life,\nyou will shed it as the burden it is. No conviction, theory, or words\nyou hear will make you give it up, but the recognition of what\nspeci\u0000cally it was supposed to solve and what damage it has done\nand is continui ng to do will enable you to dissolve this image of all\nimages.\nNeedless to say, you also have to recognize most particularly and\nin detail what your idealized self\u2019s speci\u0000c", "token_ids": [61555, 512, 2017, 327, 36022, 16033, 10886, 12266, 311, 3974, 709, 311, 323, 22519, 304, 198, 35214, 1558, 94007, 11, 54266, 1073, 11, 323, 16757, 13, 578, 1080, 93772, 315, 1521, 198, 7129, 1870, 14079, 5627, 18911, 264, 4040, 67650, 369, 279, 198, 46246, 1557, 13, 83383, 311, 2019, 11, 279, 17371, 17985, 315, 420, 198, 8386, 329, 2538, 374, 7554, 3156, 420, 4040, 990, 374, 1664, 304, 198, 14703, 627, 3947, 527, 1690, 810, 62814, 11, 24525, 11, 323, 3927, 35850, 7058, 82, 20813, 35271, 682, 21522, 315, 53579, 14079, 28198, 13, 2052, 198, 576, 706, 311, 387, 1766, 32399, 627, 10267, 603, 1457, 2980, 1063, 315, 279, 4689, 384, 188, 115192, 315, 279, 14209, 315, 198, 1820, 10728, 1534, 659, 323, 1063, 315, 279, 25127, 13, 8876, 279, 10886, 198, 438, 80330, 315, 279, 10728, 1534, 659, 527, 12266, 311, 13383, 11, 323, 3686, 198, 9514, 2646, 3041, 709, 279, 4879, 311, 64523, 1124, 11, 499, 67632, 2949, 198, 22479, 726, 459, 9358, 78001, 315, 279, 12047, 2015, 13, 1472, 656, 539, 13383, 279, 198, 318, 9007, 3225, 315, 1694, 439, 4832, 439, 701, 10728, 1534, 659, 18651, 11, 323, 198, 37593, 3041, 709, 98622, 6261, 11, 6445, 343, 1113, 6261, 11, 323, 8430, 264, 198, 15079, 3775, 324, 384, 15716, 433, 374, 17033, 430, 499, 4250, 3974, 709, 311, 1202, 198, 28531, 2914, 13, 362, 5647, 315, 671, 585, 5922, 33028, 4131, 927, 499, 15716, 198, 9514, 4498, 2875, 315, 1521, 14964, 18651, 323, 2995, 360, 3933, 499, 304, 58701, 627, 2028, 58701, 1253, 520, 3115, 387, 17371, 719, 1455, 315, 279, 892, 433, 374, 539, 627, 13461, 422, 433, 374, 11, 499, 656, 539, 13383, 279, 4553, 1879, 72, 188, 649, 346, 11, 279, 198, 318, 9007, 3225, 315, 1148, 499, 1755, 505, 6261, 13, 3277, 499, 1456, 311, 198, 8727, 701, 25481, 311, 701, 1866, 1054, 30039, 2476, 499, 1005, 1424, 689, 326, 3445, 311, 198, 48956, 9298, 433, 13, 3861, 315, 279, 1455, 4279, 7766, 374, 311, 2447, 279, 198, 2067, 373, 369, 1054, 30039, 863, 1139, 279, 16335, 1917, 11, 8800, 3885, 11, 8800, 2324, 627, 791, 810, 499, 1456, 311, 10765, 449, 701, 10728, 1534, 659, 14064, 11, 279, 16127, 198, 1820, 98009, 479, 15716, 2324, 12716, 499, 1139, 264, 2361, 1405, 420, 198, 7044, 16339, 1037, 649, 912, 5129, 387, 18908, 662, 9176, 220, 264, 4443, 11501, 374, 198, 31039, 389, 420, 55867, 11, 4856, 1109, 389, 16335, 1891, 188, 93113, 552, 13, 666, 288, 19586, 188, 93113, 552, 1243, 3719, 459, 3779, 81695, 7953, 872, 16945, 198, 19221, 5383, 13, 578, 14209, 315, 279, 1891, 188, 93113, 552, 374, 264, 11311, 311, 499, 430, 499, 198, 548, 539, 701, 10728, 1534, 659, 11, 323, 420, 938, 1302, 499, 315, 279, 905, 659, 7058, 444, 188, 67, 768, 499, 6818, 311, 5813, 449, 279, 9886, 315, 279, 10728, 1534, 198, 726, 13, 2684, 527, 17743, 4595, 889, 1440, 14268, 1664, 430, 814, 198, 34360, 10765, 220, 449, 872, 10728, 1534, 659, 13, 2030, 814, 656, 539, 1440, 420, 198, 258, 264, 9498, 1648, 13, 2435, 46996, 13, 2435, 4510, 814, 22525, 311, 387, 3025, 198, 998, 3974, 709, 311, 433, 13, 11205, 4459, 2324, 374, 55424, 660, 449, 264, 5647, 220, 315, 8060, 345, 3556, 279, 4846, 955, 5866, 665, 1634, 433, 1193, 389, 810, 13902, 602, 788, 5990, 198, 9493, 16335, 323, 9358, 4787, 11957, 35116, 304, 1501, 72, 7933, 709, 279, 198, 28022, 316, 315, 279, 10728, 1534, 659, 369, 1148, 433, 2216, 374, 25, 459, 41919, 11, 264, 198, 8203, 1137, 11, 264, 60016, 88, 13, 1102, 15055, 311, 5605, 25, 1054, 40, 1440, 358, 1097, 198, 318, 64185, 11, 719, 358, 1304, 4510, 358, 1097, 4832, 2029, 2876, 311, 15641, 420, 198, 73933, 36224, 88, 374, 71561, 4228, 994, 25442, 1534, 555, 198, 444, 56447, 1245, 2136, 11, 74590, 220, 10886, 323, 9021, 11, 323, 264, 12876, 311, 387, 198, 19045, 627, 12363, 6830, 66, 1512, 685, 198, 791, 22785, 12876, 311, 2731, 57669, 11767, 832, 311, 4287, 832, 753, 198, 9164, 2786, 439, 433, 374, 1457, 13, 1442, 420, 6913, 41302, 374, 279, 1925, 10217, 198, 9009, 315, 701, 25835, 369, 39143, 11, 904, 18841, 315, 1405, 499, 198, 13772, 2875, 315, 701, 52805, 690, 539, 2571, 499, 1139, 39300, 822, 308, 11, 18547, 345, 438, 34951, 11, 719, 690, 4856, 20259, 499, 13, 1472, 690, 539, 1205, 311, 198, 327, 10322, 349, 279, 1054, 14176, 2136, 863, 315, 279, 7865, 304, 3488, 11, 6463, 690, 499, 198, 755, 408, 701, 325, 59180, 2403, 433, 449, 279, 28391, 430, 433, 374, 279, 14867, 315, 198, 59961, 11, 315, 2324, 11, 315, 25382, 13, 1472, 690, 8895, 459, 16945, 1684, 315, 6261, 304, 198, 576, 5201, 11, 323, 420, 1684, 690, 34929, 349, 499, 13, 1472, 690, 7373, 9855, 198, 82689, 3225, 369, 279, 58671, 19451, 11, 1694, 10032, 311, 1935, 279, 198, 444, 62808, 5304, 6261, 13, 3277, 499, 1180, 704, 701, 10728, 1534, 659, 345, 9514, 36075, 4400, 810, 1109, 430, 11, 369, 4737, 279, 12014, 315, 198, 22479, 2875, 884, 220, 826, 5304, 6261, 374, 37622, 6173, 311, 5605, 1174, 1054, 40, 1097, 539, 198, 2465, 10728, 1534, 659, 2029, 791, 37456, 50595, 519, 198, 34027, 826, 315, 8060, 11, 14796, 6400, 308, 11, 323, 1391, 34003, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 34951, 198, 438, 21648, 11, 527, 279, 1455, 19310, 56190, 430, 701, 10728, 1534, 198, 726, 374, 520, 990, 13, 4314, 527, 279, 70903, 6612, 21958, 220, 704, 315, 682, 198, 54719, 430, 10457, 8340, 30456, 13, 34863, 11, 279, 8197, 315, 279, 78001, 198, 1073, 279, 10728, 1534, 659, 14064, 374, 279, 5647, 315, 905, 21648, 220, 323, 905, 34951, 198, 9210, 420, 2217, 220, 19159, 994, 832, 4250, 3974, 709, 311, 433, 13, 763, 5369, 345, 1820, 10728, 1534, 659, 1101, 84332, 905, 3966, 1174, 902, 527, 2307, 318, 3950, 198, 438, 1989, 72, 188, 16158, 398, 3549, 11, 1093, 279, 1205, 369, 27025, 11, 279, 1205, 311, 38586, 345, 998, 27651, 52671, 477, 22519, 13, 578, 33436, 315, 1521, 3966, 2646, 3135, 304, 198, 1904, 5716, 188, 657, 479, 627, 791, 10728, 1534, 659, 706, 1027, 2663, 1139, 14209, 304, 2015, 311, 36861, 198, 726, 15204, 188, 67, 768, 323, 9093, 11, 220, 188, 77, 750, 11, 23871, 11, 17069, 44222, 627, 791, 16643, 1202, 9546, 11, 279, 810, 22785, 659, 15204, 188, 67, 768, 87509, 198, 14075, 13, 8876, 499, 4250, 3974, 709, 311, 1202, 10886, 11, 499, 1781, 1524, 2753, 198, 1073, 6261, 1109, 499, 6371, 31953, 1550, 13, 1102, 374, 9093, 8196, 430, 198, 70, 64312, 659, 15204, 188, 67, 768, 649, 387, 9749, 1193, 994, 499, 4148, 198, 1820, 2307, 7993, 11, 902, 374, 420, 100252, 43049, 519, 11, 701, 10728, 1534, 198, 726, 627, 9642, 11, 499, 1436, 617, 659, 23283, 308, 188, 67, 768, 422, 279, 10728, 1534, 659, 1051, 198, 54760, 499, 26, 323, 422, 499, 1436, 3974, 709, 311, 1521, 10886, 13, 8876, 420, 374, 198, 318, 10236, 323, 2533, 11, 5655, 1523, 11, 499, 1440, 14268, 1664, 499, 527, 198, 1962, 4205, 1093, 1148, 499, 1781, 499, 527, 10171, 311, 387, 11, 499, 1977, 198, 455, 5217, 74935, 449, 420, 1054, 9712, 659, 2476, 323, 4726, 43510, 198, 44398, 645, 2586, 1139, 14209, 13, 578, 4113, 74935, 11, 902, 574, 198, 13066, 3950, 398, 41759, 291, 3201, 555, 279, 21967, 315, 279, 10728, 1534, 659, 345, 43280, 1570, 2333, 64, 15907, 13, 1102, 12056, 46618, 11, 323, 9221, 11201, 323, 11201, 13, 578, 198, 6518, 62945, 499, 2733, 11, 279, 810, 70099, 279, 18651, 315, 279, 198, 9712, 7993, 477, 10728, 1534, 659, 11, 279, 2753, 499, 527, 3025, 311, 3974, 709, 311, 433, 345, 438, 279, 810, 62945, 499, 2733, 13, 1102, 374, 1633, 3062, 311, 1518, 1268, 420, 198, 85, 9824, 12960, 4375, 13, 2030, 420, 4250, 387, 2884, 3156, 323, 7389, 499, 198, 17106, 638, 7373, 8010, 315, 279, 409, 2528, 11, 27545, 11, 40711, 5627, 304, 198, 8370, 420, 10728, 1534, 659, 12, 7675, 3980, 6866, 304, 701, 4040, 1162, 13, 1666, 8050, 414, 726, 304, 1148, 4040, 5789, 433, 84332, 13, 3639, 11384, 323, 198, 68, 188, 115192, 527, 8599, 449, 433, 5380, 36, 496, 57733, 505, 279, 8976, 10323, 198, 32, 18742, 339, 2781, 323, 60883, 1121, 315, 420, 3575, 374, 279, 15320, 198, 43842, 4522, 30607, 57733, 505, 279, 1972, 659, 13, 578, 10728, 1534, 659, 374, 264, 198, 69, 1147, 488, 13, 1102, 374, 264, 33956, 11, 1989, 72, 188, 16158, 75, 379, 20968, 87940, 315, 264, 3974, 3823, 198, 35214, 13, 1472, 1253, 2793, 433, 449, 1690, 13878, 315, 701, 1972, 1694, 280, 37593, 20583, 11, 433, 8625, 459, 1989, 72, 188, 16158, 9429, 13, 578, 810, 499, 2793, 198, 22479, 49969, 11, 701, 29055, 326, 488, 11, 701, 3463, 11618, 1174, 19476, 345, 94784, 11, 323, 52805, 1139, 433, 11, 279, 810, 8333, 499, 1935, 505, 279, 4219, 198, 1073, 701, 1694, 11, 902, 7636, 374, 1097, 12837, 311, 6650, 13, 1115, 4219, 315, 198, 22479, 1694, 374, 279, 1193, 961, 315, 499, 11, 279, 1972, 499, 11, 430, 649, 3974, 11, 3139, 345, 438, 387, 13, 1102, 374, 279, 1193, 961, 430, 649, 10489, 8641, 499, 13, 1102, 7636, 198, 22124, 449, 682, 701, 59539, 13, 1102, 374, 220, 188, 327, 1260, 323, 42779, 13, 11699, 198, 57676, 826, 7636, 527, 837, 323, 2764, 1524, 422, 11, 369, 279, 4545, 11, 814, 527, 198, 1962, 3686, 7373, 304, 8206, 323, 8903, 11, 304, 39143, 323, 53500, 13, 2030, 279, 198, 57676, 826, 315, 279, 1972, 659, 734, 304, 39143, 8844, 311, 1148, 499, 198, 548, 1457, 13, 578, 810, 499, 1935, 704, 315, 430, 3974, 4219, 304, 2015, 311, 2793, 198, 18614, 279, 12585, 499, 617, 3549, 11, 279, 810, 30607, 3811, 499, 3719, 198, 1527, 279, 1972, 659, 323, 279, 810, 499, 33556, 323, 77742, 819, 433, 627, 644, 279, 3388, 315, 420, 990, 11, 499, 617, 7170, 2586, 5304, 279, 198, 79, 9065, 2785, 323, 3629, 30647, 101998, 342, 3488, 25, 1054, 15546, 1097, 358, 2216, 12671, 220, 1115, 374, 198, 1820, 1121, 315, 279, 79105, 323, 14993, 1990, 279, 1972, 323, 279, 198, 3934, 659, 13, 8442, 5304, 22581, 220, 420, 1455, 16595, 323, 2848, 1656, 294, 3488, 198, 14724, 701, 3974, 4219, 6013, 323, 734, 311, 1202, 2539, 8824, 11, 690, 198, 22479, 57351, 3240, 311, 734, 311, 1202, 2539, 8824, 11, 690, 499, 3719, 198, 2203, 546, 18133, 11, 1949, 315, 682, 48206, 919, 11, 690, 499, 7095, 304, 701, 16024, 198, 28753, 814, 690, 617, 459, 6776, 311, 15196, 323, 3139, 13, 32833, 826, 198, 14724, 3719, 1475, 2766, 439, 15062, 311, 499, 439, 701, 33811, 2410, 198, 438, 701, 17108, 627, 2460, 420, 374, 279, 220, 188, 43078, 220, 188, 303, 287, 315, 659, 13, 13538, 420, 649, 387, 2884, 11, 264, 2294, 198, 35676, 73635, 617, 311, 387, 23075, 13, 1102, 5084, 311, 499, 430, 420, 374, 264, 198, 14789, 27609, 97586, 14993, 13, 1472, 2103, 4510, 499, 1205, 279, 10728, 1534, 659, 67141, 311, 3974, 323, 387, 6380, 13, 9843, 499, 3619, 430, 420, 374, 539, 779, 345, 9514, 690, 387, 3025, 311, 3041, 709, 279, 35850, 58798, 430, 3727, 279, 198, 99178, 323, 52129, 315, 279, 10728, 1534, 659, 2873, 779, 5995, 627, 12805, 499, 3619, 430, 279, 10728, 1534, 659, 574, 10171, 311, 11886, 198, 1820, 4040, 5435, 304, 701, 2324, 3485, 323, 7953, 701, 1205, 369, 198, 71, 67391, 11, 17069, 11, 323, 4868, 11, 499, 690, 2586, 311, 1518, 279, 5076, 198, 444, 9134, 315, 420, 10334, 13, 9843, 499, 733, 264, 3094, 2103, 4726, 323, 198, 34551, 553, 279, 5674, 279, 10728, 1534, 659, 706, 7263, 1139, 701, 2324, 345, 9514, 690, 25351, 433, 439, 279, 23104, 433, 374, 13, 2360, 29191, 11, 10334, 11, 477, 4339, 198, 9514, 6865, 690, 1304, 499, 3041, 433, 709, 11, 719, 279, 18324, 315, 1148, 198, 9727, 72, 188, 66, 750, 433, 574, 10171, 311, 11886, 323, 1148, 5674, 433, 706, 2884, 198, 438, 374, 2018, 2005, 7933, 311, 656, 690, 7431, 499, 311, 73739, 420, 2217, 315, 682, 198, 3726, 627, 24581, 1752, 311, 2019, 11, 499, 1101, 617, 311, 15641, 1455, 8104, 323, 198, 258, 7872, 1148, 701, 10728, 1534, 220, 659, 753, 118020, 188, 66], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " a diminution in heating sensation when a phone is equipped with one particular such device might be rationalised.] \n \n \n9.2 Policy options for the European Commission \n\u2022 Future research sponsored by the EC, should incorporate the following recommendations: \n \na) That the living systems under investigation be exposed to the emissions of an actual mobile \n \n24 \n phone, as opposed to those of a \u2018surrogate\u2019, since the emissions from the former can be expected \nto have a quite different biological impact, in consequence of certain pulse frequency differences. \n \nb) That in assessing the significance to humans of results obtained using animals, particular \nattention be given to differences in exposure conditions, such as whether exposure is size-resonant or non-resonant, whether it is to the near or far field of the antenna, and whether whole-body or of more localised exposure occurs. \n \nc) That systematic investigation be made of the influence of different kinds of pulsing (of real \nphones) on the human EEG, and ideally on the MEG, and of whether any observed changes in \npower spectra are correlated with changes in the level of deterministic chaos. \n \nd) That use be made of novel, non-invasive technologies, such as biophoton emission, to \ninvestigate the influence of mobile phone radiation on living systems. \n \ne) That in assessing the noxiousness of mobile phone radiation more attention be paid to lessons \nthat have been learnt from exposure to other kinds of related radio frequency fields, such as those from the Skrunda, military and police radars. \n \nf) That, in the light of reports of cattle being quite seriously adversely affected at farms where \nthere is a base-station, a veterinary monitoring service be established to collect and analyse such reports, and raise awareness amongst farmers of this potential hazard to their livestock. \n \n\u2022 Attempts should be made \u2013 perhaps under the aegis of national regulatory bodies - to increase \nawareness of the fundamentally electromagnetic nature of the alive organism, and of its associated hypersensitivity to coherent, ultraweak electromagnetic signals of technological origin. \n \n[Until this is achieved, the necessity of extending existing thermally based safety guidelines, by \nincorporating therein the dimension of electromagnetic biocompatibility, is unlikely to be accepted, and the public will remain vulnerable to any adverse health effects provoked by non-thermal electromagnetic influences on the alive human organism.] \n \n9.3 Technological options at the operational level \nWhilst the question of precisely how adverse health effects can be provoked by non-thermal \ninfluences of the pulsed microwave radiation currently employed in GSM telecommunication, as well \nas those from ELF fields associated with other technologies, is far from resolved, the circumstantial \nevidence consistent with such influences suggests at least two ways in which biocompatibility with this technology could be enhanced by interventions involving the fields alone: \n \n\u2022 In the case of exposure to GSM radiation, reduce intensities to the level below which no adverse \neffects have been empirically found in exposed populations, bearing in mind that there are indications of non-thermal thresholds for biological effects of the order of microwatt/cm\n2. Power \ndensities a few tenths of this value are common at distances of 150-200m from a typical 15m \nhigh Base-station mast and within the range of the more localised side-lobes in the immediate vicinity of a mast - adverse effects being reported at both locations. Incorporating a further \nsafety factor of 10 indicates that, at locations where there is any long-term exposure, power \ndensities should not exceed 10 nano W/cm\n2. \n \n[To appeal to the (alleged) absence of health problems associated with the higher power density \nelectromagnetic fields associated with radio/TV transmissions in an attempt to justify the retention of the present level of emission from GSM Base-stations is untenable on at least two accounts: ( i) the nature of \n \n25 \n the emissions are quite different, with respect to carrier frequencies, modes of transmission \n(pulsed/analogue), and beam morphology, ( ii) there are94-96 health problems connected with some such \ntransmitters, contrary to what is often claimed!] \n \n\u2022 Ensure that there is no ELF frequencies \u2013 either of amplitude modulations (including pulsing, as \nthe extreme case) of RF fields, or of other electric /magnetic fields - in the range of human \nelectrical brain-wave activity, or windows of calcium efflux. \n \n[In the case of exposure to GSM radiation, this will be achieved, to a certain extent, with the advent of the \nThird Generation of mobile phones ( UMTS ) that utilise CDMA in place of TDMA. For although any \nsensitivity to the microwave carrier will remain, the pulsing used in CDMA is irregular ; accordingly, \nCDMA radiation cannot enjoy the same \u2018oscillatory similitude\u2019 with the human brain-wave activity and \nelectrochemical processes as does TDMA. In consequence, however, of the somewhat higher carrier \nfrequency used, which is closer to where water strongly absorbs microwaves, thermal effects could here \nbecome more of a problem, particularly in view of the somewhat higher powers at which they operate! The introduction of TETRA, similarly gives rise to an increased level of (non-thermal) concern, for the \nreasons already stated in Section B-1.] \n \n B-10. Conclusions \n \nAbsorption of microwave radiation causes heating of biological tissue, which if excessive is deleterious to health; this is undisputed, and forms the basis of current Safety Guidelines, both national and international. In the case of exposure to the microwave radiation used in GSM, these \nGuidelines are generally not violated. Indeed, in the case of the emissions from base-stations, it has been repeatedly confirmed by field measurements that the emissions are far below - by many orders \nof magnitude - the limits set by the Guidelines. What is currently disputed, however, is whether, in \nthe case of the alive human organism, this radiation can exert other, more subtle, kinds of non-thermal influences, which might also entail adverse health consequences. The root of the continuing public concern is that if this is, in fact, the case, then the existing guidelines afford an inadequate level of protection, in that they leave an exposed person vulnerable to these non-thermal hazards. As has been explained, the heating ability of microwave radiation depends primarily on its intensity, and it is essentially only this that the Guidelines restrict. Non-thermal effects, on the other hand, \ndepend primarily on the existence of an \u2018oscillatory similitude\u2019 between the frequencies of the radiation and those of certain endogenous biological electrical activities that the organism supports when alive, which effectively opens it to informational aspects of the radiation; it is this dimension of the problem that is not addressed by existing Safety Guidelines. Whilst the existence of non-thermal influences is readily accepted in the case of active electronic instrumentation exposed to GSM radiation, the same does not currently prevail in the case of the \nalive human organism, which is generally considered immune to any effect other than heating, despite the fact that, in the case of mobile phone use, the brain (the most sensitive organ of the body) \nis, for the first time in its evolutionary history, being exposed at short range to a source of both pulsed microwaves (from near-field of the antenna) and more highly penetrating ELF magnetic fields \n(from the battery). This conviction continues to persist - particularly in Regulatory Circles - despite the fact that the possibility of non-thermal influences on living systems of the kind of radiation used in mobile telephony is a rather general prediction of modern, non-linear biophysics, and one that is \n \n26 \n supported by 30 years of evidence, both of non-thermal effects per se, and of associated adverse \nhealth reactions, in particular \u2013 not only from exposure to GSM radiation, but also to that from other kinds of installations that emit microwave and RF radiation of an intensity at locations of human and \nanimal exposure that is comparable to that realised several hundreds of metres from a base-station. Two principal reasons for this state of affairs have been identified: 1) the negative outcome of some attempts to independently replicate certain non-thermal effects, even in vitro, the acceptance of \nwhich is not helped by their often counterintuitive nature (but only from a linear perspective), and 2) uncertainty as to whether such effects (assuming they are real) necessarily entail adverse health \nreactions. Both these problems have been addressed, and attention drawn ( i) to the fact that \ndifficulties in corroboration are actually to be expected as a hall-mark of the \u2018alive\u2019, and thus s hould, \nmore positively, be accepted as a \u2018biological fact of life\u2019, and ( ii) to the existence of a certain \nempirical consistency between the contentious non-thermal effects and the types of adverse health effects (mainly neurological) reported by some people when exposed to GSM radiation, as well as \nthat (the indication of an increased incidence of brain cancer amongst mobile phone users) found epidemiological \u2013 a consistency that further enhances the credibility of the non\u2013thermal effects, and one that will hopefully motivate further research (from the necessary non-linear standpoint, of course) towards establishing their causal connections with presenting pathologies. In conclusion, and in accord with philosophy espoused by the World Health Organisation, it can hardly be disputed that to enjoy an acceptable quality of life requires more than simply an absence of terminal disease. In this respect, even adverse health effects of a non-life threatening kind that might \nbe provoked by exposure to GSM radiation must be considered unacceptable, in that they \nundoubtedly have a debilitating effect that undoubtedly undermines the general well-being of those affected, and which in", "token_ids": [264, 48416, 1516, 304, 24494, 37392, 994, 264, 4641, 374, 19167, 449, 832, 4040, 1778, 3756, 2643, 387, 25442, 4147, 25750, 33006, 720, 24, 13, 17, 11216, 2671, 369, 279, 7665, 9849, 720, 6806, 12781, 220, 3495, 30638, 555, 279, 21283, 11, 1288, 33435, 279, 2768, 19075, 25, 33006, 64, 8, 3011, 279, 5496, 6067, 1234, 8990, 387, 15246, 311, 279, 20748, 315, 459, 5150, 6505, 33006, 1187, 2355, 4641, 11, 439, 16475, 311, 1884, 315, 264, 3451, 20370, 49473, 20182, 2533, 279, 20748, 505, 279, 4846, 649, 387, 3685, 720, 998, 617, 264, 5115, 2204, 24156, 5536, 11, 304, 29774, 315, 3738, 28334, 11900, 12062, 13, 33006, 65, 8, 3011, 304, 47614, 279, 26431, 311, 12966, 315, 3135, 12457, 1701, 10099, 11, 4040, 720, 54203, 387, 2728, 311, 12062, 304, 14675, 4787, 11, 1778, 439, 3508, 14675, 374, 1404, 11849, 263, 519, 477, 2536, 11849, 263, 519, 11, 3508, 433, 374, 311, 279, 3221, 477, 3117, 2115, 315, 279, 41032, 11, 323, 3508, 4459, 9534, 477, 315, 810, 2254, 4147, 14675, 13980, 13, 33006, 66, 8, 3011, 37538, 8990, 387, 1903, 315, 279, 10383, 315, 2204, 13124, 315, 56037, 287, 320, 1073, 1972, 720, 17144, 8, 389, 279, 3823, 76908, 1174, 323, 50663, 389, 279, 386, 9560, 1174, 323, 315, 3508, 904, 13468, 4442, 304, 720, 13477, 63697, 527, 49393, 449, 4442, 304, 279, 2237, 315, 73449, 28013, 13, 2355, 720, 67, 8, 3011, 1005, 387, 1903, 315, 11775, 11, 2536, 3502, 78134, 14645, 11, 1778, 439, 6160, 5237, 26934, 41353, 11, 311, 720, 43114, 65056, 279, 10383, 315, 6505, 4641, 25407, 389, 5496, 6067, 13, 33006, 68, 8, 3011, 304, 47614, 279, 912, 30351, 2136, 315, 6505, 4641, 25407, 810, 6666, 387, 7318, 311, 18872, 720, 9210, 617, 1027, 50350, 505, 14675, 311, 1023, 13124, 315, 5552, 9063, 11900, 5151, 11, 1778, 439, 1884, 505, 279, 4923, 81, 27990, 11, 6411, 323, 4379, 9038, 1590, 13, 33006, 69, 8, 3011, 11, 304, 279, 3177, 315, 6821, 315, 36952, 1694, 5115, 14243, 69214, 11754, 520, 34324, 1405, 720, 19041, 374, 264, 2385, 5594, 367, 11, 264, 69340, 16967, 2532, 387, 9749, 311, 6667, 323, 49586, 1778, 6821, 11, 323, 4933, 17985, 24059, 20957, 315, 420, 4754, 31397, 311, 872, 51876, 13, 33006, 6806, 84400, 1288, 387, 1903, 1389, 8530, 1234, 279, 264, 91067, 315, 5426, 23331, 13162, 482, 311, 5376, 720, 20111, 2136, 315, 279, 43593, 66669, 7138, 315, 279, 13989, 47120, 11, 323, 315, 1202, 5938, 87752, 48937, 311, 56887, 11, 37232, 85277, 587, 66669, 17738, 315, 30116, 6371, 13, 5996, 720, 58, 25503, 420, 374, 17427, 11, 279, 32961, 315, 33459, 6484, 30945, 750, 3196, 7296, 17959, 11, 555, 720, 2910, 39382, 1113, 58179, 279, 13167, 315, 66669, 6160, 12255, 54153, 11, 374, 17821, 311, 387, 11928, 11, 323, 279, 586, 690, 7293, 20134, 311, 904, 31959, 2890, 6372, 76566, 555, 2536, 12, 69218, 66669, 34453, 389, 279, 13989, 3823, 47120, 25750, 33006, 24, 13, 18, 7146, 5848, 2671, 520, 279, 25605, 2237, 720, 97774, 279, 3488, 315, 24559, 1268, 31959, 2890, 6372, 649, 387, 76566, 555, 2536, 12, 69218, 720, 258, 27256, 2436, 315, 279, 7893, 32424, 42374, 25407, 5131, 20011, 304, 68655, 220, 8122, 51271, 11, 439, 1664, 720, 300, 1884, 505, 73668, 5151, 5938, 449, 1023, 14645, 11, 374, 3117, 505, 20250, 11, 279, 10408, 77057, 720, 68, 28580, 13263, 449, 1778, 34453, 13533, 520, 3325, 1403, 5627, 304, 902, 6160, 12255, 54153, 449, 420, 5557, 1436, 387, 24872, 555, 39455, 16239, 279, 5151, 7636, 25, 33006, 6806, 763, 279, 1162, 315, 14675, 311, 68655, 25407, 11, 8108, 25228, 1385, 311, 279, 2237, 3770, 902, 912, 31959, 720, 81524, 617, 1027, 38969, 2740, 1766, 304, 15246, 22673, 11, 18534, 304, 4059, 430, 1070, 527, 56190, 315, 2536, 12, 69218, 57240, 369, 24156, 6372, 315, 279, 2015, 315, 19748, 654, 1617, 70298, 198, 17, 13, 220, 7572, 720, 53321, 1385, 264, 2478, 16006, 5104, 220, 315, 420, 907, 527, 4279, 520, 27650, 315, 220, 3965, 12, 1049, 76, 505, 264, 14595, 220, 868, 76, 720, 12156, 5464, 5594, 367, 19218, 323, 2949, 279, 2134, 315, 279, 810, 2254, 4147, 3185, 12, 1718, 288, 304, 279, 14247, 53851, 315, 264, 19218, 482, 31959, 6372, 1694, 5068, 520, 2225, 10687, 662, 220, 54804, 1113, 264, 4726, 720, 82, 39718, 8331, 315, 220, 605, 15151, 430, 11, 520, 10687, 1405, 1070, 374, 904, 1317, 9860, 14675, 11, 2410, 720, 53321, 1385, 1288, 539, 12771, 220, 605, 51593, 468, 70298, 198, 17, 13, 5996, 720, 58, 1271, 14638, 311, 279, 320, 278, 1978, 291, 8, 19821, 315, 2890, 5435, 5938, 449, 279, 5190, 2410, 17915, 720, 19493, 442, 39100, 5151, 5938, 449, 9063, 14, 16027, 92096, 304, 459, 4879, 311, 9541, 279, 38231, 315, 279, 3118, 2237, 315, 41353, 505, 68655, 220, 5464, 5594, 811, 374, 83916, 481, 389, 520, 3325, 1403, 9815, 25, 320, 602, 8, 279, 7138, 315, 33006, 914, 2355, 279, 20748, 527, 5115, 2204, 11, 449, 5201, 311, 19115, 34873, 11, 20362, 315, 18874, 720, 1319, 14630, 291, 14, 49921, 28523, 705, 323, 24310, 79612, 11, 320, 14799, 8, 1070, 527, 6281, 12, 4161, 2890, 5435, 8599, 449, 1063, 220, 1778, 720, 1485, 83189, 11, 26102, 311, 1148, 374, 3629, 11922, 69134, 33006, 6806, 30379, 430, 1070, 374, 912, 73668, 34873, 1389, 3060, 315, 45209, 1491, 7607, 320, 16564, 56037, 287, 11, 439, 720, 1820, 14560, 1162, 8, 315, 22835, 5151, 11, 477, 315, 1023, 9249, 611, 76, 39100, 5151, 482, 304, 279, 2134, 315, 3823, 720, 19493, 12381, 8271, 89354, 5820, 11, 477, 11276, 315, 35719, 3369, 63959, 13, 5996, 720, 58, 644, 279, 1162, 315, 14675, 311, 68655, 25407, 11, 420, 690, 387, 17427, 11, 311, 264, 3738, 13112, 11, 449, 279, 11599, 315, 279, 720, 38075, 24367, 315, 6505, 18084, 320, 549, 8673, 50, 883, 430, 69152, 11325, 4940, 304, 2035, 315, 28816, 4940, 13, 256, 1789, 8051, 904, 720, 82, 48937, 311, 279, 42374, 19115, 690, 7293, 11, 279, 56037, 287, 1511, 304, 11325, 4940, 220, 374, 42408, 2652, 28178, 11, 720, 6620, 4940, 220, 25407, 4250, 4774, 279, 1890, 3451, 24366, 484, 5382, 1675, 3748, 799, 529, 449, 279, 3823, 8271, 89354, 5820, 323, 720, 19493, 299, 32056, 11618, 439, 1587, 28816, 4940, 662, 220, 763, 29774, 11, 4869, 11, 315, 279, 14738, 5190, 19115, 720, 47621, 1511, 11, 902, 374, 12401, 311, 1405, 3090, 16917, 91111, 19748, 654, 4798, 11, 29487, 220, 6372, 1436, 1618, 720, 17106, 638, 810, 315, 264, 3575, 11, 8104, 304, 1684, 315, 279, 14738, 5190, 13736, 520, 902, 814, 14816, 0, 220, 578, 17219, 315, 350, 1372, 5726, 1174, 30293, 6835, 10205, 311, 459, 7319, 220, 2237, 315, 320, 6414, 12, 69218, 8, 4747, 11, 369, 279, 720, 20489, 82, 2736, 11224, 304, 11360, 426, 12, 16, 662, 60, 2355, 720, 220, 426, 12, 605, 13, 1221, 24436, 33006, 28878, 66181, 315, 42374, 25407, 11384, 24494, 315, 24156, 20438, 11, 902, 422, 27639, 374, 60393, 466, 1245, 311, 2890, 26, 420, 374, 82037, 19849, 11, 323, 7739, 279, 8197, 315, 1510, 19220, 48528, 11, 2225, 5426, 323, 6625, 13, 220, 763, 279, 1162, 315, 14675, 311, 279, 42374, 25407, 1511, 304, 68655, 1174, 1521, 720, 17100, 11243, 527, 8965, 539, 34521, 13, 220, 23150, 11, 304, 279, 1162, 315, 279, 20748, 505, 2385, 5594, 811, 11, 433, 706, 1027, 19352, 11007, 555, 2115, 22323, 430, 279, 20748, 527, 3117, 3770, 482, 555, 1690, 10373, 720, 1073, 26703, 482, 279, 13693, 743, 555, 279, 48528, 13, 220, 3639, 374, 5131, 55026, 11, 4869, 11, 374, 3508, 11, 304, 720, 1820, 1162, 315, 279, 13989, 3823, 47120, 11, 420, 25407, 649, 43844, 1023, 11, 810, 27545, 11, 13124, 315, 2536, 12, 69218, 34453, 11, 902, 2643, 1101, 87092, 31959, 2890, 16296, 13, 220, 578, 3789, 315, 279, 14691, 586, 4747, 374, 430, 422, 420, 374, 11, 304, 2144, 11, 279, 1162, 11, 1243, 279, 6484, 17959, 10150, 459, 46579, 2237, 315, 9313, 11, 304, 430, 814, 5387, 459, 15246, 1732, 20134, 311, 1521, 2536, 12, 69218, 52642, 13, 262, 1666, 706, 1027, 11497, 11, 279, 24494, 5845, 315, 42374, 25407, 14117, 15871, 389, 1202, 21261, 11, 323, 433, 374, 16168, 1193, 420, 430, 279, 48528, 9067, 13, 220, 11842, 12, 69218, 220, 6372, 11, 389, 279, 1023, 1450, 11, 720, 20080, 15871, 389, 279, 14209, 315, 459, 3451, 24366, 484, 5382, 1675, 3748, 799, 529, 1990, 279, 34873, 315, 279, 25407, 323, 1884, 315, 3738, 842, 53595, 24156, 20314, 7640, 430, 279, 47120, 11815, 994, 13989, 11, 902, 13750, 16264, 433, 311, 47735, 13878, 315, 279, 25407, 26, 433, 374, 420, 13167, 315, 279, 3575, 430, 374, 539, 20669, 555, 6484, 19220, 48528, 13, 220, 71828, 279, 14209, 315, 2536, 12, 69218, 34453, 374, 31368, 11928, 304, 279, 1162, 315, 4642, 14683, 78133, 15246, 311, 68655, 220, 25407, 11, 279, 1890, 1587, 539, 5131, 66828, 304, 279, 1162, 315, 279, 720, 52061, 3823, 47120, 11, 902, 374, 8965, 6646, 22852, 311, 904, 2515, 1023, 1109, 24494, 11, 8994, 279, 2144, 430, 11, 304, 279, 1162, 315, 6505, 4641, 1005, 11, 279, 8271, 320, 1820, 1455, 16614, 2942, 315, 279, 2547, 8, 720, 285, 11, 369, 279, 1176, 892, 304, 1202, 41993, 3925, 11, 1694, 15246, 520, 2875, 2134, 311, 264, 2592, 315, 2225, 7893, 32424, 19748, 654, 4798, 320, 1527, 3221, 19677, 315, 279, 41032, 8, 323, 810, 7701, 90300, 73668, 24924, 5151, 720, 17450, 279, 11863, 570, 220, 1115, 29191, 9731, 311, 23135, 482, 8104, 304, 69822, 16741, 645, 482, 8994, 279, 2144, 430, 279, 13336, 315, 2536, 12, 69218, 34453, 389, 5496, 6067, 315, 279, 3169, 315, 25407, 1511, 304, 6505, 8122, 30748, 374, 264, 4856, 4689, 20212, 315, 6617, 11, 2536, 62399, 6160, 5237, 17688, 11, 323, 832, 430, 374, 33006, 1627, 2355, 7396, 555, 220, 966, 1667, 315, 6029, 11, 2225, 315, 2536, 12, 69218, 6372, 824, 513, 1174, 323, 315, 5938, 31959, 720, 12393, 25481, 11, 304, 4040, 1389, 539, 1193, 505, 14675, 311, 68655, 25407, 11, 719, 1101, 311, 430, 505, 1023, 13124, 315, 45218, 430, 17105, 42374, 323, 22835, 25407, 315, 459, 21261, 520, 10687, 315, 3823, 323, 720, 48999, 14675, 430, 374, 30139, 311, 430, 41193, 3892, 11758, 315, 37356, 505, 264, 2385, 5594, 367, 13, 262, 9220, 12717, 8125, 369, 420, 1614, 315, 22747, 617, 1027, 11054, 25, 220, 16, 8, 279, 8389, 15632, 315, 1063, 13865, 311, 29235, 46113, 3738, 2536, 12, 69218, 6372, 11, 1524, 304, 55004, 1174, 279, 26586, 315, 720, 8370, 374, 539, 9087, 555, 872, 3629, 5663, 396, 35251, 7138, 320, 8248, 1193, 505, 264, 13790, 13356, 705, 323, 220, 17, 8, 27924, 439, 311, 3508, 1778, 6372, 320, 66463, 814, 527, 1972, 8, 14647, 87092, 31959, 2890, 720, 265, 4109, 13, 220, 11995, 1521, 5435, 617, 1027, 20669, 11, 323, 6666, 15107, 320, 602, 8, 311, 279, 2144, 430, 720, 13798, 3951, 552, 304, 1867, 23576, 7769, 527, 3604, 311, 387, 3685, 439, 264, 14321, 30004, 315, 279, 3451, 52061, 20182, 323, 8617, 274, 305, 619, 11, 720, 6518, 40646, 11, 387, 11928, 439, 264, 3451, 8385, 5848, 2144, 315, 2324, 20182, 323, 320, 14799, 8, 311, 279, 14209, 315, 264, 3738, 720, 3342, 67966, 29237, 1990, 279, 67600, 2536, 12, 69218, 6372, 323, 279, 4595, 315, 31959, 2890, 6372, 320, 3902, 398, 64908, 8, 5068, 555, 1063, 1274, 994, 15246, 311, 68655, 220, 25407, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 720, 9210, 320, 1820, 28137, 315, 459, 7319, 39775, 315, 8271, 9572, 24059, 6505, 4641, 3932, 8, 1766, 62057, 5848, 1389, 264, 29237, 430, 4726, 57924, 279, 38769, 315, 279, 2536, 4235, 69218, 6372, 11, 323, 832, 430, 690, 23127, 62425, 4726, 3495, 320, 1527, 279, 5995, 2536, 62399, 51882, 11, 315, 3388, 8, 7119, 31692, 872, 59557, 13537, 449, 32644, 1853, 9268, 13, 220, 763, 17102, 11, 323, 304, 14902, 449, 19675, 16948, 37588, 555, 279, 4435, 6401, 47843, 11, 433, 649, 20781, 387, 55026, 430, 311, 4774, 459, 22281, 4367, 315, 2324, 7612, 810, 1109, 5042, 459, 19821, 315, 15372, 8624, 13, 220, 763, 420, 5201, 11, 1524, 31959, 2890, 6372, 315, 264, 2536, 26928, 27903, 3169, 220, 430, 2643, 720, 1395, 76566, 555, 14675, 311, 68655, 220, 25407, 220, 2011, 387, 6646, 44085, 11, 304, 430, 814, 720, 1263, 35210, 617, 264, 92890, 2515, 430, 38048, 96236, 279, 4689, 1664, 33851, 315, 1884, 11754, 11, 323, 902, 304], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " learn. \n Over the years, I have come in contact with many very sick people and heard them \nutter a statement such as, \"I wish I was dead.\" I didn't have much respect for a person \nwho could make a remark like that. Too dramatic, I thought. But then I had never \nbefore been in any situation to warrant that kind of thinking. Never had I grasped the \nfull significance of someone wishing for death. Never, that is, until now. The increasing intestinal spasms, diarrhea up to thirty times a day, bleeding, pain, \npoisonous effects of the drugs on my mind and body, plus a few other incidentals, had \nput my life at such a low ebb that I finally did contemplate taking my life--suicide. \nSuicide? It was difficult for me to realize that here I was considering something I had always abhorred. \n The thought would creep into my mind at various intervals during the day, but more \noften on my \"bad\" days. As I recall, at this time, in the latter half of 1963, there were \nno \"good\" days. I tried desperately to rid my mind of these thoughts, to think of \npleasantries and to see things in a positive perspective. But for me there were no \npleasantries and I had already become a negative person. Only 33 years old, but I had lived a lifetime. \n Corinne lived in constant fear and anticipation that each day I went to my office \nmight be the last time she would see me alive. I don't think she realized the \njustification for these feelings because she never knew my inner thoughts, my deepest \nand most private thoughts, although I believe she knew I was capable of causing my \nown demise. But could I? It was this uncertainty that kept her in a constant state of tension and anxiety. \n After all, I did have the means. The necessary pills were in a drug cabinet in my \noffice. Being an expert pistol shooter and enjoying the sport, I owned a revolver. There were many days I would sit in my office and weigh in my mind which method \nwould be better. How would it feel with an overdose? How would it feel with a \nbullet? I found it impossible to use my imagination with either method, though I \nfinally reasoned that the pills might be too slow. Quickly! That was the way I wanted \nit to be. The decision was made. Now, do I have enough guts to do it? I knew I could not go on in the same manner. I was tired of pain, tired of suffering, tired of \nvegetating--was tired of life. In my spare time at my office, I would sit back and \nfondle the gun, hefting its weight and tossing it from hand to hand. Once in a while I \nwould mockingly place it to my head, then quickly pull it away as if it might accidentally go off by some quirk of fate. \"It would be so quick,\" I thought. I \nwondered if there would be much pain. Even so, \"It wouldn't last long,\" I surmised. \n The weeks and months rolled by and I was still playing my little game, but I could \nnot bring myself to pull the trigger. Call it fear, cowardice, ethics, or whatever. Perhaps it was my moral and religious background. I knew that other people would \nsuffer for the rest of their lives--my moth er and father, my close relatives, my \nchildren, and my wife. I couldn't do that to them. There must be another way. \nSubconsciously, believe it or not, I still had hope. And there was to be another way \nsoon, a miracle, but not just yet. There was still more agony to experience. It was as if I had to fulfill certain requirements before I could \"graduate,\" before I would be \npermitted to have body and soul reborn. \n About this time, along came another complication which I could have done without-\n-hemorrhoids. This almost reinforced my suicidal contemplation, but it kept me too \nbusy to think about it. I had had some small hemorrhoids during the last year or two, \nbut because of increased rectal spasms and diarrhea with much straining, the small \nones got worse and many more developed, both internally and externally. This was \naccompanied by bleeding and intense pain. The pain became intolerable with each \nB.M. attempted. I couldn't determine if the bleeding was coming from the ulcerated colon, the hemorrhoids, or both. \n Dr. Kale tried to be conservative in the management of this problem since I was still \ntapering down the steroid doses. I was advised on hot Sitz baths and instructed to use another drug called Anusol-HC, which is a suppository with cortisone, to be inserted \nseveral times a day. Talk about pain! I worked up a cold sweat each time I tried to \npush one of the suppositories past the hemorrhoids. I eventually had to stop this part \nof the treatment. \n Of course, my ulcerative colitis was still under medical care and the many drugs \nwere regularly shifted from one dose to another. But the most enervating experience \nnow was the fact that each time I would see Dr. Kale, he would have to use the sigmoidoscope. This caused so much pain as it was pushed past the hemorrhoids that I \nhad to be all but held down during this procedure, which left me depleted physically and emotionally for a day or two. \n I found it very difficult to sit and also stand due to the severity of the hemorrhoids. \nThe pain was almost unbearable. Cushions did not help. There was almost no \ncomfortable position except over on my abdomen, but this position caused pressure \non my colon, which forced its spasm, making it compulsory for me to rush to the \nlavatory. \n Dr. Kale was unhappy--but not as unhappy as I--with this situation. He referred me \nto a surgeon who, after much poking around, decided to needle them--inject them \nwith a medication. I recalled having this procedure performed in 1961 by Dr. Evans \nand I didn't look forward to having it done again. Anyway, Dr. Cuttem, the surgeon, \ninstructed me onto the table. He told me to relax and then, with the accuracy of a \nmarksman, plunged the needle into the hemorrhoids. When I let out a scream he said, \"Does that hurt?\" How does one answer a stupid question? With watering eyes I said, \n\"You get up here and let me do it to you!\" This injection therapy was not too successful and Dr. Cuttem hesitated to repeat the \ntreatment, probably at the risk of a broken nose. He wouldn't consider surgery at this time due to the severity of the ulcerative co litis, plus the fact of possible danger from \nthe effects of the still present adrenal cortex atrophy from the cortisone (steroid) \ndrugs. This decision relieved my mind somewhat, because I did not relish the idea of \na hemorrhoidectomy. I was referred back to Dr. Kale for follow-up care. \n The Thanksgiving holiday of 1963 had just passed. I remember it well because, \nother than my lovely wife, three-year-old son, and soon-to-be-born child, I had very \nlittle for which to be thankful. The onset of what can only be classed as exquisite pain made itself manifest in the hemorrhoid area. I mean pain that caused my eyes to tear. \nIt felt as though the entire \"grapevine\" was on fire. I like to refer to these hemorrhoids as a grapevine, for sentimental reasons. \n For the next week or so, I tried various home remedies in addition to hot \ncompresses. Nothing helped. In fact, the pr oblem worsened in spite of any treatment. \nThe pain grew so severe that it became intolerable. This necessitated my calling Dr. \nKale for an appointment to see him immedi ately on an urgency basis. I was ushered \ninto the examining room where I awaited the arrival of Dr. Kale with my fears \nelevated and my trousers lowered. He took one look at my posterior, gasped, and said \nalarmingly, \"I don't like the way this looks. I want you to see the surgeon.\" The fact \nthat Dr. Kale wouldn't tell me anything upset me. So I went down the hallway to the office of the surgeon, my old friend, Dr. Cuttem. \n After a thorough examination, which I did not enjoy, including the insertion of a \nwell-developed finger plus a smaller steel tube called a proctoscope, which caused \nextreme discomfort as it was forced past the hemorrhoids, he calmly informed me that \nthree of the hemorrhoids in my grapevine had gangrene. This was very serious and presented a grave danger to my life. \n For some reason I thought back to the ye ar and a half I spent with the army medical \ncorps in Korea during the Korean War. We had seen thousands of problems, including gangrene of the fingers and toes, but never ha d I seen or even heard of gangrene of the \nhemorrhoids. \n My thoughts returned quickly to the present. I really needed something like this, as \nif I didn't have enough complications. Leave it to me to be unique. After the initial \nshock of the news wore off, I could finally listen to what the doctor had to say and it \nwas hardly music to my ears. He told me I was going into the hospital immediately. I \ncalled my wife", "token_ids": [4048, 13, 720, 256, 6193, 279, 1667, 11, 358, 617, 2586, 304, 3729, 449, 1690, 1633, 14363, 1274, 323, 6755, 1124, 720, 6339, 264, 5224, 1778, 439, 11, 330, 40, 6562, 358, 574, 5710, 1210, 358, 3287, 956, 617, 1790, 5201, 369, 264, 1732, 720, 14965, 1436, 1304, 264, 14162, 1093, 430, 13, 25619, 22520, 11, 358, 3463, 13, 2030, 1243, 358, 1047, 2646, 720, 15145, 1027, 304, 904, 6671, 311, 7236, 430, 3169, 315, 7422, 13, 15037, 1047, 358, 50087, 7018, 279, 720, 9054, 26431, 315, 4423, 46227, 369, 4648, 13, 15037, 11, 430, 374, 11, 3156, 1457, 13, 578, 7859, 63900, 83060, 1026, 11, 69393, 709, 311, 27219, 3115, 264, 1938, 11, 35763, 11, 6784, 11, 720, 5481, 3416, 788, 6372, 315, 279, 11217, 389, 856, 4059, 323, 2547, 11, 5636, 264, 2478, 1023, 10672, 1147, 11, 1047, 720, 631, 856, 2324, 520, 1778, 264, 3428, 384, 6194, 430, 358, 5616, 1550, 80907, 4737, 856, 2324, 313, 28149, 14842, 13, 720, 37559, 14842, 30, 1102, 574, 5107, 369, 757, 311, 13383, 430, 1618, 358, 574, 13126, 2555, 358, 1047, 2744, 671, 20100, 1171, 13, 720, 256, 578, 3463, 1053, 28182, 1139, 856, 4059, 520, 5370, 28090, 2391, 279, 1938, 11, 719, 810, 720, 61917, 389, 856, 330, 14176, 1, 2919, 13, 1666, 358, 19635, 11, 520, 420, 892, 11, 304, 279, 15629, 4376, 315, 220, 5162, 18, 11, 1070, 1051, 720, 2201, 330, 19045, 1, 2919, 13, 358, 6818, 38643, 311, 9463, 856, 4059, 315, 1521, 11555, 11, 311, 1781, 315, 720, 698, 46488, 4646, 323, 311, 1518, 2574, 304, 264, 6928, 13356, 13, 2030, 369, 757, 1070, 1051, 912, 720, 698, 46488, 4646, 323, 358, 1047, 2736, 3719, 264, 8389, 1732, 13, 8442, 220, 1644, 1667, 2362, 11, 719, 358, 1047, 12439, 264, 19569, 13, 720, 256, 4563, 94332, 12439, 304, 6926, 8850, 323, 50919, 430, 1855, 1938, 358, 4024, 311, 856, 5274, 720, 46068, 387, 279, 1566, 892, 1364, 1053, 1518, 757, 13989, 13, 358, 1541, 956, 1781, 1364, 15393, 279, 720, 4345, 2461, 369, 1521, 16024, 1606, 1364, 2646, 7020, 856, 9358, 11555, 11, 856, 51621, 720, 438, 1455, 879, 11555, 11, 8051, 358, 4510, 1364, 7020, 358, 574, 13171, 315, 14718, 856, 720, 785, 58964, 13, 2030, 1436, 358, 30, 1102, 574, 420, 27924, 430, 8774, 1077, 304, 264, 6926, 1614, 315, 24408, 323, 18547, 13, 720, 256, 4740, 682, 11, 358, 1550, 617, 279, 3445, 13, 578, 5995, 26153, 1051, 304, 264, 5623, 22685, 304, 856, 720, 27614, 13, 21347, 459, 6335, 40536, 32671, 323, 22128, 279, 10775, 11, 358, 13234, 264, 98898, 13, 2684, 1051, 1690, 2919, 358, 1053, 2503, 304, 856, 5274, 323, 17988, 304, 856, 4059, 902, 1749, 720, 41450, 387, 2731, 13, 2650, 1053, 433, 2733, 449, 459, 60553, 30, 2650, 1053, 433, 2733, 449, 264, 720, 40560, 30, 358, 1766, 433, 12266, 311, 1005, 856, 28899, 449, 3060, 1749, 11, 3582, 358, 720, 40276, 93469, 430, 279, 26153, 2643, 387, 2288, 6435, 13, 97917, 0, 3011, 574, 279, 1648, 358, 4934, 720, 275, 311, 387, 13, 578, 5597, 574, 1903, 13, 4800, 11, 656, 358, 617, 3403, 65973, 311, 656, 433, 30, 358, 7020, 358, 1436, 539, 733, 389, 304, 279, 1890, 11827, 13, 358, 574, 19781, 315, 6784, 11, 19781, 315, 16066, 11, 19781, 315, 720, 83571, 1113, 313, 16514, 19781, 315, 2324, 13, 763, 856, 24804, 892, 520, 856, 5274, 11, 358, 1053, 2503, 1203, 323, 720, 69, 2159, 273, 279, 6166, 11, 568, 728, 287, 1202, 4785, 323, 85151, 433, 505, 1450, 311, 1450, 13, 9843, 304, 264, 1418, 358, 720, 41450, 8018, 11559, 2035, 433, 311, 856, 2010, 11, 1243, 6288, 6958, 433, 3201, 439, 422, 433, 2643, 33484, 733, 1022, 555, 1063, 934, 14468, 315, 25382, 13, 330, 2181, 1053, 387, 779, 4062, 1359, 358, 3463, 13, 358, 720, 86, 14518, 291, 422, 1070, 1053, 387, 1790, 6784, 13, 7570, 779, 11, 330, 2181, 8434, 956, 1566, 1317, 1359, 358, 1765, 76, 4147, 13, 720, 256, 578, 5672, 323, 4038, 23255, 555, 323, 358, 574, 2103, 5737, 856, 2697, 1847, 11, 719, 358, 1436, 720, 1962, 4546, 7182, 311, 6958, 279, 8346, 13, 7290, 433, 8850, 11, 66275, 560, 11, 32008, 11, 477, 8996, 13, 19292, 433, 574, 856, 16033, 323, 10597, 4092, 13, 358, 7020, 430, 1023, 1274, 1053, 720, 82, 2084, 369, 279, 2800, 315, 872, 6439, 313, 2465, 98178, 2781, 323, 7126, 11, 856, 3345, 29658, 11, 856, 720, 5988, 11, 323, 856, 7555, 13, 358, 7846, 956, 656, 430, 311, 1124, 13, 2684, 2011, 387, 2500, 1648, 13, 720, 3214, 444, 71888, 11, 4510, 433, 477, 539, 11, 358, 2103, 1047, 3987, 13, 1628, 1070, 574, 311, 387, 2500, 1648, 720, 67156, 11, 264, 45125, 11, 719, 539, 1120, 3686, 13, 2684, 574, 2103, 810, 79930, 311, 3217, 13, 1102, 574, 439, 422, 358, 1047, 311, 21054, 3738, 8670, 1603, 220, 358, 1436, 330, 28770, 1359, 1603, 358, 1053, 387, 720, 716, 5600, 311, 617, 2547, 323, 13836, 12646, 1540, 13, 720, 256, 10180, 420, 892, 11, 3235, 3782, 2500, 86919, 902, 358, 1436, 617, 2884, 2085, 7058, 2902, 336, 54308, 17390, 13, 1115, 4661, 49680, 856, 66153, 39471, 367, 11, 719, 433, 8774, 757, 2288, 720, 79567, 311, 1781, 922, 433, 13, 358, 1047, 1047, 1063, 2678, 71417, 17390, 2391, 279, 1566, 1060, 477, 1403, 11, 720, 8248, 1606, 315, 7319, 7763, 278, 83060, 1026, 323, 69393, 449, 1790, 610, 2101, 11, 279, 2678, 720, 3233, 2751, 11201, 323, 1690, 810, 8040, 11, 2225, 34167, 323, 69442, 13, 1115, 574, 720, 73087, 22840, 555, 35763, 323, 19428, 6784, 13, 578, 6784, 6244, 72729, 481, 449, 1855, 720, 33, 1345, 13, 17644, 13, 358, 7846, 956, 8417, 422, 279, 35763, 574, 5108, 505, 279, 96971, 660, 15235, 11, 279, 71417, 17390, 11, 477, 2225, 13, 720, 256, 2999, 13, 97842, 6818, 311, 387, 15692, 304, 279, 6373, 315, 420, 3575, 2533, 358, 574, 2103, 720, 83, 3271, 287, 1523, 279, 77848, 35130, 13, 358, 574, 26160, 389, 4106, 328, 11289, 59300, 323, 42075, 311, 1005, 2500, 5623, 2663, 1556, 355, 337, 11529, 34, 11, 902, 374, 264, 1043, 3176, 449, 23100, 285, 606, 11, 311, 387, 22306, 720, 325, 17998, 3115, 264, 1938, 13, 19513, 922, 6784, 0, 358, 6575, 709, 264, 9439, 28566, 1855, 892, 358, 6818, 311, 720, 9254, 832, 315, 279, 1043, 17734, 3347, 279, 71417, 17390, 13, 358, 9778, 1047, 311, 3009, 420, 961, 720, 1073, 279, 6514, 13, 720, 256, 5046, 3388, 11, 856, 96971, 1413, 1400, 20000, 574, 2103, 1234, 6593, 2512, 323, 279, 1690, 11217, 720, 52898, 15870, 30073, 505, 832, 19660, 311, 2500, 13, 2030, 279, 1455, 665, 651, 1113, 3217, 720, 3409, 574, 279, 2144, 430, 1855, 892, 358, 1053, 1518, 2999, 13, 97842, 11, 568, 1053, 617, 311, 1005, 279, 65990, 63753, 13, 1115, 9057, 779, 1790, 6784, 439, 433, 574, 15753, 3347, 279, 71417, 17390, 430, 358, 720, 32345, 311, 387, 682, 719, 5762, 1523, 2391, 420, 10537, 11, 902, 2163, 757, 79266, 22655, 323, 38683, 369, 264, 1938, 477, 1403, 13, 720, 256, 358, 1766, 433, 1633, 5107, 311, 2503, 323, 1101, 2559, 4245, 311, 279, 31020, 315, 279, 71417, 17390, 13, 720, 791, 6784, 574, 4661, 99930, 13, 84759, 919, 1550, 539, 1520, 13, 2684, 574, 4661, 912, 720, 19975, 481, 2361, 3734, 927, 389, 856, 64772, 11, 719, 420, 2361, 9057, 7410, 720, 263, 856, 15235, 11, 902, 9770, 1202, 993, 10753, 11, 3339, 433, 65868, 369, 757, 311, 13270, 311, 279, 720, 79936, 5382, 13, 720, 256, 2999, 13, 97842, 574, 43251, 313, 8248, 539, 439, 43251, 220, 439, 358, 313, 4291, 420, 6671, 13, 1283, 14183, 757, 720, 998, 264, 46098, 889, 11, 1306, 1790, 92463, 2212, 11, 6773, 311, 31409, 1124, 313, 33233, 1124, 720, 4291, 264, 24099, 13, 358, 32230, 3515, 420, 10537, 10887, 304, 220, 5162, 16, 555, 2999, 13, 30563, 720, 438, 358, 3287, 956, 1427, 4741, 311, 3515, 433, 2884, 1578, 13, 42669, 11, 2999, 13, 20223, 880, 11, 279, 46098, 11, 720, 258, 1257, 291, 757, 8800, 279, 2007, 13, 1283, 3309, 757, 311, 12234, 323, 1243, 11, 449, 279, 13708, 315, 264, 720, 15914, 1543, 11, 75803, 279, 31409, 1139, 279, 71417, 17390, 13, 3277, 358, 1095, 704, 264, 46789, 568, 1071, 11, 330, 22186, 430, 13194, 7673, 2650, 1587, 832, 4320, 264, 18754, 3488, 30, 3161, 73841, 6548, 358, 1071, 11, 720, 22336, 636, 709, 1618, 323, 1095, 757, 656, 433, 311, 499, 9135, 262, 1115, 26127, 15419, 574, 539, 2288, 6992, 323, 2999, 13, 20223, 880, 20365, 33337, 311, 13454, 279, 720, 83, 35320, 11, 4762, 520, 279, 5326, 315, 264, 11102, 19689, 13, 1283, 8434, 956, 2980, 15173, 520, 420, 892, 4245, 311, 279, 31020, 315, 279, 96971, 1413, 1080, 13318, 285, 11, 5636, 279, 2144, 315, 3284, 8137, 505, 720, 1820, 6372, 315, 279, 2103, 3118, 60564, 49370, 520, 58175, 505, 279, 23100, 285, 606, 320, 3751, 590, 8, 720, 3696, 13602, 13, 1115, 5597, 51512, 856, 4059, 14738, 11, 1606, 358, 1550, 539, 1375, 819, 279, 4623, 315, 720, 64, 71417, 590, 72783, 13, 358, 574, 14183, 1203, 220, 311, 2999, 13, 97842, 369, 1833, 5352, 2512, 13, 720, 256, 578, 37250, 13560, 315, 220, 5162, 18, 1047, 1120, 5946, 13, 358, 6227, 433, 1664, 1606, 11, 720, 1605, 1109, 856, 17104, 7555, 11, 2380, 4771, 6418, 4538, 11, 323, 5246, 4791, 15502, 40260, 1716, 11, 358, 1047, 1633, 720, 56492, 369, 902, 311, 387, 43788, 13, 578, 42080, 315, 1148, 649, 1193, 387, 538, 291, 439, 59708, 6784, 1903, 5196, 14794, 304, 279, 71417, 590, 3158, 13, 358, 3152, 6784, 430, 9057, 856, 6548, 311, 18036, 13, 720, 2181, 6612, 439, 3582, 279, 4553, 330, 911, 2070, 62301, 1, 574, 389, 4027, 13, 358, 1093, 311, 8464, 311, 1521, 71417, 17390, 439, 264, 52252, 62301, 11, 369, 93038, 8125, 13, 720, 256, 1789, 279, 1828, 2046, 477, 779, 11, 358, 6818, 5370, 2162, 51236, 304, 5369, 311, 4106, 720, 39460, 288, 13, 12334, 9087, 13, 763, 2144, 11, 279, 550, 297, 10329, 47293, 6901, 304, 34781, 315, 904, 6514, 13, 720, 791, 6784, 14264, 779, 15748, 430, 433, 6244, 72729, 481, 13, 1115, 4541, 33337, 856, 8260, 2999, 13, 720, 42, 1604, 369, 459, 18101, 311, 1518, 1461, 5668, 520, 989, 389, 459, 54917, 8197, 13, 358, 574, 64260, 291, 720, 18614, 279, 38936, 3130, 1405, 358, 79578, 279, 19163, 315, 2999, 13, 97842, 449, 856, 24087, 720, 68, 3532, 660, 323, 856, 68776, 39920, 13, 1283, 3952, 832, 1427, 520, 856, 46000, 11, 6962, 7018, 11, 323, 1071, 720, 57880, 11559, 11, 330, 40, 1541, 956, 1093, 279, 1648, 420, 5992, 13, 358, 1390, 499, 311, 1518, 279, 46098, 1210, 578, 2144, 720, 9210, 2999, 13, 97842, 8434, 956, 3371, 757, 4205, 23268, 757, 13, 2100, 358, 4024, 1523, 279, 51902, 311, 279, 5274, 315, 279, 46098, 11, 856, 2362, 4333, 11, 2999, 13, 20223, 880, 13, 720, 256, 4740, 264, 17879, 24481, 11, 902, 358, 1550, 539, 4774, 11, 2737, 279, 37027, 315, 264, 720, 9336, 49061, 291, 14654, 5636, 264, 9333, 9699, 14019, 2663, 264, 463, 302, 63753, 11, 902, 9057, 720, 428, 9831, 44776, 439, 433, 574, 9770, 3347, 279, 71417, 17390, 11, 568, 73170, 16369, 757, 430, 720, 28956, 315, 279, 71417, 17390, 304, 856, 52252, 62301, 1047, 13481, 48009, 13, 1115, 574, 1633, 6129, 323, 10666, 264, 25165, 8137, 311, 856, 2324, 13, 720, 256, 1789, 1063, 2944, 358, 3463, 1203, 311, 279, 20043, 802, 323, 264, 4376, 358, 7543, 449, 279, 13695, 6593, 720, 6133, 1725, 304, 12126, 2391, 279, 16526, 5111, 13, 1226, 1047, 3970, 9214, 315, 5435, 11, 2737, 13481, 48009, 315, 279, 19779, 323, 45713, 11, 719, 2646, 6520, 294, 358, 3970, 477, 1524, 6755, 315, 13481, 48009, 315, 279, 720, 30132, 54308, 17390, 13, 720, 256, 3092, 11555, 6052, 6288, 311, 279, 3118, 13, 358, 2216, 4460, 2555, 1093, 420, 11, 439, 720, 333, 358, 3287, 956, 617, 3403, 36505, 13, 26257, 433, 311, 757, 311, 387, 5016, 13, 4740, 279, 2926, 720, 939, 1197, 315, 279, 3754, 28670, 1022, 11, 358, 1436, 5616, 9020, 311, 1148, 279, 10896, 1047, 311, 2019, 323, 433, 720, 16514, 20781, 4731, 311, 856, 25212, 13, 1283, 3309, 757, 358, 574, 2133, 1139, 279, 8952, 7214, 13, 358, 720, 44982, 856, 7555], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " through the urine, \ndefecation, perspiration and \nbreathing. The internal \ntemperature of the body is \ncontrolled with water. 6 \nThe average body is 98.6o, \nif it rises above this normal \ntemperature we become feverish. If it falls below, we are \nphysically under par. Water makes up 83% of the blood \nin the body and nearly 98% of intestinal, gastric, salivar y \nand pancreatic juices. Most older people become \ndehydrated and literally dr y up due to insuf ficient water \nintake. Their skin and hands look par ched, withered, \ndry and old. Look at the wrinkles on their foreheads \nand around their eyes. A cur tain of dr y flesh hangs over \ntheir eyes. Other unhealthy results and danger signs of \ndehydration are constipat ion, which affects millions, \nand also burning, irritating urin ation. Remember, at \nleast 8 large glasses of distilled water daily works miracles! \nSalt (Inorganic Sodium) is a Health W recker \nAnother side of water imbalance is due to excessive \nuse of inorganic sodium chloride (salt) and salty foods, \nwhich leads to waterlogged humans. Y ou often see young \nchildren 7 to 10 years and older who are so waterlogged \nthat they have grotesque, bloated and prematurely \nold looking bodies. Just compare them to the adults \nwith their bloated and puffed-up faces, arms, bellies, \nlegs, ankles and feet. Don\u2019 t let this happen to you! \nWhy the Body Needs Pure W ater \nThe amount of water a body needs depends on \ntemperatur e, climate, one\u2019 s activities and health \u2013 8 \nglasses is average. When you drink a glass of water it \ngoes straight to your stomach. Part of the water is \nabsorbed directly into your bloodstream through the \nwalls of your stomach and some of the remainder goes \nto your intestines to keep the food you eat in a liquid \nstate while it is being absorbed; this water is later \nabsorbed directly into the blood. \nDrinking the right kind of water is one of your best \nnatural protections against all kinds of virus infections \nsuch as influenza, pneumonia, whooping cough, measles \nand other infectious diseases. Doctors advise bed-rest \nand plenty of water for the flu. When the body\u2019 s tissues \nand cells are kept well-supplied with ample water, they \ncan fight viral attacks mor e efficiently. If the body\u2019 s cells \nare water-star ved, they become shriveled-up, par ched \nand dr y, making it easy for viruses and diseases to attack. \nAlways bear in mind the important functions of the \nright kind of water in your body. Water is a vital \ncomponent of all body fluids, tissues, cells, lymph, blood \nand glandular secr etions. W ater holds all nutritive factors \nin solution and acts as a transportation medium to the \nvarious parts of the body for these substances. The \nmucous membranes need plenty of water to keep them \nsoft and free from friction on their delicate surfaces. \n7 \nPure distilled water is truly God\u2019s greatest gift to us, \na source of life and health. \u2013 Paul C. Bragg 8 Liquid is necessar y for the pr oper digestion of food! The \nstomach acts as a powerful churn to break down food \ninto tiny particles. Remember to chew your food \nthoroughly to help your stomach, for it has no teeth! \nWater Flushes T oxins Out of the Body \nOne of the most important functions of water is to \nflush the toxins and salt fr om the body. Unfortunately, \npeople the world over now consume large amounts of \nsalt. But, from centuries ago to the present day, there \nare still many countries that have never known what \nsalt is and whose people are still healthy and happy. \nJapanese are known a s the world\u2019 s highest consumers \nof table salt (inorganic salt \u2013 sodium chloride) and they \nhave the highest blood pressure. A Japanese farmer who \nlives to 60 eats 2 ounces of salt daily and filters up to \n2,737.5 pounds or 1.36 tons of salt through his kidneys in \nhis lifetime! Heavy salt intake hastens prem ature death! \nAmericans are not far behind the Japanese in the \nconsumption of salt. Not only do Americans add plenty \nof salt to their foods, they also eat large amounts of ham, \nbacon, hot dogs, luncheon meats, corned beef, potato \nchips, salted nuts and many other foods with high \nconcentrations of salt. No wonder heart disease is the \nNo. 1 killer in America! Even people in their 30s and 40s \nsuffer from high blood pressure, kidney trouble, arthritis \nand the greatest of all killers \u2013 arteriosclerosis \u2013 the \nclogging of the arteries, veins and blood vessels! The \nproper amount and right kind of water helps to keep \ncholesterol levels down. W ater is a gr eat flushing agent! \nThe right kind of water is also Mother Natur e\u2019s \ngreatest beauty and health tonic! In our long careers as \nhealth and fitness advisors to Hollywood\u2019 s famous stars \nof movies and TV, we have found that when we can \npersuade the stars to use the correct liquids they retain \na more youthful face and figure longer than people who \ndrink ordinar y tap water. Pure distilled water helps keep \nthe body\u2019 s cells healthier and pr events dehydration. The \nface and neck remain more free of age lines and wrinkles, \nwhile the entire body retains its youthfulness longer! Be a Bragg Health Crusader, copy and share with family, friends, etc.\n9 \nBlood \n83% Muscle \n75.6% Kidney \n82.7% Brain \n75% 100% \n70% \n0% Bone \n22% The 70% W atery Human \nThe amount of water in the human body, averaging 70%, varies considerably \nand even from one part of the body to another area (illustration on right). \nA lean man may hold 70% of his weight in body water, while a woman \u2013 \nbecause of her larger proportion of water-poor fatty tissues \u2013 may be only \n52% water. The lowering of the water content in the blood is what triggers \nthe hypothalamus, the brain\u2019s thirst center, to send out its urgent demand \nWater Per centage in V arious Body Parts: for a drink of water! Be health wise and keep your body well watered! \nTeeth............................. 10% Lungs................. 80% \nBones............................. 22% Brain.................. 75% \nCartilage........................ 55% Bile.................... 86% \nRed blood corpuscles...... 68.7% Plasma.............. 90% \nLiver............................... 71.5% Blood................. 83% \nMuscle tissue.................. 75.6% Lymph............... 94% \nSpleen............................ 75.5% Saliva................ 95.5% \nThis chart shows why 8 glasses of distilled water daily is important!\n10 Water is Important to Superb Health \nPeople who ingest a sufficient amount of the right \nkinds of liquids (distilled water, fresh organic fruits and \nvegetables and their juices) have better health and body \nfunctioning and cir culation overall, which are most \nimportant to Super Health and Long Life. \nYou have 15billion power ful brain cells which are 75% \nwater. We strongly believe the right kind of water in \nsufficient amounts helps improve your mind and brain \npower and makes you think better and more accurately! \nWe also think that the excessively ner vous and/or \nmentally upset person is so obsessed with his own \nworries and \u201chang-ups\u201d that he just forgets to drink \nsufficient pure water. Instead, he dopes himself with \nalcohol, tea, coffee, diet cola and soft drinks which only \ncomplicate his ner vous condition by introducing \nburning, toxic acid into his stomach with no food or \npure water to dilute it. So on top of his nervousness and \ndepression, he suffers from heartburn, sour acid stomach, \ngas, bloating, ener vation and low ener gy. In place of \nsufficient pure water, he again dopes up on stimulants, \ncoffee, soft drinks, cigarettes, aspirin, antacids, etc. \nRemember that the nerves need the correct amount \nof water to function properly and smoothly. You can \nplainly see that it is possible to suffer from water \nstarvation. Here is a simple way that you can help \nyourself to better health \u2013 the Natural Pur e Water W ay! \nThe specific reason we wrote this book was to give \nyou the knowledge to select the right kind and amount \nof water your body so desperately needs! Here is your \ninvitation to enjoy the gift of Super Health, Longevity \nand Freedom from bodily miseries through following \nMother Nature\u2019 s and God\u2019 s Eternal Laws combined with \nthe powerful self-health knowledge you are reading. \nShocking Mutations & Death from Polluted Water Must Stop! \nDeadly chemical pollution is not only mutating but killing millions of wildlife, \nfish, etc. worldwide. One USA example: Children in Minnesota discovered and \ncaught frogs displaying horrible mutations, including eyes growing on their \nknees, four hind legs, etc. Scientists have now determined that unidentified \ntoxic chemicals in the pond and ground water caused these terrible mutations!", "token_ids": [1555, 279, 40335, 11, 720, 755, 762, 367, 11, 7565, 29579, 323, 720, 21152, 44661, 13, 578, 5419, 720, 35658, 315, 279, 2547, 374, 720, 59707, 449, 3090, 662, 220, 21, 720, 791, 5578, 2547, 374, 220, 3264, 13, 21, 78, 11, 720, 333, 433, 38268, 3485, 420, 4725, 720, 35658, 584, 3719, 34653, 819, 13, 1442, 433, 17503, 3770, 1174, 584, 527, 720, 42305, 2740, 1234, 1370, 662, 10164, 3727, 709, 220, 6069, 4, 315, 279, 6680, 720, 258, 279, 2547, 323, 7154, 220, 3264, 4, 315, 63900, 11, 89385, 11, 4371, 57498, 379, 720, 438, 98144, 65959, 13, 7648, 9191, 1274, 3719, 720, 451, 26233, 660, 323, 16280, 1377, 379, 709, 4245, 311, 1672, 1739, 282, 5499, 3090, 720, 396, 731, 13, 11205, 6930, 323, 6206, 1427, 1370, 523, 291, 11, 449, 12616, 11, 720, 54310, 323, 2362, 13, 9372, 520, 279, 74207, 389, 872, 2291, 36910, 720, 438, 2212, 872, 6548, 13, 362, 2917, 259, 467, 315, 1377, 379, 26000, 59441, 927, 720, 50828, 6548, 13, 7089, 53808, 3135, 323, 8137, 12195, 315, 720, 80660, 50791, 527, 738, 575, 266, 28772, 11, 902, 22223, 11990, 11, 720, 438, 1101, 20252, 11, 85077, 4433, 258, 520, 290, 13, 20474, 1174, 520, 720, 56371, 220, 23, 3544, 29247, 315, 89867, 3090, 7446, 4375, 71912, 0, 720, 48418, 320, 644, 61694, 83541, 8, 374, 264, 6401, 468, 312, 15512, 720, 14364, 3185, 315, 3090, 68331, 374, 4245, 311, 27639, 720, 817, 315, 304, 61694, 39695, 82882, 320, 43326, 8, 323, 74975, 15657, 11, 720, 8370, 11767, 311, 3090, 25909, 12966, 13, 816, 6033, 3629, 1518, 3995, 720, 5988, 220, 22, 311, 220, 605, 1667, 323, 9191, 889, 527, 779, 3090, 25909, 720, 9210, 814, 617, 96279, 593, 11, 14545, 660, 323, 89019, 720, 820, 3411, 13162, 13, 4702, 9616, 1124, 311, 279, 12884, 720, 4291, 872, 14545, 660, 323, 281, 41673, 5352, 12580, 11, 11977, 11, 29519, 552, 11, 720, 73336, 11, 90713, 323, 7693, 13, 4418, 529, 259, 1095, 420, 3621, 311, 499, 0, 720, 10445, 279, 14285, 44240, 30688, 468, 264, 466, 720, 791, 3392, 315, 3090, 264, 2547, 3966, 14117, 389, 720, 880, 716, 2693, 384, 11, 10182, 11, 832, 529, 274, 7640, 323, 2890, 1389, 220, 23, 720, 70, 34968, 374, 5578, 13, 3277, 499, 7172, 264, 9168, 315, 3090, 433, 720, 3427, 288, 7833, 311, 701, 23152, 13, 3744, 315, 279, 3090, 374, 720, 3518, 269, 2788, 6089, 1139, 701, 100216, 1555, 279, 720, 87396, 315, 701, 23152, 323, 1063, 315, 279, 27410, 5900, 720, 998, 701, 39408, 1572, 311, 2567, 279, 3691, 499, 8343, 304, 264, 14812, 720, 2513, 1418, 433, 374, 1694, 42101, 26, 420, 3090, 374, 3010, 720, 3518, 269, 2788, 6089, 1139, 279, 6680, 13, 720, 9023, 16113, 279, 1314, 3169, 315, 3090, 374, 832, 315, 701, 1888, 720, 53980, 37424, 2403, 682, 13124, 315, 17188, 30020, 720, 21470, 439, 62937, 11, 69329, 11, 889, 34807, 40700, 11, 80337, 720, 438, 1023, 50600, 19338, 13, 54943, 32113, 4950, 77333, 720, 438, 11510, 315, 3090, 369, 279, 20236, 13, 3277, 279, 2547, 529, 274, 39881, 720, 438, 7917, 527, 8774, 1664, 59615, 3523, 449, 42853, 3090, 1174, 814, 720, 4919, 4465, 29962, 8951, 4411, 384, 30820, 662, 1442, 279, 2547, 529, 274, 7917, 720, 548, 3090, 21337, 29033, 11, 814, 3719, 14362, 535, 839, 5352, 11, 1370, 523, 291, 720, 438, 1377, 379, 11, 3339, 433, 4228, 369, 42068, 323, 19338, 311, 3440, 13, 720, 38195, 11984, 304, 4059, 279, 3062, 5865, 315, 279, 720, 1315, 3169, 315, 3090, 304, 701, 2547, 662, 10164, 374, 264, 16595, 720, 8739, 315, 682, 2547, 56406, 11, 39881, 11, 7917, 11, 43745, 11, 6680, 720, 438, 67169, 1299, 513, 5192, 1880, 919, 13, 468, 264, 466, 10187, 682, 69714, 535, 9547, 720, 258, 6425, 323, 14385, 439, 264, 18386, 11298, 311, 279, 720, 959, 1245, 5596, 315, 279, 2547, 369, 1521, 33155, 13, 578, 720, 76, 1791, 788, 79348, 1205, 11510, 315, 3090, 311, 2567, 1124, 720, 3594, 323, 1949, 505, 39676, 389, 872, 36301, 27529, 13, 720, 22, 720, 58713, 89867, 3090, 374, 9615, 4359, 753, 12474, 8352, 311, 603, 11, 720, 64, 2592, 315, 2324, 323, 2890, 13, 1389, 7043, 356, 13, 3320, 16094, 220, 23, 42358, 374, 4541, 277, 379, 369, 279, 550, 2040, 74502, 315, 3691, 0, 578, 720, 267, 316, 613, 14385, 439, 264, 8147, 81969, 311, 1464, 1523, 3691, 720, 18614, 13987, 19252, 13, 20474, 311, 37433, 701, 3691, 720, 339, 14776, 398, 311, 1520, 701, 23152, 11, 369, 433, 706, 912, 18311, 0, 720, 29353, 58726, 288, 350, 19488, 1354, 4470, 315, 279, 14285, 720, 4054, 315, 279, 1455, 3062, 5865, 315, 3090, 374, 311, 720, 22402, 279, 62186, 323, 12290, 1448, 8019, 279, 2547, 662, 19173, 1174, 720, 16455, 279, 1917, 927, 1457, 25024, 3544, 15055, 315, 720, 43326, 13, 2030, 11, 505, 24552, 4227, 311, 279, 3118, 1938, 1174, 1070, 720, 548, 2103, 1690, 5961, 430, 617, 2646, 3967, 1148, 720, 43326, 374, 323, 6832, 1274, 527, 2103, 9498, 323, 6380, 662, 720, 52566, 527, 3967, 264, 274, 279, 1917, 529, 274, 8592, 13723, 720, 1073, 2007, 12290, 320, 258, 61694, 12290, 220, 1389, 39695, 82882, 8, 323, 814, 720, 19553, 279, 8592, 6680, 7410, 13, 362, 11002, 37500, 889, 720, 75, 1924, 311, 220, 1399, 50777, 220, 17, 49138, 315, 12290, 7446, 323, 13711, 709, 311, 720, 17, 11, 22039, 13, 20, 16701, 477, 220, 16, 13, 1927, 20181, 315, 12290, 1555, 813, 81960, 304, 720, 26301, 19569, 758, 29201, 12290, 23730, 34143, 729, 6954, 520, 554, 4648, 0, 720, 92786, 527, 539, 3117, 4920, 279, 11002, 304, 279, 720, 67776, 562, 315, 12290, 13, 2876, 1193, 656, 9053, 923, 11510, 720, 1073, 12290, 311, 872, 15657, 11, 814, 1101, 8343, 3544, 15055, 315, 13824, 11, 720, 4749, 444, 11, 4106, 12875, 11, 33073, 76269, 63875, 11, 14095, 291, 25309, 11, 39834, 720, 331, 3153, 11, 12290, 291, 31049, 323, 1690, 1023, 15657, 449, 1579, 720, 444, 1189, 81, 811, 315, 12290, 13, 2360, 5895, 4851, 8624, 374, 279, 720, 2822, 13, 220, 16, 25534, 304, 5270, 0, 7570, 1274, 304, 872, 220, 966, 82, 323, 220, 1272, 82, 720, 82, 2084, 505, 1579, 6680, 7410, 11, 39042, 12544, 11, 55652, 720, 438, 279, 12474, 315, 682, 61135, 1389, 47357, 3614, 91711, 1389, 279, 720, 66, 26330, 315, 279, 85648, 11, 60764, 323, 6680, 31080, 0, 578, 720, 81768, 3392, 323, 1314, 3169, 315, 3090, 8779, 311, 2567, 720, 971, 273, 33282, 5990, 1523, 13, 468, 264, 466, 374, 264, 1099, 8343, 91632, 8479, 0, 720, 791, 1314, 3169, 315, 3090, 374, 1101, 21720, 40549, 384, 753, 720, 70, 11423, 13444, 323, 2890, 99305, 0, 763, 1057, 1317, 31133, 439, 720, 12393, 323, 17479, 58784, 311, 17681, 529, 274, 11495, 9958, 720, 1073, 9698, 323, 6007, 1174, 584, 617, 1766, 430, 994, 584, 649, 720, 32390, 84, 1037, 279, 9958, 311, 1005, 279, 4495, 67849, 814, 14389, 720, 64, 810, 65655, 3663, 323, 7216, 5129, 1109, 1274, 889, 720, 98427, 6141, 14080, 379, 15596, 3090, 662, 30688, 89867, 3090, 8779, 2567, 720, 1820, 2547, 529, 274, 7917, 39345, 323, 550, 4455, 99857, 13, 578, 720, 1594, 323, 13272, 7293, 810, 1949, 315, 4325, 5238, 323, 74207, 11, 720, 3556, 279, 4553, 2547, 52944, 1202, 12822, 31514, 5129, 0, 2893, 264, 3320, 16094, 6401, 51203, 1013, 11, 3048, 323, 4430, 449, 3070, 11, 4885, 11, 5099, 627, 24, 720, 52586, 720, 6069, 4, 68427, 720, 2075, 13, 21, 4, 32666, 3520, 720, 6086, 13, 22, 4, 31417, 720, 2075, 4, 220, 1041, 4, 720, 2031, 4, 720, 15, 4, 46701, 720, 1313, 4, 578, 220, 2031, 4, 468, 264, 18080, 11344, 720, 791, 3392, 315, 3090, 304, 279, 3823, 2547, 11, 44864, 220, 2031, 13689, 35327, 33452, 720, 438, 1524, 505, 832, 961, 315, 279, 2547, 311, 2500, 3158, 320, 83718, 367, 389, 1314, 570, 720, 32, 16025, 893, 1253, 3412, 220, 2031, 4, 315, 813, 4785, 304, 2547, 3090, 11, 1418, 264, 5333, 1389, 720, 28753, 315, 1077, 8294, 21801, 315, 3090, 2320, 10922, 40085, 39881, 1389, 1253, 387, 1193, 720, 4103, 4, 3090, 13, 578, 46301, 315, 279, 3090, 2262, 304, 279, 6680, 374, 1148, 31854, 720, 1820, 45455, 17243, 355, 11, 279, 8271, 753, 50690, 4219, 11, 311, 3708, 704, 1202, 34771, 7631, 720, 29353, 3700, 2960, 425, 304, 650, 264, 84718, 14285, 27399, 25, 369, 264, 7172, 315, 3090, 0, 2893, 2890, 24219, 323, 2567, 701, 2547, 1664, 3090, 291, 0, 720, 6777, 774, 220, 57341, 18575, 220, 605, 4, 445, 29222, 46196, 62073, 220, 1490, 4, 720, 33, 3233, 220, 57341, 18575, 220, 1313, 4, 31417, 90014, 497, 220, 2075, 4, 720, 12878, 88076, 220, 57341, 220, 2131, 4, 426, 458, 90014, 1975, 220, 4218, 4, 720, 6161, 6680, 43194, 19153, 75208, 220, 2614, 13, 22, 4, 65632, 46196, 29249, 220, 1954, 4, 720, 83995, 220, 57341, 49711, 220, 6028, 13, 20, 4, 20671, 46196, 62073, 220, 6069, 4, 720, 62698, 9326, 20438, 90014, 497, 220, 2075, 13, 21, 4, 445, 32800, 46196, 49711, 220, 6281, 4, 720, 50, 698, 268, 220, 57341, 1975, 220, 2075, 13, 20, 4, 8375, 10126, 90014, 220, 2721, 13, 20, 4, 720, 2028, 9676, 5039, 3249, 220, 23, 29247, 315, 89867, 3090, 7446, 374, 3062, 4999, 605, 10164, 374, 44921, 311, 7445, 65, 6401, 720, 16298, 889, 89372, 264, 14343, 3392, 315, 279, 1314, 720, 74, 8843, 315, 67849, 320, 12489, 4473, 3090, 1174, 7878, 17808, 26390, 323, 720, 83571, 4893, 323, 872, 65959, 8, 617, 2731, 2890, 323, 2547, 720, 1723, 287, 323, 30570, 272, 2987, 8244, 11, 902, 527, 1455, 720, 15693, 311, 7445, 6401, 323, 5843, 9601, 13, 720, 2675, 617, 220, 868, 65, 15068, 2410, 5716, 8271, 7917, 902, 527, 220, 2075, 4, 720, 13284, 662, 1226, 16917, 4510, 279, 1314, 3169, 315, 3090, 304, 720, 82, 27781, 15055, 8779, 7417, 701, 4059, 323, 8271, 720, 13477, 323, 3727, 499, 1781, 2731, 323, 810, 30357, 0, 720, 1687, 1101, 1781, 430, 279, 87146, 41283, 9189, 323, 5255, 720, 479, 750, 23268, 1732, 374, 779, 44898, 449, 813, 1866, 720, 50810, 4108, 323, 1054, 21313, 27859, 863, 430, 568, 1120, 10894, 82, 311, 7172, 720, 82, 27781, 10748, 3090, 662, 12361, 11, 568, 294, 19031, 5678, 449, 720, 278, 11353, 11, 15600, 11, 11033, 11, 10173, 84767, 323, 8579, 21662, 902, 1193, 720, 5807, 49895, 813, 41283, 9189, 3044, 555, 33018, 720, 22464, 287, 11, 21503, 13935, 1139, 813, 23152, 449, 912, 3691, 477, 720, 52833, 3090, 311, 19371, 1088, 433, 13, 2100, 389, 1948, 315, 813, 23418, 2136, 323, 720, 451, 4099, 11, 568, 47521, 505, 4851, 22464, 11, 20897, 13935, 23152, 11, 720, 40625, 11, 14545, 1113, 11, 38556, 348, 367, 323, 3428, 38556, 29720, 13, 763, 2035, 315, 720, 82, 27781, 10748, 3090, 1174, 568, 1578, 294, 19031, 709, 389, 12936, 360, 1821, 11, 720, 79217, 11, 8579, 21662, 11, 34576, 11, 25689, 258, 11, 3276, 582, 3447, 11, 5099, 13, 720, 29690, 430, 279, 50581, 1205, 279, 4495, 3392, 720, 1073, 3090, 311, 734, 10489, 323, 39511, 662, 1472, 649, 720, 21435, 398, 1518, 430, 433, 374, 3284, 311, 7831, 505, 3090, 720, 12134, 61428, 13, 5810, 374, 264, 4382, 1648, 430, 499, 649, 1520, 720, 22479, 726, 311, 2731, 2890, 1389, 279, 18955, 14874, 384, 10164, 468, 19432, 0, 720, 791, 3230, 2944, 584, 6267, 420, 2363, 574, 311, 3041, 720, 9514, 279, 6677, 311, 3373, 279, 1314, 3169, 323, 3392, 720, 1073, 3090, 701, 2547, 779, 38643, 3966, 0, 5810, 374, 701, 720, 98630, 311, 4774, 279, 8352, 315, 7445, 6401, 11, 5843, 52779, 720, 438, 25320, 505, 48131, 5906, 4804, 1555, 2768, 720, 59978, 22037, 529, 274, 323, 4359, 529, 274, 67872, 42089, 11093, 449, 720, 1820, 8147, 659, 79505, 6677, 499, 527, 5403, 13, 720, 2059, 71191, 32328, 811, 612, 220, 16290, 505, 25385, 2844, 10164, 15832, 14549, 0, 720, 29420, 398, 11742, 25793, 374, 539, 1193, 97618, 719, 13419, 11990, 315, 30405, 11, 720, 18668, 11, 5099, 13, 15603, 13, 3861, 7427, 3187, 25, 15394, 304, 19461, 11352, 323, 720, 62308, 90546, 29040, 28201, 34684, 11, 2737, 6548, 7982, 389, 872, 720, 74, 69819, 11, 3116, 48419, 14535, 11, 5099, 13, 57116, 617, 1457, 11075, 430, 65578, 720, 998, 14668, 26333, 304, 279, 36670, 323, 5015, 3090, 9057, 1521, 17936, 34684, 0], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": "risweet does not make it \"of the devil.\" \n And its not all black and white with the oth er items either. Sea salt does have certain redeeming qualities not found in mined salt \nand under certain very special conditions, eating small quantities of salt may be acceptable. Similarly, some forms of sugar are not \nquite as harmful as other forms, th ough all are harmful. \n The primary health problem caused by table salt is not that it contributes to high blood pressure in people with poor kidneys, \nthough it does that. It is not that eating salt ruins the kidneys; salt probably does not do that. The real problem with salt is that \nsodium chloride is an adrenal stimulant, triggering the release of adrenal hormones, especially natural steroids that resist \ninflammation. When these hormones are at high levels in the blood, the person often feels very good, has a sense of well -being. \nThus salt is a drug! And like many drugs of its type, salt is a habituating drug. However, we are so used to whipping our adr enals \nwith salt that we don't notice it. What we do notice is that we think we like the taste of salte d food and consider that food tastes flat \nwithout it. But take away a person's salt shaker and they become very uncomfortable. That's because the addict isn't getting their \nregular dose. \n What's wrong with repetitive adrenal whipping is that adrenal fo rtitude is variable; many people's adrenals eventually fail to \nrespond to the prod of salt and the body begins to suffer from a lack of adrenal hormones. Often those inheriting weak adrena ls \nmanifest semi -failure in childhood. The consequence is that ordin ary, irritating substances begin causing severe irritation. The \nperson becomes allergic to pollen, dust, foods, animal danders, etc. We see asthma, hay fever, sinusitis, etc. Though one can then \ndiscover specific allergens and try to remove them from the e nvironment or diet, often this case can be solved far more easily by \ncomplete withdrawal from all salt. This rests the adrenals and they may recover their full function; almost certainly their f unction \nwill improve. The asthma, allergies and etc., graduall y vanish. \n Most of us don't need to eat salt as a nutrient. There's enough sodium in one dill pickle to run a human body for a year. The re's \nenough natural sodium in many types of vegetables to supply normal needs without using table salt. Perhaps athle tes or other hard \nworking people in the tropics eating deficient food grown on leached -out depleted soils, people that sweat buckets day after day \nmay need a little extra sodium. Perhaps. Not having practiced in the humid tropics myself, I have no definiti ve answer about this. \n Unfortunately, the average American is entirely addicted to salt and thinks food tastes lousy without it. To please the avera ge \nconsumer, almost all prepared foods contain far too much salt for someone suffering from exhausted ad renals. Interestingly, \nCanadians do not like their foods nearly as salty as Americans, and prepared foods like soups and the like in cans and packag es \nthat look just like the ones in American supermarkets (though with French on the back panel) have to be r eformulated for our \nnorthern neighbors. I've observed that Canadians are generally healthier than Americans in many respects. \n We would all be far better off consuming no salt at all. Those with allergies or asthma should completely eliminate it for a \nmonth or two and discover if that simple step doesn't pretty much cure them. The trouble is that bakery bread is routinely two \npercent salt by weight. Cheese is equally salted or even more so. Canned and frozen prepared food products are all heavily sa lted. \nRestaurant meals are always highly salted in the kitchen. If you want to avoid salt you almost have to prepare everything you rself, \nbake your own bread, abstain from cheese (though there are unsalted cheeses but even I don't like the flavor of these), and abstain \nfrom restaurants. My family has managed to eliminate all salt from our own kitchen except for that in cheese, and we eat chee se \nrather moderately. \n Sugar is a high -caloric non -food with enormous liabilities. First, from the viewpoint of the uni versal formula for health, no form \nof non -artificial sweetener carries enough nutrients with it to justify the number of calories it contains, not even malt extract. W hite \nrefined sugar contains absolutely no nutrients at all; the \"good\" or \"natural\" sweet s also carry so little nutrition as to be next to \nuseless. Sweets are so far over on the bad end of the Health = Nutrition / Calories scale that for this reason alone they sho uld be \navoided. \n However, healthy people can usually afford a small amount of sin; why not make it sweets? In small quantity, sugars are \nprobably the easiest indiscretion to digest and the least damaging to the organ systems. Although, speaking of sin, as Edgar Guest, \nthe peoples' poet, once so wisely quipped, (and my husband agree s) \"Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker.\" Sugar is a powerful \ndrug! People who abuse sweets set up a cycle of addiction that can be very hard to break. It starts when the body tries to re gulate \nblood sugar. Kicked up to high levels by eating sugar, the p ancreas releases insulin. But that is not the end of the chain reaction. \nInsulin regulates blood sugar levels but also raises brain levels of an amino acid called tryptophan. Tryptophan is the raw m aterial \nthe brain uses to manufacture a neurotransmitter c alled serotonin. And serotonin plays a huge role in regulating mood. Higher \nbrain levels of serotonin create a feeling of well -being. Eating sugar gives a person a chemical jolt of happiness. Heavy hits of \nhigh-glycemic index starch foods are also rapidly converted to sugar. So don't give your kids sweets! Or huge servings of starch to \nmellow them out. It is wise not to start out life a happiness addict with a severe weight problem. \n Now that the chemistry of sugar addiction is understood, there currentl y is a movement afoot to cast the obese as helpless \nvictims of serotonin imbalances and to \"treat\" them with the same kinds of serotonin -increasing happy drugs (like Prozac) that are \nbecoming so popular with the psychiatric set. This promises to be a multi ple billion dollar business that will capture all the money \ncurrently flowing into other dieting systems and bring it right back to the AMA/drug company/FDA nexus. The pitch is that whe n \nserotonin levels are upped, the desire to eat drops and so is weight. This approach is popular with the obese because it requires no \npersonal responsibility other than taking a pill that really does make them feel happy. However, the same benefit can be had by \nstrict adherence to a low -fat, low -carbohydrate diet. Eventually, the brain chemistry rebalances itself and serotonin levels stabilize. \n \nGlycemic Index \n(compared to glucose, which is 100) \n Grains Fruits Vegetables \nall bran 51 apples 39 baked beans 40 \nbrown rice 66 bananas 62 beets 64 \nbuckwheat 54 cherries 23 black -eyed peas 33 \ncornflakes 80 grapefruit 26 carrots 92 \noatmeal 49 grapes 45 chic peas 36 \nshred. wheat 67 orange juice 46 parsnips 97 \nmuesli 66 peach 29 potato chips 51 \nwhite rice 72 orange 40 baked potato 98 \nwhite spagetti 50 pear 34 sweet potato 48 \nwhole wheat spagetti 42 plum 25 yams 51 \nsweet corn 59 raisins 64 peas 51 \n \nNuts Baked Goods Sugars \npeanuts 13 pastry 59 fructose 20 \n sponge cake 46 glucose 100 \nMeats white bread 69 honey 87 \nsausage 28 w/w bread 72 maltose 110 \nfish sticks 38 whole rye bread 42 sucrose 59 \n \nDairy Products \nyogurt 36 whole milk 34 skim milk 32 \n \nRemember, the pancreas has another major service to perform for the body: secreting digestive enzymes to aid in the digestion of \nproteins. When the diet contains either too much protein or too much sugar and/or high -glycemic index starch foods, the \noverwor ked pancreas begins to be less and less efficient at maintaining both of these functions. \n Sometimes a stressed -out pancreas gets overactive and does too good a job lowering the blood sugar, producing hypoglycemia. \nHypoglycemia is generally accompanied by unpleasant symptoms such as fatigue, dizziness, blurred vision, irritability, confusion, \nheadache, etc. This condition is typically alleviated by yet another hit of sugar which builds an addiction not only to sugar, but to \nfood in general. If the hypog lycemic then keeps on eating sugar to relieve the symptoms of sugar ingestion, eventually the \npancreas becomes exhausted, producing an insulin deficiency, called diabetes. Medical doctors treat diabetes with insulin \nsupplements either oral or intramuscular ", "token_ids": [6091, 4589, 1587, 539, 1304, 433, 330, 1073, 279, 38736, 1210, 2355, 262, 1628, 1202, 539, 682, 3776, 323, 4251, 449, 279, 297, 339, 2781, 3673, 3060, 13, 15379, 12290, 1587, 617, 3738, 49878, 287, 29600, 539, 1766, 304, 68768, 12290, 720, 438, 1234, 3738, 1633, 3361, 4787, 11, 12459, 2678, 33776, 315, 12290, 1253, 387, 22281, 13, 35339, 11, 1063, 7739, 315, 13465, 527, 539, 720, 84270, 439, 28856, 439, 1023, 7739, 11, 270, 220, 1409, 682, 527, 28856, 13, 2355, 262, 578, 6156, 2890, 3575, 9057, 555, 2007, 12290, 374, 539, 430, 433, 44072, 311, 1579, 6680, 7410, 304, 1274, 449, 8009, 81960, 1174, 720, 4636, 433, 1587, 430, 13, 1102, 374, 539, 430, 12459, 12290, 46762, 279, 81960, 26, 12290, 4762, 1587, 539, 656, 430, 13, 578, 220, 1972, 3575, 449, 12290, 374, 430, 720, 82, 47876, 82882, 374, 459, 60564, 12936, 69733, 11, 52605, 279, 4984, 315, 60564, 44315, 11, 5423, 5933, 58161, 430, 22884, 720, 258, 45864, 367, 13, 3277, 1521, 44315, 527, 520, 1579, 5990, 304, 279, 6680, 11, 279, 1732, 3629, 11321, 1633, 1695, 1174, 706, 264, 5647, 315, 1664, 482, 35214, 13, 720, 45600, 12290, 374, 264, 5623, 0, 1628, 1093, 1690, 11217, 315, 1202, 955, 11, 12290, 374, 264, 14464, 54643, 5623, 13, 4452, 11, 584, 527, 779, 1511, 311, 98622, 1057, 94233, 665, 1147, 720, 4291, 12290, 430, 584, 1541, 956, 5406, 433, 13, 3639, 584, 656, 5406, 374, 430, 584, 1781, 584, 1093, 279, 12945, 315, 4371, 668, 294, 3691, 323, 2980, 430, 3691, 36263, 10269, 720, 30096, 433, 13, 2030, 1935, 3201, 264, 1732, 596, 12290, 559, 4506, 323, 814, 3719, 1633, 29213, 13, 3011, 596, 1606, 279, 39326, 4536, 956, 3794, 872, 720, 23108, 19660, 13, 2355, 262, 3639, 596, 5076, 449, 59177, 60564, 98622, 374, 430, 60564, 12018, 17091, 3993, 374, 3977, 26, 1690, 1274, 596, 1008, 1466, 1147, 9778, 3775, 311, 720, 6961, 311, 279, 14814, 315, 12290, 323, 279, 2547, 12302, 311, 7831, 505, 264, 6996, 315, 60564, 44315, 13, 36016, 1884, 15517, 5977, 7621, 1008, 23523, 20170, 720, 43415, 18768, 482, 30039, 304, 20587, 13, 578, 29774, 374, 430, 49742, 74021, 11, 85077, 33155, 3240, 14718, 15748, 66510, 13, 578, 720, 9164, 9221, 57596, 311, 79784, 11, 16174, 11, 15657, 11, 10065, 294, 85051, 11, 5099, 13, 1226, 1518, 51643, 11, 18137, 34653, 11, 76914, 20000, 11, 5099, 13, 18056, 832, 649, 220, 1243, 720, 98729, 3230, 25405, 729, 323, 1456, 311, 4148, 1124, 505, 279, 384, 308, 3182, 477, 10173, 11, 3629, 420, 1162, 649, 387, 29056, 3117, 810, 6847, 555, 720, 15079, 30836, 505, 682, 12290, 13, 1115, 54331, 279, 1008, 1466, 1147, 323, 814, 1253, 11993, 872, 2539, 734, 26, 4661, 7995, 872, 282, 220, 600, 720, 14724, 7417, 13, 578, 51643, 11, 58742, 323, 5099, 2637, 28032, 543, 379, 92227, 13, 2355, 262, 7648, 315, 603, 1541, 956, 1205, 311, 8343, 12290, 439, 264, 50123, 13, 2684, 596, 3403, 39695, 304, 832, 294, 484, 22975, 311, 1629, 264, 3823, 2547, 369, 264, 1060, 13, 578, 312, 596, 720, 268, 1409, 5933, 39695, 304, 1690, 4595, 315, 24822, 311, 8312, 4725, 3966, 2085, 1701, 2007, 12290, 13, 19292, 12004, 273, 51309, 477, 1023, 2653, 720, 21837, 1274, 304, 279, 21965, 1233, 12459, 87544, 3691, 15042, 389, 514, 3939, 482, 412, 79266, 69561, 11, 1274, 430, 28566, 43212, 1938, 1306, 1938, 720, 18864, 1205, 264, 2697, 5066, 39695, 13, 19292, 13, 2876, 3515, 44664, 304, 279, 67038, 21965, 1233, 7182, 11, 358, 617, 912, 31388, 72, 5320, 4320, 922, 420, 13, 2355, 262, 19173, 11, 279, 5578, 3778, 374, 11622, 57727, 311, 12290, 323, 15849, 3691, 36263, 326, 94623, 2085, 433, 13, 2057, 4587, 279, 17751, 64, 3980, 720, 47864, 11, 4661, 682, 10235, 15657, 6782, 3117, 2288, 1790, 12290, 369, 4423, 16066, 505, 39019, 1008, 5790, 1147, 13, 58603, 11, 720, 6854, 21398, 656, 539, 1093, 872, 15657, 7154, 439, 74975, 439, 9053, 11, 323, 10235, 15657, 1093, 5945, 1725, 323, 279, 1093, 304, 43732, 323, 3854, 351, 1560, 720, 9210, 1427, 1120, 1093, 279, 6305, 304, 3778, 77599, 320, 4636, 449, 8753, 389, 279, 1203, 7090, 8, 617, 311, 387, 436, 384, 630, 7913, 369, 1057, 720, 45807, 6456, 19228, 13, 358, 3077, 13468, 430, 36262, 527, 8965, 39345, 1109, 9053, 304, 1690, 43666, 13, 2355, 262, 1226, 1053, 682, 387, 3117, 2731, 1022, 35208, 912, 12290, 520, 682, 13, 13266, 449, 58742, 477, 51643, 1288, 6724, 22472, 433, 369, 264, 720, 10460, 477, 1403, 323, 7142, 422, 430, 4382, 3094, 3250, 956, 5128, 1790, 27208, 1124, 13, 578, 12544, 374, 430, 66244, 16385, 374, 40076, 1403, 2355, 25426, 12290, 555, 4785, 13, 45419, 374, 18813, 12290, 291, 477, 1524, 810, 779, 13, 356, 7443, 323, 20268, 10235, 3691, 3956, 527, 682, 17345, 829, 326, 6702, 13, 720, 53097, 21644, 527, 2744, 7701, 12290, 291, 304, 279, 9979, 13, 1442, 499, 1390, 311, 5766, 12290, 499, 4661, 617, 311, 10772, 4395, 499, 436, 726, 11, 720, 65, 731, 701, 1866, 16385, 11, 63944, 467, 505, 17604, 320, 4636, 1070, 527, 7120, 62334, 98564, 719, 1524, 358, 1541, 956, 1093, 279, 17615, 315, 1521, 705, 323, 220, 63944, 467, 720, 1527, 15926, 13, 3092, 3070, 706, 9152, 311, 22472, 682, 12290, 505, 1057, 1866, 9979, 3734, 369, 430, 304, 17604, 11, 323, 584, 8343, 3091, 68, 513, 720, 74303, 70351, 13, 2355, 262, 32019, 374, 264, 1579, 482, 5531, 27456, 2536, 482, 14239, 449, 23205, 58165, 13, 5629, 11, 505, 279, 59485, 315, 279, 48986, 5553, 278, 15150, 369, 2890, 11, 912, 1376, 720, 1073, 2536, 482, 472, 16895, 10437, 804, 24266, 3403, 37493, 449, 433, 311, 9541, 279, 1396, 315, 25247, 433, 5727, 11, 539, 1524, 55756, 8819, 13, 468, 305, 635, 720, 1116, 1619, 13465, 5727, 11112, 912, 37493, 520, 682, 26, 279, 330, 19045, 1, 477, 330, 53980, 1, 10437, 274, 1101, 6920, 779, 2697, 26677, 439, 311, 387, 1828, 311, 720, 817, 1752, 13, 328, 26488, 527, 779, 3117, 927, 389, 279, 3958, 842, 315, 279, 6401, 284, 39700, 611, 84037, 5569, 430, 369, 420, 2944, 7636, 814, 72619, 8725, 67, 387, 720, 48956, 291, 13, 2355, 262, 4452, 11, 9498, 1274, 649, 6118, 10150, 264, 2678, 3392, 315, 220, 7589, 26, 3249, 539, 1304, 433, 76657, 30, 763, 2678, 12472, 11, 70913, 527, 720, 55540, 279, 30689, 83975, 89790, 311, 21552, 323, 279, 3325, 34446, 311, 279, 2942, 6067, 13, 10541, 11, 12365, 315, 7589, 11, 439, 60091, 27307, 11, 720, 1820, 32538, 6, 40360, 11, 3131, 779, 66713, 934, 6586, 11, 320, 438, 856, 10177, 7655, 274, 8, 330, 34, 13634, 374, 294, 13634, 11, 719, 45304, 374, 39392, 1210, 32019, 374, 264, 8147, 720, 73821, 0, 9029, 889, 11737, 76657, 743, 709, 264, 11008, 315, 27471, 430, 649, 387, 1633, 2653, 311, 1464, 13, 1102, 8638, 994, 279, 2547, 16696, 311, 312, 342, 6468, 720, 51105, 13465, 13, 735, 19011, 709, 311, 1579, 5990, 555, 12459, 13465, 11, 279, 281, 459, 846, 300, 19786, 32152, 13, 2030, 430, 374, 539, 279, 842, 315, 279, 8957, 13010, 13, 720, 15841, 24292, 80412, 6680, 13465, 5990, 719, 1101, 25930, 8271, 5990, 315, 459, 42500, 13935, 2663, 1456, 418, 5237, 276, 13, 350, 3655, 5237, 276, 374, 279, 7257, 296, 264, 466, 532, 720, 1820, 8271, 5829, 311, 30847, 264, 90351, 16517, 272, 453, 839, 77130, 13, 1628, 77130, 11335, 264, 6908, 3560, 304, 58499, 20247, 13, 35321, 720, 54160, 5990, 315, 77130, 1893, 264, 8430, 315, 1664, 482, 35214, 13, 60638, 13465, 6835, 264, 1732, 264, 11742, 503, 6312, 315, 23871, 13, 29201, 13280, 315, 720, 12156, 2427, 398, 66, 8274, 1963, 70181, 15657, 527, 1101, 19019, 16489, 311, 13465, 13, 2100, 1541, 956, 3041, 701, 6980, 76657, 0, 2582, 6908, 79049, 315, 70181, 311, 720, 76, 5412, 1124, 704, 13, 1102, 374, 24219, 539, 311, 1212, 704, 2324, 264, 23871, 39326, 449, 264, 15748, 4785, 3575, 13, 2355, 262, 4800, 430, 279, 30903, 315, 13465, 27471, 374, 16365, 11, 1070, 1510, 75, 379, 374, 264, 7351, 264, 5447, 311, 6445, 279, 50320, 439, 63628, 720, 85, 858, 5861, 315, 77130, 737, 76527, 323, 311, 330, 83, 1244, 1, 1124, 449, 279, 1890, 13124, 315, 77130, 482, 43842, 4522, 6380, 11217, 320, 4908, 1322, 96726, 8, 430, 527, 720, 17106, 18238, 779, 5526, 449, 279, 47657, 743, 13, 1115, 21300, 311, 387, 264, 7447, 7245, 7239, 18160, 2626, 430, 690, 12602, 682, 279, 3300, 720, 59302, 36612, 1139, 1023, 10173, 287, 6067, 323, 4546, 433, 1314, 1203, 311, 279, 52889, 49154, 773, 2883, 12598, 6486, 82501, 13, 578, 9846, 374, 430, 15240, 308, 720, 805, 68055, 5990, 527, 709, 7018, 11, 279, 12876, 311, 8343, 21701, 323, 779, 374, 4785, 13, 220, 1115, 5603, 374, 5526, 449, 279, 50320, 1606, 433, 7612, 912, 720, 30712, 12014, 1023, 1109, 4737, 264, 15530, 430, 2216, 1587, 1304, 1124, 2733, 6380, 13, 4452, 11, 279, 1890, 8935, 649, 387, 1047, 555, 720, 6765, 71628, 311, 264, 3428, 482, 45283, 11, 3428, 482, 7063, 34658, 349, 10173, 13, 38274, 1174, 279, 8271, 30903, 12646, 278, 3095, 5196, 323, 77130, 5990, 70236, 13, 2355, 720, 38, 398, 66, 8274, 8167, 2355, 31108, 1636, 311, 34323, 11, 902, 374, 220, 1041, 8, 2355, 2895, 1771, 256, 435, 68998, 256, 43800, 4893, 5996, 543, 53358, 220, 220, 3971, 41776, 220, 220, 2137, 41778, 27994, 220, 220, 1272, 720, 65561, 20228, 220, 220, 2287, 68442, 220, 220, 5538, 387, 1441, 220, 220, 1227, 720, 65, 1983, 86, 20559, 220, 220, 4370, 23008, 4108, 220, 220, 1419, 3776, 482, 49059, 47136, 220, 220, 1644, 720, 39730, 1517, 2094, 220, 220, 1490, 52252, 36698, 220, 220, 1627, 62517, 220, 220, 6083, 720, 78, 266, 42880, 220, 220, 2491, 66008, 220, 220, 1774, 47994, 47136, 220, 220, 1927, 720, 939, 1171, 13, 34153, 220, 220, 3080, 19087, 23661, 220, 220, 2790, 1370, 9810, 3153, 220, 220, 3534, 720, 76, 1157, 747, 220, 220, 2287, 73188, 220, 220, 1682, 39834, 24512, 220, 220, 3971, 720, 5902, 20228, 220, 220, 5332, 19087, 220, 220, 1272, 41778, 39834, 220, 220, 3264, 720, 5902, 993, 351, 29037, 220, 220, 1135, 38790, 220, 1958, 10437, 39834, 220, 220, 2166, 720, 67733, 34153, 993, 351, 29037, 220, 220, 2983, 42272, 220, 220, 914, 379, 4214, 220, 220, 3971, 720, 95928, 14095, 220, 220, 2946, 6503, 1354, 220, 220, 1227, 47136, 220, 3971, 720, 7071, 45, 6256, 256, 426, 7897, 42695, 256, 84867, 1590, 5996, 375, 73852, 220, 220, 1032, 74155, 220, 220, 2946, 1448, 87873, 220, 220, 508, 720, 220, 69448, 19692, 220, 220, 2790, 34323, 220, 220, 1041, 720, 7979, 1900, 256, 4251, 16385, 220, 220, 3076, 26828, 220, 220, 4044, 720, 9258, 18168, 220, 220, 1591, 289, 6458, 16385, 220, 220, 5332, 55756, 974, 220, 220, 5120, 720, 18668, 34240, 220, 220, 1987, 4459, 436, 9188, 16385, 220, 220, 2983, 11405, 25888, 220, 220, 2946, 720, 7071, 35, 22704, 15899, 12586, 88, 540, 5757, 220, 220, 1927, 4459, 14403, 220, 220, 1958, 79669, 14403, 220, 220, 843, 33006, 29690, 11, 279, 62268, 300, 706, 2500, 3682, 2532, 311, 2804, 369, 279, 2547, 25, 19733, 1303, 60071, 56067, 311, 12576, 304, 279, 74502, 220, 315, 720, 782, 668, 1354, 13, 3277, 279, 10173, 5727, 3060, 2288, 1790, 13128, 477, 2288, 1790, 13465, 323, 5255, 1579, 482, 23797, 66, 8274, 1963, 70181, 15657, 11, 279, 720, 2017, 50810, 80142, 62268, 300, 12302, 311, 387, 2753, 323, 2753, 11297, 520, 20958, 2225, 315, 1521, 5865, 13, 2355, 262, 18156, 264, 32647, 482, 412, 62268, 300, 5334, 927, 3104, 323, 1587, 2288, 1695, 264, 2683, 46301, 279, 6680, 13465, 11, 17843, 9950, 540, 398, 66, 22689, 13, 720, 39, 1100, 540, 398, 66, 22689, 374, 8965, 24895, 220, 555, 47989, 13803, 1778, 439, 36709, 11, 294, 97745, 11, 73500, 11376, 11, 30118, 2968, 11, 22047, 11, 720, 2025, 1815, 11, 5099, 13, 1115, 3044, 374, 11383, 46649, 10234, 555, 3686, 2500, 4295, 315, 13465, 902, 22890, 459, 27471, 539, 1193, 311, 13465, 1174, 719, 311, 720, 14239, 304, 4689, 13, 1442, 279, 9950, 540, 326, 3418, 8274, 1243, 13912, 389, 12459, 13465, 311, 48839, 279, 13803, 315, 13465, 88447, 11, 9778, 279, 720, 857, 846, 300, 9221, 39019, 11, 17843, 459, 32152, 48294, 11, 2663, 20335, 13, 13235, 16410, 4322, 20335, 449, 32152, 720, 13066, 4779, 3060, 21308, 477, 10805, 56455, 22077, 220], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " that a deep depression, a mo -\nment of ecstasy or the taste of tea. It just needs to be seen for what it is. That \nis, it just needs to see or recognise itself as it is, before it is coloured or quali -\nfied by experience. What is the nature of the \u2018you\u2019 \u2013 the one you call \u2018I\u2019 \u2013 \nthat shines brightly in all your experience? \n \n(Long silence) \n \nPerfect! Stay in that silence and the memory of your eternity will emerge. \nYour self will remember itself: not the memory of an experience in the past, \nbut the memory of something that is present in you now but which seems \nto have been obscured by the clamour of experience. Your self will wake up \nfrom the amnesia of experience and recognise or remember the self that it is \nand has always been. \n That self \u2013 if we can call it a self \u2013 divested of the limitations that it seems \nto acquire from experience, is without limits, ever-present, immutable and \nimperturbable, and thus its nature is peace. It is devoid of any sense of lack, \nand thus its nature is unconditional happiness. \n \nIt feels neutral. \n \nT o begin with, by contrast with the objects of experience, it may feel neutral, \nbut in time its innate peace will make itself felt. This is not a peace that is \ndependent upon what does or does not take place in experience, nor a peace \nthat is beyond experience, but rather the imperturbable peace that is prior to \nand shines in the midst of all experience. \n In time, that peace emerges from the background of experience and be -\ngins to pervade the foreground, progressively saturating experience with the \nfeeling of sufficiency, fulfilment and contentment. That quiet, unconditional \npeace and joy is the hallmark of this recognition. \n \n61you are the happiness you seek\nawareness is never not known \n \nIf someone were now to suggest that we become aware of our breathing, \nwe would relax the focus of our attention from these words and become \naware of our breath. In fact, we do not become aware of our breath. We were \nalready aware of it, although our awareness of our breath was eclipsed by our \nawareness of these words, our room and whatever else was commanding our \nattention prior to this suggestion. \n Awareness is even more subtle than our breathing. It is the silent presence \nbehind all experience which, like the breath, is always being experienced. \nThat is, it is always knowing itself, although it often overlooks itself in favour \nof objective experience. So it would be more accurate to say that awareness\u2019s \nknowledge of itself is partially obscured by objective experience, and even \nthen, only seemingly so. \n Let us take another analogy to illustrate this. Imagine a woman just before \nshe leaves home for work in the morning. When she thinks of herself, she \nthinks of herself as a woman. Now she goes to work at the police station. \nShe changes into her uniform and starts her day\u2019s work with her colleagues \nin the office. She now thinks of herself as a policewoman. \n In both cases, she knows herself as a woman. In the first case, her knowl -\nedge of herself as a woman is not qualified by any association or activity. \nIn the second case, her knowledge of herself as a woman is qualified by her \nrelationships and activities as a police officer. As a result, she now thinks of \nherself as a policewoman; she no longer knows herself as an unqualified \nwoman. \n \nLikewise, awareness never ceases knowing itself, because self-awareness is its \nnature. Its knowing of itself is simply mixed with the content of experience \nand so, in most cases, it does not know itself clearly. Awareness partially over-\nlooks or forgets its knowledge of itself in favour of its knowledge of objec -\ntive experience. That is the price it pays for experience. \n Shantananda Saraswati used to tell a story of ten men who swam across \nthe Ganges. Once on the other side, each man counted the party in order to \nensure that everyone had crossed the river safely. Each man counted only nine. \n A passerby, finding them distraught, enquired as to the reason, and they \nexplained that one of their friends had drowned. Realising their mistake, \n62the silent presence of awareness\nhe asked one of the men to count the group, being sure that he included \nhimself at the end. \u2018One, two, three\u2026\u2019 He arrived at \u2018ten\u2019 and, at that mo -\nment, each man realised that he had neglected himself. \n Likewise, we tend to focus on thoughts, images, memories, feelings, \nactivities, relationships, and so on, but we neglect our self, the silent presence \nof awareness in the background that peacefully witnesses it all. That is, aware -\nness loses itself in the content of experience and, in doing so, overlooks \nor loses touch with itself. We pay for that neglect with our happiness. \n T o become aware of awareness does not require effort, any more than an \neffort was required for the tenth man to remember himself. All that is \nrequired is the relaxation of a previous effort, namely, the exclusive focus of \nour attention on the content of experience at the expense of our being. \n As soon as this effort is relaxed, the presence of awareness shines by itself. \nIt was always shining. It is always shining! However, if we are accustomed \nto losing our self in, or identifying our self with, the content of experience, \nit may seem, to begin with, that an effort is required to disentangle our self \nfrom experience, in which case we should make the effort. \n In time, what previously seemed to require an effort will be felt as our \nnatural condition. Thus, what may seem at first to be a practice, something \nthat we as a separate person do, turns out in the end to be a non-practice. \nOnly from the limited perspective of the separate self does what we are be-\ncome something that we seem to do. \n \n63 chapter eight\nThe Open, Empty, Aware Space\nIt is precisely because there is nothing within the One \nthat all things are from it. \nplotinus \n \nIs it enough to recognise oneself as the witnessing presence of awareness in the \nbackground of experience? \n \nThe recognition of awareness in the background of experience is, in most \ncases, a necessary first step. However, it is important to understand that \nthe presence of awareness is not just the ever-present and unlimited back-\nground of experience but also the medium or the field within which all ex -\nperience arises, in which it exists and into which it disappears when it \nvanishes. \n It is obvious, even from a conventional point of view, that thoughts and \nfeelings arise and exist within awareness. It is not so obvious that our experi -\nence of the body and the world, which is known only as a flow of sensations \nand perceptions, also takes place in awareness. \n If our attention travels from a thought to a sensation, for instance, the \ntingling of our face, hands or feet, and from a sensation to a perception, \nsuch as any sound that may be present in our environment, we do not find \nour attention leaving one field in which thoughts appear and entering a sec -\nond in which sensations appear, and then leaving the field in which sensa -\ntions appear and entering a third in which perceptions arise. Our attention \nis always travelling in the same field, the field of awareness. \n As such, the relationship between awareness and experience is much more \nintimate than that of an impartial witness to the objects of experience. At this \nstage of understanding, awareness could be likened to a vast, empty, aware \nspace within which the objects of experience arise, in which they exist while \nthey are present and into which they vanish when they disappear. you are the happiness you seek\n At no point do we encounter, or could we ever encounter, anything that \ntakes place outside awareness, just as a cloud never appears outside the sky. \nEven time and space, which we normally consider to be the vast containers \nwithin which all events and objects arise, are themselves experienced within \nawareness, the only place where any experience can appear. \n Prior to the arising of experience, awareness is empty of all objective con -\ntent, just as the space of an unfurnished room is empty of objects. In fact, \nit is on account of the emptiness of awareness that the fullness of experience \nis able to arise within it. If awareness were not empty, there would be no room \nfor experience within it, in the same way that if an unfurnished house were \nnot empty, there would be no room for the furniture within it, or if a screen \nwere not transparent, it would not be possible for a movie to appear on it. \n \nBut my awareness seems to be confined and limited to my body. \n \nAllow your attention to range freely over the entire spectrum of your experi -\nence and see if you ever encounter anything that takes place outside aware -\nness. Would it be possible to have an experience that occurred outside \nawareness? See that your attention never leaves the field of awareness. What -\never it encounters is encountered within awareness. Indeed, attention itself \nis the focusing of awareness within itself. \n Can you even imagine an experience that could take place outside aware -\nness? Consider the extremes of experience: a near-death encounter, a vision \nof God, a drug-induced trip, a moment of ecstasy, intense pain. See in this", "token_ids": [430, 264, 5655, 18710, 11, 264, 4647, 18722, 479, 315, 93663, 477, 279, 12945, 315, 15600, 13, 1102, 1120, 3966, 311, 387, 3970, 369, 1148, 433, 374, 13, 3011, 2355, 285, 11, 433, 1120, 3966, 311, 1518, 477, 44917, 5196, 439, 433, 374, 11, 1603, 433, 374, 58919, 477, 95625, 18722, 69, 1142, 555, 3217, 13, 3639, 374, 279, 7138, 315, 279, 3451, 9514, 529, 1389, 279, 832, 499, 1650, 3451, 40, 529, 1389, 2355, 9210, 65880, 76389, 304, 682, 701, 3217, 30, 2355, 720, 18176, 21847, 8, 2355, 720, 52141, 0, 29837, 304, 430, 21847, 323, 279, 5044, 315, 701, 64482, 690, 34044, 13, 2355, 7927, 659, 690, 6227, 5196, 25, 539, 279, 5044, 315, 459, 3217, 304, 279, 3347, 11, 2355, 8248, 279, 5044, 315, 2555, 430, 374, 3118, 304, 499, 1457, 719, 902, 5084, 2355, 998, 617, 1027, 96801, 555, 279, 60610, 414, 315, 3217, 13, 4718, 659, 690, 15508, 709, 2355, 1527, 279, 1097, 98575, 315, 3217, 323, 44917, 477, 6227, 279, 659, 430, 433, 374, 2355, 438, 706, 2744, 1027, 13, 2355, 257, 3011, 659, 1389, 422, 584, 649, 1650, 433, 264, 659, 1389, 3512, 10185, 315, 279, 9669, 430, 433, 5084, 2355, 998, 21953, 505, 3217, 11, 374, 2085, 13693, 11, 3596, 49124, 11, 52672, 323, 2355, 6802, 531, 9225, 481, 11, 323, 8617, 1202, 7138, 374, 9096, 13, 1102, 374, 76939, 315, 904, 5647, 315, 6996, 11, 2355, 438, 8617, 1202, 7138, 374, 84663, 23871, 13, 2355, 720, 2181, 11321, 21277, 13, 2355, 720, 51, 297, 3240, 449, 11, 555, 13168, 449, 279, 6302, 315, 3217, 11, 433, 1253, 2733, 21277, 11, 2355, 8248, 304, 892, 1202, 65070, 9096, 690, 1304, 5196, 6612, 13, 1115, 374, 539, 264, 9096, 430, 374, 2355, 38655, 5304, 1148, 1587, 477, 1587, 539, 1935, 2035, 304, 3217, 11, 6463, 264, 9096, 2355, 9210, 374, 7953, 220, 3217, 11, 719, 4856, 279, 3242, 531, 9225, 481, 9096, 430, 374, 4972, 311, 2355, 438, 65880, 304, 279, 35446, 315, 682, 3217, 13, 2355, 257, 763, 892, 11, 430, 9096, 59696, 505, 279, 4092, 315, 3217, 323, 387, 18722, 70, 1354, 311, 47274, 1037, 279, 40405, 11, 72859, 94577, 1113, 3217, 449, 279, 2355, 1897, 20659, 315, 8657, 10603, 11, 64201, 479, 323, 2262, 479, 13, 3011, 11594, 11, 84663, 2355, 55225, 323, 16267, 374, 279, 98799, 315, 420, 18324, 13, 2355, 720, 5547, 9514, 527, 279, 23871, 499, 6056, 198, 20111, 2136, 374, 2646, 539, 3967, 2355, 720, 2746, 4423, 1051, 1457, 311, 4284, 430, 584, 3719, 8010, 315, 1057, 27027, 11, 2355, 906, 1053, 12234, 279, 5357, 315, 1057, 6666, 505, 1521, 4339, 323, 3719, 2355, 20111, 315, 1057, 11745, 13, 763, 2144, 11, 584, 656, 539, 3719, 220, 8010, 315, 1057, 11745, 13, 1226, 1051, 2355, 46584, 8010, 315, 433, 11, 8051, 1057, 17985, 315, 1057, 11745, 574, 93534, 291, 555, 1057, 2355, 20111, 2136, 315, 1521, 4339, 11, 1057, 3130, 323, 8996, 775, 574, 65440, 1057, 2355, 54203, 4972, 311, 420, 24710, 13, 2355, 257, 63135, 374, 1524, 810, 27545, 1109, 1057, 27027, 13, 1102, 374, 279, 21737, 9546, 2355, 30998, 485, 682, 3217, 902, 11, 1093, 279, 11745, 11, 374, 2744, 1694, 10534, 13, 2355, 4897, 374, 11, 433, 374, 2744, 14392, 5196, 11, 8051, 433, 3629, 31805, 82, 5196, 304, 12617, 2355, 1073, 16945, 3217, 13, 2100, 433, 1053, 387, 810, 13687, 311, 2019, 430, 17985, 753, 2355, 90153, 315, 5196, 374, 26310, 220, 96801, 555, 16945, 3217, 11, 323, 1524, 2355, 3473, 11, 1193, 23490, 220, 779, 13, 2355, 257, 6914, 603, 1935, 2500, 56203, 311, 41468, 420, 13, 38891, 264, 5333, 1120, 1603, 2355, 32158, 11141, 2162, 369, 990, 304, 279, 6693, 13, 3277, 1364, 15849, 315, 11937, 11, 1364, 2355, 339, 15872, 315, 11937, 439, 264, 5333, 13, 4800, 1364, 5900, 311, 990, 520, 279, 4379, 8216, 13, 2355, 8100, 4442, 1139, 1077, 14113, 323, 8638, 1077, 1938, 753, 990, 449, 1077, 18105, 2355, 258, 279, 5274, 13, 3005, 1457, 15849, 315, 11937, 439, 264, 8708, 365, 7053, 13, 2355, 257, 763, 2225, 5157, 11, 1364, 8964, 11937, 439, 264, 5333, 13, 763, 279, 1176, 1162, 11, 1077, 1440, 75, 18722, 7334, 315, 11937, 439, 264, 5333, 374, 539, 15337, 555, 904, 15360, 477, 5820, 13, 2355, 644, 279, 2132, 1162, 11, 1077, 6677, 315, 11937, 439, 264, 5333, 374, 15337, 555, 1077, 2355, 86924, 323, 7640, 439, 264, 4379, 9640, 13, 1666, 264, 1121, 11, 1364, 1457, 15849, 315, 2355, 71, 388, 491, 439, 264, 8708, 365, 7053, 26, 1364, 912, 5129, 8964, 11937, 439, 459, 653, 37435, 2355, 22803, 13, 2355, 720, 73097, 25346, 11, 17985, 2646, 3846, 2315, 14392, 5196, 11, 1606, 659, 66104, 2136, 374, 1202, 2355, 67812, 13, 11699, 14392, 315, 5196, 374, 5042, 9709, 449, 279, 2262, 315, 3217, 2355, 438, 779, 11, 304, 1455, 5157, 11, 433, 1587, 539, 1440, 5196, 9539, 662, 63135, 26310, 927, 7058, 95373, 477, 10894, 82, 1202, 6677, 315, 5196, 304, 12617, 315, 1202, 6677, 315, 2909, 762, 18722, 83, 535, 3217, 13, 3011, 374, 279, 3430, 433, 21935, 369, 3217, 13, 2355, 257, 1443, 67289, 10018, 95914, 86, 9491, 1511, 311, 3371, 264, 3446, 315, 5899, 3026, 889, 2064, 309, 4028, 2355, 1820, 480, 5637, 13, 9843, 389, 279, 1023, 3185, 11, 1855, 893, 31094, 279, 4717, 304, 2015, 311, 2355, 28389, 430, 5127, 1047, 28129, 279, 15140, 21676, 13, 9062, 893, 31094, 1193, 11888, 13, 5996, 257, 362, 45347, 1729, 11, 9455, 1124, 58571, 3948, 11, 665, 3004, 439, 311, 279, 2944, 11, 323, 814, 2355, 81950, 430, 832, 315, 872, 4885, 1047, 74995, 13, 8976, 3876, 872, 16930, 11, 2355, 5538, 1820, 21737, 9546, 315, 17985, 198, 383, 4691, 832, 315, 279, 3026, 311, 1797, 279, 1912, 11, 1694, 2771, 430, 568, 5343, 2355, 40617, 726, 520, 279, 842, 13, 3451, 4054, 11, 1403, 11, 2380, 1981, 529, 1283, 11721, 520, 3451, 2002, 529, 323, 11, 520, 430, 4647, 18722, 479, 11, 1855, 893, 41193, 430, 568, 1047, 51533, 5678, 13, 2355, 257, 50487, 11, 584, 8541, 311, 5357, 389, 11555, 11, 5448, 11, 19459, 11, 16024, 11, 2355, 33078, 11, 12135, 11, 323, 779, 389, 11, 719, 584, 39332, 1057, 659, 11, 279, 21737, 9546, 2355, 1073, 17985, 304, 279, 4092, 430, 67879, 28823, 433, 682, 13, 3011, 374, 11, 8010, 18722, 2136, 33291, 5196, 304, 279, 2262, 315, 3217, 323, 11, 304, 3815, 779, 11, 31805, 82, 2355, 269, 33291, 5916, 449, 5196, 13, 1226, 2343, 369, 430, 39332, 449, 1057, 23871, 13, 2355, 257, 350, 297, 3719, 8010, 315, 17985, 1587, 539, 1397, 5149, 11, 904, 810, 1109, 459, 2355, 6581, 371, 574, 2631, 369, 279, 56766, 893, 311, 6227, 5678, 13, 2052, 430, 374, 2355, 6413, 374, 279, 43685, 220, 315, 264, 3766, 5149, 11, 32125, 11, 279, 14079, 5357, 315, 2355, 414, 6666, 389, 279, 2262, 315, 3217, 520, 279, 20900, 315, 1057, 1694, 13, 2355, 257, 1666, 5246, 439, 420, 5149, 374, 31467, 11, 279, 9546, 315, 17985, 65880, 555, 5196, 13, 2355, 2181, 574, 2744, 49025, 13, 1102, 374, 2744, 49025, 0, 4452, 11, 422, 584, 527, 53184, 2355, 998, 13490, 1057, 659, 304, 11, 477, 25607, 1057, 659, 449, 11, 279, 2262, 315, 3217, 11, 2355, 275, 1253, 2873, 11, 311, 3240, 449, 11, 430, 459, 5149, 374, 2631, 311, 834, 306, 4134, 1057, 659, 2355, 1527, 3217, 11, 304, 902, 1162, 584, 1288, 1304, 279, 5149, 13, 2355, 257, 763, 892, 11, 1148, 8767, 9508, 311, 1397, 459, 5149, 690, 387, 6612, 439, 1057, 2355, 53980, 3044, 13, 14636, 11, 1148, 1253, 2873, 520, 1176, 311, 387, 264, 6725, 11, 2555, 2355, 9210, 584, 439, 264, 8821, 1732, 656, 11, 10800, 704, 304, 279, 842, 311, 387, 264, 2536, 27748, 34101, 13, 2355, 7456, 505, 279, 7347, 13356, 315, 279, 8821, 659, 1587, 1148, 584, 527, 387, 7058, 2063, 2555, 430, 584, 2873, 311, 656, 13, 33006, 5495, 12735, 8223, 198, 791, 5377, 11, 23020, 11, 55640, 11746, 198, 2181, 374, 24559, 1606, 1070, 374, 4400, 2949, 279, 3861, 2355, 9210, 682, 2574, 527, 505, 433, 13, 5996, 4569, 71956, 5996, 720, 3957, 433, 3403, 311, 44917, 57669, 439, 279, 70042, 9546, 315, 17985, 304, 279, 2355, 6884, 315, 3217, 30, 2355, 720, 791, 18324, 315, 17985, 304, 279, 4092, 315, 3217, 374, 11, 304, 1455, 2355, 24857, 11, 264, 5995, 1176, 3094, 13, 4452, 11, 433, 374, 3062, 311, 3619, 430, 2355, 1820, 9546, 315, 17985, 374, 539, 1120, 279, 3596, 49124, 323, 27862, 1203, 7058, 1993, 315, 3217, 719, 1101, 279, 11298, 220, 477, 279, 2115, 2949, 902, 682, 506, 18722, 13267, 48282, 11, 304, 902, 433, 6866, 323, 1139, 902, 433, 61370, 994, 433, 2355, 16023, 21168, 13, 2355, 257, 1102, 374, 8196, 11, 1524, 505, 264, 21349, 1486, 315, 1684, 11, 430, 11555, 323, 2355, 57676, 826, 31889, 323, 3073, 2949, 17985, 13, 1102, 374, 539, 779, 8196, 430, 1057, 5866, 18722, 768, 315, 279, 2547, 323, 279, 1917, 11, 902, 374, 3967, 1193, 439, 264, 6530, 315, 72597, 2355, 438, 51866, 11, 1101, 5097, 2035, 304, 17985, 13, 2355, 257, 1442, 1057, 6666, 35292, 505, 264, 3463, 311, 264, 37392, 11, 369, 2937, 11, 279, 2355, 1303, 2785, 315, 1057, 3663, 11, 6206, 477, 7693, 11, 323, 505, 264, 37392, 311, 264, 21063, 11, 2355, 21470, 439, 904, 5222, 430, 1253, 387, 3118, 304, 1057, 4676, 11, 584, 656, 539, 1505, 2355, 414, 6666, 9564, 832, 2115, 304, 902, 11555, 5101, 323, 16661, 264, 5819, 18722, 2159, 304, 902, 72597, 5101, 11, 323, 1243, 9564, 279, 2115, 304, 902, 6225, 64, 18722, 83, 919, 5101, 323, 16661, 264, 4948, 304, 902, 51866, 31889, 13, 5751, 6666, 2355, 285, 2744, 31829, 304, 279, 220, 1890, 220, 2115, 11, 279, 2115, 315, 17985, 13, 2355, 257, 1666, 1778, 11, 279, 5133, 1990, 17985, 323, 3217, 374, 1790, 810, 2355, 396, 3509, 1109, 430, 315, 459, 68824, 11550, 311, 279, 6302, 315, 3217, 13, 2468, 420, 2355, 21406, 315, 8830, 11, 17985, 1436, 387, 55385, 291, 311, 264, 13057, 11, 4384, 11, 8010, 2355, 8920, 2949, 902, 279, 6302, 315, 3217, 31889, 11, 304, 902, 814, 3073, 1418, 2355, 20670, 527, 3118, 323, 1139, 902, 814, 92227, 994, 814, 32153, 13, 220, 499, 527, 279, 23871, 499, 6056, 198, 257, 2468, 912, 1486, 656, 584, 13123, 11, 477, 1436, 584, 3596, 13123, 11, 4205, 430, 2355, 79079, 2035, 4994, 17985, 11, 1120, 439, 264, 9624, 2646, 8111, 4994, 279, 13180, 13, 2355, 13461, 892, 323, 3634, 11, 902, 584, 14614, 2980, 311, 387, 279, 13057, 24794, 2355, 56950, 902, 682, 4455, 323, 6302, 31889, 11, 527, 5694, 10534, 2949, 2355, 20111, 2136, 11, 279, 1193, 2035, 1405, 904, 3217, 649, 5101, 13, 2355, 257, 32499, 311, 279, 40986, 315, 3217, 11, 17985, 374, 4384, 315, 682, 16945, 390, 18722, 73468, 11, 1120, 439, 279, 3634, 315, 459, 9662, 84539, 3130, 374, 4384, 315, 6302, 13, 763, 2144, 11, 2355, 275, 374, 389, 2759, 315, 279, 54169, 1918, 315, 17985, 430, 279, 2539, 2136, 315, 3217, 2355, 285, 3025, 311, 31889, 2949, 433, 13, 1442, 17985, 1051, 539, 4384, 11, 1070, 1053, 387, 912, 3130, 2355, 2000, 3217, 2949, 433, 11, 304, 279, 1890, 1648, 430, 422, 459, 9662, 84539, 3838, 1051, 2355, 1962, 4384, 11, 1070, 1053, 387, 912, 3130, 369, 279, 14891, 2949, 433, 11, 477, 422, 264, 4264, 2355, 52898, 539, 18300, 11, 433, 1053, 539, 387, 3284, 369, 264, 5818, 311, 5101, 389, 433, 13, 2355, 720, 4071, 856, 17985, 5084, 311, 387, 45408, 323, 7347, 311, 856, 2547, 13, 2355, 720, 19118, 701, 6666, 311, 2134, 26662, 927, 279, 4553, 20326, 315, 701, 5866, 18722, 768, 323, 1518, 422, 499, 3596, 13123, 4205, 430, 5097, 2035, 4994, 8010, 18722, 2136, 13, 19418, 433, 387, 3284, 311, 617, 459, 3217, 430, 10222, 4994, 2355, 20111, 2136, 30, 3580, 430, 701, 6666, 2646, 11141, 279, 2115, 315, 17985, 13, 3639, 18722, 2099, 433, 35006, 374, 23926, 2949, 17985, 13, 23150, 11, 6666, 5196, 2355, 285, 279, 21760, 315, 17985, 2949, 5196, 13, 2355, 257, 3053, 499, 1524, 13085, 459, 3217, 430, 1436, 1935, 2035, 4994, 8010, 18722, 2136, 30, 21829, 279, 69971, 315, 3217, 25, 264, 3221, 97586, 13123, 11, 264, 11376, 2355, 1073, 4359, 11, 264, 5623, 38973, 8577, 11, 264, 4545, 315, 93663, 11, 19428, 6784, 13, 3580, 304, 420], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": "'s over-\nprocessed, de-mineralized \nfoods \nladen\n with preservatives,\nartificial chemicals and \nexcessive amounts\n of sugar and salt. A huge\namount of energy is spent \nby the\n body in its struggle to process or\nmetabolize this food. It must:\n \n1.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\nconvert the calories into usable energy;\n2.\n\t\t\t\t\nseparate out toxins, chemicals, waste material and pollutants; \nand \n \n3.\n try to eliminate all of these from the body.\n \nSince I am continually sipping on distilled water, I still do not \nhave \nany\nstrong cravings for food. However, temptations are a \nwhole different\n story.\nAlice went \noff her\n complete fast and is now \neating salads\n and fruit. So I\nwent with her to buy another bottle \nof Complete\n Multiple Liquid Vitamins\nand had to walk across \nthe entire\n store to get to the health food section,\npassing all \nmy favorite\n things, \nFood\n! That was not fun! I recommend you\nstay out\n of grocery stores while fasting; and did I mention the kitchen?\n Today my trainer went over the program and talked about \nthe various\nforms and types of exercise... \n \nThere are basically four different types of exercise and all \nfour help\n the\nbody in different ways. All four types are needed \nand each\n serves a\ndifferent function of your body: \n \nThe first thing I learned is that I don't need to be a bodybuilder to\nbenefit from strength training.\n \n1.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\nThe resistance exercises\n increased the strength\n of my bones,\nmuscles, ligaments and tendons.\n2.\n\t\t\t\t\nIt produced muscle \ndefinition and shape.\n \n3.\n\t\t\t\t\nIt also\n increased my muscle mass\n\u2014I discovered that most all\nadults lose about one-half pound of muscle per year after 25\nyears of age primari\nly due to less activity. When the body is at\nrest,\n muscle tissue is still burning a number of calories (the basal\nmetabolic rate, or BMR). As my muscle mass increases, BMR\nincreases, making it easier to maintain my optimal healthy body\nweight based on my height and age. \n4.\n\t\t\t\nThe quality of my life is greatly enhanced \nas my muscle strength\nincreases. Daily life will be less strenuous, such as walking\nupstairs or long distances, hiking, biking or swimming.\n \nThe Primary Program\n \nMy trainer has developed a program that combines many exercises that\nbuild all the major muscle groups. No single group should be neglected\nsince that could inevitably lead to strength imbalances and serious posture\nissues. My certified fitness professional is helping me develop a safe,\neffective, long term program. If you are considering an exercise program\nwhile fasting, you may also wish to consult with a certified fitness\nprofessional to learn safe technique before beginning a strength-training\nprogram.\n \nAs an example: \u201cOne set of eight to 12 repetitions, working the muscles tothe point of fatigue, is usually sufficient. Breathe normally throughout the\nexercise. Lower the resistance with a slow, controlled cadence throughout\nthe full range of motion. Lifting the weight to a count of 2 and lowering it to a\ncount of 3 or 4 is effective.\u201d\n \n\u201cWhen you are able to perform 12 repetitions of an exercise correctly\n(without cheating), increase the amount of resistance by 5 to 10% to\ncontinue making safe progress.\u201d\n \nFlexibility Exercises\nHoly cow, I never realized how out of shape I am! It was about all I could\ndo to bend over and touch my knees, let alone my toes. Stretching\nexercises will help you become more flexible. However, doing them every\nday is essential. The most important thing to do is have a regular exercise\nroutine every day. And if you don't know what you're doing, having some\nsort of supervision is crucial. You don't want to injure yourself\nunintentionally.\n \nKeep your joints and muscles lubricated. I start all my workouts with low\nimpact stretches and work up to a full stretch workout. Later, I wind down\nmy routine with low-impact exercises.\n \nDo stretches every day and work at it progressively. Remember, you\ncan't become flexible overnight. Work at a rate you're comfortable with,\nand then slowly increase the difficulty (length of time, length of reach or\nboth).\n \nMake sure you have supervision. If you have no idea what you're doing,\nyou'll injure yourself. Most martial arts schools and gym classes have\nextensive programs and teachers. Check them out. Eat a healthy diet.\n \nEat more green leafy vegetables, and drink plenty of distilled water,\nespecially upon waking. Increase your protein and calcium. Reread the\nsection on supplements and vitamins. The most important thing is to\nbalance everything.\n \n Shoulders\n \nStretch each arm as far across your chest while holding it as \nlong as\n you\ncan without feeling pain for 5 or 10 minutes every day. \nLift small\n weights\ndaily so that your muscles can become \ngradually accustomed\n to the\nrepetitive motion and movement.\n \n \nBack (Be Extremely Careful)\n \nI myself, have two ruptured discs and a herniated disc in my \nback so\n I\nhave to build up slowly the muscles that support the spine. This next\nexercise was especially helpful in accomplishing this.\n \nLie down on the floor.\n \n1.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\nSit up straight, leaving your legs out in front of you. They don't\nhave to be flat.\n2.\n\t\t\t\t\nTurn your upper body slowly, and make absolutely sure that you\nstop turning before it starts to hurt. If you \nstretch improperly\n it is\nrelatively easy to damage your spinal cord, so pay attention. \n3.\n\t\t\t\t\nWhen you stop turning, hold that position for 5 to 10 seconds.\nTurn the other direction and repeat.\n \nTry and do a back-bend/bridge.\n Be very careful not to go too far! Once\nyou are in the bridge, gently push through your shoulders\n, and\n try to put\nyour legs together and straighten them. Don't \ngo onto\n your toes! \n1.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\nYou can also stand up with your arms hanging out to \nthe side\n and\nthen very slowly twist from side to side.\n2.\n\t\t\t\t\nAnother \nstretch is to lay flat on your tummy and then use your\narms to put yourself in a snake or seal stretch.\n \nLegs\n \n1.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\nSit down as you did before for the back exercises, only this time\nmake your legs as flat on the ground as possible, right beside\neach other.\n2.\n\t\t\t\t\nStretch down toward your knees. Do not bend your head to faceyour knees, face forward. \n3.\n\t\t\t\t\nThis will also stretch your neck muscles; if it hurts your neck to do\nthis exercise, face your knees and stretch. \n4.\n\t\t\t\t\nYou can also sit down with your legs straight out and take your\nright leg and swing it over your left leg a few times. Do the same\nwith your left leg. \n5.\n\t\t\t\t\nTry doing the splits as well as possible, but carefully for about 4\nminutes per day. If you are advanced and flat on the ground,\ntake a sofa pillow and put one of your legs on it to give more of a\nstretch\n.\n \nRemember to be patient\n. (I should talk!) The key to\nbeing flexible is waiting calmly.\n \n \nUpper Thighs (Butt)\n Squeeze both sides of your thighs together\n. Hold for 5 \nminutes. (If this is too long, start with 2 minutes, and build up.)\n \nFingers\n Hold one hand out in a fist\n. \n1.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\nSlowly open up the fist.\n2.\n\t\t\t\t\nStretch your fingers back as far as they can. Hold for a minute.\n(You can also try this against a wall.) \n3.\n\t\t\t\t\nRepeat with your other hand. This can help with carpal tunnel\nsyndrome.\n \nAnkles\n \n1.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\nFirst, sit with your legs straight out in front of you (as you did in\nthe leg stretch) and twist your ankles in any shape or form (for\nexample, the ABC\u2019s).\n2.\n\t\t\t\t\nYou can also sit with one leg in front of you and take the other\nankle and rest it on your knee. Grab your foot and twist your\nankle.\n \nWrists\n \n1.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\nSit on your ankles, kneeling, and then put your hands out\nlike you are reading a book.\n2.\n\t\t\t\t\nFlip your hands onto the floor with fingers facing you, like\n\"save the page.\"3.\n\t\t\t\t\nAfter you do the stretch above, flip your hands in various\nways (fingers facing outward or inward to the side).\n \nPositive & Negative Stretching\nRemember to include both the positive and negative motions when you\nstretch. Keep it symmetrical. If you are stretching your left, stretch out\nyour right, too. If you are bending forward, bend backwards too.\n \nTips\n \n1.\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\nRemember to begin with gentle, slow stretching. Warning:\nStarting with difficult and advanced stretches is dangerous and\nill-advised for anyone.\n2.\n\t\t\t\t\nOne way to warm up would to be to do a decent amount of\njumping jacks. \n3.\n\t\t\t\t\nTake a ballet class to get flexible, so a professional can train\nyou.:-) Come on guys, you can do it! \n4.\n\t\t\t\t\nBe patient, if you think you're not getting any more flexible, don't\nquit. You'll see progress even\ntually, and it will be worth it.\n \nWhat is cardiovascular exercise?\nCardiovascular exercise is aerobic exercise, and \nsometimes referred\n", "token_ids": [596, 927, 7058, 35122, 11, 409, 13703, 3333, 1534, 720, 96420, 720, 89651, 198, 449, 1685, 79629, 345, 472, 16895, 26333, 323, 720, 327, 87728, 15055, 198, 315, 13465, 323, 12290, 13, 362, 6908, 198, 6173, 315, 4907, 374, 7543, 720, 1729, 279, 198, 2547, 304, 1202, 14993, 311, 1920, 477, 198, 4150, 53904, 553, 420, 3691, 13, 1102, 2011, 512, 720, 16, 627, 18737, 14500, 279, 25247, 1139, 41030, 4907, 280, 17, 627, 7786, 325, 68698, 704, 62186, 11, 26333, 11, 12571, 3769, 323, 83661, 26, 720, 438, 720, 5996, 18, 627, 1456, 311, 22472, 682, 315, 1521, 505, 279, 2547, 627, 720, 12834, 358, 1097, 35611, 274, 5772, 389, 89867, 3090, 11, 358, 2103, 656, 539, 720, 19553, 720, 3852, 198, 4620, 89928, 369, 3691, 13, 4452, 11, 26032, 811, 527, 264, 720, 67733, 2204, 198, 3446, 627, 62786, 4024, 720, 1885, 1077, 198, 4686, 5043, 323, 374, 1457, 720, 91955, 77852, 198, 323, 14098, 13, 2100, 358, 198, 42700, 449, 1077, 311, 3780, 2500, 16893, 720, 1073, 19121, 198, 29911, 42358, 29560, 38925, 198, 438, 1047, 311, 4321, 4028, 720, 1820, 4553, 198, 3637, 311, 636, 311, 279, 2890, 3691, 3857, 345, 6519, 287, 682, 720, 2465, 7075, 198, 2574, 11, 720, 27844, 198, 0, 3011, 574, 539, 2523, 0, 358, 7079, 499, 198, 60021, 704, 198, 315, 30687, 10756, 1418, 54560, 26, 323, 1550, 358, 6420, 279, 9979, 5380, 11450, 856, 29994, 4024, 927, 279, 2068, 323, 15243, 922, 720, 1820, 5370, 198, 10008, 323, 4595, 315, 10368, 1131, 2623, 27907, 3947, 527, 13524, 3116, 2204, 4595, 315, 10368, 323, 682, 720, 35124, 1520, 198, 279, 198, 2664, 304, 2204, 5627, 13, 2052, 3116, 4595, 527, 4460, 720, 438, 1855, 198, 17482, 264, 198, 64750, 734, 315, 701, 2547, 25, 7071, 720, 791, 1176, 3245, 358, 9687, 374, 430, 358, 1541, 956, 1205, 311, 387, 264, 2547, 18331, 311, 198, 68244, 275, 505, 8333, 4967, 627, 7071, 16, 627, 18737, 791, 13957, 23783, 198, 7319, 279, 8333, 198, 315, 856, 25896, 345, 38827, 19153, 11, 29413, 24469, 323, 8541, 2439, 627, 17, 627, 7786, 2181, 9124, 16124, 720, 18881, 323, 6211, 627, 7071, 18, 627, 7786, 2181, 1101, 198, 7319, 856, 16124, 3148, 198, 51757, 11352, 430, 1455, 682, 198, 68956, 82, 9229, 922, 832, 34902, 31123, 315, 16124, 824, 1060, 1306, 220, 914, 198, 42820, 315, 4325, 9036, 2850, 198, 398, 4245, 311, 2753, 5820, 13, 3277, 279, 2547, 374, 520, 198, 4014, 345, 16124, 20438, 374, 2103, 20252, 264, 1396, 315, 25247, 320, 1820, 80710, 198, 4150, 57565, 4478, 11, 477, 426, 18953, 570, 1666, 856, 16124, 3148, 12992, 11, 426, 18953, 198, 43842, 2315, 11, 3339, 433, 8831, 311, 10519, 856, 23669, 9498, 2547, 198, 4870, 3196, 389, 856, 2673, 323, 4325, 13, 7071, 19, 627, 4660, 791, 4367, 315, 856, 2324, 374, 19407, 24872, 720, 300, 856, 16124, 8333, 198, 43842, 2315, 13, 13690, 2324, 690, 387, 2753, 93319, 9373, 11, 1778, 439, 11689, 198, 455, 31234, 477, 1317, 27650, 11, 38464, 11, 67180, 477, 24269, 627, 720, 791, 26150, 6826, 27907, 5159, 29994, 706, 8040, 264, 2068, 430, 33511, 1690, 23783, 430, 198, 5957, 682, 279, 3682, 16124, 5315, 13, 2360, 3254, 1912, 1288, 387, 51533, 198, 11536, 430, 1436, 40605, 3063, 311, 8333, 737, 76527, 323, 6129, 48378, 198, 18934, 13, 3092, 23759, 17479, 6721, 374, 10695, 757, 2274, 264, 6220, 345, 78995, 11, 1317, 4751, 2068, 13, 1442, 499, 527, 13126, 459, 10368, 2068, 198, 3556, 54560, 11, 499, 1253, 1101, 6562, 311, 8666, 449, 264, 23759, 17479, 198, 66886, 311, 4048, 6220, 15105, 1603, 7314, 264, 8333, 86470, 198, 15252, 627, 720, 2170, 459, 3187, 25, 1054, 4054, 743, 315, 8223, 311, 220, 717, 86066, 11, 3318, 279, 24569, 311, 1820, 1486, 315, 36709, 11, 374, 6118, 14343, 13, 426, 1244, 383, 14614, 6957, 279, 198, 64562, 13, 28636, 279, 13957, 449, 264, 6435, 11, 14400, 19973, 768, 6957, 198, 1820, 2539, 2134, 315, 11633, 13, 445, 18148, 279, 4785, 311, 264, 1797, 315, 220, 17, 323, 46301, 433, 311, 264, 198, 1868, 315, 220, 18, 477, 220, 19, 374, 7524, 49216, 720, 51928, 499, 527, 3025, 311, 2804, 220, 717, 86066, 315, 459, 10368, 12722, 198, 17411, 412, 42823, 705, 5376, 279, 3392, 315, 13957, 555, 220, 20, 311, 220, 605, 4, 311, 198, 9726, 3339, 6220, 5208, 49216, 720, 32771, 3225, 91554, 198, 72291, 19923, 11, 358, 2646, 15393, 1268, 704, 315, 6211, 358, 1097, 0, 1102, 574, 922, 682, 358, 1436, 198, 3055, 311, 37920, 927, 323, 5916, 856, 31624, 11, 1095, 7636, 856, 45713, 13, 61205, 287, 198, 327, 48815, 690, 1520, 499, 3719, 810, 19303, 13, 4452, 11, 3815, 1124, 1475, 198, 1316, 374, 7718, 13, 578, 1455, 3062, 3245, 311, 656, 374, 617, 264, 5912, 10368, 198, 54080, 1475, 1938, 13, 1628, 422, 499, 1541, 956, 1440, 1148, 499, 2351, 3815, 11, 3515, 1063, 198, 7003, 315, 38217, 374, 16996, 13, 1472, 1541, 956, 1390, 311, 5934, 554, 6261, 198, 359, 396, 3012, 750, 627, 720, 19999, 701, 35358, 323, 24569, 54494, 660, 13, 358, 1212, 682, 856, 46944, 449, 3428, 198, 58400, 50699, 323, 990, 709, 311, 264, 2539, 14841, 26308, 13, 25929, 11, 358, 10160, 1523, 198, 2465, 14348, 449, 3428, 12, 58400, 23783, 627, 720, 5519, 50699, 1475, 1938, 323, 990, 520, 433, 72859, 13, 20474, 11, 499, 198, 4919, 956, 3719, 19303, 25402, 13, 5664, 520, 264, 4478, 499, 2351, 10882, 449, 345, 438, 1243, 14297, 5376, 279, 17250, 320, 4222, 315, 892, 11, 3160, 315, 5662, 477, 198, 21704, 4390, 720, 8238, 2771, 499, 617, 38217, 13, 1442, 499, 617, 912, 4623, 1148, 499, 2351, 3815, 345, 9514, 3358, 5934, 554, 6261, 13, 7648, 37959, 19071, 8853, 323, 19343, 6989, 617, 198, 428, 4114, 7620, 323, 13639, 13, 4343, 1124, 704, 13, 45614, 264, 9498, 10173, 627, 720, 89711, 810, 6307, 16312, 88, 24822, 11, 323, 7172, 11510, 315, 89867, 3090, 345, 36046, 5304, 48728, 13, 40733, 701, 13128, 323, 35719, 13, 432, 486, 329, 279, 198, 2879, 389, 33690, 323, 46192, 13, 578, 1455, 3062, 3245, 374, 311, 198, 22298, 4395, 627, 720, 12540, 388, 27907, 54998, 1855, 6916, 439, 3117, 4028, 701, 15489, 1418, 10168, 433, 439, 720, 4930, 439, 198, 499, 198, 4919, 2085, 8430, 6784, 369, 220, 20, 477, 220, 605, 4520, 1475, 1938, 13, 720, 43, 2130, 2678, 198, 14661, 198, 49174, 779, 430, 701, 24569, 649, 3719, 720, 6902, 1870, 53184, 198, 311, 279, 198, 265, 7005, 3486, 11633, 323, 7351, 627, 33006, 3792, 320, 3513, 93796, 10852, 1285, 340, 720, 40, 7182, 11, 617, 1403, 61053, 3149, 57795, 323, 264, 72909, 10234, 2624, 304, 856, 720, 1445, 779, 198, 358, 198, 19553, 311, 1977, 709, 14297, 279, 24569, 430, 1862, 279, 35776, 13, 220, 1115, 1828, 198, 64562, 574, 5423, 11190, 304, 13390, 11218, 420, 627, 720, 77591, 1523, 389, 279, 6558, 627, 7071, 16, 627, 18737, 61935, 709, 7833, 11, 9564, 701, 14535, 704, 304, 4156, 315, 499, 13, 2435, 1541, 956, 198, 19553, 311, 387, 10269, 627, 17, 627, 7786, 19952, 701, 8582, 2547, 14297, 11, 323, 1304, 11112, 2771, 430, 499, 198, 9684, 13353, 1603, 433, 8638, 311, 13194, 13, 1442, 499, 720, 73184, 75298, 198, 433, 374, 198, 3833, 8046, 4228, 311, 5674, 701, 50112, 23125, 11, 779, 2343, 6666, 13, 7071, 18, 627, 7786, 4599, 499, 3009, 13353, 11, 3412, 430, 2361, 369, 220, 20, 311, 220, 605, 6622, 627, 19952, 279, 1023, 5216, 323, 13454, 627, 720, 22170, 323, 656, 264, 1203, 1481, 408, 14, 14024, 627, 220, 2893, 1633, 16994, 539, 311, 733, 2288, 3117, 0, 220, 9843, 198, 9514, 527, 304, 279, 14497, 11, 30373, 4585, 1555, 701, 28004, 198, 11, 323, 198, 1456, 311, 2231, 198, 22479, 14535, 3871, 323, 7833, 268, 1124, 13, 4418, 956, 720, 3427, 8800, 198, 701, 45713, 0, 12586, 16, 627, 18737, 2675, 649, 1101, 2559, 709, 449, 701, 11977, 21363, 704, 311, 720, 1820, 3185, 198, 323, 198, 3473, 1633, 14297, 27744, 505, 3185, 311, 3185, 627, 17, 627, 7786, 14364, 720, 73184, 374, 311, 11203, 10269, 389, 701, 259, 8742, 323, 1243, 1005, 220, 701, 198, 16293, 311, 2231, 6261, 304, 264, 26332, 477, 26418, 14841, 627, 720, 19444, 82, 36217, 16, 627, 18737, 61935, 1523, 439, 499, 1550, 1603, 369, 279, 1203, 23783, 11, 1193, 420, 892, 198, 7072, 701, 14535, 439, 10269, 389, 279, 5015, 439, 3284, 11, 1314, 30488, 198, 9739, 1023, 627, 17, 627, 7786, 54998, 1523, 9017, 701, 31624, 13, 3234, 539, 37920, 701, 2010, 311, 3663, 22479, 31624, 11, 3663, 4741, 13, 7071, 18, 627, 7786, 2028, 690, 1101, 14841, 701, 13272, 24569, 26, 422, 433, 44164, 701, 13272, 311, 656, 198, 576, 10368, 11, 3663, 701, 31624, 323, 14841, 13, 7071, 19, 627, 7786, 2675, 649, 1101, 2503, 1523, 449, 701, 14535, 7833, 704, 323, 1935, 701, 198, 1315, 2531, 323, 19336, 433, 927, 701, 2163, 2531, 264, 2478, 3115, 13, 3234, 279, 1890, 198, 4291, 701, 2163, 2531, 13, 12586, 20, 627, 7786, 22170, 3815, 279, 41567, 439, 1664, 439, 3284, 11, 719, 15884, 369, 922, 220, 19, 198, 38137, 824, 1938, 13, 1442, 499, 527, 11084, 323, 10269, 389, 279, 5015, 345, 23609, 264, 32169, 43425, 323, 2231, 832, 315, 701, 14535, 389, 433, 311, 3041, 810, 315, 264, 198, 73184, 198, 627, 720, 29690, 311, 387, 8893, 198, 13, 320, 40, 1288, 3137, 16715, 578, 1401, 311, 198, 35214, 19303, 374, 8748, 73170, 627, 33006, 14585, 666, 1108, 82, 320, 4071, 83, 340, 1881, 328, 19901, 2225, 11314, 315, 701, 60611, 3871, 198, 662, 23588, 369, 220, 20, 720, 38137, 13, 320, 2746, 420, 374, 2288, 1317, 11, 1212, 449, 220, 17, 4520, 11, 323, 1977, 709, 29275, 720, 37, 14437, 198, 1881, 23588, 832, 1450, 704, 304, 264, 40902, 198, 662, 1827, 16, 627, 18737, 59389, 398, 1825, 709, 279, 40902, 627, 17, 627, 7786, 54998, 701, 19779, 1203, 439, 3117, 439, 814, 649, 13, 23588, 369, 264, 9568, 627, 7, 2675, 649, 1101, 1456, 420, 2403, 264, 7147, 6266, 1827, 18, 627, 7786, 39818, 449, 701, 1023, 1450, 13, 1115, 649, 1520, 449, 1841, 19866, 26711, 198, 23707, 303, 6786, 627, 720, 2127, 74, 645, 27907, 16, 627, 18737, 5451, 11, 2503, 449, 701, 14535, 7833, 704, 304, 4156, 315, 499, 320, 300, 499, 1550, 304, 198, 1820, 2531, 14841, 8, 323, 27744, 701, 90713, 304, 904, 6211, 477, 1376, 320, 2000, 198, 8858, 11, 279, 19921, 753, 4390, 17, 627, 7786, 2675, 649, 1101, 2503, 449, 832, 2531, 304, 4156, 315, 499, 323, 1935, 279, 1023, 198, 1201, 273, 323, 2800, 433, 389, 701, 22095, 13, 37294, 701, 4579, 323, 27744, 701, 198, 1201, 273, 627, 720, 36314, 1705, 27907, 16, 627, 18737, 61935, 389, 701, 90713, 11, 100115, 11, 323, 1243, 2231, 701, 6206, 704, 198, 4908, 499, 527, 5403, 264, 2363, 627, 17, 627, 7786, 47908, 701, 6206, 8800, 279, 6558, 449, 19779, 13176, 499, 11, 1093, 198, 1, 6766, 279, 2199, 1210, 18, 627, 7786, 6153, 499, 656, 279, 14841, 3485, 11, 18791, 701, 6206, 304, 5370, 198, 2336, 320, 69, 14437, 13176, 52046, 477, 63018, 311, 279, 3185, 4390, 720, 36590, 612, 51957, 61205, 287, 198, 29690, 311, 2997, 2225, 279, 6928, 323, 8389, 54245, 994, 499, 198, 73184, 13, 13969, 433, 8045, 59402, 13, 1442, 499, 527, 42949, 701, 2163, 11, 14841, 704, 198, 22479, 1314, 11, 2288, 13, 1442, 499, 527, 58218, 4741, 11, 37920, 29512, 2288, 627, 720, 50179, 27907, 16, 627, 18737, 29690, 311, 3240, 449, 22443, 11, 6435, 42949, 13, 220, 27956, 512, 25639, 449, 5107, 323, 11084, 50699, 374, 11660, 323, 198, 484, 26831, 26451, 369, 5606, 627, 17, 627, 7786, 4054, 1648, 311, 8369, 709, 1053, 311, 387, 311, 656, 264, 15326, 3392, 315, 198, 44396, 287, 503, 7977, 13, 720, 18, 627, 7786, 18293, 264, 71310, 538, 311, 636, 19303, 11, 779, 264, 6721, 649, 5542, 198, 9514, 13, 11184, 8, 15936, 389, 7752, 11, 499, 649, 656, 433, 0, 7071, 19, 627, 7786, 3513, 8893, 11, 422, 499, 1781, 499, 2351, 539, 3794, 904, 810, 19303, 11, 1541, 956, 198, 32637, 13, 1472, 3358, 1518, 5208, 1524, 198, 83, 1870, 11, 323, 433, 690, 387, 5922, 433, 627, 720, 3923, 374, 41713, 10368, 5380, 5889, 822, 33945, 10368, 374, 91490, 10368, 11, 323, 720, 57753, 14183, 198], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " but taking its own urine. \n66 TESTIMONY #1 * \nTHVROlD~ CANC\u00a3~ FAR1NG1T1S \nMa. Rosalba C. of Ramirez. { Mexico } \nI am 47 years of age and I had 5 children. \nf thank God for the knowledge of the Urine-therapy. \nI want to give my testimony by this means to aU people \nof how 1 am and how 1 cured myself. 1n the year of 1980, \nI had a very hard automobile accident. \nThey needed to remove one organ from my body. \nFrom that day on I was very sick. \nIn the year of 1993, near the month of July, after passing by a very sad situation \nof two brothers who died I also had other medical problems. \nI began to suffer depression, headaches and neck, cramps in the hands and feet. \nJ also felt strong palpitations in my heart. My eyes were becoming deformed. \nThey were swollen and bulging. There were nights that I could not sleep and was \nsuffered from the insomnia. I began to lose weight. I felt that I was drowning. \nI could not go to the bathroom alone. I was always very thirsty. \n1 have a brother who is a doctor and began to give me medicine. \nHe gave me liquid prescription but it did not help me. \nHe had to commit me to the hospital where he works until midnight. \nThere they gave me several medicines and they did several exams. \nThe Doctors of the hospital told me my Thyroid gland was not working properly. \nTablets were prescribed for me and I was taking them over a year. \nI improved a little, but when taking the tablets, I was nervous and I trembled. \nThey sent me to a second hospital with a specialist to see if she could cure this \ndisease. The pressure started when a ball in the neck started growing. \nI no longer could take the medical drugs. \nFrom this hospital they sent me to a third hospital. \nThere they gave me nuclear medicine. \nIt was iodine-radioactive for which I felt much fatigue and several different \nsymptoms. I was isolated. I was without strength. \nI felt only that I wanted to lay down. I went again to the Doctor, after 15 days, \nbecause the symptoms had no improvement. \nThe doctor said that I was to continue taking the medicine. \nI felt that the iodine had not served me well and became very sick followed by \nthroat problems and bronchitis. I took 6 to 8 daiJy medicines. \nMy kidneys began to hurt and I no longer knew if I should continue to take the \nmedicine. One day my husband took me to the hospital for a checkup and now, \nthey detected a tumor in the bust. \n1 worried more because my body was filling with diseases. \n67 One day, in the month of May of 95, they invited me to witness with a notary, for \nwritings. I was accompanied by my neighbors and friends. \nThat day a neighbor said that urine was good for all diseases and that it was in \nthe Bible. In PROVERBS 5 to see 15-18. On the following day I began to take only \na Uttle with water, because I did not know how to take it. \nWhen I began to take urine I had bronchitis. \nI was taking medicine for the thyroids and also antibiotic for my other problems., \nI followed with the urine. \nSoon the moment arrived that the drugs made me sick. \nLittle by little I was leaving the medicine, I did not have further indications of \nproblems, nor did I have need to go to the Doctors conference. \nAfter 3 months in 1997, arrived in my hands a report that I was cured from my \nproblems. It was when I began with my urine fasts. \nLater I had the opportunity to go to a conference. I am cured of the thyroids and I \nno longer have the ball in the neck, or feel very depressed. \nNo longer volumes of medicines and the cyst in the bust disappeared. \nThe varicose veins in the legs are gone. Already I can see without glasses. \nI want aff the people to know of this wise knowledge so that all people will be \nhealed and without spending money. \n1t is on1y needed prayers of thanks to God and his water the 1ife. \nTESTIMONY 2* \nN\u00a3VROPATlA,.lNSOMN1A,. DlAB\u00a3TlC \nMa. of the Refuge To de Aldrete { Mexico} \nI am 50 years of age, and I had 5 children. \nI was born here in Guadalajara, JaUsco, Mexico and later moved to \nVeracruz, Mexico. From youth I suffered of low pressure. \nThere were occasions in which I had only up to 60. \nIt later raised and now it gets up to a 180*120. \nIn November of 94, 1 began to have my feet fa11 asleep. \nSoon the legs and finally it advanced that my whole body was asleep without \nmovement and the body was very swollen. I was in bed almost a year. \nThe Doctors diagnosed me with Diabetic Neuropathy. \nThey filled me full of medicines. \nI took from 8 to 10 tablets daily. With a lot of work and pain I began to move. \nMy sister visited me at my house from Vera Cruz with her husband and their \nfamily. \nWhen they arrived at my house they gave me news that God Our Father, \nby means of Urine, was healing sick incurables \nWe invited another diabetic brother who lives in Orizaba and they taught us the \nwho1e picture of the theraphy. \nSoon I began the process of urine therapy, offering to God and the sacrifice to \nOur Jesus Christ. \n68 In addition we made the decision to come to Guadalajara to listen to a \nconference. This was to learn better methods of this therapy to take back to \nVeracruz. For 3 weeks I took the urine and I continued taking the medicine. \nI felt high pressure and one day I was feeling so bad that it could not move. \n~ stopped the medicine and on the foUowing day l felt in a perfect state of health. \nI forgot that I stopped the medicine. One hour later I got a strong heart beat and \nnow f am without anything of medicine and very well of health. \nNow at the present time with the therapy, the swelling disappeared. \n1 can walk by myself since it only walked with the aid of somebody or in a \nwheelchair, and the nervous system that caused me insomnia, \nnow feels very relaxed, sleeps perfectly, thanks to God and the Urine-therapy. \nTESTIMONY 3* \nGASTRlTlS A'1b ARTHRlTlS \nMaria H. 16niguez. { Mexico } \nI attest to have been healed of gastric ulcer and arthritis \nthat f had suffered for 30 years. \nNow, thank God, I am healthy of gastritis and also I have noticed that I can move \nmy joints and I no longer have pain. \nI thank God that by the means of Urine-theraphy, I have healed myself. \nTESTIMONY 4* \nMlGRAN\u00a3 \nJavier T. Quintero. {Mexico} \nI suffered from headaches for more than 20 years. I took my urine and on the \nfourth day I rid myself of my blood clots. When I did the urine fasting, the pain left \nfrom my head. Right now I have taken 4 fasts and I am cured. Thanks to God. \nBefore I took medicines daily and today, no longer. \nTESTIMONY 5* \nW'\u00a31GHT AHb D1AB\u00a3T\u00a3S \nErnesto R. Martinez.[ Mexico } \nI have been diabetic for 17 years and have had an infinite amount \nof diverse treatments. \nIn fact I have taken different medicines without knowing any clear result. \nI started with antibiotics and lowered much weight I could not walk normally. \nIt hurt my body. A year ago I started on insulin. \nThey injected 25 units and my glucose never was in the normal limits. \nMy state of health deteriorated. \n69 My sister-in-law, brought the video to me of Urine-therapy. \nI knew from the first moment that this one could help me, \nand began to take all the urine from the first day. \nNow 4 months ago to the date, the results have been wonderful. \nMy glucose is in normal limits, I have increased weight and I feel far better. \nI want to clarify that I suspended the insulin and all medicines. \nTESTIMONY 6* \n1NF\u00a3CT10N 1N K1DN\u00a3Y. \nGpe. Teresa of the T. Barba { Mexico } \nI have a daughter who from 8 months of age, \nsuffered high temperatures of 41C degrees. \nI heard on the radio about a conference, but I did not take much importance. \nShort1y the father of my temp1e said that a conference in the temp1e wou1d occur. \nI went. After the talk, \nI left very convinced and I began to give the urine to my daughter. \nThe 20th of May of 1996 I began to give my daughter the therapy and by \n28th of May I had to do studies on her. \nWe found that my daughter", "token_ids": [719, 4737, 1202, 1866, 40335, 13, 720, 2287, 13916, 1829, 53375, 674, 16, 353, 720, 3701, 53, 1308, 75, 35, 93, 20076, 34, 22386, 93, 57415, 16, 6269, 16, 51, 16, 50, 720, 30635, 13, 16870, 278, 4749, 356, 13, 315, 72093, 13, 314, 12550, 335, 720, 40, 1097, 220, 2618, 1667, 315, 4325, 323, 358, 1047, 220, 20, 2911, 13, 720, 69, 9901, 4359, 369, 279, 6677, 315, 279, 17229, 483, 12, 46755, 13, 720, 40, 1390, 311, 3041, 856, 24365, 555, 420, 3445, 311, 264, 52, 1274, 720, 1073, 1268, 220, 16, 1097, 323, 1268, 220, 16, 64688, 7182, 13, 220, 16, 77, 279, 1060, 315, 220, 3753, 15, 11, 720, 40, 1047, 264, 1633, 2653, 35528, 11677, 13, 720, 7009, 4460, 311, 4148, 832, 2942, 505, 856, 2547, 13, 720, 3915, 430, 1938, 389, 358, 574, 1633, 14363, 13, 720, 644, 279, 1060, 315, 220, 2550, 18, 11, 3221, 279, 2305, 315, 5887, 11, 1306, 12579, 555, 264, 1633, 12703, 6671, 720, 1073, 1403, 20820, 889, 8636, 358, 1101, 1047, 1023, 6593, 5435, 13, 720, 40, 6137, 311, 7831, 18710, 11, 55403, 323, 13272, 11, 1589, 14989, 304, 279, 6206, 323, 7693, 13, 720, 41, 1101, 6612, 3831, 75649, 31767, 304, 856, 4851, 13, 3092, 6548, 1051, 10671, 409, 10365, 13, 720, 7009, 1051, 76193, 323, 7173, 3252, 13, 2684, 1051, 22178, 430, 358, 1436, 539, 6212, 323, 574, 720, 82, 2084, 291, 505, 279, 83511, 13, 358, 6137, 311, 9229, 4785, 13, 358, 6612, 430, 358, 574, 74537, 13, 720, 40, 1436, 539, 733, 311, 279, 15197, 7636, 13, 358, 574, 2744, 1633, 98208, 13, 720, 16, 617, 264, 10868, 889, 374, 264, 10896, 323, 6137, 311, 3041, 757, 16088, 13, 720, 1548, 6688, 757, 14812, 22866, 719, 433, 1550, 539, 1520, 757, 13, 720, 1548, 1047, 311, 5379, 757, 311, 279, 8952, 1405, 568, 4375, 3156, 33433, 13, 720, 3947, 814, 6688, 757, 3892, 39653, 323, 814, 1550, 3892, 40786, 13, 720, 791, 54943, 315, 279, 8952, 3309, 757, 856, 67675, 1607, 67169, 574, 539, 3318, 10489, 13, 720, 2620, 2641, 1051, 32031, 369, 757, 323, 358, 574, 4737, 1124, 927, 264, 1060, 13, 720, 40, 13241, 264, 2697, 11, 719, 994, 4737, 279, 29679, 11, 358, 574, 23418, 323, 358, 18659, 38759, 13, 720, 7009, 3288, 757, 311, 264, 2132, 8952, 449, 264, 24687, 311, 1518, 422, 1364, 1436, 27208, 420, 720, 67, 56407, 13, 578, 7410, 3940, 994, 264, 5041, 304, 279, 13272, 3940, 7982, 13, 720, 40, 912, 5129, 1436, 1935, 279, 6593, 11217, 13, 720, 3915, 420, 8952, 814, 3288, 757, 311, 264, 4948, 8952, 13, 720, 3947, 814, 6688, 757, 11499, 16088, 13, 720, 2181, 574, 80087, 483, 63793, 3104, 369, 902, 358, 6612, 1790, 36709, 323, 3892, 2204, 720, 24738, 52273, 13, 358, 574, 25181, 13, 358, 574, 2085, 8333, 13, 720, 40, 6612, 1193, 430, 358, 4934, 311, 11203, 1523, 13, 358, 4024, 1578, 311, 279, 19150, 11, 1306, 220, 868, 2919, 11, 720, 28753, 279, 13803, 1047, 912, 16048, 13, 720, 791, 10896, 1071, 430, 358, 574, 311, 3136, 4737, 279, 16088, 13, 720, 40, 6612, 430, 279, 80087, 483, 1047, 539, 10434, 757, 1664, 323, 6244, 1633, 14363, 8272, 555, 720, 87164, 5435, 323, 31071, 331, 20000, 13, 358, 3952, 220, 21, 311, 220, 23, 63492, 41, 88, 39653, 13, 720, 5159, 81960, 6137, 311, 13194, 323, 358, 912, 5129, 7020, 422, 358, 1288, 3136, 311, 1935, 279, 720, 83543, 13, 3861, 1938, 856, 10177, 3952, 757, 311, 279, 8952, 369, 264, 1817, 455, 323, 1457, 11, 720, 20670, 16914, 264, 36254, 304, 279, 21444, 13, 720, 16, 18290, 810, 1606, 856, 2547, 574, 21973, 449, 19338, 13, 720, 3080, 3861, 1938, 11, 304, 279, 2305, 315, 3297, 315, 220, 2721, 11, 814, 18719, 757, 311, 11550, 449, 264, 539, 661, 11, 369, 720, 86, 1018, 826, 13, 358, 574, 24895, 555, 856, 19228, 323, 4885, 13, 720, 4897, 1938, 264, 9760, 1071, 430, 40335, 574, 1695, 369, 682, 19338, 323, 430, 433, 574, 304, 720, 1820, 17377, 13, 763, 5421, 3848, 7497, 220, 20, 311, 1518, 220, 868, 12, 972, 13, 1952, 279, 2768, 1938, 358, 6137, 311, 1935, 1193, 720, 64, 68062, 273, 449, 3090, 11, 1606, 358, 1550, 539, 1440, 1268, 311, 1935, 433, 13, 720, 4599, 358, 6137, 311, 1935, 40335, 358, 1047, 31071, 331, 20000, 13, 720, 40, 574, 4737, 16088, 369, 279, 26236, 41194, 323, 1101, 60595, 369, 856, 1023, 5435, 2637, 720, 40, 8272, 449, 279, 40335, 13, 720, 67196, 279, 4545, 11721, 430, 279, 11217, 1903, 757, 14363, 13, 720, 39203, 555, 2697, 358, 574, 9564, 279, 16088, 11, 358, 1550, 539, 617, 4726, 56190, 315, 720, 96440, 11, 6463, 1550, 358, 617, 1205, 311, 733, 311, 279, 54943, 10017, 13, 720, 6153, 220, 18, 4038, 304, 220, 2550, 22, 11, 11721, 304, 856, 6206, 264, 1934, 430, 358, 574, 64688, 505, 856, 720, 96440, 13, 1102, 574, 994, 358, 6137, 449, 856, 40335, 5043, 82, 13, 720, 31082, 358, 1047, 279, 6776, 311, 733, 311, 264, 10017, 13, 358, 1097, 64688, 315, 279, 26236, 41194, 323, 358, 720, 2201, 5129, 617, 279, 5041, 304, 279, 13272, 11, 477, 2733, 1633, 42642, 13, 720, 2822, 5129, 27378, 315, 39653, 323, 279, 63581, 304, 279, 21444, 29496, 13, 720, 791, 767, 292, 974, 60764, 304, 279, 14535, 527, 8208, 13, 40612, 358, 649, 1518, 2085, 29247, 13, 720, 40, 1390, 3611, 279, 1274, 311, 1440, 315, 420, 24219, 6677, 779, 430, 682, 1274, 690, 387, 720, 383, 5962, 323, 2085, 10374, 3300, 13, 720, 16, 83, 374, 389, 16, 88, 4460, 34296, 315, 9523, 311, 4359, 323, 813, 3090, 279, 220, 16, 1643, 13, 720, 10238, 1829, 53375, 220, 17, 9, 720, 45, 22386, 53, 19828, 835, 75, 32, 17974, 75, 2507, 1937, 45, 16, 32, 17974, 423, 75, 1905, 22386, 51, 75, 34, 720, 30635, 13, 315, 279, 52219, 2057, 409, 31447, 84605, 314, 12550, 92, 720, 40, 1097, 220, 1135, 1667, 315, 4325, 11, 323, 358, 1047, 220, 20, 2911, 13, 720, 40, 574, 9405, 1618, 304, 4673, 51588, 1662, 5169, 11, 23720, 3642, 1030, 11, 12550, 323, 3010, 7882, 311, 720, 10351, 582, 63423, 11, 12550, 13, 5659, 12822, 358, 16654, 315, 3428, 7410, 13, 720, 3947, 1051, 25975, 304, 902, 358, 1047, 1193, 709, 311, 220, 1399, 13, 720, 2181, 3010, 9408, 323, 1457, 433, 5334, 709, 311, 264, 220, 5245, 9, 4364, 13, 720, 644, 6841, 315, 220, 6281, 11, 220, 16, 6137, 311, 617, 856, 7693, 2267, 806, 33173, 13, 720, 67196, 279, 14535, 323, 5616, 433, 11084, 430, 856, 4459, 2547, 574, 33173, 2085, 720, 62274, 323, 279, 2547, 574, 1633, 76193, 13, 358, 574, 304, 4950, 4661, 264, 1060, 13, 720, 791, 54943, 29704, 757, 449, 7923, 45938, 45950, 897, 19682, 13, 720, 7009, 10409, 757, 2539, 315, 39653, 13, 720, 40, 3952, 505, 220, 23, 311, 220, 605, 29679, 7446, 13, 3161, 264, 2763, 315, 990, 323, 6784, 358, 6137, 311, 3351, 13, 720, 5159, 13219, 12263, 757, 520, 856, 3838, 505, 68200, 21510, 449, 1077, 10177, 323, 872, 720, 19521, 13, 720, 4599, 814, 11721, 520, 856, 3838, 814, 6688, 757, 3754, 430, 4359, 5751, 20941, 11, 720, 1729, 3445, 315, 17229, 483, 11, 574, 21730, 14363, 62622, 4893, 720, 1687, 18719, 2500, 71975, 10868, 889, 6439, 304, 2582, 450, 12273, 323, 814, 15972, 603, 279, 720, 14965, 16, 68, 6945, 315, 279, 9139, 1366, 88, 13, 720, 67196, 358, 6137, 279, 1920, 315, 40335, 15419, 11, 10209, 311, 4359, 323, 279, 28235, 311, 720, 8140, 10811, 3771, 13, 720, 2614, 763, 5369, 584, 1903, 279, 5597, 311, 2586, 311, 4673, 51588, 1662, 5169, 311, 9020, 311, 264, 720, 79590, 13, 1115, 574, 311, 4048, 2731, 5528, 315, 420, 15419, 311, 1935, 1203, 311, 720, 10351, 582, 63423, 13, 1789, 220, 18, 5672, 358, 3952, 279, 40335, 323, 358, 8738, 4737, 279, 16088, 13, 720, 40, 6612, 1579, 7410, 323, 832, 1938, 358, 574, 8430, 779, 3958, 430, 433, 1436, 539, 3351, 13, 720, 93, 10717, 279, 16088, 323, 389, 279, 12018, 52, 24060, 1938, 326, 6612, 304, 264, 4832, 1614, 315, 2890, 13, 720, 40, 29695, 430, 358, 10717, 279, 16088, 13, 3861, 6596, 3010, 358, 2751, 264, 3831, 4851, 9567, 323, 720, 3409, 282, 1097, 2085, 4205, 315, 16088, 323, 1633, 1664, 315, 2890, 13, 720, 7184, 520, 279, 3118, 892, 449, 279, 15419, 11, 279, 55307, 29496, 13, 720, 16, 649, 4321, 555, 7182, 2533, 433, 1193, 15203, 449, 279, 12576, 315, 18570, 477, 304, 264, 720, 39690, 35296, 11, 323, 279, 23418, 1887, 430, 9057, 757, 83511, 11, 720, 3409, 11321, 1633, 31467, 11, 72490, 14268, 11, 9523, 311, 4359, 323, 279, 17229, 483, 12, 46755, 13, 720, 10238, 1829, 53375, 220, 18, 9, 720, 38, 6483, 49, 75, 51, 75, 50, 362, 6, 16, 65, 6395, 99747, 75, 51, 75, 50, 720, 69656, 473, 13, 220, 845, 77, 22711, 89, 13, 314, 12550, 335, 720, 40, 88017, 311, 617, 1027, 62320, 315, 89385, 96971, 323, 55652, 720, 9210, 282, 1047, 16654, 369, 220, 966, 1667, 13, 720, 7184, 11, 9901, 4359, 11, 358, 1097, 9498, 315, 56780, 20000, 323, 1101, 358, 617, 14000, 430, 358, 649, 3351, 720, 2465, 35358, 323, 358, 912, 5129, 617, 6784, 13, 720, 40, 9901, 4359, 430, 555, 279, 3445, 315, 17229, 483, 12, 700, 1366, 88, 11, 358, 617, 62320, 7182, 13, 720, 10238, 1829, 53375, 220, 19, 9, 720, 44, 75, 8796, 1111, 22386, 720, 41, 31748, 350, 13, 3489, 2295, 78, 13, 314, 69931, 92, 720, 40, 16654, 505, 55403, 369, 810, 1109, 220, 508, 1667, 13, 358, 3952, 856, 40335, 323, 389, 279, 720, 35124, 339, 1938, 358, 9463, 7182, 315, 856, 6680, 1206, 2469, 13, 3277, 358, 1550, 279, 40335, 54560, 11, 279, 6784, 2163, 720, 1527, 856, 2010, 13, 10291, 1457, 358, 617, 4529, 220, 19, 5043, 82, 323, 358, 1097, 64688, 13, 11361, 311, 4359, 13, 720, 10438, 358, 3952, 39653, 7446, 323, 3432, 11, 912, 5129, 13, 720, 10238, 1829, 53375, 220, 20, 9, 720, 54, 6, 22386, 16, 38, 2607, 48388, 65, 423, 16, 1905, 22386, 51, 22386, 50, 720, 20027, 22129, 78, 432, 13, 44027, 8032, 12550, 335, 720, 40, 617, 1027, 71975, 369, 220, 1114, 1667, 323, 617, 1047, 459, 24746, 3392, 720, 1073, 17226, 22972, 13, 720, 644, 2144, 358, 617, 4529, 2204, 39653, 2085, 14392, 904, 2867, 1121, 13, 720, 40, 3940, 449, 46850, 323, 39920, 1790, 4785, 358, 1436, 539, 4321, 14614, 13, 720, 2181, 13194, 856, 2547, 13, 362, 1060, 4227, 358, 3940, 389, 32152, 13, 720, 7009, 41772, 220, 914, 8316, 323, 856, 34323, 2646, 574, 304, 279, 4725, 13693, 13, 720, 5159, 1614, 315, 2890, 39436, 660, 13, 720, 3076, 3092, 13219, 3502, 31412, 11, 7263, 279, 2835, 311, 757, 315, 17229, 483, 12, 46755, 13, 720, 40, 7020, 505, 279, 1176, 4545, 430, 420, 832, 1436, 1520, 757, 11, 720, 438, 6137, 311, 1935, 682, 279, 40335, 505, 279, 1176, 1938, 13, 720, 7184, 220, 19, 4038, 4227, 311, 279, 2457, 11, 279, 3135, 617, 1027, 11364, 13, 720, 5159, 34323, 374, 304, 4725, 13693, 11, 358, 617, 7319, 4785, 323, 358, 2733, 3117, 2731, 13, 720, 40, 1390, 311, 38263, 430, 358, 22340, 279, 32152, 323, 682, 39653, 13, 720, 10238, 1829, 53375, 220, 21, 9, 720, 16, 39167, 22386, 1182, 605, 45, 220, 16, 45, 735, 16, 32364, 22386, 56, 13, 720, 38, 375, 13, 64540, 315, 279, 350, 13, 4821, 4749, 314, 12550, 335, 720, 40, 617, 264, 10003, 889, 505, 220, 23, 4038, 315, 4325, 11, 720, 82, 2084, 291, 1579, 20472, 315, 220, 3174, 34, 12628, 13, 720, 40, 6755, 389, 279, 9063, 922, 264, 10017, 11, 719, 358, 1550, 539, 1935, 1790, 12939, 13, 720, 12755, 16, 88, 279, 7126, 315, 856, 2798, 16, 68, 1071, 430, 264, 10017, 304, 279, 2798, 16, 68, 289, 283, 16, 67, 12446, 13, 720, 40, 4024, 13, 4740, 279, 3137, 11, 720, 40, 2163, 1633, 22954, 323, 358, 6137, 311, 3041, 279, 40335, 311, 856, 10003, 13, 720, 791, 220, 508, 339, 315, 3297, 315, 220, 2550, 21, 358, 6137, 311, 3041, 856, 10003, 279, 15419, 323, 555, 720, 1591, 339, 315, 3297, 358, 1047, 311, 656, 7978, 389, 1077, 13, 720, 1687, 1766, 430, 856, 10003], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": ". They are not at a distance from\nyou. Y ou are one with them.\n\u201cThe mystery, the magic of it is that this ordinary consciousness that we take\nfor gran ted, ev en as far as denying its existence, happens to be the\nconsciousness of the universe itself, its true center.\u201d\nFrancis Lucille, fr om T ruth Love Beauty\nHow to Stay as A war eness\nThere\u2019 s no process to become the A wareness that you are; it\u2019 s not something\nyou have to atta in. This is not something that certain people hav e and you don\u2019 t\nhave. Y ou ar e alr eady it, right now. Y ou may have overlooked it, and you may\nhave believed all your life that y ou were just a person, but that doesn\u2019 t alter the\nfact of what you actually are.\n\u201cY ou can lose everything else, but you can never lose the awareness that you\nare.\u201d\nMooji, fr om V aster Than Sky, Greater Than Space\nWhen a human being lives from the place of knowing they\u2019re Infinite\nA wareness, then the experience of living in the material world becomes\nbreathtaking. Because their m ind has dropped to the back ground and\nA wareness is in the foreground, they are no longer subject to the turmoil of the\nmind, so they are lighthearted, happy all the time, and laugh a lot. They\u2019re\nexisting in pure happiness and b liss and living their lives from that place every\nday. Problems are virtually nonexistent, everything dreamed of comes to them,\nand because they\u2019re consciousl y living as A wareness, they\u2019re fully aware of\ntheir immortality. They know they are everything, and yet the y know they\u2019re\nnot af fected by anything. Life on earth doesn\u2019 t get any better than this!\u201cEvery little thing you do or see\u2014every little, ordinary thin g\u2014carries this\ntingly se nse of being. It is hard not to cry sometimes at the most unspectacular\nthings. The lines of the walls in relation to the flat of the floor. I ts horizontality.\nThe nap of the rug. The sound of the car going by. The smell of the skin on\nyour arm. All is miraculous.\u201d\nJan Frazier, fr om Opening the Door\nBut you have to experience it for yourself. Hearing it from someone else is a\nguide, p ointing you in the righ t direction. It\u2019 s like a travel agent describing\nMount E verest. Y ou can\u2019 t know what Mount Everest is like until you get there\nand experience it for yourself\u2014only then will you know.\n\u201cIt is actually impossible not to remain as this open space of consciousness.\nHowever, to be it knowingly is a dif ferent matter.\u201d\nFrancis Lucille, fr om The Perfume of Silence\n\u201cY ou cannot be out of awareness\u2014it is missed simply through the habit of\nplacing the attention in the thinking.\u201d\nPeter Lawry\nW e can put our a ttention either on the thoughts in our head or on the A wareness\nthat we are. It\u2019 s a simple sh ift of your attention. Put your attention on\nA wareness as often as you can r ather than giving your attention to thinking, and\nyou will be on your way to absolute freedom and bliss.\nThe A war eness Practice\u2014Thr e e Steps\nto Bliss\nThe A wareness Practice is what I use and continue to practice to consciously\nstay as A wareness. This practice is not to become A waren ess, bec ause you\u2019rethat alre ady. It\u2019 s so you can live your life consciously as the A wareness that you\nare. It\u2019 s just three simple steps to a life of total freedom and lasting, blissful\nhappiness.\nStep 1. Ask yourself, \u201cAm I aware?\u201d\nStep 2. Notice A wareness.\nStep 3. Stay as A wareness.\nStep 1. Ask Y ourself, \u201cAm I A war e?\u201d\nDon\u2019 t try to answer the question with your mind; thoughts cannot help you\nexperience A wareness. Each time you ask the question, your attention will be\ntaken away from thinking and t he mind and put on A wareness. When you ask,\n\u201cAm I aware?\u201d A wareness is present instantly. The mind may come in quickly\nafterward with a thought, but if it does, simply ask the question again. The\nmore you ask th e question, the longer you will remain as A wareness, and the\nquieter your thoughts and your mind will become.\n\u201cNotice that the mind, in all its changes, has a changeless background.\u201d\nHale Dwoskin\nAfter as king, \u201cA m I aware?\u201d the first thing you\u2019ll likely feel is a sense of relief\nas a ny resistance you are holdi ng in the mind and body starts to melt away.\nAfter re peatedly asking the question, over time the feeling of relief will turn\ninto a subtle fee ling of peaceful happiness. Y ou may feel a sense of serenity, as\nyour mi nd beco mes quiet. Y ou may feel currents of joy running through the\narea around your heart.\nThe relie f you feel is due to you r mind falling into the backgrou nd. The longer\nthe mind remain s in the backgro und, with A wareness present in the foreground,\nthe greater the relief, and the more happiness you will begin to feel. Bliss\ncomes when A wareness remains permanently in the foreground, and the mind is\ndelegated to its rightful place.\nRemember, A wareness is formless, so it\u2019 s not something you can hold on to. It\u2019 s\nlike love. Y ou know love exists, but can you hold on to it? Y ou can feel the\nsensations of love in your hear t, but you can\u2019 t grasp it in you r hand. It\u2019 s the\nsame wi th A war eness. Y ou will feel the sensations of relief and happiness in\nyour body from A wareness, but you can\u2019 t grasp it or hold on to it.\nIt ca n se em dif fi cult to consciously stay as A wareness in the beg inning, because\nof the habit of thinking.\n\u201cAs soo n as this is noticed, we may ask again, \u2018Am I A ware?,\u2019 in this way\ninviting the mind away from th e objects of knowledge or experience, towards\nits essence or source.\u201d\nRupert Spira, fr om Being A ware of Being A ware\nThe way to break the habit of incessant thinking is by bei ng the Infinite\nA wareness that you are. Y ou can \u2019 t use the mind to stop the min d and break the\nhabit of thinking. It\u2019 s the reason many people fail at meditation, because they\u2019retrying to use the mind to quiet the mind, instead of allowing the thoughts to\ncome and go without giving them any attention.\nFor mo st people there\u2019 s virtually no relief from their min d because it\u2019 s\nconstantly throwing up one thought after another, and they do n\u2019 t realize they\ncan rem ove thei r attention from their thoughts. Freedom from t he mind is such\na glo rious relief, and it comes when you can observe thoughts ra ther than being\nlured into following them and believing them.\nStep 2. Notice A war eness\nIn a rela tively short time of practicing step 1, you\u2019ll get to the p oint where you\nautomatically notice A wareness. Y ou won\u2019 t need to ask, \u201c Am I aware?\u201d\nanymore, because in the moment you think of A wareness, instantly A wareness\nwill be in the foreground and your mind will recede into the background.\n\u201cAllow the experience of being aware to come into the foreground of\nexperience, and let thoughts, images, feelings, sensations and perceptions\nrecede into the background. Simply notice the experience of be ing aware. The\npeace and happiness for which all people long reside there.\u201d\nRupert Spira, fr om Being A ware of Being A ware\nShift your attention to A wareness by noticing A wareness multiple times\nthroughout the day. It won\u2019 t be long before you feel a sense of exquisite relief\nand happiness each time you return from the turmoil of the mind to the deep\npeace of A wareness.\n\u201cThere\u2019 s a fork in every moment. T o be what you are or what you are not.\nY ou\u2019re choosing in every second.\u201d\nMy teacher\nIf you feel like your mind is cov ering A wareness, or you feel like you\u2019ve lost it\nand you can\u2019 t get it back, ask yourself, \u201cWhat is aware that A wareness is lost?\u201d\nIt\u2019 s A wareness that\u2019 s aware of it! And with that, you wil l be aware of\nA wareness.\nIf you don\u2019 t think you\u2019ve been able to discover A wareness yet, ask yourself,\n\u201cWhat is aware that I haven\u2019 t discovered A wareness?\u201d It\u2019 s A wareness that\u2019 s\naware of that too! And now you\u2019re aware of A wareness.\n\u201cY ou are already awareness itself, not the one trying to be aware.\u201d\nMooji\nAre you aware of your body right now? It\u2019 s A wareness that\u2019 s aware of your\nbody. A re you aware of the seat you\u2019re sitting on? It\u2019 s A warene ss that\u2019 s aware\nof th e s eat. Are you aware of your breathing?", "token_ids": [13, 2435, 527, 539, 520, 264, 6138, 505, 198, 9514, 13, 816, 6033, 527, 832, 220, 449, 1124, 627, 14305, 23347, 1174, 279, 11204, 315, 433, 374, 430, 420, 19664, 25917, 430, 584, 1935, 198, 2000, 16109, 42323, 11, 3721, 665, 439, 3117, 439, 41566, 1202, 14209, 11, 8741, 311, 387, 279, 198, 64589, 2136, 315, 279, 15861, 5196, 11, 1202, 837, 4219, 662, 89874, 81428, 285, 14103, 4618, 11, 1448, 8019, 220, 350, 54246, 10919, 31685, 198, 4438, 311, 29837, 439, 362, 4208, 665, 434, 198, 3947, 529, 274, 912, 1920, 311, 3719, 279, 362, 51806, 2136, 430, 499, 527, 26, 433, 529, 274, 539, 2555, 198, 9514, 617, 311, 1651, 64, 304, 13, 1115, 374, 539, 2555, 430, 3738, 1274, 31081, 384, 323, 499, 1541, 529, 259, 198, 19553, 13, 816, 6033, 802, 384, 453, 81, 384, 7759, 433, 1174, 1314, 1457, 662, 816, 6033, 1253, 617, 45536, 433, 11, 323, 499, 1253, 198, 19553, 11846, 682, 701, 2324, 430, 379, 6033, 1051, 1120, 264, 1732, 11, 719, 430, 3250, 529, 259, 11857, 279, 198, 34210, 315, 1148, 499, 3604, 527, 627, 2118, 56, 6033, 649, 9229, 4395, 775, 11, 719, 499, 649, 2646, 9229, 279, 17985, 430, 499, 198, 548, 49216, 44, 2689, 7910, 11, 1448, 8019, 220, 650, 35037, 34776, 15064, 1174, 33381, 34776, 11746, 198, 4599, 264, 3823, 1694, 6439, 505, 279, 2035, 315, 14392, 814, 3207, 55643, 198, 32, 51806, 2136, 11, 1243, 220, 279, 3217, 315, 5496, 304, 279, 3769, 1917, 9221, 198, 65, 1244, 53343, 13, 9393, 872, 296, 1280, 706, 12504, 311, 279, 1203, 5015, 323, 198, 32, 51806, 2136, 374, 304, 279, 40405, 11, 220, 814, 527, 912, 5129, 3917, 311, 279, 63355, 315, 279, 198, 38824, 11, 779, 814, 527, 326, 1108, 1820, 472, 291, 11, 6380, 682, 279, 892, 11, 323, 12835, 264, 2763, 13, 2435, 3207, 198, 37995, 304, 10748, 23871, 323, 293, 326, 1056, 323, 5496, 872, 6439, 505, 430, 2035, 1475, 198, 1316, 662, 45635, 527, 21907, 88034, 11, 4395, 57636, 315, 4131, 311, 1124, 345, 438, 1606, 814, 3207, 17371, 75, 379, 5496, 439, 362, 51806, 2136, 11, 814, 3207, 7373, 8010, 315, 198, 50828, 4998, 76052, 662, 2435, 1440, 814, 527, 4395, 11, 323, 3686, 279, 379, 1440, 814, 3207, 198, 1962, 8136, 282, 1599, 555, 4205, 13, 9601, 389, 9578, 3250, 529, 259, 636, 904, 2731, 1109, 420, 115655, 11769, 2697, 3245, 499, 656, 477, 1518, 2345, 30115, 2697, 11, 19664, 15792, 342, 2345, 7063, 4108, 420, 198, 1303, 398, 513, 308, 325, 315, 1694, 13, 1102, 374, 2653, 539, 311, 16106, 7170, 520, 279, 1455, 7120, 1002, 23868, 198, 58174, 13, 578, 5238, 315, 279, 14620, 304, 12976, 311, 279, 10269, 315, 279, 6558, 662, 358, 10814, 4917, 6317, 2786, 16853, 791, 26944, 315, 279, 29742, 13, 578, 5222, 315, 279, 1841, 2133, 555, 662, 578, 22843, 315, 279, 6930, 389, 198, 22479, 6916, 13, 2052, 374, 91813, 49216, 18820, 435, 92147, 1174, 1448, 8019, 220, 41137, 279, 25166, 198, 4071, 499, 617, 311, 3217, 433, 369, 6261, 13, 66550, 433, 505, 4423, 775, 374, 264, 198, 49470, 11, 281, 297, 396, 287, 499, 304, 279, 436, 1108, 259, 5216, 13, 1102, 529, 274, 1093, 264, 5944, 8479, 23524, 198, 16683, 469, 2807, 478, 13, 816, 6033, 649, 529, 259, 1440, 1148, 10640, 87578, 374, 1093, 3156, 499, 636, 1070, 198, 438, 3217, 433, 369, 6261, 2345, 3323, 1243, 690, 499, 1440, 16853, 17818, 374, 3604, 12266, 539, 311, 7293, 439, 420, 1825, 3634, 315, 25917, 627, 11458, 1174, 311, 387, 433, 68113, 374, 264, 1422, 18728, 306, 5030, 662, 89874, 81428, 285, 14103, 4618, 11, 1448, 8019, 220, 578, 72548, 3972, 315, 69188, 198, 2118, 56, 6033, 4250, 387, 704, 315, 17985, 44603, 374, 13942, 5042, 1555, 279, 14464, 315, 198, 49033, 279, 6666, 304, 279, 7422, 49216, 37659, 7658, 894, 198, 54, 384, 649, 2231, 1057, 264, 18334, 3012, 3060, 389, 279, 11555, 304, 1057, 2010, 477, 389, 220, 279, 362, 51806, 2136, 198, 9210, 584, 220, 527, 13, 1102, 529, 274, 264, 4382, 559, 422, 83, 315, 701, 6666, 13, 10435, 701, 6666, 389, 198, 32, 51806, 2136, 439, 3629, 439, 499, 649, 436, 264, 700, 1109, 7231, 701, 6666, 311, 7422, 11, 323, 198, 9514, 690, 387, 389, 701, 1648, 311, 10973, 11542, 323, 59045, 627, 791, 362, 4208, 665, 434, 28082, 2345, 99940, 384, 384, 40961, 198, 998, 92670, 198, 791, 362, 51806, 2136, 28082, 374, 1148, 358, 1005, 323, 3136, 311, 6725, 311, 70903, 198, 60021, 439, 362, 51806, 2136, 13, 1115, 6725, 374, 539, 311, 3719, 220, 362, 44403, 4043, 11, 106508, 264, 817, 499, 3207, 9210, 453, 265, 1008, 88, 662, 1102, 529, 274, 220, 779, 499, 649, 3974, 701, 2324, 70903, 439, 279, 362, 51806, 2136, 430, 499, 198, 548, 13, 1102, 529, 274, 1120, 2380, 4382, 7504, 311, 264, 2324, 315, 2860, 11542, 323, 29869, 11, 59045, 1285, 198, 71, 67391, 627, 8468, 220, 16, 13, 21069, 6261, 11, 1054, 6219, 358, 8010, 12671, 198, 8468, 220, 17, 13, 25773, 362, 51806, 2136, 627, 8468, 220, 18, 13, 29837, 439, 362, 51806, 2136, 627, 8468, 220, 16, 13, 21069, 816, 1057, 726, 11, 1054, 6219, 358, 362, 4208, 384, 12671, 198, 8161, 529, 259, 1456, 311, 4320, 279, 3488, 449, 701, 4059, 26, 11555, 4250, 1520, 499, 198, 50659, 362, 51806, 2136, 13, 9062, 892, 499, 2610, 279, 3488, 11, 701, 6666, 690, 387, 198, 83261, 3201, 505, 7422, 323, 259, 568, 4059, 323, 2231, 389, 362, 51806, 2136, 13, 220, 3277, 499, 2610, 345, 2118, 6219, 358, 8010, 12671, 362, 51806, 2136, 374, 3118, 22571, 662, 578, 4059, 1253, 2586, 304, 6288, 198, 10924, 1637, 449, 264, 3463, 11, 719, 422, 433, 1587, 11, 5042, 2610, 279, 3488, 1578, 13, 578, 198, 6518, 499, 2610, 270, 384, 3488, 11, 279, 5129, 499, 690, 7293, 439, 362, 51806, 2136, 11, 323, 279, 198, 47391, 1430, 701, 11555, 323, 701, 4059, 690, 3719, 627, 2118, 35293, 430, 279, 4059, 11, 304, 682, 1202, 4442, 11, 706, 264, 2349, 1752, 4092, 49216, 39, 1604, 49807, 437, 8148, 198, 6153, 439, 11734, 11, 1054, 32, 296, 358, 8010, 12671, 279, 220, 1176, 3245, 499, 4805, 4461, 2733, 374, 264, 5647, 315, 16337, 198, 300, 264, 19541, 13957, 499, 527, 3412, 72, 7933, 304, 279, 4059, 323, 2547, 8638, 311, 30099, 3201, 16853, 6153, 312, 1069, 660, 398, 10371, 279, 3488, 11, 927, 892, 279, 8430, 315, 16337, 690, 2543, 198, 18614, 264, 27545, 11307, 38172, 315, 26733, 23871, 13, 816, 6033, 1253, 2733, 264, 5647, 315, 1446, 56685, 1174, 439, 198, 22479, 9686, 15953, 387, 1030, 11083, 11594, 13, 816, 6033, 1253, 2733, 60701, 315, 16267, 4401, 1555, 279, 198, 4903, 2212, 701, 4851, 627, 791, 59644, 282, 499, 2733, 374, 4245, 311, 499, 436, 4059, 16054, 1139, 279, 1203, 70, 583, 15953, 13, 578, 5129, 198, 1820, 4059, 220, 7293, 274, 304, 279, 1203, 42511, 2073, 11, 449, 362, 51806, 2136, 3118, 304, 279, 40405, 345, 1820, 7191, 279, 16337, 11, 323, 279, 810, 23871, 499, 690, 3240, 311, 2733, 13, 92670, 198, 6716, 994, 362, 51806, 2136, 8625, 31859, 304, 279, 40405, 11, 323, 279, 4059, 374, 198, 451, 1978, 660, 311, 1202, 99044, 2035, 627, 29690, 1174, 362, 51806, 2136, 374, 1376, 1752, 11, 779, 433, 529, 274, 539, 2555, 499, 649, 3412, 389, 311, 13, 1102, 529, 274, 198, 4908, 3021, 13, 816, 6033, 1440, 3021, 6866, 11, 719, 649, 499, 3412, 389, 311, 433, 30, 816, 6033, 649, 2733, 279, 198, 82, 729, 811, 315, 3021, 304, 701, 6865, 259, 11, 719, 499, 649, 529, 259, 34477, 433, 304, 499, 436, 1450, 13, 1102, 529, 274, 279, 198, 25030, 24129, 270, 362, 4208, 665, 434, 13, 816, 6033, 690, 2733, 279, 72597, 315, 16337, 323, 23871, 304, 198, 22479, 2547, 505, 362, 51806, 2136, 11, 719, 499, 649, 529, 259, 34477, 433, 477, 3412, 389, 311, 433, 627, 2181, 2211, 308, 513, 991, 1422, 9314, 4612, 311, 70903, 4822, 439, 362, 51806, 2136, 304, 279, 2197, 46386, 11, 1606, 198, 1073, 279, 14464, 315, 7422, 627, 61553, 44276, 308, 439, 420, 374, 14000, 11, 584, 1253, 2610, 1578, 11, 3451, 6219, 358, 362, 51806, 949, 23189, 304, 420, 1648, 198, 14386, 5977, 279, 4059, 3201, 505, 270, 384, 6302, 315, 6677, 477, 3217, 11, 7119, 198, 1220, 28591, 477, 2592, 49216, 49, 50580, 3165, 9008, 11, 1448, 8019, 220, 21347, 362, 51806, 315, 21347, 362, 51806, 198, 791, 1648, 311, 1464, 279, 14464, 315, 92947, 519, 7422, 374, 555, 13582, 7933, 279, 55643, 198, 32, 51806, 2136, 430, 499, 527, 13, 816, 6033, 649, 18217, 259, 1005, 279, 4059, 311, 3009, 279, 1332, 294, 323, 1464, 279, 198, 97802, 315, 7422, 662, 1102, 529, 274, 279, 2944, 1690, 1274, 3775, 520, 33862, 11, 1606, 814, 3207, 85134, 311, 220, 1005, 279, 4059, 311, 11594, 220, 279, 4059, 11, 4619, 315, 10923, 279, 11555, 311, 198, 2063, 323, 733, 2085, 7231, 1124, 904, 6666, 627, 2520, 4647, 357, 1274, 1070, 529, 274, 21907, 912, 16337, 505, 872, 1332, 294, 1606, 433, 529, 274, 198, 1040, 18007, 21939, 709, 832, 3463, 1306, 2500, 1174, 323, 814, 656, 308, 529, 259, 13383, 814, 198, 4919, 1323, 297, 588, 279, 72, 436, 6666, 505, 872, 11555, 13, 25320, 505, 259, 568, 4059, 374, 1778, 198, 64, 14015, 436, 1245, 16337, 11, 323, 433, 4131, 994, 499, 649, 23846, 11555, 15473, 9139, 1109, 1694, 198, 75, 3149, 1139, 2768, 1124, 323, 35090, 1124, 627, 8468, 220, 17, 13, 25773, 362, 4208, 665, 434, 198, 644, 264, 1375, 64, 259, 3210, 2875, 892, 315, 36666, 3094, 220, 16, 11, 499, 4805, 636, 311, 279, 281, 297, 396, 1405, 499, 198, 28172, 7167, 5406, 362, 51806, 2136, 13, 816, 6033, 2834, 529, 259, 1205, 311, 2610, 11, 1054, 3383, 358, 8010, 12671, 198, 276, 1631, 461, 11, 1606, 304, 279, 4545, 499, 1781, 315, 362, 51806, 2136, 11, 22571, 362, 51806, 2136, 198, 14724, 387, 304, 279, 40405, 323, 701, 4059, 690, 1421, 15686, 1139, 279, 4092, 627, 2118, 19118, 279, 3217, 315, 1694, 8010, 311, 2586, 1139, 279, 40405, 315, 198, 50659, 11, 323, 1095, 11555, 11, 5448, 11, 16024, 11, 72597, 323, 51866, 198, 265, 95974, 1139, 279, 4092, 13, 29524, 5406, 279, 3217, 315, 387, 6892, 8010, 13, 578, 198, 55225, 323, 23871, 369, 902, 682, 1274, 1317, 48383, 1070, 49216, 49, 50580, 3165, 9008, 11, 1448, 8019, 220, 21347, 362, 51806, 315, 21347, 362, 51806, 198, 25882, 701, 6666, 311, 362, 51806, 2136, 555, 62464, 362, 51806, 2136, 5361, 3115, 198, 20322, 412, 279, 1938, 662, 1102, 2834, 529, 259, 387, 1317, 1603, 499, 2733, 264, 5647, 315, 59708, 16337, 198, 438, 23871, 1855, 892, 499, 471, 505, 279, 63355, 315, 279, 4059, 311, 279, 5655, 198, 55225, 315, 362, 51806, 2136, 627, 35816, 529, 274, 264, 23243, 304, 1475, 4545, 13, 350, 297, 387, 1148, 499, 527, 477, 1148, 499, 527, 539, 627, 56, 6033, 3207, 19301, 304, 1475, 2132, 49216, 5159, 11326, 198, 2746, 499, 2733, 1093, 701, 4059, 374, 22590, 2781, 287, 362, 51806, 2136, 11, 477, 499, 2733, 1093, 499, 4070, 5675, 433, 198, 438, 499, 649, 529, 259, 636, 433, 1203, 11, 2610, 6261, 11, 1054, 3923, 374, 8010, 430, 362, 51806, 2136, 374, 5675, 12671, 198, 2181, 529, 274, 362, 51806, 2136, 430, 529, 274, 8010, 315, 433, 0, 1628, 449, 430, 11, 499, 31331, 326, 387, 8010, 315, 198, 32, 51806, 2136, 627, 2746, 499, 1541, 529, 259, 1781, 499, 4070, 1027, 3025, 311, 7142, 362, 51806, 2136, 3686, 11, 2610, 6261, 345, 44130, 374, 8010, 430, 358, 9167, 529, 259, 11352, 362, 51806, 2136, 12671, 1102, 529, 274, 362, 51806, 2136, 430, 529, 274, 198, 20111, 315, 430, 2288, 0, 1628, 1457, 499, 3207, 8010, 315, 362, 51806, 2136, 627, 2118, 56, 6033, 527, 2736, 17985, 5196, 11, 539, 279, 832, 4560, 311, 387, 8010, 49216, 44, 2689, 7910, 198, 11787, 499, 220, 8010, 315, 701, 2547, 1314, 1457, 30, 1102, 529, 274, 362, 51806, 2136, 430, 529, 274, 220, 8010, 315, 701, 198, 2664, 662, 362, 312, 499, 8010, 315, 279, 10954, 499, 3207, 11961, 389, 30, 1102, 529, 274, 362, 51806, 818, 11107, 430, 529, 274, 8010, 198, 1073, 270, 384, 274, 8343, 13, 8886, 499, 8010, 315, 701, 27027, 30], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " for the night: you need to go home and bury the\nhatchet; you need to call her and talk to her from your heart because I\nknow that underneath the grievance, you love her.\u201d\nAnd he said, \u201cYes\u2026you\u2019re right; it is crazy; it is just absolutely\ncrazy that I haven\u2019 t spoken with her, that I have been carrying this for so\nlong.\u201d Until then, he had not made the connection between the grievance\nwith his sister and the leukemia. When I saw him a few weeks later, he\ntold me that he had immediately contacted his sister and cleared the\ngrievance. And when he later went in to the hospital, they couldn\u2019 t find a\ntrace of leukem ia. It was all healed because he had gone through that\nopening of his heart. He burie d the hatchet. He let go of the long-\nstanding grievan ce. He shared with me that what he had been holding on\nto was so silly in hindsight. This is what we can do now. We can allow ourselves to make the\nconnections in our mind like, Wow, it\u2019s important for me to be free of\ngrievances so that I can heal. And know, that with the help of the Holy\nSpirit, it is possible! Being free of grievances means that anyone from\nyour entire life could show up; you could just sit there, look them in the\neye, and smile; you could give them a big long hug; and you could love\nthem without any sense of anim osity, any belief in wrongdoing, not even\nany sense of irritation or annoyance. When you remember who you are, you will bless everyone and\neverything you see. There will be no past and therefore no enem ies. And\nyou will look with love on all that you failed to see before.You were just mistaken when you perceived that your brother or\nyour sister want ed to attack or hurt you. It was you who wanted to throw\nsomething that was wounded in yourself onto them. Letting go of\ngrievances and grudges is your most practical remedy. It is a miracle!Exercise: Open Up to Healing\nFor this two-pa rt exercise, find a quiet place where you will not be\ndisturbed and have your journal with you. Turn your attention\ninward. See this as a devotional time that you set aside for\nyourself. Part 1. Identifying and Releasing Y our Grievances\nIn this exercis e, you are going to look at the purpose a current\nupset or frustration seems to serve. Be very open to recognizing\nany \u201creasons\u201d that you may be using to maintain sickness or a\nsymptom. Allow yourself to settle inward; ask the Holy Spirit to\nhelp you see any thoughts and beliefs that are under the surface\nof your consciousness. Even if they are intense, just allow them. Your healing is worth the effort you put into your practice now. It\nwill open your mind to the miracle of this present moment where\nall answers are given. Y ou are going inside to heal. In your journal, prayerfully write down your answers to the\nfollowing:\n1. List and describe a current disturbance, annoyance, or\nupset. It can be an irritation, a discomfort, or a physic al\nsymptom. Ask yourself: Is there someone or something I\u2019m\nupset with? Who and what is it? Welcome and allow the\nfeelings. 2. What might you be trying to \u201cprove\u201d to yourself or someone\nelse by having these disturbances or symptoms? This may\nnot be appare nt at first. Take your time and ask Spirit to\nhelp you see deeply into your mind. 3. Irritation or sickness of any kind comes with a feeling of\nseparateness and withdrawal. Why are you choosing to be\nseparate? List every possible reason. Make sure to not\navoid anything.The ego uses all disturbanc es and all forms of sickness to\nhave you \u201cprove\u201d to yourse lf that you are limited, weak, and\nvulnerable. It can also use an illness to \u201cprove\u201d that you are\nvulnerable in order to receive attention and love from others. You\nmay be using a grievance to avoid a particular event, situation, or\nperson and \u201cprove\u201d that you are weak. Take a moment with this prayer:\nHoly Spirit, I trust Y ou to show me what I need to see so that I\ncan heal. Please help me see my thoughts so they may be\nreleased into Y our loving hands. I seem to have grievances\nand symptoms; I seem to have things going on in my body. I\nopen my mind to Y ou now and ask Y ou to show me that I am\nnot upset, worried, or fearful for the reason I think. Sit quietly. Notice how you are feeling. You may feel a sense\nof relief or anticipation, or you may notice feelings of discomfort. It\u2019s okay. Take your time. When you are ready, take the next step. Now, invite these powerful, true ideas into your mind. Say to\nyourself:\nThere is no problem that is separate or apart from my mind. There is no problem that is separate or apart from my thoughts. I am willing to be wrong about my thoughts. I give them now to\nYou, Holy Spirit. I want to heal. I want to be happy. I want to\nknow love. Part 2. Meditation: Going Beyond Grievances, Praying for\nHealing\nThrough your willingness to see your grievances as wrong-\nminded thoughts, you have risen above the battleground. True\nhealing comes when you see that you have false belief s about\nsickness and false beliefs about your identity. As you welcome\nand remember the truth, the fog that obscured the light of peace\ndissolves. I invite you to stay open and listen. Listen to the silence\nof your mind.Imagine now that you are entering a space inside your mind\nwhere you can be totally relaxed and feel perfectly safe. Let go of\nany distraction s, worries, or problems that may be calling for your\nattention. You can return to them later, if you wish. Take a few\ndeep breaths and spend a few moments in quietness with this\nprayer. Here, in this moment I give myself permission\nto sink deep down to a place of rest inside my mind. I come now into a safe, sacred space,\nwhere my mind is open to the truth,\nI offer Y ou all of my doubts and call upon Y our certainty. I see that sickness and grievances are my calls for love. I will no longer hide my nightmares from Y ou;\nI expose them. I release them. I bring the darkness to Y our light. Now I am quiet,\nin the midst of all the raspy noises of the world. I sink down into deep stillness. Today I look straight at every image or symptom,\nrealizing that the goal is inevitable;\nthe goal of love, happiness, joy, and peace. Perfect love casts out all fear! Today I trust the Holy Spirit\u2026and I accept His trust in me. I look within and find peace. Amen. Healing Yourself Is Healing the UniverseIf you pray for healing but stay concerned with and look for symptoms,\nyou need to redirect your mind, otherwise healing cannot occur. It will\ntake a great deal of vigilance to bring your attention back to your mind\nand release all worry and concern around symptoms to the Holy Spirit. It\ntakes determina tion to watch the doubt and fear thoughts and to keep\nhanding them over. If the fear becomes too great, you may feel that\ngoing to the doctor or getting some medicine will support you\ntemporarily while sincerely working with and looking at all of your\nthoughts and situations calling for forgiveness. This is okay because a\nfearful mind is itself a block to healing, to the awareness of love\u2019 s\npresence. The feeling of trust arises naturally with a relaxed and grateful\nmind. Come into the prayer of your heart, be willing to have a change of\nperception, and feel the joy of healing! You are worthy of expe riencing\nyour real purpose, the only way to real and lasting healing. It is important to see that there is an obvious choice. There are\nnumerous opportunities to take the bait and perceive yourself as being\nseparate, attacked, rejected, and abandoned. The ego has been\nsponsoring this attack and defense game for so long, and now you\u2019re\ngoing to shift and open to healing. This is a great shift of mind. When\nyou begin to see your sickness as a call for love, you\u2019ll notice a\nsoftening, a change both in your mind and in your day-to-day life. And\nas you allow the love that you perceive as missing to be exten ded, you\nreceive it immediately. It will get reflected right back to you as a\nmiracle. This is how healing of the mind and the body works. Exactly as\nit is with mental healing, physical healing can always only be of the\nmind. When the mind has full and open communication and all wrong-\nminded thoughts have been raised to the light, healing will follow. The\nbody will be a healthy tool or vehicle for a mind that is happy and at\npeace. It\u2019s important to remember that when you genuinely desire healing\nfor yourself or for others, your focus is not on whether the symptoms\nstay or disappea r. The key is to not be invested in a bodily outcome or\nappearances. Remember that healing is not really about removal of\nsymptoms; it is about returning your mind to God. Joining your mind\nwith God, your Source", "token_ids": [369, 279, 3814, 25, 499, 1205, 311, 733, 2162, 323, 56444, 279, 198, 71, 85092, 26, 499, 1205, 311, 1650, 1077, 323, 3137, 311, 1077, 505, 701, 4851, 1606, 358, 198, 33134, 430, 30456, 279, 51013, 685, 11, 499, 3021, 1077, 662, 89874, 3112, 568, 1071, 11, 1054, 9642, 1981, 9514, 3207, 1314, 26, 433, 374, 14599, 26, 433, 374, 1120, 11112, 198, 66, 12350, 430, 358, 9167, 529, 259, 22066, 449, 1077, 11, 430, 358, 617, 1027, 15691, 420, 369, 779, 198, 4930, 2029, 30070, 1243, 11, 568, 1047, 539, 1903, 279, 3717, 1990, 279, 51013, 685, 198, 4291, 813, 13219, 323, 279, 96306, 662, 3277, 358, 5602, 1461, 264, 2478, 5672, 220, 3010, 11, 568, 198, 83, 820, 757, 430, 568, 1047, 7214, 25559, 813, 13219, 323, 23803, 279, 198, 70, 462, 5230, 685, 13, 1628, 994, 568, 3010, 4024, 304, 311, 279, 8952, 11, 814, 7846, 529, 259, 1505, 264, 198, 15417, 315, 57381, 336, 35924, 13, 1102, 574, 682, 62320, 1606, 568, 1047, 8208, 1555, 430, 198, 68785, 315, 813, 4851, 13, 1283, 7951, 648, 294, 279, 44355, 295, 13, 1283, 1095, 733, 315, 279, 1317, 7058, 10276, 51013, 276, 3846, 13, 1283, 6222, 449, 757, 430, 1148, 568, 1047, 1027, 10168, 389, 198, 998, 574, 779, 30571, 304, 87394, 13, 1115, 374, 1148, 584, 649, 656, 1457, 13, 1226, 649, 2187, 13520, 311, 1304, 220, 279, 198, 51086, 304, 1057, 4059, 1093, 11, 46817, 11, 433, 753, 3062, 369, 757, 311, 387, 1949, 315, 198, 70, 462, 5230, 3095, 779, 430, 358, 649, 27661, 13, 1628, 1440, 11, 430, 449, 279, 1520, 315, 279, 19229, 198, 87475, 11, 433, 374, 3284, 0, 21347, 1949, 315, 88036, 3445, 430, 5606, 505, 198, 22479, 4553, 2324, 1436, 1501, 709, 26, 499, 1436, 1120, 2503, 1070, 11, 1427, 1124, 304, 279, 198, 19494, 11, 323, 15648, 26, 499, 1436, 3041, 1124, 264, 2466, 1317, 30884, 26, 323, 499, 1436, 3021, 198, 49818, 2085, 904, 5647, 315, 4039, 2709, 488, 1174, 904, 16801, 304, 65328, 11, 539, 1524, 198, 3852, 5647, 315, 66510, 477, 91904, 13, 3277, 499, 6227, 889, 499, 527, 11, 499, 690, 16458, 5127, 323, 198, 73826, 499, 1518, 13, 2684, 690, 387, 912, 3347, 323, 9093, 912, 665, 336, 220, 552, 13, 1628, 198, 9514, 690, 1427, 449, 3021, 389, 682, 430, 499, 4745, 311, 1518, 1603, 39537, 1051, 1120, 37104, 994, 499, 26617, 430, 701, 10868, 477, 198, 22479, 13219, 1390, 1608, 311, 3440, 477, 13194, 499, 13, 1102, 574, 499, 889, 4934, 311, 2571, 198, 34431, 430, 574, 28593, 304, 6261, 8800, 1124, 13, 6914, 1303, 733, 315, 198, 70, 462, 5230, 3095, 323, 1099, 664, 4282, 374, 701, 1455, 15325, 40239, 662, 1102, 374, 264, 45125, 0, 53809, 25, 5377, 3216, 311, 49741, 198, 2520, 420, 1403, 2320, 64, 17091, 10368, 11, 1505, 264, 11594, 2035, 1405, 499, 690, 539, 387, 198, 12489, 75325, 323, 617, 701, 8486, 449, 499, 13, 12268, 701, 6666, 198, 258, 1637, 13, 3580, 420, 439, 264, 3567, 41964, 892, 430, 499, 743, 16038, 369, 198, 22479, 726, 13, 3744, 220, 16, 13, 23322, 7922, 323, 1050, 84652, 816, 1057, 64004, 5230, 3095, 198, 644, 420, 7584, 285, 384, 11, 499, 527, 2133, 311, 1427, 520, 279, 7580, 264, 1510, 198, 455, 751, 477, 33086, 5084, 311, 8854, 13, 2893, 1633, 1825, 311, 49183, 198, 3852, 1054, 20489, 82, 863, 430, 499, 1253, 387, 1701, 311, 10519, 54950, 477, 264, 198, 24738, 80797, 13, 27628, 6261, 311, 25760, 63018, 26, 2610, 279, 19229, 17326, 311, 198, 8823, 499, 1518, 904, 11555, 323, 21463, 430, 527, 1234, 279, 7479, 198, 1073, 701, 25917, 13, 7570, 220, 422, 814, 527, 19428, 11, 1120, 2187, 1124, 13, 4718, 21730, 374, 5922, 279, 5149, 499, 2231, 1139, 701, 6725, 220, 1457, 13, 1102, 198, 14724, 1825, 701, 4059, 311, 279, 45125, 315, 420, 3118, 4545, 1405, 198, 543, 11503, 527, 2728, 13, 816, 6033, 527, 2133, 4871, 311, 27661, 13, 763, 701, 8486, 11, 23788, 3725, 3350, 1523, 701, 11503, 311, 279, 198, 44018, 512, 16, 13, 1796, 323, 7664, 264, 1510, 65858, 11, 91904, 11, 477, 198, 455, 751, 13, 1102, 649, 387, 459, 66510, 1174, 264, 44776, 11, 477, 264, 55124, 453, 198, 24738, 80797, 13, 21069, 6261, 25, 2209, 1070, 4423, 477, 2555, 358, 4344, 198, 455, 751, 449, 30, 10699, 323, 1148, 374, 433, 30, 20776, 323, 2187, 279, 198, 57676, 826, 13, 220, 17, 13, 3639, 2643, 499, 387, 4560, 311, 1054, 35563, 863, 311, 6261, 477, 4423, 198, 1531, 555, 3515, 1521, 85160, 477, 13803, 30, 1115, 1253, 198, 1962, 387, 97262, 32512, 520, 1176, 13, 12040, 701, 892, 323, 2610, 17326, 311, 198, 8823, 499, 1518, 17693, 1139, 701, 4059, 13, 220, 18, 13, 79141, 7709, 477, 54950, 315, 904, 3169, 4131, 449, 264, 8430, 315, 198, 325, 1768, 13827, 434, 323, 30836, 13, 8595, 527, 499, 19301, 311, 387, 198, 325, 68698, 30, 1796, 1475, 3284, 2944, 13, 7557, 2771, 311, 539, 198, 48956, 4205, 11829, 37374, 5829, 682, 38323, 1149, 1560, 323, 682, 7739, 315, 54950, 220, 311, 198, 19553, 499, 1054, 35563, 863, 311, 701, 325, 59180, 430, 499, 527, 7347, 11, 7621, 11, 323, 198, 85, 94007, 13, 1102, 649, 1101, 1005, 459, 17563, 311, 1054, 35563, 863, 430, 499, 527, 198, 85, 94007, 304, 2015, 311, 5371, 6666, 323, 3021, 505, 3885, 13, 1472, 198, 18864, 387, 1701, 264, 51013, 685, 311, 5766, 264, 4040, 1567, 11, 6671, 11, 477, 198, 9164, 323, 1054, 35563, 863, 430, 499, 527, 7621, 13, 12040, 264, 4545, 449, 420, 23788, 512, 72291, 17326, 11, 358, 7095, 816, 6033, 311, 1501, 757, 1148, 358, 1205, 311, 1518, 779, 430, 358, 198, 4919, 27661, 13, 5321, 1520, 757, 1518, 856, 11555, 779, 814, 1253, 387, 198, 78038, 1139, 816, 1057, 21955, 6206, 13, 358, 2873, 311, 617, 88036, 198, 438, 13803, 26, 358, 2873, 311, 617, 2574, 2133, 389, 304, 856, 2547, 662, 358, 198, 2569, 856, 4059, 311, 816, 6033, 1457, 323, 2610, 816, 6033, 311, 1501, 757, 430, 358, 1097, 198, 1962, 23268, 11, 18290, 11, 477, 63757, 369, 279, 2944, 358, 1781, 13, 29508, 30666, 662, 25773, 1268, 499, 527, 8430, 13, 1472, 1253, 2733, 264, 5647, 198, 1073, 16337, 477, 50919, 11, 477, 499, 1253, 5406, 16024, 315, 44776, 13, 1102, 753, 17339, 662, 12040, 701, 892, 13, 3277, 499, 527, 5644, 1174, 1935, 279, 1828, 3094, 13, 4800, 11, 22114, 1521, 8147, 11, 837, 6848, 1139, 701, 4059, 13, 25961, 311, 198, 22479, 726, 512, 3947, 374, 912, 3575, 430, 374, 8821, 477, 10980, 505, 856, 4059, 13, 2684, 374, 912, 3575, 430, 374, 8821, 477, 10980, 505, 856, 11555, 13, 358, 1097, 10032, 311, 387, 5076, 922, 856, 11555, 13, 358, 3041, 1124, 1457, 311, 198, 2675, 11, 19229, 17326, 13, 358, 1390, 311, 27661, 13, 358, 1390, 311, 387, 6380, 662, 358, 1390, 311, 198, 33134, 3021, 13, 3744, 220, 17, 13, 77571, 25, 220, 35971, 31886, 64004, 5230, 3095, 11, 2394, 17718, 369, 198, 1548, 6260, 198, 24798, 701, 39375, 311, 1518, 701, 88036, 439, 5076, 7058, 76, 17003, 11555, 11, 499, 617, 41482, 3485, 279, 91666, 13, 3082, 198, 383, 6260, 4131, 220, 994, 499, 1518, 430, 499, 617, 905, 16801, 274, 922, 198, 82, 26989, 323, 905, 21463, 922, 701, 9764, 662, 1666, 499, 10788, 198, 438, 6227, 220, 279, 8206, 11, 279, 31349, 430, 96801, 279, 3177, 315, 9096, 198, 67, 1056, 18685, 13, 358, 22114, 499, 311, 4822, 1825, 323, 9020, 13, 33249, 311, 279, 21847, 198, 1073, 701, 4059, 28012, 24281, 1457, 430, 499, 527, 16661, 264, 3634, 4871, 701, 4059, 198, 2940, 499, 649, 387, 12756, 31467, 323, 2733, 14268, 6220, 13, 6914, 733, 315, 198, 3852, 54716, 274, 11, 38145, 11, 477, 5435, 430, 1253, 387, 8260, 369, 701, 198, 54203, 13, 1472, 649, 471, 311, 1124, 3010, 11, 422, 499, 6562, 13, 12040, 264, 2478, 198, 33980, 11745, 82, 323, 8493, 264, 2478, 14269, 304, 11594, 2136, 449, 420, 198, 652, 1155, 662, 5810, 11, 304, 420, 4545, 358, 3041, 7182, 8041, 198, 998, 19868, 5655, 1523, 311, 264, 2035, 315, 2800, 4871, 856, 4059, 13, 358, 2586, 1457, 1139, 264, 6220, 11, 32442, 3634, 345, 2940, 856, 4059, 374, 1825, 311, 279, 8206, 345, 40, 3085, 816, 6033, 682, 315, 856, 40017, 323, 1650, 5304, 816, 1057, 44743, 662, 358, 1518, 430, 54950, 323, 88036, 527, 856, 6880, 369, 3021, 13, 358, 690, 912, 5129, 10477, 856, 75362, 505, 816, 6033, 280, 40, 29241, 1124, 13, 358, 4984, 1124, 13, 358, 4546, 279, 27394, 311, 816, 1057, 3177, 13, 4800, 358, 1097, 11594, 345, 258, 279, 35446, 315, 682, 279, 51010, 3368, 58448, 315, 279, 1917, 13, 358, 19868, 1523, 1139, 5655, 2103, 2136, 13, 11450, 358, 1427, 7833, 520, 1475, 2217, 477, 49648, 345, 8110, 4954, 430, 279, 5915, 374, 31352, 280, 1820, 5915, 315, 3021, 11, 23871, 11, 16267, 1174, 323, 9096, 13, 24118, 3021, 57133, 704, 682, 8850, 0, 11450, 358, 7095, 279, 19229, 17326, 53676, 358, 4287, 5414, 7095, 304, 757, 13, 358, 1427, 2949, 323, 1505, 9096, 13, 62496, 13, 49741, 60005, 2209, 49741, 279, 29849, 2746, 499, 24739, 369, 21730, 719, 4822, 11920, 449, 323, 1427, 369, 13803, 345, 9514, 1205, 311, 6559, 701, 4059, 11, 6062, 21730, 4250, 12446, 662, 1102, 690, 198, 23609, 264, 2294, 3568, 315, 38494, 685, 311, 4546, 701, 6666, 1203, 311, 701, 4059, 198, 438, 4984, 682, 11196, 323, 4747, 2212, 13803, 311, 279, 19229, 17326, 13, 1102, 198, 79079, 6449, 64, 73352, 311, 3821, 279, 10712, 323, 8850, 11555, 323, 311, 2567, 198, 10888, 287, 1124, 927, 13, 1442, 279, 8850, 9221, 2288, 2294, 11, 499, 1253, 2733, 430, 198, 9738, 311, 279, 10896, 477, 3794, 1063, 16088, 690, 1862, 499, 198, 3975, 97254, 1418, 59383, 3318, 449, 323, 3411, 520, 682, 315, 701, 198, 61665, 82, 323, 15082, 8260, 369, 53150, 13, 1115, 374, 17339, 1606, 264, 198, 69, 686, 1285, 4059, 374, 5196, 264, 2565, 311, 21730, 11, 311, 279, 17985, 315, 3021, 529, 274, 198, 74519, 13, 578, 8430, 315, 7095, 48282, 18182, 449, 264, 31467, 323, 26259, 198, 38824, 13, 15936, 1139, 279, 23788, 315, 701, 4851, 11, 387, 10032, 311, 617, 264, 2349, 315, 198, 716, 1010, 11, 323, 2733, 279, 16267, 315, 21730, 0, 1472, 527, 28390, 315, 506, 375, 25160, 11627, 198, 22479, 1972, 7580, 11, 279, 1193, 1648, 311, 1972, 323, 29869, 21730, 13, 1102, 374, 3062, 311, 1518, 430, 1070, 374, 459, 8196, 5873, 13, 2684, 527, 198, 76696, 788, 10708, 311, 1935, 279, 49160, 323, 45493, 6261, 439, 1694, 198, 325, 68698, 11, 18855, 11, 18010, 11, 323, 23838, 13, 578, 37374, 706, 1027, 198, 82, 2805, 5620, 420, 3440, 323, 9232, 1847, 369, 779, 1317, 11, 323, 1457, 499, 3207, 198, 9738, 311, 6541, 323, 1825, 311, 21730, 13, 1115, 374, 264, 2294, 6541, 315, 4059, 13, 3277, 198, 9514, 3240, 311, 1518, 701, 54950, 439, 264, 1650, 369, 3021, 11, 499, 4805, 5406, 264, 198, 3594, 6147, 11, 264, 2349, 2225, 304, 701, 4059, 323, 304, 701, 1938, 4791, 11477, 2324, 13, 1628, 198, 300, 499, 2187, 279, 3021, 430, 499, 45493, 439, 7554, 311, 387, 1327, 268, 7836, 11, 499, 198, 42993, 433, 7214, 662, 1102, 690, 636, 27000, 1314, 1203, 311, 499, 439, 264, 198, 20531, 8061, 13, 1115, 374, 1268, 21730, 315, 279, 4059, 323, 279, 2547, 4375, 13, 69590, 439, 198, 275, 374, 449, 10723, 21730, 11, 7106, 21730, 649, 2744, 1193, 387, 315, 279, 198, 38824, 13, 3277, 279, 4059, 706, 2539, 323, 1825, 10758, 323, 682, 5076, 7058, 76, 17003, 11555, 220, 617, 1027, 9408, 311, 279, 3177, 11, 21730, 690, 1833, 662, 578, 198, 2664, 690, 387, 264, 9498, 5507, 477, 7458, 369, 264, 4059, 430, 374, 6380, 323, 520, 198, 55225, 13, 1102, 753, 3062, 311, 6227, 430, 994, 499, 36297, 12876, 21730, 198, 2000, 6261, 477, 369, 3885, 11, 701, 5357, 374, 539, 389, 3508, 279, 13803, 198, 60021, 477, 21504, 64, 436, 13, 578, 1401, 374, 311, 539, 387, 29091, 304, 264, 48131, 15632, 477, 198, 41866, 3095, 13, 20474, 430, 21730, 374, 539, 2216, 922, 17065, 315, 198, 24738, 52273, 26, 433, 374, 922, 13758, 701, 4059, 311, 4359, 13, 16877, 287, 701, 4059, 198, 4291, 4359, 11, 701, 8922], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": " to morphological changes in the gallbladder wall with some focal ulcerations. \nQ: What is the primary goal of the treatment program for arthritis?, \nA: It is a five-part treatment program that includes nutrition, microendocrinology, immunotherapy, and DMSO. \nQ: What is the purpose of the directory listed in the text?, \nA: It provides information on physicians who can provide information on DMSO treatment.<|eot_id|><|begin_of_text|>(P)\n423 South PalmPecos, TX 79772\n(915) 445-9090\nAC,AU,CT,FP,NT,PM\nPlano\nLinda Martin, D.O. (P)\nSuite C\n1524 Independence\nPlano, TX 75075\n(214) 985-1377\nFAX (214) 612-0747\nCT,GP,NT,PM\nSan Antonio\nJim P. Archer, D.O. (P)\n8434 Fredericksburg Road\nSan Antonio, TX 78229\n(512) 615-8445\nA,CT,HO,NT,PM\nRon Stogryn, M.D. (P)\nSuite 100\n7334 Blanco Road\nSan Antonio, TX 78216\n(512) 366-3637\nFAX (512) 366-3638\nA,CT,MM,NT,PD,YS\nWichita Falls\nThomas R. Humphrey, M.D. (P)\n2400 Rushing\nWichita Falls, TX 76308\n(817) 766-4329\nBA,FP,GP,HYP\nUTAHProvo\nDennis Harper, D.O. (D/C)\nSuite 11E\n1675 North Freedom Boulevard\nProvo, UT 84604\n(801) 373-8500\nA,CT,OSM,YS\nD. Remington, M.D. (D/C)\nSuite 11E\n1675 North Freedom Boulevard\nProvo, UT 84604\n(801) 373-8500\nA,CT,EM,FP\nVIRGINIA\nAnnandale\nSohini Patei, M.D. (P)\nSuite 207\n7023 Little River Turnpike\nAnnandale, VA 22003\n(703) 941-3606\nA,CT,NT,PM\nHinton\nHarold Huffman, M.D. (D/C)\nPO Box 197\nHinton, VA 22831\n(703) 867-5242\nCT,FP,PM\nMidlothian\nPeter C. Gent, D.O. (D/C)\n11900 Hull Street\nMidlothian, VA 23112\n(804) 744-3551CT,GP,OSM\nNorfolk\nVincent Speckhart, M.D. (DIPL)\n902 Graydon Avenue\nNorfolk, VA 23507\n(804) 622-0014\nIM,Medical Oncology\nTrout Dale\nElmer M. Cranton, M.D., F.A.C.A.M. (DIPL)\nRipshin Road, Box 44\nTrout Dale, VA 24378\n(703) 677-3631\nFAX (703) 677-3843\nA,CD,CT,FP,HO,NT\nWASHINGTON\nBellevue\nDavid Buscher, M.D. (P)\nSuite 102\n1370 - 116th NE\nBellevue, WA 98004-3825\n(206) 453-0288\nClinical Ecology/EM,GP,NT\nMaurice Stephens, M.D. 5011 133rd Place SE\nBellevue, WA 98006\n(No Referrals)\nBellingham\nRobert Kimmel, M.D. (D/C)\nSuite 104\n4204 Meridian\nBellingham, WA 98226(206) 734-3250\nAC,CT,DD,FP,NT,PM\nFairchild\nJames P. De Santis, D.O. 8116 Palm Street\nFairchild AFB, WA 99011\n(No Referrals)\nKent\nJonathan Wright, M.D. (P)\n24030 - 132nd, SE\nKent, WA 98042\n(206) 631-8920\nA,CT,END,FP,MM,NT\nKirkland\nJonathan Collin, M.D. (DIPL)\nSuite A-50\n12911 120th Avenue NE\nPO Box 8099\nKirkland, WA 98034\n(206) 820-0547\nFAX (206) 385-7703\nCT,NT,PM\nPort Townsend\nJonathan Collin, M.D. (DIPL)\n911 Tyler Street\nPort Townsend, WA 98368\n(206) 385-4555\nCT,NT,PM\nSeattle\nMichael G. Vesselago, M.D. (P)\n217 North 125th\nSeattle, WA 98133(206) 367-0760\nCT,FP,IM,MM,NT,PM\nSpokane\nBurton B. Hart, D.O. (P)\nEast 12104 Main\nSpokane, WA 99206\n(509) 927-9922\nFAX (509) 927-9922\nCT,OSM,PM\nVancouver\nRichard P. Huemer, M.D. (P)\nBuilding C-303\n406 SE 131st Avenue\nVancouver, WA 98684\n(206) 253-4445\nA,CT,HGL,MM,NT,PM\nYakima\nMurray L. Black, D.O. (P)\n609 South 48th Avenue\nYakima, WA 98906\n(509) 966-1780\nA,CT,FP,GP,OSM\nYeim\nElmer M. Cranton, M.D., F.A.C.A.M. (DIPL)\n15246 Leona Drive SE\nYeim, WA 98597\n(206) 894-3548\nFAX (206) 894-2176\nA,CD,CT,FP,HO,NT\nWEST VIRGINIA\nBeckleyPrudencio Corro, M.D. (P)\n251 Stanaford Road\nBeckley, WV 25801\n(304) 252-0775\nA,CT,RHI\nMichael Kostenko, D.O. (DIPL)\n114 East Main Street\nBeckley, WV 25801\n(304) 253-0591\nA,AC,CT,FP,OSM,PM\nCharleston\nSteve M. Zekan, M.D. (P)\n1208 Kanawha Boulevard East\nCharleston, WV 25301\n(304) 343-7559\nCT,NT,PM,S\nWISCONSIN\nGreen Bay\nEleazar M. Kadile, M.D. (D/C)\n1538 Bellevue Street\nGreen Bay, WI 54311\n(414) 468-9442\nA,CT,P\nLake Geneva\nRathna Alwa, M.D. (DIPL)\n717 Geneva Street\nLake Geneva, WI 53147\n(414) 248-1430\nAC,AR,BA,CT,HYP,IM\nMilwaukee\nWilliam J. Faber, D.O. (P)6529 West Fond du Lac Avenue\nMilwaukee, WI 53218\n(414) 464-7680\nNeuro-Musculoskeletal\nThomas Hesselink, M.D. (D/C)\nSuite 202\n10520 West Blue Mound Road\nMilwaukee, WI 53226\n(414) 259-1350\nA,Candida,CT,GP,NT,PM\nRobert R. Stocker, D.O. (DIPL)\n2505 Mayfair Road\nMilwaukee, WI 53226\n(Retired)\nJerry N. Yee, D.O. (D/C)\n2505 North Mayfair Road\nMilwaukee, WI 53226\n(414) 258-6282\nBA,CT,GP,OSM\nWisconsin Dells\nRobert S. Waters, M.D. (DIPL)\nRace and Vine Streets\nBox 357\nWisconsin Dells, WI 53965\n(608) 254-7178\nCT,OME,PM\nAmerican College of Advancement in Medicine\n(ACAM) Physicians\u2014InternationalAUSTRALIA\nDonvale, Victoria\nR.B. Allen, M.D. (D/C)\n5/90 Mitcham Road\nDonvale, Victoria 3111\nA,AC,CT,HGL,NT,PM\nGosford, N.S.W. Heather M. Bassett, M.D. (P)\n91 Donnison Street\nGosford, N.S.W. 2250\nCD,DD,GYN,NT,OSM,PMR\nBELGIUM\nAntwerpen\nDidier Langouche, M.D. (D/C)\nRubenslei 17\n2018 Antwerpen\nCT\nGhent\nMichel De Meyer, M.D. (D/C)\nNekkersberglaan 11\n9000 Ghent\nFP,GP,OS,PH\nSt. Niklaas\nA. De Bruyne, M.D. (D/C)\nAnkerstraat 152B\n2700 St. Niklaas\nDD,FP,GER,GP,OBS,PM\nBRAZIL\nAmazonasFernando M. de Souza,", "token_ids": [311, 27448, 5848, 4442, 304, 279, 19754, 2067, 21473, 7147, 449, 1063, 42199, 96971, 811, 13, 720, 48, 25, 3639, 374, 279, 6156, 5915, 315, 279, 6514, 2068, 369, 55652, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 1102, 374, 264, 4330, 29137, 6514, 2068, 430, 5764, 26677, 11, 8162, 408, 91153, 2508, 11, 33119, 42811, 11, 323, 423, 4931, 46, 13, 720, 48, 25, 3639, 374, 279, 7580, 315, 279, 6352, 10212, 304, 279, 1495, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 1102, 5825, 2038, 389, 35944, 889, 649, 3493, 2038, 389, 423, 4931, 46, 6514, 13, 128009, 128000, 5417, 340, 19711, 4987, 33578, 47, 762, 437, 11, 17467, 220, 25314, 5332, 198, 7, 22387, 8, 220, 19697, 12, 21278, 15, 198, 1741, 15381, 52, 11, 1182, 11, 11960, 11, 6542, 11, 8971, 198, 2169, 5770, 198, 43, 17872, 11826, 11, 423, 8548, 13, 320, 47, 340, 29100, 356, 198, 9756, 19, 44177, 198, 2169, 5770, 11, 17467, 220, 11711, 2075, 198, 7, 11584, 8, 220, 24961, 12, 10148, 22, 198, 37, 3027, 320, 11584, 8, 220, 21018, 12, 26739, 22, 198, 1182, 11, 25434, 11, 6542, 11, 8971, 198, 24661, 23245, 198, 37734, 393, 13, 59979, 11, 423, 8548, 13, 320, 47, 340, 23996, 19, 36532, 5908, 10481, 9728, 198, 24661, 23245, 11, 17467, 220, 23833, 1682, 198, 7, 8358, 8, 220, 21385, 12, 24344, 20, 198, 32, 11, 1182, 11, 24755, 11, 6542, 11, 8971, 198, 54925, 800, 540, 61343, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 47, 340, 29100, 220, 1041, 198, 24865, 19, 99923, 9728, 198, 24661, 23245, 11, 17467, 220, 23833, 845, 198, 7, 8358, 8, 220, 18044, 12, 18199, 22, 198, 37, 3027, 320, 8358, 8, 220, 18044, 12, 18199, 23, 198, 32, 11, 1182, 11, 8195, 11, 6542, 11, 23891, 11, 9579, 198, 54, 718, 6388, 30743, 198, 42493, 432, 13, 72025, 8233, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 47, 340, 8273, 15, 35175, 287, 198, 54, 718, 6388, 30743, 11, 17467, 220, 26083, 2318, 198, 7, 25528, 8, 220, 25358, 12, 16739, 24, 198, 7209, 11, 11960, 11, 25434, 44639, 10158, 198, 1406, 31023, 1360, 3415, 198, 35, 16550, 33107, 11, 423, 8548, 13, 320, 35, 11547, 340, 29100, 220, 806, 36, 198, 11515, 20, 4892, 25320, 48540, 198, 1360, 3415, 11, 26639, 220, 26563, 2371, 198, 7, 17973, 8, 220, 18017, 12, 16217, 15, 198, 32, 11, 1182, 11, 3204, 44, 11, 9579, 198, 35, 13, 5031, 4910, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 35, 11547, 340, 29100, 220, 806, 36, 198, 11515, 20, 4892, 25320, 48540, 198, 1360, 3415, 11, 26639, 220, 26563, 2371, 198, 7, 17973, 8, 220, 18017, 12, 16217, 15, 198, 32, 11, 1182, 11, 2783, 11, 11960, 198, 53, 2871, 21303, 5987, 198, 28192, 438, 1604, 198, 50, 2319, 6729, 393, 349, 72, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 47, 340, 29100, 220, 12060, 198, 20253, 18, 15013, 11188, 12268, 65546, 198, 28192, 438, 1604, 11, 21571, 220, 8610, 2839, 198, 7, 20436, 8, 220, 21322, 12, 6843, 21, 198, 32, 11, 1182, 11, 6542, 11, 8971, 198, 39, 7454, 198, 27588, 820, 89597, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 35, 11547, 340, 2089, 8425, 220, 4468, 198, 39, 7454, 11, 21571, 220, 14261, 2148, 198, 7, 20436, 8, 220, 26013, 12, 21177, 17, 198, 1182, 11, 11960, 11, 8971, 198, 34748, 70652, 1122, 198, 37659, 356, 13, 36823, 11, 423, 8548, 13, 320, 35, 11547, 340, 9079, 410, 58486, 6825, 198, 34748, 70652, 1122, 11, 21571, 220, 12245, 717, 198, 7, 20417, 8, 220, 23800, 12, 17306, 16, 1182, 11, 25434, 11, 3204, 44, 198, 33763, 42031, 198, 73092, 1189, 12587, 377, 47489, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 18091, 2989, 340, 21026, 24255, 15357, 17569, 198, 33763, 42031, 11, 21571, 220, 12422, 2589, 198, 7, 20417, 8, 220, 19808, 12, 4119, 19, 198, 1829, 11, 53654, 77854, 2508, 198, 1305, 412, 37828, 198, 6719, 1195, 386, 13, 4656, 32054, 11, 386, 920, 2637, 435, 885, 732, 885, 1345, 13, 320, 18091, 2989, 340, 49, 575, 939, 258, 9728, 11, 8425, 220, 2096, 198, 1305, 412, 37828, 11, 21571, 220, 14052, 2495, 198, 7, 20436, 8, 220, 24375, 12, 18199, 16, 198, 37, 3027, 320, 20436, 8, 220, 24375, 12, 12910, 18, 198, 32, 11, 6620, 11, 1182, 11, 11960, 11, 24755, 11, 6542, 198, 51577, 198, 22404, 3532, 361, 198, 23083, 19111, 9211, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 47, 340, 29100, 220, 4278, 198, 10148, 15, 482, 220, 8027, 339, 8014, 198, 22404, 3532, 361, 11, 29666, 220, 19068, 2371, 12, 18781, 20, 198, 7, 11056, 8, 220, 20235, 12, 22000, 23, 198, 96830, 78375, 14, 2783, 11, 25434, 11, 6542, 198, 44, 4202, 560, 77023, 11, 386, 920, 13, 220, 14408, 16, 220, 9423, 6634, 11004, 5161, 198, 22404, 3532, 361, 11, 29666, 220, 19068, 2705, 198, 7, 2822, 8718, 56243, 340, 33, 6427, 5721, 198, 35632, 735, 65964, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 35, 11547, 340, 29100, 220, 6849, 198, 12819, 19, 8930, 36742, 198, 33, 6427, 5721, 11, 29666, 220, 25873, 1627, 7, 11056, 8, 220, 24438, 12, 15257, 15, 198, 1741, 11, 1182, 11, 4195, 11, 11960, 11, 6542, 11, 8971, 198, 61895, 3124, 198, 29184, 393, 13, 1611, 23746, 285, 11, 423, 8548, 13, 220, 22588, 21, 33578, 6825, 198, 61895, 3124, 362, 16606, 11, 29666, 220, 19146, 806, 198, 7, 2822, 8718, 56243, 340, 85856, 198, 66091, 27839, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 47, 340, 8273, 966, 482, 220, 9413, 303, 11, 5161, 198, 85856, 11, 29666, 220, 19068, 2983, 198, 7, 11056, 8, 220, 21729, 12, 24110, 15, 198, 32, 11, 1182, 11, 4794, 11, 11960, 11, 8195, 11, 6542, 198, 42, 14468, 1974, 198, 66091, 13201, 258, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 18091, 2989, 340, 29100, 362, 12, 1135, 198, 9748, 806, 220, 4364, 339, 17569, 8014, 198, 2089, 8425, 220, 21474, 24, 198, 42, 14468, 1974, 11, 29666, 220, 19068, 1958, 198, 7, 11056, 8, 220, 18248, 12, 25230, 22, 198, 37, 3027, 320, 11056, 8, 220, 18695, 12, 20772, 18, 198, 1182, 11, 6542, 11, 8971, 198, 7229, 96782, 198, 66091, 13201, 258, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 18091, 2989, 340, 17000, 32320, 6825, 198, 7229, 96782, 11, 29666, 220, 24742, 2614, 198, 7, 11056, 8, 220, 18695, 12, 20325, 20, 198, 1182, 11, 6542, 11, 8971, 198, 72772, 198, 26597, 480, 13, 650, 36648, 6438, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 47, 340, 13460, 4892, 220, 6549, 339, 198, 72772, 11, 29666, 220, 25643, 1644, 7, 11056, 8, 220, 18775, 12, 26247, 15, 198, 1182, 11, 11960, 11, 1829, 11, 8195, 11, 6542, 11, 8971, 198, 6540, 80686, 198, 62339, 783, 426, 13, 23750, 11, 423, 8548, 13, 320, 47, 340, 37440, 220, 7994, 2371, 4802, 198, 6540, 80686, 11, 29666, 220, 22992, 2705, 198, 7, 12448, 8, 220, 26437, 12, 22992, 17, 198, 37, 3027, 320, 12448, 8, 220, 26437, 12, 22992, 17, 198, 1182, 11, 3204, 44, 11, 8971, 198, 53, 21104, 198, 42315, 393, 13, 22546, 41996, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 47, 340, 31233, 356, 12, 13236, 198, 17264, 5161, 220, 9263, 267, 17569, 198, 53, 21104, 11, 29666, 220, 27468, 5833, 198, 7, 11056, 8, 220, 14022, 12, 14870, 20, 198, 32, 11, 1182, 44639, 3910, 11, 8195, 11, 6542, 11, 8971, 198, 56, 587, 7675, 198, 44, 24648, 445, 13, 5348, 11, 423, 8548, 13, 320, 47, 340, 21138, 4987, 220, 2166, 339, 17569, 198, 56, 587, 7675, 11, 29666, 220, 25350, 2705, 198, 7, 12448, 8, 220, 25285, 12, 11256, 15, 198, 32, 11, 1182, 11, 11960, 11, 25434, 11, 3204, 44, 198, 87575, 318, 198, 6719, 1195, 386, 13, 4656, 32054, 11, 386, 920, 2637, 435, 885, 732, 885, 1345, 13, 320, 18091, 2989, 340, 9756, 2790, 2009, 6863, 16542, 5161, 198, 87575, 318, 11, 29666, 220, 24961, 3534, 198, 7, 11056, 8, 220, 26227, 12, 18384, 23, 198, 37, 3027, 320, 11056, 8, 220, 26227, 12, 13460, 21, 198, 32, 11, 6620, 11, 1182, 11, 11960, 11, 24755, 11, 6542, 198, 95325, 75795, 21303, 5987, 198, 3513, 377, 3258, 3617, 664, 967, 822, 4563, 299, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 47, 340, 13860, 15560, 2642, 541, 9728, 198, 3513, 377, 3258, 11, 75525, 220, 15966, 1721, 198, 7, 12166, 8, 220, 12326, 12, 23102, 20, 198, 32, 11, 1182, 24412, 24860, 198, 26597, 41966, 9509, 11, 423, 8548, 13, 320, 18091, 2989, 340, 8011, 6460, 4802, 6825, 198, 3513, 377, 3258, 11, 75525, 220, 15966, 1721, 198, 7, 12166, 8, 220, 14022, 12, 27033, 16, 198, 32, 11, 1741, 11, 1182, 11, 11960, 11, 3204, 44, 11, 8971, 198, 4873, 46668, 198, 38595, 386, 13, 1901, 1247, 276, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 47, 340, 4364, 23, 31663, 675, 4317, 48540, 6460, 198, 4873, 46668, 11, 75525, 220, 14022, 1721, 198, 7, 12166, 8, 220, 16522, 12, 23532, 24, 198, 1182, 11, 6542, 11, 8971, 21861, 198, 54, 1669, 96594, 691, 198, 20147, 9332, 198, 46439, 34144, 386, 13, 74776, 458, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 35, 11547, 340, 9800, 23, 86705, 361, 6825, 198, 20147, 9332, 11, 43023, 220, 19642, 806, 198, 7, 17448, 8, 220, 20304, 12, 25687, 17, 198, 32, 11, 1182, 28494, 198, 82389, 45345, 198, 49, 589, 3458, 1708, 10196, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 18091, 2989, 340, 25150, 45345, 6825, 198, 82389, 45345, 11, 43023, 220, 20823, 2618, 198, 7, 17448, 8, 220, 14185, 12, 10290, 15, 198, 1741, 11, 946, 11, 7209, 11, 1182, 44639, 10158, 11, 1829, 198, 60332, 33579, 198, 45887, 622, 13, 19797, 261, 11, 423, 8548, 13, 320, 47, 8, 23181, 24, 4410, 92641, 3930, 55141, 17569, 198, 60332, 33579, 11, 43023, 220, 20711, 972, 198, 7, 17448, 8, 220, 21033, 12, 17521, 15, 198, 8989, 2868, 5364, 355, 79134, 86255, 198, 42493, 473, 36648, 771, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 35, 11547, 340, 29100, 220, 2366, 198, 6550, 508, 4410, 8868, 386, 801, 9728, 198, 60332, 33579, 11, 43023, 220, 20711, 1627, 198, 7, 17448, 8, 220, 15537, 12, 8878, 15, 198, 32, 11541, 4654, 64, 11, 1182, 11, 25434, 11, 6542, 11, 8971, 198, 35632, 432, 13, 12937, 261, 11, 423, 8548, 13, 320, 18091, 2989, 340, 5154, 20, 3297, 42000, 9728, 198, 60332, 33579, 11, 43023, 220, 20711, 1627, 198, 2855, 295, 2757, 340, 90757, 452, 13, 816, 2176, 11, 423, 8548, 13, 320, 35, 11547, 340, 5154, 20, 4892, 3297, 42000, 9728, 198, 60332, 33579, 11, 43023, 220, 20711, 1627, 198, 7, 17448, 8, 220, 15966, 12, 23574, 17, 198, 7209, 11, 1182, 11, 25434, 11, 3204, 44, 198, 79848, 19396, 423, 6572, 198, 35632, 328, 13, 47978, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 18091, 2989, 340, 57091, 323, 50795, 66618, 198, 1642, 220, 18520, 198, 79848, 19396, 423, 6572, 11, 43023, 220, 23033, 2397, 198, 7, 19944, 8, 220, 12375, 12, 25150, 23, 198, 1182, 11, 11662, 11, 8971, 198, 29518, 9304, 315, 12605, 16887, 304, 19152, 198, 7, 1741, 1428, 8, 88599, 2345, 34746, 36128, 6805, 984, 5987, 198, 8161, 78829, 11, 23225, 198, 49, 1823, 13, 20661, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 35, 11547, 340, 20, 14, 1954, 23406, 309, 9728, 198, 8161, 78829, 11, 23225, 220, 15134, 16, 198, 32, 11, 1741, 11, 1182, 44639, 3910, 11, 6542, 11, 8971, 198, 38, 437, 8350, 11, 452, 815, 1196, 13, 47363, 386, 13, 37053, 7211, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 47, 340, 5925, 4418, 77, 3416, 6825, 198, 38, 437, 8350, 11, 452, 815, 1196, 13, 220, 11057, 15, 198, 6620, 11, 4195, 38406, 25259, 11, 6542, 11, 3204, 44, 11, 8971, 49, 198, 80101, 29134, 2864, 198, 17555, 6703, 2821, 198, 7131, 1291, 23272, 283, 1557, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 35, 11547, 340, 66814, 729, 63885, 220, 1114, 198, 679, 23, 6898, 6703, 2821, 198, 1182, 198, 38, 71, 306, 198, 20131, 301, 1611, 48290, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 35, 11547, 340, 45, 1247, 27269, 7881, 4355, 276, 220, 806, 198, 7467, 15, 24855, 306, 198, 11960, 11, 25434, 11, 3204, 11, 11079, 198, 626, 13, 22300, 4355, 300, 198, 32, 13, 1611, 19215, 82808, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 35, 11547, 340, 2127, 7197, 13645, 266, 220, 9756, 33, 198, 10914, 15, 800, 13, 22300, 4355, 300, 198, 4195, 11, 11960, 11, 8912, 11, 25434, 75449, 7497, 11, 8971, 198, 33, 5726, 57, 1750, 198, 26948, 300, 37, 944, 4988, 386, 13, 409, 9424, 4458, 11], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": ". For practical convenience, many of the well-known\nare inserted here from Truth vs. Falsehood. Following is a list of over one hundred well-known, respected teachers\nfrom various schools. They all calibrate over 460 (Excellence), and their\nworks have withstood the test of time. The list, of course, is not complete\nand would include many others if space permitted. Abhinavagupta \u00a0655\nAcharya \u00a0480\nAllen, James \u00a0505\nAugustine, Saint \u00a0550\nAurobindo, Sri \u00a0605\nBertalanffy, Ludwig van \u00a0485\nBesant, Annie \u00a0530\nBlack Elk, Wallace \u00a0499\nBodhidharma \u00a0795\nBohm, Jakob \u00a0500\nBucke, Richard M. \u00a0505\nBuddhananda, Swami \u00a0485\nButterworth, Eric \u00a0495\nCalvin, John \u00a0580\nChandra, Ram \u00a0540\nConfucius \u00a0590\nDalai Lama (Tenzin Gyatso) \u00a0570\nde Chardin, Teilhard \u00a0500Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche \u00a0575\nDionysius, the Areopagite \u00a0490\nDogen \u00a0740\nDruckchen Rinpoche \u00a0495\nDzogchen Rinpoche \u00a0510\nEckhart, Meister \u00a0705\nErasmus \u00a0500\nFillmore, Charles \u00a0515\nFillmore, Myrtle \u00a0505\nFox, Emmett \u00a0470\nGaden Shartse \u00a0470\nGandhi, Mahatma \u00a0760\nGangaji \u00a0475\nGoldsmith, Joel \u00a0480\nGupta, Mahendranath \u00a0505\nGyalpo, Lamchen Rinpoche 460\nHall, G. Manley \u00a0485\nHolmes, Ernest \u00a0485\nHopkins, Emma Curtis \u00a0485\nHuang, Chungliang Al \u00a0485\nHuxley, Aldous \u00a0485\nJohn, Saint, of the Cross \u00a0605\nKarmapa \u00a0630\nKasyapa \u00a0695\nKhantsa, Jamyung \u00a0495\nKline, Jean \u00a0510\nKrishna, Gopi \u00a0545\nLawrence, Brother \u00a0575\nLeadbeater, C.W. 485\nLinpa, Kusum \u00a0475\nLuther, Martin \u00a0580\nMadhva Charya, Sri \u00a0520\nMagdeburg, Mechthild von \u00a0640\nMaharaj, Nisargadatta \u00a0720\nMaharshi, Ramana \u00a0720\nMaezumi, Hakuyu Taizan \u00a0505\nMerton, Thomas \u00a0515\nMoses de Leon of Granada,\nRabbi \u00a0720\nMukerjee, Radhakamal \u00a0475\nMuktananda \u00a0655Munroe, Robert \u00a0485\nNanak \u00a0495\nNaranjo, Claudio \u00a0465\nNityananda, Bhagavan \u00a0500\nOrigen \u00a0515\nOtto, Rudolph \u00a0485\nPadmasambhava \u00a0595\nPak Chung-Bih, Sotaesan \u00a0510\nPalmo, Tenzin \u00a0510\nParamahansa, Yogananda \u00a0540\nPatanjali \u00a0715\nPatrick, Saint \u00a0590\nPaul, Pope John II \u00a0570\nPhuntsok, Khempo \u00a0510\nPio, Father \u00a0585\nPlotinus \u00a0730\nPo, Huang \u00a0960\nPoonjai-Ji \u00a0520\nPowell, Robert \u00a0525\nPrabhavananda, Swami \u00a0550\nPrejnehpad, Swami \u00a0505\nPulku, Gantey Rinpoche \u00a0499\nRamakrishna \u00a0620\nRamdas, Swami \u00a0570\nRamanuja Charya, Sri \u00a0530\nRumi \u00a0550\nSai Baba, Shirdi (not\nSathya) \u00a0485\nSannella, Lee \u00a0505\nSatchidananda, Swami \u00a0605\nShankara (Sankara Charya) \u00a0710\nSmith, Joseph \u00a0510\nSocrates \u00a0540\nSteiner, Rudolf \u00a0475\nSuzuki, Master Roshi \u00a0565\nSwedenborg, Emanuel \u00a0480\nTagore, Rabindranath \u00a0475\nTauler, Johann \u00a0640\nTeresa, Mother \u00a0710\nTeresa, Saint, of Avila \u00a0715\nTillich, Paul \u00a0480Tzu, Chuang \u00a0595\nTzu, Lao \u00a0610\nUnderhill, Evelyn \u00a0460\nVivekananda \u00a0610\nWatts,Alan \u00a0485\nWhite Brotherhood \u00a0560\nWhite Plum Asanga \u00a0505\nYukteswar, Sri \u00a0535\nScriptures and Spiritual Writing\n\u00a0\nAbhinavagupta \u00a0655\n\u00a0\u00a0(Kashmir Shaivinism)\nA Course in Miracles \u00a0600\n\u00a0\u00a0(workbook)\nA Course in Miracles \u00a0550\n\u00a0\u00a0(textbook)\nAggadah \u00a0645\nApocrypha \u00a0400\nBodhidharma Zen Teachings 795\nBhagavad-Gita \u00a0910\nBook of Kells \u00a0570\nBook of Mormon \u00a0405\nCloud of Unknowing \u00a0705\nDead Sea Scrolls \u00a0260\nDhammapada \u00a0840\nDiamond Sutra \u00a0700\nDoctrine and Covenants:\n\u00a0\u00a0Pearl of Great Price \u00a0455\nGenesis (Lamsa Bible) \u00a0660\nGnostic Gospels \u00a0400\nGospel of St. Luke \u00a0699\nGospel of St.Thomas \u00a0660\nGranth Sahib\n\u00a0\u00a0(Adi Granth - Sikhs) \u00a0505\nHeart Sutra \u00a0780\nKabbalah \u00a0605\nKing James Bible\n\u00a0\u00a0(from the Greek) \u00a0475\nKoran \u00a0700Lamsa Bible \u00a0495\n\u00a0\u00a0(from the Aramaic)\nLamsa Bible \u00a0880\n\u00a0\u00a0(minus the Old Testament\n\u00a0\u00a0and Book of Revelation, but\n\u00a0\u00a0including Genesis, Psalms,\n\u00a0\u00a0and Proverbs)\nLao Tsu: Teachings \u00a0610\nLotus Sutra \u00a0780\nMidrash \u00a0665\nMishneh \u00a0665\nNew Testament \u00a0790\n\u00a0\u00a0(King James Version\n\u00a0\u00a0after deletion of the Book\n\u00a0\u00a0of Revelation)\nNew Testament \u00a0640\n\u00a0\u00a0(King Jamess Version\n\u00a0\u00a0from the Greek)\nNicene Creed \u00a0895\nPsalms (Lamsa Bible) \u00a0650\nProverbs (Lamsa Bible) \u00a0350\nPo, Huang, Zen teachings \u00a0850\nRamayana \u00a0810\nRubaiyat of Omar Khayyam,The 590\nRig Veda \u00a0705\nTalmud \u00a0595\nTibetan Book of the Dead \u00a0575\nTorah \u00a0550\nTrinity (concept) \u00a0945\nUpanishads \u00a0970\nVedanta \u00a0595\nVedas \u00a0970\nVijnana Bhairava \u00a0635\nYoga Sutras, Patanjali \u00a0740\nZohar \u00a0905\nNote: The Zen teachings of Huang Po calibrate at 850. Later in life, he\ncontinued to evolve to level 960.) OceanofPDF.comCHAPTER 12\nThe Devotee\nIntroduction\nSome students are, so to speak, born to spiritual propensity and show an\nearly attraction to religion and spirituality, as well as aesthetics. Some may\nevidence religiosity or even scrupulosity, with its obsessive fear of sin and\ncompliance with religious dictums. The religiously inclined may also be\nattracted to becoming clergy or joining holy orders or monastic groups that\nmay emphasize asceticism, service, and voluntary poverty. Such youths\noften appear to be introspective, serious, and preoccupied with\nphilosophical, moral, and ethical issues. In contrast, other eventual seekers show a progressive interest in\nspirituality as they mature and seek answers to the inherent paradoxes and\ndilemmas of the human condition and their philosophical implications. Commonly, there is contemplation of the traditional existential questions,\ni.e., Whence did we arise? Where does one go? How \u2018real\u2019 is the \u2018reality\u2019 of\nGod, or is it just a belief system? and the like. The introspective persons tend to examine these issues early in life,\nwhile the extroverts, although perhaps religious, tend to put off these\nessential questions until a later age or as a consequence of personal life\ntragedies or catastrophes. \u2018Hitting bottom\u2019 may precipitate sudden\nconversion experiences in many ordinary people and is a well-known\nphenomenon in twelvestep and other faith-based groups. Sudden,\nunexpected calamities, such as a heart attack or the death of someone close,\nrather frequently precipitate deep spiritual inquiry and self-examination. Of\nthese catastrophes, the near-death experience is the most impressive and\nintrinsically transformative, for even a brief experience of the Presence\nturns one\u2019s life upside down. A near-death experience also is characterized\nby the", "token_ids": [13, 1789, 15325, 19679, 11, 1690, 315, 279, 1664, 22015, 198, 548, 22306, 1618, 505, 30198, 6296, 13, 3641, 5812, 13, 23548, 374, 264, 1160, 315, 927, 832, 7895, 1664, 22015, 11, 31387, 13639, 198, 1527, 5370, 8853, 13, 2435, 682, 1652, 44192, 927, 220, 16551, 320, 849, 5997, 768, 705, 323, 872, 198, 19033, 617, 449, 52784, 279, 1296, 315, 892, 13, 578, 1160, 11, 315, 3388, 11, 374, 539, 4686, 198, 438, 1053, 2997, 1690, 3885, 422, 3634, 15480, 13, 3765, 42657, 402, 351, 7717, 64, 220, 4194, 15573, 198, 32, 331, 73268, 220, 4194, 11738, 198, 80977, 11, 7957, 220, 4194, 17786, 198, 32559, 483, 11, 14539, 220, 4194, 13506, 198, 32, 2868, 7821, 78, 11, 34445, 220, 4194, 19666, 198, 33, 531, 33383, 544, 88, 11, 85550, 5355, 220, 4194, 19773, 198, 40826, 519, 11, 53089, 220, 4194, 17252, 198, 14755, 88706, 11, 39956, 220, 4194, 18162, 198, 33, 347, 47553, 78338, 220, 4194, 25808, 198, 1255, 35401, 11, 35934, 677, 220, 4194, 2636, 198, 33, 1983, 68, 11, 12131, 386, 13, 220, 4194, 17786, 198, 33, 8512, 10118, 10018, 11, 4593, 10830, 220, 4194, 19773, 198, 4071, 466, 20069, 11, 16645, 220, 4194, 21038, 198, 9027, 9799, 11, 3842, 220, 4194, 18216, 198, 1163, 24155, 11, 15504, 220, 4194, 17048, 198, 15949, 1791, 9334, 220, 4194, 20615, 198, 76728, 2192, 83659, 320, 51, 17007, 258, 56015, 266, 708, 8, 220, 4194, 18712, 198, 451, 921, 54890, 11, 48455, 19221, 220, 4194, 2636, 35, 321, 3427, 735, 8671, 306, 325, 58468, 5481, 1557, 220, 4194, 21228, 198, 35, 290, 1065, 9334, 11, 279, 8886, 454, 351, 635, 220, 4194, 18518, 198, 35, 11968, 220, 4194, 21112, 198, 9023, 1983, 7674, 58468, 5481, 1557, 220, 4194, 21038, 198, 35, 89, 540, 7674, 58468, 5481, 1557, 220, 4194, 15633, 198, 36, 377, 47489, 11, 2206, 1601, 220, 4194, 21469, 198, 20027, 82888, 220, 4194, 2636, 198, 14788, 6518, 11, 15274, 220, 4194, 19633, 198, 14788, 6518, 11, 3092, 93536, 220, 4194, 17786, 198, 48414, 11, 66555, 7211, 220, 4194, 17711, 198, 38, 21825, 1443, 472, 325, 220, 4194, 17711, 198, 38, 438, 6151, 11, 16566, 266, 1764, 220, 4194, 19104, 198, 38, 526, 42888, 220, 4194, 19799, 198, 26509, 34117, 11, 39447, 220, 4194, 11738, 198, 38, 7717, 64, 11, 16566, 408, 6713, 589, 220, 4194, 17786, 198, 38, 16858, 5481, 11, 33794, 7674, 58468, 5481, 1557, 220, 16551, 198, 72945, 11, 480, 13, 2418, 3258, 220, 4194, 19773, 198, 79762, 9004, 11, 62023, 220, 4194, 19773, 198, 88373, 11966, 11, 36035, 51816, 220, 4194, 19773, 198, 39, 69710, 11, 88425, 747, 526, 1708, 220, 4194, 19773, 198, 39, 2249, 3258, 11, 31447, 788, 220, 4194, 19773, 198, 13379, 11, 14539, 11, 315, 279, 11511, 220, 4194, 19666, 198, 42, 2227, 18826, 220, 4194, 18660, 198, 42, 6539, 18826, 220, 4194, 24394, 198, 47888, 1821, 64, 11, 20614, 88, 2234, 220, 4194, 21038, 198, 42, 1074, 11, 20263, 220, 4194, 15633, 198, 82265, 819, 3458, 11, 480, 72187, 220, 4194, 20749, 198, 39166, 16271, 11, 27445, 220, 4194, 21228, 198, 54963, 1395, 977, 11, 356, 1196, 13, 220, 19773, 198, 51697, 6733, 11, 735, 355, 372, 220, 4194, 19799, 198, 43, 26567, 11, 11826, 220, 4194, 18216, 198, 38136, 71, 6723, 921, 73268, 11, 34445, 220, 4194, 15830, 198, 34015, 451, 10481, 11, 91598, 339, 699, 6675, 220, 4194, 14033, 198, 47308, 277, 1662, 11, 452, 285, 867, 329, 33019, 220, 4194, 13104, 198, 47308, 277, 60521, 11, 15504, 3444, 220, 4194, 13104, 198, 44, 6043, 89, 25330, 11, 72398, 113528, 24172, 450, 276, 220, 4194, 17786, 198, 44, 37733, 11, 11355, 220, 4194, 19633, 198, 44, 20274, 409, 21605, 315, 27622, 2649, 345, 49, 370, 8385, 220, 4194, 13104, 198, 44, 3178, 261, 68996, 11, 21254, 71, 587, 309, 278, 220, 4194, 19799, 198, 44, 38767, 276, 10018, 220, 4194, 15573, 44, 359, 35804, 11, 8563, 220, 4194, 19773, 198, 45, 276, 587, 220, 4194, 21038, 198, 45, 22026, 7453, 11, 2493, 17152, 220, 4194, 19988, 198, 45, 488, 276, 10018, 11, 31930, 351, 32005, 220, 4194, 2636, 198, 2244, 6569, 220, 4194, 19633, 198, 85895, 998, 11, 48538, 44070, 220, 4194, 19773, 198, 14047, 7044, 3042, 71, 2979, 220, 4194, 22754, 198, 47, 587, 88425, 7826, 7141, 11, 328, 6217, 63524, 220, 4194, 15633, 198, 20577, 6489, 11, 350, 17007, 258, 220, 4194, 15633, 198, 2044, 1494, 94702, 11, 816, 30636, 10018, 220, 4194, 17048, 198, 47, 16623, 73, 8115, 220, 4194, 22744, 198, 66320, 11, 14539, 220, 4194, 20615, 198, 26368, 11, 30460, 3842, 8105, 220, 4194, 18712, 198, 3438, 38040, 564, 11, 20774, 22893, 220, 4194, 15633, 198, 47, 822, 11, 20941, 220, 4194, 21535, 198, 26687, 71956, 220, 4194, 20785, 198, 34004, 11, 59509, 220, 4194, 16415, 198, 47, 9186, 73, 2192, 12278, 72, 220, 4194, 15830, 198, 67684, 616, 11, 8563, 220, 4194, 18415, 198, 3617, 67466, 32005, 10018, 11, 4593, 10830, 220, 4194, 13506, 198, 4808, 73, 26474, 13545, 11, 4593, 10830, 220, 4194, 17786, 198, 47, 360, 12407, 11, 480, 519, 1216, 58468, 5481, 1557, 220, 4194, 18162, 198, 64948, 587, 95007, 3458, 220, 4194, 17416, 198, 64948, 35989, 11, 4593, 10830, 220, 4194, 18712, 198, 49, 13005, 89808, 921, 73268, 11, 34445, 220, 4194, 17252, 198, 49, 25330, 220, 4194, 13506, 198, 50, 2192, 97452, 11, 1443, 2668, 72, 320, 1962, 198, 50, 589, 7911, 8, 220, 4194, 19773, 198, 50, 1036, 6985, 11, 12336, 220, 4194, 17786, 198, 50, 759, 56304, 10018, 11, 4593, 10830, 220, 4194, 19666, 198, 2059, 1201, 5169, 320, 50, 1201, 5169, 921, 73268, 8, 220, 4194, 19027, 198, 42985, 11, 15466, 220, 4194, 15633, 198, 50, 78046, 220, 4194, 17048, 198, 21573, 10670, 11, 48538, 8255, 220, 4194, 19799, 198, 50, 5308, 22227, 11, 11060, 16870, 6151, 220, 4194, 20943, 198, 97971, 25188, 11, 77760, 220, 4194, 11738, 198, 5786, 461, 11, 36824, 485, 6713, 589, 220, 4194, 19799, 198, 51, 5049, 261, 11, 88964, 220, 4194, 14033, 198, 51, 38686, 11, 21720, 220, 4194, 19027, 198, 51, 38686, 11, 14539, 11, 315, 7671, 10746, 220, 4194, 22744, 198, 51, 321, 6915, 11, 7043, 220, 4194, 11738, 51, 26738, 11, 62111, 526, 220, 4194, 22754, 198, 51, 26738, 11, 445, 3524, 220, 4194, 17608, 198, 16648, 28607, 11, 96425, 220, 4194, 16551, 198, 53, 535, 8826, 10018, 220, 4194, 17608, 198, 54, 21658, 11, 68724, 220, 4194, 19773, 198, 14404, 50336, 220, 4194, 17698, 198, 14404, 84409, 1666, 19934, 220, 4194, 17786, 198, 56, 3178, 2392, 11710, 11, 34445, 220, 4194, 20618, 198, 6035, 1439, 323, 63849, 24838, 198, 52050, 5953, 42657, 402, 351, 7717, 64, 220, 4194, 15573, 198, 4194, 4194, 17155, 1003, 20531, 29070, 344, 258, 2191, 340, 32, 17026, 304, 14603, 18709, 220, 4194, 5067, 198, 4194, 4194, 32570, 2239, 340, 32, 17026, 304, 14603, 18709, 220, 4194, 13506, 198, 4194, 4194, 7383, 2239, 340, 9219, 70, 329, 1494, 220, 4194, 22926, 198, 10835, 511, 894, 4055, 220, 4194, 3443, 198, 33, 347, 47553, 78338, 32889, 70377, 826, 220, 25808, 198, 33, 71, 351, 38155, 12279, 6388, 220, 4194, 21056, 198, 7280, 315, 735, 6572, 220, 4194, 18712, 198, 7280, 315, 37697, 220, 4194, 16408, 198, 16440, 315, 1252, 33134, 287, 220, 4194, 21469, 198, 29420, 15379, 79329, 220, 4194, 11387, 198, 35, 5721, 2235, 2649, 220, 4194, 19899, 198, 77610, 328, 78981, 220, 4194, 7007, 198, 31595, 323, 356, 16651, 1821, 512, 4194, 4194, 92140, 75, 315, 8681, 8650, 220, 4194, 20325, 198, 85752, 320, 43, 4214, 64, 17377, 8, 220, 4194, 19274, 198, 38, 87524, 480, 99098, 220, 4194, 3443, 198, 38, 27248, 315, 800, 13, 25459, 220, 4194, 23459, 198, 38, 27248, 315, 800, 5221, 23063, 220, 4194, 19274, 198, 6600, 32329, 43059, 581, 198, 4194, 4194, 7, 2654, 72, 27622, 339, 482, 78449, 5104, 8, 220, 4194, 17786, 198, 46484, 328, 78981, 220, 4194, 19423, 198, 42, 12806, 30493, 220, 4194, 19666, 198, 34655, 7957, 17377, 198, 4194, 4194, 17450, 279, 18341, 8, 220, 4194, 19799, 198, 42, 55504, 220, 4194, 7007, 43, 4214, 64, 17377, 220, 4194, 21038, 198, 4194, 4194, 17450, 279, 1676, 3105, 292, 340, 43, 4214, 64, 17377, 220, 4194, 19272, 198, 4194, 4194, 14478, 355, 279, 10846, 40214, 198, 4194, 4194, 438, 6017, 315, 76607, 11, 719, 198, 4194, 4194, 16564, 41888, 11, 12065, 278, 1026, 345, 4194, 4194, 438, 1322, 56039, 340, 43, 3524, 26132, 84, 25, 70377, 826, 220, 4194, 17608, 198, 55766, 355, 328, 78981, 220, 4194, 19423, 198, 34748, 81, 1003, 220, 4194, 23467, 198, 44, 819, 26474, 220, 4194, 23467, 198, 3648, 40214, 220, 4194, 22876, 198, 4194, 4194, 17155, 287, 7957, 6207, 198, 4194, 4194, 10924, 37166, 315, 279, 6017, 198, 4194, 4194, 1073, 76607, 340, 3648, 40214, 220, 4194, 14033, 198, 4194, 4194, 17155, 287, 20614, 434, 6207, 198, 4194, 4194, 1527, 279, 18341, 340, 58916, 1994, 61477, 220, 4194, 25238, 198, 47, 19776, 1026, 320, 43, 4214, 64, 17377, 8, 220, 4194, 13655, 198, 1360, 56039, 320, 43, 4214, 64, 17377, 8, 220, 4194, 8652, 198, 34004, 11, 59509, 11, 32889, 45572, 220, 4194, 16217, 198, 64948, 352, 3444, 220, 4194, 19232, 198, 66814, 2192, 99715, 315, 54658, 20774, 352, 88, 309, 11, 791, 220, 20615, 198, 49, 343, 650, 14151, 220, 4194, 21469, 198, 51, 7828, 664, 220, 4194, 22754, 198, 51, 581, 295, 276, 6017, 315, 279, 15371, 220, 4194, 21228, 198, 33450, 1494, 220, 4194, 13506, 198, 1305, 13797, 320, 69587, 8, 220, 4194, 24599, 198, 52, 857, 819, 7819, 220, 4194, 21133, 198, 53, 291, 8424, 220, 4194, 22754, 198, 53, 291, 300, 220, 4194, 21133, 198, 53, 14485, 3444, 31930, 1334, 2979, 220, 4194, 22276, 198, 56, 14361, 328, 332, 13075, 11, 7281, 53191, 8115, 220, 4194, 21112, 198, 57, 2319, 277, 220, 4194, 22393, 198, 9290, 25, 578, 32889, 45572, 315, 59509, 14128, 1652, 44192, 520, 220, 16217, 13, 25929, 304, 2324, 11, 568, 198, 86957, 311, 38680, 311, 2237, 220, 16415, 6266, 22302, 1073, 24317, 916, 88539, 220, 717, 198, 791, 6168, 1295, 68, 198, 38255, 198, 8538, 4236, 527, 11, 779, 311, 6604, 11, 9405, 311, 18330, 95323, 323, 1501, 459, 198, 22928, 33464, 311, 13901, 323, 75456, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 67323, 13, 4427, 1253, 198, 68, 28580, 6833, 33279, 477, 1524, 9406, 455, 360, 22828, 11, 449, 1202, 84132, 8850, 315, 7589, 323, 198, 884, 32712, 449, 10597, 6587, 6370, 13, 578, 10597, 398, 43131, 1253, 1101, 387, 198, 266, 55535, 311, 10671, 63584, 477, 18667, 27823, 10373, 477, 1647, 5174, 5315, 430, 198, 18864, 47032, 14943, 5411, 2191, 11, 2532, 11, 323, 37079, 19542, 13, 15483, 65062, 198, 61917, 5101, 311, 387, 26609, 9262, 11, 6129, 11, 323, 864, 41456, 449, 198, 46185, 11597, 950, 11, 16033, 11, 323, 31308, 4819, 13, 763, 13168, 11, 1023, 42835, 50433, 1501, 264, 23053, 2802, 304, 198, 86390, 10965, 439, 814, 15196, 323, 6056, 11503, 311, 279, 38088, 52313, 288, 323, 198, 67, 458, 90636, 315, 279, 3823, 3044, 323, 872, 41903, 25127, 13, 7874, 398, 11, 1070, 374, 39471, 367, 315, 279, 8776, 67739, 4860, 345, 72, 1770, 2637, 1254, 768, 1550, 584, 31889, 30, 11208, 1587, 832, 733, 30, 2650, 3451, 8110, 529, 374, 279, 3451, 265, 2786, 529, 315, 198, 28622, 11, 477, 374, 433, 1120, 264, 16801, 1887, 30, 323, 279, 1093, 13, 578, 26609, 9262, 11434, 8541, 311, 21635, 1521, 4819, 4216, 304, 2324, 345, 3556, 279, 1327, 299, 29263, 11, 8051, 8530, 10597, 11, 8541, 311, 2231, 1022, 1521, 198, 49582, 4860, 3156, 264, 3010, 4325, 477, 439, 264, 29774, 315, 4443, 2324, 198, 376, 3359, 552, 477, 35205, 22761, 288, 13, 3451, 39, 15154, 5740, 529, 1253, 36841, 20227, 11210, 198, 74825, 11704, 304, 1690, 19664, 1274, 323, 374, 264, 1664, 22015, 198, 15112, 6431, 263, 304, 4483, 301, 7164, 752, 323, 1023, 10082, 6108, 5315, 13, 328, 39095, 345, 54959, 80933, 1385, 11, 1778, 439, 264, 4851, 3440, 477, 279, 4648, 315, 4423, 3345, 345, 74303, 14134, 36841, 20227, 5655, 18330, 26981, 323, 659, 10397, 27935, 13, 5046, 198, 45010, 35205, 22761, 288, 11, 279, 3221, 97586, 3217, 374, 279, 1455, 16358, 323, 198, 59888, 1354, 2740, 87435, 11, 369, 1524, 264, 10015, 3217, 315, 279, 79723, 198, 413, 82, 832, 753, 2324, 36941, 1523, 13, 362, 3221, 97586, 3217, 1101, 374, 32971, 198, 1729, 279], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": " natural law, we will remain fragmented. Ayurveda removes the cause of disease by righting these transgressions and reestablishing balance \njm?r \nCOSMIC ROOTS \nSalabhanjika, the Tree Spirit. Salabhanjika represents the primal forces of the wise Earth. She is intertwined with the tree whose vegetation \nrepresents Earth's fertility. The flow \nof her sap represents all of Earth's movements. to our system. To treat our entire cosmic nature, we \nmust address all the component parts of a human \nbeing. According to Ayurveda, we are comprised of \nthree bodies: physical, astral, and causal. This trans- \nlates into body, mind, and soul in Western terms. The \nantahkarana exists within the astral body. The physi- \ncal form was given to us as a vehicle for practicing \nsadhanas, or wholesome activities. Through these prac- \ntices we are able to understand our three bodies, or the \nthree aspects of our nature. Food, which contains the \nmemory of all time, is an extremely potent medium \nfor bringing balance to our being. According to the Rishis, from pure consciousness \narose the sound of OM. In turn, the Five Great Ele- \nments took birth. These five elements take the form, \nin the human body, of the three doshas, or bodily \nhumors. It is from these doshas that our individual \nconstitution \u2014 our prakriti \u2014 is formed. As we come \nto identify ourselves with these primal elements, we \ncreate a bridge that allows us to climb back to the sk\\': \nwe approach our cosmic roots. The self is the origin of all finite happiness, \nBut it is itself limitless, transcending definition. It remains unaffected by deeds, good or bad. It is beyond feeling and beyond knowledge. It is the ever present in the meditation of a sage. Brihadaranyaka Upanishad \nAccording to the Vedas, human birth is the most dif- \nficult to attain in the karmic cycle. It is the greatest act \nof transformation that a human being experiences. Free will is our divine birthright, as are our capacities \nfor self-reflection and distraction. It is distraction that \nhas, in part, created our present state of confusion \nand chaos. The earth existed billions of wars before \nour arrival a mere three and a half million years ago. As the planet ages and we grow in universal wisdom \nand come to know the beauty of cosmic magnetism \namong all life-forms, we will begin to know ourselves. Presently we are preoccupied with our individual selves \nand external pursuits that distance us from the throb \nof planetary harmony. The universe is a cohesive en \ntity held in majestic motion by space and hei magic \ngrasp. To be obsessed with our quest foi personal \nuniqueness and excellence, while ignoring tins life \ngiving space and all she contains, is to behave like \nimmature adolescents. ( lonvei sely, to be obsessed with \nthe woes of our planet and lose sight ol the tine sell. which is consciousness and awareness, is equall) mi \nmature. Memory ol life as unified and essentia] must begin \nto serve us again. Billions ol atoms traveling through \nout the universe become absorbed into billions ol \nlife forms, including those ol oui own bodies \\t \ncording to the Vedas, the entire \\^^\\\\ is totally re \nnewed even seven years. Nevertheless, disease pei \njmt. THE PRINCIPLES OF AYURVEDA \nsists beyond the cycles of renewal because we are \nunable to make the transition from our separate and \nexperiential selves into the whole state of cognition. We live in the past and future, prisoners trapped by \nconcepts of time and space. In truth, the endless and \ntimeless present is always with us and filled with \npossibility. We need only to remember this \u2014 to be \nstill within our true nature, to be present in our ac- \ntivities and observations, to discard memories be- \nlonging to hearsay and beliefs that can't be verified, to \nsimply be and to live. This conscious self is referred to in the Vedas as the \nAtman, or the Indwelling Spirit. This self is the source \nof our true balance. Health is not the separate pursuit \nof the perfect body, or the forging of an intellectual \nmind, or even austere practices for the spirit. The life to \nwhich the sages refer in Ayurveda is the solid union of \nbody, mind, and spirit. It is a balance of these three \nfactors, and the further integration of each self with \nnature, family, and all living beings. When we recognize \nfragmentation to be the source of all illness, we may \nbegin to benefit from the practices of a holistic life. The word dosha literally means \"that which has a \nfault,\" a system that is quick to change. This is the \ndefinition given by the ancients to our experiential \nnature. We were not meant to strive for perfection. Consciousness is the only perfection. Every manifes- \ntation is essentially endowed with change. It is through \nour fragmentary, imperfect existence that we can learn \nhow to invite the cognitive self. As we come to reside \nmore and more in the cognitive self, we are increas- \ningly able to approach the conscious self, or Atman. Within the perimeters of our lives, we can strive to \nattain balance in our dynamic and quick-to-err na- \nture, and in the unfolding process aspire to the knowl- \nedge of the self, as being unified with the nature of \nthe absolute. This supreme, unfolding nature is the \ntrue character of our spirit. We can aspire to this \nperfection, for it is the only perfection. But it is erro- \nneous and burdensome to attempt to maintain a \nperfect body, a perfect life, and perfect health, for the \ndem", "token_ids": [5933, 220, 2383, 11, 220, 584, 220, 690, 220, 7293, 220, 87195, 13, 24852, 80627, 64, 220, 29260, 220, 279, 220, 5353, 220, 315, 220, 8624, 220, 555, 220, 1314, 287, 220, 1521, 220, 1380, 2542, 919, 220, 323, 220, 312, 34500, 287, 220, 8335, 720, 67039, 30, 81, 720, 34, 3204, 56061, 262, 36836, 50, 720, 17691, 370, 10118, 73, 11755, 11, 220, 279, 220, 9119, 220, 17326, 13, 8375, 370, 10118, 73, 11755, 220, 11105, 220, 279, 220, 87281, 220, 8603, 220, 315, 220, 279, 220, 24219, 220, 9420, 13, 3005, 220, 374, 220, 99892, 220, 449, 220, 279, 220, 5021, 220, 6832, 220, 54832, 720, 10200, 9773, 220, 9420, 596, 220, 48111, 13, 578, 220, 6530, 720, 1073, 220, 1077, 220, 35735, 220, 11105, 220, 682, 220, 315, 220, 9420, 596, 220, 19567, 13, 311, 220, 1057, 220, 1887, 13, 2057, 220, 4322, 220, 1057, 220, 4553, 220, 55801, 220, 7138, 11, 220, 584, 720, 25849, 220, 2686, 220, 682, 220, 279, 220, 3777, 220, 5596, 220, 315, 220, 264, 220, 3823, 720, 35214, 13, 10771, 220, 311, 220, 24852, 80627, 64, 11, 220, 584, 220, 527, 220, 40056, 220, 315, 720, 28956, 220, 13162, 25, 220, 7106, 11, 220, 23112, 278, 11, 220, 323, 220, 59557, 13, 1115, 220, 1380, 12, 720, 49346, 1139, 220, 2547, 11, 220, 4059, 11, 220, 323, 220, 13836, 220, 304, 220, 11104, 220, 3878, 13, 578, 720, 519, 1494, 29234, 3444, 220, 6866, 220, 2949, 220, 279, 220, 23112, 278, 220, 2547, 13, 578, 220, 4571, 72, 12, 720, 5531, 1376, 220, 574, 220, 2728, 220, 311, 220, 603, 220, 439, 220, 264, 220, 7458, 220, 369, 220, 36666, 720, 83214, 10118, 300, 11, 220, 477, 220, 88318, 220, 7640, 13, 17331, 220, 1521, 220, 61986, 12, 720, 83, 1238, 584, 220, 527, 220, 3025, 220, 311, 220, 3619, 220, 1057, 220, 2380, 220, 13162, 11, 220, 477, 220, 279, 720, 28956, 220, 13878, 220, 315, 220, 1057, 220, 7138, 13, 12369, 11, 220, 902, 220, 5727, 220, 279, 720, 17717, 220, 315, 220, 682, 220, 892, 11, 220, 374, 220, 459, 220, 9193, 220, 36875, 220, 11298, 720, 2000, 220, 12967, 220, 8335, 220, 311, 220, 1057, 220, 1694, 13, 10771, 220, 311, 220, 279, 220, 432, 819, 285, 11, 220, 505, 220, 10748, 220, 25917, 720, 277, 974, 220, 279, 220, 5222, 220, 315, 220, 48437, 13, 763, 220, 2543, 11, 220, 279, 220, 21594, 220, 8681, 220, 27039, 12, 720, 1392, 3952, 220, 7342, 13, 4314, 220, 4330, 220, 5540, 220, 1935, 220, 279, 220, 1376, 11, 720, 258, 220, 279, 220, 3823, 220, 2547, 11, 220, 315, 220, 279, 220, 2380, 220, 8924, 4752, 11, 220, 477, 220, 48131, 720, 28400, 1105, 13, 1102, 220, 374, 220, 505, 220, 1521, 220, 8924, 4752, 220, 430, 220, 1057, 220, 3927, 720, 44103, 2001, 1057, 220, 550, 587, 1018, 72, 2001, 374, 220, 14454, 13, 1666, 220, 584, 220, 2586, 720, 998, 220, 10765, 220, 13520, 220, 449, 220, 1521, 220, 87281, 220, 5540, 11, 220, 584, 720, 3261, 220, 264, 220, 14497, 220, 430, 220, 6276, 220, 603, 220, 311, 220, 26438, 220, 1203, 220, 311, 220, 279, 220, 1940, 59, 1232, 720, 906, 220, 5603, 220, 1057, 220, 55801, 220, 20282, 13, 578, 220, 659, 220, 374, 220, 279, 220, 6371, 220, 315, 220, 682, 220, 35326, 220, 23871, 11, 720, 4071, 220, 433, 220, 374, 220, 5196, 220, 92659, 11, 220, 42590, 2518, 220, 7419, 13, 1102, 220, 8625, 220, 78622, 220, 555, 220, 54811, 11, 220, 1695, 220, 477, 220, 3958, 13, 1102, 220, 374, 220, 7953, 220, 8430, 220, 323, 220, 7953, 220, 6677, 13, 1102, 220, 374, 220, 279, 220, 3596, 220, 3118, 220, 304, 220, 279, 220, 33862, 220, 315, 220, 264, 220, 39361, 13, 55858, 32345, 277, 3852, 13637, 220, 549, 857, 819, 329, 720, 11439, 220, 311, 220, 279, 220, 75887, 300, 11, 220, 3823, 220, 7342, 220, 374, 220, 279, 220, 1455, 220, 1422, 12, 720, 69, 3951, 311, 220, 36861, 220, 304, 220, 279, 220, 597, 2227, 292, 220, 11008, 13, 1102, 220, 374, 220, 279, 220, 12474, 220, 1180, 720, 1073, 220, 18475, 220, 430, 220, 264, 220, 3823, 220, 1694, 220, 11704, 13, 3658, 220, 690, 220, 374, 220, 1057, 220, 30467, 220, 7342, 1315, 11, 220, 439, 220, 527, 220, 1057, 220, 59539, 720, 2000, 220, 659, 44107, 1191, 220, 323, 220, 54716, 13, 1102, 220, 374, 220, 54716, 220, 430, 720, 4752, 11, 220, 304, 220, 961, 11, 220, 3549, 220, 1057, 220, 3118, 220, 1614, 220, 315, 220, 22047, 720, 438, 220, 28013, 13, 578, 220, 9578, 220, 25281, 220, 33151, 220, 315, 220, 25981, 220, 1603, 720, 414, 220, 19163, 220, 264, 220, 17983, 220, 2380, 220, 323, 220, 264, 220, 4376, 220, 3610, 220, 1667, 220, 4227, 13, 1666, 220, 279, 220, 11841, 220, 17051, 220, 323, 220, 584, 220, 3139, 220, 304, 220, 20789, 220, 24278, 720, 438, 220, 2586, 220, 311, 220, 1440, 220, 279, 220, 13444, 220, 315, 220, 55801, 220, 33297, 2191, 720, 77405, 220, 682, 220, 2324, 8627, 82, 11, 220, 584, 220, 690, 220, 3240, 220, 311, 220, 1440, 220, 13520, 13, 27740, 398, 220, 584, 220, 527, 220, 864, 41456, 220, 449, 220, 1057, 220, 3927, 220, 84137, 720, 438, 220, 9434, 220, 90887, 220, 430, 220, 6138, 220, 603, 220, 505, 220, 279, 220, 270, 23576, 720, 1073, 220, 62938, 220, 26348, 13, 578, 220, 15861, 220, 374, 220, 264, 220, 87516, 220, 665, 720, 83, 488, 220, 5762, 220, 304, 220, 81389, 220, 11633, 220, 555, 220, 3634, 220, 323, 220, 65589, 220, 11204, 720, 911, 13671, 13, 2057, 220, 387, 220, 44898, 220, 449, 220, 1057, 220, 2271, 220, 22419, 220, 4443, 720, 359, 5118, 24639, 220, 323, 220, 38656, 11, 220, 1418, 220, 32003, 220, 259, 1354, 220, 2324, 720, 70, 2299, 220, 3634, 220, 323, 220, 682, 220, 1364, 220, 5727, 11, 220, 374, 220, 311, 220, 36792, 220, 1093, 720, 12828, 1598, 220, 51516, 13, 320, 18285, 588, 72, 220, 274, 989, 11, 220, 311, 220, 387, 220, 44898, 220, 449, 720, 1820, 220, 77825, 220, 315, 220, 1057, 220, 11841, 220, 323, 220, 9229, 220, 14254, 220, 8492, 220, 279, 220, 259, 483, 220, 4662, 13, 902, 220, 374, 220, 25917, 220, 323, 220, 17985, 11, 220, 374, 220, 3312, 543, 8, 220, 9686, 720, 76, 1598, 13, 14171, 220, 8492, 220, 2324, 220, 439, 220, 43790, 220, 323, 220, 4043, 306, 689, 60, 220, 2011, 220, 3240, 720, 998, 220, 8854, 220, 603, 220, 1578, 13, 8766, 919, 220, 8492, 220, 33299, 220, 21646, 220, 1555, 720, 412, 220, 279, 220, 15861, 220, 3719, 220, 42101, 220, 1139, 220, 33151, 220, 8492, 720, 14789, 220, 7739, 11, 220, 2737, 220, 1884, 220, 8492, 220, 97507, 220, 1866, 220, 13162, 262, 1144, 83, 720, 66, 2745, 220, 311, 220, 279, 220, 75887, 300, 11, 220, 279, 220, 4553, 220, 1144, 22634, 3505, 220, 374, 220, 12756, 220, 312, 720, 943, 291, 220, 1524, 220, 8254, 220, 1667, 13, 35053, 11, 220, 8624, 220, 1069, 72, 720, 73, 2562, 13, 3247, 262, 8743, 39539, 3378, 14344, 262, 3083, 262, 362, 56, 1539, 22449, 32, 720, 82, 1705, 220, 7953, 220, 279, 220, 25492, 220, 315, 220, 43901, 220, 1606, 220, 584, 220, 527, 720, 47028, 220, 311, 220, 1304, 220, 279, 220, 9320, 220, 505, 220, 1057, 220, 8821, 220, 323, 720, 327, 716, 1188, 532, 220, 84137, 220, 1139, 220, 279, 220, 4459, 220, 1614, 220, 315, 220, 75310, 13, 1226, 220, 3974, 220, 304, 220, 279, 220, 3347, 220, 323, 220, 3938, 11, 220, 28240, 220, 31691, 220, 555, 720, 444, 58871, 220, 315, 220, 892, 220, 323, 220, 3634, 13, 763, 220, 8206, 11, 220, 279, 220, 26762, 220, 323, 720, 1712, 1752, 220, 3118, 220, 374, 220, 2744, 220, 449, 220, 603, 220, 323, 220, 10409, 220, 449, 720, 9007, 3225, 13, 1226, 220, 1205, 220, 1193, 220, 311, 220, 6227, 220, 420, 2001, 311, 220, 387, 720, 44466, 220, 2949, 220, 1057, 220, 837, 220, 7138, 11, 220, 311, 220, 387, 220, 3118, 220, 304, 220, 1057, 220, 1645, 12, 720, 83, 43479, 323, 220, 24654, 11, 220, 311, 220, 38967, 220, 19459, 220, 387, 12, 720, 4930, 287, 311, 220, 53159, 352, 220, 323, 220, 21463, 220, 430, 220, 649, 956, 220, 387, 220, 24884, 11, 220, 311, 720, 15124, 2603, 220, 387, 220, 323, 220, 311, 220, 3974, 13, 1115, 220, 17371, 220, 659, 220, 374, 220, 14183, 220, 311, 220, 304, 220, 279, 220, 75887, 300, 220, 439, 220, 279, 720, 1688, 1543, 11, 220, 477, 220, 279, 220, 2314, 86, 6427, 220, 17326, 13, 1115, 220, 659, 220, 374, 220, 279, 220, 2592, 720, 1073, 220, 1057, 220, 837, 220, 8335, 13, 6401, 220, 374, 220, 539, 220, 279, 220, 8821, 220, 33436, 720, 1073, 220, 279, 220, 4832, 220, 2547, 11, 220, 477, 220, 279, 220, 95931, 220, 315, 220, 459, 220, 20207, 720, 38824, 11, 220, 477, 220, 1524, 220, 100206, 486, 220, 12659, 220, 369, 220, 279, 220, 9090, 13, 578, 220, 2324, 220, 311, 720, 8370, 220, 279, 220, 274, 1154, 220, 8464, 220, 304, 220, 24852, 80627, 64, 220, 374, 220, 279, 220, 6573, 220, 11552, 220, 315, 720, 2664, 11, 220, 4059, 11, 220, 323, 220, 9090, 13, 1102, 220, 374, 220, 264, 220, 8335, 220, 315, 220, 1521, 220, 2380, 720, 69, 21846, 11, 220, 323, 220, 279, 220, 4726, 220, 18052, 220, 315, 220, 1855, 220, 659, 220, 449, 720, 67812, 11, 220, 3070, 11, 220, 323, 220, 682, 220, 5496, 220, 23837, 13, 3277, 220, 584, 220, 15641, 720, 43302, 367, 220, 311, 220, 387, 220, 279, 220, 2592, 220, 315, 220, 682, 220, 17563, 11, 220, 584, 220, 1253, 720, 7413, 220, 311, 220, 8935, 220, 505, 220, 279, 220, 12659, 220, 315, 220, 264, 220, 61876, 220, 2324, 13, 578, 220, 3492, 220, 8924, 4317, 220, 16280, 220, 3445, 220, 330, 9210, 220, 902, 220, 706, 220, 264, 720, 60672, 1359, 220, 264, 220, 1887, 220, 430, 220, 374, 220, 4062, 220, 311, 220, 2349, 13, 1115, 220, 374, 220, 279, 720, 18881, 220, 2728, 220, 555, 220, 279, 220, 46845, 4167, 220, 311, 220, 1057, 220, 2183, 1188, 532, 720, 67812, 13, 1226, 220, 1051, 220, 539, 220, 8967, 220, 311, 220, 37106, 220, 369, 220, 39143, 13, 92752, 2136, 220, 374, 220, 279, 220, 1193, 220, 39143, 13, 7357, 220, 893, 83395, 12, 720, 83, 367, 374, 220, 16168, 220, 98728, 220, 449, 220, 2349, 13, 1102, 220, 374, 220, 1555, 720, 414, 220, 12569, 661, 11, 220, 69063, 220, 14209, 220, 430, 220, 584, 220, 649, 220, 4048, 720, 5269, 220, 311, 220, 22114, 220, 279, 220, 25702, 220, 659, 13, 1666, 220, 584, 220, 2586, 220, 311, 220, 48383, 720, 6518, 220, 323, 220, 810, 220, 304, 220, 279, 220, 25702, 220, 659, 11, 220, 584, 220, 527, 220, 2333, 300, 12, 720, 11559, 3025, 220, 311, 220, 5603, 220, 279, 220, 17371, 220, 659, 11, 220, 477, 220, 2468, 1543, 13, 25218, 220, 279, 220, 824, 55336, 220, 315, 220, 1057, 220, 6439, 11, 220, 584, 220, 649, 220, 37106, 220, 311, 720, 1617, 467, 220, 8335, 220, 304, 220, 1057, 220, 8915, 220, 323, 220, 4062, 4791, 12, 618, 220, 4415, 12, 720, 5081, 11, 323, 220, 304, 220, 279, 220, 33831, 220, 1920, 220, 84611, 220, 311, 220, 279, 220, 1440, 75, 12, 720, 7334, 315, 220, 279, 220, 659, 11, 220, 439, 220, 1694, 220, 43790, 220, 449, 220, 279, 220, 7138, 220, 315, 720, 1820, 220, 10973, 13, 1115, 220, 44222, 11, 220, 33831, 220, 7138, 220, 374, 220, 279, 720, 1904, 220, 3752, 220, 315, 220, 1057, 220, 9090, 13, 1226, 220, 649, 220, 84611, 220, 311, 220, 420, 720, 716, 13421, 11, 220, 369, 220, 433, 220, 374, 220, 279, 220, 1193, 220, 39143, 13, 2030, 220, 433, 220, 374, 220, 37410, 12, 720, 818, 788, 323, 220, 64074, 638, 220, 311, 220, 4879, 220, 311, 220, 10519, 220, 264, 720, 64185, 220, 2547, 11, 220, 264, 220, 4832, 220, 2324, 11, 220, 323, 220, 4832, 220, 2890, 11, 220, 369, 220, 279, 720, 28531], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": " India, idli is usually \nserved with sambar (a spicy vegetable-dhal soup) or \nchutney. Uppama, the classic breakfast cereal of South \nIndia, is made from cracked wheat; roasted dhals, \nvegetables, and spices are added to create a wheat \npilaf, which is usually served with a coconut chutney. Vada is a festive food of both North and South \nIndia made from freshly ground urad dhal mixed \nwith the customary freshly ground condiments and \nspices, such as coconut, ginger, and onions, and \nformed into small balls that are then deep-fried and \nserved with chutneys. Chapatis are the original unleavened bread. From \nprimordial time, bread has been an important part of \nhumankind's daily sustenance. From the \"breaking of \nbread\" to the \"daily bread,\" bread has been the sym- \nbol of serving, reaping, and sharing. The original \nchapati was made into a dough from whole wheat \nand then buried under coals in a baking hole dug into \nthe earth. Over the centuries, thousands of variations \nupon this primal theme have been developed. In \nnorthern India, wheat in its freshly ground form, \nused in the preparation of chapatis, is more common \nthan either wheat berries or rice. Roti, or paratha, is another form of unleavened flat \nbread. These are usually thicker than chapati. The deep-fried preparations presented on the pages \nthat follow are for occasional use only. K types need \nto be especially wary of all richly oiled and salted \nfoods, and use them sparingly. Vadas, pakoras, and \nbondis may be baked instead of deep-fried. Also, rye, \nmillet, and barley are best substituted for rice in the \nfollowing recipes for K types. P types may omit the \nheat-producing spices such as chilis and ginger; re- \nduce the quantity of mustard seeds; add the P type \nbalancing spices, such as coriander, cumin, and car- \ndamom; and use barley and wheat instead of rice. The \ndeep-frying method may be used by V and P types, \nbut all excess oil should be thoroughly drained off. Grated daikon should be served with all fried and oily \nfoods for all types. Daikon helps the body break down \nand remove excess oil which would normally be stored \nin the tissues as fat. Vadai \nALL TYPES \nServes 2 (makes 6 patties) \n1 c split urad dhal, without skins \n1 tbs rice flour \n'A tsp minced ginger \nPinch of asafoetida \nPinch of sea salt \n1 c sunflower oil (for deep frying) \n2 c fresh plain yogurt (for soaking) \nV and K types: add 'A teaspoon minced red chili \npeppers. P types: use a pinch of ginger and black pepper instead \nof asafoetida. Wash urad dhal until water runs clear. Soak in (\u25a0\u00bb cups \ncold water for about 6 hours. Drain and grind wet \ndhal into a fine, stiff paste using a hand grinder, large \nmortar and pestle, or blender. Add a few tablespoons \nof water as needed. Mix in the rice flour, ginger, asafbe \ntida, and salt. Heat oil in a small, deep pan. 1 ightly oil youi \nhands and make 6 flat patties, 3\" in diameter. Make a \nhole in the center oi each patty with youi finger, like \na doughnut. When the oil is very hot, fry three vadai \nat a time; cook evenly foi aboul J minutes on each \nside. Place two Livers of cheesecloth m .i colandei ovei \nthe sink. Remove vadai from pan with a spatula and \ndrain in colander for l() to 15 minutes. Remove and \nsoak in yogun for hall an hour before serving. 20 1 \n\u00ab \nUNIVERSAL RECIPES FOR EACH BODY TYPE \nAmavadai \nALL TYPES \nServes 2 (makes 6 patties) \n1 c toor dhal \n1 tbs rice flour \n'A tsp sea salt \nxli tsp fine black pepper \n1 c sunflower oil (for deep-frying) \n2 c fresh plain yogurt (for soaking) \nV\" and K types: add 'A teaspoon minced red chili \npeppers and/or any other V and K spices. Wash toor dhal until water runs clear. Soak in 3 cups \nof cold water for about 6 hours. Drain and grind to a \nfine paste using a hand grinder, large mortar and \npestle, or blender. Add a few tablespoons of water as \nnecessary. Stir in rice flour, salt, and pepper and mix \ninto a stiff batter. Heat oil in a small, deep pan. Lightly oil your \nhands and shape dough into 6 flat patties, 3\" in diam- \neter. Make a hole in center of the patty, if desired. When the oil is very hot, fry three amavadai at a time; \ncook evenly for about 3 minutes on each side. Place \ntwo layers of cheesecloth in a colander over the sink. Remove amavadai from pan with a spatula and drain \nin colander for 10 to 15 minutes. Remove and soak in \nyogurt for half an hour before serving. Adai \nALL TYPES \nServes 4 \n2 c split mung dhal \nxh c brown basmati rice \n3 dried curry leaves \n'/\u00ab c minced fresh cilantro \nXU tsp sea salt \n2 tbs sunflower oil \nSpiced yogurt or chutney V and K types: add 'A teaspoon minced fresh ginger \nand 'A teaspoon minced green chili peppers. K types: substitute 'A cup rye or millet for the brown basmati. Wash mung dhal and rice separately until water runs \nclear. Soak each separately in enough cold water to \ncover by at least 2\" for about 6 hours in a cool ", "token_ids": [6890, 11, 220, 887, 747, 220, 374, 220, 6118, 720, 82, 2841, 220, 449, 220, 10167, 2308, 220, 320, 64, 220, 48351, 220, 36581, 1773, 12130, 220, 19724, 8, 220, 477, 720, 331, 332, 3520, 13, 549, 604, 3105, 11, 220, 279, 220, 11670, 220, 17954, 220, 62233, 220, 315, 220, 4987, 720, 34648, 11, 220, 374, 220, 1903, 220, 505, 220, 43939, 220, 34153, 26, 220, 54662, 220, 35196, 1147, 11, 720, 83571, 4893, 11, 220, 323, 220, 49659, 220, 527, 220, 3779, 220, 311, 220, 1893, 220, 264, 220, 34153, 720, 79, 321, 2642, 11, 220, 902, 220, 374, 220, 6118, 220, 10434, 220, 449, 220, 264, 220, 34557, 220, 523, 332, 3520, 13, 650, 2649, 220, 374, 220, 264, 220, 59937, 220, 3691, 220, 315, 220, 2225, 220, 4892, 220, 323, 220, 4987, 720, 34648, 220, 1903, 220, 505, 220, 50999, 220, 5015, 220, 4433, 329, 220, 294, 12130, 220, 9709, 720, 4291, 220, 279, 220, 73348, 220, 50999, 220, 5015, 220, 9955, 12843, 220, 323, 720, 2203, 1238, 11, 220, 1778, 220, 439, 220, 34557, 11, 220, 44768, 11, 220, 323, 220, 45697, 11, 220, 323, 720, 10365, 220, 1139, 220, 2678, 220, 20953, 220, 430, 220, 527, 220, 1243, 220, 5655, 2269, 4588, 220, 323, 720, 82, 2841, 220, 449, 220, 523, 332, 36371, 13, 27747, 3689, 220, 527, 220, 279, 220, 4113, 220, 38826, 5389, 291, 220, 16385, 13, 5659, 720, 18375, 93773, 220, 892, 11, 220, 16385, 220, 706, 220, 1027, 220, 459, 220, 3062, 220, 961, 220, 315, 720, 28400, 70370, 596, 220, 7446, 220, 10446, 10431, 13, 5659, 220, 279, 220, 330, 37757, 220, 315, 720, 48616, 1, 220, 311, 220, 279, 220, 330, 49174, 220, 16385, 1359, 220, 16385, 220, 706, 220, 1027, 220, 279, 220, 8045, 12, 720, 31146, 315, 220, 13788, 11, 220, 312, 14550, 11, 220, 323, 220, 11821, 13, 578, 220, 4113, 720, 93419, 9491, 220, 574, 220, 1903, 220, 1139, 220, 264, 220, 31452, 220, 505, 220, 4459, 220, 34153, 720, 438, 220, 1243, 220, 28016, 220, 1234, 220, 1080, 1147, 220, 304, 220, 264, 220, 28915, 220, 14512, 220, 44120, 220, 1139, 720, 1820, 220, 9578, 13, 6193, 220, 279, 220, 24552, 11, 220, 9214, 220, 315, 220, 27339, 720, 59723, 220, 420, 220, 87281, 220, 7057, 220, 617, 220, 1027, 220, 8040, 13, 763, 720, 45807, 6456, 220, 6890, 11, 220, 34153, 220, 304, 220, 1202, 220, 50999, 220, 5015, 220, 1376, 11, 720, 2656, 220, 304, 220, 279, 220, 18459, 220, 315, 220, 38838, 3689, 11, 220, 374, 220, 810, 220, 4279, 720, 54895, 220, 3060, 220, 34153, 220, 63494, 220, 477, 220, 20228, 13, 28460, 72, 11, 220, 477, 220, 1370, 66826, 11, 220, 374, 220, 2500, 220, 1376, 220, 315, 220, 38826, 5389, 291, 220, 10269, 720, 48616, 13, 4314, 220, 527, 220, 6118, 220, 59884, 220, 1109, 220, 38838, 9491, 13, 578, 220, 5655, 2269, 4588, 220, 47979, 220, 10666, 220, 389, 220, 279, 220, 6959, 720, 9210, 220, 1833, 220, 527, 220, 369, 220, 28961, 220, 1005, 220, 1193, 13, 735, 220, 4595, 220, 1205, 720, 998, 220, 387, 220, 5423, 220, 55274, 220, 315, 220, 682, 220, 9257, 398, 220, 297, 2230, 220, 323, 220, 12290, 291, 720, 96420, 11, 220, 323, 220, 1005, 220, 1124, 220, 96055, 398, 13, 650, 11354, 11, 220, 39114, 65747, 11, 220, 323, 720, 65339, 285, 220, 1253, 220, 387, 220, 41778, 220, 4619, 220, 315, 220, 5655, 2269, 4588, 13, 7429, 11, 220, 436, 9188, 11, 720, 76, 41984, 11, 220, 323, 220, 81817, 220, 527, 220, 1888, 220, 63196, 220, 369, 220, 20228, 220, 304, 220, 279, 720, 44018, 220, 19141, 220, 369, 220, 735, 220, 4595, 13, 393, 220, 4595, 220, 1253, 220, 52144, 220, 279, 720, 20559, 90375, 220, 49659, 220, 1778, 220, 439, 220, 523, 121038, 220, 323, 220, 44768, 26, 220, 312, 12, 720, 13677, 279, 220, 12472, 220, 315, 220, 65407, 220, 19595, 26, 220, 923, 220, 279, 220, 393, 220, 955, 720, 13616, 9151, 220, 49659, 11, 220, 1778, 220, 439, 220, 1867, 72, 8363, 11, 220, 272, 10318, 11, 220, 323, 220, 1841, 12, 720, 15770, 316, 26, 323, 220, 1005, 220, 81817, 220, 323, 220, 34153, 220, 4619, 220, 315, 220, 20228, 13, 578, 720, 33980, 2269, 28609, 220, 1749, 220, 1253, 220, 387, 220, 1511, 220, 555, 220, 650, 220, 323, 220, 393, 220, 4595, 11, 720, 8248, 220, 682, 220, 13937, 220, 5707, 220, 1288, 220, 387, 220, 27461, 220, 61508, 220, 1022, 13, 2895, 660, 220, 3067, 62714, 220, 1288, 220, 387, 220, 10434, 220, 449, 220, 682, 220, 41951, 220, 323, 220, 78571, 720, 96420, 220, 369, 220, 682, 220, 4595, 13, 14569, 62714, 220, 8779, 220, 279, 220, 2547, 220, 1464, 220, 1523, 720, 438, 220, 4148, 220, 13937, 220, 5707, 220, 902, 220, 1053, 220, 14614, 220, 387, 220, 9967, 720, 258, 220, 279, 220, 39881, 220, 439, 220, 8834, 13, 93212, 2192, 720, 4006, 220, 83425, 720, 50, 13583, 220, 220, 17, 220, 320, 80785, 220, 220, 21, 220, 84167, 552, 8, 720, 16, 220, 272, 220, 6859, 220, 4433, 329, 220, 294, 12130, 11, 220, 2085, 220, 51050, 720, 16, 220, 259, 1302, 220, 20228, 220, 20415, 720, 52374, 220, 39020, 220, 94927, 220, 44768, 720, 20452, 331, 220, 315, 220, 439, 64, 831, 295, 4849, 720, 20452, 331, 220, 315, 220, 9581, 220, 12290, 720, 16, 220, 272, 220, 7160, 39853, 220, 5707, 220, 320, 2000, 220, 5655, 220, 87196, 8, 720, 17, 220, 272, 220, 7878, 220, 14733, 220, 55575, 220, 320, 2000, 220, 78446, 8, 720, 53, 220, 323, 220, 735, 220, 4595, 25, 220, 923, 220, 364, 32, 220, 42384, 220, 94927, 220, 2579, 220, 59717, 720, 375, 36623, 13, 393, 220, 4595, 25, 220, 1005, 220, 264, 220, 50346, 220, 315, 220, 44768, 220, 323, 220, 3776, 220, 25349, 220, 4619, 720, 1073, 220, 439, 64, 831, 295, 4849, 13, 6113, 220, 4433, 329, 220, 294, 12130, 220, 3156, 220, 3090, 220, 8640, 220, 2867, 13, 2100, 587, 220, 304, 220, 320, 47774, 13289, 220, 26446, 720, 88172, 220, 3090, 220, 369, 220, 922, 220, 220, 21, 220, 4207, 13, 62368, 220, 323, 220, 40336, 220, 14739, 720, 67, 12130, 220, 1139, 220, 264, 220, 7060, 11, 220, 31161, 220, 25982, 220, 1701, 220, 264, 220, 1450, 220, 46641, 11, 220, 3544, 720, 93711, 277, 220, 323, 220, 44885, 273, 11, 220, 477, 220, 62895, 13, 2758, 220, 264, 220, 2478, 220, 56588, 720, 1073, 220, 3090, 220, 439, 220, 4460, 13, 19771, 220, 304, 220, 279, 220, 20228, 220, 20415, 11, 220, 44768, 11, 220, 439, 2642, 1395, 720, 83, 4849, 11, 220, 323, 220, 12290, 13, 27162, 220, 5707, 220, 304, 220, 264, 220, 2678, 11, 220, 5655, 220, 7363, 13, 220, 16, 220, 220, 73048, 220, 5707, 220, 499, 72, 720, 89112, 220, 323, 220, 1304, 220, 220, 21, 220, 10269, 220, 84167, 552, 11, 220, 220, 18, 1, 220, 304, 220, 23899, 13, 7557, 220, 264, 720, 31520, 220, 304, 220, 279, 220, 4219, 220, 75733, 220, 1855, 220, 281, 23758, 220, 449, 220, 499, 72, 220, 14654, 11, 220, 1093, 720, 64, 220, 31452, 24217, 13, 3277, 220, 279, 220, 5707, 220, 374, 220, 1633, 220, 4106, 11, 220, 53646, 220, 2380, 220, 71952, 2192, 720, 266, 220, 264, 220, 892, 26, 220, 4394, 220, 42147, 220, 22419, 220, 671, 11206, 220, 622, 220, 4520, 220, 389, 220, 1855, 720, 3002, 13, 11004, 220, 1403, 220, 445, 1986, 220, 315, 220, 43932, 762, 70652, 220, 296, 220, 662, 72, 220, 1400, 438, 20568, 220, 297, 588, 72, 720, 1820, 220, 19868, 13, 11016, 220, 71952, 2192, 220, 505, 220, 7363, 220, 449, 220, 264, 220, 63983, 5724, 220, 323, 720, 3696, 467, 220, 304, 220, 1400, 8363, 220, 369, 220, 326, 368, 220, 311, 220, 220, 868, 220, 4520, 13, 11016, 220, 323, 720, 708, 587, 220, 304, 220, 42453, 359, 220, 369, 220, 14321, 220, 459, 220, 6596, 220, 1603, 220, 13788, 13, 220, 508, 220, 220, 16, 720, 24633, 720, 1899, 39610, 984, 262, 75236, 3378, 1600, 262, 4716, 262, 95513, 262, 69683, 256, 12736, 720, 6219, 38155, 2192, 720, 4006, 220, 83425, 720, 50, 13583, 220, 220, 17, 220, 320, 80785, 220, 220, 21, 220, 84167, 552, 8, 720, 16, 220, 272, 220, 311, 269, 220, 294, 12130, 720, 16, 220, 259, 1302, 220, 20228, 220, 20415, 720, 52374, 220, 39020, 220, 9581, 220, 12290, 720, 87, 747, 220, 39020, 220, 7060, 220, 3776, 220, 25349, 720, 16, 220, 272, 220, 7160, 39853, 220, 5707, 220, 320, 2000, 220, 5655, 2269, 28609, 8, 720, 17, 220, 272, 220, 7878, 220, 14733, 220, 55575, 220, 320, 2000, 220, 78446, 8, 720, 53, 1, 220, 323, 220, 735, 220, 4595, 25, 220, 923, 220, 364, 32, 220, 42384, 220, 94927, 220, 2579, 220, 59717, 720, 375, 36623, 220, 323, 5255, 220, 904, 220, 1023, 220, 650, 220, 323, 220, 735, 220, 49659, 13, 6113, 220, 311, 269, 220, 294, 12130, 220, 3156, 220, 3090, 220, 8640, 220, 2867, 13, 2100, 587, 220, 304, 220, 220, 18, 220, 26446, 720, 1073, 220, 9439, 220, 3090, 220, 369, 220, 922, 220, 220, 21, 220, 4207, 13, 62368, 220, 323, 220, 40336, 220, 311, 220, 264, 720, 63157, 220, 25982, 220, 1701, 220, 264, 220, 1450, 220, 46641, 11, 220, 3544, 220, 58560, 220, 323, 720, 30223, 273, 11, 220, 477, 220, 62895, 13, 2758, 220, 264, 220, 2478, 220, 56588, 220, 315, 220, 3090, 220, 439, 720, 95317, 13, 65292, 220, 304, 220, 20228, 220, 20415, 11, 220, 12290, 11, 220, 323, 220, 25349, 220, 323, 220, 6651, 720, 18614, 220, 264, 220, 31161, 220, 8919, 13, 27162, 220, 5707, 220, 304, 220, 264, 220, 2678, 11, 220, 5655, 220, 7363, 13, 8828, 398, 220, 5707, 220, 701, 720, 89112, 220, 323, 220, 6211, 220, 31452, 220, 1139, 220, 220, 21, 220, 10269, 220, 84167, 552, 11, 220, 220, 18, 1, 220, 304, 220, 13047, 12, 720, 1430, 13, 7557, 220, 264, 220, 14512, 220, 304, 220, 4219, 220, 315, 220, 279, 220, 281, 23758, 11, 220, 422, 220, 12974, 13, 3277, 220, 279, 220, 5707, 220, 374, 220, 1633, 220, 4106, 11, 220, 53646, 220, 2380, 220, 1097, 38155, 2192, 220, 520, 220, 264, 220, 892, 26, 720, 87895, 220, 42147, 220, 369, 220, 922, 220, 220, 18, 220, 4520, 220, 389, 220, 1855, 220, 3185, 13, 11004, 720, 20375, 220, 13931, 220, 315, 220, 43932, 762, 70652, 220, 304, 220, 264, 220, 1400, 8363, 220, 927, 220, 279, 220, 19868, 13, 11016, 220, 1097, 38155, 2192, 220, 505, 220, 7363, 220, 449, 220, 264, 220, 63983, 5724, 220, 323, 220, 24659, 720, 258, 220, 1400, 8363, 220, 369, 220, 220, 605, 220, 311, 220, 220, 868, 220, 4520, 13, 11016, 220, 323, 220, 61792, 220, 304, 720, 88, 540, 5757, 220, 369, 220, 4376, 220, 459, 220, 6596, 220, 1603, 220, 13788, 13, 2467, 2192, 720, 4006, 220, 83425, 720, 50, 13583, 220, 220, 19, 720, 17, 220, 272, 220, 6859, 220, 296, 2234, 220, 294, 12130, 720, 87, 71, 220, 272, 220, 14198, 220, 3122, 8637, 72, 220, 20228, 720, 18, 220, 32720, 220, 55178, 220, 11141, 720, 20788, 24633, 220, 272, 220, 94927, 220, 7878, 220, 62444, 87290, 720, 55, 52, 220, 39020, 220, 9581, 220, 12290, 720, 17, 220, 259, 1302, 220, 7160, 39853, 220, 5707, 720, 6540, 7725, 220, 55575, 220, 477, 220, 523, 332, 3520, 650, 220, 323, 220, 735, 220, 4595, 25, 220, 923, 220, 364, 32, 220, 42384, 220, 94927, 220, 7878, 220, 44768, 720, 438, 220, 364, 32, 220, 42384, 220, 94927, 220, 6307, 220, 59717, 220, 58573, 13, 735, 220, 4595, 25, 220, 28779, 220, 364, 32, 220, 10747, 220, 436, 9188, 220, 477, 220, 112455, 220, 369, 220, 279, 220, 14198, 3122, 8637, 72, 13, 6113, 220, 296, 2234, 220, 294, 12130, 220, 323, 220, 20228, 220, 26214, 220, 3156, 220, 3090, 220, 8640, 720, 7574, 13, 2100, 587, 220, 1855, 220, 26214, 220, 304, 220, 3403, 220, 9439, 220, 3090, 220, 311, 720, 3773, 220, 555, 220, 520, 220, 3325, 220, 220, 17, 1, 220, 369, 220, 922, 220, 220, 21, 220, 4207, 220, 304, 220, 264, 220, 7155, 220], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": " talker can sound pretty\npersuasive when you first encou nter them. You say, \u201cBoy, that sounds like a\nswell guy.\u201d And then you do the arm test, and he comes out 180. You say,\n\u201cOh. What\u2019 s the answer? Now I\u2019ve got a problem.\u201d It\u2019s when perception\ndoes not match essence that I use it to calibrate unknown factors, and I want\na quick idea of how integrous this thing is. If you don\u2019t have any idea what a thing is altogether, say, \u201cThis is above\n200 or this is below 200.\u201d Or \u201cThis is above 200,\u201d to give you some idea of\nthe range of it. You get pretty perspicacious after you\u2019ve done a few\nthousand of these. I can usually guess the number within a coup le of points. You\u2019re training your intuition. It\u2019s an area of life we don\u2019t usually train,\nbecause we have no way to check its veracity, usually. But by constantly calibrating things, as I say, you become pretty skilled\nat it. I\u2019d say at least nine out of ten times, you\u2019re at least within the ballpark\nof what the reality is. The average person is not. The average person is\npretty easy to fool. They like to pride themselves on the fact they can\u2019t be\ndeceived, but the statistics show that the contrary is true. CALIBRA TION, A THEISTS, AND NARCISSISM\nWell-known professors pooh-poohed this method, and it doesn\u2019 t work for\natheists. If you negate the truth, the reality of the truth of God, which is one\nof the aspects of divinity, then you become disallowed and disenfranchised\nfrom using the methodology. Therefore, an atheist cannot use it. I don\u2019t\nwant them to waste time trying it. That takes you out of the ring right to\nbegin with. The people who argue with it are often atheists. You\u2019ll find that atheists\nhate this method, because they hate absolutism. They want everything to be\nrelativism. The idea that there is an absolute to whom one is answerable isan antonym. God is confrontatio nal to the narcissism of the ego. The ego\u2019s\nnarcissism is unbridled. It will disavow God. It\u2019 s greater than God. Here\u2019 s Joe Blow down from nowhere, who\u2019 s in his sophomor e year in\ncollege, and he already \u201cknows\u201d that there is no divinity. He calibrates at\n192, and divinity calibrates at infinity. So here\u2019 s this one guy at 192,\nrefuting the reality of that which calibrates at infinity. There are no limits to\nthe expansiveness of the human ego. The atheist is tied into a belief system, but the primary motive behind it is\nnarcissism. The primary motive behind it is naivete. They\u2019re unaware that\nthe intellect, which calibrates in the 400s, is not in the paradigm to even\nconsider spiritual realities, which are 500 and up. You can\u2019t prove or\ndisprove canoei ng on the basketball court. And I tell people who don\u2019t\nbelieve in my work, \u201cDon\u2019 t belie ve in it!\u201d I have no interest in whether they\nbelieve it or not. Who cares if they believe it or not? I can tell you which\nway I found is east, and if you want to go your own way, you can go your\nown way. But I know which way is east\u2014that\u2019 s all. Some people don\u2019t understand that I am obligated to speak the truth. I\u2019m\nnot sayin g this for the listener. I\u2019m saying it because I\u2019m responsible, and I\nam answerable to God. It\u2019s because I\u2019m answerable to God that I give you\nthe truth as I understand it. It\u2019s because I\u2019m accountable to divinity. A\nperson who doesn\u2019t believe in divinity is accountable to no one except the\nnarcissistic core of his own ego. People who are more spiritually evolved\nrealize that at the moment of death\u2019 s door, they\u2019re about to become\nanswerable, in capital letters. They\u2019re going to either notice something with\ndevils with horns or tails, or they\u2019re going to hear angels singing. THE CALIBRA TED MAP OF CONSCIOUSNESS\nThrough muscle testing, then, I discovered a phenomenon, and that\nphenomenon then allowed for calibrating the levels of consciousness. The\nphenomenon is innate to life. Out of this arose a calibrated Map of\nConsciousness, a logarithmic scale, one to 1,000, which includes all\npossibility within this domain, with 1,000 being the level of the great\navatars: Jesus Christ, Buddha, Krishna, Zoroaster. It\u2019s as high as you can go\nin this domain. Why? Because human protoplasm can\u2019t handle energies\nbeyond that. In fact, from about 800 and up, it\u2019s very difficult for thenervous system to handle that kind of energy. It gets very uncom fortable in\nthe 800s\u2014often quite painful and agonizing at times. If your consciousness goes beyond 1,000, you belong in a different\nrealm, and you leave here. You can hear your protoplasm sizzling in the\nsun, and it\u2019s time to let go of the protoplasmic. So, because of the\nlimitations of the human nervous system and protoplasm, the Map of\nConsciousness only goes up to 1,000. Archangels calibrate at such high frequencies. The one who once noticed\nme calibrated at 50,000, and a passing notice changed my life completely. It\nwas like a devastating shot of lightning. So, just pray that no archangel\nreally thinks about you too much. Higher isn\u2019 t always better. Descartes said man doesn\u2019 t know whether reality is what he perceives is\nreality. There\u2019 s res interna and then there\u2019 s res externa. The world the way it\nis or nature itself. And of course, Socrates, who\u2019 s my favorite old teacher,\nsaid the same thing. All men are innocent by virtue of the fact that they\u2019re\nunable to discern appearance from essence, truth from falsehood, and that\nthey pursue illusion. They always pursue what they perceive to be the good. That helps us put in place, then, forgiveness, or Christ\u2019 s statement, that\nthe only human error is one of ignorance. People make errors, and the\ninnocence of the child still resides within all of us. That\u2019 s why we are\ndupable and programmable; like the child, the mind tends to believe\neverything that it hears. Of course, what we learn through this technique is devastating. What\nactually goes on in the world, as compared to its appearance, is quite\nremarkable. Although the world doesn\u2019 t know what\u2019 s going on, we do\nwithin a matter of seconds. The whole world studies the thing, and doesn\u2019 t\neven know what it\u2019 s about! Remember: only people who themselves calibrate over 200 can use the\ntechnique, and only if their intention is integrous. You can\u2019t use the\ntechnique to try and prove a point\u2014to try and get the world to agree with\nyou. You have to be dedicated to truth for its own sake. And then when you\nfind out the truth, you can worry about what to do about it later. But the first\nthing is, you don\u2019t know what the problem is until you ask what the truth of\nthe matter is. Our dedication is to truth, and the basis is that truth is the\nstraight way to God. And nonlinear duality means to let go of the linear\nappearance of things, and to align with the essence, which is the fastest way\nto enlightenment.The view of God, then, depends on your level of conscio usness\u2014\nwhether you see God as punitive or frightening, or whethe r you\u2019re an\natheist and don\u2019t believe in God at all. Your view of yourself depends on\nyour level of consciousness. It doesn\u2019 t depend on sociologic conditions,\npoverty, or wealth, or any of these things. Your view of yourself is a\nconsequence of your own level of consciousness. We gave these levels useful names. The spiritualization of these levels go\nall the way from enlightenment, down to the high levels\u2014600 is a\nphenomenal level. In the human domain, very few people get to 500. Fewer\nyet get to uncon ditional love, at 540. In the world\u2019 s population, 0.4 percent\never reaches unconditional love. People ask, \u201cHow can I reach\nunconditional love?\u201d I say, \u201cWell, become an alcoholic and join AA. It\u2019s at\n540.\u201d Or you can study A Course in Miracles. These ways all depend on simp licity and the willingness to be forgiving\n\u2014the willingness to live one day at a time. You put them into your life and\ndaily application, to make them part of your life. That means you have to\ngive up the pleasure of condemning people. Reason is at the 400s. Love is 500. There\u2019 s unconditional love, and\nbeyond unconditional love. We start out with shame, disaster, guilt, apathy,\nfear, and anger. This level of 200 is very critical. At level 200, we have the\nwillingness to be honest", "token_ids": [3137, 261, 649, 5222, 5128, 198, 32390, 84, 27645, 994, 220, 499, 1176, 3289, 283, 308, 466, 1124, 13, 1472, 2019, 11, 1054, 63504, 1174, 430, 10578, 1093, 264, 198, 2332, 616, 7564, 2029, 1628, 1243, 499, 656, 279, 6916, 1296, 11, 323, 568, 4131, 704, 220, 5245, 13, 1472, 2019, 345, 87990, 13, 3639, 529, 274, 279, 4320, 30, 4800, 358, 4070, 2751, 264, 3575, 2029, 1102, 753, 994, 220, 21063, 198, 28156, 539, 2489, 28591, 430, 358, 1005, 433, 311, 1652, 44192, 9987, 9547, 11, 323, 358, 1390, 198, 64, 4062, 4623, 315, 1268, 5503, 27620, 420, 3245, 374, 13, 1442, 499, 1541, 1431, 617, 904, 4623, 1148, 264, 3245, 374, 31155, 1174, 2019, 11, 1054, 2028, 220, 374, 3485, 198, 1049, 477, 420, 374, 3770, 220, 1049, 2029, 2582, 1054, 2028, 374, 3485, 220, 1049, 2476, 311, 3041, 499, 1063, 4623, 315, 198, 1820, 2134, 315, 433, 13, 1472, 636, 5128, 7565, 15959, 19995, 1306, 499, 4070, 2884, 264, 2478, 198, 339, 52949, 315, 1521, 13, 358, 649, 6118, 8101, 279, 1396, 2949, 264, 16081, 514, 315, 3585, 13, 1472, 3207, 4967, 701, 57351, 13, 1102, 753, 459, 3158, 315, 2324, 584, 1541, 1431, 6118, 5542, 345, 28753, 584, 617, 912, 1648, 311, 1817, 1202, 2807, 4107, 1174, 6118, 662, 2030, 555, 15320, 1652, 10892, 1113, 2574, 11, 439, 358, 2019, 11, 499, 3719, 5128, 26611, 198, 266, 433, 13, 358, 7070, 2019, 520, 3325, 11888, 704, 315, 5899, 3115, 11, 499, 3207, 520, 3325, 2949, 279, 97841, 198, 1073, 1148, 279, 8903, 374, 13, 578, 5578, 1732, 374, 539, 13, 578, 5578, 1732, 374, 198, 34055, 4228, 311, 24931, 13, 2435, 1093, 311, 22519, 5694, 389, 279, 2144, 814, 649, 1431, 387, 198, 451, 8946, 11, 719, 279, 13443, 1501, 430, 279, 26102, 374, 837, 13, 34007, 3336, 5726, 350, 1294, 11, 362, 3247, 26194, 11, 3651, 452, 946, 11487, 1242, 47905, 198, 11649, 22015, 45724, 3273, 2319, 75488, 2319, 291, 420, 1749, 11, 323, 433, 3250, 529, 259, 990, 369, 198, 70036, 1705, 13, 1442, 499, 72319, 279, 8206, 11, 279, 8903, 315, 279, 8206, 315, 4359, 11, 902, 374, 832, 198, 1073, 279, 13878, 315, 3512, 13797, 1174, 1243, 499, 3719, 834, 21642, 323, 91910, 1658, 3581, 4147, 198, 1527, 1701, 279, 38152, 662, 15636, 11, 459, 67464, 4250, 1005, 433, 13, 358, 1541, 1431, 198, 53757, 1124, 311, 12571, 892, 4560, 433, 13, 3011, 5097, 499, 704, 315, 279, 10264, 1314, 311, 198, 7413, 449, 13, 578, 1274, 889, 18046, 449, 433, 527, 3629, 79625, 13, 1472, 4805, 1505, 430, 79625, 198, 71, 349, 420, 1749, 11, 1606, 814, 12491, 64262, 2191, 13, 2435, 1390, 4395, 311, 387, 198, 3833, 20053, 2191, 13, 578, 4623, 430, 1070, 374, 459, 10973, 311, 8884, 832, 374, 4320, 481, 374, 276, 3276, 7987, 13, 4359, 374, 17302, 6400, 85633, 311, 279, 58298, 2191, 315, 279, 37374, 13, 578, 37374, 753, 198, 77, 8362, 1056, 2191, 374, 653, 16621, 839, 13, 1102, 690, 834, 402, 363, 4359, 13, 1102, 529, 274, 7191, 220, 1109, 4359, 13, 5810, 529, 274, 13142, 46952, 1523, 505, 28211, 11, 889, 529, 274, 304, 813, 19219, 121827, 384, 1060, 304, 198, 68534, 11, 323, 568, 2736, 1054, 33134, 82, 863, 430, 1070, 374, 912, 3512, 13797, 662, 1283, 1652, 10892, 988, 520, 198, 5926, 11, 323, 3512, 13797, 1652, 10892, 988, 520, 56010, 662, 2100, 1618, 529, 274, 420, 832, 7564, 520, 220, 5926, 345, 1116, 10831, 279, 8903, 315, 430, 902, 1652, 10892, 988, 520, 56010, 662, 2684, 527, 912, 13693, 311, 198, 1820, 40014, 13071, 315, 279, 3823, 37374, 13, 578, 67464, 374, 17791, 1139, 264, 16801, 1887, 11, 719, 279, 6156, 47094, 4920, 433, 374, 198, 77, 8362, 1056, 2191, 13, 578, 6156, 47094, 220, 4920, 433, 374, 4415, 344, 7870, 13, 2435, 3207, 41747, 430, 198, 1820, 17108, 11, 902, 1652, 10892, 988, 304, 279, 220, 3443, 82, 11, 374, 539, 304, 279, 49340, 311, 1524, 198, 25742, 18330, 50446, 11, 902, 527, 220, 2636, 323, 709, 13, 1472, 649, 1431, 12391, 477, 198, 4338, 35563, 84589, 72, 7933, 389, 279, 19794, 5590, 13, 1628, 358, 3371, 1274, 889, 1541, 1431, 198, 9978, 19704, 304, 856, 990, 11, 1054, 8161, 529, 259, 2888, 5320, 304, 433, 18319, 358, 617, 912, 2802, 304, 3508, 814, 198, 9978, 19704, 433, 477, 539, 13, 10699, 34672, 422, 814, 4510, 433, 477, 539, 30, 358, 649, 3371, 499, 902, 198, 3195, 358, 1766, 374, 11226, 11, 323, 422, 499, 1390, 311, 733, 701, 1866, 1648, 11, 499, 649, 733, 701, 198, 785, 1648, 662, 2030, 358, 1440, 902, 1648, 374, 11226, 41128, 529, 274, 682, 13, 4427, 1274, 1541, 1431, 3619, 430, 358, 1097, 67976, 311, 6604, 279, 8206, 13, 358, 4344, 198, 1962, 2019, 258, 342, 420, 369, 279, 11700, 662, 358, 4344, 5605, 433, 1606, 358, 4344, 8647, 11, 323, 358, 198, 309, 4320, 481, 311, 4359, 13, 1102, 753, 1606, 358, 4344, 4320, 481, 311, 4359, 430, 358, 3041, 499, 198, 1820, 8206, 220, 439, 358, 3619, 433, 13, 1102, 753, 1606, 358, 4344, 36977, 220, 311, 3512, 13797, 662, 362, 198, 9164, 889, 3250, 1431, 4510, 304, 3512, 13797, 374, 36977, 311, 912, 832, 3734, 279, 198, 77, 8362, 1056, 4633, 6332, 315, 813, 1866, 37374, 13, 9029, 889, 527, 810, 88853, 28995, 198, 8110, 553, 430, 520, 279, 4545, 315, 4648, 529, 274, 6134, 11, 814, 3207, 922, 311, 3719, 198, 9399, 481, 11, 304, 6864, 12197, 13, 2435, 3207, 2133, 311, 3060, 5406, 2555, 449, 198, 3667, 8839, 449, 61084, 477, 64614, 11, 477, 814, 3207, 2133, 311, 6865, 46968, 26139, 13, 3247, 34007, 3336, 5726, 84296, 28322, 3083, 3501, 3624, 43752, 7415, 198, 24798, 16124, 7649, 11, 1243, 11, 358, 11352, 264, 25885, 11, 323, 430, 198, 15112, 6431, 263, 1243, 5535, 369, 1652, 10892, 1113, 279, 5990, 315, 25917, 13, 578, 198, 15112, 6431, 263, 374, 65070, 311, 2324, 13, 4470, 315, 420, 51063, 264, 86085, 5135, 315, 198, 1128, 23995, 2136, 11, 264, 91036, 21914, 5569, 11, 832, 311, 220, 16, 11, 931, 11, 902, 5764, 682, 198, 9007, 3225, 2949, 420, 8106, 11, 449, 220, 16, 11, 931, 1694, 279, 2237, 315, 279, 2294, 198, 75914, 25, 10811, 3771, 11, 46054, 11, 80409, 11, 1901, 18812, 2352, 662, 1102, 753, 439, 1579, 439, 499, 649, 733, 198, 258, 420, 8106, 13, 8595, 30, 9393, 220, 3823, 1760, 56178, 10753, 649, 1431, 3790, 49969, 198, 65, 23478, 430, 13, 763, 2144, 11, 505, 922, 220, 4728, 323, 709, 11, 433, 753, 1633, 5107, 369, 1243, 651, 788, 1887, 311, 3790, 430, 3169, 315, 4907, 13, 1102, 5334, 1633, 653, 884, 369, 2048, 304, 198, 1820, 220, 4728, 82, 2345, 61917, 5115, 26175, 323, 57770, 4954, 520, 3115, 13, 1442, 701, 25917, 5900, 7953, 220, 16, 11, 931, 11, 499, 9352, 304, 264, 2204, 198, 70997, 11, 323, 499, 5387, 1618, 13, 1472, 649, 6865, 701, 1760, 56178, 10753, 274, 90219, 304, 279, 198, 40619, 11, 323, 433, 753, 892, 311, 1095, 733, 315, 279, 1760, 56178, 10753, 292, 13, 2100, 11, 1606, 315, 279, 198, 74268, 315, 279, 3823, 23418, 1887, 323, 1760, 56178, 10753, 11, 279, 5135, 315, 198, 1128, 23995, 2136, 1193, 5900, 709, 311, 220, 16, 11, 931, 13, 9683, 526, 2053, 1652, 44192, 520, 1778, 1579, 34873, 13, 578, 832, 889, 3131, 14000, 198, 2727, 86085, 520, 220, 1135, 11, 931, 11, 323, 264, 12579, 5406, 5614, 856, 2324, 6724, 662, 1102, 198, 16514, 1093, 264, 33318, 6689, 315, 33538, 13, 2100, 11, 1120, 24739, 430, 912, 5438, 17729, 198, 54760, 15849, 922, 499, 2288, 1790, 13, 35321, 4536, 529, 259, 2744, 2731, 662, 32285, 472, 288, 1071, 893, 3250, 529, 259, 1440, 3508, 8903, 374, 1148, 568, 62822, 1924, 374, 198, 265, 2786, 662, 2684, 529, 274, 594, 2655, 64, 323, 1243, 1070, 529, 274, 594, 16011, 64, 13, 578, 1917, 279, 1648, 433, 198, 285, 477, 7138, 5196, 13, 1628, 315, 3388, 11, 328, 78046, 11, 889, 529, 274, 856, 7075, 2362, 11326, 13801, 84359, 279, 1890, 3245, 13, 2052, 3026, 527, 25226, 555, 35460, 315, 279, 2144, 430, 814, 3207, 198, 47028, 311, 42645, 11341, 505, 28591, 11, 8206, 505, 96118, 11, 323, 430, 198, 20670, 23564, 41919, 13, 2435, 2744, 23564, 1148, 814, 45493, 311, 387, 279, 1695, 13, 3011, 8779, 603, 2231, 304, 2035, 11, 1243, 11, 53150, 11, 477, 3771, 529, 274, 5224, 11, 430, 198, 1820, 1193, 3823, 1493, 374, 832, 315, 41660, 13, 9029, 1304, 6103, 11, 323, 279, 198, 6258, 511, 768, 315, 279, 1716, 2103, 54068, 2949, 682, 315, 603, 13, 3011, 529, 274, 3249, 584, 527, 198, 22675, 481, 323, 56586, 481, 26, 1093, 279, 1716, 11, 279, 4059, 28335, 311, 4510, 198, 73826, 430, 433, 53159, 13, 5046, 3388, 11, 1148, 584, 4048, 1555, 420, 15105, 374, 33318, 13, 3639, 198, 74128, 5900, 389, 304, 279, 1917, 11, 439, 7863, 311, 1202, 11341, 11, 374, 5115, 198, 38548, 481, 13, 10541, 279, 1917, 3250, 529, 259, 1440, 1148, 529, 274, 2133, 389, 11, 584, 656, 198, 56950, 264, 5030, 315, 6622, 13, 578, 4459, 1917, 7978, 279, 3245, 11, 323, 3250, 529, 259, 198, 17206, 1440, 1148, 433, 529, 274, 922, 0, 20474, 25, 1193, 1274, 889, 5694, 1652, 44192, 927, 220, 1049, 649, 1005, 279, 198, 26522, 2428, 11, 323, 1193, 422, 872, 14944, 374, 5503, 27620, 13, 1472, 649, 1431, 1005, 279, 198, 26522, 2428, 311, 1456, 323, 12391, 264, 1486, 50617, 1456, 323, 636, 279, 1917, 311, 7655, 449, 198, 9514, 13, 1472, 617, 311, 387, 12514, 311, 8206, 369, 1202, 1866, 25491, 13, 1628, 1243, 994, 499, 198, 3990, 704, 279, 8206, 11, 499, 649, 11196, 922, 1148, 311, 656, 922, 433, 3010, 662, 2030, 279, 1176, 198, 1626, 374, 11, 499, 1541, 1431, 1440, 1148, 279, 3575, 374, 3156, 499, 2610, 1148, 279, 8206, 315, 198, 1820, 5030, 374, 13, 5751, 39955, 374, 311, 8206, 11, 323, 279, 8197, 374, 430, 8206, 374, 279, 198, 89292, 1648, 311, 4359, 13, 1628, 75098, 294, 10965, 3445, 311, 1095, 733, 315, 279, 13790, 198, 97755, 315, 2574, 11, 323, 311, 5398, 449, 279, 28591, 11, 902, 374, 279, 26731, 1648, 198, 998, 81869, 11829, 1684, 315, 4359, 11, 1243, 11, 14117, 389, 701, 2237, 315, 13902, 822, 603, 2136, 2345, 198, 49864, 499, 1518, 4359, 439, 82532, 477, 54739, 11, 477, 421, 19030, 436, 499, 3207, 459, 198, 70036, 380, 323, 1541, 1431, 4510, 304, 4359, 520, 682, 13, 4718, 1684, 315, 6261, 14117, 389, 198, 22479, 2237, 315, 25917, 13, 1102, 3250, 529, 259, 6904, 389, 15983, 39227, 4787, 345, 5481, 17098, 1174, 477, 12205, 11, 477, 904, 315, 1521, 2574, 13, 4718, 1684, 315, 6261, 374, 264, 198, 444, 15880, 315, 701, 1866, 2237, 315, 25917, 13, 1226, 6688, 1521, 5990, 5505, 5144, 13, 578, 18330, 2065, 315, 1521, 220, 5990, 733, 198, 543, 279, 1648, 505, 81869, 11, 1523, 311, 279, 1579, 5990, 2345, 5067, 374, 264, 198, 15112, 6431, 278, 2237, 13, 763, 279, 3823, 220, 8106, 11, 1633, 2478, 1274, 636, 311, 220, 2636, 13, 44015, 261, 198, 47492, 636, 311, 26118, 294, 3079, 3021, 11, 520, 220, 17048, 13, 763, 279, 1917, 529, 274, 7187, 11, 220, 15, 13, 19, 3346, 198, 2099, 25501, 84663, 3021, 13, 9029, 2610, 11, 1054, 4438, 649, 358, 5662, 198, 359, 46468, 3021, 12671, 358, 2019, 11, 1054, 11649, 11, 3719, 459, 56461, 323, 5249, 29334, 13, 1102, 753, 520, 198, 17048, 2029, 2582, 499, 649, 4007, 362, 17026, 304, 14603, 18709, 662, 4314, 5627, 682, 6904, 389, 12714, 12553, 488, 323, 279, 39375, 311, 387, 93441, 198, 22416, 39375, 311, 3974, 832, 1938, 520, 264, 892, 13, 1472, 2231, 1124, 1139, 701, 2324, 323, 198, 49174, 3851, 11, 311, 1304, 1124, 961, 315, 701, 2324, 13, 3011, 3445, 499, 617, 311, 198, 47530, 709, 279, 17069, 315, 82234, 1274, 13, 27857, 374, 520, 279, 220, 3443, 82, 13, 10919, 374, 220, 2636, 13, 2684, 529, 274, 84663, 3021, 11, 323, 198, 65, 23478, 220, 84663, 3021, 13, 1226, 1212, 704, 449, 21648, 11, 21426, 1174, 34951, 11, 1469, 19682, 345, 69, 686, 11, 323, 19788, 662, 1115, 2237, 315, 220, 1049, 374, 1633, 9200, 13, 2468, 2237, 220, 1049, 11, 584, 617, 279, 198, 86, 9585, 2136, 311, 387, 10978], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": " dangerous. of all \ndrugs--prednisone (part of the cortisone fam ily). This is a great masker and suppressor \nof symptoms while the disease, almost unknown to the patient, worsens. (I'll discuss in more detail later, as I take more and more of these steroid drugs,why they are so \ndangerous to life.) But what did me the most good was the bed rest. This was my first experience in being hospitalized and it left a rather bad impression \non me after the following occurrence. My hospital roommate was operated on for \ngallstones. He was quite seriously ill due to cirrhosis of the liver, and the surgery was \nquite involved. Soon his drain was pulled out, but it was too soon, so he drained \ninternally until he was taken back to the operating room for more surgery. He returned to the room unconscious and with an intrav enous feeding tube attached to his arm \nwhile a nurse adjusted the flow from the bottle to what was supposed to be the proper \ndrip. But it was much too fast for safety so I rang for the nurse, since he was sedated. When she didn't show, I got out of bed and adjusted it for him. When the bottle was \nempty, a new one was attached and a new needle inserted into his vein. But it was, by \nmistake, inserted into his arm muscle. I noticed, as time went by, his arm was almost \nas big as a football. I rang for the nurse. She didn't come. So I got out of bed, pulled the needle out, \napplied a tourniquet and inserted the needle into the vein where it belonged. No one ever knew. While I was hospitalized, I underwent the usual blood and urine tests, stool \nanalyses, and proctosigmoidoscope exams. But now I was to undergo another diagnostic procedure known in the trade as the upper and lower GI (gastro-intestinal) \nseries. This test is done on two separate days. One day is devoted to the upper, where \na glass or two of barium meal is swallowed while standing behind a fluoroscope \nscreen as the radiologist watches the substance passing through the upper digestive \nsystem outlining the stomach and upper intestines and showing any discrepancies in \nthe anatomy. No abnormalities appeared during this phase of the examination. The \nnext day I was given the second half of th e series called the lower GI or barium \nenema. This is preceded, as was the upper GI, by taking castor oil and taking an enema the night before. Do you have any idea what happens when, in suffering from \nintestinal spasm and diarrhea, you swallow castor oil and take an enema? Let's for the sake of brevity, call it an intestinal explosion. The lower GI phase now takes place, \nwhich is the infusion of barium by enema, enough to fill all six feet of the large \nintestine. I was instructed to \"hold it all in\" while being turned in various positions for \nfluoroscopy and x-ray studies. If I were to make a short list of the most difficult things \nI have had to cope with in life, trying to hold in that barium while the diseased intestine was going into spasmodic contraction to force it out would rank high on that \nlist. The physical, mental, and emotional battle that went on during this examination \nleft me totally weakened and exhausted for two days, which further aggravated my \ncondition. The results of the lower GI examination showed conclusively the presence of \nulcerative colitis. The colon exhibited the.ty pical stovepipe appearance, the loss of \nhaustrations (saculations), and resembled a narrow, straight tube. Ulcerations of the \nintestinal lining were apparent, as were a few polyps (small outgrowths that can \nbecome cancerous) which were fortunately able to be snipped out through a subsequent sigmoidoscope procedure. After the two weeks in the hospital, there was some improvement, but we must \nremember that when one is young enough and the disease is in its early stages, there is \nperiodic improvement coupled with periodic flare-ups, until eventually there are more \nflare-ups than improvements and the disease becomes chronic and crippling. This is why colitis or ulcerative colitis is termed a disease of remissions and exacerbations, \nand medical treatment is symptomatic treatment. The body is poisoned with drugs. Causes are not removed and the body is ne ver left alone, never given the proper \nenvironment to heal itself. Remember that healing is not an art but a biological \nprocess that takes place from within the body and nothing from the outside will heal. The body, through its innate power, constantly strives at all costs to maintain \nhomeostasis (balance of all body functions in spite of anything that tends to disturb \nthese functions). Therefore, the more interference with bodily function, the quicker is \nthe approach of the chronic debilitating and crippling diseases of man. Now came a period of apparent improvement. There were ups and downs through \nthe balance of 1958 and into 1959 and 1960, and in my mind I thought soon the \ndisease would abate. How wrong I was! It was a pseudo improvement--the calm before the storm. I was seeing Dr. Leopold regularly every few weeks. Minor dietary changes were \nmade at intervals, but I was still in the realm of \"baby food.\" The doses of the many \ndrugs were adjusted from time to time--sometimes lowered, sometimes increased--but I continued to take them to maintain a constant level of these drugs in my blood. There was, so far, a modicum of normalcy in my family, professional, and social \nlife. The disease had not created that debility as yet. I still exercised a fairly decent \ncontrol and probably was \"running\" anywhere from two to six times per day. Of \ncourse, when I had the \"urge\" it had to be heeded and this began to bother me a little \npsychologically. I didn't know it at this point, but the disease was to become a \nveritable curse. I recall an incident one night in the winter of 1960. I awoke suddenly. A wave of \nfear came over me. My heart was skipping beats and pounding erratically. It felt as though it would come through my chest. I became light-headed and found myself \ngasping for breath. I fought hard to avoid unconsciousness. Could this be the end? Is \nthis the way it feels? There was no pain. It was about 3:00 a.m. and I seemed to \nremember stories of people I had known who had heart attacks. They always \nexperienced them about 2:00 a.m. or 3:00 a.m. As my fear increased, I decided to call my doctor. I apologized for waking him and told him what was happening. He \ninstructed me to call a cab and get right over to the hospital. \"Don't even take time to get dressed,\" he ordered. \"I'll call the hospital and tell them you're on your way and they'll have everything \nready, so don't worry,\" he added. \"Don't worry?\" I laughed to myself. Ho w does one not worry about something like \nthis? The cab driver was at the door. I told him I'd be right out. I said goodbye to my \nwife. She couldn't go with me since things had happened so fast and there was no way \nto have someone stay with our infant son. Corinne was calm. She had an intuition \n(and her intuitions turned out to be right over the years) that I was not having a heart \nattack, and that, at least, made it a little easier for me as I walked out the door. It was a bitter cold night and snow was falling. A hell of a night to go out in \npajamas and bathrobe, I thought, as the cab started up. We were speeding, but time \ndragged and it seemed we would never get to the hospital. Once there, I was led to a reception area where after some fifteen minut es wait (this seems typical in emergency \nsituations) I insisted on someone doing some thing. No sooner said than done. I was \nushered into another room resembling a business office where I came face to face, across a desk, with an efficient looking woman dressed in white. She coldly inquired \nas to my type of medical insurance. I got the vibrations that a lengthy interview was \nforthcoming and I wanted no part of it at that particular time, so I asked to be taken to \nsee a doctor. The lady in white stated she had to have certain information and then I \nwould be able to see the doctor, so she proceeded to obtain my address, profession, phone number, mother's maiden name, religion, and answers to a dozen or so more \nquestions. I almost thought she would ask me why I was there. More precious minutes \nticked away and finally the two giant swinging doors opened exposing an orderly who \nguided me into an examining room and onto a table. At last, I thought, the doctor will \nsee me. Sure enough, about fifteen tension-filled minutes later a very young-looking intern strolled in and asked a battery of questions. He proceeded to examine me and \ndecided to give me an EKG ( electrocardiogram ) ; but guess what? That's right! There was no EKG unit in the room. So out he went to locate one. More nervous \nminutes passed until he returned with the apparatus. He proceeded to put the jelly on \nthe various parts of my body where the electrodes would be hooked up. After connecting me, he was ready to", "token_ids": [11660, 13, 315, 682, 720, 3696, 13602, 313, 24361, 26209, 606, 320, 4581, 315, 279, 23100, 285, 606, 2138, 220, 1570, 570, 1115, 374, 264, 2294, 7056, 261, 323, 28321, 269, 720, 1073, 13803, 1418, 279, 8624, 11, 4661, 9987, 311, 279, 8893, 11, 47293, 729, 13, 320, 40, 3358, 4358, 304, 810, 7872, 3010, 11, 439, 358, 1935, 810, 323, 810, 315, 1521, 77848, 11217, 11, 35734, 814, 527, 779, 720, 32550, 788, 311, 2324, 6266, 2030, 1148, 1550, 757, 279, 1455, 1695, 574, 279, 4950, 2800, 13, 1115, 574, 856, 1176, 3217, 304, 1694, 70340, 323, 433, 2163, 264, 4856, 3958, 21455, 720, 263, 757, 1306, 279, 2768, 32659, 13, 3092, 8952, 70414, 574, 24026, 389, 369, 720, 70, 543, 33610, 13, 1283, 574, 5115, 14243, 5986, 4245, 311, 30570, 41196, 10934, 315, 279, 26587, 11, 323, 279, 15173, 574, 720, 84270, 6532, 13, 32862, 813, 24659, 574, 13541, 704, 11, 719, 433, 574, 2288, 5246, 11, 779, 568, 61508, 720, 56544, 750, 3156, 568, 574, 4529, 1203, 311, 279, 10565, 3130, 369, 810, 15173, 13, 1283, 6052, 311, 279, 3130, 40711, 323, 449, 459, 10805, 402, 665, 788, 26040, 14019, 12673, 311, 813, 6916, 720, 3556, 264, 29198, 24257, 279, 6530, 505, 279, 16893, 311, 1148, 574, 10171, 311, 387, 279, 6300, 720, 67, 4664, 13, 2030, 433, 574, 1790, 2288, 5043, 369, 7296, 779, 220, 358, 43200, 369, 279, 29198, 11, 2533, 568, 574, 11163, 660, 13, 3277, 1364, 3287, 956, 1501, 11, 358, 2751, 704, 315, 4950, 323, 24257, 433, 369, 1461, 13, 3277, 279, 16893, 574, 720, 3274, 11, 264, 502, 832, 574, 12673, 323, 264, 502, 31409, 22306, 1139, 813, 54344, 13, 2030, 433, 574, 11, 555, 720, 80024, 731, 11, 22306, 1139, 813, 6916, 16124, 13, 358, 14000, 11, 439, 892, 4024, 555, 11, 813, 6916, 574, 4661, 720, 300, 2466, 439, 264, 9141, 13, 358, 43200, 369, 279, 29198, 13, 3005, 3287, 956, 2586, 13, 2100, 358, 2751, 704, 315, 4950, 11, 13541, 279, 31409, 704, 11, 720, 391, 3523, 264, 259, 3514, 5118, 295, 323, 22306, 279, 31409, 1139, 279, 54344, 1405, 433, 46959, 13, 2360, 832, 3596, 7020, 13, 6104, 358, 574, 70340, 11, 358, 55093, 279, 13783, 6680, 323, 40335, 7177, 11, 64172, 720, 49921, 73279, 11, 323, 463, 302, 437, 53211, 63753, 40786, 13, 2030, 1457, 358, 574, 311, 37771, 2500, 15439, 10537, 3967, 304, 279, 6696, 439, 279, 8582, 323, 4827, 49609, 320, 70, 23834, 20653, 65050, 8, 720, 20473, 13, 1115, 1296, 374, 2884, 389, 1403, 8821, 2919, 13, 3861, 1938, 374, 29329, 311, 279, 8582, 11, 1405, 720, 64, 9168, 477, 1403, 315, 3703, 2411, 15496, 374, 64437, 1418, 11509, 4920, 264, 54736, 63753, 720, 8337, 439, 279, 12164, 16549, 32860, 279, 20278, 12579, 1555, 279, 8582, 60071, 720, 9125, 79774, 279, 23152, 323, 8582, 39408, 1572, 323, 9204, 904, 91367, 304, 720, 1820, 62690, 13, 2360, 75815, 9922, 2391, 420, 10474, 315, 279, 24481, 13, 578, 720, 3684, 1938, 358, 574, 2728, 279, 2132, 4376, 315, 270, 384, 4101, 2663, 279, 4827, 49609, 477, 3703, 2411, 720, 268, 9355, 13, 1115, 374, 53580, 11, 439, 574, 279, 8582, 49609, 11, 555, 4737, 6445, 269, 5707, 323, 4737, 459, 665, 9355, 279, 3814, 1603, 13, 3234, 499, 617, 904, 4623, 1148, 8741, 994, 11, 304, 16066, 505, 720, 71558, 993, 10753, 323, 69393, 11, 499, 42276, 6445, 269, 5707, 323, 1935, 459, 665, 9355, 30, 6914, 596, 369, 279, 25491, 315, 5395, 85, 488, 11, 1650, 433, 459, 63900, 25176, 13, 578, 4827, 49609, 10474, 1457, 5097, 2035, 11, 720, 8370, 374, 279, 71308, 315, 3703, 2411, 555, 665, 9355, 11, 3403, 311, 5266, 682, 4848, 7693, 315, 279, 3544, 720, 396, 478, 483, 13, 358, 574, 42075, 311, 330, 6416, 433, 682, 304, 1, 1418, 1694, 6656, 304, 5370, 10093, 369, 720, 27256, 269, 437, 8728, 323, 865, 30630, 7978, 13, 1442, 358, 1051, 311, 1304, 264, 2875, 1160, 315, 279, 1455, 5107, 2574, 720, 40, 617, 1047, 311, 37586, 449, 304, 2324, 11, 4560, 311, 3412, 304, 430, 3703, 2411, 1418, 279, 6759, 1503, 92234, 574, 2133, 1139, 83060, 2658, 292, 71895, 311, 5457, 433, 704, 1053, 7222, 1579, 389, 430, 720, 1638, 13, 578, 7106, 11, 10723, 11, 323, 14604, 8209, 430, 4024, 389, 2391, 420, 24481, 720, 2414, 757, 12756, 58764, 323, 39019, 369, 1403, 2919, 11, 902, 4726, 63368, 856, 720, 9233, 13, 578, 3135, 315, 279, 4827, 49609, 24481, 8710, 84082, 3210, 279, 9546, 315, 720, 360, 3913, 1413, 1400, 20000, 13, 578, 15235, 51713, 279, 739, 88, 281, 950, 45115, 14086, 11341, 11, 279, 4814, 315, 720, 71, 2933, 496, 811, 320, 82, 582, 7607, 705, 323, 96858, 264, 15376, 11, 7833, 14019, 13, 16991, 3913, 811, 315, 279, 720, 71558, 36471, 1051, 10186, 11, 439, 1051, 220, 264, 2478, 1499, 76299, 320, 9181, 704, 67318, 17323, 430, 649, 720, 17106, 638, 9572, 788, 8, 902, 1051, 87932, 3025, 311, 387, 4224, 6586, 704, 1555, 264, 17876, 65990, 63753, 10537, 13, 4740, 279, 1403, 5672, 304, 279, 8952, 11, 1070, 574, 1063, 16048, 11, 719, 584, 2011, 720, 30380, 430, 994, 832, 374, 3995, 3403, 323, 279, 8624, 374, 304, 1202, 4216, 18094, 11, 1070, 374, 720, 19862, 292, 16048, 34356, 449, 39445, 61363, 27859, 11, 3156, 9778, 1070, 527, 810, 720, 32705, 27859, 1109, 18637, 323, 279, 8624, 9221, 21249, 323, 97106, 13, 1115, 374, 3249, 1400, 20000, 477, 96971, 1413, 1400, 20000, 374, 61937, 264, 8624, 315, 1323, 16935, 323, 52875, 811, 11, 720, 438, 6593, 6514, 374, 12104, 13795, 6514, 13, 578, 2547, 374, 71598, 449, 11217, 13, 74105, 527, 539, 7108, 323, 279, 2547, 374, 841, 2807, 2163, 7636, 11, 2646, 2728, 279, 6300, 720, 24175, 311, 27661, 5196, 13, 20474, 430, 21730, 374, 539, 459, 1989, 719, 264, 24156, 720, 4734, 430, 5097, 2035, 505, 2949, 279, 2547, 323, 4400, 505, 279, 4994, 690, 27661, 13, 578, 2547, 11, 1555, 1202, 65070, 2410, 11, 15320, 75651, 520, 682, 7194, 311, 10519, 720, 5227, 537, 10949, 320, 22298, 315, 682, 2547, 5865, 304, 220, 34781, 315, 4205, 430, 28335, 311, 38323, 720, 45010, 5865, 570, 15636, 11, 279, 810, 32317, 449, 48131, 734, 11, 279, 39392, 374, 720, 1820, 5603, 315, 279, 21249, 92890, 323, 97106, 19338, 315, 893, 13, 4800, 3782, 264, 4261, 315, 10186, 16048, 13, 2684, 1051, 33834, 323, 40291, 1555, 720, 1820, 8335, 315, 220, 6280, 23, 323, 1139, 220, 6280, 24, 323, 220, 5162, 15, 11, 323, 304, 856, 4059, 358, 3463, 5246, 279, 720, 67, 56407, 1053, 671, 349, 13, 2650, 5076, 358, 574, 0, 1102, 574, 264, 35850, 16048, 313, 1820, 19858, 1603, 279, 13766, 13, 358, 574, 9298, 2999, 13, 2009, 454, 820, 15870, 1475, 2478, 5672, 13, 30893, 34625, 4442, 1051, 720, 28010, 520, 28090, 11, 719, 358, 574, 2103, 304, 279, 22651, 315, 330, 79064, 3691, 1210, 578, 35130, 315, 279, 1690, 720, 3696, 13602, 1051, 24257, 505, 892, 311, 892, 313, 57753, 39920, 11, 7170, 7319, 313, 8248, 358, 8738, 311, 1935, 1124, 311, 10519, 264, 6926, 2237, 315, 1521, 11217, 304, 856, 6680, 13, 2684, 574, 11, 779, 3117, 11, 264, 1491, 86231, 315, 4725, 11377, 304, 856, 3070, 11, 6721, 11, 323, 3674, 720, 14789, 13, 578, 8624, 1047, 539, 3549, 430, 4316, 1429, 220, 439, 3686, 13, 358, 2103, 62113, 264, 14470, 15326, 720, 2935, 323, 4762, 574, 330, 28272, 1, 12660, 220, 505, 1403, 311, 4848, 3115, 824, 1938, 13, 5046, 720, 12120, 11, 994, 358, 1047, 279, 330, 40923, 1, 433, 1047, 311, 387, 568, 31035, 323, 420, 6137, 311, 20753, 757, 264, 2697, 720, 92109, 30450, 13, 358, 3287, 956, 1440, 433, 520, 420, 1486, 11, 719, 279, 8624, 574, 311, 3719, 264, 720, 424, 15729, 41100, 13, 358, 19635, 459, 10672, 832, 3814, 304, 279, 12688, 315, 220, 5162, 15, 13, 358, 264, 96428, 15187, 13, 362, 12330, 315, 720, 69, 686, 3782, 927, 757, 13, 3092, 4851, 574, 43759, 34427, 323, 70627, 1886, 7167, 13, 1102, 6612, 439, 3582, 433, 1053, 2586, 1555, 856, 15489, 13, 358, 6244, 3177, 62166, 323, 1766, 7182, 720, 40625, 10194, 369, 11745, 13, 358, 21095, 2653, 311, 5766, 40711, 2136, 13, 16910, 420, 387, 279, 842, 30, 2209, 720, 576, 279, 1648, 433, 11321, 30, 2684, 574, 912, 6784, 13, 1102, 574, 922, 220, 18, 25, 410, 264, 749, 13, 323, 358, 9508, 311, 720, 30380, 7493, 315, 1274, 358, 1047, 3967, 889, 1047, 4851, 8951, 13, 2435, 2744, 720, 327, 45933, 1124, 922, 220, 17, 25, 410, 264, 749, 13, 477, 220, 18, 25, 410, 264, 749, 13, 1666, 856, 8850, 7319, 11, 358, 6773, 311, 1650, 856, 10896, 13, 358, 58077, 369, 48728, 1461, 323, 3309, 1461, 1148, 574, 12765, 13, 1283, 720, 258, 1257, 291, 757, 311, 1650, 264, 22239, 323, 636, 1314, 927, 311, 279, 8952, 13, 330, 8161, 956, 1524, 1935, 892, 311, 636, 26435, 1359, 568, 11713, 13, 330, 40, 3358, 1650, 279, 8952, 323, 3371, 1124, 499, 2351, 389, 701, 1648, 323, 814, 3358, 617, 4395, 720, 2359, 11, 779, 1541, 956, 11196, 1359, 568, 3779, 13, 330, 8161, 956, 11196, 7673, 358, 32627, 311, 7182, 13, 17723, 289, 1587, 832, 539, 11196, 922, 2555, 1093, 720, 576, 30, 578, 22239, 5696, 574, 520, 279, 6134, 13, 358, 3309, 1461, 358, 4265, 387, 1314, 704, 13, 358, 1071, 47555, 311, 856, 720, 48841, 13, 3005, 7846, 956, 733, 449, 757, 2533, 2574, 1047, 7077, 779, 5043, 323, 1070, 574, 912, 1648, 720, 998, 617, 4423, 4822, 449, 1057, 31383, 4538, 13, 4563, 94332, 574, 19858, 13, 3005, 1047, 459, 57351, 720, 61011, 1077, 528, 84, 6055, 6656, 704, 311, 387, 1314, 927, 279, 1667, 8, 430, 358, 574, 539, 3515, 264, 4851, 720, 21208, 11, 323, 430, 11, 520, 3325, 11, 1903, 433, 264, 2697, 8831, 369, 757, 439, 358, 15203, 704, 279, 6134, 13, 1102, 574, 264, 26242, 9439, 3814, 323, 12056, 574, 16054, 13, 362, 15123, 315, 264, 3814, 311, 733, 704, 304, 720, 79, 1662, 29189, 323, 9061, 33936, 11, 358, 3463, 11, 439, 279, 22239, 3940, 709, 13, 1226, 1051, 58675, 11, 719, 892, 720, 35031, 3640, 323, 433, 9508, 584, 1053, 2646, 636, 311, 279, 8952, 13, 9843, 1070, 11, 358, 574, 6197, 311, 264, 23991, 3158, 1405, 1306, 1063, 37755, 82470, 1560, 3868, 320, 576, 5084, 14595, 304, 13147, 720, 82, 33462, 811, 8, 358, 29676, 389, 4423, 3815, 1063, 3245, 13, 2360, 31373, 1071, 1109, 2884, 13, 358, 574, 720, 1136, 12616, 1139, 2500, 3130, 71707, 264, 2626, 5274, 1405, 358, 3782, 3663, 311, 3663, 11, 4028, 264, 18496, 11, 449, 459, 11297, 3411, 5333, 26435, 304, 4251, 13, 3005, 9439, 398, 304, 3004, 720, 300, 311, 856, 955, 315, 6593, 8276, 13, 358, 2751, 279, 78352, 430, 264, 35306, 7274, 574, 720, 71627, 5065, 323, 358, 4934, 912, 961, 315, 433, 520, 430, 4040, 892, 11, 779, 358, 4691, 311, 387, 4529, 311, 720, 4151, 264, 10896, 13, 578, 17240, 304, 4251, 11224, 1364, 1047, 311, 617, 3738, 2038, 323, 1243, 358, 720, 41450, 387, 3025, 311, 1518, 279, 10896, 11, 779, 1364, 45374, 311, 6994, 856, 2686, 11, 4913, 11, 4641, 1396, 11, 6691, 596, 74322, 836, 11, 13901, 11, 323, 11503, 311, 264, 21030, 477, 779, 810, 720, 17800, 13, 358, 4661, 3463, 1364, 1053, 2610, 757, 3249, 358, 574, 1070, 13, 4497, 27498, 4520, 720, 83, 19011, 3201, 323, 5616, 279, 1403, 14880, 55060, 14365, 9107, 47066, 459, 85869, 889, 720, 66519, 757, 1139, 459, 38936, 3130, 323, 8800, 264, 2007, 13, 2468, 1566, 11, 358, 3463, 11, 279, 10896, 690, 720, 4151, 757, 13, 23371, 3403, 11, 922, 37755, 24408, 44518, 4520, 3010, 264, 1633, 3995, 31348, 2655, 357, 21621, 304, 323, 4691, 264, 11863, 315, 4860, 13, 1283, 45374, 311, 21635, 757, 323, 720, 8332, 4591, 311, 3041, 757, 459, 469, 44016, 320, 25396, 5057, 72, 13255, 883, 2652, 719, 8101, 1148, 30, 3011, 596, 1314, 0, 2684, 574, 912, 469, 44016, 5089, 304, 279, 3130, 13, 2100, 704, 568, 4024, 311, 25539, 832, 13, 4497, 23418, 720, 38137, 5946, 3156, 568, 6052, 449, 279, 41705, 13, 1283, 45374, 311, 2231, 279, 52441, 389, 720, 1820, 5370, 5596, 315, 856, 2547, 1405, 279, 80390, 1053, 387, 43770, 709, 13, 4740, 21583, 757, 11, 568, 574, 5644, 311], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": " was very late, and he was ready for\nsleep. \u201cI meant weep for yourself. Whatever I am today, you will be\ntomorrow. \u201d\nHe lay down and turned his back on Gautama, who sat vigil for hours. He wanted to be awake in case one last plea would dissuade Ganaka when\nhe woke up. But time stands still in the dark. The next thing Gautama knew\nhe woke up with light in his eyes and his head lolling on his chest. He\nlooked toward the cot with faint hope. It was empty. OceanofPDF. com15\nOne morning Ananda didn\u2019 t find Gautama in his tent. Several days had\npassed since the disappearance of Ganaka. None of the bikkhus were told\nanything about him, and only Ananda learned the grim truth. In the vastness\nof the jungle there was no possibility of searching for him, wherever he had\ngone to die. Gautama was badly shaken. \u201cHow can we believe in supernatural powers, Ananda. No power in\nheaven protected him, or even cared,\u201d said Gautama. \u201cGanaka had fallen\ninto despair, and I couldn\u2019 t save him. \u201d\n\u201cWhy should it depend on you. \u201d Ananda asked. \u201cDo you know who Buddha is.<|eot_id|><|begin_of_text|>\nQ: What was the reason for Udaka's harsh words to Gautama?, \nA: Udaka was upset because he felt that Gautama was not taking his teachings seriously and was still struggling with his own desires and attachments. \nQ: Who did Gautama meet in the cave, and what did he learn from him?, \nA: Gautama met Krishna, who told him that he was not worthy of worship and that he should go home. Gautama realized that he had been seeking God in the wrong way and that he needed to focus on himself and his own soul. \nQ: What did Gautama do to test his own desires and attachments?, \nA: Gautama went through a period of extreme asceticism, starving himself and enduring physical pain to test his own desires and attachments. He eventually realized that he had to let go of his attachments and desires to achieve enlightenment. \nQ: Who did Gautama meet next, and what did he learn from him?, \nA: Gautama met Mara, the demon king, who tested him and presented him with various illusions, including the image of his wife and the temptation of his desires. Gautama remained detached and unmoved, and Mara and his minions disappeared. \nQ: What did Gautama realize at the end of his journey?, \nA: Gautama realized that he had to let go of his attachments and desires to achieve enlightenment. He also realized that he had become a \"non-person\" and that he was free from suffering.<|eot_id|><|begin_of_text|>Buddha smiled at the husband, and\nwhen he had nothing more to say, the farmer thanked him and left. Power over time and fate. Buddha mused on this as he walked. Does a\nBuddha reverse every harm? Even if he had that power, did he have the\nright to change karma on a whim? In a short while he saw the first huts of a small village. As he\napproached, people came out wearing suspicious and fearful looks. Some\ncarried pitchforks and rusty swords. They glared as Buddha passed, and in\neach mind he heard the same word: Angulimala. He soon realized that this\nwas the name of someone they all feared. A killer. A madman. A monster. Buddha continued to the local temple, whose tiled roof was the highest\npoint in the village. In the shadowy cool of the inner sanctum he saw an old\npriest cleaning the altar of faded flowers and burnt incense ashes. He\napproached. \u201cNamaste.\u201d\nThe priest barely acknowledged him. Remote as this temple was, he\nmaintained the air of a Brahmin. Instead of praying beside him, Buddha sat\ncross-legged before the altar and waited. The old priest threw a few fresh\nflowers onto the Shiva statue and turned to leave. \u201cAngulimala,\u201d Buddha said. The priest got angry. \u201cDon\u2019 t say such a thing. This is a holy place.\u201dBuddha said, \u201cI think you forbid the name of Angulimala because you\nfear he might hear and invade your kingdom.\u201d The old priest squinted his\neyes, wondering if he was being mocked. \u201cI can help,\u201d Buddha added. This of fer was greeted with a harsh laugh. \u201cHow? Are you a warrior\nmonk? It wouldn\u2019 t matter. Angulimala has killed his share of warriors. He\nhas powers. He exchanged his soul for them.\u201d\n\u201cWhat powers?\u201d\n\u201cHe can outrun a horse. He can hide without being seen and spring\ndown on travelers from the tops of trees. Enough?\u201d\n\u201cPerhaps, if any are true. I doubt that these powers have been observed\nif he kills everyone he meets and the few survivors are terrified,\u201d said\nBuddha. The priest, who was bald and slightly hunched, relented slightly. \u201cYou\u2019re right about that, stranger. Come with me. I can feed you, and with a\nlittle food in your stomach you might stop deluding yourself that you can\nhelp.\u201d The old priest managed a tight smile; something deep inside had\nbeen touched by the stranger \u2019s offer. They retired to the temple kitchen, and\nwhen the stranger \u2019s bowl was filled with rice and lentils, the two sat outside\nin the shade to eat. \u201cAs you know, anguli means fingers,\u201d said the priest. \u201cT o terrify\neveryone the more, this killer collects the fingers of his victims and wears\nthem as a necklace around his throat. V ery few know his real story, but I am\none. The monster began life as the mild son of a Brahmin family with no\nmoney. At fourteen he was sent to school in a nearby village, with the hope\nthat once he was educated he could perform rites at the temple and restore\nhis family\u2019 s fortunes. \u201cBut the Brahmin who ran the school was of unbalanced mind. He\naccused the boy of sleeping with his wife and threw him out in disgrace.\u201d\nBuddha didn\u2019 t detect much pity for suf fering in the old priest\u2019 s heart, but he\ngenuinely felt sorry for the wronged boy.\u201cThe scandal reached home before the boy did. When he crossed the\nthreshold, his father beat him brutally and threw him out to fend for\nhimself. The family\u2019 s hopes for restoring their fortunes were dashed. It\ndidn\u2019 t matter that their son was innocent.\u201d\nAs the priest recounted the tale, Buddha could see every event in his\nmind. What lay ahead looked much darker. \u201cThere was nothing for him to\nlive for but death,\u201d Buddha murmured. \u201cHe was born cursed, and there\u2019 s no hope for him,\u201d the old priest said\nseverely. \u201cDid anyone try to give him hope?\u201d asked Buddha. The priest scowled,\nbut their meal was over. In gratitude, Buddha bowed his head. He didn\u2019 t\nprostrate himself at the Brahmin\u2019 s feet. This caused the old priest to keep a\nmoody silence as he escorted his visitor to the gate. \u201cYou\u2019re a fool to go after him. I can see that\u2019 s what you have in mind,\u201d\nthe Brahmin said. \u201cBut if you must, here\u2019 s a charm to protect you.\u201d He held\nout some dried herbs bundled with a prayer scribbled on a leaf. Buddha\naccepted it. \u201cTell me one thing,\u201d said Buddha. \u201cWhy does Angulimala kill so many\npeople?\u201d\n\u201cTo save himself,\u201d the old priest replied. \u201cThe disgraced boy took to the\nwoods. He began to live like an animal. He ate roots and insects and\ncovered his body with hides. They say by chance he met a wandering\nfortune-teller, who told him the curse could be lifted only by collecting a\nthousand fingers and of fering them as sacrifice to Shiva. That\u2019 s why he\nwears his terrible necklace.\u201d\n\u201cThen I must help him,\u201d said Buddha. \u201cOtherwise Angulimala will\nshow up here one day to sacrifice his necklace on your altar.\u201d\nThe old priest shuddered visibly and then slammed the gate shut behind\nhim. THOUGHTS OF ANGULIMALA stayed in Buddha\u2019 s mind that day and the next\nmorning. Why was he drawn to the monster? He walked deeper into the jungle to face the question. It was a blazing\nafternoon when Buddha found himself on a hidden trail through the jungle. There was a rustle, then before he could turn his head, a wild beast jumped\ndown from the trees and crouched before him. The covering of matted hides\nmade Angulimala look like a giant ferocious ape baring its fangs. Buddha regarded the wild man\u2019 s teeth, which had been crudely filed to\na point, and his necklace of withered fingers. In his left hand he carried a\nlong curved blade. \u201cNamaste,\u201d said Buddha. Angulimala growled. \u201cI cannot save you unless you tell me how you are suf fering,\u201d said\nBuddha. \u201cAn animal doesn\u2019 t need saving.\u201d\nThe wild man showed no reaction. He could reach his prey in one leap,\nso he raised his knife and with a howl sprang toward Buddha. When he\ncame to earth, however, his knife slashed at empty air. Buddha was\nstanding, as before, two paces away. Angulimala looked bewildered. \u201cYou", "token_ids": [574, 1633, 3389, 11, 323, 568, 574, 5644, 369, 198, 26894, 13, 1054, 40, 8967, 584, 752, 369, 6261, 13, 33739, 358, 1097, 3432, 11, 499, 690, 387, 198, 38501, 7924, 13, 126672, 1548, 11203, 1523, 323, 6656, 813, 1203, 389, 96154, 3105, 11, 889, 7731, 38494, 369, 4207, 13, 1283, 4934, 311, 387, 35447, 304, 1162, 832, 1566, 40067, 1053, 14091, 84, 1037, 50181, 13637, 994, 198, 383, 39826, 709, 13, 2030, 892, 13656, 2103, 304, 279, 6453, 13, 578, 1828, 3245, 96154, 3105, 7020, 198, 383, 39826, 709, 449, 3177, 304, 813, 6548, 323, 813, 2010, 326, 980, 287, 389, 813, 15489, 13, 1283, 198, 7349, 291, 9017, 279, 48681, 449, 38678, 3987, 13, 1102, 574, 4384, 13, 22302, 1073, 24317, 13, 470, 868, 198, 4054, 6693, 1556, 10018, 3287, 529, 259, 1505, 96154, 3105, 304, 813, 16006, 13, 26778, 2919, 1047, 198, 36522, 2533, 279, 52979, 315, 50181, 13637, 13, 2290, 315, 279, 293, 30987, 13092, 1051, 3309, 198, 73254, 922, 1461, 11, 323, 1193, 1556, 10018, 9687, 279, 44517, 8206, 13, 763, 279, 13057, 2136, 198, 1073, 279, 45520, 1070, 574, 912, 13336, 315, 15389, 369, 1461, 11, 28578, 568, 1047, 198, 46696, 311, 2815, 13, 96154, 3105, 574, 25587, 66900, 13, 1054, 4438, 649, 584, 4510, 304, 50058, 13736, 11, 1556, 10018, 13, 2360, 2410, 304, 198, 383, 5389, 2682, 1461, 11, 477, 1524, 42777, 2476, 1071, 96154, 3105, 13, 1054, 38, 276, 13637, 1047, 21536, 198, 18614, 46996, 11, 323, 358, 7846, 529, 259, 3665, 1461, 13, 126672, 2118, 10445, 1288, 433, 6904, 389, 499, 13, 19524, 1556, 10018, 4691, 13, 1054, 5519, 499, 1440, 889, 46054, 374, 13, 128009, 128000, 198, 48, 25, 3639, 574, 279, 2944, 369, 67980, 13637, 596, 25984, 4339, 311, 96154, 3105, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 67980, 13637, 574, 23268, 1606, 568, 6612, 430, 96154, 3105, 574, 539, 4737, 813, 45572, 14243, 323, 574, 2103, 20558, 449, 813, 1866, 32097, 323, 34779, 13, 720, 48, 25, 10699, 1550, 96154, 3105, 3449, 304, 279, 26457, 11, 323, 1148, 1550, 568, 4048, 505, 1461, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 96154, 3105, 2322, 80409, 11, 889, 3309, 1461, 430, 568, 574, 539, 28390, 315, 24863, 323, 430, 568, 1288, 733, 2162, 13, 96154, 3105, 15393, 430, 568, 1047, 1027, 11125, 4359, 304, 279, 5076, 1648, 323, 430, 568, 4460, 311, 5357, 389, 5678, 323, 813, 1866, 13836, 13, 720, 48, 25, 3639, 1550, 96154, 3105, 656, 311, 1296, 813, 1866, 32097, 323, 34779, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 96154, 3105, 4024, 1555, 264, 4261, 315, 14560, 14943, 5411, 2191, 11, 78501, 5678, 323, 52876, 7106, 6784, 311, 1296, 813, 1866, 32097, 323, 34779, 13, 1283, 9778, 15393, 430, 568, 1047, 311, 1095, 733, 315, 813, 34779, 323, 32097, 311, 11322, 81869, 13, 720, 48, 25, 10699, 1550, 96154, 3105, 3449, 1828, 11, 323, 1148, 1550, 568, 4048, 505, 1461, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 96154, 3105, 2322, 86604, 11, 279, 7097, 11734, 11, 889, 12793, 1461, 323, 10666, 1461, 449, 5370, 88128, 11, 2737, 279, 2217, 315, 813, 7555, 323, 279, 62461, 315, 813, 32097, 13, 96154, 3105, 14958, 45017, 323, 38531, 5047, 11, 323, 86604, 323, 813, 60905, 29496, 13, 720, 48, 25, 3639, 1550, 96154, 3105, 13383, 520, 279, 842, 315, 813, 11879, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 96154, 3105, 15393, 430, 568, 1047, 311, 1095, 733, 315, 813, 34779, 323, 32097, 311, 11322, 81869, 13, 1283, 1101, 15393, 430, 568, 1047, 3719, 264, 330, 6414, 29145, 1, 323, 430, 568, 574, 1949, 505, 16066, 13, 128009, 128000, 33, 8512, 4317, 31645, 520, 279, 10177, 11, 323, 198, 9493, 568, 1047, 4400, 810, 311, 2019, 1174, 279, 37500, 57595, 1461, 323, 2163, 13, 7572, 927, 892, 323, 25382, 13, 46054, 296, 2656, 389, 420, 439, 568, 15203, 13, 12838, 264, 198, 33, 8512, 4317, 10134, 1475, 11682, 30, 7570, 422, 568, 1047, 430, 2410, 1174, 1550, 568, 617, 279, 198, 1315, 311, 2349, 71542, 389, 264, 74571, 30, 763, 264, 2875, 1418, 568, 5602, 279, 1176, 305, 6256, 315, 264, 2678, 14458, 13, 1666, 568, 198, 16082, 3939, 11, 1274, 3782, 704, 12512, 32427, 323, 63757, 5992, 13, 4427, 198, 7063, 4588, 9846, 45838, 82, 323, 98553, 53157, 13, 2435, 2840, 1636, 439, 46054, 5946, 11, 323, 304, 198, 9739, 4059, 568, 6755, 279, 1890, 3492, 25, 7568, 360, 2931, 64, 13, 1283, 5246, 15393, 430, 420, 198, 16514, 279, 836, 315, 4423, 814, 682, 38569, 13, 362, 25534, 662, 362, 13088, 1543, 13, 362, 18118, 662, 46054, 8738, 311, 279, 2254, 27850, 11, 6832, 82970, 15485, 574, 279, 8592, 198, 2837, 304, 279, 14458, 13, 763, 279, 12737, 88, 7155, 315, 279, 9358, 35589, 372, 568, 5602, 459, 2362, 198, 69708, 478, 16204, 279, 51943, 315, 54434, 19837, 323, 50440, 3709, 1137, 67101, 13, 1283, 198, 16082, 3939, 13, 1054, 72467, 5642, 49216, 791, 28185, 20025, 26579, 1461, 13, 21400, 439, 420, 27850, 574, 11, 568, 198, 67913, 2692, 279, 3805, 315, 264, 78084, 1083, 13, 12361, 315, 52232, 30488, 1461, 11, 46054, 7731, 198, 29942, 95364, 1603, 279, 51943, 323, 30315, 13, 578, 2362, 28185, 22982, 264, 2478, 7878, 198, 89770, 8800, 279, 1443, 10126, 35372, 323, 6656, 311, 5387, 13, 1054, 10976, 360, 2931, 64, 2476, 46054, 1071, 13, 578, 28185, 2751, 19021, 662, 1054, 8161, 529, 259, 2019, 1778, 264, 3245, 13, 1115, 374, 264, 27823, 2035, 2029, 33, 8512, 4317, 1071, 11, 1054, 40, 1781, 499, 74731, 279, 836, 315, 7568, 360, 2931, 64, 1606, 499, 198, 69, 686, 568, 2643, 6865, 323, 75272, 701, 26135, 2029, 578, 2362, 28185, 8330, 396, 291, 813, 198, 58331, 11, 20910, 422, 568, 574, 1694, 47249, 13, 1054, 40, 649, 1520, 2476, 46054, 3779, 13, 1115, 315, 18728, 574, 44865, 449, 264, 25984, 12835, 13, 1054, 4438, 30, 8886, 499, 264, 38490, 198, 1677, 74, 30, 1102, 8434, 529, 259, 5030, 662, 7568, 360, 2931, 64, 706, 7577, 813, 4430, 315, 43600, 13, 1283, 198, 4752, 13736, 13, 1283, 48501, 813, 13836, 369, 1124, 49216, 44130, 13736, 12671, 198, 40565, 649, 18333, 359, 264, 15580, 13, 1283, 649, 10477, 2085, 1694, 3970, 323, 10683, 198, 2996, 389, 40386, 505, 279, 33522, 315, 12690, 13, 62692, 12671, 198, 2118, 32576, 11, 422, 904, 527, 837, 13, 358, 10712, 430, 1521, 13736, 617, 1027, 13468, 198, 333, 568, 29910, 5127, 568, 20628, 323, 279, 2478, 32696, 527, 53731, 2476, 1071, 198, 33, 8512, 4317, 13, 578, 28185, 11, 889, 574, 48653, 323, 10284, 305, 10880, 11, 1375, 16243, 10284, 662, 1054, 2675, 3207, 1314, 922, 430, 11, 35058, 662, 15936, 449, 757, 13, 358, 649, 5510, 499, 11, 323, 449, 264, 198, 56492, 3691, 304, 701, 23152, 499, 2643, 3009, 1624, 51867, 6261, 430, 499, 649, 198, 8823, 2029, 578, 2362, 28185, 9152, 264, 10508, 15648, 26, 2555, 5655, 4871, 1047, 198, 82850, 24891, 555, 279, 35058, 18217, 82, 3085, 13, 2435, 22311, 311, 279, 27850, 9979, 11, 323, 198, 9493, 279, 35058, 18217, 82, 19763, 574, 10409, 449, 20228, 323, 48907, 8839, 11, 279, 1403, 7731, 4994, 198, 258, 279, 28601, 311, 8343, 13, 1054, 2170, 499, 1440, 1174, 6590, 24520, 220, 3445, 19779, 2476, 1071, 279, 28185, 13, 1054, 51, 297, 7317, 1463, 198, 93057, 279, 810, 11, 420, 25534, 52307, 279, 19779, 315, 813, 12697, 323, 38400, 198, 49818, 439, 264, 55547, 2212, 813, 28691, 13, 650, 89357, 2478, 1440, 813, 1972, 3446, 1174, 719, 358, 1097, 198, 606, 13, 578, 18118, 6137, 2324, 439, 279, 23900, 4538, 315, 264, 78084, 1083, 3070, 449, 912, 198, 29359, 662, 2468, 63360, 568, 574, 3288, 311, 2978, 304, 264, 14373, 14458, 11, 449, 279, 3987, 198, 9210, 3131, 568, 574, 33142, 568, 1436, 2804, 99552, 520, 279, 27850, 323, 15301, 198, 26301, 3070, 529, 274, 68603, 13, 1054, 4071, 279, 78084, 1083, 889, 10837, 279, 2978, 574, 315, 653, 59502, 4059, 13, 1283, 198, 4575, 2656, 279, 8334, 315, 21811, 449, 813, 7555, 323, 22982, 1461, 704, 304, 64935, 49216, 33, 8512, 4317, 3287, 529, 259, 11388, 1790, 58043, 369, 56868, 282, 4776, 304, 279, 2362, 28185, 529, 274, 4851, 11, 719, 568, 198, 70, 1509, 22870, 6612, 14931, 369, 279, 5076, 291, 8334, 662, 2118, 791, 26681, 8813, 2162, 1603, 279, 8334, 1550, 13, 3277, 568, 28129, 279, 198, 30002, 11, 813, 7126, 9567, 1461, 70287, 323, 22982, 1461, 704, 311, 95127, 369, 198, 40617, 726, 13, 578, 3070, 529, 274, 16388, 369, 50203, 872, 68603, 1051, 67822, 13, 1102, 198, 97849, 529, 259, 5030, 430, 872, 4538, 574, 25226, 49216, 2170, 279, 28185, 89591, 279, 24162, 11, 46054, 1436, 1518, 1475, 1567, 304, 813, 198, 38824, 13, 3639, 11203, 8469, 7111, 1790, 40130, 662, 1054, 3947, 574, 4400, 369, 1461, 311, 198, 25859, 369, 719, 4648, 2476, 46054, 87651, 3149, 13, 1054, 1548, 574, 9405, 63971, 11, 323, 1070, 529, 274, 912, 3987, 369, 1461, 2476, 279, 2362, 28185, 1071, 198, 325, 424, 989, 662, 1054, 7131, 5606, 1456, 311, 3041, 1461, 3987, 12671, 4691, 46054, 13, 578, 28185, 1156, 363, 839, 345, 8248, 872, 15496, 574, 927, 662, 763, 46135, 11, 46054, 85473, 813, 2010, 13, 1283, 3287, 529, 259, 198, 782, 71015, 5678, 520, 279, 78084, 1083, 529, 274, 7693, 13, 1115, 9057, 279, 2362, 28185, 311, 2567, 264, 198, 6489, 1094, 21847, 439, 568, 77656, 813, 20792, 311, 279, 18618, 13, 1054, 2675, 3207, 264, 24931, 311, 733, 1306, 1461, 13, 358, 649, 1518, 430, 529, 274, 1148, 499, 617, 304, 4059, 2476, 198, 1820, 78084, 1083, 1071, 13, 1054, 4071, 422, 499, 2011, 11, 1618, 529, 274, 264, 32353, 311, 6144, 499, 2029, 1283, 5762, 198, 412, 1063, 32720, 42393, 52550, 449, 264, 23788, 68322, 6194, 839, 389, 264, 16312, 13, 46054, 198, 55674, 433, 13, 1054, 41551, 757, 832, 3245, 2476, 1071, 46054, 13, 1054, 10445, 1587, 7568, 360, 2931, 64, 5622, 779, 1690, 198, 16455, 12671, 198, 93673, 3665, 5678, 2476, 279, 2362, 28185, 20592, 13, 1054, 791, 45286, 4535, 8334, 3952, 311, 279, 198, 82129, 13, 1283, 6137, 311, 3974, 1093, 459, 10065, 13, 1283, 30912, 20282, 323, 41911, 323, 198, 21468, 813, 2547, 449, 58704, 13, 2435, 2019, 555, 6140, 568, 2322, 264, 55063, 198, 84612, 2442, 7218, 1174, 889, 3309, 1461, 279, 41100, 1436, 387, 30831, 1193, 555, 26984, 264, 198, 339, 52949, 19779, 323, 315, 282, 4776, 1124, 439, 28235, 311, 1443, 10126, 13, 3011, 529, 274, 3249, 568, 198, 86, 7596, 813, 17936, 55547, 49216, 2118, 12487, 358, 2011, 1520, 1461, 2476, 1071, 46054, 13, 1054, 81556, 7568, 360, 2931, 64, 690, 198, 3528, 709, 1618, 832, 1938, 311, 28235, 813, 55547, 389, 701, 51943, 662, 89874, 791, 2362, 28185, 559, 8512, 12616, 74106, 323, 1243, 50365, 279, 18618, 9495, 4920, 198, 40617, 13, 4534, 46, 73282, 50, 3083, 220, 2147, 38, 1112, 38677, 32, 220, 20186, 304, 46054, 529, 274, 4059, 430, 1938, 323, 279, 1828, 198, 57902, 1251, 13, 8595, 574, 568, 15107, 311, 279, 18118, 30, 1283, 15203, 19662, 1139, 279, 45520, 311, 3663, 279, 3488, 13, 1102, 574, 264, 86350, 198, 10924, 12684, 994, 46054, 1766, 5678, 389, 264, 8340, 9025, 1555, 279, 45520, 13, 2684, 574, 264, 23941, 273, 11, 1243, 1603, 568, 1436, 2543, 813, 2010, 11, 264, 8545, 32236, 27096, 198, 2996, 505, 279, 12690, 323, 272, 583, 2454, 1603, 1461, 13, 578, 18702, 315, 296, 12400, 58704, 198, 28010, 7568, 360, 2931, 64, 1427, 1093, 264, 14880, 18728, 78287, 85980, 293, 3329, 1202, 282, 65587, 13, 46054, 27458, 279, 8545, 893, 529, 274, 18311, 11, 902, 1047, 1027, 76504, 989, 13019, 311, 198, 64, 1486, 11, 323, 813, 55547, 315, 449, 12616, 19779, 13, 763, 813, 2163, 1450, 568, 11953, 264, 198, 4930, 50264, 25879, 13, 1054, 72467, 5642, 2476, 1071, 46054, 13, 7568, 360, 2931, 64, 3139, 839, 13, 1054, 40, 4250, 3665, 499, 7389, 499, 3371, 757, 1268, 499, 527, 56868, 282, 4776, 2476, 1071, 198, 33, 8512, 4317, 13, 1054, 2127, 10065, 3250, 529, 259, 1205, 14324, 49216, 791, 8545, 893, 8710, 912, 13010, 13, 1283, 1436, 5662, 813, 37693, 304, 832, 32571, 345, 708, 568, 9408, 813, 22145, 323, 449, 264, 1268, 75, 8314, 526, 9017, 46054, 13, 3277, 568, 198, 6142, 311, 9578, 11, 4869, 1174, 813, 22145, 84624, 520, 4384, 3805, 662, 46054, 574, 198, 10276, 11, 439, 1603, 11, 1403, 281, 2492, 3201, 662, 7568, 360, 2931, 64, 7111, 99774, 12616, 13, 1054, 2675], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": " r a c k e d u p t o b e, a n d t h e\nw o r l d w e w a n t i s o n t h e o t h e r s i d e o f t h e v e i l, t h e n w h e r e\nd o e s t h a t l e a v e u s? W h o a m o n g u s d o e s n \u2019 t f e e l d i s p l a c e d a t t i m e s, i n a\nw o r l d t h a t \u2019 s s u p p o s e d l y o u r h o m e y e t i s s o c o m p l e t e l y a t\no d d s w i t h t h e l o v e i n o u r h e a r t s? A n d h o w d o w e m a k e t h e\nw o r l d m o r e a l i g n e d w i t h w h o w e a r e, i n s t e a d o f a l w a y s\nh a v i n g t o s t r u g g l e t o a l i g n o u r s e l v e s w i t h t h e w o r l d? P e r h a p s w e a r e l i v i n g i n a m a g i c h o u r, l i k e t h a t b e t w e e n\nn i g h t a n d d a y. I t h i n k w e s t a n d b e t w e e n t w o h i s t o r i c a g e s,\nw h e n a c r i t i c a l m a s s o f t h e h u m a n r a c e i s t r y i n g t o d e t a c h\nf r o m i t s o b e d i e n c e t o f e a r - b a s e d t h o u g h t s y s t e m s. W e w a n t\nt o c r o s s o v e r t o s o m e p l a c e n e w. W h e n w e l o o k a t t h e i n n o c e n c e o f c h i l d r e n, a s t h e y l o v e\na n d l e a r n, w e w o n d e r : S o w h y c a n \u2019 t p e o p l e r e m a i n l i k e\nt h a t? W h y m u s t b a b i e s g r o w u p t o f a c e f e a r a n d d a n g e r? W h y c a n \u2019 t w e d o w h a t i t t a k e s t o p r o t e c t t h e i r i n n o c e n c e\na n d l o v e? Y o u \u2019 r e n o t t h e o n l y o n e f e e l i n g s o c o n c e r n e d ; t h e\nw o r l d i s o n a s e l f - d e s t r u c t i v e c o u r s e, a n d o u r c h i l d r e n a n dt h e i r c h i l d r e n \u2019 s c h i l d r e n a r e p l e a d i n g w i t h u s t o c h a n g e\nt h i n g s. T h e t i m e s i n w h i c h w e l i v e c a l l f o r f u n d a m e n t a l c h a n g e,\nn o t m e r e l y i n c r e m e n t a l c h a n g e. M i l l i o n s o f p e o p l e f e e l\nc a l l e d i n t h e i r s o u l s t o t h e t a s k o f g l o b a l t r a n s f o r m a t i o n,\nw a n t i n g t o b e i t s a g e n t s i n a m o n u m e n t a l s h i f t f r o m a w o r l d\no f f e a r t o a w o r l d o f l o v e. W e c a n f e e l t h e t i m e i s n o w, a n d\nw e k n o w w e \u2019 r e t h e o n e s t o d o i t. T h e o n l y p r o b l e m i s, w e\nd o n \u2019 t e x a c t l y k n o w h o w. H o w c a n w e b e s t p a r t i c i p a t e i n a t a s k s o h u g e a n d\ni d e a l i s t i c? W e s e n s e n e w e n e r g y r i s i n g u p e v e r y w h e r e,\nc a l l i n g u s t o w a r d m o r e e n l i g h t e n e d w a y s o f s e e i n g, l i v i n g,\nt h i n k i n g, a n d b e i n g. B o o k s a r r a y e d i n b o o k s t o r e s p r o c l a i m\na b e t t e r w a y t o l o v e, t o l e a d, t o l i v e. S e m i n a r s a n d s u p p o r t\ng r o u p s k e e p u s w o r k i n g o n w a y s t o i m p r o v e o u r s e l v e s,\np r a c t i c i n g s p i r i t u a l d i s c i p l i n e s a n d r e l i g i o u s r i t u a l s. W e g e t\ni n v o l v e d i n c a u s e s a n d p o l i t i c s, l i c k i n g e n v e l o p e s, s e n d i n g\nm o n e y. B u t s o m e h o w, s t i l l, w e d o n \u2019 t s e e m t o b e h i t t i n g t h e\ns w e e t s p o t, t h e m i r a c u l o u s k e y t o t u r n i n g t h e w o r l d a r o u n d. W e c a n \u2019 t a v o i d t h e n e w s, t h e w a r, t h e t e r r o r a l e r t s, t h e\nf e a r. W e \u2019 r e d o i n g w h a t", "token_ids": [436, 264, 272, 597, 384, 294, 220, 577, 281, 220, 259, 297, 220, 293, 384, 1174, 220, 264, 308, 294, 220, 259, 305, 384, 198, 86, 297, 436, 326, 294, 220, 289, 384, 220, 289, 264, 308, 259, 220, 602, 274, 220, 297, 308, 220, 259, 305, 384, 220, 297, 259, 305, 384, 436, 220, 274, 602, 294, 384, 220, 297, 282, 220, 259, 305, 384, 220, 348, 384, 602, 326, 1174, 220, 259, 305, 384, 308, 220, 289, 305, 384, 436, 384, 198, 67, 297, 384, 274, 220, 259, 305, 264, 259, 220, 326, 384, 264, 348, 384, 220, 577, 274, 949, 468, 305, 297, 220, 264, 296, 297, 308, 342, 220, 577, 274, 220, 294, 297, 384, 274, 308, 18217, 259, 220, 282, 384, 384, 326, 220, 294, 602, 274, 281, 326, 264, 272, 384, 294, 220, 264, 259, 220, 259, 602, 296, 384, 274, 1174, 220, 602, 308, 220, 264, 198, 86, 297, 436, 326, 294, 220, 259, 305, 264, 259, 18217, 274, 220, 274, 577, 281, 281, 297, 274, 384, 294, 326, 379, 220, 297, 577, 436, 220, 305, 297, 296, 384, 220, 379, 384, 259, 220, 602, 274, 220, 274, 297, 220, 272, 297, 296, 281, 326, 384, 259, 384, 326, 379, 220, 264, 259, 198, 78, 294, 294, 274, 220, 289, 602, 259, 305, 220, 259, 305, 384, 220, 326, 297, 348, 384, 220, 602, 308, 220, 297, 577, 436, 220, 305, 384, 264, 436, 259, 274, 949, 362, 308, 294, 220, 305, 297, 289, 220, 294, 297, 220, 289, 384, 220, 296, 264, 597, 384, 220, 259, 305, 384, 198, 86, 297, 436, 326, 294, 220, 296, 297, 436, 384, 220, 264, 326, 602, 342, 308, 384, 294, 220, 289, 602, 259, 305, 220, 289, 305, 297, 220, 289, 384, 220, 264, 436, 384, 1174, 220, 602, 308, 274, 259, 384, 264, 294, 220, 297, 282, 220, 264, 326, 289, 264, 379, 274, 198, 71, 264, 348, 602, 308, 342, 220, 259, 297, 220, 274, 259, 436, 577, 342, 342, 326, 384, 220, 259, 297, 220, 264, 326, 602, 342, 308, 220, 297, 577, 436, 274, 384, 326, 348, 384, 274, 220, 289, 602, 259, 305, 220, 259, 305, 384, 220, 289, 297, 436, 326, 294, 949, 393, 384, 436, 305, 264, 281, 274, 220, 289, 384, 220, 264, 436, 384, 220, 326, 602, 348, 602, 308, 342, 220, 602, 308, 220, 264, 220, 296, 264, 342, 602, 272, 220, 305, 297, 577, 436, 1174, 220, 326, 602, 597, 384, 220, 259, 305, 264, 259, 220, 293, 384, 259, 289, 384, 384, 308, 198, 77, 602, 342, 305, 259, 220, 264, 308, 294, 220, 294, 264, 379, 662, 358, 220, 259, 305, 602, 308, 597, 220, 289, 384, 220, 274, 259, 264, 308, 294, 220, 293, 384, 259, 289, 384, 384, 308, 220, 259, 289, 297, 220, 305, 602, 274, 259, 297, 436, 602, 272, 220, 264, 342, 384, 274, 13801, 86, 305, 384, 308, 220, 264, 220, 272, 436, 602, 259, 602, 272, 264, 326, 220, 296, 264, 274, 274, 220, 297, 282, 220, 259, 305, 384, 220, 305, 577, 296, 264, 308, 220, 436, 264, 272, 384, 220, 602, 274, 220, 259, 436, 379, 602, 308, 342, 220, 259, 297, 220, 294, 384, 259, 264, 272, 305, 198, 69, 436, 297, 296, 220, 602, 259, 274, 220, 297, 293, 384, 294, 602, 384, 308, 272, 384, 220, 259, 297, 220, 282, 384, 264, 436, 482, 293, 264, 274, 384, 294, 220, 259, 305, 297, 577, 342, 305, 259, 220, 274, 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274, 662, 468, 384, 220, 342, 384, 259, 198, 72, 308, 348, 297, 326, 348, 384, 294, 220, 602, 308, 220, 272, 264, 577, 274, 384, 274, 220, 264, 308, 294, 220, 281, 297, 326, 602, 259, 602, 272, 274, 1174, 220, 326, 602, 272, 597, 602, 308, 342, 220, 384, 308, 348, 384, 326, 297, 281, 384, 274, 1174, 220, 274, 384, 308, 294, 602, 308, 342, 198, 76, 297, 308, 384, 379, 662, 426, 577, 259, 220, 274, 297, 296, 384, 305, 297, 289, 1174, 220, 274, 259, 602, 326, 326, 1174, 220, 289, 384, 220, 294, 297, 308, 18217, 259, 220, 274, 384, 384, 296, 220, 259, 297, 220, 293, 384, 220, 305, 602, 259, 259, 602, 308, 342, 220, 259, 305, 384, 198, 82, 289, 384, 384, 259, 220, 274, 281, 297, 259, 1174, 220, 259, 305, 384, 220, 296, 602, 436, 264, 272, 577, 326, 297, 577, 274, 220, 597, 384, 379, 220, 259, 297, 220, 259, 577, 436, 308, 602, 308, 342, 220, 259, 305, 384, 220, 289, 297, 436, 326, 294, 220, 264, 436, 297, 577, 308, 294, 662, 468, 384, 220, 272, 264, 308, 18217, 259, 220, 264, 348, 297, 602, 294, 220, 259, 305, 384, 220, 308, 384, 289, 274, 1174, 220, 259, 305, 384, 220, 289, 264, 436, 1174, 220, 259, 305, 384, 220, 259, 384, 436, 436, 297, 436, 220, 264, 326, 384, 436, 259, 274, 1174, 220, 259, 305, 384, 198, 69, 384, 264, 436, 662, 468, 384, 18217, 436, 384, 220, 294, 297, 602, 308, 342, 220, 289, 305, 264, 259], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": " d. T h e r e c a n b e n o d o u b t t h a t y o u w i l l r e a c h y o u r f i n a l\ng o a l. *\n\u00a0\u00a0\nI f Y o u D o I t, I t W o r k s\n\u00a0\nI n t e l l e c t u a l l y u n d e r s t a n d i n g s p i r i t u a l p r i n c i p l e s d o e s n \u2019 t\ng u a r a n t e e e n l i g h t e n m e n t, a n d t h e e g o l o v e s t o u s e r e l i g i o n\na n d s p i r i t u a l i t y a s a c o v e r. O n e m o m e n t o f e n l i g h t e n e d a w a r e n e s s d o e s n \u2019 t\nc o m p l e t e l y t r a n s f o r m y o u r l i f e. T h e s p i r i t u a l p a t h i s s l o w\na n d a r d u o u s a t t i m e s, a s e v e r y s i n g l e c i r c u m s t a n c e b e c o m e s\nt h e g r o u n d o n w h i c h b o t h e g o a n d s p i r i t s e e k t o m a k e t h e i r\ns t a n d. S p i r i t u a l p r a c t i c e i s l i k e p h y s i c a l e x e r c i s e : i t h a s a\nc u m u l a t i v e e f f e c t, a n d i f w e w a n t t o e n j o y i t s b e n e f i t s, w e\nc a n n e v e r s t o p d o i n g i t. Y o u c a n \u2019 t j u s t g o t o t h e g y m o n c ea n d w a l k o u t w i t h a n e w b o d y, a n d n e i t h e r c a n y o u a t t e n d\no n e s e m i n a r, s a y o n e p r a y e r, o r s i n g o n e h a l l e l u j a h a n d\ne x p e c t y o u r l i f e t o b e p e r f e c t f r o m n o w o n. T h e m i n d a s w e l l a s t h e b o d y d e m a n d s t r a i n i n g i f i t \u2019 s t o\np e r f o r m a t f u l l c a p a c i t y. T h a t \u2019 s w h y s o m e o f u s g o t o t h e\ng y m o r d o y o g a r e g u l a r l y a n d a l s o w h y w e p a r t i c i p a t e i n\nr e l i g i o u s s e r v i c e s o r s p i r i t u a l p r a c t i c e r e g u l a r l y. I n a w o r l d\nw h e r e t h o u g h t s b a s e d o n f e a r p r e v a i l, y o u \u2019 r e g o i n g a g a i n s t\nt h e f l o w t o m a k e a t r u e a n d g e n u i n e s t a n d f o r l o v e. I t \u2019 s n o t\ne a s y t o w a l k u p t w o f l i g h t s o f s t a i r s w h e n y o u \u2019 r e n o t i n\np h y s i c a l s h a p e, a n d i t \u2019 s n o t e a s y t o m a k e a n u n p o p u l a r s t a n d\nf o r f a i t h a n d f o r g i v e n e s s w h e n y o u \u2019 r e n o t i n s p i r i t u a l s h a p e. Y e t i f w e \u2019 r e g o i n g t o m a k e t h e c h a n g e f r o m t h e w o r l d\nt h a t i s t o t h e w o r l d t h a t c o u l d b e, i t \u2019 s e x a c t l y t h a t s t a n d t h a t\ni s n e c e s s a r y. T h e r e \u2019 s n o t h i n g s p i r i t u a l a b o u t a v o i d i n g t h e\np r o b l e m s o f t h e w o r l d. O u r g o a l i s n o t t o a v o i d t h e w o r l d,\nb u t t o h e a l i t. Y e t w e c a n \u2019 t g i v e t o t h e w o r l d w h a t w e\no u r s e l v e s d o n \u2019 t a l r e a d y h a v e ; t h e g i f t s o f t h e s p i r i t c a n o n l y\nb e g i v e n b y t h o s e w h o a r e t r y i n g t o e m b o d y t h e m. T h a t \u2019 s\nw h y, a s G a n d h i s a i d, w e m u s t b e t h e c h a n g e w e w a n t t o s e e\nh a p p e n i n t h e w o r l d. P e a c e h a s t o b e g i n i n o u r o w n l i v e s\na n d s p r e a d o u t w a r d t o h e a l o t h e r s a s w e i n t e r a c t w i t h t h e m\ni n a l o v i n g w a y. T h e A t o n e m e n t\u00a0\nT h e A t o n e m e n t i s t h e c r u x o f s p i r i t u a l p r a c t i c e ; i t i s t h e\nc o r r e c t i v e p r o c e s s b y w h i c h o u r t h o u g h t s a r e m o v e d b y t h e\nH o l y S p i r i", "token_ids": [294, 662, 350, 305, 384, 436, 384, 220, 272, 264, 308, 220, 293, 384, 220, 308, 297, 220, 294, 297, 577, 293, 259, 220, 259, 305, 264, 259, 220, 379, 297, 577, 220, 289, 602, 326, 326, 220, 436, 384, 264, 272, 305, 220, 379, 297, 577, 436, 220, 282, 602, 308, 264, 326, 198, 70, 297, 264, 326, 662, 1235, 122019, 40, 282, 220, 816, 297, 577, 220, 423, 297, 220, 358, 259, 1174, 220, 358, 259, 220, 468, 297, 436, 597, 274, 198, 52050, 40, 308, 259, 384, 326, 326, 384, 272, 259, 577, 264, 326, 326, 379, 220, 577, 308, 294, 384, 436, 274, 259, 264, 308, 294, 602, 308, 342, 220, 274, 281, 602, 436, 602, 259, 577, 264, 326, 220, 281, 436, 602, 308, 272, 602, 281, 326, 384, 274, 220, 294, 297, 384, 274, 308, 18217, 259, 198, 70, 577, 264, 436, 264, 308, 259, 384, 384, 220, 384, 308, 326, 602, 342, 305, 259, 384, 308, 296, 384, 308, 259, 1174, 220, 264, 308, 294, 220, 259, 305, 384, 220, 384, 342, 297, 220, 326, 297, 348, 384, 274, 220, 259, 297, 220, 577, 274, 384, 220, 436, 384, 326, 602, 342, 602, 297, 308, 198, 64, 308, 294, 220, 274, 281, 602, 436, 602, 259, 577, 264, 326, 602, 259, 379, 220, 264, 274, 220, 264, 220, 272, 297, 348, 384, 436, 662, 507, 308, 384, 220, 296, 297, 296, 384, 308, 259, 220, 297, 282, 220, 384, 308, 326, 602, 342, 305, 259, 384, 308, 384, 294, 220, 264, 289, 264, 436, 384, 308, 384, 274, 274, 220, 294, 297, 384, 274, 308, 18217, 259, 198, 66, 297, 296, 281, 326, 384, 259, 384, 326, 379, 220, 259, 436, 264, 308, 274, 282, 297, 436, 296, 220, 379, 297, 577, 436, 220, 326, 602, 282, 384, 662, 350, 305, 384, 220, 274, 281, 602, 436, 602, 259, 577, 264, 326, 220, 281, 264, 259, 305, 220, 602, 274, 220, 274, 326, 297, 289, 198, 64, 308, 294, 220, 264, 436, 294, 577, 297, 577, 274, 220, 264, 259, 220, 259, 602, 296, 384, 274, 1174, 220, 264, 274, 220, 384, 348, 384, 436, 379, 220, 274, 602, 308, 342, 326, 384, 220, 272, 602, 436, 272, 577, 296, 274, 259, 264, 308, 272, 384, 220, 293, 384, 272, 297, 296, 384, 274, 198, 83, 305, 384, 220, 342, 436, 297, 577, 308, 294, 220, 297, 308, 220, 289, 305, 602, 272, 305, 220, 293, 297, 259, 305, 220, 384, 342, 297, 220, 264, 308, 294, 220, 274, 281, 602, 436, 602, 259, 220, 274, 384, 384, 597, 220, 259, 297, 220, 296, 264, 597, 384, 220, 259, 305, 384, 602, 436, 198, 82, 259, 264, 308, 294, 662, 328, 281, 602, 436, 602, 259, 577, 264, 326, 220, 281, 436, 264, 272, 259, 602, 272, 384, 220, 602, 274, 220, 326, 602, 597, 384, 220, 281, 305, 379, 274, 602, 272, 264, 326, 220, 384, 865, 384, 436, 272, 602, 274, 384, 551, 220, 602, 259, 220, 305, 264, 274, 220, 264, 198, 66, 577, 296, 577, 326, 264, 259, 602, 348, 384, 220, 384, 282, 282, 384, 272, 259, 1174, 220, 264, 308, 294, 220, 602, 282, 220, 289, 384, 220, 289, 264, 308, 259, 220, 259, 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305, 384, 220, 272, 436, 577, 865, 220, 297, 282, 220, 274, 281, 602, 436, 602, 259, 577, 264, 326, 220, 281, 436, 264, 272, 259, 602, 272, 384, 2652, 220, 602, 259, 220, 602, 274, 220, 259, 305, 384, 198, 66, 297, 436, 436, 384, 272, 259, 602, 348, 384, 220, 281, 436, 297, 272, 384, 274, 274, 220, 293, 379, 220, 289, 305, 602, 272, 305, 220, 297, 577, 436, 220, 259, 305, 297, 577, 342, 305, 259, 274, 220, 264, 436, 384, 220, 296, 297, 348, 384, 294, 220, 293, 379, 220, 259, 305, 384, 198, 39, 297, 326, 379, 220, 328, 281, 602, 436, 602], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": " e\ne i t h e r s t r e s s o u r u p s e t w i t h s o m e o n e w i t h o u t e m p h a s i z i n g\nt h e l a r g e r l o v e s u r r o u n d i n g t h e r e l a t i o n s h i p, o r w e s t r e s s t h e\nl o v e w i t h o u t h o n o r i n g o u r n e e d t o t a l k a b o u t t h e p r o b l e m. E i t h e r w a y i s a n o n m i r a c u l o u s, u n c r e a t i v e u s e o f t h e m i n d,\na n d i t w i l l l e a v e t h e h e a r t u n h e a l e d. G o d c a l l s u s t o b e b o t h h o n e s t a n d c o m p a s s i o n a t e. A s\nH e i s. I n v o k i n g t h e G o o d\n\u00a0\nB e i n g c a u g h t i n a n g e r, j u d g m e n t, a n d b l a m e i s\nd i s e m p o w e r i n g ; i t t h r o w s u s o u t o f o u r c e n t e r ; i t p u t s u s a t\nt h e e f f e c t o f t h e l o v e - l e s s n e s s o f s o m e o n e e l s e. T o b e t h e r e\nf o r a w h i l e i s o n e t h i n g ; t o s t a y t h e r e a n d t r y t o j u s t i f y i t i s\nw r o n g - m i n d e d a n d w i l l n o t l e a d t o p e a c e. S p i r i t u a l i t y\nc h a l l e n g e s u s t o d e t a c h f r o m t h e p u r e l y p e r s o n a l, e m o t i o n a l\na s p e c t s o f a s i t u a t i o n \u2014 t h e e g o \u2019 s n e e d t o b e r i g h t \u2014 i n o r d e r\nt o u p l i f t o u r s e l v e s t o h i g h e r g r o u n d. T h a t d o e s n \u2019 t m e a n w e\nd o n \u2019 t f e e l o u r p a i n, o u r a n g e r, o u r d e s p a i r. B u t t h e r e i s aw a y t o h o l d s u c h f e e l i n g s i n a s a c r e d r a t h e r t h a n c h a o t i c\nw a y, s o t h e y h e a l u s r a t h e r t h a n p o i s o n u s. W h e n e v e r o u r l i v e s a r e n \u2019 t w o r k i n g t h e w a y w e w i s h t h e y\nw o u l d, o u r i n s t i n c t i v e t e n d e n c y i s t o b l a m e s o m e o n e e l s e. F r o m d y s f u n c t i o n a l p a r e n t s t o c o r r u p t s o c i e t y, b i t t e r f o r m e r\ns p o u s e s t o d i s l o y a l c o l l e a g u e s, w e c a r r y w i t h u s a c a t a l o g o f\ng r i e v a n c e s : i f o n l y t h i s o r t h a t w e r e d i f f e r e n t, m y l i f e w o u l d\nb e g o o d. \u201c I \u2019 v e b e e n s c r e w e d, y o u s e e, a n d t h a t \u2019 s w h y I \u2019 m\nn o t h a p p y. \u201d\nY e t s o m e w h e r e d e e p i n s i d e a l i t t l e v o i c e b r e a k s t h r o u g h :\n\u201c M a y b e y e s, m a y b e n o \u2026 \u201d T h e o n l y w a y w e c a n b e h a p p y i s\ni f w e a r e w i l l i n g t o t a k e r e s p o n s i b i l i t y f o r o u r o w n\ne x p e r i e n c e. E v e n w h e n s o m e o n e h a s t r u l y w r o n g e d u s, i t i s\ni m p o r t a n t t o a s k o u r s e l v e s w h a t p a r t, h o w e v e r s m a l l, w e\nm i g h t h a v e u n w i t t i n g l y p l a y e d i n e i t h e r c r e a t i n g t h e\ns i t u a t i o n o r a t l e a s t a l l o w i n g i t t o o c c u r. O u r f i r s t w o r k i s t o a s k o u r s e l v e s, \u201c W h a t d i d I d o, o r n o t\nd o, t o c o n t r i b u t e t o t h i s d i s a s t e r. \u201d W h i l e o t h e r s m i g h t h a v e\nt h e i r o w n k a r m a t o c l e a n u p, w e c a n a t l e a s t t r y t o c l e a n u p\no u r o w n. I h a d a n e x p e r i e n c e t h a t h u r t m e d e e p l y, i n w h i c h I f o u n d\nm y s e l f a b u s e d \u2014 n o t j u s t b y a n i n d i v i d u a l, b u t b y a g r o u p o f\np e o p l e a c t i n g i n a s o r t o f p s y c h o l o", "token_ids": [384, 198, 68, 602, 259, 305, 384, 436, 220, 274, 259, 436, 384, 274, 274, 220, 297, 577, 436, 220, 577, 281, 274, 384, 259, 220, 289, 602, 259, 305, 220, 274, 297, 296, 384, 297, 308, 384, 220, 289, 602, 259, 305, 297, 577, 259, 220, 384, 296, 281, 305, 264, 274, 602, 1167, 602, 308, 342, 198, 83, 305, 384, 220, 326, 264, 436, 342, 384, 436, 220, 326, 297, 348, 384, 220, 274, 577, 436, 436, 297, 577, 308, 294, 602, 308, 342, 220, 259, 305, 384, 220, 436, 384, 326, 264, 259, 602, 297, 308, 274, 305, 602, 281, 11, 220, 297, 436, 220, 289, 384, 220, 274, 259, 436, 384, 274, 274, 220, 259, 305, 384, 198, 75, 297, 348, 384, 220, 289, 602, 259, 305, 297, 577, 259, 220, 305, 297, 308, 297, 436, 602, 308, 342, 220, 297, 577, 436, 220, 308, 384, 384, 294, 220, 259, 297, 220, 259, 264, 326, 597, 220, 264, 293, 297, 577, 259, 220, 259, 305, 384, 220, 281, 436, 297, 293, 326, 384, 296, 13, 469, 602, 259, 305, 384, 436, 220, 289, 264, 379, 220, 602, 274, 220, 264, 220, 308, 297, 308, 296, 602, 436, 264, 272, 577, 326, 297, 577, 274, 11, 220, 577, 308, 272, 436, 384, 264, 259, 602, 348, 384, 220, 577, 274, 384, 220, 297, 282, 220, 259, 305, 384, 220, 296, 602, 308, 294, 345, 64, 308, 294, 220, 602, 259, 220, 289, 602, 326, 326, 220, 326, 384, 264, 348, 384, 220, 259, 305, 384, 220, 305, 384, 264, 436, 259, 220, 577, 308, 305, 384, 264, 326, 384, 294, 13, 480, 297, 294, 220, 272, 264, 326, 326, 274, 220, 577, 274, 220, 259, 297, 220, 293, 384, 220, 293, 297, 259, 305, 220, 305, 297, 308, 384, 274, 259, 220, 264, 308, 294, 220, 272, 297, 296, 281, 264, 274, 274, 602, 297, 308, 264, 259, 384, 13, 362, 274, 198, 39, 384, 220, 602, 274, 13, 358, 308, 348, 297, 597, 602, 308, 342, 220, 259, 305, 384, 220, 480, 297, 297, 294, 198, 52050, 33, 384, 602, 308, 342, 220, 272, 264, 577, 342, 305, 259, 220, 602, 308, 220, 264, 308, 342, 384, 436, 11, 220, 503, 577, 294, 342, 296, 384, 308, 259, 11, 220, 264, 308, 294, 220, 293, 326, 264, 296, 384, 220, 602, 274, 198, 67, 602, 274, 384, 296, 281, 297, 289, 384, 436, 602, 308, 342, 2652, 220, 602, 259, 220, 259, 305, 436, 297, 289, 274, 220, 577, 274, 220, 297, 577, 259, 220, 297, 282, 220, 297, 577, 436, 220, 272, 384, 308, 259, 384, 436, 2652, 220, 602, 259, 220, 281, 577, 259, 274, 220, 577, 274, 220, 264, 259, 198, 83, 305, 384, 220, 384, 282, 282, 384, 272, 259, 220, 297, 282, 220, 259, 305, 384, 220, 326, 297, 348, 384, 482, 326, 384, 274, 274, 308, 384, 274, 274, 220, 297, 282, 220, 274, 297, 296, 384, 297, 308, 384, 220, 384, 326, 274, 384, 13, 350, 297, 220, 293, 384, 220, 259, 305, 384, 436, 384, 198, 69, 297, 436, 220, 264, 220, 289, 305, 602, 326, 384, 220, 602, 274, 220, 297, 308, 384, 220, 259, 305, 602, 308, 342, 2652, 220, 259, 297, 220, 274, 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577, 308, 294, 198, 76, 379, 274, 384, 326, 282, 220, 264, 293, 577, 274, 384, 294, 2001, 308, 297, 259, 220, 503, 577, 274, 259, 220, 293, 379, 220, 264, 308, 220, 602, 308, 294, 602, 348, 602, 294, 577, 264, 326, 11, 220, 293, 577, 259, 220, 293, 379, 220, 264, 220, 342, 436, 297, 577, 281, 220, 297, 282, 198, 79, 384, 297, 281, 326, 384, 220, 264, 272, 259, 602, 308, 342, 220, 602, 308, 220, 264, 220, 274, 297, 436, 259, 220, 297, 282, 220, 281, 274, 379, 272, 305, 297, 326, 297], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": " f f i c u l t f o r t h e r o s e b u d t o b l o s s o m. I s i t\nd i f f i c u l t f o r t h e s t a r s t o s h i n e. P a r t o f G o d \u2019 s g e n i u s i s t h a t\nH e m a k e s i t a l l l o o k s o e a s y. W e k e e p l o o k i n g f o r t h e w i n g s\no f a s p a r r o w w h e n t h e w i n g s o f a n e a g l e h a v e a l r e a d y b e e n\ng i v e n u s. * W e k e e p c l i n g i n g t o o u r w e a k n e s s w h i l e o u r t r u e\ns t r e n g t h i s h u g e. T r a d i n g A m b i t i o n f o r I n s p i r a t i o n\n\u00a0\nT h e p o i n t i s n o t t o d o s o m e t h i n g o r n o t d o i t. T h e p o i n t i s t o\nd o s o m e t h i n g i f w e \u2019 r e i n t e r n a l l y g u i d e d t o d o s o a n d n o t t o\nd o s o m e t h i n g i f w e \u2019 r e n o t g u i d e d t o d o s o. S o m e t i m e s\np e o p l e t h i n k t h e y h a v e a g r e a t i d e a, a n d t h e n i t f a l l s a p a r t. Y e t i f t h e p l a n w a s s e l f - i n i t i a t e d r a t h e r t h a n d i v i n e l y\ni n s p i r e d, t h e n i t m i g h t n o t h a v e r e f l e c t e d t h e b e s t u s e o f\ny o u r t a l e n t s i n a p a r t i c u l a r a r e a. M i r a c l e w o r k e r s a r e w a r n e d t o \u201c a v o i d s e l f - i n i t i a t e d\np l a n s. \u201d * W h a t t h i s m e a n s i s t h a t i d e a s w e c o m e u p w i t h\no u r s e l v e s \u2014 i d e a s t h a t c o m e n o t f r o m a s e n s e o f d e e p e r\ng u i d a n c e a n d i n s p i r a t i o n b u t r a t h e r f r o m a s e n s e o f a m b i t i o n\na n d a d e s i r e f o r c o n t r o l \u2014 c o m e f r o m t h e e g o s e l f a n d a r e\nn o t b a c k e d b y t h e h e a v e n s. Q u i t e s i m p l y, t h e y a r e n o t\nb l e s s e d. T h e y m i g h t b e g o o d i d e a s, a n d v e r y w e l l\ni n t e n t i o n e d, b u t i f t h e y d o n o t e m a n a t e f r o m t h e H o l y S p i r i t,\nt h e n t h e y r e p r e s e n t \u201c m y w i l l \u201d a n d n o t \u201c Y o u r w i l l. \u201d O u r\ng o o d i n t e n t i o n s a r e n o t e n o u g h ; o u r w i l l i n g n e s s i s\ne v e r y t h i n g. *\nO f t e n I \u2019 v e h e a r d p e o p l e c o m p l a i n a b o u t a p l a n t h a t\nf a i l e d. \u201c B u t i t w a s a g o o d i d e a. I d o n \u2019 t k n o w w h y i t d i d n \u2019 t\ns u c c e e d. \u201d B u t t h o u g h w e m i g h t h a v e t h o u g h t s o m e t h i n g\nw a s a g o o d i d e a, t h e m o r t a l m i n d h a s a l i m i t e d p e r s p e c t i v e\no n \u201c g o o d i d e a s. \u201d B y w h a t c r i t e r i a c a n w e d i s c e r n a t r u l y\ng o o d i d e a, g i v e n o u r i n a b i l i t y t o k n o w w h a t w i l l h a p p e n i n\nt h e f u t u r e, w h a t l e s s o n s n e e d t o b e l e a r n e d b y w h o m, a n dh o w o u r a c t i o n s f i t i n t o G o d \u2019 s l a r g e r p l a n. A b l e s s e d i d e a\nd o e s n o t c o m e f r o m t h e m o r t a l m i n d, w h i c h h a s n o i d e a\nh o w o u r t a l e n t s a n d a b i l i t i e s w o u l d w o r k b e s t w i t h i n a\nl a r g e r u n f o l d i n g g o o d. A n d f r o m a s p i r i t u a l p e r s p e c t i v e,\nt h e r e i s a l a r g e r p l a n o f u n f o l d i n g g o o d, a w i l l - t o - h e a l i n g\nt h a t i s b u i l t i n t o t h e w o r k i n g s o f t h e u n i v e r s e. W e w i l l b e\nt o l d e v e r y t h i n g w e n e e d t o k n o w a n d s h o w n e v", "token_ids": [282, 282, 602, 272, 577, 326, 259, 220, 282, 297, 436, 220, 259, 305, 384, 220, 436, 297, 274, 384, 293, 577, 294, 220, 259, 297, 220, 293, 326, 297, 274, 274, 297, 296, 13, 358, 274, 220, 602, 259, 198, 67, 602, 282, 282, 602, 272, 577, 326, 259, 220, 282, 297, 436, 220, 259, 305, 384, 220, 274, 259, 264, 436, 274, 220, 259, 297, 220, 274, 305, 602, 308, 384, 13, 393, 264, 436, 259, 220, 297, 282, 220, 480, 297, 294, 18217, 274, 220, 342, 384, 308, 602, 577, 274, 220, 602, 274, 220, 259, 305, 264, 259, 198, 39, 384, 220, 296, 264, 597, 384, 274, 220, 602, 259, 220, 264, 326, 326, 220, 326, 297, 297, 597, 220, 274, 297, 220, 384, 264, 274, 379, 13, 468, 384, 220, 597, 384, 384, 281, 220, 326, 297, 297, 597, 602, 308, 342, 220, 282, 297, 436, 220, 259, 305, 384, 220, 289, 602, 308, 342, 274, 198, 78, 282, 220, 264, 220, 274, 281, 264, 436, 436, 297, 289, 220, 289, 305, 384, 308, 220, 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305, 384, 220, 577, 308, 602, 348, 384, 436, 274, 384, 13, 468, 384, 220, 289, 602, 326, 326, 220, 293, 384, 198, 83, 297, 326, 294, 220, 384, 348, 384, 436, 379, 259, 305, 602, 308, 342, 220, 289, 384, 220, 308, 384, 384, 294, 220, 259, 297, 220, 597, 308, 297, 289, 220, 264, 308, 294, 220, 274, 305, 297, 289, 308, 220, 384, 348], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": "though\nstatisticians simply don't know what\nreplaceable-with a lifetime guarantee-\nloan fiascoes and their perpetrators could\noften unrecognized, importance is the\nquestions to ask. would be a sure winner.) Attractor\neasily have been identified long before\n\"family\" feeling of employees-their\nresearch tells us that customers are\nthe scandals surfaced. Similar disasters\nloyalty to their or ganization. This is aIn addition to counting the millions that\nwilling to pay for quality, and that good\ncan be avoided by simply examining\nvery prominent quality in successful\ncompanies make, analysts might well\nproducts would sell themselves without\nwhether a business endeavor is companies. Employees who feel nurtured\nassess the multimillions that they do not\nslick advertising gimmicks. Integrity and\nassociated with a high or a low attractor\nand supported are those who smile\nmake. A good example is the recent\nexcellence speak for themselves, because\npattern. This identification can become\ngenuinely at customers. Another\ndecline in the U.S.(136)auto industry. One\nthey are aligned with power. almost instinctive once one understands\ncharacteristic of such an environment is\nwould think it would be apparent from\n65\n66One of the most profitable and simple\nPerceptual fields are limited by the\nbecomes just that, turning city streets into\npatrol these areas to protect rather than\napplications of critical factor analysis is\nattractor patterns with which they are\njungles of crime. harass, and all is peaceful. in the field of advertising. The use of the\nassociated. This means that the capacity\nObjective examination reveals that most\nAnother example is the previously cited\nsimple kinesiologic technique we have\nto recognize significant factors in a given\nintractable \"social problems\" appear government inability to solve the\ndescribed can instantly reveal whether an\nsituation is limited by the context that\nunsolvable due to the persistence of\nproblem of drug use. Again, the mistake\nadvertising campaign or given arises from the level of consciousness of\neither sentimentality or juvenile is in looking at the problem\ncommercial is weak or strong. the observer. The motive of the viewermoralizing. Neither of these positions is\nmoralistically and acting out of force in a\n(137) Companies pay enormous sums to\nautomatically determines what is seen;\nbased in truth, and, therefore, all punitive role. The original critical error\nreach the greatest possible audience but\ncausality is, therefore, ascribed to factors\napproaches proceeding from them are\nwas the failure to dif ferentiate between\nthis strategy can backfire when a widely\nthat are in fact a function of the biases of\nweak. Falsehood makes us go weak;\nhard drugs and soft drugs. Hard drugs\nviewed commercial that makes viewers\nthe observer and are not at all\nacting from false positions typically\n(narcotics) are addicting, with severe\ngo weak damages the company's image. instrumental in the situation itself. The\nresults in the use of force. Force is the\nwithdrawal ef fects, and have been\nAn ad that makes people go strong willconcept of \"situ (138) ational ethics\" tells us\nuniversal substitute for truth. The gun\ntraditionally associated with crime. Soft\nalways produce a positive feeling about\nthat the right or wrong of behavior\nand the nightstick are evidence of\ndrugs (recreational) are non-addicting, do\nthe product rather than an aversion. cannot be determined without reference\nweakness; the need to control others\nnot induce withdrawal and are usually\nSimilarly, advertisers who buy time\nto context. As each conditioning factor\nstems from lack of power, just as vanity\ninitially handled by amateurs. By\nduring TV programs that make people go\ncolors the picture, shades of gray are\nstems from lack of self-esteem. criminalizing soft drugs, the government\nweak will find their product introduced that alter the significance of\nPunishment is a form of violence, an\ncreated a new criminal syndicate,\nunconsciously associated with these the whole scenario,\ninef fectual substitute for power. When,wealthy and international in scope. When\nnegative feelings. By analyzing a One indication of a low ener gy\nattractor as in our society, the punishment rarely\ninterdiction was ef fective, shortages of\ncommercial in detail one can ascertain\nfield is a struggle of opposites. Whereas\nfits the crime anyway, it can hardly be\ncheap, relatively harmless recreational\nthe elements that have a weakening,\npower always results in a win-win\nef fectual; punishment is based on material on the streets were quickly\nfilled negative ef fect the voice of the solution, force produces win-lose\nrevenge at the weak ener gy level of 150.\nby hard-drug merchants, and the\nannouncer, the mannerisms of an actor,\nsituations; the consequent struggle\n(139) Supporting the solution of human\npeaceful, lar gely innocuous drug culture\nor the use of certain words, concepts or\nindicates that the correct solution has not\nneeds, on the other hand, creates a no-\nbecame criminalized and vicious. symbols. That some companies been found, as when the assertion of onecost resolution that brings serenity; Successful solutions are based on the\nrepeatedly produce tasteless and even\ngroup's interests violates those of\nattacking the artificially created powerful principle that resolution occurs\nembarrassing commercials reflects low\nanother, or the rights of the accused\n\"problem\" is always expensive, in not by attacking the negative, but by\nattractor fields prevalent in their conflict with those of the victim. The\naddition to criminalizing society. Only\nfostering the positive. Recovery from\nadvertising and marketing departments. way to finesse a high ener gy attractor\nthe childish proceed from the assumption\nalcoholism cannot he accomplished by\nBeyond the surface world of commerce,\nfield solution is to seek the answer which\nthat human behavior can be explained in\nfighting intoxication, but, rather, only by\nsociety provides numerous other will make all sides happy and still be\nblack and white terms. Denying basic\nchoosing sobriety. The \"war to end all\nmarketplaces where fulfillment of human\npractical. Such solutions involve\nbiologic needs and instinctual drives iswars\" did no such thing (140) nor could it\nneeds is sought, bartered, stolen, coerced\nutilization of both the ameliorative right\nfutile. Blocking normal sexual outlets\npossibly have done so. W ars, including\nand denied. It is a simple fact of life that\nbrain as well as the judgmental left brain. merely results in the creation of abnormal\nwars on \"vice,\" \"drugs\" or any of the\nsatisfaction of needs brings contentment;\nOne basic principle has the power to\nsexual outlets. The solutions that have\nhuman needs regularly traded for in the\nfrustration breeds violence, crime and\nresolve the problems of the social\npower are the ones realistically based at\ngreat hidden social marketplace that\nemotional turmoil. If the mission of\nmarketplace; it may be stated: Support\nthe level o\u00a3 acceptance (350 rather than\nunderlies conventional commerce, can\ngovernment regulatory institutions werethe solution instead of attacking the\ncondemnation (150). In Amsterdam one\nonly be won by choosing peace. realigned to support the fulfillment of\nsupposed causes. Attack is in itself\nsection o\u00a3 the city is traditionally\nhuman needs, rather than mounting\ninherently a very weak attractor pattern\ndesignated as a red-light district, quiet\n12. POWER AND SPOR TS\nmoralistic, black-and-white campaigns to\n(150) leading through fear to\nand serene with a pastoral atmosphere; its\nTHE THEORETICAL\nstamp out \"social problems,\" these intimidation, coercion and,\neventually, streets are safe. In Buenos Aires parts of\nUNDERST ANDING at which we have\ninstitutions could become powerful moral corruption. The \"vice squad\"\nparks are set aside for lovers. The police\narrived in our study of consciousness\nforces for human betterment. provides a context which may be applied67\n68\nOne of the most profitable and simple\nPerceptual fields are limited by the\nbecomes just that, turning city streets into\npatrol these areas to protect rather than\napplications of critical factor analysis is\nattractor patterns with which they are\njungles of crime. harass, and all is peaceful. in the field of advertising. The use of the\nassociated. This means that the capacity\nObjective examination reveals that most\nAnother example is the previously cited\nsimple kinesiologic technique we have\nto recognize significant factors in a given\nintractable \"social problems\" appear government inability to solve the\ndescribed can instantly reveal whether an\nsituation is limited by the context that\nunsolvable due to the persistence of\nproblem of drug use. Again, the mistake\nadvertising campaign or given arises from the level of consciousness of\neither sentimentality or juvenile is in looking at the problemcommercial is weak or strong. the observer. The motive of the viewer\nmoralizing. Neither of these positions is\nmoralistically and acting out of force in a\n(137) Companies pay enormous sums to\nautomatically determines what is seen;\nbased in truth, and, therefore, all punitive role. The original critical error\nreach the greatest possible audience but\ncausality is, therefore, ascribed to factors\napproaches proceeding from them are\nwas the failure to dif ferentiate between", "token_ids": [4636, 198, 10079, 380, 9818, 5042, 1541, 956, 1440, 1148, 198, 8319, 481, 27281, 264, 19569, 15803, 7058, 39429, 282, 3557, 80950, 323, 872, 66446, 1436, 198, 61917, 97239, 11, 12939, 374, 279, 198, 17800, 311, 2610, 13, 1053, 387, 264, 2771, 13946, 662, 8, 2468, 55866, 198, 68, 38367, 617, 1027, 11054, 1317, 1603, 198, 1, 19521, 1, 8430, 315, 8420, 10826, 404, 198, 61564, 10975, 603, 430, 6444, 527, 198, 1820, 69129, 58646, 13, 22196, 51751, 198, 2032, 10231, 311, 872, 477, 25893, 2065, 13, 1115, 374, 264, 644, 5369, 311, 26060, 279, 11990, 430, 198, 86, 9585, 311, 2343, 369, 4367, 1174, 323, 430, 1695, 198, 4919, 387, 31890, 555, 5042, 38936, 198, 1225, 21102, 4367, 304, 6992, 198, 65851, 1304, 11, 31499, 2643, 1664, 198, 10354, 1053, 4662, 5694, 2085, 198, 49864, 264, 2626, 54914, 374, 5220, 13, 44741, 889, 2733, 60196, 3149, 198, 395, 434, 279, 80149, 91387, 430, 814, 656, 539, 198, 70258, 13172, 75873, 5908, 13, 65907, 323, 198, 50187, 449, 264, 1579, 477, 264, 3428, 9504, 269, 198, 438, 7396, 527, 1884, 889, 15648, 198, 7072, 13, 362, 1695, 3187, 374, 279, 3293, 198, 327, 5997, 768, 6604, 369, 5694, 11, 1606, 198, 14676, 13, 1115, 22654, 649, 3719, 198, 70, 1509, 22870, 520, 6444, 13, 13596, 198, 10210, 483, 304, 279, 549, 815, 13127, 9795, 8, 3989, 5064, 662, 3861, 198, 20670, 527, 27210, 449, 2410, 662, 4661, 31655, 535, 3131, 832, 31869, 198, 19740, 4633, 315, 1778, 459, 4676, 374, 198, 41450, 1781, 433, 1053, 387, 10186, 505, 198, 2397, 198, 2287, 4054, 315, 279, 1455, 34235, 323, 4382, 198, 3976, 1512, 940, 5151, 527, 7347, 555, 279, 198, 17106, 20969, 1120, 430, 11, 13353, 3363, 14708, 1139, 198, 4781, 1098, 1521, 5789, 311, 6144, 4856, 1109, 198, 83553, 315, 9200, 8331, 6492, 374, 198, 266, 55866, 12912, 449, 902, 814, 527, 198, 73, 2234, 645, 315, 9977, 13, 19259, 11, 323, 682, 374, 26733, 13, 304, 279, 2115, 315, 13172, 13, 578, 1005, 315, 279, 198, 50187, 13, 1115, 3445, 430, 279, 8824, 198, 79406, 24481, 21667, 430, 1455, 198, 14364, 3187, 374, 279, 8767, 22628, 198, 23796, 597, 1572, 72, 39227, 15105, 584, 617, 198, 998, 15641, 5199, 9547, 304, 264, 2728, 198, 258, 2193, 481, 330, 23191, 5435, 1, 5101, 3109, 38550, 311, 11886, 279, 198, 5919, 17890, 649, 22571, 16805, 3508, 459, 198, 47965, 4090, 374, 7347, 555, 279, 2317, 430, 198, 11099, 89197, 4245, 311, 279, 42056, 315, 198, 35686, 315, 5623, 1005, 13, 14077, 11, 279, 16930, 198, 329, 31024, 4901, 477, 2728, 48282, 505, 279, 2237, 315, 25917, 315, 198, 50998, 27065, 2786, 477, 48770, 374, 304, 3411, 520, 279, 3575, 198, 84707, 374, 7621, 477, 3831, 13, 279, 22842, 662, 578, 47094, 315, 279, 1684, 4289, 10020, 4954, 13, 25215, 315, 1521, 10093, 374, 198, 76, 10020, 38210, 323, 15718, 704, 315, 5457, 304, 264, 198, 7, 10148, 8, 32886, 2343, 23205, 37498, 311, 198, 28172, 7167, 27667, 1148, 374, 3970, 280, 31039, 304, 8206, 11, 323, 11, 9093, 11, 682, 82532, 3560, 13, 578, 4113, 9200, 1493, 198, 23430, 279, 12474, 3284, 10877, 719, 198, 936, 355, 2786, 374, 11, 9093, 11, 439, 17890, 311, 9547, 198, 16082, 14576, 39547, 505, 1124, 527, 198, 16514, 279, 8060, 311, 1422, 18728, 306, 6629, 1990, 198, 576, 8446, 649, 1203, 11029, 994, 264, 13882, 198, 9210, 527, 304, 2144, 264, 734, 315, 279, 50183, 315, 198, 13451, 13, 3641, 5812, 3727, 603, 733, 7621, 280, 19221, 11217, 323, 8579, 11217, 13, 11481, 11217, 198, 1068, 291, 8518, 430, 3727, 22511, 198, 1820, 22842, 323, 527, 539, 520, 682, 198, 36022, 505, 905, 10093, 11383, 198, 1471, 8362, 51003, 8, 527, 39326, 287, 11, 449, 15748, 198, 3427, 7621, 26186, 279, 2883, 596, 2217, 13, 42045, 304, 279, 6671, 5196, 13, 578, 198, 8234, 304, 279, 1005, 315, 5457, 13, 11994, 374, 279, 198, 63546, 278, 31469, 282, 115192, 11, 323, 617, 1027, 198, 2127, 1008, 430, 3727, 1274, 733, 3831, 690, 69587, 315, 330, 82, 33462, 320, 10350, 8, 520, 4001, 32008, 1, 10975, 603, 198, 96400, 28779, 369, 8206, 13, 578, 6166, 198, 48126, 17868, 5938, 449, 9977, 13, 25046, 198, 33222, 8356, 264, 6928, 8430, 922, 198, 9210, 279, 1314, 477, 5076, 315, 7865, 198, 438, 279, 3814, 30133, 527, 6029, 315, 198, 3696, 13602, 320, 265, 846, 1697, 8, 527, 2536, 19082, 858, 287, 11, 656, 198, 1820, 2027, 4856, 1109, 459, 1860, 1349, 13, 4250, 387, 11075, 2085, 5905, 198, 13451, 2136, 26, 279, 1205, 311, 2585, 3885, 198, 1962, 49853, 30836, 323, 527, 6118, 198, 68791, 1174, 50270, 889, 3780, 892, 198, 998, 2317, 13, 1666, 1855, 35121, 8331, 198, 267, 12116, 505, 6996, 315, 2410, 1174, 1120, 439, 52671, 198, 9613, 398, 18073, 555, 76650, 13, 3296, 198, 82977, 6007, 7620, 430, 1304, 1274, 733, 198, 21712, 279, 6945, 11, 37199, 315, 18004, 527, 198, 267, 12116, 505, 6996, 315, 659, 65906, 13, 9337, 4954, 8579, 11217, 11, 279, 3109, 198, 13451, 690, 1505, 872, 2027, 11784, 430, 11857, 279, 26431, 315, 198, 47, 359, 16409, 374, 264, 1376, 315, 9349, 11, 459, 198, 7266, 264, 502, 9337, 22013, 8630, 345, 359, 444, 71888, 5938, 449, 1521, 279, 4459, 15398, 345, 483, 69, 282, 440, 940, 28779, 369, 2410, 662, 3277, 11, 31633, 88, 323, 6625, 304, 7036, 13, 3277, 198, 43324, 16024, 13, 3296, 42118, 264, 3861, 28137, 315, 264, 3428, 38556, 29720, 198, 266, 55866, 439, 304, 1057, 8396, 1174, 279, 25060, 19029, 198, 2295, 67, 2538, 574, 31469, 282, 96978, 11, 67276, 315, 198, 84707, 304, 7872, 832, 649, 77277, 198, 2630, 374, 264, 14993, 315, 8081, 3695, 13, 61695, 198, 30322, 279, 9977, 13971, 1174, 433, 649, 20781, 387, 198, 62790, 11, 12309, 53997, 37100, 198, 1820, 5540, 430, 617, 264, 83526, 345, 13477, 2744, 3135, 304, 264, 3243, 48789, 198, 830, 282, 440, 940, 26, 25060, 374, 3196, 389, 3769, 389, 279, 14708, 1051, 6288, 198, 28611, 8389, 31469, 282, 440, 279, 7899, 315, 279, 6425, 11, 5457, 19159, 3243, 12, 1497, 198, 265, 53305, 520, 279, 7621, 38556, 29720, 2237, 315, 220, 3965, 627, 1729, 2653, 19158, 773, 42870, 11, 323, 279, 198, 1036, 80845, 1174, 279, 11827, 13978, 315, 459, 12360, 13801, 82, 33462, 811, 26, 279, 12777, 306, 14993, 198, 7, 10125, 8, 75096, 279, 6425, 315, 3823, 198, 55225, 1285, 11, 45555, 342, 989, 19132, 9373, 5623, 7829, 198, 269, 279, 1005, 315, 3738, 4339, 11, 19476, 477, 198, 485, 25858, 430, 279, 4495, 6425, 706, 539, 198, 56345, 11, 389, 279, 1023, 1450, 11, 11705, 264, 912, 7058, 17106, 373, 9337, 1534, 323, 43510, 13, 18210, 13, 3011, 1063, 5220, 1027, 1766, 11, 439, 994, 279, 28519, 315, 389, 762, 537, 11175, 430, 12716, 1446, 56685, 26, 46626, 10105, 527, 3196, 389, 279, 198, 265, 43054, 398, 8356, 12945, 1752, 323, 1524, 198, 4166, 596, 12034, 51413, 1884, 315, 198, 1617, 9162, 279, 78220, 3549, 8147, 17966, 430, 11175, 13980, 198, 9034, 21590, 287, 63595, 27053, 3428, 198, 43063, 1174, 477, 279, 3268, 315, 279, 13487, 198, 1, 35686, 1, 374, 2744, 11646, 11, 304, 539, 555, 23664, 279, 8389, 11, 719, 555, 198, 266, 55866, 5151, 46941, 304, 872, 12324, 449, 1884, 315, 279, 11996, 13, 578, 198, 723, 684, 311, 9337, 4954, 8396, 662, 8442, 198, 69, 537, 4776, 279, 6928, 13, 35011, 505, 198, 329, 31024, 323, 8661, 26280, 13, 1648, 311, 35018, 325, 264, 1579, 38556, 29720, 9504, 269, 198, 1820, 94271, 10570, 505, 279, 25329, 198, 278, 11353, 2191, 4250, 568, 27332, 555, 198, 56441, 279, 7479, 1917, 315, 36754, 345, 2630, 6425, 374, 311, 6056, 279, 4320, 902, 198, 9210, 3823, 7865, 649, 387, 11497, 304, 198, 21828, 287, 72815, 367, 11, 719, 11, 4856, 1174, 1193, 555, 198, 82, 6180, 5825, 12387, 1023, 690, 1304, 682, 11314, 6380, 323, 2103, 387, 198, 11708, 323, 4251, 3878, 13, 9973, 7169, 6913, 198, 971, 14759, 11752, 462, 2676, 662, 578, 330, 11710, 311, 842, 682, 198, 19859, 27170, 1405, 57383, 315, 3823, 198, 652, 37119, 13, 15483, 10105, 21736, 198, 8385, 39227, 3966, 323, 31655, 940, 20722, 374, 86, 1590, 1, 1550, 912, 1778, 3245, 320, 6860, 8, 6463, 1436, 433, 198, 56345, 374, 16495, 11, 3703, 34259, 11, 23130, 11, 94285, 2041, 198, 1338, 2065, 315, 2225, 279, 126641, 2521, 1413, 1314, 198, 69, 332, 458, 13, 83045, 4725, 7392, 28183, 198, 54228, 617, 2884, 779, 13, 468, 802, 82, 11, 2737, 198, 438, 15164, 13, 1102, 374, 264, 4382, 2144, 315, 2324, 430, 198, 54160, 439, 1664, 439, 279, 19971, 278, 2163, 8271, 13, 16632, 3135, 304, 279, 9886, 315, 35663, 198, 86, 1590, 389, 330, 1805, 1359, 330, 3696, 13602, 1, 477, 904, 315, 279, 198, 82, 52370, 315, 3966, 12716, 2262, 479, 280, 4054, 6913, 17966, 706, 279, 2410, 311, 198, 44687, 28183, 13, 578, 10105, 430, 617, 198, 26380, 3966, 15870, 31207, 369, 304, 279, 198, 1658, 3497, 367, 58245, 9349, 11, 9977, 323, 198, 17775, 279, 5435, 315, 279, 3674, 198, 13477, 527, 279, 6305, 89716, 3196, 520, 198, 47991, 8340, 3674, 30633, 430, 198, 336, 41964, 63355, 13, 1442, 279, 9131, 315, 198, 19859, 2050, 26, 433, 1253, 387, 11224, 25, 9365, 198, 1820, 2237, 297, 22386, 26586, 320, 8652, 4856, 1109, 198, 8154, 49201, 21349, 36754, 11, 649, 198, 87863, 23331, 14673, 7205, 19030, 6425, 4619, 315, 23664, 279, 198, 1321, 336, 99895, 320, 3965, 570, 763, 38841, 832, 198, 3323, 387, 2834, 555, 19301, 9096, 13, 1972, 1571, 311, 1862, 279, 57383, 315, 198, 13066, 3950, 11384, 13, 21453, 374, 304, 5196, 198, 2879, 297, 22386, 279, 3363, 374, 36342, 198, 26380, 3966, 11, 4856, 1109, 34739, 198, 258, 1964, 4501, 264, 1633, 7621, 9504, 269, 5497, 198, 25894, 660, 439, 264, 2579, 18179, 9474, 11, 11594, 198, 717, 13, 43737, 3651, 9440, 878, 23822, 198, 76, 10020, 4633, 11, 3776, 9976, 16237, 21343, 311, 198, 7, 3965, 8, 6522, 1555, 8850, 311, 198, 438, 95863, 449, 264, 90371, 16975, 26, 1202, 198, 17673, 3247, 6005, 51, 15942, 198, 50213, 704, 330, 23191, 5435, 1359, 1521, 70159, 11, 78242, 323, 345, 3163, 1870, 1174, 14708, 527, 6220, 13, 763, 69173, 65717, 5596, 315, 198, 82491, 790, 3651, 1753, 520, 902, 584, 617, 198, 258, 93778, 1436, 3719, 8147, 16033, 21948, 13, 578, 330, 1805, 19037, 702, 79, 7341, 527, 743, 16038, 369, 33218, 13, 578, 4379, 198, 1138, 2270, 304, 1057, 4007, 315, 25917, 198, 49896, 369, 3823, 2731, 479, 13, 5825, 264, 2317, 902, 1253, 387, 9435, 3080, 198, 2614, 198, 4054, 315, 279, 1455, 34235, 323, 4382, 198, 3976, 1512, 940, 5151, 527, 7347, 555, 279, 198, 17106, 20969, 1120, 430, 11, 13353, 3363, 14708, 1139, 198, 4781, 1098, 1521, 5789, 311, 6144, 4856, 1109, 198, 83553, 315, 9200, 8331, 6492, 374, 198, 266, 55866, 12912, 449, 902, 814, 527, 198, 73, 2234, 645, 315, 9977, 13, 19259, 11, 323, 682, 374, 26733, 13, 304, 279, 2115, 315, 13172, 13, 578, 1005, 315, 279, 198, 50187, 13, 1115, 3445, 430, 279, 8824, 198, 79406, 24481, 21667, 430, 1455, 198, 14364, 3187, 374, 279, 8767, 22628, 198, 23796, 597, 1572, 72, 39227, 15105, 584, 617, 198, 998, 15641, 5199, 9547, 304, 264, 2728, 198, 258, 2193, 481, 330, 23191, 5435, 1, 5101, 3109, 38550, 311, 11886, 279, 198, 5919, 17890, 649, 22571, 16805, 3508, 459, 198, 47965, 4090, 374, 7347, 555, 279, 2317, 430, 198, 11099, 89197, 4245, 311, 279, 42056, 315, 198, 35686, 315, 5623, 1005, 13, 14077, 11, 279, 16930, 198, 329, 31024, 4901, 477, 2728, 48282, 505, 279, 2237, 315, 25917, 315, 198, 50998, 27065, 2786, 477, 48770, 374, 304, 3411, 520, 279, 3575, 84707, 374, 7621, 477, 3831, 13, 279, 22842, 662, 578, 47094, 315, 279, 26792, 198, 76, 10020, 4954, 13, 25215, 315, 1521, 10093, 374, 198, 76, 10020, 38210, 323, 15718, 704, 315, 5457, 304, 264, 198, 7, 10148, 8, 32886, 2343, 23205, 37498, 311, 198, 28172, 7167, 27667, 1148, 374, 3970, 280, 31039, 304, 8206, 11, 323, 11, 9093, 11, 682, 82532, 3560, 13, 578, 4113, 9200, 1493, 198, 23430, 279, 12474, 3284, 10877, 719, 198, 936, 355, 2786, 374, 11, 9093, 11, 439, 17890, 311, 9547, 198, 16082, 14576, 39547, 505, 1124, 527, 198, 16514, 279, 8060, 311, 1422, 18728, 306, 6629, 1990], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": " water for food digestion. Insulin inhibition is an adaptation process of the gland to the\ndehydration of the body. TRYPTOPHAN AND DI ABETES\nEven the simplest explanation on tryptophan may seem too complicated. However, some very basic u nderstanding\nabout this amino acid must be provided to make sense of some of the statements that are presented in this book\nRemember, the body is a very com plex chemical plant that is extremely sensitive to fluctuations in the flow of its\nprimary raw materials. The brain is designed to resuscita te itself, when there is wa ter and salt shortage in the body. It raises the le vels of\nsugar in circulation. The raised level of sugar is sup posed to balance the vital osmotic equilibrium, in the same way\nthat a doctor resuscitates a patient by the use of sug ar and salt-containing intravenous fluid drips. One also needs\nto recognize another simple point: Osm otic forces that must be available for extracellular fluid volume regulation are\ndeveloped primarily by its salt content, by its raised sugar content, and sometimes by its increased uric acid content. But in insulin-dependent type of diabetes, there may be severe salt shortage, in which case the brain has no\nalternative but to raise the level of sugar even more to compensate for the low salt reserves in the body. This\nprocess is an automatic ste p in the design of the brain activity that is master-managed by the various direct, and\nindirect, functions of tryptophan. It has also been shown that tryptophan is the basic substance that the body needs\nas a vital ingredient to convert into the three or even four most essen tial neurotransmitters so far recognized. In insulin-in depen dent d iabetes, one needs to pay particular attention to adequate protein intake to make up for the\npossible tryptopha n insufficiency that may be the root cause of the disease. Why? It seems that dehydration causes\na severe depletion of brain tryptophan, a most essen tial amino acid in the human body. When there is adequate\namount of tryptophan in the brain, among its other effects, t he pain threshold is raised\u2014one endures pain better. \u00bbTryptopha n content in th e brain sho ws a great drop in its levels in some di abetic a nimals. To stress th is point again, salt, sugar, and uric acid are involved in balancing the osmotic forces of fluid composition\nheld outside the cells. Salt content is responsible for the greatest contribution to the extracellular osmotic balance. Regulatory properties of tryptophan itself, or its dependent neurotransmission systems, operate a measuring\nmechanism for the amount of salt that is kept in the body. Serotonin, tryptamine, melatonin, and indolamine are\nderived from tryptophan, and all are neurotransmitters. Thus, tryptophan is the natural brain regulator for salt\nabsorption in the body. It seems that lower levels of tryptoph an\u2014and in consequence, its neurotransmi tter produ cts\n\u2014will establish lower-than-normal salt reserves. As a back-up mechanism in the body, the RA system seems to com pensate by inducing salt retention in the body. Histamine and its RA system activity become increasingly engaged if the tryptophan-dependent neurotransmitter\nsystems become less involved\u2014through shortage or increased breakdown of tryptophan. It follows that a low-sal t\ndiet is not conducive to the correction of a diabetic's high blood sugar. \u2022 If the blood sugar is to come down, a slight upward adjustment of daily salt intake may become unavoidable. Trypt ophan is also a most prominent amino acid employed in the correction of errors in the process of DNA\n\"printout\" or replica production. With another amino acid, lysine, they f orm a brid ging system (lysine-tryptophan-\nlysine tripod) that cuts and splices t he inaccuracies in DNA transcription. This pr operty o f tryptophan is most\nessential to prevention of cancer cell development in the body. With the brain's tryptophan replenishment, the histamine-operated systems will be trimmed down to their primary\nresponsibilities\u2014unexaggerated functions. Salt content of the body will be better regulated. The sensation level\nbefore registering pain stimulus will be raised. Acid secretion in the stomach will come under normal control. Blood\npressur e will be normalized to its natural levels for the operation of all functions in the body: kidneys, brain, liver,\nlungs, gastrointestinal digestive activities, \"shower-head\" filtration of water into the nerve cells, the joints, and so on\nwill function within their normal range of activity. There is a direct relationship betwee n walking and the build-up of the brain tryptophan reserves. Th ere are several\namino acids that compete for crossing the naturally designed barrier system into the brain. They all have to\n\"piggyba ck\" on the same transporter proteins. Th ese competitors to tryptophan are grouped under the title of\nbranched-chain amino acids (BC a mino acids). During exercise, these BC a mino acids, along with the fats, are used\nas fuel in the larger muscle s. Muscles begin to pick up these amino acids from the circulating blood. As a result, theodds are changed in favor of tryptophan for its passage across the blood-brain-barrier and into the brain. One major\nphysiological value to exercising is the direct relationship of muscle activity to the build-up of the brain tryptophan\nreserves. \u2022 The brain tryptophan co ntent, and its va rious by-product neurotransm itter systems, are re sponsible for\nmaintenance of the \"homeostatic balance of the body.\" Normal levels of tryptophan in the brain maintain a well-\nregulated balance in all functions of the body\u2014wh at is meant by homeostasis. With a decrease in tryptophan supply\nto the brain, there is a proportionate decrease in the efficiency of all functions in the body. Depression and some mental disorders are the consequence of brain tryptophan imbalance. Prozac u sed in some\nmental disorders, particularly in depression, is a drug that stops the enzyme s that break down serotonin, a\nbyproduct of tryptophan. When more serotonin is present, all nerves function normally. Ho wever, Prozac can not\nreplace the indispensable role of tryptophan itself. One has to work at replenishing body reserves o f tryptophan\nthrough a balanced diet and regular water intake. My research has sh own there is a direct relationship between water intake\u2014hemodilution\u2014and efficiency of\nfunction in the transport system for the passage of tryptophan into the brain. Water shortage and proportionate\nhistamine release bring about an increase in the rate of tryptophan breakdown in the liver. It seems that adequate\nwater intake arrests the increased and inefficient metabolism of tryptophan in the body. Chronic dehydration causes\nits loss f rom the pool of different amino acids held in the body. Tryptophan cannot be manufactured in the body; it\nmust be imported through food intake. It is one of the essential amino acids. Thus, hydration of the body, exercise\nand the intake of right foods help replenish brain tryptophan reserves. Another most important fact to remember is the idiosyncrasies that seem to operate in protein metabolism and their\nmanufacture. Proteins are manufactured from joining amino acids together. There are 20 amino acids (AAs) from\nwhich different proteins are made. Each protein has a different mix of these AAs. Depending on the sequence of the\nmix, different characteristics are installed in each protein. Depending on the sequence and the number, the mix can\nfunction as enzymes, as assembly lines for the manufacture of other proteins, and as energy generators in the\nhydroelectric pump units. All functions of the body are regulated by the special properties and the \"sequence characteristics\" of its AAs u sed\nin enzymes and body proteins. There are eight essential AAs that are not manufactured in the human body; they\nmust be imported from food intake. There are three AAs that can be manufactu red but in limited quantities. At\ncertain times, they also become partially scar ce. The other nine AAs a re amply manufactu red within the body. If the\nnormal percentages held in the reserve pool of AAs in the body begins to fluctuate beyond a certain range, some\nAAs a re dumped (differently broken or consumed) to keep the composition of the AA p ool within the normal range\nfor future protein and enzyme manufacture. Of the AAs that get dumpe d in stress, tryptophan seems to be one of\nthe most important. However, one can not consume this or that amino acid by itself to balance the pool, even if one knew a ll the intricate\nramifications. One must consume the full range of AAs to build the \"reserve pool\" in due time. The precaution one\ncan take is to eat proteins that have these AAs in ample proportions. Some proteins, such as long-exposed meat,\nmay become deficient in some amino acids. The best proteins are those stored in the germinating seeds of plants,\nsuch as lentils, grains, beans, etc.\u2014also in eggs and milk that nature provides to produce the next generation of\nchickens and to feed the calf. Lentils and green beans in particular are good stores for AAs in food ingredients. They contain about 28 percent\nproteins, 72 percent complex ca rbohydrates, and no", "token_ids": [3090, 369, 3691, 74502, 13, 9925, 24292, 61478, 374, 459, 34185, 1920, 315, 279, 67169, 311, 279, 198, 80660, 50791, 315, 279, 2547, 13, 79581, 2898, 3143, 39, 1111, 3651, 16943, 14469, 1372, 1600, 198, 13461, 279, 45648, 16540, 389, 1456, 418, 5237, 276, 1253, 2873, 2288, 17395, 13, 4452, 11, 1063, 1633, 6913, 577, 220, 910, 10276, 198, 9274, 420, 42500, 13935, 2011, 387, 3984, 311, 1304, 5647, 315, 1063, 315, 279, 12518, 430, 527, 10666, 304, 420, 2363, 198, 29690, 11, 279, 2547, 374, 264, 1633, 470, 281, 2635, 11742, 6136, 430, 374, 9193, 16614, 311, 65649, 304, 279, 6530, 315, 1202, 198, 6682, 7257, 7384, 13, 578, 8271, 374, 6319, 311, 594, 26089, 6388, 1028, 5196, 11, 994, 1070, 374, 10667, 2024, 323, 12290, 39259, 304, 279, 2547, 13, 1102, 25930, 279, 514, 348, 2053, 315, 198, 82, 8734, 304, 35855, 13, 578, 9408, 2237, 315, 13465, 374, 1043, 37260, 311, 8335, 279, 16595, 125452, 14546, 56411, 11, 304, 279, 1890, 1648, 198, 9210, 264, 10896, 594, 26089, 82829, 264, 8893, 555, 279, 1005, 315, 31705, 802, 323, 12290, 93871, 10805, 81443, 15962, 50511, 1725, 13, 3861, 1101, 3966, 198, 998, 15641, 2500, 4382, 1486, 25, 507, 3647, 14479, 292, 8603, 430, 2011, 387, 2561, 369, 11741, 65441, 15962, 8286, 19812, 527, 198, 16219, 291, 15871, 555, 1202, 12290, 2262, 11, 555, 1202, 9408, 13465, 2262, 11, 323, 7170, 555, 1202, 7319, 4433, 292, 13935, 2262, 13, 2030, 304, 32152, 43918, 955, 315, 20335, 11, 1070, 1253, 387, 15748, 12290, 39259, 11, 304, 902, 1162, 279, 8271, 706, 912, 198, 78095, 719, 311, 4933, 279, 2237, 315, 13465, 1524, 810, 311, 46794, 369, 279, 3428, 12290, 30600, 304, 279, 2547, 13, 1115, 198, 4734, 374, 459, 17392, 4179, 281, 304, 279, 2955, 315, 279, 8271, 5820, 430, 374, 7491, 21110, 3359, 555, 279, 5370, 2167, 11, 323, 198, 485, 1248, 11, 5865, 315, 1456, 418, 5237, 276, 13, 1102, 706, 1101, 1027, 6982, 430, 1456, 418, 5237, 276, 374, 279, 6913, 20278, 430, 279, 2547, 3966, 198, 300, 264, 16595, 25795, 311, 5625, 1139, 279, 2380, 477, 1524, 3116, 1455, 95755, 259, 532, 90351, 83189, 779, 220, 3117, 15324, 13, 763, 32152, 3502, 2219, 268, 18653, 294, 602, 16629, 11, 832, 3966, 311, 2343, 4040, 6666, 311, 26613, 13128, 23730, 311, 1304, 709, 369, 279, 198, 10236, 1456, 418, 454, 4317, 308, 1672, 1386, 10603, 430, 1253, 387, 279, 3789, 5353, 315, 279, 8624, 13, 8595, 30, 1102, 5084, 430, 99857, 11384, 198, 64, 15748, 92948, 315, 8271, 1456, 418, 5237, 276, 11, 264, 1455, 95755, 259, 532, 42500, 13935, 304, 279, 3823, 2547, 13, 3277, 220, 1070, 374, 26613, 198, 6173, 315, 1456, 418, 5237, 276, 304, 279, 8271, 11, 4315, 1202, 1023, 6372, 11, 259, 568, 6784, 12447, 374, 9408, 87671, 842, 1439, 6784, 2731, 13, 8345, 51, 3655, 454, 4317, 308, 2262, 304, 270, 384, 8271, 72619, 18090, 264, 2294, 6068, 304, 1202, 5990, 304, 1063, 1891, 671, 5411, 264, 308, 25137, 13, 2057, 8631, 270, 374, 1486, 1578, 11, 12290, 11, 13465, 11, 323, 4433, 292, 13935, 527, 6532, 304, 44463, 279, 125452, 14546, 8603, 315, 15962, 18528, 198, 28708, 4994, 279, 7917, 13, 28138, 2262, 374, 8647, 369, 279, 12474, 19035, 311, 279, 11741, 65441, 125452, 14546, 8335, 13, 69822, 6012, 315, 1456, 418, 5237, 276, 5196, 11, 477, 1202, 18222, 90351, 2796, 6067, 11, 14816, 264, 30090, 198, 2727, 5776, 2191, 369, 279, 3392, 315, 12290, 430, 374, 8774, 304, 279, 2547, 13, 8409, 68055, 11, 1456, 418, 20588, 11, 10804, 99512, 11, 323, 1280, 337, 20588, 527, 198, 51182, 505, 1456, 418, 5237, 276, 11, 323, 682, 527, 90351, 83189, 13, 14636, 11, 1456, 418, 5237, 276, 374, 279, 5933, 220, 8271, 40704, 369, 12290, 198, 3518, 66181, 304, 279, 2547, 13, 1102, 5084, 430, 4827, 5990, 315, 1456, 418, 5237, 459, 17223, 304, 220, 29774, 11, 220, 1202, 90351, 8318, 259, 466, 2558, 272, 2641, 198, 2345, 14724, 5813, 4827, 48754, 53183, 12290, 30600, 13, 1666, 264, 1203, 5352, 17383, 304, 279, 2547, 11, 279, 29556, 1887, 5084, 311, 470, 23423, 349, 555, 96811, 12290, 38231, 304, 279, 2547, 13, 67005, 20588, 323, 1202, 29556, 1887, 5820, 3719, 15098, 17045, 422, 279, 1456, 418, 5237, 276, 43918, 90351, 16517, 198, 46654, 3719, 2753, 6532, 2345, 20322, 39259, 477, 7319, 31085, 315, 1456, 418, 5237, 276, 13, 1102, 11263, 430, 264, 3428, 1355, 278, 259, 198, 94942, 374, 539, 95561, 311, 279, 27358, 315, 264, 71975, 596, 1579, 6680, 13465, 13, 7436, 1442, 279, 6680, 13465, 374, 311, 2586, 1523, 11, 264, 8275, 40872, 28174, 315, 7446, 12290, 23730, 1253, 3719, 84116, 13, 350, 3655, 297, 10146, 374, 1101, 264, 1455, 21102, 42500, 13935, 20011, 304, 279, 27358, 315, 6103, 304, 279, 1920, 315, 15922, 198, 1, 1374, 412, 1, 477, 38054, 5788, 13, 3161, 2500, 42500, 13935, 11, 84495, 483, 11, 814, 282, 68702, 264, 77847, 67193, 1887, 320, 61492, 483, 12, 1568, 418, 5237, 276, 7058, 61492, 483, 92154, 8, 430, 15455, 323, 993, 38514, 259, 568, 42025, 27121, 304, 15922, 46940, 13, 1115, 550, 1200, 1368, 297, 282, 1456, 418, 5237, 276, 374, 1455, 198, 49582, 311, 27344, 315, 9572, 2849, 4500, 304, 279, 2547, 13, 3161, 279, 8271, 596, 1456, 418, 5237, 276, 70543, 16409, 11, 279, 13034, 20588, 59655, 660, 6067, 690, 387, 52081, 1523, 311, 872, 6156, 198, 82689, 13757, 2345, 359, 327, 10322, 660, 5865, 13, 28138, 2262, 315, 279, 2547, 690, 387, 2731, 35319, 13, 578, 37392, 2237, 198, 15145, 39829, 6784, 39535, 690, 387, 9408, 13, 50234, 220, 87067, 304, 279, 23152, 690, 2586, 1234, 4725, 2585, 13, 20671, 198, 1911, 324, 384, 690, 387, 30510, 311, 1202, 5933, 5990, 369, 279, 5784, 315, 682, 5865, 304, 279, 2547, 25, 81960, 11, 8271, 11, 26587, 345, 75, 29222, 11, 80311, 60071, 7640, 11, 330, 939, 1223, 27488, 1, 76038, 315, 3090, 1139, 279, 32015, 7917, 11, 279, 35358, 11, 323, 779, 389, 198, 14724, 734, 2949, 872, 4725, 2134, 315, 5820, 13, 2684, 374, 264, 2167, 5133, 1297, 906, 68, 308, 11689, 323, 279, 1977, 5352, 315, 279, 8271, 1456, 418, 5237, 276, 30600, 13, 666, 39357, 527, 3892, 198, 309, 3394, 33969, 430, 20874, 369, 27736, 279, 18182, 6319, 22881, 1887, 1139, 279, 8271, 13, 2435, 682, 617, 311, 198, 1, 90600, 4680, 4749, 39713, 1, 389, 279, 1890, 73565, 28896, 13, 666, 42918, 28650, 311, 1456, 418, 5237, 276, 527, 41141, 1234, 279, 2316, 315, 198, 1347, 276, 2454, 66286, 42500, 33969, 320, 5002, 264, 1332, 78, 33969, 570, 12220, 10368, 11, 1521, 18531, 264, 1332, 78, 33969, 11, 3235, 449, 279, 50127, 11, 527, 1511, 198, 300, 10633, 304, 279, 8294, 16124, 274, 13, 5444, 19153, 3240, 311, 3820, 709, 1521, 42500, 33969, 505, 279, 54828, 6680, 13, 1666, 264, 220, 1121, 11, 279, 347, 5469, 527, 5614, 304, 4799, 315, 1456, 418, 5237, 276, 369, 1202, 21765, 4028, 279, 6680, 31217, 467, 16150, 7401, 323, 1139, 279, 8271, 13, 3861, 3682, 198, 42305, 41314, 907, 311, 51582, 374, 279, 2167, 5133, 315, 16124, 5820, 311, 279, 1977, 5352, 315, 279, 8271, 1456, 418, 5237, 276, 198, 417, 13583, 13, 7436, 578, 8271, 1456, 418, 5237, 276, 1080, 32512, 306, 11, 323, 1202, 11412, 436, 1245, 555, 29745, 90351, 76, 433, 466, 6067, 11, 527, 312, 13769, 1260, 369, 198, 99178, 315, 279, 330, 5227, 537, 780, 8335, 315, 279, 2547, 1210, 18944, 5990, 315, 1456, 418, 5237, 276, 304, 279, 8271, 10519, 264, 1664, 7058, 81722, 8335, 304, 682, 5865, 315, 279, 2547, 2345, 1336, 520, 374, 8967, 555, 2162, 537, 10949, 13, 3161, 264, 18979, 304, 1456, 418, 5237, 276, 8312, 198, 998, 279, 8271, 11, 1070, 374, 264, 21801, 349, 18979, 304, 279, 15374, 315, 682, 5865, 304, 279, 2547, 13, 46904, 323, 1063, 10723, 24673, 527, 279, 29774, 315, 8271, 1456, 418, 5237, 276, 68331, 13, 1322, 96726, 577, 11163, 304, 1063, 198, 93221, 24673, 11, 8104, 304, 18710, 11, 374, 264, 5623, 430, 18417, 279, 49242, 274, 430, 1464, 1523, 77130, 11, 264, 198, 1729, 3107, 315, 1456, 418, 5237, 276, 13, 3277, 810, 77130, 374, 3118, 11, 682, 50581, 734, 14614, 13, 17723, 584, 424, 11, 1322, 96726, 649, 539, 198, 8319, 279, 64284, 3560, 315, 1456, 418, 5237, 276, 5196, 13, 3861, 706, 311, 990, 520, 70543, 11218, 2547, 30600, 297, 282, 1456, 418, 5237, 276, 198, 20322, 264, 24770, 10173, 323, 5912, 3090, 23730, 13, 3092, 3495, 706, 559, 1866, 1070, 374, 264, 2167, 5133, 1990, 3090, 23730, 2345, 30132, 347, 321, 1516, 17223, 15374, 315, 198, 1723, 304, 279, 7710, 1887, 369, 279, 21765, 315, 1456, 418, 5237, 276, 1139, 279, 8271, 13, 10164, 39259, 323, 21801, 349, 198, 21843, 20588, 4984, 4546, 922, 459, 5376, 304, 279, 4478, 315, 1456, 418, 5237, 276, 31085, 304, 279, 26587, 13, 1102, 5084, 430, 26613, 198, 13284, 23730, 38811, 279, 7319, 323, 64481, 39097, 315, 1456, 418, 5237, 276, 304, 279, 2547, 13, 73782, 99857, 11384, 198, 1220, 4814, 282, 10083, 279, 7463, 315, 2204, 42500, 33969, 5762, 304, 279, 2547, 13, 350, 3655, 5237, 276, 4250, 387, 28648, 304, 279, 2547, 26, 433, 198, 25849, 387, 25973, 1555, 3691, 23730, 13, 1102, 374, 832, 315, 279, 7718, 42500, 33969, 13, 14636, 11, 88000, 315, 279, 2547, 11, 10368, 198, 438, 279, 23730, 315, 1314, 15657, 1520, 70543, 819, 8271, 1456, 418, 5237, 276, 30600, 13, 13596, 1455, 3062, 2144, 311, 6227, 374, 279, 887, 3614, 1756, 13075, 552, 430, 2873, 311, 14816, 304, 13128, 39097, 323, 872, 198, 98550, 554, 13, 15542, 1354, 527, 28648, 505, 18667, 42500, 33969, 3871, 13, 2684, 527, 220, 508, 42500, 33969, 320, 32, 2170, 8, 505, 198, 8370, 2204, 28896, 527, 1903, 13, 9062, 220, 13128, 706, 264, 2204, 6651, 315, 1521, 362, 2170, 13, 40730, 389, 279, 8668, 315, 279, 198, 36171, 11, 2204, 17910, 527, 10487, 304, 1855, 13128, 13, 40730, 389, 279, 8668, 323, 279, 1396, 11, 279, 6651, 649, 198, 1723, 439, 56067, 11, 439, 14956, 5238, 369, 279, 30847, 315, 1023, 28896, 11, 323, 439, 4907, 44163, 304, 279, 198, 67229, 64465, 14155, 8316, 13, 2052, 5865, 315, 279, 2547, 527, 35319, 555, 279, 3361, 6012, 323, 279, 330, 15880, 17910, 1, 220, 315, 1202, 362, 2170, 577, 11163, 198, 258, 56067, 323, 2547, 28896, 13, 2684, 527, 8223, 7718, 362, 2170, 430, 527, 539, 28648, 304, 279, 3823, 2547, 26, 814, 198, 25849, 387, 25973, 505, 3691, 23730, 13, 2684, 527, 2380, 362, 2170, 430, 649, 387, 5968, 84, 2579, 719, 304, 7347, 33776, 13, 2468, 198, 66, 7770, 3115, 11, 814, 1101, 3719, 26310, 23087, 3846, 13, 578, 1023, 11888, 362, 2170, 264, 312, 1097, 2603, 5968, 84, 2579, 2949, 279, 2547, 13, 1442, 279, 198, 8416, 54208, 5762, 304, 279, 21137, 7463, 315, 362, 2170, 304, 279, 2547, 12302, 311, 39388, 6426, 7953, 264, 3738, 2134, 11, 1063, 198, 32, 2170, 264, 312, 49373, 320, 67, 14657, 4501, 11102, 477, 27073, 8, 311, 2567, 279, 18528, 315, 279, 29334, 281, 297, 337, 2949, 279, 4725, 2134, 198, 2000, 3938, 13128, 323, 49242, 30847, 13, 5046, 279, 362, 2170, 430, 636, 63811, 375, 294, 304, 8631, 11, 1456, 418, 5237, 276, 5084, 311, 387, 832, 315, 198, 1820, 1455, 3062, 13, 4452, 11, 832, 649, 539, 25024, 420, 477, 430, 42500, 13935, 555, 5196, 311, 8335, 279, 7463, 11, 1524, 422, 832, 7020, 264, 9507, 279, 57216, 198, 2453, 7174, 13, 3861, 2011, 25024, 279, 2539, 2134, 315, 362, 2170, 311, 1977, 279, 330, 58085, 7463, 1, 304, 4245, 892, 13, 578, 72147, 832, 198, 4919, 1935, 374, 311, 8343, 28896, 430, 617, 1521, 362, 2170, 304, 42853, 49892, 13, 4427, 28896, 11, 1778, 439, 1317, 10397, 3950, 13339, 345, 18864, 3719, 87544, 304, 1063, 42500, 33969, 13, 578, 1888, 28896, 527, 1884, 9967, 304, 279, 17684, 65383, 19595, 315, 11012, 345, 21470, 439, 48907, 8839, 11, 41936, 11, 27994, 11, 5099, 35192, 19171, 304, 19335, 323, 14403, 430, 7138, 5825, 311, 8356, 279, 1828, 9659, 315, 198, 331, 875, 729, 323, 311, 5510, 279, 65643, 13, 84470, 8839, 323, 6307, 27994, 304, 4040, 527, 1695, 10756, 369, 362, 2170, 304, 3691, 14293, 13, 2435, 6782, 922, 220, 1591, 3346, 198, 782, 668, 1354, 11, 220, 5332, 3346, 6485, 2211, 436, 34658, 988, 11, 323, 912], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": " 48 \nZen Buddhism, 12, 17, 144, 147, \n150, 151, 217 A1out the Author \nVALENTIN CHu was born and educated in Shanghai. As a winner \nof an international writing award, he was invited to be a guest ob\u00ad\nserver at United Nations headquart ers in New York. He worked \nas a correspondent for Time magazine in Hong Kong, then as an \neditor at Time-Life Books in New York and, later, at Reader's Di\u00ad\ngest General Books. His byline articles have appeared in Time, \nL\ufffdfe, US. News & World Report, The New Leader, and the US. Con\u00ad\ngressional Record, and in periodicals in Britain, France, Italy, and \nthe Far East. For the past decade, Chu has been a student of an\u00ad\ncient Chinese sexology. He has always been fascinated by the in\u00ad\nterplay between East and West, in sexology and other fields. He \nnow lives in the San Francisco Bay area.<|eot_id|><|begin_of_text|>Summarize the following text section accurately and concisely. Maintain specific details and numerical information, and use anti-repetition mechanisms:\n\n TASSELED SPEAR : peniS \nTSA I-PU: see Pluck-and-nurture \nTWIN LOTUS PEAKS : female breasts \nTZ U: form of poetry combining the classical and the vernacular \nvAS T FOUNT AIN: female urethral orifice \nWATER FROM THE HEAVENLY POOL: saliva \nWHEAT BUD: two inches inside the vagina \nYANG: masculine sexual energy \nYANG IMPLEMENT: peniS \nYANG PEAK: peniS \nYAN G STEM : peniS \nYEN-SHIH: volupt uous poetry \nYIN: female sexual energy \nYIN-CHIAO: \"sexual junction \"; sexual acup oint belo w the navel \nYIN GATE: vagina \nYUN-YU: \"clouds and rain\"; literary meta phor for sexual inter\u00ad\ncourse \nZEN BUDDHISM : Chinese form of Buddhism based on India's \nMaha yana lluddhisr n and influenced by Taoism Glossary. p MAJOR CHINESE DYNASTIES \nAge of the Five Rulers (legendary pe riod) \nHsia \nShang-Yin \nChou \nEra of Spring and Autumn \nEra of Warring States \nChin \nHan \nEra of Three Kingdoms \nWestern Tsin \nEastern Tsin \nEra of South-North Dynasties \nSui \nTang\u00b7 \nEra of Five Dynasties \nSung \nSouthern Sung \nYuan (Mongol) \nMing \nChing (Manchu) C. 2852-2205 B. C.<|eot_id|><|begin_of_text|>\nQ: What is the term for a form of poetry combining classical and vernacular elements?, \nA: TZ U \nQ: What is the name of the 17th-century erotic novel translated by Richard Martin?, \nA: The Dream of the Red Chamber \nQ: Which Chinese dynasty is mentioned as having a strong influence on the author's work?, \nA: Yuan \nQ: Who is the author of the book?, \nA: VALENTIN CHU \nQ: What is the term for a type of Buddhism that emphasizes the attainment of enlightenment through sexual activity?, \nA: Vajrayana \nQ: What is the name of the Chinese dynasty that is mentioned as having a significant influence on the author's work?, \nA: Yuan<|eot_id|><|begin_of_text|>Copyright \u00a9 2015 by Michael A. Singer\nAll rights reserved. Published in the United States by Harmony Books, an imprint of the Crown\nPublishing Group, a division of Penguin Random House LLC, New York. www.crownpublishing.com\nHarmony Books is a registered trademark, and the Circle colophon is a\ntrademark of Penguin Random House LLC. The Surrender Experiment\u2122 is a trademark of Shanti Publications, Inc.\nLibrary of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available upon\nrequest. ISBN 9780804141109\neBook ISBN 9780804141116\neBook design adapted from printed book design by Amanda Dewey\nCover design by Fort & Jess Morphew\nCover illustration by Shutterstock/David M. Schrader\nv4.1\naTo the MastersC o n t e n t s\nCover\nTitle Page\nCopyright\nDedication\nAcknowledgments\nSection I\nW a k i n g U p\nThe Premise\n1. Not with a Shout\u2014But with a Whisper\n2. Getting to Know Me\n3. The Pillars of Zen\n4. Absolute Silence\n5. From Absolute Peace to Absolute Turmoil\n6. South of the Border\n7. Disconnecting the Panic Button\n8. Unexpected Inspiration\n9. The Promised Land\n10. Building a Sacred Hut\n11. Get Thee to a Monastery\n12. When the Disciple Is Ready, the Master Appears\nSection II\nT h e G r e a t E x p e r i m e n t B e g i n s\n13. The Experiment of a Lifetime\n14. Life Takes Charge\n15. The Prince and the Pauper\n16. Following the Invisible into the Unknown\n17. My First Job Interview\n18. Letting Go of the Rope\n19. Acceptance, Acceptance, and More Acceptance\n20. The Most Important Thing I Was Ever Asked to DoSection III\nF r o m S o l i t u d e t o S e r v i c e\n21. The Call of a Living Master\n22. Shaktipat\n23. Gainesville Hosts a Guru\n24. The Temple Is Built\n25. Opening the Heart Chakra\n26. Get Thee to an Ashram\nSection IV\nT h e B u s i n e s s o f S u r r e n d e r\n27. A Company Is Born\n28. The Master Builder\n29. Community Banking\n30. The Ever-Expanding Temple of the Universe\n31. Metamorphosis of a Creature\nSection V\nS o m e t h i n g P r i c e l e s s I s B o r n\n32. From the Personal Self to the Personal Computer\n33. The Birth of The Medical Manager\n34. The Early Programmers\n35. Preparing for Launch\nSection VI\nT h e F o r c e s o f N a t u r a l G r o w t h\n36. The Foundations of a Successful Business\n37. The Industry Knocks on Our Door\n38. The Temple Keeps Growing\nSection VII\nW h e n D a r k C l o u d s B e c o m e R a i n b o w s\n39. A Touch of Magic\n40. The Scary Messenger of Change\n41. The Foundation Is Built for the Future\n42. Meanwhile\u2014Back at the Ranch\nSection VIII\nE m b r a c i n g E x p l o s i v e E x p a n s i o n\n43. The Medical Manager Sprouts Wings\n44. Medical Manager Corporation\u2014MMGR\n45. Becoming CEO\n46. The Internet and Health Care\n47. Merging\u2014But Not with the Universe\n48. Building Rome in a Day\n49. Hanging Out in Washington\nSection IX\nT o t a l S u r r e n d e r\n50. The Raid\n51. Attorneys, Attorneys, and More Attorneys\n52. United States of America v. Michael A. Singer\n53. Preparing a Defense\n54. The Constitution and the Bill of Rights\n55. Divine Intervention\n56. Returning to the Beginning\nAbout the Author\nMore by the AuthorA c k n o w l e d g m e n t s\nIn t ruth, life is really the aut hor of this book. She is the\none who manifested the flo w of events that were so\npowerful and fascinating they demanded narration. But\nlife need ed me to put pen to p aper if her greatness was to\nbe mem orialized. To that end, she sent exactly the right\npeople at exactly the right time to bring The Surrender\nExperiment into fruition. It is with hum ility and heartfelt thanks that I tell you\nof the phenomenal job that my product manager, Karen\nEntner, did on this book. Her tireless and selfless service\nhas inst illed this work with a sense of commitment and\nperfection rarely found in this world. I w ould also like to take this opportunity to thank my\neditor, Gary Jansen, from Crown Publishing, for all the\nhard work and great suggestions he contributed. As\nwould be expected, life prov ided the absolutely perfect\neditor to assist me in giving this testimony to her\ngreatness. This bo ok had many early readers, all of whom deserve\nthanks. I would like to single out James O\u2019Dea, Ursula\nHarlos, and Stephanie Davis, who contributed detailed\nsuggestions on draft after dra ft during the early stages of\nwriting. I n ow get to a cknowledge yo u, the reader, for having\nthe interest and taking the time to read about this\nphenomenal experiment. May we all learn to appreciate\nour live s in this amazing universe\u2014a little bit more each\nday.S e c t i o", "token_ids": [220, 2166, 720, 86792, 61324, 11, 220, 717, 11, 220, 1114, 11, 220, 8929, 11, 220, 10288, 11, 720, 3965, 11, 220, 9690, 11, 220, 13460, 362, 16, 412, 279, 7030, 720, 13114, 877, 6542, 691, 6969, 84, 574, 9405, 323, 33142, 304, 38147, 13, 1666, 264, 13946, 720, 1073, 459, 6625, 4477, 10292, 11, 568, 574, 18719, 311, 387, 264, 8810, 1536, 5879, 198, 4120, 520, 3723, 19687, 2010, 447, 472, 55495, 304, 1561, 4356, 13, 1283, 6575, 720, 300, 264, 49664, 369, 4212, 14756, 304, 19730, 18711, 11, 1243, 439, 459, 720, 9044, 520, 4212, 88908, 18312, 304, 1561, 4356, 323, 11, 3010, 11, 520, 26226, 596, 7923, 5879, 198, 7114, 3331, 18312, 13, 5414, 555, 1074, 9908, 617, 9922, 304, 4212, 11, 720, 43, 5809, 1897, 11, 2326, 13, 5513, 612, 4435, 8423, 11, 578, 1561, 23896, 11, 323, 279, 2326, 13, 1221, 5879, 198, 2542, 4001, 13896, 11, 323, 304, 4261, 53703, 304, 13527, 11, 9822, 11, 15704, 11, 323, 720, 1820, 13759, 6460, 13, 1789, 279, 3347, 13515, 11, 62111, 706, 1027, 264, 5575, 315, 459, 5879, 198, 12575, 8620, 1877, 2508, 13, 1283, 706, 2744, 1027, 61914, 555, 279, 304, 5879, 198, 466, 1387, 1990, 6460, 323, 4410, 11, 304, 1877, 2508, 323, 1023, 5151, 13, 1283, 720, 3409, 6439, 304, 279, 5960, 13175, 9332, 3158, 13, 128009, 128000, 9370, 5730, 553, 279, 2768, 1495, 3857, 30357, 323, 3613, 285, 989, 13, 87477, 3230, 3649, 323, 35876, 2038, 11, 323, 1005, 7294, 5621, 56867, 24717, 1473, 286, 92388, 937, 13953, 68835, 946, 551, 5869, 72, 50, 720, 51, 7934, 358, 12, 6459, 25, 1518, 1856, 1983, 9976, 5392, 324, 5081, 720, 51, 24185, 54460, 2078, 22557, 12173, 50, 551, 8954, 37449, 720, 91526, 549, 25, 1376, 315, 32349, 35271, 279, 29924, 323, 279, 72693, 23868, 720, 85, 1950, 350, 435, 7615, 362, 691, 25, 8954, 53560, 339, 3545, 477, 22660, 720, 54, 19706, 4393, 3247, 11947, 8253, 965, 9109, 13228, 1971, 25, 85657, 720, 54, 1837, 835, 426, 4760, 25, 1403, 15271, 4871, 279, 39888, 720, 56, 5330, 25, 61165, 7392, 4907, 720, 56, 5330, 81711, 25, 5869, 72, 50, 720, 56, 5330, 22557, 12173, 25, 5869, 72, 50, 720, 56, 1111, 480, 64182, 551, 5869, 72, 50, 720, 56, 965, 6354, 24860, 39, 25, 51810, 577, 788, 32349, 720, 56, 691, 25, 8954, 7392, 4907, 720, 56, 691, 12, 2198, 5987, 46, 25, 330, 44687, 49341, 19500, 7392, 1645, 455, 297, 396, 1689, 78, 289, 279, 308, 3963, 720, 56, 691, 480, 2390, 25, 39888, 720, 56, 1899, 30237, 52, 25, 330, 12641, 82, 323, 11422, 5233, 32465, 8999, 1343, 269, 369, 7392, 958, 5879, 198, 12120, 720, 57, 965, 55129, 4195, 39, 47905, 551, 8620, 1376, 315, 61324, 3196, 389, 6890, 596, 720, 44, 13856, 115400, 9507, 8512, 26301, 81, 308, 323, 28160, 555, 60608, 2191, 67142, 661, 13, 281, 9917, 78180, 6969, 4069, 937, 423, 25259, 6483, 5482, 720, 17166, 315, 279, 21594, 432, 27898, 320, 14845, 661, 1069, 436, 3205, 8, 720, 39, 82, 689, 720, 2059, 526, 30237, 258, 720, 1163, 283, 720, 36, 969, 315, 12531, 323, 60902, 720, 36, 969, 315, 468, 20450, 4273, 720, 1163, 258, 720, 74225, 720, 36, 969, 315, 14853, 15422, 82, 720, 55924, 350, 16319, 720, 97488, 350, 16319, 720, 36, 969, 315, 4987, 11500, 2419, 45038, 561, 552, 720, 50, 2005, 720, 51, 526, 14260, 720, 36, 969, 315, 21594, 45038, 561, 552, 720, 50, 2234, 720, 86838, 60671, 720, 56, 10602, 320, 44, 647, 337, 8, 720, 44, 287, 720, 1163, 287, 320, 1692, 66852, 8, 356, 13, 220, 15935, 17, 12, 8610, 20, 426, 13, 356, 13, 128009, 128000, 198, 48, 25, 3639, 374, 279, 4751, 369, 264, 1376, 315, 32349, 35271, 29924, 323, 72693, 23868, 5540, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 88205, 549, 720, 48, 25, 3639, 374, 279, 836, 315, 279, 220, 1114, 339, 34457, 34416, 11775, 25548, 555, 12131, 11826, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 578, 18308, 315, 279, 3816, 32479, 720, 48, 25, 16299, 8620, 67946, 374, 9932, 439, 3515, 264, 3831, 10383, 389, 279, 3229, 596, 990, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 69984, 720, 48, 25, 10699, 374, 279, 3229, 315, 279, 2363, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 21571, 877, 6542, 691, 6969, 52, 720, 48, 25, 3639, 374, 279, 4751, 369, 264, 955, 315, 61324, 430, 66159, 279, 93965, 315, 81869, 1555, 7392, 5820, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 650, 1662, 11872, 3444, 720, 48, 25, 3639, 374, 279, 836, 315, 279, 8620, 67946, 430, 374, 9932, 439, 3515, 264, 5199, 10383, 389, 279, 3229, 596, 990, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 69984, 128009, 128000, 13857, 7388, 220, 679, 20, 555, 8096, 362, 13, 55770, 198, 2460, 3268, 4694, 13, 30114, 304, 279, 3723, 4273, 555, 66480, 18312, 11, 459, 79967, 315, 279, 29743, 198, 51245, 287, 5856, 11, 264, 13096, 315, 71244, 10836, 4783, 15620, 11, 1561, 4356, 13, 8604, 522, 4935, 28602, 287, 916, 198, 27588, 65527, 18312, 374, 264, 9879, 32464, 11, 323, 279, 21918, 1400, 94906, 374, 264, 198, 48126, 21799, 315, 71244, 10836, 4783, 15620, 13, 578, 55166, 910, 47893, 16500, 374, 264, 32464, 315, 1443, 15719, 62770, 11, 4953, 627, 17344, 315, 8151, 32321, 287, 3502, 9483, 476, 367, 2956, 374, 2561, 5304, 198, 2079, 13, 34526, 220, 17272, 13837, 17448, 5120, 24, 198, 68, 7280, 34526, 220, 17272, 13837, 17448, 5037, 21, 198, 68, 7280, 2955, 30464, 505, 17124, 2363, 2955, 555, 42859, 50400, 1216, 198, 31996, 2955, 555, 11246, 612, 23908, 75740, 365, 198, 31996, 40134, 555, 85142, 15302, 15567, 386, 13, 5124, 81, 1013, 198, 85, 19, 13, 16, 198, 64, 1271, 279, 34722, 34, 297, 308, 259, 384, 308, 259, 274, 198, 31996, 198, 3936, 5874, 198, 13857, 198, 35, 291, 20901, 198, 91336, 27231, 198, 9817, 358, 198, 54, 264, 597, 602, 308, 342, 220, 549, 281, 198, 791, 12029, 1082, 198, 16, 13, 2876, 449, 264, 1443, 412, 2345, 4071, 449, 264, 98074, 198, 17, 13, 25531, 311, 14521, 2206, 198, 18, 13, 578, 35236, 1590, 315, 32889, 198, 19, 13, 49981, 69188, 198, 20, 13, 5659, 49981, 26888, 311, 49981, 8877, 61147, 198, 21, 13, 4987, 315, 279, 14319, 198, 22, 13, 70190, 287, 279, 84840, 6739, 198, 23, 13, 71500, 79577, 198, 24, 13, 578, 18042, 4147, 11680, 198, 605, 13, 17283, 264, 61118, 67413, 198, 806, 13, 2175, 578, 68, 311, 264, 3206, 54671, 198, 717, 13, 3277, 279, 11997, 3863, 2209, 32082, 11, 279, 11060, 94117, 198, 9817, 8105, 198, 51, 305, 384, 220, 480, 436, 384, 264, 259, 220, 469, 865, 281, 384, 436, 602, 296, 384, 308, 259, 220, 426, 384, 342, 602, 308, 274, 198, 1032, 13, 578, 47893, 315, 264, 65452, 198, 975, 13, 9601, 38707, 37895, 198, 868, 13, 578, 19912, 323, 279, 16056, 3550, 198, 845, 13, 23548, 279, 90138, 1139, 279, 22435, 198, 1114, 13, 3092, 5629, 12280, 32567, 198, 972, 13, 6914, 1303, 6122, 315, 279, 98996, 198, 777, 13, 21496, 685, 11, 21496, 685, 11, 323, 4497, 21496, 685, 198, 508, 13, 578, 7648, 44921, 38300, 358, 15148, 18374, 53763, 311, 3234, 9817, 14767, 198, 37, 436, 297, 296, 220, 328, 297, 326, 602, 259, 577, 294, 384, 220, 259, 297, 220, 328, 384, 436, 348, 602, 272, 384, 198, 1691, 13, 578, 7290, 315, 264, 19048, 11060, 198, 1313, 13, 1443, 10114, 575, 266, 198, 1419, 13, 83779, 8078, 16492, 82, 264, 63079, 198, 1187, 13, 578, 19176, 2209, 34154, 198, 914, 13, 41137, 279, 18449, 921, 52503, 198, 1627, 13, 2175, 578, 68, 311, 459, 14937, 2453, 198, 9817, 17244, 198, 51, 305, 384, 220, 426, 577, 274, 602, 308, 384, 274, 274, 220, 297, 282, 220, 328, 577, 436, 436, 384, 308, 294, 384, 436, 198, 1544, 13, 362, 8351, 2209, 38916, 198, 1591, 13, 578, 11060, 21275, 198, 1682, 13, 12332, 50599, 198, 966, 13, 578, 18374, 12, 8193, 26673, 19176, 315, 279, 29849, 198, 2148, 13, 6344, 309, 16751, 10934, 315, 264, 53614, 198, 9817, 650, 198, 50, 297, 296, 384, 259, 305, 602, 308, 342, 220, 393, 436, 602, 272, 384, 326, 384, 274, 274, 220, 358, 274, 220, 426, 297, 436, 308, 198, 843, 13, 5659, 279, 19758, 10323, 311, 279, 19758, 17863, 198, 1644, 13, 578, 36127, 315, 578, 13235, 10790, 198, 1958, 13, 578, 23591, 6826, 23621, 198, 1758, 13, 5075, 45252, 369, 24083, 198, 9817, 30768, 198, 51, 305, 384, 220, 435, 297, 436, 272, 384, 274, 220, 297, 282, 220, 452, 264, 259, 577, 436, 264, 326, 220, 480, 436, 297, 289, 259, 305, 198, 1927, 13, 578, 99612, 315, 264, 46626, 8184, 198, 1806, 13, 578, 24780, 13934, 26246, 389, 5751, 25166, 198, 1987, 13, 578, 19176, 91920, 60780, 198, 9817, 46069, 198, 54, 305, 384, 308, 220, 423, 264, 436, 597, 220, 356, 326, 297, 577, 294, 274, 220, 426, 384, 272, 297, 296, 384, 220, 432, 264, 602, 308, 293, 297, 289, 274, 198, 2137, 13, 362, 19898, 315, 15852, 198, 1272, 13, 578, 2522, 661, 42619, 315, 10604, 198, 3174, 13, 578, 5114, 2209, 34154, 369, 279, 12781, 198, 2983, 13, 26982, 2345, 3792, 520, 279, 42982, 198, 9817, 58333, 198, 36, 296, 293, 436, 264, 272, 602, 308, 342, 220, 469, 865, 281, 326, 297, 274, 602, 348, 384, 220, 469, 865, 281, 264, 308, 274, 602, 297, 308, 198, 3391, 13, 578, 13235, 10790, 15883, 11934, 46197, 198, 2096, 13, 13235, 10790, 13332, 2345, 8195, 8796, 198, 1774, 13, 32146, 18238, 12432, 198, 2790, 13, 578, 8191, 323, 6401, 10852, 198, 2618, 13, 386, 96396, 2345, 4071, 2876, 449, 279, 29849, 198, 2166, 13, 17283, 22463, 304, 264, 6187, 198, 2491, 13, 90655, 4470, 304, 6652, 198, 9817, 40812, 198, 51, 297, 259, 264, 326, 220, 328, 577, 436, 436, 384, 308, 294, 384, 436, 198, 1135, 13, 578, 33800, 198, 3971, 13, 7867, 27910, 11, 7867, 27910, 11, 323, 4497, 7867, 27910, 198, 4103, 13, 3723, 4273, 315, 5270, 348, 13, 8096, 362, 13, 55770, 198, 4331, 13, 5075, 45252, 264, 16777, 198, 4370, 13, 578, 18039, 323, 279, 8766, 315, 10734, 198, 2131, 13, 43361, 71678, 198, 3487, 13, 74347, 311, 279, 52950, 198, 10714, 279, 7030, 198, 7816, 555, 279, 7030, 32, 272, 597, 308, 297, 289, 326, 384, 294, 342, 296, 384, 308, 259, 274, 198, 644, 259, 54246, 11, 2324, 374, 220, 2216, 279, 3154, 4917, 315, 420, 2363, 13, 3005, 374, 279, 198, 606, 889, 79754, 279, 9943, 289, 315, 4455, 430, 1051, 779, 198, 13477, 1285, 323, 27387, 814, 30526, 86180, 13, 2030, 198, 14789, 1205, 1608, 757, 220, 311, 2231, 5869, 311, 281, 264, 716, 422, 1077, 63556, 574, 311, 198, 1395, 1871, 477, 78074, 13, 2057, 430, 842, 11, 1364, 3288, 7041, 279, 1314, 198, 16455, 520, 7041, 279, 1314, 892, 311, 4546, 578, 55166, 910, 198, 78880, 220, 1139, 94706, 13, 1102, 374, 220, 449, 2854, 220, 1429, 323, 84211, 9523, 430, 358, 3371, 499, 198, 1073, 279, 57492, 2683, 430, 856, 2027, 6783, 11, 35745, 198, 2300, 1215, 11, 1550, 389, 420, 2363, 13, 6385, 28387, 1752, 323, 659, 1752, 2532, 198, 4752, 1798, 3900, 839, 420, 990, 449, 264, 5647, 315, 15507, 323, 198, 716, 13421, 19029, 1766, 304, 420, 1917, 13, 358, 289, 220, 619, 220, 1101, 1093, 311, 1935, 420, 6776, 311, 9901, 856, 198, 9044, 11, 24765, 622, 61965, 11, 505, 29743, 37933, 11, 369, 682, 279, 198, 19221, 990, 323, 2294, 18726, 568, 20162, 13, 1666, 198, 41450, 387, 3685, 11, 2324, 2605, 887, 291, 279, 11112, 4832, 198, 9044, 311, 7945, 757, 304, 7231, 420, 24365, 311, 1077, 198, 47991, 2136, 13, 1115, 712, 5509, 1047, 1690, 4216, 13016, 11, 682, 315, 8884, 23528, 198, 46593, 13, 358, 1053, 1093, 311, 3254, 704, 7957, 507, 529, 1951, 64, 11, 71138, 5724, 198, 27588, 2353, 11, 323, 49243, 17200, 11, 889, 20162, 11944, 198, 82, 38982, 389, 220, 10165, 1306, 45196, 10702, 2391, 279, 4216, 18094, 315, 198, 26372, 13, 358, 308, 15941, 636, 311, 264, 272, 90153, 30596, 577, 11, 279, 6742, 11, 369, 3515, 198, 1820, 2802, 323, 4737, 279, 892, 311, 1373, 922, 420, 198, 15112, 6431, 278, 9526, 13, 3297, 584, 682, 4048, 311, 15763, 198, 414, 3974, 274, 304, 420, 8056, 15861, 29096, 2697, 2766, 810, 1855, 198, 1316, 815, 384, 272, 259, 602, 297], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": "ritability,\tbrain\tfog,\tpanic\nattacks,\tdisrupted\tsleep,\tdetachment\tfrom\treality\tand\tstress. Heart:\tpalpitations,\ta\tracing\theartbeat,\tpain\tin\tthe\tchest\tregion\tand\ta\nskipping\tor\tirregular\theartbeat. Respiratory\tsystem:\twheezing,\tbreathlessness,\tcoughing,\tchest\ttightness,\nfrequent\tyawning,\tsnoring\tand\tsleep\tapnoea. Gastrointestinal:\tEsophageal\treflux,\theartburn,\taerophobia. Other\tgeneral\tsymptoms\tinclude\tmouth\tdryness,\tfatigue,\tbad\tdreams,\tsleep\ndisturbance,\tnightmares,\tdry\titchy\tskin,\tand\tsweating,\tcramping,\tspasm,\nincreased\turination\tsuch\tas\tbed\twetting\tor\tregular\tvisits\tto\tthe\tbathroom\nduring\tthe\tnight,\tdiarrhea,\tconstipation,\tgeneral\tweakness\tand\tchronic\nexhaustion. Chapter\t3\n\t\n\tApplying\tButeyko\tBreathingHow\tto\tinterpret\tbreathing\texercises\n\t\nA\nll\tbreathing\texercises\tare\taccompanied\tby\ta\tline\tdiagram. To\tinterpret\neach\tdiagram,\tunderstanding\tthe\tfollowing\tis\tessential:\n\t\nHow\tto\tinterpret\tbreathing\tinstructions\n\t\nAll\tbreathing\texercises\tand\tthe\tControl\tPause,\twhich\tinvolves\tholding\tthe\nbreath,\tare\tperformed\tafter\tan\texhalation. Measure\tbreathing\tvolume\t\u2013\tyour\tControl\tPause\n(A\tfree\tvideo\tof\tthis\texercise\tis\tavailable\tfrom\t\nwww.<|eot_id|><|begin_of_text|>\nQ: What does the book \"Anxiety Free: Stop Worrying and Quieten Your Mind\" claim to help the reader achieve?, \nA: The book claims to help the reader achieve a clearer functioning of their mind, resulting in increased happiness, energy, and a better quality of life. \nQ: What is the author's opinion on the role of thinking in our lives?, \nA: The author believes that excessive thinking is unnecessary and can lead to anxiety, depression, and unhappiness. \nQ: What are some factors that increase breathing volume?, \nA: The text mentions that factors such as stress, anxiety, anger, and overeating can increase breathing volume. \nQ: What is the purpose of the Control Pause (CP) exercise?, \nA: The CP is used to measure the length of time that you can hold your breath, and it is used to provide feedback on the improvement of your breathing. \nQ: What is the recommended approach to correct breathing?, \nA: The book suggests that it is essential to reduce breathing volume and maintain a relaxed and calm breathing pattern, and it provides exercises and techniques to help the reader achieve this.<|eot_id|><|begin_of_text|>Reduced\tbreathing\tserves\ttwo\tpurposes:\tthe\tfirst\tis\tto\timprove\toxygenation\tof\nthe\tbrain\tand\tthe\tsecond\tis\tto\ttake\tattention\taway\tfrom\tthe\thead\tand\tto\tthe\nbody. Both\ttogether\tare\tpowerful\ttools\tfor\treducing\tthought\tactivity\tand\nanxiety.Bringing\treduced\tbreathing\tinto\tyour\tway\tof\tlife\nI\n\tam\tsitting\tin\ta\tcafe\tin\tSpiddal,\tCo\tGalway\tas\tI\twrite\tthis. A\tcup\tof\tcoffee\nsits\ton\ta\twooden\ttable. Music\tis\tplaying\tin\tthe\tbackground\u2014classical\tmusic\ninstead\tof\tthe\tusual\ttraditional\tIrish. People\tchat\tand\tthe\tcoffee\tmachine\tis\npercolating. The\tsun\tis\tshining\toutside. I\tsense\tmy\tbreathing,\tand\tfollow\tmy\tbreath\tin\tand\tout. My\tbreath\tis\tquiet\tand\nslow. In\tand\tout,\tin\tand\tout. I\tfeel\tmy\ttummy\tmove\tin\tand\tout,\tvery\tslowly,\never\tslightly. A\tgap\tarises\tbetween\tbreaths. A\tnatural\tgap. Not\tintentional. I\nrelax\tmy\tbody\tand\tfeel\tmy\tbreath\tquietening\teven\tfurther. Slowly\tslowing,\nslowing,\tand\tslowing. A\tsmall\tair\tshortage\toccurs. Only\ta\tgentle\tshortage. My\ntummy\tis\ta\tlittle\ttense. Not\tsure\twhy. I\tbring\tmy\tattention\tto\tmy\ttummy. New\npeople\thave\tjust\tarrived\tand\tare\tshown\ta\tseat. I\ttype\tas\tI\tfollow\tmy\tbreath. Watching\tmy\tbreath. Feeling\tmy\tbreath. My\tmind\tis\tstill,\tquiet\tand\trelaxed. An\tintense\talertness. Watching\tmy\tbreath. Hearing\tthe\tgentle\tnoise\tof\tmusic,\nof\tchatter. Tourists\tare\ton\ttheir\tholidays. Somebody\ttalks\tabout\tnot\thaving\tto\npay\ttax\tat\tShannon. Attention\tis\tback\tto\tmy\tbreath;\ttension\thas\tnow\tdissolved\nin\tmy\ttummy. Following\tmy\tbreath. No\tmovement\tfrom\tmy\tchest. My\ntummy\tgently\tmoves\tin\tand\tout. Quiet,\tslow,\trelaxed,\teven\tbreaths. A\tslight\nair\tshortage. I\tcontinue\tto\tfeel\tthis\tslight\tair\tshortage. A\tnew\tcustomer\twalks\nin. The\tgirl\tserving\tmust\tknow\thim\tas\tshe\tpredicts\twhat\the\tis\tgoing\tto\tdrink. She\tis\tan\tattractive\tIrish\tgirl. I\ttake\ta\tdrink\tof\tthe\tcoffee\tand\ttaste\ta\tslight\nbitterness\tmixed\twith\tthe\tbrown\tsugar. Back\tto\tbreathing. Back\tto\ttyping. My\nmind\thas\tno\ttension. No\tanxiety. No\trushing\tthoughts. My\tbreathing\tis\tquiet,\nquiet.Chapter\t4\n\t\n\tPhysical\texercise\tto\tstill\tthe\tmindTo\tproduce\tmore\tCO\n2\n,\tmove\tyour\tmuscles!I\nn\tmy\texperience,\tpersons\tpartaking\tin\tregular\tphysical\texercise\thave\tbetter\ncontrol\tof\ttheir\tcondition\tthan\tthose\twho\tdon\u2019t. This\tsection\tis\tabout\nexercising\tsafely\tand\tgetting\tthe\tmaximum\tbenefits\tfrom\tit. The\timportance\tof\texercise\nT\nhere\tare\tonly\ttwo\tways\tto\tincrease\tCO\n2\n\tin\tthe\thuman\torganism. The\tfirst\tis\nto\treduce\tbreathing\tvolume\tand\tthe\tsecond\tis\tto\tproduce\tmore\tCO\n2\n\tby\nengaging\tin\tphysical\texercise. CO\n2\n\tis\tgenerated\tthrough\tinner\trespiration\nfrom\tthe\tprocess\tof\tconverting\tfood\tand\toxygen\tinto\tenergy. An\texercising\nmuscle\tgenerates\tmore\tCO\n2\n,\tthus\tencouraging\tthe\trelease\tof\toxygen\tfrom\nhemoglobin\tto\tthat\tmuscle. Remember\tthat\tthe\tpresence\tof\tCO\n2\n\tloosens\tthe\nbond\tbetween\toxygen\tand\themoglobin\twithin\tred\tblood\tcells. Nasal\tbreathing\nA\n\tlow\tCP\tcorresponds\tto\tgreater\tbreathing\tvolume. As\ta\tresult,\tnever\nbreathe\tthrough\tyour\tmouth\tif\tyour\tCP\tis\tlower\tthan\t20\tseconds,\tas\tyour\nbreathing\twill\tbe\tgreater\tthan\twhat\tyour\tbody\trequires. You\tcan\topen\tyour\nmouth\tduring\tsports\tfor\tshort\tperiods\twhen\tyour\tCP\tis\thigher\tthan\t20\nseconds. All\tof\tyour\tbreathing\tshould\tbe\tthrough\tyour\tnose. Initially,\tthis\tmight\tfeel\nimpossible\tbecause\tof\tan\tingrained\thabit\tto\tbreathe\tthrough\tyour\tmouth. But\tdon\u2019t\tworry,\tas\tbreathing\tthrough\tyour\tnose\tis\teasy\tto\tmaster. In\tthe\nbeginning,\tyou\tmight\tfind\tthat\tyou\tare\tunable\tto\twalk\tas\tquickly\tas\tyou\tcan\nwith\tyour\tmouth\topen,\tas\ta\tsense\tof\tbreathlessness\twill\tbe\tmore\tintense. In\ta\nfew\tdays,\tthis\twill\tpass\tand\tyour\twalking\twill\tsteadily\timprove. It\tis\ta\tcase\tof\nquality\tover\tquantity. Your\tbreathing\tvolume\twill\tincrease\tduring\texercise. This\tis\tnot\ta\tproblem\nwhen\tthere\tis\ta\treasonable\tmatch\twith\tyour\tmetabolic\trequirements. However,\tthe\tlower\tyour\tCP,\tthe\tpoorer\tthe\tmatch;\thence,\tthe\tneed\tto\tcontrol\nyour\tbreathing. Feel\tthe\tneed\tfor\tair\tand\tdo\tenough\texercise\tto\tcreate\ta\tsweat\nT\no\tget\tthe\tmost\tbenefit\tfrom\tphysical\tactivity,\tfeel\ta\tneed\tfor\tair. In\tother\nwords,\tget\tto\ta\tpoint\twhere\tyou\tare\tbreathless. Ideally,\tspend\tenough\ttime\ndoing\tphysical\texercise\tto\tproduce\ta\tsweat. Walking\tat\ta\tgood\tpace\twith\tyour\nmouth\tclosed\tfor\ta\thalf\tan\thour\tto\tone\thour\tis\tgreat\texercise. When\tyour\tCP\nis\tlow,\tit\tis\tvery\teasy\tto\tdisrupt\tyour\tbreathing\tso\tbe\tcareful. Go\tgently\tand\ndon\u2019t\tpush\tyourself\tbeyond\tthe\tpoint\tthat\tyou\tcannot\tcontrol\tyour\tbreathing. At\tthe\tsame\ttime,\tf", "token_ids": [1018, 2968, 11, 197, 54160, 1186, 540, 11, 31864, 198, 81210, 11, 35697, 87054, 53633, 11, 2765, 295, 9064, 43827, 17643, 2786, 53577, 18895, 676, 13, 18449, 25, 3303, 278, 79, 31767, 11, 11575, 7145, 4628, 197, 73571, 11, 3303, 467, 17886, 33188, 23918, 478, 197, 4030, 53577, 11575, 198, 4991, 5772, 82266, 197, 404, 23108, 197, 73571, 13, 77934, 5382, 41393, 25, 6831, 383, 10333, 287, 11, 2282, 265, 589, 33028, 11, 1470, 1409, 287, 11, 23918, 478, 3324, 492, 2136, 345, 69, 70791, 14862, 51946, 11, 49351, 5620, 53577, 53633, 70998, 2201, 12791, 13, 480, 23834, 71558, 25, 197, 17812, 99054, 278, 60604, 63959, 11, 197, 18207, 22464, 11, 11575, 261, 55608, 13, 7089, 3253, 18958, 1942, 1631, 52273, 25728, 2157, 2969, 2765, 894, 2136, 11, 1186, 266, 22711, 11, 2282, 329, 2765, 1259, 82, 11, 53633, 198, 12489, 9225, 685, 11, 9215, 492, 63636, 11, 2765, 894, 197, 1641, 88, 1942, 8148, 11, 53577, 1942, 906, 1113, 11, 92592, 31557, 11, 42478, 10753, 345, 43842, 1503, 197, 324, 2617, 1942, 1412, 61551, 2282, 291, 6831, 52189, 82266, 197, 23108, 197, 2749, 1220, 32809, 33188, 2282, 78932, 198, 82977, 33188, 9215, 492, 11, 2765, 72, 1138, 41033, 11, 4882, 49686, 11, 3253, 18958, 197, 13451, 2136, 53577, 197, 7562, 292, 198, 327, 15424, 290, 13, 15957, 197, 18, 18108, 60657, 6852, 13083, 1088, 88, 9509, 13083, 265, 44661, 4438, 32809, 60015, 8203, 2282, 265, 44661, 8285, 48815, 18108, 32, 198, 657, 2282, 265, 44661, 8285, 48815, 197, 548, 197, 73087, 22840, 197, 1729, 11575, 28208, 2765, 72, 5864, 13, 2057, 60015, 8203, 198, 9739, 2765, 72, 5864, 11, 197, 8154, 10276, 33188, 1186, 1573, 287, 20501, 197, 49582, 512, 1602, 4438, 32809, 60015, 8203, 2282, 265, 44661, 17886, 20232, 18108, 2460, 2282, 265, 44661, 8285, 48815, 53577, 33188, 197, 3353, 10230, 3538, 11, 197, 8370, 17886, 12821, 2396, 197, 43591, 33188, 198, 21152, 589, 11, 197, 548, 197, 716, 10365, 197, 10924, 80557, 8285, 12130, 367, 13, 35204, 2282, 265, 44661, 5306, 4765, 197, 4235, 14862, 414, 197, 3353, 10230, 3538, 198, 4444, 17389, 98047, 44323, 2090, 8285, 18865, 20501, 197, 10547, 43827, 1602, 2185, 13, 128009, 128000, 198, 48, 25, 3639, 1587, 279, 2363, 330, 2127, 16708, 3658, 25, 14549, 468, 8635, 287, 323, 42215, 34848, 4718, 23754, 1, 3802, 311, 1520, 279, 6742, 11322, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 578, 2363, 8349, 311, 1520, 279, 6742, 11322, 264, 49479, 31301, 315, 872, 4059, 11, 13239, 304, 7319, 23871, 11, 4907, 11, 323, 264, 2731, 4367, 315, 2324, 13, 720, 48, 25, 3639, 374, 279, 3229, 596, 9647, 389, 279, 3560, 315, 7422, 304, 1057, 6439, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 578, 3229, 13919, 430, 27639, 7422, 374, 26225, 323, 649, 3063, 311, 18547, 11, 18710, 11, 323, 31175, 67391, 13, 720, 48, 25, 3639, 527, 1063, 9547, 430, 5376, 27027, 8286, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 578, 1495, 34945, 430, 9547, 1778, 439, 8631, 11, 18547, 11, 19788, 11, 323, 927, 91955, 649, 5376, 27027, 8286, 13, 720, 48, 25, 3639, 374, 279, 7580, 315, 279, 7935, 50756, 320, 7269, 8, 10368, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 578, 15643, 374, 1511, 311, 6767, 279, 3160, 315, 892, 430, 499, 649, 3412, 701, 11745, 11, 323, 433, 374, 1511, 311, 3493, 11302, 389, 279, 16048, 315, 701, 27027, 13, 720, 48, 25, 3639, 374, 279, 11349, 5603, 311, 4495, 27027, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 578, 2363, 13533, 430, 433, 374, 7718, 311, 8108, 27027, 8286, 323, 10519, 264, 31467, 323, 19858, 27027, 5497, 11, 323, 433, 5825, 23783, 323, 12823, 311, 1520, 279, 6742, 11322, 420, 13, 128009, 128000, 17020, 291, 2282, 265, 44661, 1942, 13583, 3324, 1146, 3303, 324, 8449, 25, 33188, 43290, 20501, 32809, 55992, 35563, 23021, 19472, 367, 44323, 198, 1820, 197, 54160, 53577, 33188, 197, 5686, 20501, 32809, 3324, 731, 197, 54203, 197, 14075, 43827, 33188, 47181, 53577, 32809, 33188, 198, 2664, 13, 11995, 32809, 3522, 197, 548, 3303, 1223, 1285, 197, 16297, 2066, 17643, 1072, 6253, 197, 61665, 197, 7323, 53577, 198, 276, 16708, 1823, 12928, 287, 17643, 54478, 2282, 265, 44661, 2129, 78, 14862, 414, 197, 3195, 44323, 8986, 1643, 198, 40, 198, 197, 309, 1942, 15154, 17886, 11575, 197, 936, 1897, 17886, 197, 6540, 1810, 278, 11, 6391, 78, 9796, 278, 3195, 61551, 25494, 25990, 2090, 13, 362, 1470, 455, 44323, 197, 79217, 198, 82, 1220, 25653, 11575, 197, 6798, 268, 27579, 13, 10948, 20501, 197, 43012, 17886, 33188, 31838, 2345, 1058, 950, 2157, 11785, 198, 65937, 44323, 33188, 71275, 940, 26665, 329, 3079, 25494, 95007, 13, 9029, 197, 9884, 53577, 33188, 197, 79217, 2157, 3899, 20501, 198, 716, 2119, 1113, 13, 578, 1942, 359, 20501, 37296, 5859, 14294, 3002, 13, 358, 1942, 1137, 13938, 2282, 265, 44661, 11, 53577, 1186, 1573, 13938, 2282, 265, 589, 17886, 53577, 14294, 13, 3092, 2282, 265, 589, 20501, 197, 44750, 53577, 198, 36311, 13, 763, 53577, 14294, 11, 17886, 53577, 14294, 13, 358, 1186, 96551, 13938, 3324, 8742, 50388, 17886, 53577, 14294, 11, 197, 1225, 1942, 10516, 398, 345, 2099, 1942, 80598, 13, 362, 3253, 391, 70440, 5014, 2282, 10259, 2282, 265, 27382, 13, 362, 9215, 4688, 3253, 391, 13, 2876, 2129, 3012, 278, 13, 358, 198, 3833, 710, 13938, 36502, 53577, 1186, 96551, 13938, 2282, 265, 589, 197, 44750, 6147, 7883, 1055, 1186, 4004, 13, 39247, 398, 1942, 10516, 287, 345, 3306, 24060, 11, 53577, 1942, 10516, 287, 13, 362, 1942, 30632, 197, 1334, 49081, 425, 197, 14310, 1759, 13, 8442, 11575, 3253, 306, 273, 49081, 425, 13, 3092, 198, 83, 8742, 20501, 11575, 8986, 2433, 3324, 1137, 13, 2876, 1942, 554, 197, 35734, 13, 358, 81355, 287, 13938, 197, 54203, 32809, 13938, 3324, 8742, 13, 1561, 198, 16455, 9793, 525, 197, 4345, 37611, 2270, 53577, 197, 548, 37296, 785, 11575, 197, 44158, 13, 358, 13459, 61551, 25494, 1186, 1573, 13938, 2282, 265, 589, 13, 69676, 13938, 2282, 265, 589, 13, 74658, 13938, 2282, 265, 589, 13, 3092, 2157, 485, 20501, 18895, 484, 11, 197, 44750, 53577, 197, 3833, 52551, 13, 1556, 2129, 1137, 25167, 2136, 13, 69676, 13938, 2282, 265, 589, 13, 66550, 33188, 3253, 306, 273, 197, 53318, 44323, 2157, 11785, 345, 1073, 23918, 1683, 13, 14986, 1705, 197, 548, 25653, 33188, 404, 9793, 20485, 13, 94192, 3324, 1727, 82, 197, 9274, 98366, 9793, 2370, 32809, 198, 14214, 3324, 710, 36547, 197, 2059, 17893, 13, 63120, 20501, 78546, 32809, 13938, 2282, 265, 589, 26, 3324, 2711, 64355, 82022, 2765, 1056, 8905, 198, 258, 13938, 3324, 8742, 13, 23548, 13938, 2282, 265, 589, 13, 2360, 2157, 14797, 43827, 13938, 23918, 478, 13, 3092, 198, 83, 8742, 3253, 4501, 2157, 10296, 17886, 53577, 14294, 13, 68587, 11, 1942, 10516, 11, 197, 3833, 52551, 11, 7883, 1055, 2282, 265, 27382, 13, 362, 1942, 4238, 198, 1334, 49081, 425, 13, 358, 11926, 32809, 1186, 96551, 2090, 1942, 4238, 197, 1334, 49081, 425, 13, 362, 8808, 1470, 4493, 6831, 1727, 82, 198, 258, 13, 578, 3253, 2881, 1942, 20073, 2157, 592, 16868, 3409, 9793, 318, 61551, 1942, 383, 3303, 9037, 82, 197, 12840, 197, 383, 20501, 31780, 287, 32809, 2765, 35465, 13, 3005, 20501, 80557, 36547, 70178, 25494, 95007, 3253, 2881, 13, 358, 3324, 731, 11575, 2765, 35465, 44323, 33188, 197, 79217, 53577, 3324, 5642, 11575, 1942, 4238, 198, 65, 3328, 2136, 2157, 3366, 48048, 33188, 2282, 4935, 1942, 8734, 13, 6984, 32809, 2282, 265, 44661, 13, 6984, 32809, 26382, 287, 13, 3092, 198, 38824, 64355, 73204, 3324, 2711, 13, 2360, 80557, 16708, 13, 2360, 7145, 41913, 197, 61665, 82, 13, 3092, 2282, 265, 44661, 20501, 197, 44750, 345, 44750, 6487, 2943, 197, 19, 18108, 197, 40353, 8285, 18865, 32809, 18895, 484, 33188, 2157, 485, 1271, 197, 98374, 2157, 461, 6391, 46, 198, 17, 198, 11, 50388, 14862, 414, 2157, 355, 19153, 91597, 198, 77, 13938, 8285, 13267, 11, 99905, 82, 73972, 1802, 17886, 197, 23108, 197, 47692, 8285, 18865, 9793, 525, 2282, 22120, 198, 2935, 44323, 33188, 404, 197, 9233, 197, 54895, 197, 54719, 197, 14965, 2765, 263, 1431, 13, 1115, 197, 2879, 20501, 197, 9274, 198, 327, 3035, 3876, 1942, 2642, 989, 53577, 10582, 1303, 33188, 23359, 3375, 2282, 51565, 1220, 43827, 24263, 13, 578, 22682, 685, 44323, 8285, 18865, 198, 51, 198, 6881, 197, 548, 197, 3323, 3324, 1146, 197, 2336, 32809, 17886, 20542, 6391, 46, 198, 17, 198, 17886, 33188, 9793, 7282, 197, 8629, 2191, 13, 578, 43290, 20501, 198, 998, 17643, 13677, 2282, 265, 44661, 5306, 4765, 53577, 33188, 197, 5686, 20501, 32809, 197, 98374, 2157, 461, 6391, 46, 198, 17, 198, 197, 1729, 198, 833, 4210, 17886, 197, 47692, 8285, 18865, 13, 7432, 198, 17, 198, 20501, 3253, 10766, 197, 20322, 197, 4481, 10413, 29579, 198, 1527, 33188, 54414, 44323, 38303, 50517, 197, 14239, 53577, 23021, 19472, 2129, 78, 197, 17947, 13, 1556, 8285, 3035, 3876, 198, 38827, 9326, 3253, 804, 988, 2157, 461, 6391, 46, 198, 17, 198, 11, 197, 34232, 197, 967, 414, 4210, 33188, 17643, 1655, 44323, 23021, 19472, 43827, 198, 30132, 94855, 32809, 64442, 2157, 355, 9326, 13, 20474, 64442, 33188, 3303, 417, 768, 44323, 6391, 46, 198, 17, 198, 197, 385, 437, 729, 33188, 198, 65339, 2282, 10259, 23021, 19472, 53577, 9793, 336, 94855, 48048, 258, 197, 1171, 2282, 4659, 1470, 6572, 13, 39322, 278, 2282, 265, 44661, 198, 32, 198, 8986, 363, 6391, 47, 1470, 269, 6961, 82, 32809, 3253, 29462, 2282, 265, 44661, 5306, 4765, 13, 1666, 11575, 9753, 11, 197, 37593, 198, 65, 1244, 383, 197, 20322, 14862, 414, 2157, 2969, 748, 14862, 414, 6391, 47, 20501, 8986, 1223, 197, 54895, 197, 508, 197, 17859, 11, 61551, 14862, 414, 198, 21152, 44661, 6831, 484, 74242, 3253, 29462, 197, 54895, 197, 12840, 14862, 414, 36502, 197, 42475, 13, 1472, 94036, 53299, 14862, 414, 198, 33780, 2765, 1711, 1942, 3476, 2066, 49081, 197, 19862, 82, 61280, 14862, 414, 6391, 47, 20501, 9793, 1108, 261, 197, 54895, 197, 508, 198, 17859, 13, 2052, 44323, 14862, 414, 2282, 265, 44661, 197, 5562, 74242, 197, 20322, 14862, 414, 9215, 974, 13, 59656, 11, 2090, 2157, 492, 1186, 96551, 198, 318, 10236, 2282, 6769, 44323, 80557, 197, 287, 81, 2692, 9793, 40027, 32809, 2282, 1244, 383, 197, 20322, 14862, 414, 2157, 2969, 13, 2030, 2765, 263, 1431, 6831, 8635, 11, 61551, 2282, 265, 44661, 197, 20322, 14862, 414, 9215, 974, 20501, 7883, 6539, 32809, 2157, 2352, 13, 763, 33188, 198, 7413, 1251, 11, 197, 9514, 2157, 492, 81703, 64442, 197, 9514, 197, 548, 21113, 481, 32809, 6831, 1727, 61551, 197, 28863, 398, 61551, 197, 9514, 94036, 198, 4291, 14862, 414, 2157, 2969, 53299, 11, 61551, 11575, 1942, 1137, 44323, 2282, 265, 589, 33028, 6831, 484, 74242, 2157, 461, 2129, 1137, 13, 763, 11575, 198, 71830, 2765, 954, 11, 2090, 6831, 484, 42531, 53577, 14862, 414, 6831, 30855, 6831, 484, 18895, 3228, 1570, 55992, 35563, 13, 1102, 20501, 11575, 2789, 44323, 198, 10692, 197, 2017, 197, 13832, 13, 4718, 2282, 265, 44661, 5306, 4765, 6831, 484, 17886, 20542, 2765, 1711, 8285, 18865, 13, 1115, 20501, 98366, 11575, 197, 35686, 198, 9493, 197, 19041, 20501, 11575, 17643, 1525, 481, 48806, 48048, 14862, 414, 2157, 295, 57565, 18441, 1392, 13, 4452, 11, 33188, 8986, 1223, 14862, 414, 6391, 47, 11, 33188, 3303, 10922, 261, 33188, 48806, 26, 9793, 768, 11, 33188, 197, 17483, 32809, 83886, 198, 22479, 2282, 265, 44661, 13, 32833, 33188, 197, 17483, 2066, 197, 1334, 53577, 20530, 82948, 1409, 8285, 18865, 32809, 40363, 11575, 1942, 906, 266, 198, 51, 198, 78, 10582, 33188, 2157, 537, 2282, 89729, 43827, 197, 47692, 197, 7323, 11, 1186, 96551, 11575, 197, 17483, 2066, 197, 1334, 13, 763, 197, 1605, 198, 5880, 11, 10582, 32809, 11575, 59574, 56842, 197, 9514, 197, 548, 2282, 265, 589, 1752, 13, 67801, 11, 1942, 3825, 82948, 1409, 22724, 198, 45359, 197, 47692, 8285, 18865, 32809, 197, 98374, 11575, 1942, 906, 266, 13, 40155, 36547, 11575, 3253, 1411, 197, 1330, 48048, 14862, 414, 198, 33780, 1470, 9443, 2066, 11575, 9793, 3181, 80557, 9793, 414, 32809, 197, 606, 9793, 414, 20501, 3253, 1244, 8285, 18865, 13, 3277, 14862, 414, 6391, 47, 198, 285, 8986, 363, 11, 24263, 20501, 197, 1225, 7883, 6539, 32809, 35697, 6722, 14862, 414, 2282, 265, 44661, 197, 708, 74242, 1470, 548, 1285, 13, 6122, 3253, 4501, 53577, 198, 15357, 1431, 44255, 14862, 414, 726, 2282, 23478, 33188, 59574, 64442, 197, 9514, 1470, 3483, 83886, 14862, 414, 2282, 265, 44661, 13, 2468, 33188, 1942, 373, 22724, 11, 1186], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": "overty. As\ta\tdeveloping\tpopulation\taccumulates\nwealth,\tpeople\tchange\ttheir\teating\thabits,\tlifestyles\tand\tsanitation\tsystems. As\nwealth\taccumulates,\tmore\tand\tmore\tpeople\tdie\tfrom\t\u201crich\u201d\tdiseases\tof\naffluence\tthan\t\u201cpoor\u201d\tdiseases\tof\tpoverty. Because\tthese\tdiseases\tof\taffluence\nare\tso\ttightly\tlinked\tto\teating\thabits,\tdiseases\tof\taffluence\tmight\tbe\tbetter\nnamed\t\u201cdiseases\tof\tnutritional\textravagance.\u201d\tThe\tvast\tmajority\tof\tpeople\tin\nthe\tUnited\tStates\tand\tother\tWestern\tcountries\tdie\tfrom\tdiseases\tof\taffluence. For\tthis\treason,\tthese\tdiseases\tare\toften\treferred\tto\tas\t\u201cWestern\u201d\tdiseases. Some\trural\tcounties\thad\tfew\tdiseases\tof\taffluence\twhile\tother\tcounties\thad\nfar\tmore\tof\tthese\tdiseases. The\tcore\tquestion\tof\tthe\tChina\tStudy\twas\tthis:\tis\tit\nbecause\tof\tdifferences\tin\tdietary\thabits? STATISTICAL\tSIGNIFICANCE\nAs\tI\tgo\tthrough\tthis\tchapter,\tI\twill\tindicate\tthe\tstatistical\tsignificance\tof\nvarious\tobservations. Roman\tnumeral\tone\t(\nI\n)\tmeans\t95+%\tcertainty;\nroman\tnumeral\ttwo\t(\nII\n)\tmeans\t99+%\tcertainty;\tand\troman\tnumeral\tthree\n(\nIII\n)\tmeans\t99.9+%\tcertainty. No\troman\tnumeral\tmeans\tthat\tthe\tassociation\nis\tsomething\tless\tthan\t95%\tcertainty. 11\n\tThese\tprobabilities\talso\tcan\tbe\ndescribed\tas\tthe\tprobability\tthat\tan\tobservation\tis\treal. A\t95%\tcertainty\nmeans\ta\t19\tin\t20\tprobability\tthat\tthe\tobservation\tis\treal;\ta\t99%\tcertainty\nmeans\ta\t99\tin\t100\tprobability\tthat\tthe\tobservation\tis\treal;\tand\ta\t99.9%\ncertainty\tmeans\ta\t999\tin\t1,000\tprobability\tthat\tthe\tobservation\tis\treal.BLOOD\tCHOLESTEROL\tAND\tDISEASE\nWe\tcompared\tthe\tprevalence\tof\tWestern\tdiseases\tin\teach\tcounty\twith\tdiet\tand\nlifestyle\tvariables\tand,\tto\tour\tsurprise,\twe\tfound\tthat\tone\tof\tthe\tstrongest\npredictors\tof\tWestern\tdiseases\twas\tblood\tcholesterol. IIIIN\tYOUR\tFOOD\u2014IN\tYOUR\tBLOOD\nThere\tare\ttwo\tmain\tcategories\tof\tcholesterol. Dietary\tcholesterol\n\tis\tpresent\tin\nthe\tfood\twe\teat. It\tis\ta\tcomponent\tof\tfood,\tmuch\tlike\tsugar,\tfat,\tprotein,\nvitamins\tand\tminerals. This\tcholesterol\tis\tfound\tonly\tin\tanimal-based\tfood\nand\tis\tthe\tone\twe\tfind\ton\tfood\tlabels. How\tmuch\tdietary\tcholesterol\tyou\nconsume\tis\t\nnot\n\tsomething\tyour\tdoctor\tcan\tknow\twhen\the\tor\tshe\tchecks\tyour\ncholesterol\tlevels. The\tdoctor\tcan\u2019t\t\nmeasure\tdietary\tcholesterol\tany\tmore\tthan\nhe\tor\tshe\tcan\tmeasure\thow\tmany\thot\tdogs\tand\tchicken\tbreasts\tyou\u2019ve\tbeen\neating. Instead,\tthe\tdoctor\tmeasures\tthe\tamount\tof\tcholesterol\tpresent\tin\tyour\nblood. This\tsecond\ttype\tof\tcholesterol,\t\nblood\tcholesterol,\n\tis\tmade\tin\tthe\tliver. Blood\tcholesterol\tand\tdietary\tcholesterol,\talthough\tchemically\tidentical,\tdo\nnot\trepresent\tthe\tsame\tthing. A\tsimilar\tsituation\toccurs\twith\tfat. Dietary\tfat\tis\nthe\tstuff\tyou\teat:\tthe\tgrease\ton\tyour\tFrench\tfries,\tfor\texample. Body\tfat,\ton\nthe\tother\thand,\tis\tthe\tstuff\tmade\tby\tyour\tbody\tand\tis\tvery\tdifferent\tfrom\tthe\nfat\tthat\tyou\tspread\ton\tyour\ttoast\tin\tthe\tmorning\t(butter\tor\tmargarine). Dietary\nfats\tand\tcholesterol\tdon\u2019t\tnecessarily\tturn\tinto\tbody\tfat\tand\tblood\tcholesterol. The\tway\tthe\tbody\tmakes\tbody\tfat\tand\tblood\tcholesterol\tis\textremely\ncomplex,\tinvolving\thundreds\tof\tdifferent\tchemical\treactions\tand\tdozens\tof\nnutrients. Because\tof\tthis\tcomplexity,\tthe\thealth\teffects\tof\teating\tdietary\tfat\nand\tdietary\tcholesterol\tmay\tbe\tvery\tdifferent\tfrom\tthe\thealth\teffects\tof\thaving\nhigh\tblood\tcholesterol\t(what\tyour\tdoctor\tmeasures)\tor\thaving\ttoo\tmuch\tbody\nfat. As\tblood\tcholesterol\tlevels\tin\trural\tChina\trose\tin\tcertain\tcounties,\tthe\nincidence\tof\t\u201cWestern\u201d\tdiseases\talso\tincreased. What\tmade\tthis\tso\tsurprising\nwas\tthat\tChinese\tlevels\twere\tfar\tlower\tthan\twe\thad\texpected. The\taverage\nlevel\tof\tblood\tcholesterol\twas\tonly\t127\tmg/dL,\twhich\tis\talmost\t100\tpoints\nless\tthan\tthe\tAmerican\taverage\t(215\tmg/dL)! 12\n\tSome\tcounties\thad\taverage\nlevels\tas\tlow\tas\t94\tmg/dL. For\ttwo\tgroups\tof\tabout\ttwenty-five\twomen\tin\tthe\ninner\tpart\tof\tChina,\taverage\tblood\tcholesterol\twas\tat\tthe\tamazingly\tlow\tlevel\nof\t80\tmg/dL. If\tyou\tknow\tyour\town\tcholesterol\tlevels,\tyou\u2019ll\tappreciate\thow\tlow\tthese\nvalues\treally\tare. In\tthe\tU.S.,\tour\trange\tis\taround\t170-290\tmg/dL. Our\tlow\nvalues\tare\tnear\tthe\thigh\tvalues\tfor\trural\tChina. Indeed,\tin\tthe\tU.S.,\tthere\twas\na\tmyth\tthat\tthere\tmight\tbe\thealth\tproblems\tif\tcholesterol\tlevels\twere\tbelow\n150\tmg/dL. If\twe\tfollowed\tthat\tline\tof\tthinking,\tabout\t85%\tof\tthe\trural\nChinese\twould\tappear\tto\tbe\tin\ttrouble. But\tthe\ttruth\tis\tquite\tdifferent. Lower\nblood\tcholesterol\tlevels\tare\tlinked\tto\tlower\trates\tof\theart\tdisease,\tcancer\tand\nother\tWestern\tdiseases,\teven\tat\tlevels\tfar\tbelow\tthose\tconsidered\t\u201csafe\u201d\tin\nthe\tWest.At\tthe\toutset\tof\tthe\tChina\tStudy,\tno\tone\tcould\tor\twould\thave\tpredicted\nthat\tthere\twould\tbe\ta\trelationship\tbetween\tcholesterol\tand\tany\tof\tthe\tdisease\nrates. What\ta\tsurprise\twe\tgot! As\tblood\tcholesterol\tlevels\tdecreased\tfrom\t170\nmg/dL\tto\t90\tmg/dL,\tcancers\tof\tthe\tliver,\nII\n\trectum,\nI\n\tcolon,\nII\n\tmale\tlung,\nI\n\tfemale\nlung,\tbreast,\tchildhood\tleukemia,\t\nadult\tleukemia,\nI\n\tchildhood\tbrain,\tadult\nbrain,\nI\n\tstomach\tand\tesophagus\t(throat)\tdecreased. As\tyou\tcan\tsee,\tthis\tis\ta\nsizable\tlist. Most\tAmericans\tknow\tthat\tif\tyou\thave\thigh\tcholesterol,\tyou\nshould\tworry\tabout\tyour\theart,\tbut\tthey\tdon\u2019t\tknow\tthat\tyou\tmight\twant\tto\nworry\tabout\tcancer\tas\twell. There\tare\tseveral\ttypes\tof\tblood\tcholesterol,\tincluding\tLDL\tand\tHDL\ncholesterol. LDL\tis\tthe\t\u201cbad\u201d\tkind\tand\tHDL\tis\tthe\t\u201cgood\u201d\tkind. In\tthe\tChina\nStudy\thigher\tlevels\tof\tthe\tbad\tLDL\tcholesterol\talso\twere\tassociated\twith\nWestern\tdiseases. Keep\tin\tmind\tthat\tthese\tdiseases,\tby\tWestern\tstandards,\twere\trelatively\nrare\tin\tChina\tand\tthat\tblood\tcholesterol\tlevels\twere\tquite\tlow\tby\tWestern\nstandards. Our\tfindings\tmade\ta\tconvincing\tcase\tthat\tmany\tChinese\thad\tan\nadvantage\tat\tthe\tlower\tcholesterol\tlevels,\teven\tbelow\t170\tmg/dL. Now\nimagine\ta\tcountry\twhere\tthe\tinhabitants\thad\tblood\tcholesterol\tlevels\tfar\nhigher\tthan\tthe\tChinese\taverage. You\tmight\texpect\tthat\tthese\trelatively\trare\ndiseases,\tsuch\tas\theart\tdisease\tand\tsome\tcancers,\twould\tbe\tprevelant,\tperhaps\neven\tthe\tleading\tkillers! Of\tcourse,\tthis\tis\texactly\tthe\tcase\tin\tthe\tWest. To\tgive\ta\tcouple\tof\nexamples\tat\tthe\ttime\tof\tour\tstudy,\tthe\tdeath\trate\tfrom\tcoronary\theart\tdisease\nwas\t\nseventeen", "token_ids": [78, 17098, 13, 1666, 11575, 197, 16219, 287, 75913, 2987, 197, 40031, 24031, 198, 31633, 11, 197, 16455, 69480, 33188, 404, 7883, 1113, 9793, 370, 1220, 11, 8986, 73625, 53577, 1942, 276, 7709, 41393, 82, 13, 1666, 198, 31633, 197, 40031, 24031, 11, 2157, 461, 53577, 2157, 461, 197, 16455, 38004, 43827, 197, 2118, 14172, 863, 2765, 1082, 2315, 44323, 198, 2715, 10036, 768, 197, 54895, 197, 2118, 5481, 269, 863, 2765, 1082, 2315, 44323, 3303, 78, 17098, 13, 9393, 197, 45010, 2765, 1082, 2315, 44323, 197, 2715, 10036, 768, 198, 548, 197, 708, 3324, 73048, 197, 44233, 32809, 7883, 1113, 9793, 370, 1220, 11, 2765, 1082, 2315, 44323, 197, 2715, 10036, 768, 2157, 492, 74242, 2282, 22120, 198, 31345, 197, 2118, 67, 1082, 2315, 44323, 9215, 332, 37842, 8285, 376, 402, 351, 685, 2029, 33026, 5306, 561, 2157, 3111, 488, 44323, 197, 16455, 17886, 198, 1820, 197, 23175, 197, 24137, 53577, 197, 1605, 17749, 478, 944, 1470, 20730, 38004, 43827, 2765, 1082, 2315, 44323, 197, 2715, 10036, 768, 13, 1789, 2090, 17643, 1525, 11, 197, 45010, 2765, 1082, 2315, 197, 548, 197, 61917, 17643, 5671, 32809, 61551, 197, 2118, 55924, 863, 2765, 1082, 2315, 13, 4427, 7145, 4269, 18523, 552, 9793, 329, 1186, 365, 2765, 1082, 2315, 44323, 197, 2715, 10036, 768, 5329, 197, 1605, 18523, 552, 9793, 329, 198, 24470, 2157, 461, 44323, 197, 45010, 2765, 1082, 2315, 13, 578, 72982, 197, 7998, 44323, 33188, 197, 23078, 197, 49812, 6831, 300, 2090, 25, 20501, 24263, 198, 28753, 44323, 2765, 59426, 17886, 2765, 3978, 661, 9793, 370, 1220, 30, 26030, 3931, 15942, 7721, 6399, 34735, 8606, 198, 2170, 25494, 31780, 197, 20322, 2090, 23918, 2943, 11, 25494, 6831, 484, 197, 485, 8630, 33188, 79185, 40596, 70154, 100104, 44323, 198, 959, 1245, 197, 71484, 13, 13041, 23239, 3333, 197, 606, 197, 1021, 40, 198, 8, 50394, 598, 197, 2721, 85083, 1470, 81246, 280, 63114, 23239, 3333, 3324, 1146, 197, 1021, 5660, 198, 8, 50394, 598, 197, 1484, 85083, 1470, 81246, 26, 53577, 197, 63114, 23239, 3333, 197, 28956, 198, 1021, 23440, 198, 8, 50394, 598, 197, 1484, 13, 24, 85083, 1470, 81246, 13, 2360, 197, 63114, 23239, 3333, 50394, 598, 64442, 33188, 197, 55565, 198, 285, 1942, 11793, 197, 1752, 197, 54895, 197, 2721, 4, 1470, 81246, 13, 220, 806, 198, 197, 9673, 197, 20493, 8623, 197, 19171, 94036, 74242, 198, 5919, 17890, 61551, 33188, 197, 88540, 64442, 80557, 197, 79060, 20501, 92974, 13, 362, 197, 2721, 4, 1470, 81246, 198, 47321, 11575, 197, 777, 17886, 197, 508, 197, 88540, 64442, 33188, 197, 79060, 20501, 92974, 26, 11575, 197, 1484, 4, 1470, 81246, 198, 47321, 11575, 197, 1484, 17886, 197, 1041, 197, 88540, 64442, 33188, 197, 79060, 20501, 92974, 26, 53577, 11575, 197, 1484, 13, 24, 14062, 12525, 18773, 50394, 598, 11575, 197, 5500, 17886, 197, 16, 11, 931, 197, 88540, 64442, 33188, 197, 79060, 20501, 92974, 1823, 90731, 197, 2198, 17328, 39023, 1971, 52711, 11198, 9311, 4157, 198, 1687, 197, 5807, 1636, 33188, 41446, 838, 768, 44323, 17749, 478, 944, 2765, 1082, 2315, 17886, 7883, 613, 18523, 88, 48048, 2765, 3978, 53577, 198, 75, 16886, 2462, 2205, 82, 53577, 11, 32809, 197, 414, 1942, 324, 9868, 11, 197, 906, 59202, 64442, 197, 606, 44323, 33188, 197, 4620, 478, 198, 35798, 1105, 44323, 17749, 478, 944, 2765, 1082, 2315, 6831, 300, 2282, 4659, 197, 971, 273, 33282, 13, 14767, 691, 66422, 6934, 197, 3873, 2114, 2345, 691, 66422, 6934, 13083, 90731, 198, 3947, 197, 548, 3324, 1146, 37741, 1470, 5381, 44323, 197, 971, 273, 33282, 13, 83808, 197, 971, 273, 33282, 198, 20501, 3303, 2762, 17886, 198, 1820, 197, 14239, 197, 906, 7883, 266, 13, 1102, 20501, 11575, 53328, 44323, 197, 14239, 11, 2157, 1412, 197, 4908, 1942, 8734, 11, 1186, 266, 11, 197, 79565, 345, 55911, 38925, 53577, 26388, 17822, 13, 1115, 197, 971, 273, 33282, 20501, 59202, 197, 3323, 17886, 197, 48999, 6108, 197, 14239, 198, 438, 20501, 33188, 197, 606, 197, 906, 81703, 25653, 197, 14239, 96243, 13, 2650, 2157, 1412, 2765, 3978, 661, 197, 971, 273, 33282, 197, 9514, 198, 85594, 20501, 1602, 1962, 198, 1942, 11793, 14862, 414, 20530, 5009, 94036, 16868, 3409, 61280, 197, 383, 82266, 1942, 383, 26215, 82, 14862, 414, 198, 971, 273, 33282, 197, 43664, 13, 578, 20530, 5009, 94036, 1431, 1602, 48899, 2765, 3978, 661, 197, 971, 273, 33282, 197, 3852, 2157, 461, 197, 54895, 198, 383, 82266, 1942, 383, 94036, 50394, 4058, 197, 5269, 197, 35676, 9793, 354, 2765, 27403, 53577, 23918, 9890, 2282, 265, 12019, 197, 9514, 4070, 74242, 268, 198, 91955, 13, 12361, 11, 33188, 20530, 5009, 50394, 24368, 33188, 197, 6173, 44323, 197, 971, 273, 33282, 3303, 2762, 17886, 14862, 414, 198, 51105, 13, 1115, 197, 5686, 13459, 44323, 197, 971, 273, 33282, 11, 1602, 51105, 197, 971, 273, 33282, 345, 20501, 2157, 1037, 17886, 33188, 8986, 1553, 13, 20671, 197, 971, 273, 33282, 53577, 2765, 3978, 661, 197, 971, 273, 33282, 11, 197, 37241, 197, 2464, 2740, 197, 1748, 950, 11, 20530, 198, 1962, 197, 36369, 33188, 1942, 373, 197, 1626, 13, 362, 1942, 79962, 1942, 275, 4090, 197, 14310, 1759, 48048, 1186, 266, 13, 83808, 1186, 266, 20501, 198, 1820, 18895, 1386, 197, 9514, 7883, 266, 25, 33188, 3253, 265, 521, 25653, 14862, 414, 13017, 6793, 1186, 4108, 11, 2066, 8285, 1545, 13, 14285, 1186, 266, 11, 25653, 198, 1820, 197, 1605, 9793, 438, 11, 20501, 33188, 18895, 1386, 2157, 1037, 197, 1729, 14862, 414, 36502, 53577, 20501, 197, 1225, 2765, 18780, 43827, 33188, 198, 45283, 64442, 197, 9514, 1942, 21376, 25653, 14862, 414, 32809, 561, 17886, 33188, 2157, 80675, 197, 1921, 6339, 82266, 2157, 34992, 483, 570, 83808, 198, 69, 1900, 53577, 197, 971, 273, 33282, 2765, 263, 1431, 9215, 74753, 197, 413, 2129, 78, 36502, 1186, 266, 53577, 2282, 4659, 197, 971, 273, 33282, 13, 578, 197, 3195, 33188, 36502, 2157, 2094, 36502, 1186, 266, 53577, 2282, 4659, 197, 971, 273, 33282, 20501, 96550, 54358, 198, 24126, 11, 17886, 12821, 4504, 9793, 46813, 44323, 2765, 18780, 197, 32056, 17643, 4109, 53577, 2765, 9700, 729, 44323, 198, 24217, 32930, 13, 9393, 44323, 2090, 197, 24126, 488, 11, 33188, 197, 12393, 7883, 41027, 44323, 7883, 1113, 2765, 3978, 661, 1186, 266, 198, 438, 2765, 3978, 661, 197, 971, 273, 33282, 2157, 352, 74242, 197, 1225, 2765, 18780, 43827, 33188, 197, 12393, 7883, 41027, 44323, 9793, 2370, 198, 12156, 2282, 4659, 197, 971, 273, 33282, 197, 7, 12840, 14862, 414, 20530, 5009, 50394, 24368, 8, 82266, 9793, 2370, 32809, 78, 2157, 1412, 36502, 198, 45283, 13, 1666, 2282, 4659, 197, 971, 273, 33282, 197, 43664, 17886, 7145, 4269, 197, 23078, 197, 25888, 17886, 1470, 7770, 18523, 552, 11, 33188, 198, 2910, 7232, 44323, 197, 2118, 55924, 863, 2765, 1082, 2315, 197, 19171, 17886, 846, 1503, 13, 3639, 2157, 1037, 2090, 197, 708, 1942, 324, 34754, 198, 16514, 64442, 197, 46023, 197, 43664, 6831, 486, 1186, 277, 8986, 1223, 197, 54895, 197, 906, 9793, 329, 43500, 13, 578, 197, 17645, 198, 3374, 44323, 2282, 4659, 197, 971, 273, 33282, 6831, 300, 197, 3323, 197, 6804, 2157, 70, 3529, 43, 11, 197, 8370, 20501, 197, 60301, 197, 1041, 68599, 198, 1752, 197, 54895, 33188, 23845, 16093, 197, 17645, 197, 7, 12112, 2157, 70, 3529, 43, 42395, 220, 717, 198, 7721, 638, 18523, 552, 9793, 329, 197, 17645, 198, 43664, 61551, 8986, 363, 61551, 197, 6281, 2157, 70, 3529, 43, 13, 1789, 3324, 1146, 45360, 82, 44323, 197, 9274, 3324, 86, 7313, 36399, 6831, 6431, 17886, 33188, 198, 4481, 73972, 44323, 197, 23078, 11, 197, 17645, 2282, 4659, 197, 971, 273, 33282, 6831, 300, 36547, 33188, 197, 309, 6795, 398, 8986, 363, 54843, 198, 1073, 197, 1490, 2157, 70, 3529, 43, 13, 1442, 197, 9514, 16868, 3409, 14862, 414, 197, 785, 197, 971, 273, 33282, 197, 43664, 11, 197, 9514, 4805, 29336, 2827, 6629, 197, 5269, 8986, 363, 197, 45010, 198, 3745, 17643, 750, 197, 548, 13, 763, 33188, 16360, 815, 2637, 197, 414, 76187, 20501, 197, 20019, 197, 8258, 12, 13754, 2157, 70, 3529, 43, 13, 5751, 8986, 363, 198, 3745, 197, 548, 9215, 686, 33188, 9793, 1108, 47039, 2066, 7145, 4269, 197, 23078, 13, 23150, 11, 17886, 33188, 16360, 815, 2637, 197, 19041, 6831, 300, 198, 64, 13938, 339, 64442, 197, 19041, 2157, 492, 74242, 197, 12393, 197, 96440, 748, 197, 971, 273, 33282, 197, 43664, 6831, 486, 2282, 50481, 198, 3965, 2157, 70, 3529, 43, 13, 1442, 197, 906, 1186, 1573, 291, 64442, 28208, 44323, 71579, 16113, 11, 197, 9274, 197, 5313, 4, 44323, 33188, 7145, 4269, 198, 46023, 6831, 619, 197, 41866, 32809, 74242, 17886, 26665, 1222, 13, 2030, 33188, 26665, 952, 20501, 197, 84270, 2765, 18780, 13, 28636, 198, 51105, 197, 971, 273, 33282, 197, 43664, 197, 548, 197, 44233, 32809, 8986, 1223, 7145, 988, 44323, 197, 18207, 2765, 56407, 11, 1470, 11967, 53577, 198, 1605, 17749, 478, 944, 2765, 1082, 2315, 11, 7883, 1055, 36547, 197, 43664, 1186, 277, 2282, 50481, 197, 54719, 197, 25742, 291, 197, 2118, 19193, 863, 17886, 198, 1820, 17749, 478, 15913, 33188, 14294, 751, 44323, 33188, 197, 23078, 197, 49812, 11, 73204, 197, 606, 1470, 619, 82266, 6831, 619, 9793, 525, 3303, 9037, 291, 198, 9210, 197, 19041, 6831, 619, 74242, 11575, 197, 37195, 2282, 10259, 197, 971, 273, 33282, 53577, 197, 3852, 44323, 33188, 2765, 56407, 198, 67585, 13, 3639, 11575, 1942, 324, 9868, 197, 906, 3253, 354, 0, 1666, 2282, 4659, 197, 971, 273, 33282, 197, 43664, 59451, 846, 1503, 43827, 197, 8258, 198, 12591, 3529, 43, 32809, 197, 1954, 2157, 70, 3529, 43, 11, 1470, 32842, 44323, 33188, 8986, 1553, 345, 5660, 198, 66172, 372, 345, 40, 198, 47740, 263, 345, 5660, 198, 2157, 1604, 8986, 2234, 345, 40, 198, 1186, 12011, 198, 39049, 11, 2282, 265, 561, 11, 59491, 5812, 197, 273, 3178, 22689, 11, 1602, 68956, 197, 273, 3178, 22689, 345, 40, 198, 59491, 5812, 197, 54160, 11, 197, 68956, 198, 54160, 345, 40, 198, 18895, 316, 613, 53577, 80066, 5237, 59838, 197, 25364, 18283, 8, 59451, 846, 1503, 13, 1666, 197, 9514, 94036, 197, 4151, 11, 2090, 20501, 11575, 198, 82, 8499, 14779, 13, 7648, 23845, 2165, 598, 16868, 3409, 64442, 748, 197, 9514, 9793, 525, 9793, 1108, 197, 971, 273, 33282, 11, 197, 9514, 198, 5562, 6831, 8635, 197, 9274, 14862, 414, 197, 18207, 11, 2282, 332, 197, 20670, 2765, 263, 1431, 16868, 3409, 64442, 197, 9514, 2157, 492, 51880, 32809, 198, 86, 8635, 197, 9274, 1470, 11967, 61551, 6831, 616, 13, 2684, 197, 548, 85786, 17998, 99885, 44323, 2282, 4659, 197, 971, 273, 33282, 11, 197, 16564, 197, 12615, 43, 53577, 13595, 16931, 198, 971, 273, 33282, 13, 86543, 20501, 33188, 197, 2118, 14176, 863, 197, 15674, 53577, 13595, 16931, 20501, 33188, 197, 2118, 19045, 863, 197, 15674, 13, 763, 33188, 197, 23078, 198, 49812, 9793, 1108, 261, 197, 43664, 44323, 33188, 2282, 329, 197, 12615, 43, 197, 971, 273, 33282, 197, 19171, 6831, 486, 197, 50187, 48048, 198, 55924, 2765, 1082, 2315, 13, 13969, 17886, 2157, 485, 64442, 197, 45010, 2765, 1082, 2315, 11, 197, 1729, 17749, 478, 944, 197, 2752, 2402, 11, 6831, 486, 197, 3833, 8046, 198, 81, 548, 17886, 197, 23078, 53577, 64442, 2282, 4659, 197, 971, 273, 33282, 197, 43664, 6831, 486, 197, 84270, 8986, 363, 197, 1729, 17749, 478, 944, 198, 2752, 2402, 13, 5751, 81703, 826, 2157, 1037, 11575, 197, 12296, 2910, 287, 2789, 64442, 197, 35676, 197, 46023, 9793, 329, 80557, 198, 14625, 25843, 36547, 33188, 8986, 1223, 197, 971, 273, 33282, 197, 43664, 11, 7883, 1055, 2282, 50481, 197, 8258, 2157, 70, 3529, 43, 13, 4800, 198, 318, 24281, 11575, 1470, 5083, 56842, 33188, 17886, 97802, 1821, 9793, 329, 2282, 4659, 197, 971, 273, 33282, 197, 43664, 1186, 277, 198, 90447, 197, 54895, 33188, 197, 46023, 197, 17645, 13, 1472, 2157, 492, 25997, 64442, 197, 45010, 197, 3833, 8046, 7145, 548, 198, 67, 1082, 2315, 11, 1942, 1412, 61551, 197, 18207, 2765, 56407, 53577, 1942, 638, 1470, 32842, 11, 6831, 619, 74242, 41446, 899, 519, 11, 197, 66372, 198, 17206, 33188, 197, 21307, 197, 11088, 388, 0, 5046, 1470, 5366, 11, 2090, 20501, 8285, 33839, 33188, 2789, 17886, 33188, 17749, 478, 13, 2057, 3253, 535, 11575, 1470, 85489, 44323, 198, 52768, 36547, 33188, 22724, 44323, 197, 414, 18895, 18339, 11, 33188, 59451, 589, 7145, 349, 43827, 1470, 85950, 661, 197, 18207, 2765, 56407, 198, 16514, 1602, 325, 688, 15258], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": "there\tbe\tserious\nefforts\tto\ttell\tthe\tpublic\thow\tdiet\taffects\thealth. Instead,\tthe\tprevention\tand\nnutrition\tbudgets\twill\tbe\tdesignated\tfor\tdeveloping\tdrugs\tand\tnutrient\nsupplements. A\tfew\tyears\tago,\tthe\tdirector\tof\tthe\tNCI,\tthe\toldest\tof\tthe\tNIH\ninstitutes,\tdescribed\tprevention\tas\t\u201cefforts\tto\tdirectly\tprevent\tand/or\tinhibit\nmalignant\ttransformation,\tto\tidentify,\tcharacterize\tand\tmanipulate\tfactors\tthat\nmight\tbe\teffective\tin\tachieving\tthat\tinhibition\tand\tattempts\tto\tpromote\npreventative\tmeasures.\u201d\n18\n\tThis\tso-called\tprevention\tis\tall\tabout\tmanipulation\nof\tisolated\tchemicals. \u201cIdentifying,\tcharacterizing\tand\tmanipulating\tfactors\u201d\nis\ta\tnot-so-secret\tcode\tfor\tdrug\tdiscovery.CHART\t16.3:\tNIH\t2004\tESTIMATED\tFUNDING\tFOR\tDIFFERENT\nHEALTH\tTOPICS\n17\nConsidered\tfrom\tanother\tperspective,\tthe\tNCI\t(of\tthe\tNIH),\tin\t1999,\thad\ta\nbudget\tof\t$2.93\tbillion. 19\n\tIn\ta\t\u201cmajor\u201d\t5-A-Day\tdietary\tprogram,\tit\twas\nspending\t$500,000\tto\t$1\tmillion\tto\teducate\tthe\tpublic\tto\tconsume\tfive\tor\nmore\tservings\tof\tfruits\tand\tvegetables\tper\tday. 18\n\tThis\tis\tonly\t\nthree\thundredths\nof\tone\tpercent\n\t(0.0256%)\tof\tits\tbudget. That\u2019s\t$2.56\tfor\tevery\t$10,000! If\tit\ncalls\tthis\ta\tmajor\tcampaign,\tI\tpity\tits\tminor\tcampaigns. The\tNCI\talso\thas\tbeen\tfunding\ta\tcouple\tof\tmulti-year\tlarge\tstudies,\nincluding\tthe\tNurses\u2019\tHealth\tStudy\tat\tHarvard\t(discussed\tin\tchapter\ttwelve)\nand\tthe\tWomen\u2019s\tHealth\tInitiative,\tmostly\tdevoted\tto\tthe\ttesting\tof\thormone\nreplacement\ttherapy,\tvitamin\tD\tand\tcalcium\tsupplementation,\tand\tthe\teffect\nof\ta\tmoderately\tlow-fat\tdiet\ton\tprevention\tof\tbreast\tand\tcolon\tcancer. These\nrare\tnutrition-related\tstudies\tunfortunately\tsuffer\tfrom\tthe\tsame\texperimental\nflaws\tdescribed\tin\tchapter\tfourteen. Almost\talways,\tthese\tstudies\tare\ndesigned\tto\ttinker\twith\tone\tnutrient\tat\ta\ttime,\tamong\tan\texperimental\npopulation\tthat\tuniformly\tconsumes\ta\thigh-risk,\tanimal-based\tdiet. These\nstudies\thave\ta\tvery\thigh\tprobability\tof\tcreating\tsome\tvery\texpensive\nconfusion\tthat\twe\thardly\tneed. If\tvery\tfew\tof\tour\ttax\tdollars\tare\tused\tto\tfund\tnutrition\tresearch,\twhat\tdo\nthey\tfund? Almost\tall\tof\tthe\tbillions\tof\tdollars\tof\ttaxpayer\tmoney\texpended\nby\tthe\tNIH\teach\tyear\tfunds\tprojects\tto\tdevelop\tdrugs,\tsupplements\tand\nmechanical\tdevices. In\tessence,\tthe\tvast\tbulk\tof\tbiomedical\tresearch\tfunded\nby\tyou\tand\tme\tis\tbasic\tresearch\tto\tdiscover\tproducts\tthat\tthe\tpharmaceuticalindustry\tcan\tdevelop\tand\tmarket. In\t2000,\tDr.\tMarcia\tAngell,\ta\tformer\teditor\nof\tthe\tNew\t\nEngland\tJournal\tof\tMedicine,\n\tsummarized\tit\twell\twhen\tshe\nwrote\n20\n:\n\u2026\tthe\tpharmaceutical\tindustry\tenjoys\textraordinary\tgovernment\nprotections\tand\tsubsidies. Much\tof\tthe\tearly\tbasic\tresearch\tthat\t\nmay\nlead\tto\tdrug\tdevelopment\tis\tfunded\tby\tthe\tNational\tInstitutes\tof\tHealth\n(ref. cited). It\tis\tusually\tonly\tlater,\twhen\tthe\tresearch\tshows\tpractical\npromise,\tthat\tthe\tdrug\tcompanies\tbecome\tinvolved. The\tindustry\talso\nenjoys\tgreat\ttax\tadvantages. Not\tonly\tare\tits\tresearch\tand\tdevelopment\ncosts\tdeductible,\tbut\tso\tare\tits\tmassive\tmarketing\texpenses. The\naverage\ttax\trate\tof\tmajor\tU.S.\tindustries\tfrom\t1993\tto\t1996\twas\t27.3%\nof\trevenues. During\tthe\tsame\tperiod\tthe\tpharmaceutical\tindustry\twas\nreportedly\ttaxed\tat\ta\trate\tof\tonly\t16.2%\t(ref. cited). Most\timportant,\nthe\tdrug\tcompanies\tenjoy\tseventeen-year\tgovernment-granted\nmonopolies\ton\ttheir\tnew\tdrugs\u2014that\tis,\tpatent\tprotection. Once\ta\tdrug\nis\tpatented,\tno\tone\telse\tmay\tsell\tit,\tand\tthe\tdrug\tcompany\tis\tfree\tto\ncharge\twhatever\tthe\ttraffic\twill\tbear. 20\nOur\ttax\tdollars\tare\tused\tto\tmake\tthe\tpharmaceutical\tindustry\tmore\nprofitable. One\tcould\targue\tthat\tthis\tis\tjustified\tby\tgains\tin\tpublic\thealth,\tbut\nthe\talarming\tfact\tis\tthat\tthis\tlitany\tof\tresearch\tinto\tdrugs,\tgenes,\tdevices\tand\ntechnology\tresearch\t\nwill\tnever\tcure\tour\tchronic\tdiseases. Our\tchronic\ndiseases\tare\tlargely\tthe\tresult\tof\tinfinitely\tcomplex\tassaults\ton\tour\tbodies\nresulting\tfrom\teating\tbad\tfood. No\tsingle\tchemical\tintervention\twill\tever\nequal\tthe\tpower\tof\tconsuming\tthe\thealthiest\tfood. In\taddition,\tisolated\nchemicals\tin\tdrug\tform\tcan\tbe\tvery\tdangerous. The\tNational\tCancer\tInstitute\nitself\tstates,\t\u201cWhat\tis\tclear\tis\tthat\tmost\tof\tour\tcurrent\ttreatments\twill\tproduce\nsome\tmeasure\tof\tadversity.\u201d\n21\n\tThere\tis\tno\tdanger\tto\teating\ta\thealthy\tdiet,\tand\nthere\tare\tfar\tmore\tbenefits,\tincluding\tmassive\tcost\tsavings\tboth\ton\tthe\tfront\nend\tof\tpreventing\tdisease\tand\ton\tthe\tback\tend\tof\ttreating\tdisease. So\twhy\tis\nour\tgovernment\tignoring\tthe\tabundant\tscientific\tresearch\tsupporting\ta\tdietary\napproach\tin\tfavor\tof\tlargely\tineffective,\tpotentially\tdangerous\tdrug\tand\ndevice\tinterventions?PERSONAL\tACCOUNTS\nIn\tterms\tof\tpublic\tnutrition\tpolicy,\tI\twant\tto\tleave\tyou\twith\tone\tshort\tstory\nthat\tsays\tso\tmuch\tabout\tthe\tgovernment\u2019s\tpriorities. One\tof\tmy\tformer\ngraduate\tstudents\tat\tCornell,\tAntonia\tDemas\t(now\tDr.\tAntonia\tDemas),\tdid\nher\tdoctoral\tresearch\tin\teducation\tby\tteaching\ta\thealthy\tfood-and-nutrition-\nbased\tcurriculum\n22\n\tto\telementary\tschool\tkids\tand\tthen\tintegrating\tthose\nhealthy\tfoods\tinto\tthe\tschool\tlunch\tprogram. She\thad\tbeen\tdoing\tthis\twork\tas\na\tvolunteer\tmother\tin\ther\tchildren\u2019s\tschools\tfor\tseventeen\t\nyears\tprior\tto\ther\ngraduate\tstudies. I\twas\ther\tadvisor\tfor\tthe\tnutrition\tpart\tof\ther\tdissertation\nresearch. The\tU.S.\tDepartment\tof\tAgriculture\tadministers\tthe\tschool\tlunch\tprogram\nto\t28\tmillion\tchildren,\tlargely\trelying\ton\tan\tinventory\tof\tgovernment-\nsubsidized\tfoods. The\tgovernment\tprogram,\tas\tit\tnow\tstands,\tuses\tmostly\nanimal-based\tproducts\tand\teven\trequires\tthat\tparticipating\tschools\tmake\navailable\tcow\u2019s\tmilk. At\tthe\tlocal\tlevel,\tthis\tusually\tmeans\tthat\tconsumption\nof\tmilk\tis\tmandatory. Dr.\tDemas\u2019s\tinnovative\tresearch\ton\tthe\tschool\tlunch\tprogram\twas\ta\tgreat\nsuccess;\tchildren\tloved\tthe\tlearning\tstyle\tand\twere\texcited\tto\teat\tthe\thealthy\nfoods\twhen\tthey\twent\tthrough\tthe\tlunch\tline. The\tchildren\tthen\tconvinced\ntheir\tparents\tto\teat\tthe\thealthy\tfood\tat\thome. Dr.\tDemas\u2019s\tprogram\twon\nnational\tawards\tfor\tthe\t\u201cmost\tcreative\timplementation\tof\tthe\tdietary\nguidelines\u201d\tand\t\u201cexcellence\tin\tnutrition\teducation.\u201d\tThe\tprogram\thas\tproven\nto\tbe\tof\tinterest\tto\tmore\tthan\t300\tschool\tlunch\tand\tbehavioral\trehabilitation\nprograms\taround\tthe\tU.S.,\tincluding\tschools\tin\tareas\tas\twidely\tdispersed\tas\nHawaii,\tFlorida,\tIndiana,\tNew\tEngland,\tCalifornia\tand\tNew\tMexico. In\tthis\neffort,\tDr.\tDemas\thas\torganized\ta\tnonprofit\tfoundation\t(Food\tStudies\nInstitute,\tTrumansburg,\tNew\tYork)\tand\twritten\ta\tcurriculum\t(\u201cFood\tis\nElementary\u201d). And\there\u2019s\tthe\tkicker:\t", "token_ids": [19041, 74242, 197, 94427, 198, 6581, 19491, 32809, 3324, 616, 33188, 1241, 197, 5269, 2765, 3978, 11575, 41027, 197, 12393, 13, 12361, 11, 33188, 41446, 7611, 53577, 198, 83664, 2282, 6446, 82, 6831, 484, 74242, 2765, 14312, 660, 2066, 197, 16219, 287, 2765, 81, 13602, 53577, 9215, 332, 13283, 198, 13066, 4779, 13, 362, 1186, 365, 197, 42820, 197, 6438, 11, 33188, 2765, 66576, 44323, 33188, 197, 10153, 40, 11, 33188, 197, 337, 5086, 44323, 33188, 197, 15259, 39, 198, 258, 3781, 2142, 11, 54012, 17890, 41446, 7611, 61551, 197, 2118, 6581, 19491, 32809, 2765, 1248, 398, 41446, 688, 53577, 5255, 17886, 66917, 198, 76, 6750, 519, 73553, 1659, 11, 32809, 197, 81496, 11, 7602, 2540, 553, 53577, 197, 1543, 575, 6468, 1186, 21846, 64442, 198, 46068, 74242, 7883, 40784, 17886, 197, 45620, 4504, 64442, 17886, 60073, 53577, 36547, 34372, 32809, 3303, 442, 1295, 198, 93755, 1413, 50394, 24368, 49216, 972, 198, 41065, 197, 708, 19434, 41446, 7611, 20501, 52060, 197, 9274, 197, 1543, 575, 2987, 198, 1073, 20501, 81619, 197, 32056, 82, 13, 1054, 29401, 7922, 11, 7602, 2540, 4954, 53577, 197, 1543, 575, 15853, 1186, 21846, 89874, 285, 11575, 98366, 34119, 69992, 44443, 2066, 2765, 73047, 35697, 7601, 38565, 3065, 197, 845, 13, 18, 25, 197, 15259, 39, 197, 1049, 19, 197, 5288, 1829, 9182, 13017, 13508, 1753, 90310, 11198, 30135, 643, 1863, 198, 1837, 44249, 10473, 3143, 19645, 198, 1114, 198, 38275, 291, 43827, 197, 43063, 3303, 86191, 11, 33188, 197, 10153, 40, 197, 28125, 33188, 197, 15259, 39, 705, 17886, 197, 2550, 24, 11, 9793, 329, 11575, 198, 49506, 44323, 197, 3, 17, 13, 6365, 2282, 15068, 13, 220, 777, 198, 71267, 11575, 197, 2118, 37605, 863, 197, 20, 6830, 56012, 2765, 3978, 661, 197, 15252, 11, 24263, 6831, 300, 198, 2203, 2518, 197, 3, 2636, 11, 931, 32809, 197, 3, 16, 2157, 15068, 32809, 197, 25802, 349, 33188, 1241, 32809, 38303, 32423, 1186, 535, 82266, 198, 6518, 1942, 651, 826, 44323, 1186, 68998, 53577, 197, 83571, 4893, 197, 716, 99297, 13, 220, 972, 198, 41065, 20501, 197, 3323, 1602, 28956, 9793, 7259, 17323, 198, 1073, 197, 606, 197, 25426, 198, 197, 7, 15, 13, 18070, 21, 11587, 44323, 197, 1220, 2282, 6446, 13, 3011, 753, 197, 3, 17, 13, 3487, 2066, 7883, 1225, 197, 3, 605, 11, 931, 0, 1442, 24263, 198, 45720, 2090, 11575, 2157, 3111, 1470, 18666, 11, 25494, 3303, 488, 197, 1220, 26388, 269, 1470, 18666, 82, 13, 578, 197, 10153, 40, 197, 19171, 64355, 74242, 268, 1186, 38289, 11575, 1470, 85489, 44323, 2157, 7213, 4771, 8986, 2812, 18895, 58787, 345, 16564, 33188, 18822, 57957, 529, 197, 14884, 197, 49812, 36547, 13595, 277, 22329, 197, 1528, 3510, 59942, 17886, 23918, 2943, 3324, 86, 21903, 340, 438, 33188, 17749, 6431, 753, 197, 14884, 99862, 54679, 11, 2157, 537, 398, 28402, 9437, 32809, 33188, 197, 9016, 44323, 9793, 494, 606, 198, 84731, 197, 46755, 11, 5306, 76652, 11198, 53577, 1470, 17356, 2411, 1942, 455, 10075, 11, 53577, 33188, 89170, 198, 1073, 11575, 2157, 4414, 2718, 8986, 363, 64354, 2765, 3978, 25653, 41446, 7611, 44323, 2282, 265, 561, 53577, 47740, 263, 1470, 11967, 13, 4314, 198, 81, 548, 9215, 332, 17462, 14228, 18895, 58787, 21113, 11275, 1942, 2084, 43827, 33188, 1942, 373, 8285, 26594, 198, 1517, 8805, 54012, 17890, 17886, 23918, 2943, 1186, 414, 15247, 13, 35403, 197, 33222, 11, 197, 45010, 18895, 58787, 197, 548, 198, 5919, 1571, 32809, 3324, 42212, 48048, 197, 606, 9215, 332, 13283, 36547, 11575, 22724, 11, 197, 77405, 80557, 8285, 26594, 198, 45541, 64442, 21113, 7398, 398, 38303, 1264, 288, 11575, 9793, 1108, 46570, 11, 197, 48999, 6108, 2765, 3978, 13, 4314, 198, 267, 58787, 9793, 525, 11575, 197, 1225, 9793, 1108, 197, 88540, 44323, 197, 46002, 1942, 638, 197, 1225, 49658, 4114, 198, 6263, 7713, 64442, 197, 906, 9793, 569, 398, 197, 17483, 13, 1442, 197, 1225, 1186, 365, 44323, 197, 414, 3324, 710, 2765, 980, 1590, 197, 548, 197, 2656, 32809, 1186, 1263, 9215, 332, 17462, 17643, 1874, 11, 197, 12840, 20530, 198, 20670, 1186, 1263, 30, 35403, 52060, 44323, 33188, 2282, 91387, 44323, 2765, 980, 1590, 44323, 3324, 710, 94686, 2157, 2596, 49658, 2954, 198, 1729, 33188, 197, 15259, 39, 7883, 613, 197, 3236, 1186, 44050, 197, 17602, 32809, 197, 16219, 2765, 81, 13602, 11, 1942, 455, 4779, 53577, 198, 2727, 5776, 950, 28402, 1238, 13, 763, 197, 434, 768, 11, 33188, 5306, 561, 2282, 22537, 44323, 2282, 72, 61860, 17643, 1874, 1186, 37153, 198, 1729, 197, 9514, 53577, 50394, 20501, 2282, 6099, 17643, 1874, 32809, 35697, 3773, 197, 10354, 64442, 33188, 197, 764, 2227, 26191, 71864, 94036, 197, 16219, 53577, 2157, 55660, 13, 763, 197, 1049, 15, 11, 197, 9023, 13, 9391, 8362, 689, 197, 10976, 616, 11, 11575, 197, 35627, 79177, 198, 1073, 33188, 197, 3648, 1602, 67308, 17538, 5036, 44323, 9391, 92001, 345, 32579, 5730, 1534, 24263, 6831, 616, 61280, 1942, 383, 198, 86, 5646, 198, 508, 198, 512, 1981, 33188, 197, 764, 2227, 26191, 197, 71864, 82948, 7453, 1065, 8285, 2221, 21707, 3253, 26112, 198, 782, 668, 5247, 53577, 1942, 16115, 307, 552, 13, 24191, 44323, 33188, 197, 22928, 2282, 6099, 17643, 1874, 64442, 1602, 18864, 198, 27152, 32809, 2765, 73047, 197, 30671, 20501, 1186, 37153, 197, 1729, 33188, 18822, 1697, 71267, 3781, 2142, 44323, 197, 14884, 198, 13624, 13, 22628, 570, 1102, 20501, 197, 44066, 197, 3323, 8986, 977, 11, 61280, 33188, 17643, 1874, 33827, 82, 26736, 37119, 198, 50650, 11, 64442, 33188, 2765, 73047, 33910, 17443, 2282, 52521, 197, 14386, 8905, 13, 578, 197, 71864, 197, 19171, 198, 268, 7453, 1065, 3253, 1244, 3324, 710, 197, 14625, 38886, 13, 2876, 197, 3323, 197, 548, 197, 1220, 17643, 1874, 53577, 197, 30671, 198, 16845, 82, 2765, 81600, 1260, 11, 2282, 332, 197, 708, 197, 548, 197, 1220, 2157, 395, 535, 2157, 847, 11880, 49658, 4377, 13, 578, 198, 17645, 3324, 710, 7145, 349, 44323, 2157, 3111, 16360, 815, 13, 197, 485, 592, 4108, 43827, 197, 2550, 18, 32809, 197, 2550, 21, 6831, 300, 197, 1544, 13, 18, 14062, 1073, 17643, 46469, 13, 12220, 33188, 1942, 373, 197, 19862, 33188, 197, 764, 2227, 26191, 197, 71864, 6831, 300, 198, 11998, 53423, 3324, 52551, 36547, 11575, 7145, 349, 44323, 197, 3323, 197, 845, 13, 17, 4, 197, 13624, 13, 22628, 570, 7648, 197, 15693, 345, 1820, 2765, 73047, 33910, 17443, 82948, 4215, 85786, 688, 15258, 4771, 3253, 26112, 25313, 7719, 198, 1677, 28765, 552, 25653, 33188, 404, 8808, 2765, 81, 13602, 41128, 20501, 11, 3303, 266, 306, 197, 782, 40241, 13, 9843, 11575, 2765, 73047, 198, 285, 3303, 266, 16243, 11, 73204, 197, 606, 2525, 2157, 352, 1942, 616, 24263, 11, 53577, 33188, 2765, 73047, 197, 10348, 20501, 17389, 32809, 198, 14215, 197, 69386, 33188, 197, 55087, 6831, 484, 2282, 686, 13, 220, 508, 198, 8140, 3324, 710, 2765, 980, 1590, 197, 548, 197, 2656, 32809, 78538, 33188, 197, 764, 2227, 26191, 197, 71864, 2157, 461, 198, 26466, 481, 13, 3861, 1470, 619, 49003, 361, 64442, 2090, 20501, 197, 4345, 1908, 197, 1729, 3253, 1771, 17886, 1241, 197, 12393, 11, 2282, 332, 198, 1820, 70671, 34002, 1186, 533, 20501, 64442, 2090, 8986, 275, 3852, 44323, 17643, 1874, 2129, 78, 2765, 81, 13602, 11, 3253, 22383, 11, 28402, 1238, 53577, 198, 59342, 17643, 1874, 1602, 14724, 197, 37593, 1470, 554, 197, 414, 197, 7562, 292, 2765, 1082, 2315, 13, 5751, 197, 7562, 292, 198, 67, 1082, 2315, 197, 548, 8986, 867, 989, 33188, 9753, 44323, 197, 13885, 7627, 197, 24126, 197, 395, 957, 82, 25653, 197, 414, 2282, 10233, 198, 1407, 287, 43827, 7883, 1113, 2282, 329, 197, 14239, 13, 2360, 1942, 2222, 197, 32056, 2129, 47698, 6831, 484, 197, 2099, 198, 26880, 33188, 3303, 1223, 44323, 38303, 62217, 33188, 197, 12393, 13744, 197, 14239, 13, 763, 13008, 684, 11, 20501, 81619, 198, 32056, 82, 17886, 2765, 73047, 38510, 94036, 74242, 197, 1225, 2765, 4091, 788, 13, 578, 18822, 1697, 6391, 11967, 71267, 7815, 198, 275, 726, 18895, 988, 11, 197, 44130, 20501, 41508, 20501, 64442, 2157, 537, 44323, 197, 414, 20725, 3324, 1244, 1392, 6831, 484, 197, 98374, 198, 15031, 50394, 4058, 44323, 99880, 3078, 488, 49216, 1691, 198, 197, 3947, 20501, 73204, 2765, 4091, 32809, 7883, 1113, 11575, 197, 38128, 2765, 3978, 11, 53577, 198, 19041, 197, 548, 1186, 277, 2157, 461, 2282, 51565, 1220, 11, 197, 16564, 2157, 395, 535, 1470, 537, 1942, 46851, 197, 21704, 25653, 33188, 1186, 9598, 198, 408, 44323, 41446, 82920, 2765, 56407, 53577, 25653, 33188, 78546, 6379, 44323, 3324, 73910, 2765, 56407, 13, 2100, 197, 35734, 20501, 198, 414, 3253, 26112, 197, 625, 5620, 33188, 197, 370, 1263, 519, 1942, 12575, 1104, 17643, 1874, 1942, 2870, 287, 11575, 2765, 3978, 661, 198, 16082, 613, 17886, 1186, 3372, 44323, 8986, 867, 989, 197, 483, 40784, 11, 3303, 354, 31668, 2765, 4091, 788, 2765, 73047, 53577, 198, 6239, 2129, 651, 64801, 30, 94283, 984, 197, 74483, 50, 198, 644, 197, 18853, 44323, 1241, 9215, 332, 17462, 3303, 8177, 11, 25494, 51880, 32809, 197, 22233, 197, 9514, 48048, 197, 606, 49081, 18895, 683, 198, 9210, 1942, 954, 197, 708, 2157, 1412, 197, 9274, 33188, 3253, 26112, 753, 3303, 3334, 1385, 13, 3861, 44323, 13938, 197, 35627, 198, 28770, 18895, 16685, 36547, 6391, 1540, 616, 11, 197, 17555, 21947, 11198, 35262, 197, 33363, 197, 9023, 13, 197, 17555, 21947, 11198, 35262, 705, 2765, 307, 198, 1964, 20530, 5009, 278, 17643, 1874, 17886, 197, 37838, 197, 1729, 197, 668, 12092, 11575, 197, 38128, 197, 14239, 9976, 5392, 332, 17462, 7058, 31039, 34309, 24011, 198, 1313, 198, 32809, 44807, 661, 1942, 2184, 16868, 3447, 53577, 59733, 2129, 14750, 1113, 197, 54719, 198, 38128, 197, 96420, 2129, 78, 33188, 1942, 2184, 8986, 3265, 197, 15252, 13, 3005, 9793, 329, 74242, 268, 20530, 287, 2090, 98138, 61551, 198, 64, 5306, 337, 42005, 2157, 1605, 17886, 197, 1964, 83570, 753, 1942, 2184, 82, 2066, 85786, 688, 15258, 1602, 42820, 3303, 3334, 32809, 197, 1964, 198, 28770, 18895, 58787, 13, 358, 6831, 300, 197, 1964, 197, 82894, 2066, 33188, 9215, 332, 17462, 73972, 44323, 197, 1964, 2765, 1056, 76404, 198, 61564, 13, 578, 16360, 815, 13, 197, 27725, 44323, 23845, 13130, 554, 65494, 9487, 33188, 1942, 2184, 8986, 3265, 197, 15252, 198, 998, 197, 1591, 2157, 15068, 83570, 11, 8986, 867, 989, 17643, 6852, 25653, 80557, 17886, 7371, 44323, 3253, 26112, 7058, 2008, 21703, 1534, 197, 96420, 13, 578, 3253, 26112, 197, 15252, 11, 61551, 24263, 82022, 197, 97815, 11, 197, 4881, 2157, 537, 398, 198, 48999, 6108, 197, 10354, 53577, 7883, 1055, 197, 42475, 64442, 73972, 8608, 1113, 1942, 2184, 82, 78538, 198, 10547, 1470, 363, 753, 2157, 34263, 13, 2468, 33188, 9030, 54843, 11, 2090, 197, 44066, 50394, 598, 64442, 38303, 1264, 562, 198, 1073, 2157, 34263, 20501, 197, 81216, 13, 2999, 13, 11198, 35262, 753, 197, 6258, 869, 1413, 17643, 1874, 25653, 33188, 1942, 2184, 8986, 3265, 197, 15252, 6831, 300, 11575, 3253, 1244, 198, 5748, 26, 83570, 197, 385, 2111, 33188, 197, 21656, 43651, 53577, 6831, 486, 8285, 66, 1639, 32809, 7883, 266, 33188, 197, 38128, 198, 96420, 61280, 197, 20670, 6831, 306, 197, 20322, 33188, 8986, 3265, 28208, 13, 578, 83570, 59733, 38303, 9799, 2041, 198, 50828, 25841, 82, 32809, 7883, 266, 33188, 197, 38128, 197, 14239, 36547, 197, 5227, 13, 2999, 13, 11198, 35262, 753, 197, 15252, 6831, 263, 198, 42240, 197, 675, 2402, 2066, 33188, 197, 2118, 3646, 197, 52817, 197, 14706, 44323, 33188, 2765, 3978, 661, 198, 24343, 11243, 863, 53577, 197, 2118, 327, 5997, 768, 17886, 9215, 332, 17462, 197, 37838, 2029, 33026, 197, 15252, 64355, 197, 782, 1055, 198, 998, 74242, 44323, 60015, 478, 32809, 2157, 461, 197, 54895, 197, 3101, 1942, 2184, 8986, 3265, 53577, 197, 56966, 278, 17643, 10796, 33949, 198, 74053, 197, 20019, 33188, 16360, 815, 2637, 197, 16564, 1942, 2184, 82, 17886, 197, 33637, 61551, 6831, 307, 989, 2765, 13391, 41019, 61551, 198, 39, 72054, 11, 197, 58127, 11, 197, 89849, 11, 197, 3648, 197, 67308, 11, 6391, 278, 6711, 53577, 197, 3648, 9391, 327, 4042, 13, 763, 2090, 198, 6581, 371, 11, 197, 9023, 13, 11198, 35262, 64355, 197, 63316, 11575, 197, 6414, 26466, 1186, 4159, 197, 7988, 1411, 197, 94607, 198, 644, 7815, 11, 197, 1305, 372, 598, 10481, 11, 197, 3648, 66422, 672, 8, 53577, 6831, 12429, 11575, 34309, 24011, 197, 7, 2118, 27844, 20501, 198, 1726, 661, 65312, 1628, 197, 6881, 753, 33188, 16868, 5327, 25, 197], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": " it by inverting the jar. Between watering the seeds, leave the jar partly inverted to permit continuous drainage of water and entry of air. As a rule, wheat, rye, and barley seeds are preferred when \nthey have just begun to sprout or when the sprouts are no longer than the seeds; mung bean sprouts are preferred about \none and one-half to three inches long; alfalfa sprouts may be \ntaken when one to two inches long, while soy bean and pea sprouts are good either long or short. The sprouts are eaten \nwith the seeds, and they may be taken alone or mixed with \nsalads and liquefied drinks. Th e sprouted cereal grains are \nusually preferred when served with honey and milk or cream as a breakfast cereal. D\nRYING AND FREEZING FOODS \n Raw foods are most appropriate for human nourishment \nwhen used in their fresh state. Yet, there is some reason for preparing certain foods by the process of drying. While \nrefrigeration has been an enormous aid in preserving fresh \nfoods longer, it has its limitations. Thus the extra supply of \nseasonal foods may be preserved by drying in the sun. There \nis unquestionably some loss of vitamin C and other nutrients in the drying process, but this is far less damaging than the \nchemical changes brought about by heat. Farm animals are \nforced to live during winter months on dry feed, and whereas \nthe\ny do not maintain the fine condition of green-fed animals, they are far superior to those given cooked foodstuffs. It may \nbe added that animal feeding experiments have shown that \nsun-dried alfalfa meals are far superior to dehydrated meals, \nand we may expect the same to be true of most dried foods. The excessive heat used in artificial dehydration makes the \nmethod less desirable. We are all accustomed to the use of dried apricots, raisins, \nand prunes. Yet few people realize the large number of other \nfoods which lend themselves well to the drying process. Apples, peaches, pears, bananas, raspberries and many other \nfruits may be dried in the sun. Sun-dried sweet corn is a delicious food. Meat may be cut into thin slices and dried in \nthe sun. The early North American Indians were well known \nfor their sun-drying of foods, and we might well take a few \nlessons from their experiences. The Indians cut much of their \nbuffalo meat into slices one-half inch thick and sun-dried these without the addition of salt or smoke. They made cakes \nweighing from fifteen to twenty-five pounds from dried \nberries. In civilization we can utilize an even wider variety of \nsun-dried foods, and, as with the Indians, we can do so \nwithout the use of salt, smoke, sulphur, and other harmful \npreservatives. Along with sun-drying, freezing is a method of giving \nvariety to the diet and aiding in the storage of extra foods. Nutritive losses in frozen foods are very slight and confined \nto the thawing period. However, it cannot be said that frozen \nfoods are equal in all respects to fresh foods. The commercial \npractices of bleaching vegetables, heat-processing fruit juices, and saturating fruits with refined sugar syrup prior to freezing \neliminate these frozen foods from the raw diet. The home \ndeep-freeze is adapted to storing some foods, but not all foods. All frozen vegetables are inferior in flavor and texture \nto fresh vegetables when consum ed in their raw state. Fruits \nare much better adapted to the freezing process. Ordinarily, \nhome-frozen fruits are treated with refined sugar syrup, just \nas commercial fruits are, in order to delay enzyme action and thus assure better preservation. But the practice is entirely \nunnecessary. All fruits may be frozen with complete \nsatisfaction without added sugar, the only requirement being \nthat honey be used as a substitute. Fruits frozen with honey \npreserve their original color and flavor every bit as well as those frozen with sugar, and they are far more healthful. Either the whole berries or s liced tree fruits may be frozen, \nor, if preferred, the juices may be extracted and frozen. All \nfoods should be consumed as soon as possible after thawing. In addition to the regular deep-freeze, the refrigerator freezer \n compartment and the ice cream freezer may be used in \npreparing certain frozen foods. RECIPES \n With a basic knowledge of the many foods that may be \nused in an uncooked diet, as well as some of the techniques of \npreparing such foods, you will be in a position to utilize \nrecipes and menus for your own enjoyment and physical benefit. Here you will find recipes designed for the use of a wide variety of raw foods, as may be available under good conditions in regions favored with the widest production and \nmarketing of food products. They represent an ideal to work \nfor as far as the general circumstances permit, but that is all. Don't become disturbed if you cannot obtain all of the foods \nmentioned; substitutions can always be made and the dietary \nmay be adjusted to fit in with the selection of foods you find \navailable. The fundamental need in utilizing raw foods is to make your \nmeals as tasty and appetizing as possible. If you apply \nimagination and good judgment in the techniques of food preparation, you will find yourself enjoying your foods far \nmore than you ever did in the past. The food combinations \nthat may be developed in beverages, dressings, salads, confections, desserts, etc., are almost endless. Hundreds in each category may be devised at will. Here you will find a limited number to start with, and as you proceed to work and \nexperiment with raw food preparations, you will doubtless \nfind many new ones which may also suit your individual \ntaste. V\nEGETABLE JUICE COCKTAILS \nPOTASSIUM COCKTAIL \n2 cups carrot juice \u00bd cup spinach juice \n1 cup celery juice \u00bccup parsley juice \nRHUBARB COCKTAIL \n1 cup pineapple juice 1 cup rhubarb juice \nRADISH COCKTAIL \n2 cups pineapple juice \u00bdcup radish juice \n BEET LEAF COCKTAIL\n2 cups tomato juice \u00bd cup beet leaf juice \n1 teaspoon lemon juice \nVITALITY COCKTAIL \n1 cup celery juice 1 cup orange juice \nIRON COCKTAIL \n1 cup beet juice 1 cup blackberry juice \n1 cup spinach juice \nAPPETIZER COCKTAIL \n1 cup pineapple juice 1 cup dandelion juice \nBEAUTY COCKTAIL \n\u00bd cup celery juice \u00bd cup watercress juice \n\u00bd cup cucumber juice \u00bc cup parsley juice \n\u00bd cup tomato juice \nCARROT-COCONUT COCKTAIL \n2 cups carrot juice \u00bdcup coconut juice \nPINEAPPLE-COCONUT COCKTAIL \n2 cups pineapple juice \u00bd cup coconut juice \nCARROT-CELERY COCKTAIL \n1 cup carrot juice 1 cup celery juice \nREFRESHER COCKTAIL \n\u00bd cup celery juice \u00bd cup pineapple juice \n\u00bd cup spinach juice \nCUCUMBER COCKTAIL \n1 cup cucumber juice 1 cup grapefruit juice \nSTRAWBERRY COCKTAIL \n1 cup strawberry juice \u00bd cup rhubarb juice \n \n APPLE COCKTAIL\n1 cup apple juice 1 cup carrot juice \n \nBEVERAGE COMBINATIONS PREPARED IN THE \nELECTRIC BLENDER \n The beverages that can be made in the electric blender \nnumber in the thousands. For all beverages you need at least two parts of liquid to one part of solid. Fruits, vegetables, and coconut should be cut into small pieces before blending. Raw nut butters can always be used in place of fresh nuts, and they \nwill reduce the time required for mixing. If a rather thick \nbeverage is to be made, it is best to pour in the liquid first and then add the solid ingredients slowly while the mixture is \nturning. Many of the beverages may be converted into soups \nsimply by warming (but not cooking) them over a fire and \nserving in soup bowls. Usually the beverages are served cold, \nbut if you want an extra cold drink, simply add a half cup of crushed ice to the mixture. The following beverage \ncombinations are given as samples. They may be alternated with hundreds of others which may be devised at your leisure. ALMOND MILK \n1 cup orange juice \u00bc cup almonds \nPECAN MILK \n1 cup pineapple juice \u00bc cup pecans \nWALNUT MILK \n1 cup grapefruit juice \u00bc cup walnuts \nFILBERT MILK \n1 cup pineapple juice \u00bc cup filberts \nCASHEW MILK \n1 cup orange juice \u00bc cup cashews \nCOCONUT MILK \n1 cup pineapple juice \u00bc cup fresh coconut pieces \n \nDATE MILK \n1 pint milk 8 pitted dates \nEGGNOG \n1 cup milk 1 egg \n1 teaspoon honey \nPEANUT MILK \n1 pint milk 2 heaping tablespoons \n6 dates peanut butter \n\u00bd banana 2 eggs \nBANANA-NOG \n1 pint milk 1 egg \n1 banana 1 teaspoon lemon juice \nSUNFLOWER MILK \n1 cup orange juice 1 cup milk \n6 pitted dates 1/3 cup sunflower seeds \nENERGY COCKTAIL \n1 cup orange juice 1 egg \n1 teaspoon honey \nSTRAWBERRY NECTAR \n1 cup orange juice 1 cup strawberries \n1 tablespoon honey \nBAVARIAN C", "token_ids": [433, 555, 304, 50517, 279, 30695, 13, 28232, 73841, 279, 19595, 11, 5387, 279, 30695, 28135, 47801, 311, 11810, 19815, 58592, 315, 3090, 323, 4441, 315, 3805, 13, 1666, 264, 6037, 11, 34153, 11, 436, 9188, 11, 323, 81817, 19595, 527, 15236, 994, 720, 20670, 617, 1120, 22088, 311, 8314, 412, 477, 994, 279, 8314, 11934, 527, 912, 5129, 1109, 279, 19595, 26, 296, 2234, 21059, 8314, 11934, 527, 15236, 922, 720, 606, 323, 832, 34902, 311, 2380, 15271, 1317, 26, 85766, 85526, 8314, 11934, 1253, 387, 720, 83261, 994, 832, 311, 1403, 15271, 1317, 11, 1418, 29839, 21059, 323, 98763, 8314, 11934, 527, 1695, 3060, 1317, 477, 2875, 13, 578, 8314, 11934, 527, 35661, 720, 4291, 279, 19595, 11, 323, 814, 1253, 387, 4529, 7636, 477, 9709, 449, 720, 19776, 7819, 323, 93542, 69, 1142, 21662, 13, 666, 384, 8314, 19042, 62233, 41936, 527, 720, 44066, 15236, 994, 10434, 449, 26828, 323, 14403, 477, 12932, 439, 264, 17954, 62233, 13, 423, 198, 11492, 1753, 3651, 16655, 57, 1753, 88227, 50, 2355, 256, 23886, 15657, 527, 1455, 8475, 369, 3823, 46798, 16409, 720, 9493, 1511, 304, 872, 7878, 1614, 13, 14968, 11, 1070, 374, 1063, 2944, 369, 20646, 3738, 15657, 555, 279, 1920, 315, 46479, 13, 6104, 720, 1116, 65044, 367, 706, 1027, 459, 23205, 12576, 304, 47995, 7878, 720, 96420, 5129, 11, 433, 706, 1202, 9669, 13, 14636, 279, 5066, 8312, 315, 720, 17217, 278, 15657, 1253, 387, 34683, 555, 46479, 304, 279, 7160, 13, 2684, 720, 285, 75633, 2915, 1063, 4814, 315, 28170, 356, 323, 1023, 37493, 304, 279, 46479, 1920, 11, 719, 420, 374, 3117, 2753, 34446, 1109, 279, 720, 32056, 4442, 7263, 922, 555, 8798, 13, 18945, 10099, 527, 720, 25229, 311, 3974, 2391, 12688, 4038, 389, 9235, 5510, 11, 323, 20444, 720, 1820, 198, 88, 656, 539, 10519, 279, 7060, 3044, 315, 6307, 79100, 10099, 11, 814, 527, 3117, 16757, 311, 1884, 2728, 30205, 3691, 267, 33668, 13, 1102, 1253, 720, 1395, 3779, 430, 10065, 26040, 21896, 617, 6982, 430, 720, 40619, 1773, 4588, 85766, 85526, 21644, 527, 3117, 16757, 311, 409, 26233, 660, 21644, 11, 720, 438, 584, 1253, 1755, 279, 1890, 311, 387, 837, 315, 1455, 32720, 15657, 13, 578, 27639, 8798, 1511, 304, 21075, 99857, 3727, 279, 720, 4492, 2753, 35946, 13, 1226, 527, 682, 53184, 311, 279, 1005, 315, 32720, 21726, 292, 2469, 11, 6503, 1354, 11, 720, 438, 550, 8699, 13, 14968, 2478, 1274, 13383, 279, 3544, 1396, 315, 1023, 720, 96420, 902, 39580, 5694, 1664, 311, 279, 46479, 1920, 13, 1883, 645, 11, 1069, 14576, 11, 281, 7596, 11, 68442, 11, 85146, 36989, 323, 1690, 1023, 720, 1658, 12059, 1253, 387, 32720, 304, 279, 7160, 13, 8219, 1773, 4588, 10437, 14095, 374, 264, 18406, 3691, 13, 45965, 1253, 387, 4018, 1139, 15792, 35354, 323, 32720, 304, 720, 1820, 7160, 13, 578, 4216, 4892, 3778, 30507, 1051, 1664, 3967, 720, 2000, 872, 7160, 1773, 28609, 315, 15657, 11, 323, 584, 2643, 1664, 1935, 264, 2478, 720, 73412, 505, 872, 11704, 13, 578, 30507, 4018, 1790, 315, 872, 720, 27066, 12812, 13339, 1139, 35354, 832, 34902, 17560, 12314, 323, 7160, 1773, 4588, 1521, 2085, 279, 5369, 315, 12290, 477, 16603, 13, 2435, 1903, 48669, 720, 57740, 287, 505, 37755, 311, 17510, 36399, 16701, 505, 32720, 720, 36989, 13, 763, 36017, 584, 649, 29166, 459, 1524, 22622, 8205, 315, 720, 40619, 1773, 4588, 15657, 11, 323, 11, 439, 449, 279, 30507, 11, 584, 649, 656, 779, 720, 30096, 279, 1005, 315, 12290, 11, 16603, 11, 83778, 324, 11, 323, 1023, 28856, 720, 24544, 79629, 13, 32944, 449, 7160, 1773, 28609, 11, 43318, 374, 264, 1749, 315, 7231, 720, 30265, 2676, 311, 279, 10173, 323, 86387, 304, 279, 5942, 315, 5066, 15657, 13, 18878, 1018, 535, 18151, 304, 20268, 15657, 527, 1633, 8275, 323, 45408, 720, 998, 279, 86478, 287, 4261, 13, 4452, 11, 433, 4250, 387, 1071, 430, 20268, 720, 96420, 527, 6273, 304, 682, 43666, 311, 7878, 15657, 13, 578, 8518, 720, 652, 90290, 315, 12704, 12092, 24822, 11, 8798, 70293, 14098, 65959, 11, 323, 94577, 1113, 26390, 449, 38291, 13465, 45322, 4972, 311, 43318, 720, 40895, 3357, 1521, 20268, 15657, 505, 279, 7257, 10173, 13, 578, 2162, 720, 33980, 12862, 3059, 374, 30464, 311, 28672, 1063, 15657, 11, 719, 539, 682, 15657, 13, 2052, 20268, 24822, 527, 38279, 304, 17615, 323, 10651, 720, 998, 7878, 24822, 994, 4766, 1608, 304, 872, 7257, 1614, 13, 435, 68998, 720, 548, 1790, 2731, 30464, 311, 279, 43318, 1920, 13, 31137, 258, 6751, 11, 720, 5227, 2269, 43340, 26390, 527, 12020, 449, 38291, 13465, 45322, 11, 1120, 720, 300, 8518, 26390, 527, 11, 304, 2015, 311, 7781, 49242, 1957, 323, 8617, 36015, 2731, 46643, 13, 2030, 279, 6725, 374, 11622, 720, 15278, 20726, 13, 2052, 26390, 1253, 387, 20268, 449, 4686, 720, 82, 52370, 2085, 3779, 13465, 11, 279, 1193, 16686, 1694, 720, 9210, 26828, 387, 1511, 439, 264, 28779, 13, 435, 68998, 20268, 449, 26828, 720, 93982, 872, 4113, 1933, 323, 17615, 1475, 2766, 439, 1664, 439, 1884, 20268, 449, 13465, 11, 323, 814, 527, 3117, 810, 2890, 1285, 13, 21663, 279, 4459, 63494, 477, 274, 326, 7725, 5021, 26390, 1253, 387, 20268, 11, 720, 269, 11, 422, 15236, 11, 279, 65959, 1253, 387, 28532, 323, 20268, 13, 2052, 720, 96420, 1288, 387, 27073, 439, 5246, 439, 3284, 1306, 86478, 287, 13, 763, 5369, 311, 279, 5912, 5655, 12862, 3059, 11, 279, 46044, 50685, 5996, 44598, 323, 279, 10054, 12932, 50685, 1253, 387, 1511, 304, 720, 1762, 45252, 3738, 20268, 15657, 13, 75236, 3378, 1600, 2355, 256, 3161, 264, 6913, 6677, 315, 279, 1690, 15657, 430, 1253, 387, 720, 2656, 304, 459, 653, 99797, 10173, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 1063, 315, 279, 12823, 315, 720, 1762, 45252, 1778, 15657, 11, 499, 690, 387, 304, 264, 2361, 311, 29166, 720, 50959, 323, 35254, 369, 701, 1866, 45278, 323, 7106, 8935, 13, 5810, 499, 690, 1505, 19141, 6319, 369, 279, 1005, 315, 264, 7029, 8205, 315, 7257, 15657, 11, 439, 1253, 387, 2561, 1234, 1695, 4787, 304, 13918, 46603, 449, 279, 81339, 5788, 323, 720, 92918, 315, 3691, 3956, 13, 2435, 4097, 459, 10728, 311, 990, 720, 2000, 439, 3117, 439, 279, 4689, 13463, 11810, 11, 719, 430, 374, 682, 13, 4418, 956, 3719, 56507, 422, 499, 4250, 6994, 682, 315, 279, 15657, 720, 37691, 26, 94750, 649, 2744, 387, 1903, 323, 279, 34625, 720, 18864, 387, 24257, 311, 5052, 304, 449, 279, 6727, 315, 15657, 499, 1505, 720, 10547, 13, 578, 16188, 1205, 304, 35988, 7257, 15657, 374, 311, 1304, 701, 720, 2727, 1147, 439, 39953, 323, 30168, 4954, 439, 3284, 13, 1442, 499, 3881, 720, 318, 10569, 323, 1695, 19971, 304, 279, 12823, 315, 3691, 18459, 11, 499, 690, 1505, 6261, 22128, 701, 15657, 3117, 720, 6518, 1109, 499, 3596, 1550, 304, 279, 3347, 13, 578, 3691, 28559, 720, 9210, 1253, 387, 8040, 304, 47497, 11, 8679, 826, 11, 77852, 11, 390, 25384, 11, 72513, 11, 5099, 13, 1174, 527, 4661, 26762, 13, 73436, 304, 1855, 5699, 1253, 387, 69120, 520, 690, 13, 5810, 499, 690, 1505, 264, 7347, 1396, 311, 1212, 449, 11, 323, 439, 499, 10570, 311, 990, 323, 720, 60529, 449, 7257, 3691, 47979, 11, 499, 690, 10712, 1752, 720, 3990, 1690, 502, 6305, 902, 1253, 1101, 7937, 701, 3927, 720, 83, 5642, 13, 650, 198, 36, 3891, 3578, 622, 52, 5604, 7432, 3096, 27770, 50, 2355, 47, 1831, 5045, 40, 2864, 7432, 3096, 27770, 2355, 17, 26446, 75294, 23661, 415, 220, 27154, 220, 10747, 68798, 23661, 2355, 16, 10747, 70121, 23661, 996, 220, 42973, 37765, 88621, 23661, 720, 68073, 4594, 50164, 7432, 3096, 27770, 2355, 16, 10747, 78182, 23661, 996, 220, 16, 10747, 22408, 45597, 65, 23661, 720, 88600, 16849, 7432, 3096, 27770, 2355, 17, 26446, 78182, 23661, 996, 220, 27154, 37765, 9038, 819, 23661, 720, 7354, 1372, 11396, 8440, 7432, 3096, 27770, 198, 17, 26446, 42120, 23661, 286, 220, 27154, 10747, 49112, 16312, 23661, 2355, 16, 42384, 30564, 23661, 720, 53, 34288, 3414, 7432, 3096, 27770, 2355, 16, 10747, 70121, 23661, 286, 220, 16, 10747, 19087, 23661, 720, 54194, 7432, 3096, 27770, 2355, 16, 10747, 49112, 23661, 286, 220, 16, 220, 10747, 3776, 15717, 23661, 720, 16, 10747, 68798, 23661, 720, 15049, 1372, 79241, 7432, 3096, 27770, 2355, 16, 10747, 78182, 23661, 286, 220, 16, 10747, 294, 38221, 290, 23661, 720, 11855, 58376, 56, 7432, 3096, 27770, 2355, 27154, 10747, 70121, 23661, 310, 220, 27154, 220, 10747, 3090, 66, 676, 23661, 2355, 27154, 10747, 66032, 23661, 415, 220, 42973, 10747, 88621, 23661, 2355, 27154, 10747, 42120, 23661, 720, 37490, 60318, 7813, 46, 5910, 1406, 7432, 3096, 27770, 2355, 17, 26446, 75294, 23661, 260, 220, 27154, 37765, 34557, 23661, 720, 47, 4069, 79099, 7813, 46, 5910, 1406, 7432, 3096, 27770, 2355, 17, 26446, 78182, 23661, 286, 220, 27154, 10747, 34557, 23661, 720, 37490, 60318, 12, 42764, 13977, 7432, 3096, 27770, 2355, 16, 10747, 75294, 23661, 260, 220, 16, 10747, 70121, 23661, 720, 6124, 7157, 3087, 7432, 3096, 27770, 2355, 27154, 10747, 70121, 23661, 260, 220, 27154, 220, 10747, 78182, 23661, 720, 27154, 10747, 68798, 23661, 720, 34, 5576, 2864, 9745, 7432, 3096, 27770, 2355, 16, 10747, 66032, 23661, 260, 220, 16, 10747, 52252, 36698, 23661, 720, 790, 22275, 33, 73995, 7432, 3096, 27770, 2355, 16, 10747, 73700, 23661, 260, 220, 27154, 10747, 22408, 45597, 65, 23661, 33006, 91436, 7432, 3096, 27770, 198, 16, 10747, 24149, 23661, 260, 220, 16, 10747, 75294, 23661, 33006, 11855, 61927, 7837, 59631, 22545, 21626, 47, 33773, 2006, 3247, 720, 36, 4053, 37078, 220, 52818, 36789, 2355, 256, 578, 47497, 430, 649, 387, 1903, 304, 279, 9249, 62895, 720, 4174, 304, 279, 9214, 13, 1789, 682, 47497, 499, 1205, 520, 3325, 1403, 5596, 315, 14812, 311, 832, 961, 315, 6573, 13, 435, 68998, 11, 24822, 11, 323, 34557, 1288, 387, 4018, 1139, 2678, 9863, 1603, 56941, 13, 23886, 10184, 719, 5153, 649, 2744, 387, 1511, 304, 2035, 315, 7878, 31049, 11, 323, 814, 720, 14724, 8108, 279, 892, 2631, 369, 27890, 13, 1442, 264, 4856, 12314, 720, 1395, 4453, 374, 311, 387, 1903, 11, 433, 374, 1888, 311, 5019, 304, 279, 14812, 1176, 323, 1243, 923, 279, 6573, 14293, 14297, 1418, 279, 21655, 374, 720, 413, 287, 13, 9176, 315, 279, 47497, 1253, 387, 16489, 1139, 5945, 1725, 720, 15124, 2603, 555, 24808, 320, 8248, 539, 17677, 8, 1124, 927, 264, 4027, 323, 720, 82, 20073, 304, 19724, 61080, 13, 34067, 279, 47497, 527, 10434, 9439, 11, 720, 8248, 422, 499, 1390, 459, 5066, 9439, 7172, 11, 5042, 923, 264, 4376, 10747, 315, 33745, 10054, 311, 279, 21655, 13, 578, 2768, 43450, 720, 884, 74729, 527, 2728, 439, 10688, 13, 2435, 1253, 387, 7064, 660, 449, 11758, 315, 3885, 902, 1253, 387, 69120, 520, 701, 41308, 13, 8927, 22053, 35, 42909, 42, 2355, 16, 10747, 19087, 23661, 260, 220, 42973, 220, 10747, 88922, 720, 11183, 1111, 42909, 42, 2355, 16, 10747, 78182, 23661, 286, 220, 42973, 10747, 31100, 598, 720, 54, 984, 45, 1406, 42909, 42, 2355, 16, 10747, 52252, 36698, 23661, 692, 220, 42973, 220, 10747, 41926, 64866, 720, 37, 1750, 62537, 42909, 42, 2355, 16, 10747, 78182, 23661, 286, 220, 42973, 10747, 1488, 9339, 82, 720, 88616, 1837, 54, 42909, 42, 2355, 16, 10747, 19087, 23661, 260, 220, 42973, 10747, 8515, 28844, 720, 8445, 5910, 1406, 42909, 42, 2355, 16, 10747, 78182, 23661, 260, 220, 42973, 10747, 7878, 34557, 9863, 49526, 7242, 42909, 42, 2355, 16, 46746, 14403, 692, 220, 23, 281, 3847, 13003, 720, 9560, 38, 9173, 38, 2355, 16, 10747, 14403, 692, 220, 16, 19151, 2355, 16, 42384, 26828, 720, 1777, 1111, 1406, 42909, 42, 2355, 16, 46746, 14403, 692, 220, 17, 568, 14550, 56588, 2355, 21, 13003, 338, 50933, 14432, 2355, 27154, 44196, 1881, 220, 17, 19335, 720, 33, 1111, 39874, 12, 9173, 38, 2355, 16, 46746, 14403, 286, 220, 16, 19151, 2355, 16, 44196, 692, 220, 16, 42384, 30564, 23661, 720, 50, 1899, 47160, 643, 42909, 42, 2355, 16, 10747, 19087, 23661, 260, 220, 16, 10747, 14403, 2355, 21, 281, 3847, 13003, 394, 220, 16, 14, 18, 10747, 7160, 39853, 19595, 720, 12545, 42570, 7432, 3096, 27770, 2355, 16, 10747, 19087, 23661, 260, 220, 16, 19151, 2355, 16, 42384, 26828, 720, 790, 22275, 33, 73995, 452, 6060, 946, 2355, 16, 10747, 19087, 23661, 692, 220, 16, 10747, 76203, 720, 16, 62611, 26828, 720, 7209, 53, 16412, 1111, 356], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": " month period, it is alright too.) REST Lots of rest during the day. To bed by 9 or 9:30 pm. POST COLEMA SUPPLEMENTS AND MAINTENANCE FOODS \nHere is a list of supplements that will greatly aid in the body rebuilding itself after the tissue cleansing treatment has been \ncompleted. Zinc, vitamin E (800 ID) daily, vitamin C (up to 10,000 mg daily), vitamin A (50,000 ID daily - not artificial, \nNorwegi an fish liver oil is best), Brewer\u2019s Yeast, Blackstrap Molasses (unsulfured), Lecithin capsules (2 to 4 daily). Vitamin A is especially good in all bowel disturbances, ulcerations, colitis and getting rid of infections. Combined with vit amin F, \nthe two are the greatest supplements for all mucus linings. Use brewer\u2019s yeast to obtain a supplementation of the B vitamins. For a little extra energy use a teaspoonful of honey in a glass of water. A good way to start the day is with two tablespoons of natural apple cider vinegar to one glass of warm water every morning \nbefore breakfast. It is also good for those who are trying to reduce weight because it is a fat reducer. Also it is very high in \npotassium which supports the heart, cleans up bladder infections a nd aids in changing the bowel flora toward the friendly side. Another good idea is to use one teaspoon of liquid chlorophyll in a glass of water before breakfast. Here is a list of the most powerful building foods. Sunflower seed butter, sesame seed butter, almond butter, raw goat\u2019s cheese, \ncheese that breaks (aged), baked yams, whole brown rice, yellow cornmeal, rye, millet, sardines, tofu, avocado, cottage chees e, \nclabber milk, eggs, beans and legumes. Here are the most cleansing and infection -fighting fo ods. Green peppers, tomatoes, fresh peas, watercress, all squashes, all kinds of \nberries, melons, greens (parsley especially), vegetable juices and fruit juices, turnips (juice of) and raw foods. After the treatment, you can use sauerkraut (saltless prefer red) for a natural laxative. Use it also for any signs of constipation. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ABOUT THE COLEMA TREATMENT \nQUESTION For what particular reason is a flaxseed enema taken? ANSWER It can be taken at any time, but in particular if you have a blee ding bowel, because flaxseed is very healing. Also for a \nbleeding bowel, add a couple of teaspoons of liquid chlorophyll to the flaxseed enema. This will help any in -flammation of the \nbowel. QUESTION How many dairy products should we have? ANSWER Too many dairy products produce mucus, catarrh and bronchial troubles. One or two glasses of milk a day will not \ncause much damage however. There are milk substitutes such as a nut milk drink that will not produce catarrh. You can also ge t a \nnatural cheese made fro m raw whole milk. QUESTION You told us to have white fish with fins. What particular fish is that? ANSWER Sea trout, cod, sole, salmon, halibut \u2014any fish with scales and fins. Frozen fish can be used, but fresh is preferred. QUESTION In taking the niacin, I get such a flush and I itch and bleed, but this doesn\u2019t happen when I take the time -release \nniacin. ANSWER The program calls for 100 mg of niacin 3 times a day, so you can cut it down to 25 mg 3 times a day. Theflush is \nneeded to force the blood into part s of your intestinal tract where there are infections. Just as you get a flush on the out -side, \nyou will also get a flush on the inside. QUESTION Should we take 1 teaspoon or1 tablespoon of cod liver oil, and should it be taken with the Calphonite to bypas s the \nliver and go directly to the blood -stream? ANSWER Take 1 tablespoon before the Calphonite. Don\u2019t worry about bypassing anything. Follow directions explicitly and don\u2019t \nworry about it. QUESTION Why is it necessary to take the Calphonite first? ANSWER You don\u2019t take Calphonite first. Take the cod liver oil first; it seems to sit better without gagging. Take the cod liver oil \nat night before retiring, so it will travel through the gall bladder and liver without much stirring up. QUESTION How do you get o ff this fast? ANSWER First, let it be known that it is not a true fast. A fast means complete abstinence from nutrients. This is a cleansin g \nprogram and the way to end it is with soft fruits like peaches or soft apricots. Shredded, wilted carrots can be ta ken and also \nslightly wilted apples. You should also have a cooked vegetable, carrots or beets. Between meals, you can have celery juice, carrot \njuice or vegetable broth. The day following, you may have cereal with revived fruits or a banana for breakfast. Shredded carrots, \nmillet cereal and a small salad at lunch. In the evening, you may have another salad and a cooked vegetable. The next day, yo u can \nstart on my regular diet. QUESTION How should I conduct myself during the day while on this elimination? ANSWER The more rest you give your body, the better. Take a short walk. Take your colemas and afterward rest at least half an \nhour. But rest is most important. QUESTION What about eating shrimp and crab? ANSWER Do not include these in your diet. QUESTION Is it alright to have a coffee substitute with no grain? ANSWER All coffee substitutes are poor; but if you must use it, try Pero or Sanocaf, both are made in Switzerland. QUESTION How long are we on this elimination? ANSWER I recommend the 7 -day cleansing b ut the length of time is determined on an individual case basis. QUESTION Is it better to use the colema in the morning or evening? ANSWER I prefer morning \u2014but do it once a day. After 2 -3 months, you can even skip a day if necessary. Take the bulk and clay \nwater twice a day, morning and night. QUESTION Should we alternate between the coffee and clay water colema? ANSWER Coffee is the best to take every day and just once a day. QUESTION What other supplements should be taken? ANSWER The supplements stated fo r this cleansing program should be taken because they are slanted toward cleansing. Supplements for building should be determined by your doctor, according to your particular condition. QUESTION Should I take acidophilus bacteria while on the tissue cleans ing and colema treatment? ANSWER No, but take it afterward. Take it when you return home, perhaps as an implant. You can do it for a month or two after \nthis program. QUESTION I\u2019m already exhausted; I feel I could be in bed right now. How will this be over the 7 days? ANSWER This is the second day - and you are one of the unusual ones because of your past problems. The more elimination you \nhave, the less energy you will have also. Cleansing requires a lot of rest. We will not take you the full 7 days due to your past \nhistory. QUESTION I make goat milk cheese; should I drink the whey? ANSWER Yes, whey is the greatest thing for the stomach to make hydrochloric acid needed for digestion. QUESTION Is it too high in sodium for me? ANSWER No, because you won\u2019t be t aking a large amount. QUESTION On this cleansing, if I experience pain or gas, should I take another colema? ANSWER Yes; in all cases of pain or intestinal distress, it is best to take another colema and it can be done in succession w ithout \nany harm. QUEST ION Can chicken bones be used in the veal broth soup? And should they be raw or can they be from a roasted chicken? ANSWER Yes, you can use chicken bones and raw is preferred: although roasted chicken bones can be used also. QUESTION Why are we drinking th e vinegar/honey mixture? ANSWER It helps do some of the work that hydrochloric acid does in the stomach in digesting proteins. It stirs up the acid -\nalkaline balance in the body to throw off more acids through the urine. QUESTION Will an overdose of calcium cause muscle cramps? ANSWER Yes, it could. QUESTION How do we control calcium? ANSWER Good stomach digestion. Iodine controls calcium. Greens, tops of vegetables, also control calcium. QUESTION I\u2019m worried about my weight on this cleansing. ANSWER Most pe ople on this elimination diet do not lose much, if any, weight. You are not totally fasting, you are having juices \nand the vitamins and minerals which are all foods. QUESTION When should I take the Digestaid tablets? ANSWER During your meals. QUESTION Will you tell us about implants? What should be used? ANSWER Implants are inserted with a baby enema syringe (about 1 cup of liquid) into the rectum at bedtime, and should be held \novernight. The best implant is acidophilus culture. Use this for 2 -3 months after the cleansing, skip 2 -3 months and start using the \nimplant again. We are replacing the friendly bacteria in the bowel using acidophilus culture. Of course, during the day, you can \ntake acidophilus orally. We all have a lack of the friendly bacteria, but even more so in taking frequent colemas. Other implants to \nuse are garlic oil", "token_ids": [2305, 4261, 11, 433, 374, 51217, 2288, 6266, 26487, 41315, 315, 2800, 2391, 279, 1938, 13, 2057, 4950, 555, 220, 24, 477, 220, 24, 25, 966, 9012, 13, 13165, 7432, 877, 4940, 54722, 9705, 29863, 3651, 9917, 3301, 965, 8606, 88227, 50, 2355, 8586, 374, 264, 1160, 315, 33690, 430, 690, 19407, 12576, 304, 279, 2547, 56228, 5196, 1306, 279, 20438, 60052, 6514, 706, 1027, 2355, 35835, 13, 96499, 11, 28170, 469, 320, 4728, 3110, 8, 7446, 11, 28170, 356, 320, 455, 311, 220, 605, 11, 931, 14060, 7446, 705, 28170, 362, 320, 1135, 11, 931, 3110, 7446, 482, 539, 21075, 11, 720, 33763, 29229, 72, 459, 7795, 26587, 5707, 374, 1888, 705, 84067, 753, 32269, 561, 11, 5348, 5202, 33518, 52090, 320, 11099, 14643, 3149, 705, 445, 762, 411, 258, 65879, 320, 17, 311, 220, 19, 7446, 570, 45774, 362, 374, 5423, 1695, 304, 682, 66358, 85160, 11, 96971, 811, 11, 1400, 20000, 323, 3794, 9463, 315, 30020, 13, 58752, 449, 13458, 264, 1083, 435, 11, 720, 1820, 1403, 527, 220, 279, 12474, 33690, 369, 682, 296, 38601, 10006, 826, 13, 5560, 17109, 261, 753, 41580, 311, 6994, 264, 73796, 315, 279, 426, 46192, 13, 1789, 264, 2697, 5066, 4907, 1005, 264, 42384, 1285, 315, 26828, 304, 264, 9168, 315, 3090, 13, 362, 1695, 1648, 311, 1212, 279, 1938, 374, 449, 1403, 56588, 315, 5933, 24149, 66155, 47205, 311, 832, 9168, 315, 8369, 3090, 1475, 6693, 720, 15145, 17954, 13, 1102, 374, 1101, 1695, 369, 1884, 889, 527, 4560, 311, 8108, 4785, 1606, 433, 374, 264, 8834, 38104, 13, 7429, 433, 374, 1633, 1579, 220, 304, 720, 19644, 49163, 902, 11815, 279, 4851, 11, 35294, 709, 62564, 30020, 264, 15953, 52797, 304, 10223, 279, 66358, 82088, 9017, 279, 11919, 3185, 13, 13596, 1695, 4623, 374, 311, 1005, 832, 42384, 315, 14812, 37833, 5237, 25734, 304, 264, 9168, 315, 3090, 1603, 17954, 13, 5810, 374, 264, 1160, 315, 279, 1455, 8147, 4857, 15657, 13, 8219, 39853, 10533, 14432, 11, 92223, 10533, 14432, 1174, 63168, 14432, 11, 7257, 54392, 753, 17604, 11, 720, 1557, 2423, 430, 18808, 320, 3359, 705, 41778, 379, 4214, 11, 4459, 14198, 20228, 11, 14071, 14095, 42880, 11, 436, 9188, 11, 112455, 11, 274, 569, 1572, 11, 80247, 11, 68346, 11, 46722, 43932, 384, 11, 720, 566, 370, 655, 14403, 11, 19335, 11, 27994, 323, 2531, 19131, 13, 5810, 527, 279, 1455, 60052, 323, 19405, 482, 21828, 287, 12018, 297, 5469, 13, 7997, 58573, 11, 41613, 11, 7878, 47136, 11, 3090, 66, 676, 11, 682, 8330, 14380, 11, 682, 13124, 315, 720, 36989, 11, 10804, 2439, 11, 52011, 320, 73480, 3258, 5423, 705, 36581, 65959, 323, 14098, 65959, 11, 2543, 3153, 320, 8783, 560, 315, 8, 323, 7257, 15657, 13, 4740, 279, 6514, 11, 499, 649, 1005, 829, 8977, 74, 969, 332, 320, 43326, 1752, 10932, 2579, 8, 369, 264, 5933, 74830, 1413, 13, 5560, 433, 1101, 369, 904, 12195, 315, 738, 49686, 13, 57828, 43486, 3651, 97804, 4419, 52912, 3247, 7432, 877, 4940, 350, 31832, 5441, 2355, 53528, 1789, 1148, 4040, 2944, 374, 264, 1344, 710, 23425, 665, 9355, 4529, 30, 97804, 643, 1102, 649, 387, 4529, 520, 904, 892, 11, 719, 304, 4040, 422, 499, 617, 264, 293, 8669, 67542, 66358, 11, 1606, 1344, 710, 23425, 374, 1633, 21730, 13, 7429, 369, 264, 720, 901, 16490, 66358, 11, 923, 264, 5743, 315, 93200, 315, 14812, 37833, 5237, 25734, 311, 279, 1344, 710, 23425, 665, 9355, 13, 1115, 690, 1520, 904, 304, 482, 45864, 367, 315, 279, 720, 15802, 301, 13, 91022, 2650, 1690, 34479, 3956, 1288, 584, 617, 30, 97804, 643, 25619, 1690, 34479, 3956, 8356, 296, 38601, 11, 8415, 1138, 71, 323, 31071, 331, 532, 35665, 13, 3861, 477, 1403, 29247, 315, 14403, 264, 1938, 690, 539, 720, 1593, 1790, 5674, 4869, 13, 2684, 527, 14403, 91362, 1778, 439, 264, 10184, 14403, 7172, 430, 690, 539, 8356, 8415, 1138, 71, 13, 1472, 649, 1101, 3980, 259, 264, 720, 53980, 17604, 1903, 13091, 296, 7257, 4459, 14403, 13, 91022, 1472, 3309, 603, 311, 617, 4251, 7795, 449, 66079, 13, 3639, 4040, 7795, 374, 430, 30, 97804, 643, 15379, 80827, 11, 20950, 11, 13612, 11, 41420, 11, 15104, 581, 332, 2001, 3852, 7795, 449, 29505, 323, 66079, 13, 58846, 7795, 649, 387, 1511, 11, 719, 7878, 374, 15236, 13, 91022, 763, 4737, 279, 13080, 40488, 11, 358, 220, 636, 1778, 264, 18698, 323, 358, 95856, 323, 67106, 11, 719, 420, 3250, 1431, 3621, 994, 358, 1935, 279, 892, 482, 23859, 720, 7907, 40488, 13, 97804, 643, 578, 2068, 6880, 369, 220, 1041, 14060, 315, 13080, 40488, 220, 18, 3115, 264, 1938, 11, 779, 499, 649, 4018, 433, 1523, 311, 220, 914, 14060, 220, 18, 3115, 264, 1938, 13, 578, 22402, 374, 720, 41917, 311, 5457, 279, 6680, 1139, 961, 274, 315, 701, 63900, 42929, 1405, 1070, 527, 30020, 13, 4702, 439, 499, 636, 264, 18698, 389, 279, 704, 482, 3002, 11, 720, 9514, 690, 1101, 636, 264, 18698, 389, 279, 4871, 13, 91022, 12540, 584, 1935, 220, 16, 42384, 477, 16, 62611, 315, 20950, 26587, 5707, 11, 323, 1288, 433, 387, 4529, 449, 279, 3400, 52801, 635, 311, 555, 42201, 274, 279, 720, 75, 1553, 323, 733, 6089, 311, 279, 6680, 482, 4116, 30, 97804, 643, 12040, 220, 16, 62611, 1603, 279, 3400, 52801, 635, 13, 4418, 1431, 11196, 922, 31818, 287, 4205, 13, 11359, 18445, 21650, 323, 1541, 1431, 720, 86, 8635, 922, 433, 13, 91022, 8595, 374, 433, 5995, 311, 1935, 279, 3400, 52801, 635, 1176, 30, 97804, 643, 1472, 1541, 1431, 1935, 3400, 52801, 635, 1176, 13, 12040, 279, 20950, 26587, 5707, 1176, 26, 433, 5084, 311, 2503, 2731, 2085, 46692, 3252, 13, 12040, 279, 20950, 26587, 5707, 2355, 266, 3814, 1603, 60873, 11, 779, 433, 690, 5944, 1555, 279, 19754, 62564, 323, 26587, 2085, 1790, 55054, 709, 13, 91022, 2650, 656, 499, 636, 297, 26620, 420, 5043, 30, 97804, 643, 5629, 11, 1095, 433, 387, 3967, 430, 433, 374, 539, 264, 837, 5043, 13, 362, 5043, 3445, 4686, 671, 95821, 505, 37493, 13, 1115, 374, 264, 35294, 258, 342, 720, 15252, 323, 279, 1648, 311, 842, 433, 374, 449, 8579, 26390, 1093, 1069, 14576, 477, 8579, 21726, 292, 2469, 13, 1443, 33874, 291, 11, 75596, 291, 62517, 649, 387, 9637, 50332, 323, 1101, 720, 3306, 73048, 75596, 291, 41776, 13, 1472, 1288, 1101, 617, 264, 30205, 36581, 11, 62517, 477, 387, 1441, 13, 28232, 21644, 11, 499, 649, 617, 70121, 23661, 11, 75294, 720, 8783, 560, 477, 36581, 45993, 13, 578, 1938, 2768, 11, 499, 1253, 617, 62233, 449, 69375, 26390, 477, 264, 44196, 369, 17954, 13, 1443, 33874, 291, 62517, 11, 720, 76, 41984, 62233, 323, 264, 2678, 33566, 520, 16163, 13, 763, 279, 11714, 11, 499, 1253, 617, 2500, 33566, 323, 264, 30205, 36581, 13, 578, 1828, 1938, 11, 30596, 577, 649, 720, 2527, 389, 856, 5912, 10173, 13, 91022, 2650, 1288, 358, 6929, 7182, 2391, 279, 1938, 1418, 389, 420, 44032, 30, 97804, 643, 578, 810, 2800, 499, 3041, 701, 2547, 11, 279, 2731, 13, 12040, 264, 2875, 4321, 13, 12040, 701, 1080, 3516, 300, 323, 49043, 2800, 520, 3325, 4376, 459, 720, 25704, 13, 2030, 2800, 374, 1455, 3062, 13, 91022, 3639, 922, 12459, 56626, 323, 60512, 30, 97804, 643, 3234, 539, 2997, 1521, 304, 701, 10173, 13, 91022, 2209, 220, 433, 51217, 311, 617, 264, 11033, 28779, 449, 912, 24875, 30, 97804, 643, 2052, 11033, 91362, 527, 8009, 26, 719, 422, 499, 2011, 1005, 433, 11, 1456, 56532, 477, 5960, 511, 2642, 11, 2225, 527, 1903, 304, 30221, 13, 91022, 2650, 1317, 527, 584, 389, 420, 44032, 30, 97804, 643, 358, 7079, 279, 220, 22, 482, 1316, 60052, 293, 8791, 279, 3160, 315, 892, 374, 11075, 389, 459, 3927, 1162, 8197, 13, 91022, 2209, 433, 2731, 311, 1005, 279, 74041, 1764, 304, 279, 6693, 477, 11714, 30, 97804, 643, 358, 10932, 6693, 2001, 8248, 656, 433, 3131, 264, 1938, 13, 4740, 220, 17, 482, 18, 4038, 11, 499, 649, 1524, 10936, 264, 1938, 422, 5995, 13, 12040, 279, 20155, 323, 37148, 2355, 13284, 11157, 264, 1938, 11, 6693, 323, 3814, 13, 91022, 12540, 584, 25631, 1990, 279, 11033, 323, 37148, 3090, 74041, 1764, 30, 97804, 643, 27171, 374, 279, 1888, 311, 1935, 1475, 1938, 323, 1120, 3131, 264, 1938, 13, 91022, 3639, 1023, 33690, 1288, 387, 4529, 30, 97804, 643, 578, 33690, 11224, 12018, 436, 420, 60052, 2068, 1288, 387, 4529, 1606, 814, 527, 1776, 7719, 9017, 60052, 13, 92410, 369, 4857, 1288, 387, 11075, 555, 701, 10896, 11, 4184, 311, 701, 4040, 3044, 13, 91022, 12540, 358, 1935, 13935, 98635, 355, 24032, 1418, 389, 279, 20438, 35294, 6892, 323, 74041, 1764, 6514, 30, 97804, 643, 2360, 11, 719, 1935, 433, 49043, 13, 12040, 433, 994, 499, 471, 2162, 11, 8530, 439, 459, 46460, 13, 1472, 649, 656, 433, 369, 264, 2305, 477, 1403, 1306, 2355, 576, 2068, 13, 91022, 358, 4344, 2736, 39019, 26, 358, 2733, 358, 1436, 387, 304, 4950, 1314, 1457, 13, 2650, 690, 420, 387, 927, 279, 220, 22, 2919, 30, 97804, 643, 1115, 374, 279, 2132, 1938, 482, 323, 499, 527, 832, 315, 279, 19018, 6305, 1606, 315, 701, 3347, 5435, 13, 578, 810, 44032, 499, 720, 19553, 11, 279, 2753, 4907, 499, 690, 617, 1101, 13, 86762, 287, 7612, 264, 2763, 315, 2800, 13, 1226, 690, 539, 1935, 499, 279, 2539, 220, 22, 2919, 4245, 311, 701, 3347, 720, 19375, 13, 91022, 358, 1304, 54392, 14403, 17604, 26, 1288, 358, 7172, 279, 15240, 88, 30, 97804, 643, 7566, 11, 15240, 88, 374, 279, 12474, 3245, 369, 279, 23152, 311, 1304, 17055, 72967, 292, 13935, 4460, 369, 74502, 13, 91022, 2209, 433, 2288, 1579, 304, 39695, 369, 757, 30, 97804, 643, 2360, 11, 1606, 499, 2834, 1431, 387, 259, 264, 10789, 264, 3544, 3392, 13, 91022, 1952, 420, 60052, 11, 422, 358, 3217, 6784, 477, 6962, 11, 1288, 358, 1935, 2500, 74041, 1764, 30, 97804, 643, 7566, 26, 304, 682, 5157, 315, 6784, 477, 63900, 35104, 11, 433, 374, 1888, 311, 1935, 2500, 74041, 1764, 323, 433, 649, 387, 2884, 304, 50787, 289, 78942, 412, 720, 3852, 11682, 13, 57828, 358, 715, 3053, 16553, 25896, 387, 1511, 304, 279, 5320, 278, 45993, 19724, 30, 1628, 1288, 814, 387, 7257, 477, 649, 814, 387, 505, 264, 54662, 16553, 30, 97804, 643, 7566, 11, 499, 649, 1005, 16553, 25896, 323, 7257, 374, 15236, 25, 8051, 54662, 16553, 25896, 649, 387, 1511, 1101, 13, 91022, 8595, 527, 584, 16558, 270, 384, 47205, 7682, 2596, 21655, 30, 97804, 643, 1102, 8779, 656, 1063, 315, 279, 990, 430, 17055, 72967, 292, 13935, 1587, 304, 279, 23152, 304, 21552, 287, 28896, 13, 1102, 357, 17260, 709, 279, 13935, 18722, 1727, 278, 483, 8335, 304, 279, 2547, 311, 2571, 1022, 810, 33969, 1555, 279, 40335, 13, 91022, 4946, 459, 60553, 315, 35719, 220, 5353, 16124, 1589, 14989, 30, 97804, 643, 7566, 11, 433, 1436, 13, 91022, 2650, 656, 584, 2585, 35719, 30, 97804, 643, 7839, 23152, 74502, 13, 358, 347, 483, 11835, 35719, 13, 42691, 11, 33522, 315, 24822, 11, 1101, 2585, 35719, 13, 91022, 358, 4344, 18290, 922, 856, 4785, 389, 420, 60052, 13, 97804, 643, 7648, 1069, 297, 698, 389, 420, 44032, 10173, 656, 539, 9229, 1790, 11, 422, 904, 11, 4785, 13, 1472, 527, 539, 12756, 54560, 11, 499, 527, 3515, 65959, 720, 438, 279, 46192, 323, 34072, 902, 527, 682, 15657, 13, 91022, 3277, 1288, 358, 1935, 279, 54389, 3864, 29679, 30, 97804, 643, 12220, 701, 21644, 13, 91022, 4946, 220, 499, 3371, 603, 922, 63284, 30, 3639, 1288, 387, 1511, 30, 97804, 643, 2417, 64805, 527, 22306, 449, 264, 8945, 665, 9355, 6705, 85124, 320, 9274, 220, 16, 10747, 315, 14812, 8, 1139, 279, 7763, 372, 520, 89607, 11, 323, 1288, 387, 5762, 2355, 6846, 492, 13, 578, 1888, 46460, 374, 13935, 98635, 355, 7829, 13, 5560, 420, 369, 220, 17, 482, 18, 4038, 1306, 279, 60052, 11, 10936, 220, 17, 482, 18, 4038, 323, 1212, 1701, 279, 720, 6517, 519, 1578, 13, 1226, 527, 25935, 279, 11919, 24032, 304, 279, 66358, 1701, 13935, 98635, 355, 7829, 13, 5046, 3388, 11, 2391, 279, 1938, 11, 499, 649, 720, 23609, 13935, 98635, 355, 98122, 13, 1226, 682, 617, 264, 6996, 315, 279, 11919, 24032, 11, 719, 1524, 810, 779, 304, 4737, 21420, 1080, 3516, 300, 13, 7089, 63284, 311, 720, 817, 527, 31735, 5707], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": " Jesus consents, and as he starts toward the home of the High Priest a \nwoman in the market place touched his garment. \u201cAnd Jesus, immediately\nknowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him, turned about in the \npress and said, Who touched my clothes. \u201d (Mark 5:30). The woman who was healed of an issue of blood that she had had for 12 \nyears confessed that she had touched him. \u201cAnd he said unto her, Daugh -\nter, Thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace. \u201d (Mark 5:34). As he continues toward the home of the High Priest he is told that the \nchld is dead and there is no need to go to resurrect her. She is no longer \nasleep, but is now dead. \u201cAs soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, he saith unto the ruler\nof the synagogue, Be not afraid, only believe. \u201d (Mark 5:36). \u201cAnd when he was come in, he saith unto them. Why make ye this ado, \nand weep. The damsel is not dead, but sleepth. \u201d (Mark 5:39). With this the entire crowd mocked and laughed, but Jesus, closing the \ndoors against the mocking crowd, took with him into the household of \nJairus, his disciples and the father and mother of the dead child. They entered into the room where the damsel was lying. \u201cAnd he took the\ndamsel by the hand, and said unto her, Damsel, I say unto thee, arise. \u201d \n(Mark 5:41). More Free Books Law of Attraction Haven\u201cFrom this deep sleep she awoke and arose and walked, and the High \nPriest and all the others were astonished. And he changed them straightly\nthat no man should know it; and he commanded that something should \nbe given her to eat. \u201d (Mark 5:43). You are this very night, as you are seated here, pictured in this 5th chap -\nter of Mark. A cemetery is for one purpose: it is simply a record of the \ndead. Are you living in the dead past. If you are living among the dead, your prejudices, your superstitions, and\nyour false beliefs that you keep alive are the tombstones behind which \nyou hide. If you refuse to let them go you are just as mad as the mad \nman of the Bible who pleaded with enlightened reason not to cast them \nout. There is no difference. But enlightened reason is incapable of protect -\ning prejudice and superstition against the inroads of reason. There is not a man in this world who has a prejudice, regardless of the \nnature of the prejudice, who can hold it up to the light of reason. Tell me \nyou are against a certain nation, a certain race, a certain \u201cism,\u201d a certain \nanything \u2013 I do not care what it is \u2013 you cannot expose that belief of \nyours to the light of reason and have it live. In order that it may be kept \nalive in your world you must hide it from reason. You cannot analyze it in \nthe light of reason and have it live. When this fourth-dimensional focus \ncomes and shows you a new approach to life and casts out of your own \nmind all these things that bedeviled you, you are then cleansed and \nclothed in your right mind. And you sit at the foot of understanding, called\nthe feet of the Master. Now clothed and in your right mind you can resurrect the dead. What \ndead. The child in the story is not a child. The child is your ambition, your\ndesire, the unfulfilled dreams of your heart. This is the child housed within\nthe mind of man. For as I have stated before, the entire drama of the \nBible is a psychological one. The Bible has no reference at all to any per -\nson who ever existed, or any event that ever occurred upon earth. All the \nstories of the Bible unfold in the minds of the individual man. In this story Jesus is the awakened intellect of man. When your mind \nfunctions outside of the range of your present senses, when your mind is \nhealed of all the former limitations, then you are no longer the insane \nman; but you are this presence personified as Jesus, the power that can \nresurrect the longings of the heart of man. You are now the woman with the issue of blood. What is this issue of \nblood. A running womb is not a productive womb. She held it for 12 \nyears, she was incapable of conceiving. She could not give form to her \nlonging because of the running of the issue of blood. You are told her faith\nMore Free Books Law of Attraction Havenclosed it. As the womb closes it can give form to the seed or idea. As your mind is cleansed of your former concept of self, you assume you \nare what you want to be, and remaining faithful to this assumption, you \ngive form to your assumption or resurrect your child. You are the woman \ncleansed of the issue of blood, and you move towards the house of the \ndead child. The child or state you desired is now your fixed concept of yourself. But \nnow having assumed that I am what formerly I desired to be, I cannot \ncontinue desiring what I am conscious of being. So I do not discuss it. I \ntalk to no one concerning what I am. It is so obvious to me that I am \nwhat I wanted to be that I walk as though I were. Walking as though I am what I formerly wanted to be, my world of limited\nfocus does not see it and thinks I no longer desire it. The child is dead \nwithin their world; but I, who know the law, say, \u201cThe child is not dead. \u201d \nThe damsel is not dead, she but sleepeth. I now awaken her, I by my as -\nsumption, awaken and make visible in my world what I assume, for as -\nsumptions if sustained invariably awaken what they affirm. I close the door. What door. The door of my senses. I simply shut out \ncompletely all that my senses reveal. I deny the evidence of my senses. I \nsuspend the limited reason of the natural man and walk in this bold asser -\ntion that I am what my senses deny. With the door of my senses closed, what do I take into that disciplined \nstate. I take no one into that state but the parents of the child and my \ndisciples. I close the door against the mocking, laughing crowd. I no \nlonger look for confirmation. I completely deny the evidence of my sens -\nes, which mock my assumption and do not discuss with others whether \nmy assumption is possible or not. Who are the parents. We have discovered that the father-mother of all \ncreation is man's I Amness. Man's consciousness is God. I am conscious \nof the state. I am the father-mother of all my ideas and my mind remains\nfaithful to this new concept of self. My mind is disciplined. I take into that \nstate the disciples, and I shut out of that state everything that would \ndeny it. Now the child, unaided by man, is resurrected. The condition which I de -\nsired and assumed I had, becomes objectified within my world and bears \nwitness to the power of my assumption. You be the judge, I cannot judge you. You are either living now in the \ndead past, or you are living as the woman whose issue of blood has been \nstaunched. Could you actually answer me if I asked you the question: \u201cDo\nMore Free Books Law of Attraction Havenyou believe now that you, without the assistance of another, need only as -\nsume that you are what you want to be, to make that assumption real \nwithin your world. Or do you believe that you must first fulfill a certain \ncondition imposed upon you by the past, that you must be of a certain or -\nder, a certain something. \u201d\nI am not being critical of certain churches or groups, but there are those \nwho believe that anyone outside of their church or group is not yet saved. I was born a Protestant. You talk to a Protestant, there is only one Chris -\ntian, a Protestant. You talk to a Catholic, why there is nothing in the world\nthat is a Christian but a Catholic. You talk to a Jew, and the Christians are\nheathens, and the Jews are the chosen. You talk to a Mohammedan, Jews\nand Christians are the infidels. You talk to someone else and all these are \nthe untouchables. It does not matter to whom you talk, they are always \nthe chosen ones. If you believe that you must be one of these in order to be saved, you are\nstill an insane man hiding behind these superstitions and these prejudices\nof the past, and you are begging not to be cleansed. Some of you say to me, \u201cDo not ask me to give up my belief in Jesus the \nman, or in Moses the man, or in Peter the man. When you ask me to give \nup my belief in these characters you are asking too much. Leave me \nthese beliefs because they comfort me. I can believe that they lived upon \nearth and still follow your psychological interpretation of their stories. \u201d\nI say, come out of the dead past. Come out of that cemetery and walk, \nknowing that you and your Father are one, and your Father, who men call \nGod, is your own consciousness. That is the only creative law in the world. Of what are you conscious of being. Although you cannot see your objec -\n", "token_ids": [10811, 1615, 812, 11, 323, 439, 568, 8638, 9017, 279, 2162, 315, 279, 5234, 50003, 264, 720, 22803, 304, 279, 3157, 2035, 24891, 813, 60718, 13, 1054, 3112, 10811, 11, 7214, 198, 33134, 287, 304, 5678, 430, 35460, 1047, 8208, 704, 315, 1461, 11, 6656, 922, 304, 279, 720, 1911, 323, 1071, 11, 10699, 24891, 856, 15447, 13, 19524, 320, 9126, 220, 20, 25, 966, 570, 578, 5333, 889, 574, 62320, 315, 459, 4360, 315, 6680, 430, 1364, 1047, 1047, 369, 220, 717, 720, 42820, 63417, 430, 1364, 1047, 24891, 1461, 13, 1054, 3112, 568, 1071, 30449, 1077, 11, 14569, 7595, 18722, 466, 11, 67675, 10082, 52677, 1903, 40344, 4459, 26, 733, 304, 9096, 13, 19524, 320, 9126, 220, 20, 25, 1958, 570, 1666, 568, 9731, 9017, 279, 2162, 315, 279, 5234, 50003, 568, 374, 3309, 430, 279, 720, 331, 509, 374, 5710, 323, 1070, 374, 912, 1205, 311, 733, 311, 66819, 1077, 13, 3005, 374, 912, 5129, 720, 300, 3583, 11, 719, 374, 1457, 5710, 13, 1054, 2170, 5246, 439, 10811, 6755, 279, 3492, 430, 574, 22066, 11, 568, 829, 411, 30449, 279, 49080, 198, 1073, 279, 95965, 11, 2893, 539, 16984, 11, 1193, 4510, 13, 19524, 320, 9126, 220, 20, 25, 1927, 570, 1054, 3112, 994, 568, 574, 2586, 304, 11, 568, 829, 411, 30449, 1124, 13, 8595, 1304, 20043, 420, 56285, 11, 720, 438, 584, 752, 13, 578, 3824, 9697, 374, 539, 5710, 11, 719, 6212, 339, 13, 19524, 320, 9126, 220, 20, 25, 2137, 570, 3161, 420, 279, 4553, 13734, 47249, 323, 32627, 11, 719, 10811, 11, 15676, 279, 720, 28404, 2403, 279, 67583, 13734, 11, 3952, 449, 1461, 1139, 279, 14048, 315, 720, 41, 1334, 355, 11, 813, 49260, 323, 279, 7126, 323, 6691, 315, 279, 5710, 1716, 13, 2435, 10862, 1139, 279, 3130, 1405, 279, 3824, 9697, 574, 21078, 13, 1054, 3112, 568, 3952, 279, 198, 67, 4214, 301, 555, 279, 1450, 11, 323, 1071, 30449, 1077, 11, 423, 4214, 301, 11, 358, 2019, 30449, 40344, 11, 31889, 13, 19524, 720, 3269, 847, 220, 20, 25, 3174, 570, 4497, 3658, 18312, 7658, 315, 2468, 27523, 42714, 2118, 3915, 420, 5655, 6212, 1364, 264, 96428, 323, 51063, 323, 15203, 11, 323, 279, 5234, 720, 93978, 478, 323, 682, 279, 3885, 1051, 100174, 13, 1628, 568, 5614, 1124, 7833, 398, 198, 9210, 912, 893, 1288, 1440, 433, 26, 323, 568, 54757, 430, 2555, 1288, 720, 1395, 2728, 1077, 311, 8343, 13, 19524, 320, 9126, 220, 20, 25, 3391, 570, 1472, 527, 420, 1633, 3814, 11, 439, 499, 527, 47413, 1618, 11, 42666, 304, 420, 220, 20, 339, 38838, 18722, 466, 315, 4488, 13, 362, 59404, 374, 369, 832, 7580, 25, 433, 374, 5042, 264, 3335, 315, 279, 720, 34854, 13, 8886, 499, 5496, 304, 279, 5710, 3347, 13, 1442, 499, 527, 5496, 4315, 279, 5710, 11, 701, 99876, 11, 701, 94705, 6055, 11, 323, 198, 22479, 905, 21463, 430, 499, 2567, 13989, 527, 279, 44180, 33610, 4920, 902, 720, 9514, 10477, 13, 1442, 499, 26122, 311, 1095, 1124, 733, 499, 527, 1120, 439, 13088, 439, 279, 13088, 720, 1543, 315, 279, 17377, 889, 40001, 449, 82315, 2944, 539, 311, 6445, 1124, 720, 412, 13, 2684, 374, 912, 6811, 13, 2030, 82315, 2944, 374, 58271, 315, 6144, 18722, 287, 48786, 323, 94705, 684, 2403, 279, 304, 43791, 315, 2944, 13, 2684, 374, 539, 264, 893, 304, 420, 1917, 889, 706, 264, 48786, 11, 15851, 315, 279, 720, 67812, 315, 279, 48786, 11, 889, 649, 3412, 433, 709, 311, 279, 3177, 315, 2944, 13, 25672, 757, 720, 9514, 527, 2403, 264, 3738, 7140, 11, 264, 3738, 7102, 11, 264, 3738, 1054, 2191, 2476, 264, 3738, 720, 73254, 1389, 358, 656, 539, 2512, 1148, 433, 374, 1389, 499, 4250, 29241, 430, 16801, 315, 720, 88, 2530, 311, 279, 3177, 315, 2944, 323, 617, 433, 3974, 13, 763, 2015, 430, 433, 1253, 387, 8774, 720, 52061, 304, 701, 1917, 499, 2011, 10477, 433, 505, 2944, 13, 1472, 4250, 24564, 433, 304, 720, 1820, 3177, 315, 2944, 323, 617, 433, 3974, 13, 3277, 420, 11999, 33520, 5357, 720, 6716, 323, 5039, 499, 264, 502, 5603, 311, 2324, 323, 57133, 704, 315, 701, 1866, 720, 38824, 682, 1521, 2574, 430, 4950, 5230, 2230, 499, 11, 499, 527, 1243, 35294, 291, 323, 720, 33678, 79371, 304, 701, 1314, 4059, 13, 1628, 499, 2503, 520, 279, 4579, 315, 8830, 11, 2663, 198, 1820, 7693, 315, 279, 11060, 13, 4800, 28392, 291, 323, 304, 701, 1314, 4059, 499, 649, 66819, 279, 5710, 13, 3639, 720, 34854, 13, 578, 1716, 304, 279, 3446, 374, 539, 264, 1716, 13, 578, 1716, 374, 701, 45715, 11, 701, 198, 5919, 556, 11, 279, 653, 1285, 28611, 19226, 315, 701, 4851, 13, 1115, 374, 279, 1716, 52258, 2949, 198, 1820, 4059, 315, 893, 13, 1789, 439, 358, 617, 11224, 1603, 11, 279, 4553, 20156, 315, 279, 720, 33, 1260, 374, 264, 24064, 832, 13, 578, 17377, 706, 912, 5905, 520, 682, 311, 904, 824, 18722, 942, 889, 3596, 25281, 11, 477, 904, 1567, 430, 3596, 10222, 5304, 9578, 13, 2052, 279, 720, 69335, 315, 279, 17377, 28572, 304, 279, 20663, 315, 279, 3927, 893, 13, 763, 420, 3446, 10811, 374, 279, 90347, 17108, 315, 893, 13, 3277, 701, 4059, 720, 22124, 4994, 315, 279, 2134, 315, 701, 3118, 38207, 11, 994, 701, 4059, 374, 720, 383, 5962, 315, 682, 279, 4846, 9669, 11, 1243, 499, 527, 912, 5129, 279, 35118, 720, 1543, 26, 719, 499, 527, 420, 9546, 1732, 1908, 439, 10811, 11, 279, 2410, 430, 649, 720, 417, 59100, 279, 1317, 826, 315, 279, 4851, 315, 893, 13, 1472, 527, 1457, 279, 5333, 449, 279, 4360, 315, 6680, 13, 3639, 374, 420, 4360, 315, 720, 51105, 13, 362, 4401, 73937, 374, 539, 264, 27331, 73937, 13, 3005, 5762, 433, 369, 220, 717, 720, 42820, 11, 1364, 574, 58271, 315, 20245, 2299, 13, 3005, 1436, 539, 3041, 1376, 311, 1077, 720, 4930, 287, 1606, 315, 279, 4401, 315, 279, 4360, 315, 6680, 13, 1472, 527, 3309, 1077, 10082, 198, 7816, 3658, 18312, 7658, 315, 2468, 27523, 56208, 967, 9443, 433, 13, 1666, 279, 73937, 34350, 433, 649, 3041, 1376, 311, 279, 10533, 477, 4623, 13, 1666, 701, 4059, 374, 35294, 291, 315, 701, 4846, 7434, 315, 659, 11, 499, 9855, 499, 720, 548, 1148, 499, 1390, 311, 387, 11, 323, 9861, 37513, 311, 420, 25329, 11, 499, 720, 47530, 1376, 311, 701, 25329, 477, 66819, 701, 1716, 13, 1472, 527, 279, 5333, 720, 9326, 598, 291, 315, 279, 4360, 315, 6680, 11, 323, 499, 3351, 7119, 279, 3838, 315, 279, 720, 34854, 1716, 13, 578, 1716, 477, 1614, 499, 12974, 374, 1457, 701, 8521, 7434, 315, 6261, 13, 2030, 720, 3409, 3515, 19655, 430, 358, 1097, 1148, 34833, 358, 12974, 311, 387, 11, 358, 4250, 720, 9726, 951, 6322, 1148, 358, 1097, 17371, 315, 1694, 13, 2100, 358, 656, 539, 4358, 433, 13, 358, 720, 36341, 311, 912, 832, 18815, 1148, 358, 1097, 13, 1102, 374, 779, 8196, 311, 757, 430, 358, 1097, 720, 12840, 358, 4934, 311, 387, 430, 358, 4321, 439, 3582, 358, 1051, 13, 40155, 439, 3582, 358, 1097, 1148, 358, 34833, 4934, 311, 387, 11, 856, 1917, 315, 7347, 198, 17870, 1587, 539, 1518, 433, 323, 15849, 358, 912, 5129, 12876, 433, 13, 578, 1716, 374, 5710, 720, 56950, 872, 1917, 26, 719, 358, 11, 889, 1440, 279, 2383, 11, 2019, 11, 1054, 791, 1716, 374, 539, 5710, 13, 19524, 720, 791, 3824, 9697, 374, 539, 5710, 11, 1364, 719, 6212, 774, 13, 358, 1457, 42518, 1077, 11, 358, 555, 856, 439, 18722, 1264, 562, 11, 42518, 323, 1304, 9621, 304, 856, 1917, 1148, 358, 9855, 11, 369, 439, 18722, 1264, 1324, 422, 29759, 74614, 42518, 1148, 814, 33449, 13, 358, 3345, 279, 6134, 13, 3639, 6134, 13, 578, 6134, 315, 856, 38207, 13, 358, 5042, 9495, 704, 720, 884, 50268, 682, 430, 856, 38207, 16805, 13, 358, 23973, 279, 6029, 315, 856, 38207, 13, 358, 720, 99711, 279, 7347, 2944, 315, 279, 5933, 893, 323, 4321, 304, 420, 14265, 439, 805, 18722, 28491, 430, 358, 1097, 1148, 856, 38207, 23973, 13, 3161, 279, 6134, 315, 856, 38207, 8036, 11, 1148, 656, 358, 1935, 1139, 430, 70166, 720, 2513, 13, 358, 1935, 912, 832, 1139, 430, 1614, 719, 279, 6699, 315, 279, 1716, 323, 856, 720, 17242, 38558, 13, 358, 3345, 279, 6134, 2403, 279, 67583, 11, 32681, 13734, 13, 358, 912, 720, 4930, 261, 1427, 369, 20109, 13, 358, 6724, 23973, 279, 6029, 315, 856, 6225, 18722, 288, 11, 902, 8018, 856, 25329, 323, 656, 539, 4358, 449, 3885, 3508, 720, 2465, 25329, 374, 3284, 477, 539, 13, 10699, 527, 279, 6699, 13, 1226, 617, 11352, 430, 279, 7126, 1474, 1605, 315, 682, 720, 38475, 374, 893, 596, 358, 3383, 2136, 13, 2418, 596, 25917, 374, 4359, 13, 358, 1097, 17371, 720, 1073, 279, 1614, 13, 358, 1097, 279, 7126, 1474, 1605, 315, 682, 856, 6848, 323, 856, 4059, 8625, 198, 75710, 1285, 311, 420, 502, 7434, 315, 659, 13, 3092, 4059, 374, 70166, 13, 358, 1935, 1139, 430, 720, 2513, 279, 49260, 11, 323, 358, 9495, 704, 315, 430, 1614, 4395, 430, 1053, 720, 91063, 433, 13, 4800, 279, 1716, 11, 653, 3864, 291, 555, 893, 11, 374, 66819, 291, 13, 578, 3044, 902, 358, 409, 18722, 82, 2757, 323, 19655, 358, 1047, 11, 9221, 1665, 1908, 2949, 856, 1917, 323, 30824, 720, 86, 8251, 311, 279, 2410, 315, 856, 25329, 13, 1472, 387, 279, 11913, 11, 358, 4250, 11913, 499, 13, 1472, 527, 3060, 5496, 1457, 304, 279, 720, 34854, 3347, 11, 477, 499, 527, 5496, 439, 279, 5333, 6832, 4360, 315, 6680, 706, 1027, 720, 21127, 10880, 13, 16910, 499, 3604, 4320, 757, 422, 358, 4691, 499, 279, 3488, 25, 1054, 5519, 198, 7816, 3658, 18312, 7658, 315, 2468, 27523, 42714, 9514, 4510, 1457, 430, 499, 11, 2085, 279, 13291, 315, 2500, 11, 1205, 1193, 439, 18722, 32423, 430, 499, 527, 1148, 499, 1390, 311, 387, 11, 311, 1304, 430, 25329, 1972, 720, 56950, 701, 1917, 13, 2582, 656, 499, 4510, 430, 499, 2011, 1176, 21054, 264, 3738, 720, 9233, 27070, 5304, 499, 555, 279, 3347, 11, 430, 499, 2011, 387, 315, 264, 3738, 477, 18722, 1126, 11, 264, 3738, 2555, 13, 126672, 40, 1097, 539, 1694, 9200, 315, 3738, 31012, 477, 5315, 11, 719, 1070, 527, 1884, 720, 14965, 4510, 430, 5606, 4994, 315, 872, 8993, 477, 1912, 374, 539, 3686, 6924, 13, 358, 574, 9405, 264, 60753, 13, 1472, 3137, 311, 264, 60753, 11, 1070, 374, 1193, 832, 11517, 18722, 83, 1122, 11, 264, 60753, 13, 1472, 3137, 311, 264, 16879, 11, 3249, 1070, 374, 4400, 304, 279, 1917, 198, 9210, 374, 264, 9052, 719, 264, 16879, 13, 1472, 3137, 311, 264, 8117, 11, 323, 279, 22125, 527, 198, 383, 589, 729, 11, 323, 279, 17420, 527, 279, 12146, 13, 1472, 3137, 311, 264, 46392, 276, 11, 17420, 198, 438, 22125, 527, 279, 4225, 307, 2053, 13, 1472, 3137, 311, 4423, 775, 323, 682, 1521, 527, 720, 1820, 13365, 3102, 4893, 13, 1102, 1587, 539, 5030, 311, 8884, 499, 3137, 11, 814, 527, 2744, 720, 1820, 12146, 6305, 13, 1442, 499, 4510, 430, 499, 2011, 387, 832, 315, 1521, 304, 2015, 311, 387, 6924, 11, 499, 527, 198, 44466, 459, 35118, 893, 26092, 4920, 1521, 94705, 6055, 323, 1521, 99876, 198, 1073, 279, 3347, 11, 323, 499, 527, 60206, 539, 311, 387, 35294, 291, 13, 4427, 315, 499, 2019, 311, 757, 11, 1054, 5519, 539, 2610, 757, 311, 3041, 709, 856, 16801, 304, 10811, 279, 720, 1543, 11, 477, 304, 42048, 279, 893, 11, 477, 304, 11291, 279, 893, 13, 3277, 499, 2610, 757, 311, 3041, 720, 455, 856, 16801, 304, 1521, 5885, 499, 527, 10371, 2288, 1790, 13, 26257, 757, 720, 45010, 21463, 1606, 814, 6981, 757, 13, 358, 649, 4510, 430, 814, 12439, 5304, 720, 28641, 323, 2103, 1833, 701, 24064, 23692, 315, 872, 7493, 13, 126672, 40, 2019, 11, 2586, 704, 315, 279, 5710, 3347, 13, 15936, 704, 315, 430, 59404, 323, 4321, 11, 720, 33134, 287, 430, 499, 323, 701, 20941, 527, 832, 11, 323, 701, 20941, 11, 889, 3026, 1650, 720, 28622, 11, 374, 701, 1866, 25917, 13, 3011, 374, 279, 1193, 11782, 2383, 304, 279, 1917, 13, 5046, 1148, 527, 499, 17371, 315, 1694, 13, 10541, 499, 4250, 1518, 701, 2909, 762, 18722], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": " \nnothing to do but convince yourself of the truth \nwhich you desire to see manifested.\" JACKCANFIELD \nIt's OK to notice what you don't want, because it gives you \ncontrast to say, \"This is what I do want.\" But the fact is, \nthe more you talk about what you don't want, or talk about \nhow bad it is, read about that all the time, and then say how \nterrible it is\u2014well, you're creating more of that \nYou cannot help the world by focusing on the negative things. As \nyou focus on the negative events of the world, you not only add to \nthem, but you bring more negative things into your own life at the \nsame time. When the pictures have appeared of something you do not want, \nit is your cue to change your thinking and emit a new signal. If it \nis a world situation, you are not powerless. You have all the power. Focus on everybody being in joy. Focus on abundance of food. Give \nyour powerful thoughts to what is wanted. You have the ability to \ngive so much to the world by emitting feelings of love and well-\nbeing, despite what is happening around you. The Secret to the World 145 \nWhen I discovered The Secret I made a decision that I would not \nwatch the news or read newspapers anymore, because it did not \nmake me feel good. The news services and the newspapers are \nnot in any way to blame for broadcasting bad news. As a global \ncommunity, we are responsible for it. We buy more newspapers \nwhen a huge drama is the headline. The news channels' ratings \nskyrocket when there is a national or international disaster. So the \nnewspapers and news services give us more bad news because, as \na society, that's what we are saying we want. The media is effect, \nand we are cause. It is just the law of attraction in action! The news services and newspapers will change what they deliver \nto us when we emit a new signal and focus on what we want. MICHAEL BERNARD BECKWITH \nLearn to become still, and to take your attention away from \nwhat you don't want, and all the emotional charge around it, \nand place the attention on what you wish to experience.... \nEnergy flows where attention goes. \"Think truly, and thy thoughts shall the world's \nfamine feed.\" JAMES RAY \nSo many times people say to me, \"Well, James, I have to be \ninformed,\" Maybe you have to be informed, but you don't \nhave to be inundated. 146 The Secret \nAre you beginning to see the phenomenal power you have in this \nworld, just through your existence? As you focus on the good \nthings you feel good, and you are bringing more good things to the \nworld. At the same time, you are bringing more good things into \nyour own life. When you feel good you uplift your life, and you \nuplift the world! The law is perfection in operation. LISA NICHOLS \nIt's not your job to change the world, or the people around \nyou. It's your job to go with the flow inside of the Universe, \nand to celebrate it inside the world that exists. You are the master of your life, and the Universe is answering \nyour every command. Don't become mesmerized by the pictures \nthat have appeared if they are not what you want. Take respon-\nsibility for them, make light of them if you can, and let them go. Then think new thoughts of what you want, feel them, and be \ngrateful that it is done. DR. JOHN DEMARTINI \nI always say, when the voice and the vision on the inside \nbecome more profound, clear, and loud than the opinions \non the outside, you've mastered your life! The Secret to the World 147 \nDR. JOE VITALE \nOne of the questions I get asked all the time is if everyone uses \nThe Secret, and they all treat the Universe like a catalogue, \naren't we going to run out of stuff? Won't everyone just make \na run for it and bust the hank? MICHAEL BERNARD BECKWITH \nWhat's beautiful about the teaching of The Secret is that \nthere's more than enough to go around for everyone. There is a lie that acts like a virus within the mind of \nhumanity. And that lie is, \"There's not enough good to go \naround. There's lack and there's limitation and there's just \nnot enough.\" And that lie has people living in fear, greed, \nstinginess. And those thoughts of fear, greed, stinginess, \nand lack become their experience. So the world has taken a \nnightmare pill. The truth is that there's more than enough good to go around. There's more than enough creative ideas. There's more than \nenough power. There's more than enough love. There's more \nthan enough joy. All of this begins to come through a mind \nthat is aware of its own infinite nature. 148 The Secret \nTo think there is not enough is to look at the outside pictures and \nthink that everything comes from the outside. When you do that, \nyou will most surely see lack and limitation. You now know that \nnothing comes into existence from the outside, and that everything \nfirst comes from thinking and feeling it on the inside. Your mind is \nthe creative power of all things. So how can there be any lack? It's \nimpossible. Your ability to think is unlimited, and so the things you \ncan think into existence are unlimited. And so it is with everyone. When you truly know this, you are thinking from a mind that is \naware of its own infinite nature. JAMES RAY \nEvery great teacher who has ever walked the planet has told \nyou that life was meant to be abundant. \"The essence of this law is that you must think \nabundance; see abundance, feel abundance, \nbelieve abundance. Let no thought of limitation \nenter your mind.\" JOHN ASSARAF \nAnd so just when we think that resources are dwindling, we \nfind new resources that can achieve the same things. The true story of a Belize oil team is an inspiring example of the \npower of the human mind to bring forth resources. The directors The Secret to the World 149 \nof Belize Natural Energy Limited were trained by the eminent \nDr. Tony Quinn, who specializes in Humanistic Physiology train\u00ad\ning. With Dr. Quinn's mind power training, the directors were \nconfident that their mental picture of Belize being a successful oil-\nproducing country would be achieved. They took a brave step \nforward to drill for oil in Spanish Lookout, and in one short year \ntheir dream and vision became a reality. Belize Natural Energy \nLimited discovered oil of the highest quality, in abundant flows \nwhere fifty other companies had failed to find any. Belize has be-\ncome an oil-producing country because an extraordinary team of \npeople believed in the unlimited power of their mind. Nothing is limited\u2014not resources or anything else. It is only \nlimited in the human mind. When we open our minds to the un-\nlimited creative power, we will call forth abundance and see and \nexperience a whole new world. DR. JOHN DEMARTINI \nEven though we say we have lack, it's because we don't open \nup our vision and see all of what is around us. DR, JOE VITALE \nYou know when people start to live from their heart and go for \nwhat they want, they don't go for the same things. That's the \nbeauty of this. We don't all want BMWs. We don't oil want \nthe same person. We don't all want the same experiences. We \ndon't all want the same clothing. We don't all want... (fill in \nthe blank). 150 The Secret \nYou are here on this glorious planet, endowed with this wonder-\nful power, to create your life! There are no limits to what you can \ncreate for You, because your ability to think is unlimited! But you \ncannot create other people's lives for them. You cannot think for \nthem, and if you try to force your opinions on others you will \nonly attract like forces to You. So let all others create the life they \nwant. MICHAEL BERNARD BECKWITH \nThere's enough for everyone. If you believe it, if you can see it, \nif you act from it, it'll show up for you. That's the truth. \"If you have any lack, if you are prey to poverty \nor disease, it is because you do not believe or \ndo not understand the power that is yours. It is \nnot a question of the Universal giving to you. It offers everything to everyone\u2014there is no \npartiality.\" The Universe offers all things to all people through the law of \nattraction. You have the ability to choose what you want to ex-\nperience. Do you want there to be enough for you and for eve-\nryone? Then choose that and know, \"There is abundance of all \nthings.\" \"There is an unlimited supply.\" \"There is so much mag-\nnificence.\" Each of us has the ability to tap into that unlimited \ninvisible supply through our thoughts and feelings, and bring it The Secret to the World 151 \ninto our experience. So choose for You, because you're the only \none who can. LISA NICHOLS \nEverything that you want\u2014all the joy, love, abundance, \nprosperity, bliss\u2014 it's there, ready for you to grab ahold of \nit. And you've got to get hungry for it. You've got to be \nintentional", "token_ids": [720, 42312, 311, 656, 719, 28008, 6261, 315, 279, 8206, 720, 8370, 499, 12876, 311, 1518, 79754, 1210, 92142, 43055, 29847, 720, 2181, 596, 10619, 311, 5406, 1148, 499, 1541, 956, 1390, 11, 1606, 433, 6835, 499, 720, 85324, 311, 2019, 11, 330, 2028, 374, 1148, 358, 656, 1390, 1210, 2030, 279, 2144, 374, 11, 720, 1820, 810, 499, 3137, 922, 1148, 499, 1541, 956, 1390, 11, 477, 3137, 922, 720, 5269, 3958, 433, 374, 11, 1373, 922, 430, 682, 279, 892, 11, 323, 1243, 2019, 1268, 720, 466, 12560, 433, 374, 2345, 9336, 11, 499, 2351, 6968, 810, 315, 430, 720, 2675, 4250, 1520, 279, 1917, 555, 21760, 389, 279, 8389, 2574, 13, 1666, 720, 9514, 5357, 389, 279, 8389, 4455, 315, 279, 1917, 11, 499, 539, 1193, 923, 311, 720, 49818, 11, 719, 499, 4546, 810, 8389, 2574, 1139, 701, 1866, 2324, 520, 279, 720, 25030, 892, 13, 3277, 279, 9364, 617, 9922, 315, 2555, 499, 656, 539, 1390, 11, 720, 275, 374, 701, 50498, 311, 2349, 701, 7422, 323, 17105, 264, 502, 8450, 13, 1442, 433, 720, 285, 264, 1917, 6671, 11, 499, 527, 539, 85452, 13, 1472, 617, 682, 279, 2410, 13, 26891, 389, 16470, 1694, 304, 16267, 13, 26891, 389, 37492, 315, 3691, 13, 21335, 720, 22479, 8147, 11555, 311, 1148, 374, 4934, 13, 1472, 617, 279, 5845, 311, 720, 47530, 779, 1790, 311, 279, 1917, 555, 90556, 16024, 315, 3021, 323, 1664, 7058, 35214, 11, 8994, 1148, 374, 12765, 2212, 499, 13, 578, 8769, 311, 279, 4435, 220, 9591, 720, 4599, 358, 11352, 578, 8769, 358, 1903, 264, 5597, 430, 358, 1053, 539, 720, 14658, 279, 3754, 477, 1373, 32594, 14926, 11, 1606, 433, 1550, 539, 720, 7072, 757, 2733, 1695, 13, 578, 3754, 3600, 323, 279, 32594, 527, 720, 1962, 304, 904, 1648, 311, 19065, 369, 49927, 3958, 3754, 13, 1666, 264, 3728, 720, 29502, 11, 584, 527, 8647, 369, 433, 13, 1226, 3780, 810, 32594, 720, 9493, 264, 6908, 20156, 374, 279, 32263, 13, 578, 3754, 12006, 6, 18594, 720, 27782, 47890, 994, 1070, 374, 264, 5426, 477, 6625, 21426, 13, 2100, 279, 720, 943, 2203, 9724, 323, 3754, 3600, 3041, 603, 810, 3958, 3754, 1606, 11, 439, 720, 64, 8396, 11, 430, 596, 1148, 584, 527, 5605, 584, 1390, 13, 578, 3772, 374, 2515, 11, 720, 438, 584, 527, 5353, 13, 1102, 374, 1120, 279, 2383, 315, 33464, 304, 1957, 0, 578, 3754, 3600, 323, 32594, 690, 2349, 1148, 814, 6493, 720, 998, 603, 994, 584, 17105, 264, 502, 8450, 323, 5357, 389, 1148, 584, 1390, 13, 45841, 17455, 2818, 426, 13974, 7527, 7354, 3096, 45771, 720, 24762, 311, 3719, 2103, 11, 323, 311, 1935, 701, 6666, 3201, 505, 720, 12840, 499, 1541, 956, 1390, 11, 323, 682, 279, 14604, 6900, 2212, 433, 11, 720, 438, 2035, 279, 6666, 389, 1148, 499, 6562, 311, 3217, 1975, 720, 33775, 28555, 1405, 6666, 5900, 13, 330, 39787, 9615, 11, 323, 26236, 11555, 4985, 279, 1917, 596, 720, 69, 20588, 5510, 1210, 622, 15981, 432, 3097, 720, 4516, 1690, 3115, 1274, 2019, 311, 757, 11, 330, 11649, 11, 7957, 11, 358, 617, 311, 387, 720, 258, 10365, 1359, 10926, 499, 617, 311, 387, 16369, 11, 719, 499, 1541, 956, 720, 19553, 311, 387, 92629, 660, 13, 220, 10465, 578, 8769, 720, 11787, 499, 7314, 311, 1518, 279, 57492, 2410, 499, 617, 304, 420, 720, 14957, 11, 1120, 1555, 701, 14209, 30, 1666, 499, 5357, 389, 279, 1695, 720, 58174, 499, 2733, 1695, 11, 323, 499, 527, 12967, 810, 1695, 2574, 311, 279, 720, 14957, 13, 2468, 279, 1890, 892, 11, 499, 527, 12967, 810, 1695, 2574, 1139, 720, 22479, 1866, 2324, 13, 3277, 499, 2733, 1695, 499, 97547, 701, 2324, 11, 323, 499, 720, 455, 36069, 279, 1917, 0, 578, 2383, 374, 39143, 304, 5784, 13, 445, 35301, 452, 33929, 41363, 720, 2181, 596, 539, 701, 2683, 311, 2349, 279, 1917, 11, 477, 279, 1274, 2212, 720, 9514, 13, 1102, 596, 701, 2683, 311, 733, 449, 279, 6530, 4871, 315, 279, 29849, 11, 720, 438, 311, 18890, 433, 4871, 279, 1917, 430, 6866, 13, 1472, 527, 279, 7491, 315, 701, 2324, 11, 323, 279, 29849, 374, 36864, 720, 22479, 1475, 3290, 13, 4418, 956, 3719, 84461, 1534, 555, 279, 9364, 720, 9210, 617, 9922, 422, 814, 527, 539, 1148, 499, 1390, 13, 12040, 594, 621, 7058, 82, 3225, 369, 1124, 11, 1304, 3177, 315, 1124, 422, 499, 649, 11, 323, 1095, 1124, 733, 13, 5112, 1781, 502, 11555, 315, 1148, 499, 1390, 11, 2733, 1124, 11, 323, 387, 720, 911, 21508, 430, 433, 374, 2884, 13, 14644, 13, 76275, 51914, 3065, 88508, 720, 40, 2744, 2019, 11, 994, 279, 7899, 323, 279, 11376, 389, 279, 4871, 720, 17106, 638, 810, 28254, 11, 2867, 11, 323, 17813, 1109, 279, 18463, 720, 263, 279, 4994, 11, 499, 3077, 71325, 701, 2324, 0, 578, 8769, 311, 279, 4435, 220, 10288, 720, 7842, 13, 10458, 36, 650, 964, 25940, 720, 4054, 315, 279, 4860, 358, 636, 4691, 682, 279, 892, 374, 422, 5127, 5829, 720, 791, 8769, 11, 323, 814, 682, 4322, 279, 29849, 1093, 264, 49639, 11, 720, 9329, 956, 584, 2133, 311, 1629, 704, 315, 6392, 30, 43549, 956, 5127, 1120, 1304, 720, 64, 1629, 369, 433, 323, 21444, 279, 305, 1201, 30, 45841, 17455, 2818, 426, 13974, 7527, 7354, 3096, 45771, 720, 3923, 596, 6366, 922, 279, 12917, 315, 578, 8769, 374, 430, 720, 19041, 596, 810, 1109, 3403, 311, 733, 2212, 369, 5127, 13, 2684, 374, 264, 10457, 430, 14385, 1093, 264, 17188, 2949, 279, 4059, 315, 720, 26380, 488, 13, 1628, 430, 10457, 374, 11, 330, 3947, 596, 539, 3403, 1695, 311, 733, 720, 20019, 13, 2684, 596, 6996, 323, 1070, 596, 20893, 323, 1070, 596, 1120, 720, 1962, 3403, 1210, 1628, 430, 10457, 706, 1274, 5496, 304, 8850, 11, 56926, 11, 720, 267, 287, 1918, 13, 1628, 1884, 11555, 315, 8850, 11, 56926, 11, 55413, 1918, 11, 720, 438, 6996, 3719, 872, 3217, 13, 2100, 279, 1917, 706, 4529, 264, 720, 9471, 28755, 15530, 13, 578, 8206, 374, 430, 1070, 596, 810, 1109, 3403, 1695, 311, 733, 2212, 13, 2684, 596, 810, 1109, 3403, 11782, 6848, 13, 2684, 596, 810, 1109, 720, 268, 1409, 2410, 13, 2684, 596, 810, 1109, 3403, 3021, 13, 2684, 596, 810, 720, 54895, 3403, 16267, 13, 2052, 315, 420, 12302, 311, 2586, 1555, 264, 4059, 720, 9210, 374, 8010, 315, 1202, 1866, 24746, 7138, 13, 220, 10410, 578, 8769, 720, 1271, 1781, 1070, 374, 539, 3403, 374, 311, 1427, 520, 279, 4994, 9364, 323, 720, 27963, 430, 4395, 4131, 505, 279, 4994, 13, 3277, 499, 656, 430, 11, 720, 9514, 690, 1455, 22225, 1518, 6996, 323, 20893, 13, 1472, 1457, 1440, 430, 720, 42312, 4131, 1139, 14209, 505, 279, 4994, 11, 323, 430, 4395, 720, 3983, 4131, 505, 7422, 323, 8430, 433, 389, 279, 4871, 13, 4718, 4059, 374, 720, 1820, 11782, 2410, 315, 682, 2574, 13, 2100, 1268, 649, 1070, 387, 904, 6996, 30, 1102, 596, 720, 318, 10236, 13, 4718, 5845, 311, 1781, 374, 27862, 11, 323, 779, 279, 2574, 499, 720, 4919, 1781, 1139, 14209, 527, 27862, 13, 1628, 779, 433, 374, 449, 5127, 13, 3277, 499, 9615, 1440, 420, 11, 499, 527, 7422, 505, 264, 4059, 430, 374, 720, 20111, 315, 1202, 1866, 24746, 7138, 13, 622, 15981, 432, 3097, 720, 11769, 2294, 11326, 889, 706, 3596, 15203, 279, 11841, 706, 3309, 720, 9514, 430, 2324, 574, 8967, 311, 387, 44611, 13, 330, 791, 28591, 315, 420, 2383, 374, 430, 499, 2011, 1781, 720, 370, 98681, 26, 1518, 37492, 11, 2733, 37492, 11, 720, 9978, 19704, 37492, 13, 6914, 912, 3463, 315, 20893, 720, 1992, 701, 4059, 1210, 76275, 36660, 946, 8440, 720, 3112, 779, 1120, 994, 584, 1781, 430, 5070, 527, 83222, 2785, 11, 584, 720, 3990, 502, 5070, 430, 649, 11322, 279, 1890, 2574, 13, 578, 837, 3446, 315, 264, 98104, 5707, 2128, 374, 459, 34147, 3187, 315, 279, 720, 13477, 315, 279, 3823, 4059, 311, 4546, 13544, 5070, 13, 578, 28454, 578, 8769, 311, 279, 4435, 220, 10161, 720, 1073, 98104, 18955, 12634, 19439, 1051, 16572, 555, 279, 84629, 720, 9023, 13, 19036, 41623, 11, 889, 46672, 304, 11344, 4633, 95946, 5542, 5879, 198, 287, 13, 3161, 2999, 13, 41623, 596, 4059, 2410, 4967, 11, 279, 28454, 1051, 720, 6263, 1748, 430, 872, 10723, 6945, 315, 98104, 1694, 264, 6992, 5707, 7058, 8723, 6253, 3224, 1053, 387, 17427, 13, 2435, 3952, 264, 34300, 3094, 720, 13741, 311, 31646, 369, 5707, 304, 15506, 9372, 412, 11, 323, 304, 832, 2875, 1060, 720, 50828, 8063, 323, 11376, 6244, 264, 8903, 13, 98104, 18955, 12634, 720, 75577, 11352, 5707, 315, 279, 8592, 4367, 11, 304, 44611, 28555, 720, 2940, 33517, 1023, 5220, 1047, 4745, 311, 1505, 904, 13, 98104, 706, 387, 7058, 2063, 459, 5707, 90375, 3224, 1606, 459, 24674, 2128, 315, 720, 16455, 11846, 304, 279, 27862, 2410, 315, 872, 4059, 13, 12334, 374, 7347, 63938, 5070, 477, 4205, 775, 13, 1102, 374, 1193, 720, 18736, 304, 279, 3823, 4059, 13, 3277, 584, 1825, 1057, 20663, 311, 279, 653, 7058, 18736, 11782, 2410, 11, 584, 690, 1650, 13544, 37492, 323, 1518, 323, 720, 50659, 264, 4459, 502, 1917, 13, 14644, 13, 76275, 51914, 3065, 88508, 720, 13461, 3582, 584, 2019, 584, 617, 6996, 11, 433, 596, 1606, 584, 1541, 956, 1825, 720, 455, 1057, 11376, 323, 1518, 682, 315, 1148, 374, 2212, 603, 13, 14644, 11, 10458, 36, 650, 964, 25940, 720, 2675, 1440, 994, 1274, 1212, 311, 3974, 505, 872, 4851, 323, 733, 369, 720, 12840, 814, 1390, 11, 814, 1541, 956, 733, 369, 279, 1890, 2574, 13, 3011, 596, 279, 720, 1395, 59051, 315, 420, 13, 1226, 1541, 956, 682, 1390, 30864, 82, 13, 1226, 1541, 956, 5707, 1390, 720, 1820, 1890, 1732, 13, 1226, 1541, 956, 682, 1390, 279, 1890, 11704, 13, 1226, 720, 15357, 956, 682, 1390, 279, 1890, 17895, 13, 1226, 1541, 956, 682, 1390, 1131, 320, 7712, 304, 720, 1820, 10321, 570, 220, 3965, 578, 8769, 720, 2675, 527, 1618, 389, 420, 44308, 11841, 11, 98728, 449, 420, 5895, 7058, 1285, 2410, 11, 311, 1893, 701, 2324, 0, 2684, 527, 912, 13693, 311, 1148, 499, 649, 720, 3261, 369, 1472, 11, 1606, 701, 5845, 311, 1781, 374, 27862, 0, 2030, 499, 720, 34360, 1893, 1023, 1274, 596, 6439, 369, 1124, 13, 1472, 4250, 1781, 369, 720, 49818, 11, 323, 422, 499, 1456, 311, 5457, 701, 18463, 389, 3885, 499, 690, 720, 3323, 9504, 1093, 8603, 311, 1472, 13, 2100, 1095, 682, 3885, 1893, 279, 2324, 814, 720, 53757, 13, 45841, 17455, 2818, 426, 13974, 7527, 7354, 3096, 45771, 720, 3947, 596, 3403, 369, 5127, 13, 1442, 499, 4510, 433, 11, 422, 499, 649, 1518, 433, 11, 720, 333, 499, 1180, 505, 433, 11, 433, 3358, 1501, 709, 369, 499, 13, 3011, 596, 279, 8206, 13, 330, 2746, 499, 617, 904, 6996, 11, 422, 499, 527, 37693, 311, 19542, 720, 269, 8624, 11, 433, 374, 1606, 499, 656, 539, 4510, 477, 720, 3055, 539, 3619, 279, 2410, 430, 374, 18821, 13, 1102, 374, 720, 1962, 264, 3488, 315, 279, 26581, 7231, 311, 499, 13, 1102, 6209, 4395, 311, 5127, 2345, 19041, 374, 912, 720, 38520, 488, 1210, 578, 29849, 6209, 682, 2574, 311, 682, 1274, 1555, 279, 2383, 315, 720, 3064, 1335, 13, 1472, 617, 279, 5845, 311, 5268, 1148, 499, 1390, 311, 506, 7058, 13267, 13, 3234, 499, 1390, 1070, 311, 387, 3403, 369, 499, 323, 369, 49996, 7058, 894, 606, 30, 5112, 5268, 430, 323, 1440, 11, 330, 3947, 374, 37492, 315, 682, 720, 58174, 1210, 330, 3947, 374, 459, 27862, 8312, 1210, 330, 3947, 374, 779, 1790, 4983, 7058, 77, 1104, 768, 1210, 9062, 315, 603, 706, 279, 5845, 311, 15596, 1139, 430, 27862, 720, 91851, 8312, 1555, 1057, 11555, 323, 16024, 11, 323, 4546, 433, 578, 8769, 311, 279, 4435, 220, 9690, 720, 18614, 1057, 3217, 13, 2100, 5268, 369, 1472, 11, 1606, 499, 2351, 279, 1193, 720, 606, 889, 649, 13, 445, 35301, 452, 33929, 41363, 720, 36064, 430, 499, 1390, 87247, 279, 16267, 11, 3021, 11, 37492, 11, 720, 782, 82, 716, 488, 11, 59045, 2345, 433, 596, 1070, 11, 5644, 369, 499, 311, 11894, 264, 6416, 315, 720, 275, 13, 1628, 499, 3077, 2751, 311, 636, 30056, 369, 433, 13, 1472, 3077, 2751, 311, 387, 720, 396, 3012, 278], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": " fight with spears\nunder water with marvelous skill. Their physiques are magnificent. In a group of 190 boys who had\nbeen gathered into a government school near the east coast of Lake Victoria only one boy was\nfound with dental caries, and two of his teeth had been affected. The people dry the fish which are\ncarried far inland. Uganda which lies to the north and west of Lake Victoria and west of Kenya, is high and\nalthough on the equator, has an equitable climate with an abundance of native foods. Two crops\nper year are produced, and many varieties of bananas grow wild. The Buganda Tribe, Uganda, is\nthe chief tribe of this region. Uganda has been called the Garden of Eden of Africa because of its\nabundance of plant foods, chiefly bananas and sweet potatoes, and because of its abundance of\nfresh water fish and animal life. The natives are thrifty and mentally superior to those of most other\ndistricts. They have a king and a native parliament which the British Government recognizes and\nentrusts with local administrative affairs. A typical group was studied in a mission at Masaka. An\nexamination of 664 teeth of twenty-one individuals revealed only three teeth with caries, or 0.4 per\ncent. West Nile Laborers from the Belgian Congo. The West Nile Laborers studied at Masaka\nrepresent a very strong and dependable group. They come from districts north of Lake Albert in\nBelgian Congo. They are much sought for in industrial enterprises and are often moved in groups\nfor a considerable distance. A study of 984 teeth of thirty-one individuals revealed that only three teeth had ever been\nattacked by tooth decay, or 0.3 per cent. Only one individual had dental caries. As one travels down the West Nile and later along the western border of Ethiopia many unique\ntribes are met. A typical negroid type of the upper Nile region is shown in Fig. 42. Members of\nthese tribes wear little or no clothing. They have splendid physiques and high immunity to dental\ncaries. 7/29/13 Nutrition and Physical Degeneration\ngutenberg.net.au/ebooks02/0200251h.html#toc 90/250FIG. 42. The reward of obeying nature's laws of nutrition is\nillustrated in this west Nile tribe in Belgian Congo. Note the\nbreadth of the dental arches and the finely proportioned\nfeatures. Their bodies are as well built as their heads. Exceedingly few teeth have been attacked by dental caries\nwhile on their native foods. After the confluence of the White Nile and West Nile, the former draining Lake Victoria and the\nUganda lakes through Uganda, and the latter, Lakes Kivu, Edwards and Albert and eastern\nBelgian Congo, the volume of water moving northward is very large. A unique obstruction to\nnavigation has developed due to the fact that the Nile runs underground for a considerable\ndistance. In this district vegetation is rank and prolific, including large quantities of water plants\nwhich form islands that are often attached temporarily to the shore. The water carries large\nquantities of alluvia which furnish an abundance of nutriment to the floating plant life. Accordingly,\nin many of these floating islands a large quantity of soil is enmeshed in the plant roots. At some\nperiod in the past the river became bridged across in upper Sudan near its southern border. With\nthe progressive addition of new material a large natural bridge has been raised on which trees are\nnow growing, and across which are elephant trails. This and a series of rapids require a detour of\nover a hundred miles. The elephants are so plentiful in this district that both in Uganda and Sudan the governments\nhave been required to send in special hunters to reduce the herds. In one district in Uganda two\nhundred were said to have been slaughtered. They are very destructive to banana plantations. They break the banana trees over or pull them up by the roots and eat the succulent heart as well\nas the fruits. In a night a herd may destroy an entire plantation. The only people in the districts who\nare permitted to kill the elephants without license are the pygmies. They are also the only ones not\nrequired to pay a head tax. There are many tribes of them in the great forest area in Belgian Congo\nand Uganda. Their skill with spears is remarkable and they are able to kill an elephant while the\nanimal remains unaware of his danger. It takes them one to two days to hamstring an elephant by\nworking stealthily from behind, always keeping out of the elephant's sight. Although an elephant\ncan scent a human for a long distance, these pygmies can disguise themselves so completely that\nthe elephant is unaware of their presence. After disabling him by cutting the tendons of both hind\nlegs, they attack him openly and, while one attracts his attention, the other slowly but progressively\nhacks off his trunk. In this manner he bleeds to death. They are particularly fond of elephant meat\nand a slaughter means a great feast. While we were in one of the pygmy colonies two of them\nbrought in the tusks of an elephant they had just killed. We had the rare opportunity of witnessing\nthe celebration in the colony, which included the special reproduction in pantomime of the attack\nand method of killing the elephant. The pygmy mother of these two men is shown in Fig. 43 (lower\nhalf). It will be noticed that she is a full head shorter than Mrs. Price, who is five feet three inches\ntall. This rugged, though small, woman is the mother of five grown men, two of whom are shown in\nFig. 43 with the tusks of the elephant. Note their homemade spears. As marksmen with bows and\narrows and as trappers, these pygmies have wonderful skill. Their arrows are tipped with iron of\ntheir own manufacture and have receptacles for carrying drugs which they extract from plants. These drugs temporarily paralyze the animals. For animals which they wish to destroy the arrows\ncarry a poison which rapidly produces death. The home life of the pygmies in the forest is often\nfilled with danger. Just before our arrival two babies had been carried off by a leopard. This\nstealthy night prowler is one of the most difficult animals to combat and probably has been one of\nthe reasons the pygmies build cabins in the trees. Ordinarily their homes are built on the ground in a\nlittle clearing in the big forest. They consist of low shelters covered with banana leaves and other\nplants, built over a frame work. The native missionary dispensed our gift of salt which is one of\ntheir most prized gifts. They put on a dance for us.7/29/13 Nutrition and Physical Degeneration\ngutenberg.net.au/ebooks02/0200251h.html#toc 91/250FIG. 43. The Pygmies of Belgian Congo are expert hunters. The two young men in the center above have slain single\nhanded the large bull elephant whose tusks they are holding. The spears used are shown. They are two of five grown sons\nof the pygmy mother standing next to Mrs. Price in the lower\npicture. Their teeth are excellent and their knowledge of\nfoods unique. Pygmies, Ituru Forest, Belgian Congo. These people are said to have originally lived in the\ntrees and they were exceedingly shy and difficult to contact. We were taken to several of their\nvillages in the heart of the dense Ituru forest. We found them very well disposed through the\nconfidence that has been established by the mission workers. Their shyness, however, together\nwith the difficulty of making them understand through two transfers of languages, made an\nexamination of their teeth very difficult. A study of 352 teeth of twelve individuals revealed eight teeth had been attacked by tooth\ndecay, or 2.2 per cent. The native tribes of Africa have depended to a great extent on fresh water fish from the\nnumerous lakes and rivers for certain of their essential food factors. After being dried in the sun\nthese fish are carried long distances into the interior. The Nile perch grows frequently to a weight\nof 150 pounds. The natives of Africa know that certain insects are very rich in special food values\nat certain seasons, also that their eggs are valuable foods. A fly that hatches in enormous quantities\nin Lake Victoria is gathered and used fresh and dried for storage. They also use ant eggs and ants. Nyankunde Mission, Iruinu, Belgian Congo. This group is made up of members of the\nBahema, Babira, Alur and Balendu tribes. We will consider the representatives of these different\ntribes collectively since they live largely on a common dietary consisting chiefly of cereals. Only the7/29/13 Nutrition and Physical Degeneration\ngutenberg.net.au/ebooks02/0200251h.html#toc 92/250Bahemas of this group have small herds of cattle. Some of the others have a few goats. This\ndistrict is located southwest of Lake Albert. A study of 6,461 teeth of 217 individuals revealed 390 teeth with dental caries, or 6 per cent. Thirty-eight and seven-tenths per cent of the individuals suffered from dental caries. Bogora Mission, Belgian Congo. This mission is located west of Lake Albert and includes\nmembers of the Bahema and Balendu tribes. While the Bahema tribe originally lived very largely on\ncattle products, milk, blood and meat, in this district, the herds were small and they were using a\nconsiderable quantity of cereals, chiefly corn and beans, some sweet potatoes and bananas. These\nlatter were the chief foods of", "token_ids": [4465, 449, 2395, 1590, 198, 8154, 3090, 449, 81292, 10151, 13, 11205, 4571, 8467, 527, 41792, 13, 763, 264, 1912, 315, 220, 7028, 13305, 889, 1047, 198, 82850, 20802, 1139, 264, 3109, 2978, 3221, 279, 11226, 13962, 315, 11940, 23225, 1193, 832, 8334, 574, 198, 15456, 449, 29106, 1841, 552, 11, 323, 1403, 315, 813, 18311, 1047, 1027, 11754, 13, 578, 1274, 9235, 279, 7795, 902, 527, 198, 7063, 4588, 3117, 77289, 13, 58149, 902, 15812, 311, 279, 10411, 323, 9909, 315, 11940, 23225, 323, 9909, 315, 37766, 11, 374, 1579, 323, 198, 37241, 389, 279, 3312, 859, 11, 706, 459, 77109, 10182, 449, 459, 37492, 315, 10068, 15657, 13, 9220, 31665, 198, 716, 1060, 527, 9124, 11, 323, 1690, 36680, 315, 68442, 3139, 8545, 13, 578, 31601, 10018, 63804, 11, 58149, 11, 374, 198, 1820, 10388, 34671, 315, 420, 5654, 13, 58149, 706, 1027, 2663, 279, 19558, 315, 51915, 315, 10384, 1606, 315, 1202, 198, 370, 98681, 315, 6136, 15657, 11, 89382, 68442, 323, 10437, 35267, 11, 323, 1606, 315, 1202, 37492, 315, 198, 72408, 3090, 7795, 323, 10065, 2324, 13, 578, 68473, 527, 8983, 39724, 323, 34325, 16757, 311, 1884, 315, 1455, 1023, 198, 36491, 82, 13, 2435, 617, 264, 11734, 323, 264, 10068, 21814, 902, 279, 8013, 10423, 45799, 323, 198, 24677, 592, 82, 449, 2254, 23541, 22747, 13, 362, 14595, 1912, 574, 20041, 304, 264, 9131, 520, 20459, 13637, 13, 1556, 198, 327, 27935, 315, 220, 23888, 18311, 315, 17510, 19101, 7931, 10675, 1193, 2380, 18311, 449, 1841, 552, 11, 477, 220, 15, 13, 19, 824, 198, 1189, 13, 4410, 77290, 15277, 388, 505, 279, 49162, 54932, 13, 578, 4410, 77290, 15277, 388, 20041, 520, 20459, 13637, 198, 36369, 264, 1633, 3831, 323, 74436, 1912, 13, 2435, 2586, 505, 27536, 10411, 315, 11940, 17971, 304, 198, 22404, 70, 1122, 54932, 13, 2435, 527, 1790, 16495, 369, 304, 13076, 40919, 323, 527, 3629, 7882, 304, 5315, 198, 2000, 264, 24779, 6138, 13, 362, 4007, 315, 220, 23812, 18311, 315, 27219, 19101, 7931, 10675, 430, 1193, 2380, 18311, 1047, 3596, 1027, 198, 1617, 11440, 555, 26588, 31815, 11, 477, 220, 15, 13, 18, 824, 2960, 13, 8442, 832, 3927, 1047, 29106, 1841, 552, 13, 1666, 832, 35292, 1523, 279, 4410, 77290, 323, 3010, 3235, 279, 19001, 3973, 315, 60457, 1690, 5016, 198, 1356, 288, 527, 2322, 13, 362, 14595, 4277, 1607, 955, 315, 279, 8582, 77290, 5654, 374, 6982, 304, 23966, 13, 220, 2983, 13, 17384, 315, 198, 45010, 39503, 10051, 2697, 477, 912, 17895, 13, 2435, 617, 70960, 4571, 8467, 323, 1579, 40368, 311, 29106, 198, 66, 5548, 13, 220, 22, 14, 1682, 14, 1032, 39700, 323, 28479, 58337, 17699, 198, 70, 45533, 5181, 31877, 16954, 12383, 2437, 14, 11139, 18070, 16, 71, 2628, 2, 55880, 220, 1954, 14, 5154, 6507, 13, 220, 2983, 13, 578, 11565, 315, 41701, 287, 7138, 596, 7016, 315, 26677, 374, 198, 83718, 660, 304, 420, 9909, 77290, 34671, 304, 49162, 54932, 13, 7181, 279, 198, 48616, 339, 315, 279, 29106, 5438, 288, 323, 279, 61802, 21801, 291, 198, 20922, 13, 11205, 13162, 527, 439, 1664, 5918, 439, 872, 14971, 13, 1398, 4739, 11559, 2478, 18311, 617, 1027, 18855, 555, 29106, 1841, 552, 198, 3556, 389, 872, 10068, 15657, 13, 4740, 279, 390, 41116, 315, 279, 5929, 77290, 323, 4410, 77290, 11, 279, 4846, 74109, 11940, 23225, 323, 279, 198, 52, 70, 10018, 44236, 1555, 58149, 11, 323, 279, 15629, 11, 42679, 735, 344, 84, 11, 37863, 323, 17971, 323, 24024, 198, 22404, 70, 1122, 54932, 11, 279, 8286, 315, 3090, 7366, 10411, 1637, 374, 1633, 3544, 13, 362, 5016, 61051, 311, 198, 23432, 706, 8040, 4245, 311, 279, 2144, 430, 279, 77290, 8640, 26326, 369, 264, 24779, 198, 19909, 13, 763, 420, 9474, 54832, 374, 7222, 323, 63100, 11, 2737, 3544, 33776, 315, 3090, 11012, 198, 8370, 1376, 30100, 430, 527, 3629, 12673, 28191, 311, 279, 31284, 13, 578, 3090, 24266, 3544, 198, 31548, 1385, 315, 682, 12328, 689, 902, 52259, 459, 37492, 315, 10184, 81, 3904, 311, 279, 19596, 6136, 2324, 13, 63909, 345, 258, 1690, 315, 1521, 19596, 30100, 264, 3544, 12472, 315, 17614, 374, 665, 24410, 291, 304, 279, 6136, 20282, 13, 2468, 1063, 198, 19862, 304, 279, 3347, 279, 15140, 6244, 77847, 3640, 4028, 304, 8582, 43554, 3221, 1202, 18561, 3973, 13, 3161, 198, 1820, 23053, 5369, 315, 502, 3769, 264, 3544, 5933, 14497, 706, 1027, 9408, 389, 902, 12690, 527, 198, 3409, 7982, 11, 323, 4028, 902, 527, 46840, 33965, 13, 1115, 323, 264, 4101, 315, 7477, 3447, 1397, 264, 3474, 414, 315, 198, 2017, 264, 7895, 8931, 13, 578, 61866, 527, 779, 81826, 304, 420, 9474, 430, 2225, 304, 58149, 323, 43554, 279, 17047, 198, 19553, 1027, 2631, 311, 3708, 304, 3361, 49073, 311, 8108, 279, 1077, 5469, 13, 763, 832, 9474, 304, 58149, 1403, 198, 71, 7259, 1051, 1071, 311, 617, 1027, 86847, 13, 2435, 527, 1633, 40652, 311, 44196, 6136, 811, 13, 2435, 1464, 279, 44196, 12690, 927, 477, 6958, 1124, 709, 555, 279, 20282, 323, 8343, 279, 20639, 29580, 4851, 439, 1664, 198, 300, 279, 26390, 13, 763, 264, 3814, 264, 59213, 1253, 7066, 459, 4553, 83052, 13, 578, 1193, 1274, 304, 279, 27536, 889, 198, 548, 15480, 311, 5622, 279, 61866, 2085, 5842, 527, 279, 4611, 27278, 552, 13, 2435, 527, 1101, 279, 1193, 6305, 539, 198, 6413, 311, 2343, 264, 2010, 3827, 13, 2684, 527, 1690, 39503, 315, 1124, 304, 279, 2294, 13952, 3158, 304, 49162, 54932, 198, 438, 58149, 13, 11205, 10151, 449, 2395, 1590, 374, 23649, 323, 814, 527, 3025, 311, 5622, 459, 46840, 1418, 279, 198, 48999, 8625, 41747, 315, 813, 8137, 13, 1102, 5097, 1124, 832, 311, 1403, 2919, 311, 90805, 459, 46840, 555, 198, 21837, 48065, 1570, 505, 4920, 11, 2744, 10494, 704, 315, 279, 46840, 596, 14254, 13, 10541, 459, 46840, 198, 4919, 41466, 264, 3823, 369, 264, 1317, 6138, 11, 1521, 4611, 27278, 552, 649, 65081, 5694, 779, 6724, 430, 198, 1820, 46840, 374, 41747, 315, 872, 9546, 13, 4740, 61584, 1461, 555, 14713, 279, 8541, 2439, 315, 2225, 48419, 198, 73336, 11, 814, 3440, 1461, 30447, 323, 11, 1418, 832, 61191, 813, 6666, 11, 279, 1023, 14297, 719, 72859, 198, 71, 7977, 1022, 813, 38411, 13, 763, 420, 11827, 568, 12704, 6910, 311, 4648, 13, 2435, 527, 8104, 21901, 315, 46840, 13339, 198, 438, 264, 40856, 3445, 264, 2294, 53268, 13, 6104, 584, 1051, 304, 832, 315, 279, 4611, 70, 2465, 49028, 1403, 315, 1124, 198, 65, 6478, 304, 279, 41784, 2857, 315, 459, 46840, 814, 1047, 1120, 7577, 13, 1226, 1047, 279, 9024, 6776, 315, 70042, 198, 1820, 25960, 304, 279, 42036, 11, 902, 5343, 279, 3361, 39656, 304, 26346, 316, 547, 315, 279, 3440, 198, 438, 1749, 315, 13419, 279, 46840, 13, 578, 4611, 70, 2465, 6691, 315, 1521, 1403, 3026, 374, 6982, 304, 23966, 13, 220, 3391, 320, 15115, 198, 38106, 570, 1102, 690, 387, 14000, 430, 1364, 374, 264, 2539, 2010, 24210, 1109, 18083, 13, 8650, 11, 889, 374, 4330, 7693, 2380, 15271, 198, 83, 543, 13, 1115, 55883, 11, 3582, 2678, 11, 5333, 374, 279, 6691, 315, 4330, 15042, 3026, 11, 1403, 315, 8884, 527, 6982, 304, 198, 30035, 13, 220, 3391, 449, 279, 41784, 2857, 315, 279, 46840, 13, 7181, 872, 36433, 2395, 1590, 13, 1666, 1906, 3647, 268, 449, 82565, 323, 198, 277, 1849, 323, 439, 490, 28921, 11, 1521, 4611, 27278, 552, 617, 11364, 10151, 13, 11205, 38057, 527, 66472, 449, 11245, 315, 198, 50828, 1866, 30847, 323, 617, 29918, 18709, 369, 15691, 11217, 902, 814, 8819, 505, 11012, 13, 4314, 11217, 28191, 1370, 56956, 279, 10099, 13, 1789, 10099, 902, 814, 6562, 311, 7066, 279, 38057, 198, 74865, 264, 21109, 902, 19019, 19159, 4648, 13, 578, 2162, 2324, 315, 279, 4611, 27278, 552, 304, 279, 13952, 374, 3629, 198, 28611, 449, 8137, 13, 4702, 1603, 1057, 19163, 1403, 24869, 1047, 1027, 11953, 1022, 555, 264, 99093, 13, 1115, 198, 5455, 1902, 88, 3814, 48658, 1565, 374, 832, 315, 279, 1455, 5107, 10099, 311, 12896, 323, 4762, 706, 1027, 832, 315, 198, 1820, 8125, 279, 4611, 27278, 552, 1977, 89401, 304, 279, 12690, 13, 31137, 258, 6751, 872, 10632, 527, 5918, 389, 279, 5015, 304, 264, 198, 56492, 33850, 304, 279, 2466, 13952, 13, 2435, 6824, 315, 3428, 52888, 9960, 449, 44196, 11141, 323, 1023, 198, 64805, 11, 5918, 927, 264, 4124, 990, 13, 578, 10068, 73998, 13262, 30040, 1057, 8352, 315, 12290, 902, 374, 832, 315, 198, 50828, 1455, 87630, 21258, 13, 2435, 2231, 389, 264, 15612, 369, 603, 13, 22, 14, 1682, 14, 1032, 39700, 323, 28479, 58337, 17699, 198, 70, 45533, 5181, 31877, 16954, 12383, 2437, 14, 11139, 18070, 16, 71, 2628, 2, 55880, 220, 5925, 14, 5154, 6507, 13, 220, 3391, 13, 578, 5468, 27278, 552, 315, 49162, 54932, 527, 6335, 49073, 13, 578, 1403, 3995, 3026, 304, 279, 4219, 3485, 617, 70286, 3254, 198, 71, 6601, 279, 3544, 17231, 46840, 6832, 41784, 2857, 814, 527, 10168, 13, 578, 2395, 1590, 1511, 527, 6982, 13, 2435, 527, 1403, 315, 4330, 15042, 26419, 198, 1073, 279, 4611, 70, 2465, 6691, 11509, 1828, 311, 18083, 13, 8650, 304, 279, 4827, 198, 27581, 13, 11205, 18311, 527, 9250, 323, 872, 6677, 315, 198, 96420, 5016, 13, 5468, 27278, 552, 11, 1102, 21585, 20585, 11, 49162, 54932, 13, 4314, 1274, 527, 1071, 311, 617, 13517, 12439, 304, 279, 198, 91512, 323, 814, 1051, 76821, 33394, 323, 5107, 311, 3729, 13, 1226, 1051, 4529, 311, 3892, 315, 872, 198, 85, 484, 1154, 304, 279, 4851, 315, 279, 29050, 1102, 21585, 13952, 13, 1226, 1766, 1124, 1633, 1664, 26655, 1555, 279, 198, 83029, 430, 706, 1027, 9749, 555, 279, 9131, 7487, 13, 11205, 559, 1910, 434, 11, 4869, 11, 3871, 198, 4291, 279, 17250, 315, 3339, 1124, 3619, 1555, 1403, 31711, 315, 15823, 11, 1903, 459, 198, 327, 27935, 315, 872, 18311, 1633, 5107, 13, 362, 4007, 315, 220, 16482, 18311, 315, 30335, 7931, 10675, 8223, 18311, 1047, 1027, 18855, 555, 26588, 198, 85599, 11, 477, 220, 17, 13, 17, 824, 2960, 13, 578, 10068, 39503, 315, 10384, 617, 79101, 311, 264, 2294, 13112, 389, 7878, 3090, 7795, 505, 279, 198, 76696, 788, 44236, 323, 36617, 369, 3738, 315, 872, 7718, 3691, 9547, 13, 4740, 1694, 32720, 304, 279, 7160, 198, 45010, 7795, 527, 11953, 1317, 27650, 1139, 279, 15135, 13, 578, 77290, 42983, 28815, 14134, 311, 264, 4785, 198, 1073, 220, 3965, 16701, 13, 578, 68473, 315, 10384, 1440, 430, 3738, 41911, 527, 1633, 9257, 304, 3361, 3691, 2819, 198, 266, 3738, 15956, 11, 1101, 430, 872, 19335, 527, 15525, 15657, 13, 362, 11722, 430, 305, 9296, 304, 23205, 33776, 198, 258, 11940, 23225, 374, 20802, 323, 1511, 7878, 323, 32720, 369, 5942, 13, 2435, 1101, 1005, 3276, 19335, 323, 61495, 13, 37832, 1201, 29965, 24098, 11, 358, 2739, 102437, 11, 49162, 54932, 13, 1115, 1912, 374, 1903, 709, 315, 3697, 315, 279, 198, 100022, 9355, 11, 26441, 9008, 11, 1708, 324, 323, 19984, 408, 84, 39503, 13, 1226, 690, 2980, 279, 24005, 315, 1521, 2204, 198, 1356, 288, 45925, 2533, 814, 3974, 14090, 389, 264, 4279, 34625, 31706, 89382, 315, 28091, 1147, 13, 8442, 279, 22, 14, 1682, 14, 1032, 39700, 323, 28479, 58337, 17699, 198, 70, 45533, 5181, 31877, 16954, 12383, 2437, 14, 11139, 18070, 16, 71, 2628, 2, 55880, 220, 6083, 14, 5154, 100022, 35262, 315, 420, 1912, 617, 2678, 1077, 5469, 315, 36952, 13, 4427, 315, 279, 3885, 617, 264, 2478, 71932, 13, 1115, 198, 36491, 374, 7559, 54085, 315, 11940, 17971, 13, 362, 4007, 315, 220, 21, 11, 19608, 18311, 315, 220, 13460, 7931, 10675, 220, 15515, 18311, 449, 29106, 1841, 552, 11, 477, 220, 21, 824, 2960, 13, 67720, 70815, 323, 8254, 2442, 306, 5104, 824, 2960, 315, 279, 7931, 16654, 505, 29106, 1841, 552, 13, 42648, 6347, 24098, 11, 49162, 54932, 13, 1115, 9131, 374, 7559, 9909, 315, 11940, 17971, 323, 5764, 198, 23832, 315, 279, 32429, 9355, 323, 19984, 408, 84, 39503, 13, 6104, 279, 32429, 9355, 34671, 13517, 12439, 1633, 14090, 389, 198, 66, 4730, 3956, 11, 14403, 11, 6680, 323, 13339, 11, 304, 420, 9474, 11, 279, 1077, 5469, 1051, 2678, 323, 814, 1051, 1701, 264, 198, 25742, 481, 12472, 315, 28091, 1147, 11, 89382, 14095, 323, 27994, 11, 1063, 10437, 35267, 323, 68442, 13, 4314, 198, 75, 1683, 1051, 279, 10388, 15657, 315], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": " \ninstruments into space should not include adequate measures of \nfield properties of the space through which the instruments pass. This, of course, would require highly-sophisticated instrumenta\u00ad\ntion, very large sums of money and many studies. But the evidence outlined above-while only a drop in the \n105 ANTENNAE TO THE UNI VERSE \nbucket-nevertheless is highly exciting and interesting and gives \nus a clue to a hitherto-undrea med-of factor in the properties of \nthe material Universe and of all living systems which exist with\u00ad\nin it. It may take many lifetimes, however, to come up with an \nanswer which has genuine validity. It can be argued that this is an extrapolation beyond the evid\u00ad\nence. This is admitted. But these field properties are not mysteri\u00ad\nous phenomena; they are measurable characteristics not only of \nthe Universe but of the immediate environm ent of the earth. Moreover, the evidence collected during the several decades of \nstudy indicates that the behaviour, in particular, of living sys\u00ad\ntems is a consequence of the pattern of organization. And the \narrangement of the charged particles in living systems is a con\u00ad\nsequence of the inherent electro-dynamic field. These phenomena can be measured; and whether or not it is \nfelt that the extrapolation suggested is beyond the evidence, there \ncan be no question about the validity of the measurements. These have been checked over and over again, subjected to care\u00ad\nful and critical mathematical analysis. * The present analysis \nwould seem to suggest that we are dealing with valid, measurable \ninterrelationships between the electrical properties of a living \nsystem, of all living systems, and the field of electrical environ\u00ad\nment in which they exist. It has been the habit, in the past, to assume that a living \nsystem's behaviour is, in part, the consequence of chemical flux \nof the tissue of which living systems are made. However, the \nchemical flux is a widely and rapidly changing set of phenomena \nand yet throughout all these studies the constancy of the electri\u00ad\ncal phenomena is so great that they must be an evidence of some \nconstancy in the growth and development of living systems. It is as' though there were in every living system some guiding \nfactor which not only makes the acorn grow into the oak tree \nbut also induces a characteristic pattern of organization, of which \n* Throngh the interest and diligence of Mr. Ralph M<|begin_of_text|>Summarize the following text section accurately and concisely. Maintain specific details and numerical information, and use anti-repetition mechanisms:\n\n Measure equal weight of these organic foods:\nBarley\nBarley Flakes \nBrown Sesame Seed \nBuckwheat Groats \nCorn Grits, Blue \nCorn Grits, White \nCorn Grits, Yellow \nGolden Flax Seed \nKamut \nM illet \nOat Groats\nRice, Brown Long Grain \nRice, Brown Short Grain \nRolled Oats \nRye Berries \nRye Flakes \nSpelt Berries \nSteel Cut Oats \nTriticale Flakes \nWheat Flakes \nWheat, Hard Red Spring\nAdding almonds, English walnuts, berries, and fruit makes a complete tasty meal. Directions\nDaily at bedtime or upon arising\n69\nWinning The Cancer War\nA. 1/3 cup porridge - I prefer whole but it may be ground in a seed mill\nB. Add 1 1/3 cup boiling water. Stir well. C. Let soak at room temperature during the day. D. 2 to 3 hours before evening meal heat in a double boiler (or on low in a pot) at \nlow temperature until consistency of oatmeal**\nE. For evening meal one should add fresh or frozen berries or fruit. Options\n1). Today I added 4 tablespoons of frozen pineapple juice concentrate, 1/2 cup of \nfrozen blackberries, butter and 1/4 cup heavy cream. 2). Yesterday I added frozen raspberries, frozen grape juice concentrate, butter and \nheavy cream. 3). Tomorrow I w ill add frozen strawberries, frozen orange juice concentrate, butter \nand heavy cream. 4). The objective of this procedure is to obtain as many trace minerals from as many \ndifferent sources as possible. F. Sweeten with honey or frozen concentrated fruit juice to taste. G. Add yogurt if desired. H. One should alternate daily the berries, fruit and fruit juice concentrate. a wide \nvariety assures a complete source of trace minerals. I. The next morning prepare the evening multigrain portage\nWARNING: The multi-grain cereal is an all important part of my program. In the past,\nI have provided the organic multi-grain cereal to you but I can no longer provide this \nservice. You can however purchase as many organic grains available from your bulk \ngrain department of your health food store and mix equal parts by weight. All non-organic grains, are \"DUSTED\" and stored with anti-mold, anti-fungal and \nother deadly shelf-life extenders. One should make every effort to get organic grains. Dr. Kelley uses Diatomaceous Earth which is excellent for storage. The commonly \nused, Thimerosal, is a mercury compound that w ill kill you. It is made by Eli Lilly and\n70\nWinning The Cancer War\nCo, and is used in vaccinations and prescription drugs. Since you are spending your \nhard earned money to buy my enzyme formulas, make sure your multi-grains are free \nof Enzyme Inhibitors. 'Dr. Kelley\nPhase IV\nFlax Seed Oil\nTake two tablespoons per day of unrefined, fresh flaxseed oil for the first month of \nMetabolic Medicine's Cancer Cure Program, and one tablespoon per day from the \nsecond month of the program to completion. (Formula F provides Essential Fatty \nAcids \u2014 Essential Fatty Acids must be provided in the diet, as the human body \ncannot make them. ) Johanna Budwig, a German researcher, did the lion's share of the early work on \nflax oil and its therapeutic uses in the early 1950s. Blood samples from healthy and \nsick people were systematically analyzed, and the findings tabulated. According to \nher, blood samples from people with cancer, diabetes, and some kinds of liver \ndisease consistently lacked Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs). She claims that blood from \npeople with other diseases did not show this severe deficiency and that healthy \npeople's blood always contained EFAs. If cancer is a deficiency disease brought on by \nlack of EFAs, she reasoned, a diet high in EFAs should alleviate at least some of the \ncancer patients' problems. Unrefined Flaxseed oil, in practice, inhibits tumor growth and is useful in the \nnatural treatment of cancer. EFAs, from refined oil, on the other hand, help promote \ntumor growth (due to trans-fats present in all American commercial vegetable oil). All \noils except unrefined, fresh olive and flaxseed oil are forbidden on Metabolic \nMedicine's Cancer Cure Diet. Note: Fat that has not been heated above 96\u00b0 F. in the form of unsalted raw butter, \nraw eggs, raw cream, the fat in and on raw meats, no-salt-added raw cheeses, \navocados, fresh coconut and stone-pressed olive oil is acceptable on Metabolic \nMedicine's Cancer Cure Diet. These fats are the easiest to digest, assimilate,", "token_ids": [11, 527, 34373, 323, 279, 720, 58156, 14, 1727, 278, 483, 8335, 18908, 13, 9176, 11217, 527, 34373, 1555, 279, 81960, 11, 720, 36046, 279, 4279, 6784, 12934, 9585, 11217, 430, 649, 387, 9193, 34446, 311, 1521, 720, 1813, 598, 13, 15483, 11217, 2997, 25689, 258, 11, 14345, 68323, 258, 323, 65802, 8129, 5237, 268, 13, 9029, 3629, 720, 15357, 956, 3217, 904, 13803, 505, 4814, 315, 39042, 734, 3156, 220, 1954, 4, 315, 279, 720, 1723, 374, 8208, 11, 323, 1243, 279, 5674, 374, 93294, 13, 578, 81960, 1288, 387, 74820, 1855, 1938, 449, 18250, 33776, 315, 15962, 11, 3060, 12076, 720, 42231, 3090, 11, 89867, 3090, 477, 7878, 14098, 323, 36581, 65959, 320, 81160, 2915, 17808, 570, 53811, 3258, 15600, 374, 9250, 369, 48513, 279, 81960, 13, 13266, 449, 39042, 5435, 720, 5562, 5766, 19664, 8518, 30668, 323, 11033, 439, 264, 43450, 13, 87972, 30668, 527, 720, 38116, 13, 1789, 1884, 889, 8541, 311, 14389, 15962, 11, 3090, 72218, 374, 459, 9250, 1891, 554, 29150, 13, 1442, 279, 10804, 263, 720, 285, 2942, 2740, 15042, 11, 279, 436, 485, 1288, 387, 10479, 7725, 323, 274, 6586, 1176, 3245, 304, 279, 6693, 720, 438, 1243, 279, 2579, 282, 645, 8671, 961, 315, 279, 14098, 1253, 387, 35661, 13, 9220, 58302, 264, 2046, 11, 832, 1253, 720, 23609, 279, 23661, 315, 264, 4459, 30564, 304, 8369, 12076, 18797, 3090, 477, 89867, 3090, 439, 264, 720, 8747, 554, 29150, 320, 54961, 20962, 1288, 539, 387, 1511, 810, 1109, 220, 17, 2919, 264, 2046, 11, 439, 433, 28335, 311, 23268, 279, 720, 27684, 2411, 63837, 24527, 30969, 39097, 422, 1511, 810, 14134, 570, 1443, 525, 54454, 477, 4917, 751, 607, 15600, 720, 285, 264, 1695, 1891, 554, 29150, 323, 1101, 1695, 369, 279, 6930, 323, 7013, 13, 1556, 9250, 1891, 554, 29150, 33566, 1253, 720, 1395, 1903, 555, 35271, 74873, 323, 45697, 2001, 61802, 48715, 2001, 449, 33745, 7257, 720, 12440, 416, 11, 88621, 11, 323, 42393, 1093, 39361, 11, 272, 10318, 11, 323, 18169, 13154, 63494, 11, 422, 2561, 13, 18230, 420, 720, 76, 13025, 449, 1633, 4106, 12076, 18797, 3090, 477, 89867, 3090, 323, 2035, 264, 27431, 927, 433, 369, 220, 605, 720, 38137, 13, 62368, 279, 21655, 320, 1820, 14812, 374, 1695, 311, 3665, 369, 19724, 23963, 11, 41936, 11, 5099, 6266, 323, 198, 3534, 198, 17400, 1251, 578, 26211, 5111, 198, 53013, 264, 30564, 927, 433, 13, 1102, 649, 387, 35661, 439, 374, 477, 30477, 660, 1176, 13, 1102, 649, 1101, 387, 9709, 720, 4291, 1023, 77852, 13, 763, 14560, 15962, 38231, 11, 832, 596, 28378, 1253, 72333, 264, 1891, 554, 29150, 5623, 11, 902, 374, 720, 716, 45164, 11, 323, 279, 10896, 289, 5986, 14614, 5376, 279, 23730, 315, 62275, 311, 720, 5807, 729, 349, 369, 1202, 4814, 4245, 311, 279, 5623, 13, 763, 39042, 8624, 279, 13128, 23730, 1288, 387, 7347, 323, 5066, 46192, 323, 720, 1083, 17822, 4529, 13, 86762, 287, 578, 445, 29222, 198, 26833, 374, 18222, 5304, 279, 26613, 30098, 315, 45612, 304, 279, 45274, 13, 578, 1455, 720, 91645, 527, 279, 17065, 315, 12782, 292, 13935, 323, 279, 6530, 315, 24463, 1139, 279, 6680, 13, 578, 45274, 3041, 1022, 1690, 1023, 342, 521, 788, 82320, 13, 18156, 1603, 11, 719, 810, 14134, 720, 10924, 279, 1212, 315, 6344, 57565, 19152, 596, 26211, 70819, 6826, 279, 8893, 477, 1884, 3345, 720, 998, 1461, 477, 1077, 1253, 5406, 264, 40884, 54097, 389, 279, 11745, 13, 2360, 3392, 315, 26588, 57968, 477, 720, 33780, 70545, 690, 4148, 433, 369, 1317, 11, 2533, 433, 4131, 505, 279, 100216, 13, 3861, 649, 387, 720, 395, 3149, 11, 4869, 11, 430, 420, 374, 1193, 264, 10474, 323, 430, 279, 3273, 19941, 527, 9564, 279, 2547, 13, 1442, 1070, 374, 27639, 46835, 315, 296, 38601, 304, 279, 57426, 8839, 323, 5255, 31071, 331, 532, 1887, 11, 720, 576, 20747, 1220, 279, 61987, 2461, 5865, 315, 279, 45274, 13, 386, 38601, 8627, 287, 3691, 1288, 387, 720, 48956, 291, 422, 296, 38601, 374, 264, 3575, 13, 4314, 527, 92381, 34479, 3956, 11, 449, 279, 720, 7959, 315, 14432, 323, 12932, 11, 323, 41778, 20415, 3956, 13, 23853, 1474, 38601, 15657, 1778, 439, 720, 1059, 45697, 323, 31735, 11, 272, 352, 26193, 25349, 11, 50999, 5015, 3776, 25349, 11, 7878, 44768, 11, 720, 438, 4917, 805, 329, 819, 1288, 387, 35661, 34929, 750, 13, 86762, 287, 578, 28049, 198, 13622, 1274, 31805, 279, 6930, 439, 459, 2942, 315, 61987, 2461, 13, 2030, 433, 374, 7170, 720, 44982, 330, 1820, 4948, 39042, 1359, 2533, 1690, 315, 1202, 5865, 304, 15962, 323, 73396, 668, 8335, 720, 548, 4528, 311, 1884, 315, 279, 81960, 13, 3277, 2294, 15055, 315, 3273, 19941, 18197, 279, 2547, 11, 682, 720, 46654, 527, 75691, 323, 420, 734, 315, 279, 6930, 374, 36366, 398, 4460, 13, 1666, 279, 6930, 374, 720, 1338, 1534, 11, 682, 21522, 315, 61354, 1324, 11, 11018, 1105, 11, 8146, 11, 323, 293, 3516, 21168, 1253, 5101, 13, 4314, 720, 16902, 690, 32153, 439, 279, 2547, 9221, 92600, 13, 3861, 649, 6288, 8720, 279, 8844, 15374, 315, 44032, 1555, 279, 6930, 555, 720, 20986, 520, 813, 65042, 320, 1820, 28296, 13651, 315, 279, 8071, 570, 578, 6930, 374, 15609, 555, 279, 720, 2743, 3646, 961, 315, 279, 65042, 13, 1442, 433, 374, 1633, 6453, 323, 29050, 11, 279, 3044, 374, 2663, 264, 330, 82, 2407, 69, 720, 6417, 1, 304, 6348, 307, 2508, 11, 323, 433, 3445, 430, 279, 6930, 374, 12309, 19857, 439, 459, 2942, 315, 720, 40895, 2617, 13, 2057, 1825, 433, 709, 11, 6930, 77826, 1603, 264, 17639, 323, 71920, 1005, 315, 264, 720, 385, 1073, 1494, 69448, 304, 279, 17639, 527, 11349, 13, 362, 1695, 4367, 36581, 31217, 29400, 11, 6930, 198, 3264, 198, 17400, 1251, 578, 26211, 5111, 198, 37161, 1288, 387, 15075, 505, 279, 2890, 3691, 3637, 477, 33400, 13, 128009, 128000, 9370, 5730, 553, 279, 2768, 1495, 3857, 30357, 323, 3613, 285, 989, 13, 87477, 3230, 3649, 323, 35876, 2038, 11, 323, 1005, 7294, 5621, 56867, 24717, 1473, 286, 35204, 6273, 4785, 315, 1521, 17808, 15657, 512, 3511, 3258, 198, 3511, 3258, 3061, 2094, 720, 49488, 64027, 373, 36922, 720, 33, 1983, 86, 20559, 18370, 1900, 720, 91641, 480, 1018, 82, 11, 8868, 720, 91641, 480, 1018, 82, 11, 5929, 720, 91641, 480, 1018, 82, 11, 26541, 720, 60890, 3061, 710, 36922, 720, 42, 309, 332, 720, 44, 3900, 1169, 720, 46, 266, 18370, 1900, 198, 49, 560, 11, 10690, 5843, 75374, 720, 49, 560, 11, 10690, 10928, 75374, 720, 78586, 839, 507, 1900, 720, 49, 9188, 9084, 4108, 720, 49, 9188, 3061, 2094, 720, 6540, 3903, 9084, 4108, 720, 66048, 20223, 507, 1900, 720, 51, 50308, 1604, 3061, 2094, 720, 54, 20559, 3061, 2094, 720, 54, 20559, 11, 11481, 3816, 12531, 198, 33408, 88922, 11, 6498, 41926, 64866, 11, 63494, 11, 323, 14098, 3727, 264, 4686, 39953, 15496, 13, 54586, 198, 44653, 520, 89607, 477, 5304, 40986, 198, 3076, 198, 17400, 1251, 578, 26211, 5111, 198, 32, 13, 220, 16, 14, 18, 10747, 4247, 11431, 482, 358, 220, 10932, 4459, 719, 433, 1253, 387, 5015, 304, 264, 10533, 2606, 198, 33, 13, 2758, 220, 16, 220, 220, 16, 14, 18, 10747, 50937, 3090, 13, 65292, 1664, 13, 356, 13, 6914, 61792, 520, 3130, 9499, 2391, 279, 1938, 13, 423, 13, 220, 17, 311, 220, 18, 4207, 1603, 11714, 15496, 8798, 304, 264, 2033, 28725, 320, 269, 389, 3428, 304, 264, 3419, 8, 520, 720, 10516, 9499, 3156, 29237, 315, 72754, 42880, 1035, 36, 13, 1789, 11714, 15496, 832, 1288, 923, 7878, 477, 20268, 63494, 477, 14098, 13, 14908, 198, 16, 570, 11450, 358, 220, 3779, 220, 19, 56588, 315, 20268, 78182, 23661, 37455, 11, 220, 16, 14, 17, 10747, 315, 720, 69, 43340, 3776, 36989, 11, 14432, 323, 220, 16, 14, 19, 10747, 8987, 12932, 13, 220, 17, 570, 61133, 358, 220, 3779, 20268, 85146, 36989, 11, 20268, 52252, 23661, 37455, 11, 14432, 323, 720, 89945, 12932, 13, 220, 18, 570, 56096, 358, 220, 289, 5986, 923, 20268, 76203, 11, 20268, 19087, 23661, 37455, 11, 14432, 720, 438, 8987, 12932, 13, 220, 19, 570, 578, 16945, 315, 420, 10537, 374, 311, 6994, 439, 1690, 11917, 34072, 505, 439, 1690, 720, 64750, 8336, 439, 3284, 13, 435, 13, 27687, 268, 449, 26828, 477, 20268, 38626, 14098, 23661, 311, 12945, 13, 480, 13, 2758, 55575, 422, 12974, 13, 473, 13, 3861, 1288, 25631, 7446, 279, 63494, 11, 14098, 323, 14098, 23661, 37455, 13, 264, 7029, 720, 30265, 2676, 94087, 264, 4686, 2592, 315, 11917, 34072, 13, 358, 13, 578, 1828, 6693, 10772, 279, 11714, 2814, 5346, 467, 2700, 425, 198, 33804, 25, 578, 7447, 25313, 467, 62233, 374, 459, 682, 3062, 961, 315, 856, 2068, 13, 763, 279, 3347, 345, 40, 220, 617, 3984, 279, 17808, 7447, 25313, 467, 62233, 311, 499, 719, 358, 220, 649, 912, 5129, 3493, 420, 720, 8095, 13, 1472, 649, 4869, 7782, 439, 1690, 17808, 41936, 2561, 505, 701, 20155, 720, 911, 467, 9476, 315, 701, 2890, 3691, 3637, 323, 6651, 6273, 5596, 555, 4785, 13, 2052, 2536, 12, 61694, 41936, 11, 527, 330, 35, 8721, 1507, 1, 323, 9967, 449, 7294, 1474, 820, 11, 7294, 2269, 58267, 323, 720, 1605, 25114, 28745, 26928, 13334, 388, 13, 3861, 1288, 1304, 1475, 5149, 311, 636, 17808, 41936, 13, 2999, 13, 74813, 5829, 7923, 22612, 77140, 9420, 902, 374, 9250, 369, 5942, 13, 578, 17037, 720, 2656, 11, 666, 3212, 33656, 11, 374, 264, 51852, 24549, 430, 289, 5986, 5622, 499, 13, 1102, 374, 1903, 555, 34362, 82934, 323, 198, 2031, 198, 17400, 1251, 578, 26211, 5111, 198, 7489, 11, 323, 374, 1511, 304, 91971, 323, 22866, 11217, 13, 8876, 499, 527, 10374, 701, 720, 19221, 15662, 3300, 311, 3780, 856, 49242, 55179, 11, 1304, 2771, 701, 7447, 25313, 1771, 527, 1949, 720, 1073, 2998, 21436, 68, 763, 5923, 12170, 13, 364, 9023, 13, 74813, 198, 31833, 17244, 198, 3968, 710, 36922, 15895, 198, 18293, 1403, 56588, 824, 1938, 315, 653, 1116, 1619, 11, 7878, 1344, 710, 23425, 5707, 369, 279, 1176, 2305, 315, 720, 35773, 57565, 19152, 596, 26211, 70819, 6826, 11, 323, 832, 62611, 824, 1938, 505, 279, 720, 5686, 2305, 315, 279, 2068, 311, 9954, 13, 320, 53776, 435, 220, 5825, 48833, 435, 23758, 720, 11916, 3447, 2001, 48833, 435, 23758, 6515, 3447, 2011, 387, 3984, 304, 279, 10173, 11, 439, 279, 3823, 2547, 720, 34360, 1304, 1124, 13, 883, 27268, 12930, 37235, 38022, 11, 264, 6063, 32185, 11, 1550, 279, 40132, 596, 4430, 315, 279, 4216, 990, 389, 720, 1517, 710, 5707, 323, 1202, 37471, 5829, 304, 279, 4216, 220, 6280, 15, 82, 13, 20671, 10688, 505, 9498, 323, 720, 82, 875, 1274, 1051, 60826, 30239, 11, 323, 279, 14955, 5769, 7913, 13, 10771, 311, 720, 1964, 11, 6680, 10688, 505, 1274, 449, 9572, 11, 20335, 11, 323, 1063, 13124, 315, 26587, 720, 67, 56407, 21356, 49101, 48833, 435, 23758, 6515, 3447, 320, 15229, 2170, 570, 3005, 8349, 430, 6680, 505, 720, 16455, 449, 1023, 19338, 1550, 539, 1501, 420, 15748, 48294, 323, 430, 9498, 720, 16455, 596, 6680, 2744, 13282, 45090, 2170, 13, 1442, 9572, 374, 264, 48294, 8624, 7263, 389, 555, 720, 105516, 315, 45090, 2170, 11, 1364, 93469, 11, 264, 10173, 1579, 304, 45090, 2170, 1288, 61705, 520, 3325, 1063, 315, 279, 720, 66, 11967, 6978, 6, 5435, 13, 1252, 1116, 1619, 3061, 710, 23425, 5707, 11, 304, 6725, 11, 20747, 1220, 36254, 6650, 323, 374, 5505, 304, 279, 720, 53980, 6514, 315, 9572, 13, 45090, 2170, 11, 505, 38291, 5707, 11, 389, 279, 1023, 1450, 11, 1520, 12192, 720, 83, 69361, 6650, 320, 24567, 311, 1380, 2269, 1900, 3118, 304, 682, 3778, 8518, 36581, 5707, 570, 2052, 720, 78, 8839, 3734, 653, 1116, 1619, 11, 7878, 33213, 323, 1344, 710, 23425, 5707, 527, 37913, 389, 6344, 57565, 720, 13613, 55103, 596, 26211, 70819, 27304, 13, 7181, 25, 26417, 430, 706, 539, 1027, 32813, 3485, 220, 4161, 11877, 435, 13, 304, 279, 1376, 315, 7120, 62334, 7257, 14432, 11, 720, 1059, 19335, 11, 7257, 12932, 11, 279, 8834, 304, 323, 389, 7257, 63875, 11, 912, 1355, 3223, 87442, 7257, 98564, 11, 720, 402, 511, 5670, 11, 7878, 34557, 323, 9998, 12, 14655, 33213, 5707, 374, 22281, 389, 6344, 57565, 720, 13613, 55103, 596, 26211, 70819, 27304, 13, 4314, 50127, 527, 279, 30689, 311, 21552, 11, 40054, 76457, 11], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": ": According to the author, what is the key to long-term relationships?, \nA: The author suggests that it is not the years together, but rather the respect and honor we show to each other, and the willingness to grow and change together. \nQ: What is the author's perspective on the concept of \"evil\"?, \nA: The author believes that the concept of \"evil\" is not a rational or spiritual concept, but rather a manifestation of our own inner darkness. They argue that we should not try to fight or overcome it, but rather acknowledge and forgive, as we would with a friend. \nQ: What is the author's view on the role of the ego in human relationships?, \nA: The author emphasizes the importance of humility and self-awareness in relationships. They argue that true growth and transformation come from acknowledging our own flaws and limitations, rather than trying to assert our own power or control over others. \nQ: What is the author's stance on the concept of sacrifice?, \nA: The author does not advocate for sacrifice as a means to achieve a goal, but rather encourages people to find their true purpose and passion, and then align their actions with that. \nQ: What is the author's perspective on the concept of war and violence?, \nA: The author strongly condemns war and violence, emphasizing that it is a destructive and unsustainable path. They argue that we must move beyond this paradigm and find a new way to resolve conflicts.<|eot_id|><|begin_of_text|>Andrew\tHarvey\tand\tAndrea\tCagan,\tmy\t\u201cliterary\tmidwives\u201d\u2014for\tgetting\nme\ton\tliterary\ttrack,\tmaking\tme\tfeel\tI\tbelong\tthere,\tand\tinsisting\tthat\tI\tstay\nthe\tride. Tammy\tVogsland,\tfor\tkeeping\tthe\tearth\tsteady\tbeneath\tme\twhile\tI\twrote. Wendy\tZahler,\tfor\twonderful\tsupport\tand\treally\tgood\tvegetables. Richard\tCooper,\tDiane\tSimon,\tAlana\tStewart,\tAlyse\tMartinelli,\tCarolyn\nSamuell,\tMatthew\tAllbracht,\tStacie\tMaier,\tDavid\tKessler,\tDavid\tPerozzi,\nVictoria\tPearman,\tSuzannah\tGalland,\tLila\tCherri,\tand\tGina\tOtto,\tfor\tthe\ncomforts\tof\tfriendship. And\tMary\tAnn\tCheck,\tfor\tthe\tcomforts\tof\thome. My\tmother,\tfor\teverything. And\tElla\tGregoire,\tfor\tan\textraordinary\nblessing. Oprah\tWinfrey,\tfor\tendless\topportunities\tboth\tin\tthe\tworld\tand\tin\tmy\tsoul. Wayne\tDyer,\tfor\tthe\twarmth\tI\tfeel\taround\tme\teven\twhen\tI\tcan\u2019t\treach\tyou. Bob\tBarnett,\tfor\twise\tcounsel.India,\tfor\tcrack\teditorial\tassistance\tand\ta\tmillion\tother\tthings. The\tmany\tpeople\taround\tthe\tworld\twho\thave\tsupported\tmy\twork\tand\tbeen\nso\tkind\tto\tme,\twith\tmore\tgratitude\tthan\tyou\tcan\timagine. And\ta\tfew\tothers,\tof\tcourse\u2014you\tknow\twho\tyou\tare\u2026\t. A\nBOUT\tTHE\t\nA\nUTHOR\nMarianne\tWilliamson\n\tis\tan\tinternationally\tacclaimed\tlecturer\tand\tthe\nbest-selling\tauthor\tof\t\nA\tReturn\tto\tLove,\tThe\tHealing\tof\tAmerica,\tA\tWoman\u2019s\nWorth,\n\tand\t\nIlluminata,\n\tamong\tother\tworks. Williamson\thas\tdone\textensive\ncharitable\torganizing\tthroughout\tthe\tcountry\tin\tservice\tto\tpeople\twith\tlife-\nchallenging\tillnesses\t(she\tfounded\tProject\tAngel\tFood\tin\tLos\tAngeles);\tand\tis\nthe\tfounder\tof\tThe\tPeace\tAlliance,\ta\tnonprofit\tgrassroots\torganization\ndedicated\tto\tfostering\ta\tculture\tof\tpeace. Website:\t\nwww.marianne.com\nH\nAY\t\nH\nOUSE\t\nT\nITLES\nOF\t\nR\nELATED\t\nI\nNTEREST\nTHE\tBODY\tKNOWS\t\u2026\tHOW\tTO\tSTAY\tYOUNG,\nby\tCaroline\tSutherland\nCHANGE\tYOUR\tTHOUGHTS\u2014CHANGE\tYOUR\tLIFE:\nLiving\tthe\tWisdom\tof\tthe\tTao,\nby\tDr.\tWayne\tW.\tDyer\nFOUR\tACTS\tOF\tPERSONAL\tPOWER:\tHow\tto\tHeal\nYour\tPast\tand\tCreate\ta\tPositive\tFuture\n,\nby\tDenise\tLinn\nTHE\tHEART\tOF\tLOVE:\tHow\tto\tGo\tBeyond\tFantasy\tto\nFind\tTrue\tRelationship\tFulfillment,\nby\tDr.\tJohn\tF.\tDemartini\nRELAX\u2014YOU\tMAY\tONLY\tHAVE\tA\tFEW\tMINUTES\nLEFT:\tUsing\tthe\tPower\tof\tHumor\tto\nOvercome\tStress\tin\tYour\tLife\tand\tWork,\nby\tLoretta\tLaRoche\nSAYING\tYES\tTO\tCHANGE:\tEssential\nWisdom\tfor\tYour\tJourney\t\n(book-with-CD),\nby\tJoan\tZ.\tBorysenko,\tPh.D.,\nand\tGordon\tF.\tDveirin,\tEd.D.THE\tTIMES\tOF\tOUR\tLIVES:\tExtraordinary\tTrue\tStories\nof\tSynchronicity,\tDestiny,\tMeaning,\nand\tPurpose,\n\tby\tLouise\tL.\tHay\tand\tfriends\nTRANSFORMING\tFATE\tINTO\tDESTINY:\nA\tNew\tDialogue\twith\tYour\tSoul,\n\tby\tRobert\tOhotto\nWHO\tARE\tYOU? :\tA\tSuccess\tProcess\tfor\tBuilding\tYour\nLife\u2019s\tFoundation,\n\tby\tStedman\tGraham\nTHE\tWISDOM\tOF\tMENOPAUSE\tJOURNAL:\nYour\tGuide\tto\tCreating\tVibrant\tHealth\nand\tHappiness\tin\tthe\tSecond\tHalf\tof\tYour\tLife,\nby\tChristiane\tNorthrup,\tM.D. All\tof\tthe\tabove\tare\tavailable\tat\tyour\tlocal\tbookstore,\nor\tmay\tbe\tordered\tby\tcontacting\tHay\tHouse\n(see\tlast\tpage). 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Maintain specific details and numerical information, and use anti-repetition mechanisms:\n\n Andrew\tH", "token_ids": [25, 10771, 311, 279, 3229, 11, 1148, 374, 279, 1401, 311, 1317, 9860, 12135, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 578, 3229, 13533, 430, 433, 374, 539, 279, 1667, 3871, 11, 719, 4856, 279, 5201, 323, 16044, 584, 1501, 311, 1855, 1023, 11, 323, 279, 39375, 311, 3139, 323, 2349, 3871, 13, 720, 48, 25, 3639, 374, 279, 3229, 596, 13356, 389, 279, 7434, 315, 330, 59967, 1, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 578, 3229, 13919, 430, 279, 7434, 315, 330, 59967, 1, 374, 539, 264, 25442, 477, 18330, 7434, 11, 719, 4856, 264, 64050, 315, 1057, 1866, 9358, 27394, 13, 2435, 18046, 430, 584, 1288, 539, 1456, 311, 4465, 477, 23075, 433, 11, 719, 4856, 25670, 323, 44491, 11, 439, 584, 1053, 449, 264, 4333, 13, 720, 48, 25, 3639, 374, 279, 3229, 596, 1684, 389, 279, 3560, 315, 279, 37374, 304, 3823, 12135, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 578, 3229, 66159, 279, 12939, 315, 75372, 323, 659, 66104, 2136, 304, 12135, 13, 2435, 18046, 430, 837, 6650, 323, 18475, 2586, 505, 61708, 1057, 1866, 41859, 323, 9669, 11, 4856, 1109, 4560, 311, 2105, 1057, 1866, 2410, 477, 2585, 927, 3885, 13, 720, 48, 25, 3639, 374, 279, 3229, 596, 30031, 389, 279, 7434, 315, 28235, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 578, 3229, 1587, 539, 29115, 369, 28235, 439, 264, 3445, 311, 11322, 264, 5915, 11, 719, 4856, 37167, 1274, 311, 1505, 872, 837, 7580, 323, 11939, 11, 323, 1243, 5398, 872, 6299, 449, 430, 13, 720, 48, 25, 3639, 374, 279, 3229, 596, 13356, 389, 279, 7434, 315, 4208, 323, 9349, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 578, 3229, 16917, 21748, 4511, 4208, 323, 9349, 11, 82003, 430, 433, 374, 264, 40652, 323, 98609, 1853, 13, 2435, 18046, 430, 584, 2011, 3351, 7953, 420, 49340, 323, 1505, 264, 502, 1648, 311, 9006, 26885, 13, 128009, 128000, 41598, 13595, 277, 5735, 53577, 197, 3112, 5325, 6391, 18851, 11, 13938, 197, 2118, 69191, 661, 2157, 307, 59488, 63750, 2000, 10582, 1303, 198, 2727, 25653, 8986, 2058, 661, 197, 13432, 11, 2157, 1802, 50394, 1186, 96551, 25494, 2282, 39122, 197, 19041, 11, 53577, 197, 1354, 11330, 64442, 25494, 18895, 352, 198, 1820, 197, 1425, 13, 29988, 2465, 17904, 27403, 1974, 11, 2066, 197, 33494, 33188, 197, 28641, 18895, 3228, 88, 2282, 1994, 589, 50394, 5329, 25494, 6831, 5646, 13, 55676, 36953, 1494, 1565, 11, 2066, 6831, 14518, 1285, 1942, 2870, 53577, 17643, 750, 3253, 1411, 197, 83571, 4893, 13, 12131, 6391, 78, 3376, 11, 11198, 36135, 7721, 26490, 11, 197, 2149, 3444, 197, 626, 27595, 11, 23845, 398, 325, 9391, 35945, 21148, 11, 6391, 277, 337, 1910, 198, 24903, 42758, 11, 71168, 16142, 197, 2460, 86526, 11, 197, 626, 47383, 9391, 64, 1291, 11, 11198, 15567, 40440, 78049, 11, 11198, 15567, 10230, 2382, 89, 8510, 345, 82056, 10230, 686, 1543, 11, 7721, 5308, 44104, 9796, 543, 438, 11, 15420, 10746, 197, 1163, 261, 462, 11, 53577, 9796, 2259, 49149, 83, 998, 11, 2066, 33188, 198, 19975, 82, 44323, 52203, 5383, 13, 1628, 9391, 661, 197, 28192, 70572, 11, 2066, 33188, 197, 19975, 82, 44323, 197, 5227, 13, 3092, 2157, 1605, 11, 2066, 7883, 1225, 1626, 13, 1628, 23626, 36882, 9796, 1610, 42827, 11, 2066, 80557, 8285, 2221, 21707, 198, 65, 1752, 287, 13, 92258, 17749, 13885, 8233, 11, 2066, 6379, 1752, 40803, 403, 6165, 197, 21704, 17886, 33188, 77608, 53577, 17886, 13938, 1942, 11206, 13, 28640, 11198, 27253, 11, 2066, 33188, 6831, 2227, 339, 25494, 1186, 96551, 197, 20019, 50394, 7883, 1055, 61280, 25494, 94036, 1431, 17643, 613, 197, 9514, 13, 14596, 13083, 1923, 7211, 11, 2066, 197, 4583, 1470, 94741, 13, 34648, 11, 2066, 1470, 72785, 79177, 532, 197, 395, 4011, 53577, 11575, 2157, 15068, 197, 1605, 197, 58174, 13, 578, 197, 35676, 197, 16455, 197, 20019, 33188, 77608, 197, 14965, 9793, 525, 1942, 12796, 13938, 98138, 53577, 74242, 268, 198, 708, 197, 15674, 32809, 50394, 11, 48048, 2157, 461, 91159, 17584, 197, 54895, 197, 9514, 94036, 55992, 24281, 13, 1628, 11575, 1186, 365, 23021, 3058, 11, 44323, 1470, 5366, 71480, 16868, 3409, 197, 14965, 197, 9514, 197, 548, 1981, 197, 13, 362, 198, 33, 3740, 10473, 1837, 1602, 32, 198, 9331, 878, 198, 44, 8997, 818, 197, 45887, 942, 198, 20501, 80557, 2129, 944, 30154, 82300, 21974, 197, 772, 7889, 53577, 33188, 198, 16241, 48724, 197, 3170, 44323, 1602, 32, 66006, 32809, 15420, 1009, 11, 33026, 197, 1548, 6260, 44323, 23845, 2165, 64, 11, 23845, 17749, 7053, 753, 198, 54, 2419, 345, 53577, 1602, 40, 5565, 258, 460, 345, 197, 77405, 197, 1605, 197, 19033, 13, 69631, 64355, 41595, 96550, 4114, 198, 1799, 15729, 197, 8629, 4954, 197, 20322, 412, 33188, 1470, 5083, 17886, 54034, 32809, 197, 16455, 48048, 8986, 1643, 7058, 331, 34869, 287, 197, 484, 2136, 288, 197, 1161, 383, 1186, 13382, 197, 8006, 197, 69404, 13017, 1411, 17886, 15420, 437, 197, 2127, 713, 645, 1237, 53577, 20501, 198, 1820, 59202, 261, 44323, 33026, 10230, 68, 580, 197, 2460, 5397, 11, 11575, 197, 6414, 26466, 197, 54454, 38265, 197, 24844, 198, 9988, 10297, 32809, 1186, 537, 4776, 11575, 1470, 10745, 44323, 197, 55225, 13, 16406, 25, 1602, 2185, 749, 8997, 818, 916, 198, 39, 198, 3097, 1602, 39, 198, 58258, 1602, 51, 198, 964, 14344, 198, 12766, 1602, 49, 198, 2818, 9182, 1602, 40, 198, 45, 4292, 5288, 198, 17673, 13083, 21727, 197, 17596, 3387, 50, 197, 1981, 13595, 3387, 197, 5319, 61931, 3097, 66422, 5152, 38, 345, 1729, 6391, 277, 22671, 7721, 92932, 198, 41973, 66422, 6934, 197, 3701, 46, 73282, 50, 2345, 41973, 66422, 6934, 15420, 40777, 512, 45605, 33188, 17749, 285, 5717, 44323, 33188, 10473, 3524, 345, 1729, 197, 9023, 13, 17749, 97621, 17749, 13, 11198, 27253, 198, 3873, 1539, 197, 6966, 50, 197, 12766, 197, 94283, 984, 197, 62436, 25, 197, 4438, 32809, 197, 1548, 278, 198, 7927, 10230, 561, 53577, 76669, 11575, 197, 36590, 13017, 3049, 198, 345, 1729, 11198, 268, 1082, 15420, 6258, 198, 17673, 197, 1837, 3065, 197, 12766, 197, 1623, 4592, 25, 197, 4438, 32809, 9796, 78, 13083, 23478, 13017, 98037, 32809, 198, 10086, 197, 2575, 197, 51922, 13017, 87616, 479, 345, 1729, 197, 9023, 13, 197, 13379, 13017, 13, 11198, 336, 472, 6729, 198, 50151, 3027, 2345, 57489, 9391, 3097, 197, 32192, 13595, 9682, 23845, 197, 11673, 54, 9391, 691, 54885, 198, 23203, 25, 197, 16834, 33188, 10230, 1223, 44323, 13595, 69361, 32809, 198, 1959, 2063, 197, 626, 676, 17886, 197, 7927, 15420, 1643, 53577, 197, 6919, 345, 1729, 15420, 18673, 2629, 197, 8921, 39972, 1557, 198, 50, 3097, 1753, 197, 14331, 197, 5319, 197, 41973, 25, 23626, 784, 2335, 198, 79848, 5717, 2066, 197, 7927, 17538, 34090, 1602, 34230, 27281, 12, 6620, 1350, 1729, 17538, 78, 276, 36953, 13, 13083, 683, 12021, 9509, 11, 197, 3438, 920, 39188, 438, 9796, 22231, 13017, 13, 11198, 588, 404, 258, 11, 197, 2782, 920, 844, 1837, 10473, 1829, 1600, 197, 12766, 197, 6934, 15420, 49860, 25, 197, 11873, 21707, 197, 2575, 197, 93531, 198, 1073, 7721, 14445, 62791, 11, 11198, 478, 6577, 11, 9391, 5420, 287, 345, 438, 10230, 30349, 345, 197, 1729, 15420, 283, 1082, 15420, 13, 13595, 352, 53577, 1186, 12337, 198, 44203, 11052, 1753, 13017, 2390, 71614, 46, 197, 63671, 66053, 512, 32, 197, 3648, 197, 83990, 48048, 197, 7927, 7721, 11206, 345, 197, 1729, 11391, 677, 531, 49149, 10847, 998, 198, 78847, 197, 4577, 197, 57489, 30, 551, 23845, 197, 7336, 197, 7575, 2066, 197, 31233, 197, 7927, 198, 26833, 753, 13017, 4159, 345, 197, 1729, 197, 626, 291, 1543, 9796, 17012, 198, 17673, 17749, 1669, 15599, 197, 12766, 9391, 965, 3143, 98598, 17538, 95799, 512, 7927, 9796, 35805, 32809, 6391, 73910, 17904, 10892, 519, 197, 14884, 198, 438, 13595, 67391, 17886, 33188, 197, 16041, 13595, 3181, 44323, 197, 7927, 15420, 1643, 345, 1729, 197, 19875, 36135, 18822, 2419, 31722, 11, 9391, 920, 13, 2052, 44323, 33188, 197, 49532, 197, 548, 197, 10547, 36547, 14862, 414, 9030, 197, 2239, 4412, 345, 269, 2157, 352, 74242, 197, 10767, 197, 1729, 197, 6421, 287, 13595, 352, 13595, 1559, 198, 7, 4151, 34196, 36372, 570, 1226, 9793, 2862, 197, 9514, 82948, 4215, 291, 2090, 13595, 352, 13595, 1559, 197, 2239, 13, 1442, 197, 9514, 7070, 197, 4908, 32809, 17643, 8402, 11575, 17389, 1470, 7906, 1186, 33166, 1711, 13008, 3079, 198, 57564, 13595, 1559, 197, 12383, 53577, 197, 10354, 11, 82266, 748, 197, 9514, 7070, 197, 4908, 17886, 1659, 197, 9274, 198, 1820, 13595, 352, 13017, 4159, 11, 197, 31121, 197, 6421, 512, 57564, 13595, 1559, 11, 197, 40345, 627, 47, 8548, 13, 8425, 197, 15633, 15, 198, 9028, 4835, 14176, 11, 197, 5158, 197, 18485, 972, 12, 15633, 15, 198, 7, 19104, 8, 197, 19852, 12, 24619, 20, 198, 82266, 1602, 7, 4728, 8, 197, 21969, 12, 8358, 21, 198, 7, 19104, 8, 197, 19852, 12, 25392, 23, 197, 968, 710, 340, 82266, 1602, 7, 4728, 8, 197, 13655, 12, 18625, 20, 197, 968, 710, 340, 2185, 870, 352, 7830, 916, 198, 12175, 1602, 6806, 1602, 2185, 870, 352, 73407, 2726, 198, 29986, 53577, 2765, 26204, 17886, 23845, 29139, 197, 1729, 512, 13595, 352, 13595, 1559, 23845, 29139, 198, 47, 1919, 13, 12604, 2637, 197, 972, 14, 1927, 11391, 31323, 197, 626, 2637, 23845, 2635, 438, 4298, 50000, 54, 197, 679, 20, 197, 6806, 1602, 7084, 512, 21018, 12, 25285, 24, 12, 16371, 24, 197, 6806, 1602, 61409, 512, 197, 21018, 12, 25285, 24, 12, 17448, 19, 197, 6806, 1602, 2185, 870, 352, 7830, 916, 31877, 198, 29986, 53577, 2765, 26204, 17886, 33188, 197, 23175, 197, 34655, 5717, 197, 1729, 512, 13595, 352, 13595, 1559, 198, 25554, 11, 15420, 1320, 2637, 197, 16443, 33, 40440, 729, 278, 11391, 67, 2637, 15420, 6610, 17749, 605, 197, 20, 11855, 197, 6806, 1602, 7084, 512, 197, 2096, 12, 508, 12, 24542, 17, 7058, 4513, 15, 197, 6806, 1602, 61409, 512, 197, 2096, 12, 508, 12, 24542, 17, 12, 4513, 24, 197, 6806, 1602, 2185, 870, 352, 7830, 6973, 15549, 198, 29986, 53577, 2765, 26204, 17886, 33188, 197, 39963, 44323, 7721, 2969, 23845, 30980, 197, 1729, 512, 13595, 352, 198, 29707, 7721, 32, 197, 5417, 1919, 705, 15420, 1320, 2637, 10230, 8548, 13, 8425, 197, 19146, 11, 17749, 275, 84698, 2821, 197, 11056, 23, 197, 6806, 1602, 7084, 12598, 710, 512, 1544, 12, 806, 12, 20419, 12, 21381, 19, 197, 6806, 197, 8076, 31, 1725, 9996, 442, 6973, 86232, 197, 6806, 1602, 2185, 870, 352, 7830, 6973, 86232, 198, 29986, 17886, 197, 34648, 197, 1729, 512, 13595, 352, 13595, 1559, 10230, 2600, 388, 197, 34648, 11, 9391, 355, 4657, 276, 198, 32237, 11, 197, 26687, 197, 2822, 13, 220, 18, 11, 13083, 12, 17, 11, 17904, 15969, 40440, 70014, 11, 197, 3648, 11198, 301, 6151, 197, 5120, 197, 17819, 197, 6806, 1602, 7084, 25, 5925, 12, 806, 12, 19561, 21, 12, 10674, 15, 197, 6806, 1602, 61409, 512, 197, 5925, 12, 806, 12, 19561, 21, 12, 9892, 15, 197, 6806, 1602, 2185, 870, 352, 7830, 6973, 1896, 198, 35, 26204, 17886, 6391, 276, 2649, 197, 1729, 512, 11391, 467, 1030, 561, 11, 197, 22393, 15, 197, 63416, 7595, 2136, 88, 197, 626, 39188, 53, 21104, 11, 13083, 732, 13, 650, 21, 47, 197, 21, 36, 20, 197, 6806, 1602, 7084, 512, 197, 7, 20354, 8, 197, 15726, 12, 19027, 15, 198, 61409, 512, 197, 7, 20354, 8, 197, 15726, 12, 11387, 15, 197, 6806, 1602, 2185, 1783, 467, 1030, 561, 916, 198, 51, 2957, 17886, 32809, 1602, 57564, 29707, 29303, 916, 198, 12175, 2066, 33188, 93510, 17886, 198, 1354, 5682, 1697, 3324, 1727, 7145, 4111, 1186, 33166, 1711, 43218, 13595, 352, 13595, 1559, 48105, 0, 1628, 11, 70154, 60910, 5306, 689, 33188, 198, 57564, 13595, 1559, 197, 25342, 197, 31151, 32809, 17643, 8402, 33188, 13595, 352, 13595, 1559, 25653, 1074, 8808, 82, 9638, 53577, 18895, 352, 198, 258, 10365, 197, 9274, 197, 12840, 753, 31780, 287, 25653, 48048, 14862, 414, 1186, 15995, 197, 48105, 13, 1472, 4805, 17643, 8402, 198, 65, 318, 6167, 398, 197, 1036, 55364, 197, 9274, 197, 40981, 82, 53577, 197, 96609, 11, 7721, 3037, 197, 8059, 345, 4921, 197, 97406, 11, 197, 11180, 197, 849, 3913, 13044, 11, 9796, 535, 40690, 11, 53577, 2157, 461, 0, 8604, 870, 352, 7830, 916, 198, 12175, 128009, 128000, 9370, 5730, 553, 279, 2768, 1495, 3857, 30357, 323, 3613, 285, 989, 13, 87477, 3230, 3649, 323, 35876, 2038, 11, 323, 1005, 7294, 5621, 56867, 24717, 1473, 286, 13929, 13595], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": ". When we go with it, like in the Tao \nwhere the willow tree bends with the wind but does not \nbreak, there is no resistance. Instead of being the oak \ntree that resists the sensation, tries to fight it with will \npower and then breaks, we can be like the willow \ntree, going with the sensation and letting go of resist\u00ad\ning it. In fact, we welcome it. It is like we are saying, \n\"More. \"We want more wind, more of this inner expe\u00ad\nrience.As we call forth more of this, sit with the inner \nfeeling, and just be with it, it will run out. It is a good idea to start this process on a weekend 338 HEALING AND RECOVERY \nwhen at home and we can stop everything and just \nsit, or better, lie down and focus on it. Ifwe do not let \nanything distract us from being with the sensation, it \nwill suddenly disappear in a matter of minutes. After \nit disappears, we can go about our business. After we \nbecome used to this technique, we do not have to \nstop any activities at all. When the experience comes \nup, we just sit or lie down, concentrate on it, and fix \nattention on welcoming it. It is like we are opening \nthe barn door and allowing the sensation to come in \nwillingly, being with it but not doing anything about it. We want to break the cycle of labeling the sensa\u00ad\ntion as 'hunger' when it appears and then satisfying it \nwith food. Doing that just reinforces the cycle, making \nourself the victim and at the effect of that behavior \npattern. Instead of that, the self stands aside from this \nsensation and begins to master it so that we are no \nlonger at the effect of it; we becomes the master..In Zen, there is the famous series of ox-herding \npictures. The ftrst picture shows a monk hanging onto \na rope that is attached to the ox, and the ox is drag\u00ad\nging him across the ground. The monk's knees are \nbruised, his ears are bleeding, and he is a mess. In the \nnext picture, the monk has the ox tied to a tree with \nthe rope. The monk has caught the ox and identifted \nthe problem. In the third picture, the monk is riding \non top of the ox. He has become the master. He is no \nlonger the victim at the effect of it. HoW did he do \nthat? That is what this process is all about. We are \ngoing to tether this ox right now by identifying the \npattern that has to be handled, and then we are going \nto be on top of it.The person that we are now stands 339 LOSING WEIGHT \nindependently above and beyond and becomes the \nmaster of this very simple thing to solve. It is merely \nthe willingness to experience what, in the beginning, \nmay seem like some discomfort, or, in other words, to \nexperience this sensation without satiating it right \naway.As we do this, the reflex weakens. But what do we do about our eating during the \nday? We do what is called 'anticipatory eating'. It \nmeans to never eat when we are hungry.The first two \ndays, and probably for the ftrst week or two, we never \nallow ourself to eat when we are hungry. Instead, we \nlet go of the hungriness by using this radical-truth \ntechnique and anticipating the periods of hunger. We \nknow our own hunger patterns, so instead of waiting \nuntil we are hungry and then eating, thus reinforcing \nthe pattern, we anticipate the hunger periods. We \nknow that habitually we will be hungry around six \no'clock, so instead of waiting until we are hungry and \nsatisfying it, thereby reinforcing our conditioning, we \nanticipate it.At 4:45 PM, when we are not even hungry \nyet, we have a cheese sandwich. The technique is simple-eat when we are not \nhungry and do not eat when we are, thus substituting \nthis technique for the hunger pattern. How long will \nit take before we disappear hunger, and what is going \nto happen? We.will no longer experience hunger or \nappetite; they just seem to disappear. By the second \nday, we will notice that the pattern is already so weak \nthat we will barely notice it. How many minutes a day \nwill this take? It may take a total of thirty minutes on \nthe ftrst day. You will notice that if you do nothing \nabout the hunger sensation and really let go of resist\u00ad340 HEALING AND RECOVERY \ning it, it will disappear in a matter of minutes. After \ndoing this a number of times, the sensation will disap\u00ad\npear in a matter of seconds. We will know that if we \nsit down and let go of resisting the sensation, it is over \nin seconds, and we are no longer at the effect of the \nappetite. We are no longer driven by it and can be \nabsolutely free of it. In place of this pattern, we may feel a sort of \nblankness or emptiness. Where there once was \nhunger and the drive to eat, along with an appetite, \nenthusiasm about it, and then the satiation, it now \nseems like nothing is going on in that space in our \nlife. Now we can do some other pleasurable activity, \nsuch as rewarding ourself by taking the time to read \nthe book we have been wanting to read and never \nhad the time. Now that we are not out in the kitchen \neating all the time, there is time to read for enjoyment \ninstead of feeling guilty because we have more impor\u00ad\ntant things to do.We can discover something we really \nenjoy doing. One thing to do, for instance, is to take a nap. All \nthe time spent shopping for food, preparing it, eating \nit, and cleaning up afterward can take up a great part \nof the day.With this new pattern, it gives us time for a \nshort nap. After a twenty-minute nap, we feel fantas\u00ad\ntic. After a twenty-minute hunger engorgement, we \nusually do not feel fantastic; instead, we feel horrible. We just had four Milky Ways, a caramel sundae, and \nfinished off a piece of cheese and now, instead of feel\u00ad\ning happy, we feel guilty. The way off the guilt trip is to really know that \nthere is a very simple technique. It sounds so simple, 341 LOSING WEIGHT \nbut that is why it works.The things that are extraordi\u00ad\nnarily complicated are generally far from the truth. The truth is usually amazingly simple. As people at \nAlcoholics Anonymous have discovered, they stay \naway from one drink one day at a time. It sounds too \nsimple.The intellect says,\"Nonsense! I know that. \"The \nintellect knows this but the self does not know that. We only know a thing from personal validation \nthrough our own inner experience. It usually takes exactly one day to get off eating, \nhunger, and appetite if we allow ourself to be repro\u00ad\ngrammed. We will notice that as time goes on, weare \nbeginning to look forward to meals and starting to get \ninto the habit pattern of getting hungry and satisfying \nthe feeling. It is very simple to back off and just \nrelease ourself by using this technique a few times.AlI \nwe have to do is allow that feeling of hungriness to \ncome up, be with it, welcome it, and wait till it runs \nout, which handles it (usually five minutes or less).We \nmight have to do it again if we have really gotten into \nholiday indulgence for a number of years. There is another thing that happens as we do this. There is a center in the hypothalamus at the base of \nthe brain called the 'appestat'. It sets our degree of \nsatiety and the amount of satiety that we search for. The less we eat, the more we turn down the setting \non the appestat. Satiety is something else that is not \nreally understood by traditional scientific medicine. Scientific medicine talks about calories as though one \ncalorie were the same as any other calorie. However, \nwe know that satiety plays a great role in our hunger \nand weight problems. Satiety is more important than 342 HEALING AND RECOVERY \ncalories; therefore, the diet I follow would make most \npeople who follow diets faint. However, I know what \ncreates a feeling of satiety within myself, such as a \nhamburger smothered in onions. By the time I finish \nthat, I am totally filled up, satisfied with meat, cheese, \nand similar foods. Cheese is not on anybody's reduc\u00ad\ning diet. We know that cheese has a satiety factor, so \nonce one has eaten a certain amount of it, the \nappetite is satisfied. We also know that calories are released at differ\u00ad\nent rates. Fats, for instance, are released at one rate \nand protein at another.We know that it takes a certain \nnumber of calories to burn up every gram of protein, \nso.one of the tricks we can use to speed up the \nprocess of weight reduction is to go for a high-protein \ndiet. This is not about diet, but I will just throw in a \nfew tricks that I have observed clinically. Eating sugar on an empty stomach is seriously \ndeleterious to the goals of the program. Why?", "token_ids": [13, 3277, 584, 733, 449, 433, 11, 1093, 304, 279, 60608, 720, 2940, 279, 690, 363, 5021, 93897, 449, 279, 10160, 719, 1587, 539, 720, 9137, 11, 1070, 374, 912, 13957, 13, 12361, 315, 1694, 279, 38971, 720, 9528, 430, 594, 1705, 279, 37392, 11, 16696, 311, 4465, 433, 449, 690, 720, 13477, 323, 1243, 18808, 11, 584, 649, 387, 1093, 279, 690, 363, 720, 9528, 11, 2133, 449, 279, 37392, 323, 20806, 733, 315, 22884, 5879, 198, 287, 433, 13, 763, 2144, 11, 584, 10788, 433, 13, 1102, 374, 1093, 584, 527, 5605, 11, 720, 1, 7816, 13, 330, 1687, 1390, 810, 10160, 11, 810, 315, 420, 9358, 506, 375, 5879, 198, 462, 768, 20855, 584, 1650, 13544, 810, 315, 420, 11, 2503, 449, 279, 9358, 720, 1897, 20659, 11, 323, 1120, 387, 449, 433, 11, 433, 690, 1629, 704, 13, 1102, 374, 264, 1695, 4623, 311, 1212, 420, 1920, 389, 264, 9178, 220, 18633, 11947, 984, 1753, 3651, 3680, 72076, 720, 9493, 520, 2162, 323, 584, 649, 3009, 4395, 323, 1120, 720, 47965, 11, 477, 2731, 11, 10457, 1523, 323, 5357, 389, 433, 13, 1442, 906, 656, 539, 1095, 720, 73254, 64917, 603, 505, 1694, 449, 279, 37392, 11, 433, 720, 14724, 15187, 32153, 304, 264, 5030, 315, 4520, 13, 4740, 720, 275, 61370, 11, 584, 649, 733, 922, 1057, 2626, 13, 4740, 584, 720, 17106, 638, 1511, 311, 420, 15105, 11, 584, 656, 539, 617, 311, 720, 9684, 904, 7640, 520, 682, 13, 3277, 279, 3217, 4131, 720, 455, 11, 584, 1120, 2503, 477, 10457, 1523, 11, 37455, 389, 433, 11, 323, 5155, 720, 54203, 389, 36387, 433, 13, 1102, 374, 1093, 584, 527, 8736, 720, 1820, 33419, 6134, 323, 10923, 279, 37392, 311, 2586, 304, 720, 86, 9585, 398, 11, 1694, 449, 433, 719, 539, 3815, 4205, 922, 433, 13, 1226, 1390, 311, 1464, 279, 11008, 315, 55402, 279, 6225, 64, 5879, 198, 28491, 439, 364, 71, 72722, 6, 994, 433, 8111, 323, 1243, 37154, 433, 720, 4291, 3691, 13, 44245, 430, 1120, 95593, 279, 11008, 11, 3339, 720, 414, 726, 279, 11996, 323, 520, 279, 2515, 315, 430, 7865, 720, 14676, 13, 12361, 315, 430, 11, 279, 659, 13656, 16038, 505, 420, 720, 82, 42725, 323, 12302, 311, 7491, 433, 779, 430, 584, 527, 912, 720, 4930, 261, 520, 279, 2515, 315, 433, 26, 584, 9221, 279, 7491, 13, 662, 644, 32889, 11, 1070, 374, 279, 11495, 4101, 315, 19488, 12, 1964, 7113, 720, 76503, 13, 578, 282, 376, 267, 6945, 5039, 264, 63772, 21363, 8800, 720, 64, 34520, 430, 374, 12673, 311, 279, 19488, 11, 323, 279, 19488, 374, 11161, 5879, 198, 3252, 1461, 4028, 279, 5015, 13, 578, 63772, 596, 31624, 527, 720, 33713, 4147, 11, 813, 25212, 527, 35763, 11, 323, 568, 374, 264, 9622, 13, 763, 279, 720, 3684, 6945, 11, 279, 63772, 706, 279, 19488, 17791, 311, 264, 5021, 449, 720, 1820, 34520, 13, 578, 63772, 706, 10791, 279, 19488, 323, 3608, 2130, 291, 720, 1820, 3575, 13, 763, 279, 4948, 6945, 11, 279, 63772, 374, 20427, 720, 263, 1948, 315, 279, 19488, 13, 1283, 706, 3719, 279, 7491, 13, 1283, 374, 912, 720, 4930, 261, 279, 11996, 520, 279, 2515, 315, 433, 13, 17723, 54, 1550, 568, 656, 720, 9210, 30, 3011, 374, 1148, 420, 1920, 374, 682, 922, 13, 1226, 527, 720, 9738, 311, 80665, 420, 19488, 1314, 1457, 555, 25607, 279, 720, 14676, 430, 706, 311, 387, 18073, 11, 323, 1243, 584, 527, 2133, 720, 998, 387, 389, 1948, 315, 433, 11829, 1732, 430, 584, 527, 1457, 13656, 220, 17887, 53787, 1753, 96920, 720, 258, 20080, 4501, 3485, 323, 7953, 323, 9221, 279, 720, 13943, 315, 420, 1633, 4382, 3245, 311, 11886, 13, 1102, 374, 16632, 720, 1820, 39375, 311, 3217, 1148, 11, 304, 279, 7314, 11, 720, 18864, 2873, 1093, 1063, 44776, 11, 477, 11, 304, 1023, 4339, 11, 311, 720, 50659, 420, 37392, 2085, 7731, 23747, 433, 1314, 720, 14075, 20855, 584, 656, 420, 11, 279, 33766, 7621, 729, 13, 2030, 1148, 656, 584, 656, 922, 1057, 12459, 2391, 279, 720, 1316, 30, 1226, 656, 1148, 374, 2663, 364, 8322, 575, 5382, 12459, 4527, 1102, 720, 47321, 311, 2646, 8343, 994, 584, 527, 30056, 11829, 1176, 1403, 720, 14097, 11, 323, 4762, 369, 279, 282, 376, 267, 2046, 477, 1403, 11, 584, 2646, 720, 7331, 1057, 726, 311, 8343, 994, 584, 527, 30056, 13, 12361, 11, 584, 720, 1169, 733, 315, 279, 11794, 911, 1918, 555, 1701, 420, 18336, 10398, 952, 720, 26522, 2428, 323, 86359, 279, 18852, 315, 34906, 13, 1226, 720, 33134, 1057, 1866, 34906, 12912, 11, 779, 4619, 315, 8748, 720, 39830, 584, 527, 30056, 323, 1243, 12459, 11, 8617, 91115, 720, 1820, 5497, 11, 584, 48248, 279, 34906, 18852, 13, 1226, 720, 33134, 430, 14464, 1870, 584, 690, 387, 30056, 2212, 4848, 720, 78, 63510, 11, 779, 4619, 315, 8748, 3156, 584, 527, 30056, 323, 720, 82, 7630, 7169, 433, 11, 28592, 91115, 1057, 35121, 11, 584, 720, 8322, 575, 349, 433, 15913, 220, 19, 25, 1774, 5975, 11, 994, 584, 527, 539, 1524, 30056, 720, 47492, 11, 584, 617, 264, 17604, 28974, 13, 578, 15105, 374, 4382, 5773, 266, 994, 584, 527, 539, 720, 57932, 894, 323, 656, 539, 8343, 994, 584, 527, 11, 8617, 32434, 10831, 720, 576, 15105, 369, 279, 34906, 5497, 13, 2650, 1317, 690, 720, 275, 1935, 1603, 584, 32153, 34906, 11, 323, 1148, 374, 2133, 720, 998, 3621, 30, 1226, 662, 14724, 912, 5129, 3217, 34906, 477, 720, 680, 295, 635, 26, 814, 1120, 2873, 311, 32153, 13, 3296, 279, 2132, 720, 1316, 11, 584, 690, 5406, 430, 279, 5497, 374, 2736, 779, 7621, 720, 9210, 584, 690, 20025, 5406, 433, 13, 2650, 1690, 4520, 264, 1938, 720, 14724, 420, 1935, 30, 1102, 1253, 1935, 264, 2860, 315, 27219, 4520, 389, 720, 1820, 282, 376, 267, 1938, 13, 1472, 690, 5406, 430, 422, 499, 656, 4400, 720, 9274, 279, 34906, 37392, 323, 2216, 1095, 733, 315, 22884, 5879, 13679, 11947, 984, 1753, 3651, 3680, 72076, 720, 287, 433, 11, 433, 690, 32153, 304, 264, 5030, 315, 4520, 13, 4740, 720, 45359, 420, 264, 1396, 315, 3115, 11, 279, 37392, 690, 14277, 5879, 198, 8174, 304, 264, 5030, 315, 6622, 13, 1226, 690, 1440, 430, 422, 584, 720, 47965, 1523, 323, 1095, 733, 315, 70441, 279, 37392, 11, 433, 374, 927, 720, 258, 6622, 11, 323, 584, 527, 912, 5129, 520, 279, 2515, 315, 279, 720, 680, 295, 635, 13, 1226, 527, 912, 5129, 16625, 555, 433, 323, 649, 387, 720, 3518, 9887, 1949, 315, 433, 13, 763, 2035, 315, 420, 5497, 11, 584, 1253, 2733, 264, 3460, 315, 720, 10399, 2136, 477, 54169, 1918, 13, 11208, 1070, 3131, 574, 720, 71, 72722, 323, 279, 6678, 311, 8343, 11, 3235, 449, 459, 38575, 11, 720, 306, 13092, 33990, 922, 433, 11, 323, 1243, 279, 7731, 7246, 11, 433, 1457, 720, 325, 12116, 1093, 4400, 374, 2133, 389, 304, 430, 3634, 304, 1057, 720, 14789, 13, 4800, 584, 649, 656, 1063, 1023, 7245, 56912, 5820, 11, 720, 21470, 439, 42093, 1057, 726, 555, 4737, 279, 892, 311, 1373, 720, 1820, 2363, 584, 617, 1027, 19762, 311, 1373, 323, 2646, 720, 32345, 279, 892, 13, 4800, 430, 584, 527, 539, 704, 304, 279, 9979, 720, 91955, 682, 279, 892, 11, 1070, 374, 892, 311, 1373, 369, 45278, 720, 65937, 315, 8430, 16390, 1606, 584, 617, 810, 3242, 269, 5879, 198, 61512, 2574, 311, 656, 23210, 649, 7142, 2555, 584, 2216, 720, 268, 4215, 3815, 13, 3861, 3245, 311, 656, 11, 369, 2937, 11, 374, 311, 1935, 264, 26944, 13, 2052, 720, 1820, 892, 7543, 12185, 369, 3691, 11, 20646, 433, 11, 12459, 720, 275, 11, 323, 16204, 709, 49043, 649, 1935, 709, 264, 2294, 961, 720, 1073, 279, 1938, 27216, 420, 502, 5497, 11, 433, 6835, 603, 892, 369, 264, 720, 8846, 26944, 13, 4740, 264, 17510, 24401, 26944, 11, 584, 2733, 40438, 5879, 198, 29150, 13, 4740, 264, 17510, 24401, 34906, 2995, 1813, 1133, 11, 584, 720, 44066, 656, 539, 2733, 14964, 26, 4619, 11, 584, 2733, 28201, 13, 1226, 1120, 1047, 3116, 89819, 42419, 11, 264, 59811, 51682, 6043, 11, 323, 720, 12402, 1022, 264, 6710, 315, 17604, 323, 1457, 11, 4619, 315, 2733, 5879, 198, 287, 6380, 11, 584, 2733, 16390, 13, 578, 1648, 1022, 279, 34951, 8577, 374, 311, 2216, 1440, 430, 720, 19041, 374, 264, 1633, 4382, 15105, 13, 1102, 10578, 779, 4382, 11, 220, 16546, 53787, 1753, 96920, 720, 8248, 430, 374, 3249, 433, 4375, 11829, 2574, 430, 527, 5066, 541, 72, 5879, 198, 77, 6751, 17395, 527, 8965, 3117, 505, 279, 8206, 13, 578, 8206, 374, 6118, 63615, 4382, 13, 1666, 1274, 520, 720, 2149, 11353, 1233, 31537, 617, 11352, 11, 814, 4822, 720, 14075, 505, 832, 7172, 832, 1938, 520, 264, 892, 13, 1102, 10578, 2288, 720, 23796, 11829, 17108, 2795, 1359, 45, 98833, 0, 358, 1440, 430, 13, 330, 791, 720, 80643, 772, 8964, 420, 719, 279, 659, 1587, 539, 1440, 430, 13, 1226, 1193, 1440, 264, 3245, 505, 4443, 10741, 720, 20322, 1057, 1866, 9358, 3217, 13, 1102, 6118, 5097, 7041, 832, 1938, 311, 636, 1022, 12459, 11, 720, 71, 72722, 11, 323, 38575, 422, 584, 2187, 1057, 726, 311, 387, 53823, 5879, 198, 1549, 2106, 13, 1226, 690, 5406, 430, 439, 892, 5900, 389, 11, 584, 548, 720, 7413, 1251, 311, 1427, 4741, 311, 21644, 323, 6041, 311, 636, 720, 18614, 279, 14464, 5497, 315, 3794, 30056, 323, 37154, 720, 1820, 8430, 13, 1102, 374, 1633, 4382, 311, 1203, 1022, 323, 1120, 720, 23859, 1057, 726, 555, 1701, 420, 15105, 264, 2478, 3115, 9833, 40, 720, 906, 617, 311, 656, 374, 2187, 430, 8430, 315, 11794, 911, 1918, 311, 720, 2063, 709, 11, 387, 449, 433, 11, 10788, 433, 11, 323, 3868, 12222, 433, 8640, 720, 412, 11, 902, 13777, 433, 320, 44066, 4330, 4520, 477, 2753, 570, 1687, 720, 46068, 617, 311, 656, 433, 1578, 422, 584, 617, 2216, 17454, 1139, 720, 71640, 37960, 29355, 369, 264, 1396, 315, 1667, 13, 2684, 374, 2500, 3245, 430, 8741, 439, 584, 656, 420, 13, 2684, 374, 264, 4219, 304, 279, 45455, 17243, 355, 520, 279, 2385, 315, 720, 1820, 8271, 2663, 279, 364, 34531, 10079, 4527, 1102, 7437, 1057, 8547, 315, 720, 82, 9491, 2676, 323, 279, 3392, 315, 7731, 72, 2676, 430, 584, 2778, 369, 13, 578, 2753, 584, 8343, 11, 279, 810, 584, 2543, 1523, 279, 6376, 720, 263, 279, 2708, 10079, 13, 328, 9491, 2676, 374, 2555, 775, 430, 374, 539, 720, 54760, 16365, 555, 8776, 12624, 16088, 13, 38130, 16088, 13739, 922, 25247, 439, 3582, 832, 720, 5531, 30303, 1051, 279, 1890, 439, 904, 1023, 52703, 13, 4452, 11, 720, 906, 1440, 430, 7731, 72, 2676, 11335, 264, 2294, 3560, 304, 1057, 34906, 720, 438, 4785, 5435, 13, 328, 9491, 2676, 374, 810, 3062, 1109, 220, 17590, 11947, 984, 1753, 3651, 3680, 72076, 720, 5531, 2490, 26, 9093, 11, 279, 10173, 358, 1833, 1053, 1304, 1455, 720, 16455, 889, 1833, 41943, 38678, 13, 4452, 11, 358, 1440, 1148, 720, 59619, 264, 8430, 315, 7731, 72, 2676, 2949, 7182, 11, 1778, 439, 264, 720, 71, 47775, 1554, 1605, 291, 304, 45697, 13, 3296, 279, 892, 358, 6381, 720, 9210, 11, 358, 1097, 12756, 10409, 709, 11, 20097, 449, 13339, 11, 17604, 11, 720, 438, 4528, 15657, 13, 45419, 374, 539, 389, 21739, 596, 3679, 66, 5879, 198, 287, 10173, 13, 1226, 1440, 430, 17604, 706, 264, 7731, 72, 2676, 8331, 11, 779, 720, 13486, 832, 706, 35661, 264, 3738, 3392, 315, 433, 11, 279, 720, 680, 295, 635, 374, 20097, 13, 1226, 1101, 1440, 430, 25247, 527, 6004, 520, 1782, 5879, 198, 306, 7969, 13, 435, 1900, 11, 369, 2937, 11, 527, 6004, 520, 832, 4478, 720, 438, 13128, 520, 2500, 23210, 1440, 430, 433, 5097, 264, 3738, 720, 4174, 315, 25247, 311, 8395, 709, 1475, 23882, 315, 13128, 11, 720, 708, 662, 606, 315, 279, 29862, 584, 649, 1005, 311, 4732, 709, 279, 720, 4734, 315, 4785, 14278, 374, 311, 733, 369, 264, 1579, 10039, 39340, 720, 94942, 13, 1115, 374, 539, 922, 10173, 11, 719, 358, 690, 1120, 2571, 304, 264, 720, 71830, 29862, 430, 358, 617, 13468, 70432, 13, 60638, 13465, 389, 459, 4384, 23152, 374, 14243, 720, 451, 273, 466, 1245, 311, 279, 9021, 315, 279, 2068, 13, 8595, 30], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": " negative outlook on life, which a cancer diagnosis can turn into black despair, and \nPNI tells us what that means in terms of reduced immune competence. It has been observed that cancer often appears 18 months or two years after some adverse life \nevent, such as divorce, bereavement, financial crisis, loss of a job or of an important relationship, \nand so on. Experience with clients has shown me that those events only represented for them \nthe last straw; that they had long existed in an impossible existential situation that apparently \ncould neither be borne nor changed. LeShan and Carl Simonton, M.D.5 call this setup a life trap, \nwhich they describe in detail. My case material bears out its power, and the fact that those who \nfeel unable to break free eventually reach a stage when they don\u2019t care whether they live or die. As many of them put it, \u201cSomething snapped inside me.\u201d I suspect it was the last strand of their \nfrayed will to live. The Role of Stress\n I am often asked whether stress can cause cancer. I don\u2019t think it can, certainly not by itself. But it can be the ultimate extra burden that pushes an already weakened, barely functioning \nimmune system over the edge, so that it can no longer dispose of the irregular maverick cells that \nevery healthy organism produces in vast numbers every day. Yet without the eternal vigilance of Copyright \u00a9 Charlotte Gerson, 2007. All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced in any medium, print or electronic without prior written permission from the author.Page 168Healing the Gerson Way\u2014Defeating Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases\nwww.thegersonway.coma well functioning immune system there is nothing to stop a few of those irregular cells to initiate \na malignant process. What we are dealing with here is the mysterious interaction of biochemistry and emotions, \nwhich we have only begun to explore and understand. But there is already enough orthodox \nclinical\u2014as opposed to anecdotal\u2014evidence to prove that inner attitudes can make a big \ndifference to survival. For example, British researcher Stephen Greer 6 interviewed a group of \nwomen three months after they had undergone mastectomies, to find out how they were coping. He found four distinct types among them who showed respectively fighting spirit, denial, stoic \nacceptance and hopelessness. After 5 and 10 years, 80% of the fighters, but only 20% of the \nhopeless had survived. These rates had nothing to do with medical prognoses. In the U.S., David Spiegel, M.D.,7 invited 36 women with metastasized breast cancer to \nattend weekly meetings for a year, where they could share worries and sorrows, encourage each \nother, and make their mental attitude positive. A control group of 50 women attended no such \nmeetings. Spiegel only wanted to discover whether the group meetings enhanced the members\u2019 \nquality of life, which it certainly did. But he was amazed to find that they also lived twice as long \nas the members of the control group. Another interesting insight comes from US oncologist Bernie Siegel, M.D.8, author of several \nbest-selling books that have helped to extend public understanding of the body-mind link in \nhealth and sickness. He claims that 15-20% of cancer patients consciously or unconsciously want \nto die, no doubt to escape a difficult life trap. 60-70% wish to get well, but are passive and expect \nthe doctor to do all the work. 15-20%, however, are exceptional: they refuse to be victims, they \nresearch their disease, don\u2019t obey the doctor automatically but ask questions, demand control and \nmake informed choices. In Dr. Siegel\u2019s words, \u201cDifficult or uncooperative patients are most likely \nto get well.\u201d Apparently they have a more warlike immune system than docile patients. First Aid for the Mind\n \n There are simple ways to dispel the newly diagnosed patient\u2019s sense of hopelessness and \nisolation. The first step is to de-mystify the disease, discuss it openly, in a natural voice, without \navoiding the dreaded word \u2018cancer.\u2019 One of the very first advantages which the intending Gerson \npatient experiences is the calm assurance with which his or her problem is approached, with the \nclear message that yes, it is possible to be healed, not just put into remission (which is the best \northodox medicine has to offer.) What the patient needs is a safe space in which to release stormy emotions, and to be listened \nto with total unhurried non-judgmental attention, something that time-starved doctors and nurses \ncannot give. It is a mistake to try to comfort and console too soon or offer cheerful assurances. To do that would simply stop the patient from expressing his or her true feelings. They must be Copyright \u00a9 Charlotte Gerson, 2007. All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced in any medium, print or electronic without prior written permission from the author.Page 169Healing the Gerson Way\u2014Defeating Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases\nwww.thegersonway.comgiven free flow. But once that has happened, I ask a vital question: \u201cDo you want to live?\u201d If the \nanswer is yes, I ask: \u201cDo you want to live unconditionally?\u201d Another firm \u201cyes\u201d settles the matter, \nwhile a hesitant \u201cYes, but\u2026\u201d reply hints at an undecided individual, possibly stuck in a life trap. If I ask what the rest of the sentence might be, I often get something like \u201cif things go on as \nbefore, I\u2019m not sure I want to live.\u201d That \u201cbut\u201d needs careful exploration to make sure that it will \nnot undermine the healing work. The 18-24 months of the patient\u2019s life prior to the diagnosis can \nyield valuable clues. Did some major stress or trauma drive the patient to drink, drugs, or other \ndestructive habits, which caused significant liver damage? Gentle questioning often allows us to \nidentify some life trap. The next task is to show that there is a way out, other than dying. It helps to build a therapeutic partnership with the patient, in which he or she has an important \nrole to play. This is easy with the Gerson Therapy, which cannot succeed without the patient\u2019s \nactive cooperation. If a patient tells us that 85% of people with his or her condition die within \nthree years, we suggest joining the 15% who don\u2019t. (I recall with admiration the fragile little \nwoman riddled with cancer who, when told that she had six months to live, brightly replied, \u201cOh \ngood, I have six months to get well!\u201d And get well she did, on the Gerson program.) I like the way LeShan4 approaches the task of shifting the mood from negative to positive. His basic questions are, \u201cWhat\u2019s right with you? What are your special ways of being, relating, \ncreating? What is blocking their expression? What do you need to fulfill yourself? Above all, \nwhat do YOU want to do with your life?\u201d Once these basics have been clarified, it is time to point \nout the enormous potential open to the patient, if only he or she will ACT, NOT JUST REACT, \nand start making personal decisions. Much can be achieved in a short time. The main tool of the \ntherapist is his or her personality and calm, reliable presence. Often this is the only solid support \nin the patient\u2019s confused, chaotic world. Other tools, such as teaching relaxation techniques, \nsimple meditation, and creative visualization focused on self-healing, should also be used by \ntrained counselors or therapists. (see Chapter 25 )\nClearing the First Hurdle\nMany patients come to the Gerson therapy as a last resort, after the failure of conventional \nmedical treatments, which has left them with deep disappointment, loss of trust, and a lot of \nsevere after-effects. To embark on the Gerson program is for them a final gamble, an end-of-\nthe-line decision. Others choose the Gerson path at an earlier, less serious stage of their disease, \nwith fewer irreversible changes in their bodies, but with a poor prognosis. Either way\u2014and this \nis the first hurdle to be taken into account\u2014they embark on an unfamiliar treatment, much of \nwhich sounds bizarre at first. Moreover, they are aware of having stepped outside the limits of \northodox medicine, leaving behind the network of doctors, consultant, hospitals, referrals\u2014an \nentire system which has been unable to heal them, yet still carries an aura of great power. Some \nmay have been rudely dismissed by their physicians, simply for daring to consider an \u201cunproven\u201d Copyright \u00a9 Charlotte Gerson, 2007. All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced in any medium, print or electronic without prior written permission from the author.Page 170Healing the Gerson Way\u2014Defeating Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases\nwww.thegersonway.comalternative therapy. Others face pressure and doubts from family members and friends who refuse \nto accept that a weird-sounding therapy may possibly succeed where modern hi-tech medicine \nhas failed. This kind of pressure can be debilitating for the patient, who probably also suffers from some \nniggling doubts, and so the next urgent task is to make clear how and why the Gerson Therapy \nworks. Most people are familiar with the workings of allopathic medicine, where there is a pill for \nevery ill and you either recover or die, but at least things happen fast. Here, however, the patient \nfaces two years of unremitting effort, strict discipline and a total change from a so-called normal \nlifestyle, all of which sounds pretty scary, especially because there is no guarantee of success at \nthe other end. This is", "token_ids": [8389, 36721, 389, 2324, 11, 902, 264, 9572, 23842, 649, 2543, 1139, 3776, 46996, 11, 323, 720, 47, 15259, 10975, 603, 1148, 430, 3445, 304, 3878, 315, 11293, 22852, 58266, 13, 1102, 706, 1027, 13468, 430, 9572, 3629, 8111, 220, 972, 4038, 477, 1403, 1667, 1306, 1063, 31959, 2324, 720, 3163, 11, 1778, 439, 25549, 11, 28031, 402, 1133, 11, 6020, 11501, 11, 4814, 315, 264, 2683, 477, 315, 459, 3062, 5133, 11, 720, 438, 779, 389, 13, 21460, 449, 8403, 706, 6982, 757, 430, 1884, 4455, 1193, 15609, 369, 1124, 720, 1820, 1566, 31107, 26, 430, 814, 1047, 1317, 25281, 304, 459, 12266, 67739, 6671, 430, 14132, 720, 29177, 14188, 387, 65162, 6463, 5614, 13, 2009, 2059, 276, 323, 22770, 4567, 546, 263, 11, 386, 920, 13, 20, 1650, 420, 6642, 264, 2324, 23709, 11, 720, 8370, 814, 7664, 304, 7872, 13, 3092, 1162, 3769, 30824, 704, 1202, 2410, 11, 323, 279, 2144, 430, 1884, 889, 720, 57676, 12153, 311, 1464, 1949, 9778, 5662, 264, 6566, 994, 814, 1541, 1431, 2512, 3508, 814, 3974, 477, 2815, 13, 1666, 1690, 315, 1124, 2231, 433, 11, 1054, 23958, 48110, 4871, 757, 2029, 358, 15562, 433, 574, 279, 1566, 42589, 315, 872, 720, 1658, 43995, 690, 311, 3974, 13, 578, 15766, 315, 51568, 198, 358, 1097, 3629, 4691, 3508, 8631, 649, 5353, 9572, 13, 358, 1541, 1431, 1781, 433, 649, 11, 7995, 539, 555, 5196, 13, 2030, 433, 649, 387, 279, 17139, 5066, 23104, 430, 41802, 459, 2736, 58764, 11, 20025, 31301, 720, 70155, 1887, 927, 279, 6964, 11, 779, 430, 433, 649, 912, 5129, 28490, 315, 279, 42408, 296, 7403, 875, 7917, 430, 720, 30115, 9498, 47120, 19159, 304, 13057, 5219, 1475, 1938, 13, 14968, 2085, 279, 35825, 38494, 685, 315, 3028, 7388, 29473, 480, 1293, 11, 220, 1049, 22, 13, 2052, 3268, 4694, 13, 1115, 3769, 1253, 539, 387, 55717, 304, 904, 11298, 11, 1194, 477, 14683, 2085, 4972, 5439, 8041, 505, 279, 3229, 662, 2732, 220, 8953, 1548, 6260, 279, 480, 1293, 12424, 2345, 2685, 91955, 26211, 323, 7089, 73782, 70674, 198, 2185, 13991, 797, 1293, 3195, 916, 64, 1664, 31301, 22852, 1887, 1070, 374, 4400, 311, 3009, 264, 2478, 315, 1884, 42408, 7917, 311, 39201, 720, 64, 94329, 1920, 13, 3639, 584, 527, 14892, 449, 1618, 374, 279, 26454, 16628, 315, 17332, 52755, 323, 21958, 11, 720, 8370, 584, 617, 1193, 22088, 311, 13488, 323, 3619, 13, 2030, 1070, 374, 2736, 3403, 92342, 720, 91899, 60654, 16475, 311, 50750, 2426, 2345, 68, 28580, 311, 12391, 430, 9358, 33726, 649, 1304, 264, 2466, 720, 60351, 311, 20237, 13, 1789, 3187, 11, 8013, 32185, 18587, 13842, 261, 220, 21, 30147, 264, 1912, 315, 720, 65762, 2380, 4038, 1306, 814, 1047, 64238, 19218, 440, 316, 552, 11, 311, 1505, 704, 1268, 814, 1051, 63082, 13, 1283, 1766, 3116, 12742, 4595, 4315, 1124, 889, 8710, 15947, 11039, 9090, 11, 35013, 11, 43132, 292, 720, 10543, 685, 323, 3987, 33028, 13, 4740, 220, 20, 323, 220, 605, 1667, 11, 220, 1490, 4, 315, 279, 24080, 11, 719, 1193, 220, 508, 4, 315, 279, 720, 61893, 1752, 1047, 26968, 13, 4314, 7969, 1047, 4400, 311, 656, 449, 6593, 63903, 20274, 13, 763, 279, 549, 815, 2637, 6941, 3165, 76047, 11, 386, 920, 2637, 22, 18719, 220, 1927, 3278, 449, 68370, 300, 1534, 17659, 9572, 311, 720, 57558, 17496, 16659, 369, 264, 1060, 11, 1405, 814, 1436, 4430, 38145, 323, 25551, 1849, 11, 15253, 1855, 720, 1605, 11, 323, 1304, 872, 10723, 19451, 6928, 13, 362, 2585, 1912, 315, 220, 1135, 3278, 18677, 912, 1778, 720, 64510, 826, 13, 3165, 76047, 1193, 4934, 311, 7142, 3508, 279, 1912, 16659, 24872, 279, 3697, 529, 720, 10692, 315, 2324, 11, 902, 433, 7995, 1550, 13, 2030, 568, 574, 46304, 311, 1505, 430, 814, 1101, 12439, 11157, 439, 1317, 720, 300, 279, 3697, 315, 279, 2585, 1912, 13, 13596, 7185, 20616, 4131, 505, 2326, 78970, 16549, 30324, 8663, 29952, 11, 386, 920, 13, 23, 11, 3229, 315, 3892, 720, 16241, 48724, 6603, 430, 617, 9087, 311, 13334, 586, 8830, 315, 279, 2547, 1474, 485, 2723, 304, 720, 12393, 323, 54950, 13, 1283, 8349, 430, 220, 868, 12, 508, 4, 315, 9572, 6978, 70903, 477, 26118, 71888, 1390, 720, 998, 2815, 11, 912, 10712, 311, 12731, 264, 5107, 2324, 23709, 13, 220, 1399, 12, 2031, 4, 6562, 311, 636, 1664, 11, 719, 527, 28979, 323, 1755, 720, 1820, 10896, 311, 656, 682, 279, 990, 13, 220, 868, 12, 508, 13689, 4869, 11, 527, 25363, 25, 814, 26122, 311, 387, 12697, 11, 814, 720, 61564, 872, 8624, 11, 1541, 1431, 41701, 279, 10896, 9651, 719, 2610, 4860, 11, 7631, 2585, 323, 720, 7072, 16369, 11709, 13, 763, 2999, 13, 8663, 29952, 753, 4339, 11, 1054, 22499, 3951, 477, 653, 1030, 43719, 6978, 527, 1455, 4461, 720, 998, 636, 1664, 2029, 41974, 814, 617, 264, 810, 4208, 4908, 22852, 1887, 1109, 4733, 458, 6978, 13, 5629, 38505, 369, 279, 23754, 27907, 2684, 527, 4382, 5627, 311, 13262, 301, 279, 13945, 29704, 8893, 753, 5647, 315, 3987, 33028, 323, 720, 285, 36062, 13, 578, 1176, 3094, 374, 311, 409, 1474, 599, 1463, 279, 8624, 11, 4358, 433, 30447, 11, 304, 264, 5933, 7899, 11, 2085, 720, 48956, 287, 279, 83590, 3492, 3451, 66, 11967, 14639, 3861, 315, 279, 1633, 1176, 22934, 902, 279, 85439, 480, 1293, 720, 23557, 11704, 374, 279, 19858, 44701, 449, 902, 813, 477, 1077, 3575, 374, 25735, 11, 449, 279, 720, 7574, 1984, 430, 10035, 11, 433, 374, 3284, 311, 387, 62320, 11, 539, 1120, 2231, 1139, 1323, 7711, 320, 8370, 374, 279, 1888, 720, 2419, 31162, 16088, 706, 311, 3085, 6266, 3639, 279, 8893, 3966, 374, 264, 6220, 3634, 304, 902, 311, 4984, 13766, 88, 21958, 11, 323, 311, 387, 34793, 720, 998, 449, 2860, 31175, 324, 4588, 2536, 13636, 664, 9247, 278, 6666, 11, 2555, 430, 892, 21337, 2111, 16410, 323, 37465, 720, 34360, 3041, 13, 1102, 374, 264, 16930, 311, 1456, 311, 6981, 323, 2393, 2288, 5246, 477, 3085, 71414, 85145, 13, 2057, 656, 430, 1053, 5042, 3009, 279, 8893, 505, 37810, 813, 477, 1077, 837, 16024, 13, 2435, 2011, 387, 3028, 7388, 29473, 480, 1293, 11, 220, 1049, 22, 13, 2052, 3268, 4694, 13, 1115, 3769, 1253, 539, 387, 55717, 304, 904, 11298, 11, 1194, 477, 14683, 2085, 4972, 5439, 8041, 505, 279, 3229, 662, 2732, 220, 11739, 1548, 6260, 279, 480, 1293, 12424, 2345, 2685, 91955, 26211, 323, 7089, 73782, 70674, 198, 2185, 13991, 797, 1293, 3195, 916, 43068, 1949, 6530, 13, 2030, 3131, 430, 706, 7077, 11, 358, 2610, 264, 16595, 3488, 25, 1054, 5519, 499, 1390, 311, 3974, 12671, 1442, 279, 720, 9399, 374, 10035, 11, 358, 2610, 25, 1054, 5519, 499, 1390, 311, 3974, 653, 97067, 12671, 13596, 7626, 1054, 9891, 863, 93018, 279, 5030, 11, 720, 3556, 264, 71560, 1054, 9642, 11, 719, 51279, 10052, 31743, 520, 459, 94555, 3927, 11, 11000, 16075, 304, 264, 2324, 23709, 13, 1442, 358, 2610, 1148, 279, 2800, 315, 279, 11914, 2643, 387, 11, 358, 3629, 636, 2555, 1093, 1054, 333, 2574, 733, 389, 439, 720, 15145, 11, 358, 4344, 539, 2771, 358, 1390, 311, 3974, 2029, 3011, 1054, 8248, 863, 3966, 16994, 27501, 311, 1304, 2771, 430, 433, 690, 720, 1962, 43047, 279, 21730, 990, 13, 578, 220, 972, 12, 1187, 4038, 315, 279, 8893, 753, 2324, 4972, 311, 279, 23842, 649, 720, 30796, 15525, 43775, 13, 14910, 1063, 3682, 8631, 477, 30988, 6678, 279, 8893, 311, 7172, 11, 11217, 11, 477, 1023, 720, 61368, 535, 26870, 11, 902, 9057, 5199, 26587, 5674, 30, 74569, 34685, 3629, 6276, 603, 311, 720, 81496, 1063, 2324, 23709, 13, 578, 1828, 3465, 374, 311, 1501, 430, 1070, 374, 264, 1648, 704, 11, 1023, 1109, 23069, 13, 1102, 8779, 311, 1977, 264, 37471, 15664, 449, 279, 8893, 11, 304, 902, 568, 477, 1364, 706, 459, 3062, 720, 5898, 311, 1514, 13, 1115, 374, 4228, 449, 279, 480, 1293, 40143, 11, 902, 4250, 12265, 2085, 279, 8893, 753, 720, 3104, 23915, 13, 1442, 264, 8893, 10975, 603, 430, 220, 5313, 4, 315, 1274, 449, 813, 477, 1077, 3044, 2815, 2949, 720, 28956, 1667, 11, 584, 4284, 18667, 279, 220, 868, 4, 889, 1541, 1431, 13, 320, 40, 19635, 449, 66939, 279, 45350, 2697, 720, 22803, 436, 88862, 449, 9572, 889, 11, 994, 3309, 430, 1364, 1047, 4848, 4038, 311, 3974, 11, 76389, 20592, 11, 1054, 12174, 720, 19045, 11, 358, 617, 4848, 4038, 311, 636, 1664, 18319, 1628, 636, 1664, 1364, 1550, 11, 389, 279, 480, 1293, 2068, 6266, 358, 1093, 279, 1648, 2009, 2059, 276, 19, 20414, 279, 3465, 315, 32931, 279, 20247, 505, 8389, 311, 6928, 13, 5414, 6913, 4860, 527, 11, 1054, 3923, 753, 1314, 449, 499, 30, 3639, 527, 701, 3361, 5627, 315, 1694, 11, 23343, 11, 720, 46002, 30, 3639, 374, 22978, 872, 7645, 30, 3639, 656, 499, 1205, 311, 21054, 6261, 30, 44710, 682, 11, 720, 12840, 656, 15334, 1390, 311, 656, 449, 701, 2324, 12671, 9843, 1521, 32874, 617, 1027, 65876, 11, 433, 374, 892, 311, 1486, 720, 412, 279, 23205, 4754, 1825, 311, 279, 8893, 11, 422, 1193, 568, 477, 1364, 690, 21800, 11, 4276, 48630, 3680, 6966, 11, 720, 438, 1212, 3339, 4443, 11429, 13, 24191, 649, 387, 17427, 304, 264, 2875, 892, 13, 578, 1925, 5507, 315, 279, 720, 700, 60329, 374, 813, 477, 1077, 17743, 323, 19858, 11, 15062, 9546, 13, 36016, 420, 374, 279, 1193, 6573, 1862, 720, 258, 279, 8893, 753, 22568, 11, 53087, 1917, 13, 7089, 7526, 11, 1778, 439, 12917, 43685, 12823, 11, 720, 23796, 33862, 11, 323, 11782, 42148, 10968, 389, 659, 38435, 6260, 11, 1288, 1101, 387, 1511, 555, 720, 36822, 86347, 477, 68616, 13, 320, 4151, 15957, 220, 914, 1763, 14335, 287, 279, 5629, 473, 16468, 273, 198, 8607, 6978, 2586, 311, 279, 480, 1293, 15419, 439, 264, 1566, 22541, 11, 1306, 279, 8060, 315, 21349, 720, 69216, 22972, 11, 902, 706, 2163, 1124, 449, 5655, 41698, 11, 4814, 315, 7095, 11, 323, 264, 2763, 315, 720, 325, 19846, 1306, 75888, 13, 2057, 70531, 389, 279, 480, 1293, 2068, 374, 369, 1124, 264, 1620, 64901, 11, 459, 842, 8838, 7058, 1820, 8614, 5597, 13, 26080, 5268, 279, 480, 1293, 1853, 520, 459, 6931, 11, 2753, 6129, 6566, 315, 872, 8624, 11, 720, 4291, 17162, 93294, 4442, 304, 872, 13162, 11, 719, 449, 264, 8009, 95350, 13, 21663, 1648, 17223, 420, 720, 285, 279, 1176, 81783, 311, 387, 4529, 1139, 2759, 71201, 70531, 389, 459, 50383, 6514, 11, 1790, 315, 720, 8370, 10578, 33288, 520, 1176, 13, 23674, 11, 814, 527, 8010, 315, 3515, 25319, 4994, 279, 13693, 315, 720, 2419, 31162, 16088, 11, 9564, 4920, 279, 4009, 315, 16410, 11, 31760, 11, 24461, 11, 70401, 85366, 720, 306, 556, 1887, 902, 706, 1027, 12153, 311, 27661, 1124, 11, 3686, 2103, 24266, 459, 40142, 315, 2294, 2410, 13, 4427, 720, 18864, 617, 1027, 68330, 989, 27292, 555, 872, 35944, 11, 5042, 369, 59772, 311, 2980, 459, 1054, 359, 782, 1055, 863, 3028, 7388, 29473, 480, 1293, 11, 220, 1049, 22, 13, 2052, 3268, 4694, 13, 1115, 3769, 1253, 539, 387, 55717, 304, 904, 11298, 11, 1194, 477, 14683, 2085, 4972, 5439, 8041, 505, 279, 3229, 662, 2732, 220, 8258, 1548, 6260, 279, 480, 1293, 12424, 2345, 2685, 91955, 26211, 323, 7089, 73782, 70674, 198, 2185, 13991, 797, 1293, 3195, 916, 78095, 15419, 13, 26080, 3663, 7410, 323, 40017, 505, 3070, 3697, 323, 4885, 889, 26122, 720, 998, 4287, 430, 264, 16682, 1355, 13900, 15419, 1253, 11000, 12265, 1405, 6617, 15960, 42357, 16088, 720, 4752, 4745, 13, 1115, 3169, 315, 7410, 649, 387, 92890, 369, 279, 8893, 11, 889, 4762, 1101, 47521, 505, 1063, 720, 77, 20831, 2785, 40017, 11, 323, 779, 279, 1828, 34771, 3465, 374, 311, 1304, 2867, 1268, 323, 3249, 279, 480, 1293, 40143, 720, 19033, 13, 7648, 1274, 527, 11537, 449, 279, 79236, 315, 63747, 2398, 292, 16088, 11, 1405, 1070, 374, 264, 15530, 369, 720, 30115, 5986, 323, 499, 3060, 11993, 477, 2815, 11, 719, 520, 3325, 2574, 3621, 5043, 13, 5810, 11, 4869, 11, 279, 8893, 720, 7760, 1403, 1667, 315, 38223, 1800, 1303, 5149, 11, 7452, 26434, 323, 264, 2860, 2349, 505, 264, 779, 19434, 4725, 720, 75, 16886, 11, 682, 315, 902, 10578, 5128, 29565, 11, 5423, 1606, 1070, 374, 912, 15803, 315, 2450, 520, 720, 1820, 1023, 842, 13, 1115, 374], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": " the abdomen,\nlower back pain, sciatic pain, kidney pain, headaches and fevers, to name a\nfew conditions. They can also help clean out diverticula or bowel pockets. Colon therapy is a gentle procedure, yet it can have aggressive results, as\nit can break loose plaque that has been impacted upon the colon wall for\nyears. I\u2019ve seen impactions removed by colonics that have been in the bodyfor fifty years or more. Many years ago, a chiropractor-friend of mine had a registered nurse on\nhis staff, who performed colonics. One of the nurse\u2019s patients, who had gone\nhome when the colonic was finished, started feeling pain in her sigmoid\nbowel a short while later. The patient waited several hours until she felt she\nneeded to determine what was causing her discomfort, and finally went to the\nEmergency Room. There they discovered that she had cancer of the sigmoid\nbowel. The colonic did not cause this, of course, her lifestyle did. However,\nthe colonic did expose the cancer. This was a good thing because the woman\nthen could do something about it. If she had not had the colonic the cancer\ncould have spread throughout her body without her knowing it, until it was\ntoo late to achieve an effective cure. Exposing inflammation, such as happened in this case, can be painful and\nyield some discomfort. Generally, this is why I prefer to recommend a good\nintestinal (bowel) herbal formula that is designed to be anti-inflammatory and\nrestorative, not laxative. Herbal restorative bowel formulas will slowly loosen\nand remove the plaque that has impacted upon the walls. They will also\nreduce the inflammation behind this plaque and heal the bowel wall. In this\nway, your healing experience becomes much smoother and less traumatic. Colonics are great for colon obstructions, as long as they\u2019re not tumors\nor adhesions. Colonics are good for the large bowel. My preference in terms\nof the administering of colonics? I personally recommend Dr. Jensen\u2019s\nColema Board\u00ae concept as the best option. I\u2019ve seen some real success\nthrough this process with eliminating the mucoid plaque build-up in the GI\ntract. The Colema Board is designed to fit over your toilet at one end, with the\nother end resting on a \nchair or stool. By lying on this board (while at the\nsame time using a five-gallon bucket of skin temperature water), you give\nyourself a high enema. However, this procedure is much more relaxing than\nan ordinary enema, because you just lay there and allow the water to slowly\nand gently clean you out. Dr. Jensen has created a whole bowel management program that can\u2019t be\nbeat (see his book, \nTissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management,\n 1981). His procedures help to clean the small bowel as well as the large bowel,\nwhereas professional colonics only affect the large bowel. With some self-\ndiscipline, the Colema System can be done at home with the purchase of a\nColema Board. For information about his program, and for purchasing and\nusing a Colema Board, see \nwww.colema-boards.com\n.I\u2019m not against professional colonics. To maximize the benefits, change\nyour diet to a 100 percent raw food program and add intestinal restoratives\nfor a month or so before your start your colonic regime. Three to five\ncolonics should be sufficient. Enemas\nEnemas are another great way to help yourself out in time of need, or to assist\nin colon-rectal conditions such as hemorrhoids or cancer. There are many\ntypes of enemas that one can use to help clean and open this channel. LOW ENEMAS\n \u2014 These generally clean and strengthen the descending,\nsigmoid and rectal areas of the large intestine (colon). They require about\none-half to one quart of skin temperature water in an enema bag (these are\navailable in most pharmacies; oftentimes they are labeled as \u201cenema/hot-water\nbottle,\u201d or \u201cenema/douche/ hot water bottle\u201d combination). Any number of the following herbs can be made into tea, strained, and\nused in place of plain water in the enema bag. These herbs will clean and\nstrengthen the colon walls: Cascara Sagrada, Marshmallow Root, Slippery\nElm Bark, Plantain Leaf, Comfrey Root, Burdock Root, Gentian, etc. See,\nHow To Do An Enema,\n instructions below. HIGH ENEMAS\n \u2014 A high enema is necessary to achieve results higher up\nin the colon, e.g. in the transverse, ascending and cecum portions of the large\nintestines. What distinguishes the high enema from the low enema is often a\nfunction of the way it is applied and the amount of water/mixture used, which\ndetermines how far the water/mixture will go up into your colon. The same\nherbs can be used as stated above. In cases of debility where extreme fatigue\nis involved, high enemas can be given using fresh green juices like wheat\ngrass, spinach, kelp, alfalfa, barley, etc., instead of water or herbal tea. These\njuices are readily absorbed through the colon wall and are electrifying to the\nbody, bringing much needed energy into the system. Chlorophyll is another\nconstituent that can be introduced into the colon via the enema method to\nassist the healing and cleansing process. COFFEE ENEMAS\n \u2014 Many people use coffee enemas as these are very\nstimulating to the bowels and liver. However, I never recommend them\nunless your colon is \u201clocked\u201d and you can\u2019t have a bowel movement. The\ncontinual use of coffee enemas has a whiplash effect causing extreme\nenervation of the colon and inflammation of the liver and kidneys. Coffee enemas also have a negative effect upon the nervous systemcreating hyper- or hypoactivity of this system. This then will have a residual\neffect upon the whole body in numerous ways including nerve disorders,\nsevere constipation, diarrhea, bloating, edema, and acidosis. HOW TO DO AN ENEMA\n1\n. Purchase an enema-bag / \u201chot water bottle\u201d combination from a\npharmacy. 2\n. Fill the bag with 1/2 quart to 2 quarts of skin temperature water or herb-\nwater mixture. Always use skin temperature water no matter what you\nmix it with. 3\n. Hang the hot water bottle at least two feet above you. 4\n. Lay on your left side as you start your enema. 5\n. Use a healing herbal salve to lubricate the tip for easy insertion. 6\n. Let the water (or herbal mixture) flow slowly into your colon; stopping\nthe flow periodically while you rest and do some deep breathing. 7\n. After a few minutes, move from your left side to lying on your back, and\ncontinue to let the water flow into your colon; then turn over to your\nright side. 8\n. You may wish to massage the region of your colon as it is being filled\nwith the mixture. This will help loosen impacted \u201cplaque\u201d for removal. 9\n. Retain this water (mixture) somewhat, then allow elimination. 10\n. Repeat until the bag/hot water bottle is empty. Use enemas wisely and when needed. There is no need to over use them. A diet of raw fruits and vegetables along with a good intestinal rejuvenator\nwill work much better in the long run at reestablishing the health of the GI\ntract. Healing Clay\nA fourth method of cleansing the bowels involves the use of clays. These are\nnot used as much in America as in Europe. In many countries, like Portugal,\nhealth professionals use clay packs over the abdomen to accomplish the same\nresults we get with colonics. The late Dr. John Christopher has a great\nintestinal powder \n(Intestinal Corrective\n #2\u00ae) that includes bentonite clay and\ncharcoal. This has a highly cleansing and absorbing effect within the\nintestines. This formula is beneficial in cases of irritable bowel syndrome and\nwith uncontrolled diarrhea.Summary\n \nOur intestines (GI tract) are so vital that God made them one of the first\nthings formed when a cell initially becomes an embryo. In this early stage, the\nspinal column and \u201cgut\u201d tissue is formed, and the gut tissue later becomes the\nGI tract. Your very survival depends upon its proper functioning. Nutrients,\nbuilding materials, and fuels are absorbed from its walls, and the GI tract also\ncreates white blood cells, various vitamins, and amino acids. The synergistic\nrole of the GI system with the lymphatic system is not totally understood. But\nits essential relationship to every cell in your body (via the lymphatic system)\nshould give you an indication of just how vital it is to keep it functioning\nproperly. You should \u201cfeed it\u201d only alive, easy-to-digest foods with\nelectrically alive fiber so it can maintain its health. Physicians pour drugs of which they know little, to cure diseases of which\nthey know less, into humans of which they know nothing. \u2014 Voltaire, French satirist (1694-1778)\n \nCHAPTER SEVEN\nEating for Vitality\nU\np to this point we have looked at how the body works, the processes of\ndisease, detoxification and regeneration. We have examined our species and\nthe types of foods that best suit us. We have also looked at foods and their\neffects on tissue. In this chapter we will discover what to eat and how to eat it. It is\nimportant not only", "token_ids": [279, 64772, 345, 15115, 1203, 6784, 11, 39074, 780, 6784, 11, 39042, 6784, 11, 55403, 323, 1172, 3078, 11, 311, 836, 264, 198, 71830, 4787, 13, 2435, 649, 1101, 1520, 4335, 704, 37098, 292, 5724, 477, 66358, 30278, 13, 32042, 15419, 374, 264, 22443, 10537, 11, 3686, 433, 649, 617, 19738, 3135, 11, 439, 198, 275, 649, 1464, 20784, 61464, 430, 706, 1027, 40028, 5304, 279, 15235, 7147, 369, 198, 42820, 13, 358, 4070, 3970, 3242, 4109, 7108, 555, 15235, 1233, 430, 617, 1027, 304, 279, 2547, 2000, 33517, 1667, 477, 810, 13, 9176, 1667, 4227, 11, 264, 77301, 5739, 2269, 5147, 315, 10705, 1047, 264, 9879, 29198, 389, 198, 26301, 5687, 11, 889, 10887, 15235, 1233, 13, 3861, 315, 279, 29198, 753, 6978, 11, 889, 1047, 8208, 198, 5227, 994, 279, 1400, 14338, 574, 8220, 11, 3940, 8430, 6784, 304, 1077, 65990, 198, 15802, 301, 264, 2875, 1418, 3010, 13, 578, 8893, 30315, 3892, 4207, 3156, 1364, 6612, 1364, 198, 41917, 311, 8417, 1148, 574, 14718, 1077, 44776, 11, 323, 5616, 4024, 311, 279, 198, 80069, 10637, 13, 2684, 814, 11352, 430, 1364, 1047, 9572, 315, 279, 65990, 198, 15802, 301, 13, 578, 1400, 14338, 1550, 539, 5353, 420, 11, 315, 3388, 11, 1077, 19433, 1550, 13, 4452, 345, 1820, 1400, 14338, 1550, 29241, 279, 9572, 13, 1115, 574, 264, 1695, 3245, 1606, 279, 5333, 198, 3473, 1436, 656, 2555, 922, 433, 13, 1442, 1364, 1047, 539, 1047, 279, 1400, 14338, 279, 9572, 198, 29177, 617, 9041, 6957, 1077, 2547, 2085, 1077, 14392, 433, 11, 3156, 433, 574, 198, 37227, 3389, 311, 11322, 459, 7524, 27208, 13, 1398, 8478, 37140, 11, 1778, 439, 7077, 304, 420, 1162, 11, 649, 387, 26175, 323, 198, 30796, 1063, 44776, 13, 44493, 11, 420, 374, 3249, 358, 10932, 311, 7079, 264, 1695, 198, 71558, 320, 15802, 301, 8, 51487, 15150, 430, 374, 6319, 311, 387, 7294, 67595, 323, 198, 4014, 63465, 11, 539, 74830, 1413, 13, 87972, 2800, 63465, 66358, 55179, 690, 14297, 83842, 198, 438, 4148, 279, 61464, 430, 706, 40028, 5304, 279, 14620, 13, 2435, 690, 1101, 198, 27369, 279, 37140, 4920, 420, 61464, 323, 27661, 279, 66358, 7147, 13, 763, 420, 198, 3195, 11, 701, 21730, 3217, 9221, 1790, 61405, 323, 2753, 54286, 13, 32042, 1233, 527, 2294, 369, 15235, 1536, 20232, 11, 439, 1317, 439, 814, 3207, 539, 56071, 198, 269, 1008, 17082, 919, 13, 32042, 1233, 527, 1695, 369, 279, 3544, 66358, 13, 3092, 22698, 304, 3878, 198, 1073, 279, 86661, 315, 15235, 1233, 30, 358, 16102, 7079, 2999, 13, 65109, 753, 198, 99280, 1764, 8925, 12175, 7434, 439, 279, 1888, 3072, 13, 358, 4070, 3970, 1063, 1972, 2450, 198, 20322, 420, 1920, 449, 40599, 279, 65104, 590, 61464, 1977, 5352, 304, 279, 49609, 198, 2193, 13, 578, 24298, 1764, 8925, 374, 6319, 311, 5052, 927, 701, 27306, 520, 832, 842, 11, 449, 279, 198, 1605, 842, 41219, 389, 264, 720, 35296, 477, 64172, 13, 3296, 21078, 389, 420, 4580, 320, 3556, 520, 279, 198, 25030, 892, 1701, 264, 4330, 2427, 93514, 15994, 315, 6930, 9499, 3090, 705, 499, 3041, 198, 22479, 726, 264, 1579, 665, 9355, 13, 4452, 11, 420, 10537, 374, 1790, 810, 34948, 1109, 198, 276, 19664, 665, 9355, 11, 1606, 499, 1120, 11203, 1070, 323, 2187, 279, 3090, 311, 14297, 198, 438, 30373, 4335, 499, 704, 13, 2999, 13, 65109, 706, 3549, 264, 4459, 66358, 6373, 2068, 430, 649, 1431, 387, 198, 23019, 320, 4151, 813, 2363, 11, 720, 51, 11407, 86762, 287, 17331, 18943, 301, 9744, 345, 220, 3753, 16, 570, 5414, 16346, 1520, 311, 4335, 279, 2678, 66358, 439, 1664, 439, 279, 3544, 66358, 345, 2940, 300, 6721, 15235, 1233, 1193, 7958, 279, 3544, 66358, 13, 3161, 1063, 659, 7058, 17242, 48529, 11, 279, 24298, 1764, 744, 649, 387, 2884, 520, 2162, 449, 279, 7782, 315, 264, 198, 99280, 1764, 8925, 13, 1789, 2038, 922, 813, 2068, 11, 323, 369, 23395, 323, 198, 985, 264, 24298, 1764, 8925, 11, 1518, 720, 2185, 522, 1286, 1764, 12, 19826, 916, 198, 2506, 4344, 539, 2403, 6721, 15235, 1233, 13, 2057, 35608, 279, 7720, 11, 2349, 198, 22479, 10173, 311, 264, 220, 1041, 3346, 7257, 3691, 2068, 323, 923, 63900, 2800, 269, 5983, 198, 2000, 264, 2305, 477, 779, 1603, 701, 1212, 701, 1400, 14338, 17942, 13, 14853, 311, 4330, 198, 77924, 1233, 1288, 387, 14343, 13, 2998, 35262, 198, 1737, 35262, 527, 2500, 2294, 1648, 311, 1520, 6261, 704, 304, 892, 315, 1205, 11, 477, 311, 7945, 198, 258, 15235, 12, 2921, 278, 4787, 1778, 439, 71417, 17390, 477, 9572, 13, 2684, 527, 1690, 198, 9426, 315, 665, 35262, 430, 832, 649, 1005, 311, 1520, 4335, 323, 1825, 420, 5613, 13, 41605, 5301, 2783, 1950, 198, 2001, 4314, 8965, 4335, 323, 20259, 279, 44184, 345, 90027, 323, 7763, 278, 5789, 315, 279, 3544, 92234, 320, 77924, 570, 2435, 1397, 922, 198, 606, 34902, 311, 832, 41376, 315, 6930, 9499, 3090, 304, 459, 665, 9355, 9145, 320, 45010, 527, 198, 10547, 304, 1455, 77605, 26, 43146, 92455, 814, 527, 30929, 439, 1054, 268, 9355, 7682, 354, 55051, 198, 65, 63218, 2476, 477, 1054, 268, 9355, 3529, 283, 1557, 14, 4106, 3090, 16893, 863, 10824, 570, 5884, 1396, 315, 279, 2768, 42393, 649, 387, 1903, 1139, 15600, 11, 73779, 11, 323, 198, 2656, 304, 2035, 315, 14733, 3090, 304, 279, 665, 9355, 9145, 13, 4314, 42393, 690, 4335, 323, 198, 67523, 18972, 279, 15235, 14620, 25, 96106, 5169, 55361, 102841, 11, 40163, 75480, 19385, 11, 59632, 62479, 198, 6719, 76, 60629, 11, 18317, 467, 27967, 11, 1219, 76331, 19385, 11, 12649, 78155, 19385, 11, 36823, 1122, 11, 5099, 13, 3580, 345, 4438, 2057, 3234, 1556, 2998, 9355, 345, 11470, 3770, 13, 38717, 5301, 2783, 1950, 198, 2001, 362, 1579, 665, 9355, 374, 5995, 311, 11322, 3135, 5190, 709, 198, 258, 279, 15235, 11, 384, 1326, 13, 304, 279, 1380, 4550, 11, 36488, 323, 272, 762, 372, 19885, 315, 279, 3544, 198, 396, 478, 1572, 13, 3639, 19512, 21168, 279, 1579, 665, 9355, 505, 279, 3428, 665, 9355, 374, 3629, 264, 198, 1723, 315, 279, 1648, 433, 374, 9435, 323, 279, 3392, 315, 3090, 3262, 13025, 1511, 11, 902, 198, 67, 16890, 288, 1268, 3117, 279, 3090, 3262, 13025, 690, 733, 709, 1139, 701, 15235, 13, 578, 1890, 198, 1964, 1302, 649, 387, 1511, 439, 11224, 3485, 13, 763, 5157, 315, 4316, 1429, 1405, 14560, 36709, 198, 285, 6532, 11, 1579, 665, 35262, 649, 387, 2728, 1701, 7878, 6307, 65959, 1093, 34153, 198, 54454, 11, 68798, 11, 597, 1290, 11, 85766, 85526, 11, 81817, 11, 5099, 2637, 4619, 315, 3090, 477, 51487, 15600, 13, 4314, 198, 8783, 1238, 527, 31368, 42101, 1555, 279, 15235, 7147, 323, 527, 43906, 7922, 311, 279, 198, 2664, 11, 12967, 1790, 4460, 4907, 1139, 279, 1887, 13, 92479, 5237, 25734, 374, 2500, 198, 1040, 275, 11942, 430, 649, 387, 11784, 1139, 279, 15235, 4669, 279, 665, 9355, 1749, 311, 198, 52066, 279, 21730, 323, 60052, 1920, 13, 7432, 1785, 7244, 5301, 2783, 1950, 198, 2001, 9176, 1274, 1005, 11033, 665, 35262, 439, 1521, 527, 1633, 198, 54754, 15853, 311, 279, 15631, 2053, 323, 26587, 13, 4452, 11, 358, 2646, 7079, 1124, 198, 39870, 701, 15235, 374, 1054, 25656, 863, 323, 499, 649, 1431, 617, 264, 66358, 7351, 13, 578, 198, 22025, 940, 1005, 315, 11033, 665, 35262, 706, 264, 421, 10567, 1003, 2515, 14718, 14560, 198, 268, 8943, 315, 279, 15235, 323, 37140, 315, 279, 26587, 323, 81960, 13, 27171, 665, 35262, 1101, 617, 264, 8389, 2515, 5304, 279, 23418, 1887, 46002, 17508, 12, 477, 22601, 7323, 315, 420, 1887, 13, 1115, 1243, 690, 617, 264, 33247, 198, 27153, 5304, 279, 4459, 2547, 304, 12387, 5627, 2737, 32015, 24673, 345, 325, 19846, 738, 49686, 11, 69393, 11, 14545, 1113, 11, 1608, 9355, 11, 323, 13935, 10934, 13, 24440, 5257, 9503, 2147, 5301, 49710, 198, 16, 198, 13, 32088, 459, 665, 9355, 1481, 351, 611, 1054, 10847, 3090, 16893, 863, 10824, 505, 264, 198, 764, 76342, 13, 220, 17, 198, 13, 22748, 279, 9145, 449, 220, 16, 14, 17, 41376, 311, 220, 17, 934, 7183, 315, 6930, 9499, 3090, 477, 39999, 7058, 13284, 21655, 13, 24119, 1005, 6930, 9499, 3090, 912, 5030, 1148, 499, 198, 36171, 433, 449, 13, 220, 18, 198, 13, 41875, 279, 4106, 3090, 16893, 520, 3325, 1403, 7693, 3485, 499, 13, 220, 19, 198, 13, 45024, 389, 701, 2163, 3185, 439, 499, 1212, 701, 665, 9355, 13, 220, 20, 198, 13, 5560, 264, 21730, 51487, 4371, 588, 311, 54494, 349, 279, 11813, 369, 4228, 37027, 13, 220, 21, 198, 13, 6914, 279, 3090, 320, 269, 51487, 21655, 8, 6530, 14297, 1139, 701, 15235, 26, 23351, 198, 1820, 6530, 48582, 1418, 499, 2800, 323, 656, 1063, 5655, 27027, 13, 220, 22, 198, 13, 4740, 264, 2478, 4520, 11, 3351, 505, 701, 2163, 3185, 311, 21078, 389, 701, 1203, 11, 323, 198, 9726, 311, 1095, 279, 3090, 6530, 1139, 701, 15235, 26, 1243, 2543, 927, 311, 701, 198, 1315, 3185, 13, 220, 23, 198, 13, 1472, 1253, 6562, 311, 6378, 279, 5654, 315, 701, 15235, 439, 433, 374, 1694, 10409, 198, 4291, 279, 21655, 13, 1115, 690, 1520, 83842, 40028, 1054, 501, 20234, 863, 369, 17065, 13, 220, 24, 198, 13, 10608, 467, 420, 3090, 320, 76, 13025, 8, 14738, 11, 1243, 2187, 44032, 13, 220, 605, 198, 13, 45901, 3156, 279, 9145, 7682, 354, 3090, 16893, 374, 4384, 13, 5560, 665, 35262, 66713, 323, 994, 4460, 13, 2684, 374, 912, 1205, 311, 927, 1005, 1124, 13, 362, 10173, 315, 7257, 26390, 323, 24822, 3235, 449, 264, 1695, 63900, 73484, 859, 198, 14724, 990, 1790, 2731, 304, 279, 1317, 1629, 520, 312, 34500, 287, 279, 2890, 315, 279, 49609, 198, 2193, 13, 49741, 32501, 198, 32, 11999, 1749, 315, 60052, 279, 15631, 2053, 18065, 279, 1005, 315, 1206, 954, 13, 4314, 527, 198, 1962, 1511, 439, 1790, 304, 5270, 439, 304, 4606, 13, 763, 1690, 5961, 11, 1093, 34411, 345, 12393, 15749, 1005, 37148, 31406, 927, 279, 64772, 311, 22829, 279, 1890, 198, 8234, 584, 636, 449, 15235, 1233, 13, 578, 3389, 2999, 13, 3842, 26035, 706, 264, 2294, 198, 71558, 17138, 720, 25094, 65050, 41070, 535, 198, 674, 17, 12175, 8, 430, 5764, 30280, 263, 635, 37148, 323, 198, 1799, 41565, 13, 1115, 706, 264, 7701, 60052, 323, 70275, 2515, 2949, 279, 198, 396, 478, 1572, 13, 1115, 15150, 374, 24629, 304, 5157, 315, 6348, 23349, 66358, 28439, 323, 198, 4291, 653, 59707, 69393, 94092, 27907, 8140, 39408, 1572, 320, 29134, 42929, 8, 527, 779, 16595, 430, 4359, 1903, 1124, 832, 315, 279, 1176, 198, 58174, 14454, 994, 264, 2849, 15453, 9221, 459, 87701, 13, 763, 420, 4216, 6566, 11, 279, 198, 2203, 992, 3330, 323, 1054, 70, 332, 863, 20438, 374, 14454, 11, 323, 279, 18340, 20438, 3010, 9221, 279, 198, 29134, 42929, 13, 4718, 1633, 20237, 14117, 5304, 1202, 6300, 31301, 13, 18878, 32930, 345, 24177, 7384, 11, 323, 40373, 527, 42101, 505, 1202, 14620, 11, 323, 279, 49609, 42929, 1101, 198, 59619, 4251, 6680, 7917, 11, 5370, 46192, 11, 323, 42500, 33969, 13, 578, 80526, 4633, 198, 5898, 315, 279, 49609, 1887, 449, 279, 43745, 780, 1887, 374, 539, 12756, 16365, 13, 2030, 198, 1220, 7718, 5133, 311, 1475, 2849, 304, 701, 2547, 320, 20708, 279, 43745, 780, 1887, 340, 5562, 3041, 499, 459, 28137, 315, 1120, 1268, 16595, 433, 374, 311, 2567, 433, 31301, 198, 81768, 398, 13, 1472, 1288, 1054, 11432, 433, 863, 1193, 13989, 11, 4228, 4791, 1773, 15505, 15657, 449, 198, 64465, 750, 13989, 24722, 779, 433, 649, 10519, 1202, 2890, 13, 88599, 5019, 11217, 315, 902, 814, 1440, 2697, 11, 311, 27208, 19338, 315, 902, 198, 20670, 1440, 2753, 11, 1139, 12966, 315, 902, 814, 1440, 4400, 13, 2001, 11119, 71237, 11, 8753, 7731, 404, 380, 320, 11739, 19, 12, 11242, 23, 340, 720, 88539, 5161, 42122, 198, 36, 1113, 369, 55371, 488, 198, 52, 198, 79, 311, 420, 1486, 584, 617, 7111, 520, 1268, 279, 2547, 4375, 11, 279, 11618, 315, 198, 67, 56407, 11, 61987, 2461, 323, 60517, 13, 1226, 617, 25078, 1057, 9606, 323, 198, 1820, 4595, 315, 15657, 430, 1888, 7937, 603, 13, 1226, 617, 1101, 7111, 520, 15657, 323, 872, 198, 81524, 389, 20438, 13, 763, 420, 12735, 584, 690, 7142, 1148, 311, 8343, 323, 1268, 311, 8343, 433, 13, 1102, 374, 198, 15693, 539, 1193], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": "arm in eating almost anything, as often as they desire\nit. We are told to eat big breakfasts to furnish plenty ofenergy to last all morning. Soon after breakfast they\nconsume more food, donuts, etc. at mid-morning coffee\nbreaks. Then comes lunch, then a mid-afternoon coffeebreak followed by the usual heavy evening meal, later\nTV snacks and a bedtime snack before retiring. On top\nof all this food, many people will gorge on snacks ofcandy, salted nuts, cakes, pies, cookies and ice cream,\netc. This means that food is ingested six or more times a\nday, literally stuffing and overworking your stomach!Chapter 1 198The Body Can Take a Lot of Abuse! The average person believes that if they have one\ngood bowel movement a day, usually in the morning,that they are free of constipation. Not so \u2013 one full\nbowel movement is not sufficient to remove all foodmaterial the average person stuffs into his intestinal\ntract. As a consequence this rotten, putrefying, morbidwaste lies in the intestine, where it undergoesenzymatic and bacteriological changes that can cause\nsevere health pr oblems and maybe even colon cancer. The human body is basically strong and can take a\nlot of abuse from over-stuffing, plus eating unhealthymeals. It is most difficult to tell these people who eatincorrectly and have only one bowel movement a daythat they are constipated and thus are inviting serioustroubles later. But there is one warning signal \u2013 anunhealthy tongue \u2013 that can tell these people that theyare carrying a nasty cesspool within their bodies. If these people fasted for \n2 or 3 days on distilled water,\ntheir \u201cMagic Mirror\u201d tongue would tell them plainly that\nthey are carrying a horrible mass of fermenting poison insideof their intestines. A few days of fasting will coat the tonguewith a thick, white, toxic material that has a strong odor.This whitish coating can be scraped off and examined. In\nfact, you can spoon-scrape and brush the tongue clean but,in a few hours, the coating usually returns. This is anindication of the amount of putrefying toxic filth, mucusand poisons that are accumulated in the body\u2019s cells thatare now being eliminated from the inside surface of thestomach, intestines, organs and from all parts the entirebody. This is one of the cleansing miracles of fasting. The actual amount of toxic material the average\nperson carries around with them is almost unbelievable!In my opinion, many physical problems are the resultof this clogging of the \n30 foot intestinal tube, the cells\nand the entire circulation and pipe system of the human\nbody. I believe that these poisons cause a constitutionalclogging of the entire human pipe system, especiallyplugging up the microscopically tiny blood capillaries.99\nOpen your mind, for the doors of wisdom are never shut. \u2013 Ben FranklinLearn to Read Your Tongue\u2019s Message\nMother Nature shows the faster by coating the tongue\nthat his body contains toxic poisons. The characteristics of\ntissue construction especially\nof the powerful internalorgans \u2013 the kidneys, liver\nand all the glands \u2013 are like a\nsponge. Imagine a spongefilled with a thick putrefying\npaste. I have supervised\nthousands of fasts and seenhuge amounts of toxins\npeople store in their body\ntrying to survive on theStandard American Diet \n(SAD). During a cold, have you\never stopped to think howmuch mucus and phlegm\npasses out of the body through\nthe nose and throat? This is alsohow the vital organs such as thelungs, kidneys and bladder are passing out poisons during\nthis cleansing (mucus, phlegm, rashes, fevers, etc.) crisis. Start now to learn more about yourself by fasting and\nclosely watching your tongue, the spongy organ whose\nsurface accurately mirrors the health or ill health of every\nother part of your body. The \u201cMagic Mirror\u201d can be aguiding star in your journey to Super Health. The more\nfaithfully you follow a good fasting and a natural eating\nprogram, the cleaner your tongue will become during afast. Also when you brush your teeth, brush or spoon\nscrape your tongue from the back to the tip. This is a definite signpost that you are on your New\nBragg Healthy Lifestyle Road \u2013 a life free of physical\nproblems and misery. This road will lead to your greatest\nachievement \u2013 an Ageless, Painless and Tireless Body! So,as you go on your \n24 to 36 hour or 7 to 10 day fast, note\nhow much cleaner your tongue becomes with each fast. This will reveal the amazing Miracles of Fasting to you!100\nPure Water is Essential for Health and Longevity\nPure, distilled water (8-10 glasses daily) is i mportant for health. It is free of inorganic minerals and harmful chemicals. Read Bragg Book, Water \u2013 The Shocking Truth Can Save Your Life\nIf you truly love Nature, you will find Beauty everywhere. \u2013 Vincent van Gogh\nEarth laughs and smiles in flowers. \u2013 Ralph Waldo EmersonDream big, think big, but enjoy the small\nmiracles of your daily life! \u2013 Patricia Bragg TIME\nI have just a little minute,\nOnly sixty seconds in it,Just a tiny little minute,Give account if I abuse it;Forced upon me; can't refuse it.Didn't seek it, didn't choose it.But it's up to me to use it.I must suffer if I lose it;But eternity is in it. \u2013 Unknown\n\u201cA fast with distilled water can help you heal with greater speed; cleanse yourliver, kidneys and colon; purify your blood; help you lose excess weight andbloating; flush out toxins; clear the eyes, tongue, and cleanse the breath.\u201d\n\u201cBragg Books were my conversion to the healthy way.\u201d\n\u2013 James F. Balch, M.D., Prescription for Nutritional HealingMan does not die of old age! It\u2019s been proven there\nare no special diseases due simply to old age. Most\ndiseases kill both young and old. Many diseases start\nfrom a body loaded with toxic poisons. Keep the bodyclean by following your regular fasting program plus\neating only healthy foods. Your tongue and urine can\nbe your guideposts to internal purity. Watch bothcarefully with respect when you do a cleansing fast.101Chapter 12\nJust Grin and Bear It\n\u201cI want to fast because I believe it would do wonders\nfor me, but how can I fast and yet escape the great feelingof hunger that the first \n3 days of fasting produces?\u201d That\nis the question that is put to us many, many times whenI discuss the Miracle of Fasting at our Bragg HealthCrusade lectures all over the world. We can give onlyone answer \u201cJust Grin and Bear It.\u201d\n\u201cI tried a fast once, but I got weak and felt miserable,\nI just had to start eating.\u201d We often hear this excuse. Nowhere in this book have I stated that fasting is\neasy. Eating regularly has become such an ingrained partof people\u2019s lives that, if you take food away from them,they experience many mental and physical reactions.That is the very reason why fasting is not popular.Humans are creatures of strong habits. Most peopleautomatically eat \n3 or more meals every day and not\nbecause they have earned their food with physical activity.They have been brainwashed to believe everyone shouldeat at certain hours for three regular mealtimes. Patricia and I had the pleasure of being invited to the\ngrand opening of the fabulous Mauna Kea Hotel, on theIsland of Hawaii. It was an American-plan hotel, whichmeans the cost includes meals. Breakfast started at \n7:30\nam, luncheon began at 12:30 pm and dinner at 7 pm. We passed the dining room at these hours, the guests\nwere all eagerly waiting for the doors to open so theycould get at the expansive buffet. Were they hungry at exactly these hours? How could\nthey be? Most of the guests did nothing but relax onthe beach, socialize, drive golf carts, play cards or read! It\u2019s a mistake to think the more a man eats, the stronger he becomes. Lack of will power and drive cause more failures,\nthan a lack of intelligence and ability. \u2013 Harry Banks102Don\u2019t Live to Eat \u2013 Eat to Live & Be Healthy\nThe hotel guests did absolutely nothing to earn all\nthese meals, but they paid for them and felt they shouldbe there to eat them. The same thing happens on cruise\nships. There is always a crowd waiting for the dining\nroom to open so they can eat what they paid for. Food! It can be a blessing to man, but also a curse! The body can take a lot of abuse from wrong food andoverfeeding. But there comes a day when the body\u2019s\ndigestive system becomes over-stuffed, overworked and\noverwhelmed \u2013 it\u2019s then that health problems begin! Digestive troubles plague modern man. Constipation\nheads the list of his miseries. Tons upon tons of pills,\npowders and liquids are sold to try and flush out thewaste packed into people\u2019s intestines and colon. Modern\nman packs food into himself faster than the functions\nof digestion and elimination can handle it! This is verymuch like trying to race your car with the brakes on. There is scientific reasoning that constipation is the\nfoundation of many other body ailments. The reasoningbehind this conclusion is sound. If constipation meansretention of waste, here\u2019s a simple", "token_ids": [2227, 304, 12459, 4661, 4205, 11, 439, 3629, 439, 814, 12876, 198, 275, 13, 1226, 527, 3309, 311, 8343, 2466, 17954, 82, 311, 52259, 11510, 315, 17947, 311, 1566, 682, 6693, 13, 32862, 1306, 17954, 220, 814, 198, 85594, 810, 3691, 11, 1541, 6256, 11, 5099, 13, 520, 5209, 1474, 80675, 11033, 198, 9137, 82, 13, 5112, 4131, 16163, 11, 1243, 264, 5209, 45673, 12684, 11033, 9137, 8272, 555, 279, 13783, 8987, 11714, 15496, 11, 3010, 198, 16027, 43402, 323, 264, 89607, 40459, 1603, 60873, 13, 1952, 1948, 198, 1073, 682, 420, 3691, 11, 1690, 1274, 690, 98477, 389, 43402, 315, 66, 13634, 11, 12290, 291, 31049, 11, 48669, 11, 61777, 11, 8443, 323, 10054, 12932, 345, 12380, 13, 1115, 3445, 430, 3691, 374, 6892, 10185, 4848, 477, 810, 3115, 264, 198, 1316, 11, 16280, 83616, 323, 927, 21837, 701, 23152, 0, 26072, 220, 16, 220, 3753, 791, 14285, 3053, 12040, 264, 22503, 315, 46784, 0, 578, 5578, 1732, 13919, 430, 422, 814, 617, 832, 198, 19045, 66358, 7351, 264, 1938, 11, 6118, 304, 279, 6693, 11, 9210, 814, 527, 1949, 315, 738, 49686, 13, 2876, 779, 1389, 832, 2539, 198, 15802, 301, 7351, 374, 539, 14343, 311, 4148, 682, 3691, 8407, 279, 5578, 1732, 6392, 82, 1139, 813, 63900, 198, 2193, 13, 1666, 264, 29774, 420, 78792, 11, 2231, 1116, 7169, 11, 4411, 21301, 86, 5642, 15812, 304, 279, 92234, 11, 1405, 433, 37771, 288, 17007, 1631, 780, 323, 17854, 41314, 4442, 430, 649, 5353, 198, 325, 19846, 2890, 550, 297, 22442, 323, 7344, 1524, 15235, 9572, 13, 578, 3823, 2547, 374, 13524, 3831, 323, 649, 1935, 264, 198, 9363, 315, 11737, 505, 927, 5594, 1386, 287, 11, 5636, 12459, 653, 12393, 31218, 1147, 13, 1102, 374, 1455, 5107, 311, 3371, 1521, 1274, 889, 8343, 63054, 398, 323, 617, 1193, 832, 66358, 7351, 264, 1938, 9210, 814, 527, 738, 63332, 323, 8617, 527, 42292, 94446, 283, 496, 86713, 3010, 13, 2030, 1070, 374, 832, 10163, 8450, 1389, 459, 359, 38128, 25466, 1389, 430, 649, 3371, 1521, 1274, 430, 814, 548, 15691, 264, 35507, 65147, 10497, 2949, 872, 13162, 13, 1442, 1521, 1274, 5043, 291, 369, 720, 17, 477, 220, 18, 2919, 389, 89867, 3090, 345, 50828, 1054, 44638, 34954, 863, 25466, 1053, 3371, 1124, 65395, 430, 198, 20670, 527, 15691, 264, 28201, 3148, 315, 68736, 287, 21109, 4871, 1073, 872, 39408, 1572, 13, 362, 2478, 2919, 315, 54560, 690, 23724, 279, 25466, 4291, 264, 12314, 11, 4251, 11, 21503, 3769, 430, 706, 264, 3831, 54097, 29845, 34799, 819, 41394, 649, 387, 88937, 1022, 323, 25078, 13, 763, 198, 34210, 11, 499, 649, 46605, 31419, 20432, 323, 15998, 279, 25466, 4335, 719, 54788, 264, 2478, 4207, 11, 279, 41394, 6118, 4780, 13, 1115, 374, 459, 485, 20901, 315, 279, 3392, 315, 2231, 1116, 7169, 21503, 1488, 339, 11, 296, 38601, 438, 3273, 19941, 430, 527, 41165, 304, 279, 2547, 753, 7917, 430, 548, 1457, 1694, 34373, 505, 279, 4871, 7479, 315, 279, 267, 316, 613, 11, 39408, 1572, 11, 36853, 323, 505, 682, 5596, 279, 4553, 2664, 13, 1115, 374, 832, 315, 279, 60052, 71912, 315, 54560, 13, 578, 5150, 3392, 315, 21503, 3769, 279, 5578, 198, 9164, 24266, 2212, 449, 1124, 374, 4661, 52229, 0, 644, 856, 9647, 11, 1690, 7106, 5435, 527, 279, 1121, 1073, 420, 272, 26330, 315, 279, 720, 966, 4579, 63900, 14019, 11, 279, 7917, 198, 438, 279, 4553, 35855, 323, 13961, 1887, 315, 279, 3823, 198, 2664, 13, 358, 4510, 430, 1521, 3273, 19941, 5353, 264, 16812, 17356, 26330, 315, 279, 4553, 3823, 13961, 1887, 11, 5423, 501, 36368, 709, 279, 8162, 2445, 454, 2740, 13987, 6680, 2107, 484, 5548, 13, 1484, 198, 5109, 701, 4059, 11, 369, 279, 14365, 315, 24278, 527, 2646, 9495, 13, 1389, 7505, 19372, 24762, 311, 4557, 4718, 51491, 361, 753, 4961, 198, 59978, 22037, 5039, 279, 10819, 555, 41394, 279, 25466, 198, 9210, 813, 2547, 5727, 21503, 3273, 19941, 13, 578, 17910, 315, 198, 83, 11407, 8246, 5423, 198, 1073, 279, 8147, 5419, 1813, 598, 1389, 220, 279, 81960, 11, 26587, 198, 438, 682, 279, 82375, 1389, 527, 1093, 264, 198, 82, 37354, 13, 38891, 264, 69448, 28611, 449, 264, 12314, 2231, 1116, 7169, 198, 57968, 13, 358, 617, 60089, 198, 339, 40137, 315, 5043, 82, 323, 3970, 96470, 15055, 315, 62186, 198, 16455, 3637, 304, 872, 2547, 198, 85134, 311, 18167, 389, 279, 20367, 3778, 27304, 720, 3844, 1846, 8, 662, 12220, 264, 9439, 11, 617, 499, 198, 2099, 10717, 311, 1781, 1268, 59178, 296, 38601, 323, 1343, 1978, 76, 198, 95423, 704, 315, 279, 2547, 1555, 198, 1820, 19689, 323, 28691, 30, 1115, 374, 1101, 5269, 279, 16595, 36853, 1778, 439, 279, 75, 29222, 11, 81960, 323, 62564, 527, 12579, 704, 3273, 19941, 2391, 198, 576, 60052, 320, 76, 38601, 11, 1343, 1978, 76, 11, 436, 14380, 11, 1172, 3078, 11, 5099, 6266, 11501, 13, 5256, 1457, 311, 4048, 810, 922, 6261, 555, 54560, 323, 198, 66, 2353, 989, 10307, 701, 25466, 11, 279, 274, 621, 4680, 2942, 6832, 198, 40846, 30357, 41585, 279, 2890, 477, 5986, 2890, 315, 1475, 198, 1605, 961, 315, 701, 2547, 13, 578, 1054, 44638, 34954, 863, 649, 387, 945, 2480, 287, 6917, 304, 701, 11879, 311, 7445, 6401, 13, 578, 810, 198, 75710, 3725, 499, 1833, 264, 1695, 54560, 323, 264, 5933, 12459, 198, 15252, 11, 279, 32981, 701, 25466, 690, 3719, 2391, 8136, 561, 13, 7429, 994, 499, 15998, 701, 18311, 11, 15998, 477, 46605, 198, 2445, 20432, 701, 25466, 505, 279, 1203, 311, 279, 11813, 13, 1115, 374, 264, 44870, 1879, 2252, 430, 499, 527, 389, 701, 1561, 198, 33, 4193, 70, 44454, 69256, 9728, 1389, 264, 2324, 1949, 315, 7106, 198, 96440, 323, 58701, 13, 1115, 5754, 690, 3063, 311, 701, 12474, 198, 75708, 1389, 459, 13381, 1752, 11, 393, 16864, 323, 68955, 1752, 14285, 0, 2100, 11, 300, 499, 733, 389, 701, 720, 1187, 311, 220, 1927, 6596, 477, 220, 220, 22, 311, 220, 605, 1938, 5043, 11, 5296, 198, 5269, 1790, 32981, 701, 25466, 9221, 449, 1855, 5043, 13, 1115, 690, 16805, 279, 8056, 14603, 18709, 315, 435, 15067, 220, 311, 499, 0, 1041, 198, 58713, 10164, 374, 48833, 369, 6401, 323, 5843, 52779, 198, 58713, 11, 89867, 3090, 320, 23, 12, 605, 29247, 7446, 8, 374, 602, 296, 403, 519, 369, 2890, 13, 1102, 374, 1949, 315, 304, 61694, 34072, 323, 28856, 26333, 13, 4557, 3320, 16094, 6017, 11, 10164, 1389, 578, 48083, 287, 30198, 3053, 10467, 4718, 9601, 198, 2746, 499, 9615, 3021, 22037, 11, 499, 690, 1505, 31685, 17277, 13, 1389, 35407, 5355, 480, 65036, 198, 44924, 49336, 323, 43632, 304, 19837, 13, 1389, 40904, 14916, 3055, 80554, 65454, 2466, 11, 1781, 2466, 11, 719, 4774, 279, 2678, 198, 20531, 18709, 315, 701, 7446, 2324, 0, 1389, 55034, 3320, 16094, 260, 23029, 198, 40, 617, 1120, 264, 2697, 9568, 345, 7456, 53474, 6622, 304, 433, 11, 10156, 264, 13987, 2697, 9568, 11, 36227, 2759, 422, 358, 11737, 433, 26, 2520, 2041, 5304, 757, 26, 649, 956, 26122, 433, 920, 307, 77, 956, 6056, 433, 11, 3287, 956, 5268, 433, 53701, 433, 596, 709, 311, 757, 311, 1005, 433, 2506, 2011, 7831, 422, 358, 9229, 433, 26, 4071, 64482, 374, 304, 433, 13, 1389, 22435, 198, 48349, 5043, 449, 89867, 3090, 649, 1520, 499, 27661, 449, 7191, 4732, 26, 81155, 701, 75, 1553, 11, 81960, 323, 15235, 26, 4087, 1463, 701, 6680, 26, 1520, 499, 9229, 13937, 4785, 323, 65, 29593, 26, 18698, 704, 62186, 26, 2867, 279, 6548, 11, 25466, 11, 323, 81155, 279, 11745, 49216, 2118, 33, 4193, 70, 18312, 1051, 856, 14747, 311, 279, 9498, 1648, 49216, 4235, 7957, 435, 13, 19984, 331, 11, 386, 920, 2637, 77175, 369, 18878, 37842, 49741, 1692, 1587, 539, 2815, 315, 2362, 4325, 0, 1102, 753, 1027, 17033, 1070, 198, 548, 912, 3361, 19338, 4245, 5042, 311, 2362, 4325, 13, 7648, 198, 67, 1082, 2315, 5622, 2225, 3995, 323, 2362, 13, 9176, 19338, 1212, 198, 1527, 264, 2547, 6799, 449, 21503, 3273, 19941, 13, 13969, 279, 2547, 18883, 555, 2768, 701, 5912, 54560, 2068, 5636, 198, 91955, 1193, 9498, 15657, 13, 4718, 25466, 323, 40335, 649, 198, 1395, 701, 8641, 12953, 311, 5419, 53500, 13, 10573, 2225, 10727, 3725, 449, 5201, 994, 499, 656, 264, 60052, 5043, 13, 4645, 26072, 220, 717, 198, 10156, 2895, 258, 323, 24941, 1102, 198, 10378, 1390, 311, 5043, 1606, 358, 4510, 433, 1053, 656, 40164, 198, 2000, 757, 11, 719, 1268, 649, 358, 5043, 323, 3686, 12731, 279, 2294, 8430, 1073, 34906, 430, 279, 1176, 720, 18, 2919, 315, 54560, 19159, 12671, 3011, 198, 285, 279, 3488, 430, 374, 2231, 311, 603, 1690, 11, 1690, 3115, 994, 40, 4358, 279, 77064, 315, 435, 15067, 520, 1057, 3320, 16094, 6401, 16384, 355, 1037, 46232, 682, 927, 279, 1917, 13, 1226, 649, 3041, 1193, 606, 4320, 1054, 10156, 2895, 258, 323, 24941, 1102, 49216, 10378, 6818, 264, 5043, 3131, 11, 719, 358, 2751, 7621, 323, 6612, 50739, 345, 40, 1120, 1047, 311, 1212, 12459, 2029, 1226, 3629, 6865, 420, 28391, 13, 4800, 6881, 304, 420, 2363, 617, 358, 11224, 430, 54560, 374, 198, 46122, 13, 60638, 15870, 706, 3719, 1778, 459, 81336, 2692, 961, 1073, 1274, 753, 6439, 430, 11, 422, 499, 1935, 3691, 3201, 505, 1124, 11, 20670, 3217, 1690, 10723, 323, 7106, 25481, 33861, 374, 279, 1633, 2944, 3249, 54560, 374, 539, 5526, 3924, 372, 598, 527, 20566, 315, 3831, 26870, 13, 7648, 1274, 28172, 7167, 8343, 720, 18, 477, 810, 21644, 1475, 1938, 323, 539, 198, 28753, 814, 617, 15662, 872, 3691, 449, 7106, 5820, 76369, 617, 1027, 8271, 86, 13883, 311, 4510, 5127, 559, 11206, 451, 266, 520, 3738, 4207, 369, 2380, 5912, 757, 3223, 1769, 13, 55034, 323, 358, 1047, 279, 17069, 315, 1694, 18719, 311, 279, 198, 53766, 8736, 315, 279, 35631, 11583, 8733, 6706, 64, 14894, 11, 389, 279, 3957, 1974, 315, 28621, 13, 1102, 574, 459, 3778, 74081, 9689, 11, 902, 47321, 279, 2853, 5764, 21644, 13, 44291, 3940, 520, 720, 22, 25, 966, 198, 309, 11, 33073, 76269, 6137, 520, 220, 717, 25, 966, 220, 9012, 323, 14177, 520, 220, 220, 22, 9012, 13, 1226, 5946, 279, 18397, 3130, 520, 1521, 4207, 11, 279, 15051, 198, 52898, 682, 63473, 8748, 369, 279, 14365, 311, 1825, 779, 814, 29177, 636, 520, 279, 61838, 61886, 13, 40070, 814, 30056, 520, 7041, 1521, 4207, 30, 2650, 1436, 198, 20670, 387, 30, 7648, 315, 279, 15051, 1550, 4400, 719, 12234, 389, 1820, 11573, 11, 3674, 553, 11, 6678, 19665, 66504, 11, 1514, 7563, 477, 1373, 0, 1102, 753, 264, 16930, 311, 1781, 279, 810, 264, 893, 50777, 11, 279, 16643, 568, 9221, 13, 68502, 315, 690, 2410, 323, 6678, 5353, 810, 28950, 345, 54895, 264, 6996, 315, 11478, 323, 5845, 13, 1389, 14253, 38866, 4278, 8161, 1431, 11406, 311, 45614, 1389, 45614, 311, 11406, 612, 2893, 44454, 198, 791, 9689, 15051, 1550, 11112, 4400, 311, 7380, 682, 198, 45010, 21644, 11, 719, 814, 7318, 369, 1124, 323, 6612, 814, 1288, 1395, 1070, 311, 8343, 1124, 13, 578, 1890, 3245, 8741, 389, 31551, 198, 18143, 13, 2684, 374, 2744, 264, 13734, 8748, 369, 279, 18397, 198, 3039, 311, 1825, 779, 814, 649, 8343, 1148, 814, 7318, 369, 13, 12369, 0, 1102, 649, 387, 264, 40149, 311, 893, 11, 719, 1101, 264, 41100, 0, 578, 2547, 649, 1935, 264, 2763, 315, 11737, 505, 5076, 3691, 323, 2017, 46519, 13, 2030, 1070, 4131, 264, 1938, 994, 279, 2547, 753, 198, 37439, 535, 1887, 9221, 927, 5594, 41673, 11, 927, 71214, 323, 198, 2017, 16005, 2106, 1389, 220, 433, 753, 1243, 430, 2890, 5435, 3240, 0, 54389, 535, 35665, 55537, 6617, 893, 13, 25538, 49686, 198, 36910, 279, 1160, 315, 813, 5906, 4804, 13, 350, 2439, 5304, 20181, 315, 26153, 345, 22491, 12601, 323, 67849, 527, 6216, 311, 1456, 323, 18698, 704, 279, 86, 5642, 19937, 1139, 1274, 753, 39408, 1572, 323, 15235, 13, 18766, 198, 1543, 31406, 3691, 1139, 5678, 10819, 1109, 279, 5865, 198, 1073, 74502, 323, 44032, 649, 3790, 433, 0, 1115, 374, 1633, 59178, 1093, 4560, 311, 7102, 701, 1841, 449, 279, 45664, 389, 13, 2684, 374, 12624, 33811, 430, 738, 49686, 374, 279, 198, 73407, 315, 1690, 1023, 2547, 82907, 13, 578, 33811, 30998, 485, 420, 17102, 374, 5222, 13, 1442, 738, 49686, 3445, 2171, 3012, 315, 12571, 11, 1618, 753, 264, 4382], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": "c thcrc is hopc -and i( onc lives on \nhope, dcath is indeed thc encl. But to thc undivicled \nmind, dcath is another momcnt, complete like evcry \nmom ent, and cannot yicld its sccrct unlcss lived to \nthe full - \n \nA11d l laitl me <1011111 with a will. Dcath is che epit0me of thc truth thac in cach mo- \nment wc are thrust into the unknown. Herc ali cling - \ning to security is compclled to ceasc, and wherever \nthc past is dropped away and safety abandoned, life \nis rencwed. Dcath is the unknown in which all of us \nlivcd bcfore birth. Nothing is more crcativc than dcath, since it is the \nwhole sccret of li(e. I t mea ns that the pase must be \nabandoncd, that the unknown cannot be avoidcd, \nthat \"l\" cannot continue, and that nothing can be \nultimatcly fixed. \\o\\fhen a man knows this, he lives for \n117 THE WISDOM OF INSEClJRITY \nthe first time in his life. By holding his breath, \nhe loses it. By letting it go he finds it. U11d so lang tiu das nichl \nhast, Dieses: st\u00edrb und \nwerde, \nBisl clu 11ur ein tr\u00fcbcr Gasl \nAuf der dtmklen Erde. 1 \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n1 Gocthc, We,t -ostlicher 1Jiva11. \"As long as you do not know \nhuw 10 die and come to life again. you are but a sorry travcler \non this dark canh. \" 118 \n \nV I 11. C RE A T I V E f O R AL 1T Y \n \nIT IS PERHAPS A l'ARAOOX TO TALK ABOUT CREATIVE \nmorality. For \"morality\" is derived from a word \nmeaning custom and convemion, and the \nregulation of life by rules. But morality has also \ncome to mean the working of lovc in human \nrclations, and in this sensc wc can speak of a \nmorality which is creative. St. Augustinc \ndescribcd itas, \"Love, and do what you will. \" Dut \nthe problem has always bcen how to. ove what \nyou do not like. lf morality is che art of living togcther, it is \nclear that rules, or rathcr techniques, have a \nplace in ic. For many of the problems o[ a \ncommunity are tech - nical problems -the \ndistribution of wcalth and popu - lation, the \nproper managemcnt of natural rcsourccs, thc \norganization of family life, the carc o[ the sick \nand disablcd, and the harmonious adaptation of \nin- dividual differences. The moralist is therefore a technician who is \ncon- sultcd on thesc problems as one consults an \narchitect on building a house or an enginecr on \nerec1ing a bridge. Likc medicine, shoe -making, \ncookery, tailor - ing, farming, and carpentry, living \ntogether rcquires a ccrtain \"know -how. \" le \ndemands the acquisition and use of certain \nskills. Dut the moralisc has, in practice, bccomc \nmuch \n119 THE WISDOM OF INSECURITY \nmore than a technical consultant. He has become \na scold. From his pulpit or his slUdy he \nharangues the human racc, issuing praise and \nblame -mostly blame \n-likc fire from thc mouth of a dragon. For people \ndo not take his advicc. Thcy ask how it is best to \nact under such -and-such circumstances. He tells \nthem, and they secm to agree that he is right. But \nthen they go away and do something different, for \nthcy find his advice too difficult or have a strong \ndesire to do the oppositc. This happens so \nregularly that the moralist loses his temper and \nbegins to cal. them bad names. Whcn this has no \neffect, he resons to physical vio- lence, \nimplcmenting his ad vice with policemen, pun - \nishmencs, and prisons. For the community is i L S own \nmoralist. lt elccts and pays judges, policemen, \nand preachers, as if to say, \u00b7\u00b7when I am difficult, \nplease kick me. \" At first sight the problem seems to bo\u00edl down \nto this: Morals are for avoiding an unfair \ndistribution of pleasure and pain. This means \nthat sorne indi - viduals must get less pleasure \nand more pain. As a rule, these individuals will \nonly submil to the sacri - f-ice under the thrcat of \nstill more pain if they do not co-operate. This is \nbased on the assumption that cvery man is for \nhimsclf, and observes the interests of che \ncommunity only to the extent that thcse are \nobviously his own intereses. From this, moralists have evolved the theory \nthat \nman is basically selfish, or that he has an inherent \nbias \n120 CREATIVE MORALlTY \ntowards evil. The \"natural\" man lives for one \nmotive: to protect his body from pain and to \nassociate it with pleasure. I3ecause he can only feel \nwith bis own body, he has littlc interest in the \nfeelings of other bodies. Thercforc he will only \ntake intercst in olhcr bodies under the stimulus \nof rewards and punishments, that is, by an \nexploitation of his self-interesc in rhe inter - ese \nof the community. Happily, thc problem is not quite so simple. For among thc things that give man pleasure \nare rela - tions with othcr human beings -\nconvcrsalion, eating wgecher, singing, dancing, \nhaving children, and co - operation in work \nwhich \"many hands make light. \" lndeed, one of \nthe highest pleasures is to be more or less \nunconscious of one's own existence, to be ab - \nsorbed in interesting sights, sounds, places, and \npeo- ple. Conversely, one of the greatest pains is \nlo be self-conscious, to feel unabsorbed and cut \noff from che community and thc surrounding \nworld. But chis whole problem has no solUlion wh\u00edle \nwe \nthink abouc ic in cerms of the pleasure -pain \nmotiva - tion, or, indeed, in terms of any \n\"motivation\" at all. For man has a moral problcm, \nwhich other commu - nity -living animals do not \nhave, for the very rcason lhat he is so much \nconcerned with motives. lf it is true thac man is \nncccssarily motivated by the pleas - ure-pain \nprincipie, there is no point whatsoever in \ndiscussing human conduce. Motivate