{"text": " or aged first -time moth-\ners, short breastfeeding period; early onset of \nmenstruation and late menopause. \nMastopathy is more treatable than all the types \nof benign tumors (except cysts). Firstly, the \nbreast becomes immediately involved in the pro-\ncess of fasting. On average, it loses 10 -15 g a day. \nSecondly, it\u2019s always possible to palpate a tumor \nand find out whether it\u2019s gone. Thirdly, it\u2019s al-\nways possible to accurately apply leeches to a \nCopyright \u00a9 Vera Giovanna Bani 2019 www.dryfasting.infoThis Ebook was purchased by Gilberto Franchi email: gilbertofranchi@hotmail.frtumor at the end of a fast to achieve a huge po-\ntentiating effect. Leech saliva contains the en-\nzymes that can dissolve the protective covering \nof the tumor, which facilitates the immune sys-\ntem. However, leeches can act in two ways: they \nstrengthen a strong immune system and make \nweak immunity even weaker, thus triggering tu-\nmor growth. \nFasting always strengthens the immune system \nso that a tumor can\u2019t grow in these conditions. It \nturns out that leech therapy boosts the therapeu-\ntic effect of fasting. When fasting is combined \nwith leech therapy, its duration is much shorter. \n19.2.10. Prostat itis and benign prostatic hy-\nperplasia \nBenign prostatic hyperplasia. The term \"benign \nprostatic hyperplasia\" means that a small nodule \nCopyright \u00a9 Vera Giovanna Bani 2019 www.dryfasting.infoThis Ebook was purchased by Gilberto Franchi email: gilbertofranchi@hotmail.fr(or nodules) is formed in the prostate, and it \ngrows and gradually squeezes the urethra. If the \nurethra didn\u2019t pass through the prostate gland, \nthe condition would have no symptoms at all. \nPatients with BPH have problems urinating, \nand it\u2019s the main symptom of this condition. \nBPH is a non -cancerous growth that doesn\u2019t me-\ntastasize (spread to other organs). It\u2019s the major \ndiffe rence between BPH and prostate cancer. \nAccording to statistics, half of the men over 50 \nyears of age visit a doctor because of benign \nprostatic hyperplasia. It\u2019s believed that this con-\ndition affects 85% of men over time. This per-\ncentage proves that benign prostatic hyperplasia \nis the most common urological condition. How \ndoes it affect the prostate gland? \n \nCopyright \u00a9 Vera Giovanna Bani 2019 www.dryfasting.infoThis Ebook was purchased by Gilberto Franchi email: gilbertofranchi@hotmail.frCauses of BPH. The causes of benign prostatic \nhyperplasia are still unclear. It\u2019s believed that \nthis condition is one of the signs of male meno-\npause. Thus, every elderly man can be affected \nby it. There are no proven links between the oc-\ncurrence of BHP and sexual activity, sexual ori-\nentation, tobacco and alcohol use, urologic in-\nfections, and sexually transmitted diseases. \nProstatitis is an inflammation of the prostate \ngland (prostate). Chronic prostatitis is the most \ncommon urologic disease in men under 50 years \nold an d it\u2019s the third most common urological \ndisease in men over 50 (after benign prostatic \nhyperplasia and prostate cancer). It\u2019s the cause \nof 8% of all outpatient visits to urologists. The \nfrequency of prostatitis increases up to 30 -73% \nwith age. The effect of the disease on the quality \nCopyright \u00a9 Vera Giovanna Bani 2019 www.dryfasting.infoThis Ebook was purchased by Gilberto Franchi email: gilbertofranchi@hotmail.frof life is comparable to myocardial infarction, \nangina, and Crohn\u2019s disease. It also causes sig-\nnificant psychological and social problems in \nmen of working age with prostatitis. \nProstatitis is caused by sexually transmitted in-\nfections due to the anatomy of the prostate \n(prostate gland). The causative agents of infec-\ntious prostatitis are bacteria, viruses, myco-\nplasma, ureaplasma, chlamydia, trichomonas, \nand fungus. Infections, mainly sexually trans-\nmitted, get to the prostate gland (prostate) from \nthe bladder, urethra, rectum, and pelvic blood \nand lymphatic vessels. Prostatitis can be non -in-\nfectious. Prostatitis is acute and chronic. \nChronic prostatitis is one of the most common \ninflammatory conditions of the urinary tract: \nabout 73% of men are affected by it. I\u2019ve treated \nCopyright \u00a9 Vera Giovanna Bani 2019 www.dryfasting.infoThis Ebook was purchased by Gilberto Franchi email: gilbertofranchi@hotmail.frmany men with chronic prostatitis and benign \nprostatic hyperplasia. Of course, the condition \nwas cured completely in some of them, while \nothers recovered only partially. \nThe most important thing is to undergo se veral \ndry fasting treatments, a weekly dry fast with no \nwater, undergo a preventative fasting treatment \nonce a year, and follow all the doctor\u2019s recom-\nmendations. Unfortunately, only a few patients \nare willing to do that, and it explains the return \nof these conditions after fasting. \nIt\u2019s very difficult to help men who have taken \nvery strong antibiotics. It\u2019s paradoxical that in-\nfections become resistant, only the strongest \nbacteria survive, the immune system weakens, \nand immune cells stop functioning properly \nsince there\u2019s no need to fight infections if there\u2019s \nCopyright \u00a9 Vera Giovanna Bani 2019 www.dryfasting.infoThis Ebook was purchased by Gilberto Franchi email: gilbertofranchi@hotmail.frsomeone doing it for you. In such cases, only a \nseries of fasts can help. The first one cleanses the \nbody, mostly from antibiotics, and strengthens \nthe immune system. The second one starts heal-\ning, and the third one completes the process. \n19.2.11. Dry Fasting for Bronchopulmo-\nnary Diseases \nBronchial asthma is a disease that narrows air \npassages, since hypersensitivity to certain agents \ncauses their inflammation; airway constriction is \nreversible. This dis ease is becoming more com-\nmon. The number of patients with asthma has \nincreased by 42%, and their mortality rate has \nincreased by 35% between 1982 and 1992. The \ncourse of the disease is becoming increasingly \nmore severe, and it requires hospitalization \nmore and more often. Bronchial asthma affects \nCopyright \u00a9 Vera Giovanna Bani 2019 www.dryfasting.infoThis Ebook was purchased by Gilberto Franchi email: gilbertofranchi@hotmail.frabout 10 million Americans. The frequency of \nasthma is also increasing in Russia, and it affects \nat least 5 -6% of the adult population. Nowadays, \nasthma affects more people than ever before de-\nspite all the publiciz ed achievements and in -\ndepth scientific research. \nIn patients with bronchial asthma, air passages \nnarrow in response to the agents that don\u2019t affect \nthe air passages of healthy people. It can be \ncaused by pollen, dust mites, animal dander, \nsmoke, cold air, and exercise. During an asthma \nattack, bronchial smooth muscles spasm, and \nthe tissues lining the air passages swell because \nof inflammation and produce excessive mucus. \nThe diameter of air passages decreases (this con-\ndition is called a bronchospasm), and it\u2019s harder \nfor a patient to inhale and exhale. Some cells in \nCopyright \u00a9 Vera Giovanna Bani 2019 www.dryfasting.infoThis Ebook was purchased by Gilberto Franchi email: gilbertofranchi@hotmail.frthe respiratory system, particularly, the so -called \nmast cells, play an important role in airway con-\nstriction. Bronchial mast cells secrete histamine \nand leukotrienes \u2013substances that cause smo oth \nmuscle contraction, increase mucus production, \nand migration of certain types of white blood \ncells. Mast cells can produce these substances in \nresponse to foreign agents (allergens), such as \npollen, dust mites, or animal dander. However, \nmany people wi th no allergies are affected by a \nsevere form of bronchial asthma. The reaction is \nsimilar when a patient with asthma performs \nany physical activity or inhales cold air. Stress \nand anxiety can also trigger the release of hista-\nmine and leukotrienes by mast cells. Eosinophils \nare another type of cells present in the respira-\ntory system of people with bronchial asthma. \nCopyright \u00a9 Vera Giovanna Bani 2019 www.dryfasting.infoThis Ebook was purchased by Gilberto Franchi email: gilbertofranchi@hotmail.frThey also secrete substances, including leukotri-\nenes and certain others, which narrow air pas-\nsages. \nMost of all, I encountered the positive effect of \nfasting when treating patients with bronchial \nasthma when I worked at the Goryachinsk resort \n", "token_ids": [477, 20330, 1176, 482, 1712, 98178, 7058, 388, 11, 2875, 65864, 4261, 26, 4216, 42080, 315, 720, 5794, 496, 4090, 323, 3389, 3026, 84110, 13, 2355, 44, 561, 54042, 374, 810, 4322, 481, 1109, 682, 279, 4595, 720, 1073, 65309, 56071, 320, 11945, 63581, 82, 570, 77795, 11, 279, 720, 21152, 561, 9221, 7214, 6532, 304, 279, 463, 7058, 1140, 315, 54560, 13, 1952, 5578, 11, 433, 33291, 220, 605, 482, 868, 342, 264, 1938, 13, 720, 16041, 398, 11, 433, 753, 2744, 3284, 311, 75649, 349, 264, 36254, 720, 438, 1505, 704, 3508, 433, 753, 8208, 13, 21530, 398, 11, 433, 753, 453, 7058, 2336, 3284, 311, 30357, 3881, 514, 4842, 288, 311, 264, 720, 13857, 7388, 68200, 61678, 12930, 426, 5676, 220, 679, 24, 8604, 962, 894, 9533, 287, 5506, 2028, 89771, 574, 15075, 555, 46092, 78, 2939, 3581, 72, 2613, 25, 342, 321, 9339, 1073, 81, 3581, 72, 59131, 840, 3423, 69361, 520, 279, 842, 315, 264, 5043, 311, 11322, 264, 6908, 3273, 7058, 83, 23202, 1113, 2515, 13, 2009, 4842, 85657, 5727, 279, 665, 7058, 21436, 288, 430, 649, 73739, 279, 29219, 18702, 720, 1073, 279, 36254, 11, 902, 73633, 279, 22852, 5826, 7058, 880, 13, 4452, 11, 514, 4842, 288, 649, 1180, 304, 1403, 5627, 25, 814, 720, 67523, 18972, 264, 3831, 22852, 1887, 323, 1304, 720, 13451, 40368, 1524, 43383, 11, 8617, 52605, 9964, 7058, 57902, 6650, 13, 720, 37, 15067, 2744, 96931, 279, 22852, 1887, 720, 708, 430, 264, 36254, 649, 1431, 3139, 304, 1521, 4787, 13, 1102, 720, 413, 82, 704, 430, 514, 4842, 15419, 67232, 279, 9139, 2070, 84, 7058, 29150, 2515, 315, 54560, 13, 3277, 54560, 374, 11093, 720, 4291, 514, 4842, 15419, 11, 1202, 8250, 374, 1790, 24210, 13, 2355, 777, 13, 17, 13, 605, 13, 1322, 10079, 433, 285, 323, 65309, 463, 2020, 6409, 7058, 716, 501, 36259, 720, 25584, 625, 463, 2020, 17508, 501, 36259, 13, 578, 4751, 330, 8123, 625, 720, 782, 2020, 17508, 501, 36259, 1, 3445, 430, 264, 2678, 308, 1793, 720, 13857, 7388, 68200, 61678, 12930, 426, 5676, 220, 679, 24, 8604, 962, 894, 9533, 287, 5506, 2028, 89771, 574, 15075, 555, 46092, 78, 2939, 3581, 72, 2613, 25, 342, 321, 9339, 1073, 81, 3581, 72, 59131, 19328, 81020, 16387, 2482, 8, 374, 14454, 304, 279, 47447, 11, 323, 433, 720, 70, 1849, 323, 27115, 44846, 288, 279, 53560, 339, 969, 13, 1442, 279, 720, 554, 339, 969, 3287, 1431, 1522, 1555, 279, 47447, 67169, 11, 720, 1820, 3044, 1053, 617, 912, 13803, 520, 682, 13, 2355, 86245, 449, 426, 11079, 617, 5435, 4433, 16252, 11, 720, 438, 433, 753, 279, 1925, 49648, 315, 420, 3044, 13, 720, 33, 11079, 374, 264, 2536, 482, 66, 11967, 788, 6650, 430, 3250, 1431, 757, 7058, 83, 561, 300, 553, 320, 59295, 311, 1023, 36853, 570, 1102, 753, 279, 3682, 720, 67, 44514, 5790, 346, 1990, 426, 11079, 323, 47447, 9572, 13, 720, 11439, 311, 13443, 11, 4376, 315, 279, 3026, 927, 220, 1135, 720, 42820, 315, 4325, 4034, 264, 10896, 1606, 315, 65309, 720, 782, 2020, 17508, 501, 36259, 13, 1102, 753, 11846, 430, 420, 390, 7058, 2400, 22223, 220, 5313, 4, 315, 3026, 927, 892, 13, 1115, 824, 7058, 16525, 36862, 430, 65309, 463, 2020, 17508, 501, 36259, 720, 285, 279, 1455, 4279, 577, 299, 31356, 3044, 13, 2650, 720, 28156, 433, 7958, 279, 47447, 67169, 30, 2355, 720, 13857, 7388, 68200, 61678, 12930, 426, 5676, 220, 679, 24, 8604, 962, 894, 9533, 287, 5506, 2028, 89771, 574, 15075, 555, 46092, 78, 2939, 3581, 72, 2613, 25, 342, 321, 9339, 1073, 81, 3581, 72, 59131, 19328, 23389, 4881, 315, 426, 11079, 662, 578, 11384, 315, 65309, 463, 2020, 720, 69292, 501, 36259, 527, 2103, 25420, 13, 1102, 753, 11846, 430, 720, 576, 3044, 374, 832, 315, 279, 12195, 315, 8762, 90011, 7058, 28548, 13, 14636, 11, 1475, 29920, 893, 649, 387, 11754, 720, 1729, 433, 13, 2684, 527, 912, 17033, 7902, 1990, 279, 18274, 7058, 66, 21201, 315, 426, 6748, 323, 7392, 5820, 11, 7392, 59735, 7058, 306, 367, 11, 27531, 323, 13200, 1005, 11, 577, 299, 25205, 304, 7058, 25384, 11, 323, 27681, 34699, 19338, 13, 2355, 1360, 10079, 20000, 374, 459, 37140, 315, 279, 47447, 720, 70, 1974, 320, 782, 2513, 570, 73782, 463, 10079, 20000, 374, 279, 1455, 720, 5581, 577, 299, 25205, 8624, 304, 3026, 1234, 220, 1135, 1667, 720, 820, 459, 294, 433, 753, 279, 4948, 1455, 4279, 577, 299, 31356, 720, 67, 56407, 304, 3026, 927, 220, 1135, 320, 10924, 65309, 463, 2020, 720, 69292, 501, 36259, 323, 47447, 9572, 570, 1102, 753, 279, 5353, 720, 1073, 220, 23, 4, 315, 682, 87230, 21728, 311, 577, 299, 848, 1705, 13, 578, 720, 47621, 315, 463, 10079, 20000, 12992, 709, 311, 220, 966, 482, 5958, 4, 720, 4291, 4325, 13, 578, 2515, 315, 279, 8624, 389, 279, 4367, 720, 13857, 7388, 68200, 61678, 12930, 426, 5676, 220, 679, 24, 8604, 962, 894, 9533, 287, 5506, 2028, 89771, 574, 15075, 555, 46092, 78, 2939, 3581, 72, 2613, 25, 342, 321, 9339, 1073, 81, 3581, 72, 59131, 840, 115649, 2324, 374, 30139, 311, 95736, 532, 4225, 277, 407, 11, 720, 526, 2259, 11, 323, 25611, 25105, 753, 8624, 13, 1102, 1101, 11384, 8531, 7058, 77, 34828, 24064, 323, 3674, 5435, 304, 720, 5794, 315, 3318, 4325, 449, 463, 10079, 20000, 13, 2355, 1360, 10079, 20000, 374, 9057, 555, 27681, 34699, 304, 7058, 25384, 4245, 311, 279, 62690, 315, 279, 47447, 720, 10553, 2513, 67169, 570, 578, 25540, 1413, 13307, 315, 4225, 762, 7058, 83, 1245, 463, 10079, 20000, 527, 24032, 11, 42068, 11, 856, 1030, 7058, 501, 23390, 11, 53560, 391, 14833, 1764, 11, 523, 24705, 88, 32106, 11, 490, 718, 35685, 300, 11, 720, 438, 79902, 13, 763, 25384, 11, 14918, 27681, 1380, 7058, 5600, 11, 636, 311, 279, 47447, 67169, 320, 782, 2513, 8, 505, 720, 1820, 62564, 11, 53560, 339, 969, 11, 7763, 372, 11, 323, 84168, 6680, 720, 438, 43745, 780, 31080, 13, 1322, 10079, 20000, 649, 387, 2536, 482, 258, 7058, 3836, 1245, 13, 1322, 10079, 20000, 374, 30883, 323, 21249, 13, 720, 1163, 8535, 463, 10079, 20000, 374, 832, 315, 279, 1455, 4279, 720, 258, 55097, 4787, 315, 279, 72735, 42929, 25, 720, 9274, 220, 5958, 4, 315, 3026, 527, 11754, 555, 433, 13, 358, 4070, 12020, 720, 13857, 7388, 68200, 61678, 12930, 426, 5676, 220, 679, 24, 8604, 962, 894, 9533, 287, 5506, 2028, 89771, 574, 15075, 555, 46092, 78, 2939, 3581, 72, 2613, 25, 342, 321, 9339, 1073, 81, 3581, 72, 59131, 19328, 35676, 3026, 449, 21249, 463, 10079, 20000, 323, 65309, 720, 782, 2020, 17508, 501, 36259, 13, 5046, 3388, 11, 279, 3044, 720, 16514, 64688, 6724, 304, 1063, 315, 1124, 11, 1418, 720, 59961, 26403, 1193, 26310, 13, 2355, 791, 1455, 3062, 3245, 374, 311, 37771, 513, 2807, 278, 720, 54310, 54560, 22972, 11, 264, 17496, 9235, 5043, 449, 912, 720, 13284, 11, 37771, 264, 97420, 54560, 6514, 720, 13486, 264, 1060, 11, 323, 1833, 682, 279, 10896, 753, 38301, 7058, 76, 408, 811, 13, 19173, 11, 1193, 264, 2478, 6978, 720, 548, 10032, 311, 656, 430, 11, 323, 433, 15100, 279, 471, 720, 1073, 1521, 220, 4787, 1306, 54560, 13, 2355, 2181, 753, 1633, 5107, 311, 1520, 3026, 889, 617, 4529, 720, 1225, 3831, 46850, 13, 1102, 753, 52313, 950, 430, 304, 7058, 25384, 3719, 31785, 11, 1193, 279, 31005, 720, 65, 78852, 18167, 11, 279, 22852, 1887, 7621, 729, 11, 720, 438, 22852, 7917, 3009, 31301, 10489, 2355, 11536, 1070, 753, 912, 1205, 311, 4465, 30020, 422, 1070, 753, 720, 13857, 7388, 68200, 61678, 12930, 426, 5676, 220, 679, 24, 8604, 962, 894, 9533, 287, 5506, 2028, 89771, 574, 15075, 555, 46092, 78, 2939, 3581, 72, 2613, 25, 342, 321, 9339, 1073, 81, 3581, 72, 59131, 840, 5544, 638, 606, 3815, 433, 369, 499, 13, 763, 1778, 5157, 11, 1193, 264, 720, 20473, 315, 5043, 82, 649, 1520, 13, 578, 1176, 832, 35294, 288, 279, 720, 2664, 11, 10213, 505, 46850, 11, 323, 96931, 720, 1820, 22852, 1887, 13, 578, 2132, 832, 8638, 27661, 7058, 287, 11, 323, 279, 4948, 832, 45695, 279, 1920, 13, 2355, 777, 13, 17, 13, 806, 13, 31941, 435, 15067, 369, 20407, 110459, 360, 6489, 7058, 77, 661, 70674, 2355, 42059, 331, 532, 51643, 374, 264, 8624, 430, 44669, 1849, 3805, 720, 6519, 1154, 11, 2533, 87752, 48937, 311, 3738, 13307, 720, 936, 4881, 872, 37140, 26, 3805, 3195, 19477, 2538, 374, 720, 265, 65398, 13, 1115, 834, 14553, 374, 10671, 810, 470, 7058, 1677, 13, 578, 1396, 315, 6978, 449, 51643, 706, 720, 43842, 1503, 555, 220, 2983, 13689, 323, 872, 29528, 4478, 706, 720, 43842, 1503, 555, 220, 1758, 4, 1990, 220, 3753, 17, 323, 220, 2550, 17, 13, 578, 720, 12120, 315, 279, 8624, 374, 10671, 15098, 720, 6518, 15748, 11, 323, 433, 7612, 8952, 2065, 720, 6518, 323, 810, 3629, 13, 20407, 331, 532, 51643, 22223, 720, 13857, 7388, 68200, 61678, 12930, 426, 5676, 220, 679, 24, 8604, 962, 894, 9533, 287, 5506, 2028, 89771, 574, 15075, 555, 46092, 78, 2939, 3581, 72, 2613, 25, 342, 321, 9339, 1073, 81, 3581, 72, 59131, 19328, 9274, 220, 605, 3610, 9053, 13, 578, 11900, 315, 720, 561, 41453, 374, 1101, 7859, 304, 8524, 11, 323, 433, 22223, 720, 266, 3325, 220, 20, 482, 21, 4, 315, 279, 6822, 7187, 13, 87581, 11, 720, 561, 41453, 22223, 810, 1274, 1109, 3596, 1603, 409, 7058, 2203, 635, 682, 279, 586, 450, 1608, 33997, 323, 304, 18722, 18021, 12624, 3495, 13, 2355, 644, 6978, 449, 31071, 331, 532, 51643, 11, 3805, 47869, 720, 77, 6172, 304, 2077, 311, 279, 13307, 430, 1541, 1431, 7958, 720, 1820, 3805, 47869, 315, 9498, 1274, 13, 1102, 649, 387, 720, 936, 2656, 555, 79784, 11, 16174, 296, 3695, 11, 10065, 294, 8363, 11, 720, 3647, 4845, 11, 9439, 3805, 11, 220, 323, 10368, 13, 12220, 459, 51643, 720, 21208, 11, 31071, 331, 532, 11113, 24569, 993, 10753, 11, 323, 720, 1820, 39881, 36471, 279, 3805, 47869, 78353, 1606, 720, 1073, 37140, 323, 8356, 27639, 296, 38601, 13, 720, 791, 23899, 315, 3805, 47869, 43154, 320, 576, 390, 7058, 2400, 374, 2663, 264, 31071, 331, 4890, 10753, 705, 323, 220, 433, 753, 16127, 720, 2000, 264, 8893, 311, 60537, 1604, 323, 57759, 1604, 13, 4427, 7917, 304, 720, 13857, 7388, 68200, 61678, 12930, 426, 5676, 220, 679, 24, 8604, 962, 894, 9533, 287, 5506, 2028, 89771, 574, 15075, 555, 46092, 78, 2939, 3581, 72, 2613, 25, 342, 321, 9339, 1073, 81, 3581, 72, 59131, 19328, 1820, 42631, 1887, 11, 8104, 11, 279, 779, 482, 44982, 720, 97613, 7917, 11, 1514, 459, 3062, 3560, 304, 3805, 3195, 390, 7058, 52230, 13, 20407, 331, 532, 19218, 7917, 513, 9537, 13034, 20588, 720, 438, 57381, 354, 462, 22383, 1389, 2008, 9623, 430, 5353, 44673, 297, 339, 720, 38827, 9326, 71895, 11, 5376, 296, 38601, 5788, 11, 720, 438, 12172, 315, 3738, 4595, 315, 4251, 6680, 720, 37791, 13, 37582, 7917, 649, 8356, 1521, 33155, 304, 720, 2376, 311, 7362, 13307, 320, 543, 2431, 729, 705, 1778, 439, 720, 31241, 268, 11, 16174, 296, 3695, 11, 477, 10065, 294, 8363, 13, 4452, 11, 720, 35676, 1274, 24129, 270, 912, 58742, 527, 11754, 555, 264, 720, 325, 19846, 1376, 315, 31071, 331, 532, 51643, 13, 578, 13010, 374, 720, 65387, 994, 264, 8893, 449, 51643, 27772, 720, 3852, 7106, 5820, 477, 60537, 3916, 9439, 3805, 13, 51568, 720, 438, 18547, 649, 1101, 8346, 279, 4984, 315, 305, 9265, 7058, 6095, 323, 57381, 354, 462, 22383, 555, 19218, 7917, 13, 469, 437, 258, 5237, 8839, 720, 548, 2500, 955, 315, 7917, 3118, 304, 279, 33515, 64, 7058, 83, 683, 1887, 315, 1274, 449, 31071, 331, 532, 51643, 13, 720, 13857, 7388, 68200, 61678, 12930, 426, 5676, 220, 679, 24, 8604, 962, 894, 9533, 287, 5506, 2028, 89771, 574, 15075, 555, 46092, 78, 2939, 3581, 72, 2613, 25, 342, 321, 9339, 1073, 81, 3581, 72, 59131, 19328, 7009, 1101, 513, 9537, 33155, 11, 2737, 57381, 354, 462, 7058, 22383, 323, 3738, 3885, 11, 902, 15376, 3805, 6502, 7058, 82, 1154, 13, 2355, 13622, 315, 682, 11, 358, 23926, 279, 6928, 2515, 315, 720, 9533, 287, 994, 27723, 6978, 449, 31071, 331, 532, 720, 561, 41453, 994, 358, 6575, 520, 279, 480, 683, 613, 89492, 22541, 720], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " the body knows it has reserves for its use in time of n eed. You should be at all times comfortable in your \nbody. \n \nIs eating sea salt all right? \nExtracted sodium chloride, in any form is an irritant and is toxic to the body. It deadens the taste buds\u2019 a bility to sense sweet, \nsour, or bitter (which is why salt users often say that food has no taste w ithout salt), retards digestion and excretion, and upsets our \ncritical natural water balance. \nW e must take care to distinguish here between extracted sodium chl oride \u201csalt\u201d (which is deadly), and the sodium and other \nmineral salts that occur naturally and abundantly in whole plant foods (which are vitally important nutrients needed by every cell of \nour bodies). Eating a variety of vegetables, especially celery and tomat oes, provides all the organic salts and other minerals our \nbodies need in just the right amounts and combinations we require. \nOur cells rely on a delicately regulated ratio of sodium and potassium, wi th sodium residing outside the cells (extracellular) and \npotassium inside (intracellular). If the potassium/sodium ratio is a t all out of balance, cellular dehydration or super saturation result. \nEither of these conditions seriously compromises cellular function.\nIf we lose too much sodium through exercise or any other effort that resu lts in perspiration, potassium is \u201cpulled\u201d out of the cell \nto maintain the proper ratio. Attempting to compensate by consuming salt simply stresses the body even more, like trying to make \nup for lack of sleep by drinking coffee. The potassium within the cel l must be replaced in order for the cell to \u201chold\u201d sodium \nextracellularly again. \nThe salt in seawater causes dehydration regardless of how it is consu med. Ocean water is caustic and irritating, tastes vile, and \ncauses people to vomit. In quantity, drinking seawater causes death with in days, even though it is diluted by a lot of water. \nWhen we extract salt and ingest it with our meals, we head in the sam e direction, only at a different speed. Removing the salt \nfrom seawater gives us sea salt, the very substance that causes death by dehydration. Consuming sodium chloride of any kind\u2014 \nincluding sea salts and other highly marketed, pricey specialty s alts\u2014is a self-destructive practice. Specialty salt produce rs expend \ngreat effort to convince you that you \u201cneed\u201d the extracted minerals i n their products to offset a grave nutritional imbalance common \nin modern society. (Such deficiency may indeed exist, but in any case it can be healthfully remedied only by eating an abundance of \nlow-fat raw plant foods. To do otherwise only creates more nutritional imbal ances.) \nTrue, we need minerals \u2026 but we need to ingest them in the quantities and the form in which they occur in whole plant \nfoods. Eating a highly mineralized form of poison makes no logical sense whats oever. \nSalt eaters who cease the practice can often take years to expel all of the retained salt from their bodies. But take heart, as the \nbulk of salt (and cravings) diminish significantly within just a f ew short weeks of total abstinence. I cannot overemphasize the \nimportance of making the commitment to wean yourself from this ubiquitou s poison. \n \nCan I use vinegar in my salad dressing? \nAll forms of vinegar, including apple cider and balsamic, are highly toxi c to the human body. Vinegar is made by diluting one \npart acetic acid (a common poison found in any chemistry laboratory \u2026 in a bottle with a skull and crossbones) with 19 parts \nwater. \nVinegar excessively stimulates the thyroid gland, leading to hyper thyroidism and eventually hypothyroidism and concomitant \nhealth issues such as endocrine disorders, calcium metabolic disorders, metabolic rate disorders, fat metabolism problems, body- \nweight issues, lethargy, headaches, and the classic bulging of the e yes. This stimulation also accelerates the aging process. The body pulls phosphorus from the adrenal glands to negate the effects of ac etic acid in the system. Depleted phosphorus \nresults in impaired function of the adrenal glands and thus, again, the entire endocrine system. The outcome of all this can include \nbody odor, pains in the heart, rapid pulse, increased mucus production, chronic fat igue, and headaches. Repetitive use of vinegar \nwill also result in hardening of the liver. Vinegar should not be cons idered \u201cfood.\u201d \n \nIs it okay to eat frozen produce? \nSome damage to living foods occurs when they are frozen. Freezing can ex pand and burst cell walls, and the resulting \noxidation diminishes the nutritional value of the food. However, nuts and s eeds, which are designed to survive through cold winters, \nare less damaged by being frozen. Generally, the lower the water and the higher the fat content of a whole, fresh food, the better it \nwill take to freezing. \nAs for fruits and vegetables, the practice of freezing should be minimi zed but not necessarily eliminated, as it is one of the \nleast-damaging ways to preserve foods (especially when a chest free zer is used instead of the frost-free variety). One advantage of \nfreezing food relative to other forms of preservation is that freezing introduces no known toxins. \nYou should be aware that eating frozen and ice-cold foods damages the essen tial bacterial colonies that live in your gut and \nmay be harmful to the bacteria that produce vitamin B 12. Once again, we see that eating foods as we find them in nature proves to\nbe the most healthful \u2026 it is true every time. \n \nAre dehydrated foods OK to eat? \nDehydrated foods are not whole foods; they have had their water removed. Unfor tunately, we have not been taught to \nrecognize the vital value of water as it comes packaged in fresh plant foods. Fruits and vegetables are nature\u2019s most pristine water \nfilters, and the water we cook and dehydrate out of them can never be adequate ly replaced. Drinking water, no matter how purified, \nalkalized, or \u201cstructured,\u201d just doesn\u2019t compare. \nDehydrated foods can never be as nutritious as the whole, fresh foods they s tarted as. Nutrient damage has been shown to \noccur, even if the water is replaced. The use of dehydrates is a personal de cision, but dried foods should always be considered at \nbest a compromise, second in quality to whole, fresh, ripe, raw, organic fruits and vegetables. \nCurrent research indicates that vitamin B 12 changes to an analog and unusable form where it is found in dehydrated foods.\nThis appears to be true, by the way, for spirulina, chlorella, algaes, and othe r pills and powders made from ocean plants. \n \nWhat about spices and condiments? \nIn Natural Hygiene, there is a saying, \u201cIf you can\u2019t make a meal of i t, it likely is not people food.\u201d When people hear this \nstatement, they often view it as draconian and idealistic, for it rule s out the consumption of virtually all spices, seasonings, and \ncondiments. Yet, think about it: no creatures in nature season their f oods, nor even generally combine more than one food in a meal \n(at least not for purposes of gustatory pleasure). \nY es, humans are undoubtedly different than the \u201clower\u201d animals. W e h ave the dexterity and the equipment to mix up grand \nconcoctions (\u201ccombo-a-bombs,\u201d as R.C. Dini so aptly dubbed them), and we have the ingenuity to create gloriously seasoned taste \ntreats. But I promise you, our digestive systems have not kept up with our creativity\u2014not by a long shot. In fact, they are virtually \nidentical to those of our ancient ancestors, as well as those of modern-day frugivorous anthropoid primates. By design, we are \nmeant to eat one whole plant food at a time, unadorned, until we have made a mea l of it. \nHerbs and spices like garlic, onion, curry, cumin, ginger, cayenne, chili powder, and oregano contain alkaloids and other toxic \nchemicals. These seasonings stimulate our taste buds and nerves wh ile delivering toxins to our nervous systems. Their use should be \navoided, or at least minimized. They act as irritants in the digestive tract, often causing the body to produce mucus for protection. \nThey also function to disguise the bland or noxious taste of cooked foods and seduce us into consuming foods that would not attract \nus on their own. \nLike salt, spices provide such an intense \u201cflavor hit\u201d that our tas te buds lose their ability to recognize the natural but more \nsubtle tastes of fruits and vegetables. The same holds true for the use of all condiments, including mustard and ketchup. \n \nCan I drink coffee on the raw diet? \nThe beans in coffee are roasted, making them no longer a raw food item. The fa tal dose of caffeine is 10 grams, the amount in \napproximately 70 cups of coffee. Caffeine is considered such a powerful drug t hat just three cups of coffee supplies enough caffeine \nto disqualify an athlete from competing in the Olympic games. \nMany people take one tenth of the lethal dose every day. I had one patient who dra nk over thirty cups of coffee per day. His \nhealth was failing, but it was regained when he stopped this noxious habi t", "token_ids": [279, 2547, 8964, 433, 706, 30600, 369, 1202, 1005, 304, 892, 315, 308, 384, 291, 13, 1472, 1288, 387, 520, 682, 3115, 10882, 304, 701, 720, 2664, 13, 33006, 3957, 12459, 9581, 12290, 682, 1314, 30, 720, 30059, 291, 39695, 82882, 11, 304, 904, 220, 1376, 374, 459, 30118, 519, 323, 374, 21503, 311, 279, 2547, 662, 1102, 5710, 729, 279, 12945, 68543, 529, 264, 293, 1429, 311, 5647, 10437, 11, 720, 82, 414, 11, 477, 26242, 320, 8370, 374, 3249, 12290, 3932, 3629, 2019, 430, 3691, 706, 912, 12945, 289, 78942, 412, 12290, 705, 2160, 2402, 74502, 323, 506, 89790, 11, 323, 709, 5022, 1057, 720, 42641, 5933, 3090, 8335, 13, 720, 54, 384, 2011, 1935, 2512, 311, 33137, 1618, 1990, 28532, 39695, 523, 75, 477, 579, 1054, 43326, 863, 320, 8370, 374, 25114, 705, 323, 279, 39695, 323, 1023, 720, 1083, 3333, 78235, 430, 12446, 18182, 323, 23325, 18007, 304, 4459, 6136, 15657, 220, 320, 8370, 527, 13458, 750, 3062, 37493, 4460, 555, 1475, 2849, 315, 720, 414, 13162, 570, 60638, 264, 8205, 315, 24822, 11, 5423, 70121, 323, 311, 8637, 297, 288, 11, 5825, 682, 279, 17808, 78235, 323, 1023, 34072, 1057, 720, 65, 10233, 1205, 304, 1120, 279, 1314, 15055, 323, 28559, 584, 1397, 13, 720, 8140, 7917, 17631, 389, 264, 61353, 2718, 35319, 11595, 315, 39695, 323, 62275, 11, 24129, 270, 39695, 67512, 4994, 279, 7917, 320, 39749, 65441, 8, 323, 720, 19644, 49163, 4871, 320, 59888, 65441, 570, 1442, 279, 62275, 2754, 47876, 11595, 374, 264, 259, 682, 704, 315, 8335, 11, 35693, 99857, 477, 2307, 50843, 1121, 13, 720, 50344, 315, 1521, 4787, 14243, 92546, 35693, 734, 627, 2746, 584, 9229, 2288, 1790, 39695, 1555, 10368, 477, 904, 1023, 5149, 430, 594, 84, 326, 2641, 304, 7565, 29579, 11, 62275, 374, 1054, 79, 92122, 863, 704, 315, 279, 2849, 720, 998, 10519, 279, 6300, 11595, 13, 44617, 287, 311, 46794, 555, 35208, 12290, 220, 5042, 59623, 279, 2547, 1524, 810, 11, 1093, 4560, 311, 1304, 720, 455, 369, 6996, 315, 6212, 555, 16558, 11033, 13, 578, 62275, 2949, 279, 19637, 326, 2011, 387, 12860, 304, 2015, 369, 279, 2849, 311, 1054, 6416, 863, 39695, 720, 39749, 65441, 398, 1578, 13, 720, 791, 12290, 304, 67329, 977, 11384, 99857, 15851, 315, 1268, 433, 374, 1615, 84, 1812, 13, 22302, 3090, 374, 2211, 592, 292, 323, 85077, 11, 36263, 81314, 11, 323, 720, 936, 4881, 1274, 311, 22752, 275, 13, 763, 12472, 11, 16558, 67329, 977, 11384, 4648, 449, 304, 2919, 11, 1524, 3582, 433, 374, 80703, 555, 264, 2763, 315, 3090, 13, 720, 4599, 584, 8819, 12290, 323, 89372, 433, 449, 1057, 21644, 11, 584, 2010, 304, 279, 10167, 384, 5216, 11, 1193, 520, 264, 2204, 4732, 13, 67803, 279, 12290, 720, 1527, 67329, 977, 6835, 603, 9581, 12290, 11, 279, 1633, 20278, 430, 11384, 220, 4648, 555, 99857, 13, 42062, 287, 39695, 82882, 315, 904, 3169, 2345, 720, 16564, 9581, 78235, 323, 1023, 7701, 61149, 11, 79462, 36974, 274, 453, 2641, 55434, 264, 659, 97322, 535, 6725, 13, 82614, 12290, 8356, 10242, 28410, 720, 47991, 5149, 311, 28008, 499, 430, 499, 1054, 17483, 863, 279, 28532, 34072, 602, 308, 872, 3956, 311, 4445, 264, 25165, 43226, 68331, 4279, 720, 258, 6617, 8396, 13, 320, 21365, 48294, 1253, 13118, 3073, 11, 719, 304, 904, 1162, 433, 220, 649, 387, 2890, 3725, 34630, 1142, 1193, 555, 12459, 459, 37492, 315, 720, 10516, 64354, 7257, 6136, 15657, 13, 2057, 656, 6062, 1193, 11705, 810, 43226, 737, 13616, 459, 1634, 6266, 720, 2575, 11, 584, 1205, 34072, 4696, 719, 584, 1205, 311, 89372, 1124, 304, 279, 33776, 323, 279, 1376, 304, 902, 814, 12446, 304, 4459, 6136, 720, 96420, 662, 60638, 264, 7701, 25107, 1534, 1376, 315, 21109, 3727, 912, 20406, 5647, 41209, 297, 2099, 13, 720, 48418, 8343, 388, 889, 32616, 279, 6725, 649, 3629, 1935, 1667, 311, 1367, 301, 682, 315, 220, 279, 35363, 12290, 505, 872, 13162, 13, 2030, 1935, 4851, 11, 439, 279, 720, 68242, 315, 12290, 320, 438, 89928, 8, 57160, 12207, 2949, 1120, 264, 282, 37990, 2875, 5672, 315, 2860, 671, 95821, 13, 358, 4250, 927, 336, 51480, 553, 279, 720, 475, 685, 315, 3339, 279, 15507, 311, 584, 276, 6261, 505, 420, 53336, 120960, 274, 21109, 13, 33006, 6854, 358, 1005, 47205, 304, 856, 33566, 32623, 30, 720, 2460, 7739, 315, 47205, 11, 2737, 24149, 66155, 323, 293, 1147, 4079, 11, 527, 7701, 311, 11927, 272, 311, 279, 3823, 2547, 13, 50795, 12440, 374, 1903, 555, 19371, 10831, 832, 720, 4581, 1645, 5411, 13935, 320, 64, 4279, 21109, 1766, 304, 904, 30903, 27692, 4696, 304, 220, 264, 16893, 449, 264, 35113, 323, 5425, 82091, 8, 449, 220, 777, 5596, 720, 13284, 13, 720, 53, 483, 12440, 87146, 95455, 279, 54060, 67169, 11, 6522, 311, 17508, 54060, 2191, 323, 9778, 9950, 29671, 1607, 2191, 323, 390, 884, 52044, 720, 12393, 4819, 1778, 439, 842, 78738, 24673, 11, 35719, 41861, 24673, 1174, 41861, 4478, 24673, 11, 8834, 39097, 5435, 11, 2547, 12, 720, 4870, 4819, 11, 98522, 867, 88, 11, 55403, 11, 323, 279, 11670, 7173, 3252, 315, 279, 384, 10035, 13, 1115, 41959, 1101, 14511, 988, 279, 30084, 1920, 13, 578, 2547, 34145, 33088, 30969, 505, 279, 60564, 82375, 311, 72319, 279, 6372, 315, 1645, 1880, 292, 13935, 304, 279, 1887, 13, 1611, 11274, 33088, 30969, 720, 8234, 304, 50160, 734, 315, 279, 60564, 82375, 323, 8617, 11, 1578, 11, 279, 220, 4553, 842, 78738, 1887, 13, 578, 15632, 315, 682, 420, 649, 2997, 720, 2664, 54097, 11, 51266, 304, 279, 4851, 11, 11295, 28334, 11, 7319, 296, 38601, 5788, 11, 21249, 8834, 19935, 361, 11, 323, 55403, 13, 3402, 295, 3486, 1005, 315, 47205, 720, 14724, 1101, 1121, 304, 2653, 6147, 315, 279, 26587, 13, 50795, 12440, 1288, 539, 387, 1615, 887, 12616, 1054, 14239, 2029, 33006, 3957, 433, 17339, 311, 8343, 20268, 8356, 30, 720, 8538, 5674, 311, 5496, 15657, 13980, 994, 814, 527, 20268, 13, 3658, 20994, 649, 506, 12495, 323, 21165, 2849, 14620, 11, 323, 279, 13239, 720, 85078, 367, 57160, 288, 279, 43226, 907, 315, 279, 3691, 13, 4452, 11, 31049, 323, 274, 384, 6910, 11, 902, 527, 6319, 311, 18167, 1555, 9439, 86082, 11, 720, 548, 2753, 20727, 555, 1694, 20268, 13, 44493, 11, 279, 4827, 279, 3090, 323, 279, 220, 5190, 279, 8834, 2262, 315, 264, 4459, 11, 7878, 3691, 11, 279, 2731, 433, 720, 14724, 1935, 311, 43318, 13, 720, 2170, 369, 26390, 323, 24822, 11, 279, 6725, 315, 43318, 1288, 387, 21877, 72, 1167, 291, 719, 539, 14647, 34373, 11, 439, 433, 374, 832, 315, 279, 720, 56371, 1773, 309, 4210, 5627, 311, 21813, 15657, 320, 36046, 994, 264, 15489, 1949, 77278, 374, 1511, 4619, 315, 279, 45834, 12862, 8205, 570, 3861, 9610, 315, 720, 10816, 20994, 3691, 8844, 311, 1023, 7739, 315, 46643, 374, 430, 43318, 220, 40019, 912, 3967, 62186, 13, 720, 2675, 1288, 387, 8010, 430, 12459, 20268, 323, 10054, 1824, 820, 15657, 26186, 279, 95755, 259, 532, 45964, 49028, 430, 3974, 304, 701, 18340, 323, 720, 18864, 387, 28856, 311, 279, 24032, 430, 8356, 28170, 426, 220, 717, 662, 9843, 1578, 11, 584, 1518, 430, 12459, 15657, 439, 584, 1505, 1124, 304, 7138, 36862, 311, 198, 1395, 279, 1455, 2890, 1285, 4696, 433, 374, 837, 1475, 892, 13, 33006, 11787, 409, 26233, 660, 15657, 10619, 311, 8343, 30, 720, 1951, 26233, 660, 15657, 527, 539, 4459, 15657, 26, 814, 617, 1047, 872, 3090, 7108, 13, 1252, 2000, 259, 9695, 11, 584, 617, 539, 1027, 15972, 311, 720, 34551, 553, 279, 16595, 907, 315, 3090, 439, 433, 4131, 47237, 304, 7878, 6136, 15657, 13, 220, 435, 68998, 323, 24822, 527, 7138, 753, 1455, 66085, 3090, 720, 25630, 11, 323, 279, 3090, 584, 4394, 323, 409, 88478, 704, 315, 1124, 649, 2646, 387, 26613, 14869, 12860, 13, 83681, 3090, 11, 912, 5030, 1268, 92600, 11, 720, 1727, 278, 1534, 11, 477, 1054, 52243, 2476, 1120, 3250, 1431, 9616, 13, 720, 1951, 26233, 660, 15657, 649, 2646, 387, 439, 78216, 439, 279, 4459, 11, 7878, 15657, 814, 274, 45915, 291, 439, 13, 18878, 13283, 5674, 706, 1027, 6982, 311, 720, 511, 2407, 11, 1524, 422, 279, 3090, 374, 12860, 13, 578, 1005, 315, 409, 26233, 988, 374, 264, 4443, 409, 272, 1854, 11, 719, 32720, 15657, 1288, 2744, 387, 6646, 520, 720, 16241, 264, 30485, 11, 2132, 304, 4367, 311, 4459, 11, 7878, 11, 57796, 11, 7257, 11, 17808, 26390, 220, 323, 24822, 13, 720, 5520, 3495, 15151, 430, 28170, 426, 220, 717, 220, 4442, 311, 459, 24291, 323, 16236, 481, 1376, 1405, 433, 374, 1766, 304, 409, 26233, 660, 15657, 627, 2028, 8111, 311, 387, 837, 11, 555, 279, 1648, 11, 369, 18823, 360, 2259, 11, 523, 385, 34142, 11, 453, 6885, 288, 11, 323, 297, 1820, 436, 26153, 323, 7019, 12601, 1903, 505, 18435, 11012, 13, 33006, 3923, 922, 49659, 323, 9955, 12843, 30, 720, 644, 18955, 10320, 43312, 11, 1070, 374, 264, 5605, 11, 1054, 2746, 499, 649, 1431, 1304, 264, 15496, 315, 602, 259, 11, 433, 4461, 374, 539, 1274, 3691, 2029, 3277, 1274, 6865, 420, 720, 25159, 11, 814, 3629, 1684, 433, 439, 93803, 1122, 323, 10728, 4633, 11, 369, 433, 6037, 274, 704, 279, 15652, 315, 21907, 682, 49659, 11, 3280, 826, 11, 323, 720, 1321, 12843, 13, 14968, 11, 1781, 922, 433, 25, 912, 20566, 304, 7138, 3280, 872, 282, 297, 30797, 11, 6463, 1524, 8965, 16343, 810, 1109, 832, 3691, 304, 264, 15496, 720, 19917, 3325, 539, 369, 10096, 315, 30914, 5382, 17069, 570, 720, 56, 1560, 11, 12966, 527, 38048, 2204, 1109, 279, 1054, 15115, 863, 10099, 13, 468, 384, 305, 42738, 279, 294, 59916, 323, 279, 7241, 311, 6651, 709, 6800, 720, 444, 1030, 5247, 27179, 62592, 7561, 1481, 86804, 2476, 439, 432, 732, 13, 423, 6729, 779, 20697, 398, 42160, 1124, 705, 323, 584, 617, 220, 279, 6892, 90589, 311, 1893, 58135, 13610, 52614, 12945, 720, 83, 1244, 82, 13, 2030, 358, 11471, 499, 11, 1057, 60071, 6067, 617, 539, 8774, 709, 449, 220, 1057, 28697, 63938, 555, 264, 1317, 6689, 13, 763, 2144, 11, 814, 527, 21907, 720, 1748, 950, 311, 1884, 315, 1057, 14154, 38618, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 1884, 315, 6617, 11477, 220, 1448, 773, 344, 20857, 41416, 590, 9036, 988, 13, 3296, 2955, 11, 584, 527, 720, 2727, 519, 311, 8343, 832, 4459, 6136, 3691, 520, 264, 892, 11, 653, 329, 1540, 291, 11, 3156, 584, 617, 1903, 264, 757, 64, 326, 315, 433, 13, 720, 21364, 1302, 323, 49659, 1093, 31735, 11, 38427, 11, 55178, 11, 272, 10318, 11, 44768, 11, 272, 352, 26193, 11, 59717, 220, 17138, 11, 323, 297, 1610, 5770, 6782, 66787, 17390, 323, 1023, 21503, 720, 32056, 82, 13, 4314, 3280, 826, 51077, 1057, 12945, 68543, 323, 50581, 421, 31905, 24944, 62186, 311, 1057, 23418, 6067, 13, 11205, 1005, 1288, 387, 720, 48956, 291, 11, 477, 520, 3325, 82178, 13, 2435, 1180, 439, 30118, 1821, 304, 279, 60071, 220, 42929, 11, 3629, 14718, 279, 2547, 311, 8356, 296, 38601, 369, 9313, 13, 720, 7009, 1101, 734, 311, 65081, 279, 50531, 477, 912, 30351, 12945, 315, 30205, 15657, 323, 11163, 10743, 220, 603, 1139, 35208, 15657, 430, 1053, 539, 9504, 720, 355, 389, 872, 1866, 13, 720, 13246, 12290, 11, 49659, 3493, 1778, 459, 19428, 1054, 1517, 3372, 4295, 863, 430, 1057, 52314, 1028, 68543, 9229, 872, 5845, 311, 15641, 279, 5933, 719, 810, 720, 2008, 11489, 36263, 315, 26390, 323, 24822, 13, 578, 1890, 10187, 837, 369, 279, 1005, 220, 315, 682, 9955, 12843, 11, 2737, 65407, 323, 597, 91997, 13, 33006, 6854, 358, 7172, 11033, 389, 279, 7257, 10173, 30, 720, 791, 27994, 304, 11033, 527, 54662, 11, 3339, 1124, 912, 5129, 264, 7257, 3691, 1537, 13, 578, 2267, 8374, 19660, 315, 49750, 374, 220, 605, 34419, 11, 279, 3392, 304, 720, 97836, 220, 2031, 26446, 315, 11033, 13, 356, 38880, 483, 374, 6646, 1778, 264, 8147, 5623, 259, 9072, 1120, 2380, 26446, 315, 11033, 17135, 3403, 49750, 720, 998, 834, 1788, 1463, 459, 34880, 505, 27260, 304, 279, 25944, 3953, 13, 720, 8607, 1274, 1935, 832, 56766, 315, 279, 45089, 19660, 1475, 1938, 13, 358, 1047, 832, 8893, 889, 45196, 80591, 927, 27219, 26446, 315, 11033, 824, 1938, 13, 5414, 720, 12393, 574, 22109, 11, 719, 433, 574, 86025, 994, 568, 10717, 420, 912, 30351, 6183, 72, 259], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " is a much bigger picture to all of this, and a relatively straightforward solution to it. Getting \na vaccine shot isn\u2019t the only way to prevent becoming a victim in the next \ufb02u epidemic. Your best defense, in fact, is your own immune system. And by boosting your immune system function, you greatly increase your defense against any infectious disease, including the next global pandemic viral strain. It doesn\u2019t mean that having a strong immune system will absolutely guarantee your survival, but remember that in every outbreak, there are people who survived the disease and people who don\u2019t. By and large, it is those with \nstrong immune systems who are these survivors. \nSo how do you boost your immune system function and survived the coming \ufb02u pandemic? This is a \ntopic I have researched at great length. It will be published in a new book at www.truthpublishing.co m, \nwhich focuses on raising your \ufb02u immunity in order to survive both the common cold and highly infectious diseases, including in\ufb02uenza. \nThe short version of the information found in that book is that boosting your immune system function \nrequires a signi\ufb01cant change in lifestyle. The traditional foods, beverages, and biologically active drugs like caffeine that many people consume on a daily basis are immune system suppressors. People who wish to survive the coming \ufb02u pandemic will need to stop eating these foods and beverages. All metabolic \ndisrupters must be eliminated from the diet. \nAt the same time, the human immune system needs the help of powerful nutritional supplements that \nexhibit active defenses against infectious diseases. After reviewing literally hundreds of these foods, vitamins, minerals, and herbal supplements, I have narrowed the list to a short selection of the most powerful supplements and antiviral products that can be used to survive the next global pandemic. These will be covered in detail in the book. One of the best foods you can eat, by the way, for its antiviral properties, is garlic. Research also suggest that if you consume shiitake mushrooms, ginger and garlic on a daily basis, your immune system function will be strongly enhanced, dramatically boosting your defense against any \ufb02u. \nThere are also powerful Amazon herbs that show astounding immune system boosting effects. And yet \nFDA regulations don\u2019t allow the manufacturers of these herbal products to tell you that they boost your defense against the \ufb02u and other infectious diseases. However, as an independent journalists and health commentator with absolutely no \ufb01nancial ties to these products or their manufacturers, I can give you an honest review of the products and tell you exactly what the research shows them to be good for. \nIf you\u2019d like to be alerted when this information is published, joined the NewsTarget Insider e-mail subscription list by entering your e-mail address on the form you see on this page. You\u2019ll receive an e-mail notice when the book is ready to be published, and you\u2019ll you will be able to download the book and educate yourself about the most powerful herbs, vitamins, minerals, and health food products that the research strongly shows exhibit antiviral effects. How powerful are the effects? So powerful that many of these substances \noutperform antiviral prescription drugs promoted by the drug companies themselves. \nBeat the Bird Flu Virus\n30Get the vaccine if you have access to it\nNone of this means that you should avoid the vaccine if a global outbreak actually occurs. If there is a highly \ninfectious disease that\u2019s killing people, I do recommend that you seek out vaccines wherever possible to give yourself the best chance of \ufb01nding the disease. But as the World Health Organization is currently explaining, these vaccines are probably not going to be widely available. That means despite your best efforts, you may \ufb01nd yourself in a situation where you do not have access to the vaccine. Or you may have access to limited supplies of the vaccine and may have to make a choice between vaccinating your child \nor vaccinating yourself. \nThere are many situations in which you want to boost your immune system function using commonly available \nfoods, herbs, vitamins, minerals and nutritional supplements, and by far the best results will be achieved if you both get the vaccination and are able to boost your immune system function using these strategies that are well demonstrated to boost your immune system function. \nStart getting healthy right now\nBy the way, if you are currently engaged in lifestyle habits that suppress your immune system -- such as smoking, using recreational drugs, eating junk foods or fried foods, or consuming soft drinks on a regular basis -- these are habits that you will need to drop far ahead of time if you wish to have strong immune system function in time for a surprise global pandemic. You can\u2019t just stop consuming these products one day and expect your immune system function to surge back to full health the following day. It typically takes a period of weeks or even months to restore healthy immune system function, and that means you need to start planning now. \nThis leads me to a startling position on health, wellness, nutrition and avoidance of disease causing foods \nand products: getting healthy may now may actually save your life. It used to be that good health was \njust a personal choice, where you might wish to feel better, extend your life span, eliminate chronic pain, or look better physically. But now, it could turn out that physical health and strong immune system function is \nimportant to literally survive. \nThe good news in all of this is that if you start preparing now, by investing in your own good health and \nmaking permanent lifestyle changes, you should have extra time to get ready before this global pandemic is unleashed around the world. But even the World Health Organization doesn\u2019t know the exact timing of this, and that means it\u2019s impossible for you or me to predict it as well. So the smart play is to get healthy now. Educate yourself about how you can boost your immune system function, and then start taking action steps to move in that direction immediately. By the time the global pandemic really starts to spread, you could \ufb01nd yourself with one of the strongest immune systems around. As other people are falling ill around you, you could end up sleeping off the entire infection in 24 hours, emerging as not only a survivor but an example of how to use disease prevention, nutrition and healthy lifestyle changes to survive one of the most vicious \ndiseases the world has seen yet. \nThat\u2019s what I intend to do, by the way. My immune system function is so high that if I am offered a vaccine, I \nplan to refuse it. I\u2019m absolutely con\ufb01dent in my own body\u2019s ability to \ufb01ght off even highly infectious diseases, and I would rather that vaccine shot go to someone else who doesn\u2019t have the advantage of consuming superfoods and following a strategy of outstanding nutrition and lifestyle changes that I have been pursuing \nBeat the Bird Flu Virus\n31for several years. It doesn\u2019t mean I won\u2019t catch the virus, nor that I won\u2019t spend several days in bed \novercoming it, but when a strong immune system is combined with selected vitamins and herbs, as well as plenty of sleep and a lack of stress, the human body is capable of overcoming practically any disease. \nEven H5N1. \nStick around, and I\u2019ll demonstrate it personally. \nFlu pandemic could kill one billion people \naround the world, say experts\nA Russian scientist has alarmingly announced that one billion people stand to die from the coming global \n\ufb02u pandemic. In the United States alone, as many as 700,000 people are expected to die in as little as six \nmonths following the outbreak. \nAre these \ufb01gures for real? They may be on the high side, but even the World Health Organization now \nsays the next global pandemic is overdue. Furthermore (and perhaps even more importantly), the world is not at all prepared to manufacture and distribute enough vaccines to protect the global population from the coming pandemic. Health of\ufb01cials can\u2019t even get \ufb02u shots distributed without creating a near-panic in the population. Imagine the fear and confusion that would be created by a killer virus: a \ufb02 u pandemic. \nSo what kind of viral strain is expected to strike the world next? Probably a variation of the bird \ufb02u virus, or a particular strain known as H5N1, which right now exists in other species but is expected to make the \ncross-species jump and end up in humans very soon. \nYou can expect the mass media to severely distort this story as it unfolds in order to avert a public panic. \nPeople will be told there is no pandemic even while tens of thousands are dying from it. Vaccines will simply not be available on a widespread basis. But the people in the know will have long since prepared for the \npandemic with their own anti-viral herbs and immune-boosting nutritional strategies. \nIn fact, surviving the next \ufb02u pandemic will probably be relatively easy if you have a strong immune system. \nThe key is knowing how to make it strong (and having the discpline to actually do it before the \ufb02 u strikes). \nAbout the Author\nThe Health Ranger (Mike Adams) is a holistic nutritionist with over 5,000 hours \nof study on nutrition, wellness, food toxicology and the true causes of disease and health. He is the author of The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Grocery Warning, Health \nSeduction, and many other books available at http://www.TruthPublishing.com.\nAdams is also the creator of the popular Honest Food Guide, a free downloadable \nnutritional guide found at http://www.HonestFoodGuide.org. In addition, more \nthan 1,500 free articles on health, nutrition and wellness have been authored by \nAdams and are available at http://www.NewsTarget.com.\nAdams uses no prescription drugs whatsoever and relies exclusively on natural \nhealth, whole foods, superfoods, nutritional supplements and exercise to achieve", "token_ids": [374, 264, 1790, 11493, 6945, 311, 682, 315, 420, 11, 323, 264, 12309, 31439, 6425, 311, 433, 13, 25531, 720, 64, 25474, 6689, 4536, 1431, 279, 1193, 1648, 311, 5471, 10671, 264, 11996, 304, 279, 1828, 33595, 120912, 84, 42620, 13, 4718, 1888, 9232, 11, 304, 2144, 11, 374, 701, 1866, 22852, 1887, 13, 1628, 555, 56028, 701, 22852, 1887, 734, 11, 499, 19407, 5376, 701, 9232, 2403, 904, 50600, 8624, 11, 2737, 279, 1828, 3728, 28522, 29962, 26800, 13, 1102, 3250, 1431, 3152, 430, 3515, 264, 3831, 22852, 1887, 690, 11112, 15803, 701, 20237, 11, 719, 6227, 430, 304, 1475, 31188, 11, 1070, 527, 1274, 889, 26968, 279, 8624, 323, 1274, 889, 1541, 1431, 13, 3296, 323, 3544, 11, 433, 374, 1884, 449, 720, 4620, 22852, 6067, 889, 527, 1521, 32696, 13, 720, 4516, 1268, 656, 499, 7916, 701, 22852, 1887, 734, 323, 26968, 279, 5108, 33595, 120912, 84, 28522, 30, 1115, 374, 264, 720, 16816, 358, 617, 57098, 520, 2294, 3160, 13, 1102, 690, 387, 4756, 304, 264, 502, 2363, 520, 8604, 86769, 28602, 287, 6973, 296, 11, 720, 8370, 24400, 389, 19054, 701, 33595, 120912, 84, 40368, 304, 2015, 311, 18167, 2225, 279, 4279, 9439, 323, 7701, 50600, 19338, 11, 2737, 304, 171, 120912, 10529, 4458, 13, 720, 791, 2875, 2373, 315, 279, 2038, 1766, 304, 430, 2363, 374, 430, 56028, 701, 22852, 1887, 734, 720, 42475, 264, 1879, 72, 171, 71831, 66363, 2349, 304, 19433, 13, 578, 8776, 15657, 11, 47497, 11, 323, 6160, 30450, 4642, 11217, 1093, 49750, 430, 1690, 1274, 25024, 389, 264, 7446, 8197, 527, 22852, 1887, 28321, 1105, 13, 9029, 889, 6562, 311, 18167, 279, 5108, 33595, 120912, 84, 28522, 690, 1205, 311, 3009, 12459, 1521, 15657, 323, 47497, 13, 2052, 41861, 720, 4338, 6722, 388, 2011, 387, 34373, 505, 279, 10173, 13, 720, 1688, 279, 1890, 892, 11, 279, 3823, 22852, 1887, 3966, 279, 1520, 315, 8147, 43226, 33690, 430, 720, 327, 66917, 4642, 46616, 2403, 50600, 19338, 13, 4740, 34988, 16280, 11758, 315, 1521, 15657, 11, 46192, 11, 34072, 11, 323, 51487, 33690, 11, 358, 617, 74035, 279, 1160, 311, 264, 2875, 6727, 315, 279, 1455, 8147, 33690, 323, 3276, 344, 37478, 3956, 430, 649, 387, 1511, 311, 18167, 279, 1828, 3728, 28522, 13, 4314, 690, 387, 9960, 304, 7872, 304, 279, 2363, 13, 3861, 315, 279, 1888, 15657, 499, 649, 8343, 11, 555, 279, 1648, 11, 369, 1202, 3276, 344, 37478, 6012, 11, 374, 31735, 13, 8483, 1101, 4284, 430, 422, 499, 25024, 559, 72, 275, 731, 48251, 11, 44768, 323, 31735, 389, 264, 7446, 8197, 11, 701, 22852, 1887, 734, 690, 387, 16917, 24872, 11, 29057, 56028, 701, 9232, 2403, 904, 33595, 120912, 84, 13, 720, 3947, 527, 1101, 8147, 8339, 42393, 430, 1501, 74154, 22852, 1887, 56028, 6372, 13, 1628, 3686, 720, 82169, 14640, 1541, 1431, 2187, 279, 17032, 315, 1521, 51487, 3956, 311, 3371, 499, 430, 814, 7916, 701, 9232, 2403, 279, 33595, 120912, 84, 323, 1023, 50600, 19338, 13, 4452, 11, 439, 459, 9678, 23348, 323, 2890, 69836, 449, 11112, 912, 33595, 71831, 77, 5003, 20405, 311, 1521, 3956, 477, 872, 17032, 11, 358, 649, 3041, 499, 459, 10978, 3477, 315, 279, 3956, 323, 3371, 499, 7041, 1148, 279, 3495, 5039, 1124, 311, 387, 1695, 369, 662, 720, 2746, 499, 7070, 1093, 311, 387, 67769, 994, 420, 2038, 374, 4756, 11, 11096, 279, 5513, 6531, 46099, 384, 11724, 15493, 1160, 555, 16661, 701, 384, 11724, 2686, 389, 279, 1376, 499, 1518, 389, 420, 2199, 13, 1472, 4805, 5371, 459, 384, 11724, 5406, 994, 279, 2363, 374, 5644, 311, 387, 4756, 11, 323, 499, 4805, 499, 690, 387, 3025, 311, 4232, 279, 2363, 323, 39170, 6261, 922, 279, 1455, 8147, 42393, 11, 46192, 11, 34072, 11, 323, 2890, 3691, 3956, 430, 279, 3495, 16917, 5039, 31324, 3276, 344, 37478, 6372, 13, 2650, 8147, 527, 279, 6372, 30, 2100, 8147, 430, 1690, 315, 1521, 33155, 720, 412, 29588, 3276, 344, 37478, 22866, 11217, 30026, 555, 279, 5623, 5220, 5694, 13, 720, 44758, 279, 24214, 61626, 65092, 198, 966, 1991, 279, 25474, 422, 499, 617, 2680, 311, 433, 198, 4155, 315, 420, 3445, 430, 499, 1288, 5766, 279, 25474, 422, 264, 3728, 31188, 3604, 13980, 13, 1442, 1070, 374, 264, 7701, 720, 258, 3836, 1245, 8624, 430, 753, 13419, 1274, 11, 358, 656, 7079, 430, 499, 6056, 704, 40300, 28578, 3284, 311, 3041, 6261, 279, 1888, 6140, 315, 33595, 71831, 303, 287, 279, 8624, 13, 2030, 439, 279, 4435, 6401, 21021, 374, 5131, 26073, 11, 1521, 40300, 527, 4762, 539, 2133, 311, 387, 13882, 2561, 13, 3011, 3445, 8994, 701, 1888, 9045, 11, 499, 1253, 33595, 71831, 303, 6261, 304, 264, 6671, 1405, 499, 656, 539, 617, 2680, 311, 279, 25474, 13, 2582, 499, 1253, 617, 2680, 311, 7347, 17135, 315, 279, 25474, 323, 1253, 617, 311, 1304, 264, 5873, 1990, 14027, 16252, 701, 1716, 720, 269, 14027, 16252, 6261, 13, 720, 3947, 527, 1690, 15082, 304, 902, 499, 1390, 311, 7916, 701, 22852, 1887, 734, 1701, 17037, 2561, 720, 96420, 11, 42393, 11, 46192, 11, 34072, 323, 43226, 33690, 11, 323, 555, 3117, 279, 1888, 3135, 690, 387, 17427, 422, 499, 2225, 636, 279, 47165, 323, 527, 3025, 311, 7916, 701, 22852, 1887, 734, 1701, 1521, 15174, 430, 527, 1664, 21091, 311, 7916, 701, 22852, 1887, 734, 13, 720, 3563, 3794, 9498, 1314, 1457, 198, 1383, 279, 1648, 11, 422, 499, 527, 5131, 17045, 304, 19433, 26870, 430, 28321, 701, 22852, 1887, 1198, 1778, 439, 20149, 11, 1701, 37100, 11217, 11, 12459, 30774, 15657, 477, 41951, 15657, 11, 477, 35208, 8579, 21662, 389, 264, 5912, 8197, 1198, 1521, 527, 26870, 430, 499, 690, 1205, 311, 6068, 3117, 8469, 315, 892, 422, 499, 6562, 311, 617, 3831, 22852, 1887, 734, 304, 892, 369, 264, 13051, 3728, 28522, 13, 1472, 649, 1431, 1120, 3009, 35208, 1521, 3956, 832, 1938, 323, 1755, 701, 22852, 1887, 734, 311, 22531, 1203, 311, 2539, 2890, 279, 2768, 1938, 13, 1102, 11383, 5097, 264, 4261, 315, 5672, 477, 1524, 4038, 311, 15301, 9498, 22852, 1887, 734, 11, 323, 430, 3445, 499, 1205, 311, 1212, 9293, 1457, 13, 720, 2028, 11767, 757, 311, 264, 68834, 2361, 389, 2890, 11, 39890, 11, 26677, 323, 65411, 315, 8624, 14718, 15657, 720, 438, 3956, 25, 3794, 9498, 1253, 1457, 1253, 3604, 3665, 701, 2324, 13, 1102, 1511, 311, 387, 430, 1695, 2890, 574, 720, 4345, 264, 4443, 5873, 11, 1405, 499, 2643, 6562, 311, 2733, 2731, 11, 13334, 701, 2324, 9575, 11, 22472, 21249, 6784, 11, 477, 1427, 2731, 22655, 13, 2030, 1457, 11, 433, 1436, 2543, 704, 430, 7106, 2890, 323, 3831, 22852, 1887, 734, 374, 720, 15693, 311, 16280, 18167, 13, 720, 791, 1695, 3754, 304, 682, 315, 420, 374, 430, 422, 499, 1212, 20646, 1457, 11, 555, 26012, 304, 701, 1866, 1695, 2890, 323, 720, 28936, 15690, 19433, 4442, 11, 499, 1288, 617, 5066, 892, 311, 636, 5644, 1603, 420, 3728, 28522, 374, 69364, 2212, 279, 1917, 13, 2030, 1524, 279, 4435, 6401, 21021, 3250, 1431, 1440, 279, 4839, 18912, 315, 420, 11, 323, 430, 3445, 433, 753, 12266, 369, 499, 477, 757, 311, 7168, 433, 439, 1664, 13, 2100, 279, 7941, 1514, 374, 311, 636, 9498, 1457, 13, 10355, 349, 6261, 922, 1268, 499, 649, 7916, 701, 22852, 1887, 734, 11, 323, 1243, 1212, 4737, 1957, 7504, 311, 3351, 304, 430, 5216, 7214, 13, 3296, 279, 892, 279, 3728, 28522, 2216, 8638, 311, 9041, 11, 499, 1436, 33595, 71831, 303, 6261, 449, 832, 315, 279, 31005, 22852, 6067, 2212, 13, 1666, 1023, 1274, 527, 16054, 5986, 2212, 499, 11, 499, 1436, 842, 709, 21811, 1022, 279, 4553, 19405, 304, 220, 1187, 4207, 11, 24084, 439, 539, 1193, 264, 49748, 719, 459, 3187, 315, 1268, 311, 1005, 8624, 27344, 11, 26677, 323, 9498, 19433, 4442, 311, 18167, 832, 315, 279, 1455, 43510, 720, 67, 1082, 2315, 279, 1917, 706, 3970, 3686, 13, 720, 4897, 753, 1148, 358, 30730, 311, 656, 11, 555, 279, 1648, 13, 3092, 22852, 1887, 734, 374, 779, 1579, 430, 422, 358, 1097, 9076, 264, 25474, 11, 358, 720, 10609, 311, 26122, 433, 13, 358, 4344, 11112, 390, 171, 71831, 55923, 304, 856, 1866, 2547, 753, 5845, 311, 33595, 71831, 2121, 1022, 1524, 7701, 50600, 19338, 11, 323, 358, 1053, 4856, 430, 25474, 6689, 733, 311, 4423, 775, 889, 3250, 1431, 617, 279, 9610, 315, 35208, 2307, 96420, 323, 2768, 264, 8446, 315, 19310, 26677, 323, 19433, 4442, 430, 358, 617, 1027, 34118, 720, 44758, 279, 24214, 61626, 65092, 198, 2148, 2000, 3892, 1667, 13, 1102, 3250, 1431, 3152, 358, 2834, 1431, 2339, 279, 17188, 11, 6463, 430, 358, 2834, 1431, 8493, 3892, 2919, 304, 4950, 720, 2017, 5065, 433, 11, 719, 994, 264, 3831, 22852, 1887, 374, 11093, 449, 4183, 46192, 323, 42393, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 11510, 315, 6212, 323, 264, 6996, 315, 8631, 11, 279, 3823, 2547, 374, 13171, 315, 74017, 32367, 904, 8624, 13, 720, 13461, 473, 20, 45, 16, 13, 720, 89208, 2212, 11, 323, 358, 4805, 20461, 433, 16102, 13, 720, 3968, 84, 28522, 1436, 5622, 832, 7239, 1274, 2355, 20019, 279, 1917, 11, 2019, 11909, 198, 32, 8690, 28568, 706, 17035, 11559, 7376, 430, 832, 7239, 1274, 2559, 311, 2815, 505, 279, 5108, 3728, 720, 171, 120912, 84, 28522, 13, 763, 279, 3723, 4273, 7636, 11, 439, 1690, 439, 220, 7007, 11, 931, 1274, 527, 3685, 311, 2815, 304, 439, 2697, 439, 4848, 720, 50814, 2768, 279, 31188, 13, 720, 11787, 1521, 33595, 71831, 70, 1439, 369, 1972, 30, 2435, 1253, 387, 389, 279, 1579, 3185, 11, 719, 1524, 279, 4435, 6401, 21021, 1457, 720, 98036, 279, 1828, 3728, 28522, 374, 73626, 13, 24296, 320, 438, 8530, 1524, 810, 23659, 705, 279, 1917, 374, 539, 520, 682, 10235, 311, 30847, 323, 16822, 3403, 40300, 311, 6144, 279, 3728, 7187, 505, 279, 5108, 28522, 13, 6401, 315, 171, 71831, 66, 10522, 649, 1431, 1524, 636, 33595, 120912, 84, 15300, 4332, 2085, 6968, 264, 3221, 12, 19621, 304, 279, 7187, 13, 38891, 279, 8850, 323, 22047, 430, 1053, 387, 3549, 555, 264, 25534, 17188, 25, 264, 33595, 120912, 577, 28522, 13, 720, 4516, 1148, 3169, 315, 29962, 26800, 374, 3685, 311, 13471, 279, 1917, 1828, 30, 38254, 264, 23851, 315, 279, 12224, 33595, 120912, 84, 17188, 11, 477, 264, 4040, 26800, 3967, 439, 473, 20, 45, 16, 11, 902, 1314, 1457, 6866, 304, 1023, 9606, 719, 374, 3685, 311, 1304, 279, 720, 29942, 58894, 552, 7940, 323, 842, 709, 304, 12966, 1633, 5246, 13, 720, 2675, 649, 1755, 279, 3148, 3772, 311, 35906, 70584, 420, 3446, 439, 433, 90765, 304, 2015, 311, 264, 1653, 264, 586, 22743, 13, 720, 16298, 690, 387, 3309, 1070, 374, 912, 28522, 1524, 1418, 22781, 315, 9214, 527, 23069, 505, 433, 13, 59788, 1572, 690, 5042, 539, 387, 2561, 389, 264, 24716, 8197, 13, 2030, 279, 1274, 304, 279, 1440, 690, 617, 1317, 2533, 10235, 369, 279, 720, 79, 438, 8274, 449, 872, 1866, 7294, 8437, 37478, 42393, 323, 22852, 12, 13297, 287, 43226, 15174, 13, 720, 644, 2144, 11, 40746, 279, 1828, 33595, 120912, 84, 28522, 690, 4762, 387, 12309, 4228, 422, 499, 617, 264, 3831, 22852, 1887, 13, 720, 791, 1401, 374, 14392, 1268, 311, 1304, 433, 3831, 320, 438, 3515, 279, 2624, 32539, 311, 3604, 656, 433, 1603, 279, 33595, 120912, 577, 23170, 570, 720, 10714, 279, 7030, 198, 791, 6401, 49422, 320, 35541, 27329, 8, 374, 264, 61876, 26677, 380, 449, 927, 220, 20, 11, 931, 4207, 720, 1073, 4007, 389, 26677, 11, 39890, 11, 3691, 21503, 2508, 323, 279, 837, 11384, 315, 8624, 323, 2890, 13, 1283, 374, 279, 3229, 315, 578, 220, 22, 42089, 315, 39700, 11, 96681, 27956, 11, 6401, 720, 50, 291, 2720, 11, 323, 1690, 1023, 6603, 2561, 520, 1795, 1129, 2185, 8404, 952, 51245, 287, 916, 627, 2654, 4214, 374, 1101, 279, 20514, 315, 279, 5526, 54284, 12369, 13002, 11, 264, 1949, 70752, 720, 24217, 37842, 8641, 1766, 520, 1795, 1129, 2185, 3924, 36224, 27844, 42110, 2726, 13, 763, 5369, 11, 810, 720, 54895, 220, 16, 11, 2636, 1949, 9908, 389, 2890, 11, 26677, 323, 39890, 617, 1027, 67213, 555, 720, 2654, 4214, 323, 527, 2561, 520, 1795, 1129, 2185, 96183, 6531, 916, 627, 2654, 4214, 5829, 912, 22866, 11217, 36734, 323, 34744, 24121, 389, 5933, 720, 12393, 11, 4459, 15657, 11, 2307, 96420, 11, 43226, 33690, 323, 10368, 311, 11322], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": "-3. 'But we are sure that the judgment of God is ac-cording to truth against them which commit such things,' Romans 2:2). \n\"No one can break the Golden Rule and be truly humble. Humility is hidden from the eyes of its possessor. \"No one has a right to judge anot her. God has reserved this posi-\ntion for Himself. Only God has the power to destroy the soul, even af-ter death. \n\"We do have a right to be a 'fru it' inspector, providing we do not \npermit anyone to know that we may be challenged to be his fruit in-spector. The second we crow about the bad results of our fruit inspect-ing we become a critic and a judge. The judgment of character by an-172 other is a sin. It matters little whether the judgment is just or unjust. \nThe Golden Rule was broken the moment the first unkind word was \nspoken. Such action affects our health. \n\"Never push down anyone. If you push him down you must go \ndown with him. Lift him up and you will go up with him. \n\"There are many ways to lift others up and evaluate their fruit \nwithout transgressing the Golden Rule. You can say things that will not degrade and not break the Golden Rule and hopefully lift anyone up. At least no evil is thought and no harm done. You may say, 'He does very, very well considering his mentality. \nExcept by the grace of God I could be just like him.' This shows \nlove. Or, you may say, 'That fellow is a genius. His most serious hand-icap is his handicap.' Again love is shown. Again, you can say, 'That \nfellow does the best he can. He probably never had the opportunities that you and I had.' Or, you can say, 'Just because he is different please do not berate him. Some very great men were considered to be morons. God loves all His creatures, even morons. May the Lord bless him.' You might also say, 'I admire his spunk even though his dreams seldom come true. It is better to die trying than never try at all. \n\"So if you want better health, lift up your fellow man.\" Another of Reams' favorite sayings is: \"There's no money in gos-\nsip. One of the reasons that so many people are so broke all the time is that they are so busy attending to other people's business until they don't have time enough to work at the job that pays well for their time \nand their effort.\" \nHe also says that \"Dreams are only profitable when made into a \nblueprint and the blueprint into building the ideal of your dream, and this is better done when fertilized with faith, cultivated with patience and with sweat and elbow grease to bring the blueprints into reality.\" 173 Two of his favorite poems are: \n \nIf you can keep your head when all about you \nAre losing theirs and blaming it on you, \nIf you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, \nBut make allowance for their doubting too; \nIf you can wait and not be tied by waiting, \nOr being lied about, don't deal in lies, \nOr being hated, don't give way to hating, \nAnd yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise: \n If you can dream-and not make dreams your master: \nIf you can think-and not make thoughts your aim; \nIf you can meet with Triumph and Disaster \nAnd treat those two imposters just the same. \n If you can make one heap of all your winnings \nAnd risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss, \nAnd lose, and start again at your beginnings \nAnd never breathe a word about your loss. \n If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, \nOr walk with Kings-nor lose the common touch, \nIf neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you, \nIf all men count with you, but none too much; \nIf you can fill the unforgiving minute \nWith sixty seconds' worth of distance run, \nYours is the Earth and everything that's in it, \nAnd-which is more-you'll be a Man, my son! \n \n-Rudyard Kipling \n \nOut of the night that covers me, Black as the Pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be 174 For my unconquerable soul. \n \nIn the fell clutch of circumstance, I have not winced nor cried aloud: Under the bludgeonings of chance My head is bloody, but unbowed. \n \nIt matters not how strait the gate, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul. \n \n-William Ernest Henley \n Carey A. Reams loves the Bible most of an. He cherishes it, feasts \nupon it and lives it to the best of his knowledge and ability. \nThis man will help you if you are sick regardless of an the threats \nthat are made against him. He is a man who is at peace with his God and one of his favorite expressions is: \"Perfect love casteth out all fear.\" There are three things necessary to share God's love and His glory, says Reams, namely: \n \"1. Give yourself and put an your possessions at His feet. \"2. Completely empty yourself of yourself, ding not to worldly goods, turn loose of an your pride and self-esteem, be-\ncome as a little child that is abso lutely obedient to his parents, be \nthankful for His tender mercies and praise Him for an problems He as-signs you to strengthen your faith. Rejoice in an tribulation for His name's sake. \n \"3. Keep His commandments and teach others so that your reward \nwill be great in His kingdom. Then ask whatsoever you will in His 175 name and He will answer your prayer, if you will take your prayer re-\nquest the way He sends it.\" \nReams' message to drug pushers and drug salesmen is: \u201cUSE \nDRUGS AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE. USE THE WORD OF GOD AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. GOD IS READY TO DELIVER YOU FROM POOR HEALTH INTO GOOD HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS OR WITH A LOT LESS DRUGS.\u201d \nSince he made these statements his nickname among the students \nof the seminars that he teaches is \u201cMoses\u201d. 176 Despite our awesome technology and expenditures we are plagued \nby cancer, heart disease, diabetes and a veritable hoard of ailments. \nWHAT WOULD HAPPEN... if someone uncovered the cause of all these afflictions and a \nway to keep the body free of them? \nThat person would become an instant hero, he'd be awarded the \nNobel Peace Prize, his face would appear on the cover of every maga-zine in the country, they'd build monuments in his honor. they'd name cities after him. \nRight? Evidently not! There is a man who discovered the key to health \u2013 a way to correct \nthe cause of these disease and maintain a high level of health free from such aliments. \nBut there are no cities named after him. Instead he was. thrown into pris on - not once but several times. He \nwas called \u201cquack,\u201d ridiculed, and harassed. \nBut despite the accusations, despite the legal tribulations, despite \nthe condemnation of the established authoritative sciences, he was NEVER BEEN PROVEN WRONG! \nWith the determination of one bur dened by the truth he fought his \nantagonists and is slowly gaining acceptance among his one-time op-pressors. Who is he? \nCarey A. Reams. Remember his name; you\u2019ll be hearing a lot more of it. He\u2019s already fired a national controversy and his book is going to \nrock the world of health science like it\u2019s never been rocked before! \nHere in his book are the nuts and bolts of the Carey A. Reams sto-\nry without the one-sided assessments. \nThe hows and whys of his lifetime work. \nRead it. Then you decide... \nfor yourself. <|eot_id|><|begin_of_text|>1. Moisturize Your Skin \nThe very first thing on this list, before even delving into the \u201cedible\u201d benefits of coconut oil, has to be \nmoisturizing. In lieu of your regular lotion, coconut oil delivers a refreshing, healing, burst of moisture that \npenetrates your skin and works to truly heal it (not just soak in and dry up!) It can feel oily at first, but that\u2019s \nwhy it\u2019s important to only use a little-it goes a long way. Give it a minute and it will dry beautifully. Use as you would regular lotion.\n2. Conditioner\nWhen the teeny tiny overlapping plates that make up our outer hair shaft get rumpled and out of whack, coconut oil is there to smooth those tiny little cells right back into place, and hold them there. You can use it \non your entire scalp/head for deep conditioning, but you can generally just use it on your ends, where it\u2019s the \nhardest for the body\u2019s natural oils to reach, and where the most breakage occurs.\n3. Make Homemade Soap\nIf you\u2019re interested in soap making, coconut oil serves as a wonderful pure base that can simplify ingredients, add hardness to the soap, and help break down grease and oils. It can break them down so effectively, in fact, \nthat too much will have a drying effect (when in soap form.) To prevent this, you need to \u201csuperfat\u201d your soap-\nthat is, adding more oil than the lye turns to soap. All you need is coconut oil, water, and lye. Don\u2019t be shy of lye. While it should be handled with care, I", "token_ids": [12, 18, 13, 364, 4071, 584, 527, 2771, 430, 279, 19971, 315, 4359, 374, 1645, 1824, 2745, 311, 8206, 2403, 1124, 902, 5379, 1778, 2574, 2965, 49817, 220, 17, 25, 17, 570, 720, 39522, 832, 649, 1464, 279, 18288, 18592, 323, 387, 9615, 39612, 13, 20449, 1429, 374, 8340, 505, 279, 6548, 315, 1202, 2278, 8473, 13, 330, 2822, 832, 706, 264, 1314, 311, 11913, 459, 354, 1077, 13, 4359, 706, 4694, 420, 81993, 7058, 28491, 369, 66569, 13, 8442, 4359, 706, 279, 2410, 311, 7066, 279, 13836, 11, 1524, 8136, 12, 466, 4648, 13, 720, 10944, 656, 617, 264, 1314, 311, 387, 264, 364, 1658, 84, 433, 6, 45825, 11, 8405, 584, 656, 539, 720, 40781, 5606, 311, 1440, 430, 584, 1253, 387, 29991, 311, 387, 813, 14098, 304, 1355, 19534, 13, 578, 2132, 584, 9460, 922, 279, 3958, 3135, 315, 1057, 14098, 25052, 85005, 584, 3719, 264, 9940, 323, 264, 11913, 662, 578, 19971, 315, 3752, 555, 459, 12, 10861, 1023, 374, 264, 7589, 13, 1102, 13146, 2697, 3508, 279, 19971, 374, 1120, 477, 52583, 13, 720, 791, 18288, 18592, 574, 11102, 279, 4545, 279, 1176, 653, 15674, 3492, 574, 720, 52858, 13, 15483, 1957, 22223, 1057, 2890, 13, 720, 1, 27247, 4585, 1523, 5606, 13, 1442, 499, 4585, 1461, 1523, 499, 2011, 733, 720, 2996, 449, 1461, 13, 53535, 1461, 709, 323, 499, 690, 733, 709, 449, 1461, 13, 720, 25938, 527, 1690, 5627, 311, 12157, 3885, 709, 323, 15806, 872, 14098, 720, 30096, 1380, 2542, 287, 279, 18288, 18592, 13, 1472, 649, 2019, 2574, 430, 690, 539, 96630, 323, 539, 1464, 279, 18288, 18592, 323, 23127, 12157, 5606, 709, 13, 2468, 3325, 912, 14289, 374, 3463, 323, 912, 11682, 2884, 13, 1472, 1253, 2019, 11, 364, 1548, 1587, 1633, 11, 1633, 1664, 13126, 813, 49395, 13, 720, 59115, 555, 279, 21507, 315, 4359, 358, 1436, 387, 1120, 1093, 1461, 3238, 1115, 5039, 720, 31153, 13, 2582, 11, 499, 1253, 2019, 11, 364, 4897, 12637, 374, 264, 35201, 13, 5414, 1455, 6129, 1450, 12, 98450, 374, 813, 75379, 3238, 14077, 3021, 220, 374, 6982, 13, 14077, 11, 499, 649, 2019, 11, 364, 4897, 720, 69, 5412, 1587, 279, 1888, 568, 649, 13, 1283, 4762, 2646, 1047, 279, 10708, 430, 499, 323, 358, 1047, 3238, 2582, 11, 499, 649, 2019, 11, 364, 10156, 1606, 568, 374, 2204, 4587, 656, 539, 10418, 349, 1461, 13, 4427, 1633, 2294, 3026, 1051, 6646, 311, 387, 4411, 2439, 13, 4359, 16180, 682, 5414, 20566, 11, 1524, 4411, 2439, 13, 3297, 279, 10425, 16458, 1461, 3238, 1472, 2643, 1101, 2019, 11, 364, 40, 50863, 813, 993, 3200, 1524, 3582, 813, 19226, 56452, 2586, 837, 13, 1102, 374, 2731, 311, 2815, 4560, 1109, 2646, 1456, 520, 682, 13, 720, 48058, 422, 499, 1390, 2731, 2890, 11, 12157, 709, 701, 12637, 893, 1210, 13596, 315, 1050, 4214, 6, 7075, 2019, 826, 374, 25, 330, 3947, 596, 912, 3300, 304, 342, 437, 7058, 89350, 13, 3861, 315, 279, 8125, 430, 779, 1690, 1274, 527, 779, 14760, 682, 279, 892, 374, 430, 814, 527, 779, 13326, 24096, 311, 1023, 1274, 596, 2626, 3156, 814, 1541, 956, 617, 892, 3403, 311, 990, 520, 279, 2683, 430, 21935, 1664, 369, 872, 892, 720, 438, 872, 5149, 1210, 720, 1548, 1101, 2795, 430, 330, 65454, 82, 527, 1193, 34235, 994, 1903, 1139, 264, 720, 12481, 1374, 323, 279, 54029, 1139, 4857, 279, 10728, 315, 701, 8063, 11, 323, 420, 374, 2731, 2884, 994, 36214, 1534, 449, 10082, 11, 67166, 449, 30401, 323, 449, 28566, 323, 46811, 63471, 311, 4546, 279, 6437, 26822, 1139, 8903, 1210, 256, 220, 11908, 9220, 315, 813, 7075, 45319, 527, 25, 33006, 2746, 499, 649, 2567, 701, 2010, 994, 682, 922, 499, 720, 11787, 13490, 48301, 323, 59771, 433, 389, 499, 11, 720, 2746, 499, 649, 7095, 6261, 994, 682, 3026, 10712, 499, 11, 720, 4071, 1304, 41458, 369, 872, 7810, 1303, 2288, 26, 720, 2746, 499, 649, 3868, 323, 539, 387, 17791, 555, 8748, 11, 720, 2244, 1694, 47253, 922, 11, 1541, 956, 3568, 304, 15812, 11, 720, 2244, 1694, 38674, 11, 1541, 956, 3041, 1648, 311, 305, 1113, 11, 720, 3112, 3686, 1541, 956, 1427, 2288, 1695, 11, 6463, 3137, 2288, 24219, 25, 720, 1442, 499, 649, 8063, 9976, 539, 1304, 19226, 701, 7491, 25, 720, 2746, 499, 649, 1781, 9976, 539, 1304, 11555, 701, 9395, 26, 720, 2746, 499, 649, 3449, 449, 96994, 323, 73378, 720, 3112, 4322, 1884, 1403, 82509, 388, 1120, 279, 1890, 13, 720, 1442, 499, 649, 1304, 832, 17817, 315, 682, 701, 87449, 720, 3112, 5326, 433, 389, 832, 2543, 315, 9846, 9976, 2442, 3746, 11, 720, 3112, 9229, 11, 323, 1212, 1578, 520, 701, 67482, 720, 3112, 2646, 37397, 264, 3492, 922, 701, 4814, 13, 720, 1442, 499, 649, 3137, 449, 35851, 323, 2567, 701, 35460, 11, 720, 2244, 4321, 449, 24980, 5392, 269, 9229, 279, 4279, 5916, 11, 720, 2746, 14188, 54844, 6463, 21955, 4885, 649, 13194, 499, 11, 720, 2746, 682, 3026, 1797, 449, 499, 11, 719, 7000, 2288, 1790, 26, 720, 2746, 499, 649, 5266, 279, 9662, 1813, 2299, 9568, 720, 2409, 53474, 6622, 6, 5922, 315, 6138, 1629, 11, 720, 56, 2530, 374, 279, 9420, 323, 4395, 430, 596, 304, 433, 11, 720, 3112, 12, 8370, 374, 810, 46517, 3358, 387, 264, 2418, 11, 856, 4538, 0, 33006, 11151, 664, 17884, 735, 10567, 287, 33006, 2729, 315, 279, 3814, 430, 14861, 757, 11, 5348, 439, 279, 40079, 505, 26078, 311, 26078, 11, 358, 9901, 8996, 29913, 1253, 387, 220, 11771, 1789, 856, 26118, 16339, 481, 13836, 13, 33006, 644, 279, 11299, 43789, 315, 53237, 11, 358, 617, 539, 3243, 2041, 6463, 39169, 71511, 25, 9636, 279, 1529, 20132, 263, 826, 315, 6140, 3092, 2010, 374, 36277, 11, 719, 42644, 13111, 13, 33006, 2181, 13146, 539, 1268, 610, 1339, 279, 18618, 11, 2650, 11684, 449, 90925, 279, 9236, 11, 358, 1097, 279, 7491, 315, 856, 25382, 25, 358, 1097, 279, 24862, 315, 856, 13836, 13, 33006, 12, 45887, 62023, 13370, 3258, 720, 256, 66318, 362, 13, 1050, 4214, 16180, 279, 17377, 1455, 315, 459, 13, 1283, 23008, 21168, 433, 11, 1172, 12019, 720, 59723, 433, 323, 6439, 433, 311, 279, 1888, 315, 813, 6677, 323, 5845, 13, 720, 2028, 893, 690, 1520, 499, 422, 499, 527, 14363, 15851, 315, 459, 279, 18208, 720, 9210, 527, 1903, 2403, 1461, 13, 1283, 374, 264, 893, 889, 374, 520, 9096, 449, 813, 4359, 323, 832, 315, 813, 7075, 24282, 374, 25, 330, 52141, 3021, 6445, 774, 704, 682, 8850, 1210, 2684, 527, 2380, 2574, 5995, 311, 4430, 4359, 596, 3021, 323, 5414, 27025, 11, 2795, 1050, 4214, 11, 32125, 25, 720, 330, 16, 13, 21335, 6261, 323, 2231, 459, 701, 53635, 520, 5414, 7693, 13, 220, 330, 17, 13, 86214, 4384, 6261, 315, 6261, 11, 67542, 539, 311, 97706, 11822, 11, 2543, 20784, 315, 459, 701, 22519, 323, 659, 65906, 11, 387, 7058, 2063, 439, 264, 2697, 1716, 430, 374, 671, 708, 63922, 989, 96756, 311, 813, 6699, 11, 387, 720, 58517, 1285, 369, 5414, 28682, 16888, 552, 323, 29488, 21058, 369, 459, 5435, 1283, 439, 29053, 82, 499, 311, 20259, 701, 10082, 13, 1050, 7453, 560, 304, 459, 14121, 2987, 369, 5414, 836, 596, 25491, 13, 720, 330, 18, 13, 13969, 5414, 3290, 1392, 323, 4639, 3885, 779, 430, 701, 11565, 720, 14724, 387, 2294, 304, 5414, 26135, 13, 5112, 2610, 36734, 499, 690, 304, 5414, 220, 10005, 836, 323, 1283, 690, 4320, 701, 23788, 11, 422, 499, 690, 1935, 701, 23788, 312, 7058, 724, 279, 1648, 1283, 22014, 433, 1210, 720, 697, 4214, 6, 1984, 311, 5623, 4585, 388, 323, 5623, 6763, 5794, 374, 25, 1054, 8069, 720, 7842, 3014, 50, 5871, 445, 61209, 5871, 28656, 13880, 13, 9645, 3247, 37991, 3083, 59478, 5871, 79433, 5871, 28656, 13880, 13, 59478, 3507, 86432, 5257, 24711, 19323, 15334, 4393, 13228, 878, 73725, 12779, 22469, 73725, 6135, 14644, 3014, 50, 2794, 4874, 362, 54460, 76048, 14644, 3014, 50, 2029, 720, 12834, 568, 1903, 1521, 12518, 813, 30499, 4315, 279, 4236, 720, 1073, 279, 68569, 430, 568, 33992, 374, 1054, 44, 20274, 11453, 256, 220, 10967, 18185, 1057, 12738, 5557, 323, 53869, 584, 527, 66402, 720, 1729, 9572, 11, 4851, 8624, 11, 20335, 323, 264, 2807, 15729, 11640, 569, 315, 82907, 13, 720, 60960, 468, 44006, 87877, 965, 2564, 422, 4423, 43522, 279, 5353, 315, 682, 1521, 95623, 919, 323, 264, 720, 3195, 311, 2567, 279, 2547, 1949, 315, 1124, 30, 720, 4897, 1732, 1053, 3719, 459, 9888, 12084, 11, 568, 4265, 387, 22034, 279, 720, 45, 78206, 26888, 32293, 11, 813, 3663, 1053, 5101, 389, 279, 3504, 315, 1475, 4983, 64, 9319, 483, 304, 279, 3224, 11, 814, 4265, 1977, 63003, 304, 813, 16044, 13, 814, 4265, 836, 9919, 1306, 1461, 13, 720, 6107, 30, 469, 1325, 4501, 539, 0, 2684, 374, 264, 893, 889, 11352, 279, 1401, 311, 2890, 1389, 264, 1648, 311, 4495, 720, 1820, 5353, 315, 1521, 8624, 323, 10519, 264, 1579, 2237, 315, 2890, 1949, 505, 1778, 453, 12843, 13, 720, 4071, 1070, 527, 912, 9919, 7086, 1306, 1461, 13, 12361, 568, 574, 13, 15338, 1139, 52579, 389, 482, 539, 3131, 719, 3892, 3115, 13, 1283, 720, 16514, 2663, 1054, 447, 474, 2476, 20561, 8615, 11, 323, 68610, 13, 720, 4071, 8994, 279, 36569, 11, 8994, 279, 5897, 14121, 7607, 11, 8994, 720, 1820, 72106, 315, 279, 9749, 65693, 36788, 11, 568, 574, 56125, 75753, 5421, 42122, 99760, 758, 720, 2409, 279, 26314, 315, 832, 7951, 3453, 291, 555, 279, 8206, 568, 21095, 813, 720, 519, 6241, 1705, 323, 374, 14297, 30240, 26586, 4315, 813, 832, 7394, 1200, 12, 1911, 1105, 13, 10699, 374, 568, 30, 720, 33099, 88, 362, 13, 1050, 4214, 13, 20474, 813, 836, 26, 499, 4805, 387, 11011, 264, 2763, 810, 315, 433, 13, 1283, 753, 2736, 14219, 264, 5426, 26654, 323, 813, 2363, 374, 2133, 311, 720, 21161, 279, 1917, 315, 2890, 8198, 1093, 433, 753, 2646, 1027, 78360, 1603, 0, 720, 8586, 304, 813, 2363, 527, 279, 31049, 323, 49939, 315, 279, 66318, 362, 13, 1050, 4214, 43132, 7058, 894, 2085, 279, 832, 50858, 41300, 13, 720, 791, 1268, 82, 323, 421, 1065, 315, 813, 19569, 990, 13, 720, 4518, 433, 13, 5112, 499, 10491, 2564, 720, 2000, 6261, 13, 256, 128009, 128000, 16, 13, 82804, 324, 553, 4718, 28049, 720, 791, 1633, 1176, 3245, 389, 420, 1160, 11, 1603, 1524, 1624, 4504, 1139, 279, 1054, 291, 1260, 863, 7720, 315, 34557, 5707, 11, 706, 311, 387, 720, 6489, 380, 324, 4954, 13, 763, 39381, 315, 701, 5912, 87942, 11, 34557, 5707, 28421, 264, 37018, 11, 21730, 11, 21165, 315, 32257, 430, 720, 2821, 17820, 988, 701, 6930, 323, 4375, 311, 9615, 27661, 433, 320, 1962, 1120, 61792, 304, 323, 9235, 709, 16715, 1102, 649, 2733, 78571, 520, 1176, 11, 719, 430, 753, 720, 35734, 433, 753, 3062, 311, 1193, 1005, 264, 2697, 38611, 5900, 264, 1317, 1648, 13, 21335, 433, 264, 9568, 323, 433, 690, 9235, 32719, 13, 5560, 439, 499, 1053, 5912, 87942, 627, 17, 13, 15534, 261, 198, 4599, 279, 9562, 88, 13987, 50917, 25485, 430, 1304, 709, 1057, 16335, 7013, 31468, 636, 14322, 50185, 323, 704, 315, 421, 474, 11, 34557, 5707, 374, 1070, 311, 11113, 1884, 13987, 2697, 7917, 1314, 1203, 1139, 2035, 11, 323, 3412, 1124, 1070, 13, 1472, 649, 1005, 433, 720, 263, 701, 4553, 65426, 55412, 369, 5655, 35121, 11, 719, 499, 649, 8965, 1120, 1005, 433, 389, 701, 10548, 11, 1405, 433, 753, 279, 720, 13279, 5086, 369, 279, 2547, 753, 5933, 32462, 311, 5662, 11, 323, 1405, 279, 1455, 1464, 425, 13980, 627, 18, 13, 7557, 85908, 61731, 198, 2746, 499, 3207, 8173, 304, 27883, 3339, 11, 34557, 5707, 17482, 439, 264, 11364, 10748, 2385, 430, 649, 40821, 14293, 11, 923, 72003, 311, 279, 27883, 11, 323, 1520, 1464, 1523, 63471, 323, 32462, 13, 1102, 649, 1464, 1124, 1523, 779, 13750, 11, 304, 2144, 11, 720, 9210, 2288, 1790, 690, 617, 264, 46479, 2515, 320, 9493, 304, 27883, 1376, 6266, 2057, 5471, 420, 11, 499, 1205, 311, 1054, 9712, 45283, 863, 701, 27883, 7058, 9210, 374, 11, 7999, 810, 5707, 1109, 279, 326, 9188, 10800, 311, 27883, 13, 2052, 499, 1205, 374, 34557, 5707, 11, 3090, 11, 323, 326, 9188, 13, 4418, 1431, 387, 33394, 315, 326, 9188, 13, 6104, 433, 1288, 387, 18073, 449, 2512, 11, 358], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " your dietary needs.\nConsuming our modern refined diet makes it very difficult for us to meet the minimum standards for\nnutrient intakes. For example, the U.S. Department of Agriculture Survey found that 65.1% of all adult\nwomen and 55.4% of all adult men are below the standard of one gram of calcium intake per day.\n34\nWithout this basic mineral, it is no wonder why tooth decay is so prevalent, affecting close to 90% of\nour population.Weston Price's Tooth Decay Curing Protocol\nUltimately choosing the best diet rests in your hands. I will discuss several protocols for\nremineralizing tooth decay. But first we will examine Dr. Price's highly effective nutrition protocol.\nIn a long term experiment with seventeen individuals who had severe tooth decay, the number of teeth\nwith active decay was reduced 250 times using Dr. Price\u2019s nutritional program. In this group,\napproximately half of all teeth had been affected by decay prior to the nutritional program. After the\nnutritional program, only two new cavities formed in the entire group within a three-year period,\nwhich is a recurrence rate of 0.4%.\n35\n Dr. Price wrote:\nThis form of nutritional control of dental caries is so satisfactory that I can recommend\nit with confidence as adequate to control well over 95 per cent of dental caries.\n36\nIn twenty seven cases of severe tooth decay in children, the diet that follows was sufficient to stop\ncavities in every case and turn soft cavities hard and glassy. An interesting note about this success is\nthat the home meals of the children were not changed. They continued to eat white bread, vegetable\nfat, white flour pancakes with syrup and doughnuts fried in vegetable fat.\n37\n Just one healthy meal a\nday, as described for growing school children, was sufficient to prevent dental caries from forming.\nAbout four ounces of tomato juice or orange juice and a teaspoonful of a mixture of\nequal parts of a very high vitamin natural cod liver oil and an especially high vitamin\nbutter was given at the beginning of the meal. They then received a bowl containing\napproximately a pint of a very rich vegetable and meat stew, made largely from bone\nmarrow and fine cuts of tender meat: the meat was usually broiled separately to retain\nits juice and then chopped very fine and added to the bone marrow meat soup which\nalways contained finely chopped vegetables and plenty of very yellow carrots; for the\nnext course they had cooked fruit, with very little sweetening, and rolls made from\nfreshly ground whole wheat, which were spread with the high-vitamin butter. The wheat\nfor the rolls was ground fresh every day in a motor driven coffee mill. Each child was\nalso given two glasses of fresh whole milk. The menu was varied from day to day, and\nfish chowder or animal organs substituted the meat stew.\n38\nAnother quote from Dr. Price\u2019s protocol:\nThe quantity of the mixture of butter oil and cod liver oil required is quite small, half a\nteaspoonful three times a day with meals is sufficient to control wide-spread tooth decay\nwhen used with a diet that is low in sugar and starches and high in foods providing the\nminerals, particularly phosphorus. A teaspoonful a day divided between two or three\nmeals is usually adequate to prevent dental caries and maintain a high immunity; it will\nalso maintain freedom from colds and a high level of health in general. This\nreinforcement of the fat-soluble vitamins to a menu that is low in starches and sugars,\ntogether with the use of bread and cereal grains freshly ground to retain the full content\nof the embryo or germ, and with milk for growing children and for many adults, and the\nliberal use of sea foods and organs of animals, produced the result described.\n39Guidelines for healing a child with severe tooth decay, rheumatic fever and arthritis:\nThe important change that I made in this boy's dietary program was the removal of the\nwhite flour products and in their stead the use of freshly cracked or ground wheat and\noats used with whole milk to which was added a small amount of specially high vitamin\nbutter produced by cows pasturing on green wheat. Small doses of a high-vitamin,\nnatural cod liver oil were also added.\n40\nSugars and sweets and white flour products were eliminated as far as possible. Freshly\nground cereals were used for breads and gruels. Bone marrow was included in stews.\nLiver and a liberal supply of whole milk, green vegetables and fruits were provided. In\naddition, he was provided with a butter that was very high in vitamins having been\nproduced by cows fed on a rapidly growing green grass. The best source for this is a\npasturage of wheat and rye grass.\n41\nDr. Price's Protocol Summarized\n2-3 times daily for a total of 1 to 1\u00bd teaspoons of the mixture:\n\u00bc teaspoon of fermented cod liver oil\n- taken together with -\n\u00bc teaspoon of high vitamin butter oil\nTwo+ cups of raw grass fed whole fat milk daily\nBone marrow frequently\nBeef and fish stews\nLiberal use of sea foods including the organs\nLiberal use of organs of land animals especially liver\nLots of green vegetables and some cooked fruit\n4 ounces of tomato juice, or orange juice (high in vitamin C) daily\nFine cuts of red meat\nFreshly ground whole wheat and/or oats daily * (See note on whole grains. I no longer recommend\ndoing this part of the program.)\nWhite flour productsSkim milk\nSugar and other sweeteners\n*\nGrains Note\n: Later in this book I provide a special section on how to properly use grains. Typically\nwhole, freshly ground grains as described in Dr. Price\u2019s quotes will contribute to cavities due to\ngrain anti-nutrients or hidden intestinal inflammation such as celiac disease. It\u2019s not that grains\nthemselves are poor food choices, but that we must be extra careful in how we prepare and use them.\nSimply grinding grains fresh is not enough to remove significant amounts of plant toxins like phytic\nacid. Had Dr. Price known this at the time, his protocol would have been even more effective.\nWe will adapt Dr. Price\u2019s seminal research with decades of other supportive studies and findings,\nand then unite the sum to create potent tooth cavity healing programs. I leave you with words from Dr.\nPrice.\nThere is a nutritional basis for modern physical, mental and moral degeneration.\n42Chapter 2 References\n1\n Price, W. A. \nJournal of the American Dental Association\n, 1936: 888.\n2\n Ibid., 26.\n3\n Ibid.\n4\n Ibid.\n5\n Ibid., 35.\n6\n Ibid., 39.\n7\n Ibid., 27.\n8\n Price, \u201cWhy Dental Caries with Modern Civilizations? V. An Interpretation of Field Studies Previously Reported,\u201d 278.\n9\n Figures have been rounded up for simplicity\n10\n op. cit., p. 27. \n11\n Price, \u201cWhy Dental Caries with Modern Civilizations? V. An Interpretation of Field Studies Previously Reported,\u201d 278.\n12\n Ibid., 35. \n13\n op. cit., p. 38. \n14\n Ibid., 45.\n15\n Ibid., 44.\n16\n Ibid.\n17\n Ibid., 49.\n18\n Ibid.\n19\n Ibid. \n20\n Ibid. 50.\n21\n Ibid 49.\n22\n Ibid., 55-57.\n23\n Price, W.A. \nDental Digest\n, Figure Ten.\n24\n Price, W. A. Nutrition and Physical Degeneration 6th Edition. La Mesa: Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation; 2004: op. cit., p. 441. \n25\n op. cit., p. 171. \n26\n op. cit., p. 173.\n27\n op. cit., p. 174. \n28\n Ibid., 186.\n29\n Fallon, S. and Enig, M. Australian Aborigines-- Living Off the Fat of the Land, Available At:\nhttp://www.westonaprice.org/traditional_diets/australian_aborigines.html\n30\n Price, W. A. Nutrition and Physical Degeneration 6th Edition. La Mesa: Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation; 2004: op. cit., p. 174. \n31\n op. cit., p. 275-276. \n32\n Price, W. A. Nutrition and Physical Degeneration\n6th Edition\n. La Mesa: Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation; 2004:415.\n33\n Price, Weston A. \"Field Studies among Some African Tribes on the Relation of Their Nutrition\nto the Incidence of Dental Caries and Dental Arch Deformities\" \nJournal. A.D.A.\n 23:888, May 1936.\n34\n SUPPLEMENTARY DATA TABLES, USDA\u2019s 1994-96 Continuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals, Table Set 12, US\nDepartment of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Available at: \nhttp://www.ars.usda.gov/SP2UserFiles/Place/12355000/pdf/Supp.PDF\n.\n35\n Price, W. A. \nNutrition and Physical Degeneration 6th Edition. \nLa Mesa: Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation; 2004:295.\n36\n Ibid., 432.\n37\n Price, W. A. \nNutrition and Physical Degeneration 8th Edition. \nLa Mesa: Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation; 2008:391-392.\n38\n Price, W. A. \nNutrition and Physical Degeneration 6th", "token_ids": [701, 34625, 3966, 627, 43066, 287, 1057, 6617, 38291, 10173, 3727, 433, 1633, 5107, 369, 603, 311, 3449, 279, 8187, 10886, 369, 198, 24217, 13283, 528, 2094, 13, 1789, 3187, 11, 279, 549, 815, 13, 6011, 315, 37963, 24507, 1766, 430, 220, 2397, 13, 16, 4, 315, 682, 6822, 198, 65762, 323, 220, 2131, 13, 19, 4, 315, 682, 6822, 3026, 527, 3770, 279, 5410, 315, 832, 23882, 315, 35719, 23730, 824, 1938, 627, 1958, 198, 27131, 420, 6913, 25107, 11, 433, 374, 912, 5895, 3249, 26588, 31815, 374, 779, 46941, 11, 28987, 3345, 311, 220, 1954, 4, 315, 198, 414, 7187, 1196, 478, 263, 8650, 596, 83499, 98386, 356, 1711, 25590, 198, 67343, 19301, 279, 1888, 10173, 54331, 304, 701, 6206, 13, 358, 690, 4358, 3892, 32885, 369, 198, 265, 1083, 3333, 4954, 26588, 31815, 13, 2030, 1176, 584, 690, 21635, 2999, 13, 8650, 596, 7701, 7524, 26677, 11766, 627, 644, 264, 1317, 4751, 9526, 449, 82497, 7931, 889, 1047, 15748, 26588, 31815, 11, 279, 1396, 315, 18311, 198, 4291, 4642, 31815, 574, 11293, 220, 5154, 3115, 1701, 2999, 13, 8650, 753, 43226, 2068, 13, 763, 420, 1912, 345, 97836, 4376, 315, 682, 18311, 1047, 1027, 11754, 555, 31815, 4972, 311, 279, 43226, 2068, 13, 4740, 279, 198, 24217, 37842, 2068, 11, 1193, 1403, 502, 57709, 1385, 14454, 304, 279, 4553, 1912, 2949, 264, 2380, 4771, 4261, 345, 8370, 374, 264, 76293, 4478, 315, 220, 15, 13, 19, 126437, 1758, 198, 2999, 13, 8650, 6267, 512, 2028, 1376, 315, 43226, 2585, 315, 29106, 1841, 552, 374, 779, 58831, 430, 358, 649, 7079, 198, 275, 449, 12410, 439, 26613, 311, 2585, 1664, 927, 220, 2721, 824, 2960, 315, 29106, 1841, 552, 627, 1927, 198, 644, 17510, 8254, 5157, 315, 15748, 26588, 31815, 304, 2911, 11, 279, 10173, 430, 11263, 574, 14343, 311, 3009, 198, 66, 402, 1385, 304, 1475, 1162, 323, 2543, 8579, 57709, 1385, 2653, 323, 9168, 88, 13, 1556, 7185, 5296, 922, 420, 2450, 374, 198, 9210, 279, 2162, 21644, 315, 279, 2911, 1051, 539, 5614, 13, 2435, 8738, 311, 8343, 4251, 16385, 11, 36581, 198, 45283, 11, 4251, 20415, 80960, 449, 45322, 323, 31452, 64866, 41951, 304, 36581, 8834, 627, 1806, 198, 4702, 832, 9498, 15496, 264, 198, 1316, 11, 439, 7633, 369, 7982, 2978, 2911, 11, 574, 14343, 311, 5471, 29106, 1841, 552, 505, 30164, 627, 10714, 3116, 49138, 315, 42120, 23661, 477, 19087, 23661, 323, 264, 42384, 1285, 315, 264, 21655, 315, 198, 26880, 5596, 315, 264, 1633, 1579, 28170, 5933, 20950, 26587, 5707, 323, 459, 5423, 1579, 28170, 198, 65, 6339, 574, 2728, 520, 279, 7314, 315, 279, 15496, 13, 2435, 1243, 4036, 264, 19763, 8649, 198, 97836, 264, 46746, 315, 264, 1633, 9257, 36581, 323, 13339, 61443, 11, 1903, 14090, 505, 17685, 198, 5730, 654, 323, 7060, 15455, 315, 28682, 13339, 25, 279, 13339, 574, 6118, 2967, 2230, 26214, 311, 14389, 198, 1220, 23661, 323, 1243, 38525, 1633, 7060, 323, 3779, 311, 279, 17685, 83748, 13339, 19724, 902, 198, 33222, 13282, 61802, 38525, 24822, 323, 11510, 315, 1633, 14071, 62517, 26, 369, 279, 198, 3684, 3388, 814, 1047, 30205, 14098, 11, 449, 1633, 2697, 10437, 6147, 11, 323, 28473, 1903, 505, 198, 72408, 398, 5015, 4459, 34153, 11, 902, 1051, 9041, 449, 279, 1579, 8437, 76652, 14432, 13, 578, 34153, 198, 2000, 279, 28473, 574, 5015, 7878, 1475, 1938, 304, 264, 9048, 16625, 11033, 2606, 13, 9062, 1716, 574, 198, 19171, 2728, 1403, 29247, 315, 7878, 4459, 14403, 13, 578, 5130, 574, 28830, 505, 1938, 311, 1938, 11, 323, 198, 18668, 523, 363, 1126, 477, 10065, 36853, 63196, 279, 13339, 61443, 627, 1987, 198, 14364, 12929, 505, 2999, 13, 8650, 753, 11766, 512, 791, 12472, 315, 279, 21655, 315, 14432, 5707, 323, 20950, 26587, 5707, 2631, 374, 5115, 2678, 11, 4376, 264, 198, 668, 300, 33076, 1285, 2380, 3115, 264, 1938, 449, 21644, 374, 14343, 311, 2585, 7029, 1355, 21376, 26588, 31815, 198, 9493, 1511, 449, 264, 10173, 430, 374, 3428, 304, 13465, 323, 70181, 288, 323, 1579, 304, 15657, 8405, 279, 198, 1083, 17822, 11, 8104, 33088, 30969, 13, 362, 42384, 1285, 264, 1938, 18255, 1990, 1403, 477, 2380, 198, 2727, 1147, 374, 6118, 26613, 311, 5471, 29106, 1841, 552, 323, 10519, 264, 1579, 40368, 26, 433, 690, 198, 19171, 10519, 11542, 505, 9439, 82, 323, 264, 1579, 2237, 315, 2890, 304, 4689, 13, 1115, 198, 265, 258, 11167, 315, 279, 8834, 1355, 337, 41572, 46192, 311, 264, 5130, 430, 374, 3428, 304, 70181, 288, 323, 70913, 345, 998, 3522, 449, 279, 1005, 315, 16385, 323, 62233, 41936, 50999, 5015, 311, 14389, 279, 2539, 2262, 198, 1073, 279, 87701, 477, 82986, 11, 323, 449, 14403, 369, 7982, 2911, 323, 369, 1690, 12884, 11, 323, 279, 198, 2808, 3333, 1005, 315, 9581, 15657, 323, 36853, 315, 10099, 11, 9124, 279, 1121, 7633, 627, 2137, 17100, 11243, 369, 21730, 264, 1716, 449, 15748, 26588, 31815, 11, 68132, 33030, 34653, 323, 55652, 512, 791, 3062, 2349, 430, 358, 1903, 304, 420, 8334, 596, 34625, 2068, 574, 279, 17065, 315, 279, 198, 5902, 20415, 3956, 323, 304, 872, 17269, 279, 1005, 315, 50999, 43939, 477, 5015, 34153, 323, 198, 78, 1900, 1511, 449, 4459, 14403, 311, 902, 574, 3779, 264, 2678, 3392, 315, 35426, 1579, 28170, 198, 65, 6339, 9124, 555, 46266, 3347, 1711, 389, 6307, 34153, 13, 15344, 35130, 315, 264, 1579, 8437, 76652, 345, 53980, 20950, 26587, 5707, 1051, 1101, 3779, 627, 1272, 198, 50, 773, 1590, 323, 76657, 323, 4251, 20415, 3956, 1051, 34373, 439, 3117, 439, 3284, 13, 30260, 398, 198, 1993, 28091, 1147, 1051, 1511, 369, 16385, 82, 323, 1099, 61244, 13, 46701, 83748, 574, 5343, 304, 357, 28844, 627, 83995, 323, 264, 18250, 8312, 315, 4459, 14403, 11, 6307, 24822, 323, 26390, 1051, 3984, 13, 763, 198, 723, 684, 11, 568, 574, 3984, 449, 264, 14432, 430, 574, 1633, 1579, 304, 46192, 3515, 1027, 198, 8723, 2041, 555, 46266, 23114, 389, 264, 19019, 7982, 6307, 16763, 13, 578, 1888, 2592, 369, 420, 374, 264, 198, 53520, 324, 425, 315, 34153, 323, 436, 9188, 16763, 627, 3174, 198, 9023, 13, 8650, 596, 25590, 8279, 5730, 1534, 198, 17, 12, 18, 3115, 7446, 369, 264, 2860, 315, 220, 16, 311, 220, 16, 27154, 93200, 315, 279, 21655, 512, 42973, 42384, 315, 96080, 20950, 26587, 5707, 198, 12, 4529, 3871, 449, 18722, 42973, 42384, 315, 1579, 28170, 14432, 5707, 198, 11874, 10, 26446, 315, 7257, 16763, 23114, 4459, 8834, 14403, 7446, 198, 63429, 83748, 14134, 198, 3513, 830, 323, 7795, 357, 28844, 198, 9374, 3333, 1005, 315, 9581, 15657, 2737, 279, 36853, 198, 9374, 3333, 1005, 315, 36853, 315, 4363, 10099, 5423, 26587, 198, 81655, 315, 6307, 24822, 323, 1063, 30205, 14098, 198, 19, 49138, 315, 42120, 23661, 11, 477, 19087, 23661, 320, 12156, 304, 28170, 356, 8, 7446, 198, 64816, 15455, 315, 2579, 13339, 198, 56753, 398, 5015, 4459, 34153, 323, 5255, 85270, 7446, 353, 320, 10031, 5296, 389, 4459, 41936, 13, 358, 912, 5129, 7079, 198, 45359, 420, 961, 315, 279, 2068, 29275, 14404, 20415, 3956, 19847, 318, 14403, 198, 84514, 323, 1023, 10437, 18724, 198, 5736, 6600, 1771, 7181, 198, 25, 25929, 304, 420, 2363, 358, 3493, 264, 3361, 3857, 389, 1268, 311, 10489, 1005, 41936, 13, 46402, 198, 67733, 11, 50999, 5015, 41936, 439, 7633, 304, 2999, 13, 8650, 753, 17637, 690, 17210, 311, 57709, 1385, 4245, 311, 198, 911, 467, 7294, 5392, 332, 32930, 477, 8340, 63900, 37140, 1778, 439, 272, 95705, 8624, 13, 1102, 753, 539, 430, 41936, 198, 339, 12116, 4372, 527, 8009, 3691, 11709, 11, 719, 430, 584, 2011, 387, 5066, 16994, 304, 1268, 584, 10772, 323, 1005, 1124, 627, 61346, 17282, 41936, 7878, 374, 539, 3403, 311, 4148, 5199, 15055, 315, 6136, 62186, 1093, 1343, 70504, 198, 58156, 13, 24805, 2999, 13, 8650, 3967, 420, 520, 279, 892, 11, 813, 11766, 1053, 617, 1027, 1524, 810, 7524, 627, 1687, 690, 10737, 2999, 13, 8650, 753, 90773, 3495, 449, 11026, 315, 1023, 33445, 7978, 323, 14955, 345, 438, 1243, 52696, 279, 2694, 311, 1893, 36875, 26588, 56429, 21730, 7620, 13, 358, 5387, 499, 449, 4339, 505, 2999, 627, 7117, 627, 3947, 374, 264, 43226, 8197, 369, 6617, 7106, 11, 10723, 323, 16033, 5367, 17699, 627, 2983, 26072, 220, 17, 45178, 198, 16, 198, 8650, 11, 468, 13, 362, 13, 720, 44594, 315, 279, 3778, 48804, 10229, 198, 11, 220, 7285, 21, 25, 220, 12251, 627, 17, 198, 76568, 2637, 220, 1627, 627, 18, 198, 76568, 627, 19, 198, 76568, 627, 20, 198, 76568, 2637, 220, 1758, 627, 21, 198, 76568, 2637, 220, 2137, 627, 22, 198, 76568, 2637, 220, 1544, 627, 23, 198, 8650, 11, 1054, 10445, 48804, 3341, 552, 449, 18766, 16803, 8200, 30, 650, 13, 1556, 73177, 367, 315, 8771, 19241, 59787, 79711, 2476, 220, 16949, 627, 24, 198, 69356, 617, 1027, 18460, 709, 369, 40075, 198, 605, 198, 1200, 13, 6681, 2637, 281, 13, 220, 1544, 13, 720, 806, 198, 8650, 11, 1054, 10445, 48804, 3341, 552, 449, 18766, 16803, 8200, 30, 650, 13, 1556, 73177, 367, 315, 8771, 19241, 59787, 79711, 2476, 220, 16949, 627, 717, 198, 76568, 2637, 220, 1758, 13, 720, 1032, 198, 1200, 13, 6681, 2637, 281, 13, 220, 1987, 13, 720, 975, 198, 76568, 2637, 220, 1774, 627, 868, 198, 76568, 2637, 220, 2096, 627, 845, 198, 76568, 627, 1114, 198, 76568, 2637, 220, 2491, 627, 972, 198, 76568, 627, 777, 198, 76568, 13, 720, 508, 198, 76568, 13, 220, 1135, 627, 1691, 198, 76568, 220, 2491, 627, 1313, 198, 76568, 2637, 220, 2131, 12, 3226, 627, 1419, 198, 8650, 11, 468, 885, 13, 720, 35, 6430, 54389, 198, 11, 19575, 18165, 627, 1187, 198, 8650, 11, 468, 13, 362, 13, 39700, 323, 28479, 58337, 17699, 220, 21, 339, 14398, 13, 5034, 55965, 25, 8650, 9483, 1751, 10214, 39700, 5114, 26, 220, 1049, 19, 25, 1200, 13, 6681, 2637, 281, 13, 220, 18495, 13, 720, 914, 198, 1200, 13, 6681, 2637, 281, 13, 220, 11123, 13, 720, 1627, 198, 1200, 13, 6681, 2637, 281, 13, 220, 11908, 627, 1544, 198, 1200, 13, 6681, 2637, 281, 13, 220, 11771, 13, 720, 1591, 198, 76568, 2637, 220, 9714, 627, 1682, 198, 88168, 11, 328, 13, 323, 2998, 343, 11, 386, 13, 13673, 3765, 4775, 1572, 313, 19048, 4206, 279, 26417, 315, 279, 11680, 11, 16528, 2468, 512, 1277, 1129, 2185, 1444, 478, 263, 391, 23994, 2726, 22205, 329, 3079, 30577, 1441, 14, 2933, 496, 10700, 62, 4422, 343, 1572, 2628, 198, 966, 198, 8650, 11, 468, 13, 362, 13, 39700, 323, 28479, 58337, 17699, 220, 21, 339, 14398, 13, 5034, 55965, 25, 8650, 9483, 1751, 10214, 39700, 5114, 26, 220, 1049, 19, 25, 1200, 13, 6681, 2637, 281, 13, 220, 11771, 13, 720, 2148, 198, 1200, 13, 6681, 2637, 281, 13, 220, 14417, 12, 16660, 13, 720, 843, 198, 8650, 11, 468, 13, 362, 13, 39700, 323, 28479, 58337, 17699, 198, 21, 339, 14398, 198, 13, 5034, 55965, 25, 8650, 9483, 1751, 10214, 39700, 5114, 26, 220, 1049, 19, 25, 18136, 627, 1644, 198, 8650, 11, 91119, 362, 13, 330, 1915, 19241, 4315, 4427, 11904, 21163, 288, 389, 279, 51124, 315, 11205, 39700, 198, 998, 279, 4953, 7232, 315, 48804, 3341, 552, 323, 48804, 9683, 1611, 630, 1385, 1, 720, 44594, 13, 362, 920, 885, 627, 220, 1419, 25, 12251, 11, 3297, 220, 7285, 21, 627, 1958, 198, 54722, 39415, 8812, 14444, 14700, 50, 11, 61091, 753, 220, 2550, 19, 12, 4161, 82117, 24507, 315, 12369, 1357, 2094, 555, 62525, 11, 6771, 2638, 220, 717, 11, 2326, 198, 27725, 315, 37963, 11, 60134, 8483, 5475, 11, 16528, 520, 25, 720, 1277, 1129, 2185, 13, 1590, 22680, 3315, 14489, 14, 4695, 17, 1502, 11043, 14, 17826, 14, 4513, 13506, 410, 48851, 14, 10254, 79, 1087, 5375, 198, 627, 1758, 198, 8650, 11, 468, 13, 362, 13, 720, 79570, 17462, 323, 28479, 58337, 17699, 220, 21, 339, 14398, 13, 720, 8921, 55965, 25, 8650, 9483, 1751, 10214, 39700, 5114, 26, 220, 1049, 19, 25, 16780, 627, 1927, 198, 76568, 2637, 220, 16739, 627, 1806, 198, 8650, 11, 468, 13, 362, 13, 720, 79570, 17462, 323, 28479, 58337, 17699, 220, 23, 339, 14398, 13, 720, 8921, 55965, 25, 8650, 9483, 1751, 10214, 39700, 5114, 26, 220, 1049, 23, 25, 19631, 12, 19695, 627, 1987, 198, 8650, 11, 468, 13, 362, 13, 720, 79570, 17462, 323, 28479, 58337, 17699, 220, 21, 339], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " in the control of lethal ICP and subsequent brain edema using a rabbit model.\n42 All animals were monitored for EEG activity, ICP, central venous \npressure, systemic arterial pressure, and water content in the brain. Animals had a circular area of the parietal cortex frozen for 90 s using a probe previously cooled in liquid nitrogen. This lesion created a consistent localized area of necrosis and hem -\norrhage at the surface and a few millimeters below the cortex. When animals were injected with Evans blue, the dye was observed to extravasate just beyond the lesion site only in the cryogenic lesion group, allowing the measurement of the dye spread following each treatemnt.\n42 It was found that EEG activity after 1 g/kg of a 10% \nDMSO solution given 24\u00a0h after the cryogenic lesion was an improvement in volt -\nage and the number of slow waves in five of six animals treated when compared to untreated lesioned animals. The ICP was significantly reduced 5\u00a0min after DMSO with no changes seen in the central venous pressure, which rose only in untreated lesioned animals.\nBrain water content was significantly reduced after DMSO in both hemispheres \nand was increased in the untreated cryogenic lesioned animals. This study concluded that after a cryogenic lesion, DMSO stabilized systemic arterial pressure, water con -\ntent in the brain, and central venous pressure and reduced ICP while increasing cerebral perfusion when compared to untreated lesioned animals.\n42\nThis cryogenic lesion study led to a second study by the San Diego group to \nfurther test DMSO\u2019s ability to reduce toxic brain edema at variable doses that \ncould be effective and still maintain electrolyte and fluid balance.43 The same rab -\nbit model and cryogenic lesion was used, and the findings suggested that a 1 g/kg \nof a 10% DMSO solution given as an intravenous bolus was as effective in reducing ICP as a 1 g/kg of a 40% DMSO bolus, a dose that could create red cell hemolysis. 142 Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) in Trauma and Disease\nThese\u00a0authors\u00a0found that while a 10% bolus of DMSO would avoid red cell hemo -\nlysis, it would also increase central venous pressure and fluid overload. However, \nthe authors determined that the central venous pressure increase and fluid overload side effects could be avoided when 2 g/kg of a 20% DMSO infusion was given continuously over 1\u00a0h. This approach seemed as effective as the 10% bolus injec -\ntions.\n65 Since the study was terminated 1\u00a0h following all treatments, it was hard \nto judge whether a bolus or slow infusion was preferable in a patient developing a rapid extradural hematoma following a closed head injury. The optimal dose of intravenous DMSO would become a controversial stumbling block in subsequent clinical and experimental studies examining how best to treat a brain injury.\nThis impasse of DMSO given as an intravenous bolus or slow infusion at an opti -\nmal concentration was finally solved, as we shall see in Chapter 9, in two clinical pilot trials performed by Turkish investigators treating severe closed head injury patients using DMSO.\n44,45\nThe third study carried out by the San Diego researchers43a focused on extending \nthe infusion time of DMSO from 1 to 3\u00a0h using the same cryogenic rabbit model of brain trauma used in the first and second studies. This experiment examined whether DMSO at a dose of 2 g/kg 20% infusion given 24\u00a0h after the cryogenic lesion would still lower ICP and reduce other side effects when given over 3\u00a0h rather than over 1\u00a0h as reported in the second study.\nThe results indicated that DMSO infused over a 3 h period was able to signifi -\ncantly lower ICP from 12.9\u00a0mm Hg before treatment to 7.3 torr after 45\u00a0min and to 4.2\u00a0 mm torr after 3\u00a0 h. Systemic arterial pressure and central venous pressure remained unchanged during and after DMSO infusion.\n43a Brain electrolyte levels of \nsodium and potassium showed a reduction of both electrolytes in the lesioned and unlesioned contralateral hemispheres after DMSO, which was similar to untreated lesioned animals.\nThe San Diego studies determined an optimal dose of DMSO at 2 g/kg in a 20% \nsolution given over a 3 h period as a more optimal approach to lessen DMSO possible side effects such as volume overload, a rise of potassium brain levels, and red blood cell (RBC) hemolysis.\n65 We now know that the optimal dose of DMSO in human \npatients sustaining a severe brain injury is 1 g/kg in a 28% solution mixed with 5% dextrose in water.\n44,45\nIt should be noted that the gross hemolysis seen after a rapid bolus of high intra -\nvenous doses of DMSO has been shown to be a temporary side effect that does not involve organ damage, including the kidneys.\n66 Hemolysis after high rapid doses \nof DMSO is a reaction that always disappears after the discontinuation of DMSO. This was demonstrated in a pathologic study monitoring blood chemistry, hema -\ntology, urine, ocular, neurological, and cardiovascular systems in rhesus monkeys given repeated high doses of DMSO (3 g/kg 40%) for 9\u00a0days and followed up for 4\u00a0 months.\n65 At the end of the study, all animals underwent postmortem analyses, \nincluding gross and microscopic pathological examinations. No significant or long-\nlasting changes were recorded in any of the parameters studied when these data were \ncompared to those animals given normal physiological saline.66\nThe three-part study by the San Diego group also showed that DMSO could sig -\nnificantly reduce ICP without affecting systemic pressure or central venous pressure 143 DMSO in Basic Neuroprotection\nwhile lowering the brain water content in the lesioned hemisphere. These studies \nalso suggested that a slow infusion of 2 g/kg of a 20% DMSO solution over a 3 h period was as effective in lowering ICP as 1 g/kg of a 40% DMSO bolus but without the gross hemolysis seen with the bolus.\n42\u201344\nAlthough this conclusion is probably valid for a cryogenic lesion to the cortex \nwhere local necrosis and hemorrhage develop immediately and remain a nonexpand -\ning lesion, it is not the case with a relatively slower-building epidural hematoma (also called extradural hematoma) that results from a severe blunt trauma to the skull and meninges.\nAn extradural or epidural hematoma occurs when there is a rupture of a blood \nvessel, usually an artery, which then bleeds into the space between the dura mater and the inner wall of the skull. An epidural hematoma is generally an expanding mass that can reach its peak in 4\u20138\u00a0h and is capable of stripping the dura apart and threatening the formation of malignant brain edema as well as inducing secondary brain damage and death. This means that a brain trauma patient\u2019s arrival at the emer -\ngency department requires quick evaluation and if an expanding epidural hematoma is found, rapid surgical evacuation is mandatory. Drug treatment is generally con -\nsidered when refractory high ICP is detected.\n67,68 This implies that if brain edema is \npresent, rapid intravenous infusion (fast drip or bolus) of an antiedema drug should be applied to control rising ICP and failing cerebral perfusion.\n66\nThe cryogenic lesion model was again used by the San Diego researchers who \ncompared the acute effect of DMSO and pentobarbital, an agent used to reduce ICP often by creating barbiturate coma, on the development of brain edema in rabbits.\n69 \nDMSO was given 1 mg/kg in a 10% solution by intravenous bolus, and pentobarbi -\ntal 40 mg/kg was administered intravenously over a 30 min infusion. It was found that ICP was quickly lowered by both DMSO and pentobarbital with central venous pressure unchanged. Where the treatments differed was in the lowering of systemic arterial pressure by pentobarbital but not by DMSO, an outcome that likely produced a reduction in cerebral perfusion by the barbiturate.\nTo find out the physiological basis for DMSO\u2019s action in lowering ICP and reduc -\ning brain edema after a cryogenic brain lesion in rabbits, cerebral blood flow was measured before and after 2 g/kg/h DMSO 20% infusion for 2\u00a0h or 1 g/kg DMSO bolus preceded by a bolus of 20 mg indomethacin, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agent and a nonselective prostaglandin (PG) synthase inhibitor.\n65 The results sug -\ngested that following the DMSO bolus injection in the absence of indomethacin, an immediate rise in cerebral blood flow was followed by a decrease 30\u00a0min later despite a constant lowering of ICP.\nThese rise and paradoxical dip of cerebral blood flow were not observed when \nDMSO was given as a slow infusion where ICP was still lowered and cerebral blood flow rose consistently throughout the infusion. When indomethacin was given 15\u00a0min prior to DMSO infusion, cerebral blood flow failed to increase immediately until 60\u00a0min had passed, an action not observed when indomethacin was admin-\nistered prior to a DMSO bolus. The authors concluded that the action of reducing \nICP immediately after DMS", "token_ids": [304, 279, 2585, 315, 45089, 358, 7269, 323, 17876, 8271, 1608, 9355, 1701, 264, 39824, 1646, 627, 2983, 2052, 10099, 1051, 41223, 369, 76908, 5820, 11, 358, 7269, 11, 8792, 11457, 788, 720, 47074, 11, 46417, 80935, 7410, 11, 323, 3090, 2262, 304, 279, 8271, 13, 47966, 1047, 264, 28029, 3158, 315, 279, 1370, 3978, 278, 49370, 20268, 369, 220, 1954, 274, 1701, 264, 22477, 8767, 65410, 304, 14812, 47503, 13, 1115, 93217, 3549, 264, 13263, 44589, 3158, 315, 19591, 63412, 323, 17728, 18722, 54308, 425, 520, 279, 7479, 323, 264, 2478, 2606, 55336, 3770, 279, 49370, 13, 3277, 10099, 1051, 41772, 449, 30563, 6437, 11, 279, 54631, 574, 13468, 311, 58439, 300, 349, 1120, 7953, 279, 93217, 2816, 1193, 304, 279, 16106, 29569, 93217, 1912, 11, 10923, 279, 19179, 315, 279, 54631, 9041, 2768, 1855, 4322, 336, 406, 627, 2983, 1102, 574, 1766, 430, 76908, 5820, 1306, 220, 16, 342, 45870, 315, 264, 220, 605, 4, 720, 35, 4931, 46, 6425, 2728, 220, 1187, 116781, 1306, 279, 16106, 29569, 93217, 574, 459, 16048, 304, 16798, 18722, 425, 323, 279, 1396, 315, 6435, 17301, 304, 4330, 315, 4848, 10099, 12020, 994, 7863, 311, 83920, 93217, 291, 10099, 13, 578, 358, 7269, 574, 12207, 11293, 220, 20, 4194, 1083, 1306, 423, 4931, 46, 449, 912, 4442, 3970, 304, 279, 8792, 11457, 788, 7410, 11, 902, 16392, 1193, 304, 83920, 93217, 291, 10099, 627, 66177, 3090, 2262, 574, 12207, 11293, 1306, 423, 4931, 46, 304, 2225, 17728, 285, 65733, 720, 438, 574, 7319, 304, 279, 83920, 16106, 29569, 93217, 291, 10099, 13, 1115, 4007, 20536, 430, 1306, 264, 16106, 29569, 93217, 11, 423, 4931, 46, 93163, 46417, 80935, 7410, 11, 3090, 390, 18722, 73468, 304, 279, 8271, 11, 323, 8792, 11457, 788, 7410, 323, 11293, 358, 7269, 1418, 7859, 60745, 22535, 7713, 994, 7863, 311, 83920, 93217, 291, 10099, 627, 2983, 198, 2028, 16106, 29569, 93217, 4007, 6197, 311, 264, 2132, 4007, 555, 279, 5960, 18842, 1912, 311, 720, 69, 4004, 1296, 423, 4931, 46, 753, 5845, 311, 8108, 21503, 8271, 1608, 9355, 520, 3977, 35130, 430, 720, 29177, 387, 7524, 323, 2103, 10519, 73396, 668, 323, 15962, 8335, 13, 3391, 578, 1890, 31674, 18722, 4590, 1646, 323, 16106, 29569, 93217, 574, 1511, 11, 323, 279, 14955, 12090, 430, 264, 220, 16, 342, 45870, 720, 1073, 264, 220, 605, 4, 423, 4931, 46, 6425, 2728, 439, 459, 10805, 81443, 21434, 355, 574, 439, 7524, 304, 18189, 358, 7269, 439, 264, 220, 16, 342, 45870, 315, 264, 220, 1272, 4, 423, 4931, 46, 21434, 355, 11, 264, 19660, 430, 1436, 1893, 2579, 2849, 17728, 337, 4548, 13, 220, 10239, 8289, 42972, 46962, 15361, 579, 320, 35, 4931, 46, 8, 304, 17747, 13722, 323, 31974, 198, 9673, 4194, 48105, 4194, 15456, 430, 1418, 264, 220, 605, 4, 21434, 355, 315, 423, 4931, 46, 1053, 5766, 2579, 2849, 305, 6868, 18722, 398, 14744, 11, 433, 1053, 1101, 5376, 8792, 11457, 788, 7410, 323, 15962, 43284, 13, 4452, 11, 720, 1820, 12283, 11075, 430, 279, 8792, 11457, 788, 7410, 5376, 323, 15962, 43284, 3185, 6372, 1436, 387, 31890, 994, 220, 17, 342, 45870, 315, 264, 220, 508, 4, 423, 4931, 46, 71308, 574, 2728, 31978, 927, 220, 16, 116781, 13, 1115, 5603, 9508, 439, 7524, 439, 279, 220, 605, 4, 21434, 355, 5934, 762, 18722, 83, 919, 627, 2397, 8876, 279, 4007, 574, 32372, 220, 16, 116781, 2768, 682, 22972, 11, 433, 574, 2653, 720, 998, 11913, 3508, 264, 21434, 355, 477, 6435, 71308, 574, 70668, 304, 264, 8893, 11469, 264, 11295, 67902, 4269, 96849, 7942, 2768, 264, 8036, 2010, 11134, 13, 578, 23669, 19660, 315, 10805, 81443, 423, 4931, 46, 1053, 3719, 264, 20733, 88455, 2565, 304, 17876, 14830, 323, 22772, 7978, 38936, 1268, 1888, 311, 4322, 264, 8271, 11134, 627, 2028, 3242, 13559, 315, 423, 4931, 46, 2728, 439, 459, 10805, 81443, 21434, 355, 477, 6435, 71308, 520, 459, 3469, 72, 18722, 14991, 20545, 574, 5616, 29056, 11, 439, 584, 4985, 1518, 304, 15957, 220, 24, 11, 304, 1403, 14830, 18178, 19622, 10887, 555, 24666, 26453, 27723, 15748, 8036, 2010, 11134, 6978, 1701, 423, 4931, 46, 627, 2096, 11, 1774, 198, 791, 4948, 4007, 11953, 704, 555, 279, 5960, 18842, 12074, 3391, 64, 10968, 389, 33459, 720, 1820, 71308, 892, 315, 423, 4931, 46, 505, 220, 16, 311, 220, 18, 116781, 1701, 279, 1890, 16106, 29569, 39824, 1646, 315, 8271, 30988, 1511, 304, 279, 1176, 323, 2132, 7978, 13, 1115, 9526, 25078, 3508, 423, 4931, 46, 520, 264, 19660, 315, 220, 17, 342, 45870, 220, 508, 4, 71308, 2728, 220, 1187, 116781, 1306, 279, 16106, 29569, 93217, 1053, 2103, 4827, 358, 7269, 323, 8108, 1023, 3185, 6372, 994, 2728, 927, 220, 18, 116781, 4856, 1109, 927, 220, 16, 116781, 439, 5068, 304, 279, 2132, 4007, 627, 791, 3135, 16717, 430, 423, 4931, 46, 72903, 927, 264, 220, 18, 305, 4261, 574, 3025, 311, 1879, 13215, 18722, 66, 18007, 4827, 358, 7269, 505, 220, 717, 13, 24, 4194, 3906, 473, 70, 1603, 6514, 311, 220, 22, 13, 18, 5801, 81, 1306, 220, 1774, 4194, 1083, 323, 311, 220, 19, 13, 17, 4194, 9653, 5801, 81, 1306, 220, 18, 4194, 305, 13, 744, 292, 80935, 7410, 323, 8792, 11457, 788, 7410, 14958, 35957, 2391, 323, 1306, 423, 4931, 46, 71308, 627, 3391, 64, 31417, 73396, 668, 5990, 315, 720, 82, 47876, 323, 62275, 8710, 264, 14278, 315, 2225, 73396, 2392, 304, 279, 93217, 291, 323, 653, 645, 97657, 6155, 278, 19715, 17728, 285, 65733, 1306, 423, 4931, 46, 11, 902, 574, 4528, 311, 83920, 93217, 291, 10099, 627, 791, 5960, 18842, 7978, 11075, 459, 23669, 19660, 315, 423, 4931, 46, 520, 220, 17, 342, 45870, 304, 264, 220, 508, 4, 720, 50560, 2728, 927, 264, 220, 18, 305, 4261, 439, 264, 810, 23669, 5603, 311, 76970, 423, 4931, 46, 3284, 3185, 6372, 1778, 439, 8286, 43284, 11, 264, 10205, 315, 62275, 8271, 5990, 11, 323, 2579, 6680, 2849, 320, 49, 5002, 8, 17728, 337, 4548, 627, 2397, 1226, 1457, 1440, 430, 279, 23669, 19660, 315, 423, 4931, 46, 304, 3823, 720, 81437, 80184, 264, 15748, 8271, 11134, 374, 220, 16, 342, 45870, 304, 264, 220, 1591, 4, 6425, 9709, 449, 220, 20, 4, 294, 428, 25888, 304, 3090, 627, 2096, 11, 1774, 198, 2181, 1288, 387, 10555, 430, 279, 20547, 17728, 337, 4548, 3970, 1306, 264, 11295, 21434, 355, 315, 1579, 50938, 18722, 1055, 788, 35130, 315, 423, 4931, 46, 706, 1027, 6982, 311, 387, 264, 13643, 3185, 2515, 430, 1587, 539, 21736, 2942, 5674, 11, 2737, 279, 81960, 627, 2287, 33924, 337, 4548, 1306, 1579, 11295, 35130, 720, 1073, 423, 4931, 46, 374, 264, 13010, 430, 2744, 61370, 1306, 279, 45980, 4090, 315, 423, 4931, 46, 13, 1115, 574, 21091, 304, 264, 1853, 39227, 4007, 16967, 6680, 30903, 11, 305, 9355, 18722, 83, 2508, 11, 40335, 11, 18274, 1299, 11, 64908, 11, 323, 41713, 6067, 304, 436, 17082, 355, 61820, 2728, 11763, 1579, 35130, 315, 423, 4931, 46, 320, 18, 342, 45870, 220, 1272, 11587, 369, 220, 24, 4194, 14097, 323, 8272, 709, 369, 220, 19, 4194, 4038, 627, 2397, 2468, 279, 842, 315, 279, 4007, 11, 682, 10099, 55093, 1772, 93711, 336, 29060, 11, 720, 16564, 20547, 323, 90090, 89961, 69570, 13, 2360, 5199, 477, 1317, 7058, 70529, 4442, 1051, 12715, 304, 904, 315, 279, 5137, 20041, 994, 1521, 828, 1051, 720, 5807, 1636, 311, 1884, 10099, 2728, 4725, 53194, 99107, 13, 2287, 198, 791, 2380, 29137, 4007, 555, 279, 5960, 18842, 1912, 1101, 8710, 430, 423, 4931, 46, 1436, 8531, 18722, 77, 98864, 8108, 358, 7269, 2085, 28987, 46417, 7410, 477, 8792, 11457, 788, 7410, 220, 10290, 423, 4931, 46, 304, 14967, 32359, 782, 40241, 198, 3556, 46301, 279, 8271, 3090, 2262, 304, 279, 93217, 291, 69766, 13, 4314, 7978, 720, 19171, 12090, 430, 264, 6435, 71308, 315, 220, 17, 342, 45870, 315, 264, 220, 508, 4, 423, 4931, 46, 6425, 927, 264, 220, 18, 305, 4261, 574, 439, 7524, 304, 46301, 358, 7269, 439, 220, 16, 342, 45870, 315, 264, 220, 1272, 4, 423, 4931, 46, 21434, 355, 719, 2085, 279, 20547, 17728, 337, 4548, 3970, 449, 279, 21434, 355, 627, 2983, 4235, 2096, 198, 16179, 420, 17102, 374, 4762, 2764, 369, 264, 16106, 29569, 93217, 311, 279, 49370, 720, 2940, 2254, 19591, 63412, 323, 71417, 425, 2274, 7214, 323, 7293, 264, 2536, 33417, 18722, 287, 93217, 11, 433, 374, 539, 279, 1162, 449, 264, 12309, 29493, 52499, 28817, 4269, 96849, 7942, 320, 19171, 2663, 67902, 4269, 96849, 7942, 8, 430, 3135, 505, 264, 15748, 49770, 30988, 311, 279, 35113, 323, 3026, 41499, 627, 2127, 67902, 4269, 477, 28817, 4269, 96849, 7942, 13980, 994, 1070, 374, 264, 89869, 315, 264, 6680, 720, 85, 36648, 11, 6118, 459, 65415, 11, 902, 1243, 12704, 6910, 1139, 279, 3634, 1990, 279, 294, 5808, 53251, 323, 279, 9358, 7147, 315, 279, 35113, 13, 1556, 28817, 4269, 96849, 7942, 374, 8965, 459, 24050, 3148, 430, 649, 5662, 1202, 16557, 304, 220, 19, 4235, 23, 116781, 323, 374, 13171, 315, 67770, 279, 294, 5808, 10980, 323, 27903, 279, 18488, 315, 94329, 8271, 1608, 9355, 439, 1664, 439, 96811, 14580, 8271, 5674, 323, 4648, 13, 1115, 3445, 430, 264, 8271, 30988, 8893, 753, 19163, 520, 279, 991, 261, 18722, 22372, 9476, 7612, 4062, 16865, 323, 422, 459, 24050, 28817, 4269, 96849, 7942, 374, 1766, 11, 11295, 34933, 60773, 374, 23911, 13, 26166, 6514, 374, 8965, 390, 18722, 82, 1814, 291, 994, 19914, 2992, 1579, 358, 7269, 374, 16914, 627, 3080, 11, 2614, 1115, 24897, 430, 422, 8271, 1608, 9355, 374, 720, 29844, 11, 11295, 10805, 81443, 71308, 320, 9533, 73599, 477, 21434, 355, 8, 315, 459, 3276, 1142, 9355, 5623, 1288, 387, 9435, 311, 2585, 16448, 358, 7269, 323, 22109, 60745, 22535, 7713, 627, 2287, 198, 791, 16106, 29569, 93217, 1646, 574, 1578, 1511, 555, 279, 5960, 18842, 12074, 889, 720, 5807, 1636, 279, 30883, 2515, 315, 423, 4931, 46, 323, 20801, 32493, 65, 2223, 11, 459, 8479, 1511, 311, 8108, 358, 7269, 3629, 555, 6968, 3703, 4590, 62259, 70398, 11, 389, 279, 4500, 315, 8271, 1608, 9355, 304, 70244, 627, 3076, 720, 35, 4931, 46, 574, 2728, 220, 16, 14060, 45870, 304, 264, 220, 605, 4, 6425, 555, 10805, 81443, 21434, 355, 11, 323, 20801, 32493, 8385, 18722, 51977, 220, 1272, 14060, 45870, 574, 38018, 10805, 5389, 7162, 927, 264, 220, 966, 1332, 71308, 13, 1102, 574, 1766, 430, 358, 7269, 574, 6288, 39920, 555, 2225, 423, 4931, 46, 323, 20801, 32493, 65, 2223, 449, 8792, 11457, 788, 7410, 35957, 13, 11208, 279, 22972, 89075, 574, 304, 279, 46301, 315, 46417, 80935, 7410, 555, 20801, 32493, 65, 2223, 719, 539, 555, 423, 4931, 46, 11, 459, 15632, 430, 4461, 9124, 264, 14278, 304, 60745, 22535, 7713, 555, 279, 3703, 4590, 62259, 627, 1271, 1505, 704, 279, 53194, 8197, 369, 423, 4931, 46, 753, 1957, 304, 46301, 358, 7269, 323, 3679, 66, 18722, 287, 8271, 1608, 9355, 1306, 264, 16106, 29569, 8271, 93217, 304, 70244, 11, 60745, 6680, 6530, 574, 17303, 1603, 323, 1306, 220, 17, 342, 45870, 7682, 423, 4931, 46, 220, 508, 4, 71308, 369, 220, 17, 116781, 477, 220, 16, 342, 45870, 423, 4931, 46, 21434, 355, 53580, 555, 264, 21434, 355, 315, 220, 508, 14060, 1280, 316, 774, 40488, 11, 264, 2536, 3751, 71916, 7294, 67595, 8479, 323, 264, 2536, 1779, 535, 36321, 351, 1974, 258, 320, 11637, 8, 43998, 521, 70785, 627, 2397, 578, 3135, 31705, 18722, 7114, 291, 430, 2768, 279, 423, 4931, 46, 21434, 355, 26127, 304, 279, 19821, 315, 1280, 316, 774, 40488, 11, 459, 14247, 10205, 304, 60745, 6680, 6530, 574, 8272, 555, 264, 18979, 220, 966, 4194, 1083, 3010, 8994, 264, 6926, 46301, 315, 358, 7269, 627, 9673, 10205, 323, 52313, 950, 24522, 315, 60745, 6680, 6530, 1051, 539, 13468, 994, 720, 35, 4931, 46, 574, 2728, 439, 264, 6435, 71308, 1405, 358, 7269, 574, 2103, 39920, 323, 60745, 6680, 6530, 16392, 21356, 6957, 279, 71308, 13, 3277, 1280, 316, 774, 40488, 574, 2728, 220, 868, 4194, 1083, 4972, 311, 423, 4931, 46, 71308, 11, 60745, 6680, 6530, 4745, 311, 5376, 7214, 3156, 220, 1399, 4194, 1083, 1047, 5946, 11, 459, 1957, 539, 13468, 994, 1280, 316, 774, 40488, 574, 4074, 7058, 1601, 291, 4972, 311, 264, 423, 4931, 46, 21434, 355, 13, 578, 12283, 20536, 430, 279, 1957, 315, 18189, 720, 1341, 47, 7214, 1306, 423, 4931], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " protects against toxins your most important organs - the brain\nand heart. How? The main way in which the body gets rid\nfrom toxic products - toxins, is to neutralize their\nin the liver and excretion by the kidneys. Water-soluble toxins are derived\nthe kidneys, and fat-soluble bile (a substance\nbilirubin) in the intestine and then out with the feces. For other\nSubstances mechanisms of excretion of the lung\n(CO2) and the important role played by the skin. However, the amount of toxins\nin the environment of modern civilization than all\npermissible norms by hundreds and thousands of targets. Due\nThis body can not cope with the avalanche of modern toxins,\nbreaking on the body (I almost said - the man, but\nin modern life, this applies to animals). Everyone can\nobserve dead pigeons on city streets. People - the same patients\npigeons. and every dog??lover will tell you that now the dogs are sick\nthe same diseases of civilization, as humans. Where does the excess\ntoxins? Excess toxins wise body \"carries a landfill for\ntown \"that is lays inert, peripheral tissues,\nlesion which bears no direct threat to life.\nThese tissues is adipose tissue, the largest number of\nwhich is located subcutaneously and in the retroperitoneal space along the\nspine, causing a big belly in men and sediment\nfat in the pelvis and hips in women, as well as salt deposits\ntoxins in the osteo-ligamentous, locomotor. Deposits\ntoxins in the form of calcium salts in the motor unit causing\nnotorious osteochondrosis.\n9\n9Over the years - by the age of forty - the \"graveyard\" of salts of toxins in the tissue\nand ligaments are already extremely full, and then the process of deposition\nsalts, toxins goes to the vital organs in which\ngradually begin to accumulate pathological (painful)\nchanges. The first well-known example: atherosclerosis,\nwhich basically has the same degenerative origin, that\nand osteochondrosis of the ligaments and joints, but there is a vital\ntransport vessels, narrowing their lumen and disrupting circulation\nvital organs. And this is the reason that\ncardiovascular heart disease and brain - angina and stroke\n- Are the first and the second cause of death for all\nincluding those not elderly.\nThe cause of the major killers of our time are the heart\ncardiovascular disease and cancer, which also has major\nsamointoksikatsii cause in the body. There have been various theories\ncancer: infectious and genetic. But forget to pay\nattention to the fact that a hundred years ago, when the environment was not so\ntoxic, cancer, as well as cardiovascular disease, was\na rare disease, but now he is the third death\nplace.\nWhich part of the most polluted environment? Air.\nand lung cancer in the world comes first among the cancers.\nInterestingly, of the cancers of digestive system in the first place\nU.S. colon cancer. And in Russia? in Russia in the first place\ncancer of the stomach and duodenum. How can\ninterpret these data? It is obvious that in Russia the most\nthe cancer has spread at the entrance to the digestive system and in the U.S.\noutput. What is infectious or genetic theory is\nexplain? It is obvious that this is due to dietary\npopulation of both countries. It can be assumed that the Americans\nfood is more malignant in terms of chronic, that is, providing\nits malignant effect by the end of the digestive tract,\nand in Russia, food is more cancerous in the acute term, ie\nexerts its malignant effect directly and immediately\nif it enters the stomach. Perhaps this is due to the peculiarities\nnutrition of the population of Russia, namely alcoholism and\ncommunication with the northern climate, lack of fiber\nfood, lack of fresh fruits and vegetables and the prevalence of\nconsumption of cooked food starch, corn, potatoes and sausage\nproducts consisting of relatively malignant components.\nin the U.S. because of their northern border is located at a latitude of our\nCrimea, low-quality vegetables and fruits are present throughout the\nyear, but they consume a lot of hormones into the meat and dairy\nproducts and pesticides, and food prepared from\nsemis, will be accurate to say that Americans are eating out\nboxes and bottles.\nIn the U.S., according to statistics, prostate cancer and breast cancer\n10\n10diagnosed after the age of 50 every second\nmen and women, respectively. This is due to the consumption of\nHormonal meat and dairy products. How did they live at the same time?\nConstantly take toxic cytotoxic drugs\nand live. What kind of life at the same time? You understand what a life.\nThe body of this category of people severely intoxicated. It represents\na kind of a slop bucket inside which the particles are stored\ndead cells and protein mass (it littered with intercellular\nspace and literally stuffed sometimes lymph\nvessels). This \"garbage\" interferes with the normal functioning\nbody, interferes with \"communication\" of cells with each other, reducing the force\nelectrical signals transmitted by cells to each other. from the point\nview naturopathic body of people (again, that we\ntalking about the majority of the population) is in the so-called third\nstate. This means that these people are not visibly ill,\nhowever healthy they also did not name. This category\nprimarily exposed to colds, flu and various other\nDiseases. This happens because the body is not littered\nresist disease, and, conversely, takes her with\nopen arms, seeing microbes as liberators, which can be\nfeed your trash.\nConclusion? If you do not want to get into the characteristic statistics\nModern mortality, then you should take\nadditional and conscious effort to cleanse the body\nof constantly accumulating toxins. However, this name\nhas a technical connotation and therefore does not reflect the tragedy of\nconsequences associated with defeat slags vital\nbodies. Organism - it is not just a pan in which the deferred\nsome neutral slags - an organism fatally damaged\nthese slags. Therefore, here to speak about chronic\npoisoning of food, household and industrial toxins,\nie, toxins that are medically called chronic\ntoxemia. Strictly speaking, the main issue is not so much increased\nconcentrations of toxins in the blood, and increased concentration\ntoxins in tissues and organs and as a consequence of their rising\ndamage that would be more correct to call toksikogistiey,\nbecause the root \"GIST\" means \"cloth\".\nIt was a very interesting survey conducted in Yekaterinburg:\nexposed hair 24 Uralians spectral analysis and found\nin the body Hg, Li, Cr in toxic concentrations. Absolutely\ncertain that these elements are carcinogenic, so do not\nbe surprised that we are sick with cancer.\nThe most radical and, consequently, the most effective\nway to clean toxins from the chronic - is a therapeutic fasting,\nnatural way to cleanse the body from accumulating\nharmful substances. It is useful in terms of mental, spiritual\nand physical cleansing. The emergence of medical\n11\n11fasting is rooted in antiquity. Please\nnote - no animal when it gets sick, will not eat.\nUnfortunately, people act differently, not realizing that the lack of\nappetite during illness said that to combat it come\nbody's defenses. Such is the reaction of the organism to\ndisease. Loss of appetite during illness - this is the inclusion of the fight\nthe body's defenses. If the temperature rises, so\nis mobilization of the body. Of the thousand-year experience\nAfter numerous experiments and careful clinical\nstudy, it became clear that limotherapy (now\nit is more commonly referred to by RDT - fasting-diet therapy)\n- Sole therapeutic agent. It promotes\nradical cleansing and all that purifies - heals. By\nspeed and effectiveness of getting rid of various ailments method\nhas no equal, especially when the drug treatment of one\ndisease exacerbates the other. Or when the patient's intolerance\nmedicines. We can say that any kind of fasting\nbenefit, since in this period in an organism occurs\na cleansing of toxic contamination and provides\nrest of the central nervous system and digestive organs.\nWhen you starve vital energy performs cleaning\nwork in your body. The organism is self-cleaning, samolechitsya\nand self-healing. When you stop eating, your\norganism there are wonderful things! If you want to support\nthe body clean, you have to starve! Try to starve\na few times - you feel that never before felt:\ninternal cleansing, which leads you to health! Live not aging\nimpossible, but to extend years of active longevity may be even\nin environmental change.\nFasting serves two functions. First - prevention:\nfasting for about three days the body goes\npowered by internal reserves (endogenous feeding). When\nThis destroyed alien (bacteria and viruses), bad\nand abnormal structures at the cellular level. Second - medical:\nFasting allows for deep cleansing of all organs,\nwith the existing pathology (including embryos of tumors)\nduring the endogenous nutrition destroyed. All organs lose\nin weight. Their recovery is in the process of the correct\nclinical nutrition in the recovery period, the duration\nwhich is approximately equal to the duration of fasting. For this\nperiod all the organs as if growing again - but in an updated,\nHealth Video.\nDifferences between the method of fasting from other methods\nrecovery\n1. It can help in", "token_ids": [36236, 2403, 62186, 701, 1455, 3062, 36853, 482, 279, 8271, 198, 438, 4851, 13, 2650, 30, 578, 1925, 1648, 304, 902, 279, 2547, 5334, 9463, 198, 1527, 21503, 3956, 482, 62186, 11, 374, 311, 21277, 553, 872, 198, 258, 279, 26587, 323, 506, 89790, 555, 279, 81960, 13, 10164, 1355, 337, 41572, 62186, 527, 14592, 198, 1820, 81960, 11, 323, 8834, 1355, 337, 41572, 73394, 320, 64, 20278, 198, 112474, 392, 258, 8, 304, 279, 92234, 323, 1243, 704, 449, 279, 55061, 288, 13, 1789, 1023, 198, 3214, 9623, 24717, 315, 506, 89790, 315, 279, 21271, 198, 3100, 46, 17, 8, 323, 279, 3062, 3560, 6476, 555, 279, 6930, 13, 4452, 11, 279, 3392, 315, 62186, 198, 258, 279, 4676, 315, 6617, 36017, 1109, 682, 198, 716, 45164, 40851, 555, 11758, 323, 9214, 315, 11811, 13, 24586, 198, 2028, 2547, 649, 539, 37586, 449, 279, 96694, 315, 6617, 62186, 345, 37757, 389, 279, 2547, 320, 40, 4661, 1071, 482, 279, 893, 11, 719, 198, 258, 6617, 2324, 11, 420, 17208, 311, 10099, 570, 22172, 649, 198, 49133, 5710, 50455, 2439, 389, 3363, 14708, 13, 9029, 482, 279, 1890, 6978, 198, 79, 7404, 2439, 13, 323, 1475, 5679, 9602, 57597, 690, 3371, 499, 430, 1457, 279, 12875, 527, 14363, 198, 1820, 1890, 19338, 315, 36017, 11, 439, 12966, 13, 11208, 1587, 279, 13937, 198, 998, 87, 1354, 30, 1398, 1140, 62186, 24219, 2547, 330, 7063, 4108, 264, 85634, 369, 198, 28931, 330, 9210, 374, 57622, 81073, 11, 35688, 39881, 345, 645, 290, 902, 30824, 912, 2167, 6023, 311, 2324, 627, 9673, 39881, 374, 30366, 974, 20438, 11, 279, 7928, 1396, 315, 198, 8370, 374, 7559, 1207, 10453, 20933, 323, 304, 279, 17189, 716, 85166, 278, 3634, 3235, 279, 198, 2203, 483, 11, 14718, 264, 2466, 36517, 304, 3026, 323, 59132, 198, 45283, 304, 279, 12077, 2749, 323, 43523, 304, 3278, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 12290, 34751, 198, 998, 87, 1354, 304, 279, 52368, 78, 2922, 343, 2908, 788, 11, 63907, 10088, 13, 78150, 1220, 198, 998, 87, 1354, 304, 279, 1376, 315, 35719, 78235, 304, 279, 9048, 5089, 14718, 198, 1962, 22766, 52368, 47517, 63412, 627, 24, 198, 24, 1959, 279, 1667, 482, 555, 279, 4325, 315, 36498, 482, 279, 330, 77731, 17884, 1, 315, 78235, 315, 62186, 304, 279, 20438, 198, 438, 29413, 24469, 527, 2736, 9193, 2539, 11, 323, 1243, 279, 1920, 315, 65374, 198, 19776, 2641, 11, 62186, 5900, 311, 279, 16595, 36853, 304, 902, 198, 6902, 1870, 3240, 311, 47376, 89961, 320, 92724, 1285, 340, 19926, 13, 578, 1176, 1664, 22015, 3187, 25, 264, 91882, 91711, 345, 8370, 13524, 706, 279, 1890, 5367, 75989, 6371, 11, 430, 198, 438, 52368, 47517, 63412, 315, 279, 29413, 24469, 323, 35358, 11, 719, 1070, 374, 264, 16595, 198, 27543, 31080, 11, 98867, 872, 326, 28999, 323, 87843, 35855, 198, 85, 2223, 36853, 13, 1628, 420, 374, 279, 2944, 430, 198, 5057, 822, 33945, 4851, 8624, 323, 8271, 482, 6590, 2259, 323, 12943, 198, 12, 8886, 279, 1176, 323, 279, 2132, 5353, 315, 4648, 369, 682, 198, 16564, 1884, 539, 29920, 627, 791, 5353, 315, 279, 3682, 61135, 315, 1057, 892, 527, 279, 4851, 198, 5057, 822, 33945, 8624, 323, 9572, 11, 902, 1101, 706, 3682, 198, 47096, 787, 35322, 1609, 1900, 3893, 5353, 304, 279, 2547, 13, 2684, 617, 1027, 5370, 26018, 198, 66, 11967, 25, 50600, 323, 19465, 13, 2030, 10894, 311, 2343, 198, 54203, 311, 279, 2144, 430, 264, 7895, 1667, 4227, 11, 994, 279, 4676, 574, 539, 779, 198, 998, 14668, 11, 9572, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 41713, 8624, 11, 574, 198, 64, 9024, 8624, 11, 719, 1457, 568, 374, 279, 4948, 4648, 198, 2050, 627, 23956, 961, 315, 279, 1455, 95869, 4676, 30, 6690, 627, 438, 21271, 9572, 304, 279, 1917, 4131, 1176, 4315, 279, 51423, 627, 82990, 11, 315, 279, 51423, 315, 60071, 1887, 304, 279, 1176, 2035, 198, 52, 815, 13, 15235, 9572, 13, 1628, 304, 8524, 30, 304, 8524, 304, 279, 1176, 2035, 198, 66, 11967, 315, 279, 23152, 323, 3930, 347, 9195, 13, 2650, 649, 198, 17324, 1521, 828, 30, 1102, 374, 8196, 430, 304, 8524, 279, 1455, 198, 1820, 9572, 706, 9041, 520, 279, 20396, 311, 279, 60071, 1887, 323, 304, 279, 549, 815, 627, 3081, 13, 3639, 374, 50600, 477, 19465, 10334, 374, 198, 95444, 30, 1102, 374, 8196, 430, 420, 374, 4245, 311, 34625, 198, 45541, 315, 2225, 5961, 13, 1102, 649, 387, 19655, 430, 279, 9053, 198, 14239, 374, 810, 94329, 304, 3878, 315, 21249, 11, 430, 374, 11, 8405, 198, 1220, 94329, 2515, 555, 279, 842, 315, 279, 60071, 42929, 345, 438, 304, 8524, 11, 3691, 374, 810, 9572, 788, 304, 279, 30883, 4751, 11, 30958, 198, 327, 15916, 1202, 94329, 2515, 6089, 323, 7214, 198, 333, 433, 29933, 279, 23152, 13, 19292, 420, 374, 4245, 311, 279, 44797, 1385, 198, 83664, 315, 279, 7187, 315, 8524, 11, 32125, 13200, 2191, 323, 198, 51271, 449, 279, 18671, 10182, 11, 6996, 315, 24722, 198, 14239, 11, 6996, 315, 7878, 26390, 323, 24822, 323, 279, 38009, 315, 198, 67776, 562, 315, 30205, 3691, 70181, 11, 14095, 11, 35267, 323, 59986, 198, 10354, 31706, 315, 12309, 94329, 6956, 627, 258, 279, 549, 815, 13, 1606, 315, 872, 18671, 3973, 374, 7559, 520, 264, 21518, 315, 1057, 198, 92690, 64, 11, 3428, 22867, 24822, 323, 26390, 527, 3118, 6957, 279, 198, 3236, 11, 719, 814, 25024, 264, 2763, 315, 44315, 1139, 279, 13339, 323, 34479, 198, 10354, 323, 61257, 11, 323, 3691, 10235, 505, 198, 7143, 285, 11, 690, 387, 13687, 311, 2019, 430, 9053, 527, 12459, 704, 198, 22995, 323, 27474, 627, 644, 279, 549, 815, 2637, 4184, 311, 13443, 11, 47447, 9572, 323, 17659, 9572, 198, 605, 198, 605, 8747, 3326, 20158, 1306, 279, 4325, 315, 220, 1135, 1475, 2132, 198, 5794, 323, 3278, 11, 15947, 13, 1115, 374, 4245, 311, 279, 15652, 315, 198, 39, 494, 25180, 13339, 323, 34479, 3956, 13, 2650, 1550, 814, 3974, 520, 279, 1890, 892, 5380, 15839, 398, 1935, 21503, 79909, 91676, 11217, 198, 438, 3974, 13, 3639, 3169, 315, 2324, 520, 279, 1890, 892, 30, 1472, 3619, 1148, 264, 2324, 627, 791, 2547, 315, 420, 5699, 315, 1274, 35906, 87523, 13, 1102, 11105, 198, 64, 3169, 315, 264, 18067, 79, 15994, 4871, 902, 279, 19252, 527, 9967, 198, 34854, 7917, 323, 13128, 3148, 320, 275, 39682, 291, 449, 958, 5997, 1299, 198, 8920, 323, 16280, 45413, 7170, 43745, 198, 85, 434, 2053, 570, 1115, 330, 12440, 21305, 1, 41305, 288, 449, 279, 4725, 31301, 198, 2664, 11, 41305, 288, 449, 330, 51271, 1, 315, 7917, 449, 1855, 1023, 11, 18189, 279, 5457, 198, 19493, 12381, 17738, 34699, 555, 7917, 311, 1855, 1023, 13, 505, 279, 1486, 198, 1068, 18050, 84, 897, 589, 292, 2547, 315, 1274, 320, 33871, 11, 430, 584, 198, 83, 30855, 922, 279, 8857, 315, 279, 7187, 8, 374, 304, 279, 779, 19434, 4948, 198, 2513, 13, 1115, 3445, 430, 1521, 1274, 527, 539, 74106, 5986, 345, 98936, 9498, 814, 1101, 1550, 539, 836, 13, 1115, 5699, 198, 18375, 6751, 15246, 311, 9439, 82, 11, 20236, 323, 5370, 1023, 198, 35, 1082, 2315, 13, 1115, 8741, 1606, 279, 2547, 374, 539, 39682, 291, 198, 417, 380, 8624, 11, 323, 11, 7669, 989, 11, 5097, 1077, 449, 198, 2569, 11977, 11, 9298, 80727, 439, 34929, 3046, 11, 902, 649, 387, 198, 11432, 701, 23701, 627, 44534, 30, 1442, 499, 656, 539, 1390, 311, 636, 1139, 279, 29683, 13443, 198, 49552, 29528, 11, 1243, 499, 1288, 1935, 198, 36599, 323, 17371, 5149, 311, 81155, 279, 2547, 198, 1073, 15320, 92685, 62186, 13, 4452, 11, 420, 836, 198, 4752, 264, 11156, 390, 11170, 323, 9093, 1587, 539, 8881, 279, 31926, 315, 198, 444, 62808, 5938, 449, 18506, 1776, 2076, 16595, 198, 65, 10233, 13, 10995, 2191, 482, 433, 374, 539, 1120, 264, 7363, 304, 902, 279, 27334, 198, 15031, 21277, 1776, 2076, 482, 459, 47120, 72461, 20727, 198, 45010, 1776, 2076, 13, 15636, 11, 1618, 311, 6604, 922, 21249, 198, 5481, 3416, 287, 315, 3691, 11, 14048, 323, 13076, 62186, 345, 648, 11, 62186, 430, 527, 78269, 2663, 21249, 198, 998, 87, 22689, 13, 53981, 398, 12365, 11, 279, 1925, 4360, 374, 539, 779, 1790, 7319, 198, 444, 1189, 81, 811, 315, 62186, 304, 279, 6680, 11, 323, 7319, 20545, 198, 998, 87, 1354, 304, 39881, 323, 36853, 323, 439, 264, 29774, 315, 872, 16448, 198, 43965, 430, 1053, 387, 810, 4495, 311, 1650, 311, 2857, 1609, 540, 380, 648, 88, 345, 28753, 279, 3789, 330, 38, 3931, 1, 3445, 330, 89054, 23811, 2181, 574, 264, 1633, 7185, 10795, 13375, 304, 816, 1247, 977, 258, 10481, 512, 327, 3950, 7013, 220, 1187, 549, 3545, 5493, 57077, 6492, 323, 1766, 198, 258, 279, 2547, 473, 70, 11, 14851, 11, 4656, 304, 21503, 32466, 13, 56647, 198, 66, 7770, 430, 1521, 5540, 527, 52788, 29569, 11, 779, 656, 539, 198, 1395, 14792, 430, 584, 527, 14363, 449, 9572, 627, 791, 1455, 18336, 323, 11, 52394, 11, 279, 1455, 7524, 198, 3195, 311, 4335, 62186, 505, 279, 21249, 482, 374, 264, 37471, 54560, 345, 53980, 1648, 311, 81155, 279, 2547, 505, 92685, 198, 71, 2227, 1285, 33155, 13, 1102, 374, 5505, 304, 3878, 315, 10723, 11, 18330, 198, 438, 7106, 60052, 13, 578, 49179, 315, 6593, 198, 806, 198, 806, 9533, 287, 374, 41976, 304, 61386, 488, 13, 5321, 198, 10179, 482, 912, 10065, 994, 433, 5334, 14363, 11, 690, 539, 8343, 627, 31140, 11, 1274, 1180, 22009, 11, 539, 44114, 430, 279, 6996, 315, 198, 680, 295, 635, 2391, 17563, 1071, 430, 311, 12896, 433, 2586, 198, 2664, 596, 46616, 13, 15483, 374, 279, 13010, 315, 279, 47120, 311, 198, 67, 56407, 13, 25733, 315, 38575, 2391, 17563, 482, 420, 374, 279, 28286, 315, 279, 4465, 198, 1820, 2547, 596, 46616, 13, 1442, 279, 9499, 38268, 11, 779, 198, 285, 29905, 2065, 315, 279, 2547, 13, 5046, 279, 16579, 4771, 3217, 198, 6153, 12387, 21896, 323, 16994, 14830, 198, 56065, 11, 433, 6244, 2867, 430, 4671, 42811, 320, 3409, 198, 275, 374, 810, 17037, 14183, 311, 555, 432, 10822, 482, 54560, 1773, 3978, 15419, 340, 12, 65615, 37471, 8479, 13, 1102, 39990, 198, 13584, 950, 60052, 323, 682, 430, 4087, 9803, 482, 88084, 13, 3296, 198, 20997, 323, 27375, 315, 3794, 9463, 315, 5370, 82907, 1749, 198, 4752, 912, 6273, 11, 5423, 994, 279, 5623, 6514, 315, 832, 198, 67, 56407, 52875, 988, 279, 1023, 13, 2582, 994, 279, 8893, 596, 75431, 198, 2106, 292, 1572, 13, 1226, 649, 2019, 430, 904, 3169, 315, 54560, 198, 68244, 275, 11, 2533, 304, 420, 4261, 304, 459, 47120, 13980, 198, 64, 60052, 315, 21503, 47810, 323, 5825, 198, 4014, 315, 279, 8792, 23418, 1887, 323, 60071, 36853, 627, 4599, 499, 6917, 588, 16595, 4907, 27772, 16204, 198, 1816, 304, 701, 2547, 13, 578, 47120, 374, 659, 1824, 60051, 11, 10167, 1286, 331, 1220, 7911, 198, 438, 659, 38435, 6260, 13, 3277, 499, 3009, 12459, 11, 701, 198, 8629, 2191, 1070, 527, 11364, 2574, 0, 1442, 499, 1390, 311, 1862, 198, 1820, 2547, 4335, 11, 499, 617, 311, 6917, 588, 0, 9934, 311, 6917, 588, 198, 64, 2478, 3115, 482, 499, 2733, 430, 2646, 1603, 6612, 512, 10701, 60052, 11, 902, 11767, 499, 311, 2890, 0, 11406, 539, 30084, 198, 318, 10236, 11, 719, 311, 13334, 1667, 315, 4642, 58219, 1253, 387, 1524, 198, 258, 12434, 2349, 627, 37, 15067, 17482, 1403, 5865, 13, 5629, 482, 27344, 512, 9533, 287, 369, 922, 2380, 2919, 279, 2547, 5900, 198, 52616, 555, 5419, 30600, 320, 408, 53595, 26040, 570, 3277, 198, 2028, 14763, 20167, 320, 65, 78852, 323, 42068, 705, 3958, 198, 438, 35663, 14726, 520, 279, 35693, 2237, 13, 10657, 482, 6593, 512, 37, 15067, 6276, 369, 5655, 60052, 315, 682, 36853, 345, 4291, 279, 6484, 77041, 320, 16564, 89873, 315, 56071, 340, 82977, 279, 842, 53595, 26677, 14763, 13, 2052, 36853, 9229, 198, 258, 4785, 13, 11205, 13654, 374, 304, 279, 1920, 315, 279, 4495, 198, 91899, 26677, 304, 279, 13654, 4261, 11, 279, 8250, 198, 8370, 374, 13489, 6273, 311, 279, 8250, 315, 54560, 13, 1789, 420, 198, 19862, 682, 279, 36853, 439, 422, 7982, 1578, 482, 719, 304, 459, 6177, 345, 14884, 8519, 627, 35, 59426, 1990, 279, 1749, 315, 54560, 505, 1023, 5528, 198, 265, 7601, 198, 16, 13, 1102, 649, 1520, 304], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": "\n\u25a0 Anti-inflammatory\n\u25a0 Antispasmodic\u25a0 Thins blood\n\u25a0 Promotes menstrual flow\nResearch\n\u25a0 Gynecology Research in \nChina from the 1970s has shown \nthat the herb helps to regulate \nuterine contractions, which may \nexplain its benefit for period pain. \n\u25a0 Circulation The root can help \nto normalize heart function and \nhas been shown to thin the blood. \nIt may therefore interact with \nanticoagulant medicines.\nTraditional & \nCurrent Uses\n\u25a0 Blood tonic Famous in China as \na tonic, dong quai is taken for \n\u201cdeficient blood\u201d conditions, anemia, \nand for the symptoms of anemia \ndue to blood loss\u2014a pale complexion, \npalpitations, and lowered vitality. \n\u25a0 Women\u2019s health Dong quai \nregulates the menstrual cycle, relieves \nperiod pain and cramps, and \nis an ideal tonic for women with heavy \nmenstruation who risk becoming \nanemic. However, as it stimulates \nmenstrual bleeding, other tonic herbs \nsuch as nettle ( Urtica dioica, p. 146) \nare best taken during menstruation if \nthe flow is heavy. It is also a uterine \ntonic, and helps infertility. \n\u25a0 Circulation Dong quai \nis a \u201cwarming\u201d herb, improving the \ncirculation to the abdomen and \nto the hands and feet. It strengthens \nthe digestion and is also useful in the \ntreatment of abscesses and boils. \nSelf-help Uses\n\u25a0 Aiding conception, p. 316. \n\u25a0 Menstrual problems, p. 315.Dong quai\nA stout, erect \nperennial growing to \n61\u20442 ft (2 m), with large \nbright green leaves \nand hollow stems.\nDong quai has attractive clusters \nof white flowers in summer.Parts Used\nKey Preparations & Their Uses\n QCautions Do not take during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. Should not be \nused for heavy menstrual bleeding, bleeding disorders, and diarrhea. May interact \nwith prescribed blood-thinning medication.In China, dong quai is the main tonic herb for \nconditions suffered by women. It is taken on a daily \nbasis by millions of women as an invigorating tonic, \nhelping to regulate menstruation and tonify the blood. \nIt also improves the circulation. Dong quai has a sweet, \npungent aroma that is very distinctive, and in China it \nis often used in cooking, which is the best way to take \nit as a blood tonic.Rhizome is large \nand brownish on \nthe outside and \nwhite insideRhizome is valued for \nits medicinal properties \nand is often used \nin cooking.\nSliced dried \nrhizome\nChopped rhizome \nis commonly added \nto soups in China.Tonic wine Make with dong quai and other tonic \nor bitter herbs ( see p. 293). To improve vitality, \ndrink a 3\u20444 cup (150 ml) daily. \nTincture (to make, p. 292). \nFor period pain, take 1\u20442 tsp \nwith water up to 4 times \na day. Infusion For poor \ncirculation, infuse \n1 tsp with 3\u20444 cup \n(150 ml) water \n(see p. 291). Drink \n3\u20444\u201311\u20444 cups (150\u2013 \n300 ml) a day.\nDecoction (to make, p. 291). For anemia, take 3\u20444 cup (150 ml) 2\u20133 times a day. \nTablets T ake as a general female tonic. \nUS_062-063_Ammi_Angelica.indd 63 17/03/16 4:00 pm\n64Apium grA veolenskey medicinal plantsApium graveolens (Apiaceae)\nCeleryCelery\nA biennial with a ridged shiny stem, glossy leaves, and small flowers, growing to about 20 in (50 cm).\nCelery is an important medicinal herb \nas well as a vegetable. \nHabitat & Cultivation\nNative to Britain and other European \ncountries, celery is found growing wild along the English and Welsh coasts, and in marshlands. Widely grown as a vegetable, cultivated celery is less fragrant than the wild variety. It is propagated from seed in spring and harvested \nfrom midsummer to autumn. \nRelated Species\nCeleriac (A. graveolens var. rapaceum) is a \u201cturnip-rooted\u201d variety of celery. A medicinal food, it has some of the same qualities as celery.\nKey Constituents\n\u25a0 Volatile oil (1.5\u20133%) containing \n limonene (60\u201370%), phthalides, and beta-selinene\n\u25a0 Coumarins\n\u25a0 Furanocoumarins (bergapten)\n\u25a0 Flavonoids (apiin)\nKey Actions\n\u25a0 Antirheumatic \n\u25a0 Carminative\n\u25a0 Antispasmodic\u25a0 Diuretic\n\u25a0 Lowers blood pressure\n\u25a0 Urinary antiseptic\n\u25a0 Anti-inflammatory\nResearch\n\u25a0 Volatile oil Research in the 1970s \nand 1980s showed that the volatile oil has a calming effect on the central nervous system.\n\u25a0 Other research A 1995 study in \nIndia found the seeds to have marked liver-protective activity. Extracts of the seeds may also lower blood fat levels. Iranian laboratory research from 2013 found that celery seed had a marked effect in lowering high blood pressure.\nTraditional & \nCurrent Uses\n\u25a0 Ancient herb Records show \nthat celery has been cultivated \nfor at least 3,000 years, notably in \npharaonic Egypt, and it was known \nin China in the 5th century bce. Throughout history, celery has been used as a food, and at various times both the whole plant and the seeds have been taken medicinally. \n\u25a0 Cleansing properties Today, \nthe seeds are used for treating rheumatic conditions and gout. They help the kidneys dispose of urates and other waste products, and work to reduce acidity in the body as a whole. The seeds are useful in arthritis, helping to detoxify the body and improve the circulation of blood to the muscles and joints. \n\u25a0 Diuretic Celery seeds have \na mildly diuretic and significantly antiseptic action. They are an effective treatment for cystitis, helping to disinfect the bladder and urinary tubules. \n\u25a0 Nutritious drink Celery and \norganic carrot juice make a nutritious, cleansing drink that is good for many chronic illnesses.\n\u25a0 Other uses Celery seeds are Parts Used\nKey Preparations \n& Their Uses\nbeneficial for chest problems such as asthma and bronchitis, and, in combination with other herbs, can help to reduce blood pressure. \nSelf-help Uses\n\u25a0 Arthritis, p. 313.\n\u25a0 Gout, p. 313.More familiar as a vegetable than as a medicine, celery \nstems and seeds have long been taken for urinary, rheumatic, and arthritic problems. Celery is a good cleansing, diuretic herb, and the seeds are used specifically for arthritic complaints where there is an accumulation of waste products. The seeds also have a reputation as a carminative with a mild tranquilizing effect. The stems are less significant medicinally.\n QCautions Do not take celery seed during pregnancy or \nif suffering from kidney disease. Do not use seeds sold for \ncultivation in medicinal preparations. Do not take the essential oil internally except under professional supervision. Divided \ntoothed leaves \nare aromatic \nStem Chopped \nstem \nSeeds Seeds contain \nvolatile oil and \nare the main part used medicinally. Stems are eaten as a nourishing \nvegetable and made into juice.\nTincture of seeds (to make, p. 292). \nFor rheumatism, take 30 drops 3 times a day.Infusion of seeds (to make, p. 291). For gout and arthritis, take \n3\u20444 cup \n(150 ml) daily. Remedy As a cleansing drink, take \n3\u20444 cup (150 ml) of \norganic carrot and celery juice a day.\nPowder of seeds. For arthritis, mix 1 tsp with food each day.\nUS_064-065_Apium_Artium.indd 64 26/02/16 3:58 pm65 key medicinal plantsArctium l AppA\nArctium lappa (Asteraceae)\nBurdock, Niu Bang Zi (Chinese)\nBurdock is one of the foremost detoxifying herbs in \nboth Western and Chinese herbal medicine. It is used \nto treat conditions caused by an \u201coverload\u201d of toxins, \nsuch as throat and other infections, boils and rashes, \nand chronic skin problems. The root and the seeds help \nto cleanse the body of waste products, and the root is \nthought to be particularly good at helping to eliminate \nheavy metals.\nHabitat & Cultivation\nNative to Europe and Asia, burdock \nnow grows in temperate regions \nthroughout the world, including the U.S. Burdock is also cultivated in \nEurope and China and is propagated \nfrom seed in spring. The seeds are \nharvested in summer and the whole \nplant is unearthed in high summer.\nRelated Species\nA. minus and A. tomentosum are \nrelated species that are used in \na similar way to burdock.\nKey Constituents \n\u25a0 Bitter glycosides", "token_ids": [198, 47774, 23853, 67595, 198, 47774, 6898, 13391, 300, 2658, 292, 47774, 666, 1354, 6680, 198, 47774, 18042, 6429, 78727, 6530, 198, 28528, 198, 47774, 480, 75030, 2508, 220, 8483, 304, 2355, 23078, 505, 279, 220, 4468, 15, 82, 706, 6982, 2355, 9210, 279, 39999, 8779, 311, 37377, 720, 29051, 483, 6155, 4109, 11, 902, 1253, 720, 95444, 1202, 8935, 369, 4261, 6784, 13, 720, 47774, 16741, 2987, 220, 578, 3789, 649, 1520, 2355, 998, 22436, 4851, 734, 323, 2355, 4752, 1027, 6982, 311, 15792, 279, 6680, 13, 2355, 2181, 1253, 9093, 16681, 449, 720, 519, 4042, 351, 69733, 39653, 627, 85782, 612, 2355, 5520, 39923, 198, 47774, 20671, 99305, 220, 67888, 304, 5734, 439, 2355, 64, 99305, 11, 73836, 934, 2192, 220, 374, 4529, 369, 720, 2118, 755, 5499, 6680, 863, 4787, 11, 459, 22689, 11, 720, 438, 369, 279, 13803, 315, 459, 22689, 2355, 24567, 311, 6680, 4814, 29096, 28639, 91679, 11, 720, 19866, 79, 31767, 11, 323, 39920, 75716, 13, 720, 47774, 11215, 753, 2890, 220, 53483, 934, 2192, 2355, 1610, 24031, 279, 78727, 11008, 11, 1375, 39235, 720, 19862, 6784, 323, 1589, 14989, 11, 323, 2355, 285, 459, 10728, 99305, 369, 3278, 449, 8987, 720, 5794, 496, 4090, 889, 5326, 10671, 720, 276, 8274, 13, 4452, 11, 439, 433, 95455, 720, 5794, 496, 940, 35763, 11, 1023, 99305, 42393, 720, 21470, 439, 4272, 11489, 320, 549, 3423, 3074, 65570, 3074, 1174, 281, 13, 220, 10465, 8, 720, 548, 1888, 4529, 2391, 54630, 4090, 422, 720, 1820, 6530, 374, 8987, 13, 1102, 374, 1101, 264, 8791, 261, 483, 720, 783, 292, 11, 323, 8779, 95643, 13, 720, 47774, 16741, 2987, 220, 53483, 934, 2192, 5996, 285, 264, 1054, 86, 34002, 863, 39999, 11, 18899, 279, 720, 44398, 2987, 311, 279, 64772, 323, 2355, 998, 279, 6206, 323, 7693, 13, 1102, 96931, 720, 1820, 74502, 323, 374, 1101, 5505, 304, 279, 720, 83, 35320, 315, 3731, 1140, 288, 323, 90055, 13, 720, 12363, 50570, 39923, 198, 47774, 362, 6714, 43656, 1174, 281, 13, 220, 15340, 13, 720, 47774, 11258, 496, 940, 5435, 1174, 281, 13, 220, 15189, 920, 647, 934, 2192, 198, 32, 90772, 11, 38732, 720, 716, 32331, 7982, 311, 2355, 5547, 53233, 226, 17, 10702, 320, 17, 296, 705, 449, 3544, 720, 73216, 6307, 11141, 2355, 438, 42902, 44814, 627, 35, 647, 934, 2192, 220, 706, 19411, 28066, 2355, 1073, 4251, 19837, 304, 7474, 1087, 7183, 12477, 198, 1622, 5075, 1768, 811, 612, 11205, 39923, 198, 43707, 2784, 919, 3234, 539, 1935, 2391, 20209, 477, 1418, 65864, 13, 12540, 539, 387, 720, 2656, 369, 8987, 78727, 35763, 11, 35763, 24673, 11, 323, 69393, 13, 3297, 16681, 2355, 4291, 32031, 6680, 7716, 20353, 24099, 5450, 5734, 11, 73836, 934, 2192, 220, 374, 279, 1925, 99305, 39999, 369, 2355, 16902, 16654, 555, 3278, 13, 1102, 374, 4529, 389, 264, 7446, 2355, 89926, 555, 11990, 315, 3278, 439, 459, 1558, 71070, 1113, 99305, 11, 2355, 8823, 287, 311, 37377, 54630, 4090, 323, 8941, 1463, 279, 6680, 13, 2355, 2181, 1101, 36050, 279, 35855, 13, 53483, 934, 2192, 220, 706, 264, 10437, 11, 720, 79, 2234, 306, 55279, 430, 374, 1633, 35947, 11, 323, 304, 5734, 433, 2355, 285, 3629, 1511, 304, 17677, 11, 902, 374, 279, 1888, 1648, 311, 1935, 2355, 275, 439, 264, 6680, 99305, 2056, 71, 450, 638, 374, 3544, 2355, 438, 14198, 819, 389, 2355, 1820, 4994, 323, 2355, 5902, 4871, 73262, 450, 638, 374, 33647, 369, 720, 1220, 58041, 6012, 720, 438, 374, 3629, 1511, 2355, 258, 17677, 627, 50, 75730, 32720, 720, 41196, 450, 638, 198, 1163, 18033, 22408, 450, 638, 2355, 285, 17037, 3779, 720, 998, 5945, 1725, 304, 5734, 844, 14338, 13378, 7557, 449, 73836, 934, 2192, 220, 323, 1023, 99305, 720, 269, 26242, 42393, 320, 1518, 281, 13, 220, 17313, 570, 2057, 7417, 75716, 11, 720, 98427, 264, 220, 18, 53233, 226, 19, 10747, 320, 3965, 16116, 8, 7446, 13, 720, 51, 7956, 554, 220, 320, 998, 1304, 11, 281, 13, 220, 16443, 570, 2355, 2520, 4261, 6784, 11, 1935, 220, 16, 53233, 226, 17, 39020, 2355, 4291, 3090, 709, 311, 220, 19, 3115, 2355, 64, 1938, 13, 15268, 7713, 220, 1789, 8009, 720, 44398, 2987, 11, 4225, 817, 2355, 16, 39020, 449, 220, 18, 53233, 226, 19, 10747, 2355, 7, 3965, 16116, 8, 3090, 2355, 7, 4151, 281, 13, 220, 17335, 570, 48573, 2355, 18, 53233, 226, 19, 4235, 806, 53233, 226, 19, 26446, 320, 3965, 4235, 720, 3101, 16116, 8, 264, 1938, 627, 5005, 78, 407, 320, 998, 1304, 11, 281, 13, 220, 17335, 570, 1789, 459, 22689, 11, 1935, 220, 18, 53233, 226, 19, 10747, 320, 3965, 16116, 8, 220, 17, 4235, 18, 3115, 264, 1938, 13, 720, 2620, 2641, 350, 264, 441, 439, 264, 4689, 8954, 99305, 13, 720, 2078, 62, 19222, 12, 24254, 1596, 3906, 72, 1596, 983, 301, 3074, 29573, 67, 256, 220, 5495, 220, 1114, 14, 2839, 14, 845, 256, 220, 19, 25, 410, 9012, 198, 1227, 10835, 2411, 1099, 32, 5320, 337, 729, 798, 58041, 11012, 10835, 2411, 25165, 337, 729, 320, 6700, 114785, 340, 88716, 727, 88716, 727, 198, 32, 6160, 32331, 449, 264, 9463, 3640, 42299, 19646, 11, 74156, 11141, 11, 323, 2678, 19837, 11, 7982, 311, 922, 220, 508, 304, 320, 1135, 10166, 4390, 88716, 727, 374, 459, 3062, 58041, 39999, 2355, 300, 1664, 439, 264, 36581, 13, 720, 39, 40027, 266, 612, 26676, 40227, 198, 21464, 311, 13527, 323, 1023, 7665, 720, 47808, 11, 70121, 374, 1766, 7982, 8545, 3235, 279, 6498, 323, 46881, 1080, 12019, 11, 323, 304, 33096, 8329, 13, 48740, 989, 15042, 439, 264, 36581, 11, 67166, 70121, 374, 2753, 8508, 35534, 1109, 279, 220, 8545, 8205, 13, 1102, 374, 86150, 505, 10533, 304, 10683, 323, 67572, 2355, 1527, 5209, 63666, 311, 42774, 13, 720, 11948, 51567, 198, 34, 8023, 18029, 320, 32, 13, 25165, 337, 729, 767, 13, 7477, 580, 372, 8, 374, 264, 1054, 413, 575, 40314, 291, 863, 8205, 315, 70121, 13, 362, 58041, 3691, 11, 433, 706, 1063, 315, 279, 1890, 29600, 439, 70121, 627, 1622, 76704, 84, 812, 198, 47774, 11119, 9187, 5707, 320, 16, 13, 20, 4235, 18, 11587, 8649, 2355, 4671, 263, 1994, 320, 1399, 4235, 2031, 34971, 1343, 31392, 3422, 11, 256, 323, 13746, 1355, 33830, 1994, 198, 47774, 18733, 5730, 1354, 198, 47774, 435, 27105, 511, 283, 5730, 1354, 320, 7881, 391, 2002, 340, 47774, 3061, 402, 263, 17390, 320, 2113, 258, 340, 1622, 27820, 198, 47774, 6898, 404, 383, 33030, 720, 47774, 3341, 1083, 1413, 198, 47774, 6898, 13391, 300, 2658, 292, 47774, 7923, 554, 29150, 198, 47774, 12310, 388, 6680, 7410, 198, 47774, 17229, 3367, 3276, 1082, 27330, 198, 47774, 23853, 67595, 198, 28528, 198, 47774, 11119, 9187, 5707, 8483, 304, 279, 220, 4468, 15, 82, 720, 438, 220, 3753, 15, 82, 8710, 430, 279, 17509, 5707, 706, 264, 78729, 2515, 389, 279, 8792, 23418, 1887, 627, 47774, 7089, 3495, 362, 220, 2550, 20, 4007, 304, 720, 34648, 1766, 279, 19595, 311, 617, 13160, 26587, 12, 47079, 535, 5820, 13, 23673, 82, 315, 279, 19595, 1253, 1101, 4827, 6680, 8834, 5990, 13, 28501, 27692, 3495, 505, 220, 679, 18, 1766, 430, 70121, 10533, 1047, 264, 13160, 2515, 304, 46301, 1579, 6680, 7410, 627, 85782, 612, 720, 5520, 39923, 198, 47774, 38050, 39999, 22293, 1501, 2355, 9210, 70121, 706, 1027, 67166, 2355, 2000, 520, 3325, 220, 18, 11, 931, 1667, 11, 35146, 304, 720, 764, 5169, 14338, 15212, 11, 323, 433, 574, 3967, 2355, 258, 5734, 304, 279, 220, 20, 339, 9478, 293, 346, 13, 46982, 3925, 11, 70121, 706, 1027, 1511, 439, 264, 3691, 11, 323, 520, 5370, 3115, 2225, 279, 4459, 6136, 323, 279, 19595, 617, 1027, 4529, 8249, 38745, 13, 720, 47774, 86762, 287, 6012, 11450, 11, 720, 1820, 19595, 527, 1511, 369, 27723, 68132, 33030, 4787, 323, 342, 412, 13, 220, 2435, 1520, 279, 81960, 28490, 315, 4433, 988, 323, 1023, 12571, 3956, 11, 323, 990, 311, 8108, 98026, 304, 279, 2547, 439, 264, 4459, 13, 578, 19595, 527, 5505, 304, 55652, 11, 10695, 311, 220, 61987, 1463, 279, 2547, 323, 7417, 220, 279, 35855, 315, 6680, 311, 279, 24569, 323, 35358, 13, 720, 47774, 7923, 554, 29150, 47643, 727, 19595, 617, 720, 64, 76949, 1891, 554, 29150, 323, 12207, 3276, 1082, 27330, 1957, 13, 2435, 527, 459, 7524, 6514, 369, 63581, 20000, 11, 10695, 311, 64842, 3836, 279, 62564, 323, 72735, 15286, 2482, 13, 720, 47774, 18878, 1018, 1245, 7172, 47643, 727, 323, 720, 61694, 75294, 23661, 1304, 264, 78216, 11, 60052, 7172, 430, 374, 1695, 369, 1690, 21249, 49909, 627, 47774, 7089, 5829, 47643, 727, 19595, 527, 27399, 12477, 198, 1622, 5075, 1768, 811, 2355, 5, 11205, 39923, 198, 68244, 7235, 369, 15489, 5435, 1778, 220, 439, 51643, 323, 31071, 331, 20000, 11, 323, 11, 304, 10824, 449, 1023, 42393, 11, 649, 1520, 311, 8108, 6680, 7410, 13, 720, 12363, 50570, 39923, 198, 47774, 1676, 40485, 11, 281, 13, 220, 15231, 627, 47774, 480, 412, 11, 281, 13, 220, 15231, 93868, 11537, 439, 264, 36581, 1109, 439, 264, 16088, 11, 70121, 720, 267, 12116, 323, 19595, 617, 1317, 1027, 4529, 369, 72735, 11, 68132, 33030, 11, 323, 802, 339, 50308, 5435, 13, 47643, 727, 374, 264, 1695, 60052, 11, 1891, 554, 29150, 39999, 11, 323, 279, 19595, 527, 1511, 11951, 369, 802, 339, 50308, 21859, 1405, 1070, 374, 459, 46835, 220, 315, 12571, 3956, 13, 578, 19595, 1101, 617, 264, 17444, 439, 220, 264, 1841, 1083, 1413, 449, 264, 23900, 68040, 4954, 2515, 13, 578, 44814, 527, 2753, 5199, 8249, 38745, 627, 43707, 2784, 919, 3234, 539, 1935, 70121, 10533, 2391, 20209, 477, 2355, 333, 16066, 505, 39042, 8624, 13, 3234, 539, 1005, 19595, 6216, 369, 720, 93113, 40227, 304, 58041, 47979, 13, 3234, 539, 1935, 279, 7718, 5707, 34167, 3734, 1234, 6721, 38217, 13, 8940, 4591, 720, 998, 8942, 291, 11141, 720, 548, 82688, 720, 626, 336, 921, 18033, 720, 65188, 720, 1542, 6910, 74089, 220, 6782, 720, 28407, 5707, 323, 720, 548, 279, 1925, 961, 1511, 8249, 38745, 13, 800, 12116, 527, 35661, 439, 264, 46798, 11218, 720, 83571, 481, 323, 1903, 1139, 23661, 627, 51, 7956, 554, 315, 19595, 320, 998, 1304, 11, 281, 13, 220, 16443, 570, 2355, 2520, 68132, 46313, 2191, 11, 1935, 220, 966, 21701, 220, 18, 3115, 264, 1938, 34621, 7713, 315, 19595, 320, 998, 1304, 11, 281, 13, 220, 17335, 570, 1789, 342, 412, 323, 55652, 11, 1935, 720, 18, 53233, 226, 19, 10747, 720, 7, 3965, 16116, 8, 7446, 13, 5031, 9497, 1666, 264, 60052, 7172, 11, 1935, 720, 18, 53233, 226, 19, 10747, 320, 3965, 16116, 8, 315, 720, 61694, 75294, 323, 70121, 23661, 264, 1938, 627, 67684, 1126, 315, 19595, 13, 1789, 55652, 11, 6651, 220, 16, 39020, 449, 3691, 1855, 1938, 627, 2078, 62, 20478, 12, 26478, 1596, 79, 2411, 1596, 3423, 2411, 29573, 67, 256, 220, 1227, 220, 1627, 14, 2437, 14, 845, 256, 220, 18, 25, 2970, 9012, 2397, 1401, 58041, 11012, 7098, 302, 2411, 326, 1883, 32, 198, 7098, 302, 2411, 326, 28279, 220, 320, 32, 3751, 114785, 340, 33, 16468, 1197, 11, 452, 19260, 17343, 94384, 320, 46023, 340, 33, 16468, 1197, 374, 832, 315, 279, 43780, 61987, 7922, 42393, 304, 2355, 21704, 11104, 323, 8620, 51487, 16088, 13, 1102, 374, 1511, 2355, 998, 4322, 4787, 9057, 555, 459, 1054, 2017, 1096, 863, 315, 62186, 11, 2355, 21470, 439, 28691, 323, 1023, 30020, 11, 90055, 323, 436, 14380, 11, 2355, 438, 21249, 6930, 5435, 13, 578, 3789, 323, 279, 19595, 1520, 2355, 998, 81155, 279, 2547, 315, 12571, 3956, 11, 323, 279, 3789, 374, 720, 61665, 311, 387, 8104, 1695, 520, 10695, 311, 22472, 720, 89945, 37182, 627, 39, 40027, 266, 612, 26676, 40227, 198, 21464, 311, 4606, 323, 13936, 11, 7951, 78155, 720, 3409, 28815, 304, 6940, 349, 13918, 720, 20322, 412, 279, 1917, 11, 2737, 279, 549, 815, 13, 12649, 78155, 374, 1101, 67166, 304, 720, 31880, 323, 5734, 323, 374, 86150, 720, 1527, 10533, 304, 10683, 13, 578, 19595, 527, 720, 13279, 7164, 291, 304, 7474, 323, 279, 4459, 720, 21494, 374, 79675, 291, 304, 1579, 7474, 627, 11948, 51567, 198, 32, 13, 28382, 220, 323, 362, 13, 311, 479, 437, 372, 220, 527, 720, 9920, 9606, 430, 527, 1511, 304, 2355, 64, 4528, 1648, 311, 7951, 78155, 627, 1622, 76704, 84, 812, 720, 47774, 426, 3328, 37807, 9594, 3422], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " Prunus mume (Rosaceae)\nAsian Plum,\nWu Mei (Chinese)\nDescription Deciduous tree growing to 33 ft \n(10 m). Has pointed oval to elliptical leaves, white \nflowers, and yellow fruit.\nHabitat & Cultivation Native to China, \nAsian plum grows wild and is planted in the \nsouthern and eastern provinces. The fruit is picked \nin late spring.\nPart Used Fruit.\nConstituents Asian plum contains fruit acids \nand sugars, vitamin C, and plant sterols. \nMedicinal Actions & Uses The sour-tasting \nastringent Asian plum is used in Chinese medicine \nto counter diarrhea and dysentery, to stop bleeding, \nand to ease coughs. It may also be effective in \nexpelling hookworms. Externally, a plaster of the \nfruit is applied to the sites of removed corns and \nwarts to hasten healing.\nResearch Laboratory research undertaken in \nChina indicates that the fruit of Asian plum has \nantibiotic properties.\nUS_246-265_Pergularia_Extensa_Salvia_Sclarea.indd 257 26/02/16 12:47 pm\n258\nother medicinal plantsPsoralea corylifolia\neffective remedy for chronic dry and irritable \ncoughs. It combines well with coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara, p. 278) as a treatment for asthma and whooping cough. The astringent bark also helps treat indigestion and the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, especially when these conditions are of nervous origin.\nCaution Wild cherry bark is highly toxic in \nexcessive doses.It is also used to treat or prevent baldness. \nThe bark is strongly astringent and is employed as a gargle for sore throats and taken in the form of an infusion in order to treat diarrhea and dysentery.\nRelated Species Lirisoma ovata, another \nBrazilian tree, is also known as muira puama, but has quite distinct chemical constituents.\nPueraria lobata \nsyn. P. thunbergiana (Fabaceae)\nKudzu,\nGe Gen (Chinese)\nDescription Deciduous climber growing to \n100 ft (30 m). Has leaves with 3 broadly oval \nleaflets, curling tendrils, and spikes of pea-type purple flowers.\nHabitat & Cultivation Native to China, \nJapan, and eastern Asia, kudzu is naturalized in the U.S. It is cultivated in the central and eastern provinces of China. The root is unearthed in spring or autumn.alopecia (loss of hair), and vitiligo (loss of skin pigmentation). In Vietnam, a tincture of the seeds is used in the treatment of rheumatism.\nResearch Studies in China indicate that this \nherb is of value in the treatment of skin disorders, including vitiligo.\nCaution Applied externally, this herb may sensitize \nthe skin, resulting in an allergic reaction to sunlight.\nPterocarpus marsupium (Fabaceae)\nKino\nDescription Handsome deciduous tree growing \nto 52 ft (16 m). Has leaves with 5\u20137 oval leathery \nleaflets, and numerous small yellow \nor white flowers.\nHabitat & Cultivation \nNative to Sri Lanka, India, Malaysia \nand the Philippines, kino grows in \ntropical rainforests. The tree is \ncultivated for its timber and for the \nsap (\u201ckino\u201d) that exudes from cuts made \nin the trunk. The sap is collected year round.\nPart Used Sap.\nConstituents Kino contains tannins, flavonoids, \nand marsupsin.\nMedicinal Actions & Uses Kino is a \nstrongly astringent herb that tightens the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. Kino relieves chronic diarrhea and the irritation caused by intestinal infection and colitis. Though its taste is unpleasant, this herb makes a good mouthwash and gargle. It is widely used in Asia as a douche for excessive vaginal discharge. \nResearch Clinical trials have found that the herb \nis therapeutically useful in treating the early stages of non-insulin-dependent diabetes.Wild cherry bears long spikes of white flowers, \nfollowed by fleshy, blue-black fruit.\nKudzu is used in China to treat alcoholism and is an ingredient in a remedy for hangovers.Psoralea corylifolia (Fabaceae)\nBu Gu Zhi\nDescription Perennial growing to 3 ft (90cm). \nHas oval leaves, yellow clover-like flowers, and \nblack seed pods containing yellow-black seeds.\nHabitat & Cultivation Bu gu zhi is native to \nsouthern and southeastern Asia and cultivated in China. The fruit is gathered when ripe in autumn.\nParts Used Seeds.\nConstituents The seeds contain a volatile oil, \nflavonoids, a flavone, and furanocoumarins. \nHistory & Folklore In the Chinese tradition, \nbu gu zhi has long been considered a tonic remedy. It was first documented in Grandfather Lei\u2019s Discussion of Herb Preparations, which was written in about 490 ce.\nMedicinal Actions & Uses Valued as a yang \ntonic, bu gu zhi is taken in China to treat impotence and premature ejaculation and to improve vitality. The seeds are also used to counter debility and other problems reflecting \u201ckidney yang deficiency,\u201d \nsuch as lower back pain, frequent urination, incontinence, and bed-wetting. Bu gu zhi is used externally to treat skin conditions such as psoriasis, Ptychopetalum olacoides \nsyn. P. uncinatum (Oleaceae)\nMuira Puama\nDescription Tree growing to 49 ft (15 m) with \na gray trunk, dark brown leaves, white flowers, \nand orange-yellow fruits.\nHabitat & Cultivation Muira puama is \nnative to Brazilian rainforests, especially the \nRio Negro and Amazonas regions.\nPart Used Root, bark, wood.\nConstituents Muira puama contains esters \nand plant sterols.\nMedicinal Actions & Uses Muira puama \nhas long been used in Amazonian medicine as a tonic and aphrodisiac. Considered useful as an aid for impotence, it is thought to help with both physical and psychological aspects of the problem. Parts Used Root, flower.\nConstituents Kudzu contains triterpenoid \nsaponins, isoflavones, and phytosterols. The isoflavones are estrogenic.\nHistory & Folklore From the 6th century bce \nonward, Chinese herbalists have considered kudzu to be a remedy for muscular pain and \na treatment for measles. Zhang Zhongjing \n(150\u2013c. 219 ce) recommended kudzu if the \npatient \u201chas a stiff back and muscles, does not breathe easily, and is susceptible to wind.\u201d\nMedicinal Actions & Uses In China, kudzu \nis frequently used as a remedy for measles, often in combination with sheng ma (Cimicifuga foetida). \nUS_246-265_Pergularia_Extensa_Salvia_Sclarea.indd 258 26/02/16 12:47 pm259 other medicinal plantsPunica granatum\nHistory & Folklore According to the \nmedieval Doctrine of Signatures, which held \nthat a plant\u2019s appearance pointed to the ailment \nit treated, lungwort was effective for chest \nailments because its leaves were said to resemble \nlung tissue.\nMedicinal Actions & Uses Given its high \nmucilage content, lungwort is indeed a useful \nremedy for chest conditions, and it is particularly \nbeneficial in cases of chronic bronchitis. It combines \nwell with herbs such as coltsfoot ( Tussilago farfara, \np. 278) as a treatment for chronic coughs (including \nwhooping cough), and it can be taken for asthma. \nLungwort can also be used as a treatment for \nsore throats and congestion. In the past, lungwort \nwas given for the coughing up of blood arising \nfrom tubercular infection. Lungwort leaves are \nastringent, and have been applied externally to \nstop bleeding.\nCaution Lungwort is subject to legal restrictions \nin some countries.Punica granatum (Lythraceae)\nPomegranate\nDescription Deciduous shrub or tree growing \nto 20 ft (6 m). Has branches tipped with spines, \nwhorls of lance-shaped leaves, scarlet flowers, and \nleathery-rinded round fruit containing many pulp-\ncovered seeds.\nHabitat & Cultivation Native to \nsouthwestern Asia, pomegranate has become \nnaturalized in Europe. The tree is widely cultivated \nfor its fruit, which is gathered in autumn when it is \nripe. The bark is also gathered in autumn.\nParts Used Juice, fruit pulp, rind, bark.\nConstituents The fruit and juice contain \npelletierene alkaloids, elligatannins (up to 25%), \nand triterpenoids. The alkaloids are highly toxic.Kudzu is also given for muscle aches and pains, \nespecially when they are linked with fever or are \naffecting the neck and upper back. The root may be \ntaken to treat symptoms of headache, dizziness, or \nnumbness caused by high blood pressure. Kudzu also \ntreats diarrhea and dysentery. Kudzu flowers are \ntraditionally taken to treat alcohol intoxication and \nhangovers, and are thought to increase the", "token_ids": [2394, 359, 355, 296, 3972, 320, 75120, 114785, 340, 68540, 84409, 345, 54, 84, 92033, 320, 46023, 340, 5116, 3799, 307, 9373, 5021, 7982, 311, 220, 1644, 10702, 720, 7, 605, 296, 570, 11697, 14618, 61137, 311, 78883, 950, 11141, 11, 4251, 720, 89770, 11, 323, 14071, 14098, 627, 39, 40027, 266, 612, 26676, 40227, 17118, 311, 5734, 11, 720, 68540, 42272, 28815, 8545, 323, 374, 39441, 304, 279, 720, 105270, 6456, 323, 24024, 41021, 13, 578, 14098, 374, 13061, 720, 258, 3389, 10683, 627, 5920, 12477, 44187, 627, 1128, 3781, 84, 812, 14875, 42272, 5727, 14098, 33969, 720, 438, 70913, 11, 28170, 356, 11, 323, 6136, 22562, 3145, 13, 720, 13613, 292, 992, 27820, 612, 39923, 578, 20897, 2442, 15067, 720, 64, 928, 306, 14875, 42272, 374, 1511, 304, 8620, 16088, 720, 998, 5663, 69393, 323, 22709, 306, 727, 11, 311, 3009, 35763, 11, 720, 438, 311, 14553, 40700, 82, 13, 1102, 1253, 1101, 387, 7524, 304, 720, 4683, 6427, 9903, 56741, 82, 13, 1398, 4253, 750, 11, 264, 63027, 315, 279, 720, 36698, 374, 9435, 311, 279, 6732, 315, 7108, 14095, 82, 323, 720, 64156, 311, 34143, 268, 21730, 627, 28528, 32184, 3495, 45179, 304, 720, 23078, 15151, 430, 279, 14098, 315, 14875, 42272, 706, 720, 519, 581, 62114, 6012, 627, 2078, 62, 14205, 12, 14374, 1106, 2431, 1299, 689, 62, 6899, 58925, 1117, 278, 20708, 1117, 566, 4903, 29573, 67, 256, 220, 15574, 220, 1627, 14, 2437, 14, 845, 256, 220, 717, 25, 2618, 9012, 198, 15966, 198, 1605, 58041, 11012, 21051, 269, 1604, 64, 272, 683, 113276, 39260, 198, 78995, 40239, 369, 21249, 9235, 323, 6348, 23349, 720, 66, 1409, 82, 13, 1102, 33511, 1664, 449, 1400, 2641, 5447, 320, 51, 1892, 321, 6438, 3117, 69, 5169, 11, 281, 13, 220, 16949, 8, 439, 264, 6514, 369, 51643, 323, 889, 34807, 40700, 13, 578, 264, 928, 306, 54842, 1101, 8779, 4322, 1280, 15505, 290, 323, 279, 13803, 315, 6348, 23349, 66358, 28439, 11, 5423, 994, 1521, 4787, 527, 315, 23418, 6371, 627, 23389, 1516, 13944, 41980, 54842, 374, 7701, 21503, 304, 720, 327, 87728, 35130, 28628, 374, 1101, 1511, 311, 4322, 477, 5471, 48653, 2136, 13, 2355, 791, 54842, 374, 16917, 264, 928, 306, 323, 374, 20011, 220, 439, 264, 97183, 273, 369, 36366, 60187, 1900, 323, 4529, 304, 279, 220, 1376, 315, 459, 71308, 304, 2015, 311, 4322, 69393, 220, 323, 22709, 306, 727, 627, 11948, 51567, 445, 43046, 7942, 25568, 460, 11, 2500, 720, 68299, 1122, 5021, 11, 374, 1101, 3967, 439, 12097, 9008, 18757, 3105, 11, 220, 719, 706, 5115, 12742, 11742, 51720, 627, 47, 8977, 10649, 41253, 460, 2355, 20960, 13, 393, 13, 270, 359, 7881, 12699, 320, 53267, 114785, 340, 42, 664, 26738, 345, 9688, 9500, 320, 46023, 340, 5116, 3799, 307, 9373, 11323, 655, 7982, 311, 2355, 1041, 10702, 320, 966, 296, 570, 11697, 11141, 449, 220, 18, 44029, 61137, 720, 25126, 10145, 11, 14284, 287, 91346, 8839, 11, 323, 51760, 315, 98763, 10827, 25977, 19837, 627, 39, 40027, 266, 612, 26676, 40227, 17118, 311, 5734, 11, 2355, 49852, 11, 323, 24024, 13936, 11, 597, 664, 26738, 374, 5933, 1534, 304, 220, 279, 549, 815, 13, 1102, 374, 67166, 304, 279, 8792, 323, 24024, 41021, 315, 5734, 13, 578, 3789, 374, 79675, 291, 304, 220, 10683, 477, 42774, 12444, 78, 81060, 320, 9563, 315, 7013, 705, 323, 13458, 321, 7992, 320, 9563, 315, 6930, 24623, 32199, 570, 763, 23315, 11, 264, 259, 7956, 554, 315, 279, 19595, 220, 374, 1511, 304, 279, 6514, 315, 68132, 46313, 2191, 627, 28528, 19241, 304, 5734, 13519, 430, 420, 2355, 1964, 65, 374, 315, 907, 304, 279, 6514, 315, 6930, 24673, 11, 2737, 13458, 321, 7992, 627, 23389, 1516, 43608, 69442, 11, 420, 39999, 1253, 6225, 27406, 720, 1820, 6930, 11, 13239, 304, 459, 57596, 13010, 311, 40120, 627, 47, 466, 511, 8035, 355, 48449, 455, 2411, 320, 53267, 114785, 340, 42, 3394, 198, 5116, 43396, 638, 70493, 9373, 5021, 7982, 720, 998, 220, 4103, 10702, 320, 845, 296, 570, 11697, 11141, 449, 220, 20, 4235, 22, 61137, 514, 589, 727, 720, 25126, 10145, 11, 323, 12387, 2678, 14071, 720, 269, 4251, 19837, 627, 39, 40027, 266, 612, 26676, 40227, 720, 21464, 311, 34445, 43579, 11, 6890, 11, 28796, 720, 438, 279, 26363, 11, 90355, 28815, 304, 720, 83, 51172, 11422, 1348, 37379, 13, 578, 5021, 374, 720, 93113, 55786, 369, 1202, 45888, 323, 369, 279, 720, 65713, 27179, 74, 3394, 33611, 430, 506, 29246, 505, 15455, 1903, 720, 258, 279, 38411, 13, 578, 35735, 374, 14890, 1060, 4883, 627, 5920, 12477, 81275, 627, 1128, 3781, 84, 812, 735, 3394, 5727, 259, 1036, 1354, 11, 18779, 263, 17390, 11, 720, 438, 48449, 8772, 258, 627, 13613, 292, 992, 27820, 612, 39923, 735, 3394, 374, 264, 2355, 4620, 398, 264, 928, 306, 39999, 430, 10508, 729, 279, 65104, 788, 79348, 315, 279, 80311, 42929, 13, 735, 3394, 1375, 39235, 21249, 69393, 323, 279, 66510, 9057, 555, 63900, 19405, 323, 1400, 20000, 13, 18056, 1202, 12945, 374, 47989, 11, 420, 39999, 3727, 264, 1695, 11013, 70545, 323, 97183, 273, 13, 1102, 374, 13882, 1511, 304, 13936, 439, 264, 85453, 369, 27639, 58159, 32643, 13, 720, 28528, 33135, 19622, 617, 1766, 430, 279, 39999, 720, 285, 9139, 27596, 2740, 5505, 304, 27723, 279, 4216, 18094, 315, 2536, 22610, 24292, 43918, 20335, 1196, 699, 41980, 30824, 1317, 51760, 315, 4251, 19837, 11, 720, 19070, 291, 555, 282, 645, 8671, 11, 6437, 38046, 14098, 627, 42, 664, 26738, 374, 1511, 304, 5734, 311, 4322, 13200, 2191, 323, 374, 459, 25795, 304, 264, 40239, 369, 15020, 9146, 1087, 82, 269, 1604, 64, 272, 683, 113276, 39260, 320, 53267, 114785, 340, 60908, 4673, 1901, 6151, 198, 5116, 3700, 32331, 7982, 311, 220, 18, 10702, 320, 1954, 6358, 570, 720, 10493, 61137, 11141, 11, 14071, 5405, 424, 12970, 19837, 11, 323, 720, 11708, 10533, 55687, 8649, 14071, 38046, 19595, 627, 39, 40027, 266, 612, 26676, 40227, 28326, 1709, 1167, 6151, 374, 10068, 311, 720, 105270, 6456, 323, 83209, 13936, 323, 67166, 304, 5734, 13, 578, 14098, 374, 20802, 994, 57796, 304, 42774, 627, 30021, 12477, 74089, 627, 1128, 3781, 84, 812, 578, 19595, 6782, 264, 17509, 5707, 11, 720, 1517, 402, 263, 17390, 11, 264, 18779, 606, 11, 323, 18742, 276, 511, 283, 5730, 1354, 13, 720, 13730, 612, 65337, 20763, 763, 279, 8620, 14135, 11, 720, 20218, 1709, 1167, 6151, 706, 1317, 1027, 6646, 264, 99305, 40239, 13, 1102, 574, 1176, 27470, 304, 10517, 23881, 73310, 753, 36613, 315, 74956, 5075, 1768, 811, 11, 902, 574, 5439, 304, 922, 220, 18518, 3846, 627, 13613, 292, 992, 27820, 612, 39923, 4196, 3340, 439, 264, 10587, 2355, 783, 292, 11, 1048, 1709, 1167, 6151, 374, 4529, 304, 5734, 311, 4322, 3242, 98660, 323, 42227, 99302, 323, 311, 7417, 75716, 13, 578, 19595, 527, 1101, 1511, 311, 5663, 4316, 1429, 323, 1023, 5435, 42852, 1054, 64381, 3520, 10587, 220, 48294, 2476, 720, 21470, 439, 4827, 1203, 6784, 11, 21420, 4433, 2617, 11, 304, 22025, 768, 11, 323, 4950, 2695, 52189, 13, 28326, 1709, 1167, 6151, 374, 1511, 69442, 311, 4322, 6930, 4787, 1778, 439, 4831, 93003, 11, 80092, 110459, 22029, 372, 8492, 582, 590, 288, 2355, 20960, 13, 393, 13, 653, 18595, 27349, 320, 46, 273, 114785, 340, 40220, 9008, 22989, 3105, 198, 5116, 9119, 7982, 311, 220, 2491, 10702, 320, 868, 296, 8, 449, 720, 64, 18004, 38411, 11, 6453, 14198, 11141, 11, 4251, 19837, 11, 720, 438, 19087, 74012, 26390, 627, 39, 40027, 266, 612, 26676, 40227, 15130, 9008, 18757, 3105, 374, 720, 30838, 311, 36083, 11422, 1348, 37379, 11, 5423, 279, 2355, 89146, 57147, 323, 8339, 300, 13918, 627, 5920, 12477, 19385, 11, 54842, 11, 7732, 627, 1128, 3781, 84, 812, 15130, 9008, 18757, 3105, 5727, 1826, 388, 2355, 438, 6136, 22562, 3145, 627, 13613, 292, 992, 27820, 612, 39923, 15130, 9008, 18757, 3105, 2355, 4752, 1317, 1027, 1511, 304, 8339, 1122, 16088, 439, 220, 264, 99305, 323, 89111, 299, 4338, 18029, 13, 21829, 291, 5505, 439, 459, 12576, 369, 3242, 98660, 11, 433, 374, 3463, 311, 1520, 449, 2225, 7106, 323, 24064, 13878, 315, 279, 3575, 13, 27399, 12477, 19385, 11, 23153, 627, 1128, 3781, 84, 812, 735, 664, 26738, 5727, 490, 2058, 2821, 590, 720, 82, 10969, 1354, 11, 374, 1073, 79936, 3233, 11, 323, 1343, 16820, 11975, 3145, 13, 578, 374, 1073, 79936, 3233, 527, 70180, 292, 627, 13730, 612, 65337, 20763, 5659, 279, 220, 21, 339, 9478, 293, 346, 720, 263, 1637, 11, 8620, 51487, 1705, 617, 6646, 597, 664, 26738, 311, 387, 264, 40239, 369, 52192, 6784, 323, 2355, 64, 6514, 369, 80337, 13, 37120, 34449, 647, 99268, 2355, 7, 3965, 4235, 66, 13, 220, 13762, 3846, 8, 11349, 597, 664, 26738, 422, 279, 720, 23557, 1054, 4752, 264, 31161, 1203, 323, 24569, 11, 1587, 539, 37397, 6847, 11, 323, 374, 47281, 311, 10160, 49216, 13613, 292, 992, 27820, 612, 39923, 763, 5734, 11, 597, 664, 26738, 2355, 285, 14134, 1511, 439, 264, 40239, 369, 80337, 11, 3629, 220, 304, 10824, 449, 559, 833, 7643, 320, 34, 318, 292, 333, 38060, 12018, 295, 4849, 570, 720, 2078, 62, 14205, 12, 14374, 1106, 2431, 1299, 689, 62, 6899, 58925, 1117, 278, 20708, 1117, 566, 4903, 29573, 67, 256, 220, 15966, 220, 1627, 14, 2437, 14, 845, 256, 220, 717, 25, 2618, 9012, 15537, 1023, 58041, 11012, 47, 359, 3074, 16109, 27349, 198, 13730, 612, 65337, 20763, 10771, 311, 279, 2355, 2106, 32986, 29732, 315, 7220, 2859, 11, 902, 5762, 2355, 9210, 264, 6136, 753, 11341, 14618, 311, 279, 60243, 479, 2355, 275, 12020, 11, 21271, 32251, 574, 7524, 369, 15489, 2355, 607, 1392, 1606, 1202, 11141, 1051, 1071, 311, 52280, 720, 39049, 20438, 627, 13613, 292, 992, 27820, 612, 39923, 16644, 1202, 1579, 720, 76, 1791, 88076, 2262, 11, 21271, 32251, 374, 13118, 264, 5505, 720, 1864, 9497, 369, 15489, 4787, 11, 323, 433, 374, 8104, 720, 68244, 7235, 304, 5157, 315, 21249, 31071, 331, 20000, 13, 1102, 33511, 720, 9336, 449, 42393, 1778, 439, 1400, 2641, 5447, 320, 350, 1892, 321, 6438, 3117, 69, 5169, 1174, 720, 79, 13, 220, 16949, 8, 439, 264, 6514, 369, 21249, 40700, 82, 320, 16564, 720, 14965, 34807, 40700, 705, 323, 433, 649, 387, 4529, 369, 51643, 13, 720, 43, 2234, 32251, 649, 1101, 387, 1511, 439, 264, 6514, 369, 2355, 82, 461, 60187, 1900, 323, 55146, 13, 763, 279, 3347, 11, 21271, 32251, 2355, 16514, 2728, 369, 279, 40700, 287, 709, 315, 6680, 40986, 720, 1527, 15286, 3035, 1299, 19405, 13, 78336, 32251, 11141, 527, 720, 64, 928, 306, 11, 323, 617, 1027, 9435, 69442, 311, 2355, 9684, 35763, 627, 23389, 1516, 78336, 32251, 374, 3917, 311, 5897, 17294, 720, 258, 1063, 5961, 1087, 359, 3074, 16109, 27349, 320, 48412, 339, 42283, 6043, 340, 47, 638, 68163, 349, 198, 5116, 3799, 307, 9373, 14362, 392, 477, 5021, 7982, 720, 998, 220, 508, 10702, 320, 21, 296, 570, 11697, 23962, 66472, 449, 993, 1572, 11, 720, 1336, 269, 4835, 315, 86345, 35831, 11141, 11, 23087, 1169, 19837, 11, 323, 720, 273, 589, 727, 3880, 17003, 4883, 14098, 8649, 1690, 64188, 7058, 21468, 19595, 627, 39, 40027, 266, 612, 26676, 40227, 17118, 311, 720, 67584, 31382, 13936, 11, 281, 638, 68163, 349, 706, 3719, 720, 53980, 1534, 304, 4606, 13, 578, 5021, 374, 13882, 67166, 720, 2000, 1202, 14098, 11, 902, 374, 20802, 304, 42774, 994, 433, 374, 720, 52191, 13, 578, 54842, 374, 1101, 20802, 304, 42774, 627, 30021, 12477, 66851, 11, 14098, 64188, 11, 436, 485, 11, 54842, 627, 1128, 3781, 84, 812, 578, 14098, 323, 23661, 6782, 720, 48624, 1169, 1291, 1994, 66787, 17390, 11, 220, 6842, 266, 1036, 1354, 320, 455, 311, 220, 914, 34971, 2355, 438, 490, 2058, 2821, 17390, 13, 578, 66787, 17390, 527, 7701, 21503, 11606, 664, 26738, 374, 1101, 2728, 369, 16124, 264, 8696, 323, 51266, 11, 720, 36046, 994, 814, 527, 10815, 449, 34653, 477, 527, 720, 64, 1740, 287, 279, 13272, 323, 8582, 1203, 13, 578, 3789, 1253, 387, 720, 83261, 311, 4322, 13803, 315, 47846, 11, 294, 97745, 11, 477, 720, 2470, 65, 2136, 9057, 555, 1579, 6680, 7410, 13, 735, 664, 26738, 1101, 720, 83, 1244, 82, 69393, 323, 22709, 306, 727, 13, 735, 664, 26738, 19837, 527, 720, 48126, 17868, 4529, 311, 4322, 13200, 72815, 367, 323, 720, 21313, 9146, 11, 323, 527, 3463, 311, 5376, 279], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": "LastingHealth,andYourHealingSystem217\nstayhealthy,youcanenjoyalongandfulfillinglife.Maintainapositivementalattitudeanddevelopsoundpersonalhealthhabits,and\nyouwillexudeaspiritofyouthfulnessandimproveyourprospects\nofremaininghealthyuntilyourfinaldays.Acceptyourmortality\nandunderstandthatyouareontheearthforalimitedtime,andyou\u2019llmoreeasilyovercomeafearofdeath.Cultivatearelaxedattitude.Yourhealingsystemwillbenefitsignificantly,andyouratti\ntudewillfacilitateyourgoalofachievinglong-lastinghealth.\nCHAPTER8\nTheHealingSystematWork\nPersonalStoriesofExtraordinaryHealing\noctorsdealwithpain,suffering,andillnesseverydayoftheir\nlives.Becauseofthis,theytendtoviewlifethroughadistortedlens\nthatseesdiseaseasnormalandhealthasabnormal.Servingassoci\nety\u2019sappointedhealthexperts,theyareinrealitydiseaseexperts.In\nthiscapacity,doctorsexertaprofoundinfluenceonourwayofthinking,andsowehavelearnedtobepessimistic,negative,andfearfulwhenitcomestoourbodies.Goingbeyondthisdistortedlensandprobingdeeperintothemiraculousworkingsofourbodies,however,wewilldiscoveraheal\ningsystemthatcanovercomenearlyeveryafflictionknowntoman.\nWewilldiscoverthathealthandwell-beingaretherule,andillness\nanddiseaseareexceptionstotherule.Manypeoplewithadvanced,seriousmedicalconditionsgetbetterwhentheylearnhowtocooperatewiththeirhealingsystems.Andalthoughthesecasesmayseemextraordinary,infact,theyarequiteordinary~Whenyouunderstandthatyouhaveahealingsystem,youshouldexpecthealing,regardlessofhowoverwhelm\ninglytheoddsmaybestackedagainstyou.Whenyouoralovedone\nisafflictedwithanillnessorinjury,therealquestionisnot\u201cWillhealingoccur?\u201dbutrather\u201cWhenwillhealingoccur?\u201dTheanswer\nis\u201cWhenyoudecidetocooperateandworkwithyourhealing\n220 YourExtraordinaryHealingSystem\nsystem,youwillgetbetterandheal;thesooneryoudothis,thefasteryouwillheal!\u201d\nIofferthefollowingstoriestohelpyougettoknowyourheal\ningsystembetter.Becauseyourhealingsystemiswithinyou,itcan\nbeactivatedfreeofcharge.Itisreadytoworkforyou\u201c24/7,\u201dandit\nisyourmostpowerfulallyonlife\u2019sjourney.Allyourhealingsystemasksisthatyouacknowledgeitsexistence,listentoit,andmakeaconcertedefforttocooperateandworkwith,notagainst,it.\nRonald\u2019sStoryofExtraordinaryHealing\nRonaldJenkinswas19yearsofageandawayatcollege.Hewasastrappingpictureofhealth,onafullathleticandacademicscholar\nship,andhehadnevermissedadayofschoolduetoillnesssincehe\nwasinkindergarten.Exceptforroutinephysicalexamsandimmunizations,Ronaldhadneverseenadoctororbeenhospitalized.He\nwasintheprimeofhislife,anditwasallgood.Soon,however,his\nlifewouldchange.Whilehewasacounseloratayouthcampduringsummerbreak,Ronaldawokeonenightwithintenseabdominalpain.He\nrantothebathroomtorelievehimself.Projectilediarrheaensued,\nnotjustonce,butsomanytimesthatRonaldhadtospendhalfthenightonthetoilet.Hebegantofeelfeverish.Hethoughthemighthavecontracted acaseoffoodpoisoning.Hedrankliquidsandrested,thinkinghewouldgetbetteronhisown.Afteroneweek,however,hissymptomscontinuedwithoutanyletupinintensity.\nForthefirsttimeinhislife,Ronaldsoughtthehelpofadoctor.\nThedoctordiagnosedRonaldwithgastroenteritisandtreated\nhimwithrest,fluids,antibiotics,andanti-inflammatorymedicines.Aftertwoweeks,however,therewasstillnoimprovement,sohisdoctorreferredhimtoaspecialist.Thespecialistorderedbloodtests,X-rays,intestinalscans,andacolonoscopy,anexaminwhichaflexi\nbletubeisinserteduptheentirelengthofthelargeintestines.Aftermuchdeliberationanddiscussion,thedoctorsmadethediagnosisofCrohn\u2019sdisease,asevereinflammatoryconditionofthesmalland\nlargeintestines.Ronaldwasplacedonastrictprotocolofstrong\nYourHearingSystematWork 221\nmedications,includinganti-inflammatories,antimicrobialagentsandcorticosteroids,andahighlyrestricteddiet.Ronalddidn\u2019tdosowellonthisregimen.Hispainanddiarrheacontinued,andhesoondevelopedothersymptoms,aswell,suchas\nstiffandpainfulswollenjoints.Astrange,blister-typerashappeared\nonhisface.Hewasconstantlynauseousandlight-headed.Thecor\nnersofhismouthbegantocrackandbleed.Daybyday,hefelthimselfgrowingweaker,hisvitallifeenergyebbing.Hewasforced\ntotakealeaveofabsencefromschoolandmovebackinwithhisparents.Fortunately,theywerewillingtodoanythingtohelpRonaldregainhishealth.Aftersixmonths,Ronaldappearedtobeondeath\u2019sdoorstep.\nHisweighthadfallentoanall-timelowof104pounds,downfrom\nhisnormalweightof180pounds.Hisfriendsremarkedthathelookedlikeaconcentration-campvictim.Hisdiarrheahadincreased\ntothepointthathecouldn\u2019tsleepformorethan45minutesata\ntimebeforehewouldhavetogetoutofbedandruntothetoilettorelievehimself.Hehadnoappetite,andhisabdomenwasbloated\nandfullofgas.Heforcedhimselftoeattostayalive,buthecould\nn\u2019tkeephisfoodin\u2014everythingthatcameinthefrontdoorwasimmediatelyexpelledthroughthebackdoor.\nInadesperateattempttosaveRonald\u2019slife,hisdoctorsenthim\ntothenation\u2019stopspecialistsingastrointestinaldiseases.Afterreviewinghisrecordsandexamininghim,theyallagreedRonald\u2019s\nwasoneoftheworstcasesofCrohn\u2019sdiseasetheyhadeverseen.If\nhislifeweretobespared,theconsensuswasthatsurgicalremovalof\nhiscolonandalifetimeofimmunosuppressivemedicationswasRonald\u2019sonlyoption.Ronaldreturnedhometocontemplatehisfate.Hebecameextremelydepressed,andeventhoughtofsuicide.Becausehewasmalnourished,hehadtobefedthroughalarge,intravenouscatheterinsertedintoaveinnearhisneck.Thiscatheter,whichcouldeasilybecomeinfected,becameRonald\u2019slifeline.\nAsRonaldlayinbedwastingaway,oneofhisfather\u2019sfriendssuggestedsomethingsimplebutradical.HesuggestedthatifRonaldcouldregainthebalanceofnaturalflorainhisintestines,hehadagoodchanceofrestoringhishealth.Hebasedthisideaonrecentresearchthatsuggestedthat,inadditiontothe500goodbacterial\n222 YourExtraordinaryHeahngSystem\nstrainsthatresideinthehumanintestines,theremaybemanymore\ntypesofbeneficialbacteria,perhapsupto10,000strains.HeaskedRonaldtotryseveralcapsulesadayofaspecialhygienicdirtcultivatedforhumanconsumption;thisdirtcontainedmanystrainsofthesebeneficialbacteria.\nAtfirst,Ronaldwastakenabackbytheideaofeatingdirt,but,becausehewasdesperate,hewasreadytotryanything.Afterlonghoursofreading,research,anddiscussionswithhisfatherandhisfather\u2019sfriend,herealizedthatwhatwasbeingproposedwasareturn\ntothedietaryhabitsofhisancestors.Inthosedays,beforepesticidesandartificialfertilizers,peopleoftenatevegetablesrightoutofthefields,ingestingsmallamountsofbeneficialsoilorganismswith\neachbite,and,intheprocess,replenishingtheirnaturalintestinalflora.Whenwethinkofcows\u2019digestivesystems,andhowtheirmultichamberedstomachsarefilledwithmanybeneficialbacteriathat\nhelpdigesttheirfood,thisideaisnotsoradical.\nThefirstday,Ronaldtooksixcapsulesofhygienicdirt(twoat\natime,threetimesaday).Thefollowingmorning,afterhisfirstsoundnight\u2019ssleepinalongtime,Ronaldfelthisabdominalpainlesseninintensity.Forthefirsttimesincehisillnessbegan,hedidn\u2019tawakenwithafever.Throughoutthecourseofthenextseveraldays,\nhisdiarrheaslowedinfrequencyandintensity.Afterseveraldays,hisstoolsbegantofirmup.Afteroneweek,hisappetitebegantoreturn\nandhehadhis", "token_ids": [5966, 287, 14884, 51526, 7927, 1548, 6260, 2374, 13460, 198, 60021, 38128, 7509, 283, 4919, 268, 4215, 39393, 438, 1285, 7712, 287, 14789, 1345, 1673, 467, 31515, 275, 91640, 278, 1617, 3993, 438, 16219, 28632, 30712, 12393, 10796, 1220, 51526, 198, 9514, 65736, 2635, 799, 300, 53829, 1073, 88, 2969, 31514, 438, 318, 782, 5735, 414, 782, 82, 8132, 198, 1073, 44536, 38128, 3935, 1570, 414, 12085, 14097, 53365, 22479, 76, 76052, 198, 438, 8154, 2752, 9210, 9514, 548, 263, 1820, 28641, 2000, 278, 32611, 1712, 51526, 9514, 4805, 6518, 68, 38367, 2017, 2063, 2642, 686, 1073, 63007, 732, 495, 736, 31531, 52551, 1617, 3993, 7659, 414, 383, 278, 826, 615, 14724, 68244, 1220, 625, 98864, 11, 13634, 414, 32055, 198, 83, 664, 365, 484, 22974, 3748, 349, 22479, 35039, 1073, 45620, 4504, 4930, 65265, 12393, 627, 88539, 23, 198, 791, 1548, 6260, 2374, 266, 6919, 198, 35127, 93531, 1073, 11873, 21707, 1548, 6260, 198, 78, 12816, 30739, 4291, 92724, 10900, 2084, 287, 51526, 484, 4978, 325, 1225, 1316, 1073, 50828, 198, 75, 1924, 1823, 6769, 1073, 576, 11, 20670, 83, 408, 83, 869, 572, 113276, 774, 1458, 329, 380, 13909, 75, 729, 198, 9210, 325, 288, 67, 56407, 300, 8416, 438, 12393, 300, 370, 8416, 815, 20073, 25304, 198, 2676, 753, 71216, 12393, 4683, 15916, 11, 20670, 548, 258, 265, 2786, 67, 56407, 4683, 15916, 5450, 198, 576, 38487, 11, 38083, 11814, 531, 59948, 15456, 258, 41116, 263, 414, 3195, 1073, 83360, 11, 2914, 363, 2701, 525, 12964, 291, 83, 677, 752, 67833, 4633, 10337, 15410, 51526, 69, 686, 1285, 9493, 275, 884, 52525, 414, 65, 10233, 68231, 287, 65, 23478, 576, 12489, 13909, 75, 729, 438, 782, 7278, 451, 10653, 396, 8942, 336, 404, 582, 13850, 21837, 708, 35124, 65, 10233, 11, 98936, 25576, 365, 484, 98729, 64, 383, 278, 198, 826, 615, 9210, 4919, 2017, 884, 268, 22928, 30115, 2715, 21937, 290, 33134, 406, 7053, 627, 54, 365, 484, 98729, 9210, 12393, 438, 9336, 33851, 548, 700, 1130, 51526, 484, 2136, 198, 438, 67, 56407, 548, 7959, 267, 1605, 1130, 31002, 500, 1184, 4291, 42879, 11, 94427, 69216, 16902, 456, 58234, 1336, 306, 383, 982, 1923, 5269, 83, 13441, 86299, 4291, 50828, 383, 278, 826, 95890, 32264, 37241, 6509, 762, 2315, 18864, 325, 336, 15824, 21707, 11, 13885, 533, 11, 20670, 548, 84270, 21707, 93, 4599, 9514, 8154, 2752, 9210, 9514, 19553, 64, 383, 278, 826, 615, 7509, 788, 71, 619, 17557, 383, 6260, 11, 1610, 569, 645, 708, 69, 5269, 2017, 16005, 76, 198, 11559, 1820, 14898, 3647, 352, 16241, 11440, 69849, 9514, 51861, 9514, 10020, 5047, 606, 198, 285, 2715, 42443, 4291, 276, 484, 2136, 269, 258, 42861, 11, 19041, 278, 7998, 285, 1962, 2118, 10149, 383, 6260, 511, 2407, 12671, 8248, 74303, 51928, 14724, 383, 6260, 511, 2407, 12671, 791, 9399, 198, 285, 51928, 9514, 8332, 307, 295, 13441, 86299, 438, 1816, 4291, 22479, 383, 6260, 198, 8610, 4718, 11873, 21707, 1548, 6260, 2374, 198, 9125, 7509, 283, 14724, 456, 58234, 438, 383, 278, 26, 6509, 9186, 727, 3023, 78, 576, 11, 339, 830, 54671, 283, 14724, 383, 278, 18319, 198, 40, 26133, 339, 830, 1573, 287, 48465, 13744, 2319, 1290, 9514, 456, 30694, 3409, 22479, 383, 278, 198, 826, 615, 58234, 1823, 6769, 22479, 383, 278, 826, 615, 285, 4291, 6577, 283, 80824, 4919, 198, 1395, 31262, 10816, 1073, 14215, 28628, 285, 2359, 83, 363, 672, 69, 683, 283, 2118, 1187, 14, 22, 2476, 438, 275, 198, 285, 22479, 3646, 13477, 1285, 750, 263, 14789, 753, 30362, 3520, 9833, 398, 414, 383, 278, 826, 615, 4707, 380, 9379, 9514, 474, 52286, 275, 11814, 81624, 77451, 17996, 275, 51526, 7072, 23184, 12525, 291, 6581, 371, 83, 13441, 86299, 438, 1816, 4291, 11, 1962, 69849, 80824, 627, 54925, 4852, 753, 18422, 1073, 11873, 21707, 1548, 6260, 198, 54925, 4852, 41, 58106, 16514, 777, 3236, 708, 69, 425, 438, 14075, 266, 68534, 3924, 365, 15790, 496, 3713, 27581, 1073, 12393, 97325, 2642, 620, 589, 22740, 438, 50957, 38305, 331, 7569, 198, 5383, 51526, 383, 32345, 37593, 1869, 291, 65726, 37181, 971, 820, 84, 11269, 484, 2136, 11536, 383, 198, 16514, 771, 485, 48672, 5231, 1512, 2000, 54080, 42305, 292, 56975, 4214, 438, 12828, 359, 8200, 24412, 80794, 32345, 818, 4550, 268, 2172, 5009, 269, 1395, 40967, 6432, 1534, 52425, 198, 16514, 258, 1820, 33438, 1073, 26301, 14789, 51526, 275, 16514, 543, 19045, 815, 9186, 11, 98936, 20393, 285, 198, 113276, 365, 619, 3455, 95386, 71, 365, 300, 582, 94741, 269, 266, 352, 2969, 26304, 71792, 826, 63373, 9137, 24412, 80794, 675, 4845, 43028, 492, 4291, 396, 1137, 370, 5717, 992, 92724, 52425, 198, 81, 13873, 1820, 65, 78932, 83, 461, 11828, 15555, 318, 726, 32044, 2230, 72, 1138, 41033, 729, 3340, 345, 1962, 4345, 13486, 8568, 6256, 316, 3852, 83, 4350, 9379, 54925, 4852, 71, 26804, 437, 3825, 38106, 3473, 492, 6167, 11269, 21268, 52425, 52253, 519, 1073, 68, 491, 2099, 819, 3924, 774, 1409, 49818, 22635, 525, 20871, 291, 1645, 521, 1885, 1411, 5481, 3416, 287, 3924, 291, 13430, 41093, 3447, 438, 4014, 291, 11, 83360, 71, 365, 619, 456, 58234, 263, 26301, 785, 37992, 263, 88823, 1247, 11, 98936, 20393, 1056, 1631, 52273, 86957, 30096, 276, 982, 83, 455, 258, 396, 8127, 627, 37, 2419, 830, 874, 1712, 21538, 285, 14789, 24412, 80794, 82, 2509, 1820, 8823, 1073, 2172, 5009, 627, 1016, 291, 42792, 541, 72, 3326, 20158, 54925, 4852, 4291, 70, 23834, 1992, 20000, 438, 83, 2920, 198, 40617, 4291, 4014, 11, 67125, 82, 11, 519, 581, 83300, 51526, 15719, 67595, 2106, 292, 1572, 37992, 15930, 24665, 21854, 11, 98936, 11, 700, 365, 300, 44466, 2201, 318, 782, 7986, 11, 708, 26301, 38083, 265, 5671, 40617, 998, 300, 3037, 380, 5221, 288, 3037, 380, 10767, 51105, 24781, 30341, 82817, 10072, 65050, 2445, 598, 51526, 582, 73369, 437, 8728, 11, 276, 327, 8778, 8370, 2642, 2635, 72, 198, 901, 74838, 285, 4302, 291, 455, 1820, 306, 556, 4222, 1073, 339, 301, 2812, 396, 478, 1572, 37992, 59178, 9783, 8799, 367, 438, 70969, 11, 339, 66981, 12816, 20920, 774, 19586, 50915, 1073, 96141, 25105, 753, 67, 56407, 11, 521, 19846, 258, 55097, 9233, 1073, 6509, 30632, 438, 198, 17185, 396, 478, 1572, 2056, 80794, 16514, 37469, 6863, 6765, 17447, 1073, 4620, 198, 7927, 39, 13992, 2374, 266, 6919, 220, 12425, 198, 2106, 124085, 11, 16564, 15719, 3502, 45864, 38270, 11, 519, 318, 83059, 55975, 438, 66, 90438, 11975, 17390, 51526, 1494, 1108, 398, 51897, 94942, 2056, 25180, 634, 307, 77, 529, 1320, 437, 80599, 263, 576, 1610, 27236, 3924, 13391, 467, 438, 8747, 1138, 41033, 86957, 51526, 17082, 9186, 16219, 291, 59961, 1631, 52273, 11, 300, 9336, 10900, 1412, 300, 198, 267, 3168, 438, 92724, 1285, 2332, 33389, 73, 14737, 885, 496, 853, 11, 2067, 1601, 12, 1919, 716, 1003, 99567, 198, 263, 26301, 1594, 3924, 365, 300, 1040, 18007, 3458, 817, 52949, 4238, 62166, 11829, 6133, 198, 5079, 1073, 71, 2191, 2969, 52253, 519, 4309, 474, 438, 901, 291, 50269, 1729, 1316, 11, 383, 59367, 339, 318, 726, 70, 25156, 906, 4506, 20393, 285, 55911, 543, 1643, 17947, 3141, 7278, 3924, 365, 300, 25229, 198, 28879, 731, 1604, 525, 1073, 3518, 768, 1527, 22606, 438, 3479, 1445, 258, 4291, 26301, 26534, 1006, 371, 9695, 11, 20670, 6703, 365, 9585, 17825, 73254, 998, 8823, 54925, 4852, 1610, 467, 26301, 12393, 885, 728, 388, 953, 50814, 24412, 80794, 99567, 83, 15784, 17675, 589, 753, 11020, 9710, 627, 16366, 906, 22635, 329, 13772, 17996, 276, 543, 2442, 318, 50481, 1073, 6849, 79, 3171, 11, 2996, 1527, 198, 26301, 8416, 4870, 1073, 5245, 79, 3171, 3924, 285, 30562, 38548, 291, 339, 589, 301, 1982, 291, 4908, 23184, 94376, 1824, 1141, 92039, 3924, 285, 8747, 1138, 383, 1494, 32084, 846, 1503, 198, 998, 339, 752, 787, 9210, 383, 92062, 1431, 26894, 630, 461, 54895, 1774, 38137, 460, 198, 1712, 15145, 71, 365, 619, 71, 402, 11269, 456, 412, 1073, 2788, 438, 6236, 998, 339, 11269, 458, 5683, 461, 11828, 15555, 318, 726, 52425, 32345, 2201, 680, 295, 635, 51526, 26301, 370, 5717, 268, 16514, 39245, 660, 198, 438, 1285, 385, 4922, 300, 3924, 830, 269, 2041, 40617, 726, 998, 68, 1617, 537, 352, 52061, 100004, 383, 29177, 198, 77, 1431, 13397, 26301, 14239, 258, 2345, 73826, 9210, 6142, 48121, 830, 9598, 11020, 16514, 318, 44287, 4683, 15556, 20322, 1820, 1445, 11020, 627, 644, 3536, 80213, 56605, 43681, 525, 54925, 4852, 753, 14789, 20393, 285, 3055, 12816, 21341, 318, 198, 998, 3473, 367, 529, 99120, 3037, 1705, 287, 23834, 71558, 67, 1082, 2315, 37992, 19981, 287, 26301, 27295, 438, 42716, 5859, 40617, 11, 20670, 543, 351, 29616, 54925, 4852, 753, 198, 16514, 606, 1073, 16142, 66396, 24857, 1073, 96141, 25105, 753, 67, 1082, 5136, 36661, 71, 1037, 4550, 268, 34001, 198, 71, 23265, 333, 365, 261, 295, 677, 288, 7360, 63738, 6387, 13940, 86, 561, 71, 1900, 57673, 1864, 13825, 1073, 198, 26301, 77924, 17086, 29615, 1073, 12828, 54543, 455, 1911, 344, 16809, 124085, 16514, 54925, 4852, 753, 3323, 2091, 2056, 80794, 78691, 71, 4512, 78, 778, 3793, 26301, 69, 349, 52425, 17106, 373, 428, 54358, 451, 14655, 51526, 3163, 71, 2509, 1073, 28149, 14842, 1823, 6769, 71, 365, 10753, 106295, 414, 3384, 11, 383, 71, 26804, 677, 830, 291, 20322, 278, 2812, 54788, 376, 81443, 66, 589, 1430, 4302, 291, 18614, 525, 6258, 686, 26301, 63440, 5221, 3510, 589, 1430, 11, 8370, 66, 11206, 451, 38367, 17106, 638, 13885, 1599, 8568, 762, 373, 54925, 4852, 753, 113276, 4939, 627, 2170, 54925, 4852, 6789, 258, 2788, 86, 15067, 14075, 11, 606, 1073, 26301, 23881, 753, 10931, 784, 3884, 6910, 316, 774, 826, 6592, 8248, 13584, 950, 3924, 288, 54376, 9210, 333, 54925, 4852, 29177, 1610, 467, 1820, 22298, 1073, 53980, 1517, 269, 467, 26301, 396, 478, 1572, 11, 383, 32345, 351, 1411, 331, 685, 1073, 4014, 5620, 26301, 12393, 52425, 31039, 576, 42877, 263, 47743, 61564, 339, 1900, 54376, 9210, 54788, 723, 684, 998, 1820, 2636, 19045, 65, 71034, 198, 9716, 4718, 11873, 21707, 1548, 1494, 983, 2374, 198, 78726, 267, 9379, 417, 579, 258, 1820, 26380, 396, 478, 1572, 11, 700, 336, 352, 65, 16357, 1631, 461, 198, 9426, 1073, 68244, 7235, 65, 78852, 11, 66372, 7717, 78, 605, 11, 931, 496, 1771, 52425, 1091, 291, 54925, 4852, 28879, 894, 325, 424, 17356, 2690, 2482, 65726, 1073, 300, 3037, 8671, 88364, 292, 67, 2154, 93113, 55786, 2000, 26380, 67776, 562, 26, 576, 67, 2154, 53615, 35676, 78726, 708, 69, 45010, 68244, 7235, 65, 78852, 627, 1688, 3983, 24412, 80794, 86, 561, 3448, 370, 474, 1729, 1820, 42877, 1073, 91955, 67, 2154, 100004, 8568, 6769, 71, 365, 300, 5919, 80213, 20393, 365, 300, 2359, 28879, 894, 73254, 37992, 4930, 25704, 708, 69, 6285, 39225, 1874, 51526, 17242, 39833, 4291, 26301, 23881, 438, 26301, 23881, 753, 10931, 11, 6881, 278, 1534, 9210, 12840, 16514, 35214, 782, 3950, 16514, 548, 413, 198, 998, 79371, 3978, 661, 97802, 708, 69, 26301, 685, 267, 1105, 5450, 339, 20158, 954, 8568, 4746, 30223, 76195, 438, 472, 16895, 69, 86795, 12509, 11, 16455, 14450, 32223, 83571, 4893, 1315, 412, 1073, 339, 830, 7052, 11, 287, 478, 826, 30632, 6173, 708, 69, 68244, 7235, 708, 321, 76991, 4291, 198, 9739, 91035, 51526, 11, 48121, 752, 41948, 39225, 87635, 11218, 50828, 53980, 71558, 1517, 6347, 51861, 86, 774, 771, 1073, 66, 4336, 7070, 15505, 1924, 95890, 51526, 5269, 1820, 2923, 495, 718, 15578, 291, 267, 316, 87973, 548, 28611, 4291, 35676, 68244, 7235, 65, 2540, 72, 589, 266, 198, 8823, 37439, 50828, 14239, 23224, 579, 2852, 1962, 82, 269, 329, 950, 627, 791, 3983, 1316, 24412, 80794, 998, 35322, 953, 49333, 2482, 1073, 8671, 88364, 292, 67, 2154, 1175, 1146, 266, 198, 266, 547, 11, 339, 3829, 1769, 65726, 570, 791, 44018, 57902, 1251, 11, 10924, 26301, 3983, 28632, 9471, 753, 26894, 992, 647, 1712, 24412, 25180, 3013, 301, 576, 370, 5717, 992, 79, 16864, 101998, 396, 8127, 1006, 2419, 830, 874, 15487, 1736, 26301, 484, 2136, 65, 16133, 20393, 291, 307, 77, 1431, 675, 3448, 4291, 5763, 424, 5221, 1458, 412, 339, 762, 5366, 1073, 3473, 428, 325, 424, 4852, 954, 345, 26301, 8747, 1138, 383, 300, 10516, 291, 13885, 16224, 438, 396, 8127, 37992, 325, 424, 4852, 954, 20393, 285, 267, 6309, 52253, 519, 1073, 2923, 455, 37992, 263, 88823, 1247, 20393, 285, 680, 295, 635, 52253, 519, 461, 413, 198, 438, 383, 32345, 26301], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": "\tto\tworry.\tWorry\tis\tunreal.\tIt\tmakes\tyou\tfeel\tpain\nin\tadvance,\tand\tyour\tsoul\tisn\u2019t\tpart\tof\tanything\tpainful.\tSurvivors\twho\thave\nbeen\tthrough\ta\tdisaster\tlike\ta\tflood\tor\ttornado\twill\ttell\tyou\tthat\thandling\tthe\ncrisis\twas\tten\ttimes\teasier\tthan\twaiting\tfor\tit\tto\toccur.\n\tSo\tthe\tbest\tway\tto\tcure\nworry\tis\tto\tconfront\tthe\tthing\tyou\tfear.\nWorry\tgoes\taway\twhen\tyou\tface\tthe\tthing\tyou\tfear.\tOnce\tyou\tknow\thow\nyou\u2019re\tgoing\tto\tdeal\twith\ta\tsituation,\tyour\tsoul\twill\thelp\tbring\tyou\ta\tsense\tof\nsecurity;\tit\twill\thelp\tmake\tyou\tfeel\tsafe.\tSee\tyourself\tin\tthe\tsituation.\tPractice\nwhat\tyou\u2019re\tgoing\tto\tdo\tand\tsay.\tBe\ttotally\thonest\tabout\twhat\tyou\tknow\tis\ntrue.\tEvery\ttime\tyour\tmind\tsays,\t\nWhat\tif?\n\tanswer\tit\twith,\t\u201cThen,\tI\u2019ll\tdo\t\nX\n.\u201d\nThe\tmore\tconcrete\tyou\tare\twith\tfacing\tyour\tfear,\tthe\tbetter.\tSome\tchampion\nathletes\tvisualize\ta\twhole\tgame\tin\tadvance\tbefore\tstepping\tout\ton\tthe\tfield.\nSingers\tpractice\ttheir\tsongs,\tactors\trecite\ttheir\tlines.\tOf\tcourse,\ta\tpart\tof\tyou\nwill\tsay,\t\u201cJust\tdon\u2019t\tthink\tabout\tit.\u201d\tBut\thave\tyou\treally\tsucceeded\tin\tnot\nthinking\tabout\tsomething\tyou\tdread?\tYour\tmind\tkeeps\tcoming\tback\tto\tit\tno\nmatter\thow\thard\tyou\ttry.\nAbove\tall,\tknow\tthat\tyou\u2019ll\tsurvive,\tno\tmatter\twhat.\tAnd\tif\tyou\tdoubt\tthat,\nseek\tsomeone\tyou\ttrust\tso\tthat\tyou\tcan\thear\tthem\tsay\tit\tto\tyou.\tTheir\nreassurance\tis\tan\techo\tof\twhat\tyour\tsoul\tis\ttelling\tyou.\n3.\tF\nORGETTING\nForgetting\tyour\tsoul\tis\thard\tto\tdescribe.\tIt\u2019s\tlike\tbeing\ta\tmillionaire\twho\nthinks\the\u2019s\tpoor\tbecause\the\tdoesn\u2019t\tremember\twhat\u2019s\tin\tthe\tbank.\tIt\u2019s\tlike\nlooking\tfor\tyour\tglasses\tand\tforgetting\tthat\tyou\tare\talready\twearing\tthem.\nIn\tother\twords,\tit\u2019s\ta\tspecial\tkind\tof\tforgetting.\tWhen\tyou\tforget\tthat\tyou\tleft\nyour\twallet\tat\tthe\tsupermarket,\tit\tmight\tstill\tbe\tthere\twhen\tyou\tgo\tback,\tor\tit\nmight\tnot.\tYou\tfeel\tanxious\tnot\tknowing\twhich\tit\u2019s\tgoing\tto\tbe.\tBut\tyour\tsoul\nis\talways\tthere,\tready\tfor\tyou\tto\tremember\tit.\tThe\tway\tof\tthe\tmind\tcould\tbe\ncalled\tthe\tway\tof\treminding\u2014you\tremind\tyourself\tthat\tyour\tspirit\tis\talwayspresent;\tit\tis\tin,\taround,\tand\teverywhere.\tThe\twhole\tuniverse\tvibrates\twith\nevery\tthought,\taccording\tto\tphysics.\tThe\tmessages\tsent\tby\tyour\tsoul\tare\nsometimes\tsudden\tflashes,\tsometimes\tjust\ta\tsteady\tfeeling\tthat\ttells\tyou,\tdeep\nin\tyour\theart,\tthat\tyou\tbelong,\tyou\tare\tsafe,\tyou\tare\tpart\tof\teverything.\tAll\tit\ntakes\tto\treceive\tthese\tmessages\tis\tnever\tto\tforget\tthat\tyour\tsoul\tis\tsending\nthem.The\tWay\tof\tSilence\nW\ne\twere\tback\tin\tthe\tshade\tunder\tthe\ttrees\tbecause\tit\twas\tthe\thottest\tpart\tof\nthe\tday.\tBaba\thad\tstopped\ttalking.\tHe\tsat\tvery,\tvery\tstill\tnow.\tI\twatched\tas\ta\nsingle\tleaf\tfell\tfrom\tthe\ttree.\tIt\tfluttered\tand\tswiveled\tthrough\tthe\tair\tas\tit\ndropped.\tBaba\tsaw\tit\ttoo.\n\u201cDo\tyou\tthink\tyou\tcan\tcatch\tthat?\u201d\the\tasked.\nI\tknew\thow\thard\tit\tis\tto\tcatch\ta\tfalling\tleaf,\tbecause\tI\thad\ttried\tbefore.\tI\ngrabbed\tat\tit,\tbut\tthe\tnext\tpuff\tof\tair\tseemed\tto\tcarry\tthe\tleaf\tjust\tout\tof\treach\n\u2014nothing\tis\tmore\tslippery\tthan\ta\tleaf\tthat\tdoesn\u2019t\twant\tto\tbe\tcaught.\n\u201cCan\tyou?\u201d\tI\tasked\twhen\tmy\ttry\twas\tover.\nA\tsecond\tleaf\twas\tfalling\ttoward\tus.\tBaba\tdidn\u2019t\treach\tup\tor\teven\tlook\tat\tit.\nWhen\tthe\tleaf\twas\tjust\tin\tfront\tof\this\tface,\this\thand\tdarted\tout,\tand\tas\teasy\tas\nthat,\the\tcaught\tit.\n\u201cYou\tsee?\u201d\the\tsaid.\t\u201cI\tam\tjust\tlike\ta\tsnake\tin\tthe\tsun.\tOne\tmoment\tI\tam\tso\nstill\tthat\tI\tcould\tbe\tsleeping,\tbut\twhen\tI\tstrike,\tI\tmove\tinstantly,\twith\ttotal\ncertainty\tNow\n\tyou\tknow\tthe\tkey\tto\tthe\tthird\tway\tthat\tyour\tsoul\twants\tyou\tto\nlive\tby,\tthe\tway\tof\tsilence.\u201d\n\u201cI\tdon\u2019t\tthink\tbeing\tquiet\tmakes\tsomebody\tcertain,\u201d\tI\tsaid\tdoubtfully.\n\u201cYou\thaven\u2019t\tfound\tthe\treal\tsilence\tyet,\u201d\the\tsaid.\t\u201cIt\u2019s\ta\tlot\tmore\tthan\tbeing\nquiet.\tSilence\tsharpens\tthe\tmind\tlike\tan\tarrow\tready\tto\tfly\tthrough\tthe\tair.\nBut\tit\talso\tsoftens\tthe\tmind,\tlike\tthe\tpaw\tof\ta\tcat\twhen\tits\tclaws\tare\tdrawn\tin.\nA\tcat\u2019s\tpaw\tis\tsensitive\tand\tsharp\tat\tthe\tsame\ttime.\u201d\n\u201cBut\tnobody\tis\treally\tcertain\tof\tanything,\tare\tthey?\u201d\tI\tasked.\n\u201cNo?\u201d\tsaid\tBaba.\t\u201cHaven\u2019t\tyou\tset\teyes\ton\tsomebody\tand\tinstantly\tsaid\tto\nyourself,\t\u2018He\u2019s\tgoing\tto\tbe\tmy\tnew\tbest\tfriend\u2019?\tHaven\u2019t\tyou\twoken\tup\tone\nmorning\tand\tknown\tfor\tsure\tthat\tsomething\tspecial\twas\tgoing\tto\thappen\tto\nyou?\tThe\tsoul\thas\ta\tquality.\t\nIt\tknows\tfor\tsure\n.\n\u201cThe\tway\tof\tsilence\tis\tabout\tdeveloping\tthe\tability\tto\tknow\tfor\tsure,\u201d\tsaidBaba.\t\u201cYou\tcan\tlearn\tto\tbe\trelaxed\tand\tstill,\tyet\twhen\tit\u2019s\ttime\tto\tmake\ta\ndecision,\tyou\twill\tbe\table\tto\t\ngo!\n\tJust\tlike\tthat.\u201d\nW\nHAT\n\tI\tL\nEARNED\nThe\tway\tof\tsilence\tisn\u2019t\tabout\tbeing\tquiet\tfor\tits\town\tsake.\tSilence\tis\thow\nyou\tare\tnaturally\twhen\tyou\tare\tcertain\tabout\tsomething,\tbecause\tthe\tmind\nkeeps\ttalking\tonly\tas\tlong\tas\tit\tis\tin\tdoubt.\tBaba\twas\treally\tteaching\tme\tabout\nbeing\ta\tspiritual\twarrior.\tThat\u2019s\ta\tterm\tyou\tmay\thave\tread\n\tor\theard\tabout.\nSpiritual\twarriors\taren\u2019t\tfighting\tother\tpeople;\tthey\u2019re\tfighting\tnot\tto\tbe\nmentally\tfoggy\tand\tdoubtful.\tSo\tit\u2019s\tnot\ta\tmartial\tart.\nInstead,\tspiritual\twarriors\tare\ttraining\tto\tknow\twho\tthey\tare.\tWhen\tyou\u2019re\ncertain\tabout\tthat\tone\tthing,\tthe\trest\tis\tsimple.\tIn\tIndia\tthere\u2019s\tan\tancient\nsaying,\t\u201cI\tam\tThat.\u201d\tWhat\tit\tmeans\tis\tthat\tif\tyou\tstrip\taway\tall\tlabels,\tyou\tare\npure\tspirit\tor\tessence.\tPeople\tusually\tsay,\t\u201cI\t\nhave\n\ta\tsoul,\u201d\tbut\tthe\tspiritual\nwarrior\tsays,\t\u201cI\t\nam\n\tthe\tsoul.\u201d\tThis\twisdom\tis\tone\tof\tthe\tmost\tglorious\tgoals\nyou\tcan\tlive\tfor.\tIn\tancient\tIndia\tthey\twould\thave\tsaid,\t\u201cYes,\tit\u2019s\ttrue.\tI\tam\nThat\u201d\tto\tmean\tthe\tsame\tthing.\nYou\u2019ve\tseen\tpictures,\tI\u2019m\tsure,\tof\tBuddhist\tmonks\tin\tsaffron\trobes\tmeditating\nor\tof\tChristian\tmonks\tin\tsilent\tprayer.\tBoth\tare\tconnecting\twith\tThat.\tThey\nare\tin\ttraining\tto\tawaken\tall\tthe\tqualities\tof\tspirit.\tAnd\tThat\tis\tintelligent\nbeyond\tanything\twe\tcan\timagine.\tIt\tbreathes\tlife\tinto\traw\tmatter.\tThe\tsugar\tin\na\tsugar\tbowl\tis\tbasically\tthe\tsame\tas\tthe\tsugar\tthat\tyour\tbrain\tuses\tfor\tfood\n(in\tthe\tbody\tthis\tsugar\tis\tcalled\tglucose),\tand\tyet\tthere", "token_ids": [32809, 6831, 8635, 13, 17749, 8635, 20501, 21113, 8110, 13, 62635, 2157, 2094, 197, 9514, 1186, 96551, 3303, 467, 198, 258, 197, 60420, 11, 53577, 14862, 414, 1942, 11206, 20501, 77, 1431, 73972, 44323, 197, 73254, 3303, 467, 1285, 13, 7721, 97860, 86493, 197, 14965, 9793, 525, 198, 82850, 197, 20322, 11575, 35697, 2352, 197, 4908, 11575, 1186, 4659, 82266, 3324, 64043, 6831, 484, 3324, 616, 197, 9514, 64442, 9793, 438, 2785, 33188, 198, 5192, 9667, 6831, 300, 197, 2002, 3324, 1769, 7883, 77783, 197, 54895, 49850, 287, 2066, 24263, 32809, 197, 511, 2407, 627, 78012, 33188, 93510, 197, 3195, 32809, 1470, 554, 198, 86, 8635, 20501, 32809, 38303, 7096, 33188, 197, 1626, 197, 9514, 1186, 686, 627, 54, 8635, 3253, 7217, 197, 14075, 61280, 197, 9514, 1186, 580, 33188, 197, 1626, 197, 9514, 1186, 686, 13, 197, 12805, 197, 9514, 16868, 3409, 197, 5269, 198, 9514, 3207, 31780, 287, 32809, 197, 30739, 48048, 11575, 1942, 275, 4090, 11, 14862, 414, 1942, 11206, 6831, 484, 88740, 81355, 287, 197, 9514, 11575, 1942, 1137, 44323, 198, 17476, 26, 24263, 6831, 484, 88740, 78538, 197, 9514, 1186, 96551, 1942, 5763, 13, 197, 10031, 14862, 414, 726, 17886, 33188, 1942, 275, 4090, 13, 197, 89592, 198, 12840, 197, 9514, 3207, 31780, 287, 32809, 20530, 53577, 1942, 352, 13, 197, 3513, 3324, 354, 750, 9793, 36224, 197, 9274, 197, 12840, 197, 9514, 16868, 3409, 20501, 198, 1904, 13, 197, 11769, 22724, 14862, 414, 2157, 485, 1942, 954, 11, 1602, 3923, 748, 5380, 73670, 24263, 48048, 11, 197, 2118, 12487, 11, 25494, 4805, 20530, 1602, 55, 198, 49216, 791, 2157, 461, 38303, 9537, 197, 9514, 197, 548, 48048, 1186, 4628, 14862, 414, 1186, 686, 11, 33188, 2282, 22120, 13, 7721, 638, 23918, 13580, 198, 589, 14203, 197, 30318, 553, 11575, 197, 67733, 31777, 17886, 197, 60420, 64334, 197, 5455, 10964, 14294, 25653, 33188, 40350, 627, 50, 14437, 26736, 34101, 33188, 404, 1942, 13483, 11, 197, 21846, 69004, 635, 33188, 404, 79490, 13, 197, 2173, 1470, 5366, 11, 11575, 73972, 44323, 197, 9514, 198, 14724, 1942, 352, 11, 197, 2118, 10156, 2765, 263, 1431, 197, 27963, 197, 9274, 24263, 2029, 197, 4071, 9793, 525, 197, 9514, 17643, 750, 1942, 44905, 17886, 98366, 198, 83360, 197, 9274, 1942, 11793, 197, 9514, 2765, 888, 30, 197, 7927, 2157, 485, 197, 441, 7270, 197, 5065, 78546, 32809, 24263, 73204, 198, 60065, 197, 5269, 9793, 569, 197, 9514, 6942, 627, 59907, 52060, 11, 16868, 3409, 64442, 197, 9514, 4805, 1942, 97860, 535, 11, 73204, 2157, 1683, 197, 12840, 13, 197, 3112, 748, 197, 9514, 2765, 5599, 83, 64442, 345, 26797, 1942, 638, 606, 197, 9514, 26665, 592, 197, 708, 64442, 197, 9514, 94036, 197, 87160, 197, 49818, 1942, 352, 24263, 32809, 197, 9514, 13, 33026, 404, 198, 265, 395, 5890, 20501, 80557, 5459, 44323, 197, 12840, 14862, 414, 1942, 11206, 20501, 3324, 6427, 197, 9514, 627, 18, 13, 13017, 198, 878, 3891, 26098, 198, 2520, 51210, 14862, 414, 1942, 11206, 20501, 9793, 569, 32809, 83960, 13, 62635, 753, 197, 4908, 197, 35214, 11575, 2157, 15068, 12267, 197, 14965, 198, 339, 15872, 197, 383, 753, 3303, 10922, 2282, 6769, 197, 383, 2765, 7217, 77, 1431, 197, 30380, 197, 12840, 753, 17886, 33188, 2282, 1201, 13, 62635, 753, 197, 4908, 198, 20986, 2066, 14862, 414, 3253, 34968, 53577, 2066, 51210, 64442, 197, 9514, 197, 548, 197, 46584, 6831, 13992, 197, 49818, 627, 644, 197, 1605, 197, 5880, 11, 24263, 753, 11575, 1942, 3037, 197, 15674, 44323, 2066, 51210, 13, 197, 4599, 197, 9514, 2066, 456, 64442, 197, 9514, 36357, 198, 22479, 6831, 7616, 36547, 33188, 12750, 19859, 11, 24263, 2157, 492, 18895, 484, 74242, 197, 19041, 61280, 197, 9514, 31780, 78546, 11, 82266, 24263, 198, 46068, 98366, 13, 197, 2675, 1186, 96551, 80557, 30351, 98366, 16868, 3409, 287, 197, 8370, 24263, 753, 31780, 287, 32809, 74242, 13, 197, 4071, 14862, 414, 1942, 11206, 198, 285, 197, 33222, 197, 19041, 11, 197, 2359, 2066, 197, 9514, 32809, 197, 30380, 24263, 13, 33026, 197, 3195, 44323, 33188, 2157, 485, 1470, 619, 74242, 198, 44982, 33188, 197, 3195, 44323, 197, 1864, 4049, 71480, 197, 1864, 485, 14862, 414, 726, 64442, 14862, 414, 1942, 53829, 20501, 197, 33222, 29844, 26, 24263, 20501, 17886, 11, 197, 20019, 11, 53577, 7883, 1225, 2940, 13, 33026, 197, 67733, 21113, 8194, 5306, 10892, 988, 48048, 198, 30115, 197, 61665, 11, 197, 74946, 32809, 197, 67865, 13, 33026, 2157, 3822, 1942, 306, 197, 1729, 14862, 414, 1942, 11206, 197, 548, 198, 57753, 1942, 39095, 1186, 47645, 11, 1942, 12982, 197, 4345, 11575, 18895, 3228, 88, 1186, 68, 20659, 64442, 3324, 6572, 197, 9514, 11, 197, 33980, 198, 258, 14862, 414, 197, 18207, 11, 64442, 197, 9514, 2282, 39122, 11, 197, 9514, 197, 548, 1942, 5763, 11, 197, 9514, 197, 548, 73972, 44323, 7883, 1225, 1626, 13, 197, 2460, 24263, 198, 79079, 32809, 17643, 8402, 197, 45010, 2157, 3822, 20501, 197, 37593, 32809, 2066, 456, 64442, 14862, 414, 1942, 11206, 20501, 1942, 2518, 198, 49818, 11829, 17749, 352, 44323, 7721, 321, 768, 198, 54, 198, 68, 6831, 486, 78546, 17886, 33188, 37296, 1037, 197, 8154, 33188, 3324, 8016, 2282, 6769, 24263, 6831, 300, 33188, 9793, 1751, 478, 73972, 44323, 198, 1820, 99297, 13, 13083, 12273, 9793, 329, 18895, 18033, 3324, 30855, 13, 197, 1548, 1942, 266, 197, 1225, 11, 197, 1225, 18895, 484, 82022, 13, 25494, 6831, 35344, 61551, 11575, 198, 15698, 197, 25126, 1186, 616, 43827, 33188, 53068, 13, 62635, 1186, 75, 6339, 291, 53577, 78395, 535, 839, 197, 20322, 33188, 197, 1334, 61551, 24263, 198, 11513, 7069, 13, 13083, 12273, 1942, 675, 24263, 32809, 78, 627, 2118, 5519, 197, 9514, 197, 27963, 197, 9514, 94036, 18353, 64442, 12671, 197, 383, 197, 1091, 291, 627, 40, 16868, 943, 197, 5269, 9793, 569, 24263, 20501, 32809, 18353, 11575, 1186, 17157, 197, 25126, 11, 2282, 6769, 25494, 9793, 329, 26665, 1142, 64334, 13, 25494, 198, 59312, 2788, 36547, 24263, 11, 2282, 332, 33188, 29244, 3303, 1386, 44323, 197, 1334, 85786, 16809, 32809, 1470, 11687, 33188, 197, 25126, 197, 4345, 14294, 44323, 17643, 613, 198, 2345, 42312, 20501, 2157, 461, 1942, 34215, 62479, 197, 54895, 11575, 197, 25126, 64442, 2765, 7217, 77, 1431, 51880, 32809, 74242, 197, 62308, 627, 2118, 6854, 197, 9514, 12671, 25494, 197, 1091, 291, 61280, 13938, 6942, 6831, 300, 197, 2017, 627, 32, 197, 5686, 197, 25126, 6831, 300, 1186, 17157, 3324, 83071, 71275, 13, 13083, 12273, 2765, 307, 77, 1431, 17643, 613, 60910, 82266, 7883, 1055, 197, 7349, 36547, 24263, 627, 4599, 33188, 197, 25126, 6831, 300, 197, 4345, 17886, 1186, 9598, 44323, 9793, 285, 1186, 580, 11, 9793, 285, 9793, 438, 2765, 472, 291, 14294, 11, 53577, 61551, 7883, 6539, 61551, 198, 9210, 11, 197, 383, 197, 62308, 24263, 627, 33672, 197, 4151, 12671, 197, 383, 1942, 3864, 13, 197, 10378, 197, 309, 197, 4345, 197, 4908, 11575, 49351, 731, 17886, 33188, 1942, 359, 13, 197, 4054, 2157, 13209, 25494, 197, 309, 197, 708, 198, 44466, 64442, 25494, 1470, 619, 74242, 53633, 287, 11, 2282, 332, 61280, 25494, 18895, 41752, 11, 25494, 50388, 17886, 4811, 398, 11, 48048, 35593, 198, 12525, 18773, 197, 7184, 198, 197, 9514, 16868, 3409, 33188, 24555, 32809, 33188, 197, 32827, 197, 3195, 64442, 14862, 414, 1942, 11206, 6831, 1821, 197, 9514, 32809, 198, 25859, 197, 1729, 11, 33188, 197, 3195, 44323, 1942, 321, 768, 49216, 10378, 2765, 263, 1431, 197, 27963, 197, 35214, 197, 44750, 2157, 2094, 1942, 638, 2664, 1470, 7770, 2476, 25494, 1942, 3864, 2765, 5599, 83, 3725, 627, 33672, 9793, 5389, 1431, 59202, 33188, 92974, 1942, 321, 768, 14862, 295, 2476, 197, 383, 1942, 3864, 13, 197, 17818, 753, 11575, 8986, 354, 2157, 461, 197, 54895, 197, 35214, 198, 44750, 13, 7721, 321, 768, 37296, 8035, 729, 33188, 2157, 485, 197, 4908, 80557, 197, 6172, 197, 2359, 32809, 1186, 398, 197, 20322, 33188, 197, 1334, 627, 4071, 24263, 197, 19171, 197, 3594, 729, 33188, 2157, 485, 11, 197, 4908, 33188, 3303, 675, 44323, 11575, 93891, 61280, 197, 1220, 40507, 8805, 197, 548, 40810, 77, 17886, 627, 32, 93891, 753, 3303, 675, 20501, 1942, 19245, 53577, 37296, 8035, 36547, 33188, 1942, 373, 22724, 49216, 61603, 9215, 43440, 20501, 17643, 750, 1470, 7770, 44323, 197, 73254, 11, 197, 548, 197, 20670, 12671, 25494, 197, 1091, 291, 627, 61559, 12671, 1942, 3864, 13083, 12273, 13, 197, 2118, 39, 5389, 1431, 197, 9514, 8360, 197, 58331, 25653, 1942, 638, 2664, 53577, 17886, 4811, 398, 1942, 3864, 32809, 198, 22479, 726, 11, 197, 14336, 1548, 753, 31780, 287, 32809, 74242, 13938, 8808, 93510, 52203, 529, 30, 13595, 5389, 1431, 197, 9514, 6831, 1713, 60910, 197, 606, 198, 57902, 1251, 53577, 197, 5391, 2066, 1942, 554, 64442, 1942, 11793, 1942, 3037, 6831, 300, 31780, 287, 32809, 9793, 64860, 32809, 198, 9514, 30, 33026, 1942, 11206, 64355, 11575, 197, 10692, 13, 1602, 2181, 16868, 3409, 82, 2066, 1942, 554, 198, 627, 14305, 197, 3195, 44323, 1942, 321, 768, 20501, 197, 9274, 197, 16219, 287, 33188, 197, 2968, 32809, 16868, 3409, 2066, 1942, 554, 2476, 1942, 3864, 33, 12273, 13, 197, 33672, 94036, 197, 12964, 32809, 74242, 197, 3833, 52551, 53577, 18895, 484, 11, 14862, 295, 61280, 24263, 753, 22724, 32809, 78538, 11575, 198, 65038, 11, 197, 9514, 6831, 484, 74242, 197, 481, 32809, 1602, 3427, 4999, 197, 10156, 197, 4908, 64442, 49216, 54, 198, 39, 835, 198, 25494, 15420, 198, 36, 9228, 1507, 198, 791, 197, 3195, 44323, 1942, 321, 768, 20501, 77, 1431, 197, 9274, 197, 35214, 197, 44750, 2066, 197, 1220, 197, 785, 1942, 731, 13, 7721, 321, 768, 20501, 197, 5269, 198, 9514, 197, 548, 9215, 72247, 61280, 197, 9514, 197, 548, 1470, 7770, 197, 9274, 1942, 11793, 11, 2282, 6769, 33188, 2157, 485, 198, 441, 7270, 3324, 30855, 197, 3323, 61551, 17972, 61551, 24263, 20501, 17886, 2765, 5599, 83, 13, 13083, 12273, 6831, 300, 17643, 750, 197, 668, 12092, 50394, 197, 9274, 198, 35214, 11575, 1942, 53829, 940, 6831, 277, 3334, 13, 197, 4897, 753, 11575, 197, 5098, 197, 9514, 2157, 352, 9793, 525, 38143, 198, 82266, 197, 55603, 197, 9274, 627, 87475, 940, 6831, 277, 21864, 197, 9329, 1431, 1186, 45850, 197, 1605, 197, 16455, 26, 197, 20670, 3207, 1186, 45850, 98366, 32809, 74242, 198, 479, 750, 1186, 540, 4680, 53577, 2765, 5599, 83, 1285, 13, 78012, 24263, 753, 98366, 11575, 2157, 21564, 197, 472, 627, 31887, 11, 1942, 53829, 940, 6831, 277, 21864, 197, 548, 26665, 2101, 32809, 16868, 3409, 197, 14965, 197, 20670, 197, 548, 13, 197, 4599, 197, 9514, 3207, 198, 66, 7770, 197, 9274, 64442, 197, 606, 197, 1626, 11, 33188, 197, 4014, 20501, 1942, 6592, 13, 71267, 197, 34648, 197, 19041, 753, 80557, 197, 1149, 1188, 198, 82, 17718, 11, 197, 10378, 197, 309, 197, 4897, 2029, 197, 3923, 24263, 50394, 598, 20501, 64442, 748, 197, 9514, 197, 13406, 197, 14075, 52060, 96243, 11, 197, 9514, 197, 548, 198, 52833, 1942, 53829, 82266, 197, 434, 768, 13, 10230, 68, 1184, 197, 44066, 1942, 352, 11, 197, 10378, 1602, 19553, 198, 11575, 1942, 11206, 2476, 2282, 332, 33188, 1942, 53829, 940, 198, 11710, 3334, 1942, 954, 11, 197, 10378, 1602, 309, 198, 33188, 1942, 11206, 2029, 41065, 6831, 285, 5717, 20501, 197, 606, 44323, 33188, 2157, 537, 9123, 22766, 31780, 1147, 198, 9514, 94036, 8986, 535, 2066, 13, 71267, 197, 1149, 1188, 197, 34648, 197, 20670, 6831, 619, 9793, 525, 1942, 3864, 11, 197, 86508, 11, 24263, 753, 43908, 13, 25494, 197, 309, 198, 4897, 863, 32809, 2157, 5420, 33188, 1942, 373, 197, 1626, 627, 2675, 4070, 197, 29412, 3303, 7641, 11, 25494, 4344, 1942, 554, 11, 44323, 13083, 8512, 21843, 197, 1677, 2857, 17886, 1942, 2715, 2298, 197, 299, 9620, 197, 2106, 50644, 198, 269, 44323, 197, 42042, 197, 1677, 2857, 17886, 1942, 69514, 26736, 1155, 13, 197, 21279, 197, 548, 58005, 287, 48048, 197, 4897, 13, 197, 7009, 198, 548, 17886, 26665, 2101, 32809, 197, 675, 3448, 52060, 33188, 197, 83465, 44323, 1942, 53829, 13, 197, 3112, 197, 4897, 20501, 2129, 21149, 198, 65, 23478, 197, 73254, 197, 906, 94036, 55992, 24281, 13, 62635, 2282, 265, 589, 288, 8986, 1643, 2129, 78, 77659, 2157, 1683, 13, 33026, 1942, 8734, 17886, 198, 64, 1942, 8734, 2282, 9802, 20501, 2282, 300, 2740, 33188, 1942, 373, 61551, 33188, 1942, 8734, 64442, 14862, 414, 197, 54160, 197, 4881, 2066, 197, 14239, 198, 6024, 33188, 36502, 2090, 1942, 8734, 20501, 1470, 4841, 9123, 94697, 705, 53577, 14862, 295, 197, 19041], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " concerned with \u201cthe whole planet. \u201d It seems the least we can do for the planet which gave birth to us and will sooner or later recycle our bodies. As of 2018, I think a realistic view leans toward \u201csooner. \u201d However, let us remember our great capacity for awakening, understanding, transformation, and love-in-action. Why not do all we can to nourish these possibilities? Let us each realize that we truly do reap what we sow!\nf21\nFruiticulture\nAbove: A user-friendly Fruiticulture food forest\nBelow: Fruiticulture community garden planting, Sebastopol, California\n22\nFruiticultureAbove: Bill Mollison\u2019s seminal book (first published in 1988)\nBelow: The authoritative 2014 book on soil remediation and CO2 sequestration via remineralization\n23\nFruiticulturePART I\nDIET24\nFruiticulturePathologies of Modern Diets \nby David Klein, Ph.D., Dr. T. C. Fry & \nWes Peterson, N.D.\nThe Big Destructive Mistake\nby Dr. T. C. Fry & David Klein, Ph.D.\nThe #1 mistake humankind makes several times every day is eating foods which we are \nnot designed to eat, that is, foods which are not suitable to our biological and physi -\nological constitution and which poison and destroy the body and mind, causing virtually every disease condition humans fac e \n. We are not omnivores! Omnivorous diets that are \nhigh in grains and their byproducts and/or meat and animal byproducts are acidifying, toxifying, and deficient in nutrients. They destroy human health, causing physical and mental degeneration, low fertility, most disease conditions from A to Z, stunted longev -\nity and they greatly contribute to the pollution of the world\u2019s environment and the de -\ncline of global societies.\nJust as ker osene fouls up an automobile or air plane eng\nine, which was not designed for \nit, so too will foods foul up human bodies if they are not designed to handle them. If \nyou are not physiologically adapted to a diet, it will be repulsive to you in its raw natural state\u2014you cannot relish the food nor sustain yourself on it in good health. When you eat an unnatural diet by artifice, that is, by denaturing it by cooking and modifying and camouflaging its taste with condiments and so on, you are doing the following:\n1. Deranging and destroying most or all of the nutrients within the food. 2. Deranging your taste buds through excitation with toxic substances to make the \nunpalatable food acceptable. 3. Potentially inflaming your or\ngans. All poisonous substances, including alcohol, pun -\ngent spices, vinegars, salts, onions, garlic, chili peppers, hot sauces, and charred meat, \nare harsh irritan ts tha\nt can cause inflammation and impose insurmountable burdens 25\nFruiticultureupon the body\u2019s defense system and organs of \npurification and elimination. A host of diseases results from their habitual use.\n4. Causing nutrient deficiencies by eating a par -\ntially or wholly nutrient deranged \u201cfood. \u201d5. Causing protein malnutr ition. C\nooking de -\nstroys proteins and amino acids. Once oxidized \nand destr oyed b y c\nooking, you can no longer de -\nrive any benefit from proteinaceous substances other than, per haps \u201cempt y calor \nies, \u201d that is, nu-\ntrient-bereft fuel. Once oxidized, proteins are soil (food) for bact er \nia which putrefy (rot) it. Bacterial \nputrefactive byproducts are highly toxic and car -\ncinogenic. These byproducts are methane gas (the source for smelly gas emissions when y ou ea \nt \nbeans, for instance), hydrogen sulfide and mer -\ncaptans (which yield the rotten egg smell when carried out by the methane gas), cada v \nerine, putrescine, ammonias, indoles, skatoles, \nleukomaines and a profusion of other toxic and carcinogenic substances.\n6. Laying the groundwork for putrefactive bacterial flora that will vitiate your intestinal \ntract. Eaters of cooked foods and wrong foods have about two pounds of bacterial flora up and down their digestive tracts. Raw food eaters have only a few ounces.\n7. Laying the groundwork for alcohol and vinegar poisoning. Heated sugars and carbo -\nhydrates are readily fermented by fungi and bacteria with, first, alcohol as a byproduct \nand then vinegar which is dozens of times more t o \nxic than alcohol. \n8. Intoxicating your body with the toxic debris (deranged nutrients) of what once had nutrient value. Instead of materials your body can use, you have toxins that put the body into a frenzy and, if overwhelmed by the toxic load, into a pathological state.\n9. Overstimulating your nervous and endocrine systems, which in some people sends \ntheir sex drive into overdrive, which is a prime cause of the world\u2019s overpopulation.\n26\nFruiticulture10. Deranging our brain chemistry, resulting in reduced cognition and disconnection \nfrom our elegant bio-spiritual nature, instigating aberrant behaviors and, consequently, worldwide turmoil. This new study helps make the point: \u201cIntake of Raw Fruits and Vegetables Is Associated With Better Mental Health, \u201d from Frontiers in Psychology maga -\nzine: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5902672/.\nAs you can see, c ooked f\noods and condiments are a curse to our well-being.\nThere are many toxic substances that are commonly eaten. For instance, all cooked oils \nand fats, as in fried foods, meats, nuts and seeds, contain deadly carcinogens. Their aerated fumes are worse in the lungs than tobacco smoke! For the bare truth about cooking, refer to the landmark report Diet, Nutrition and Cancer (1983) that was commis -\nsioned by the U.S. National Academy of Sciences (https://www.nap.edu/catalog/371/diet-nutrition-and-cancer).\nT\nhe list of toxifying pseudo-foods seems endless! We Americans poison ourselves so \nmuch that we have more health problems per capita than any other country on earth. More than 16% of our national wealth goes down the disease rat hole. Humanity must wake up to the fact that virtually all discomforts, illnesses and suffering are abnormal, unnatural and unnecessary.\nf\nSlabs of carcinogens27\nFruiticultureIs Cooked Food Good for Us? \nby Dr. T. C. Fry\nIn nature all animals eat living foods as yielded up by na-\nture. Only humans cook their foods and only humans suffer widespread sicknesses and ailments. \nThose humans who \neat mostly living foods are more alert, think clearer, sharper and more logically and become more active. Best of all, live food eaters become virtually sickness-free! \nCooking is a process of food destruction from the moment \nheat is applied to the foodstuff. Long before dry ashes re -\nsults, food values are totally destroyed. If you put your hand just for a moment into boil-ing water or on a hot stove, that should forever persuade you just how destructive heat is. Food is usually subject ed t\no these destructive temperatures for perhaps half an hour \nor more. What was living substance becomes totally dead very rapidly with exposure to heat!\nCooking renders food toxic! The toxicity of the deranged debris of cooking is confirmed \nby the doubling and tripling of white blood cells after eating a cooked food meal. The white blood cells are the first line of defense and are, collectively, popularly called \u201cthe immune system. \u201d \nAs confirmed by hundreds of researches cited in the prestigious National Academy of \nScience\u2019s National Research Council\u2019s book, Diet, Nutrition and Cancer, all cooking quickly generates mutagens and carcinogens in foods. \nProteins begin coagulating and deaminating at temperatures commonly applied in cook -\ning, and are devoid of nutritive value.Vitamins are ra ther quick\nly destroyed by cooking.\nMinerals quickly lose their organic context and are returned to their native state as they \noccur in soil, seawater and rocks, metals and so on. In such a state they are unusable and the body often shunts them aside where they may combine with saturated fats and cho -\nlesterol in the circulatory system, thus clogging it up with cement-like plaque.\n28\nFruiticultureHeated fats are especially damaging because they are altered to form acroleins, free radi -\ncals and other mutagens and carcinogens as confirmed in Diet, Nutrition and Cancer.\nThus you can see that dead f oods make dull\n, low vitality, and diseased people.\nf\n29\nFruiticultureCooked Food Effects\nby Wes Peterson, N.D.\nDuring the past few decades there has been much research done in the area of nutri -\ntion. Some of this research casts light on some important insights regarding the foods \nMother Nature off ers t\no us in its whole, raw state, and what happens when we tamper \nwith them.\nWhat exactly happens to food when it is cooked? What happens to the body if we eat \ncooked food? Some key points are covered in this article. \nKey Points Regarding the Effects of Cooking on Food and Health\u2022 The food\u2019s life force is greatly depleted or destroyed. The bioelectrical (energy) field is \naltered and greatly depleted (as is graphically demonstrated", "token_ids": [11920, 449, 1054, 1820, 4459, 11841, 13, 19524, 220, 1102, 5084, 279, 3325, 584, 649, 656, 369, 279, 11841, 902, 6688, 7342, 311, 603, 323, 690, 31373, 477, 3010, 61843, 1057, 13162, 13, 220, 1666, 315, 220, 679, 23, 11, 358, 1781, 264, 26569, 1684, 93936, 9017, 1054, 708, 27674, 13, 19524, 220, 4452, 11, 1095, 603, 6227, 1057, 2294, 8824, 369, 75149, 11, 8830, 11, 18475, 11, 323, 3021, 3502, 26115, 13, 220, 8595, 539, 656, 682, 584, 649, 311, 46798, 819, 1521, 24525, 30, 220, 6914, 603, 1855, 13383, 430, 584, 9615, 656, 58003, 1148, 584, 58565, 4999, 69, 1691, 198, 37, 21702, 93828, 198, 59907, 25, 362, 1217, 22658, 44187, 93828, 3691, 13952, 198, 39314, 25, 44187, 93828, 4029, 13863, 48114, 11, 94813, 28765, 11, 7188, 198, 1313, 198, 37, 21702, 93828, 59907, 25, 8766, 386, 980, 3416, 753, 90773, 2363, 320, 3983, 4756, 304, 220, 3753, 23, 340, 39314, 25, 578, 65693, 220, 679, 19, 2363, 389, 17614, 34630, 7246, 323, 7432, 17, 513, 593, 55681, 4669, 43650, 3333, 2065, 198, 1419, 198, 37, 21702, 93828, 34590, 358, 198, 18091, 1372, 1187, 198, 37, 21702, 93828, 1858, 9268, 315, 18766, 7923, 1441, 720, 1729, 6941, 43241, 11, 2405, 920, 2637, 2999, 13, 350, 13, 356, 13, 53517, 612, 720, 54, 288, 40891, 11, 452, 920, 627, 791, 6295, 423, 30394, 535, 35198, 731, 198, 1729, 2999, 13, 350, 13, 356, 13, 53517, 612, 6941, 43241, 11, 2405, 920, 627, 791, 674, 16, 16930, 2854, 70370, 3727, 3892, 3115, 1475, 1938, 374, 12459, 15657, 902, 584, 527, 720, 1962, 6319, 311, 8343, 11, 430, 374, 11, 15657, 902, 527, 539, 14791, 311, 1057, 24156, 323, 4571, 72, 18722, 5848, 16812, 323, 902, 21109, 323, 7066, 279, 2547, 323, 4059, 11, 14718, 21907, 1475, 8624, 3044, 12966, 3547, 384, 720, 13, 1226, 527, 539, 50197, 344, 4692, 0, 220, 90934, 344, 20857, 41943, 430, 527, 720, 12156, 304, 41936, 323, 872, 555, 10354, 323, 5255, 13339, 323, 10065, 555, 10354, 527, 13935, 7922, 11, 41569, 7922, 11, 323, 87544, 304, 37493, 13, 220, 2435, 7066, 3823, 2890, 11, 14718, 7106, 323, 10723, 5367, 17699, 11, 3428, 48111, 11, 1455, 8624, 4787, 505, 362, 311, 1901, 11, 357, 28736, 1317, 5230, 18722, 488, 323, 814, 19407, 17210, 311, 279, 25793, 315, 279, 1917, 753, 4676, 323, 279, 409, 18722, 89034, 315, 3728, 34775, 627, 10156, 439, 34801, 2709, 1994, 57625, 4835, 709, 459, 35528, 477, 3805, 11277, 2995, 198, 483, 11, 902, 574, 539, 6319, 369, 720, 275, 11, 779, 2288, 690, 15657, 40884, 709, 3823, 13162, 422, 814, 527, 539, 6319, 311, 3790, 1124, 13, 220, 1442, 720, 9514, 527, 539, 4571, 72, 30450, 30464, 311, 264, 10173, 11, 433, 690, 387, 2109, 58921, 311, 499, 304, 1202, 7257, 5933, 1614, 71480, 4250, 1375, 819, 279, 3691, 6463, 14201, 6261, 389, 433, 304, 1695, 2890, 13, 220, 3277, 499, 8343, 459, 81846, 10173, 555, 1989, 22660, 11, 430, 374, 11, 555, 3453, 40328, 433, 555, 17677, 323, 47141, 323, 6730, 62840, 4210, 1202, 12945, 449, 9955, 12843, 323, 779, 389, 11, 499, 527, 3815, 279, 2768, 512, 16, 13, 220, 13031, 8764, 323, 33812, 1455, 477, 682, 315, 279, 37493, 2949, 279, 3691, 13, 262, 220, 17, 13, 220, 13031, 8764, 701, 12945, 68543, 1555, 3521, 7709, 449, 21503, 33155, 311, 1304, 279, 2355, 359, 19866, 15436, 3691, 22281, 13, 220, 220, 18, 13, 220, 14020, 31668, 4704, 6605, 701, 477, 198, 70, 598, 13, 220, 2052, 74508, 33155, 11, 2737, 13200, 11, 8474, 18722, 16149, 49659, 11, 30050, 64502, 11, 78235, 11, 45697, 11, 31735, 11, 59717, 58573, 11, 4106, 91070, 11, 323, 1181, 1171, 13339, 11, 720, 548, 25984, 30118, 276, 10814, 49588, 198, 83, 649, 5353, 37140, 323, 33330, 1672, 324, 16966, 481, 64074, 220, 914, 198, 37, 21702, 93828, 59723, 279, 2547, 753, 9232, 1887, 323, 36853, 315, 720, 26047, 2461, 323, 44032, 13, 220, 362, 3552, 315, 19338, 3135, 505, 872, 84820, 1005, 627, 19, 13, 220, 14751, 985, 50123, 72946, 555, 12459, 264, 1370, 18722, 83, 34575, 477, 42241, 50123, 2761, 3811, 1054, 14239, 13, 19524, 20, 13, 220, 14751, 985, 13128, 8811, 24217, 81, 433, 290, 13, 220, 356, 198, 1982, 287, 409, 18722, 267, 50293, 28896, 323, 42500, 33969, 13, 220, 9843, 36172, 1534, 720, 438, 409, 496, 70448, 291, 293, 379, 272, 198, 1982, 287, 11, 499, 649, 912, 5129, 409, 18722, 58035, 904, 8935, 505, 13128, 77140, 33155, 1023, 1109, 11, 824, 305, 2690, 1054, 21643, 379, 86312, 720, 552, 11, 19524, 430, 374, 11, 11148, 7058, 376, 1188, 1481, 486, 728, 10633, 13, 220, 9843, 36172, 1534, 11, 28896, 527, 17614, 320, 14239, 8, 369, 293, 533, 2781, 720, 689, 902, 2231, 1116, 88, 320, 4744, 8, 433, 13, 220, 426, 71034, 720, 631, 1116, 3104, 555, 10354, 527, 7701, 21503, 323, 1841, 18722, 18595, 29569, 13, 4314, 555, 10354, 527, 61083, 6962, 320, 1820, 2592, 369, 1554, 12160, 6962, 20748, 994, 379, 6033, 37646, 720, 83, 720, 28440, 11, 369, 2937, 705, 35784, 40769, 579, 323, 4809, 18722, 44303, 598, 320, 8370, 7692, 279, 78792, 19151, 22843, 994, 11953, 704, 555, 279, 61083, 6962, 705, 19394, 348, 720, 261, 483, 11, 2231, 417, 66, 483, 11, 69911, 3557, 11, 1280, 7298, 11, 1940, 4428, 645, 11, 720, 273, 3178, 3199, 288, 323, 264, 2848, 7713, 315, 1023, 21503, 323, 52788, 29569, 33155, 627, 21, 13, 220, 445, 17718, 279, 95844, 369, 2231, 1116, 3104, 45964, 82088, 430, 690, 13458, 6629, 701, 63900, 720, 2193, 13, 220, 469, 11796, 315, 30205, 15657, 323, 5076, 15657, 617, 922, 1403, 16701, 315, 45964, 82088, 709, 323, 1523, 872, 60071, 490, 11613, 13, 220, 23886, 3691, 8343, 388, 617, 1193, 264, 2478, 49138, 627, 22, 13, 220, 445, 17718, 279, 95844, 369, 13200, 323, 47205, 52236, 13, 220, 1283, 660, 70913, 323, 1841, 754, 18722, 26233, 988, 527, 31368, 96080, 555, 81540, 323, 24032, 449, 11, 1176, 11, 13200, 439, 264, 555, 3107, 720, 438, 1243, 47205, 902, 374, 22700, 315, 3115, 810, 259, 297, 720, 14668, 1109, 13200, 13, 11187, 23, 13, 220, 1357, 82329, 1113, 701, 2547, 449, 279, 21503, 35098, 320, 1126, 3811, 37493, 8, 315, 1148, 3131, 1047, 50123, 907, 13, 12361, 315, 7384, 701, 2547, 649, 1005, 11, 499, 617, 62186, 430, 2231, 279, 2547, 1139, 264, 74941, 323, 11, 422, 43206, 555, 279, 21503, 2865, 11, 1139, 264, 89961, 1614, 627, 24, 13, 220, 6193, 54754, 15853, 701, 23418, 323, 842, 78738, 6067, 11, 902, 304, 1063, 1274, 22014, 720, 50828, 1877, 6678, 1139, 927, 33067, 11, 902, 374, 264, 10461, 5353, 315, 279, 1917, 753, 927, 45541, 627, 1627, 198, 37, 21702, 93828, 605, 13, 220, 13031, 8764, 1057, 8271, 30903, 11, 13239, 304, 11293, 75310, 323, 834, 7898, 720, 1527, 1057, 26861, 17332, 1355, 53829, 940, 7138, 11, 1798, 343, 1113, 82102, 519, 28198, 323, 11, 52394, 11, 15603, 63355, 13, 220, 1115, 502, 4007, 8779, 1304, 279, 1486, 25, 220, 1054, 1090, 731, 315, 23886, 435, 68998, 323, 43800, 4893, 2209, 26475, 3161, 24327, 38895, 6401, 11, 19524, 505, 15248, 4918, 304, 36673, 4983, 64, 18722, 89, 483, 25, 3788, 1129, 2185, 99916, 89488, 70521, 14489, 4420, 13183, 55134, 14, 93623, 20615, 16567, 17, 76969, 2170, 499, 649, 1518, 11, 272, 297, 11059, 282, 198, 9242, 323, 9955, 12843, 527, 264, 41100, 311, 1057, 1664, 33851, 627, 3947, 527, 1690, 21503, 33155, 430, 527, 17037, 35661, 13, 220, 1789, 2937, 11, 682, 30205, 32462, 720, 438, 50127, 11, 439, 304, 41951, 15657, 11, 63875, 11, 31049, 323, 19595, 11, 6782, 25114, 52788, 57118, 13, 220, 11205, 34548, 660, 282, 19131, 527, 11201, 304, 279, 45274, 1109, 27531, 16603, 0, 220, 1789, 279, 12743, 8206, 922, 17677, 11, 8464, 311, 279, 38350, 1934, 27304, 11, 39700, 323, 26211, 320, 3753, 18, 8, 430, 574, 1081, 285, 18722, 82, 97657, 555, 279, 549, 815, 13, 5165, 16192, 315, 23199, 320, 2485, 1129, 2185, 1276, 391, 12871, 77198, 14, 18650, 3529, 3978, 5392, 332, 17462, 9976, 1824, 11967, 4390, 51, 198, 383, 1160, 315, 41569, 7922, 35850, 64567, 82, 5084, 26762, 0, 220, 1226, 9053, 21109, 13520, 779, 720, 59178, 430, 584, 617, 810, 2890, 5435, 824, 53155, 1109, 904, 1023, 3224, 389, 9578, 13, 220, 4497, 1109, 220, 845, 4, 315, 1057, 5426, 12205, 5900, 1523, 279, 8624, 11494, 14512, 13, 220, 83695, 2011, 15508, 709, 311, 279, 2144, 430, 21907, 682, 44776, 82, 11, 49909, 323, 16066, 527, 35663, 11, 81846, 323, 26225, 627, 69, 198, 7594, 3518, 315, 52788, 57118, 1544, 198, 37, 21702, 93828, 3957, 12797, 291, 12369, 7839, 369, 4073, 30, 720, 1729, 2999, 13, 350, 13, 356, 13, 53517, 198, 644, 7138, 682, 10099, 8343, 5496, 15657, 439, 58487, 709, 555, 4415, 7058, 5081, 13, 8442, 12966, 4394, 872, 15657, 323, 1193, 12966, 7831, 24716, 54950, 288, 323, 82907, 662, 720, 23025, 12966, 889, 720, 33166, 10213, 5496, 15657, 527, 810, 5225, 11, 1781, 49479, 11, 96569, 323, 810, 74145, 323, 3719, 810, 4642, 13, 7252, 315, 682, 11, 3974, 3691, 8343, 388, 3719, 21907, 54950, 12862, 0, 5996, 59482, 287, 374, 264, 1920, 315, 3691, 19814, 505, 279, 4545, 720, 20559, 374, 9435, 311, 279, 3691, 58404, 13, 5843, 1603, 9235, 67101, 312, 18722, 82, 122761, 11, 3691, 2819, 527, 12756, 14763, 13, 1442, 499, 2231, 701, 1450, 1120, 369, 264, 4545, 1139, 44790, 85005, 3090, 477, 389, 264, 4106, 45115, 11, 430, 1288, 16058, 51041, 499, 1120, 1268, 40652, 8798, 374, 13, 12369, 374, 6118, 3917, 1608, 259, 198, 78, 1521, 40652, 20472, 369, 8530, 4376, 459, 6596, 720, 269, 810, 13, 3639, 574, 5496, 20278, 9221, 12756, 5710, 1633, 19019, 449, 14675, 311, 8798, 4999, 59482, 287, 45382, 3691, 21503, 0, 578, 58011, 315, 279, 2761, 3811, 35098, 315, 17677, 374, 11007, 720, 1729, 279, 60115, 323, 2463, 12127, 315, 4251, 6680, 7917, 1306, 12459, 264, 30205, 3691, 15496, 13, 578, 4251, 6680, 7917, 527, 279, 1176, 1584, 315, 9232, 323, 527, 11, 45925, 11, 5526, 398, 2663, 1054, 1820, 22852, 1887, 13, 19524, 11187, 2170, 11007, 555, 11758, 315, 3495, 288, 22628, 304, 279, 41385, 5165, 16192, 315, 720, 36500, 753, 5165, 8483, 9251, 753, 2363, 11, 27304, 11, 39700, 323, 26211, 11, 682, 17677, 6288, 27983, 5318, 39896, 323, 52788, 57118, 304, 15657, 13, 5996, 1360, 668, 1354, 3240, 1080, 351, 15853, 323, 409, 8778, 1113, 520, 20472, 17037, 9435, 304, 4394, 18722, 287, 11, 323, 527, 76939, 315, 69714, 535, 907, 5168, 275, 38925, 527, 15473, 9139, 4062, 198, 398, 14763, 555, 17677, 627, 6349, 17822, 6288, 9229, 872, 17808, 2317, 323, 527, 6052, 311, 872, 10068, 1614, 439, 814, 720, 511, 2407, 304, 17614, 11, 67329, 977, 323, 23902, 11, 37182, 323, 779, 389, 13, 220, 763, 1778, 264, 1614, 814, 527, 16236, 481, 323, 279, 2547, 3629, 559, 38040, 1124, 16038, 1405, 814, 1253, 16343, 449, 50585, 50127, 323, 2665, 18722, 273, 33282, 304, 279, 4319, 38220, 1887, 11, 8617, 272, 26330, 433, 709, 449, 24532, 12970, 61464, 627, 1591, 198, 37, 21702, 93828, 1548, 660, 50127, 527, 5423, 34446, 1606, 814, 527, 29852, 311, 1376, 1645, 5898, 1354, 11, 1949, 12164, 18722, 66, 1147, 323, 1023, 5318, 39896, 323, 52788, 57118, 439, 11007, 304, 27304, 11, 39700, 323, 26211, 627, 45600, 499, 649, 1518, 430, 5710, 282, 297, 30797, 1304, 41630, 198, 11, 3428, 75716, 11, 323, 6759, 1503, 1274, 627, 69, 198, 1682, 198, 37, 21702, 93828, 59482, 291, 12369, 30246, 198, 1729, 37476, 40891, 11, 452, 920, 627, 16397, 279, 3347, 2478, 11026, 1070, 706, 1027, 1790, 3495, 2884, 304, 279, 3158, 315, 10184, 462, 18722, 28491, 13, 4427, 315, 420, 3495, 57133, 3177, 389, 1063, 3062, 26793, 9002, 279, 15657, 720, 59978, 22037, 1022, 55495, 259, 198, 78, 603, 304, 1202, 4459, 11, 7257, 1614, 11, 323, 1148, 8741, 994, 584, 26555, 716, 720, 4291, 1124, 627, 3923, 7041, 8741, 311, 3691, 994, 433, 374, 30205, 30, 220, 3639, 8741, 311, 279, 2547, 422, 584, 8343, 720, 99797, 3691, 30, 4427, 1401, 3585, 527, 9960, 304, 420, 4652, 13, 720, 1622, 21387, 73773, 279, 30246, 315, 57410, 389, 12369, 323, 6401, 6806, 220, 578, 3691, 753, 2324, 5457, 374, 19407, 79266, 477, 14763, 13, 578, 17332, 19493, 12381, 320, 17947, 8, 2115, 374, 720, 278, 34259, 323, 19407, 79266, 320, 300, 374, 4876, 2740, 21091], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": ". The whole procedure should be repeated every bedtime until the \npatient starts producing a regular stool on his/her own. \nOf course, the diet, which we have discussed, is very important in re\u00ad\nestablishing normal gut flora and normalising all functions of your \npatient's digestive system, including elimination. \nI do not support the use of any laxatives, drug or herbal, particularly in \nchildren. They are designed to work on fairly healthy digestive systems. For \na person with abnormal gut flora they usually are inappropriate. A combi\u00ad\nnation of the diet and supplementation, which we have discussed, would \nrelieve constipation in most cases. In those cases when it is not enough the \nenemas would do the job very effectively. \nIn conclusion I would like to say that GAPS patients whether it is a child \nor an adult should never be left constipated! Constipation is extremely \nharmful for the whole body. It lays the ground for all sorts of digestive dis\u00ad\norders, including bowel cancer, and it produces a huge amount of various \ntoxins, which poison the whole body. Diet and probiotics as a long-term \ntreatment and an enema as an immediate remedy would effectively put \nconstipation in the past for your patient. 5. GENETICS \nThe word genetics is mentioned a lot in connection with the GAPS condi\u00ad\ntions. Now and then we see articles in various journals where some part of \nsome gene has been found, which may have something to do with autism, \nor schizophrenia, or ADHD/ADD, or dyslexia, or dyspraxia or depression. \nWe are assured that scientists are working on it and that the genetic cause \nof these conditions will be found! Not that it will help the patients or their \nfamilies, but it will put our minds at rest that our children were meant to be \ndisabled and there was nothing we could do about it! \nIn our modern world genetics is a popular concept. Almost every health \nproblem is commonly blamed on genetics. We pollute the water we drink, \nthe food we eat, the air we breathe with industrial and nuclear wastes and \nwhen we get ill we blame it all on genetics. We deplete our soils of minerals \nand other nutrients and replace them with pesticides, organophosphates, \nweedkillers and lots of other chemicals, we grow our crops on these soils, \nwe eat these crops, we get ill and blame it all on genetics. We damage our \nchildren's immune systems with vaccinations and antibiotics and blame it \nall on genetics. We regularly consume processed foods with virtually no \nnourishment for the body andfull of chemicals, detrimental to health, and \nwhen we get ill we blame it all on genetics. We regularly intoxicate our\u00ad\nselves with alcohol, tobacco and drugs and when we get ill we blame it all \non genetics. \nIf we look at all the epidemics of degenerative disease we have in our \nmodern times, which are blamed on genetics, it is easy to come to the con\u00ad\nclusion that we all must have very poor genetics indeed! In fact I don't \nknow how human kind survived for millennia with such poor genetics! \nAccording to the scientific establishment genetics are to blame pretty \nmuch for every misery we suffer. We have epidemics of cancer, heart dis\u00ad\nease, diabetes, psychological and psychiatric maladies, learning disabili\u00ad\nties, autoimmune disorders, obesity, etc. etc., the list is very long. These are \nall conditions which doctors very rarely encountered too years ago. Have \nour genetics changed so quickly to cause these epidemics? Well, for the last few decades genetic research or molecular biology has \nreceived the most money in the western world. A lot of laboratories, which \nused to do basic science, have been converted into genetic research. \nBillions have been poured into this area in every western country. So, if \nevery other scientist works in genetics then that is what they know and that \nis what they are going to think about when it comes to identifying the \ncourse of any disease. As the old English proverb states: \"If the only tool \nyou have is a hammer, then everything looks like a nail.\" Obesity? Don't \nworry about your eating habits. Just wait, we will find a gene to blame for \nit!... Cancer? Do not torment yourself with questions about your life\u00ad\nstyle, we will pinpoint a gene which caused it!... Learning disabilities? Oh, \ndefinitely must be genetic! \nBefore the discovery of Helicobacter pylori the medical professionals \ntalked a lot about genetics causing stomach ulcers, gastritis and stomach \ncancer. When the H. pylori was discovered and it was proven to cause \nstomach ulcers, gastritis and stomach cancer, nobody talks about genetics \nanymore in connection with these disorders, because the real cause has \nbeen found. This example shows just how easy it is for us to blame things \non genetics in order to fill a gap in our knowledge. \nGenetics are a very convenient scapegoat. It is something we are born \nwith, there is nothing we can do about it at the moment. So, wouldn't it be \nwonderful not to worry about our food, environment or our life-styles? \nWouldn't it be so convenient to just put all the responsibility for our state of \nhealth on our genetics? \nFortunately, life is not that simple! \nOf course there are clearly identified genetic conditions, like phenylke\u00ad\ntonuria, haemophilia and many others, where specific faulty genes have \nbeen discovered. However, these conditions are relatively rare, their inci\u00ad\ndence is fairly stable and they are not the main concern in the modern \nworld. The real problem in our modern world are the epidemics men\u00ad\ntioned before of cancer, heart disease, autoimmune and psychiatric condi\u00ad\ntions, learning disabilities, diabetes, obesity and many other modern mal\u00ad\nadies, where the numbers of sufferers are growing at a rapid pace. Despite \nhuge amounts of money spent on genetic research, none of these condi\u00ad\ntions had any clear genetic causes allocated to them. A number of different \ngenes are thought to have something to do with them, and the more \nresearch is done the clearer it becomes how unclear it all is. GAPS condi\u00ad\ntions are not an exception. Number of research studies have been pub\u00ad\nlished here and there, where scientists suspect different genes, but there is no conclusive evidence for any specific gene or combination of genes \nwhich we can blame for these disorders. \nAs with other modern epidemics, there is a conclusion that there may be \na genetic predisposition to the disorder rather than a genetic cause. This \npredisposition can be made of tens or even hundreds of various genes, how \nmany and in what combinations - nobody knows yet. But what we do \nknow is that any predisposition to materialise into a disease has to have \ncertain environmental conditions, in other words things that happen to us \nafter we are conceived. Diet is a major part of this environmental condi\u00ad\ntioning. \nLet us have a look at studies on identical twins. Identical twins are two \npeople who have the same genetics and consequently they should have the \nsame predisposition to the same diseases. However, there are many studies \nshowing that when identical twins are separated at an early age and live in \ndifferent environments with different diets and life-styles, they do not \ndevelop the same health problems at all. Even in schizophrenia, which is \ncommonly perceived as a \"genetic\" disease in 50-60% of identical twins, \nonly one twin develops schizophrenia. \nStudies on ethnic emigration also confirm the fact that in the majority of \ncases environment, specifically diet, is more important than genetics. For \nexample, Chinese people, who live in China, are generally shorter than the \nwestern population. However, Chinese people who were bom and grew up \nin western countries are generally as tall as westerners. Western diet is \nobviously a more important factor here than genetics. \nTo make the matter even more interesting, there is a large body of \nresearch showing that maternal diet during pregnancy and the diet of a \nbaby have a major impact on the genetics of that baby. Apparently there \nare many genes in a child, which never become active. For a gene to \nbecome operational it has to have certain conditions to express itself. \nDepending on the diet of the mother during pregnancy and the diet of the \ninfant after birth different genes will get expressed. This process does not \nstop at the infant stage. Throughout our whole lives our diet has a pro\u00ad\nfound influence on gene expression, in other words what we eat changes \nour genetics. So, which is the chicken and which is the egg - genetics or the \nenvironmental factors? \nEnvironment: our diet, life-style, pollution, stress, infections, etc., has a \nprofound effect on what would happen to the child's health since concep\u00ad\ntion. The same environment will shape a lot of the genetics of the child. \nGenetics is a very complicated area and despite all our investment into molecular biology we are still very far away from a full understanding of the \nrole genetics may play in our health. What the science learned so far we \ncan't put into practical use, in other words there is nothing we can do with \nour genetics directly. But, there, is a lot we can do with our environment! By \nchanging the environment (diet, life-style, etc.) we can make sure that \nwhatever genetic predisposition the child may have, this predisposition \nwill not develop into a disease, and at the same time we can alter gene \nexpression with the correct diet", "token_ids": [13, 578, 4459, 10537, 1288, 387, 11763, 1475, 89607, 3156, 279, 720, 23557, 8638, 17843, 264, 5912, 64172, 389, 813, 39007, 1866, 13, 720, 2173, 3388, 11, 279, 10173, 11, 902, 584, 617, 14407, 11, 374, 1633, 3062, 304, 312, 5879, 198, 34500, 287, 4725, 18340, 82088, 323, 4725, 3876, 682, 5865, 315, 701, 720, 23557, 596, 60071, 1887, 11, 2737, 44032, 13, 720, 40, 656, 539, 1862, 279, 1005, 315, 904, 74830, 5983, 11, 5623, 477, 51487, 11, 8104, 304, 720, 5988, 13, 2435, 527, 6319, 311, 990, 389, 14470, 9498, 60071, 6067, 13, 1789, 720, 64, 1732, 449, 35663, 18340, 82088, 814, 6118, 527, 33781, 13, 362, 3698, 72, 5879, 198, 99895, 315, 279, 10173, 323, 73796, 11, 902, 584, 617, 14407, 11, 1053, 720, 3833, 19704, 738, 49686, 304, 1455, 5157, 13, 763, 1884, 5157, 994, 433, 374, 539, 3403, 279, 720, 268, 35262, 1053, 656, 279, 2683, 1633, 13750, 13, 720, 644, 17102, 358, 1053, 1093, 311, 2019, 430, 480, 49045, 6978, 3508, 433, 374, 264, 1716, 720, 269, 459, 6822, 1288, 2646, 387, 2163, 738, 63332, 0, 25538, 49686, 374, 9193, 720, 71, 2227, 1285, 369, 279, 4459, 2547, 13, 1102, 57622, 279, 5015, 369, 682, 21522, 315, 60071, 834, 5879, 198, 8076, 11, 2737, 66358, 9572, 11, 323, 433, 19159, 264, 6908, 3392, 315, 5370, 720, 998, 87, 1354, 11, 902, 21109, 279, 4459, 2547, 13, 27304, 323, 3650, 83300, 439, 264, 1317, 9860, 720, 83, 35320, 323, 459, 665, 9355, 439, 459, 14247, 40239, 1053, 13750, 2231, 720, 1040, 49686, 304, 279, 3347, 369, 701, 8893, 13, 220, 20, 13, 43774, 1372, 19645, 720, 791, 3492, 56104, 374, 9932, 264, 2763, 304, 3717, 449, 279, 480, 49045, 87556, 5879, 198, 83, 919, 13, 4800, 323, 1243, 584, 1518, 9908, 304, 5370, 42780, 1405, 1063, 961, 315, 720, 15031, 15207, 706, 1027, 1766, 11, 902, 1253, 617, 2555, 311, 656, 449, 38281, 11, 720, 269, 58533, 11, 477, 52564, 14, 16040, 11, 477, 22709, 2635, 689, 11, 477, 22709, 652, 710, 689, 477, 18710, 13, 720, 1687, 527, 28478, 430, 14248, 527, 3318, 389, 433, 323, 430, 279, 19465, 5353, 720, 1073, 1521, 4787, 690, 387, 1766, 0, 2876, 430, 433, 690, 1520, 279, 6978, 477, 872, 720, 69, 60004, 11, 719, 433, 690, 2231, 1057, 20663, 520, 2800, 430, 1057, 2911, 1051, 8967, 311, 387, 720, 12246, 323, 1070, 574, 4400, 584, 1436, 656, 922, 433, 0, 720, 644, 1057, 6617, 1917, 56104, 374, 264, 5526, 7434, 13, 35403, 1475, 2890, 720, 35686, 374, 17037, 36197, 389, 56104, 13, 1226, 7230, 1088, 279, 3090, 584, 7172, 11, 720, 1820, 3691, 584, 8343, 11, 279, 3805, 584, 37397, 449, 13076, 323, 11499, 82320, 323, 720, 9493, 584, 636, 5986, 584, 19065, 433, 682, 389, 56104, 13, 1226, 409, 5282, 1057, 69561, 315, 34072, 720, 438, 1023, 37493, 323, 8454, 1124, 449, 61257, 11, 2942, 5237, 24527, 988, 11, 720, 86427, 11088, 388, 323, 10283, 315, 1023, 26333, 11, 584, 3139, 1057, 31665, 389, 1521, 69561, 11, 720, 906, 8343, 1521, 31665, 11, 584, 636, 5986, 323, 19065, 433, 682, 389, 56104, 13, 1226, 5674, 1057, 720, 5988, 596, 22852, 6067, 449, 91971, 323, 46850, 323, 19065, 433, 720, 543, 389, 56104, 13, 1226, 15870, 25024, 15590, 15657, 449, 21907, 912, 720, 77, 414, 16409, 369, 279, 2547, 323, 9054, 315, 26333, 11, 65069, 311, 2890, 11, 323, 720, 9493, 584, 636, 5986, 584, 19065, 433, 682, 389, 56104, 13, 1226, 15870, 85117, 8630, 1057, 5879, 198, 82, 4372, 449, 13200, 11, 27531, 323, 11217, 323, 994, 584, 636, 5986, 584, 19065, 433, 682, 720, 263, 56104, 13, 720, 2746, 584, 1427, 520, 682, 279, 28817, 38305, 315, 5367, 75989, 8624, 584, 617, 304, 1057, 720, 50889, 3115, 11, 902, 527, 36197, 389, 56104, 11, 433, 374, 4228, 311, 2586, 311, 279, 390, 5879, 198, 9134, 430, 584, 682, 2011, 617, 1633, 8009, 56104, 13118, 0, 763, 2144, 358, 1541, 956, 720, 33134, 1268, 3823, 3169, 26968, 369, 96731, 449, 1778, 8009, 56104, 0, 720, 11439, 311, 279, 12624, 21967, 56104, 527, 311, 19065, 5128, 720, 59178, 369, 1475, 58701, 584, 7831, 13, 1226, 617, 28817, 38305, 315, 9572, 11, 4851, 834, 5879, 198, 47714, 11, 20335, 11, 24064, 323, 47657, 8811, 17491, 11, 6975, 834, 370, 4008, 5879, 198, 29646, 11, 88191, 24673, 11, 33048, 11, 5099, 13, 5099, 2637, 279, 1160, 374, 1633, 1317, 13, 4314, 527, 720, 543, 4787, 902, 16410, 1633, 19029, 23926, 2288, 1667, 4227, 13, 12522, 720, 414, 56104, 5614, 779, 6288, 311, 5353, 1521, 28817, 38305, 30, 8489, 11, 369, 279, 1566, 2478, 11026, 19465, 3495, 477, 31206, 34458, 706, 720, 42923, 279, 1455, 3300, 304, 279, 19001, 1917, 13, 362, 2763, 315, 70760, 11, 902, 720, 2656, 311, 656, 6913, 8198, 11, 617, 1027, 16489, 1139, 19465, 3495, 13, 720, 28576, 919, 617, 1027, 44033, 1139, 420, 3158, 304, 1475, 19001, 3224, 13, 2100, 11, 422, 720, 30115, 1023, 28568, 4375, 304, 56104, 1243, 430, 374, 1148, 814, 1440, 323, 430, 720, 285, 1148, 814, 527, 2133, 311, 1781, 922, 994, 433, 4131, 311, 25607, 279, 720, 12120, 315, 904, 8624, 13, 1666, 279, 2362, 6498, 79538, 5415, 25, 330, 2746, 279, 1193, 5507, 720, 9514, 617, 374, 264, 24354, 11, 1243, 4395, 5992, 1093, 264, 32095, 1210, 95171, 30, 4418, 956, 720, 86, 8635, 922, 701, 12459, 26870, 13, 4702, 3868, 11, 584, 690, 1505, 264, 15207, 311, 19065, 369, 720, 275, 0, 1131, 26211, 30, 3234, 539, 73770, 6261, 449, 4860, 922, 701, 2324, 5879, 198, 3612, 11, 584, 690, 67638, 264, 15207, 902, 9057, 433, 0, 1131, 21579, 36801, 30, 8840, 11, 720, 755, 7627, 2011, 387, 19465, 0, 720, 10438, 279, 18841, 315, 16183, 292, 677, 2540, 35385, 13915, 279, 6593, 15749, 720, 36341, 291, 264, 2763, 922, 56104, 14718, 23152, 8725, 17254, 11, 56780, 20000, 323, 23152, 720, 66, 11967, 13, 3277, 279, 473, 13, 35385, 13915, 574, 11352, 323, 433, 574, 17033, 311, 5353, 720, 267, 316, 613, 8725, 17254, 11, 56780, 20000, 323, 23152, 9572, 11, 19093, 13739, 922, 56104, 720, 276, 1631, 461, 304, 3717, 449, 1521, 24673, 11, 1606, 279, 1972, 5353, 706, 720, 82850, 1766, 13, 1115, 3187, 5039, 1120, 1268, 4228, 433, 374, 369, 603, 311, 19065, 2574, 720, 263, 56104, 304, 2015, 311, 5266, 264, 13225, 304, 1057, 6677, 13, 720, 10172, 25265, 527, 264, 1633, 17125, 99113, 3427, 266, 13, 1102, 374, 2555, 584, 527, 9405, 720, 4291, 11, 1070, 374, 4400, 584, 649, 656, 922, 433, 520, 279, 4545, 13, 2100, 11, 8434, 956, 433, 387, 720, 86, 14518, 1285, 539, 311, 11196, 922, 1057, 3691, 11, 4676, 477, 1057, 2324, 12, 4041, 30, 720, 29089, 77, 956, 433, 387, 779, 17125, 311, 1120, 2231, 682, 279, 12014, 369, 1057, 1614, 315, 720, 12393, 389, 1057, 56104, 30, 720, 73055, 11, 2324, 374, 539, 430, 4382, 0, 720, 2173, 3388, 1070, 527, 9539, 11054, 19465, 4787, 11, 1093, 14345, 4010, 441, 5879, 198, 783, 75884, 11, 6520, 336, 93655, 323, 1690, 3885, 11, 1405, 3230, 58671, 21389, 617, 720, 82850, 11352, 13, 4452, 11, 1521, 4787, 527, 12309, 9024, 11, 872, 3709, 72, 5879, 198, 67, 768, 374, 14470, 15528, 323, 814, 527, 539, 279, 1925, 4747, 304, 279, 6617, 720, 14957, 13, 578, 1972, 3575, 304, 1057, 6617, 1917, 527, 279, 28817, 38305, 3026, 5879, 198, 28491, 291, 1603, 315, 9572, 11, 4851, 8624, 11, 88191, 323, 47657, 87556, 5879, 198, 83, 919, 11, 6975, 36801, 11, 20335, 11, 33048, 323, 1690, 1023, 6617, 8811, 5879, 198, 17491, 11, 1405, 279, 5219, 315, 96460, 527, 7982, 520, 264, 11295, 18338, 13, 18185, 720, 96470, 15055, 315, 3300, 7543, 389, 19465, 3495, 11, 7000, 315, 1521, 87556, 5879, 198, 83, 919, 1047, 904, 2867, 19465, 11384, 20816, 311, 1124, 13, 362, 1396, 315, 2204, 720, 59275, 527, 3463, 311, 617, 2555, 311, 656, 449, 1124, 11, 323, 279, 810, 720, 61564, 374, 2884, 279, 49479, 433, 9221, 1268, 25420, 433, 682, 374, 13, 480, 49045, 87556, 5879, 198, 83, 919, 527, 539, 459, 4788, 13, 5742, 315, 3495, 7978, 617, 1027, 6814, 5879, 198, 1706, 291, 1618, 323, 1070, 11, 1405, 14248, 15562, 2204, 21389, 11, 719, 1070, 374, 912, 98586, 6029, 369, 904, 3230, 15207, 477, 10824, 315, 21389, 720, 8370, 584, 649, 19065, 369, 1521, 24673, 13, 720, 2170, 449, 1023, 6617, 28817, 38305, 11, 1070, 374, 264, 17102, 430, 1070, 1253, 387, 720, 64, 19465, 80632, 3571, 311, 279, 19823, 4856, 1109, 264, 19465, 5353, 13, 1115, 720, 79, 22496, 3571, 649, 387, 1903, 315, 22781, 477, 1524, 11758, 315, 5370, 21389, 11, 1268, 720, 35676, 323, 304, 1148, 28559, 482, 19093, 8964, 3686, 13, 2030, 1148, 584, 656, 720, 33134, 374, 430, 904, 80632, 3571, 311, 3769, 1082, 1139, 264, 8624, 706, 311, 617, 720, 66, 7770, 12434, 4787, 11, 304, 1023, 4339, 2574, 430, 3621, 311, 603, 720, 10924, 584, 527, 50178, 13, 27304, 374, 264, 3682, 961, 315, 420, 12434, 87556, 5879, 198, 28491, 287, 13, 720, 10267, 603, 617, 264, 1427, 520, 7978, 389, 20086, 44736, 13, 23322, 950, 44736, 527, 1403, 720, 16455, 889, 617, 279, 1890, 56104, 323, 52394, 814, 1288, 617, 279, 720, 25030, 80632, 3571, 311, 279, 1890, 19338, 13, 4452, 11, 1070, 527, 1690, 7978, 720, 3528, 287, 430, 994, 20086, 44736, 527, 19180, 520, 459, 4216, 4325, 323, 3974, 304, 720, 64750, 22484, 449, 2204, 41943, 323, 2324, 12, 4041, 11, 814, 656, 539, 720, 16219, 279, 1890, 2890, 5435, 520, 682, 13, 7570, 304, 58533, 11, 902, 374, 720, 5581, 398, 26617, 439, 264, 330, 4469, 5411, 1, 8624, 304, 220, 1135, 12, 1399, 4, 315, 20086, 44736, 11, 720, 3323, 832, 28497, 39671, 58533, 13, 720, 94607, 389, 22277, 991, 5141, 1101, 7838, 279, 2144, 430, 304, 279, 8857, 315, 720, 24857, 4676, 11, 11951, 10173, 11, 374, 810, 3062, 1109, 56104, 13, 1789, 720, 8858, 11, 8620, 1274, 11, 889, 3974, 304, 5734, 11, 527, 8965, 24210, 1109, 279, 720, 31382, 7187, 13, 4452, 11, 8620, 1274, 889, 1051, 18665, 323, 14264, 709, 720, 258, 19001, 5961, 527, 8965, 439, 16615, 439, 19001, 388, 13, 11104, 10173, 374, 720, 677, 18785, 264, 810, 3062, 8331, 1618, 1109, 56104, 13, 720, 1271, 1304, 279, 5030, 1524, 810, 7185, 11, 1070, 374, 264, 3544, 2547, 315, 720, 61564, 9204, 430, 50150, 10173, 2391, 20209, 323, 279, 10173, 315, 264, 720, 79064, 617, 264, 3682, 5536, 389, 279, 56104, 315, 430, 8945, 13, 41974, 1070, 720, 548, 1690, 21389, 304, 264, 1716, 11, 902, 2646, 3719, 4642, 13, 1789, 264, 15207, 311, 720, 17106, 638, 25605, 433, 706, 311, 617, 3738, 4787, 311, 3237, 5196, 13, 720, 80245, 389, 279, 10173, 315, 279, 6691, 2391, 20209, 323, 279, 10173, 315, 279, 720, 13885, 519, 1306, 7342, 2204, 21389, 690, 636, 13605, 13, 1115, 1920, 1587, 539, 720, 9684, 520, 279, 31383, 6566, 13, 46982, 1057, 4459, 6439, 1057, 10173, 706, 264, 463, 5879, 198, 15456, 10383, 389, 15207, 7645, 11, 304, 1023, 4339, 1148, 584, 8343, 4442, 720, 414, 56104, 13, 2100, 11, 902, 374, 279, 16553, 323, 902, 374, 279, 19151, 482, 56104, 477, 279, 720, 24175, 278, 9547, 30, 720, 13013, 25, 1057, 10173, 11, 2324, 11549, 11, 25793, 11, 8631, 11, 30020, 11, 5099, 2637, 706, 264, 720, 782, 15456, 2515, 389, 1148, 1053, 3621, 311, 279, 1716, 596, 2890, 2533, 20245, 79, 5879, 198, 28491, 13, 578, 1890, 4676, 690, 6211, 264, 2763, 315, 279, 56104, 315, 279, 1716, 13, 720, 10172, 25265, 374, 264, 1633, 17395, 3158, 323, 8994, 682, 1057, 9341, 1139, 31206, 34458, 584, 527, 2103, 1633, 3117, 3201, 505, 264, 2539, 8830, 315, 279, 720, 5898, 56104, 1253, 1514, 304, 1057, 2890, 13, 3639, 279, 8198, 9687, 779, 3117, 584, 720, 4919, 956, 2231, 1139, 15325, 1005, 11, 304, 1023, 4339, 1070, 374, 4400, 584, 649, 656, 449, 720, 414, 56104, 6089, 13, 2030, 11, 1070, 11, 374, 264, 2763, 584, 649, 656, 449, 1057, 4676, 0, 3296, 720, 52813, 279, 4676, 320, 94942, 11, 2324, 11549, 11, 5099, 6266, 584, 649, 1304, 2771, 430, 720, 69386, 19465, 80632, 3571, 279, 1716, 1253, 617, 11, 420, 80632, 3571, 720, 14724, 539, 2274, 1139, 264, 8624, 11, 323, 520, 279, 1890, 892, 584, 649, 11857, 15207, 720, 29199, 449, 279, 4495, 10173], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " (green beans) \nsmall onion, chopped\nflaxseed oil\napple cider vinegar (or lemon juice)\nparsley\nchives\nCook the beans gently until just tender. Drain and add the chopped onion. Put into a serving \ndish and toss in the flaxseed oil and apple cider vinegar (or lemon juice). Add herbs and serve.\nFruited Red Cabbage\nPreparation time: 10 minutes (does not include soaking)\nCooking time: 15 minutes\nServes 2\n4 oz. raisins \n4 oz. dried apricots\n1 small red cabbage, shredded\n2 dessert apples, cored and chopped\napple cider vinegar\na little sugar\nSoak the raisins and apricots overnight. Shred the red cabbage and sweat in a little water until \nslightly softened. Add raisins, chopped apricots and cored, chopped dessert apples. Toss in apple \ncider vinegar, to which a little water and sugar ha ve been added. Pile into a bowl and serve with \na baked potato.\nCopyright \u00a9 Charlotte Gerson, 2007. All rights reserved.\nThis material may not be reproduced in any medium, print or electronic without prior written permission from the author.Page 258Healing the Gerson Way\u2014Defeating Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases\nwww.thegersonway.comGerson\u00ae Gardener\u2019s Pie*\n*A bit like Shepherd\u2019 s Pie but with vegetables instead of meat\nPreparation time: 30 minutes\nCooking time: 2-1/2 hours\nServes 2-3\nTopping:\n1 lb. potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks\n12 oz. celery root (or sweet potato or onion), peeled and cut into chunks\nPeel the potato and other vegetable and cut into small chunks. Add water but only about 1/2 to \n2/3 the height of the vegetables. Bring to a boil and reduce to a simmer. Cook slowly until all \nthe water is gone and the vegetables are soft, and mash. If there is a little water left in the pan, \nbeat it into the mash mixture. \nFilling:\n1 small onion (or a few shallots)\n2 cloves garlic, crushed\n8 oz. carrots, sliced, or chipped or diced (but not diced too thickly)\n8 oz. zucchini, cut into half slices, not too thin\n8 oz. leeks, trimmed and sliced\n2 tomatoes, skinned and chopped\n1-2 tbsp. chopped parsley\nherbs to taste\n2 oz. bread crumbs\nPrepare vegetables and put them into a saucepan in the order listed above. Cook the vegetables \nvery gently. You may need to use a simmer plate. This could take 1 to 1-1/2 hours. Prepare \ntopping and bread crumbs. When vegetables are cooked, stir in bread crumbs and pour the \nmixture into a pie plate. Top with mashed potatoes. Drag a fork over the top to decorate and \nbake for about 45 to 60 minutes at 350\u00b0 F (180\u00b0 C). Place pie plate on baking sheet in case of \nleakage. Serve with green vegetables and salad.\n Variations: Change the contents of the pie by adding green beans, peas and/or corn when \nin season. Jerusalem artichokes would be also good. You could leave the leeks out of the pie and \npur\u00e9e them to add to the topping instead of the sweet potato, onion or celery root.\nCopyright \u00a9 Charlotte Gerson, 2007. All rights reserved.\nThis material may not be reproduced in any medium, print or electronic without prior written permission from the author.Page 259Healing the Gerson Way\u2014Defeating Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases\nwww.thegersonway.comGerson\u00ae Roast Potatoes\nPreparation time: 5 minutes\nCooking time: 1 hour\n1 baking potato\nCut a baking potato in half (or, if very large, into quarters). Score across the cut surface with a \nknife. Put into a casserole dish with a little water to just cover the bottom. Put lid on and bake \nin a hot oven at 400-425\u00b0 F (204-218\u00b0 C) for 1 hour. Before serving, remove the lid and leave to \nslightly brown.\nGlazed Beets \nServes 6 to 8\nScrub 9 large beets and boil in 2 to 3 inches of water until tender for 1 to 1-1/2 hours. Add more \nwater if needed. Peel in cold water. Slice or cut into bite-sized pieces. \nGlaze: \n2/3 cup fresh orange juice \n1 tsp. cornstarch \n1-1/2 tsp. cider vinegar\n1 tsp. honey (or sugar)\nCombine ingredients for glaze. Cook over low flame until thick. Add beets and mix well. \n Variation: Use 1/2 cup apple juice and 3 tsp. lemon juice in place of orange Juice. \nCopyright \u00a9 Charlotte Gerson, 2007. All rights reserved.\nThis material may not be reproduced in any medium, print or electronic without prior written permission from the author.Page 260Healing the Gerson Way\u2014Defeating Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases\nwww.thegersonway.comGlazed Carrots and Turnips with Garlic\nPreparation time: 10 minutes\nCooking time: 30 minutes\nServes 2\n8 oz. carrots\n8 oz. turnips\nDressing :\n1 tbsp. lemon juice\n1 clove garlic, crushed\nflaxseed oil\nGently cook the carrots and turnips. Cut into thin slices and put into a serving dish. Pour on the \ndressing and garnish with cilantro or dill.\nGlazed Carrots with Herbs and Lemon\nPreparation time: 5 minutes\nCooking time: 30 minutes\nServes 2\n1 lb. carrots\n1 tsp. sugar\na little water\n1 tbsp. lemon juice\nmint\nrosemary\nparsley\nflaxseed oil\nGently cook the carrots whole. When beginning to soften, remove from pan and cut into 2 -inch \nsticks. Return to the saucepan with the sugar and a little water. Heat until the sugar is dissolved, \nthe water has been absorbed and the carrots are cooked. Add the lemon juice and herbs and \nheat for an additional 2 minutes. Place o n a warm serving dish, add flaxseed oil and serve \nimmediately.\nCopyright \u00a9 Charlotte Gerson, 2007. All rights reserved.\nThis material may not be reproduced in any medium, print or electronic without prior written permission from the author.Page 261Healing the Gerson Way\u2014Defeating Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases\nwww.thegersonway.comGlazed Carrots with Orange and Parsley\nPreparation time: 5 minutes\nCooking time: 30 minutes\nServes 2\n1 lb. carrots\n1 tbsp. sugar\njuice of 1/2 orange\nflaxseed oil\nGently cook the carrots whole. When beginning to soften, remove from the pan and cut into \n2-inch sticks. Return to the saucepan with the sugar and orange juice. Heat until the sugar has \nbeen dissolved and the orange juice absorbed. Turn onto platter, a dd flaxseed oil and serve.\nGreen Beans in Honey and Tomato Sauce\nPreparation time: 15 minutes\nCooking time: 20 minutes\nServes 2\n1 lb. fine green beans\nSauce:\n1 medium onion, chopped\n2 cloves garlic, crushed\n1 lb. tomatoes, roughly chopped\n1 tsp. honey\nherbs\nCut ends off the beans and cook until just tender. Drain, refresh in cold water and drain again. \nTo make the sauce, chop the onion and crush the garlic. Cook them both in a little water until \njust tender. When the onion is soft, add the roughly chopped tomatoes and bring to a boil. \nSimmer gently until sauce becomes fairly thick. Stir in the honey and herbs. Add the beans and \nallow to cool. Serve at room temperature.\nCopyright \u00a9 Charlotte Gerson, 2007. All rights reserved.\nThis material may not be reproduced in any medium, print or electronic without prior written permission from the author.Page 262Healing the Gerson Way\u2014Defeating Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases\nwww.thegersonway.comGreen Chard Rolls \n4 leaves of green chard \n2 carrots \n1/4 head broccoli \n1/4 head cauliflower \n2 small zucchini squash \n1 ear of corn (cut kernels off)\n1/2 cup rice uncooked \nSauce:\n1-1/2 tomatoes\n2 cloves garlic \nPut the chard leaves in hot water long enough to wilt them so they will bend. Cut the broccoli, \ncauliflower, squash and corn into small pieces and put them in a pan with a little bit of water to \nsimmer. When cooked, drain the water off. Make a sauce in the blender with the tomatoes and \ngarlic, and pour this sauce on top of the vegetables and raw rice. Place some of the vegetables/\nrice mixture in the center of each leaf and roll them up. Put these in a baking dish with a lid and \nbake in the oven at 250\u00b0 F (121 \u00b0 C) for 1 to 1-1/2 hours.\nGreen Peppers \n2-4 green peppers, sliced\n2-4 onions, sliced \nStew in tightly covered pot for approximately 30 minutes. Do not add water. \nGrilled Eggplant\nPre", "token_ids": [320, 13553, 27994, 8, 720, 9181, 38427, 1174, 38525, 198, 1517, 710, 23425, 5707, 198, 23182, 66155, 47205, 220, 320, 269, 30564, 23661, 340, 73480, 3258, 198, 331, 1924, 198, 59482, 279, 27994, 30373, 3156, 1120, 28682, 13, 220, 62368, 323, 923, 279, 38525, 38427, 13, 220, 10435, 1139, 264, 13788, 720, 73933, 323, 26251, 304, 279, 1344, 710, 23425, 5707, 323, 24149, 66155, 47205, 220, 320, 269, 30564, 23661, 570, 220, 2758, 42393, 323, 8854, 627, 37, 2739, 1639, 3816, 356, 57589, 198, 4808, 36235, 892, 25, 220, 605, 4520, 320, 28156, 539, 2997, 78446, 340, 59482, 287, 892, 25, 220, 868, 4520, 198, 50, 13583, 220, 17, 198, 19, 25616, 13, 6503, 1354, 720, 19, 25616, 13, 32720, 21726, 292, 2469, 198, 16, 2678, 2579, 74873, 11, 75220, 198, 17, 43849, 41776, 11, 272, 3093, 323, 38525, 198, 23182, 66155, 47205, 198, 64, 2697, 13465, 198, 4516, 587, 279, 6503, 1354, 323, 21726, 292, 2469, 25402, 13, 220, 1443, 1171, 279, 2579, 74873, 323, 28566, 304, 264, 2697, 3090, 3156, 720, 3306, 73048, 90158, 13, 220, 2758, 6503, 1354, 11, 38525, 21726, 292, 2469, 323, 272, 3093, 11, 38525, 43849, 41776, 13, 220, 350, 3746, 304, 24149, 720, 66, 1814, 47205, 1174, 311, 902, 264, 2697, 3090, 323, 13465, 6520, 5320, 1027, 3779, 13, 220, 393, 458, 1139, 264, 19763, 323, 8854, 449, 720, 64, 41778, 39834, 627, 13857, 7388, 29473, 480, 1293, 11, 220, 1049, 22, 13, 220, 2052, 3268, 4694, 627, 2028, 3769, 1253, 539, 387, 55717, 304, 904, 11298, 11, 1194, 477, 14683, 2085, 4972, 5439, 8041, 505, 279, 3229, 662, 2732, 220, 15966, 1548, 6260, 279, 480, 1293, 12424, 2345, 2685, 91955, 26211, 323, 7089, 73782, 70674, 198, 2185, 13991, 797, 1293, 3195, 916, 38, 1293, 12175, 23251, 804, 753, 41097, 5736, 75821, 2766, 1093, 59646, 529, 274, 41097, 719, 449, 24822, 4619, 315, 13339, 198, 4808, 36235, 892, 25, 220, 966, 4520, 198, 59482, 287, 892, 25, 220, 17, 12, 16, 14, 17, 4207, 198, 50, 13583, 220, 17, 12, 18, 198, 51, 7153, 512, 16, 19398, 13, 35267, 11, 83612, 323, 4018, 1139, 27855, 198, 717, 25616, 13, 70121, 3789, 320, 269, 10437, 39834, 477, 38427, 705, 83612, 323, 4018, 1139, 27855, 198, 10407, 301, 279, 39834, 323, 1023, 36581, 323, 4018, 1139, 2678, 27855, 13, 2758, 3090, 719, 1193, 922, 220, 16, 14, 17, 311, 720, 17, 14, 18, 279, 2673, 315, 279, 24822, 13, 40224, 311, 264, 44790, 323, 8108, 311, 264, 62915, 662, 12797, 14297, 3156, 682, 720, 1820, 3090, 374, 8208, 323, 279, 24822, 527, 8579, 11, 323, 63558, 13, 1442, 1070, 374, 264, 2697, 3090, 2163, 304, 279, 7363, 11, 720, 23019, 433, 1139, 279, 63558, 21655, 13, 720, 37, 9585, 512, 16, 2678, 38427, 320, 269, 264, 2478, 4985, 2469, 340, 17, 85388, 31735, 11, 33745, 198, 23, 25616, 13, 62517, 11, 48715, 11, 477, 523, 6586, 477, 89964, 320, 8248, 539, 89964, 2288, 12314, 398, 340, 23, 25616, 13, 1167, 86670, 11, 4018, 1139, 4376, 35354, 11, 539, 2288, 15792, 198, 23, 25616, 13, 514, 21854, 11, 52081, 323, 48715, 198, 17, 41613, 11, 1940, 21203, 323, 38525, 198, 16, 12, 17, 64975, 13, 38525, 88621, 198, 1964, 1302, 311, 12945, 198, 17, 25616, 13, 16385, 220, 97677, 198, 51690, 24822, 323, 2231, 1124, 1139, 264, 19737, 857, 304, 279, 2015, 10212, 3485, 13, 12797, 279, 24822, 720, 1225, 30373, 13, 1472, 1253, 1205, 311, 1005, 264, 62915, 12235, 13, 1115, 1436, 1935, 220, 16, 311, 220, 16, 12, 16, 14, 17, 4207, 13, 32266, 720, 3565, 10194, 323, 16385, 97677, 13, 3277, 24822, 527, 30205, 11, 23935, 304, 16385, 97677, 323, 5019, 279, 720, 76, 13025, 1139, 264, 4447, 12235, 13, 7054, 449, 96234, 35267, 13, 25903, 264, 23243, 927, 279, 1948, 311, 57681, 323, 720, 65, 731, 369, 922, 220, 1774, 311, 220, 1399, 4520, 520, 220, 8652, 11877, 435, 320, 5245, 11877, 356, 570, 11004, 4447, 12235, 389, 28915, 11071, 304, 1162, 315, 720, 273, 587, 425, 13, 54032, 449, 6307, 24822, 323, 33566, 627, 28968, 811, 25, 220, 10604, 279, 8970, 315, 279, 4447, 555, 7999, 6307, 27994, 11, 47136, 323, 5255, 14095, 994, 720, 258, 3280, 13, 26523, 1989, 718, 8099, 1053, 387, 1101, 1695, 13, 1472, 1436, 5387, 279, 514, 21854, 704, 315, 279, 4447, 323, 720, 26047, 8047, 1124, 311, 923, 311, 279, 61376, 4619, 315, 279, 10437, 39834, 11, 38427, 477, 70121, 3789, 627, 13857, 7388, 29473, 480, 1293, 11, 220, 1049, 22, 13, 220, 2052, 3268, 4694, 627, 2028, 3769, 1253, 539, 387, 55717, 304, 904, 11298, 11, 1194, 477, 14683, 2085, 4972, 5439, 8041, 505, 279, 3229, 662, 2732, 220, 15537, 1548, 6260, 279, 480, 1293, 12424, 2345, 2685, 91955, 26211, 323, 7089, 73782, 70674, 198, 2185, 13991, 797, 1293, 3195, 916, 38, 1293, 12175, 12093, 561, 14020, 20798, 198, 4808, 36235, 892, 25, 220, 20, 4520, 198, 59482, 287, 892, 25, 220, 16, 6596, 198, 16, 28915, 39834, 198, 38766, 264, 28915, 39834, 304, 4376, 320, 269, 11, 422, 1633, 3544, 11, 1139, 32573, 570, 220, 18607, 4028, 279, 4018, 7479, 449, 264, 720, 43820, 13, 220, 10435, 1139, 264, 272, 34858, 1286, 12269, 449, 264, 2697, 3090, 311, 1120, 3504, 279, 5740, 13, 220, 10435, 27431, 389, 323, 23360, 720, 258, 264, 4106, 24276, 520, 220, 3443, 12, 17837, 11877, 220, 435, 320, 7854, 12, 13302, 11877, 356, 8, 220, 369, 220, 16, 6596, 13, 220, 13538, 13788, 11, 4148, 279, 27431, 323, 5387, 311, 720, 3306, 73048, 14198, 627, 32641, 28109, 2893, 1441, 2355, 50, 13583, 220, 21, 311, 220, 23, 198, 3407, 60530, 220, 24, 3544, 387, 1441, 323, 44790, 304, 220, 17, 311, 220, 18, 15271, 315, 3090, 3156, 28682, 369, 220, 16, 311, 220, 16, 12, 16, 14, 17, 4207, 13, 2758, 810, 720, 13284, 422, 4460, 13, 89694, 304, 9439, 3090, 13, 57576, 477, 4018, 1139, 23556, 28935, 9863, 13, 720, 32641, 10033, 25, 720, 17, 14, 18, 10747, 7878, 19087, 23661, 720, 16, 39020, 13, 14095, 267, 1132, 720, 16, 12, 16, 14, 17, 39020, 13, 66155, 47205, 198, 16, 39020, 13, 26828, 320, 269, 13465, 340, 82214, 14293, 369, 2840, 10033, 13, 12797, 927, 3428, 35678, 3156, 12314, 13, 2758, 387, 1441, 323, 6651, 1664, 13, 720, 89585, 25, 220, 5560, 220, 16, 14, 17, 10747, 24149, 23661, 323, 220, 18, 39020, 13, 30564, 23661, 304, 2035, 315, 19087, 66851, 13, 720, 13857, 7388, 29473, 480, 1293, 11, 220, 1049, 22, 13, 220, 2052, 3268, 4694, 627, 2028, 3769, 1253, 539, 387, 55717, 304, 904, 11298, 11, 1194, 477, 14683, 2085, 4972, 5439, 8041, 505, 279, 3229, 662, 2732, 220, 11387, 1548, 6260, 279, 480, 1293, 12424, 2345, 2685, 91955, 26211, 323, 7089, 73782, 70674, 198, 2185, 13991, 797, 1293, 3195, 916, 32641, 28109, 3341, 90329, 323, 12268, 3153, 449, 95825, 198, 4808, 36235, 892, 25, 220, 605, 4520, 198, 59482, 287, 892, 25, 220, 966, 4520, 198, 50, 13583, 220, 17, 198, 23, 25616, 13, 62517, 198, 23, 25616, 13, 2543, 3153, 198, 35, 57881, 6394, 16, 64975, 13, 30564, 23661, 198, 16, 5405, 588, 31735, 11, 33745, 198, 1517, 710, 23425, 5707, 198, 38, 4501, 4394, 279, 62517, 323, 2543, 3153, 13, 220, 20223, 1139, 15792, 35354, 323, 2231, 1139, 264, 13788, 12269, 13, 220, 27058, 389, 279, 720, 67, 57881, 323, 61016, 819, 449, 62444, 87290, 220, 477, 294, 484, 627, 32641, 28109, 3341, 90329, 449, 6385, 1302, 323, 52310, 198, 4808, 36235, 892, 25, 220, 20, 4520, 198, 59482, 287, 892, 25, 220, 966, 4520, 198, 50, 13583, 220, 17, 198, 16, 19398, 13, 62517, 198, 16, 39020, 13, 13465, 198, 64, 2697, 3090, 198, 16, 64975, 13, 30564, 23661, 198, 68891, 198, 25888, 1563, 198, 73480, 3258, 198, 1517, 710, 23425, 5707, 198, 38, 4501, 4394, 279, 62517, 4459, 13, 220, 3277, 7314, 311, 81045, 11, 4148, 505, 7363, 323, 4018, 1139, 220, 17, 482, 37850, 720, 70045, 13, 220, 3494, 311, 279, 19737, 857, 449, 279, 13465, 323, 264, 2697, 3090, 13, 220, 27162, 3156, 279, 13465, 374, 56767, 11, 720, 1820, 3090, 706, 1027, 42101, 323, 279, 62517, 527, 30205, 13, 220, 2758, 279, 30564, 23661, 323, 42393, 323, 720, 20559, 369, 459, 5217, 220, 17, 4520, 13, 11004, 297, 308, 264, 8369, 13788, 12269, 1174, 923, 1344, 710, 23425, 5707, 323, 8854, 720, 318, 44287, 627, 13857, 7388, 29473, 480, 1293, 11, 220, 1049, 22, 13, 220, 2052, 3268, 4694, 627, 2028, 3769, 1253, 539, 387, 55717, 304, 904, 11298, 11, 1194, 477, 14683, 2085, 4972, 5439, 8041, 505, 279, 3229, 662, 2732, 220, 15602, 1548, 6260, 279, 480, 1293, 12424, 2345, 2685, 91955, 26211, 323, 7089, 73782, 70674, 198, 2185, 13991, 797, 1293, 3195, 916, 32641, 28109, 3341, 90329, 449, 22725, 323, 53811, 3258, 198, 4808, 36235, 892, 25, 220, 20, 4520, 198, 59482, 287, 892, 25, 220, 966, 4520, 198, 50, 13583, 220, 17, 198, 16, 19398, 13, 62517, 198, 16, 64975, 13, 13465, 198, 8783, 560, 315, 220, 16, 14, 17, 220, 19087, 198, 1517, 710, 23425, 5707, 198, 38, 4501, 4394, 279, 62517, 4459, 13, 220, 3277, 7314, 311, 81045, 11, 4148, 505, 279, 7363, 323, 4018, 1139, 720, 17, 25224, 34240, 13, 220, 3494, 311, 279, 19737, 857, 449, 279, 13465, 323, 19087, 23661, 13, 220, 27162, 3156, 279, 13465, 706, 720, 82850, 56767, 323, 279, 19087, 23661, 42101, 13, 220, 12268, 8800, 628, 1683, 11, 264, 20221, 1344, 710, 23425, 5707, 323, 8854, 627, 20147, 81836, 304, 40715, 323, 94091, 61276, 198, 4808, 36235, 892, 25, 220, 868, 4520, 198, 59482, 287, 892, 25, 220, 508, 4520, 198, 50, 13583, 220, 17, 198, 16, 19398, 13, 7060, 6307, 27994, 198, 50, 76890, 512, 16, 11298, 38427, 11, 38525, 198, 17, 85388, 31735, 11, 33745, 198, 16, 19398, 13, 41613, 1174, 17715, 38525, 198, 16, 39020, 13, 26828, 198, 1964, 1302, 198, 38766, 10548, 1022, 279, 27994, 323, 4394, 3156, 1120, 28682, 13, 220, 62368, 11, 10625, 304, 9439, 3090, 323, 24659, 1578, 13, 2355, 1271, 1304, 279, 19737, 11, 48094, 279, 38427, 323, 5138, 279, 31735, 13, 220, 12797, 1124, 2225, 304, 264, 2697, 3090, 3156, 720, 4345, 28682, 13, 220, 3277, 279, 38427, 374, 8579, 11, 923, 279, 17715, 38525, 41613, 323, 4546, 311, 264, 44790, 13, 720, 14354, 1195, 30373, 3156, 19737, 9221, 14470, 12314, 13, 220, 65292, 304, 279, 26828, 323, 42393, 13, 220, 2758, 279, 27994, 323, 720, 7331, 311, 7155, 13, 220, 54032, 520, 3130, 9499, 627, 13857, 7388, 29473, 480, 1293, 11, 220, 1049, 22, 13, 220, 2052, 3268, 4694, 627, 2028, 3769, 1253, 539, 387, 55717, 304, 904, 11298, 11, 1194, 477, 14683, 2085, 4972, 5439, 8041, 505, 279, 3229, 662, 2732, 220, 14274, 1548, 6260, 279, 480, 1293, 12424, 2345, 2685, 91955, 26211, 323, 7089, 73782, 70674, 198, 2185, 13991, 797, 1293, 3195, 916, 20147, 921, 569, 70710, 2355, 19, 11141, 315, 6307, 523, 569, 720, 17, 62517, 720, 16, 14, 19, 2010, 79276, 720, 16, 14, 19, 2010, 96970, 720, 17, 2678, 1167, 86670, 59576, 720, 16, 2487, 315, 14095, 320, 10453, 64615, 1022, 340, 16, 14, 17, 10747, 20228, 653, 99797, 720, 50, 76890, 512, 16, 12, 16, 14, 17, 41613, 198, 17, 85388, 31735, 720, 19648, 279, 523, 569, 11141, 304, 4106, 3090, 1317, 3403, 311, 75596, 1124, 779, 814, 690, 37920, 13, 20223, 279, 79276, 11, 720, 936, 360, 77873, 11, 59576, 323, 14095, 1139, 2678, 9863, 323, 2231, 1124, 304, 264, 7363, 449, 264, 2697, 2766, 315, 3090, 311, 720, 15124, 1195, 13, 3277, 30205, 11, 24659, 279, 3090, 1022, 13, 7557, 264, 19737, 304, 279, 62895, 449, 279, 41613, 323, 720, 12440, 416, 11, 323, 5019, 420, 19737, 389, 1948, 315, 279, 24822, 323, 7257, 20228, 13, 11004, 1063, 315, 279, 24822, 6018, 23994, 21655, 304, 279, 4219, 315, 1855, 16312, 323, 6638, 1124, 709, 13, 10435, 1521, 304, 264, 28915, 12269, 449, 264, 27431, 323, 720, 65, 731, 304, 279, 24276, 520, 220, 5154, 11877, 435, 320, 7994, 37386, 356, 8, 369, 220, 16, 311, 220, 16, 12, 16, 14, 17, 4207, 627, 20147, 5250, 36623, 720, 17, 12, 19, 6307, 58573, 11, 48715, 198, 17, 12, 19, 45697, 11, 48715, 720, 626, 365, 304, 40069, 9960, 3419, 369, 13489, 220, 966, 4520, 13, 3234, 539, 923, 3090, 662, 720, 6600, 4473, 42313, 21494, 198, 4808], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": "urine\nmust\nbe,\nbut\nbeware \nof\nburns.\n10)\nUrine\nevaporated\nto\none\nquarter\nof\nthe\noriginal\nvolume\nIn\nthe\nancient\nIndian\ntexts\nof\nthe\nShivambukalpa,\nthe\nuse\nof\nevaporated\nurine\nis\nrecommended.\nWe\nget\nit\nby\nboiling\n400\ngrams\nof\nany\nurine\n(fresh,\nold,\nchildren's,\nmixed)\nin\nan \nenamel\nor\nglass\n(never\niron)\ncontainer\nuntil\nwe\nhave\n100\ngrams\nleft.\nThis\nway\nwe\nget \nvaporized\n\"quarter\"\nurine.\nOf\ncourse,\nwe\ncan\nvaporize\n1/4\nof\nany\namount\nof\nurine,\nbut\n100 \ngrams\nis\nthe\noptimal\ndose.\nNow\nlet's\nsee\nwhat\nhappens\nto\nurine\nduring\ncooking:\na)\nAccording\nto\nProfessor\nFilatov,\nbiogenic\nstimulators\nare\ncreated\nin\norganic\nmatter\nunder\nthe\ninfluence\nof\nextremely\nunfavorable\nconditions.\nBoiling\nurine\nis\njust\nsuch\na\ncondition.\nAs \nresearch\nhas\nshown,\nbiogenic\nstimulators\noriginally\nobtained\nfrom\ntissues\nby\ncooling\nthem\nto \na\ntemperature\nof\n-3-4\ndegrees\nand\nkeeping\nthem\nin\nthe\ndark\nfor\n4-6\ndays\nare\nable\nto\nwithstand \na\ntemperature\nof\n120\ndegrees\nC\nwithout\nproblems!\nFrom\nthere,\nan\nimportant\nconclusion\nwasmade:\nbiogenic\nstimulators\ncannot\nbe\nof\na\nprotein\nnature\n(otherwise\nthey\nwould\nbe \ninactivated)\nand\nare\nspecial\nheat-resistant\nstructures.\nIn\nthe\nurine,\ntherefore,\nhigh\ntemperature \nforms\nbiogenic\nstimulators,\nat\nthe\nsame\ntime\nin\nlarger\nquantities\nthan\nin\nold\nurine.\nUrine\ncannot \nbe\nevaporated\nto\nmore\nthan\na\nquarter\nof\nits\noriginal\nvolume,\nbecause\nits\ninternal\nstructure\ntakes \non\nthe\nproperties\nof\nsoap.\nArmstrong's\nrecommendation\nthat\nurine\nshould\nnot\nbe\nboiled\nis \nincorrect.\nOn\nthe\ncontrary,\nthe\nrecommendation\nof\nthe\nold\nyogis\nis\nexcellent.\nAt\nthe\nsame\ntime, \nevaporated\nurine\ndoes\nnot\nchange\nits\npH\nand\nremains\nan\nacidic\nliquid.\nBut\neven\nhere,\neveryone \nhas\nto\nchoose\naccording\nto\ntheir\nnature\nand\nthe\npurpose\nof\nurinotherapy,\nwhether\nthey\njust \nwant\nto\nstrengthen\ntheir\nimmunity\nand\nenergy\nor\nto\ncure\nsome\ndisease.\nI\nput\na\nlot\nof\nfaith\nin \nthe\nmiraculous\npower\nof\nenzymes,\nvitamins\nand\nhormones,\nwhich\nis\nwhy\nI\ndon't\nboil\nurine.\nI \nhaven't\nneeded\nit\nyet.\nI\nalso\nhaven't\ncovered\nmyself\nwith\nit\nyet,\nI\nmean\nall\nover\nit.\nHowever, \nthe\nsituation\nis\ndifferent\nfor\na\nsick\nperson\nand\nhe\nshould\ntry\nall\noptions.\nActually,\nI\nhave\nto\nadmit\nthat\nmy\nteeth\nstarted\nto\nhurt,\nor\nrather\ntingle,\nin\nYemen.\nSo\nI\nstarted\nrinsing\nmy\nmouth\nwith\na\nquart\nof\nurine\nand\nthe\npain\nstopped\nimmediately.\nI\nalso\nput\nit \nas\nthe\nlast\ndose\nin\nan\nenema\n(about\na\nglass).\nIt\nseems\nto\nme\nto\ngive\nan\nextraordinary\nboost\nto \nmy\nenergy,\nwhich\nI\nneed\nmuch\nmore\nhere,\nwith\nthe\nlack\nof\noxygen,\nthan\nat\nhome.\nb)\nBy\nusing\nevaporated\nurine,\nwe\nare\nactually\ndealing\nwith\nthe\nalchemy\nof\nthe\nbody:\nwe\nreplace\nwater\nwith\nan\nordinary\ncrystalline\nstructure\nwith\na\nheat-resistant,\nheat-resistant\nand \nstable\nstructure\nof\nliquid\ncrystals,\nwhich\nis\nvery\nimportant\nfor\nour\nbody.\nYou\ncould\nsay\nthat \nordinary\ncarbon\nis\ngradually\nturning\ninto\na\ndiamond.\nThe\ntheoretical\nrationale\nfor\nthis\nprocess \nis\nthat\nof\nthe\n48\nnatural\ntypes\nof\nwater\nthat\nmake\nup\nour\nurine,\nonly\nthe\nmost\nstable\nremain. \nThe\nless\nstable\nones\nsimply\nevaporate.\nChristopher\nBerd\nin\nhis\nbook\n\"The\nSecret\nLife\nof\nPlants\"\nsays\nthat\nthe\nlonger\nthe\nlife\nof\na\nliquid\ncrystal,\nthe\nmore\nuseful\nit\nis\nto\nthe\norganism\nand\nthe\ncloser\nit\ngets\nto\nthe\nvital\nfluids\nof \nthe\nhuman\nbody.\nExactly\nsuch\ncrystals\nare\nformed\nin\nevaporated\nurine.\nIn\nthe\ntown\nof\nHunzakut,\nin\none\nof\nthe\nHimalayan\nvalleys\ncut\noff\nfrom\ncivilization,\nwhere\nthe\npopulation\nlives\nwith\nan\naverage\nage\nof\n120,\na\nspring\nof\nmiraculous\nwater\nsprings\nup. \nResearch\nhas\nshown\nthat\nminerals\nin\nwater\nexist\nnot\nas\nions,\nbut\nin\nthe\nform\nof\ncolloids,\nwhich \nare\nnegatively\ncharged.\nOur\nevaporated\nurine\nis\na\ncolloidal\nsolution\nwith\nnegatively\ncharged \nparticles\nor\nmicelles.\nTests\ncarried\nout\nwith\nHunzakut\nwater\nconfirmed\nits\nunique\nproperties. \nConcrete\nmade\nwith\nits\nhelp\ncan\nwithstand\nloads\nmany\nhundreds\nof\ntimes\nhigher\nthan\nconcrete \nmade\nfrom\nordinary\nwater\n(4\ntons\nper\nsquare\n2.5\nby\n2.5\ncm)!\nIn\naddition,\nit\nis\nlighter\nand \nresists\ncorrosion.\nIn\nhis\nbook\n\"Water\nRemembers\nEverything\",\nDr.\nSergeev\nsays\nthe\nfollowing:\n\"Common\nlaws\nof\nproperty\nchange\nduring\nthe\naging\nof\nnon-living\nmatter\nand\na\nliving\norganism\nhave \nbeen\ndiscovered.\"\nFrom\nthis,\na\nsimple\nconclusion\nfollows:\nif\nthe\nlaws\nof\naging\nare\nthe\nsame \nfor\ninorganic\nand\norganic\nmatter,\nthen\nthe\nbody,\nas\nwell\nlike\nordinary\nconcrete,\nit\ndisintegrates \nat\nits\nnatural\nrate.\nHowever,\nif\nwe\nchange\nthe\nwater,\nthe\nconcrete\nbase\nand\nthe\nhuman \norganism,\nwe\ncan\ndo\na\nlot \nto\nextend\nlife\nspan,\nits\nactive,\ncreative\nperiod.\nAnd\nas\nthe\nShivambukalpa\ntext\nproves,\nour \nancestors\nused\nthe\nability\nof\nevaporated\nurine\nto\nprolong\nlife,\nto\ndevelop\ncreative\nabilities:\n\"He \nwho\nmassages\nhis\nbody\nwith\nthe\nhelp\nof\nShivambu\n(urine)\nthree\ntimes\na\nday\nand\nthree\ntimes\nat \nnight\ndoes\nnot\nlose\nthe\nability\nto\ncontinue\nthe\nfamily\nfor\na\nlong\ntime.\nHis\njoints\nbecome\nstrong, \nhe\ngets\nrid\nof\ndiseases\nand\nattains\nbliss...\nHe\nwho\ndrinks\nurine\nwithin\nthree\nyears\nacquires\na \nbody\nfull\nof\nstrength\nand\nluster,\nknowledge\nin\nthe\narts\nand\nsciences,\nthe\ngift\nof\neloquence,\nand \nlives\nas\nlong\nas\nthere\nis\nheaven,\nearth\nand\nMoon.\"\nChange\nin\nthe\ninternal\nstructur e\nof\nurine\nduring\nevaporation.\nMicelles\n(negatively\ncharged\nparticles)\nhave\nbeen\nshown\nto\ncluster\ntogether\nwhen\nthe\nwater\ncontent\nof\nurine\nis\nreduced.\nThese\ngroupings\nare\ndistributed\nin\na\nspecial,\norderly\nway", "token_ids": [324, 483, 198, 25849, 198, 1395, 345, 8248, 198, 65, 55169, 720, 1073, 198, 22464, 82, 627, 605, 340, 52, 40101, 198, 5230, 21374, 660, 198, 998, 198, 606, 198, 33115, 198, 1073, 198, 1820, 198, 10090, 198, 26116, 198, 644, 198, 1820, 198, 1149, 1188, 198, 48664, 198, 87042, 198, 1073, 198, 1820, 198, 2059, 344, 3042, 3178, 278, 6733, 345, 1820, 198, 817, 198, 1073, 198, 5230, 21374, 660, 198, 324, 483, 198, 285, 198, 86447, 627, 1687, 198, 456, 198, 275, 198, 1729, 198, 754, 8138, 198, 3443, 198, 51870, 198, 1073, 198, 3852, 198, 324, 483, 198, 968, 2548, 345, 820, 345, 5988, 596, 345, 57785, 340, 258, 198, 276, 720, 268, 36662, 198, 269, 198, 59536, 198, 7, 37593, 198, 2534, 340, 3670, 198, 39830, 198, 906, 198, 19553, 198, 1041, 198, 51870, 198, 2414, 627, 2028, 198, 3195, 198, 906, 198, 456, 720, 85, 21374, 1534, 198, 1, 33115, 702, 324, 483, 627, 2173, 198, 12120, 345, 906, 198, 4919, 198, 85, 21374, 553, 198, 16, 14, 19, 198, 1073, 198, 3852, 198, 6173, 198, 1073, 198, 324, 483, 345, 8248, 198, 1041, 720, 51870, 198, 285, 198, 1820, 198, 2985, 2931, 198, 67, 974, 627, 7184, 198, 1169, 596, 198, 4151, 198, 12840, 198, 71, 680, 729, 198, 998, 198, 324, 483, 198, 82977, 198, 1030, 10979, 512, 64, 340, 11439, 198, 998, 198, 48120, 198, 51240, 266, 869, 13801, 8385, 29569, 198, 54754, 42391, 198, 548, 198, 7266, 198, 258, 198, 61694, 198, 60065, 198, 8154, 198, 1820, 198, 258, 41116, 198, 1073, 198, 428, 54358, 198, 359, 75060, 481, 198, 16902, 627, 1255, 8138, 198, 324, 483, 198, 285, 198, 4345, 198, 21470, 198, 64, 198, 9233, 627, 2170, 720, 61564, 198, 4752, 198, 70463, 345, 8385, 29569, 198, 54754, 42391, 198, 8781, 750, 198, 677, 83, 2692, 198, 1527, 198, 83, 18934, 198, 1729, 198, 43296, 287, 198, 49818, 198, 998, 720, 64, 198, 35658, 198, 1073, 198, 12, 18, 12, 19, 198, 70849, 198, 438, 198, 33494, 198, 49818, 198, 258, 198, 1820, 198, 23449, 198, 2000, 198, 19, 12, 21, 198, 14097, 198, 548, 198, 481, 198, 998, 198, 4291, 2752, 720, 64, 198, 35658, 198, 1073, 198, 4364, 198, 70849, 198, 34, 198, 30096, 198, 96440, 4999, 3915, 198, 19041, 345, 276, 198, 15693, 198, 444, 9134, 198, 86, 10753, 1037, 512, 8385, 29569, 198, 54754, 42391, 198, 34360, 198, 1395, 198, 1073, 198, 64, 198, 79565, 198, 67812, 198, 17532, 4583, 198, 20670, 198, 41450, 198, 1395, 720, 258, 31262, 340, 438, 198, 548, 198, 15495, 198, 20559, 47056, 198, 47194, 627, 644, 198, 1820, 198, 324, 483, 345, 19041, 1348, 345, 12156, 198, 35658, 720, 10008, 198, 8385, 29569, 198, 54754, 42391, 345, 266, 198, 1820, 198, 25030, 198, 1712, 198, 258, 198, 27995, 261, 198, 31548, 1385, 198, 54895, 198, 258, 198, 820, 198, 324, 483, 627, 52, 40101, 198, 34360, 720, 1395, 198, 5230, 21374, 660, 198, 998, 198, 6518, 198, 54895, 198, 64, 198, 33115, 198, 1073, 198, 1220, 198, 10090, 198, 26116, 345, 28753, 198, 1220, 198, 10701, 198, 7993, 198, 79079, 720, 263, 198, 1820, 198, 13495, 198, 1073, 198, 36112, 627, 34013, 4620, 596, 198, 67689, 367, 198, 9210, 198, 324, 483, 198, 5562, 198, 1962, 198, 1395, 198, 754, 2230, 198, 285, 720, 63054, 627, 1966, 198, 1820, 198, 8386, 661, 13801, 1820, 198, 67689, 367, 198, 1073, 198, 1820, 198, 820, 198, 88, 540, 285, 198, 285, 198, 327, 25777, 627, 1688, 198, 1820, 198, 25030, 198, 1712, 11, 720, 5230, 21374, 660, 198, 324, 483, 198, 28156, 198, 1962, 198, 3455, 198, 1220, 198, 79, 39, 198, 438, 198, 1864, 1771, 198, 276, 198, 58156, 292, 198, 54737, 627, 4071, 198, 17206, 198, 6881, 345, 93057, 720, 4752, 198, 998, 198, 28150, 198, 74946, 198, 998, 198, 50828, 198, 67812, 198, 438, 198, 1820, 198, 77763, 198, 1073, 198, 324, 258, 42811, 13801, 49864, 198, 20670, 198, 4345, 720, 53757, 198, 998, 198, 67523, 18972, 198, 50828, 198, 12828, 2498, 198, 438, 198, 17947, 198, 269, 198, 998, 198, 66, 554, 198, 15031, 198, 67, 56407, 627, 40, 198, 631, 198, 64, 198, 9363, 198, 1073, 198, 75710, 198, 258, 720, 1820, 198, 20531, 582, 13850, 198, 13477, 198, 1073, 198, 17007, 79809, 345, 55911, 38925, 198, 438, 198, 71, 494, 3233, 345, 8370, 198, 285, 198, 35734, 198, 40, 198, 15357, 956, 198, 754, 321, 198, 324, 483, 627, 40, 720, 72012, 956, 198, 41917, 198, 275, 198, 47492, 627, 40, 198, 19171, 198, 72012, 956, 198, 21468, 198, 2465, 726, 198, 4291, 198, 275, 198, 47492, 345, 40, 198, 14622, 198, 543, 198, 2017, 198, 275, 627, 11458, 1174, 720, 1820, 198, 47965, 4090, 198, 285, 198, 64750, 198, 2000, 198, 64, 198, 82, 875, 198, 9164, 198, 438, 198, 383, 198, 5562, 198, 1568, 198, 543, 198, 2945, 627, 53692, 13801, 40, 198, 19553, 198, 998, 198, 329, 1800, 198, 9210, 198, 2465, 198, 668, 774, 198, 47823, 198, 998, 198, 71, 5757, 345, 269, 198, 74303, 198, 1303, 273, 345, 258, 198, 56, 16737, 627, 4516, 198, 40, 198, 47823, 198, 81, 1354, 287, 198, 2465, 198, 33780, 198, 4291, 198, 64, 198, 447, 472, 198, 1073, 198, 324, 483, 198, 438, 198, 1820, 198, 92724, 198, 90963, 198, 318, 44287, 16853, 40, 198, 19171, 198, 631, 198, 275, 720, 300, 198, 1820, 198, 4354, 198, 67, 974, 198, 258, 198, 276, 198, 268, 9355, 198, 7, 9274, 198, 64, 198, 59536, 4390, 2181, 198, 325, 12116, 198, 998, 198, 2727, 198, 998, 198, 47530, 198, 276, 198, 15824, 21707, 198, 13297, 198, 998, 720, 2465, 198, 17947, 345, 8370, 198, 40, 198, 17483, 198, 59178, 198, 6518, 198, 6881, 345, 4291, 198, 1820, 198, 105516, 198, 1073, 198, 78, 19472, 345, 54895, 198, 266, 198, 5227, 627, 65, 340, 1383, 198, 985, 198, 5230, 21374, 660, 198, 324, 483, 345, 906, 198, 548, 198, 74128, 198, 451, 6260, 198, 4291, 198, 1820, 198, 36005, 198, 1073, 198, 1820, 198, 2664, 512, 906, 198, 8319, 198, 13284, 198, 4291, 198, 276, 198, 21707, 198, 5192, 599, 543, 483, 198, 7993, 198, 4291, 198, 64, 198, 20559, 47056, 345, 20559, 47056, 198, 438, 720, 29092, 198, 7993, 198, 1073, 198, 54737, 198, 5192, 92475, 345, 8370, 198, 285, 198, 1225, 198, 15693, 198, 2000, 198, 414, 198, 2664, 16853, 2675, 198, 29177, 198, 37890, 198, 9210, 720, 21707, 198, 74441, 198, 285, 198, 6902, 1870, 198, 413, 287, 198, 18614, 198, 64, 198, 89676, 627, 791, 198, 1820, 91867, 198, 2214, 1604, 198, 2000, 198, 576, 198, 4734, 720, 285, 198, 9210, 198, 1073, 198, 1820, 198, 2166, 198, 53980, 198, 9426, 198, 1073, 198, 13284, 198, 9210, 198, 7072, 198, 455, 198, 414, 198, 324, 483, 345, 3323, 198, 1820, 198, 3646, 198, 29092, 198, 48684, 13, 720, 791, 198, 1752, 198, 29092, 198, 3233, 198, 15124, 2603, 198, 5230, 21374, 349, 627, 75066, 198, 33, 14685, 198, 258, 198, 26301, 198, 2239, 198, 10227, 198, 20357, 198, 26833, 198, 1073, 198, 2169, 1821, 702, 98036, 198, 9210, 198, 1820, 198, 4930, 261, 198, 1820, 198, 14789, 198, 1073, 198, 64, 198, 54737, 198, 5192, 14272, 345, 1820, 198, 6518, 198, 817, 1285, 198, 275, 198, 285, 198, 998, 198, 1820, 198, 8629, 2191, 198, 438, 198, 1820, 198, 33678, 805, 198, 275, 198, 19209, 198, 998, 198, 1820, 198, 85, 2223, 198, 67125, 82, 198, 1073, 720, 1820, 198, 26380, 198, 2664, 16853, 66457, 198, 21470, 198, 5192, 92475, 198, 548, 198, 10365, 198, 258, 198, 5230, 21374, 660, 198, 324, 483, 627, 644, 198, 1820, 198, 28931, 198, 1073, 198, 39, 359, 89, 587, 332, 345, 258, 198, 606, 198, 1073, 198, 1820, 198, 39, 2931, 44957, 198, 838, 48779, 198, 10453, 198, 1885, 198, 1527, 198, 94230, 2065, 345, 2940, 198, 1820, 198, 45541, 198, 75, 1924, 198, 4291, 198, 276, 198, 17645, 198, 425, 198, 1073, 198, 4364, 345, 64, 198, 30323, 198, 1073, 198, 20531, 582, 13850, 198, 13284, 198, 52773, 826, 198, 455, 13, 720, 28528, 198, 4752, 198, 70463, 198, 9210, 198, 1083, 17822, 198, 258, 198, 13284, 198, 29675, 198, 1962, 198, 300, 198, 919, 345, 8248, 198, 258, 198, 1820, 198, 630, 198, 1073, 198, 2119, 385, 3447, 345, 8370, 720, 548, 198, 29875, 8046, 198, 38061, 627, 8140, 198, 5230, 21374, 660, 198, 324, 483, 198, 285, 198, 64, 198, 2119, 385, 26966, 198, 50560, 198, 4291, 198, 29875, 8046, 198, 38061, 720, 69598, 198, 269, 198, 21914, 37907, 627, 18700, 198, 7063, 4588, 198, 412, 198, 4291, 198, 39, 359, 89, 587, 332, 198, 13284, 198, 42128, 198, 1220, 198, 9782, 198, 13495, 13, 720, 84694, 198, 28010, 198, 4291, 198, 1220, 198, 8823, 198, 4919, 198, 4291, 2752, 198, 33785, 198, 35676, 198, 71, 46813, 198, 1073, 198, 15487, 198, 90447, 198, 54895, 198, 444, 9537, 720, 28010, 198, 1527, 198, 21707, 198, 13284, 198, 7, 19, 198, 35511, 198, 716, 198, 38576, 198, 17, 13, 20, 198, 1729, 198, 17, 13, 20, 198, 6358, 65981, 644, 198, 723, 684, 345, 275, 198, 285, 198, 4238, 261, 198, 438, 720, 417, 1705, 198, 6133, 3714, 290, 627, 644, 198, 26301, 198, 2239, 198, 1, 29353, 198, 6728, 7207, 198, 36064, 761, 9023, 627, 50, 10286, 5230, 198, 98036, 198, 1820, 198, 44018, 512, 1, 11076, 198, 68637, 198, 1073, 198, 3784, 198, 3455, 198, 82977, 198, 1820, 198, 4210, 198, 1073, 198, 6414, 2922, 2299, 198, 60065, 198, 438, 198, 64, 198, 64275, 198, 8629, 2191, 198, 19553, 720, 82850, 198, 4338, 21468, 10246, 3915, 198, 576, 345, 64, 198, 23796, 198, 444, 9134, 198, 19070, 82, 512, 333, 198, 1820, 198, 68637, 198, 1073, 198, 4210, 198, 548, 198, 1820, 198, 25030, 720, 2000, 198, 258, 61694, 198, 438, 198, 61694, 198, 60065, 13801, 3473, 198, 1820, 198, 2664, 13801, 300, 198, 9336, 198, 4908, 198, 21707, 198, 444, 9537, 345, 275, 198, 4338, 81829, 988, 720, 266, 198, 1220, 198, 53980, 198, 7853, 627, 11458, 13801, 333, 198, 906, 198, 3455, 198, 1820, 198, 13284, 13801, 1820, 198, 444, 9537, 198, 3231, 198, 438, 198, 1820, 198, 26380, 720, 8629, 2191, 345, 906, 198, 4919, 198, 3055, 198, 64, 198, 9363, 720, 998, 198, 26103, 198, 14789, 198, 1508, 345, 1220, 198, 3104, 345, 52817, 198, 19862, 627, 3112, 198, 300, 198, 1820, 198, 2059, 344, 3042, 3178, 278, 6733, 198, 1342, 198, 782, 2396, 345, 414, 720, 685, 267, 1105, 198, 2656, 198, 1820, 198, 2968, 198, 1073, 198, 5230, 21374, 660, 198, 324, 483, 198, 998, 198, 782, 4930, 198, 14789, 345, 998, 198, 16219, 198, 52817, 198, 8623, 512, 27423, 720, 14965, 198, 27428, 1154, 198, 26301, 198, 2664, 198, 4291, 198, 1820, 198, 8823, 198, 1073, 198, 2059, 344, 3042, 84, 198, 90045, 483, 340, 28956, 198, 15487, 198, 64, 198, 1316, 198, 438, 198, 28956, 198, 15487, 198, 266, 720, 9471, 198, 28156, 198, 1962, 198, 1497, 198, 1820, 198, 2968, 198, 998, 198, 9726, 198, 1820, 198, 19521, 198, 2000, 198, 64, 198, 4930, 198, 1712, 627, 16366, 198, 73, 14737, 198, 17106, 638, 198, 4620, 11, 720, 383, 198, 19209, 198, 1907, 198, 1073, 198, 67, 1082, 2315, 198, 438, 198, 1617, 1771, 198, 2067, 1056, 9522, 1548, 198, 14965, 198, 3696, 15872, 198, 324, 483, 198, 56950, 198, 28956, 198, 42820, 198, 582, 18164, 198, 64, 720, 2664, 198, 9054, 198, 1073, 198, 75337, 198, 438, 198, 75, 5100, 13801, 90153, 198, 258, 198, 1820, 198, 7183, 198, 438, 198, 2445, 12242, 345, 1820, 198, 53430, 198, 1073, 198, 20782, 4474, 345, 438, 720, 75, 1924, 198, 300, 198, 4930, 198, 300, 198, 19041, 198, 285, 198, 383, 5389, 345, 28641, 198, 438, 198, 77119, 10246, 4164, 198, 258, 198, 1820, 198, 10701, 198, 1257, 324, 384, 198, 1073, 198, 324, 483, 198, 82977, 198, 5230, 96649, 627, 98402, 37907, 198, 1471, 797, 8046, 198, 38061, 198, 69598, 340, 19553, 198, 82850, 198, 70463, 198, 998, 198, 19386, 198, 998, 3522, 198, 9493, 198, 1820, 198, 13284, 198, 1834, 198, 1073, 198, 324, 483, 198, 285, 198, 265, 54478, 627, 9673, 198, 4166, 826, 198, 548, 198, 63475, 198, 258, 198, 64, 198, 15495, 345, 1382, 398, 198, 3195], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": "http://www.derrickjensen.org/backster.html\n.\np.\t248\n\tAll\tthe\tTagore\tpoems\tare\tfrom\tDeepak\tChopra,\t\nOn\tthe\tShores\tof\nEternity:\tPoems\tfrom\tTagore\ton\tImmortality\tand\tBeyond\n\t(Harmony,\n1999).INDEX\nThe\tpage\treferences\tin\tthis\tindex\tcorrespond\tto\tthe\tprinted\tedition\tfrom\nwhich\tthis\tebook\twas\tcreated.\tTo\tfind\ta\tspecific\tword\tor\tphrase\tfrom\tthe\nindex,\tplease\tuse\tthe\tsearch\tfeature\tof\tyour\tebook\treader.\nAboriginal\tpeoples,\t96,\t226\nAcceptance,\t114,\t115\nAddiction,\t13\nAdversaries,\t99\nAfrican\tgray\tparrot,\t216\u201318,\t268\nAfterlife:\nand\tbad\tdeeds,\t74\nbelief\tin,\t194\nchoice\tin,\t173\nChristian\tview,\t26,\t61\nand\tconsciousness,\t42,\t58,\t194\ncontrol\tof,\t182\ncreation\tof\town,\t42,\t47,\t53\u201354\ncreative\tpossibilities\tin,\t83,\t91\ndawning\tof,\t40\u201342\ndesire\tto\tjoin\tloved\tones\tin,\t10\nand\tdisconnection,\t185\nexpanded\tawareness\tof,\t97\u2013103\nIndian\tview,\t2,\t97\nand\tJudaism,\t61\nmeaningful,\t32\nnature\tof,\t26\npositions\ton,\t51\u201353\npowers\tneeded\tfor,\t113\u201317\npunishment\tin,\t72\nquestions\tabout,\t100\nand\treligion,\t41\nresponsibility\tfor,\t75\nself-exploration\tas\tpreparation\tfor,\t102\nTibetan\tBuddhist,\t38\nas\ttransformation\tchamber,\t177\nWestern\tview,\t2\nSee\talso\n\tHeavenAging,\t223\nAgnostics,\t51\u201353\nAir\telement,\t3\nAkasha:\nand\tawareness,\t102\nand\tchoice,\t88,\t103\u20134\ndreams,\t84\nexplanation\tof\tuniverse,\t205\u201313\nas\tfield\tof\tconsciousness,\t87\u201389,\t106,\t167,\t203,\t211\ninterpretation\tby\tvarious\tcultures,\t94-95\nmemory,\t220\nquestions\tabout\tafterlife,\t100\nreality\tof,\t195,\t197\u2013213\nas\tsource\tof\tcreativity,\t95\nand\tstates\tof\tconsciousness,\t128,\t129\u201330,\t135\nAllies,\t99\nAnandamaya\tKosha,\t148\u201349,\t153\nAncestor\tworship,\t96\nAngels,\t157\u201368,\t265\nAnimals,\t4,\t7,\t200\nAnimal\ttelepathy,\t215\u201318,\t268\nAnnamaya\tKosha,\t147\u201348,\t152\nAppreciation,\t74\nArchetypes,\t142,\t160,\t220\nAstral\tbodies,\t5,\t7\u20138,\t15\nAstral\tplanes,\t4\u201311,\t13,\t14,\t16,\t176\nAstrology,\t240\nAtman,\t30\u201331,\t97,\t104,\t108\nAtoms,\t181,\t198,\t207,\t219\u201321,\t238\u201339,\t241\nAtwater,\tF.\tHolmes,\t176\nAutonomic\tnervous\tsystem,\t230\nAwakening,\t39\u201340,\t96,\t97\nAwareness,\t10,\t12,\t15,\t117,\t238\nchange\tof,\t135\nexpanded,\t97\u2013103\ngradations\tof,\t183\nhereafter\tas\tstate\tof,\t2\nof\tlevels\tof\texistence,\t29\nin\tpure\tconsciousness,\t141,\t151\nself-awareness,\t76,\t114,\t115,\t188,\t195,\t201,\t202\nsilence\tof,\t153\nunbounded,\t125,\t263Backster,\tCleve,\t244\nBardo,\t38,\t39,\t41,\t183,\t257\nBeauregard,\tMario,\t222\nBeauty,\t144\nBeliefs,\t227\u201328,\t232,\t233\u201336\nBelievers,\t51,\t52,\t75,\t113,\t194\nBenedict,\tMellen-Thomas,\t122\u201326\nBig\tBang,\t27,\t125,\t162,\t172,\t199,\t206,\t212,\t239\nBinding\teffect,\t179\u201381,\t230\nBiology\tof\tTranscendence,\tThe\n\t(Pearce),\t225\nBirth,\t24,\t239\nBliss,\t65,\t127,\t144,\t148\u201349,\t150,\t153,\t164,\t186\nBodhisattva,\t15\nBody.\t\nSee\n\tPhysical\tbody\nBook\tof\tRevelations,\t144\nBowman,\tCarol,\t175,\t266\nBrahman,\t5\nBrain:\nbeyond\tboundaries,\t224\u201327\ncells,\t222,\t224\nand\tconsciousness,\t226,\t241\ndeath,\t37,\t43,\t62,\t215\ndrugs\u2019\teffect\ton,\t42\nelectromagnetic\tfield,\t241\u201342\nand\tenlightenment,\t232\nfiltering\tof\tinformation,\t226\nas\tinert\tobject,\t237\u201338\ninner\tclock\tof,\t27\nkarma\ton,\t179\u201382,\t184\nneural\timpulses\tin,\t132\nneuronal\tactivity,\t172,\t180,\t184,\t221,\t222,\t241\u201342\nof\tsavants,\t225\nthinking\toutside\tof,\t195,\t215\u201336,\t268\ntumor,\t122,\t126,\t143,\t225\nSee\talso\n\tMind\nBuddha,\t13,\t65\nBuddhism,\t38,\t39,\t102,\t152,\t183,\t231\nBush,\tGeorge\tW.,\t62\nCastaneda,\tCarlos,\t132\nCatholicism,\t71,\t104,\t105,\t136,\t259\nCats,\t215\u201316Causal\tplanes,\t14\nCells,\t24,\t48,\t147\u201348,\t222,\t224\nCerebral\tpalsy,\t223\nChange,\t115,\t141,\t172,\t179,\t181\nChaos,\t199\nChhandas,\t162\nChildren,\t76,\t174\u201376,\t225,\t226,\t257,\t266\nChina,\t96\nChoice,\t99,\t103\u20136,\t173,\t183\u201384,\t186,\t188\nChokyi,\tLingza,\t38\u201339,\t258\nChrist.\t\nSee\n\tJesus\nChristianity,\t25,\t26,\t31,\t47,\t61,\t71,\t72,\t75,\t88,\t105,\t171,\t172,\t259\nChurch\tattendance,\t49,\t259\nClairvoyance,\t242,\t270\nClear\tLight,\t38,\t41,\t121\nCollective\tconsciousness,\t142,\t143\nColumbia\n\tspace\tshuttle,\t49\nCommunication,\t164\nComplementarity,\t208,\t244\nCompulsion,\t13\nConsciousness:\naction\tin,\t152\nAkasha\tas\tfield\tof,\t87\u201389,\t106,\t167,\t211,\t229\nand\tangels,\t161\u201362\nboundaries\tof,\t26\nand\tbrain,\t226,\t241\nafter\tbrain\tdeath,\t37,\t43\nin\tcausal\tplanes,\t14\nand\tcreation\tof\tafterlife,\t42,\t58\ncreation\twithin\titself,\t87,\t137\nof\tdelogs,\t41\ndevata\teffect,\t164\nenergy\tfield,\t242,\t244\nevolution\tof,\t76\nfield\tof,\t247\nand\tFive\tKoshas,\t144\u201351\nand\tformation\tof\tother\tworlds,\t29\nat\thome\tin,\t151\u201353\nin\tIndia,\t4,\t5\nand\tknowledge,\t30\nlow\tebb\tof,\t75\nand\tmeditation,\t7minimal,\t62\nin\tnear-death\texperience,\t124\u201325,\t126\nof\tphysical\tobjects,\t126,\t127\u201328\npowers\tof,\t114\npure,\t126,\t127,\t129,\t135,\t136,\t141,\t144,\t149,\t151\nreality\tcreated\tfrom,\t195\nrishis\ton,\t195,\t199,\t202,\t229\nSatan\tas\tcreation\tof,\t75\nof\tsubtle\tobjects,\t126\u201337,\t141\u201345,\t165\nsurvival\tafter\tdeath,\t237\u201338\ntheory,\t204,\t264\nas\tuniversal\tprinciple,\t199\nCon", "token_ids": [1277, 1129, 2185, 962, 61500, 73, 35117, 2726, 61048, 3751, 2628, 198, 627, 79, 13, 197, 14185, 198, 197, 2460, 33188, 197, 5786, 461, 3303, 78, 12116, 197, 548, 43827, 197, 34564, 587, 197, 1163, 454, 969, 11, 1602, 1966, 33188, 197, 2059, 4692, 44323, 198, 36, 4253, 488, 25, 10230, 78, 12116, 43827, 197, 5786, 461, 25653, 197, 51839, 76052, 53577, 13083, 23478, 198, 197, 11135, 277, 65527, 345, 2550, 24, 570, 45431, 198, 791, 36372, 17643, 5006, 17886, 2090, 27424, 1470, 269, 6961, 32809, 33188, 7045, 291, 197, 79037, 43827, 198, 8370, 2090, 7883, 2239, 6831, 300, 197, 7266, 13, 197, 1271, 81703, 11575, 1942, 15934, 67398, 82266, 197, 28810, 43827, 33188, 198, 1275, 11, 197, 31121, 42919, 33188, 46673, 1186, 15563, 44323, 14862, 414, 7883, 2239, 62577, 627, 5953, 10090, 197, 375, 27522, 11, 197, 4161, 11, 197, 14057, 198, 17059, 685, 11, 197, 8011, 11, 197, 7322, 198, 2261, 2538, 11, 197, 1032, 198, 2654, 3078, 5548, 11, 197, 1484, 198, 32, 48893, 197, 11912, 197, 1768, 4744, 11, 197, 12463, 4235, 972, 11, 197, 16332, 198, 6153, 14789, 512, 438, 2282, 329, 59451, 6910, 11, 197, 5728, 198, 60876, 17886, 11, 197, 6393, 198, 12008, 17886, 11, 197, 11908, 198, 42042, 37967, 11, 197, 1627, 11, 197, 5547, 198, 438, 38303, 23995, 2136, 11, 197, 2983, 11, 197, 2970, 11, 197, 6393, 198, 2935, 44323, 11, 197, 10828, 198, 38475, 44323, 197, 785, 11, 197, 2983, 11, 197, 2618, 11, 197, 4331, 4235, 4370, 198, 52817, 197, 9007, 13757, 17886, 11, 197, 6069, 11, 197, 5925, 198, 67, 51946, 44323, 11, 197, 1272, 4235, 2983, 198, 5919, 556, 32809, 197, 6115, 197, 385, 2111, 197, 3233, 17886, 11, 197, 605, 198, 438, 35697, 7898, 11, 197, 9741, 198, 36583, 197, 20111, 2136, 44323, 11, 197, 3534, 4235, 6889, 198, 48664, 37967, 11, 197, 17, 11, 197, 3534, 198, 438, 17538, 8213, 2191, 11, 197, 5547, 198, 57865, 1285, 11, 197, 843, 198, 67812, 44323, 11, 197, 1627, 198, 28536, 25653, 11, 197, 3971, 4235, 4331, 198, 78404, 197, 41917, 2066, 11, 197, 8190, 4235, 1114, 198, 66007, 16409, 17886, 11, 197, 5332, 198, 17800, 197, 9274, 11, 197, 1041, 198, 438, 197, 3833, 32718, 11, 197, 3174, 198, 82689, 3225, 2066, 11, 197, 2075, 198, 726, 10397, 501, 7769, 61551, 41446, 36235, 2066, 11, 197, 4278, 198, 51, 581, 295, 276, 13083, 8512, 21843, 11, 197, 1987, 198, 300, 73553, 1659, 23918, 15578, 11, 197, 11242, 198, 55924, 37967, 11, 197, 17, 198, 10031, 197, 19171, 198, 197, 1548, 5389, 32, 3252, 11, 197, 12533, 198, 32, 5010, 537, 1233, 11, 197, 3971, 4235, 4331, 198, 26777, 44807, 11, 197, 18, 198, 56902, 31543, 512, 438, 197, 20111, 2136, 11, 197, 4278, 198, 438, 197, 12008, 11, 197, 2421, 11, 197, 6889, 4235, 19, 198, 57291, 82, 11, 197, 5833, 198, 327, 36990, 44323, 21113, 8194, 11, 197, 10866, 4235, 1032, 198, 300, 40350, 44323, 38303, 23995, 2136, 11, 197, 4044, 4235, 4578, 11, 197, 7461, 11, 197, 11515, 11, 197, 9639, 11, 197, 11483, 198, 17324, 367, 197, 1729, 2462, 1245, 1470, 495, 1439, 11, 197, 6281, 12, 2721, 198, 17717, 11, 197, 8610, 198, 17800, 197, 9274, 197, 10924, 14789, 11, 197, 1041, 198, 265, 2786, 44323, 11, 197, 6280, 11, 197, 4468, 4235, 11702, 198, 300, 48518, 44323, 197, 846, 44515, 11, 197, 2721, 198, 438, 18895, 988, 44323, 38303, 23995, 2136, 11, 197, 4386, 11, 197, 9748, 4235, 966, 11, 197, 8878, 198, 2460, 552, 11, 197, 1484, 198, 2127, 438, 309, 12874, 40440, 437, 4317, 11, 197, 10410, 4235, 2491, 11, 197, 9800, 198, 2127, 82440, 6831, 269, 5383, 11, 197, 4161, 198, 10976, 2053, 11, 197, 10895, 4235, 2614, 11, 197, 14374, 198, 19933, 1147, 11, 197, 19, 11, 197, 22, 11, 197, 1049, 198, 42515, 197, 15772, 2398, 88, 11, 197, 12112, 4235, 972, 11, 197, 16332, 198, 2127, 12682, 12874, 40440, 437, 4317, 11, 197, 10288, 4235, 2166, 11, 197, 9756, 198, 2213, 2827, 7246, 11, 197, 5728, 198, 19249, 68653, 11, 197, 10239, 11, 197, 6330, 11, 197, 8610, 198, 32, 56070, 2282, 10233, 11, 197, 20, 11, 197, 22, 4235, 23, 11, 197, 868, 198, 32, 56070, 197, 39157, 11, 197, 19, 4235, 806, 11, 197, 1032, 11, 197, 975, 11, 197, 845, 11, 197, 10967, 198, 62152, 299, 36781, 11, 197, 8273, 198, 1688, 1543, 11, 197, 966, 4235, 2148, 11, 197, 3534, 11, 197, 6849, 11, 197, 6640, 198, 92403, 11, 197, 10562, 11, 197, 3753, 11, 197, 12060, 11, 197, 13762, 4235, 1691, 11, 197, 13895, 4235, 2137, 11, 197, 13341, 198, 1688, 13284, 11, 13017, 13, 13595, 337, 9004, 11, 197, 10967, 198, 20175, 48228, 9215, 651, 788, 41393, 11, 197, 9870, 198, 23422, 74462, 11, 197, 2137, 4235, 1272, 11, 197, 4161, 11, 197, 3534, 198, 59893, 2136, 11, 197, 605, 11, 197, 717, 11, 197, 868, 11, 197, 8546, 11, 197, 13895, 198, 3455, 44323, 11, 197, 8878, 198, 36583, 11, 197, 3534, 4235, 6889, 198, 6902, 811, 44323, 11, 197, 10750, 198, 6881, 10924, 61551, 25277, 44323, 11, 197, 17, 198, 1073, 197, 43664, 44323, 8285, 81624, 11, 197, 1682, 198, 258, 3303, 554, 38303, 23995, 2136, 11, 197, 9335, 11, 197, 9690, 198, 726, 66104, 2136, 11, 197, 4767, 11, 197, 8011, 11, 197, 7322, 11, 197, 9367, 11, 197, 6280, 11, 197, 679, 11, 197, 2366, 198, 35904, 768, 44323, 11, 197, 9800, 198, 359, 66786, 11, 197, 6549, 11, 197, 15666, 3792, 3751, 11, 6391, 273, 588, 11, 197, 13719, 198, 33, 21106, 11, 197, 1987, 11, 197, 2137, 11, 197, 3174, 11, 197, 10750, 11, 197, 15574, 198, 3513, 64, 554, 54592, 11, 9391, 3370, 11, 197, 9716, 198, 94909, 11, 197, 8929, 198, 22404, 30921, 11, 197, 14206, 4235, 1591, 11, 197, 12338, 11, 197, 12994, 4235, 1927, 198, 22404, 648, 3078, 11, 197, 3971, 11, 197, 4103, 11, 197, 2075, 11, 197, 8190, 11, 197, 6393, 198, 33, 6901, 858, 11, 9391, 16046, 12, 42493, 11, 197, 8259, 4235, 1627, 198, 16010, 13083, 526, 11, 197, 1544, 11, 197, 6549, 11, 197, 10674, 11, 197, 10861, 11, 197, 2550, 11, 197, 11056, 11, 197, 11227, 11, 197, 14815, 198, 15409, 89170, 11, 197, 11128, 4235, 5932, 11, 197, 9870, 198, 33, 31226, 44323, 197, 3246, 66, 408, 768, 11, 33026, 198, 197, 5417, 686, 346, 705, 197, 11057, 198, 32578, 11, 197, 1187, 11, 197, 14815, 198, 5028, 1056, 11, 197, 2397, 11, 197, 6804, 11, 197, 8929, 11, 197, 10410, 4235, 2491, 11, 197, 3965, 11, 197, 9800, 11, 197, 10513, 11, 197, 9714, 198, 33, 347, 26301, 1617, 6723, 11, 197, 868, 198, 5561, 13, 1602, 10031, 198, 197, 40353, 36502, 198, 7280, 44323, 197, 697, 899, 811, 11, 197, 8929, 198, 87792, 1543, 11, 6391, 277, 337, 11, 197, 10005, 11, 197, 15999, 198, 33, 33607, 1543, 11, 197, 20, 198, 66177, 512, 65, 23478, 2282, 801, 5548, 11, 197, 10697, 4235, 1544, 198, 37791, 11, 197, 9716, 11, 197, 10697, 198, 438, 38303, 23995, 2136, 11, 197, 14057, 11, 197, 13341, 198, 63007, 11, 197, 1806, 11, 197, 3391, 11, 197, 5538, 11, 197, 12112, 198, 3696, 13602, 529, 89170, 25653, 11, 197, 2983, 198, 19493, 442, 39100, 40350, 11, 197, 13341, 4235, 2983, 198, 438, 82948, 4238, 53061, 11, 197, 12338, 198, 5428, 287, 44323, 17886, 1659, 11, 197, 14057, 198, 300, 17886, 531, 36898, 11, 197, 14590, 4235, 1987, 198, 4481, 85265, 44323, 11, 197, 1544, 198, 74, 20306, 25653, 11, 197, 11128, 4235, 6086, 11, 197, 10336, 198, 818, 4269, 197, 6802, 67116, 17886, 11, 197, 9413, 198, 818, 324, 25180, 197, 7323, 11, 197, 10861, 11, 197, 5245, 11, 197, 10336, 11, 197, 12425, 11, 197, 9716, 11, 197, 13341, 4235, 2983, 198, 1073, 1942, 402, 1821, 11, 197, 11057, 198, 83360, 14294, 3002, 44323, 11, 197, 6280, 11, 197, 12112, 4235, 1927, 11, 197, 16332, 198, 83, 69361, 11, 197, 8259, 11, 197, 9390, 11, 197, 10290, 11, 197, 11057, 198, 10031, 197, 19171, 198, 9391, 485, 198, 33, 8512, 4317, 11, 197, 1032, 11, 197, 2397, 198, 33, 8512, 71, 2191, 11, 197, 1987, 11, 197, 2137, 11, 197, 4278, 11, 197, 9756, 11, 197, 10750, 11, 197, 12245, 198, 100175, 11, 197, 40052, 17749, 2637, 197, 5538, 198, 19235, 276, 14151, 11, 6391, 277, 2353, 11, 197, 9413, 198, 34, 96430, 2191, 11, 197, 6028, 11, 197, 6849, 11, 197, 6550, 11, 197, 9795, 11, 197, 15537, 198, 34, 1900, 11, 197, 12112, 4235, 845, 34, 80174, 197, 39157, 11, 197, 975, 198, 21526, 11, 197, 1187, 11, 197, 2166, 11, 197, 10288, 4235, 2166, 11, 197, 9716, 11, 197, 10697, 198, 34, 486, 42743, 3303, 60384, 11, 197, 12533, 198, 4164, 11, 197, 7322, 11, 197, 9335, 11, 197, 10861, 11, 197, 11128, 11, 197, 10562, 198, 1163, 65966, 11, 197, 2550, 198, 1163, 10888, 300, 11, 197, 10674, 198, 11800, 11, 197, 4767, 11, 197, 11771, 4235, 4767, 11, 197, 11057, 11, 197, 14057, 11, 197, 15574, 11, 197, 15999, 198, 23078, 11, 197, 4161, 198, 25759, 11, 197, 1484, 11, 197, 6889, 4235, 21, 11, 197, 11908, 11, 197, 10750, 4235, 5833, 11, 197, 9714, 11, 197, 9367, 198, 1163, 564, 39172, 11, 15420, 287, 4458, 11, 197, 1987, 4235, 2137, 11, 197, 15966, 198, 19875, 13, 1602, 10031, 198, 17538, 43493, 198, 42042, 488, 11, 197, 914, 11, 197, 1627, 11, 197, 2148, 11, 197, 2618, 11, 197, 5547, 11, 197, 6028, 11, 197, 5332, 11, 197, 2075, 11, 197, 2421, 11, 197, 6550, 11, 197, 11123, 11, 197, 10861, 11, 197, 15537, 198, 84910, 197, 63725, 11, 197, 2491, 11, 197, 15537, 198, 5176, 1334, 80897, 685, 11, 197, 12754, 11, 197, 10914, 198, 14335, 197, 14235, 11, 197, 1987, 11, 197, 3174, 11, 197, 7994, 198, 48604, 535, 38303, 23995, 2136, 11, 197, 10239, 11, 197, 10290, 198, 34, 74170, 198, 1942, 1330, 37296, 99343, 11, 197, 2491, 198, 66511, 11, 197, 10513, 198, 1110, 2833, 10981, 11, 197, 12171, 11, 197, 13719, 198, 13864, 34003, 11, 197, 1032, 198, 1128, 23995, 2136, 512, 1335, 17886, 11, 197, 9756, 198, 56902, 31543, 61551, 40350, 44323, 11, 197, 4044, 4235, 4578, 11, 197, 7461, 11, 197, 11515, 11, 197, 11483, 11, 197, 14378, 198, 438, 197, 526, 2053, 11, 197, 10718, 4235, 5538, 198, 11130, 5548, 44323, 11, 197, 1627, 198, 438, 197, 54160, 11, 197, 14057, 11, 197, 13341, 198, 10924, 197, 54160, 59451, 589, 11, 197, 1806, 11, 197, 3391, 198, 258, 197, 936, 36514, 197, 39157, 11, 197, 975, 198, 438, 197, 38475, 44323, 197, 10924, 14789, 11, 197, 2983, 11, 197, 2970, 198, 38475, 48048, 258, 24263, 726, 11, 197, 4044, 11, 197, 10148, 198, 1073, 70609, 27403, 11, 197, 3174, 198, 3667, 460, 89170, 11, 197, 10513, 198, 17947, 40350, 11, 197, 12754, 11, 197, 13719, 198, 5230, 3294, 44323, 11, 197, 4767, 198, 2630, 44323, 11, 197, 14125, 198, 438, 13017, 535, 40440, 437, 4752, 11, 197, 8929, 4235, 3971, 198, 438, 197, 1659, 44323, 197, 1605, 77608, 82, 11, 197, 1682, 198, 266, 197, 5227, 17886, 11, 197, 9690, 4235, 4331, 198, 258, 197, 34648, 11, 197, 19, 11, 197, 20, 198, 438, 16868, 52286, 11, 197, 966, 198, 10516, 197, 86402, 44323, 11, 197, 2075, 198, 438, 197, 2106, 7709, 11, 197, 22, 93707, 11, 197, 5538, 198, 258, 9215, 686, 97586, 8285, 13267, 11, 197, 8874, 4235, 914, 11, 197, 9390, 198, 1073, 197, 47692, 197, 19761, 11, 197, 9390, 11, 197, 6804, 4235, 1591, 198, 78404, 44323, 11, 197, 8011, 198, 52833, 11, 197, 9390, 11, 197, 6804, 11, 197, 9748, 11, 197, 8878, 11, 197, 9795, 11, 197, 9335, 11, 197, 8929, 11, 197, 10161, 11, 197, 9690, 198, 265, 2786, 197, 7266, 43827, 11, 197, 6280, 198, 95007, 285, 25653, 11, 197, 6280, 11, 197, 2550, 11, 197, 2366, 11, 197, 14378, 198, 50, 16623, 61551, 197, 38475, 44323, 11, 197, 2075, 198, 1073, 29724, 11489, 197, 19761, 11, 197, 9390, 4235, 1806, 11, 197, 9335, 4235, 1774, 11, 197, 10680, 198, 20370, 85, 4023, 197, 10924, 59451, 589, 11, 197, 14590, 4235, 1987, 198, 94304, 11, 197, 7854, 11, 197, 12815, 198, 300, 21113, 35052, 26736, 16379, 11, 197, 2550, 198, 1128], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " space.\nContinue the process of expansion until you visualize inhaling air from\nthe whole room and exhaling it into the whole room. If you are sitting by an\nopen window, continue expanding, seeing air coming to you from the\nneighborhood, then the city, the countryside, never stopping until you\nvisualize the planet giving you air with each in-breath and receiving the air\nback with each out-breath. (If your room doesn\u2019 t have an open window or\nany windows at all, visualize an open window.)\nA variation on this exercise is to visualize the expansion of light instead\nof air. Direct your attention to your heart. Visualize a dot of white light\nthere. With each in-breath and out-breath, see the dot pulsate, gradually\nexpanding, the same way you expanded the air going in and out of you.\nWatch the pulsing light fill your body, then expand to fill the room, theneighborhood, and the city, until you can see pulsations of light coming to\nyou in all directions without limit. These two exercises get you in touch\nwith the infinite field that is your essence.\nFRIDAY\nLast Stop for Karma\nBegin by silently repeating today\u2019 s theme:\nI allow the light to \ufb01nd me.\nI allow the light to \ufb01nd me.\nEvery person has a double fate. We are destined to be embedded in\nmaya \u2014the scheme of magical lies driven by karma. That is our first fate.\nBut we are also destined to live in the light. Both fates are necessary. Karma\nkeeps the universe going, like a cosmic machine with an infinite number of\nmoving parts, perfectly meshing together. Anything that requires moving\nparts, connections, and cause and effect comes under the purvie w of karma.\nThe moving parts can be the chemicals rushing in and out of every cell; the\nconnections can be the molecula r bonds that keep these chemica ls intact. At\na subtler level, the moving parts can be your thoughts; the connections are\nthe story you weave from these thoughts.\nOut of habit, most people divide their karma along the lines of pleasure\nand pain; good karma makes life pleasant, while bad karma brings\ndiscomfort and suffering. But the real issue is karma itself. If you achieved\na life of perfect pleasure without a hint of suffering, you would still be\ntrapped inside the web of magical lies.\nThe second fate solves this dilemma. Karma no longer touches you\nwhen you live in the light. No other living creature (as far as we know) can\nconsciously step out of the karmic machine. Unique on Earth, Homo\nsapiens can defy biological programming. If everyone knew this fact, Yoga\nwould be the path chosen by all of humanity. There would be differentmotivations for this choice. The experience of bliss would entice some\npeople; others would be drawn by the lure of freedom or the end of pain and\nsuffering. These are obviously very desirable things, so why isn\u2019t Yoga\ncentral to everyone\u2019 s life?\nThe most basic answer is that no one told us we had a second fate\u2014the\nweb of magical lies is the only reality we have ever experienced. A spider \u2019s\nweb is gossamer ; it snares its prey by being sticky. The web of magical lies\nhas its own kind of stickiness. It is convincing. If you are convin ced that the\nreality delivered by the five senses is real, you will be stuck for life. Yet,\nsomehow, Yoga arose over the centuries as proof that getting stuck isn\u2019t\ninevitable.\nThe discovery that you can escape, win your freedom, and live in the\nlight is personal \u2014it is repeated one person at a time. Religion can sweep up\nmasses of humankind in a vision of the divine, but Yoga isn\u2019t like that. You\nalone can go inside; you alone can experience the light; you alone can make\nhigher consciou sness your life\u2019s goal. When you do, karma has reached its\nlast stop. The cosmic machinery, including the machinery of the body, will\nkeep churning. Nothing can stop it, short of the death of the universe, and\neven that event might begin another cosmic cycle.\nWhat karma is doing won\u2019 t be your concern, however. You view it from\na place that is timeless, unchanging, unborn, undying, and whole. This\nplace can\u2019t be reached by karmic means. That is, you can\u2019t go anywhere, do\nanything, or think up a scheme to get there. If karma could bring you into\nthe light, why hasn\u2019t it? Because that\u2019s not karma\u2019 s purpose. You arrive at\nthe light by realizing that it exists. Notice that the word realize has real\ninside it. To realize that you can be free of your karma, you must see the\nreality beyond the web of magical lies.\nPratyahara is the final turning inward that reveals everything. This is\nwhy it is considered a breakthrough. Your inner experiences all lead here,\nlike all roads leading to Rome and all compasses showing true north. Each\nglimpse of the light points you in the right direction. We humans are\ndesigned to respond to love, compassion, truth, beauty, and the other\nqualities of the light. The karmic machinery is powerful, but it cannot standup to the light; we instinctively prefer bliss to pleasure. The experience of\nlove can overturn a whole life.\nThe great Benga li poet Rabindranath Tagore phrased it perfectly: \u201cLove\nis the only reality, and it is not a mere sentiment. It is the ultimate truth that\nlies at the heart of creation.\u201d In the end, the light chooses you, instead of the\nother way aroun d. Its appeal draws you closer and closer to your source.\nHowever, in pratyahara, there are vestiges of actions you can take that\nrespond to the light.\nHOW TO LET THE LIGHT CHOOS E YOU\nNotice any glimpse of the light you experience.\nRest in the experience, letting it soak in.\nValue these glimpses and feel grateful for them.\nSustain the light by devoting yourself to being conscious.\nThese steps aren\u2019t an agenda or a program. They are an attitude you\ntake once you realize that you have a chance to escape your karma and the\nwhole karmic machinery. To put it simply, having reached the threshold, it\ntakes only the tiniest step to cross it.\nExercise\nThere is no effort involved to live in the light. If you have the right\nattitude, the light seeks you out and becomes the place you want to be. A\nlittle practice in adopting the right attitude is helpful, however. Sit quietly\nwith your eyes closed, and let your mind go to a moment when you\nglimpsed the light. This could be a moment of love, truth, beauty,\ncompassion, or blissfulness. Don\u2019 t force your recollection. Once you have\nthe intention, a memory will come to you. Sit easily, take a few deep\nbreaths, and allow an image to arise.\nOnce it does, the memory will be very pleasant, but it will also tend to\nfade. While it is with you, rest in the feeling that surrounds it. Perhaps you\nenvision seeing your child takin g her first step or a beautiful sunset or anact of kindness that touched your heart. Remain with the feeling and quietly\nexpress your gratitude for it. Say to yourself, \u201cNothing is more real than\nthis.\u201d\nLet the warmth of the memor y touch you the way the experience\ntouched you. Sit quietly for a moment or two, breathing deeply before you\nget up and resume your day.\nOceanofPDF.comWEEK 6\nTHE POWER OF ATTENTION\n(Limbs of Yoga: Dharana, Dhyana, Samadhi)THIS PART OF THE JOURNEY\nOnce you live in the light completely, the journey to find your true self\ncomes to an end. But, from another perspective, life has just begun. The\nentire condition of separation is over, and new horizons open up.\nIn separation, you faced every day with either/or choices. The twin\nmotivations of desire and fear were ever-present; if you made a wrong\nchoice, things could easily spin out of control. At the very least, everyone\u2019 s\nlife was overshadowed by the unpredictable arrival of pain and suf fering.\nThe last three limbs of Yoga are devoted to the ideal life that becomes\npossible once you have found your true self. I will treat all three limbs,\nknown as dharana, dhyana, and samadhi, as one, because they are\nintimately joined. Taken together, they provide a map of life in wholeness.\nEach limb offers a necessary element if you want to find unity instead of\nseparation.\nDharana enables you to pay attention so sharply that anything\ncan be known.\nDhyana enables you to transcend all obstacles to experience\nhigher consciousness.\nSamadhi enables you to reach deeper and deeper levels of\nawareness.\nAt first glance, this trinity sounds abstract and otherworldly. In\neveryday life we don\u2019t think in such terms, being occupied with a constant\nstream of thoughts, feelings, sensations, and desires. You don\u2019t need to\nunderstand the workings of pure awareness. But the light is nothing but\npure awareness and being able to navigate it opens the possibility of\nmiracles, as we\u2019ll see in this final week.\nMONDAYThe Source\nBegin by silently repeating today\u2019 s theme:\nMy life springs from pure awareness.\nMy", "token_ids": [3634, 627, 24433, 279, 1920, 315, 14800, 3156, 499, 51187, 60537, 6260, 3805, 505, 198, 1820, 4459, 3130, 323, 57759, 6260, 433, 1139, 279, 4459, 3130, 13, 1442, 499, 527, 11961, 555, 459, 198, 2569, 3321, 1174, 3136, 24050, 11, 9298, 3805, 5108, 311, 499, 505, 279, 198, 37569, 5812, 11, 1243, 279, 3363, 11, 279, 47967, 11, 2646, 23351, 3156, 499, 198, 30318, 553, 279, 11841, 7231, 499, 3805, 449, 1855, 304, 93008, 589, 323, 12588, 279, 3805, 198, 1445, 449, 1855, 704, 93008, 589, 13, 320, 2746, 701, 3130, 3250, 529, 259, 617, 459, 1825, 3321, 477, 198, 3852, 11276, 520, 682, 11, 51187, 459, 1825, 3321, 662, 340, 32, 23851, 389, 420, 10368, 374, 311, 51187, 279, 14800, 315, 3177, 4619, 198, 1073, 3805, 13, 7286, 701, 6666, 311, 701, 4851, 13, 20796, 553, 264, 13046, 315, 4251, 3177, 198, 19041, 13, 3161, 1855, 304, 93008, 589, 323, 704, 93008, 589, 11, 1518, 279, 13046, 56037, 349, 11, 27115, 198, 4683, 26673, 11, 279, 1890, 1648, 499, 17626, 279, 3805, 2133, 304, 323, 704, 315, 499, 627, 14581, 279, 56037, 287, 3177, 5266, 701, 2547, 1174, 1243, 9407, 311, 5266, 279, 3130, 11, 1243, 68, 47285, 11, 323, 279, 3363, 11, 3156, 499, 649, 1518, 56037, 811, 315, 3177, 5108, 311, 198, 9514, 304, 682, 18445, 2085, 4017, 13, 4314, 1403, 23783, 636, 499, 304, 5916, 198, 4291, 279, 24746, 2115, 430, 374, 701, 28591, 627, 10725, 926, 3097, 198, 5966, 14549, 369, 75980, 198, 11382, 555, 50494, 40916, 3432, 529, 274, 7057, 512, 40, 2187, 279, 3177, 311, 33595, 71831, 303, 757, 627, 40, 2187, 279, 3177, 311, 33595, 71831, 303, 757, 627, 11769, 1732, 706, 264, 2033, 25382, 13, 1226, 527, 51687, 311, 387, 23711, 304, 198, 102162, 2001, 1820, 13155, 315, 24632, 15812, 16625, 555, 71542, 13, 3011, 374, 1057, 1176, 25382, 627, 4071, 584, 527, 1101, 51687, 311, 3974, 304, 279, 3177, 13, 11995, 282, 988, 527, 5995, 662, 75980, 198, 441, 7270, 279, 15861, 2133, 11, 1093, 264, 55801, 5780, 449, 459, 24746, 1396, 315, 198, 66215, 5596, 11, 14268, 11546, 287, 3871, 662, 42033, 430, 7612, 7366, 198, 18753, 11, 13537, 11, 323, 5353, 323, 2515, 4131, 1234, 279, 4087, 64519, 289, 315, 71542, 627, 791, 7366, 5596, 649, 387, 279, 26333, 38117, 304, 323, 704, 315, 1475, 2849, 26, 279, 198, 51086, 649, 387, 279, 35751, 3395, 64, 436, 27460, 430, 2567, 1521, 8590, 3074, 20170, 35539, 13, 2468, 198, 64, 42129, 1565, 2237, 11, 279, 7366, 5596, 649, 387, 701, 11555, 26, 279, 13537, 527, 198, 1820, 3446, 499, 68608, 505, 1521, 11555, 627, 2729, 315, 14464, 11, 1455, 1274, 22497, 872, 71542, 3235, 279, 5238, 315, 17069, 198, 438, 6784, 26, 1695, 71542, 3727, 2324, 24729, 11, 1418, 3958, 71542, 12716, 198, 4338, 19975, 323, 16066, 13, 2030, 279, 1972, 4360, 374, 71542, 5196, 13, 1442, 499, 17427, 198, 64, 2324, 315, 4832, 17069, 2085, 264, 13310, 315, 16066, 11, 499, 1053, 2103, 387, 198, 376, 5795, 4871, 279, 3566, 315, 24632, 15812, 627, 791, 2132, 25382, 68577, 420, 55867, 13, 75980, 912, 5129, 29727, 499, 198, 9493, 499, 3974, 304, 279, 3177, 13, 2360, 1023, 5496, 17661, 320, 300, 3117, 439, 584, 1440, 8, 649, 198, 444, 71888, 3094, 704, 315, 279, 597, 2227, 292, 5780, 13, 29750, 389, 9420, 11, 84497, 198, 82, 2113, 729, 649, 90672, 24156, 15840, 13, 1442, 5127, 7020, 420, 2144, 11, 38673, 198, 41450, 387, 279, 1853, 12146, 555, 682, 315, 22706, 662, 2684, 1053, 387, 2204, 47928, 344, 811, 369, 420, 5873, 13, 578, 3217, 315, 59045, 1053, 1218, 560, 1063, 198, 16455, 26, 3885, 1053, 387, 15107, 555, 279, 57683, 315, 11542, 477, 279, 842, 315, 6784, 323, 198, 82, 2084, 287, 13, 4314, 527, 14224, 1633, 35946, 2574, 11, 779, 3249, 4536, 1431, 38673, 198, 52911, 311, 5127, 529, 274, 2324, 5380, 791, 1455, 6913, 4320, 374, 430, 912, 832, 3309, 603, 584, 1047, 264, 2132, 25382, 22416, 198, 2984, 315, 24632, 15812, 374, 279, 1193, 8903, 584, 617, 3596, 10534, 13, 362, 35454, 18217, 82, 198, 2984, 374, 342, 3746, 15589, 2652, 433, 112308, 417, 1202, 37693, 555, 1694, 28502, 662, 578, 3566, 315, 24632, 15812, 198, 4752, 1202, 1866, 3169, 315, 9396, 1918, 13, 1102, 374, 40661, 13, 1442, 499, 527, 21770, 272, 291, 430, 279, 198, 265, 2786, 12886, 220, 555, 279, 4330, 38207, 374, 1972, 11, 499, 690, 387, 16075, 369, 2324, 13, 14968, 345, 15031, 5269, 1174, 38673, 51063, 927, 279, 24552, 439, 11311, 430, 3794, 220, 16075, 4536, 1431, 198, 483, 85, 15729, 627, 791, 18841, 430, 499, 649, 12731, 11, 3243, 701, 11542, 11, 323, 3974, 304, 279, 198, 4238, 374, 4443, 2001, 275, 374, 11763, 832, 1732, 520, 264, 892, 13, 44193, 649, 24021, 709, 198, 27428, 288, 315, 2854, 70370, 304, 264, 11376, 220, 315, 279, 30467, 11, 719, 38673, 4536, 1431, 1093, 430, 13, 1472, 198, 32676, 649, 733, 4871, 26, 499, 7636, 649, 3217, 279, 3177, 26, 499, 7636, 649, 1304, 198, 90447, 1615, 5979, 283, 274, 2136, 701, 2324, 753, 5915, 13, 3277, 499, 656, 11, 71542, 706, 8813, 1202, 198, 4354, 3009, 13, 578, 55801, 26953, 1174, 2737, 279, 26953, 315, 279, 2547, 1174, 690, 198, 13397, 523, 54444, 13, 12334, 649, 3009, 433, 11, 2875, 315, 279, 4648, 315, 279, 15861, 11, 323, 198, 17206, 430, 1567, 2643, 3240, 2500, 55801, 11008, 627, 3923, 71542, 374, 3815, 2834, 529, 259, 387, 701, 4747, 11, 4869, 662, 1472, 1684, 433, 505, 198, 64, 2035, 430, 374, 58105, 11, 653, 52813, 11, 86333, 11, 2073, 7169, 11, 323, 4459, 13, 1115, 198, 2050, 649, 1431, 387, 8813, 555, 597, 2227, 292, 220, 3445, 13, 3011, 374, 11, 499, 649, 1431, 733, 12660, 11, 656, 198, 73254, 11, 477, 1781, 709, 264, 13155, 311, 636, 1070, 13, 1442, 71542, 1436, 4546, 499, 1139, 198, 1820, 3177, 11, 3249, 12775, 1431, 433, 30, 9393, 430, 753, 539, 71542, 529, 274, 7580, 13, 1472, 17782, 520, 198, 1820, 3177, 555, 44114, 430, 433, 6866, 13, 25773, 430, 279, 3492, 13383, 220, 706, 1972, 198, 42450, 433, 13, 2057, 13383, 430, 499, 649, 387, 1949, 315, 701, 71542, 11, 499, 2011, 1518, 279, 198, 265, 2786, 7953, 279, 3566, 315, 24632, 15812, 627, 3617, 51071, 1494, 5169, 220, 374, 279, 1620, 13353, 63018, 430, 21667, 4395, 13, 1115, 374, 198, 35734, 433, 374, 6646, 264, 42445, 13, 4718, 9358, 11704, 682, 3063, 1618, 345, 4908, 682, 19795, 6522, 311, 22463, 323, 682, 24653, 288, 9204, 837, 10411, 13, 9062, 198, 70, 4763, 79, 325, 315, 279, 3177, 3585, 499, 304, 279, 1314, 5216, 13, 1226, 12966, 527, 198, 5919, 1571, 311, 6013, 311, 3021, 11, 30481, 11, 8206, 11, 13444, 1174, 323, 279, 1023, 198, 83465, 315, 279, 3177, 13, 578, 597, 2227, 292, 26953, 374, 8147, 11, 719, 433, 4250, 2559, 455, 311, 279, 3177, 26, 584, 31655, 3210, 220, 10932, 59045, 311, 17069, 13, 578, 3217, 315, 198, 31153, 649, 67687, 264, 4459, 2324, 627, 791, 2294, 26316, 64, 908, 40360, 36824, 485, 6713, 589, 12633, 461, 1343, 81, 1503, 433, 14268, 25, 1054, 29351, 198, 285, 279, 1193, 8903, 1174, 323, 433, 374, 539, 264, 17983, 27065, 13, 1102, 374, 279, 17139, 8206, 430, 198, 49201, 520, 279, 4851, 315, 9886, 2029, 763, 279, 842, 11, 279, 3177, 41011, 499, 11, 4619, 315, 279, 198, 1605, 1648, 66208, 77, 294, 13, 11699, 14638, 27741, 499, 12401, 323, 12401, 311, 701, 2592, 627, 11458, 1174, 304, 550, 51071, 1494, 5169, 1174, 1070, 527, 28705, 52763, 315, 6299, 499, 649, 1935, 430, 198, 6961, 311, 279, 3177, 627, 61297, 5257, 36757, 3247, 53303, 83453, 3204, 469, 15334, 198, 35293, 904, 40942, 315, 279, 3177, 499, 3217, 627, 12698, 304, 279, 3217, 11, 20806, 433, 61792, 304, 627, 1150, 1521, 94162, 288, 323, 2733, 26259, 369, 1124, 627, 50, 31873, 279, 3177, 555, 3567, 11780, 6261, 311, 1694, 17371, 627, 9673, 7504, 7784, 1431, 459, 18909, 477, 264, 2068, 13, 2435, 527, 459, 19451, 499, 198, 23609, 3131, 499, 13383, 430, 499, 617, 264, 6140, 311, 12731, 701, 71542, 323, 279, 198, 67733, 597, 2227, 292, 26953, 662, 2057, 2231, 433, 5042, 1174, 3515, 8813, 279, 12447, 11, 433, 198, 79079, 1193, 279, 259, 6729, 478, 3094, 311, 5425, 433, 627, 53809, 198, 3947, 374, 912, 5149, 6532, 311, 3974, 304, 279, 3177, 13, 1442, 499, 617, 279, 1314, 198, 1617, 3993, 11, 279, 3177, 26737, 499, 704, 323, 9221, 279, 2035, 499, 1390, 311, 387, 13, 362, 198, 56492, 6725, 304, 48810, 279, 1314, 19451, 374, 11190, 11, 4869, 662, 29508, 30666, 198, 4291, 701, 6548, 8036, 11, 323, 1095, 701, 4059, 733, 311, 264, 4545, 994, 499, 198, 70, 4763, 1725, 291, 279, 3177, 13, 1115, 1436, 387, 264, 4545, 315, 3021, 11, 8206, 11, 13444, 13801, 31929, 290, 11, 477, 59045, 31514, 13, 4418, 529, 259, 5457, 701, 1421, 1947, 13, 9843, 499, 617, 198, 1820, 14944, 11, 264, 5044, 690, 2586, 311, 499, 13, 29508, 6847, 1174, 1935, 264, 2478, 5655, 198, 21152, 27382, 11, 323, 2187, 459, 2217, 311, 31889, 627, 12805, 433, 1587, 11, 279, 5044, 690, 387, 1633, 24729, 11, 719, 433, 690, 1101, 8541, 311, 198, 17976, 13, 6104, 433, 374, 449, 499, 11, 2800, 304, 279, 8430, 430, 71374, 433, 13, 19292, 499, 198, 3239, 1854, 9298, 701, 1716, 18608, 258, 342, 1077, 1176, 3094, 477, 264, 6366, 44084, 477, 459, 533, 315, 45972, 430, 24891, 701, 4851, 13, 92692, 449, 279, 8430, 323, 30666, 198, 14107, 701, 46135, 369, 433, 13, 25961, 311, 6261, 11, 1054, 24714, 374, 810, 1972, 1109, 198, 576, 49216, 10267, 279, 41463, 315, 279, 16420, 379, 5916, 499, 279, 1648, 279, 3217, 198, 83, 34170, 499, 13, 29508, 30666, 369, 264, 4545, 477, 1403, 11, 27027, 17693, 1603, 499, 198, 456, 709, 323, 16063, 701, 1938, 16853, 97283, 1073, 24317, 662, 884, 54, 33362, 220, 21, 198, 17673, 43737, 3083, 42385, 72983, 198, 5063, 318, 1302, 315, 38673, 25, 423, 13279, 3444, 11, 423, 8671, 3444, 11, 8388, 329, 6151, 8, 37012, 6909, 3083, 3247, 622, 6934, 75231, 198, 12805, 499, 3974, 304, 279, 3177, 6724, 1174, 279, 11879, 311, 1505, 701, 837, 659, 198, 6716, 311, 459, 842, 13, 2030, 11, 505, 2500, 13356, 11, 2324, 706, 1120, 22088, 13, 578, 198, 306, 556, 3044, 315, 25768, 374, 927, 1174, 323, 502, 4917, 64947, 1825, 709, 627, 644, 25768, 11, 499, 17011, 1475, 220, 1938, 449, 3060, 5255, 11709, 13, 578, 28497, 198, 47928, 344, 811, 315, 12876, 323, 8850, 1051, 3596, 49124, 26, 422, 499, 1903, 264, 5076, 198, 12008, 11, 2574, 1436, 6847, 12903, 704, 315, 2585, 13, 2468, 279, 1633, 3325, 11, 5127, 529, 274, 198, 14789, 574, 85305, 291, 555, 279, 50235, 19163, 315, 6784, 323, 56868, 282, 4776, 627, 791, 1566, 2380, 49695, 315, 38673, 527, 29329, 311, 279, 10728, 2324, 430, 9221, 198, 10236, 3131, 499, 617, 1766, 701, 837, 659, 13, 358, 690, 4322, 682, 2380, 49695, 345, 5391, 439, 294, 13279, 3444, 1174, 294, 8671, 3444, 1174, 323, 10167, 329, 6151, 1174, 439, 832, 11, 1606, 814, 527, 198, 396, 7253, 11096, 662, 57074, 3871, 1174, 814, 3493, 264, 2472, 315, 2324, 304, 421, 17648, 434, 627, 4959, 48694, 6209, 264, 5995, 2449, 422, 499, 1390, 311, 1505, 31426, 4619, 315, 198, 325, 36235, 627, 35, 13279, 3444, 20682, 499, 311, 2343, 6666, 779, 46473, 430, 4205, 198, 4919, 387, 3967, 627, 35, 8671, 3444, 20682, 499, 311, 74809, 682, 32116, 311, 3217, 198, 90447, 25917, 627, 24903, 329, 6151, 20682, 499, 311, 5662, 19662, 323, 19662, 5990, 315, 198, 20111, 2136, 627, 1688, 1176, 34522, 11, 420, 490, 13797, 10578, 8278, 323, 1023, 14957, 398, 662, 763, 198, 30115, 1316, 2324, 584, 1541, 1431, 1781, 304, 1778, 3878, 11, 1694, 25366, 449, 264, 6926, 198, 4116, 315, 11555, 11, 16024, 11, 72597, 11, 323, 32097, 13, 1472, 1541, 1431, 1205, 311, 198, 8154, 2752, 279, 79236, 315, 10748, 17985, 13, 2030, 279, 3177, 374, 4400, 719, 198, 52833, 17985, 323, 1694, 3025, 311, 21546, 433, 16264, 279, 13336, 315, 198, 20531, 18709, 11, 439, 584, 4805, 1518, 304, 420, 1620, 2046, 627, 22053, 34212, 791, 8922, 198, 11382, 555, 50494, 40916, 3432, 529, 274, 7057, 512, 5159, 2324, 42242, 505, 10748, 17985, 627, 5159], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": "7. - On Vacation \n \nIf you suffer from hay fever, then you will be readily aware that the types of pollens produced differ from region to region, and \nfrom country to country. And it is possible that you yourself may notice asthmatic and allergy symptoms if you travel to a very \ndifferent environment. This is especially likely for those with a history of hay fever. Your bodies' immune system may well n eed \nto adjust to coping in a different country, or region. Please be ar this in mind when you travel. \n \nSo long as you keep ingesting regular amounts of vitamin B17 in your diet, you should find that after just a few days or so, your \nbody readjusts to its new environment and different pollens. Any wheezy ness, sniffing, nose blowing, itchy skin and so forth \nshould die away, leaving you back to normal and symptoms free (having completed my program in chapter 3). And if you holiday \nback to the same destination again next year, in all likelihood you will have little to no adjust ment problems second time around. \n \nNonetheless, to assist in combating the risk of an onset of asthmatic/allergy symptoms when on vacation I have at times used a \nsimple breathing technique. \n \nThe technique takes about ten minutes and I perform it once dail y, four or five days before travelling, if I am going somewhere I \nhave not been before with lush flowers etc. That's the only time I do such exercises. They are very simple. I simply hold my breath \nfor approximately forty to fifty seconds (or whatever is c omfortable), and then breathe normally for about twenty seconds. Then I \nhold my breath again for another forty to fifty seconds, and then breathe normally again for about twenty seconds, and so on... \n \nAfter ten lots of holding my breath for forty to fifty seconds with twenty seconds of normal breathing intervals the exercise is \ncomplete. \nReading this now, many of you may think, no way will I ever be able to hold my breathe for forty or fifty seconds. However, y ou \nhaven't completed my program in chapter 3 yet, and experienced significant improvements in your asthma and allergies, which I \nam expecting of you! By the way even if after completing the B17 program in chapter 3, you still might have difficulty in hol ding \nyour breathe for forty or fifty seconds, b ut do not worry. Simply hold your breathe for a length of time that is comfortable for you, \neven if it is only ten or fifteen seconds. With practice you will find yourself getting better at this technique. Never hold your breath \nfor a length of time that m akes you feel uncomfortable, always use your common sense. \n \nI have simply included this breathing exercise for those of you that travel to various parts of the world. Many of you may ne ver \nfeel the need to try it. But I'm simply bringing it to your attenti on, as it can help smooth out any adjustment period. I strongly \nrecommend you take your normal medication with you for your asthma and allergies when travelling! You never want to be caught \noff guard. The same is advisable at home too. Keep your normal med icine at hand, wherever you go, as this provides peace of \nmind. \n \nChapter 8. - Dealing With Success \n \nWhen you find these techniques, as described in chapter 3 working, with your asthmatic condition and allergy symptoms on the \nretreat, it may take you a while to fully register what is going on. This is only natural. You will want to make sure that it is really \nhappening. And week after week your condition, I believe, will continue to improve. \n \nAs time goes by you will become more and more accustomed to dealing with a new sensation of being. Change takes time to get \nused to. You've probably been suffering f rom asthma and allergies for years, perhaps even decades. Of course it will take time for \nyou to get used to not having to deal with your old symptoms. It takes time also to learn to believe that nature really has i ts \nremedies there at hand, for us to use. \n \nBy the way, if you ever run short of apricot seeds, then don't forget you can eat prune/peach/nectarine/cherry/plum/apple see ds, or \nbitter almonds/macadamia nuts, lentils, butter beans and so on...to provide you with vitamin B17. You could even make your own \nbread using millet grain and or adding linseed if you like. \n \nWhat is contained within our diets has changed so much over the last sixty years or so. Just adding vitamin B17 back into you r diet \non a regular basis, and I hope honey too, brings you that much closer to nature! \n \nYou may find yourself benefiting in other ways from taking vitamin B17 in your diet. Myself, and others have commented how \nlife seems less stressful. \nI would just like to point out here that, if your asthma and allergies do totall y disappear as a result of this program (and I really \nhope they do), you have shown a susceptibility to asthma and/or allergies. Thus, if at some stage in the future you stop taki ng the \nB17 rich food your body requires, for a prolonged period of time, your asthma and/or allergies could return. \n \nIt is also worth you being well aware that vitamin B17 is also an alternative therapy for healing cancer. There are various c linics \nthat report extremely high success rates, treating all forms of cancers; with B17 a vitally important component of their cancer \nremedies. Cancer it seems may also be strongly linked to a lack of vitamin B17 within ones' diet! \n \nIf you know of anyone with any form of cancer I recommend that they take a look at the website www.1cure4cancer.c om as soon \nas possible! \n \nLook after yourselves, and best wishes. \n \nGraeme \n \nIf you wish to e -mail me to let me know how you get along I would be pleased to hear from you. Unfortunately I cannot promise a \nreply if I get completely over -run by e -mails. \n \nThis b ooklet is based solely upon my own opinion; others may choose to disagree as they so wish. Various sources were consulted \nin the writing of this booklet. The book,' World Without Cancer' by G. Edward Griffin, and statistics from Asthma in America a \nlandmar k survey, were also consulted. \n \nThis site is protected by copyright. This booklet cannot be distributed or copied in whole or in part without the express per mission \nof the author. \n \nCopyright: 2001 Natural Asthma & Allergies Cure.com. All rights reserved. \n \n<|eot_id|><|begin_of_text|> \nDr. Stanley S. Bass: \nSuper Nutrition and Superior Health \nThis is the print -friendly pdf -format version of www.drbass.com . \n(The website is continually updated, so it is a good idea to revisit now and then, to refresh this file, and download \n.) other free files. Example: a new free booklet \nREMARKABLE RECOVERIES - April 2003 \nWhat is the ultimate nutrition for no disease, optimal health and a long life?? What is \ndrug -free natural healing? What is the secret to having lots of energy? \nDr. Bass has 60+ years experience with drug -free healing \nWelcome to my website! \nSince the 1940's I have been a Natural Hygienist according to Dr. Gian -Cursio's standards. \nI've been my own doctor all my life, except for accidents and emergency care, which were rare. \nI met Dr. Shelton, wrote articles for him for years, and I know Dr. Esser, Dr. Benesh, Dr. Burton, Dr. Scott, Dr. \nGehman and the oldtimers in Natural Hygiene. \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \nDr. Stanley S. Bass in 2002 \n \n \nNOTE: Dr. Stanley S. Bass does NOT endorse any products, and does NOT approve of drugs or herbs or any so -called \n\"cure\" of any kind. \nDr. Bass has instead worked tirelessly to teach how we can help our bodies heal themselves WITHOUT drugs or \"cures\", which \nonly delay and hinder any natural healing. \nPlease report any usage of Dr. Bass' articles for promotion of products to webmaster@drbass.com, thanks. \nAll articles by Stanley S. Bass - copyright\u00a9Stanley S. Bass \n \nHow you can use the articles: \nIf you are sick, read: If you are trying to lose weight, read: \nHow Diseases are Cured 32 (about low -carb diets as the correct strategy:) \nThe High -Carbohydrate Diet and Related Health Problems 92 The Time -factor in \nRecovery 38 \nInsulin's Met abolic Effects (Why eat less carbohydrates?) 98 How Important is \nDiagnosis? 17 \nHow to Live 100 Years 22 (about overcoming the physical \u2018sugar\u2019 craving:) \nCauses of Addiction to Habits 24 What Symptoms to Exp ect when Improving \nYour Diet 5 \nWhat Symptoms to Expect when Improving Your Diet 5 My First Water Fast 4 \n (about the emotional battle:) \nAttentive Eating 13 If you have a hard time changing habits, read: \nHow to Overcome Temptations 27 Causes of Addiction to Habits 24 \nEnergy, Feeling and Thought 31 The Power of Habit Explained 33 \nHow", "token_ids": [22, 13, 482, 1952, 70251, 2355, 720, 2746, 499, 7831, 505, 18137, 34653, 11, 1243, 499, 690, 387, 31368, 8010, 430, 279, 4595, 315, 7230, 729, 9124, 1782, 505, 5654, 311, 5654, 11, 220, 323, 720, 1527, 3224, 311, 3224, 13, 1628, 433, 374, 3284, 430, 499, 6261, 1253, 220, 5406, 12025, 35401, 780, 323, 60754, 13803, 422, 499, 5944, 311, 264, 1633, 720, 64750, 4676, 13, 1115, 374, 5423, 4461, 369, 1884, 449, 264, 3925, 315, 18137, 34653, 13, 4718, 13162, 6, 22852, 1887, 1253, 1664, 308, 384, 291, 720, 998, 7652, 311, 63082, 304, 264, 2204, 3224, 11, 477, 5654, 13, 5321, 387, 802, 420, 304, 4059, 994, 499, 5944, 13, 2355, 720, 4516, 1317, 439, 499, 2567, 6892, 60955, 5912, 15055, 315, 28170, 426, 1114, 304, 701, 10173, 11, 499, 1288, 1505, 430, 1306, 1120, 264, 2478, 2919, 477, 779, 11, 701, 720, 2664, 1373, 4345, 82, 311, 1202, 502, 4676, 323, 2204, 7230, 729, 13, 5884, 15240, 68, 4341, 86496, 11, 58387, 287, 11, 19689, 220, 41442, 11, 433, 59064, 6930, 323, 779, 13544, 720, 5562, 2815, 3201, 11, 9564, 499, 1203, 311, 4725, 323, 13803, 1949, 320, 69666, 8308, 856, 2068, 304, 12735, 220, 18, 570, 1628, 422, 499, 13560, 720, 1445, 311, 279, 1890, 9284, 1578, 1828, 1060, 11, 304, 682, 29736, 499, 690, 617, 2697, 311, 912, 7652, 11540, 5435, 2132, 892, 2212, 13, 2355, 720, 8284, 27163, 11, 311, 7945, 304, 96178, 279, 5326, 315, 459, 42080, 315, 12025, 35401, 780, 32506, 43043, 13803, 994, 389, 20769, 358, 617, 520, 3115, 1511, 264, 720, 23796, 27027, 15105, 13, 2355, 720, 791, 15105, 5097, 922, 5899, 4520, 323, 358, 2804, 433, 3131, 294, 607, 379, 11, 3116, 477, 4330, 2919, 1603, 31829, 11, 422, 358, 1097, 2133, 15038, 358, 720, 19553, 539, 1027, 1603, 449, 58367, 19837, 5099, 13, 3011, 596, 279, 1193, 892, 358, 656, 1778, 23783, 13, 2435, 527, 1633, 4382, 13, 358, 5042, 3412, 856, 11745, 720, 2000, 13489, 36498, 311, 33517, 6622, 320, 269, 8996, 374, 272, 8019, 4057, 481, 705, 323, 1243, 37397, 14614, 369, 922, 17510, 6622, 13, 5112, 358, 720, 6416, 856, 11745, 1578, 369, 2500, 36498, 311, 33517, 6622, 11, 323, 1243, 37397, 14614, 1578, 369, 922, 17510, 6622, 11, 323, 779, 389, 13, 5354, 2355, 720, 6153, 5899, 10283, 315, 10168, 856, 11745, 369, 36498, 311, 33517, 220, 6622, 449, 17510, 6622, 315, 4725, 27027, 28090, 279, 10368, 374, 720, 15079, 13, 2355, 32999, 420, 1457, 11, 1690, 315, 499, 1253, 1781, 11, 912, 1648, 690, 358, 3596, 387, 3025, 311, 3412, 856, 37397, 369, 36498, 477, 33517, 6622, 13, 4452, 11, 379, 6033, 720, 72012, 956, 8308, 856, 2068, 304, 12735, 220, 18, 3686, 11, 323, 10534, 5199, 18637, 304, 701, 51643, 323, 58742, 11, 902, 358, 720, 309, 23132, 315, 499, 0, 3296, 279, 1648, 1524, 422, 1306, 27666, 279, 426, 1114, 2068, 304, 12735, 220, 18, 11, 499, 2103, 2643, 617, 17250, 304, 24429, 67542, 720, 22479, 37397, 369, 36498, 477, 33517, 6622, 11, 293, 8791, 656, 539, 11196, 13, 29524, 3412, 701, 37397, 369, 264, 3160, 315, 892, 430, 374, 10882, 369, 499, 11, 720, 17206, 422, 433, 374, 1193, 5899, 477, 37755, 6622, 13, 3161, 6725, 499, 690, 1505, 6261, 3794, 2731, 520, 420, 15105, 13, 15037, 3412, 701, 11745, 720, 2000, 264, 3160, 315, 892, 430, 296, 264, 12841, 499, 2733, 29213, 11, 2744, 1005, 701, 4279, 5647, 13, 2355, 720, 40, 617, 5042, 5343, 420, 27027, 10368, 369, 1884, 315, 499, 430, 5944, 311, 5370, 5596, 315, 279, 1917, 13, 9176, 315, 499, 1253, 841, 2807, 720, 57676, 279, 1205, 311, 1456, 433, 13, 2030, 358, 2846, 5042, 12967, 433, 311, 701, 1651, 23202, 389, 11, 439, 433, 649, 1520, 11113, 704, 904, 28174, 4261, 13, 358, 16917, 720, 67689, 499, 1935, 701, 4725, 24099, 449, 499, 369, 701, 51643, 323, 58742, 994, 31829, 0, 1472, 2646, 1390, 311, 387, 10791, 2355, 1885, 7771, 13, 578, 1890, 374, 69919, 520, 2162, 2288, 13, 13969, 701, 4725, 1812, 18385, 483, 520, 1450, 11, 28578, 499, 733, 11, 439, 420, 5825, 9096, 315, 720, 38824, 13, 2355, 720, 26072, 220, 23, 13, 482, 1611, 6260, 3161, 13346, 2355, 720, 4599, 499, 1505, 1521, 12823, 11, 439, 7633, 304, 12735, 220, 18, 3318, 11, 449, 701, 12025, 35401, 780, 3044, 323, 60754, 13803, 389, 279, 720, 2171, 1244, 11, 433, 1253, 1935, 499, 264, 1418, 311, 7373, 4254, 1148, 374, 2133, 389, 13, 1115, 374, 1193, 5933, 13, 1472, 690, 1390, 311, 1304, 2771, 430, 433, 220, 374, 2216, 720, 71, 680, 6147, 13, 1628, 2046, 1306, 2046, 701, 3044, 11, 358, 4510, 11, 690, 3136, 311, 7417, 13, 2355, 720, 2170, 892, 5900, 555, 499, 690, 3719, 810, 323, 810, 53184, 311, 14892, 449, 264, 502, 37392, 315, 1694, 13, 10604, 5097, 892, 311, 636, 720, 2656, 311, 13, 1472, 3077, 4762, 1027, 16066, 282, 10083, 51643, 323, 58742, 369, 1667, 11, 8530, 1524, 11026, 13, 5046, 3388, 433, 690, 1935, 892, 369, 720, 9514, 311, 636, 1511, 311, 539, 3515, 311, 3568, 449, 701, 2362, 13803, 13, 1102, 5097, 892, 1101, 311, 4048, 311, 4510, 430, 7138, 2216, 706, 602, 10814, 720, 1864, 291, 552, 1070, 520, 1450, 11, 369, 603, 311, 1005, 13, 2355, 720, 1383, 279, 1648, 11, 422, 499, 3596, 1629, 2875, 315, 21726, 87537, 19595, 11, 1243, 1541, 956, 10894, 499, 649, 8343, 80626, 14, 375, 613, 14, 2375, 75314, 21987, 5515, 11505, 372, 76703, 1518, 11729, 11, 477, 720, 65, 3328, 88922, 3262, 50957, 309, 689, 31049, 11, 48907, 8839, 11, 14432, 27994, 323, 779, 389, 1131, 998, 3493, 499, 449, 28170, 426, 1114, 13, 1472, 1436, 1524, 1304, 701, 220, 1866, 720, 48616, 1701, 112455, 24875, 323, 477, 7999, 10006, 23425, 422, 499, 1093, 13, 2355, 720, 3923, 374, 13282, 2949, 1057, 41943, 706, 5614, 779, 1790, 927, 279, 1566, 53474, 1667, 477, 779, 13, 4702, 7999, 28170, 426, 1114, 1203, 1139, 499, 436, 10173, 720, 263, 264, 5912, 8197, 11, 323, 358, 3987, 26828, 2288, 11, 12716, 499, 430, 220, 1790, 12401, 311, 7138, 0, 2355, 720, 2675, 1253, 1505, 6261, 84015, 304, 1023, 5627, 505, 4737, 28170, 426, 1114, 304, 701, 10173, 13, 3092, 726, 11, 323, 3885, 617, 29786, 1268, 720, 14789, 5084, 2753, 46883, 13, 2355, 40, 1053, 1120, 1093, 311, 1486, 704, 1618, 430, 11, 422, 701, 51643, 323, 58742, 656, 2458, 543, 379, 32153, 439, 264, 1121, 315, 420, 2068, 320, 438, 358, 2216, 720, 61893, 814, 656, 705, 499, 617, 6982, 264, 88636, 311, 51643, 323, 5255, 58742, 13, 14636, 11, 422, 520, 1063, 6566, 304, 279, 3938, 499, 3009, 259, 14966, 7933, 279, 720, 33, 1114, 9257, 3691, 701, 2547, 7612, 11, 369, 264, 44387, 4261, 315, 892, 11, 701, 220, 51643, 323, 5255, 58742, 1436, 471, 13, 2355, 720, 2181, 374, 1101, 5922, 499, 1694, 1664, 8010, 430, 28170, 426, 1114, 374, 1101, 459, 10778, 15419, 369, 21730, 9572, 13, 2684, 527, 5370, 272, 10006, 1233, 720, 9210, 1934, 9193, 1579, 2450, 7969, 11, 27723, 682, 7739, 315, 51423, 26, 449, 426, 1114, 264, 13458, 750, 3062, 3777, 315, 872, 9572, 720, 1864, 291, 552, 13, 26211, 433, 5084, 1253, 1101, 387, 16917, 10815, 311, 264, 6996, 315, 28170, 426, 1114, 2949, 6305, 6, 10173, 0, 2355, 720, 2746, 499, 1440, 315, 5606, 449, 904, 1376, 315, 9572, 358, 7079, 430, 814, 1935, 264, 1427, 520, 279, 3997, 8604, 13, 16, 66, 554, 19, 66, 11967, 522, 8019, 439, 5246, 720, 300, 3284, 0, 2355, 720, 10596, 1306, 58996, 11, 323, 1888, 25223, 13, 2355, 720, 38, 969, 3981, 2355, 720, 2746, 499, 6562, 311, 384, 482, 3796, 757, 311, 1095, 757, 1440, 1268, 499, 636, 3235, 358, 1053, 387, 18949, 311, 6865, 505, 499, 13, 19173, 358, 4250, 11471, 264, 720, 21710, 422, 358, 636, 6724, 927, 482, 6236, 555, 384, 482, 3796, 82, 13, 2355, 720, 2028, 293, 28579, 1169, 374, 3196, 21742, 5304, 856, 1866, 9647, 26, 3885, 1253, 5268, 311, 29395, 439, 814, 779, 6562, 13, 40741, 8336, 1051, 61302, 720, 258, 279, 4477, 315, 420, 74343, 13, 578, 2363, 2965, 4435, 17586, 26211, 6, 555, 480, 13, 22653, 41496, 11, 323, 13443, 505, 20717, 41453, 304, 5270, 264, 720, 1974, 5730, 597, 10795, 11, 1051, 1101, 61302, 13, 2355, 720, 2028, 2816, 374, 2682, 555, 7065, 13, 1115, 74343, 4250, 387, 4332, 477, 22523, 304, 4459, 477, 304, 961, 2085, 279, 3237, 824, 9131, 720, 1073, 279, 3229, 13, 2355, 720, 13857, 25, 220, 1049, 16, 18955, 20717, 41453, 612, 2052, 2431, 552, 70819, 916, 13, 2052, 3268, 4694, 13, 2355, 720, 128009, 128000, 720, 9023, 13, 31552, 328, 13, 37053, 25, 2355, 19841, 39700, 323, 42041, 6401, 2355, 2028, 374, 279, 1194, 482, 82630, 13072, 482, 2293, 2373, 315, 220, 8604, 962, 10910, 395, 916, 220, 662, 720, 83696, 3997, 374, 35611, 6177, 11, 779, 433, 374, 264, 1695, 4623, 311, 65878, 1457, 323, 1243, 11, 311, 10625, 420, 1052, 11, 323, 4232, 2355, 6266, 1023, 1949, 3626, 13, 13688, 25, 264, 502, 1949, 74343, 2355, 793, 24995, 3578, 3680, 69957, 5482, 256, 482, 220, 5936, 220, 1049, 18, 2355, 3923, 374, 279, 17139, 26677, 369, 912, 8624, 11, 23669, 2890, 323, 264, 1317, 2324, 7801, 3639, 374, 2355, 73821, 482, 10816, 5933, 21730, 30, 3639, 374, 279, 6367, 311, 3515, 10283, 315, 4907, 30, 2355, 9023, 13, 37053, 706, 220, 1399, 10, 1667, 3217, 449, 5623, 482, 10816, 21730, 2355, 14262, 311, 856, 3997, 0, 2355, 12834, 279, 220, 6393, 15, 596, 358, 617, 1027, 264, 18955, 10320, 88364, 380, 4184, 311, 2999, 13, 79704, 482, 34, 1759, 822, 596, 10886, 13, 2355, 40, 3077, 1027, 856, 1866, 10896, 682, 856, 2324, 11, 3734, 369, 33788, 323, 13147, 2512, 11, 902, 1051, 9024, 13, 2355, 40, 2322, 2999, 13, 37940, 783, 11, 6267, 9908, 369, 1461, 369, 1667, 11, 323, 358, 1440, 2999, 13, 13133, 261, 11, 2999, 13, 7505, 4385, 11, 2999, 13, 54755, 11, 2999, 13, 10016, 11, 2999, 13, 2355, 38, 2701, 1543, 323, 279, 2362, 20693, 388, 304, 18955, 10320, 43312, 13, 2355, 33006, 33006, 33006, 33006, 720, 9023, 13, 31552, 328, 13, 37053, 304, 220, 1049, 17, 2355, 33006, 28892, 25, 2999, 13, 31552, 328, 13, 37053, 1587, 4276, 19507, 904, 3956, 11, 323, 1587, 4276, 29251, 315, 11217, 477, 42393, 477, 904, 779, 482, 44982, 2355, 98046, 554, 1, 315, 904, 3169, 13, 2355, 9023, 13, 37053, 706, 4619, 6575, 99229, 311, 4639, 1268, 584, 649, 1520, 1057, 13162, 27661, 5694, 6135, 11217, 477, 330, 66, 1439, 498, 902, 2355, 3323, 7781, 323, 57780, 904, 5933, 21730, 13, 2355, 5618, 1934, 904, 10648, 315, 2999, 13, 37053, 6, 9908, 369, 20862, 315, 3956, 311, 3566, 13943, 31, 3696, 65, 395, 916, 11, 9523, 13, 2355, 2460, 9908, 555, 31552, 328, 13, 37053, 482, 220, 7065, 20644, 52059, 3258, 328, 13, 37053, 2355, 720, 4438, 499, 649, 1005, 279, 9908, 25, 2355, 2746, 499, 527, 14363, 11, 1373, 25, 15791, 1442, 499, 220, 527, 4560, 311, 9229, 4785, 11, 1373, 25, 2355, 4438, 70674, 527, 356, 3149, 220, 220, 843, 15791, 320, 9274, 3428, 482, 7063, 65, 41943, 439, 279, 4495, 8446, 29589, 2355, 791, 5234, 482, 9028, 34658, 349, 27304, 323, 25368, 6401, 45635, 220, 220, 6083, 578, 4212, 482, 38691, 304, 720, 697, 7601, 220, 220, 1987, 2355, 15841, 24292, 596, 6344, 671, 7918, 30246, 320, 10445, 8343, 2753, 62345, 10380, 256, 220, 3264, 2650, 44921, 374, 720, 22427, 50915, 30, 220, 220, 1114, 2355, 4438, 311, 11406, 220, 1041, 23116, 220, 220, 1313, 17712, 320, 9274, 74017, 279, 7106, 3451, 82, 8734, 529, 64804, 29589, 2355, 23389, 4881, 315, 79790, 311, 29976, 1220, 220, 220, 1187, 3639, 77417, 311, 7943, 77594, 994, 22728, 4504, 720, 7927, 27304, 220, 220, 20, 2355, 3923, 77417, 311, 33185, 994, 22728, 4504, 4718, 27304, 220, 220, 20, 3092, 5629, 10164, 17737, 220, 220, 19, 2355, 320, 9274, 279, 14604, 8209, 29589, 2355, 10673, 306, 535, 60638, 220, 220, 1032, 220, 1442, 499, 617, 264, 2653, 892, 10223, 26870, 11, 1373, 25, 2355, 4438, 311, 6193, 2063, 8817, 418, 811, 220, 220, 1544, 74105, 315, 79790, 311, 29976, 1220, 220, 220, 1187, 2355, 33775, 11, 74658, 323, 36287, 220, 220, 2148, 578, 7572, 315, 95178, 18491, 2692, 220, 220, 1644, 2355, 4438], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": "\tby\tscientific\tmethod.\tAs\tLynne\nMcTaggart,\tauthor\tof\tthe\t1996\tbook,\t\nWhat\tDoctors\tDon\u2019t\tTell\tYou,\t\nwrote:\t\u201cFor\nall\tthe\tattempts\tto\tcloak\tmedicine\tin\tthe\tweighty\tmantle\tof\tscience\u2014a\tgood\tdeal\nof\twhat\twe\tregard\tas\tstandard\tmedical\tpractice\ttoday\tamounts\tto\tlittle\tmore\tthan\n20th-century\tvoodoo.\u201d\nDoctors\tusually\thave\tlittle\tidea\twhat\tis\twrong\twith\ttheir\tpatients\tor\thow\tto\nmake\tthem\twell.\tAnd\thow\tcan\tone\tblame\tthem?\tThey\tspent\tmany\tyears\tin\nmedical\tschool,\tlearning\ttechnicalities,\tprocedures\tand\tprotocols,\tand\twere\ntaught\tthat\t\u201ccures\u201d\tmust\tcome\tfrom\toutside\tthe\tbody.\tThat\tis\twhy\tphysicians\nhave\tno\tfaith\tor\tinstruction\tabout\tthe\tnatural\tcapacity\tof\tthe\thuman\tbody\tto\theal\nitself.\tIn\tfact,\tmany\targue\tthat\talmost\tall\tconditions\tpresented\tto\tphysicians\tare\nself-limiting\tand\tspontaneously\tresolve\tby\tthe\tnatural\thealing\tprocess,\tregardless\nof\twhat\tthe\tphysician\thappens\tto\tprescribe.\nThis\tnatural\thealing\tprocess\tmust\tbecome\tour\tfocus,\tbecause\tthe\tmagnitude\tof\nsickness\tin\tthis\tcountry\tis\tastonishing.\tMore\tthan\tthree\tout\tof\tfour\tAmericans\nnow\tsuffer\tfrom\ta\tdiagnosable\tchronic\tdisease,\ta\tdilemma\tthat\tthe\tmodern\nmedical\testablishment\tnot\tonly\tfails\tto\tsolve,\tbut\tactually\tcontributes\tto.\tThings\nmust\tchange.\tIn\tMarch\t2001,\tThe\tInstitute\tof\tMedicine\tof\tthe\tNational\tAcademy\nof\tSciences\tissued\ta\treport\ttitled,\t\nCrossing\tthe\tQuality\tChasm:\tA\tNew\tHealth\nSystem\tfor\tthe\t21st\tCentury.\t\nAccording\tto\tthis\treport:\t\u201c.\t.\t.\tbetween\tthe\thealth\ncare\twe\tnow\thave\tand\tthe\thealth\tcare\twe\tcould\thave\tlies\tnot\tjust\ta\tgap,\tbut\ta\nchasm.\u201d\tThe\treport\talso\tsaid:\t\u201cHealth\tcare\tharms\tpatients\ttoo\tfrequently\tand\nroutinely\tfails\tto\tdeliver\tits\tpotential\tbenefits.\u201d\nThe\tUnited\tStates\thas\tthe\tmost\texpensive,\tyet\tone\tof\tthe\tmost\tinadequate\nhealth\tcare\tsystems\tin\tthe\tworld.\tOur\tinfant\tmortality\trate\tis\tworse\tthan\tCuba\u2019s.\nAccording\tto\tthe\tWorld\tHealth\tOrganization,\tour\toverall\thealth\tis\tworse\tthan\nthat\tof\talmost\tevery\tEuropean\tcountry,\tas\twell\tas\tAustralia,\tCanada,\tand\tIsrael.\nAccording\tto\tthe\tabove\tInstitute\tof\tMedicine\treport,\t\u201c.\t.\t.\ta\tfundamental,\nsweeping\tredesign\tof\tthe\tentire\thealth\tcare\tsystem\tis\trequired.\u201d\tThe\treport\tcited\nthat\t\u201c.\t.\t.\tthe\tnation\u2019s\thealth\tcare\tdelivery\tsystem\thas\tfallen\tshort\tin\tits\tability\tto\ntranslate\tknowledge\tinto\tpractice\tand\tto\tapply\tnew\ttechnology\tsafely\tandappropriately.\u201d\tIt\twent\ton\tto\tsay,\t\u201c.\t.\t.\tif\tthe\tsystem\tcannot\tconsistently\tdeliver\ntoday\u2019s\tscience\tand\ttechnology,\tit\tis\teven\tless\tprepared\tto\trespond\tto\tthe\nextraordinary\tadvances\tthat\tsurely\twill\temerge\tduring\tthe\tcoming\tdecades.\u201d\nWe\u2019ve\tspent\thundreds\tof\tbillions\tof\tmedical\tresearch\tdollars\ton\toutmoded\nscience,\twhich\texplains\twhy\twe\thave\tnot\tfound\tthe\tcause\tor\tthe\tcure\tfor\ta\tsingle\nchronic\tdisease.\tDecades\tafter\tPresident\tRichard\tNixon\tdeclared\t\u201cwar\ton\ncancer\u201d\tand\tafter\tcountless\tbillions\tof\tdollars\tspent,\tmalignancy\tsurvival\trates\nare\tnot\tnoticeably\timproved.\tWe\thave\tyet\tto\tproduce\ta\ttruly\teffective\tcancer\ntreatment;\tevery\tminute\tanother\tAmerican\tdies\tof\tcancer.\tThe\tsituation\tis\tsimilar\nwith\theart\tdisease.\tWe\tcan\timplant\ta\tnew\tartificial\theart\tsurgically,\tbut\twe\ncannot\tprevent\tor\tcure\theart\tdisease.\tWhy?\tBecause\tso\tfew\tresources\tare\ndevoted\tto\tstudy\tof\tthe\tbody\u2019s\thealing\tsystems\tor\tto\thelp\tpatients\tunderstand\nand\tsupport\ttheir\town\thealth\tat\tthe\tcellular\tlevel.\tReallocating\tresources\twith\nthese\tpriorities\tin\tmind\tis\tthe\tdirection\tmedicine\tmust\ttake\tif\tit\tis\tever\tto\tbe\neffective\tin\treversing\tour\tepidemic\tof\tchronic\tdisease.\nEveryone\tIs\tUnique\nInterested\tonly\tin\tidentifying\tsymptoms,\tphysicians\tdo\tnot\tlisten\tto\ttheir\npatients.\tPatients\tare\tregarded\tas\tmachines,\tsimilar\tto\tevery\tother\tmachine;\ndoctors\tneed\tnot\tlearn\tanything\tunique\tabout\tindividual\tpeople.\tA\tstudy\treported\nin\tthe\tDecember\t1993\tissue\tof\t\nInternal\tMedicine\tNews\t\nfound\tthat\t70\tpercent\tof\npatients\twere\tinterrupted\tby\ttheir\tdoctor\twithin\teighteen\tseconds\tafter\tthe\tpatient\nbegan\tto\tdescribe\ttheir\tsymptoms.\tAs\tsoon\tas\tthe\tdoctor\thas\tmatched\tsymptoms\nto\ta\tdisease,\ttreatments\tfollow\testablished\tprotocols.\tEveryone\twith\tthe\tsame\n\u201cdisease\u201d\treceives\tthe\tsame\ttreatment.\nSuch\tprocedures\tcompletely\tignore\tone\tof\tthe\tgreatest\tscientific\tdiscoveries\tof\nthe\ttwentieth\tcentury:\tbiochemical\tindividuality.\tTwo\tpeople\twith\tthe\tsame\tso-\ncalled\tdisease\tmay\tneed\tdifferent\ttreatments\tbecause\tno\ttwo\tpeople\u2019s\tcells\tare\nmalfunctioning\tfor\texactly\tthe\tsame\treasons.\tModern\tmedicine\tdoes\tnot\tteach\nphysicians\thow\tto\trecognize\tor\twork\twith\teach\tpatient\u2019s\tunique\tbiochemistry.\nEven\twhen\tpresented\twith\tscientific\tevidence\tthat\tan\talternative\tsystem\tworks\nbest,\tmost\tphysicians\tresist\tchange\tand\tfail\tto\tapply\tthese\tfindings.\tTheir\ndisease-based\tfocus\tinterferes\twith\tthe\tessence\tof\twhat\thealth\tcare\tshould\tbe:\tthe\noptimization\tof\thealth\tat\tthe\tcellular\tlevel\tbased\ton\ta\tperson\u2019s\tunique\nbiochemistry\tand\tlife\tcircumstances.\nResistant\tto\tChangeAdopting\ta\tmore\trational\tsystem\tof\tmedicine\twould\tresult\tin\tan\tenormous\nreduction\tin\thealth-care\tcosts\tby\teliminating\thundreds\tof\tthousands\tof\nphysicians\tand\tclosing\tthousands\tof\thospitals\t(not\tto\tmention\tthe\tpotential\nfinancial\truin\tof\tdrug\tcompanies).\tObviously,\tthe\teconomic\tincentive\tto\nmaintain\tthe\tstatus\tquo\tand\tnot\tchange\tis\tenormous.\tCurrently,\tcancer\tis\ta\nbillion-dollar-a-day\t\u201cindustry\u201d\tin\tthe\tUnited\tStates,\tand\tmore\tpeople\tare\nemployed\tin\tthe\tAIDS\tindustry\tthan\tthere\tare\tsufferers\tof\tAIDS.\nModern\tmedicine\u2019s\tefforts\tto\tprotect\tmoney\tand\tjobs\twere\tvividly\tdescribed\nand\tdocumented\tin\tthe\t2000\tbook\tby\tformer\tNew\tYork\tState\tLegislator,\tDaniel\nHaley,\t\nPolitics\tin\tHealing:\tThe\tSuppression\tand\tManipulation\tof\tAmerican\nMedicine.\t\nHaley\tpoints\tout\tthat\tin\tthe\ttwentieth\tcentury\tseveral\tinexpensive\tand\nhighly\teffective\tcures\tfor\tcancer\twere\tintroduced\tin\tAmerican\tmedicine.\tThe\ndevelopers\tof\tthese\tcures,\twell-meaning\tpeople,\twere\tnaive\tand\tbelieved\tthat\tthe\nworld\twould\twelcome\ta\tcancer\tcure.\tWhat\tthese\tpeople\u2014among\tothers,\tHarry\nHoxey,\tWilliam\tFrederick\tKoch,\tRoyal\tRaymond\tRife\tand\tDr.\tAndrew\tIvy\u2014all\nfailed\tto\tunderstand\tis\tthat\tsomeone\twho\tthreatens\tthe\tsurvival\tof\ta\tprospering\nand\tgrowing\tindustry\twith\tan\tinexpensive\tcure\twill\tnot\tbe\twelcomed.\tProven\nand\teffective\tcancer\tcures\twere\trepudiated\tand\tsuppressed\tby\tthe\tAmerican\nMedical\tAssociation\t(AMA)\tand\tthe\tU.S.\tFood\tand\tDrug\tAdministration\t(FDA).\nDiscoverers\tof\tthese\tcures\twere\tisolated,\tharassed,\tpersecuted,\tprosecuted,\nfinancially\truined\tand\tdestroyed,\tand\ttheir\ttreatments\tessentially\thave\tbeen\tlost.\nSome\tevents\tdescribed\tin\tHaley\u2019s\tbook\tare\tbizarre\tand\tare\thard\tto\tbelieve,\tyet\nthey\tare\tdocumented\tby\tevidence\tpresented\tat\tjury\ttrials\tand\trecorded", "token_ids": [197, 1729, 1942, 12575, 1104, 43357, 13, 197, 2170, 15420, 1910, 818, 198, 26353, 5786, 46346, 11, 197, 3170, 44323, 33188, 197, 2550, 21, 197, 2239, 11, 1602, 3923, 197, 96269, 197, 8161, 1431, 10473, 616, 197, 2675, 11, 1602, 86, 5646, 25, 197, 75550, 198, 543, 33188, 36547, 34372, 32809, 1470, 385, 587, 197, 83543, 17886, 33188, 197, 4870, 88, 2157, 519, 273, 44323, 31028, 1873, 29096, 3253, 1411, 197, 30739, 198, 1073, 197, 12840, 197, 906, 38113, 569, 61551, 197, 20885, 197, 69216, 26736, 34101, 3324, 6423, 197, 6173, 82, 32809, 8986, 2433, 2157, 461, 197, 54895, 198, 508, 339, 34457, 5306, 74501, 49216, 96269, 197, 44066, 9793, 525, 8986, 2433, 197, 42877, 197, 12840, 20501, 6831, 14684, 48048, 33188, 404, 3303, 266, 4167, 82266, 197, 5269, 32809, 198, 7072, 197, 49818, 6831, 616, 13, 197, 3112, 197, 5269, 94036, 197, 606, 97521, 373, 197, 49818, 30, 197, 7009, 42478, 306, 197, 35676, 197, 42820, 17886, 198, 69216, 1942, 2184, 11, 197, 21656, 197, 73237, 1385, 11, 197, 782, 54791, 53577, 197, 86512, 11, 53577, 6831, 486, 198, 2629, 3948, 64442, 197, 2118, 66, 1439, 863, 2157, 592, 1470, 638, 43827, 14294, 3002, 33188, 36502, 13, 197, 4897, 20501, 197, 35734, 197, 42305, 9818, 198, 19553, 73204, 1186, 64, 411, 82266, 17886, 3099, 197, 9274, 33188, 9215, 4688, 1470, 391, 4107, 44323, 33188, 9793, 7282, 36502, 32809, 197, 383, 278, 198, 275, 726, 13, 71267, 1186, 533, 11, 197, 35676, 49003, 361, 64442, 197, 60301, 52060, 197, 16902, 3303, 2762, 291, 32809, 197, 42305, 9818, 197, 548, 198, 726, 72259, 287, 53577, 42478, 546, 20933, 88878, 197, 1729, 33188, 9215, 4688, 197, 383, 6260, 54414, 11, 38113, 30920, 198, 1073, 197, 12840, 33188, 197, 42305, 12734, 9793, 680, 729, 32809, 3303, 417, 3191, 627, 2028, 9215, 4688, 197, 383, 6260, 54414, 2157, 592, 2282, 52521, 197, 414, 1186, 3466, 11, 2282, 6769, 33188, 2157, 35815, 44323, 198, 82, 26989, 17886, 2090, 1470, 5083, 20501, 89936, 263, 11218, 13, 197, 7816, 197, 54895, 197, 28956, 14294, 44323, 1186, 414, 23845, 2165, 598, 198, 3409, 1942, 2084, 43827, 11575, 2765, 72, 3326, 437, 481, 197, 7562, 292, 2765, 56407, 11, 11575, 2765, 458, 16274, 64442, 33188, 43328, 944, 198, 69216, 197, 34500, 479, 98366, 197, 3323, 1186, 6341, 32809, 1942, 4035, 11, 2282, 332, 197, 74128, 38303, 3688, 32809, 13, 197, 42575, 198, 25849, 69480, 13, 71267, 9391, 1132, 197, 1049, 16, 11, 33026, 71267, 7815, 44323, 9391, 92001, 44323, 33188, 18822, 1697, 197, 11916, 329, 4625, 198, 1073, 197, 3407, 12242, 197, 59326, 11575, 71031, 3324, 15621, 11, 1602, 29601, 287, 33188, 17428, 10965, 197, 1163, 10753, 25, 23845, 197, 3648, 197, 14884, 198, 2374, 2066, 33188, 197, 1691, 267, 6391, 306, 3431, 13, 1602, 11439, 32809, 2090, 71031, 25, 197, 77284, 197, 13, 197, 13, 2282, 10259, 33188, 197, 12393, 198, 10727, 197, 906, 82022, 9793, 525, 53577, 33188, 197, 12393, 1470, 548, 197, 906, 1470, 619, 9793, 525, 8986, 552, 98366, 197, 4345, 11575, 3253, 391, 11, 2282, 332, 11575, 198, 331, 10753, 2029, 33026, 71031, 197, 19171, 1942, 3864, 25, 197, 2118, 14884, 1470, 548, 9793, 16293, 3303, 266, 4167, 32809, 78, 1186, 70941, 53577, 198, 81, 412, 22870, 1186, 6341, 32809, 70609, 1553, 197, 1220, 3303, 354, 2335, 2282, 51565, 1220, 49216, 791, 197, 23175, 197, 24137, 64355, 33188, 2157, 537, 49658, 4114, 11, 14862, 295, 197, 606, 44323, 33188, 2157, 537, 17886, 1037, 19684, 198, 12393, 1470, 548, 41393, 82, 17886, 33188, 77608, 13, 197, 8140, 197, 13885, 519, 2157, 76052, 7145, 349, 20501, 6831, 11073, 197, 54895, 6391, 31529, 753, 627, 11439, 32809, 33188, 197, 10343, 197, 14884, 197, 42674, 11, 197, 414, 197, 75555, 197, 12393, 20501, 6831, 11073, 197, 54895, 198, 9210, 44323, 197, 60301, 7883, 1225, 23626, 74387, 1470, 5083, 11, 61551, 6831, 616, 61551, 23845, 29139, 11, 6391, 276, 2649, 11, 53577, 197, 34627, 627, 11439, 32809, 33188, 197, 49532, 71267, 7815, 44323, 9391, 92001, 71031, 11, 197, 77284, 197, 13, 197, 13, 11575, 1186, 1263, 44186, 345, 82, 49642, 287, 197, 1171, 14312, 44323, 33188, 78755, 556, 197, 12393, 1470, 548, 41393, 20501, 59283, 2029, 33026, 71031, 1470, 1639, 198, 9210, 197, 77284, 197, 13, 197, 13, 33188, 9215, 367, 753, 197, 12393, 1470, 548, 70609, 6633, 41393, 64355, 1186, 58401, 49081, 17886, 197, 1220, 197, 2968, 32809, 198, 14372, 16868, 52286, 2129, 78, 26736, 34101, 53577, 32809, 197, 10492, 8808, 197, 59342, 1942, 2642, 989, 53577, 76571, 2718, 2029, 62635, 6831, 306, 25653, 32809, 1942, 352, 11, 197, 77284, 197, 13, 197, 13, 748, 33188, 41393, 1470, 3483, 197, 6387, 380, 4501, 70609, 1553, 198, 31213, 753, 31028, 1873, 53577, 197, 59342, 11, 24263, 20501, 7883, 1055, 197, 1752, 41446, 7360, 32809, 197, 6961, 32809, 33188, 198, 15824, 21707, 197, 14625, 3095, 64442, 1942, 554, 398, 6831, 484, 67304, 10286, 2765, 1711, 33188, 197, 5065, 197, 8332, 3536, 49216, 1687, 4070, 42478, 306, 9793, 46813, 44323, 2282, 91387, 44323, 197, 69216, 17643, 1874, 2765, 980, 1590, 25653, 14294, 2658, 291, 198, 40657, 11, 197, 8370, 8285, 501, 1771, 197, 35734, 197, 906, 9793, 525, 98366, 59202, 33188, 197, 1593, 82266, 33188, 1470, 554, 2066, 11575, 1942, 2222, 198, 7562, 292, 2765, 56407, 13, 197, 5005, 3536, 197, 10924, 10230, 40631, 11391, 718, 569, 18822, 29572, 197, 10210, 1636, 197, 2118, 11710, 25653, 198, 66, 11967, 863, 53577, 197, 10924, 18523, 1752, 2282, 91387, 44323, 2765, 980, 1590, 42478, 306, 11, 2157, 6750, 6709, 1942, 97860, 4023, 7145, 988, 198, 548, 98366, 197, 24467, 2915, 55992, 96608, 13, 197, 1687, 9793, 525, 14862, 295, 32809, 197, 98374, 11575, 26665, 3988, 7883, 40784, 1470, 11967, 198, 83, 35320, 26, 7883, 1225, 26388, 1088, 197, 43063, 23845, 16093, 2765, 552, 44323, 1470, 11967, 13, 33026, 1942, 275, 4090, 20501, 1942, 79962, 198, 4291, 197, 18207, 2765, 56407, 13, 197, 1687, 94036, 197, 6517, 519, 11575, 8808, 197, 472, 16895, 197, 18207, 1942, 5673, 2740, 11, 2282, 332, 197, 906, 198, 34360, 41446, 688, 82266, 1470, 554, 197, 18207, 2765, 56407, 13, 197, 10445, 30, 13083, 6769, 197, 708, 1186, 365, 10413, 2415, 197, 548, 198, 3667, 9437, 32809, 18895, 18339, 44323, 33188, 36502, 753, 197, 383, 6260, 41393, 82, 82266, 32809, 88740, 3303, 266, 4167, 197, 8154, 2752, 198, 438, 1942, 2870, 33188, 404, 197, 785, 197, 12393, 36547, 33188, 47087, 1299, 54843, 13, 197, 697, 4847, 1113, 10413, 2415, 48048, 198, 45010, 3303, 3334, 1385, 17886, 2157, 485, 20501, 33188, 83572, 197, 83543, 2157, 592, 3324, 731, 748, 24263, 20501, 197, 2099, 32809, 74242, 198, 78995, 17886, 17643, 3078, 287, 197, 414, 97726, 307, 8274, 44323, 197, 7562, 292, 2765, 56407, 627, 34124, 197, 3957, 197, 23657, 198, 84152, 197, 3323, 17886, 197, 1748, 7922, 1942, 1631, 52273, 11, 197, 42305, 9818, 20530, 98366, 14779, 268, 32809, 33188, 404, 198, 81437, 13, 10230, 266, 4167, 197, 548, 38113, 21632, 61551, 2157, 71242, 11, 1942, 79962, 32809, 7883, 1225, 197, 1605, 2157, 3899, 280, 3055, 12816, 197, 17483, 98366, 197, 12964, 197, 73254, 197, 9782, 197, 9274, 197, 55977, 197, 16455, 13, 23845, 18895, 18339, 71031, 291, 198, 258, 33188, 197, 33246, 197, 2550, 18, 197, 11407, 44323, 1602, 11830, 9391, 92001, 197, 14710, 1602, 15456, 64442, 197, 2031, 197, 25426, 44323, 198, 81437, 6831, 486, 2129, 81953, 197, 1729, 33188, 404, 20530, 5009, 48048, 258, 7883, 492, 15258, 197, 17859, 197, 10924, 33188, 3303, 16794, 198, 65, 16133, 32809, 83960, 33188, 404, 1942, 1631, 52273, 13, 197, 2170, 197, 67156, 61551, 33188, 20530, 5009, 64355, 2157, 35344, 1942, 1631, 52273, 198, 998, 11575, 2765, 56407, 11, 3324, 1244, 1392, 1186, 1573, 197, 34500, 291, 197, 86512, 13, 197, 34124, 48048, 33188, 1942, 373, 198, 2118, 67, 56407, 863, 17643, 346, 1924, 33188, 1942, 373, 3324, 35320, 627, 21365, 197, 782, 54791, 33910, 50268, 197, 13431, 197, 606, 44323, 33188, 3253, 11423, 1942, 12575, 1104, 35697, 3773, 552, 44323, 198, 1820, 3324, 86, 52231, 197, 1189, 3431, 25, 2282, 822, 32056, 197, 55977, 488, 13, 10473, 1146, 197, 16455, 48048, 33188, 1942, 373, 197, 708, 7058, 44982, 2765, 56407, 2157, 352, 197, 17483, 2765, 18780, 3324, 1244, 1392, 2282, 6769, 73204, 3324, 1146, 197, 16455, 753, 1470, 6572, 197, 548, 198, 14991, 1723, 287, 2066, 8285, 33839, 33188, 1942, 373, 17643, 99949, 13, 197, 49552, 197, 83543, 2765, 7217, 98366, 197, 668, 613, 198, 42305, 9818, 197, 5269, 32809, 197, 34551, 553, 82266, 98138, 48048, 7883, 613, 3303, 16794, 753, 197, 9782, 2282, 822, 52755, 627, 13461, 61280, 3303, 2762, 291, 48048, 1942, 12575, 1104, 7883, 28580, 64442, 80557, 197, 78095, 41393, 197, 19033, 198, 16241, 11, 2157, 537, 197, 42305, 9818, 10413, 380, 69480, 53577, 64152, 32809, 197, 10492, 197, 45010, 81703, 826, 13, 33026, 404, 198, 67, 56407, 6108, 1186, 3466, 60015, 809, 288, 48048, 33188, 197, 434, 768, 44323, 197, 12840, 197, 12393, 1470, 548, 197, 5562, 74242, 25, 33188, 198, 19680, 2065, 44323, 197, 12393, 36547, 33188, 47087, 1299, 54843, 2282, 1503, 25653, 11575, 99905, 753, 197, 9782, 198, 38423, 52755, 53577, 8986, 1643, 1470, 2496, 372, 9623, 627, 1079, 11451, 32809, 197, 4164, 2654, 2985, 287, 11575, 2157, 461, 7145, 1697, 41393, 44323, 197, 83543, 6831, 619, 9753, 17886, 80557, 82948, 494, 788, 198, 265, 23985, 17886, 197, 12393, 41206, 1470, 537, 82, 197, 1729, 197, 40895, 16252, 9793, 46813, 44323, 71579, 40137, 44323, 198, 42305, 9818, 53577, 1470, 18310, 71579, 40137, 44323, 9793, 4890, 16664, 197, 25804, 32809, 197, 30348, 33188, 3303, 354, 2335, 198, 76087, 197, 2739, 258, 44323, 2765, 73047, 33910, 17443, 570, 197, 49314, 11, 33188, 7883, 32107, 17886, 1189, 535, 32809, 198, 67913, 467, 33188, 24787, 197, 27610, 53577, 98366, 69480, 20501, 82948, 494, 788, 13, 197, 34814, 11, 1470, 11967, 20501, 11575, 198, 65, 15068, 54135, 7561, 11477, 197, 2118, 71864, 863, 17886, 33188, 197, 23175, 197, 24137, 11, 53577, 2157, 461, 197, 16455, 197, 548, 198, 36242, 17886, 33188, 23845, 26696, 197, 71864, 197, 54895, 197, 19041, 197, 548, 1942, 2084, 388, 44323, 23845, 26696, 627, 49552, 197, 83543, 753, 197, 6581, 19491, 32809, 197, 47079, 2157, 2596, 53577, 12710, 5598, 6831, 486, 5306, 65023, 398, 54012, 17890, 198, 438, 17928, 291, 17886, 33188, 197, 1049, 15, 197, 2239, 197, 1729, 197, 35627, 197, 3648, 66422, 672, 77524, 15420, 91067, 22582, 11, 11198, 12315, 198, 39, 43027, 11, 1602, 97036, 17886, 197, 1548, 6260, 25, 33026, 7721, 455, 4099, 53577, 197, 93976, 2987, 44323, 23845, 16093, 198, 13613, 55103, 13, 1602, 39, 43027, 68599, 14294, 64442, 17886, 33188, 3324, 86, 52231, 197, 1189, 3431, 85786, 17998, 17886, 4683, 4114, 53577, 198, 12156, 398, 7883, 40784, 1470, 1439, 2066, 1470, 11967, 6831, 486, 2129, 30317, 17886, 23845, 16093, 197, 83543, 13, 33026, 198, 65405, 44323, 197, 45010, 1470, 1439, 11, 6831, 616, 84096, 287, 197, 16455, 11, 6831, 486, 197, 3458, 535, 53577, 2282, 301, 32077, 64442, 33188, 198, 14957, 6831, 619, 6831, 5836, 11575, 1470, 11967, 1470, 554, 13, 197, 3923, 197, 45010, 197, 16455, 2345, 77405, 23021, 3058, 11, 13595, 11687, 198, 39, 5241, 1216, 11, 197, 45887, 13017, 265, 1126, 875, 40440, 5059, 11, 11391, 48202, 11391, 352, 12669, 11391, 1643, 53577, 197, 9023, 13, 197, 41598, 25494, 14029, 87247, 198, 16479, 32809, 197, 8154, 2752, 20501, 64442, 1942, 638, 606, 197, 14965, 71579, 1244, 729, 33188, 1942, 97860, 4023, 44323, 11575, 197, 782, 82, 61818, 198, 438, 3253, 25156, 197, 71864, 48048, 80557, 17886, 4683, 4114, 1470, 554, 6831, 484, 98366, 74242, 6831, 301, 31090, 13, 197, 1360, 1055, 198, 438, 7883, 40784, 1470, 11967, 1470, 1439, 6831, 486, 74831, 664, 10234, 53577, 1942, 455, 14655, 197, 1729, 33188, 23845, 16093, 198, 53654, 197, 64561, 197, 7, 39200, 8, 53577, 33188, 16360, 815, 13, 13017, 1411, 53577, 197, 78893, 197, 96443, 197, 7988, 6486, 4390, 51102, 388, 44323, 197, 45010, 1470, 1439, 6831, 486, 20501, 81619, 11, 9793, 277, 60104, 11, 197, 716, 5132, 2844, 11, 197, 782, 5132, 2844, 345, 76087, 398, 197, 2739, 1619, 53577, 197, 15886, 291, 11, 53577, 33188, 404, 3324, 1244, 1392, 197, 434, 31668, 9793, 525, 74242, 268, 197, 55437, 627, 8538, 91973, 54012, 17890, 17886, 13595, 43027, 753, 197, 2239, 197, 548, 2282, 30582, 53577, 197, 548, 9793, 569, 32809, 2282, 301, 19704, 11, 14862, 295, 198, 20670, 197, 548, 17928, 291, 197, 1729, 7883, 28580, 3303, 2762, 291, 36547, 12710, 3431, 26665, 10522, 53577, 73052, 291], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": "cured in 2 to 4 days. Practice until the original strength, freshness, calm sleep, good appetite and\ngood remembrance is back again\u201d.\nAre there any adverse reactions with OP?\nDr Karach said: \u201csome people in whom various illnesses are simultaneously manifest, an\napparent worsening of condition is possible. This is due to primary infection first being depleted,\ncausing secondary infections to dominate temporarily. After a few days secondary infection will\ndisappear while another may be stimulated into activity. Such symptoms are usually apparent in\npersons suffering from chronic or terminal illnesses. Under these circumstances Dr Karach\nrecommends that the affected person steadfastly continues the treatment even if fevers are\ninitiated. Dr Karach maintains just when these symptoms appear the oil treatment will facilitate\nrapid healing. Should the treatment be broken for one reason or another the overall effects will be\nslowed down. For these reasons Dr Karach maintains that an apparent worsening of health is an\nexcellent sign that disease is progressively being removed from the body\u201d.\nExamples : To cite examples: - (a) Itching of the skin during infection and inflammation of an\ninjury or wound and the same itching may be present in an aggravated manner during cure of the\nwound/injury. (b) A bone breaks due to an accident. The pain at the time of setting is more severe\nand also during the process of healing.\nAdvice on how to deal with healing reactions\n\u2022 Do OP as usual or increase to two or three times a day or even stop for a few days\ndepending on the severity and your reaction.\n\u2022 Take medicine under the advice of a doctor for a minimum period, for relief and continue\nOP after the reactions is over.\n\u2022 It is not necessary that there will be healing reactions for all cases. Most of the cases are\nchronic and the patient has been suffering for long and possibly under treatment. Healing\nreaction appears more severe and one gets the feeling that disease is aggravating. At\nsuch time one is inclined to stop OP, do not stop but continue OP. This is a sure sign\nbefore cure. Recognize it as a reaction and continue OP and you will be cured with in a\nshort time and you will know the state of disease free health which makes you happy.\nSample testimonies of different disease cured\nThere are many testimonies of disease cured from different people, differing in age, sex and\nduration of disease. More examples are given in my book \u201cOil Pulling \u2013 A Universal Remedy\u201d.\nSample testimonies of chronic diseases cured are appended below for showing the curative effect\nof OP.\nForty five year old Asthma and Allergy cured\nI am 56 years old. I have been suffering from allergy and asthma from the age of 11 years\nwhen I had my first menses. Whenever I had head bath after monthly periods I was\nsuffering from asthma, cough and phlegm. It was very severe. This was lasting for about 3-4\ndays every month. In addition whenever I had head bath I used to suffer from the same type of\nallergy. I had tried all types of treatment for 45 years to get rid of this but without any success. I\nwas spending my life with medicines but without cure. They had even diagnosed as a heart\nproblem. I had lost hope of living. Life seamed a big burden and uncertain.\nAt this stage, on 3rd March 94 I met you (T Koteswara rao) in a marriage and you came to me and\nexplained to me about OP and encouraged me to practice it. 2 months after practicing my\nproblems of health became a little more severe and I took them as healing reactions and\nconsoled myself with the hope that I am going to be cured totally after the reactions. These\nreactions lasted for about 2 months. Now after 9 months of OP I have become wonderfully\nhealthy. Asthma has gone, no pains in the joints or body, no spots or discoloration of the\nskin instead the skin has acquired a new shine, digestion has improved and I can eat\nanything without the fear of allergy. It is really enjoyable to eat things, which you like\ninstead of fearing about allergy and asthma.\nMy advice to all women is, do OP for all your problems you will remain healthy and your looks will\nimprove.\nMs.V.Lakshminarsamamba, Krishna Dt, A.P\nAllergy Asthma- Exhilarating Experience\nOn the first day of OP Feb 25, 1995, I felt an exhilarating feeling of freshness in the mouth.\nBecause of OP, addiction to cigar smoking cured on Mar 28, 1995. I was able to work with\nincreased energy, concentration and less impatience. My nostrils were clear and clean.\nI had food allergic asthma from September 1975. By end of March '95, I gave up the use of\ninhalers for asthma.\nNumbness in hands and legs disappeared in April 1995.\nDiscomfort in my feet and joints due to walking disappeared by April '95.\nThe food tastes better and I feel more energetic.\nI am enjoying the freshness of mouth, good health and very sound sleep due to OP.\nProf V.R.R.M. Babu, (57 years), Geology Dept, Andhra University, Waltair\nAllergic bronchitis with wheezing\nFor the last three months, my wife and I are doing OP regularly. I suffer from severe running\nnose. Now after I started doing OP, the running nose has become very mild and it persists\nonly for a day or so. I also used to get severe bouts of cough and with great difficulty\nmanage to get the sputum out. Now the running nose does not follow by cough.\nMy wife used to develop allergic bronchitis with wheezing due to dust or after severe cold\nand on long journeys. She tried OP for three months and did not develop wheezing or\nsevere cough.\nDr. P.V.R.D.N. Prasad Sarma, (practicing since 1955), Machilipatnam, AP\nCancer cases\nMost importantly, I want to write about three cases of cancer. In two cases, biopsy report\nconfirms \u201cschirrus type of carcinoma of uterus\u201d. In the third case, it is malignant growth\nof a tumor of a size bigger than tennis ball on the jawbone. This case is also of a woman on\nhomeopathy medicines. Within two months of OP, in both cases of carcinoma of uterus\nbleeding reduced, general condition improved and they are confident that their disease will\ngo. You know confidence/faith contributes to cure more than medicine.\nIn the case of malignant tumor after a month of OP, pus came out of a hole in the tumor on\nthe jawbone. The pus stopped after three weeks, the hole closed and the size of tumor\ncame down to almost normal. In these cases, my medicines must have given temporary relief. I\nam hoping they will totally heal.\nIn case of joint pains the improvement that would have resulted in eight months with my\nmedicines, have come within two moths of OP.\nFor allergy, asthma and tooth diseases, the results are wonderful. My medicines must have\ngiven o nly temporary relief. I am hoping OP will heal them totally.\nDr.S.Chandramouli, Homeopath, Gollalamamidalam, E.G. Dt., A. P\nConstipation \u2013 Piles -\u201cWith OP Health Is Great Wealth\u201d\nI have been practicing OP for the last one year with Til (gingelly -sesame) oil for fifteen to\ntwenty minutes daily in the morning without fail. I am 82 years old. I have been suffering from\nconstipation and piles for the last four decades. I consulted many doctors, used many\nmedicines but with only temporary relief.\nWithin two weeks of practicing OP, I started getting relief. There was no pain during motion.\nInflammation and piles decreased. I started having free and clear evacuation. I am sleeping\npeacefully and happily at night. Indigestion, lack of appetite has gone. Decades old pain has gone\njust by doing OP with gingelly (sesame) oil. Our Ayurvedic treatment is a comprehensive solution\nfor all diseases. It is good for all to practice. -\u201cWith OP Health Is Great Wealth\u201d.\n Padma Bhusan Sri Kalogi Narayana Rao, People's Poet, Tirupathi, A.P\nDiabetes - Pregnancy - Child birth\nMy age is 41 years. I am a diabetic patient with no children. After doing OP for three months, I\nbecame pregnant. At the time of pregnancy, my blood sugar increased. I stopped OP for about a\nmonth thinking it was aggravating my problem. Having come to know that aggravation is a sign of\ncure, I started OP again. The sugar level came down and I continued OP throughout my\npregnancy. After a caesarian operation, I gave birth to a baby. The doctors checked for sugar,\nboth for the baby and me. We both were free from sugar. The wound healed well and stitches\nremoved on the seventh day. Doctor was astonished at this. I found OP benefited me in the\nfollowing ways:\nI weigh 90 Kgs. height 4\u201911\u201d with weak twisted foot. By walking, the foot used to become septic\nand pus used to ooze. By OP and walking daily, I became strong and was able to walk up the\nsteps without difficulty.\nOP reduced sugar gradually and diabetes cured. The skin became clear and shining and the\nspots on the body disappeared.\nThe body became strong, teeth firm; gums healthy and the hair turned black and stopped", "token_ids": [66, 3149, 304, 220, 17, 311, 220, 19, 2919, 13, 28082, 3156, 279, 4113, 8333, 11, 99316, 11, 19858, 6212, 11, 1695, 38575, 323, 198, 19045, 1323, 72669, 374, 1203, 1578, 113068, 11787, 1070, 904, 31959, 25481, 449, 13435, 5380, 9023, 13528, 613, 1071, 25, 1054, 15031, 1274, 304, 8884, 5370, 49909, 527, 25291, 14794, 11, 459, 198, 680, 1415, 93405, 315, 3044, 374, 3284, 13, 1115, 374, 4245, 311, 6156, 19405, 1176, 1694, 79266, 345, 936, 985, 14580, 30020, 311, 41836, 28191, 13, 4740, 264, 2478, 2919, 14580, 19405, 690, 198, 4338, 41866, 1418, 2500, 1253, 387, 81471, 1139, 5820, 13, 15483, 13803, 527, 6118, 10186, 304, 198, 77751, 16066, 505, 21249, 477, 15372, 49909, 13, 9636, 1521, 13463, 2999, 13528, 613, 198, 265, 3705, 1438, 430, 279, 11754, 1732, 85387, 398, 9731, 279, 6514, 1524, 422, 1172, 3078, 527, 198, 2381, 10234, 13, 2999, 13528, 613, 33095, 1120, 994, 1521, 13803, 5101, 279, 5707, 6514, 690, 28696, 198, 86812, 21730, 13, 12540, 279, 6514, 387, 11102, 369, 832, 2944, 477, 2500, 279, 8244, 6372, 690, 387, 198, 3306, 13111, 1523, 13, 1789, 1521, 8125, 2999, 13528, 613, 33095, 430, 459, 10186, 93405, 315, 2890, 374, 459, 198, 327, 25777, 1879, 430, 8624, 374, 72859, 1694, 7108, 505, 279, 2547, 113068, 41481, 551, 2057, 39396, 10507, 25, 482, 320, 64, 8, 1102, 28075, 315, 279, 6930, 2391, 19405, 323, 37140, 315, 459, 198, 258, 42861, 477, 27653, 323, 279, 1890, 86075, 1253, 387, 3118, 304, 459, 63368, 11827, 2391, 27208, 315, 279, 198, 86, 801, 18480, 42861, 13, 320, 65, 8, 362, 17685, 18808, 4245, 311, 459, 11677, 13, 578, 6784, 520, 279, 892, 315, 6376, 374, 810, 15748, 198, 438, 1101, 2391, 279, 1920, 315, 21730, 627, 80039, 389, 1268, 311, 3568, 449, 21730, 25481, 198, 6806, 3234, 13435, 439, 13783, 477, 5376, 311, 1403, 477, 2380, 3115, 264, 1938, 477, 1524, 3009, 369, 264, 2478, 2919, 198, 81580, 389, 279, 31020, 323, 701, 13010, 627, 6806, 12040, 16088, 1234, 279, 9650, 315, 264, 10896, 369, 264, 8187, 4261, 11, 369, 16337, 323, 3136, 198, 3143, 1306, 279, 25481, 374, 927, 627, 6806, 1102, 374, 539, 5995, 430, 1070, 690, 387, 21730, 25481, 369, 682, 5157, 13, 7648, 315, 279, 5157, 527, 198, 7562, 292, 323, 279, 8893, 706, 1027, 16066, 369, 1317, 323, 11000, 1234, 6514, 13, 49741, 198, 60307, 8111, 810, 15748, 323, 832, 5334, 279, 8430, 430, 8624, 374, 46041, 1113, 13, 2468, 198, 21470, 892, 832, 374, 43131, 311, 3009, 13435, 11, 656, 539, 3009, 719, 3136, 13435, 13, 1115, 374, 264, 2771, 1879, 198, 15145, 27208, 13, 67975, 553, 433, 439, 264, 13010, 323, 3136, 13435, 323, 499, 690, 387, 64688, 449, 304, 264, 198, 8846, 892, 323, 499, 690, 1440, 279, 1614, 315, 8624, 1949, 2890, 902, 3727, 499, 6380, 627, 18031, 47762, 552, 315, 2204, 8624, 64688, 198, 3947, 527, 1690, 47762, 552, 315, 8624, 64688, 505, 2204, 1274, 11, 61469, 304, 4325, 11, 1877, 323, 198, 17456, 315, 8624, 13, 4497, 10507, 527, 2728, 304, 856, 2363, 1054, 78009, 32928, 287, 1389, 362, 26581, 5031, 9497, 113068, 18031, 47762, 552, 315, 21249, 19338, 64688, 527, 52287, 3770, 369, 9204, 279, 2917, 1413, 2515, 198, 1073, 13435, 627, 34380, 88, 4330, 1060, 2362, 20717, 41453, 323, 2052, 43043, 64688, 198, 40, 1097, 220, 3487, 1667, 2362, 13, 358, 617, 1027, 16066, 505, 60754, 323, 51643, 505, 279, 4325, 315, 220, 806, 1667, 198, 9493, 358, 1047, 856, 1176, 296, 4377, 13, 43633, 358, 1047, 2010, 9061, 1306, 15438, 18852, 358, 574, 198, 82, 2084, 287, 505, 51643, 11, 40700, 323, 1343, 1978, 76, 13, 220, 1102, 574, 1633, 15748, 13, 1115, 574, 29869, 369, 922, 220, 18, 12, 19, 198, 14097, 1475, 2305, 13, 763, 5369, 15716, 358, 1047, 2010, 9061, 358, 1511, 311, 7831, 505, 279, 1890, 955, 315, 198, 543, 43043, 13, 358, 1047, 6818, 682, 4595, 315, 6514, 369, 220, 1774, 1667, 311, 636, 9463, 315, 420, 719, 2085, 904, 2450, 13, 358, 198, 16514, 10374, 856, 2324, 449, 39653, 719, 2085, 27208, 13, 2435, 1047, 1524, 29704, 439, 264, 4851, 198, 35686, 13, 358, 1047, 5675, 3987, 315, 5496, 13, 9601, 513, 3690, 264, 2466, 23104, 323, 36218, 627, 1688, 420, 6566, 11, 389, 220, 18, 6634, 5587, 220, 6281, 358, 2322, 499, 320, 51, 735, 6429, 86, 5169, 436, 3524, 8, 304, 264, 11103, 323, 499, 3782, 311, 757, 323, 198, 81950, 311, 757, 922, 13435, 323, 21190, 757, 311, 6725, 433, 13, 220, 17, 4038, 1306, 36666, 856, 198, 96440, 315, 2890, 6244, 264, 2697, 810, 15748, 323, 358, 3952, 1124, 439, 21730, 25481, 323, 198, 444, 708, 839, 7182, 449, 279, 3987, 430, 358, 1097, 2133, 311, 387, 64688, 12756, 1306, 279, 25481, 13, 4314, 198, 265, 4109, 36513, 369, 922, 220, 17, 4038, 13, 4800, 1306, 220, 24, 4038, 315, 13435, 358, 617, 3719, 61085, 198, 38128, 13, 20717, 41453, 706, 8208, 11, 912, 51266, 304, 279, 35358, 477, 2547, 11, 912, 19300, 477, 2624, 795, 367, 315, 279, 198, 37282, 4619, 279, 6930, 706, 19426, 264, 502, 33505, 11, 74502, 706, 13241, 323, 358, 649, 8343, 198, 73254, 2085, 279, 8850, 315, 60754, 13, 1102, 374, 2216, 32180, 311, 8343, 2574, 11, 902, 499, 1093, 198, 65937, 315, 81625, 922, 60754, 323, 51643, 627, 5159, 9650, 311, 682, 3278, 374, 11, 656, 13435, 369, 682, 701, 5435, 499, 690, 7293, 9498, 323, 701, 5992, 690, 198, 318, 35563, 627, 22365, 5168, 1236, 587, 939, 1083, 1590, 309, 43008, 11, 80409, 95251, 11, 362, 1087, 198, 2460, 43043, 20717, 41453, 12, 1398, 71, 3653, 1113, 21460, 198, 1966, 279, 1176, 1938, 315, 13435, 13806, 220, 914, 11, 220, 2550, 20, 11, 358, 6612, 459, 91826, 1113, 8430, 315, 99316, 304, 279, 11013, 627, 18433, 315, 13435, 11, 27471, 311, 54774, 20149, 64688, 389, 2947, 220, 1591, 11, 220, 2550, 20, 13, 358, 574, 3025, 311, 990, 449, 198, 43842, 1503, 4907, 11, 20545, 323, 2753, 3242, 266, 1873, 13, 3092, 57426, 8839, 1051, 2867, 323, 4335, 627, 40, 1047, 3691, 57596, 51643, 505, 6250, 220, 4468, 20, 13, 3296, 842, 315, 5587, 364, 2721, 11, 358, 6688, 709, 279, 1005, 315, 198, 258, 12130, 388, 369, 51643, 627, 45, 3635, 2136, 304, 6206, 323, 14535, 29496, 304, 5936, 220, 2550, 20, 627, 4944, 19975, 304, 856, 7693, 323, 35358, 4245, 311, 11689, 29496, 555, 5936, 364, 2721, 627, 791, 3691, 36263, 2731, 323, 358, 2733, 810, 45955, 627, 40, 1097, 22128, 279, 99316, 315, 11013, 11, 1695, 2890, 323, 1633, 5222, 6212, 4245, 311, 13435, 627, 19105, 650, 2056, 2056, 1345, 13, 26441, 84, 11, 320, 3226, 1667, 705, 4323, 2508, 51321, 11, 1628, 73010, 3907, 11, 36367, 1334, 198, 2460, 75439, 31071, 331, 20000, 449, 15240, 10333, 287, 198, 2520, 279, 1566, 2380, 4038, 11, 856, 7555, 323, 358, 527, 3815, 13435, 15870, 13, 358, 7831, 505, 15748, 4401, 198, 77, 974, 13, 4800, 1306, 358, 3940, 3815, 13435, 11, 279, 4401, 19689, 706, 3719, 1633, 23900, 323, 433, 67145, 198, 3323, 369, 264, 1938, 477, 779, 13, 358, 1101, 1511, 311, 636, 15748, 96271, 315, 40700, 323, 449, 2294, 17250, 198, 26174, 311, 636, 279, 274, 631, 372, 704, 13, 4800, 279, 4401, 19689, 1587, 539, 1833, 555, 40700, 627, 5159, 7555, 1511, 311, 2274, 57596, 31071, 331, 20000, 449, 15240, 10333, 287, 4245, 311, 16174, 477, 1306, 15748, 9439, 198, 438, 389, 1317, 64876, 13, 3005, 6818, 13435, 369, 2380, 4038, 323, 1550, 539, 2274, 15240, 10333, 287, 477, 198, 325, 19846, 40700, 627, 9023, 13, 393, 5168, 2056, 920, 2112, 13, 2394, 77711, 13951, 1764, 11, 320, 652, 533, 10332, 2533, 220, 6280, 20, 705, 18798, 106928, 266, 12682, 11, 10314, 198, 34, 11967, 5157, 198, 13622, 23659, 11, 358, 1390, 311, 3350, 922, 220, 2380, 5157, 315, 9572, 13, 763, 1403, 5157, 11, 99647, 1934, 198, 6263, 14742, 1054, 21740, 404, 20962, 955, 315, 89468, 315, 85656, 11453, 220, 763, 279, 4948, 1162, 11, 433, 374, 94329, 6650, 198, 1073, 264, 36254, 315, 264, 1404, 11493, 1109, 32515, 5041, 389, 279, 16942, 20337, 13, 220, 1115, 1162, 374, 1101, 315, 264, 5333, 389, 198, 5227, 54042, 39653, 13, 25218, 1403, 4038, 315, 13435, 11, 304, 2225, 5157, 315, 89468, 315, 85656, 198, 901, 16490, 11293, 11, 4689, 3044, 13241, 323, 814, 527, 16913, 430, 872, 8624, 690, 198, 3427, 13, 1472, 1440, 12410, 14, 75710, 44072, 311, 27208, 810, 1109, 16088, 627, 644, 279, 220, 1162, 315, 94329, 36254, 1306, 264, 2305, 315, 13435, 11, 75676, 3782, 704, 315, 264, 14512, 304, 279, 36254, 389, 198, 1820, 16942, 20337, 13, 578, 75676, 10717, 1306, 2380, 5672, 11, 279, 14512, 8036, 323, 279, 1404, 315, 36254, 198, 6142, 1523, 311, 4661, 4725, 13, 220, 763, 1521, 5157, 11, 856, 39653, 2011, 617, 2728, 13643, 16337, 13, 358, 198, 309, 16026, 814, 690, 12756, 27661, 627, 644, 1162, 315, 10496, 51266, 279, 16048, 430, 1053, 617, 19543, 304, 8223, 4038, 449, 856, 198, 2106, 292, 1572, 11, 617, 2586, 2949, 1403, 4647, 17323, 315, 13435, 627, 2520, 60754, 11, 51643, 323, 26588, 19338, 11, 279, 3135, 527, 11364, 13, 220, 3092, 39653, 2011, 617, 198, 43068, 297, 308, 398, 13643, 16337, 13, 358, 1097, 16026, 13435, 690, 27661, 1124, 12756, 627, 9023, 815, 6487, 438, 2453, 283, 747, 11, 5492, 36211, 11, 480, 980, 17243, 309, 307, 17243, 11, 469, 1246, 13, 95251, 2637, 362, 13, 393, 198, 19717, 49686, 1389, 393, 3742, 482, 2118, 2409, 13435, 6401, 2209, 8681, 60841, 89874, 40, 617, 1027, 36666, 13435, 369, 279, 1566, 832, 1060, 449, 58769, 320, 3252, 12160, 482, 9459, 373, 8, 5707, 220, 369, 37755, 311, 198, 95065, 4520, 7446, 304, 279, 6693, 2085, 3775, 13, 358, 1097, 220, 6086, 1667, 2362, 662, 358, 617, 1027, 16066, 505, 198, 1040, 49686, 323, 59872, 369, 279, 1566, 3116, 11026, 13, 358, 61302, 1690, 16410, 11, 1511, 1690, 198, 2106, 292, 1572, 719, 449, 1193, 13643, 16337, 627, 43061, 1403, 5672, 315, 36666, 13435, 11, 358, 3940, 3794, 16337, 13, 2684, 574, 912, 6784, 2391, 11633, 627, 644, 45864, 367, 323, 59872, 25983, 13, 358, 3940, 3515, 1949, 323, 2867, 60773, 13, 358, 1097, 21811, 198, 55225, 3725, 323, 37875, 520, 3814, 13, 2314, 15505, 290, 11, 6996, 315, 38575, 706, 8208, 13, 3799, 3536, 2362, 6784, 706, 8208, 198, 4345, 555, 3815, 13435, 449, 67193, 12160, 320, 9459, 373, 8, 5707, 13, 5751, 24852, 80627, 292, 6514, 374, 264, 16195, 6425, 198, 2000, 682, 19338, 13, 1102, 374, 1695, 369, 682, 311, 6725, 13, 482, 2118, 2409, 13435, 6401, 2209, 8681, 60841, 113068, 1014, 26367, 1764, 426, 13092, 276, 34445, 27930, 64977, 29853, 352, 3444, 89000, 11, 9029, 596, 14128, 295, 11, 83655, 455, 67631, 11, 362, 1087, 198, 22427, 16629, 482, 83627, 482, 9576, 7342, 198, 5159, 4325, 374, 220, 3174, 1667, 13, 358, 1097, 264, 71975, 8893, 449, 912, 2911, 13, 4740, 3815, 13435, 369, 2380, 4038, 11, 358, 198, 17106, 373, 20895, 662, 2468, 279, 892, 315, 20209, 11, 856, 6680, 13465, 7319, 13, 358, 10717, 13435, 369, 922, 264, 198, 10460, 7422, 433, 574, 46041, 1113, 856, 3575, 13, 20636, 2586, 311, 1440, 430, 46041, 367, 374, 264, 1879, 315, 198, 66, 554, 11, 358, 3940, 13435, 1578, 13, 578, 13465, 2237, 3782, 1523, 323, 358, 8738, 13435, 6957, 856, 198, 30585, 77, 6709, 13, 4740, 264, 2211, 288, 8997, 5784, 11, 358, 6688, 7342, 311, 264, 8945, 13, 578, 16410, 10273, 369, 13465, 345, 21704, 369, 279, 8945, 323, 757, 13, 1226, 2225, 1051, 1949, 505, 13465, 13, 578, 27653, 62320, 1664, 323, 63036, 198, 46856, 389, 279, 31487, 1938, 13, 19150, 574, 100174, 520, 420, 13, 358, 1766, 13435, 56128, 757, 304, 279, 198, 44018, 5627, 512, 40, 17988, 220, 1954, 735, 5981, 13, 2673, 220, 19, 529, 806, 863, 449, 7621, 38817, 4579, 13, 3296, 11689, 11, 279, 4579, 1511, 311, 3719, 513, 27330, 198, 438, 75676, 1511, 311, 57009, 3059, 662, 3296, 13435, 323, 11689, 7446, 11, 358, 6244, 3831, 323, 574, 3025, 311, 4321, 709, 279, 198, 25047, 2085, 17250, 627, 3143, 11293, 13465, 27115, 323, 20335, 64688, 13, 578, 6930, 6244, 2867, 323, 49025, 323, 279, 198, 68110, 389, 279, 2547, 29496, 627, 791, 2547, 6244, 3831, 11, 18311, 7626, 26, 98754, 9498, 323, 279, 7013, 6656, 3776, 323, 10717], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " of neurons by age 2, and\nby age 30, the number starts to decline. The loss of any\nsingle brain cell is permanent, since neurons do not\nregenerate. On the basis of this well-known fact, brain\ndecline seemed to be scienti\ufb01cally valid; sadly but\ninevitably, to grow old must lead to memory loss, decreased\nreasoning ability, impaired intelligence, and related\nsymptoms.\nThese time- honored assumptions, however, have now\nbeen shown to be wrong. Careful study of healthy elderly\npeople\u2014as opposed to the sick, hospitalized ones whom\nmedicine habitually studi ed\u2014has revealed that 80 percent\nof healthy Americans, barring psychological distress (such\nas loneliness, depression, or lack of outside stimulation),su\ufb00er no signi\ufb01cant memory loss as they age. The ability to\nretain new information can decline, which is why old\npeople forget phone numbers, names, and the reason for\nwalking into a room; but the ability to remember past\nevents, calle d long-term memory, actually improves. (One\nauthority on aging quotes Cicero, who declared, \u201cI\u2019ve never\nheard of an old man who forgot where his money was\nhidden.\u201d)\nIn tests where 70-year-olds were matched with 20-year-\nolds, the older people performed better than the younger in\nthis area of memory. After they practiced the other kind of\nmemory\u2014called short-te rm memory\u2014for a few minutes\nevery day, the older group could almost match the younger\nsubjects, who were at their prime of mental functioning.\nPerhaps the \u201cprime of life\u201d should be extended. The\nsecret, as with almost every other \u201cnatural\u201d decline in old\nage, depends on habits of mind, not the circuitry in the\nnervous system. As long as a person stays mentally active,\nhe will remain as intelligent as in youth and middle age.\nPeople will still lose over one billion neurons throughout\ntheir lifetime, at an average rate of 18 million per year, but\nthis loss is compensated for by another structure, the\nbranchlike \ufb01laments called dendrites, which connect the\nnerve cells to one another.\nA nerve cell tends to be highly individual in shape, but\ntypically it has a bulbou s central section from which thin\narms radiate, like an octopus. These arms, or axons, end in\na swirl of tiny \ufb01laments that looked treelike to the early\nanatomists, so they named them dendrites after the Greek\nword for \u201ctree.\u201d Dendrites, which can vary in number from\nless than a dozen to more than a thousand per cell, serve as\ncontact points, allowing the neuron to send signals to its\nneighbors. By growing new dendrite s, a neuron can open\nnew channels of communication in every direction, like a\nswitchboard sprouting extra lines.It is not known how a thought is actually formed among\nbrain cells or how the bewilderingly vast number of\nconnections interrelate\u2014millions of dendrites come\ntogether at major junctio n points in the body, such as the\nsolar plexus, not to mention the billions upon billions in the\nbrain itself. But experiments have shown that new\ndendrites can be grown throughout life, up to advanced old\nage. The current view is that this new growth easily\nprovides us with the physical structure for unimpaired\nbrain function. In a healthy brain, senility is not physically\nnormal. A rich multiplication of dendrites might even lie\nbehind growing wise in old age, a time when more and\nmore of life is seen in its totality\u2014in other words, more\ninterconnected, just as the nerve cells are more\ninterconnected through their new dendrites.\nThis exampl e illustrates how radically wrong medicine\ncan be if it insists that matter is superior to mind. To say\nthat a nerve cell creates thoughts may be true, but it is just\nas true to say that thinking creates nerve cells. In the case\nof the new dendrites, it is the habit of thinking,\nremembering, and being mentally active that creates the\nnew tissue. Nor is this an isolated \ufb01nding. Curiously\nenough, as soon as the concept of the \u201cnew old age\u201d was\npermissible in the eyes of doctors, our views of many forms\nof degeneration began to alter.\nAs long as you exercise, for example, your body\u2019s\nmusculature will not wither, and your strength will be\nunimpaired for life, altho ugh there will be a slow decline in\nstamina. You can train for a mara thon at 65, provided you\nare in good physical shape and train sensibly. Similarly,\nyour heart changes with age, growing less resilient and\npumping less blood per beat, but heart disease and\nhardening of the arteries, thought absolutely normal with\nold age a few decades ago, are now seen as avoidable, too,\ndepending on diet and lifestyle. Strokes, another given ofold age, have declined by 40 percent just in the last decade,\nthanks to better control of hypertension and less fat in our\ndiets. A large perce ntage of \u201cunavoidable\u201d senility has been\ntraced to vitamin de\ufb01ciency, poor diet, and dehydration.\nThe overall result of these \ufb01ndings is that old age is being\ndrastically reconsidered; a less obvious result is that the\nwhole body, at any stage of life, has to be rethought.\n\u2014\nWhat is happening on every front in medicine is that the\nhealthy body is showing itself to be more resilient and\nversatile than was hithe rto suspected. Whereas medical\nschool teache s that germ A causes disease B and is treated\nby drug C, nature seems to feel that this is only one option\namong many. The mental approach to treating cancer, for\ninstance, would have been ridiculed a decade ago. But\npeople do seem able to participate in their cancer\ntreatment, and even to control the course of the disease, by\nusing thoughts. In 1971, Dr. O. Carl Simonton, a radiologist\nat the University of Texas, met a 61-year-old man with\nthroat cancer. The disease was very far progressed; the\npatient could hardly swallow, and his weight had dropped\nto 98 pounds.\nNot only was the prognosis extremely poor\u2014the doctors\ngave him a 5 percent chance of surviving \ufb01ve years after\ntreatment\u2014but the patient was already so weak that it\nseemed unlikely he would respond well to radiation, which\nis the standard therapy for this condition. In desperation,\nbut also curious to try a psychological approach, Dr.\nSimonton suggested that the man enhance his radiation\ntherapy through the use of visualization. He was taught to\nvisualize his cancer as vividly as possible. Then, using any\nmental pictu re that appealed to him, he was asked to\nvisualize his immune system as the white blood cellssuccessfully attacked the cancer cells and swept them out\nof the body, leaving only healthy cells behind.\nThe man said he envisioned his immune cells as a\nblizzard of white particles, covering the tumor like snow\nburying a black rock. Dr. Simonton had him go home and\nrepeat this visualization at intervals throughout the day.\nThe man agreed, and soon his tumor seeme d to be\nshrinking. In a few weeks it was de\ufb01nitely smaller, and his\nresponse to radiation was almost free of side e\ufb00ects; after\ntwo months, the tumor was gone.\nNaturally, Dr. Simonton was surprised and ba\ufb04ed,\nthough elated that the psychological approach had been so\npowerful. How does a thought defeat a cancer cell? The\nmechanism was totally unknown\u2014in fact, given the \ufb01endish\ncomplexity of the immune system and the nervous system,\nboth of which were obviously involved here, the mechanism\nmight be unknowable. For his part, the patient accepted his\ncure without undue surprise. He told Dr. Simonton that\narthritis in his legs kept him from going stream-\ufb01shing as\nmuch as he liked. Now that the cancer was gone, why not\ntry visualizin g the arthritis away too? Within a few more\nweeks, that is exactly what happened. The man remained\nfree of both cancer and arthritis for a follow-up period of\nsix years.\nThis now-famous case is a landmark in mind-body\nmedicine, but unfortunately it is not the whole story. Dr.\nSimonton\u2019s visualization therapy (it has branched out into a\nbroad mind-b ody program ) does not reliably cure cancer.\nOne of my patients used it with success to cure herself of\nbreast cancer, I believe, although she practiced the\ntechnique on her own and not under a doctor\u2019s scrutiny.\nLong-term statistical studies, however, dispute whether\nsuch sporadic results are any better than those of\nconventional treatment. At present, conventional therapy\nhas a big edge. If a woman with breast cancer, for example,detects the tumor while it is still very small and localized,\nthe chances of curing her (a \u201ccure\u201d means surviving at\nleast three years without a recurrence of the disease) are\ncurrently better than 90 percent. In comparison, the\nnumber of spontaneous remissions, at the most generous\nestimate, would be well below 1\u204410 of 1 percent. Until a\nmental or other alternative therapy outperforms radiation\nand chemotherapy, it", "token_ids": [315, 34313, 555, 4325, 220, 17, 11, 323, 198, 1729, 4325, 220, 966, 11, 279, 1396, 8638, 311, 18174, 13, 578, 4814, 315, 904, 198, 15698, 8271, 2849, 374, 15690, 11, 2533, 34313, 656, 539, 198, 1610, 13523, 13, 1952, 279, 8197, 315, 420, 1664, 22015, 2144, 11, 8271, 198, 10210, 483, 9508, 311, 387, 7330, 72, 171, 71831, 66, 750, 2764, 26, 44145, 719, 198, 483, 85, 35768, 1174, 311, 3139, 2362, 2011, 3063, 311, 5044, 4814, 11, 25983, 198, 20489, 287, 5845, 1174, 50160, 11478, 11, 323, 5552, 198, 24738, 52273, 627, 9673, 892, 12, 39377, 32946, 11, 4869, 1174, 617, 1457, 198, 82850, 6982, 311, 387, 5076, 13, 10852, 1285, 4007, 315, 9498, 29920, 198, 16455, 60654, 16475, 311, 279, 14363, 11, 70340, 6305, 8884, 198, 83543, 14464, 1870, 106204, 1608, 2345, 4752, 10675, 430, 220, 1490, 3346, 198, 1073, 9498, 9053, 11, 87799, 24064, 35104, 320, 21470, 198, 300, 75040, 11, 18710, 11, 477, 6996, 315, 4994, 41959, 705, 28149, 171, 105, 222, 261, 912, 1879, 72, 171, 71831, 66363, 5044, 4814, 439, 814, 4325, 13, 578, 5845, 311, 198, 56472, 502, 2038, 649, 18174, 11, 902, 374, 3249, 2362, 198, 16455, 10894, 4641, 5219, 11, 5144, 11, 323, 279, 2944, 369, 198, 81749, 1139, 264, 3130, 26, 719, 279, 5845, 311, 6227, 3347, 198, 12670, 11, 68935, 294, 1317, 9860, 5044, 1174, 3604, 36050, 13, 320, 4054, 198, 85554, 389, 30084, 17637, 75051, 2382, 11, 889, 14610, 11, 1054, 40, 4070, 2646, 198, 55603, 315, 459, 2362, 893, 889, 29695, 1405, 813, 3300, 574, 198, 6397, 2029, 340, 644, 7177, 1405, 220, 2031, 4771, 65248, 1051, 18545, 449, 220, 508, 4771, 7058, 18938, 11, 279, 9191, 1274, 10887, 2731, 1109, 279, 14992, 304, 198, 576, 3158, 315, 5044, 662, 4740, 814, 44664, 279, 1023, 3169, 315, 198, 17717, 2345, 44982, 2875, 49893, 19535, 5044, 72318, 264, 2478, 4520, 198, 30115, 1938, 11, 279, 9191, 1912, 1436, 4661, 2489, 279, 14992, 198, 65882, 11, 889, 1051, 520, 872, 10461, 315, 10723, 31301, 627, 32576, 279, 1054, 33438, 315, 2324, 863, 1288, 387, 11838, 13, 578, 198, 21107, 11, 439, 449, 4661, 1475, 1023, 1054, 53980, 863, 18174, 304, 2362, 198, 425, 11, 14117, 389, 26870, 315, 4059, 11, 539, 279, 16622, 894, 304, 279, 198, 77, 651, 788, 1887, 13, 1666, 1317, 439, 264, 1732, 27656, 220, 34325, 4642, 345, 383, 690, 7293, 439, 25530, 439, 304, 12822, 323, 6278, 4325, 627, 16298, 690, 2103, 9229, 927, 832, 7239, 34313, 6957, 198, 50828, 19569, 11, 520, 459, 5578, 4478, 315, 220, 972, 3610, 824, 1060, 11, 719, 198, 576, 4814, 374, 66982, 369, 555, 2500, 6070, 11, 279, 198, 18424, 4908, 33595, 71831, 75, 24469, 2663, 90052, 24143, 11, 902, 4667, 279, 198, 1215, 588, 7917, 311, 832, 2500, 16853, 32, 32015, 2849, 28335, 311, 387, 7701, 3927, 304, 6211, 11, 719, 198, 87184, 433, 706, 264, 46912, 283, 274, 8792, 3857, 505, 902, 15792, 198, 16293, 12164, 349, 11, 1093, 459, 18998, 46970, 13, 4314, 11977, 11, 477, 3944, 2439, 11, 842, 304, 198, 64, 87460, 315, 13987, 33595, 71831, 75, 24469, 430, 7111, 4353, 301, 3043, 311, 279, 4216, 198, 276, 22612, 1705, 11, 779, 814, 7086, 1124, 90052, 24143, 1306, 279, 18341, 198, 1178, 369, 1054, 9528, 2029, 423, 408, 24143, 11, 902, 649, 13592, 304, 1396, 505, 198, 1752, 1109, 264, 21030, 311, 810, 1109, 264, 16579, 824, 2849, 11, 8854, 439, 198, 6421, 3585, 11, 10923, 279, 49384, 311, 3708, 17738, 311, 1202, 198, 80588, 13, 3296, 7982, 502, 90052, 1269, 274, 11, 264, 49384, 649, 1825, 198, 943, 12006, 315, 10758, 304, 1475, 5216, 11, 1093, 264, 198, 17790, 2541, 8314, 11149, 5066, 5238, 28628, 374, 539, 3967, 1268, 264, 3463, 374, 3604, 14454, 4315, 198, 54160, 7917, 477, 1268, 279, 99774, 4776, 398, 13057, 1396, 315, 198, 51086, 958, 3833, 349, 2345, 26064, 919, 315, 90052, 24143, 2586, 198, 998, 3522, 520, 3682, 18169, 302, 822, 308, 3585, 304, 279, 2547, 11, 1778, 439, 279, 198, 82, 7569, 281, 2635, 355, 11, 220, 539, 311, 6420, 279, 33151, 5304, 33151, 304, 279, 198, 54160, 5196, 662, 2030, 21896, 617, 6982, 430, 502, 198, 67, 408, 24143, 649, 387, 15042, 6957, 2324, 11, 709, 311, 11084, 2362, 198, 425, 13, 578, 1510, 1684, 374, 430, 420, 502, 6650, 6847, 198, 782, 68254, 603, 449, 279, 7106, 6070, 369, 653, 318, 77267, 198, 54160, 734, 13, 763, 264, 9498, 8271, 11, 6252, 1429, 374, 539, 22655, 198, 8416, 13, 362, 9257, 47544, 315, 90052, 24143, 2643, 1524, 10457, 198, 30998, 485, 7982, 24219, 304, 2362, 4325, 11, 264, 892, 994, 810, 323, 198, 6518, 315, 2324, 374, 3970, 304, 1202, 2458, 2786, 49525, 1023, 4339, 11, 810, 198, 2295, 15647, 11, 1120, 439, 279, 32015, 7917, 527, 810, 198, 2295, 15647, 1555, 872, 502, 90052, 24143, 627, 2028, 7151, 501, 384, 46480, 1268, 61127, 5076, 16088, 198, 4919, 387, 422, 433, 43446, 430, 5030, 374, 16757, 311, 4059, 13, 2057, 2019, 198, 9210, 264, 32015, 2849, 11705, 11555, 1253, 387, 837, 11, 719, 433, 374, 1120, 198, 300, 837, 311, 2019, 430, 7422, 11705, 32015, 7917, 13, 763, 279, 1162, 198, 1073, 279, 502, 90052, 24143, 11, 220, 433, 374, 279, 14464, 315, 7422, 345, 30380, 287, 11, 323, 1694, 34325, 4642, 430, 11705, 279, 198, 943, 20438, 13, 8170, 374, 420, 459, 25181, 33595, 71831, 303, 287, 13, 13182, 13610, 198, 268, 1409, 11, 439, 5246, 439, 279, 7434, 315, 279, 1054, 943, 2362, 4325, 863, 574, 198, 716, 45164, 304, 279, 6548, 315, 16410, 11, 1057, 6325, 315, 1690, 7739, 198, 1073, 5367, 17699, 6137, 311, 11857, 16853, 2170, 1317, 439, 499, 10368, 11, 369, 3187, 11, 701, 2547, 753, 198, 38827, 3395, 1598, 690, 539, 449, 261, 1174, 323, 701, 8333, 690, 387, 198, 359, 318, 77267, 369, 2324, 11, 453, 339, 78, 577, 876, 1070, 690, 387, 264, 6435, 18174, 304, 198, 267, 35150, 13, 1472, 649, 5542, 369, 264, 3678, 64, 270, 263, 520, 220, 2397, 11, 3984, 499, 198, 548, 304, 1695, 7106, 6211, 323, 5542, 6225, 6623, 662, 35339, 13801, 22479, 4851, 4442, 449, 4325, 11, 7982, 2753, 59780, 323, 198, 79, 55432, 2753, 6680, 824, 9567, 11, 719, 4851, 8624, 323, 198, 19221, 6147, 315, 279, 85648, 1174, 3463, 11112, 4725, 449, 198, 820, 4325, 264, 2478, 11026, 4227, 11, 527, 1457, 3970, 439, 5766, 481, 11, 2288, 345, 81580, 389, 10173, 323, 19433, 13, 800, 56137, 11, 2500, 2728, 315, 820, 4325, 11, 617, 19284, 555, 220, 1272, 3346, 1120, 304, 279, 1566, 13515, 345, 46593, 311, 2731, 2585, 315, 63308, 323, 2753, 8834, 304, 1057, 198, 8747, 1441, 13, 362, 3544, 220, 62822, 32512, 425, 315, 1054, 359, 48956, 481, 863, 6252, 1429, 706, 1027, 198, 376, 4535, 311, 28170, 409, 171, 71831, 5979, 2301, 1174, 8009, 10173, 11, 323, 99857, 627, 791, 8244, 1121, 315, 1521, 33595, 71831, 303, 826, 374, 430, 2362, 4325, 374, 1694, 198, 3696, 36419, 40175, 291, 26, 264, 2753, 8196, 1121, 374, 430, 279, 198, 67733, 2547, 1174, 520, 904, 6566, 315, 2324, 11, 706, 311, 387, 312, 61665, 627, 2345, 198, 3923, 374, 12765, 389, 1475, 4156, 304, 16088, 374, 430, 279, 198, 38128, 2547, 374, 9204, 220, 5196, 311, 387, 810, 59780, 323, 198, 3078, 9187, 1109, 574, 4295, 383, 436, 998, 24740, 13, 61695, 6593, 198, 22606, 1028, 1815, 274, 430, 82986, 362, 11384, 8624, 426, 323, 374, 12020, 198, 1729, 5623, 356, 11, 7138, 5084, 311, 2733, 430, 420, 374, 1193, 832, 3072, 198, 77405, 1690, 662, 578, 10723, 5603, 311, 27723, 9572, 1174, 369, 198, 4956, 11, 1053, 617, 1027, 20561, 8615, 264, 13515, 4227, 13, 2030, 198, 16455, 656, 2873, 3025, 311, 16136, 304, 872, 9572, 198, 83, 35320, 11, 323, 1524, 311, 2585, 279, 3388, 315, 279, 8624, 11, 555, 198, 985, 11555, 13, 763, 220, 4468, 16, 11, 2999, 13, 507, 13, 22770, 4567, 546, 263, 11, 264, 12164, 16549, 198, 266, 279, 3907, 315, 8421, 11, 2322, 264, 220, 5547, 4771, 6418, 893, 449, 198, 87164, 9572, 662, 578, 8624, 574, 1633, 3117, 62916, 26, 279, 198, 23557, 1436, 20781, 42276, 1174, 323, 813, 4785, 1047, 12504, 198, 998, 220, 3264, 16701, 627, 2688, 1193, 574, 279, 95350, 9193, 8009, 22416, 16410, 198, 70, 525, 1461, 264, 220, 20, 3346, 6140, 315, 40746, 33595, 71831, 588, 1667, 1306, 198, 83, 35320, 38542, 279, 8893, 574, 2736, 779, 7621, 430, 433, 198, 325, 16809, 17821, 568, 1053, 6013, 1664, 311, 25407, 11, 902, 198, 285, 279, 5410, 15419, 369, 420, 3044, 13, 763, 74424, 345, 8248, 1101, 22999, 311, 1456, 264, 24064, 5603, 11, 2999, 627, 14354, 546, 263, 12090, 430, 279, 893, 18885, 813, 25407, 198, 46755, 1555, 279, 1005, 315, 42148, 13, 1283, 574, 15972, 311, 198, 30318, 553, 813, 9572, 439, 43120, 398, 439, 3284, 13, 5112, 11, 1701, 904, 198, 93221, 72829, 84, 312, 430, 53382, 311, 1461, 11, 568, 574, 4691, 311, 198, 30318, 553, 813, 22852, 1887, 439, 279, 4251, 6680, 2849, 784, 2621, 3725, 18855, 279, 9572, 7917, 323, 41323, 1124, 704, 198, 1073, 279, 2547, 1174, 9564, 1193, 9498, 7917, 4920, 627, 791, 893, 1071, 568, 74389, 813, 22852, 7917, 439, 264, 198, 2067, 39248, 315, 4251, 19252, 11, 18702, 279, 36254, 1093, 12056, 198, 20176, 287, 264, 3776, 7091, 13, 2999, 13, 4567, 546, 263, 1047, 1461, 733, 2162, 323, 198, 31724, 420, 42148, 520, 28090, 6957, 220, 279, 1938, 627, 791, 893, 7378, 11, 323, 5246, 813, 36254, 2873, 68, 294, 311, 387, 198, 67139, 16113, 13, 763, 264, 2478, 5672, 433, 574, 409, 171, 71831, 45168, 989, 9333, 1174, 323, 813, 198, 2376, 311, 25407, 574, 4661, 1949, 315, 3185, 384, 171, 105, 222, 115192, 26, 1306, 198, 20375, 4038, 11, 279, 36254, 574, 8208, 627, 45, 72247, 1174, 2999, 13, 4567, 546, 263, 574, 14792, 323, 13081, 171, 105, 226, 291, 345, 4636, 658, 660, 430, 279, 24064, 5603, 1047, 1027, 779, 198, 13477, 1285, 13, 2650, 1587, 264, 3463, 18506, 264, 9572, 2849, 30, 578, 198, 2727, 5776, 2191, 574, 12756, 9987, 49525, 2144, 11, 2728, 279, 33595, 71831, 408, 819, 198, 24126, 488, 315, 279, 22852, 1887, 323, 279, 23418, 1887, 345, 21704, 315, 902, 1051, 14224, 6532, 1618, 11, 279, 17383, 198, 46068, 387, 84644, 481, 13, 1789, 813, 961, 11, 279, 8893, 11928, 813, 198, 66, 554, 2085, 91642, 13051, 13, 1283, 3309, 2999, 13, 4567, 546, 263, 430, 198, 277, 40485, 304, 813, 14535, 8774, 1461, 505, 2133, 4365, 12, 171, 71831, 939, 287, 439, 198, 59178, 439, 568, 15262, 13, 4800, 430, 279, 9572, 574, 8208, 11, 3249, 539, 198, 1568, 9302, 78071, 342, 279, 55652, 3201, 2288, 30, 25218, 264, 2478, 810, 198, 82089, 11, 430, 374, 7041, 1148, 7077, 13, 578, 893, 14958, 198, 10816, 315, 2225, 9572, 323, 55652, 369, 264, 1833, 5352, 4261, 315, 198, 51464, 1667, 627, 2028, 1457, 2269, 23333, 1162, 374, 264, 38350, 304, 4059, 9534, 198, 83543, 11, 719, 26907, 433, 374, 539, 279, 4459, 3446, 662, 2999, 627, 14354, 546, 263, 753, 42148, 15419, 320, 275, 706, 53358, 2454, 704, 1139, 264, 198, 65, 8714, 4059, 1481, 297, 10470, 2068, 883, 1587, 539, 57482, 27208, 9572, 16853, 4054, 315, 856, 6978, 1511, 433, 449, 2450, 311, 27208, 11937, 315, 198, 21152, 561, 9572, 11, 358, 4510, 11, 8051, 1364, 44664, 279, 198, 26522, 2428, 389, 1077, 1866, 323, 539, 1234, 264, 10896, 753, 36752, 16853, 6720, 9860, 29564, 7978, 11, 4869, 1174, 26086, 3508, 198, 21470, 62016, 37314, 3135, 527, 904, 2731, 1109, 1884, 315, 198, 444, 44322, 6514, 13, 2468, 3118, 11, 21349, 220, 15419, 198, 4752, 264, 2466, 6964, 13, 1442, 264, 5333, 449, 17659, 9572, 1174, 369, 3187, 12260, 13478, 82, 279, 36254, 1418, 433, 374, 2103, 1633, 2678, 323, 44589, 345, 1820, 17393, 315, 97330, 1077, 320, 64, 1054, 66, 554, 863, 3445, 40746, 520, 198, 56371, 2380, 1667, 2085, 220, 264, 76293, 315, 279, 8624, 8, 527, 198, 59302, 2731, 1109, 220, 1954, 3346, 13, 763, 12593, 11, 279, 198, 4174, 315, 54557, 1323, 16935, 11, 520, 279, 1455, 28771, 198, 41230, 11, 1053, 387, 1664, 3770, 220, 16, 53233, 226, 605, 315, 220, 16, 3346, 13, 30070, 264, 198, 93221, 477, 1023, 10778, 15419, 704, 716, 10008, 25407, 198, 438, 62730, 1174, 433], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": "\tfind\tyourself\tgetting\thungry\tbut\twant\nto\teat\tsomething\tthat\tis\tsleep\tinducing\trather\tthan\tstimulating.\nSWEET\tPOTATOES\nThese\thearty\troot\tvegetables\tcontain\tmuscle-relaxing\tpotassium\tand\tare\ta\twhole,\ncomplex\tcarbohydrate.\tTry\tbaking\tsome\tsweet\tpotatoes\tand\teating\tthem\tat\ndinner\twith\ta\tbig\tsalad.\nEVENING\tREPLENISHING\tELIXIR\nThis\telixir\tcontains\tnourishing\tessential\tbeauty\tfats\tand\tspices\tknown\tto\thelp\tsoothe\tinflammation\nand\tyour\tnervous\tsystem.\nMugful\tof\themp\tmilk\n\u00bd\tteaspoon\tpowdered\tturmeric\n\u00bd\tteaspoon\tpowdered\tcardamom\n\u00bc\tteaspoon\tpowdered\tcloves\nRaw,\torganic\thoney\tor\traw\tcoconut\tnectar,\tto\ttaste\nHeat\tthe\themp\tmilk\tto\tjust\tunder\ta\tboil,\tand\tstir\tin\tthe\tturmeric,\tcardamom,\tand\tcloves.\tRemove\nfrom\tthe\theat,\tadd\tthe\traw\thoney,\tand\tenjoy\thot.\nCHERRIES\nThis\tbright,\tbeautiful\tsummer\tfruit\tis\tone\tof\tthe\tfew\tfoods\tthat\tnaturallycontain\tmelatonin.\tA\tstudy\tfound\tthat\tdrinking\ttart\tcherry\tjuice\toffers\tsome\nslight\timprovements\tto\tthe\tduration\tand\tquality\tof\tsleep\tin\tthose\twith\tchronic\ninsomnia.\n11\nCHIA\tPUDDING\nThis\tsnack,\tmade\tby\tsoaking\tchia\tseeds\tin\ta\tliquid\tbase,\thas\ta\tgreat\tmix\tof\ncomplex\tcarbs,\t\nomega-3\t\nfatty\t\nacids,\tand\tamino\tacids\tto\thelp\tyou\tfeel\tsatiated\nbut\tnot\toverly\tstuffed\tand\tenjoy\ta\tgreat\tnight\u2019s\t\nsleep.\nThe\t\nWorst\tFoods\tfor\tSleep\nJust\tas\tthere\tare\texcellent\tfoods\tfor\tsleep,\tthere\tare\tfoods\tthat\tare\tnot\tso\tgreat\nfor\tpromoting\tsleep.\tReview\tthis\tlist\tand\tavoid\tthese\tfoods\tin\tthe\tevening\tto\nbest\tsupport\tyour\tPeak\tBeauty\tSleep.\nHEAVY\t\nPROTEIN\tMEALS\nMeals\tthat\tare\thigh\tin\tconcentrated\tproteins\tshould\tbe\tavoided\tlate\tat\tnight.\nThey\ttake\ta\tgreat\tdeal\tof\tdigestive\tenergy\tto\tbreak\tdown\tand\tcan\tkeep\tyou\tup\tby\noveractivating\tdigestion.\tIf\tyou\tare\tgoing\tto\thave\ta\theavy\tdinner,\ttry\tto\teat\tit\nearly.\tIf\tcircumstances\tforce\ta\tlate\tdinner,\tchoose\ta\tlighter,\tplant-based\tmeal.\nHIGH\tFAT\tMEALS\nFat\tstimulates\tthe\tproduction\tof\tacid\tin\tthe\tstomach\twhile\tencouraging\tthe\nloosening\tof\tthe\tesophageal\tsphincter.\tThis\tcan\tcause\tfood\tto\tspill\tup\tinto\tyour\nesophagus,\tcreating\theartburn.\tLying\tdown\tto\tgo\tto\tsleep\tafter\teating\theavy,\nfatty\tfoods\tmakes\tit\teven\teasier\tfor\tacid\tto\tget\tin\tall\tthe\twrong\tplaces.\tThis\tis\ta\nsuper\tuncomfortable\tbeauty\tsleep\tno-no.\nCHOCOLATE\nWhile\ta\tlittle\tpiece\tof\tdark\tchocolate\tmight\tquell\tyour\tsweet\tcraving,\tdo\tnot\noverindulge\tin\tchocolate\tlate\tin\tnight.\tRemember\tthat\tit\tdoes\tcontain\t\ncaffeine\nas\twell\tas\ttheobromine,\tanother\tstimulating\tcompound\tthat\tcan\tadversely\taffect\nyour\tbeauty\tsleep.\nSPICY\tFOODS\nThese\tcan\tbe\toverstimulating\tand\tactually\tkeep\tyou\tup\tat\tnight.\tA\tstudy\tout\tof\nAustralia\tfound\tthat\ton\tnights\tthe\tsubjects\tate\tspicy\tmeals,\tthere\twere\tadverse\nchanges\tin\ttheir\tsleep\tpatterns.\n12\n\tThe\tresearchers\talso\tfound\tthat\tsubjects\thadelevated\tbody\ttemperatures\tduring\ttheir\tfirst\tsleep\tcycles,\twhich\thas\tbeen\tshown\nin\tother\tstudies\tto\tbe\tlinked\tto\tpoor\tsleep\tquality.\n13\nCAFFEINE\nEven\tif\tyou\tfeel\tyou\tare\tused\tto\tcaffeine,\tit\tstill\tkeeps\tyour\tbody\tworking.\nResearch\tpublished\tin\tthe\t\nJournal\tof\tClinical\tSleep\tMedicine\n\tfound\tthat\tcaffeine\ningested\tas\tearly\tas\t6\thours\tbefore\tbedtime\tcould\tnegatively\taffect\tsleep\npatterns.\n14\n\tIn\ta\tpractical\tsense,\tthis\tmeans\tyou\tshould\tstop\tdrinking\tcoffee\t(if\nyou\tdrink\tit\tat\tall),\tgreen\ttea,\tor\tyerba\tmat\u00e9\tby\tthe\tafternoon.\tBy\tthe\tway,\tthe\ntradition\tof\tdrinking\tcoffee\tafter\tdinner\tis\tone\tyou\tshould\tabandon.\tMake\tyour\nown\ttradition\twith\therbal\ttea\tif\tyou\u2019d\tlike\tto\tsip\ton\tsomething\thot,\tand\tyour\nbeauty\twill\tsurely\tbenefit.\nNICOTINE\nIf\tyou\t\nsmoke,\tyou\tshould\tstop\tfor\tmany\thealth\tand\tbeauty\treasons!\tWe\tare\tsure\nyou\tknow\tthis,\tand\thopefully\tyou\tare\tworking\ton\teliminating\tthat\thabit\tlong-\nterm.\tBut\tin\tthe\tvery\tshort-term\twhile\ttransitioning\tcompletely,\tbe\tsure\tto\nrefrain\tfrom\tindulging\tin\tany\tnicotine\tproducts\ttoo\tclose\tto\tbedtime.\tNicotine\ncan\tbe\tstimulating,\twhich\tis\tnot\tconducive\tto\tyour\tbeauty\tsleep.\nALCOHOL\nThis\tis\ta\ttough\tone,\tbecause\tif\tyou\tdo\twant\tto\thave\tsome\tdrinks,\tyou\tlikely\nwon\u2019t\thave\tthem\tin\tthe\tmiddle\tof\tthe\tday\tor\tin\tthe\tmorning\tunless\tit\u2019s\ta\tvery\nrare\tspecial\toccasion,\tsuch\tas\ta\ttailgate\tor\ta\tcelebratory\tbrunch.\tThe\tproblem\tis\nthat\teven\tthough\tthe\talcohol\t(especially\t\nwine)\tmay\tfeel\tas\tif\tit\u2019s\tinducing\tsleep,\nalcohol\tactually\tinterferes\twith\tthe\trestorative\tfunctions\tof\tsleep.\n15\n\tThis\tmeans\nthat\talthough\tit\tmay\tfeel\trelaxing,\tafter\ta\tfew\thours\tit\tmay\tencourage\tyou\tto\nwake\tup\tduring\tthe\tnight,\tdecreasing\tthe\tquality\tof\tyour\toverall\tsleep.\nSUPPLEMENT\tYOUR\tSLEEP\tWITH\tVITAMIN\tB\n12\nThis\timportant\twater-soluble\tvitamin\tis\tused\tfor\tmany\tfunctions\tof\tthe\tbody,\nincluding\tmaintaining\tenergy\tand\tpreventing\tfatigue.\t\nVitamin\tB\n12\n\tpromotes\thealthy\nbrain\tand\tcardiac\tfunction\tand\thelps\tus\tsleep\tbetter,\tas\tit\thas\ta\tcritical\trole\tin\tthe\nformation\tof\tmelatonin.\tIt\talso\tsupports\tthe\toptimal\t\nmetabolism\tof\tfats\tand\ncarbohydrates,\tpromotes\thealthy\tcell\tgrowth\tand\trepair,\tand\tactivates\tthe\tvitamin\nfolate\tin\tthe\tbody.\tWhile\tit\tcan\tbe\tstored\tin\tyour\tliver\tfor\tsome\ttime,\tyou\tcan\tget\ta\nblood\ttest\tto\tsee\tif\tyour\tbody\tcurrently\thas\tthe\tproper\tamount.\nVegans\tand\tvegetarians\tare\tdefinitely\tencouraged\tto\tsupplement\twith\tB\n12\nbecause\tit\tis\tfound\tmostly\tin\tanimal\tproducts,\tbut\tif\tyou\tdo\teat\tmeat,\tthat\tdoes\tnot\nnecessarily\tmean\tthat\tyou\thave\toptimal\tlevels\tof\tVitamin\tB\n12\n.\tAbsorption\tandutilization\tof\tB\n12\n\tmight\tstill\tbe\tcompromised\teven\tif\tyou\tconsume\tfoods\tthat\tcontain\nit\t(such\tas\tanimal\tprotein,\tfortified\tcereals,\tand\tnutritional\tyeast).\tFor\tinstance,\tif\nyou\tare\tlow\tin\thydrochloric\tacid,\twhich\treleases\tB\n12\n\tfrom\tfood,\tyour\tbody\tmay\thave\nissues\tabsorbing\tB\n12\n.\tYour\tstomach\tlining\tcould\talso\tbe\tlacking\tin\tits\tability\tto\nproduce\tintrinsic\tfactor,\ta\tprotein\tthat\tmust\tbind\tto\tB\n12\n\tin\tthe\tsmall\tintestine\tso\tthe\nbody\tcan\tabsorb\tit.\nCheck\twith\tyour\tdoctor\tif\tyou\tare\tunsure\tof\thow\tmuch\tVitamin\tB\n12\n\tyour\tbody\nneeds,\tbut\t500\tto\t1,000\tmicrograms\t(mcg)\tis\tgenerally\tconsidered\ta\tgood\tdaily\namount.\tYou\tcan\ttake\ta\tB-complex\tsupplement\tto\tget\ta\tbalance\tof\tall\tthe\tB\nvitamins.\nIf\tyou\treally\tvalue\tyour\tsleep,\tyou\tmay\thave\tto\tmake\tsome\tserious\tlifestyle\nchanges\taround\tyour\talcohol\thabits.\tThis\tmay\tseem\tdifficult\tat\tfirst,\tbut\tonce\nyou\texperience\tmore\tdaytime\tbliss", "token_ids": [81703, 14862, 414, 726, 10582, 1303, 9793, 2234, 894, 2282, 332, 51880, 198, 998, 7883, 266, 1942, 11793, 64442, 20501, 53633, 197, 485, 59144, 7145, 1894, 197, 54895, 18895, 318, 15853, 627, 50, 12739, 1372, 10230, 1831, 59208, 1600, 198, 9673, 197, 383, 6862, 34798, 197, 83571, 4893, 197, 53195, 2157, 355, 9326, 48712, 710, 287, 3303, 354, 49163, 53577, 197, 548, 11575, 197, 67733, 345, 24126, 1470, 277, 34658, 349, 13, 10473, 894, 2282, 1802, 1942, 638, 1942, 4589, 3303, 354, 20798, 53577, 7883, 1113, 197, 49818, 36547, 198, 67, 4481, 48048, 11575, 2282, 343, 1942, 278, 329, 627, 36, 42122, 1753, 35369, 9705, 45, 16849, 1753, 197, 2818, 5511, 2871, 198, 2028, 60736, 953, 404, 197, 13676, 9215, 414, 11218, 197, 49582, 74242, 59051, 1186, 1900, 53577, 42478, 1238, 197, 5391, 32809, 88740, 197, 708, 78, 1820, 17886, 45864, 367, 198, 438, 14862, 414, 9215, 651, 788, 41393, 627, 44, 773, 1285, 44323, 9793, 3342, 2157, 34263, 198, 27154, 197, 668, 300, 33076, 3303, 363, 1126, 291, 3324, 324, 2165, 198, 27154, 197, 668, 300, 33076, 3303, 363, 1126, 291, 81184, 309, 316, 198, 42973, 197, 668, 300, 33076, 3303, 363, 1126, 291, 1470, 385, 2396, 198, 20613, 11, 197, 61694, 9793, 2596, 82266, 77659, 197, 1030, 27357, 197, 2375, 277, 11, 32809, 3324, 5642, 198, 62406, 33188, 9793, 3342, 2157, 34263, 32809, 197, 4345, 197, 8154, 11575, 197, 754, 321, 11, 53577, 18895, 404, 17886, 33188, 3324, 324, 2165, 11, 81184, 309, 316, 11, 53577, 1470, 385, 2396, 13, 197, 13319, 198, 1527, 33188, 197, 20559, 11, 13008, 33188, 77659, 9793, 2596, 11, 53577, 82948, 4215, 9793, 354, 627, 2198, 2716, 5482, 198, 2028, 2282, 1315, 11, 74242, 35777, 32579, 1195, 1186, 21702, 20501, 197, 606, 44323, 33188, 1186, 365, 197, 96420, 64442, 9215, 72247, 53195, 2157, 301, 99512, 13, 23845, 18895, 18339, 59202, 64442, 2765, 81, 16113, 3324, 472, 23918, 5515, 197, 8783, 560, 197, 72979, 1942, 638, 198, 3306, 492, 55992, 782, 12760, 32809, 33188, 90400, 53577, 197, 10692, 44323, 53633, 17886, 197, 54719, 48048, 197, 7562, 292, 198, 1354, 50405, 627, 806, 198, 2198, 5987, 197, 6459, 4195, 1753, 198, 2028, 49351, 474, 11, 2157, 1037, 197, 1729, 197, 708, 1802, 23918, 689, 85786, 6910, 17886, 11575, 197, 54737, 25172, 11, 64355, 11575, 3253, 1244, 2157, 953, 44323, 198, 24126, 1470, 277, 1302, 11, 1602, 33796, 12, 18, 1602, 69, 23758, 1602, 582, 3447, 11, 53577, 197, 309, 3394, 82300, 3447, 32809, 88740, 197, 9514, 1186, 96551, 1942, 9491, 660, 198, 8248, 98366, 197, 2017, 398, 18895, 41673, 53577, 82948, 4215, 11575, 3253, 1244, 9215, 492, 753, 1602, 26894, 627, 791, 1602, 54, 66396, 13017, 9242, 2066, 7721, 3583, 198, 10156, 61551, 197, 19041, 197, 548, 8285, 25777, 197, 96420, 2066, 53633, 11, 197, 19041, 197, 548, 197, 96420, 64442, 197, 548, 98366, 197, 708, 3253, 1244, 198, 2000, 3303, 442, 11780, 53633, 13, 197, 19997, 2090, 14779, 53577, 197, 48956, 197, 45010, 197, 96420, 17886, 33188, 7883, 1055, 287, 32809, 198, 16241, 1942, 2870, 14862, 414, 10230, 68, 587, 197, 94909, 7721, 3583, 627, 1837, 8253, 56, 1602, 9295, 2505, 691, 197, 7614, 47837, 198, 7979, 1147, 64442, 197, 548, 9793, 1108, 17886, 38303, 1189, 55373, 197, 782, 668, 1354, 197, 5562, 74242, 197, 48956, 291, 197, 5185, 36547, 9215, 492, 627, 7009, 3324, 731, 11575, 3253, 1244, 197, 30739, 44323, 2765, 15505, 535, 197, 17947, 32809, 3470, 2765, 785, 53577, 94036, 197, 13397, 197, 9514, 60910, 197, 1729, 198, 2017, 9035, 1113, 2765, 15505, 290, 13, 52792, 197, 9514, 197, 548, 31780, 287, 32809, 9793, 525, 11575, 197, 89945, 2765, 4481, 11, 6942, 32809, 7883, 266, 24263, 198, 22928, 13, 52792, 1470, 2496, 372, 9623, 2066, 346, 11575, 197, 5185, 2765, 4481, 11, 197, 28150, 11575, 95053, 261, 11, 197, 21494, 6108, 50394, 278, 627, 91319, 13017, 835, 197, 7614, 47837, 198, 69557, 18895, 318, 24031, 33188, 197, 23452, 44323, 197, 58156, 17886, 33188, 18895, 316, 613, 5329, 197, 967, 414, 4210, 33188, 198, 385, 437, 6147, 44323, 33188, 80066, 99054, 278, 1942, 764, 7956, 261, 13, 41065, 94036, 197, 1593, 197, 14239, 32809, 42478, 484, 60910, 2129, 78, 14862, 414, 198, 288, 5237, 59838, 11, 197, 46002, 197, 18207, 22464, 13, 15420, 7169, 2765, 785, 32809, 31780, 32809, 53633, 197, 10924, 7883, 1113, 197, 89945, 345, 69, 23758, 197, 96420, 2157, 2094, 24263, 7883, 1055, 7883, 77783, 2066, 197, 58156, 32809, 10582, 17886, 52060, 33188, 6831, 14684, 197, 27170, 13, 41065, 20501, 11575, 198, 9712, 21113, 19975, 481, 74242, 59051, 53633, 73204, 29466, 627, 2198, 7767, 1971, 2390, 198, 8142, 11575, 8986, 2433, 3303, 9286, 44323, 2765, 847, 23918, 14136, 2157, 492, 197, 447, 616, 14862, 414, 1942, 4589, 92592, 2370, 11, 20530, 98366, 198, 2017, 485, 360, 713, 17886, 23918, 14136, 197, 5185, 17886, 9215, 492, 13, 197, 29690, 64442, 24263, 2765, 7217, 197, 53195, 1602, 88860, 483, 198, 300, 6831, 616, 61551, 33188, 677, 442, 483, 11, 197, 43063, 18895, 318, 15853, 197, 87304, 64442, 94036, 99880, 3078, 989, 11575, 1740, 198, 22479, 74242, 59051, 53633, 627, 4695, 39364, 197, 3873, 2114, 50, 198, 9673, 94036, 74242, 197, 2017, 54754, 15853, 53577, 197, 74128, 197, 13397, 197, 9514, 60910, 36547, 9215, 492, 13, 23845, 18895, 18339, 14294, 44323, 198, 49137, 59202, 64442, 25653, 9215, 2866, 33188, 29724, 585, 82, 197, 349, 42478, 2912, 50394, 1147, 11, 197, 19041, 6831, 486, 99880, 4550, 198, 19926, 17886, 33188, 404, 53633, 3303, 3307, 82, 627, 717, 198, 33026, 17643, 1874, 388, 197, 19171, 59202, 64442, 29724, 585, 82, 9793, 1037, 3532, 660, 36502, 197, 880, 716, 2859, 2765, 1711, 33188, 404, 43290, 53633, 1470, 16182, 11, 197, 8370, 64355, 74242, 268, 37296, 785, 198, 258, 197, 1605, 18895, 58787, 32809, 74242, 197, 44233, 32809, 3303, 10922, 53633, 197, 10692, 627, 1032, 198, 5158, 80194, 4069, 198, 13461, 748, 197, 9514, 1186, 96551, 197, 9514, 197, 548, 197, 2656, 32809, 197, 88860, 483, 11, 24263, 18895, 484, 197, 441, 7270, 14862, 414, 36502, 197, 21837, 627, 28528, 3303, 11931, 17886, 33188, 1602, 44594, 44323, 6391, 3817, 950, 7721, 3583, 9391, 92001, 198, 59202, 64442, 197, 88860, 483, 198, 287, 10185, 61551, 197, 22928, 61551, 197, 21, 9793, 2530, 64334, 2282, 291, 1712, 1470, 619, 9215, 797, 8046, 11575, 1740, 53633, 198, 27061, 627, 975, 198, 71267, 11575, 26736, 37119, 1942, 1137, 11, 2090, 50394, 598, 197, 9514, 197, 5562, 63744, 2765, 81, 16113, 197, 79217, 197, 34433, 198, 9514, 2765, 35465, 24263, 36547, 52060, 705, 3253, 4542, 197, 82694, 11, 82266, 14862, 261, 4749, 60974, 978, 197, 1729, 33188, 197, 10924, 12684, 13, 197, 1383, 33188, 197, 3195, 11, 33188, 198, 48126, 684, 44323, 2765, 81, 16113, 197, 79217, 197, 10924, 2765, 4481, 20501, 197, 606, 197, 9514, 197, 5562, 197, 370, 11283, 13, 197, 8238, 14862, 414, 198, 785, 26665, 329, 684, 48048, 197, 1964, 13616, 197, 82694, 748, 197, 9514, 7070, 197, 4908, 32809, 1942, 575, 25653, 1942, 11793, 9793, 354, 11, 53577, 14862, 414, 198, 1395, 59051, 6831, 484, 1942, 554, 398, 2282, 89729, 627, 46047, 1831, 4069, 198, 2746, 197, 9514, 1602, 3647, 4845, 11, 197, 9514, 197, 5562, 63744, 2066, 197, 35676, 197, 12393, 53577, 74242, 59051, 17643, 99949, 0, 197, 1687, 197, 548, 1942, 554, 198, 9514, 16868, 3409, 2090, 11, 53577, 9793, 2862, 3725, 197, 9514, 197, 548, 197, 21837, 25653, 197, 40895, 16252, 64442, 9793, 40027, 17972, 7058, 5098, 13, 197, 4071, 17886, 33188, 197, 1225, 49081, 9860, 5329, 197, 21086, 287, 33910, 50268, 11, 74242, 1942, 554, 32809, 198, 1116, 30193, 43827, 197, 485, 360, 3252, 17886, 197, 3852, 9215, 292, 40253, 197, 10354, 32809, 78, 28973, 32809, 2282, 291, 1712, 13, 18822, 292, 40253, 198, 4919, 74242, 18895, 318, 15853, 11, 197, 8370, 20501, 98366, 38303, 7697, 535, 32809, 14862, 414, 74242, 59051, 53633, 627, 984, 8445, 39, 1971, 198, 2028, 20501, 11575, 3324, 1409, 197, 606, 11, 2282, 6769, 748, 197, 9514, 20530, 51880, 32809, 9793, 525, 1942, 638, 2765, 81, 15872, 11, 197, 9514, 197, 14617, 198, 55767, 1431, 9793, 525, 197, 49818, 17886, 33188, 2157, 3390, 44323, 33188, 99297, 82266, 17886, 33188, 2157, 80675, 21113, 1752, 24263, 753, 11575, 197, 1225, 198, 81, 548, 1942, 3037, 197, 94411, 11, 1942, 1412, 61551, 11575, 3324, 607, 25623, 82266, 11575, 197, 70865, 1347, 5382, 81355, 3265, 13, 33026, 197, 35686, 20501, 198, 9210, 7883, 1055, 197, 4636, 33188, 70671, 11353, 197, 7, 36046, 1602, 72537, 8, 2157, 352, 1186, 96551, 61551, 748, 24263, 753, 197, 485, 59144, 53633, 345, 278, 11353, 197, 74128, 60015, 809, 288, 48048, 33188, 197, 4014, 63465, 7679, 82, 44323, 53633, 627, 868, 198, 41065, 50394, 598, 198, 9210, 197, 37241, 24263, 2157, 352, 1186, 96551, 197, 3833, 710, 287, 11, 197, 10924, 11575, 1186, 365, 9793, 2530, 24263, 2157, 352, 197, 967, 61140, 197, 9514, 32809, 198, 91019, 60910, 2765, 1711, 33188, 9215, 492, 11, 59451, 76562, 33188, 197, 10692, 44323, 14862, 414, 197, 75555, 53633, 627, 77032, 39415, 66422, 6934, 7721, 44390, 17749, 4243, 17904, 964, 1428, 691, 13083, 198, 717, 198, 2028, 197, 15693, 6831, 977, 1355, 337, 41572, 5306, 76652, 20501, 197, 2656, 2066, 197, 35676, 7679, 82, 44323, 33188, 36502, 345, 16564, 2157, 1673, 2101, 197, 17947, 53577, 41446, 82920, 1186, 266, 22711, 13, 1602, 53, 76652, 13083, 198, 717, 198, 3303, 442, 6429, 197, 38128, 198, 54160, 53577, 81184, 18029, 7679, 53577, 88740, 82, 71275, 53633, 2282, 22120, 11, 61551, 24263, 64355, 11575, 1470, 14849, 197, 5898, 17886, 33188, 198, 1659, 44323, 2157, 301, 99512, 13, 62635, 197, 19171, 1942, 2870, 82, 33188, 65938, 2931, 1602, 4150, 53904, 2191, 44323, 1186, 1900, 53577, 198, 7063, 34658, 988, 11, 3303, 442, 6429, 197, 38128, 47087, 3253, 19632, 53577, 74831, 1334, 11, 53577, 197, 9035, 988, 33188, 5306, 76652, 198, 8566, 349, 17886, 33188, 36502, 13, 197, 8142, 24263, 94036, 74242, 18895, 3093, 17886, 14862, 414, 8986, 1553, 2066, 1942, 638, 22724, 11, 197, 9514, 94036, 10582, 11575, 198, 51105, 18684, 32809, 197, 4151, 748, 14862, 414, 36502, 20725, 398, 64355, 33188, 197, 81768, 197, 6173, 627, 53, 797, 598, 53577, 197, 83571, 30627, 197, 548, 7604, 7627, 197, 967, 414, 3359, 32809, 1942, 455, 2833, 48048, 13083, 198, 717, 198, 28753, 24263, 20501, 59202, 2157, 537, 398, 17886, 197, 48999, 197, 10354, 11, 2282, 332, 748, 197, 9514, 20530, 7883, 266, 2157, 33166, 11, 64442, 2765, 7217, 98366, 198, 77, 74753, 2157, 5420, 64442, 197, 9514, 9793, 525, 65938, 2931, 197, 43664, 44323, 17904, 76652, 13083, 198, 717, 198, 13, 23845, 1302, 66181, 53577, 1338, 2065, 44323, 13083, 198, 717, 198, 2157, 492, 18895, 484, 74242, 197, 5807, 442, 4147, 7883, 1055, 748, 197, 9514, 38303, 32423, 197, 96420, 64442, 197, 53195, 198, 275, 197, 1161, 1412, 61551, 197, 48999, 197, 79565, 11, 1186, 371, 1908, 1470, 486, 1147, 11, 53577, 9215, 332, 37842, 197, 9188, 561, 570, 197, 2520, 57356, 11, 748, 198, 9514, 197, 548, 8986, 363, 17886, 197, 67229, 72967, 292, 197, 58156, 11, 197, 8370, 17643, 29399, 13083, 198, 717, 198, 43827, 197, 14239, 11, 14862, 414, 36502, 2157, 352, 9793, 525, 198, 18934, 197, 3518, 269, 7278, 13083, 198, 717, 198, 13, 197, 7927, 18895, 316, 613, 197, 35981, 1470, 619, 197, 19171, 74242, 8986, 9162, 17886, 197, 1220, 197, 2968, 32809, 198, 98374, 17886, 46102, 1186, 5739, 11, 11575, 197, 79565, 64442, 2157, 592, 2282, 485, 32809, 13083, 198, 717, 198, 17886, 33188, 1942, 30632, 2129, 478, 483, 197, 708, 33188, 198, 2664, 94036, 197, 3518, 30986, 24263, 627, 4061, 48048, 14862, 414, 20530, 5009, 748, 197, 9514, 197, 548, 197, 11099, 554, 44323, 197, 5269, 2157, 1412, 17904, 76652, 13083, 198, 717, 198, 14862, 414, 36502, 198, 56345, 11, 2282, 332, 197, 2636, 32809, 197, 16, 11, 931, 2157, 2823, 51870, 197, 1278, 28546, 8, 20501, 3253, 804, 750, 197, 25742, 291, 11575, 3253, 1411, 2765, 5179, 198, 6173, 13, 197, 2675, 94036, 3324, 731, 11575, 13083, 11733, 9289, 1942, 455, 2833, 32809, 10582, 11575, 2282, 5085, 44323, 52060, 33188, 13083, 198, 55911, 38925, 627, 2746, 197, 9514, 17643, 750, 16709, 14862, 414, 53633, 11, 197, 9514, 2157, 352, 9793, 525, 32809, 78538, 1942, 638, 197, 94427, 8986, 16886, 198, 19926, 197, 20019, 14862, 414, 70671, 11353, 9793, 370, 1220, 13, 41065, 2157, 352, 85786, 336, 81664, 3951, 36547, 43290, 11, 2282, 332, 197, 13486, 198, 9514, 8285, 13267, 2157, 461, 99297, 1712, 97521, 1056], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": ", due to the stomach's requirement for blood circulation to digest the food or warm up \nthe beverages. \n Preparation for sleep before bedtime is therefore important. These measures have been found to help sleep come easily:\n \n 1. The evening meal should be eaten early, at least two hours before bedtime. \n 2. Avoid coffee, tea, cola drinks, nasal inhalers or drops, or any other stimulants for the last three or \nfour hours before bedtime. \n 3. Minimize the amount of fluids drunk at night, to avoid having to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Especially avoid any chilled beverage just before bedtime. If you must have some \nbeverage at bedtime, let it be warm, neither chilled nor extremely hot, and restrict it to a small cupful or \nless, even if it is only water.\n \n 4. Relax and take it easy for at least a half hour before sleep time. During this period avoid exciting \nor irritating conversation, work, worry, and physical activity. Going to bed a little early with some light reading matter is a good way to do this.\n \n 5. Do your bathing, hair and skin grooming, etc., before this half-hour pre-bedtime period. That kind \nof thing raises the heart rate about the same as other kinds of work. 6. Try not to take problems and worries to bed with you. Our thinking ability is so poor at night we \nare not likely to work out anything useful, but we certainly can keep ourselves awake trying. Think about pleasant subjects when you want to go to sleep.\n \n 7. Some people put themselves to sleep by tapping their bodies gently with a fingertip and counting \nthe taps. Better than counting sheep. \n 8. There is one last resort which for many people brings on sleep when all else fails, though I have no idea why: A teaspoonful or two of honey taken at bedtime. Some people keep a small jar of honey by \nthe bed, so they can take a nip of it if they should lie awake in the night.\n \n Habitual use of sleep-inducing drugs should be a voided or minimized because in time they may cause \ninjurious side effects. \n \nGENERAL NOTES \n Some people find that eating pork causes them to have indigestion, with a feeling of fullness and a \ngreasy aftertaste. This is caused by cooking it too fast, with too much heat. Pork is the most delicate meat of all and if highly heated becomes indigestible. If it begins to sputter and pop, it is too hot, and \nshould be turned over, basted, or the heat reduced. When slowly cooked, as shown on pages 37 and 38, \nfresh uncured pork is easily digested and can be enj oyed as often as desired. It should be cooked slowly \nuntil rawness in the center disappears.\n \n \nINTRODUCTION \n Arteriosclerosis and its kindred miseries have reached epidemic proportions in \nmodern times, and though it is widely agreed the disease is caused by food, no \nsuccessful explanation has previously been av ailable as to why or how it is caused or \nby what foods. Conflicting academic theories have been presented, but the killer rages \nunchecked, causing up to 10,000 heart attacks a day in the United States alone. \n There is a growing conviction that there is something seriously wrong with modern \nfood. There is, and the pitiful results of it are to be seen in every hospital, rest home, \ncemetery, mental institution, and school for retarded children in the country. \n Some say our people have become dege nerate, that our morals are undermined, and \nour civilization is becoming inefficient and decadent. The truth is that the people are \nweakened and debilitated by poor food, with many of them so unhappy and miserable \nthat they vent their frustration and fury in senseless ways, not knowing where the real \nhurt lies. But our old bloodlines are unchanged, our natural heritage of high intelligence, physical strength, and courage yet remain, and will quickly once more \nfind their full flower as in olden times when food deficiencies are corrected. We are not degenerate, only deteriorated. \n Many have blamed modern foods and advocated impractical fad diets but none have \ntold us what is actually wrong with the food or what we can do about it in every day \nlife. These riddles have at last been solved by practical scientific experimentation with \nanimals and humans under realistic life conditions, the only large scale feeding \nresearch on arteriosclerosis ever backed by private initiative. Now science has at last \nshown what is wrong and how we can sele ct the right foods from existing stocks. \n This work stems from controlled scientific experiments and the main body of \nauthoritative scientific knowledge, as may be noted from the appended list of \nprofessional grade literature. It has no connection with faddism or business interests \nof any kind. \n The book has been kept short, simple and inexpensive for use as a practical guide by \nthe general public. \n \n1. HUMANS ARE BUILT AND RE-BUILT FROM FOOD \n Most people think that adult bodies are built once and for all like a machine and that \nfood is just a fuel. This is far from true, because our bodies are composed of \nindividual cells like the bricks of a building, each cell having its own life and death. \nThese cells are constantly wearing out a few at a time, dying and being replaced by new cells, utilizing mostly new material taken in from our food. Your clothes wear \nout, but you don't, because Nature has given you the glorious ability to rebuild \nyourself day by day from the food you eat. Since we are constantly being rebuilt in any case, if we improve our food our bodies gradually become finer, stronger, and better looking. Of course younger people r eact faster and have a greater range of \npotential improvement, but it is never too late to make a worthwhile betterment, while \nlife remains. \n Experimental feeding of animals and humans has shown that dramatic \nimprovements even in old debilitated individuals can be made in a few months by \nfeeding fresh high quality food. And when pregnant mothers and later their young are \nthus fed, the improvement in the offspring is even more amazing. The births are easy, and the babies are strong, beautiful, and fast growing. Food makes the man. \n \n2. WHAT DOES OUR FOOD CONTAIN? \n The manufacturers give us an over-simplified answer, saying that food contains \nprotein, amino acids, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals. But ask a bio-\nchemist, one of those who spend their lives analyzing materials from living things, \nand he will likely draw a deep breath and maybe even sigh a little before replying: Food is from the living bodies of plants and animals, and is the most complex mixture \nof different materials ever discovered, a single cut of meat for instance containing \nmany thousand different compounds and elements. There are several hundred \nthousand different kinds of proteins, the human body alone containing over 50,000 different kinds. There are several hundred diffe rent kinds of fats, oils, and waxes in \nvarious foods, numerous enzymes, hormones, growth factors, natural antibiotics and \nso on in almost endless variety. Even more substances in food are being discovered \ndaily, and it is well recognized that nutrition is a young and immature science. When \none realizes the intricate design which Nature has contrived for the composition of \nour bodies and for our natural food materials, it becomes clear that we cannot safely rely on manufactured food which the makers sa y contains what we need. Nature's rule \nis that life shall feed upon life, and only by following this rule can we feel sure of \ngetting adequate nutrition over long term periods. \n \n3. WHAT IS MAN'S PROPER FOOD? \n All food originally comes from living plants and animals, upon which people lived \ndirectly for many hundred thousands of years as simple food-gatherers and hunters, \neating the tender leaves, nuts, roots and fruit of the plants and the flesh of such fish \nand animals as they could catch, for most of this time in a fresh raw condition. This is the kind of food for which Nature designed the human body, and upon which early \nmen thrived and developed tremendous physical strength with brains fully as large or \nlarger than ours of today. These things are known definitely from the thick strong bones and skulls of early men and the animals they ate, and from the pictures they drew and chiseled in the caves, found by scientists in many locations. The strength and perfection shown in some of these old skeletons of our ancestors compared with \nthe thin frail bones, stunted faces and crowded teeth of modern people shows \ndramatically that we today have physically deteriorated from a stage reached over \nthirty thousand years ago. \n From the bones and various relics unearthed, scientists tell us that men began \nfarming and living upon grain and domesticated animals less than 10,000 years ago, \nwhich is quite recent compared with man's immensely long history as a hunter and food-gatherer, and much too recent for any change in the basic design of our digestive \norgans to have taken place. Even today many thousands of people in remote places eat \nthe same primitive foods as early men ate and such people commonly have full size, \nwell developed jaws and facial bones similar to our remote ancestors. \n The past speaks for itself, so let none be lieve that we must have artificial vitamins, \nor \"polyunsaturated\" refined oils, or bread, flour, sugar, or any of the other \nmanufactured foods which the advertisers would have us think we must eat to", "token_ids": [11, 4245, 311, 279, 23152, 596, 16686, 369, 6680, 35855, 311, 21552, 279, 3691, 477, 8369, 709, 720, 1820, 47497, 13, 2355, 256, 74435, 369, 6212, 1603, 89607, 374, 9093, 3062, 13, 4314, 11193, 617, 1027, 1766, 311, 1520, 6212, 2586, 6847, 512, 720, 256, 220, 16, 13, 578, 11714, 15496, 1288, 387, 35661, 4216, 11, 520, 3325, 1403, 4207, 1603, 89607, 13, 2355, 256, 220, 17, 13, 35106, 11033, 11, 15600, 11, 84767, 21662, 11, 72188, 77773, 388, 477, 21701, 11, 477, 904, 1023, 12936, 360, 1821, 369, 279, 1566, 2380, 477, 720, 35124, 4207, 1603, 89607, 13, 2355, 256, 220, 18, 13, 3468, 12117, 279, 3392, 315, 56406, 29850, 520, 3814, 11, 311, 5766, 3515, 311, 733, 311, 279, 15197, 304, 279, 6278, 315, 279, 3814, 13, 36625, 5766, 904, 85042, 43450, 1120, 1603, 89607, 13, 1442, 499, 2011, 617, 1063, 720, 1395, 4453, 520, 89607, 11, 1095, 433, 387, 8369, 11, 14188, 85042, 6463, 9193, 4106, 11, 323, 9067, 433, 311, 264, 2678, 10747, 1285, 477, 720, 1752, 11, 1524, 422, 433, 374, 1193, 3090, 627, 720, 256, 220, 19, 13, 68685, 323, 1935, 433, 4228, 369, 520, 3325, 264, 4376, 6596, 1603, 6212, 892, 13, 12220, 420, 4261, 5766, 13548, 720, 269, 85077, 10652, 11, 990, 11, 11196, 11, 323, 7106, 5820, 13, 35971, 311, 4950, 264, 2697, 4216, 449, 1063, 3177, 5403, 5030, 374, 264, 1695, 1648, 311, 656, 420, 627, 720, 256, 220, 20, 13, 3234, 701, 73509, 11, 7013, 323, 6930, 75161, 11, 5099, 13, 1174, 1603, 420, 4376, 21925, 864, 49607, 1712, 4261, 13, 3011, 3169, 720, 1073, 3245, 25930, 279, 4851, 4478, 922, 279, 1890, 439, 1023, 13124, 315, 990, 13, 257, 220, 21, 13, 9934, 539, 311, 1935, 5435, 323, 38145, 311, 4950, 449, 499, 13, 5751, 7422, 5845, 374, 779, 8009, 520, 3814, 584, 720, 548, 539, 4461, 311, 990, 704, 4205, 5505, 11, 719, 584, 7995, 649, 2567, 13520, 35447, 4560, 13, 21834, 922, 24729, 15223, 994, 499, 1390, 311, 733, 311, 6212, 627, 720, 256, 220, 22, 13, 4427, 1274, 2231, 5694, 311, 6212, 555, 53728, 872, 13162, 30373, 449, 264, 64703, 575, 323, 26060, 720, 1820, 63070, 13, 24327, 1109, 26060, 33012, 13, 2355, 256, 220, 23, 13, 2684, 374, 832, 1566, 22541, 902, 369, 1690, 1274, 12716, 389, 6212, 994, 682, 775, 14865, 11, 3582, 358, 617, 912, 4623, 3249, 25, 362, 42384, 1285, 477, 1403, 315, 26828, 4529, 520, 89607, 13, 4427, 1274, 2567, 264, 2678, 30695, 315, 26828, 555, 720, 1820, 4950, 11, 779, 814, 649, 1935, 264, 99570, 315, 433, 422, 814, 1288, 10457, 35447, 304, 279, 3814, 627, 720, 256, 95178, 940, 1005, 315, 6212, 18251, 59144, 11217, 1288, 387, 264, 742, 291, 477, 82178, 1606, 304, 892, 814, 1253, 5353, 720, 258, 73, 28626, 3185, 6372, 13, 31879, 95836, 71046, 2355, 256, 4427, 1274, 1505, 430, 12459, 36167, 11384, 1124, 311, 617, 1280, 15505, 290, 11, 449, 264, 8430, 315, 2539, 2136, 323, 264, 720, 15893, 6539, 1306, 83, 5642, 13, 1115, 374, 9057, 555, 17677, 433, 2288, 5043, 11, 449, 2288, 1790, 8798, 13, 85034, 374, 279, 1455, 36301, 13339, 315, 682, 323, 422, 7701, 32813, 9221, 1280, 15505, 1260, 13, 1442, 433, 12302, 311, 274, 631, 466, 323, 2477, 11, 433, 374, 2288, 4106, 11, 323, 720, 5562, 387, 6656, 927, 11, 293, 15386, 11, 477, 279, 8798, 11293, 13, 3277, 14297, 30205, 11, 439, 6982, 389, 6959, 220, 1806, 323, 220, 1987, 11, 720, 72408, 21482, 3149, 36167, 374, 6847, 4170, 10185, 323, 649, 387, 665, 73, 70448, 291, 439, 3629, 439, 12974, 13, 1102, 1288, 387, 30205, 14297, 720, 39830, 7257, 2136, 304, 279, 4219, 61370, 627, 720, 11187, 3301, 91199, 720, 256, 1676, 466, 3614, 91711, 323, 1202, 3169, 1171, 5906, 4804, 617, 8813, 42620, 49892, 304, 720, 50889, 3115, 11, 323, 3582, 433, 374, 13882, 7378, 279, 8624, 374, 9057, 555, 3691, 11, 912, 720, 32050, 16540, 706, 8767, 1027, 1860, 60243, 481, 439, 311, 3249, 477, 1268, 433, 374, 9057, 477, 720, 1729, 1148, 15657, 13, 15323, 79308, 14584, 26018, 617, 1027, 10666, 11, 719, 279, 25534, 436, 1154, 720, 32784, 11, 14718, 709, 311, 220, 605, 11, 931, 4851, 8951, 264, 1938, 304, 279, 3723, 4273, 7636, 13, 720, 256, 2684, 374, 264, 7982, 29191, 430, 1070, 374, 2555, 14243, 5076, 449, 6617, 720, 14239, 13, 2684, 374, 11, 323, 279, 20428, 5092, 3135, 315, 433, 527, 311, 387, 3970, 304, 1475, 8952, 11, 2800, 2162, 11, 720, 66, 37638, 11, 10723, 15244, 11, 323, 2978, 369, 98459, 2911, 304, 279, 3224, 13, 720, 256, 4427, 2019, 1057, 1274, 617, 3719, 409, 713, 41283, 349, 11, 430, 1057, 81436, 527, 80617, 11, 323, 720, 414, 36017, 374, 10671, 64481, 323, 88133, 306, 13, 578, 8206, 374, 430, 279, 1274, 527, 720, 906, 3448, 291, 323, 4316, 3748, 660, 555, 8009, 3691, 11, 449, 1690, 315, 1124, 779, 43251, 323, 50739, 720, 9210, 814, 10594, 872, 33086, 323, 64159, 304, 5647, 1752, 5627, 11, 539, 14392, 1405, 279, 1972, 720, 71, 5757, 15812, 13, 2030, 1057, 2362, 6680, 8128, 527, 35957, 11, 1057, 5933, 28948, 315, 1579, 11478, 11, 7106, 8333, 11, 323, 25775, 3686, 7293, 11, 323, 690, 6288, 3131, 810, 720, 3990, 872, 2539, 23153, 439, 304, 2362, 268, 3115, 994, 3691, 72946, 527, 37065, 13, 1226, 527, 539, 5367, 13523, 11, 1193, 39436, 660, 13, 720, 256, 9176, 617, 36197, 6617, 15657, 323, 64854, 23356, 37119, 282, 329, 41943, 719, 7000, 617, 720, 83, 820, 603, 1148, 374, 3604, 5076, 449, 279, 3691, 477, 1148, 584, 649, 656, 922, 433, 304, 1475, 1938, 720, 14789, 13, 4314, 436, 78555, 617, 520, 1566, 1027, 29056, 555, 15325, 12624, 66196, 449, 720, 77896, 323, 12966, 1234, 26569, 2324, 4787, 11, 279, 1193, 3544, 5569, 26040, 720, 61564, 389, 47357, 3614, 91711, 3596, 22126, 555, 879, 20770, 13, 4800, 8198, 706, 520, 1566, 720, 70463, 1148, 374, 5076, 323, 1268, 584, 649, 28419, 20864, 279, 1314, 15657, 505, 6484, 23301, 13, 720, 256, 1115, 990, 44814, 505, 14400, 12624, 21896, 323, 279, 1925, 2547, 315, 720, 3170, 22018, 12624, 6677, 11, 439, 1253, 387, 10555, 505, 279, 52287, 1160, 315, 720, 66886, 12239, 17649, 13, 1102, 706, 912, 3717, 449, 282, 723, 2191, 477, 2626, 12034, 720, 1073, 904, 3169, 13, 720, 256, 578, 2363, 706, 1027, 8774, 2875, 11, 4382, 323, 44252, 369, 1005, 439, 264, 15325, 8641, 555, 720, 1820, 4689, 586, 13, 720, 5996, 16, 13, 473, 2864, 11954, 16202, 426, 60737, 3651, 3680, 7826, 60737, 4393, 88227, 2355, 256, 7648, 1274, 1781, 430, 6822, 13162, 527, 5918, 3131, 323, 369, 682, 1093, 264, 5780, 323, 430, 720, 14239, 374, 1120, 264, 10633, 13, 1115, 374, 3117, 505, 837, 11, 1606, 1057, 13162, 527, 24306, 315, 720, 55977, 7917, 1093, 279, 50137, 315, 264, 4857, 11, 1855, 2849, 3515, 1202, 1866, 2324, 323, 4648, 13, 720, 9673, 7917, 527, 15320, 12512, 704, 264, 2478, 520, 264, 892, 11, 23069, 323, 1694, 12860, 555, 502, 7917, 11, 35988, 10213, 502, 3769, 4529, 304, 505, 1057, 3691, 13, 4718, 15447, 10051, 720, 412, 11, 719, 499, 1541, 956, 11, 1606, 22037, 706, 2728, 499, 279, 44308, 5845, 311, 32593, 720, 22479, 726, 1938, 555, 1938, 505, 279, 3691, 499, 8343, 13, 8876, 584, 527, 15320, 1694, 60685, 304, 904, 1162, 11, 422, 584, 7417, 1057, 3691, 1057, 13162, 27115, 3719, 73886, 11, 16643, 11, 323, 2731, 3411, 13, 5046, 3388, 14992, 1274, 436, 384, 533, 10819, 323, 617, 264, 7191, 2134, 315, 720, 93036, 16048, 11, 719, 433, 374, 2646, 2288, 3389, 311, 1304, 264, 48776, 2731, 479, 11, 1418, 720, 14789, 8625, 13, 720, 256, 57708, 26040, 315, 10099, 323, 12966, 706, 6982, 430, 22520, 720, 318, 782, 12760, 1524, 304, 2362, 4316, 3748, 660, 7931, 649, 387, 1903, 304, 264, 2478, 4038, 555, 720, 46519, 7878, 1579, 4367, 3691, 13, 1628, 994, 20895, 27698, 323, 3010, 872, 3995, 527, 720, 34232, 23114, 11, 279, 16048, 304, 279, 46471, 374, 1524, 810, 8056, 13, 578, 66332, 527, 4228, 11, 323, 279, 24869, 527, 3831, 11, 6366, 11, 323, 5043, 7982, 13, 12369, 3727, 279, 893, 13, 2355, 11187, 17, 13, 38535, 58363, 46013, 88227, 16511, 6979, 30, 2355, 256, 578, 17032, 3041, 603, 459, 927, 1355, 74937, 4320, 11, 5605, 430, 3691, 5727, 720, 79565, 11, 42500, 33969, 11, 62345, 11, 50127, 11, 46192, 11, 323, 34072, 13, 2030, 2610, 264, 17332, 7058, 75188, 11, 832, 315, 1884, 889, 8493, 872, 6439, 42118, 7384, 505, 5496, 2574, 11, 720, 438, 568, 690, 4461, 4128, 264, 5655, 11745, 323, 7344, 1524, 31238, 264, 2697, 1603, 2109, 6852, 25, 12369, 374, 505, 279, 5496, 13162, 315, 11012, 323, 10099, 11, 323, 374, 279, 1455, 6485, 21655, 720, 1073, 2204, 7384, 3596, 11352, 11, 264, 3254, 4018, 315, 13339, 369, 2937, 8649, 720, 35676, 16579, 220, 2204, 32246, 323, 5540, 13, 2684, 527, 3892, 7895, 720, 339, 52949, 2204, 13124, 315, 28896, 11, 279, 3823, 2547, 7636, 8649, 927, 220, 1135, 11, 931, 2204, 13124, 13, 2684, 527, 3892, 7895, 1422, 1897, 8175, 13124, 315, 50127, 11, 32462, 11, 323, 289, 20589, 304, 720, 959, 1245, 15657, 11, 12387, 56067, 11, 44315, 11, 6650, 9547, 11, 5933, 46850, 323, 720, 708, 389, 304, 4661, 26762, 8205, 13, 7570, 810, 33155, 304, 3691, 527, 1694, 11352, 720, 49174, 11, 323, 433, 374, 1664, 15324, 430, 26677, 374, 264, 3995, 323, 86525, 8198, 13, 3277, 720, 606, 52694, 279, 57216, 2955, 902, 22037, 706, 6155, 2270, 369, 279, 18528, 315, 720, 414, 13162, 323, 369, 1057, 5933, 3691, 7384, 11, 433, 9221, 2867, 430, 584, 4250, 21676, 17631, 389, 28648, 3691, 902, 279, 29414, 829, 379, 5727, 1148, 584, 1205, 13, 22037, 596, 6037, 720, 285, 430, 2324, 4985, 5510, 5304, 2324, 11, 220, 323, 1193, 555, 2768, 420, 6037, 649, 584, 2733, 2771, 315, 720, 51210, 26613, 26677, 927, 1317, 4751, 18852, 13, 720, 5996, 18, 13, 38535, 3507, 26819, 13575, 5421, 9851, 88227, 30, 2355, 256, 2052, 3691, 13517, 4131, 505, 5496, 11012, 323, 10099, 11, 5304, 902, 1274, 12439, 720, 20384, 398, 369, 1690, 7895, 9214, 315, 1667, 439, 4382, 3691, 2427, 1894, 388, 323, 49073, 11, 720, 91955, 279, 28682, 11141, 11, 31049, 11, 20282, 323, 14098, 315, 279, 11012, 323, 279, 26000, 315, 1778, 7795, 720, 438, 10099, 439, 814, 1436, 2339, 11, 369, 1455, 315, 420, 892, 304, 264, 7878, 7257, 3044, 13, 1115, 374, 279, 3169, 315, 3691, 369, 902, 22037, 6319, 279, 3823, 2547, 11, 323, 5304, 902, 4216, 720, 5794, 8983, 2270, 323, 8040, 28040, 7106, 8333, 449, 35202, 7373, 439, 3544, 477, 720, 27995, 261, 1109, 11604, 315, 3432, 13, 4314, 2574, 527, 3967, 8659, 505, 279, 12314, 3831, 25896, 323, 98712, 315, 4216, 3026, 323, 279, 10099, 814, 30912, 11, 323, 505, 279, 9364, 814, 24465, 323, 523, 1082, 839, 304, 279, 66664, 11, 1766, 555, 14248, 304, 1690, 10687, 13, 578, 8333, 323, 39143, 6982, 304, 1063, 315, 1521, 2362, 75407, 315, 1057, 38618, 7863, 449, 720, 1820, 15792, 91223, 25896, 11, 357, 28736, 12580, 323, 39313, 18311, 315, 6617, 1274, 5039, 720, 67, 2453, 7167, 430, 584, 3432, 617, 22655, 39436, 660, 505, 264, 6566, 8813, 927, 720, 339, 16938, 16579, 1667, 4227, 13, 720, 256, 5659, 279, 25896, 323, 5370, 99516, 79675, 291, 11, 14248, 3371, 603, 430, 3026, 6137, 720, 69, 34002, 323, 5496, 5304, 24875, 323, 13018, 660, 10099, 2753, 1109, 220, 605, 11, 931, 1667, 4227, 11, 720, 8370, 374, 5115, 3293, 7863, 449, 893, 596, 63689, 1317, 3925, 439, 264, 40827, 323, 3691, 2427, 1894, 261, 11, 323, 1790, 2288, 3293, 369, 904, 2349, 304, 279, 6913, 2955, 315, 1057, 60071, 720, 1813, 598, 311, 617, 4529, 2035, 13, 7570, 3432, 1690, 9214, 315, 1274, 304, 8870, 7634, 8343, 720, 1820, 1890, 28694, 15657, 439, 4216, 3026, 30912, 323, 1778, 1274, 17037, 617, 2539, 1404, 11, 720, 9336, 8040, 82356, 323, 28900, 25896, 4528, 311, 1057, 8870, 38618, 13, 720, 256, 578, 3347, 21881, 369, 5196, 11, 779, 1095, 7000, 387, 10457, 588, 430, 584, 2011, 617, 21075, 46192, 11, 720, 269, 330, 34535, 11099, 35467, 1, 38291, 32462, 11, 477, 16385, 11, 20415, 11, 13465, 11, 477, 904, 315, 279, 1023, 720, 98550, 3149, 15657, 902, 279, 50270, 1053, 617, 603, 1781, 584, 2011, 8343, 311], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": "\nof our ability. I had never in my life been involved in\nanything that demanded the level of perfection of that\nprogram. It was like a polish ed diamond by the time it\nwas done. To me it was a living entity, and I felt\ntremendous respect every tim e I touched it. Just look at\nthe amazing flow of life\u2019s events that created this\nprogram. I felt like it had a life of its own, and we were\njust here to serve it.\nIt was the beginning of 1982, and after two years of\nintense development, we started installing the program\nfor my origina l two clients. Given that none of us had\never written such a comprehensive program before, the\ninstallations m oved along very smoothly. I never once\nthought about what would happen after those sites were\ninstalled. We were completely focused on writing and\ndelivering the absolutely bes t system we could because\nthat was the ta sk life had given us. The program\u2019s destiny\nafter th e init ial installations would have to unfold\ncompletely on its own\u2014exactly as had happened every\nstep of the way so far.3 5.\nP r e p a r i n g f o r L a u n c h\nA long wi th the great strides the program was making, I\nwas pleased to see events unfolding that benefited those\naround me, especially Barb, who was working really\nhard. Around this time my neighbor Bob Tilchin decided\nto move, and the Temple purchased his property. Barb\ngot to move into that house, and she also got a well-\ndeserved new office when Personalized Programming\nrelocated its five employees into a new building on\nTemple grounds. I got a nic er office as well, and some\nvery important events were destined to take place there\u2014\nnone more important than a destiny-filled phone call I\ntook while sitting at my computer one day.\nWe had just finished our first installation of The\nMedical Manager, and I was finishing up the manual for\nthe pro gram w hen the phone rang. It was Systems Plus,\nthe distributo r of the acco unting program we were\nselling. I was a very small dealer of theirs, and they didn\u2019t\ngenerally call me. I had placed a call a few days earlier to\nreport problems with a new piece of software they were\nreleasing.\nThe customer representative at Systems Plus\nintroduced herself as Lorelei. She was very apologetic for\nthe problems they were hav ing. At some point in her\napologies and assurances, she told me that I should\nremain recepti ve to their new software releases because\nthey planned on being the leading company for small\nbusiness softw are. She said they were expanding beyond\ngeneral accounting and were currently looking for a topreal estate package, legal package, and medical billing\npackage.\nWhen I heard her say medical billing package, she\ncaught me by surprise. At first I was too embarrassed to\nsay anything. Systems Plus was this big, Silicon Valley\ncomputer com pany, and I was a guy in the woods who\nhad taught himself to program. Sure, I had spent the last\ntwo years writing our medical billing program, but it had\nonly be en installed in one sm all doctor\u2019s office for a few\nweeks. Though the voice in my head was assuring me\nthat Systems Plus would ha ve no interest in my little\nsoftware program, I took a breath, surrendered to the\nmoment, and informed Lorel ei that I had just finished a\nmedical billing package. She started to say something\nand the n stopped. After a br ief pause she said, \u201cWait a\nminute, my boss just walk ed by; let me see if he\u2019s\ninterested.\u201d I had absolutely no idea what to think.\nWhen Lorelei returned to the call, she told me her boss\nwas very interested in reviewing any software that could\ndo a medical practice\u2019s billing. She encouraged me to\nsend in the sy stem along with the manual I was just\ncompleting. We got off the phone, and I was stunned.\nWhat had just happened? I had never even thought\nabout finding a software distributor. Then one of the\nindustry\u2019s top business software distributors calls me in\nthe mid dle of the woods in Alachua, Florida, and ends up\nasking to see my system. I found out later that when\nLorelei mentioned her boss, she was referring to the\npresident of the company, Rick Mehrlich, who had just\nhappened to walk by her desk at that exact moment.\nPerhaps now you can see why I have learned to so deeply\nhonor the flow of life.\nIt to ok me a week or two to pull everything together\nand ship it off to Systems Plus headquarters. There was\nsomething very surreal as I stood there offering the\nfinished package up to the universe. I had simply been\nfollowing the flow. I hadn\u2019t had any expectations, hopes,or d reams about anything. For many years now, I had\njust been putting one foot in front of the other serving\nwhatever was put before me to the best of my ability. To\nme, I was not a computer programmer; I was a yogi\nliving in the middle of the wo ods. I had bought a tiny toy\ncomputer for $600 some years earlier, and I had played\naround with it. I got tricked into spending two years of\nmy life writing a medical bil ling package after my mind\nhad alre ady de cided that writing software was too time-\nconsuming. No w, without my making a single call, I was\nabout to send something I h ad programmed off to the\npresident of a successful software company out in\nCalifornia. How does such a thing happen\u2014even in a\nfairy tale?\nA few weeks later, I got a call from Systems Plus\ninforming me that the company president wanted to fly\nout to Alachua to meet me face-to-face. I agreed, and in\nno t ime at all Rick Mehrlich was sitting on the couch in\nmy office telling me that h e wanted to distribute my\nsoftware. He said it was about the best he had ever seen,\nand he could do a great job representing it in the\nmarketplace. I enjoyed bo th his frankness and his\npositive praise, and I immediately felt comfortable\nworking with him. It is impor tant to understand that the\nway I viewed the unfolding events was that this man\nsitting before me had been handpicked by the Universal\nForce to take my child out into the world. Just as Barb\nhad sho wn up out of nowher e and turned out to be the\nabsolutely perf ect person to help me, so this man might\nas well have m anifested out of thin air and told me he\nhad been sent to distribute the software package.\nI n either contacted another d istributor nor viewed any\nother options. I surrendered t o the perfection of the flow.\nAs R ick and I shook hands on our intent to enter into a\ndistribution arrangement, we couldn\u2019t possibly have\nknown that for the next few decades of our lives we\nwould be involved in a fantastic voyage together. Itshould come as no surprise that Rick and Systems Plus\nturned out to be the absolutely perfect distributor for\nThe Medical Manager product. Life had worked its magic\nonce again.\nSystems Plus informed me in September that the\ncompany was going to launch The Medical Manager in\nNovember at the upcoming 1982 Computer Dealers\u2019\nExhibition (COMDEX). Held in Las Vegas each year,\nCOMDEX was the largest computer trade show in the\ncountry and the second largest in the world. Systems\nPlus was planning to featur e the product in its huge\nbooth, so the pressure was on to get the distribution\nagreement sign ed and to ship the finished version of the\nsoftware out to California.\nIt turn s out that the Temple had a large retreat\nscheduled for first of Octobe r that year for Ram Dass.\nThat wa s exact ly the deadline Systems Plus had given me\nto s end them t he finished version. Since I didn\u2019t get the\nsoftware shipped before lea ving for the retreat, Ram\nDass ended up with it on his lap the entire drive down.\nAt one point he asked me in his very no-nonsense way of\nspeaking, \u201cIs it any good?\u201d I answered him by saying that\nI h ad no idea; it could be worth nothing or it could be\nworth a million dollars. Turns out I was off by a few\nzeros. I always had tremendous respect for Ram Dass, as\ndo all of us who grew up under his aura of absolute\nhonesty with one\u2019s self. The perfection of circumstances\nthat had him h olding that piece of software just before it\nlaunched into the world was amazing to me. Who knows\nhow these things work? I cer tainly don\u2019t claim to know a\nthing. I watche d how this sof tware was conceived, and I\nsaw it attract exactly what it needed to not only get\nwritten but to be a leader ri ght out of the gate. It then\nmagically attra cted its own first-rate distributor and was\nnow sitting on the lap of one of the most-respected New\nAge spi ritual teachers in the world. This program had a\ndestiny of its o wn, and it was about to take us all on ajourney, the likes of which we never could have\nimagined.S e c t i o n V I\nThe Forces of Natural\nGrowth3", "token_ids": [198, 1073, 1057, 5845, 13, 358, 1047, 2646, 304, 856, 2324, 1027, 6532, 304, 198, 73254, 430, 30526, 279, 2237, 315, 39143, 315, 430, 198, 15252, 13, 1102, 574, 1093, 264, 45129, 1608, 22996, 555, 279, 892, 433, 198, 16514, 2884, 13, 2057, 757, 433, 574, 264, 220, 5496, 5502, 11, 323, 358, 6612, 198, 83, 1864, 408, 788, 5201, 1475, 6935, 384, 358, 24891, 433, 13, 4702, 1427, 520, 198, 1820, 8056, 6530, 315, 2324, 753, 4455, 430, 3549, 420, 198, 15252, 13, 358, 6612, 1093, 433, 1047, 264, 2324, 315, 1202, 1866, 11, 323, 584, 1051, 198, 4345, 1618, 311, 8854, 433, 627, 2181, 574, 279, 7314, 315, 220, 3753, 17, 11, 323, 1306, 1403, 1667, 315, 198, 396, 1137, 4500, 11, 584, 3940, 27730, 279, 2068, 198, 2000, 856, 2780, 2259, 326, 1403, 8403, 13, 16644, 430, 7000, 315, 603, 1047, 198, 2099, 5439, 1778, 264, 16195, 2068, 1603, 11, 279, 198, 12527, 811, 296, 297, 2111, 3235, 1633, 39511, 13, 358, 2646, 3131, 198, 61665, 922, 1148, 1053, 3621, 1306, 1884, 6732, 1051, 198, 50673, 13, 1226, 1051, 6724, 10968, 389, 4477, 323, 198, 75828, 287, 279, 11112, 9234, 259, 1887, 584, 1436, 1606, 198, 9210, 574, 279, 9637, 1940, 2324, 1047, 2728, 603, 13, 578, 2068, 753, 47176, 198, 10924, 270, 384, 3003, 220, 532, 45218, 1053, 617, 311, 28572, 198, 884, 50268, 389, 1202, 1866, 2345, 327, 33839, 439, 1047, 7077, 1475, 198, 9710, 315, 279, 1648, 779, 3117, 13, 18, 220, 20, 16853, 47, 436, 384, 281, 264, 436, 602, 308, 342, 220, 282, 297, 436, 220, 445, 264, 577, 308, 272, 305, 198, 32, 1317, 24129, 270, 279, 2294, 37387, 279, 2068, 574, 3339, 11, 358, 198, 16514, 18949, 311, 1518, 4455, 33831, 430, 56128, 1884, 198, 20019, 757, 11, 5423, 47142, 11, 889, 574, 3318, 2216, 198, 19221, 13, 33916, 420, 892, 856, 9760, 14596, 58769, 60171, 6773, 198, 998, 3351, 11, 323, 279, 19176, 15075, 813, 3424, 13, 47142, 198, 23196, 311, 3351, 1139, 430, 3838, 1174, 323, 1364, 1101, 2751, 264, 1664, 7058, 5919, 2841, 502, 5274, 994, 19758, 1534, 39524, 198, 265, 40563, 1202, 4330, 8420, 1139, 264, 502, 4857, 389, 198, 22759, 698, 21319, 13, 358, 2751, 264, 17778, 2781, 5274, 439, 1664, 11, 323, 1063, 198, 1225, 3062, 4455, 1051, 51687, 311, 1935, 2035, 1070, 2345, 198, 6836, 810, 3062, 1109, 264, 47176, 44518, 4641, 1650, 358, 198, 91453, 1418, 11961, 520, 856, 6500, 832, 1938, 627, 1687, 1047, 1120, 8220, 1057, 1176, 14028, 315, 578, 198, 53654, 10790, 11, 323, 358, 574, 25270, 709, 279, 11630, 369, 198, 1820, 463, 23882, 289, 48916, 279, 4641, 43200, 13, 1102, 574, 15264, 12623, 345, 1820, 2916, 1564, 436, 315, 279, 1046, 78, 653, 1303, 2068, 584, 1051, 198, 38837, 13, 358, 574, 264, 1633, 2678, 24204, 315, 48301, 11, 323, 814, 3287, 1431, 198, 7642, 750, 1650, 757, 13, 358, 1047, 9277, 264, 1650, 264, 2478, 2919, 6931, 311, 198, 11998, 5435, 449, 264, 502, 6710, 315, 3241, 814, 1051, 198, 265, 84652, 627, 791, 6130, 18740, 520, 15264, 12623, 198, 396, 30317, 11937, 439, 54333, 63885, 13, 3005, 574, 1633, 1469, 10216, 36324, 369, 198, 1820, 5435, 814, 1051, 31081, 6892, 13, 2468, 1063, 1486, 304, 1077, 198, 391, 9268, 323, 85145, 11, 1364, 3309, 757, 430, 358, 1288, 198, 48684, 29918, 72, 5320, 311, 872, 502, 3241, 19786, 1606, 198, 20670, 13205, 389, 1694, 279, 6522, 2883, 369, 2678, 198, 27243, 8579, 86, 527, 13, 3005, 1071, 814, 1051, 24050, 7953, 198, 25615, 24043, 323, 1051, 5131, 3411, 369, 264, 311, 1762, 278, 12675, 6462, 11, 5897, 6462, 11, 323, 6593, 34631, 198, 1757, 627, 4599, 358, 6755, 1077, 2019, 6593, 34631, 6462, 11, 1364, 198, 62308, 757, 555, 13051, 13, 2468, 1176, 358, 574, 2288, 49230, 311, 198, 37890, 4205, 13, 15264, 12623, 574, 420, 2466, 11, 38250, 13345, 198, 44211, 470, 281, 3852, 11, 323, 358, 574, 264, 7564, 304, 279, 33633, 889, 198, 32345, 15972, 5678, 311, 2068, 662, 23371, 11, 358, 1047, 7543, 279, 1566, 198, 20375, 1667, 4477, 1057, 6593, 34631, 2068, 11, 719, 433, 1047, 198, 3323, 387, 665, 10487, 304, 832, 1554, 682, 10896, 753, 5274, 369, 264, 2478, 198, 82089, 13, 18056, 279, 7899, 304, 856, 2010, 574, 1089, 1711, 757, 198, 9210, 15264, 12623, 1053, 6520, 5320, 912, 2802, 304, 856, 2697, 198, 37751, 2068, 11, 358, 3952, 264, 11745, 11, 71044, 311, 279, 198, 29699, 11, 323, 16369, 54333, 75, 30529, 430, 358, 1047, 1120, 8220, 264, 198, 69216, 34631, 6462, 13, 3005, 3940, 311, 2019, 2555, 198, 438, 279, 308, 10717, 13, 4740, 264, 1437, 602, 830, 18579, 1364, 1071, 11, 1054, 14524, 264, 198, 43657, 11, 856, 13697, 1120, 4321, 1608, 555, 26, 1095, 757, 1518, 422, 568, 753, 198, 84798, 2029, 358, 1047, 11112, 912, 4623, 1148, 311, 1781, 627, 4599, 54333, 63885, 6052, 311, 279, 220, 1650, 11, 1364, 3309, 757, 1077, 13697, 198, 16514, 1633, 8173, 304, 34988, 904, 3241, 430, 1436, 198, 3055, 264, 6593, 6725, 753, 34631, 13, 3005, 21190, 757, 311, 198, 6820, 304, 279, 6705, 19646, 3235, 449, 279, 11630, 358, 574, 1120, 198, 884, 698, 1303, 13, 1226, 2751, 1022, 279, 4641, 11, 323, 358, 574, 48026, 627, 3923, 1047, 1120, 7077, 30, 358, 1047, 2646, 1524, 3463, 198, 9274, 9455, 264, 3241, 44168, 13, 5112, 832, 315, 279, 198, 71864, 753, 1948, 2626, 3241, 56694, 6880, 757, 304, 198, 1820, 5209, 112605, 315, 279, 33633, 304, 1708, 613, 4381, 11, 9784, 11, 323, 10548, 709, 198, 71805, 311, 1518, 856, 1887, 13, 358, 1766, 704, 3010, 430, 994, 198, 43, 461, 63885, 9932, 1077, 13697, 11, 1364, 574, 22797, 311, 279, 198, 24544, 1748, 315, 279, 2883, 11, 23194, 55512, 6915, 11, 889, 1047, 1120, 198, 71, 680, 6901, 311, 4321, 555, 1077, 18496, 520, 430, 4839, 4545, 627, 32576, 1457, 499, 649, 1518, 3249, 358, 617, 9687, 311, 779, 17693, 198, 71, 55137, 279, 6530, 315, 2324, 627, 2181, 311, 5509, 757, 264, 2046, 477, 1403, 311, 6958, 4395, 3871, 198, 438, 8448, 433, 1022, 311, 15264, 12623, 26097, 13, 2684, 574, 198, 34431, 1633, 65623, 439, 358, 14980, 1070, 10209, 279, 198, 12402, 6462, 709, 311, 279, 15861, 13, 358, 1047, 5042, 1027, 198, 44018, 279, 6530, 13, 358, 19117, 1431, 1047, 904, 17078, 11, 16388, 11, 269, 294, 312, 4214, 922, 4205, 13, 1789, 1690, 1667, 1457, 11, 358, 1047, 198, 4345, 1027, 10917, 832, 4579, 304, 4156, 315, 279, 1023, 13788, 198, 69386, 574, 2231, 1603, 757, 311, 279, 1888, 315, 856, 5845, 13, 2057, 198, 2727, 11, 358, 574, 539, 220, 264, 6500, 48888, 26, 358, 574, 264, 42453, 72, 198, 64275, 304, 220, 279, 6278, 315, 279, 24670, 297, 5469, 13, 358, 1047, 11021, 264, 13987, 22068, 198, 44211, 369, 400, 5067, 1063, 1667, 6931, 11, 323, 358, 1047, 6476, 198, 20019, 449, 433, 13, 358, 2751, 14397, 291, 1139, 10374, 1403, 1667, 315, 198, 2465, 2324, 4477, 264, 6593, 20934, 38172, 6462, 1306, 856, 4059, 198, 32345, 453, 265, 1008, 88, 409, 272, 4591, 430, 4477, 3241, 574, 2288, 892, 7058, 444, 62217, 13, 2360, 289, 11, 2085, 856, 3339, 264, 3254, 1650, 11, 358, 574, 198, 9274, 311, 3708, 2555, 358, 305, 1008, 56168, 1022, 311, 279, 198, 24544, 1748, 315, 264, 6992, 3241, 2883, 704, 304, 198, 46510, 13, 2650, 1587, 1778, 264, 3245, 3621, 80078, 304, 264, 198, 69, 22704, 24162, 5380, 32, 2478, 5672, 3010, 11, 358, 2751, 264, 1650, 505, 15264, 12623, 198, 41540, 287, 757, 430, 279, 2883, 4872, 4934, 311, 11722, 198, 412, 311, 1708, 613, 4381, 220, 311, 3449, 757, 3663, 4791, 30188, 13, 358, 7378, 11, 323, 304, 198, 2201, 259, 75534, 520, 682, 23194, 55512, 6915, 574, 11961, 389, 279, 27240, 304, 198, 2465, 5274, 11890, 757, 430, 305, 384, 4934, 311, 16822, 856, 198, 37751, 13, 1283, 1071, 433, 574, 922, 279, 1888, 568, 1047, 3596, 3970, 345, 438, 568, 220, 1436, 656, 264, 2294, 2683, 14393, 433, 304, 279, 198, 19859, 2050, 13, 358, 14333, 712, 270, 813, 26875, 2136, 323, 813, 198, 31587, 29488, 11, 323, 358, 7214, 6612, 10882, 198, 21837, 449, 1461, 13, 1102, 374, 3242, 269, 37622, 311, 3619, 430, 279, 198, 3195, 358, 19894, 279, 33831, 4455, 574, 430, 420, 893, 198, 82, 15154, 1603, 757, 1047, 1027, 1450, 94599, 555, 279, 26581, 198, 19085, 311, 1935, 856, 1716, 704, 1139, 279, 1917, 13, 4702, 439, 47142, 198, 32345, 72619, 66580, 709, 704, 315, 1457, 1964, 384, 323, 6656, 704, 311, 387, 279, 198, 3518, 9887, 22535, 77594, 1732, 311, 1520, 757, 11, 779, 420, 893, 2643, 198, 300, 1664, 617, 296, 459, 7107, 291, 704, 315, 15792, 3805, 323, 3309, 757, 568, 198, 32345, 1027, 3288, 311, 16822, 279, 3241, 6462, 627, 40, 308, 3060, 25559, 2500, 294, 220, 79488, 6463, 19894, 904, 198, 1605, 2671, 13, 358, 71044, 259, 297, 279, 39143, 315, 279, 6530, 627, 2170, 432, 220, 875, 323, 358, 36014, 6206, 389, 1057, 7537, 311, 3810, 1139, 264, 198, 82816, 27204, 11, 584, 7846, 1431, 11000, 617, 198, 5391, 430, 369, 279, 1828, 2478, 220, 11026, 315, 1057, 6439, 584, 198, 41450, 387, 6532, 304, 264, 14964, 45640, 3871, 13, 1102, 5562, 2586, 439, 912, 13051, 430, 23194, 323, 15264, 12623, 198, 42286, 704, 311, 387, 279, 11112, 4832, 44168, 369, 198, 791, 13235, 10790, 2027, 13, 9601, 1047, 6575, 1202, 11204, 198, 13486, 1578, 627, 49165, 12623, 16369, 757, 304, 6250, 430, 279, 198, 10348, 574, 2133, 311, 7195, 578, 13235, 10790, 304, 198, 34827, 520, 279, 14827, 220, 3753, 17, 17863, 79289, 123956, 849, 60073, 320, 8867, 10962, 570, 83531, 304, 16132, 18059, 1855, 1060, 345, 8867, 10962, 574, 279, 7928, 6500, 6696, 1501, 304, 279, 198, 11389, 323, 279, 2132, 7928, 304, 279, 1917, 13, 15264, 198, 22560, 574, 9293, 311, 1172, 2693, 384, 279, 2027, 304, 1202, 6908, 198, 754, 8942, 11, 779, 279, 7410, 574, 389, 311, 636, 279, 8141, 198, 351, 17589, 1879, 1608, 323, 311, 8448, 279, 8220, 2373, 315, 279, 198, 37751, 704, 311, 7188, 627, 2181, 2543, 274, 704, 430, 279, 19176, 1047, 264, 3544, 31114, 198, 94685, 369, 1176, 315, 5020, 15784, 436, 430, 1060, 369, 15504, 423, 395, 627, 4897, 10667, 274, 4839, 14869, 279, 22143, 15264, 12623, 1047, 2728, 757, 198, 998, 274, 842, 1124, 259, 568, 8220, 2373, 13, 8876, 358, 3287, 1431, 636, 279, 198, 37751, 28358, 1603, 514, 64, 348, 287, 369, 279, 31114, 11, 15504, 198, 35, 395, 9670, 709, 449, 433, 389, 813, 220, 24301, 279, 4553, 6678, 1523, 627, 1688, 832, 1486, 568, 4691, 757, 304, 813, 1633, 912, 5392, 98833, 1648, 315, 198, 34474, 1802, 11, 1054, 3957, 433, 904, 1695, 12671, 358, 19089, 1461, 555, 5605, 430, 198, 40, 305, 1008, 912, 4623, 26, 433, 1436, 387, 5922, 4400, 477, 433, 1436, 387, 198, 20069, 264, 220, 3610, 11441, 13, 58334, 704, 358, 574, 1022, 555, 264, 2478, 198, 36816, 13, 358, 220, 2744, 220, 1047, 28040, 5201, 369, 15504, 423, 395, 11, 439, 198, 3055, 682, 315, 603, 889, 14264, 709, 1234, 813, 40142, 315, 10973, 198, 71, 36224, 88, 449, 832, 753, 659, 13, 578, 39143, 315, 13463, 198, 9210, 1047, 1461, 305, 2362, 287, 430, 6710, 315, 3241, 1120, 1603, 433, 198, 4355, 10880, 1139, 279, 1917, 574, 8056, 311, 757, 13, 10699, 8964, 198, 5269, 1521, 2574, 990, 30, 358, 10362, 259, 467, 398, 1541, 1431, 3802, 311, 1440, 264, 198, 1626, 13, 358, 220, 3821, 68, 294, 1268, 420, 86906, 259, 1698, 574, 50178, 11, 323, 358, 198, 82, 675, 433, 9504, 7041, 1148, 433, 4460, 311, 539, 1193, 636, 198, 26650, 719, 311, 387, 264, 7808, 25160, 342, 427, 704, 315, 279, 18618, 13, 1102, 1243, 198, 31606, 2740, 520, 2221, 272, 6702, 1202, 1866, 1176, 44126, 44168, 323, 574, 198, 3409, 11961, 389, 279, 24301, 315, 832, 220, 315, 279, 1455, 11849, 4136, 1561, 198, 17166, 28047, 28278, 13639, 304, 279, 1917, 13, 1115, 2068, 1047, 264, 198, 5086, 6577, 315, 1202, 297, 66580, 11, 323, 433, 574, 922, 311, 1935, 603, 682, 389, 26514, 34090, 11, 279, 13452, 315, 902, 584, 2646, 1436, 617, 198, 29116, 1619, 815, 384, 272, 259, 602, 297, 308, 220, 650, 358, 198, 791, 30500, 315, 18955, 198, 38, 19632, 18], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": "stressfulemotions.Theyusuallysuppresstheiranger,\nandbecomeresentful.\nInjuries\nSymptomsCuts/wounds: painful;tonerve-richparts.\nPainstearing.\nWorsefortouch.\nCausesaccident;childbirth;episiotomy;surgery.\nStaphysagria isforwoundsorinjurieswherethereare\nfeelingsofhumiliation,indignationandanger.This\nmightbecausedbyanoperationtoasphincter(anus,\nurethra,stomach,etc.),afteranyoperation,especially\nifmorewasdonethanexpected,afteramechanical\nchildbirthwithpainafterwardsandpossiblystitches,\nINTERNALMATERIAMEDICA Sulphur(Sul.)\u2022155\noritmaysimplybepainfollowinganunpleasant\nexamination.\nStaphysagriawoundsaretypicallycausedbysharp,\ncuttinginstrumentssuchasglass;thepains(andthose\nfollowingsurgery)arestinging,smarting.Injuriesto\ntheeyesoreyelidswherethereisinflammationcan\ncallforStaphysagriaaslongastheaccompanying\nemotionalsymptomsarepresent.\nStyes\nThesearesensitivetotouchandareoftenaccom-\npaniedbyStaphysagnaemotionalsymptoms.\nToothache\nSymptomsPains:spreadtotheears;gnawing;tear-\ning;indecayedteeth.Inchildren.\nWorseaftereating;forcolddrinks;duringmenstrual\nperiod.\nThisisforpeoplewhoseteethdecayedandturned\nblackearly,andwhohavetoothacheinthedecayed\nteeth,especiallywithdrinkingcolddrinks.\nTravelsickness\nStaphysagria istheremedytoprescribefortravel\nsicknesswheretheindividual isextremelydifficult,\nstroppyandindignantthatthisshouldbe'happening\ntohimorher'.\nSulphur(Sui.)\nOthernames:brimstone;flowersofsulphur\nSulphuroccursnaturallyandisanessentialchemical\nconstituentofalllivingtissue.Itisoneofthesub-\nstancesthrownoutbyavolcaniceruption;thesulphur\ndriesroundtheedgeofthevolcano,andthisissimilar\ntoa'sulphureruption'wherethepusisaggravatedby\nheat,oozesoutandthenformscrustsontheskin.\nItswidecommercialapplicationincludesitsusein\nthemanufactureofgunpowder,dyes,fungicidesand\ninsecticides,tohardenrubberandtomakesulphuric\nacid.\nIthasalonghistoryinmedicine. Itwasconsidereda\npreventiveforepidemicillnesses,and'Flowersof\nsulphur'wereburnedtofumigateroomsoccupiedby\npeoplesufferingfrominfectiousdiseases(theburning\nsulphurproducessulphurdioxide,apowerfuldisin-\nfectant).Itwastakenregularly,alongwithmolasses,\nto'cleanse'thegut,andhasbeenusedformorethan\n2000yearstotreatskindiseases,includingacneand\nscabies;otherusesinorthodoxmedicineincludeits\nuseasalaxative,forchronicbronchialcatarrhandfor\nrheumatism.Thehomeopathicpreparation ismadefrompure\nsulphur(afineyellow-greenish, grittypowder)either\nbytriturationorasatinctureinstrongalcohol.\nGENERALSYMPTOMS\nAnaemia.Breathsmells.Complaintsfromchangeof\nweatherfromcoldtowarmDischargessmelly;sour;\nwatery.DislikesmeatFace:red,sallow;redinspots.\nGlandsswollen.Likes:spicyfood;sweets.Lips:\ncracked;dry;red.Painsburning.Sweat:profuse;\nsmelly;sour;fromslightestphysicalexertion.\nSymptomsleft-sided.Taste:mouthtastesbitter;bad.\nThirsty:extreme;forlargequantities;forwater.\nTongue:white-coated;rededgesandtip.\nBetterforfreshair.\nWorseforbathing;forchangeofweathertowarm;for\ndraughts;forexertion;forfasting;forheat;formilk;\naround10-11a.m.;forstanding;instuffyrooms;for\nwarmthofbed.\nSulphurtypescomeinallshapesandsizes,butthey\nseemalwaystolookuntidyand/orunwashed,espe-\nciallythechildren,nomatterhowoftentheywashor\nchangeclothes.Infact,theirmannerofdresswill\nusuallygivethemaway-thereisalwayssomething\nmissingsuchasanoddsock,orahemcomingdown,\noracollarescapedfrominsideajumper(thingsno\nself-respectingArsenicumwouldputupwith!).They\nareeithercompletelyindifferenttohowtheylookor\ndonotnoticeiftheyaredirty.Theyhavehotfeet,and\nsocaneasilywearsandalsthewholeyearround.They\narelazyandtheyhatetowash;theyoftenfeelworse\nforitanddonotinfactlookmuchcleanerforit.They\nslumpwhensittingandstoopwhenwalkingandare\nalwaysworseforhavingtostandupforlong-they\nmakestraightforabarstoolinapub!\nTheyhavemarkedlyredfacesandredlipswhich\ncanbecomedryandcrackedwhentheyfallill.The\ntongueisoftenwhitecoatedwithrededgesandtip.\nTheyareextremelythirstytypeswhowillconsume\nlargequantitiesoftapwaterwhethersickorwell.\nThesepeoplearesensitivetoheatandarealways\nworseforbeinginastuffyroomandgettingover-\nheated;theyarebetterforfreshair.Theirdischarges\nareusuallyhot,smellyandburning.Theysweatpro-\nfuselyandfeelworsewhilesweating.Hotflushes\nduringthemenopausewillrespondwelltoSulphur,\nprovidingthegeneralandemotional/mental\nsymptoms fit.\nNB.Thisremedyishailedforitseffectoneczemaand\nskinrashes,butIstronglyadviseyounottoprescribe\nforthesecomplaintswithoutconsultingaprofessional\nhomeopath,astheaggravationscanbesevereand\nneedtobemonitoredcarefully.\n156\u2022Sulphur(Sul.) INTERNALMATERIAMEDICA\nEMOTIONAL/MENTAL SYMPTOMS\nAngry.Anxiousintheevening.Confused.Critical.\nDepressed.Discontented.Impatient.Indifferentto\npersonalappearance.Irritable.Lazy.Quarrelsome.\nRestless.Sluggishinchildren.\nSulphurchildrenarecuriousandbrightanddrivetheir\nparentsmadaskingendlessquestions,mostlypre-\ncededwith'Why...?'Astheygrowoldertheyde-\nvelopintopeoplewithmanyideaswhofinditdifficult\ntobringtheseideasfromthelandofdreamsintothe\nlandofreality.Atoneextremetheyaresuccess-\nfulacademicsandattheothertheyareunrealistic\ndreamers,ortheso-called'raggedphilosophers'.The\nnearesttothisinmoderntermsarethehippieswith\ntheirendlessidealsandtheories,barefeetandun-\nkemptappearances.Theymaystartmanythingsand\nneverfinishanything,andthefurtherawaytheyare\nfromrealisingtheirideas,thesickertheybecome.\nTheseindividualsaresloppy,lazyanddis-\norganised;theyfeelconstantlyrushedandhurried\nandwouldreallyrathernotworkatalliftheycan\navoidit.Messdoesn'tbotherthem,althoughthey\nmaygetperiodicalcravingsforasortoflimitedexter-\nnalorder.Theyarehoardersandcannotthrowany-\nthingaway.However,despitetheiruntidinessand\nsloppiness,theymayhaveastrongfeelingofself-\ndisgustfortheirownbodilyfunctions.Otherremedies\nhavethissymptombutitiscuriousinsuchaslob!\nSulphurtypesarebasicallyselfcentred,impatient,\nirritableandcriticalofothersandhowtheyruntheir\nlives;theyhavelotsofideasandtheoriesofhowthey\nthemselvescoulddoitbetter.Theysufferfromall\nsortsofworrieswhichplaguethemintheeveningand\nstopthemsleepingatnight.\nPHYSICALCOMPLAINTS\nBackache\nSymptomsBack:feelsweak/tired.Pains:inlower\nspine;aching;sore,bruised.Withstiffness;weak-\nness.\nWorseafterperiodoflongsitting;forbendingdown;\nduringamenstrualperiod;ongettingupfromsitting;\natnight;forstanding;forwalking.\nBedwetting\nThesearechildrenwhoaregenerallydryatnightbut\nstartbedwettingwhentheyfallill.\nBoils\nSymptomsBoilsitching.Breastfeedingproblems\nSymptomsBreastabscess:inflamed.Breastsred.\nThebreastsmaybeitchy.\nChickenpoxseeMeasles", "token_ids": [95290, 69, 1130, 76, 41356, 76369, 44066, 13066, 24544, 267, 383, 404, 4091, 345, 438, 17106, 316, 13213, 306, 1285, 627, 644, 90927, 198, 29012, 52273, 34, 6256, 6458, 3171, 25, 26175, 26, 783, 5976, 41947, 18753, 627, 47, 467, 267, 13992, 627, 54, 11073, 4057, 3102, 627, 23389, 4881, 4575, 1748, 26, 3124, 28813, 26, 752, 285, 11345, 5650, 40514, 85392, 627, 626, 1366, 1065, 351, 4298, 374, 2000, 86, 3171, 269, 258, 90927, 1336, 261, 774, 486, 548, 198, 1897, 20659, 708, 69, 28400, 29109, 11, 485, 625, 367, 438, 4091, 29845, 198, 46068, 17106, 64, 2656, 1729, 276, 9446, 998, 300, 764, 7956, 261, 39602, 355, 345, 554, 339, 969, 91359, 316, 613, 11, 12380, 25390, 10924, 3852, 9446, 11, 36046, 198, 333, 6518, 16514, 15357, 774, 276, 7475, 11, 10924, 373, 5776, 950, 198, 3124, 28813, 4291, 92724, 10924, 4102, 438, 54228, 267, 26286, 345, 51525, 44, 19706, 40, 70622, 32101, 46962, 764, 324, 3844, 360, 6266, 6806, 9992, 198, 269, 73384, 954, 318, 2603, 65, 752, 467, 44018, 276, 359, 45007, 198, 327, 27935, 627, 626, 1366, 1065, 351, 462, 675, 3171, 548, 87184, 936, 2656, 1729, 54017, 345, 10453, 1303, 67468, 784, 1412, 300, 59536, 26, 339, 752, 1771, 61011, 54719, 198, 19070, 826, 85392, 8, 15795, 24992, 11, 40903, 287, 5450, 73, 6198, 52525, 198, 1820, 58331, 461, 88, 301, 3447, 1336, 261, 774, 486, 58504, 45864, 367, 4919, 198, 6797, 2000, 626, 1366, 1065, 351, 4298, 300, 4930, 561, 383, 582, 10348, 287, 198, 74453, 1147, 1631, 52273, 548, 29844, 627, 626, 9891, 198, 9673, 5518, 729, 275, 99754, 354, 3102, 438, 548, 61917, 73087, 7058, 22840, 1729, 626, 1366, 1065, 56057, 74453, 1147, 1631, 52273, 627, 1271, 8942, 1815, 198, 29012, 52273, 47, 1771, 25, 59295, 998, 1820, 7596, 26, 5010, 675, 287, 26, 668, 277, 7058, 287, 26, 258, 8332, 43995, 668, 774, 5450, 5988, 627, 54, 11073, 10924, 91955, 26, 2000, 2119, 634, 81, 15872, 26, 82977, 5794, 496, 940, 198, 19862, 627, 2028, 285, 2000, 16455, 1336, 437, 7870, 774, 8332, 43995, 438, 42286, 198, 11708, 22928, 51526, 1336, 2319, 402, 118443, 1815, 48121, 291, 762, 43995, 198, 668, 774, 11, 36046, 4291, 3696, 16113, 2119, 634, 81, 15872, 627, 1305, 402, 2053, 26989, 198, 626, 1366, 1065, 351, 4298, 6127, 1964, 336, 9497, 3565, 417, 745, 58747, 371, 114348, 198, 82, 26989, 1336, 261, 19030, 55977, 374, 428, 54358, 13798, 3951, 345, 97041, 35063, 438, 485, 59110, 9210, 576, 5562, 1395, 39982, 680, 6147, 198, 998, 40617, 269, 1964, 24482, 50, 360, 764, 324, 3844, 2005, 29275, 46, 6456, 986, 25, 1347, 318, 11046, 26, 89770, 37181, 360, 764, 324, 198, 50, 360, 764, 2868, 641, 1759, 77, 72247, 438, 17570, 49582, 32056, 198, 1040, 275, 11942, 1073, 543, 64275, 83, 11407, 28628, 285, 606, 1073, 6509, 392, 7058, 1333, 31177, 4935, 412, 1729, 402, 337, 4919, 13296, 84, 562, 26, 6509, 360, 764, 324, 198, 67, 4108, 1067, 1820, 7334, 1073, 1820, 12821, 69377, 51526, 576, 1056, 79962, 198, 50195, 596, 360, 764, 7889, 84, 562, 6, 1336, 261, 19030, 18299, 285, 351, 36490, 660, 1729, 198, 20559, 11, 2689, 32893, 412, 438, 3473, 630, 26121, 592, 942, 6509, 8148, 627, 2181, 2332, 579, 84707, 5242, 14866, 1220, 817, 258, 198, 339, 16357, 4830, 554, 1073, 13562, 22491, 1126, 12260, 9891, 17514, 2234, 76195, 438, 198, 258, 9885, 76195, 77347, 71, 8506, 60530, 655, 438, 38501, 2094, 360, 764, 324, 292, 198, 58156, 627, 40, 339, 300, 39393, 19375, 258, 83543, 13, 1102, 16514, 25742, 14151, 198, 93755, 535, 1348, 10629, 8274, 484, 2136, 288, 51526, 6, 3968, 16345, 1073, 198, 82, 360, 764, 324, 6, 52898, 22464, 291, 998, 69, 372, 343, 977, 4285, 82, 41456, 1729, 198, 375, 27522, 2084, 287, 1527, 258, 3836, 1245, 67, 1082, 2315, 31524, 22464, 287, 198, 82, 360, 764, 324, 8723, 1140, 360, 764, 16468, 37901, 11, 391, 1223, 1285, 4338, 258, 7058, 3836, 519, 570, 2181, 86, 561, 3448, 23108, 398, 11, 39393, 4291, 45444, 52090, 345, 998, 6, 18883, 325, 956, 383, 70, 332, 51526, 4752, 82850, 2656, 630, 461, 54895, 198, 1049, 15, 3236, 267, 354, 1244, 4991, 485, 1082, 2315, 11, 16564, 582, 818, 438, 198, 2445, 98141, 26, 1605, 4881, 258, 2419, 31162, 83543, 1012, 1220, 198, 817, 116607, 710, 1413, 11, 2000, 7562, 292, 68557, 331, 532, 4719, 1138, 10888, 2000, 198, 81, 383, 46313, 2191, 11829, 5227, 62209, 1762, 36235, 374, 20920, 830, 442, 52833, 198, 82, 360, 764, 324, 7, 2642, 483, 28969, 39368, 819, 11, 42018, 3737, 363, 1126, 8, 50998, 198, 1729, 376, 275, 2060, 65747, 266, 7956, 554, 258, 4620, 278, 11353, 627, 95836, 80334, 2898, 1937, 50, 198, 81686, 22689, 1823, 265, 589, 3647, 6572, 3034, 32397, 82, 1527, 3455, 1073, 198, 15561, 1527, 88172, 83, 363, 2227, 4944, 18153, 434, 76, 12160, 40514, 414, 280, 59147, 727, 10376, 26094, 2727, 266, 16680, 42684, 10900, 7331, 26, 1171, 1354, 79, 2469, 627, 38, 1974, 784, 86, 33389, 1236, 12732, 25, 2203, 2912, 14239, 40514, 26488, 1236, 3153, 512, 5192, 11440, 26, 54310, 26, 1171, 1087, 1771, 22464, 287, 815, 906, 266, 25, 22579, 817, 280, 3647, 12160, 40514, 414, 26, 1527, 3306, 492, 478, 42305, 292, 56975, 531, 290, 627, 29012, 52273, 2414, 50858, 844, 5642, 31386, 2969, 83, 28006, 65, 3328, 26, 14176, 627, 1016, 874, 88, 25, 428, 9831, 26, 2000, 17185, 31548, 1385, 26, 2000, 13284, 627, 51, 647, 361, 51916, 23283, 660, 26, 1171, 17327, 438, 13446, 627, 56351, 2000, 72408, 1334, 627, 54, 11073, 2000, 65, 44661, 26, 2000, 3455, 1073, 906, 589, 531, 363, 2227, 26, 2000, 198, 23044, 3948, 82, 26, 1348, 87, 531, 290, 26, 2000, 9533, 287, 26, 2000, 20559, 26, 630, 34263, 280, 20019, 605, 12, 806, 64, 749, 16016, 2000, 10276, 26, 6442, 30977, 9949, 26, 2000, 198, 83697, 339, 1073, 2788, 627, 50, 360, 764, 5757, 1842, 2063, 258, 543, 93159, 2914, 4861, 100004, 20670, 198, 325, 336, 278, 3195, 267, 337, 1982, 3935, 43686, 438, 5255, 359, 86, 13883, 11, 288, 375, 7058, 16158, 398, 1820, 5988, 10337, 316, 1683, 5269, 14450, 306, 36661, 70545, 269, 198, 79082, 762, 385, 6509, 5450, 34210, 63738, 2923, 4992, 1073, 69334, 14724, 198, 44066, 70, 344, 774, 336, 14075, 7716, 486, 285, 278, 3195, 784, 11793, 198, 1869, 826, 1412, 46488, 14898, 13501, 11, 269, 1494, 336, 5065, 2996, 345, 269, 582, 980, 5518, 66, 10395, 1527, 42450, 1662, 24988, 25364, 826, 2201, 198, 726, 11849, 66448, 84073, 56989, 372, 41450, 631, 455, 4291, 43492, 7009, 198, 548, 50998, 884, 50268, 485, 18780, 998, 5269, 20670, 7349, 269, 198, 15357, 354, 24467, 333, 20670, 1636, 16938, 76369, 19553, 10847, 1897, 295, 51526, 198, 58121, 2194, 38367, 86, 7596, 17086, 31177, 365, 31520, 3236, 1067, 76369, 198, 31531, 13933, 438, 20670, 9379, 295, 363, 1003, 26, 20670, 61917, 57676, 86, 11073, 198, 2000, 275, 438, 15357, 354, 13885, 533, 7349, 59178, 18883, 261, 2000, 275, 76369, 198, 3306, 1538, 1336, 729, 15154, 438, 34152, 454, 9493, 81749, 438, 548, 198, 33222, 86, 11073, 2000, 69666, 83, 537, 438, 455, 2000, 4930, 7716, 1216, 198, 7072, 89292, 2000, 95660, 267, 1786, 258, 391, 392, 4999, 7009, 71, 402, 21799, 53423, 1171, 7760, 438, 1171, 75, 3153, 8370, 198, 4919, 17106, 25111, 894, 438, 5192, 11440, 1336, 306, 36661, 13772, 484, 11829, 198, 83, 647, 361, 285, 61917, 5902, 1030, 660, 4291, 1171, 17327, 438, 13446, 627, 7009, 548, 428, 54358, 339, 874, 88, 9426, 1336, 363, 484, 85594, 198, 17185, 31548, 1385, 14450, 391, 13284, 1336, 774, 388, 875, 269, 9336, 627, 9673, 16455, 5518, 729, 275, 344, 11269, 20559, 438, 548, 33222, 198, 86, 11073, 2000, 35214, 258, 561, 30977, 3039, 438, 51210, 2017, 7058, 383, 660, 26, 20670, 548, 58234, 2000, 72408, 1334, 11829, 2668, 16438, 59340, 198, 548, 44066, 10847, 11, 3647, 12160, 438, 22464, 287, 11829, 1065, 906, 266, 782, 7058, 69, 355, 989, 438, 57676, 86, 11073, 3556, 82, 906, 1113, 3924, 354, 22402, 288, 198, 82977, 339, 16737, 84110, 14724, 6961, 9336, 998, 50, 360, 764, 324, 345, 782, 1325, 287, 339, 797, 804, 15697, 336, 41964, 14, 93221, 198, 24738, 52273, 5052, 627, 34442, 29845, 1864, 9497, 819, 5805, 2000, 275, 325, 1740, 606, 14088, 9355, 438, 198, 37282, 81, 14380, 100004, 40, 4620, 398, 14625, 1082, 88, 1656, 1751, 454, 417, 3191, 198, 2000, 6509, 66274, 32397, 22966, 412, 49512, 287, 59948, 69, 16151, 198, 5227, 36211, 11, 561, 383, 351, 36490, 811, 4919, 9620, 2099, 68, 438, 198, 17483, 83, 677, 7439, 37301, 10727, 3725, 627, 10132, 6806, 50, 360, 764, 324, 3844, 360, 6266, 73755, 44, 19706, 40, 70622, 32101, 198, 2783, 55101, 984, 14, 5441, 984, 16466, 44, 2898, 1937, 50, 198, 10976, 894, 8794, 30351, 258, 1820, 17206, 287, 4906, 69, 2656, 732, 14849, 627, 7996, 14715, 10376, 1834, 291, 86935, 16794, 13, 1451, 18780, 998, 198, 30712, 97755, 2506, 637, 15729, 1236, 13933, 35007, 277, 3833, 15031, 627, 12698, 1752, 815, 75, 2661, 819, 258, 5988, 627, 50, 360, 764, 2639, 115634, 548, 2407, 1245, 438, 73216, 438, 3696, 344, 19030, 404, 198, 3850, 3647, 329, 71805, 408, 1752, 17800, 11, 63995, 1762, 7058, 2041, 291, 4291, 6, 10445, 13, 5354, 20837, 62152, 36661, 67318, 2061, 20670, 451, 7058, 1851, 396, 2862, 1184, 4291, 35676, 94784, 1336, 1073, 485, 275, 13798, 3951, 198, 83, 677, 12928, 45010, 94784, 1527, 339, 18615, 1073, 57291, 82, 18614, 1820, 198, 1974, 1073, 265, 2786, 15913, 606, 428, 1864, 19030, 88, 5518, 2621, 7058, 1285, 50957, 38305, 438, 266, 1820, 1605, 20670, 548, 359, 8110, 4633, 198, 57291, 388, 11, 2419, 29930, 19434, 6, 4193, 3640, 46185, 11597, 388, 4527, 791, 198, 70611, 998, 576, 258, 2658, 261, 406, 261, 1026, 548, 1820, 2200, 45752, 4291, 198, 1820, 556, 303, 1752, 579, 1147, 438, 1820, 2490, 8568, 548, 1897, 295, 438, 359, 7058, 74, 21643, 41866, 3095, 11829, 1631, 352, 2527, 35676, 58174, 438, 198, 37593, 31250, 73254, 51526, 339, 830, 4004, 14075, 20670, 548, 198, 1527, 8110, 3876, 50828, 94784, 11, 6509, 5327, 20670, 17106, 638, 627, 9673, 55977, 82, 5518, 385, 35063, 22997, 13933, 438, 4338, 7058, 8629, 4147, 26, 20670, 57676, 1040, 18007, 81, 53078, 438, 104402, 4588, 198, 438, 41450, 54760, 81, 589, 944, 354, 1816, 266, 543, 333, 20670, 4919, 198, 48956, 275, 1345, 434, 73014, 956, 754, 700, 49818, 11, 37241, 20670, 198, 18864, 456, 19862, 950, 5192, 46851, 2000, 300, 371, 1073, 18736, 38665, 7058, 43078, 1382, 76369, 548, 6292, 569, 388, 438, 34360, 7265, 3852, 7058, 1626, 14075, 67103, 2099, 11, 5919, 33686, 19030, 404, 3935, 307, 1918, 438, 198, 82, 385, 604, 1918, 11, 20670, 18864, 19553, 64, 4620, 1897, 20659, 1073, 726, 7058, 4338, 70, 592, 2000, 1820, 72, 4935, 65, 347, 1570, 22124, 96442, 1864, 291, 552, 198, 71, 402, 774, 1056, 1631, 418, 2925, 332, 20000, 2407, 1245, 1354, 1412, 300, 1718, 4999, 50, 360, 764, 5757, 1842, 548, 18275, 2740, 726, 1189, 1171, 11, 318, 23557, 345, 404, 23349, 438, 42641, 78, 831, 3058, 438, 5269, 20670, 6236, 50828, 198, 75, 1924, 26, 20670, 71, 3963, 354, 708, 69, 94784, 438, 1820, 2490, 1073, 5269, 20670, 198, 339, 12116, 4372, 29177, 3055, 275, 58234, 11829, 1065, 2084, 1527, 543, 198, 7003, 708, 21206, 269, 4108, 8370, 501, 47820, 774, 26768, 1820, 17206, 287, 438, 198, 9684, 339, 12116, 3583, 287, 266, 9471, 627, 11079, 9579, 15942, 8867, 2989, 32, 3301, 50, 198, 3792, 1815, 198, 29012, 52273, 3792, 25, 1897, 2053, 13451, 5640, 2757, 1087, 1771, 25, 258, 15115, 198, 2203, 483, 26, 12092, 40514, 461, 11, 33713, 4147, 27216, 267, 3168, 2136, 26, 13451, 7058, 2136, 627, 54, 11073, 10924, 19862, 1073, 4930, 82, 15154, 26, 2000, 65, 2518, 2996, 280, 82977, 25807, 496, 940, 19862, 26, 263, 51210, 455, 1527, 82, 15154, 280, 266, 9471, 26, 2000, 10276, 26, 2000, 81749, 627, 16061, 86, 52189, 198, 9673, 548, 5988, 14965, 548, 7642, 750, 54310, 266, 9471, 8248, 198, 2527, 2788, 86, 52189, 1336, 306, 36661, 13772, 484, 627, 1255, 8839, 198, 29012, 52273, 1255, 8839, 1641, 287, 1823, 265, 561, 46519, 96440, 198, 29012, 52273, 51329, 561, 3518, 1140, 25, 258, 1517, 3690, 1823, 265, 12019, 1171, 627, 791, 21152, 561, 3647, 50891, 1641, 88, 627, 84963, 79, 5241, 4151, 7979, 300, 645], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " spinal cord severations repair themselves after years in which the\npatient was almost completely immobilized. I have seen the body realign and\nreshape itself from various deformities. If you follow nature\u2019s laws, you will\nfind that the power of God and nature is unlimited.\nRemember, there is a reason for everything, including health and disease.\nIt\u2019s all about the law of cause and effect: your decisions and actions set the\ncause in motion and you eventually experience the effect. Don\u2019t get lost in an\nendless scientific barrage of \u201ctreatment\u201d concepts. Always try to understand\nwhat is causing something. Ask yourself what the side effects might be of\nwhatever you do, eat, drink, breathe, feel or think. All these things \nbecome\nyour experience\u2014physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.\n\u201cDisease\u201d is only a word used by the medical community and associated\nwith a set of symptoms that the body displays. When an allopathic doctor\nrefers to a disease, he/she does not understand the true nature of the body and\nits response to genetics, toxicity and acidosis. They do not understand the\nchemistry and physics of nature and the need for human beings to live and\nconsume in harmony with it.Forget diseases. Clean and strengthen your body (cells) and there is\nnothing you can\u2019t overcome (cure). Life begets life, death begets death. The\nstrong survive and the weak are consumed. This is especially true at the\ncellular level. Make your body (and the cells that run it) strong again and you\nwill experience vitality and robust health and live a disease-free life.\nSummary\n \nAlmost all tissue failure begins with acidosis and toxicity. As tissue fails, or\nbecomes congested, disease symptoms begin, both local and reflexed. By\n\u201creflexed\u201d we mean that many times we feel pain in one area, but the problem\nor weakness originates in another part of the body. An example of this is\nwhen the gallbladder is inflamed you may experience right knee pain or\nweakness. You would never correlate the two because of the distance\nbetween them.\nWe commonly and mistakenly call the symptoms of acidosis and toxicity\n\u201cdisease,\u201d and attempt to treat these symptoms with suppressive drugs. This is\nnot only foolish, but also deadly, as this eventually causes tissue failure\nleading to tissue death. Never treat the symptoms; cure the cause. If you treat\nthe symptom, you never cure what created the symptom in the first place.\nThis means that in the future the root cause of the symptom of your disease\nwill take its toll on you, and could end your life.\nTreatment never \ncures.\n Don\u2019t treat\u2014regenerate. It\u2019s our only hope of\nsurvival. Simply remove the inflammation throughout your body by\ndetoxification. Detoxify yourself of all the chemicals, unnecessary mucus,\ntoxic heavy metals, unnecessary parasites and acids. A clean and alkaline\nbody is a healthy and strong body.\nNothing is mysterious when you understand the truth behind it. Disease\nis simply a natural process, an effect that the body experiences when its cells\nbegin to fail from toxicity in the form of excess mucus, vaccinations, metals,\nchemicals and other pollutants, and from acidosis, that is, inflammation.\nCleaning out the body and strengthening the cells are the only ways to bring\nabout genuine healing.\nMODULE 5.2Parasites, Good or Bad?\n \nFor the last 200 years or so scientists have spent a lot of time and money in\nresearching the ominous parasite. We have poured antibiotics into our bodies\nuntil we have developed severe allergies, excessive fungal growth, lymphatic\nsuppression, tissue damage and new diseases, including strains like MRSA\u2014\nmethicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus. And in many cases, the use of\nantibiotics has resulted in death. The pharmaceutical cartel, the U.S.\nGovernment, and various scientific communities have experimented with the\noftentimes deadly \u201cvaccination,\u201d as we discussed in \nChapter 4\n. Vaccinations\nhave proven to be one of the greatest killers ever invented. From this\nmethodology we have started a genetic landslide that we cannot stop, which is\nwhy we are seeing chronic and degenerative conditions in infants and young\nchildren. We have created so many mutations in bacteria from the use of\nantibiotics; we have created so many mutant and deadly viruses that these\npathogens are rapidly destroying the human species.\nPeople oftentimes become so intellectually obsessed that they cannot see\nthe forest for the trees. Let\u2019s take a simple look at why nature (God) created\nparasites. Webster\u2019s Dictionary defines a parasite as \u201can organism that feeds\noff of another.\u201d For our purposes I would change this definition to \u201can\norganism that feeds upon the toxicity and weaknesses of others.\u201d\nTo understand the parasite\u2019s function better, let\u2019s look at what happens if\nwe shoot and kill a deer. (This is an example only.) Flies are the first\ncreatures attracted. Their work is to lay eggs, which become maggots. What is\nthe job of a maggot? The same as other proteus (protein-splitting) types of\nparasites\u2014to eliminate the dead carcass of the deer. This is the way nature\ncleans itself. Otherwise, the bodies of all dead animals would still be here.\nNature is constantly changing from one form into another.\nDid you know that maggots are currently used in hospitals to debride\n(clean) wounds? In World War I, when medical attention was slow and so\nmany of the wounded men developed maggots in their wounds, the maggots\nkept their wounds partially clean so that many were able to survive.\nCertainly God did not design parasites to attack healthy tissue or we\nwould all be dead. \nParasites are everywhere, and you can see their vital role\non this planet in helping nature eliminate the weak so that the strong survive.\nThis keeps the cycle of nature going. The atoms in this world are neverdestroyed, just changed by different actions, including oxidation, ionization,\nand parasitic action, just to name a few.\nAn example of how we can accumulate parasites within our physical\nbody was seen in a case involving a nineteen-year-old female. She came to\nme undernourished and thin from malabsorption of her foods. She was tired\nall the time, and was never feeling as good as she should. She had muscle\naches and digestive problems. As I started her on my detoxification program\nshe began to eliminate a lot of mucus, which is standard. She also began to\nnotice \u201cweird-looking creatures\u201d in her stools. She drew me pictures of what\nshe saw; pictures which even astounded me. Two were tapeworms\u2014one a\nbeef tapeworm, and the other a common tapeworm. She saw roundworms\nand pinworms, flukes (\u201cjellyfish-looking\u201d creatures), and other unidentifiable\nparasites. She panicked and went to the Emergency Room of her local\nhospital where the ER doctor told her that \u201cthere is no such thing as parasites\nin Americans.\u201d The young lady insisted that the ER doctor have her stools\ntested, which he did after much apprehension and discussion. The report\ncame back from the lab that this sample was full of parasites.\nWe are a host to many parasites, mostly microbial. However, I would\nguess that about 40 to 75 percent of homo sapiens have the larger ones that\nyou can see if you look for them. There are many different types of parasites\nincluding yeasts, fungi, warts, viruses, bacteria, worms of all types, and\nflukes. Most people have many of each of these types in their bodies. All\npeople have yeast (Candida) or fungus in them. Over thirty different strains\nof fungus can be found in most people. The yeast-type fungus is mostly\nlocated in the mouth to aid sugar and starch digestion. Those with\novergrowths of a fungus type called Candida albicans which grows\nthroughout the body suffer from fatigue, listlessness, itching, skin irritation\nand infections, just to name a few of the symptoms.\nCandida creates a craving for sugars and starches, and patients are\ntypically and incorrectly told not to eat fruits because of the sugars. As we\u2019ve\nlearned in a previous chapter, fructose and glucose are two of the principal\nenergies or fuels for a cell. These sugars are simple sugars and are essential to\nthe body as its main source of fuel. Fruits are vital in helping the body\neliminate Candida because they are high in antioxidant and astringent\nproperties. These properties clean the lymphatic congestion out of the tissues,\nwhich is essential since congestion is the \u201chome\u201d of these little critters.\nComplex sugars, however, are another story. They are super fuels (or food)\nfor Candida, but are unusable as fuel by the body until they are broken downinto simple sugars. Using an herbal parasite-and-lymphatic-cleansing\nprogram to make a more effective \u201ckill,\u201d will immensely help anyone\nsuffering from disorders linked with Candida.\nVIRUSES\n \nI have included the term \u201cvirus\u201d under parasites. However, we still do not\nknow for sure what a virus is. Some scientists think that they are components\nof decomposed cells. Others think they are microorganisms. We do know that\nthey are some sort of protein structure, and that they have no known \u201clife\u201d to\nthem, like bacteria or protozoa. I believe that viruses are a protein catalyst for\nimmune response. When a cell becomes weakened, it can release its own\n\u201cvirus\u201d (", "token_ids": [50112, 23125, 3285, 811, 13023, 5694, 1306, 1667, 304, 902, 279, 198, 23557, 574, 4661, 6724, 77441, 1534, 13, 358, 617, 3970, 279, 2547, 1972, 625, 323, 198, 16529, 5196, 505, 5370, 79212, 1385, 13, 1442, 499, 1833, 7138, 753, 7016, 11, 499, 690, 198, 3990, 430, 279, 2410, 315, 4359, 323, 7138, 374, 27862, 627, 29690, 11, 1070, 374, 264, 2944, 369, 4395, 11, 2737, 2890, 323, 8624, 627, 2181, 753, 682, 922, 279, 2383, 315, 5353, 323, 2515, 25, 701, 11429, 323, 6299, 743, 279, 198, 1593, 304, 11633, 323, 499, 9778, 3217, 279, 2515, 13, 4418, 1431, 636, 5675, 304, 459, 198, 408, 1752, 12624, 81690, 315, 1054, 83, 35320, 863, 19476, 13, 24119, 1456, 311, 3619, 198, 12840, 374, 14718, 2555, 13, 21069, 6261, 1148, 279, 3185, 6372, 2643, 387, 315, 198, 69386, 499, 656, 11, 8343, 11, 7172, 11, 37397, 11, 2733, 477, 1781, 13, 2052, 1521, 2574, 720, 17106, 638, 198, 22479, 3217, 2345, 42305, 2740, 11, 38683, 11, 34325, 323, 88853, 627, 2118, 35, 56407, 863, 374, 1193, 264, 3492, 1511, 555, 279, 6593, 4029, 323, 5938, 198, 4291, 264, 743, 315, 13803, 430, 279, 2547, 19207, 13, 3277, 459, 63747, 2398, 292, 10896, 198, 1116, 388, 311, 264, 8624, 11, 568, 57695, 1587, 539, 3619, 279, 837, 7138, 315, 279, 2547, 323, 198, 1220, 2077, 311, 56104, 11, 58011, 323, 13935, 10934, 13, 2435, 656, 539, 3619, 279, 198, 52755, 323, 22027, 315, 7138, 323, 279, 1205, 369, 3823, 23837, 311, 3974, 323, 198, 85594, 304, 26348, 449, 433, 27774, 456, 19338, 13, 9785, 323, 20259, 701, 2547, 320, 37791, 8, 323, 1070, 374, 198, 42312, 499, 649, 1431, 23075, 320, 66, 554, 570, 9601, 387, 19209, 2324, 11, 4648, 387, 19209, 4648, 13, 578, 198, 4620, 18167, 323, 279, 7621, 527, 27073, 13, 1115, 374, 5423, 837, 520, 279, 198, 5997, 1299, 2237, 13, 7557, 701, 2547, 320, 438, 279, 7917, 430, 1629, 433, 8, 3831, 1578, 323, 499, 198, 14724, 3217, 75716, 323, 22514, 2890, 323, 3974, 264, 8624, 12862, 2324, 627, 19791, 27907, 39782, 682, 20438, 8060, 12302, 449, 13935, 10934, 323, 58011, 13, 1666, 20438, 14865, 11, 477, 198, 17106, 20969, 44385, 291, 11, 8624, 13803, 3240, 11, 2225, 2254, 323, 33766, 291, 13, 3296, 198, 2118, 1116, 2635, 291, 863, 584, 3152, 430, 1690, 3115, 584, 2733, 6784, 304, 832, 3158, 11, 719, 279, 3575, 198, 269, 23948, 99970, 304, 2500, 961, 315, 279, 2547, 13, 1556, 3187, 315, 420, 374, 198, 9493, 279, 19754, 2067, 21473, 374, 4704, 3690, 499, 1253, 3217, 1314, 22095, 6784, 477, 198, 13451, 2136, 13, 1472, 1053, 2646, 81584, 279, 1403, 1606, 315, 279, 6138, 198, 42967, 1124, 627, 1687, 17037, 323, 77634, 1650, 279, 13803, 315, 13935, 10934, 323, 58011, 198, 2118, 67, 56407, 2476, 323, 4879, 311, 4322, 1521, 13803, 449, 28321, 535, 11217, 13, 1115, 374, 198, 1962, 1193, 46337, 11, 719, 1101, 25114, 11, 439, 420, 9778, 11384, 20438, 8060, 198, 21307, 311, 20438, 4648, 13, 15037, 4322, 279, 13803, 26, 27208, 279, 5353, 13, 1442, 499, 4322, 198, 1820, 49648, 11, 499, 2646, 27208, 1148, 3549, 279, 49648, 304, 279, 1176, 2035, 627, 2028, 3445, 430, 304, 279, 3938, 279, 3789, 5353, 315, 279, 49648, 315, 701, 8624, 198, 14724, 1935, 1202, 26936, 389, 499, 11, 323, 1436, 842, 701, 2324, 627, 99654, 2646, 720, 66, 1439, 627, 4418, 1431, 4322, 2345, 1610, 13523, 13, 1102, 753, 1057, 1193, 3987, 315, 198, 20370, 85, 4023, 13, 29524, 4148, 279, 37140, 6957, 701, 2547, 555, 198, 19842, 5241, 2461, 13, 16828, 5241, 1463, 6261, 315, 682, 279, 26333, 11, 26225, 296, 38601, 345, 998, 14668, 8987, 37182, 11, 26225, 79383, 323, 33969, 13, 362, 4335, 323, 66787, 483, 198, 2664, 374, 264, 9498, 323, 3831, 2547, 627, 24714, 374, 26454, 994, 499, 3619, 279, 8206, 4920, 433, 13, 31974, 198, 285, 5042, 264, 5933, 1920, 11, 459, 2515, 430, 279, 2547, 11704, 994, 1202, 7917, 198, 7413, 311, 3775, 505, 58011, 304, 279, 1376, 315, 13937, 296, 38601, 11, 91971, 11, 37182, 345, 32056, 82, 323, 1023, 83661, 11, 323, 505, 13935, 10934, 11, 430, 374, 11, 37140, 627, 98281, 704, 279, 2547, 323, 48513, 279, 7917, 527, 279, 1193, 5627, 311, 4546, 198, 9274, 22785, 21730, 627, 25439, 220, 20, 13, 17, 4368, 300, 3695, 11, 7839, 477, 11717, 5380, 720, 2520, 279, 1566, 220, 1049, 1667, 477, 779, 14248, 617, 7543, 264, 2763, 315, 892, 323, 3300, 304, 198, 61564, 287, 279, 86596, 85573, 13, 1226, 617, 44033, 46850, 1139, 1057, 13162, 198, 39830, 584, 617, 8040, 15748, 58742, 11, 27639, 95447, 6650, 11, 43745, 780, 198, 13066, 4099, 11, 20438, 5674, 323, 502, 19338, 11, 2737, 42400, 1093, 29433, 7934, 2345, 198, 69991, 292, 61597, 47056, 357, 1366, 88, 1092, 92411, 86768, 355, 13, 1628, 304, 1690, 5157, 11, 279, 1005, 315, 198, 519, 581, 83300, 706, 19543, 304, 4648, 13, 578, 35410, 80740, 11, 279, 549, 815, 627, 62569, 11, 323, 5370, 12624, 10977, 617, 98504, 449, 279, 198, 14450, 92455, 25114, 1054, 85, 4575, 2617, 2476, 439, 584, 14407, 304, 720, 26072, 220, 19, 198, 13, 59788, 12922, 198, 19553, 17033, 311, 387, 832, 315, 279, 12474, 61135, 3596, 36592, 13, 5659, 420, 198, 4492, 2508, 584, 617, 3940, 264, 19465, 96802, 430, 584, 4250, 3009, 11, 902, 374, 198, 35734, 584, 527, 9298, 21249, 323, 5367, 75989, 4787, 304, 42534, 323, 3995, 198, 5988, 13, 1226, 617, 3549, 779, 1690, 34684, 304, 24032, 505, 279, 1005, 315, 198, 519, 581, 83300, 26, 584, 617, 3549, 779, 1690, 61618, 323, 25114, 42068, 430, 1521, 198, 2398, 57118, 527, 19019, 33812, 279, 3823, 9606, 627, 16298, 43146, 92455, 3719, 779, 94391, 44898, 430, 814, 4250, 1518, 198, 1820, 13952, 369, 279, 12690, 13, 6914, 753, 1935, 264, 4382, 1427, 520, 3249, 7138, 320, 28622, 8, 3549, 198, 1768, 300, 3695, 13, 64377, 753, 10685, 19170, 264, 85573, 439, 1054, 276, 47120, 430, 35496, 198, 1885, 315, 2500, 2029, 1789, 1057, 10096, 358, 1053, 2349, 420, 7419, 311, 1054, 276, 198, 8629, 2191, 430, 35496, 5304, 279, 58011, 323, 44667, 315, 3885, 49216, 1271, 3619, 279, 85573, 753, 734, 2731, 11, 1095, 753, 1427, 520, 1148, 8741, 422, 198, 906, 6230, 323, 5622, 264, 39149, 13, 320, 2028, 374, 459, 3187, 1193, 6266, 3061, 552, 527, 279, 1176, 198, 846, 2859, 29123, 13, 11205, 990, 374, 311, 11203, 19335, 11, 902, 3719, 88999, 2469, 13, 3639, 374, 198, 1820, 2683, 315, 264, 4983, 23196, 30, 578, 1890, 439, 1023, 5541, 355, 320, 79565, 79512, 1303, 8, 4595, 315, 198, 1768, 300, 3695, 50617, 22472, 279, 5710, 75566, 395, 315, 279, 39149, 13, 1115, 374, 279, 1648, 7138, 198, 9326, 598, 5196, 13, 18715, 11, 279, 13162, 315, 682, 5710, 10099, 1053, 2103, 387, 1618, 627, 79519, 374, 15320, 10223, 505, 832, 1376, 1139, 2500, 627, 7131, 499, 1440, 430, 88999, 2469, 527, 5131, 1511, 304, 24461, 311, 409, 1347, 579, 198, 84337, 8, 34254, 30, 763, 4435, 5111, 358, 11, 994, 6593, 6666, 574, 6435, 323, 779, 198, 35676, 315, 279, 28593, 3026, 8040, 88999, 2469, 304, 872, 34254, 11, 279, 88999, 2469, 198, 99020, 872, 34254, 26310, 4335, 779, 430, 1690, 1051, 3025, 311, 18167, 627, 96556, 4359, 1550, 539, 2955, 79383, 311, 3440, 9498, 20438, 477, 584, 198, 41450, 682, 387, 5710, 13, 720, 4368, 300, 3695, 527, 17277, 11, 323, 499, 649, 1518, 872, 16595, 3560, 198, 263, 420, 11841, 304, 10695, 7138, 22472, 279, 7621, 779, 430, 279, 3831, 18167, 627, 2028, 13912, 279, 11008, 315, 7138, 2133, 13, 578, 33299, 304, 420, 1917, 527, 2646, 15886, 291, 11, 1120, 5614, 555, 2204, 6299, 11, 2737, 71162, 11, 28772, 2065, 345, 438, 33403, 49086, 1957, 11, 1120, 311, 836, 264, 2478, 627, 2127, 3187, 315, 1268, 584, 649, 47376, 79383, 2949, 1057, 7106, 198, 2664, 574, 3970, 304, 264, 1162, 16239, 264, 94935, 4771, 6418, 8954, 13, 3005, 3782, 311, 198, 2727, 1234, 77, 414, 3384, 323, 15792, 505, 8811, 3518, 66181, 315, 1077, 15657, 13, 3005, 574, 19781, 198, 543, 279, 892, 11, 323, 574, 2646, 8430, 439, 1695, 439, 1364, 1288, 13, 3005, 1047, 16124, 198, 14576, 323, 60071, 5435, 13, 1666, 358, 3940, 1077, 389, 856, 61987, 2461, 2068, 198, 32158, 6137, 311, 22472, 264, 2763, 315, 296, 38601, 11, 902, 374, 5410, 13, 3005, 1101, 6137, 311, 198, 24467, 1054, 906, 2668, 31348, 20566, 863, 304, 1077, 90872, 13, 3005, 24465, 757, 9364, 315, 1148, 198, 32158, 5602, 26, 9364, 902, 1524, 12025, 13382, 757, 13, 9220, 1051, 15596, 365, 494, 82, 87671, 264, 198, 1395, 830, 15596, 365, 494, 11, 323, 279, 1023, 264, 4279, 15596, 365, 494, 13, 3005, 5602, 4883, 56741, 82, 198, 438, 9160, 56741, 82, 11, 1344, 65850, 27179, 73, 12160, 18668, 31348, 863, 20566, 705, 323, 1023, 653, 1748, 23444, 198, 1768, 300, 3695, 13, 3005, 94110, 323, 4024, 311, 279, 32708, 10637, 315, 1077, 2254, 198, 71127, 1405, 279, 27590, 10896, 3309, 1077, 430, 1054, 19041, 374, 912, 1778, 3245, 439, 79383, 198, 258, 9053, 2029, 578, 3995, 17240, 29676, 430, 279, 27590, 10896, 617, 1077, 90872, 198, 76036, 11, 902, 568, 1550, 1306, 1790, 47291, 2711, 323, 10430, 13, 578, 1934, 198, 6142, 1203, 505, 279, 10278, 430, 420, 6205, 574, 2539, 315, 79383, 627, 1687, 527, 264, 3552, 311, 1690, 79383, 11, 10213, 75418, 13, 4452, 11, 358, 1053, 198, 52851, 430, 922, 220, 1272, 311, 220, 2075, 3346, 315, 55513, 82295, 729, 617, 279, 8294, 6305, 430, 198, 9514, 649, 1518, 422, 499, 1427, 369, 1124, 13, 2684, 527, 1690, 2204, 4595, 315, 79383, 198, 16564, 20043, 12019, 11, 81540, 11, 289, 7183, 11, 42068, 11, 24032, 11, 63000, 315, 682, 4595, 11, 323, 198, 1517, 65850, 13, 7648, 1274, 617, 1690, 315, 1855, 315, 1521, 4595, 304, 872, 13162, 13, 2052, 198, 16455, 617, 41580, 320, 34, 4654, 64, 8, 477, 79902, 304, 1124, 13, 6193, 27219, 2204, 42400, 198, 1073, 79902, 649, 387, 1766, 304, 1455, 1274, 13, 578, 41580, 10827, 79902, 374, 10213, 198, 40563, 304, 279, 11013, 311, 12576, 13465, 323, 70181, 74502, 13, 13266, 449, 198, 2017, 67318, 17323, 315, 264, 79902, 955, 2663, 94916, 64, 82698, 38473, 902, 28815, 198, 20322, 412, 279, 2547, 7831, 505, 36709, 11, 1160, 33028, 11, 86075, 11, 6930, 66510, 198, 438, 30020, 11, 1120, 311, 836, 264, 2478, 315, 279, 13803, 627, 34, 4654, 64, 11705, 264, 64804, 369, 70913, 323, 70181, 288, 11, 323, 6978, 527, 198, 87184, 323, 44447, 3309, 539, 311, 8343, 26390, 1606, 315, 279, 70913, 13, 1666, 584, 4070, 198, 12964, 291, 304, 264, 3766, 12735, 11, 1448, 87873, 323, 34323, 527, 1403, 315, 279, 12717, 198, 804, 68469, 477, 40373, 369, 264, 2849, 13, 4314, 70913, 527, 4382, 70913, 323, 527, 7718, 311, 198, 1820, 2547, 439, 1202, 1925, 2592, 315, 10633, 13, 435, 68998, 527, 16595, 304, 10695, 279, 2547, 198, 40895, 3357, 94916, 64, 1606, 814, 527, 1579, 304, 70339, 323, 264, 928, 306, 198, 13495, 13, 4314, 6012, 4335, 279, 43745, 780, 55146, 704, 315, 279, 39881, 345, 8370, 374, 7718, 2533, 55146, 374, 279, 1054, 5227, 863, 315, 1521, 2697, 4742, 5153, 627, 32237, 70913, 11, 4869, 11, 527, 2500, 3446, 13, 2435, 527, 2307, 40373, 320, 269, 3691, 340, 2000, 94916, 64, 11, 719, 527, 16236, 481, 439, 10633, 555, 279, 2547, 3156, 814, 527, 11102, 1523, 18614, 4382, 70913, 13, 12362, 459, 51487, 85573, 9976, 12, 398, 56102, 780, 1824, 22451, 287, 198, 15252, 311, 1304, 264, 810, 7524, 1054, 11088, 2476, 690, 63689, 1520, 5606, 198, 82, 2084, 287, 505, 24673, 10815, 449, 94916, 64, 627, 53, 2871, 86020, 27907, 40, 617, 5343, 279, 4751, 1054, 85, 17402, 863, 1234, 79383, 13, 4452, 11, 584, 2103, 656, 539, 198, 33134, 369, 2771, 1148, 264, 17188, 374, 13, 4427, 14248, 1781, 430, 814, 527, 6956, 198, 1073, 29602, 3950, 7917, 13, 26080, 1781, 814, 527, 8162, 76991, 13, 1226, 656, 1440, 430, 198, 20670, 527, 1063, 3460, 315, 13128, 6070, 11, 323, 430, 814, 617, 912, 3967, 1054, 14789, 863, 311, 198, 49818, 11, 1093, 24032, 477, 18940, 13028, 64, 13, 358, 4510, 430, 42068, 527, 264, 13128, 51483, 369, 198, 70155, 2077, 13, 3277, 264, 2849, 9221, 58764, 11, 433, 649, 4984, 1202, 1866, 198, 2118, 85, 17402, 863, 320], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " it, there is nothing but \ndestructive qualities, generated and brought forth by man-\nkind thruout the countless centuries; ever since mankind \nturned away from the Acknowledgment of each one's \n\"Mighty I AM Presence\"; and that is many, many centuries \nago! \n(On December 2, 1939, the Ascended Masters finished consuming the astral \nor psychic plane over the United States of America; and they removed all \nthe discarnates over America at the same time.) \nI would not care to even draw your attention to the \nlength of time; but today, for the first time in the history \nof the Earth, there has been released This Knowledge of \nthe Ascended Masters in Its minutest detail; so mankind, \nif the people will take advantage of this, thru their calls to \nthe Presence, can free themselves wholly and completely! \nBy the Use of the Violet Consuming Flame, they can \nrelease themselves from every discordant thing, which they \nhave ever drawn about them. The Individual, who is foolish \nenough not to wish to use the Violet Consuming Flame, \nwill remain in his chains and limitations. Without the Use DISCOURSE III 33 \nof It, you cannot free yourself from your own creations; and \nso far as It being harmful is concerned, that is positively \nfoolish; for the reason the human cannot produce the Violet \nConsuming Flame! Your Presence, Who is All Perfection, \nis the Only One, aside from the Ascended Masters, who can \nproduce that Violet Consuming Flame. At your call, the \nPresence rushes It thru your body and thru your world of \nactivity and creations; dissolving all discordant creations \nfrom you and your world. That is the way, It sets you Free \nand is the Means by which you can, thru the Assistance of \nyour Presence and the Call to the Ascended Masters, so pu-\nrify your body, the Presence can enable you to make the \nAscension. \nThe use of the Tube of Light about you is IMPERA-\nTIVE today! If you wish to move in your world, untouched \nby the discordant human creation about you, It is the only \nway you can do it. \nWhile the Messengers are here with you, We shall en-\ndeavor to make this so absolutely clear in every detail; all \nthose who want to, may have the Clearness, the Under-\nstanding and the Power released within them, of the Appli-\ncation which will set them Free during this class. \nWe have no desire to intrude anything upon any one; \nbut Precious Ones, there must be Tremendous Power in \nThis Light being released thru these Blessed Messengers, \nwhen there is such furious opposition to them as there is \ntoday! Never has such vicious violent opposition touched \nanything, which has ever come forth in America, as these 34 THE \"7 AM\" DISCOURSES \ntwo Precious Ones have had to face, in the carrying forth of \nThis Light! They have never asked anything of any one, \nexcept to love his or her own \"Mighty I AM Presence\" \nand harmonize himself or herself! They have never given \nforth anything but Love, Kindness and Harmony! Yet \nthis viciousness persists; and even the concentration of it \ngoing on all over the United States; by individuals trying \nto interfere with the Spreading of This Light. \nIn Los Angeles, in the Pan Pacific Class, Beloved Ones, \neverything was attempted the human could think of, to try \nand prevent that class. Well, it was more wonderful than \never! Much of the same thing is being done in New York, \nto try to prevent the class here; but the class will go on un-\ntouched!\" (And it did!) \nThese unfortunate individuals, who think they are op-\nposing the Ballards and accusing them of all kinds of things \n\u2014every word of which is falsehood, do they think for one \nmoment, they are opposing the Ballards ? The Ballards have \nnot a thing to do with it, except to carry This Light; and \nthey have had the Courage to face the \"lions on the path \nand make them Airedales,\" as Mrs. Shinn says. Dear Hearts, \nit is the Great Cosmic Light which these unfortunate indi-\nviduals are facing, not the Ballards! If Mr. and Mrs. Ballard \nshould suddenly ASCEND, do you think This Work \nwould stop ? As your phrase is used\u2014\"Not on your Life.\" \nYou see We very often use your own expression, because \nit goes home clearly ofttimes. I tell you, Dear Ones, those \nunfortunate beings will meet their own destruction\u2014every DISCOURSE III 35 \none of them\u2014who opposes This Light and these Blessed \nOnes. They give forth nothing in this world but Love and \nkindness! They do give forth the Truth which will liberate \nand free every one of mankind; if each one will apply It \nwith earnestness and determination. It will not apply Itself! \nAfter the Messengers returned from Honolulu last sum-\nmer, Their Work so far as their Requirements in This Ac-\ntivity were concerned, was finished. Saint Germain came \nto them in His Tangible Body and said: \"Now you are \nFree\"! If you wish to do so, you do not have to go on \nand battle farther in this,\" and they said: \"Our joy is to \nserve. If we can be of further Service, then we are ready to \ncontinue on; until enough of mankind understand their \nown \"Mighty I AM Presence,\" to hold the Balance for man-\nkind and set the rest of them Free.\" \nDo you wonder, Beloved Ones of New York, why the \nMessengers have been so unyielding and firm; in demand-\ning and holding every one firm and close to the Books \nwhich Beloved Saint Germain brought forth ? Because the \nTruth is there Unadulterated\u2014the Ascended Masters' \nWords and Understanding\u2014in which there is no human \nconcept! Because Their Words are Power and are Cups of \nthe Qualities which They carry! This Understanding will \nset mankind Free, as nothing else will do! \nIt is not, that there are not many wonderful things in the \nworld; but We know This Knowledge is Unadulterated \nand COMPLETE as given! It is that which We used! All \nof the Ascended Masters have used identically the Same 36 THE \"7 AM\" DISCOURSES \nApplication, even the Same Wording and Expression, \nwhich is given to you by Saint Germain! All of this ", "token_ids": [433, 11, 1070, 220, 374, 4400, 220, 719, 720, 61368, 535, 220, 29600, 11, 220, 8066, 220, 323, 220, 7263, 220, 13544, 220, 555, 893, 7058, 15674, 220, 41178, 412, 220, 279, 28701, 220, 24552, 26, 220, 3596, 220, 2533, 220, 43384, 720, 42286, 220, 3201, 220, 505, 220, 279, 220, 52082, 51122, 9247, 220, 315, 1855, 220, 832, 596, 720, 74627, 492, 88, 220, 358, 6912, 220, 79723, 5233, 220, 323, 220, 430, 220, 374, 1690, 11, 220, 1690, 220, 24552, 720, 6438, 0, 720, 7, 1966, 6790, 220, 220, 17, 11, 220, 7285, 24, 11, 220, 279, 40660, 2954, 220, 34722, 220, 8220, 220, 35208, 220, 279, 23112, 278, 720, 269, 50217, 220, 11277, 220, 927, 220, 279, 3723, 220, 4273, 220, 315, 5270, 26, 220, 323, 220, 814, 220, 7108, 220, 682, 720, 1820, 2624, 1923, 988, 220, 927, 220, 5270, 220, 520, 279, 1890, 220, 892, 6266, 720, 40, 1053, 220, 539, 220, 2512, 220, 311, 1524, 220, 4128, 220, 701, 220, 6666, 220, 311, 279, 720, 4222, 220, 315, 892, 26, 220, 719, 220, 3432, 11, 220, 369, 279, 1176, 220, 892, 220, 304, 279, 3925, 720, 1073, 279, 9420, 11, 220, 1070, 220, 706, 220, 1027, 220, 6004, 220, 1115, 220, 33025, 220, 315, 720, 1820, 40660, 2954, 220, 34722, 220, 304, 11699, 82470, 478, 220, 7872, 26, 220, 779, 43384, 11, 720, 333, 279, 1274, 220, 690, 220, 1935, 220, 9610, 220, 315, 420, 11, 220, 41178, 220, 872, 220, 6880, 220, 311, 720, 1820, 79723, 11, 220, 649, 220, 1949, 220, 5694, 220, 42241, 220, 323, 220, 6724, 0, 720, 1383, 279, 5560, 220, 315, 279, 220, 74574, 220, 42062, 287, 220, 49957, 11, 220, 814, 220, 649, 720, 23859, 220, 5694, 220, 505, 220, 1475, 220, 32141, 519, 220, 3245, 11, 220, 902, 220, 814, 720, 19553, 220, 3596, 220, 15107, 220, 922, 220, 1124, 13, 220, 578, 220, 30440, 11, 220, 889, 220, 374, 46337, 720, 268, 1409, 220, 539, 220, 311, 6562, 220, 311, 1005, 279, 74574, 220, 42062, 287, 220, 49957, 11, 720, 14724, 7293, 220, 304, 813, 27271, 220, 323, 220, 9669, 13, 220, 17586, 220, 279, 5560, 12244, 34, 75008, 220, 14767, 220, 220, 1644, 720, 1073, 1102, 11, 499, 4250, 220, 1949, 220, 6261, 220, 505, 220, 701, 220, 1866, 220, 53862, 26, 220, 323, 720, 708, 3117, 439, 1102, 1694, 220, 28856, 220, 374, 11920, 11, 220, 430, 220, 374, 40646, 720, 831, 337, 819, 26, 220, 369, 279, 2944, 220, 279, 3823, 220, 4250, 220, 8356, 220, 279, 74574, 720, 43066, 287, 220, 49957, 0, 220, 4718, 220, 79723, 11, 220, 10699, 220, 374, 2052, 3700, 13421, 11, 720, 285, 279, 8442, 220, 3861, 11, 220, 16038, 220, 505, 220, 279, 40660, 2954, 220, 34722, 11, 220, 889, 220, 649, 720, 98374, 220, 430, 220, 74574, 220, 42062, 287, 220, 49957, 13, 220, 2468, 701, 220, 1650, 11, 220, 279, 720, 90269, 220, 95322, 220, 1102, 41178, 220, 701, 220, 2547, 220, 323, 220, 41178, 220, 701, 220, 1917, 220, 315, 720, 7323, 220, 323, 220, 53862, 26, 220, 14091, 20222, 220, 682, 32141, 519, 220, 53862, 720, 1527, 220, 499, 220, 323, 220, 701, 220, 1917, 13, 220, 3011, 220, 374, 279, 1648, 11, 220, 1102, 7437, 220, 499, 220, 3658, 720, 438, 374, 279, 60807, 220, 555, 902, 220, 499, 220, 649, 11, 220, 41178, 220, 279, 46865, 220, 315, 720, 22479, 220, 79723, 220, 323, 220, 279, 7290, 220, 311, 279, 40660, 2954, 220, 34722, 11, 220, 779, 18757, 7058, 81, 1463, 701, 220, 2547, 11, 220, 279, 79723, 220, 649, 220, 7431, 220, 499, 220, 311, 1304, 220, 279, 720, 41203, 2711, 13, 720, 791, 1005, 220, 315, 279, 30124, 220, 315, 8828, 220, 922, 220, 499, 220, 374, 40540, 26763, 7058, 51, 6674, 220, 3432, 0, 220, 1442, 499, 220, 6562, 220, 311, 3351, 220, 304, 701, 220, 1917, 11, 220, 68622, 720, 1729, 279, 32141, 519, 220, 3823, 220, 9886, 220, 922, 220, 499, 11, 220, 1102, 374, 279, 1193, 720, 3195, 499, 649, 656, 433, 13, 720, 8142, 220, 279, 19234, 15232, 220, 527, 1618, 220, 449, 220, 499, 11, 220, 1226, 220, 4985, 220, 665, 7058, 451, 3372, 220, 311, 1304, 220, 420, 220, 779, 11112, 220, 2867, 220, 304, 1475, 220, 7872, 26, 220, 682, 720, 54719, 220, 889, 220, 1390, 220, 311, 11, 1253, 220, 617, 220, 279, 12292, 2136, 11, 220, 279, 220, 9636, 7058, 10276, 220, 323, 220, 279, 7572, 220, 6004, 220, 2949, 220, 1124, 11, 220, 315, 279, 58945, 72, 7058, 65982, 220, 902, 220, 690, 220, 743, 1124, 220, 3658, 220, 2391, 220, 420, 220, 538, 13, 720, 1687, 617, 220, 912, 12876, 220, 311, 10805, 799, 220, 4205, 220, 5304, 220, 904, 220, 832, 26, 720, 8248, 42770, 1245, 220, 74933, 11, 220, 1070, 220, 2011, 220, 387, 76263, 408, 788, 220, 7572, 220, 304, 720, 2028, 220, 8828, 220, 1694, 220, 6004, 220, 41178, 220, 1521, 220, 77097, 220, 19234, 15232, 11, 720, 9493, 220, 1070, 220, 374, 1778, 220, 53170, 220, 14076, 220, 311, 1124, 220, 439, 1070, 220, 374, 720, 31213, 0, 220, 15037, 220, 706, 220, 1778, 220, 43510, 220, 16806, 220, 14076, 220, 24891, 720, 73254, 11, 220, 902, 220, 706, 220, 3596, 220, 2586, 220, 13544, 220, 304, 5270, 11, 220, 439, 1521, 220, 1958, 3247, 220, 330, 22, 6912, 1, 220, 12244, 34, 6934, 29095, 720, 20375, 42770, 1245, 220, 74933, 220, 617, 220, 1047, 220, 311, 3663, 11, 220, 304, 279, 15691, 220, 13544, 220, 315, 720, 2028, 220, 8828, 0, 220, 2435, 220, 617, 220, 2646, 220, 4691, 220, 4205, 220, 315, 904, 220, 832, 11, 720, 11945, 220, 311, 3021, 220, 813, 477, 1077, 220, 1866, 220, 330, 44, 492, 88, 220, 358, 6912, 220, 79723, 1, 720, 438, 18249, 553, 220, 5678, 220, 477, 11937, 0, 220, 2435, 220, 617, 220, 2646, 220, 2728, 720, 71627, 220, 4205, 220, 719, 220, 10919, 11, 220, 17262, 2136, 220, 323, 220, 66480, 0, 220, 14968, 720, 576, 43510, 2136, 220, 67145, 26, 220, 323, 220, 1524, 220, 279, 20545, 220, 315, 433, 720, 9738, 220, 389, 682, 927, 220, 279, 3723, 220, 4273, 26, 220, 555, 7931, 220, 4560, 720, 998, 40978, 220, 449, 220, 279, 3165, 6285, 220, 315, 1115, 220, 8828, 13, 720, 644, 9853, 220, 12167, 11, 220, 304, 279, 11233, 220, 16867, 220, 3308, 11, 220, 7984, 5047, 220, 74933, 11, 720, 73826, 220, 574, 220, 17644, 220, 279, 3823, 220, 1436, 220, 1781, 220, 315, 11, 311, 1456, 720, 438, 5471, 220, 430, 220, 538, 13, 220, 8489, 11, 220, 433, 574, 220, 810, 220, 11364, 220, 1109, 720, 2099, 0, 220, 24191, 220, 315, 279, 1890, 220, 3245, 220, 374, 1694, 220, 2884, 220, 304, 1561, 220, 4356, 11, 720, 998, 1456, 311, 5471, 220, 279, 538, 220, 1618, 26, 220, 719, 279, 538, 220, 690, 220, 733, 389, 653, 7058, 83, 34170, 9135, 220, 320, 3112, 220, 433, 1550, 16715, 720, 9673, 220, 34707, 220, 7931, 11, 220, 889, 220, 1781, 220, 814, 220, 527, 1200, 7058, 8478, 220, 279, 13131, 2402, 220, 323, 220, 49579, 220, 1124, 220, 315, 682, 13124, 220, 315, 2574, 720, 2345, 30115, 220, 3492, 220, 315, 902, 220, 374, 96118, 11, 220, 656, 814, 220, 1781, 220, 369, 832, 720, 29699, 11, 220, 814, 220, 527, 31322, 220, 279, 13131, 2402, 220, 949, 578, 220, 13131, 2402, 220, 617, 720, 1962, 264, 3245, 220, 311, 656, 449, 220, 433, 11, 3734, 220, 311, 6920, 220, 1115, 220, 8828, 26, 220, 323, 720, 20670, 220, 617, 220, 1047, 220, 279, 99630, 220, 311, 3663, 220, 279, 330, 75, 919, 220, 389, 279, 1853, 720, 438, 1304, 220, 1124, 220, 362, 2757, 3916, 1359, 220, 439, 18083, 13, 220, 1443, 6258, 220, 2795, 13, 220, 43922, 220, 53876, 11, 720, 275, 374, 279, 8681, 220, 95789, 220, 8828, 220, 902, 220, 1521, 220, 34707, 220, 1280, 72, 7058, 1325, 940, 82, 220, 527, 13176, 11, 220, 539, 279, 13131, 2402, 0, 220, 1442, 4491, 13, 220, 323, 220, 18083, 13, 220, 98816, 720, 5562, 220, 15187, 220, 20382, 4794, 11, 220, 656, 499, 220, 1781, 220, 1115, 220, 5664, 720, 41450, 220, 3009, 220, 949, 1666, 701, 220, 17571, 220, 374, 1511, 93830, 2688, 220, 389, 701, 220, 9601, 1210, 720, 2675, 1518, 1226, 1633, 220, 3629, 220, 1005, 701, 220, 1866, 220, 7645, 11, 220, 1606, 720, 275, 5900, 220, 2162, 220, 9539, 220, 315, 5683, 1769, 13, 220, 358, 3371, 499, 11, 220, 43922, 220, 74933, 11, 220, 1884, 720, 359, 33174, 220, 23837, 220, 690, 220, 3449, 220, 872, 220, 1866, 220, 19814, 2345, 30115, 12244, 34, 75008, 220, 14767, 220, 220, 1758, 720, 606, 315, 1124, 84941, 220, 76312, 220, 1115, 220, 8828, 220, 323, 220, 1521, 220, 77097, 720, 1966, 288, 13, 220, 2435, 220, 3041, 220, 13544, 220, 4400, 220, 304, 420, 220, 1917, 220, 719, 10919, 220, 323, 720, 15674, 2136, 0, 220, 2435, 220, 656, 3041, 220, 13544, 220, 279, 30198, 220, 902, 220, 690, 220, 34929, 349, 720, 438, 1949, 220, 1475, 220, 832, 220, 315, 43384, 26, 220, 422, 1855, 220, 832, 220, 690, 220, 3881, 220, 1102, 720, 4291, 220, 55349, 2136, 220, 323, 220, 26314, 13, 220, 1102, 690, 220, 539, 3881, 220, 1102, 726, 0, 720, 6153, 220, 279, 19234, 15232, 220, 6052, 220, 505, 220, 82640, 220, 1566, 220, 2694, 7058, 1195, 11, 220, 11205, 220, 5664, 220, 779, 3117, 439, 872, 220, 34884, 220, 304, 1115, 220, 6515, 7058, 83, 1968, 220, 1051, 220, 11920, 11, 220, 574, 220, 8220, 13, 220, 14539, 220, 20524, 3902, 220, 3782, 720, 998, 1124, 220, 304, 5414, 220, 41462, 1260, 220, 14285, 220, 323, 220, 1071, 25, 220, 330, 7184, 220, 499, 220, 527, 720, 11180, 1, 0, 220, 1442, 499, 220, 6562, 220, 311, 656, 779, 11, 499, 220, 656, 539, 220, 617, 220, 311, 733, 389, 720, 438, 8209, 220, 43726, 220, 304, 420, 1359, 220, 323, 220, 814, 220, 1071, 25, 220, 330, 8140, 220, 16267, 374, 311, 720, 13570, 13, 220, 1442, 584, 649, 387, 315, 4726, 220, 5475, 11, 220, 1243, 220, 584, 527, 5644, 220, 311, 720, 9726, 220, 389, 26, 220, 3156, 220, 3403, 220, 315, 43384, 220, 3619, 220, 872, 720, 785, 220, 330, 44, 492, 88, 220, 358, 6912, 220, 79723, 1359, 220, 311, 3412, 220, 279, 31946, 220, 369, 893, 7058, 15674, 220, 323, 220, 743, 279, 2800, 315, 1124, 220, 3658, 1210, 720, 5519, 499, 220, 5895, 11, 220, 7984, 5047, 220, 74933, 220, 315, 1561, 220, 4356, 11, 220, 3249, 220, 279, 720, 85523, 15232, 220, 617, 220, 1027, 220, 779, 653, 30796, 287, 220, 323, 220, 7626, 26, 220, 304, 7631, 7058, 287, 323, 220, 10168, 220, 1475, 220, 832, 220, 7626, 220, 323, 220, 3345, 220, 311, 279, 18312, 720, 8370, 220, 7984, 5047, 220, 14539, 220, 20524, 3902, 220, 7263, 220, 13544, 220, 949, 9393, 220, 279, 720, 25025, 220, 374, 1070, 220, 1252, 329, 360, 466, 660, 22416, 220, 40660, 2954, 220, 34722, 6, 720, 24390, 220, 323, 220, 46551, 49525, 220, 902, 220, 1070, 220, 374, 912, 3823, 720, 69587, 0, 220, 9393, 220, 11205, 220, 28730, 220, 527, 7572, 220, 323, 220, 527, 79206, 220, 315, 720, 1820, 20143, 1385, 220, 902, 220, 2435, 220, 6920, 0, 220, 1115, 220, 46551, 220, 690, 720, 751, 43384, 220, 3658, 11, 220, 439, 4400, 220, 775, 220, 690, 220, 656, 0, 720, 2181, 374, 539, 11, 220, 430, 220, 1070, 220, 527, 539, 1690, 220, 11364, 220, 2574, 220, 304, 279, 720, 14957, 26, 220, 719, 220, 1226, 220, 1440, 220, 1115, 220, 33025, 220, 374, 1252, 329, 360, 466, 660, 720, 438, 78131, 220, 439, 2728, 0, 220, 1102, 374, 430, 220, 902, 220, 1226, 220, 1511, 0, 220, 2052, 720, 1073, 279, 40660, 2954, 220, 34722, 220, 617, 220, 1511, 220, 3608, 2740, 220, 279, 26823, 220, 1927, 3247, 220, 330, 22, 6912, 1, 220, 12244, 34, 6934, 29095, 720, 5095, 11, 220, 1524, 220, 279, 220, 26823, 220, 468, 2745, 220, 323, 220, 16783, 11, 720, 8370, 220, 374, 2728, 220, 311, 499, 220, 555, 14539, 220, 20524, 3902, 0, 220, 2052, 315, 420, 220], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": "\u2013 \nWAYNE DYER66 THE MIRACLE OF BIO-IDENTICAL HORMONES OSTEOPOROSIS\u2014MYTH\nVERSUS REALITY\nchapter EIGHT\nNot too long ago, osteoporosis was associated with fractured hips\nand often led to permanent residence in a nursing home.Nowadays, the scenario is about the same, except that, because ofmodern surgical methods, nursing homes are rarely the patient\u2019sfinal destination any more.\nWith the advent of DEXA scans, which measure bone\ndensity, we can now measure the state of bone health andeasily measure the extent, if any, of bone loss. These studies canalso be used to assess the response (if any) to therapy. DEXAstands for dual-energy X-ray absorptionometry. The mostimportant measurement is called the T-score, a measure of thestandard deviation away from the \u201cnorm,\u201d which is based onthe bone density in a 24-year-old person. A reading of -2.5below the norm is considered osteoporosis. A reading between-1.0 and -2.5 is designated as osteopenia.\nThe diagnosis \u201costeopenia\u201d was created after DEXA scans\nwere put in use. Realistically, a person in their 50s or 60s is notlikely to have the same bone density as a person in their mid20s. So is this a condition that needs pharmaceutical interven-tion, or is it a natural condition of aging that simply requireshormonal balance and natural supplementation to maintain\n67bone health? This question is important because doctors often\nprescribe the same toxic medications for osteopenia as they dofor osteoporosis.\nAgain, this book is not intended as a diatribe against\nconventional medicine. However, I feel patients should bebetter informed so that perhaps more healthful decisions canbe made.\nTRADITIONAL TREATMENTS FOR\nOSTEOPOROSIS AND OSTEOPENIA \nThe traditional approach to treating osteoporosis in women\nwas to give them estrogen, usually in the form of Premarin,along with a high dose of calcium. Improving bone healthwas touted as one of the major benefits of taking estrogen.The problem is, there has never been a single study indi-cating that estrogen has any benefit in reversing osteoporosis\u2014in fact, in 1999 the FDA eliminated osteoporosis as an indicationfor giving estrogen. It is true that when a woman is still havingmenstrual cycles, and for several years after menopause, estro-gen does have a positive effect on bone health. But it will not pre-vent the eventual onset of osteoporosis.\nThe main classes of therapeutic drugs utilized for\nosteoporosis (and, unfortunately, osteopenia) are calledbisphosphonates. They go by several brand names, such asFosamax, Actonel, and Binova. Bone is in a constant state ofregeneration, aided by cells that help resorb bone (the osteo-clasts), and then cells that build bone (the osteoblasts). Thebisphosphonates act in a way that prevents the osteoclasts fromresorbing bone but at the same time prevents the osteoblastsfrom forming new bone.68 THE MIRACLE OF BIO-IDENTICAL HORMONES As a result, you wind up with old, brittle bone that looks\ngood on a DEXA scan but can actually be more easily fracturedthan an untreated bone. This is certainly not the desired effect.\nIn addition, bisphosphonates have serious potential side\neffects. They are very similar to the same chemicals used toclear drain pipes and clean away bathtub residue. This is whyit is necessary to avoid lying down after taking these pillsbecause they can eat a hole through the esophagus. They canalso cause gastric erosions and severe diarrhea. \nOther side effects include blindness and a condition referred\nto as osteonecrosis\u2014an eating away of the jaw bone leading tothe teeth falling out as well as other dental nightmares.\nBisphosphonates are the largest-selling drugs in the world\nfor osteoporosis and, unfortunately, osteopenia as well.Another fact to keep in mind is that these drugs have aten-year half-life, which means this is how long it takes toeliminate 50 percent of the medication from your body.\nSo what about taking calcium supplements\u2014another\ntraditional approach that no one seems to question? Is it reallysafe and is it necessary?\nConsider the fact that most of the foods we eat have\ncalcium in their makeup. In 35 years of practice, I have neverseen a patient with a calcium deficiency. Interestingly enough,Asians, who traditionally cannot digest milk products dueto a low level of lactase, have an extremely low incidenceof osteoporosis.\nAnother thing to consider: Is it possible that taking an excess\nof calcium may enhance calcification (hardening) of our arteries?Doctors actually use calcium channel blocking agents to treatcoronary artery disease and lower blood pressure. Calcium stim-ulates gastric acid secretion, which possibly contributes to refluxesophagitis. There are other concerns as well. Calcium canpromote prostate cancer and can also promote kidney stones.69 OSTEOPOR OSIS\u2014MYTH VERSUS REALITY My own feeling is that if one does take calcium, perhaps in\nthe form of calcium citrate, it is wise to limit the intake to onetablet per day. Magnesium is a lot more important thancalcium for building bones and should be taken in a quantitytwo to three times that of calcium.\nA BETTER APPROACH TO BONE HEALTH\nThere are two points of view to consider with osteoporosis and\nosteopenia\u2014prevention and treatment. Since this book isabout hormones, and since hormones are important for bothprevention and treatment, let us start with them. \nI, for one, suspect that the number one cause of osteoporosis\nin both men and women is a low progesterone level.\nThe primary hormones involved in bone health are testos-\nterone, progesterone, estrogen, and dihydroepiandosterone, orDHEA. There is a strong hereditary factor to osteoporosis, butwhat we\u2019re really talking about is inheriting a hormonal predis-position to osteoporosis. If a person is aware that their motheror father has or had osteoporosis, then the primary concernshould be hormone balance. I, for one, suspect that thenumber one cause of osteoporosis in both men and women isa low progesterone level.\nWomen who are on birth control pills, and thereby are not\novulating and have no progesterone, are certainly settingthemselves up for bone problems. On the other hand, womenwho are estrogen dominant (who have or did have PMS,cramps, breast tenderness, and so on) often have great bonedensities; however, they also have a high incidence of breastcancer. Balance seems to be the key when it comes to estrogen.70 THE MIRACLE OF BIO-IDENTICAL HORMONES T estosterone is also intricately involved with bone\nmetabolism. Women who have had hysterectomies, whethertotal (with the ovaries removed) or partial (with the ovaries leftin) will have low testosterone levels. In men, the level of testos-terone starts dropping when they are in their 20s and continuessteadily downward. A man who has lost his libido, often dueto low testosterone, is a person obviously at risk for osteoporosis.\nOsteoporosis in men, the incidence of which is almost on\na par with women, can have deadly consequences. A fracturedhip in a male over the age of 65 is associated with a 25 percentmortality rate during the following year. In addition, men verycommonly have low progesterone levels. This situationbecomes moot around the age of 50 when virtually all menstop producing progesterone.\nNeedless to say, I feel that both testosterone and proges-\nterone are extremely important for preventing osteoporosis.DHEA is another hormone that gradually but consistentlydeclines as we age; it is a balancing hormone, in that it helpsproduce both estrogen and testosterone\u2014both being importantfor bone health.\nADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS\nAnother hormone that certainly bears mentioning is melatonin,\nwhich is put out by the pineal gland. It is generally known asthe hormone that puts us to sleep at night. However, it hasother functions as well. It is extremely important in bonemetabolism. It also plays a significant role with regard to ourimmune system. It helps to produce natural killer cells andinterleukin-2, both of which the body uses to fight cancer on adaily basis (cells are constantly mutating and have to be dealtwith regularly). The problem is that we stop producing thishormone around the age of 60. So one should consider71 OSTEOPOR OSIS\u2014MYTH VERSUS REALITY melatonin for both prevention and treatment of osteoporosis,\nespecially as one gets older. \nThe bottom line concerning osteoporosis is that it can often\nbe prevented\u2014though unfortunately, we live in a world wherepreventive medicine is not practiced. The preventive approachfor osteoporosis is not only a matter of achieving hormonalbalance, but includes other factors of extreme importance, suchas exercise, proper nutrition, and lack of stress.\nI certainly appreciate and admire people who are able to\navail themselves of the benefits of a disciplined lifestyle. I amtalking about people who eat right, exercise three to four timesa week, do breathing exercises to reduce stress, avoid takingmedications with toxic side effects, and so on. I know there aremillions of people in this category. Not surprisingly, they rarelycome to see", "token_ids": [4235, 720, 42903, 4031, 96958, 643, 2287, 3247, 386, 2871, 75801, 3083, 73166, 12, 20398, 15942, 473, 4463, 61389, 220, 507, 59784, 3143, 878, 3204, 1669, 2345, 19708, 3701, 198, 73326, 2078, 26339, 3414, 198, 41326, 469, 4735, 198, 2688, 2288, 1317, 4227, 11, 52368, 89766, 10934, 574, 5938, 449, 80208, 43523, 198, 438, 3629, 6197, 311, 15690, 22423, 304, 264, 28456, 2162, 13547, 35076, 11, 279, 15398, 374, 922, 279, 1890, 11, 3734, 430, 11, 1606, 315, 50889, 34933, 5528, 11, 28456, 10632, 527, 19029, 279, 8893, 753, 12085, 9284, 904, 810, 627, 2409, 279, 11599, 315, 423, 3337, 32, 43739, 11, 902, 6767, 17685, 198, 70918, 11, 584, 649, 1457, 6767, 279, 1614, 315, 17685, 2890, 323, 68, 38367, 6767, 279, 13112, 11, 422, 904, 11, 315, 17685, 4814, 13, 4314, 7978, 649, 19171, 387, 1511, 311, 8720, 279, 2077, 320, 333, 904, 8, 311, 15419, 13, 423, 3337, 32, 97815, 369, 19091, 65487, 1630, 30630, 44225, 7133, 13, 578, 1455, 15693, 19179, 374, 2663, 279, 350, 76274, 11, 264, 6767, 315, 279, 20885, 38664, 3201, 505, 279, 1054, 20609, 2476, 902, 374, 3196, 389, 1820, 17685, 17915, 304, 264, 220, 1187, 4771, 6418, 1732, 13, 362, 5403, 315, 482, 17, 13, 20, 54277, 279, 7617, 374, 6646, 52368, 89766, 10934, 13, 362, 5403, 1990, 12, 16, 13, 15, 323, 482, 17, 13, 20, 374, 24073, 439, 52368, 2569, 689, 627, 791, 23842, 1054, 85223, 2569, 689, 863, 574, 3549, 1306, 423, 3337, 32, 43739, 198, 52898, 2231, 304, 1005, 13, 8976, 38210, 11, 264, 1732, 304, 872, 220, 1135, 82, 477, 220, 1399, 82, 374, 539, 14617, 311, 617, 279, 1890, 17685, 17915, 439, 264, 1732, 304, 872, 5209, 508, 82, 13, 2100, 374, 420, 264, 3044, 430, 3966, 35410, 31957, 2442, 290, 11, 477, 374, 433, 264, 5933, 3044, 315, 30084, 430, 5042, 6016, 72, 2548, 494, 25180, 8335, 323, 5933, 73796, 311, 10519, 198, 3080, 20337, 2890, 30, 1115, 3488, 374, 3062, 1606, 16410, 3629, 198, 24544, 3191, 279, 1890, 21503, 31010, 369, 52368, 2569, 689, 439, 814, 656, 2000, 52368, 89766, 10934, 627, 31485, 11, 420, 2363, 374, 539, 10825, 439, 264, 1891, 2416, 1395, 2403, 198, 444, 44322, 16088, 13, 4452, 11, 358, 2733, 6978, 1288, 387, 58234, 16369, 779, 430, 8530, 810, 2890, 1285, 11429, 649, 1395, 1903, 627, 2434, 1846, 89038, 350, 31832, 29863, 4716, 198, 4327, 36, 3143, 878, 3204, 1669, 3651, 507, 59784, 32033, 5987, 2355, 791, 8776, 5603, 311, 27723, 52368, 89766, 10934, 304, 3278, 198, 16514, 311, 3041, 1124, 70180, 11, 6118, 304, 279, 1376, 315, 12029, 43840, 11, 39393, 449, 264, 1579, 19660, 315, 35719, 13, 22728, 4504, 17685, 2890, 16514, 67528, 439, 832, 315, 279, 3682, 7720, 315, 4737, 70180, 11829, 3575, 374, 11, 1070, 706, 2646, 1027, 264, 3254, 4007, 1280, 72, 1824, 1113, 430, 70180, 706, 904, 8935, 304, 76283, 52368, 89766, 10934, 49525, 2144, 11, 304, 220, 2550, 24, 279, 30473, 34373, 52368, 89766, 10934, 439, 459, 28137, 2000, 7231, 70180, 13, 1102, 374, 837, 430, 994, 264, 5333, 374, 2103, 3515, 5794, 496, 940, 25492, 11, 323, 369, 3892, 1667, 1306, 3026, 84110, 11, 1826, 299, 37564, 1587, 617, 264, 6928, 2515, 389, 17685, 2890, 13, 2030, 433, 690, 539, 864, 12, 688, 279, 42835, 42080, 315, 52368, 89766, 10934, 627, 791, 1925, 6989, 315, 37471, 11217, 34716, 369, 198, 85223, 89766, 10934, 320, 438, 11, 26907, 11, 52368, 2569, 689, 8, 527, 2663, 54681, 764, 24527, 263, 988, 13, 2435, 733, 555, 3892, 6883, 5144, 11, 1778, 439, 37, 437, 90727, 11, 3298, 263, 301, 11, 323, 30444, 12949, 13, 46701, 374, 304, 264, 6926, 1614, 315, 1610, 17699, 11, 63957, 555, 7917, 430, 1520, 594, 30986, 17685, 320, 1820, 52368, 78, 31717, 12019, 705, 323, 1243, 7917, 430, 1977, 17685, 320, 1820, 52368, 677, 4354, 82, 570, 578, 54681, 764, 24527, 263, 988, 1180, 304, 264, 1648, 430, 29034, 279, 52368, 511, 4354, 82, 505, 417, 269, 7278, 17685, 719, 520, 279, 1890, 892, 29034, 279, 52368, 677, 4354, 82, 1527, 30164, 502, 17685, 13, 2614, 3247, 386, 2871, 75801, 3083, 73166, 12, 20398, 15942, 473, 4463, 61389, 220, 1666, 264, 1121, 11, 499, 10160, 709, 449, 2362, 11, 95749, 17685, 430, 5992, 198, 19045, 389, 264, 423, 3337, 32, 8737, 719, 649, 3604, 387, 810, 6847, 80208, 54895, 459, 83920, 17685, 13, 1115, 374, 7995, 539, 279, 12974, 2515, 627, 644, 5369, 11, 15184, 764, 24527, 263, 988, 617, 6129, 4754, 3185, 198, 81524, 13, 2435, 527, 1633, 4528, 311, 279, 1890, 26333, 1511, 311, 7574, 24659, 32275, 323, 4335, 3201, 81188, 49232, 13, 1115, 374, 3249, 275, 374, 5995, 311, 5766, 21078, 1523, 1306, 4737, 1521, 26153, 28753, 814, 649, 8343, 264, 14512, 1555, 279, 1560, 5237, 59838, 13, 2435, 649, 19171, 5353, 89385, 43219, 919, 323, 15748, 69393, 13, 720, 11663, 3185, 6372, 2997, 85515, 323, 264, 3044, 14183, 198, 998, 439, 52368, 111501, 63412, 85366, 12459, 3201, 315, 279, 16942, 17685, 6522, 311, 1820, 18311, 16054, 704, 439, 1664, 439, 1023, 29106, 75362, 627, 33, 285, 764, 24527, 263, 988, 527, 279, 7928, 48724, 11217, 304, 279, 1917, 198, 2000, 52368, 89766, 10934, 323, 11, 26907, 11, 52368, 2569, 689, 439, 1664, 8794, 1605, 2144, 311, 2567, 304, 4059, 374, 430, 1521, 11217, 617, 520, 268, 4771, 4376, 26928, 11, 902, 3445, 420, 374, 1268, 1317, 433, 5097, 311, 40895, 3357, 220, 1135, 3346, 315, 279, 24099, 505, 701, 2547, 627, 4516, 1148, 922, 4737, 35719, 33690, 2345, 43063, 198, 88008, 5603, 430, 912, 832, 5084, 311, 3488, 30, 2209, 433, 2216, 19193, 323, 374, 433, 5995, 5380, 38275, 279, 2144, 430, 1455, 315, 279, 15657, 584, 8343, 617, 198, 27684, 2411, 304, 872, 27649, 13, 763, 220, 1758, 1667, 315, 6725, 11, 358, 617, 2646, 29412, 264, 8893, 449, 264, 35719, 48294, 13, 58603, 3403, 11, 2170, 5493, 11, 889, 36342, 4250, 21552, 14403, 3956, 3930, 11269, 264, 3428, 2237, 315, 51644, 521, 11, 617, 459, 9193, 3428, 39775, 1073, 52368, 89766, 10934, 627, 14364, 3245, 311, 2980, 25, 2209, 433, 3284, 430, 4737, 459, 13937, 198, 1073, 35719, 1253, 18885, 10241, 2461, 320, 19221, 6147, 8, 315, 1057, 85648, 30, 96269, 3604, 1005, 35719, 5613, 22978, 13307, 311, 4322, 6133, 263, 661, 65415, 8624, 323, 4827, 6680, 7410, 13, 96104, 12936, 12, 24031, 89385, 13935, 87067, 11, 902, 11000, 44072, 311, 93262, 288, 5237, 351, 20000, 13, 2684, 527, 1023, 10742, 439, 1664, 13, 96104, 649, 25475, 1295, 47447, 9572, 323, 649, 1101, 12192, 39042, 27302, 13, 3076, 507, 59784, 3143, 878, 10293, 1669, 2345, 19708, 3701, 650, 4419, 2078, 26339, 3414, 3092, 1866, 8430, 374, 430, 422, 832, 1587, 1935, 35719, 11, 8530, 304, 198, 1820, 1376, 315, 35719, 6681, 7853, 11, 433, 374, 24219, 311, 4017, 279, 23730, 311, 389, 36164, 83, 824, 1938, 13, 20918, 41930, 374, 264, 2763, 810, 3062, 1109, 27684, 2411, 369, 4857, 25896, 323, 1288, 387, 4529, 304, 264, 12472, 20375, 311, 2380, 3115, 430, 315, 35719, 627, 32, 41449, 4292, 94754, 12137, 5257, 426, 5338, 73725, 198, 3947, 527, 1403, 3585, 315, 1684, 311, 2980, 449, 52368, 89766, 10934, 323, 198, 85223, 2569, 689, 2345, 1762, 7611, 323, 6514, 13, 8876, 420, 2363, 374, 9274, 44315, 11, 323, 2533, 44315, 527, 3062, 369, 2225, 1762, 7611, 323, 6514, 11, 1095, 603, 1212, 449, 1124, 13, 720, 40, 11, 369, 832, 11, 15562, 430, 279, 1396, 832, 5353, 315, 52368, 89766, 10934, 198, 258, 2225, 3026, 323, 3278, 374, 264, 3428, 30371, 5302, 606, 2237, 627, 791, 6156, 44315, 6532, 304, 17685, 2890, 527, 1296, 437, 7058, 466, 606, 11, 30371, 5302, 606, 11, 70180, 11, 323, 1891, 67229, 752, 72, 438, 33574, 11, 477, 35, 1837, 32, 13, 2684, 374, 264, 3831, 1077, 95454, 8331, 311, 52368, 89766, 10934, 11, 719, 12840, 584, 3207, 2216, 7556, 922, 374, 15517, 5977, 264, 74218, 80632, 34624, 311, 52368, 89766, 10934, 13, 1442, 264, 1732, 374, 8010, 430, 872, 6691, 269, 7126, 706, 477, 1047, 52368, 89766, 10934, 11, 1243, 279, 6156, 4747, 5562, 387, 36908, 8335, 13, 358, 11, 369, 832, 11, 15562, 430, 1243, 900, 832, 5353, 315, 52368, 89766, 10934, 304, 2225, 3026, 323, 3278, 52435, 3428, 30371, 5302, 606, 2237, 627, 36190, 889, 527, 389, 7342, 2585, 26153, 11, 323, 28592, 527, 539, 198, 869, 15853, 323, 617, 912, 30371, 5302, 606, 11, 527, 7995, 6376, 339, 12116, 4372, 709, 369, 17685, 5435, 13, 1952, 279, 1023, 1450, 11, 3278, 14965, 527, 70180, 25462, 320, 14965, 617, 477, 1550, 617, 393, 4931, 11, 5192, 14989, 11, 17659, 8541, 29668, 11, 323, 779, 389, 8, 3629, 617, 2294, 7970, 291, 729, 1385, 26, 4869, 11, 814, 1101, 617, 264, 1579, 39775, 315, 17659, 66, 11967, 13, 31946, 5084, 311, 387, 279, 1401, 994, 433, 4131, 311, 70180, 13, 2031, 3247, 386, 2871, 75801, 3083, 73166, 12, 20398, 15942, 473, 4463, 61389, 220, 350, 1826, 33574, 374, 1101, 94603, 2718, 6532, 449, 17685, 198, 4150, 53904, 2191, 13, 11215, 889, 617, 1047, 54119, 440, 316, 552, 11, 421, 774, 531, 2426, 320, 4291, 279, 66168, 552, 7108, 8, 477, 7276, 320, 4291, 279, 66168, 552, 2163, 258, 8, 690, 617, 3428, 40032, 5990, 13, 763, 3026, 11, 279, 2237, 315, 1296, 437, 12, 466, 606, 8638, 26156, 994, 814, 527, 304, 872, 220, 508, 82, 323, 9731, 43280, 1570, 45578, 13, 362, 893, 889, 706, 5675, 813, 94482, 11, 3629, 3930, 11269, 3428, 40032, 11, 374, 264, 1732, 14224, 520, 5326, 369, 52368, 89766, 10934, 627, 46, 5455, 89766, 10934, 304, 3026, 11, 279, 39775, 315, 902, 374, 4661, 389, 198, 64, 1370, 449, 3278, 11, 649, 617, 25114, 16296, 13, 362, 80208, 2200, 304, 264, 8762, 927, 279, 4325, 315, 220, 2397, 374, 5938, 449, 264, 220, 914, 3346, 76, 76052, 4478, 2391, 279, 2768, 1060, 13, 763, 5369, 11, 3026, 1633, 5581, 398, 617, 3428, 30371, 5302, 606, 5990, 13, 1115, 6671, 17106, 20969, 98883, 2212, 279, 4325, 315, 220, 1135, 994, 21907, 682, 3026, 9684, 17843, 30371, 5302, 606, 627, 24581, 1752, 311, 2019, 11, 358, 2733, 430, 2225, 40032, 323, 463, 4282, 7058, 466, 606, 527, 9193, 3062, 369, 27252, 52368, 89766, 10934, 920, 1837, 32, 374, 2500, 36908, 430, 27115, 719, 21356, 10210, 1572, 439, 584, 4325, 26, 433, 374, 264, 44463, 36908, 11, 304, 430, 433, 8779, 98374, 2225, 70180, 323, 40032, 2345, 21704, 1694, 3062, 2000, 17685, 2890, 627, 1846, 10193, 984, 3501, 37599, 643, 22545, 198, 14364, 36908, 430, 7995, 30824, 45391, 374, 10804, 99512, 345, 8370, 374, 2231, 704, 555, 279, 34697, 278, 67169, 13, 1102, 374, 8965, 3967, 12025, 383, 36908, 430, 9711, 603, 311, 6212, 520, 3814, 13, 4452, 11, 433, 706, 1605, 5865, 439, 1664, 13, 1102, 374, 9193, 3062, 304, 7970, 35926, 53904, 2191, 13, 1102, 1101, 11335, 264, 5199, 3560, 449, 5363, 311, 1057, 70155, 1887, 13, 1102, 8779, 311, 8356, 5933, 25534, 7917, 323, 2295, 273, 3178, 258, 12, 17, 11, 2225, 315, 902, 279, 2547, 5829, 311, 4465, 9572, 389, 1008, 5179, 8197, 320, 37791, 527, 15320, 97618, 323, 617, 311, 387, 27023, 4291, 15870, 570, 578, 3575, 374, 430, 584, 3009, 17843, 420, 71, 494, 606, 2212, 279, 4325, 315, 220, 1399, 13, 2100, 832, 1288, 2980, 6028, 507, 59784, 3143, 878, 10293, 1669, 2345, 19708, 3701, 650, 4419, 2078, 26339, 3414, 10804, 99512, 369, 2225, 27344, 323, 6514, 315, 52368, 89766, 10934, 345, 36046, 439, 832, 5334, 9191, 13, 720, 791, 5740, 1584, 18815, 52368, 89766, 10934, 374, 430, 433, 649, 3629, 198, 1395, 32098, 2345, 4636, 26907, 11, 584, 3974, 304, 264, 1917, 1405, 93755, 535, 16088, 374, 539, 44664, 13, 578, 71123, 5603, 2000, 52368, 89766, 10934, 374, 539, 1193, 264, 5030, 315, 32145, 74218, 22298, 11, 719, 5764, 1023, 9547, 315, 14560, 12939, 11, 1778, 300, 10368, 11, 6300, 26677, 11, 323, 6996, 315, 8631, 627, 40, 7995, 15763, 323, 50863, 1274, 889, 527, 3025, 311, 198, 71363, 5694, 315, 279, 7720, 315, 264, 70166, 19433, 13, 358, 62269, 30855, 922, 1274, 889, 8343, 1314, 11, 10368, 2380, 311, 3116, 3115, 64, 2046, 11, 656, 27027, 23783, 311, 8108, 8631, 11, 5766, 4737, 2106, 124085, 449, 21503, 3185, 6372, 11, 323, 779, 389, 13, 358, 1440, 1070, 527, 26064, 919, 315, 1274, 304, 420, 5699, 13, 2876, 29392, 11, 814, 19029, 2063, 311, 1518], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " the first requirement is to\nbecome aware of when you are not being true. Courtship provides an\nopportunity for creating this awareness, since this is when a couple work\nout their own definition of what being in love means. Many things pass for\nlove that are something else. These forms of false love can be behaviors,\nbeliefs, expectations, or conditi oning from the past. We all tend to accept\nversions of \u201clove\u201d that we are used to, without stopping to examine their\nvalidity. Much unloving behavior gets past us in this way.Perhaps no sentence in the English language contains as many hidden\nmeanings as \u201cI love you.\u201d Very often we say these words and silently add\nexpectations that underline them. What we really are saying may be\nI love you as long as you stay the way you are now.\nI love you if you love me.\nI love you if you don\u2019 t scare me too much.\nI love you as long as you do what I want.\nBecause these sentences all carry expectations, they are not really about\nlove. \u201cI love you\u201d is often not a simple declaration but with unspoken\nconditions\u2014\u201cI love you if.\u201d People who make conditional promises are not\nwrong, they are usually doing the best they can. No doubt someone in their\npast said, \u201cI love you,\u201d when what they really meant was \u201cI love you if.\u201d To\na greate r or lesser degree we all place expectations upon the people we\nlove. But these expectations, however reasonable they may seem to us,\ninject an element of falseness that true love doesn\u2019 t contain.\nFalse love can also take the form of lack of realism. Some one who\nexpects to be swept away by a mysterious stranger and rescued from all\nproblems is indulging in unreality. Unreality has many disguises, of which\nfantasy and projection are the two most prevalent. Fantasy creates a false\nimage that love is expected to live up to. We fantasize about an ideal lover,\nand anyone who does not match this ideal becomes unfit for our love. Being\ntoo old or too young, too tall or too short, too dull, too poor, too\nunprofessional\u2014too anything that does not pass the test\u2014this is how other\npeople come to be seen as lacking potential for love. The root of this\nunreality clearly lies in the perceiver, however, not the perceived. The\nfantasy that supposedly pictures our ideal in fact puts on blinders.\nProjection disto rts our perception in a different way: it attaches our\nbeliefs to other people. Someon e who believes that no one will ever love\nhim is projecting his own lack of acceptance onto others. The internal belief\n\u201cI\u2019m not lovable\u201d is so painful that it cannot be faced, and one way to\nlessen that pain is to stop claiming it as your own. Instead you decide that\nother people are at fault. They have let you down, they don\u2019t think you are\ngood enough, they have no wish to love you. In reality there is no they, only\nprojection.False love can take more forms than active fantasy or projection. It may\nsimply be expressed as something missing in one\u2019s experience. If you have\nnot been shown loving behavior, you will have no positive images to fill the\nheart. The cruelest impression that can be made on a young child is\nindifference, and it may be the most common. To ignore a child\u2019s need for\nlove conveys to the heart that its need is not essential. Upon growing up\nsuch a child will find it very difficult to express real love. In place of a\nwarm outflow of feeling, he or she will feel a cooler, more moderated\nemotion that too easily flickers and fails. Indif ference has a long legacy.\nAll these versions of false love are extremely common. We exhibit false\nlove whenever we pretend to love someone beyond what we actually feel,\nwhenever we fail to trust or be honest, whenever we push away someone\nelse\u2019s offered emotions. Like the thousand-headed serpent, false love has\ntoo many heads to name. Defea ting it requires that we discove r what true\nlove is. It takes the real to drive out the unreal. Recognizing a fantasy or\nprojection puts distance between you and it; once you have obtained some\ndistance, you can begin to renounce the power of the false.\nIf in the past you haven\u2019 t experienced love\u2019 s purity and unde rstood its\ninnocence, then the foundation of relationship hasn\u2019 t been laid. Longfellow\nspoke truly when he said, \u201cLove gives itself; it isn\u2019t bought.\u201d If a man or\nwoman feels there is a price to pay for being loved, their whole sense of\nlove is damage d. It has beco me confused with a transaction between\nwinners and losers in a game of competing needs.\nOur society makes the problem worse by claiming that selfishness is\njustified, for the easiest disguis e for fear and doubt is selfishness. What\ngood do \u201chigher\u201d values really bring the \u201cme\u201d who has a hard enough time\nsurviving as it is? A cynic might say, \u201cWhen people fall in love, they\nindulge in an escapist fantasy. There is a much more powerful force than\nlove, called desire. Desire comes down to the pursuit of sex, money, power,\nsecurity, and comfort. These are what people really want.\u201d\nOn the surface the cynic appear s to be absolutely right. Life doesn\u2019 t lie,\nwhich means that although all of us may espouse love, we don\u2019t live it.\nSelfishness has too strong a claim. Too often courtship serves to lay the\ngroundwork for mutual selfishn ess. A man and woman bypass the pain of\nexposing their deepest fears and insecurity. Instead of pursuing the delicatework of weaving the threads of love into a fabric that will be strong enough\nto hold, they concentrate on what the relationship will do for \u201cme.\u201d\nThe courtship phase succeeds to the extent that a man and woman can dismantle their defenses; it\nfails to the extent that they build new defenses together.\nHow many couples bond together by forming a \u201cwe\u201d that is just a\nstronger, tougher version of \u201cme\u201d? We can\u2019t be surprised when this\nhappens. If survival is paramount in a dangerous world, two are better at it\nthan one. Like an individual, a couple can pursue power and money, or at\nthe very least security and comfort. Love gets left behind because it won\u2019 t\nbring material rewards, at least not as clearly as unloving tactics will.\nMoney and power require toughness, the willingness to fight for what you\nwant. You are better off having a killer instinct, not a loving heart, if you\npursue these things. Security and comfort also require looking out for\nnumber one. In this case one has become two; nothing else has changed.\nUndoubtedly mutual ego needs have a place in every relationship. The\nreal problem occurs when they obliterate the tender growth of love in its\nspiritual aspect. Long before we fall in love, we know more than enough\nabout our needs. Acquiring an ally to fulfill them isn\u2019t the same as getting\nfree from them. Only love can free us, because its truth is an antidote to\nfear. The cynical claim that what people really want is money, power, and\nsecurity falls apart once we look deeper. The exhilaration of falling in love\nis an escape from ego, its sense of threat, and its selfishness. This escape is\nwhat we really want. Whatever rewards it brings, the ego cannot do two\nthings: it cannot abolish fear, since ego is founded on fear; and it cannot\ncreate love, since ego by definition shuts out love.\nThe reason that ego and love are not compatible comes down to this: you\ncannot take your ego into the unknown, where love wants to lead. If you\nfollow love, your life will become uncertain, and the ego craves certainty.\nYou will have to surrender to another person, and the ego prizes its own will\nabove anyone else\u2019s. Love will make your feelings ambiguous, and the ego\nwants to feel the certainty of right and wrong. Many other experiences that\ncannot be comprehended by ego apply to love\u2014a lover is confused,\nspontaneous, vulnerable, expose d, detached, carefree, wondrous, and ever\nnew.Love\u2019 s journey would be terrifying if we didn\u2019 t have passion to give us\ncourage\u2014the blind courage of lovers, it is often called. It would be truer to\ncall it the blind wisdom of lovers, because the ego\u2019s certainty is an illusion.\nUncertainty is the basis of life.\nOceanofPDF.comLOVING PRACTICE\nUnpeeling the Layers of Love\nONE OF THE most valuable things you can learn about yourself is what you\nmean by the words \u201cI love you.\u201d The meaning you impart is complex\nbecause it contains you. Your past associations with love, your childhood\nimprints, your unspoken expectations and beliefs are all packaged in\nlanguage. Thus \u201cI love you\u201d expands into\n\u201cI love you the way my father loved my mother before they got divorced.\u201d\n\u201cI love you as long as you don\u2019 t get too close.\u201d\n\u201cI love you more than Romeo loved Juliet, but please don\u2019 t ask me to die.\u201d\n\u201cI love you the way the high school football captain didn\u2019 t love me.\u201d\nWords become more personal the more emotional they are. Since \u201cI love\nyou\u201d is the most emotional phrase in our language, it includes many\nfeelings that you might never", "token_ids": [279, 1176, 16686, 374, 311, 198, 17106, 638, 8010, 315, 994, 499, 527, 539, 1694, 837, 13, 7301, 5383, 5825, 459, 198, 454, 68164, 369, 6968, 420, 17985, 11, 2533, 420, 374, 994, 264, 5743, 990, 198, 412, 872, 1866, 7419, 315, 1148, 1694, 304, 3021, 3445, 13, 9176, 2574, 1522, 369, 198, 31153, 430, 527, 2555, 775, 13, 4314, 7739, 315, 905, 3021, 649, 387, 28198, 345, 9978, 30921, 11, 17078, 11, 477, 9955, 12583, 389, 287, 505, 279, 3347, 13, 1226, 682, 8541, 311, 4287, 198, 29390, 315, 1054, 31153, 863, 430, 584, 527, 1511, 311, 11, 2085, 23351, 311, 21635, 872, 198, 1930, 488, 662, 24191, 653, 385, 4504, 7865, 5334, 3347, 603, 304, 420, 1648, 662, 32576, 912, 11914, 304, 279, 6498, 4221, 5727, 439, 1690, 8340, 198, 14622, 826, 439, 1054, 40, 3021, 499, 2029, 15668, 3629, 584, 2019, 1521, 4339, 323, 50494, 923, 198, 17557, 811, 430, 52974, 1124, 13, 3639, 584, 2216, 527, 5605, 1253, 387, 198, 40, 3021, 499, 439, 1317, 439, 499, 4822, 279, 1648, 499, 527, 1457, 16853, 40, 3021, 499, 422, 499, 3021, 757, 627, 40, 3021, 499, 422, 499, 1541, 529, 259, 44030, 757, 2288, 1790, 627, 40, 3021, 499, 439, 1317, 439, 499, 656, 1148, 358, 1390, 627, 18433, 1521, 23719, 682, 6920, 17078, 11, 814, 527, 539, 2216, 922, 198, 31153, 13, 1054, 40, 3021, 499, 863, 374, 3629, 539, 264, 4382, 18489, 719, 449, 653, 52858, 198, 16902, 2345, 2118, 40, 3021, 499, 422, 2029, 9029, 889, 1304, 35787, 21300, 527, 539, 198, 35970, 11, 814, 527, 6118, 3815, 279, 1888, 814, 649, 13, 2360, 10712, 4423, 304, 872, 198, 53520, 1071, 11, 1054, 40, 3021, 499, 2476, 994, 1148, 814, 2216, 8967, 574, 1054, 40, 3021, 499, 422, 2029, 2057, 198, 64, 342, 979, 436, 477, 32415, 8547, 584, 682, 2035, 17078, 5304, 279, 1274, 584, 198, 31153, 13, 2030, 1521, 17078, 11, 4869, 13579, 814, 1253, 2873, 311, 603, 345, 33233, 459, 2449, 315, 33032, 24639, 430, 837, 3021, 3250, 529, 259, 6782, 627, 4139, 3021, 649, 1101, 1935, 279, 1376, 315, 6996, 315, 69871, 13, 4427, 832, 889, 198, 38731, 311, 387, 41323, 3201, 555, 264, 26454, 35058, 323, 45433, 505, 682, 198, 96440, 374, 37960, 3252, 304, 38223, 2786, 662, 1252, 265, 2786, 706, 1690, 41877, 5014, 11, 315, 902, 198, 61827, 6539, 323, 22343, 527, 279, 1403, 1455, 46941, 13, 27582, 11705, 264, 905, 198, 1843, 430, 3021, 374, 3685, 311, 3974, 709, 311, 13, 1226, 40438, 553, 922, 459, 10728, 31657, 13801, 438, 5606, 889, 1587, 539, 2489, 420, 10728, 9221, 94567, 369, 1057, 3021, 13, 21347, 198, 37227, 2362, 477, 2288, 3995, 11, 2288, 16615, 477, 2288, 2875, 11, 2288, 41630, 11, 2288, 8009, 11, 2288, 198, 359, 66886, 2345, 37227, 4205, 430, 1587, 539, 1522, 279, 1296, 2345, 576, 374, 1268, 1023, 198, 16455, 2586, 311, 387, 3970, 439, 32161, 4754, 369, 3021, 13, 578, 3789, 315, 420, 198, 359, 265, 2786, 9539, 15812, 304, 279, 824, 13158, 1174, 4869, 1174, 539, 279, 26617, 13, 578, 198, 61827, 6539, 430, 33828, 9364, 1057, 10728, 304, 2144, 9711, 389, 18507, 388, 627, 47421, 1612, 78, 436, 2641, 1057, 21063, 304, 264, 2204, 1648, 25, 433, 85603, 1057, 198, 9978, 30921, 311, 1023, 1274, 13, 4427, 263, 384, 889, 13919, 430, 912, 832, 690, 3596, 3021, 198, 40617, 374, 82382, 220, 813, 1866, 6996, 315, 26586, 8800, 3885, 13, 578, 5419, 16801, 198, 10378, 4344, 539, 781, 24694, 863, 374, 779, 26175, 430, 433, 4250, 387, 17011, 11, 323, 832, 1648, 311, 198, 1752, 268, 430, 6784, 374, 311, 3009, 21039, 433, 439, 701, 1866, 13, 12361, 499, 10491, 430, 198, 1605, 1274, 527, 520, 14867, 13, 2435, 220, 617, 1095, 499, 1523, 11, 814, 1541, 1431, 1781, 499, 527, 198, 19045, 3403, 11, 814, 617, 912, 6562, 311, 3021, 499, 13, 763, 8903, 1070, 374, 912, 814, 11, 1193, 198, 61571, 51857, 3021, 649, 1935, 810, 7739, 1109, 4642, 18884, 477, 22343, 13, 1102, 1253, 198, 15124, 2603, 387, 13605, 439, 2555, 7554, 304, 832, 753, 3217, 13, 1442, 499, 617, 198, 1962, 1027, 6982, 21955, 7865, 1174, 499, 690, 617, 912, 6928, 5448, 311, 5266, 279, 198, 18207, 13, 578, 1589, 361, 60244, 21455, 430, 649, 387, 1903, 389, 264, 3995, 1716, 374, 198, 485, 18691, 11, 323, 433, 1253, 387, 279, 1455, 4279, 13, 2057, 10240, 264, 1716, 753, 1205, 369, 198, 31153, 390, 50369, 311, 279, 4851, 430, 1202, 1205, 374, 539, 7718, 13, 30538, 7982, 709, 198, 21470, 264, 1716, 690, 1505, 433, 1633, 5107, 311, 3237, 1972, 3021, 13, 763, 2035, 315, 264, 198, 83697, 704, 5072, 315, 8430, 11, 568, 477, 1364, 690, 2733, 264, 36921, 1174, 810, 220, 87316, 198, 74453, 430, 2288, 6847, 29447, 388, 323, 14865, 13, 2314, 333, 18728, 768, 706, 264, 1317, 20160, 16853, 2460, 1521, 11028, 315, 905, 3021, 527, 9193, 4279, 13, 1226, 31324, 905, 198, 31153, 15716, 584, 35840, 311, 3021, 4423, 7953, 1148, 584, 3604, 2733, 345, 1336, 31845, 584, 3775, 311, 7095, 477, 387, 10978, 11, 15716, 584, 4585, 3201, 4423, 198, 1531, 753, 9076, 21958, 13, 9086, 279, 16579, 62166, 92942, 11, 905, 3021, 706, 198, 37227, 1690, 14971, 220, 311, 836, 13, 3979, 12791, 43327, 433, 7612, 430, 584, 2624, 1009, 436, 1148, 837, 198, 31153, 374, 13, 1102, 5097, 279, 1972, 311, 6678, 704, 279, 50204, 13, 67975, 4954, 264, 18884, 477, 198, 61571, 9711, 6138, 1990, 220, 499, 323, 433, 26, 3131, 499, 617, 12457, 1063, 198, 19909, 11, 499, 649, 3240, 311, 5790, 9933, 279, 2410, 315, 279, 905, 627, 2746, 304, 279, 3347, 499, 9167, 529, 259, 10534, 3021, 529, 274, 53500, 323, 59995, 436, 52784, 1202, 198, 6258, 511, 768, 11, 1243, 279, 16665, 315, 5133, 12775, 529, 259, 1027, 17551, 13, 5843, 69, 5412, 198, 2203, 4845, 9615, 994, 568, 1071, 11, 1054, 29351, 6835, 5196, 26, 433, 4536, 1431, 11021, 2029, 1442, 264, 893, 477, 198, 22803, 11321, 1070, 374, 264, 3430, 311, 2343, 369, 1694, 10456, 11, 872, 4459, 5647, 315, 198, 31153, 374, 5674, 294, 13, 1102, 706, 387, 1030, 757, 22568, 449, 264, 7901, 1990, 198, 7678, 5079, 323, 68456, 304, 264, 1847, 315, 27260, 3966, 627, 8140, 8396, 3727, 279, 3575, 11201, 555, 21039, 430, 45743, 2136, 374, 198, 4345, 1908, 11, 369, 279, 30689, 41877, 285, 384, 369, 8850, 323, 10712, 374, 45743, 2136, 13, 3639, 198, 19045, 656, 1054, 90447, 863, 2819, 2216, 4546, 279, 1054, 2727, 863, 889, 706, 264, 2653, 3403, 892, 198, 20370, 85, 2299, 439, 433, 374, 30, 362, 48364, 292, 2643, 2019, 11, 1054, 4599, 1274, 4498, 304, 3021, 11, 814, 198, 485, 360, 713, 304, 459, 3920, 60329, 18884, 662, 2684, 374, 264, 1790, 810, 8147, 5457, 1109, 198, 31153, 11, 2663, 12876, 13, 82524, 4131, 1523, 311, 279, 33436, 315, 1877, 11, 3300, 1174, 2410, 13801, 17476, 1174, 323, 6981, 13, 4314, 527, 1148, 1274, 2216, 1390, 662, 89874, 1966, 279, 7479, 279, 48364, 292, 5101, 274, 311, 387, 11112, 1314, 13, 9601, 3250, 529, 259, 10457, 345, 8370, 3445, 430, 8051, 682, 315, 603, 1253, 16948, 1559, 3021, 11, 584, 1541, 1431, 3974, 433, 627, 12363, 819, 2136, 706, 2288, 3831, 264, 3802, 13, 25619, 3629, 5590, 5383, 17482, 311, 11203, 279, 198, 1993, 1816, 369, 27848, 45743, 77, 4043, 13, 362, 893, 323, 5333, 31818, 279, 6784, 315, 198, 327, 8478, 872, 51621, 24087, 323, 74935, 662, 12361, 315, 34118, 279, 36301, 1816, 315, 84709, 220, 279, 14906, 315, 3021, 1139, 264, 13354, 430, 690, 387, 3831, 3403, 198, 998, 3412, 11, 814, 37455, 389, 1148, 279, 5133, 690, 656, 369, 1054, 2727, 49216, 791, 5590, 5383, 10474, 51181, 311, 279, 13112, 430, 264, 893, 323, 5333, 649, 95158, 872, 46616, 26, 433, 198, 60731, 311, 279, 13112, 430, 814, 1977, 502, 46616, 3871, 16853, 4438, 1690, 21961, 11049, 3871, 555, 30164, 264, 1054, 906, 863, 430, 374, 1120, 264, 198, 4620, 261, 1174, 49331, 2373, 315, 1054, 2727, 74022, 1226, 649, 1431, 387, 14792, 994, 420, 198, 71, 680, 729, 13, 1442, 20237, 374, 74510, 304, 264, 11660, 1917, 11, 1403, 527, 2731, 520, 433, 198, 54895, 832, 13, 9086, 459, 3927, 11, 264, 5743, 649, 23564, 2410, 323, 3300, 1174, 477, 520, 198, 1820, 1633, 3325, 4868, 323, 6981, 13, 10919, 5334, 2163, 4920, 1606, 433, 2834, 529, 259, 198, 82477, 3769, 21845, 11, 520, 3325, 539, 439, 9539, 439, 653, 385, 4504, 26411, 690, 627, 25821, 323, 2410, 1397, 77318, 11, 279, 39375, 311, 4465, 369, 1148, 499, 198, 53757, 13, 1472, 527, 2731, 1022, 3515, 220, 264, 25534, 31655, 11, 539, 264, 21955, 4851, 11, 422, 499, 198, 79, 1759, 361, 1521, 2574, 13, 8398, 323, 6981, 1101, 1397, 3411, 704, 369, 198, 4174, 832, 13, 763, 420, 1162, 832, 706, 3719, 1403, 26, 4400, 775, 706, 5614, 627, 20552, 35210, 27848, 37374, 3966, 220, 617, 264, 2035, 304, 1475, 5133, 13, 578, 198, 8110, 3575, 13980, 994, 814, 94444, 42612, 279, 28682, 6650, 315, 3021, 304, 1202, 198, 86390, 940, 13189, 13, 5843, 1603, 584, 4498, 304, 3021, 11, 584, 1440, 810, 1109, 3403, 198, 9274, 1057, 3966, 13, 6515, 71194, 459, 31953, 311, 21054, 1124, 4536, 1431, 279, 1890, 439, 3794, 198, 10816, 505, 220, 1124, 13, 220, 8442, 3021, 649, 1949, 603, 11, 1606, 1202, 8206, 374, 459, 90687, 1295, 311, 198, 69, 686, 13, 578, 70779, 3802, 430, 1148, 1274, 2216, 1390, 374, 3300, 1174, 2410, 1174, 323, 198, 17476, 17503, 10980, 3131, 584, 1427, 19662, 662, 578, 91826, 367, 315, 16054, 304, 3021, 198, 285, 459, 12731, 505, 37374, 11, 1202, 5647, 315, 6023, 11, 323, 1202, 45743, 2136, 13, 1115, 12731, 374, 198, 12840, 584, 2216, 220, 1390, 13, 33739, 21845, 433, 12716, 11, 279, 37374, 4250, 656, 1403, 198, 58174, 25, 433, 4250, 90376, 8850, 11, 2533, 37374, 374, 18538, 389, 8850, 26, 323, 433, 4250, 198, 3261, 3021, 11, 2533, 37374, 555, 7419, 89678, 704, 3021, 627, 791, 2944, 430, 37374, 323, 3021, 527, 539, 18641, 4131, 1523, 311, 420, 25, 499, 198, 34360, 1935, 701, 37374, 1139, 279, 9987, 11, 1405, 3021, 6944, 311, 3063, 13, 1442, 499, 198, 19070, 3021, 11, 701, 2324, 690, 3719, 36218, 11, 323, 279, 37374, 1589, 4798, 44743, 16853, 2675, 690, 617, 311, 32859, 311, 2500, 1732, 11, 323, 279, 37374, 38508, 1202, 1866, 690, 198, 49532, 5606, 775, 753, 13, 10919, 690, 1304, 701, 16024, 55861, 11, 323, 279, 37374, 198, 86, 1821, 311, 2733, 279, 44743, 315, 1314, 323, 5076, 13, 9176, 1023, 11704, 430, 198, 34360, 387, 12963, 2954, 555, 37374, 3881, 311, 3021, 29096, 31657, 374, 22568, 345, 2203, 546, 18133, 11, 20134, 11, 29241, 294, 11, 45017, 11, 2512, 10816, 11, 289, 94650, 11, 323, 3596, 198, 943, 1236, 1009, 529, 274, 11879, 1053, 387, 42351, 422, 584, 3287, 529, 259, 617, 11939, 311, 3041, 603, 198, 66, 61140, 22416, 18507, 25775, 315, 33218, 11, 433, 374, 3629, 2663, 13, 1102, 1053, 387, 490, 8977, 311, 198, 6797, 433, 279, 18507, 24278, 315, 33218, 11, 1606, 279, 37374, 753, 44743, 374, 459, 41919, 627, 64818, 81246, 374, 279, 8197, 315, 2324, 627, 97283, 1073, 24317, 662, 884, 1623, 53, 1753, 220, 393, 51511, 5604, 198, 1844, 375, 20659, 279, 84922, 315, 10919, 198, 5338, 3083, 3247, 1455, 15525, 2574, 499, 649, 4048, 922, 6261, 374, 1148, 499, 198, 14622, 555, 279, 4339, 1054, 40, 3021, 499, 2029, 578, 7438, 499, 70772, 374, 6485, 198, 28753, 433, 5727, 499, 13, 4718, 3347, 30257, 449, 3021, 11, 701, 20587, 198, 318, 26822, 11, 701, 653, 52858, 17078, 323, 21463, 527, 682, 47237, 304, 198, 11789, 13, 14636, 1054, 40, 3021, 499, 863, 52956, 1139, 198, 10378, 3021, 499, 279, 1648, 856, 7126, 10456, 856, 6691, 1603, 814, 2751, 50592, 49216, 10378, 3021, 499, 439, 1317, 439, 499, 1541, 529, 259, 636, 2288, 3345, 49216, 10378, 3021, 499, 810, 1109, 71292, 10456, 72124, 11, 719, 4587, 1541, 529, 259, 2610, 757, 311, 2815, 49216, 10378, 3021, 499, 279, 1648, 279, 1579, 2978, 9141, 24862, 3287, 529, 259, 3021, 757, 49216, 24390, 3719, 810, 4443, 279, 810, 14604, 814, 527, 13, 8876, 1054, 40, 3021, 198, 9514, 863, 374, 279, 1455, 14604, 17571, 304, 1057, 4221, 11, 433, 5764, 1690, 198, 57676, 826, 430, 499, 2643, 2646], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": "-sonality. R esults \nof these tests have given scientists astonishingly new insi ghts into the \nmysteries of sleep. \n\u201cThey now know that the tired brain apparently craves sleep so \nhungrily that it will sacrifice anything to get it. After onl y a few hours \nof sleep loss, fleeting stolen naps called \u2018lapses,\u2019 or mi cro-sleep, \noccurred at the rate of three or four an hour. As in real sl eep, eyelids \ndrooped, heartbeat slowed. \nEach lapse lasted just a fraction of a second. Sometimes the lapses \nwere periods of blankness; sometimes they were filled with images, \nwisps of dreams. As hours of sleep loss mounted, the lapses took place \nmore often and lasted longer, perhaps two or three seconds. Even if \nthe subjects had been piloting an airliner in a thunderstorm, the y still \ncouldn\u2019t have resisted micro-sleeps for those few price less seconds. \nAnd it can happen to you, as many who have fallen asleep at the \nwheel of a car can testify. \n\u201cAnother startling effect of sleep deprivation was its at-t ack on \nhuman memory and perception. Many sleep-deprived subjects wer e \nunable to retain information long enough to relate it to the task they \nwere supposed to perform. They were totally befuddled in si tuations \nrequiring them to hold several factors in mind and act on them, as a \npilot must when he skillfully in-tegrates wind direction, air speed, \naltitude, and glide path to make a safe landing.\u201d \n\u2022 Sleep brings counsel \nA young lady in Los Angeles who listens to my morning radio talk s \ntold me that she had been offered a lucrative position in Ne w York \n 140 City at twice her present salary. She was wondering whether t o accept \nor not and prayed prior to sleep as follows: \u201cThe creative intelligence \nof my subconscious mind knows what is best for me. Its tendency is \nalways lifeward, and it reveals to me the right decision, w hich blesses \nall concerned. I give thanks for the answer which I know will come to \nme.\u201d \nShe repeated this simple prayer over and over again as a l ullaby \nprior to sleep, and in the morning she had a persistent feeling that she \nshould not accept the offer. She rejected the offer and subsequent \nevents verified her inward sense of know-ing, because the com pany \nwent bankrupt in a few months fol-lowing their offer of empl oyment \nto her. The conscious mind may be correct on the facts objecti vely \nknown, but the intuitive faculty of her subconscious mind saw the \nfailure of the concern in question, and prompted her ac-cordingly. \n\u2022 Saved from certain disaster \nI will illustrate how the wisdom of your subconscious mind can \ninstruct you and protect you relative to your request for right a ction as \nyou go to sleep. \nMany years ago, before the Second World War, I was offered a very \nlucrative assignment in the Orient, and I prayed for guidance and the \nright decision as follows: \u201cInfinite intelli-gence within me knows all \nthings, and the right decision is revealed to me in divine order. I will \nrecognize the answer when it comes.\u201d \nI repeated this simple prayer over and over again as a lul laby prior \nto sleep, and in a dream came the vivid realization of things t o come \nthree years hence. An old friend appeared in the dream and said, \n\u201cRead these headlines\u2014do not go!\u201d The headlines of the newspaper, \nwhich appeared in the dream, related to war and the attack on Pe arl \nHarbor. \nOccasionally, the writer dreams literally. The aforemen-ti oned \ndream was undoubtedly a dramatization of the subcon-scious mind \nwhich projected a person whom I trusted and respected. To some a \nwarning may come in the form of a mother who appears in a dream. \n 141 She tells the person not to go here or there, and the reason for the \nwarning. Your subconscious mind is all-wise. It knows all thi ngs. \nOftentimes it will speak to you only in a voice that your con scious \nmind will immediately accept as true. Sometimes your subcons cious \nwill warn you in a voice which sounds like that of your mother o r \nsome loved one which may cause you to stop on the street, and you \nfind, if you had gone another foot, a falling object from a window \nmight have struck you on the head. \nMy subconscious mind is one with the universal subcon-scious, and \nit knew the Japanese were planning a war, and it also kne w when the \nwar would start. \nDr. Rhine, director of the Department of Psychology at Duke \nUniversity, has gathered together a vast amount of evi-dence show ing \nthat a great number of people all over the world see events be fore they \nhappen, and in many instances are, therefore, able to avoid the tra gic \nevent which was foreseen vividly in a dream. \nThe dream which I had showed clearly the headlines in The New \nYork Times about three years prior to the tragedy of Pearl Harbor. In \nconsequence of this dream, I immediately cancelled the trip as I felt a \nsubconscious compulsion to do so. Three years later the Second \nWorld War proved the truth of the inner voice of intuition. \n\u2022 Your future is in your subconscious mind \nRemember that the future, the result of your habitual think -ing, is \nalready in your mind except when you change it through prayer. The \nfuture of a country, likewise, is in the collective subconsc ious of the \npeople of that nation. There is nothing strange in the dream I had \nwherein I saw the headlines of the New York newspapers long bef ore \nthe war began. The war had already taken place in mind, and all the \nplans of attack were already engraved on that great recordi ng \ninstrument, the subconscious mind or collective unconscious of the \nuniversal mind. Tomorrow\u2019s events are in your subconscious mind, so \nare next week\u2019s and next month\u2019s, and they may be seen by a highly \npsychic or clairvoyant person. \n 142 No disaster or tragedy can happen to you if you decide to pray. \nNothing is predetermined or foreordained. Your mental attitude, i.e., \nthe way you think, feel, and believe determines your destiny. You can, \nthrough scientific prayer, which is ex-plained in a previous ch apter, \nmold, fashion, and create your own future. Whatsoever a man soweth, \nthat shall he also reap. \n\u2022 A cat nap nets him $15,000 \nOne of my students mailed me a newspaper clipping three or four \nyears ago about a man called Ray Hammerstrom, a roller at t he steel \nworks in Pittsburgh operated by Jones and Laughlin Steel \nCorporation. He received $15,000 for his dream. \nAccording to the article, the engineers could not fix a faulty s witch \nin a newly installed bar mill which controlled the deliver y of straight \nbars to the cooling beds. The engineers worked on the switch abou t \neleven or twelve times to no avail. \nHammerstrom thought a lot about the problem and tried to figure \nout a new design, which might work. Nothing worked. One afternoon \nhe lay down for a nap, and prior to sleep he began to think about t he \nanswer to the switch problem. He had a dream in which a pe rfect \ndesign for the switch was portrayed. When he awoke, he sketched his \nnew design according to the outline of his dream. \nThis visionary catnap won Hammerstrom a check for $15,000; the \nlargest award the firm ever gave an employee for a new idea. \n\u2022 How a famous professor solved his problem in sleep \nDr. H. V. Helprecht, Professor of Assyrian at the Uni-versit y of \nPennsylvania, wrote as follows: \u201cOne Saturday eve-ning... I had be en \nwearying myself, in the vain attempt to decipher two small fragments \nof agate which were supposed to belong to the finger rings of some \nBabylonians. \n\u201cAbout midnight, weary and exhausted, I went to bed and dreamed \nthe following remarkable dream: A tall, thin priest of Nipp ur, about \n 143 forty years of age, led me to the treasure chamber of the te mple... a \nsmall, low-ceilinged room without windows, while scraps of agate and \nlapis-lazuli lay scattered on the floor. Here he addressed me as \nfollows: \u2018The two fragments which you have published separat ely on \npages 22 and 26 belong together, are not finger rings... The first two \nrings served as earrings for the statue of the god; the two fragments \n(you have)... are the portions of them. If you will put them toget her \nyou will have confirmation of my words.\u2019... I awoke at once... I \nexamined the fragments... and to my astonishment found the dream \nverified. The problem was then at last solved.\u201d \nThis demonstrates clearly the creative manifestation of his \nsubconscious mind, which knew the answer to all his problems. \n\u2022 How the subconscious worked for a famous writer while he slept \nRobert Louis Stevenson in one of his books, Across the Plains, \ndevotes a whole chapter to dreams. He was a vivid dreamer and had \nthe persistent habit of giving specific instruc-tions to his subconscious \nevery night prior", "token_ids": [12, 942, 2786, 13, 432, 1560, 122761, 720, 1073, 1521, 7177, 617, 2728, 14248, 50013, 398, 502, 1672, 72, 342, 427, 82, 1139, 279, 720, 76, 599, 4804, 315, 6212, 13, 2355, 46690, 1457, 1440, 430, 279, 19781, 8271, 14132, 1589, 4798, 6212, 779, 720, 71, 359, 81055, 430, 433, 690, 28235, 4205, 311, 636, 433, 13, 4740, 389, 75, 379, 264, 2478, 4207, 720, 1073, 6212, 4814, 11, 96435, 23130, 308, 2690, 2663, 3451, 75, 79390, 23189, 477, 9686, 14425, 1355, 3583, 11, 720, 14310, 8293, 520, 279, 4478, 315, 2380, 477, 3116, 459, 6596, 13, 1666, 304, 1972, 1776, 384, 752, 11, 54957, 3447, 720, 11513, 16771, 11, 53205, 48946, 13, 2355, 4959, 90417, 36513, 1120, 264, 19983, 315, 264, 2132, 13, 18156, 279, 51055, 288, 720, 52898, 18852, 315, 10321, 2136, 26, 7170, 814, 1051, 10409, 449, 5448, 11, 720, 49143, 1725, 315, 19226, 13, 1666, 4207, 315, 6212, 4814, 22563, 11, 279, 51055, 288, 3952, 2035, 720, 6518, 3629, 323, 36513, 5129, 11, 8530, 1403, 477, 2380, 6622, 13, 7570, 422, 720, 1820, 15223, 1047, 1027, 11715, 11780, 459, 83757, 10670, 304, 264, 37943, 27511, 11, 279, 379, 2103, 720, 92062, 1431, 617, 67414, 8162, 1355, 3583, 82, 369, 1884, 2478, 3430, 2753, 6622, 13, 720, 3112, 433, 649, 3621, 311, 499, 11, 439, 1690, 889, 617, 21536, 33173, 520, 279, 720, 39690, 315, 264, 1841, 649, 49262, 13, 2355, 2118, 14364, 68834, 2515, 315, 6212, 69764, 574, 1202, 520, 2442, 10956, 389, 720, 26380, 5044, 323, 21063, 13, 9176, 6212, 6953, 652, 2270, 15223, 7205, 384, 720, 47028, 311, 14389, 2038, 1317, 3403, 311, 29243, 433, 311, 279, 3465, 814, 720, 52898, 10171, 311, 2804, 13, 2435, 1051, 12756, 58046, 85201, 304, 4502, 9964, 811, 720, 11265, 6322, 1124, 311, 3412, 3892, 9547, 304, 4059, 323, 1180, 389, 1124, 11, 439, 264, 2355, 79, 24911, 2011, 994, 568, 10151, 3725, 304, 49893, 911, 988, 10160, 5216, 11, 3805, 4732, 11, 720, 99111, 11, 323, 86141, 1853, 311, 1304, 264, 6220, 20948, 2029, 720, 6806, 24708, 12716, 16467, 720, 32, 3995, 17240, 304, 9853, 12167, 889, 64748, 311, 856, 6693, 9063, 3137, 274, 720, 83, 820, 757, 430, 1364, 1047, 1027, 9076, 264, 51306, 2361, 304, 4275, 289, 4356, 2355, 220, 6860, 220, 4409, 520, 11157, 1077, 3118, 16498, 13, 3005, 574, 20910, 3508, 259, 297, 4287, 720, 269, 539, 323, 67797, 4972, 311, 6212, 439, 11263, 25, 1054, 791, 11782, 220, 11478, 720, 1073, 856, 84951, 4059, 8964, 1148, 374, 1888, 369, 757, 13, 11699, 31954, 374, 720, 33222, 10345, 24998, 11, 323, 433, 21667, 311, 757, 279, 1314, 5597, 11, 289, 305, 718, 16458, 288, 720, 543, 11920, 13, 358, 3041, 9523, 369, 279, 4320, 902, 358, 1440, 690, 2586, 311, 720, 2727, 2029, 2355, 8100, 11763, 420, 4382, 23788, 927, 323, 927, 1578, 439, 264, 326, 53396, 6243, 720, 65333, 311, 6212, 11, 323, 304, 279, 6693, 1364, 1047, 264, 26048, 8430, 220, 430, 1364, 720, 5562, 539, 4287, 279, 3085, 13, 3005, 18010, 279, 3085, 323, 17876, 2355, 12670, 24884, 1077, 63018, 5647, 315, 1440, 85005, 11, 1606, 279, 470, 281, 3852, 720, 42700, 29320, 304, 264, 2478, 4038, 9630, 2922, 24060, 872, 3085, 315, 991, 501, 70448, 479, 720, 998, 1077, 13, 578, 17371, 4059, 1253, 387, 4495, 389, 279, 13363, 1665, 72, 348, 989, 720, 5391, 11, 719, 279, 42779, 22291, 315, 1077, 84951, 4059, 5602, 279, 720, 30039, 315, 279, 4747, 304, 3488, 11, 323, 29746, 1077, 1645, 1824, 2745, 398, 13, 720, 6806, 50262, 505, 3738, 21426, 720, 40, 690, 41468, 1268, 279, 24278, 315, 701, 84951, 4059, 649, 720, 258, 1257, 499, 323, 6144, 499, 8844, 311, 701, 1715, 369, 1314, 264, 20864, 290, 439, 720, 9514, 733, 311, 6212, 13, 720, 8607, 1667, 4227, 11, 1603, 279, 10657, 4435, 5111, 11, 358, 574, 9076, 264, 220, 1633, 720, 75, 1791, 81, 1413, 16720, 304, 279, 62574, 11, 323, 358, 67797, 369, 19351, 220, 323, 279, 720, 1315, 5597, 439, 11263, 25, 1054, 644, 26806, 528, 21148, 2427, 768, 2949, 757, 8964, 682, 720, 58174, 11, 323, 279, 1314, 5597, 374, 10675, 311, 757, 304, 30467, 2015, 13, 358, 220, 690, 720, 34551, 553, 279, 4320, 994, 433, 4131, 2029, 720, 40, 11763, 420, 4382, 23788, 927, 323, 927, 1578, 439, 264, 69163, 326, 6243, 4972, 720, 998, 6212, 11, 323, 304, 264, 8063, 3782, 279, 43120, 49803, 315, 2574, 259, 297, 2586, 720, 28956, 1667, 16472, 13, 1556, 2362, 4333, 9922, 304, 279, 8063, 323, 1071, 11, 720, 2118, 4518, 220, 1521, 31186, 2345, 3055, 539, 733, 18319, 578, 31186, 315, 279, 17222, 11, 2355, 8370, 9922, 304, 279, 8063, 11, 5552, 311, 4208, 323, 279, 3440, 389, 5250, 802, 75, 720, 27588, 9552, 13, 2355, 22513, 69491, 11, 279, 7061, 19226, 16280, 13, 578, 44873, 5794, 2442, 72, 389, 291, 720, 57291, 574, 38048, 264, 13859, 266, 2065, 315, 279, 1207, 444, 31419, 1245, 4059, 720, 8370, 28448, 264, 1732, 8884, 358, 22542, 323, 31387, 13, 2057, 1063, 264, 2355, 19464, 1253, 2586, 304, 279, 1376, 315, 264, 6691, 889, 8111, 304, 264, 8063, 662, 2355, 220, 9335, 220, 3005, 10975, 279, 1732, 539, 311, 733, 1618, 477, 1070, 11, 323, 279, 2944, 369, 279, 720, 19464, 13, 4718, 84951, 4059, 374, 682, 45539, 13, 1102, 8964, 682, 62428, 308, 5981, 13, 720, 46, 728, 92455, 433, 690, 6604, 311, 499, 1193, 304, 264, 7899, 430, 701, 390, 1156, 1245, 720, 38824, 690, 7214, 4287, 439, 837, 13, 18156, 701, 1207, 6387, 272, 1245, 720, 14724, 8985, 499, 304, 264, 7899, 902, 10578, 1093, 430, 315, 701, 6691, 297, 436, 720, 15031, 10456, 832, 902, 1253, 5353, 499, 311, 3009, 389, 279, 8761, 11, 323, 499, 2355, 3990, 11, 422, 499, 1047, 8208, 2500, 4579, 11, 264, 16054, 1665, 505, 264, 3321, 720, 46068, 617, 17948, 499, 389, 279, 2010, 13, 720, 5159, 84951, 4059, 374, 832, 449, 279, 20789, 1207, 444, 31419, 1245, 11, 323, 2355, 275, 7020, 279, 11002, 1051, 9293, 264, 4208, 11, 323, 433, 1101, 14174, 289, 994, 279, 720, 11710, 1053, 1212, 13, 720, 9023, 13, 18452, 483, 11, 7690, 315, 279, 6011, 315, 36673, 520, 27453, 2355, 31272, 11, 706, 20802, 3871, 264, 13057, 3392, 315, 3721, 72, 1773, 768, 1501, 6892, 720, 9210, 264, 2294, 1396, 315, 1274, 682, 927, 279, 1917, 1518, 4455, 387, 2291, 814, 720, 71, 64860, 11, 323, 304, 1690, 13422, 527, 11, 9093, 11, 3025, 311, 5766, 279, 9781, 342, 292, 720, 3163, 902, 574, 2291, 29412, 43120, 398, 304, 264, 8063, 13, 720, 791, 8063, 902, 358, 1047, 8710, 9539, 279, 31186, 304, 578, 1561, 720, 100077, 8691, 922, 2380, 1667, 4972, 311, 279, 31926, 315, 37343, 40282, 13, 763, 2355, 444, 15880, 315, 420, 8063, 11, 358, 7214, 26765, 279, 8577, 439, 220, 358, 6612, 264, 720, 2008, 64589, 1391, 34003, 311, 656, 779, 13, 14853, 1667, 3010, 279, 10657, 720, 10343, 5111, 19168, 279, 8206, 315, 279, 9358, 7899, 315, 57351, 13, 720, 6806, 4718, 3938, 374, 304, 701, 84951, 4059, 720, 29690, 430, 279, 3938, 11, 279, 1121, 315, 701, 84820, 1781, 482, 287, 11, 374, 720, 46584, 304, 701, 4059, 3734, 994, 499, 2349, 433, 1555, 23788, 13, 578, 720, 21733, 315, 264, 3224, 11, 39022, 11, 374, 304, 279, 22498, 1207, 444, 2445, 602, 788, 315, 279, 720, 16455, 315, 430, 7140, 13, 2684, 374, 4400, 15234, 304, 279, 8063, 358, 1047, 2355, 2940, 258, 358, 5602, 279, 31186, 315, 279, 1561, 4356, 32594, 1317, 58046, 16536, 720, 1820, 4208, 6137, 13, 578, 4208, 1047, 2736, 4529, 2035, 304, 4059, 11, 323, 682, 279, 720, 79624, 315, 3440, 1051, 2736, 80810, 389, 430, 2294, 3335, 72, 7933, 720, 67468, 11, 279, 84951, 4059, 477, 22498, 40711, 315, 279, 720, 96400, 4059, 13, 56096, 753, 4455, 527, 304, 701, 84951, 4059, 11, 779, 720, 548, 1828, 2046, 753, 323, 1828, 2305, 753, 11, 323, 814, 1253, 387, 3970, 555, 264, 7701, 720, 92109, 292, 477, 1206, 1334, 80897, 519, 1732, 13, 2355, 220, 10239, 220, 2360, 21426, 477, 31926, 649, 3621, 311, 499, 422, 499, 10491, 311, 24739, 13, 2355, 24714, 374, 87010, 477, 2291, 541, 2692, 13, 4718, 10723, 19451, 11, 602, 662, 68, 2637, 720, 1820, 1648, 499, 1781, 11, 2733, 11, 323, 4510, 27667, 701, 47176, 13, 1472, 649, 11, 720, 20322, 12624, 23788, 11, 902, 374, 506, 33207, 2692, 304, 264, 3766, 523, 20697, 261, 11, 720, 76, 820, 11, 11401, 11, 323, 1893, 701, 1866, 3938, 13, 3639, 35654, 264, 893, 58565, 774, 11, 720, 9210, 4985, 568, 1101, 58003, 13, 2355, 6806, 362, 8415, 26944, 53557, 1461, 400, 868, 11, 931, 720, 4054, 315, 856, 4236, 76310, 757, 264, 17222, 62956, 2380, 477, 3116, 2355, 42820, 4227, 922, 264, 893, 2663, 13558, 37994, 35155, 11, 264, 29551, 520, 259, 568, 9699, 720, 19033, 304, 28627, 24026, 555, 12201, 323, 84135, 3817, 12783, 720, 10803, 4406, 367, 13, 1283, 4036, 400, 868, 11, 931, 369, 813, 8063, 13, 720, 11439, 311, 279, 4652, 11, 279, 25175, 1436, 539, 5155, 264, 58671, 274, 37482, 720, 258, 264, 13945, 10487, 3703, 2606, 902, 14400, 279, 6493, 379, 315, 7833, 720, 25995, 311, 279, 28015, 28036, 13, 578, 25175, 6575, 389, 279, 3480, 671, 283, 259, 720, 10274, 1055, 477, 30335, 3115, 311, 912, 39011, 13, 720, 41041, 1195, 35155, 3463, 264, 2763, 922, 279, 3575, 323, 6818, 311, 7216, 2355, 412, 264, 502, 2955, 11, 902, 2643, 990, 13, 12334, 6575, 13, 3861, 13658, 720, 383, 11203, 1523, 369, 264, 26944, 11, 323, 4972, 311, 6212, 568, 6137, 311, 1781, 922, 259, 568, 720, 9399, 311, 279, 3480, 3575, 13, 1283, 1047, 264, 8063, 304, 902, 264, 1069, 436, 3836, 720, 25894, 369, 279, 3480, 574, 45877, 13, 3277, 568, 264, 96428, 11, 568, 1940, 37880, 813, 2355, 943, 2955, 4184, 311, 279, 21782, 315, 813, 8063, 13, 720, 2028, 87490, 8415, 7004, 2834, 37994, 35155, 264, 1817, 369, 400, 868, 11, 931, 26, 279, 720, 27995, 478, 10292, 279, 7626, 3596, 6688, 459, 9548, 369, 264, 502, 4623, 13, 720, 6806, 2650, 264, 11495, 14561, 29056, 813, 3575, 304, 6212, 720, 9023, 13, 473, 13, 650, 13, 11736, 48731, 11, 17054, 315, 98113, 7414, 520, 279, 49966, 95036, 275, 379, 315, 720, 82031, 18987, 11, 6267, 439, 11263, 25, 1054, 4054, 7884, 49996, 12, 1251, 1131, 358, 1047, 387, 665, 720, 906, 661, 287, 7182, 11, 304, 279, 46604, 4879, 311, 75277, 1403, 2678, 35603, 720, 1073, 945, 349, 902, 1051, 10171, 311, 9352, 311, 279, 14654, 25562, 315, 1063, 720, 33, 370, 27095, 5493, 13, 720, 2118, 10714, 33433, 11, 76656, 323, 39019, 11, 358, 4024, 311, 4950, 323, 57636, 720, 1820, 2768, 23649, 8063, 25, 362, 16615, 11, 15792, 28185, 315, 452, 2877, 4433, 11, 922, 2355, 220, 10290, 220, 36498, 1667, 315, 4325, 11, 6197, 757, 311, 279, 32726, 25199, 315, 279, 1028, 296, 698, 662, 662, 662, 264, 720, 9181, 11, 3428, 54312, 8138, 291, 3130, 2085, 11276, 11, 1418, 92885, 315, 945, 349, 323, 720, 75, 14041, 2922, 1394, 24520, 11203, 38067, 389, 279, 6558, 13, 5810, 568, 20669, 757, 439, 720, 19070, 82, 25, 3451, 791, 1403, 35603, 902, 499, 617, 4756, 62482, 658, 88, 389, 720, 11014, 220, 1313, 323, 220, 1627, 9352, 3871, 11, 527, 539, 14654, 25562, 1131, 578, 1176, 1403, 720, 81, 826, 10434, 439, 67301, 369, 279, 35372, 315, 279, 10087, 26, 279, 1403, 35603, 720, 7166, 283, 617, 40125, 527, 279, 19885, 315, 1124, 13, 1442, 499, 690, 2231, 1124, 311, 456, 1077, 720, 9514, 690, 617, 20109, 315, 856, 4339, 14639, 2564, 358, 264, 96428, 520, 3131, 1131, 358, 720, 42716, 1619, 279, 35603, 1131, 323, 311, 856, 37473, 16409, 1766, 279, 8063, 720, 21713, 13, 578, 3575, 574, 1243, 520, 1566, 29056, 2029, 720, 2028, 32216, 9539, 279, 11782, 64050, 315, 813, 2355, 2008, 64589, 4059, 11, 902, 7020, 279, 4320, 311, 682, 813, 5435, 13, 720, 6806, 2650, 279, 84951, 6575, 369, 264, 11495, 7061, 1418, 568, 46498, 720, 35632, 12140, 83048, 304, 832, 315, 813, 6603, 11, 58237, 279, 63911, 11, 720, 3667, 6429, 264, 4459, 12735, 311, 19226, 13, 1283, 574, 264, 43120, 8063, 261, 323, 1047, 720, 1820, 26048, 14464, 315, 7231, 3230, 9680, 1791, 2442, 919, 311, 813, 220, 84951, 720, 30115, 3814, 4972], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " time \nBeet tablets - 2 each time \nDulse tablets - 1 each time \n \nAlong with the pill supplements, you will be taking cod liver oil, Calphonite and a flaxseed drink, which appear in the follo wing \ndaily time schedule. \nTo prepare flaxseed drink, soak 1 tablespoon of flaxseeds in 1/4 cup hot water for 8 hours (soak your first drink the night before \nyou begin the program). Strain and discard seeds; drink only the liquid. \n \nTIME SCHEDULE \nSKIN BRUSH \n7:00 am: cleansing drink (see preceding page) \n8:30 am: supplements and flaxseed drink, 2 tablespoons Calphonite \n10:00 am: cleansing drink \n11:30 am: supplements with tea or diluted juice \n1:00 pm: cleansing drink \n2:30 pm: supplements with tea \n4:00 pm: cleansing drink \n5:30 pm: supplements, flaxseed drink \n7:00 pm: cleansing drink \nBedtime: immediately before retiring - 2 tablespoons Calphonite, 1 tablespoon Cod Liver Oil. (Bedtime should be no later than \n9:30 pm.) \nAs you can see, your supplements are taken 1 -1/2 hours after the cleansing drinks. \nThe evening of your first day on the program, you will have the first colema at 7:30 pm. \nThereafter, you are to have two per day - one at 7:30 am and the other at 7:30 pm. REST \u00bd hour after each colema \n \nTHE COLEMA \nThe secret of this cleansing program is to take a spe cial kind of enema called a \u201ccolema\u201d twice a day, and perhaps even three \ntimes. An inexpensive piece of equipment called a colema board is used which permits the user to comfortably lie down during the \ntreatments. It has a hole in one end that is placed ov er the toilet. There is either a 4 or 5 -gallon bucket hanging above, over a \nshower rod, and inside the bucket is a tube that allows water to pass down the rubber tubing through a small plastic tube, wh ich is \ninserted in the rectum. The plastic tube is smal ler than your little finger, and we find that toxic material goes right by it and \nelimination can take place without having to remove the tube. So the water goes in and the toxic waste material comes out and into \nthe toilet. \n \nThis program involves taking t wo colemas a day. I first thought this would perhaps weaken the bowel; but I found that as the water \nwent into the bowel, elimination was easier and a better tone developed in the bowel. It\u2019s not a matter of how harshly you le t water \ninto the bowel, how ba llooned you make the bowel or even how much you can hold. You eliminate as you need to, and that is what \ndevelops a bowel wall. The colema board and associated parts represent a major advance for those interested in getting involv ed in \ntheir own healing pr ocess. Not only does it make a colon treatment possible at home, but it also makes for easier planning of one\u2019s \nroutine, time savings and puts you in control of the process. This equipment is light weight and inexpensive, easily stored a nd can \ntravel with you. Cutting the board in half and hinging it will allow you to pack it into a handy travel bag acceptable to most \ntransportation systems. \n \nINSTRUCTIONS FOR TAKING A COLEMA \nThe colema board has been designed to provide a safe and easy way to take a high en ema. Once you are in the correct position, it \nis possible to relax and virtually enjoy the rest of the procedure. Both hands are free so you may massage the abdomen and co lon. \nFor best results, massaging is most important. \nPlace body -temperature water in a four or five gallon plastic bucket; do not fill completely. \nThe pail of water may hang on a hook, shower rod or be placed on a sink top or box. Make sure that your bucket is sturdy enou gh \nto hold 5 gallons of water and that your hanging point is strong enough to hold the full bucket. There should be approximately four \nfeet between the colema board and the bottom of the pail. Add the mixture you are using (coffee and vinegar, clay water or ga rlic) \ninto the water. \nPlace the working end of the colema board over the toilet. The top of the board, where the head rests, may be placed on a chair or \nthe side of the tub for convenience. To prevent splashing of expelled fecal matter, place the lid for the splash board over t he end \narea of the colema board. \nCheck to make sure the water can run freely through the tube that goes to the rectum. \nPlace a folded towel or foam pad on the board so that it will be comfortable to lie on. Before inserting the colema tip into the tube \non the board, rinse well. Apply a small amoun t of lubricant on the rectal tube so colema tip will be easily inserted, being careful \nnot to clog the holes. Position your body on colema board in order to easily insert the colema tip into the rectum. Slide bod y down \nuntil the buttocks touch the wooden e dges of the support. \nOpen clamp to allow the solution to flow into the colon. You do not have to remove the rectal tip in order to evacuate. The f ecal \nmatter will bypass the tip, allowing normal bowel action. The colema board encourages normal peristalsis without producing \nbowel distension. Begin abdomen massage. Start massaging upward on your left side. If you find any tender or sore areas, \ncontinue to massage until the tenderness is gone. Continue up to the ribs on the left, then across the abdomen and do wn the right \nside. This brings the solution to the ascending colon. When cramping or the desire to evacuate occurs, close off the water cl amp \n(in-flow) and simply relieve the bowel. The small, pencil -like tip will allow free elimination without being remov ed. \nContinue this procedure until you have eliminated the bulk of fecal mass or until you have exhausted the water contents in th e \nbucket. This will normally take about 30 minutes. Be sure to clamp off tube before all the water is used, iin order to mainta in the \nsiphon action in the hose. \nUpon completion of the colema, clean the board and tubes with a germicidal solution. When removing the tip for cleaning, be s ure \nto replace the piece of 1/4 -inch rubber tubing that holds the tip on the adjustable holder of the rectal tube. It is suggested that the \ntip be immersed in a germicidal solution and stored until the next colema. \nSIPHONING THE HOSE \nTo start the water flow in the hose you must siphon it. This is accomplished by putting the end that goes in the bucket under the \nfaucet. Run water through it, past the u -tu be, then hold it up in the air so the water can run down the long part of the hose. Once it \nhas run down, close the clamp, then start it in the same way you did before and your siphon will be working. The idea is that when \nwater is pulled down the long part of the hose it will naturally draw the water up the hose from the bucket and around the u -tube. \nTo keep the siphon flow, always clamp off the hose before the bucket has run dry. This way you will ret ain your suction without \nhaving to re -siphon. If the bucket does run dry, you must repeat the starting| procedure. Another way to drain the bucket is to \nattach a small plastic fitting into a hole at the base of the bucket. Attach the neoprene hose to this fitting and the other end to the \ncolema board. \n \nADDITIONS TO THE COLEMA WATER SOLUTION \nThere are a few additives I might mention to use in the colema water. First of all, you can add a pint of coffee. Coffee help s bring \ndown bile from the liver and stimula tes the bowel wall to throw out the toxic material faster. You can also add clay water, which I \nbelieve has a great effect on the mucus membrane, loosening it and releasing it faster. Of course, this procedure is repeated \ntwo times a day for the seven -day period. After the week, the Maintenance Program is followed for seven weeks. It is \nrecommended that you follow this with another cleansing program. I feel this is the Ultimate Cleansing Program, a process whi ch \ncompletely and thoroughly removes the toxic m aterial from the bowel. \n \nADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS \nThe Ultimate Tissue Cleansing System is very good at overcoming pain. Pain of all kinds from any part of the body, such as in \narthritis, headaches, etc. In overcoming serious degenerative disease, it is re commended that the treatment be ongoing and \nconstantly applied for possibly one year and perhaps longer. It should be understood that this treatment cannot be considered a \n\u201ccure all,\u201d but rather is an important step for leading the body to detoxification a nd cleansing. Treatment must be given according \nto the patient\u2019s responsiveness - watch for reactions closely. \nThree days may be all a patient can endure to begin with, especially with the elderly and very weak. \nOne day may be all that can be safely admini stered if the patient drops in energy", "token_ids": [892, 2355, 3513, 295, 29679, 482, 220, 17, 1855, 892, 2355, 35, 17660, 29679, 482, 220, 16, 1855, 892, 2355, 720, 50909, 449, 279, 15530, 33690, 11, 499, 690, 387, 4737, 20950, 26587, 5707, 11, 3400, 52801, 635, 323, 264, 1344, 710, 23425, 7172, 11, 902, 5101, 304, 279, 9630, 385, 20611, 720, 49174, 892, 9899, 13, 2355, 1271, 10772, 1344, 710, 23425, 7172, 11, 61792, 220, 16, 62611, 315, 1344, 710, 325, 6910, 304, 220, 16, 14, 19, 10747, 4106, 3090, 369, 220, 23, 4207, 320, 708, 587, 701, 1176, 7172, 279, 3814, 1603, 720, 9514, 3240, 279, 2068, 570, 4610, 467, 323, 38967, 19595, 26, 7172, 1193, 279, 14812, 13, 2355, 720, 18621, 328, 56322, 2355, 16074, 691, 19333, 20088, 2355, 22, 25, 410, 1097, 25, 60052, 7172, 320, 4151, 38846, 2199, 8, 2355, 23, 25, 966, 1097, 25, 33690, 323, 1344, 710, 23425, 7172, 11, 220, 17, 56588, 3400, 52801, 635, 2355, 605, 25, 410, 1097, 25, 60052, 7172, 2355, 806, 25, 966, 1097, 25, 33690, 449, 15600, 477, 80703, 23661, 2355, 16, 25, 410, 9012, 25, 60052, 7172, 2355, 17, 25, 966, 9012, 25, 33690, 449, 15600, 2355, 19, 25, 410, 9012, 25, 60052, 7172, 2355, 20, 25, 966, 9012, 25, 33690, 11, 1344, 710, 23425, 7172, 2355, 22, 25, 410, 9012, 25, 60052, 7172, 2355, 16061, 1712, 25, 7214, 1603, 60873, 482, 220, 17, 56588, 3400, 52801, 635, 11, 220, 16, 62611, 34777, 22617, 15895, 13, 320, 16061, 1712, 1288, 387, 912, 3010, 1109, 720, 24, 25, 966, 9012, 6266, 2355, 2170, 499, 649, 1518, 11, 701, 33690, 527, 4529, 220, 16, 482, 16, 14, 17, 4207, 1306, 279, 60052, 21662, 13, 2355, 791, 11714, 220, 315, 701, 1176, 1938, 389, 279, 2068, 11, 499, 690, 617, 279, 1176, 74041, 1764, 520, 220, 22, 25, 966, 9012, 13, 2355, 3947, 10924, 11, 499, 527, 311, 617, 1403, 824, 1938, 482, 832, 520, 220, 22, 25, 966, 1097, 323, 279, 1023, 520, 220, 22, 25, 966, 9012, 13, 26487, 220, 27154, 6596, 1306, 1855, 74041, 1764, 2355, 720, 17673, 7432, 877, 4940, 2355, 791, 6367, 315, 420, 60052, 2068, 374, 311, 1935, 264, 2395, 272, 532, 3169, 315, 665, 9355, 2663, 264, 1054, 56745, 1764, 863, 11157, 264, 1938, 11, 323, 8530, 1524, 2380, 720, 15487, 13, 1556, 44252, 6710, 315, 7241, 2663, 264, 74041, 1764, 4580, 374, 1511, 902, 29790, 279, 1217, 311, 45769, 10457, 1523, 2391, 279, 720, 83, 1244, 1392, 13, 1102, 706, 264, 14512, 304, 832, 842, 430, 374, 9277, 25568, 2781, 279, 27306, 13, 2684, 374, 3060, 264, 220, 19, 477, 220, 20, 482, 70, 93514, 15994, 21363, 3485, 11, 927, 264, 720, 939, 1223, 21236, 11, 323, 4871, 279, 15994, 374, 264, 14019, 430, 6276, 3090, 311, 1522, 1523, 279, 23506, 75002, 1555, 264, 2678, 12466, 14019, 11, 421, 10864, 374, 720, 4302, 291, 304, 279, 7763, 372, 13, 578, 12466, 14019, 374, 1554, 278, 76120, 1109, 701, 2697, 14654, 11, 323, 584, 1505, 430, 21503, 3769, 5900, 1314, 555, 433, 323, 720, 40895, 2617, 649, 1935, 2035, 2085, 3515, 311, 4148, 279, 14019, 13, 2100, 279, 3090, 5900, 304, 323, 279, 21503, 12571, 3769, 4131, 704, 323, 220, 1139, 720, 1820, 27306, 13, 2355, 720, 2028, 2068, 18065, 4737, 259, 24670, 1080, 3516, 300, 264, 1938, 13, 358, 1176, 3463, 420, 1053, 8530, 33556, 279, 66358, 26, 719, 358, 1766, 430, 439, 279, 3090, 720, 42700, 1139, 279, 66358, 11, 44032, 574, 8831, 323, 264, 2731, 16630, 8040, 304, 279, 66358, 13, 1102, 753, 539, 264, 5030, 315, 1268, 25984, 398, 499, 514, 259, 3090, 720, 18614, 279, 66358, 11, 1268, 13081, 326, 385, 20262, 499, 1304, 279, 66358, 477, 1524, 1268, 1790, 499, 649, 3412, 13, 1472, 22472, 439, 499, 1205, 311, 11, 323, 430, 374, 1148, 720, 16219, 82, 264, 66358, 7147, 13, 578, 74041, 1764, 4580, 323, 5938, 5596, 4097, 264, 3682, 12178, 369, 1884, 8173, 304, 3794, 4457, 85, 1608, 304, 720, 50828, 1866, 21730, 550, 297, 1140, 13, 2876, 1193, 1587, 433, 1304, 264, 15235, 6514, 3284, 520, 2162, 11, 719, 433, 1101, 3727, 369, 8831, 9293, 315, 832, 753, 720, 54080, 11, 892, 19523, 323, 9711, 499, 304, 2585, 315, 279, 1920, 13, 1115, 7241, 374, 3177, 4785, 323, 44252, 11, 6847, 9967, 264, 15953, 649, 2355, 49610, 449, 499, 13, 63525, 279, 4580, 304, 4376, 323, 305, 24992, 433, 690, 2187, 499, 311, 3854, 433, 1139, 264, 26222, 5944, 9145, 22281, 311, 1455, 720, 27543, 367, 6067, 13, 2355, 720, 691, 93631, 4716, 350, 12173, 1753, 362, 7432, 877, 4940, 2355, 791, 74041, 1764, 4580, 706, 1027, 6319, 311, 3493, 264, 6220, 323, 4228, 1648, 311, 1935, 264, 1579, 665, 991, 64, 13, 9843, 499, 527, 304, 279, 4495, 2361, 11, 433, 720, 285, 3284, 311, 12234, 323, 21907, 4774, 279, 2800, 315, 279, 10537, 13, 11995, 6206, 527, 1949, 779, 499, 1253, 6378, 279, 64772, 323, 1080, 18285, 13, 720, 2520, 1888, 3135, 11, 3148, 4210, 374, 1455, 3062, 13, 2355, 17826, 2547, 482, 35658, 3090, 304, 264, 220, 3116, 477, 4330, 50680, 12466, 15994, 26, 656, 539, 5266, 6724, 13, 2355, 791, 281, 607, 315, 3090, 1253, 15020, 389, 264, 9903, 11, 17639, 21236, 477, 387, 9277, 389, 264, 19868, 1948, 477, 3830, 13, 7557, 2771, 430, 701, 15994, 374, 45652, 665, 283, 37224, 720, 998, 3412, 220, 20, 51222, 315, 3090, 323, 430, 701, 21363, 1486, 374, 3831, 3403, 311, 3412, 279, 2539, 15994, 13, 2684, 1288, 387, 13489, 3116, 720, 1897, 295, 1990, 279, 74041, 1764, 4580, 323, 279, 5740, 315, 279, 281, 607, 13, 2758, 279, 21655, 499, 527, 1701, 320, 79217, 323, 47205, 11, 37148, 3090, 477, 13819, 436, 416, 8, 720, 18614, 279, 3090, 13, 2355, 17826, 279, 3318, 842, 315, 279, 74041, 1764, 4580, 927, 279, 27306, 13, 578, 1948, 315, 279, 4580, 11, 1405, 279, 2010, 54331, 11, 1253, 387, 9277, 389, 264, 10716, 477, 720, 1820, 3185, 315, 279, 15286, 369, 19679, 13, 2057, 5471, 12786, 19587, 315, 67331, 55061, 278, 5030, 11, 2035, 279, 27431, 369, 279, 35732, 4580, 927, 259, 568, 842, 720, 4903, 315, 279, 74041, 1764, 4580, 13, 2355, 4061, 311, 1304, 2771, 279, 3090, 649, 1629, 26662, 1555, 279, 14019, 430, 5900, 311, 279, 7763, 372, 13, 2355, 17826, 264, 48135, 43713, 477, 32183, 11262, 389, 279, 4580, 779, 430, 433, 690, 387, 10882, 311, 10457, 389, 13, 13538, 39398, 279, 74041, 1764, 11813, 1139, 279, 14019, 720, 263, 279, 4580, 11, 74341, 1664, 13, 21194, 264, 2678, 1097, 1656, 259, 315, 54494, 519, 389, 279, 7763, 278, 14019, 779, 74041, 1764, 11813, 690, 387, 6847, 22306, 11, 1694, 16994, 720, 1962, 311, 272, 848, 279, 20349, 13, 12661, 701, 2547, 389, 74041, 1764, 4580, 304, 2015, 311, 6847, 5774, 279, 74041, 1764, 11813, 1139, 279, 7763, 372, 13, 44464, 30111, 379, 1523, 720, 39830, 279, 98035, 14895, 5916, 279, 23162, 384, 294, 4282, 315, 279, 1862, 13, 2355, 5109, 43004, 311, 2187, 279, 6425, 311, 6530, 1139, 279, 15235, 13, 1472, 656, 539, 617, 311, 4148, 279, 7763, 278, 11813, 304, 2015, 311, 90089, 13, 578, 282, 384, 5531, 720, 60065, 690, 31818, 279, 11813, 11, 10923, 4725, 66358, 1957, 13, 578, 74041, 1764, 4580, 37167, 4725, 824, 380, 1147, 285, 2085, 17843, 720, 15802, 301, 1612, 2711, 13, 19110, 64772, 6378, 13, 5256, 3148, 4210, 40872, 389, 701, 2163, 3185, 13, 1442, 499, 1505, 904, 28682, 477, 36366, 5789, 11, 2355, 9726, 311, 6378, 3156, 279, 8541, 29668, 374, 8208, 13, 15353, 709, 311, 279, 56249, 389, 279, 2163, 11, 1243, 4028, 279, 64772, 323, 656, 66580, 279, 1314, 720, 3002, 13, 1115, 12716, 279, 6425, 311, 279, 36488, 15235, 13, 3277, 1589, 31557, 477, 279, 12876, 311, 90089, 13980, 11, 3345, 1022, 279, 3090, 1206, 23598, 720, 6024, 62413, 8, 323, 5042, 48839, 279, 66358, 13, 578, 2678, 11, 47218, 482, 4908, 11813, 690, 2187, 1949, 44032, 2085, 1694, 1323, 869, 1608, 13, 720, 24433, 420, 10537, 3156, 499, 617, 34373, 279, 20155, 315, 55061, 278, 3148, 477, 3156, 499, 617, 39019, 279, 3090, 8970, 304, 270, 384, 720, 31510, 13, 1115, 690, 14614, 1935, 922, 220, 966, 4520, 13, 2893, 2771, 311, 43004, 1022, 14019, 1603, 682, 279, 3090, 374, 1511, 11, 602, 258, 2015, 311, 5088, 64, 304, 279, 720, 82, 15619, 263, 1957, 304, 279, 38600, 13, 2355, 50384, 9954, 315, 279, 74041, 1764, 11, 4335, 279, 4580, 323, 34083, 449, 264, 82986, 292, 26966, 6425, 13, 3277, 18054, 279, 11813, 369, 16204, 11, 387, 274, 53560, 720, 998, 8454, 279, 6710, 315, 220, 16, 14, 19, 482, 37850, 23506, 75002, 430, 10187, 279, 11813, 389, 279, 37030, 12102, 315, 220, 279, 7763, 278, 14019, 13, 1102, 374, 12090, 430, 279, 720, 13446, 387, 78308, 304, 264, 82986, 292, 26966, 6425, 323, 9967, 3156, 279, 1828, 74041, 1764, 13, 2355, 50, 85740, 715, 1753, 3247, 31350, 937, 2355, 1271, 1212, 279, 3090, 6530, 304, 279, 38600, 499, 2011, 274, 15619, 263, 433, 13, 1115, 374, 27332, 555, 10917, 279, 842, 430, 5900, 304, 279, 15994, 220, 1234, 279, 720, 3716, 1791, 295, 13, 6588, 3090, 1555, 433, 11, 3347, 279, 577, 482, 25506, 387, 11, 1243, 3412, 433, 709, 304, 279, 3805, 779, 279, 3090, 649, 1629, 1523, 279, 1317, 961, 315, 279, 38600, 13, 9843, 433, 720, 4752, 1629, 1523, 11, 3345, 279, 43004, 11, 1243, 1212, 433, 304, 279, 1890, 1648, 499, 1550, 1603, 323, 701, 274, 15619, 263, 690, 387, 3318, 13, 578, 4623, 374, 430, 994, 720, 13284, 374, 13541, 1523, 279, 1317, 961, 315, 279, 38600, 433, 690, 18182, 4128, 279, 3090, 709, 279, 38600, 505, 279, 15994, 323, 2212, 279, 577, 482, 74838, 13, 720, 1271, 2567, 279, 274, 15619, 263, 6530, 11, 2744, 43004, 1022, 279, 38600, 1603, 279, 15994, 706, 1629, 9235, 13, 1115, 1648, 499, 690, 2160, 37202, 701, 84878, 2085, 720, 69666, 311, 312, 482, 82, 15619, 263, 13, 1442, 279, 15994, 1587, 1629, 9235, 11, 499, 2011, 13454, 279, 6041, 91, 10537, 13, 13596, 1648, 311, 24659, 279, 15994, 374, 311, 720, 16732, 264, 2678, 12466, 27442, 1139, 264, 14512, 520, 279, 2385, 315, 279, 15994, 13, 49484, 279, 841, 454, 48009, 38600, 311, 420, 27442, 323, 279, 1023, 842, 311, 279, 720, 56745, 1764, 4580, 13, 2355, 720, 1846, 10193, 50, 5257, 3247, 7432, 877, 4940, 76347, 98997, 2355, 3947, 527, 264, 2478, 85286, 358, 2643, 6420, 311, 1005, 304, 279, 74041, 1764, 3090, 13, 5629, 315, 682, 11, 499, 649, 923, 264, 46746, 315, 11033, 13, 27171, 1520, 274, 4546, 720, 2996, 73394, 505, 279, 26587, 323, 12936, 5724, 51309, 279, 66358, 7147, 311, 2571, 704, 279, 21503, 3769, 10819, 13, 1472, 649, 1101, 923, 37148, 3090, 11, 902, 358, 720, 9978, 19704, 706, 264, 2294, 2515, 389, 279, 296, 38601, 39654, 11, 46050, 6147, 433, 323, 28965, 433, 10819, 13, 5046, 3388, 11, 420, 10537, 374, 11763, 2355, 20375, 3115, 264, 1938, 369, 279, 8254, 482, 1316, 4261, 13, 4740, 279, 2046, 11, 279, 39306, 6826, 374, 8272, 369, 8254, 5672, 13, 1102, 374, 720, 86447, 430, 499, 1833, 420, 449, 2500, 60052, 2068, 13, 358, 2733, 420, 374, 279, 29950, 86762, 287, 6826, 11, 264, 1920, 421, 72, 523, 720, 884, 50268, 323, 27461, 29260, 279, 21503, 296, 264, 466, 532, 505, 279, 66358, 13, 2355, 720, 1846, 10193, 984, 3501, 37599, 643, 22545, 2355, 791, 29950, 350, 11407, 86762, 287, 744, 374, 1633, 1695, 520, 74017, 6784, 13, 35567, 315, 682, 13124, 505, 904, 961, 315, 279, 2547, 11, 1778, 439, 304, 2355, 277, 40485, 11, 55403, 11, 5099, 13, 763, 74017, 6129, 5367, 75989, 8624, 11, 433, 374, 312, 1081, 2954, 430, 279, 6514, 387, 14529, 323, 720, 1040, 18007, 9435, 369, 11000, 832, 1060, 323, 8530, 5129, 13, 1102, 1288, 387, 16365, 430, 420, 6514, 4250, 387, 6646, 220, 264, 720, 2118, 66, 554, 682, 2476, 719, 4856, 374, 459, 3062, 3094, 369, 6522, 279, 2547, 311, 61987, 2461, 264, 15953, 60052, 13, 31969, 2011, 387, 2728, 4184, 720, 998, 279, 8893, 753, 100039, 482, 3821, 369, 25481, 15499, 13, 2355, 20215, 2919, 1253, 387, 682, 264, 8893, 649, 46753, 311, 3240, 449, 11, 5423, 449, 279, 29920, 323, 1633, 7621, 13, 2355, 4054, 1938, 1253, 387, 682, 430, 649, 387, 21676, 4074, 72, 357, 12616, 422, 279, 8893, 21701, 304, 4907], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " will benefit by this nectar.\u201d from Manav Mootra by R. M. Patel STOMACH HYPERACIDITY \u201cI had been suffering from acidity for two years. Whatever I consumed was thrown out. Not a drop of water would remain inside. The head ached 24 hours; body felt as if it was on fire. I could pass very little urine. There was considerable discharge of leucorrhoea and I became very weak. Doctors and Vaidyas proved unsuccessful. At last my 176 grandfather sent me in 1972 to Shri Bhojraj Sancheti to stay in his centre and undergo auto-urine therapy. He put me on a four days\u2019 fast. I began vomiting on the second day, thus ejecting all the settled phlegm and bile. On the fourth day the vomiting stopped. On the fifth day, I broke my fast with the juice of mosambi. Gradually I resumed normal food. during all this time auto-urine drink and massage were going on. Within three weeks I was my own normal self. Now I feel myself completely free from illness. I wish everyone should avail of this invaluable remedy.\u201d from Manav Mootra by R. M. Patel STOMACH HYPERACIDITY \u201cI am 42. I have been tilling land from my 15th year of age. due to overwork or operating the tractor in the hot sun gave me the ailment of acidity. I had to go twice or thrice for defecation as my digestion was impaired. I gave up allopathic medicine and began urine treatment on June 6, 1977. chillies and sugar were given up. Increased the intake of milk and reduced that of other food. I could not take massage regularly. Yet I gained 60% relief. Though I reduced my weight by two or three kilos I have retained my physical fitness. The inflammation of the oesophagus gullet was reduced by 80%. Now I have to go only twice to the w.c. in the morning. I hope to regain my full health and relief from this complaint within two or four months.\u201d from Manav Mootra by R. M. Patel STOMACH HYPERACIDITY \u201cI used to suffer from severe pain in my stomach and tremors in my hands. A friend advised me to try Urine Therapy. I decided to rub my palms with my urine. With rubbing for three days, the tremors stopped. This encouraged me to continue the treatment persistently, I suffered from serious hyperacidity and had ulcers in my stomach. I had taken medicines for 20 years but there was no relief. I began gargling with urine and rubbed it on the entire body. Within a week, I gathered enough strength and decided to drink it. I used to drink a glassful of urine during the whole day in three or four installments. Within a week I had such relief as cannot be expressed in words. I continued drinking it for a month and am now free from hyperacidity. The ulcers in the stomach have been healed and now I have a good appetite, and though I am 67, I have strength enough to do my usual work. All this due to Urine Therapy.\" 177 Urine Therapy by Dr. John O'Quinn STOMACH PAIN \u201c\"For the last 10 years, I have been suffering from the pain in the stomach, and it continued to be more and more severe. Everything I ate was evacuated through loose motions. It appeared as if I was suffering from dysentery. My weight was reduced from 176 lb. to 126 lb. Daily I had to spend a rupee for medicines in order to sustain life. Thus I was extremely disgusted with life. Meantime a relative of mine gave me your book Manav Mutra. I went through it carefully and began the treatment from 1-5-60. For one month I did the rubbing and also kept two days fast on urine only. The result was the most satisfactory. Ten months have passed since then. My weight has increased to 170 lb. No medicine was taken thereafter. Now I take 40 ounces of urine every day in three doses and feel quite fit. If there is any trouble, it is instantaneously controlled with a day\u2019s fast on urine. It has resulted in financial savings also. I was in the habit of smoking and chewing betels which I have given up. It has saved me nearly Rs. 250/- a year. In addition, Rs. 400/- were also saved which were otherwise spent on medicine. The time spent on doctor\u2022s visits has also been saved.\u201d Manav Mootra by R. M. Patel STOMACH TROUBLE \u201cShri Triloknathsinh from Bombay writes that he got rid of his stomach trouble, old cough & cold by regular treatment of urine therapy.\u201d Manav Mootra by R. M. Patel STUFFY NOSE \u201cThe benefits of breast milk are unlimited I'm currently breastfeeding my 11 month old and he loves it I would never give him formula..when he gets a stuffy nose I put it up his nose,when he has gunky eyes I put it in them its amazing,we have not had to visit the so called docs once yet and hope to not ever..his immune system is benefiting so much.\u201d Letter to Andrew Norton Webber 178 SUN ALLERGY Mr. L.C., Germany \"I was regularly suffering from sun allergy. Since I heard about urine therapy, I just rub my urine on the affected skin parts and usually the allergy rapidly disappears and the skin stops itching.\" The Golden Fountain by Coen van der Kroon SURVIVAL \u201cDuring the nine-day war in Jordan, the Red Crescent, the Islamic equivalent of the Red Cross, advised people against drinking polluted water by radio broadcasts, saying, \u2018Your children are expiring of thirst, we cannot help you except by telling you that you may be able to save their lives by letting them drink their own urine.\u2019 \u201d Drink Your Own Water by Tony Scazzero SURVIVAL \u201c...two men were forced to spend 13 days on a life raft after their fishing boat sank in the Gulf of Mexico. The article said the two men \u2018drank their own urine to stay alive.\u2019 \u201d The Outdoorsman\u2019s Emergency Manual by Anthony J Acerrano SURVIVAL \"A male cook was pulled out of the rubble of the Hyatt Hotel early Monday morning, 14 days after a powerful earthquake devastated the northern Philippines, officials said. Dry, with only minor bruises on his body, he told reporters he survived by drinking his own urine.\" Kyodo News Service, Tokyo, July 30, 1990, World-wide Case Histories of Urine Therapy by Gary Ward SURVIVAL \u201cLuisa Mallorca and Arnel Calabia survived 11 days after being buried by the same disaster. (Hyatt Hotel earthquake) 179 All three survived in part by drinking their own urine.\u201d Caribarena Antigua, January 27, 2010 SURVIVAL When Ferdinand Magellan's fleet of five set out to circumnavigate the globe in 1519, the manifest gave each ship \"50 casks of water, fresh and pure.\" It wasn't enough. Of course his crew knew they would have to locate water along the way. Unfortunately, finding themselves in uncharted waters and out of water 18 months into the voyage, they became desperate. With no hope of a fresh water source, they took what was the only recourse. They drank their own urine. Wrote one crewman, \"It was surprisingly not unsavory, having no worse a taste than a flagon most foul with rancid port, as many I have tasted before.\" And after all, it did save their lives. --- From Heartland Healing Center, http://www.heartlandhealing.com/pages/archive/urine_therapy/ SURVIVAL \"In Egypt, rescue workers found a 37-year-old man alive in earthquake rubble. He survived almost 82 hours by drinking his own urine. His wife, daughter and mother would not and they died.\" ---Tom Brokaw, NBC Nightly News, October 16, 1992, from World-wide Case Histories of Urine Therapy by Gary Ward SURVIVAL \"Four Sri Lankan commandos who drifted in a boat more than 1,000 miles to Thailand after they had been ambushed and given up for dead were given a rapturous welcome when they returned home. 'They managed to survive on the boat by catching turtles and drinking urine,'a military officer said. Reuter Report, August 14, 1990, World-wide Case Histories of Urine Therapy by Gary Ward SYPHILIS 180 \u201cOne Hariji Shri Raja Arjan aged 35 had syphilis and he was fully cured by urine therapy.\u201d Manav Mootra by R.M. Patel SYPHILIS \u201cShri Chhaganlal (Mangrol) informs that a farmer aged 30 had syphilis. He was completely cured by urine treatment.\u201d Manav Mootra by R.M. Patel SYPHILIS \u201cR. Chaudbari, age 60, had syphilis, and there was pus formation and burning sensation on the spot. He suffered from this disease for two years. He began Urine Therapy by drinking it three times daily and putting urine-soaked pads on the spot during the whole night. He cured himself in only three weeks and cured himself completely from the deadly disease.\u201d Urine Therapy by Dr. John O'", "token_ids": [690, 8935, 555, 420, 308, 39916, 2029, 220, 505, 2418, 402, 386, 1944, 969, 555, 432, 13, 386, 13, 63855, 220, 4015, 1937, 12137, 64352, 9851, 1741, 926, 3414, 220, 1054, 40, 1047, 1027, 16066, 505, 98026, 369, 1403, 1667, 13, 33739, 358, 27073, 574, 15338, 704, 13, 2876, 264, 6068, 315, 3090, 1053, 7293, 4871, 13, 578, 2010, 264, 2454, 220, 1187, 4207, 26, 2547, 6612, 439, 422, 433, 574, 389, 4027, 13, 358, 1436, 1522, 1633, 2697, 40335, 13, 2684, 574, 24779, 32643, 315, 514, 1791, 54308, 4748, 64, 323, 358, 6244, 1633, 7621, 13, 54943, 323, 650, 3864, 82553, 19168, 46025, 13, 2468, 1566, 856, 220, 10967, 38950, 3288, 757, 304, 220, 4468, 17, 311, 1443, 462, 426, 6292, 73, 56486, 328, 3581, 51998, 311, 4822, 304, 813, 12541, 323, 37771, 3313, 12, 324, 483, 15419, 13, 220, 1283, 2231, 757, 389, 264, 3116, 2919, 529, 5043, 13, 358, 6137, 63571, 389, 279, 2132, 1938, 11, 8617, 90574, 287, 682, 279, 23183, 1343, 1978, 76, 323, 73394, 13, 1952, 279, 11999, 1938, 279, 63571, 10717, 13, 1952, 279, 18172, 1938, 11, 358, 14760, 856, 5043, 449, 279, 23661, 315, 23518, 89502, 13, 22547, 1870, 358, 58505, 4725, 3691, 13, 2391, 682, 420, 892, 3313, 12, 324, 483, 7172, 323, 6378, 1051, 2133, 389, 13, 25218, 2380, 5672, 358, 574, 856, 1866, 4725, 659, 13, 4800, 358, 2733, 7182, 6724, 1949, 505, 17563, 13, 358, 6562, 5127, 1288, 39011, 315, 420, 56193, 40239, 2029, 220, 505, 2418, 402, 386, 1944, 969, 555, 432, 13, 386, 13, 63855, 220, 4015, 1937, 12137, 64352, 9851, 1741, 926, 3414, 220, 1054, 40, 1097, 220, 2983, 13, 358, 617, 1027, 259, 9585, 4363, 505, 856, 220, 868, 339, 1060, 315, 4325, 13, 4245, 311, 927, 1816, 477, 10565, 279, 59785, 304, 279, 4106, 7160, 6688, 757, 279, 60243, 479, 315, 98026, 13, 358, 1047, 311, 733, 11157, 477, 8983, 560, 369, 711, 762, 367, 439, 856, 74502, 574, 50160, 13, 358, 6688, 709, 63747, 2398, 292, 16088, 323, 6137, 40335, 6514, 389, 5651, 220, 21, 11, 220, 4468, 22, 13, 37401, 552, 323, 13465, 1051, 2728, 709, 13, 62697, 279, 23730, 315, 14403, 323, 11293, 430, 315, 1023, 3691, 13, 358, 1436, 539, 1935, 6378, 15870, 13, 14968, 358, 18661, 220, 1399, 4, 16337, 13, 18056, 358, 11293, 856, 4785, 555, 1403, 477, 2380, 15395, 437, 358, 617, 35363, 856, 7106, 17479, 13, 578, 37140, 315, 279, 297, 288, 5237, 59838, 342, 23180, 574, 11293, 555, 220, 1490, 14697, 4800, 358, 617, 311, 733, 1193, 11157, 311, 279, 289, 522, 13, 304, 279, 6693, 13, 358, 3987, 311, 49655, 856, 2539, 2890, 323, 16337, 505, 420, 12458, 2949, 1403, 477, 3116, 4038, 2029, 220, 505, 2418, 402, 386, 1944, 969, 555, 432, 13, 386, 13, 63855, 220, 4015, 1937, 12137, 64352, 9851, 1741, 926, 3414, 220, 1054, 40, 1511, 311, 7831, 505, 15748, 6784, 304, 856, 23152, 323, 18659, 1105, 304, 856, 6206, 13, 362, 4333, 26160, 757, 311, 1456, 17229, 483, 40143, 13, 358, 6773, 311, 10485, 856, 75818, 449, 856, 40335, 13, 3161, 57035, 369, 2380, 2919, 11, 279, 18659, 1105, 10717, 13, 1115, 21190, 757, 311, 3136, 279, 6514, 23135, 4501, 11, 358, 16654, 505, 6129, 17508, 582, 19025, 323, 1047, 8725, 17254, 304, 856, 23152, 13, 358, 1047, 4529, 39653, 369, 220, 508, 1667, 719, 1070, 574, 912, 16337, 13, 358, 6137, 97183, 2785, 449, 40335, 323, 67854, 433, 389, 279, 4553, 2547, 13, 25218, 264, 2046, 11, 358, 20802, 3403, 8333, 323, 6773, 311, 7172, 433, 13, 358, 1511, 311, 7172, 264, 9168, 1285, 315, 40335, 2391, 279, 4459, 1938, 304, 2380, 477, 3116, 4685, 1392, 13, 256, 25218, 264, 2046, 358, 1047, 1778, 16337, 439, 4250, 387, 13605, 304, 4339, 13, 358, 8738, 16558, 433, 369, 264, 2305, 323, 1097, 1457, 1949, 505, 17508, 582, 19025, 13, 578, 8725, 17254, 304, 279, 23152, 617, 1027, 62320, 323, 1457, 358, 617, 264, 1695, 38575, 11, 323, 3582, 358, 1097, 220, 3080, 11, 358, 617, 8333, 3403, 311, 656, 856, 13783, 990, 13, 2052, 420, 4245, 311, 17229, 483, 40143, 1210, 220, 11242, 220, 17229, 483, 40143, 555, 2999, 13, 3842, 507, 6, 2232, 6258, 220, 4015, 1937, 12137, 393, 6979, 220, 1054, 1, 2520, 279, 1566, 220, 605, 1667, 11, 358, 617, 1027, 16066, 505, 279, 6784, 304, 279, 23152, 11, 323, 433, 8738, 311, 387, 810, 323, 810, 15748, 13, 20696, 358, 30912, 574, 63358, 1555, 20784, 54245, 13, 1102, 9922, 439, 422, 358, 574, 16066, 505, 22709, 306, 727, 13, 3092, 4785, 574, 11293, 505, 220, 10967, 19398, 13, 311, 220, 9390, 19398, 13, 13690, 358, 1047, 311, 8493, 264, 11369, 62598, 369, 39653, 304, 2015, 311, 14201, 2324, 13, 14636, 358, 574, 9193, 91174, 449, 2324, 13, 2206, 519, 547, 264, 8844, 315, 10705, 6688, 757, 701, 2363, 2418, 402, 32328, 969, 13, 358, 4024, 1555, 433, 15884, 323, 6137, 279, 6514, 505, 220, 16, 12, 20, 12, 1399, 13, 1789, 832, 2305, 358, 1550, 279, 57035, 323, 1101, 8774, 1403, 2919, 5043, 389, 40335, 1193, 13, 578, 1121, 574, 279, 1455, 58831, 13, 18165, 4038, 617, 5946, 2533, 1243, 13, 3092, 4785, 706, 7319, 311, 220, 8258, 19398, 13, 2360, 16088, 574, 4529, 46095, 13, 4800, 358, 1935, 220, 1272, 49138, 315, 40335, 1475, 1938, 304, 2380, 35130, 323, 2733, 5115, 5052, 13, 1442, 1070, 374, 904, 12544, 11, 433, 374, 9888, 20933, 14400, 449, 264, 1938, 753, 5043, 389, 40335, 13, 220, 1102, 706, 19543, 304, 6020, 19523, 1101, 13, 358, 574, 304, 279, 14464, 315, 20149, 323, 75477, 1297, 2053, 902, 358, 617, 2728, 709, 13, 1102, 706, 6924, 757, 7154, 19766, 13, 220, 5154, 24572, 264, 1060, 13, 763, 5369, 11, 19766, 13, 220, 3443, 24572, 1051, 1101, 6924, 902, 1051, 6062, 7543, 389, 16088, 13, 578, 892, 7543, 389, 10896, 6806, 82, 21728, 706, 1101, 1027, 6924, 2029, 220, 2418, 402, 386, 1944, 969, 555, 432, 13, 386, 13, 63855, 220, 4015, 1937, 12137, 350, 1308, 22481, 220, 1054, 2059, 462, 1183, 321, 564, 77, 589, 16319, 71, 505, 97713, 14238, 430, 568, 2751, 9463, 315, 813, 23152, 12544, 11, 2362, 40700, 220, 612, 9439, 555, 5912, 6514, 315, 40335, 15419, 2029, 220, 2418, 402, 386, 1944, 969, 555, 432, 13, 386, 13, 63855, 220, 4015, 9001, 56, 5782, 937, 220, 1054, 791, 7720, 315, 17659, 14403, 527, 27862, 358, 2846, 5131, 65864, 856, 220, 806, 2305, 2362, 323, 568, 16180, 433, 358, 1053, 2646, 3041, 1461, 15150, 497, 9493, 568, 5334, 264, 6392, 88, 19689, 358, 2231, 433, 709, 813, 19689, 11, 9493, 568, 706, 342, 70305, 6548, 358, 2231, 433, 304, 1124, 1202, 8056, 11, 906, 617, 539, 1047, 311, 4034, 279, 779, 2663, 27437, 3131, 3686, 323, 3987, 311, 539, 3596, 497, 26301, 22852, 1887, 374, 84015, 779, 1790, 2029, 220, 27757, 311, 13929, 60364, 5000, 655, 256, 220, 11256, 57328, 13398, 61541, 256, 4491, 13, 445, 732, 2637, 10057, 330, 40, 574, 15870, 16066, 505, 7160, 60754, 13, 8876, 358, 6755, 922, 40335, 15419, 11, 358, 1120, 10485, 856, 40335, 389, 279, 11754, 6930, 5596, 323, 6118, 279, 60754, 19019, 61370, 323, 279, 6930, 18417, 86075, 1210, 256, 578, 18288, 78324, 555, 3623, 268, 5355, 2761, 68917, 263, 220, 53083, 53, 91593, 220, 1054, 16397, 279, 11888, 11477, 4208, 304, 17527, 11, 279, 3816, 77569, 11, 279, 15558, 13890, 315, 279, 3816, 11511, 11, 26160, 1274, 2403, 16558, 95869, 3090, 555, 9063, 66198, 11, 5605, 11, 3451, 7927, 2911, 527, 1367, 6322, 315, 50690, 11, 584, 4250, 1520, 499, 3734, 555, 11890, 499, 430, 499, 1253, 387, 3025, 311, 3665, 872, 6439, 555, 20806, 1124, 7172, 872, 1866, 40335, 14639, 19524, 220, 48573, 4718, 21189, 10164, 555, 19036, 328, 936, 10616, 2382, 220, 53083, 53, 91593, 220, 1054, 1131, 20375, 3026, 1051, 9770, 311, 8493, 220, 1032, 2919, 389, 264, 2324, 53555, 1306, 872, 20543, 15688, 65330, 304, 279, 27945, 315, 12550, 13, 220, 578, 4652, 1071, 279, 1403, 3026, 3451, 3696, 1201, 872, 1866, 40335, 311, 4822, 13989, 14639, 19524, 220, 578, 4470, 28404, 1543, 753, 32708, 14881, 555, 21353, 622, 6515, 618, 5770, 220, 53083, 53, 91593, 220, 330, 32, 8762, 4394, 574, 13541, 704, 315, 279, 74535, 315, 279, 10320, 1617, 14894, 4216, 7159, 6693, 11, 220, 975, 2919, 1306, 264, 8147, 38413, 59097, 279, 18671, 26363, 11, 7510, 1071, 13, 31941, 11, 449, 1193, 9099, 98675, 389, 813, 2547, 11, 568, 3309, 19578, 568, 26968, 555, 16558, 813, 1866, 40335, 1210, 220, 23727, 6132, 5513, 5475, 11, 27286, 11, 5887, 220, 966, 11, 220, 2550, 15, 11, 4435, 25480, 11799, 67005, 2490, 315, 17229, 483, 40143, 555, 24765, 27738, 220, 53083, 53, 91593, 220, 1054, 43, 9425, 64, 32498, 93259, 323, 1676, 8301, 3400, 370, 689, 26968, 220, 806, 2919, 1306, 1694, 28016, 555, 279, 1890, 21426, 13, 320, 31916, 1617, 14894, 38413, 8, 220, 220, 11128, 2052, 2380, 26968, 304, 961, 555, 16558, 872, 1866, 40335, 2029, 220, 3341, 581, 31627, 6898, 91846, 11, 6186, 220, 1544, 11, 220, 679, 15, 262, 53083, 53, 91593, 256, 3277, 93607, 7023, 85886, 596, 26155, 315, 4330, 743, 704, 311, 10408, 71939, 279, 24867, 304, 220, 9690, 24, 11, 279, 14794, 6688, 1855, 8448, 330, 1135, 272, 4707, 315, 3090, 11, 7878, 323, 10748, 1210, 1102, 5828, 956, 3403, 13, 5046, 3388, 813, 13941, 7020, 814, 1053, 617, 311, 25539, 3090, 3235, 279, 1648, 13, 19173, 11, 9455, 5694, 304, 653, 91918, 21160, 323, 704, 315, 3090, 220, 972, 4038, 1139, 279, 45640, 11, 814, 6244, 28495, 13, 3161, 912, 3987, 315, 264, 7878, 3090, 2592, 11, 814, 3952, 1148, 574, 279, 1193, 93370, 13, 2435, 54244, 872, 1866, 40335, 13, 468, 5646, 832, 13941, 1543, 11, 330, 2181, 574, 29392, 539, 7120, 402, 683, 11, 3515, 912, 11201, 264, 12945, 1109, 264, 5292, 263, 1455, 40884, 449, 436, 1149, 307, 2700, 11, 439, 1690, 358, 617, 61580, 1603, 1210, 1628, 1306, 682, 11, 433, 1550, 3665, 872, 6439, 13, 256, 12730, 5659, 18449, 1974, 49741, 5955, 11, 1795, 1129, 2185, 13, 18207, 1974, 383, 6260, 916, 30178, 72727, 14, 324, 483, 62, 46755, 14, 220, 53083, 53, 91593, 220, 330, 644, 15212, 11, 17629, 7487, 1766, 264, 220, 1806, 4771, 6418, 893, 13989, 304, 38413, 74535, 13, 1283, 26968, 4661, 220, 6086, 4207, 555, 16558, 813, 1866, 40335, 13, 5414, 7555, 11, 10003, 323, 6691, 1053, 539, 323, 814, 8636, 1210, 256, 12730, 25763, 6031, 74, 675, 11, 24426, 13120, 398, 5513, 11, 6664, 220, 845, 11, 220, 2550, 17, 11, 505, 4435, 25480, 11799, 67005, 2490, 315, 17229, 483, 40143, 555, 24765, 27738, 262, 53083, 53, 91593, 220, 330, 28070, 34445, 445, 76182, 3290, 437, 889, 92662, 304, 264, 15688, 810, 1109, 220, 16, 11, 931, 8931, 311, 30567, 1306, 814, 1047, 1027, 9049, 53078, 323, 2728, 709, 369, 5710, 1051, 2728, 264, 436, 2756, 55709, 10788, 994, 814, 6052, 2162, 13, 364, 7009, 9152, 311, 18167, 389, 279, 15688, 555, 34168, 72503, 323, 16558, 40335, 11, 364, 264, 6411, 9640, 1071, 13, 220, 1050, 29051, 8423, 11, 6287, 220, 975, 11, 220, 2550, 15, 11, 4435, 25480, 11799, 67005, 2490, 315, 17229, 483, 40143, 555, 24765, 27738, 256, 328, 10158, 39, 1750, 1669, 220, 5245, 220, 1054, 4054, 98545, 7910, 1443, 462, 432, 19580, 1676, 23685, 20330, 220, 1758, 1047, 6705, 46185, 285, 323, 568, 574, 7373, 64688, 555, 40335, 15419, 2029, 220, 2418, 402, 386, 1944, 969, 555, 432, 1345, 13, 63855, 220, 328, 10158, 39, 1750, 1669, 220, 1054, 2059, 462, 921, 71, 18851, 122591, 320, 44, 526, 1098, 8, 64252, 430, 264, 37500, 20330, 220, 966, 1047, 6705, 46185, 285, 13, 1283, 574, 6724, 64688, 555, 40335, 6514, 2029, 220, 2418, 402, 386, 1944, 969, 555, 432, 1345, 13, 63855, 220, 328, 10158, 39, 1750, 1669, 220, 1054, 49, 13, 921, 8039, 2308, 72, 11, 4325, 220, 1399, 11, 1047, 6705, 46185, 285, 11, 323, 1070, 574, 75676, 18488, 323, 20252, 37392, 389, 279, 7858, 13, 1283, 16654, 505, 420, 8624, 369, 1403, 1667, 13, 1283, 6137, 17229, 483, 40143, 555, 16558, 433, 2380, 3115, 7446, 323, 10917, 40335, 34119, 7897, 37095, 389, 279, 7858, 2391, 279, 4459, 3814, 13, 1283, 64688, 5678, 304, 1193, 2380, 5672, 323, 64688, 5678, 6724, 505, 279, 25114, 8624, 2029, 220, 17229, 483, 40143, 555, 2999, 13, 3842, 507, 6], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " Jake became ill in the first place. Jake had started what grew to beco me a \nvery successful chain of spaghetti restaurants with a unique noodles and sauces made to his own formu la. He ate a lot of his own \nspaghetti over the years, and had been reared in a good Italian family with lots of other kinds of rich food. Jake had a repu tation for \nbeing able to outeat everybody in terms of quantity and in the amount of time spent eating. In childhood, this ability had made his \nItalian mother very happy because it showed appreciation for her great culinary skill. \n Secondly, Jake the adult was still at his core, Jake the spoiled brat child, with a bad, unregulated temper. He was in the h abit of \ndumping his temper on other people whether they needed a helping of his angry emotions or not. A lot of people in his employ and \nin his extended family tiptoed around Jake, always careful of triggering his wrath. At my place as Jake began to get we ll he began \nto use his increased energy and much stronger voice to demonstrate his poor character. At meal times Jake would bang the tabl e \nwith a fork hard enough to leave dents in the wood table top while yelling for more, complaining loudly about the lac k of rich \nsauces and other culinary delights he craved. This was a character problem that Jake could not seem to overcome, even with a lot \nof intervention from the local minister on his behalf and my counseling. Jake was a Catholic who went to church regul arly, but \nacted like a Christian only while he was in church. On some level Jake knew that he was not treating others fairly, but he wo uld \nnot change his habitual responses. His negative thoughts and actions interfered with his digestive capacity to the ex tent that his \ngluttonous eating habits produced illness, a vegetative paralyzing illness, but not death. To me this seems almost a form of karmic \njustice. \n It is common for people who have been very ill for extended periods of time to realize what a won derful gift life is and arrive at \na willingness to do almost anything to have a second chance at doing \u2018life\" right. Some succeed with their second chance and some \ndon\u2019t. If they don\"t succeed in changing their life and relationships, they frequently relap se. \n Luigi Cornaro\u2019s left the world his story of sickness and rejuvenation. His little book may be the world\u2019s first alternative h ealing \ntext. It is a classic example of the value of abstentousness. Had Jake taken this story to heart he would have total ly recovered. \nCornaro was a sixteenth century Venetian nobleman. He, like Jake the spaghetti baron, was near death at the young age of fort y. \n(Jake was also in his early 40s when he broke down.) Cornaro\u2019s many doctors were unable to cure him. Finally he sa w a doctor \nwho understood the principles of natural healing. This wise physician determined that this illness was caused by a mismatch \nbetween Cornaro\u2019s limited digestive capacity and the excessive amount of food he was eating. So Cornaro was put on a diet of \nonly 12 ounces of solid food and fourteen ounces of liquid a day. Any twelve ounces of any solids he wanted and any fourteen \nounces of liquid. It could be meat and wine, salad or orange juice, no matter. \n Cornaro soon regained his health and he continued to follow the diet until the age of 78. His health was so outstanding durin g \nthis period that people who were much younger in terms of years were unable to keep up with him. At 78 his friends, worried \nabout how thin he was (doesn\u2019t it always seem that it is your so -called friends who always ruin a natural cure) persuaded him to \nincrease his daily ration by two ounces a day. His delicate and weak digestive system, which had operated perfectly for many \nyears, was unable to deal with the additional two ounces, and he became very ill after a very short period of over eating. \n Worse, his recent indulgence had even further damaged the organs of digestion and to survive Cornaro had to cut his daily rat ion \nto eight ounces of solid food and eleven of liquids. On this reduced dietary he again regained his health and lived to be 100. \nCornaro wrote four books on the value of abstinence or \"sober living\" as he called it, writing the last and perhaps the most \nintere sting at 96 years of age. Had my patient Jake been able to confine his food intake to the level of his body\u2019s ability to dige st, \nhe might still be walking and enjoying life. But try as I might I could not make him understand. Perhaps he enjoys doing pena nce \nin his wheel chair more than he would enjoy health and life. \n \nTissue Losses at Death By Starvation* \n Fat 97% \nMuscles 31 \nBlood 27 \nLiver 54 \nSpleen 67 \nPancreas 17 \nSkin 21 \nIntestines 18 \nKidneys 26 \nLungs 18 \nTestes 40 \nHeart 3 \nBrain and Spinal Cord 3 \nNerves 3 \nBone 14 \n \n \n* From Keys, Ancel, Joseph Brozek, Austin Henchel, Olaf Mickelson and Henry L. Taylor, (1950) The Biology of Human Starvation. Two Vols. \nMinneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. \n \nStarvation \n It is true that ethical medical doctors use the least -risky procedure they are allowed to use. But this does not mean there are no \nrisks to allopathic treatment. The medical doctor justifies taking the risks by saying that the risk/reward ratio is the best possible. \nAny sick person is already at risk. Life comes with only one guarantee: that none of us gets out of it alive. \n Compared to the risks of allopathic medicine, fasting is a far safer method of treating disease. The oft -repeated scare stories \nmedical doctors and their allies circulate about fasting are not true, and it is important to remember that none of these peo ple \nportraying fasting as evil and dangerous have ever fasted themselves \u2013I\"ll put money on that one. Or, on the slim possibility t hat \nsomeone telling fasting horror stories did actually not eat for 24 hours (probably because some accident or acute illness pre vented \nthem), they had a terrible experience because they didn\u2019t understand the process, were highly toxic, and were scared to death the \nwhole time. \n Or worse yet they fasted for a short period with an \"open mind\" \u2013a very dangerous state in which to approach anything new. I \nhave found through considerable experience with people professing to have open minds that the expression \"I\u2019m open minded\" \nusually means that someone has already made up their mind and new data just passes straight through their open mind \u2013in one ear \nand out the other. Or sometimes, the phrase \"open mind\" means a person that does not believe any information ha s reality and is \nentirely unable to make up their mind. \n The most commonly leveled criticism of fasting is that in its efforts to survive self -imposed starvation the body metabolizes \nvital tissue, not just fat, and therefore, fasting is damaging, potent ially fatally damaging. People who tell you this will also tell you \nthat fasters have destroyed their heart muscle or ruined their nervous system permanently. But this kind of damage happen onl y \nwhen a person starves to death or starves to a point very clo se to death, not when someone fasts. \n There is a huge difference between fasting and starvation. Someone starving is usually eating, but eating poorly and \ninadequately, eating scraps of whatever is available such as sugar, white flour, rancid grease, s hoe leather, or even dirt. Frequently \na starving person is forced to exercise a great deal as they struggle to survive and additionally is highly apprehensive. Or someone \nstarving to death is confined to a small space, may become severely dehydrated too an d is in terror. Fear is very damaging to the \ndigestive process, and to the body in general; fear speeds up the destruction of vital tissue. People starve when trekking va st \ndistances through wastelands without food to eat, they starved in concentration cam ps, buried in mind disasters, they starve during \nfamines and starve while being tortured in prisons. \n Until water fasting goes on past the point where all fatty tissues and all abnormal deposits have been burned for fuel and \nrecycled for the nutritiona l elements they contain, vital muscle tissues and organs are not consumed. And as long as the body \ncontains sufficient nutritional reserves, vital organs and essential tissues are rebuilt and maintained. In fact the body has a great \ndeal of intelligence th at we don\u2019t give it credit for. It knows exactly which cells are essential to survival, which ones are not. The \nbody knows which cells are abnormal deposits, and it goes to work to metabolize them first. For example, the body recognizes \narthritic deposits, cysts, fibroids, and tumors as offensive parts of the landscape, and obligingly uses them for foods in preference \nto anything else. A starving (not fasting) body also knows precisely in what order of priority body cells should be metaboliz ed to \nminimize r isk of death or permanent disability. \n After a starving body has reached skeletal condition, or where some small amount of fat remains but nutritional reserves \n(vitamins and minerals) are", "token_ids": [33172, 6244, 5986, 304, 279, 1176, 2035, 13, 33172, 1047, 3940, 1148, 14264, 311, 387, 1030, 757, 264, 720, 1225, 6992, 8957, 315, 88010, 15926, 449, 264, 5016, 61260, 323, 91070, 1903, 311, 813, 1866, 1376, 84, 1208, 13, 1283, 30912, 264, 2763, 315, 813, 1866, 720, 2203, 65065, 927, 279, 1667, 11, 323, 1047, 1027, 312, 1636, 304, 264, 1695, 15155, 3070, 449, 10283, 315, 1023, 13124, 315, 9257, 3691, 13, 33172, 1047, 264, 2109, 84, 259, 367, 369, 720, 35214, 3025, 311, 704, 33166, 16470, 304, 3878, 315, 12472, 323, 304, 279, 3392, 315, 892, 7543, 12459, 13, 763, 20587, 11, 420, 5845, 1047, 1903, 813, 720, 70211, 6691, 1633, 6380, 1606, 433, 8710, 35996, 369, 1077, 2294, 58441, 10151, 13, 2355, 262, 72131, 11, 33172, 279, 6822, 574, 2103, 520, 813, 6332, 11, 33172, 279, 72524, 117845, 1716, 11, 449, 264, 3958, 11, 653, 81722, 6940, 13, 1283, 574, 304, 279, 305, 671, 275, 315, 720, 28760, 287, 813, 6940, 389, 1023, 1274, 3508, 814, 4460, 264, 10695, 315, 813, 19021, 21958, 477, 539, 13, 362, 2763, 315, 1274, 304, 813, 3539, 323, 720, 258, 813, 11838, 3070, 9165, 59091, 291, 2212, 33172, 11, 2744, 16994, 315, 52605, 813, 64391, 13, 2468, 856, 2035, 439, 33172, 6137, 311, 636, 584, 9507, 568, 6137, 720, 998, 1005, 813, 7319, 4907, 323, 1790, 16643, 7899, 311, 20461, 813, 8009, 3752, 13, 2468, 15496, 3115, 33172, 1053, 26518, 279, 5769, 75, 384, 720, 4291, 264, 23243, 2653, 3403, 311, 5387, 294, 812, 304, 279, 7732, 2007, 1948, 1418, 53302, 369, 810, 11, 42126, 54945, 922, 279, 44979, 597, 315, 9257, 720, 82, 2933, 1634, 323, 1023, 58441, 96775, 568, 1589, 4234, 13, 1115, 574, 264, 3752, 3575, 430, 33172, 1436, 539, 2873, 311, 23075, 11, 1524, 449, 264, 2763, 720, 1073, 21623, 505, 279, 2254, 13015, 389, 813, 17981, 323, 856, 42316, 13, 33172, 574, 264, 16879, 889, 4024, 311, 8993, 14420, 802, 398, 11, 719, 720, 22955, 1093, 264, 9052, 1193, 1418, 568, 574, 304, 8993, 13, 1952, 1063, 2237, 33172, 7020, 430, 568, 574, 539, 27723, 3885, 14470, 11, 719, 568, 24670, 8725, 67, 720, 1962, 2349, 813, 84820, 14847, 13, 5414, 8389, 11555, 323, 6299, 41305, 291, 449, 813, 60071, 8824, 311, 279, 506, 16006, 430, 813, 720, 6200, 973, 788, 12459, 26870, 9124, 17563, 11, 264, 13294, 1413, 1370, 5893, 20994, 17563, 11, 719, 539, 4648, 13, 2057, 757, 420, 5084, 4661, 264, 1376, 315, 597, 2227, 292, 720, 39868, 13, 2355, 262, 1102, 374, 4279, 369, 1274, 889, 617, 1027, 1633, 5986, 369, 11838, 18852, 315, 892, 311, 13383, 1148, 264, 2834, 2761, 1285, 8352, 2324, 374, 323, 17782, 520, 720, 64, 39375, 311, 656, 4661, 4205, 311, 617, 264, 2132, 6140, 520, 3815, 3451, 14789, 1, 1314, 13, 4427, 12265, 449, 872, 2132, 6140, 323, 1063, 720, 15357, 1431, 13, 1442, 814, 1541, 1, 83, 12265, 304, 10223, 872, 2324, 323, 12135, 11, 814, 14134, 1375, 391, 513, 13, 720, 262, 83183, 22036, 17606, 753, 2163, 279, 1917, 813, 3446, 315, 54950, 323, 73484, 367, 13, 5414, 2697, 2363, 1253, 387, 279, 1917, 753, 1176, 10778, 305, 384, 6260, 720, 1342, 13, 1102, 374, 264, 11670, 3187, 315, 279, 907, 315, 63944, 306, 788, 2136, 13, 24805, 33172, 4529, 420, 3446, 311, 4851, 568, 1053, 617, 2860, 14869, 26403, 13, 720, 91641, 17606, 574, 264, 4848, 46487, 9478, 18732, 295, 1122, 35482, 1543, 13, 1283, 11, 1093, 33172, 279, 88010, 3703, 263, 11, 574, 3221, 4648, 520, 279, 3995, 4325, 315, 12108, 379, 13, 720, 16772, 731, 574, 1101, 304, 813, 4216, 220, 1272, 82, 994, 568, 14760, 1523, 6266, 22036, 17606, 753, 1690, 16410, 1051, 12153, 311, 27208, 1461, 13, 17830, 568, 829, 289, 264, 10896, 720, 14965, 16365, 279, 16565, 315, 5933, 21730, 13, 1115, 24219, 28378, 11075, 430, 420, 17563, 574, 9057, 555, 264, 36401, 720, 42967, 22036, 17606, 753, 7347, 60071, 8824, 323, 279, 27639, 3392, 315, 3691, 568, 574, 12459, 13, 2100, 22036, 17606, 574, 2231, 389, 264, 10173, 220, 315, 720, 3323, 220, 717, 49138, 315, 6573, 3691, 323, 63360, 49138, 315, 14812, 264, 1938, 13, 5884, 30335, 49138, 315, 904, 82486, 568, 4934, 323, 904, 63360, 720, 31044, 315, 14812, 13, 1102, 1436, 387, 13339, 323, 13378, 11, 33566, 477, 19087, 23661, 11, 912, 5030, 13, 2355, 262, 22036, 17606, 5246, 86025, 813, 2890, 323, 568, 8738, 311, 1833, 279, 10173, 3156, 279, 4325, 315, 220, 2495, 13, 5414, 2890, 574, 779, 19310, 10878, 258, 342, 720, 576, 4261, 430, 1274, 889, 1051, 1790, 14992, 304, 3878, 315, 1667, 1051, 12153, 311, 2567, 709, 449, 1461, 13, 2468, 220, 2495, 813, 4885, 11, 18290, 720, 9274, 1268, 15792, 568, 574, 320, 73014, 1431, 433, 2744, 2873, 430, 433, 374, 701, 779, 482, 44982, 4885, 889, 2744, 38339, 264, 5933, 27208, 8, 65101, 1461, 311, 720, 79601, 813, 7446, 66901, 555, 1403, 49138, 264, 1938, 13, 5414, 36301, 323, 7621, 60071, 1887, 11, 902, 1047, 24026, 14268, 369, 1690, 720, 42820, 11, 574, 12153, 311, 3568, 449, 279, 5217, 1403, 49138, 11, 323, 568, 6244, 1633, 5986, 1306, 264, 1633, 2875, 4261, 315, 927, 12459, 13, 2355, 262, 87904, 11, 813, 3293, 37960, 29355, 1047, 1524, 4726, 20727, 279, 36853, 315, 74502, 323, 311, 18167, 22036, 17606, 1047, 311, 4018, 813, 7446, 11494, 28772, 720, 998, 8223, 49138, 315, 6573, 3691, 323, 45314, 315, 67849, 13, 1952, 420, 11293, 34625, 568, 1578, 86025, 813, 2890, 323, 12439, 311, 387, 220, 1041, 13, 720, 91641, 17606, 6267, 3116, 6603, 389, 279, 907, 315, 671, 95821, 477, 330, 708, 655, 5496, 1, 439, 568, 2663, 433, 11, 4477, 279, 1566, 323, 8530, 279, 1455, 720, 396, 486, 55413, 520, 220, 4161, 1667, 315, 4325, 13, 24805, 856, 8893, 33172, 1027, 3025, 311, 2389, 483, 813, 3691, 23730, 311, 279, 2237, 315, 813, 2547, 753, 5845, 311, 4170, 68, 357, 11, 720, 383, 2643, 2103, 387, 11689, 323, 22128, 2324, 13, 2030, 1456, 439, 358, 2643, 358, 1436, 539, 1304, 1461, 3619, 13, 19292, 568, 32838, 3815, 95557, 308, 346, 720, 258, 813, 13587, 10716, 810, 1109, 568, 1053, 4774, 2890, 323, 2324, 13, 2355, 720, 51, 11407, 25733, 288, 520, 16290, 3296, 7834, 61428, 9, 2355, 26417, 220, 3534, 4, 720, 62698, 19153, 220, 220, 2148, 720, 52586, 220, 220, 1544, 720, 83995, 220, 220, 4370, 720, 50, 698, 268, 220, 220, 3080, 720, 36793, 846, 300, 220, 220, 1114, 720, 38286, 220, 1691, 720, 1090, 478, 1572, 220, 220, 972, 720, 99608, 36371, 220, 220, 1627, 720, 43, 29222, 220, 220, 972, 720, 2323, 288, 220, 220, 1272, 720, 46484, 220, 220, 18, 720, 66177, 323, 3165, 992, 37987, 220, 220, 18, 720, 45, 13583, 220, 220, 18, 720, 63429, 220, 220, 975, 33006, 720, 9, 5659, 25104, 11, 31377, 301, 11, 15466, 6031, 64123, 1174, 19816, 13370, 331, 301, 11, 12225, 2642, 60333, 22110, 323, 18063, 445, 13, 16844, 11, 320, 6280, 15, 8, 220, 578, 40023, 315, 11344, 7834, 61428, 13, 220, 9220, 650, 3145, 13, 720, 6349, 39576, 25, 3907, 315, 19461, 8612, 13, 5996, 720, 12988, 61428, 2355, 262, 1102, 374, 837, 430, 31308, 6593, 16410, 1005, 279, 3325, 482, 81, 71804, 10537, 814, 527, 5535, 311, 1005, 13, 2030, 420, 1587, 539, 3152, 1070, 527, 912, 720, 6091, 2857, 311, 63747, 2398, 292, 6514, 13, 578, 6593, 10896, 1120, 9803, 4737, 279, 15635, 555, 5605, 430, 279, 5326, 10991, 1637, 11595, 374, 279, 1888, 3284, 13, 720, 8780, 14363, 1732, 374, 2736, 520, 5326, 13, 9601, 4131, 449, 1193, 832, 15803, 25, 430, 7000, 315, 603, 5334, 704, 315, 433, 13989, 13, 2355, 262, 59813, 311, 279, 15635, 315, 63747, 2398, 292, 16088, 11, 54560, 374, 264, 3117, 30549, 1749, 315, 27723, 8624, 13, 578, 43146, 482, 265, 43054, 44030, 7493, 2355, 69216, 16410, 323, 872, 20724, 4319, 6468, 922, 54560, 527, 539, 837, 11, 323, 433, 374, 3062, 311, 6227, 430, 7000, 315, 1521, 1069, 78, 7245, 720, 403, 11872, 287, 54560, 439, 14289, 323, 11660, 617, 3596, 5043, 291, 5694, 1389, 40, 1, 657, 2231, 3300, 389, 430, 832, 13, 2582, 11, 389, 279, 30453, 13336, 259, 9072, 720, 90579, 11890, 54560, 22169, 7493, 1550, 3604, 539, 8343, 369, 220, 1187, 4207, 320, 55540, 1606, 1063, 11677, 477, 30883, 17563, 864, 10594, 291, 720, 49818, 705, 814, 1047, 264, 17936, 3217, 1606, 814, 3287, 1431, 3619, 279, 1920, 11, 1051, 7701, 21503, 11, 323, 1051, 27207, 311, 4648, 279, 720, 67733, 892, 13, 2355, 262, 2582, 11201, 3686, 814, 5043, 291, 369, 264, 2875, 4261, 449, 459, 330, 2569, 4059, 1, 1389, 64, 1633, 11660, 1614, 304, 902, 311, 5603, 4205, 502, 13, 358, 720, 19553, 1766, 1555, 24779, 3217, 449, 1274, 35578, 287, 311, 617, 1825, 20663, 430, 279, 7645, 330, 40, 4344, 1825, 61267, 1, 720, 44066, 3445, 430, 4423, 706, 2736, 1903, 709, 872, 4059, 323, 502, 828, 1120, 16609, 7833, 1555, 872, 1825, 4059, 1389, 258, 832, 2487, 720, 438, 704, 279, 1023, 13, 2582, 7170, 11, 279, 17571, 330, 2569, 4059, 1, 3445, 264, 1732, 430, 1587, 539, 4510, 904, 2038, 6520, 274, 8903, 323, 374, 720, 306, 556, 398, 12153, 311, 1304, 709, 872, 4059, 13, 2355, 262, 578, 1455, 17037, 83349, 19347, 315, 54560, 374, 430, 304, 1202, 9045, 311, 18167, 659, 482, 318, 3950, 78245, 279, 2547, 28168, 4861, 720, 85, 2223, 20438, 11, 539, 1120, 8834, 11, 323, 9093, 11, 54560, 374, 34446, 11, 36875, 220, 34575, 72461, 34446, 13, 9029, 889, 3371, 499, 420, 690, 1101, 3371, 499, 720, 9210, 5043, 388, 617, 14763, 872, 4851, 16124, 477, 47168, 872, 23418, 1887, 31859, 13, 2030, 420, 3169, 315, 5674, 3621, 389, 75, 379, 720, 9493, 264, 1732, 6917, 2396, 311, 4648, 477, 6917, 2396, 311, 264, 1486, 1633, 5405, 513, 311, 4648, 11, 539, 994, 4423, 5043, 82, 13, 2355, 262, 2684, 374, 264, 6908, 6811, 1990, 54560, 323, 78245, 13, 35272, 78501, 374, 6118, 12459, 11, 719, 12459, 31555, 323, 720, 258, 1037, 447, 2718, 11, 12459, 92885, 315, 8996, 374, 2561, 1778, 439, 13465, 11, 4251, 20415, 11, 436, 1149, 307, 63471, 11, 274, 46976, 18012, 11, 477, 1524, 26351, 13, 93720, 720, 64, 78501, 1732, 374, 9770, 311, 10368, 264, 2294, 3568, 439, 814, 14993, 311, 18167, 323, 37938, 374, 7701, 47291, 4114, 13, 2582, 4423, 720, 12134, 4504, 311, 4648, 374, 45408, 311, 264, 2678, 3634, 11, 1253, 3719, 35906, 409, 26233, 660, 2288, 459, 294, 374, 304, 8818, 13, 43067, 374, 1633, 34446, 311, 279, 720, 37439, 535, 1920, 11, 323, 311, 279, 2547, 304, 4689, 26, 8850, 25753, 709, 279, 19814, 315, 16595, 20438, 13, 9029, 6917, 588, 994, 45688, 10789, 11412, 357, 720, 12489, 3095, 1555, 41421, 301, 2914, 2085, 3691, 311, 8343, 11, 814, 6917, 2111, 304, 20545, 6730, 4831, 11, 28016, 304, 4059, 51751, 11, 814, 6917, 588, 2391, 720, 69, 97081, 323, 6917, 588, 1418, 1694, 57034, 304, 49429, 13, 2355, 262, 30070, 3090, 54560, 5900, 389, 3347, 279, 1486, 1405, 682, 40085, 39881, 323, 682, 35663, 34751, 617, 1027, 27724, 369, 10633, 323, 720, 2827, 37676, 369, 279, 26677, 64, 326, 5540, 814, 6782, 11, 16595, 16124, 39881, 323, 36853, 527, 539, 27073, 13, 1628, 439, 1317, 439, 279, 2547, 720, 13676, 14343, 43226, 30600, 11, 16595, 36853, 323, 7718, 39881, 527, 60685, 323, 18908, 13, 763, 2144, 279, 2547, 706, 220, 264, 2294, 720, 30739, 315, 11478, 270, 520, 584, 1541, 1431, 3041, 433, 6807, 369, 13, 1102, 8964, 7041, 902, 7917, 527, 7718, 311, 20237, 11, 902, 6305, 527, 539, 13, 578, 720, 2664, 8964, 902, 7917, 527, 35663, 34751, 11, 323, 433, 5900, 311, 990, 311, 28168, 553, 1124, 1176, 13, 1789, 3187, 11, 279, 2547, 45799, 720, 47601, 50308, 34751, 11, 220, 63581, 82, 11, 16178, 41194, 11, 323, 56071, 439, 15538, 5596, 315, 279, 18921, 11, 323, 12611, 11559, 5829, 1124, 369, 15657, 304, 22698, 720, 998, 4205, 775, 13, 362, 78501, 320, 1962, 54560, 8, 2547, 1101, 8964, 24559, 304, 1148, 2015, 315, 10844, 2547, 7917, 1288, 387, 28168, 450, 1608, 311, 720, 1083, 12117, 436, 374, 74, 315, 4648, 477, 15690, 28353, 13, 2355, 262, 4740, 264, 78501, 2547, 706, 8813, 69397, 3044, 11, 477, 1405, 1063, 2678, 3392, 315, 8834, 8625, 719, 43226, 30600, 720, 3832, 275, 38925, 323, 34072, 8, 527], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " radiation and mutilated by surgery. They just ask for pain \nmedication and leave. Interestingly, studies have proven that you last longer if you do \nnothing, rather than take a lot of the treatments that go on at this time.\n\"We are coming to a time, particularly in our country, where there is hardly a \nfamily that has not lost a close friend or relative to cancer. And the family has \nwatched this person go from fairly robust good health to a skeleton and be tortured by \nthe treatments. When you have had one or two friends or relatives go that way and \nthe doctor tells you that you have cancer, you don't jump right into the next operating\n158\nWinning The Cancer War\nroom or in front of the next X-ray machine that rolls by. You think about it, you \nconsider it, you remember your friends' or relatives' story and give it a lot of serious \nthought.\"\nBone Cancer Testimonial\nIna S. ~ West, FL\n9-Year Victory Over Bone Cancer\nI would like to tell others what Dr. Kelley's book, One Answer to Cancer, did for a \nnumber of us but more especially just how it began with me.\nDoctors had tenderly, but emphatically, told me that they could do nothing for my \ncondition. It was apparently cancer of the bone \u2014 and as lovingly as a father, with \ntears in his eyes, one doctor said: \"You'll get worse until \u2014?\" He left me \nimmediately. Somehow I didn't feel shaken at all. I felt so secure in God's hands. I \nknew the doctor in the clinic had told my son that it was a matter of 3 to 6 months. \nThis doctor said the spine was hopelessly deteriorating. Nine vertebrae were \ncollapsed. This caused cramps across the shoulders and chest. When the attacks \ncame upon me I was in such pain as to have to have pain-killing relief by medication. \nThese tablets had such severe side effects that I could not endure them.\nMy bones were brittle and, as the doctors told my son, they were like chalk. So \nsmall a pressure as a bump of my elbow against the ribs would crack a rib. Faith in \nGod as my greatest physician helped me to hold steady until one day I was touched \nby His healing power. The healing was instantaneous as to the pain and spine. \nDoctor's couldn't believe this but I never took an aspirin or any narcotic. There was \nno pain or cramps. The spine was healed.\nAt this time Dr. Kelley's book, One Answer to Cancer, was laid on a table near my \nbed. So I picked it up two or three times. Finally, I realized I was not gaining strength \nbut the opposite was true. However, I never had another pain in my spine nor \ncramps. So I read from Dr. Kelley's book these words: \"Malignancy indicates an \nactive pancreatic enzyme deficiency.\" I began in earnest to read. Every word sounded \nso logical and clear. Cancer always seemed like a killer that couldn't be controlled. \nThe killer was too complex. But Dr. Kelley had the key. He was unselfish and tried to \nput the key on the lowest shelf where all of us, little or big, intelligent or uninformed \ncould all reach the key to one answer! The diet and nutritional program cost a bit but \nnothing compared to the fruitless efforts of the medical doctors, hospitals, etc. So, on \nmy bed of affliction, growing weaker all the way, I set myself to follow each step of \nDr. Kelley's instructions.\n159\nWinning The Cancer War\nMany times I would think, \"Perhaps I am wrong in following Dr. Kelley's diet and \nnutritional program.\" Our medical doctors wouldn't listen when I told them about it. \nBut, feeling I had nothing to lose, I kept on. Dr. Kelley's book is most valuable. Here,\nI who knew nothing, was free from those painful unprofitable visits to the doctor's \noffice. Eating differently was never a problem for me \u2014 I had been a missionary for \n40 years. If a diet would help, I thought I should get on it as strictly as Dr. Kelley \nsuggested \u2014 and not just keep eating anything I felt like eating. So I took everything \nseriously. One year later I felt much better; I was up and out on the road in the \nmissionary services traveling 20,000 miles one summer. However, I felt I needed \nsome guidance so I went to see Dr. Kelley. It had been a constant battle to keep on a \nstrict and proper diet with the stress and strain of my work.\nI have gone abroad three times and carried a heavy workload in the U.S.A. to visit \namong hundreds abroad and at home, and to not eat \"junk\" food takes a backbone of \nsteel and a conviction that this nutritional program is best. Stress and strain goes with \nthe public appearances and directional work but these five years have been good \nyears, although they were not without battles, but I am able to work 12 hours nearly \nevery day but Sunday.\nEven if members of our family and missionary group have no cancer, my husband \nand I urge all to consider the value of a nutritional diet as a way of life and health. \nOur grandchildren are being taught the importance of proper diets, purges and \ncareful living.\nThere are those around us who are dying of cancer unnecessarily. We have \nsuggested the Kelley nutritional program to people we've seen in need, but many \nhave refused to put that much effort into regaining their health and are now gone. \nWe've seen others who have willingly read Dr. Kelley's book in time, and have found \nthe Key and are living examples today of what his program can do.\nDr. Kelley: \"When the doctor says you have cancer, he gets your attention rather \nrapidly and God gets our attention rather rapidly. We address God immediately. Then \nwe realize God has been talking to us all along, we just haven't been listening. He's \nbeen trying to communicate with us in several ways short of violating our own free \nw ill. The reason that he created us is to let us experience life and to have free will, \nand to come to him voluntarily and with love and appreciation \u2014 not by force, but \nbecause of the love that is in our hearts.\n\"As we address the situation of cancer, we realize that we did it to ourselves and \nthis is, to me, the chief characteristic of God \u2014 his respect for our free w ill. It's one of \nthe greatest lessons I have learned through the cancer situation, through my cancer. \nGod in all of his wisdom and comprehension and completeness and knowingness \ndoes not force us to do anything \u2014 to be right, to do right, to be kind to each other \u2014\n160\nWinning The Cancer War\nto do anything.\nHe has set the rules, the requirements, and the example of how we should conduct \nour life activities, but we are so dumb we can't figure it all out. He has given us great \nfreedom. He has respect for our beings and our persons. He allows us the privilege of \ngetting into trouble. When we do get into trouble we turn around and blame God. \nThose of us who get into trouble with cancer are learning a pretty tough lesson, but \nwe get the message eventually.\nWhen we get the message, that it is our fault, we turn, and in our pride and \nhaughtiness and all the other things that go along with the proper description of us, \nwe humble ourselves and vow ourselves to reality and truth and righteousness, and \nthen God can talk to us. I just hope those who learn this lesson, as most of my \ncounselees have, don't have to learn it again. Or suffer some other tragedy.\"\nProstate and Rectal Cancer Testimonial\nWalter M. ~ Daytona Beach, FL\n11-Year Victory Over Prostate and Rectal Cancer\nWhen I fully realized that the forthcoming biopsy would reveal a malignancy, my \nemotions completely overwhelmed me. That horrible thought which had plagued me \nfor years could and would come true.\nFor many years prior to the actual operation, I had been bothered with prostatitis. \nBut with the absence of information and having a strong, youthful body, any thought \nof potential problems were quickly dismissed. These were things that always \nhappened to the \"other guy.\"\nAs the years passed by, the problem became more acute and visits to the urologist \nbecame more frequent. My attitude then changed to one of concern.\nI was granted a brief respite from worry after a needle biopsy showed there was no \nmalignancy. But still there was the burning and discomfort that intensified when my \nwife and I would take long trips by car. The embarrassment of having to urinate \nregardless of passing traffic played havoc with my nerves. There was a time when it \nbecame so irritating that it was necessary to visit a clinic in another state while \ntraveling, in order to obtain relief. And it was the usual prescription of antibiotics. But \nit did provide temporary relief.\nOne night while preparing to retire, I sat on the edge of the bed to remove my \nshoes. There was a pain in the rectal area that surpassed all other pain. It was\n161\nWinning The Cancer War\nimpossible to sit. After an emergency visit to our family physician brought relief, I \nreturned to the urologist and was told there was a nodule on the prostate", "token_ids": [25407, 323, 77095, 660, 555, 15173, 13, 2435, 1120, 2610, 369, 6784, 720, 2106, 20901, 323, 5387, 13, 58603, 11, 7978, 617, 17033, 430, 499, 1566, 5129, 422, 499, 656, 720, 42312, 11, 4856, 1109, 1935, 264, 2763, 315, 279, 22972, 430, 733, 389, 520, 420, 892, 627, 10944, 527, 5108, 311, 264, 892, 11, 8104, 304, 1057, 3224, 11, 1405, 1070, 374, 20781, 264, 720, 19521, 430, 706, 539, 5675, 264, 3345, 4333, 477, 8844, 311, 9572, 13, 1628, 279, 3070, 706, 720, 14658, 291, 420, 1732, 733, 505, 14470, 22514, 1695, 2890, 311, 264, 30535, 323, 387, 57034, 555, 720, 1820, 22972, 13, 3277, 499, 617, 1047, 832, 477, 1403, 4885, 477, 29658, 733, 430, 1648, 323, 720, 1820, 10896, 10975, 499, 430, 499, 617, 9572, 11, 499, 1541, 956, 7940, 1314, 1139, 279, 1828, 10565, 198, 11286, 198, 17400, 1251, 578, 26211, 5111, 198, 3039, 477, 304, 4156, 315, 279, 1828, 1630, 30630, 5780, 430, 28473, 555, 13, 1472, 1781, 922, 433, 11, 499, 720, 25742, 433, 11, 499, 6227, 701, 4885, 6, 477, 29658, 6, 3446, 323, 3041, 433, 264, 2763, 315, 6129, 720, 61665, 10246, 63429, 26211, 3475, 50425, 198, 644, 64, 328, 13, 4056, 4410, 11, 13062, 198, 24, 71998, 49427, 6193, 46701, 26211, 198, 40, 220, 1053, 1093, 311, 3371, 3885, 1148, 2999, 13, 74813, 596, 2363, 11, 3861, 22559, 311, 26211, 11, 1550, 369, 264, 720, 4174, 315, 603, 719, 810, 5423, 1120, 1268, 433, 6137, 449, 757, 627, 96269, 1047, 28682, 398, 11, 719, 13456, 7167, 11, 3309, 757, 430, 814, 1436, 656, 4400, 369, 856, 720, 9233, 13, 1102, 574, 14132, 9572, 315, 279, 17685, 2001, 323, 439, 21955, 398, 439, 264, 7126, 11, 449, 720, 668, 1590, 304, 813, 6548, 11, 832, 10896, 1071, 25, 330, 2675, 3358, 636, 11201, 3156, 2001, 949, 1, 1283, 2163, 757, 720, 318, 44287, 13, 80147, 358, 220, 3287, 956, 2733, 66900, 520, 682, 13, 358, 220, 6612, 779, 9966, 304, 4359, 596, 6206, 13, 358, 2355, 74, 943, 279, 10896, 304, 279, 28913, 1047, 3309, 856, 4538, 430, 433, 574, 264, 5030, 315, 220, 18, 311, 220, 21, 4038, 13, 720, 2028, 10896, 1071, 279, 35776, 574, 3987, 16117, 39436, 1113, 13, 38166, 5309, 51313, 68, 1051, 720, 43128, 13, 1115, 9057, 1589, 14989, 4028, 279, 28004, 323, 15489, 13, 3277, 279, 8951, 720, 6142, 5304, 757, 358, 220, 574, 304, 1778, 6784, 439, 311, 617, 311, 617, 6784, 12934, 9585, 16337, 555, 24099, 13, 720, 9673, 29679, 1047, 1778, 15748, 3185, 6372, 430, 358, 220, 1436, 539, 46753, 1124, 627, 5159, 25896, 1051, 95749, 323, 11, 439, 279, 16410, 3309, 856, 4538, 11, 814, 1051, 1093, 43459, 13, 2100, 720, 9181, 264, 7410, 439, 264, 28675, 315, 856, 46811, 2403, 279, 56249, 1053, 17944, 264, 20735, 13, 34053, 304, 720, 28622, 439, 856, 12474, 28378, 9087, 757, 311, 3412, 24981, 3156, 832, 1938, 358, 220, 574, 24891, 720, 1729, 5414, 21730, 2410, 13, 578, 21730, 574, 96219, 439, 311, 279, 6784, 323, 35776, 13, 720, 43824, 596, 7846, 956, 4510, 420, 719, 358, 220, 2646, 3952, 459, 25689, 258, 477, 904, 39788, 14546, 13, 2684, 574, 720, 2201, 6784, 477, 1589, 14989, 13, 578, 35776, 574, 62320, 627, 1688, 420, 892, 2999, 13, 74813, 596, 2363, 11, 3861, 22559, 311, 26211, 11, 574, 17551, 389, 264, 2007, 3221, 856, 720, 2788, 13, 2100, 358, 220, 13061, 433, 709, 1403, 477, 2380, 3115, 13, 17830, 11, 358, 220, 15393, 358, 220, 574, 539, 30240, 8333, 720, 8248, 279, 14329, 574, 837, 13, 4452, 11, 358, 220, 2646, 1047, 2500, 6784, 304, 856, 35776, 6463, 720, 5192, 14989, 13, 2100, 358, 220, 1373, 505, 2999, 13, 74813, 596, 2363, 1521, 4339, 25, 330, 44, 6750, 6709, 15151, 459, 720, 3104, 98144, 49242, 48294, 1210, 358, 220, 6137, 304, 55349, 311, 1373, 13, 7357, 3492, 35408, 720, 708, 20406, 323, 2867, 13, 26211, 2744, 9508, 1093, 264, 25534, 430, 7846, 956, 387, 14400, 13, 720, 791, 25534, 574, 2288, 6485, 13, 2030, 2999, 13, 74813, 1047, 279, 1401, 13, 1283, 574, 653, 726, 819, 323, 6818, 311, 720, 631, 279, 1401, 389, 279, 15821, 28745, 1405, 682, 315, 603, 11, 2697, 477, 2466, 11, 25530, 477, 71113, 10365, 720, 29177, 682, 5662, 279, 1401, 311, 832, 4320, 0, 578, 10173, 323, 43226, 2068, 2853, 264, 2766, 719, 720, 42312, 7863, 311, 279, 14098, 1752, 9045, 315, 279, 6593, 16410, 11, 24461, 11, 5099, 13, 2100, 11, 389, 720, 2465, 4950, 315, 95623, 290, 11, 7982, 43383, 682, 279, 1648, 11, 358, 220, 743, 7182, 311, 1833, 1855, 3094, 315, 720, 9023, 13, 74813, 596, 11470, 627, 11068, 198, 17400, 1251, 578, 26211, 5111, 198, 8607, 3115, 358, 220, 1053, 1781, 11, 330, 32576, 358, 220, 1097, 5076, 304, 2768, 2999, 13, 74813, 596, 10173, 323, 720, 24217, 37842, 2068, 1210, 5751, 6593, 16410, 8434, 956, 9020, 994, 358, 220, 3309, 1124, 922, 433, 13, 720, 4071, 11, 8430, 358, 220, 1047, 4400, 311, 9229, 11, 358, 220, 8774, 389, 13, 2999, 13, 74813, 596, 2363, 374, 1455, 15525, 13, 5810, 345, 40, 220, 889, 7020, 4400, 11, 574, 1949, 505, 1884, 26175, 653, 26466, 481, 21728, 311, 279, 10896, 596, 720, 27614, 13, 60638, 22009, 574, 2646, 264, 3575, 369, 757, 2001, 358, 220, 1047, 1027, 264, 73998, 369, 720, 1272, 1667, 13, 1442, 264, 10173, 1053, 1520, 11, 358, 220, 3463, 358, 220, 1288, 636, 389, 433, 439, 26549, 439, 2999, 13, 74813, 720, 82, 54376, 2001, 323, 539, 1120, 2567, 12459, 4205, 358, 220, 6612, 1093, 12459, 13, 2100, 358, 220, 3952, 4395, 720, 805, 13610, 13, 3861, 1060, 3010, 358, 220, 6612, 1790, 2731, 26, 358, 220, 574, 709, 323, 704, 389, 279, 5754, 304, 279, 720, 2796, 661, 3600, 21646, 220, 508, 11, 931, 8931, 832, 7474, 13, 4452, 11, 358, 220, 6612, 358, 220, 4460, 720, 15031, 19351, 779, 358, 220, 4024, 311, 1518, 2999, 13, 74813, 13, 1102, 1047, 1027, 264, 6926, 8209, 311, 2567, 389, 264, 720, 6765, 323, 6300, 10173, 449, 279, 8631, 323, 26800, 315, 856, 990, 627, 40, 220, 617, 8208, 22917, 2380, 3115, 323, 11953, 264, 8987, 54696, 304, 279, 549, 815, 885, 13, 311, 4034, 720, 77405, 11758, 22917, 323, 520, 2162, 11, 323, 311, 539, 8343, 330, 73, 3200, 1, 3691, 5097, 264, 56527, 315, 720, 62654, 323, 264, 29191, 430, 420, 43226, 2068, 374, 1888, 13, 51568, 323, 26800, 5900, 449, 720, 1820, 586, 27351, 323, 73945, 990, 719, 1521, 4330, 1667, 617, 1027, 1695, 720, 42820, 11, 8051, 814, 1051, 539, 2085, 25572, 11, 719, 358, 220, 1097, 3025, 311, 990, 220, 717, 4207, 7154, 720, 30115, 1938, 719, 7418, 627, 13461, 422, 3697, 315, 1057, 3070, 323, 73998, 1912, 617, 912, 9572, 11, 856, 10177, 720, 438, 358, 220, 33147, 682, 311, 2980, 279, 907, 315, 264, 43226, 10173, 439, 264, 1648, 315, 2324, 323, 2890, 13, 720, 8140, 50851, 527, 1694, 15972, 279, 12939, 315, 6300, 41943, 11, 4087, 4282, 323, 720, 10727, 1285, 5496, 627, 3947, 527, 1884, 2212, 603, 889, 527, 23069, 315, 9572, 83474, 13, 1226, 617, 720, 82, 54376, 279, 74813, 43226, 2068, 311, 1274, 584, 3077, 3970, 304, 1205, 11, 719, 1690, 720, 19553, 16436, 311, 2231, 430, 1790, 5149, 1139, 1239, 2101, 872, 2890, 323, 527, 1457, 8208, 13, 720, 1687, 3077, 3970, 3885, 889, 617, 73652, 1373, 2999, 13, 74813, 596, 2363, 304, 892, 11, 323, 617, 1766, 720, 1820, 5422, 323, 527, 5496, 10507, 3432, 315, 1148, 813, 2068, 649, 656, 627, 9023, 13, 74813, 25, 330, 4599, 279, 10896, 2795, 499, 617, 9572, 11, 568, 5334, 701, 6666, 4856, 720, 86812, 398, 323, 4359, 5334, 1057, 6666, 4856, 19019, 13, 1226, 2686, 4359, 7214, 13, 5112, 720, 906, 13383, 4359, 706, 1027, 7556, 311, 603, 682, 3235, 11, 584, 1120, 9167, 956, 1027, 14624, 13, 1283, 596, 720, 82850, 4560, 311, 19570, 449, 603, 304, 3892, 5627, 2875, 315, 45462, 1057, 1866, 1949, 720, 86, 5986, 13, 578, 2944, 430, 568, 3549, 603, 374, 311, 1095, 603, 3217, 2324, 323, 311, 617, 1949, 690, 11, 720, 438, 311, 2586, 311, 1461, 54523, 323, 449, 3021, 323, 35996, 2001, 539, 555, 5457, 11, 719, 720, 28753, 315, 279, 3021, 430, 374, 304, 1057, 23492, 627, 48240, 584, 2686, 279, 6671, 315, 9572, 11, 584, 13383, 430, 584, 1550, 433, 311, 13520, 323, 720, 576, 374, 11, 311, 757, 11, 279, 10388, 29683, 315, 4359, 2001, 813, 5201, 369, 1057, 1949, 289, 5986, 13, 1102, 596, 832, 315, 720, 1820, 12474, 18872, 358, 220, 617, 9687, 1555, 279, 9572, 6671, 11, 1555, 856, 9572, 13, 720, 28622, 304, 682, 315, 813, 24278, 323, 62194, 323, 80414, 323, 14392, 2136, 720, 28156, 539, 5457, 603, 311, 656, 4205, 2001, 311, 387, 1314, 11, 311, 656, 1314, 11, 311, 387, 3169, 311, 1855, 1023, 107216, 6330, 198, 17400, 1251, 578, 26211, 5111, 198, 998, 656, 4205, 627, 1548, 706, 743, 279, 5718, 11, 279, 8670, 11, 323, 279, 3187, 315, 1268, 584, 1288, 6929, 720, 414, 2324, 7640, 11, 719, 584, 527, 779, 30355, 584, 649, 956, 7216, 433, 682, 704, 13, 1283, 706, 2728, 603, 2294, 720, 25746, 8944, 13, 1283, 706, 5201, 369, 1057, 23837, 323, 1057, 11434, 13, 1283, 6276, 603, 279, 26632, 315, 720, 51210, 1139, 12544, 13, 3277, 584, 656, 636, 1139, 12544, 584, 2543, 2212, 323, 19065, 4359, 13, 720, 23025, 315, 603, 889, 636, 1139, 12544, 449, 9572, 527, 6975, 264, 5128, 11292, 18228, 11, 719, 720, 906, 636, 279, 1984, 9778, 627, 4599, 584, 636, 279, 1984, 11, 430, 433, 374, 1057, 14867, 11, 584, 2543, 11, 323, 304, 1057, 22519, 323, 720, 4317, 3948, 1918, 323, 682, 279, 1023, 2574, 430, 733, 3235, 449, 279, 6300, 4096, 315, 603, 11, 720, 906, 39612, 13520, 323, 40443, 13520, 311, 8903, 323, 8206, 323, 71329, 11, 323, 720, 3473, 4359, 649, 3137, 311, 603, 13, 358, 220, 1120, 3987, 1884, 889, 4048, 420, 18228, 11, 439, 1455, 315, 856, 720, 66, 1656, 325, 273, 288, 617, 11, 1541, 956, 617, 311, 4048, 433, 1578, 13, 2582, 7831, 1063, 1023, 31926, 10246, 1360, 2513, 323, 12186, 278, 26211, 3475, 50425, 198, 54, 38377, 386, 13, 4056, 88012, 13011, 11, 13062, 198, 806, 71998, 49427, 6193, 1322, 2513, 323, 12186, 278, 26211, 198, 4599, 358, 220, 7373, 15393, 430, 279, 45764, 99647, 1053, 16805, 264, 60327, 6709, 11, 856, 720, 336, 41356, 6724, 43206, 757, 13, 3011, 28201, 3463, 902, 1047, 66402, 757, 720, 2000, 1667, 1436, 323, 1053, 2586, 837, 627, 2520, 1690, 1667, 4972, 311, 279, 5150, 5784, 11, 358, 220, 1047, 1027, 46376, 449, 463, 10079, 20000, 13, 720, 4071, 449, 279, 19821, 315, 2038, 323, 3515, 264, 3831, 11, 65655, 2547, 11, 904, 3463, 720, 1073, 4754, 5435, 1051, 6288, 27292, 13, 4314, 1051, 2574, 430, 2744, 720, 71, 680, 6901, 311, 279, 330, 1605, 7564, 10246, 2170, 279, 1667, 5946, 555, 11, 279, 3575, 6244, 810, 30883, 323, 21728, 311, 279, 577, 299, 848, 380, 720, 17106, 373, 810, 21420, 13, 3092, 19451, 1243, 5614, 311, 832, 315, 4747, 627, 40, 220, 574, 11938, 264, 10015, 594, 6100, 505, 11196, 1306, 264, 31409, 99647, 8710, 1070, 574, 912, 720, 76, 6750, 6709, 13, 2030, 2103, 1070, 574, 279, 20252, 323, 44776, 430, 79849, 994, 856, 720, 48841, 323, 358, 220, 1053, 1935, 1317, 23277, 555, 1841, 13, 578, 60030, 315, 3515, 311, 4433, 3357, 720, 1610, 30920, 315, 12579, 9629, 6476, 66592, 449, 856, 50581, 13, 2684, 574, 264, 892, 994, 433, 720, 17106, 373, 779, 85077, 430, 433, 574, 5995, 311, 4034, 264, 28913, 304, 2500, 1614, 1418, 720, 49610, 287, 11, 304, 2015, 311, 6994, 16337, 13, 1628, 433, 574, 279, 13783, 22866, 315, 46850, 13, 2030, 720, 275, 1550, 3493, 13643, 16337, 627, 4054, 3814, 1418, 20646, 311, 16177, 11, 358, 220, 7731, 389, 279, 6964, 315, 279, 4950, 311, 4148, 856, 720, 939, 7217, 13, 2684, 574, 264, 6784, 304, 279, 7763, 278, 3158, 430, 68328, 682, 1023, 6784, 13, 1102, 574, 198, 10718, 198, 17400, 1251, 578, 26211, 5111, 198, 318, 10236, 311, 2503, 13, 4740, 459, 13147, 4034, 311, 1057, 3070, 28378, 7263, 16337, 11, 358, 2355, 78691, 311, 279, 577, 299, 848, 380, 323, 574, 3309, 1070, 574, 264, 308, 1793, 389, 279, 47447], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": ". Rather than\nmake themselves and others miserable with guilt, they unceremoni-\nously pass when it comes along.\nSimilarly, people free of erroneous zones are nonworriers. Circum-\nstances that drive many people to frenzy barely affect these individu-\nals. They are neither planners nor putters-away for the future. They\nrefuse to worry and they keep themselves free from the anxiety that\naccompanies worry. They don\u2019t know how to worry. It is not a part\nof their makeup. They are not necessarily calm at all moments, but\nthey are unwilling to spend present224 / Your Erroneous Zonesmoments agonizing about things in the future over which they have\nno control. They are very present-moment oriented, and they have\nan internal signal that seems to remind them that all worrying must\ntake place in the present moment, and that it is a foolish way to go\nabout living one\u2019s current life.\nThese people live now, rather than in the past or the future. They\nare not threatened by the unknown, and they seek out experiences\nthat are new and unfamiliar to them. They love ambiguity. They\nsavor the now at all times, aware that this is all they have. They don\u2019t\nplan for a future event and let long periods of inactivity elapse as\nthey await that event. The moments between events are just as livable\nas those taken up by the events themselves, and they have an un-\ncanny ability to get every pleasure out of their daily lives. They are\nnot postponers, saving for a rainy day, and while our culture disap-\nproves their behavior, they are unthreatened by self-reproach. They\ngather in their happiness now, and when a future now arrives, they\ngather in that one as well. These individuals are always enjoying\nsimply because they see the folly of waiting to enjoy. It is a natural\nway of living, very much like that of a child or an animal. They are\nbusy grabbing present-moment fulfillment, while most people spend\ntheir lives waiting for payoffs, and never being able to seize them.\nThese healthy people are strikingly independent. They are out of\nthe nest, and while they may have a strong love for and devotion to\nfamily, they see independence as superior to dependence in all rela-\ntionships. They treasure their own freedom from expectations. Their\nrelationships are built upon mutual respect for the right of an indi-\nvidual to make decisions for himself. Their love involves no impos-\nition of values on the loved one. They put a high premium on pri-\nvacy, which may leave others feeling snubbed or rejected. They like\nto be alone at times, and they will go to great lengths to ensure that\ntheir privacy is protected. You will not find these people involved\nin numerous love relationships. They are selective about their love,\nbut they\u2019re alsoPORTRAIT OF A PERSON WHO HAS ELIMINATED ALLdeeply and sensitively loving. It is difficult for dependent or un-\nhealthy people to love them, because they are adamant about their\nfreedom. If someone needs them, they reject such a need as hurtful\nto the other person as well as to themselves. They want those they\nlove to be independent, to make their own choices, and to live their\nlives for themselves. While they enjoy others and want to be with\nthem, they want even more for others to make it without crutches\nor leaning. Thus, the moment you start leaning on these people,\nyou\u2019ll find them disappearing, first emotionally, and then physically\nas well. They refuse to be dependent, or depended upon, in a mature\nrelationship. With children, they provide a model of a caring person,\nbut they encourage self-reliance almost from the very beginning\nwith a great amount of love offered at every turn.\nYou will find an uncommon absence of approval-seeking in these\nhappy, fulfilled individuals. They are able to function without ap-\nproval and applause from others. They do not seek out honors as\nmost people do. They are unusually free from the opinion of others,\nalmost uncaring about whether someone else likes what they\u2019ve said\nor done. They do not attempt to shock others, or to gain their approv-\nal. These are people who are so internally directed that they are lit-\nerally unconcerned about others\u2019 evaluations of their behavior. They\nare not oblivious to applause and approval; they just don\u2019t seem to\nneed it. They can be almost blunt in their honesty since they do not\ncouch their messages in carefully worded phrases designed to please.\nIf you want to know what they think, that is exactly what you\u2019ll\nhear. Conversely, when you say something about them they will\nnot be destroyed or immobilized. They will take the data you\nprovide, filter it through their own values and use it for growth.\nThey do not need to be loved by everyone, nor do they harbor the\ninordinate wish to be approved by all for everything that they do.\nThey recognize that they will always incur some disapproval. They\nare unusual in that they are able to function as they, rather than\nsome external other, dictates.226 / Your Erroneous ZonesAs you watch these characters you will note a lack of enculturation.\nThey are not rebels, but they do make their own choices even if those\nchoices conflict with what everybody else does. They can ignore\npetty rules if they make no sense, and quietly shrug at the little\nconventions that are such an important part of so many lives. They\u2019re\nnot cocktail partiers, nor do they engage in small talk because it\u2019s\nthe polite thing to do. They are their own people and while they see\nsociety as an important part of their lives, they refuse to be ruled by\nit or to become a slave to it. They don\u2019t rebelliously attack but they\ndo know internally when to ignore and function in a clear-headed\nand sensible way.\nThey know how to laugh, and how to create laughter. They find\nhumor in virtually all situations, and they can laugh at the most\nabsurd as well as the most solemn of occasions. They love to help\nothers to laugh, and they are facile at creating humor. These are not\nserious, ponderous folks who plow through life with a stony grim-\nness. Instead, they are doers, who are often scorned for being frivo-\nlous at the wrong time. They do not have good timing for they know\nthat there is really no such thing as the right thing in the right place.\nThey love the incongruous, yet they are unhostile in their humor;\nnever, but never using ridicule to create laughter. They don\u2019t laugh\nat people, they laugh with them. They do laugh at life, and they see\nthe whole thing as fun, even though they are deliberate in their own\npursuits. When they step back and look at life, they know that they\naren\u2019t going any place in particular, and they are able to enjoy and\ncreate an atmosphere in which others can choose joy for themselves.\nThey are fun to have around.\nThese are people who accept themselves without complaint. They\nknow that they are human beings, and that being so involves certain\nhuman attributes. They know that they look a certain way, and they\naccept it. If they\u2019re tall, that\u2019s okay, but so is being short. Bald is fine,\nand so is lots of hair. They can live with sweat! They are not phony\nabout their physical humanity. They\u2019ve accepted themselves, and\ntherefore they are the mostPORTRAIT OF A PERSON WHO HAS ELIMINATED ALLnatural of people. No hiding behind artificialities, no apologizing\nfor what they are. They don\u2019t know how to be offended by anything\nthat is human. They like themselves and accept what they are. Sim-\nilarly, they accept all of nature for what it is, rather than wishing it\nwere otherwise. They never complain about things that won\u2019t change,\nsuch as heat waves, rainstorms, or cold water. They accept them-\nselves and the world as it is. No pretenses, no groaning, simply ac-\nceptance. Follow them around for years, and you\u2019ll never hear self-\ndeprecation or wishing. You\u2019ll see doers doing. You\u2019ll see them ob-\nserving the world the way it is, like a child who accepts the natural\nworld and enjoys it for all it\u2019s worth.\nThey appreciate the natural world. They love being outdoors in\nnature, and tripping around in all that is unspoiled and original.\nThey especially love things like mountains, sunsets, rivers, flowers,\ntrees, animals and virtually all flora and fauna. They are naturalists\nas people, unceremonious and unpretentious, and they love the\nnaturalness of the universe. They are not busy seeking out taverns,\nnight clubs, parties, conventions, smoke-filled rooms, and the like,\nalthough they are certainly capable of enjoying such activities to the\nfullest. They are at peace with nature, God\u2019s world, if you will,\nthough they are capable of functioning in a man-made world. They\nare also capable of appreciating what has become stale for others.\nThey never tire of a sunset or a trip in the woods. A bird in flight is\na magnificent sight over and over again. A caterpillar never grows\ntiresome, nor does a cat giving birth to kittens. Over and over again\nthey spontaneously appreciate. Some may find this artificial, but\nthese people don\u2019t notice what others think. They are too busy in\nawe of the vastness of possibilities for present-moment fulfillment.\nThey have insight into the behavior of", "token_ids": [13, 26848, 1109, 198, 7072, 5694, 323, 3885, 50739, 449, 34951, 11, 814, 653, 3913, 7439, 72, 7058, 7162, 1522, 994, 433, 4131, 3235, 627, 68791, 11, 1274, 1949, 315, 77772, 26467, 527, 2536, 50810, 17740, 13, 16741, 372, 7058, 9623, 430, 6678, 1690, 1274, 311, 74941, 20025, 7958, 1521, 23496, 84, 7058, 1147, 13, 2435, 527, 14188, 68552, 6463, 2231, 5153, 90724, 369, 279, 3938, 13, 2435, 198, 1116, 817, 311, 11196, 323, 814, 2567, 5694, 1949, 505, 279, 18547, 430, 198, 582, 65851, 11196, 13, 2435, 1541, 1431, 1440, 1268, 311, 11196, 13, 1102, 374, 539, 264, 961, 198, 1073, 872, 27649, 13, 2435, 527, 539, 14647, 19858, 520, 682, 14269, 11, 719, 198, 20670, 527, 46243, 311, 8493, 3118, 10697, 611, 4718, 15863, 606, 788, 95686, 61874, 812, 57770, 4954, 922, 2574, 304, 279, 3938, 927, 902, 814, 617, 198, 2201, 2585, 13, 2435, 527, 1633, 3118, 1474, 13209, 42208, 11, 323, 814, 617, 198, 276, 5419, 8450, 430, 5084, 311, 24928, 1124, 430, 682, 40876, 2011, 198, 23609, 2035, 304, 279, 3118, 4545, 11, 323, 430, 433, 374, 264, 46337, 1648, 311, 733, 198, 9274, 5496, 832, 753, 1510, 2324, 627, 9673, 1274, 3974, 1457, 11, 4856, 1109, 304, 279, 3347, 477, 279, 3938, 13, 2435, 198, 548, 539, 21699, 555, 279, 9987, 11, 323, 814, 6056, 704, 11704, 198, 9210, 527, 502, 323, 50383, 311, 1124, 13, 2435, 3021, 72868, 13, 2435, 198, 82, 3372, 279, 1457, 520, 682, 3115, 11, 8010, 430, 420, 374, 682, 814, 617, 13, 2435, 1541, 1431, 198, 10609, 369, 264, 3938, 1567, 323, 1095, 1317, 18852, 315, 304, 7323, 658, 7629, 439, 198, 20670, 2597, 430, 1567, 13, 578, 14269, 1990, 4455, 527, 1120, 439, 15471, 481, 198, 300, 1884, 4529, 709, 555, 279, 4455, 5694, 11, 323, 814, 617, 459, 653, 7058, 66, 13184, 5845, 311, 636, 1475, 17069, 704, 315, 872, 7446, 6439, 13, 2435, 527, 198, 1962, 51101, 388, 11, 14324, 369, 264, 63857, 1938, 11, 323, 1418, 1057, 7829, 14277, 7058, 782, 2396, 872, 7865, 11, 814, 527, 653, 97229, 6901, 555, 659, 5621, 782, 613, 13, 2435, 198, 96825, 304, 872, 23871, 1457, 11, 323, 994, 264, 3938, 1457, 30782, 11, 814, 198, 96825, 304, 430, 832, 439, 1664, 13, 4314, 7931, 527, 2744, 22128, 198, 15124, 2603, 1606, 814, 1518, 279, 81789, 315, 8748, 311, 4774, 13, 1102, 374, 264, 5933, 198, 3195, 315, 5496, 11, 1633, 1790, 1093, 430, 315, 264, 1716, 477, 459, 10065, 13, 2435, 527, 198, 79567, 50030, 3118, 1474, 13209, 57383, 11, 1418, 1455, 1274, 8493, 198, 50828, 6439, 8748, 369, 2343, 33583, 11, 323, 2646, 1694, 3025, 311, 51085, 1124, 627, 9673, 9498, 1274, 527, 21933, 398, 9678, 13, 2435, 527, 704, 315, 198, 1820, 23634, 11, 323, 1418, 814, 1253, 617, 264, 3831, 3021, 369, 323, 56357, 311, 198, 19521, 11, 814, 1518, 24589, 439, 16757, 311, 44393, 304, 682, 1375, 64, 7058, 83, 919, 34322, 13, 2435, 32726, 872, 1866, 11542, 505, 17078, 13, 11205, 198, 86924, 527, 5918, 5304, 27848, 5201, 369, 279, 1314, 315, 459, 1280, 72, 7058, 1325, 940, 311, 1304, 11429, 369, 5678, 13, 11205, 3021, 18065, 912, 737, 981, 7058, 684, 315, 2819, 389, 279, 10456, 832, 13, 2435, 2231, 264, 1579, 15193, 389, 12776, 7058, 85, 2826, 11, 902, 1253, 5387, 3885, 8430, 4224, 392, 2788, 477, 18010, 13, 2435, 1093, 198, 998, 387, 7636, 520, 3115, 11, 323, 814, 690, 733, 311, 2294, 29416, 311, 6106, 430, 198, 50828, 12625, 374, 2682, 13, 1472, 690, 539, 1505, 1521, 1274, 6532, 198, 258, 12387, 3021, 12135, 13, 2435, 527, 44010, 922, 872, 3021, 345, 8248, 814, 3207, 1101, 53525, 2434, 19099, 3083, 362, 57477, 40312, 36848, 17705, 1829, 691, 9182, 13398, 33980, 398, 323, 74633, 3210, 21955, 13, 1102, 374, 5107, 369, 18222, 477, 653, 7058, 38128, 1274, 311, 3021, 1124, 11, 1606, 814, 527, 84388, 922, 872, 198, 25746, 8944, 13, 1442, 4423, 3966, 1124, 11, 814, 8007, 1778, 264, 1205, 439, 13194, 1285, 198, 998, 279, 1023, 1732, 439, 1664, 439, 311, 5694, 13, 2435, 1390, 1884, 814, 198, 31153, 311, 387, 9678, 11, 311, 1304, 872, 1866, 11709, 11, 323, 311, 3974, 872, 198, 75, 1924, 369, 5694, 13, 6104, 814, 4774, 3885, 323, 1390, 311, 387, 449, 198, 49818, 11, 814, 1390, 1524, 810, 369, 3885, 311, 1304, 433, 2085, 1589, 88449, 198, 269, 49448, 13, 14636, 11, 279, 4545, 499, 1212, 49448, 389, 1521, 1274, 345, 9514, 4805, 1505, 1124, 67503, 11, 1176, 38683, 11, 323, 1243, 22655, 198, 300, 1664, 13, 2435, 26122, 311, 387, 18222, 11, 477, 79101, 5304, 11, 304, 264, 15196, 198, 37195, 13, 3161, 2911, 11, 814, 3493, 264, 1646, 315, 264, 30598, 1732, 345, 8248, 814, 15253, 659, 5621, 747, 685, 4661, 505, 279, 1633, 7314, 198, 4291, 264, 2294, 3392, 315, 3021, 9076, 520, 1475, 2543, 627, 2675, 690, 1505, 459, 41296, 19821, 315, 14765, 99538, 304, 1521, 198, 57621, 11, 41834, 7931, 13, 2435, 527, 3025, 311, 734, 2085, 1469, 7058, 782, 838, 323, 64626, 505, 3885, 13, 2435, 656, 539, 6056, 704, 49593, 439, 198, 3646, 1274, 656, 13, 2435, 527, 57899, 1949, 505, 279, 9647, 315, 3885, 345, 60301, 21482, 3329, 922, 3508, 4423, 775, 13452, 1148, 814, 4070, 1071, 198, 269, 2884, 13, 2435, 656, 539, 4879, 311, 10988, 3885, 11, 477, 311, 8895, 872, 3057, 85, 7058, 278, 13, 4314, 527, 1274, 889, 527, 779, 34167, 15910, 430, 814, 527, 13318, 7058, 261, 750, 26118, 29644, 291, 922, 3885, 529, 56181, 315, 872, 7865, 13, 2435, 198, 548, 539, 94370, 311, 64626, 323, 14765, 26, 814, 1120, 1541, 1431, 2873, 311, 198, 17483, 433, 13, 2435, 649, 387, 4661, 49770, 304, 872, 48948, 2533, 814, 656, 539, 198, 66, 3102, 872, 6743, 304, 15884, 3492, 291, 32847, 6319, 311, 4587, 627, 2746, 499, 1390, 311, 1440, 1148, 814, 1781, 11, 430, 374, 7041, 1148, 499, 4805, 198, 87160, 13, 82671, 11, 994, 499, 2019, 2555, 922, 1124, 814, 690, 198, 1962, 387, 14763, 477, 77441, 1534, 13, 2435, 690, 1935, 279, 828, 499, 198, 62556, 11, 4141, 433, 1555, 872, 1866, 2819, 323, 1005, 433, 369, 6650, 627, 7009, 656, 539, 1205, 311, 387, 10456, 555, 5127, 11, 6463, 656, 814, 57511, 279, 198, 258, 8904, 6562, 311, 387, 12054, 555, 682, 369, 4395, 430, 814, 656, 627, 7009, 15641, 430, 814, 690, 2744, 62622, 1063, 834, 55539, 13, 2435, 198, 548, 19018, 304, 430, 814, 527, 3025, 311, 734, 439, 814, 11, 4856, 1109, 198, 15031, 9434, 1023, 11, 80330, 13, 14057, 611, 4718, 15863, 606, 788, 95686, 2170, 499, 3821, 1521, 5885, 499, 690, 5296, 264, 6996, 315, 3289, 495, 2060, 627, 7009, 527, 539, 36723, 11, 719, 814, 656, 1304, 872, 1866, 11709, 1524, 422, 1884, 198, 25825, 12324, 449, 1148, 16470, 775, 1587, 13, 2435, 649, 10240, 198, 7005, 1919, 5718, 422, 814, 1304, 912, 5647, 11, 323, 30666, 14362, 773, 520, 279, 2697, 198, 444, 31759, 430, 527, 1778, 459, 3062, 961, 315, 779, 1690, 6439, 13, 2435, 3207, 198, 1962, 41010, 961, 4918, 11, 6463, 656, 814, 16988, 304, 2678, 3137, 1606, 433, 753, 198, 1820, 48887, 3245, 311, 656, 13, 2435, 527, 872, 1866, 1274, 323, 1418, 814, 1518, 198, 82, 6180, 439, 459, 3062, 961, 315, 872, 6439, 11, 814, 26122, 311, 387, 21989, 555, 198, 275, 477, 311, 3719, 264, 20985, 311, 433, 13, 2435, 1541, 1431, 42301, 13610, 3440, 719, 814, 198, 3055, 1440, 34167, 994, 311, 10240, 323, 734, 304, 264, 2867, 62166, 198, 438, 38761, 1648, 627, 7009, 1440, 1268, 311, 12835, 11, 323, 1268, 311, 1893, 43214, 13, 2435, 1505, 198, 28400, 269, 304, 21907, 682, 15082, 11, 323, 814, 649, 12835, 520, 279, 1455, 198, 3518, 16468, 439, 1664, 439, 279, 1455, 64702, 315, 25975, 13, 2435, 3021, 311, 1520, 198, 59961, 311, 12835, 11, 323, 814, 527, 51794, 520, 6968, 28485, 13, 4314, 527, 539, 198, 94427, 11, 48883, 788, 15687, 889, 628, 363, 1555, 2324, 449, 264, 357, 3633, 44517, 7058, 2136, 13, 12361, 11, 814, 527, 656, 388, 11, 889, 527, 3629, 88106, 291, 369, 1694, 1448, 6632, 7058, 75, 788, 520, 279, 5076, 892, 13, 2435, 656, 539, 617, 1695, 18912, 369, 814, 1440, 198, 9210, 1070, 374, 2216, 912, 1778, 3245, 439, 279, 1314, 3245, 304, 279, 1314, 2035, 627, 7009, 3021, 279, 28093, 911, 9373, 11, 3686, 814, 527, 653, 3875, 458, 304, 872, 28485, 280, 37593, 11, 719, 2646, 1701, 94847, 311, 1893, 43214, 13, 2435, 1541, 1431, 12835, 198, 266, 1274, 11, 814, 12835, 449, 1124, 13, 2435, 656, 12835, 520, 2324, 11, 323, 814, 1518, 198, 1820, 4459, 3245, 439, 2523, 11, 1524, 3582, 814, 527, 46072, 304, 872, 1866, 198, 79, 1759, 12059, 13, 3277, 814, 3094, 1203, 323, 1427, 520, 2324, 11, 814, 1440, 430, 814, 198, 9329, 1431, 2133, 904, 2035, 304, 4040, 11, 323, 814, 527, 3025, 311, 4774, 323, 198, 3261, 459, 16975, 304, 902, 3885, 649, 5268, 16267, 369, 5694, 627, 7009, 527, 2523, 311, 617, 2212, 627, 9673, 527, 1274, 889, 4287, 5694, 2085, 12458, 13, 2435, 198, 33134, 430, 814, 527, 3823, 23837, 11, 323, 430, 1694, 779, 18065, 3738, 198, 26380, 8365, 13, 2435, 1440, 430, 814, 1427, 264, 3738, 1648, 11, 323, 814, 198, 10543, 433, 13, 1442, 814, 3207, 16615, 11, 430, 753, 17339, 11, 719, 779, 374, 1694, 2875, 13, 40202, 374, 7060, 345, 438, 779, 374, 10283, 315, 7013, 13, 2435, 649, 3974, 449, 28566, 0, 2435, 527, 539, 1343, 3633, 198, 9274, 872, 7106, 22706, 13, 2435, 4070, 11928, 5694, 11, 323, 198, 19041, 1348, 814, 527, 279, 1455, 53525, 2434, 19099, 3083, 362, 57477, 40312, 36848, 17705, 1829, 691, 9182, 13398, 53980, 315, 1274, 13, 2360, 26092, 4920, 21075, 1385, 11, 912, 21050, 4954, 198, 2000, 1148, 814, 527, 13, 2435, 1541, 1431, 1440, 1268, 311, 387, 54221, 555, 4205, 198, 9210, 374, 3823, 13, 2435, 1093, 5694, 323, 4287, 1148, 814, 527, 13, 4567, 7058, 3653, 398, 11, 814, 4287, 682, 315, 7138, 369, 1148, 433, 374, 11, 4856, 1109, 46227, 433, 198, 52898, 6062, 13, 2435, 2646, 29011, 922, 2574, 430, 2834, 1431, 2349, 345, 21470, 439, 8798, 17301, 11, 11422, 83109, 11, 477, 9439, 3090, 13, 2435, 4287, 1124, 7058, 82, 4372, 323, 279, 1917, 439, 433, 374, 13, 2360, 4509, 4377, 11, 912, 10707, 44159, 11, 5042, 1645, 7058, 1512, 685, 13, 11359, 1124, 2212, 369, 1667, 11, 323, 499, 4805, 2646, 6865, 659, 7058, 451, 70693, 477, 46227, 13, 1472, 4805, 1518, 656, 388, 3815, 13, 1472, 4805, 1518, 1124, 1536, 7058, 82, 20073, 279, 1917, 279, 1648, 433, 374, 11, 1093, 264, 1716, 889, 27441, 279, 5933, 198, 14957, 323, 32838, 433, 369, 682, 433, 753, 5922, 627, 7009, 15763, 279, 5933, 1917, 13, 2435, 3021, 1694, 34632, 304, 198, 67812, 11, 323, 2463, 10964, 2212, 304, 682, 430, 374, 653, 83959, 2230, 323, 4113, 627, 7009, 5423, 3021, 2574, 1093, 24405, 11, 7160, 5022, 11, 36617, 11, 19837, 345, 91512, 11, 10099, 323, 21907, 682, 82088, 323, 100014, 13, 2435, 527, 5933, 1705, 198, 300, 1274, 11, 653, 3913, 7439, 1245, 323, 653, 8203, 98981, 11, 323, 814, 3021, 279, 198, 53980, 2136, 315, 279, 15861, 13, 2435, 527, 539, 13326, 11125, 704, 91235, 82, 345, 9471, 19424, 11, 9875, 11, 45593, 11, 16603, 44518, 12295, 11, 323, 279, 1093, 345, 37241, 814, 527, 7995, 13171, 315, 22128, 1778, 7640, 311, 279, 198, 1285, 60244, 13, 2435, 527, 520, 9096, 449, 7138, 11, 4359, 753, 1917, 11, 422, 499, 690, 345, 4636, 814, 527, 13171, 315, 31301, 304, 264, 893, 27975, 1917, 13, 2435, 198, 548, 1101, 13171, 315, 9989, 23747, 1148, 706, 3719, 51451, 369, 3885, 627, 7009, 2646, 28387, 315, 264, 44084, 477, 264, 8577, 304, 279, 33633, 13, 362, 12224, 304, 11213, 374, 198, 64, 41792, 14254, 927, 323, 927, 1578, 13, 362, 29068, 77602, 2646, 28815, 198, 83, 3946, 638, 11, 6463, 1587, 264, 8415, 7231, 7342, 311, 83190, 13, 6193, 323, 927, 1578, 198, 20670, 88558, 15763, 13, 4427, 1253, 1505, 420, 21075, 11, 719, 198, 45010, 1274, 1541, 1431, 5406, 1148, 3885, 1781, 13, 2435, 527, 2288, 13326, 304, 198, 85277, 315, 279, 13057, 2136, 315, 24525, 369, 3118, 1474, 13209, 57383, 627, 7009, 617, 20616, 1139, 279, 7865, 315], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " Urine Therapy in Germany!! Information: Coen \nvan der Kroon, Kinkerstraat 82-C, 1053 EA Amsterdam, The Netherlands, tel/fax:+ 31 20 \n683 5510, e-mail: cvdk@knoware.nl \n50 \n-~ -~~--- ------ -----~~~ Dr. D.V. l<|begin_of_text|>MILLIONS OF DOLLARS ARE SPENT ON DRUG-ADVERTISING - WHILE DRUG-FREE HEALING IS ALMOST UNKNOWN\nEVEN SOCALLED ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE USUALLY PROMOTES DRUGS - HELP SPREAD KNOWLEDGE OF DRUG-FREE HEALINGREMARKABLE RECOVERIES\nFROM\nSEVERE HEALTH PROBLEMS\nby Stanley S. BassN.D., D.C., Ph.C., Ph.D., D.O., D.Sc., D.D., Orthopathic & Natural Hygiene doctor\nInformation you can use to gain a complete understanding of\nhow the human body works in health and disease.\nDRUG-FREE NATURAL HEALING ---- Dr. Stanley S. Bass uses this booklet as\nrequired reading for his patients - to give an introduction to drug-free natural healing.\nWhat do you know about drug-free healing?\nIs it possible to reverse cancer through diet alone?\nWhat recovery method requires bed-rest and is popular in USA?\nWhat recovery method allows you to work and is used in Europe?\nDo you know a simple, effective way to improve intelligence?\nHow is heart disease, ulcers, epilepsy, asthma easily reversed?\nWhat is the secret of multiple sclerosis recovery?\nContents:INTRODUCTION by Stanley S. Bass page 2\nTHERAPEUTIC PROPERTIES OF RAW FOOD by Arnold DeVries page 2\nWHAT SYMPTOMS TO EXPECT WHEN YOU IMPROVE YOUR DIET (original version) by Stanley S.\nBass page 9\nA MOST INTERESTING CASE OF RECOVERY FROM CANCER - ON ONE MEAL A DAY ON A\nRAW FOOD REGIMEN by Wong Hon Sun page 12\nFor personal assistance by telephone consultation for a successful management of all the steps of the\nentire process of recovery, call Dr. Stanley S. Bass, N.D., D.C., Ph.D. at (718) 648-1500\nDownload this and other free booklets about drug-free natural healing at Dr. Bass website www.drbass.com\ncopyright \u00a9 Dr. Stanley S. Bass (718) 648-1500 www.drbass.com 2REMARKABLE RECOVERIES FROM SEVERE\nHEALTH PROBLEMS THROUGH\nDETOXICATION, JUICE PROGRAMS AND RAW FOOD\nINTRODUCTION\nIt is with great anticipation and hope that I have gathered together, from more than 40 years of experience, a collection of\nsome of the most remarkable and inspiring cases of recoveries from a large group of diseases, many of which were\nclassified as \u201cincurable\u201d. These people, through the use of raw juice programs, have either completely restored their health\nor greatly improved.\nWhile in America, water fasting has been popular, in Europe the use of raw vegetable juices has been preferred and used\nin many large medically supervised institutions, While water-fasting requires mostly bed rest, the use of juices allows one to\ncontinue working, since the use of juices provides some nutrition interspersed with detoxication, the removal of toxic\nmaterials from the body and the simultaneous replacement of minerals, vitamins, enzymes, a limited amount of\ncarbohydrates, proteins, fats, etc.\nThere is sufficient energy present in most cases and frequently more, since the body is spared from the use of enormous\namounts of energy required by the digestive processes. This liberated energy is immediately directed by the body into the\nhealing processes, thus allowing great changes to occur in a limited period of time - months and even years of regeneration\nwill manifest in just weeks of time. And all this can be done at home, with a minimum of expense, so that healing is possible\nfor all who have the will to undertake the process.\nThere is nothing more inspiring than to look into a mirror every day and to see more youthful changes occurring along with\nbetter feelings, so that each day brings more hope and encouragement to continue on till the goal of daily living is reached.\nYet, at the same time, the appetite can be reasonably content with the taste of delicious and refreshing juices, taken\nperiodically several times during the day and carried in a thermos wherever you go.\nAfter just 2 or more weeks, other foods such as easily digested proteins and fats may be introduced into the diet, allowing\nthe rebuilding and recasting of the body to proceed after the initial cleansing period has prepared the proper foundation for\nthe reception of higher quality and more vital food materials.\nUsually, within a few weeks, people feel much better and in 4 months time, the body becomes stabilized and feels\nconsistently well. And within a period of less than one year, almost all health problems will have disappeared - even large\ntumors and growths.\nWithout further ado, I would like to begin with a presentation of some amazing cases of recoveries from all types of\nillnesses and diseases, collected from some internationally famous institutions under the direction of well-known medical\ndoctors who, by using natural foods and methods alone, were able to successfully cure diseases which today cannot be\nduplicated, even in the largest hospitals using the most modern medical methods.\nDr. Stanley S. Bass\nNew York, April 2003\nThe following pages are from \u201cThe Elixir of Life\u201d by Arnold DeVries, by whom I have kindly been given\npermission to reproduce, based upon extensive research from 81 sources over a period of many years.\nTHERAPEUTIC PROPERTIES OF RAW FOOD\nby Arnold DeVries\nSCIENTIFIC CLINICAL WORK\nIndividual raw food histories are important, but even more so is the applied clinical work in the field of science. Here also we\nfind strong evidence of the value of raw foods. In America this was noted as early as August of 1907, when an\nannouncement was made by the New York Post Graduate Hospital that a cure for long-standing and obstinate cases of\nconsumption was found in certain raw foods. Under the supervision of Dr. John F Russell, eleven patients were given four\nounces of raw vegetable juices each day in addition to their regular meals. The juices were extracted from such vegetables\nas potato, rhubarb, summer squash, beet, turnip, cabbage, celery, carrot, parsnip, radishes, string-beans, and peas. Later\nfifty additional patients were placed on the same dietary regime. Within seven months the eleven patients were discharged\ncopyright \u00a9 Dr. Stanley S. Bass (718) 648-1500 www.drbass.com 3as fit subjects for a life insurance risk, and the fifty patients who started later were described as well on the road to\nrecovery.\nTUBERCULOSIS\nAt a later period, in California, raw vegetable juices were again used in the treatment of tuberculosis. In this instance, Dr. H.\nE. Kirshner was placed in charge of 200 tuberculosis patients for the county of Los Angeles at the Olive View Sanatorium.\nSome of the patients had spent as long as nine years on their backs with very little progress towards recovery. The diet was\ncomposed largely of spaghetti, macaroni, and other cooked foods. Dr. Kirshner added a glass of \"green drink\u2019 consisting of\nthe raw juices of alfalfa, spinach, and parsley, to the diet of each of these patients every day. Results were highly favorable,\nand the course of the patients was changed to recovery. Some of the patients who had been considered hopeless were\nable to get out of bed in six to eight months. In Dr. Kirshner\u2019s private practice, raw carrot juice, addition to the green juice\nmixture, was included in the diet of tubercular patients, which brought", "token_ids": [11125, 701, 1866, 23347, 11, 539, 1097, 96357, 23415, 311, 499, 555, 5606, 775, 18982, 315, 603, 8964, 994, 279, 33595, 71831, 59125, 1938, 389, 279, 1853, 574, 1198, 477, 994, 279, 1566, 1938, 690, 387, 13, 15636, 11, 279, 1888, 1626, 374, 311, 3974, 1475, 1938, 439, 422, 433, 374, 279, 33595, 71831, 59125, 323, 279, 1566, 13, 9601, 374, 22313, 1870, 7878, 11, 323, 779, 701, 1853, 649, 387, 4345, 439, 7878, 13, 18715, 11, 422, 499, 95758, 701, 2324, 8748, 369, 264, 2294, 323, 44308, 8352, 311, 387, 95829, 11, 279, 53430, 1253, 2646, 2586, 389, 9899, 11, 323, 2324, 690, 387, 62720, 16058, 13, 1254, 17648, 434, 2011, 387, 31589, 520, 420, 29699, 11, 1606, 994, 64482, 294, 41096, 11, 433, 294, 41096, 1193, 304, 264, 4545, 1093, 420, 832, 13, 578, 5915, 315, 279, 2768, 25047, 374, 311, 1304, 421, 17648, 434, 264, 7446, 13336, 13, 31541, 323, 8903, 1390, 311, 2586, 3871, 13, 578, 892, 311, 52016, 774, 266, 3621, 374, 1457, 3354, 1440, 1405, 499, 9352, 304, 279, 1917, 499, 1205, 311, 1440, 1405, 499, 3782, 505, 13, 578, 8206, 649, 1193, 387, 15456, 555, 24919, 889, 499, 527, 13, 3277, 584, 617, 36131, 9886, 311, 279, 1486, 315, 2133, 7953, 3177, 323, 34052, 11, 1695, 323, 14289, 11, 9358, 323, 16335, 11, 584, 617, 8813, 9886, 753, 2592, 520, 279, 2237, 315, 279, 13836, 13, 468, 762, 979, 13520, 520, 279, 2237, 315, 279, 13836, 10826, 49341, 1486, 1990, 304, 171, 71831, 77, 488, 323, 279, 8844, 1917, 13, 578, 9399, 374, 279, 11879, 323, 279, 11879, 2646, 10548, 627, 4154, 28534, 9311, 50, 4716, 76048, 715, 220, 9335, 13, 21834, 922, 279, 7504, 430, 14980, 704, 311, 499, 994, 499, 1373, 1555, 1124, 13, 16299, 3094, 505, 279, 1054, 605, 35051, 311, 1254, 17648, 434, 863, 29280, 988, 449, 499, 279, 1455, 30, 16299, 3094, 656, 499, 1781, 499, 1205, 311, 5357, 389, 420, 10476, 30, 7557, 264, 9899, 449, 118020, 171, 71831, 66, 1957, 7504, 420, 2046, 389, 1268, 499, 3197, 389, 52913, 420, 3094, 6518, 1139, 701, 2324, 13, 220, 17, 13, 3639, 1587, 330, 26797, 1306, 701, 1866, 23347, 1, 8967, 311, 499, 30, 12040, 279, 892, 311, 296, 620, 927, 279, 1879, 72, 171, 71831, 66, 685, 1073, 420, 3488, 11, 323, 1243, 1935, 279, 892, 311, 8486, 922, 433, 13, 220, 220, 18, 13, 9842, 1523, 459, 7537, 323, 4430, 449, 701, 10456, 6305, 389, 1268, 499, 3197, 389, 7373, 5496, 279, 1054, 605, 40961, 311, 1671, 17648, 434, 2029, 7557, 2771, 311, 51187, 304, 701, 2010, 1268, 1790, 2731, 701, 2324, 690, 7417, 1306, 3515, 884, 50268, 43603, 420, 3094, 13, 128009, 128000, 44, 9410, 43486, 3083, 423, 22259, 17485, 16202, 9440, 1863, 6328, 14644, 3014, 12, 1846, 20987, 16885, 482, 93234, 14644, 3014, 7424, 6731, 11947, 984, 1753, 3507, 8927, 88178, 62495, 198, 36, 42122, 38750, 78340, 8927, 11114, 24093, 52699, 1341, 4069, 2326, 52, 29555, 68788, 45005, 14644, 3014, 50, 220, 482, 56571, 9440, 9754, 59127, 13953, 11010, 3083, 14644, 3014, 7424, 6731, 11947, 984, 1753, 793, 24995, 3578, 3680, 69957, 5482, 198, 31193, 198, 937, 3848, 36, 73725, 5421, 34597, 4931, 198, 1729, 31552, 328, 13, 37053, 45, 920, 2637, 423, 732, 2637, 2405, 732, 2637, 2405, 920, 2637, 423, 8548, 2637, 423, 18832, 2637, 423, 920, 2637, 32210, 62209, 612, 18955, 10320, 43312, 10896, 198, 15218, 499, 649, 1005, 311, 8895, 264, 4686, 8830, 315, 198, 5269, 279, 3823, 2547, 4375, 304, 2890, 323, 8624, 627, 7842, 3014, 7424, 6731, 18749, 51785, 11947, 984, 1753, 11556, 2999, 13, 31552, 328, 13, 37053, 5829, 420, 74343, 439, 198, 6413, 5403, 369, 813, 6978, 482, 311, 3041, 459, 17219, 311, 5623, 12862, 5933, 21730, 627, 3923, 656, 499, 1440, 922, 5623, 12862, 21730, 5380, 3957, 433, 3284, 311, 10134, 9572, 1555, 10173, 7636, 5380, 3923, 13654, 1749, 7612, 4950, 77333, 323, 374, 5526, 304, 7427, 5380, 3923, 13654, 1749, 6276, 499, 311, 990, 323, 374, 1511, 304, 4606, 5380, 5519, 499, 1440, 264, 4382, 11, 7524, 1648, 311, 7417, 11478, 5380, 4438, 374, 4851, 8624, 11, 8725, 17254, 11, 70655, 11, 51643, 6847, 28537, 5380, 3923, 374, 279, 6367, 315, 5361, 91357, 13654, 5380, 15147, 25, 3301, 91199, 555, 31552, 328, 13, 37053, 220, 2199, 220, 17, 198, 51, 3087, 69380, 1406, 1341, 5421, 46787, 3083, 53951, 88227, 555, 44312, 73696, 4108, 220, 2199, 220, 17, 198, 60960, 16466, 44, 2898, 1937, 50, 5257, 9098, 34733, 15334, 40540, 1308, 4592, 21592, 16943, 1372, 256, 320, 10090, 2373, 8, 220, 555, 31552, 328, 627, 33, 395, 220, 2199, 220, 24, 198, 32, 80199, 30442, 5288, 1753, 39419, 3083, 3680, 72076, 4393, 20076, 34, 643, 482, 6328, 25002, 16691, 984, 362, 38788, 6328, 362, 198, 22275, 88227, 13990, 1829, 965, 555, 56728, 16958, 8219, 220, 2199, 220, 717, 198, 2520, 4443, 13291, 555, 21186, 29173, 369, 264, 6992, 6373, 315, 682, 279, 7504, 315, 279, 198, 306, 556, 1920, 315, 13654, 11, 1650, 2999, 13, 31552, 328, 13, 37053, 11, 452, 920, 2637, 423, 732, 2637, 2405, 920, 13, 256, 520, 220, 320, 21982, 8, 220, 23802, 12, 3965, 15, 198, 11631, 420, 323, 1023, 1949, 2363, 10145, 220, 922, 5623, 12862, 5933, 21730, 520, 2999, 13, 37053, 3997, 8604, 962, 10910, 395, 916, 198, 15859, 7388, 2999, 13, 31552, 328, 13, 37053, 256, 320, 21982, 8, 220, 23802, 12, 3965, 15, 262, 8604, 962, 10910, 395, 916, 220, 17, 793, 24995, 3578, 3680, 69957, 5482, 4393, 5161, 3848, 36, 198, 1837, 44249, 5421, 34597, 4931, 256, 94205, 198, 1170, 5319, 55, 12016, 11, 622, 52, 5604, 46761, 50, 3651, 53951, 88227, 198, 3301, 91199, 198, 2181, 374, 449, 2294, 50919, 323, 3987, 430, 358, 617, 20802, 3871, 11, 505, 810, 1109, 220, 1272, 1667, 315, 3217, 11, 264, 4526, 315, 198, 15031, 315, 279, 1455, 23649, 323, 34147, 5157, 315, 11993, 552, 505, 264, 3544, 1912, 315, 19338, 11, 1690, 315, 902, 1051, 198, 65974, 439, 1054, 258, 2407, 481, 11453, 4314, 1274, 11, 1555, 279, 1005, 315, 7257, 23661, 7620, 11, 617, 3060, 6724, 28101, 872, 2890, 198, 269, 19407, 13241, 627, 8142, 304, 5270, 11, 3090, 54560, 706, 1027, 5526, 11, 304, 4606, 279, 1005, 315, 7257, 36581, 65959, 706, 1027, 15236, 323, 1511, 198, 258, 1690, 3544, 78269, 60089, 14673, 11, 6104, 3090, 2269, 15067, 7612, 10213, 4950, 2800, 11, 279, 1005, 315, 65959, 6276, 832, 311, 198, 9726, 3318, 11, 2533, 279, 1005, 315, 65959, 5825, 1063, 26677, 82019, 32390, 291, 449, 61987, 20901, 11, 279, 17065, 315, 21503, 198, 78672, 505, 279, 2547, 323, 279, 58632, 14039, 315, 34072, 11, 46192, 11, 56067, 11, 264, 7347, 3392, 315, 198, 7063, 34658, 988, 11, 28896, 11, 50127, 11, 5099, 627, 3947, 374, 14343, 4907, 3118, 304, 1455, 5157, 323, 14134, 810, 11, 2533, 279, 2547, 374, 74688, 505, 279, 1005, 315, 23205, 198, 6173, 82, 315, 4907, 2631, 555, 279, 60071, 11618, 13, 1115, 85855, 4907, 374, 7214, 15910, 555, 279, 2547, 1139, 279, 198, 383, 6260, 11618, 11, 8617, 10923, 2294, 4442, 311, 12446, 304, 264, 7347, 4261, 315, 892, 482, 4038, 323, 1524, 1667, 315, 60517, 198, 14724, 14794, 304, 1120, 5672, 315, 892, 13, 1628, 682, 420, 649, 387, 2884, 520, 2162, 11, 449, 264, 8187, 315, 20900, 11, 779, 430, 21730, 374, 3284, 198, 2000, 682, 889, 617, 279, 690, 311, 49643, 279, 1920, 627, 3947, 374, 4400, 810, 34147, 1109, 311, 1427, 1139, 264, 18327, 1475, 1938, 323, 311, 1518, 810, 65655, 4442, 31965, 3235, 449, 198, 58234, 16024, 11, 779, 430, 1855, 1938, 12716, 810, 3987, 323, 51475, 311, 3136, 389, 12222, 279, 5915, 315, 7446, 5496, 374, 8813, 627, 29174, 11, 520, 279, 1890, 892, 11, 279, 38575, 649, 387, 29546, 2262, 449, 279, 12945, 315, 18406, 323, 37018, 65959, 11, 4529, 198, 19862, 2740, 3892, 3115, 2391, 279, 1938, 323, 11953, 304, 264, 30945, 437, 28578, 499, 733, 627, 6153, 1120, 220, 17, 477, 810, 5672, 11, 1023, 15657, 1778, 439, 6847, 4170, 10185, 28896, 323, 50127, 1253, 387, 11784, 1139, 279, 10173, 11, 10923, 198, 1820, 56228, 323, 1421, 15067, 315, 279, 2547, 311, 10570, 1306, 279, 2926, 60052, 4261, 706, 10235, 279, 6300, 16665, 369, 198, 1820, 23991, 315, 5190, 4367, 323, 810, 16595, 3691, 7384, 627, 71744, 11, 2949, 264, 2478, 5672, 11, 1274, 2733, 1790, 2731, 323, 304, 220, 19, 4038, 892, 11, 279, 2547, 9221, 93163, 323, 11321, 198, 6387, 380, 4501, 1664, 13, 1628, 2949, 264, 4261, 315, 2753, 1109, 832, 1060, 11, 4661, 682, 2890, 5435, 690, 617, 29496, 482, 1524, 3544, 198, 83, 372, 1105, 323, 6650, 82, 627, 27131, 4726, 56285, 11, 358, 1053, 1093, 311, 3240, 449, 264, 15864, 315, 1063, 8056, 5157, 315, 11993, 552, 505, 682, 4595, 315, 198, 484, 2136, 288, 323, 19338, 11, 14890, 505, 1063, 37545, 11495, 14673, 1234, 279, 5216, 315, 1664, 22015, 6593, 198, 3055, 12816, 889, 11, 555, 1701, 5933, 15657, 323, 5528, 7636, 11, 1051, 3025, 311, 7946, 27208, 19338, 902, 3432, 4250, 387, 198, 67, 100084, 11, 1524, 304, 279, 7928, 24461, 1701, 279, 1455, 6617, 6593, 5528, 627, 9023, 13, 31552, 328, 13, 37053, 198, 3648, 4356, 1174, 220, 5936, 220, 1049, 18, 198, 791, 2768, 6959, 527, 505, 1054, 791, 469, 98872, 315, 9601, 863, 555, 44312, 73696, 4108, 11, 555, 8884, 358, 617, 47626, 1027, 2728, 198, 23443, 311, 23645, 11, 3196, 5304, 16781, 3495, 505, 220, 5932, 8336, 927, 264, 4261, 315, 1690, 1667, 627, 51, 3087, 69380, 1406, 1341, 5421, 46787, 3083, 53951, 88227, 198, 1729, 44312, 73696, 4108, 198, 3624, 10990, 34735, 7121, 691, 15942, 32904, 198, 44259, 7257, 3691, 53210, 527, 3062, 11, 719, 1524, 810, 779, 374, 279, 9435, 14830, 990, 304, 279, 2115, 315, 8198, 13, 5810, 1101, 584, 198, 3990, 3831, 6029, 315, 279, 907, 315, 7257, 15657, 13, 763, 5270, 420, 574, 10555, 439, 4216, 439, 6287, 315, 220, 7028, 22, 11, 994, 459, 198, 81409, 574, 1903, 555, 279, 1561, 4356, 3962, 44825, 15429, 430, 264, 27208, 369, 1317, 56703, 323, 18345, 3357, 5157, 315, 198, 67776, 562, 574, 1766, 304, 3738, 7257, 15657, 13, 9636, 279, 38217, 315, 2999, 13, 3842, 435, 25953, 11, 45314, 6978, 1051, 2728, 3116, 198, 31044, 315, 7257, 36581, 65959, 1855, 1938, 304, 5369, 311, 872, 5912, 21644, 13, 578, 65959, 1051, 28532, 505, 1778, 24822, 198, 300, 39834, 11, 22408, 45597, 65, 11, 7474, 59576, 11, 49112, 11, 2543, 575, 11, 74873, 11, 70121, 11, 75294, 11, 1370, 9810, 575, 11, 9038, 21168, 11, 925, 15502, 598, 11, 323, 47136, 13, 25929, 198, 69, 39724, 5217, 6978, 1051, 9277, 389, 279, 1890, 34625, 17942, 13, 25218, 8254, 4038, 279, 45314, 6978, 1051, 57191, 198, 15859, 7388, 2999, 13, 31552, 328, 13, 37053, 256, 320, 21982, 8, 220, 23802, 12, 3965, 15, 262, 8604, 962, 10910, 395, 916, 220, 18, 300, 5052, 15223, 369, 264, 2324, 8276, 5326, 11, 323, 279, 33517, 6978, 889, 3940, 3010, 1051, 7633, 439, 1664, 389, 279, 5754, 311, 198, 265, 7601, 627, 51, 4594, 28534, 1112, 3204, 1669, 198, 1688, 264, 3010, 4261, 11, 304, 7188, 11, 7257, 36581, 65959, 1051, 1578, 1511, 304, 279, 6514, 315, 88234, 13, 763, 420, 2937, 11, 2999, 13, 473, 627, 36, 13, 26608, 939, 1215, 574, 9277, 304, 6900, 315, 220, 1049, 88234, 6978, 369, 279, 14189, 315, 9853, 12167, 520, 279, 47814, 2806, 5960, 66844, 627, 8538, 315, 279, 6978, 1047, 7543, 439, 1317, 439, 11888, 1667, 389, 872, 28678, 449, 1633, 2697, 5208, 7119, 13654, 13, 578, 10173, 574, 198, 93834, 14090, 315, 88010, 11, 9155, 13055, 72, 11, 323, 1023, 30205, 15657, 13, 2999, 13, 26608, 939, 1215, 3779, 264, 9168, 315, 330, 13553, 7172, 529, 31706, 315, 198, 1820, 7257, 65959, 315, 85766, 85526, 11, 68798, 11, 323, 88621, 11, 311, 279, 10173, 315, 1855, 315, 1521, 6978, 1475, 1938, 13, 18591, 1051, 7701, 37849, 345, 438, 279, 3388, 315, 279, 6978, 574, 5614, 311, 13654, 13, 4427, 315, 279, 6978, 889, 1047, 1027, 6646, 75323, 1051, 198, 481, 311, 636, 704, 315, 4950, 304, 4848, 311, 8223, 4038, 13, 763, 2999, 13, 26608, 939, 1215, 753, 879, 6725, 11, 7257, 75294, 23661, 11, 5369, 311, 279, 6307, 23661, 198, 76, 13025, 11, 574, 5343, 304, 279, 10173, 315, 15286, 3035, 1299, 6978, 11, 902, 7263], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": "6 \nit is often lost in the urine in case of pyroluria. The resulting deficiency \ncauses fatigue/lack of energy, weak connective tissue, a weak immune \nsystem, and mental -emotional problems. Normally 15 to 30mg are \nsufficient but with the mentioned symptoms up to 60mg may be used, \nespecially when under stress or with Candida flare -ups. \nHerbs \nHerbs provide a wide variety of helpful r emedies, including cayenne for 40 \n blood circulation, digestion and metabolism; g inseng for vitality; grape \nseed extract as a strong antioxidant and to strengthen capillaries, and \nmilk thistle to improve liver functions. \nMaca assists in normalizing our hormonal systems, especially thyroid \nfunction and sex hormones, and it may also im prove energy. Try up to 2 \nteaspoons of the powder or a corresponding amount of extract. \nTurmeric (main active ingredient curcumin) is the yellow spice in curry. \nIt is a strong antioxidant and anti -inflammatory remedy, valuable for \nimproving liver functions and most diseases. Take up to several grams a \nday mixed with meals, or in capsules, or a teaspoo nful in a drink. \nCurcumin is oil -soluble, best make a paste of turmeric mixed with \ncoconut or olive oil. For better absorption add freshly ground black \npepper. See the Internet for recipes. \nGlucosamine, best as N -acetyl glucosamine, is required by all cel ls to \nbuild cartilage, holding individual cells together. It is formed in the body \nfrom L -glutamine and glucose. Glutamine also helps to heal Leaky Gut \nSyndrome and inflammatory bowel disease. Try 1 teaspoon of \nL-glutamine and possibly N -acetyl glucosamin e with or before meals. \nTrimethylglycine or Betaine, commonly extracted from sugar beets, \nsupplies methyl groups essential for many biochemical reactions. It is a \nstimulant and antidepressant, enhances brain chemicals, reduces \natherosclerosis, and improve s energy levels, liver function and fat \nmetabolism. A common dosage is 500 to 1000mg/day. It is especially \nhigh in quinoa, spinach and beets. It can also be produced from choline \nwhich is present in lecithin. \nLanolin is excellent for the skin and supplies precursors for the \nproduction of steroid hormones. With this lanolin can be genuinely \nrejuvenating. Buy pure lanolin and mix it with an equal part of virgin \ncoconut oil for easier spreading. Spread very thinly. When buying \nanhydrous lanolin also add an equal amount of water. \n 41 \n Alternative Oxygen Supply \nOur main oxygen distribution is with the haemoglobin in red blood cells. \nHowever, oxygen is released into cells only when carbon dioxide is \npresent from aerobic muscle or brain activity. With cancer cells and \ninvasion by Candida and other myco -microbes the metabolism is \nanaerobic in many tissues. Anaerobic cells do not produce carbon \ndioxide, and therefore do not get oxygen from the normal blood \ncirculation. This makes it highly beneficial with all low -energy conditions \nto supply additional oxygen without the need for carbon dioxide to be \npresent. \nBest suited for this are vitamin C and MSM. These form reduction -\noxidation or redox pairs. One such pair is vitamin C (ascorbic acid or \nascorbate) as the reduced form and dehydroascorbic acid or DHA as the \noxidized form. Another one is DMSO (dimethylsulfoxide) as the reduced \nform and MSM as the oxidized one. \nIn a low -oxygen environment a redox pair changes from their oxidized \nstate to their reduced form by giving off one atom of highly reactive \noxygen. When vitamin C or DMSO return to the blood and flow through \nthe lungs they are again oxidized. \nThis is how v itamin C normally gets into the brain and body cells. It \ncannot pass the blood -brain barrier in its reduced form, but only as DHA. \nIt also cannot enter cells directly; it only gets inside cells as DHA or, \nalternatively, it needs a glucose carrier to get in side. Even plant cells \nadmit only DHA, and it is also much better absorbed from the intestines \nthan reduced vitamin C. While vitamin C can get into the brain only as \nDHA, inside the brain it is only present in its reduced form, showing that \nDHA is importan t to supplement the oxygen supply of the brain and \nkeeping it free of microbes and toxins. \nAll this shows that initially the body treasures the oxygen -delivering form \nmore highly than the reduced form. Inside a cell DHA is reduced by \nliberating oxygen. Th e released oxygen is highly reactive. Inside \ncompromised cells it kills the microbes that caused this blockage, and 42 \n then re -starts the blocked oxidative energy metabolism while the now \nreduced form protects sensitive cell structures from becoming oxidised. \nWhile vitamin C is known to be a good treatment for viral infections, \nrecent research has shown that it is actually DHA that is the effective \nremedy, up to one thousand times stronger than the reduced form of vitamin \nC. However, DHA is unstable and too reactive to take as a supplement. \nIndividuals with iron overload, mainly with haemochromatosis and the \nelderly may be reluctant to use vitamin C because of medical advice that \nit may increase iron absorption, but this applies only to low doses of \nvitamin C. Iron overload is a problem of the redox balance with too much \niron in the oxidised ferro -form. This can easily be cured with 10 grams of \nspaced -out ascorbate/day, see : Natural Therapy for Haemochromatosis. \nVitamin C and MSM are best used together, e.g., up to 10 grams sodium \nascorbate or buffered vitamin C, 10 grams of MSM, and 2 to 3 teaspoons \nof 50 to 70% DMSO rubbed on the skin over any problem areas, all of \nthese spread out during the day. Increase amounts only gradually to \nminimize diarrhoea or reactions, cut back if problem s arise. Use the \nmaximum dose periodically for chronic or serious conditions, as a \nmaintenance dose use much less. \nYou may mix the powders with drink or food or dissolve them in a litre of \nwater or juice, and frequently sip during the day. If you need additional \nalkalizers, then you may also mix sodium bicarbonate with the same \ndrink. In this case sip it before and between meals. \nIn addition to a vitamin B complex, use about 500mg of niacinamide with \nbreakfast and lunch because it is needed as the main coenzyme for \nredox reactions, it is also anti -inflammatory. Use alternative oxygen with \nall low energy conditions, Candia problems, cancer, arthritis, circulation \nproblems, autoimmune diseases, infectious diseases, and Candida -\ncaused mental conditions such as depression, ADHD, schizophrenia etc. \nVitamin C and MSM can prevent and cure blood circulation problems \nsuch as arteriosclerosis or atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease, \nprevent heart attacks and strokes, and also peripheral vascular disease 43 \n leading to varicose veins, deep vein thrombosis, leg ulcers, diabet ic foot, \nand poor blood supply to the brain. Many conditions such as arthritis, \ndegenerative eye changes, migraines, and multiple sclerosis are \naggravated by poor circulation. \nDeficiency of vitam in C, sulphur, copper and zinc are main causes of \nweak and aging connective tissue, such as blood vessels, skin and also \nhair. For details see More Ene rgy & Less Disease. \nALLERGY TESTING \nIt is common to become addicted to any daily -used food or substance to \nwhich we are also allergic. Initially when we eat allergenic food, we \nexperience stimulation due to the release of adrenal stress hormones. \nThis stimulation (adrenalin and dopamine) cau ses us to constantly crave \nthese foods to which we soon become unsuspectingly addicted. \nHowever, eventually the adrenal glands become exhausted, and we \ndevelop a chronic degenerative disease and lack of energy. \nThe main underlying cause of allergies and especially of multiple \nallergies is intestinal dysbiosis, commonly due to the fungal form of \nCandida as a result of using antibiotics without taking protective \nfungicides at the same time. This damages the intestinal wall and lets \ntoxic subst ances and only partly digested proteins enter the bloodstream. \nIt is then called \"Leaky Gut Syndrome\" and is made worse by gluten. It \nis a root cause not only of allergies, but also of a continua l attack on our \nimmune system. \nSome symptoms frequently due to Candida are gas, migraines, bloating, \ncramps, diarrhoea, skin rashes, hives and other rashes, blurred vision, \nrhinitis and difficulty breathing. In many cases these problems may \nsimply disappear after Intestinal Sanitation and Antimicrobial Therapy. \nDiscovering your allergies and addictions is an important step in your \nhealing process. You may do this by adopting a five -day low -allergy diet \nas described in the following. \nAfter complete avoidance of an allergenic food and while reducing the 44 \n overall aller genic load from other influences at the same time,", "token_ids": [21, 720, 275, 374, 3629, 5675, 304, 279, 40335, 304, 1162, 315, 4611, 1098, 75884, 13, 578, 13239, 48294, 720, 936, 4881, 36709, 13631, 474, 315, 4907, 11, 7621, 4667, 535, 20438, 11, 264, 7621, 22852, 720, 9125, 11, 323, 10723, 482, 336, 41964, 5435, 13, 52783, 220, 868, 311, 220, 966, 12591, 527, 720, 82, 27781, 719, 449, 279, 9932, 13803, 709, 311, 220, 1399, 12591, 1253, 387, 1511, 11, 720, 36046, 994, 1234, 8631, 477, 449, 94916, 64, 61363, 482, 8772, 13, 720, 21364, 1302, 2355, 21364, 1302, 3493, 264, 7029, 8205, 315, 11190, 436, 991, 291, 552, 11, 2737, 272, 352, 26193, 369, 220, 1272, 720, 6680, 35855, 11, 74502, 323, 39097, 26, 342, 1672, 833, 369, 75716, 26, 52252, 720, 23425, 8819, 439, 264, 3831, 70339, 323, 311, 20259, 2107, 484, 5548, 11, 323, 720, 76, 34263, 270, 29400, 311, 7417, 26587, 5865, 13, 5996, 44, 17544, 220, 29944, 304, 4725, 4954, 1057, 74218, 6067, 11, 5423, 54060, 720, 1723, 323, 1877, 44315, 11, 323, 433, 1253, 1101, 737, 12391, 4907, 13, 9934, 709, 311, 220, 17, 720, 668, 300, 83188, 315, 279, 17138, 477, 264, 12435, 3392, 315, 8819, 13, 2355, 38062, 2165, 220, 320, 3902, 4642, 25795, 2917, 66, 10318, 8, 374, 279, 14071, 42786, 304, 55178, 13, 720, 2181, 374, 264, 3831, 70339, 323, 7294, 482, 258, 55097, 40239, 11, 15525, 369, 720, 318, 782, 4504, 26587, 5865, 323, 1455, 19338, 13, 12040, 709, 311, 3892, 34419, 264, 720, 1316, 9709, 449, 21644, 11, 477, 304, 65879, 11, 477, 264, 1028, 13671, 2689, 308, 1285, 304, 264, 7172, 13, 2355, 17119, 66, 10318, 374, 5707, 482, 39298, 41572, 1174, 1888, 1304, 264, 25982, 315, 13535, 2165, 9709, 449, 720, 1030, 27357, 477, 33213, 5707, 13, 1789, 2731, 44225, 923, 50999, 5015, 3776, 720, 375, 7067, 662, 3580, 220, 279, 8191, 369, 19141, 13, 2355, 32641, 1791, 437, 20588, 1174, 1888, 439, 452, 482, 582, 87348, 30217, 437, 20588, 11, 374, 2631, 555, 682, 19637, 20170, 311, 720, 5957, 7558, 88076, 11, 10168, 3927, 7917, 3871, 13, 1102, 374, 14454, 304, 279, 2547, 720, 1527, 445, 482, 6200, 332, 20588, 323, 34323, 13, 8444, 332, 20588, 1101, 8779, 311, 27661, 2009, 29200, 52683, 720, 35767, 303, 6786, 323, 47288, 66358, 8624, 13, 9934, 220, 16, 42384, 315, 2355, 43, 70750, 332, 20588, 323, 11000, 452, 482, 582, 87348, 30217, 437, 8778, 384, 449, 477, 1603, 21644, 13, 2355, 26740, 42972, 23797, 66, 483, 220, 477, 13315, 8511, 11, 17037, 28532, 505, 13465, 387, 1441, 11, 720, 13066, 7350, 79574, 5315, 7718, 369, 1690, 93532, 25481, 13, 1102, 374, 264, 720, 54754, 69733, 323, 65211, 519, 11, 57924, 8271, 26333, 11, 26338, 720, 1894, 437, 91711, 11, 323, 7417, 274, 4907, 5990, 11, 26587, 734, 323, 8834, 720, 4150, 53904, 2191, 13, 362, 4279, 47040, 374, 220, 2636, 311, 220, 1041, 15, 12591, 45839, 13, 1102, 374, 5423, 720, 12156, 304, 934, 80094, 11, 68798, 323, 387, 1441, 13, 1102, 649, 1101, 387, 9124, 505, 523, 22671, 720, 8370, 374, 3118, 304, 514, 66, 411, 258, 13, 2355, 43, 276, 37737, 220, 374, 9250, 369, 279, 6930, 323, 17135, 5956, 34291, 369, 279, 720, 23452, 315, 77848, 44315, 13, 3161, 420, 31791, 37737, 649, 387, 36297, 720, 265, 63231, 1113, 13, 11544, 10748, 31791, 37737, 323, 6651, 433, 449, 459, 6273, 961, 315, 36999, 720, 1030, 27357, 5707, 369, 8831, 31135, 13, 48816, 1633, 99531, 13, 3277, 12096, 720, 276, 8671, 67, 27620, 31791, 37737, 1101, 923, 459, 6273, 3392, 315, 3090, 13, 2355, 220, 3174, 720, 42209, 87669, 30909, 2355, 8140, 1925, 24463, 8141, 374, 449, 279, 6520, 336, 94855, 304, 2579, 6680, 7917, 13, 720, 11458, 11, 24463, 374, 6004, 1139, 7917, 1193, 994, 12782, 40589, 374, 720, 29844, 505, 91490, 16124, 477, 220, 8271, 5820, 13, 3161, 9572, 7917, 323, 720, 258, 59093, 555, 94916, 64, 323, 1023, 856, 1030, 482, 41543, 9620, 279, 39097, 374, 720, 3444, 261, 31906, 304, 1690, 39881, 13, 33238, 261, 31906, 7917, 656, 539, 8356, 12782, 720, 67, 37901, 11, 323, 9093, 656, 539, 636, 24463, 505, 279, 4725, 6680, 720, 44398, 2987, 13, 1115, 3727, 433, 7701, 24629, 449, 682, 3428, 482, 17947, 4787, 720, 998, 8312, 5217, 24463, 2085, 279, 1205, 369, 12782, 40589, 311, 387, 720, 29844, 13, 2355, 14809, 32599, 369, 420, 527, 28170, 356, 323, 68591, 13, 4314, 1376, 14278, 18722, 85078, 367, 477, 2579, 5241, 13840, 13, 3861, 1778, 6857, 374, 28170, 356, 320, 5171, 30986, 292, 13935, 477, 720, 5171, 30986, 349, 8, 439, 279, 11293, 1376, 323, 409, 67229, 5171, 30986, 292, 13935, 477, 423, 17455, 439, 279, 720, 85078, 1534, 1376, 13, 13596, 832, 374, 423, 4931, 46, 320, 13223, 42972, 82, 360, 15361, 579, 8, 439, 279, 11293, 720, 630, 323, 68591, 439, 279, 36172, 1534, 832, 13, 2355, 644, 264, 3428, 482, 78, 19472, 4676, 264, 2579, 5241, 6857, 4442, 505, 872, 36172, 1534, 720, 2513, 311, 872, 11293, 1376, 555, 7231, 1022, 832, 19670, 315, 7701, 56563, 720, 78, 19472, 13, 3277, 28170, 356, 477, 423, 4931, 46, 471, 311, 279, 6680, 323, 6530, 1555, 720, 1820, 45274, 814, 527, 1578, 36172, 1534, 13, 2355, 2028, 374, 1268, 348, 433, 8778, 356, 14614, 5334, 1139, 279, 8271, 323, 2547, 7917, 13, 1102, 720, 34360, 1522, 279, 6680, 482, 54160, 22881, 304, 1202, 11293, 1376, 11, 719, 1193, 439, 423, 17455, 13, 720, 2181, 1101, 4250, 3810, 7917, 6089, 26, 433, 1193, 5334, 4871, 7917, 439, 423, 17455, 477, 11, 720, 41512, 8046, 11, 433, 3966, 264, 34323, 19115, 311, 636, 304, 3185, 13, 7570, 6136, 7917, 720, 329, 1800, 1193, 423, 17455, 11, 323, 433, 374, 1101, 1790, 2731, 42101, 505, 279, 39408, 1572, 720, 54895, 11293, 28170, 356, 13, 6104, 28170, 356, 649, 636, 1139, 279, 8271, 1193, 439, 720, 35, 17455, 11, 4871, 279, 8271, 433, 374, 1193, 3118, 304, 1202, 11293, 1376, 11, 9204, 430, 720, 35, 17455, 374, 1179, 276, 259, 311, 22822, 279, 24463, 8312, 315, 279, 8271, 323, 720, 33494, 433, 1949, 315, 80727, 323, 62186, 13, 2355, 2460, 420, 5039, 430, 15453, 279, 2547, 59949, 279, 24463, 482, 75828, 287, 1376, 720, 6518, 7701, 1109, 279, 11293, 1376, 13, 28468, 264, 2849, 423, 17455, 374, 11293, 555, 720, 2808, 261, 1113, 24463, 13, 666, 384, 6004, 24463, 374, 7701, 56563, 13, 28468, 720, 5807, 442, 4147, 7917, 433, 29910, 279, 80727, 430, 9057, 420, 2565, 425, 11, 323, 220, 2983, 720, 1243, 312, 482, 66976, 279, 19857, 79401, 4907, 39097, 1418, 279, 1457, 720, 265, 54478, 1376, 36236, 16614, 2849, 14726, 505, 10671, 36172, 4147, 13, 5996, 8142, 28170, 356, 374, 3967, 311, 387, 264, 1695, 6514, 369, 29962, 30020, 11, 720, 47743, 3495, 706, 6982, 430, 433, 374, 3604, 423, 17455, 430, 374, 279, 7524, 720, 1864, 9497, 11, 709, 311, 832, 16579, 3115, 16643, 1109, 279, 11293, 1376, 315, 28170, 720, 34, 13, 4452, 11, 423, 17455, 374, 45311, 323, 2288, 56563, 311, 1935, 439, 264, 22822, 13, 2355, 44259, 82, 449, 11245, 43284, 11, 14918, 449, 6520, 336, 5059, 442, 266, 10934, 323, 279, 720, 68076, 398, 1253, 387, 44040, 311, 1005, 28170, 356, 1606, 315, 6593, 9650, 430, 720, 275, 1253, 5376, 11245, 44225, 11, 719, 420, 17208, 1193, 311, 3428, 35130, 315, 720, 55911, 8778, 356, 13, 16979, 43284, 374, 264, 3575, 315, 279, 2579, 5241, 8335, 449, 2288, 1790, 720, 2534, 304, 279, 36172, 4147, 18728, 299, 482, 630, 13, 1115, 649, 6847, 387, 64688, 449, 220, 605, 34419, 315, 720, 2203, 4535, 482, 412, 439, 6133, 71629, 45839, 11, 1518, 551, 18955, 40143, 369, 14433, 336, 5059, 442, 266, 10934, 662, 720, 53, 76652, 356, 323, 68591, 527, 1888, 1511, 3871, 11, 384, 1326, 2637, 709, 311, 220, 605, 34419, 39695, 720, 5171, 30986, 349, 477, 54157, 28170, 356, 11, 220, 605, 34419, 315, 68591, 11, 323, 220, 17, 311, 220, 18, 93200, 720, 1073, 220, 1135, 311, 220, 2031, 4, 423, 4931, 46, 67854, 389, 279, 6930, 927, 904, 3575, 5789, 11, 682, 315, 720, 45010, 9041, 704, 2391, 279, 1938, 13, 40733, 15055, 1193, 27115, 311, 720, 1083, 12117, 58705, 77035, 64, 477, 25481, 11, 4018, 1203, 422, 3575, 274, 31889, 13, 5560, 279, 720, 40287, 19660, 48582, 369, 21249, 477, 6129, 4787, 11, 439, 264, 720, 99178, 19660, 1005, 1790, 2753, 13, 2355, 2675, 1253, 6651, 279, 7019, 12601, 449, 7172, 477, 3691, 477, 220, 73739, 1124, 304, 264, 92469, 315, 720, 13284, 477, 23661, 11, 323, 14134, 47715, 2391, 279, 1938, 13, 1442, 499, 1205, 5217, 720, 1727, 278, 12509, 11, 1243, 499, 1253, 1101, 6651, 39695, 60831, 97342, 449, 279, 1890, 720, 98427, 13, 763, 420, 1162, 47715, 433, 1603, 323, 1990, 21644, 13, 2355, 644, 5369, 311, 264, 28170, 426, 6485, 11, 1005, 922, 220, 2636, 12591, 315, 13080, 40488, 66796, 449, 720, 9137, 9533, 323, 16163, 1606, 433, 374, 4460, 439, 279, 1925, 1080, 65728, 369, 720, 1171, 5241, 25481, 11, 433, 374, 1101, 7294, 482, 258, 55097, 13, 5560, 10778, 24463, 449, 720, 543, 3428, 4907, 4787, 11, 70654, 689, 5435, 11, 9572, 11, 55652, 11, 35855, 720, 96440, 11, 88191, 19338, 11, 50600, 19338, 11, 323, 94916, 64, 18722, 936, 2656, 10723, 4787, 1778, 220, 439, 18710, 11, 52564, 11, 58533, 5099, 13, 2355, 53, 76652, 356, 323, 68591, 649, 5471, 323, 27208, 6680, 35855, 5435, 2355, 21470, 439, 47357, 3614, 91711, 477, 264, 91882, 91711, 11, 41713, 8624, 11, 720, 93755, 4851, 8951, 323, 53572, 11, 323, 1101, 35688, 64603, 8624, 220, 3391, 720, 6522, 220, 311, 767, 292, 974, 60764, 11, 5655, 54344, 84664, 65, 10934, 11, 2531, 8725, 17254, 1174, 1891, 10448, 18385, 4579, 11, 720, 438, 8009, 6680, 8312, 311, 279, 8271, 13, 9176, 4787, 1778, 439, 55652, 11, 720, 451, 7642, 1413, 8071, 4442, 11, 9971, 33903, 11, 323, 5361, 91357, 527, 720, 351, 36490, 660, 555, 8009, 35855, 13, 2355, 2685, 10603, 315, 126305, 304, 356, 11, 83778, 324, 11, 24166, 323, 49601, 527, 1925, 11384, 315, 720, 13451, 323, 30084, 4667, 535, 20438, 11, 1778, 439, 6680, 31080, 11, 6930, 323, 1101, 720, 51729, 13, 1789, 3649, 1518, 4497, 469, 818, 436, 4680, 612, 9865, 31974, 662, 720, 4006, 61541, 96635, 2355, 2181, 374, 4279, 311, 3719, 57727, 311, 904, 7446, 482, 2656, 3691, 477, 20278, 311, 720, 8370, 584, 527, 1101, 57596, 13, 59656, 994, 584, 8343, 25405, 56989, 3691, 11, 220, 584, 720, 50659, 41959, 4245, 311, 279, 4984, 315, 60564, 8631, 44315, 13, 720, 2028, 41959, 320, 329, 1466, 36207, 323, 66128, 8, 2211, 84, 15907, 603, 311, 15320, 81413, 720, 45010, 15657, 311, 902, 584, 5246, 3719, 92651, 1002, 11559, 57727, 13, 720, 11458, 11, 9778, 279, 60564, 82375, 3719, 39019, 11, 220, 323, 584, 720, 16219, 264, 21249, 5367, 75989, 8624, 323, 6996, 315, 4907, 13, 2355, 791, 1925, 16940, 5353, 315, 58742, 323, 5423, 315, 5361, 720, 543, 2431, 552, 374, 63900, 22709, 70728, 285, 11, 17037, 4245, 311, 279, 95447, 1376, 315, 720, 34, 4654, 64, 439, 264, 1121, 315, 1701, 46850, 2085, 4737, 29219, 720, 79706, 76195, 520, 279, 1890, 892, 13, 1115, 26186, 279, 63900, 7147, 323, 15714, 720, 998, 14668, 38415, 459, 1634, 323, 1193, 28135, 4170, 10185, 28896, 3810, 279, 100216, 13, 720, 2181, 374, 1243, 2663, 330, 2356, 29200, 52683, 57496, 1, 323, 374, 1903, 11201, 555, 38455, 13, 1102, 720, 285, 264, 3789, 5353, 539, 1193, 315, 58742, 11, 719, 1101, 315, 264, 92084, 326, 3440, 389, 1057, 720, 70155, 1887, 13, 2355, 8538, 13803, 14134, 4245, 311, 94916, 64, 527, 6962, 11, 9971, 33903, 11, 14545, 1113, 11, 720, 5192, 14989, 11, 58705, 77035, 64, 11, 6930, 436, 14380, 11, 305, 1924, 323, 1023, 436, 14380, 11, 73500, 11376, 11, 720, 41196, 2381, 285, 323, 17250, 27027, 13, 763, 1690, 5157, 1521, 5435, 1253, 720, 15124, 2603, 32153, 1306, 1357, 65050, 5960, 7709, 323, 6898, 318, 83059, 40143, 662, 2355, 51102, 287, 701, 58742, 323, 923, 22155, 374, 459, 3062, 3094, 304, 701, 2355, 383, 6260, 1920, 13, 1472, 1253, 656, 420, 555, 48810, 264, 4330, 482, 1316, 3428, 482, 543, 43043, 10173, 720, 300, 7633, 304, 279, 2768, 13, 2355, 6153, 4686, 65411, 315, 459, 25405, 56989, 3691, 323, 1418, 18189, 279, 220, 2096, 720, 8244, 48908, 4173, 292, 2865, 505, 1023, 34453, 520, 279, 1890, 892, 11], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": "ebelow).\nAconitehelpswithwoundsthatarebleedingexcess-\nivelywherethecharacteristicshockispresent.\nInsomnia\nSymptomsRestlesssleep.Anxiousdreams.\nMeasles\nSymptomsOnsetsudden.Skinrash:itches;burns.\nWithfever;cough.\nSuddenonsetwithrestlessness, fever,coughand\nthirst.\nNBSEEALSOPAGES203-26FORGENERALADVICE,DOSANDDON'TS.\n40\u2022Agaricusmuscarius(Agar) INTERNALMATERIAMEDICA\nMumps\nSymptomsOnsetsudden.Withfever.\nPeriodproblems\nSymptomsPeriodlate.\nCausesfright;shock;gettingchilled;pregnancy.\nShock\nCausesinjuries;surgery;childbirth.\nThisisaccompaniedbytheextremeAconite-typefear\nandanxiety.Itisusefulduringorfollowingoper-\nations,andforshockedmothersand/orbabieseither\nduringorafterlabour,especiallyafastlabour.The\nmothermayexperiencesomeshakingwiththeshock,\nwhereasthebabymayjustbeverystill,withan\nanxiousorfearfullookinitseyes.\nSorethroat\nSymptomsPains:burning;stitching.\nCausesgettingchilled.\nTeething\nSymptomsCheekshotandred.Withsymptomsof\nfever(seeabove).Painfulinchildrenwithrestless\nsleep.\nChildrentossandturnintheirsleepandbitetheirfists\nandscream.Theteethingmaywellbeaccompaniedby\nfever.\nToothache\nSymptomsPains:tearing;ingoodteeth.\nCausescold,drywind.\nRetentionofurine\nSymptomsInnewbornbabies;inchildrenwho\ncatchcold.\nThisisespeciallyusefulfornewbornbabieswhodon't\npee,whohavebeenshockedbythebirth(especiallya\nfastlabour).\nAGARICUSMUSCARIUS (Agar.)\nNaturalorder:fungi\nCommonnames:flyagaric;bugagaric;toadstoolThispoisonoustoadstoolgrowsindryplaces,es-\npeciallyindrypinewoods,inEurope,Asiaandthe\nUSA.ItisuncommoninEnglandbutabundantin\nsomepartsofScotland.\nAgaricusisthoughttobetheoldestofhallucinogens\nusedforritualisticpurposes.Medicinemenatethis\ntoadstooltoachieveecstaticstates(althoughthese\nperiodsofgreatanimation,whichwereoftenaccom-\npaniedbydancing,singingandtalkingtoimagined\npersons,alternatedwithtimesofdeepdepression). It\nwasalsoemployedatonetimeinthemakingof\nalcoholicbeveragesbutthispracticewasbesetwith\ndangersinviewoftheterribledeathsthatsometimes\noccurredfromthepoisonings.\nForthehomeopathicpreparation,themushroom is\nwellwashed,mashedinamortar,thenequalpartsof\nalcoholareaddedtoit.Thisislefttostandforthree\ndaysbeforebeingstrainedandsuccussed.\nGENERALSYMPTOMS\nClumsy:tripseasilywhilewalking.Trembling.\nTwitchy.\nWorseforcold.\nThisremedyisaspecificcureforchilblains,especially\nofthefeetandtoes,and,usedwithTamusointment,\nwillcuremostcasesofstraightforward chilblains\nwherenootherstrongsymptomswouldleadyouto\nprescribeamore'important'remedy.\nINTERNALMATERIAMEDICA Alliumcepa(All-c.)\u202241\nGeneralsymptomsofpeopleneedingAgaricusare\ntremblingandtwitchiness,whichmaybesobadthat\ntheydropthingsorstumblewhenwalking.Theyare\ngenerallyverysensitivetocold,dampweather.\nTherearenomarkedemotional/mentalsymptoms.\nPHYSICALCOMPLAINTS\nChilblains\nSymptomsChilblains:burning;itching;red.\nWorseforcold.\nChilblainsareonthehandsandfeet,orveryoc-\ncasionallyontheears,butwhichareworseonthefeet.\nTheyareterriblypainfulwhenthehandsorfeetbe-\ncomecold.\nHeadache\nSymptomsEyes/eyelidstwitching.\nWorseinthemorning.\nCausesalcohol;nerves.\nAlliumcepa(aii-c.)\nFamilyname:Liliaceae\nCommonname:commonredonion\nThisplantisuniversallycultivatedasagardenveg-\netable,andithasbeenrenownedforhundredsofyearsamongcountryfolkandherbalistsforitshealing\nproperties. Ithasbeenusedinavarietyofways:\nexternallyasapoulticeforacne,chilblainsandarthri-\ntis(todrawoutinflammation),andinternallyasa\nbloodpurifierandtocleartheintestinesofworms.The\njuicehasbeensniffedupthenostrils,droppedintothe\nearsorappliedto'blemished'skin;onionwinehas\nbeenbrewedforthosewithweakchests;andthe\nwholeonionhasbeenroastedwithhoneyorsugarfor\nstubborncoughs.\nTheancientEgyptianssworebytheonion,and\nconsumedvastquantities.Theyhaveevenwor-\nshipped it.Inittheysawsymbolisedtheuniverse,\nsincetheybelievedthevariousspheresofheaven,\nearthandhellwereconcentric,liketheonion'slayers;\nandthereforeEgyptianpriestswereforbiddentoeat\nit.\nForthehomeopathicpreparationthefreshbulbis\ngatheredinJuly/Augustandchopped,thenpounded\ntoapulpbeforeitismixedwithalcoholandsuccussed.\nGENERALSYMPTOMS\nHomeopathically, thecommonredonionisusedonly\nforthosesymptomsthatitiscapableofproducingina\nhealthyindividual,thatis,streamingeyesandnose.\nAnyillnessthatproducesthesesymptoms-beita\ncoldorhayfever-canbecuredbyAlliumcepa.\nEuphrasiaisverysimilarinthatittooproduces\nstreamingheadcoldsorhayfever,butthereisan\nimportantdifference:inAlliumcepathenasalcatarrh\nburnsandtheeyedischargedoesn't.Thereverseis\ntrueofEuphrasia,wherethenasalcatarrhdoesn'tburn\nandthedischargefromtheeyesdoes.\nTherearenomarkedemotional/mental symptoms.\nPHYSICALCOMPLAINTS\nCommoncold\nSymptomsNasalcatarrh:burning;onesided;pro-\nfuse;watery.Witheyeinflammation;headache;\nsneezing;sorethroat.\nBetterforfreshair.\nWorseinastuffyroom.\nCausescoldwind;gettingwetfeet.\nThenasaldischargemaybeonesided,thatis,onlyone\nnostrilmaystream.Thecoldsymptoms,especiallythe\nsneezing,willbegenerallyworseinawarmroom.\nCough\nSymptomsCouch:hacking;irritating;painful.Tick-\nlinginlarynx.Voicehoarse.\nWorseforcoldair.\nThecoughisgenerallybetterforbeinginawarmroom\n(thisistheoppositeofthecoldsymptoms).\n42\u2022Antimoniumcrudum(Ant-c.) INTERNALMATERIAMEDICA\nEyeinflammation\nSymptomsofacommoncold(seeabove).Dis-\ncharge:bland,non-irritating;profuse.Eyeswatering.\nHayfever\nSymptomsofacommoncold(seeabove)andeye\ninflammation (seeabove).\nWorseinthespring;inAugust.\nAntimoniumcrudum(Ant-c.)\nOthernames:antimoniisulphuratum;sulphuretof\nantimony;nativesulphideofantimony\nBlackantimonyoccursbothasachemicalcompound\nandincrystallineformasthemineralstibnitewhichis\nfoundinmanypartsofEuropeandtheUnitedStates.\nIthasbeenusedasaveterinarymedicinetocure\nhorseswithsoreheelsandtofattenpigsandlean,\nscabbycattle.TraditioninfactrelatesthataGerman\nmonkthrewsomeantimonytohispigsandobserved\nthat,afterpurgingthemviolently, itimmediately fat-\ntenedthem.Thismadehimthinkthatbygivinghis\nfellowmonksadosetheywouldlikewisebethebetter\nforit.Theexperimentfailed,however;theyalldied\nandthe'medicine'henceforthwascalledantimonyor\nanti-monk.\nItisusedasanalloywithothermetalsforlining\nbrasses,inbellmetalstomaketheirsoundclearer,and\nforpurifyingandheighteningthecolourofgold.\nStibnite(orkohl)wasusedintheMiddleEastasa\npowdertodarkentheeyebrows,toprotecttheeyes\nfromtheheatofthesunandmakethemmorebeauti-\nful.Nowadays,matchesaretippedwithstibnite,\nwhichcausesignitionwhenrubbedagainstthered\nphosphorus.\n", "token_ids": [3141, 50481, 4390, 32, 444, 635, 8823, 22966, 86, 801, 31177, 460, 265, 901, 16490, 327, 1140, 7058, 3210, 1336, 261, 19030, 19740, 4633, 939, 1197, 13391, 2762, 627, 15841, 50405, 198, 29012, 52273, 12698, 645, 784, 3583, 8794, 30351, 57291, 82, 627, 7979, 300, 645, 198, 29012, 52273, 1966, 5022, 39095, 92731, 81, 1003, 25, 26286, 26, 22464, 82, 627, 2409, 1897, 424, 79732, 1409, 627, 50, 39095, 263, 751, 4291, 4014, 33028, 11, 34653, 10317, 1409, 438, 198, 339, 874, 627, 34442, 49840, 47837, 3143, 11488, 9639, 12, 1627, 32002, 95836, 1846, 8688, 28365, 3204, 4064, 85741, 17773, 50, 627, 1272, 6806, 9219, 277, 59344, 76, 26089, 41321, 4444, 12440, 8, 73755, 44, 19706, 40, 70622, 32101, 198, 44, 12055, 198, 29012, 52273, 1966, 5022, 39095, 27216, 1897, 424, 627, 24684, 96440, 198, 29012, 52273, 24684, 5185, 627, 23389, 4881, 69, 1315, 26, 939, 1197, 26, 51210, 331, 4473, 26, 30585, 77, 6709, 627, 87649, 198, 23389, 4881, 258, 90927, 40514, 85392, 26, 3124, 28813, 627, 2028, 285, 73087, 22840, 1729, 1820, 428, 9831, 32, 444, 635, 10827, 69, 686, 198, 83908, 16708, 28628, 285, 817, 1285, 82977, 269, 44018, 3376, 7058, 811, 51526, 2000, 939, 68485, 6489, 3058, 438, 5255, 48822, 552, 50998, 198, 82977, 6347, 1064, 14717, 414, 11, 36046, 2642, 561, 14717, 414, 11829, 198, 27510, 18864, 327, 69597, 316, 4385, 1802, 4291, 339, 4385, 1197, 345, 2940, 561, 383, 48822, 1631, 352, 4345, 1395, 424, 599, 484, 11, 4291, 276, 198, 276, 30351, 33942, 686, 1285, 7349, 2381, 8674, 288, 627, 50, 461, 87164, 198, 29012, 52273, 47, 1771, 25, 22464, 287, 26, 267, 1641, 287, 627, 23389, 4881, 51210, 331, 4473, 627, 6777, 2350, 198, 29012, 52273, 27941, 1247, 6474, 438, 1171, 27216, 24738, 80797, 708, 69, 198, 1897, 424, 7, 4151, 49532, 570, 47, 467, 1285, 258, 5988, 4291, 4014, 1752, 198, 26894, 627, 3736, 8135, 3746, 438, 413, 258, 1820, 17260, 3583, 438, 4590, 19030, 404, 69, 1705, 198, 2914, 47100, 5221, 7870, 2350, 18864, 9336, 1395, 73087, 22840, 1729, 198, 1897, 424, 627, 1271, 8942, 1815, 198, 29012, 52273, 47, 1771, 25, 668, 3329, 26, 287, 1411, 668, 774, 627, 34, 12119, 3380, 820, 12260, 894, 19703, 627, 87429, 1073, 324, 483, 198, 29012, 52273, 644, 943, 16381, 48822, 552, 26, 258, 5988, 14965, 198, 7320, 88172, 627, 2028, 5014, 4899, 817, 1285, 2000, 943, 16381, 48822, 552, 1336, 77152, 956, 198, 62598, 11, 1336, 2319, 525, 1395, 729, 71, 68485, 1729, 1820, 28813, 7, 36046, 64, 198, 9533, 14717, 414, 4390, 1929, 946, 1341, 2078, 44, 2078, 34, 16412, 2078, 320, 9219, 277, 29275, 55381, 1382, 56577, 82590, 198, 11076, 11654, 25, 22374, 38812, 292, 26, 2365, 38812, 292, 26, 998, 329, 267, 1786, 2028, 5481, 3416, 26169, 2799, 267, 1786, 70, 1849, 485, 894, 27170, 11, 288, 7058, 4899, 485, 894, 13576, 365, 9242, 54788, 31880, 11, 39563, 438, 1820, 198, 25342, 28628, 285, 359, 5581, 258, 67308, 8248, 370, 1263, 519, 258, 198, 15031, 4581, 708, 69, 96925, 627, 9219, 277, 59344, 380, 71, 2509, 83, 677, 19030, 337, 5086, 1073, 43341, 1791, 258, 57118, 198, 2656, 2000, 1018, 940, 4633, 26047, 8449, 1345, 34383, 258, 16737, 266, 774, 285, 198, 998, 329, 267, 1786, 998, 613, 19704, 762, 2020, 33169, 7, 37241, 45010, 198, 19862, 708, 4922, 1244, 23919, 11, 8370, 52898, 61917, 73087, 7058, 22840, 1729, 67, 9151, 10900, 24992, 438, 83, 30855, 998, 29116, 1619, 198, 77751, 11, 41512, 660, 4291, 15487, 1073, 33980, 451, 4099, 570, 1102, 198, 16514, 19171, 36242, 24444, 4199, 48121, 336, 1802, 1073, 198, 278, 45494, 1395, 43968, 8248, 576, 652, 24045, 365, 300, 9620, 295, 4291, 198, 67, 14381, 258, 1068, 1073, 339, 1430, 12560, 63007, 31177, 1900, 12982, 198, 14310, 8293, 1527, 339, 752, 78, 3416, 826, 627, 2520, 1820, 5227, 62209, 1762, 36235, 11, 49818, 1136, 3039, 374, 198, 9336, 86, 13883, 13387, 13883, 258, 309, 371, 277, 11, 339, 1994, 1788, 4581, 708, 69, 198, 278, 11353, 548, 17249, 998, 275, 5221, 9667, 2414, 83, 537, 438, 2000, 28956, 198, 14097, 15145, 35214, 58827, 2914, 14912, 59942, 627, 95836, 80334, 2898, 1937, 50, 198, 5176, 6370, 88, 25, 376, 28432, 38367, 3556, 81749, 844, 1864, 9894, 627, 51, 5656, 88, 627, 54, 11073, 10676, 820, 627, 2028, 1864, 9497, 87034, 15934, 66, 554, 2000, 331, 321, 2067, 1771, 11, 36046, 198, 1073, 339, 46053, 295, 438, 998, 288, 51526, 11, 2656, 4291, 51, 56455, 29019, 345, 14724, 66, 554, 3646, 24857, 1073, 89292, 13741, 523, 321, 2067, 1771, 198, 1336, 261, 12052, 1605, 4620, 24738, 80797, 2332, 619, 273, 7759, 412, 78, 198, 24544, 3191, 309, 461, 6, 15693, 2351, 2106, 88, 627, 51525, 44, 19706, 40, 70622, 32101, 2052, 2411, 346, 6733, 7, 2460, 1824, 6266, 6806, 3174, 198, 5648, 1147, 1631, 80797, 708, 69, 375, 454, 35291, 16490, 9219, 277, 59344, 548, 198, 83, 1864, 9894, 438, 83, 5656, 1918, 11, 8370, 18864, 9620, 677, 329, 9210, 198, 20670, 6861, 58174, 66396, 23568, 9493, 81749, 76369, 548, 198, 7642, 750, 424, 1065, 729, 275, 99754, 511, 820, 12260, 1141, 15561, 627, 3947, 9329, 316, 43161, 336, 41964, 14, 479, 1147, 1631, 52273, 627, 11079, 9579, 15942, 8867, 2989, 32, 3301, 50, 198, 1163, 321, 2067, 1771, 198, 29012, 52273, 1163, 321, 2067, 1771, 25, 22464, 287, 26, 1641, 287, 26, 1171, 627, 54, 11073, 10676, 820, 627, 1163, 321, 2067, 1771, 548, 263, 1820, 89112, 438, 1897, 295, 11, 269, 1225, 511, 7058, 66, 69491, 263, 1820, 7596, 100004, 8370, 548, 86, 11073, 6167, 46053, 295, 627, 7009, 548, 466, 37852, 92724, 1285, 1336, 306, 383, 89112, 269, 1897, 295, 1395, 7058, 2063, 88172, 627, 12626, 1815, 198, 29012, 52273, 36, 9891, 14, 1216, 301, 307, 267, 5656, 287, 627, 54, 11073, 48121, 336, 80675, 627, 23389, 4881, 278, 11353, 47803, 13583, 627, 2460, 2411, 346, 6733, 75192, 72, 1824, 29275, 15547, 609, 70333, 4008, 114785, 198, 11076, 609, 25, 5581, 1171, 263, 290, 198, 2028, 21494, 285, 359, 1986, 750, 93113, 55786, 300, 351, 8506, 588, 70, 7058, 36164, 51526, 411, 300, 82850, 1466, 18838, 2000, 71, 7259, 708, 69, 42820, 77405, 11389, 42031, 438, 1964, 13616, 1705, 2000, 1220, 383, 6260, 198, 13495, 13, 358, 339, 300, 82850, 2656, 258, 402, 2850, 2676, 1073, 2336, 512, 4399, 750, 300, 391, 283, 4937, 560, 2000, 582, 818, 71097, 321, 2067, 1771, 438, 47601, 462, 7058, 83, 285, 1175, 347, 1059, 412, 258, 45864, 367, 705, 438, 56544, 750, 15790, 198, 51105, 26047, 3125, 438, 55880, 1576, 1820, 396, 478, 1572, 1073, 56741, 82, 11829, 198, 8783, 560, 4752, 1395, 729, 77, 3168, 291, 455, 3473, 78, 496, 8839, 11, 11513, 7069, 18614, 1820, 198, 7596, 269, 391, 3523, 998, 6, 10329, 3384, 596, 8148, 26, 263, 290, 72537, 4752, 198, 82850, 22363, 291, 2000, 54719, 4291, 13451, 331, 18450, 26, 438, 1820, 198, 1336, 60203, 290, 4752, 82850, 299, 15386, 4291, 71, 2596, 1105, 8734, 2000, 198, 60498, 9552, 1031, 1409, 82, 627, 791, 1149, 1188, 86767, 5493, 2332, 461, 1729, 64110, 290, 51526, 198, 67776, 291, 85, 561, 31548, 1385, 76369, 19553, 17206, 50810, 7058, 939, 6586, 433, 27947, 1820, 1065, 8805, 4089, 4147, 1820, 359, 8194, 345, 82, 2910, 19030, 88, 9978, 32077, 1820, 30265, 283, 784, 65733, 1073, 383, 5389, 345, 28641, 438, 57195, 52898, 444, 1189, 2265, 11, 7792, 19030, 263, 290, 596, 45298, 280, 438, 19041, 1348, 86767, 1122, 69708, 478, 2332, 486, 2000, 65, 1810, 306, 4748, 266, 198, 275, 627, 2520, 1820, 5227, 62209, 1762, 36235, 339, 830, 2548, 16501, 54681, 198, 96825, 31501, 29527, 10576, 773, 592, 438, 331, 18033, 11, 3473, 79, 13382, 198, 998, 391, 13136, 15145, 275, 2191, 3366, 4291, 278, 11353, 2914, 14912, 59942, 627, 95836, 80334, 2898, 1937, 50, 198, 7778, 36211, 2740, 11, 279, 5581, 1171, 263, 290, 285, 2656, 3323, 198, 71627, 20274, 1631, 80797, 267, 9379, 275, 3510, 391, 481, 1073, 8723, 6253, 2259, 198, 38128, 55977, 11, 339, 3689, 11, 4116, 287, 58331, 438, 77, 974, 627, 8780, 484, 4978, 267, 9379, 8723, 15539, 17082, 288, 1631, 52273, 15502, 6388, 198, 88172, 269, 68412, 1897, 424, 72314, 17106, 3149, 1729, 2460, 2411, 346, 6733, 627, 36, 455, 4171, 36259, 285, 424, 1065, 79962, 258, 9210, 87287, 454, 4653, 1634, 198, 4116, 287, 2025, 66, 18938, 269, 68412, 1897, 424, 100004, 19041, 17570, 198, 15693, 60351, 25, 258, 2460, 2411, 346, 2398, 28043, 278, 4719, 1138, 71, 198, 22464, 92346, 1820, 49059, 16438, 93349, 7217, 77, 956, 53407, 4550, 285, 198, 1904, 1073, 36, 455, 4171, 36259, 11, 1336, 261, 774, 28043, 278, 4719, 1138, 71, 73014, 956, 22464, 198, 438, 339, 42925, 14215, 1527, 1820, 58331, 28156, 627, 3947, 9329, 316, 43161, 336, 41964, 14, 93221, 13803, 627, 11079, 9579, 15942, 8867, 2989, 32, 3301, 50, 198, 11076, 88172, 198, 29012, 52273, 45, 116607, 4719, 1138, 71, 25, 22464, 287, 26, 3233, 4591, 26, 782, 7058, 96692, 26, 59147, 727, 1196, 83856, 9188, 258, 45864, 367, 26, 2025, 1815, 280, 82, 818, 10333, 287, 40514, 461, 87164, 627, 56351, 2000, 72408, 1334, 627, 54, 11073, 258, 561, 30977, 3039, 627, 34, 12119, 3380, 820, 19703, 26, 51210, 86, 295, 1897, 295, 627, 12487, 116607, 4338, 18153, 336, 50891, 3233, 4591, 11, 339, 3689, 11, 3323, 606, 198, 2201, 496, 9672, 352, 4116, 11829, 66, 18938, 1631, 52273, 11, 36046, 1820, 198, 82, 818, 10333, 287, 11, 14724, 52253, 804, 750, 86, 11073, 258, 675, 2227, 3039, 627, 34, 1409, 198, 29012, 52273, 34, 3102, 70751, 9162, 26, 404, 1018, 1113, 57013, 467, 1285, 67958, 7058, 2785, 258, 75, 661, 24244, 5168, 9010, 6292, 2648, 627, 54, 11073, 10676, 820, 1334, 627, 791, 66, 1409, 285, 7642, 750, 58234, 2000, 35214, 258, 675, 2227, 3039, 198, 1420, 380, 383, 454, 13921, 1073, 339, 762, 18938, 1631, 52273, 4390, 2983, 6806, 17555, 26490, 2411, 54669, 372, 4444, 406, 1824, 6266, 73755, 44, 19706, 40, 70622, 32101, 198, 51158, 258, 45864, 367, 198, 29012, 80797, 708, 22974, 316, 1677, 88172, 7, 4151, 49532, 570, 4944, 7058, 14215, 45073, 1974, 11, 6414, 12, 404, 1018, 1113, 26, 22579, 817, 5253, 9891, 13284, 287, 627, 57564, 1897, 424, 198, 29012, 80797, 708, 22974, 316, 1677, 88172, 7, 4151, 49532, 8, 438, 19494, 198, 258, 45864, 367, 320, 4151, 49532, 4390, 54, 11073, 258, 6509, 2702, 26, 258, 32559, 627, 17555, 26490, 2411, 54669, 372, 4444, 406, 1824, 29275, 46, 6456, 986, 25, 519, 318, 21446, 285, 360, 764, 324, 27349, 40514, 360, 764, 554, 998, 69, 198, 519, 65556, 47803, 5983, 360, 764, 579, 1073, 519, 65556, 198, 14755, 519, 65556, 14310, 1759, 21704, 300, 613, 336, 950, 87304, 198, 438, 99528, 599, 543, 483, 630, 561, 71, 26768, 3333, 267, 581, 45168, 365, 71, 718, 285, 198, 15456, 258, 1543, 1100, 472, 708, 69, 31880, 438, 1820, 23175, 24137, 627, 40, 339, 300, 82850, 2656, 300, 402, 1430, 3367, 2106, 292, 30976, 511, 554, 198, 71, 23242, 4291, 82, 461, 73610, 438, 998, 69, 14795, 79, 14801, 438, 2742, 345, 2445, 79736, 66, 4730, 8404, 329, 684, 13885, 533, 3833, 14217, 71, 460, 33179, 198, 1677, 74, 339, 4361, 15031, 519, 65556, 998, 71, 13391, 14801, 438, 5598, 2841, 198, 9210, 11, 10924, 26047, 3252, 49818, 56251, 4501, 11, 433, 318, 44287, 8834, 7058, 2002, 291, 49818, 5221, 2191, 1037, 40617, 27963, 9210, 1729, 70, 2299, 26301, 198, 69, 5412, 1677, 2857, 5670, 19030, 88, 41450, 7792, 25346, 65, 19030, 58234, 198, 2000, 275, 11829, 60529, 16479, 11, 98936, 26, 20670, 278, 509, 1142, 198, 438, 1820, 2846, 92001, 39982, 768, 71627, 86, 5171, 4841, 519, 65556, 269, 198, 15719, 78396, 74, 627, 2181, 285, 2656, 46488, 278, 2032, 4291, 1605, 4150, 1147, 2000, 35981, 198, 1347, 52090, 54788, 17696, 55108, 267, 316, 587, 19030, 17260, 801, 7574, 261, 51526, 198, 2000, 26047, 7922, 438, 2627, 6147, 339, 762, 337, 50926, 4922, 820, 627, 626, 581, 62664, 7, 672, 40437, 8, 16514, 2656, 258, 1820, 45035, 37440, 15790, 198, 22491, 67, 531, 347, 847, 306, 383, 1216, 3141, 1849, 87569, 4744, 440, 1820, 58331, 198, 1527, 1820, 20559, 1073, 6509, 359, 438, 49662, 774, 336, 6518, 1395, 2784, 72, 7058, 1285, 13547, 35076, 11, 20509, 11554, 6586, 4291, 267, 581, 62664, 345, 8370, 936, 4881, 625, 684, 9493, 60530, 2788, 69849, 700, 291, 198, 764, 24527, 30969, 627], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " \nlight, happy, fit, healthy, vibrant, energized, energetic, \nplayful, prosperous, open, empowered, free, infinite, \ncapable, joyful, rising, good, Source-ful, re /G0F/G01/G02/G03/G0E/G07 /G0A/G12/G1A/G2A/G01 \nstrong, creative, limit less, alive, rich, divine, optimal \n*If while you are writing the qualities of the desire, something \nthat you write down triggers a \u201cnot good\u201d sentient feeling, either reframe that particular quality to the essence of a \u201cgood feeling\u201d word, or don\u2019t includ e it. Remember, this is for /G1A/G07/G12. \nAnd so you are making your list, while listening to /G1A/G07/G12/G09/G06 inner \nguidance system. Write qualities that make /G1A/G07/G12 feel good about \nthe truth of your desire. \nStep 5. Notice the /G01/G07/G0C/G05 /G01/G07/G0A/G01/G10/G0B/G04/G01/G27/G08/G12/G0C/G02/G10/G02/G04/G16/G01/G07/G0A/G01/G19/G07/G08/G05/G01/G13/G07/G05/G04/G01/G11/G04/G16/G02/G05/G04/G01/G03/G07/G1C/G20/G01/G01\nSimply notice it. Do you see ho w these qualities are a \u201clighter\u201d \ntone of living? There is a tone of divinity in these reframed descriptive words. Their essence is higher, free-e r, lighter, and \nmore inherently affirming, as opposed to the \u201cdenser\u201d tone of the previous heavier experience s and statements found in your An \u201cAlready Is\u201d Twist on Living the Law of Attraction 55 \ninitial associated feelings. This is an indication of how we can \nrise to our natural buoyant state. The proposed words listed above in Step 4 are lighter fee ling, descriptive, experiential \nwords, that can likely relate to many examples and core desires. They relate more to our natural prosperous, Source-ful inner selves. Many people, across many diverse situations and core \ndesires, will find themselves wi th a similar core list (to those \nothers are generating), as they work themselves through this essential extrapolating process. /G1E/G05/G04/G08/G03/G01/G05 /G01 /G11/G04/G16/G02/G05/G04/G01/G11/G02/G0A/G0A/G04/G05/G04/G03/G13/G04/G16/G20/G01/G01\nWhy? Because we are boiling ou r lists down to a more core \nroot, and thus we are getting closer to the heart of who we all really /G0F/G10/G09/G05/G0F/G11/G1A /G01/G12/G05/G04/G09/G01/G10/G0B/G05/G07/G08/G0E/G0B/G01/G10/G0B/G04/G01/G0E/G07/G07/G11/G01/G0A/G04/G04/G0C/G02/G03/G0E/G01/G03/G12/G10/G08/G05/G04/G01/G07/G0A/G01/G07/G08/G05/G01/G2A/G0A/G04/G04/G0C/G01\ngood\u201d desires. \nOur \u201cfeel good\u201d inner well-being is the same vibration of \nSource energy. And what flows within us, flows in /G07/G18/G07ry /G06/G01/G02/G03/G0C/G0E /G20/G01/G01\n/G18/G0B/G04/G05/G04/G0A/G07/G05/G04/G09/G01/G07/G08/G05/G01/G2E/G07/G08/G05/G13/G04 -ful core desires and traits are the same \ndesires and traits as everyone else. There are many \u201cwords\u201d \nthat can describe the free flowing essence of Source energy; I \nbelieve those same energy pattern s of words will show up time \nand time again, for different people, listing different core \ndesires. We are beginning to see the truth of our same core Source root. Look at your list again. Notice its lighter, free-er \nvibrational tone. \n/G24/G0F/G09/G16/G01/G06/G2C/G01/G01 /G39/G04/G04/G0C/G01/G10/G0B/G04/G01/G07/G14/G04/G05/G12/G0C/G0C/G01/G04/G16/G16/G04/G03/G13/G04/G01/G07/G0A/G01/G10/G0B/G12/G10/G01 core list of qualities. \nAnd find a truth (a \u201cgood feeling\u201d feeling) from that list of \nqualities that you can easily find already existing within you\n/G20/G01/G01\nWhat /G01/G0A/G04/G04/G0C/G16/G01/G0E/G07/G07/G11/G01/G12/G03/G11/G01/G10/G05/G08/G10/G0B/G0A/G08/G0C/G01 within you already, /G0F/G12/G19/G22/G04/G01/G12/G03 /G09\nessential experience /G07/G05 personal trait /G09/G01/G10/G0B/G12/G10/G01/G02/G16/G01 also /G01/G12/G03/G01essence /G01/G10/G0B/G12/G10/G01\n/G19/G07/G08/G01/G0B/G12/G14/G04/G01/G02/G11/G04/G03/G10/G02/G0A/G02/G04/G11/G01/G04/G26/G02/G16/G10/G02/G03/G0E/G01/G1C/G02/G10/G0B/G02/G03/G01/G10/G0B/G04/G01/G04/G16/G16/G04/G03/G13/G04/G01/G07/G0A/G01/G19/G07/G08/G05/G01 /G08/G07/G0F/G0D/G03/G07 /G25/G01/G01\nIn other words, what is an essence of your desire that \nis already an essence of you? \n Example: \n Essence of Desire = Essence Within Me: \n Playfully Free, Energi zed, Playfully Alive \nThese energies describe the \u201calready is\u201d me. They /G15/G07/G16/G0F/G02/G13/G01/G17/G04/G12/G0C/G10/G0B \n 56 \n/G0B/G1A/G08/G09/G0B/G11/G1C/G01/G0B/G08/G09/G01/G0B/G01/G18/G13/G1E/G08/G0B/G0F/G13/G10/G0E/G0B/G1A/G01/G16/G0B/G08/G0F/G01/G10/G0A/G01/G17/G15/G10/G01/G0D/G01/G0B/G25/G2C/G01/G01/G0D/G01/G0B/G1A/G08/G09/G0B/G11/G1C/G01\nknow that I am a playful person, who has a lot of good energy, who has creative and playful ideas, and who likes to laugh freely. I like to have fun and typically find freedom in the playful essence of many of my life experiences that I can easily and happily recall. And so the feeling within my desire, that \u201calready is,\u201d that I easily connect with is the playfully free and energetically alive feeling of fun-filled freedom. I can close my eyes and feel the vi brational ease of that truth, \nwithin myself /G05/G0A/G08 /G01/G25/G1C/G01/G11/G09/G19/G13/G08/G09/G2C/G01/G01/G0D/G01/G0C/G0B/G0E/G01/G19/G09/G09/G01/G25/G1C/G19/G09/G1A/G0A/G01\nharmonizing through these fee lings of something that \nI already am (playful, creative, alive, and free) and \nsomething that I desire (playful healthfulness and /G11/G0D/G0C /G33 \nness - and playful freedom). \nStep 7. /G01/G01/G1B/G04/G10/G01/G0E/G07/G01/G07/G0A/G01/G10/G0B/G04/G01/G0D/G05/G04/G14/G02/G07/G08/G16/G01/G0D/G12/G10/G10/G04/G05/G03/G01/G07/G0A/G01 /G14/G0F/G0C/G01/G03/G0C/G0E /G09/G01/G12/G03/G11/G01/G16/G02/G0F/G0D/G0C/G19 \nallow yourself to vibrationally hummmmmmmmmm, in an easy feeling place of knowing that you /G0F/G10/G09/G05/G0F/G11/G1A/G06 are /G01/G10/G", "token_ids": [720, 4238, 11, 6380, 11, 5052, 11, 9498, 11, 34076, 11, 4602, 1534, 11, 45955, 11, 720, 1387, 1285, 11, 71407, 11, 1825, 11, 62935, 11, 1949, 11, 24746, 11, 720, 11600, 481, 11, 83212, 11, 16448, 11, 1695, 11, 8922, 12, 1285, 11, 312, 611, 38, 15, 37, 16169, 1721, 16169, 2437, 16169, 2839, 16169, 15, 36, 16169, 2589, 611, 38, 15, 32, 16169, 717, 16169, 16, 32, 16169, 17, 32, 16169, 1721, 720, 4620, 11, 11782, 11, 4017, 2753, 11, 13989, 11, 9257, 11, 30467, 11, 23669, 5996, 9, 2746, 1418, 499, 527, 4477, 279, 29600, 315, 279, 12876, 11, 2555, 720, 9210, 499, 3350, 1523, 31854, 264, 1054, 1962, 1695, 863, 98870, 8430, 11, 3060, 312, 6906, 430, 4040, 4367, 311, 279, 28591, 315, 264, 1054, 19045, 8430, 863, 3492, 11, 477, 1541, 1431, 1836, 384, 433, 13, 220, 20474, 11, 420, 374, 369, 611, 38, 16, 32, 16169, 2589, 16169, 717, 13, 2355, 3112, 779, 499, 527, 3339, 701, 1160, 11, 1418, 14624, 311, 611, 38, 16, 32, 16169, 2589, 16169, 717, 16169, 2545, 16169, 2705, 9358, 720, 24343, 685, 1887, 13, 220, 9842, 29600, 430, 1304, 611, 38, 16, 32, 16169, 2589, 16169, 717, 2733, 1695, 922, 2355, 1820, 8206, 315, 701, 12876, 13, 720, 8468, 220, 20, 13, 256, 25773, 279, 611, 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220, 358, 720, 9978, 19704, 1884, 1890, 4907, 5497, 274, 315, 4339, 690, 1501, 709, 892, 720, 438, 892, 1578, 11, 369, 2204, 1274, 11, 15182, 2204, 6332, 720, 5919, 3946, 13, 220, 1226, 527, 7314, 311, 1518, 279, 8206, 315, 1057, 1890, 6332, 8922, 3789, 13, 220, 9372, 520, 701, 1160, 1578, 13, 220, 25773, 1202, 30673, 11, 1949, 12, 261, 2355, 85, 10892, 1697, 16630, 13, 720, 16169, 1187, 16169, 15, 37, 16169, 2545, 16169, 845, 16169, 1721, 16169, 2705, 16169, 17, 34, 16169, 1721, 16169, 1721, 611, 38, 2137, 16169, 2371, 16169, 2371, 16169, 15, 34, 16169, 1721, 16169, 605, 16169, 15, 33, 16169, 2371, 16169, 1721, 16169, 2589, 16169, 975, 16169, 2371, 16169, 2304, 16169, 717, 16169, 15, 34, 16169, 15, 34, 16169, 1721, 16169, 2371, 16169, 845, 16169, 845, 16169, 2371, 16169, 2839, 16169, 1032, 16169, 2371, 16169, 1721, 16169, 2589, 16169, 15, 32, 16169, 1721, 16169, 605, 16169, 15, 33, 16169, 717, 16169, 605, 16169, 1721, 6332, 1160, 315, 29600, 13, 2355, 3112, 1505, 264, 8206, 320, 64, 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16169, 2589, 16169, 15, 32, 16169, 1721, 611, 38, 975, 16169, 15, 37, 16169, 15, 34, 16169, 1721, 16169, 2839, 16169, 15, 34, 16169, 15, 36, 611, 38, 2545, 16169, 1721, 16169, 717, 16169, 2839, 16169, 806, 16169, 1721, 16169, 845, 16169, 2437, 16169, 15, 37, 16169, 15, 35, 16169, 15, 34, 16169, 777, 2355, 7331, 6261, 311, 48913, 750, 2854, 3906, 3906, 3906, 49986, 11, 304, 459, 4228, 8430, 2035, 315, 14392, 430, 499, 611, 38, 15, 37, 16169, 605, 16169, 2545, 16169, 2304, 16169, 15, 37, 16169, 806, 16169, 16, 32, 16169, 2705, 527, 611, 38, 1721, 16169, 605, 16169], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " educating the public about\nthreats to the nutritional integrity of the food and water supply.\nLoving Foods\nP.O. Box 576\nPaia, \nHI\n96779 (808) 573-4207\nA \nMaui-based company dedicated to providing information and resources\nthat promote a raw food diet. They also carry books, posters, charts, etc.\nRawsome News\nRaw Foods Support of San Diego\nHelene D. Idels, founder\nP.O. Box 3397\nVista, CA 92085-3397\n(619) 220-2174\nThis newsletter contains articles, events, recipes and information on raw and\nliving foods.\nRhio\u2019s Raw Energy Hotline\n(212) 343-1152\nProvides information about health-related issues, and raw food and living\nfoods events.\nSPROUTING AND SUPPLIES\n \nSprout House, Inc.\nGreat Barrington, MA 01230\n(800) SPROUTS (toll free)e-mail: \nsprout@sproutman.com\nThe source for Steve Meyerowitz\u2019s sprouting supplies. Wide variety of seeds,\nsprouting baskets, bags, mini-greenhouses, etc. Also, how-to books on\nsprouting.\nSuper Sprouts\n205 Spadina Avenue, Toronto\nOntario M5T 2C8, Canada\n(416) 977-7796\nSprouting information and supplies.\nThe Sproutpeople\n225 Main Street\nGays Mills, WI 54631\n(877) 777-6887 (toll free)\n(608) 735-4735 (local)\n(608) 735-4736 (fax)\nCarries a wide selection of organic seeds and sprouting supplies.\nSCHOOLS (HERBAL)\n \nWe invite all Herbal Schools to write, email or call us with their information\nto be added to the next edition.\nInternational School of Detoxification\nDr. Robert Morse\n941-C Tamiami Trail\nPort Charlotte, FL 33953\n(941) 255-1979 (phone)\n(941) 255-1815 (fax)\ne-mail: \nrobertsmorse@aol.com\nwww.godsherbs.comThe Australasian College of Herbal Studies\nP.O. Box 130\nLake Oswego, OR 97034\n(800) 48STUDY (487-8839) (toll free)\nwww.herbed.com\nSage Mountain Herbal School\nRosemary Gladstar\nP.O. Box 420\nE. Barre, VT 05649\n(802) 476-3722\nwww.sagemountain.com\nEast/West School of Herbalism\nMichael Tierra, L.Ac., O.M.D.\nP.O. Box 712\nSanta Cruz, CA 95061\n(800) 717-5010 (toll free)\n(408) 336-4548 (fax)\nwww.planetherbs.com\nNatural Healing Institute\n(800) 559-HEAL (4325) (toll free)\nwww.naturalhealinginst.com\nThe School of Natural Healing\nDr. John Christopher\u2019s teachings\nP.O. Box 412\nSpringville, UT 84663\n(800) 372-8255 (toll free)\nwww.schoolofnaturalhealing.comBlazing Star Herbal School\nP.O. Box 6\nShelburne Falls, MA 01370\n(413) 625-6875 (phone)\n(413) 625-6972 (fax)\nwww.blazingstarherbs.com\nRocky Mountain Center for Botanical Studies\nP.O. Box 19254\nBoulder, CO 80308\n(303) 442-6861\nwww.herbschool.com\nDominion Herbal College\n7527 Kingsway\nBurnaby, B.C. V3N 3C1\nCanada\n(604) 521-5822 (phone)\n(604) 526-1561 (fax)\nwww.dominionherbal.com\nThe California School of Herbal Studies\nP.O. Box 39\nForestville, CA 95436\n(707) 887-7457\nStarted by Rosemary Gladstar in 1982 and now run by James Green.\nSCHOOLS (NATUROPATHIC)\n \nAcademy of Oriental Medicine2700 W. Anderson Lane\nSuite 204\nAustin, TX 78757\n(512) 454-1188\nwww.aoma.edu\nBastyr University\n14500 Juanita Drive NE\nKenmore, WA 98028-4966\n(425) 602-3090 (fax)\nwww.bastyr.edu\nBoucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine\n4375 St. Catherine Street\nVancouver, BC V5V 4M4\nCanada\n(604) 602-3330 \nwww.binm.org\nClayton College of Natural Health\n2140 11th Avenue South\nSuite 305\nBirmingham, AL 35205\n(800) 995-4590 (toll free)\nwww.ccnh.edu\nClayton School of Natural Healing merged with The American Holistic\nSchool of Nutrition in 1997 and became Clayton College of Natural Health.\nCanadian College of Naturopathic Medicine\n60 Berl Avenue\nToronto, Ontario M8Y 3C7\nCanada\nwww.nncm.eduFormerly The Ontario College of Naturopathic Medicine.\nNorwich University/Vermont College\nP.O. Box V559\nMontpelier, VT 05602\n(800) 336-6794 (toll free)\nwww.norwich.edu/vermontcollege\nSouthern College of Naturopathy\n420 Elm Street\nWaldron, AR 72958\n(888) 372-9555 (toll free)\nwww.naturopathicdegree.org\nSouthwest College of Naturopathic Medicine & Health Sciences\n2140 E. Broadway Road\nTempe, AZ 85282\n(480) 858-9100\nwww.scnm.edu\nUniversity of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine\n126 Park Avenue\nBridgeport, CT 06601-2449\n(203) 576-4108\nwww.bridgeport.edu/naturopathy\nWestbrook University\n120 Llano Street\nAztec, NM 87410\n(800) 447-6496 (toll free)\nwww.westbrooku.eduTEAS, ORGANIC HERBAL\n \nSan Francisco Herb and Natural Food Co.\n47444 Kato Road\nFremont, CA 94538\n(800) 227-2830 (toll free)\n(510) 770-9021 (fax)\nwww.farmworld.com\nWholesale herbs, spices and tea.\nTri-Sun International\n2230 Cape Cod Way\nSanta Ana, CA 92703\n(800) 387-4786 (toll free)\nJason Winter\u2019s Tea.\nGod\u2019s Herbs\n730-C Tamiami Trail\nPort Charlotte, FL 33953\n(941) 766-8068 (phone)\n(941) 766-8067 (fax)\nwww.robertmorsend@aol.com\nHeal-All tea (anti-cancer and more)\nPronatura, Inc.\n6211-A West Howard Street\nNiles, IL 60714\n(800) 555-7580 (toll free)\nwww.pronaturainc.com/\nKombucha tea, capsules and extracts.WATER SYSTEMS\n \nClean Water Revival, Inc.\n85 Hazel Street\nGlen Cove, NY 11542\n(800) 444-3563 (toll free)\n(516) 674-2441 (local)\nCeramic water filtration systems.\nEn Garde Health Products\n7702 Balboa Boulevard #10\nVan Nuys, CA 91406\n(818) 901-8505\nwww.oxymoxy.com\nDynam02.\nGlobal Water Technologies\nc/o Amvi Science Products\nP.O. Box 1101\nTacoma, WA 98401\n(206) 922-9113\nPres-2-Pure and Pump-N-Pure; reported to be far superior to R/O and less\nexpensive.\nMulti-Pure Corp.\n(800) 689-4199 (toll free)\nLarge manufacturer of home water filters.\nNutrition Coalition\nP.O. Box 3001\nFargo, ND 58108(800) 447-4793 (toll free)\n(218) 236-9783 (local)\nwww.willardswater.com\nFor genuine Willard Water.\nTap Dance Filters\n(800) 272-0982 (toll free)\nEconomical and affordable for most people.\nWaterwise\nLeesburg, FL\n(800) 874-9028 (toll free)\n(352) 787-5008 (local)\n(352) 787-8123 (fax)\nwww.waterwise.com\nLarge manufacturer of home water distillers.\nWATER THERAPY\n \nAxel Kraft Int. USA Inc.\nFort Lauderdale, FL 33301\n(954) 942-9038 (phone)\n(800) 667-7864 (toll free)\nwww.axelkraft.com\nOffers hydrotherapy products, soaps, aromatherapy, personal care, herbs,\nsupplements and more.\nKneipp Corporation of America\n105\u2013107 Stonehurst Court\nNorthvale, MJ 07647\n(800) 937-4372 (info line)(201) 750-0600 (phone)\n(201) 750-2070 (fax)\nwww.kneipp.com", "token_ids": [67805, 279, 586, 922, 198, 97229, 82, 311, 279, 43226, 17025, 315, 279, 3691, 323, 3090, 8312, 627, 43, 9308, 40160, 198, 47, 8548, 13, 8425, 220, 20758, 198, 20908, 689, 11, 720, 24860, 198, 27134, 4643, 320, 11770, 8, 220, 22529, 12, 12819, 22, 198, 32, 720, 30635, 2005, 6108, 2883, 12514, 311, 8405, 2038, 323, 5070, 198, 9210, 12192, 264, 7257, 3691, 10173, 13, 2435, 1101, 6920, 6603, 11, 39568, 11, 27223, 11, 5099, 627, 49, 8805, 638, 5513, 198, 20613, 40160, 9365, 315, 5960, 18842, 198, 33813, 1994, 423, 13, 5336, 2053, 11, 19533, 198, 47, 8548, 13, 8425, 220, 17887, 22, 198, 53, 9265, 11, 9362, 220, 18485, 5313, 12, 17887, 22, 198, 7, 23388, 8, 220, 8610, 12, 13460, 19, 198, 2028, 20846, 5727, 9908, 11, 4455, 11, 19141, 323, 2038, 389, 7257, 323, 198, 64275, 15657, 627, 73262, 822, 753, 23886, 12634, 8166, 1074, 198, 7, 11227, 8, 220, 16522, 12, 7322, 17, 198, 50122, 2038, 922, 2890, 14228, 4819, 11, 323, 7257, 3691, 323, 5496, 198, 96420, 4455, 627, 4695, 86700, 1753, 3651, 54722, 2989, 5482, 27907, 64505, 412, 4783, 11, 4953, 627, 22111, 32817, 4910, 11, 9917, 220, 11531, 966, 198, 7, 4728, 8, 328, 9295, 1406, 50, 320, 83, 980, 1949, 53021, 11724, 25, 720, 52773, 412, 31, 52773, 412, 1543, 916, 198, 791, 2592, 369, 14129, 48290, 53431, 753, 8314, 11149, 17135, 13, 33845, 8205, 315, 19595, 345, 52773, 11149, 69444, 11, 18381, 11, 13726, 39368, 37841, 11, 5099, 13, 7429, 11, 1268, 4791, 6603, 389, 198, 52773, 11149, 627, 19841, 15883, 11934, 198, 10866, 3165, 329, 2259, 17569, 11, 14974, 198, 67403, 3370, 386, 20, 51, 220, 17, 34, 23, 11, 7008, 198, 7, 17763, 8, 220, 26409, 12, 25659, 21, 198, 64505, 11149, 2038, 323, 17135, 627, 791, 15883, 412, 16455, 198, 11057, 4802, 6825, 198, 38, 954, 34202, 11, 43023, 220, 22048, 2148, 198, 7, 23873, 8, 220, 15831, 12, 23292, 22, 320, 83, 980, 1949, 340, 7, 19944, 8, 220, 24939, 12, 21505, 20, 320, 2497, 340, 7, 19944, 8, 220, 24939, 12, 21505, 21, 320, 40153, 340, 9028, 4108, 264, 7029, 6727, 315, 17808, 19595, 323, 8314, 11149, 17135, 627, 50, 31598, 41363, 320, 3087, 92360, 340, 720, 1687, 22114, 682, 87972, 31483, 311, 3350, 11, 2613, 477, 1650, 603, 449, 872, 2038, 198, 998, 387, 3779, 311, 279, 1828, 14002, 627, 34746, 6150, 315, 16828, 5241, 2461, 198, 9023, 13, 8563, 87339, 198, 21322, 7813, 29988, 15622, 19177, 198, 7229, 29473, 11, 13062, 220, 17887, 4331, 198, 7, 21322, 8, 220, 3192, 12, 4468, 24, 320, 4949, 340, 7, 21322, 8, 220, 3192, 12, 10562, 20, 320, 40153, 340, 68, 11724, 25, 720, 299, 9339, 3647, 11073, 90317, 337, 916, 198, 2185, 1326, 347, 90605, 1302, 916, 791, 6126, 300, 1122, 9304, 315, 87972, 19241, 198, 47, 8548, 13, 8425, 220, 5894, 198, 82389, 66321, 13546, 11, 2794, 220, 21133, 1958, 198, 7, 4728, 8, 220, 2166, 790, 4760, 56, 320, 22184, 12, 24902, 24, 8, 320, 83, 980, 1949, 340, 2185, 44872, 2788, 916, 198, 50, 425, 19149, 87972, 6150, 198, 58524, 1563, 52741, 12134, 198, 47, 8548, 13, 8425, 220, 12819, 198, 36, 13, 4821, 265, 11, 34051, 220, 25921, 2491, 198, 7, 13135, 8, 220, 22191, 12, 17662, 17, 198, 2185, 516, 15003, 35624, 916, 198, 37440, 22964, 478, 6150, 315, 87972, 2191, 198, 26597, 23126, 14210, 11, 445, 47150, 2637, 507, 1345, 920, 627, 47, 8548, 13, 8425, 220, 22708, 198, 64248, 21510, 11, 9362, 220, 15862, 5547, 198, 7, 4728, 8, 220, 25150, 12, 14408, 15, 320, 83, 980, 1949, 340, 7, 18058, 8, 220, 17014, 12, 20555, 23, 320, 40153, 340, 2185, 46942, 2791, 1302, 916, 198, 55381, 49741, 10181, 198, 7, 4728, 8, 220, 22424, 12, 1837, 984, 320, 16739, 20, 8, 320, 83, 980, 1949, 340, 2185, 1276, 4688, 383, 6260, 6442, 916, 198, 791, 6150, 315, 18955, 49741, 198, 9023, 13, 3842, 26035, 753, 45572, 198, 47, 8548, 13, 8425, 220, 17574, 198, 26208, 8078, 11, 26639, 220, 26563, 5495, 198, 7, 4728, 8, 220, 17662, 12, 22091, 20, 320, 83, 980, 1949, 340, 2185, 67160, 1073, 53980, 383, 6260, 916, 5028, 6795, 7834, 87972, 6150, 198, 47, 8548, 13, 8425, 220, 21, 198, 2059, 301, 22464, 68, 30743, 11, 9917, 220, 16368, 2031, 198, 7, 19288, 8, 220, 15894, 12, 21897, 20, 320, 4949, 340, 7, 19288, 8, 220, 15894, 12, 25388, 17, 320, 40153, 340, 2185, 10621, 6795, 12134, 1964, 1302, 916, 198, 36152, 88, 19149, 5955, 369, 23869, 45983, 19241, 198, 47, 8548, 13, 8425, 220, 5926, 4370, 198, 33, 38734, 11, 7432, 220, 20899, 2318, 198, 7, 13236, 8, 220, 20502, 12, 22347, 16, 198, 2185, 44872, 1302, 2184, 916, 198, 72641, 290, 87972, 9304, 198, 23644, 22, 24980, 3195, 198, 67313, 6243, 11, 426, 732, 13, 650, 18, 45, 220, 18, 34, 16, 198, 37031, 198, 7, 20354, 8, 220, 20767, 12, 23670, 17, 320, 4949, 340, 7, 20354, 8, 220, 22593, 12, 10132, 16, 320, 40153, 340, 2185, 962, 8129, 290, 1964, 13616, 916, 198, 791, 7188, 6150, 315, 87972, 19241, 198, 47, 8548, 13, 8425, 220, 2137, 198, 50678, 8078, 11, 9362, 220, 25741, 1927, 198, 7, 18770, 8, 220, 26058, 12, 23901, 22, 198, 33627, 555, 16344, 1563, 52741, 12134, 304, 220, 3753, 17, 323, 1457, 1629, 555, 7957, 7997, 627, 50, 31598, 41363, 320, 45, 835, 52, 1308, 13907, 1341, 340, 720, 11916, 329, 4625, 315, 72051, 19152, 10914, 15, 468, 13, 21293, 27109, 198, 29100, 220, 7854, 198, 83489, 11, 17467, 220, 23171, 3226, 198, 7, 8358, 8, 220, 20555, 12, 8899, 23, 198, 2185, 5973, 7942, 12871, 198, 33, 561, 11160, 3907, 198, 9591, 410, 29604, 6388, 16542, 8014, 198, 48341, 6518, 11, 29666, 220, 19068, 1591, 12, 19447, 21, 198, 7, 17837, 8, 220, 20224, 12, 15500, 15, 320, 40153, 340, 2185, 960, 561, 11160, 12871, 198, 33, 24889, 10181, 315, 24772, 84, 897, 589, 292, 19152, 198, 18318, 20, 800, 13, 42663, 6825, 198, 53, 21104, 11, 18531, 650, 20, 53, 220, 19, 44, 19, 198, 37031, 198, 7, 20354, 8, 220, 20224, 12, 8765, 15, 720, 2185, 30494, 76, 2726, 198, 5176, 352, 783, 9304, 315, 18955, 6401, 198, 11584, 15, 220, 806, 339, 17569, 4987, 198, 29100, 220, 13364, 198, 33, 33700, 11, 8927, 220, 16482, 2304, 198, 7, 4728, 8, 220, 22101, 12, 22094, 15, 320, 83, 980, 1949, 340, 2185, 522, 14606, 71, 12871, 198, 5176, 352, 783, 6150, 315, 18955, 49741, 27092, 449, 578, 3778, 16071, 4633, 198, 33849, 315, 39700, 304, 220, 2550, 22, 323, 6244, 64544, 9304, 315, 18955, 6401, 627, 60674, 9304, 315, 24772, 84, 897, 589, 292, 19152, 198, 1399, 9084, 75, 17569, 198, 72437, 11, 21193, 386, 23, 56, 220, 18, 34, 22, 198, 37031, 198, 2185, 1276, 1031, 76, 12871, 31945, 398, 578, 21193, 9304, 315, 24772, 84, 897, 589, 292, 19152, 627, 33763, 17316, 3907, 28332, 4289, 546, 9304, 198, 47, 8548, 13, 8425, 650, 22424, 198, 35515, 48624, 1291, 11, 34051, 220, 25921, 2437, 198, 7, 4728, 8, 220, 17014, 12, 25136, 19, 320, 83, 980, 1949, 340, 2185, 1276, 269, 17316, 12871, 14, 424, 21047, 68534, 198, 86838, 9304, 315, 24772, 84, 897, 19682, 198, 12819, 65329, 6825, 198, 54, 4852, 2298, 11, 6395, 220, 22194, 2970, 198, 7, 12251, 8, 220, 17662, 12, 25875, 20, 320, 83, 980, 1949, 340, 2185, 1276, 36409, 897, 589, 292, 42127, 2726, 198, 26070, 11285, 9304, 315, 24772, 84, 897, 589, 292, 19152, 612, 6401, 23199, 198, 11584, 15, 469, 13, 37776, 9728, 198, 22759, 375, 11, 31976, 220, 24571, 6086, 198, 7, 11738, 8, 220, 23805, 12, 21056, 15, 198, 2185, 7840, 20211, 12871, 198, 31272, 315, 20467, 403, 9304, 315, 24772, 84, 897, 589, 292, 19152, 198, 9390, 5657, 17569, 198, 33948, 403, 11, 19084, 220, 23835, 1721, 12, 13719, 24, 198, 7, 9639, 8, 220, 20758, 12, 14487, 23, 198, 2185, 83707, 403, 12871, 9809, 36409, 897, 19682, 198, 24188, 43366, 3907, 198, 4364, 445, 75, 5770, 6825, 198, 38299, 55300, 11, 40814, 220, 25822, 605, 198, 7, 4728, 8, 220, 20800, 12, 24734, 21, 320, 83, 980, 1949, 340, 2185, 1444, 478, 15222, 16900, 12871, 2505, 1950, 11, 2794, 59587, 1341, 16019, 92360, 27907, 24661, 13175, 74956, 323, 18955, 12369, 3623, 627, 21358, 2096, 735, 4428, 9728, 198, 37, 1864, 546, 11, 9362, 220, 24599, 1987, 198, 7, 4728, 8, 220, 14206, 12, 16085, 15, 320, 83, 980, 1949, 340, 7, 15633, 8, 220, 20772, 12, 21026, 16, 320, 40153, 340, 2185, 840, 2227, 14957, 916, 198, 1671, 43607, 42393, 11, 49659, 323, 15600, 627, 22646, 6354, 359, 7327, 198, 12533, 15, 29715, 34777, 12424, 198, 64248, 33238, 11, 9362, 220, 26437, 2839, 198, 7, 4728, 8, 220, 20062, 12, 22086, 21, 320, 83, 980, 1949, 340, 54013, 20704, 753, 31125, 627, 28622, 753, 6385, 1302, 198, 20785, 7813, 29988, 15622, 19177, 198, 7229, 29473, 11, 13062, 220, 17887, 4331, 198, 7, 21322, 8, 220, 25358, 12, 22397, 23, 320, 4949, 340, 7, 21322, 8, 220, 25358, 12, 22397, 22, 320, 40153, 340, 2185, 31942, 9339, 76, 1105, 408, 90317, 337, 916, 198, 1548, 278, 12, 2460, 15600, 320, 15719, 1824, 11967, 323, 810, 340, 47, 2298, 25282, 11, 4953, 627, 22488, 16, 6830, 4410, 20462, 6825, 198, 45, 3742, 11, 11598, 220, 21996, 975, 198, 7, 4728, 8, 220, 14148, 12, 25302, 15, 320, 83, 980, 1949, 340, 2185, 558, 2298, 2693, 467, 66, 916, 6018, 42, 2925, 55481, 15600, 11, 65879, 323, 49062, 1196, 19706, 35852, 50, 27907, 28629, 10164, 10315, 4023, 11, 4953, 627, 5313, 76479, 6825, 198, 38, 2963, 65479, 11, 12551, 220, 7322, 2983, 198, 7, 4728, 8, 220, 14870, 12, 18349, 18, 320, 83, 980, 1949, 340, 7, 20571, 8, 220, 25513, 12, 13719, 16, 320, 2497, 340, 34, 261, 4079, 3090, 76038, 6067, 627, 1737, 12471, 451, 6401, 15899, 198, 20772, 17, 19984, 70114, 48540, 674, 605, 198, 46324, 33424, 1065, 11, 9362, 220, 24579, 2705, 198, 7, 23141, 8, 220, 19319, 12, 16217, 20, 198, 2185, 13, 5241, 1631, 61263, 916, 198, 35, 11694, 2437, 627, 11907, 10164, 25579, 198, 66, 20886, 3383, 10176, 10170, 15899, 198, 47, 8548, 13, 8425, 220, 5120, 16, 198, 80680, 7942, 11, 29666, 220, 23812, 1721, 198, 7, 11056, 8, 220, 20275, 12, 17000, 18, 198, 14704, 12, 17, 9483, 554, 323, 34826, 11500, 9483, 554, 26, 5068, 311, 387, 3117, 16757, 311, 432, 17991, 323, 2753, 198, 4683, 4114, 627, 20981, 9483, 554, 22621, 627, 7, 4728, 8, 220, 25458, 12, 19391, 24, 320, 83, 980, 1949, 340, 35353, 14290, 315, 2162, 3090, 13711, 627, 79570, 17462, 36892, 198, 47, 8548, 13, 8425, 220, 3101, 16, 198, 37, 12359, 11, 39544, 220, 23864, 2318, 7, 4728, 8, 220, 20800, 12, 21848, 18, 320, 83, 980, 1949, 340, 7, 13302, 8, 220, 14087, 12, 17272, 18, 320, 2497, 340, 2185, 1444, 67359, 2332, 977, 916, 198, 2520, 22785, 4946, 569, 10164, 627, 24821, 30704, 46112, 198, 7, 4728, 8, 220, 15741, 12, 26983, 17, 320, 83, 980, 1949, 340, 36, 45317, 950, 323, 17049, 369, 1455, 1274, 627, 29353, 4583, 198, 2356, 288, 10481, 11, 13062, 198, 7, 4728, 8, 220, 25822, 12, 21026, 23, 320, 83, 980, 1949, 340, 7, 16482, 8, 220, 23171, 12, 2636, 23, 320, 2497, 340, 7, 16482, 8, 220, 23171, 12, 19270, 18, 320, 40153, 340, 2185, 87623, 4583, 916, 198, 35353, 14290, 315, 2162, 3090, 1612, 484, 388, 627, 54, 19706, 350, 3087, 2599, 56, 27907, 38942, 301, 65660, 1357, 13, 7427, 4953, 627, 34380, 78255, 11, 13062, 220, 8765, 1721, 198, 7, 25741, 8, 220, 20249, 12, 23305, 23, 320, 4949, 340, 7, 4728, 8, 220, 19774, 12, 25251, 19, 320, 83, 980, 1949, 340, 2185, 39548, 301, 74, 3017, 916, 198, 96609, 17055, 46755, 3956, 11, 779, 2690, 11, 32369, 1894, 9864, 11, 4443, 2512, 11, 42393, 345, 13066, 4779, 323, 810, 627, 42, 818, 2877, 13332, 315, 5270, 198, 6550, 4235, 7699, 14637, 70200, 7301, 198, 26287, 78829, 11, 62045, 220, 26247, 2618, 198, 7, 4728, 8, 220, 21936, 12, 18318, 17, 320, 2801, 1584, 2432, 679, 8, 220, 11711, 12, 15101, 15, 320, 4949, 340, 7, 679, 8, 220, 11711, 12, 12060, 15, 320, 40153, 340, 2185, 5314, 818, 2877, 916], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " will go forward, on, and on, and on. \nYou as Individuals who are not Group Leaders, have \nonly to be concerned about your own individual world, \naside from your Decrees for the blessing of America; but \nthe Messengers have been the focus of all the viciousness \nof mankind, and they have remained untouched by It! \nThey always will, but it is because of their dynamic Appli-\ncation; and they still do it and will as long as they are serv-\ning in the outer world! \nIt is imperative! until Individuals have made their As-\ncension. You cannot be Free, without your own dynamic \nApplication, because you are moving in the seething vortex \nof human discordant creation all the time. \nI thank you with all My Heart for your attention; and \nfor that which has been anchored within your feeling world \nto bless you. Oh, it is not just the Words which I have 272 THE \"I AM99 DISCOURSES \nspoken; they but hold your attention, while into your feel-\ning world, is the Power of Light anchored to bless you \nforever. It is Our Great Victory for your assistance. In these \nwondrous groups it is the response, which makes it possible \nfor Us to anchor Our Power of Light into your feeling \nworld; which not only dissolves and purifies; but gives you \na Strength and Courage which sets you Free, if you but \nrealize it. \nThings which bothered and disturbed you before, will \nnever do it after today; if you will just keep yourself re-\nminded of this. Oh, I want you to know so much, how \nReally Free you are. I hope, I trust for those who attend \nThis Class, before the ten days are past, it will be My Joy \nto dissolve and consume the human accumulation of ninety \npercent of all who are present. You may be sure, Beloved \nOnes, to the limit the Great Law of Life permits, will this \nbe done, not only for your Freedom; but the Greater Assist-\nance you may give, for the Blessing of mankind and the \nProtection of America. \nWe have watched the Individuals for whom this has been \ndone. The release of their energy, their substance for use \nhas in most instances been ten times that which was released \nbefore it was done. So you know what It means in your own \nindividual lives, as well as the Assistance for America. \nToday, Our Rejoicing is very great. If you only knew \nwhat the Freedom of your America means to you; and how \nthose vicious claws have tried to enter into your govern-\nment. They have tried to enter into your industries; tried DISCOURSE XVIII 273 \nto prevent your aerial service; trying to cripple your Be-\nloved America; and this excess taxation tries to enslave you; \nwhich is always the signal for the final enslavement of all \nmankind! Oh, Dear People, it is quite different this time \nthan ever before; for when the flood of Cosmic Light strikes \nthe mass of the people, then courage goes forth; and they \narise and annihilate their own would-be destroyers. \nThat is not sufficient. Take Russia today for instance! \nOne man has been traded for another continuously, since \nthe Czar was disposed of. Just changing one effect for an-\nother. That is not sufficient; but from the Heart of those \npeople\u2014there must arise a mighty sincere Honest Individ-\nual, whom the people will at once see is their friend; and \nthen would come the solution of the same problem in every \ncountry in the world. \nTreachery and deceit in high places, has brought the \ndistrust of the mass of mankind and they do not know \nupon whom they can depend; but as the Cosmic Light in-\ncreases Its Intensification in the Earth, We are trying to so \nadjust It, there will be raised up in those countries\u2014Individ-\nuals of Power, which will call forth the Power of Light to \nsustain them in their Honesty, Honor, Integrity and Bless-\ning to their fellow-man. It is the only hope! \nWe hope they will reach a great fruition; and possibly \nas We find progress, We may ask the Students of the United \nStates to add a special Decree for this. You have been using \nthe Decree that Ascended Master Friends be raised up \neverywhere\u2014a most magnificent thing; but now decree a 274 THE \"I AM99 DISCOURSES \nGreat Honest, Honorable Individual whose Light is strong \nenough, be raised up in every country in Europe; and the \nconfidence of the people rest there; so the Power of Light's \nConstructive Activity takes Its Dominion. \nOne more thing I want to say to you. You may not com-\nprehend it; but at least in your attention, you can and con-\ntemplate it, if you will. Beginning in this Class, there will \ngo forth a Power of Radiation to Russia and her people, to \ntry to bring the Great\u2014the vast Remedy which is needed. \nShould this become victorious, then you can feel a Gratitude \nand Service rendered which will be beyond all words to \ndescribe. Remember, the beginning of this destructive ele-\nment was in Russia, in connection with the three individ-\nuals in New York, who started this frightful destruction to \nmankind and the Earth. \nOnce not so long ago, We thought there seemed to be \nno hope to bring this transformation into Russia; but recent \nevidence there, has given Us renewed hope; so We will do \nOur Utmost to pour forth a Radiation to the mass of her \npeople; to do what We could scarcely hope for a short \ntime ago. \nYou are not only solving your own problems and holding \nAmerica's Protection; but see how It is reaching into the \nWhole Earth! It seems so fragmentary to you I know, but \nin every country in the World, there are Groups of \"I AM\" \nStudents; some places small, but enough so We may focus \nThis Mighty Power of Light at those points. \nIn South Africa, where as Washington's Vision has DISCOURSE XVIII 275 \nshown, was to arise that great cloud to submerge America; \nthere has been drawn and established a Mighty Sincere \nGroup of \"I AM\" Students. It is magnificent! Shall I tell \nyou what they said concerning some destructive literature \nwhich went even to Africa? You know how the sinister \nthing, tries to do such things, tries to spread its destruction \neverywhere. When its destructive literature reached those \nstudents, momentarily they were shocked. Then they ", "token_ids": [690, 220, 733, 4741, 11, 220, 389, 11, 323, 220, 389, 11, 323, 220, 389, 13, 720, 2675, 439, 62525, 220, 889, 220, 527, 539, 220, 5856, 220, 28986, 11, 220, 617, 720, 3323, 220, 311, 387, 11920, 220, 922, 220, 701, 220, 1866, 220, 3927, 220, 1917, 11, 720, 29612, 220, 505, 220, 701, 220, 3799, 8016, 220, 369, 279, 40149, 220, 315, 5270, 26, 220, 719, 720, 1820, 19234, 15232, 220, 617, 220, 1027, 220, 279, 5357, 220, 315, 682, 279, 43510, 2136, 720, 1073, 43384, 11, 220, 323, 220, 814, 220, 617, 220, 14958, 220, 68622, 220, 555, 1102, 0, 720, 7009, 220, 2744, 220, 690, 11, 220, 719, 433, 374, 1606, 220, 315, 872, 220, 8915, 220, 58945, 72, 7058, 65982, 26, 220, 323, 220, 814, 220, 2103, 220, 656, 433, 323, 220, 690, 220, 439, 1317, 220, 439, 814, 220, 527, 4958, 7058, 287, 304, 279, 16335, 220, 1917, 0, 720, 2181, 374, 48696, 0, 220, 3156, 220, 62525, 220, 617, 220, 1903, 220, 872, 220, 1666, 7058, 66, 2711, 13, 220, 1472, 220, 4250, 220, 387, 3658, 11, 220, 2085, 220, 701, 220, 1866, 220, 8915, 720, 5095, 11, 220, 1606, 220, 499, 220, 527, 7366, 220, 304, 279, 513, 2350, 220, 87627, 720, 1073, 3823, 220, 32141, 519, 220, 9886, 220, 682, 279, 892, 13, 720, 40, 9901, 220, 499, 220, 449, 220, 682, 3092, 220, 18449, 220, 369, 701, 220, 6666, 26, 220, 323, 720, 2000, 430, 220, 902, 220, 706, 1027, 220, 78219, 220, 2949, 220, 701, 220, 8430, 220, 1917, 720, 998, 16458, 220, 499, 13, 220, 8840, 11, 220, 433, 374, 539, 220, 1120, 220, 279, 220, 28730, 220, 902, 220, 358, 617, 220, 15741, 3247, 220, 330, 40, 6912, 1484, 220, 12244, 34, 6934, 29095, 720, 52858, 26, 220, 814, 220, 719, 3412, 220, 701, 220, 6666, 11, 220, 1418, 220, 1139, 220, 701, 220, 2733, 7058, 287, 1917, 11, 220, 374, 279, 7572, 220, 315, 8828, 220, 78219, 220, 311, 16458, 220, 499, 720, 1348, 424, 13, 220, 1102, 374, 5751, 220, 8681, 220, 49427, 220, 369, 701, 220, 13291, 13, 220, 763, 1521, 720, 86, 94650, 220, 5315, 220, 433, 374, 279, 2077, 11, 220, 902, 220, 3727, 220, 433, 3284, 720, 2000, 4073, 311, 17543, 220, 5751, 220, 7572, 220, 315, 8828, 220, 1139, 220, 701, 220, 8430, 720, 14957, 26, 220, 902, 220, 539, 1193, 220, 14091, 18685, 220, 323, 220, 4087, 9803, 26, 220, 719, 6835, 220, 499, 720, 64, 32937, 220, 323, 220, 99630, 220, 902, 220, 7437, 220, 499, 220, 3658, 11, 220, 422, 499, 220, 719, 720, 8110, 553, 220, 433, 13, 720, 42575, 220, 902, 220, 46376, 220, 323, 220, 56507, 220, 499, 220, 1603, 11, 220, 690, 720, 37593, 220, 656, 433, 1306, 220, 3432, 26, 220, 422, 499, 220, 690, 220, 1120, 220, 2567, 220, 6261, 220, 312, 7058, 76, 17003, 220, 315, 420, 13, 220, 8840, 11, 220, 358, 1390, 220, 499, 220, 311, 1440, 220, 779, 1790, 11, 220, 1268, 720, 49885, 220, 3658, 220, 499, 220, 527, 13, 220, 358, 3987, 11, 220, 358, 7095, 220, 369, 1884, 220, 889, 220, 9604, 720, 2028, 220, 3308, 11, 220, 1603, 220, 279, 5899, 2919, 220, 527, 3347, 11, 220, 433, 690, 220, 387, 3092, 220, 28237, 720, 998, 73739, 220, 323, 220, 25024, 220, 279, 3823, 220, 46835, 220, 315, 78976, 720, 25426, 220, 315, 682, 889, 220, 527, 3118, 13, 220, 1472, 220, 1253, 220, 387, 2771, 11, 220, 7984, 5047, 720, 1966, 288, 11, 220, 311, 279, 4017, 220, 279, 8681, 220, 7658, 220, 315, 9601, 220, 29790, 11, 220, 690, 220, 420, 720, 1395, 2884, 11, 220, 539, 1193, 220, 369, 701, 220, 25320, 26, 220, 719, 279, 33381, 220, 54349, 7058, 685, 220, 499, 220, 1253, 220, 3041, 11, 220, 369, 279, 44361, 287, 220, 315, 43384, 220, 323, 220, 279, 720, 80098, 220, 315, 5270, 13, 720, 1687, 617, 220, 15746, 220, 279, 62525, 220, 369, 8884, 220, 420, 220, 706, 1027, 720, 10655, 13, 220, 578, 220, 4984, 220, 315, 872, 220, 4907, 11, 220, 872, 220, 20278, 220, 369, 1005, 720, 4752, 304, 1455, 220, 13422, 220, 1027, 220, 5899, 3115, 220, 430, 220, 902, 220, 574, 220, 6004, 720, 15145, 220, 433, 574, 220, 2884, 13, 220, 2100, 499, 1440, 220, 1148, 220, 1102, 3445, 220, 304, 701, 220, 1866, 720, 55977, 220, 6439, 11, 220, 439, 1664, 220, 439, 279, 46865, 220, 369, 5270, 13, 720, 15724, 11, 220, 5751, 220, 1050, 7453, 10332, 220, 374, 1633, 220, 2294, 13, 220, 1442, 499, 220, 1193, 220, 7020, 720, 12840, 220, 279, 25320, 220, 315, 701, 220, 5270, 220, 3445, 220, 311, 499, 26, 220, 323, 220, 1268, 720, 54719, 220, 43510, 220, 68550, 220, 617, 220, 6818, 220, 311, 3810, 220, 1139, 220, 701, 220, 2633, 7058, 479, 13, 220, 2435, 220, 617, 220, 6818, 220, 311, 3810, 220, 1139, 220, 701, 220, 19647, 26, 220, 6818, 12244, 34, 75008, 220, 53694, 23440, 220, 220, 15451, 720, 998, 5471, 220, 701, 220, 41884, 220, 2532, 26, 220, 4560, 220, 311, 71108, 273, 220, 701, 220, 2893, 7058, 385, 2111, 220, 5270, 26, 220, 323, 220, 420, 13937, 220, 51727, 220, 16696, 220, 311, 665, 53605, 220, 499, 26, 720, 8370, 220, 374, 2744, 220, 279, 8450, 220, 369, 279, 1620, 220, 67548, 402, 1133, 220, 315, 682, 720, 76, 70370, 0, 220, 8840, 11, 220, 43922, 220, 9029, 11, 220, 433, 374, 5115, 220, 2204, 220, 420, 220, 892, 720, 54895, 220, 3596, 220, 1603, 26, 220, 369, 994, 220, 279, 18197, 220, 315, 95789, 220, 8828, 220, 23170, 720, 1820, 3148, 220, 315, 279, 1274, 11, 220, 1243, 220, 25775, 220, 5900, 220, 13544, 26, 220, 323, 220, 814, 720, 277, 1082, 220, 323, 220, 98445, 349, 220, 872, 220, 1866, 220, 1053, 15502, 220, 7066, 388, 13, 720, 4897, 220, 374, 539, 220, 14343, 13, 220, 12040, 220, 8524, 220, 3432, 220, 369, 2937, 0, 720, 4054, 893, 220, 706, 220, 1027, 220, 31207, 220, 369, 2500, 220, 31978, 11, 220, 2533, 720, 1820, 356, 57000, 220, 574, 220, 26655, 220, 315, 13, 4702, 220, 10223, 220, 832, 220, 2515, 220, 369, 459, 7058, 1605, 13, 220, 3011, 220, 374, 539, 14343, 26, 220, 719, 220, 505, 220, 279, 18449, 220, 315, 1884, 720, 16455, 2345, 19041, 220, 2011, 220, 31889, 220, 264, 42727, 220, 49424, 220, 54284, 220, 2314, 65023, 7058, 940, 11, 8884, 220, 279, 1274, 220, 690, 220, 520, 3131, 220, 1518, 374, 872, 220, 4333, 26, 220, 323, 720, 3473, 220, 1053, 220, 2586, 220, 279, 6425, 220, 315, 279, 1890, 220, 3575, 220, 304, 1475, 720, 11389, 220, 304, 279, 1917, 13, 720, 51, 23430, 727, 220, 323, 220, 86585, 220, 304, 1579, 220, 7634, 11, 220, 706, 220, 7263, 220, 279, 720, 67, 3843, 592, 220, 315, 279, 3148, 220, 315, 43384, 220, 323, 220, 814, 220, 656, 539, 220, 1440, 720, 59723, 220, 8884, 220, 814, 220, 649, 6904, 26, 220, 719, 439, 279, 95789, 220, 8828, 220, 304, 7058, 846, 2315, 220, 11699, 1357, 729, 2461, 220, 304, 279, 9420, 11, 220, 1226, 220, 527, 4560, 220, 311, 779, 720, 39819, 220, 1102, 11, 1070, 220, 690, 220, 387, 9408, 220, 709, 304, 1884, 220, 5961, 2345, 1451, 65023, 7058, 940, 82, 315, 7572, 11, 220, 902, 220, 690, 220, 1650, 220, 13544, 220, 279, 7572, 220, 315, 8828, 220, 311, 720, 82, 31873, 220, 1124, 220, 304, 872, 220, 16958, 41339, 11, 220, 43044, 11, 220, 65907, 220, 323, 220, 44361, 7058, 287, 311, 872, 220, 12637, 21110, 13, 220, 1102, 374, 279, 1193, 220, 3987, 0, 720, 1687, 3987, 220, 814, 220, 690, 220, 5662, 220, 264, 2294, 220, 94706, 26, 220, 323, 220, 11000, 720, 300, 1226, 1505, 220, 5208, 11, 220, 1226, 1253, 220, 2610, 279, 20783, 220, 315, 279, 3723, 720, 24137, 220, 311, 923, 220, 264, 3361, 220, 3799, 770, 220, 369, 420, 13, 220, 1472, 220, 617, 220, 1027, 220, 1701, 720, 1820, 3799, 770, 220, 430, 220, 40660, 2954, 220, 11060, 220, 23323, 220, 387, 9408, 220, 709, 720, 30115, 2940, 29096, 220, 1455, 220, 41792, 220, 3245, 26, 220, 719, 220, 1457, 220, 61634, 220, 264, 220, 16590, 3247, 220, 330, 40, 6912, 1484, 220, 12244, 34, 6934, 29095, 720, 22111, 220, 54284, 11, 220, 16958, 25745, 220, 30440, 220, 6832, 220, 8828, 220, 374, 3831, 720, 268, 1409, 11, 220, 387, 9408, 220, 709, 304, 1475, 220, 3224, 220, 304, 4606, 26, 220, 323, 220, 279, 720, 83029, 220, 315, 279, 1274, 220, 2800, 1070, 26, 220, 779, 279, 7572, 220, 315, 8828, 596, 720, 29568, 535, 220, 15330, 220, 5097, 220, 11699, 76521, 13, 720, 4054, 810, 220, 3245, 220, 358, 1390, 220, 311, 2019, 311, 499, 13, 220, 1472, 220, 1253, 220, 539, 470, 7058, 31882, 408, 220, 433, 26, 719, 520, 3325, 220, 304, 701, 220, 6666, 11, 220, 499, 220, 649, 323, 220, 390, 7058, 4308, 220, 433, 11, 422, 499, 220, 690, 13, 220, 52950, 220, 304, 420, 220, 3308, 11, 220, 1070, 220, 690, 720, 3427, 13544, 220, 264, 7572, 220, 315, 90326, 220, 311, 8524, 220, 323, 220, 1077, 1274, 11, 220, 311, 720, 1568, 311, 4546, 220, 279, 8681, 22416, 220, 13057, 220, 5031, 9497, 220, 902, 220, 374, 4460, 13, 720, 15346, 220, 420, 3719, 220, 74810, 11, 220, 1243, 220, 499, 220, 649, 2733, 264, 2895, 17584, 720, 438, 5475, 220, 23188, 220, 902, 220, 690, 220, 387, 7953, 220, 682, 4339, 220, 311, 720, 12612, 13, 220, 20474, 11, 220, 279, 7314, 220, 315, 420, 220, 40652, 220, 10732, 7058, 479, 220, 574, 220, 304, 8524, 11, 220, 304, 3717, 220, 449, 220, 279, 2380, 220, 23496, 7058, 940, 82, 304, 1561, 220, 4356, 11, 220, 889, 220, 3940, 220, 420, 220, 30647, 1285, 220, 19814, 220, 311, 720, 76, 70370, 220, 323, 220, 279, 9420, 13, 720, 12805, 220, 539, 220, 779, 1317, 220, 4227, 11, 220, 1226, 220, 3463, 220, 1070, 220, 9508, 220, 311, 387, 720, 2201, 3987, 220, 311, 4546, 220, 420, 220, 18475, 220, 1139, 220, 8524, 26, 220, 719, 3293, 720, 68, 28580, 220, 1070, 11, 220, 706, 2728, 220, 4073, 36646, 220, 3987, 26, 220, 779, 1226, 690, 220, 656, 720, 8140, 17578, 3646, 220, 311, 5019, 220, 13544, 220, 264, 90326, 220, 311, 279, 3148, 220, 315, 1077, 720, 16455, 26, 220, 311, 656, 1148, 220, 1226, 220, 1436, 220, 80987, 220, 3987, 220, 369, 264, 2875, 720, 1712, 220, 4227, 13, 720, 2675, 527, 539, 1193, 220, 22581, 220, 701, 220, 1866, 220, 5435, 220, 323, 220, 10168, 720, 32132, 596, 220, 19721, 26, 220, 719, 220, 1518, 1268, 220, 1102, 374, 19261, 220, 1139, 220, 279, 720, 91682, 220, 9420, 0, 220, 1102, 5084, 220, 779, 12569, 661, 220, 311, 499, 220, 358, 1440, 11, 220, 719, 720, 258, 1475, 220, 3224, 220, 304, 279, 4435, 11, 220, 1070, 220, 527, 35680, 220, 315, 330, 40, 6912, 1, 720, 32052, 26, 220, 1063, 220, 7634, 220, 2678, 11, 220, 719, 3403, 220, 779, 1226, 1253, 220, 5357, 720, 2028, 220, 75268, 220, 7572, 220, 315, 8828, 220, 520, 1884, 220, 3585, 13, 720, 644, 4987, 220, 10384, 11, 220, 1405, 220, 439, 6652, 596, 220, 31541, 220, 706, 12244, 34, 75008, 220, 53694, 23440, 220, 220, 14417, 720, 70463, 11, 220, 574, 220, 311, 31889, 220, 430, 220, 2294, 220, 9624, 220, 311, 1207, 19590, 220, 5270, 26, 720, 19041, 220, 706, 220, 1027, 220, 15107, 220, 323, 220, 9749, 220, 264, 75268, 220, 328, 2910, 486, 720, 2878, 220, 315, 330, 40, 6912, 1, 220, 20783, 13, 220, 1102, 374, 41792, 0, 220, 86561, 220, 358, 3371, 720, 9514, 1148, 220, 814, 220, 1071, 220, 18815, 220, 1063, 220, 40652, 220, 17649, 720, 8370, 220, 4024, 220, 1524, 220, 311, 10384, 30, 220, 1472, 220, 1440, 220, 1268, 220, 279, 63667, 720, 1626, 11, 220, 16696, 220, 311, 656, 1778, 220, 2574, 11, 220, 16696, 220, 311, 9041, 220, 1202, 19814, 720, 30115, 2940, 13, 220, 3277, 220, 1202, 40652, 220, 17649, 220, 8813, 220, 1884, 720, 38318, 11, 220, 99497, 220, 814, 220, 1051, 220, 27718, 13, 220, 5112, 220, 814, 220], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " prime of life because no attention is paid to them! \u2013 Paul C. BraggYou Have\n At Your Command\nMother Nature\u2019s 9 faithful Doctors are ready to help\nyou attain radiant, glorious health! They are all specialists\nin their particular fields of health building. They have\nhad years and years of experience with millions of\npeople. Their cumulative record is 100% perfect! They\nhave never failed a patient. Patients have failed them,\nturned their backs on them and ignored them! But they\nare kind and understanding and, no matter how manytimes patients have failed them, they still stand ready\nto render perfect professional service. They have but one\nprescription and that is elixir of life! They are the kindestDoctors in the whole universe! They are anxious and\nwilling to help everyone who comes to them for Higher\nHealth. Their professional services are available to all \u2013the young, the old, the rich and the poor. They performno operations, except bloodless ones. They give no toxic\ndrugs, not even any so-called \u201cwonder drugs\u201d.\nYou are all familiar with these \n9 wonderful life-\nchanging Doctors \u2013 we all need them. I want you to call\non these 9 Doctors frequently. They are so eager to help\nyou help yourself to supreme health, youthfulness,longevity and agelessness! This is the Highest Health\nyou can have; you should have it your entire long life!\nThese wonderful Doctors will never, ever fail you.\nThey want to be your personal care givers and also yourfriends. It gives me a most secure feeling that I have at\nmy command, every day, the world\u2019s great Doctors andit\u2019s my pleasure to introduce you to them. From this\nday on, please feel free to call upon them. First, I want\nyou to meet the Father of them all, the most eminentand the greatest healer and giver of life to everything\non the face of this earth... Doctor Sunshine.140\u2022The ironclad laws of Mother Nature and God.\n\u2022Your common sense, which tells you that you are doing right.\n\u2022Your aim to make your health better and your life longer.\n\u2022Your resolve to prevent illness so that you may enjoy life.\n\u2022Make an art of healthy living; you will be you thful at any age.\n\u2022You will retain your faculties and be hale, hearty, active and\nuseful far beyond the ordinary length of years.\n\u2022You will also possess superior mental and physical powers!\nWhat Wise Men Say\nI saw few die of hunger \u2013 of\neating, a hundred thousand.\n \u2013 Ben Franklin\nYour health is your wealth.\n \u2013 Paul C. Bragg\nHealth is a blessing that money\ncannot buy. \u2013 Izaak WaltonWisdom does not show itself so muchin precept as in life \u2013 a firmness of mind\nand mastery of the appetite. \u2013 Seneca\nGovern well thy appetite, lest Sin surprise thee,\nand her black attendant, Death. \u2013 Milton\nOur prayers should be for a sound\nmind in a healthy body. \u2013 Juvenal\nOf all the knowledge, the one most worth having is knowledge about health!\nThe first requisite of a good life is to be a healthy person. \u2013 Herbert SpencerKEEP HEALTHY & YOUTHFUL BIOLOGICALLY\nWITH EXERCISE & GOOD NUTRITION\nAlways remember you have the following important\n reasons for following The Bragg Healthy Lifestyle:\nWANTED \u2013 For Robbing Health & Life\nThe natural healing force within us is the greatest force in getting well.\n\u2013 Hippocrates, Father of Medicine, 400 BCBe a Bragg Crusader - copy and share with family, friends, clubs, etc.\nKILLER Saturated Fats CHOKER Hydrogenated Fats\nCLOGGER Salt DEADEYED Devitalized FoodsDOPEY Caffeine HARD WATER \nInorganic Minerals\nPLUGGER Frying Pan JERKY Turbulent EmotionsDEATH-DEALER Drugs CRAZY AlcoholGREASY Overweight SMOKY TobaccoHOGGY Overeating LOAFER Laziness141\nDoctor Sunshine, the great healer, soothes and\nsparkles your body inside and outside! \u2013 Paul C. Bragg\nDoctor SunshineChapter 1 9\nDoctor Sunshine\u2019s specialty is heliotherapy and his\ngreat prescription is solar energy. Each tiny blade of grass,\nevery vine, tree, bush, flower, fruit and vegetable draws\nits life from solar energy. All living things on earth\ndepend on solar energy for their very existence. Thisearth would be a barren, frigid place if it were not for\nthe magic rays of the sun. The sun gives us light and\nwere it not for sunshine, there would be no you or me.The earth would be in everlasting darkness.\nHuman beings were never meant to have pale skins,\nnot even the fair northern races. Man\u2019s skin should belightly tanned by the sun and should take on a darkerpigment according to his original skin tone. It has been\nfound that even fair, red-headed people can slowly tan.\nPigmentation is a sign that solar energy has beentransformed into human energy. By enjoying the early\nmorning or late afternoon gentle sunshine man can gain\nmore health, vitality and happiness. The people whoare indoors too long have sallow-looking skin. This is\nwhy many women hide sun-starved skins with makeup.\nThe person who is starved of the vital rays of the sun\nhas a half-dead look. He is actually dying for the wantof solar energy! Weak, ailing and anemic people are all\nsun-starved and \u2013 in my opinion \u2013 many people are sick\nsimply because they are starving for gentle sunshine.\nThe sunshine\u2019s gentle rays have powerful germicidal\nproperties. As the skin gathers these gentle rays, it storesup enormous amounts of this germ-killing energy. The\nsun provides one of the finest remedies for the nervous\nperson who is filled with anxiety, worry and frustration.142\nThe law, \u201cWhatsoever a man sows that he shall also reap,\u201d is\ninscribed in flaming letters upon the portal of Eternity, and nonecan deny it, none can cheat it, none can escape it. \u2013 James AllenSunshine Brings Peace, Relaxation to Nerves\nWhen nervous people lie in the sunshine, its\nsoothing, gentle rays give them what their nerves and\nbody are crying out for \u2013 relaxation! Sunshine is a health\ntonic and a Great Healer! As you bask in the warmsunshine, millions of nerve endings absorb the solar\nenergy and transform and store them into more Vital\nForce energy for your nerves and body.\nPerform this experiment to determine the value of\nsunshine in the matter of life and death. Find a beautifulpatch of lawn where the grass is like a green carpet.Cover up a small space of that beautiful lawn with a\nsmall piece of wood or metal. Day by day you will notice\nthat the beautiful grass that was so full of plant blood,or chlorophyll, will start to fade and turn a sickly yellow.\nThen the tragedy happens. It withers and dies - death\nfrom sun starvation! The same thing happens in yourbody without the life giving rays of the sun. This also\nhappens when you fail to eat an abundance of sun-\ngrown foods such as ripe, organic fruits and vegetables.\nWe must have the direct rays of the sun on our bodies\nand our diet must contain \n60% or more of food that has\nbeen ripened by the sun\u2019s rays. When we eat fresh fruitsand vegetables we absorb the blood of the plant \u2013 therich, nourishing chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is the solar\nenergy that the plant has absorbed from the sun, the richest\nand most nourishing food you can put into your body.\u201cChlorophyll is liquid sunshine.\u201d Green plants alone possess\nthe secret of how to capture this powerful solar energy\nand pass it on to man and every other living creature.\nWhen you put sunshine on the outside of your body\nand\n 60% to 70% raw fruits and vegetables in your daily\ndiet, you are going to glow with radiant health! But theseare powerful and must be taken in small doses at the start,\nbecause your sun-starved body has to slowly get used to\nthese cleansing, solar-powered foods.143\nEvery man is the builder of a temple called his body. We are all\nsculptors and painters, and our material is our own flesh and bloodand bones. Any nobleness begins at once to refine a man\u2019s features,any meanness or sensuality to imbrute them. \u2013 Henry David ThoreauGentle Sun Rays are Soothing and Best\nWhen you take your first sunbath, start with short\ntime periods until you can condition your body to longer\nexposure. The best time for a beginner to start taking\ngentle sunbaths is in the early morning sunshine. Oryou may sunbathe in the late afternoon gentle sunshine.\nFive to ten minutes on the nude body is sufficient at\nfirst. Avoid the burning rays between\n 11 am and 3 pm.\nThe best cool rays of the sun are in the early morning.\nThe same caution should be taken in eating sun\nripened foods \u2013 the raw fruits and vegetables. Theaverage person who has been eating mainly cooked\nfoods will find that if great amounts of raw juicy fruit\nand vegetables are suddenly put into the body they cancause a reaction. It\u2019s wiser to add more sun-grown foods\nto the diet gradually. Overdoses of solar energy, both\non the outside and inside of the body, go slowly.Regarding exposure to the sun, it\u2019s quite necessary to\nuse good judgment and always proceed with caution", "token_ids": [10461, 315, 2324, 1606, 912, 6666, 374, 7318, 311, 1124, 0, 220, 1389, 7043, 356, 13, 3320, 16094, 2675, 12522, 198, 286, 2468, 4718, 7498, 198, 59978, 22037, 753, 220, 24, 37513, 54943, 527, 5644, 311, 1520, 198, 9514, 36861, 77443, 11, 44308, 2890, 0, 2435, 527, 682, 35416, 198, 258, 872, 4040, 5151, 315, 2890, 4857, 13, 2435, 617, 198, 32345, 1667, 323, 1667, 315, 3217, 449, 11990, 315, 198, 16455, 13, 11205, 40944, 3335, 374, 220, 1041, 4, 4832, 0, 2435, 198, 19553, 2646, 4745, 264, 8893, 13, 44430, 617, 4745, 1124, 345, 42286, 872, 28678, 389, 1124, 323, 12305, 1124, 0, 2030, 814, 198, 548, 3169, 323, 8830, 323, 11, 912, 5030, 1268, 1690, 15487, 6978, 617, 4745, 1124, 11, 814, 2103, 2559, 5644, 198, 998, 3219, 4832, 6721, 2532, 13, 2435, 617, 719, 832, 198, 24544, 1479, 323, 430, 374, 658, 953, 404, 315, 2324, 0, 2435, 527, 279, 24890, 5086, 96269, 304, 279, 4459, 15861, 0, 2435, 527, 38100, 323, 198, 86, 9585, 311, 1520, 5127, 889, 4131, 311, 1124, 369, 35321, 198, 14884, 13, 11205, 6721, 3600, 527, 2561, 311, 682, 1389, 1820, 3995, 11, 279, 2362, 11, 279, 9257, 323, 279, 8009, 13, 2435, 2804, 2201, 7677, 11, 3734, 6680, 1752, 6305, 13, 2435, 3041, 912, 21503, 198, 3696, 13602, 11, 539, 1524, 904, 779, 19434, 1054, 86, 14518, 11217, 113068, 2675, 527, 682, 11537, 449, 1521, 720, 24, 11364, 2324, 7058, 52813, 220, 54943, 1389, 584, 682, 1205, 1124, 13, 358, 1390, 499, 311, 1650, 198, 263, 1521, 220, 24, 54943, 14134, 13, 2435, 527, 779, 24450, 311, 1520, 198, 9514, 1520, 6261, 311, 44222, 2890, 11, 12822, 31514, 76003, 52779, 323, 4325, 33028, 0, 1115, 374, 279, 60713, 6401, 198, 9514, 649, 617, 26, 499, 1288, 617, 433, 701, 4553, 1317, 2324, 4999, 9673, 11364, 54943, 690, 2646, 11, 3596, 3775, 499, 627, 7009, 1390, 311, 387, 701, 4443, 2512, 342, 1986, 323, 1101, 701, 30562, 13, 1102, 6835, 757, 264, 1455, 9966, 8430, 430, 358, 617, 520, 198, 2465, 3290, 11, 1475, 1938, 11, 279, 1917, 753, 2294, 54943, 323, 275, 753, 856, 17069, 311, 19678, 499, 311, 1124, 13, 5659, 420, 198, 1316, 389, 11, 4587, 2733, 1949, 311, 1650, 5304, 1124, 13, 5629, 11, 358, 1390, 198, 9514, 311, 3449, 279, 20941, 315, 1124, 682, 11, 279, 1455, 84629, 438, 279, 12474, 98211, 323, 95615, 315, 2324, 311, 4395, 198, 263, 279, 3663, 315, 420, 9578, 662, 662, 662, 19150, 62394, 13, 6860, 6806, 791, 11245, 566, 329, 7016, 315, 21720, 22037, 323, 4359, 627, 6806, 7927, 4279, 5647, 11, 902, 10975, 499, 430, 499, 527, 3815, 1314, 627, 6806, 7927, 9395, 311, 1304, 701, 2890, 2731, 323, 701, 2324, 5129, 627, 6806, 7927, 9006, 311, 5471, 17563, 779, 430, 499, 1253, 4774, 2324, 627, 6806, 8238, 459, 1989, 315, 9498, 5496, 26, 499, 690, 387, 499, 270, 1285, 520, 904, 4325, 627, 6806, 2675, 690, 14389, 701, 98083, 323, 387, 111485, 11, 82651, 11, 4642, 323, 198, 817, 1285, 3117, 7953, 279, 19664, 3160, 315, 1667, 627, 6806, 2675, 690, 1101, 15575, 16757, 10723, 323, 7106, 13736, 4999, 3923, 62101, 11258, 25961, 198, 40, 5602, 2478, 2815, 315, 34906, 1389, 220, 315, 198, 91955, 11, 264, 7895, 16579, 627, 692, 1389, 7505, 19372, 198, 7927, 2890, 374, 701, 12205, 627, 996, 1389, 7043, 356, 13, 3320, 16094, 198, 14884, 374, 264, 40149, 430, 3300, 198, 34360, 3780, 13, 1389, 358, 4458, 587, 71509, 79848, 5717, 1587, 539, 1501, 5196, 779, 1790, 258, 864, 1512, 439, 304, 2324, 220, 1389, 264, 7626, 2136, 315, 4059, 198, 438, 66763, 315, 279, 38575, 13, 1389, 5476, 23637, 198, 78706, 1664, 26236, 38575, 11, 64606, 18098, 13051, 40344, 345, 438, 1077, 3776, 65022, 11, 16290, 13, 1389, 58447, 198, 8140, 34296, 1288, 387, 369, 264, 5222, 198, 38824, 304, 264, 9498, 2547, 13, 1389, 22410, 1055, 278, 198, 2173, 682, 279, 6677, 11, 279, 832, 1455, 5922, 3515, 374, 6677, 922, 2890, 4999, 791, 1176, 82780, 315, 264, 1695, 2324, 374, 311, 387, 264, 9498, 1732, 13, 1389, 58463, 36221, 52901, 73725, 56, 612, 816, 41627, 50736, 73166, 7391, 1341, 29555, 198, 45771, 4154, 28534, 9311, 612, 22469, 452, 1406, 49, 7237, 198, 38195, 6227, 499, 617, 279, 2768, 3062, 198, 8125, 369, 2768, 578, 3320, 16094, 44454, 69256, 512, 54, 50568, 1389, 1789, 4997, 7278, 6401, 612, 9601, 198, 791, 5933, 21730, 5457, 2949, 603, 374, 279, 12474, 5457, 304, 3794, 1664, 627, 4235, 75463, 78046, 11, 20941, 315, 19152, 11, 220, 3443, 18531, 3513, 264, 3320, 16094, 51203, 1013, 482, 3048, 323, 4430, 449, 3070, 11, 4885, 11, 19424, 11, 5099, 627, 42, 9410, 643, 328, 35467, 435, 1900, 6969, 4012, 643, 40602, 4469, 660, 435, 1900, 198, 34, 83500, 28138, 3467, 33941, 56, 1507, 6168, 2223, 1534, 40160, 5989, 1777, 56, 356, 38880, 483, 71002, 76347, 720, 644, 61694, 84886, 198, 2989, 3014, 8912, 435, 28609, 11233, 622, 643, 77685, 8877, 16501, 306, 5867, 41356, 1170, 4932, 12, 1170, 89478, 51766, 94767, 81601, 45396, 58163, 53566, 6193, 4870, 14031, 4012, 56, 66210, 39, 12501, 42570, 6193, 91955, 5125, 8440, 643, 98903, 1918, 9335, 198, 43824, 62394, 11, 279, 2294, 98211, 11, 44276, 6509, 323, 198, 54882, 645, 701, 2547, 4871, 323, 4994, 0, 220, 1389, 7043, 356, 13, 3320, 16094, 198, 43824, 220, 62394, 26072, 220, 16, 220, 24, 198, 43824, 62394, 753, 36974, 374, 11591, 822, 46755, 323, 813, 198, 47991, 22866, 374, 13238, 4907, 13, 9062, 13987, 25879, 315, 16763, 345, 30115, 30050, 11, 5021, 11, 30773, 11, 23153, 11, 14098, 323, 36581, 27741, 198, 1220, 2324, 505, 13238, 4907, 13, 2052, 5496, 2574, 389, 9578, 198, 20080, 389, 13238, 4907, 369, 872, 1633, 14209, 13, 1115, 28641, 1053, 387, 264, 95088, 11, 1448, 21596, 2035, 422, 433, 1051, 539, 369, 198, 1820, 11204, 45220, 315, 279, 7160, 13, 578, 7160, 6835, 603, 3177, 323, 198, 52898, 433, 539, 369, 52495, 11, 1070, 1053, 387, 912, 499, 477, 757, 11829, 9578, 1053, 387, 304, 96049, 27394, 627, 35075, 23837, 1051, 2646, 8967, 311, 617, 28639, 51050, 345, 1962, 1524, 279, 6762, 18671, 21234, 13, 2418, 753, 6930, 1288, 1689, 73048, 259, 7443, 555, 279, 7160, 323, 1288, 1935, 389, 264, 6453, 23457, 343, 479, 4184, 311, 813, 4113, 6930, 16630, 13, 1102, 706, 1027, 198, 15456, 430, 1524, 6762, 11, 2579, 62166, 1274, 649, 14297, 14531, 627, 47, 343, 32199, 374, 264, 1879, 430, 13238, 4907, 706, 387, 24677, 598, 10365, 1139, 3823, 4907, 13, 3296, 22128, 279, 4216, 198, 57902, 1251, 477, 3389, 13658, 22443, 52495, 893, 649, 8895, 198, 6518, 2890, 11, 75716, 323, 23871, 13, 578, 1274, 889, 548, 55154, 2288, 1317, 617, 274, 7331, 31348, 6930, 13, 1115, 374, 198, 35734, 1690, 3278, 10477, 7160, 21337, 2111, 51050, 449, 27649, 627, 791, 1732, 889, 374, 6917, 2111, 315, 279, 16595, 45220, 315, 279, 7160, 198, 4752, 264, 4376, 6953, 329, 1427, 13, 1283, 374, 3604, 23069, 369, 279, 1390, 1073, 13238, 4907, 0, 42264, 11, 264, 8138, 323, 459, 8274, 1274, 527, 682, 198, 40619, 21337, 2111, 323, 1389, 304, 856, 9647, 1389, 1690, 1274, 527, 14363, 198, 15124, 2603, 1606, 814, 527, 78501, 369, 22443, 52495, 627, 791, 52495, 753, 22443, 45220, 617, 8147, 82986, 292, 26966, 198, 13495, 13, 1666, 279, 6930, 86781, 1521, 22443, 45220, 11, 433, 10756, 455, 23205, 15055, 315, 420, 82986, 12934, 9585, 4907, 13, 578, 198, 40619, 5825, 832, 315, 279, 28807, 51236, 369, 279, 23418, 198, 9164, 889, 374, 10409, 449, 18547, 11, 11196, 323, 33086, 13, 10239, 198, 791, 2383, 11, 1054, 3923, 35654, 264, 893, 274, 4336, 430, 568, 4985, 1101, 58003, 2476, 374, 198, 1354, 17890, 304, 85723, 12197, 5304, 279, 24007, 315, 469, 4253, 488, 11, 323, 7000, 4919, 23973, 433, 11, 7000, 649, 41868, 433, 11, 7000, 649, 12731, 433, 13, 1389, 7957, 20661, 31192, 31338, 3320, 826, 26888, 1174, 68685, 367, 311, 452, 13583, 198, 4599, 23418, 1274, 10457, 304, 279, 52495, 11, 1202, 198, 708, 78, 1626, 11, 22443, 45220, 3041, 1124, 1148, 872, 50581, 323, 198, 2664, 527, 31299, 704, 369, 1389, 43685, 0, 62394, 374, 264, 2890, 198, 783, 292, 323, 264, 8681, 1283, 13412, 0, 1666, 499, 293, 1091, 304, 279, 4208, 1026, 359, 31338, 11, 11990, 315, 32015, 77697, 35406, 279, 13238, 198, 17947, 323, 5276, 323, 3637, 1124, 1139, 810, 55371, 198, 19085, 4907, 369, 701, 50581, 323, 2547, 627, 48051, 420, 9526, 311, 8417, 279, 907, 315, 198, 40619, 31338, 304, 279, 5030, 315, 2324, 323, 4648, 13, 7531, 264, 6366, 3482, 315, 37125, 1405, 279, 16763, 374, 1093, 264, 6307, 28954, 732, 2017, 709, 264, 2678, 3634, 315, 430, 6366, 37125, 449, 264, 198, 9181, 6710, 315, 7732, 477, 9501, 13, 6187, 555, 1938, 499, 690, 5406, 198, 9210, 279, 6366, 16763, 430, 574, 779, 2539, 315, 6136, 6680, 11, 269, 37833, 5237, 25734, 11, 690, 1212, 311, 15366, 323, 2543, 264, 14363, 398, 14071, 627, 12487, 279, 31926, 8741, 13, 1102, 449, 388, 323, 8898, 482, 4648, 198, 1527, 7160, 78245, 0, 578, 1890, 3245, 8741, 304, 701, 2664, 2085, 279, 2324, 7231, 45220, 315, 279, 7160, 13, 1115, 1101, 198, 71, 680, 729, 994, 499, 3775, 311, 8343, 459, 37492, 315, 7160, 7058, 62376, 15657, 1778, 439, 57796, 11, 17808, 26390, 323, 24822, 627, 1687, 2011, 617, 279, 2167, 45220, 315, 279, 7160, 389, 1057, 13162, 198, 438, 1057, 10173, 2011, 6782, 720, 1399, 4, 477, 810, 315, 3691, 430, 706, 198, 82850, 24169, 6901, 555, 279, 7160, 753, 45220, 13, 3277, 584, 8343, 7878, 26390, 438, 24822, 584, 35406, 279, 6680, 315, 279, 6136, 1389, 9139, 718, 11, 46798, 11218, 37833, 5237, 25734, 13, 92479, 5237, 25734, 374, 279, 13238, 198, 17947, 430, 279, 6136, 706, 42101, 505, 279, 7160, 11, 279, 57471, 198, 438, 1455, 46798, 11218, 3691, 499, 649, 2231, 1139, 701, 2547, 35147, 1163, 9761, 5237, 25734, 374, 14812, 52495, 2029, 7997, 11012, 7636, 15575, 198, 1820, 6367, 315, 1268, 311, 12602, 420, 8147, 13238, 4907, 198, 438, 1522, 433, 389, 311, 893, 323, 1475, 1023, 5496, 17661, 627, 4599, 499, 2231, 52495, 389, 279, 4994, 315, 701, 2547, 198, 438, 198, 220, 1399, 4, 311, 220, 2031, 4, 7257, 26390, 323, 24822, 304, 701, 7446, 198, 94942, 11, 499, 527, 2133, 311, 37066, 449, 77443, 2890, 0, 2030, 1521, 548, 8147, 323, 2011, 387, 4529, 304, 2678, 35130, 520, 279, 1212, 345, 28753, 701, 7160, 21337, 2111, 2547, 706, 311, 14297, 636, 1511, 311, 198, 45010, 60052, 11, 13238, 41503, 15657, 13, 10290, 198, 11769, 893, 374, 279, 7514, 315, 264, 27850, 2663, 813, 2547, 13, 1226, 527, 682, 198, 2445, 24285, 1105, 323, 97953, 11, 323, 1057, 3769, 374, 1057, 1866, 26000, 323, 6680, 438, 25896, 13, 5884, 13348, 77319, 12302, 520, 3131, 311, 46464, 264, 893, 753, 4519, 11, 3852, 757, 83133, 477, 6225, 10965, 311, 737, 1347, 1088, 1124, 13, 220, 1389, 18063, 6941, 666, 461, 2933, 38, 306, 273, 8219, 80775, 527, 2100, 78, 1626, 323, 7252, 198, 4599, 499, 1935, 701, 1176, 7160, 65, 589, 11, 1212, 449, 2875, 198, 1712, 18852, 3156, 499, 649, 3044, 701, 2547, 311, 5129, 198, 327, 12313, 13, 578, 1888, 892, 369, 264, 50048, 311, 1212, 4737, 198, 16149, 273, 7160, 65, 27382, 374, 304, 279, 4216, 6693, 52495, 13, 507, 894, 283, 1253, 7160, 14034, 383, 304, 279, 3389, 13658, 22443, 52495, 627, 38120, 311, 5899, 4520, 389, 279, 20637, 2547, 374, 14343, 520, 198, 3983, 13, 35106, 279, 20252, 45220, 1990, 198, 220, 806, 1097, 323, 220, 220, 18, 9012, 627, 791, 1888, 7155, 45220, 315, 279, 7160, 527, 304, 279, 4216, 6693, 627, 791, 1890, 28930, 1288, 387, 4529, 304, 12459, 7160, 198, 462, 2821, 291, 15657, 1389, 279, 7257, 26390, 323, 24822, 13, 578, 17645, 1732, 889, 706, 1027, 12459, 14918, 30205, 198, 96420, 690, 1505, 430, 422, 2294, 15055, 315, 7257, 56153, 14098, 198, 438, 24822, 527, 15187, 2231, 1139, 279, 2547, 814, 649, 1593, 264, 13010, 13, 1102, 753, 289, 12329, 311, 923, 810, 7160, 2427, 4935, 15657, 198, 998, 279, 10173, 27115, 13, 6193, 67, 20274, 315, 13238, 4907, 11, 2225, 198, 263, 279, 4994, 323, 4871, 315, 279, 2547, 11, 733, 14297, 9166, 29510, 14675, 311, 279, 7160, 11, 433, 753, 5115, 5995, 311, 198, 817, 1695, 19971, 323, 2744, 10570, 449, 28930], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " seldom receive su\u0000cient mature love and\nwarmth, they continue to hunger for it throughout their lives unless\nthis lack and hurt is recognized and properly dealt with. If not, as\nadults they will go through life unconsciously crying out for what they\nmissed in childhood. This will make them incapable of lovingmaturely. You can see how this condition continues from generation\nto generation.\nThe remedy cannot be found by wishing that things were di\u0000erent\nand that people would learn to practice mature love. The remedy\nlies solely in you. True, if you had received such love from your\nparents, you would be witho ut this problem of which you are not\nreally and fully aware. But this lack of receiving mature love need\ntrouble neither you nor your life if you become aware of it, see it,\nand rearrange your former unconscious wishes, regrets, thoughts,\nand concepts by aligning them to the reality of each situation. As a\nconsequence, you will not only become a happier person, but you\nwill also be able to extend mature love to others\u2014to your children,\nif you have any, or to other people in your environment\u2014so that a\nbenign chain reaction can start. Such realistic self-correction is very\ncontrary to your present inner behavior, which we shall now\nconsider.\nAll people, including even those few who have started to explore\ntheir own unconscious mind and emotions, habitually overlook the\nstrong link between the child\u2019s longing and unful\u0000llme nt and the\nadult\u2019s present di\u0000culties and problems, because only very few\npeople experie nce personally \u2014and not just recognize in theory\u2014\nhow strong this link is. Full awareness of it is essential.\nThere may be isolated, exceptional cases where one parent o\u0000ers\na su\u0000cient degree of mature love. Even if one parent has it to some\nmeasure, very likely the other does not. Since mature love on this\nearth is only present to a degree, the child will su\u0000er from the\nshortcomings of even a loving parent.\nMore often, however, both parents are emotionally immature and\ncannot give the love the child craves, or give it only in insu\u0000cient\nmeasure. During childhood, this need is rarely conscious. Children\nhave no way of putting their needs into thoughts. They cannot\ncompare what they have with what others have. They do not know\nthat something else might exist. They believe this is the way it\nshould be. Or, in extreme cases, they feel especially isolated,\nbelieving their lot is like no one else\u2019s. Both attitudes deviate from\nthe truth. In both cases the real emotion is not conscious andtherefore cannot be properly evaluated and come to terms with.\nThus, children grow up never quite understanding why they are\nunhappy, nor even that they are unhappy. Many of you look back\non childhood convinced that you had all the love you wanted just\nbecause you actually did have some love.\nThere are a number of paren ts who give great demonstrations of\nlove. They may overindulge their children. Such spoiling and\npampering may be an overcompensation and a sort of apology for a\ndeeply suspected inability to love maturely. Children feel the truth\nvery acutely. They may not consciously think about it, but inwardly\nchildren keenly feel the di\u0000erence between mature, genuine love\nand the immature, over-demonstrative variety o\u0000ered instead.\nProper guidance and security are the parents\u2019 responsibility and\ncall for author ity on their part. There are parents who never dare to\npunish or exert a healthy authority. This failing is due to guilt\nbecause real, giving, warming, comforting love is absent in their\nown immature personalities. Other parents may be too severe, too\nstrict. They thereby exert a domineering authority by bullying the\nchild, and not allowing his or her individuality to unfold. Both types\nfall short as parents, and their wrong attitudes, absorb ed by the\nchild, will cause hurt and unful\u0000llment.\nIn child ren of the strict paren ts, the resentment and rebellion will\nbe open, and therefore more easily traced. In the other case, the\nrebellion is just as strong, but hidden, and therefore in\u0000nitely\nharder to trace. If you had a parent who smothered you with\na\u0000ection or pseudo-a\u0000ection, yet lacked in genuine warmth, or if\nyou had a parent who conscientiously did everything right but was\nalso lacking in real warmth, unconsciously you knew it as a child\nand you resented it. Consciously you may not have been aware of it\nat all, because, when a child, you really could not put your \u0000nger on\nwhat was lacking. You were outwardly given everything you wanted\nand needed. How could you draw the subtle, \u0000ne borderline\ndistinction between real a\u0000ection and pseudo-a\u0000ection with your\nchild\u2019s intellect? The fact that something bothered you without your\nbeing able to explain it rationally made you feel guilty anduncomfortable. You therefore pushed it out of sight as far as\npossible.\nAs long as the hurt, disappointment, and unful\u0000lled needs of your\nearly years remain unconscious, you cannot come to terms with\nthem. No matter how much you may love your parents, an\nunconscious resentment exists in you, which prevents you from\nforgiving them for the hurt. You can only forgive and let go if you\nrecognize your deeply hidden hurt and resentment. As an adult\nhuman being you will see that your parents, too, are just human\nbeings. They were not as faultless and perfect as the child had\nthought and hoped them to be, yet they are not to be rejected now\nbecause they had their own con\u0000icts and immaturities. The light of\nconscious reasoning has to be applied to these very emotions you\nnever allowed yourself to be aware of fully.\nAttempts to Remedy the Childhood Hurt in Adulthood\nAs long as you are unaware of the con\u0000ict between your longing\nfor a perfect love from your parents and your resentment against\nthem, you are bound to try remedying the situation in your later\nyears. This striving may manifest in various aspects of your life. You\nrun constantly into problems and repeated patterns that have their\norigin in your attempt to reproduce the childhood situation so as to\ncorrect it. This unconscious compulsio n is a very strong factor, but is\nso deeply hidden from your conscious understanding!\nThe most frequ ent way of attempting to remedy the situation is in\nyour choice of love partners. Unconsciously you will know how to\nchoose in the partner aspec ts of the parent who has particularly\nfallen short in a\u0000ection and love that is real and genuine. But you\nalso seek in your partner aspects of the other parent who has come\ncloser to meeting your demands. Important as it is to \u0000nd both\nparents represented in your partners, it is even more important and\nmore di\u0000cult to \u0000nd those aspects that represent the parent who\nhas particularly disappointed and hurt you, the one more resented\nor despised and for whom you had little or no love. So you seek theparents again\u2014in a subtle way that is not always easy to detect, in\nyour marital partners, in your friendships, or in other human\nrelationships. In your subconscious, the following reactions take\nplace: Since the child in you cannot let go of the past, cannot come\nto terms with it, cannot forgive, cannot understand and accept, this\nvery child in you always creates similar conditions, trying to win\nout in the end in order to \u0000nally master the situation instead of\nsuccumbing to it. Losing out means being crushed\u2014thi s must be\navoided at all costs. The costs are high indeed, for the entire\nstrategy is unfeasible. What the child in you sets out to accomplish\ncannot ever come to realization.\nThe Fallacy of this Strategy\nThis entire procedure is utterly destructive. In the \u0000rst place, it is\nan illusion that you were defeated. Therefore, it is an illusion that\nyou can now be victorious. Moreover, it is an illusion that the lack\nof love, sad as that may have been when you were a child, is indeed\nthe tragedy that your subco nscious still feels it to be. The only\ntragedy lies in the fact that you obstruct your future happiness by\ncontinuing to reproduce the situation and then attempting to master\nit. My friends, this process is a deeply unconscious one. Of course,\nnothing is further from your mind as you focus on your conscious\naims and wishes. It will take a great deal of digging to uncover the\nemotions that lead you again and again into situations where your\nsecret aim is to remedy childhood woes.\nIn trying to reproduce the childhood situation, you unconsciously\nchoose a partner with aspects similar to those of the parent. Yet it is\nthese very aspects that will make it as impossible to receive the\nmature love you rightfully long for now as it was then. Blindly, you\nbelieve that by willing it more strongly and more forcefully, the\nparent-partner will now yield, whereas in reality love cannot come\nthat way. Only when you are free of this ever-continuing repetition,\nwill you no longer cry to be loved by the parent. Instead, you will\nlook for a partner or for other human relationships with the aim of\u0000nding the maturity you really need and want. In not demanding to\nbe loved as a child, you will be equally willing to love. However,\nthe child", "token_ids": [56452, 5371, 924, 188, 12575, 15196, 3021, 323, 198, 83697, 339, 11, 814, 3136, 311, 34906, 369, 433, 6957, 872, 6439, 7389, 198, 576, 6996, 323, 13194, 374, 15324, 323, 10489, 27023, 449, 13, 1442, 539, 11, 439, 198, 68956, 82, 814, 690, 733, 1555, 2324, 26118, 71888, 31299, 704, 369, 1148, 814, 198, 1869, 291, 304, 20587, 662, 1115, 690, 1304, 1124, 58271, 315, 21955, 76, 1598, 398, 13, 1472, 649, 1518, 1268, 420, 3044, 9731, 505, 9659, 198, 998, 9659, 627, 791, 40239, 4250, 387, 1766, 555, 46227, 430, 2574, 1051, 1891, 188, 261, 306, 198, 438, 430, 1274, 1053, 4048, 220, 311, 6725, 15196, 3021, 13, 578, 40239, 198, 49201, 21742, 304, 499, 13, 3082, 11, 422, 499, 1047, 4036, 1778, 3021, 505, 701, 198, 26534, 11, 499, 1053, 387, 449, 78, 8791, 420, 3575, 315, 902, 499, 527, 539, 198, 54760, 323, 7373, 8010, 13, 2030, 420, 6996, 315, 12588, 15196, 220, 3021, 1205, 198, 376, 1222, 14188, 499, 6463, 701, 2324, 422, 499, 3719, 8010, 315, 433, 11, 1518, 433, 345, 438, 56427, 853, 701, 4846, 40711, 25223, 11, 69025, 11, 11555, 345, 438, 19476, 555, 5398, 287, 1124, 311, 279, 8903, 315, 1855, 6671, 13, 1666, 264, 198, 444, 15880, 11, 499, 690, 539, 1193, 3719, 264, 44467, 1732, 11, 719, 499, 198, 14724, 1101, 387, 3025, 311, 13334, 15196, 3021, 311, 3885, 50617, 701, 2911, 345, 333, 499, 617, 904, 11, 477, 311, 1023, 1274, 304, 701, 4676, 2345, 708, 430, 264, 198, 8123, 625, 8957, 13010, 649, 1212, 13, 15483, 26569, 659, 46713, 31466, 374, 1633, 198, 8386, 661, 311, 701, 3118, 9358, 7865, 11, 902, 584, 4985, 1457, 198, 25742, 627, 2460, 1274, 11, 2737, 1524, 1884, 2478, 889, 617, 3940, 311, 13488, 198, 50828, 1866, 40711, 4059, 323, 21958, 11, 14464, 1870, 31805, 279, 198, 4620, 2723, 1990, 279, 1716, 753, 79422, 323, 653, 1285, 188, 657, 2727, 32512, 323, 279, 198, 68956, 753, 3118, 1891, 188, 93113, 552, 323, 5435, 11, 1606, 1193, 1633, 2478, 198, 16455, 2183, 648, 308, 346, 16102, 2001, 438, 539, 1120, 15641, 304, 10334, 2345, 198, 5269, 3831, 420, 2723, 374, 13, 8797, 17985, 315, 433, 374, 7718, 627, 3947, 1253, 387, 25181, 11, 25363, 5157, 1405, 832, 2748, 297, 188, 388, 198, 64, 924, 188, 12575, 8547, 315, 15196, 3021, 13, 7570, 422, 832, 2748, 706, 433, 311, 1063, 198, 48899, 11, 1633, 4461, 279, 1023, 1587, 539, 13, 8876, 15196, 3021, 389, 420, 198, 28641, 374, 1193, 3118, 311, 264, 8547, 11, 279, 1716, 690, 924, 188, 261, 505, 279, 198, 8846, 70243, 315, 1524, 264, 21955, 2748, 627, 7816, 3629, 11, 4869, 11, 2225, 6699, 527, 38683, 86525, 323, 198, 34360, 3041, 279, 3021, 279, 1716, 1589, 4798, 11, 477, 3041, 433, 1193, 304, 1672, 84, 188, 12575, 198, 48899, 13, 12220, 20587, 11, 420, 1205, 374, 19029, 17371, 13, 15394, 198, 19553, 912, 1648, 315, 10917, 872, 3966, 1139, 11555, 13, 2435, 4250, 198, 19484, 1148, 814, 617, 449, 1148, 3885, 617, 13, 2435, 656, 539, 1440, 198, 9210, 2555, 775, 2643, 3073, 13, 2435, 4510, 420, 374, 279, 1648, 433, 198, 5562, 387, 13, 2582, 11, 304, 14560, 5157, 11, 814, 2733, 5423, 25181, 345, 32898, 4504, 872, 2763, 374, 1093, 912, 832, 775, 753, 13, 11995, 33726, 3567, 6629, 505, 198, 1820, 8206, 13, 763, 2225, 5157, 279, 1972, 20356, 374, 539, 17371, 323, 19041, 1348, 4250, 387, 10489, 26126, 323, 2586, 311, 3878, 449, 627, 45600, 11, 2911, 220, 3139, 709, 2646, 5115, 8830, 3249, 814, 527, 198, 359, 57621, 11, 6463, 1524, 430, 814, 527, 43251, 13, 9176, 315, 499, 1427, 1203, 198, 263, 20587, 22954, 430, 499, 1047, 682, 279, 3021, 499, 4934, 1120, 198, 28753, 499, 3604, 1550, 617, 1063, 3021, 627, 3947, 527, 264, 1396, 315, 39040, 10814, 889, 3041, 2294, 44895, 315, 198, 31153, 13, 2435, 1253, 927, 485, 360, 713, 872, 2911, 13, 15483, 20016, 8138, 323, 198, 79, 309, 61818, 1253, 387, 459, 927, 5807, 42725, 323, 264, 3460, 315, 41258, 369, 264, 198, 33980, 398, 24740, 38550, 311, 3021, 15196, 398, 13, 15394, 2733, 279, 8206, 198, 1225, 1645, 98466, 13, 2435, 1253, 539, 70903, 1781, 922, 433, 11, 719, 63018, 398, 198, 5988, 27989, 398, 2733, 279, 1891, 188, 112265, 1990, 15196, 11, 22785, 3021, 198, 438, 279, 86525, 11, 927, 1773, 7439, 496, 1413, 8205, 297, 188, 12616, 4619, 627, 1360, 716, 19351, 323, 4868, 527, 279, 6699, 529, 12014, 323, 198, 6797, 369, 3229, 433, 88, 389, 872, 961, 13, 2684, 527, 6699, 889, 2646, 33304, 311, 198, 66007, 819, 477, 43844, 264, 9498, 11447, 13, 1115, 22109, 374, 4245, 311, 34951, 198, 28753, 1972, 11, 7231, 11, 24808, 11, 69130, 3021, 374, 28310, 304, 872, 198, 785, 86525, 44908, 13, 7089, 6699, 1253, 387, 2288, 15748, 11, 2288, 198, 6765, 13, 2435, 28592, 43844, 264, 4824, 483, 4776, 11447, 555, 45647, 279, 198, 3124, 11, 323, 539, 10923, 813, 477, 1077, 3927, 488, 311, 28572, 13, 11995, 4595, 198, 13772, 2875, 439, 6699, 11, 323, 872, 5076, 33726, 11, 35406, 1608, 555, 279, 198, 3124, 11, 690, 5353, 13194, 323, 653, 1285, 188, 657, 479, 627, 644, 1716, 5790, 315, 279, 7452, 39040, 10814, 11, 279, 71654, 323, 53848, 690, 198, 1395, 1825, 11, 323, 9093, 810, 6847, 51400, 13, 763, 279, 1023, 1162, 11, 279, 198, 265, 86863, 374, 1120, 439, 3831, 11, 719, 8340, 11, 323, 9093, 304, 188, 45168, 989, 198, 19221, 261, 311, 11917, 13, 1442, 499, 1047, 264, 2748, 889, 1554, 1605, 291, 499, 449, 198, 64, 188, 12181, 477, 35850, 7561, 188, 12181, 11, 3686, 49101, 304, 22785, 41463, 11, 477, 422, 198, 9514, 1047, 264, 2748, 889, 74365, 13610, 1550, 4395, 1314, 719, 574, 198, 19171, 32161, 304, 1972, 41463, 11, 220, 26118, 71888, 499, 7020, 433, 439, 264, 1716, 198, 438, 499, 594, 16243, 433, 13, 1221, 71888, 499, 1253, 539, 617, 1027, 8010, 315, 433, 198, 266, 682, 11, 1606, 11, 220, 994, 264, 1716, 11, 220, 499, 2216, 1436, 539, 2231, 701, 220, 188, 65167, 389, 198, 12840, 574, 32161, 13, 1472, 1051, 52046, 398, 2728, 4395, 499, 4934, 198, 438, 4460, 13, 2650, 1436, 499, 4128, 279, 27545, 11, 220, 188, 818, 89614, 198, 12489, 22073, 1990, 1972, 264, 188, 12181, 323, 35850, 7561, 188, 12181, 449, 701, 198, 3124, 753, 17108, 30, 578, 2144, 430, 2555, 46376, 499, 2085, 701, 198, 35214, 3025, 311, 10552, 433, 436, 30154, 1903, 499, 2733, 16390, 323, 359, 19975, 481, 13, 1472, 9093, 15753, 433, 704, 315, 14254, 439, 3117, 439, 198, 10236, 627, 2170, 1317, 439, 279, 13194, 11, 41698, 11, 323, 653, 1285, 188, 75, 839, 3966, 220, 315, 701, 198, 22928, 1667, 7293, 40711, 11, 499, 4250, 2586, 311, 3878, 449, 198, 49818, 13, 2360, 5030, 1268, 1790, 499, 1253, 3021, 701, 6699, 11, 459, 198, 359, 64589, 71654, 6866, 304, 499, 11, 902, 29034, 499, 505, 198, 97944, 2299, 1124, 220, 369, 279, 13194, 13, 1472, 649, 1193, 44491, 323, 1095, 733, 422, 499, 198, 34551, 553, 701, 17693, 8340, 13194, 323, 71654, 13, 1666, 459, 6822, 198, 26380, 1694, 499, 690, 1518, 430, 701, 6699, 11, 2288, 11, 527, 1120, 3823, 198, 1395, 826, 13, 2435, 1051, 539, 439, 14867, 1752, 323, 4832, 439, 279, 1716, 1047, 198, 61665, 323, 26253, 1124, 311, 387, 11, 3686, 814, 527, 539, 311, 387, 18010, 1457, 198, 28753, 814, 1047, 872, 1866, 390, 188, 31095, 323, 4998, 2693, 1385, 13, 578, 3177, 315, 198, 64589, 33811, 706, 311, 387, 9435, 311, 1521, 1633, 21958, 499, 198, 37593, 5535, 6261, 311, 387, 8010, 315, 7373, 627, 82617, 311, 5031, 9497, 279, 72410, 87349, 304, 2467, 360, 32968, 198, 2170, 1317, 439, 499, 527, 41747, 315, 279, 390, 188, 858, 1990, 701, 79422, 198, 2000, 264, 4832, 3021, 505, 701, 6699, 323, 701, 71654, 2403, 198, 49818, 11, 499, 527, 6965, 311, 1456, 34630, 7169, 279, 6671, 304, 701, 3010, 198, 42820, 13, 1115, 68727, 1253, 14794, 304, 5370, 13878, 315, 701, 2324, 13, 1472, 198, 6236, 15320, 1139, 5435, 323, 11763, 12912, 430, 617, 872, 198, 8781, 304, 701, 4879, 311, 23645, 279, 20587, 6671, 779, 439, 311, 198, 20523, 433, 662, 1115, 40711, 48206, 822, 308, 374, 264, 1633, 3831, 8331, 11, 719, 374, 198, 708, 17693, 8340, 505, 701, 17371, 8830, 4999, 791, 1455, 6297, 1218, 1648, 315, 19969, 311, 40239, 279, 6671, 374, 304, 198, 22479, 5873, 315, 3021, 8717, 662, 1252, 444, 71888, 499, 690, 1440, 1268, 311, 198, 28150, 304, 279, 8427, 439, 1007, 10814, 315, 279, 2748, 889, 706, 8104, 198, 13772, 268, 2875, 304, 264, 188, 12181, 323, 3021, 430, 374, 1972, 323, 22785, 13, 2030, 499, 198, 19171, 6056, 304, 701, 8427, 13878, 315, 279, 1023, 2748, 889, 706, 2586, 198, 33678, 805, 311, 6574, 701, 18651, 13, 44921, 439, 433, 374, 311, 220, 188, 303, 2225, 198, 26534, 15609, 304, 701, 8717, 11, 433, 374, 1524, 810, 3062, 323, 198, 6518, 1891, 188, 93113, 311, 220, 188, 303, 1884, 13878, 430, 4097, 279, 2748, 889, 198, 4752, 8104, 25406, 323, 13194, 499, 11, 279, 832, 810, 594, 16243, 198, 269, 40060, 4147, 323, 369, 8884, 499, 1047, 2697, 477, 912, 3021, 13, 2100, 499, 6056, 279, 26534, 1578, 49525, 264, 27545, 1648, 430, 374, 539, 2744, 4228, 311, 11388, 11, 304, 198, 22479, 60439, 8717, 11, 304, 701, 63081, 11, 477, 304, 1023, 3823, 198, 86924, 13, 763, 701, 84951, 11, 279, 2768, 25481, 1935, 198, 2050, 25, 8876, 279, 1716, 304, 499, 4250, 1095, 733, 315, 279, 3347, 11, 4250, 2586, 198, 998, 3878, 449, 433, 11, 4250, 44491, 11, 4250, 3619, 323, 4287, 11, 420, 198, 1225, 1716, 304, 499, 2744, 11705, 4528, 4787, 11, 4560, 311, 3243, 198, 412, 304, 279, 842, 304, 2015, 311, 220, 188, 77, 750, 7491, 279, 6671, 4619, 315, 198, 65541, 33546, 311, 433, 13, 99239, 704, 3445, 1694, 33745, 2345, 339, 72, 274, 2011, 387, 198, 48956, 291, 520, 682, 7194, 13, 578, 7194, 527, 1579, 13118, 11, 369, 279, 4553, 198, 63014, 374, 653, 90377, 1260, 13, 3639, 279, 1716, 304, 499, 7437, 704, 311, 22829, 198, 34360, 3596, 2586, 311, 49803, 627, 791, 15128, 2826, 315, 420, 28845, 198, 2028, 4553, 10537, 374, 38631, 40652, 13, 763, 279, 220, 188, 59125, 2035, 11, 433, 374, 198, 276, 41919, 430, 499, 1051, 24164, 13, 15636, 11, 433, 374, 459, 41919, 430, 198, 9514, 649, 1457, 387, 74810, 13, 23674, 11, 433, 374, 459, 41919, 430, 279, 6996, 198, 1073, 3021, 11, 12703, 439, 430, 1253, 617, 1027, 994, 499, 1051, 264, 1716, 1174, 374, 13118, 198, 1820, 31926, 430, 701, 1207, 1030, 308, 23995, 2103, 11321, 433, 311, 387, 13, 578, 1193, 198, 376, 3359, 88, 15812, 304, 279, 2144, 430, 499, 54292, 701, 3938, 23871, 555, 198, 22025, 7623, 311, 23645, 279, 6671, 323, 1243, 19969, 311, 7491, 198, 275, 13, 3092, 4885, 11, 220, 420, 1920, 374, 264, 17693, 40711, 832, 13, 5046, 3388, 345, 42312, 374, 4726, 505, 701, 4059, 439, 499, 5357, 389, 701, 17371, 198, 26760, 323, 25223, 13, 1102, 690, 1935, 264, 2294, 3568, 315, 42200, 311, 45063, 279, 198, 336, 41356, 430, 3063, 499, 1578, 220, 323, 1578, 1139, 15082, 1405, 701, 198, 21107, 9395, 374, 311, 40239, 20587, 77825, 627, 644, 4560, 311, 23645, 279, 20587, 6671, 11, 499, 26118, 71888, 198, 28150, 264, 8427, 449, 13878, 220, 4528, 311, 1884, 315, 279, 2748, 13, 14968, 433, 374, 198, 45010, 1633, 13878, 430, 690, 1304, 433, 439, 12266, 311, 5371, 279, 198, 76, 1598, 3021, 499, 99124, 1317, 369, 1457, 439, 433, 574, 1243, 13, 55370, 398, 11, 499, 198, 9978, 19704, 430, 555, 10032, 433, 810, 16917, 323, 810, 87078, 11, 279, 198, 3850, 29137, 1215, 690, 1457, 7692, 11, 20444, 304, 8903, 3021, 4250, 2586, 198, 9210, 1648, 13, 8442, 994, 499, 527, 1949, 315, 420, 3596, 12, 22025, 7623, 54515, 345, 14724, 499, 912, 5129, 16106, 311, 387, 10456, 555, 279, 2748, 13, 12361, 11, 499, 690, 198, 7349, 369, 264, 8427, 477, 369, 1023, 3823, 12135, 449, 279, 9395, 315, 188, 303, 287, 279, 48261, 499, 2216, 1205, 323, 1390, 13, 763, 539, 26192, 311, 198, 1395, 10456, 439, 264, 1716, 11, 499, 690, 387, 18813, 10032, 311, 3021, 13, 4452, 345, 1820, 1716], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " Increased density of dopamine D5 receptor in peripheral blood \nlymphocytes of migraineurs: a marker of migraine? Neurosci. Letts. 1996; 207(2): 73-76. \n \n83. Visible light and microwave radiation are simply different realisations of electromagnetic \nradiation, distinguished by their frequency and degree of coherence, and by the much greater penetrability of microwave radiation into tissue and bone. \n \n84. Personal communication to the Author, 1998. \n \n85. Although the energy of a GSM microwave quantum is insufficient to break molecular bonds \n(i.e. the radiation is non-ionising), it is possible that it ( i) initiates subtle conformational \nchanges, resulting in certain undesirable biochemical consequences, ( ii) interferes with the \nnatural process of DNA repair, resulting in a higher degree of fragmentation than would \n \n33 \n otherwise obtain. \n \n86. \u2018Mobile Phones and Health\u2019, Report of the Independent Expert Group on Mobile Phones, \nMay, 2000. \n \n87. Gandhi O.P. et al. Electromagnetic absorption in the human head and neck for mobile \ntelephones at 835 and 1900MHz. IEEE Trans. MTT 1996; 44: 1884-1897. \n \n88. A similar non-uniqueness, it should be noted, also characterises the biological consequences of \nmicrowave heating, where, for example, a temperature rise of 1oC can be either lethal or life-saving \ndepending on the condition of the person at the time. Thus whilst there is a uniquely predictable physical consequence of exposure to microwave radiation of a sufficient intensity \u2013 namely an \nincrease in body temperature - the biological consequence of a given temperature rise cannot be \nuniquely predicted, since this depends on the physiological condition of the exposed, which varies \nfrom person to person. To cover a reasonable range of conditions, a certain safety margin is incorporated into the permitted microwave exposure intensity; indeed, it is a lack of consensus as to what the magnitude of this margin should actually be that is partly responsible for the variation in the \nexposure intensities recommended by different regulatory bodies. \n \nIt is to be stressed, however, that the heating itself always occurs, irrespective of the physiological \ncondition of the person (even whether alive or dead!), quite unlike the situation with non-thermal effects. It is, of course, this fact that underlies the possibility of using \u2018phantom\u2019 heads to determine \nSAR values; it should, however, be realised that the reliability of the values so obtained is contingent \non the extent to which the dielectric properties of the synthetic brain fluids used actually approximate \nto those in the alive human brain. On the basis of what little information is available, the differences \ncould prove to be significant. \n \n89. New Scientist, Editorial, 4th November, 2000. \n \n90. The carrier frequency is taken into account only in so far as it affects the absorbability of the \nradiation through size resonance. \n \n91. Cherry, N. \u2018Criticism of the Proposal to a dopt ICNIRP Guidelines for New Zealand\u2019, Lincoln \nUniversity, N.Z., 1998. \n \n92. A good example of such \u2018information\u2019 transfer is the ability of a light flashing at a certain rate \n(between 15 to 20Hz) to induce seizures in photosensitive epileptics. It is not so much a question of the amount of energy deposited by the light (which depends on its intensity) that provokes the seizure, but rather the fact that the flash frequency is \u2018recognised\u2019 by the brain because it is close to one characterising a particular brain activity - in this case, that associated with seizures. \n \n93. Bise W. Low power radio-requency and microwave effects on human electro- \nencephalogram and behaviour. Physiol. Chem. & Physics 1978; 10: 387-398. \n \n94. Hocking, B. et al. Cancer incidence and mortality and proximity to TV towers. Medical J. \nAustralia 1996; 165: 601-605. \n \n95. Dolk, H. et al. Cancer incidence near radio and television transmitters in Great Britain. \nAmerican J. of Epidemiology 1997; 145(1): 1-9, 10-17. \n \n \n34 \n 96. Goldsmith, J.R. Epidemiological evidence of radiofrequency radiation (microwave) effects \non health in military, broadcasting, and occupational studies. Int. J. Occup. Environ. Health \n1995; 1: 47-57. \n \n\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026.. \n \n \n \n \n \nSTOA PROGRAMME \nEuropean Parliament \nDirectorate-General for Research Directorate A\n \n \nRoom SCH 04 A034 Room ASP 6D46 \nSchuman Building Altiero Spinelli Building Kirchberg 60, rue Wiertz \nL-2929 Luxembourg, B-1047 Brussels, \nTel (352) 4300.22511; or Tel (32-2) 284.3812 Fax (352) 4300.22418 or 24167 Fax (32-2) 284.4980 or 9059 E-mail: gchambers@europarl.eu.int E-mail:tkarapiperis@europarl.eu.int\n \n \n<|eot_id|><|begin_of_text|>\u201cDavid is a living demonstration of peace and joy. He uncovered\nthis state of mind, which is accessible to us all, by living what he\nteaches in This Moment Is Your Miracle. Although the process of\ntranscending fear is not always easy, it is simple, and David\u2019 s\nexplanations and exercises guide you to claim the happiness that\nis your birthright. This Moment Is Your Miracle illuminates the\npathway to complete awakening, so you can experience the deep\npeace and everlasting love that dwells within you, in this very\nmoment.\u201d\n\u2014Corinne Zupko, EdS, bestselling author of From Anxiety\nto Love\n\u201cIt is said, \u2018By their fruits ye shall know them\u2019; this book is the\nharvest of all the teachings that David Hoffmeister has acquire d\nduring the learning and living of A Course in Miracles. The joy of\nDavid is his trust, his willingne ss to give freely, and his simple\npractice of listening to the Holy Spirit and following His\ndirections. The resulting inspir ation of this book is due to the\nexperience of direct communion with the Spirit, and consequently\nis a blessing to all who want to live a life of forgiveness and\nhealing.\u201d\n\u2014Nick Davis, founder of the first UK-dedicated Miracles\nCentre, The Centre for Inner Peace, and the retreat,\nSeptember Cottage; author of An Invitation to the\nAwakening Heart\n\u201cDavid Hoffmeister is one of the most authentic teachers of A\nCourse in Miracles. His commitment to the text comes through in\nall of his work. I love David \u2019s gentle teaching style and his\ngenuine love for life. David walks his talk!\u201d\n\u2014Gabrielle Bernstein, #1 New Y ork T imes bestselling\nauthor of The Universe Has Y our Back\u201c\u2018Imagine if you were motivate d only by love and nothing else?\u2019\nasks David Hoffmeister in his new book, packed with detaile d\nexplanations, practices, prayers, and recorded meditations. David\nunpacks A Course in Miracles in bite-sized pieces about how to\nundo the mind and pump up the volume of Holy Spirit. Dive deep\ninto this book and you will experience your miracle-mindedness\nstrengthen as you practice the core teachings of A Course in\nMiracles. Move over Ego, we are merging into the \u2018Glorious\nFlow\u2019!\u201d\n\u2014Maria Felipe, author of Live Y our Happy, international\nspeaker of A Course in Miracles, and ordained minister\nthrough Pathways of Light\n\u201cI\u2019ve known David for nearly thirty years. There are several folks\nwho have dedicated themselves to understanding and living the\nprinciple of A Course in Miracles. In the case of David, it\u2019s clear\nthat his commitm ent is strong, his vision is sharp, and his ability\nto teach brilliant. This Moment Is Your Miracle is a well-written,\ncomprehensive explanation of some of the most basic,\nrevolutionary, and transformative concepts in the Course.\u201d\n\u2014Jon Mundy, PhD, author of Living A Course in Miracles,\npublisher of Miracles magazine, and executive director of\nAll Faiths Seminary in New Y ork City, NY\n\u201cWith his new book, This Moment is Your Miracle, David\nHoffmeister gives the reader a tour de force of spiritu al\nknowledge that will result in a major acceleration of their spiritual\npath. I\u2019ve known David for many years, and he\u2019s a brillia nt\nteacher and writer. This book shows him at his best. I highly\nrecommend this important work.\u201d\n\u2014Gary Renard, the best-selling author of The\nDisappearance of the Universe trilogy and The Lifetimes\nWhen Jesus and Buddha Knew Each Other\u201cThe journey within is the greatest journey of all. David\nHoffmeister takes us through a journey of self-discovery, inner\ntruth, healing, and rebirth\u2026. David gives us the tools to face our\nfears\u2026. I recommend This Moment Is Your Miracle for anyone\nwanting to take the greatest journey of all.\u201d\n\u2014Tina Fiorda, coauthor of A Book of Insight\n\u201cFor both new and seasoned travelers on the path to self-\ndiscovery, this book is filled to the brim with a wealth of\ninspiring, practic al material that", "token_ids": [62697, 17915, 315, 66128, 423, 20, 35268, 304, 35688, 6680, 720, 398, 56102, 57878, 315, 92981, 1759, 25, 264, 11381, 315, 92981, 949, 32359, 54927, 13, 6914, 2641, 13, 220, 2550, 21, 26, 220, 12060, 7, 17, 1680, 220, 5958, 12, 4767, 13, 33006, 6069, 13, 71396, 3177, 323, 42374, 25407, 527, 5042, 2204, 1972, 56276, 220, 315, 66669, 720, 70312, 367, 11, 39575, 555, 872, 11900, 323, 8547, 315, 78925, 11, 323, 555, 279, 1790, 7191, 44805, 2968, 315, 42374, 25407, 1139, 20438, 323, 17685, 13, 33006, 5833, 13, 19758, 10758, 311, 279, 7030, 11, 220, 2550, 23, 13, 33006, 5313, 13, 10541, 279, 4907, 315, 264, 68655, 220, 42374, 31228, 374, 39413, 311, 1464, 31206, 27460, 720, 1998, 1770, 13, 279, 25407, 374, 2536, 80846, 3876, 705, 433, 374, 3284, 430, 433, 320, 602, 8, 12961, 988, 27545, 390, 1659, 278, 720, 19926, 11, 13239, 304, 3738, 77344, 93532, 16296, 11, 320, 14799, 8, 41305, 288, 449, 279, 720, 53980, 1920, 315, 15922, 13023, 11, 13239, 304, 264, 5190, 8547, 315, 88452, 1109, 1053, 33006, 1644, 2355, 6062, 6994, 13, 33006, 4218, 13, 3451, 18876, 85675, 323, 6401, 20182, 8423, 315, 279, 22765, 33257, 5856, 389, 13716, 85675, 11, 720, 11356, 11, 220, 1049, 15, 13, 33006, 4044, 13, 48994, 507, 1087, 13, 1880, 453, 13, 10085, 442, 39100, 44225, 304, 279, 3823, 2010, 323, 13272, 369, 6505, 720, 15772, 17144, 520, 220, 23424, 323, 220, 7028, 15, 38592, 13, 220, 40135, 4149, 13, 386, 15249, 220, 2550, 21, 26, 220, 2096, 25, 220, 9367, 19, 12, 9378, 22, 13, 2355, 720, 2421, 13, 362, 4528, 2536, 20486, 5118, 24639, 11, 433, 1288, 387, 10555, 11, 1101, 3752, 5014, 279, 24156, 16296, 315, 720, 21914, 34803, 24494, 11, 1405, 11, 369, 3187, 11, 264, 9499, 10205, 315, 220, 16, 78, 34, 649, 387, 3060, 45089, 477, 2324, 59085, 720, 81580, 389, 279, 3044, 315, 279, 1732, 520, 279, 892, 13, 220, 14636, 24797, 1070, 374, 264, 42329, 45207, 7106, 29774, 315, 14675, 311, 42374, 25407, 315, 264, 14343, 21261, 1389, 32125, 459, 720, 79601, 304, 2547, 9499, 482, 279, 24156, 220, 29774, 315, 264, 2728, 9499, 10205, 4250, 220, 387, 720, 359, 5118, 989, 19698, 11, 2533, 420, 14117, 389, 279, 53194, 3044, 315, 279, 15246, 11, 902, 35327, 2355, 1527, 1732, 311, 1732, 13, 220, 2057, 3504, 264, 13579, 2134, 315, 4787, 11, 264, 3738, 7296, 4850, 374, 32762, 1139, 279, 15480, 42374, 14675, 21261, 26, 13118, 11, 433, 374, 264, 6996, 315, 24811, 439, 311, 1148, 279, 26703, 220, 315, 420, 4850, 1288, 3604, 387, 430, 374, 28135, 8647, 369, 279, 23851, 304, 279, 720, 327, 12313, 25228, 1385, 11349, 555, 2204, 23331, 13162, 13, 5996, 720, 2181, 374, 311, 387, 32647, 11, 4869, 11, 430, 279, 24494, 5196, 2744, 220, 13980, 11, 76653, 220, 315, 279, 53194, 720, 9233, 315, 279, 1732, 320, 17206, 3508, 13989, 477, 5710, 49743, 5115, 20426, 279, 6671, 449, 2536, 12, 69218, 6372, 13, 220, 1102, 374, 11, 315, 3388, 11, 420, 2144, 430, 1234, 49201, 279, 13336, 315, 1701, 3451, 28022, 316, 529, 14971, 311, 8417, 2355, 50, 946, 2819, 26, 433, 1288, 11, 4869, 11, 387, 41193, 430, 279, 31638, 315, 279, 2819, 779, 12457, 374, 59575, 720, 263, 279, 13112, 311, 902, 279, 2815, 47262, 6012, 315, 279, 28367, 8271, 56406, 1511, 3604, 45968, 720, 998, 1884, 304, 279, 13989, 220, 3823, 8271, 13, 220, 1952, 279, 8197, 315, 1148, 2697, 2038, 374, 2561, 11, 279, 12062, 720, 29177, 12391, 311, 387, 5199, 13, 5996, 720, 4578, 13, 1561, 68409, 11, 66233, 1174, 220, 19, 339, 6841, 11, 220, 1049, 15, 13, 33006, 1954, 13, 578, 19115, 11900, 374, 4529, 1139, 2759, 1193, 304, 779, 3117, 439, 433, 22223, 279, 35406, 2968, 315, 279, 720, 70312, 367, 1555, 1404, 58081, 13, 33006, 5925, 13, 220, 45805, 11, 452, 13, 3451, 65358, 42914, 315, 279, 66990, 311, 264, 656, 418, 19845, 45, 2871, 47, 48528, 369, 1561, 17340, 20182, 25379, 720, 31272, 11, 452, 13784, 2637, 220, 2550, 23, 13, 2355, 720, 6083, 13, 362, 1695, 3187, 315, 1778, 3451, 26125, 529, 8481, 374, 279, 5845, 315, 264, 3177, 50857, 520, 264, 3738, 4478, 720, 1921, 10259, 220, 868, 311, 220, 508, 11732, 8, 311, 49853, 55998, 304, 7397, 19245, 58652, 418, 1233, 13, 220, 1102, 374, 539, 779, 1790, 264, 3488, 315, 279, 3392, 315, 4907, 54568, 555, 279, 3177, 320, 8370, 14117, 389, 1202, 21261, 8, 430, 2605, 8099, 279, 53250, 11, 719, 4856, 279, 2144, 430, 279, 8381, 11900, 374, 3451, 34551, 4147, 529, 555, 279, 8271, 1606, 433, 374, 3345, 311, 832, 3752, 3876, 264, 4040, 8271, 5820, 482, 304, 420, 1162, 11, 430, 5938, 449, 55998, 13, 33006, 6365, 13, 426, 1082, 468, 13, 12310, 2410, 9063, 5621, 447, 2301, 323, 42374, 6372, 389, 3823, 25396, 12, 720, 768, 764, 278, 13255, 323, 17432, 13, 13101, 25947, 13, 19531, 13, 612, 28415, 220, 4468, 23, 26, 220, 605, 25, 220, 20062, 12, 19838, 13, 33006, 6281, 13, 473, 71191, 11, 426, 13, 1880, 453, 13, 26211, 39775, 323, 29528, 323, 37843, 311, 6007, 40825, 13, 13235, 622, 13, 720, 49137, 220, 2550, 21, 26, 220, 10680, 25, 220, 18262, 12, 19666, 13, 5996, 720, 2721, 13, 423, 23427, 11, 473, 13, 1880, 453, 13, 220, 26211, 39775, 3221, 9063, 323, 12707, 1380, 83189, 304, 8681, 13527, 13, 720, 29518, 622, 13, 315, 88953, 2508, 220, 2550, 22, 26, 220, 9591, 7, 16, 1680, 220, 16, 12, 24, 11, 220, 605, 12, 1114, 13, 5996, 33006, 1958, 2355, 220, 4161, 13, 7573, 34117, 11, 622, 2056, 13, 220, 88953, 5848, 6029, 315, 9063, 47621, 25407, 320, 21914, 34803, 8, 6372, 720, 263, 2890, 304, 6411, 11, 49927, 11, 323, 65195, 7978, 13, 1357, 13, 622, 13, 33512, 13, 2998, 2842, 13, 6401, 720, 2550, 20, 26, 220, 16, 25, 220, 2618, 12, 3226, 13, 720, 5996, 78366, 39425, 53263, 33006, 720, 31879, 46907, 790, 42439, 46761, 7614, 2355, 64469, 20302, 720, 38294, 349, 59082, 369, 8483, 94466, 362, 27907, 720, 14330, 75938, 220, 2371, 362, 22379, 262, 10637, 49509, 220, 21, 35, 2790, 720, 31224, 7282, 17283, 262, 24610, 44688, 41785, 21148, 17283, 26608, 331, 7881, 257, 220, 1399, 11, 56949, 468, 17465, 89, 720, 43, 12, 16443, 24, 65971, 11, 262, 426, 12, 6849, 22, 38269, 11, 720, 38342, 320, 16482, 8, 220, 14245, 15, 13, 11057, 806, 26, 262, 477, 23683, 320, 843, 12, 17, 8, 220, 17058, 13, 19162, 17, 56464, 320, 16482, 8, 220, 14245, 15, 13, 10697, 972, 477, 220, 13341, 3080, 256, 56464, 320, 843, 12, 17, 8, 220, 17058, 13, 21962, 15, 477, 220, 220, 22393, 24, 469, 11724, 25, 342, 331, 309, 1941, 31, 20732, 897, 49358, 36103, 6537, 220, 469, 11724, 25, 6375, 277, 391, 13154, 285, 31, 20732, 897, 49358, 36103, 6537, 27907, 720, 128009, 128000, 2118, 23083, 374, 264, 5496, 30816, 315, 9096, 323, 16267, 13, 1283, 43522, 198, 576, 1614, 315, 4059, 11, 902, 374, 15987, 311, 603, 682, 11, 555, 5496, 1148, 568, 198, 668, 14576, 304, 1115, 40096, 2209, 4718, 77064, 662, 10541, 279, 1920, 315, 198, 1485, 66, 2518, 8850, 374, 539, 2744, 4228, 11, 433, 374, 4382, 11, 323, 6941, 529, 274, 198, 327, 10609, 811, 323, 23783, 8641, 499, 311, 3802, 279, 23871, 430, 198, 285, 701, 7342, 1315, 13, 1115, 40096, 2209, 4718, 77064, 220, 44087, 988, 279, 198, 2398, 3195, 311, 4686, 75149, 1174, 779, 499, 649, 3217, 279, 5655, 198, 55225, 323, 96049, 3021, 430, 14156, 6572, 2949, 499, 11, 304, 420, 1633, 198, 29699, 49216, 2345, 10803, 94332, 1901, 455, 9509, 11, 3279, 50, 1174, 72002, 3229, 315, 5659, 81469, 198, 998, 10919, 198, 17818, 374, 1071, 11, 3451, 1383, 872, 26390, 20043, 4985, 1440, 1124, 529, 26, 420, 2363, 374, 279, 198, 13279, 7164, 315, 682, 279, 45572, 430, 6941, 43822, 2727, 1601, 706, 21953, 294, 198, 82977, 279, 6975, 323, 5496, 315, 362, 17026, 304, 14603, 18709, 662, 578, 16267, 315, 198, 23083, 374, 813, 7095, 11, 813, 10032, 818, 11107, 311, 3041, 26662, 1174, 323, 813, 4382, 198, 60621, 315, 14624, 311, 279, 19229, 17326, 323, 2768, 5414, 198, 19612, 82, 13, 578, 13239, 12979, 520, 290, 315, 420, 2363, 374, 4245, 311, 279, 198, 50659, 315, 2167, 94132, 449, 279, 17326, 11, 323, 52394, 198, 285, 264, 40149, 311, 682, 889, 1390, 311, 3974, 264, 2324, 315, 53150, 323, 198, 383, 6260, 49216, 2345, 31456, 17200, 1174, 19533, 315, 279, 1176, 6560, 1773, 291, 10297, 14603, 18709, 198, 92050, 11, 578, 14821, 369, 37456, 26888, 11, 323, 279, 31114, 345, 30649, 76495, 26, 3229, 315, 1556, 84342, 311, 279, 198, 23422, 74462, 18449, 198, 2118, 23083, 43822, 2727, 1601, 374, 832, 315, 279, 1455, 13513, 13639, 315, 362, 198, 24225, 304, 14603, 18709, 662, 5414, 15507, 311, 279, 1495, 4131, 1555, 304, 198, 543, 315, 813, 990, 13, 358, 3021, 6941, 18217, 82, 22443, 12917, 1742, 323, 813, 198, 70, 64312, 3021, 369, 2324, 13, 6941, 23291, 813, 3137, 18319, 198, 2345, 75739, 462, 6853, 82415, 1174, 674, 16, 1561, 816, 477, 74, 350, 737, 288, 72002, 198, 3170, 315, 578, 29849, 11697, 816, 1057, 6984, 2118, 14336, 52157, 422, 499, 1051, 62425, 294, 1193, 555, 3021, 323, 4400, 775, 45258, 198, 4707, 6941, 43822, 2727, 1601, 304, 813, 502, 2363, 11, 19937, 449, 294, 1955, 458, 294, 198, 327, 10609, 811, 11, 12659, 11, 34296, 11, 220, 323, 12715, 1812, 31767, 13, 6941, 198, 81874, 82, 362, 17026, 304, 14603, 18709, 304, 23556, 28935, 9863, 922, 1268, 311, 198, 13807, 279, 4059, 323, 14155, 709, 279, 8286, 315, 19229, 17326, 13, 89617, 5655, 198, 18614, 420, 2363, 323, 499, 690, 3217, 701, 45125, 34423, 2136, 198, 67523, 18972, 439, 499, 6725, 279, 6332, 45572, 315, 362, 17026, 304, 198, 59561, 18709, 662, 14903, 927, 469, 3427, 11, 584, 527, 54477, 1139, 279, 3451, 38, 9761, 1245, 198, 19410, 529, 18319, 198, 2345, 69656, 82547, 1174, 3229, 315, 11406, 816, 1057, 24241, 1174, 6625, 198, 65576, 315, 362, 17026, 304, 14603, 18709, 1174, 323, 86724, 13015, 198, 20322, 8092, 2336, 315, 8828, 198, 10378, 4070, 3967, 6941, 369, 7154, 27219, 1667, 13, 2684, 527, 3892, 15687, 198, 14965, 617, 12514, 5694, 311, 8830, 323, 5496, 279, 198, 652, 16379, 315, 362, 17026, 304, 14603, 18709, 662, 763, 279, 1162, 315, 6941, 11, 433, 753, 2867, 198, 9210, 813, 5379, 76, 1218, 374, 3831, 11, 813, 11376, 374, 17676, 11, 323, 813, 5845, 198, 998, 4639, 20333, 13, 1115, 40096, 2209, 4718, 77064, 220, 374, 264, 1664, 67383, 345, 884, 53999, 16540, 315, 1063, 315, 279, 1455, 6913, 345, 96822, 661, 1174, 323, 87435, 19476, 304, 279, 17026, 49216, 2345, 38252, 386, 60285, 1174, 30661, 1174, 3229, 315, 19048, 362, 17026, 304, 14603, 18709, 13801, 52291, 315, 14603, 18709, 14756, 11, 323, 11145, 7690, 315, 198, 2460, 34053, 82, 14582, 3367, 304, 1561, 816, 477, 74, 4409, 1174, 12551, 198, 2118, 2409, 813, 502, 2363, 11, 1115, 40096, 374, 4718, 77064, 1174, 6941, 198, 39, 1885, 2727, 1601, 6835, 279, 6742, 264, 7364, 409, 5457, 315, 9090, 84, 453, 198, 90153, 430, 690, 1121, 304, 264, 3682, 31903, 315, 872, 18330, 198, 2398, 13, 358, 4070, 3967, 6941, 369, 1690, 1667, 11, 323, 568, 753, 264, 18041, 689, 32512, 198, 24247, 323, 7061, 662, 1115, 2363, 5039, 1461, 520, 813, 1888, 13, 358, 7701, 198, 67689, 420, 3062, 990, 49216, 2345, 74067, 14094, 569, 1174, 279, 1888, 48724, 3229, 315, 578, 198, 4944, 97755, 315, 279, 29849, 57886, 323, 578, 65863, 7034, 198, 4599, 10811, 323, 46054, 735, 943, 9062, 7089, 14305, 11879, 2949, 374, 279, 12474, 11879, 315, 682, 13, 6941, 198, 39, 1885, 2727, 1601, 5097, 603, 1555, 264, 11879, 315, 659, 10694, 7601, 1174, 9358, 198, 59677, 11, 21730, 11, 323, 12646, 4914, 21060, 6941, 6835, 603, 279, 7526, 311, 3663, 1057, 198, 69, 7596, 21060, 358, 7079, 1115, 40096, 2209, 4718, 77064, 369, 5606, 198, 53757, 287, 311, 1935, 279, 12474, 11879, 315, 682, 49216, 2345, 51, 2259, 40971, 58180, 1174, 1080, 3170, 315, 362, 6017, 315, 72071, 198, 75550, 2225, 502, 323, 52614, 40386, 389, 279, 1853, 311, 659, 7058, 4338, 7601, 1174, 420, 2363, 374, 10409, 311, 279, 1437, 318, 449, 264, 12205, 315, 198, 1354, 79863, 11, 3856, 292, 453, 3769, 430], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " my head and said, \"So now what?\" The anesthetist, very startled, said again, \"You're supposed to \nbe asleep!\" \"Well, I'm not,\" I repeated. \"I'm as wide awake as you.\" \"I can't give you \nany more drugs. I've given you enough to knock out a horse,\" stated the anesthetist. I \nassumed he was speaking figuratively, because I knew he was not pleased. But by the same token, I wasn't exactly elated. \n There is no doubt in my mind that this incident was due to the effects of my body \nbeing poisoned with the many drugs I had ingested over the past five and one-half \nyears, some drugs potentiating one anothe r, others antagonizing each other, some \nneutralizing others, and many interacti ng. Who knows what detrimental changes \noccur in our bodies. Obviously, among other things, I seemed to have built a type of \nimmunity or resistance. This was dangerous because it meant I would have to have larger doses of drugs, which can be just as hazardous as being allergic to them. \n So during the course of the surgery, while Dr. Cuttem did his thing on my lower \nend, I chatted with the anesthetist at my upper end. All the while, I could hear various cutting and clicking sounds. I didn't particularly like it, but there wasn't much I could \ndo. After what seemed like hours, in reality it was only about 45 minutes, the surgeon \nsaid the most endearing words, \"All done, Jack.\" I was rolled on my back, put on a \ncart, and wheeled to the recovery room where my blood pressure was taken at regular \nintervals and I waited for sensation to return to the lower half of my body. The nurse told me I would be here an hour or two, depending on how soon I could wiggle my \ntoes. It wasn't 20 or 30 minutes and I could feel my feet and wiggle my toes. I called \nthe nurse and told her I was ready to be ta ken back to my room. She said, \"Oh, not \nyet. You must be able to wiggle your toes.\" \"Pull back the sheets and take a look,\" I \ntold her. She looked and I wiggled. \"You're not supposed to be able to wiggle this \nsoon,\" she said in a rather surprised tone of voice. The doctor was informed of this \nsituation and he agreed to send me down to my room. This little episode was, again, probably the result of biochemical changes due to the years of drugging my system. \n On the way down to my room, I could feel the pain starting. By the time we reached \nthe room, the pain was so intense that I became unreasonable and ordered my wife and my mother to \"get out of the room.\" I rang for the nurse and told her to give me \nsomething to ease the pain. A few minutes later I received some morphine (1/8 grain) \nand some kind words from the nurse, who was very sympathetic. My wife came back \ninto the room and sat beside me. I tried to keep my mind off the discomfort, but after \n30 minutes not only did the pain not ease but it increased in intensity. I rang for the nurse while Corinne tried to hold me down. The nurse said she could not give me any \nadditional painkiller because of doctor's orders. Well, in language not fit to print here, \nI demanded she locate the doctor and have him change those orders because the pain \nwas driving me wild. The nurse returned shortly with the news that the doctor did not \nwant me to have any more drugs. When I asked the reason, she explained it was because of possible danger to me due to all the cortisone I had been taking. The answer satisfied everyone but me because I had the pain; but that's the way it was. So \nfor the next couple of hours I thrashed around in the bed, screamed, and literally beat on the walls with my fists while Corinne cried and was hysterical in her helplessness \nand fear. \n As all things do, this came to pass and I fell asleep from exhaustion. I was spent. \nThis experience, too, was a result of years of drugging. The amazing thing is that after \nall these years of disease, of poisoning by the drugs, this hellish surgical experience, \nand a host of other things related to medical treatment, I had not blown my mind. I still had my sanity. \n I awoke early in the evening with the bowel spasms present and an uncontrollable \nurge to have a B.M. I rang for the nurse; but before she could get to me I jumped out of bed in a wild dash for the lavatory. I didn't make it because the sudden drop in \nblood pressure caused fainting and I hit the floor! I was picked up and carried to the \nlavatory where, because of fear, I tried to hold myself back. Finally there was no \ncontrolling it and in a few seconds the packing was blown out, accompanied by \nextreme pain. From here on it was all downhill. The worst was over, but the immense enervation added another emotional scar to my psyche, not to mention the harm to my \ndebilitated physical condition. \n Discharge from the hospital came on December 9, 1963. I remember the date well \nbecause I no sooner hobbled home and into bed for a well-earned recuperative period, \nwhen my wife kissed me goodbye and entered the hospital for the birth of our second son. There I was, left to fend for myself and care for our three-year-old son, when I \ncould barely get around. But my main concern was whether or not the new baby \nwould be born with any mental or physical defects as a result of my system being \nflooded with poisonous drugs over the last five and one-half years. In fact, Corinne \nand I debated on whether to have a second ch ild for just this reason. We both thank \nGod that he was born normal in every respect; a little noisy, but normal. \n A week later, Corinne returned from the hospital with our new son. We slipped back \ninto the routine of things. I went back to my office and tried desperately to put in as \nmuch time as possible, which wasn't much. I found no joy in getting up in the \nmorning to face the day. I had no desire or enthusiasm for my work--or anything else \nfor that matter. \n The new year had arrived. It was 1964. I wondered what this year had in store and if \nit would be as bad as last year. What more could happen to me? I wondered! But the \nnext four or five months brought progressively worse changes in my physical condition. I celebrated a birthday in February--34 years of age, but an old man. It was \ntough watching others my age enjoying themselves, taking trips and loving life while I vegetated in my small world. \n It seemed there were no lulls or quiescent periods during these trying years. There \nwas always something to prevent an even pattern in our lives. It was very difficult for \nCorinne to teach school, raise the children, take care of the house, and to try to adjust \nto my problem. It matured the both of us and that was to our benefit since we were soon to make some major decisions 'that were to affect the rest of our lives. These \nyears bring to mind Frank Ward O'Malley, the famous journalist, who was asked for his definition of life. His answer was classic. He said simply, \"Life is just one damned \nthing after another.\" How true! \n I saw my doctor regularly every week or two for dietary changes, decreases and \nincreases of my drug dosages, and regular sigmoidoscopic examinations. Nothing seemed to help anymore. The spasms and diarrhea were increasing again and there \nwas more bleeding. I was running to the lavatory 20 to 30 times a day. I was already \nanemic. Now I was becoming dehydrated and losing weight, having dropped a total of \n25 pounds. That put me at about 145 pounds. Low back pain was almost constant and \nannoying, as were the ever-increasing cramping and spasms in my feet and legs. This was preventing me from obtaining proper and much-needed sleep, since it would \nawaken me several times during the night and I would find my legs contracted right up against my thighs. \n Migrating arthritic pains were becoming prevalent. The aching would travel from \none joint to another, affecting several joints at one time. Because of all the drugs I was \ningesting, it was all but impossible to take painkillers. If any contained aspirin or even \nif it was just plain aspirin, the pain and damaging effects on my stomach made it prohibitive. If the drug had no aspirin, and I tried many, then the potentiating effects \nof the other drugs caused many untoward reactions, not the least of which were \nconfused thinking and a state of stupor. So there was not much I could do except \n\"tough it out.\" These previously mentioned symptoms are common in colitis and particularly advanced ulcerative colitis. C'est la guerre! \n It was late spring, 1964, and I seemed to be heading for what I sensed as some \nhorrible ending. Our family life had dwindled. Social life was virtually over. It took \nall the physical and emotional strength I could muster just to go to my office and try \nto do", "token_ids": [856, 2010, 323, 1071, 11, 330, 4516, 1457, 1148, 7673, 578, 459, 478, 14122, 380, 11, 1633, 89815, 11, 1071, 1578, 11, 330, 2675, 2351, 10171, 311, 720, 1395, 33173, 9135, 330, 11649, 11, 358, 2846, 539, 1359, 358, 11763, 13, 330, 40, 2846, 439, 7029, 35447, 439, 499, 1210, 330, 40, 649, 956, 3041, 499, 720, 3852, 810, 11217, 13, 358, 3077, 2728, 499, 3403, 311, 14459, 704, 264, 15580, 1359, 11224, 279, 459, 478, 14122, 380, 13, 358, 720, 395, 39255, 568, 574, 12365, 56755, 8046, 11, 1606, 358, 7020, 568, 574, 539, 18949, 13, 2030, 555, 279, 1890, 4037, 11, 358, 5828, 956, 7041, 658, 660, 13, 720, 256, 2684, 374, 912, 10712, 304, 856, 4059, 430, 420, 10672, 574, 4245, 311, 279, 6372, 315, 856, 2547, 720, 35214, 71598, 449, 279, 1690, 11217, 358, 1047, 6892, 10185, 927, 279, 3347, 4330, 323, 832, 34902, 720, 42820, 11, 1063, 11217, 3419, 23202, 1113, 832, 39124, 1820, 436, 11, 3885, 43215, 4954, 1855, 1023, 11, 1063, 720, 60668, 4954, 3885, 11, 323, 1690, 16681, 72, 7933, 13, 10699, 8964, 1148, 65069, 4442, 720, 511, 2407, 304, 1057, 13162, 13, 36530, 11, 4315, 1023, 2574, 11, 358, 9508, 311, 617, 5918, 264, 955, 315, 720, 12828, 2498, 477, 13957, 13, 1115, 574, 11660, 1606, 433, 8967, 358, 1053, 617, 311, 617, 8294, 35130, 315, 11217, 11, 902, 649, 387, 1120, 439, 51024, 439, 1694, 57596, 311, 1124, 13, 720, 256, 2100, 2391, 279, 3388, 315, 279, 15173, 11, 1418, 2999, 13, 20223, 880, 1550, 813, 3245, 389, 856, 4827, 720, 408, 11, 358, 523, 12400, 449, 279, 459, 478, 14122, 380, 520, 856, 8582, 842, 13, 2052, 279, 1418, 11, 358, 1436, 6865, 5370, 14713, 323, 18965, 10578, 13, 358, 3287, 956, 8104, 1093, 433, 11, 719, 1070, 5828, 956, 1790, 358, 1436, 720, 3055, 13, 4740, 1148, 9508, 1093, 4207, 11, 304, 8903, 433, 574, 1193, 922, 220, 1774, 4520, 11, 279, 46098, 720, 84359, 279, 1455, 842, 13992, 4339, 11, 330, 2460, 2884, 11, 7762, 1210, 358, 574, 23255, 389, 856, 1203, 11, 2231, 389, 264, 720, 11707, 11, 323, 15240, 41189, 311, 279, 13654, 3130, 1405, 856, 6680, 7410, 574, 4529, 520, 5912, 720, 396, 43298, 323, 358, 30315, 369, 37392, 311, 471, 311, 279, 4827, 4376, 315, 856, 2547, 13, 578, 29198, 3309, 757, 358, 1053, 387, 1618, 459, 6596, 477, 1403, 11, 11911, 389, 1268, 5246, 358, 1436, 59841, 3491, 856, 720, 998, 288, 13, 1102, 5828, 956, 220, 508, 477, 220, 966, 4520, 323, 358, 1436, 2733, 856, 7693, 323, 59841, 3491, 856, 45713, 13, 358, 2663, 720, 1820, 29198, 323, 3309, 1077, 358, 574, 5644, 311, 387, 9637, 50332, 1203, 311, 856, 3130, 13, 3005, 1071, 11, 330, 12174, 11, 539, 720, 47492, 13, 1472, 2011, 387, 3025, 311, 59841, 3491, 701, 45713, 1210, 330, 37168, 1203, 279, 25112, 323, 1935, 264, 1427, 1359, 358, 720, 83, 820, 1077, 13, 3005, 7111, 323, 358, 289, 20831, 839, 13, 330, 2675, 2351, 220, 539, 10171, 311, 387, 3025, 311, 59841, 3491, 420, 720, 67156, 1359, 1364, 1071, 304, 264, 4856, 14792, 16630, 315, 7899, 13, 578, 10896, 574, 16369, 315, 420, 720, 47965, 4090, 323, 568, 7378, 311, 3708, 757, 1523, 311, 856, 3130, 13, 1115, 2697, 9417, 574, 11, 1578, 11, 4762, 279, 1121, 315, 93532, 4442, 4245, 311, 279, 1667, 315, 1377, 36368, 856, 1887, 13, 720, 256, 1952, 279, 1648, 1523, 311, 856, 3130, 11, 358, 1436, 2733, 279, 6784, 6041, 13, 3296, 279, 892, 584, 8813, 720, 1820, 3130, 11, 279, 6784, 574, 779, 19428, 430, 358, 6244, 59525, 323, 11713, 856, 7555, 323, 856, 6691, 311, 330, 456, 704, 315, 279, 3130, 1210, 358, 43200, 369, 279, 29198, 323, 3309, 1077, 311, 3041, 757, 720, 34431, 311, 14553, 279, 6784, 13, 362, 2478, 4520, 3010, 358, 4036, 1063, 27448, 483, 320, 16, 14, 23, 24875, 8, 720, 438, 1063, 3169, 4339, 505, 279, 29198, 11, 889, 574, 1633, 53464, 13, 3092, 7555, 3782, 1203, 720, 18614, 279, 3130, 323, 7731, 30488, 757, 13, 358, 6818, 311, 2567, 856, 4059, 1022, 279, 44776, 11, 719, 1306, 720, 966, 4520, 539, 1193, 1550, 279, 6784, 539, 14553, 719, 433, 7319, 304, 21261, 13, 358, 43200, 369, 279, 29198, 1418, 4563, 94332, 6818, 311, 3412, 757, 1523, 13, 578, 29198, 1071, 1364, 1436, 539, 3041, 757, 904, 720, 36599, 6784, 73178, 1606, 315, 10896, 596, 10373, 13, 8489, 11, 304, 4221, 539, 5052, 311, 1194, 1618, 11, 720, 40, 30526, 1364, 25539, 279, 10896, 323, 617, 1461, 2349, 1884, 10373, 1606, 279, 6784, 720, 16514, 10043, 757, 8545, 13, 578, 29198, 6052, 20193, 449, 279, 3754, 430, 279, 10896, 1550, 539, 720, 53757, 757, 311, 617, 904, 810, 11217, 13, 3277, 358, 4691, 279, 2944, 11, 1364, 11497, 433, 574, 1606, 315, 3284, 8137, 311, 757, 4245, 311, 682, 279, 23100, 285, 606, 358, 1047, 1027, 4737, 13, 578, 4320, 20097, 5127, 719, 757, 1606, 358, 1047, 279, 6784, 26, 719, 430, 596, 279, 1648, 433, 574, 13, 2100, 720, 2000, 279, 1828, 5743, 315, 4207, 358, 8983, 13883, 2212, 304, 279, 4950, 11, 61466, 11, 323, 16280, 9567, 389, 279, 14620, 449, 856, 81784, 1418, 4563, 94332, 39169, 323, 574, 54119, 950, 304, 1077, 1520, 33028, 720, 438, 8850, 13, 720, 256, 1666, 682, 2574, 656, 11, 420, 3782, 311, 1522, 323, 358, 11299, 33173, 505, 70663, 13, 358, 574, 7543, 13, 720, 2028, 3217, 11, 2288, 11, 574, 264, 1121, 315, 1667, 315, 1377, 36368, 13, 578, 8056, 3245, 374, 430, 1306, 720, 543, 1521, 1667, 315, 8624, 11, 315, 52236, 555, 279, 11217, 11, 420, 15123, 819, 34933, 3217, 11, 720, 438, 264, 3552, 315, 1023, 2574, 5552, 311, 6593, 6514, 11, 358, 1047, 539, 36574, 856, 4059, 13, 358, 2103, 1047, 856, 47942, 13, 720, 256, 358, 264, 96428, 4216, 304, 279, 11714, 449, 279, 66358, 83060, 1026, 3118, 323, 459, 71093, 69855, 720, 40923, 311, 617, 264, 426, 1345, 13, 358, 43200, 369, 279, 29198, 26, 719, 1603, 1364, 1436, 636, 311, 757, 358, 27096, 704, 315, 4950, 304, 264, 8545, 24858, 369, 279, 30583, 5382, 13, 358, 3287, 956, 1304, 433, 1606, 279, 11210, 6068, 304, 720, 51105, 7410, 9057, 38678, 287, 323, 358, 4295, 279, 6558, 0, 358, 574, 13061, 709, 323, 11953, 311, 279, 720, 79936, 5382, 1405, 11, 1606, 315, 8850, 11, 358, 6818, 311, 3412, 7182, 1203, 13, 17830, 1070, 574, 912, 720, 778, 16608, 433, 323, 304, 264, 2478, 6622, 279, 36813, 574, 36574, 704, 11, 24895, 555, 720, 428, 9831, 6784, 13, 5659, 1618, 389, 433, 574, 682, 73481, 13, 578, 12047, 574, 927, 11, 719, 279, 38883, 665, 8943, 3779, 2500, 14604, 23087, 311, 856, 88909, 11, 539, 311, 6420, 279, 11682, 311, 856, 720, 39035, 3748, 660, 7106, 3044, 13, 720, 256, 4185, 14215, 505, 279, 8952, 3782, 389, 6790, 220, 24, 11, 220, 5162, 18, 13, 358, 6227, 279, 2457, 1664, 720, 28753, 358, 912, 31373, 305, 92046, 2162, 323, 1139, 4950, 369, 264, 1664, 12, 58700, 52621, 1413, 4261, 11, 720, 9493, 856, 7555, 59334, 757, 47555, 323, 10862, 279, 8952, 369, 279, 7342, 315, 1057, 2132, 4538, 13, 2684, 358, 574, 11, 2163, 311, 95127, 369, 7182, 323, 2512, 369, 1057, 2380, 4771, 6418, 4538, 11, 994, 358, 720, 29177, 20025, 636, 2212, 13, 2030, 856, 1925, 4747, 574, 3508, 477, 539, 279, 502, 8945, 720, 41450, 387, 9405, 449, 904, 10723, 477, 7106, 42655, 439, 264, 1121, 315, 856, 1887, 1694, 720, 69, 4659, 291, 449, 74508, 11217, 927, 279, 1566, 4330, 323, 832, 34902, 1667, 13, 763, 2144, 11, 4563, 94332, 720, 438, 358, 59674, 389, 3508, 311, 617, 264, 2132, 523, 220, 699, 369, 1120, 420, 2944, 13, 1226, 2225, 9901, 720, 28622, 430, 568, 574, 9405, 4725, 304, 1475, 5201, 26, 264, 2697, 50380, 11, 719, 4725, 13, 720, 256, 362, 2046, 3010, 11, 4563, 94332, 6052, 505, 279, 8952, 449, 1057, 502, 4538, 13, 1226, 43578, 1203, 720, 18614, 279, 14348, 315, 2574, 13, 358, 4024, 1203, 311, 856, 5274, 323, 6818, 38643, 311, 2231, 304, 439, 720, 59178, 892, 439, 3284, 11, 902, 5828, 956, 1790, 13, 358, 1766, 912, 16267, 304, 3794, 709, 304, 279, 720, 57902, 1251, 311, 3663, 279, 1938, 13, 358, 1047, 912, 12876, 477, 36232, 369, 856, 990, 313, 269, 4205, 775, 720, 2000, 430, 5030, 13, 720, 256, 578, 502, 1060, 1047, 11721, 13, 1102, 574, 220, 5162, 19, 13, 358, 31156, 1148, 420, 1060, 1047, 304, 3637, 323, 422, 720, 275, 1053, 387, 439, 3958, 439, 1566, 1060, 13, 3639, 810, 1436, 3621, 311, 757, 30, 358, 31156, 0, 2030, 279, 720, 3684, 3116, 477, 4330, 4038, 7263, 72859, 11201, 4442, 304, 856, 7106, 3044, 13, 358, 28284, 264, 15553, 304, 7552, 313, 1958, 1667, 315, 4325, 11, 719, 459, 2362, 893, 13, 1102, 574, 720, 83, 1409, 10307, 3885, 856, 4325, 22128, 5694, 11, 4737, 23277, 323, 21955, 2324, 1418, 358, 13294, 660, 304, 856, 2678, 1917, 13, 720, 256, 1102, 9508, 1070, 1051, 912, 326, 71523, 477, 934, 552, 1189, 18852, 2391, 1521, 4560, 1667, 13, 2684, 720, 16514, 2744, 2555, 311, 5471, 459, 1524, 5497, 304, 1057, 6439, 13, 1102, 574, 1633, 5107, 369, 720, 10803, 94332, 311, 4639, 2978, 11, 4933, 279, 2911, 11, 1935, 2512, 315, 279, 3838, 11, 323, 311, 1456, 311, 7652, 720, 998, 856, 3575, 13, 1102, 15196, 67, 279, 2225, 315, 603, 323, 430, 574, 311, 1057, 8935, 2533, 584, 1051, 5246, 311, 1304, 1063, 3682, 11429, 364, 9210, 1051, 311, 7958, 279, 2800, 315, 1057, 6439, 13, 4314, 720, 42820, 4546, 311, 4059, 9454, 27738, 507, 28703, 93266, 11, 279, 11495, 23672, 11, 889, 574, 4691, 369, 813, 7419, 315, 2324, 13, 5414, 4320, 574, 11670, 13, 1283, 1071, 5042, 11, 330, 26833, 374, 1120, 832, 68465, 720, 1626, 1306, 2500, 1210, 2650, 837, 0, 720, 256, 358, 5602, 856, 10896, 15870, 1475, 2046, 477, 1403, 369, 34625, 4442, 11, 43154, 323, 720, 43842, 2315, 315, 856, 5623, 8924, 1154, 11, 323, 5912, 65990, 84667, 69570, 13, 12334, 9508, 311, 1520, 14926, 13, 578, 83060, 1026, 323, 69393, 1051, 7859, 1578, 323, 1070, 720, 16514, 810, 35763, 13, 358, 574, 4401, 311, 279, 30583, 5382, 220, 508, 311, 220, 966, 3115, 264, 1938, 13, 358, 574, 2736, 720, 276, 8274, 13, 4800, 358, 574, 10671, 409, 26233, 660, 323, 13490, 4785, 11, 3515, 12504, 264, 2860, 315, 720, 914, 16701, 13, 3011, 2231, 757, 520, 922, 220, 9591, 16701, 13, 12310, 1203, 6784, 574, 4661, 6926, 323, 720, 1036, 2303, 287, 11, 439, 1051, 279, 3596, 3502, 76562, 1589, 31557, 323, 83060, 1026, 304, 856, 7693, 323, 14535, 13, 1115, 574, 27252, 757, 505, 19546, 6300, 323, 1790, 69875, 6212, 11, 2533, 433, 1053, 720, 675, 3448, 757, 3892, 3115, 2391, 279, 3814, 323, 358, 1053, 1505, 856, 14535, 51068, 1314, 709, 2403, 856, 60611, 13, 720, 256, 386, 5346, 1113, 802, 339, 50308, 51266, 1051, 10671, 46941, 13, 578, 264, 28075, 1053, 5944, 505, 720, 606, 10496, 311, 2500, 11, 28987, 3892, 35358, 220, 520, 832, 892, 13, 9393, 315, 682, 279, 11217, 358, 574, 720, 287, 60955, 11, 433, 574, 682, 719, 12266, 311, 1935, 6784, 11088, 388, 13, 1442, 904, 13282, 25689, 258, 477, 1524, 720, 333, 433, 574, 1120, 14733, 25689, 258, 11, 279, 6784, 323, 34446, 6372, 389, 856, 23152, 1903, 433, 14541, 3486, 13, 1442, 279, 5623, 1047, 912, 25689, 258, 11, 323, 358, 6818, 1690, 11, 1243, 279, 3419, 23202, 1113, 6372, 720, 1073, 279, 1023, 11217, 9057, 1690, 13365, 83071, 25481, 11, 539, 279, 3325, 315, 902, 1051, 720, 6263, 2656, 7422, 323, 264, 1614, 315, 91132, 269, 13, 2100, 1070, 574, 539, 1790, 358, 1436, 656, 3734, 720, 1, 83, 1409, 433, 704, 1210, 4314, 8767, 9932, 13803, 527, 4279, 304, 1400, 20000, 323, 8104, 11084, 96971, 1413, 1400, 20000, 13, 356, 17771, 1208, 1709, 67100, 0, 720, 256, 1102, 574, 3389, 10683, 11, 220, 5162, 19, 11, 323, 358, 9508, 311, 387, 14836, 369, 1148, 358, 89542, 439, 1063, 720, 20100, 12560, 13696, 13, 5751, 3070, 2324, 1047, 83222, 839, 13, 9983, 2324, 574, 21907, 927, 13, 1102, 3952, 720, 543, 279, 7106, 323, 14604, 8333, 358, 1436, 84750, 1120, 311, 733, 311, 856, 5274, 323, 1456, 720, 998, 656], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " \n\u2022 American Diabetes Assoc. \u2022 National Institute of Law Municipal Officers \n\u2022 American Chiropractic Assoc. \u2022 American Civil Liberties Union \n\u2022 Nat\u2019l Kidney Foundation \u2022 American Psychiatric Assoc. \u2022 Soc. of Toxicology \n15 Millions of Americans drink water spiked with a \nsodium fluoride solution. A chemical cousin of sodium, \nfluorine is not as toxic as \u201cHex\u201d... but toxic enough, in \nhigh concentrations, to be used as a standard roach and \nrat killer and a deadly pesticide. \nYet this terrible, deadly sodium fluoride, injected \nvirtually by government edict into drinking water in the \nproportion of 1.2 parts per million ( PPM), has been \ndeclared by the United States Public Health Service to \nbe \u201cabsolutely safe for all human consumption\u201d. Every \nqualified chemist knows that such \u201cabsolute safety\u201d is \nnot only unattainable, but a total illusion! \nThe Grim Stor y Behind Fluoridation \n16 It was in the year 1939 that a famous institute in the \neastern part of the United States commissioned their \nbiochemist to find a use for the sodium fluoride wastes \nproduced by aluminum foundries. Some 45 other \nindustries also had fluoride disposal problems. Many \nwere tormented by expensive damage suits arising from \nthe noxious pollution effects of the poison on livestock \nand crops. Oil refineries, metal smelters, tile, brick, steel, \nfertilizer and ceramic plants and the Atomic Energy \nCommission installations were involved. The cost to \neliminate this deadly chemical was ver y costly. Was there \nno way this by-product could be put to a profitable use? \nNow this biochemist was a clever and cunning man. \nHe came up with a big money-making idea: why not \ndissolve the stuff in drinking water? He had absolutely no \nmedical background and had not conducted any clinical \nresear ch into the effects of sodium fluoride on our body\u2019 s \nchemistr y. His idea went over big with companies who \nwere burdened by what to do with sodium fluoride wastes. \nRussian studies back in the 1970s demonstrated that workers suffering \nfrom exposure to fluoride in the workplace exhibited signs of impaired \nmental functioning. \u2013 Health Action Network \u2013 www.hans.org \nFrom the British Journal Nature, 1986 : Researcher Mark Diesendorf assessed \n24 studies from 8 countries and found cavity rates had declined equally in \nfluoridated and nonfluoridated areas, showing fluoridation isn\u2019t necessary! \nThe USA leads the world in heart diseases, strokes, cancers and diabetes! The next step was not difficult... turn the idea over \nto clever advertising companies and let them brainwash \nthe public into believing that the greatest health \nmeasure in modern times had been discovered. Give a \n\u201ctall tale\u201d to the gullible American public and if it sounds \nscientific, they will bite \u2013 hook, line and sinker! So they \nused the tall tale that sodium fluoride in drinking water \nwould prevent tooth decay in children, as they found a \nTexas town that had naturally occurring fluoride and it \nseemed fewer dental cavities. The public was eager to \nhear mor e. At last, a way to prevent tooth decay! Sadly, \nmost became convinced at first \u2013 despite that every smart \nthinking person knows that tooth decay comes from \npoor nutrition and especially the high consumption of \nall the refined sugar drinks, candy and products! \nBig business and large professional organizations \nhave a way of sticking together. Remember, they have \nthe powerful m edia behind them because of econom ic \ncontrol exerted by the publishers\u2019 chief sour ce of \nincome \u2013 adver tising! With the aid of all the television, \nradio, newspapers and m agazines, the major business, \nprofessional and social organizations promoted the \u2018great \nmerits\u2019 of sodium fluoride \u2013 although totally false and \ndangerous \u2013 to the innocent, believing American people. \nAny person who publicly questioned this poisoning \nof drinking water with sodium fluoride was called \nignorant, uninformed and backward! Most doctors and \ndentists surrender ed to these powerful for ces for fear \nof being discredited by their professional associations! \nBut, you can always find some honest and sincere \nprofessionals who fight for truth \u2013 no matter how others \nmight ridicule them! Extreme pressures were put upon \nall U.S. city and state governm ents to fluoridate the \ndrinking water and still are! Big business and large \nprofessional organizations, which can act like the \nMafia, don \u2019t take \u201cNo\u201d for an answer! They know how \nto pressure state, city and water officials to think \nand take action their way, often not for good! \n17 \nHealth risks associated with our current fluoride intake (exceeds 6 mg/day) can \nbe described in a nutshell: An intake of 5 mg/day will cause average individuals \nto develop crippling deformities of the spine and major joints within a lifetime. 18Fluoridation can cause tooth enamel mottling, poor \nhealth, mongolism in infants and increases the \ngrowth of cancer cells. \nWe must all demand safe, pur e water! Shocking Historical Fluoride Facts \n\u2022\tAdolf Hitler sought a means to make people docile \nand suggestible. He discovered that odorless sodium \nfluoride slowly poisons and makes dormant the small \ntissue in the brain\u2019 s left rear occipital lobe that \nnormally helps a person resist domination. Fluoride \nallows muscles to move one way, but not relax. In \nlarge doses fluoride can cause paralysis and death. \n\u2022\tSodium fluoride is classified with arsenic and cyanide \nas a dangerous poison and is used in rat poison. \nHydrogen fluoride is an industrial pollutant. It is \nillegal to sell or give away a fluoride pill of 1 mg. \nFluoride slowly destr oys the body\u2019 s self-repair and \nrejuvenation capabilities causing premature ageing, \nbone damage and defor mities. \n\u2022\tFluoride increases the risk of hip fractures up to 41%. \nThe Fluoridation Fiasco* \n\u2022\tIn recent years, fluoridation of our water supply has \nbeen shown not only ineffective in preventing tooth \ndecay, but it poisons the body! How and why should \npublic health policy and the American media live with \nand perpetuate this toxic sham? \n\u2022\tAt first, industr y could dispose of fluoride legally only \nin small amounts by selling it to insecticide and rat \npoison manufacturers. Then a commer cial outlet was \ndevised in the mid 1930s when a connection was \nmade between a water supply bearing traces of natural \nfluoride and lower rates of tooth decay. Even after \nthis connection was proven erroneous, it became a \npolitical, not a scientific issue! Many opponents \noriginally started out as proponents, but changed \ntheir minds after closer looks at mounting evidence. \nThey started viewing it as a capitalist-style con job of \nepic proportions poured down American throats. \n* Excerpts from an article by Gary Null called The Fluoridation Fiasco. More Fluoridation Fiasco Facts: \n\u2022\tThe Sierra Club found in a study that people in \nunfluoridated developing nations have fewer dental \ncaries than those living in industrialized nations. They \nconcluded \u201cfluoride is not essential to dental health.\u201d \n\u2022\tIn British Columbia, only 11% of the population \ndrinks fluoridated water, as opposed to 40-70% in \nother Canadian regions. Y et British Columbia has the \nlowest rate of tooth decay in Canada, with the lowest \nrates of dental caries occurring in areas of the province \nwhere the water is not fluoridated. \n\u2022\tIn 1986-87, 39,000 school children between ages 5 \nand 17, living in 84 areas around the countr y, were \nstudied. 3 of the places were fluoridated, 3 were \npartially fluoridated and 3 were not. Results showed \nno statistically significant differences in dental decay \nrates between fluoridated and unfluoridated cities. \n\u2022\tA World Health Organization sur vey reports a decline \nof dental decay in W estern Europe, which is 98% \nunfluoridated. Europe\u2019 s declining dental decay rates \nare equal to and sometimes lower than U.S. rates. \n\u2022\tA 1992 University of Arizona study yielded surprising \nresults when they found that \u201cthe more fluoride a \nchild drinks, the more cavities appear in the teeth.\u201d \n\u2022\tAll the Native American Indian Reser vations are now \nfluoridated by law. Childr en living on them have \nmore incidences of dental decay and other oral health \nproblems, caused by high sugar, refined foods, etc., \nthan do children living in other U.S. communities! \n\u2022\tMost of W estern Europe has rejected fluoridation on \nthe grounds that it is unsafe! Sweden\u2019 s Nobel Medical \nInstitute recommended against fluoridation and the \nprocess was banned. The Netherlands outlawed the \npractice in 1976. France decided against it after \nconsulting with its Pasteur Institute. W est Germany, \nnow Germany, rejected the practice because 1 ppm \nwas dangerously \u201cclose to the dose at which long-\nterm damage to the human body is to be expected.\u201d \n19 \nThe noblest of the elements is pure water. \u2013 Pindar\n20 More Fluoridation Fiasco Facts: \n\u2022\tJ. William Hirzy,", "token_ids": [720, 6806, 3778, 53689, 93476, 13, 7436, 5165, 10181, 315, 7658, 45340, 49947, 720, 6806, 3778, 921, 56087, 24045, 93476, 13, 7436, 3778, 16803, 92586, 9323, 720, 6806, 24772, 110436, 32666, 3520, 5114, 7436, 3778, 17680, 23336, 93476, 13, 7436, 27670, 13, 315, 67502, 2508, 720, 868, 74418, 315, 9053, 7172, 3090, 93342, 449, 264, 720, 82, 47876, 89230, 6425, 13, 362, 11742, 36271, 315, 39695, 11, 720, 27256, 269, 483, 374, 539, 439, 21503, 439, 1054, 20956, 863, 662, 662, 662, 719, 21503, 3403, 11, 304, 720, 12156, 32466, 11, 311, 387, 1511, 439, 264, 5410, 938, 613, 323, 720, 18071, 25534, 323, 264, 25114, 84673, 13, 720, 29174, 420, 17936, 11, 25114, 39695, 89230, 11, 41772, 720, 48481, 1870, 555, 3109, 1608, 858, 1139, 16558, 3090, 304, 279, 720, 782, 15750, 315, 220, 16, 13, 17, 5596, 824, 3610, 320, 393, 8971, 705, 706, 1027, 720, 10210, 1636, 555, 279, 3723, 4273, 3142, 6401, 5475, 311, 720, 1395, 1054, 3518, 9887, 6220, 369, 682, 3823, 15652, 11453, 7357, 720, 37435, 8590, 380, 8964, 430, 1778, 1054, 17625, 7296, 863, 374, 720, 1962, 1193, 653, 1617, 467, 481, 11, 719, 264, 2860, 41919, 0, 720, 791, 74404, 800, 269, 379, 43474, 61626, 269, 307, 367, 720, 845, 1102, 574, 304, 279, 1060, 220, 7285, 24, 430, 264, 11495, 44798, 304, 279, 720, 61601, 944, 961, 315, 279, 3723, 4273, 44224, 872, 720, 38423, 75188, 311, 1505, 264, 1005, 369, 279, 39695, 89230, 82320, 720, 8723, 2041, 555, 25674, 1766, 4108, 13, 4427, 220, 1774, 1023, 720, 485, 592, 4108, 1101, 1047, 89230, 34545, 5435, 13, 9176, 720, 52898, 5801, 28078, 555, 11646, 5674, 29076, 40986, 505, 720, 1820, 912, 30351, 25793, 6372, 315, 279, 21109, 389, 51876, 720, 438, 31665, 13, 15895, 60796, 4804, 11, 9501, 1554, 47883, 11, 10228, 11, 25878, 11, 9699, 11, 720, 69, 86795, 3213, 323, 43124, 11012, 323, 279, 31416, 12634, 720, 74850, 45218, 1051, 6532, 13, 578, 2853, 311, 720, 40895, 3357, 420, 25114, 11742, 574, 2807, 379, 34348, 662, 15148, 1070, 720, 2201, 1648, 420, 555, 29745, 1436, 387, 2231, 311, 264, 34235, 1005, 30, 720, 7184, 420, 17332, 75188, 574, 264, 28799, 323, 81779, 893, 13, 720, 1548, 3782, 709, 449, 264, 2466, 3300, 28846, 4623, 25, 3249, 539, 720, 67, 1056, 4035, 279, 6392, 304, 16558, 3090, 30, 1283, 1047, 11112, 912, 720, 69216, 4092, 323, 1047, 539, 13375, 904, 14830, 720, 71538, 277, 523, 1139, 279, 6372, 315, 39695, 89230, 389, 1057, 2547, 529, 274, 720, 2464, 3843, 379, 13, 5414, 4623, 4024, 927, 2466, 449, 5220, 889, 720, 52898, 23104, 291, 555, 1148, 311, 656, 449, 39695, 89230, 82320, 13, 720, 48807, 7978, 1203, 304, 279, 220, 4468, 15, 82, 21091, 430, 7487, 16066, 720, 1527, 14675, 311, 89230, 304, 279, 27465, 51713, 12195, 315, 50160, 720, 93221, 31301, 13, 1389, 6401, 5703, 8304, 1389, 8604, 870, 598, 2726, 720, 3915, 279, 8013, 10139, 22037, 11, 220, 3753, 21, 551, 8483, 261, 4488, 24934, 8188, 69, 32448, 720, 1187, 7978, 505, 220, 23, 5961, 323, 1766, 56429, 7969, 1047, 19284, 18813, 304, 720, 27256, 269, 307, 660, 323, 2536, 27256, 269, 307, 660, 5789, 11, 9204, 54736, 307, 367, 4536, 1431, 5995, 0, 720, 791, 7427, 11767, 279, 1917, 304, 4851, 19338, 11, 53572, 11, 51423, 323, 20335, 758, 578, 1828, 3094, 574, 539, 5107, 662, 662, 662, 2543, 279, 4623, 927, 720, 998, 28799, 13172, 5220, 323, 1095, 1124, 8271, 70545, 720, 1820, 586, 1139, 35090, 430, 279, 12474, 2890, 720, 48899, 304, 6617, 3115, 1047, 1027, 11352, 13, 21335, 264, 720, 2118, 83, 543, 24162, 863, 311, 279, 342, 620, 1260, 3778, 586, 323, 422, 433, 10578, 720, 85930, 11, 814, 690, 23556, 1389, 9903, 11, 1584, 323, 19868, 261, 0, 2100, 814, 720, 2656, 279, 16615, 24162, 430, 39695, 89230, 304, 16558, 3090, 720, 41450, 5471, 26588, 31815, 304, 2911, 11, 439, 814, 1766, 264, 720, 51325, 6424, 430, 1047, 18182, 31965, 89230, 323, 433, 720, 325, 16809, 17162, 29106, 57709, 1385, 13, 578, 586, 574, 24450, 311, 720, 87160, 4411, 384, 13, 2468, 1566, 11, 264, 1648, 311, 5471, 26588, 31815, 0, 57243, 1174, 720, 3646, 6244, 22954, 520, 1176, 1389, 8994, 430, 1475, 7941, 720, 83360, 1732, 8964, 430, 26588, 31815, 4131, 505, 720, 5481, 269, 26677, 323, 5423, 279, 1579, 15652, 315, 720, 543, 279, 38291, 13465, 21662, 11, 32656, 323, 3956, 0, 720, 16010, 2626, 323, 3544, 6721, 11351, 720, 19553, 264, 1648, 315, 38072, 3871, 662, 20474, 1174, 814, 617, 720, 1820, 8147, 296, 1608, 689, 4920, 1124, 220, 1606, 315, 220, 11723, 18385, 720, 2935, 43844, 291, 555, 279, 36717, 529, 10388, 20897, 3846, 315, 720, 58066, 1389, 1008, 424, 259, 3876, 0, 3161, 279, 12576, 315, 682, 279, 220, 12707, 11, 720, 12924, 11, 32594, 323, 296, 945, 29841, 11, 279, 3682, 2626, 11, 720, 66886, 323, 3674, 11351, 30026, 279, 3451, 47991, 720, 1195, 1220, 529, 315, 39695, 220, 89230, 1389, 8051, 12756, 905, 323, 720, 32550, 788, 1389, 311, 279, 25226, 11, 35090, 3778, 1274, 13, 720, 8780, 1732, 889, 17880, 29440, 420, 52236, 720, 1073, 16558, 3090, 449, 39695, 89230, 574, 2663, 720, 625, 269, 519, 11, 71113, 10365, 323, 28655, 0, 7648, 16410, 323, 720, 55923, 1705, 32859, 1608, 311, 1521, 8147, 369, 27750, 369, 8850, 720, 1073, 1694, 834, 67309, 555, 872, 6721, 30257, 0, 720, 4071, 11, 499, 649, 2744, 1505, 1063, 10978, 323, 49424, 720, 97235, 1147, 889, 4465, 369, 8206, 1389, 220, 912, 5030, 1268, 3885, 720, 46068, 94847, 1124, 0, 50495, 40850, 1051, 2231, 5304, 720, 543, 549, 815, 13, 3363, 323, 1614, 2633, 76, 37952, 311, 54736, 307, 349, 279, 720, 3696, 16113, 3090, 323, 2103, 527, 0, 6295, 2626, 323, 3544, 720, 66886, 11351, 11, 902, 649, 1180, 1093, 279, 720, 44, 49551, 11, 1541, 18217, 83, 1935, 1054, 2822, 863, 369, 459, 4320, 0, 2435, 1440, 1268, 720, 998, 7410, 1614, 11, 3363, 323, 3090, 7510, 311, 1781, 720, 438, 1935, 1957, 872, 1648, 1174, 3629, 539, 369, 1695, 0, 720, 1114, 720, 14884, 15635, 5938, 449, 1057, 1510, 89230, 23730, 320, 327, 4739, 82, 220, 21, 14060, 45839, 8, 649, 720, 1395, 7633, 304, 264, 94013, 25, 1556, 23730, 315, 220, 20, 14060, 45839, 690, 5353, 5578, 7931, 720, 998, 2274, 97106, 79212, 1385, 315, 279, 35776, 323, 3682, 35358, 2949, 264, 19569, 13, 220, 972, 3968, 84, 269, 307, 367, 649, 5353, 26588, 92848, 296, 1751, 2785, 11, 8009, 720, 12393, 11, 75642, 337, 2191, 304, 42534, 323, 12992, 279, 720, 74189, 315, 9572, 7917, 13, 720, 1687, 2011, 682, 7631, 6220, 11, 4087, 384, 3090, 0, 48083, 287, 41143, 61626, 269, 579, 46083, 720, 6806, 197, 2654, 8255, 31654, 16495, 264, 3445, 311, 1304, 1274, 4733, 458, 720, 438, 4284, 1260, 13, 1283, 11352, 430, 54097, 1752, 39695, 720, 27256, 269, 579, 14297, 3273, 19941, 323, 3727, 89460, 279, 2678, 720, 83, 11407, 304, 279, 8271, 529, 274, 2163, 14981, 3056, 575, 2223, 326, 15784, 430, 720, 86336, 8779, 264, 1732, 22884, 55949, 13, 61626, 269, 579, 720, 56967, 24569, 311, 3351, 832, 1648, 1174, 719, 539, 12234, 13, 763, 720, 17185, 35130, 89230, 649, 5353, 86139, 323, 4648, 13, 720, 6806, 7721, 47876, 89230, 374, 21771, 449, 87364, 292, 323, 58988, 579, 720, 300, 264, 11660, 21109, 323, 374, 1511, 304, 11494, 21109, 13, 720, 31916, 11513, 4469, 89230, 374, 459, 13076, 71134, 519, 13, 1102, 374, 720, 77098, 311, 4662, 477, 3041, 3201, 264, 89230, 15530, 315, 220, 16, 14060, 13, 720, 3968, 84, 269, 579, 14297, 409, 496, 297, 1065, 279, 2547, 529, 274, 659, 5621, 12959, 323, 720, 265, 63231, 367, 17357, 14718, 42227, 80043, 11, 720, 20337, 5674, 323, 711, 269, 296, 1385, 13, 720, 6806, 197, 3968, 84, 269, 579, 12992, 279, 5326, 315, 18638, 78332, 709, 311, 220, 3174, 14697, 720, 791, 61626, 269, 307, 367, 435, 98383, 9, 720, 6806, 71267, 3293, 1667, 11, 54736, 307, 367, 315, 1057, 3090, 8312, 706, 720, 82850, 6982, 539, 1193, 55288, 304, 27252, 26588, 720, 85599, 1174, 719, 433, 3273, 19941, 279, 2547, 0, 2650, 323, 3249, 1288, 720, 898, 2890, 4947, 323, 279, 3778, 3772, 3974, 449, 720, 438, 22313, 6426, 420, 21503, 72976, 30, 720, 6806, 197, 1688, 1176, 11, 4507, 496, 379, 1436, 28490, 315, 89230, 26267, 1193, 720, 258, 2678, 15055, 555, 11486, 433, 311, 27080, 14842, 323, 11494, 720, 5481, 3416, 17032, 13, 5112, 264, 1081, 261, 272, 532, 27487, 574, 720, 451, 26451, 304, 279, 5209, 220, 7285, 15, 82, 994, 264, 3717, 574, 720, 28010, 1990, 264, 3090, 8312, 18534, 35483, 315, 5933, 720, 27256, 269, 579, 323, 4827, 7969, 315, 26588, 31815, 662, 7570, 1306, 720, 576, 3717, 574, 17033, 77772, 11, 433, 6244, 264, 720, 75785, 11, 539, 264, 12624, 4360, 0, 9176, 19949, 720, 8781, 750, 3940, 704, 439, 71796, 11, 719, 5614, 720, 50828, 20663, 1306, 12401, 5992, 520, 34739, 6029, 13, 720, 7009, 3940, 20705, 433, 439, 264, 41067, 11549, 390, 2683, 315, 720, 752, 292, 49892, 44033, 1523, 3778, 60187, 1900, 13, 720, 9, 1398, 3913, 13044, 505, 459, 4652, 555, 24765, 18576, 2663, 578, 61626, 269, 307, 367, 435, 98383, 13, 4497, 61626, 269, 307, 367, 435, 98383, 46083, 25, 720, 6806, 33026, 36903, 10349, 1766, 304, 264, 4007, 430, 1274, 304, 720, 359, 27256, 269, 307, 660, 11469, 17089, 617, 17162, 29106, 720, 66, 5548, 1109, 1884, 5496, 304, 13076, 1534, 17089, 13, 2435, 720, 444, 10391, 1054, 27256, 269, 579, 374, 539, 7718, 311, 29106, 2890, 2029, 720, 6806, 71267, 8013, 19326, 11, 1193, 220, 806, 4, 315, 279, 7187, 720, 3696, 15872, 54736, 307, 660, 3090, 1174, 220, 439, 16475, 311, 220, 1272, 12, 2031, 4, 304, 720, 1605, 12152, 13918, 13, 816, 1880, 8013, 19326, 706, 279, 720, 90998, 4478, 315, 26588, 31815, 304, 7008, 11, 449, 279, 15821, 720, 67585, 315, 29106, 1841, 552, 31965, 304, 5789, 315, 279, 17271, 720, 2940, 279, 3090, 374, 539, 54736, 307, 660, 13, 720, 6806, 71267, 220, 3753, 21, 12, 4044, 11, 220, 2137, 11, 931, 2978, 2911, 1990, 17051, 220, 20, 720, 438, 220, 1114, 11, 5496, 304, 220, 5833, 5789, 2212, 279, 2346, 376, 379, 11, 1051, 720, 76443, 1142, 13, 220, 18, 315, 279, 7634, 1051, 54736, 307, 660, 11, 220, 18, 1051, 720, 4581, 34575, 54736, 307, 660, 323, 220, 18, 1051, 539, 13, 18591, 8710, 720, 2201, 47952, 5199, 12062, 304, 29106, 31815, 720, 67585, 1990, 54736, 307, 660, 323, 653, 27256, 269, 307, 660, 9919, 13, 720, 6806, 23845, 4435, 6401, 21021, 1765, 348, 1216, 6821, 264, 18174, 720, 1073, 29106, 31815, 304, 468, 1826, 944, 4606, 11, 902, 374, 220, 3264, 4, 720, 359, 27256, 269, 307, 660, 13, 4606, 529, 274, 43848, 29106, 31815, 7969, 720, 548, 6273, 311, 323, 7170, 4827, 1109, 549, 815, 13, 7969, 13, 720, 6806, 23845, 220, 2550, 17, 3907, 315, 17368, 4007, 58487, 15206, 720, 8234, 994, 814, 1766, 430, 1054, 1820, 810, 89230, 264, 720, 3124, 21662, 11, 279, 810, 57709, 1385, 5101, 304, 279, 18311, 2029, 720, 6806, 197, 2460, 279, 17118, 3778, 7904, 1838, 261, 348, 811, 527, 1457, 720, 27256, 269, 307, 660, 555, 2383, 662, 9576, 81, 665, 5496, 389, 1124, 617, 720, 6518, 62960, 2436, 315, 29106, 31815, 323, 1023, 21308, 2890, 720, 96440, 11, 9057, 555, 1579, 13465, 1174, 38291, 15657, 11, 5099, 2637, 720, 54895, 656, 2911, 5496, 304, 1023, 549, 662, 50, 13, 10977, 0, 720, 6806, 9391, 537, 315, 468, 1826, 944, 4606, 706, 18010, 54736, 307, 367, 389, 720, 1820, 21319, 430, 433, 374, 20451, 0, 24067, 529, 274, 48078, 13235, 720, 644, 7815, 11349, 2403, 54736, 307, 367, 323, 279, 720, 4734, 574, 21501, 13, 578, 26746, 65106, 291, 279, 720, 60621, 304, 220, 4468, 21, 13, 9822, 6773, 2403, 433, 1306, 720, 49512, 287, 449, 1202, 58325, 324, 10181, 13, 468, 1826, 10057, 1174, 720, 3409, 10057, 1174, 18010, 279, 6725, 1606, 220, 16, 64697, 720, 16514, 59594, 1054, 5669, 311, 279, 19660, 520, 902, 1317, 7058, 5098, 5674, 311, 279, 3823, 2547, 374, 311, 387, 3685, 2029, 720, 777, 720, 791, 35482, 267, 315, 279, 5540, 374, 10748, 3090, 13, 1389, 393, 485, 277, 198, 508, 4497, 61626, 269, 307, 367, 435, 98383, 46083, 25, 720, 6806, 17538, 13, 12656, 80735, 4341, 1174], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " people who, \nunder stress or when experiencing a loss, eat ravenously in an attempt to comfort themselves. If this goes on for long the pe rson \ncan expect to create a serious illness of some kind. \n Individual sensitivity to this type of overeating is dependent upon genetics and personality and who is generating the negati ve \nemotions. Self generated negative emotions are very difficult to avoid. If you are unable to change your own emotional tone or that \nof others around you, then it is important to eat very lightly, eat only easily digested foods such as raw fruits and vegetab les, raw \njuices, steamed vegetables, and small servings of whole grains, nuts and seeds. \n \nDiets To Heal The Critically Ill \n A critically ill person is someone who could expire at any moment; therapeutic interventions are racing against death. Can th e \nbody repair itself enough before some essential function ceases altogether? If there already exists too much damage to vital organs \nthe person will die. If there remains sufficient organ function to support life, enough vital force to power those functions, and a \nwill to live, the body may heal itself if helped by the correct therapeutic approach. But th e therapy does not do the healing; the \nbody does that by itself \u2013if it can. This reality is also true of allopathic medicine. \n I believe fasting is the therapy that almost invariably gives a critically ill person their very best chance of recovery. If a patient \ndies while fasting they almost certainly would have died anyway, and if death comes while fasting, it will be more comfortabl e, \nwith less pain, and with more mental clarity. \n Critically ill people may have, among other things, any of the followi ng diagnoses: advanced cancer, advanced aids, heart \nfailure, very high blood pressure, kidney failure, advanced liver disease, advanced emphysema, pneumonia or other catastrophi c \ninfections, especially those that seem unresponsive to antibiotics, strokes, emboli, sclerotic vessels as found in arteriosclerosis, \nsevere nerve degeneration interfering with nerve transmission to vital organs. \n Treating the critically ill does not have to be an all or nothing, ideological choice between holistic medicine and A MA style \nmedicine. It is important for the critically ill and their families to know that if they use standard medical treatment such as drugs or \nsurgery, these measures can and should be combined with natural healing methods. It is always desirable to qui t all addicting \nsubstances, start a whole foods diet, (as light as possible), and add meganutrition (supplements) to the medical doctor's tre atments. \nFew medical doctors are so arrogantly partisan as to assert that natural measures will do any harm as long as the MD is still \nallowed to prescribe as they please. \n Holistic support will not only lessen the side effects of the medical treatments but will speed up healing and often reduce t he \nrequired dose of prescribed drugs. I have had several clients with cancer who chose to have surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, \nbut stayed on a raw food diet and took high doses of supplements throughout the treatment. These people amazed the attending \nphysician by feeling good with little if any fatigue, no hair loss, o r flu symptoms. The same can be true of other conditions. \n \nFood In The Order Of Digestive Difficulty \n Individual digestive weaknesses and allergies are not taken into account in this list. \nHard To Digest: Meat, fish, chicken, eggs (if cooked), all leg umes including soy products, peanuts and peanut butter, beans, split \npeas, lentils, chick peas, dairy products such as cheese, milk, butter milk, nuts and seeds and their butters. \n \n \nIntermediate: all grains \u2013quinoa, amaranth, millet, spelt, rye, wheat, oat s, barley. \n \n \nFairly Easy: Brussels sprouts, green beans, green peas, broccoli, cauliflower, raw cultured milk products, asparagus, cabbage, \nsprouts especially bean sprouts, kale, other leafy greens. \n \n \nVery Easy: fruits, vegetable juices, fruit juices, broth (clear). \n \n \nNo Effort: herb tea, water. \n Ethyl always comes to my mind when I think of how much healing power can still be left in a dying body. She (accompanied by \nher husband for support) came to Great Oaks School with terminal cancer, heart failure, advanced diabetes, extreme weakness, and \ncomplete inability to digest. Any food ingested just came back up immediately. Ethyl had large tumors taking over the breast, \nsticking out from her skull, an d protruding from her body in general. The largest was the one in the left breast which was the size \nof a big man's fist. \n She did have one crucial thing going for her, Ethyl was a feisty Irish red head who still had a will to live, and a reason to do so. \nShe and her husband, who had just retired, had dreamed their whole life of touring the US and Canada in their own RV the minu te \nhe retired. The time had finally arrived but Ethyl was too ill to support her own weight (only 90 pounds) and to top it off was blind \nfrom diabetic retinopathy. The doctors had done everything they could to her, and now judged her too weak to withstand any mo re \nsurgery (she had already had her right breast removed). Radiation or chemotherapy were also considered impossible due to heart \nfailure. They sent Ethyl home to die, giving her a few days to a month at most. \n Any sensible hygienist trying to stay out of jail would have refused to take on this type of case because it was a cancer cas e \nwhere death was likely. Treatment o f this highly lucrative disease is considered the AMA's exclusive franchise, even when the \nmedical doctors have given up after having done everything to a body the family can pay for or owe for. Whenever a person die s \nunder the care of any person who is no t a licensed M.D. there must be an autopsy and a criminal investigation in search of \nnegligence. If the person dies under the care of an M.D. the sheriff's assumption is that the doctor most assuredly did every thing he \ncould and should have done and death was inevitable. By accepting Ethyl I had a reasonable likelihood of ending up in trouble; but \nbeing foolish, brave and (stupidly) feeling relatively immune to such consequences (I was under 40 at the time), it seemed \nimportant to try to help her. So, undau nted by the task, regardless of the outcome, I proceeded logically, one step at a time. Today, \nwith more experience and a modest net worth I wouldn't want to have to defend in a lawsuit, and at age 55. possessing no spar e \nfive to ten years to give to the S tate to \"pay\" for my bravery, I would probably refuse such a case. Fortunately I have not been \nconfronted with this problem lately. \n Since Ethyl was unable to digest anything given by mouth, she was fed rectally with wheat grass juice implants three tim es a \nday. She was carried to the colonic table for a daily colonic. Wheat grass and clay poultices were applied to her tumors thre e times \na day. She received an acupressure massage and reflexology treatments during the day, plus a lot of tender loving care. This \nprogram continued for a month during which the tumors were being reabsorbed by the body, including the large, extremely hard \ntumor sticking out the flesh of the right breast. \n Ethyl complained of severe pain as the large tumor in her breast shra nk. While it had been getting larger and pressing ever \nharder on all the nerves, she had little or no sensation, but as it shrank, the nerves were reactivated. Most people think th at a \ngrowing tumor would cause more pain than a shrinking one. Often the opp osite is true. Pain can be a good sign that the body is \nwinning, an indicator to proceed. \n By the second month, Ethyl, gradually gaining strength, was able to take wheat grass and carrot juice orally, and gradually e ased \ninto raw foods, mostly sprouts and leafy greens such as sunflower and buckwheat greens grown in trays. She started to walk with \nassistance up and down the halls, no longer experiencing the intense pain formerly caused by a failing heart, and most surpri sing of \nall, her eyesight returned, at first seeing only outlines, and then details. \n The third month Ethyl enlarged her food intake to include raw foods as well as the carrot and wheat grass juice and sprouts, plus \nvitamin and mineral supplements to help support her immune system and the healing process. All the tumors had been reabsorbed \nby her body and were no longer visible, her heart was able to support normal activity such as walking, and nonstrenuous house hold \nchores, and her diabetes had corrected itself to the point that she no longer required insulin and was able to control her blood sugar \nwith diet. \n Her husband was then instructed in her maintenance and they went home to continue the program. The last I heard from them \nthey had made two lengthy trips around the US in thei r RV and were enjoying their retirement together after all. \n My treatment worked because the most important factor in the healing of the critically ill person is not give them more \nnourishment than their body is able to process. The moment the digestiv e capacity of the sick person is exceeded, the condition \nwill be exacerbated and in a critically illness, the person is likely", "token_ids": [1274, 889, 11, 720, 8154, 8631, 477, 994, 25051, 264, 4814, 11, 8343, 436, 5389, 7162, 304, 459, 4879, 311, 6981, 5694, 13, 1442, 420, 5900, 389, 369, 1317, 279, 1069, 436, 942, 720, 4919, 1755, 311, 1893, 264, 6129, 220, 17563, 315, 1063, 3169, 13, 2355, 262, 30440, 27541, 311, 420, 955, 315, 927, 91955, 374, 18222, 5304, 56104, 323, 17743, 323, 889, 374, 24038, 279, 4277, 9491, 5320, 720, 336, 41356, 13, 10323, 8066, 8389, 21958, 527, 1633, 5107, 311, 5766, 13, 1442, 499, 527, 12153, 311, 2349, 701, 1866, 14604, 16630, 477, 430, 720, 1073, 3885, 2212, 499, 11, 1243, 433, 374, 3062, 311, 8343, 1633, 34504, 11, 8343, 1193, 6847, 4170, 10185, 15657, 1778, 439, 7257, 26390, 323, 13294, 370, 3625, 11, 7257, 720, 8783, 1238, 11, 4179, 3690, 24822, 11, 323, 2678, 79049, 315, 4459, 41936, 11, 31049, 323, 19595, 13, 2355, 720, 22427, 1441, 2057, 82130, 578, 34307, 2740, 12799, 2355, 262, 362, 41440, 5986, 1732, 374, 4423, 889, 1436, 33663, 520, 904, 4545, 26, 37471, 39455, 527, 22019, 2403, 4648, 13, 3053, 270, 384, 720, 2664, 13023, 5196, 3403, 1603, 1063, 7718, 734, 3846, 2315, 31155, 30, 1442, 1070, 2736, 6866, 2288, 1790, 5674, 311, 16595, 36853, 720, 1820, 1732, 690, 2815, 13, 1442, 1070, 8625, 14343, 2942, 734, 311, 1862, 2324, 11, 3403, 16595, 5457, 311, 2410, 1884, 5865, 11, 220, 323, 264, 720, 14724, 311, 3974, 11, 279, 2547, 1253, 27661, 5196, 422, 9087, 555, 279, 4495, 37471, 5603, 13, 2030, 270, 384, 15419, 1587, 539, 656, 279, 21730, 26, 279, 720, 2664, 1587, 430, 555, 5196, 1389, 333, 433, 649, 13, 1115, 8903, 374, 1101, 837, 315, 63747, 2398, 292, 16088, 13, 2355, 262, 358, 4510, 54560, 374, 279, 15419, 430, 4661, 74614, 6835, 264, 41440, 5986, 1732, 872, 1633, 1888, 6140, 315, 13654, 13, 1442, 264, 8893, 720, 67, 552, 1418, 54560, 814, 4661, 7995, 1053, 617, 8636, 13971, 11, 323, 422, 4648, 4131, 1418, 54560, 11, 433, 690, 387, 810, 6981, 62573, 384, 11, 720, 4291, 2753, 6784, 11, 323, 449, 810, 10723, 32373, 13, 2355, 262, 34307, 2740, 5986, 1274, 1253, 617, 11, 4315, 1023, 2574, 11, 904, 315, 279, 1833, 72, 7933, 85488, 25, 11084, 9572, 11, 11084, 52797, 11, 4851, 720, 30039, 11, 1633, 1579, 6680, 7410, 11, 39042, 8060, 11, 11084, 26587, 8624, 11, 11084, 991, 12989, 325, 1764, 11, 69329, 477, 1023, 35205, 299, 17247, 272, 720, 258, 25384, 11, 5423, 1884, 430, 2873, 653, 52397, 311, 46850, 11, 53572, 11, 8126, 14559, 11, 57219, 261, 14546, 31080, 439, 1766, 304, 47357, 3614, 91711, 11, 720, 325, 19846, 32015, 5367, 17699, 75387, 449, 32015, 18874, 311, 16595, 36853, 13, 2355, 262, 12758, 1113, 279, 41440, 5986, 1587, 539, 617, 311, 387, 459, 682, 477, 4400, 11, 42933, 5873, 1990, 61876, 16088, 323, 362, 9917, 1742, 720, 83543, 13, 1102, 374, 3062, 369, 279, 41440, 5986, 323, 872, 8689, 311, 1440, 430, 422, 814, 1005, 5410, 6593, 6514, 1778, 439, 11217, 477, 720, 82, 85392, 11, 1521, 11193, 649, 323, 1288, 387, 11093, 449, 5933, 21730, 5528, 13, 1102, 374, 2744, 35946, 311, 7930, 259, 682, 39326, 287, 720, 2008, 9623, 11, 1212, 264, 4459, 15657, 10173, 11, 320, 300, 3177, 439, 3284, 705, 323, 923, 19262, 38918, 17462, 320, 13066, 4779, 8, 311, 279, 6593, 10896, 596, 4353, 520, 1392, 13, 720, 72204, 6593, 16410, 527, 779, 44836, 18007, 49638, 439, 311, 2105, 430, 5933, 11193, 690, 656, 904, 11682, 439, 1317, 220, 439, 279, 14306, 374, 2103, 720, 21642, 311, 72333, 439, 814, 4587, 13, 2355, 262, 16071, 4633, 1862, 690, 539, 1193, 76970, 279, 3185, 6372, 315, 279, 6593, 22972, 719, 690, 4732, 709, 21730, 323, 3629, 8108, 259, 568, 720, 6413, 19660, 315, 32031, 11217, 13, 358, 617, 1047, 3892, 8403, 449, 9572, 889, 14896, 311, 617, 15173, 11, 25407, 323, 62730, 11, 720, 8248, 20186, 389, 264, 7257, 3691, 10173, 323, 3952, 1579, 35130, 315, 33690, 6957, 279, 6514, 13, 4314, 1274, 46304, 279, 24096, 720, 42305, 12734, 555, 8430, 1695, 449, 2697, 422, 904, 36709, 11, 912, 7013, 4814, 11, 297, 436, 20236, 13803, 13, 578, 1890, 649, 387, 837, 315, 1023, 4787, 13, 2355, 720, 27844, 763, 578, 7365, 5046, 54389, 535, 56046, 2355, 262, 30440, 60071, 44667, 323, 58742, 527, 539, 4529, 1139, 2759, 304, 420, 1160, 13, 2355, 28005, 2057, 54389, 25, 45965, 11, 7795, 11, 16553, 11, 19335, 320, 333, 30205, 705, 682, 2531, 4543, 288, 2737, 29839, 3956, 11, 90177, 323, 50933, 14432, 11, 27994, 11, 6859, 720, 375, 300, 11, 48907, 8839, 11, 31863, 47136, 11, 34479, 3956, 1778, 439, 17604, 11, 14403, 11, 14432, 14403, 11, 31049, 323, 19595, 323, 872, 719, 5153, 13, 2355, 33006, 100061, 25, 682, 41936, 1389, 447, 80094, 11, 1097, 22026, 339, 11, 112455, 11, 993, 3903, 11, 436, 9188, 11, 34153, 11, 72754, 274, 11, 81817, 13, 2355, 33006, 61895, 398, 19122, 25, 38269, 8314, 11934, 11, 6307, 27994, 11, 6307, 47136, 11, 79276, 11, 96970, 11, 7257, 89948, 14403, 3956, 11, 439, 94789, 11, 74873, 1174, 720, 52773, 11934, 5423, 21059, 8314, 11934, 11, 63577, 11, 1023, 16312, 88, 52011, 13, 2355, 33006, 26840, 19122, 25, 26390, 11, 36581, 65959, 11, 14098, 65959, 11, 45993, 320, 7574, 570, 2355, 33006, 2822, 31122, 371, 25, 39999, 15600, 11, 3090, 13, 2355, 262, 14693, 4010, 2744, 4131, 311, 856, 4059, 994, 358, 1781, 315, 1268, 1790, 21730, 2410, 649, 2103, 387, 2163, 304, 264, 23069, 2547, 13, 3005, 320, 73087, 22840, 555, 720, 1964, 10177, 369, 1862, 8, 3782, 311, 8681, 75356, 6150, 449, 15372, 9572, 11, 4851, 8060, 11, 11084, 20335, 11, 14560, 23948, 11, 323, 720, 15079, 38550, 311, 21552, 13, 5884, 3691, 6892, 10185, 1120, 3782, 1203, 709, 7214, 13, 14693, 4010, 1047, 3544, 56071, 4737, 927, 279, 17659, 11, 2355, 267, 16671, 704, 505, 1077, 35113, 11, 459, 294, 81458, 51867, 505, 1077, 2547, 304, 4689, 13, 578, 7928, 574, 279, 832, 304, 279, 2163, 17659, 902, 574, 279, 1404, 720, 1073, 264, 2466, 893, 596, 40902, 13, 2355, 262, 3005, 1550, 617, 832, 16996, 3245, 2133, 369, 1077, 11, 14693, 4010, 574, 264, 1172, 88623, 18088, 2579, 2010, 889, 2103, 1047, 264, 690, 311, 3974, 11, 323, 264, 2944, 311, 220, 656, 779, 13, 720, 8100, 323, 1077, 10177, 11, 889, 1047, 1120, 22311, 11, 1047, 57636, 872, 4459, 2324, 315, 48551, 279, 2326, 323, 7008, 304, 872, 1866, 33570, 279, 1332, 84, 1028, 720, 383, 22311, 13, 578, 892, 1047, 5616, 11721, 719, 14693, 4010, 574, 2288, 5986, 311, 1862, 1077, 1866, 4785, 320, 3323, 220, 1954, 16701, 8, 323, 311, 1948, 433, 1022, 574, 18507, 720, 1527, 71975, 2160, 258, 54042, 13, 578, 16410, 1047, 2884, 4395, 814, 1436, 311, 1077, 11, 323, 1457, 45487, 1077, 2288, 7621, 311, 51571, 904, 4647, 312, 720, 82, 85392, 320, 32158, 1047, 2736, 1047, 1077, 1314, 17659, 7108, 570, 90326, 477, 62730, 1051, 1101, 6646, 12266, 4245, 311, 4851, 720, 30039, 13, 2435, 3288, 14693, 4010, 2162, 311, 2815, 11, 7231, 1077, 264, 2478, 2919, 311, 264, 2305, 520, 1455, 13, 2355, 262, 5884, 38761, 6409, 88364, 380, 4560, 311, 4822, 704, 315, 17999, 1053, 617, 16436, 311, 1935, 389, 420, 955, 315, 1162, 1606, 433, 574, 264, 9572, 4865, 384, 720, 2940, 4648, 574, 4461, 13, 31969, 297, 282, 420, 7701, 51306, 8624, 374, 6646, 279, 52889, 596, 14079, 19562, 11, 1524, 994, 279, 720, 69216, 16410, 617, 2728, 709, 1306, 3515, 2884, 4395, 311, 264, 2547, 279, 3070, 649, 2343, 369, 477, 42210, 369, 13, 43633, 264, 1732, 2815, 274, 720, 8154, 279, 2512, 315, 904, 1732, 889, 374, 912, 259, 264, 16383, 386, 920, 13, 1070, 2011, 387, 459, 76901, 323, 264, 9337, 8990, 304, 2778, 315, 720, 29875, 7864, 768, 13, 1442, 279, 1732, 8898, 1234, 279, 2512, 315, 459, 386, 920, 13, 279, 40839, 596, 25329, 374, 430, 279, 10896, 1455, 28478, 398, 1550, 1475, 3245, 568, 720, 29177, 323, 1288, 617, 2884, 323, 4648, 574, 31352, 13, 3296, 25694, 14693, 4010, 358, 1047, 264, 13579, 29736, 315, 13696, 709, 304, 12544, 26, 719, 720, 35214, 46337, 11, 34300, 323, 320, 267, 16263, 398, 8, 8430, 12309, 22852, 311, 1778, 16296, 320, 40, 574, 1234, 220, 1272, 520, 279, 892, 705, 433, 9508, 720, 15693, 311, 1456, 311, 1520, 1077, 13, 2100, 11, 2073, 2933, 308, 6702, 555, 279, 3465, 11, 15851, 315, 279, 15632, 11, 358, 45374, 74145, 11, 832, 3094, 520, 264, 892, 13, 11450, 11, 720, 4291, 810, 3217, 323, 264, 27946, 4272, 5922, 358, 8434, 956, 1390, 311, 617, 311, 10726, 304, 264, 19831, 11, 323, 520, 4325, 220, 2131, 13, 60662, 912, 80969, 384, 720, 53770, 311, 5899, 1667, 311, 3041, 311, 279, 328, 259, 349, 311, 330, 14214, 1, 369, 856, 86166, 11, 358, 1053, 4762, 26122, 1778, 264, 1162, 13, 42536, 358, 617, 539, 1027, 720, 444, 7096, 291, 449, 420, 3575, 31445, 13, 2355, 262, 8876, 14693, 4010, 574, 12153, 311, 21552, 4205, 2728, 555, 11013, 11, 1364, 574, 23114, 7763, 750, 449, 34153, 16763, 23661, 63284, 2380, 6935, 1560, 264, 720, 1316, 13, 3005, 574, 11953, 311, 279, 1400, 14338, 2007, 369, 264, 7446, 1400, 14338, 13, 56738, 16763, 323, 37148, 17258, 4937, 1238, 1051, 9435, 311, 1077, 56071, 270, 265, 384, 3115, 720, 64, 1938, 13, 3005, 4036, 459, 1645, 455, 676, 554, 6378, 323, 33766, 2508, 22972, 2391, 279, 1938, 11, 5636, 264, 2763, 315, 28682, 21955, 2512, 662, 1115, 720, 15252, 8738, 369, 264, 2305, 2391, 902, 279, 56071, 1051, 1694, 312, 3518, 269, 2788, 555, 279, 2547, 11, 2737, 279, 3544, 11, 9193, 2653, 720, 83, 69361, 38072, 704, 279, 26000, 315, 279, 1314, 17659, 13, 2355, 262, 14693, 4010, 35070, 315, 15748, 6784, 439, 279, 3544, 36254, 304, 1077, 17659, 559, 969, 80591, 13, 6104, 433, 1047, 1027, 3794, 8294, 323, 26422, 3596, 720, 19221, 261, 389, 682, 279, 50581, 11, 1364, 1047, 2697, 477, 912, 37392, 11, 719, 439, 433, 559, 13430, 11, 279, 50581, 1051, 312, 31262, 13, 7648, 1274, 1781, 270, 520, 264, 720, 70, 25156, 36254, 1053, 5353, 810, 6784, 1109, 264, 63185, 832, 13, 36016, 279, 4083, 2709, 635, 374, 837, 13, 35567, 649, 387, 264, 1695, 1879, 430, 279, 2547, 374, 720, 7678, 1251, 11, 459, 21070, 311, 10570, 13, 2355, 262, 3296, 279, 2132, 2305, 11, 14693, 4010, 11, 27115, 30240, 8333, 11, 574, 3025, 311, 1935, 34153, 16763, 323, 75294, 23661, 98122, 11, 323, 27115, 384, 439, 291, 720, 18614, 7257, 15657, 11, 10213, 8314, 11934, 323, 16312, 88, 52011, 1778, 439, 7160, 39853, 323, 22786, 86, 20559, 52011, 15042, 304, 92825, 13, 3005, 3940, 311, 4321, 449, 720, 395, 4011, 709, 323, 1523, 279, 52473, 11, 912, 5129, 25051, 279, 19428, 6784, 34833, 9057, 555, 264, 22109, 4851, 11, 323, 1455, 1765, 69708, 7936, 315, 720, 543, 11, 1077, 6548, 492, 6052, 1174, 520, 1176, 9298, 1193, 50729, 11, 323, 1243, 3649, 13, 2355, 262, 578, 4948, 2305, 14693, 4010, 74117, 1077, 3691, 23730, 311, 2997, 7257, 15657, 439, 1664, 439, 279, 75294, 323, 34153, 16763, 23661, 323, 8314, 11934, 11, 5636, 720, 55911, 8778, 323, 25107, 33690, 311, 1520, 1862, 1077, 22852, 1887, 323, 279, 21730, 1920, 13, 2052, 279, 56071, 1047, 1027, 312, 3518, 269, 2788, 720, 1729, 1077, 2547, 323, 1051, 912, 5129, 9621, 11, 1077, 4851, 574, 3025, 311, 1862, 4725, 5820, 1778, 439, 11689, 11, 323, 2536, 267, 1466, 9373, 3838, 3412, 720, 971, 417, 11, 323, 1077, 20335, 1047, 37065, 5196, 311, 279, 1486, 430, 1364, 912, 220, 5129, 2631, 32152, 323, 574, 3025, 311, 2585, 1077, 6680, 13465, 720, 4291, 10173, 13, 2355, 262, 6385, 10177, 574, 1243, 42075, 304, 1077, 13709, 323, 814, 4024, 2162, 311, 3136, 279, 2068, 13, 578, 1566, 358, 6755, 505, 1124, 720, 20670, 1047, 1903, 1403, 35306, 23277, 2212, 279, 2326, 304, 279, 72, 436, 33570, 323, 1051, 22128, 872, 21624, 3871, 1306, 682, 13, 2355, 262, 3092, 6514, 6575, 1606, 279, 1455, 3062, 8331, 304, 279, 21730, 315, 279, 41440, 5986, 1732, 374, 539, 3041, 1124, 810, 720, 77, 414, 16409, 1109, 872, 2547, 374, 3025, 311, 1920, 13, 578, 4545, 279, 21552, 344, 384, 8824, 315, 279, 14363, 1732, 374, 34908, 11, 279, 3044, 720, 14724, 387, 92541, 323, 304, 264, 41440, 17563, 11, 279, 1732, 374, 4461], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " resis -\ntance. Awareness does not need to be made peaceful through effort, practice \nor discipline. It only need be recognised as such. That is, it only need recog -\nnise or know itself as such. \n In fact, awareness is always knowing itself as it essentially is, but its knowl -\nedge of itself is mixed with its knowledge of objective experience and seems, \nas a result, to acquire its qualities. Just as a motionless screen seems to move \nwhen a movie begins, so we, awareness, seem to become agitated when we \nbecome entangled in the content of experience. \n \nThe inherent peace of awareness is not a temporary state of mind. It is the \nvery nature of awareness itself and, as such, does not depend upon what you are the happiness you seek\ndoes or does not take place in experience. It is prior to, and independent \nof, the content of experience and is always available in the background of \nexperience. \n It is the peace that \u2018passeth understanding\u2019, the peace for which there is \nno explanation in the content of experience. It cannot be caused; it can only \nbe recognised. It cannot disappear; it can only be ignored. It is the context \nof the mind, not its content. \n We usually first notice this peace in the background of experience and \nmay only seem to have access to it in between our agitated thoughts and feel -\nings, just as the screen only seems to become visible in between movies. \n However, in time the content of our experience begins to lose its veiling \npower, just as a movie loses its capacity to veil the screen. As a result, the \nbackground of peace begins to percolate into the foreground of experience, \nwhich is in turn gradually and progressively permeated by it. \n Awareness is not changed by the content of experience, but the content \nof experience is progressively changed by the peace of awareness. \n \nhappiness is the nature of awareness \n \nJust as the empty space of a room does not stand to gain or lose anything \nfrom whatever takes place within it, likewise we, awareness, are not enhanced \nor diminished by any experience, however pleasant or unpleasant it may be. \nAwareness is always in the same pristine condition. \n No experience adds anything to it or removes anything from it. As such, \nawareness has no vested interest in experience. It is utterly, intimately one \nwith experience, open without resistance to it and yet, at the same time, \nneeds nothing from it. It does not need to be fulfilled or completed by ex -\nperience. \n Awareness lacks or wants for nothing. As such, it is whole, complete, un -\nconditionally fulfilled, content. From a human perspective this wholeness, \ncompleteness or absence of lack is felt as the experience of happiness. When \nwe experience happiness we are literally experiencing our essential nature. \nHappiness is the taste of awareness. \n Happiness is not a temporary state of mind, or even an emotion in the \nordinary sense of the word. It is the ever-present background of all changing \nstates and emotions. It is the nature of our self. As such, we cannot know \n72peace and happiness is our nature\nhappiness as an objective experience; we can only be it. Likewise, we cannot \nbe unhappy; we can only know it. \n Happiness is sometimes referred to as the ease of being, because it is to \nbe found in the simple knowing of our own being as it essentially is. \n \nI well remember the first time it became obvious that happiness is the very \nnature of my being. There was nothing extraordinary about it and it was not \npreceded by any particular experience. It just dawned on me. One moment \nit was not clear; the next moment it was. \n The awareness of being is happiness itself. How could I have missed such \nan obvious truth? I looked back over twenty years of study and practice and \nrealised that all the texts and teachings had been pointing to this simple rec -\nognition. \n I recalled the innumerable attempts I had made in my life to secure hap -\npiness through objects, substances, activities, states of mind and relationships, \nand now, in the depths of my being, a quiet joy was revealing itself effortlessly. \n Although this understanding would, over the ensuing years, be veiled \nfrom time to time by the old habit of seeking fulfilment in objective experi -\nence, it was never again completely eclipsed. The old habit had been dealt a \nmortal wound, and it was only a matter of time before it would dissipate, \ngradually giving way to an imperturbable peace. \n This peace was not new, nor was it something extraordinary. It was fam -\niliar, like an old friend with whom I had lost touch and was now reunited. \n It became clear that the answer to the question that had first formu -\nlated itself in my mind almost twenty years earlier, \u2018What is the source of \nlasting peace and happiness?\u2019, lay in the simple recognition of my own \nbeing. In short, it became clear that peace and happiness is the very nature \nof our self. \n \nam i ready to know my self? \n \nMy experience is so overwhelming much of the time that I sometimes wonder \nwhether I can ever recognise the presence of awareness. \n \nEveryone is equally qualified to undertake this investigation and recognise \ntheir true nature, simply by virtue of the fact that they are aware. It is the \n73you are the happiness you seek\nvery awareness with which you are currently aware of these words that has \nthe capacity to soften the focus of its attention from the content of your \nexperience, come back to itself and recognise its innate peace. \n It is not even necessary to change or get rid of any element of experience, \nto still or silence the mind, to change negative thoughts into positive ones, \nor to transform unpleasant feelings. Whether we are deeply depressed, madly \nin love or simply drinking tea, we are aware of our experience. \n The awareness that knows the experience of depression is the same aware -\nness that is aware of the experience of being in love or the taste of tea. Even \nour most confused thoughts arise in the clarity of awareness. Even our darkest \nfeelings arise in the luminous presence of awareness. \n \nIs it possible that I\u2019m just not ready? \n \nThis is a way of understanding, not a path of effort. Any effort would \narise on behalf of a self that deemed its current experience insufficient \nand, therefore, in need of improvement. It would not arise on behalf of \nthe true and only self of inherently peaceful and unconditionally fulfilled \nawareness. \n This is a way of recognition and expression: the recognition of what is \nalways already the case, and its subsequent expression or celebration in our \nlives. It has nothing to do with changing or improving a self which, when \ninvestigated, cannot be found as such. And yet, changes do take place in our \nlives as an inevitable consequence of this understanding. \n All that is necessary is to cease being exclusively fascinated by or lost in \nthe content of experience and to return to our self. Strictly speaking, we do \nnot even need to return to our self. When we get undressed at night, we do \nnot return to our naked body. It is simply revealed. Our naked body was \nthere all along, underneath our clothes. \n Likewise, our inherently peaceful and unconditionally fulfilled being \nis present behind, and in the midst of, all experience. All that is necessary \nis to relax the focus of our attention from the content of experience and \nour being will shine by itself. It is, as such, a relaxation of effort, not a \nnew effort. \n \nThis kind of happiness seems out of reach for ordinary people. \n74peace and happiness is our nature\nNo special qualifications, abilities or circumstances are required to recognise \nthe nature of awareness. No sage \u2013 the Buddha, Meister Eckhart, Lao Tzu, \nRamana Maharshi, Anandamayi Ma, Jesus or any other \u2013 had privileged \naccess to the fact of being aware or awareness itself. \n They were ordinary people, like each of us, who simply had a deep de -\nsire to know the nature of their being. They understood that happiness \nwas to be found only in their own being and were passionate about finding \nit there. \n Nor does this recognition require special affiliation to any particular \ntradition or person. One who has recognised the nature of their essential \nbeing knows that it is not coloured or qualified by any particular tradition, \nalthough they may continue to operate within that tradition, emphasising \nits inner meaning rather than its outer form, for the benefit of those who \nhave yet to understand its full meaning. \n \nWill I know when it happens? \n \nThis recognition may take place in contemplative moments, between \nthoughts and activities or during them, just as an actress may recognise that \nshe is not defined by, or limited to, the part she plays in between perform -\nances or during a performance. \n We may not even notice that a specific recognition has taken place. \nWe simply notice that the almost constant activity of negotiating experience \nfor the purpose of seeking happiness has diminished, and in its place a cause -\nless peace has arisen. Either way, our inherently peaceful and unconditionally \nfulfilled nature of awareness does not need to be liberated from the content \nof experience. Its nature is already such. \n The recognition may be accompanied by a dramatic relaxation of tension \nin the body or agitation in the mind, but this should not be mistaken for \nthe recognition of our true nature itself. It is just as possible that", "token_ids": [594, 285, 18722, 83, 685, 13, 63135, 1587, 539, 1205, 311, 387, 1903, 26733, 1555, 5149, 11, 6725, 2355, 269, 26434, 13, 1102, 1193, 1205, 387, 39764, 439, 1778, 13, 3011, 374, 11, 433, 1193, 1205, 1421, 540, 18722, 77, 1082, 477, 1440, 5196, 439, 1778, 13, 2355, 257, 763, 2144, 11, 17985, 374, 2744, 14392, 5196, 439, 433, 16168, 374, 11, 719, 1202, 1440, 75, 18722, 7334, 315, 5196, 374, 9709, 449, 1202, 6677, 315, 16945, 3217, 323, 5084, 11, 2355, 300, 264, 1121, 11, 311, 21953, 1202, 29600, 13, 4702, 439, 264, 11633, 1752, 4264, 5084, 311, 3351, 2355, 9493, 264, 5818, 12302, 11, 779, 584, 11, 17985, 11, 2873, 311, 3719, 945, 33337, 994, 584, 2355, 17106, 638, 1218, 40040, 304, 279, 2262, 315, 3217, 13, 2355, 720, 791, 38088, 9096, 315, 17985, 374, 539, 264, 13643, 1614, 315, 4059, 13, 1102, 374, 279, 2355, 1225, 7138, 220, 315, 17985, 5196, 323, 11, 439, 1778, 11, 1587, 539, 6904, 5304, 1148, 220, 499, 527, 279, 23871, 499, 6056, 198, 28156, 477, 1587, 539, 1935, 2035, 304, 3217, 13, 1102, 374, 4972, 311, 11, 323, 9678, 2355, 1073, 11, 279, 2262, 315, 3217, 323, 374, 2744, 2561, 304, 279, 4092, 315, 2355, 50659, 13, 2355, 257, 1102, 374, 279, 9096, 430, 3451, 6519, 774, 8830, 20182, 279, 9096, 369, 902, 1070, 374, 2355, 2201, 16540, 304, 279, 2262, 315, 3217, 13, 1102, 4250, 387, 9057, 26, 433, 649, 1193, 2355, 1395, 39764, 13, 1102, 4250, 32153, 26, 433, 649, 1193, 387, 12305, 13, 1102, 374, 279, 2317, 2355, 1073, 279, 4059, 11, 539, 1202, 2262, 13, 5996, 257, 1226, 6118, 1176, 5406, 420, 9096, 304, 279, 4092, 315, 3217, 323, 2355, 18864, 1193, 2873, 311, 617, 2680, 311, 433, 304, 1990, 1057, 945, 33337, 11555, 323, 2733, 18722, 826, 11, 1120, 439, 279, 4264, 1193, 5084, 311, 3719, 9621, 304, 1990, 9698, 13, 2355, 257, 4452, 11, 304, 892, 279, 2262, 315, 1057, 3217, 12302, 311, 9229, 1202, 5320, 8138, 2355, 13477, 11, 1120, 439, 264, 5818, 33291, 1202, 8824, 311, 59355, 279, 4264, 13, 1666, 264, 1121, 11, 279, 2355, 6884, 315, 9096, 12302, 311, 824, 2119, 349, 1139, 279, 40405, 315, 3217, 11, 2355, 8370, 374, 304, 2543, 27115, 323, 72859, 55424, 660, 555, 433, 13, 2355, 257, 63135, 374, 539, 5614, 555, 279, 2262, 315, 3217, 11, 719, 279, 2262, 2355, 1073, 3217, 374, 72859, 5614, 555, 279, 9096, 315, 17985, 13, 2355, 720, 71, 67391, 374, 279, 7138, 315, 17985, 2355, 720, 10156, 439, 279, 4384, 3634, 315, 264, 3130, 1587, 539, 2559, 311, 8895, 477, 9229, 4205, 2355, 1527, 8996, 5097, 2035, 2949, 433, 11, 39022, 584, 11, 17985, 11, 527, 539, 24872, 2355, 269, 54182, 555, 904, 3217, 11, 4869, 24729, 477, 47989, 433, 1253, 387, 13, 2355, 59893, 2136, 374, 2744, 304, 279, 1890, 66085, 3044, 13, 2355, 257, 2360, 3217, 11621, 4205, 311, 433, 477, 29260, 4205, 505, 433, 13, 1666, 1778, 11, 2355, 20111, 2136, 706, 912, 79051, 2802, 304, 3217, 13, 1102, 374, 38631, 11, 96752, 832, 2355, 4291, 3217, 11, 1825, 2085, 13957, 311, 433, 323, 3686, 11, 520, 279, 1890, 892, 11, 2355, 56345, 4400, 505, 433, 13, 1102, 1587, 539, 1205, 311, 387, 41834, 477, 8308, 555, 506, 18722, 13267, 662, 2355, 257, 63135, 37856, 477, 6944, 369, 4400, 13, 1666, 1778, 11, 433, 374, 4459, 11, 4686, 11, 653, 18722, 97067, 41834, 11, 2262, 13, 5659, 264, 3823, 13356, 420, 421, 17648, 434, 11, 2355, 884, 698, 64197, 477, 19821, 315, 6996, 374, 6612, 439, 279, 3217, 315, 23871, 13, 3277, 2355, 906, 3217, 23871, 584, 527, 16280, 25051, 1057, 7718, 7138, 13, 2355, 39, 67391, 374, 279, 12945, 315, 17985, 13, 2355, 257, 79244, 374, 539, 264, 13643, 1614, 315, 4059, 11, 477, 1524, 459, 20356, 304, 279, 2355, 21707, 5647, 315, 279, 3492, 13, 1102, 374, 279, 3596, 49124, 4092, 315, 682, 10223, 2355, 33169, 323, 21958, 13, 1102, 374, 279, 7138, 220, 315, 1057, 659, 13, 1666, 1778, 11, 584, 4250, 1440, 2355, 5332, 55225, 323, 23871, 374, 1057, 7138, 198, 71, 67391, 439, 459, 16945, 3217, 26, 584, 649, 1193, 387, 433, 13, 50487, 11, 584, 4250, 2355, 1395, 43251, 26, 584, 649, 1193, 1440, 220, 433, 13, 2355, 257, 79244, 374, 7170, 14183, 311, 439, 279, 14553, 315, 1694, 11, 1606, 433, 374, 311, 2355, 1395, 1766, 304, 279, 4382, 14392, 315, 1057, 1866, 1694, 439, 433, 16168, 374, 13, 2355, 720, 40, 1664, 6227, 279, 1176, 892, 433, 6244, 8196, 430, 23871, 374, 279, 1633, 2355, 67812, 315, 856, 1694, 13, 2684, 574, 4400, 24674, 922, 433, 323, 433, 574, 539, 2355, 27244, 291, 555, 904, 4040, 3217, 13, 1102, 1120, 39493, 291, 389, 757, 13, 3861, 4545, 2355, 275, 574, 539, 2867, 26, 279, 1828, 4545, 433, 574, 13, 2355, 257, 578, 17985, 315, 1694, 374, 23871, 5196, 13, 2650, 1436, 358, 617, 13942, 1778, 2355, 276, 8196, 8206, 30, 358, 7111, 1203, 927, 17510, 1667, 315, 4007, 323, 6725, 323, 2355, 8110, 4147, 430, 682, 279, 22755, 323, 45572, 1047, 1027, 22364, 311, 420, 4382, 1421, 18722, 31756, 13, 2355, 257, 358, 32230, 279, 304, 2470, 28057, 13865, 358, 1047, 1903, 304, 856, 2324, 311, 9966, 46900, 18722, 79, 1918, 1555, 6302, 11, 33155, 11, 7640, 11, 5415, 315, 4059, 323, 12135, 11, 2355, 438, 1457, 11, 304, 279, 43957, 315, 856, 1694, 11, 264, 11594, 16267, 574, 31720, 5196, 69704, 13, 2355, 257, 10541, 420, 8830, 1053, 11, 927, 279, 72758, 1667, 11, 387, 5320, 2230, 2355, 1527, 892, 311, 892, 555, 279, 2362, 14464, 315, 11125, 64201, 479, 304, 16945, 5866, 18722, 768, 11, 433, 574, 2646, 1578, 6724, 93534, 291, 13, 578, 2362, 14464, 1047, 1027, 27023, 264, 2355, 76, 34472, 27653, 11, 323, 433, 574, 1193, 264, 5030, 315, 892, 1603, 433, 1053, 93522, 349, 11, 2355, 6902, 1870, 7231, 1648, 311, 459, 3242, 531, 9225, 481, 9096, 13, 2355, 257, 1115, 9096, 574, 539, 502, 11, 6463, 574, 433, 2555, 24674, 13, 1102, 574, 2138, 18722, 9730, 11, 1093, 459, 2362, 4333, 449, 8884, 358, 1047, 5675, 5916, 323, 574, 1457, 77979, 13, 2355, 257, 1102, 6244, 2867, 430, 279, 4320, 311, 279, 3488, 430, 1047, 1176, 1376, 84, 18722, 22851, 5196, 304, 856, 4059, 4661, 17510, 1667, 6931, 11, 3451, 3923, 374, 279, 2592, 315, 2355, 70529, 9096, 323, 23871, 30, 20182, 11203, 304, 279, 4382, 18324, 315, 856, 1866, 2355, 35214, 13, 763, 2875, 11, 433, 6244, 2867, 430, 9096, 323, 23871, 374, 279, 1633, 7138, 2355, 1073, 1057, 659, 13, 2355, 720, 309, 602, 5644, 311, 1440, 856, 659, 30, 2355, 720, 5159, 3217, 374, 779, 22798, 1790, 315, 279, 892, 430, 358, 7170, 5895, 2355, 49864, 358, 649, 3596, 44917, 279, 9546, 315, 17985, 13, 2355, 720, 34124, 374, 18813, 15337, 311, 49643, 420, 8990, 323, 44917, 2355, 50828, 837, 7138, 11, 5042, 555, 35460, 315, 279, 2144, 430, 814, 527, 8010, 13, 1102, 374, 279, 2355, 5958, 9514, 527, 279, 23871, 499, 6056, 198, 1225, 17985, 449, 902, 499, 527, 5131, 8010, 315, 1521, 4339, 430, 706, 2355, 1820, 8824, 311, 81045, 279, 5357, 315, 1202, 6666, 505, 279, 2262, 315, 701, 2355, 50659, 11, 2586, 1203, 311, 5196, 323, 44917, 1202, 65070, 9096, 13, 2355, 257, 1102, 374, 539, 1524, 5995, 311, 2349, 477, 636, 9463, 315, 904, 2449, 315, 3217, 11, 2355, 998, 2103, 477, 21847, 279, 4059, 11, 311, 2349, 8389, 11555, 1139, 6928, 6305, 11, 2355, 269, 311, 5276, 47989, 16024, 13, 13440, 584, 527, 17693, 42642, 11, 13088, 398, 2355, 258, 3021, 477, 5042, 16558, 15600, 11, 584, 527, 8010, 315, 1057, 3217, 13, 2355, 257, 578, 17985, 430, 8964, 279, 3217, 315, 18710, 374, 279, 1890, 8010, 18722, 2136, 430, 374, 8010, 315, 279, 3217, 315, 1694, 304, 3021, 477, 279, 12945, 315, 15600, 13, 7570, 2355, 414, 1455, 22568, 11555, 31889, 304, 279, 32373, 315, 17985, 13, 7570, 1057, 77069, 2355, 57676, 826, 31889, 304, 279, 46058, 788, 9546, 315, 17985, 13, 2355, 720, 3957, 433, 3284, 430, 358, 4344, 1120, 539, 5644, 30, 2355, 720, 2028, 374, 264, 1648, 315, 8830, 11, 539, 264, 1853, 315, 5149, 13, 5884, 5149, 1053, 2355, 277, 1082, 389, 17981, 315, 264, 659, 430, 25660, 1202, 1510, 3217, 39413, 2355, 438, 11, 9093, 11, 304, 1205, 315, 16048, 13, 1102, 1053, 539, 31889, 389, 17981, 315, 2355, 1820, 837, 323, 1193, 659, 315, 49188, 26733, 323, 653, 97067, 41834, 2355, 20111, 2136, 13, 2355, 257, 1115, 374, 264, 1648, 315, 18324, 323, 7645, 25, 279, 18324, 315, 1148, 374, 2355, 33222, 2736, 279, 1162, 11, 323, 1202, 17876, 7645, 477, 25960, 304, 1057, 2355, 75, 1924, 13, 1102, 706, 4400, 311, 656, 449, 10223, 477, 18899, 264, 659, 902, 11, 994, 2355, 43114, 83341, 11, 4250, 387, 1766, 439, 1778, 13, 1628, 3686, 11, 4442, 656, 1935, 2035, 304, 1057, 2355, 75, 1924, 439, 459, 31352, 29774, 315, 420, 8830, 13, 2355, 257, 2052, 430, 374, 5995, 374, 311, 32616, 1694, 24121, 61914, 555, 477, 5675, 304, 2355, 1820, 2262, 315, 3217, 323, 311, 471, 311, 1057, 659, 13, 53981, 398, 12365, 11, 584, 656, 2355, 1962, 1524, 1205, 311, 471, 311, 1057, 659, 13, 3277, 584, 636, 2073, 14715, 520, 3814, 11, 584, 656, 2355, 1962, 471, 311, 1057, 19557, 2547, 13, 1102, 374, 5042, 10675, 13, 5751, 19557, 2547, 574, 2355, 19041, 682, 3235, 11, 30456, 1057, 15447, 13, 2355, 257, 50487, 11, 1057, 49188, 26733, 323, 653, 97067, 41834, 1694, 2355, 285, 3118, 4920, 11, 323, 304, 279, 35446, 315, 11, 682, 3217, 13, 2052, 430, 374, 5995, 2355, 285, 311, 12234, 279, 5357, 315, 1057, 6666, 505, 279, 2262, 315, 3217, 323, 2355, 414, 1694, 690, 33505, 555, 5196, 13, 1102, 374, 11, 439, 1778, 11, 264, 43685, 315, 5149, 11, 539, 264, 2355, 943, 5149, 13, 2355, 720, 2028, 3169, 315, 23871, 5084, 704, 315, 5662, 369, 19664, 1274, 13, 2355, 5728, 55225, 323, 23871, 374, 1057, 7138, 198, 2822, 3361, 43784, 11, 18000, 477, 13463, 527, 2631, 311, 44917, 2355, 1820, 7138, 315, 17985, 13, 2360, 39361, 1389, 279, 46054, 11, 2206, 1601, 82740, 47489, 11, 445, 3524, 350, 26738, 11, 2355, 64948, 3444, 53690, 60521, 11, 1556, 438, 309, 112717, 11583, 11, 10811, 477, 904, 1023, 1389, 1047, 47361, 2355, 5323, 311, 279, 2144, 315, 1694, 8010, 477, 17985, 5196, 13, 2355, 257, 2435, 1051, 19664, 1274, 11, 1093, 1855, 315, 603, 11, 889, 5042, 1047, 264, 5655, 409, 18722, 82, 556, 311, 1440, 279, 7138, 315, 872, 1694, 13, 2435, 16365, 430, 23871, 2355, 16514, 311, 387, 1766, 1193, 304, 872, 1866, 1694, 323, 1051, 25429, 922, 9455, 2355, 275, 1070, 13, 2355, 257, 8170, 1587, 420, 18324, 1397, 3361, 53891, 311, 904, 4040, 2355, 48126, 684, 477, 1732, 13, 3861, 889, 706, 39764, 279, 7138, 315, 872, 7718, 2355, 35214, 8964, 430, 433, 374, 539, 58919, 477, 15337, 555, 904, 4040, 14135, 11, 2355, 37241, 814, 1253, 3136, 311, 14816, 2949, 430, 14135, 11, 20654, 3876, 2355, 1220, 9358, 7438, 4856, 1109, 1202, 16335, 1376, 11, 369, 279, 8935, 315, 1884, 889, 2355, 19553, 3686, 311, 3619, 1202, 2539, 7438, 13, 2355, 720, 10149, 358, 1440, 994, 433, 8741, 30, 2355, 720, 2028, 18324, 1253, 1935, 2035, 304, 39471, 1413, 14269, 11, 1990, 2355, 61665, 82, 323, 7640, 477, 2391, 1124, 11, 1120, 439, 459, 24577, 1253, 44917, 430, 2355, 32158, 374, 539, 4613, 555, 11, 477, 7347, 311, 11, 279, 961, 1364, 11335, 304, 1990, 2804, 18722, 3095, 477, 2391, 264, 5178, 13, 2355, 257, 1226, 1253, 539, 1524, 5406, 430, 264, 3230, 18324, 706, 4529, 2035, 13, 2355, 1687, 5042, 5406, 430, 279, 4661, 6926, 5820, 315, 44725, 3217, 2355, 2000, 279, 7580, 315, 11125, 23871, 706, 54182, 11, 323, 304, 1202, 2035, 264, 5353, 18722, 1752, 9096, 706, 90954, 13, 21663, 1648, 11, 1057, 49188, 26733, 323, 653, 97067, 2355, 1285, 28611, 7138, 315, 17985, 1587, 539, 1205, 311, 387, 85855, 505, 279, 2262, 2355, 1073, 3217, 13, 11699, 7138, 374, 2736, 1778, 13, 2355, 257, 578, 18324, 1253, 387, 24895, 555, 264, 22520, 43685, 315, 24408, 2355, 258, 279, 2547, 477, 91317, 304, 279, 4059, 11, 719, 420, 1288, 539, 387, 37104, 369, 2355, 1820, 18324, 315, 1057, 837, 7138, 5196, 13, 1102, 374, 1120, 439, 3284, 430], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " death should oc\u00ad\ncur from old age, per se. If one person \ncan live to be one hundred or two hundred \nyears old, why not another? If the hu\u00ad\nman race lived strictly under a rational \nhygienic dispensation, death would never occur from old age, under several hun\u00ad\ndred years. \nSuggestion is now mainly responsible \nfor keeping the limit of life at about \neighty years. Fol\"thousands of years man \nhas been taught that he would die at about \nthe age of 70; consequently when in the \nneighborhood of thia age, man begins to \nlook for death-to expect death-to be\u00ad\nlieve in death-and he is never disap\u00ad\npointed. The mineral salt deposits in the \nbody commence to manifest themselves be\u00ad\ntween 40 and 50 years of age. These salts \nare derived mainly from ordinary drink\u00ad\ning water, altho cereals contribute their \nshare. The presence of an excess of lime \nretards the functions of all organs ; all \nprocesses are hindered; the various bod\u00ad\nily systems act slowly; this favors the \nadditional deposits of more salts. The \nfunctions of the organs are still more \nrestricted. We say the man is \"aging \nrapidly.\" As the body becomes weaker \nthe organs become weaker, and mineral \ndeposits quickly accumulate. The victim \nis rapidly becoming petrified. All organs \nare clogged; the vital powers are lowered, \nand as the petrifaction proceeds, death \napproaches; finally the muscles of the \nheart become so dense that their elasticity \nis gone and death ends all. When one \ndies from \"old age,\" he dies because his \nbody is partially turned to stone. If we \ncan keep the percentage of water in the \nbody at 80 or 85, we will never die of \nold age. To maintain the proper pro-\nDigitized by Goog I e / \nDISTILLED WATER AND LONGEVITY. \nportion of aqueous elements in the system, \nno liquids but distilled water should be \nused for drinking or cooking; and fur\u00ad\nthermore, foods containing a high per\u00ad\ncentage of mineral salts, 88 cereals5 should \nbe eaten sparingly. When the ideal hy-; \ngienic race conditions prevail, man will \nlive on distilled water, nuts and fruits; \nand he will understand the art of masti\u00ad\ncation; he will breath pure air twenty-four \nhours out of the day; he will spend many \nhours daily in the sunshine; he will take \nenough exercise to keep the body supple, \nand his mind will be free from worry, care \nand anxiety; he will not expect death at \nany particular year or time, nor will he \nthink \u00b7about dying; children will not read \nthe deadly suggestion about \"three score \nand ten years,\" and they will be taught \nhow to build and mould the body by men\u00ad\ntal processes; all suggestions will be for \nhealth, strength and vigor. Bulletins \nfrom the bedside will be abolished, and \n\"drugs\" will exist only in the dictionaries \nof. the antiquarian. \nThe firat step in the physical regenera\u00ad\ntion of the race is a crusade against ordi\u00ad\nnary or \"raw\" drinking water. When dis\u00ad\ntilled water is universally used humanity \nwill take a long step forward. It is the \nduty of the state to see that only perfect \ndrinking water is used; we look after cess\u00ad\npools, drains, noxious odors, plumbing, \nadulterated food, etc., and the water sup\u00ad\nply is more important than all these. If \ndistilled water was in every home the \nboard of health would have to go out of \nbusiness. \n\"But a German doctor stated that dis\u00ad\ntilled water is injurious,\" remarks a read\u00ad\ner. He did, but his statement is false. \nHis remarks in substance are 88 follows: \"By 'chemically pure water' we usually \nunderstand perfectly fresh, distilled water, \nwhose behavior and properties are well \nunderstood. It withdraws the salts from \nthe animal tissues and causes the latter to \nswell or inflate. Isolated living organic \nelements, cells, and all unicellular organ\u00ad\nisms are destroyed in distilled water-they \ndie, since they become engorged therein. \nThey lose the faculty, upon which life de\u00ad\npends, of retaining their salts and other \nsoluble cell constituents, and consequently \nthese are allowed to diffuse throughout the \nwater. \n\"Distilled water is, therefore, a danger\u00ad\nous protoplasmic poison. The same poi\u00ad\nsonous effects must occur whenever dis\u00ad\ntilled water is drUnk. The sense of taste \nis the first to protest against the use of \nthis substance. A mouthful of distilled \nwater, taken by inadvertence, will be spit \nout regularly. The water once in the \nstomach, the superficial stratum of epithe\u00ad\nlium experiences a powerful distension, \nthe cella are leached by their salts, die, and \nare cast off. This local poisonous effect of \ndistilled water makes itself known by a \nsensation of uneasiness, belching, etc., fur\u00ad\nnishing all the symptoms of a catarrh of \nthe stomach on a small scale. \n\"The harmfulness of the process so \nmuch resorted to today, of washing out the \nstomach with distilled water, is acknowl\u00ad\nedged; and we find the physicians who for\u00ad\nmerly used that agent are now turning to \nthe 'physiological solution of cooking salt,' \nor 'water with a little salt,' or the min\u00ad\neral waters recommended for the purpose. \nThe poisonous nature of absolutely pure \nwater would scarcely. have been recognized \nand felt long since, were it not that its \neffects in their most marked form can sel\u00ad\ndom occur; for through a train of circum-\nDigitized by Goog I e SUGGESTION. \nstances \u2022absolutely pure' water can rarely \nbe found.\" \nThe attack on the daily use of distilled \nwater by an alleged Dr. Koppe was in\u00ad\nspired by the owners of mineral springs \nin Europe; and it has been stated-that Dr. \nKoppe is-a myth. The statements cred\u00ad\nited to him are a tissue of falsehoods\u00ad\nthere is not a word of truth in any of \nthem. Distilled water has no deleterious ac\u00ad\ntion on living tissue; distilled water is not \npoisonous, but the only elixir of life that \nwill be discovered. It is quite true that \nmicro-organisms will die if placed in pure \nwater; they die because there is no refuse \nfor them to feed on. This is one of the \nstrongest arguments in favor of distilled \nwater. When all the fluids of the body \nare made up of distilled water there will \nbe no fear of germs-a disease germ can\u00ad\nnot live in a system that is 80 per cent \naqua pura. The mythical d:>~tor's state\u00ad\nment that absolutely pure water can rarely \nbe found is as false as the others. In \nevery large city of the United States abso\u00ad\nlutely pure water is delivered to your door \nat prices varying from six to ten cents \nper gallon, while in thousands of homes \nare small stills which make an abundance \nof absolutely pure, aerated and appetizing \nwater. All health specialists of the ad\u00ad\nvanced and rational schools of nature\u00ad\ntherapy today advocate the drinking of \nwater, from two to three quarts daily; \nit is conceded that perfect health-is im\u00ad\npossible without an abundance of water. \nIt does not need an argument to show \nthat this water should be pure, and if an \nargument were needed the United States \narmy and navy have supplied that argu\u00ad\nment beyond cavil. \nThe great, ever present danger in \n\"raw\" water is not germs-it is the min\u00ad\neral matter which is not needed in the human body, as sufficient cell\u00b7 salts are \nfurnished in a natural form by the solid \nfood. The earthy material is simply ref\u00ad\nuse; it makes additional work for the \nexcretory organs, and all of it cannot \npossibly be eliminated. Hence, the grad\u00ad\nual clogging of the system, which brings \non a condition known as \"old age.\" \nKnowing that the daily use of dis\u00ad\ntilled water in the army and navy has been \nattended by the most gratifying results, \nletters were addressed to the government \nmedical departments asking for definite \nand authoritative statements as to the \nhealth giving qualities of absolutely pure \nwater. Sailors have been under daily ob\u00ad\nservation by medical officers for years; \narmy officers have had ample opportunity \nto study the drinking water question at \nshort range at home and in Cuba, China \nand the Philippines, and the result is that \nsufficient evidence has been collected to \nsettle for all time the desirability of dis\u00ad\ntilled water as a daily drink, and its value \nin preserving health. \nOne of the first labors of the medical \ndepartment of the army in the Philippines \nwas the erection of distilling plants in the \ncity of Manila; from these plants distilled \nwater was supplied t_o all the camps and \ngarrisons in and around the city, and it is \nnot an exaggeration to say that today \nevery soldier in the Philippines is within \nreach", "token_ids": [4648, 1288, 18274, 5879, 198, 2407, 505, 2362, 4325, 11, 824, 513, 13, 1442, 832, 1732, 720, 4919, 3974, 311, 387, 832, 7895, 477, 1403, 7895, 720, 42820, 2362, 11, 3249, 539, 2500, 30, 1442, 279, 34065, 5879, 198, 1543, 7102, 12439, 26549, 1234, 264, 25442, 720, 8671, 88364, 292, 36693, 367, 11, 4648, 1053, 2646, 12446, 505, 2362, 4325, 11, 1234, 3892, 11794, 5879, 198, 67, 1171, 1667, 13, 720, 50, 43216, 374, 1457, 14918, 8647, 720, 2000, 10494, 279, 4017, 315, 2324, 520, 922, 720, 68632, 88, 1667, 13, 40555, 1, 339, 40137, 315, 1667, 893, 720, 4752, 1027, 15972, 430, 568, 1053, 2815, 520, 922, 720, 1820, 4325, 315, 220, 2031, 26, 52394, 994, 304, 279, 720, 37569, 5812, 315, 270, 689, 4325, 11, 893, 12302, 311, 720, 7349, 369, 4648, 4791, 1755, 4648, 4791, 387, 5879, 198, 11828, 588, 304, 4648, 9976, 568, 374, 2646, 14277, 5879, 198, 2837, 291, 13, 578, 25107, 12290, 34751, 304, 279, 720, 2664, 56445, 311, 14794, 5694, 387, 5879, 198, 83, 1818, 220, 1272, 323, 220, 1135, 1667, 315, 4325, 13, 4314, 78235, 720, 548, 14592, 14918, 505, 19664, 7172, 5879, 198, 287, 3090, 11, 453, 339, 78, 28091, 1147, 17210, 872, 720, 19930, 13, 578, 9546, 315, 459, 13937, 315, 42819, 720, 2171, 2402, 279, 5865, 315, 682, 36853, 2652, 682, 720, 4734, 288, 527, 57780, 291, 26, 279, 5370, 30111, 5879, 198, 1570, 6067, 1180, 14297, 26, 420, 54947, 279, 720, 36599, 34751, 315, 810, 78235, 13, 578, 720, 22124, 315, 279, 36853, 527, 2103, 810, 720, 51897, 13, 1226, 2019, 279, 893, 374, 330, 4210, 720, 86812, 398, 1210, 1666, 279, 2547, 9221, 43383, 720, 1820, 36853, 3719, 43383, 11, 323, 25107, 720, 451, 981, 1220, 6288, 47376, 13, 578, 11996, 720, 285, 19019, 10671, 6896, 81, 1908, 13, 2052, 36853, 720, 548, 272, 25909, 26, 279, 16595, 13736, 527, 39920, 11, 720, 438, 439, 279, 6896, 93366, 1335, 34555, 11, 4648, 720, 16082, 14576, 26, 5616, 279, 24569, 315, 279, 720, 18207, 3719, 779, 29050, 430, 872, 95916, 720, 285, 8208, 323, 4648, 10548, 682, 13, 3277, 832, 720, 67, 552, 505, 330, 820, 4325, 1359, 568, 8898, 1606, 813, 720, 2664, 374, 26310, 6656, 311, 9998, 13, 1442, 584, 720, 4919, 2567, 279, 11668, 315, 3090, 304, 279, 720, 2664, 520, 220, 1490, 477, 220, 5313, 11, 584, 690, 2646, 2815, 315, 720, 820, 4325, 13, 2057, 10519, 279, 6300, 463, 7058, 37520, 1534, 555, 6122, 540, 358, 384, 611, 720, 80540, 81011, 76347, 3651, 35042, 47110, 3414, 13, 720, 15750, 315, 66300, 788, 5540, 304, 279, 1887, 11, 720, 2201, 67849, 719, 89867, 3090, 1288, 387, 720, 2656, 369, 16558, 477, 17677, 26, 323, 18742, 5879, 198, 700, 6518, 11, 15657, 8649, 264, 1579, 824, 5879, 198, 16525, 315, 25107, 78235, 11, 220, 2421, 28091, 1147, 20, 1288, 720, 1395, 35661, 96055, 398, 13, 3277, 279, 10728, 6409, 12, 26, 720, 88364, 292, 7102, 4787, 66828, 11, 893, 690, 720, 25859, 389, 89867, 3090, 11, 31049, 323, 26390, 26, 720, 438, 568, 690, 3619, 279, 1989, 315, 19218, 72, 5879, 198, 65982, 26, 568, 690, 11745, 10748, 3805, 17510, 42117, 720, 31482, 704, 315, 279, 1938, 26, 568, 690, 8493, 1690, 720, 31482, 7446, 304, 279, 52495, 26, 568, 690, 1935, 720, 268, 1409, 10368, 311, 2567, 279, 2547, 1043, 698, 11, 720, 438, 813, 4059, 690, 387, 1949, 505, 11196, 11, 2512, 720, 438, 18547, 26, 568, 690, 539, 1755, 4648, 520, 720, 3852, 4040, 1060, 477, 892, 11, 6463, 690, 568, 720, 27963, 9787, 9274, 23069, 26, 2911, 690, 539, 1373, 720, 1820, 25114, 24710, 922, 330, 28956, 5573, 720, 438, 5899, 1667, 1359, 323, 814, 690, 387, 15972, 720, 5269, 311, 1977, 323, 51370, 279, 2547, 555, 3026, 5879, 198, 51977, 11618, 26, 682, 18726, 690, 387, 369, 720, 12393, 11, 8333, 323, 56022, 13, 32912, 1354, 720, 1527, 279, 96803, 690, 387, 81081, 11, 323, 720, 1, 3696, 13602, 1, 690, 3073, 1193, 304, 279, 58614, 720, 1073, 13, 279, 61386, 8997, 13, 720, 791, 35092, 266, 3094, 304, 279, 7106, 1239, 804, 64, 5879, 198, 28491, 315, 279, 7102, 374, 264, 62818, 1037, 2403, 6141, 72, 5879, 198, 77, 661, 477, 330, 1059, 1, 16558, 3090, 13, 3277, 834, 5879, 198, 1678, 839, 3090, 374, 61528, 1511, 22706, 720, 14724, 1935, 264, 1317, 3094, 4741, 13, 1102, 374, 279, 720, 67, 20850, 315, 279, 1614, 311, 1518, 430, 1193, 4832, 720, 3696, 16113, 3090, 374, 1511, 26, 584, 1427, 1306, 65147, 5879, 198, 79, 6309, 11, 79750, 11, 912, 30351, 11018, 1105, 11, 44288, 11, 720, 329, 360, 466, 660, 3691, 11, 5099, 2637, 323, 279, 3090, 1043, 5879, 198, 2603, 374, 810, 3062, 1109, 682, 1521, 13, 1442, 720, 12489, 4473, 3090, 574, 304, 1475, 2162, 279, 720, 2541, 315, 2890, 1053, 617, 311, 733, 704, 315, 720, 27243, 13, 720, 42513, 264, 6063, 10896, 11224, 430, 834, 5879, 198, 1678, 839, 3090, 374, 5934, 28626, 1359, 24208, 264, 1373, 5879, 198, 261, 13, 1283, 1550, 11, 719, 813, 5224, 374, 905, 13, 720, 16366, 24208, 304, 20278, 527, 220, 2421, 11263, 25, 330, 1383, 364, 2464, 2740, 10748, 3090, 6, 584, 6118, 720, 8154, 2752, 14268, 7878, 11, 89867, 3090, 11, 720, 86243, 7865, 323, 6012, 527, 1664, 720, 8154, 52784, 13, 1102, 15142, 82, 279, 78235, 505, 720, 1820, 10065, 39881, 323, 11384, 279, 15629, 311, 720, 2332, 616, 477, 71798, 13, 2209, 81619, 5496, 17808, 720, 22138, 11, 7917, 11, 323, 682, 88649, 54230, 2942, 5879, 198, 13978, 527, 14763, 304, 89867, 3090, 7716, 1216, 720, 27591, 11, 2533, 814, 3719, 2995, 1813, 291, 58179, 13, 720, 7009, 9229, 279, 22291, 11, 5304, 902, 2324, 409, 5879, 198, 79, 1438, 11, 315, 51110, 872, 78235, 323, 1023, 720, 39298, 41572, 2849, 51720, 11, 323, 52394, 720, 45010, 527, 5535, 311, 55517, 6957, 279, 720, 13284, 13, 720, 1, 24243, 4473, 3090, 374, 11, 9093, 11, 264, 8137, 5879, 198, 788, 1760, 56178, 10753, 292, 21109, 13, 578, 1890, 48027, 5879, 198, 942, 788, 6372, 2011, 12446, 15716, 834, 5879, 198, 1678, 839, 3090, 374, 1377, 1844, 74, 13, 578, 5647, 315, 12945, 720, 285, 279, 1176, 311, 8835, 2403, 279, 1005, 315, 720, 576, 20278, 662, 362, 11013, 1285, 315, 89867, 720, 13284, 11, 4529, 555, 59928, 768, 11, 690, 387, 57087, 720, 412, 15870, 13, 578, 3090, 3131, 304, 279, 720, 267, 316, 613, 11, 279, 59915, 610, 27349, 315, 67422, 383, 5879, 198, 747, 372, 11704, 264, 8147, 1612, 2711, 11, 720, 1820, 2849, 64, 527, 514, 3939, 555, 872, 78235, 11, 2815, 11, 323, 720, 548, 6445, 1022, 13, 1115, 2254, 74508, 2515, 315, 720, 12489, 4473, 3090, 3727, 5196, 3967, 555, 264, 720, 82, 42725, 315, 6316, 300, 1918, 11, 1689, 28075, 11, 5099, 2637, 18742, 5879, 198, 77, 11218, 682, 279, 13803, 315, 264, 8415, 1138, 71, 315, 720, 1820, 23152, 389, 264, 2678, 5569, 13, 720, 10227, 28856, 2136, 315, 279, 1920, 779, 720, 59178, 594, 13909, 311, 3432, 11, 315, 28786, 704, 279, 720, 267, 316, 613, 449, 89867, 3090, 11, 374, 12125, 75, 5879, 198, 291, 3640, 26, 323, 584, 1505, 279, 35944, 889, 369, 5879, 198, 1195, 398, 1511, 430, 8479, 527, 1457, 13353, 311, 720, 1820, 364, 42305, 41314, 6425, 315, 17677, 12290, 2965, 720, 269, 364, 13284, 449, 264, 2697, 12290, 2965, 477, 279, 1332, 5879, 198, 3333, 21160, 11349, 369, 279, 7580, 13, 720, 791, 74508, 7138, 315, 11112, 10748, 720, 13284, 1053, 80987, 13, 617, 1027, 15324, 720, 438, 6612, 1317, 2533, 11, 1051, 433, 539, 430, 1202, 720, 81524, 304, 872, 1455, 13160, 1376, 649, 12069, 5879, 198, 5717, 12446, 26, 369, 1555, 264, 5542, 315, 10408, 7058, 37520, 1534, 555, 6122, 540, 358, 384, 328, 3014, 82857, 1294, 13, 720, 9623, 7436, 3518, 9887, 10748, 6, 3090, 649, 19029, 720, 1395, 1766, 1210, 720, 791, 3440, 389, 279, 7446, 1005, 315, 89867, 720, 13284, 555, 459, 10711, 2999, 13, 59109, 375, 574, 304, 5879, 198, 2203, 2757, 555, 279, 7980, 315, 25107, 42242, 720, 258, 4606, 26, 323, 433, 706, 1027, 11224, 94600, 2999, 13, 720, 42, 454, 375, 374, 7561, 21849, 13, 578, 12518, 4281, 5879, 198, 1639, 311, 1461, 527, 264, 20438, 315, 96118, 82, 5879, 198, 19041, 374, 539, 264, 3492, 315, 8206, 304, 904, 315, 720, 49818, 13, 28704, 4473, 3090, 706, 912, 60393, 466, 1245, 1645, 5879, 198, 28491, 389, 5496, 20438, 26, 89867, 3090, 374, 539, 720, 5481, 3416, 788, 11, 719, 279, 1193, 658, 953, 404, 315, 2324, 430, 720, 14724, 387, 11352, 662, 1102, 374, 5115, 837, 430, 720, 41543, 12, 76991, 690, 2815, 422, 9277, 304, 10748, 720, 13284, 26, 814, 2815, 1606, 1070, 374, 912, 26122, 720, 2000, 1124, 311, 5510, 389, 13, 1115, 374, 832, 315, 279, 720, 4620, 478, 6105, 304, 4799, 315, 89867, 720, 13284, 13, 3277, 682, 279, 56406, 315, 279, 2547, 720, 548, 1903, 709, 315, 89867, 3090, 1070, 690, 720, 1395, 912, 8850, 315, 17684, 1026, 7561, 8624, 82986, 649, 5879, 198, 1962, 3974, 304, 264, 1887, 430, 374, 220, 1490, 824, 2960, 720, 64, 44932, 4087, 64, 13, 578, 84219, 294, 97278, 93, 11222, 596, 1614, 5879, 198, 479, 430, 11112, 10748, 3090, 649, 19029, 720, 1395, 1766, 374, 439, 905, 439, 279, 3885, 13, 763, 720, 30115, 3544, 3363, 315, 279, 3723, 4273, 671, 708, 5879, 198, 87954, 989, 10748, 3090, 374, 12886, 311, 701, 6134, 720, 266, 7729, 29865, 505, 4848, 311, 5899, 31291, 720, 716, 50680, 11, 1418, 304, 9214, 315, 10632, 720, 548, 2678, 2103, 82, 902, 1304, 459, 37492, 720, 1073, 11112, 10748, 11, 34548, 660, 323, 30168, 4954, 720, 13284, 13, 2052, 2890, 35416, 315, 279, 1008, 5879, 198, 89187, 323, 25442, 8853, 315, 7138, 5879, 198, 46755, 3432, 29115, 279, 16558, 315, 720, 13284, 11, 505, 1403, 311, 2380, 934, 7183, 7446, 26, 720, 275, 374, 62687, 430, 4832, 2890, 31530, 737, 5879, 198, 10236, 2085, 459, 37492, 315, 3090, 13, 720, 2181, 1587, 539, 1205, 459, 5811, 311, 1501, 720, 9210, 420, 3090, 1288, 387, 10748, 11, 323, 422, 459, 720, 14819, 1051, 4460, 279, 3723, 4273, 720, 2227, 88, 323, 45874, 617, 17665, 430, 1417, 84, 5879, 198, 479, 7953, 57709, 321, 13, 720, 791, 2294, 11, 3596, 3118, 8137, 304, 720, 1, 1059, 1, 3090, 374, 539, 17684, 1026, 38611, 374, 279, 1332, 5879, 198, 3333, 5030, 902, 374, 539, 4460, 304, 279, 3823, 2547, 11, 439, 14343, 2849, 14260, 78235, 527, 720, 69, 84539, 304, 264, 5933, 1376, 555, 279, 6573, 720, 14239, 13, 578, 9578, 88, 3769, 374, 5042, 2098, 5879, 198, 817, 26, 433, 3727, 5217, 990, 369, 279, 720, 327, 4523, 683, 36853, 11, 323, 682, 315, 433, 4250, 720, 54228, 387, 34373, 13, 32140, 11, 279, 6117, 5879, 198, 940, 272, 26330, 315, 279, 1887, 11, 902, 12716, 720, 263, 264, 3044, 3967, 439, 330, 820, 4325, 1210, 720, 96621, 430, 279, 7446, 1005, 315, 834, 5879, 198, 1678, 839, 3090, 304, 279, 13695, 323, 45874, 706, 1027, 720, 86006, 555, 279, 1455, 8902, 7922, 3135, 11, 720, 21731, 1051, 20669, 311, 279, 3109, 720, 69216, 26280, 10371, 369, 44870, 720, 438, 65693, 12518, 439, 311, 279, 720, 12393, 7231, 29600, 315, 11112, 10748, 720, 13284, 13, 58095, 1105, 617, 1027, 1234, 7446, 1536, 5879, 198, 82, 8943, 555, 6593, 9808, 369, 1667, 26, 720, 2227, 88, 9808, 617, 1047, 42853, 6776, 720, 998, 4007, 279, 16558, 3090, 3488, 520, 720, 8846, 2134, 520, 2162, 323, 304, 32777, 11, 5734, 720, 438, 279, 26363, 11, 323, 279, 1121, 374, 430, 720, 82, 27781, 6029, 706, 1027, 14890, 311, 720, 751, 11489, 369, 682, 892, 279, 951, 404, 2968, 315, 834, 5879, 198, 1678, 839, 3090, 439, 264, 7446, 7172, 11, 323, 1202, 907, 720, 258, 47995, 2890, 13, 720, 4054, 315, 279, 1176, 10278, 1105, 315, 279, 6593, 720, 28414, 315, 279, 13695, 304, 279, 26363, 720, 16514, 279, 65146, 315, 1612, 9585, 11012, 304, 279, 720, 9103, 315, 57664, 26, 505, 1521, 11012, 89867, 720, 13284, 574, 17665, 259, 14513, 682, 279, 29135, 323, 720, 70, 1138, 19941, 304, 323, 2212, 279, 3363, 11, 323, 433, 374, 720, 1962, 459, 39030, 367, 311, 2019, 430, 3432, 720, 30115, 27202, 304, 279, 26363, 374, 2949, 720, 23430], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": " } \nI got rid of surgery, thanks to the Urine-therapy in my right arm. \nThe neurologist said to me that I have a ligament that is atrophied and the wrist \nand the nerves were pressing me. The pain was such that I considered surgery. \nThanks to God 1 began Urine-therapy on the 31st of January 1996 and in Jess than \ntwo weeks I began to feel enough improvement to forget surgery. \nIn addition I had in my right hand an allergy to detergents. \nIt always brought the skin to blister with cracks. All that disappeared totally. \nAlso I feel my nervousness is very well and I now have dreams. \n74 Before I dream with difficulty. \nTESTIMONY 21 * \nCANC\u00a3R \nMa. of Refuge S. Of 90 { Mexico } \nI began with the problem of the Thyroid. Every year I went for examination \nand x-rays to be able to get rid of the tumor. I had medicine I took three radiation \ntreatments. It did not go away. I realized from the day of the conference that was \noccurring, from the month of October of 95 there was another method. \nI started the Urine-therapy the day after and that was my lightening. \nI already am healed. Thank God and to the therapy. \nTESTIMONY 22* \nCRAMPS AND N\u00a3RV\u00a3S \nAdriana H. Sanchez { Mexico } \nI am very nervous and also I suffer of very painful cramps. \nJ began to take the urine and thanks to God and Chemistry, \nI have not suffered cramps and I feel safer and very calm all over. \nTESTIMONY 23* \nD1AB\u00a3T\u00a3S. HYP\u00a3RT\u00a3NT10N. att~ CJRCVLATJON. \nJaime Castaneda { Mexico } \nI thank to God, Urine that God gave me has cured me. I suffered from diabetes, \nhypertension, bad circulation of the blood for the last six months. -\nI did three fasting periods. \nI feel like another person and I have changed my character. \nIn the fasting periods I feel energy. I no longer have pains all over my body and \nitches between the skin. I no longer have diarrhea and fever. \nThe fungi that I had in the feet have disappeared. \nTESTIMONY 24* \nPAJN BACK. att~ MVSCVLAR \nGuillermo C. Aguilera. { Mexico } \n75 My testimony is that I have a month of taking Urine. I had very strong pains in my \nback and in my left hand, and thanks to God I do not have any pain. It seems that \nI feel rejuvenated, I feel young, less tired and I will continue taking my Urine daily. \nTESTIMONY 25* \nCONSTll'ATlON AND N\u00a3RV\u00a3S. \nYolanda C. Rivas {Mexico} \nI was a very constipated person. \nAfter taking my urine twice I controlled myself very well. \nThanks to God and Chemistry. It also controlled my nerves. \nTESTIMONY 26* \nClRRHOSlS \nNora R. de Ramirez {Mexico} \nMy friend is 55 years old. Her name is Maria of the Angels. She had cirrhosis of \nthe liver. They were ready to give her Interferon. She began Urine-therapy and in \nthree months the astonished doctors asked her what she had done. \nft was not necessary to put the Interferon. \nTESTIMONY 27* \nD1AB\u00a3T\u00a3S. \nCandelario F. Vazquez {Mexico} \nI have had diabetes for four years with counts up to 300. \nI am with the taking of the Urine-therapy each day for fifteen days. \nIn one month the count lowers to 124. \nExplanation: With taking drugs indicated by the Doctors, 6 tablet daily, \nmy diabetes was on the verge of starting injections of insulin. \nNow the therapy arrived for me on time from the grace of God \nand in one month I am completely normal. \nI followed the procedure. I now need to do the fasts.. \nTESTIMONY 28* \nCOL1T1S AND TVB\u00a3RCVLOS1S \nJudith To Munoz { Saito, Jalisco, Mexico } \nI live in Saito, Jalisco. I feel well, because the tuberculosis I had was very hard \nand I felt very bad in my circulation including colitis and hemorrhoids. \n76 I thank to God and to the people who attended the conference and gave \ntheir testimony. \nI feel very well. Thanks. \nTESTIMONY 29* \nR\u00a3VMAT01D\u00a3 ARTHRlTlS \nHope F. { Mexico } \nFirstly I thank God and Mary, and now to those who gave the message to us \nin the conference and spoke of the great medicine that is the Urine. \nI was a year in suffering from rheumatism in my hands. \n1 could not neither take, nor hold anything in my hands, because everything fe11 \nfrom my hands from the pain. \nThey are giving me cramps and began to become deformed in my fingers. \nIn only eight days that I began to take my urine, they began to clear the pains and \nall the annoyances that I had. I began the fasting and nowadays I do not have any \nannoyance. I have my fingers almost in their place. \nI now also control my blood pressure, and I took off spots on my face. \nTESTIMONY 30* \nDlD NOT SP\u00a3AK \nJuan Carlos G. Meza {Mexico} \nJuan Carlos is 8 years old. He has mental delay. He has been taking urine for six \nweeks and already can make orations in his speeches. He did not speak at all. \nThree years ago with the help of a specialized school, he began to speak but a \nmonth ago he began to make sentences longer. \nHe is more wide-awake and mature mentally. \nTHANKS TO GOD. \nTESTIMONY 31* \nMlGRAlN A.,b COllTlS \nMaria de Jesus M { Mexico } \nI have migraine headache and colitis, in addition to a taken off a fingernail. \nl have 2 months taking the Urine. The headaches are gone. \nThe nail that I had for years taken off already is growing and the colitis has not \naffected me more. I no longer have inflamed an stomach. \n77 TESTIMONY 32* \nANGlNAS \nLucila B. Becerra { Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico } \nI live in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. My son Edgar Daniel Valenzuela B. was \ngoing to be operated and since he had become immune to medicines, \nIt was difficult with a problem of chronic anginas. \nThe information of Urine-therapy arrived and immediately f began the therapy. \nThanks to God the boy no longer needs the operation. \nTESTIMONY 33 \nCLAV1S1\u00a3~ M101'1A. \nJesus Solorzano R. { Mexico } \nI healed pain in knees and feet (putting Urine compresses on the affected areas). \nIt also improved my vision. The irritation of the eye came off. I now can see better. \nAlso I wash my hair and it is now growing, after being bald. \n1 have taken it for 8 months. \nTESTIMONY 34* \nCaHcer Al1b Calculatim1s \nRenales Federico N. Orozco { Mexico } \nAfter a month and means to practice the Urine-therapy I started the fasting. \nA very painful tumor disappeared of the center part of my back, which f had for \nover one and a half years. In addition I have been cured of insomnia, improving \nmy average of sleep from 2 hours to 3 hours to a sleep of 6 to 7 hours. \nEven in a last attack of kidney stones, they dissolved with no need of drugs. \nTESTIMONY 35* \nTVMO~ D1AB\u00a3T\u00a3S~ VARlCOS\u00a3 V\u00a31NS \nVictoria P. Gomez { Mexico } \nI cured myself of diabetes, varicose veins, a tumor in the stomach, discharge, \nhigh blood pressure, high cholesterol and a tumor in the eye. \nI have taking my urine for 8 months and did four fasts. Thanks to God I am well. \nI invite everyone to really make the fasts. I feet very welt. \nGod bless to them. \n78 TESTIMONY 36* \nBAD ClRCVLATlON!I MYOPlA.. \nJuan Rafael C. Mojica { Mexico } \nBy this testimony I give for I am cured with the fasting of Urine-therapy. \nI thank God and to Chemistry for giving the person who came to present to us \nthe wonderful therapy. \nI am 82 years old and my problems are~ lack of circulation, sight and nerves. \nI lost a leg by bad circulation 8 years ago. \n1 already began to have problems in my other leg. 1 was prone to have a cerebral \nstroke for which I was constantly Dizzy and loosing my whereabouts. \nI was loosing my sight and I was getting to where I could not walk. \nI began with the therapy the 1Oth of December. \nI took urine every day in fasting from noon to night. \nThanks to God I feel", "token_ids": [335, 720, 40, 2751, 9463, 315, 15173, 11, 9523, 311, 279, 17229, 483, 12, 46755, 304, 856, 1314, 6916, 13, 720, 791, 18247, 848, 380, 1071, 311, 757, 430, 358, 617, 264, 29413, 2908, 430, 374, 520, 22761, 1142, 323, 279, 33271, 720, 438, 279, 50581, 1051, 26422, 757, 13, 578, 6784, 574, 1778, 430, 358, 6646, 15173, 13, 720, 12947, 311, 4359, 220, 16, 6137, 17229, 483, 12, 46755, 389, 279, 220, 2148, 267, 315, 6186, 220, 2550, 21, 323, 304, 23908, 1109, 720, 20375, 5672, 358, 6137, 311, 2733, 3403, 16048, 311, 10894, 15173, 13, 720, 644, 5369, 358, 1047, 304, 856, 1314, 1450, 459, 60754, 311, 4130, 70, 812, 13, 720, 2181, 2744, 7263, 279, 6930, 311, 81792, 449, 45963, 13, 2052, 430, 29496, 12756, 13, 720, 13699, 358, 2733, 856, 23418, 2136, 374, 1633, 1664, 323, 358, 1457, 617, 19226, 13, 720, 5728, 13538, 358, 8063, 449, 17250, 13, 720, 10238, 1829, 53375, 220, 1691, 353, 720, 34, 27267, 22386, 49, 720, 30635, 13, 315, 52219, 328, 13, 5046, 220, 1954, 314, 12550, 335, 720, 40, 6137, 449, 279, 3575, 315, 279, 67675, 1607, 13, 7357, 1060, 358, 4024, 369, 24481, 720, 438, 865, 82817, 311, 387, 3025, 311, 636, 9463, 315, 279, 36254, 13, 358, 1047, 16088, 358, 3952, 2380, 25407, 720, 83, 1244, 1392, 13, 1102, 1550, 539, 733, 3201, 13, 358, 15393, 505, 279, 1938, 315, 279, 10017, 430, 574, 720, 511, 46839, 11, 505, 279, 2305, 315, 6664, 315, 220, 2721, 1070, 574, 2500, 1749, 13, 720, 40, 3940, 279, 17229, 483, 12, 46755, 279, 1938, 1306, 323, 430, 574, 856, 3177, 6147, 13, 720, 40, 2736, 1097, 62320, 13, 9930, 4359, 323, 311, 279, 15419, 13, 720, 10238, 1829, 53375, 220, 1313, 9, 720, 9150, 1428, 5119, 3651, 452, 22386, 36381, 22386, 50, 720, 2654, 462, 3444, 473, 13, 48254, 314, 12550, 335, 720, 40, 1097, 1633, 23418, 323, 1101, 358, 7831, 315, 1633, 26175, 1589, 14989, 13, 720, 41, 6137, 311, 1935, 279, 40335, 323, 9523, 311, 4359, 323, 42846, 11, 720, 40, 617, 539, 16654, 1589, 14989, 323, 358, 2733, 30549, 323, 1633, 19858, 682, 927, 13, 720, 10238, 1829, 53375, 220, 1419, 9, 720, 35, 16, 1905, 22386, 51, 22386, 50, 13, 473, 10158, 22386, 5463, 22386, 6542, 605, 45, 13, 1651, 93, 61976, 7532, 31798, 835, 41, 715, 13, 720, 53545, 547, 11514, 276, 14151, 314, 12550, 335, 720, 40, 9901, 311, 4359, 11, 17229, 483, 430, 4359, 6688, 757, 706, 64688, 757, 13, 358, 16654, 505, 20335, 11, 720, 79343, 531, 2711, 11, 3958, 35855, 315, 279, 6680, 369, 279, 1566, 4848, 4038, 13, 18722, 40, 1550, 2380, 54560, 18852, 13, 720, 40, 2733, 1093, 2500, 1732, 323, 358, 617, 5614, 856, 3752, 13, 720, 644, 279, 54560, 18852, 358, 2733, 4907, 13, 358, 912, 5129, 617, 51266, 682, 927, 856, 2547, 323, 720, 26286, 1990, 279, 6930, 13, 358, 912, 5129, 617, 69393, 323, 34653, 13, 720, 791, 81540, 430, 358, 1047, 304, 279, 7693, 617, 29496, 13, 720, 10238, 1829, 53375, 220, 1187, 9, 720, 8201, 41, 45, 33182, 13, 1651, 93, 43371, 3624, 31798, 946, 720, 17198, 484, 41816, 356, 13, 4701, 58797, 2473, 13, 314, 12550, 335, 720, 2075, 3092, 24365, 374, 430, 358, 617, 264, 2305, 315, 4737, 17229, 483, 13, 358, 1047, 1633, 3831, 51266, 304, 856, 720, 1445, 323, 304, 856, 2163, 1450, 11, 323, 9523, 311, 4359, 358, 656, 539, 617, 904, 6784, 13, 1102, 5084, 430, 720, 40, 2733, 73484, 660, 11, 358, 2733, 3995, 11, 2753, 19781, 323, 358, 690, 3136, 4737, 856, 17229, 483, 7446, 13, 720, 10238, 1829, 53375, 220, 914, 9, 720, 42895, 657, 6, 835, 75, 715, 3651, 452, 22386, 36381, 22386, 50, 13, 720, 56, 337, 10018, 356, 13, 432, 39924, 314, 69931, 92, 720, 40, 574, 264, 1633, 738, 63332, 1732, 13, 720, 6153, 4737, 856, 40335, 11157, 358, 14400, 7182, 1633, 1664, 13, 720, 12947, 311, 4359, 323, 42846, 13, 1102, 1101, 14400, 856, 50581, 13, 720, 10238, 1829, 53375, 220, 1627, 9, 720, 5176, 8268, 39, 3204, 75, 50, 720, 45, 6347, 432, 13, 409, 72093, 314, 69931, 92, 720, 5159, 4333, 374, 220, 2131, 1667, 2362, 13, 6385, 836, 374, 23880, 315, 279, 43145, 13, 3005, 1047, 30570, 41196, 10934, 315, 720, 1820, 26587, 13, 2435, 1051, 5644, 311, 3041, 1077, 5783, 809, 263, 13, 3005, 6137, 17229, 483, 12, 46755, 323, 304, 720, 28956, 4038, 279, 100174, 16410, 4691, 1077, 1148, 1364, 1047, 2884, 13, 720, 728, 574, 539, 5995, 311, 2231, 279, 5783, 809, 263, 13, 720, 10238, 1829, 53375, 220, 1544, 9, 720, 35, 16, 1905, 22386, 51, 22386, 50, 13, 720, 34, 38221, 3370, 435, 13, 650, 1394, 42221, 314, 69931, 92, 720, 40, 617, 1047, 20335, 369, 3116, 1667, 449, 14921, 709, 311, 220, 3101, 13, 720, 40, 1097, 449, 279, 4737, 315, 279, 17229, 483, 12, 46755, 1855, 1938, 369, 37755, 2919, 13, 720, 644, 832, 2305, 279, 1797, 73115, 311, 220, 8874, 13, 720, 70869, 25, 3161, 4737, 11217, 16717, 555, 279, 54943, 11, 220, 21, 21354, 7446, 11, 720, 2465, 20335, 574, 389, 279, 59818, 315, 6041, 65246, 315, 32152, 13, 720, 7184, 279, 15419, 11721, 369, 757, 389, 892, 505, 279, 21507, 315, 4359, 720, 438, 304, 832, 2305, 358, 1097, 6724, 4725, 13, 720, 40, 8272, 279, 10537, 13, 358, 1457, 1205, 311, 656, 279, 5043, 82, 5354, 720, 10238, 1829, 53375, 220, 1591, 9, 720, 19924, 16, 51, 16, 50, 3651, 6007, 33, 22386, 7532, 53, 38658, 16, 50, 720, 62813, 411, 2057, 28982, 9700, 314, 328, 1339, 78, 11, 72995, 9652, 11, 12550, 335, 720, 40, 3974, 304, 328, 1339, 78, 11, 72995, 9652, 13, 358, 2733, 1664, 11, 1606, 279, 88234, 358, 1047, 574, 1633, 2653, 720, 438, 358, 6612, 1633, 3958, 304, 856, 35855, 2737, 1400, 20000, 323, 71417, 17390, 13, 720, 4767, 358, 9901, 311, 4359, 323, 311, 279, 1274, 889, 18677, 279, 10017, 323, 6688, 720, 50828, 24365, 13, 720, 40, 2733, 1633, 1664, 13, 11361, 13, 720, 10238, 1829, 53375, 220, 1682, 9, 720, 49, 22386, 11435, 835, 1721, 35, 22386, 6395, 99747, 75, 51, 75, 50, 720, 39115, 435, 13, 314, 12550, 335, 720, 5451, 398, 358, 9901, 4359, 323, 10455, 11, 323, 1457, 311, 1884, 889, 6688, 279, 1984, 311, 603, 720, 258, 279, 10017, 323, 12570, 315, 279, 2294, 16088, 430, 374, 279, 17229, 483, 13, 720, 40, 574, 264, 1060, 304, 16066, 505, 68132, 46313, 2191, 304, 856, 6206, 13, 720, 16, 1436, 539, 14188, 1935, 11, 6463, 3412, 4205, 304, 856, 6206, 11, 1606, 4395, 1172, 806, 720, 1527, 856, 6206, 505, 279, 6784, 13, 720, 7009, 527, 7231, 757, 1589, 14989, 323, 6137, 311, 3719, 409, 10365, 304, 856, 19779, 13, 720, 644, 1193, 8223, 2919, 430, 358, 6137, 311, 1935, 856, 40335, 11, 814, 6137, 311, 2867, 279, 51266, 323, 720, 543, 279, 38292, 3095, 430, 358, 1047, 13, 358, 6137, 279, 54560, 323, 46877, 358, 656, 539, 617, 904, 720, 1036, 2303, 685, 13, 358, 617, 856, 19779, 4661, 304, 872, 2035, 13, 720, 40, 1457, 1101, 2585, 856, 6680, 7410, 11, 323, 358, 3952, 1022, 19300, 389, 856, 3663, 13, 720, 10238, 1829, 53375, 220, 966, 9, 720, 35, 75, 35, 4276, 9440, 22386, 12173, 720, 93077, 30397, 480, 13, 2206, 4458, 314, 69931, 92, 720, 93077, 30397, 374, 220, 23, 1667, 2362, 13, 1283, 706, 10723, 7781, 13, 1283, 706, 1027, 4737, 40335, 369, 4848, 720, 82089, 323, 2736, 649, 1304, 477, 811, 304, 813, 44440, 13, 1283, 1550, 539, 6604, 520, 682, 13, 720, 20215, 1667, 4227, 449, 279, 1520, 315, 264, 28175, 2978, 11, 568, 6137, 311, 6604, 719, 264, 720, 10460, 4227, 568, 6137, 311, 1304, 23719, 5129, 13, 720, 1548, 374, 810, 7029, 12, 675, 731, 323, 15196, 34325, 13, 720, 3701, 16395, 50, 5257, 59478, 13, 720, 10238, 1829, 53375, 220, 2148, 9, 720, 44, 75, 8796, 2149, 45, 362, 2637, 65, 7432, 657, 51, 75, 50, 720, 69656, 409, 10811, 386, 314, 12550, 335, 720, 40, 617, 92981, 47846, 323, 1400, 20000, 11, 304, 5369, 311, 264, 4529, 1022, 264, 39827, 944, 607, 13, 720, 75, 617, 220, 17, 4038, 4737, 279, 17229, 483, 13, 578, 55403, 527, 8208, 13, 720, 791, 32095, 430, 358, 1047, 369, 1667, 4529, 1022, 2736, 374, 7982, 323, 279, 1400, 20000, 706, 539, 720, 32157, 757, 810, 13, 358, 912, 5129, 617, 4704, 3690, 459, 23152, 13, 720, 2813, 13916, 1829, 53375, 220, 843, 9, 720, 5330, 75, 35596, 720, 41745, 10746, 426, 13, 32146, 14210, 314, 4673, 51588, 1662, 5169, 11, 72995, 9652, 11, 12550, 335, 720, 40, 3974, 304, 4673, 51588, 1662, 5169, 11, 72995, 9652, 11, 12550, 13, 3092, 4538, 60091, 15469, 4196, 17007, 24669, 426, 13, 574, 720, 9738, 311, 387, 24026, 323, 2533, 568, 1047, 3719, 22852, 311, 39653, 11, 720, 2181, 574, 5107, 449, 264, 3575, 315, 21249, 6590, 20718, 13, 720, 791, 2038, 315, 17229, 483, 12, 46755, 11721, 323, 7214, 282, 6137, 279, 15419, 13, 720, 12947, 311, 4359, 279, 8334, 912, 5129, 3966, 279, 5784, 13, 720, 10238, 1829, 53375, 220, 1644, 720, 3218, 8253, 16, 50, 16, 22386, 93, 386, 4645, 6, 16, 32, 13, 720, 55065, 328, 795, 100098, 432, 13, 314, 12550, 335, 720, 40, 62320, 6784, 304, 31624, 323, 7693, 320, 631, 1303, 17229, 483, 25633, 288, 389, 279, 11754, 5789, 570, 720, 2181, 1101, 13241, 856, 11376, 13, 578, 66510, 315, 279, 8071, 3782, 1022, 13, 358, 1457, 649, 1518, 2731, 13, 720, 13699, 358, 11623, 856, 7013, 323, 433, 374, 1457, 7982, 11, 1306, 1694, 48653, 13, 720, 16, 617, 4529, 433, 369, 220, 23, 4038, 13, 720, 10238, 1829, 53375, 220, 1958, 9, 720, 23389, 39, 3913, 1708, 16, 65, 32459, 266, 318, 16, 82, 720, 35725, 3916, 21780, 4042, 452, 13, 60829, 89, 1030, 314, 12550, 335, 720, 6153, 264, 2305, 323, 3445, 311, 6725, 279, 17229, 483, 12, 46755, 358, 3940, 279, 54560, 13, 720, 32, 1633, 26175, 36254, 29496, 315, 279, 4219, 961, 315, 856, 1203, 11, 902, 282, 1047, 369, 720, 2017, 832, 323, 264, 4376, 1667, 13, 763, 5369, 358, 617, 1027, 64688, 315, 83511, 11, 18899, 720, 2465, 5578, 315, 6212, 505, 220, 17, 4207, 311, 220, 18, 4207, 311, 264, 6212, 315, 220, 21, 311, 220, 22, 4207, 13, 720, 13461, 304, 264, 1566, 3440, 315, 39042, 27302, 11, 814, 56767, 449, 912, 1205, 315, 11217, 13, 720, 10238, 1829, 53375, 220, 1758, 9, 720, 16027, 10754, 93, 423, 16, 1905, 22386, 51, 22386, 50, 93, 44608, 75, 34, 3204, 22386, 650, 22386, 16, 2507, 720, 82056, 393, 13, 63398, 314, 12550, 335, 720, 40, 64688, 7182, 315, 20335, 11, 767, 292, 974, 60764, 11, 264, 36254, 304, 279, 23152, 11, 32643, 11, 720, 12156, 6680, 7410, 11, 1579, 39086, 323, 264, 36254, 304, 279, 8071, 13, 720, 40, 617, 4737, 856, 40335, 369, 220, 23, 4038, 323, 1550, 3116, 5043, 82, 13, 11361, 311, 4359, 358, 1097, 1664, 13, 720, 40, 22114, 5127, 311, 2216, 1304, 279, 5043, 82, 13, 358, 7693, 1633, 78848, 13, 720, 28622, 16458, 311, 1124, 13, 720, 2495, 13916, 1829, 53375, 220, 1927, 9, 720, 54672, 2493, 7532, 31798, 835, 75, 715, 91597, 18725, 46, 2169, 32, 5354, 720, 93077, 55500, 356, 13, 90437, 3074, 314, 12550, 335, 720, 1383, 420, 24365, 358, 3041, 369, 358, 1097, 64688, 449, 279, 54560, 315, 17229, 483, 12, 46755, 13, 720, 40, 9901, 4359, 323, 311, 42846, 369, 7231, 279, 1732, 889, 3782, 311, 3118, 311, 603, 720, 1820, 11364, 15419, 13, 720, 40, 1097, 220, 6086, 1667, 2362, 323, 856, 5435, 527, 93, 6996, 315, 35855, 11, 14254, 323, 50581, 13, 720, 40, 5675, 264, 2531, 555, 3958, 35855, 220, 23, 1667, 4227, 13, 720, 16, 2736, 6137, 311, 617, 5435, 304, 856, 1023, 2531, 13, 220, 16, 574, 38097, 311, 617, 264, 60745, 720, 29341, 369, 902, 358, 574, 15320, 423, 91591, 323, 781, 14759, 856, 80602, 13, 720, 40, 574, 781, 14759, 856, 14254, 323, 358, 574, 3794, 311, 1405, 358, 1436, 539, 4321, 13, 720, 40, 6137, 449, 279, 15419, 279, 220, 16, 46, 339, 315, 6790, 13, 720, 40, 3952, 40335, 1475, 1938, 304, 54560, 505, 38245, 311, 3814, 13, 720, 12947, 311, 4359, 358, 2733], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": "C h a p t e r 4\nY ou\u2019r e Dr eaming... It\u2019 s T ime to\nW ake Up\nAccording to many spiritual teachers and ancient traditions, our entire world,\nyour life and everyone else\u2019 s lif e, is nothing more than a dream. They don\u2019 t\nsay that our wo rld and everything in it is like a dream, but th at it is literally\nmade from the s ame substance as our dreams and is equally as illusory. When\nyou are permanently staying as A wareness, you will know fo r certain that\nyour life and the world are not the reality you thought they we re: they are a\ndream.\n\u201cThis lif e is a dr eam; we\u2019re dreaming we\u2019re a person living in a world that we\nare convinced is real. W e don\u2019 t realize it\u2019 s all a dream. The whole world as\nnow seen is no thing but a drea m-illusion that never was. The truth is just\nbehind the outward world.\u201d\nLester Levenson, fr om Happiness Is Free, volumes 1\u20135\n\u201cW e should be open to the possibility that this is a dream and when we do,\neverything chan ges dramatically. It actually turns out to be so. If this waking\nexperience is seen to be a dream, then our behavior changes and we will find\nthat the respons e coming from the characters or the situation in this dream\nalso changes.\u201d\nFrancis Lucille, fr om The Perfume of Silence\n\u201cW e are right now in a lucid dream. And part of the dream is that which we\ncall mind, body, and universe.\u201d\nDeepak ChopraTM, M.D.\n\u201cAnd th e dream is seamless so it\u2019 s virtually impossible for pe ople to wake\nup.\u201d\nMy teacher\nIn your night dreams your mind creates your body, other people (some you\nknow, so me you don\u2019 t know), cities, towns, houses, vehicles, food, objects,\ntrees, na ture, an imals, the sun, stars, and sky. It also creates time passing,daytime, nighttime, voices, sounds, and every circumstance a nd event that\ntakes place in y our dream. Y our mind creates an entire world, it creates a\ndream v ersion o f you, and it makes everything seem so real that you don\u2019 t\neven question it\u2014until you wake up! Only then do you realize it was a dream.\n\u201cY ou probably have noticed one of the main things about a dream. V irtually\nalways, the \u201cyou\u201d in the dream doesn\u2019 t realize it\u2019 s a dream. That\u2019 s the ironic\nthing about dreaming. The char acters in a dream automatically assume they\nare w ide awake! The dream cha racters are not awake. The dream experiences\nare not real. But in the drea m, none of that has been noticed. Notice\nsomething else about a dream. As far as the dream characters are concerned,\nthere is nothing beyond the dream. The dream characters have no idea that\nthere is another, real kind of awakeness. A dream character has no idea of\nwhat it\u2019 s missing.\u201d\nPeter Dziuban, fr om Simply Notice\n\u201cWhile w e are subjected to the night dream, everything seems to be real. If we\nsee a tiger, we are afraid because we don\u2019 t know that we are c reating the tiger.\nIf w e kn ew that we couldn\u2019 t po ssibly be afraid, could we? This demonstrates\nthat an illusion can seem to be quite real while we are subjec ted to it, even\nthough, when we become awar e of its illusory nature, we understand that it\nwas we who were creating it all along.\u201d\nFrancis Lucille, fr om T ruth Love Beauty\nEven if you\u2019re fully aware th at the world is a dream, you still remain\nrespectful of its physicality, and of your physical body. Y ou don\u2019 t go and jump\nof f a building, because the build ing, the ground, your body, and gravity are all\nmade of the same dream stuf f, and you will feel it! As one teacher said, if you\ncome up and pinch me in a dream, I will feel it, because it\u2019 s a dream pinch!\u201cIn a dream, ten years may pass by in one minute. Y ou may have a baby and\nthen be taking it, as a child, to school. When you wake up, you see that the\nbody in the drea m was an illusion, and the time to which it was subjected was\nalso an illusion, but from the vantage point of the dream, it seemed to be real.\u201d\nFrancis Lucille, fr om The Perfume of Silence\n\u201cIf we take the dream state as an example, there may be a dream that covers a\nfifty-year period, but we wake u p and realize that it didn\u2019 t actually happen. It\nonly seemed real while there was identification with the dream state of\nconsciousness. The waking state is also only an extremely convincing play\nthat consciousness is producing.\u201d\nDavid Bingham, fr om Conscious TV\n\u201cThe laws of physics are the laws that apply to this waking d ream. During\nnight dr eams, th e laws of physics are dif ferent. That is why y ou can fly at\nnight!\u201d\nFrancis Lucille, fr om The Perfume of Silence\nNo matter what takes place in the \u201cearth\u201d dream, the end is the same for all of\nus: we wake up to discover that it was all a dream! This is why we\u2019re told by\nspiritual teacher s to \u201cwake up. \u201d It means waking up from the illusion and\nrealizing that it\u2019 s all a dream. W hen we wake up to the truth, we discover that\nno one was ever hurt or harmed, and no one died; just like when you wake up\nterrorized following a nightmare, and you realize with relief that no one was\nactually hurt and nothing bad happened, it was just a dream.\n\u201cIf you can go to a movie an d see a picture of war and suf fering, and\nafterward say \u2018What a wonderful picture!\u2019 so may you take this life as a\ncosmic picture-s how. Be prepared for every kind of experience that may come\nto you, realizing that all are but dreams.\u201d\nParamahansa Y ogananda, fr om Man\u2019 s Eternal Quest\n\u201cSeeing the world as a dream is a great practice, and it will help break its\napparent solidity.\u201d\nFrancis Lucille\nW aking Up\n\u201cThe greatest healing is to wake up from what we are not.\u201d\nMooji\n\u201cIt\u2019 s like shifting your eyes from one thing to a dif ferent thing. It\u2019 s that subtle.\nIt\u2019 s like exhalin g. When you\u2019re ready, you\u2019ll do it. Don\u2019 t tell y ourself you\u2019ll\nnever be ready. Don\u2019 t tell yourself it\u2019 s not possible. It\u2019 s happening all around\nyou, to people j ust like you. Th ey aren\u2019 t troubled anymore. They used to be.\nThey are still living their lives. They are brimming in joy. They live lives of\nease, no matter what is going on. Don\u2019 t be jealous of them. Don\u2019 t doubt them.\nBecome that way yourself. Y ou will rejoice. Y ou will no t be able to\nunderstand why you let yourself continue so long the other way.\u201d\nJan Frazier, fr om Opening the DoorI can say with absolute certaint y that I was asleep for several d ecades of my\nlife. I know I was asleep beca use I can pinpoint the exact day, the exact\nmoment, and the exact circumstance when I first woke up! Since then I have\nhad lots of sma ll awakenings, and another major awakening. A wakening is\nlike coming out of a fog, when suddenly it clears, and you can s ee everything\nclearly.\nSome people have woken up lying on a couch, walking through a parking lot\nto their car, hearing the sound of a bird or something a teacher says, or reading\nsomething in particular. Many have woken up in the midst o f a terrifying\nevent, or during a personal crisis when their life had hit rock bottom. And for\nall of them, it w as only when they woke up that they realize d\u2014they were\nasleep.\n\u201cMost p eople, even though they don\u2019 t know it, are asleep. They\u2019re born\nasleep, t hey live asleep, they ma rry in their sleep, they breed children in their\nsleep, th ey die in their sleep w ithout ever waking up. They liv e mechanical\nlives, mechanical thoughts\u2014generally somebody else\u2019 s\u2014mechanical\nemotions, mechanical actions, mechanical reactions. They never understand\nthe loveliness and the beauty of this thing that we call human existence.\u201d\nAnthony de Mello, S.J., fr om A wareness: Conversations with the Masters\nOur min d is mechanical, like a program in a computer, so if we\u2019re governed\nby o ur m ind, the n our life is mechanical. Maybe you continually find yourself\nwith not enough money. This is the result of a mechanical mind repeating the\nsame thoughts of \u201cnot enough money\u201d over and over again. Y ou empower\nthose thoughts by believing them, and so you continue to experience not\nhaving e nough m oney. This is th e work of the", "token_ids": [34, 305, 264, 281, 259, 384, 436, 220, 220, 19, 198, 56, 6033, 529, 81, 384, 2999, 384, 6605, 662, 662, 662, 1102, 529, 274, 350, 75534, 311, 198, 54, 264, 441, 3216, 198, 11439, 311, 1690, 18330, 13639, 323, 14154, 32006, 11, 1057, 4553, 1917, 345, 22479, 2324, 220, 323, 5127, 775, 529, 274, 10345, 384, 11, 374, 4400, 810, 1109, 264, 8063, 13, 2435, 1541, 529, 259, 198, 37890, 430, 1057, 24670, 436, 509, 323, 4395, 304, 433, 374, 1093, 220, 264, 8063, 11, 719, 270, 520, 433, 374, 16280, 198, 28010, 505, 279, 274, 1097, 68, 20278, 439, 1057, 19226, 323, 374, 18813, 439, 5986, 355, 683, 662, 3277, 198, 9514, 527, 31859, 19994, 439, 220, 362, 51806, 2136, 11, 499, 690, 1440, 12018, 436, 3738, 430, 198, 22479, 2324, 220, 323, 279, 1917, 527, 539, 279, 8903, 499, 3463, 814, 584, 312, 25, 814, 527, 264, 198, 57291, 627, 31378, 10345, 384, 374, 264, 1377, 384, 309, 26, 584, 3207, 56774, 584, 3207, 264, 1732, 5496, 304, 264, 1917, 430, 584, 198, 548, 22954, 374, 1972, 13, 468, 384, 1541, 529, 259, 13383, 433, 529, 274, 682, 264, 8063, 13, 578, 4459, 1917, 439, 198, 3409, 3970, 374, 912, 3245, 719, 264, 294, 5325, 296, 12, 82262, 430, 2646, 574, 13, 578, 8206, 374, 1120, 198, 30998, 485, 279, 52046, 1917, 49216, 43, 5302, 2009, 21778, 263, 11, 1448, 8019, 220, 79244, 2209, 3658, 11, 27378, 220, 16, 4235, 20, 198, 2118, 54, 384, 1288, 387, 1825, 311, 279, 13336, 430, 420, 374, 264, 8063, 323, 994, 584, 656, 345, 73826, 27114, 14748, 29057, 662, 1102, 3604, 10800, 704, 311, 387, 779, 13, 1442, 420, 48728, 198, 50659, 374, 3970, 311, 387, 264, 8063, 11, 1243, 1057, 7865, 4442, 323, 584, 690, 1505, 198, 9210, 279, 4294, 384, 5108, 505, 279, 5885, 477, 279, 6671, 304, 420, 8063, 198, 19171, 4442, 49216, 81428, 285, 14103, 4618, 11, 1448, 8019, 220, 578, 72548, 3972, 315, 69188, 198, 2118, 54, 384, 527, 1314, 1457, 304, 264, 27016, 307, 8063, 13, 1628, 961, 315, 279, 8063, 374, 430, 902, 584, 198, 6797, 4059, 11, 2547, 1174, 323, 15861, 49216, 34564, 587, 65097, 969, 22809, 11, 386, 920, 627, 68932, 270, 384, 8063, 220, 374, 47970, 779, 220, 433, 529, 274, 21907, 12266, 369, 1069, 297, 698, 311, 15508, 198, 455, 49216, 5159, 11326, 198, 644, 701, 3814, 19226, 701, 4059, 11705, 701, 2547, 1174, 1023, 1274, 320, 15031, 499, 198, 33134, 1174, 779, 757, 499, 1541, 529, 259, 1440, 705, 9919, 11, 25861, 11, 15316, 11, 11731, 11, 3691, 11, 6302, 345, 91512, 11, 4415, 259, 554, 11, 459, 737, 1147, 11, 279, 7160, 11, 9958, 11, 323, 13180, 662, 1102, 1101, 11705, 892, 12579, 11, 1316, 1712, 11, 93744, 11, 24196, 11, 10578, 11, 323, 1475, 53237, 264, 15953, 1567, 430, 198, 79079, 2035, 304, 379, 1057, 8063, 13, 816, 1057, 4059, 11705, 459, 4553, 1917, 11, 433, 11705, 264, 198, 57291, 348, 220, 1349, 297, 282, 499, 11, 323, 433, 3727, 4395, 2873, 779, 1972, 430, 499, 1541, 529, 259, 198, 17206, 3488, 433, 2345, 39830, 499, 15508, 709, 0, 8442, 1243, 656, 499, 13383, 433, 574, 264, 8063, 627, 2118, 56, 6033, 4762, 617, 14000, 832, 315, 279, 1925, 2574, 922, 264, 8063, 13, 650, 220, 2154, 1870, 198, 33222, 11, 279, 1054, 9514, 863, 304, 279, 8063, 3250, 529, 259, 13383, 433, 529, 274, 264, 8063, 13, 3011, 529, 274, 279, 59560, 198, 1626, 922, 56774, 13, 578, 1181, 1180, 388, 304, 264, 8063, 9651, 9855, 814, 198, 548, 289, 2679, 35447, 0, 578, 8063, 13826, 436, 5090, 527, 539, 35447, 13, 578, 8063, 11704, 198, 548, 539, 1972, 13, 2030, 304, 279, 294, 5325, 296, 11, 7000, 315, 430, 706, 1027, 14000, 13, 25773, 198, 34431, 775, 922, 264, 8063, 13, 1666, 3117, 439, 279, 8063, 5885, 527, 11920, 345, 19041, 374, 4400, 7953, 279, 8063, 13, 578, 8063, 5885, 617, 912, 4623, 430, 198, 19041, 374, 2500, 1174, 1972, 3169, 315, 42518, 434, 13, 362, 8063, 3752, 706, 912, 4623, 315, 198, 12840, 433, 529, 274, 7554, 49216, 37659, 423, 8510, 392, 276, 11, 1448, 8019, 220, 29524, 25773, 198, 2118, 8142, 289, 384, 527, 38126, 311, 279, 3814, 8063, 11, 4395, 5084, 311, 220, 387, 1972, 13, 1442, 584, 198, 4151, 264, 52835, 1174, 584, 527, 16984, 1606, 584, 1541, 529, 259, 1440, 430, 584, 527, 272, 312, 1113, 279, 52835, 16853, 2746, 289, 384, 1168, 37990, 430, 220, 584, 7846, 529, 259, 3273, 11107, 6623, 387, 16984, 11, 1436, 584, 30, 1115, 220, 32216, 198, 9210, 459, 41919, 649, 2873, 311, 387, 5115, 1972, 1418, 584, 527, 1207, 74301, 42323, 311, 433, 11, 1524, 198, 4636, 11, 994, 584, 3719, 1384, 277, 384, 315, 1202, 5986, 355, 683, 7138, 11, 584, 3619, 430, 433, 198, 16514, 584, 889, 1051, 6968, 433, 682, 3235, 49216, 81428, 285, 14103, 4618, 11, 1448, 8019, 220, 350, 54246, 10919, 31685, 198, 13461, 422, 220, 499, 3207, 7373, 8010, 270, 520, 279, 1917, 374, 264, 8063, 11, 499, 2103, 7293, 198, 45734, 1285, 315, 1202, 7106, 488, 1174, 323, 315, 701, 7106, 2547, 662, 816, 6033, 1541, 529, 259, 733, 323, 7940, 198, 1073, 282, 264, 4857, 11, 1606, 279, 1977, 6892, 11, 279, 5015, 11, 701, 2547, 1174, 323, 24128, 527, 682, 198, 28010, 315, 279, 1890, 8063, 357, 1739, 282, 11, 323, 499, 690, 2733, 433, 0, 1666, 832, 11326, 1071, 11, 422, 499, 198, 2063, 709, 323, 50346, 757, 304, 264, 8063, 11, 358, 690, 2733, 433, 11, 1606, 433, 529, 274, 264, 8063, 50346, 115655, 644, 264, 8063, 11, 5899, 1667, 1253, 1522, 555, 304, 832, 9568, 13, 816, 6033, 1253, 617, 264, 8945, 323, 198, 3473, 387, 4737, 433, 11, 439, 264, 1716, 11, 311, 2978, 13, 3277, 499, 15508, 709, 11, 499, 1518, 430, 279, 198, 2664, 304, 279, 294, 5325, 296, 574, 459, 41919, 11, 323, 279, 892, 311, 902, 433, 574, 38126, 574, 198, 19171, 459, 41919, 11, 719, 505, 279, 348, 25843, 1486, 315, 279, 8063, 11, 433, 9508, 311, 387, 1972, 49216, 81428, 285, 14103, 4618, 11, 1448, 8019, 220, 578, 72548, 3972, 315, 69188, 198, 38684, 584, 1935, 279, 8063, 1614, 439, 459, 3187, 11, 1070, 1253, 387, 264, 8063, 430, 14861, 264, 198, 69, 39724, 4771, 4261, 11, 719, 584, 15508, 577, 281, 323, 13383, 430, 433, 3287, 529, 259, 3604, 3621, 13, 1102, 198, 3323, 9508, 1972, 1418, 1070, 574, 22654, 449, 279, 8063, 1614, 315, 198, 64589, 2136, 13, 578, 48728, 1614, 374, 1101, 1193, 459, 9193, 40661, 1514, 198, 9210, 25917, 374, 17843, 49216, 23083, 426, 24125, 11, 1448, 8019, 92752, 6007, 198, 14305, 7016, 315, 22027, 527, 279, 7016, 430, 3881, 311, 420, 48728, 294, 312, 309, 13, 12220, 198, 9471, 1377, 384, 4214, 11, 270, 384, 7016, 315, 22027, 527, 1422, 18728, 306, 13, 3011, 374, 3249, 379, 6033, 649, 11722, 520, 198, 9471, 18319, 198, 81428, 285, 14103, 4618, 11, 1448, 8019, 220, 578, 72548, 3972, 315, 69188, 198, 2822, 5030, 1148, 5097, 2035, 304, 279, 1054, 28641, 863, 8063, 11, 279, 842, 374, 279, 1890, 369, 682, 315, 198, 355, 25, 584, 15508, 709, 311, 7142, 430, 220, 433, 574, 682, 264, 8063, 0, 1115, 374, 3249, 584, 3207, 3309, 555, 198, 86390, 940, 11326, 274, 311, 1054, 91019, 709, 13, 19524, 1102, 3445, 48728, 709, 505, 279, 41919, 323, 198, 8110, 4954, 430, 433, 529, 274, 682, 264, 8063, 13, 468, 48916, 584, 15508, 709, 311, 279, 8206, 11, 584, 7142, 430, 198, 2201, 832, 574, 3596, 13194, 477, 69525, 11, 323, 912, 832, 8636, 26, 1120, 1093, 994, 499, 15508, 709, 198, 38488, 1534, 2768, 264, 38911, 11, 323, 499, 13383, 449, 16337, 430, 912, 832, 574, 198, 74128, 13194, 323, 4400, 3958, 7077, 11, 433, 574, 1120, 264, 8063, 627, 38684, 499, 649, 733, 311, 264, 5818, 459, 294, 1518, 264, 6945, 315, 4208, 323, 56868, 282, 4776, 11, 323, 198, 10924, 1637, 2019, 3451, 3923, 264, 11364, 6945, 72434, 779, 1253, 499, 1935, 420, 2324, 439, 264, 198, 9594, 21914, 6945, 1355, 1268, 662, 2893, 10235, 369, 1475, 3169, 315, 3217, 430, 1253, 2586, 198, 998, 499, 11, 44114, 430, 682, 527, 719, 19226, 49216, 2044, 1494, 94702, 816, 7500, 276, 10018, 11, 1448, 8019, 220, 2418, 529, 274, 67872, 15403, 198, 2118, 83224, 279, 1917, 439, 264, 8063, 374, 264, 2294, 6725, 11, 323, 433, 690, 1520, 1464, 1202, 198, 680, 1415, 73263, 662, 89874, 81428, 285, 14103, 4618, 198, 54, 264, 10789, 3216, 198, 14305, 12474, 21730, 374, 311, 15508, 709, 505, 1148, 584, 527, 539, 49216, 44, 2689, 7910, 198, 17818, 529, 274, 1093, 220, 32931, 220, 701, 6548, 505, 832, 3245, 311, 264, 1422, 18728, 306, 3245, 13, 1102, 529, 274, 430, 27545, 627, 2181, 529, 274, 1093, 506, 12130, 258, 342, 13, 3277, 499, 3207, 5644, 1174, 499, 4805, 656, 433, 13, 4418, 529, 259, 3371, 379, 1057, 726, 499, 4805, 198, 37593, 387, 5644, 662, 4418, 529, 259, 3371, 6261, 433, 529, 274, 539, 3284, 13, 1102, 529, 274, 12765, 682, 2212, 198, 9514, 11, 311, 1274, 503, 88689, 1093, 499, 13, 666, 3999, 7784, 529, 259, 42132, 14926, 13, 2435, 1511, 311, 387, 627, 7009, 527, 2103, 5496, 872, 6439, 13, 2435, 527, 1437, 41133, 304, 16267, 662, 2435, 3974, 6439, 315, 198, 47714, 11, 912, 220, 5030, 1148, 374, 2133, 389, 662, 4418, 529, 259, 387, 41690, 315, 1124, 13, 4418, 529, 259, 10712, 1124, 627, 65349, 430, 1648, 6261, 13, 816, 6033, 690, 92859, 13, 816, 6033, 690, 912, 259, 387, 3025, 311, 198, 8154, 2752, 3249, 499, 1095, 6261, 3136, 779, 1317, 279, 1023, 1648, 662, 89874, 18820, 435, 92147, 1174, 1448, 8019, 220, 41137, 279, 25166, 40, 649, 220, 2019, 449, 10973, 2847, 1673, 379, 430, 358, 574, 33173, 369, 3892, 294, 12208, 3536, 315, 856, 198, 14789, 13, 358, 1440, 358, 574, 33173, 387, 936, 1005, 358, 649, 67638, 279, 4839, 1938, 1174, 279, 4839, 198, 29699, 11, 323, 279, 4839, 53237, 994, 358, 1176, 39826, 709, 0, 8876, 1243, 358, 617, 198, 32345, 10283, 315, 1554, 64, 9507, 42518, 826, 11, 323, 2500, 3682, 75149, 13, 362, 289, 74462, 374, 198, 4908, 5108, 704, 315, 264, 31349, 11, 994, 15187, 433, 57698, 11, 323, 499, 649, 274, 37443, 4395, 198, 7574, 398, 16853, 8538, 1274, 617, 289, 1713, 709, 21078, 389, 264, 27240, 11, 11689, 1555, 264, 13217, 2763, 198, 998, 872, 1841, 1174, 11011, 279, 5222, 315, 264, 12224, 477, 2555, 264, 11326, 2795, 11, 477, 5403, 198, 34431, 304, 4040, 662, 9176, 617, 289, 1713, 709, 304, 279, 35446, 297, 282, 264, 42351, 198, 3163, 11, 477, 2391, 264, 4443, 11501, 994, 872, 2324, 1047, 4295, 7091, 5740, 13, 1628, 369, 198, 543, 315, 1124, 11, 433, 289, 439, 1193, 994, 814, 39826, 709, 430, 814, 13383, 294, 71201, 1051, 198, 300, 3583, 627, 2118, 13622, 281, 384, 1184, 11, 1524, 3582, 814, 1541, 529, 259, 1440, 433, 11, 527, 33173, 13, 2435, 3207, 9405, 198, 300, 3583, 11, 259, 35309, 3974, 33173, 11, 814, 7643, 436, 894, 304, 872, 6212, 11, 814, 28875, 2911, 304, 872, 198, 26894, 11, 270, 3999, 2815, 304, 872, 6212, 289, 78942, 412, 3596, 48728, 709, 13, 2435, 15471, 384, 22936, 198, 75, 1924, 11, 22936, 11555, 2345, 7642, 750, 18570, 775, 529, 274, 2345, 2727, 5776, 950, 198, 336, 41356, 11, 22936, 6299, 11, 22936, 25481, 13, 2435, 2646, 3619, 198, 1820, 781, 899, 1918, 323, 279, 13444, 315, 420, 3245, 430, 584, 1650, 3823, 14209, 49216, 70098, 409, 386, 4896, 11, 328, 3587, 2637, 1448, 8019, 220, 362, 51806, 2136, 25, 56496, 811, 449, 279, 34722, 198, 8140, 1332, 294, 374, 22936, 11, 1093, 264, 2068, 304, 264, 6500, 1174, 779, 422, 584, 3207, 27800, 198, 1729, 297, 4433, 296, 1280, 11, 279, 308, 1057, 2324, 374, 22936, 13, 10926, 499, 35611, 220, 1505, 6261, 198, 4291, 539, 3403, 3300, 662, 1115, 374, 220, 279, 1121, 315, 264, 22936, 4059, 40916, 279, 198, 25030, 11555, 315, 1054, 1962, 3403, 3300, 863, 927, 323, 927, 1578, 13, 816, 6033, 26285, 198, 54719, 11555, 555, 35090, 1124, 11, 323, 779, 499, 3136, 311, 3217, 539, 198, 69666, 384, 308, 1409, 296, 832, 88, 662, 1115, 374, 270, 384, 990, 315, 279], "source": "0xBreath/holistic-books"} {"text": "ati onships and your communications. This is why you need\nto take great care of what you think and be aware of what kind of\nrelationship you have with your thoughts. The way to an increasing awareness of your thoughts is to pay\nattention to the way you feel. Not only will your feelings be the\nindicators of where you have let your thoughts go, but your external\nrelationships will also always reflect what is going on in your thinking. This is because your powerful mind communicates all the time. The mind is very powerful, and never loses its creative force. It\nnever sleeps. Every instant it is creating. It is hard to recogni ze\nthat thought and belief combine into a power surge that can\nliterally move mountains. We need to have experiences that show us that we are more than a\nbody and that we can communicate beyond the body. Sometimes people\nwill tell me they have a dream where they can fly and experience\nfreedom. In whatever way is given to us, in whatever way we attract, we\nneed to have an experience that we are more than a body. There is a lot\nof resea rch around near-death experiences and out-of-body experiences\nand lots and lots of reports around people who are in comas and\nunconscious. If communication were based on the body and certain brain\nactivity, a coma would seem like a definite break in communication. Yet\nover and over, we hear stories of patients who come out of comas and\nsay things like, \u201cWhy did you tell that story about me. \u201d This shows\nclearly that communication is not limited to the body. This shows that\nwe can begin to loosen up from the idea that we are powerless and go\nbeyond preconceived limits with our communication. Sometimes we can\neven have telepathic experiences. It works more like prayers: you send\nout a vibe with your thoughts, then the universe responds to that vibe,\nand that is reflected directly in the world around you. This is what I\nmean when I say that you communicate all the time. The more we allow for open and transparent communication, the\nmore we feel our expansiveness. Therefore, this is a very helpf ul prayer\nto the Holy Spirit: \u201cPlease show me how to use the body and\ncommunication best to expa nd my perception. \u201d This expanded\nperception gives us a feeling of a much stronger connection to everyone\nand everything. Communing with Spirit in Communication\nThe Holy Spirit uses the body for only one purpose, and that is as a\ncommunication device to help the mind regain the awareness that true\ncommunication is through Spirit and that true communication is with the\nCreator. Becaus e the mind has fallen asleep and believes in separationand bodies, the Spirit has to use what the separated mind believe s in. For\nexample, you go about your day using words as you speak and maybe as\nyou write, so the Holy Spirit will guide you through words to train the\nmind to come back into true communion. The purpose of Spirit -inspired\ncommunication is to go beyond the interpersonal communication to\ncommunion with the One. The more you practice this, the more you let Spirit pour through\nyou and express through you. You don\u2019t hold back anymore. You start to\nhave an experien ce of an inner dialogue, as if you are teaching yourself,\nas if there is nobody else in the universe but you. There is just one mind,\nbut that one mind has been forgotten and seems to have fragmented off\ninto billions of pieces that only know of the little personality self. In everything you do, let your practice become to see the body and\npersonality self as your means but never the \u201cend goal. \u201d When the body\nand the person are the focus and are given too much attenti on, they\nbecome the end rather than means. Let your mind be the end, your divine\nmind, the mind that you truly are, the mind that thinks with God. The\nwhole purpose of life is to have a connected experience. Let your\nintuition take charge. Your ego has been running the show for quite a\nwhile without getting to what you really, truly want. It has been striving\n\u2014another goal, improving the body, another relationship\u2014see king and\nnot finding. Now you can start allowing your mind to be the end and the\nbody the means for this end in all your relationships and situations in\nlife. You can start to see that your body has only one purpose: to be a\ncommunication device that the Spirit can use to expand your perception. Healing your mind deserves your full attention. If you let the body be\nyour communication device and if you don\u2019t withhold any\ncommunication, everything channels into one experience. In trusting and following the Holy Spirit, you are shown a sense of\nintimacy and connection that is not dependent on bodies being together. Why does it sometimes feel so terrible when the bodies go apart. Separation anxiety happens when you believe that there can be a break in\ncommunication. When you feel located in a body in a particular place in\nspace, you can feel very, very alone. Exercise: Feel Connected in Y our Communication\nWhen you are ready to begin your next assignment, take your\nusual few minutes to calm and quiet your mind. Take several deep\nbreaths, remembering your healing purpose, and invite the Holy\nSpirit to be with you during this process. In this exercise, you are\ngoing to look at fear of communication. When you feel ready to\nlook within, open your mind to the following steps:\n1. Choose a current relationship where you are holding back\nfrom communicating. Write down all the ways you hold\nback. 2. Identify situations where you have opportunities to speak\nup, share, or connect and still feel you hold back. Write\nthem down. 3. Are you willing to communicate how you really feel in order\nto experience true connection. Write down your immedia te\nresponse. If you notice any resistance or hesitation, be\nhonest about it and make notes. 4. Journal about the relationship : your thoughts, feelings, and\nbeliefs about yourself and the other. Don\u2019t leave anything\nout of your exploration. Include thoughts about a specific\nsituation if this comes to mind. 5. Write a list of all the things you would say to the perso n\ninvolved. For the purpose of the exercise, don\u2019t exclude\nanything out of a belief that you need to be nice or hold up\na certain mask, for example. 6. Do you have any expectations about the other person\u2019 s\nresponse. Write them down. What responses do you fear. What responses do you hope for. 7. Are you willing to let go of your expectations and open to a\nnew perspective. Know that releasing your expectations isthe means to peace. Take time to go into this inquiry and\njournal about your observations. 8. Open your mind to the light behind your perception of the\nother person and remember your healing purpose. Take a\ndeep breath, welcome a prayerful state of mind, and relax. Ask the Spirit for guidance about what it is you are to do or\nsay to them and finally, give this relationship over to Him. Sharing Freely Is Loving\nWhen you make it a priority to follow the Holy Spirit\u2019 s inspiration in\nyour heart and stay in full open communication with others and with\nGod, doubt and fear will start to disappear and not be reflected by other\npeople anymore. When you have integrity\u2014when what you think, say,\nand do, are in alignment\u2014you are at peace. God created us in truth as love; therefore, this is the only thing that\nwe can truly share. Words of wisdom pour through you when you are in\ncommunion with your Creator, whether that be with other people,\nthrough the Internet, or anything that blesses. Chapter 13\nCollaboration\nDivine collaboration differs from special relationships in every way, as it\nholds the promise of a lived experience of relationship without\nexpectations at its core. It has a deep respect and an understan ding that\ntranscends the usual roles we play. It wants nothing from another, but\neach person within a holy collaborative relationship is sharing something\nthat is deeply nurturing, leaving each feeling full and grateful. These are\nthe relationship s that offer an experience of joining with something\nmuch greater. Collaborative Assignments for Deeper Alignment\nwith Spirit\nOnce you have made the decision to make healing the goal for your\nrelationships, the Holy Spirit provides the means for it to happen. There\nis a divine plan available for our worldly interpersonal relationships,\nthough this plan is generally hidden until our minds have reached a\ncertain maturity. The purpose of a collaborative relationship, as well as\nof every assignment, is to learn as deeply as you can about who you truly\nare. Healing through relationships comes in many forms. Some people\ndon\u2019t feel intuitively guided or drawn in to an intimate or romantic\nrelationship since they have plenty of relationships in their daily life, at\nwork, and with friends and relatives. There are many different\nassignments that we can use to align with the Holy Spirit, and couple\nrelationships can be major assignments. They are among the most potent\ntraining grounds in this world. You need a sense of a shared purpose in relationship assignmen ts, a\ncommitment, that is always directed to the light and the healing. The\nunconscious mind is filled with much darkness that has to be exposed. You need to go through the darkness to arrive at the light. It can seem\nlike a long, dark tunnel; sometimes you may wonder if there is light at\nthe end. The shared purpose is what sustains you as you move through\nthe darkness to reach the light. It is not", "token_ids": [9491, 389, 18143, 323, 701, 17320, 13, 1115, 374, 3249, 499, 1205, 198, 998, 1935, 2294, 2512, 315, 1148, 499, 1781, 323, 387, 8010, 315, 1148, 220, 3169, 315, 198, 37195, 499, 617, 449, 701, 11555, 13, 578, 1648, 311, 459, 7859, 17985, 315, 701, 11555, 374, 311, 2343, 198, 54203, 311, 279, 1648, 499, 2733, 13, 2876, 1193, 690, 701, 16024, 387, 279, 198, 485, 43152, 315, 1405, 499, 617, 1095, 701, 11555, 733, 11, 719, 701, 9434, 198, 86924, 690, 1101, 2744, 8881, 1148, 374, 2133, 389, 304, 701, 7422, 13, 1115, 374, 1606, 701, 8147, 4059, 92606, 682, 279, 892, 13, 578, 4059, 374, 1633, 8147, 11, 323, 2646, 33291, 1202, 11782, 5457, 13, 1102, 198, 37593, 72490, 13, 7357, 9888, 433, 374, 6968, 13, 1102, 374, 2653, 311, 5952, 72, 14017, 198, 9210, 3463, 323, 16801, 16343, 1139, 264, 2410, 22531, 430, 649, 198, 69191, 750, 3351, 24405, 13, 1226, 1205, 311, 617, 11704, 430, 1501, 603, 430, 584, 527, 810, 1109, 264, 198, 2664, 323, 430, 584, 649, 19570, 7953, 279, 2547, 13, 18156, 1274, 198, 14724, 3371, 757, 814, 617, 264, 8063, 1405, 814, 649, 11722, 323, 3217, 198, 25746, 8944, 13, 763, 8996, 1648, 374, 2728, 311, 603, 11, 304, 8996, 1648, 584, 9504, 11, 584, 198, 17483, 311, 617, 459, 3217, 430, 584, 527, 810, 1109, 264, 2547, 13, 2684, 374, 264, 2763, 198, 1073, 312, 37541, 436, 331, 2212, 3221, 97586, 11704, 323, 704, 8838, 9534, 11704, 198, 438, 10283, 323, 10283, 315, 6821, 2212, 1274, 889, 527, 304, 470, 300, 323, 198, 359, 64589, 13, 1442, 10758, 1051, 3196, 389, 279, 2547, 323, 3738, 8271, 198, 7323, 11, 264, 70398, 1053, 2873, 1093, 264, 44870, 1464, 304, 10758, 13, 14968, 198, 2017, 323, 927, 11, 584, 6865, 7493, 315, 6978, 889, 2586, 704, 315, 470, 300, 323, 198, 37890, 2574, 1093, 11, 1054, 10445, 1550, 499, 3371, 430, 3446, 922, 757, 13, 19524, 1115, 5039, 198, 7574, 398, 430, 10758, 374, 539, 7347, 311, 279, 2547, 13, 1115, 5039, 430, 198, 906, 649, 3240, 311, 83842, 709, 505, 220, 279, 4623, 430, 584, 527, 85452, 323, 733, 198, 65, 23478, 864, 444, 8946, 13693, 449, 1057, 10758, 13, 18156, 584, 649, 198, 17206, 617, 8122, 2398, 292, 11704, 13, 1102, 4375, 810, 1093, 34296, 25, 499, 3708, 198, 412, 264, 47811, 449, 701, 11555, 11, 1243, 279, 15861, 31680, 311, 430, 47811, 345, 438, 430, 374, 27000, 6089, 304, 279, 1917, 2212, 499, 13, 1115, 374, 1148, 358, 198, 14622, 994, 358, 2019, 430, 499, 19570, 682, 279, 892, 13, 578, 810, 584, 2187, 369, 1825, 323, 18300, 10758, 11, 279, 198, 6518, 584, 2733, 1057, 40014, 13071, 13, 15636, 11, 420, 374, 264, 1633, 1520, 69, 8725, 23788, 198, 998, 279, 19229, 17326, 25, 1054, 5618, 1501, 757, 1268, 311, 1005, 279, 2547, 323, 198, 51271, 1888, 311, 1367, 64, 15953, 856, 21063, 13, 19524, 1115, 17626, 198, 716, 1010, 6835, 603, 264, 8430, 315, 264, 1790, 16643, 3717, 311, 5127, 198, 438, 4395, 13, 6947, 38302, 449, 17326, 304, 31966, 198, 791, 19229, 17326, 5829, 279, 2547, 220, 369, 1193, 832, 7580, 11, 323, 430, 374, 439, 264, 198, 51271, 3756, 311, 1520, 279, 4059, 49655, 279, 17985, 430, 837, 198, 51271, 374, 1555, 17326, 323, 430, 837, 10758, 374, 449, 279, 198, 32965, 13, 32146, 12119, 384, 279, 4059, 706, 21536, 33173, 323, 13919, 304, 25768, 438, 13162, 11, 279, 17326, 706, 311, 1005, 1148, 279, 19180, 4059, 4510, 274, 304, 13, 1789, 198, 8858, 11, 499, 733, 922, 701, 1938, 1701, 4339, 439, 499, 6604, 323, 7344, 439, 198, 9514, 3350, 11, 779, 279, 19229, 17326, 690, 8641, 499, 1555, 4339, 311, 5542, 279, 198, 38824, 311, 2586, 1203, 1139, 837, 94132, 13, 578, 7580, 315, 17326, 482, 1354, 11986, 198, 51271, 374, 311, 733, 7953, 279, 74958, 10758, 311, 198, 3705, 16588, 449, 279, 3861, 13, 578, 810, 499, 6725, 420, 11, 279, 810, 499, 1095, 17326, 5019, 1555, 198, 9514, 323, 3237, 220, 1555, 499, 13, 1472, 1541, 1431, 3412, 1203, 14926, 13, 1472, 1212, 311, 198, 19553, 459, 2183, 3675, 3846, 315, 459, 9358, 21976, 11, 439, 422, 499, 527, 12917, 6261, 345, 300, 422, 1070, 374, 19093, 775, 304, 279, 15861, 719, 499, 13, 2684, 374, 1120, 832, 4059, 345, 8248, 430, 832, 4059, 706, 1027, 25565, 323, 5084, 311, 617, 87195, 1022, 198, 18614, 33151, 315, 9863, 430, 1193, 1440, 315, 279, 2697, 17743, 659, 13, 763, 4395, 499, 656, 11, 1095, 701, 6725, 3719, 311, 1518, 279, 2547, 323, 198, 9164, 2786, 659, 439, 701, 3445, 719, 2646, 279, 1054, 408, 5915, 13, 19524, 3277, 279, 2547, 198, 438, 279, 1732, 527, 279, 5357, 323, 527, 2728, 2288, 1790, 1651, 23202, 389, 11, 814, 198, 17106, 638, 279, 842, 4856, 1109, 3445, 13, 6914, 701, 4059, 387, 279, 842, 11, 701, 30467, 198, 38824, 11, 279, 4059, 430, 499, 9615, 527, 11, 279, 4059, 430, 15849, 449, 4359, 13, 578, 198, 67733, 7580, 315, 2324, 374, 311, 617, 264, 8599, 3217, 13, 6914, 701, 198, 396, 38161, 1935, 6900, 13, 4718, 37374, 706, 1027, 4401, 279, 1501, 369, 5115, 264, 198, 3556, 2085, 3794, 311, 1148, 499, 2216, 11, 9615, 1390, 13, 1102, 706, 1027, 68727, 198, 2345, 43063, 5915, 11, 18899, 279, 2547, 11, 2500, 5133, 2345, 4151, 11734, 323, 198, 1962, 9455, 13, 4800, 499, 649, 1212, 10923, 701, 4059, 311, 387, 279, 842, 323, 279, 198, 2664, 279, 3445, 220, 369, 420, 842, 304, 682, 701, 12135, 323, 15082, 304, 198, 14789, 13, 1472, 649, 1212, 311, 1518, 430, 701, 2547, 706, 1193, 832, 7580, 25, 311, 387, 264, 198, 51271, 3756, 430, 279, 17326, 649, 1005, 311, 9407, 701, 21063, 13, 49741, 701, 4059, 30675, 701, 2539, 6666, 13, 1442, 499, 1095, 279, 2547, 387, 198, 22479, 10758, 3756, 323, 422, 499, 1541, 1431, 87900, 904, 198, 51271, 11, 4395, 12006, 1139, 832, 3217, 13, 763, 69344, 323, 2768, 279, 19229, 17326, 11, 499, 527, 6982, 264, 5647, 315, 198, 396, 318, 2826, 323, 3717, 430, 374, 539, 18222, 389, 13162, 1694, 3871, 13, 8595, 1587, 433, 7170, 2733, 779, 17936, 994, 279, 13162, 733, 10980, 13, 34199, 367, 18547, 8741, 994, 499, 4510, 430, 1070, 649, 387, 264, 1464, 304, 198, 51271, 13, 3277, 499, 2733, 7559, 304, 264, 2547, 304, 264, 4040, 2035, 304, 198, 8920, 11, 499, 649, 2733, 1633, 11, 1633, 7636, 13, 33918, 25, 32833, 50586, 304, 816, 1057, 31966, 198, 4599, 499, 527, 5644, 311, 3240, 701, 1828, 16720, 11, 1935, 701, 198, 81324, 2478, 4520, 311, 19858, 323, 11594, 701, 4059, 13, 12040, 3892, 5655, 198, 21152, 27382, 11, 48384, 701, 21730, 7580, 11, 323, 22114, 279, 19229, 198, 87475, 311, 387, 449, 499, 2391, 420, 1920, 13, 763, 420, 10368, 11, 499, 527, 198, 9738, 311, 1427, 520, 8850, 315, 10758, 13, 3277, 499, 2733, 5644, 311, 198, 7349, 2949, 11, 1825, 701, 4059, 311, 279, 2768, 7504, 512, 16, 13, 22991, 264, 1510, 5133, 1405, 499, 527, 10168, 1203, 198, 1527, 42247, 13, 9842, 1523, 682, 279, 5627, 499, 3412, 198, 1445, 13, 220, 17, 13, 65647, 15082, 1405, 499, 617, 10708, 311, 6604, 198, 455, 11, 4430, 11, 477, 4667, 323, 2103, 2733, 499, 3412, 1203, 13, 9842, 198, 49818, 1523, 13, 220, 18, 13, 8886, 499, 10032, 311, 19570, 1268, 499, 2216, 2733, 304, 2015, 198, 998, 3217, 837, 3717, 13, 9842, 1523, 701, 737, 7551, 1028, 198, 2376, 13, 1442, 499, 5406, 904, 13957, 477, 65437, 11, 387, 198, 71, 36224, 922, 433, 323, 1304, 8554, 13, 220, 19, 13, 10139, 922, 279, 5133, 551, 701, 11555, 11, 16024, 11, 323, 198, 9978, 30921, 922, 6261, 323, 279, 1023, 13, 4418, 1431, 5387, 4205, 198, 412, 315, 701, 27501, 13, 30834, 11555, 922, 264, 3230, 198, 47965, 4090, 422, 420, 4131, 311, 4059, 13, 220, 20, 13, 9842, 264, 1160, 315, 682, 279, 2574, 499, 1053, 2019, 311, 279, 78072, 308, 198, 14386, 8905, 13, 1789, 279, 7580, 315, 279, 10368, 11, 1541, 1431, 22429, 198, 73254, 704, 315, 264, 16801, 430, 499, 1205, 311, 387, 6555, 477, 3412, 709, 198, 64, 3738, 7056, 11, 369, 3187, 13, 220, 21, 13, 3234, 499, 617, 904, 17078, 922, 279, 1023, 1732, 529, 274, 198, 2376, 13, 9842, 1124, 1523, 13, 3639, 14847, 656, 499, 8850, 13, 3639, 14847, 656, 499, 3987, 369, 13, 220, 22, 13, 8886, 499, 10032, 311, 1095, 733, 315, 701, 17078, 323, 1825, 311, 264, 198, 943, 13356, 13, 14521, 430, 28965, 701, 17078, 6127, 383, 3445, 311, 9096, 13, 12040, 892, 311, 733, 1139, 420, 26981, 323, 198, 43618, 922, 701, 24654, 13, 220, 23, 13, 5377, 701, 4059, 311, 279, 3177, 4920, 701, 21063, 315, 279, 198, 1605, 1732, 323, 6227, 701, 21730, 7580, 13, 12040, 264, 198, 33980, 11745, 11, 10788, 264, 23788, 1285, 1614, 315, 4059, 11, 323, 12234, 13, 21069, 279, 17326, 369, 19351, 922, 1148, 433, 374, 499, 527, 311, 656, 477, 198, 37890, 311, 1124, 323, 5616, 11, 3041, 420, 5133, 927, 311, 21058, 13, 57135, 7730, 989, 2209, 90422, 198, 4599, 499, 1304, 220, 433, 264, 10844, 311, 1833, 279, 19229, 17326, 529, 274, 20343, 304, 198, 22479, 4851, 323, 4822, 304, 2539, 1825, 10758, 449, 3885, 323, 449, 198, 28622, 11, 10712, 323, 8850, 690, 1212, 311, 32153, 323, 539, 387, 27000, 555, 1023, 198, 16455, 14926, 13, 3277, 499, 617, 17025, 2345, 9493, 1148, 499, 1781, 11, 2019, 345, 438, 656, 11, 527, 304, 17632, 71480, 527, 520, 9096, 13, 4359, 3549, 603, 304, 8206, 439, 3021, 26, 9093, 11, 420, 374, 279, 1193, 3245, 430, 198, 906, 649, 9615, 4430, 13, 28730, 315, 24278, 5019, 1555, 499, 994, 499, 527, 304, 198, 3705, 16588, 449, 701, 36778, 11, 3508, 430, 387, 449, 1023, 1274, 345, 20322, 279, 8191, 11, 477, 4205, 430, 16458, 288, 13, 15957, 220, 1032, 198, 15623, 4422, 367, 198, 12792, 483, 20632, 44642, 505, 220, 3361, 12135, 304, 1475, 1648, 11, 439, 433, 198, 54219, 279, 11471, 315, 264, 12439, 3217, 315, 5133, 2085, 198, 17557, 811, 520, 1202, 6332, 13, 1102, 706, 264, 5655, 5201, 323, 459, 14653, 276, 67542, 430, 198, 1485, 66, 1438, 279, 13783, 13073, 584, 1514, 13, 1102, 6944, 4400, 505, 2500, 11, 719, 198, 9739, 1732, 2949, 264, 27823, 40806, 5133, 374, 11821, 2555, 198, 9210, 374, 17693, 84911, 11, 9564, 220, 1855, 8430, 2539, 323, 26259, 13, 4314, 527, 198, 1820, 5133, 274, 430, 3085, 459, 3217, 315, 18667, 449, 2555, 198, 59178, 7191, 13, 49681, 1413, 32739, 1392, 369, 1611, 10653, 33365, 198, 4291, 17326, 198, 12805, 499, 617, 1903, 279, 5597, 311, 1304, 21730, 279, 5915, 369, 701, 198, 86924, 11, 279, 19229, 17326, 5825, 279, 3445, 369, 433, 311, 3621, 13, 2684, 198, 285, 264, 30467, 3197, 2561, 369, 1057, 97706, 74958, 12135, 345, 4636, 420, 3197, 374, 8965, 8340, 3156, 1057, 20663, 617, 8813, 264, 198, 66, 7770, 48261, 13, 578, 7580, 315, 264, 40806, 5133, 11, 439, 1664, 439, 198, 1073, 1475, 16720, 11, 374, 311, 4048, 439, 17693, 439, 499, 649, 922, 889, 499, 9615, 198, 548, 13, 49741, 1555, 12135, 4131, 304, 1690, 7739, 13, 4427, 1274, 198, 15357, 1431, 2733, 97301, 3210, 33687, 477, 15107, 304, 311, 459, 32487, 477, 24364, 198, 37195, 2533, 814, 617, 11510, 315, 12135, 304, 872, 7446, 2324, 11, 520, 198, 1816, 11, 323, 449, 4885, 323, 29658, 13, 2684, 527, 1690, 2204, 198, 97410, 430, 584, 649, 1005, 311, 5398, 449, 279, 19229, 17326, 11, 323, 5743, 198, 86924, 649, 387, 3682, 32272, 13, 2435, 527, 4315, 279, 1455, 36875, 198, 31754, 21319, 304, 420, 1917, 13, 1472, 1205, 264, 5647, 315, 264, 6222, 7580, 304, 5133, 9993, 5794, 10814, 11, 264, 198, 17869, 479, 11, 430, 374, 2744, 15910, 311, 279, 3177, 323, 279, 21730, 13, 578, 198, 359, 64589, 4059, 374, 10409, 449, 1790, 27394, 430, 706, 311, 387, 15246, 13, 1472, 1205, 311, 733, 1555, 279, 27394, 311, 17782, 520, 279, 3177, 13, 1102, 649, 2873, 198, 4908, 264, 1317, 11, 6453, 26711, 26, 7170, 499, 1253, 5895, 422, 1070, 374, 3177, 520, 198, 1820, 842, 13, 578, 6222, 7580, 374, 1148, 10446, 1771, 499, 439, 499, 3351, 220, 1555, 198, 1820, 27394, 311, 5662, 279, 3177, 13, 1102, 374, 539], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": "EXICO\nChihuahua\nH. Berlanga Reyes, M.D. (DIPL)\nAntonio de Montes 2118\nCol. San Felipe\nChihuahua, Chih. 31240\nCT,GER,GP,PM\nGuadalajara, Jalisco\nEleazar A. Carrasco, M.D. (P)\nChapultepec Norte 140-203\nGuadalajara, Jalisco 44600\nCT,GP,GYN,OBS,S\nF. Navares Merino, M.D. (DIPL)\nLopez Mateos Nte. 646, S.H. Guadalajara, Jalisco 44680\nCT,NT,PM\nJuarez, Chihuahua\nH. Berlanga Reyes, M.D. (DIPL)\nInsurgentes 2516\nCd. Juarez, Chihuahua 32330\nCT,GER,GP,PMFrancisco Soto, M.D. (D/C)\n16 de Septiembre, 2215\n32030 Cd. Juarez\nCD,CT,DD,HO,PM,S\nMatamoros, Tamp. Frank Morales, Sr., M.D. (P)\n1a y Nardos, Cal. Jardin\nH. Matamoros, Tamp. CT,DD,NT,PM\nTijuana\nFrancisco Rique, M.D. (P)\nAzucenas 15\nFrac. del Prado\nTijuana, B.C. AC,AR,CT,DD,NT,PM\nRodrigo Rodriguez, M.D. (D/C)\nAzucenas 15\nFrac. del Prado\nTijuana, B.C. CD,CT,DD,GER,MM,PM\nRoberto Tapia, M.D. (P)\nAzucenas 15\nFrac. del Prado\nTijuana, B.C. CT,DD,END,MM,NT,PM\nTorreon, Coahuila\nCarlos Lopez Moreno, M.D. (P)\nTulipanes 475\nCol. Torreon, Jardin\nTorreon, Coahuila 27200\nCT,NT,PMNETHERLANDS\nBilthoven\nC.J.M. Broekhuyse, M.D. (D/C)\nHobbemalaan 11\n3723 EP Bilthoven\nAC,AU,CT,DD,GP,NT,PM\nEtten-Leur\nPeter Zeegers, M.D. (P)\nBeatrixpark 20\n4872 BJ Etten-Leur\nA,CD,CT,DD,GP\nHaarlem\nEduard Schweden, M.D. (DIPL)\nKenaupark 22\n2011 MT Haarlem\nCT,DD,NT,OS,PM\nDirk van Lith, M.D. (DIPL)\nKenaupark 22\n2011 MT Haarlem\nA,DD,CT,GP,HO,NT,PM,S\nLeende\nPeter van der Schaar, M.D. (DIPL)\nRenheide 2\n5595 XJ Leende\nCD,CT,DD,OME,S\nMarc Verheyen, M.D. (DIPL)\nRenheide 2\n5595 XJ Leende\nCD,CT,DD,OME,S\nLoenerslootA. Verbon, M.D. (D/C)\nVoorburgstraat 30\nNL3634 AW Loenersloot\nCT,PUD\nMaastricht\nRob van Zandvoort, M.D. (DIPL)\nBurg. Cortenstraat 26\n6226 GV Maastricht\nCT\nOudenbosch\nE.T. Oei, M.D. (D/C)\n34 St. Louis Markt\n4731 HP Oudenbosch\nAC,CT,DIA,END,GER,IM\nRotterdam\nRobert T.H.K. Trossel, M.D. (DIPL)\nZoutmanstraat 4\n3012 EV Rotterdam\nA,DD,CT,GP,HO,NT,PM,S\nUtrecht\nP.J.C. Riethoven, M.D. (D/C)\nRamstraat 27-A\n3581 HD Utrecht\nCT\nVelp\nJ.H. Leenders, M.D. (D/C)\n344 Arnhemsestraatweg\n6881 NK Velp\nA,AC,AU,CD,CT,DD,PM\nNETHERLANDS ANTILLESAruba\nAdhemar E. Hart, M.D. (P)\nShakespearstraat 13\nOranjestad, Aruba\nPD\nSt. Maarten\nDirk van Lith, M.D. (DIPL)\nPO Box 3030\nSimpsonbay\nSt. Maarten\nA,CT,DD,GP,HO,NT,PM,S\nRobert T.H.K. Trossel, M.D. (DIPL)\nPO Box 3030\nSimpsonbay, St. Maarten\nA,CT,DD,GP,HO,NT,PM,S,\nNEW ZEALAND\nAuckland\nMaurice B. Archer, D.O. (P)\nPO Box 2981\nAuckland 1\nCT,NT,PM\nR.H. Bundellu, M.D. (DIPL)\n173 Tamaki Road\nOtara, Auckland\nCT,FP,OBS\nChristchurch\nRobert Blackmore, M.D. (D/C)\n196 Hills Road\nChristchurch 1\nAC,CT,FP,GP,NT,OBSHamilton\nWilliam J. Reeder, M.D. (D/C)\nPO Box 4187\nHamilton\nAC,CT,GP,NT,PM\nMasterton\nT.J. Baily Gibson, M.D. (DIPL)\nPO Box 274\nMasterton\nA,CT,FP,OBS,OME\nNew Lynn\nRaymond Ramirez, M.D. (P)\n3075 Great North Road\nNew Lynn, Auckland\nAC,AU,CT,GP,OSM,YS\nNapier\nTony Edwards, M.D. (D/C)\n30 Munroe Street\nNapier\nCT,FP,NT,OBS,PM\nOxford, North Canterbury\nTed Walford, M.D. (P)\n454 Cameron Road\nTauranga\nCT,NT,PM\nTauranga\nMichael E. Godfrey, M.D. (DIPL)\nWillow House\n14 Willow Street\nTaurangaCT,OME,PM\nPHILIPPINES\nManila\nRosa M. Ami Belli, M.D. (P)\nSuite 303-501\nPDC Building\n1440 Taft Avenue\nManila\nCT,HGL,NT,P\nLeonides Lerma, M.D. (P)\n#301, Pearl Garden\n1700 M. Adriatico Malate\nManila\nA,AC,AU,GER,P\nCorazon Macawili-Yu, M.D. (P)\nSuite 303-501\nPDC Building\n1440 Taft Avenue\nManila\nCT,NT,PM\nRemedios L. Reynoso, M.D. (P)\nSuite 303-501\nPDC Building\n1440 Taft Avenue\nManila\nCT,NT,PM\nPUERTO RICO\nCidra\nPedro Rivera, M.D. (P)\nPO Box 1518Cidra 00639\n(Retired)\nSanturce\nPedro Zayas, M.D. (D/C)\nPO Box 14275\nB.O. Obrero Station\nSanturce\nAC,BA,CT,FP,HGL,NT\nSPAIN\nMalaga\nHenning Munksnaes, M.D. (P)\nMedina Sidonia 192\nUrb. Torre Nueva\nMijas Costa/Malaga\nCT,DD,GYN,NT,P\nSWITZERLAND\nGeneva\nRobert Tissot, M.D. (P)\n168 Route de Malagnou\n1224 Geneva\nAU,NT,OSM,PM,PMR\nMontreux\nClaude Rossel, M.D., Ph.D. \n(P)\nClinique Bon Port\n1820 Montreux\nCT,NT,PM\nNetstal (Glarus)\nWalter Blumer, M.D. (P)\n8754 Netstal\n(Glarus bei Zurich)CT\n(Honorary Life Member)\nTAIWAN (R.O.C.) Taipei\nPaul Lin, M.D. (P)\n5 Lane 85 Sung Chiang Road\nTaipei\nCT,NT,PM\nYeh-Sung Lin, M.D. (P)\n154 Sec. 1 Chien Kuo N. Road\nTaipei\nAN,CD,DD,DIA,END\nWEST INDIES\nJamaica\nH. Marco Brown, M.D. (D/C)\n6 Corner Lane\nMontego Bay, Jamaica\nCT,NT,PMNotes\nChapter 1\nThe Painkiller With a Problem\n1. Olver, I.N. ; J. Aisner; A. Hament; L. Buchanan; J.F. Bishop; and R.S. Kaplan. \u201cA prospective study of topical dimethyl sulfoxide for treating anthracycline\nextravasation.\u201d \nJournal of Clinical Oncology\n (Nov. 1988); 6(11):1732\u20131735. 2. Babenko, V.N. \u201cTreatment of patients with generalized periodontitis with a\n", "token_ids": [3337, 33750, 198, 1163, 82984, 1494, 4381, 198, 39, 13, 9084, 5317, 64, 77259, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 18091, 2989, 340, 17555, 82513, 409, 9995, 288, 220, 11483, 23, 198, 6255, 13, 5960, 82547, 198, 1163, 82984, 1494, 4381, 11, 921, 7141, 13, 220, 13384, 1272, 198, 1182, 11, 8912, 11, 25434, 11, 8971, 198, 17198, 51588, 1662, 5169, 11, 72995, 9652, 198, 46439, 34144, 362, 13, 30474, 80457, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 47, 340, 1163, 73906, 68, 1007, 83393, 220, 6860, 12, 9639, 198, 17198, 51588, 1662, 5169, 11, 72995, 9652, 220, 20385, 410, 198, 1182, 11, 25434, 38406, 25259, 75449, 7497, 21861, 198, 37, 13, 452, 2979, 417, 8930, 3394, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 18091, 2989, 340, 43, 42359, 44670, 437, 452, 668, 13, 220, 22642, 11, 328, 3924, 13, 4673, 51588, 1662, 5169, 11, 72995, 9652, 220, 20385, 1490, 198, 1182, 11, 6542, 11, 8971, 198, 63704, 39614, 11, 921, 82984, 1494, 4381, 198, 39, 13, 9084, 5317, 64, 77259, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 18091, 2989, 340, 15841, 5673, 21938, 220, 13860, 21, 198, 91300, 13, 22410, 39614, 11, 921, 82984, 1494, 4381, 220, 15726, 966, 198, 1182, 11, 8912, 11, 25434, 11, 8971, 81428, 9652, 328, 2117, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 35, 11547, 340, 845, 409, 5488, 54571, 11, 220, 12425, 20, 198, 9588, 966, 85090, 13, 22410, 39614, 198, 6620, 11, 1182, 11, 4195, 11, 24755, 11, 8971, 21861, 198, 11836, 309, 269, 437, 11, 350, 1141, 13, 9454, 76602, 11, 34688, 2637, 386, 920, 13, 320, 47, 340, 16, 64, 379, 452, 569, 437, 11, 3400, 13, 622, 54890, 198, 39, 13, 7011, 309, 269, 437, 11, 350, 1141, 13, 19084, 11, 4195, 11, 6542, 11, 8971, 198, 51, 64274, 3444, 198, 81428, 9652, 432, 2428, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 47, 340, 38299, 1791, 28043, 220, 868, 198, 37, 20554, 13, 1624, 2394, 2172, 198, 51, 64274, 3444, 11, 426, 732, 13, 10807, 11, 946, 11, 1182, 11, 4195, 11, 6542, 11, 8971, 198, 60207, 81, 7992, 41732, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 35, 11547, 340, 38299, 1791, 28043, 220, 868, 198, 37, 20554, 13, 1624, 2394, 2172, 198, 51, 64274, 3444, 11, 426, 732, 13, 11325, 11, 1182, 11, 4195, 11, 8912, 11, 8195, 11, 8971, 198, 14804, 14200, 37234, 689, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 47, 340, 38299, 1791, 28043, 220, 868, 198, 37, 20554, 13, 1624, 2394, 2172, 198, 51, 64274, 3444, 11, 426, 732, 13, 19084, 11, 4195, 11, 4794, 11, 8195, 11, 6542, 11, 8971, 198, 33450, 50890, 11, 3623, 27793, 10746, 198, 93599, 45315, 79275, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 47, 340, 51, 360, 575, 14997, 220, 19799, 198, 6255, 13, 8611, 50890, 11, 622, 54890, 198, 33450, 50890, 11, 3623, 27793, 10746, 220, 15741, 410, 198, 1182, 11, 6542, 11, 8971, 15734, 3087, 40915, 50, 198, 33, 321, 339, 16651, 198, 34, 3587, 1345, 13, 6031, 1247, 71, 4168, 325, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 35, 11547, 340, 39, 21046, 336, 6181, 276, 220, 806, 198, 17662, 18, 19613, 39158, 339, 16651, 198, 1741, 15381, 52, 11, 1182, 11, 4195, 11, 25434, 11, 6542, 11, 8971, 198, 32960, 2002, 47268, 324, 198, 37659, 10120, 68692, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 47, 340, 3513, 2619, 29836, 220, 508, 198, 22184, 17, 87599, 19421, 2002, 47268, 324, 198, 32, 11, 6620, 11, 1182, 11, 4195, 11, 25434, 198, 34042, 277, 3516, 198, 36, 1072, 569, 30605, 14466, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 18091, 2989, 340, 42, 7304, 455, 847, 220, 1313, 198, 679, 16, 19629, 14433, 277, 3516, 198, 1182, 11, 4195, 11, 6542, 11, 3204, 11, 8971, 198, 6315, 74, 5355, 41678, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 18091, 2989, 340, 42, 7304, 455, 847, 220, 1313, 198, 679, 16, 19629, 14433, 277, 3516, 198, 32, 11, 4195, 11, 1182, 11, 25434, 11, 24755, 11, 6542, 11, 8971, 21861, 198, 2356, 11178, 198, 37659, 5355, 2761, 5124, 74709, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 18091, 2989, 340, 35725, 383, 579, 220, 17, 198, 22424, 20, 1630, 41, 2009, 11178, 198, 6620, 11, 1182, 11, 4195, 11, 11662, 21861, 198, 48741, 6383, 36661, 268, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 18091, 2989, 340, 35725, 383, 579, 220, 17, 198, 22424, 20, 1630, 41, 2009, 11178, 198, 6620, 11, 1182, 11, 4195, 11, 11662, 21861, 198, 4357, 18724, 385, 354, 32, 13, 6383, 6098, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 35, 11547, 340, 53, 10922, 10481, 13645, 266, 220, 966, 198, 31142, 18199, 19, 34438, 6621, 18724, 385, 354, 198, 1182, 28494, 4760, 198, 44, 5418, 496, 4970, 198, 14804, 5355, 1901, 438, 3415, 371, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 18091, 2989, 340, 33, 5673, 13, 36775, 268, 13645, 266, 220, 1627, 198, 19808, 21, 81900, 386, 5418, 496, 4970, 198, 1182, 198, 46, 61227, 79548, 331, 198, 36, 844, 13, 507, 20568, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 35, 11547, 340, 1958, 800, 13, 12140, 99417, 198, 21505, 16, 12478, 507, 61227, 79548, 331, 198, 1741, 11, 1182, 28365, 5987, 11, 4794, 11, 8912, 11, 1829, 198, 38036, 51229, 198, 35632, 350, 3924, 11606, 13, 350, 2177, 301, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 18091, 2989, 340, 57, 412, 1543, 13645, 266, 220, 19, 198, 12405, 17, 15238, 98877, 198, 32, 11, 4195, 11, 1182, 11, 25434, 11, 24755, 11, 6542, 11, 8971, 21861, 198, 52, 94970, 198, 47, 3587, 732, 13, 52830, 93622, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 35, 11547, 340, 64948, 13645, 266, 220, 1544, 6830, 198, 17112, 16, 12445, 549, 94970, 198, 1182, 198, 53, 1290, 198, 41, 3924, 13, 2009, 14846, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 35, 11547, 340, 17451, 1676, 17134, 336, 325, 13645, 266, 29229, 198, 23292, 16, 71163, 650, 1290, 198, 32, 11, 1741, 15381, 52, 11, 6620, 11, 1182, 11, 4195, 11, 8971, 198, 15734, 3087, 40915, 50, 88014, 1750, 14344, 7098, 31529, 198, 2654, 30132, 277, 469, 13, 23750, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 47, 340, 2059, 2094, 8174, 13645, 266, 220, 1032, 198, 2244, 276, 50115, 329, 11, 1676, 31529, 198, 23891, 198, 626, 13, 11583, 23992, 198, 6315, 74, 5355, 41678, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 18091, 2989, 340, 2089, 8425, 220, 13236, 15, 198, 50, 6802, 942, 47364, 198, 626, 13, 11583, 23992, 198, 32, 11, 1182, 11, 4195, 11, 25434, 11, 24755, 11, 6542, 11, 8971, 21861, 198, 35632, 350, 3924, 11606, 13, 350, 2177, 301, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 18091, 2989, 340, 2089, 8425, 220, 13236, 15, 198, 50, 6802, 942, 47364, 11, 800, 13, 11583, 23992, 198, 32, 11, 1182, 11, 4195, 11, 25434, 11, 24755, 11, 6542, 11, 8971, 21861, 345, 21242, 1901, 36, 984, 4064, 198, 32, 48978, 198, 44, 4202, 560, 426, 13, 59979, 11, 423, 8548, 13, 320, 47, 340, 2089, 8425, 220, 17690, 16, 198, 32, 48978, 220, 16, 198, 1182, 11, 6542, 11, 8971, 198, 49, 3924, 13, 30708, 616, 84, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 18091, 2989, 340, 11908, 29988, 14966, 9728, 198, 85895, 5169, 11, 54346, 198, 1182, 11, 11960, 75449, 7497, 198, 19875, 65294, 198, 35632, 5348, 6518, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 35, 11547, 340, 5162, 25964, 9728, 198, 19875, 65294, 220, 16, 198, 1741, 11, 1182, 11, 11960, 11, 25434, 11, 6542, 75449, 7497, 97530, 198, 45887, 622, 13, 1050, 7442, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 35, 11547, 340, 2089, 8425, 220, 19770, 22, 198, 97530, 198, 1741, 11, 1182, 11, 25434, 11, 6542, 11, 8971, 198, 44, 561, 37733, 198, 51, 3587, 13, 426, 5179, 44522, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 18091, 2989, 340, 2089, 8425, 220, 16590, 198, 44, 561, 37733, 198, 32, 11, 1182, 11, 11960, 75449, 7497, 11, 11662, 198, 3648, 45638, 198, 30287, 12669, 72093, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 47, 340, 14777, 20, 8681, 4892, 9728, 198, 3648, 45638, 11, 54346, 198, 1741, 15381, 52, 11, 1182, 11, 25434, 11, 3204, 44, 11, 9579, 198, 45, 391, 1291, 198, 58834, 37863, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 35, 11547, 340, 966, 28982, 35804, 6825, 198, 45, 391, 1291, 198, 1182, 11, 11960, 11, 6542, 75449, 7497, 11, 8971, 198, 46, 23382, 11, 4892, 84600, 198, 79753, 468, 3181, 541, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 47, 340, 20555, 27524, 9728, 198, 51, 4202, 19934, 198, 1182, 11, 6542, 11, 8971, 198, 51, 4202, 19934, 198, 26597, 469, 13, 4359, 76331, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 18091, 2989, 340, 10149, 363, 4783, 198, 975, 65449, 6825, 198, 51, 4202, 19934, 1182, 11, 11662, 11, 8971, 198, 11079, 1750, 36859, 34708, 198, 1692, 10746, 198, 49, 12252, 386, 13, 3383, 72, 18366, 72, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 47, 340, 29100, 220, 13236, 12, 14408, 198, 47, 5744, 17283, 198, 8929, 15, 24172, 728, 17569, 198, 1692, 10746, 198, 1182, 44639, 3910, 11, 6542, 28494, 198, 73004, 3422, 80940, 1764, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 47, 340, 2, 12405, 11, 37343, 19558, 198, 8258, 15, 386, 13, 62443, 780, 78, 8560, 349, 198, 1692, 10746, 198, 32, 11, 1741, 15381, 52, 11, 8912, 28494, 198, 10803, 5639, 7553, 675, 4008, 30237, 84, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 47, 340, 29100, 220, 13236, 12, 14408, 198, 47, 5744, 17283, 198, 8929, 15, 24172, 728, 17569, 198, 1692, 10746, 198, 1182, 11, 6542, 11, 8971, 198, 6728, 291, 3614, 445, 13, 40183, 28246, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 47, 340, 29100, 220, 13236, 12, 14408, 198, 47, 5744, 17283, 198, 8929, 15, 24172, 728, 17569, 198, 1692, 10746, 198, 1182, 11, 6542, 11, 8971, 198, 6459, 3481, 46, 432, 33750, 198, 34, 307, 969, 198, 36294, 299, 64210, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 47, 340, 2089, 8425, 220, 9690, 23, 34, 307, 969, 220, 11030, 2137, 198, 2855, 295, 2757, 340, 50, 519, 324, 346, 198, 36294, 299, 1901, 98440, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 35, 11547, 340, 2089, 8425, 220, 10239, 2075, 198, 33, 8548, 13, 507, 78185, 17040, 198, 50, 519, 324, 346, 198, 1741, 11, 7209, 11, 1182, 11, 11960, 44639, 3910, 11, 6542, 198, 4695, 6979, 198, 30700, 12748, 198, 50461, 1251, 386, 15655, 3458, 288, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 47, 340, 13613, 2259, 34989, 21947, 220, 5926, 198, 52, 10910, 13, 8611, 265, 452, 51758, 198, 44, 3251, 300, 32380, 10482, 278, 12748, 198, 1182, 11, 4195, 38406, 25259, 11, 6542, 28494, 198, 17268, 964, 57, 643, 40915, 198, 64622, 6723, 198, 35632, 350, 1056, 354, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 47, 340, 8953, 9767, 409, 8560, 3326, 283, 198, 8259, 19, 45345, 198, 36128, 11, 6542, 11, 3204, 44, 11, 8971, 11, 8971, 49, 198, 35515, 265, 2249, 198, 65217, 799, 21116, 301, 11, 386, 920, 2637, 2405, 920, 13, 720, 5417, 340, 68133, 2428, 13789, 5896, 198, 10828, 15, 9995, 265, 2249, 198, 1182, 11, 6542, 11, 8971, 198, 7099, 111722, 320, 38, 14115, 355, 340, 54, 38377, 2563, 3471, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 47, 340, 17419, 19, 9558, 111722, 198, 6838, 14115, 355, 13582, 72826, 8, 1182, 198, 11135, 263, 7746, 9601, 12308, 340, 15559, 82396, 1111, 320, 49, 8548, 732, 6266, 97445, 198, 26368, 8732, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 47, 340, 20, 27109, 220, 5313, 60671, 921, 28323, 9728, 198, 79094, 64974, 198, 1182, 11, 6542, 11, 8971, 198, 56, 2701, 6354, 2234, 8732, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 47, 340, 10559, 4621, 13, 220, 16, 921, 3675, 735, 24012, 452, 13, 9728, 198, 79094, 64974, 198, 1111, 11, 6620, 11, 4195, 28365, 5987, 11, 4794, 198, 95325, 19877, 5482, 198, 41, 3105, 3074, 198, 39, 13, 35281, 10690, 11, 386, 920, 13, 320, 35, 11547, 340, 21, 39348, 27109, 198, 35515, 13546, 9332, 11, 57275, 198, 1182, 11, 6542, 11, 8971, 22405, 198, 26072, 220, 16, 198, 791, 35567, 73178, 3161, 264, 22854, 198, 16, 13, 12225, 424, 11, 358, 2112, 13, 2652, 622, 13, 362, 285, 1215, 26, 362, 13, 473, 2908, 26, 445, 13, 85290, 26, 622, 1006, 13, 34342, 26, 323, 432, 815, 13, 81237, 13, 1054, 32, 33547, 4007, 315, 66376, 5213, 42972, 26858, 15361, 579, 369, 27723, 23064, 81, 2826, 89034, 198, 39749, 402, 300, 367, 2029, 720, 44594, 315, 33135, 77854, 2508, 198, 320, 19480, 13, 220, 3753, 23, 1237, 220, 21, 7, 806, 1680, 11908, 17, 4235, 11908, 20, 13, 220, 17, 13, 26441, 56155, 11, 650, 2112, 13, 1054, 99654, 315, 6978, 449, 67217, 4261, 546, 20000, 449, 264, 198], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": " a suprapersonal quality or\ncapacity that is autonomous and spontaneous. Intention catalyzes\npotentiality\u2019s becoming actuality. The Reality/Source is the Teacher\nwithin, which is the Presence of the Self. Verbalization is the\nconsequence of the utilization of the intellectual capacity of mind to\nsubserve Mind. The dominion is that of Mind to which verbalized mind\nis merely a pragmatic tool. The Knowingness is nonlinear but its\nelucidation is linear for purposes of human communication. However, a\nsimultaneous nonverbal level of communication occurs that facilitates\ncomprehension by the listener. This is so via written works and even\nmore so in the teacher\u2019s actual presence. In the Teacher, the Knower is the Known. In ordinary mentation, the\nknown and the knower are separate. In a Teacher, the duality of the\nKnower does not exist because they are the same by virtue of identity. The Self gives the answer to questions. It does not hear from an \u2018other\u2019. The Knower/Self is the initiator/source of the speaker. For example, by analogy, if we ask the cat, \u201cWhat is it like to be a\ncat. \u201d it would be puzzled. It just is what it is and has no need to\nobjectify itself as a discernible object, so the cat replies saying, \u201cWhat\ndoes \u2018cat\u2019 mean. \u201d \n\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0We answer, \u201cYou. \u201d \n\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0The cat responds, \u201cOh, so that is what I am, or is that what I am\ncalled. \u201d \n\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0We answer, \u201cA cat is what you are called because that is what you\nare. \u201d \n\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u201cOh,\u201d says the cat,\u201cbut what does that mean. \u201d \n\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0So we read to the cat what is written about cats in the encyclopedia. The cat replies,\u201cThat is all very interesting, but it hasn\u2019t anything to\ndo with who I am. I don\u2019t experience myself as a cat. I experience\nmyself as \u2018me\u2019. \u201d The cat continues, \u201cPlease explain what it is to be a\n\u2018me. \u2019 What is it like to be a human. \u201d \n\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0We could only reply, \u201cTo be a \u2018me\u2019. \u201d \n\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0\u201cThank you,\u201d says the cat, \u201cnow I understand what it is to be a cat. All\nI have to do is just be \u2018me\u2019. \u201d \n\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0Thus we can see that the cat is both enlightened and of Divine origin,\nfor \u2018to know that you a r e\u2019 is the crux of sentient life. That cat is happyand content just because it i s. It has awareness/consciousness and is\ntherefore perfect. Q: Are \u2018experiencing\u2019 and \u2018awareness\u2019 different qualities. A: The question leads to the interesting discovery that below consciousness\nlevel 200, there is the experiencing of life processes, but there is not yet\nthe conscious awareness of existence. Thus, a frog experiences frog life\nbut it is not aware yet that it is or has existence or beingness. Both animal and human life change quality at consciousness level\n200, where life becomes aware of its existence in the manner that it is. This is a remarkable difference that is demonstrated in the distribution\nof the levels of consciousness in the animal kingdom as well as in\nhuman life. It could be said that life is not valued for its own sake below\nconsciousness level 200, and therefore, the worth of the lives of others\nis not valued for its own sake either. It is only beyond consciousness\nlevel 200 that concern for the well-being and value of the lives of\n\u2018others\u2019 really arises. Thus, below 200, the lifestyle is self-centered in\nboth humans and animals. Q: In the spiritual literature, \u2018one-pointedness of mind\u2019 is considered\nnot only important but also a prerequisite for meditation or other\nspiritual practices. A: That is simply the skill of concentration and unswerving volitional\nfocus. It is like keeping one\u2019s eye of awareness focused on the road\nwhile driving. It means to refuse distractions. The unskilled, unsafe\ndriver multifunctions by playing the radio, petting the dog, and eating a\nsandwich as he or she talks on the cell phone and reads billboards while\ndriving. One-pointedness is like a skilled professional driver who knows\nhe will get fired from the job for having even one accident, no matter\nhow seemingly trivial. The willingness to establish the capacity for\nfocused attention arises out of spiritual intention, which results in\nidentification with the nonlinear field rather than linear content. In much of spiritual work, the question is not whether one is able but\nwhether one is willing. For example, one is faced with the temptation of\ndesire. Q: Could it be surrendered. A: Yes, but will it be. Yes/no. The excuse given is, \u201cI can\u2019t. \u201d Then we ask,\n\u201cIf a loaded gun were pointed at your head to comply or else die, could\nyou. \u201d The answer, of course, is \u201cyes,\u201d because now one w i l l do it. Thus,\none really could have done it all along. Devotion means undistracted\nfocus and alignment without equivocation. It represents determination\nand fixity of purpose and is merely inner discipline reinforced by\ndecision and inspiration. Q: The ego/mind and its emotions and feelings seem so strong and\nhabitual. A: True. Thus, it takes more than just a good idea to \u2018get spiritual\u2019 in order\nto transcend them. The force of instincts and negative emotions\ncalibrates below 200. Above 200, one has the power of courage, the\nnonresistance of neutrality, and by the 300s, there are faith, enthusiasm,\nand willingness to which, in the 400s, are added intelligence, education,\nand the guidance of the intellect. At level 500, there is an important shift\nof paradigm, and values move from the tangible to the intangible, aided\nby the transformative quality of Love. Devotion is a commitment to\nLove as a guiding principle, reinforced by choice and the will. By\nsurrender of the personal will and invocation, there is the intervention of\nDivine Will (the Self) invoked by alignment with spiritual purpose. With Divine assistance, the impossible becomes possible. Even that\nwhich is most prized by the ego/mind can actually be surrendered. One-pointedness of mind means to focus on the crest of the wave of\nwitnessing/experiencing plus being willing to surrender perceived loss\nor gain. That is the primary skill that is needed. Q: How should one envision spiritual work. A: The process is one of discovery and is thus directed within. It is by\ninfluence of the Self that spiritual endeavor becomes chosen as a life\ngoal. It is primarily a decision. Q: But cannot spiritual commitment and endeavor be disruptive to\none\u2019s customary lifestyle. A: Modification is ordinarily sufficient, at least in the beginning. Intensity\nof focus may bring about changes that are seen as disruptive; however,\nmajor life changes also occur as a result of lesser ambitions, such aschanges in relationships, occupation, locality, illness, or other life\ncircumstances. Q: People often have a stereotyped image and expectation of what a\nspiritual teacher should look and sound like\u2014usually with robes, a\npious manner, and so forth. A: The teaching style occurs spontaneously of its own. It is sometimes\nconfrontive to the ego, which likes to go on and on circuitously. The\ninformation that has been provided beforehand is lengthy and detailed. To institute it, however, is a different matter. When resistance is\nconfronted and made conscious by challenge, it frequently loses its\nattraction. A shift in the balance of energy is sometimes all that is\nrequired. Occasionally, without prodding, the ego tends to drag its feet\nor waste time chasing its tail by asking rhetorical questions. To hear\n\u2018enough is enough\u2019 can assist the letting go of such programs. Humor results from shifting context by which absurdity reveals itself. Humor is also confrontive to positionality\u2014to laugh at oneself or help\nothers to do so relieves conflict and stress. Humor is therapeutic and\ncathartic. It also minimalizes fear, anger, or resentment. Mistakes keep\nus humble and therefore teachable. Abruptness is sometimes necessary\nto spiritual economy to save time and energy. Q: Spiritual economy. A: Yes. It is necessary to develop respect for spiritual endeavor. \u201cStraight\nand narrow is the path, waste no time or effort. \u201d Precision is discipline\nthat is innate to serious commitment. Some students may yet be in a\nperiod of exploration, but once one gets the \u2018fire in the belly,\u2019 the urge\nto reach God becomes like a drivenness or relentless drive, or even, in\nthe eyes of the world, a \u2018madness. \u2019 From that point on, there is no\npatience for amusement or diversion. It depends on decision, will, the\nlevel of consciousness, and karmic propensities. As it gets more intense,\nthe love for God and of God allows no delay. O c e a n o f P D F. c o mCHAPTER 10\nSpirituality and the World\nSerious inner spiritual work may sound tedious and demanding (to the ego),\nbut is exciting to the spirit, which is eager to return home. Consciousness\ninnately seeks its source. In so doing, it encounters obstacles from which it\nmay periodically retreat, and this may result in periods of reflection and\nreorientation. Periods of resistance or even dismay are normal and to be", "token_ids": [264, 1043, 4714, 1293, 278, 4367, 477, 198, 38487, 430, 374, 39293, 323, 54557, 13, 1357, 3012, 34454, 18854, 288, 198, 93036, 488, 753, 10671, 5150, 488, 13, 578, 44874, 14, 3692, 374, 279, 30169, 198, 56950, 11, 902, 374, 279, 79723, 315, 279, 10323, 13, 6383, 13616, 2065, 374, 279, 198, 444, 15880, 315, 279, 50549, 315, 279, 20207, 8824, 315, 4059, 311, 198, 2008, 13570, 23754, 13, 578, 11358, 290, 374, 430, 315, 23754, 311, 902, 36870, 1534, 4059, 198, 285, 16632, 264, 75336, 5507, 13, 578, 58733, 2136, 374, 75098, 719, 1202, 198, 301, 73787, 367, 374, 13790, 369, 10096, 315, 3823, 10758, 13, 4452, 11, 264, 198, 15124, 495, 18133, 2536, 424, 13616, 2237, 315, 10758, 13980, 430, 73633, 198, 884, 31882, 2711, 555, 279, 11700, 13, 1115, 374, 779, 4669, 5439, 4375, 323, 1524, 198, 6518, 779, 304, 279, 11326, 753, 5150, 9546, 13, 763, 279, 30169, 11, 279, 13934, 1223, 374, 279, 49386, 13, 763, 19664, 11540, 367, 11, 279, 198, 5391, 323, 279, 1168, 1223, 527, 8821, 13, 763, 264, 30169, 11, 279, 294, 10965, 315, 279, 198, 37353, 1223, 1587, 539, 3073, 1606, 814, 527, 279, 1890, 555, 35460, 315, 9764, 13, 578, 10323, 6835, 279, 4320, 311, 4860, 13, 1102, 1587, 539, 6865, 505, 459, 3451, 1605, 24535, 578, 13934, 1223, 11628, 491, 374, 279, 99140, 55473, 315, 279, 19114, 13, 1789, 3187, 11, 555, 56203, 11, 422, 584, 2610, 279, 8415, 11, 1054, 3923, 374, 433, 1093, 311, 387, 264, 198, 4719, 13, 19524, 433, 1053, 387, 87420, 13, 1102, 1120, 374, 1148, 433, 374, 323, 706, 912, 1205, 311, 198, 1735, 1463, 5196, 439, 264, 42645, 1260, 1665, 11, 779, 279, 8415, 31737, 5605, 11, 1054, 3923, 198, 28156, 3451, 4719, 529, 3152, 13, 19524, 720, 9421, 4194, 1687, 4320, 11, 1054, 2675, 13, 19524, 720, 9421, 4194, 791, 8415, 31680, 11, 1054, 12174, 11, 779, 430, 374, 1148, 358, 1097, 11, 477, 374, 430, 1148, 358, 1097, 198, 44982, 13, 19524, 720, 9421, 4194, 1687, 4320, 11, 1054, 32, 8415, 374, 1148, 499, 527, 2663, 1606, 430, 374, 1148, 499, 198, 548, 13, 19524, 720, 9421, 4194, 87990, 2476, 2795, 279, 8415, 102305, 8248, 1148, 1587, 430, 3152, 13, 19524, 720, 9421, 4194, 4516, 584, 1373, 311, 279, 8415, 1148, 374, 5439, 922, 19987, 304, 279, 83708, 13, 578, 8415, 31737, 102305, 4897, 374, 682, 1633, 7185, 11, 719, 433, 12775, 1431, 4205, 311, 198, 3055, 449, 889, 358, 1097, 13, 358, 1541, 1431, 3217, 7182, 439, 264, 8415, 13, 358, 3217, 198, 2465, 726, 439, 3451, 2727, 24535, 19524, 578, 8415, 9731, 11, 1054, 5618, 10552, 1148, 433, 374, 311, 387, 264, 198, 14336, 2727, 13, 18217, 3639, 374, 433, 1093, 311, 387, 264, 3823, 13, 19524, 720, 9421, 4194, 1687, 1436, 1193, 10052, 11, 1054, 1271, 387, 264, 3451, 2727, 24535, 19524, 720, 9421, 4194, 2118, 13359, 499, 2476, 2795, 279, 8415, 11, 1054, 3409, 358, 3619, 1148, 433, 374, 311, 387, 264, 8415, 13, 2052, 198, 40, 617, 311, 656, 374, 1120, 387, 3451, 2727, 24535, 19524, 720, 9421, 4194, 45600, 584, 649, 1518, 430, 279, 8415, 374, 2225, 82315, 323, 315, 43361, 6371, 345, 2000, 3451, 998, 1440, 430, 499, 264, 436, 384, 529, 374, 279, 1589, 2249, 315, 98870, 2324, 13, 3011, 8415, 374, 6380, 438, 2262, 1120, 1606, 433, 602, 274, 13, 1102, 706, 17985, 32336, 23995, 2136, 323, 374, 198, 19041, 1348, 4832, 13, 1229, 25, 8886, 3451, 327, 32836, 11627, 529, 323, 3451, 20111, 2136, 529, 2204, 29600, 13, 362, 25, 578, 3488, 11767, 311, 279, 7185, 18841, 430, 3770, 25917, 198, 3374, 220, 1049, 11, 1070, 374, 279, 25051, 315, 2324, 11618, 11, 719, 1070, 374, 539, 3686, 198, 1820, 17371, 17985, 315, 14209, 13, 14636, 11, 264, 60981, 11704, 60981, 2324, 198, 8248, 433, 374, 539, 8010, 3686, 430, 433, 374, 477, 706, 14209, 477, 1694, 2136, 13, 11995, 10065, 323, 3823, 2324, 2349, 4367, 520, 25917, 2237, 198, 1049, 11, 1405, 2324, 9221, 8010, 315, 1202, 14209, 304, 279, 11827, 430, 433, 374, 13, 1115, 374, 264, 23649, 6811, 430, 374, 21091, 304, 279, 8141, 198, 1073, 279, 5990, 315, 25917, 304, 279, 10065, 26135, 439, 1664, 439, 304, 198, 26380, 2324, 13, 1102, 1436, 387, 1071, 430, 2324, 374, 539, 33647, 369, 1202, 1866, 25491, 3770, 198, 64589, 2136, 2237, 220, 1049, 11, 323, 9093, 11, 279, 5922, 315, 279, 6439, 315, 3885, 198, 285, 539, 33647, 369, 1202, 1866, 25491, 3060, 13, 1102, 374, 1193, 7953, 25917, 198, 3374, 220, 1049, 430, 4747, 369, 279, 1664, 33851, 323, 907, 315, 279, 6439, 315, 198, 14336, 59961, 529, 2216, 48282, 13, 14636, 11, 3770, 220, 1049, 11, 279, 19433, 374, 659, 50482, 304, 198, 21704, 12966, 323, 10099, 13, 1229, 25, 763, 279, 18330, 17649, 11, 3451, 606, 16983, 291, 2136, 315, 4059, 529, 374, 6646, 198, 1962, 1193, 3062, 719, 1101, 264, 80884, 369, 33862, 477, 1023, 198, 86390, 940, 12659, 13, 362, 25, 3011, 374, 5042, 279, 10151, 315, 20545, 323, 653, 2332, 20073, 4499, 3079, 198, 17870, 13, 1102, 374, 1093, 10494, 832, 753, 8071, 315, 17985, 10968, 389, 279, 5754, 198, 3556, 10043, 13, 1102, 3445, 311, 26122, 77549, 13, 578, 653, 4991, 4473, 11, 20451, 198, 12804, 62387, 600, 82, 555, 5737, 279, 9063, 11, 6896, 1303, 279, 5679, 11, 323, 12459, 264, 198, 92346, 17316, 439, 568, 477, 1364, 13739, 389, 279, 2849, 4641, 323, 16181, 4121, 19826, 1418, 198, 3696, 2299, 13, 3861, 16983, 291, 2136, 374, 1093, 264, 26611, 6721, 5696, 889, 8964, 198, 383, 690, 636, 14219, 505, 279, 2683, 369, 3515, 1524, 832, 11677, 11, 912, 5030, 198, 5269, 23490, 36747, 13, 578, 39375, 311, 5813, 279, 8824, 369, 198, 63257, 6666, 48282, 704, 315, 18330, 14944, 11, 902, 3135, 304, 198, 92677, 449, 279, 75098, 2115, 4856, 1109, 13790, 2262, 13, 763, 1790, 315, 18330, 990, 11, 279, 3488, 374, 539, 3508, 832, 374, 3025, 719, 198, 49864, 832, 374, 10032, 13, 1789, 3187, 11, 832, 374, 17011, 449, 279, 62461, 315, 198, 5919, 556, 13, 1229, 25, 16910, 433, 387, 71044, 13, 362, 25, 7566, 11, 719, 690, 433, 387, 13, 7566, 34200, 13, 578, 28391, 2728, 374, 11, 1054, 40, 649, 1431, 13, 19524, 5112, 584, 2610, 345, 38684, 264, 6799, 6166, 1051, 14618, 520, 701, 2010, 311, 26069, 477, 775, 2815, 11, 1436, 198, 9514, 13, 19524, 578, 4320, 11, 315, 3388, 11, 374, 1054, 9891, 2476, 1606, 1457, 832, 289, 602, 326, 326, 656, 433, 13, 14636, 345, 606, 2216, 1436, 617, 2884, 433, 682, 3235, 13, 6168, 6082, 3445, 2073, 3843, 22955, 198, 17870, 323, 17632, 2085, 69558, 2328, 13, 1102, 11105, 26314, 198, 438, 5155, 488, 315, 7580, 323, 374, 16632, 9358, 26434, 49680, 555, 198, 65038, 323, 20343, 13, 1229, 25, 578, 37374, 3262, 485, 323, 1202, 21958, 323, 16024, 2873, 779, 3831, 323, 198, 97802, 940, 13, 362, 25, 3082, 13, 14636, 11, 433, 5097, 810, 1109, 1120, 264, 1695, 4623, 311, 3451, 456, 18330, 529, 304, 2015, 198, 998, 74809, 1124, 13, 578, 5457, 315, 62921, 323, 8389, 21958, 198, 5531, 10892, 988, 3770, 220, 1049, 13, 44710, 220, 1049, 11, 832, 706, 279, 2410, 315, 25775, 11, 279, 198, 6414, 417, 4011, 315, 52864, 11, 323, 555, 279, 220, 3101, 82, 11, 1070, 527, 10082, 11, 36232, 345, 438, 39375, 311, 902, 11, 304, 279, 220, 3443, 82, 11, 527, 3779, 11478, 11, 6873, 345, 438, 279, 19351, 315, 279, 17108, 13, 2468, 2237, 220, 2636, 11, 1070, 374, 459, 3062, 6541, 198, 1073, 49340, 11, 323, 2819, 3351, 505, 279, 50401, 311, 279, 528, 61186, 11, 63957, 198, 1729, 279, 87435, 4367, 315, 10919, 13, 6168, 6082, 374, 264, 15507, 311, 198, 29351, 439, 264, 51346, 17966, 11, 49680, 555, 5873, 323, 279, 690, 13, 3296, 198, 82, 852, 910, 315, 279, 4443, 690, 323, 29796, 11, 1070, 374, 279, 21623, 315, 198, 12792, 483, 4946, 320, 1820, 10323, 8, 27979, 555, 17632, 449, 18330, 7580, 13, 3161, 43361, 13291, 11, 279, 12266, 9221, 3284, 13, 7570, 430, 198, 8370, 374, 1455, 87630, 555, 279, 37374, 3262, 485, 649, 3604, 387, 71044, 13, 3861, 16983, 291, 2136, 315, 4059, 3445, 311, 5357, 389, 279, 73024, 315, 279, 12330, 315, 198, 86, 8251, 287, 26900, 32836, 11627, 5636, 1694, 10032, 311, 32859, 26617, 4814, 198, 269, 8895, 13, 3011, 374, 279, 6156, 10151, 430, 374, 4460, 13, 1229, 25, 2650, 1288, 832, 48146, 18330, 990, 13, 362, 25, 578, 1920, 374, 832, 315, 18841, 323, 374, 8617, 15910, 2949, 13, 1102, 374, 555, 198, 258, 41116, 315, 279, 10323, 430, 18330, 54914, 9221, 12146, 439, 264, 2324, 198, 35039, 13, 1102, 374, 15871, 264, 5597, 13, 1229, 25, 2030, 4250, 18330, 15507, 323, 54914, 387, 62642, 311, 198, 606, 753, 73348, 19433, 13, 362, 25, 74955, 374, 98081, 14343, 11, 520, 3325, 304, 279, 7314, 13, 1357, 8127, 198, 1073, 5357, 1253, 4546, 922, 4442, 430, 527, 3970, 439, 62642, 26, 4869, 345, 37605, 2324, 4442, 1101, 12446, 439, 264, 1121, 315, 32415, 51566, 11, 1778, 439, 19926, 304, 12135, 11, 30747, 11, 69187, 11, 17563, 11, 477, 1023, 2324, 198, 44398, 372, 9623, 13, 1229, 25, 9029, 3629, 617, 264, 23473, 354, 33601, 2217, 323, 31293, 315, 1148, 264, 198, 86390, 940, 11326, 1288, 1427, 323, 5222, 1093, 2345, 44066, 449, 71268, 11, 264, 198, 79, 1245, 11827, 11, 323, 779, 13544, 13, 362, 25, 578, 12917, 1742, 13980, 88558, 315, 1202, 1866, 13, 1102, 374, 7170, 198, 444, 7096, 535, 311, 279, 37374, 11, 902, 13452, 311, 733, 389, 323, 389, 16622, 7162, 13, 578, 198, 26125, 430, 706, 1027, 3984, 52159, 374, 35306, 323, 11944, 13, 2057, 44798, 433, 11, 4869, 11, 374, 264, 2204, 5030, 13, 3277, 13957, 374, 198, 444, 7096, 291, 323, 1903, 17371, 555, 8815, 11, 433, 14134, 33291, 1202, 198, 3064, 1335, 13, 362, 6541, 304, 279, 8335, 315, 4907, 374, 7170, 682, 430, 374, 198, 6413, 13, 89426, 11, 2085, 463, 634, 287, 11, 279, 37374, 28335, 311, 11161, 1202, 7693, 198, 269, 12571, 892, 43931, 1202, 9986, 555, 10371, 87068, 4860, 13, 2057, 6865, 198, 14336, 268, 1409, 374, 3403, 529, 649, 7945, 279, 20806, 733, 315, 1778, 7620, 13, 20449, 269, 3135, 505, 32931, 2317, 555, 902, 32677, 488, 21667, 5196, 13, 20449, 269, 374, 1101, 17302, 535, 311, 2361, 2786, 50617, 12835, 520, 57669, 477, 1520, 198, 59961, 311, 656, 779, 1375, 39235, 12324, 323, 8631, 13, 20449, 269, 374, 37471, 323, 198, 66, 589, 81987, 13, 1102, 1101, 17832, 4861, 8850, 11, 19788, 11, 477, 71654, 13, 35198, 2094, 2567, 198, 355, 39612, 323, 9093, 4639, 481, 13, 37501, 7717, 2136, 374, 7170, 5995, 198, 998, 18330, 8752, 311, 3665, 892, 323, 4907, 13, 1229, 25, 63849, 8752, 13, 362, 25, 7566, 13, 1102, 374, 5995, 311, 2274, 5201, 369, 18330, 54914, 13, 1054, 89954, 198, 438, 15376, 374, 279, 1853, 11, 12571, 912, 892, 477, 5149, 13, 19524, 52459, 374, 26434, 198, 9210, 374, 65070, 311, 6129, 15507, 13, 4427, 4236, 1253, 3686, 387, 304, 264, 198, 19862, 315, 27501, 11, 719, 3131, 832, 5334, 279, 3451, 11029, 304, 279, 36517, 23189, 279, 33147, 198, 998, 5662, 4359, 9221, 1093, 264, 16625, 2136, 477, 60135, 6678, 11, 477, 1524, 11, 304, 198, 1820, 6548, 315, 279, 1917, 11, 264, 3451, 20920, 2136, 13, 18217, 5659, 430, 1486, 389, 11, 1070, 374, 912, 198, 4781, 1873, 369, 62468, 477, 77364, 13, 1102, 14117, 389, 5597, 11, 690, 11, 279, 198, 3374, 315, 25917, 11, 323, 597, 2227, 292, 2047, 729, 1385, 13, 1666, 433, 5334, 810, 19428, 345, 1820, 3021, 369, 4359, 323, 315, 4359, 6276, 912, 7781, 13, 507, 272, 384, 264, 308, 297, 282, 393, 423, 435, 13, 272, 297, 296, 88539, 220, 605, 198, 87475, 10965, 323, 279, 4435, 198, 32845, 1245, 9358, 18330, 990, 1253, 5222, 66838, 323, 26192, 320, 998, 279, 37374, 1350, 8248, 374, 13548, 311, 279, 9090, 11, 902, 374, 24450, 311, 471, 2162, 13, 92752, 2136, 198, 6258, 2718, 26737, 1202, 2592, 13, 763, 779, 3815, 11, 433, 35006, 32116, 505, 902, 433, 198, 18864, 48582, 31114, 11, 323, 420, 1253, 1121, 304, 18852, 315, 22599, 323, 198, 265, 25280, 13, 26572, 82, 315, 13957, 477, 1524, 73082, 527, 4725, 323, 311, 387], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": " this damsel and she \nbore him three children. They lived a happy and con- \ntented life. After many years, his father-in-law died \nand Narada inherited his house. Twelve years passed. There was a great flood and Narada lost everything \u2014 \nhis wife, children, and house. In his attempt to save \nhis family, he was washed ashore. When he looked up, \nhe beheld Lord Krishna in the same spot he had left \nhim so many years ago. \"Narada, what took you so long?\" asked the Lord. \"I have been waiting here for you for half an hour!\" Twelve years of human time had been only a drop \nof half an hour in celestial time. That is the truth of \nmaya, the material aspect of the universe. Physical \ntime is different from the time that prevails over the \nspirit. How often have years elapsed between a visit to \nour loved ones, yet when we embrace them again, the \ntime in between seems to never have happened. Where is the truth of time in the dream State, when \nwe lose ourselves in timelessness? Elaborate braids oi \ndreams OCCUT within split seconds of time as we know \nit. Cognition happens in a similar manner. Not orga \nnized sequentially within the tune and space of e\\isi \nence, cognition is rather a split second opening into a \nvastness which has neither beginning nor end. We \nexperience reality in a partial, self absorbed manner, \n1 1 \nJ@f, \nTHE PRINCIPLES OF AYURVEDA \nfluttering from the boughs of life. The truth of all \ntime is refined within our memory. This cognitive \nmemory is the entire creation held in stasis within a \ntm\\ seed. The seed is the self. In terms of time and space, we live with a cosmic \nequation. On one side of the equation we exist in a \ntime-bound reality, where our experiences are formed \nthrough cultures, traditions, families, and societies. We \nhave charted the progress of the sun and moon and \ninvented a time cycle of a three hundred-and-sixty-five \nday year, a twenty-four hour day, a seven day week, a \nsixty second minute, and so on. We continuously adapt \nto the seasons of the year; we have a light cycle in which \nwe perform our activities and a dark cycle in which we \nrest and replenish our bodies and minds. This part of \nthe equation I call our experiential time. Experiential time varies for each species of the \nuniverse. The gods or superhumans experience time \nin a sweep much too vast for the human mind to \nfathom. In the puranic story, a half hour of celestial \ntime was twelve years of human existence. It is said in \nthe Upanishads that one night to Brahma the creator \nequals some millions of years of human time. The time cycles for land and aquatic animals, as \nwell as birds, are not confined to a precise schedule. These creatures adapt themselves to the light and dark \ncycles and to seasonal changes; they live more on the \nother side of the equation, that of timelessness. The \ndolphin traveling deep within the womb of the sea \nexperiences a heightened pulse rate and vibratory fre- \nquency associated with a state of timeless awareness. The human experiences a similar vibratory fluidity \nduring its embryonic state. While suspended in the \nwater of life, an embryo sustains a heart rate of 160 \nbeats per minute. On arrival into the time-bound \natmosphere of external space, air, fire, water, and earth, \nthe heart rate drops dramatically. In the process of \nbirth, vibratory rate becomes less fluid and the time- \nless memories of creation become squelched. As a \nhuman species, we have adapted to charting our \nprogress through the time-bound passage. We came \nequipped with mind and senses for proper naviga- \ntion. According to the wisdom shared in the Vedas, ani- \nmals are considered the embodiments of the timeless spirit of consciousness. In the shamanic tradition, the \ndolphin is considered the one aquatic animal that \nknows of dream time, or the timeless nature of our \ncognition. The hawk, which soars beyond the time \nzone and returns to remind us of our timeless nature, \nis called the messenger of the Great Spirit. If we want to know our timeless nature, we need to \nexamine our unique attribute \u2014 our will, our power \nof choice and self-reflection. This divine human ac- \nquisition has in part been the source of much of our \npresent confusion. Because of our composition \u2014 our \nphysical body, mind, and senses \u2014 we feel compelled \nto live within a time-bound state. The body seems \npropelled by the mind, which is led by the senses, \nwhich in turn are influenced primarily by time-con- \nstrained perceptions. In reality, the senses are em- \nployed by the mind, and the mind is hired by the will, \nour great source of self- reflection. Often million spe- \ncies, we are the one species whose refinement, through \nthe passage of some twenty billion years, yields a most \nstupendous reward: The ability to live fully within the \nbalance of the time-bound and the timeless. It is only \nin our timeless nature that the source of full cognition \nprevails. And it is only through this time-bound jour- \nney of rebirths that we are able to inquire into our \ntimeless nature. At the end of every day we fall into slumber to be \nrejuvenated. When we are in deep sleep we resonate \nwith our cosmic nature and are renewed in the bosom \nof silence. As a result, we are able to sustain our dream \nnature throughout the time-bound activities of the day. Our cognitive memories are not the function of \nthe sense organs, mind, or will. They", "token_ids": [220, 420, 220, 3824, 9697, 220, 323, 220, 1364, 720, 65, 461, 220, 1461, 220, 2380, 220, 2911, 13, 2435, 220, 12439, 220, 264, 220, 6380, 220, 323, 220, 390, 12, 720, 83, 16243, 2324, 13, 4740, 220, 1690, 220, 1667, 11, 220, 813, 220, 7126, 3502, 31412, 220, 8636, 720, 438, 220, 29853, 2649, 220, 28088, 220, 813, 220, 3838, 13, 70332, 220, 1667, 220, 5946, 13, 2684, 220, 574, 220, 264, 220, 2294, 220, 18197, 220, 323, 220, 29853, 2649, 220, 5675, 220, 4395, 2001, 720, 26301, 220, 7555, 11, 220, 2911, 11, 220, 323, 220, 3838, 13, 763, 220, 813, 220, 4879, 220, 311, 220, 3665, 720, 26301, 220, 3070, 11, 220, 568, 220, 574, 220, 38593, 220, 24767, 461, 13, 3277, 220, 568, 220, 7111, 220, 709, 11, 720, 383, 220, 2824, 789, 220, 10425, 220, 80409, 220, 304, 220, 279, 220, 1890, 220, 7858, 220, 568, 220, 1047, 220, 2163, 720, 40617, 220, 779, 220, 1690, 220, 1667, 220, 4227, 13, 330, 45, 277, 2649, 11, 220, 1148, 220, 3952, 220, 499, 220, 779, 220, 1317, 7673, 4691, 220, 279, 220, 10425, 13, 330, 40, 220, 617, 220, 1027, 220, 8748, 220, 1618, 220, 369, 220, 499, 220, 369, 220, 4376, 220, 459, 220, 6596, 9135, 70332, 220, 1667, 220, 315, 220, 3823, 220, 892, 220, 1047, 220, 1027, 220, 1193, 220, 264, 220, 6068, 720, 1073, 220, 4376, 220, 459, 220, 6596, 220, 304, 220, 77480, 220, 892, 13, 3011, 220, 374, 220, 279, 220, 8206, 220, 315, 720, 102162, 11, 220, 279, 220, 3769, 220, 13189, 220, 315, 220, 279, 220, 15861, 13, 28479, 720, 1712, 220, 374, 220, 2204, 220, 505, 220, 279, 220, 892, 220, 430, 220, 8031, 6341, 220, 927, 220, 279, 720, 86390, 13, 2650, 220, 3629, 220, 617, 220, 1667, 220, 26401, 220, 1990, 220, 264, 220, 4034, 220, 311, 720, 414, 220, 10456, 220, 6305, 11, 220, 3686, 220, 994, 220, 584, 220, 27830, 220, 1124, 220, 1578, 11, 220, 279, 720, 1712, 220, 304, 220, 1990, 220, 5084, 220, 311, 220, 2646, 220, 617, 220, 7077, 13, 11208, 220, 374, 220, 279, 220, 8206, 220, 315, 220, 892, 220, 304, 220, 279, 220, 8063, 220, 3314, 11, 220, 994, 720, 906, 220, 9229, 220, 13520, 220, 304, 220, 892, 33028, 30, 4072, 4422, 349, 220, 20716, 3447, 220, 75733, 720, 57291, 82, 220, 89113, 1406, 220, 2949, 220, 6859, 220, 6622, 220, 315, 220, 892, 220, 439, 220, 584, 220, 1440, 720, 275, 13, 356, 31756, 220, 8741, 220, 304, 220, 264, 220, 4528, 220, 11827, 13, 2876, 220, 1262, 64, 720, 77, 1534, 220, 95659, 220, 2949, 220, 279, 220, 26306, 220, 323, 220, 3634, 220, 315, 220, 384, 59, 13532, 720, 768, 11, 220, 75310, 220, 374, 220, 4856, 220, 264, 220, 6859, 220, 2132, 220, 8736, 220, 1139, 220, 264, 720, 85, 561, 2136, 220, 902, 220, 706, 220, 14188, 220, 7314, 220, 6463, 220, 842, 13, 1226, 720, 50659, 220, 8903, 220, 304, 220, 264, 220, 7276, 11, 220, 659, 220, 42101, 220, 11827, 11, 720, 16, 220, 220, 16, 720, 41, 31, 69, 11, 720, 17673, 262, 8743, 39539, 3378, 14344, 262, 3083, 262, 362, 56, 1539, 22449, 32, 720, 15321, 287, 220, 505, 220, 279, 220, 293, 1409, 82, 220, 315, 220, 2324, 13, 578, 220, 8206, 220, 315, 220, 682, 720, 1712, 220, 374, 220, 38291, 220, 2949, 220, 1057, 220, 5044, 13, 1115, 220, 25702, 720, 17717, 220, 374, 220, 279, 220, 4553, 220, 9886, 220, 5762, 220, 304, 220, 357, 10949, 220, 2949, 220, 264, 720, 14046, 59, 220, 10533, 13, 578, 220, 10533, 220, 374, 220, 279, 220, 659, 13, 763, 220, 3878, 220, 315, 220, 892, 220, 323, 220, 3634, 11, 220, 584, 220, 3974, 220, 449, 220, 264, 220, 55801, 720, 26378, 367, 13, 1952, 220, 832, 220, 3185, 220, 315, 220, 279, 220, 24524, 220, 584, 220, 3073, 220, 304, 220, 264, 720, 1712, 50962, 220, 8903, 11, 220, 1405, 220, 1057, 220, 11704, 220, 527, 220, 14454, 720, 20322, 220, 27833, 11, 220, 32006, 11, 220, 8689, 11, 220, 323, 220, 34775, 13, 1226, 720, 19553, 220, 9676, 291, 220, 279, 220, 5208, 220, 315, 220, 279, 220, 7160, 220, 323, 220, 18266, 220, 323, 720, 258, 74228, 220, 264, 220, 892, 220, 11008, 220, 315, 220, 264, 220, 2380, 220, 7895, 9976, 55541, 1919, 36399, 720, 1316, 220, 1060, 11, 220, 264, 220, 17510, 42117, 220, 6596, 220, 1938, 11, 220, 264, 220, 8254, 220, 1938, 220, 2046, 11, 220, 264, 720, 51464, 1919, 220, 2132, 220, 9568, 11, 220, 323, 220, 779, 220, 389, 13, 1226, 220, 31978, 220, 10737, 720, 998, 220, 279, 220, 15956, 220, 315, 220, 279, 220, 1060, 26, 220, 584, 220, 617, 220, 264, 220, 3177, 220, 11008, 220, 304, 220, 902, 720, 906, 220, 2804, 220, 1057, 220, 7640, 220, 323, 220, 264, 220, 6453, 220, 11008, 220, 304, 220, 902, 220, 584, 720, 4014, 220, 323, 220, 70543, 819, 220, 1057, 220, 13162, 220, 323, 220, 20663, 13, 1115, 220, 961, 220, 315, 720, 1820, 220, 24524, 220, 358, 220, 1650, 220, 1057, 220, 2183, 1188, 532, 220, 892, 13, 1398, 716, 1188, 532, 220, 892, 220, 35327, 220, 369, 220, 1855, 220, 9606, 220, 315, 220, 279, 720, 359, 8194, 13, 578, 220, 29913, 220, 477, 220, 2307, 28400, 598, 220, 3217, 220, 892, 720, 258, 220, 264, 220, 24021, 220, 1790, 220, 2288, 220, 13057, 220, 369, 220, 279, 220, 3823, 220, 4059, 220, 311, 720, 69, 73555, 13, 763, 220, 279, 220, 4087, 32370, 220, 3446, 11, 220, 264, 220, 4376, 220, 6596, 220, 315, 220, 77480, 720, 1712, 220, 574, 220, 30335, 220, 1667, 220, 315, 220, 3823, 220, 14209, 13, 1102, 220, 374, 220, 1071, 220, 304, 720, 1820, 220, 549, 857, 819, 7819, 220, 430, 220, 832, 220, 3814, 220, 311, 220, 26531, 41453, 220, 279, 220, 20514, 720, 7324, 220, 1063, 220, 11990, 220, 315, 220, 1667, 220, 315, 220, 3823, 220, 892, 13, 578, 220, 892, 220, 25492, 220, 369, 220, 4363, 220, 323, 220, 72491, 220, 10099, 11, 220, 439, 720, 9336, 220, 439, 220, 20229, 11, 220, 527, 220, 539, 220, 45408, 220, 311, 220, 264, 220, 24473, 220, 9899, 13, 4314, 220, 20566, 220, 10737, 220, 5694, 220, 311, 220, 279, 220, 3177, 220, 323, 220, 6453, 720, 49521, 220, 323, 220, 311, 220, 36899, 220, 4442, 26, 220, 814, 220, 3974, 220, 810, 220, 389, 220, 279, 720, 1605, 220, 3185, 220, 315, 220, 279, 220, 24524, 11, 220, 430, 220, 315, 220, 892, 33028, 13, 578, 720, 67, 44070, 258, 220, 21646, 220, 5655, 220, 2949, 220, 279, 220, 73937, 220, 315, 220, 279, 220, 9581, 720, 327, 69597, 220, 264, 220, 60487, 220, 28334, 220, 4478, 220, 323, 220, 17358, 5382, 220, 3541, 12, 720, 447, 2301, 5938, 220, 449, 220, 264, 220, 1614, 220, 315, 220, 58105, 220, 17985, 13, 578, 220, 3823, 220, 11704, 220, 264, 220, 4528, 220, 17358, 5382, 220, 15962, 488, 720, 82977, 220, 1202, 220, 44481, 14338, 220, 1614, 13, 6104, 220, 22340, 220, 304, 220, 279, 720, 13284, 220, 315, 220, 2324, 11, 220, 459, 220, 87701, 220, 10446, 1771, 220, 264, 220, 4851, 220, 4478, 220, 315, 220, 220, 6330, 720, 1395, 1900, 220, 824, 220, 9568, 13, 1952, 220, 19163, 220, 1139, 220, 279, 220, 892, 50962, 720, 266, 8801, 8182, 220, 315, 220, 9434, 220, 3634, 11, 220, 3805, 11, 220, 4027, 11, 220, 3090, 11, 220, 323, 220, 9578, 11, 720, 1820, 220, 4851, 220, 4478, 220, 21701, 220, 29057, 13, 763, 220, 279, 220, 1920, 220, 315, 720, 28813, 11, 220, 17358, 5382, 220, 4478, 220, 9221, 220, 2753, 220, 15962, 220, 323, 220, 279, 220, 892, 12, 720, 1752, 19459, 220, 315, 220, 9886, 220, 3719, 220, 8330, 301, 2454, 13, 1666, 220, 264, 720, 26380, 220, 9606, 11, 220, 584, 220, 617, 220, 30464, 220, 311, 220, 9676, 287, 220, 1057, 720, 14703, 220, 1555, 220, 279, 220, 892, 50962, 220, 21765, 13, 1226, 220, 3782, 720, 26378, 6586, 220, 449, 220, 4059, 220, 323, 220, 38207, 220, 369, 220, 6300, 220, 34512, 64, 12, 720, 28491, 13, 10771, 220, 311, 220, 279, 220, 24278, 220, 6222, 220, 304, 220, 279, 220, 75887, 300, 11, 220, 53088, 12, 720, 76, 1147, 527, 220, 6646, 220, 279, 220, 75653, 220, 315, 220, 279, 220, 58105, 9090, 220, 315, 220, 25917, 13, 763, 220, 279, 220, 559, 13005, 292, 220, 14135, 11, 220, 279, 720, 67, 44070, 258, 220, 374, 220, 6646, 220, 279, 220, 832, 220, 72491, 220, 10065, 220, 430, 720, 33134, 82, 220, 315, 220, 8063, 220, 892, 11, 220, 477, 220, 279, 220, 58105, 220, 7138, 220, 315, 220, 1057, 720, 66, 31756, 13, 578, 220, 76920, 11, 220, 902, 220, 779, 1590, 220, 7953, 220, 279, 220, 892, 720, 8855, 220, 323, 220, 4780, 220, 311, 220, 24928, 220, 603, 220, 315, 220, 1057, 220, 58105, 220, 7138, 11, 720, 285, 220, 2663, 220, 279, 220, 50596, 220, 315, 220, 279, 220, 8681, 220, 17326, 13, 1442, 220, 584, 220, 1390, 220, 311, 220, 1440, 220, 1057, 220, 58105, 220, 7138, 11, 220, 584, 220, 1205, 220, 311, 720, 327, 20588, 220, 1057, 220, 5016, 220, 7180, 2001, 1057, 220, 690, 11, 220, 1057, 220, 2410, 720, 1073, 220, 5873, 220, 323, 220, 659, 44107, 1191, 13, 1115, 220, 30467, 220, 3823, 220, 1645, 12, 720, 17647, 706, 220, 304, 220, 961, 220, 1027, 220, 279, 220, 2592, 220, 315, 220, 1790, 220, 315, 220, 1057, 720, 29844, 220, 22047, 13, 9393, 220, 315, 220, 1057, 220, 18528, 2001, 1057, 720, 47692, 220, 2547, 11, 220, 4059, 11, 220, 323, 220, 38207, 2001, 584, 220, 2733, 220, 48984, 720, 998, 220, 3974, 220, 2949, 220, 264, 220, 892, 50962, 220, 1614, 13, 578, 220, 2547, 220, 5084, 720, 2741, 15556, 220, 555, 220, 279, 220, 4059, 11, 220, 902, 220, 374, 220, 6197, 220, 555, 220, 279, 220, 38207, 11, 720, 8370, 220, 304, 220, 2543, 220, 527, 220, 28160, 220, 15871, 220, 555, 220, 892, 15204, 12, 720, 58827, 51866, 13, 763, 220, 8903, 11, 220, 279, 220, 38207, 220, 527, 220, 991, 12, 720, 2760, 291, 555, 220, 279, 220, 4059, 11, 220, 323, 220, 279, 220, 4059, 220, 374, 220, 22163, 220, 555, 220, 279, 220, 690, 11, 720, 414, 220, 2294, 220, 2592, 220, 315, 220, 659, 12, 22599, 13, 36016, 220, 3610, 220, 2395, 12, 720, 70107, 11, 584, 220, 527, 220, 279, 220, 832, 220, 9606, 220, 6832, 220, 74013, 11, 220, 1555, 720, 1820, 220, 21765, 220, 315, 220, 1063, 220, 17510, 220, 7239, 220, 1667, 11, 220, 36508, 220, 264, 220, 1455, 720, 102289, 408, 788, 220, 11565, 25, 220, 578, 220, 5845, 220, 311, 220, 3974, 220, 7373, 220, 2949, 220, 279, 720, 22298, 220, 315, 220, 279, 220, 892, 50962, 220, 323, 220, 279, 220, 58105, 13, 1102, 220, 374, 220, 1193, 720, 258, 220, 1057, 220, 58105, 220, 7138, 220, 430, 220, 279, 220, 2592, 220, 315, 220, 2539, 220, 75310, 720, 10084, 6341, 13, 1628, 220, 433, 220, 374, 220, 1193, 220, 1555, 220, 420, 220, 892, 50962, 220, 9880, 12, 720, 3520, 315, 220, 12646, 4914, 82, 220, 430, 220, 584, 220, 527, 220, 3025, 220, 311, 220, 68270, 220, 1139, 220, 1057, 720, 1712, 1752, 220, 7138, 13, 2468, 220, 279, 220, 842, 220, 315, 220, 1475, 220, 1938, 220, 584, 220, 4498, 220, 1139, 220, 1776, 900, 220, 311, 220, 387, 720, 265, 63231, 660, 13, 3277, 220, 584, 220, 527, 220, 304, 220, 5655, 220, 6212, 220, 584, 220, 89986, 720, 4291, 220, 1057, 220, 55801, 220, 7138, 220, 323, 220, 527, 220, 36646, 220, 304, 220, 279, 220, 43746, 316, 720, 1073, 220, 21847, 13, 1666, 220, 264, 220, 1121, 11, 220, 584, 220, 527, 220, 3025, 220, 311, 220, 14201, 220, 1057, 220, 8063, 720, 67812, 220, 6957, 220, 279, 220, 892, 50962, 220, 7640, 220, 315, 220, 279, 220, 1938, 13, 5751, 220, 25702, 220, 19459, 220, 527, 220, 539, 220, 279, 220, 734, 220, 315, 720, 1820, 220, 5647, 220, 36853, 11, 220, 4059, 11, 220, 477, 220, 690, 13, 2435], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": " \n1 tbs coconut oil \n'A tsp sea salt \nAssorted chutneys \nWash wheat berries and split peas separately until \nwater runs clear. Soak separately overnight in enough \ncold water to cover by at least 2\". Drain and grind \neach into a fine paste using a hand grinder, large mortar and pestle, or blender, adding a little water as \nneeded. Combine the two mixtures and allow to sit in \na warm place for 3V2 hours. Add coriander seeds. Lightly coat a preheated griddle evenly with oil. Add salt to mixture just before cooking. Place two \nspoonfuls of batter in center of the griddle. With back \nof the spoon, use a clockwise motion to spread the \nbatter until paper thin. Cook dosa 1 minute per side, \ncarefully flipping with a spatula. Serve with appropri- \nate chutney for each type. Masala Dosa (Filling) \nALL TYPES \nServes 4 (fills 6 dosas) \nFilling for the appropriate dosa recipe, according to \ntype \n4 large potatoes \n1 tbs sunflower oil \n'A tsp black mustard seeds \n'A c minced onion \n'A tsp turmeric \n2 tbs minced fresh cilantro \n'A tsp sea salt \n'A tsp lemon juice \nV types: use 4 parsnips, 3 sweet potatoes, or 1 small \nbuttercup squash instead of white potatoes. P types: use '/* teaspoon orange rind instead of lemon \njuice. K types: use pinch of salt and 'A teaspoon oil only; add \n1 green chili pepper. Scrub the potatoes, cut into large pieces, and boil for \n25 minutes. When cooled, peel and cut into 1\" cubes; \nset aside. In a large skillet, heat oil and saute mustard \nseeds until they pop; add onion, turmeric, and cilantro \nand continue to saute an additional 4 minutes.-Stir in \npotatoes and salt. Cover and simmer over low heat for \n8 minutes. Add lemon juice just before filling dosa. Place 3 tablespoons of potato filling in center of each \ndosa and fold over both edges. 204 \n^mz. TRADITIONAL GROUND DHALS AND GRAINS \nRice Idli Peppered Barley Idli \nv, VK, VP \nServes 2 \n1 c split urad dhal, without skins \n2 c brown (or white) basmati rice \n'Aj tsp sea salt \n2 tbs sesame oil \n'/2 tbs lemon juice \nSambar or chutney \nBatter Preparation: \nWash urad dhal and rice separately, until water runs \nclear. Soak each in separate bowls with enough cold \nwater to cover by at least 2\" for about 6 hours. Rinse \nand drain each. Adding a small amount of water, \ngrind dhal and rice separately using a hand grinder, \nlarge mortar and pestle, or blender, so that each forms \na fine paste. Combine the two batters, cover with a \ndamp cotton cloth, and let sit for 8 hours in a warm \nplace to mildly ferment. Add salt, oil, and lemon juice \nimmediately before steaming. Steaming Procedure: \nFill molds of an idli steamer (see Equipment and \nTools, page 194). Place steamer in a large, deep pot \ncontaining 2\" of boiling water. Make sure water bubbles \nare below the bottom of the steamer tray. Keep water \nboiling rapidly. Cover and steam for 20 minutes, or \nuntil a fork comes out clean. Uncover and allow trays \nto cool for 3 minutes before disassembling. Scoop the \nidlis out with a rounded soup spoon. Serve hot with \nsambar or chutney of your choice. r)^&M\\m \nK, KV, KP \nServes 4 \n2 c split urad dhal, without skins \n1 c pearled barley \n1 tsp sunflower oil \nlh tsp coarse black pepper \n1 tsp lemon juice \nPinch of lemon rind \nPinch of sea salt \nSambar \nWash urad dhal until water runs clear. Soak dhal and \nbarley separately in enough water to cover by at least \n2\" for about 2 hours. Rinse and drain separately. Grind \neach into a fine paste using a hand grinder, large \nmortar and pestle, or blender. Add water as needed. Combine the two batters, cover with a damp cotton \ncloth, and allow to sit for 6 hours in a warm place. Heat oil in a skillet and stir-fry black pepper for 2 \nminutes. Add the pepper-oil mixture to the batter, \nalong with lemon juice, rind, and salt. Fill molds of \nidli steamer (see Rice Idli recipe) and steam for 20 \nminutes. Serve alone or with sambar. 205 \njmt. UNIVERSAL RECIPES FOR EACH BODY TYPE \nWheat and Cinnamon Idli \nv. VP. VK, P, PV, PK \nServes 4 \n1 c split urad dhal, without skins \n2 c bulgur \n7-t tsp cinnamon powder \n1 tbs walnut oil \n'/4 tsp sea salt \n'A tsp orange rind \nOrange and Cherry Chutney or Coconut Chutney \nWash urad dhal until water runs clear. Soak dhal in 3 \ncups of cold water for about 2 hours; rinse and drain. Wet bulgur. Grind each separately into a fine paste \nusing a hand grinder, large mortar and pestle, or \nblender. Add water as needed. Combine the two bat- \nters and mix in walnut oil. Cover with a damp cotton \ncloth, and allow to sit for 6 hours in a warm place. Add cinnamon, salt, and rind. Fill idli steamer (see \nRice Idli recipe) and steam for 20 minutes. Serve \nwarm or cool, with Orange and Cherry Chutney or \nCoconut Chutney. Spiced Wheat Uppama \nV, VP, VK, P, PV, PK \nServes 2 \n1 c cracked wheat \n'/2 tsp black mustard seeds \n1 tsp split urad dhal,", "token_ids": [720, 16, 220, 259, 1302, 220, 34557, 220, 5707, 720, 52374, 220, 39020, 220, 9581, 220, 12290, 720, 5733, 13909, 220, 523, 332, 36371, 720, 54, 1003, 220, 34153, 220, 63494, 220, 323, 220, 6859, 220, 47136, 220, 26214, 220, 3156, 720, 13284, 220, 8640, 220, 2867, 13, 2100, 587, 220, 26214, 220, 25402, 220, 304, 220, 3403, 720, 88172, 220, 3090, 220, 311, 220, 3504, 220, 555, 220, 520, 220, 3325, 220, 220, 17, 3343, 62368, 220, 323, 220, 40336, 720, 9739, 220, 1139, 220, 264, 220, 7060, 220, 25982, 220, 1701, 220, 264, 220, 1450, 220, 46641, 11, 220, 3544, 58560, 220, 323, 220, 44885, 273, 11, 220, 477, 220, 62895, 11, 220, 7999, 220, 264, 220, 2697, 220, 3090, 220, 439, 720, 41917, 13, 47912, 220, 279, 220, 1403, 220, 6651, 19020, 220, 323, 220, 2187, 220, 311, 220, 2503, 220, 304, 720, 64, 220, 8369, 220, 2035, 220, 369, 220, 220, 18, 53, 17, 220, 4207, 13, 2758, 220, 1867, 72, 8363, 220, 19595, 13, 8828, 398, 220, 23724, 220, 264, 220, 864, 383, 660, 220, 1099, 3390, 220, 42147, 220, 449, 220, 5707, 13, 2758, 220, 12290, 220, 311, 220, 21655, 220, 1120, 220, 1603, 220, 17677, 13, 11004, 220, 1403, 720, 2203, 9186, 1285, 82, 220, 315, 220, 8919, 220, 304, 220, 4219, 220, 315, 220, 279, 220, 1099, 3390, 13, 3161, 220, 1203, 720, 1073, 220, 279, 220, 46605, 11, 220, 1005, 220, 264, 220, 66770, 220, 11633, 220, 311, 220, 9041, 220, 279, 720, 65, 1683, 220, 3156, 220, 5684, 220, 15792, 13, 12797, 220, 8924, 64, 220, 220, 16, 220, 9568, 220, 824, 220, 3185, 11, 720, 10727, 3725, 220, 65761, 220, 449, 220, 264, 220, 63983, 5724, 13, 54032, 220, 449, 220, 7333, 12, 720, 349, 523, 332, 3520, 220, 369, 220, 1855, 220, 955, 13, 20459, 6181, 220, 423, 12252, 220, 320, 37, 9585, 8, 720, 4006, 220, 83425, 720, 50, 13583, 220, 220, 19, 220, 320, 67267, 220, 220, 21, 220, 8924, 300, 8, 720, 37, 9585, 220, 369, 220, 279, 220, 8475, 220, 8924, 64, 220, 11363, 11, 220, 4184, 220, 311, 720, 1337, 720, 19, 220, 3544, 220, 35267, 720, 16, 220, 259, 1302, 220, 7160, 39853, 220, 5707, 720, 52374, 220, 39020, 220, 3776, 220, 65407, 220, 19595, 720, 52374, 220, 272, 220, 94927, 220, 38427, 720, 52374, 220, 39020, 220, 13535, 2165, 720, 17, 220, 259, 1302, 220, 94927, 220, 7878, 220, 62444, 87290, 720, 52374, 220, 39020, 220, 9581, 220, 12290, 720, 52374, 220, 39020, 220, 30564, 220, 23661, 720, 53, 220, 4595, 25, 220, 1005, 220, 220, 19, 220, 1370, 9810, 3153, 11, 220, 220, 18, 220, 10437, 220, 35267, 11, 220, 477, 220, 220, 16, 220, 2678, 720, 65, 6339, 37765, 220, 59576, 220, 4619, 220, 315, 220, 4251, 220, 35267, 13, 393, 220, 4595, 25, 220, 1005, 220, 364, 1075, 220, 42384, 220, 19087, 220, 436, 485, 220, 4619, 220, 315, 220, 30564, 720, 8783, 560, 13, 735, 220, 4595, 25, 220, 1005, 220, 50346, 220, 315, 220, 12290, 220, 323, 220, 364, 32, 220, 42384, 220, 5707, 220, 1193, 26, 220, 923, 720, 16, 220, 6307, 220, 59717, 220, 25349, 13, 33234, 392, 220, 279, 220, 35267, 11, 220, 4018, 220, 1139, 220, 3544, 220, 9863, 11, 220, 323, 220, 44790, 220, 369, 720, 914, 220, 4520, 13, 3277, 220, 65410, 11, 220, 58212, 220, 323, 220, 4018, 220, 1139, 220, 220, 16, 1, 220, 55204, 26, 720, 751, 220, 16038, 13, 763, 220, 264, 220, 3544, 220, 79085, 11, 220, 8798, 220, 5707, 220, 323, 220, 829, 1088, 220, 65407, 720, 325, 6910, 220, 3156, 220, 814, 220, 2477, 26, 220, 923, 220, 38427, 11, 220, 13535, 2165, 11, 220, 323, 220, 62444, 87290, 720, 438, 220, 3136, 220, 311, 220, 829, 1088, 220, 459, 220, 5217, 220, 220, 19, 220, 4520, 12898, 626, 404, 220, 304, 720, 19644, 20798, 220, 323, 220, 12290, 13, 18230, 220, 323, 220, 62915, 220, 927, 220, 3428, 220, 8798, 220, 369, 720, 23, 220, 4520, 13, 2758, 220, 30564, 220, 23661, 220, 1120, 220, 1603, 220, 21973, 220, 8924, 64, 13, 11004, 220, 220, 18, 220, 56588, 220, 315, 220, 39834, 220, 21973, 220, 304, 220, 4219, 220, 315, 220, 1855, 720, 67, 12252, 220, 323, 220, 11816, 220, 927, 220, 2225, 220, 13116, 13, 220, 7854, 720, 61, 76, 89, 13, 5091, 1846, 89038, 262, 480, 23769, 262, 423, 32814, 50, 262, 3651, 262, 65120, 9751, 720, 49, 560, 220, 5336, 747, 52882, 291, 220, 4821, 3258, 220, 5336, 747, 720, 85, 11, 220, 22285, 11, 220, 37110, 720, 50, 13583, 220, 220, 17, 720, 16, 220, 272, 220, 6859, 220, 4433, 329, 220, 294, 12130, 11, 220, 2085, 220, 51050, 720, 17, 220, 272, 220, 14198, 220, 320, 269, 220, 4251, 8, 220, 3122, 8637, 72, 220, 20228, 720, 52374, 73, 220, 39020, 220, 9581, 220, 12290, 720, 17, 220, 259, 1302, 220, 92223, 220, 5707, 720, 20788, 17, 220, 259, 1302, 220, 30564, 220, 23661, 720, 24903, 2308, 220, 477, 220, 523, 332, 3520, 720, 33, 1683, 220, 74435, 25, 720, 54, 1003, 220, 4433, 329, 220, 294, 12130, 220, 323, 220, 20228, 220, 26214, 11, 220, 3156, 220, 3090, 220, 8640, 720, 7574, 13, 2100, 587, 220, 1855, 220, 304, 220, 8821, 220, 61080, 220, 449, 220, 3403, 220, 9439, 720, 13284, 220, 311, 220, 3504, 220, 555, 220, 520, 220, 3325, 220, 220, 17, 1, 220, 369, 220, 922, 220, 220, 21, 220, 4207, 13, 58468, 325, 720, 438, 220, 24659, 220, 1855, 13, 31470, 220, 264, 220, 2678, 220, 3392, 220, 315, 220, 3090, 11, 720, 911, 485, 220, 294, 12130, 220, 323, 220, 20228, 220, 26214, 220, 1701, 220, 264, 220, 1450, 220, 46641, 11, 720, 17185, 220, 58560, 220, 323, 220, 44885, 273, 11, 220, 477, 220, 62895, 11, 220, 779, 220, 430, 220, 1855, 220, 7739, 720, 64, 220, 7060, 220, 25982, 13, 47912, 220, 279, 220, 1403, 220, 293, 10385, 11, 220, 3504, 220, 449, 220, 264, 720, 67, 1141, 220, 24428, 220, 28392, 11, 220, 323, 220, 1095, 220, 2503, 220, 369, 220, 220, 23, 220, 4207, 220, 304, 220, 264, 220, 8369, 720, 2050, 220, 311, 220, 76949, 220, 68736, 13, 2758, 220, 12290, 11, 220, 5707, 11, 220, 323, 220, 30564, 220, 23661, 720, 318, 44287, 220, 1603, 220, 4179, 6605, 13, 3441, 6605, 220, 45546, 25, 720, 14788, 220, 98834, 220, 315, 220, 459, 220, 887, 747, 220, 4179, 15589, 220, 320, 4151, 220, 20849, 220, 323, 720, 16992, 11, 220, 2199, 220, 220, 6393, 570, 11004, 220, 4179, 15589, 220, 304, 220, 264, 220, 3544, 11, 220, 5655, 220, 3419, 720, 778, 2101, 220, 220, 17, 1, 220, 315, 220, 50937, 220, 3090, 13, 7557, 220, 2771, 220, 3090, 220, 44783, 720, 548, 220, 3770, 220, 279, 220, 5740, 220, 315, 220, 279, 220, 4179, 15589, 220, 35788, 13, 13969, 220, 3090, 720, 754, 8138, 220, 19019, 13, 18230, 220, 323, 220, 20930, 220, 369, 220, 220, 508, 220, 4520, 11, 220, 477, 720, 39830, 220, 264, 220, 23243, 220, 4131, 220, 704, 220, 4335, 13, 1252, 3773, 220, 323, 220, 2187, 220, 92825, 720, 998, 220, 7155, 220, 369, 220, 220, 18, 220, 4520, 220, 1603, 220, 834, 300, 43064, 13, 50159, 454, 220, 279, 720, 307, 48303, 220, 704, 220, 449, 220, 264, 220, 18460, 220, 19724, 220, 46605, 13, 54032, 220, 4106, 220, 449, 720, 47096, 2308, 220, 477, 220, 523, 332, 3520, 220, 315, 220, 701, 220, 5873, 13, 436, 30876, 5, 44, 59, 76, 720, 42, 11, 220, 85748, 11, 220, 78624, 720, 50, 13583, 220, 220, 19, 720, 17, 220, 272, 220, 6859, 220, 4433, 329, 220, 294, 12130, 11, 220, 2085, 220, 51050, 720, 16, 220, 272, 220, 38790, 839, 220, 81817, 720, 16, 220, 39020, 220, 7160, 39853, 220, 5707, 720, 64145, 220, 39020, 220, 50347, 220, 3776, 220, 25349, 720, 16, 220, 39020, 220, 30564, 220, 23661, 720, 20452, 331, 220, 315, 220, 30564, 220, 436, 485, 720, 20452, 331, 220, 315, 220, 9581, 220, 12290, 720, 24903, 2308, 720, 54, 1003, 220, 4433, 329, 220, 294, 12130, 220, 3156, 220, 3090, 220, 8640, 220, 2867, 13, 2100, 587, 220, 294, 12130, 220, 323, 720, 2308, 3258, 220, 26214, 220, 304, 220, 3403, 220, 3090, 220, 311, 220, 3504, 220, 555, 220, 520, 220, 3325, 720, 17, 1, 220, 369, 220, 922, 220, 220, 17, 220, 4207, 13, 58468, 325, 220, 323, 220, 24659, 220, 26214, 13, 2895, 485, 720, 9739, 220, 1139, 220, 264, 220, 7060, 220, 25982, 220, 1701, 220, 264, 220, 1450, 220, 46641, 11, 220, 3544, 720, 93711, 277, 220, 323, 220, 44885, 273, 11, 220, 477, 220, 62895, 13, 2758, 220, 3090, 220, 439, 220, 4460, 13, 47912, 220, 279, 220, 1403, 220, 293, 10385, 11, 220, 3504, 220, 449, 220, 264, 220, 41369, 220, 24428, 720, 89054, 11, 220, 323, 220, 2187, 220, 311, 220, 2503, 220, 369, 220, 220, 21, 220, 4207, 220, 304, 220, 264, 220, 8369, 220, 2035, 13, 27162, 220, 5707, 220, 304, 220, 264, 220, 79085, 220, 323, 220, 23935, 2269, 894, 220, 3776, 220, 25349, 220, 369, 220, 220, 17, 720, 38137, 13, 2758, 220, 279, 220, 25349, 16405, 321, 220, 21655, 220, 311, 220, 279, 220, 8919, 11, 720, 39393, 220, 449, 220, 30564, 220, 23661, 11, 220, 436, 485, 11, 220, 323, 220, 12290, 13, 22748, 220, 98834, 220, 315, 720, 307, 747, 220, 4179, 15589, 220, 320, 4151, 220, 30616, 220, 5336, 747, 220, 11363, 8, 220, 323, 220, 20930, 220, 369, 220, 220, 508, 720, 38137, 13, 54032, 220, 7636, 220, 477, 220, 449, 220, 10167, 2308, 13, 220, 10866, 720, 73, 2562, 13, 65899, 984, 262, 75236, 3378, 1600, 262, 4716, 262, 95513, 262, 69683, 256, 12736, 720, 54, 20559, 220, 323, 220, 356, 40435, 220, 5336, 747, 720, 85, 13, 220, 37110, 13, 22285, 11, 220, 393, 11, 220, 38964, 11, 220, 25864, 720, 50, 13583, 220, 220, 19, 720, 16, 220, 272, 220, 6859, 220, 4433, 329, 220, 294, 12130, 11, 220, 2085, 220, 51050, 720, 17, 220, 272, 220, 7173, 70, 324, 720, 22, 2442, 220, 39020, 220, 51992, 220, 17138, 720, 16, 220, 259, 1302, 220, 93729, 220, 5707, 720, 20788, 19, 220, 39020, 220, 9581, 220, 12290, 720, 52374, 220, 39020, 220, 19087, 220, 436, 485, 720, 43069, 220, 323, 220, 45805, 220, 921, 332, 3520, 220, 477, 220, 72379, 220, 921, 332, 3520, 720, 54, 1003, 220, 4433, 329, 220, 294, 12130, 220, 3156, 220, 3090, 220, 8640, 220, 2867, 13, 2100, 587, 220, 294, 12130, 220, 304, 220, 220, 18, 720, 66, 8772, 220, 315, 220, 9439, 220, 3090, 220, 369, 220, 922, 220, 220, 17, 220, 4207, 26, 220, 74341, 220, 323, 220, 24659, 13, 45956, 220, 7173, 70, 324, 13, 2895, 485, 220, 1855, 220, 26214, 220, 1139, 220, 264, 220, 7060, 220, 25982, 720, 985, 220, 264, 220, 1450, 220, 46641, 11, 220, 3544, 220, 58560, 220, 323, 220, 44885, 273, 11, 220, 477, 720, 2067, 1693, 13, 2758, 220, 3090, 220, 439, 220, 4460, 13, 47912, 220, 279, 220, 1403, 220, 16120, 12, 720, 5153, 323, 220, 6651, 220, 304, 220, 93729, 220, 5707, 13, 18230, 220, 449, 220, 264, 220, 41369, 220, 24428, 720, 89054, 11, 220, 323, 220, 2187, 220, 311, 220, 2503, 220, 369, 220, 220, 21, 220, 4207, 220, 304, 220, 264, 220, 8369, 220, 2035, 13, 2758, 220, 51992, 11, 220, 12290, 11, 220, 323, 220, 436, 485, 13, 22748, 220, 887, 747, 220, 4179, 15589, 220, 320, 4151, 720, 49, 560, 220, 5336, 747, 220, 11363, 8, 220, 323, 220, 20930, 220, 369, 220, 220, 508, 220, 4520, 13, 54032, 720, 83697, 220, 477, 220, 7155, 11, 220, 449, 220, 22725, 220, 323, 220, 45805, 220, 921, 332, 3520, 220, 477, 720, 7489, 27357, 220, 921, 332, 3520, 13, 3165, 7725, 220, 56738, 220, 549, 604, 3105, 720, 53, 11, 220, 37110, 11, 220, 22285, 11, 220, 393, 11, 220, 38964, 11, 220, 25864, 720, 50, 13583, 220, 220, 17, 720, 16, 220, 272, 220, 43939, 220, 34153, 720, 20788, 17, 220, 39020, 220, 3776, 220, 65407, 220, 19595, 720, 16, 220, 39020, 220, 6859, 220, 4433, 329, 220, 294, 12130, 11], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": ". LOWER LEVELS OF CONSCIOUSNESS\nNow, I just want to show the source of the evil of the ego. Because you\nsee, consciousne ss began at a very primitive level, the consciou sness level. Over many billions of years, the consciousness level slowly rose. The\nconsciousness level of life itself, the total consciousness of life on the\nplanet, has evolved over billions of years, very, very slowly. Sometimes the consciousness level of the animals has kept it up. Even\nthough man has been lower than 200 many times, there are many animals\non the planet that are over 200. Somebody says, \u201cWell, the consciousness\nlevel of man is at about 204. How come you\u2019ve got life at 212?\u201d It\u2019s\nbecause we got kitties and doggies. A dog\u2019 s wagging a tail is at 500. I didn\u2019 t want to say anything that might hurt people\u2019 s feelings. But cats\nand dogs do better than people. Chimpanzees and gorillas, too. You\u2019re safer\nwith Koko the gorilla than you are with most of the people on the subway. Koko won\u2019 t steal your purse and run. Monkeys, dogs, cats. Of course, the\nmore cats you have, the higher your level of consciousness. I\u2019m a cat\nsupporter. Our level of consciousness at home, without the cats, would\nprobably collapse.Let\u2019s not forget horses, elepha nts, and cows. These are all primarily\nherbivores. When you see how life starts out, at the lowest level, and that\nwe come up through fish, octopus, the Komodo dragon, and other predatory\nmammals, you see that life is voracious. Below consciousness level 200, it\nonly can survive by eating other s. And then, as the consciousnes s level goes\nhigher, you get to the herbivores. At consciousness level 200, we have wolves and foxes. Then, all of a\nsudden, at the level 200, we shift to zebras, giraffes, deer, bison, domestic\npigs, elk, cows, and sheep. Do you see the shift? You eat grass and you\u2019re\nnot harm ing anybody; whereas the dinosaur has to kill. He has to kill in\norder to eat. His nature is to kill. The dinosaur is not being bad or evil,\nthat\u2019s just his nature. He\u2019s reflecting the level of consciousness. So the\npeople on the planet who seem to be focused on killing do so because their\nlevel of conscio usness is attuned to be less than 200. Therefore, the left\nbrain, the instinctual left brain physiology, takes over, in which killing\nbecomes exciting, fun, and rewarding. We talked about the 400s being, you might say, when humans reach their\ngreatest intellectual excellence, probably around 350 BC. In ancient Greece,\nphilosophically, there really hasn\u2019 t been any improvement since that time. And here we calibrate the great books of the W estern world, and we find it\u2019 s\nvery interesting. Overall, collectively it calibrates around 460. So\nintellectual excellence, intellectual truth, and reason are in the 400s. In the\nold days, a liberal education meant to study all of these writers. And there is\nstill a foundation for the study of the Great Books. They advise you to take\n10 years. So you spend 10 years studying, and you will then share a\ncommon understanding with all the greatest minds that\u2019ve ever lived\u2014at\nleast within the intellectual and philosophic realms. So, the difficulty of something of a very low calibration is that this then\nstarts off a trend that becomes self-propagating, in the form of memes. An\ninfection like this can then spread throughout the world. People ask me,\n\u201cHow can I become spiritual?\u201d Well, I say, \u201cFirst, just become a decent\nhuman being. Try that. Be considerate, decent. Be responsible. If you say\nyou\u2019re going to close the door when you leave, please do so.\u201d People have\nto be able to count on you. You have to be honest and value wisdom. Wisdom is at 385. Wise people tend to be benign. They\u2019re safe to be with\u2014\nas safe as Koko. Humane, happy, and sensible. They\u2019re sometimes called\n\u201cthe salt of the earth.\u201dThere are various energy fields or chakra systems, as I\u2019m sure you\u2019re\naware. One collection of energy is at the lower mind. The lowe r mind is at\n155. There\u2019s another collection of energy that we call the higher mind. They\nhave two different sets of values. What one setting considers to be valid and\ntrue and ethical, the other considers to be invalid and in fact immoral. The\nlower mind, then, is very intere sted in sensationalism, and is very gullible. It\u2019s interested in being smart and exploiting life. So, you might\nautomatically think of the news. It likes to play off the sensational. It\u2019ll take\nsome trivial little incident that is of no significance and give it major\nairtime. And something that really is of profound importance, and really\nthreatens all of humanity, they give it only a glance\u2014if that. At 275 and up is the higher mind, and it is moving into thoug htfulness,\nbalance, and sensitivity to what is appropriate and what is not appropriate. The higher mind tends to look for solutions, and tends to play off\ndifficulties. So, there\u2019 s a big payof f here. For 85 percent of the people in the\nworld, their intellect is at this level. In America, only about 50 percent. About 50 percent of people would rather watch something gory and horrible\nand sensational than something that is inclusive of beauty. The power of\nconsciousness is now recognized. Einstein, who was a master of a linear dimension, calibrated at 499, and\nhe refused to recognize the role of consciousness. He rejected its reality. He\nsaid, \u201cI prefer to think there\u2019 s a distinct, objective, linear reality out there.\u201d\nWe\u2019ve calibrated all these things to give you a scientific basis to understand\nhow the phenomenal world occurs. I always tell people, \u201cNotice that everything is happening\nspontaneously.\u201d The limitation of the ego is it thinks there is a personal I as\na cause, and based on the New tonian principle, a this causing a that. In\nreality, there is no this causing any that. In fact, that phenomenon is not a\npossibility, because evolution and creation are one and the same thing. So,\nwhat you see is the emer gence of potentiality as a consequence of\nevolution. TRANSCENDING THE MIND AND THE LINEAR DOMAIN\nThe reason for religious conflict is a lack of comprehension of the nature\nof divinity itself. It sees a God who starts here, and then one day creates all\nthere is, and disappears. And after you die, you face him and greet him onjudgment day. I don\u2019t know where he goes in the meantime, but he goes\nsomeplace. It\u2019 s because the mind doesn\u2019 t comprehend infinity. To transcend the mind, which is based on cause and effect, and the\nNewtonian paradigm in science, you have to shift to a higher awareness. Stop projecting the idea of causality into the world. There is no causality in\nthe world\u2014none whatsoever. All that you perceive, and prove, and think is\nso out there is from your head, projected onto the world. Within the world,\nthere is no causa lity. There is sequence. Sequence is not in the world either. Sequence means you perceived it sequentially. Therefore, you project that it\nmust be in the world. It\u2019 s your perception that\u2019 s sequential. How do things come about? The quickest way to enlightenm ent is to\nfocus and notice that everyt hing is, first of all, absolute ly perfect. Everything is exquisite, perfec t, and beautiful as it is, and things come\nabout as a result of potentiality actualizing. Potentiality actualizes as a\nperceivable reality. So what you\u2019re witnessing, always, is the emergence of\npotentiality. The emer gence of potentiality is for this arm to rise. It does it\nby itself. You think there\u2019 s a you causing it, but you don\u2019t have anything to\ndo with it. It rose itself, spontaneously. All that\u2019s occurring spontaneous ly is due to the emer gence of potentiality\nas actuality, when conditions are favorable. That\u2019 s nonlinear dynamics,\nwhen conditions are favorable. So, the conditions also have to be favorable. You don\u2019t make the flower grow. I never saw anybody that made a flower\ngrow. Did you ever meet anybody that made a flower grow? Thank you,\nGod. When you plant something, you\u2019re taking advantage of what I just got\nthrough explaining. All you\u2019re doing is adding conditions that are\nfavorable, such as sunlight, water, and fertilizer. But the potentiality is\nwithin the seed. It actualizes within the phenomenal world, not as causality. You can\u2019 t force the flower to bloom. We need to get rid of the idea of imperfection, because here, it has the\npotential to become a rose. The rose is half unfolded. You\u2019re going to tell\nme that\u2019s a bad rose? A defecti ve rose? That something\u2019 s wrong with the\nrose? No. You see, what happens is", "token_ids": [662, 86557, 43809, 50, 3083, 3501, 3624, 43752, 7415, 198, 7184, 1174, 358, 1120, 1390, 311, 1501, 279, 2592, 315, 279, 14289, 315, 279, 37374, 13, 9393, 499, 198, 4151, 11, 17371, 818, 11107, 6137, 520, 264, 1633, 28694, 2237, 11, 279, 1615, 5979, 283, 274, 2136, 2237, 13, 6193, 1690, 33151, 315, 1667, 11, 279, 25917, 2237, 14297, 16392, 13, 578, 198, 64589, 2136, 2237, 315, 2324, 5196, 11, 279, 2860, 25917, 315, 2324, 389, 279, 198, 51174, 11, 706, 28995, 927, 33151, 315, 1667, 11, 1633, 1174, 1633, 14297, 662, 18156, 279, 25917, 2237, 315, 279, 10099, 706, 8774, 433, 709, 13, 7570, 198, 4636, 893, 706, 1027, 4827, 1109, 220, 1049, 1690, 3115, 11, 1070, 527, 1690, 10099, 198, 263, 279, 11841, 430, 527, 927, 220, 1049, 13, 94192, 2795, 11, 1054, 11649, 11, 279, 25917, 198, 3374, 315, 893, 374, 520, 922, 220, 7854, 13, 2650, 2586, 499, 4070, 2751, 2324, 520, 220, 11227, 12671, 1102, 753, 198, 28753, 584, 2751, 67712, 552, 323, 5679, 68469, 13, 362, 5679, 529, 274, 65425, 3252, 264, 9986, 374, 520, 220, 2636, 13, 358, 3287, 529, 259, 1390, 311, 2019, 4205, 430, 2643, 13194, 1274, 529, 274, 16024, 13, 2030, 19987, 198, 438, 12875, 656, 2731, 1109, 1274, 13, 82548, 857, 3059, 288, 323, 46298, 34344, 11, 2288, 13, 1472, 3207, 30549, 198, 4291, 735, 28342, 279, 46298, 6374, 1109, 499, 527, 449, 1455, 315, 279, 1274, 389, 279, 44346, 662, 735, 28342, 2834, 529, 259, 27669, 701, 53101, 323, 1629, 13, 3206, 10786, 11, 12875, 11, 19987, 13, 5046, 3388, 11, 279, 198, 6518, 19987, 499, 617, 11, 279, 5190, 701, 2237, 315, 25917, 662, 358, 4344, 264, 8415, 198, 24249, 261, 662, 5751, 2237, 315, 25917, 520, 2162, 11, 2085, 279, 19987, 11, 1053, 198, 55540, 18678, 1236, 295, 753, 539, 10894, 27928, 11, 10732, 4055, 308, 2641, 11, 323, 46266, 13, 4314, 527, 682, 15871, 198, 1964, 65, 344, 4692, 13, 3277, 499, 1518, 1268, 2324, 8638, 704, 11, 520, 279, 15821, 2237, 11, 323, 430, 198, 906, 2586, 709, 1555, 7795, 11, 18998, 46970, 11, 279, 27790, 6132, 26161, 11, 323, 1023, 88170, 198, 76, 8836, 1147, 11, 499, 1518, 430, 2324, 374, 14230, 19995, 13, 21883, 25917, 2237, 220, 1049, 11, 433, 198, 3323, 649, 18167, 220, 555, 12459, 1023, 274, 13, 1628, 1243, 11, 439, 279, 17371, 4978, 274, 2237, 5900, 198, 90447, 1174, 499, 636, 311, 279, 39999, 344, 4692, 13, 2468, 25917, 2237, 220, 1049, 11, 584, 617, 56271, 323, 39935, 288, 13, 5112, 11, 682, 315, 264, 198, 82, 39095, 11, 520, 279, 2237, 220, 1049, 11, 584, 6541, 311, 14017, 71861, 11, 41389, 2715, 288, 11, 39149, 11, 293, 3416, 11, 13018, 198, 79, 14801, 11, 77942, 11, 46266, 11, 323, 33012, 13, 3234, 499, 1518, 279, 6541, 30, 1472, 8343, 16763, 220, 323, 499, 3207, 198, 1962, 11682, 6892, 21739, 26, 20444, 279, 63989, 706, 311, 5622, 13, 1283, 706, 311, 5622, 304, 198, 1382, 311, 8343, 13, 5414, 7138, 374, 311, 5622, 13, 578, 63989, 374, 539, 1694, 3958, 477, 14289, 345, 9210, 753, 1120, 813, 7138, 13, 1283, 753, 42852, 279, 2237, 315, 25917, 13, 2100, 279, 198, 16455, 389, 279, 11841, 889, 2873, 311, 387, 10968, 389, 13419, 656, 779, 1606, 872, 198, 3374, 315, 13902, 822, 603, 2136, 374, 1651, 49983, 311, 387, 2753, 1109, 220, 1049, 13, 15636, 11, 279, 2163, 198, 54160, 11, 279, 31655, 940, 2163, 8271, 220, 78152, 1174, 5097, 927, 11, 304, 902, 13419, 198, 17106, 20969, 13548, 11, 2523, 11, 323, 42093, 13, 1226, 15243, 922, 279, 220, 3443, 82, 1694, 11, 499, 2643, 2019, 11, 994, 12966, 5662, 872, 198, 70, 11423, 20207, 38656, 11, 4762, 2212, 220, 8652, 18531, 13, 763, 14154, 25431, 345, 46185, 11597, 2740, 1174, 1070, 2216, 12775, 529, 259, 1027, 904, 16048, 2533, 430, 892, 13, 1628, 1618, 584, 1652, 44192, 279, 2294, 6603, 315, 279, 468, 1826, 944, 1917, 11, 323, 584, 1505, 433, 529, 274, 198, 1225, 7185, 13, 28993, 11, 45925, 433, 1652, 10892, 988, 2212, 220, 16551, 13, 2100, 198, 80643, 59517, 38656, 11, 20207, 8206, 11, 323, 2944, 527, 304, 279, 220, 3443, 82, 13, 763, 279, 198, 820, 2919, 11, 264, 18250, 6873, 8967, 311, 4007, 682, 315, 1521, 16483, 13, 1628, 1070, 374, 198, 44466, 264, 16665, 369, 279, 4007, 315, 279, 8681, 18312, 13, 2435, 32113, 499, 311, 1935, 198, 605, 1667, 13, 2100, 499, 8493, 220, 605, 1667, 21630, 11, 323, 499, 690, 1243, 4430, 264, 198, 5581, 8830, 449, 682, 279, 12474, 20663, 430, 4070, 3596, 12439, 99563, 198, 56371, 2949, 279, 20207, 323, 13868, 292, 77563, 13, 2100, 11, 279, 17250, 315, 2555, 315, 264, 1633, 3428, 38711, 374, 430, 420, 1243, 198, 66976, 1022, 264, 9327, 430, 9221, 659, 77671, 351, 1113, 11, 304, 279, 1376, 315, 62277, 13, 1556, 198, 258, 13421, 1093, 420, 649, 1243, 9041, 6957, 279, 1917, 13, 9029, 2610, 757, 345, 98476, 649, 358, 3719, 18330, 12671, 220, 8489, 11, 358, 2019, 11, 1054, 5451, 11, 1120, 3719, 264, 15326, 198, 26380, 1694, 13, 9934, 430, 13, 2893, 2980, 349, 11, 15326, 13, 2893, 8647, 13, 1442, 499, 2019, 198, 9514, 3207, 2133, 311, 3345, 279, 6134, 994, 499, 5387, 11, 4587, 656, 779, 2029, 9029, 617, 198, 998, 387, 3025, 311, 1797, 389, 499, 13, 1472, 617, 311, 387, 10978, 323, 907, 24278, 13, 57201, 374, 520, 220, 18695, 13, 62101, 1274, 8541, 311, 387, 65309, 13, 2435, 3207, 6220, 311, 387, 449, 2345, 198, 300, 6220, 439, 735, 28342, 13, 20449, 2194, 11, 6380, 1174, 323, 38761, 13, 2435, 3207, 7170, 2663, 198, 2118, 1820, 12290, 315, 279, 9578, 2029, 3947, 527, 5370, 4907, 5151, 477, 523, 52503, 6067, 11, 439, 358, 4344, 2771, 499, 3207, 198, 20111, 13, 3861, 4526, 315, 4907, 374, 520, 279, 4827, 4059, 13, 578, 3428, 68, 436, 4059, 374, 520, 198, 9992, 13, 2684, 753, 2500, 4526, 315, 4907, 430, 584, 1650, 279, 5190, 4059, 13, 2435, 198, 19553, 1403, 2204, 7437, 315, 2819, 662, 3639, 832, 6376, 220, 32238, 311, 387, 2764, 323, 198, 1904, 323, 31308, 11, 279, 1023, 32238, 311, 387, 8482, 323, 304, 2144, 79254, 13, 578, 198, 15115, 4059, 11, 1243, 11, 374, 1633, 958, 68, 357, 291, 304, 68503, 2191, 11, 323, 374, 1633, 342, 620, 1260, 13, 1102, 753, 8173, 304, 1694, 7941, 323, 71701, 2324, 13, 2100, 11, 499, 2643, 198, 28172, 7167, 1781, 315, 279, 3754, 13, 1102, 13452, 311, 1514, 1022, 279, 68503, 13, 1102, 4805, 1935, 198, 15031, 36747, 2697, 10672, 430, 374, 315, 912, 26431, 323, 3041, 433, 3682, 198, 1334, 1712, 13, 1628, 2555, 430, 2216, 374, 315, 28254, 12939, 11, 323, 2216, 198, 97229, 729, 682, 315, 22706, 1174, 814, 3041, 433, 1193, 264, 34522, 90863, 430, 13, 2468, 220, 14417, 323, 709, 374, 279, 5190, 4059, 11, 323, 433, 374, 7366, 1139, 34223, 70, 35423, 31514, 345, 22298, 11, 323, 27541, 311, 1148, 374, 8475, 323, 1148, 374, 539, 8475, 13, 578, 5190, 4059, 28335, 311, 1427, 369, 10105, 11, 323, 28335, 311, 1514, 1022, 198, 13798, 3951, 552, 13, 2100, 11, 1070, 529, 274, 264, 2466, 2343, 1073, 282, 1618, 13, 1789, 220, 5313, 3346, 315, 279, 1274, 304, 279, 198, 14957, 11, 872, 17108, 374, 520, 420, 2237, 13, 763, 5270, 11, 1193, 922, 220, 1135, 3346, 13, 10180, 220, 1135, 3346, 315, 1274, 1053, 4856, 3821, 2555, 342, 683, 323, 28201, 198, 438, 68503, 1109, 2555, 430, 374, 29408, 315, 13444, 662, 578, 2410, 315, 198, 64589, 2136, 374, 1457, 15324, 13, 55152, 11, 889, 574, 264, 7491, 315, 264, 13790, 13167, 11, 86085, 520, 220, 18162, 11, 323, 198, 383, 16436, 311, 15641, 279, 3560, 315, 25917, 13, 1283, 18010, 1202, 8903, 662, 1283, 198, 84359, 11, 1054, 40, 10932, 311, 1781, 1070, 529, 274, 264, 12742, 11, 16945, 11, 13790, 8903, 220, 704, 1070, 49216, 1687, 4070, 86085, 682, 1521, 2574, 311, 3041, 499, 264, 12624, 8197, 311, 3619, 198, 5269, 279, 57492, 1917, 13980, 13, 358, 2744, 3371, 1274, 11, 1054, 35293, 430, 4395, 374, 12765, 198, 2203, 546, 20933, 662, 863, 578, 20893, 315, 279, 37374, 374, 433, 15849, 1070, 374, 264, 4443, 358, 439, 198, 64, 5353, 11, 220, 323, 3196, 389, 279, 1561, 8941, 1122, 17966, 11, 264, 420, 14718, 220, 264, 430, 13, 763, 198, 265, 2786, 1174, 1070, 374, 912, 420, 14718, 904, 430, 13, 763, 2144, 11, 430, 25885, 374, 539, 264, 198, 9007, 3225, 1174, 1606, 15740, 323, 9886, 527, 832, 323, 279, 1890, 3245, 13, 2100, 345, 12840, 499, 1518, 374, 279, 991, 261, 342, 768, 315, 4754, 488, 439, 264, 29774, 315, 198, 5230, 3294, 13, 41447, 3624, 31979, 3247, 386, 5358, 3651, 3247, 122154, 85686, 198, 791, 2944, 369, 10597, 12324, 220, 374, 264, 6996, 315, 62194, 315, 279, 7138, 198, 1073, 3512, 13797, 5196, 13, 1102, 16008, 264, 4359, 889, 8638, 1618, 11, 323, 1243, 832, 1938, 11705, 682, 198, 19041, 374, 11, 323, 61370, 13, 1628, 1306, 499, 2815, 11, 499, 3663, 1461, 323, 41886, 1461, 389, 18631, 9247, 1938, 13, 358, 1541, 1431, 1440, 1405, 568, 5900, 304, 279, 33953, 11, 719, 568, 5900, 198, 15031, 2050, 13, 1102, 529, 274, 1606, 279, 4059, 3250, 529, 259, 58389, 56010, 662, 2057, 74809, 279, 4059, 11, 902, 220, 374, 3196, 389, 5353, 323, 2515, 11, 323, 279, 198, 77477, 1122, 49340, 304, 8198, 11, 499, 617, 311, 6541, 311, 264, 5190, 17985, 13, 14549, 82382, 279, 4623, 315, 25540, 2786, 1139, 279, 1917, 13, 2684, 374, 912, 25540, 2786, 304, 198, 1820, 1917, 2345, 6836, 220, 36734, 662, 2052, 430, 499, 45493, 11, 323, 12391, 11, 323, 1781, 374, 198, 708, 704, 1070, 374, 505, 701, 2010, 11, 28448, 8800, 279, 1917, 13, 25218, 279, 1917, 345, 19041, 374, 912, 63099, 326, 488, 13, 2684, 374, 8668, 13, 29971, 374, 539, 304, 279, 1917, 3060, 662, 29971, 3445, 499, 26617, 433, 95659, 662, 15636, 11, 499, 2447, 430, 433, 198, 25849, 387, 304, 279, 1917, 13, 1102, 529, 274, 701, 21063, 220, 430, 529, 274, 52100, 13, 2650, 656, 2574, 2586, 922, 30, 578, 81610, 1648, 311, 41316, 268, 76, 1218, 374, 311, 198, 17870, 323, 5406, 430, 1475, 83, 305, 287, 374, 11, 1176, 315, 682, 11, 10973, 14869, 4832, 13, 20696, 374, 59708, 11, 22535, 762, 259, 11, 323, 6366, 439, 433, 374, 11, 323, 2574, 2586, 198, 9274, 439, 264, 1121, 315, 4754, 488, 5150, 4954, 13, 55057, 488, 5150, 4861, 439, 264, 198, 716, 346, 43672, 8903, 13, 2100, 1148, 499, 3207, 70042, 11, 2744, 11, 374, 279, 49179, 315, 198, 93036, 488, 662, 578, 991, 261, 342, 768, 315, 4754, 488, 374, 369, 420, 6916, 311, 10205, 13, 1102, 1587, 433, 198, 1729, 5196, 662, 1472, 1781, 1070, 529, 274, 264, 499, 14718, 433, 11, 719, 499, 1541, 1431, 617, 4205, 311, 198, 3055, 449, 433, 13, 1102, 16392, 5196, 11, 88558, 662, 2052, 430, 753, 31965, 54557, 14869, 374, 4245, 311, 279, 991, 261, 342, 768, 315, 4754, 488, 198, 300, 5150, 488, 1174, 994, 4787, 527, 37849, 13, 3011, 529, 274, 75098, 30295, 345, 9493, 4787, 527, 37849, 13, 2100, 11, 279, 4787, 1101, 617, 311, 387, 37849, 13, 1472, 1541, 1431, 1304, 279, 23153, 3139, 662, 358, 2646, 5602, 21739, 430, 1903, 264, 23153, 198, 67318, 662, 14910, 499, 3596, 3449, 21739, 430, 1903, 264, 23153, 3139, 30, 9930, 499, 345, 28622, 13, 3277, 499, 6136, 2555, 11, 499, 3207, 4737, 9610, 315, 1148, 358, 1120, 2751, 198, 20322, 26073, 13, 2052, 499, 3207, 3815, 374, 7999, 4787, 430, 527, 198, 75060, 481, 11, 1778, 439, 40120, 11, 3090, 11, 323, 65391, 662, 2030, 279, 4754, 488, 374, 198, 56950, 220, 279, 10533, 13, 1102, 5150, 4861, 2949, 279, 57492, 1917, 11, 539, 439, 25540, 2786, 662, 1472, 649, 529, 259, 5457, 279, 23153, 311, 52554, 13, 1226, 1205, 311, 636, 9463, 315, 279, 4623, 315, 17190, 13421, 11, 1606, 1618, 11, 433, 706, 279, 198, 93036, 311, 3719, 264, 16392, 13, 578, 16392, 374, 4376, 76782, 13, 1472, 3207, 2133, 311, 3371, 198, 2727, 430, 753, 264, 3958, 16392, 30, 362, 23011, 72, 5320, 16392, 30, 3011, 2555, 529, 274, 5076, 449, 279, 198, 25888, 30, 2360, 13, 1472, 1518, 11, 1148, 8741, 374], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": " my downfall. Chapter 2 -- Downfall \n It took some time for me to make up my mind to see my next doctor, Dr. Kale, \nbecause after all, when you get burnt once and then a second time, you become a little \nleery about the possibility of a third time. However, an appointment was made to see \nhim. That was like going from the frying pan into the fire for the next two years, until \nthe middle of 1964. So I began all over again with the blood tests and stool samples which gave similar \nresults as the previous tests except these results showed a general worsening. I was \nfeeling very sick the day of the initial examination. There was a fever and colon infection present, which was probably why I was so weak. Being malnourished from \ninability to properly digest and absorb nutrients from the food was also a contributing factor. Dr. Kale gave me a rather long and extensive sigmoidoscope examination. It was \nquite uncomfortable, to say the least, because I was nervous, tense, and the \nhemorrhoids formed a slight interference to the entry of that cold steel tube. What does one think about while this tube is pushed deep into the rectum and colon \nand moved around at different angles for best viewing? I didn't know what others \nthought, but I'm sure it was similar to mine. I didn't think of pleasant things and I \ndidn't think of unpleasant things. In fact, I had but one thought: \"When is he going to \ntake that damn thing out?\" Dr. Kale was quite concerned upon completion of this examination. No, he was \nmore than concerned. He was alarmed. Alarmed that anyone could have allowed me \nto reach this present stage without having the common sense to have placed me in a hospital. He informed me that not only was I running a high fever but that a massive \ninfection was present in the entire ulcerated large intestine and was spreading. He \nsaid, \"I want you to go right home and pack a suitcase and get over to the hospital \nimmediately. I'll phone the hospital and inform them to admit you as a medical \nemergency.\" The hospital had no openings for admissions, but the medical emergency \nhad priority. It was one of the few times in my sick life I had \"status.\" Upon admission I was put to bed and antibiotics were administered for the infection, \nand aspirin for the fever. The body is trying to eliminate something through a fever. It \nis part of a remedial process and should not be suppressed by aspirin. Many times, \nsuppression of a fever will result in some unhealthy manifestation elsewhere in the \nbody. Also, the ingestion of aspirin has been proven to cause pinpoint bleeding and \neven ulcers of the lining of the digestive tract. So why was it given to me? Was that logical? I must attribute my increased bleeding; during the first few days in the \nhospital, to the always dangerous aspirin. I consider myself most fortunate the ulcers in my colon did not perforate into the abdominal cavity and cause my demise. My food was called a low-residue, high-protein diet, which is supposed to build the \nbody and yet not leave too much bulk after digestion to irritate the colon. Most of the food was cooked and pureed, leaving it nutritionally wanting, but this is all I could \nhandle. Put a healthy person on a diet of only cooked foods and eventually his health \nwill deteriorate into disease. I was advised to have double orders at each meal, if it was desired. That meant \ndouble steaks, eggs, hamburgers, chops, chicken, and bacon. Also included in this \nmenu were milk, white bread, coffee, cereals, sa lt, white sugar, etc. For one thing, as \nmentioned previously, a sick body does not have the ability for normal digestion and \nbecomes weaker from expending energy in trying. Meat is not good for the body, but \nis much worse for a diseased intestine. Bacon and eggs are too difficult to digest. Milk generates mucus and creates allergic mani festations. White bread, cereals, and white \nsugar are highly chemicalized foodless foods and are responsible for many diseases. Salt (table salt, as it is known) is a powerful irritant and has no place in the human \nbody. You know what happens when salt is put on a cut; well can you imagine what it \ndoes to a person who has ulcerative colitis. Coffee is a diuretic and stimulant which also has no place in the human body, much less a sick one, and coffee elevates the \nfatty acid level of the blood while it can also trigger a low blood sugar \n(hypoglycemic) reaction. I'll try to cover the important aspect of diet in another \nchapter. A varied regimen of drugs was instituted during the first week in the hospital. Treatment was always a hit and miss affair, going from one drug or modality to the \nnext and always seeking, always hoping, but never finding. I was going to spend five \nlong weeks in the hospital. Five weeks away from my family and from my practice, which was already \nsuffering. Five weeks filled with hope--but it was false hope. Megavitamin therapy began along with a battery of potentially dangerous drugs. There was Sulfasuxidine for infection, Crystalline B-12 injections to combat the \nanemia, Codeine for pain, Librium for tranquilization, Plaquenil (an anti-\ninflammatory and antiparasitic agent), Sorboquel to inhibit motility in the intestinal tract, and Maalox for the ever-present indigestion and upset stomach due to ingestion \nof all these drugs and inability to handle the volume of food. There were ups and downs the first two weeks, but nothing to indicate any general \nimprovement was forthcoming. Diarrhea was increasing to between 12 and 20 times \nper day, much of it being just intestinal spasm and bleeding. This, coupled with the \npoisonous effects of the drugs (nausea, indigestion, blurred and double vision, \ndizziness, headache, dryness of mouth, and rapid heartbeat), sent me into deep depression, fear, anxiety, and other psyc hological hang-ups. I was becoming old at 32 \nyears of age and had not enjoyed life for the last four years, at a time when I should \nhave been planning for the future. Instead, the outlook was bleak. I could only foresee \na futile struggle to exist--my wife having to work to support us, my physical and now \npsychological debility worsening until I became a complete invalid (if I lived that \nlong), and a deteriorating family life. It was at this point in my hospitalization that Dr. Kale began the use of steroids--the \ncortisone family of drugs. I had already taken small doses for a short time, as \nmentioned earlier. Thus began probably the most dangerous phase of my treatment with these hormones, the reasons becoming ev ident, as you will soon learn. Massive \ndoses were given to me by injection and with in a few days I began to feel better. The \nintestinal spasms and diarrhea became less frequent. The migrating joint pains, which \ncan be common in advanced ulcerative colitis, subsided. I began to feel \"on top of the \nworld,\" but these were false feelings of euphoria brought about by the action of the \nhormones. My appetite was stimulated abnormally and I was able to eat unlimited \namounts of food, which was harmful to an already weakened digestive system. I began to put on some weight, but it was a dangerous and unhealthy weight, as will be \nseen. The severe inflammation throughout the intestinal tract subsided, or so it \nseemed. But what occurred was a blocking of the body's mechanism to relay the \nnormal inflammatory response, thereby giving the impression of improvement when \nin reality the inflammatory process was still going on, although I was not aware of it. In other words, while I was feeling marvelous and beginning to \"live\" again, I was \nactually dying inside. A very deceptive mask ing of symptoms was taking place. It was \nthis symptom treatment, or masking of symptoms, that formed the basis for all my \nmedical treatment. After about a week of these injections, they were discontinued and replaced with \ntablets called prednisolone (similar to the hormone prednisone I took with Dr. \nLeopold three years before), which I took in very large doses. I was still taking the other previously mentioned drugs with the addition now of Ananase, which is used as \nan anti-inflammatory and also reduces swellings. One of the dangers of taking steroids (prednisolone, etc.) is the delay of wound \nhealing or the opening up of old sores. So you can see the problem I was up against. I \nwas damn lucky the ulcerated colon didn't break down and allow me to hemorrhage to \ndeath. With this potential danger, I could not understand the rationale for using this \ndrug. The final two weeks in the hospital were spent trying to rest, adjusting drug \ndosages, taking blood tests and lower GI (bar ium enema) tests, and of course being on \nthe receiving end of the always-cold steel tube (the sigmoidoscope ). It was sometimes difficult to break the monotony of the five weeks in the hospital, \nbut I read and made friends with many patients on my floor, played chess with some, \nand even took daily wheelchair rides up and down the hall while pushed by one of my \nnew-found friends. To make the ride even more interesting, I took along my remote \ncontrol switch from my hospital television set and as", "token_ids": [856, 88867, 13, 15957, 220, 17, 1198, 6419, 13772, 2355, 256, 1102, 3952, 1063, 892, 369, 757, 311, 1304, 709, 856, 4059, 311, 1518, 856, 1828, 10896, 11, 2999, 13, 97842, 11, 720, 28753, 1306, 682, 11, 994, 499, 636, 50440, 3131, 323, 1243, 264, 2132, 892, 11, 499, 3719, 264, 2697, 720, 273, 727, 922, 279, 13336, 315, 264, 4948, 892, 13, 4452, 11, 459, 18101, 574, 1903, 311, 1518, 720, 40617, 13, 3011, 574, 1093, 2133, 505, 279, 87196, 7363, 1139, 279, 4027, 369, 279, 1828, 1403, 1667, 11, 3156, 720, 1820, 6278, 315, 220, 5162, 19, 13, 2100, 358, 6137, 682, 927, 1578, 449, 279, 6680, 7177, 323, 64172, 10688, 902, 6688, 4528, 720, 8234, 439, 279, 3766, 7177, 3734, 1521, 3135, 8710, 264, 4689, 93405, 13, 358, 574, 720, 1897, 20659, 1633, 14363, 279, 1938, 315, 279, 2926, 24481, 13, 2684, 574, 264, 34653, 323, 15235, 19405, 3118, 11, 902, 574, 4762, 3249, 358, 574, 779, 7621, 13, 21347, 8811, 77, 414, 3384, 505, 720, 258, 2968, 311, 10489, 21552, 323, 35406, 37493, 505, 279, 3691, 574, 1101, 264, 29820, 8331, 13, 2999, 13, 97842, 6688, 757, 264, 4856, 1317, 323, 16781, 65990, 63753, 24481, 13, 1102, 574, 720, 84270, 29213, 11, 311, 2019, 279, 3325, 11, 1606, 358, 574, 23418, 11, 43787, 11, 323, 279, 720, 30132, 54308, 17390, 14454, 264, 8275, 32317, 311, 279, 4441, 315, 430, 9439, 9699, 14019, 13, 3639, 1587, 832, 1781, 922, 1418, 420, 14019, 374, 15753, 5655, 1139, 279, 7763, 372, 323, 15235, 720, 438, 7882, 2212, 520, 2204, 27030, 369, 1888, 20705, 30, 358, 3287, 956, 1440, 1148, 3885, 720, 61665, 11, 719, 358, 2846, 2771, 433, 574, 4528, 311, 10705, 662, 358, 3287, 956, 1781, 315, 24729, 2574, 323, 358, 720, 97849, 956, 1781, 315, 47989, 2574, 13, 763, 2144, 11, 358, 1047, 719, 832, 3463, 25, 330, 4599, 374, 568, 2133, 311, 720, 23609, 430, 27860, 3245, 704, 7673, 2999, 13, 97842, 574, 5115, 11920, 5304, 9954, 315, 420, 24481, 13, 2360, 11, 568, 574, 720, 6518, 1109, 11920, 13, 1283, 574, 82140, 13, 1708, 31372, 430, 5606, 1436, 617, 5535, 757, 720, 998, 5662, 420, 3118, 6566, 2085, 3515, 279, 4279, 5647, 311, 617, 9277, 757, 304, 264, 8952, 13, 1283, 16369, 757, 430, 539, 1193, 574, 358, 4401, 264, 1579, 34653, 719, 430, 264, 11191, 720, 258, 13421, 574, 3118, 304, 279, 4553, 96971, 660, 3544, 92234, 323, 574, 31135, 13, 1283, 720, 84359, 11, 330, 40, 1390, 499, 311, 733, 1314, 2162, 323, 3854, 264, 88949, 323, 636, 927, 311, 279, 8952, 720, 318, 44287, 13, 358, 3358, 4641, 279, 8952, 323, 6179, 1124, 311, 17113, 499, 439, 264, 6593, 720, 99908, 1210, 578, 8952, 1047, 912, 49649, 369, 48911, 11, 719, 279, 6593, 13147, 720, 32345, 10844, 13, 1102, 574, 832, 315, 279, 2478, 3115, 304, 856, 14363, 2324, 358, 1047, 330, 2899, 1210, 30538, 26360, 358, 574, 2231, 311, 4950, 323, 46850, 1051, 38018, 369, 279, 19405, 11, 720, 438, 25689, 258, 369, 279, 34653, 13, 578, 2547, 374, 4560, 311, 22472, 2555, 1555, 264, 34653, 13, 1102, 720, 285, 961, 315, 264, 34630, 532, 1920, 323, 1288, 539, 220, 387, 56089, 555, 25689, 258, 13, 9176, 3115, 11, 720, 13066, 4099, 315, 264, 34653, 690, 1121, 304, 1063, 53808, 64050, 18403, 304, 279, 720, 2664, 13, 7429, 11, 279, 88447, 315, 25689, 258, 706, 1027, 17033, 311, 5353, 67638, 35763, 323, 720, 17206, 8725, 17254, 315, 279, 36471, 315, 279, 60071, 42929, 13, 2100, 3249, 574, 433, 2728, 311, 757, 30, 15148, 430, 20406, 30, 358, 2011, 7180, 856, 7319, 35763, 26, 2391, 279, 1176, 2478, 2919, 304, 279, 720, 71127, 11, 311, 279, 2744, 11660, 25689, 258, 13, 358, 2980, 7182, 1455, 40510, 279, 8725, 17254, 304, 856, 15235, 1550, 539, 84868, 349, 1139, 279, 57056, 56429, 323, 5353, 856, 58964, 13, 3092, 3691, 574, 2663, 264, 3428, 11849, 61707, 11, 1579, 10039, 39340, 10173, 11, 902, 374, 10171, 311, 1977, 279, 720, 2664, 323, 3686, 539, 5387, 2288, 1790, 20155, 1306, 74502, 311, 30118, 349, 279, 15235, 13, 7648, 315, 279, 3691, 574, 30205, 323, 10748, 291, 11, 9564, 433, 26677, 750, 19762, 11, 719, 420, 374, 682, 358, 1436, 720, 8355, 13, 10435, 264, 9498, 1732, 389, 264, 10173, 315, 1193, 30205, 15657, 323, 9778, 813, 2890, 720, 14724, 39436, 349, 1139, 8624, 13, 358, 574, 26160, 311, 617, 2033, 10373, 520, 1855, 15496, 11, 422, 433, 574, 12974, 13, 3011, 8967, 720, 4429, 4179, 10011, 11, 19335, 11, 57947, 388, 11, 91178, 11, 16553, 11, 323, 41452, 13, 7429, 5343, 304, 420, 720, 6192, 1051, 14403, 11, 4251, 16385, 11, 11033, 11, 28091, 1147, 11, 829, 26237, 11, 4251, 13465, 11, 5099, 13, 1789, 832, 3245, 11, 439, 720, 37691, 8767, 11, 264, 14363, 2547, 1587, 539, 617, 279, 5845, 369, 4725, 74502, 323, 720, 17106, 20969, 43383, 505, 1367, 2518, 4907, 304, 4560, 13, 45965, 374, 539, 1695, 369, 279, 2547, 11, 719, 720, 285, 1790, 11201, 369, 264, 6759, 1503, 92234, 13, 62484, 323, 19335, 527, 2288, 5107, 311, 21552, 13, 44925, 27983, 296, 38601, 323, 11705, 57596, 893, 72, 19390, 811, 13, 5929, 16385, 11, 28091, 1147, 11, 323, 4251, 720, 82, 8734, 527, 7701, 11742, 1534, 3691, 1752, 15657, 323, 527, 8647, 369, 1690, 19338, 13, 28138, 320, 2048, 12290, 11, 439, 433, 374, 3967, 8, 374, 264, 8147, 30118, 519, 323, 706, 912, 2035, 304, 279, 3823, 720, 2664, 13, 1472, 1440, 1148, 8741, 994, 12290, 374, 2231, 389, 264, 4018, 26, 1664, 649, 499, 13085, 1148, 433, 720, 28156, 311, 264, 1732, 889, 706, 96971, 1413, 1400, 20000, 13, 27171, 374, 264, 1891, 554, 29150, 323, 12936, 69733, 902, 1101, 706, 912, 2035, 304, 279, 3823, 2547, 11, 1790, 2753, 264, 14363, 832, 11, 323, 11033, 12231, 988, 279, 720, 69, 23758, 13935, 2237, 315, 279, 6680, 1418, 433, 649, 1101, 8346, 264, 3428, 6680, 13465, 720, 3283, 1100, 540, 398, 66, 8274, 8, 13010, 13, 358, 3358, 1456, 311, 3504, 279, 3062, 13189, 315, 10173, 304, 2500, 720, 41326, 13, 362, 28830, 68128, 315, 11217, 574, 81099, 2391, 279, 1176, 2046, 304, 279, 8952, 13, 31969, 574, 2744, 264, 4295, 323, 3194, 31017, 11, 2133, 505, 832, 5623, 477, 1491, 2786, 311, 279, 720, 3684, 323, 2744, 11125, 11, 2744, 16026, 11, 719, 2646, 9455, 13, 358, 574, 2133, 311, 8493, 4330, 720, 4930, 5672, 304, 279, 8952, 13, 21594, 5672, 3201, 505, 856, 3070, 323, 505, 856, 6725, 11, 902, 574, 2736, 720, 82, 2084, 287, 13, 21594, 5672, 10409, 449, 3987, 313, 8248, 433, 574, 905, 3987, 13, 28443, 44210, 8778, 15419, 6137, 3235, 449, 264, 11863, 315, 13893, 11660, 11217, 13, 2684, 574, 328, 14643, 300, 2249, 91073, 369, 19405, 11, 4656, 599, 543, 483, 426, 12, 717, 65246, 311, 12896, 279, 720, 276, 22689, 11, 6247, 483, 369, 6784, 11, 5806, 41552, 369, 68040, 2065, 11, 1856, 72671, 268, 321, 320, 276, 7294, 7058, 258, 55097, 323, 3276, 575, 73942, 49086, 8479, 705, 30631, 754, 43014, 311, 69033, 3937, 1429, 304, 279, 63900, 42929, 11, 323, 11583, 278, 5241, 369, 279, 3596, 49124, 1280, 15505, 290, 323, 23268, 23152, 4245, 311, 88447, 720, 1073, 682, 1521, 11217, 323, 38550, 311, 3790, 279, 8286, 315, 3691, 13, 2684, 1051, 33834, 323, 40291, 279, 1176, 1403, 5672, 11, 719, 4400, 311, 13519, 904, 4689, 720, 318, 782, 7986, 574, 45764, 13, 7923, 1138, 41033, 574, 7859, 311, 1990, 220, 717, 323, 220, 508, 3115, 720, 716, 1938, 11, 1790, 315, 433, 1694, 1120, 63900, 993, 10753, 323, 35763, 13, 1115, 11, 34356, 449, 279, 720, 5481, 3416, 788, 6372, 315, 279, 11217, 320, 3458, 817, 64, 11, 1280, 15505, 290, 11, 73500, 323, 2033, 11376, 11, 720, 67, 97745, 11, 47846, 11, 9235, 2136, 315, 11013, 11, 323, 11295, 53205, 705, 3288, 757, 1139, 5655, 18710, 11, 8850, 11, 18547, 11, 323, 1023, 4831, 3418, 305, 5848, 15020, 27859, 13, 358, 574, 10671, 2362, 520, 220, 843, 720, 42820, 315, 4325, 323, 1047, 539, 14333, 2324, 369, 279, 1566, 3116, 1667, 11, 520, 264, 892, 994, 358, 1288, 720, 19553, 1027, 9293, 369, 279, 3938, 13, 12361, 11, 279, 36721, 574, 76367, 13, 358, 1436, 1193, 57791, 720, 64, 85627, 14993, 311, 3073, 313, 2465, 7555, 3515, 311, 990, 311, 1862, 603, 11, 856, 7106, 323, 1457, 720, 92109, 5848, 4316, 1429, 93405, 3156, 358, 6244, 264, 4686, 8482, 320, 333, 358, 12439, 430, 720, 4930, 705, 323, 264, 39436, 1113, 3070, 2324, 13, 1102, 574, 520, 420, 1486, 304, 856, 8952, 2065, 430, 2999, 13, 97842, 6137, 279, 1005, 315, 58161, 313, 1820, 720, 66, 371, 285, 606, 3070, 315, 11217, 13, 358, 1047, 2736, 4529, 2678, 35130, 369, 264, 2875, 892, 11, 439, 720, 37691, 6931, 13, 14636, 6137, 4762, 279, 1455, 11660, 10474, 315, 856, 6514, 449, 1521, 44315, 11, 279, 8125, 10671, 3721, 3608, 11, 439, 499, 690, 5246, 4048, 13, 82564, 720, 67, 20274, 1051, 2728, 311, 757, 555, 26127, 323, 449, 304, 264, 2478, 2919, 358, 6137, 311, 2733, 2731, 13, 578, 720, 71558, 83060, 1026, 323, 69393, 6244, 2753, 21420, 13, 578, 85626, 10496, 51266, 11, 902, 720, 4919, 387, 4279, 304, 11084, 96971, 1413, 1400, 20000, 11, 5258, 4591, 13, 358, 6137, 311, 2733, 330, 263, 1948, 315, 279, 720, 14957, 1359, 719, 1521, 1051, 905, 16024, 315, 65043, 96729, 7263, 922, 555, 279, 1957, 315, 279, 720, 71, 494, 3233, 13, 3092, 38575, 574, 81471, 671, 86336, 323, 358, 574, 3025, 311, 8343, 27862, 720, 6173, 82, 315, 3691, 11, 902, 574, 28856, 311, 459, 2736, 58764, 60071, 1887, 13, 358, 6137, 311, 2231, 389, 1063, 4785, 11, 719, 433, 574, 264, 11660, 323, 53808, 4785, 11, 439, 690, 387, 720, 29412, 13, 578, 15748, 37140, 6957, 279, 63900, 42929, 5258, 4591, 11, 477, 779, 433, 720, 325, 16809, 13, 2030, 1148, 10222, 574, 264, 22978, 315, 279, 2547, 596, 17383, 311, 32951, 279, 720, 8416, 47288, 2077, 11, 28592, 7231, 279, 21455, 315, 16048, 994, 720, 258, 8903, 279, 47288, 1920, 574, 2103, 2133, 389, 11, 8051, 358, 574, 539, 8010, 315, 433, 13, 763, 1023, 4339, 11, 1418, 358, 574, 8430, 81292, 323, 7314, 311, 330, 25859, 1, 1578, 11, 358, 574, 720, 74128, 23069, 4871, 13, 362, 1633, 81374, 7056, 6892, 315, 13803, 574, 4737, 2035, 13, 1102, 574, 720, 576, 49648, 6514, 11, 477, 79176, 315, 13803, 11, 430, 14454, 279, 8197, 369, 682, 856, 720, 69216, 6514, 13, 4740, 922, 264, 2046, 315, 1521, 65246, 11, 814, 1051, 65259, 323, 12860, 449, 720, 2048, 2641, 2663, 4255, 26209, 337, 606, 320, 65387, 311, 279, 36908, 4255, 26209, 606, 358, 3952, 449, 2999, 13, 720, 2356, 454, 820, 2380, 1667, 1603, 705, 902, 358, 3952, 304, 1633, 3544, 35130, 13, 358, 574, 2103, 4737, 279, 1023, 8767, 9932, 11217, 449, 279, 5369, 1457, 315, 1556, 276, 521, 11, 902, 374, 1511, 439, 720, 276, 7294, 67595, 323, 1101, 26338, 78353, 826, 13, 3861, 315, 279, 37064, 315, 4737, 58161, 320, 24361, 26209, 337, 606, 11, 5099, 6266, 374, 279, 7781, 315, 27653, 720, 383, 6260, 477, 279, 8736, 709, 315, 2362, 779, 417, 13, 2100, 499, 649, 1518, 279, 3575, 358, 574, 709, 2403, 13, 358, 720, 16514, 27860, 18069, 279, 96971, 660, 15235, 3287, 956, 1464, 1523, 323, 2187, 757, 311, 71417, 425, 311, 720, 63007, 13, 3161, 420, 4754, 8137, 11, 358, 1436, 539, 3619, 279, 57916, 369, 1701, 420, 720, 73821, 13, 578, 1620, 1403, 5672, 304, 279, 8952, 1051, 7543, 4560, 311, 2800, 11, 43468, 5623, 720, 41625, 1154, 11, 4737, 6680, 7177, 323, 4827, 49609, 320, 2308, 602, 372, 665, 9355, 8, 7177, 11, 323, 315, 3388, 1694, 389, 720, 1820, 12588, 842, 315, 279, 2744, 1824, 820, 9699, 14019, 320, 1820, 65990, 63753, 883, 662, 1102, 574, 7170, 5107, 311, 1464, 279, 78316, 3633, 315, 279, 4330, 5672, 304, 279, 8952, 11, 720, 8248, 358, 1373, 323, 1903, 4885, 449, 1690, 6978, 389, 856, 6558, 11, 6476, 33819, 449, 1063, 11, 720, 438, 1524, 3952, 7446, 54618, 32327, 709, 323, 1523, 279, 14321, 1418, 15753, 555, 832, 315, 856, 720, 943, 27802, 4885, 13, 2057, 1304, 279, 12141, 1524, 810, 7185, 11, 358, 3952, 3235, 856, 8870, 720, 2935, 3480, 505, 856, 8952, 12707, 743, 323, 439], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": " name that you answer to, but you have also\nanswered to ten thousand other names. Which one is the real you? None of\nthem. Y ou identify with a set of memories. Y ou know who your father and\nmother are. Y ou set your sights on a goal that you cherish. \u201cBut you have done exactly the same thing ten thousand times before. Therefore your memories, your parents, and your cherished goals are\ntransient. They change as swiftly as mayflies, which are born and die in a\nsingle day.\u201d\nThe five monks were riveted by Buddha\u2019 s talk, but more than that, his\nwords drew them deep inside themselves. It was almost like going into\nsamadhi with one\u2019 s eyes open. They saw exactly what he had described. But Assaji was still worried. \u201cI would be wasting my life to try and unravel ten thousand past lives,\u201d\nhe said. \u201cAnd if you want me to renounce this lifetime as a phantom,\nhaven\u2019 t I already renounced it by becoming a monk?\u201d\n\u201cYou renounced only the outer trappings,\u201d said Buddha. \u201cA saf fron robe\ndoesn\u2019 t make you free of desire, and desire is what has kept you a prisoner.\u201d\n\u201cYou already told us that on the mountain,\u201d Kondana said. \u201cBut in six\nyears we never rid ourselves of desire. Our karma still follows us and\nmakes us obey its commands.\u201d\n\u201cWhich is why I have come for you instead of going first to my family,\u201d\nsaid Buddha. \u201cWhat I ur ged you to do on the mountain was a mistake. I\nwant to make amends.\u201d\u201cYou owe us nothing,\u201d Assaji said quickly. \u201cI\u2019m not speaking of a debt,\u201d said Buddha. \u201cDebts end when karma\nends. My mistake led you into a trap. I believed that I was in a war with\ndesire. I despised the world and my own body, which craved all the delights\nof the world.\u201d\n\u201cSurely that\u2019 s not a mistake,\u201d said Assaji. \u201cOtherwise it would be\npointless to take vows. The holy life must be dif ferent from the worldly\nlife.\u201d\n\u201cWhat if there is no holy life?\u201d asked Buddha. The five monks became\nextremely uncomfortable, and none answered. \u201cY ou see,\u201d said Buddha,\n\u201ceven holiness has become food for your ego to feed on. Y ou want to be\ndifferent. Y ou want to be safe. Y ou want to have hope.\u201d\n\u201cWhy is that wrong?\u201d asked Assaji. \u201cBecause these things are dreams that lull you,\u201d said Buddha. \u201cWhat would we see if we weren\u2019 t dreaming?\u201d\n\u201cDeath.\u201d\nThe five monks felt a chill pass over them. It seemed pointless to deny\nwhat their brother said but hopeless to accept it. Buddha said, \u201cY ou are all\nafraid of death, as I was, so you make up any story that will ease your fears,\nand after a while you believe the story, even though it came from your own\nmind.\u201d W ithout waiting for a reply, he reached down and picked up a\nhandful of dust. \u201cThe answer to life and death is simple. It rests in the palm\nof my hand. W atch.\u201d\nHe threw the dust into the air; it remained suspended like a murky cloud\nfor a second before the breeze carried it away. \u201cConsider what you just saw,\u201d said Buddha. \u201cThe dust holds its shape\nfor a fleeting moment when I throw it into the air, as the body holds its\nshape for this brief lifetime. When the wind makes it disappear, where doesthe dust go? It returns to its source, the earth. In the future that same dust\nallows grass to grow, and it enters a deer who eats the grass. The animal\ndies and turns to dust. Now imagine that the dust comes to you and asks,\n\u2018Who am I?\u2019 What will you tell it? Dust is alive in a plant but dead as it lies\nin the road under our feet. It moves in an animal but is still when buried in\nthe depths of the earth. Dust encompasses life and death at the same time. So if you answer \u2018Who am I?\u2019 with anything but a complete answer, you\nhave made a mistake. \u201cI have come back to tell you that you can be whole, but only if you see\nyourself that way. There is no holy life. There is no war between good and\nevil. There is no sin and no redemption. None of these things matter to the\nreal you. But they all matter hugely to the false you, the one who believes in\nthe separate self. Y ou have tried to take your separate self, with all its\nloneliness and anxiety and pride, to the door of enlightenment. But it will\nnever go through, because it is a ghost.\u201d\nAs he spoke, Buddha knew that this sermon would be the first of\nhundreds. It surprised him that words were so necessary. He had hoped to\nheal the world with a touch or simply by existing in it. The universe had\nother plans. \u201cHow can I see myself as whole,\u201d asked Kondana, \u201cwhen everything I\ncall \u2018me\u2019 is separate? I have only one body and one mind, those I was born\nwith.\u201d\n\u201cLook at the forest,\u201d Buddha replied. \u201cW e walk through it every day\nand believe it to be the same forest. But not a single leaf is the same as\nyesterday. Every particle of soil, every plant and animal, is constantly\nchanging. Y ou cannot be enlightened as the separate person you see\nyourself to be because that person has already disappeared, along with\neverything else from yesterday.\u201d\nThe five monks were astonished to hear these words. They revered\nGautama, but now his beliefs called for a revolution. If what he said was\ntrue, then nothing that they had been taught could be true at the same time. No holy life? No war between good and evil? None of them spoke for along while. What was there to say to a man who claimed that they didn\u2019 t\neven exist? \u201cI\u2019ve brought agitation with me,\u201d said Buddha. \u201cI didn\u2019 t mean to.\u201d He\nsaid this sincerely, after due consideration. He hadn\u2019 t realized that being\nawake would create such a disturbance to other people. In the blink of an eye, as quickly as he had seen ten thousand previous\nlifetimes, he saw the human predicament. Everyone was asleep, totally\nunconscious about their true nature. Some slept fitfully, catching scattered\nglimpses of the truth. But they quickly fell asleep again. They were the\nfortunate ones. The bulk of human beings had no glimpse of reality. How\ncould he tell them what he really wanted to say? All of you ar e Buddha. \u201cI realize that if I stay here I will only agitate you more,\u201d he said. \u201cSo\nhelp me. T ogether we must devise a Dharma that will not frighten people. Beginning with you, my frightened brothers.\u201d The five monks smiled at\nthis, and they began to relax a little. Buddha pointed to the trees in bloom\nall around them. \u201cThe Dharma should be this beautiful, and just as\neffortless,\u201d he said. \u201cIf Nature is awake everywhere we look, then human\nbeings deserve the same. W aking up shouldn\u2019 t be a struggle.\u201d\n\u201cYou struggled,\u201d said Assaji. \u201cYes, and the more I did, the harder it was to wake up. I made my body\nand mind into an enemy. On that road lies only death and more death. As\nlong as your body is your enemy, you are tied to it, and the body has no\nchoice but to die. Death will never be defeated until it becomes unreal.\u201d\nYears later Assaji would remember that a rainstorm began to pass\nthrough the forest as Buddha spoke. Lightning punctuated his words and lit\nup his face, which wasn\u2019 t the fiercely zealous face of Gautama but\nsomething unearthly and serene. They heard the patter of raindrops on the\nforest canopy, which increased to a steady drumming, yet no rain fell on the\nfive monks, not even a stray drop sizzling in the campfire. In this way\nNature was telling them that Buddha was more than a man who had become\nenlightened. They followed him devotedly after that night. FOR THE FIRST TIME in six years Buddha\u2019 s feet touched the road to\nKapilavastu. He traveled with the five monks, who gradually lost their\nanxiety but not their awe. They ate and slept beside their master. They\nbathed with him in the river, but he no longer medi tated or said prayers. One at a time he took each of his brothers aside and gave them private\ninstructions. They were overjoyed to be told that they were very close to\nenlightenment and would achieve it very soon. There was one monk who never spoke up. His name was V appa, and he\nseemed the most insecure about Gautama coming back to life. When he was\ntaken aside and told that he would be enlightened, V appa greeted the news\nwith doubt. \u201cIf what you tell me is true, I would feel something, and I\ndon\u2019t,\u201d he said. \u201cWhen you dig a well, there is no sign of water until you reach it, only\nrocks and dirt to move out of the way. You have removed enough; soon the\npure water will flow,\u201d said Buddha. But instead of being reassured, V appa\nthrew himself on the ground, weeping and grasping Buddha\u2019 s feet. \u201cIt will never happen", "token_ids": [836, 430, 499, 4320, 311, 11, 719, 499, 617, 1101, 198, 57824, 311, 5899, 16579, 1023, 5144, 13, 16299, 832, 374, 279, 1972, 499, 30, 2290, 315, 198, 49818, 13, 816, 6033, 10765, 449, 264, 743, 315, 19459, 13, 816, 6033, 1440, 889, 701, 7126, 323, 198, 27510, 527, 13, 816, 6033, 743, 701, 42266, 389, 264, 5915, 430, 499, 87785, 13, 1054, 4071, 499, 617, 2884, 7041, 279, 1890, 3245, 5899, 16579, 3115, 1603, 13, 15636, 701, 19459, 11, 701, 6699, 11, 323, 701, 81171, 9021, 527, 198, 1485, 1188, 13, 2435, 2349, 439, 56651, 439, 1253, 55019, 11, 902, 527, 9405, 323, 2815, 304, 264, 198, 15698, 1938, 662, 89874, 791, 4330, 66477, 1051, 44229, 25489, 555, 46054, 529, 274, 3137, 11, 719, 810, 1109, 430, 11, 813, 198, 5880, 24465, 1124, 5655, 4871, 5694, 13, 1102, 574, 4661, 1093, 2133, 1139, 198, 47096, 329, 6151, 449, 832, 529, 274, 6548, 1825, 13, 2435, 5602, 7041, 1148, 568, 1047, 7633, 13, 2030, 2755, 42888, 574, 2103, 18290, 13, 1054, 40, 1053, 387, 48897, 856, 2324, 311, 1456, 323, 75073, 5899, 16579, 3347, 6439, 2476, 198, 383, 1071, 13, 1054, 3112, 422, 499, 1390, 757, 311, 5790, 9933, 420, 19569, 439, 264, 70808, 345, 72012, 529, 259, 358, 2736, 5790, 20018, 433, 555, 10671, 264, 63772, 12671, 198, 33672, 5790, 20018, 1193, 279, 16335, 490, 23903, 2476, 1071, 46054, 13, 1054, 32, 5653, 79052, 63719, 198, 73014, 529, 259, 1304, 499, 1949, 315, 12876, 11, 323, 12876, 374, 1148, 706, 8774, 499, 264, 42950, 662, 89874, 33672, 2736, 3309, 603, 430, 389, 279, 16700, 2476, 735, 2159, 3444, 1071, 13, 1054, 4071, 304, 4848, 198, 42820, 584, 2646, 9463, 13520, 315, 12876, 13, 5751, 71542, 2103, 11263, 603, 323, 198, 80785, 603, 41701, 1202, 11545, 49216, 2118, 23956, 374, 3249, 358, 617, 2586, 369, 499, 4619, 315, 2133, 1176, 311, 856, 3070, 1174, 89874, 84359, 46054, 13, 1054, 3923, 358, 4433, 53293, 499, 311, 656, 389, 279, 16700, 574, 264, 16930, 13, 358, 198, 53757, 311, 1304, 1097, 1438, 2029, 2118, 2675, 42210, 603, 4400, 2476, 2755, 42888, 1071, 6288, 662, 1054, 40, 4344, 539, 12365, 315, 264, 11897, 2476, 1071, 46054, 13, 1054, 1951, 65, 2641, 842, 994, 71542, 198, 1438, 13, 3092, 16930, 6197, 499, 1139, 264, 23709, 13, 358, 11846, 430, 358, 574, 304, 264, 4208, 449, 198, 5919, 556, 13, 358, 40060, 4147, 279, 1917, 323, 856, 1866, 2547, 1174, 902, 1589, 4234, 682, 279, 96775, 198, 1073, 279, 1917, 49216, 2118, 40914, 398, 430, 529, 274, 539, 264, 16930, 2476, 1071, 2755, 42888, 13, 1054, 81556, 433, 1053, 387, 198, 2837, 1752, 311, 1935, 77541, 13, 578, 27823, 2324, 2011, 387, 1422, 18728, 306, 505, 279, 97706, 198, 14789, 49216, 44130, 422, 1070, 374, 912, 27823, 2324, 12671, 4691, 46054, 13, 578, 4330, 66477, 6244, 198, 428, 54358, 29213, 11, 323, 7000, 19089, 13, 1054, 56, 6033, 1518, 2476, 1071, 46054, 345, 2118, 17206, 24429, 1918, 706, 3719, 3691, 369, 701, 37374, 311, 5510, 389, 13, 816, 6033, 1390, 311, 387, 198, 64750, 13, 816, 6033, 1390, 311, 387, 6220, 13, 816, 6033, 1390, 311, 617, 3987, 49216, 2118, 10445, 374, 430, 5076, 12671, 4691, 2755, 42888, 13, 1054, 18433, 1521, 2574, 527, 19226, 430, 326, 620, 499, 2476, 1071, 46054, 13, 1054, 3923, 1053, 584, 1518, 422, 584, 15058, 529, 259, 56774, 12671, 198, 2118, 40358, 49216, 791, 4330, 66477, 6612, 264, 37401, 1522, 927, 1124, 13, 1102, 9508, 60791, 311, 23973, 198, 12840, 872, 10868, 1071, 719, 75323, 311, 4287, 433, 13, 46054, 1071, 11, 1054, 56, 6033, 527, 682, 198, 2642, 14152, 315, 4648, 11, 439, 358, 574, 11, 779, 499, 1304, 709, 904, 3446, 430, 690, 14553, 701, 24087, 345, 438, 1306, 264, 1418, 499, 4510, 279, 3446, 1174, 1524, 3582, 433, 3782, 505, 701, 1866, 198, 38824, 2029, 468, 78942, 412, 8748, 369, 264, 10052, 1174, 568, 8813, 1523, 323, 13061, 709, 264, 198, 10888, 1285, 315, 16174, 13, 1054, 791, 4320, 311, 2324, 323, 4648, 374, 4382, 13, 1102, 54331, 304, 279, 33552, 198, 1073, 856, 1450, 13, 468, 520, 331, 49216, 1548, 22982, 279, 16174, 1139, 279, 3805, 26, 433, 14958, 22340, 1093, 264, 97892, 9624, 198, 2000, 264, 2132, 1603, 279, 46385, 11953, 433, 3201, 662, 1054, 38275, 1148, 499, 1120, 5602, 1174, 863, 1071, 46054, 13, 1054, 791, 16174, 10187, 1202, 6211, 198, 2000, 264, 96435, 4545, 994, 358, 2571, 433, 1139, 279, 3805, 1174, 439, 279, 2547, 10187, 1202, 198, 12510, 369, 420, 10015, 19569, 13, 3277, 279, 10160, 3727, 433, 32153, 1174, 1405, 656, 478, 383, 16174, 733, 30, 1102, 4780, 311, 1202, 2592, 11, 279, 9578, 13, 763, 279, 3938, 430, 1890, 16174, 198, 56967, 16763, 311, 3139, 1174, 323, 433, 29933, 264, 39149, 889, 50777, 279, 16763, 13, 578, 10065, 198, 67, 552, 323, 10800, 311, 16174, 13, 4800, 13085, 430, 279, 16174, 4131, 311, 499, 323, 17501, 345, 14336, 15546, 1097, 358, 45258, 3639, 690, 499, 3371, 433, 30, 33093, 374, 13989, 304, 264, 6136, 719, 5710, 439, 433, 15812, 198, 258, 279, 5754, 1234, 1057, 7693, 13, 1102, 11031, 304, 459, 10065, 719, 374, 2103, 994, 28016, 304, 198, 1820, 43957, 315, 279, 9578, 13, 33093, 71010, 2324, 323, 4648, 520, 279, 1890, 892, 13, 2100, 422, 499, 4320, 3451, 15546, 1097, 358, 45258, 449, 4205, 719, 264, 4686, 4320, 1174, 499, 198, 19553, 1903, 264, 16930, 13, 1054, 40, 617, 2586, 1203, 311, 3371, 499, 430, 499, 649, 387, 4459, 11, 719, 1193, 422, 499, 1518, 198, 22479, 726, 430, 1648, 662, 2684, 374, 912, 27823, 2324, 13, 2684, 374, 912, 4208, 1990, 1695, 323, 198, 59967, 13, 2684, 374, 912, 7589, 323, 912, 56752, 13, 2290, 315, 1521, 2574, 5030, 311, 279, 198, 8110, 499, 13, 2030, 814, 682, 5030, 49737, 311, 279, 905, 499, 11, 279, 832, 889, 13919, 304, 198, 1820, 8821, 659, 13, 816, 6033, 617, 6818, 311, 1935, 701, 8821, 659, 11, 449, 682, 1202, 198, 12490, 55798, 323, 18547, 323, 22519, 11, 311, 279, 6134, 315, 81869, 13, 2030, 433, 690, 198, 37593, 733, 1555, 11, 1606, 433, 374, 264, 20457, 49216, 2170, 568, 12570, 11, 46054, 7020, 430, 420, 76482, 1053, 387, 279, 1176, 315, 198, 71, 46813, 13, 1102, 14792, 1461, 430, 4339, 1051, 779, 5995, 662, 1283, 1047, 26253, 311, 198, 383, 278, 279, 1917, 449, 264, 5916, 477, 5042, 555, 6484, 304, 433, 13, 578, 15861, 1047, 198, 1605, 6787, 13, 1054, 4438, 649, 358, 1518, 7182, 439, 4459, 2476, 4691, 735, 2159, 3444, 11, 1054, 9493, 4395, 358, 198, 6797, 3451, 2727, 529, 374, 8821, 30, 358, 617, 1193, 832, 2547, 323, 832, 4059, 11, 1884, 358, 574, 9405, 198, 4291, 49216, 2118, 10596, 520, 279, 13952, 2476, 46054, 20592, 13, 1054, 54, 384, 4321, 1555, 433, 1475, 1938, 198, 438, 4510, 433, 311, 387, 279, 1890, 13952, 13, 2030, 539, 264, 3254, 16312, 374, 279, 1890, 439, 198, 88, 11534, 662, 7357, 19320, 315, 17614, 11, 1475, 6136, 323, 10065, 11, 374, 15320, 198, 52813, 13, 816, 6033, 4250, 387, 82315, 439, 279, 8821, 1732, 499, 1518, 198, 22479, 726, 311, 387, 1606, 430, 1732, 706, 2736, 29496, 11, 3235, 449, 198, 73826, 775, 505, 13985, 662, 89874, 791, 4330, 66477, 1051, 100174, 311, 6865, 1521, 4339, 13, 2435, 85761, 198, 38, 2784, 3105, 11, 719, 1457, 813, 21463, 2663, 369, 264, 14110, 13, 1442, 1148, 568, 1071, 574, 198, 1904, 11, 1243, 4400, 430, 814, 1047, 1027, 15972, 1436, 387, 837, 520, 279, 1890, 892, 13, 2360, 27823, 2324, 30, 2360, 4208, 1990, 1695, 323, 14289, 30, 2290, 315, 1124, 12570, 369, 3235, 1418, 13, 3639, 574, 1070, 311, 2019, 311, 264, 893, 889, 11922, 430, 814, 3287, 529, 259, 198, 17206, 3073, 30, 1054, 40, 4070, 7263, 91317, 449, 757, 2476, 1071, 46054, 13, 1054, 40, 3287, 529, 259, 3152, 311, 2029, 1283, 198, 84359, 420, 59383, 1174, 1306, 4245, 18361, 13, 1283, 19117, 529, 259, 15393, 430, 1694, 198, 675, 731, 1053, 1893, 1778, 264, 65858, 311, 1023, 1274, 13, 763, 279, 34231, 315, 459, 8071, 11, 439, 6288, 439, 568, 1047, 3970, 5899, 16579, 3766, 198, 113276, 7034, 11, 568, 5602, 279, 3823, 79434, 2908, 13, 22172, 574, 33173, 11, 12756, 198, 359, 64589, 922, 872, 837, 7138, 13, 4427, 46498, 5052, 3725, 1174, 34168, 38067, 198, 70, 4763, 1725, 288, 315, 279, 8206, 13, 2030, 814, 6288, 11299, 33173, 1578, 13, 2435, 1051, 279, 198, 33174, 6305, 13, 578, 20155, 315, 3823, 23837, 1047, 912, 40942, 315, 8903, 662, 2650, 198, 29177, 568, 3371, 1124, 1148, 568, 2216, 4934, 311, 2019, 30, 2052, 315, 499, 802, 384, 46054, 13, 1054, 40, 13383, 430, 422, 358, 4822, 1618, 358, 690, 1193, 945, 20227, 499, 810, 2476, 568, 1071, 13, 1054, 4516, 198, 8823, 757, 13, 350, 297, 3522, 584, 2011, 53165, 264, 423, 78338, 430, 690, 539, 30647, 268, 1274, 13, 52950, 449, 499, 11, 856, 60178, 20820, 2029, 578, 4330, 66477, 31645, 520, 198, 576, 11, 323, 814, 6137, 311, 12234, 264, 2697, 13, 46054, 14618, 311, 279, 12690, 304, 52554, 198, 543, 2212, 1124, 13, 1054, 791, 423, 78338, 1288, 387, 420, 6366, 11, 323, 1120, 439, 198, 6581, 371, 1752, 2476, 568, 1071, 13, 1054, 2746, 22037, 374, 35447, 17277, 584, 1427, 11, 1243, 3823, 198, 1395, 826, 23528, 279, 1890, 13, 468, 264, 10789, 709, 13434, 529, 259, 387, 264, 14993, 49216, 33672, 28214, 2476, 1071, 2755, 42888, 13, 1054, 9642, 11, 323, 279, 810, 358, 1550, 11, 279, 16127, 433, 574, 311, 15508, 709, 13, 358, 1903, 856, 2547, 198, 438, 4059, 1139, 459, 9354, 662, 1952, 430, 5754, 15812, 1193, 4648, 323, 810, 4648, 13, 1666, 198, 4930, 439, 701, 2547, 374, 701, 9354, 1174, 499, 527, 17791, 311, 433, 11, 323, 279, 2547, 706, 912, 198, 12008, 719, 311, 2815, 13, 16290, 690, 2646, 387, 24164, 3156, 433, 9221, 50204, 49216, 55519, 3010, 2755, 42888, 1053, 6227, 430, 264, 11422, 27511, 6137, 311, 1522, 198, 20322, 279, 13952, 439, 46054, 12570, 13, 34944, 32455, 13148, 813, 4339, 323, 13318, 198, 455, 813, 3663, 11, 902, 5828, 529, 259, 279, 79045, 14017, 30543, 3663, 315, 96154, 3105, 719, 198, 34431, 79675, 398, 323, 95863, 13, 2435, 6755, 279, 93093, 315, 11422, 91612, 389, 279, 198, 51755, 64071, 1174, 902, 7319, 311, 264, 24981, 24074, 5424, 11, 3686, 912, 11422, 11299, 389, 279, 198, 53770, 66477, 11, 539, 1524, 264, 62490, 6068, 274, 90219, 304, 279, 3190, 11029, 13, 763, 420, 1648, 198, 79519, 574, 11890, 1124, 430, 46054, 574, 810, 1109, 264, 893, 889, 1047, 3719, 198, 268, 4238, 6901, 13, 2435, 8272, 1461, 29329, 398, 1306, 430, 3814, 13, 4716, 3247, 35913, 23029, 220, 304, 4848, 1667, 46054, 529, 274, 7693, 24891, 279, 5754, 311, 198, 42, 391, 321, 402, 561, 84, 13, 1283, 31796, 449, 279, 4330, 66477, 11, 889, 27115, 5675, 872, 198, 276, 16708, 719, 539, 872, 51517, 13, 2435, 30912, 323, 46498, 30488, 872, 7491, 662, 2435, 198, 65, 70737, 449, 1461, 304, 279, 15140, 1174, 719, 568, 912, 5129, 25098, 259, 660, 477, 1071, 34296, 13, 3861, 520, 264, 892, 568, 3952, 1855, 315, 813, 20820, 16038, 323, 6688, 1124, 879, 198, 63395, 13, 2435, 1051, 927, 4215, 291, 311, 387, 3309, 430, 814, 1051, 1633, 3345, 311, 198, 268, 4238, 53061, 323, 1053, 11322, 433, 1633, 5246, 13, 2684, 574, 832, 63772, 889, 2646, 12570, 709, 13, 5414, 836, 574, 650, 917, 64, 11, 323, 568, 198, 325, 16809, 279, 1455, 62945, 922, 96154, 3105, 5108, 1203, 311, 2324, 13, 3277, 568, 574, 198, 83261, 16038, 323, 3309, 430, 568, 1053, 387, 82315, 11, 650, 917, 64, 44865, 279, 3754, 198, 4291, 10712, 13, 1054, 2746, 1148, 499, 3371, 757, 374, 837, 11, 358, 1053, 2733, 2555, 11, 323, 358, 198, 15357, 1431, 2476, 568, 1071, 13, 1054, 4599, 499, 4170, 264, 1664, 11, 1070, 374, 912, 1879, 315, 3090, 3156, 499, 5662, 433, 11, 1193, 198, 299, 14895, 323, 26351, 311, 3351, 704, 315, 279, 1648, 662, 1472, 617, 7108, 3403, 26, 5246, 279, 198, 52833, 3090, 690, 6530, 1174, 863, 1071, 46054, 13, 2030, 4619, 315, 1694, 32834, 3149, 11, 650, 917, 64, 198, 339, 4361, 5678, 389, 279, 5015, 11, 584, 55323, 323, 50087, 10194, 46054, 529, 274, 7693, 13, 1054, 2181, 690, 2646, 3621], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": " t h e h o r i z o n a n d b e c k o n s\nu s t o f o l l o w i t t o t h e b i r t h o f s o m e t h i n g f a n t a s t i c. T h e\nw o n d e r s o f t h e e x t e r n a l w o r l d a r e a s n o t h i n g c o m p a r e d t o\nw h a t \u2019 s h a p p e n i n g i n s i d e u s. T h i s i s n o t a n e n d t i m e b u t a\nn e w b e g i n n i n g. W h a t i s b e i n g b o r n i s a n e w k i n d o f h u m a n,\np l a y e d o u t d r a m a t i c a l l y i n e a c h o f o u r l i v e s. F r e e d f r o m t h e\nl i m i t a t i o n s o f t h e e g o, f r e e t o s e e a n d h e a r a n d t o u c h t h e\nm a g i c w e \u2019 v e b e e n m i s s i n g a l l o u r l i v e s, w e \u2019 r e b e c o m i n g a t\nl a s t w h o w e r e a l l y a r e. T o w a r d t h e e n d o f h i s l i f e, t h e l i t e r a r y g i a n t G e o r g e\nB e r n a r d S h a w w a s a s k e d w h a t p e r s o n i n h i s t o r y h e w o u l dm o s t l i k e t o h a v e b e e n. H i s r e s p o n s e w a s t h a t h e w o u l d\nm o s t l i k e t o h a v e b e e n t h e G e o r g e B e r n a r d S h a w h e m i g h t\nh a v e b e e n a n d n e v e r b e c a m e. A N e w B e g i n n i n g\n\u00a0\nI t i s a n a r t i c l e o f f a i t h t h a t G o d a l w a y s h a s a p l a n. N o\nm a t t e r w h a t c r a z i n e s s h u m a n i t y h a s f a l l e n i n t o, H e h a s\na l w a y s d e l i v e r e d u s u l t i m a t e l y t o t h e p e a c e t h a t l i e s b e y o n d. T o d a y, w e c a n s t a n d i n t h e m i d s t o f t h e g r e a t i l l u s i o n s o f\nt h e w o r l d a n d b y o u r v e r y p r e s e n c e d i s p e l t h e m. A s w e\nc r o s s t h e b r i d g e t o a m o r e l o v i n g o r i e n t a t i o n \u2014 a s w e l e a r n\nt h e l e s s o n s o f s p i r i t u a l t r a n s f o r m a t i o n a n d a p p l y t h e m i n o u r\np e r s o n a l l i v e s \u2014 w e w i l l b e c o m e a g e n t s o f c h a n g e o n a\nt r e m e n d o u s s c a l e. B y l e a r n i n g t h e l e s s o n s o f c h a n g e,\ni n t e r n a l l y a n d e x t e r n a l l y, e a c h o f u s c a n p a r t i c i p a t e i n t h e\ng r e a t c o l l e c t i v e p r o c e s s i n w h i c h t h e p e o p l e o f t h e w o r l d,\nr i d i n g a w a v e o f e n l i g h t e n e d u n d e r s t a n d i n g, s e e t h e h u m a n\nr a c e o n a d e s t r u c t i v e c o u r s e a n d t u r n i t a r o u n d i n t i m e. T o s o m e t h i s m i g h t f e e l l i k e t h e p e r i o d o f a G r e a t E n d,\np e r h a p s e v e n a t t i m e s a n A r m a g e d d o n, b u t i n f a c t t h i s i s t h e\nt i m e o f a G r e a t B e g i n n i n g. I t i s t i m e t o d i e t o w h o w e u s e d\nt o b e a n d t o b e c o m e i n s t e a d w h o w e a r e c a p a b l e o f b e i n g. T h a t i s t h e g i f t t h a t a w a i t s u s n o w : t h e c h a n c e t o b e c o m e\nw h o w e r e a l l y a r e.A n d t h a t i s t h e m i r a c l e : t h e g i f t o f c h a n g e. C H A P T E R O N E\nC r o s s i n g t h e B r i d g e\n\u00a0\n\u00a0\nL i f e a s w e k n e w i t i s p a s s i n g a w a y, a n d s o m e t h i n g\nn e w i s e m e r g i n g t o t a k e i t s p l a c e. A l l o f u s a r e p l a y i n g a p a r t i n a l a r g e r t r a n s f o r m a t i v e\np r o c e s s, a s e a c h o f u s i s b e i n g f o r c e d t o c o n f r o n t w h a t e v e r\ni t i s w e d o", "token_ids": [220, 259, 305, 384, 220, 305, 297, 436, 602, 1167, 297, 308, 220, 264, 308, 294, 220, 293, 384, 272, 597, 297, 308, 274, 198, 84, 274, 220, 259, 297, 220, 282, 297, 326, 326, 297, 289, 220, 602, 259, 220, 259, 297, 220, 259, 305, 384, 220, 293, 602, 436, 259, 305, 220, 297, 282, 220, 274, 297, 296, 384, 259, 305, 602, 308, 342, 220, 282, 264, 308, 259, 264, 274, 259, 602, 272, 662, 350, 305, 384, 198, 86, 297, 308, 294, 384, 436, 274, 220, 297, 282, 220, 259, 305, 384, 220, 384, 865, 259, 384, 436, 308, 264, 326, 220, 289, 297, 436, 326, 294, 220, 264, 436, 384, 220, 264, 274, 220, 308, 297, 259, 305, 602, 308, 342, 220, 272, 297, 296, 281, 264, 436, 384, 294, 220, 259, 297, 198, 86, 305, 264, 259, 18217, 274, 220, 305, 264, 281, 281, 384, 308, 602, 308, 342, 220, 602, 308, 274, 602, 294, 384, 220, 577, 274, 662, 350, 305, 602, 274, 220, 602, 274, 220, 308, 297, 259, 220, 264, 308, 220, 384, 308, 294, 220, 259, 602, 296, 384, 220, 293, 577, 259, 220, 264, 198, 77, 384, 289, 220, 293, 384, 342, 602, 308, 308, 602, 308, 342, 662, 468, 305, 264, 259, 220, 602, 274, 220, 293, 384, 602, 308, 342, 220, 293, 297, 436, 308, 220, 602, 274, 220, 264, 220, 308, 384, 289, 220, 597, 602, 308, 294, 220, 297, 282, 220, 305, 577, 296, 264, 308, 13801, 79, 326, 264, 379, 384, 294, 220, 297, 577, 259, 220, 294, 436, 264, 296, 264, 259, 602, 272, 264, 326, 326, 379, 220, 602, 308, 220, 384, 264, 272, 305, 220, 297, 282, 220, 297, 577, 436, 220, 326, 602, 348, 384, 274, 662, 435, 436, 384, 384, 294, 220, 282, 436, 297, 296, 220, 259, 305, 384, 198, 75, 602, 296, 602, 259, 264, 259, 602, 297, 308, 274, 220, 297, 282, 220, 259, 305, 384, 220, 384, 342, 297, 1174, 220, 282, 436, 384, 384, 220, 259, 297, 220, 274, 384, 384, 220, 264, 308, 294, 220, 305, 384, 264, 436, 220, 264, 308, 294, 220, 259, 297, 577, 272, 305, 220, 259, 305, 384, 198, 76, 264, 342, 602, 272, 220, 289, 384, 18217, 348, 384, 220, 293, 384, 384, 308, 220, 296, 602, 274, 274, 602, 308, 342, 220, 264, 326, 326, 220, 297, 577, 436, 220, 326, 602, 348, 384, 274, 1174, 220, 289, 384, 18217, 436, 384, 220, 293, 384, 272, 297, 296, 602, 308, 342, 220, 264, 259, 198, 75, 264, 274, 259, 220, 289, 305, 297, 220, 289, 384, 220, 436, 384, 264, 326, 326, 379, 220, 264, 436, 384, 662, 350, 297, 289, 264, 436, 294, 220, 259, 305, 384, 220, 384, 308, 294, 220, 297, 282, 220, 305, 602, 274, 220, 326, 602, 282, 384, 1174, 220, 259, 305, 384, 220, 326, 602, 259, 384, 436, 264, 436, 379, 220, 342, 602, 264, 308, 259, 220, 480, 384, 297, 436, 342, 384, 198, 33, 384, 436, 308, 264, 436, 294, 220, 328, 305, 264, 289, 220, 289, 264, 274, 220, 264, 274, 597, 384, 294, 220, 289, 305, 264, 259, 220, 281, 384, 436, 274, 297, 308, 220, 602, 308, 220, 305, 602, 274, 259, 297, 436, 379, 220, 305, 384, 220, 289, 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264, 220, 326, 264, 436, 342, 384, 436, 220, 259, 436, 264, 308, 274, 282, 297, 436, 296, 264, 259, 602, 348, 384, 198, 79, 436, 297, 272, 384, 274, 274, 1174, 220, 264, 274, 220, 384, 264, 272, 305, 220, 297, 282, 220, 577, 274, 220, 602, 274, 220, 293, 384, 602, 308, 342, 220, 282, 297, 436, 272, 384, 294, 220, 259, 297, 220, 272, 297, 308, 282, 436, 297, 308, 259, 220, 289, 305, 264, 259, 384, 348, 384, 436, 198, 72, 259, 220, 602, 274, 220, 289, 384, 220, 294, 297], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": " e p r o v i d e s u s w i t h\nt h e c h a n c e t o b e g i n a g a i n, n o m a t t e r h o w f a r w e \u2019 v e s t r a y e d\nf r o m t h e t r u t h i n o u r h e a r t s. O u r a b i l i t y t o b e g i n a n e w i s\ns u p p o r t e d b y G o d H i m s e l f, a s l o n g a s w e a p p r o a c h H i m\nw i t h a c o n t r i t e a n d h u m b l e h e a r t. N o t h i n g i n o u r p a s t\nd i m i n i s h e s t h e i n f i n i t e p o s s i b i l i t i e s i n h e r e n t i n o u r p r e s e n t\na s l o n g a s w e a t o n e f o r o u r e r r o r s a n d r e t u r n t o l o v e. C o n s c i e n c e i s i m p o r t a n t, a s i s r e m o r s e. B u t t h e y a r e\nm e a n t t o l e a d u s t o n e w l i f e, n o t l e a v e u s d r o w n i n g i n a s e a\no f g u i l t. W h e n w e h a v e c h o s e n f e a r i n s t e a d o f l o v e \u2014 a n d\nw h o a m o n g u s h a s n \u2019 t? \u2014 t h e n t h e l o v e w e m i g h t h a v e\nc h o s e n \u201c i s h e l d i n t r u s t f o r u s b y t h e H o l y S p i r i t \u201d u n t i l w e\na r e r e a d y t o r e c e i v e i t. * T o m e, t h a t \u2019 s o n e o f t h e m o s t\ni n c r e d i b l e p r i n c i p l e s i n A C o u r s e i n M i r a c l e s. I t \u2019 s a m a z i n gw h e n y o u t h i n k a b o u t i t : I c o u l d h a v e s a i d o r d o n e t h e r i g h t,\nl o v i n g t h i n g, a n d i f I h a d, t h e n s u c h a n d s u c h a t h i n g w o u l d\nt h e n h a v e h a p p e n e d. H o w e v e r, I d i d n o t. I \u2019 v e b e e n t r a i n e d\nb y t h e w o r l d t o t h i n k w i t h f e a r, a n d I d i d. Y e t G o d s a v e d t h e\np o s s i b i l i t y I t u r n e d d o w n, u n t i l I \u2019 m r e a d y t o r e t u r n t o l o v e\na n d c h o o s e a g a i n! H o w m u c h l o v e a n d m e r c y h a s t o b e b u i l t i n t o t h e\ns t r u c t u r e o f t h e u n i v e r s e f o r t h i s t o b e s o! A s l o n g a s w e\na t o n e f o r a m i s t a k e, w e w i l l b e g i v e n t h e c h a n c e t o c o r r e c t\ni t. T h a t c h a n c e m i g h t n o t c o m e i n t h e f o r m w e w o u l d w i s h,\nb u t i t w i l l b e t h e r e i n a f o r m t h a t G o d d e t e r m i n e s. O n e d a y I h e a r d a b o u t a w o m a n I h a d k n o w n m a n y y e a r s\ne a r l i e r. S h e h a d s u d d e n l y s t o p p e d s p e a k i n g t o m e, a n d I\nd i d n \u2019 t k n o w w h y. T h e n I t h o u g h t a b o u t i t, a n d I d i d k n o w w h y. I h a d m a d e a c o m m e n t a b o u t h e r t h a t h a d p r o b a b l y\nr e a c h e d h e r e a r s. I t w a s n \u2019 t a v i c i o u s o r c r u e l c o m m e n t, b u t\ni t w a s n \u2019 t g r a c i o u s e i t h e r. I \u2019 d p u t i t i n t h e c a t e g o r y o f\nu n c o n s c i o u s a n d u n k i n d. S o h e r e i t w a s, o v e r t e n y e a r s l a t e r, a n d s h e h a d j u s t d o n e\ns o m e t h i n g r e a l l y w o n d e r f u l. I w a n t e d t o a c k n o w l e d g e h e r,\na n d I a l s o w a n t e d t o t e l l h e r h o w s o r r y I w a s f o r h a v i n g\nm a d e s u c h a w r o n g - m i n d e d c o m m e n t a l l t h o s e y e a r s e a r l i e r\na n d a s k h e r t o f o r g i v e m e. I d i d n \u2019 t k n o w h e r a d d r e s s o r\nw h e t h e r o r n o t s h e w o u l d r e a d m y l e t t e r. B u t i n m y h e a r t I\na t o n e d. I r e a l", "token_ids": [384, 220, 281, 436, 297, 348, 602, 294, 384, 274, 220, 577, 274, 220, 289, 602, 259, 305, 198, 83, 305, 384, 220, 272, 305, 264, 308, 272, 384, 220, 259, 297, 220, 293, 384, 342, 602, 308, 220, 264, 342, 264, 602, 308, 1174, 220, 308, 297, 220, 296, 264, 259, 259, 384, 436, 220, 305, 297, 289, 220, 282, 264, 436, 220, 289, 384, 18217, 348, 384, 220, 274, 259, 436, 264, 379, 384, 294, 198, 69, 436, 297, 296, 220, 259, 305, 384, 220, 259, 436, 577, 259, 305, 220, 602, 308, 220, 297, 577, 436, 220, 305, 384, 264, 436, 259, 274, 662, 507, 577, 436, 220, 264, 293, 602, 326, 602, 259, 379, 220, 259, 297, 220, 293, 384, 342, 602, 308, 220, 264, 308, 384, 289, 220, 602, 274, 198, 82, 577, 281, 281, 297, 436, 259, 384, 294, 220, 293, 379, 220, 480, 297, 294, 220, 473, 602, 296, 274, 384, 326, 282, 1174, 220, 264, 274, 220, 326, 297, 308, 342, 220, 264, 274, 220, 289, 384, 220, 264, 281, 281, 436, 297, 264, 272, 305, 220, 473, 602, 296, 198, 86, 602, 259, 305, 220, 264, 220, 272, 297, 308, 259, 436, 602, 259, 384, 220, 264, 308, 294, 220, 305, 577, 296, 293, 326, 384, 220, 305, 384, 264, 436, 259, 662, 452, 297, 259, 305, 602, 308, 342, 220, 602, 308, 220, 297, 577, 436, 220, 281, 264, 274, 259, 198, 67, 602, 296, 602, 308, 602, 274, 305, 384, 274, 220, 259, 305, 384, 220, 602, 308, 282, 602, 308, 602, 259, 384, 220, 281, 297, 274, 274, 602, 293, 602, 326, 602, 259, 602, 384, 274, 220, 602, 308, 305, 384, 436, 384, 308, 259, 220, 602, 308, 220, 297, 577, 436, 220, 281, 436, 384, 274, 384, 308, 259, 198, 64, 274, 220, 326, 297, 308, 342, 220, 264, 274, 220, 289, 384, 220, 264, 259, 297, 308, 384, 220, 282, 297, 436, 220, 297, 577, 436, 220, 384, 436, 436, 297, 436, 274, 220, 264, 308, 294, 220, 436, 384, 259, 577, 436, 308, 220, 259, 297, 220, 326, 297, 348, 384, 662, 356, 297, 308, 274, 272, 602, 384, 308, 272, 384, 220, 602, 274, 220, 602, 296, 281, 297, 436, 259, 264, 308, 259, 1174, 220, 264, 274, 220, 602, 274, 220, 436, 384, 296, 297, 436, 274, 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308, 297, 259, 220, 274, 305, 384, 220, 289, 297, 577, 326, 294, 220, 436, 384, 264, 294, 220, 296, 379, 220, 326, 384, 259, 259, 384, 436, 662, 426, 577, 259, 220, 602, 308, 220, 296, 379, 220, 305, 384, 264, 436, 259, 220, 358, 198, 64, 259, 297, 308, 384, 294, 662, 358, 220, 436, 384, 264, 326], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": " d i d w h a t t h e y c o u l d t o b r i n g m e\nc o m f o r t \u2014 m a d e t h e c r u e l t y o f t h e s i t u a t i o n b e a r a b l e. I f w e a l l o w H i m t o, G o d c o m p e n s a t e s f o r s u c h d i f f i c u l t\nt i m e s b y u s i n g t h e m t o t u r n o u r l i v e s i n t o s o m e t h i n g e v e n\nb e t t e r t h a n b e f o r e. I n t h e s p i r i t u a l a s w e l l a s t h e p h y s i c a l\nw o r l d, w h e n t h e s k i e s a r e d a r k e s t w e g e t o u r b e s t v i e w o f\ns t a r l i g h t. A s t h e a n c i e n t G r e e k p l a y w r i g h t A e s c h y l u s w r o t e,\n\u201c I n o u r s l e e p, p a i n t h a t c a n n o t f o r g e t f a l l s d r o p b y d r o p\nu p o n t h e h u m a n h e a r t a n d i n o u r o w n d e s p a i r, a g a i n s t o u r\nw i l l, c o m e s w i s d o m t h r o u g h t h e a w f u l g r a c e o f G o d. \u201d\n\u00a0\nT h e D e e p e s t W r o n g s\n\u00a0\nD o y o u p r e f e r t o b e r i g h t o r t o b e h a p p y. *\nC l e a r l y, p e o p l e d o t e r r i b l e t h i n g s s o m e t i m e s. B u t i f o u r\nf o c u s i s a l w a y s o n p e o p l e \u2019 s g u i l t, t h e n w e w i l l f i n d\no u r s e l v e s l i v i n g i n a d a r k a n d v i c i o u s u n i v e r s e. O u r\nc a p a c i t y t o s h i f t o u r f o c u s f r o m g u i l t t o i n n o c e n c e i s o u r\nc a p a c i t y t o c h a n g e o u r w o r l d. T h i s d o e s n o t m e a n w e\ns h o u l d l o o k a w a y w h e n b a d t h i n g s h a p p e n o r c e a s e t h e\ns t r u g g l e f o r j u s t i c e. I t j u s t m e a n s t h a t t h e r e i s a p e r s o n a lh o o k w e d o n \u2019 t h a v e t o s l i n g o u r s e l v e s o n t o \u2014 t h a t w e c a n\na l w a y s b e l i e v e i n t h e b a s i c g o o d n e s s o f p e o p l e e v e n w h e n\nt h e i r b e h a v i o r d o e s n o t r e f l e c t t h e i r g o o d n e s s. C o n t r a r y t o p o p u l a r o p i n i o n, t h i s i s n e i t h e r a n a i v e n o r a\nw e a k p o s i t i o n. I t d o e s n \u2019 t m e a n t h a t w e h a v e i l l u s i o n s a b o u t\nt h e n a t u r e o r t h e p o w e r o f e v i l. Y e t t h e m i r a c l e w o r k e r h a s a\nm o r e, n o t a l e s s, s o p h i s t i c a t e d v i e w o f h o w t o d e a l w i t h i t. D i d G a n d h i n e v e r f e e l a n g e r t o w a r d B r i t i s h i m p e r i a l i s t s. D i d M a r t i n L u t h e r K i n g J r. n e v e r f e e l a n g e r t o w a r d\nS o u t h e r n b i g o t s. O f c o u r s e t h e y d i d. T h e y w e r e h u m a n. Y e t\nw i t h t h e h e l p o f G o d t h e y w o r k e d t h r o u g h t h e i r a n g e r,\nm o v i n g p a s t i t t o s o m e t h i n g m u c h m o r e p o w e r f u l : t h e l o v e\nt h a t l a y b e y o n d. T h e i r s p i r i t u a l p r o c e s s i n f o r m e d t h e i r\np o l i t i c a l a n d s o c i a l p r o c e s s, g i v i n g t h e m t h e u l t i m a t e\na u t h o r i t y t o m o v e h e a r t s a n d t h u s m o v e m o u n t a i n s. U n t i l w e d o t h a t, w e m i g h t g e t a l l k i n d s o f p e o p l e t o\na g r e e w i t h u s i n o u r p o s i t i o n a n d s u p p o r t u s i n o u r a n g e r. B u t i n t h a t w a y w e w i l l a c h i e v e s h o r t - t e r m g a i n s a t b e s t ; w e\nw i l l n o t w o r k m i r a c l e s. L o v e i s n o t j u s t a f e e l i n g ; i t i s a\nf o r c e", "token_ids": [220, 294, 602, 294, 220, 289, 305, 264, 259, 220, 259, 305, 384, 379, 220, 272, 297, 577, 326, 294, 220, 259, 297, 220, 293, 436, 602, 308, 342, 220, 296, 384, 198, 66, 297, 296, 282, 297, 436, 259, 2001, 296, 264, 294, 384, 220, 259, 305, 384, 220, 272, 436, 577, 384, 326, 259, 379, 220, 297, 282, 220, 259, 305, 384, 220, 274, 602, 259, 577, 264, 259, 602, 297, 308, 220, 293, 384, 264, 436, 264, 293, 326, 384, 13, 358, 282, 220, 289, 384, 220, 264, 326, 326, 297, 289, 220, 473, 602, 296, 220, 259, 297, 11, 220, 480, 297, 294, 220, 272, 297, 296, 281, 384, 308, 274, 264, 259, 384, 274, 220, 282, 297, 436, 220, 274, 577, 272, 305, 220, 294, 602, 282, 282, 602, 272, 577, 326, 259, 198, 83, 602, 296, 384, 274, 220, 293, 379, 220, 577, 274, 602, 308, 342, 220, 259, 305, 384, 296, 220, 259, 297, 220, 259, 577, 436, 308, 220, 297, 577, 436, 220, 326, 602, 348, 384, 274, 220, 602, 308, 259, 297, 220, 274, 297, 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308, 297, 259, 220, 289, 297, 436, 597, 220, 296, 602, 436, 264, 272, 326, 384, 274, 13, 445, 297, 348, 384, 220, 602, 274, 220, 308, 297, 259, 220, 503, 577, 274, 259, 220, 264, 220, 282, 384, 384, 326, 602, 308, 342, 2652, 220, 602, 259, 220, 602, 274, 220, 264, 198, 69, 297, 436, 272, 384], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": " i s c e r t a i n l y n o m i n i s t r y m o r e i m p o r t a n t t h a n\np a r e n t i n g. B e i n g c o n s c i o u s a n d a t t e n t i v e i n y o u r d e a l i n g s\nw i t h a f i f t e e n - y e a r - o l d t r y i n g t o f i g u r e o u t h o w t o g e t\nt h r o u g h h i g h s c h o o l i s a s i m p o r t a n t a s f e e d i n g A I D S\np a t i e n t s i n A f r i c a. I f m o r e p e o p l e r u n n i n g t h e w o r l d t o d a y\nh a d b e e n r a i s e d w i t h g r e a t e r s p i r i t u a l a w a r e n e s s w h e n t h e y\nw e r e f i f t e e n y e a r s o l d, p e r h a p s t h e w o r l d w o u l d n \u2019 t b e i n t h e\nm e s s i t \u2019 s i n n o w. T h e H o l y S p i r i t a s s i g n s e a c h o f u s t o t h e p l a c e o u r\nt a l e n t s a n d a b i l i t i e s c a n b e s t b e p u t t o u s e a n d o u r l e s s o n s\nm o s t p o w e r f u l l y l e a r n e d. * D o n \u2019 t d o u b t t h e p l a n ; j u s t m a k e\ny o u r s e l f a v a i l a b l e t o i t. A w h i l e a g o, I w a s v i s i t i n g m y m o t h e r, t a l k i n g t o h e r a n d\nh e r n u r s e. Y e a r s a g o I w o u l d h a v e b e e n i m p a t i e n t, t h i n k i n g\nI n e e d e d t o b e o u t i n t h e w o r l d t r y i n g t o d o s o m e t h i n g\ni m p o r t a n t. W h a t I k n o w n o w i s t h a t t h e w o r l d i s w h e r e v e r I\na m, a n d m y l e s s o n s f o r b o t h t e a c h i n g a n d l e a r n i n g a r e r i g h t\nh e r e, r i g h t n o w, i n t h i s c a s e w i t h m y m o m a n d h e r n u r s e. F o r I m i g h t h a v e t h i n g s t o t e a c h t h e m, b u t e v e n m o r e\ni m p o r t a n t l y, t h e y m o s t c e r t a i n l y h a v e t h i n g s t o t e a c h m e. L i k e g e t t i n g o v e r m y s e l f. L i k e b e i n g m o r e p a t i e n t. L i k e\ns h o w i n g g r a t i t u d e t o t h e w o m a n w h o g a v e m e m y l i f e. J u s t\nl i t t l e t h i n g s l i k e t h a t, h a h a \u2026\n\u00a0\u00a0\n\u00a0\nM Y H O U S E M A T E ( t h e o n e w i t h t h e m o t o r c y c l e s, w h o r a r e l y c h e c k s\nh i s m e s s a g e s ) o n c e c a l l e d f r o m a v a c a t i o n a n d t o l d m e h e\nh a d m e t a w o m a n h e l i k e d v e r y m u c h, a n d h e w a s b r i n g i n g\nh e r h o m e f o r a v i s i t. I w a s h a p p y h e h a d m e t s o m e o n e, b u t I\nf e l t s o m e f e a r r e g a r d i n g o u r l i v i n g a r r a n g e m e n t. W a s s h e\ng o i n g t o l i v e i n t h e h o u s e w i t h u s. W o u l d s h e l i k e m y\nd a u g h t e r, a n d w o u l d s h e l i k e m e. W o u l d I s t i l l f e e l\nc o m f o r t a b l e i n m y h o m e. W h a t i f s h e d i d n \u2019 t l i k e u s a n d\nw a n t e d u s t o m o v e o u t. I a l l o w e d m y m o n k e y m i n d t o d o w h a t i t n e e d e d t o d o,\ny e t I r e m e m b e r e d t h a t m y o n l y m i s s i o n i s t o l o v e. F o r h o u r s\nb e f o r e I m e t h e r, I s i m p l y p r a y e d t h a t o u r m e e t i n g w o u l d b e\nb l e s s e d. I a s k e d t o b e a n i n s t r u m e n t o f l o v e i n h e r l i f e. I\na s k e d t h a t m y h e a r t b e o p e n e d t o h e r, t h a t o u r r e l a t i o n s h i p\nr e a c h i t s h i g h e s t p o s s i b i l i t y. I k n e w t h a t i f I p u t m y h e a r t\na n d m i n d i n t h e r i g h t p l a c e, t h", "token_ids": [602, 274, 220, 272, 384, 436, 259, 264, 602, 308, 326, 379, 220, 308, 297, 220, 296, 602, 308, 602, 274, 259, 436, 379, 220, 296, 297, 436, 384, 220, 602, 296, 281, 297, 436, 259, 264, 308, 259, 220, 259, 305, 264, 308, 198, 79, 264, 436, 384, 308, 259, 602, 308, 342, 13, 426, 384, 602, 308, 342, 220, 272, 297, 308, 274, 272, 602, 297, 577, 274, 220, 264, 308, 294, 220, 264, 259, 259, 384, 308, 259, 602, 348, 384, 220, 602, 308, 220, 379, 297, 577, 436, 220, 294, 384, 264, 326, 602, 308, 342, 274, 198, 86, 602, 259, 305, 220, 264, 220, 282, 602, 282, 259, 384, 384, 308, 482, 379, 384, 264, 436, 482, 297, 326, 294, 220, 259, 436, 379, 602, 308, 342, 220, 259, 297, 220, 282, 602, 342, 577, 436, 384, 220, 297, 577, 259, 220, 305, 297, 289, 220, 259, 297, 220, 342, 384, 259, 198, 83, 305, 436, 297, 577, 342, 305, 220, 305, 602, 342, 305, 220, 274, 272, 305, 297, 297, 326, 220, 602, 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220, 358, 220, 296, 384, 259, 220, 305, 384, 436, 11, 220, 358, 220, 274, 602, 296, 281, 326, 379, 220, 281, 436, 264, 379, 384, 294, 220, 259, 305, 264, 259, 220, 297, 577, 436, 220, 296, 384, 384, 259, 602, 308, 342, 220, 289, 297, 577, 326, 294, 220, 293, 384, 198, 65, 326, 384, 274, 274, 384, 294, 13, 358, 220, 264, 274, 597, 384, 294, 220, 259, 297, 220, 293, 384, 220, 264, 308, 220, 602, 308, 274, 259, 436, 577, 296, 384, 308, 259, 220, 297, 282, 220, 326, 297, 348, 384, 220, 602, 308, 220, 305, 384, 436, 220, 326, 602, 282, 384, 13, 358, 198, 64, 274, 597, 384, 294, 220, 259, 305, 264, 259, 220, 296, 379, 220, 305, 384, 264, 436, 259, 220, 293, 384, 220, 297, 281, 384, 308, 384, 294, 220, 259, 297, 220, 305, 384, 436, 11, 220, 259, 305, 264, 259, 220, 297, 577, 436, 220, 436, 384, 326, 264, 259, 602, 297, 308, 274, 305, 602, 281, 198, 81, 384, 264, 272, 305, 220, 602, 259, 274, 220, 305, 602, 342, 305, 384, 274, 259, 220, 281, 297, 274, 274, 602, 293, 602, 326, 602, 259, 379, 13, 358, 220, 597, 308, 384, 289, 220, 259, 305, 264, 259, 220, 602, 282, 220, 358, 220, 281, 577, 259, 220, 296, 379, 220, 305, 384, 264, 436, 259, 198, 64, 308, 294, 220, 296, 602, 308, 294, 220, 602, 308, 220, 259, 305, 384, 220, 436, 602, 342, 305, 259, 220, 281, 326, 264, 272, 384, 11, 220, 259, 305], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": " performance, such\npotentially great in all areas of human\nHigh states of consciousness, also, are\nkinds of rewards of athletic achievement,\nas that of the world-famous Sufi dancers\nachievement is pride. Pride, calibrated at\nfrequently experienced by athletes. It is\nincluding movies. Of all of the movies\nknown as whirling dervishes, who, 175, not only makes the performer go\nwell documented that long-distance about sport studied, the French film\nThe through discipline and exhausting weak, but cannot provide the\nrunners frequently attain sublime states\nBig Blue produced the highest\npractice, become able to move motivational power of love, honor orof peace and joy. This very elevation of\ncalibration. 1 This is the story of the\nef fortlessly through space over long\ndedication to a higher principle (or even\nconsciousness, in fact, often inspires the\nworld's deep-sea (143) diving champion,\nperiods of time with dazzling precision. to excellence itself). If we ask a powerful\nprolonged transcendence of pain and\nJacques Mayol, the Frenchman who for\nThe most highly developed martial arts\nathlete to hold in mind the hope of\nexhaustion necessary to achieve higher\nmany years, until very recently, held the\nclearly demonstrate haw motive and\ndefeating his opponent, or becoming a\nlevels of performance. This phenomenon\nworld retard. The movie calibrates at the\nprinciple are of ultimate importance in\nstar, or making a lot of money, we will\nis commonly described in terms of\nextraordinary ener gy level of 700extraordinary athletic achievement.2 The\nsee that he goes weak and we can put\npushing oneself to the point where one\n(universal truth). The movie itself has the\nmast frequently heard (144) admonition to\ndown his trained, muscular arm with\nsuddenly breaks through a performance\ncapacity to put viewers into a high state\ntrainees is \"stop trying to use force. \"3\nminimal ef fort. The same athlete holding\nbarrier and the activity becomes of consciousness; the manager of one\nSchools devoted to these arts produce\nin mind the honor of his country or his\nef fortless; the body then seems to move\nmovie-house which showed it described\nmasters whose overriding concern is\nsport, or the dedication of his\nwith grate and ease of its own accord, as\naudiences wandering out of the theater\nvictory of the higher self over the lower\nperformance to someone he loves, or\nthough animated by some invisible force.last in silence or crying with a joy which\nself through control, training and even the sheer joy of maximum ef fort\nfor The accompanying state of joy is quite\nthey could not describe. commitment to goals aligned with true\nthe sake of excellence, goes powerfully\ndistinct from the thrill of success; it is a\nThe movie achieves an accurate\npower.4 Alignment with these high power\nstrong, and we cannot push down his arm\ndepiction of the world's greatest deep-sea\nattractor patterns is not limited to the\nwith even the greatest ef fort. 69\n70\nto any field of human activity. This can\njoy of peace and oneness with all that\ndiver in elevated states of consciousness\nexercise of the discipline itself but\nbe illustrated by an examination of\nlives. through the use of slow-motion becomes an entire lifestyle. Thus, when\nsports, a good example because sport isIt is notable that this transcendence of the\nphotography. A subjective sensation of\nthe power of the principle is transferred\nso widely observed and extensively\npersonal self and surrender to the very\nslow-motion, beauty and grace is to the practitioner, the results begin to\nbe documented. Great heroes of sports have\nessence or spirit of life often occurs at a\nfrequently noted in higher states; time\nmanifested everywhere in his life. been celebrated throughout history at\npoint just beyond the apparent limit of\nseems to stop and there is an inner\nThe hallmark of true greatness in athletic\nleast as much as great figures in science,\nthe athlete's ability. The seeming barrier\nsilence despite the noise of the world. achievement is always humility, such as\nthe arts or any other area of cultural\nis predicated by the paradigm of one's\nW e see throughout the film that Jacques\nthat exhibited by Pablo Morales afterachievement. Sports figures symbolize\nown past accomplishments or of what has\nMayol maintains this state by the winning his Gold Medals in the 1992\nfor all of us the possibilities of been recognized as theoretically possible,\nintensity of his concentration, which\nSummer Olympics. Such athletes express\nexcellence, and, at the level of the\nsuch as the historic \"four -minute mile.\" keeps him in an almost constant gratitude, inner awe and an awareness\nchampion, mastery. Until Roger Bannister broke the four -\nmeditative condition. In this mode he\nthat their performance was not merely the\nWhat is it in athletics that brings a crowd\nminute mile, it was universally accepted\ntranscends ordinary human limitations,\nresult of a personal ef fort-that maximum\nto its feet and commands wildly that it was not humanly possible to run\nenabled to achieve great feats through\npersonal ef fort brought them to the\nenthusiastic loyalty? At first we might\nany faster; Bannister's greatness was not\naltered physiology; the deeper he dives,breakthrough point from which they were\nthink it is pride, a fascination with\njust in breaking the record, but in\nthe slower is his heartbeat, and his blood\nthen transported by a power greater than\ncompetition and triumph. But while these\nbreaking through that paradigm to a new\ndistribution concentrates almost entirely\nthat of the individual self. This typically\nmotives may produce pleasure and model of human possibility. This\nin his brain (as does that of the porpoise). is expressed as the discovery of some\nexcitement, they cannot account for the\nbreakthrough to new levels of potential\nHis best friend, himself a highly evolved\naspect of the self hitherto unknown, or\nfar greater emotions of respect and awe\nhas correspondences in every field of\nathlete, dies in an attempt to match\nun-experienced in its pure form. elicited by a display of athletic human endeavor; in many diverse\nMayol's feat because he has not reachedThrough kinesiology we can demonstrate\nexcellence. What animates the crowd is\nenterprises, those who have achieved\nthe level of consciousness required to\nthat if one is motivated by any of the\nan intuitive recognition of the heroic\ngreatness have given parallel accounts of\ntranscend the normal limits of the body. ener gy fields below courage, one goes\nstriving (142) required to overcome human\nthe circumstances surrounding their\nThe subjective experience of ef fortless\nweak. The notorious Achilles heel that\nlimitation and achieve new levels of\naccomplishments. bliss also occurs in other types of\nbrings down not just athletes but the\nprowess.<|eot_id|><|begin_of_text|>Summarize the following text section accurately and concisely. Maintain specific details and numerical information, and use anti-repetition mechanisms:\n\n Every act or decision\novercame the (126) British Empire, then the\nyou make that supports life supports all\ngreatest force in the world, ruling two-Principled - Expedient\n(122) Simply having read over this list, you\nlife, including your own. The ripples we\nthirds of the face of the globe. l\nPrivileged - Entitled\nare no longer the same person; merely to\ncreate return to us. This, which may once\nbecome acquainted with the dif ferences\nGandhi not only brought the British\nProlific - Barren\nhave seemed a metaphysical statement, is\nbetween these poles begins to increase\nEmpire to its knees; he ef fectively rang\nPurposeful - Desirous\nnow established as a scientific fact. 3\none's inner power. W ith these\ndown the curtain on the centuries-old\ndistinctions in mind we will start to\ndrama of colonialism, and he did it by\n59\n60\nsimply standing for a principle: thenational socialism only to establish a\nOne characteristic of force is arrogance;\nself-evident. That \"all men are created\nintrinsic dignity of man and his right to\nvirtual (127) tyranny. A distinctive\npower is characterized by humility. Force\nequal\" requires no justification or\nfreedom, sovereignty and self-\ncharacteristic of force in politics is that it\nis pompous; it has all the answers. Power\nrhetorical persuasion. That it is wrong to\ndetermination. 2 Fundamental to this\ncannot tolerate dissent. Both rules\nis unassuming. Stalin, who strutted gas people to death in concentration\nprinciple, in Gandhi's view, was the fact\ndepended on the pervasive use of force\nmilitary autocracy, has gone down in\ncamps is self-evident; it requires no\nthat such rights derive to man by virtue\nthrough secret police; Stalin, who also\nhistory as an arch-criminal. The humble\nar gument. The principles upon whichof the divinity of his creation. Gandhi\nput millions to death, relied on his KGB,\nMikhail Gorbachev, who wore a plain\ntrue power is based never require\nbelieved that human rights are not\nas Hitler his Gestapo. suit and easily admitted to faults, has\nvindication, as force inevitably does-\ngranted by any earthly power, but are\nAdolph Hitler assembled the greatest\n", "token_ids": [5178, 11, 1778, 198, 19644, 31668, 2294, 304, 682, 5789, 315, 3823, 198, 12243, 5415, 315, 25917, 11, 1101, 11, 527, 198, 74, 8843, 315, 21845, 315, 29703, 26501, 345, 300, 430, 315, 279, 1917, 2269, 23333, 328, 1739, 72, 61583, 198, 75708, 374, 22519, 13, 43246, 11, 86085, 520, 198, 69, 70941, 10534, 555, 23579, 13, 1102, 374, 198, 16564, 9698, 13, 5046, 682, 315, 279, 9698, 198, 5391, 439, 421, 51868, 294, 651, 21168, 11, 889, 11, 220, 10005, 11, 539, 1193, 3727, 279, 49254, 733, 198, 9336, 27470, 430, 1317, 74908, 922, 10775, 20041, 11, 279, 8753, 4632, 198, 791, 1555, 26434, 323, 79953, 7621, 11, 719, 4250, 3493, 279, 198, 6236, 5079, 14134, 36861, 71246, 5415, 198, 16010, 8868, 9124, 279, 8592, 198, 60621, 11, 3719, 3025, 311, 3351, 88459, 2410, 315, 3021, 11, 16044, 477, 1073, 9096, 323, 16267, 662, 1115, 1633, 27255, 315, 198, 5531, 18856, 13, 220, 16, 1115, 374, 279, 3446, 315, 279, 198, 830, 12108, 16117, 1555, 3634, 927, 1317, 198, 9988, 20901, 311, 264, 5190, 17966, 320, 269, 1524, 198, 64589, 2136, 11, 304, 2144, 11, 3629, 70390, 279, 198, 14957, 596, 5655, 7962, 64, 320, 10290, 8, 43515, 18824, 345, 19862, 82, 315, 892, 449, 78088, 16437, 13, 311, 38656, 5196, 570, 1442, 584, 2610, 264, 8147, 198, 782, 4930, 291, 74809, 768, 315, 6784, 323, 198, 83929, 14295, 3297, 337, 11, 279, 8753, 1543, 889, 369, 198, 791, 1455, 7701, 8040, 37959, 19071, 198, 91044, 311, 3412, 304, 4059, 279, 3987, 315, 198, 327, 15424, 290, 5995, 311, 11322, 5190, 198, 35676, 1667, 11, 3156, 1633, 6051, 1174, 5762, 279, 198, 7574, 398, 20461, 305, 675, 47094, 323, 198, 755, 91955, 813, 15046, 11, 477, 10671, 264, 198, 43664, 315, 5178, 13, 1115, 25885, 198, 14957, 77072, 13, 578, 5818, 1652, 10892, 988, 520, 279, 198, 652, 16379, 527, 315, 17139, 12939, 304, 198, 12134, 1174, 477, 3339, 264, 2763, 315, 3300, 1174, 584, 690, 198, 285, 17037, 7633, 304, 3878, 315, 198, 15824, 21707, 38556, 29720, 2237, 315, 220, 7007, 15824, 21707, 29703, 26501, 13, 17, 578, 198, 4151, 430, 568, 5900, 7621, 323, 584, 649, 2231, 198, 9254, 287, 57669, 311, 279, 1486, 1405, 832, 198, 18870, 35052, 8206, 570, 578, 5818, 5196, 706, 279, 198, 97613, 14134, 6755, 320, 8929, 8, 83085, 684, 311, 198, 2996, 813, 16572, 11, 52192, 6916, 449, 198, 82, 44806, 18808, 1555, 264, 5178, 198, 38487, 311, 2231, 22511, 1139, 264, 1579, 1614, 198, 10613, 5633, 374, 330, 9684, 4560, 311, 1005, 5457, 13, 330, 18, 198, 93707, 31469, 12108, 13, 578, 1890, 34880, 10168, 198, 2308, 7401, 323, 279, 5820, 9221, 315, 25917, 26, 279, 6783, 315, 832, 198, 33849, 82, 29329, 311, 1521, 19071, 8356, 198, 258, 4059, 279, 16044, 315, 813, 3224, 477, 813, 198, 830, 12108, 1752, 26, 279, 2547, 1243, 5084, 311, 3351, 198, 20633, 37002, 902, 8710, 433, 7633, 198, 64711, 6832, 68971, 4747, 374, 198, 62001, 11, 477, 279, 39955, 315, 813, 198, 4291, 86454, 323, 14553, 315, 1202, 1866, 14902, 11, 439, 198, 8039, 12242, 55063, 704, 315, 279, 27803, 198, 85, 91133, 315, 279, 5190, 659, 927, 279, 4827, 198, 62344, 311, 4423, 568, 16180, 11, 477, 198, 4636, 11625, 555, 1063, 30547, 5457, 9288, 304, 21847, 477, 31299, 449, 264, 16267, 902, 198, 726, 1555, 2585, 11, 4967, 323, 1524, 279, 33638, 16267, 315, 7340, 31469, 12108, 198, 2000, 578, 24442, 1614, 315, 16267, 374, 5115, 198, 20670, 1436, 539, 7664, 13, 15507, 311, 9021, 27210, 449, 837, 198, 1820, 25491, 315, 38656, 11, 5900, 2410, 3725, 198, 54121, 505, 279, 54904, 315, 2450, 26, 433, 374, 264, 198, 791, 5818, 83691, 459, 13687, 198, 13477, 662, 19, 33365, 449, 1521, 1579, 2410, 198, 4620, 11, 323, 584, 4250, 4585, 1523, 813, 6916, 198, 15237, 2538, 315, 279, 1917, 596, 12474, 5655, 7962, 64, 198, 266, 55866, 12912, 374, 539, 7347, 311, 279, 198, 4291, 1524, 279, 12474, 31469, 12108, 13, 220, 3076, 198, 2031, 198, 998, 904, 2115, 315, 3823, 5820, 662, 1115, 649, 198, 4215, 315, 9096, 323, 389, 24639, 449, 682, 430, 198, 614, 261, 304, 32389, 5415, 315, 25917, 198, 64562, 315, 279, 26434, 5196, 719, 198, 1395, 36762, 555, 459, 24481, 315, 198, 75, 1924, 13, 1555, 279, 1005, 315, 6435, 85349, 9221, 459, 4553, 19433, 13, 14636, 11, 994, 198, 84660, 11, 264, 1695, 3187, 1606, 10775, 374, 2181, 374, 28289, 430, 420, 74809, 768, 315, 279, 198, 52399, 5814, 662, 362, 44122, 37392, 315, 198, 1820, 2410, 315, 279, 17966, 374, 23217, 198, 708, 13882, 13468, 323, 42817, 198, 30712, 659, 323, 32859, 311, 279, 1633, 198, 36311, 85349, 11, 13444, 323, 21507, 374, 311, 279, 55472, 1174, 279, 3135, 3240, 311, 198, 1395, 27470, 13, 8681, 23757, 315, 10034, 617, 198, 434, 768, 477, 9090, 315, 2324, 3629, 13980, 520, 264, 198, 69, 70941, 10555, 304, 5190, 5415, 26, 892, 198, 43415, 291, 17277, 304, 813, 2324, 13, 1027, 28284, 6957, 3925, 520, 198, 2837, 1120, 7953, 279, 10186, 4017, 315, 198, 325, 12116, 311, 3009, 323, 1070, 374, 459, 9358, 198, 791, 98799, 315, 837, 63556, 304, 29703, 198, 56371, 439, 1790, 439, 2294, 12678, 304, 8198, 345, 1820, 34880, 596, 5845, 662, 578, 76795, 22881, 198, 35904, 768, 8994, 279, 12248, 315, 279, 1917, 13, 26501, 374, 2744, 75372, 1174, 1778, 439, 198, 1820, 19071, 477, 904, 1023, 3158, 315, 13042, 198, 285, 4255, 10297, 555, 279, 49340, 315, 832, 596, 198, 54, 384, 1518, 6957, 279, 4632, 430, 64850, 198, 9210, 51713, 555, 53863, 76602, 1306, 75708, 13, 13482, 12678, 7891, 553, 198, 785, 3347, 53881, 477, 315, 1148, 706, 198, 11356, 337, 33095, 420, 1614, 555, 279, 11230, 813, 7573, 3344, 1147, 304, 279, 220, 2550, 17, 198, 2000, 682, 315, 603, 279, 24525, 315, 1027, 15324, 439, 63234, 3284, 345, 396, 8127, 315, 813, 20545, 11, 902, 198, 51787, 33063, 13, 15483, 23579, 3237, 198, 327, 5997, 768, 11, 323, 11, 520, 279, 2237, 315, 279, 198, 21470, 439, 279, 18526, 330, 35124, 482, 43657, 14929, 1210, 13912, 1461, 304, 459, 4661, 6926, 46135, 11, 9358, 51517, 323, 459, 17985, 198, 331, 13580, 11, 66763, 662, 30070, 29607, 426, 1036, 1601, 14760, 279, 3116, 18722, 2106, 22018, 3044, 13, 763, 420, 3941, 568, 198, 9210, 872, 5178, 574, 539, 16632, 279, 198, 3923, 374, 433, 304, 74175, 430, 12716, 264, 13734, 198, 43657, 14929, 11, 433, 574, 61528, 11928, 198, 1485, 66, 1438, 19664, 3823, 9669, 345, 1407, 315, 264, 4443, 31469, 12108, 94600, 7340, 198, 998, 1202, 7693, 323, 11545, 48295, 430, 433, 574, 539, 3823, 398, 3284, 311, 1629, 198, 16247, 311, 11322, 2294, 64401, 1555, 198, 30712, 31469, 12108, 7263, 1124, 311, 279, 198, 306, 13092, 72, 5174, 32883, 30, 2468, 1176, 584, 2643, 198, 3852, 10819, 26, 426, 1036, 1601, 596, 63556, 574, 539, 198, 278, 34259, 78152, 26, 279, 19662, 568, 94521, 8568, 1127, 20322, 1486, 505, 902, 814, 1051, 198, 27963, 433, 374, 22519, 11, 264, 75444, 449, 198, 4345, 304, 15061, 279, 3335, 11, 719, 304, 198, 1820, 29493, 374, 813, 53205, 11, 323, 813, 6680, 198, 3473, 40460, 555, 264, 2410, 7191, 1109, 198, 79123, 323, 38586, 13, 2030, 1418, 1521, 198, 37757, 1555, 430, 49340, 311, 264, 502, 198, 82816, 99005, 4661, 11622, 198, 9210, 315, 279, 3927, 659, 13, 1115, 11383, 198, 47928, 1924, 1253, 8356, 17069, 323, 1646, 315, 3823, 13336, 662, 1115, 198, 258, 813, 8271, 320, 300, 1587, 430, 315, 279, 4247, 5481, 1082, 570, 374, 13605, 439, 279, 18841, 315, 1063, 198, 40541, 275, 1133, 11, 814, 4250, 2759, 369, 279, 198, 9137, 20322, 311, 502, 5990, 315, 4754, 198, 16366, 1888, 4333, 11, 5678, 264, 7701, 28995, 198, 58158, 315, 279, 659, 305, 411, 14200, 9987, 11, 477, 198, 24470, 7191, 21958, 315, 5201, 323, 51517, 198, 4752, 8024, 2436, 304, 1475, 2115, 315, 198, 91044, 11, 8898, 304, 459, 4879, 311, 2489, 198, 359, 10397, 45933, 304, 1202, 10748, 1376, 13, 95360, 1639, 555, 264, 3113, 315, 29703, 3823, 54914, 26, 304, 1690, 17226, 198, 11356, 337, 596, 12627, 1606, 568, 706, 539, 8813, 24798, 597, 1572, 31226, 584, 649, 20461, 198, 327, 5997, 768, 13, 3639, 4039, 988, 279, 13734, 374, 198, 1992, 26500, 11, 1884, 889, 617, 17427, 198, 1820, 2237, 315, 25917, 2631, 311, 198, 9210, 422, 832, 374, 27762, 555, 904, 315, 279, 198, 276, 42779, 18324, 315, 279, 56375, 198, 47991, 2136, 617, 2728, 15638, 9815, 315, 198, 1485, 66, 408, 279, 4725, 13693, 315, 279, 2547, 662, 38556, 29720, 5151, 3770, 25775, 11, 832, 5900, 198, 496, 2299, 320, 10239, 8, 2631, 311, 23075, 3823, 198, 1820, 13463, 14932, 872, 198, 791, 44122, 3217, 315, 31469, 12108, 1752, 198, 13451, 13, 578, 44081, 88736, 35428, 430, 198, 9696, 367, 323, 11322, 502, 5990, 315, 198, 73087, 501, 100053, 13, 59045, 1101, 13980, 304, 1023, 4595, 315, 198, 1347, 826, 1523, 539, 1120, 23579, 719, 279, 198, 79, 654, 434, 13, 128009, 128000, 9370, 5730, 553, 279, 2768, 1495, 3857, 30357, 323, 3613, 285, 989, 13, 87477, 3230, 3649, 323, 35876, 2038, 11, 323, 1005, 7294, 5621, 56867, 24717, 1473, 286, 7357, 1180, 477, 5597, 198, 2017, 6142, 279, 320, 9390, 8, 8013, 21080, 11, 1243, 279, 198, 9514, 1304, 430, 11815, 2324, 11815, 682, 198, 70, 11423, 5457, 304, 279, 1917, 11, 17864, 1403, 12, 3617, 5824, 839, 482, 64412, 1188, 198, 7, 8259, 8, 29524, 3515, 1373, 927, 420, 1160, 11, 499, 198, 14789, 11, 2737, 701, 1866, 13, 578, 436, 51660, 584, 198, 32827, 82, 315, 279, 3663, 315, 279, 24867, 13, 326, 198, 33224, 69531, 482, 4968, 15621, 198, 548, 912, 5129, 279, 1890, 1732, 26, 16632, 311, 198, 3261, 471, 311, 603, 13, 1115, 11, 902, 1253, 3131, 198, 17106, 638, 73734, 449, 279, 1422, 18728, 2436, 198, 38, 438, 6151, 539, 1193, 7263, 279, 8013, 198, 47, 1098, 1104, 482, 4821, 1466, 198, 19553, 9508, 264, 31768, 19506, 5224, 11, 374, 198, 42967, 1521, 51879, 12302, 311, 5376, 198, 29831, 556, 311, 1202, 31624, 26, 568, 31469, 282, 440, 3210, 43200, 198, 75133, 1285, 482, 3959, 404, 788, 198, 3409, 9749, 439, 264, 12624, 2144, 13, 220, 18, 198, 606, 596, 9358, 2410, 13, 468, 78942, 1521, 198, 2996, 279, 46866, 389, 279, 24552, 6418, 198, 12489, 74690, 304, 4059, 584, 690, 1212, 311, 198, 67, 31473, 315, 37683, 2191, 11, 323, 568, 1550, 433, 555, 198, 2946, 198, 1399, 198, 15124, 2603, 11509, 369, 264, 17966, 25, 1243, 1697, 51618, 1193, 311, 5813, 264, 198, 4054, 29683, 315, 5457, 374, 83843, 280, 726, 5773, 1325, 306, 13, 3011, 330, 543, 3026, 527, 3549, 198, 258, 46102, 38929, 315, 893, 323, 813, 1314, 311, 198, 26752, 320, 6804, 8, 78001, 13, 362, 35947, 198, 13477, 374, 32971, 555, 75372, 13, 11994, 198, 26880, 1, 7612, 912, 42535, 477, 198, 25746, 8944, 11, 47059, 323, 659, 7058, 19740, 4633, 315, 5457, 304, 11759, 374, 430, 433, 198, 285, 73870, 788, 26, 433, 706, 682, 279, 11503, 13, 7572, 198, 81, 14122, 70848, 98224, 13, 3011, 433, 374, 5076, 311, 198, 67, 82137, 13, 220, 17, 92539, 311, 420, 198, 34360, 50134, 47962, 13, 11995, 5718, 198, 285, 653, 66463, 13, 47765, 11, 889, 83443, 6702, 6962, 1274, 311, 4648, 304, 20545, 198, 652, 16379, 11, 304, 48994, 596, 1684, 11, 574, 279, 2144, 198, 15237, 2954, 389, 279, 71867, 1005, 315, 5457, 198, 76, 20860, 3154, 46360, 11, 706, 8208, 1523, 304, 198, 66, 14989, 374, 659, 5773, 1325, 306, 26, 433, 7612, 912, 198, 9210, 1778, 3268, 43530, 311, 893, 555, 35460, 198, 20322, 6367, 4379, 26, 47765, 11, 889, 1101, 198, 19375, 439, 459, 5438, 1824, 58140, 13, 578, 39612, 198, 277, 342, 1143, 13, 578, 16565, 5304, 902, 1073, 279, 3512, 13797, 315, 813, 9886, 13, 48994, 198, 631, 11990, 311, 4648, 11, 41013, 389, 813, 735, 5494, 345, 44, 83356, 480, 30986, 1815, 85, 11, 889, 28670, 264, 14733, 198, 1904, 2410, 374, 3196, 2646, 1397, 198, 9978, 32077, 430, 3823, 3268, 527, 539, 198, 300, 31654, 813, 54999, 66652, 13, 7937, 323, 6847, 16584, 311, 57790, 11, 706, 198, 85, 485, 20901, 11, 439, 5457, 40605, 1587, 7058, 911, 7719, 555, 904, 90495, 2410, 11, 719, 527, 198, 2654, 44070, 31654, 35105, 279, 12474, 198], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": " the effect that AIDS is not\na viral disease was not enough. Scie ntific re asons which point in another direction should have accompanied the\nnegation of HIV as the cause of the disease. I wrote to Dr. Manfred Eigen, a most eminent DNA research scientist from Max-Pl anck Institute in Germany, o n 25\nSeptember 1989, and in defense of Duesberg sent him two of my articles presenting most of the views that wer e\npublished in the Foundation's Special AIDS Issue. Dr. Eigen had published an account of discussions between\nAIDS v irus advocates and Duesberg in Natur Weiss enschafen. It seems Dr. Eigen was not convinced by Professor\nDuesberg's views and had taken the side of the opposition. A few months later, Dr. Eigen sent me a letter that\nshowed he now re alized another plausible scientific view on the cause of AIDS d oes exist. Now, all of a sudden in 1992, a new surge of activity with an alternative view of AIDS had gathered momentum with\nboth Professors Montagnier and Duesberg as leaders in the field. In 1989,1 had sent these researchers a copy of our Special AIDS Issue of Science In Medicine Simplified (SMS)\nfrom the Foundation for the Simple in Med icine (references 74 and 75), in the same way the Foundation freely\nshares its views with most top researchers (a copy of the letter to Manfred Eigen was also sent to Professor\nDuesberg). This special AIDS v olume was also sent to many medical libraries at universities engaged in AIDS\nresearch. The detailed articles presented scientific explanations from which a synopsis has been given in the\npreceding paragraphs. In my article on the neurotransmitter histamine, first presented briefly at the 3rd Interscience World Conference on\nInflammation in 1989, and later published in 1990,1 also explained the immune suppressive actions of many of the\nchemical agents that are generated as a result of stress in the human body. In this extensively distributed article, I\ndiscussed some aspects o f AIDS a s a severe stress-induced \"system disturbance,\" opposing the current view that it\nis caused by a single particle, a virus. This issue of SMS was also extensively distributed. Copies of the 1989 Special AIDS I ssue and 1990 issue of SMS\nwere also sent to Professor Philippe Lazar, the Director General of IINSERM in France. INSERM is the French\nequivalent of the NIH in America. He was aske d to make the information contained in these issues of SMS available\nto other interested scientists a t INSERM. My research was progressing at the same time as new information on the critical roles of cysteine in the\nmanufacture of some DNA m aterials became available and published. It became completely clear and obvious to\nme that AIDS w as a metabolic disorder, and the DNA/ RNA f ragments cla ssified as the different viruses o f AIDS\nwere themselves a product of cysteine shortage in the body. With infinitely more detail than has been presented in this section, my m ost recent article, \"AIDS: The Dead-End of\nVirus Etiology\" was p ublished in the 1991 issue of SMS and distributed to many other scie ntists e ngaged in this field\nof research. It is a moral obligation of any dedicated scientist to share his or her new in formation with others engaged in the\nresearch of a common topic, even before the subject is presented in scientific jou rnals. It is also a moral obligation\nof those who receive the information to give credit to the person who has generated and shared the information. A news headline in Le Mo nde of 9 August 1991 re flected a hea ted fight between Bruno Durie ux, the Min ister of\nHealth of France and Professor Albert German, President of the National Aca demy of Pharmacy of France. The\nminister had demanded the dismissal of the professor. The professor had, in an address, given the opinion that\nAIDS is caused as a result of a particular life style. The professor's opinion had become a hot issue among the\ndifferent social groups. Thus the wrath of the minister and the demand for his dismissal. No occasion lends itself\nbetter to the introduction of an explosive opinion than adding it as fuel to an already established quarrel. The letter\nprinted in the next page was sent to M. Br uno Durieux, Minister of He alth of France, with a copy to Professor\nGerman. A MEDICAL RESEARCH I NSTITUTION \nP.O. BOX 3 267 \nFALLS CHURCH VA 2 2043 U.S.A.\nExc. M. Bruno Durieux\nMinister of Health 1 Place de Fontenoy 75350 Paris 07-S.R\n6 Septembe r 1991\nExcel lence,\nI have been exposed to the topic of your discussion about the views of Professor Albert German on AIDS, r eflected\nin Le Monde, 9 August 1991. I thought it my responsibility to bring to your attention the final result of our very\nextensive research into the etiology of AIDS. Our research seems to produce physiologic / metabolic explanations\nthat support the views o f professor German. I have pleasure in enclosing a copy of our recent article, \"AIDS: T he\nDead-End of Virus Et iology.\" The article explains details that have been ignored by those who wish to force asolution to the problem through viral research - a total waste of public funds. Yo u are welcome to have the article\nphotocopied and reviewed by any numbe r of your scientists who do not demonstrate a blind bias toward viral\nresearch. If more information is needed, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely,\nR Batmanghelidj, M.D. Enclosure: Article, AIDS: T he Dead-End of Virus Etiology. Copy, Professor Albert German. I sincerely hope that the free sharing of my researched views on AIDS h as in some way been instrumental in getting\nothers to think about the relationship of this disease condition to an abnormal physiology that becomes ultimately\nestablished as a result of \"stresses associa ted with a particular life style,\" or \"severe malnutrition in less fortunate\nsocieties.\" The children in Romania that were the subject of many te levision programs m ost probably did not get\nAIDS from blood contamination; they more than likely developed AIDS a s a result of malnutrition. Another point that needs to be discussed is the value of the AIDS test as an indicator of a disease in the process of\ndevelopment. Although everyone is led to believe this, it is in my opinion an erroneous representation of a different\ntruth. All this test sh ows is that the body has com e across this antigenic particle and has registered its str ucture. It\nalso means the body has kept the existence of this particle/virus in its memory-bank to manufacture a defense\nmechanism against the \"foreign particle,\" not necessar ily a particle from outside, but a particle that the body itself\nshould not make\u2014a form of quality con trol at the \"DNA a ssembly line.\" Thi s test is ultimately an indicator of a body's\namino acid metabolism disturbance, and not an indicator of a loose killer virus in the body. The number of test\npositive cases who become HIV negative are too many to be ignored. It has been shown in laboratory experiments that if cysteine is added to a culture medium that is growing cells for\nvirus production, these cells will not manufacture the \"virus.\" In a medium with sufficient cysteine, it will not be\npossible to harvest the virus. This test presents the most clear conclusion that the AIDS test is only an indicator of\nan on-going amino acid imbalance in the body. It is important to remember that if the level of one amino acid in the\nbody is not enough, then a drastic imbalance in the percentage composition of the other amino acids also will exist. These new ideas on AIDS a re presented to the readers of this book to indicate that a metabolic approach to dealing\nwith this social problem will produce more satisfactory and quicker results.<|eot_id|><|begin_of_text|>Summarize the following text section accurately and concisely. Maintain specific details and numerical information, and use anti-repetition mechanisms:\n\n By the time of her wed ding in Octo ber 1994, she had lost over\n40 pounds. This science-based way o f weight loss w ill be permanent, whereas with only food limitation, even if some weight is\nlost, it is regained in a short period of time. Worse still, one is constantly hounded by the fallacy of needing to limit\nthis or that food, particularly on the subject of cho lesterol content of food, a temporary present-day vogue. Do not be\nshocked. Contrary to present trends for exclusion of eggs from daily diet, I eat as many eggs as I feel like eating\u2014\nno limitation wha tsoever; eggs have a well-balanced protein content. I also happen to understand how excess\ncholesterol formation in the body is associated with prolonged dehydration. Priscilla Preston's letter on the next page further explains the relationship of dehydration, not only to weight gain, but\nto the more devastating problem of asthma, the subject of the next chapter. In taking steps to prevent asthma, she\nmanaged to lose 35 pounds. An other important point in her letter is the role of sal t in disease prevention. Salt is\nimportant to the body. Salt sensors on the tongue, whe n strongly stimulated, remove the body's anxiety and stop it\nfrom panicking for water. When salt is available, the body is", "token_ids": [279, 2515, 430, 46060, 374, 539, 198, 64, 29962, 8624, 574, 539, 3403, 13, 2522, 648, 32512, 1104, 312, 439, 2439, 902, 1486, 304, 2500, 5216, 1288, 617, 24895, 279, 198, 29875, 367, 315, 23495, 439, 279, 5353, 315, 279, 8624, 13, 358, 6267, 311, 2999, 13, 2418, 29093, 25059, 11, 264, 1455, 84629, 15922, 3495, 28568, 505, 7639, 12, 2169, 459, 377, 10181, 304, 10057, 11, 297, 308, 220, 914, 198, 30649, 220, 3753, 24, 11, 323, 304, 9232, 315, 423, 1157, 7881, 3288, 1461, 1403, 315, 856, 9908, 32644, 1455, 315, 279, 6325, 430, 7205, 384, 198, 33966, 304, 279, 5114, 596, 9984, 46060, 26292, 662, 2999, 13, 25059, 1047, 4756, 459, 2759, 315, 20954, 1990, 198, 32, 26696, 348, 6348, 355, 28424, 323, 423, 1157, 7881, 304, 40549, 42255, 4675, 331, 68658, 13, 1102, 5084, 2999, 13, 25059, 574, 539, 22954, 555, 17054, 198, 35, 1157, 7881, 596, 6325, 323, 1047, 4529, 279, 3185, 315, 279, 14076, 13, 362, 2478, 4038, 3010, 11, 2999, 13, 25059, 3288, 757, 264, 6661, 430, 198, 3528, 291, 568, 1457, 312, 453, 1534, 2500, 50434, 12624, 1684, 389, 279, 5353, 315, 46060, 294, 297, 288, 3073, 13, 4800, 11, 682, 315, 264, 11210, 304, 220, 2550, 17, 11, 264, 502, 22531, 315, 5820, 449, 459, 10778, 1684, 315, 46060, 1047, 20802, 24151, 449, 198, 21704, 8626, 434, 1105, 9995, 3326, 1291, 323, 423, 1157, 7881, 439, 6164, 304, 279, 2115, 13, 763, 220, 3753, 24, 11, 16, 1047, 3288, 1521, 12074, 264, 3048, 315, 1057, 9984, 46060, 26292, 315, 10170, 763, 19152, 62342, 1908, 320, 66665, 340, 1527, 279, 5114, 369, 279, 9170, 304, 3344, 18385, 483, 320, 37009, 220, 5728, 323, 220, 2075, 705, 304, 279, 1890, 1648, 279, 5114, 26662, 198, 76147, 1202, 6325, 449, 1455, 1948, 12074, 320, 64, 3048, 315, 279, 6661, 311, 2418, 29093, 25059, 574, 1101, 3288, 311, 17054, 198, 35, 1157, 7881, 570, 1115, 3361, 46060, 348, 8492, 3972, 574, 1101, 3288, 311, 1690, 6593, 20797, 520, 23978, 17045, 304, 46060, 198, 61564, 13, 578, 11944, 9908, 10666, 12624, 41941, 505, 902, 264, 81763, 706, 1027, 2728, 304, 279, 198, 27244, 287, 43743, 13, 763, 856, 4652, 389, 279, 90351, 16517, 13034, 20588, 11, 1176, 10666, 27851, 520, 279, 220, 18, 6634, 1357, 388, 66, 1873, 4435, 15217, 389, 198, 644, 45864, 367, 304, 220, 3753, 24, 11, 323, 3010, 4756, 304, 220, 2550, 15, 11, 16, 1101, 11497, 279, 22852, 28321, 535, 6299, 315, 1690, 315, 279, 198, 32056, 13307, 430, 527, 8066, 439, 264, 1121, 315, 8631, 304, 279, 3823, 2547, 13, 763, 420, 42817, 4332, 4652, 11, 358, 198, 17242, 59942, 1063, 13878, 297, 282, 46060, 264, 274, 264, 15748, 8631, 38973, 330, 9125, 65858, 1359, 31322, 279, 1510, 1684, 430, 433, 198, 285, 9057, 555, 264, 3254, 19320, 11, 264, 17188, 13, 1115, 4360, 315, 31009, 574, 1101, 42817, 4332, 13, 80668, 315, 279, 220, 3753, 24, 9984, 46060, 358, 11107, 361, 323, 220, 2550, 15, 4360, 315, 31009, 198, 52898, 1101, 3288, 311, 17054, 67954, 87258, 11, 279, 10783, 3331, 315, 358, 9751, 39820, 220, 304, 9822, 13, 26776, 39820, 220, 374, 279, 8753, 198, 26378, 12031, 315, 279, 84370, 304, 5270, 13, 1283, 574, 439, 441, 294, 311, 1304, 279, 2038, 13282, 304, 1521, 4819, 315, 31009, 2561, 198, 998, 1023, 8173, 14248, 264, 259, 26776, 39820, 662, 3092, 3495, 574, 76722, 520, 279, 1890, 892, 439, 502, 2038, 389, 279, 9200, 13073, 315, 63581, 68, 483, 304, 279, 198, 98550, 554, 315, 1063, 15922, 296, 264, 466, 10522, 6244, 2561, 323, 4756, 13, 1102, 6244, 6724, 2867, 323, 8196, 311, 198, 2727, 430, 46060, 289, 439, 264, 41861, 19823, 11, 323, 279, 15922, 14, 41214, 282, 21108, 1392, 87804, 11107, 1908, 439, 279, 2204, 42068, 297, 282, 46060, 198, 52898, 5694, 264, 2027, 315, 63581, 68, 483, 39259, 304, 279, 2547, 13, 3161, 72600, 810, 7872, 1109, 706, 1027, 10666, 304, 420, 3857, 11, 856, 296, 37996, 3293, 4652, 11, 330, 32, 26696, 25, 220, 578, 15371, 12, 3812, 315, 198, 53, 17402, 469, 10462, 2508, 1, 574, 281, 220, 11931, 304, 279, 220, 2550, 16, 4360, 315, 31009, 323, 4332, 311, 1690, 1023, 1156, 648, 32512, 1705, 384, 7933, 3359, 304, 420, 2115, 198, 1073, 3495, 13, 1102, 374, 264, 16033, 29672, 315, 904, 12514, 28568, 311, 4430, 813, 477, 1077, 502, 304, 18488, 449, 3885, 17045, 304, 279, 198, 61564, 315, 264, 4279, 8712, 11, 1524, 1603, 279, 3917, 374, 10666, 304, 12624, 28068, 56939, 1147, 13, 1102, 374, 1101, 264, 16033, 29672, 198, 1073, 1884, 889, 5371, 279, 2038, 311, 3041, 6807, 311, 279, 1732, 889, 220, 706, 8066, 323, 6222, 279, 2038, 13, 362, 3754, 32263, 304, 2009, 6178, 15953, 68, 315, 220, 24, 6287, 220, 2550, 16, 312, 282, 2258, 264, 568, 64, 42323, 4465, 1990, 220, 52210, 20742, 648, 90903, 11, 279, 3468, 114527, 315, 198, 14884, 315, 9822, 323, 17054, 17971, 6063, 11, 4900, 315, 279, 5165, 362, 936, 2486, 88, 315, 48175, 315, 9822, 13, 578, 198, 1083, 1601, 1047, 30526, 279, 59323, 315, 279, 14561, 13, 578, 14561, 1047, 11, 304, 459, 2686, 11, 2728, 279, 9647, 430, 198, 32, 26696, 374, 9057, 439, 264, 1121, 315, 264, 4040, 2324, 1742, 13, 578, 14561, 596, 9647, 1047, 3719, 264, 4106, 4360, 4315, 279, 198, 64750, 3674, 5315, 13, 14636, 279, 64391, 315, 279, 13015, 323, 279, 7631, 369, 813, 59323, 13, 2360, 13402, 79018, 5196, 198, 58234, 311, 279, 17219, 315, 459, 34150, 9647, 1109, 7999, 433, 439, 10633, 311, 459, 2736, 9749, 37965, 3833, 13, 578, 6661, 198, 53313, 304, 279, 1828, 2199, 574, 3288, 311, 386, 13, 3320, 24840, 20742, 53819, 11, 9675, 315, 1283, 453, 339, 315, 9822, 11, 449, 264, 3048, 311, 17054, 198, 33179, 13, 362, 52699, 15942, 3680, 44645, 358, 452, 26849, 29717, 720, 47, 8548, 13, 53783, 220, 18, 220, 16567, 720, 37, 4006, 50, 6969, 1539, 2198, 21571, 220, 17, 220, 7854, 18, 549, 815, 885, 627, 42821, 13, 386, 662, 52210, 20742, 53819, 198, 6349, 1601, 315, 6401, 220, 16, 11004, 409, 9757, 268, 2303, 220, 25504, 1135, 12366, 220, 2589, 6354, 2056, 198, 21, 5488, 336, 1395, 436, 220, 2550, 16, 198, 20656, 326, 768, 345, 40, 617, 1027, 15246, 311, 279, 8712, 315, 701, 10430, 922, 279, 6325, 315, 17054, 17971, 6063, 389, 46060, 11, 436, 31469, 2258, 198, 258, 2009, 3206, 451, 11, 220, 24, 6287, 220, 2550, 16, 13, 358, 3463, 433, 856, 12014, 311, 4546, 311, 701, 6666, 279, 1620, 1121, 315, 1057, 1633, 198, 428, 4114, 3495, 1139, 279, 1880, 31226, 315, 46060, 13, 5751, 3495, 5084, 311, 8356, 4571, 72, 39227, 611, 41861, 41941, 198, 9210, 1862, 279, 6325, 297, 282, 14561, 6063, 13, 358, 617, 17069, 304, 86028, 264, 3048, 315, 1057, 3293, 4652, 11, 330, 32, 26696, 25, 350, 568, 198, 29420, 12, 3812, 315, 65092, 19421, 602, 2508, 1210, 578, 4652, 15100, 3649, 430, 617, 1027, 12305, 555, 1884, 889, 6562, 311, 5457, 439, 3294, 311, 279, 3575, 1555, 29962, 3495, 482, 264, 2860, 12571, 315, 586, 10736, 13, 44188, 577, 527, 10788, 311, 617, 279, 4652, 198, 52399, 84621, 1142, 323, 22690, 555, 904, 1661, 1395, 436, 315, 701, 14248, 889, 656, 539, 20461, 264, 18507, 15837, 9017, 29962, 198, 61564, 13, 1442, 810, 2038, 374, 4460, 11, 4587, 656, 539, 39666, 311, 3729, 757, 13, 328, 87191, 345, 49, 16488, 76, 526, 50222, 307, 73, 11, 386, 920, 13, 10984, 11915, 25, 13659, 11, 46060, 25, 350, 568, 15371, 12, 3812, 315, 65092, 469, 10462, 2508, 13, 14882, 11, 17054, 17971, 6063, 13, 358, 59383, 3987, 430, 279, 1949, 11821, 315, 856, 57098, 6325, 389, 46060, 305, 439, 304, 1063, 1648, 1027, 42045, 304, 3794, 198, 59961, 311, 1781, 922, 279, 5133, 315, 420, 8624, 3044, 311, 459, 35663, 78152, 430, 9221, 13967, 198, 34500, 291, 439, 264, 1121, 315, 330, 267, 44357, 60707, 689, 42323, 449, 264, 4040, 2324, 1742, 34921, 477, 330, 325, 19846, 8811, 83664, 304, 2753, 40510, 198, 82, 2168, 26640, 1210, 578, 2911, 304, 47149, 430, 1051, 279, 3917, 315, 1690, 1028, 514, 13311, 7620, 296, 37996, 4762, 1550, 539, 636, 198, 32, 26696, 505, 6680, 47810, 26, 814, 810, 1109, 4461, 8040, 46060, 264, 274, 264, 1121, 315, 8811, 83664, 13, 13596, 1486, 430, 3966, 311, 387, 14407, 374, 279, 907, 315, 279, 46060, 1296, 439, 459, 21070, 315, 264, 8624, 304, 279, 1920, 315, 198, 30671, 13, 10541, 5127, 374, 6197, 311, 4510, 420, 11, 433, 374, 304, 856, 9647, 459, 77772, 13340, 315, 264, 2204, 198, 59677, 13, 2052, 420, 1296, 559, 297, 9092, 374, 430, 279, 2547, 706, 470, 384, 4028, 420, 83089, 292, 19320, 323, 706, 9879, 1202, 610, 577, 302, 554, 13, 1102, 198, 19171, 3445, 279, 2547, 706, 8774, 279, 14209, 315, 420, 19320, 5574, 17402, 304, 1202, 5044, 1481, 1201, 311, 30847, 264, 9232, 198, 2727, 5776, 2191, 2403, 279, 330, 29543, 19320, 1359, 539, 4541, 277, 220, 1570, 264, 19320, 505, 4994, 11, 719, 264, 19320, 430, 279, 2547, 5196, 198, 5562, 539, 1304, 29096, 1376, 315, 4367, 390, 259, 1098, 520, 279, 330, 56420, 264, 274, 5760, 1584, 1210, 60223, 274, 1296, 374, 13967, 459, 21070, 315, 264, 2547, 596, 198, 309, 3394, 13935, 39097, 65858, 11, 323, 539, 459, 21070, 315, 264, 20784, 25534, 17188, 304, 279, 2547, 13, 578, 1396, 315, 1296, 198, 31587, 5157, 889, 3719, 23495, 8389, 527, 2288, 1690, 311, 387, 12305, 13, 1102, 706, 1027, 6982, 304, 27692, 21896, 430, 422, 63581, 68, 483, 374, 3779, 311, 264, 7829, 11298, 430, 374, 7982, 7917, 369, 198, 85, 17402, 5788, 11, 1521, 7917, 690, 539, 30847, 279, 330, 85, 17402, 1210, 763, 264, 11298, 449, 14343, 63581, 68, 483, 11, 433, 690, 539, 387, 198, 10236, 311, 24322, 279, 17188, 13, 1115, 1296, 18911, 279, 1455, 2867, 17102, 430, 279, 46060, 1296, 374, 1193, 459, 21070, 315, 198, 276, 389, 65912, 42500, 13935, 68331, 304, 279, 2547, 13, 1102, 374, 3062, 311, 6227, 430, 422, 279, 2237, 315, 832, 42500, 13935, 304, 279, 198, 2664, 374, 539, 3403, 11, 1243, 264, 60883, 68331, 304, 279, 11668, 18528, 315, 279, 1023, 42500, 33969, 1101, 690, 3073, 13, 4314, 502, 6848, 389, 46060, 264, 312, 10666, 311, 279, 13016, 315, 420, 2363, 311, 13519, 430, 264, 41861, 5603, 311, 14892, 198, 4291, 420, 3674, 3575, 690, 8356, 810, 58831, 323, 39392, 3135, 13, 128009, 128000, 9370, 5730, 553, 279, 2768, 1495, 3857, 30357, 323, 3613, 285, 989, 13, 87477, 3230, 3649, 323, 35876, 2038, 11, 323, 1005, 7294, 5621, 56867, 24717, 1473, 286, 3296, 279, 892, 315, 1077, 11077, 67542, 304, 5020, 78, 10418, 220, 2550, 19, 11, 1364, 1047, 5675, 927, 198, 1272, 16701, 13, 1115, 8198, 6108, 1648, 297, 282, 4785, 4814, 289, 5986, 387, 15690, 11, 20444, 449, 1193, 3691, 20893, 11, 1524, 422, 1063, 4785, 374, 198, 55437, 11, 433, 374, 86025, 304, 264, 2875, 4261, 315, 892, 13, 87904, 2103, 11, 832, 374, 15320, 305, 13382, 555, 279, 4498, 2826, 315, 33921, 311, 4017, 198, 576, 477, 430, 3691, 11, 8104, 389, 279, 3917, 315, 2665, 514, 33282, 2262, 315, 3691, 11, 264, 13643, 3118, 11477, 348, 28523, 13, 3234, 539, 387, 198, 939, 68485, 13, 35341, 661, 311, 3118, 18845, 369, 42308, 315, 19335, 505, 7446, 10173, 11, 358, 8343, 439, 1690, 19335, 439, 358, 2733, 1093, 12459, 2345, 198, 2201, 20893, 421, 64, 259, 35654, 26, 19335, 617, 264, 1664, 84225, 4979, 13128, 2262, 13, 358, 1101, 3621, 311, 3619, 1268, 13937, 198, 971, 273, 33282, 18488, 304, 279, 2547, 374, 5938, 449, 44387, 99857, 13, 2394, 3510, 6374, 63325, 596, 6661, 389, 279, 1828, 2199, 4726, 15100, 279, 5133, 315, 99857, 11, 539, 1193, 311, 4785, 8895, 11, 719, 198, 998, 279, 810, 33318, 3575, 315, 51643, 11, 279, 3917, 315, 279, 1828, 12735, 13, 763, 4737, 7504, 311, 5471, 51643, 11, 1364, 198, 26337, 311, 9229, 220, 1758, 16701, 13, 1556, 1023, 3062, 1486, 304, 1077, 6661, 374, 279, 3560, 315, 4371, 259, 304, 8624, 27344, 13, 28138, 374, 198, 15693, 311, 279, 2547, 13, 28138, 26148, 389, 279, 25466, 11, 15240, 308, 16917, 81471, 11, 4148, 279, 2547, 596, 18547, 323, 3009, 433, 198, 1527, 7363, 16671, 369, 3090, 13, 3277, 12290, 374, 2561, 11, 279, 2547, 374], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": " I now had two driving forces awaken inside regarding\nthis new ly foun d voice in my head. One was the desire to\nshut it up and the other was the pure fascination and\nyearning to understand what that voice was and where it\ncame from.I me ntioned that prior to this inner awakening, my life\nwas pretty ordinary. I only say that in comparison to\nwhat m y life became. I became a driven human being. I\nwanted to know about the vo ice I had discovered, and I\nwanted to know who I was\u2014the one inside experiencing\nall o f th is. I began to spend h ours on end in the graduate\nschool l ibrary. But I was not in the economics section; I\nwas in the psy chology section. There was no way that\nothers had not noticed this vo ice talking inside. It was so\nprevalent that you couldn\u2019t miss it. I scanned through\nFreud trying to find the answers to my questions. I read\nbook after book, but I found no direct reference to the\nvoice talking inside\u2014not to mention any reference to the\none who is aware that the voice is talking. In thos e days, I would talk about the voice to anyone\nwho would listen. They all must have thought I was\ncrazy. I remember one encounter with my very reserved,\nhighly c ultured Spanish professor. I ran into him one day\nbetween classes and excitedl y told him that I had come\nto u nderstand what it meant to be fluent in a language. I\nexplained to him that there was this voice inside your\nhead th at talks to you about virtually everything\u2014what\nyou like and dislike, what you\u2019re supposed to be doing\nright now, and what you\u2019ve done wrong in the past. If\nthat inner voice could speak in Spanish and you\nimmediately understood what it was saying, then you\nwere fluent in Spanish. If, however, the Spanish words\nmade no sense to you until you did the mental work of\ntranslating them so that the voice would repeat them in\nEnglish, then you were not fluent in Spanish. It made\nperfect sense\u2014to me. I told him that if I were majoring in\nlanguage studies, I would do my doctoral dissertation on\nthat premise. Needless to say, my Spanish professor gave\nme a very odd look, said something very polite, and went\non his way. I d idn\u2019t care what he thought. I was on an exploration,\na journey of learning beyond anything I could haveimagined. Every day I was learning so much about\nmyself. I couldn\u2019t believe the amount of self-\nconsciousness and fear bein g expressed through that\nvoice. I t was so obvious that the person I was watching\ninside c ared a great deal about what people thought of\nhim. This was especially true of people I knew well. The\nvoice told me what to say and what not to say. It\ncomplained inc essantly when something was not the way\nit wanted. If a conversation w ith a friend en ded with the\nslightest discord or disagreement, the conversation\nwould k eep going on inside m y head. I would watch the\nvoice wishfully imagine how t he conversation could have\nended on a dif ferent note. I could see how much fear of\nrejection and nonacceptance were being expressed\nthrough that mental dialogu e. It was overwhelming at\ntimes, b ut I never lost the perspective of watching a voice\ntalking inside. It was obvi ous it wasn\u2019t me; it was\nsomething I was watching. Imagine if you woke up one day and a cacophony of\nnoise was all a round you. You wanted it to stop, but you\nhad no idea how to stop it. That is the effect the voice\nwas hav ing on me. One thing was perfectly clear: that\nvoice had always talked befor e. But I had been so lost in\nit th at I never noticed it as se parate from me. It was like\na fish not know ing it is in water until it gets out. One leap\ninto the air and the fish instantly realizes, \u201cThere\u2019s a\nbody of water down there, an d that is where I\u2019ve always\nbeen. But now I see that I can get out.\u201d\nI did n\u2019t like the voice of the m ind talking all the time. It was just like an irritating n oise that I really wanted to\nstop. Bu t it didn\u2019t. For now I w as stuck with it. As it turns\nout, however, I had not yet begun to fight.3. T h e P i l l a r s o f Z e n\nM onths w ent by and I was still on my own with my inner\nexploration. L ittle did I know that help was about to\narrive unexpectedly. I had a classma te in my doctoral program named Mark\nWaldman. He was a bright young man and an avid\nreader on a broad range of subjects. Like everyone else,\nMark had heard me talking about my interest in the\nvoice. O ne day he brought m e a book he thought might\nhelp. The book was entitled Three Pillars of Zen, by\nPhilip Kapleau. I knew absolutely nothing about Zen Buddhism. I was\nan intellectual who didn\u2019t give religious matters a second\nthought. I was brought up Je wish, but not very much so. By the time I r eached college, religion played no part in\nmy life. If yo u had asked me if I was an atheist, I\nprobably would have given you a blank stare. I had never\neven thought about it. I s tarted leafing through the pages of the book on Zen,\nand within minutes it became evident: this book was\nabout that voice. My heart practically stopped. I had\ntrouble breathing. This book was clearly about how to\nstop that voice from talking. Passage after passage spoke\nabout quieting the mind. It used terms like the True Self\nbehind the mind. There was no doubt that I had found\nwhat I\u2019d been looking for. I knew there had to be others\nwho had gained the perspecti ve of watching that voice of\nthe mind instead of identify ing with it. Not only was\nthere an entire legacy of kno wledge spanning thousands\nof y ears that d ealt with the voice, but this book clearlydiscussed \u201cgetting out.\u201d It talked about freeing yourself\nfrom the hold of the mind. It talked about going beyond. Needless to say, I was in awe. I felt a reverence for this\nbook th at I had never felt fo r anything in my life. I had\nbeen forced to read and study so many books in school. I\nnow ha d in my hands a book that answered some real\nquestions for me, like who a m I that watches that voice\ntalk. These were questions that I passionately wanted to\nknow the answers to. Truth is, it was way beyond want. I\nneeded to know these answers\u2014tha t voice was driving\nme crazy! What Three P illars o f Zen had to say was very clear\nand unequivocal. It said to stop reading, talking, and\nthinking about your mind, and just do the work\nnecessary to quiet it down. The required work was\nequally unambiguous\u2014meditate. Before I even knew about meditation, I had tried\nsitting alone in order to make the voice stop talking. But\nthat ha d never worked for me. With this book, I was\npresented a tried-and-true method that had worked for\nthousands of others. Simply sit down in a quiet spot,\nwatch your breath go in and o ut, and mentally repeat the\nsound Mu. That\u2019s it. Now do that for an ever-increasing\nlength of time each day. In Zen, the real work was\ngenerally done in a group setting called a sessin. In\ntraditional sett ings, a trained person would walk around\nwith a kyosaku stick. If you st arted to sleep or lost focus\nin a nother manner, you would get a smack on your\nshoulders with the stick. Zen was strict; there was no\nplaying around. This form of Zen was serious work. I didn\u2019t have a group or a teacher. All I had was the\nbook an d a very sincere yearn ing to see if these practices\nwould t ake me where I want ed to go. So I started to do\nZen me ditation on my own. At least it was my best\nunderstanding of what Zen meditation is. At first I sat for\nfifteen or twenty minutes eac h day. Within a week I built\nthat to half an hour, twice a day. There were no fireworksor deep experiences. But concentrating on my breath and\nthe mantra was definitely di verting my awareness from\nthe incessant chatter of the v oice. If I made the mental\nvoice say Mu, it couldn\u2019t say all the crazy personal things\nit usually said. I quickly bega n to like the practice. I\nlooked forward to the times I had put aside during the\nday for meditation. I w as no more than a few weeks into my experiment\nwith Zen meditation when Sh elly and I decided to go on\na ca mping trip. We were joined by four friends, and\ntogether we drove our vans into Ocala National Forest\nfor the weekend. I had a VW ", "token_ids": [358, 1457, 1047, 1403, 10043, 8603, 42518, 4871, 9002, 198, 576, 502, 14869, 282, 1656, 294, 7899, 304, 856, 2010, 13, 3861, 574, 279, 12876, 311, 198, 939, 332, 433, 709, 323, 279, 1023, 574, 279, 10748, 75444, 323, 198, 3236, 1251, 311, 3619, 1148, 220, 430, 7899, 574, 323, 1405, 433, 198, 6142, 505, 2506, 757, 308, 28491, 291, 430, 4972, 311, 420, 220, 9358, 75149, 11, 856, 2324, 198, 16514, 5128, 19664, 13, 358, 1193, 2019, 430, 304, 12593, 311, 198, 12840, 296, 379, 2324, 6244, 13, 358, 6244, 264, 16625, 3823, 1694, 13, 358, 198, 87692, 311, 1440, 922, 279, 4160, 10054, 358, 1047, 11352, 11, 323, 358, 198, 87692, 311, 1440, 889, 358, 574, 22416, 832, 4871, 25051, 198, 543, 297, 282, 270, 374, 13, 358, 6137, 311, 8493, 305, 11604, 389, 842, 304, 279, 19560, 198, 22606, 326, 19185, 3535, 13, 2030, 358, 574, 539, 304, 279, 28989, 3857, 26, 358, 198, 16514, 304, 279, 26200, 523, 2508, 3857, 13, 2684, 574, 912, 1648, 430, 198, 59961, 1047, 539, 14000, 420, 4160, 10054, 7556, 4871, 13, 1102, 574, 779, 198, 1762, 838, 306, 430, 499, 7846, 1431, 3194, 433, 13, 358, 48548, 1555, 198, 37831, 664, 4560, 311, 1505, 279, 11503, 311, 856, 4860, 13, 358, 1373, 198, 2239, 1306, 2363, 11, 719, 358, 1766, 220, 912, 2167, 5905, 311, 279, 198, 10063, 7556, 4871, 63938, 311, 6420, 904, 5905, 311, 279, 198, 606, 889, 374, 8010, 430, 279, 7899, 374, 7556, 13, 763, 270, 437, 384, 2919, 11, 358, 1053, 3137, 922, 279, 7899, 311, 5606, 198, 14965, 1053, 9020, 13, 2435, 682, 2011, 617, 3463, 358, 574, 198, 66, 12350, 13, 358, 6227, 832, 13123, 449, 856, 1633, 4694, 345, 12156, 398, 272, 8675, 3149, 15506, 14561, 13, 358, 10837, 1139, 1461, 832, 1938, 198, 42967, 6989, 323, 12304, 75, 379, 3309, 1461, 430, 358, 1047, 2586, 198, 998, 577, 220, 910, 2752, 1148, 433, 8967, 311, 387, 58868, 304, 264, 4221, 13, 358, 198, 81950, 311, 1461, 430, 1070, 574, 420, 7899, 4871, 701, 198, 2025, 270, 520, 13739, 220, 311, 499, 922, 21907, 4395, 2345, 12840, 198, 9514, 1093, 220, 323, 48969, 11, 1148, 499, 3207, 10171, 311, 387, 3815, 198, 1315, 1457, 11, 323, 1148, 499, 4070, 2884, 5076, 304, 279, 3347, 13, 1442, 198, 9210, 9358, 7899, 1436, 6604, 304, 15506, 323, 499, 198, 318, 44287, 16365, 1148, 433, 574, 5605, 11, 1243, 499, 198, 52898, 58868, 304, 15506, 13, 1442, 11, 4869, 11, 279, 15506, 4339, 198, 28010, 912, 5647, 311, 499, 3156, 499, 1550, 279, 10723, 990, 315, 198, 1485, 75, 1113, 1124, 779, 430, 279, 7899, 1053, 13454, 1124, 304, 198, 23392, 11, 1243, 499, 1051, 539, 58868, 304, 15506, 13, 1102, 1903, 198, 64185, 5647, 50617, 757, 13, 358, 3309, 1461, 430, 422, 358, 1051, 3682, 287, 304, 198, 11789, 7978, 11, 358, 1053, 656, 856, 74657, 37445, 389, 198, 9210, 41302, 13, 83383, 311, 2019, 11, 856, 15506, 14561, 6688, 198, 2727, 264, 1633, 10535, 1427, 11, 1071, 2555, 1633, 48887, 11, 323, 4024, 198, 263, 813, 1648, 13, 358, 294, 887, 77, 1431, 220, 2512, 1148, 568, 3463, 662, 358, 574, 389, 459, 27501, 345, 64, 11879, 315, 6975, 7953, 4205, 358, 1436, 617, 29116, 1619, 13, 7357, 1938, 358, 574, 6975, 779, 1790, 922, 198, 2465, 726, 13, 358, 7846, 1431, 4510, 279, 3392, 315, 659, 7058, 64589, 2136, 323, 8850, 387, 258, 342, 13605, 1555, 430, 198, 10063, 13, 358, 259, 574, 779, 8196, 430, 220, 279, 1732, 358, 574, 10307, 198, 42450, 272, 527, 67, 264, 2294, 3568, 922, 1148, 1274, 3463, 315, 198, 40617, 13, 1115, 574, 5423, 837, 220, 315, 1274, 358, 7020, 1664, 13, 578, 198, 10063, 3309, 757, 1148, 311, 2019, 220, 323, 1148, 539, 311, 2019, 13, 1102, 198, 884, 501, 2692, 3709, 4043, 18007, 994, 220, 2555, 574, 539, 279, 1648, 198, 275, 4934, 13, 1442, 264, 10652, 289, 78942, 264, 4333, 665, 7836, 449, 279, 198, 3306, 492, 478, 32141, 477, 62646, 11, 279, 10652, 198, 41450, 597, 384, 752, 2133, 389, 4871, 296, 379, 2010, 13, 358, 1053, 3821, 279, 198, 10063, 6562, 3725, 220, 13085, 1268, 259, 568, 10652, 1436, 617, 198, 2954, 389, 264, 1422, 18728, 306, 5296, 13, 358, 1436, 1518, 1268, 1790, 8850, 315, 198, 265, 7761, 323, 2536, 10543, 685, 1051, 1694, 13605, 198, 20322, 430, 10723, 7402, 84, 384, 13, 1102, 574, 22798, 520, 198, 15487, 11, 293, 8791, 358, 2646, 5675, 279, 13356, 315, 10307, 264, 7899, 198, 83, 30855, 4871, 13, 1102, 574, 1536, 10176, 220, 788, 433, 5828, 1431, 757, 26, 433, 574, 198, 34431, 358, 574, 10307, 13, 38891, 422, 499, 39826, 709, 832, 220, 1938, 323, 264, 83981, 5237, 3633, 315, 198, 53318, 574, 682, 264, 4883, 499, 13, 1472, 4934, 433, 311, 3009, 11, 719, 499, 198, 32345, 912, 4623, 1268, 311, 3009, 433, 13, 3011, 374, 279, 2515, 279, 7899, 198, 16514, 31081, 6892, 389, 757, 13, 3861, 3245, 574, 14268, 2867, 25, 430, 198, 10063, 1047, 2744, 15243, 387, 2000, 384, 13, 2030, 358, 1047, 1027, 779, 5675, 304, 198, 275, 270, 520, 358, 220, 2646, 14000, 433, 439, 513, 1370, 349, 505, 757, 13, 1102, 574, 1093, 198, 64, 7795, 539, 1440, 6892, 433, 374, 304, 3090, 3156, 433, 5334, 704, 13, 3861, 32571, 198, 18614, 279, 220, 3805, 323, 279, 7795, 22571, 52694, 11, 1054, 3947, 753, 264, 198, 2664, 315, 220, 3090, 1523, 1070, 11, 459, 294, 430, 374, 1405, 358, 4070, 2744, 198, 82850, 13, 2030, 1457, 358, 1518, 430, 358, 649, 636, 704, 49216, 40, 1550, 308, 1431, 1093, 279, 7899, 315, 279, 296, 1280, 7556, 682, 279, 892, 13, 1102, 574, 1120, 1093, 459, 85077, 308, 297, 1082, 430, 358, 2216, 4934, 311, 198, 9684, 13, 28326, 259, 433, 3287, 1431, 13, 1789, 1457, 358, 289, 439, 16075, 449, 433, 13, 1666, 433, 10800, 198, 412, 11, 4869, 11, 358, 1047, 539, 3686, 22088, 311, 4465, 13, 18, 662, 350, 305, 384, 220, 393, 602, 326, 326, 264, 436, 274, 220, 297, 282, 220, 1901, 384, 308, 198, 44, 389, 17323, 289, 1218, 555, 323, 358, 574, 2103, 389, 856, 1866, 449, 856, 9358, 198, 30992, 7769, 13, 445, 433, 11489, 1550, 358, 1440, 430, 1520, 574, 922, 311, 198, 1138, 535, 51709, 13, 358, 1047, 264, 538, 1764, 1028, 304, 856, 74657, 2068, 7086, 4488, 198, 54, 4852, 1543, 13, 1283, 220, 574, 264, 10107, 220, 3995, 893, 323, 459, 56653, 198, 11397, 389, 264, 7353, 2134, 315, 15223, 13, 9086, 5127, 775, 345, 9126, 1047, 6755, 757, 7556, 922, 856, 2802, 304, 279, 198, 10063, 13, 507, 841, 1938, 568, 7263, 296, 384, 264, 2363, 568, 3463, 2643, 198, 8823, 13, 578, 2363, 574, 20458, 220, 14853, 35236, 1590, 315, 32889, 11, 220, 555, 198, 79744, 32765, 273, 2933, 13, 358, 7020, 11112, 4400, 922, 32889, 61324, 13, 358, 574, 198, 276, 20207, 889, 3287, 1431, 3041, 10597, 13146, 264, 2132, 198, 61665, 13, 358, 574, 7263, 709, 14465, 6562, 11, 719, 539, 1633, 1790, 779, 13, 3296, 279, 892, 358, 436, 1855, 291, 7926, 1174, 13901, 6476, 912, 961, 304, 198, 2465, 2324, 13, 1442, 30596, 577, 1047, 4691, 757, 422, 358, 574, 459, 67464, 11, 358, 198, 55540, 1053, 220, 617, 2728, 499, 264, 10321, 46943, 13, 358, 1047, 2646, 198, 17206, 3463, 922, 433, 13, 358, 274, 45915, 291, 220, 16312, 287, 1555, 279, 6959, 315, 279, 2363, 389, 32889, 345, 438, 2949, 4520, 433, 6244, 30576, 25, 420, 2363, 574, 198, 9274, 430, 7899, 13, 3092, 4851, 32367, 10717, 13, 358, 1047, 198, 376, 1222, 27027, 13, 1115, 2363, 574, 9539, 922, 1268, 311, 198, 9684, 430, 7899, 505, 7556, 13, 99575, 1306, 21765, 12570, 198, 9274, 11594, 287, 279, 4059, 13, 1102, 1511, 3878, 1093, 279, 3082, 10323, 198, 30998, 485, 279, 4059, 13, 2684, 574, 220, 912, 10712, 430, 358, 1047, 1766, 198, 12840, 358, 7070, 1027, 3411, 369, 13, 358, 7020, 1070, 1047, 311, 387, 3885, 198, 14965, 1047, 18661, 279, 7565, 1002, 72, 5320, 315, 10307, 430, 7899, 315, 198, 1820, 4059, 4619, 315, 10765, 6892, 449, 433, 13, 2876, 1193, 574, 198, 19041, 459, 4553, 20160, 315, 1168, 78, 289, 4995, 56886, 9214, 198, 1073, 379, 25212, 430, 294, 384, 3223, 449, 279, 7899, 11, 719, 420, 2363, 9539, 17242, 59942, 1054, 51210, 704, 2029, 1102, 15243, 922, 67817, 6261, 198, 1527, 279, 3412, 315, 279, 4059, 13, 1102, 15243, 922, 2133, 7953, 13, 83383, 311, 2019, 11, 358, 574, 304, 51517, 13, 358, 6612, 264, 98464, 369, 420, 198, 2239, 270, 520, 358, 1047, 2646, 6612, 12018, 436, 4205, 304, 856, 2324, 13, 358, 1047, 198, 82850, 9770, 311, 1373, 323, 4007, 220, 779, 1690, 6603, 304, 2978, 13, 358, 198, 3409, 6520, 294, 304, 856, 6206, 264, 2363, 430, 19089, 1063, 1972, 198, 17800, 369, 757, 11, 1093, 889, 264, 296, 358, 430, 32860, 430, 7899, 198, 36341, 13, 4314, 1051, 4860, 430, 358, 92925, 4934, 311, 198, 33134, 279, 11503, 311, 13, 30198, 374, 1174, 433, 574, 1648, 7953, 1390, 13, 358, 198, 41917, 220, 311, 1440, 1521, 11503, 2345, 23218, 259, 7899, 574, 10043, 198, 2727, 14599, 0, 3639, 14853, 393, 5986, 1590, 297, 282, 32889, 220, 1047, 311, 2019, 574, 1633, 2867, 198, 438, 84035, 3768, 13, 1102, 1071, 311, 3009, 5403, 11, 7556, 11, 323, 198, 83360, 922, 701, 4059, 11, 323, 1120, 656, 279, 990, 198, 95317, 311, 11594, 433, 1523, 13, 578, 2631, 990, 574, 198, 26378, 750, 653, 91313, 2345, 2106, 20227, 13, 13538, 358, 1524, 7020, 922, 33862, 11, 358, 1047, 6818, 198, 82, 15154, 7636, 304, 2015, 311, 1304, 220, 279, 7899, 3009, 7556, 13, 2030, 198, 9210, 6520, 294, 2646, 6575, 369, 757, 13, 3161, 420, 2363, 11, 358, 574, 198, 29844, 291, 264, 6818, 9976, 12, 1904, 1749, 430, 1047, 6575, 369, 198, 339, 40137, 315, 3885, 13, 29524, 220, 2503, 1523, 304, 264, 11594, 7858, 345, 14658, 701, 11745, 733, 304, 323, 297, 8791, 11, 323, 34325, 13454, 279, 198, 28632, 15130, 13, 3011, 753, 433, 13, 4800, 656, 430, 369, 459, 3596, 3502, 76562, 198, 4222, 315, 892, 1855, 1938, 13, 763, 220, 32889, 11, 279, 1972, 990, 574, 198, 7642, 750, 2884, 304, 264, 1912, 6376, 2663, 264, 22633, 258, 13, 763, 198, 88008, 8391, 220, 826, 11, 264, 16572, 1732, 1053, 4321, 2212, 198, 4291, 264, 56053, 437, 24468, 220, 9396, 13, 1442, 499, 357, 1989, 291, 311, 6212, 477, 5675, 5357, 198, 258, 264, 912, 700, 11827, 11, 499, 1053, 636, 264, 91594, 389, 701, 198, 5562, 388, 449, 279, 9396, 13, 32889, 574, 7452, 26, 1070, 574, 912, 198, 43012, 2212, 13, 1115, 1376, 315, 32889, 574, 6129, 990, 13, 358, 3287, 1431, 617, 264, 1912, 477, 264, 11326, 13, 2052, 358, 1047, 574, 279, 198, 2239, 459, 294, 264, 1633, 49424, 1060, 77, 6892, 311, 1518, 422, 1521, 12659, 198, 41450, 259, 264, 441, 757, 220, 1405, 358, 1390, 1608, 311, 733, 13, 2100, 358, 3940, 311, 656, 198, 86792, 757, 294, 7709, 389, 856, 1866, 13, 2468, 3325, 433, 574, 856, 1888, 198, 8154, 10276, 315, 1148, 32889, 33862, 374, 13, 2468, 1176, 358, 7731, 369, 198, 69, 333, 15247, 477, 17510, 4520, 384, 582, 305, 1938, 13, 25218, 264, 2046, 358, 5918, 198, 9210, 311, 4376, 459, 6596, 11, 11157, 264, 1938, 13, 2684, 1051, 912, 52933, 269, 5655, 11704, 13, 2030, 76387, 389, 856, 11745, 323, 198, 1820, 68009, 574, 8659, 1891, 5309, 287, 856, 17985, 505, 198, 1820, 92947, 519, 70457, 315, 279, 348, 297, 560, 13, 1442, 358, 1903, 279, 10723, 198, 10063, 2019, 15130, 11, 220, 433, 7846, 1431, 2019, 682, 279, 14599, 4443, 2574, 198, 275, 6118, 1071, 13, 358, 6288, 2197, 64, 308, 311, 1093, 279, 6725, 13, 358, 198, 7349, 291, 4741, 220, 311, 279, 3115, 358, 1047, 2231, 16038, 2391, 279, 198, 1316, 369, 33862, 13, 358, 289, 439, 912, 810, 220, 1109, 264, 2478, 5672, 1139, 856, 9526, 198, 4291, 32889, 33862, 994, 1443, 658, 398, 323, 358, 6773, 311, 733, 389, 198, 64, 2211, 296, 10194, 8577, 13, 1226, 1051, 11096, 555, 3116, 4885, 11, 323, 198, 998, 3522, 584, 23980, 1057, 77124, 1139, 507, 94480, 5165, 20585, 198, 2000, 279, 9178, 13, 358, 1047, 264, 53285, 220], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": "ill\tsoon\tdissipate\tand\tyou\twill\tfeel\tbetter. Chapter\t5\n\t\t\nFurther\tstilling\tthe\tmind\n\t\nMeditation\tis\tthe\tsimply\tstilling\nand\trelaxing\tthe\tmind\n\t\nFocusing\ton\tthe\tbreath,\tfeeling\nthe\tinner\tbody\tand\toccupying\nthe\tsense\tis\tmeditation.Connect\twith\tthe\tinner\tbody\nP\nlacing\tattention\ton\tthe\tinner\tbody\tis\ta\ttruly\twonderful\tthing\tto\tdo. Western\nman\trarely\tplaces\tattention\ton\tthe\tinner\tbody\tunless\the\tis\tin\tpain. Seldom\ndoes\the\thave\this\tattention\ton\tthe\tbody\twhen\tit\tis\tfree\tfrom\tpain. Seldom\tdoes\nhe\texperience\tthe\tvibration\tof\tenergy\tthat\tresonates\tthere. The\tbody\tis\tyour\nconnection\twith\tlife\titself. Your\tbody\tis\tlife. If\tyou\thave\tnever\tplaced\tattention\ton\tyour\tbody\tbefore,\tstart\toff\tslowly. If\nyou\thave\talready\tbeen\tfollowing\tand\treducing\tyour\tbreath,\tyou\twill\tfind\tthis\nrelatively\teasy\tto\tdo. Close\tyour\teyes\tand\tbring\tattention\tto\tone\tof\tyour\thands. Feel\tyour\thand\tfrom\nwithin. Stay\twith\tthe\tenergy\tfield\tof\tyour\thand\tfor\ta\tlittle\twhile. When\tyou\nhave\ta\tgood\tfeeling\tof\tthe\tinner\tenergy\tfield\tof\tyour\thand,\tmove\tyour\nattention\tto\tinclude\tyour\tarm. Now\tfeel\tthe\tenergy\tfield\tof\tyour\thand\tand\tarm\ntogether. Don\u2019t\tanalyze\tor\tthink\tabout\tit,\tjust\tfeel\tit. Next,\tbring\tattention\tto\tyour\tchest\tand\tfeel\tit\tfrom\twithin\tfor\ta\tcouple\tof\nminutes. Then\tbring\tattention\tto\tyour\tstomach. Feel\twhether\tthere\tis\tany\ntension\there. If\tyour\tstomach\tis\ttense,\timagine\tit\tgradually\trelaxing. Feel\tthe\narea\taround\tyour\ttummy\trelaxing\tby\titself. Feel\tthe\ttension\tdissolving. The\nmore\tactive\tyour\tmind,\tthe\tgreater\tthe\ttendency\tfor\tyour\tstomach\tto\tbe\tin\ta\nknot. Relax\tthis\tarea\tusing\tyour\timagination. Now\tfeel\tthe\tenergy\tfield\tof\tboth\thands,\tboth\tarms,\tyour\tchest\tand\tyour\ntummy\tat\tthe\tsame\ttime. Keep\tyour\tattention\tthere. Your\tbody\twill\trejoice\tin\nthe\tattention\tthat\tyou\tare\tgiving\tit. As\tlong\tas\tyour\tattention\tis\ton\tyour\tbody,\nit\tis\tnot\ton\tyour\tmind. The\tincessant\tthought\tactivity\tof\tyour\tmind\thas\nstopped.When\tyou\tare\tfocusing\ton\treducing\nyour\tbreathing,\tyou\tare\tout\tof\tyour\nmind. You\tare\tgiving\tyour\tchatter\na\trest. Wonderful! When\tyou\thave\tattention\ton\tyour\tinner\nbody,\tyou\tare\tout\tof\tyour\tmind. You\tare\ttaking\tback\townership\nof\tyour\tmind. When\tyour\tcomplete\tattention\tis\ton\nyour\tsenses,\tyou\tare\tout\tof\tyour\tmind. You\tdid\tthis\tnaturally\tas\ta\tchild.You\tcannot\thave\tcomplete\tattention\ton\tyour\tinner\tbody\tand\tat\tthe\tsame\ttime\nhave\tmental\tnoise. With\ta\tlittle\tpractise,\tyou\twill\tbe\table\tto\tfeel\tyour\tentire\nbody\tfrom\thead\tto\ttoe. During\tthe\tday\tas\tyou\tdo\tgo\tabout\tyour\tdaily\taffairs,\tbring\tattention\tto\tyour\nbreathing\tand\tyour\tinner\tbody. As\tyou\tdrive\tyour\tcar,\thave\t70%\tof\tyour\nattention\ton\tdriving\tand\t30%\tin\tyour\tinner\tbody. As\tyou\twalk,\tfeel\tyour\tbody\nrelax\tthroughout. As\tyou\twatch\tTV,\tdon\u2019t\tsurrender\tall\tof\tyour\tattention\tto\tthe\tTV,\tbut\timmerse\nyourself\tin\tyour\tinner\tbody. If\tthere\tis\tconfrontation\ton\tTV,\tbring\tattention\nimmediately\tto\tyour\tinner\tbody. Don\u2019t\tbecome\tabsorbed\twith\tthe\ttension,\nstress,\tanger\tand\tfighting\tthat\ttakes\tplace\ton\tpopular\tsoap\toperas. Better\tstill,\ndon\u2019t\twatch\tthem\tat\tall. The\tpopularity\tof\tsuch\tsoaps\tis\tan\tindication\tof\tour\nmad\tworld. As\tyou\trelate\tto\tyour\tchildren,\tfriends,\tfamily\tor\tany\tperson,\nlisten\tto\tthem\twith\tyour\tentire\tbody. Feel\tyour\tbody\tas\tyou\tlisten. This\tis\treal\nlistening. As\tyou\tbrush\tyour\tteeth,\tfeel\tyour\tinner\tbody. As\tyou\tsit\ton\tthe\ttoilet,\tfeel\nyour\tinner\tbody. As\tyou\tqueue\tup\tat\tthe\tpost\toffice,\tfeel\tyour\tinner\tbody. If\nyou\tare\tstressed,\tfeel\tyour\tinner\tbody. As\tyou\tdo\ta\tboring\tjob,\ttake\tattention\ninto\tyour\tbody\tand\tdon\u2019t\tjust\tthink\tabout\thow\tmuch\tyou\thate\tyour\tjob. As\nyou\twalk,\tfeel\tyour\tinner\tbody. As\tyou\tempty\tthe\tdishwasher,\tfeel\tyour\tinner\nbody. As\tyou\teat,\ttaste\tthe\tfood\tand\tfeel\tyour\tinner\tbody. Stay\tin\tyour\tbody. As\tyou\nlie\tin\tbed\tat\tnight,\tfeel\tyour\tinner\tbody. This\tis\tnot\tjust\tsomething\tthat\tyou\tdo\nevery\tnow\tand\tagain. This\tis\tsomething\tthat\tyou\treside\tin\tpermanently. Every\nminute,\tevery\thour,\tevery\tday,\ttake\tattention\tout\tof\tyour\thead\tand\tyour\tstory\nand\tmerge\tyourself\twith\tthe\tbody. You\tstill\thave\tuse\tof\tyour\tmind\twhenever\tyou\tneed\tit\tfor\ta\tpractical\tsituation. However,\tyou\twill\thave\treduced\tthe\tmeaningless\tand\tdevastating\thabit\tof\nrepetitive\tthinking. The\tinner\tbody\thas\tand\t\tintelligence\tfar\tgreater\tthan\tjust\ta\ncollection\tof\tthoughts. Merge\twith\tthat\tintelligence. Don\u2019t\tavoid\tit\tall\tthe\ttime\nby\tliving\tin\tyour\thead. As\tlong\tas\tattention\tis\ton\tyour\tinner\tbody,\tyour\tmind\tis\tcalm. If\tfor\ta\tmoment\nyou\tforget\tabout\tkeeping\tattention\ton\tyour\tinner\tbody,\tthen\tyou\tare\tback\tin\nyour\tmind. This\twill\thappen\tquite\toften\tat\tthe\tstart. Don\u2019t\tstart\tgiving\tout\ttoyourself\tif\tyou\tfind\tit\tdifficult\tto\tplace\tyour\tattention\ton\tyour\tinner\tbody\tfor\nmore\tthan\ta\tfew\tminutes. This\tis\tyour\tmind\u2019s\thabit. To\tchange\tthis\thabit,\tkeep\nbringing\tattention\tto\tyour\tinner\tbody. If\tyour\tmind\twanders\tagain,\tkeep\nbringing\tit\tback. The\tmore\tyou\tpractise\tthis,\tthe\tbetter\tand\teasier\tit\tgets. Your\tmind\tactivity\tis\tyour\tchoice. Do\tyou\twant\tto\tkeep\trepeating\tthe\tinsane\nnonsense\trunning\tthrough\tyour\thead\tor\tdo\tyou\twant\tto\tconnect\twith\tlife? Bring\tattention\thome\tto\tyour\tbody. As\tyou\tbecome\tproficient\twith\tawareness\tof\tyour\tinner\tbody,\tincorporate\ngentle,\treduced\tbreathing\tthrough\trelaxation. While\trelaxed,\tallow\tyour\nbreathing\tto\tcalm\tby\titself. Feel\ta\ttolerable\tbut\tcomfortable\tneed\tfor\tair. Feel\nyour\tinner\tbody. Feel\tyour\ttummy\tgently\tmove\twith\teach\tbreath.Are\tyou\tconnected\tto\tthe\twonders\tof\tlife? M\nost\tof\tus\tare\tblessed\twith\tthe\ttraditional\tfive\tsenses\tof\t\nsight,\thearing,\ntouch,\tsmell\tand\ttaste\n. A\tsixth\tsense\tis\tintuition,\twhich\tis\tto\tsense\tsomething\nin\tadvance\tor\tto\tknow\twhat\tcourse\tof\taction\tto\ttake\tbased\ton\ta\tfeeling\tor\ta\nhunch\tinstead\tof\tlogical\tprocessing. Our\tfive\tsenses\tenable\tus\tto\tdirectly\texperience\tlife\ton\tearth. How\toften\tdo\nyou\tuse\tyour\tfive\tsenses\twith\tan\tundivided\tmind? When\twe\tput\tour\ttotal\tattention\ton\tour\tfive\tsenses,\twe\tare\tout\tof\tour\tmind\nand\tare\tconnecting\twith\treality. When\tyou\tlook,\tlook. When\tyou\ttouch,\ttouch. When\tyou\ttaste,\ttaste. When\tyou\tsmell,\tsmell. While\tusing\tyour\tsenses,\thave\nnothing\telse\trunning\tthrough\tyour\tmind. Just\tbe\tthere\twith\tyour\tfull\tattention. Set\taside\tthe\tactivity\tof\tyour\tmind\tand\tmerge\twith\tyour\tsurroundings. The\tquestion\tis\thow\tmuch\ttime\tdo\tyou\tspend\tusing\tyour\tfive\tsenses\twithout\nthe\tmental\tcommentary", "token_ids": [484, 197, 67156, 2765, 1056, 575, 349, 53577, 197, 9514, 6831, 484, 1186, 96551, 2282, 22120, 13, 15957, 197, 20, 25536, 31428, 18895, 9585, 33188, 2157, 485, 18108, 44, 3671, 367, 20501, 33188, 1942, 318, 2603, 18895, 9585, 198, 438, 197, 3833, 710, 287, 33188, 2157, 485, 18108, 37, 87595, 25653, 33188, 2282, 265, 589, 11, 1186, 68, 20659, 198, 1820, 197, 4481, 36502, 53577, 197, 24719, 7169, 198, 1820, 1942, 1137, 20501, 197, 2106, 7709, 44951, 48048, 33188, 197, 4481, 36502, 198, 47, 198, 75, 4628, 197, 54203, 25653, 33188, 197, 4481, 36502, 20501, 11575, 26665, 3988, 6831, 14518, 1285, 197, 1626, 32809, 20530, 13, 11104, 198, 1543, 7145, 548, 398, 197, 27170, 197, 54203, 25653, 33188, 197, 4481, 36502, 21113, 1752, 197, 383, 20501, 17886, 3303, 467, 13, 328, 53734, 198, 28156, 197, 383, 9793, 525, 9793, 285, 197, 54203, 25653, 33188, 36502, 61280, 24263, 20501, 17389, 43827, 3303, 467, 13, 328, 53734, 2765, 7217, 198, 383, 8285, 13267, 33188, 5306, 18856, 44323, 197, 17947, 64442, 10413, 263, 988, 197, 19041, 13, 578, 36502, 20501, 14862, 414, 198, 7898, 48048, 8986, 1643, 24263, 726, 13, 4718, 36502, 20501, 8986, 1643, 13, 1442, 197, 9514, 9793, 525, 197, 37593, 197, 37469, 197, 54203, 25653, 14862, 414, 36502, 64334, 11, 22087, 197, 1885, 1942, 10516, 398, 13, 1442, 198, 9514, 9793, 525, 197, 46584, 74242, 268, 1186, 1573, 287, 53577, 17643, 1072, 6253, 14862, 414, 2282, 265, 589, 11, 197, 9514, 6831, 484, 81703, 2090, 198, 3833, 8046, 7883, 6539, 32809, 20530, 13, 13330, 14862, 414, 197, 58331, 53577, 81355, 287, 197, 54203, 32809, 197, 606, 44323, 14862, 414, 9793, 2914, 13, 32833, 14862, 414, 9793, 438, 43827, 198, 56950, 13, 29837, 48048, 33188, 197, 17947, 40350, 44323, 14862, 414, 9793, 438, 2066, 11575, 8986, 2433, 5329, 13, 3277, 197, 9514, 198, 19553, 11575, 3253, 1411, 1186, 68, 20659, 44323, 33188, 197, 4481, 197, 17947, 40350, 44323, 14862, 414, 9793, 438, 11, 50388, 14862, 414, 198, 54203, 32809, 25728, 14862, 414, 197, 2227, 13, 4800, 1186, 96551, 33188, 197, 17947, 40350, 44323, 14862, 414, 9793, 438, 53577, 197, 2227, 198, 998, 3522, 13, 4418, 1431, 197, 94321, 82266, 197, 27963, 197, 9274, 24263, 11, 197, 4345, 1186, 96551, 24263, 13, 9479, 11, 81355, 287, 197, 54203, 32809, 14862, 414, 23918, 478, 53577, 1186, 96551, 24263, 43827, 48048, 258, 2066, 11575, 1470, 85489, 44323, 198, 38137, 13, 5112, 81355, 287, 197, 54203, 32809, 14862, 414, 18895, 316, 613, 13, 32833, 197, 49864, 197, 19041, 20501, 197, 3852, 198, 83, 2711, 197, 6881, 13, 1442, 14862, 414, 18895, 316, 613, 20501, 3324, 1137, 11, 55992, 24281, 24263, 197, 6902, 1870, 197, 3833, 710, 287, 13, 32833, 33188, 198, 4903, 197, 20019, 14862, 414, 3324, 8742, 197, 3833, 710, 287, 197, 1729, 24263, 726, 13, 32833, 33188, 3324, 2711, 2765, 1056, 20222, 13, 578, 198, 6518, 75870, 14862, 414, 2157, 485, 11, 33188, 3253, 29462, 33188, 3324, 21906, 2066, 14862, 414, 18895, 316, 613, 32809, 74242, 17886, 11575, 198, 74, 1962, 13, 68685, 2090, 96168, 27287, 14862, 414, 55992, 10569, 13, 4800, 1186, 96551, 33188, 197, 17947, 40350, 44323, 197, 21704, 9793, 2914, 11, 197, 21704, 197, 16293, 11, 14862, 414, 23918, 478, 53577, 14862, 414, 198, 83, 8742, 36547, 33188, 1942, 373, 22724, 13, 13969, 14862, 414, 197, 54203, 197, 19041, 13, 4718, 36502, 6831, 484, 17643, 7453, 560, 17886, 198, 1820, 197, 54203, 64442, 197, 9514, 197, 548, 3253, 2299, 24263, 13, 1666, 17972, 61551, 14862, 414, 197, 54203, 20501, 25653, 14862, 414, 36502, 345, 275, 20501, 98366, 25653, 14862, 414, 2157, 485, 13, 578, 17886, 1140, 519, 197, 61665, 197, 7323, 44323, 14862, 414, 2157, 485, 64355, 198, 90963, 51861, 197, 9514, 197, 548, 1186, 87595, 25653, 17643, 1072, 6253, 198, 22479, 2282, 265, 44661, 11, 197, 9514, 197, 548, 14294, 44323, 14862, 414, 198, 38824, 13, 1472, 197, 548, 3253, 2299, 14862, 414, 23918, 1683, 198, 64, 197, 4014, 13, 68963, 0, 3277, 197, 9514, 9793, 525, 197, 54203, 25653, 14862, 414, 197, 4481, 198, 2664, 11, 197, 9514, 197, 548, 14294, 44323, 14862, 414, 2157, 485, 13, 1472, 197, 548, 3324, 1802, 78546, 197, 79247, 198, 1073, 14862, 414, 2157, 485, 13, 3277, 14862, 414, 197, 15079, 197, 54203, 20501, 25653, 198, 22479, 1942, 4377, 11, 197, 9514, 197, 548, 14294, 44323, 14862, 414, 2157, 485, 13, 1472, 2765, 307, 2090, 9215, 72247, 61551, 11575, 59491, 39537, 1470, 3483, 9793, 525, 197, 15079, 197, 54203, 25653, 14862, 414, 197, 4481, 36502, 53577, 36547, 33188, 1942, 373, 22724, 198, 19553, 197, 93221, 197, 53318, 13, 3161, 11575, 8986, 2433, 26736, 533, 1082, 11, 197, 9514, 6831, 484, 74242, 197, 481, 32809, 1186, 96551, 14862, 414, 78755, 556, 198, 2664, 43827, 47181, 32809, 32809, 68, 13, 12220, 33188, 99297, 61551, 197, 9514, 20530, 31780, 197, 9274, 14862, 414, 2765, 5179, 197, 2715, 4825, 11, 81355, 287, 197, 54203, 32809, 14862, 414, 198, 21152, 44661, 53577, 14862, 414, 197, 4481, 36502, 13, 1666, 197, 9514, 2765, 58035, 14862, 414, 1470, 277, 11, 9793, 525, 197, 2031, 4, 44323, 14862, 414, 198, 54203, 25653, 2765, 81, 2299, 53577, 197, 966, 4, 17886, 14862, 414, 197, 4481, 36502, 13, 1666, 197, 9514, 6831, 1727, 11, 1186, 96551, 14862, 414, 36502, 198, 3833, 710, 197, 20322, 412, 13, 1666, 197, 9514, 6831, 759, 10473, 53, 11, 2765, 263, 1431, 1942, 852, 910, 52060, 44323, 14862, 414, 197, 54203, 32809, 33188, 10473, 53, 11, 2282, 332, 197, 19519, 325, 198, 22479, 726, 17886, 14862, 414, 197, 4481, 36502, 13, 1442, 197, 19041, 20501, 38303, 7096, 367, 25653, 10473, 53, 11, 81355, 287, 197, 54203, 198, 318, 44287, 32809, 14862, 414, 197, 4481, 36502, 13, 4418, 1431, 2282, 52521, 197, 3518, 269, 2788, 48048, 33188, 3324, 2711, 345, 95290, 11, 197, 4091, 53577, 1186, 45850, 64442, 3324, 2094, 197, 2050, 25653, 75913, 1299, 197, 36112, 197, 3376, 300, 13, 24327, 18895, 484, 345, 15357, 1431, 6831, 759, 197, 49818, 36547, 52060, 13, 578, 75913, 30079, 44323, 1942, 1412, 197, 708, 2690, 20501, 80557, 197, 485, 20901, 44323, 197, 414, 198, 20920, 77608, 13, 1666, 197, 9514, 197, 3833, 349, 32809, 14862, 414, 83570, 11, 1186, 12337, 11, 1186, 5285, 82266, 197, 3852, 99905, 345, 37437, 32809, 197, 49818, 48048, 14862, 414, 78755, 556, 36502, 13, 32833, 14862, 414, 36502, 61551, 197, 9514, 14779, 268, 13, 1115, 20501, 92974, 198, 75919, 13, 1666, 197, 9514, 197, 37161, 14862, 414, 197, 668, 774, 11, 1186, 96551, 14862, 414, 197, 4481, 36502, 13, 1666, 197, 9514, 1942, 275, 25653, 33188, 32809, 21268, 11, 1186, 96551, 198, 22479, 197, 4481, 36502, 13, 1666, 197, 9514, 48093, 60910, 36547, 33188, 52272, 197, 27614, 11, 1186, 96551, 14862, 414, 197, 4481, 36502, 13, 1442, 198, 9514, 197, 548, 18895, 14715, 11, 1186, 96551, 14862, 414, 197, 4481, 36502, 13, 1666, 197, 9514, 20530, 11575, 2282, 5620, 69677, 11, 3324, 731, 197, 54203, 198, 18614, 14862, 414, 36502, 53577, 2765, 263, 1431, 197, 4345, 197, 27963, 197, 9274, 197, 5269, 2157, 1412, 197, 9514, 9793, 349, 14862, 414, 69677, 13, 1666, 198, 9514, 6831, 1727, 11, 1186, 96551, 14862, 414, 197, 4481, 36502, 13, 1666, 197, 9514, 197, 3274, 33188, 2765, 819, 48397, 11, 1186, 96551, 14862, 414, 197, 4481, 198, 2664, 13, 1666, 197, 9514, 7883, 266, 11, 3324, 5642, 33188, 197, 14239, 53577, 1186, 96551, 14862, 414, 197, 4481, 36502, 13, 29837, 17886, 14862, 414, 36502, 13, 1666, 197, 9514, 198, 11828, 17886, 2282, 291, 36547, 9215, 492, 11, 1186, 96551, 14862, 414, 197, 4481, 36502, 13, 1115, 20501, 98366, 197, 4345, 1942, 11793, 64442, 197, 9514, 20530, 198, 30115, 82022, 53577, 197, 33871, 13, 1115, 20501, 1942, 11793, 64442, 197, 9514, 10413, 579, 17886, 197, 716, 1543, 4501, 13, 7357, 198, 43657, 11, 7883, 1225, 9793, 414, 11, 7883, 1225, 99297, 11, 3324, 731, 197, 54203, 14294, 44323, 14862, 414, 47181, 53577, 14862, 414, 18895, 683, 198, 438, 197, 19590, 14862, 414, 726, 48048, 33188, 36502, 13, 1472, 18895, 484, 9793, 525, 42919, 44323, 14862, 414, 2157, 485, 197, 1336, 31845, 197, 9514, 197, 17483, 24263, 2066, 11575, 26736, 37119, 1942, 275, 4090, 13, 4452, 11, 197, 9514, 6831, 484, 9793, 525, 17643, 54478, 33188, 2157, 5420, 287, 1752, 53577, 28402, 561, 1113, 9793, 40027, 44323, 198, 265, 7005, 3486, 71579, 16113, 13, 578, 197, 4481, 36502, 64355, 53577, 197, 2129, 8677, 1186, 277, 3253, 29462, 197, 54895, 197, 4345, 11575, 198, 13727, 44323, 197, 61665, 82, 13, 41185, 48048, 64442, 2129, 8677, 13, 4418, 1431, 197, 48956, 24263, 52060, 33188, 22724, 198, 1729, 8986, 2299, 17886, 14862, 414, 47181, 13, 1666, 17972, 61551, 197, 54203, 20501, 25653, 14862, 414, 197, 4481, 36502, 11, 14862, 414, 2157, 485, 20501, 1470, 7828, 13, 1442, 2066, 11575, 2157, 13209, 198, 9514, 2066, 456, 197, 9274, 197, 33494, 197, 54203, 25653, 14862, 414, 197, 4481, 36502, 11, 59733, 197, 9514, 197, 548, 78546, 17886, 198, 22479, 2157, 485, 13, 1115, 6831, 484, 9793, 64860, 197, 84270, 197, 61917, 36547, 33188, 22087, 13, 4418, 1431, 22087, 3253, 2299, 14294, 32809, 22479, 726, 748, 197, 9514, 81703, 24263, 81664, 3951, 32809, 197, 2050, 14862, 414, 197, 54203, 25653, 14862, 414, 197, 4481, 36502, 2066, 198, 6518, 197, 54895, 11575, 1186, 365, 26388, 2142, 13, 1115, 20501, 14862, 414, 2157, 485, 753, 9793, 40027, 13, 2057, 69480, 2090, 9793, 40027, 11, 197, 13397, 198, 81088, 197, 54203, 32809, 14862, 414, 197, 4481, 36502, 13, 1442, 14862, 414, 2157, 485, 6831, 85051, 197, 33871, 11, 197, 13397, 198, 81088, 24263, 78546, 13, 578, 2157, 461, 197, 9514, 26736, 533, 1082, 2090, 11, 33188, 2282, 22120, 53577, 7883, 77783, 24263, 10582, 82, 13, 4718, 2157, 485, 197, 7323, 20501, 14862, 414, 197, 12008, 13, 3234, 197, 9514, 51880, 32809, 197, 13397, 17643, 65977, 33188, 197, 1354, 2194, 198, 77, 98833, 197, 28272, 197, 20322, 14862, 414, 47181, 82266, 20530, 197, 9514, 51880, 32809, 58005, 48048, 8986, 1643, 30, 40224, 197, 54203, 197, 5227, 32809, 14862, 414, 36502, 13, 1666, 197, 9514, 2282, 52521, 197, 22579, 5499, 48048, 197, 20111, 2136, 44323, 14862, 414, 197, 4481, 36502, 11, 197, 2910, 39382, 349, 198, 16149, 273, 11, 17643, 54478, 2282, 265, 44661, 197, 20322, 197, 3833, 710, 367, 13, 6104, 197, 3833, 52551, 11, 197, 7331, 14862, 414, 198, 21152, 44661, 32809, 1470, 7828, 197, 1729, 24263, 726, 13, 32833, 11575, 3324, 22847, 481, 2282, 332, 197, 19975, 481, 197, 17483, 2066, 197, 1334, 13, 32833, 198, 22479, 197, 4481, 36502, 13, 32833, 14862, 414, 3324, 8742, 3253, 4501, 50388, 48048, 7883, 613, 2282, 265, 589, 13037, 197, 9514, 197, 15647, 32809, 33188, 6831, 28413, 44323, 8986, 1643, 30, 386, 198, 537, 44323, 71275, 197, 548, 2282, 1752, 291, 48048, 33188, 26665, 329, 3079, 1186, 535, 1942, 4377, 44323, 1602, 82, 492, 11, 197, 383, 3329, 345, 22794, 11, 73123, 616, 53577, 3324, 5642, 198, 13, 362, 1942, 953, 339, 1942, 1137, 20501, 2129, 38161, 11, 197, 8370, 20501, 32809, 1942, 1137, 1942, 11793, 198, 258, 197, 60420, 82266, 32809, 16868, 3409, 197, 12840, 1470, 5366, 44323, 40033, 32809, 3324, 731, 2282, 1503, 25653, 11575, 1186, 68, 20659, 82266, 11575, 198, 71, 3265, 197, 65937, 44323, 6867, 950, 197, 21315, 13, 5751, 1186, 535, 1942, 4377, 197, 12837, 71275, 32809, 2765, 1248, 398, 8285, 13267, 8986, 1643, 25653, 197, 28641, 13, 2650, 197, 61917, 20530, 198, 9514, 42919, 14862, 414, 1186, 535, 1942, 4377, 48048, 80557, 197, 1263, 344, 4591, 2157, 485, 30, 3277, 197, 906, 46162, 197, 414, 35593, 197, 54203, 25653, 197, 414, 1186, 535, 1942, 4377, 11, 197, 906, 197, 548, 14294, 44323, 197, 414, 2157, 485, 198, 438, 197, 548, 58005, 287, 48048, 17643, 2786, 13, 3277, 197, 9514, 197, 7349, 11, 197, 7349, 13, 3277, 197, 9514, 3324, 3102, 11, 3324, 3102, 13, 3277, 197, 9514, 3324, 5642, 11, 3324, 5642, 13, 3277, 197, 9514, 73123, 616, 11, 73123, 616, 13, 6104, 27287, 14862, 414, 1942, 4377, 11, 9793, 525, 198, 42312, 2525, 197, 28272, 197, 20322, 14862, 414, 2157, 485, 13, 4702, 74242, 197, 19041, 48048, 14862, 414, 95142, 197, 54203, 13, 2638, 197, 29612, 33188, 197, 7323, 44323, 14862, 414, 2157, 485, 53577, 197, 19590, 48048, 14862, 414, 1942, 324, 1067, 826, 13, 578, 197, 7998, 20501, 197, 5269, 2157, 1412, 22724, 20530, 197, 9514, 1942, 3825, 27287, 14862, 414, 1186, 535, 1942, 4377, 197, 30096, 198, 1820, 197, 93221, 97368, 661], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": "\tfat\tcan\twe\thave\tin\tour\tdiets? What\tkind\tof\tfat? Is\npolyunsaturated\tfat\tbetter\tthan\tsaturated\tfat? Is\tmonounsaturated\tfat\tbetter\nthan\teither? What\tabout\tthose\tspecial\tfats\tlike\tomega-3,\tomega-6,\ttrans\tfats\nand\tDHA? Should\twe\tavoid\tcoconut\tfat? What\tabout\tfish\toil? Is\tthere\nsomething\tspecial\tabout\tflaxseed\toil? What\u2019s\ta\thigh-fat\tdiet\tanyway? A\tlow-\nfat\tdiet? This\tcan\tbe\tconfusing,\teven\tfor\ttrained\tscientists. The\tdetails\tthat\tunderlie\nthese\tquestions,\t\nwhen\tconsidered\tin\tisolation,\n\tare\tvery\tmisleading. As\tyou\nshall\tsee,\tconsidering\thow\tnetworks\tof\tchemicals\tbehave\tinstead\tof\tisolated\nsingle\tchemicals\tis\tfar\tmore\tmeaningful. In\tsome\tways,\thowever,\tit\tis\tthis\tfoolish\tmania\tregarding\tisolated\taspects\nof\tfat\tconsumption\tthat\tteaches\tus\tthe\tbest\tlessons. Therefore,\tlet\u2019s\tlook\ta\nlittle\tmore\tclosely\tat\tthis\tstory\tof\tfat\tas\tit\thas\temerged\tduring\tthe\tpast\tforty\nyears. It\tillustrates\twhy\tthe\tpublic\tis\tso\tconfused\tboth\tabout\tfat\tand\tabout\tdiet\nin\tgeneral. On\taverage,\twe\tconsume\t35-40%\tof\tour\ttotal\tcalories\tas\tfat. 19\n\tWe\thave\nbeen\tconsuming\thigh-fat\tdiets\tlike\tthis\tsince\tthe\tlate\tnineteenth\tcentury,\tat\tthe\nonset\tof\tour\tindustrial\trevolution. Because\twe\thad\tmore\tmoney,\twe\tbegan\nconsuming\tmore\tmeat\tand\tdairy,\twhich\tare\trelatively\thigh\tin\tfat. We\tweredemonstrating\tour\taffluence\tby\tconsuming\tsuch\tfoods. Then\tcame\tthe\tmid\tto\tlate\ttwentieth\tcentury\twhen\tscientists\tbegan\tto\nquestion\tthe\tadvisability\tof\tconsuming\tdiets\tso\thigh\tin\tfat. National\tand\ninternational\tdietary\trecommendations\n20\u201323\n\temerged\tto\tsuggest\tthat\twe\tshould\ndecrease\tour\tfat\tintake\tbelow\t30%\tof\tcalories. That\tlasted\tfor\ta\tcouple\ndecades,\tbut\tnow,\tthe\tfears\tsurrounding\thigh-fat\tdiets\tare\tabating. Some\nauthors\tof\tpopular\tbooks\teven\tadvocate\tincreased\tfat\tintake! Some\nexperienced\tresearchers\thave\tsuggested\tthat\tit\tis\tnot\tnecessary\tto\tgo\tbelow\n30%\tfat,\tas\tlong\tas\twe\tconsume\tthe\tright\tkind\tof\tfat. The\tlevel\tof\t30%\tfat\thas\tbecome\ta\tbenchmark,\teven\tthough\tthere\tis\tno\nevidence\tto\tsuggest\tthat\tthis\tis\ta\tvital\tthreshold. Let\u2019s\tget\tsome\tperspective\ton\nthis\tfigure\tby\tconsidering\tthe\tfat\tcontents\tof\ta\tfew\tfoods,\tas\tseen\tin\t\nChart\t4.6\n. CHART\t4.6:\tFAT\tCONTENT\tOF\tSAMPLE\tFOODS\nFood\nPercent\tof\tcalories\tderived\tfrom\tfat\nButter\n100%\nMcDonald\u2019s\tDouble\tCheeseburger\n67%\nWhole\tCow\u2019s\tMilk\n64%\nHam\n61%\nHotdog\n54%\nSoybeans\n42%\n\u201cLow-Fat\u201d\t(or\t2%)\tMilk\n35%\nChicken\n26%\nSpinach\n14%\nWheaties\tBreakfast\tCereal\n8%\nSkim\tMilk\n5%\nPeas\n5%\nCarrots\n4%\nGreen\tBeans\n3.5%\nWhole\tBaked\tPotatoes\n1%\nWith\ta\tfew\texceptions,\tanimal-based\tfoods\tcontain\tconsiderably\tmore\tfat\nthan\tplant-based\tfoods. 24\n\tThis\tis\twell\tillustrated\tby\tcomparing\tthe\tamount\tof\nfat\tin\tthe\tdiets\tof\tdifferent\tcountries. The\tcorrelation\tbetween\tfat\tintake\tand\nanimal\tprotein\tintake\tis\tmore\tthan\t90%. 25\n\tThis\tmeans\tthat\tfat\tintake\tincreases\nin\tparallel\twith\tanimal\tprotein\tintake. In\tother\twords,\tdietary\tfat\tis\tan\nindicator\tof\thow\tmuch\tanimal-based\tfood\tis\tin\tthe\tdiet. It\tis\talmost\ta\tperfectmatch.FAT\tAND\tA\tFOCUS\tON\tCANCER\nThe\t1982\tNational\tAcademy\tof\tSciences\t(NAS)\treport\ton\tDiet,\tNutrition\tand\nCancer,\tof\twhich\tI\twas\ta\tco-author,\twas\tthe\tfirst\texpert\tpanel\treport\tthat\ndeliberated\ton\tthe\tassociation\tof\tdietary\tfat\twith\tcancer. This\treport\twas\tthe\nfirst\tto\trecommend\ta\tmaximum\tfat\tintake\tof\t30%\tof\tcalories\tfor\tcancer\nprevention. Previously,\tthe\tU.S.\tSenate\tSelect\tCommittee\ton\tNutrition\nchaired\tby\tSenator\tGeorge\tMcGovern\n26\n\theld\twidely\tpublicized\thearings\ton\ndiet\tand\theart\tdisease\tand\trecommended\ta\tmaximum\tintake\tof\t30%\tdietary\nfat. Although\tthe\tMcGovern\treport\t\ngenerated\ta\tpublic\tdiscourse\ton\tdiet\tand\ndisease,\tit\twas\tthe\t1982\tNAS\treport\tthat\tgave\tmomentum\tto\tthis\tdebate. Its\nfocus\ton\tcancer,\tas\topposed\tto\theart\tdisease,\tincreased\tpublic\tinterest\tand\nconcern. It\tspurred\tadditional\tresearch\tactivity\tand\tpublic\tawareness\tof\tthe\nimportance\tof\tdiet\tin\tdisease\tprevention. Many\tof\tthe\treports\tat\tthe\ttime\n20,\t27,\t28\n\twere\tcentered\ton\tthe\tquestion\tof\nhow\tmuch\tdietary\tfat\twas\tappropriate\tfor\tgood\thealth. The\tunique\tattention\ngiven\tto\tfat\twas\tmotivated\tby\tinternational\tstudies\tshowing\tthat\tthe\tamount\nof\tdietary\tfat\tconsumed\twas\tclosely\tassociated\twith\tthe\tincidence\tof\tbreast\ncancer,\tlarge\tbowel\tcancer\tand\theart\tdisease. These\twere\tthe\tdiseases\tthat\tkill\nthe\tmajority\tof\tpeople\tin\tWestern\tcountries\tbefore\ttheir\ttime. Clearly,\tthis\ncorrelation\twas\tdestined\tto\tattract\tgreat\tpublic\tattention. The\tChina\tStudy\twas\nbegun\tin\tthe\tmidst\tof\tthis\tenvironment. The\tbest\tknown\tstudy,\n29\n\tin\tmy\tview,\twas\tthat\tof\tthe\tlate\tKen\tCarroll,\nprofessor\tat\tthe\tUniversity\tof\tWestern\tOntario\tin\tCanada. His\tfindings\nshowed\ta\tvery\timpressive\trelationship\tbetween\tdietary\tfat\tand\tbreast\tcancer\n(\nChart\t4.7\n).CHART\t4.7:\tTOTAL\tFAT\tINTAKE\tAND\tBREAST\tCANCER\nThis\tfinding,\twhich\tcorresponded\tto\tthe\tearlier\treports\tof\tothers,\n3,\t30\nbecame\tespecially\tintriguing\twhen\tcompared\twith\tmigrant\tstudies. 31,\t32\n\tThese\nstudies\tshowed\tthat\tpeople\twho\tmigrated\tfrom\tone\tarea\tto\tanother\tand\twho\nstarted\teating\tthe\ttypical\tdiet\tof\ttheir\tnew\tresidency\tassumed\tthe\tdisease\trisk\nof\tthe\tarea\tto\twhich\tthey\tmoved. This\tstrongly\t\nimplied\tthat\tdiet\tand\tlifestyle\nwere\tthe\tprinciple\tcauses\tof\tthese\tdiseases. It\talso\tsuggested\tthat\tgenes\tare\nnot\tnecessarily\tthat\timportant. As\tnoted\tearlier,\ta\tvery\tprominent\treport\tby\tSir\nRichard\tDoll\tand\tSir\tRichard\tPeto\tof\tthe\tUniversity\tof\tOxford\t(U.K.)\nsubmitted\tto\tthe\tU.S.\tCongress\tsummarized\tmany\tof\tthese\tstudies\tand\nconcluded\tthat\tonly\t2-3%\tof\tall\tcancers\tcould\tbe\tattributed\tto\tgenes. 4\nDo\tthe\tdata\tfrom\tthese\tinternational\tand\tmigrant\tstudies\tmean\tthat\twe\tcan\nlower\tour\trate\tof\tbreast\tcancer\tto\talmost\tzero\tif\twe\tmake\tperfect\tlifestyle\nchoices? The\tinformation\tcertainly\tsuggests\tthat\tthis\tcould\tbe\tthe\tcase. Concerning\tthe\tevidence\tin\t\nChart\t4.7\n,\tthe\tsolution\tseems\tobvious:\tif\twe\teat\nless\tfat,\tthen\twe\u2019ll\tlower\tour\tbreast\tcancer\trisk. Most\tscientists\tmade\tthis\nconclusion\tand\tsome\tsurmised\tthat\tdietary\tfat\tcaused\tbreast\tcancer. But\tthat\ninterpretation\twas\ttoo\tsimple. Other\tcharts\tprepared\tby\tProfessor\tCarroll\twere\nlargely,\talmost\ttotally,\tignored\t(\nCharts\t4.8\n\tand\t\n4.9\n). They\tshow\tthat\tbreast\ncancer\twas\tassociated\twith\tanimal\tfat\tintake\tbut\tnot\twith\tplant\tfat. In\trural\tChina,\tdietary\tfat\tintake\t(at", "token_ids": [1186, 266, 94036, 197, 906, 9793, 525, 17886, 197, 414, 2765, 81881, 30, 3639, 197, 15674, 44323, 1186, 266, 30, 2209, 198, 34535, 11099, 35467, 1186, 266, 2282, 22120, 197, 54895, 1942, 35467, 1186, 266, 30, 2209, 197, 1677, 60086, 35467, 1186, 266, 2282, 22120, 198, 54895, 7883, 2544, 30, 3639, 197, 9274, 197, 54719, 1942, 3037, 1186, 1900, 197, 4908, 197, 33796, 12, 18, 11, 197, 33796, 12, 21, 11, 73553, 1186, 1900, 198, 438, 11198, 17455, 30, 12540, 197, 906, 197, 48956, 197, 1030, 27357, 1186, 266, 30, 3639, 197, 9274, 1186, 819, 23021, 321, 30, 2209, 197, 19041, 198, 34431, 1942, 3037, 197, 9274, 1186, 75, 710, 23425, 23021, 321, 30, 3639, 753, 11575, 9793, 1108, 64354, 2765, 3978, 197, 3852, 3195, 30, 362, 8986, 363, 7058, 45283, 2765, 3978, 30, 1115, 94036, 74242, 68950, 985, 11, 7883, 1055, 2066, 26665, 2692, 1942, 12575, 1705, 13, 578, 2765, 2286, 64442, 197, 8154, 11828, 198, 45010, 197, 17800, 11, 1602, 9493, 197, 25742, 291, 17886, 20501, 36062, 345, 197, 548, 197, 1225, 2157, 285, 21307, 13, 1666, 197, 9514, 198, 19549, 197, 4151, 11, 197, 25742, 287, 197, 5269, 9215, 2404, 82, 44323, 197, 32056, 82, 74242, 19553, 197, 65937, 44323, 20501, 81619, 198, 15698, 197, 32056, 82, 20501, 1186, 277, 2157, 461, 2157, 5420, 287, 1285, 13, 763, 1942, 638, 197, 2336, 11, 197, 98936, 11, 24263, 20501, 2090, 197, 831, 337, 819, 197, 52668, 38113, 29510, 20501, 81619, 61551, 8132, 198, 1073, 1186, 266, 38303, 1264, 562, 64442, 197, 668, 14576, 71275, 33188, 93510, 197, 73412, 13, 15636, 11, 10428, 753, 197, 7349, 11575, 198, 56492, 2157, 461, 1470, 2353, 989, 36547, 2090, 18895, 683, 44323, 1186, 266, 61551, 24263, 64355, 67304, 52625, 2765, 1711, 33188, 3303, 561, 1186, 371, 88, 198, 42820, 13, 1102, 197, 83718, 988, 197, 35734, 33188, 1241, 20501, 197, 708, 68950, 2656, 197, 21704, 197, 9274, 1186, 266, 53577, 197, 9274, 2765, 3978, 198, 258, 3253, 18958, 13, 1952, 197, 17645, 11, 197, 906, 38303, 32423, 197, 1758, 12, 1272, 4, 44323, 197, 414, 35593, 92853, 2490, 61551, 1186, 266, 13, 220, 777, 198, 197, 1687, 9793, 525, 198, 82850, 38303, 62217, 9793, 1108, 64354, 2765, 81881, 197, 4908, 2090, 1942, 1736, 33188, 197, 5185, 9215, 258, 7870, 21341, 197, 1189, 3431, 11, 36547, 33188, 198, 263, 751, 44323, 197, 414, 197, 485, 47479, 197, 96822, 13, 9393, 197, 906, 9793, 329, 2157, 461, 2157, 2596, 11, 197, 906, 2282, 16133, 198, 444, 62217, 2157, 461, 2157, 33166, 53577, 2765, 22704, 11, 197, 8370, 197, 548, 197, 3833, 8046, 9793, 1108, 17886, 1186, 266, 13, 1226, 197, 6703, 291, 7439, 496, 1113, 197, 414, 197, 2715, 10036, 768, 197, 1729, 38303, 62217, 1942, 1412, 197, 96420, 13, 5112, 1470, 373, 33188, 2157, 307, 32809, 197, 5185, 3324, 86, 52231, 197, 1189, 3431, 61280, 1942, 12575, 1705, 2282, 16133, 32809, 198, 7998, 33188, 99880, 2749, 2968, 44323, 38303, 62217, 2765, 81881, 197, 708, 9793, 1108, 17886, 1186, 266, 13, 5165, 53577, 198, 98697, 2765, 3978, 661, 17643, 31628, 811, 198, 508, 4235, 1419, 198, 67304, 52625, 32809, 1942, 3884, 64442, 197, 906, 197, 5562, 198, 451, 20542, 197, 414, 1186, 266, 2129, 731, 2282, 50481, 197, 966, 4, 44323, 92853, 2490, 13, 3011, 34196, 291, 2066, 11575, 1470, 85489, 198, 8332, 3536, 11, 2282, 332, 82022, 11, 33188, 1186, 7596, 1942, 324, 1067, 287, 9793, 1108, 64354, 2765, 81881, 197, 548, 197, 370, 1113, 13, 4427, 198, 48105, 44323, 75913, 1299, 197, 12383, 7883, 1055, 197, 14625, 82615, 17886, 846, 1503, 1186, 266, 2129, 731, 0, 4427, 198, 327, 45933, 17643, 1874, 388, 9793, 525, 1942, 54376, 64442, 24263, 20501, 98366, 9215, 20726, 32809, 31780, 2282, 50481, 198, 966, 4, 1186, 266, 11, 61551, 17972, 61551, 197, 906, 38303, 32423, 33188, 49021, 197, 15674, 44323, 1186, 266, 13, 578, 54843, 44323, 197, 966, 4, 1186, 266, 64355, 2282, 52521, 11575, 2282, 40481, 11, 7883, 1055, 197, 4636, 197, 19041, 20501, 73204, 198, 68, 28580, 32809, 1942, 3884, 64442, 2090, 20501, 11575, 5306, 2223, 197, 30002, 13, 6914, 753, 10582, 1942, 638, 3303, 86191, 25653, 198, 576, 197, 18257, 197, 1729, 197, 25742, 287, 33188, 1186, 266, 197, 18075, 44323, 11575, 1186, 365, 197, 96420, 11, 61551, 197, 29412, 17886, 1602, 14828, 197, 19, 13, 21, 198, 13, 6969, 3065, 197, 19, 13, 21, 25, 13017, 835, 197, 68972, 197, 12766, 7721, 19454, 197, 3873, 2114, 50, 198, 27844, 198, 33110, 44323, 92853, 2490, 197, 51182, 43827, 1186, 266, 198, 4071, 466, 198, 1041, 14062, 26353, 18735, 753, 77883, 6391, 383, 2423, 63552, 198, 3080, 14062, 91682, 6391, 363, 753, 9391, 34263, 198, 1227, 14062, 41041, 198, 5547, 14062, 20780, 18964, 198, 4370, 14062, 50, 2303, 28440, 198, 2983, 14062, 2118, 25162, 7424, 266, 863, 197, 81020, 197, 17, 11587, 9391, 34263, 198, 1758, 14062, 84963, 198, 1627, 14062, 42838, 613, 198, 975, 14062, 54, 20559, 552, 13083, 1127, 9533, 6391, 44353, 198, 23, 14062, 19847, 318, 9391, 34263, 198, 20, 14062, 10407, 300, 198, 20, 14062, 9028, 90329, 198, 19, 14062, 20147, 197, 82658, 198, 18, 13, 20, 14062, 91682, 13083, 7897, 10230, 354, 20798, 198, 16, 14062, 2409, 11575, 1186, 365, 197, 62852, 11, 197, 48999, 6108, 197, 96420, 197, 53195, 197, 25742, 2915, 2157, 461, 1186, 266, 198, 54895, 197, 21494, 6108, 197, 96420, 13, 220, 1187, 198, 41065, 20501, 6831, 616, 197, 83718, 660, 197, 1729, 33910, 45252, 33188, 197, 6173, 44323, 198, 45283, 17886, 33188, 2765, 81881, 44323, 2765, 18780, 1470, 20730, 13, 578, 1470, 269, 23013, 2282, 10259, 1186, 266, 2129, 731, 53577, 198, 48999, 197, 79565, 2129, 731, 20501, 2157, 461, 197, 54895, 197, 1954, 14697, 220, 914, 198, 41065, 50394, 598, 64442, 1186, 266, 2129, 731, 17886, 846, 2315, 198, 258, 197, 47203, 48048, 197, 48999, 197, 79565, 2129, 731, 13, 763, 197, 1605, 197, 5880, 11, 2765, 3978, 661, 1186, 266, 20501, 80557, 198, 57251, 44323, 197, 5269, 2157, 1412, 197, 48999, 6108, 197, 14239, 20501, 17886, 33188, 2765, 3978, 13, 1102, 20501, 197, 60301, 11575, 197, 64185, 6481, 1006, 835, 52711, 23845, 197, 3873, 98790, 57884, 6391, 27267, 643, 198, 791, 197, 3753, 17, 18822, 1697, 197, 11916, 329, 4625, 44323, 197, 3407, 12242, 197, 8368, 1950, 8, 71031, 25653, 11198, 3978, 11, 18822, 332, 17462, 53577, 198, 34, 11967, 11, 44323, 197, 8370, 25494, 6831, 300, 11575, 197, 1030, 43802, 11, 6831, 300, 33188, 43290, 49658, 531, 46052, 71031, 64442, 198, 9783, 8799, 660, 25653, 33188, 197, 55565, 44323, 2765, 3978, 661, 1186, 266, 48048, 1470, 11967, 13, 1115, 71031, 6831, 300, 33188, 198, 3983, 32809, 17643, 31628, 11575, 23359, 3375, 1186, 266, 2129, 731, 44323, 197, 966, 4, 44323, 92853, 2490, 2066, 1470, 11967, 198, 1762, 7611, 13, 59787, 11, 33188, 16360, 815, 13, 7721, 32223, 197, 3461, 197, 34541, 6684, 25653, 18822, 332, 17462, 198, 6583, 2757, 197, 1729, 7721, 268, 859, 197, 40052, 9391, 66, 78706, 198, 1627, 198, 9793, 789, 6831, 307, 989, 1241, 1534, 197, 87160, 826, 25653, 198, 94942, 53577, 197, 18207, 2765, 56407, 53577, 17643, 36971, 11575, 23359, 3375, 2129, 731, 44323, 197, 966, 4, 2765, 3978, 661, 198, 45283, 13, 10541, 33188, 9391, 66, 78706, 71031, 1602, 16583, 11575, 1241, 2765, 3510, 5366, 25653, 2765, 3978, 53577, 198, 67, 56407, 11, 24263, 6831, 300, 33188, 197, 3753, 17, 18822, 1950, 71031, 64442, 3253, 525, 2157, 59411, 32809, 2090, 197, 39035, 349, 13, 11699, 198, 17870, 25653, 1470, 11967, 11, 61551, 40803, 3950, 32809, 197, 18207, 2765, 56407, 11, 17886, 846, 1503, 1241, 60015, 478, 53577, 198, 444, 29644, 13, 1102, 42478, 8293, 13008, 3079, 17643, 1874, 197, 7323, 53577, 1241, 197, 20111, 2136, 44323, 33188, 198, 475, 685, 44323, 2765, 3978, 17886, 2765, 56407, 41446, 7611, 13, 9176, 44323, 33188, 17643, 3476, 36547, 33188, 22724, 198, 508, 11, 197, 1544, 11, 197, 1591, 198, 6831, 486, 94651, 291, 25653, 33188, 197, 7998, 44323, 198, 5269, 2157, 1412, 2765, 3978, 661, 1186, 266, 6831, 300, 197, 29228, 2066, 3253, 1411, 197, 12393, 13, 578, 197, 9782, 197, 54203, 198, 43068, 32809, 1186, 266, 6831, 300, 2157, 354, 55786, 197, 1729, 2129, 28234, 18895, 58787, 33827, 287, 64442, 33188, 197, 6173, 198, 1073, 2765, 3978, 661, 1186, 266, 38303, 1264, 291, 6831, 300, 1470, 2353, 989, 197, 50187, 48048, 33188, 197, 2910, 7232, 44323, 2282, 265, 561, 198, 66, 11967, 11, 8986, 2812, 2282, 68157, 1470, 11967, 53577, 197, 18207, 2765, 56407, 13, 4314, 6831, 486, 33188, 2765, 1082, 2315, 64442, 197, 11088, 198, 1820, 2157, 3111, 488, 44323, 197, 16455, 17886, 17749, 478, 944, 1470, 20730, 64334, 33188, 404, 22724, 13, 54504, 11, 2090, 198, 6133, 23013, 6831, 300, 50716, 1619, 32809, 36547, 2193, 3253, 1244, 1241, 197, 54203, 13, 578, 197, 23078, 197, 49812, 6831, 300, 198, 52253, 359, 17886, 33188, 2157, 307, 267, 44323, 2090, 197, 24175, 13, 578, 93510, 197, 5391, 18895, 18339, 345, 1682, 198, 17886, 13938, 37967, 11, 6831, 300, 64442, 44323, 33188, 197, 5185, 40440, 268, 6391, 277, 1119, 345, 22579, 8473, 36547, 33188, 197, 31272, 44323, 17749, 478, 944, 49149, 406, 3370, 17886, 6391, 276, 2649, 13, 5414, 81703, 826, 198, 3528, 291, 11575, 197, 1225, 55992, 69563, 197, 37195, 2282, 10259, 2765, 3978, 661, 1186, 266, 53577, 2282, 265, 561, 1470, 11967, 198, 1021, 14828, 197, 19, 13, 22, 198, 570, 2198, 3065, 197, 19, 13, 22, 25, 10473, 22819, 13017, 835, 71614, 26553, 52711, 13083, 793, 6483, 6391, 27267, 643, 198, 2028, 1186, 4049, 11, 197, 8370, 1470, 269, 6961, 291, 32809, 33188, 197, 686, 5741, 17643, 3476, 44323, 23021, 3058, 345, 18, 11, 197, 966, 198, 17106, 373, 197, 36046, 17886, 376, 343, 7623, 61280, 197, 5807, 1636, 48048, 2157, 57119, 18895, 58787, 13, 220, 2148, 11, 197, 843, 198, 197, 9673, 198, 267, 58787, 33827, 291, 64442, 197, 16455, 197, 14965, 2157, 95930, 43827, 197, 606, 96168, 32809, 197, 43063, 53577, 197, 14965, 198, 47823, 7883, 1113, 33188, 26382, 950, 2765, 3978, 44323, 33188, 404, 8808, 10413, 26859, 197, 395, 39255, 33188, 2765, 56407, 7145, 3267, 198, 1073, 33188, 96168, 32809, 197, 8370, 197, 20670, 2157, 5047, 13, 1115, 197, 4620, 398, 1602, 318, 3523, 64442, 2765, 3978, 53577, 8986, 16886, 198, 52898, 33188, 26736, 16379, 197, 936, 4881, 44323, 197, 45010, 2765, 1082, 2315, 13, 1102, 197, 19171, 1942, 54376, 64442, 3253, 22383, 197, 548, 198, 1962, 9215, 74753, 64442, 197, 15693, 13, 1666, 98366, 291, 197, 686, 5741, 11, 11575, 197, 1225, 3303, 442, 14168, 71031, 197, 1729, 7721, 404, 198, 42315, 11198, 980, 53577, 7721, 404, 11391, 718, 569, 10230, 11269, 44323, 33188, 197, 31272, 44323, 49149, 23382, 197, 12597, 11606, 29275, 73563, 32809, 33188, 16360, 815, 13, 6391, 647, 676, 32579, 5730, 1534, 197, 35676, 44323, 197, 45010, 18895, 58787, 53577, 198, 444, 10391, 64442, 197, 3323, 197, 17, 12, 18, 4, 44323, 52060, 1470, 32842, 1470, 619, 74242, 36547, 1356, 2844, 32809, 3253, 22383, 13, 220, 19, 198, 5519, 33188, 9101, 43827, 197, 45010, 2129, 28234, 53577, 2157, 57119, 18895, 58787, 2157, 5420, 64442, 197, 906, 94036, 198, 15115, 197, 414, 7145, 349, 44323, 2282, 265, 561, 1470, 11967, 32809, 197, 60301, 197, 14486, 748, 197, 906, 78538, 197, 64185, 8986, 16886, 198, 25825, 30, 578, 17886, 1659, 1470, 7770, 398, 1942, 3884, 82, 64442, 2090, 1470, 619, 74242, 33188, 2789, 13, 52347, 287, 33188, 7883, 28580, 17886, 1602, 14828, 197, 19, 13, 22, 198, 11, 33188, 1942, 3294, 85786, 12116, 64453, 2528, 25, 748, 197, 906, 7883, 266, 198, 1752, 1186, 266, 11, 59733, 197, 906, 4805, 8986, 1223, 197, 414, 2282, 265, 561, 1470, 11967, 7145, 3267, 13, 7648, 1942, 12575, 1705, 2157, 1037, 2090, 198, 444, 9134, 53577, 1942, 638, 1942, 53470, 4147, 64442, 2765, 3978, 661, 1186, 266, 197, 936, 2656, 2282, 265, 561, 1470, 11967, 13, 2030, 64442, 198, 17324, 367, 6831, 300, 32809, 78, 1942, 6592, 13, 7089, 23918, 7183, 41446, 7360, 197, 1729, 197, 48120, 6391, 277, 1119, 6831, 486, 198, 27995, 989, 11, 197, 60301, 3324, 354, 750, 11, 197, 59571, 197, 1021, 65978, 197, 19, 13, 23, 198, 53577, 1602, 19, 13, 24, 198, 570, 2435, 33827, 64442, 2282, 265, 561, 198, 66, 11967, 6831, 300, 197, 50187, 48048, 197, 48999, 1186, 266, 2129, 731, 2282, 332, 98366, 48048, 197, 21494, 1186, 266, 13, 763, 7145, 4269, 197, 23078, 11, 2765, 3978, 661, 1186, 266, 2129, 731, 197, 19917], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": "oment\tto\tremember\this\tfather,\the\tsaid,\t\u201cIt\twas\nthe\tlast\tyear\tor\ttwo\tof\tmy\tdad\u2019s\tlife,\tand\twe\twere\tjust\tstrolling\talong\tone\tday. He\twas\tsaying,\t\u2018We\tare\tgoing\tto\thave\tto\tshow\tpeople\thow\tto\tlead\thealthier\nlives.\u2019\t\nHe\twas\tright\ton\tit. He\twas\tintensely\tinterested\tin\tpreventive\tmedicine,\nbut\the\tdidn\u2019t\thave\tany\tinformation.\u201d\tHis\tfather\u2019s\tinterest\thas\tbeen\ta\tdriving\ninfluence\tin\tEss\u2019s\tlife. Following\tin\tthese\tmen\u2019s\tfootsteps,\tEss\twent\ton\tto\tamass\tan\nextraordinarily\timpressive\tlist\tof\tawards\tand\tcredentials:\tan\tOlympic\tgold\nmedal\tin\trowing;\ta\tBronze\tStar\tfor\tmilitary\tservice\tin\tVietnam;\tPresident\tof\nthe\tStaff,\tmember\tof\tthe\tBoard\tof\tGovernors,\tchairman\tof\tthe\tBreast\tCancer\nTask\tForce,\tand\thead\tof\tthe\tSection\tof\tThyroid\tand\tParathyroid\tSurgery\tat\tthe\nCleveland\tClinic,\tone\tof\tthe\ttop-ranked\tmedical\tinstitutions\tin\tthe\tworld;\npresident\tof\tthe\tAmerican\tAssociation\tof\tEndocrine\tSurgeons;\tover\t100\nprofessional\tscientific\tarticles;\tand\tinclusion\ton\ta\tlist\tin\t1994\u201395\tof\tthe\tbest\ndoctors\tin\tAmerica. 2\n\tHe\tremembers,\t\u201cFor\tabout\ta\tten-\tto\tfifteen-year\tperiod\tI\nwas\tthe\ttop\tearner\tin\tthe\tdepartment\tof\tgeneral\tsurgery. As\tDr.\tCrile\u2019s\tson-in-\nlaw,\tI\twas\tpanicked\tabout\tnot\tpulling\tmy\tweight. I\tdidn\u2019t\tget\thome\tuntil\tlate\nat\tnight,\tbut\tI\thad\ta\tposition\tthat\twas\tsecure.\u201d\tWhen\tthe\tthen-president\tof\tthe\nAmerican\tMedical\tAssociation\tneeded\tthyroid\tsurgery,\the\twanted\tEss\tto\tbe\nthe\tone\tto\toperate. But\tdespite\tthe\taccolades,\tthe\ttitles\tand\tthe\tawards,\tsomething\twas\tnot\nright. So\toften,\tEss\u2019s\tpatients\tdid\tnot\tregain\ttheir\thealth,\teven\tafter\this\tbest\nefforts. As\tEss\tdescribed\tit,\the\thad\t\u201cthis\thaunting\tfeeling\tthat\twas\treally\nbeginning\tto\tbother\tme. I\tkept\tlooking\tat\thow\tthe\tpatients\twere\tdoing\tafter\nthese\toperations.\u201d\tSlightly\texasperated,\the\tsaid,\t\u201cWhat\tis\tthe\tsurvival\trate\tfor\ncancer\tof\tthe\tcolon? It\u2019s\tnot\tso\tgreat!\u201d\tHe\trecounted\tthe\toperation\tfor\tcolon\ncancer\ton\tone\tof\this\tbest\tfriends. During\tsurgery,\tthey\tsaw\tthat\tthe\tcancer\thad\nspread\tthroughout\tthe\tintestines. Ess\tlowered\this\tvoice\tever\tso\tslightly\tin\nremembering\tthis,\tsaying,\t\u201cYou\tget\tthere\tafter\tthe\thorse\thas\tleft\tthe\tbarn.\u201d\tIn\nthinking\tabout\tall\tthe\tbreast\t\nsurgery\the\thad\tdone,\tthe\tlumpectomies\tand\nmastectomies,\the\texpressed\tdisgust\tat\tthe\tidea\tof\t\u201cdisfiguring\tsomebody\nwhen\tyou\tknow\tthat\tyou\thaven\u2019t\tchanged\ttheir\tchances\tfor\trecovery.\u201d\nHe\tbegan\tto\tdo\tsome\tsoul\tsearching. \u201cWhat\tis\tmy\tepitaph\tgoing\tto\tbe? Five\tthousand\tmastectomies! You\u2019ve\tdisfigured\tmore\twomen\tthan\tanybody\nelse\tin\tOhio!\u201d\tDropping\tthe\tsarcasm,\the\tsaid\twith\tsincerity,\t\u201cI\tthink\neverybody\tlikes\tto\tleave\tthe\tplanet\tthinking\tthat\tmaybe\t\u2026\tmaybe\tyou\u2019ve\nhelped\ta\tlittle.\u201dDr. Esselstyn\tbegan\tstudying\tthe\tliterature\ton\tthe\tdiseases\the\tcommonly\ntreated. He\tread\tsome\tof\tthe\tpopular\twork\tof\tDr.\tJohn\tMcDougall,\twho\thad\njust\twritten\ta\tbest-selling\tdiet\tand\thealth\tbook\tcalled\t\nThe\tMcDougall\tPlan\n. 3\nHe\tread\tthe\tscientific\tliterature\tthat\tcompared\tinternational\tdisease\trates\tand\nlifestyle\tchoices,\tand\ta\tstudy\tby\ta\tUniversity\tof\tChicago\tpathologist\tshowing\nthat\ta\tlow-fat,\tlow-cholesterol\tdiet\tfed\tto\tnonhuman\tprimates\tcould\treverse\natherosclerosis. He\tcame\tto\tthe\trealization\tthat\tthe\tdiseases\tthat\tso\toften\nplagued\this\tpatients\twere\tdue\tto\ta\tdiet\trich\tin\tmeat,\tfat\tand\thighly\trefined\nfoods. As\tmentioned\tin\tchapter\tfive,\the\tgot\tthe\tidea\tto\ttreat\theart\tpatients\twith\ta\nlow-fat,\tplant-based\tdiet,\tand\tin\t1985\twent\tto\tthe\thead\tof\tthe\tCleveland\tClinic\nto\tdiscuss\this\tstudy. She\tsaid\tthat\tnobody\thad\tever\tshown\tthat\theart\tdisease\tin\nhumans\tcould\tbe\treversed\tby\tusing\tdietary\ttreatment. Still,\tEss\tknew\the\twas\non\tthe\tright\ttrack\tand\twent\tabout\tquietly\tconducting\this\tstudy\tover\tthe\tnext\nseveral\tyears. The\tstudy\the\tpublished,\tof\teighteen\tpatients\twith\theart\tdisease,\ndemonstrated\tthe\tmost\tdramatic\treversal\tof\theart\tdisease\tin\tthe\thistory\tof\nmedicine,\tsimply\tby\tusing\ta\tlow-fat,\tplant-based\tdiet\tand\ta\tminimal\tamount\nof\tcholesterol-reducing\tmedication. Esselstyn\thas\tbecome\ta\tchampion\tof\tdietary\ttreatment\tof\tdisease,\tand\the\nhas\tthe\tdata\tto\tprove\this\tcase. But\tit\thasn\u2019t\tbeen\teasy. Rather\tthan\trecognizing\nhim\tas\ta\thero,\tsome\tin\tthe\tmedical\testablishment\twould\trather\the\tdisappear. Somewhere\tin\tthis\ttransition\tfrom\ttop-ranked,\tself-described\t\u201cmacho,\thard-\nass\tsurgeon\u201d\tto\tdietary\tadvocate,\the\thas\tbecome\tknown,\tbehind\this\tback,\tas\nDr.\tSprouts.A\tDAUNTING\tTASK\nWhat\u2019s\tinteresting\tabout\tthis\tstory\tis\tthat\ta\tman\twho\thad\treached\tthe\tpinnacle\nof\ta\thighly\trespected\tprofession\tdared\tto\ttry\tsomething\tdifferent,\tsucceeded,\nand\tthen\tquickly\tfound\thimself\ton\tthe\toutside\tof\t\nthe\testablishment\tlooking\tin. He\thad\tthreatened\tthe\tstatus\tquo\tby\this\tcircumvention\tof\tstandard\ttreatments. Some\tof\tEss\u2019s\tcolleagues\thave\tdisparaged\this\ttreatment\tas\tbeing\ttoo\n\u201cextreme.\u201d\tSome\tdoctors\thave\tdismissed\tit\tby\tsaying,\t\u201cI\tthink\tthe\tresearch\tin\nthis\tarea\tis\tpretty\tsoft,\u201d\twhich\tis\tan\tabsurd\tcomment\tconsidering\tthe\tbreadth\nand\tdepth\tof\tthe\tinternational\tstudies,\tthe\tanimal\tstudies\tand\tthe\tintervention\nstudies. Some\tdoctors\thave\tsaid\tto\tEss,\t\u201cYeah\tokay,\tbut\tnobody\tis\tgoing\tto\neat\tlike\tthat. I\tcan\u2019t\teven\tget\tmy\tpatients\tto\tstop\tsmoking.\u201d\tEss\u2019s\tresponse\nwas,\t\u201cWell,\tyou\treally\thave\tno\ttraining\tin\tthis. This\trequires\tjust\tas\tmuch\nexpertise\tas\tdoing\ta\tbypass. It\ttakes\tthree\thours\tfor\tme\tto\tcounsel\ta\tpatient,\u201d\nnot\tto\tmention\tthe\tdiligence\trequired\tfor\tthe\tconstant\tfollow-up\tand\nmonitoring\tof\tthe\tpatient\u2019s\thealth. One\tpatient\ttold\this\tcardiologist\tthat\the\nwanted\tto\tsee\tEss\tand\tcommit\tto\ta\tdietary\tprogram\tto\treverse\this\theart\ndisease. The\tcardiologist\tresponded,\t\u201cNow\tyou\tlisten\tto\tme. There\tis\tno\tway\nto\treverse\tthis\tdisease.\u201d\tYou\u2019d\tthink\tthat\tdoctors\twould\tbe\tmore\texcited\tabout\nhealing\ttheir\tpatients! In\ttalking\tabout\tdoctors\tand\ttheir\tunwillingness\tto\tembrace\ta\twhole\tfoods,\nplant-based\tdiet,\tEss\tsays,\t\u201cYou\tcan\u2019t\tget\tfrustrated. These\taren\u2019t\tevil\tpeople. There\tare\tsixty\tcardiologists\t[at\tthe\tCleveland\tClinic],\tany\tnumber\tof\twhom\nare\tcloset\tbelievers\tin\twhat\tI\tdo,\tbut\tthey\u2019re\ta\tlittle\tafraid\tbecause\tof\tthe\npower\tstructure.\u201d\nFor\tEss,\thowever,\tit\thas\tbeen\timpossible\tto\tavoid\this\tshare\tof\tfrustration. Early\ton,\twhen\the\twas\tfirst\tsuggesting\tdietary\ttreatment\tof\theart\tdisease,\ncolleagues\tgreeted\tthe\tidea\twith\tcaution. Ess\tfigured\tthat\tthe", "token_ids": [13209, 32809, 197, 30380, 9793, 285, 1186, 1894, 11, 197, 383, 1942, 3864, 11, 197, 17818, 6831, 300, 198, 1820, 34196, 197, 3236, 82266, 3324, 1146, 44323, 13938, 2765, 329, 753, 8986, 1643, 11, 53577, 197, 906, 6831, 486, 197, 4345, 18895, 16608, 197, 39393, 197, 606, 99297, 13, 1283, 6831, 300, 1942, 17718, 11, 197, 14336, 1687, 197, 548, 31780, 287, 32809, 9793, 525, 32809, 33827, 197, 16455, 197, 5269, 32809, 197, 27152, 197, 12393, 1291, 198, 75, 1924, 14639, 1602, 1548, 6831, 300, 49021, 25653, 24263, 13, 1283, 6831, 300, 2129, 61132, 60015, 10185, 17886, 41446, 688, 535, 197, 83543, 345, 8248, 197, 383, 2765, 307, 77, 1431, 9793, 525, 197, 3852, 17886, 1659, 2029, 13595, 285, 1186, 1894, 753, 60015, 478, 64355, 74242, 268, 11575, 2765, 81, 2299, 198, 258, 41116, 17886, 23626, 784, 753, 8986, 1643, 13, 23548, 17886, 197, 45010, 2157, 268, 753, 197, 5447, 25047, 11, 23626, 784, 6831, 306, 25653, 32809, 197, 309, 395, 80557, 198, 15824, 6114, 6751, 55992, 69563, 14779, 44323, 197, 675, 2402, 53577, 197, 33453, 25, 80557, 49149, 14163, 292, 3253, 820, 198, 2106, 278, 17886, 197, 25156, 26, 11575, 13083, 2298, 3059, 197, 12988, 2066, 2157, 20860, 54034, 17886, 17904, 3978, 12682, 26, 10230, 40631, 44323, 198, 1820, 197, 34311, 11, 2157, 1402, 44323, 33188, 197, 12198, 44323, 9796, 6846, 1105, 11, 23918, 1334, 1543, 44323, 33188, 13083, 265, 561, 6391, 11967, 198, 6396, 197, 19085, 11, 53577, 47181, 44323, 33188, 197, 9817, 44323, 197, 1016, 88, 1607, 53577, 197, 4368, 19682, 1607, 7721, 85392, 36547, 33188, 198, 34, 22198, 6391, 3817, 292, 11, 197, 606, 44323, 33188, 43218, 76697, 197, 69216, 17886, 93778, 17886, 33188, 77608, 280, 24544, 1748, 44323, 33188, 23845, 16093, 197, 64561, 44323, 39507, 78738, 7721, 40923, 2439, 26, 197, 2017, 197, 1041, 198, 66886, 1942, 12575, 1104, 197, 16641, 26, 53577, 17886, 9134, 25653, 11575, 14779, 17886, 197, 2550, 19, 4235, 2721, 44323, 33188, 93510, 198, 3055, 12816, 17886, 23845, 2165, 64, 13, 220, 17, 198, 197, 1548, 197, 1864, 7207, 11, 197, 75550, 197, 9274, 11575, 197, 2002, 12, 32809, 1186, 333, 15247, 4771, 197, 19862, 25494, 198, 16514, 33188, 43218, 197, 686, 1215, 17886, 33188, 197, 28414, 44323, 3253, 18958, 1942, 85392, 13, 1666, 197, 9023, 13, 6391, 81, 458, 753, 197, 942, 3502, 7058, 20510, 11, 25494, 6831, 300, 197, 857, 19011, 197, 9274, 98366, 3303, 61736, 13938, 197, 4870, 13, 358, 2765, 307, 77, 1431, 10582, 197, 5227, 21113, 1678, 197, 5185, 198, 266, 9215, 492, 11, 2282, 332, 25494, 9793, 329, 11575, 36839, 64442, 6831, 300, 197, 26189, 2029, 197, 4599, 33188, 59733, 67088, 44323, 33188, 198, 29518, 9391, 291, 950, 197, 64561, 197, 41917, 197, 27520, 1607, 1942, 85392, 11, 197, 383, 6831, 7719, 23626, 784, 32809, 74242, 198, 1820, 197, 606, 32809, 197, 86299, 13, 2030, 54012, 6100, 33188, 82300, 2119, 3536, 11, 33188, 3324, 42343, 53577, 33188, 197, 675, 2402, 11, 1942, 11793, 6831, 300, 98366, 198, 1315, 13, 2100, 197, 61917, 11, 23626, 784, 753, 3303, 266, 4167, 2765, 307, 98366, 38113, 467, 33188, 404, 197, 12393, 11, 7883, 1055, 197, 10924, 9793, 285, 93510, 198, 6581, 19491, 13, 1666, 23626, 784, 54012, 17890, 24263, 11, 197, 383, 9793, 329, 197, 2118, 576, 197, 4317, 27421, 1186, 68, 20659, 64442, 6831, 300, 17643, 750, 198, 7413, 1251, 32809, 197, 754, 700, 50394, 13, 358, 197, 99020, 197, 20986, 36547, 197, 5269, 33188, 3303, 266, 4167, 6831, 486, 20530, 287, 197, 10924, 198, 45010, 197, 39263, 2029, 7721, 80598, 197, 7619, 716, 660, 11, 197, 383, 1942, 3864, 11, 197, 44130, 20501, 33188, 1942, 97860, 4023, 7145, 349, 2066, 198, 66, 11967, 44323, 33188, 47740, 263, 30, 1102, 753, 98366, 197, 708, 3253, 1244, 18319, 197, 1548, 17643, 1868, 291, 33188, 197, 9446, 2066, 47740, 263, 198, 66, 11967, 25653, 197, 606, 44323, 9793, 285, 93510, 1186, 12337, 13, 12220, 1942, 85392, 11, 197, 20670, 1942, 675, 64442, 33188, 1470, 11967, 9793, 329, 198, 59295, 197, 20322, 412, 33188, 2129, 478, 1572, 13, 13133, 8986, 80313, 9793, 285, 197, 10063, 197, 2099, 197, 708, 1942, 80598, 17886, 198, 30380, 287, 2090, 11, 1942, 17718, 11, 197, 33672, 10582, 197, 19041, 197, 10924, 33188, 9793, 11073, 64355, 36357, 33188, 2282, 1923, 2029, 71267, 198, 83360, 197, 9274, 52060, 33188, 2282, 265, 561, 1602, 82, 85392, 197, 383, 9793, 329, 41595, 11, 33188, 8986, 372, 1002, 316, 552, 53577, 198, 97613, 440, 316, 552, 11, 197, 383, 8285, 14655, 35697, 70, 592, 36547, 33188, 197, 42877, 44323, 197, 2118, 4338, 915, 1711, 1942, 638, 2664, 198, 9493, 197, 9514, 16868, 3409, 64442, 197, 9514, 9793, 5389, 1431, 197, 17805, 33188, 404, 23918, 3095, 2066, 17643, 7601, 49216, 1548, 2282, 16133, 32809, 20530, 1942, 638, 1942, 11206, 46673, 287, 13, 1054, 3923, 20501, 13938, 97726, 275, 1366, 31780, 287, 32809, 74242, 30, 21594, 71579, 52949, 2157, 561, 440, 316, 552, 0, 1472, 4070, 35697, 915, 3149, 2157, 461, 6831, 6431, 197, 54895, 197, 3852, 2664, 198, 1531, 17886, 197, 66217, 18319, 11198, 81304, 33188, 1942, 8362, 10753, 11, 197, 383, 1942, 3864, 48048, 1942, 70898, 488, 11, 197, 10378, 197, 27963, 198, 30115, 2664, 197, 26094, 32809, 197, 22233, 33188, 197, 51174, 71579, 16113, 64442, 2157, 50891, 197, 1981, 2157, 50891, 197, 9514, 4070, 198, 8823, 291, 11575, 8986, 2433, 2029, 9023, 13, 13133, 301, 267, 1910, 2282, 16133, 18895, 664, 7169, 33188, 8986, 2058, 1598, 25653, 33188, 2765, 1082, 2315, 197, 383, 84925, 398, 198, 83, 2920, 13, 1283, 38143, 1942, 638, 44323, 33188, 75913, 1299, 98138, 44323, 197, 9023, 13, 197, 13379, 9391, 66, 92676, 543, 11, 197, 14965, 9793, 329, 198, 4345, 6831, 12429, 11575, 93510, 48724, 2765, 3978, 53577, 197, 12393, 197, 2239, 1470, 4841, 1602, 791, 9391, 66, 92676, 543, 197, 21119, 198, 13, 220, 18, 198, 1548, 38143, 33188, 1942, 12575, 1104, 8986, 2058, 1598, 64442, 197, 5807, 1636, 2129, 28234, 2765, 56407, 7145, 988, 53577, 198, 75, 16886, 197, 25825, 11, 53577, 11575, 18895, 18339, 197, 1729, 11575, 197, 31272, 44323, 197, 47275, 27879, 16549, 33827, 287, 198, 9210, 11575, 8986, 363, 64354, 11, 8986, 363, 12, 971, 273, 33282, 2765, 3978, 1186, 291, 32809, 197, 6414, 26380, 197, 18375, 988, 1470, 619, 17643, 4550, 198, 1894, 437, 91711, 13, 1283, 1470, 373, 32809, 33188, 92974, 2065, 64442, 33188, 2765, 1082, 2315, 64442, 197, 708, 197, 61917, 198, 501, 351, 3340, 9793, 285, 3303, 266, 4167, 6831, 486, 2765, 361, 32809, 11575, 2765, 3978, 7145, 718, 17886, 2157, 33166, 11, 1186, 266, 53577, 9793, 1108, 398, 60604, 1619, 198, 96420, 13, 1666, 197, 37691, 17886, 23918, 2943, 1186, 535, 11, 197, 383, 3253, 354, 33188, 197, 42877, 32809, 3324, 1244, 197, 18207, 3303, 266, 4167, 48048, 11575, 198, 10516, 64354, 11, 197, 21494, 6108, 2765, 3978, 11, 53577, 17886, 197, 3753, 20, 6831, 306, 32809, 33188, 47181, 44323, 33188, 6391, 22198, 6391, 3817, 292, 198, 998, 2765, 3510, 1892, 9793, 285, 18895, 18339, 13, 3005, 1942, 3864, 64442, 9215, 43440, 9793, 329, 197, 2099, 37296, 785, 64442, 197, 18207, 2765, 56407, 17886, 198, 28400, 598, 1470, 619, 74242, 17643, 44876, 197, 1729, 27287, 2765, 3978, 661, 3324, 35320, 13, 16782, 11, 23626, 784, 16868, 943, 197, 383, 6831, 300, 198, 263, 33188, 49021, 197, 13432, 53577, 6831, 306, 197, 9274, 197, 44750, 398, 38303, 1076, 287, 9793, 285, 18895, 18339, 197, 2017, 33188, 29244, 198, 325, 17998, 197, 42820, 13, 578, 18895, 18339, 197, 383, 3303, 11931, 11, 44323, 7883, 492, 15258, 3303, 266, 4167, 48048, 197, 18207, 2765, 56407, 345, 67, 7439, 496, 660, 33188, 2157, 537, 2765, 2453, 780, 17643, 3078, 278, 44323, 197, 18207, 2765, 56407, 17886, 33188, 9793, 2644, 44323, 198, 83543, 11, 1942, 318, 2603, 197, 1729, 27287, 11575, 8986, 363, 64354, 11, 197, 21494, 6108, 2765, 3978, 53577, 11575, 26388, 2931, 197, 6173, 198, 1073, 197, 971, 273, 33282, 5621, 1072, 6253, 197, 2106, 20901, 13, 13133, 301, 267, 1910, 64355, 2282, 52521, 11575, 23918, 13580, 44323, 2765, 3978, 661, 3324, 35320, 44323, 2765, 56407, 11, 53577, 197, 383, 198, 4752, 33188, 9101, 32809, 197, 35563, 9793, 285, 2789, 13, 2030, 24263, 64355, 77, 1431, 74242, 268, 7883, 6539, 13, 26848, 197, 54895, 197, 34551, 4954, 198, 40617, 61551, 11575, 197, 18204, 11, 1942, 638, 17886, 33188, 197, 69216, 197, 34500, 479, 6831, 619, 7145, 1894, 197, 383, 35697, 41866, 13, 18024, 61752, 17886, 2090, 197, 21086, 43827, 43218, 76697, 11, 5311, 51704, 197, 2118, 55377, 78, 11, 9793, 569, 7058, 395, 1942, 81562, 863, 32809, 2765, 3978, 661, 197, 14625, 82615, 11, 197, 383, 64355, 2282, 52521, 197, 5391, 11, 197, 30998, 485, 9793, 285, 78546, 11, 61551, 198, 9023, 13, 7721, 652, 11934, 885, 197, 6486, 1899, 26098, 10473, 7536, 198, 3923, 753, 60015, 60955, 197, 9274, 2090, 18895, 683, 20501, 64442, 11575, 197, 1543, 197, 14965, 9793, 329, 17643, 3939, 33188, 3303, 70053, 198, 1073, 11575, 9793, 1108, 398, 10413, 4136, 197, 97235, 2765, 1636, 32809, 6942, 1942, 11793, 2765, 18780, 11, 1942, 44905, 345, 438, 59733, 197, 28863, 398, 59202, 9793, 318, 726, 25653, 33188, 14294, 3002, 44323, 1602, 1820, 197, 34500, 479, 197, 20986, 17886, 13, 1283, 9793, 329, 71579, 1244, 6901, 33188, 24787, 197, 27610, 197, 1729, 9793, 285, 1470, 2496, 372, 7611, 44323, 197, 20885, 3324, 1244, 1392, 13, 4427, 44323, 23626, 784, 753, 47740, 273, 13796, 9793, 525, 35697, 1768, 3359, 9793, 285, 3324, 35320, 61551, 197, 35214, 32809, 78, 198, 2118, 428, 9831, 2029, 7721, 638, 20530, 12816, 9793, 525, 35697, 1869, 291, 24263, 197, 1729, 1942, 17718, 11, 197, 10378, 197, 27963, 33188, 17643, 1874, 17886, 198, 576, 96168, 20501, 197, 34055, 197, 3594, 2476, 197, 8370, 20501, 80557, 197, 3518, 16468, 97368, 197, 25742, 287, 33188, 2282, 888, 339, 198, 438, 197, 18021, 44323, 33188, 2129, 28234, 18895, 58787, 11, 33188, 197, 48999, 18895, 58787, 53577, 33188, 2129, 47698, 198, 267, 58787, 13, 4427, 20530, 12816, 9793, 525, 1942, 3864, 32809, 23626, 784, 11, 197, 2118, 24220, 60368, 352, 11, 2282, 332, 9215, 43440, 20501, 31780, 287, 32809, 198, 33166, 197, 4908, 64442, 13, 358, 94036, 1431, 7883, 1055, 10582, 13938, 3303, 266, 4167, 32809, 63744, 73123, 10979, 2029, 23626, 784, 753, 22482, 198, 16514, 11, 197, 88925, 11, 197, 9514, 17643, 750, 9793, 525, 73204, 26665, 2101, 17886, 2090, 13, 1115, 197, 42475, 197, 4345, 61551, 2157, 1412, 198, 74987, 1082, 61551, 20530, 287, 11575, 2282, 51011, 13, 1102, 3324, 2094, 197, 28956, 9793, 2530, 2066, 50394, 32809, 1470, 94741, 11575, 3303, 16794, 2476, 198, 1962, 32809, 197, 30348, 33188, 2765, 74376, 768, 59283, 2066, 33188, 4882, 519, 1186, 1573, 5352, 53577, 198, 33325, 287, 44323, 33188, 3303, 16794, 753, 197, 12393, 13, 3861, 3303, 16794, 3324, 820, 9793, 285, 1470, 37489, 16549, 64442, 197, 383, 198, 87692, 32809, 197, 4151, 23626, 784, 53577, 197, 17869, 32809, 11575, 2765, 3978, 661, 197, 15252, 32809, 17643, 4550, 9793, 285, 197, 18207, 198, 67, 56407, 13, 578, 1470, 37489, 16549, 197, 6961, 291, 11, 197, 2118, 7184, 197, 9514, 14779, 268, 32809, 50394, 13, 2684, 20501, 73204, 197, 3195, 198, 998, 17643, 4550, 2090, 2765, 56407, 2029, 197, 2675, 7070, 197, 27963, 64442, 20530, 12816, 6831, 619, 74242, 2157, 461, 8285, 66, 1639, 197, 9274, 198, 383, 6260, 33188, 404, 3303, 266, 4167, 0, 763, 3324, 30855, 197, 9274, 20530, 12816, 53577, 33188, 404, 21113, 86, 9585, 2136, 32809, 67304, 32337, 11575, 197, 67733, 197, 96420, 345, 21494, 6108, 2765, 3978, 11, 23626, 784, 1942, 954, 11, 197, 33672, 94036, 1431, 10582, 1186, 2739, 496, 660, 13, 4314, 197, 9329, 1431, 197, 59967, 197, 16455, 13, 2684, 197, 548, 1942, 953, 1919, 1470, 37489, 22012, 197, 99388, 33188, 6391, 22198, 6391, 3817, 292, 1145, 197, 3852, 58235, 44323, 197, 1336, 316, 198, 548, 1470, 385, 751, 2282, 301, 648, 3078, 17886, 197, 12840, 25494, 20530, 11, 2282, 332, 197, 20670, 3207, 11575, 8986, 2433, 197, 2642, 14152, 2282, 6769, 44323, 33188, 198, 13477, 6608, 554, 49216, 2520, 23626, 784, 11, 197, 98936, 11, 24263, 64355, 74242, 268, 55992, 10236, 32809, 197, 48956, 9793, 285, 197, 19930, 44323, 1186, 2739, 55681, 13, 23591, 25653, 11, 61280, 197, 383, 6831, 300, 43290, 1942, 3884, 287, 2765, 3978, 661, 3324, 35320, 44323, 197, 18207, 2765, 56407, 345, 2119, 273, 13796, 3253, 3829, 291, 33188, 197, 42877, 48048, 197, 936, 1516, 13, 13133, 197, 915, 3149, 64442, 33188], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": ". A., Secrets of Animal Life. London, Andrew \nMelrose, 1919. THOMSON, J. A., The Control of Life. New York, Henry \nHolt, 1921. THOMSON, J. A., Towards Health. London, G. E Putnam's \nSons, 1927. THOMSON, J. C., A Catechism on Pasteurized Milk. The \nKingston Chronicle, 1943. VAN WAGTENDONK, W. J. and WULZEN, R., Dietary \nFactor Essential for Guinea Pigs: Isolation from Raw Cream. Arch. Biochem., 1, 373, 1943. WALLACE, J. S., The Newer Knowledge of Hygiene in Diet. J. Amer. Dent. Assoc., 18, 1322-1336, 1931. WILSON, G. S. and COWELL, M. E, Comparison of the \nNutritive Value of Raw and Pasteurized Milk for Mice. J. \nSoc. Chem. Indust. 52, 403T-406T, 1933. WOOD, C. B., An Experiment in Pasteurization. Herald of \nHealth, 55,4, 170. WRENCH, G. T, The Wheel of Health. London, C. W. Daniel \nCo., 1938.<|eot_id|><|begin_of_text|>Summarize the following text section accurately and concisely. Maintain specific details and numerical information, and use anti-repetition mechanisms:\n\n POTTENGER, E M. and SIMONSEN, D. G., Deficient \nCalcification Produced by Diet: Experimental and \nClinical Considerations. Transactions Am. Ther. So., 39, \n1939. RAGU, N. V. and RAJAGOPALAN, R., Nutritive Values of \nHeated Vegetable Oils. Nature, 176, 513-514, 1955. REINIUS, L., Growth Failure Caused by Mild Heat \nTreatment of the Diet. J. Nutrition, 5, 347-357, 1932. RUSSELL, W. C., The Addition of Raw Beef or Meat-Scrap \nto a Wheat-Milk Diet.<|eot_id|><|begin_of_text|>\nQ: Who published the book \"The Sunfood Way to Health\" in 1956?, \nA: SEMPLE, D. \nQ: In which journal was the article \"Comparison of the Nutritive Value of Raw and Pasteurized Milk for Mice\" published?, \nA: J. Soc. Chem. Indust. \nQ: Who wrote the article \"The Addition of Raw Beef or Meat-Scrap to a Wheat-Milk Diet\"?, \nA: RUSSELL, W. C. \nQ: In which year was the book \"The Control of Life\" published?, \nA: 1921 \nQ: Who wrote the article \"An Experiment in Pasteurization\"?, \nA: WOOD, C. B.<|eot_id|><|begin_of_text|>T r a n s c e n d i n g \n t h e L e v e l s o f C o n s c i o u s n e s s. T h e S t a i r w a y t o E n l i g h t e n m e n t. D a v i d R. H a w k i n s, M. D., P h. D. Also by David R. Hawkins. Reality, Spirituality, and Modern Man. Discovery of the Pr esence of God: Devotional Nonduality. T ruth vs. Falsehood: How to T ell the Differ ence. I: Reality and Subjectivity. The Eye of the I: Fr om Which Nothing Is Hidden. Power vs. For ce: The Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior. Dialogues on Consciousness and Spirituality. Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis and \n Calibration of the Levels of Human Consciousness. Orthomolecular Psychiatry. (with Linus Pauling).T r a n s c e n d i n g \n t h e L e v e l s o f C o n s c i o u s n e s s. T h e S t a i r w a y t o E n l i g h t e n m e n t. Copyright \u00a9 2006 by David R. Hawkins\n \nGrateful ac knowledgment is made for per mission to reprint the following previously published\nmaterial:\n \u201cMoral Relativism,\u201d an article that originally appeared in The P hiladelphia T rumpet, June, 2005\nCopyright \u00a9 2005. Used by permission. The material in this book may not be reproduced or transmitted in whole or in part in any\nmedium (whether electronic, mechanical o r otherwise) without the express written authorization\nof the publisher. T o request authorization, please contact V eritas Publishing Compan y, outlining\nthe specific material i nvolved, the proposed medium, and if applicable, the number of copies, as\nwell as the purpose of the use. This book is not intended to be considered legal, medical, or any other professional service. The\ninformation provided is not a substitute for professional advice or care. If you require or desire\nlegal, medical, or o ther expert assistance, you should seek the services of a competent\nprofessional. The author, the publisher and their employees and agents are not liable for any\ndamages arising from or in connection with the use of or reliance on any information contained in\nthis book. V eritas Publishing. P. O. Box 3516\n W. Sedona, AZ 86336\n Phone: 928-282-8722 \u2022 Fax: 928-282-4789\n www.veritaspub.com\n \nSoftbound ISBN-13: 978-097150074-7\n Hardbound ISBN-13: 978-097150075-4\n Softbound LCCN: 2005935369 \n Hardbound LCCN: 2005935370 Straight and narr ow is the path... W aste no time. Gloria in Excelsis Deo! DEDICA TION. This work is dedicated to \n the liberation of the human spirit \n from the bondage of adversity \n and limitation that besets mankind \n from both within and without.T ABLE OF CONTENTS. Dedication. Foreword. Preface. Introduction. Map of the Scale of Consciousness. Section One: Calibration Levels Below 200: The Ego. Overview. The Evolution of Consciousness. Chapter 1. Shame: Despair. Chapter 2. Guilt and V indictive Hate. Chapter 3. Apathy. Chapter 4. Grief. Chapter 5. Fear. Chapter 6. Desire. Chapter 7. Anger. Chapter 8. Pride. Section T wo. Calibration Levels 200-499: Linear Mind. Overview. Brain Function and Physiology of T ruth. Chapter 9. Courage. Chapter 10. Neutrality. Chapter 1 1. W illingness. Chapter 12. Acceptance. Chapter 13. Reason. Section Thr ee. Calibration Levels 500-599: Spiritual Reality. Overview. T ranscending Linear Duality. Chapter 14. Love. Chapter 15. Unconditional Love, Joy, and Ecstasy. Section Four. Calibration Levels 600-1,000: \n The Illumined, Enlightened States. Overview. T ranscendence. Chapter 16. Peace, Bliss, and Illumination. Chapter 17. Self-Realization. Chapter 18. Full Enlightenment. Section Five. T ranscendence. Overview. Spiritual T ransformation. Chapter 19. Limitations and Distractions. Chapter 20. Passing Through The Gates. Chapter 21. T ranscending The Mind. Chapter 22. Becoming The Prayer. Appendices. Appendix A. Map of the Scale of Consciousness. Appendix B. How to Calibrate the Levels of Consciousness. Appendix C. References. About the Author.FOREWORD. The pur pose of prior works was to explore and explain a new research\ntechnique based on consciousness and its application to all areas of life,\nincluding subjective spiritual experiences and realizations. The\ndevelopment of a pragmatic clinical science of truth emer ged that could\nbe u sed as a compass to guide man\u2019 s endless quest for t ruth. As\ndescribed in previous studies, b y virtue of its very structure, the human\nmind is incapab le of discerning truth from falsehood, a fact of which\nmankind is painfully aware. The price of this ignorance and limitation\nhas been enormous. Not only individuals but also whole civ ilizations\nhave gone through staggering amounts of agony, suf fering, and death. The levels of consciousness will be examined specifically for th e sake of\nthe spiri tual student, devotee, and integrous person interested in self-\nimprovement for its own sake. By analyzing the various obstacles and\nlevels to be transcended, certain principles that support spiritual\nevolution are self-revealing. This wo rk is therefore a practic al manual rather than a comprehensive\nanalysis, which has been presented in prior books (e.g., Sect ion 1 of\nT ruth vs. Falsehood, 200 5). Although it alludes to prior work, the basic\nprinciples will again be covered. Material is also provided for the\nfrustrated seeker who has \u2018read everything, been everywhere\u2019, attended\nall kinds of workshops, and yet seems to be \u2018st", "token_ids": [13, 362, 2637, 53179, 315, 21995, 9601, 13, 7295, 11, 13929, 720, 40249, 25888, 11, 220, 7529, 24, 13, 4534, 1937, 2770, 11, 622, 13, 362, 2637, 578, 7935, 315, 9601, 13, 1561, 4356, 11, 18063, 720, 39, 6312, 11, 220, 5926, 16, 13, 4534, 1937, 2770, 11, 622, 13, 362, 2637, 94965, 6401, 13, 7295, 11, 480, 13, 469, 10435, 12682, 596, 720, 50, 2439, 11, 220, 5926, 22, 13, 4534, 1937, 2770, 11, 622, 13, 356, 2637, 362, 356, 349, 331, 2191, 389, 58325, 324, 1534, 44925, 13, 578, 720, 34655, 7876, 42159, 11, 220, 6393, 18, 13, 97753, 468, 1929, 51, 4794, 715, 42, 11, 468, 13, 622, 13, 323, 468, 1112, 57, 965, 11, 432, 2637, 83808, 720, 21316, 48833, 369, 48903, 393, 14801, 25, 2209, 36062, 505, 23886, 30800, 13, 9683, 13, 24432, 2464, 2637, 220, 16, 11, 220, 18017, 11, 220, 6393, 18, 13, 79475, 5693, 11, 622, 13, 328, 2637, 578, 1561, 261, 33025, 315, 10320, 43312, 304, 27304, 13, 622, 13, 50873, 13, 43911, 13, 93476, 2637, 220, 972, 11, 220, 9413, 17, 12, 9423, 21, 11, 220, 7285, 16, 13, 468, 1750, 2770, 11, 480, 13, 328, 13, 323, 356, 3387, 19659, 11, 386, 13, 469, 11, 43551, 315, 279, 720, 79570, 1018, 535, 5273, 315, 23886, 323, 58325, 324, 1534, 44925, 369, 386, 560, 13, 622, 13, 720, 50, 511, 13, 19531, 13, 17653, 13, 220, 4103, 11, 220, 13074, 51, 12, 17264, 51, 11, 220, 7285, 18, 13, 468, 56350, 11, 356, 13, 426, 2637, 1556, 47893, 304, 58325, 324, 2065, 13, 42769, 315, 720, 14884, 11, 220, 2131, 11, 19, 11, 220, 8258, 13, 468, 41992, 2198, 11, 480, 13, 350, 11, 578, 33442, 315, 6401, 13, 7295, 11, 356, 13, 468, 13, 15469, 720, 7489, 2637, 220, 7285, 23, 13, 128009, 128000, 9370, 5730, 553, 279, 2768, 1495, 3857, 30357, 323, 3613, 285, 989, 13, 87477, 3230, 3649, 323, 35876, 2038, 11, 323, 1005, 7294, 5621, 56867, 24717, 1473, 286, 393, 24732, 965, 8912, 11, 469, 386, 13, 323, 23739, 26289, 45, 11, 423, 13, 480, 13, 1174, 3979, 5499, 720, 48268, 2461, 88365, 555, 27304, 25, 57708, 323, 720, 96830, 21829, 811, 13, 56385, 3383, 13, 23258, 13, 2100, 13, 1174, 220, 2137, 11, 720, 7285, 24, 13, 432, 1929, 52, 11, 452, 13, 650, 13, 323, 29556, 41, 1929, 3143, 984, 1111, 11, 432, 13, 1174, 18878, 1018, 535, 26028, 315, 720, 1548, 660, 95392, 507, 8839, 13, 22037, 11, 220, 10967, 11, 220, 21164, 12, 20998, 11, 220, 6280, 20, 13, 3680, 88508, 2078, 11, 445, 13, 1174, 34871, 33360, 14751, 2656, 555, 61289, 27162, 720, 99654, 315, 279, 27304, 13, 622, 13, 39700, 11, 220, 20, 11, 220, 17678, 12, 18520, 11, 220, 7285, 17, 13, 117836, 100159, 11, 468, 13, 356, 13, 1174, 578, 79746, 315, 23886, 64225, 477, 45965, 12, 3407, 4714, 720, 998, 264, 56738, 5364, 34263, 27304, 13, 128009, 128000, 198, 48, 25, 10699, 4756, 279, 2363, 330, 791, 8219, 14239, 12424, 311, 6401, 1, 304, 220, 6280, 21, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 46544, 9705, 11, 423, 13, 720, 48, 25, 763, 902, 8486, 574, 279, 4652, 330, 34587, 315, 279, 18878, 1018, 535, 5273, 315, 23886, 323, 58325, 324, 1534, 44925, 369, 386, 560, 1, 4756, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 622, 13, 27670, 13, 19531, 13, 17653, 13, 720, 48, 25, 10699, 6267, 279, 4652, 330, 791, 79746, 315, 23886, 64225, 477, 45965, 12, 3407, 4714, 311, 264, 56738, 5364, 34263, 27304, 1, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 117836, 100159, 11, 468, 13, 356, 13, 720, 48, 25, 763, 902, 1060, 574, 279, 2363, 330, 791, 7935, 315, 9601, 1, 4756, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 220, 5926, 16, 720, 48, 25, 10699, 6267, 279, 4652, 330, 2127, 47893, 304, 58325, 324, 2065, 1, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 468, 56350, 11, 356, 13, 426, 13, 128009, 128000, 51, 436, 264, 308, 274, 272, 384, 308, 294, 602, 308, 342, 2355, 259, 305, 384, 220, 445, 384, 348, 384, 326, 274, 220, 297, 282, 220, 356, 297, 308, 274, 272, 602, 297, 577, 274, 308, 384, 274, 274, 662, 350, 305, 384, 220, 328, 259, 264, 602, 436, 289, 264, 379, 220, 259, 297, 220, 469, 308, 326, 602, 342, 305, 259, 384, 308, 296, 384, 308, 259, 662, 423, 264, 348, 602, 294, 220, 432, 662, 473, 264, 289, 597, 602, 308, 274, 1174, 220, 386, 662, 423, 662, 1174, 220, 393, 305, 662, 423, 662, 7429, 555, 6941, 432, 13, 70687, 13, 44874, 1174, 17326, 10965, 1174, 323, 18766, 2418, 13, 39193, 315, 279, 2394, 1560, 768, 315, 4359, 25, 6168, 41964, 452, 2159, 10965, 662, 350, 54246, 6296, 13, 3641, 5812, 25, 2650, 311, 350, 26689, 279, 423, 14657, 665, 346, 13, 358, 25, 44874, 323, 17908, 1968, 662, 578, 28929, 315, 279, 358, 25, 2939, 8019, 16299, 12334, 2209, 35342, 13, 7572, 6296, 13, 1789, 3846, 25, 578, 35342, 36007, 1821, 315, 11344, 27773, 662, 13698, 1157, 389, 92752, 2136, 323, 17326, 10965, 662, 20143, 22018, 323, 32541, 22018, 18825, 323, 720, 97395, 315, 279, 53793, 315, 11344, 92752, 2136, 13, 32210, 316, 43943, 69244, 662, 320, 4291, 8732, 355, 7043, 287, 570, 51, 436, 264, 308, 274, 272, 384, 308, 294, 602, 308, 342, 2355, 259, 305, 384, 220, 445, 384, 348, 384, 326, 274, 220, 297, 282, 220, 356, 297, 308, 274, 272, 602, 297, 577, 274, 308, 384, 274, 274, 662, 350, 305, 384, 220, 328, 259, 264, 602, 436, 289, 264, 379, 220, 259, 297, 220, 469, 308, 326, 602, 342, 305, 259, 384, 308, 296, 384, 308, 259, 662, 3028, 7388, 220, 1049, 21, 555, 6941, 432, 13, 70687, 27907, 6600, 21508, 1645, 1440, 839, 9247, 374, 1903, 369, 824, 9131, 311, 81571, 279, 2768, 8767, 4756, 198, 8407, 512, 1054, 44, 10020, 6649, 20053, 2191, 2476, 459, 4652, 430, 13517, 9922, 304, 578, 393, 52427, 18281, 350, 436, 1538, 295, 11, 5651, 11, 220, 1049, 20, 198, 13857, 7388, 220, 1049, 20, 13, 12477, 555, 8041, 13, 578, 3769, 304, 420, 2363, 1253, 539, 387, 55717, 477, 34699, 304, 4459, 477, 304, 961, 304, 904, 198, 27178, 320, 49864, 14683, 11, 22936, 297, 436, 6062, 8, 2085, 279, 3237, 5439, 24645, 198, 1073, 279, 220, 21959, 662, 350, 297, 1715, 24645, 11, 4587, 3729, 650, 2781, 21920, 37933, 1219, 857, 379, 1174, 79774, 198, 1820, 3230, 3769, 602, 32540, 8905, 11, 279, 11223, 11298, 11, 323, 422, 8581, 11, 279, 1396, 315, 11236, 11, 439, 198, 9336, 439, 279, 7580, 315, 279, 1005, 13, 1115, 2363, 374, 539, 10825, 311, 387, 6646, 220, 5897, 11, 6593, 11, 477, 904, 1023, 6721, 2532, 13, 578, 198, 26125, 3984, 374, 539, 264, 28779, 369, 6721, 9650, 477, 2512, 13, 1442, 499, 1397, 477, 12876, 198, 6564, 11, 6593, 11, 477, 297, 9139, 6335, 13291, 11, 499, 1288, 6056, 279, 3600, 315, 264, 40883, 198, 66886, 13, 578, 3229, 1174, 279, 21959, 323, 872, 8420, 323, 13307, 527, 539, 35473, 369, 904, 198, 15770, 1154, 40986, 505, 477, 304, 3717, 449, 279, 1005, 315, 477, 54180, 389, 904, 2038, 13282, 304, 198, 576, 2363, 13, 650, 2781, 21920, 37933, 13, 393, 662, 507, 13, 8425, 220, 220, 18113, 21, 198, 468, 662, 36378, 6863, 11, 31976, 220, 220, 26051, 1927, 198, 14642, 25, 220, 25001, 12, 16544, 12, 25303, 17, 7436, 56464, 25, 220, 25001, 12, 16544, 12, 22086, 24, 198, 8604, 662, 424, 21920, 9780, 916, 14211, 31631, 11130, 34526, 12, 1032, 25, 220, 17272, 12, 28384, 3965, 26739, 12, 22, 198, 11481, 11130, 34526, 12, 1032, 25, 220, 17272, 12, 28384, 3965, 22679, 12, 19, 198, 25046, 11130, 445, 3791, 45, 25, 220, 1049, 22608, 21600, 24, 720, 11481, 11130, 445, 3791, 45, 25, 220, 1049, 22608, 19038, 15, 46910, 323, 13713, 15941, 374, 279, 1853, 662, 662, 662, 468, 264, 5455, 912, 892, 13, 76093, 304, 39995, 2053, 285, 1611, 78, 0, 423, 1507, 32101, 350, 1294, 13, 1115, 990, 374, 12514, 311, 720, 279, 55633, 315, 279, 3823, 9090, 720, 505, 279, 43594, 315, 90930, 720, 323, 20893, 430, 9234, 1441, 43384, 720, 505, 2225, 2949, 323, 2085, 844, 14469, 877, 3083, 36868, 50, 13, 51499, 20901, 13, 8371, 1178, 13, 43688, 580, 13, 29438, 13, 5135, 315, 279, 25635, 315, 92752, 2136, 13, 11360, 3861, 25, 97395, 53793, 21883, 220, 1049, 25, 578, 469, 3427, 13, 35907, 662, 578, 38321, 315, 92752, 2136, 13, 15957, 220, 16, 13, 88635, 25, 3959, 12959, 662, 15957, 220, 17, 13, 4673, 3036, 323, 650, 38867, 535, 66912, 13, 15957, 220, 18, 13, 362, 2398, 88, 662, 15957, 220, 19, 13, 480, 4462, 13, 15957, 220, 20, 13, 43067, 662, 15957, 220, 21, 13, 82524, 13, 15957, 220, 22, 13, 7568, 261, 662, 15957, 220, 23, 13, 43246, 13, 11360, 350, 24670, 13, 97395, 53793, 220, 1049, 12, 18162, 25, 29363, 23754, 13, 35907, 662, 31417, 5830, 323, 95946, 315, 350, 54246, 13, 15957, 220, 24, 13, 99630, 13, 15957, 220, 605, 13, 4275, 80381, 2786, 662, 15957, 220, 16, 220, 16, 13, 468, 5986, 287, 2136, 13, 15957, 220, 717, 13, 21496, 685, 13, 15957, 220, 1032, 13, 27857, 13, 11360, 30665, 37443, 13, 97395, 53793, 220, 2636, 12, 21944, 25, 63849, 44874, 662, 35907, 662, 350, 436, 598, 66, 2518, 29363, 423, 10965, 662, 15957, 220, 975, 13, 10919, 13, 15957, 220, 868, 13, 1252, 46468, 10919, 11, 28237, 1174, 323, 37211, 73855, 662, 11360, 13625, 662, 97395, 53793, 220, 5067, 12, 16, 11, 931, 25, 720, 578, 61720, 1619, 11, 75150, 6901, 4273, 13, 35907, 662, 350, 436, 598, 66, 408, 768, 13, 15957, 220, 845, 13, 26888, 11, 92670, 11, 323, 61720, 2617, 13, 15957, 220, 1114, 13, 10323, 12, 13058, 2065, 13, 15957, 220, 972, 13, 8797, 92931, 13, 11360, 21594, 13, 350, 436, 598, 66, 408, 768, 13, 35907, 662, 63849, 350, 436, 598, 1659, 13, 15957, 220, 777, 13, 29108, 811, 323, 28704, 969, 5247, 13, 15957, 220, 508, 13, 77392, 17331, 578, 36593, 13, 15957, 220, 1691, 13, 350, 436, 598, 66, 2518, 578, 23754, 13, 15957, 220, 1313, 13, 32146, 18238, 578, 56060, 662, 30907, 1238, 13, 65814, 362, 13, 5135, 315, 279, 25635, 315, 92752, 2136, 13, 65814, 426, 13, 2650, 311, 3400, 44192, 279, 53793, 315, 92752, 2136, 13, 65814, 356, 13, 45178, 13, 10180, 279, 7030, 662, 34123, 7375, 13, 578, 4087, 17477, 315, 4972, 4375, 574, 311, 13488, 323, 10552, 264, 502, 220, 3495, 198, 26522, 2428, 3196, 220, 389, 25917, 323, 1202, 3851, 311, 682, 5789, 315, 2324, 345, 16564, 44122, 18330, 11704, 323, 1972, 8200, 13, 578, 198, 30671, 315, 264, 75336, 14830, 8198, 315, 8206, 991, 261, 53293, 430, 1436, 198, 1395, 577, 11163, 439, 264, 24653, 311, 8641, 893, 529, 274, 26762, 2271, 369, 259, 54246, 13, 1666, 198, 5919, 17890, 304, 3766, 7978, 11, 293, 379, 35460, 315, 1202, 1633, 6070, 11, 279, 3823, 198, 38824, 374, 40968, 370, 514, 315, 42645, 287, 8206, 505, 96118, 11, 264, 2144, 315, 902, 198, 76, 70370, 374, 76699, 8010, 13, 578, 3430, 315, 420, 41660, 323, 20893, 198, 4752, 1027, 220, 23205, 13, 2876, 1193, 7931, 719, 1101, 4459, 18969, 3900, 8200, 198, 19553, 8208, 1555, 55944, 15055, 315, 79930, 1174, 56868, 282, 4776, 11, 323, 4648, 13, 578, 5990, 315, 25917, 690, 387, 25078, 11951, 369, 270, 384, 25491, 315, 198, 1820, 18823, 72, 259, 940, 5575, 11, 48772, 68, 11, 323, 5503, 27620, 1732, 8173, 220, 304, 659, 7058, 318, 782, 7986, 369, 1202, 1866, 25491, 13, 3296, 42118, 279, 5370, 32116, 323, 198, 43664, 311, 387, 42590, 2954, 11, 3738, 16565, 430, 1862, 18330, 198, 5230, 3294, 527, 659, 5621, 588, 6260, 13, 1115, 24670, 59106, 374, 9093, 264, 3856, 292, 453, 11630, 4856, 1109, 264, 16195, 198, 35584, 11, 902, 706, 1027, 10666, 304, 4972, 6603, 320, 68, 1326, 2637, 95866, 28772, 220, 16, 315, 198, 51, 54246, 6296, 13, 3641, 5812, 1174, 220, 1049, 220, 20, 570, 10541, 433, 682, 29246, 311, 4972, 990, 11, 279, 6913, 198, 652, 5824, 645, 690, 1578, 387, 9960, 13, 10441, 374, 1101, 3984, 369, 279, 198, 1658, 3497, 660, 90233, 889, 706, 3451, 888, 4395, 11, 1027, 17277, 20182, 18677, 198, 543, 13124, 220, 315, 35936, 11, 323, 3686, 5084, 311, 387, 3451, 267], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": "/alkaline chart page 131. 3. Proportions: 6 vegetables daily, 2 fruits daily, 1 starch daily and 1 protein daily. 4. Variety. Vary sugars, proteins, starches, vegetables and fruits from meal to meal and day to day. 5. Overeating. You can kill yourself with the amount of food you eat. 6. Combinations. Separate starches and proteins. One at lunch and the other at dinner. Have fruits for breakf ast and at 3 pm. 7. Cook without water. Cook without high heat. Cook without air touching hot foods. 8. Bake, broil or roast. If you eat meat, have it lean, no fat, no pork. Use unsprayed vegetables if possible and eat them as soon \nafter picked as possible. 9. Use stainless steel, low -heat cooking utensils. BEFORE BREAKFAST. Upon rising and at least 1/2 hour before breakfast, take any natural, unsweetened fruit juice such as \ngrape, pineapple, prune, fig, apple or black cherry. Liquid chlorophyll can be use d, 1 teaspoon in a glass of tepid water. You can \nhave a broth and lecithin drink if you desire. Take 1 teaspoonful of vegetable broth powder and 1 tablespoon of lecithin gran ules \nand dissolve both in a glass of warm water. Between fruit juice and breakfas t, follow this program: Skin brushing, exercising, deep breathing or playing. Shower. Start with \nwarm water and cool off until your breath quickens. Never shower immediately upon rising. BREAKFAST. Stewed fruit, one starch and health drink or two fruits, one protein and health drink. (Starches and health drinks are \nlisted with the lunch suggestions.) Soaked fruits, such as unsulphured apricots, prunes, figs. Fruit of any kind: melon, grap es, \npeaches, pears, berries or baked apple, which may be sprinkled wi th some ground nuts or nut butter. When possible, use fruit in \nseason. SUGGESTED BREAKFAST MENUS \nMONDAY \nReconstituted Dried Apricots \nSteel -Cut Oatmeal/Supplements \nOat Straw Tea Add Eggs, if desired \nOR \nSliced Peaches \nCottage Cheese/Supplements \nHerb Tea \nTUESDAY \nFresh Figs \nCornmeal Cereal/Supplements \nShave Grass Tea \nAdd Eggs or Nut Butter, if desired \nOR \nRaw Applesauce and Blackberries \nCoddled Egg/Supplements \nHerb Tea \nWEDNESDAY \nReconstituted Dried Peaches \nMillet Cereal/Supplements \nAlfamint Tea \nAdd Eggs, Che ese or Nut Butter, if desired \nOR \nSliced Nectarines and Apple \nYogurt/Supplements \nHerb Tea \nTHURSDAY \nPrunes or any reconstituted dried fruit \nWhole Wheat Cereal/Supplements \nOat Straw Tea \nOR \nGrapefruit and Kumquats \nPoached Egg/Supplements \nHerb Tea \n \nFRIDAY \nSlices of fresh Pineapple with shredded Coconut \nBuckwheat Cereal/Supplements \nPeppermint Tea \nOR \nBaked Apple, Persimmons \nChopped raw Almonds/Acidophilus Milk/Supplements \nHerb Tea \nSATURDAY \nMuesli with Bananas and Dates \nCream - Supplements \nDandelion Coffee or Herb Tea \nSUNDAY \nCooked Applesauce with Raisins \nRye Grits/Supplements \nShave Grass Tea \nOR \nCantaloupe and Strawberries \nCottage Cheese/Supplements \nHerb Tea \nPREPARATION HELPS. Reconstituted Dried Fruit: Cover with cold water, bring to boil and leave to stand ov ernight. Raisins \nmay just have boiling water poured over them. This kills any insects and eggs. Whole Grain Cereal: To cook properly with as l ittle \nheat as possible, use a double boiler or thermos -cook. Supplements: (Add to cereal or fruit). Sunflower seed meal, rice polishings, wheat germ, flaxseed meal (about a teaspoon of each). Even a little dulse may be sprinkled over with some broth powder. 10:30 am. Vegetable broth, vegetable juice or fruit juice. LUNCH. Raw salad, or as directed, one or two starches, listed, and a health drink. Get salad suggestions from Dr. Jensen\u2019s \ncookbook and f ood guide, Vital Foods for Total Health. NOTE: If following a strict regimen, use only one of the first seven starches daily. Vary the starch from day to day. RAW SALAD VE GETABLE SUGGESTIONS Tomatoes (citrus), lettuce (green leafy type only, such as romaine), celery, \ncucumber, bean sprouts, green peppers, avocado, parsley, water -cress, endive, onion (s) and cabbage (s). (s denotes sulphur foods.) STARCHES. Yellow cornmeal, baked potato, baked banana (or at least dead ripe), barley (a winter food), steamed brown rice or \nwild rice, millet as a cereal), banana or Hubbard squash, steel -cut oatmeal, whole wheat cereal, Dr. Jackson\u2019s meal, whole grain \nRoman Meal, shredded wheat br ead (whole wheat, rye, soybean, cornbread, bran muffins, Rye Crisp). DRINK SUGGESTIONS. Vegetable broth, soup, coffee substitute, 3uttermilk, raw milk, oat straw tea, alfamint tea, huckleberry \ntea, papaya tea or any health drink. SUGGESTED LUNCH MENUS \nMOND AY \nVegetable Salad \nBaby Lima Beans, Baked Potato \nSpearmint Tea \nTUESDAY \nVegetable Salad with Health Mayonnaise \nSteamed Asparagus \nVery ripe Bananas or Steamed Unpolished Rice \nVegetable Broth or Herb Tea \nWEDNESDAY \nRaw Salad Plate w/Sour Cream dressing \nCooked Green Beans and/or Baked Hubbard Squash \nCornbread \nSassafras Tea \u0d0a95 \nTHURSDAY \nSalad w/French Dressing \nBaked Zucchini and Okra \nCorn on the Cob \nRye Krisp \nButtermilk or Herb Tea \nFRIDAY \nSalad \nBaked Green Pepper stuffed with Eggplant & Tomatoes \nBaked Potato and/o r Bran Muffin \nCarrot Soup or Herb Tea \nSATURDAY \nSalad \nSteamed Turnips and Turnip Greens \nBaked Yam \nCatnip Tea \nSUNDAY \nSalad w/Lemon & Olive Oil Dressing \nSteamed Whole Barley \nCream of Celery Soup \nSteamed Chard Herb Tea \n \nSALAD VEGETABLES. Use plenty of greens. Choose 4 or 5 vegetables from the following: leaf lettuce, watercress, spinach, beet \nleaves, parsley, alfalfa sprouts, cabbage, young chard, herbs, any green leaves, cucumbers, beansprouts, onions, green pepper s, \npimientos, carrots, turnips, zucchini, aspa ragus, celery, okra, radishes, etc. Vital Foods for Total Health, Nature\u2019s Own Cookbook by Bernard Jensen, DC, is a complete food guide. Tables for vitamin and \nmineral guidance, acid and alkaline tables \u2014with complete instructions for perfect combinations t o assure you a correct daily \nbalance, designed to get you well and keep you well. This book shows how to cook, prepare and serve foods healthfully. 3:00 pm: Health cocktail, juice or fruit. PHOTOGRAPHIC DOCUMENTARY \nOn the following pages you will observe t he very unusual results we have obtained from the Ultimate Tissue Cleansing Program. Please note that these specimens are not all from the same body, but represent the flushings from several individuals. If a \nphotograph was ever worth a thousand words, sur ely these are, for they speak for themselves. I have not experienced any other \nmethod that can consistently and as thoroughly match this one in results. This is truly a major step forward in the battle to \novercome toxemia and autointoxication. On the first three pages you will see the results of the 7 -Day Cleansing Program as it reversed a stubborn case of ulcerated feet and \nankles. For more details, please refer to page 112, Chapter 9, Patient 1 in our case histories. On all three pages, the first photo wa s taken on Day 1 of the treatment; the second photo was taken on Day 4; and the third photo \nwas taken on Day 7 of the cleansing program. The results are remarkable. On the following pages, you will witness the shocking effluence as it was gathered from the colema flushing. Who would guess \nthat such things could accumulate inside the human body? Could this substance be the source of disease, illness and poor heal th? This accumulated material ranged from jelly -like to hard as truck tire rubber; clear to black as tar; fresh to morbidly old; fragments \nto 3- and 4 -foot long ropes, and all with the odor that only speaks of very rotten things. Notice the mucus lining taking the shape of \nthe bowel, complete with haustrations, striations, strictures and diverticula. This is truly an amazing phenomenon. Please note that \nthese specimens are not all from the same body, but", "token_ids": [14, 1727, 278, 483, 9676, 2199, 220, 9263, 13, 220, 18, 13, 1322, 403, 919, 25, 220, 21, 24822, 7446, 11, 220, 17, 26390, 7446, 11, 220, 16, 70181, 7446, 323, 220, 16, 13128, 7446, 13, 220, 19, 13, 71832, 13, 650, 661, 70913, 11, 220, 28896, 11, 70181, 288, 11, 24822, 323, 26390, 505, 15496, 311, 15496, 323, 1938, 311, 1938, 13, 220, 20, 13, 6193, 91955, 13, 1472, 649, 5622, 6261, 449, 279, 3392, 315, 3691, 499, 8343, 13, 220, 21, 13, 1219, 74729, 13, 77240, 70181, 288, 323, 28896, 13, 3861, 520, 16163, 323, 279, 1023, 520, 14177, 13, 12522, 26390, 369, 1464, 69, 12025, 323, 520, 220, 18, 9012, 13, 220, 22, 13, 12797, 2085, 3090, 13, 12797, 2085, 1579, 8798, 13, 12797, 2085, 3805, 31687, 4106, 15657, 13, 220, 23, 13, 53174, 11, 2967, 321, 477, 58785, 13, 1442, 499, 8343, 13339, 11, 617, 433, 16025, 11, 912, 8834, 11, 912, 36167, 662, 5560, 7120, 652, 43995, 24822, 422, 3284, 323, 8343, 1124, 439, 5246, 720, 10924, 13061, 439, 3284, 662, 220, 24, 13, 5560, 25468, 9699, 11, 3428, 482, 20559, 17677, 82036, 8839, 13, 57582, 70747, 60306, 13, 30538, 16448, 323, 520, 3325, 220, 16, 14, 17, 6596, 1603, 17954, 11, 1935, 904, 5933, 11, 7120, 4589, 6901, 14098, 23661, 1778, 439, 720, 911, 2070, 11, 78182, 11, 80626, 11, 4237, 11, 24149, 477, 3776, 41980, 13, 42358, 37833, 5237, 25734, 649, 387, 1005, 294, 11, 220, 16, 42384, 304, 264, 9168, 315, 56152, 307, 3090, 13, 1472, 649, 720, 19553, 264, 45993, 323, 514, 66, 411, 258, 7172, 422, 499, 12876, 13, 12040, 220, 16, 42384, 1285, 315, 36581, 45993, 17138, 323, 220, 16, 62611, 315, 514, 66, 411, 258, 16109, 577, 645, 720, 438, 73739, 2225, 304, 264, 9168, 315, 8369, 3090, 13, 28232, 14098, 23661, 323, 1464, 15192, 259, 11, 1833, 420, 2068, 25, 28049, 77826, 11, 51582, 11, 5655, 27027, 477, 5737, 13, 48471, 13, 5256, 449, 720, 83697, 3090, 323, 7155, 1022, 3156, 701, 11745, 4062, 729, 13, 15037, 17639, 7214, 5304, 16448, 13, 70747, 60306, 13, 800, 93176, 14098, 11, 832, 70181, 323, 2890, 7172, 477, 1403, 26390, 11, 832, 13128, 323, 2890, 7172, 13, 320, 626, 1132, 288, 323, 2890, 21662, 527, 720, 32340, 449, 279, 16163, 18726, 6266, 2100, 7897, 26390, 11, 1778, 439, 7120, 360, 764, 3149, 21726, 292, 2469, 11, 550, 8699, 11, 4237, 82, 13, 44187, 315, 904, 3169, 25, 10804, 263, 11, 69083, 1560, 11, 720, 375, 14576, 11, 281, 7596, 11, 63494, 477, 41778, 24149, 11, 902, 1253, 387, 51798, 839, 24129, 270, 1063, 5015, 31049, 477, 10184, 14432, 13, 3277, 3284, 11, 1005, 14098, 304, 720, 17217, 13, 328, 3014, 82857, 1507, 70747, 60306, 69028, 2078, 2355, 22053, 34212, 2355, 697, 1040, 275, 2844, 423, 4588, 5186, 292, 2469, 2355, 66048, 482, 38766, 507, 266, 42880, 14, 10254, 4779, 2355, 46, 266, 57944, 31125, 2758, 76892, 11, 422, 12974, 2355, 878, 720, 50, 75730, 5250, 14576, 2355, 34, 34795, 45419, 14, 10254, 4779, 2355, 21364, 65, 31125, 2355, 51, 11560, 34212, 2355, 56753, 435, 14801, 2355, 91641, 42880, 356, 44353, 14, 10254, 4779, 2355, 2059, 525, 41046, 31125, 2355, 2261, 76892, 477, 18878, 31457, 11, 422, 12974, 2355, 878, 720, 20613, 1883, 645, 76890, 323, 5348, 36989, 2355, 34, 14898, 839, 42313, 14, 10254, 4779, 2355, 21364, 65, 31125, 2355, 54, 1507, 72858, 34212, 2355, 697, 1040, 275, 2844, 423, 4588, 5250, 14576, 2355, 44, 41984, 356, 44353, 14, 10254, 4779, 2355, 2149, 69, 309, 396, 31125, 2355, 2261, 76892, 11, 8602, 42918, 477, 18878, 31457, 11, 422, 12974, 2355, 878, 720, 50, 75730, 452, 39916, 1572, 323, 8325, 2355, 56, 540, 5757, 14, 10254, 4779, 2355, 21364, 65, 31125, 2355, 3701, 1539, 5608, 3097, 2355, 3617, 8699, 477, 904, 312, 1040, 275, 2844, 32720, 14098, 2355, 91682, 56738, 356, 44353, 14, 10254, 4779, 2355, 46, 266, 57944, 31125, 2355, 878, 720, 38, 20432, 36698, 323, 86341, 447, 1900, 2355, 34004, 3939, 42313, 14, 10254, 4779, 2355, 21364, 65, 31125, 2355, 720, 10725, 926, 3097, 2355, 50, 38514, 315, 7878, 42609, 23182, 449, 75220, 72379, 2355, 33, 1983, 86, 20559, 356, 44353, 14, 10254, 4779, 2355, 10407, 604, 94932, 31125, 2355, 878, 720, 33, 7897, 8325, 11, 21097, 318, 24483, 2355, 1163, 18033, 7257, 1708, 55720, 10576, 21200, 98635, 355, 44925, 14, 10254, 4779, 2355, 21364, 65, 31125, 2355, 85333, 1539, 34212, 2355, 44, 1157, 747, 449, 23565, 26997, 323, 52724, 2355, 99881, 482, 92410, 2355, 35, 38221, 290, 27171, 477, 74956, 31125, 2355, 50, 13508, 3097, 2355, 59482, 291, 1883, 645, 76890, 449, 432, 2852, 1354, 2355, 49, 9188, 480, 1018, 82, 14, 10254, 4779, 2355, 2059, 525, 41046, 31125, 2355, 878, 720, 34, 60793, 283, 375, 323, 57944, 36989, 2355, 34, 34795, 45419, 14, 10254, 4779, 2355, 21364, 65, 31125, 2355, 17809, 16976, 3579, 38757, 5119, 13, 1050, 1040, 275, 2844, 423, 4588, 44187, 25, 18230, 449, 9439, 3090, 11, 4546, 311, 44790, 323, 5387, 311, 2559, 25568, 93029, 492, 13, 432, 2852, 1354, 720, 18864, 1120, 617, 50937, 3090, 44033, 927, 1124, 13, 1115, 29910, 904, 41911, 323, 19335, 13, 41593, 75374, 356, 44353, 25, 2057, 4394, 10489, 449, 439, 326, 433, 11489, 720, 20559, 439, 3284, 11, 1005, 264, 2033, 28725, 477, 30945, 437, 482, 87895, 13, 92410, 25, 320, 2261, 311, 62233, 477, 14098, 570, 8219, 39853, 10533, 220, 15496, 11, 20228, 45129, 826, 11, 34153, 82986, 11, 1344, 710, 23425, 15496, 320, 9274, 264, 42384, 315, 1855, 570, 7570, 264, 2697, 294, 17660, 1253, 387, 51798, 839, 927, 449, 1063, 45993, 17138, 13, 220, 605, 25, 966, 1097, 13, 95392, 45993, 11, 36581, 23661, 477, 14098, 23661, 13, 445, 54856, 13, 23886, 33566, 11, 477, 439, 15910, 11, 832, 477, 1403, 70181, 288, 1174, 10212, 11, 323, 264, 2890, 7172, 13, 2175, 33566, 18726, 505, 2999, 13, 65109, 753, 720, 87895, 2239, 323, 282, 297, 347, 8641, 11, 55371, 40160, 369, 10884, 6401, 13, 17160, 25, 1442, 2768, 264, 7452, 68128, 11, 1005, 1193, 832, 315, 279, 1176, 8254, 70181, 288, 7446, 13, 650, 661, 279, 70181, 505, 1938, 311, 1938, 13, 53951, 54209, 1846, 61988, 8049, 3578, 328, 3014, 82857, 43486, 8529, 20798, 320, 54961, 20962, 705, 71655, 320, 13553, 16312, 88, 955, 1193, 11, 1778, 439, 10083, 8511, 705, 70121, 11, 720, 66, 42012, 11, 21059, 8314, 11934, 11, 6307, 58573, 11, 68346, 11, 88621, 11, 3090, 482, 66, 676, 11, 842, 535, 11, 38427, 320, 82, 8, 323, 74873, 320, 82, 570, 320, 82, 72214, 83778, 324, 15657, 6266, 4015, 11023, 1600, 13, 26541, 14095, 42880, 11, 41778, 39834, 11, 41778, 44196, 320, 269, 520, 3325, 5710, 57796, 705, 81817, 320, 64, 12688, 3691, 705, 4179, 3690, 14198, 20228, 477, 720, 68974, 20228, 11, 112455, 439, 264, 62233, 705, 44196, 477, 81000, 59576, 11, 9699, 482, 10453, 72754, 42880, 11, 4459, 34153, 62233, 11, 2999, 13, 13972, 753, 15496, 11, 4459, 24875, 720, 62080, 57488, 11, 75220, 34153, 1437, 384, 329, 320, 67733, 34153, 11, 436, 9188, 11, 29839, 17937, 11, 14095, 48616, 11, 53358, 55404, 1354, 11, 432, 9188, 4656, 13391, 570, 14644, 11898, 328, 3014, 82857, 43486, 13, 95392, 45993, 11, 19724, 11, 11033, 28779, 11, 220, 18, 332, 5098, 34263, 11, 7257, 14403, 11, 72754, 31107, 15600, 11, 85766, 309, 396, 15600, 11, 305, 57075, 15717, 720, 82694, 11, 26365, 12874, 15600, 477, 904, 2890, 7172, 13, 328, 3014, 82857, 1507, 445, 54856, 69028, 2078, 2355, 22053, 35, 362, 56, 720, 43712, 456, 481, 64646, 2355, 60860, 63053, 81836, 11, 426, 7897, 78703, 2355, 20298, 2227, 396, 31125, 2355, 51, 11560, 34212, 2355, 43712, 456, 481, 64646, 449, 6401, 3297, 13767, 1082, 2355, 21573, 3690, 1666, 94789, 2355, 26840, 57796, 23565, 26997, 477, 3441, 3690, 1252, 10097, 3384, 30616, 2355, 43712, 456, 481, 6031, 339, 477, 74956, 31125, 2355, 54, 1507, 72858, 34212, 2355, 20613, 64646, 31403, 289, 11628, 414, 30800, 32623, 2355, 59482, 291, 7997, 81836, 323, 5255, 426, 7897, 81000, 20685, 1003, 2355, 91641, 48616, 2355, 50, 56692, 1658, 300, 31125, 29082, 112, 232, 2721, 720, 3701, 1539, 5608, 3097, 2355, 17691, 329, 289, 12598, 6793, 29318, 287, 2355, 33, 7897, 1901, 86670, 323, 7777, 969, 2355, 91641, 389, 279, 47051, 2355, 49, 9188, 53102, 79, 2355, 4071, 5098, 34263, 477, 74956, 31125, 2355, 10725, 926, 3097, 2355, 17691, 329, 2355, 33, 7897, 7997, 52882, 45413, 449, 42313, 21494, 612, 8529, 20798, 2355, 33, 7897, 78703, 323, 20886, 436, 77018, 386, 1386, 258, 2355, 9028, 4744, 61434, 477, 74956, 31125, 2355, 85333, 1539, 34212, 2355, 17691, 329, 2355, 21573, 3690, 12268, 3153, 323, 12268, 575, 42691, 2355, 33, 7897, 34654, 2355, 27899, 70873, 31125, 2355, 50, 13508, 3097, 2355, 17691, 329, 289, 7586, 7439, 612, 47814, 15895, 29318, 287, 2355, 21573, 3690, 41593, 4821, 3258, 2355, 99881, 315, 47643, 727, 61434, 2355, 21573, 3690, 921, 569, 74956, 31125, 2355, 720, 50, 984, 1846, 61988, 3891, 3578, 50, 13, 5560, 11510, 315, 52011, 13, 22991, 220, 19, 477, 220, 20, 24822, 505, 279, 2768, 25, 16312, 71655, 11, 3090, 66, 676, 11, 68798, 11, 49112, 720, 273, 4798, 11, 88621, 11, 85766, 85526, 8314, 11934, 11, 74873, 11, 3995, 523, 569, 11, 42393, 11, 904, 6307, 11141, 11, 75391, 372, 1941, 11, 27994, 652, 11934, 11, 45697, 11, 6307, 25349, 274, 11, 720, 79, 46062, 11, 62517, 11, 2543, 3153, 11, 1167, 86670, 11, 439, 6733, 21108, 355, 11, 70121, 11, 5509, 969, 11, 9038, 21168, 11, 5099, 13, 55371, 40160, 369, 10884, 6401, 11, 22037, 753, 21189, 89303, 555, 35352, 65109, 11, 11162, 11, 374, 264, 4686, 3691, 8641, 13, 43252, 369, 28170, 323, 720, 1083, 3333, 19351, 11, 13935, 323, 66787, 483, 12920, 2001, 4291, 4686, 11470, 369, 4832, 28559, 259, 297, 36015, 499, 264, 4495, 7446, 720, 22298, 11, 6319, 311, 636, 499, 1664, 323, 2567, 499, 1664, 13, 1115, 2363, 5039, 1268, 311, 4394, 11, 10772, 323, 8854, 15657, 2890, 3725, 13, 220, 18, 25, 410, 9012, 25, 6401, 41010, 11, 23661, 477, 14098, 13, 65877, 41084, 1341, 58113, 8812, 2355, 1966, 279, 2768, 6959, 499, 690, 23846, 259, 568, 1633, 19018, 3135, 584, 617, 12457, 505, 279, 29950, 350, 11407, 86762, 287, 6826, 13, 5321, 5296, 430, 1521, 57749, 527, 539, 682, 505, 279, 1890, 2547, 11, 719, 4097, 279, 18698, 826, 505, 3892, 7931, 13, 1442, 264, 720, 52399, 3257, 574, 3596, 5922, 264, 16579, 4339, 11, 1765, 658, 88, 1521, 527, 11, 369, 814, 6604, 369, 5694, 13, 358, 617, 539, 10534, 904, 1023, 720, 4492, 430, 649, 21356, 323, 439, 27461, 2489, 420, 832, 304, 3135, 13, 1115, 374, 9615, 264, 3682, 3094, 4741, 304, 279, 8209, 311, 2355, 2017, 2063, 41569, 22689, 323, 3154, 787, 5241, 20901, 13, 1952, 279, 1176, 220, 2380, 6959, 499, 690, 1518, 279, 3135, 315, 279, 220, 22, 482, 10369, 86762, 287, 6826, 439, 433, 28537, 264, 52496, 1162, 315, 96971, 660, 7693, 323, 720, 1201, 645, 13, 1789, 810, 3649, 11, 4587, 8464, 311, 2199, 220, 7261, 11, 15957, 220, 24, 11, 30024, 220, 16, 304, 1057, 1162, 53210, 13, 1952, 682, 2380, 6959, 11, 279, 1176, 6685, 10667, 274, 4529, 389, 6187, 220, 16, 315, 279, 6514, 26, 279, 2132, 6685, 574, 4529, 389, 6187, 220, 19, 26, 323, 279, 4948, 6685, 720, 16514, 4529, 389, 6187, 220, 22, 315, 279, 60052, 2068, 13, 578, 3135, 527, 23649, 13, 1952, 279, 2768, 6959, 11, 499, 690, 11550, 279, 34734, 3369, 10036, 768, 439, 433, 574, 20802, 505, 279, 220, 74041, 1764, 91632, 13, 10699, 1053, 8101, 720, 9210, 1778, 2574, 1436, 47376, 4871, 279, 3823, 2547, 30, 16910, 420, 20278, 387, 279, 2592, 315, 8624, 11, 17563, 323, 8009, 27661, 270, 30, 1115, 41165, 3769, 41829, 505, 52441, 482, 4908, 311, 2653, 439, 11092, 28387, 23506, 26, 2867, 311, 3776, 220, 439, 12460, 26, 7878, 311, 4411, 21301, 398, 2362, 26, 35603, 720, 998, 220, 18, 12, 323, 220, 19, 482, 5447, 1317, 65046, 11, 323, 682, 449, 279, 54097, 430, 1193, 21881, 315, 1633, 78792, 2574, 13, 25773, 279, 296, 38601, 36471, 4737, 279, 6211, 315, 720, 1820, 66358, 11, 4686, 449, 305, 2933, 496, 811, 11, 6076, 811, 11, 7452, 1439, 323, 37098, 292, 5724, 13, 1115, 374, 9615, 459, 8056, 25885, 13, 5321, 5296, 430, 720, 45010, 57749, 527, 539, 682, 505, 279, 1890, 2547, 11, 719], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": " \nprejudices. One of the most difficult things for man to give up is his su -\nperstitions, his prejudice. He holds on to these as though they were the \ntreasure of treasures. When you do become cleansed and you are free, then the womb, your \nown mind is automatically healed. It becomes the prepared ground where\nseeds, your desires, can take root and grow into manifestation. The child \nyou now bear in your heart is your present objective. Your present longing\nis a child that is as though it were sick. If you assume you are not what \nyou would like to be, the child for a moment becomes dead because there\nis no disturbance anymore. You cannot be disturbed when you feel you are what you want to be be -\ncause if you feel you are what you wanted to be, you are satisfied in that \nMore Free Books Law of Attraction Havenassumption. To others who judge superficially you seem no longer to de -\nsire, so to them the desire or damsel is dead. They think you have lost \nyour ambition because you no longer discuss your secret ambition. You \nhave completely adjusted yourself to the idea. You have assumed that \nyou are what you want to be. You know, \u201cShe is not dead, she but sleep -\neth. \u201d \u201cI go to awaken her. \u201d\nI walk in the assumption that I am, and as I walk, I quietly awaken her. Then when she awakens I will do the normal, natural thing. I will give her \nto eat. I will not brag about it and tell others, I simply go and tell no man. I feed this state I now like with my attention. I keep it alive within my \nworld by becoming attentive to it. Things that I am not attentive to fade and wither within my world, regard -\nless of what they are. They are not just born and remain unfed. I gave \nthem birth by reason of the fact that I became conscious of being them. When I embody them within my world that is not the end. That is the be -\nginning. Now I am a mother who must keep alive this state by being at -\ntentive to it. The day that I am not attentive, I have withdrawn my milk \nfrom it, and it fades from my world, as I become attentive to something \nelse in my world. You can either be attentive to the limitations and feed these and make \nthem mountains, or you can be attentive to your desires; but to become \nattentive you must assume you are already that which you wanted to be. Although today we speak of a third-dimensional and a fourth-dimensional \nfocus, do not think for one moment these ancient teachers were not fully \nconscious of these two distinct centers of thought within the minds of all \nmen. They personified these two, and they tried to show man that the \nonly thing which robs him of the man he could be, is habit. Although it is \nno law, every psychologist will tell you that habit is the most inhibiting \nforce in the world. It completely restricts man and binds him and makes \nhim totally blind to what otherwise he should be. Begin now to mentally see and feel yourself as that which you want to be,\nand feast upon that sensation morning, noon, and night. I have scoured \nthe Bible for a time interval that is longer than three days and I have not \nfound it. \u201cJesus answered and said unto them, destroy this temple, and in three \ndays I will raise it up. \u201d (John 2:19). \u201cPrepare your victuals; for within three days ye shall pass over this Jor -\ndan, to go in to possess the land, which the Lord your God giveth you to \npossess it. \u201d (Joshua 1:11). More Free Books Law of Attraction HavenIf I could completely saturate my mind with one sensation and walk as \nthough it were already a fact, I am promised (and I cannot find any denial\nof it in this great book) that I do not need more than a three day diet if I \nremain faithful to it. But I must be honest about it. If I change my diet in \nthe course of the day, I extend the time interval. You ask me, \u201cBut how do I know about the interval. \u201d You, yourself deter -\nmine the interval. We have today in our modern world a little word which confuses most of \nus. I know it confused me until I dug deeper. The word is \u201caction. \u201d Action \nis supposed to be the most fundamental thing in the world. It is not an \natom, it is more fundamental. It is not a part of an atom like an electron, \nit is more fundamental than that. They call it the fourth-dimensional unit. The most fundamental thing in the world is action. You ask, \u201cWhat is action. \u201d Our physicists tell us that it is energy multi -\nplied by time. We become more confused and say, \u201cEnergy multiplied by \ntime, what does that mean. \u201d They answer, \u201cThere is no response to a \nstimulus, no matter how intense the stimulus, unless it endures for a cer -\ntain length of time. \u201d There must be a minimum endurance to the stimulus \nor there is no response. On the other hand there is no response to time \nunless there is a minimum degree of intensity. Today the most fundamen -\ntal thing in the world is called action, or simply energy multiplied by time. The Bible gives it as three days; the duration is three days for response in\nthis world. If I would now assume I am what I want to be, and if I am \nfaithful to it and walk as though I were, the very longest stretch given for \nits realization is three days. If there is something tonight that you really want in this world, then expe -\nrience in imagination what you would experience in the flesh were you to \nrealize your goal and deafen your ears, and blind your eyes to all that de -\nnies the reality of your assumption. If you do this you would be able to tell me before I leave this city of Los \nAngeles that you have realized what was only a wish when you came \nhere. It will be my joy to rejoice with you in the knowledge that the child \nwhich was seemingly dead is now alive. This damsel really was not dead, \nshe was only asleep. You fed her in this silence because you have meat no\none else knows of. You gave her food and she became a resurrected living\nreality within your world. Then you can share your joy with me and I can \nrejoice in your joy. The purpose of these lessons is to remind you of the law of your own be -\ning, the law of consciousness; you are that law. You were only uncon -\nscious of its operation. You fed and kept alive the things you did not wish \nMore Free Books Law of Attraction Havento express within this world. Take my challenge and put this philosophy to the test. If it does not work \nyou should not use it as a comforter. If it is not true, you must completely\ndiscard it. I know it is true. You will not know it until you try either to \nprove or disprove it. Too many of us have joined \u201cisms\u201d and we are afraid to put them to the \ntest because we feel we might fail; and, then, where are we. Not really \nwanting to know the truth concerning it, we hesitate to be bold enough to\nput it to the test. You say, \u201cI know it would work in some other way. I do \nnot want to really test it. While I have not yet disproved it, I can still be \ncomforted by it. Now do not fool yourself, do not think for one second that you are wise. Prove or disprove this law. I know that if you attempt to disprove it, you \nwill prove it, and I will be the richer for your proving it, not in dollars, not \nin things, but because you become the living fruit of what I believe I am \nteaching in this world it is far better to have you a successful, satisfied \nperson after five days of instruction than to have you go out dissatisfied. I\nhope you will be bold enough to challenge this instruction and either \nprove or disprove it. Now before we go into the silence period I shall briefly explain the tech -\nnique again. We have two techniques in applying this law. Everyone here \nmust now know exactly what he wants. You must know that if you do not \nget it tonight you will still be as desirous tomorrow concerning this objec -\ntive. When you know exactly what you want, construct in your mind's eye a \nsingle, simple event which implies fulfillment of your desire, an event \nwherein self predominates. Instead of sitting back and looking at yourself \nas though you were on the screen, you be the actor in the drama. Restrict the event to one single action. If you are going to shake a hand \nbecause that implies fulfillment of your desire then do that and that only. Do not shake hands and then wander off in your imagination to a dinner \nparty or to some other place. Restrict your action to simply shaking hands\nand do it over and over again, until that handshake takes on the solidity \nand the distinctness of reality. If you feel you cannot remain faithful to an action, I want you now to de -\nfine your objective, and then condense the idea, which is your desire, into\na single phrase, a phrase which implies fulfillment of your desire, some \nphrase such as, \u201cIsn't it wonderful. \u201d\nMore Free Books Law of Attraction HavenOr if I", "token_ids": [720, 1762, 18631, 1238, 13, 3861, 315, 279, 1455, 5107, 2574, 369, 893, 311, 3041, 709, 374, 813, 924, 18722, 716, 267, 6055, 11, 813, 48786, 13, 1283, 10187, 389, 311, 1521, 439, 3582, 814, 1051, 279, 720, 10367, 4058, 315, 59949, 13, 3277, 499, 656, 3719, 35294, 291, 323, 499, 527, 1949, 11, 1243, 279, 73937, 11, 701, 720, 785, 4059, 374, 9651, 62320, 13, 1102, 9221, 279, 10235, 5015, 1405, 198, 325, 6910, 11, 701, 32097, 11, 649, 1935, 3789, 323, 3139, 1139, 64050, 13, 578, 1716, 720, 9514, 1457, 11984, 304, 701, 4851, 374, 701, 3118, 16945, 13, 4718, 3118, 79422, 198, 285, 264, 1716, 430, 374, 439, 3582, 433, 1051, 14363, 13, 1442, 499, 9855, 499, 527, 539, 1148, 720, 9514, 1053, 1093, 311, 387, 11, 279, 1716, 369, 264, 4545, 9221, 5710, 1606, 1070, 198, 285, 912, 65858, 14926, 13, 1472, 4250, 387, 56507, 994, 499, 2733, 499, 527, 1148, 499, 1390, 311, 387, 387, 18722, 1593, 422, 499, 2733, 499, 527, 1148, 499, 4934, 311, 387, 11, 499, 527, 20097, 304, 430, 720, 7816, 3658, 18312, 7658, 315, 2468, 27523, 42714, 395, 61674, 13, 2057, 3885, 889, 11913, 59915, 398, 499, 2873, 912, 5129, 311, 409, 18722, 82, 556, 11, 779, 311, 1124, 279, 12876, 477, 3824, 9697, 374, 5710, 13, 2435, 1781, 499, 617, 5675, 720, 22479, 45715, 1606, 499, 912, 5129, 4358, 701, 6367, 45715, 13, 1472, 720, 19553, 6724, 24257, 6261, 311, 279, 4623, 13, 1472, 617, 19655, 430, 720, 9514, 527, 1148, 499, 1390, 311, 387, 13, 1472, 1440, 11, 1054, 8100, 374, 539, 5710, 11, 1364, 719, 6212, 18722, 774, 13, 19524, 1054, 40, 733, 311, 42518, 1077, 13, 126672, 40, 4321, 304, 279, 25329, 430, 358, 1097, 11, 323, 439, 358, 4321, 11, 358, 30666, 42518, 1077, 13, 5112, 994, 1364, 1384, 71837, 358, 690, 656, 279, 4725, 11, 5933, 3245, 13, 358, 690, 3041, 1077, 720, 998, 8343, 13, 358, 690, 539, 57794, 922, 433, 323, 3371, 3885, 11, 358, 5042, 733, 323, 3371, 912, 893, 13, 358, 5510, 420, 1614, 358, 1457, 1093, 449, 856, 6666, 13, 358, 2567, 433, 13989, 2949, 856, 720, 14957, 555, 10671, 73898, 311, 433, 13, 20695, 430, 358, 1097, 539, 73898, 311, 15366, 323, 449, 261, 2949, 856, 1917, 11, 5363, 18722, 1752, 315, 1148, 814, 527, 13, 2435, 527, 539, 1120, 9405, 323, 7293, 9662, 291, 13, 358, 6688, 720, 49818, 7342, 555, 2944, 315, 279, 2144, 430, 358, 6244, 17371, 315, 1694, 1124, 13, 3277, 358, 81658, 1124, 2949, 856, 1917, 430, 374, 539, 279, 842, 13, 3011, 374, 279, 387, 18722, 8326, 1251, 13, 4800, 358, 1097, 264, 6691, 889, 2011, 2567, 13989, 420, 1614, 555, 1694, 520, 18722, 73468, 535, 311, 433, 13, 578, 1938, 430, 358, 1097, 539, 73898, 11, 358, 617, 50682, 856, 14403, 720, 1527, 433, 11, 323, 433, 87509, 505, 856, 1917, 11, 439, 358, 3719, 73898, 311, 2555, 720, 1531, 304, 856, 1917, 13, 1472, 649, 3060, 387, 73898, 311, 279, 9669, 323, 5510, 1521, 323, 1304, 720, 49818, 24405, 11, 477, 499, 649, 387, 73898, 311, 701, 32097, 26, 719, 311, 3719, 720, 1617, 306, 535, 499, 2011, 9855, 499, 527, 2736, 430, 902, 499, 4934, 311, 387, 13, 10541, 3432, 584, 6604, 315, 264, 4948, 33520, 323, 264, 11999, 33520, 720, 17870, 11, 656, 539, 1781, 369, 832, 4545, 1521, 14154, 13639, 1051, 539, 7373, 720, 64589, 315, 1521, 1403, 12742, 19169, 315, 3463, 2949, 279, 20663, 315, 682, 720, 5794, 13, 2435, 1732, 1908, 1521, 1403, 11, 323, 814, 6818, 311, 1501, 893, 430, 279, 720, 3323, 3245, 902, 938, 1302, 1461, 315, 279, 893, 568, 1436, 387, 11, 374, 14464, 13, 10541, 433, 374, 720, 2201, 2383, 11, 1475, 54595, 690, 3371, 499, 430, 14464, 374, 279, 1455, 20747, 5977, 720, 9009, 304, 279, 1917, 13, 1102, 6724, 9067, 82, 893, 323, 58585, 1461, 323, 3727, 720, 40617, 12756, 18507, 311, 1148, 6062, 568, 1288, 387, 13, 19110, 1457, 311, 34325, 1518, 323, 2733, 6261, 439, 430, 902, 499, 1390, 311, 387, 345, 438, 53268, 5304, 430, 37392, 6693, 11, 38245, 11, 323, 3814, 13, 358, 617, 1156, 21020, 720, 1820, 17377, 369, 264, 892, 10074, 430, 374, 5129, 1109, 2380, 2919, 323, 358, 617, 539, 720, 15456, 433, 13, 1054, 55065, 19089, 323, 1071, 30449, 1124, 11, 7066, 420, 27850, 11, 323, 304, 2380, 720, 14097, 358, 690, 4933, 433, 709, 13, 19524, 320, 13379, 220, 17, 25, 777, 570, 1054, 51690, 701, 5310, 940, 82, 26, 369, 2949, 2380, 2919, 20043, 4985, 1522, 927, 420, 622, 269, 18722, 36255, 11, 311, 733, 304, 311, 15575, 279, 4363, 11, 902, 279, 10425, 701, 4359, 342, 344, 774, 499, 311, 720, 9007, 434, 433, 13, 19524, 320, 51844, 4381, 220, 16, 25, 806, 570, 4497, 3658, 18312, 7658, 315, 2468, 27523, 42714, 2746, 358, 1436, 6724, 94577, 349, 856, 4059, 449, 832, 37392, 323, 4321, 439, 720, 4636, 433, 1051, 2736, 264, 2144, 11, 358, 1097, 19487, 320, 438, 358, 4250, 1505, 904, 35013, 198, 1073, 433, 304, 420, 2294, 2363, 8, 430, 358, 656, 539, 1205, 810, 1109, 264, 2380, 1938, 10173, 422, 358, 720, 48684, 37513, 311, 433, 13, 2030, 358, 2011, 387, 10978, 922, 433, 13, 1442, 358, 2349, 856, 10173, 304, 720, 1820, 3388, 315, 279, 1938, 11, 358, 13334, 279, 892, 10074, 13, 1472, 2610, 757, 11, 1054, 4071, 1268, 656, 358, 1440, 922, 279, 10074, 13, 19524, 1472, 11, 6261, 4130, 18722, 6095, 279, 10074, 13, 1226, 617, 3432, 304, 1057, 6617, 1917, 264, 2697, 3492, 902, 2389, 4881, 1455, 315, 720, 355, 13, 358, 1440, 433, 22568, 757, 3156, 358, 44120, 19662, 13, 578, 3492, 374, 1054, 1335, 13, 19524, 5703, 720, 285, 10171, 311, 387, 279, 1455, 16188, 3245, 304, 279, 1917, 13, 1102, 374, 539, 459, 720, 22612, 11, 433, 374, 810, 16188, 13, 1102, 374, 539, 264, 961, 315, 459, 19670, 1093, 459, 17130, 11, 720, 275, 374, 810, 16188, 1109, 430, 13, 2435, 1650, 433, 279, 11999, 33520, 5089, 13, 578, 1455, 16188, 3245, 304, 279, 1917, 374, 1957, 13, 1472, 2610, 11, 1054, 3923, 374, 1957, 13, 19524, 5751, 98417, 3371, 603, 430, 433, 374, 4907, 7447, 18722, 3523, 555, 892, 13, 1226, 3719, 810, 22568, 323, 2019, 11, 1054, 33775, 56016, 555, 720, 1712, 11, 1148, 1587, 430, 3152, 13, 19524, 2435, 4320, 11, 1054, 3947, 374, 912, 2077, 311, 264, 720, 54754, 19990, 11, 912, 5030, 1268, 19428, 279, 39535, 11, 7389, 433, 842, 1439, 369, 264, 10362, 18722, 23771, 3160, 315, 892, 13, 19524, 2684, 2011, 387, 264, 8187, 49286, 311, 279, 39535, 720, 269, 1070, 374, 912, 2077, 13, 1952, 279, 1023, 1450, 1070, 374, 912, 2077, 311, 892, 720, 39870, 1070, 374, 264, 8187, 8547, 315, 21261, 13, 11450, 279, 1455, 3887, 25807, 18722, 51977, 3245, 304, 279, 1917, 374, 2663, 1957, 11, 477, 5042, 4907, 56016, 555, 892, 13, 578, 17377, 6835, 433, 439, 2380, 2919, 26, 279, 8250, 374, 2380, 2919, 369, 2077, 304, 198, 576, 1917, 13, 1442, 358, 1053, 1457, 9855, 358, 1097, 1148, 358, 1390, 311, 387, 11, 323, 422, 358, 1097, 720, 75710, 1285, 311, 433, 323, 4321, 439, 3582, 358, 1051, 11, 279, 1633, 22807, 14841, 2728, 369, 720, 1220, 49803, 374, 2380, 2919, 13, 1442, 1070, 374, 2555, 18396, 430, 499, 2216, 1390, 304, 420, 1917, 11, 1243, 506, 375, 18722, 462, 768, 304, 28899, 1148, 499, 1053, 3217, 304, 279, 26000, 1051, 499, 311, 720, 8110, 553, 701, 5915, 323, 47842, 268, 701, 25212, 11, 323, 18507, 701, 6548, 311, 682, 430, 409, 18722, 77, 552, 279, 8903, 315, 701, 25329, 13, 1442, 499, 656, 420, 499, 1053, 387, 3025, 311, 3371, 757, 1603, 358, 5387, 420, 3363, 315, 9853, 720, 2127, 713, 645, 430, 499, 617, 15393, 1148, 574, 1193, 264, 6562, 994, 499, 3782, 720, 6881, 13, 1102, 690, 387, 856, 16267, 311, 92859, 449, 499, 304, 279, 6677, 430, 279, 1716, 720, 8370, 574, 23490, 5710, 374, 1457, 13989, 13, 1115, 3824, 9697, 2216, 574, 539, 5710, 11, 720, 32158, 574, 1193, 33173, 13, 1472, 23114, 1077, 304, 420, 21847, 1606, 499, 617, 13339, 912, 198, 606, 775, 8964, 315, 13, 1472, 6688, 1077, 3691, 323, 1364, 6244, 264, 66819, 291, 5496, 198, 265, 2786, 2949, 701, 1917, 13, 5112, 499, 649, 4430, 701, 16267, 449, 757, 323, 358, 649, 720, 265, 7453, 560, 304, 701, 16267, 13, 578, 7580, 315, 1521, 18872, 374, 311, 24928, 499, 315, 279, 2383, 315, 701, 1866, 387, 18722, 287, 11, 279, 2383, 315, 25917, 26, 499, 527, 430, 2383, 13, 1472, 1051, 1193, 26118, 18722, 23995, 315, 1202, 5784, 13, 1472, 23114, 323, 8774, 13989, 279, 2574, 499, 1550, 539, 6562, 720, 7816, 3658, 18312, 7658, 315, 2468, 27523, 56208, 17996, 3237, 2949, 420, 1917, 13, 12040, 856, 8815, 323, 2231, 420, 19675, 311, 279, 1296, 13, 1442, 433, 1587, 539, 990, 720, 9514, 1288, 539, 1005, 433, 439, 264, 6981, 261, 13, 1442, 433, 374, 539, 837, 11, 499, 2011, 6724, 198, 77592, 433, 13, 358, 1440, 433, 374, 837, 13, 1472, 690, 539, 1440, 433, 3156, 499, 1456, 3060, 311, 720, 35563, 477, 834, 35563, 433, 13, 25619, 1690, 315, 603, 617, 11096, 1054, 13978, 863, 323, 584, 527, 16984, 311, 2231, 1124, 311, 279, 720, 1985, 1606, 584, 2733, 584, 2643, 3775, 26, 323, 11, 1243, 11, 1405, 527, 584, 13, 2876, 2216, 720, 53757, 287, 311, 1440, 279, 8206, 18815, 433, 11, 584, 39666, 311, 387, 14265, 3403, 311, 198, 631, 433, 311, 279, 1296, 13, 1472, 2019, 11, 1054, 40, 1440, 433, 1053, 990, 304, 1063, 1023, 1648, 13, 358, 656, 720, 1962, 1390, 311, 2216, 1296, 433, 13, 6104, 358, 617, 539, 3686, 42603, 2111, 433, 11, 358, 649, 2103, 387, 720, 19975, 291, 555, 433, 13, 4800, 656, 539, 24931, 6261, 11, 656, 539, 1781, 369, 832, 2132, 430, 499, 527, 24219, 13, 1322, 588, 477, 834, 35563, 420, 2383, 13, 358, 1440, 430, 422, 499, 4879, 311, 834, 35563, 433, 11, 499, 720, 14724, 12391, 433, 11, 323, 358, 690, 387, 279, 59774, 369, 701, 39858, 433, 11, 539, 304, 11441, 11, 539, 720, 258, 2574, 11, 719, 1606, 499, 3719, 279, 5496, 14098, 315, 1148, 358, 4510, 358, 1097, 720, 668, 12092, 304, 420, 1917, 433, 374, 3117, 2731, 311, 617, 499, 264, 6992, 11, 20097, 720, 9164, 1306, 4330, 2919, 315, 7754, 1109, 311, 617, 499, 733, 704, 14091, 47365, 13, 358, 198, 61893, 499, 690, 387, 14265, 3403, 311, 8815, 420, 7754, 323, 3060, 720, 35563, 477, 834, 35563, 433, 13, 4800, 1603, 584, 733, 1139, 279, 21847, 4261, 358, 4985, 27851, 10552, 279, 13312, 18722, 77, 2428, 1578, 13, 1226, 617, 1403, 12823, 304, 19486, 420, 2383, 13, 22172, 1618, 720, 25849, 1457, 1440, 7041, 1148, 568, 6944, 13, 1472, 2011, 1440, 430, 422, 499, 656, 539, 720, 456, 433, 18396, 499, 690, 2103, 387, 439, 951, 404, 788, 16986, 18815, 420, 2909, 762, 18722, 83, 535, 13, 3277, 499, 1440, 7041, 1148, 499, 1390, 11, 9429, 304, 701, 4059, 596, 8071, 264, 720, 15698, 11, 4382, 1567, 902, 24897, 57383, 315, 701, 12876, 11, 459, 1567, 720, 2940, 258, 659, 35064, 988, 13, 12361, 315, 11961, 1203, 323, 3411, 520, 6261, 720, 300, 3582, 499, 1051, 389, 279, 4264, 11, 499, 387, 279, 12360, 304, 279, 20156, 13, 42427, 858, 279, 1567, 311, 832, 3254, 1957, 13, 1442, 499, 527, 2133, 311, 27116, 264, 1450, 720, 28753, 430, 24897, 57383, 315, 701, 12876, 1243, 656, 430, 323, 430, 1193, 13, 3234, 539, 27116, 6206, 323, 1243, 40320, 1022, 304, 701, 28899, 311, 264, 14177, 720, 34057, 477, 311, 1063, 1023, 2035, 13, 42427, 858, 701, 1957, 311, 5042, 38839, 6206, 198, 438, 656, 433, 927, 323, 927, 1578, 11, 3156, 430, 58120, 5097, 389, 279, 73263, 720, 438, 279, 12742, 2136, 315, 8903, 13, 1442, 499, 2733, 499, 4250, 7293, 37513, 311, 459, 1957, 11, 358, 1390, 499, 1457, 311, 409, 18722, 63157, 701, 16945, 11, 323, 1243, 9955, 1137, 279, 4623, 11, 902, 374, 701, 12876, 11, 1139, 198, 64, 3254, 17571, 11, 264, 17571, 902, 24897, 57383, 315, 701, 12876, 11, 1063, 720, 28810, 1778, 439, 11, 1054, 89041, 956, 433, 11364, 13, 126672, 7816, 3658, 18312, 7658, 315, 2468, 27523, 42714, 2244, 422, 358], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": " pure energy of You, has always been \nand always will be. You can never not be. On a deep level, you know that. Can you imagine not being? De-\nspite everything you have seen and experienced in your life, can \nyou imagine not being? You cannot imagine it, because it is impos-\nsible. You are eternal energy. 160 The Secret \nDR. JOHN HAGELIN \nQuantum mechanics confirms it. Quantum cosmology \nconfirms it. That the Universe essentially emerges from \nthought and all of this matter around us is just precipitated \nthought. Ultimately toe are the source of the Universe, and \nwhen we understand that power directly by experience, we \ncan start to exercise our authority and begin to achieve more \nand more. Create anything. Know anything from within the \nfield of our own consciousness, which ultimately is Universal \nconsciousness that runs the Universe. So depending upon how we use that power, positively or \nnegatively, that's the kind of body in terms of health, that's \nthe kind of environment we create. So we are the creators, not \nonly of our own destiny, but ultimately we are the creators \nof Universal destiny. We are the creators of the Universe. So \nthere's no limit, really, to human potential. It's the degree to \nwhich we recognize those deep dynamics and exercise them, \nthe degree to which we harness our power. And that really \nhas to do again with the level at which we think. Some of the greatest teachers and avatars described the Universe \nin the same way as Dr. Hagelin, by saying that all that exists is the \nOne Universal Mind, and there is nowhere that the One Mind is \nnot. It exists in everything. The One Mind is all intelligence, all \nwisdom, and all perfection, and it is everything and everywhere The Secret to You 161 \nat the same time. If everything is the One Universal Mind, and the \nwhole of it exists everywhere, then it is all in You! Let me help you understand what that means for you. It means \nthat every possibility already exists. All knowledge, all discover-\nies, and all inventions of the future, are in the Universal Mind \nas possibilities, waiting for the human mind to draw them forth. Every creation and invention in history has also been drawn from \nthe Universal Mind, whether the person consciously knew that \nor not. How do you draw from it? You do it through your awareness of \nit, and by using your wonderful imagination.<|eot_id|><|begin_of_text|>Summarize the following text section accurately and concisely. Maintain specific details and numerical information, and use anti-repetition mechanisms:\n\n Now that you know The Secret, when you see someone who is \nwealthy you will know that that person's predominant thoughts 104 The Secret \nare on wealth and not on scarcity, and that they have drawn wealth \nto them\u2014whether they did it consciously or unconsciously. They \nfocused on thoughts of wealth and the Universe moved people, \ncircumstances, and events to deliver wealth to them. The wealth that they have, you have also. The only difference be-\ntween you and them is that they thought the thoughts to bring the \nwealth to them. Your wealth is waiting for you in the invisible, and \nto bring it into the visible, think wealth. DAVID SCHIRMER \nWhen I first understood The Secret, every day I would get \na bunch of bills in the mail I thought, \"How do I turn this \naround. \" The law of attraction states that what you focus \non you will get, so I got a bank statement, I whited out the \ntotal, and I put a new total in there. I put exactly how much \nI wanted to see in the bank. So I thought, \"What if I just \nvisualized checks coming in the mail. \" So I just visualized a \nbunch of checks coming in the mail Within just one month, \nthings started to change. It is amazing; today I just get \nchecks in the mail. I get a few bills, but I get more checks \nthan bills. Since the film The Secret was released, we have received hundreds \nand hundreds of letters from people who have said that since \nwatching the film they have received unexpected checks in the \nmail. And it happened because as they gave their focus and atten\u00ad\ntion to David's story, they brought checks to them. The Secret to Money 105 \nA game I created that helped shift my feelings about my pile of \nbills was to pretend that the bills were actually checks. I would \njump for joy as I opened them and say, \"More money for me. Thank you.<|eot_id|><|begin_of_text|>\nQ: What is the key to creating wealth and abundance?, \nA: Focus on thoughts and feelings of wealth and abundance, and radiate those signals to the Universe. \nQ: Can you change your life and health by changing your thoughts?, \nA: Yes, by changing your thoughts and feelings, you can change your life and health. \nQ: Can you heal a disease by focusing on positive thoughts and emotions?, \nA: Yes, by focusing on positive thoughts and emotions, you can heal a disease. \nQ: Can you create your own destiny and the universe?, \nA: Yes, you are the creator of your own destiny and the universe, and you have the power to manifest your desires. \nQ: Can you create a relationship by focusing on positive thoughts and emotions?, \nA: Yes, by focusing on positive thoughts and emotions, you can create a relationship.<|eot_id|><|begin_of_text|>Look around you \nfor needs waiting to be filled. Imagine if we had a great invention \nto do this, or imagine if we had a great invention to do that. Look \nfor the needs, and then imagine and think their fulfilment into \nbeing. You don't have to work out the discovery or the invention. The Supreme Mind holds that possibility. All you have to do is \nhold your mind on the end result and imagine filling the need, \nand you will call it into being. As you ask and feel and believe, \nyou will receive. There is an unlimited supply of ideas waiting \nfor you to tap into and bring forth. You hold everything in your \nconsciousness. \"Divine Mind is the one and only reality.\" So whichever way you look at it, the result is still the same. We are \nOne. We are all connected, and we are all part of the One Energy \nField, or the One Supreme Mind, or the One Consciousness, or \nthe One Creative Source. Call it whatever you want, but we are all \nOne. If you think about the law of attraction now, in terms of us all being \nOne, you will see its absolute perfection. You will understand why your negative thoughts about some-\none else will return to harm only You. We are One! You cannot \nbe harmed unless you call harm into existence by emitting those \nnegative thoughts and feelings. You have been given free will to \nchoose, but when you think negative thoughts and have nega-\ntive feelings, you are separating yourself from the One and All \nGood. Think about every negative emotion there is and you will \ndiscover that every one of them is based in fear. They come from \nthoughts of separation and from seeing yourself as separate from \nanother. Competition is an example of separation. First, when you have \nthoughts of competition, it is coming from a lack mentality, as \nyou are saying there is a limited supply. You are saying there is JOHN ASSARAF \nWe're all connected. We just don't see it. There isn't an \n\"out there\" and an \"in here.\" Everything in the Universe is \nconnected. It is just one energy field. The Secret to You 163 \nnot enough for everybody, so we have to compete and fight to get \nthings. When you compete you can never win, even if you think \nyou won. By the law of attraction, as you compete you will attract \nmany people and circumstances to compete against You in every \nsingle aspect of your life, and in the end you will lose. We are all \nOne, and so when you compete, you compete against You. You \nhave to get competition out of your mind, and become a creative \nmind. Focus only on your dreams, your visions, and take all compe\u00ad\ntition out of the equation. The Universe is the Universal supply and supplier of everything. Everything comes from the Universe, and is delivered to you \nthrough people, circumstances, and events, by the law of attraction. Think of the law of attraction as the law of supply. It is the law that \nenables you to draw from the infinite supply. When you emit the \nperfect frequency of what you want, the perfect people, circum-\nstances, and events will be attracted to you and delivered! It is not people who are giving you the things you desire. If you \nhold that false belief, you will experience lack, because you are \nlooking at the outside world and people as the supply. The true \nsupply is the invisible field, whether you call that the Universe, the \nSupreme Mind, God, Infinite Intelligence, or whatever else. When-\never you receive anything, remember that you attracted it to you \nby the law of attraction, and by being on the frequency and in har-\nmony with the Universal Supply. The Universal Intelligence which \npervades everything moved people, circumstances, and events to \ngive that thing to you, because that is the law. 164 The Secret \nLISA NICHOLS \nWe often get distracted with this thing called our body and \nour physical being. That just holds your spirit. And your \nspirit is so big it fills a room. You are eternal life. You are God \nmanifested in", "token_ids": [10748, 4907, 315, 1472, 11, 706, 2744, 1027, 720, 438, 2744, 690, 387, 13, 1472, 649, 2646, 539, 387, 13, 1952, 264, 5655, 2237, 11, 499, 1440, 430, 13, 3053, 499, 13085, 539, 1694, 30, 1611, 7058, 2203, 635, 4395, 499, 617, 3970, 323, 10534, 304, 701, 2324, 11, 649, 720, 9514, 13085, 539, 1694, 30, 1472, 4250, 13085, 433, 11, 1606, 433, 374, 737, 981, 7058, 82, 1260, 13, 1472, 527, 35825, 4907, 13, 220, 6330, 578, 8769, 720, 7842, 13, 76275, 473, 1929, 2818, 691, 720, 45320, 372, 30126, 43496, 433, 13, 56413, 56754, 2508, 720, 6263, 14742, 433, 13, 3011, 279, 29849, 16168, 59696, 505, 720, 61665, 323, 682, 315, 420, 5030, 2212, 603, 374, 1120, 36841, 33337, 720, 61665, 13, 55106, 31316, 527, 279, 2592, 315, 279, 29849, 11, 323, 720, 9493, 584, 3619, 430, 2410, 6089, 555, 3217, 11, 584, 720, 4919, 1212, 311, 10368, 1057, 11447, 323, 3240, 311, 11322, 810, 720, 438, 810, 13, 4324, 4205, 13, 14521, 4205, 505, 2949, 279, 720, 2630, 315, 1057, 1866, 25917, 11, 902, 13967, 374, 26581, 720, 64589, 2136, 430, 8640, 279, 29849, 13, 2100, 11911, 5304, 1268, 584, 1005, 430, 2410, 11, 40646, 477, 720, 29875, 8046, 11, 430, 596, 279, 3169, 315, 2547, 304, 3878, 315, 2890, 11, 430, 596, 720, 1820, 3169, 315, 4676, 584, 1893, 13, 2100, 584, 527, 279, 34899, 11, 539, 720, 3323, 315, 1057, 1866, 47176, 11, 719, 13967, 584, 527, 279, 34899, 720, 1073, 26581, 47176, 13, 1226, 527, 279, 34899, 315, 279, 29849, 13, 2100, 720, 19041, 596, 912, 4017, 11, 2216, 11, 311, 3823, 4754, 13, 1102, 596, 279, 8547, 311, 720, 8370, 584, 15641, 1884, 5655, 30295, 323, 10368, 1124, 11, 720, 1820, 8547, 311, 902, 584, 33508, 1057, 2410, 13, 1628, 430, 2216, 720, 4752, 311, 656, 1578, 449, 279, 2237, 520, 902, 584, 1781, 13, 4427, 315, 279, 12474, 13639, 323, 1860, 44958, 7633, 279, 29849, 720, 258, 279, 1890, 1648, 439, 2999, 13, 67639, 33830, 11, 555, 5605, 430, 682, 430, 6866, 374, 279, 720, 4054, 26581, 23754, 11, 323, 1070, 374, 28211, 430, 279, 3861, 23754, 374, 720, 1962, 13, 1102, 6866, 304, 4395, 13, 578, 3861, 23754, 374, 682, 11478, 11, 682, 720, 49143, 5717, 11, 323, 682, 39143, 11, 323, 433, 374, 4395, 323, 17277, 578, 8769, 311, 1472, 220, 10718, 720, 266, 279, 1890, 892, 13, 1442, 4395, 374, 279, 3861, 26581, 23754, 11, 323, 279, 720, 67733, 315, 433, 6866, 17277, 11, 1243, 433, 374, 682, 304, 1472, 0, 6914, 757, 1520, 499, 3619, 1148, 430, 3445, 369, 499, 13, 1102, 3445, 720, 9210, 1475, 13336, 2736, 6866, 13, 2052, 6677, 11, 682, 7142, 7058, 552, 11, 323, 682, 85149, 315, 279, 3938, 11, 527, 304, 279, 26581, 23754, 720, 300, 24525, 11, 8748, 369, 279, 3823, 4059, 311, 4128, 1124, 13544, 13, 7357, 9886, 323, 28229, 304, 3925, 706, 1101, 1027, 15107, 505, 720, 1820, 26581, 23754, 11, 3508, 279, 1732, 70903, 7020, 430, 720, 269, 539, 13, 2650, 656, 499, 4128, 505, 433, 30, 1472, 656, 433, 1555, 701, 17985, 315, 720, 275, 11, 323, 555, 1701, 701, 11364, 28899, 13, 128009, 128000, 9370, 5730, 553, 279, 2768, 1495, 3857, 30357, 323, 3613, 285, 989, 13, 87477, 3230, 3649, 323, 35876, 2038, 11, 323, 1005, 7294, 5621, 56867, 24717, 1473, 286, 4800, 430, 499, 1440, 578, 8769, 11, 994, 499, 1518, 4423, 889, 374, 720, 31633, 88, 499, 690, 1440, 430, 430, 1732, 596, 96531, 11555, 220, 6849, 578, 8769, 720, 548, 389, 12205, 323, 539, 389, 82484, 11, 323, 430, 814, 617, 15107, 12205, 720, 998, 1124, 2345, 49864, 814, 1550, 433, 70903, 477, 26118, 71888, 13, 2435, 720, 63257, 389, 11555, 315, 12205, 323, 279, 29849, 7882, 1274, 11, 720, 44398, 372, 9623, 11, 323, 4455, 311, 6493, 12205, 311, 1124, 13, 578, 12205, 430, 814, 617, 11, 499, 617, 1101, 13, 578, 1193, 6811, 387, 7058, 83, 1818, 499, 323, 1124, 374, 430, 814, 3463, 279, 11555, 311, 4546, 279, 720, 31633, 311, 1124, 13, 4718, 12205, 374, 8748, 369, 499, 304, 279, 30547, 11, 323, 720, 998, 4546, 433, 1139, 279, 9621, 11, 1781, 12205, 13, 25561, 7635, 75938, 33532, 643, 720, 4599, 358, 1176, 16365, 578, 8769, 11, 1475, 1938, 358, 1053, 636, 720, 64, 15860, 315, 19123, 304, 279, 8232, 358, 3463, 11, 330, 4438, 656, 358, 2543, 420, 720, 20019, 13, 330, 578, 2383, 315, 33464, 5415, 430, 1148, 499, 5357, 720, 263, 499, 690, 636, 11, 779, 358, 2751, 264, 6201, 5224, 11, 358, 421, 1639, 704, 279, 720, 5143, 11, 323, 358, 2231, 264, 502, 2860, 304, 1070, 13, 358, 2231, 7041, 1268, 1790, 720, 40, 4934, 311, 1518, 304, 279, 6201, 13, 2100, 358, 3463, 11, 330, 3923, 422, 358, 1120, 720, 30318, 1534, 12621, 5108, 304, 279, 8232, 13, 330, 2100, 358, 1120, 9302, 1534, 264, 720, 65, 3265, 315, 12621, 5108, 304, 279, 8232, 25218, 1120, 832, 2305, 11, 720, 58174, 3940, 311, 2349, 13, 1102, 374, 8056, 26, 3432, 358, 1120, 636, 720, 50483, 304, 279, 8232, 13, 358, 636, 264, 2478, 19123, 11, 719, 358, 636, 810, 12621, 720, 54895, 19123, 13, 8876, 279, 4632, 578, 8769, 574, 6004, 11, 584, 617, 4036, 11758, 720, 438, 11758, 315, 12197, 505, 1274, 889, 617, 1071, 430, 2533, 720, 14658, 287, 279, 4632, 814, 617, 4036, 16907, 12621, 304, 279, 720, 3796, 13, 1628, 433, 7077, 1606, 439, 814, 6688, 872, 5357, 323, 1651, 268, 5879, 198, 28491, 311, 6941, 596, 3446, 11, 814, 7263, 12621, 311, 1124, 13, 578, 8769, 311, 18099, 220, 6550, 720, 32, 1847, 358, 3549, 430, 9087, 6541, 856, 16024, 922, 856, 27402, 315, 720, 65, 3385, 574, 311, 35840, 430, 279, 19123, 1051, 3604, 12621, 13, 358, 1053, 720, 44396, 369, 16267, 439, 358, 9107, 1124, 323, 2019, 11, 330, 7816, 3300, 369, 757, 13, 9930, 499, 13, 128009, 128000, 198, 48, 25, 3639, 374, 279, 1401, 311, 6968, 12205, 323, 37492, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 26891, 389, 11555, 323, 16024, 315, 12205, 323, 37492, 11, 323, 12164, 349, 1884, 17738, 311, 279, 29849, 13, 720, 48, 25, 3053, 499, 2349, 701, 2324, 323, 2890, 555, 10223, 701, 11555, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 7566, 11, 555, 10223, 701, 11555, 323, 16024, 11, 499, 649, 2349, 701, 2324, 323, 2890, 13, 720, 48, 25, 3053, 499, 27661, 264, 8624, 555, 21760, 389, 6928, 11555, 323, 21958, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 7566, 11, 555, 21760, 389, 6928, 11555, 323, 21958, 11, 499, 649, 27661, 264, 8624, 13, 720, 48, 25, 3053, 499, 1893, 701, 1866, 47176, 323, 279, 15861, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 7566, 11, 499, 527, 279, 20514, 315, 701, 1866, 47176, 323, 279, 15861, 11, 323, 499, 617, 279, 2410, 311, 14794, 701, 32097, 13, 720, 48, 25, 3053, 499, 1893, 264, 5133, 555, 21760, 389, 6928, 11555, 323, 21958, 12909, 720, 32, 25, 7566, 11, 555, 21760, 389, 6928, 11555, 323, 21958, 11, 499, 649, 1893, 264, 5133, 13, 128009, 128000, 10596, 2212, 499, 720, 2000, 3966, 8748, 311, 387, 10409, 13, 38891, 422, 584, 1047, 264, 2294, 28229, 720, 998, 656, 420, 11, 477, 13085, 422, 584, 1047, 264, 2294, 28229, 311, 656, 430, 13, 9372, 720, 2000, 279, 3966, 11, 323, 1243, 13085, 323, 1781, 872, 64201, 479, 1139, 720, 35214, 13, 1472, 1541, 956, 617, 311, 990, 704, 279, 18841, 477, 279, 28229, 13, 578, 13814, 23754, 10187, 430, 13336, 13, 2052, 499, 617, 311, 656, 374, 720, 6416, 701, 4059, 389, 279, 842, 1121, 323, 13085, 21973, 279, 1205, 11, 720, 438, 499, 690, 1650, 433, 1139, 1694, 13, 1666, 499, 2610, 323, 2733, 323, 4510, 11, 720, 9514, 690, 5371, 13, 2684, 374, 459, 27862, 8312, 315, 6848, 8748, 720, 2000, 499, 311, 15596, 1139, 323, 4546, 13544, 13, 1472, 3412, 4395, 304, 701, 720, 64589, 2136, 13, 330, 12792, 483, 23754, 374, 279, 832, 323, 1193, 8903, 1210, 2100, 54784, 1648, 499, 1427, 520, 433, 11, 279, 1121, 374, 2103, 279, 1890, 13, 1226, 527, 720, 4054, 13, 1226, 527, 682, 8599, 11, 323, 584, 527, 682, 961, 315, 279, 3861, 12634, 720, 1915, 11, 477, 279, 3861, 13814, 23754, 11, 477, 279, 3861, 92752, 2136, 11, 477, 720, 1820, 3861, 25248, 8922, 13, 7290, 433, 8996, 499, 1390, 11, 719, 584, 527, 682, 720, 4054, 13, 1442, 499, 1781, 922, 279, 2383, 315, 33464, 1457, 11, 304, 3878, 315, 603, 682, 1694, 720, 4054, 11, 499, 690, 1518, 1202, 10973, 39143, 13, 1472, 690, 3619, 3249, 701, 8389, 11555, 922, 1063, 7058, 606, 775, 690, 471, 311, 11682, 1193, 1472, 13, 1226, 527, 3861, 0, 1472, 4250, 720, 1395, 69525, 7389, 499, 1650, 11682, 1139, 14209, 555, 90556, 1884, 720, 43324, 11555, 323, 16024, 13, 1472, 617, 1027, 2728, 1949, 690, 311, 720, 28150, 11, 719, 994, 499, 1781, 8389, 11555, 323, 617, 4277, 64, 7058, 83, 535, 16024, 11, 499, 527, 50545, 6261, 505, 279, 3861, 323, 2052, 720, 15571, 13, 21834, 922, 1475, 8389, 20356, 1070, 374, 323, 499, 690, 720, 98729, 430, 1475, 832, 315, 1124, 374, 3196, 304, 8850, 13, 2435, 2586, 505, 720, 61665, 82, 315, 25768, 323, 505, 9298, 6261, 439, 8821, 505, 720, 43063, 13, 42321, 374, 459, 3187, 315, 25768, 13, 5629, 11, 994, 499, 617, 720, 61665, 82, 315, 10937, 11, 433, 374, 5108, 505, 264, 6996, 49395, 11, 439, 720, 9514, 527, 5605, 1070, 374, 264, 7347, 8312, 13, 1472, 527, 5605, 1070, 374, 76275, 36660, 946, 8440, 720, 1687, 2351, 682, 8599, 13, 1226, 1120, 1541, 956, 1518, 433, 13, 2684, 4536, 956, 459, 720, 1, 412, 1070, 1, 323, 459, 330, 258, 1618, 1210, 20696, 304, 279, 29849, 374, 720, 15647, 13, 1102, 374, 1120, 832, 4907, 2115, 13, 578, 8769, 311, 1472, 220, 9892, 720, 1962, 3403, 369, 16470, 11, 779, 584, 617, 311, 20874, 323, 4465, 311, 636, 720, 58174, 13, 3277, 499, 20874, 499, 649, 2646, 3243, 11, 1524, 422, 499, 1781, 720, 9514, 2834, 13, 3296, 279, 2383, 315, 33464, 11, 439, 499, 20874, 499, 690, 9504, 720, 35676, 1274, 323, 13463, 311, 20874, 2403, 1472, 304, 1475, 720, 15698, 13189, 315, 701, 2324, 11, 323, 304, 279, 842, 499, 690, 9229, 13, 1226, 527, 682, 720, 4054, 11, 323, 779, 994, 499, 20874, 11, 499, 20874, 2403, 1472, 13, 1472, 720, 19553, 311, 636, 10937, 704, 315, 701, 4059, 11, 323, 3719, 264, 11782, 720, 38824, 13, 26891, 1193, 389, 701, 19226, 11, 701, 58395, 11, 323, 1935, 682, 470, 375, 5879, 198, 83, 684, 704, 315, 279, 24524, 13, 578, 29849, 374, 279, 26581, 8312, 323, 19353, 315, 4395, 13, 20696, 4131, 505, 279, 29849, 11, 323, 374, 12886, 311, 499, 720, 20322, 1274, 11, 13463, 11, 323, 4455, 11, 555, 279, 2383, 315, 33464, 13, 21834, 315, 279, 2383, 315, 33464, 439, 279, 2383, 315, 8312, 13, 1102, 374, 279, 2383, 430, 720, 268, 4893, 499, 311, 4128, 505, 279, 24746, 8312, 13, 3277, 499, 17105, 279, 720, 64185, 11900, 315, 1148, 499, 1390, 11, 279, 4832, 1274, 11, 10408, 7058, 9623, 11, 323, 4455, 690, 387, 29123, 311, 499, 323, 12886, 0, 1102, 374, 539, 1274, 889, 527, 7231, 499, 279, 2574, 499, 12876, 13, 1442, 499, 720, 6416, 430, 905, 16801, 11, 499, 690, 3217, 6996, 11, 1606, 499, 527, 720, 20986, 520, 279, 4994, 1917, 323, 1274, 439, 279, 8312, 13, 578, 837, 720, 95783, 374, 279, 30547, 2115, 11, 3508, 499, 1650, 430, 279, 29849, 11, 279, 720, 10254, 9831, 23754, 11, 4359, 11, 55643, 22107, 11, 477, 8996, 775, 13, 3277, 7058, 2099, 499, 5371, 4205, 11, 6227, 430, 499, 29123, 433, 311, 499, 720, 1729, 279, 2383, 315, 33464, 11, 323, 555, 1694, 389, 279, 11900, 323, 304, 4960, 7058, 65527, 449, 279, 26581, 30909, 13, 578, 26581, 22107, 902, 720, 79, 651, 3536, 4395, 7882, 1274, 11, 13463, 11, 323, 4455, 311, 720, 47530, 430, 3245, 311, 499, 11, 1606, 430, 374, 279, 2383, 13, 220, 10513, 578, 8769, 720, 43, 35301, 452, 33929, 41363, 720, 1687, 3629, 636, 49804, 449, 420, 3245, 2663, 1057, 2547, 323, 720, 414, 7106, 1694, 13, 3011, 1120, 10187, 701, 9090, 13, 1628, 701, 720, 86390, 374, 779, 2466, 433, 41687, 264, 3130, 13, 1472, 527, 35825, 2324, 13, 1472, 527, 4359, 720, 43415, 291, 304], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": "250examined, of whom 300 had one or more carious teeth, or had lost teeth by caries, making 29.9\nper cent of the individuals with dental caries. Of this total number of individuals studied in twenty-\nseven groups, there were several groups with practically complete immunity to dental caries, while\nother groups had relatively high incidence of that disease. Facial and Dental Arch Deformities. The purpose of these studies has included the obtaining\nof data which will throw light also on the etiology of deformities of the dental arches and face,\nincluding irregularity of position of the teeth. A marked variation of the incidence of irregularities was found in the different tribes. This\nvariation could be directly associated with the nutrition rather than with the tribal pattern. The\nlowest percentage of irregularity occurred in the tribes living very largely on dairy products and\nmarine life. For example, among the Masai living on milk, blood and meat, only 3.4 per cent had\nirregularities. Among the Kikuyu and Wakamba, 18.2 and 18.9 per cent respectively had\nirregularities. These peap!e were largely agriculturists living primarily on vegetable foods. In the\nnative Arab school at Omdurman, among the pupils living almost entirely according to the native\ncustoms of selection and preparation of foods, 6.4 per cent had irregularities, while in the native\nschool at modernized Khartoum 17 per cent had irregularities. In the Ikhlas school at Cairo, under\nmodern influence, 16.5 per cent had irregularities. In the native hospital at Khartoum, 70 per cent\nhad irregularities. In the Pygmy group 33.3 per cent had irregularities, and among the grain eaters\nof the west Nile, 25.5 per cent had irregularities. The Jeannes School had 46.1 per cent and the\nOgada mission 30 per cent. While the primitive racial stocks of Africa developed normal facial and dental arch forms when\non their native foods, several characteristic types of deformity frequently developed in the children\nof the modernized groups. One of the simplest forms, and one which corresponds with a very\ncommon deformity pattern in the United States, involves the dropping inward of the laterals with\nnarrowing of the upper arch making the incisors appear abnormally prominent and crowding the\ncuspids outside the line of the arch. Typical illustrations of this are shown in Fig. 45. Where the\nnutritional deficiency is very severe, as at Mombasa on the coast, more severe changes in facial\nform are found. 7/29/13 Nutrition and Physical Degeneration\ngutenberg.net.au/ebooks02/0200251h.html#toc 96/250FIG. 45. In the new generations, born after the parents had\nadopted typical modernized diets of Europeans, there was a\nmarked change in the facial and dental arch forms of the\nadolescent children. Note the narrowing of the nostrils and\ndental arches and the crowding of the teeth in these four\ntypical young men. Among the deformity patterns a lack of development forward of the middle third of the face or\nof the lower third of the face often appeared in the more highly modernized groups. An illustration\nof the former is seen in Fig. 46 (upper left), and of the latter in Fig. 46 (lower left and right). In the\ngirl at the upper left, the upper arch tends to go inside the lower arch all around. This girl is of the\nfirst generation, in a mission in Nairobi, following the adoption of the modernized foods by the\nparents. FIG. 46. Disturbed nature may present a variety nf deformity\npatterns. In the upper left the upper arch is much too small\nfor the lower and nearly goes inside it. The upper right is\nnarrowed with crowding of the teeth. Both lower cases\ndemonstrate an underdevelopment of the mandible of the\nlower jaw. A more extreme and severe type of facial change involves an abnormal narrowing with marked7/29/13 Nutrition and Physical Degeneration\ngutenberg.net.au/ebooks02/0200251h.html#toc 97/250distortion of both upper and lower arches. This is shown typically in Fig. 47. FIG. 47. As in our civilization, even the first generation, after\nthe adoption of modernized foods may show gross\ndeformities. Note the extreme protrusion of the upper teeth\nwith shortening of the lower jaw in the upper pictures and\nthe marked narrowing with lengthening of the face in the\nlower views. The injury is not limited to the visible\nstructures. These extreme deformities often produce facial expressions that are suggestive of the faces of\nsome of the monkeys. This is illustrated by the three boys shown with the monkey in Fig. 48.7/29/13 Nutrition and Physical Degeneration\ngutenberg.net.au/ebooks02/0200251h.html#toc 98/250FIG. 48. A very frequent injury apearing in the offspring after\nthe adoption of less efficient foods often involves a marked\ndepression of the middle third of the face as illustrated in the\nthree boys in this view. Note the comparison with the\nchimpanzee face. The Arabs in several districts use camels' milk extensively. It is nutritious, and in much of the\ndesert country constitutes the mainstay of the nomads for months at a time. The primitive Arabs\nstudied had fine dental arches with very little deformity. Even the horses ridden by the Arab chiefs\nin moving their camel herds across the desert are often dependent, sometimes for as long as three\nmonths, upon the milk of the camels for their nutrition. Typical Arab faces and a camel caravan at\nrest are shown in Fig. 49. The primitive Arab girls have splendidly developed faces and fine dental\narches. Their natural beauty, however, is rapidly lost with modernization, as illustrated in Fig. 50.7/29/13 Nutrition and Physical Degeneration\ngutenberg.net.au/ebooks02/0200251h.html#toc 99/250FIG. 49. In the hot desert countries of Asia and Africa\ncamel's milk is an important item of human nutrition. The\nteeth of the Arahs, as illustrated helow, are excellent. Large\nareas could not maintain human life without the camel and its\nmilk. FIG. 50. Both girls and boys in the modernized colonies in\nCairo showed typical deformity patterns in faces and dental\narches. The health of these groups is not comparable to that\nof those living on the native dietaries. Reproductive\nefficiency in these generations is greatly reduced. Dr. Hrdlicka has called attention to the occasional development in several racial stocks of\nindividuals who travel on all fours instead of upright. I saw several individuals of this type in Africa\nscooting around about as rapidly as the dogs. They were, accordingly, difficult to photograph. Two are shown in Fig. 51.7/29/13 Nutrition and Physical Degeneration\ngutenberg.net.au/ebooks02/0200251h.html#toc 100/250FIG. 51. These two native African children scooted around\non all fours so swiftly that it was difficult to take their\npictures. We did not see them stand up. They behaved very\nmuch like tame chimpanzees. While slavery of the old form no longer exists in the so-called civilized countries, in its new form\nit is a most tragic reality for many of the people. Taxes and the new order of living make many\ndemands. For many of these primitive tribes a new suit of clothes could formerly be had every day\nwith no more trouble than cutting a new banana leaf. With the new order they are requested to\ncover their bodies with clothing. Cloth of all kinds including the poorest cotton has to be imported. They must pay an excessive charge due to the long transportation cost for the imported goods, a\ncharge which often exceeds the original cost in the European or American markets by several fold. In order to pay their head tax they are frequently required to carry such products as can be used\nby the government officials, chiefly foods, over long distances and for part of each year. These\nfoods are often those which not only the adults, but particularly the growing children sorely need\nfor providing body growth and repair. This naturally has produced a current of acute unrest and a\nchafing under the foreign domination. As we encircled Ethiopia we found the natives not only aware of what was going on in that\nborder country, but deeply concerned regarding the outcome. From their temper and sympathetic\nattitude for the oppressed Ethiopians, it would not be surprising if sympathizers pass over the\nborder into that country to support their crushed neighbors. The problem is accordingly very much\nlarger than the interest of some particular foreign power. It deals directly with the future course of\nevents and the attitude of the African natives in general toward foreign domination. The native\nAfrican is not only chafing under the taxation by foreign overlords, but is conscious that his race\nbecomes blighted when met by our modern civilization. I found them well aware of the fact that\nthose of their tribes who had adopted European methods of living and foods not only developed\nrampant tooth decay, but other degenerative processes. In one of the most efficiently organized mission schools that we found in Africa, the principal\nasked me to help them solve a serious problem. He said there was no single question asked them\nso often by the native boys in their school as why it is that", "token_ids": [5154, 42716, 1619, 11, 315, 8884, 220, 3101, 1047, 832, 477, 810, 1841, 1245, 18311, 11, 477, 1047, 5675, 18311, 555, 1841, 552, 11, 3339, 220, 1682, 13, 24, 198, 716, 2960, 315, 279, 7931, 449, 29106, 1841, 552, 13, 5046, 420, 2860, 1396, 315, 7931, 20041, 304, 17510, 7058, 81285, 5315, 11, 1070, 1051, 3892, 5315, 449, 32367, 4686, 40368, 311, 29106, 1841, 552, 11, 1418, 198, 1605, 5315, 1047, 12309, 1579, 39775, 315, 430, 8624, 13, 75622, 323, 48804, 9683, 1611, 630, 1385, 13, 578, 7580, 315, 1521, 7978, 706, 5343, 279, 19546, 198, 1073, 828, 902, 690, 2571, 3177, 1101, 389, 279, 1880, 31226, 315, 79212, 1385, 315, 279, 29106, 5438, 288, 323, 3663, 345, 16564, 42408, 488, 315, 2361, 315, 279, 18311, 13, 362, 13160, 23851, 315, 279, 39775, 315, 42408, 1385, 574, 1766, 304, 279, 2204, 39503, 13, 1115, 198, 76885, 1436, 387, 6089, 5938, 449, 279, 26677, 4856, 1109, 449, 279, 40489, 5497, 13, 578, 198, 90998, 11668, 315, 42408, 488, 10222, 304, 279, 39503, 5496, 1633, 14090, 389, 34479, 3956, 323, 198, 85543, 2324, 13, 1789, 3187, 11, 4315, 279, 20459, 2192, 5496, 389, 14403, 11, 6680, 323, 13339, 11, 1193, 220, 18, 13, 19, 824, 2960, 1047, 198, 404, 23108, 1385, 13, 22395, 279, 735, 1609, 113528, 323, 86637, 43008, 11, 220, 972, 13, 17, 323, 220, 972, 13, 24, 824, 2960, 15947, 1047, 198, 404, 23108, 1385, 13, 4314, 1069, 391, 0, 68, 1051, 14090, 17744, 324, 1705, 5496, 15871, 389, 36581, 15657, 13, 763, 279, 198, 30838, 10989, 2978, 520, 507, 2329, 324, 1543, 11, 4315, 279, 45172, 5496, 4661, 11622, 4184, 311, 279, 10068, 198, 9342, 82, 315, 6727, 323, 18459, 315, 15657, 11, 220, 21, 13, 19, 824, 2960, 1047, 42408, 1385, 11, 1418, 304, 279, 10068, 198, 22606, 520, 6617, 1534, 20774, 472, 283, 76, 220, 1114, 824, 2960, 1047, 42408, 1385, 13, 763, 279, 358, 31764, 14833, 2978, 520, 53650, 11, 1234, 198, 50889, 10383, 11, 220, 845, 13, 20, 824, 2960, 1047, 42408, 1385, 13, 763, 279, 10068, 8952, 520, 20774, 472, 283, 76, 11, 220, 2031, 824, 2960, 198, 32345, 42408, 1385, 13, 763, 279, 5468, 70, 2465, 1912, 220, 1644, 13, 18, 824, 2960, 1047, 42408, 1385, 11, 323, 4315, 279, 24875, 8343, 388, 198, 1073, 279, 9909, 77290, 11, 220, 914, 13, 20, 824, 2960, 1047, 42408, 1385, 13, 578, 14465, 42256, 6150, 1047, 220, 2790, 13, 16, 824, 2960, 323, 279, 198, 46, 70, 2649, 9131, 220, 966, 824, 2960, 13, 6104, 279, 28694, 19739, 23301, 315, 10384, 8040, 4725, 28900, 323, 29106, 5438, 7739, 994, 198, 263, 872, 10068, 15657, 11, 3892, 29683, 4595, 315, 79212, 488, 14134, 8040, 304, 279, 2911, 198, 1073, 279, 6617, 1534, 5315, 13, 3861, 315, 279, 45648, 7739, 11, 323, 832, 902, 34310, 449, 264, 1633, 198, 5581, 79212, 488, 5497, 304, 279, 3723, 4273, 11, 18065, 279, 26156, 63018, 315, 279, 3010, 1147, 449, 198, 77, 6172, 287, 315, 279, 8582, 5438, 3339, 279, 3709, 42314, 5101, 671, 86336, 21102, 323, 9460, 7113, 279, 198, 66, 30863, 3447, 4994, 279, 1584, 315, 279, 5438, 13, 74025, 45543, 315, 420, 527, 6982, 304, 23966, 13, 220, 1774, 13, 11208, 279, 198, 24217, 37842, 48294, 374, 1633, 15748, 11, 439, 520, 386, 2925, 15790, 389, 279, 13962, 11, 810, 15748, 4442, 304, 28900, 198, 630, 527, 1766, 13, 220, 22, 14, 1682, 14, 1032, 39700, 323, 28479, 58337, 17699, 198, 70, 45533, 5181, 31877, 16954, 12383, 2437, 14, 11139, 18070, 16, 71, 2628, 2, 55880, 220, 4161, 14, 5154, 6507, 13, 220, 1774, 13, 763, 279, 502, 22540, 11, 9405, 1306, 279, 6699, 1047, 198, 99338, 291, 14595, 6617, 1534, 41943, 315, 51607, 11, 1070, 574, 264, 198, 47462, 2349, 304, 279, 28900, 323, 29106, 5438, 7739, 315, 279, 198, 2172, 645, 1189, 2911, 13, 7181, 279, 98867, 315, 279, 57426, 8839, 323, 198, 67, 6430, 5438, 288, 323, 279, 9460, 7113, 315, 279, 18311, 304, 1521, 3116, 198, 3737, 950, 3995, 3026, 13, 22395, 279, 79212, 488, 12912, 264, 6996, 315, 4500, 4741, 315, 279, 6278, 4948, 315, 279, 3663, 477, 198, 1073, 279, 4827, 4948, 315, 279, 3663, 3629, 9922, 304, 279, 810, 7701, 6617, 1534, 5315, 13, 1556, 40134, 198, 1073, 279, 4846, 374, 3970, 304, 23966, 13, 220, 2790, 320, 13886, 2163, 705, 323, 315, 279, 15629, 304, 23966, 13, 220, 2790, 320, 15115, 2163, 323, 1314, 570, 763, 279, 198, 29652, 520, 279, 8582, 2163, 11, 279, 8582, 5438, 28335, 311, 733, 4871, 279, 4827, 5438, 682, 2212, 13, 1115, 3828, 374, 315, 279, 198, 3983, 9659, 11, 304, 264, 9131, 304, 97625, 11, 2768, 279, 25375, 315, 279, 6617, 1534, 15657, 555, 279, 198, 26534, 13, 38699, 13, 220, 2790, 13, 28704, 75325, 7138, 1253, 3118, 264, 8205, 43228, 79212, 488, 198, 27061, 13, 763, 279, 8582, 2163, 279, 8582, 5438, 374, 1790, 2288, 2678, 198, 2000, 279, 4827, 323, 7154, 5900, 4871, 433, 13, 578, 8582, 1314, 374, 198, 77, 6172, 291, 449, 9460, 7113, 315, 279, 18311, 13, 11995, 4827, 5157, 198, 67, 7439, 71015, 459, 1234, 30671, 315, 279, 11837, 1260, 315, 279, 198, 15115, 16942, 13, 362, 810, 14560, 323, 15748, 955, 315, 28900, 2349, 18065, 459, 35663, 98867, 449, 13160, 22, 14, 1682, 14, 1032, 39700, 323, 28479, 58337, 17699, 198, 70, 45533, 5181, 31877, 16954, 12383, 2437, 14, 11139, 18070, 16, 71, 2628, 2, 55880, 220, 3534, 14, 5154, 12489, 26973, 315, 2225, 8582, 323, 4827, 5438, 288, 13, 1115, 374, 6982, 11383, 304, 23966, 13, 220, 2618, 13, 38699, 13, 220, 2618, 13, 1666, 304, 1057, 36017, 11, 1524, 279, 1176, 9659, 11, 1306, 198, 1820, 25375, 315, 6617, 1534, 15657, 1253, 1501, 20547, 198, 451, 630, 1385, 13, 7181, 279, 14560, 81458, 7713, 315, 279, 8582, 18311, 198, 4291, 2875, 6147, 315, 279, 4827, 16942, 304, 279, 8582, 9364, 323, 198, 1820, 13160, 98867, 449, 3160, 6147, 315, 279, 3663, 304, 279, 198, 15115, 6325, 13, 578, 11134, 374, 539, 7347, 311, 279, 9621, 198, 47194, 13, 4314, 14560, 79212, 1385, 3629, 8356, 28900, 24282, 430, 527, 99578, 315, 279, 12580, 315, 198, 15031, 315, 279, 61820, 13, 1115, 374, 36762, 555, 279, 2380, 13305, 6982, 449, 279, 39803, 304, 23966, 13, 220, 2166, 13, 22, 14, 1682, 14, 1032, 39700, 323, 28479, 58337, 17699, 198, 70, 45533, 5181, 31877, 16954, 12383, 2437, 14, 11139, 18070, 16, 71, 2628, 2, 55880, 220, 3264, 14, 5154, 6507, 13, 220, 2166, 13, 362, 1633, 21420, 11134, 85980, 3329, 304, 279, 46471, 1306, 198, 1820, 25375, 315, 2753, 11297, 15657, 3629, 18065, 264, 13160, 198, 451, 4099, 315, 279, 6278, 4948, 315, 279, 3663, 439, 36762, 304, 279, 198, 28956, 13305, 304, 420, 1684, 13, 7181, 279, 12593, 449, 279, 198, 331, 90988, 99066, 3663, 13, 578, 58709, 304, 3892, 27536, 1005, 6730, 2053, 6, 14403, 42817, 13, 1102, 374, 78216, 11, 323, 304, 1790, 315, 279, 198, 5919, 531, 3224, 42675, 279, 1925, 60021, 315, 279, 9859, 7819, 369, 4038, 520, 264, 892, 13, 578, 28694, 58709, 198, 76443, 1142, 1047, 7060, 29106, 5438, 288, 449, 1633, 2697, 79212, 488, 13, 7570, 279, 27928, 93327, 555, 279, 10989, 68802, 198, 258, 7366, 872, 50252, 1077, 5469, 4028, 279, 24521, 527, 3629, 18222, 11, 7170, 369, 439, 1317, 439, 2380, 198, 50814, 11, 5304, 279, 14403, 315, 279, 6730, 2053, 369, 872, 26677, 13, 74025, 10989, 12580, 323, 264, 50252, 74760, 520, 198, 4014, 527, 6982, 304, 23966, 13, 220, 2491, 13, 578, 28694, 10989, 7724, 617, 70960, 398, 8040, 12580, 323, 7060, 29106, 198, 1132, 288, 13, 11205, 5933, 13444, 11, 4869, 11, 374, 19019, 5675, 449, 6617, 2065, 11, 439, 36762, 304, 23966, 13, 220, 1135, 13, 22, 14, 1682, 14, 1032, 39700, 323, 28479, 58337, 17699, 198, 70, 45533, 5181, 31877, 16954, 12383, 2437, 14, 11139, 18070, 16, 71, 2628, 2, 55880, 220, 1484, 14, 5154, 6507, 13, 220, 2491, 13, 763, 279, 4106, 24521, 5961, 315, 13936, 323, 10384, 198, 94421, 596, 14403, 374, 459, 3062, 1537, 315, 3823, 26677, 13, 578, 198, 668, 774, 315, 279, 88469, 5104, 11, 439, 36762, 11591, 363, 11, 527, 9250, 13, 20902, 198, 33637, 1436, 539, 10519, 3823, 2324, 2085, 279, 50252, 323, 1202, 198, 76, 34263, 13, 38699, 13, 220, 1135, 13, 11995, 7724, 323, 13305, 304, 279, 6617, 1534, 49028, 304, 198, 34, 26630, 8710, 14595, 79212, 488, 12912, 304, 12580, 323, 29106, 198, 1132, 288, 13, 578, 2890, 315, 1521, 5315, 374, 539, 30139, 311, 430, 198, 1073, 1884, 5496, 389, 279, 10068, 10173, 5548, 13, 3402, 299, 68243, 198, 6581, 10603, 304, 1521, 22540, 374, 19407, 11293, 13, 2999, 13, 473, 6634, 1228, 64, 706, 2663, 6666, 311, 279, 28961, 4500, 304, 3892, 19739, 23301, 315, 198, 55977, 82, 889, 5944, 389, 682, 90720, 4619, 315, 49685, 13, 358, 5602, 3892, 7931, 315, 420, 955, 304, 10384, 198, 82, 1030, 11780, 2212, 922, 439, 19019, 439, 279, 12875, 13, 2435, 1051, 11, 28178, 11, 5107, 311, 10512, 13, 9220, 527, 6982, 304, 23966, 13, 220, 3971, 13, 22, 14, 1682, 14, 1032, 39700, 323, 28479, 58337, 17699, 198, 70, 45533, 5181, 31877, 16954, 12383, 2437, 14, 11139, 18070, 16, 71, 2628, 2, 55880, 220, 1041, 14, 5154, 6507, 13, 220, 3971, 13, 4314, 1403, 10068, 11904, 2911, 25661, 9437, 2212, 198, 263, 682, 90720, 779, 56651, 430, 433, 574, 5107, 311, 1935, 872, 198, 76503, 13, 1226, 1550, 539, 1518, 1124, 2559, 709, 13, 2435, 89831, 1633, 198, 59178, 1093, 82923, 99425, 3059, 288, 13, 6104, 33792, 315, 279, 2362, 1376, 912, 5129, 6866, 304, 279, 779, 19434, 86079, 5961, 11, 304, 1202, 502, 1376, 198, 275, 374, 264, 1455, 35279, 8903, 369, 1690, 315, 279, 1274, 13, 72837, 323, 279, 502, 2015, 315, 5496, 1304, 1690, 198, 28531, 2914, 13, 1789, 1690, 315, 1521, 28694, 39503, 264, 502, 7937, 315, 15447, 1436, 34833, 387, 1047, 1475, 1938, 198, 4291, 912, 810, 12544, 1109, 14713, 264, 502, 44196, 16312, 13, 3161, 279, 502, 2015, 814, 527, 11472, 311, 198, 3773, 872, 13162, 449, 17895, 13, 84735, 315, 682, 13124, 2737, 279, 68751, 24428, 706, 311, 387, 25973, 13, 2435, 2011, 2343, 459, 27639, 6900, 4245, 311, 279, 1317, 18386, 2853, 369, 279, 25973, 11822, 11, 264, 198, 14215, 902, 3629, 36375, 279, 4113, 2853, 304, 279, 7665, 477, 3778, 11987, 555, 3892, 11816, 13, 763, 2015, 311, 2343, 872, 2010, 3827, 814, 527, 14134, 2631, 311, 6920, 1778, 3956, 439, 649, 387, 1511, 198, 1729, 279, 3109, 7510, 11, 89382, 15657, 11, 927, 1317, 27650, 323, 369, 961, 315, 1855, 1060, 13, 4314, 198, 96420, 527, 3629, 1884, 902, 539, 1193, 279, 12884, 11, 719, 8104, 279, 7982, 2911, 36366, 398, 1205, 198, 2000, 8405, 2547, 6650, 323, 13023, 13, 1115, 18182, 706, 9124, 264, 1510, 315, 30883, 59322, 323, 264, 198, 331, 2642, 287, 1234, 279, 7362, 55949, 13, 1666, 584, 3289, 2496, 839, 60457, 584, 1766, 279, 68473, 539, 1193, 8010, 315, 1148, 574, 2133, 389, 304, 430, 198, 9649, 3224, 11, 719, 17693, 11920, 9002, 279, 15632, 13, 5659, 872, 6940, 323, 53464, 198, 1617, 3993, 369, 279, 67516, 45158, 454, 5493, 11, 433, 1053, 539, 387, 15206, 422, 33818, 12509, 1522, 927, 279, 198, 9649, 1139, 430, 3224, 311, 1862, 872, 33745, 19228, 13, 578, 3575, 374, 28178, 1633, 1790, 198, 27995, 261, 1109, 279, 2802, 315, 1063, 4040, 7362, 2410, 13, 1102, 12789, 6089, 449, 279, 3938, 3388, 315, 198, 12670, 323, 279, 19451, 315, 279, 11904, 68473, 304, 4689, 9017, 7362, 55949, 13, 578, 10068, 198, 32, 48893, 374, 539, 1193, 523, 2642, 287, 1234, 279, 51727, 555, 7362, 29204, 2311, 11, 719, 374, 17371, 430, 813, 7102, 198, 17106, 20969, 1529, 65607, 994, 2322, 555, 1057, 6617, 36017, 13, 358, 1766, 1124, 1664, 8010, 315, 279, 2144, 430, 198, 54719, 315, 872, 39503, 889, 1047, 18306, 7665, 5528, 315, 5496, 323, 15657, 539, 1193, 8040, 198, 81, 1141, 519, 26588, 31815, 11, 719, 1023, 5367, 75989, 11618, 13, 763, 832, 315, 279, 1455, 30820, 17057, 9131, 8853, 430, 584, 1766, 304, 10384, 11, 279, 12717, 198, 1091, 291, 757, 311, 1520, 1124, 11886, 264, 6129, 3575, 13, 1283, 1071, 1070, 574, 912, 3254, 3488, 4691, 1124, 198, 708, 3629, 555, 279, 10068, 13305, 304, 872, 2978, 439, 3249, 433, 374, 430], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": " do this that or the other. But, from the beginning of history, most of humanity has \nrealized, however dimly, that there is some kind of law and \nauthority in the Universe. This is shown by the fact that man\u00ad\nkind-not knowing what that authority is-has postulated \ndeities of many kinds and a Spiritual Universe in authority over \nthe Material Universe. The material and the spiritual, the body and the mind, the \norganism and the soul-these contrasting concepts represent a \nprevalent attitude of mankind towards the Universe in which \nhe finds himself. But is this attitude really justified. Is it merely the result of \nour lack of information about the true nature of things. If the \nUniverse is one of law and order-as all the evidence indicates-is \nit not more likely that there is really a 'unified authority' rather \nthan a 'divided rule' of the spiritual and material. Webster de\u00ad\nfines universe as: 'All created things viewed as constituting one \nsystem or whole; the creation, the cosmos.'The very word, then, \nimplies unity, not the 'dual control' of two kinds of authority. If, too, we accept that the Universe is one of law and order, are \nwe justified in assuming that it includes some chaotic exceptions. Is it not more likely that such an assumption is merely a product \nof our ignorance. The fields of life can offer us a new approach to these vital \nquestions. But, before we discuss this, it is necessary to dis\u00ad\ntinguish between the three kinds of laws that govern mankind : \nFirst, there are Nature's laws, definable and reproducible, \nwhich, as far as we know, are valid right through the Universe. Though we can hope to learn more about them, it is certain that \nwe can neither alter nor repeal them. THE CONTINUING ADV ENTURE \nSecond, there are man-made written laws which vary from \ncountry to country and from state to state. These-as we are \npainfully aware at the present time-are not always enforced \nor enforceable and can be argued, evaded or appealed ad nauseam. While Nature's laws are precise, inflexible and permanent, man\u00ad\nmade laws arc often fuzzy, pliable and variable. So much so, in \nfact, that it is hard for many who are only familiar with man\u00ad\nmade laws to realize that there can be a superior kind. Third, there are the so-called moral laws. These, again, are \nlaws invented by the mind of man, nearly always with the hope \nthat they will improve man's attitude towards other men. Most, \nif not all, of these laws are the product of the intuitive, creative \ncapacity of the mind of man-expounded by the philosophers \nand prophets of past genera tions. They are valuable because, like \nthe written law, they are primarily concerned with controlling \nbehaviour and represent one creative activity of the mind of man. But they vary from country to country and bear little-if any\u00ad\nrelationship to the laws of the Universe. Moreover they have been imposed on mankind by. tradition \nand by past intuitions; and it is hard to believe that the elder \nstatesmen of two or three thousand years ago could present, \nthrough intuition-valuable as it may have been-the answers \nto all the questions which actually face the mind of man today. Of the three kinds of laws, only those of Nature that we have \ndiscovered can give us a feeling of certainty. At the sub-atomic \nlevel, it is true, there is still some uncertainty. But once the sub\u00ad\natomic entities arc agglomerated into atoms or molecules we \ncan recognize and validate primary laws and forces. We know, \nfor example, that there is a law of gravity. We also know about \nelectrical and magnetic forces, nuclear forces and contact forces. The laws underlying such phenomena, in fact, are so well known \nto scientists that they can be made to serve mankind. Our use \nof these natural laws in the present age is miraculous. As a re\u00ad\nsult, we live in a much more comfortable world-at least in the \nNorthern Hemisphere -than mankind has ever known. Those parts of the world which we choose to call 'primitive' \nare so because their inhabitants have not yet learned enough \nabout the laws and forces of Nature to use them to their full ad-\n116 THE CONTINUING ADVENTURE \nvantage. Through the extraordinary development of science, the \nWestern world has put forces to work for its benefit in an excit\u00ad\ning and unprecedented way. This would not have been possible \nif there were no natural laws and forces which the mind of man \ncould discover and-more important -understand. To the precise laws of Nature, man's written and moral laws \noffer a depressing contrast. The written law, formalized and \nexpanded by lawyers, is not necessarily the law by which men \nlive. The living law of human beings is mainly an unwritten \nlaw but it controls the major part of our activities. In many ways, \nmost of us tend to ignore the written law and behave as we \nthink commonsense, as it is called, dictates. Moral law is even more flexible -as we see in the current era \nof 'permissiveness'. And it is always easier to tell the other man \nwhat he should do than it is to do those things ourselves. Man \nhas an astonishing capacity to dodge the issues, to hide his real \ndrive behind a plethora of words which, in many cases, serve as \nan excuse for what he thinks should be done or perhaps, more \naccurately, for what he wants to do. lt is an extraordinary fact that over the past few thousand \nyears man has developed an astonishing capacity to use the laws \nof Nature for his benefit but, as far as one can see, he has not \nmade a comparable advance by his use of the written or moral \nlaws. Most of man's troubles are spawned in the swamps of his own \ndesires. And his written and moral laws have no relation to the \nlaws of Nature. As a result, conflict, frustration and anxiety rule \nthe minds of many, because they cannot reconcile their written \nand moral laws with the laws of Nature. We will not be able to get rid of a great many of our troubles, \ntherefore, until we attempt to relate the written and moral laws \nto the laws of the Universe. And if we spent the same amount of \ntime and money on resolving the discrepancies bet ween the man\u00ad\nmade laws of the legalists and moralists and the laws of the \nUniverse, there is no reason why our advances should not be as \nmiraculous as those in our material environment. We need to \ndevote the same kind of effort and thinking which is at present \napplied to space exploration to revise man-made laws and to \n117 THE CONTINUING ADVENTURE \nharmonize them as far as we can with what we know about the \nlaws of Nature. 4 \nNo doubt it will take a very long time before we can make \nman-made laws more compatible with those of Nature. But it is \nimportant to make a start because the sooner we can do this, \nthe sooner we can begin to resolve some of our problems and \nfrustra tions. This task, of course, should be attacked from as many useful \nangles as we can think of. But in this book we can only consider \nthe ways in which a further study of the fields of life can con\u00ad\ntribute to the greatest problem that faces mankind-human be\u00ad\nhaviour. An immedia te-and important-contribution which a know\u00ad\nledge of L-fields can make is the certainty that there an natural \nlaws to which mankind is subject for us to discover and under\u00ad\nstand. We are not chasing a mere will-O'-the-wisp because we \nhave found that the L-fields which control man are themselves \nsubject to the greater fields of the Universe. For us to get any real understanding of the natu re of man and \nwhy he behaves as he does, it is necessary to find natural factors \nwhich, like the law of gravity, are valid everywhere and not only \nin the western, eastern or southern hemisphere. L-fields offer us \na starting clue in this search because-as we have seen-the state \nof the human field reflects the state of the mind. As L-fields are \nsubject to universal forces. operating everywhere, it seems reason\u00ad\nable to suppose that the latter have some planet-wide influence \non the minds of men. As extraterrestrial forces, such as solar flares and sun-spot \nactivity, influence the L-fields of trees it seems most unlikely that \nhuman L-fields are unaffected by such forces. For instance, as \nthis is written, we are approaching the peak of the current cycle \nof sun-spot activity. Is it coincidence that in the past few years \nthere have been unusual world-wide unrest, riots and disturb\u00ad\nances of various kinds. We do not know whether it is coincid-\n118 THE CONTINUING ADVENTURE \nence or not. But if we could establish by further experiment and \nanalysis that mankind tends to be more excitable during increas\u00ad\ning sun-spot activity, this knowledge, obviously, would be of the \nutmost value to world leaders. No doubt other factors are involved in the present world-wide \nunrest but it would be helpful if we could recognize and isolate \none of them. The Foundation for the Study of Cycles, of Pittsburgh, Penn\u00ad\nsylvania, has accumula ted impressive statistical evidence that \nthe affairs of man-from wars to hog-priees-seem to follow \nrhythmie cycles, though the Foundation has not yet discovered \nthe cause. * Dr. Rav", "token_ids": [656, 420, 430, 477, 279, 1023, 13, 2030, 11, 505, 279, 7314, 315, 3925, 11, 1455, 315, 22706, 706, 720, 8110, 1534, 11, 4869, 5213, 398, 11, 430, 1070, 374, 1063, 3169, 315, 2383, 323, 720, 85554, 304, 279, 29849, 13, 1115, 374, 6982, 555, 279, 2144, 430, 893, 5879, 198, 15674, 30269, 14392, 1148, 430, 11447, 374, 46998, 1772, 7913, 720, 451, 1385, 315, 1690, 13124, 323, 264, 63849, 29849, 304, 11447, 927, 720, 1820, 10441, 29849, 13, 578, 3769, 323, 279, 18330, 11, 279, 2547, 323, 279, 4059, 11, 279, 720, 8629, 2191, 323, 279, 13836, 7716, 2423, 75055, 19476, 4097, 264, 720, 1762, 838, 306, 19451, 315, 43384, 7119, 279, 29849, 304, 902, 720, 383, 14035, 5678, 13, 2030, 374, 420, 19451, 2216, 35516, 13, 2209, 433, 16632, 279, 1121, 315, 720, 414, 6996, 315, 2038, 922, 279, 837, 7138, 315, 2574, 13, 1442, 279, 720, 1844, 8194, 374, 832, 315, 2383, 323, 2015, 33534, 682, 279, 6029, 15151, 31530, 720, 275, 539, 810, 4461, 430, 1070, 374, 2216, 264, 364, 359, 1908, 11447, 6, 4856, 720, 54895, 264, 364, 614, 4591, 6037, 6, 315, 279, 18330, 323, 3769, 13, 64377, 409, 5879, 198, 69, 1572, 15861, 439, 25, 364, 2460, 3549, 2574, 19894, 439, 9129, 10831, 832, 720, 9125, 477, 4459, 26, 279, 9886, 11, 279, 83645, 13, 364, 578, 1633, 3492, 11, 1243, 11, 720, 6517, 552, 31426, 11, 539, 279, 364, 67, 940, 2585, 6, 315, 1403, 13124, 315, 11447, 13, 1442, 11, 2288, 11, 584, 4287, 430, 279, 29849, 374, 832, 315, 2383, 323, 2015, 11, 527, 720, 906, 35516, 304, 26619, 430, 433, 5764, 1063, 53087, 20157, 13, 2209, 433, 539, 810, 4461, 430, 1778, 459, 25329, 374, 16632, 264, 2027, 720, 1073, 1057, 41660, 13, 578, 5151, 315, 2324, 649, 3085, 603, 264, 502, 5603, 311, 1521, 16595, 720, 17800, 13, 2030, 11, 1603, 584, 4358, 420, 11, 433, 374, 5995, 311, 834, 5879, 198, 1303, 51220, 1990, 279, 2380, 13124, 315, 7016, 430, 2633, 43384, 551, 720, 5451, 11, 1070, 527, 22037, 596, 7016, 11, 36222, 481, 323, 53823, 79385, 11, 720, 8370, 11, 439, 3117, 439, 584, 1440, 11, 527, 2764, 1314, 1555, 279, 29849, 13, 18056, 584, 649, 3987, 311, 4048, 810, 922, 1124, 11, 433, 374, 3738, 430, 720, 906, 649, 14188, 11857, 6463, 40679, 1124, 13, 3247, 16511, 86033, 1753, 25557, 28916, 4622, 720, 16041, 11, 1070, 527, 893, 27975, 5439, 7016, 902, 13592, 505, 720, 11389, 311, 3224, 323, 505, 1614, 311, 1614, 13, 4314, 33534, 584, 527, 720, 92724, 3725, 8010, 520, 279, 3118, 892, 12, 548, 539, 2744, 45421, 720, 269, 29262, 481, 323, 649, 387, 18784, 11, 3721, 14589, 477, 53382, 1008, 49394, 309, 13, 6104, 22037, 596, 7016, 527, 24473, 11, 4225, 95644, 323, 15690, 11, 893, 5879, 198, 28010, 7016, 15952, 3629, 53833, 11, 628, 2205, 323, 3977, 13, 2100, 1790, 779, 11, 304, 720, 34210, 11, 430, 433, 374, 2653, 369, 1690, 889, 527, 1193, 11537, 449, 893, 5879, 198, 28010, 7016, 311, 13383, 430, 1070, 649, 387, 264, 16757, 3169, 13, 21530, 11, 1070, 527, 279, 779, 19434, 16033, 7016, 13, 4314, 11, 1578, 11, 527, 720, 68637, 36592, 555, 279, 4059, 315, 893, 11, 7154, 2744, 449, 279, 3987, 720, 9210, 814, 690, 7417, 893, 596, 19451, 7119, 1023, 3026, 13, 7648, 11, 720, 333, 539, 682, 11, 315, 1521, 7016, 527, 279, 2027, 315, 279, 42779, 11, 11782, 720, 38487, 315, 279, 4059, 315, 893, 18882, 13382, 555, 279, 61787, 720, 438, 72768, 315, 3347, 84535, 259, 919, 13, 2435, 527, 15525, 1606, 11, 1093, 720, 1820, 5439, 2383, 11, 814, 527, 15871, 11920, 449, 26991, 720, 30998, 9073, 323, 4097, 832, 11782, 5820, 315, 279, 4059, 315, 893, 13, 2030, 814, 13592, 505, 3224, 311, 3224, 323, 11984, 2697, 45737, 904, 5879, 198, 37195, 311, 279, 7016, 315, 279, 29849, 13, 23674, 814, 617, 1027, 27070, 389, 43384, 555, 13, 14135, 720, 438, 555, 3347, 528, 84, 6055, 26, 323, 433, 374, 2653, 311, 4510, 430, 279, 22916, 720, 33169, 5794, 315, 1403, 477, 2380, 16579, 1667, 4227, 1436, 3118, 11, 720, 20322, 57351, 46254, 13429, 439, 433, 1253, 617, 1027, 10826, 11503, 720, 998, 682, 279, 4860, 902, 3604, 3663, 279, 4059, 315, 893, 3432, 13, 5046, 279, 2380, 13124, 315, 7016, 11, 1193, 1884, 315, 22037, 430, 584, 617, 720, 4338, 21468, 649, 3041, 603, 264, 8430, 315, 44743, 13, 2468, 279, 1207, 12, 6756, 720, 3374, 11, 433, 374, 837, 11, 1070, 374, 2103, 1063, 27924, 13, 2030, 3131, 279, 1207, 5879, 198, 6756, 15086, 15952, 945, 76146, 660, 1139, 33299, 477, 35715, 584, 720, 4919, 15641, 323, 9788, 6156, 7016, 323, 8603, 13, 1226, 1440, 11, 720, 2000, 3187, 11, 430, 1070, 374, 264, 2383, 315, 24128, 13, 1226, 1101, 1440, 922, 720, 19493, 12381, 323, 24924, 8603, 11, 11499, 8603, 323, 3729, 8603, 13, 578, 7016, 16940, 1778, 44247, 11, 304, 2144, 11, 527, 779, 1664, 3967, 720, 998, 14248, 430, 814, 649, 387, 1903, 311, 8854, 43384, 13, 5751, 1005, 720, 1073, 1521, 5933, 7016, 304, 279, 3118, 4325, 374, 91813, 13, 1666, 264, 312, 5879, 198, 82, 495, 11, 584, 3974, 304, 264, 1790, 810, 10882, 1917, 29883, 3325, 304, 279, 720, 72191, 96878, 482, 54895, 43384, 706, 3596, 3967, 13, 13266, 5596, 315, 279, 1917, 902, 584, 5268, 311, 1650, 364, 74548, 6, 720, 548, 779, 1606, 872, 40771, 617, 539, 3686, 9687, 3403, 720, 9274, 279, 7016, 323, 8603, 315, 22037, 311, 1005, 1124, 311, 872, 2539, 1008, 7058, 8027, 3247, 16511, 86033, 1753, 9827, 6927, 4622, 720, 85, 25843, 13, 17331, 279, 24674, 4500, 315, 8198, 11, 279, 720, 55924, 1917, 706, 2231, 8603, 311, 990, 369, 1202, 8935, 304, 459, 25435, 5879, 198, 287, 323, 31069, 1648, 13, 1115, 1053, 539, 617, 1027, 3284, 720, 333, 1070, 1051, 912, 5933, 7016, 323, 8603, 902, 279, 4059, 315, 893, 720, 29177, 7142, 323, 51014, 3062, 482, 8154, 2752, 13, 2057, 279, 24473, 7016, 315, 22037, 11, 893, 596, 5439, 323, 16033, 7016, 720, 26133, 264, 71810, 13168, 13, 578, 5439, 2383, 11, 16287, 1534, 323, 720, 36583, 555, 21866, 11, 374, 539, 14647, 279, 2383, 555, 902, 3026, 720, 25859, 13, 578, 5496, 2383, 315, 3823, 23837, 374, 14918, 459, 15375, 12429, 720, 20510, 719, 433, 11835, 279, 3682, 961, 315, 1057, 7640, 13, 763, 1690, 5627, 11, 720, 3646, 315, 603, 8541, 311, 10240, 279, 5439, 2383, 323, 36792, 439, 584, 720, 27963, 66062, 1137, 11, 439, 433, 374, 2663, 11, 80330, 13, 89606, 2383, 374, 1524, 810, 19303, 482, 300, 584, 1518, 304, 279, 1510, 11639, 720, 1073, 364, 716, 1869, 13071, 4527, 1628, 433, 374, 2744, 8831, 311, 3371, 279, 1023, 893, 720, 12840, 568, 1288, 656, 1109, 433, 374, 311, 656, 1884, 2574, 13520, 13, 2418, 720, 4752, 459, 50013, 8824, 311, 48973, 279, 4819, 11, 311, 10477, 813, 1972, 720, 33067, 4920, 264, 68706, 315, 4339, 902, 11, 304, 1690, 5157, 11, 8854, 439, 720, 276, 28391, 369, 1148, 568, 15849, 1288, 387, 2884, 477, 8530, 11, 810, 720, 37021, 2718, 11, 369, 1148, 568, 6944, 311, 656, 13, 26237, 374, 459, 24674, 2144, 430, 927, 279, 3347, 2478, 16579, 720, 42820, 893, 706, 8040, 459, 50013, 8824, 311, 1005, 279, 7016, 720, 1073, 22037, 369, 813, 8935, 719, 11, 439, 3117, 439, 832, 649, 1518, 11, 568, 706, 539, 720, 28010, 264, 30139, 12178, 555, 813, 1005, 315, 279, 5439, 477, 16033, 720, 68637, 13, 7648, 315, 893, 596, 35665, 527, 53634, 304, 279, 2064, 14989, 315, 813, 1866, 720, 5919, 3946, 13, 1628, 813, 5439, 323, 16033, 7016, 617, 912, 12976, 311, 279, 720, 68637, 315, 22037, 13, 1666, 264, 1121, 11, 12324, 11, 33086, 323, 18547, 6037, 720, 1820, 20663, 315, 1690, 11, 1606, 814, 4250, 64508, 872, 5439, 720, 438, 16033, 7016, 449, 279, 7016, 315, 22037, 13, 1226, 690, 539, 387, 3025, 311, 636, 9463, 315, 264, 2294, 1690, 315, 1057, 35665, 11, 720, 19041, 1348, 11, 3156, 584, 4879, 311, 29243, 279, 5439, 323, 16033, 7016, 720, 998, 279, 7016, 315, 279, 29849, 13, 1628, 422, 584, 7543, 279, 1890, 3392, 315, 720, 1712, 323, 3300, 389, 53583, 279, 91367, 1297, 584, 268, 279, 893, 5879, 198, 28010, 7016, 315, 279, 5897, 1705, 323, 16033, 1705, 323, 279, 7016, 315, 279, 720, 1844, 8194, 11, 1070, 374, 912, 2944, 3249, 1057, 31003, 1288, 539, 387, 439, 720, 20531, 582, 13850, 439, 1884, 304, 1057, 3769, 4676, 13, 1226, 1205, 311, 720, 3667, 1295, 279, 1890, 3169, 315, 5149, 323, 7422, 902, 374, 520, 3118, 720, 391, 3523, 311, 3634, 27501, 311, 65836, 893, 27975, 7016, 323, 311, 720, 8546, 3247, 16511, 86033, 1753, 9827, 6927, 4622, 720, 13279, 1677, 553, 1124, 439, 3117, 439, 584, 649, 449, 1148, 584, 1440, 922, 279, 720, 68637, 315, 22037, 13, 220, 19, 720, 2822, 10712, 433, 690, 1935, 264, 1633, 1317, 892, 1603, 584, 649, 1304, 720, 1543, 27975, 7016, 810, 18641, 449, 1884, 315, 22037, 13, 2030, 433, 374, 720, 15693, 311, 1304, 264, 1212, 1606, 279, 31373, 584, 649, 656, 420, 11, 720, 1820, 31373, 584, 649, 3240, 311, 9006, 1063, 315, 1057, 5435, 323, 720, 1658, 3497, 64, 259, 919, 13, 1115, 3465, 11, 315, 3388, 11, 1288, 387, 18855, 505, 439, 1690, 5505, 720, 17694, 439, 584, 649, 1781, 315, 13, 2030, 304, 420, 2363, 584, 649, 1193, 2980, 720, 1820, 5627, 304, 902, 264, 4726, 4007, 315, 279, 5151, 315, 2324, 649, 390, 5879, 198, 2248, 311, 279, 12474, 3575, 430, 12580, 43384, 70095, 387, 5879, 198, 71, 9073, 13, 1556, 737, 7551, 1028, 9976, 3062, 15204, 32240, 902, 264, 1440, 5879, 198, 4995, 315, 445, 80685, 649, 1304, 374, 279, 44743, 430, 1070, 459, 5933, 720, 68637, 311, 902, 43384, 374, 3917, 369, 603, 311, 7142, 323, 1234, 5879, 198, 2752, 13, 1226, 527, 539, 43931, 264, 17983, 690, 24540, 25279, 1820, 2695, 13391, 1606, 584, 720, 19553, 1766, 430, 279, 445, 80685, 902, 2585, 893, 527, 5694, 720, 11760, 311, 279, 7191, 5151, 315, 279, 29849, 13, 1789, 603, 311, 636, 904, 1972, 8830, 315, 279, 18050, 84, 312, 315, 893, 323, 720, 35734, 568, 74157, 439, 568, 1587, 11, 433, 374, 5995, 311, 1505, 5933, 9547, 720, 8370, 11, 1093, 279, 2383, 315, 24128, 11, 527, 2764, 17277, 323, 539, 1193, 720, 258, 279, 19001, 11, 24024, 477, 18561, 69766, 13, 445, 80685, 3085, 603, 720, 64, 6041, 31089, 304, 420, 2778, 1606, 33534, 584, 617, 3970, 10826, 1614, 720, 1073, 279, 3823, 2115, 27053, 279, 1614, 315, 279, 4059, 13, 1666, 445, 80685, 527, 720, 11760, 311, 20789, 8603, 13, 10565, 17277, 11, 433, 5084, 2944, 5879, 198, 481, 311, 23289, 430, 279, 15629, 617, 1063, 11841, 25480, 10383, 720, 263, 279, 20663, 315, 3026, 13, 1666, 11741, 977, 53686, 8603, 11, 1778, 439, 13238, 1344, 5518, 323, 7160, 98680, 720, 7323, 11, 10383, 279, 445, 80685, 315, 12690, 433, 5084, 1455, 17821, 430, 720, 26380, 445, 80685, 527, 78622, 555, 1778, 8603, 13, 1789, 2937, 11, 439, 720, 576, 374, 5439, 11, 584, 527, 31047, 279, 16557, 315, 279, 1510, 11008, 720, 1073, 7160, 98680, 5820, 13, 2209, 433, 50278, 430, 304, 279, 3347, 2478, 1667, 720, 19041, 617, 1027, 19018, 1917, 25480, 59322, 11, 61096, 323, 38323, 5879, 198, 3095, 315, 5370, 13124, 13, 1226, 656, 539, 1440, 3508, 433, 374, 23828, 307, 7058, 8899, 3247, 16511, 86033, 1753, 9827, 6927, 4622, 720, 768, 477, 539, 13, 2030, 422, 584, 1436, 5813, 555, 4726, 9526, 323, 720, 35584, 430, 43384, 28335, 311, 387, 810, 3521, 15729, 2391, 2333, 300, 5879, 198, 287, 7160, 98680, 5820, 11, 420, 6677, 11, 14224, 11, 1053, 387, 315, 279, 720, 332, 3646, 907, 311, 1917, 6164, 13, 2360, 10712, 1023, 9547, 527, 6532, 304, 279, 3118, 1917, 25480, 720, 359, 4014, 719, 433, 1053, 387, 11190, 422, 584, 1436, 15641, 323, 43223, 720, 606, 315, 1124, 13, 578, 5114, 369, 279, 19723, 315, 356, 16182, 11, 315, 28627, 11, 13813, 5879, 198, 18987, 11, 706, 15783, 5724, 42323, 16358, 29564, 6029, 430, 720, 1820, 22747, 315, 893, 39151, 25981, 311, 47025, 2320, 462, 5633, 7962, 336, 311, 1833, 720, 81, 61254, 648, 25492, 11, 3582, 279, 5114, 706, 539, 3686, 11352, 720, 1820, 5353, 13, 353, 2999, 13, 35074], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": "therapy. We have found it advisable to have such a weekly manipulative \ntreatment, for at least the first nine months of cancer treatment. The regular body \nmassage that people are familiar with are not a good but also helpful. Neurological stimulation can sometimes be increased or simulated by hormone \ntherapy, but this technique must be performed under the direction of a very highly \nskilled clinician. There are a group of dentists who use a method called Mandibular Equilibration \nTemporomandibular Joint (TMJ) equilibration to re-shape the skull, take stresses from \nthe brain, and in this way effect very profound neurological changes. The following are brief descriptions of a few highly successful body-aligning \nsystems. Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Equilibration\nTemporomandibular Joint is such a mouthful that dentists like to use just the \ninitials. It is the name of the joint just in front of the ear where the lower jaw hinges. 76\nWinning The Cancer War\nThere is one on the right side, and one on the left. When one or both of them are \nforced out of place it may lead to such distressing or painful conditions as earache, \nheadache, head noises, clicking sounds, dizziness, nervousness and even mental \ntroubles. For such ailments as these, doctors may prescribe hot and cold packs, diathermy, \nmassage vibration, rest, surgery, psychological treatment or drugs. While all of these \nremedies are useful at times, they often do not bring permanent relief if stress in the \njoint is the real cause of the trouble. When the cause is stress in this joint in front of the ear, as it often is, a safe and \nhighly successful dental treatment may be the solution. This treatment is known as \n\"equilibration\" (pronounced ee-quil-i-bray-shun); it simply means equalizing the \nmuscle forces to restore the lower jaw and its joints to their normal unstrained or \nneutral positions. How do the joints get out of adjustment in the first place. It might be from a blow \non the chin, a muscle spasm, or opening the jaw too wide (as when biting or \nyawning). But the most common is chewing with teeth that come together in a wrong \nway. Dentists refer to this condition as \"malocclusion. \" We close our jaws in chewing food, of course \u2014 and most persons also press their \nteeth together one or two thousand times a day between meals in swallowing. If the \nteeth do not meet properly, the pressures on them during chewing and swallowing \nmay force the lower jaw into a strained position that pinches the joints in front of the \nears. If you could see through the skin and get a side view of the TMJ, you would see \nhow the mandible, or lower jaw, hinges to the skull. The joint consists of a ball-and- \nsocket arrangement, with the ball being a rounded mass of bone in the back part of \nthe lower jaw that fits into a socket at the base of the skull. When you open and close \nyour jaw, this \"ball\" rotates in its socket, and \u2014 if the teeth push the jaw too far in \nany direction \u2014 the soft tissues between the bones are pinched. One trouble that sometimes follows this pinching is a slow loss of hearing, says one \nauthority on TMJ disorders. He cites the case of a man who was losing his hearing \nand had been wearing a hearing aid for two years before he learned of equilibration. He had not noticed any discomfort at the joints in front of his ears, nor that his teeth \nwere not meeting properly, but suspected that his teeth might somehow be causing \nstress. Se he went to his dentist, who made the necessary changes on the chewing \nsurfaces of his teeth. Three days later, the patient's hearing had improved to such an\n77\nWinning The Cancer War\nextent that he discarded his hearing aid. He has not needed it since. That was nine \nyears ago, and his hearing is still good. Not all patients respond so quickly nor so completely as that, of course, and there \nare many other causes of deafness, the authority points out \u2014 but pressure at the TMJ \nshould not be overlooked. Besides hearing trouble, this authority says, stress in the TMJ can cause neuralgia, \nstiff neck, running ears and itching ears. He tells of a woman who suffered from \nitching ears so much that in company she often had to excuse herself from the room \nto scratch her ears. X-ray pictures showed both Temporomandibular joints to be out \nof normal adjustment. After her dentist corrected the chewing surfaces of her teeth, \nthe itching gradually left. (X-ray pictures showed that the joints are now in proper \nadjustment. ) It is not uncommon for stress in the TMJ to bring on head noises. A patient who \nwore artificial dentures in which the teeth were out of adjustment, forcing the left side \nof his jaw backward until the joint on that side was under considerable stress, \nexperienced almost immediate relief from roaring sounds in his ears after being \ntreated by his dentist. This was several years ago, and the roaring sound has not \nreturned. Although the connection between stress in the TMJ and the troubles cited is not \nfully understood, it is known that there is a connection, because when the condition \nin the joint is corrected the troubles often disappear. How does the dentist restore the joints to a normal condition of equilibrium. As \npart of the treatment he may change the slopes of the natural or artificial teeth, or \nmake the teeth higher or lower to bring the chewing muscles into proper working \nrelationship. Sometimes he reduces pressure on the front teeth so that the chewing \nforces fall more on the back teeth. (If the ball parts of the lower jaw have been \npushed too far up into their sockets, this \"pivoting\" allows them to settle down again \ninto their normal relaxed positions. ) As the TMJ authority notes, one advantage of equilibration treatment is that it can \nbe done in the dental office and, in many instances, saves the patient from the more \nradical treatments of surgery or the injection of chemicals into the joints. Quite often, \nin fact, equilibration is the only treatment needed. As with other treatment, preventing trouble is an important aim of TMJ diagnosis. Because TMJ stress sometimes builds up gradually, with the patient suffering no \ninconvenience at first, the lower jaw and its joints are often checked for equilibrium\n78\nWinning The Cancer War\nto prevent trouble. Dentists, Physicians Team Up To Treat TMJ Disorders\nDentists and physicians all over the world are teaming up for diagnosis and \ntreatment of TMJ disorders. (One physician-dentist reported improvement in over \n85% of more than 1,000 patients treated with pivoting; another physician-dentist \nteam reported that 52 of 54 patients obtained relief from dizziness after equilibration. ) In 1955 many dentists and physicians from the U. S. and abroad organized as the \nAmerican Equilibration Society to further more intensive study of the TMJ and related \nstructures. CranioSacral Therapy\nThis is a very gentle, non-invasive hands-on approach that focuses on the \ncraniosacral system of the body. This system consists of the membranes and \ncerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. It extends \nfrom the bones of the skull, face and mouth \u2014 which make up the cranium \u2014 down \nto the sacrum, or tailbone. This system has been effective in evaluating and treating problems associated with \npain and dysfunction, lowered vitality, and recurring infections. The light touch \nemployed in this approach encourages your own natural mechanisms to improve the \nfunctioning of your brain and spinal cord, to dissipate the negative effects of stress \nand to enhance your general health and resistance to disease. Craniosacral therapy by Osteopaths, Chiropractors and Dentists has proven to \nhelp people who complain of ringing in the ears (tinnitus) and some forms of \nhearing loss. Many have asked Dr. Kelley this question:\n\"I have a friend losing the lung cancer battle. Does your program help those in later \nstates of cancer. Chemotherapy and radiation have not worked for him. \" Dr. Kelley's answer:\nThere is only one solution to any cancer. \u2014 The Kelley Metabolic Program. In \nreviewing the medical literature today from 1889 it has been well established, \"there \nis no cure for cancer after it has been interfered with. All cancer reacts by increased \ngrowth to any injury mechanical or surgical, chemical, or thermal. \" The 1985 \nMemorial Sloan-Kettering Review of several thousands of my patients stated that\n79\nWinning The Cancer War\n\"cure rate of the Kelley Program was only 93% after the physicians had used Surgery, \nChemotherapy and Radiation\" Of course this is the highest \"cure rate\" in medical \nhistory. Exception was \"pancreatic cancer\" at a 100% \"cure rate\". The denial of the KELLEY METABOLIC CANCER CURE PROGRAM is the denial \nof truth and all known scientific proven understanding. This denial is common among \nthe Orthodox and Alternative medical communities. \"Cure\" is not in their vocabulary; \nonly \"treatment\" and \"remission\" for financial gain. Cancer victims are \"expendable \nas in experimental animals. \" Should you or your friends, at this late terminal stage, choose to use our \nprogram, and can follow the PROGRAM exactly for six months, there is a possibility \nfor help", "token_ids": [46755, 13, 1226, 617, 1766, 433, 69919, 311, 617, 1778, 264, 17496, 14951, 22948, 720, 83, 35320, 11, 369, 520, 3325, 279, 1176, 11888, 4038, 315, 9572, 6514, 13, 578, 5912, 2547, 720, 79685, 430, 1274, 527, 11537, 449, 527, 539, 264, 1695, 719, 1101, 11190, 13, 32359, 31356, 41959, 649, 7170, 387, 7319, 477, 46836, 555, 36908, 720, 46755, 11, 719, 420, 15105, 2011, 387, 10887, 1234, 279, 5216, 315, 264, 1633, 7701, 720, 4991, 4473, 9400, 12734, 13, 2684, 527, 264, 1912, 315, 18653, 1705, 889, 1005, 264, 1749, 2663, 24789, 581, 1299, 11964, 321, 18856, 720, 12427, 269, 316, 438, 581, 1299, 30833, 320, 22809, 41, 8, 3312, 321, 18856, 311, 312, 7666, 2070, 279, 35113, 11, 1935, 59623, 505, 720, 1820, 8271, 11, 323, 304, 420, 1648, 2515, 1633, 28254, 64908, 4442, 13, 578, 2768, 527, 10015, 28887, 315, 264, 2478, 7701, 6992, 2547, 9841, 287, 720, 46654, 13, 20539, 269, 316, 438, 581, 1299, 30833, 320, 22809, 41, 8, 11964, 321, 18856, 198, 12427, 269, 316, 438, 581, 1299, 30833, 374, 1778, 264, 11013, 1285, 430, 18653, 1705, 1093, 311, 1005, 1120, 279, 720, 9613, 82, 13, 1102, 374, 279, 836, 315, 279, 10496, 1120, 304, 4156, 315, 279, 2487, 1405, 279, 4827, 16942, 80934, 13, 220, 4767, 198, 17400, 1251, 578, 26211, 5111, 198, 3947, 374, 832, 389, 279, 1314, 3185, 11, 323, 832, 389, 279, 2163, 13, 3277, 832, 477, 2225, 315, 1124, 527, 720, 25229, 704, 315, 2035, 433, 1253, 3063, 311, 1778, 35104, 287, 477, 26175, 4787, 439, 2487, 1815, 11, 720, 2025, 1815, 11, 2010, 58448, 11, 18965, 10578, 11, 294, 97745, 11, 23418, 2136, 323, 1524, 10723, 720, 376, 86713, 13, 1789, 1778, 82907, 439, 1521, 11, 16410, 1253, 72333, 4106, 323, 9439, 31406, 11, 1891, 1894, 2465, 11, 720, 79685, 48913, 11, 2800, 11, 15173, 11, 24064, 6514, 477, 11217, 13, 6104, 682, 315, 1521, 720, 1864, 291, 552, 527, 5505, 520, 3115, 11, 814, 3629, 656, 539, 4546, 15690, 16337, 422, 8631, 304, 279, 720, 33950, 374, 279, 1972, 5353, 315, 279, 12544, 13, 3277, 279, 5353, 374, 8631, 304, 420, 10496, 304, 4156, 315, 279, 2487, 11, 439, 433, 3629, 374, 11, 264, 6220, 323, 720, 12156, 398, 6992, 29106, 6514, 1253, 387, 279, 6425, 13, 1115, 6514, 374, 3967, 439, 720, 1, 26378, 321, 18856, 1, 320, 72239, 20018, 37443, 74801, 321, 18064, 31217, 352, 7666, 359, 1237, 433, 5042, 3445, 6273, 4954, 279, 720, 38827, 9326, 8603, 311, 15301, 279, 4827, 16942, 323, 1202, 35358, 311, 872, 4725, 653, 58827, 477, 720, 60668, 10093, 13, 2650, 656, 279, 35358, 636, 704, 315, 28174, 304, 279, 1176, 2035, 13, 1102, 2643, 387, 505, 264, 12523, 720, 263, 279, 46175, 11, 264, 16124, 993, 10753, 11, 477, 8736, 279, 16942, 2288, 7029, 320, 300, 994, 68196, 477, 720, 88, 51946, 570, 2030, 279, 1455, 4279, 374, 75477, 449, 18311, 430, 2586, 3871, 304, 264, 5076, 720, 3195, 13, 43911, 1705, 8464, 311, 420, 3044, 439, 330, 14991, 511, 9134, 13, 330, 1226, 3345, 1057, 82356, 304, 75477, 3691, 11, 315, 3388, 2001, 323, 1455, 11434, 1101, 3577, 872, 720, 668, 774, 3871, 832, 477, 1403, 16579, 3115, 264, 1938, 1990, 21644, 304, 91747, 13, 1442, 279, 720, 668, 774, 656, 539, 3449, 10489, 11, 279, 40850, 389, 1124, 2391, 75477, 323, 91747, 720, 18864, 5457, 279, 4827, 16942, 1139, 264, 73779, 2361, 430, 9160, 8696, 279, 35358, 304, 4156, 315, 279, 720, 7596, 13, 1442, 499, 1436, 1518, 1555, 279, 6930, 323, 636, 264, 3185, 1684, 315, 279, 24929, 41, 11, 499, 1053, 1518, 720, 5269, 279, 11837, 1260, 11, 477, 4827, 16942, 11, 80934, 311, 279, 35113, 13, 578, 10496, 17610, 315, 264, 5041, 9976, 12, 720, 9750, 27204, 11, 449, 279, 5041, 1694, 264, 18460, 3148, 315, 17685, 304, 279, 1203, 961, 315, 720, 1820, 4827, 16942, 430, 18809, 1139, 264, 7728, 520, 279, 2385, 315, 279, 35113, 13, 3277, 499, 1825, 323, 3345, 720, 22479, 16942, 11, 420, 330, 4047, 1, 90159, 304, 1202, 7728, 11, 323, 2001, 422, 279, 18311, 4585, 279, 16942, 2288, 3117, 304, 720, 3852, 5216, 2001, 279, 8579, 39881, 1990, 279, 25896, 527, 9160, 2454, 13, 3861, 12544, 430, 7170, 11263, 420, 9160, 28075, 374, 264, 6435, 4814, 315, 11011, 11, 2795, 832, 720, 85554, 389, 24929, 41, 24673, 13, 1283, 58273, 279, 1162, 315, 264, 893, 889, 574, 13490, 813, 11011, 720, 438, 1047, 1027, 12512, 264, 11011, 12576, 369, 1403, 1667, 1603, 568, 9687, 315, 3312, 321, 18856, 13, 1283, 1047, 539, 14000, 904, 44776, 520, 279, 35358, 304, 4156, 315, 813, 25212, 11, 6463, 430, 813, 18311, 720, 52898, 539, 6574, 10489, 11, 719, 24740, 430, 813, 18311, 2643, 17354, 387, 14718, 720, 95290, 13, 1369, 568, 4024, 311, 813, 50351, 11, 889, 1903, 279, 5995, 4442, 389, 279, 75477, 720, 20370, 7760, 315, 813, 18311, 13, 14853, 2919, 3010, 11, 279, 8893, 596, 11011, 1047, 13241, 311, 1778, 459, 198, 2813, 198, 17400, 1251, 578, 26211, 5111, 198, 71272, 430, 568, 44310, 813, 11011, 12576, 13, 1283, 706, 539, 4460, 433, 2533, 13, 3011, 574, 11888, 720, 42820, 4227, 11, 323, 813, 11011, 374, 2103, 1695, 13, 2876, 682, 6978, 6013, 779, 6288, 6463, 779, 6724, 439, 430, 11, 315, 3388, 11, 323, 1070, 720, 548, 1690, 1023, 11384, 315, 47842, 2136, 11, 279, 11447, 3585, 704, 2001, 719, 7410, 520, 279, 24929, 41, 720, 5562, 539, 387, 45536, 13, 31909, 11011, 12544, 11, 420, 11447, 2795, 11, 8631, 304, 279, 24929, 41, 649, 5353, 30828, 55901, 11, 720, 267, 3168, 13272, 11, 4401, 25212, 323, 86075, 25212, 13, 1283, 10975, 315, 264, 5333, 889, 16654, 505, 720, 1641, 287, 25212, 779, 1790, 430, 304, 2883, 1364, 3629, 1047, 311, 28391, 11937, 505, 279, 3130, 720, 998, 19307, 1077, 25212, 13, 1630, 30630, 9364, 8710, 2225, 20539, 269, 316, 438, 581, 1299, 35358, 311, 387, 704, 720, 1073, 4725, 28174, 13, 4740, 1077, 50351, 37065, 279, 75477, 27529, 315, 1077, 18311, 11, 720, 1820, 86075, 27115, 2163, 13, 320, 55, 30630, 9364, 8710, 430, 279, 35358, 527, 1457, 304, 6300, 720, 39819, 479, 13, 883, 1102, 374, 539, 41296, 369, 8631, 304, 279, 24929, 41, 311, 4546, 389, 2010, 58448, 13, 362, 8893, 889, 720, 86, 461, 21075, 18653, 1439, 304, 902, 279, 18311, 1051, 704, 315, 28174, 11, 25957, 279, 2163, 3185, 720, 1073, 813, 16942, 28655, 3156, 279, 10496, 389, 430, 3185, 574, 1234, 24779, 8631, 11, 720, 327, 45933, 4661, 14247, 16337, 505, 93856, 10578, 304, 813, 25212, 1306, 1694, 720, 83, 2920, 555, 813, 50351, 13, 1115, 574, 3892, 1667, 4227, 11, 323, 279, 93856, 5222, 706, 539, 720, 78691, 13, 10541, 279, 3717, 1990, 8631, 304, 279, 24929, 41, 323, 279, 35665, 22628, 374, 539, 720, 3725, 16365, 11, 433, 374, 3967, 430, 1070, 374, 264, 3717, 11, 1606, 994, 279, 3044, 720, 258, 279, 10496, 374, 37065, 279, 35665, 3629, 32153, 13, 2650, 1587, 279, 50351, 15301, 279, 35358, 311, 264, 4725, 3044, 315, 56411, 13, 1666, 720, 4581, 315, 279, 6514, 568, 1253, 2349, 279, 60108, 315, 279, 5933, 477, 21075, 18311, 11, 477, 720, 7072, 279, 18311, 5190, 477, 4827, 311, 4546, 279, 75477, 24569, 1139, 6300, 3318, 720, 37195, 13, 18156, 568, 26338, 7410, 389, 279, 4156, 18311, 779, 430, 279, 75477, 720, 49896, 4498, 810, 389, 279, 1203, 18311, 13, 320, 2746, 279, 5041, 5596, 315, 279, 4827, 16942, 617, 1027, 720, 9254, 291, 2288, 3117, 709, 1139, 872, 48657, 11, 420, 330, 79, 344, 11780, 1, 6276, 1124, 311, 25760, 1523, 1578, 720, 18614, 872, 4725, 31467, 10093, 13, 883, 1666, 279, 24929, 41, 11447, 8554, 11, 832, 9610, 315, 3312, 321, 18856, 6514, 374, 430, 433, 649, 720, 1395, 2884, 304, 279, 29106, 5274, 323, 11, 304, 1690, 13422, 11, 27024, 279, 8893, 505, 279, 810, 720, 13584, 950, 22972, 315, 15173, 477, 279, 26127, 315, 26333, 1139, 279, 35358, 13, 58795, 3629, 11, 720, 258, 2144, 11, 3312, 321, 18856, 374, 279, 1193, 6514, 4460, 13, 1666, 449, 1023, 6514, 11, 27252, 12544, 374, 459, 3062, 9395, 315, 24929, 41, 23842, 13, 9393, 24929, 41, 8631, 7170, 22890, 709, 27115, 11, 449, 279, 8893, 16066, 912, 720, 258, 444, 40647, 520, 1176, 11, 279, 4827, 16942, 323, 1202, 35358, 527, 3629, 10273, 369, 56411, 198, 2495, 198, 17400, 1251, 578, 26211, 5111, 198, 998, 5471, 12544, 13, 43911, 1705, 11, 88599, 8068, 3216, 2057, 19409, 24929, 41, 73133, 198, 35, 306, 1705, 323, 35944, 682, 927, 279, 1917, 527, 2128, 287, 709, 369, 23842, 323, 2355, 83, 35320, 315, 24929, 41, 24673, 13, 320, 4054, 28378, 1773, 306, 380, 5068, 16048, 304, 927, 2355, 5313, 4, 315, 810, 1109, 220, 16, 11, 931, 6978, 12020, 449, 42430, 11780, 26, 2500, 28378, 1773, 306, 380, 2355, 9376, 5068, 430, 220, 4103, 315, 220, 4370, 6978, 12457, 16337, 505, 294, 97745, 1306, 3312, 321, 18856, 13, 883, 763, 220, 6280, 20, 1690, 18653, 1705, 323, 35944, 505, 279, 549, 13, 328, 13, 323, 22917, 17057, 439, 279, 720, 29518, 11964, 321, 18856, 13581, 311, 4726, 810, 37295, 4007, 315, 279, 24929, 41, 323, 5552, 720, 47194, 13, 67530, 822, 94528, 3545, 40143, 198, 2028, 374, 264, 1633, 22443, 11, 2536, 3502, 78134, 6206, 10539, 5603, 430, 24400, 389, 279, 720, 73085, 3614, 582, 3545, 1887, 315, 279, 2547, 13, 1115, 1887, 17610, 315, 279, 79348, 323, 720, 66, 486, 15222, 2203, 992, 15962, 430, 9172, 323, 6144, 279, 8271, 323, 50112, 23125, 13, 1102, 2289, 720, 1527, 279, 25896, 315, 279, 35113, 11, 3663, 323, 11013, 2001, 902, 1304, 709, 279, 1589, 35822, 2001, 1523, 720, 998, 279, 11347, 10952, 11, 477, 9986, 20337, 13, 1115, 1887, 706, 1027, 7524, 304, 38663, 323, 27723, 5435, 5938, 449, 720, 92724, 323, 32403, 11, 39920, 75716, 11, 323, 46350, 30020, 13, 578, 3177, 5916, 720, 36242, 304, 420, 5603, 37167, 701, 1866, 5933, 24717, 311, 7417, 279, 720, 1723, 287, 315, 701, 8271, 323, 50112, 23125, 11, 311, 93522, 349, 279, 8389, 6372, 315, 8631, 720, 438, 311, 18885, 701, 4689, 2890, 323, 13957, 311, 8624, 13, 67530, 3614, 582, 3545, 15419, 555, 507, 5455, 454, 27382, 11, 921, 56087, 21846, 323, 43911, 1705, 706, 17033, 311, 2355, 8823, 1274, 889, 29011, 315, 68143, 304, 279, 25212, 320, 83, 98439, 8, 323, 1063, 7739, 315, 2355, 383, 3329, 4814, 13, 9176, 617, 4691, 2999, 13, 74813, 420, 3488, 512, 7189, 617, 264, 4333, 13490, 279, 21271, 9572, 8209, 13, 12838, 701, 2068, 1520, 1884, 304, 3010, 720, 33169, 315, 9572, 13, 19531, 42811, 323, 25407, 617, 539, 6575, 369, 1461, 13, 330, 2999, 13, 74813, 596, 4320, 512, 3947, 374, 1193, 832, 6425, 311, 904, 9572, 13, 2001, 578, 74813, 6344, 57565, 6826, 13, 763, 720, 19981, 287, 279, 6593, 17649, 3432, 505, 220, 9367, 24, 433, 706, 1027, 1664, 9749, 11, 330, 19041, 720, 285, 912, 27208, 369, 9572, 1306, 433, 706, 1027, 41305, 291, 449, 13, 2052, 9572, 69945, 555, 7319, 720, 74189, 311, 904, 11134, 22936, 477, 34933, 11, 11742, 11, 477, 29487, 13, 330, 578, 220, 3753, 20, 720, 19346, 22676, 94193, 16222, 22120, 287, 10506, 315, 3892, 9214, 315, 856, 6978, 11224, 430, 198, 4643, 198, 17400, 1251, 578, 26211, 5111, 198, 98046, 554, 4478, 315, 279, 74813, 6826, 574, 1193, 220, 6365, 4, 1306, 279, 35944, 1047, 1511, 48190, 11, 720, 64938, 42811, 323, 90326, 1, 5046, 3388, 420, 374, 279, 8592, 330, 66, 554, 4478, 1, 304, 6593, 720, 19375, 13, 4204, 574, 330, 857, 846, 780, 9572, 1, 520, 264, 220, 1041, 4, 330, 66, 554, 4478, 3343, 578, 35013, 315, 279, 735, 2818, 54949, 37922, 1905, 1971, 1341, 20076, 34, 643, 356, 4622, 46761, 374, 279, 35013, 720, 1073, 8206, 323, 682, 3967, 12624, 17033, 8830, 13, 1115, 35013, 374, 4279, 4315, 720, 1820, 46273, 323, 42209, 6593, 10977, 13, 330, 34, 554, 1, 374, 539, 304, 872, 36018, 26, 720, 3323, 330, 83, 35320, 1, 323, 330, 1864, 7711, 1, 369, 6020, 8895, 13, 26211, 12697, 527, 330, 327, 3825, 481, 720, 300, 304, 22772, 10099, 13, 330, 12540, 499, 477, 701, 4885, 11, 520, 420, 3389, 15372, 6566, 11, 5268, 311, 1005, 1057, 720, 15252, 11, 323, 649, 1833, 279, 46761, 7041, 369, 4848, 4038, 11, 1070, 374, 264, 13336, 720, 2000, 1520], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": "How can Snuggles be so happy just after\nbeing beaten up?\u201d\n\u201cMilton, cats are not like humans. Snuggles can easily let go of what\nhappened yesterday, and he doesn't worry about tomorrow. He lives in the\nNow. That's why he's happy even though not long ago Brutus was\nattacking him. Most people don't live in the Now because they think of\nyesterday or tomorrow most of the time. And a lot of the time they are\nunhappy.\u201dMilton paused for a moment then asked, \u201cThe Now? What does that\nmean, Grandpa? What's the Now?\u201d\n\u201cMilton?\u201d\n\u201cYes, Grandpa.\u201d\n\u201cPay attention to what's around you. Look... listen.\u201d\nThen, spreading his arms as wide as he could, Grandpa said, \u201cThis is the\nNow.\u201d\n\u201cOh, wow!\u201d exclaimed Milton. \u201cWherever you are,\u201d said Grandpa, \u201cthat's the Now. You just have to\npay attention.\u201d\n\u201cGrandpa,\u201d Milton asked, \u201cCan you always live in the Now like\nSnuggles?\u201d\n\u201cSometimes I can,\u201d said Grandpa Howard, \u201cBut, no, not always.\u201d\nJust then, Milton's mom called from the kitchen. \u201cCome and get your\nbreakfast, Milton, or you'll be late for school.\u201d\nMilton could feel the fear inside him start up again. After a while he said, \u201cA boy in the sixth grade pushed me down in the\nschool yard-and just because my name is Milton. He's so big, Grandpa,\nwhat if he tries to do it again?\u201d\nGrandpa, holding up his right hand, signaled with his index finger. \u201cIf\nhe ever tries to hurt you again, promise me you'll tell your mom or dad at\nonce, and you should also tell your teacher.\u201d\n\u201cOkay, I promise,\u201d said Milton. \u201cWhen did this happen?\u201d asked Grandpa. \u201cYesterday.\u201d\n\u201cI see,\u201d said Grandpa, \u201cyesterday. That was When it happened. But it's\nnot happening now, is it?\u201d\nMilton, angry and frustrated, said, \u201cOf course it's not happening now. But I'm worried he'll try to do it again.\u201d\nGrandpa replied, \u201cIf he does, it will be Then, won't it? You're worrying\nabout Then and thinking about When. Aren't you forgetting something? Then and When are in your head. They are not here Now, are they?\u201d\n\u201cI don't understand,\u201d said Milton. \u201cThen and When are in my head? What are you talking about?\u201d\nBut Grandpa didn't respond. He just looked at him with deep\nunderstanding, and smiled.His legs are wobbly and about to give way. Milton stops dead in his\ntracks. What can he do? Just then, he looks to his right and sees a little door. It looks like the\nentrance to some kind of store.He quickly opens the door and, to his surprise, finds himself inside the\nice-cream shop! \u201cAh, here you are. I've been waiting for you, Milton,\u201d the ice-cream\nlady says. \u201cI'm being chased by a boy named Carter, and there is a big dog who\nwants to hurt me, too,\u201d Milton blurts out. \u201cNobody's chasi ng you, and there's no dog out there going to hurt you. It's all in your head.\u201d\n\u201cNo, it isn't,\u201d says Milton. \u201cThey're out there waiting for me.\u201d\n\u201cSit down, honey. Let me show you something,\u201d says the ice-cream\nlady. \u201cThe new sundae-of-the-month... choco-cadabra?\u201d\n\u201cNo, it's something even better,\u201d she replies. She reaches under the counter and takes out a ball of glowin g white\nlight on an ice-cream dish. Milton has a strange feeling that the light is\nalive. \u201cThat's no ice cream,\u201d says Milton. \u201cWhat is it?\u201d\n\u201cIt's a light bubble, honey. Isn't it beautiful?\u201d\nRight then, the light bubble goes \u201cPOP\u201d and bursts into a shower of\nsparkles. Milton is left staring at the empty dish.\u201cOh no, it's gone,\u201d says Milton. \u201cNo it isn't,\u201d says the ice-cream lady. \u201cThe light just doesn't like to be\nlooked at, so now it's hiding. See if you can find it.\u201d\nMilton looks all around the room. But no matter how hard he looks, he\ncan't see any light bubble. Suddenly, he notices a strange noise like a little\nelectric engine. Purrr -purrr. Purrr -purrr....\nThat sounds like... Snuggles, of course! There he is, sitting on the\ncounter with his eyes half closed, purring blissfully. What's he doing in the\nice-cream shop anyway? For a moment, Milton thinks he sees a glow coming from inside\nSnuggles, and he asks the ice-cream lady, \u201cIs the light bubble hiding in\nSnuggles?\u201d\n\u201cWell done,\u201d she says. \u201cBut the light is not a bubble anymore. It's just\nlight. And the cat is purring because he can feel it, and it feels good. \u201cWhere else is the light hiding?\u201d she then asks, as she smells the flower\non the counter. Milton sees a tiny glow in and around the flower. \u201cIs it...?\u201d he starts.\u201cYes, it is,\u201d the ice-cream lady interrupts. \u201cThe light is in the flower,\ntoo. That's why it's so beautiful. Anywhere else?\u201d\nMilton looks into her big, brown eyes. \u201cYour eyes are so bright,\u201d he says. \u201cI think the light is in you, too.\u201d\n\u201cYou're right, honey. You see, the light is in everything, always. It gives\nlife to everything.\u201d\nMilton looks down at this body. \u201cWhat about me? I can't see any light\ninside me.\u201d\n\u201cNo, you can't see it in yourself, but you can always feel it.\u201d\n\u201cI can?\u201d asks Milton. \u201cSure, it's easy. Let me ask you a question: Are you alive?\u201d\n\u201cOf course, I'm alive,\u201d says Milton. \u201cAre you just saying that, or can you actually feel that you are alive?\u201d\n\u201cWhat do you mean?\u201d asks Milton. \u201cStart with your hands. Can you feel the light inside them?\u201dMilton closes his eyes for a moment. \u201cI'm getting a tingly feeling inside\nmy hands.\u201d\n\u201cThat's it,\u201d says the ice-cream lady. \u201cYou're feeling the light. Can you\nfeel it in your feet, too?\u201d\n\u201cYes, I can.\u201d\u201cYour arms and legs?\u201d\n\u201cYes.\u201d\n\u201cCan you feel the light inside your whole body?\u201d\n\u201cMy whole body feels kind of warm and tingly.\u201d\nMilton looks around the room. \u201cEverything looks a bit different, too. Just like when my grandpa was talking to me about the Now.\u201d\n\u201cThat's right, Milton. Grandpa showed you the outside of the Now. And\nthis shows you the inside.\u201d\n\u201cThe inside of the Now?\u201d asks Milton. \u201cYes, when you feel the light inside your body, you are in the Now. And\nyou're not scared anymore. The light helps you feel strong.\u201d\n\u201cReally?\u201d says Milton. \u201cThat's great.\u201d\n\u201cAnd now that you know what it's like, you can feel the light inside you\nwhenever you want to.\u201d\n\u201cOh, that's double great!\u201d exclaims Milton. \u201cLet's keep the inside of the Now a secret just between the two of us,\nokay? Most people are not ready to understand this.\u201d\n\u201cNo problem,\u201d Milton replies.\u201cNo problem. No problem,\u201d Milton was still murmuring to himself\nwhen he woke up from his dream and found himself in his warm bed. He opened his eyes. The half-moon was casting its pale light on his bed. The tree in the yard\noutside his wind ow was very still. Only a few leaves moved in the breeze. There was the noise of a car passing by... then it was still again. Even now he could feel the tingling inside his whole body. For no reason at all, Milton felt happy.But on the school bus that morning, Milton started thinking and\nworrying again, and he felt scared of going to school. Then he remembered what the ice-cream lady had told him in the\ndream. \u201cFeel the light inside your body, and you won't be scared\nanymore.\u201d\nMilton decided he had nothing to lose by trying it out. So he did. There\nwas that tingling again in his hands, and then in his feet... then he couldfeel the light inside his whole body again. Now I am in the Now, thought Milton. It feels good to be in the Now. That afternoon in class, Milton raised his hand and asked to go to the\nbathroom. Mrs. Fer guson smiled and nodded her head.Milton was washing his hands in the bathroom and enjoying the feel of\nthe cool water when the cubicle door behind him opened, and someone\nstepped out. Milton glanced in the mirror and saw the figure of a big boy\nlooming behind him. The boy looked at himself in the mirror for a\nmoment, paying no attention to Milton. How unhappy he looks, thoug ht Milton. Then suddenly, oh no! He\nrealized the boy was Carter. Carter gave the short hair on his head a rub with both hands, put on his\ncocky face, and walked out of the bathroom. He's unhappy, so he wants to make others unhappy, too, thought Milton. But I'm not going", "token_ids": [4438, 649, 13358, 2661, 645, 387, 779, 6380, 1120, 1306, 198, 35214, 31394, 709, 12671, 198, 2118, 44, 16695, 11, 19987, 527, 539, 1093, 12966, 13, 13358, 2661, 645, 649, 6847, 1095, 733, 315, 1148, 198, 71, 680, 6901, 13985, 1174, 323, 568, 3250, 956, 11196, 922, 16986, 662, 1283, 6439, 304, 279, 198, 7184, 662, 3011, 596, 3249, 568, 596, 6380, 1524, 3582, 539, 1317, 4227, 71825, 355, 574, 198, 1617, 9162, 1461, 13, 7648, 1274, 1541, 956, 3974, 304, 279, 4800, 1606, 814, 1781, 315, 198, 88, 11534, 477, 16986, 1455, 315, 279, 892, 13, 1628, 264, 2763, 315, 279, 892, 814, 527, 198, 359, 57621, 662, 863, 44, 16695, 35595, 369, 264, 4545, 1243, 4691, 11, 1054, 791, 4800, 30, 3639, 1587, 430, 198, 14622, 11, 10517, 6733, 30, 3639, 596, 279, 4800, 12671, 198, 2118, 44, 16695, 12671, 198, 86508, 11, 10517, 6733, 49216, 2118, 21243, 6666, 311, 1148, 596, 2212, 499, 13, 9372, 2564, 9020, 49216, 12487, 11, 31135, 813, 11977, 439, 7029, 439, 568, 1436, 11, 10517, 6733, 1071, 11, 1054, 2028, 220, 374, 279, 198, 7184, 662, 89874, 87990, 11, 36765, 18319, 80608, 58447, 13, 1054, 9241, 424, 499, 527, 2476, 1071, 10517, 6733, 11, 1054, 9210, 596, 279, 4800, 662, 1472, 1120, 617, 311, 198, 14214, 6666, 49216, 2118, 41251, 6733, 2476, 58447, 4691, 11, 1054, 6854, 499, 2744, 3974, 304, 279, 4800, 1093, 198, 21380, 2661, 645, 12671, 198, 2118, 32148, 358, 649, 2476, 1071, 10517, 6733, 20462, 11, 1054, 4071, 11, 912, 11, 539, 2744, 49216, 10156, 1243, 11, 58447, 596, 3450, 2663, 505, 279, 9979, 13, 1054, 29951, 323, 636, 701, 198, 9137, 9533, 11, 58447, 11, 477, 499, 3358, 387, 3389, 369, 2978, 49216, 44, 16695, 1436, 2733, 279, 8850, 4871, 1461, 1212, 709, 1578, 13, 4740, 264, 1418, 568, 1071, 11, 1054, 32, 8334, 304, 279, 26084, 12239, 15753, 757, 1523, 304, 279, 198, 22606, 20085, 9976, 1120, 1606, 856, 836, 374, 58447, 13, 1283, 596, 779, 2466, 11, 10517, 6733, 345, 12840, 422, 568, 16696, 311, 656, 433, 1578, 12671, 198, 41251, 6733, 11, 10168, 709, 813, 1314, 1450, 11, 75848, 449, 813, 1963, 14654, 662, 1054, 2746, 198, 383, 3596, 16696, 311, 13194, 499, 1578, 11, 11471, 757, 499, 3358, 3371, 701, 3450, 477, 18233, 520, 198, 13486, 11, 323, 499, 1288, 1101, 3371, 701, 11326, 662, 89874, 2118, 33413, 1174, 358, 11471, 2476, 1071, 58447, 13, 1054, 4599, 1550, 420, 3621, 12671, 4691, 10517, 6733, 13, 1054, 51377, 662, 89874, 10378, 1518, 2476, 1071, 10517, 6733, 11, 1054, 88, 11534, 662, 3011, 574, 3277, 433, 7077, 13, 2030, 433, 596, 198, 1962, 12765, 1457, 1174, 374, 433, 12671, 198, 44, 16695, 11, 19021, 323, 33630, 11, 1071, 11, 1054, 2173, 3388, 433, 596, 539, 12765, 1457, 13, 2030, 358, 2846, 18290, 568, 3358, 1456, 311, 656, 433, 1578, 49216, 41251, 6733, 20592, 1174, 1054, 2746, 568, 1587, 11, 433, 690, 387, 5112, 11, 2834, 956, 433, 30, 1472, 2351, 40876, 198, 9274, 5112, 323, 7422, 922, 220, 3277, 13, 74604, 956, 499, 66127, 2555, 30, 5112, 323, 3277, 527, 304, 701, 2010, 13, 2435, 527, 539, 1618, 4800, 11, 527, 814, 12671, 198, 10378, 1541, 956, 3619, 2476, 1071, 58447, 13, 1054, 12487, 323, 3277, 527, 304, 856, 2010, 30, 3639, 527, 499, 7556, 922, 12671, 198, 4071, 10517, 6733, 3287, 956, 6013, 13, 1283, 1120, 7111, 520, 1461, 449, 5655, 198, 8154, 10276, 11, 323, 31645, 3924, 285, 14535, 527, 289, 21046, 398, 323, 922, 311, 3041, 1648, 13, 58447, 18417, 5710, 304, 813, 198, 50424, 13, 3639, 649, 568, 656, 30, 4702, 1243, 11, 568, 5992, 311, 813, 1314, 323, 16008, 264, 2697, 6134, 13, 1102, 5992, 1093, 279, 198, 24677, 685, 311, 1063, 3169, 315, 3637, 52425, 6288, 16264, 279, 6134, 323, 11, 311, 813, 13051, 11, 14035, 5678, 4871, 279, 198, 560, 12, 47100, 8221, 0, 1054, 25797, 11, 1618, 499, 527, 13, 358, 3077, 1027, 8748, 369, 499, 11, 58447, 2476, 279, 10054, 12, 47100, 198, 121466, 2795, 13, 1054, 40, 2846, 1694, 62920, 555, 264, 8334, 7086, 25581, 1174, 323, 1070, 374, 264, 2466, 5679, 889, 198, 86, 1821, 311, 13194, 757, 11, 2288, 2476, 58447, 29613, 2641, 704, 13, 1054, 57813, 596, 523, 10426, 7933, 499, 11, 323, 1070, 596, 912, 5679, 704, 1070, 2133, 311, 13194, 499, 13, 1102, 596, 682, 304, 701, 2010, 49216, 61559, 11, 433, 4536, 956, 2476, 2795, 58447, 13, 1054, 7009, 2351, 704, 1070, 8748, 369, 757, 49216, 2118, 61935, 1523, 11, 26828, 662, 6914, 757, 1501, 499, 2555, 2476, 2795, 279, 10054, 12, 47100, 198, 121466, 13, 1054, 791, 502, 51682, 6043, 8838, 10826, 23086, 2564, 523, 13441, 1824, 329, 45032, 12671, 198, 61559, 11, 433, 596, 2555, 1524, 2731, 1174, 863, 1364, 31737, 13, 3005, 25501, 1234, 279, 5663, 323, 5097, 704, 264, 5041, 315, 37066, 258, 342, 4251, 198, 4238, 389, 459, 10054, 12, 47100, 12269, 13, 58447, 706, 264, 15234, 8430, 430, 279, 3177, 374, 198, 52061, 13, 1054, 4897, 596, 912, 10054, 12932, 2476, 2795, 58447, 13, 1054, 3923, 374, 433, 12671, 198, 17818, 596, 264, 3177, 24529, 11, 26828, 662, 53296, 956, 433, 6366, 12671, 198, 6107, 1243, 11, 279, 3177, 24529, 5900, 1054, 48362, 863, 323, 66801, 1139, 264, 17639, 315, 198, 54882, 645, 13, 58447, 374, 2163, 37874, 520, 279, 4384, 12269, 35147, 12174, 912, 11, 433, 596, 8208, 2476, 2795, 58447, 13, 1054, 2822, 433, 4536, 956, 2476, 2795, 279, 10054, 12, 47100, 17240, 13, 1054, 791, 3177, 1120, 3250, 956, 1093, 311, 387, 198, 7349, 291, 520, 11, 779, 1457, 433, 596, 26092, 13, 3580, 422, 499, 649, 1505, 433, 49216, 44, 16695, 5992, 682, 2212, 279, 3130, 662, 2030, 912, 5030, 1268, 2653, 568, 5992, 11, 568, 198, 4919, 956, 1518, 904, 3177, 24529, 13, 58801, 1174, 568, 35871, 264, 15234, 12248, 1093, 264, 2697, 198, 64465, 4817, 13, 14874, 637, 482, 26047, 637, 662, 14874, 637, 482, 26047, 637, 22666, 198, 4897, 10578, 1093, 2564, 13358, 2661, 645, 11, 315, 3388, 0, 2684, 568, 374, 11, 11961, 389, 279, 198, 8456, 449, 813, 6548, 4376, 8036, 11, 4087, 12928, 59045, 3725, 662, 3639, 596, 568, 3815, 304, 279, 198, 560, 12, 47100, 8221, 13971, 30, 1789, 264, 4545, 11, 58447, 15849, 568, 16008, 264, 37066, 5108, 505, 220, 4871, 198, 21380, 2661, 645, 11, 323, 568, 17501, 279, 10054, 12, 47100, 17240, 11, 1054, 3957, 279, 3177, 24529, 26092, 304, 198, 21380, 2661, 645, 12671, 198, 88925, 2884, 2476, 1364, 2795, 13, 1054, 4071, 279, 3177, 374, 539, 264, 24529, 14926, 13, 1102, 596, 1120, 198, 4238, 13, 1628, 279, 8415, 374, 4087, 12928, 1606, 568, 649, 2733, 433, 11, 323, 433, 11321, 1695, 13, 1054, 9241, 775, 374, 279, 3177, 26092, 12671, 1364, 1243, 17501, 11, 439, 1364, 50737, 279, 23153, 198, 263, 279, 5663, 662, 58447, 16008, 264, 13987, 37066, 304, 323, 2212, 279, 23153, 662, 1054, 3957, 433, 2564, 949, 863, 568, 8638, 35147, 9642, 11, 433, 374, 2476, 279, 10054, 12, 47100, 17240, 44537, 13, 1054, 791, 3177, 374, 304, 279, 23153, 13801, 37227, 13, 3011, 596, 3249, 433, 596, 779, 6366, 13, 5884, 2940, 775, 12671, 198, 44, 16695, 5992, 1139, 1077, 2466, 11, 14198, 6548, 13, 1054, 7927, 6548, 527, 779, 10107, 2476, 568, 2795, 13, 1054, 40, 1781, 279, 3177, 374, 304, 499, 11, 2288, 49216, 33672, 2351, 1314, 11, 26828, 662, 1472, 1518, 11, 279, 3177, 374, 304, 4395, 11, 2744, 13, 1102, 6835, 198, 14789, 311, 4395, 49216, 44, 16695, 5992, 1523, 520, 420, 2547, 662, 1054, 3923, 922, 757, 30, 358, 649, 956, 1518, 904, 3177, 198, 42450, 757, 49216, 61559, 11, 499, 649, 956, 1518, 433, 304, 6261, 11, 719, 499, 649, 2744, 2733, 433, 49216, 10378, 649, 12671, 17501, 58447, 13, 1054, 40914, 11, 433, 596, 4228, 662, 6914, 757, 2610, 499, 264, 3488, 25, 8886, 499, 13989, 12671, 198, 2118, 2173, 3388, 11, 358, 2846, 13989, 2476, 2795, 58447, 13, 1054, 11787, 499, 1120, 5605, 430, 11, 477, 649, 499, 3604, 2733, 430, 499, 527, 13989, 12671, 198, 44130, 656, 499, 3152, 12671, 17501, 58447, 13, 1054, 3563, 449, 701, 6206, 13, 3053, 499, 2733, 279, 3177, 4871, 1124, 12671, 44, 16695, 34350, 813, 6548, 369, 264, 4545, 13, 1054, 40, 2846, 3794, 264, 259, 11559, 8430, 4871, 198, 2465, 6206, 49216, 49977, 596, 433, 2476, 2795, 279, 10054, 12, 47100, 17240, 13, 1054, 2675, 2351, 8430, 279, 3177, 13, 3053, 499, 198, 57676, 433, 304, 701, 7693, 11, 2288, 12671, 198, 86508, 11, 358, 649, 2029, 2118, 7927, 11977, 323, 14535, 12671, 198, 86508, 49216, 2118, 6854, 499, 2733, 279, 3177, 4871, 701, 4459, 2547, 12671, 198, 62597, 4459, 2547, 11321, 3169, 315, 8369, 323, 259, 11559, 662, 89874, 44, 16695, 5992, 2212, 279, 3130, 13, 1054, 36064, 5992, 264, 2766, 2204, 11, 2288, 13, 4702, 1093, 994, 856, 6800, 6733, 574, 7556, 311, 757, 922, 279, 4800, 662, 89874, 49977, 596, 1314, 11, 58447, 13, 10517, 6733, 8710, 499, 279, 4994, 315, 279, 4800, 662, 1628, 198, 576, 5039, 499, 279, 4871, 49216, 14305, 4871, 315, 279, 4800, 12671, 17501, 58447, 13, 1054, 9642, 11, 994, 499, 2733, 279, 3177, 4871, 701, 2547, 1174, 499, 527, 304, 279, 4800, 662, 1628, 198, 9514, 2351, 539, 27207, 14926, 13, 578, 3177, 8779, 499, 2733, 3831, 49216, 2118, 49885, 12671, 2795, 58447, 13, 1054, 4897, 596, 2294, 49216, 68932, 1457, 430, 499, 1440, 1148, 433, 596, 1093, 11, 499, 649, 2733, 279, 3177, 4871, 499, 198, 1336, 31845, 499, 1390, 311, 49216, 87990, 11, 430, 596, 2033, 2294, 18319, 506, 49661, 58447, 13, 1054, 10267, 596, 2567, 279, 4871, 315, 279, 4800, 264, 6367, 1120, 1990, 279, 1403, 315, 603, 345, 94317, 30, 7648, 1274, 527, 539, 5644, 311, 3619, 420, 49216, 61559, 3575, 2476, 58447, 31737, 35147, 2822, 3575, 13, 2360, 3575, 2476, 58447, 574, 2103, 87651, 1711, 311, 5678, 198, 9493, 568, 39826, 709, 505, 813, 8063, 323, 1766, 5678, 304, 813, 8369, 4950, 13, 1283, 9107, 813, 6548, 13, 578, 4376, 1474, 9186, 574, 25146, 1202, 28639, 3177, 389, 813, 4950, 13, 578, 5021, 304, 279, 20085, 198, 68090, 813, 10160, 15941, 574, 1633, 2103, 13, 8442, 264, 2478, 11141, 7882, 304, 279, 46385, 13, 2684, 574, 279, 12248, 315, 264, 1841, 12579, 555, 2564, 1243, 433, 574, 2103, 1578, 13, 7570, 1457, 568, 1436, 2733, 279, 43327, 2785, 4871, 813, 4459, 2547, 662, 1789, 912, 2944, 520, 682, 11, 58447, 6612, 6380, 662, 4071, 389, 279, 2978, 5951, 430, 6693, 11, 58447, 3940, 7422, 323, 198, 86, 8635, 287, 1578, 11, 323, 568, 6612, 27207, 315, 2133, 311, 2978, 13, 5112, 568, 27569, 1148, 279, 10054, 12, 47100, 17240, 1047, 3309, 1461, 304, 279, 198, 57291, 13, 1054, 34027, 279, 3177, 4871, 701, 2547, 1174, 323, 499, 2834, 956, 387, 27207, 198, 276, 1631, 461, 49216, 44, 16695, 6773, 568, 1047, 4400, 311, 9229, 555, 4560, 433, 704, 13, 2100, 568, 1550, 13, 2684, 198, 16514, 430, 43327, 2785, 220, 1578, 304, 813, 6206, 11, 323, 1243, 304, 813, 7693, 2564, 1243, 568, 1436, 57676, 279, 3177, 4871, 813, 4459, 2547, 1578, 13, 4800, 358, 1097, 304, 279, 4800, 1174, 3463, 58447, 13, 1102, 11321, 1695, 311, 387, 304, 279, 4800, 662, 3011, 13658, 304, 538, 11, 58447, 9408, 813, 1450, 323, 4691, 311, 733, 311, 279, 198, 65, 78932, 13, 18083, 13, 29562, 342, 355, 263, 31645, 323, 36065, 1077, 2010, 1345, 16695, 574, 28786, 813, 6206, 304, 279, 15197, 323, 22128, 279, 2733, 315, 198, 1820, 7155, 3090, 994, 279, 19250, 2045, 6134, 4920, 1461, 9107, 11, 323, 4423, 198, 5455, 7069, 704, 13, 58447, 65657, 304, 279, 18327, 323, 5602, 279, 7216, 315, 264, 2466, 8334, 198, 385, 18238, 4920, 1461, 13, 578, 8334, 7111, 520, 5678, 304, 279, 18327, 369, 264, 198, 29699, 11, 12798, 912, 6666, 311, 58447, 13, 2650, 43251, 568, 5992, 11, 34223, 70, 35423, 58447, 13, 5112, 15187, 1174, 14346, 912, 0, 1283, 198, 8110, 1534, 279, 8334, 574, 25581, 662, 25581, 6688, 279, 2875, 7013, 389, 813, 2010, 264, 10485, 449, 2225, 6206, 11, 2231, 389, 813, 198, 38253, 88, 3663, 11, 323, 15203, 704, 315, 279, 15197, 13, 1283, 596, 43251, 1174, 779, 568, 6944, 311, 1304, 3885, 43251, 1174, 2288, 11, 3463, 220, 58447, 13, 2030, 358, 2846, 539, 2133], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": " back up, and then go into self\u00ad\nhatred, blame, guilt, and even suicidal depression, \nwhich can become very severe. What really happens \nin this type of situation? I observed that when a per\u00ad\nson sits down to eat, it is only the adult within who \nwants to take off the weight, and it is really the 'inner \nchild' who is always hungry. 348 HEALING AND RECOVERY \nIn the past, Dr. Eric Berne, author of Games People \nPlay and creator ofTransactional Analysis, along with \nother people in that field, talked about our 'child', \n'adult', and 'parent' tapes that are like three voices \nwithin us. One is the desirous child; one is the adult \nwho is rational, intelligent, and educated; and one is \nthe parent who tends to be punitive and moralistic. The parent tape is the one that tells us about right \nand wrong.When we sit down at the table or walk to \nthe refrigerator, the adult within goes unconscious \nand the child takes over. What does a child know about diet, weight, and \ncalories? Nothing. Theconsciousness ofthechildis,\"I \nwant, I satisfy, and I get,\" so we go to the refrigerator \nwithout realizing we are in a different state of con\u00ad\nsciousness, one in which the child is dominant. So \nwho is poking around in the refrigerator? The child is. Who is ordering a second hot fudge sundae or having \na second helping of potatoes and gravy? The child. After we indulge the child without realizing what is \ngoing on, when the meal is over, the child leaves. It \nhas had its fill, and then who takes its place? The par\u00ad\nent does who then says,\"How could you have been so \nstupid? Why did you have seconds? So did you have a \npiece ofpie? Why did you put ice cream on top of the \npie? I mean, think of the calories.You are really stupid \nand weak; you don't have any will power.You are no \ngood; your self-worth is rotten.\" At this point, we are subjected to the inner angry \nparent who is blaming us. Blaming whom? Blaming \nthe inner child.Where has the adult been all this time? It has been silenced. The adult was notthere at meal\u00ad349 LOSING WEIGHT \ntime or after mealtime. The child and the parent have \ntaken over the whole eating program, which is natural \nbecause that is where the eating patterns get set up in \nthe first place.They get set up with the child, and who \nis sitting next to the child but the parent? So the child \nalternates with the parent in running the whole eating \npattern. In order to counteract this, we have to be aware \nthat the pattern is running. Just to be aware ofit begins \nto change it. Now we can make a note to ourself, put \nit on the table or the refrigerator, and consciously call \nforth our adult and tell the child,\"This is the place for \nan adult now because my adult is very conscious ofits \neating.\" My adult knows about calories, diets, and \nhealthy eating patterns. I consciously call forth my \nadult to be here at this meal. I say, \"The adult me is \nhere now\" and consciously reject the presence of the \nchild. Because the overindulgence does not happen, \nwhen the meal is fmished, my adult stays there. No \nparent comes in to blame me for what has been done. It does not take self-control or resisting anything; \nit just takes being aware. When we sit down, we say \nhello to our adult and be conscious. Just as we sit \ndown at the dinner table, we watch the kid come up \nin us. I have watched myself do this. \"Oh, look at who \nis there at the table. Oh, wow! Look at the pile of \nmashed potatoes! Look at the gravy!\" Just watch peo\u00ad\nples' faces when they sit down at the table and we see \nwho is 'up' in them. We see the eyes pop open and \nwatch the pupils of the eyes get very large. If that is \nnot a five-year-old kid, then I never saw one. We may see a serious-looking businessman walk 350 HEALING AND RECOVERY \ninto a restaurant with his briefcase. He goes through \nthe cafeteria line and then sits down. Now, watch his \nface as he puts his napkin in front of him. He picks up \nhis napkin-somebody else is already there! There is \nthe kid all ready to have a good time! Of course, after \nthe man gets up to leave, now we instantly see, \"Oh, I \nate too much.\" Now who is there? Look at the frown \nas the man is berating himself as he walks out of the \nrestaurant. In his mind, he is counting all the calories. He just ate 3,850 calories for dinner, and his doctor \ntold him he is supposed to have only 900 calories a \nday. He figures he cannot eat until next Tuesday now \nand wonders how is he going to survive. We can break out of this self-defeating pattern just \nby being aware. Make a little sign for the refrigerator \ndoorthat says,\"Adults Only. \"Be conscious; be aware of \nwho is there.We will fmd that the adult enjoys the eat\u00ad\ning very much, too, but just does not go crazy so easily. It is important to avoid a fluctuating blood sugar \nlevel as much as possible when first initiating this \nprogram because, in the unconscious mind, a drop in \nblood sugar is often associated with hunger and hun\u00ad\ngry feelings. For example, ifwe eat a hot fudge sundae \non an empty stomach, the blood sugar shoots up, \nadrenaline and insulin pour out, and the blood sugar \ntends to drop rapidly. Behaviorally, in the past, this has \nbeen associated with feeling hungry, but we are not \nactually hungry. The stomach is still full. We have \nmore calories in us than we need, but it is the rapid\u00ad\nity and the degree of the drop in this blood sugar \nfrom where it was previously that triggers the sensa\u00ad\ntion of hunger again. 351 LOSING WEIGHT \nIt is much easier when initiating this program to \nstay on a high-protein diet as much as possible \nbecause then the blood sugar tends to stay relatively \nlevel.We avoid those sudden drops that give the feel\u00ad\ning that we want to eat something right away, there\u00ad\nfore making it a little easier on ourself.The point is to \navoid suffering in all its forms. We do not want to \nexperience suffering in any kind of program because, \notherwise, it is not going to work. Counting calories \nand depriVing ourselfis setting up a form of suffering. What happens then is unconscious-we get satisfied \n'and the over-indulgence sets up guilt. Then we diet, \nwhich is sort of self-punitive, by going on bread and \nwater like a prisoner for a certain period oftime.After \nwe have punished ourself sufficiently for all the \noverindulgence in the past, the guilt disappears and \nthe old habitual eating pattern returns. We want to \neliminate the imbalance of extremes of overindul\u00ad\ngence, feeling guilty, going into a self-punitive bread\u00ad\nand-water diet-first swinging to the overeating and \noverindulgence, and then swinging into the guilt and \nself-punitive deprivation. Deprivation is not the way to happiness, nor is \noverindulgence. It is preferable to use consciousness \ntechniques to transcend them and be in the middle of \nthe two so that we are over and above the problem, \nwith the adult there to take over. This makes it easy \nand enjoyable. It is really delightful to realize that we \nhave just handled and transcended something in just \na matter of minutes that has plagued us our whole \nlifetime. The first day I tried thiS, I think I spent about forty\u00ad352 HEALING AND RECOVERY \nfive minutes sitting down and handling those sensa\u00ad\ntions; the second day, maybe twenty minutes; the third \nday, maybe ten minutes; and the fourth day, maybe \nfour minutes. Since that time, I do not think I have col\u00ad\nlectively spent an hour using the technique over \nmany years. One can start a stopwatch, sit down, use \nthis technique, and hit the stopwatch again when the \nhunger feeling is gone. One probably would not col\u00ad\nlect more than an hour over a ten-year period of time, \nso there certainly is not much effort needed or suffer\u00ad\ning to be experienced. No will power is involved; willingness is being \nused instead because it is a positive, powerful energy \nat level 310. Using will power means resistance, \nwhich is a negative energy field with a weak power of \nonly 125. Instead, we use willingness and acceptance, \nwhich lead to happiness that calibrates closer to 500. We end up being joyful and feeling great about our\u00ad\nselves. The body becomes pleasing, and we begin to \nexperience it in a happy way. Another way to increase the rapidity of the effect \nof this is by watching our activities. Exercise is great, \nbut how many mornings are we going to get up and \ndo calisthenics? No matter how attractive the person \nis on television, we are just going to do this a certain \nnumber of times, and by the fourth day, the enthusi\u00ad\nasm", "token_ids": [1203, 709, 11, 323, 1243, 733, 1139, 659, 5879, 198, 9379, 1171, 11, 19065, 11, 34951, 11, 323, 1524, 66153, 18710, 11, 720, 8370, 649, 3719, 1633, 15748, 13, 3639, 2216, 8741, 720, 258, 420, 955, 315, 6671, 30, 358, 13468, 430, 994, 264, 824, 5879, 198, 942, 23874, 1523, 311, 8343, 11, 433, 374, 1193, 279, 6822, 2949, 889, 720, 86, 1821, 311, 1935, 1022, 279, 4785, 11, 323, 433, 374, 2216, 279, 364, 4481, 720, 3124, 6, 889, 374, 2744, 30056, 13, 220, 19746, 11947, 984, 1753, 3651, 3680, 72076, 720, 644, 279, 3347, 11, 2999, 13, 16645, 9084, 818, 11, 3229, 315, 11871, 9029, 720, 9315, 323, 20514, 315, 32475, 18825, 11, 3235, 449, 720, 1605, 1274, 304, 430, 2115, 11, 15243, 922, 1057, 364, 3124, 518, 720, 6, 68956, 518, 323, 364, 3850, 6, 52796, 430, 527, 1093, 2380, 24196, 720, 56950, 603, 13, 3861, 374, 279, 951, 404, 788, 1716, 26, 832, 374, 279, 6822, 720, 14965, 374, 25442, 11, 25530, 11, 323, 33142, 26, 323, 832, 374, 720, 1820, 2748, 889, 28335, 311, 387, 82532, 323, 16033, 4633, 13, 578, 2748, 17401, 374, 279, 832, 430, 10975, 603, 922, 1314, 720, 438, 5076, 51861, 584, 2503, 1523, 520, 279, 2007, 477, 4321, 311, 720, 1820, 46044, 11, 279, 6822, 2949, 5900, 40711, 720, 438, 279, 1716, 5097, 927, 13, 3639, 1587, 264, 1716, 1440, 922, 10173, 11, 4785, 11, 323, 720, 5531, 2490, 30, 12334, 13, 578, 64589, 2136, 315, 1820, 3124, 285, 1359, 40, 720, 53757, 11, 358, 27651, 11, 323, 358, 636, 1359, 779, 584, 733, 311, 279, 46044, 720, 30096, 44114, 584, 527, 304, 264, 2204, 1614, 315, 390, 5879, 198, 23995, 2136, 11, 832, 304, 902, 279, 1716, 374, 25462, 13, 2100, 720, 14965, 374, 92463, 2212, 304, 279, 46044, 30, 578, 1716, 374, 13, 10699, 374, 22106, 264, 2132, 4106, 282, 20132, 51682, 6043, 477, 3515, 720, 64, 2132, 10695, 315, 35267, 323, 88864, 30, 578, 1716, 13, 4740, 584, 68190, 279, 1716, 2085, 44114, 1148, 374, 720, 9738, 389, 11, 994, 279, 15496, 374, 927, 11, 279, 1716, 11141, 13, 1102, 720, 4752, 1047, 1202, 5266, 11, 323, 1243, 889, 5097, 1202, 2035, 30, 578, 1370, 5879, 198, 306, 1587, 889, 1243, 2795, 1359, 4438, 1436, 499, 617, 1027, 779, 720, 267, 16263, 30, 8595, 1550, 499, 617, 6622, 30, 2100, 1550, 499, 617, 264, 720, 23164, 315, 20898, 30, 8595, 1550, 499, 2231, 10054, 12932, 389, 1948, 315, 279, 720, 20898, 30, 358, 3152, 11, 1781, 315, 279, 25247, 39537, 527, 2216, 18754, 720, 438, 7621, 26, 499, 1541, 956, 617, 904, 690, 2410, 39537, 527, 912, 720, 19045, 26, 701, 659, 2695, 2419, 374, 78792, 1210, 2468, 420, 1486, 11, 584, 527, 38126, 311, 279, 9358, 19021, 720, 3850, 889, 374, 59771, 603, 13, 2563, 6605, 8884, 30, 2563, 6605, 720, 1820, 9358, 1716, 17504, 706, 279, 6822, 1027, 682, 420, 892, 30, 1102, 706, 1027, 92781, 13, 578, 6822, 574, 539, 19041, 520, 15496, 5879, 18634, 53787, 1753, 96920, 720, 1712, 477, 1306, 15496, 1712, 13, 578, 1716, 323, 279, 2748, 617, 720, 83261, 927, 279, 4459, 12459, 2068, 11, 902, 374, 5933, 720, 28753, 430, 374, 1405, 279, 12459, 12912, 636, 743, 709, 304, 720, 1820, 1176, 2035, 76369, 636, 743, 709, 449, 279, 1716, 11, 323, 889, 720, 285, 11961, 1828, 311, 279, 1716, 719, 279, 2748, 30, 2100, 279, 1716, 720, 41512, 988, 449, 279, 2748, 304, 4401, 279, 4459, 12459, 720, 14676, 13, 763, 2015, 311, 5663, 533, 420, 11, 584, 617, 311, 387, 8010, 720, 9210, 279, 5497, 374, 4401, 13, 4702, 311, 387, 8010, 315, 275, 12302, 720, 998, 2349, 433, 13, 4800, 584, 649, 1304, 264, 5296, 311, 1057, 726, 11, 2231, 720, 275, 389, 279, 2007, 477, 279, 46044, 11, 323, 70903, 1650, 720, 71627, 1057, 6822, 323, 3371, 279, 1716, 1359, 2028, 374, 279, 2035, 369, 720, 276, 6822, 1457, 1606, 856, 6822, 374, 1633, 17371, 315, 1220, 720, 91955, 1210, 3092, 6822, 8964, 922, 25247, 11, 41943, 11, 323, 720, 38128, 12459, 12912, 13, 358, 70903, 1650, 13544, 856, 720, 68956, 311, 387, 1618, 520, 420, 15496, 13, 358, 2019, 11, 330, 791, 6822, 757, 374, 720, 6881, 1457, 1, 323, 70903, 8007, 279, 9546, 315, 279, 720, 3124, 13, 9393, 279, 927, 485, 360, 29355, 1587, 539, 3621, 11, 720, 9493, 279, 15496, 374, 32221, 3384, 11, 856, 6822, 27656, 1070, 13, 2360, 720, 3850, 4131, 304, 311, 19065, 757, 369, 1148, 706, 1027, 2884, 13, 1102, 1587, 539, 1935, 659, 4565, 477, 70441, 4205, 26, 720, 275, 1120, 5097, 1694, 8010, 13, 3277, 584, 2503, 1523, 11, 584, 2019, 720, 15339, 311, 1057, 6822, 323, 387, 17371, 13, 4702, 439, 584, 2503, 720, 2996, 520, 279, 14177, 2007, 11, 584, 3821, 279, 10585, 2586, 709, 720, 258, 603, 13, 358, 617, 15746, 7182, 656, 420, 13, 330, 12174, 11, 1427, 520, 889, 720, 285, 1070, 520, 279, 2007, 13, 8840, 11, 36765, 0, 9372, 520, 279, 27402, 315, 720, 76, 13883, 35267, 0, 9372, 520, 279, 88864, 9135, 4702, 3821, 1069, 78, 5879, 198, 125800, 6, 12580, 994, 814, 2503, 1523, 520, 279, 2007, 323, 584, 1518, 720, 14965, 374, 364, 455, 6, 304, 1124, 13, 1226, 1518, 279, 6548, 2477, 1825, 323, 720, 14658, 279, 45172, 315, 279, 6548, 636, 1633, 3544, 13, 1442, 430, 374, 720, 1962, 264, 4330, 4771, 6418, 10585, 11, 1243, 358, 2646, 5602, 832, 13, 1226, 1253, 1518, 264, 6129, 31348, 47378, 4321, 220, 8652, 11947, 984, 1753, 3651, 3680, 72076, 720, 18614, 264, 10960, 449, 813, 10015, 5756, 13, 1283, 5900, 1555, 720, 1820, 94948, 1584, 323, 1243, 23874, 1523, 13, 4800, 11, 3821, 813, 720, 1594, 439, 568, 9711, 813, 26944, 8148, 304, 4156, 315, 1461, 13, 1283, 22657, 709, 720, 26301, 26944, 8148, 1355, 638, 2664, 775, 374, 2736, 1070, 0, 2684, 374, 720, 1820, 10585, 682, 5644, 311, 617, 264, 1695, 892, 0, 5046, 3388, 11, 1306, 720, 1820, 893, 5334, 709, 311, 5387, 11, 1457, 584, 22571, 1518, 11, 330, 12174, 11, 358, 720, 349, 2288, 1790, 1210, 4800, 889, 374, 1070, 30, 9372, 520, 279, 282, 4935, 720, 300, 279, 893, 374, 10418, 1113, 5678, 439, 568, 23291, 704, 315, 279, 720, 34326, 13, 763, 813, 4059, 11, 568, 374, 26060, 682, 279, 25247, 13, 1283, 1120, 30912, 220, 18, 11, 16217, 25247, 369, 14177, 11, 323, 813, 10896, 720, 83, 820, 1461, 568, 374, 10171, 311, 617, 1193, 220, 7467, 25247, 264, 720, 1316, 13, 1283, 12678, 568, 4250, 8343, 3156, 1828, 7742, 1457, 720, 438, 40164, 1268, 374, 568, 2133, 311, 18167, 13, 1226, 649, 1464, 704, 315, 420, 659, 29899, 91955, 5497, 1120, 720, 1729, 1694, 8010, 13, 7557, 264, 2697, 1879, 369, 279, 46044, 720, 3055, 2419, 266, 2795, 1359, 53130, 82, 8442, 13, 330, 3513, 17371, 26, 387, 8010, 315, 720, 14965, 374, 1070, 23210, 690, 282, 2329, 430, 279, 6822, 32838, 279, 8343, 5879, 198, 287, 1633, 1790, 11, 2288, 11, 719, 1120, 1587, 539, 733, 14599, 779, 6847, 13, 1102, 374, 3062, 311, 5766, 264, 39388, 54643, 6680, 13465, 720, 3374, 439, 1790, 439, 3284, 994, 1176, 79516, 420, 720, 15252, 1606, 11, 304, 279, 40711, 4059, 11, 264, 6068, 304, 720, 51105, 13465, 374, 3629, 5938, 449, 34906, 323, 11794, 5879, 198, 70, 894, 16024, 13, 1789, 3187, 11, 422, 906, 8343, 264, 4106, 282, 20132, 51682, 6043, 720, 263, 459, 4384, 23152, 11, 279, 6680, 13465, 44727, 709, 11, 720, 329, 47738, 483, 323, 32152, 5019, 704, 11, 323, 279, 6680, 13465, 720, 83, 1438, 311, 6068, 19019, 13, 27773, 750, 11, 304, 279, 3347, 11, 420, 706, 720, 82850, 5938, 449, 8430, 30056, 11, 719, 584, 527, 539, 720, 74128, 30056, 13, 578, 23152, 374, 2103, 2539, 13, 1226, 617, 720, 6518, 25247, 304, 603, 1109, 584, 1205, 11, 719, 433, 374, 279, 11295, 5879, 198, 488, 323, 279, 8547, 315, 279, 6068, 304, 420, 6680, 13465, 720, 1527, 1405, 433, 574, 8767, 430, 31854, 279, 6225, 64, 5879, 198, 28491, 315, 34906, 1578, 13, 220, 18113, 53787, 1753, 96920, 720, 2181, 374, 1790, 8831, 994, 79516, 420, 2068, 311, 720, 60021, 389, 264, 1579, 10039, 39340, 10173, 439, 1790, 439, 3284, 720, 28753, 1243, 279, 6680, 13465, 28335, 311, 4822, 12309, 720, 3374, 23210, 5766, 1884, 11210, 21701, 430, 3041, 279, 2733, 5879, 198, 287, 430, 584, 1390, 311, 8343, 2555, 1314, 3201, 11, 1070, 5879, 198, 1348, 3339, 433, 264, 2697, 8831, 389, 1057, 726, 11829, 1486, 374, 311, 720, 48956, 16066, 304, 682, 1202, 7739, 13, 1226, 656, 539, 1390, 311, 720, 50659, 16066, 304, 904, 3169, 315, 2068, 1606, 11, 720, 61036, 11, 433, 374, 539, 2133, 311, 990, 13, 4605, 287, 25247, 720, 438, 2219, 462, 53, 287, 1057, 726, 285, 6376, 709, 264, 1376, 315, 16066, 13, 3639, 8741, 1243, 374, 40711, 62441, 636, 20097, 720, 6, 438, 279, 927, 18251, 360, 29355, 7437, 709, 34951, 13, 5112, 584, 10173, 11, 720, 8370, 374, 3460, 315, 659, 2320, 359, 3486, 11, 555, 2133, 389, 16385, 323, 720, 13284, 1093, 264, 42950, 369, 264, 3738, 4261, 315, 1712, 37992, 720, 906, 617, 41998, 1057, 726, 40044, 369, 682, 279, 720, 2017, 485, 360, 29355, 304, 279, 3347, 11, 279, 34951, 61370, 323, 720, 1820, 2362, 84820, 12459, 5497, 4780, 13, 1226, 1390, 311, 720, 40895, 3357, 279, 68331, 315, 69971, 315, 927, 485, 360, 5879, 198, 29355, 11, 8430, 16390, 11, 2133, 1139, 264, 659, 2320, 359, 3486, 16385, 5879, 198, 438, 55051, 10173, 38043, 55060, 311, 279, 927, 91955, 323, 720, 2017, 485, 360, 29355, 11, 323, 1243, 55060, 1139, 279, 34951, 323, 720, 726, 2320, 359, 3486, 69764, 13, 1611, 65593, 374, 539, 279, 1648, 311, 23871, 11, 6463, 374, 720, 2017, 485, 360, 29355, 13, 1102, 374, 70668, 311, 1005, 25917, 720, 26522, 8467, 311, 74809, 1124, 323, 387, 304, 279, 6278, 315, 720, 1820, 1403, 779, 430, 584, 527, 927, 323, 3485, 279, 3575, 11, 720, 4291, 279, 6822, 1070, 311, 1935, 927, 13, 1115, 3727, 433, 4228, 720, 438, 32180, 13, 1102, 374, 2216, 50189, 311, 13383, 430, 584, 720, 19553, 1120, 18073, 323, 42590, 2954, 2555, 304, 1120, 720, 64, 5030, 315, 4520, 430, 706, 66402, 603, 1057, 4459, 720, 98157, 13, 578, 1176, 1938, 358, 6818, 62428, 50, 11, 358, 1781, 358, 7543, 922, 36498, 5879, 16482, 11947, 984, 1753, 3651, 3680, 72076, 720, 53770, 4520, 11961, 1523, 323, 11850, 1884, 6225, 64, 5879, 198, 83, 919, 26, 279, 2132, 1938, 11, 7344, 17510, 4520, 26, 279, 4948, 720, 1316, 11, 7344, 5899, 4520, 26, 323, 279, 11999, 1938, 11, 7344, 720, 35124, 4520, 13, 8876, 430, 892, 11, 358, 656, 539, 1781, 358, 617, 1400, 5879, 198, 772, 3210, 7543, 459, 6596, 1701, 279, 15105, 927, 720, 35676, 1667, 13, 3861, 649, 1212, 264, 86672, 11, 2503, 1523, 11, 1005, 720, 576, 15105, 11, 323, 4295, 279, 86672, 1578, 994, 279, 720, 71, 72722, 8430, 374, 8208, 13, 3861, 4762, 1053, 539, 1400, 5879, 198, 772, 810, 1109, 459, 6596, 927, 264, 5899, 4771, 4261, 315, 892, 11, 720, 708, 1070, 7995, 374, 539, 1790, 5149, 4460, 477, 7831, 5879, 198, 287, 311, 387, 10534, 13, 2360, 690, 2410, 374, 6532, 26, 39375, 374, 1694, 720, 2656, 4619, 1606, 433, 374, 264, 6928, 11, 8147, 4907, 720, 266, 2237, 220, 12226, 13, 12362, 690, 2410, 3445, 13957, 11, 720, 8370, 374, 264, 8389, 4907, 2115, 449, 264, 7621, 2410, 315, 720, 3323, 220, 6549, 13, 12361, 11, 584, 1005, 39375, 323, 26586, 11, 720, 8370, 3063, 311, 23871, 430, 1652, 10892, 988, 12401, 311, 220, 2636, 13, 1226, 842, 709, 1694, 83212, 323, 8430, 2294, 922, 1057, 5879, 198, 82, 4372, 13, 578, 2547, 9221, 54799, 11, 323, 584, 3240, 311, 720, 50659, 433, 304, 264, 6380, 1648, 13, 13596, 1648, 311, 5376, 279, 11295, 488, 315, 279, 2515, 720, 1073, 420, 374, 555, 10307, 1057, 7640, 13, 33918, 374, 2294, 11, 720, 8248, 1268, 1690, 58302, 527, 584, 2133, 311, 636, 709, 323, 720, 3055, 1652, 380, 12301, 1233, 30, 2360, 5030, 1268, 19411, 279, 1732, 720, 285, 389, 12707, 11, 584, 527, 1120, 2133, 311, 656, 420, 264, 3738, 720, 4174, 315, 3115, 11, 323, 555, 279, 11999, 1938, 11, 279, 21827, 5879, 198, 10753], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": " impact on our physical \nprocesses and above all on the immune system, that all-important tool of the healing journey. A \nhopeful, trusting, determined state of mind strengthens immune competence; fear, despair, anger \nand negativity weaken it. There is also the harmful effect of stress, keeping the entire organism in \na state of high tension. Yet the body, that wonderful organism with its own intelligence, only \nfunctions well when it is relaxed, free from tension and able to follow its inner rules and rhythms. Obviously, the Gerson program will also work best for the relaxed, unstressed patient. After all, \nit is not enough to eat the best possible food and drink the most health-giving juices\u2014they also \nhave to be digested and absorbed properly, and it is no secret that anxiety and worry can wreak \nhavoc with the digestion. Keeping mind and emotions on an even keel, banishing stress and fear must be part of the \nGerson patient\u2019s daily routine. Fortunately there are some simple, enjoyable methods that make \nthis possible. In this chapter we present a full range. Please try them and see which suit you \nbest. Minding the Body\nPosture can have a huge impact on how we feel, just as how we feel is often betrayed by our \nposture. When we are happy, we walk on air. When miserable, head goes down, shoulders move \nup, back curves forward and slumps, all of which compresses our innards and adds to the gloom. And that will never do. Learn to keep your spine straight, but not rigid, both standing and sitting. (Please freeze for \na moment and check what your spine is doing.) Sit with both feet on the ground and don\u2019t cross \nyour legs; doing so impedes the circulation and twists the spine. Walk from the hips and avoid \nleaning forward, as if you were pushing a grocery cart\u2013 you can\u2019t get ahead of yourself! Think of \nyour head as the hook of a coat hanger, with your body hanging from it loosely and comfortably. The shoulders are a particularly tension-prone part of the body: they tend to move forward and \nup, whenever we feel stressed, as if wanting to protect the chest. A side effect of this unconscious \nmove is that anxious people seem to have short necks. In the memorable words of a yoga teacher, \nopening up your chest means saying yes to life.Copyright \u00a9 Charlotte Gerson, 2007. All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced in any medium, print or electronic without prior written permission from the author.Page 174Healing the Gerson Way\u2014Defeating Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases\nwww.thegersonway.comMake sure your shoulders are where they belong. Stand up straight, draw both shoulders \nup as far as they will go, right up to the earlobes\u2014and then drop them, as if they had become \nredundant. Where they land is their natural position. Please memorize it for future use. It is also \nhelpful to keep your neck supple and relaxed (and make it longer!) by regular exercise. Turn your \nhead slowly from left to right and back; drop your head gently forward and backward, keeping \nyour lower jaw loose; rotate your head first clockwise, then counter-clockwise, repeating each \nmovement five times. If at any time you feel you are tensing up and no one can see you, imagine \nthat you are a rag doll in a strong breeze, and move accordingly\nHands are also tension-prone. They tend to curl into fists as soon as we feel anxious or \nangry. In old Westerners you could tell that things were getting dangerous when the hero\u2019s \nknuckles turned white. Actually anybody\u2019s knuckles can turn white from fear, and this is what \nneeds to be avoided. Train yourself to keep your fingers splayed when your hands are at rest. That \nprevents the tensing up of the arms, which would lead to further tension rushing through the body. If at first you fail and all you have is fists, imagine that you have washed your hands and have no \ntowel, so that you need to shake both hands vigorously from the wrists. As you do that, feel the \ntension dropping away from your fingertips. Last but far from least, breathing deserves our full attention. Breath is the basic condition \nof life. We can live for quite a while without food and for a much shorter time without water, but \nlife without breath ends in a few moments. Yet most of us neglect this vital function, until we \nlearn otherwise and switch from shallow to deep abdominal breathing. This way, routinely used \nby singers, speakers, practitioners of yoga and athletes, boosts the body\u2019s oxygen intake and has \na calming effect. The method is simplicity itself. With each in-breath push out your stomach, so \nthat the breath can fill your lungs to full capacity. With each out-breath, pull in your stomach hard, \nsqueezing out the stale air. Find your own rhythm and practice this method several times a day, \nuntil it becomes your natural way of breathing. If at first it is a bit difficult, imagine that in your \nabdomen there is a beautiful balloon, which you inflate with each in-breath and deflate by letting \nout the air. You will be surprised what a difference better breathing makes to your well-being. Matters of the Mind\nYour mental attitude can be your best ally\u2014or your worst enemy, and the same applies to \nyour imagination, depending on how you use it. Positively used, your thoughts and ideas can help \nyou to re-program your entire outlook, your moods and feelings, so that they promote health and \nhealing, instead of dragging you down.. Energy follows thought! There are several ways to achieve the best possible state of mind. All of them depend on your \nability to relax as fully as possible, so that no tension interferes with what you are trying to do. The simplest way is to lie on your back on a comfortable but not too soft surface, with your hands Copyright \u00a9 Charlotte Gerson, 2007. All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced in any medium, print or electronic without prior written permission from the author.Page 175Healing the Gerson Way\u2014Defeating Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases\nwww.thegersonway.comloosely resting by your sides. Close your eyes. Start breathing slowly, deeply, from the abdomen. With each in-breath imagine drawing in brilliant light, which fills you with peace, strength and \nenergy. With each out-breath imagine releasing all tiredness, tension, pain or anxiety in the shape \nof dirty dark smoke. Let your head and your body become very heavy, so that the floor carries \nyour weight. Check through your body, starting with your toes and working your way up to the \ntop of your head, for traces of tension or stiffness, and release them. Make sure your jaw is relaxed \nand your tongue lies easy against your upper palate. And now just stay with this feeling of peace, \nrelease and relaxation for a little while. This basic letting go is the key to all kinds of inner work, including meditation, prayer, \nvisualization and affirmations. Practised at least twice a day, free from disturbance, noise and \ninterruptions, it will make a great difference to your mental state, which in turn will affect your \nbody. Meditation is a simple way to still the ever-busy brain and enter a place of profound stillness \nand peace, which for a short while lets us escape from everyday reality. It needs practice\u2014the \nbrain is hard to discipline and keeps bringing in thoughts, fragments of ideas and all kinds of \nmental rubbish. At first you may find that even thirty seconds of stillness is quite an achievement, \nbut don\u2019t give up: there are ways to improve the situation. One is to get hold of intruding thoughts, identify them, then imagine tying a big balloon to \neach one and watch them float away. Another one is to improve concentration by counting from \none to four, seeing in your mind\u2019s eye the numbers, shining bright and beautiful against a dark \ncurtain, and repeat the counting ten times. You can also place a clock at eye level and fix your \nentire attention to the second hand going round and round and round, so that nothing else matters. Gradually\u2014but it needs perseverance\u2014you\u2019ll find it easier to achieve spells of thought-free \nawareness, leading to an extraordinary sense of restfulness and peace. Also, switching off the brain for a little while enables us to hear our so-called inner voice, the \nvoice of intuition and wisdom. Whatever our belief system, whether or not we are religious, we \nall have an inner life and a set of values by which we live. Often it is at a time of crisis, caused \nby a serious health breakdown, that we turn inward and review our position in life. Naturally, \nGerson patients are totally free to choose their own way in this field: we are all different and must \nrespect our differences. But it is the experience of many doctors, counsellors and other health \nprofessionals that patients who believe in a Higher Reality, who are able to pray and put their faith \nin God, fare better than those who don\u2019t. Prayer, coming from the heart, with trust in the ultimate \nrightness of things, can be a great support on the rocky path of recovery. Visualization uses the imagination to re-program not only the mind but to a certain extent the \nbody as well. It works through images, by-passing the thinking-talking brain, and those images \ncome from the same deep area of the psyche as the ones we meet in our dreams. The purpose of \nvisualization is to prescribe, so to speak, what we want to achieve: defeating disease, rebuilding", "token_ids": [5536, 389, 1057, 7106, 720, 4734, 288, 323, 3485, 682, 389, 279, 22852, 1887, 11, 430, 682, 98473, 5507, 315, 279, 21730, 11879, 13, 362, 720, 61893, 1285, 11, 69344, 11, 11075, 1614, 315, 4059, 96931, 22852, 58266, 26, 8850, 11, 46996, 11, 19788, 720, 438, 93795, 33556, 433, 13, 2684, 374, 1101, 279, 28856, 2515, 315, 8631, 11, 10494, 279, 4553, 47120, 304, 720, 64, 1614, 315, 1579, 24408, 13, 14968, 279, 2547, 11, 430, 11364, 47120, 449, 1202, 1866, 11478, 11, 1193, 720, 22124, 1664, 994, 433, 374, 31467, 11, 1949, 505, 24408, 323, 3025, 311, 1833, 1202, 9358, 5718, 323, 81821, 13, 36530, 11, 279, 480, 1293, 2068, 690, 1101, 990, 1888, 369, 279, 31467, 11, 65890, 14715, 8893, 13, 4740, 682, 11, 720, 275, 374, 539, 3403, 311, 8343, 279, 1888, 3284, 3691, 323, 7172, 279, 1455, 2890, 2427, 2299, 65959, 71201, 1101, 720, 19553, 311, 387, 4170, 10185, 323, 42101, 10489, 11, 323, 433, 374, 912, 6367, 430, 18547, 323, 11196, 649, 83675, 720, 71, 402, 511, 449, 279, 74502, 13, 56478, 4059, 323, 21958, 389, 459, 1524, 2004, 301, 11, 9120, 11218, 8631, 323, 8850, 2011, 387, 961, 315, 279, 720, 38, 1293, 8893, 753, 7446, 14348, 13, 42536, 1070, 527, 1063, 4382, 11, 32180, 5528, 430, 1304, 720, 576, 3284, 13, 763, 420, 12735, 584, 3118, 264, 2539, 2134, 13, 5321, 1456, 1124, 323, 1518, 902, 7937, 499, 720, 16241, 13, 386, 4049, 279, 14285, 198, 4226, 554, 220, 649, 617, 264, 6908, 5536, 389, 1268, 584, 2733, 11, 1120, 439, 1268, 584, 2733, 374, 3629, 65397, 555, 1057, 720, 2252, 554, 13, 3277, 584, 527, 6380, 11, 584, 4321, 389, 3805, 13, 3277, 50739, 11, 2010, 5900, 1523, 11, 28004, 3351, 720, 455, 11, 1203, 37033, 4741, 323, 1776, 12055, 11, 682, 315, 902, 25633, 288, 1057, 6301, 2402, 323, 11621, 311, 279, 14015, 316, 13, 1628, 430, 690, 2646, 656, 13, 15281, 311, 2567, 701, 35776, 7833, 11, 719, 539, 33956, 11, 2225, 11509, 323, 11961, 13, 320, 5618, 31030, 369, 720, 64, 4545, 323, 1817, 1148, 701, 35776, 374, 3815, 6266, 29508, 449, 2225, 7693, 389, 279, 5015, 323, 1541, 1431, 5425, 720, 22479, 14535, 26, 3815, 779, 50502, 288, 279, 35855, 323, 62990, 279, 35776, 13, 12839, 505, 279, 43523, 323, 5766, 720, 60051, 4741, 11, 439, 422, 499, 1051, 17919, 264, 30687, 7558, 4235, 499, 649, 1431, 636, 8469, 315, 6261, 0, 21834, 315, 720, 22479, 2010, 439, 279, 9903, 315, 264, 23724, 305, 4091, 11, 449, 701, 2547, 21363, 505, 433, 63557, 323, 45769, 13, 578, 28004, 527, 264, 8104, 24408, 27748, 606, 961, 315, 279, 2547, 25, 814, 8541, 311, 3351, 4741, 323, 720, 455, 11, 15716, 584, 2733, 32647, 11, 439, 422, 19762, 311, 6144, 279, 15489, 13, 362, 3185, 2515, 315, 420, 40711, 720, 3479, 374, 430, 38100, 1274, 2873, 311, 617, 2875, 13272, 82, 13, 763, 279, 33596, 4339, 315, 264, 27102, 11326, 11, 720, 68785, 709, 701, 15489, 3445, 5605, 10035, 311, 2324, 732, 2220, 7388, 29473, 480, 1293, 11, 220, 1049, 22, 13, 2052, 3268, 4694, 13, 1115, 3769, 1253, 539, 387, 55717, 304, 904, 11298, 11, 1194, 477, 14683, 2085, 4972, 5439, 8041, 505, 279, 3229, 662, 2732, 220, 11771, 1548, 6260, 279, 480, 1293, 12424, 2345, 2685, 91955, 26211, 323, 7089, 73782, 70674, 198, 2185, 13991, 797, 1293, 3195, 916, 8238, 2771, 701, 28004, 527, 1405, 814, 9352, 13, 15948, 709, 7833, 11, 4128, 2225, 28004, 720, 455, 439, 3117, 439, 814, 690, 733, 11, 1314, 709, 311, 279, 2487, 1718, 288, 17223, 1243, 6068, 1124, 11, 439, 422, 814, 1047, 3719, 720, 265, 1072, 303, 519, 13, 11208, 814, 4363, 374, 872, 5933, 2361, 13, 5321, 16420, 553, 433, 369, 3938, 1005, 13, 1102, 374, 1101, 720, 8823, 1285, 311, 2567, 701, 13272, 1043, 698, 323, 31467, 320, 438, 1304, 433, 5129, 16715, 555, 5912, 10368, 13, 12268, 701, 720, 2025, 14297, 505, 2163, 311, 1314, 323, 1203, 26, 6068, 701, 2010, 30373, 4741, 323, 28655, 11, 10494, 720, 22479, 4827, 16942, 20784, 26, 17348, 701, 2010, 1176, 66770, 11, 1243, 5663, 55388, 4583, 11, 40916, 1855, 720, 62274, 4330, 3115, 13, 1442, 520, 904, 892, 499, 2733, 499, 527, 22781, 287, 709, 323, 912, 832, 649, 1518, 499, 11, 13085, 720, 9210, 499, 527, 264, 21108, 7804, 304, 264, 3831, 46385, 11, 323, 3351, 28178, 198, 96539, 527, 1101, 24408, 27748, 606, 662, 2435, 8541, 311, 14284, 1139, 81784, 439, 5246, 439, 584, 2733, 38100, 477, 720, 526, 894, 13, 763, 2362, 11104, 388, 499, 1436, 3371, 430, 2574, 1051, 3794, 11660, 994, 279, 12084, 753, 720, 19639, 84796, 6656, 4251, 13, 34863, 21739, 753, 1168, 84796, 649, 2543, 4251, 505, 8850, 11, 323, 420, 374, 1148, 720, 56345, 311, 387, 31890, 13, 27217, 6261, 311, 2567, 701, 19779, 274, 51908, 994, 701, 6206, 527, 520, 2800, 13, 3011, 720, 1762, 48764, 279, 22781, 287, 709, 315, 279, 11977, 11, 902, 1053, 3063, 311, 4726, 24408, 38117, 1555, 279, 2547, 13, 1442, 520, 1176, 499, 3775, 323, 682, 499, 617, 374, 81784, 11, 13085, 430, 499, 617, 38593, 701, 6206, 323, 617, 912, 720, 83, 68157, 11, 779, 430, 499, 1205, 311, 27116, 2225, 6206, 77849, 505, 279, 86878, 13, 1666, 499, 656, 430, 11, 2733, 279, 720, 83, 2711, 26156, 3201, 505, 701, 72148, 13, 8155, 719, 3117, 505, 3325, 11, 27027, 30675, 1057, 2539, 6666, 662, 58292, 374, 279, 6913, 3044, 720, 1073, 2324, 13, 1226, 649, 3974, 369, 5115, 264, 1418, 2085, 3691, 323, 369, 264, 1790, 24210, 892, 2085, 3090, 11, 719, 720, 14789, 2085, 11745, 10548, 304, 264, 2478, 14269, 13, 14968, 1455, 315, 603, 39332, 420, 16595, 734, 11, 3156, 584, 720, 12964, 6062, 323, 3480, 505, 26682, 311, 5655, 57056, 27027, 13, 1115, 1648, 11, 40076, 1511, 720, 1729, 68141, 11, 22032, 11, 43195, 315, 27102, 323, 23579, 11, 67232, 279, 2547, 753, 24463, 23730, 323, 706, 720, 64, 78729, 2515, 13, 578, 1749, 374, 40075, 5196, 13, 3161, 1855, 304, 93008, 589, 4585, 704, 701, 23152, 11, 779, 720, 9210, 279, 11745, 649, 5266, 701, 45274, 311, 2539, 8824, 13, 3161, 1855, 704, 93008, 589, 11, 6958, 304, 701, 23152, 2653, 11, 720, 82, 593, 10333, 287, 704, 279, 51451, 3805, 13, 7531, 701, 1866, 37390, 323, 6725, 420, 1749, 3892, 3115, 264, 1938, 11, 720, 39830, 433, 9221, 701, 5933, 1648, 315, 27027, 13, 1442, 520, 1176, 433, 374, 264, 2766, 5107, 11, 13085, 430, 304, 701, 720, 370, 5717, 268, 1070, 374, 264, 6366, 47856, 11, 902, 499, 71798, 449, 1855, 304, 93008, 589, 323, 93789, 555, 20806, 720, 412, 279, 3805, 13, 1472, 690, 387, 14792, 1148, 264, 6811, 2731, 27027, 3727, 311, 701, 1664, 33851, 13, 58364, 315, 279, 23754, 198, 7927, 10723, 19451, 649, 387, 701, 1888, 31953, 51749, 701, 12047, 9354, 11, 323, 279, 1890, 17208, 311, 720, 22479, 28899, 11, 11911, 389, 1268, 499, 1005, 433, 13, 19408, 275, 3210, 1511, 11, 701, 11555, 323, 6848, 649, 1520, 720, 9514, 311, 312, 67120, 701, 4553, 36721, 11, 701, 296, 9242, 323, 16024, 11, 779, 430, 814, 12192, 2890, 323, 720, 383, 6260, 11, 4619, 315, 43476, 499, 1523, 13, 662, 12634, 11263, 3463, 0, 2684, 527, 3892, 5627, 311, 11322, 279, 1888, 3284, 1614, 315, 4059, 13, 2052, 315, 1124, 6904, 389, 701, 720, 2968, 311, 12234, 439, 7373, 439, 3284, 11, 779, 430, 912, 24408, 41305, 288, 449, 1148, 499, 527, 4560, 311, 656, 13, 578, 45648, 1648, 374, 311, 10457, 389, 701, 1203, 389, 264, 10882, 719, 539, 2288, 8579, 7479, 11, 449, 701, 6206, 3028, 7388, 29473, 480, 1293, 11, 220, 1049, 22, 13, 2052, 3268, 4694, 13, 1115, 3769, 1253, 539, 387, 55717, 304, 904, 11298, 11, 1194, 477, 14683, 2085, 4972, 5439, 8041, 505, 279, 3229, 662, 2732, 220, 10005, 1548, 6260, 279, 480, 1293, 12424, 2345, 2685, 91955, 26211, 323, 7089, 73782, 70674, 198, 2185, 13991, 797, 1293, 3195, 916, 385, 437, 989, 41219, 555, 701, 11314, 13, 13330, 701, 6548, 13, 5256, 27027, 14297, 11, 17693, 11, 505, 279, 64772, 13, 3161, 1855, 304, 93008, 589, 13085, 13633, 304, 20333, 3177, 11, 902, 41687, 499, 449, 9096, 11, 8333, 323, 720, 17947, 13, 3161, 1855, 704, 93008, 589, 13085, 28965, 682, 19781, 2136, 11, 24408, 11, 6784, 477, 18547, 304, 279, 6211, 720, 1073, 19108, 6453, 16603, 13, 6914, 701, 2010, 323, 701, 2547, 3719, 1633, 8987, 11, 779, 430, 279, 6558, 24266, 720, 22479, 4785, 13, 4343, 1555, 701, 2547, 11, 6041, 449, 701, 45713, 323, 3318, 701, 1648, 709, 311, 279, 720, 3565, 315, 701, 2010, 11, 369, 35483, 315, 24408, 477, 70334, 11, 323, 4984, 1124, 13, 7557, 2771, 701, 16942, 374, 31467, 720, 438, 701, 25466, 15812, 4228, 2403, 701, 8582, 77338, 13, 1628, 1457, 1120, 4822, 449, 420, 8430, 315, 9096, 11, 720, 23859, 323, 43685, 369, 264, 2697, 1418, 13, 1115, 6913, 20806, 733, 374, 279, 1401, 311, 682, 13124, 315, 9358, 990, 11, 2737, 33862, 11, 23788, 11, 720, 90081, 323, 33449, 811, 13, 18373, 4147, 520, 3325, 11157, 264, 1938, 11, 1949, 505, 65858, 11, 12248, 323, 720, 396, 618, 84, 1324, 11, 433, 690, 1304, 264, 2294, 6811, 311, 701, 10723, 1614, 11, 902, 304, 2543, 690, 7958, 701, 720, 2664, 13, 77571, 374, 264, 4382, 1648, 311, 2103, 279, 3596, 1481, 355, 88, 8271, 323, 3810, 264, 2035, 315, 28254, 2103, 2136, 720, 438, 9096, 11, 902, 369, 264, 2875, 1418, 15714, 603, 12731, 505, 18254, 8903, 13, 1102, 3966, 6725, 22416, 720, 54160, 374, 2653, 311, 26434, 323, 13912, 12967, 304, 11555, 11, 35603, 315, 6848, 323, 682, 13124, 315, 720, 93221, 62024, 13, 2468, 1176, 499, 1253, 1505, 430, 1524, 27219, 6622, 315, 2103, 2136, 374, 5115, 459, 26501, 11, 720, 8248, 1541, 1431, 3041, 709, 25, 1070, 527, 5627, 311, 7417, 279, 6671, 13, 3861, 374, 311, 636, 3412, 315, 10805, 51867, 11555, 11, 10765, 1124, 11, 1243, 13085, 63143, 264, 2466, 47856, 311, 720, 9739, 832, 323, 3821, 1124, 2273, 3201, 13, 13596, 832, 374, 311, 7417, 20545, 555, 26060, 505, 720, 606, 311, 3116, 11, 9298, 304, 701, 4059, 753, 8071, 279, 5219, 11, 49025, 10107, 323, 6366, 2403, 264, 6453, 720, 2407, 23771, 11, 323, 13454, 279, 26060, 5899, 3115, 13, 1472, 649, 1101, 2035, 264, 9042, 520, 8071, 2237, 323, 5155, 701, 720, 306, 556, 6666, 311, 279, 2132, 1450, 2133, 4883, 323, 4883, 323, 4883, 11, 779, 430, 4400, 775, 13146, 13, 22547, 1870, 38542, 433, 3966, 99841, 71480, 4805, 1505, 433, 8831, 311, 11322, 26701, 315, 3463, 12862, 720, 20111, 2136, 11, 6522, 311, 459, 24674, 5647, 315, 2800, 31514, 323, 9096, 13, 7429, 11, 28865, 1022, 279, 8271, 369, 264, 2697, 1418, 20682, 603, 311, 6865, 1057, 779, 19434, 9358, 7899, 11, 279, 720, 10063, 315, 57351, 323, 24278, 13, 33739, 1057, 16801, 1887, 11, 3508, 477, 539, 584, 527, 10597, 11, 584, 720, 543, 617, 459, 9358, 2324, 323, 264, 743, 315, 2819, 555, 902, 584, 3974, 13, 36016, 433, 374, 520, 264, 892, 315, 11501, 11, 9057, 720, 1729, 264, 6129, 2890, 31085, 11, 430, 584, 2543, 63018, 323, 3477, 1057, 2361, 304, 2324, 13, 60842, 11, 720, 38, 1293, 6978, 527, 12756, 1949, 311, 5268, 872, 1866, 1648, 304, 420, 2115, 25, 584, 527, 682, 2204, 323, 2011, 720, 45734, 1057, 12062, 13, 2030, 433, 374, 279, 3217, 315, 1690, 16410, 11, 2346, 35935, 1105, 323, 1023, 2890, 720, 97235, 1147, 430, 6978, 889, 4510, 304, 264, 35321, 44874, 11, 889, 527, 3025, 311, 24739, 323, 2231, 872, 10082, 720, 258, 4359, 11, 21057, 2731, 1109, 1884, 889, 1541, 1431, 13, 56060, 11, 5108, 505, 279, 4851, 11, 449, 7095, 304, 279, 17139, 720, 37730, 315, 2574, 11, 649, 387, 264, 2294, 1862, 389, 279, 56617, 1853, 315, 13654, 662, 91860, 5829, 279, 28899, 311, 312, 67120, 539, 1193, 279, 4059, 719, 311, 264, 3738, 13112, 279, 720, 2664, 439, 1664, 13, 1102, 4375, 1555, 5448, 11, 555, 48067, 287, 279, 7422, 2442, 30855, 8271, 11, 323, 1884, 5448, 720, 2063, 505, 279, 1890, 5655, 3158, 315, 279, 88909, 439, 279, 6305, 584, 3449, 304, 1057, 19226, 13, 578, 7580, 315, 720, 90081, 374, 311, 72333, 11, 779, 311, 6604, 11, 1148, 584, 1390, 311, 11322, 25, 54216, 8624, 11, 56228], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": " You are learning the power of raw\nfoods and their effects on tissue. Now it is time to put these factors together\nand examine proper food combinations. According to the American Dietetics Association, it doesn\u2019t matter how\nwe combine our foods, as long as we eat proteins, carbohydrates, and some\nfat at each meal. This philosophy is ridiculous and unscientific, and we have\nall suffered with gas, bloating and acidosis as a result. Chemistry does not\nsupport this approach. As a matter of fact, chemistry becomes our friend\nwhen we look into proper food combinations. For a diabetic, particularly, it is\nvital to follow proper food combinations if he or she wants to regulate blood\nsugars. Many great books have been written about proper food combinations,\nand I would suggest studying a little about this important subject. (See: \nFood\nCombining Made Easy\n by Herbert Shelton, and \nProper Food-Combining\nWorks\n by Lee DuBelle.) Chemistry tells us that when we combine a base (or alkalie) with an acid,\nthey neutralize each other. Fermentation and putrefaction then become the\ndigesters, instead of digestive enzymes. This causes improper food\nbreakdown and many unwanted chemical changes, all leading to\nmalabsorption, acidosis and cellular starvation. Protein-dominating foods\nwhen mixed with starches fall into this category.The two most important food-combination tips are, first, to never mix\nproteins (acid foods) with carbohydrates (alkaline foods), and second, to\nseparate your consumption of fruits or melons from any other type of food. These two tips will be discussed in more detail below. If you observe proper food combinations you will end the acid\nregurgitation, ulcerations, bloating and gas commonly caused by violating\nthese natural rules. Keep in mind that the fewer types of foods you combine,\nthe better the digestion of your foods will be. If I ask you to think of ten\ndifferent things at the same time you would become confused, as the mind\ncan attend fully to one thing at a time. Remember this when you are planning\nto eat ten different foods at one meal. Simplicity is always best. It\u2019s not \nhow\nmuch\n you eat, but whether you can digest, absorb, utilize and eliminate what\nyou have eaten. Keep your diet simple and keep your life simple. Be happy when you eat. Never eat when you\u2019re angry or upset, as this causes elevated stomach acids\nthat can neutralize your digestive efforts and create acidosis. Relax and enjoy\nwhat you are eating. Chew your foods well, as the first stage of digestion\ntakes place in your mouth. Try not to drink with your meals, as this only\ndilutes or neutralizes your digestive enzymes. THE TWO MOST IMPORTANT FOOD-COMBINING TIPS\n \nDo Not Combine Proteins (acid) and Carbohydrates (alkaline)\nIn chemistry we learn that we cannot combine acid digestive enzymes with\nalkaline digestive \nenzymes because they will normally neutralize each other,\ncausing proper digestion to stop and putrefaction and fermentation to begin. Carbohydrates begin their digestive process in the mouth with amylase,\nptyalin and other alkaline digestive enzymes. Protein-type foods, including\nmeat and nuts, start their digestive process in the lower stomach with the\nrelease of HCL (hydrochloric acid), which in turn releases pepsin. These\nsubstances are both acidic in nature. When a predominant starch combines in the stomach with a predominant\nprotein, you have a clash. You know this by the bloating and the full feeling\nyou get after you eat a meal like this. Fermentation of sugar creates alcohol. This alcohol can stimulate or decrease our energy levels, cause over-acidity,mucus congestion, protein toxicity and inflammation of the tissues. The liver,\npancreas and adrenal tissues get hit the hardest. It is difficult for diabetics to\nregulate their blood sugars eating this way. Separate Your Fruits or Melons from All Other Foods\nFruits and melons digest very quickly. When combined with foods that digest\nslowly, their sugars are held up in the stomach. This results in the\nfermentation of the undigested sugar, which then yields alcohol. This alcohol\nfrom fermentation of food sugars raises blood alcohol levels and has even\ncaused plane crashes, car wrecks and DWI arrests. Make a whole meal of fruits or melons by themselves. These are high\nenergy and cleansing meals that are very important to the detoxification\nprocess. There are many other important concepts in proper food combinations,\nsuch as, \u201cDon\u2019t combine two different types of proteins at the same meal,\u201d or\n\u201cCertain fruits can combine with certain proteins.\u201d The subject can be quite\nvast, and the details are beyond the scope of this book. For more information\nsee the recommended books listed above. The simpler you eat, the better it is for your digestive processes. The\nbetter your food breaks down, the more energy you will have. The following\nchart provides an overview of proper (and improper) food combinations. Simple Food Combining \n \nMODULE 7.4The Detox Miracle Menus\n \nI created the following dietary program after thirty years of clinical and\npersonal use. I call it the \u201cDetox Miracle Diet\u201d because I have seen it heal and\nrebuild tissue for thousands of people. I also call this \u201cGod\u2019s Rainbow Diet\u201d\nbecause it consists of all colors of fruits and vegetables. Each food and its\ncolor feeds, energizes and heals the body in its own special way. Fruits feed\nthe brain and nervous system, whereas vegetables feed the muscles and\nskeletal system. Nuts and seeds are structural foods. The more raw, uncooked and unprocessed food you eat, the more vital\nyou become. Challenge your self-discipline. Try a 100 percent raw food\nprogram, which is to say, nothing cooked. It makes a huge difference in the\nlevel of vitality you can achieve. One should at least consider eating 80\npercent raw foods and 20 percent cooked. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you begin this process:\n1\n. I do not recommend any kind of animal products at all, due to their huge\ntoxicity and acidic factors. They cause disease instead of rebuilding your\nbody. If you are going to eat meat, you should not eat it more than three\ntimes a week, and only at lunch. This will allow the bulk of the digestive\nprocess, which is acidic, to take place. Some believe that the body\ndoesn\u2019t produce hydrochloric acid after 2:00 \nP.M. I personally have\nnever seen any scientific evidence to support this theory. However, light\nalkaline meals in the evening will give you more energy, better sleeping,\nand better healing potential. 2\n. Never eat meat with a starch. If you enjoy that heavy feeling, I suggest\nyou replace meat with a baked potato. You can use real butter, or natural\noils like olive oil, but no salts, sour cream or cheese. A baked sweet\npotato would be preferable to an ordinary potato. 3\n. If you just want something hot, I would suggest a cup or bowl of\nhomemade vegetable soup (no tomatoes), steamed vegetables, or stir-fry\nvegetables, along with a salad. (See our recipe section at the end of this\nchapter for various soups you can make.) 4\n. Demand organic, vine-ripened foods that are chemical-free and\nirradiation-free. We cannot allow the destruction of our foods or we will\nall die. In a world where cancer is soon to be in every other person, it is\ntime for every individual to stand up and take charge of their own health.No one else will. 5\n. The focus for the first two or three months of detoxing should be on\nlow-protein, or \u201cno-protein\u201d type foods. This includes avoiding meat,\nbeans and nuts. Nuts, of course, are your best source of amino acids, and\nwould be my choice if you felt that you needed this type of food. ONE DAY AT A TIME FOR FIVE DAYS\n \nTake each day as it comes. Try to eat all raw fruits and vegetables that day. The next day, try again. Keep trying each day until you have eaten all raw,\nuncooked fruits and vegetables for five days straight. Feel the difference\nbetween all raw and just some cooked foods. The difference is like night and\nday. Some days you may only want to eat fruits, which is great. Fruits have\nthe greatest cleansing power of all foods. Their high energetics makes them\nan unmatched nerve and brain food. Another method I\u2019ve found to be successful is to eat all raw foods from\nMonday through Friday. Then on Saturday and/or Sunday, if you must, have\nyour cooked vegetables with rice, etc. Get a cycle going for yourself. Your\nbody loves cycles. It loves habit. It actually depends and functions better on\nroutine. As time goes on you may want to incorporate some fasting into your\nprogram. This will accelerate the detoxification process. Give fasting your\nbest shot. The longer you last, the healthier you will get. Recondition yourself\nby retraining your eating habits. I designed this menu in our \u201cGetting Healthy\u201d program to be easy and yet\neffective. Enjoy the clean feeling and the sense of vitality that raw foods\noffer. You will never regret this journey into vibrancy, longevity and\nspirituality. HOW MUCH FOOD AND HOW OFTEN? There has always been the question of: \u201cHow much and how often should a\nperson eat?\u201d It is my personal opinion that we should eat only one-to-three\n", "token_ids": [1472, 527, 6975, 279, 2410, 315, 7257, 198, 96420, 323, 872, 6372, 389, 20438, 13, 4800, 433, 374, 892, 311, 2231, 1521, 9547, 3871, 198, 438, 21635, 6300, 3691, 28559, 13, 10771, 311, 279, 3778, 27304, 25265, 10229, 11, 433, 3250, 1431, 5030, 1268, 198, 906, 16343, 1057, 15657, 11, 439, 1317, 439, 584, 8343, 28896, 11, 62345, 11, 323, 1063, 198, 45283, 520, 1855, 15496, 13, 1115, 19675, 374, 27873, 323, 653, 85930, 11, 323, 584, 617, 198, 543, 16654, 449, 6962, 11, 14545, 1113, 323, 13935, 10934, 439, 264, 1121, 13, 42846, 1587, 539, 198, 24249, 420, 5603, 13, 1666, 264, 5030, 315, 2144, 11, 30903, 9221, 1057, 4333, 198, 9493, 584, 1427, 1139, 6300, 3691, 28559, 13, 1789, 264, 71975, 11, 8104, 11, 433, 374, 198, 85, 2223, 311, 1833, 6300, 3691, 28559, 422, 568, 477, 1364, 6944, 311, 37377, 6680, 198, 82, 773, 1590, 13, 9176, 2294, 6603, 617, 1027, 5439, 922, 6300, 3691, 28559, 345, 438, 358, 1053, 4284, 21630, 264, 2697, 922, 420, 3062, 3917, 13, 320, 10031, 25, 720, 27844, 198, 37292, 5859, 19332, 19122, 198, 555, 58463, 37940, 783, 11, 323, 720, 1360, 716, 12369, 12, 37292, 5859, 198, 38783, 198, 555, 12336, 16062, 33, 6853, 6266, 42846, 10975, 603, 430, 994, 584, 16343, 264, 2385, 320, 269, 66787, 648, 8, 449, 459, 13935, 345, 20670, 21277, 553, 1855, 1023, 13, 29562, 32199, 323, 2231, 1116, 1335, 1243, 3719, 279, 198, 37439, 388, 11, 4619, 315, 60071, 56067, 13, 1115, 11384, 41086, 3691, 198, 9137, 2996, 323, 1690, 36021, 11742, 4442, 11, 682, 6522, 311, 198, 14991, 3518, 66181, 11, 13935, 10934, 323, 35693, 78245, 13, 49475, 1773, 8129, 1113, 15657, 198, 9493, 9709, 449, 70181, 288, 4498, 1139, 420, 5699, 11829, 1403, 1455, 3062, 3691, 11733, 65, 2617, 10631, 527, 11, 1176, 11, 311, 2646, 6651, 198, 782, 668, 1354, 320, 58156, 15657, 8, 449, 62345, 320, 1727, 278, 483, 15657, 705, 323, 2132, 11, 311, 198, 325, 68698, 701, 15652, 315, 26390, 477, 10804, 2439, 505, 904, 1023, 955, 315, 3691, 13, 4314, 1403, 10631, 690, 387, 14407, 304, 810, 7872, 3770, 13, 1442, 499, 23846, 6300, 3691, 28559, 499, 690, 842, 279, 13935, 198, 1610, 5673, 7709, 11, 96971, 811, 11, 14545, 1113, 323, 6962, 17037, 9057, 555, 45462, 198, 45010, 5933, 5718, 13, 13969, 304, 4059, 430, 279, 17162, 4595, 315, 15657, 499, 16343, 345, 1820, 2731, 279, 74502, 315, 701, 15657, 690, 387, 13, 1442, 358, 2610, 499, 311, 1781, 315, 5899, 198, 64750, 2574, 520, 279, 1890, 892, 499, 1053, 3719, 22568, 11, 439, 279, 4059, 198, 4919, 9604, 7373, 311, 832, 3245, 520, 264, 892, 13, 20474, 420, 994, 499, 527, 9293, 198, 998, 8343, 5899, 2204, 15657, 520, 832, 15496, 13, 4567, 79, 25814, 374, 2744, 1888, 13, 1102, 753, 539, 720, 5269, 198, 59178, 198, 499, 8343, 11, 719, 3508, 499, 649, 21552, 11, 35406, 11, 29166, 323, 22472, 1148, 198, 9514, 617, 35661, 13, 13969, 701, 10173, 4382, 323, 2567, 701, 2324, 4382, 13, 2893, 6380, 994, 499, 8343, 13, 15037, 8343, 994, 499, 3207, 19021, 477, 23268, 11, 439, 420, 11384, 32389, 23152, 33969, 198, 9210, 649, 21277, 553, 701, 60071, 9045, 323, 1893, 13935, 10934, 13, 68685, 323, 4774, 198, 12840, 499, 527, 12459, 13, 90965, 701, 15657, 1664, 11, 439, 279, 1176, 6566, 315, 74502, 198, 79079, 2035, 304, 701, 11013, 13, 9934, 539, 311, 7172, 449, 701, 21644, 11, 439, 420, 1193, 198, 67, 321, 2142, 477, 21277, 4861, 701, 60071, 56067, 13, 3247, 47358, 80199, 68240, 88227, 7813, 40600, 691, 1753, 350, 27034, 27907, 5519, 2876, 47912, 15542, 1354, 320, 58156, 8, 323, 3341, 34658, 988, 320, 1727, 278, 483, 340, 644, 30903, 584, 4048, 430, 584, 4250, 16343, 13935, 60071, 56067, 449, 198, 1727, 278, 483, 60071, 720, 17007, 79809, 1606, 814, 690, 14614, 21277, 553, 1855, 1023, 345, 936, 985, 6300, 74502, 311, 3009, 323, 2231, 1116, 1335, 323, 74454, 311, 3240, 13, 3341, 34658, 988, 3240, 872, 60071, 1920, 304, 279, 11013, 449, 1097, 4010, 521, 345, 1625, 36207, 323, 1023, 66787, 483, 60071, 56067, 13, 49475, 10827, 15657, 11, 2737, 198, 2727, 266, 323, 31049, 11, 1212, 872, 60071, 1920, 304, 279, 4827, 23152, 449, 279, 198, 23859, 315, 473, 3218, 320, 67229, 72967, 292, 13935, 705, 902, 304, 2543, 19786, 281, 7270, 258, 13, 4314, 198, 2008, 9623, 527, 2225, 84903, 304, 7138, 13, 3277, 264, 96531, 70181, 33511, 304, 279, 23152, 449, 264, 96531, 198, 79565, 11, 499, 617, 264, 41003, 13, 1472, 1440, 420, 555, 279, 14545, 1113, 323, 279, 2539, 8430, 198, 9514, 636, 1306, 499, 8343, 264, 15496, 1093, 420, 13, 29562, 32199, 315, 13465, 11705, 13200, 13, 1115, 13200, 649, 51077, 477, 18979, 1057, 4907, 5990, 11, 5353, 927, 38698, 19025, 13387, 38601, 55146, 11, 13128, 58011, 323, 37140, 315, 279, 39881, 13, 578, 26587, 345, 857, 846, 300, 323, 60564, 39881, 636, 4295, 279, 37554, 13, 1102, 374, 5107, 369, 1891, 10448, 1233, 311, 198, 1610, 6468, 872, 6680, 70913, 12459, 420, 1648, 13, 77240, 4718, 435, 68998, 477, 11220, 2439, 505, 2052, 7089, 40160, 198, 37, 68998, 323, 10804, 2439, 21552, 1633, 6288, 13, 3277, 11093, 449, 15657, 430, 21552, 198, 36311, 398, 11, 872, 70913, 527, 5762, 709, 304, 279, 23152, 13, 1115, 3135, 304, 279, 198, 809, 32199, 315, 279, 2073, 343, 10185, 13465, 11, 902, 1243, 36508, 13200, 13, 1115, 13200, 198, 1527, 74454, 315, 3691, 70913, 25930, 6680, 13200, 5990, 323, 706, 1524, 198, 936, 2656, 11277, 37237, 11, 1841, 67608, 14895, 323, 38852, 40, 38811, 13, 7557, 264, 4459, 15496, 315, 26390, 477, 10804, 2439, 555, 5694, 13, 4314, 527, 1579, 198, 17947, 323, 60052, 21644, 430, 527, 1633, 3062, 311, 279, 61987, 2461, 198, 4734, 13, 2684, 527, 1690, 1023, 3062, 19476, 304, 6300, 3691, 28559, 345, 21470, 439, 11, 1054, 8161, 1431, 16343, 1403, 2204, 4595, 315, 28896, 520, 279, 1890, 15496, 2476, 477, 198, 2118, 65542, 26390, 649, 16343, 449, 3738, 28896, 2029, 578, 3917, 649, 387, 5115, 198, 85, 561, 11, 323, 279, 3649, 527, 7953, 279, 7036, 315, 420, 2363, 13, 1789, 810, 2038, 198, 4151, 279, 11349, 6603, 10212, 3485, 13, 578, 35388, 499, 8343, 11, 279, 2731, 433, 374, 369, 701, 60071, 11618, 13, 578, 198, 58234, 701, 3691, 18808, 1523, 11, 279, 810, 4907, 499, 690, 617, 13, 578, 2768, 198, 16320, 5825, 459, 24131, 315, 6300, 320, 438, 41086, 8, 3691, 28559, 13, 9170, 12369, 23262, 5859, 33006, 25439, 220, 22, 13, 19, 791, 16828, 5241, 77064, 11258, 355, 27907, 40, 3549, 279, 2768, 34625, 2068, 1306, 27219, 1667, 315, 14830, 323, 198, 30712, 1005, 13, 358, 1650, 433, 279, 1054, 17513, 5241, 77064, 27304, 863, 1606, 358, 617, 3970, 433, 27661, 323, 198, 265, 5957, 20438, 369, 9214, 315, 1274, 13, 358, 1101, 1650, 420, 1054, 28622, 753, 47745, 27304, 89874, 28753, 433, 17610, 315, 682, 8146, 315, 26390, 323, 24822, 13, 9062, 3691, 323, 1202, 198, 3506, 35496, 11, 4602, 4861, 323, 88084, 279, 2547, 304, 1202, 1866, 3361, 1648, 13, 435, 68998, 5510, 198, 1820, 8271, 323, 23418, 1887, 11, 20444, 24822, 5510, 279, 24569, 323, 198, 82, 86255, 1887, 13, 452, 6256, 323, 19595, 527, 24693, 15657, 13, 578, 810, 7257, 11, 653, 99797, 323, 653, 35122, 3691, 499, 8343, 11, 279, 810, 16595, 198, 9514, 3719, 13, 26323, 701, 659, 52765, 48529, 13, 9934, 264, 220, 1041, 3346, 7257, 3691, 198, 15252, 11, 902, 374, 311, 2019, 11, 4400, 30205, 13, 1102, 3727, 264, 6908, 6811, 304, 279, 198, 3374, 315, 75716, 499, 649, 11322, 13, 3861, 1288, 520, 3325, 2980, 12459, 220, 1490, 198, 25426, 7257, 15657, 323, 220, 508, 3346, 30205, 13, 5810, 527, 264, 2478, 2574, 311, 2567, 304, 4059, 439, 499, 3240, 420, 1920, 512, 16, 198, 13, 358, 656, 539, 7079, 904, 3169, 315, 10065, 3956, 520, 682, 11, 4245, 311, 872, 6908, 198, 998, 14668, 488, 323, 84903, 9547, 13, 2435, 5353, 8624, 4619, 315, 56228, 701, 198, 2664, 13, 1442, 499, 527, 2133, 311, 8343, 13339, 11, 499, 1288, 539, 8343, 433, 810, 1109, 2380, 198, 15487, 264, 2046, 11, 323, 1193, 520, 16163, 13, 1115, 690, 2187, 279, 20155, 315, 279, 60071, 198, 4734, 11, 902, 374, 84903, 11, 311, 1935, 2035, 13, 4427, 4510, 430, 279, 2547, 198, 73014, 1431, 8356, 17055, 72967, 292, 13935, 1306, 220, 17, 25, 410, 720, 47, 1345, 13, 358, 16102, 617, 198, 37593, 3970, 904, 12624, 6029, 311, 1862, 420, 10334, 13, 4452, 11, 3177, 198, 1727, 278, 483, 21644, 304, 279, 11714, 690, 3041, 499, 810, 4907, 11, 2731, 21811, 345, 438, 2731, 21730, 4754, 13, 220, 17, 198, 13, 15037, 8343, 13339, 449, 264, 70181, 13, 1442, 499, 4774, 430, 8987, 8430, 11, 358, 4284, 198, 9514, 8454, 13339, 449, 264, 41778, 39834, 13, 1472, 649, 1005, 1972, 14432, 11, 477, 5933, 198, 78, 8839, 1093, 33213, 5707, 11, 719, 912, 78235, 11, 20897, 12932, 477, 17604, 13, 362, 41778, 10437, 198, 19644, 4428, 1053, 387, 70668, 311, 459, 19664, 39834, 13, 220, 18, 198, 13, 1442, 499, 1120, 1390, 2555, 4106, 11, 358, 1053, 4284, 264, 10747, 477, 19763, 315, 198, 35940, 29532, 36581, 19724, 320, 2201, 41613, 705, 4179, 3690, 24822, 11, 477, 23935, 2269, 894, 198, 83571, 4893, 11, 3235, 449, 264, 33566, 13, 320, 10031, 1057, 11363, 3857, 520, 279, 842, 315, 420, 198, 41326, 369, 5370, 5945, 1725, 499, 649, 1304, 6266, 220, 19, 198, 13, 55353, 17808, 11, 30050, 12, 462, 2821, 291, 15657, 430, 527, 11742, 12862, 323, 198, 404, 70312, 367, 12862, 13, 1226, 4250, 2187, 279, 19814, 315, 1057, 15657, 477, 584, 690, 198, 543, 2815, 13, 763, 264, 1917, 1405, 9572, 374, 5246, 311, 387, 304, 1475, 1023, 1732, 11, 433, 374, 198, 1712, 369, 1475, 3927, 311, 2559, 709, 323, 1935, 6900, 315, 872, 1866, 2890, 17184, 832, 775, 690, 13, 220, 20, 198, 13, 578, 5357, 369, 279, 1176, 1403, 477, 2380, 4038, 315, 61987, 287, 1288, 387, 389, 198, 10516, 10039, 39340, 11, 477, 1054, 2201, 10039, 39340, 863, 955, 15657, 13, 1115, 5764, 31526, 13339, 345, 28440, 323, 31049, 13, 452, 6256, 11, 315, 3388, 11, 527, 701, 1888, 2592, 315, 42500, 33969, 11, 323, 198, 41450, 387, 856, 5873, 422, 499, 6612, 430, 499, 4460, 420, 955, 315, 3691, 13, 25002, 38788, 7520, 362, 23029, 4716, 435, 6674, 83931, 27907, 18293, 1855, 1938, 439, 433, 4131, 13, 9934, 311, 8343, 682, 7257, 26390, 323, 24822, 430, 1938, 13, 578, 1828, 1938, 11, 1456, 1578, 13, 13969, 4560, 1855, 1938, 3156, 499, 617, 35661, 682, 7257, 345, 359, 99797, 26390, 323, 24822, 369, 4330, 2919, 7833, 13, 32833, 279, 6811, 198, 42967, 682, 7257, 323, 1120, 1063, 30205, 15657, 13, 578, 6811, 374, 1093, 3814, 323, 198, 1316, 13, 4427, 2919, 499, 1253, 1193, 1390, 311, 8343, 26390, 11, 902, 374, 2294, 13, 435, 68998, 617, 198, 1820, 12474, 60052, 2410, 315, 682, 15657, 13, 11205, 1579, 38556, 456, 1233, 3727, 1124, 198, 276, 69477, 32015, 323, 8271, 3691, 13, 13596, 1749, 358, 4070, 1766, 311, 387, 6992, 374, 311, 8343, 682, 7257, 15657, 505, 198, 36339, 1555, 6740, 13, 5112, 389, 7884, 323, 5255, 7418, 11, 422, 499, 2011, 11, 617, 198, 22479, 30205, 24822, 449, 20228, 11, 5099, 13, 2175, 264, 11008, 2133, 369, 6261, 13, 4718, 198, 2664, 16180, 25492, 13, 1102, 16180, 14464, 13, 1102, 3604, 14117, 323, 5865, 2731, 389, 198, 54080, 13, 1666, 892, 5900, 389, 499, 1253, 1390, 311, 33435, 1063, 54560, 1139, 701, 198, 15252, 13, 1115, 690, 43880, 279, 61987, 2461, 1920, 13, 21335, 54560, 701, 198, 16241, 6689, 13, 578, 5129, 499, 1566, 11, 279, 39345, 499, 690, 636, 13, 1050, 9233, 6261, 198, 1729, 312, 31754, 701, 12459, 26870, 13, 358, 6319, 420, 5130, 304, 1057, 1054, 29755, 44454, 863, 2068, 311, 387, 4228, 323, 3686, 198, 78995, 13, 23485, 279, 4335, 8430, 323, 279, 5647, 315, 75716, 430, 7257, 15657, 198, 26133, 13, 1472, 690, 2646, 23023, 420, 11879, 1139, 17358, 6709, 11, 58219, 323, 198, 86390, 10965, 13, 24440, 79433, 88227, 3651, 24440, 3083, 51, 965, 30, 2684, 706, 2744, 1027, 279, 3488, 315, 25, 1054, 4438, 1790, 323, 1268, 3629, 1288, 264, 198, 9164, 8343, 12671, 1102, 374, 856, 4443, 9647, 430, 584, 1288, 8343, 1193, 832, 4791, 49493, 198], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": "the body to heal itself \u2013 but that force is not independent ofthe belief system. Everything begins with believing. What webelieve is the most powerful option of all. \u2013 Norman Cousins107Mucus Shows Up in the Urine when Fasting\nThe urine test shows the amount of mucus the\naverage human carries within their bloodstream. Take a\n3 day fast. Eat absolutely\nnothing and drink onlylarge amounts of distilled\nwater \u2013 from\n 2 to 3 quarts\na day. Every morning ofthe fast, take a sample of\nthe first urine you pass\non awakening, put it ina labeled bottle and place\nit on a shelf to cool and\nsettle. In a few days thisurine will show a heavy\ncloud of mucus. The\nlonger you keep theurine, the more toxins\nand mucus are revealed. A regular weekly \n24 hour fast will help rid your body of\nlarge amounts of mucus and toxins. Some of these toxinshave been circulating in your body for years. In winter, most people eat more heavy, concentrated\nfoods \u2013 such as refined flour products: pancakes, waffles,sugared cereals, doughnuts, rolls, breads, flour gravies,\nbiscuits, cakes, pies and refined pastas \u2013 the body then\nbecomes so loaded with mucus that it forces the VitalForce to create a cleansing crisis \u2013 a cold, flu, etc. A fever\nis produced by your Vital Force to help burn up and\nflush out the heavy concentrations of mucus. The lungs,nose and throat pour out the mucus through coughing,\nsneezing, spitting and nose-blowing. Few humans realize\nwhat a cleansing holocaust the body goes through! The body is a miracle self-purifying instrument! As\nlong as the body has enough Vital Force to eliminate\ntoxins such as mucus, it will work with all its energy torid and purify the body. What do humans think about\nthis crisis? They get feverish. A fever is your body\u2019s\ncleaner, a true natural phenomenon of Mother Natureand acts as her incinerator to burn up the toxins. The Urinary System108Winter Miseries? Or Body Cleansing? The uninformed man will tell you that he is suffering\nthis winter misery because he got his feet wet! Or he\nwill say that a draft blew on him and he didn\u2019t get hiscoat on in time. These are unscientific and weak excuses. Winter miseries, colds, flu, etc. are Mother Nature\u2019s\ninternal self cleansing and purification blessings to helpyou get the mucus and toxins out and get healthy! I have proven over and over that you can\u2019t catch\ncolds. In the early years I was associated with BernarrMacfadden, the father and founder of the Physical\nCulture Movement. He organized a group of people\nknown as the Polar Bears. Every weekend and holidayin the frigid winter, we would meet at the Coney Island\nBeach in New York to frolic and exercise. Then we\nwould all plunge into the icy water of the Atlantic Ocean. Did I ever see one of the winter bathers ever have\nthe sniffles? Never! People would come to Coney Island\nbundled up in heavy overcoats, mufflers, sweaters and\nflannel underwear to stand on the boardwalk, staring at\nus swimming and splashing around in the icy water.They were the people who had the sniffles, not the Polar\nBears \u2013 who believed in eating a healthy mucusless\ndiet, exercising outdoors and swimming in icy waters. Today I belong to two fine organizations who swim\nall year long at Coney Island, New York \u2013 the Polar Bears\nand the Icebergs. These two clubs are made up of menand women who are cold water swimmers. I also belong\nto the Winter Bathers Club (The Boston Brownies) who\nare headquartered at the \u201cL\u201d Street Bath House. Here isanother group of people who prove that you can swim\nand expose yourself to the most frigid weather and still\nnever have a sniffle, a chill, a fever or other reactionsfrom exposure to cold weather. I live in California where\nthe Pacific Ocean drops down to \n50 degrees in winter. If\nI am not away on a lecture tour, you can count on me totake my cold water swims at the beach not far away. Now I see the secret of the making of the best persons. It is to grow in\nthe open air and eat and sleep with Mother Earth. \u2013 Walt Whitman109Take the Mucus Test\nI feel that fasting has done a great deal to eliminate\nthe mucus from my body. I faithfully live on a mucuslessdiet and always take my weekly \n24 hour fast to help keep\nany mucus and toxins that I may have accumulated in\nmy body flowing out. I want to keep my machinery clean. Take the test yourself! Eliminate all of the mucus-\nforming foods from your diet for several months. Fast 1\nday a week and, if possible, take a 7 day fast. Watch your\nurine closely. See for yourself the amount of mucus you\nhave concentrated in your body. After a fast, make 60% to\n70% of your diet raw salads, vegetables and fruits and the\nbalance in cooked vegetables, beans, legumes and brown\nrice. This is a mucusless diet that\u2019s rich in enzymes and\nnutrients. Also the raw, unsalted nuts and nut butters andseeds (almond, pumpkin, sesame, sunflower, etc.) are not\nmucus-forming, so add them to your diet of organic fruits\nand vegetables. While on this test don\u2019t eat any dairy, eggs,meats and only a few whole grains or none at all. I can tell you all the great health benefits that fasting, a\nmucusless and meatless diet will do for you. But it\u2019s best\nyou simply try it yourself, then you be the judge. Noticehow seldom you have mucus and have to use a tissue. A\n7 day fast is a great mucus eliminator. I make it a practice\nto fast 7 to 10 days in late Oct. or Nov. so that, as thewinter comes on, I have relieved my body of any mucus\nthat it has accumulated. I try to live on a mucusless diet. When traveling the world lecturing, Patricia and I find at\ntimes we can\u2019t get all the organic fruits and vegetables we\nnormally eat, so we put our faith in fasting for purification. The treatment of diseases should go to the root cause, and most\n often it is found in severe dehydration from lack of sufficient\n pure, distilled water, plus an unhealthy diet and lifestyle! A good book goes around the world offering itself to reasonable men, who\nread it with joy and carry it to their neighbors. \u2013 Ralph Waldo EmersonTrue wisdom is to know what is best worth knowing,\nand to do what is best worth doing. \u2013 Edward Humphrey110Break the Tobacco, Alcohol, Cola\nAnd Coffee Habit Through Fasting\nIt seems today most humans are addicted to some\nkind of poisonous drug habit \u2013 such as tobacco, alcohol,\ncola and coffee. Every one of these substances contain\ndangerous toxic poisons. The spotlight of science is stillon the dangers of tobacco. Every cigarette package has\nthis warning, \u201c Tobacco smoking may be hazardous to your\nhealth. \u201d Scientists worldwide have studied the effects of\ntobacco on humans. The conclusion: smoking should\nbe stopped! But it\u2019s not. Sad truth, \u201cFlesh is dumb and\nwill accept anything.\u201d Your mind must be a strong and\nfaithful health captain to keep you healthy and fit! The flesh will accept the carbon monoxide and\nnicotine of tobacco. It will accept alcohol. It will acceptthe caffeine tars found in coffee, tea and even chocolate. The body has no mechanism to process these vicious\ndrugs and poisons. Millions are destroying their livesusing these killers, it\u2019s like a slow, deliberate self-suicide! Now, if a person wishes to release himself from the\nbondage of these irritating and poisonous drugs that act\nfirst to stimulate and then to depress the central nervous\nsystem, they must fast. The fast is a salvation for thosewho wish to break free of the shackles of these poisonous\nhabits. In my years of supervising fasts, I have seen these\nwretched habits repeatedly defeated by fasting! I remember years ago when a woman came to me who\nwas a chain smoker. D aily she smo ked 4 packages of\ncigarettes and drank a fifth of whisky (\naa.com offers help ). She was a heavy user of coffee and colas. She told me her\nnerves were shattered. If she picked up a pencil to write,\nshe trembled. She couldn\u2019t sleep. Her appetite was gone.Her eyes were blurred. Her skin tone was pasty and flabby. She was miserable and even had thoughts of suicide! Her\nphysician suggested she see me, that I might help herwith nutrition and exercise therapies. She had reached\nthe end of her rope and was willing to try anything. We love helping people who want to live and follow\nThe Bragg Healthy Lifestyle! We want to help you now!111The Body Rebels Against Poisons! The first thing I did with this smoking addict was to\nput her on a fast. I didn\u2019t take her poisons away fromher. She continued to smoke and drink a small amount\nof alcohol and coffee. But on the third morning of her\nfast, her body rebelled and these stored poisons andtoxins in her body began to nauseate her. The", "token_ids": [1820, 2547, 311, 27661, 5196, 1389, 719, 430, 5457, 374, 539, 9678, 315, 1820, 16801, 1887, 13, 20696, 12302, 449, 35090, 13, 3639, 3566, 301, 19704, 374, 279, 1455, 8147, 3072, 315, 682, 13, 1389, 41168, 78704, 7699, 44, 38601, 37380, 3216, 304, 279, 17229, 483, 994, 435, 15067, 198, 791, 40335, 1296, 5039, 279, 3392, 315, 296, 38601, 279, 198, 17645, 3823, 24266, 2949, 872, 100216, 13, 12040, 264, 198, 18, 1938, 5043, 13, 45614, 11112, 198, 42312, 323, 7172, 1193, 17185, 15055, 315, 89867, 198, 13284, 1389, 505, 198, 220, 17, 311, 220, 18, 934, 7183, 198, 64, 1938, 13, 7357, 6693, 315, 1820, 5043, 11, 1935, 264, 6205, 315, 198, 1820, 1176, 40335, 499, 1522, 198, 263, 75149, 11, 2231, 433, 304, 64, 30929, 16893, 323, 2035, 198, 275, 389, 264, 28745, 311, 7155, 323, 198, 751, 11489, 13, 763, 264, 2478, 2919, 420, 324, 483, 690, 1501, 264, 8987, 198, 12641, 315, 296, 38601, 13, 578, 198, 4930, 261, 499, 2567, 279, 324, 483, 11, 279, 810, 62186, 198, 438, 296, 38601, 527, 10675, 13, 362, 5912, 17496, 720, 1187, 6596, 5043, 690, 1520, 9463, 701, 2547, 315, 198, 17185, 15055, 315, 296, 38601, 323, 62186, 13, 4427, 315, 1521, 98534, 939, 525, 1027, 54828, 304, 701, 2547, 369, 1667, 13, 763, 12688, 11, 1455, 1274, 8343, 810, 8987, 11, 38626, 198, 96420, 1389, 1778, 439, 38291, 20415, 3956, 25, 80960, 11, 289, 81635, 10900, 773, 1636, 28091, 1147, 11, 31452, 64866, 11, 28473, 11, 16385, 82, 11, 20415, 29059, 552, 345, 65, 3510, 12059, 11, 48669, 11, 61777, 323, 38291, 3347, 300, 1389, 279, 2547, 1243, 198, 17106, 20969, 779, 6799, 449, 296, 38601, 430, 433, 8603, 279, 55371, 19085, 311, 1893, 264, 60052, 11501, 1389, 264, 9439, 11, 20236, 11, 5099, 13, 362, 34653, 198, 285, 9124, 555, 701, 55371, 11994, 311, 1520, 8395, 709, 323, 198, 22402, 704, 279, 8987, 32466, 315, 296, 38601, 13, 578, 45274, 10337, 974, 323, 28691, 5019, 704, 279, 296, 38601, 1555, 40700, 287, 345, 82, 818, 10333, 287, 11, 993, 15154, 323, 19689, 1481, 10516, 287, 13, 44015, 12966, 13383, 198, 12840, 264, 60052, 24429, 39026, 279, 2547, 5900, 1555, 0, 578, 2547, 374, 264, 45125, 659, 2320, 324, 7922, 14473, 0, 1666, 198, 4930, 439, 279, 2547, 706, 3403, 55371, 11994, 311, 22472, 198, 998, 87, 1354, 1778, 439, 296, 38601, 11, 433, 690, 990, 449, 682, 1202, 4907, 5801, 307, 323, 4087, 1463, 279, 2547, 13, 3639, 656, 12966, 1781, 922, 198, 576, 11501, 30, 2435, 636, 34653, 819, 13, 362, 34653, 374, 701, 2547, 753, 198, 18883, 261, 11, 264, 837, 5933, 25885, 315, 21720, 22037, 438, 14385, 439, 1077, 3709, 10670, 859, 311, 8395, 709, 279, 62186, 13, 578, 17229, 3367, 744, 6640, 67288, 33659, 4804, 30, 2582, 14285, 86762, 287, 30, 578, 71113, 10365, 893, 690, 3371, 499, 430, 568, 374, 16066, 198, 576, 12688, 58701, 1606, 568, 2751, 813, 7693, 14739, 0, 2582, 568, 198, 14724, 2019, 430, 264, 10165, 42423, 389, 1461, 323, 568, 3287, 1431, 636, 813, 68512, 389, 304, 892, 13, 4314, 527, 653, 85930, 323, 7621, 55586, 13, 20704, 5906, 4804, 11, 9439, 82, 11, 20236, 11, 5099, 13, 527, 21720, 22037, 753, 198, 10701, 659, 60052, 323, 94536, 56650, 311, 1520, 9514, 636, 279, 296, 38601, 323, 62186, 704, 323, 636, 9498, 0, 358, 617, 17033, 927, 323, 927, 430, 499, 649, 1431, 2339, 198, 66, 18938, 13, 763, 279, 4216, 1667, 358, 574, 5938, 449, 14502, 1138, 20122, 69, 71195, 11, 279, 7126, 323, 19533, 315, 279, 28479, 198, 26896, 29098, 13, 1283, 17057, 264, 1912, 315, 1274, 198, 5391, 439, 279, 56996, 37068, 13, 7357, 9178, 323, 13560, 258, 279, 1448, 21596, 12688, 11, 584, 1053, 3449, 520, 279, 356, 2596, 10951, 198, 3513, 613, 304, 1561, 4356, 311, 13091, 416, 323, 10368, 13, 5112, 584, 198, 41450, 682, 67678, 1139, 279, 67004, 3090, 315, 279, 23179, 22302, 13, 14910, 358, 3596, 1518, 832, 315, 279, 12688, 9061, 388, 3596, 617, 198, 1820, 58387, 645, 30, 15037, 0, 9029, 1053, 2586, 311, 356, 2596, 10951, 198, 65, 1263, 839, 709, 304, 8987, 927, 1030, 1900, 11, 55404, 9438, 11, 10769, 11796, 323, 198, 1517, 2659, 55244, 311, 2559, 389, 279, 4580, 19599, 11, 37874, 520, 198, 355, 24269, 323, 12786, 19587, 2212, 304, 279, 67004, 3090, 76369, 1051, 279, 1274, 889, 1047, 279, 58387, 645, 11, 539, 279, 56996, 198, 33, 7596, 1389, 889, 11846, 304, 12459, 264, 9498, 296, 38601, 1752, 198, 94942, 11, 51582, 34632, 323, 24269, 304, 67004, 21160, 13, 11450, 358, 9352, 311, 1403, 7060, 11351, 889, 16587, 198, 543, 1060, 1317, 520, 356, 2596, 10951, 11, 1561, 4356, 1389, 279, 56996, 37068, 198, 438, 279, 20534, 655, 5981, 13, 4314, 1403, 19424, 527, 1903, 709, 315, 3026, 438, 3278, 889, 527, 9439, 3090, 2064, 73683, 13, 358, 1101, 9352, 198, 998, 279, 20704, 426, 19568, 10349, 320, 791, 10406, 10690, 552, 8, 889, 198, 548, 81296, 520, 279, 1054, 43, 863, 6825, 19710, 4783, 13, 5810, 374, 43063, 1912, 315, 1274, 889, 12391, 430, 499, 649, 16587, 198, 438, 29241, 6261, 311, 279, 1455, 1448, 21596, 9282, 323, 2103, 198, 37593, 617, 264, 58387, 273, 11, 264, 37401, 11, 264, 34653, 477, 1023, 25481, 1527, 14675, 311, 9439, 9282, 13, 358, 3974, 304, 7188, 1405, 198, 1820, 16867, 22302, 21701, 1523, 311, 720, 1135, 12628, 304, 12688, 13, 1442, 198, 40, 1097, 539, 3201, 389, 264, 31678, 7364, 11, 499, 649, 1797, 389, 757, 2458, 731, 856, 9439, 3090, 81736, 520, 279, 11573, 539, 3117, 3201, 13, 4800, 358, 1518, 279, 6367, 315, 279, 3339, 315, 279, 1888, 11434, 13, 1102, 374, 311, 3139, 304, 198, 1820, 1825, 3805, 323, 8343, 323, 6212, 449, 21720, 9420, 13, 1389, 36367, 27484, 1543, 7743, 18293, 279, 386, 38601, 3475, 198, 40, 2733, 430, 54560, 706, 2884, 264, 2294, 3568, 311, 22472, 198, 1820, 296, 38601, 505, 856, 2547, 13, 358, 94176, 3974, 389, 264, 296, 38601, 1752, 94942, 323, 2744, 1935, 856, 17496, 720, 1187, 6596, 5043, 311, 1520, 2567, 198, 3852, 296, 38601, 323, 62186, 430, 358, 1253, 617, 41165, 304, 198, 2465, 2547, 36612, 704, 13, 358, 1390, 311, 2567, 856, 26953, 4335, 13, 12040, 279, 1296, 6261, 0, 43420, 3357, 682, 315, 279, 296, 38601, 7058, 55857, 15657, 505, 701, 10173, 369, 3892, 4038, 13, 17737, 220, 16, 198, 1316, 264, 2046, 323, 11, 422, 3284, 11, 1935, 264, 220, 22, 1938, 5043, 13, 10573, 701, 198, 324, 483, 15499, 13, 3580, 369, 6261, 279, 3392, 315, 296, 38601, 499, 198, 19553, 38626, 304, 701, 2547, 13, 4740, 264, 5043, 11, 1304, 220, 1399, 4, 311, 198, 2031, 4, 315, 701, 10173, 7257, 77852, 11, 24822, 323, 26390, 323, 279, 198, 22298, 304, 30205, 24822, 11, 27994, 11, 2531, 19131, 323, 14198, 198, 23994, 13, 1115, 374, 264, 296, 38601, 1752, 10173, 430, 753, 9257, 304, 56067, 323, 198, 24217, 32930, 13, 7429, 279, 7257, 11, 7120, 62334, 31049, 323, 10184, 719, 5153, 323, 325, 6910, 320, 278, 12669, 11, 50625, 11, 92223, 11, 7160, 39853, 11, 5099, 6266, 527, 539, 198, 76, 38601, 8627, 287, 11, 779, 923, 1124, 311, 701, 10173, 315, 17808, 26390, 198, 438, 24822, 13, 6104, 389, 420, 1296, 1541, 1431, 8343, 904, 34479, 11, 19335, 11, 2727, 1900, 323, 1193, 264, 2478, 4459, 41936, 477, 7000, 520, 682, 13, 358, 649, 3371, 499, 682, 279, 2294, 2890, 7720, 430, 54560, 11, 264, 198, 76, 38601, 1752, 323, 13339, 1752, 10173, 690, 656, 369, 499, 13, 2030, 433, 753, 1888, 198, 9514, 5042, 1456, 433, 6261, 11, 1243, 499, 387, 279, 11913, 13, 25773, 5269, 56452, 499, 617, 296, 38601, 323, 617, 311, 1005, 264, 20438, 13, 362, 198, 22, 1938, 5043, 374, 264, 2294, 296, 38601, 9961, 17720, 13, 358, 1304, 433, 264, 6725, 198, 998, 5043, 220, 22, 311, 220, 605, 2919, 304, 3389, 5020, 13, 477, 4723, 13, 779, 430, 11, 439, 279, 84028, 4131, 389, 11, 358, 617, 51512, 856, 2547, 315, 904, 296, 38601, 198, 9210, 433, 706, 41165, 13, 358, 1456, 311, 3974, 389, 264, 296, 38601, 1752, 10173, 13, 3277, 21646, 279, 1917, 16920, 1711, 11, 55034, 323, 358, 1505, 520, 198, 15487, 584, 649, 1431, 636, 682, 279, 17808, 26390, 323, 24822, 584, 198, 86336, 8343, 11, 779, 584, 2231, 1057, 10082, 304, 54560, 369, 94536, 13, 578, 6514, 315, 19338, 1288, 733, 311, 279, 3789, 5353, 11, 323, 1455, 198, 3629, 433, 374, 1766, 304, 15748, 99857, 505, 6996, 315, 14343, 198, 10748, 11, 89867, 3090, 11, 5636, 459, 53808, 10173, 323, 19433, 0, 362, 1695, 2363, 5900, 2212, 279, 1917, 10209, 5196, 311, 13579, 3026, 11, 889, 198, 888, 433, 449, 16267, 323, 6920, 433, 311, 872, 19228, 13, 1389, 40904, 14916, 3055, 80554, 2575, 24278, 374, 311, 1440, 1148, 374, 1888, 5922, 14392, 345, 438, 311, 656, 1148, 374, 1888, 5922, 3815, 13, 1389, 220, 22653, 72025, 8233, 5120, 23340, 279, 66210, 11, 45396, 11, 4349, 64, 198, 3112, 27171, 95178, 17331, 435, 15067, 198, 2181, 5084, 3432, 1455, 12966, 527, 57727, 311, 1063, 198, 15674, 315, 74508, 5623, 14464, 1389, 1778, 439, 27531, 11, 13200, 345, 56552, 323, 11033, 13, 7357, 832, 315, 1521, 33155, 6782, 198, 32550, 788, 21503, 3273, 19941, 13, 578, 37973, 315, 8198, 374, 2103, 263, 279, 37064, 315, 27531, 13, 7357, 36213, 6462, 706, 198, 576, 10163, 11, 1054, 66210, 20149, 1253, 387, 51024, 311, 701, 198, 12393, 13, 19524, 57116, 15603, 617, 20041, 279, 6372, 315, 198, 83, 677, 20067, 389, 12966, 13, 578, 17102, 25, 20149, 1288, 198, 1395, 10717, 0, 2030, 433, 753, 539, 13, 31781, 8206, 11, 1054, 37, 17927, 374, 30355, 323, 198, 14724, 4287, 4205, 2029, 4718, 4059, 2011, 387, 264, 3831, 323, 198, 75710, 1285, 2890, 24862, 311, 2567, 499, 9498, 323, 5052, 0, 578, 26000, 690, 4287, 279, 12782, 1647, 55189, 323, 198, 11851, 40253, 315, 27531, 13, 1102, 690, 4287, 13200, 13, 1102, 690, 4287, 1820, 49750, 259, 1590, 1766, 304, 11033, 11, 15600, 323, 1524, 18414, 13, 578, 2547, 706, 912, 17383, 311, 1920, 1521, 43510, 198, 3696, 13602, 323, 3273, 19941, 13, 74418, 527, 33812, 872, 6439, 985, 1521, 61135, 11, 433, 753, 1093, 264, 6435, 11, 46072, 659, 87229, 14842, 0, 4800, 11, 422, 264, 1732, 25223, 311, 4984, 5678, 505, 279, 198, 65339, 425, 315, 1521, 85077, 323, 74508, 11217, 430, 1180, 198, 3983, 311, 51077, 323, 1243, 311, 39300, 279, 8792, 23418, 198, 9125, 11, 814, 2011, 5043, 13, 578, 5043, 374, 264, 46035, 369, 1884, 14965, 6562, 311, 1464, 1949, 315, 279, 77390, 645, 315, 1521, 74508, 198, 10796, 1220, 13, 763, 856, 1667, 315, 15945, 3876, 5043, 82, 11, 358, 617, 3970, 1521, 198, 86, 62837, 26870, 19352, 24164, 555, 54560, 0, 358, 6227, 1667, 4227, 994, 264, 5333, 3782, 311, 757, 889, 198, 16514, 264, 8957, 78320, 13, 423, 264, 1570, 1364, 44673, 80142, 220, 19, 14519, 315, 198, 66, 44375, 2392, 323, 54244, 264, 18172, 315, 81583, 2456, 5418, 916, 6209, 1520, 7609, 3005, 574, 264, 8987, 1217, 315, 11033, 323, 1400, 300, 13, 3005, 3309, 757, 1077, 198, 77, 13583, 1051, 56467, 13, 1442, 1364, 13061, 709, 264, 47218, 311, 3350, 345, 32158, 18659, 38759, 13, 3005, 7846, 1431, 6212, 13, 6385, 38575, 574, 8208, 3924, 261, 6548, 1051, 73500, 13, 6385, 6930, 16630, 574, 3347, 88, 323, 1344, 79736, 13, 3005, 574, 50739, 323, 1524, 1047, 11555, 315, 18639, 0, 6385, 198, 42305, 12734, 12090, 1364, 1518, 757, 11, 430, 358, 2643, 1520, 1077, 4291, 26677, 323, 10368, 52312, 13, 3005, 1047, 8813, 198, 1820, 842, 315, 1077, 34520, 323, 574, 10032, 311, 1456, 4205, 13, 1226, 3021, 10695, 1274, 889, 1390, 311, 3974, 323, 1833, 198, 791, 3320, 16094, 44454, 69256, 0, 1226, 1390, 311, 1520, 499, 1457, 0, 5037, 791, 14285, 90435, 30241, 14128, 19941, 0, 578, 1176, 3245, 358, 1550, 449, 420, 20149, 39326, 574, 311, 198, 631, 1077, 389, 264, 5043, 13, 358, 3287, 1431, 1935, 1077, 3273, 19941, 3201, 505, 1964, 13, 3005, 8738, 311, 16603, 323, 7172, 264, 2678, 3392, 198, 1073, 13200, 323, 11033, 13, 2030, 389, 279, 4948, 6693, 315, 1077, 198, 9533, 11, 1077, 2547, 36417, 839, 323, 1521, 9967, 3273, 19941, 323, 998, 87, 1354, 304, 1077, 2547, 6137, 311, 49394, 349, 1077, 13, 578], "source": "0xBreath/unformatted-holistic-synthesized"} {"text": " want to get 'T' out of this \nde- pression. The opposite of clepression is \nelation, but because depression is not elation, I \ncannot force my - self to be elated. l can, however, \nget drunk. This makes me wonderfully elatccl, and \nso when rhe next depression arrives, I have a \nquick cure. The subse - quent deprcssions have a \nway of getting deeper and blacker, because I am \nnot digesting the depressed state ancl eliminaling \nits poisons. So I nced ta ger even drunker to \ndrown them. Very soon I begin ro hate mysclf for \ngetting so drunk, which makes me still more \ndeprcssccl -and so it gocs. Or pcrhaps l have a largc family, and am living \nin \na mortgagcd housc on which I have spent ali my \nsav- ings. I have to work hard at a job in which I \nam not particularly imerested in arder to pay the \nbilis. I don't mind working so much, but l keep \nwondering what will happen if I get sick, or if a \nwar comes and I am draftecl. I would rather not \nthink about these things, so I walll to gct \"l\" out \nof this worry. For I am surc that I shall get sick if it \ngoes on. Bue it's so hard to stop, and as this makes \nsickness more certain, the worrying digs deeper. I must fincl relief from \n127 THE \\\\I ISDOM OF INSECURITY \nLhis, and so in dcspernlion I begin Lo \"play the po- \nnies,\" trying to offset the worry with the daily hope \nthaL my horse may win. And so il goes. The conventional moralisl has nothing LO con- \ntribute to these problcms. He can point out thc \nfrighcf ul effects of alcoholism anc. gamb. ing, bul \nthat is simp. y more fue. for depression and worry. He can promise rewards in hcaven for suffering pa- \nciencly endured, but thal, LOO, is a gamble of a kind. He can attribuce the c. epression or Lhe worry to the \nsocial sysLem, and urge Lhc unfonunates LOjoin Lhc \nrevoluLion. In short, he can eiLher frighten the \"I\" or encour - \nagc it, in one case making Lhe individual run away \nfrom himself, and in the other making him run after \nhirnsc. f. He can paint glowing pictures of the vir- \nLues and encourage oLhers LO find sLrcngth in the ex - \narnplcs of great men. He can succeed to the \nextcnt of arousing the most vigorous e\u00edfons Lo \nimitate saim - liness, to curb che passions, and LO \npractice rescraint and charity in action. Yel none of \nthis brings anyone LOfreedom, for behind ali thc \nimitation and the dis- cipline there is still motive. lf I am afraid, my effons lo feel and act bravcly \nare moved by che fear, for I am afraid of fear, \nwhich is sirnply ro say that my e[ons to escape from \nwhat I am are moving in a circle. Beside the \nexamples of saints and heroes I fecl ashamed that I \namount ro nothing, and so I begin co practice \nhumility because \n128 CREATIVE MORALITY \nof my wounded pride, and charity beca use of my \nself- love. The urge is ever lo make 'T' amounl to \nsome - lhing. I must be right, good, a real person, \nheroic, loving, sclf\u2022effacing. I efface myself in \norder LO assert myself, and give myself away in \norder LO keep my- self. The whole thing is a \ncontradiclion. The Christian mind has always been haunted \nby the feeling that the sins of the saints are worse \nthan the sins of the sinners, that in sorne \nmystcrious way the one who is struggling for \nsalvation is nearer to \nhell and to the heart of evil than Lhe unashnmed \nhar- lot or thief. It has recognized that the De vil is \nan an - gel, and as pure spirit is not really \ninterested in the sins of che flesh. The sins after \nthe Devil's heart are the intricacies of spiritual \npride, the mazes of self - deception, and che subtle \nmockeries of hypocrisy where mask hides behind \nmask behind mask and reality is lost altogethcr. The would -be saint walks straight into thc \nmeshes of this web because he would become a \nsaint. His \"I\" finds the deepest security in a \nsatisfaction which is the more intense for being so \ncleverly hidden -the satisfaction of being contrite \nfor his sins, and con - trile for taking pridc in his \ncontrition. In such an involved vicious circlc the \nmasks behind masks are infinite. Or, to put it in \nanothcr way, he who,vould stand outside himself \nto kick himself, must then kick the self that stands \noutside. And so forever. So long as there is the motive lo becomc \nsomc - \n129 THE WISOOM OF INSECURITY \nthing, so long as the mind believes in the \npossibility of escape from what it is at this \nmomenc, there can be no freedom. Virtue will be \npursued for exactly Lhe same reason as vice, and \ngood and cvil will alter - naLc as che opposice \npoles of a ingle circle. The \"saine\" who appcars \nLOhave conquercd his self-love by spiricual \nviolence has only concealed it. His ap - parent \nsuccess convinces others that he has found the \n\"true way,\" and they follow his example long \nenough for the course to swing to its oppositc \npole, when license becorncs Lhc inevitable \nreacLion to pu - ritanism. Of course it sounds as if it were the most abject \nfatalism to have to admit that I am what I am, and \nthat no escape or division is possible. lt seems \nthat if I am afraid, then I am \"stuck\" with fcar. But in fact I am chained LOthe fear only so long as \nI am try - ing LOget away from iL. On the other \nhand, when I do noL try to get away I discover \nthaL there is noth - ing \"stuck\" or fixed about the \nreality of the moment. When I am aware of this \nfeeling without naming it, without calling it \"fear,\" \n\"bad,\" \"negative,\" etc., it changes instantly in Lo \nsomething else, and life moves freely ahead. The \nfceling no longer perpetuates it- self by creating \nthe feeler behind it. Wc can perhaps see now why the undivided \nmind is not moved into those escapes from the \npresent which are usually called \"evil. \" The \nfurther truth Lhat the undividc