AMKEY,Group,ActivityMetric,ClientMetric 7,Impala,Air emissions of the following pollutants: (2) NOx (excluding N2O),Total indirect Nox 7,Sasol,Air emissions of the following pollutants: (2) NOx (excluding N2O),Nitrogen oxides (NOx) (kilotons) 8,Sasol,Air emissions of the following pollutants: (3) SOx,Sulphur oxides (SOx ) (kilotons) 8,Ssw,Air emissions of the following pollutants: (3) SOx,SO2 emissions 8,Impala,Air emissions of the following pollutants: (3) SOx,Total direct SO2 + Total indirect SO2 9,Sasol,Air emissions of the following pollutants: (4) particulate matter (PM10),Particulates (fly ash) (kilotons) 10,Sasol,Air emissions of the following pollutants: (5) volatile organic compounds (VOCs),Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) Indicator of Performance (kilotons) 12,Tongaat,All Inury Frequency Rate (Injuries/1m hrs worked),Total injury frequency rate (TIFR) – employees and contractors 27,Ssw,Area of forestland managed by the entity,Land under management 27,Impala,Area of forestland managed by the entity,Leased and managed land - South Africa 28,Tongaat,Area of forestland owned,Total – company managed/farmed land (owned and leased) 29,Ssw,Area of forestland restored and or rehabilitated,Total land rehabilitated 29,Impala,Area of forestland restored and or rehabilitated,Disturbed areas rehabilitated 31,Sasol,Area of forestland with protected conservation status,Area dedicated to biodiversity and conservation (hectares) 46,Absa,"BBBEE procurement spend from Exempt Micro Enterprises (EMEs), Qualifyimg Small Enterprises (QSEs) & Empowering Suppliers that are >51 black owned",Total procurement spend on qualifying small enterprises and exempt micro enterprises(Rbn) 46,Oceana1&2,"BBBEE procurement spend from Exempt Micro Enterprises (EMEs), Qualifyimg Small Enterprises (QSEs) & Empowering Suppliers that are >51 black owned",51% black-owned suppliers 47,Oceana1&2,BBBEE procurement spend from Qualifyimg Small Enterprises (QSEs) as a % of total spend,Empowering QSE Suppliers 49,Sasol,B-BBEE Scorecard Level,B-BBEE verification certificate 49,Distell,B-BBEE Scorecard Level,B-BBEE level 49,Oceana1&2,B-BBEE Scorecard Level,B-BBEE level achieved 49,Tongaat,B-BBEE Scorecard Level,B-BBEE Level 49,Absa,B-BBEE Scorecard Level,B-BBEE level (South Africa) 52,Tongaat,Board meeting attendance rate,Overall Board and Committee meeting attendance 52,Absa,Board meeting attendance rate,Board meeting attendance (%) 52,Distell,Board meeting attendance rate,Overall board and committee meeting attendance 53,Ssw,Board members between 30 - 50,younger than 50 53,Absa,Board members between 30 - 50,Average age 40-49 years 54,Absa,Board members over 50,Average age 50+ 54,Ssw,Board members over 50,between 50 and 60 + older than 60 67,Uct1&2,Depreciation as per income statement,Depreciation 109,Uct1&2,Employee wages and benefits,Personnel 109,Distell,Employee wages and benefits,"Rand value of total compensation paid to employees, including wages and benefits in South Africa" 109,Sasol,Employee wages and benefits,Value added statement (unaudited) - Employees 109,Absa,Employee wages and benefits,Staff costs and benefits (Rbn) 109,Oceana1&2,Employee wages and benefits,Salaries and employee benefits 109,Ssw,Employee wages and benefits,Salaries and wages paid 114,Tongaat,Energy Efficiency (Energy consumption per saleable output),Energy efficiency: total direct and indirect energy consumed per ton of sugar produced 122,Absa,Fatal injury frequency rate (FIFR),Fatal-injury frequency rate (number of fatalities per 200 000 person hours worked) 122,Sasol,Fatal injury frequency rate (FIFR),Employee and service provider fatal injury frequency rate 122,Impala,Fatal injury frequency rate (FIFR),FIFR 122,Tongaat,Fatal injury frequency rate (FIFR),"Fatal injury frequency rate (FIFR, i.e. number of fatalities per 200 000 person hours worked) – employees and contractors" 123,Oceana1&2,Fatality rate,Fatality 124,Uct1&2,Finance cost per income statement,Finance costs 128,Impala,GHG Scope 1 emissions,Total direct CO2 128,Uct1&2,GHG Scope 1 emissions,Sub-Total Scope 1 128,Tongaat,GHG Scope 1 emissions,Carbon emissions – Scope 1 128,Oceana1&2,GHG Scope 1 emissions,Scope 1 CO2e emissions (direct – fossil fuels/non-renewable) (tonnes) 128,Absa,GHG Scope 1 emissions,Scope 1 128,Sasol,GHG Scope 1 emissions,Direct carbon dioxide (CO2 ) Scope 1 (kilotons) 128,Distell,GHG Scope 1 emissions,Carbon emissions (tonnes CO2 e) – Scope 1 129,Tongaat,GHG Scope 2 emissions,Carbon emissions – Scope 2 129,Distell,GHG Scope 2 emissions,Carbon emissions (tonnes CO2 e) – Scope 2 129,Sasol,GHG Scope 2 emissions,Indirect carbon dioxide (CO2 ) Scope 2 (kilotons) 129,Oceana1&2,GHG Scope 2 emissions,Scope 2 CO2e emissions (indirect - electricity purchased) (tonnes) 129,Impala,GHG Scope 2 emissions,Total indirect CO2 129,Uct1&2,GHG Scope 2 emissions,Sub-Total Scope 2: location-based 129,Absa,GHG Scope 2 emissions,Scope 2 130,Absa,GHG Scope 3 emissions,Scope 3 130,Ssw,GHG Scope 3 emissions,Scope 3 130,Oceana1&2,GHG Scope 3 emissions,"Scope 3 CO2e emission (indirect, not scope 1 or 2) (tonnes)" 130,Uct1&2,GHG Scope 3 emissions,Sub-Total Scope 3 130,Distell,GHG Scope 3 emissions,Carbon emissions (Tonnes CO2 e) – Scope 3 133,Ssw,Greenhouse Gas (GHG) intensity rate,Emissions intensity (Average of SA Region) - tCO_{2} e/t milled 133,Absa,Greenhouse Gas (GHG) intensity rate,Intensity ratio 135,Sasol,Hazardous waste,Hazardous waste (kilotons) 135,Distell,Hazardous waste,Total volume of hazardous waste disposed (tonnes) – to registered disposal sites 136,Impala,Hazardous waste recycled,Non-mineral/hazardous waste - Recycled 136,Ssw,Hazardous waste recycled,"Hazardous waste recycled, reused and treated" 138,Tongaat,Hazardous waste to legal landfill,Hazardous waste disposed of at appropriate facilities 138,Ssw,Hazardous waste to legal landfill,Hazardous waste to landfil 143,Oceana1&2,Infrastructure development in host communities,Infrastructure Development 151,Impala,Lost-time injury frequency rate (LTIFR),LTIFR (including RWC) 151,Absa,Lost-time injury frequency rate (LTIFR),Lost-time injury frequency rate (number of lost-time injuries per 200 000 person hours worked) (South Africa) 151,Ssw,Lost-time injury frequency rate (LTIFR),Lost-time injury frequency rate (LTIFR) (Average of SA Region) 151,Sasol,Lost-time injury frequency rate (LTIFR),Lost Workday Case Rate (LWDCR) 151,Distell,Lost-time injury frequency rate (LTIFR),"Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR, i.e., number of LTIs per 200 000 person hours worked) – reported" 151,Tongaat,Lost-time injury frequency rate (LTIFR),"Lost time injury frequency rate (LTIFR, i.e. number of LTIs per 200 000 person hours worked) – employees and contractors" 151,Oceana1&2,Lost-time injury frequency rate (LTIFR),Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate 157,Ssw,Medically treated injury frequency rate (MTIFR),Medically treated injury frequency rate (MTIFR) 157,Impala,Medically treated injury frequency rate (MTIFR),MTCFR 163,Sasol,Natural gas consumed,Natural gas (kilotons) 163,Tongaat,Natural gas consumed,Natural gas used in stationary combustion equipment 163,Absa,Natural gas consumed,Non-renewable – Gas (kWh) 169,Sasol,Non-hazardous waste,Non-hazardous waste (kilotons) 170,Ssw,Non-hazardous waste sent to legal landfill,General waste to landfill 170,Distell,Non-hazardous waste sent to legal landfill,Total volume of non-hazardous waste disposed (tonnes) – to landfill 170,Tongaat,Non-hazardous waste sent to legal landfill,Non-hazardous waste sent to landfill 170,Absa,Non-hazardous waste sent to legal landfill,Waste to landfill (tonnes) 188,Impala,Number of black people/HDSA in executive management,Top management - African 189,Impala,Number of black people/HDSA in junior management,"Skilled technical and academically qualified workers, junior management, supervisors, foremen and superintendents - African" 189,Oceana1&2,Number of black people/HDSA in junior management,Junior management - Female African 190,Impala,Number of black people/HDSA in middle management,Professionally qualified and experienced specialists and mid-management - African 190,Oceana1&2,Number of black people/HDSA in middle management,Middle management - African 191,Impala,Number of black people/HDSA in senior management,Senior management - African 191,Oceana1&2,Number of black people/HDSA in senior management,Senior management - African 193,Oceana1&2,Number of black women in middle management,Middle management - Female African 193,Impala,Number of black women in middle management,Professionally qualified and experienced specialists and mid-management - Female African 194,Impala,Number of black women in executive management,Top management - Female African 195,Oceana1&2,Number of black women in junior management,Junior management - African 195,Impala,Number of black women in junior management,"Skilled technical and academically qualified workers, junior management, supervisors, foremen and superintendents - Female African" 196,Oceana1&2,Number of black women in senior management,Senior management - Female African 196,Impala,Number of black women in senior management,Senior management - Female African 213,Tongaat,Number of employees living with disabilities (PwD),Number of employees with disabilities 213,Distell,Number of employees living with disabilities (PwD),Number of employees who are deemed 'disabled' 213,Oceana1&2,Number of employees living with disabilities (PwD),TOTAL PERMANENT DISABLED EMPLOYEES 216,Tongaat,Number of environmental incidents with a negative impact,Environmental incidents – Level 3 216,Ssw,Number of environmental incidents with a negative impact,Environmental incidents: level 3 and higher 219,Tongaat,Number of work-related fatalities,"Fatalities (i.e. injuries on duty leading to death, excluding the deaths of workers not occurring “at work”) – employees and contractors" 219,Distell,Number of work-related fatalities,Number of work-related fatalities (Distell Group) 219,Sasol,Number of work-related fatalities,Employee and service provider fatalities 219,Impala,Number of work-related fatalities,Fatalities (employees) 219,Ssw,Number of work-related fatalities,Fatalities (Average of SA region) 219,Absa,Number of work-related fatalities,Fatalities 220,Ssw,Number of female board members,Female 220,Distell,Number of female board members,Number of board members who are women 220,Absa,Number of female board members,Women board members 220,Tongaat,Number of female board members,Female Board members 226,Ssw,Number of HIV-positive employees undergoing anti-retroviral treatment (ART),Highly-active antiretroviral treatment (HAART) patients on treatment and in active employment N 226,Tongaat,Number of HIV-positive employees undergoing anti-retroviral treatment (ART),Employees currently receiving company-provided ART (anti-retroviral treatment) 226,Impala,Number of HIV-positive employees undergoing anti-retroviral treatment (ART),Employees on ART 236,Distell,Number of lost time injuries for employees,"Number of Lost Time Injuries (LTIs, i.e., injuries on duty leading to at least one lost day)" 236,Tongaat,Number of lost time injuries for employees,"Lost time injuries (LTIs, i.e. injuries on duty leading to at least one lost day) – employees and contractors" 236,Impala,Number of lost time injuries for employees,Lost-time injuries 243,Distell,Number of occupational diseases,Number of reported occupational diseases (South Africa only) 244,Absa,Number of occupational injuries,Work-related injuries 244,Distell,Number of occupational injuries,"Total Number of recordable injuries, including MTCs, LTIs and Fatalities – calculated" 244,Tongaat,Number of occupational injuries,"Total number of recordable Injuries, including MTCs, LTIs and Fatalities – employees and contractors" 244,Impala,Number of occupational injuries,Reportable injuries 246,Sasol,Number of employees in/ recipients of leadership training,Number of employees receiving leadership training 246,Absa,Number of employees in/ recipients of leadership training,External learning programmes - Leadership and management 268,Uct1&2,Other Income as per income statement,Other operating expenses 274,Sasol,Penalties/fines or contributions paid,"Fines, penalties and settlements (US$ million)" 277,Ssw,Percentage hazardous waste recycled,"Percentage hazardous waste recycled, reused and refurbished" 285,Ssw,Percentage of black people/ HDSA in executive management,Representation (HDP South Africans) - Executive management (Average of SA region) 286,Ssw,Percentage of black people/ HDSA in junior management,Representation (HDP South Africans) - Junior management (Average of SA region) 287,Ssw,Percentage of black people/ HDSA in middle management,Representation (HDP South Africans) - Middle management (Average of SA region) 288,Ssw,Percentage of black people/ HDSA in senior management,Representation (HDP South Africans) - Senior management (Average of SA region) 289,Tongaat,Percentage of black people/ HDSA in workforce,Percentage of employees who are deemed HDSA (SA only) 289,Distell,Percentage of black people/ HDSA in workforce,Percentage of employees who are deemed 'HDSA' 295,Oceana1&2,Percentage of employees covered by collective agreements,Unionised workforce 295,Distell,Percentage of employees covered by collective agreements,Percentage of employees who belong to a trade union 295,Absa,Percentage of employees covered by collective agreements,Percentage of staff covered by an independent union or collective bargaining agreements 295,Tongaat,Percentage of employees covered by collective agreements,Percentage of employees covered by collective bargaining agreements 298,Distell,Percentage of female board members,Percentage of board members who are women 298,Ssw,Percentage of female board members,Female directors 298,Tongaat,Percentage of female board members,Percentage of female Board members. 311,Oceana1&2,Percentage of local procurement (BEE spend in SA),B-BBEE compliant suppliers 311,Distell,Percentage of local procurement (BEE spend in SA),Spend with black-owned businesses as a % of total procurement spend (%) 311,Ssw,Percentage of local procurement (BEE spend in SA),% of total procurement (Average of SA region) 311,Absa,Percentage of local procurement (BEE spend in SA),Local procurement as a percentage of total (South Africa) (%) 323,Sasol,Percentage of payroll spent on skills development for black employees through specified learning programmes,Investment in learning as a % of payroll 338,Tongaat,Percentage of waste recycled,Percentage of waste disposed of that is sent for recycling (or reuse) 338,Oceana1&2,Percentage of waste recycled,Waste Recycled 348,Absa,Percentage of women in management,"Employee diversity (%) - Women in junior, middle and senior leadership" 349,Ssw,Percentage of women in workforce,Women in the workforce / Women in Mining (Average of SA region) 349,Absa,Percentage of women in workforce,Employee diversity (%) - Total women employees 349,Distell,Percentage of women in workforce,Percentage of employees who are women 349,Tongaat,Percentage of women in workforce,Percentage of employees who are women (SA only) 353,Tongaat,Percentage Renewable Energy,Percentage of energy consumption sourced from renewable fuels 364,Absa,Procurement from suppliers that are majority black-owned or 30% or more black women-owned,Total procurement spend on >30% black-owned companies (Rbn) 364,Oceana1&2,Procurement from suppliers that are majority black-owned or 30% or more black women-owned,30% black-owned suppliers 364,Sasol,Procurement from suppliers that are majority black-owned or 30% or more black women-owned,B-BBEE (RSA only) - Black-owned women spend 379,Tongaat,Recordable injury frequency rate (RIFR),Total recordable injury frequency rate (TRIFR) – employees and contractors 379,Ssw,Recordable injury frequency rate (RIFR),Total recordable injury frequency rate (TRIFR) (Average for SA Region) 379,Sasol,Recordable injury frequency rate (RIFR),Recordable Case Rate (RCR) 385,Sasol,Revenue,Turnover 385,Ssw,Revenue,Revenue 385,Uct1&2,Revenue,Recurrent revenue 385,Distell,Revenue,Rand value of total revenue generated in South Africa 398,Distell,"Spend on ALL infrastructure and services investment, development, support of housing, sanitation, energy, telecoms and other community-related needs (consolidated CSI Spend)",Rand value of corporate social investment (CSI) / socioeconomic development (SED) expenditures – reported 398,Tongaat,"Spend on ALL infrastructure and services investment, development, support of housing, sanitation, energy, telecoms and other community-related needs (consolidated CSI Spend)",Corporate social investment (CSI)/Socio-economic development (SED) expenditures 398,Oceana1&2,"Spend on ALL infrastructure and services investment, development, support of housing, sanitation, energy, telecoms and other community-related needs (consolidated CSI Spend)","Community development expenditure (SA, US and Namibia)" 398,Sasol,"Spend on ALL infrastructure and services investment, development, support of housing, sanitation, energy, telecoms and other community-related needs (consolidated CSI Spend)",Social investment (SI) spend - South Africa 399,Sasol,Spend on community health & wellness programmes,Social Investment Spend - Community health and infrastructure 399,Distell,Spend on community health & wellness programmes,"Rand value of CSI/SED spend on health, including HIV/AIDS" 418,Ssw,TB incident rate,"TB rate per 1,000 employees" 432,Sasol,Total expenditure on green investments,Social Investment Spend - Environment and biodiversity 432,Tongaat,Total expenditure on green investments,Total Rand value of investments in projects to improve environmental efficiencies 444,Ssw,"Total amount of taxes paid and payable (encompassing not only income taxes, but also other levies and taxes, such as property taxes or value added taxes) plus related penalties paid, plus all royalties, license fees, and other payments to Government for a given period",Current tax and royalties 444,Oceana1&2,Total amount of taxes paid and payable,Taxes paid in South Africa and Namibia 444,Sasol,Total amount of taxes paid and payable,Direct taxes paid to government 444,Absa,Total amount of taxes paid and payable,Total tax payments 444,Distell,Total amount of taxes paid and payable,Rand value of total taxation paid in South Africa 445,Ssw,Total area / size of tailings dam,Total area covered by tailings (ha) 448,Uct1&2,Total assets as per balance sheet,Total assets 448,Ssw,Total assets as per balance sheet,Total assets 458,Distell,Total compensation of board members (both executive and non-executive directors),Total rand value of compensation paid to executive directors – including gains realised from LTIP awards 460,Ssw,Total cyanide used in the manufacturing process,Cyanide consumption 466,Distell,Total employee training expenditure,Rand value of employee training spend 466,Sasol,Total employee training expenditure,Total skills development expenditure (R million) 466,Absa,Total employee training expenditure,Training spend (Rm) 466,Impala,Total employee training expenditure,Skills development – SA operations (Rm) 466,Oceana1&2,Total employee training expenditure,Total investment in skills development 466,Tongaat,Total employee training expenditure,Value of employee training spend 466,Ssw,Total employee training expenditure,training and skills development 468,Oceana1&2,Total energy consumed,Direct/Indirect energy 468,Sasol,Total energy consumed,Total energy use (thousand gigajoules) 468,Tongaat,Total energy consumed,Total direct and indirect energy consumption 468,Absa,Total energy consumed,Total energy use (kWh) 468,Impala,Total energy consumed,Key production figures – Energy 468,Distell,Total energy consumed,"Total direct and indirect (i.e., electricity) energy consumption in GJ" 471,Distell,Total energy from renewable fuels consumed,Total volume of electricity self-generated (MWh) – all sources 471,Oceana1&2,Total energy from renewable fuels consumed,Electricity purchased from renewable sources (Mwh) 475,Distell,Total expenditure on energy conservation initiatives,Rand value of investments in projects to improve energy efficiency 477,Oceana1&2,Total expenditure on ESD initiatives,Enterprise development/Supplier development 477,Sasol,Total expenditure on ESD initiatives,Social Investment Spend - Enterprise and supplier development 477,Distell,Total expenditure on ESD initiatives,Total value of E+Scalator Programme + Agri+Gator Programme 477,Tongaat,Total expenditure on ESD initiatives,Enterprise and supplier development spend (i.e. support for small business) 484,Ssw,Total expenditures on research and development activities,Research and development 484,Distell,Total expenditures on research and development activities,Rand value of funds invested in research and development – in South Africa 488,Impala,Total fresh water withdrawn,Total water withdrawn 488,Tongaat,Total fresh water withdrawn,Water abstracted – total 488,Ssw,Total fresh water withdrawn,Total water withdrawn 489,Impala,Total water consumed,Total water used (water consumption) 489,Distell,Total water consumed,"Total volume of water consumed (kilolitres, or Kl) – new purchases and/or abstractions (excluding recycled water used)" 489,Sasol,Total water consumed,Total water use (thousand cubic meters) 489,Absa,Total water consumed,Water consumption (kilolitres) 489,Oceana1&2,Total water consumed,WATER CONSUMPTION (KILOLITRES) PER DIVISION 489,Ssw,Total water consumed,Water used 489,Tongaat,Total water consumed,Net volume of water consumed 490,Absa,Total fuel consumed,Non-renewable – Diesel (kWh) 500,Tongaat,Total hours of training per year,Total number of training hours 500,Oceana1&2,Total hours of training per year,Total training hours 500,Distell,Total hours of training per year,Total number of person hours worked (PHW) – calculated 500,Absa,Total hours of training per year,Total hours for programmes accessed (m) 502,Impala,Total investment towards rehabilitating land damaged/disturbed by operations,Rehabilitation provisions 506,Sasol,Total local/BBBEE procurement,B-BBEE (RSA only) - Black-owned spend 506,Ssw,Total local/BBBEE procurement,Total BEE procurement spend 506,Absa,Total local/BBBEE procurement,Total weighted spend with B-BBEE-accredited suppliers (Rbn) 506,Oceana1&2,Total local/BBBEE procurement,B-BBEE compliant suppliers 508,Oceana1&2,Total megawatt hours electricity consumed,Electricity purchased (renewable and non-renewable) (MWh) 508,Absa,Total megawatt hours electricity consumed,Non-renewable – Electricity (kWh) 508,Tongaat,Total megawatt hours electricity consumed,Volume of electricity consumed – purchased and self-generated 508,Ssw,Total megawatt hours electricity consumed,Electricity consumed 508,Impala,Total megawatt hours electricity consumed,Group material consumption Electricity 508,Distell,Total megawatt hours electricity consumed,Total volume of electricity Consumed (MWh) – purchased + self-generated 511,Absa,Total number of bursaries awarded,Employee bursaries (number of bursaries) 511,Sasol,Total number of bursaries awarded,Undergraduate and postgraduate bursars 513,Sasol,Total number of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COAD) cases,Chronic obstructive airway disease (COAD) 513,Ssw,Total number of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COAD) cases,Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 517,Sasol,Total number of contractors,Non-permanent employees 517,Oceana1&2,Total number of contractors,Indirect employees 517,Impala,Total number of contractors,Non-permanent employees 517,Tongaat,Total number of contractors,Number of contractor (vendors) employees (full time equivalent*) 523,Ssw,Total number of employees,No. of employees including contractors – total 523,Tongaat,Total number of employees,Number of employees (full time equivalent) 523,Oceana1&2,Total number of employees,Direct employees 523,Distell,Total number of employees,Total number of employees 523,Absa,Total number of employees,Total number of employees 523,Impala,Total number of employees,Total permanent employees 523,Sasol,Total number of employees,Permanent employees 523,Uct1&2,Total number of employees,Staff 532,Impala,Total number of hours of training on anti-corruption issues,employee 533,Oceana1&2,Total number of hours worked,Total number of person hours worked 533,Tongaat,Total number of hours worked,Number of person hours worked – employees and contractors 533,Impala,Total number of hours worked,Employee hours worked 533,Sasol,Total number of hours worked,Total number of person hours worked (million) 550,Ssw,Total number of noise induced hearing loss cases,Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) 550,Sasol,Total number of noise induced hearing loss cases,Noise-induced hearing loss 550,Tongaat,Total number of noise induced hearing loss cases,New cases of NIHL* – employees and contractors 554,Absa,"Total number of participants in learnerships, internships & apprenticeships",Learnerships – to unemployed / Learnerships – to individuals with disabilities / Internships 555,Tongaat,Total number of patents held,Number of registered patents 564,Ssw,Total number of silicosis cases,Silicosis 572,Impala,Total petrol used in the manufacturing process,Group material consumption - Petrol 573,Tongaat,Total planned water discharged,Water discharged (scheduled and/or non-scheduled effluent and/ or overflows) – total 574,Sasol,Total potable water used in process,Potable water (thousand cubic meters) 575,Sasol,Total procurement spend,Preferential procurement from all suppliers 575,Absa,Total procurement spend,Total procurement spend in South Africa (Rbn) 579,Impala,Total recordable injury incedence rate (TRIIR),TIFR 585,Ssw,Total spend on approved Social and Labour Plans (SLPs) in host and affected communities,Social and labour plan (SLP) projects 587,Oceana1&2,Total spend on community health & social welfare initiatives excl. infrastructure investments,Welfare 587,Distell,Total spend on community health & social welfare initiatives excl. infrastructure investments,"Rand value of CSI/SED spend on basic needs and social development, including nutrition and/or feeding programmes" 587,Tongaat,Total spend on community health & social welfare initiatives excl. infrastructure investments,"CSI/SED spend on health, including HIV/AIDS" 592,Oceana1&2,"Total spend on local, regional or national community development initiatives",Community development 595,Tongaat,Total spend on waste management initiatives,Investments in projects to improve waste efficiency 602,Impala,Total spend or investment in activities focused on restoration and rehabilitation of land after production or operational activities have impacted the land area,Current estimate of future rehabilitation costs 602,Ssw,Total spend or investment in activities focused on restoration and rehabilitation of land after production or operational activities have impacted the land area,Gross rehabilitation liabilities 607,Tongaat,"Total spend or investment in socio-economic development initiatives or programs that aim to support financial inclusion, livelihoods etc","CSI/SED spend on basic needs and social development, including nutrition and/or feeding programmes" 607,Ssw,"Total spend or investment in socio-economic development initiatives or programs that aim to support financial inclusion, livelihoods etc",Total socioeconomic development (SED) 609,Oceana1&2,"Total spend or investment in the reporting period for graduate development, bursaries or skills development for employees",TRAINING SPEND - Bursaries 609,Sasol,"Total spend or investment in the reporting period for graduate development, bursaries or skills development for employees",Investment in bursary scheme (R million) 622,Oceana1&2,Total spend or investment towards COVID Response,Food Security (Covid Relief) 622,Tongaat,Total spend or investment towards COVID Response,"Rand value of investments in COVID-19 avoidance, mitigation and treatment" 627,Tongaat,Total spend or investment towards Energy Management initiatives in the reporting period/s,Investments in projects to improve energy efficiency 630,Tongaat,Total spend or investment towards HIV/Aids initiatives in the reporting period/s,Cost of ART** 639,Tongaat,Total spend or investment towards the treatment of water for the purposes of reusing/recycling it back into the production process and/or back into the ecosystem so as to avoid water wastage,Investments in projects to improve water efficiency 678,Ssw,Total weight of mineral processing waste,Total mineral waste 698,Impala,Total weight of tailings waste,Mineral waste - Accumulated tailings 704,Impala,Total weight of waste directed to rock dump sites,Mineral waste - Accumulated waste rock (on surface) 732,Impala,Voluntary turnover rate for all employees,Turnover rate (voluntary and involuntary) Average for SA Operations 732,Distell,Voluntary turnover rate for all employees,"Employee turnover (i.e., number of persons who departed relative to the total number of employees at year end)" 732,Absa,Voluntary turnover rate for all employees,Employee turnover 732,Tongaat,Voluntary turnover rate for all employees,Employee turnover – South Africa 733,Oceana1&2,Waste generated,WASTE GENERATED (INCLUDING HAZARDOUS WASTE) 733,Absa,Waste generated,Total waste (tonnes) 733,Distell,Waste generated,Total volume of all waste generated (tonnes) 733,Sasol,Waste generated,Total waste (kilotons) 734,Absa,"Waste reused, remanufactured, recycled",Recycled waste (tonnes) 734,Oceana1&2,"Waste reused, remanufactured, recycled",Waste recycled 734,Tongaat,"Waste reused, remanufactured, recycled",Total volume of waste recycled (or reused) 734,Sasol,"Waste reused, remanufactured, recycled",Recycled waste (kilotons) 735,Impala,Water recycling and reuse,Total water recycled 735,Sasol,Water recycling and reuse,Water recycled (thousand cubic meters) 738,Ssw,Water use intensity (Water use per saleable production in the reporting period),Water use intensity - kl/t treated 749,Distell,GHG Scope 1 emissions + GHG Scope 2 emissions,Total carbon emissions (tonnes CO2 e) – Scope 1 and 2 749,Ssw,GHG Scope 1 emissions + GHG Scope 2 emissions,Total CO2e emissions: Scope 1 and 2 749,Tongaat,GHG Scope 1 emissions + GHG Scope 2 emissions,Total carbon emissions – Scope 1 and 2 749,Uct1&2,GHG Scope 1 emissions + GHG Scope 2 emissions,Sub-Total Scope 1 & 2 750,Absa,Number of Board Members,Number of board members 750,Distell,Number of Board Members,Number of board members 750,Tongaat,Number of Board Members,Board members 751,Absa,Average hours of training per employee,Average hours training per person 753,Impala,Value Added (i.e. Revenue - Cost of Sales as per Income Statement),consumption) 759,Uct1&2,A description of the mechanisms and steps taken to ensure privacy and security of consumer data,% - UNAIDS (90-90-90) 763,Sasol,"Area of land used for the production of basic plant, animal or mineral commodities (e.g. the area of land used for forestry, agriculture or mining activities).",Land used for mining (hectare) 764,Absa,Average hours of training provided to female employees during the reporting period,"Average training hours per person, by gender and by race, including compliance training - Female" 766,Absa,Average hours of training provided to male employees during the reporting period,"Average training hours per person, by gender and by race, including compliance training - Male" 794,Distell,Number of executive board members,Number of board members who are deemed executive 794,Absa,Number of executive board members,Executive directors 794,Tongaat,Number of executive board members,Executive Board members 794,Ssw,Number of executive board members,Executive directors 795,Ssw,Number of independent board members,Independent non-executive directors 795,Absa,Number of independent board members,Independent non-executive directors 795,Tongaat,Number of independent board members,Independent Board members 795,Distell,Number of independent board members,Number of board members who are deemed 'independent' 796,Ssw,Number of non-executive board members,Independent non-executive directors 796,Tongaat,Number of non-executive board members,Non-executive Board members 796,Absa,Number of non-executive board members,Non-executive directors 796,Distell,Number of non-executive board members,Number of board members who are deemed non-executive 799,Tongaat,Number of years on the Board per Board Member,Average length of full Board service 799,Distell,Number of years on the Board per Board Member,Average length of director (full board) service (in years) 799,Absa,Number of years on the Board per Board Member,Average tenure 799,Ssw,Number of years on the Board per Board Member,Average tenure at Sibanye-Stillwater 849,Impala,"Total number of new employee hires during the reporting period, by gender: Female",Number of new appointments/rehires externally - Female 850,Impala,"Total number of new employee hires during the reporting period, by gender: Male",Number of new appointments/rehires externally - Male 852,Absa,"Total percentage employees who have received training on the organization’s ethics and anti-corruption policies and procedures, broken down by region.",Employees completing the Absa Way Code of Ethics training (%) 856,Ssw,Waste intensity (total waste / sales),Waste intensity (tonnes milled/total waste) 871,Impala,Total number of employees in training,Total number of employees trained (including AET) 871,Tongaat,Total number of employees in training,"Number of employees trained, including internal and external training interventions" 871,Oceana1&2,Total number of employees in training,Number of employees who received training 874,Tongaat,"Total spend or Investment towards poverty reduction services such as education, healthcare, and Infrastructure",CSI/SED spend on education 874,Oceana1&2,"Total spend or Investment towards poverty reduction services such as education, healthcare, and Infrastructure",Education/Skills development 874,Distell,"Total spend or Investment towards poverty reduction services such as education, healthcare, and Infrastructure",Rand value of CSI/SED spend on education 880,Oceana1&2,Percentage Reduction in GHG emissions,Greenhouse gases – Reduction in absolute greenhouse gas emission 882,Sasol,GHG Intensity (GHG Scope 1 +Scope 2 per Revenue),GHG intensity (CO2 equivalent/ton product meant for external sale) 882,Uct1&2,GHG Intensity (GHG Scope 1 +Scope 2 per Revenue),tCO2e / capita / annum 883,Impala,Total number of adults in education & training (AET) programmes,AET training employees 886,Sasol,"Water withdrawals: Surface water (rain, wetland, river, creek, lake)",River water (thousand cubic meters) 940,Absa,Number of retail locations,Physical footprint - Branches 947,Ssw,Percentage non-hazardous waste recycled,"Percentage general waste recycled, reused and refurbished" 947,Distell,Percentage non-hazardous waste recycled,Percentage of non-hazardous waste that is sent for recycling 957,Ssw,Total External carbon tax paid,carbon tax expense 957,Distell,Total External carbon tax paid,Rand value of carbon tax paid 962,Absa,Total Absolute GHG emissions (scope 1 - 3),Total carbon emissions (tonnes CO_{2} ) 962,Distell,Total Absolute GHG emissions (scope 1 - 3),"Total carbon emissions (tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents, CO2 e) – Scopes 1, 2 and 3" 962,Oceana1&2,Total Absolute GHG emissions (scope 1 - 3),"Absolute GHG emissions (Total scope 1, 2 and outside of scopes (other direct emissions))" 962,Sasol,Total Absolute GHG emissions (scope 1 - 3),Total greenhouse gas (CO2 equivalent) (kilotons) 962,Uct1&2,Total Absolute GHG emissions (scope 1 - 3),Total Emissions 1040,Distell,Lost days,Number of lost days (Distell Group) 1041,Tongaat,Percentage of non-executive board members,Percentage of non-executive Board members 1041,Distell,Percentage of non-executive board members,Percentage of board members who are deemed non-executive 1042,Tongaat,Percentage of independent board members,Percentage of independent Board members 1042,Ssw,Percentage of independent board members,"Independent, non-executive directors" 1042,Distell,Percentage of independent board members,Percentage of board members who are deemed 'independent' 1070,Tongaat,Fines associated with environmental incidents,Environmental fines and/or non-compliances