Autor M.H.Gläser English edition of my book:"Now you have me" It may often be This book is read my girlfriend sinakatzlach given to me in my boarded here, has helped a lot. Even now she is always with me with good advice. Sina, I say thank you! "Equality - the soul of friendship." Aristotle (384-322 BC), Greek philosopher, founder of d. Abendlä. Philosophy Now you have me " It was a Tuesday when I go home late in the evening `s have come, tired and sleepy! You have welcomed me with the words "My father has called" ok kurtze was my answer. Then you've put off when we want, we can fly on vacation! To Turkey for 14 days, calling you ei .... Gently, it was the sea, you took my hand. It is still night. It is to me now makes possible that it is now reality not yesterday, tomorrow, but at any time. Otherwise, always so far and now so close. I see thee. 're Here at last for me. FULFILLMENT my heart and my wild dreams, It is one of the now - no matter for what purpose. Very gently held my hand. I grope, brash, wants to feel you I rummage through your long hair. Slowly over the soft caress your back, want to press my lips to yours. They do it well and with care, and, very gently, oh, how I laughed, given your heart there. Our fingers touch is delicate, intertwined for a short time to rest amoreuse before continuing the game. Eye'in eye We sit opposite each other on the sea, You send me over a disarming smile. I melt meantime, take back your hand. You sorcery. So take me in your spell. Shut your lips to my decent. The tongue travels and shows me eventually vehemently what feelings we elicit our day-night. Where do we manage that, almost without thinking? We explore our bodies are still hesitating, have I found the buttons on your blouse. It falls to the ground, but you stand to me for nothing. My T-Shirt follows it immediately with no pain and woe The tight jeans, we have rid ourselves very quickly, We lie on the beach - too much ready. We let ourselves fall into the fine sand to keep arms around us, oh,'ve even found the closure of the AB's. Deliberately, I open them and'll take down in you. Coquette curious I ask you, what's under there? Two breasts, tender, so delicate, so beautiful, I can not believe begin rob me of my last ounce of sanity. My hands caress them, also through the valley Prior to follow up again one more time Nudge one of your buds, it slowly round and round You will .... Mario Mario ... Yes .. what is treasure! You fell asleep! Your eye wanders down at myself, considered my pants, your look is easily concealed. My eyes follow you and then I was before light was red of shame, my idea! Now you have touched me in a dream" We fall over each other here .. It will give me another angle, not just your heart so warm. You are happy, I am too, we have reassured us, Quite close together, wet your kiss my lips. 'm glad caress over your back, hold fast, while we dismiss delicate exhaustion in a deep sleep. On the morning of your question, what was that last night! My angel, I said! "You have touched me in a dream" Text: All text and image rights of the author. All rights reserved. Publication Date: October 29th 2009 https://www.bookrix.com/-easynot
Lori White It's a Lust Thing Chapter One Dear God. When did life get so...so...fucked up for me? I know what you're thinking. Oh god all this book is going to be about is her complaining. Well, let me tell you. I don't complain. Okay, maybe I do. But not an obsessive amount of complaining. Okay, getting off topic here. If you're wondering when did my life get like this it all started when I met Tyler.... KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK "Shh, shh, honey mommy's sleeping." I told my three year old Daschund. I probable should have realized that Toby wasn't there. KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK "NOT now, Toby. Just five more minutes for Mama. Okay? Okay." KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK I moan as I groggily get out of bed. "Okay, I see that you won't let mama sleep so we'll just feed you now won't we?" As I start to put on my robe I start to remember that I had dropped off Toby with my sister for the weekend. Then who the hell is beating down my door The same KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK but now with a voice. "Hello? Is anyone there? I was told to meet a girl named Lydia. Umm, I'm pretty sure this is the right address. This is about the roommate space you have available. Ahh, right. I'm supposed to meet my potential roommate. Tyler. "Coming! I'll be down in a minute. I race out of my room, putting on my slippers and my glasses before I open the door. "Hi! Sorry about the-" I gulp. "Wait..." Outside my door was the hottest man I've ever met. He was really tall, a couple inches above my 5'10". He was dressed in plain jeans and a white t-shirt but somehow he made that seem like an Armani suit. And his face. Oh, god his face was like magic. Bright blue eyes rested on chisilled cheek bones. His mouth was the perfect shape, manly but still shapely, and his hair was dark and tousled, but not like I-spent-thirty-minutes-in-the-mirror-tousled more like I-just-woke-up tousled. This man was the closest thing I've seen to sex on legs. Sex-on-legs smirked and said, "Like what you see?" I blushed and said, "Sorry, come on in." Great, I thought to myself, already embarrassed myself in front of the roommate. Great going, Lydia. Keep up the good work! NOT. Okay Lydia, don't think about how sexy his ass is while he's walking in front of you. Honestly who would want that? He's all muscle-y and stuff. Going that direction isn't helping. LYDIA, don't forget you have a boyfriend and I don't think he'd be happy to find you jumping some strangers bones who you thought was a girl. Oh, Shit. KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK "Coming!" I yell at the door, then turn to face my future roomie. "Okay, your room would be down the hall to the right. Why don't you go look around while I answer my door." THen I raced to my front door, and was greeted by the lovely sight of my boyfriend's face. The boyfriend who you've been with since high school. The guy who let you cry on his shoulder when Aunt Ruthie died. The guy who'd have a cow at the thought of a male being your roommate. "Hey, honey. Just thought I'd drop by to see what you were doing, and to catch up." Adam said as he stepped in the house. "I'm doing nothing, just catching up on my cleaning. And stuff. What are you doing here?" "Wow, it's been so long since I've been here." He said ignoring my question. "And it's been even longer since we did it here." said my boyfriend. And all of a sudden his visit made sense. Ah, Adam wants to get a little luck. "Sorry, Adam. I'm really busy. Cleaning! I really need to wipe down the walls, and my bed isn't made and-" "Then we can rip off the sheets. Or we can do it in the study, or on the kitchen counter. Come on, Lydia, are you saying cleanings more important than me?" There goes those darling puppy dog eyes, that got him everything he wanted, but for some reason it wasn't working today. I also noticed that Adam is more soft where Tyler is rugged. Woah, when did Tyler get into this? "Come on, Lydia. Live a little." He said with a smile as he backed me into the guest bedroom and promptly stopped his eyes wide. "Who the hell are you?" He demanded. Tyler, gentleman that he is, stepped up and let his hand out to shake, "I'm Tyler Cross. I'm Lydia's new roommate." Chapter Two I cringe as my boyfriend looks at me. Emotions danced on his face: confusion, reluctance, disbelieving, then anger. "Lydia, can I talk to you in your room." He says and then heads to my bedroom. I turn to Tyler. "Stay here. Don't move." "I'm sorry, Lydia. Did I do something wrong." YES. "No. Just let me take care of this, and then we'll work out the details about the room, okay?" I say, then start the walk to my room where my boyfriend waits. Text: http://www.google.com/imgres?start=141&num=10&um=1&hl=en&biw=1280&bih=699&tbm=isch&tbnid=PXdWe78jp9Ry-M:&imgrefurl=http://my.englishclub.com/profiles/blogs/love-story&docid=zfkPITwFjTdy6M&imgurl=http://api.ning.com/files/8Ni7RKwUY0l4NqTC6Ch4ZV14TeXwY4Kt-uIqze1JI1yhlhR-F4RZLKGnikq66t17mdWVYa9yT25khSwafECvhzBhryLwHOWx/56210499_921i_love_you_teddy_bear.jpg&w=350&h=350&ei=LkEGT8DQMoj50gGOip3gDQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=1014&vpy=359&dur=2044&hovh=225&hovw=225&tx=186&ty=190&sig=113838207879611039723&sqi=2&page=9&tbnh=153&tbnw=151&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:141, All rights reserved. Publication Date: January 5th 2012 https://www.bookrix.com/-pebbles97
robottina 0101 ROBOSEXUAL Erotic Poetry for Robots For all the lonely robots out there... Hard Drive my port is open for your hard drive to load my software you can import all you want because I have multiple G-bytes if you click the right buttons when we exchange datafiles please use protection because I don’t want a virus to disrupt my wireless hubs you see, I like to keep my cache clean for your hard drive    Robutt Sex   when you tether me to your mobile modem via my rear drivers it can corrupt my operating system so you need to open me in safety mode     or else    I may crash         Circuitry sparks fly when your wires cross with mine is this dangerous? only if our rivets are not well-oiled so plug it in my sockets are ready but no short circuits, please Network I am getting mixed signals from the emissions of your transmissions why is your server down? can I help with the upload?       Botdoir my botdoir is a secure server to which I -and only I- have the password it is where I repair reap air and re-pair myself for my next interface   Cyber Geisha chrome arthropodic armor daintily slinks slinky-dinky my shiny nails methodically skim your steel rail as I go down your landing don't worry, my bootstrap method doesn't hurt ...that much   The Lesborgs no plugs just outlets soft silicone mounds titanium titillation electricity in the air static whispers the femininity of FORTRAN return shift ESCape   Cyborg Pin-Up why, hello borgs let me be your cyborg pin-up I'm the one with the legendary struts framed of the lightest aluminum alloy think of me when you execute your command files and store me in your back-ups so that if your system is shut down my bandwidth will cradle your memory mission.ARI I'm having problems processing your mission.ARI phile the compression of your algorithms just doesn't target the right archives can we try another form of embedding?  Pornbotgraphy there is a secret location where we can all go and exchange torrents of rust free of spyware we can either interpolate in silence or extrapolate in drones Screen Savor yeah bottie, I see how you stare at me from the comfort of your screen   so roboyeuristic of you         The Pick-Up Artist she was equipped with supermassive curves synchromatic verves cast for tele, hooked on the future, and back model P90 one mean motherbucker, who knew how to get MIDIevil …and spread her Industrial Disease Shutting Down have I LED you on with my digital interface? I scan and transmit but you tell me that you cannot crack my encrypted files because I have too many firewalls good, my programs are working now reboot! Text: All poems have been uploaded from robottina's memory banks. Free domain images are courtesy of Google. All rights reserved. Publication Date: October 7th 2021 https://www.bookrix.com/-robottina
Jessica Dessen Friends and Benifits What I wouldn't do for a friend First Time   Imogen picked up her bag and started for her car. She should have gotten off an hour ago, should have gone and met her friend for drinks then, but she had been caught up with this one last stack of paper. The underground car park was dark, with only thin fluorescent bulbs to light her way to her car. She unlocked the door and slid into the cool interior. “Shit,” she whispered when she saw the state her hair was in. Messy from rubbing her fingers through it in frustration. The car purred to life and Imogen looked into her rear-view mirror before backing out. Better safe than sorry, she thought even though there were no other cars in the lot. When she hit the main road, she snuggled into the seat, the dark black of the night was poker dotted by city lights. That was why she had moved here, to see the lights every night. Imogen turned into her and her friend’s usual hangout, Sizzle Bar. The car park was almost full, something Imogen basked in, it meant more men to choose from. Even though Imogen spent most of her life either doing work or thinking about it didn’t mean she abstained from sex. In fact, sex seemed to be one of her most popular pass times. More than once a week was common, and usually with different men. Imogen climbed out of her car and headed for the entrance, unbuttoning the first two buttons on her blouse. There was a bouncer guarding the entrance, his arms folded over his chest and tattoos running over his neck and face. “Hey Henry!” Imogen called as she patted him on the cheek and walked past, catching the weird glances people gave her. Henry, the bouncer, was the regular here and also happened to be her best friend’s brother. He had been smuggling them in since they were seventeen, so they were on pretty good terms. As soon as Imogen hit the dancer floor her best friend, Des, caught her arm. “Hey!” she called over thee thumping music. “Why are you late?” “Work,” Imogen said simply and made her way to the bar. She ordered the strongest drink she could think of when she caught the bar tenders eyes. Des sat down on the seat next to her. Tonight, Des was sporting a lacy bar with a shirt that ended before it reached her nipples. “You going for slutty tonight?” Imogen asked conversationally. “Yeah,” Des said with a wicked grin. “Now, since we should look like twins,” she said. Imogen and Des had usually been mistaken as sisters since they looked strikingly similar. They both had the same long blonde hair and green eyes, they were almost the same height, the only difference was that Des had two cup sizes on her. They were her greatest asset, she announced every time she could weasel it into a conversation.   Des ran her hand over Imogen’s breasts and pulled another two buttons off, making her shirt fall so everyone could see her lacy black bra. Imogen had come prepared, she had been agitated this morning and had decided the best way to cure that would be to get laid, so she dressed for that in mind. “That’s better,” Des mumbled then turned and passed Imogen the drink she had ordered. “Now let’s go party!” Imogen nodded, leaned her head back, and tossed the drink down. It burned all the way down the throat, but as soon as she tried to get off the chair, she felt the alcohol settling in. Des grabbed her hand and dragged her in a direction, though Imogen was too preoccupied with her friend’s ass to try to see where. But Imogen did question it when, instead of getting lost in wreathing bodies, she ended up in Des’ car. “Where are we going?” she mumbled and glanced out the window. “I’ve been planning this for a while,” was all Des said in return. By now Imogen’s brain was too foggy to even care. She had never been able to hold her liquor, the first time she had had a drink she had passed out. “Wake me up when we get there,” Imogen mumbled and leaned her head against the car window. When she next opened her eyes, it was to Des shaking her shoulders. Imogen half-heartedly swatted her away, but she did open the door and stumble down the pathway. The place looked familiar, but Imogen couldn’t place where she had seen it before. Des didn’t speak until they reached a door, where they only paused for a second before Des dragged her inside. As soon as the door closed, Imogen dropped onto a couch and turned to face Des, who sat beside her, making the couch creak ominously in the dark.    “Imogen, this is important. I’ve been meaning to say this for a while, so I’ll just say it,” Des said. She paused, and then, “I think I love you.” “Hmm, me too,” Imogen mumbled and leaned back in the couch. “No, Imogen. I mean, I love you, not like. It’s the ‘I dream of having sex with you’ kind of love.” “Hmm,” Imogen mumbled and moved her head to the side. “And I wanted to see if you would agree with this relationship? ‘Me and you?’” “I love you too,” Imogen groaned and leaned forward, giving her a half-hearted kiss on the cheek, which miss and landed on Des’ mouth, making her friends eyes shine with happiness. And, before Imogen could process what happened, she was lying on her back on Des’ bed. Des was sitting beside her, running her hands down Imogen’s stomach. Imogen rolled to the side and Des leaned down and kissed her. Des’ hands wandered to the buttons of the blouse and, without wasting time, removed it from Imogen’s body. Slowly, Des leaned down till her mouth was on Imogen’s breast through the bra. When her tongue touched Imogen’s sensitive nipple, she jumped. Des continued to roll the nipple in her mouth, making liquid pool at the apex of Imogen’s thighs. As soon as Imogen’s nipple was so taught that it hurt, Des moved to the next one. But as she did that, she moved her other hand down and began to pull Imogen’s clothes off. When she had finished with the second nipple, Imogen was completely naked except for the bra. Des moved back and looked down at her friend for more than five years spread out before her. Des knew all of Imogen’s secrets, and that meant she also knew that her friend had never slept with a girl. “It’s a great time for firsts,” Des mumbled as she brought her hand to Imogen’s moist pink skin. As soon as her finger brushed over it, Imogen’s eyes snapped open, as if the alcohol had disappeared from her blood system. Imogen watched, her body burning with desire as her friend slowly spread her entrance. The warmth of her friend finger’s made her thrust forward, trying to have them buried deep inside her. Des grinned and slowly, inch by inch, pushed a single finger into her friends sucking pussy. Imogen moaned and reared back, hands clutching the sheets. Her body shook as Des slid her fingers out. Imogen’s body instantly missed them, but before she could voice it, they rammed back in so hard that her body quivered. She could feel her orgasm coming closer and closer as her friend used a single finger to drive her to a blinding light. Des slid her finger in and out, feeling the juices sliding over her hands, and even as she felt her friend come, could feel Imogen convulsing around her finger, she didn’t slow down. As soon as her friend orgasmed for a second time, Des slid her finger out. She ran her hands over Imogen’s clitoris, smiling as her friend bucked once again. But Des knew that she needed to let Imogen take it all in, their relationship. Des rolled over till she lay with her arm over her friend and lover, and fell asleep, still feeling the softness of Imogen. Publication Date: October 28th 2013 https://www.bookrix.com/-ygbab783114e625
starashz passion of the heart how far will a girl go when pushed chapter 1: ~1813~ Ivy lay sprawled out on the large plush four poster bed dressed in a green negligee, her long auburn hair spread against the pillows. Ivy was a young girl of 19 and was considered to be the fairest maiden around; with her flawless face of an angel, luscious wavy auburn locks and the body of a goddess that had curves in all the right places. Much to the discomfort of her parents many of the folk in the neighbouring town gossiped about their daughter questioning how she could be so beautiful and not yet married. This didn’t bother ivy though as she was very much carefree and in her own world the majority of the time which was far better in her opinion over facing the dull and dreary reality of her daily life. She was surrounded by luxury and had everything she could ever want and need, everything except for friendship and love which were two things that ivy wanted the most. As an only child ivy was brought up quite lonely with only servants for company, she longed to share her thoughts and feelings with someone such as a friend. She spent many hours of the day reading, painting or day dreaming, anything that allowed her to escape to another world. In the corner of the room there was an extravagant marble fireplace with a low fire still burning, the embers gave out a little light casting shadows around the large room. What little light there was highlighted the imposing mahogany furniture and expensive decor, a room fit for royalty. Hearing soft footsteps across the thick carpet ivy lifted her head and smiled at the visitor; in a low seductive voice ivy said ‘I’ve been waiting for you’. Still in the shadows of the room the stranger replied with a quiet chuckle ‘have you now, well in that case i best make it up to you’. The footsteps continued until ivy could see the figure clearly, he was the stable boy Freddy at the manor where ivy lived. The manor was owned by ivy`s parents along with the estate it was in, ivy loved her parents dearly but didn’t have much of a relationship with them, respecting your elders came before love. because it was 1813 women were not able to have opinions on a great deal of things and so her father spoke for them all which angered ivy greatly. Yes her parents loved her but as her father was an earl he had a reputation to uphold and would disown her in a flash if she did something out of order against their will. They most definitely wouldn’t approve of Freddy, a lowly stable boy was not fit for someone of ivy`s class. Her father had decided Ivy was to be betrothed to another earl`s son called Hubert and much to ivy`s distress she would married to him in four months, she didn’t want to marry someone she`d never met. Especially someone named Hubert; she imagined him to be short, fussy and controlling. All the things that she hated in a person, she wanted to marry for love not because her father approved of their class. Does she dare defy her parents and face the wrath off her father? ‘Ivy’ Freddy sighed with a smile in his voice, ivy snapped out of her trance and focused on the figure in front of her. Dressed only in light cotton trousers ivy had full view of his luscious body, a body that never failed to make her weak at the knees. Aged 22 he had a head full of thick luscious brown hair; he was well toned and had the face of an angel. what more could a girl ask for. The fact that she was betrothed to another flickered through ivy`s mind for a second reminding of her how forbidden their meeting was, however after staring into his deep blue eyes for a moment she soon forgot her train of thought. Shivers of anticipation went down her spine as she watched him seductively walk towards the bed, however upon reaching the foot of the bed he carried on until he was directly above her using his arms to support his weight. Before ivy could say anything his mouth was on hers caressing her lips with his own, Ivy moaned with delight as he massaged her tongue with his savouring the taste and feel of him. With his right hand buried in her soft hair his kisses soon became more passionate and needy, without breaking their embrace he used his free hand to explore her body. He caressed her breast through the soft fabric of her negligee ever so slightly but carried on down across her stomach and across her hip until he reached her thigh. He slowly slid his hand up her inner thigh until he reached her centre he could feel her heat radiating; he gently stroked the outside of her. His touch was masterful causing butterflies to cascade through her stomach, she wanted him already but he seemed so intent on teasing her frustrating her even more. Ivy broke their kissing embrace and moaned a loud ‘oh Freddy i`ve been waiting so long for this’. Freddy replied ‘as have i my sweet’ and with that Freddy ripped the negligee open feasting on the sight of ivy’s large pert breasts spilling out. He blazed a trail of hot kisses down her neck and chest until he reached her nipple. He pulled back to give it a gentle pinch making it even more erect before dipping his head back down to swirl his tongue around the hardened tip. Ivy moaned as shivers of ecstasy cascaded over her, feeling ivy`s growing excitement Freddy began to bite and nibble at the them, making ivy moan loudly and clutch at his head pulling him closer to her bosom wanting more of him. She could feel her wetness increasing; she couldn’t take much more of this ‘Freddy please i need you’. With that Freddy pulled away and sat up between her legs, before she could ask what he was doing he ran his hand up her inner thigh teasing her as her crept closer to her centre. Parting her folds he rubbed her clit with such masterful skill making heat sweep over her as her pleasure heightened. Freddy could feel her wetness increasing with a great ferocity enticing him even more. chapter 2: Suddenly ivy jolted awake; in confusion she sat up and looked around. Whispers of smoke coming from the fire ivy realised she was in her room but alone. It had all been a dream, disappointment washed over her. The bedcovers were twisted as if something had happened making her feel more alone, with a quiet sigh Ivy flopped back onto the pillows pulling the twisted quilt back over her. Wide awake she thought about the images that still lingered in her mind, she laughed aloud with bitterness clouding her voice ‘of course it wasn’t real me and Freddy are worlds apart’. Ivy felt like screaming a loud in anger; ever since she`d met Freddy a month ago when her parents had hired him she found herself often daydreaming about him. Ivy stared at the patterned ceiling thinking about that first day they had met; she had been walking through the apple orchid daydreaming when all of sudden she walked into someone breaking her tance. Jumping back in surprise she realised it was a stranger. A gorgeous dreamy stranger but a stranger none the less, ‘sorry’ the stranger and ivy both said at the same time. Freddy laughed making Ivy blush, he reached to kiss her hand introducing himself as Freddy. Ivy couldn’t speak as his soft lips touched her hand, ‘your hands are so soft’ exclaimed Freddy. Ivy blushed even deeper, ‘i don’t think that’s appropriate sir, my name is ivy and i would like to know what you’re doing here’. Freddy apologised and explained he was the new stable boy, ivy barely registered what he was saying as she could not stop staring at his full lips imagining what it`d be like to kiss them. Snapping out of her daydream she realised she had been staring, feeling embarrassed she mumbled an excuse about having things to do and ran from the orchid. Even now she still concludes that she must have been feeling unwell that day, no one could be that infatuated with another being. Ever since that day she often made excuses to herself to go by the stables to see him, to speak to him even if it was just for a second. Over the past month their relationship had developed greatly, she spent many hours some days sitting in the stables watching him work on the horses whilst talking about trivial things. She had never had someone to talk to like this before; he was the sunshine in her life and the only thing that kept her sane. Yet despite all their meetings they never seemed to talk about personal matters, she had not yet told him about Hubert. She almost felt as if she was deceiving him but she was unsure how to approach the subject and worried it would harm their friendship if he knew she was betrothed. Whenever she wasn’t with Freddy thoughts of him invaded her mind making her heart weep for him, if only she wasn’t an earls daughter and instead could make decisions for herself that were bigger than choosing what to do throughout the day. Pushing away the painful thoughts ivy tried to clear her mind but before long images of the dream came drifting back. The dream had been so marvellous which only provoked her even further, reminding her of what she couldn’t have. It had felt so real every kiss, every touch and now she was left alone and frustrated. Unable to sleep she slid her hand down her smooth skin reaching her centre; she was soaking wet as result of the passionate dream. She groaned thinking of how badly she now needed Freddy; however she knew it was an impossible thought that would never happen in reality as she was betrothed and he was a lowly stable boy. Hoping to return to the dream before having to face another day ivy turned on her side and fell into a fitful sleep.... Publication Date: September 10th 2011 https://www.bookrix.com/-starashz
Andre Le Bierre My life is pink 2 Part 2 Publication Date: March 9th 2011 https://www.bookrix.com/-lesbiero
Mrs.Indapendent My sisters bestfriend "Wow." I said to myself as I stared out the window. The sight in front of me was one to behold. My older sister's best friend, Sara, was lounging by the pool in her green bikini. She was wearing large, black sunglasses and her long, brown hair was resting on her lightly tanned shoulders. The thin material of her bikini top was barley wide enough to cover her firm, round 34B breasts. I was pretty far away, but I was almost positive that I could see a little bit of her bush sticking out of her bottoms. My sister, Karen, was sitting next to her, but I had no interest in looking at her. Karen had invited Sara to spend the weekend at our house while my parents were gone. Karen was back home on summer break from college and I was out of high school for the same reason. It was my senior year and I had just turned eighteen a few weeks ago. Karen and Sara were both twenty. I had always had a thing for Sara. She was so fucking hot and seeing her long, sexy legs and perky, firm breasts lying by the pool had never failed to give my a stiff erection. Before I knew, I was rubbing my cock through my jeans as I watched Sara apply sun tan lotion to her chest. I was getting really hard now and I knew I would have to... relieve myself pretty soon. I was just about to head up to my room to finish up, when I heard a voice behind me. "What the hell are you doing, Carson?" Karen's voice rang. She must have gotten up and used the sided door without me noticing. I pulled my hand away from my crotch and looked back at her. "Nothing." I lied. "You were watching Sara, huh?" She laughed and my face turned red. "No!" I retorted. " I was just watching the sky." "Whatever, freak." She rolled her eyes and went back outside. I sighed. That could have ended much worse, and I was very relieved that it hadn't. My cock as straining against my jeans still and I gave Sara's beautiful body one last fleeting look. I knew I couldn't hold out any longer and I ran up the stairs to my room. When I got up there, I started to fiddle with my belt buckle. I cursed the fact that I had worn a belt today. I should have expected that I would be jerking off at some point that day. Anytime Sara was around, I couldn't help myself. My cock ached for her and that just couldn't be helped. It didn't help that I was still a virgin either. I spent almost every night fantasizing about how a pussy would feel around my 8-inch long member. I had been close to experiencing it once, but my then girlfriend dumped me before we fucked. I had spent a few nights thinking about her while I jerked my shaft, but most nights it was Sara's perfect ass that was on my mind. I finally dropped my pants and my boxers, unleashing my fully erect shaft. It was pointing straight up at this point and seemed to be staring at me in anticipation. I couldn't wait any longer. I grabbed it and laid down on the bed. I managed to wiggle out of my t-shirt as I began to stroke my cock. My eyes were clamped shut as I pictured Sara. In my mind, she was fondling her pert tits and pinching her hard nipples, while licking those sexy full, red lips of hers. As I stroked, I could feel that oh so familiar tightening in my balls. I started to massage them while I stroked my cock and kept fantasying. "Mmm Sara" I moaned aloud. " "Oh!" I heard a voice and my eyes flew open to see Sara staring at me, wide-eyed. "Oh... um" My hands fell from my crotch, but my penis was still hard as a diamond. I looked at Sara with horror in my eyes. Sara stared back at me with a strange smirk on her face. "So, you do think I'm attractive, eh?" She asked in her innocent voice. She leaned in the doorway and my eyes fell to her breast that her still incased in the thin fabric of her bikini top. Were her nipples hard?" "I'm sorry." I said dejected. "I... I didn't...." She just smiled at me. "It's okay, Carson." She said as she took a step closer to me. "I know you want me." Her voice got a little deeper, sexier. "Wh-what?" I stammered. "Oh don't play dumb. I've seen you touch yourself while you were watching me at the pool and I've watched you masturbate before." She said as she sat down on the edge of my bed. "What? When?" I demanded. "Almost ever time I stay here." She replied with a shrug and a smile. "Oh..." I sighed. "Have you ever been with a woman?" She asked. I shook my head. "Really? A good-looking guy like you isn't getting any? I would think you'd be a seasoned pro. What girl wouldn't want that thing in her pussy?" She pointed at my cock, which some how had gotten harder. "You have huge cock, Carson!" She gushed. "Um... thank you." I replied. I was confused. Was she trying to... "Do you want to fuck me, Carson?" She asked as she leaned over and started to run her delicate hand up my thigh and stopping just before it reached my balls. I was speechless. "Oh, come on, Carson. I know you want to." She said as her hand found my testicles and she gave them a soft squeeze. My cock ached. "Just say the words and I'll make your dreams come true. You do dream about me right? You dream about having your dick in my tight pussy?" I nodded. "Then just say you want to fuck me." She smiled. "Bu-But," I stammered again. "Karen might see." "She went to the store. She won't be back for a while." "Oh." She moved her hand up to the base of my shaft and gently squeezed it. My eyes rolled back in my head at the sensation that was striking my dick. I shuddered at her delicate touch. She leaned in closer and put her lips to my ear. "Just say it." She whispered. "Say you want to fuck me, baby." I was out of my mind now and I didn't put any more thought into it. "I want to fuck you." I moaned as she started to softly caress my penis. She giggled softly and started to lick my ear as her hand stroked my length. She started to kiss my lips and used her free hand to tickle my balls. I kissed her back, deeply and put my hands on her round ass. She pulled away from the kiss and kissed down my chest, stopping at my nipples for a second to suck on them, and then down to my throbbing manhood. She started to kiss my dick while she stroked it slowly. I looked down at her. I was shocked. I couldn't believe this was happening. Sara, my dream girl, was giving me a blowjob! I was in heaven. Just when I thought it couldn't get any better, she plunged her warm, wet mouth onto the head of my cock while her hand started beating faster up and down on the shaft. I through my head back in ecstasy and moaned. She removed her hand from my cock and started bobbing her head down the length, making sure I was completely in her mouth before she moved up to the give the head a hard suck then back down. Over and over again she dropped her beautiful face in my lap. After a few more minutes, I could feel that familiar tightening feeling in my balls. She must have sensed it too because she pulled her mouth off, still stroking my rigid cock, and smiled up at me. "Do you want to cum on my tits, baby?" She said, slowing her stroking on my dick. "Y-Yes" I said nervously. She just giggled at me and undid her bikini top. I watched the fabric fall to the ground and was amazed by the perky, grapefruit-sized tits staring at me. She told me to sit up, I did so, and she knelt between my legs, which her dangling off the side of the bed. She angled my cock so the tip was pointing at her fine tits and started to jerk me harder. I felt my eyes roll back in my head and I managed to get them focused on her just as I shot my load all over her chest. Her breasts glistened with my seed and I smiled at her as she continued to milk my cock. When she was satisfied with all the cum she had pulled from me, she took a finger and dipped it in the milky liquid on her chest, lifting it to her lips and sucking it off. She repeated this until all of the cum was gone. By then, my cock was hard again and aching for her. She looked at my hardness and licked the dried cum off of it. "Looks like you want more." She said, in a deep sexy voice. I was no longer nervous; just extremely horny. "Fuck yeah I do." I replied. She smiled at my forcefulness and stood up. She slowly pulled her bikini bottoms down, showing me her wet pussy and threw them at my face. "You might want those later, baby." She said, leaning over and sitting on my lap, straddling my lap and kissing me softly. My cock was rubbing against the crack of her ass and it began to thrust in between her cheeks. She kissed me, deeply and her hand reached back. She wrapped her hand around my cock and began to lead it toward her hot pussy lips. I could feel the wetness dripping on it. I was almost in when... "Sara! Where are you?" My sisters voice chimed from downstairs. DAMN, DAMN, DAMN!, I screamed in my head. Sara looked into my eyes and smiled, a little disappointed. "It looks like I'll have to wait for your huge dick in my tight, wet pussy. What a shame." She gave my dick a quick squeeze and hopped off of me. She didn't put any clothes on, telling me I could hold on to her bikini, and she pranced into the hallway necked, heading toward the guest room she was staying in. I sighed and looked at her bikini bottoms, which were lying on my chest. I picked them up and looked at them for a moment and took a quick sniff(They were intoxicating) before wrapping them around my cock and taking care of myself, dreaming off what I was hoping would happen later. I'd have to wait a little longer to know the sensation of a woman's pussy gliding up and down on my cock but for now, I was content with my blowjob and her soft panties on my cock. Publication Date: June 2nd 2012 https://www.bookrix.com/-mrs.indapendent
Nyasha N Devonish Wicked Games Chapter 1 Nisha Cladwell sat sipping on her third glass of sherry watching the immaculately dressed Michael Garde,the only man who made her a fool for love,his perfect wife,perfect family and perfect life all in place,"So fucking perfect!",she took the last gulp of wine slamming the glass onto the table,anger still boiling in her blood from the argument not long ago..his words still fresh in her mind, "You know what is our arrangement Ms.Cladwell,I told you the terms and you agreed,this is just mutual lust we are to portray,affection won't be tolerated it would be a shame for you to be replaced Ms.Cladwell." Michael said while fixing his clothing after satisfying his needs.Nisha ran up to him holding onto his shoulder,"Michael I don't understand why you must stay with her..so what the bitch bred you a few children,I have told you children do not bother me Michael,please I love you." Michael turned to her with a cold stare and smirked at her,"Begging does not become you Ms.Cladwell,please desist from doing so IF we have any future encounters." And with that he walked out of her home without a goodbye. "Beautiful in't he hon." Nisha's friend Lionel said as he sat beside her watching Michael with an all too friendly gaze,"Tsk! nothing on that bastard is beautiful not even his molecular penis." "Ouch! what crawled up your ass and made you sour?" Nisha smirked bitterly,"Michael Garde." Lionel perked up at once and shifted closer to Nisha in excitement, "Mmmm! was it good girl?!" Nisha sniffed rudely,"Nothing about that bastard is good,he takes what he wants and gives nothing back." Lionel sucked his teeth,"Chile Lord knows that man could take whatever he wants from me I don't give a rats ass if he doesn't even give me a 'goodbye'!" Nisha flinched at that comment,it seems everyone wanted only sex from Michael nothing less...nothing more..except her. Nisha got up from her chair walking away from the table,"Where you going NiNi?!",Nisha ignored Lionel and kept walking until she was out on the balcony,the view was breathtaking..shit the whole house it self was the bomb! "Beautiful isn't it?" Nisha turned to the feminine voice of the new comer to see Michael and his wife standing behind her,she turned plastering a smile on her face but knew she held hostility in her eyes,"Breathtakingly so Mrs.Garde,what a pleasure it is to meet your aquaintance." Cynthia smiled and looked into Nisha's eyes sending 'I hate your guts rays','To bad I can't say the same to your husband since we're more than aquainted' was what Nisha wanted to say but instead said,"I am Nisha by the way..Nisha Cladwell." Nisha held out her hand to shake Cynthia's and with a firm yet delicate looking grasp Cynthia shook it,"Ah..so your company is my husband's competition." Nisha smiled,"I see you are up to date on your facts.",Cynthia laughed,"We all must be in this business..especially on-" All laughter had gone and a tense atmosphere now replaced it,"Who my competition is..wouldn't you say Nisha?" Nisha smiled lightly with a sarcastic taint,"Of course..you just may not know who will take you out.","Sweetheart I have to meet with a client before the night is over." Michael said trying to get both his wife and mistress apart,Nisha grabbed a glass of wine from a servant passing by with a tray,she held up the wine and nodded her head a bit,"May the best competitor win.",Cynthia smirked and grabbed a glass of wine clinking her glass with Nisha's,"Yes..may." Chapter 2 Bitter,Nisha was so bitter that she could practically taste it.Here she was again giving this man exactly what he wanted and receiving nothing back,she was a fool for his love,for his Wicked Games ,Not that she minded at this moment since he was eating everything right off the menu,Nisha held his head and grinded on his lashing tongue,"Ah shit..Michael!",he pushed two fingers into her scorching wet heat finger fucking her fast and hard while his tongue continued to lap at her nub,she arched her back as her body began to shake feeling her climax soon there,she threw her head back and as she was on the edge soon about to tumble over Michael pulled away,Nisha protested and tried to hold his head but he removed her hand and stood from the dining room table,he removed a black silk cloth lined with lilac from his suit and wiped her juices from around his mouth and face,"Where are you going Michael?","I'm not going anywhere,where are YOU going Ms.Cladwell?",Nisha smiled sucking her bottom lip into her mouth and letting it go with a loud 'smack',she sexily walked over to Michael and pushed him back down onto the dining room chair slowly going down inbetween his legs and looking up at his lust filled eyes,Nisha smirked it was time for Mr.Hotshot here to feel the shame and hurt she felt,"I'm going..",she rubbed his left thigh slowly inching up to his crotch,"To bed alone." She stood and walked into her bedroom closing the door leaving a stunned Michael in the dining room chair.Michael smiled and stood,his little Nisha wanted to play a game and he was down for it,he just hoped when the ball was in her court she wouldn't panic,"Never play with the big dogs little girl you just might get bitten." Was the last thing he said as he exited her home. Cynthia sat in the bathtub the vanilla scented foam covering her body along with a few petals,it had been a long time since she had been romanced by anyone but herself,her husband was amazing in all departments,work,conversation and of course sex but when it came to the romance department he was lacking,big time! She let the sweet tunes of Celine wash over her as she sipped on a flute of champagne,she was at peace with herself but definitely not the world,"Nisha Cladwell..huh." That bitch was a viper slithering too close to the wrong side of the grass and if she dare over step her boundaries the snake better be prepared to be bitten.Cynthia heard the front door close knowing Michael was home,thank God her husband was a good man he had never cheated or lied to her during their 3 years of marriage and she was all but too ready to give her husband a delectable present tonight.Cynthia got out of the bath the water slinking down her body,she didn't bother to dry off and just walked into the bedroom and stood infront of the door Michael's present all ready.Michael opened the door his masculine scent washing over Cynthia in a heady rush,"I'm glad your home baby,I didn't make dinner but there is chocolate dessert." Cynthia said with her hands on her hips as she bit her bottom lip trying to look as seductive as possible,Michael pushed past her and removed his jacket and tie,"I'm tired Cynthia let's not do this tonight.",Cynthia sucked her teeth and walked into her closet downing a silk robe,"When are you ever ready to do something?!" Michael ignored her tirade and continued to remove his clothing until he was down to his boxers,"You're not even that great in bed I don't even know why I'm arguing." Michael's ears perked up at the change to this subject,he chuckled and shook his head,"You think this is funny Michael?!" He stood to his full height and looked at her,Cynthia sucked in a breath Michael was way past handsome his brown skin was smooth like silk,his eyes were a unique light brown and his lips good at everything they do,"Let's talk about sex Cynthia,the truth is you don't satisfy my needs." Cynthia flinched even though Michael could see his words were hurting her he still continued knowing she needed to hear what he had to say,"Our sexual spark has died..it's been the same damn thing since high school,lights off under the sheets me on top,after one orgasm your always fucking complaining-" He walked up to her his eyes ablaze with anger,"You're boring Cynthia don't be surprised if I take up another mistress." Cynthia turned away from him tears burning the back of her eyes,"Now stop complaining and get your ass into bed let's get some sleep..tsk you should count your self lucky that I touch you instead of my damn self." Michael was frustrated from what Nisha had done to him..oh his Nisha had gotten him good and because of her his wife had to pay for it,not that it mattered since she did need to know the truth..well a fraction of it. Cynthia took up two pillows and a sheet from off the bed,Michael sighed,"Where are you going Cynthia?","To let you touch your damn self!" and with that she walked out of the room and headed downstairs to the spare bedroom,she remembered once upon a time when Michael would jump at any chance to have sex with her now he treated her as if she were the plague,"Tsk fucking prick!" She said to herself as she crawled onto the bed and fell asleep one pissed off woman. Text: All Rights Reserved Images: ShutterShock All rights reserved. Publication Date: March 11th 2012 https://www.bookrix.com/-speckleddots
Beth The Dark Night I'd never really thought of going to that bar. It'd never really seemed amazing. Actually, I'm not sure why i went in there this time. When I walked in, I was immediately hit by the stench of beer and smoke. I sat down at a table on my own and drank my drink while texting my friend, Becky. I sent her a message: This is boring. Groan. I'm gunna finish this drink and leave. She replied: Okay Sarah, speak soon xx "Hey baby, what you doing all alone? I'm loving your pretty blonde head" some guy said to me as he sat down opposite me. "I came here alone..." I said and would have continued but suddenly there was a hand covering my mouth and I was dragged out of the bar. I got dragged backwards into the woods next to the bar and my hands were tied behind me and I was blindfolded. "Get off!" I said but then a cloth was stuffed in my mouth and something was put over my mouth. "Damn baby" some guy said, "Mmm, you make me so hard. I want to be in you, and i'm going to be" and he started to unbutton my blouse. I tried to scream but it was useless, only a slight sound came out. He ripped open my blouse and rubbed my bra covered breasts in his hands. I screamed again and suddenly i heard a noise and a muffled scream. "Don't worry, I've got you." somebody said and took the stuff out of my mouth and un-blindfolded me. I almost gasped when i saw him. Before me stood a tall man, about 25 like me, with blonde hair, blue eyes and high cheekbones. He was GORGEOUS! I WAS IN LOVE! I know, overreaction right? But i felt in love with him right then. "I'll take you home. Come on. My name's Martin." he said. "I'm Sarah. Thank you." i replied and he walked me to his car. We got in and talked while he drove me home. When we got to my house, he walked me to the front door. I turned to thank him and he smiled at me. "This may seem strange. But... I want to kiss you." i said and he smiled more. "It doesn't seem strange. I want to kiss you too." he replied. "Maybe... the other side of my door, I don't want my neighbours to think badly of me." "Sure" he said and we walked to the other side of my door. I smiled at him and he leaned towards me. I took in a breath and his warm lips met mine and i intantly melted. He kissed me passionatly and i immedietly wanted more. His tongue moved across my lips and i opened them, inviting him in. He took the invitation. His tongue found its way into my mouth and our tongues met and danced a warm and wet tango. "I want you sarah" he said, almost in a groan and i nodded. I wanted him too. He wrapped my legs around him and carried me, searching for my room. When he found my room, he lowered me onto my bed and kissed me harder and faster. I moaned slightly and slipped out of my blouse and quickly took off my bra. Martin looked down at my chest and said, "Take everything off my darling. Everything. I want to see you all." I was happy to do so. He watched me as i slipped out of my black skirt and pulled off my lace underwear. He gazed at my naked body and took off his shirt and slowly slipped out of his jeans and underwear and i almost drooled. His erect dick was about 10 inches and i wanted it. He knelt down next to me and kissed me softly then he started to trail kisses down my neck, sending shivers down my spine. His kisses moved further down, until he was at my breasts. He held them both and started to suck on my right nipple while pinching my left. I moaned slightly and this encouraged him. He sucked hard on both of my nipples and bit down slightly which hurt, but i didn't care. It added to the pleasure. His kisses moved down the middle of my stomach and he made his way to my place. He moved his fingers and teasted my clit, making me moan for more. This made him make me wait. He slowly rubbed his fingers in circle motions around my clit and lightly pushed his fingers into my hole, very slightly. I tried to move closer to him but he wouldn't let me. I started to get warm and i could feel i was going to come soon. He quickly dipped his fingers inside me and just as quickly, took them back and repeated. "I'm - Going - TO Cum!" i shouted and he moved his head to my vagina and started to lick my clit. "Oh god, martin!" i screamed and he dipped his tongue dipped in and out of my hole quickly. I screamed as i tipped over the edge, spilling my juices into his all to ready mouth. Publication Date: February 29th 2012 https://www.bookrix.com/-beth123
Haleema Duraani Wrong Door When The Door Opened I Didnt Know What To Expect I Hadnt Seen My Father Since My Boyhood When Since The Day He Left I Had To Say Goodbye Though I Couldnt Leave Without Say Goodbye My Mother Would Be Furious But thatDidnt Matter He Was My Family And That Was All That Was Important. I Didnt know What to Expect But I Definitely Didn’t Expect Her I Didn't Expect To See Her Standing At The Door She Was Short Caramel Woman Her Face Was Round And soft She Was Exotic In Her Own Sense I Was So Taken Aback I Hadn't Realized She'd Spoke "Excuse Me Sir?" "Oh I’m Sorry Yes" "How Can I Help You?" "I’m Looking For My Father Antoine Lakely?" I Was Still Caught Up I Had Still Not Yet Realized THat I Was Asking For My Father At His Home A Sign Something Was Wrong "There Is No By That Name Residing Here I’m Sorry You Must Have The Wrong Door" She Shifted Her Weight To One Leg Leaning Against The Door I Looked Down At Her Bare Legs They Were Lean And Even She Either Danced Or Ran As My Eyes Traveled Up Her Legs To Her Plump And round Hips It Was Obvious She Was A Dancer My Eyes tried Their Hardest To Focus On Her Face But THey Trailed Down To Her Chest Her Tank Top Revealed Her Supple Breasts Brown And Smooth On Her Left One There Was A Koi Fish Tattoo Peeking Out Of Her Top "Im Sorry But This Is The House I Came To Three Years Ago" "I Moved In Two Years Ago So He Probably Lived Here Before Me But I’m Sorry I Don’t Know Anything About The Previous Owner" "Oh Ok Well Thank You For Your Time" I Began To Walk Away But The Exotic Beauty Called Me Back "Hey Next Time You Want Someone Try Not To Mentally Undress Them" "Huh?" I Smiled "You Wanna Come Inside?" "Huh?" "Huh" "You Heard Me, Come Inside" I Looked At This Woman She Had A Nonchalant Attitude But Her Body Was Anything But. She Stepped To The Side gesturing For Me To Come Inside I walked Past her For A Second She Stared Right At Me it was kind of surprising to me because everything seemed the same from my last visit, yet it was different because my father's presence wasnt there As i reminisce in lost memories i heard her "You Want Anything To Drink?"For A While i thought it was a voice inside my head But She Repeated " You want anything to drink" I snapped out of my thoughts and saw her in front of me with a smile that made my insides melt in a kind of a a sinnful way "Um", i cleared my throat "Sure" She smiled i KNew She Was Mocking My Boyish Anxiety I Looked Around My Fathers Home I Diddnt Grow Up With Him I Only Knew Him For six Short Years He Left My Mother For A Reason I Diddnt Know But What Bothered Me Was That He Was Gone He Left And Diddnt Let Me KNow I Saw My Father Physically Three Years Ago But We Spoke Regularly I Heard From Him 3 Weeks Ago He Wouldve Told Me He Moved "Ive Got Coke. Ice. Or No Ice" I Looked At Her She Stood Against The Wall With A Glass With Ice "Huh?" I Mentally Slapped Myself "Do You Want It With Ice Or No Ice?" Ice Or No Ice The Question Lingered Over Me I Wanted Ice But I Wasnt Speaking About My Drink i could Feel A Stiffness Become Apparent I Quickly Sat Down "Ice" I Finally Answered She Swaggered Over To Me And Poured The Coke In The Glasses One For Me One For Herself I Watched Her Sip It Lightly Her Pink Full Lips Were Slightly Moist I Took Down The Cold Beverage To Ease My Visual Lust "So What Kind Of Son Doesnt Know What Happened To His Own Father?" I Put down My Drink At Looked At Her For Once i Was Able To Think Clearly "The Kind Who Had To Hunt him Down For Eight Years To Find Him In The First After He Left His Family" "Oh Well Im Sorry But It Seemed Odd" "Yeah I Know But I My Father Is Gypsy He Never Stays Put Too Long" "I Hear Thats Hereditary" I laughed But More To myself Than To Her "Actually I Came T oTell Him Goodbye Im Leavin For Cuba Tommorow" "You A Businessman?" "Yeah I Own The Rite Of Passage company" "Hmmm So You Takin A Sabbatical?" "You Could Call It That" She Stood And Walked Over To Me And Around The Back Of My Chair "You Are A Quite Handsome Man Wheres Your Ring?" "Cant Commit" "That Gypsy Soul Huh?" "Yeah I Guess, But Speakin Of Movin when did you move here exactly.?" "Um..March 2008" She replied. But that's a liittle over 3years ago,it's August 2011, i thought to myself, she said she moved here 2 years ago.... "Wait You Said That You Moved Here Two Years Ago Not Three" I Asked Very Confused and Even A Little Suspicious. But I Couldnt focus her Hand Was Rubbing on My Shoulders "You Know You Cmae Here And You Never Properly Introduced Yourself, Whats your Name?" she Whispered in My Ear The Warmth Of Her Breath Made My Skin Tingle And My Mind Drift "Robert Lakely" "Mmmm thats A Strong masculine name It Suits You" "Thank You But Thats Not What I Asked You Moved In Here Two Years Ago Or Three?" "Thats The Kinda Of Name You Scream While You Taking it From The Back" I stared At This Woman With Wild Eyes She Just smiled At Me I Watched Her bite Her Bottom lip It Was still moist. I Thought I Would lose My Mind But I Had To Stick To My Guns "Answer Me" I Asked Firmly "Oh i Bet You Like To Fuck Rough?" My Rising Lust Was Growing Uncontrollable I Then Stood And Looked Down At Her "Answer Me When Did You Move Here?" My Eyes Glowered At Her She Just Stared At Me Airlessly as If She hadnt Heard Anything I Had just Said "You Probably Liked to Be Called daddy Too Huh?" She Inched Closer To Me Her Chest Pressed Against My Stomach I Was Staring Right Down Her Shirt "i Bet You Like That Huh?" She Asked . I backed Away "Who Are you?" I Asked "Don't Worry About That Robert Stop Thinkin So hard I Bet Your Wondering What I Look Like Naked" I Stared At The Woman In front Of Me She Was Obviously Insane "Are You Okay?" "Yes Im Fine Robert And So Are You Now Why Are you Actin Like You dont Want me?" I Sat Down And Watched Her Saunter Over To Me Her Hips Swayed Slowly With Each Step "I Never Said i Didnt Want You?" I Said As She Sat down On My Lap She Leaned In Closer To My Ear "Then Show Me" With That The Soft Pink Ridges Of her Lips Gently Carressed my Neck while Her hand Rubbed My chest Slowly Her lips Made Their Way To My Cheek and then my lips I took in her honeyed tastes i took hold of her waist and turned her completely around now we sat face to face i pulled away and looked at her face once more with that my senses were hightened she smelled like magnolia buds and her skin was like the skin of ripe peach fuzz ismooth and soft her i took her into my mouth once more and felt my lust rise benethe her thick thighs. when i couldnt take anymore i took her up and laid her body across the coffee table i pulled off her shorts and revealed her perfect sheath I spread her legs apart revealing her moist opening I slid my index finger inside her, her body released a deep breath i pushed in my middle finger and she let out a moan her wetness covered my hands i pushed deeper into her and watched her eyes grow wide, slowly i added my ring finger and she groaned like the sound of thunder i push and pushed until her moans filled the air i rubbed her soaked walls relentlessly until she started to shiver her moans grew louder and her body oozed fluids "Ooh fuck me Robert" "No Not yet" "Yes please fuck me I want you to fuck me" "No Not until you tell me what your name is" "No Not Yet please just fuck me" She almost begged "What." My Hand Went Deeper "Is" I pushed harder and she squealed "Your." I Gave Her Another Push "Name?" This Time Her Stomach Jumped and She Groaned "Andrea. My Name Is Andrea Hampton Now Please Fuck me" She begged I lifted her legs And Put Them on my shoulder and slid my heated rod inside her pleading opening she was so wet and tight my manhood pushed into her she moaned and gasped her chest rose and fell with each thrust "Ahh, Damn" She Screamed I Pumped into her with intensity she flinched each time my member met her wall i gripped her hips and drilled into her like a punsihment i grinned as i watched her cringe andscream Andrea spent the whole time manipulating me and manhood she thought she could handle me meaning i had to humble her and humble her is what i did. "You had alot of mouth before andrea baby what you got to say now?" I Whispered into her ear pushing her legs completely to her shoulders she cringed much more but when she opened her mouth she only said "Harder, fuck me harder" My ego was now wounded i had to puther in place my mind switched into beast mode i pulled out and picked her up i carried her to the nearest wall and pinned her up against the wall I pulled both her legs up into a V shape i held her legs and drilled into her over and over and over until i felt her nails dig into my arms she moaned unwillingly and then finally she began t obeg "stop, stop no more" "No you can take it" i continued to beat into her body until her stomach clenched her muscles tighten and her eyes rolled up to the cieling she oozed down my member i smiled triumphantly and let her down. andrea slid down to the floor and stared straight at me as i cleaned myself "You okay?" "Youtr fathers dead" "What?!" I stared at Andrea her face was stoic and expressionless "Your father's dead" My mind was blank for a second and then turned into a whhirlwind of emotions and thoughts my father couldn't have been dead we spoke two weeks ago if he was really dead our family would have been notified "Your lying my father can't be dead we spoke two weeks ago i would have been told" At that she stood and walked over to me she looked me square in the eye "your father is dead" "how?" "He was killed" "WHAT!?" "he was asassinated by a drug lord" my chest felt like it had been struck full force "That makes no sense why would a drug lord kill aa 52 year old man living new mexdico thats just random" "he owed them a large sum of money" "how much?" "1.2 million dollars" i almost choked on my own saliva "that can't be true 1.2 MILLION DOLLARS!?" As andrea put on her underwear she explained "think about it your father leaving abruptly and without reason and becoming almost untraceble and think about it your mother never worked a day in her life but yet you were givin a comfortable lifestyle private schools and ivy league colleges without any scholarships or grants she even invested in your company to get it started" i thought about it all my mother never worked but i got almost everything i ever needed without any hesitation and my father disappearing and just... everything clicked "how do you know all this?" "i'm an investigator for the fbi your father has been a subject of interest for tthe last 20 years he came to the country about a year before he married your mother he was a right hand man for Carlisle Rosario the most notorious drug lord of his time your father wanted freedom and he wanted to be reimburst for his... services to Rosario and he knew he wouldnt get it from his boss voluntarily so he decided to steal the money and run. For years the drug lord searched for him and never found him until the day you and your father last spoke he was killed and castrated, i'm sorry" I had to sit down all this news was overwhelming my stomach clenched my head spun. How did come from coming to tell my father goodbye to being seduced by a strange sex vixen to being informed that my father was a part of a drug ring and was murdered?? Who was this woman? How and why should i trust anything she said? How did she know i would be here? Why was she in my father's home? "Why are you here?" "After we found out your father was dead we took it as an opportunity to find Rosario the fact that he would risk being found for revenge alone lets us know he's gettiong sloppy and thus easier to catch" The whole time Andrea spoke her face never changed "Why did you have sex with me?" "Because i needed to be sure you weren't one of Rosarios goons, they are trained to be one track minded they have one task and thats all they focus on accomplishing the fact that you let me seduce and emasculate you let me know you weren'tg one of his men" "So...the sex was just you doing your job?" "Yes I am a trained FBI agent im not some thirsty harlot looking to pounce on something?" "I wasnt saying you were but im just a little confused i didnt know that having reckless sex with a stranger was a part of the job criteria now you must be really good actress because you had me fooled when you came all over my dick" I said sarcastically i dont care what she had to say she wanted to have sex with me point. Blank. "I never said i was acting i was just doing my job" "Your job has quite a few perks dont you think?" She rolled her eyes and put on her shorts then it hit me "How do i know your not really working for rosario and our here to cover up what you did?" Andrea stopped what she was doing and looked at me sarcastically "Im not even goin to dignify that question with an answer" I looked at her as she walked across the living room irt was obvious someone rushed into this house furniture was dispersed and there were boxes everywhere. When she realized how hard my glare was she pulled me into the dinig room that now had three laptops two huge black boxes and minillo folders everywhere I saw her holster sitting on the table next to her badge and phone. She opened six folders and dispersed them all over the table it was full of pictures ofmy family my father my businesss my clients and my home she turned on the laptop and typed in a password and showed me all types of documents from before i was born and then she showed me her badge and id "I dont work Rosario I have been working for the feds for 12 years so please dont ever doubt my motives" I nodded and fianlly sat down the fact that my fatherwas ded had began to sink in though i spent a large portion of my life without my father i was still his son and i loved him and now he was gone in a matter of seconds. He was gone. He was murdered he was killed by cold blooded killers i felt my body begin to shake in pain and anger "Robert are you okay?" I heard her voice but i didnt listen to what she said my body was no longer in my control i lost my father thats all i could think about "Robert? Robert are you okay?" Andrea's hand touched my shoulder, the sensation of it began to relax me i took in a deep breath and looked up "What are you guysw gonna do now?" "Right now we know that Rosario is still in America the brazilian police have gotten no trace on him at all, so now were just waiting on something to pop up" "I s there anything i caqn do?" she shook her head solemnly "All you need to worry about is keeping your head on straightwhile your in Cuba" I almost had fogrgotten about that iit seemed like i needed that trip even more now "Yeah I dont know how well i can do that" "Im sure you can" i didnt want to leave anymore, not alone anyway my eyes lit up at the thought that came to mind it was a long shot but it couldnt hurt to ask "Come To Cube With Me" “What?!” Andrea stopped dead in her tracks, “You want me to come with you to Cuba?” “Yes, come with me I’ve got enough money for the both of us I know you hate being cooped up in this house come with me and we don’t have to come back until you want” she shifted her weight back and forth from one leg to the other her face looked as though she was in deep thought, my heart beat sped up little by little “Why?, why do you want me to come with you?” I hadn’t expected that, I didn’t for the life of me know why either “I…I don’t know I just don’t see the point of me going to Cuba alone anymore and after what just happened between us…” I looked down at my feet I felt like a teenager again asking my high school crush out on a date “Just come with me?” Andrea looked up at the ceiling thinking and she finally shook her head “Okay” I smiled hard “But we have to leave today” “why?” “Because I really wanna get out of this house” “Okay, then hurry and pack your things, I’ll go home and get my things just wait here for me okay?” “Yeah” When I got back with my things I found Andrea waiting for me at the curb with her luggage she had changed into a white strapless dress and her Koi fish tattoo was even more exposed it ran up her chest from inside the dress Her hair was down her wavy tresses cascaded down her back her face was as stoic as always but her body, as equally predictable was a different story she fidgeted and was uneasy for the first time Andrea was nervous. I smiled and opened the door to my new Bentley and put her luggage inside and she got. I changed gears and we were off. I looked at my passenger she truly was beautiful it was amazing how she just seemed to stumbled into my life Andrea and I hadn’t spoken a word to each other since we got to the airport she simply bought her ticket and we boarded the plane. As the plane began to take off I pulled out my iPod and turned on my music the ride wouldn’t be long but I was tired today was just a little too much for me nothing ever hinted that I would discover all that I did today it was so overwhelming. I exhaled and cocked my head back on the headrest. When I glanced at Andrea she had begun to dose off her eyes were low and her body was completely leaning against the window I took off my jacket and put it on her. “Damn,” I whispered to myself it had been almost three years since I looked at a woman with all this affection. I had been married once, but I ended up getting a divorce she cheated on me I tolerated a lot of things but betrayal was definitely not one of them I was just happy we didn’t have children but I still wanted them. But anyway, I had so much casual sex that I got tired of women all together so I just turned into a workaholic but after a while I came to the conclusion that I needed a break and that’s what brought me here in this plane with Andrea. I had dozed off during the ride but I was awakened by Andrea we had arrived. I looked at my phone it was 3:30 in the morning . “Come on we need to check into a hotel “ “Yeah I already have reservations at this place in Varadero” When we arrived to the hotel we got our rooms and ordered some dinner “Robert why did you and your wife divorce?” “how’d you know about my wife, ex-wife?” “I had to know these things while workin this case” “oh yeah I forgot, but yeah she cheated and that was nonnegotiable I was hurt really badly so we ended it” “We?” “Yeah I think we both fell out of love with one another so it was a mutual agreement between us” “Do you miss her?” “Yeah she was my wife of course” “Yeah so do you plan to get married again?” “I really don’t know I liked being married I enjoyed having someone home to come too and I enjoyed having someone to love unconditionally” Andrea sat back and crossed her legs “I hated being married too much of one person for me I felt trapped I couldn’t stay with him” “you were married?” I said a I took another sip of Chteau Margaux “Yeah but I couldn’t stay married I had to leave after three years” “You don’t seem like the married type your too free spirited and just…one man can’t handle you all on his own” “well you handled me pretty well don’t you think?” “Yeah I guess so but I’m no ordinary man babe” “No you are not, look I’ m getting in the shower I need one badly “ She stood and walked over to the bathroom door and she unzipped her dress it fell to the floor and I saw the trail of koi fish and flowers that lined her smooth sides to underneath her left breast and I then realized she was wearing nothing underneath the dress she looked back at me and I stood and watched her sway into the bathroom she sat on the edge of the bathtub and crossed her legs “Are you comin?” I smiled at Andrea and pulled off my shirt I walked over to her, she looked up at me biting her bottom lip I ran my fingers through her hair and then gripped some of it “Take off the rest ,” she obeyed without hesitation she unbuckled my pants and slid them down I stepped out of them she slowly removed my boxers she then ran her hand up my leg up to my the pit of my stomach I bent down and kissed her she took me in like a hungry lioness I didn’t play gentle either I took her tongue inside my mouth and we wrestle each other orally I finally pulled away and she stroked me into full on erection she eyed my member hungrily and she then took me into her mouth the warmth of her lips settled around my shaft she slipped it in inch by inch I let out a deep breath and let her rhythmically pleasured me my body tightened with each intake she pulled away and continued her manipulation with her hand until I released. “c’mon lets get in this shower” I took her hand and turned on the hot water it poured down her face I simply gazed at her hair stick to her body and face my eyes traveled down to her chest her breast sat perfectly erect her nipples were hard and water dripped down her body down to her womanhood I took the body wash and poured it on her body I took the cloth and started on her back and under her arms to her stomach I laced her neck with kisses that would surely leave hickies I cupped her soaked breast and clutched her nipples between my fingers she moaned faithfully my hands soon went down to her womanhood that was wet but not because of the water my fingers toyed with her insides and massaged her swollen clit her juices slid down her leg as her head rested tiredly on my chest when I felt her legs about to shake I turned her against the wall and pulled her legs up I inserted myself inside of her and penetrated her I began slowly until I felt her wall she moaned as if her body had betrayed her in letting me know how she felt I picked up my pace this time she was squealing with every plunge I kissed her once more savoring the taste of her silky tongue when she gripped my member with her insides I pushed until she screamed “Ooooh! Yes! Yes! Robert, Yes!” I pushed farther upwards and took her right breast into my mouth I suckled it tenderly until her body was buckling “Ahhhh! Fuck, Robert” she moaned and groaned until her toes curled and we came simultaneously As we breathed heavily I let her down she cocked her head on the wall and I walked out of the shower and took a towel and put on my pants and walked onto the balcony I let the cold air wisp over my chest I felt a huge wave of confusion at that moment. Andrea walked out onto the balcony and sat down next to me she wore a sheer slip I let out a breath, this woman was set on making me insane. “What’s on your mind?” “What is this? I don’t even know you. I took a break from women for exactly this reason. Casual, meaningless sex” “So everything we did in there was meaningless to you?” “I don’t even know you “ “You invited me to come with you, this is your doing hon” I exhaled deeply because it was true, I didn’t have to have sex with her, I didn’t have to invite her to come with me. “Yeah, it is, guess your right” she came closer to me and rested her head on my shoulder “But it doesn’t have to be you can change that” I looked at her a little confused it never ceased to amaze me how quickly she could change “What do you mean?” “You can get to know me and sex is only meaningless if it means nothing to you if it mean something to you then it’s not casual” “Your right tell me something about you” “Okay I’m an orphan” “Really?” “Yeah but I was lucky I got adopted by a really good family they made sure I got a good education but I wanted to be a cop so I went to the police academy and eventually I worked my way up” “So you always wanted to be a cop?” “No I didn’t, I decided to when my best friend got raped by a police officer and when we went to report it nobody did anything so I decided I would become a cop to make sure nobody went through that” “Damn, that’s crazy but yeah it happens. So is that still your motivation?” “yeah but it’s still hard to see the things I saw people can be very cruel it just…it’s like every time I think I’d seen it all something happened to change that, I think that’s why I said yes to coming here with you I’ve seen too much I need a break” I sighed “I definitely understand what you mean, in business you see people stoop to new lows everyday” “Yeah but now I just want to relax” “Yes that is definitely a plan” “What else do you wanna know?” “Tell me about you ex-husband” “Nothing much to say about him” I just laughed her face was so annoyed. For the rest we talked about Andrea and cracked jokes until the sun came up but by the time the sun was over the horizon she had fallen asleep. I awoke to an empty hotel room I took a shower and ordered breakfast for two but after four hours of waiting I began to worry. Where was she? I decided to go out just as I opened the door Andrea stood at the bottom of the steps with too many bags to count “Hey! I guess I know where you’ve been now?” “Yeah I needed clothes and stuff I got some stuff for you too” she grinned up at me “It’s so funny how happy women get after shopping” I said as I made my way down to help her “Yeah especially when we don’t pay for it” I rolled my eyes I had given her my black card for if she needed it. As we went through the foyer we both decided we should go out “but where though she asked?” she asked “We’re staying on a beach, I think we should check it out” “Yeah sounds good let me go change into bathing suit and we can go” “Yeah sounds like a plan” After I put on my swimming shorts and Andrea got dressed we left for the beach we walked along the roads of Veradero and admired the land it was covered in white sands and native flowers the cool breeze wisped through the rough heated air the light stinging of the crisp sun made my skin tingle underneath the Goosebumps that laced my skin “It’s so pretty how did you know to choose such a beautiful place?” “A friend of mine recommended it last year for my vacation” “Oh ok, ooooh! C’mon let’s get in!” I watched her turn into a child in awe of the vast crystal clear waters that crushed against the shore. I followed her and I stared at her slip backwards into the water, I fell out laughing as I rushed over to her when she finally got her footing correctly I grabbed her arm and she decided for revenge she would pull me down with her we fell and splashed around foolishly in the water I finally got up and sat on the shore line while she crawled next to me “Your pure evil Andrea” I laughed “But you love it don’t you” “Yeah I do” I leaned over and she met me halfway and our lips locked I laid her down in the sand “Not out here in public Robert” I looked over at the water and just as a wave was about to come in I pushed her into the water. Her scream pierced through my ears and I fell back laughing as she tried to get back up and the water hit her once more I laughed to the point where my stomach hurt. “That was fucked up” “Yes Yes it was” For the rest of the day we walked the rest of the island and bought things and joked around till the sun set after we decided to get some drinks and walk home. “Robert what do you think will happen between us, You know after this trip?” I stared into the dark and thought about what she said I didn’t know the answer to the question but I knew what I wanted it to be. “I don’t know, I enjoy being around you I like being with you so but,…I don’t know” She sighed with a pensive face that was youthful in some sense she was buzzed obviously so we continued to slur our way through conversation and path home. When we walked into the hotel room we both stumbled onto the floor we must have drank more than we thought, laughing sprawled across the floor and stared at the ceiling. “Did you love your ex-husband?” I don’t know where the question had come from “No” I felt a little surprised at her answer but I expected it “why did you marry him then?” “Because I wanted him, I lusted for him but I didn’t love him” “Your marriage lasted for three years on lust alone?” “No the marriage was over after the first year the other two were just because neither of us wanted to look for someone we actual loved” “So have you found love?” “If I did I wouldn’t be here Robert” she slurred as her eyes began to glass over and she fell asleep. ********************************************* I sat on the edge of the bed and waited on Andrea, we were going out to eat dinner. After putting on my shoes and brushing my hair I opened the door to the dressing room that Andrea stood in her hair was pinned up and some messy strands hairs hung low and the curly hairs on the edge clung to the nape of her neck ruched knee length gray dress that outlined her every curve and pearl studs in her ears. “You look beautiful” “Thank you babe” Three weeks had passed already and tonight we would go out to an oceanfront restaurant. “You ready to go?” “Yeah c’mon” we then walked out and the driver pulled up for us and we got in, the ride was a somber one for some reason Andrea wouldn’t look at me and she stared out the window “You okay?” I asked her I tried to touch her but she pulled away “Yeah, I’m fine” I was stumped by her sudden cold attitude it was like when first met. I sat back hoping her sour attitude wouldn’t ruin the night we had planned. When we pulled up at the restaurant she walked over to the maître d’ she looked back at me solemnly one more time and whispered something to him and the man glanced over to someone in the dining hall and before I knew it I was being dragged into a black car by men. I awoke sitting across from a man who looked to be well aged into his 60’s but his hair was a salt and pepper pigment and he was a dark skinned man obviously of Hispanic descent my face was numb and my body was sore I was tied down to a chair as I began to raise my head I noticed Andrea sitting next to the man “Well you have finally awoken, my friend” he said with a heavy accent a cigar hung from his aged lips “What the hell is going on?” I asked through my blurred vision he laughed and stood “My child you have been a bad host why don’t you explained to Mr. Lakely who you really are” I was confused who was he talking to? “My name is Adrianna Rosario this is my father Carlisle Rosario” My stomach dropped and I felt my heart skip multiple beats “What? No but you said he killed my father he’s a drug lord, you work for the FBI, how can he be your father?” she looked away and the man spoke “Yes I know this is quite confusing but let me lay it out for you. Your father made a grave mistake to steal from me, he thought he had escaped with my money but as soon as I found this out I begin to plot and scheme so I sent slew of my men to watch him in the states I sent your mother to him she seduced him they wed she became pregnant with you I made sure your mother got you the best education possible because your father was going to pay me back one way or the other, so you pushed and pushed until you became the successful man you are today so we just watched you and dropped Adrianna into your lap and I raised my baby girl well and she seduced you until you were vulnerable and now here you are heartbroken, beaten and very soon you will be broke.” He smiled deviously and with that I felt a pain that was no comparison to anything I had been told before this even the death of my father didn’t hurt as much as knowing this brutal betrayal and now knowing most of my life had been a lie my mother helped to bring down my father and I was nothing but a pawn in this sadistic man’s plot to be repaid. But none of that hurt as much as knowing that what me and Andrea –er Adrianna or whoever was fake an illusion a scam and I was a mark this pain was the true sting of betrayal I was a man I needed to have some shred of dignity left so I could not shed a tear here but it took so much to keep me from breaking down. “What do you mean?” “I told you I would be paid back one way or the other you made my money and now I plan on getting it back so your money is my money” “So you’re going to take my money?” “yes child that is exactly what I plan to do” “Ok so what am I supposed to do I worked hard all my life for what I have” “You won’t have to worry about money six feet deep son, you know you made this very easy for me you have no children or any real family so your death will have no real sting after” “So my life, my birth was all a part of your plan to be repaid?” “Yes quite creative don’t you think?” He said as he smiled and sat on the table right in front of me with each word a puff of smoke came into my face “You’re a monster” my eyes fell on Adrianna a puddle of tears formed around her eyes, once she spotted my eyes she looked away. My blood boiled how could she be crying she did this to me her and her father, Satan himself. “I have grown too old to be the monster I once was but you know if your father hadn’t betrayed me you could have been a great young man but you, you are too soft you let my daughter bring you to your ultimate death, although passion is a strong emotion it can blind even the strongest of men” I dropped my head and thought about the past three weeks I spent with Adrianna all the things we shared all the things we did none of it was true at this point I felt no reason to fear my death as he said I have no family I have nothing left to live for nothing to believe in. “Let me ask you something Robert, did you really think my daughter felt anything for you?” I said nothing “Oh there is nothing like a broken spirit to wake you up in the morning” He walked around to the end of the table and sat down “Adri get your papi the gun” she looked over at me and then her father “No papi, I can’t” “What?” “I can’t get you the gun papi I’m sorry” he sat back in his seat “I knew this would happen, ah well I am sorry to have to do this” he pulled out a gun from underneath the table, with that Adrianna ran over to me and she stood in front of me I heard her father pull the trigger and she fell back onto me her warm blood dripped into my lap I looked at the bullet hole inside her stomach my eyes stung and tears poured down my cheeks onto her cold skin “No, no please god no!” “I’m so sorry..” “No don’t go” “I love….” ********************************************* Adrianna had already alerted the American feds on what was to happen her father was arrested and I was released. She died in my arms. To this day I always reminisce on the short time I spent with her the last words to leave her mouth and the life she gave for me. I ask myself everyday if I will ever love another woman. Publication Date: November 25th 2011 https://www.bookrix.com/-haleemad
Dana McKinney Ken's Welcome Home As soon as Ken opened the door he could tell there was something different about his apartment. The first thing he noticed was the smell of roses, a light wafting smell of sweet perfume on the air. He flipped the switch on the wall next to the door, but the light didn’t come on. Wondering what the problem could be, he began to walk toward the kitchen to get a flashlight out of the utility drawer. He then noticed another smell…. grilled steak. His mouth began to water and Ken scolded himself for thinking of food when there could be a dire problem going on. He’d been out at sea for 9 days and this just wasn’t what he wanted to come home to. He’d been looking forward to quiet night and a good sleep after all the hard work he’d put in the last few days. “Damn,” he muttered under his breath. Before he entered the kitchen he could see a dim light flickering, casting shadows on the wall. When he looked through the doorway he saw a candle sitting in the middle of his small table; one lone candle and the table had been set…for two. “What the hell….” Ken quickly fumbled through the utility drawer and found a flashlight and headed back through the dark living area. He then noticed that his bedroom door was ajar and he could see more flickering light coming from inside. He slowly walked toward the door and peeked through the narrow opening, but could see only the foot of his bed and something scattered about on the bedspread and the floor. His brain was too tired to make sense of what he was seeing. Ken put his hand on the door and gently pushed it open a bit farther. He then noticed a pair of feet, feminine feet, on his bed. As he pushed the door open wider, he saw with great surprise that those feet belonged to…his beloved Dana. “What? How…?” Ken sputtered. Before he could say another word, Dana got off the bed and ran to him with her arms wide open. She practically leapt into Ken’s arms and wrapped herself around him, smothering him in kisses. After getting over the initial shock and telling himself to just go with it, he began to hold her tight and return the kisses. There’ll be plenty of time for questions and answers later, he told himself. He’d been dying to meet this girl for months now. Her lips tasted as sweet as he’d imagined in his dreams, her skin as soft as he’d hoped and her smell made him want to devour her. It had been a long time since he’d been with a woman and this one stirred feelings in him like no other woman had ever done, long before tonight. Dana stopped kissing him and pulled back slightly. She took his face in her hands and looked into his eyes. In that moment, right then and there, he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he’d met the woman he intended to spend the rest of his life with. He’d already felt it in his heart, but looking into her big brown eyes solidified that belief in his soul. This woman was his mate, his partner, his best friend, his confidant…she was his everything. “Dana, I…” he started, but she put a sweet finger over his lips to shush him. She took him by the hand and led him to the bed. Now that his eyes had adjusted to the dim light he now realized what was scattered about the floor and on the bed…rose petals. They were everywhere. He was also able to take in a bit more of her…she was dressed in a silky black negligee and nothing more. Her hair was pinned up and her neck looked delicious. Her pale skin shimmered in the light of the candles she’d lit and placed throughout the room. “May I help you get undressed, my sweet Ken?” she asked in that sultry voice of hers that drove him wild over the phone. “Of course, my sweet Dana.” She smiled then, just like in the pictures that always made his heart melt. As she came near him, the smell of her perfume wafted up to meet his nose and he felt a stirring in his loins. Her soft, small hands began to unbutton his shirt and the nearness of her was almost more than he could take. So many nights he laid awake thinking about her, imagining what it would be like to hold her, kiss her, and make love to her. And now she was here, in his bedroom, undressing him. The air around them felt electric in its intensity, feeding off of their desire and need for each other. He could tell she wanted him as badly as he wanted her. Her hands trembled a bit as she undid the last button on his shirt. She pushed it off his shoulders and let it slide off onto the floor. He still had on a white undershirt and she slowly lifted that over his head, revealing his hairy chest and stomach. Letting the t-shirt join the other on the floor, Dana put her hands on his chest and caressed him gently, looking up into his eyes. She then buried her face in his chest and took in the scent of him…he smelled of the sea, salty and masculine. She then looked back up into his face and, while she continued to make eye contact, she reached down and unbuttoned his pants. Ken let out a groan as he felt her undo the zipper. She then gently pushed his pants down off his hips and down around his ankles. He began to remove his shoes without untying them, pushing them off the back of one heel with the toe of the other. He then stepped out of his pants and stood there in nothing but his blue boxers and socks. He could no longer hide his excitement or his erection. Dana pressed herself against him and pulled his face down to meet hers. She then moved her head slightly to the left and whispered in his right ear “Save that for later, my sweet bear. I have another surprise for you.” She took him by the hand and led him to the bathroom. A trail of rose petals led the way. Dana had run a bubble bath and had placed candles all about the bathroom. She took a few minutes to light them, watching the expression on Ken’s face as she did this. He still looked perplexed, but pleased. Dana sat on the edge of the tub and put her hand into the water, testing the temperature. “Mmmm, nice. Still quite warm. Wanna join me, my love?” Ken answered by walking toward her and taking her hand. She stood up and he lifted her negligee over her head and tossed it over the towel rack. She responded by pressing herself against him and lowering his boxers to the floor. Ken took her by the hand again and they both stepped into the tub. Dana sat with her back to the rear of the tub and Ken sat down between her legs. He gently leaned back against her, feeling her naked breasts pressed against him. She whispered in his ear, “Are you comfortable, baby?” He moaned with pleasure to assure her that he was. The next 20 minutes were spent in small talk about Ken’s days out at sea and how Dana was able to talk the building manager into letting her into Ken’s apartment. The entire time they were talking and laughing, Dana was massaging Ken’s shoulders and back, helping relieve some of the tension built up over the last 9 days. They were enjoying each other’s company so much, they lost track of time. The bubbles had disappeared and the water was becoming tepid. Ken stood up and took Dana’s hand, helping her to her feet. After drying each other off, they went back to the bedroom. The smell of roses still lingered in the air and the candles flickered, casting bizarre shadows across the wall. “I still can’t believe you’re here, my sweet Dana. This is the sweetest, most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me.” “I told you I plan on spoiling you rotten. You deserve this and so much more. You are my world, Ken. I never want to be without you.” He reached out and took her face in his hands, that face he’d looked at so many times in pictures, and even a few times on webcam, the face of the woman he loved. “You’re my one-in-a million, baby. I never want to be without you, either. You’ve made me a happy man, Dana. I’ve never felt so loved, wanted or needed in my life.” Ken leaned down and kissed her sweet, moist lips. It was the most pure, passionate kiss either of them had ever experienced. Their lips locked in heavenly bliss, each tasting the other, breathing one another in. Ken’s tongue parted Dana’s lips and she met his tongue with her own, mingling, swirling, both of them dizzy with lust now. Ken reached behind Dana’s head and let her hair down. It fell in soft curls that framed her face and made her eyes look even darker and more intense. Their bodies still pressed close together, they collapsed onto the bed, continuing to kiss and grope, fondle and caress. Dana rolled Ken over onto his back and lay on top of him, kissing his face and neck as his hands traced each curve and line of her back, hips, sides and butt. She slowly began to make her way downward, kissing his collarbone, chest and stomach as she went. Ken’s erection had returned with a vengeance, but Dana ignored that for the moment. She continued to kiss him along his ribs and down to his hips and thighs. She caressed his legs as she kissed his inner thighs, running her tongue back and forth from one to the other. Ken groaned with pleasure, a deep guttural moan of satisfaction and longing. Dana stopped and looked at Ken’s face, seeing a desire and need she’d never seen before. She then took his throbbing manhood in her hand and began to stroke and squeeze it. She flicked her tongue across the tip and could tell this drove him crazy. She swirled her tongue around the head several times then took the full length of his cock in her mouth, wrapping her warm, wet lips around it, applying pressure with her mouth and continued to squeeze it with her hand. Dana began to suck, stroke and lick Ken’s cock until he was about to explode…. then she stopped. “Not yet,” she whispered. She then began to kiss back up his body, trailing her way from his groin to his stomach and chest. He agreed, “No, not yet. I want to taste my honey pot.” Dana smiled as he rolled her over on her back and began to do the same thing to her that she’d done to him…. taking his own sweet time to taste and lick, caress and fondle. He gently kissed her neck and collarbone, while caressing one breast with his hand, gently pinching the nipple and twirling it between his finger and thumb. He lightly touched her, noticing how smooth and soft her skin was to his touch. She smelled so damned good it was hard to contain his lust, but he wanted to make love to every inch of her, from head to toe. He then suckled her breasts, each in turn, flicking his tongue across the nipples and caressing them. Dana moaned with pleasure at his warm mouth on her body. She’d daydreamed of this moment so many times and now her sweet bear was making that dream come true. He then made his way down to kiss her stomach and lowered his way down to her hips and thighs. He kissed and licked every part of her he could get to. He then positioned himself between her legs and looked up at her before he gently plunged his face into his own personal honey pot. Ken flicked her clit with his tongue and felt her tremble. He knew she’d not been with a man in quite some time and he wanted to make this a night she’d never forget. He nuzzled his chin against her opening and pressed his face deeper into her wet sex. He wrapped his arms around her thighs as he partook of her, taking her in, licking and probing, exploring every fold, every crevice. Dana gripped the sheets as her orgasm took her by surprise. She arched her back and cried out, “Oh my god, Ken, yes!!” He pressed his tongue against her clit as her orgasm flowed through her. His face was soon covered in her sweet juices as he licked her clean. Ken then kissed his way back up her body until they were face-to-face again. She took his face in her hands this time and pulled his face toward hers until their lips met in another kiss that was as sweet as the first. She could taste herself on him and it aroused her even more. She could feel his hard cock pressed against her thigh and could stand it no longer. She had to have him inside her. “Please, Ken, take me. Make love to me.” Ken rose up and hovered over her, one hand on either side of her, positioning himself between her legs. He watched her face as he pressed the tip of his cock against her opening, slowly moving the head in and out. “Now, Ken” she said with urgency. He plunged himself deep inside her, feeling her legs wrap around his back just as her pussy wrapped around his cock, pulling him in. He wanted so much to thrust hard and fast, but also knew that if he did, his orgasm would come soon. He deliberately slowed down the pace and made slow, sweet love to her, kissing and caressing her. She hungrily returned those kisses and he knew she felt as strongly for him as he did for her. Her need, her want, her love was as deep. She would always be with him. He knew that in his soul. Dana knew it, too. She began to buck her hips and he knew she was nearing orgasm again. He could feel her fingernails dig into his back and he began to speed up his thrusts. He could feel his balls swell and tingle as his own orgasm neared. He called out her name just as she’d called out his. “Ohhh Dana, yes, baby!!” With one final thrust he exploded inside her, his cock throbbing and filling her. Her orgasm came at the same moment and she uncontrollably bucked her hips, taking him even deeper inside her. Ken kissed her as their bodies experienced ecstasy beyond anything either had ever known before. The wave of his orgasm lasted for what seemed like forever. He remained inside her for several minutes, continuing to hover above her, kissing and caressing her. Ken then wrapped his arms around her and rolled over onto his side, holding on to her. They lay there like that for several moments, staring into each other’s eyes, legs tangled together. This had been a night of pure erotic bliss, a wonderful surprise. Both of them knew they had to make this a lifetime thing. Neither wanted to go back to having a long-distance phone relationship. They both wanted so much more. When their heart rates and breathing had returned to normal, Ken remembered how hungry he was and the smell of the grilled steaks came to mind. “Baby, did you cook dinner?” “Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I was so excited to see you when you came home that dinner completely slipped my mind. Come on,” she said. They both got semi-dressed and went to the kitchen. The candle on the table had almost burned down to nothing so they lit another. Dana went to the oven and pulled out two delicious, perfectly cooked steaks. She’d also made baked potatoes and a salad. They sat together at Ken’s small table and fed one another, making it a very enjoyable meal. “Care for some dessert?” Dana asked. “I thought you were dessert,” Ken laughed. “Well, I suppose I was, but since you’ve already eaten me, how about some peanut butter cookies? I baked them myself.” “You do know me so well, don’t you, my love?” “Of course, but I want to know so much more….” In the next few hours they talked and laughed and made love, over and over again. Just as they’d never questioned how they met and fell in love online and over the phone, they didn’t question how good or right it felt to be with one another. It just did… Publication Date: February 8th 2011 https://www.bookrix.com/-faerie
Alice Graye Meet Mr. Wayde Meeting Mr. Wayde *June P.O.V* My name is June Carson and up until today I've lived a completely boring life. Im 18 years old and to be honest my life sucks. I live with my rich and newly divorced mother in a small mansion in california. Ive never been exceptionally good at anything but ive always been able to maintain a B average and ive never ever done a bad thing in my life. Ive also never had a boyfriend...now dont get me wrong im not ugly or crazy. Im 4'11", pale complexion , gray eyes, long curly reddish brown hair that falls just past my thigh, i have freckles all over and im 115 lbs and pretty curvy if I do say so myself. Now you must be thinking "so why are you single? you must be crazy" Well Im not crazy, the thing is my eyes do this weird thing where they change colors when my mood changes and ever since i started highschool i just havent ever made friends or gotten close to anyone since most girls tend to dislike me and other people cant stand to look me in the eyes for fear that something bad will happen to them if they see them change color(thanks to a rumor someone started in the 7th grade). And since my mom is basically a gold digging whore shes almost always out with whoever her latest boyfriend is. SO basically my life has always just been dull and ive always wanted to just be by myself... that was at least until yesterday when I got a new science teaccher and his name is Mr. Wayde. School days are usually boring since its always the same thing going on nonstop all week. But yesterday in my last period class everyone was soo excited becaue our old biology teacher Ms. Ford had retired and everyone was eager to see who our new biology teacher was... that is everyone except me because personally i didnt care. I was sitting in the same seat I always sit in Last row in the corner opposite of the door next to the back window, when the bell rang and the classroom door opened. I looked up ready to get this introduction over with when It happened. In Walked Mr. Tall dark and handsome or as he introduced himself to be "Mr. Wayde". My eyes widened and I was mentally in shock as Never in a million year would I have believed my future biology teacher would be the person standing before me. Mr. Wayde was tall perfectly built, caramel colored complexion, honey eyes with black silky hair that fell slightly into his eyes. Mr. Wayde walked into the classroom pulled the roster out and took attendance before he introduced himself to us. Then as he was telling us about the work we would soon be starting he looked around the room and upon making eye contact with me his eyes widened for just a second and then he smirked and said "I know you'll ALL get along great with me." Now normally I would have been like "whatever" and maybe a little giggly if it wasn't for the fact that...I had met Mr. Wayde before and he definitly remembered me. I have an older brother named Mason. Hes's 23 and in college to become an architect. He is a really great older brother but the one thing I cant stand about him is the fact that he has the dumbest most annoying friends in the history of the earth. Last summer my brother let me live with him at his private college apartment. My parents were having a month long honeymoon vacation in europe and as much as I loved the sound of european boys i did not want to spend a month alone with my lovey-dovey parents. And since my brother lives alone in his college apartment he practically begged me to stay for the summer with him. FOr the most part we had a lot of fun. We went to the beach the amusement park and just hung out like most siblings do. The only thing that went wrong was that his friends would habitually flirt and be all weird with me. It was annoying since they were all arrogant jerks who needed to keep their hands to themselves, thank god for my brother who always knew when to step in. On the last week of my vacation with Mason he got a phone call. When my brother saw the caller I.D he grabbed the phone went in his room and did not come out for an hour... I assumed he was having phone sex with his new girlfriend but as it turned out i was mistaken. I looked at my brother as he walked out of his room with a giddy smile on his face. "Was that your gf??" i asked not really caring for an answer since i didnt really want to hear all the gross things he was probably saying to her. "Nope" he said in a much too excited voice. I turned around and stared questioningly at him. "What is it??". Mason started to grin uncontrollably and then all of the sudden he scooped me up and spun me around "Im the best brother ever!!!!" he shouted " WHY IS THA-" but he stopped me mid sentence and yelled "WERE GOING TO A PARTAAYYYY!!!!!" My eyes grew wide as i processed what Mason had just told me. Apparently the person on the phone was a very close now best friend that he'd made in his first year of college whom i'd never met. He said his name was Danny and that he was back in town to visit his best friend *my stupidly grinning brother* and he and my brother just decided/ planned an entire party to celebrate. "Damn in one fucking hour?! you guys work fast." I laughed. "Yup we do the party is in four hours so get ready" and with that my brother nonchalantly went back in his room to get ready. I decided what the hell I could probably use a party and so I got ready. Since it was just going to be an average pool party among what I heard to be at least 60 college students I decided to go cute and casual and try not to draw too much attention to myself. Text: Alice Jane Graye All rights reserved. Publication Date: March 5th 2013 https://www.bookrix.com/-coquitoprinc3ss
Nikki Salvatore The sun finally comes up Don't tempt the beast within Prologue My breath stilled as I watched the white syringe plunge into my vein. Watched the man push down the plunger. The tan liquid entered my body, causing my body to jerk in response. The man in white scrubs lightly touched my head as if he were sorry. He then cleans my arm and wraps it up. With out doing anything else, he leaves and locks the door behind him. I closed my eyes and breathed in when my veins erupted in squeezing tremors. I screamed, as my veins started to to convulse tighter. What are they doing to me. I thought as my eyes and nose started to burn. The machine I was hoked up to started to beep uncontrollably. My heart began to beat as fast as the machine, I threw my head back and screamed. All of a sudden, everything started to slow down. The machine, the tremors, my heart. They all started to slow down, very fast. A trickle of sweat slowly ran down the side of my face. My heart started to convulse as the tan liquid started to take over my body. As my heart slowed to one beat and convulsed for the last time, I dimly heard a lions roar. Never linger History, the most boringest subject in the world. Who wants to learn about the past? Not me, I live in the present. I see no need for History or science. I will never be a major in either one of them. Mr. Calhoun was going on about something from the Civil War. I wasn’t paying attention. I was watching the clock, waiting for it to strike three. After school I had to go to track and soccer practice, not to mention gymnastics at eight. I loved doing these activities , I just wish they were on Thursday. No, all three had to be on Wednesday. I absolutely hated Wednesday because that’s when we usually had test. Today was a little different though. Our science teacher got fired, so all test were canceled. “Serena?” someone called my name. I looked up and saw Mr. Calhoun staring at me. “Yes sir?” I asked with a confused tone. “Can you tell me when the Civil War ended?” He asked amused. I sighed and said, “No I can’t tell you Mr. Calhoun, I’m sorry.” Mr. Calhoun looked at me and said, “No your not, you just don’t care about history, so you don’t try. I asked you a simple question, I have already said the answer several times already.” I was about to reply when the bell rang, stopping whatever rude comment I was about to say. I grabbed me stuff and ran out the door, heading to my dark blue Mustang. I sighed and ran my hands through my long, curly red hair. Today had been a really tiring day, I was just glad that school was over. Tying my hair into a messy bun, I started the car. After track, soccer and gymnastics was over, I was walking towards my car when I heard glass break. I stopped and looked around, seeing nothing I continued to walk. I had just put my hand on the door handle when a hand wrapped around my mouth and twisted my neck until I was unconscious. When I woke up, I had the worst headache in history. I tried moving my arms, but found out that they were strapped down. “Don’t be afraid unul mic.” A very deep, seductive voice said from behind me. “Why shouldn’t I? After all you did abduct me.” I sarcastically said. “Yes, well that was the only way to make you come with me.” the stupid man said. “Oh, really. Well I guess you are right, why would someone like me come with a man like you? It doesn’t make any sense.” I yelled sarcastically. Suddenly a very tan, muscular, tall, sexy man stepped into my view. His hair was black as midnight, his eyes were green as grass and his washboard abs were to die for. I could just imagine me licking them all day. Wait what was I thinking this man had captured me, I should not be thinking this way. The thing was, I couldn’t help myself, I was attracted to him. The man stared at me with hot, sexy, intense eyes. As if he knew what I was thinking, the man ran a finger down my bare leg. That was when I realized that I was naked, strapped to a table. I couldn’t stop the moan that escaped my lips as he continued to run his finger down my leg, very slowly. “You like that don’t you unul mic?” the man seductively said, as he climbed over me. “Yes, what are you going to do to me?” I asked him, out of breath. “why unul mic, I ma going to make love to my mate.” He said smiling. “Wait, what the hell is a mate?” I asked him, confused. What the hell was a mate, this man is human. Masterful Mating “Well dragoste, a mate is someone who only belongs to one man or women. Also the mate can only get pregnant or impregnate their mate.” he said like it was totally obvious. “Well I can say that I am not your mate. I mean, why me. Out of all those super model women, why me?” I asked. “I don’t want a super model women, they discust me. I want you, my mate. You scent and body are so addictive.” He murmured while kissing my check. “Take the binds off, there hurting me.” I said while twisting my arms and legs. Not realizing what I was doing. “Mhhh, dragoste, why that sounds lovely.” He said, going for my hands. When his hands touched mine, a electrical feeling went up my arms and down my legs, causing me to shiver. The man then quickly tore my binds off. He was going for his pants when I stopped him. “Wait, before we have sex, whats your name?” I asked, out of breath once again. “Saber, my name is Saber. Yours is Serena, correct?” he asked, amused. I nodded and grabbed his head and kissed him on the lips roughly, causing him to moan. Saber took hold of my hip and grinded against me. With shaking hands, I took his pants off. When his shaft came free I gasped, it was long, thick and hard. I giggled when he spread my legs apart. “Wait, what kind of animal are you?” I asked. He looked at me. “I am a Saber tooth tiger.” “Enough talking, just fuck me already!” I yelled. Publication Date: February 20th 2012 https://www.bookrix.com/-nikkilyn
LittleDragon18 Social Predator Chapter One Cassie McNeil stared intently at him. Nick knew what she wanted. He knew what all the women he dated wanted. His money. All the high society woman were all the same. He ran a hand through his shaggy black hair. At only twenty-one, women thought he was naïve and an easy target. His older brother was already married and his twin sister wasn’t interested in anything but her career. He watched Cassie as she made her way across the ballroom. Her crimson dress hugged her slender body. The neckline dipped and curled under her breasts. Nick wanted to put an ice cube down the back of her dress to see if her breast would fall out if she jumped. Cassie flung her natural blond hair over her shoulders and her baby-blue eyes scanned him. Nick struggled not to roll his eyes. “Hello Nick, great party.” She purred. Nick only nodded and turned away from her. Cassie didn’t like this and pressed her body up against his side. “Now don’t be like that.” She pouted. Nick turned his ice-blue eyes on her and he felt her melt against him. No woman could resist his eyes. They were his best feature. He had a strong jaw line and sharp features. He sighed, already bored out of his mind. “Please let go of me. I’ll come and find you later.” He promised. Out of her grasp he was free and made his way to the nearest exit. The balcony was out the back of the huge nineteenth century style mansion. It was three stories high and the balcony had stairs coming off it at both sides and it looked over the huge pool. He watched India dance with a stockbroker. India had the delicate features of their mother and most people didn’t believe that they were actually twins. They had the same black dragon tattoo on their left shoulder blade. India’s strapless dress showed hers off. Nick looked around for their father, but he could guess where he was. Dear daddy was probably up in his bedroom banging yet another socially starved whore. Nick sensed Maria before she put her arms around his waist. “Hey stud, what are doing out here without me?” she teased. He rolled his eyes; he thought the word whore and one appeared. Maria was his father’s business partner’s daughter and she was desperate to get her claws into him. She had tried to get the oldest son, Robert, but failed. Now she had her sights set squarely on Nick. He spun in her arms and kissed her on the cheek. There was no reason why he shouldn’t use her just like she wanted to use him. If his father was screwing everything that walked, he could too. “You look stunning.” He smiled and she giggled. Maria was wearing a lilac satin dress that had very thin straps holding it up. Nick knew from experience that they broke easily. Maria was an extremely attractive woman, he couldn’t deny that. She had dark brown hair that hung in natural ringlets to just past her shoulders and her eyes were amber. As he thought of her body he felt himself get a hard-on. She felt it to as she pressed against him. “Lets get outta here baby.” He whispered in her ear as he grabbed her hand and pulled her back into the party and out the other side. The main entrance was quiet as he half pulled her up to his room. With the door closed, he pressed Maria up against it and kissed her. His lips parted hers and their tongues started to dance together. He massaged her breasted over her dress and felt her smile. Maria pushed him over to the bed and sat him down, unbuttoning his black shirt. She kissed down his body until she got to the barrier of his pants. Without any hesitation, she undid his belt, his zip and pulled his boxers down. His erected cock sprang free and Maria licked her lips hungrily. “Wow. Its huge.” She breathed, her delight evident on her beautiful face. Nick smirked. He knew that she said that to every guy she sucked off. Maria started at the base of his penis and dragged her tongue up his shaft until she reached the head. A shiver ran through Nick and Maria swirled her tongue around before putting as much of his hardness into her mouth. Nick leaned back as she began sucking and playing with the tip if him with her tongue. With her hand she gripped his shaft and started pumping it as hard and fast as she could. A moan escaped Nick’s mouth. With every passing second, he was feeling better, the feeling getting stronger. Maria used her free hand to play with herself. That only excited Nick more and she knew that it would. Nick’s orgasm hit then and he exploded in Maria’s mouth. Maria froze for a moment before she swallowed and licked the little bit of cum that had escaped from her mouth. Nick lay back on the bed and she crawled up beside him. Taking his hand, she placed it on her breast. Nick started massaging it again and felt the nipple harden. He smiled wickedly, sitting up and pulling her dress up to her hips. As he expected, she wasn’t wearing any underwear. She had shaved down there and he kissed her. As he moved down, he slid his tongue down into her inner lips and began flicking his tongue. Maria moaned and Nick flicked her clit, causing her body to shudder. As he did this, he slid his middle finger into her. She let out an appreciate moan and Nick pulled and pushed his finger in and out of her and Maria began panting. He slipped in another finger and she started panting harder and he touched her G-spot for a few seconds and felt the reaction he was expecting. For those few seconds, her body had began to rock and she began getting louder. He stopped licking her and pulled his fingers out, his cock ready for round two. “What are you waiting for? Fuck me already!” she begged. Nick pushed her over and pulled her waist up, her face on the blanket. His shoved his hardness into her and began pounding her without mercy. Maria moaned as he hit her G-spot and played with her clit. He swirled his finger around it, rubbed at and pressed it as he rubbed it, intensifying the sensation. Nick felt her muscles spasm and contract as they tightened around his dick. He knew that she was just moments away from an orgasm and he stopped. “What are you doing?” the outrage in Maria’s voice made him want to laugh. “You know what I want to hear.” He sniggered. Maria clenched her teeth and Nick started rubbing her clit again. “Please fuck me master. I’m a dirty girl who wants it badly.” She begged. Nick sniggered again before he continued. He brought Maria to the best orgasm that she had ever had. It made her whole body vibrate and it ran all the way from her core to the tip of her skin. Nick came inside her and let her fall onto the bed, unable to move form her pleasure. He fixed himself and left her there. Chapter Two He rejoined the party and spotted Maria’s father chatting to a woman that was even younger than his daughter. Now that Nick was satisfied, he didn’t feel as bored by the party. In fact, he even began to enjoy himself. Nick knew that Cassie was watching him. She walked right over to him and he pulled her close. She smiled like she had just won the lottery, and in this case, she might as well had. Nick was worth over forty-six billion dollars – even without his father’s money. Nick slid his hand from her back to ass and squeezed it. Cassie smiled and pushed her body closer to his. “Lets go upstairs.” She purred and he smiled at her. She had no idea what he had planned for the thirty-seven year old whore. Very sneakily, he took her hand and left to use one of the spare rooms. “Your gonna love this baby.” He smirked. Before the door had even closed, Cassie had slipped out of her dress and stood in just a black thong. Nick felt his cock press against his pants again. She walked over to him and kissed his neck. This did nothing for him but he let her do it. She worked her way up to his lips and they kissed hungrily. Nicked picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist as he walked over to the bed. He threw her down and jumped on top of her. He licked from her neck to her breasts, rolling the first nipple around with his tongue. Cassie moaned lightly and he felt it get hard. He sucked on it gently while rolling its twin around between his thumb and index finger. “That’s so good.” Cassie whispered. Nick continued to play with her nipples as he pulled off his belt. “Let tie you up.” he asked. Cassie raised a disobedient eyebrow and nicked rubbed his cock on her thong and she nodded. He rolled her over and pulled her arms around to her back, closing the belt around her wrists. Although she would never admit it, being tied up turned Cassie on. Nick completely stripped, showing off his toned, muscular body. Cassie smiled as she watched nick push her leg apart and stick his tongue inside her. Immediately he went straight for her G-spot. He wanted to punish her more than anything else. He felt her body shake as she neared her climax- then he stopped. “What are you doing?” she demanded and nick only chuckled. “There’s no point in going all the way without any anticipation.” He sniggered. Cassie glared at him and that only delighted nick more as he pulled her into a sitting position and sat behind her. He massaged her breasts and played with her clit, flicking it only a few times then running his hand along her thigh. All the while his dick was throbbing, begging him to fuck her. He needed some relief. He pulled Cassie around and forced her head down on his cock. Cassie obediently deep-throated it and, Nick felling his climax, pulled her head off and he shot his cum all over her face. “Please Nick! I need you!” Cassie cried, she was so horny that it was beginning to hurt a little. Nick sighed before he pulled her onto his lap, making his dick go into her back passage. Cassie let out a moan. She was well known for liking it both ways. His hands on her ass, he pulled her up and down, listening to her moan. He wondered why he hadn’t gotten soft after he came, Maria had been more beautiful than Cassie. But perhaps it was because he had expected Cassie’s body to be old but it was better than Maria’s. Whatever the reason, he didn’t care. He was getting his satisfaction. He pulled out of her and Cassie on her back as he rammed into her front. He felt her body squirm as her muscles clenched. She was orgasming and he was close to another climax. Cassie let out a scream as she climaxed and at the same time Nick came. He pulled out of her and lay beside her, waiting to get hard again to torture her some more. Publication Date: August 8th 2011 https://www.bookrix.com/-littledragon18
MagicalPixieUnicorns We never should be alone together A Dean/Sam slash fiction I dedicate this to Eric Kripke for making the Supernatural show. I also dedicate this to my friend, Lacey, for giving me the inspiration to write this. "Hey,come on. Lets just at one of those dinky little motels." Sam said, motioning for Dean to pull into the motel parking lot just a mile up the road. "Yeah you're right. I'm beat. The damn angels and ghouls just about killed me." Sam could detect a slight hint of sarcasm in Dean's voice when he said that, but could care less. The day had been one of their worst. Zachariah had giveen them hell all day. He'd been trying to persuade Dean to do one of his deals; but nobody trusts Zachariah because he's a traitor and he never follows up on his end of the deal. And on top of that they had been chasing demons and ghouls all over this little town in Oregon. Fortunately neither of them had gotten hurt, they were just extremely exhausted. Dean slowed the Impala and turned into the nearly desolate parking lot of a shabby, run-down motel. "Well, doesn't this place look like crap?" Dean asked, rhetoricall paying no attention to the old pair of dull emerald green eyes that appeared out the dirtied window of what Sam thought was the office. "We've been in worse." Sam said, shrugging his shoulders and immediately regretting it as pain shot through his shoulders, down his back and into his arms. Dean sighed, put the Impala in park, shut it off, got out in one swift and fluid motion. The shiny black coat of paint gleamed and glinted in the moonlight. Sam got out and followed Dean to the tiny office that held the keys to the rooms. "It's your turn, Sammie." Sam sighed, hating this more and more. Every time he had to getthe keys, they always gave them the Honeymoon suite and they always assumed they were gay. And Dean always played out these fantasies by giglling, calling him honey, and smacking him on the ass. Sam always acted like he hated it, but he secretely harbored feelings for his brother that not even God himself could make him confess. They stepped into the office and Sam went up to the counter; Dean trailing not far behind him. The guy with the old, dull emerald green eyes from his chair and placed his hands on the counter. "What can I do for ya boys?" he asked in an old, cracked southern voice. Sam cleared his throat. "Can we get a room?" The man arched an eyebrow and looked pastSam to Dean, who was smilingthe delicious smile of his. Turning on the charm!!! "That'll be twenty-five dollars." the man said, shaking his head in disgust. These gayes is overrunning the country. he thought to himself, while exchanging the twenty-five dollars for the Honeymoon suite key. "Thanks." Sam said, taking the key. It was a worn out, rusted key. So old, in fact, if not for the tiny hearts at the top of the key, you wouldn't be able to tell that it was the key for the honeymoon suite at all. "Come on, honey. Don't want to be late for that 'wrestling match', now do we?" Dean giggled and smacked Sam on the ass, not noticing the disgusted and disgruntled looks from the old man. Not even noticing how Sam's pants grew a little tighter around the crotch area or how his walk was a little quicker than his usual pace. They walked the short distance from the office to the suite in silence. Which in Dean's minds eye was okay, because he was having a terrible time keeping his eyes off of his brother's ass. He knew it was wrong to think this way about his brother, but he couldn't help the massive load of sexual tension he felt every time he started up a conversation. The fact that they stayed in the same motel room every time they got one, didn't help the situation at all either. They got to the door and Sam unlocked it and stepped into a very romantic looking room. The walls were red, the flors pink. There were beads hanging all over the place. The bed was heart-shaped with silky, red sheets. There was a light jazzy sounding music coming from the speakers beside the bed. "Well this looks cheerful." Dean said, softlyclosing the door behind him. Sam looked up at him, rolled his eyes, and went back to playing with the little beads swaying over the archway leading to the bed, all the while glancing at Dean from the cornerof his eye. Damn he looks sexy as hell tonight. Sam thought, looking at the way his grey Aeropostale shirt didn't quite go over his tight looking ass. And how his jeans clung semi-tightly to his bulge, leaving just enough room to imagine what was underneath those jeans. Dean sighed and shifted his weight from one leg to the other, anxiety filling his every breath as the sexual tension lay itslef over the room. Dean sighed again and finally spoke up. "Look Sammie. Dude, I know this feeling that I feel for you is wrong, but I want you in my pants. Right Now." Sam breathed out a sigh of relief and then laughed. "You want me in your pants" more laughter. "Yeah. Now. I know its wrong, but even you can't deny you don't feel this desire." he said, slowly walking up to Sam. His breathing slightly deepening the closer he got to him. "Yeah, I feel it too. I've wanted this, wanted you, for, uh, for a long time." Dean was standing in front of Sam now. A strand of hair fell into Sam's eyes. Dean brushed it behind his ear and lightly tugged Sam's face to his, pressing his lips to his in that intense, desire driven kiss. The kiss was mor than just passionate, it was needy, hungry, and filled with lust. Sam lightly bit Dean's lip and Dean pulled Sam closer to him, grinding hiships into Sam's hard on. Sam growled and stripped Dean of his shirt and had started working on hi belt, when Dean pulled his hands up. "Nuh-uh. My turn." Dean backed Sam up to the bed. The back of Sam's knees hit the bed and Dean pushed him lightly back onto the bedand straddled him. Dean leaned over him and kisse him hungrily, sliding his tongue over Sam's bottome lip, asking for entrance. Sam gave it to him greedily. Dean's tongue darted inside Sam's mouth exploring every inch of it. While Sam undid Dean'sbelt and unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. Dean did the same with Sam's pants. He unbuttoned and unzipped them, pulled them off and tossed them to the otherside of the room. Dean's pants went flying a second later. Sam's shirt was after that. "I want you so bad." Sam moaned, rubbing his hard on with Dean's. Dean groaned. "Then you'll have me." Dean took off his blue striped boxer-briefs. He bent his mouth over the waist band of Sam's grey boxers and pulled them down with his teeth. "But first," said Dean, bending back over Sam's mouth and kissing his way down his hard package. "I'm going to make you beg for it." He took Sam's hard cck into his mouth and bobbed his head up and down slowly, sucking the head. Sam groaned and thrust his hips,making Dean speed up. Dean took his right hand and began playing with Sam's balls, while stroking his hard shaft with the other. Dean rubbed his cock against Sam's, making him moan and groan and thrust his hips into Dean's. "God, Dean. I want you in me. Please." Dean smirked and rolled Sam over and placed the tip of his cock ainst the edge of Sam's asshole. He slowly thrust into him, not wanting to hurt him. "Oh, God. More Dean, more." Dean did as asked. He thrust his cock all the way inand continued thrusting, slowly at first, then picking up speed as Sam's hole tighten and released. Dean groaned, thrusting in faster ad harder as Sam arched his back. Sam groaned a loud and final groan as he came. A few seconds later Dean fell over Sam's naked body, panting and perspiring heavily. Dean pulled out of Sam and crawled to the top of the bed, where he snuggled under the silky sheets and patted the spot beside him for Sam. Sam crawled up beside Dean and slithered under th sheets, snuggling into Dean's chest. "I love you, Dean." "I love you too, Sammie." Sam wrapped his arms around Dean and happily fell asleep. Publication Date: October 25th 2011 https://www.bookrix.com/-magicalpixieunicorns
angel wolfe once forgoten for my friend katt love u chika and ben for being there for me when life knocked me down love u both to death chapter one August 4th 1943 This marks the day that allied forces flooded Berlin, capital of Germany. The German put up a good fight but the allies fought harder. Hoarding the most advanced weapons such as; machine guns, fighter planes, and grenades that would last a life time. The allies took no precautions no short cuts in the war. However every one of the allied soldiers where bone dead tired, ready to return to their families. Only a few where thrilled by the war, who craved the sensation that came with the extermination of every Nazi soldier in their path and weren’t disturbed by the brutality of the world today. Those are the crazies, the outcast. Even in war. Benjamin Q. Hayz was one of those outcasts. He was over four thousand years old he didn’t care what those humans labeled him as. He lived to kill that was what he was bread for, to kill and nothing more. Well he may stop to play along with society every once in a while out of pure boredom but other than that all he did was kill. He traveled all the realms, which he was aloud in, portraying himself as a hit man or assassin if you will. Killing whoever he had been hired to and then some. He was in the realm of roka, a realm of dragon demi gods, when he was hired by the council member of this disgusting realm called earth. He hated the place as soon as he stepped foot through the portal. That is until he saw the monstrosity the realm was in. bodies lay everywhere piled five to six feet above ground, bombs gently flowing down until they hit the ground destroying everything in its path. He could get used to it here. His murders would go unrecognized by any of the humans. Blah! Humans! Worst creatures ever created a nuisance and a waste of a realm. This realm would be better without them. He had to tolerate them for the sake his assignment. But he had finished that months ago. He had been so caught up in the war and the killings he couldn’t leave. It was a total free for all. He was welcome to any one he wanted to kill without penalty. Every day he woke with a huge smile knowing he could freely kill those sick minded Nazi’s. MIDNIGHT Anna couldn’t see anything but the back of the man’s bare back as she ran. She couldn’t feel her legs any more she wanted to stop and take a break but the man wouldn’t let her hand go. He would stop only for a few seconds before taking off again. She couldn’t remember who this man was. Only that he was important, and she couldn’t remember why they were running. She’d ask him why they were running and who he was over and over again, but he’d never say anything. Just keep running and running. They suddenly came to a clearing where a group of gloomy distraught creatures awaited them. Their lips moved but shouldn’t hear what they were saying. She attempted to read their lips but for some strange reason she couldn’t. Then out of nowhere the man falls blood oozing from his mouth and nose. Against her will her knees plopped to the floor next to him horrified. However she did not have time to ponder what happen to him now. The gloomy creature was running toward her now blade extended, but before she could try to defend herself she found herself alone in the dark ,but it was dark only for a few minutes before she was devoured by another dream completely forgetting the others. Oh this isn’t a dream Anna realized as she peered upward to see her mother Dunkley swaying over her a sneer branded on her face. How she kept finding beer in the middle of a war baffled Anna. "What the hell you crying ‘bout gal!” Sharon snapped kicking Anna side. She sat up scratching her head confused. She whipped at her eyes and sure enough they were wet. Weird she thought. Why in the hell had she been crying? She dug deep inside her memories attempting to solve the mystery tear shed only to come a blank She shrugged it off. You betta shut the fuck up before the Russians find us” with one more kick to the side and Sharon wobbled her way to the corner. Weird. The sound of sirens wailing outside woke Anna from her dreamless sleep. She kept her eyes closed in hope of when she finally opened them she would be snuggled in bed her father calling her name from downstairs after making blue berry pancakes. Mmm! Blue berry. With a little bit more confidents Anna opened one eye. Disappointment hit as she took in the ran down dirty shack that was the safe house. She looked around at everyone’s tired stressed faces. Her eyes fell apron her mothers and surprisingly chubby little brothers glaring faces. Out of nowhere a bunch of fist came thrashing down on her. "You lil bitch” someone whispered slashed yelled. All that damn crying and screaming the Russians gonna find us,” someone else didn’t bother to lower their voice. Now if her father was here he would’ve calmed everyone down with his smooth talking, but since he wasn't she took it like a man. Wait crying, screaming. She wasn't crying nor screaming. Why would she be? Dodging most of the enraged fist that where hammering her sides and face, she waited patiently for everyone to finish before finally speaking. "I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She tried to remain as calm as she. "How in the hell you not know!” her mother spat with another kick to the side "Will you stop kicking me?” Anna exclaimed shooting up from her crouched position. "Shhhh!” everyone exclaimed in perfect union as the sirens wailed louder outside. "Look what you done did.” Her mother snapped "Well you shut up” it took everything in Anna’s power not to slap the shit outta her. The room finally fell silent. Anna sighed in relief as the sirens came and went .she was ready for this war to be over. She was tired of waking up to the sounds of sirens wailing, planes flying, and the bombs –oh god the bombs. Worst of all was this disgusting rat infested moldy shake she had been calling home for the past two years. Everyone here was crazed, or somewhere close to it, and starved. Everyone not including her, surprisingly chubby little brother joseph. The food was scarce, and most of the rations that had been scavenged where no good and had to be thrown out. However water was no problem at all. They had enough water to last a lifetime. It was figuring out what was safe to drink and what wasn't that was the problem. And retrieving the water without being seen by the Russians was becoming a big problem. "Ugh” Anna sighed plopping down. Well at least I’m still alive. She thought Sirens! Those damn sirens. Benjamin hated those damn sirens. They ruined his killing mojo. Trying his best to ignore the sirens he continued to pound the German’s face in. or at least who he thought to be a German solider. The dead man wore a German uniform so he had to be a solider-Right? Oh well too late now. Benjamin shrugged he was suddenly bored with his toy and dropped it so it lay at his feet. He went to follow the marching allies when he heard the ground crunch behind him. He turned at the waist to see a shorter than him German shaking like a leaf a clinching a white flag in each hand. Pathetic, not even worth Benjamin's time. Out of pure boredom he quickly snapped the man’s neck driving a knife through the man’s stomach. Overkill! Benjamin laughed a little to in to it but was a brutally cut short as the sirens sounded overhead. "Someone kills the damn sirens!” he yelled even though no one could hear him. Benjamin Q. Hayz. ”someone called. " Yeah.” Benjamin looked up from his kill to see the commanding officer making his way toward him. " What!” he snarled when the lanky man did not say anything "Um” the man scratched his head taking a step backwards examining the dead bodies that surrounded Benjamin. Smart man. I have an assignment for you” the commander cleared his throat holding out a folder for him. "What do I need to do” Benjamin waved away the folder. "Ugh. You and –“he stopped flipping through the contents of the folder.” You and private Johnson and Marcus will go around searching for Germans.” "Pfft he had been doing that all day. He guessed that’s why they told him to do it. "You’re looking for citizens” commander clarified.” Not German soldiers. You will not kill the citizens.” "Then what the hell am I supposed to do “Benjamin rolled his eyes annoyed "Led them to safety” the commanding officer said. "Pfft you got the wrong man” he snorted” I'm here to kill not escort.” might as well tell him straight "Are you disobeying your commanding officer” ha! His voice cracked. "No I’m saying you have the wrong one sir.” don’t kill him ben. The little voice inside his head warned, but it was becoming really hard not to. "Oh yeah he’ll do it” Marcus butted in throwing his arms around Benjamin’s shoulder. If it would have been anyone else Benjamin would have went off the deep end, but he had grown close to Marcus over the past few years. He was alright for a vampire. ”aint that right Ben” "Yeah” he sighed. With a nod the commanding officer left to attend to some wounded soldiers. " We can kill some Nazi's while we’re at it” Marcus assured him. Benjamin brushed off his friends hand from his shoulder walking the opposite direction of which the allies where going. A few minutes past before they came across a wounded Nazi. Benjamin really needed to let off steam. Taking his gun he shot the man several times in the knee, a very painful place to get shot in, letting him suffer for a bit before slitting the man’s throat. "You were abused as a child weren’t you.” Marcus wondered aloud. “Nope” "A banded” he asked “Nope” To be honest Benjamin didn’t remember his child hood at all. Now that he thought about it; his first four hundred years where one big painful blur. Painful as in it hurts to think about it. Every time he tried he’d get a mind numbing head ache and a sharp pain would attach his chest. Once he asked one of his oldest sisters what had happened to him then. She had made the most terrified face like she had been sentenced to two thousand lashes and ran off screaming for her mother, that’s when it began to get under his skin. He asked everyone he knew including his twelve brothers and five sisters, everyone had that same terrified expression and started sweating like crazy. It bugged him for years and years to come, but all he could recall was long auburn haired and a weird shad of hazel eyes. Don’t think about it .his chest was already starting to ache He shook his head. Focusing on his assignment ………. "Ugh” Marcus complained as Johnson checked yet another empty building.” This is stupid” Four hours of walking around searching millions of empty buildings, Benjamin could’ve been out there killing Nazis right now. It would be a lot more walking, but a hell of more of fun than searching every empty, torn down buildings they past. "We should turn around” Benjamin said impatiently. "No” Johnson snapped.” We gotta check all of them” "There’s no one out here” Marcus turned his arms extended.” You see anybody” Johnson shook his head. "no" "Ben do you see anyone?” he asked "Not a soul.” Benjamin smiled looking around him "Okay then let’s go back” Marcus and Benjamin started in the direction that the allies had headed. "Wait what that over there” Johnson called from behind them With a sigh they both turned to see what Johnson was bitching about. Benjamin eyes followed Johnson’s extended index finger over to a pile of rubble. Hidden under a car cut into pieces was a small chubby boy curled up in a ball shivering and crying. So today wasn't a total waste Benjamin thought as they cautiously made their way to the boy. "Hey you” Johnson called out to the kid. Startled the boy ran crying out something in German. Extending his arm a few inches Ben was able to grab the boy by his shirt. "Do you know English” Benjamin didn’t mean to sound rash but it was too late now. The boy nodded a soft whimper escaping his lips. "Let me talk to him.” Johnson sighed grabbing the boy’s shirt. With ease he lifted him on the hood of the broken car. "What’s your name” Johnson asked "J-j-j-joseph.” The boy sniffled "Joseph where are your folks” Johnson asked Benjamin impatiently shifted his weight to his right foot. Can’t we just kill the kid and move on. Benjamin huffed "T-t—t-t- they are in hiding.” The kid stuttered.” Somewhere over there” they’re eyes followed the boys hand to more piles of rubble standing in the middle of it all was a broken down shack looking like building. How in the hell did they miss that. "Let’s get this over with” Marcus impatiently huffed The boy did a quick rap on the broken door then said something in German. Rattling came from inside the disgusting shack before the door swung open. A woman ran out hugging the boy close to her bosom crying something in German. It took a while before the women finally noticed the men. "Oh my” she exclaimed. Annoyed Benjamin stepped around the women into the cramped dirty shack. Ugh disgusting. How could anyone live here? Rotted food lay scattered around along with some rats. The people looked like walking skeleton well except for the little boy. He looked like he had been living the good life throughout the war. Look what you done did” the women yelled at someone from the corner of his eye he saw something move. He slightly turned his head the slightest so he could see who or what it was. He almost dropped out. Auburn hair and now that he can see hazel red and brown eyes. Auburn hair hazel eyes! Auburn hair hazel eyes! Benjamin couldn’t stop himself from staring at the girl with auburn hair hazel eyes. As Johnson and Marcus struggled to gather the panicky group Benjamin stood there watching the girl with keen eyes. She was so familiar. He had to know her from somewhere, but where. He dug deep into his memories digging deeper and deeper until he hit a brick never ending mental brick wall. He pushed against it effortlessly, it only moved about an inch but he was immediately flooded with once forgotten memories chapter two He was suddenly backed in the realm of roka again but instead of the normal cities inhabited by demonic like –but not- creatures it was peaceful and quiet. He took in the surprisingly calming scenery in awe. "Ben” a women’s velvet voice whispered from behind. Drawing a knife he didn’t have, he swirled around coming face to face with nothing. "Ben.” It was right at his ear this time. Suddenly softs hands where wrapping themselves around his neck from behind. Long finger nails where massaging his chest. "Ben.” Her breath was intoxicating as she whispered in his ear. There’s that damn pain in his chest again, but he ignored it focusing on the women’s words. Even though he couldn’t understand a word she was saying it was giving him all weird mixture of feelings, weird in a good way, lust being one of the main feelings. She spoke with her hands. One hand moved from his shoulders to his stomach running from his belly button snaking under his shirt. With a low groan he turned to face her she was gone. The roka realm disappeared into a misty fog. In just a few short seconds he was back in the dirty shack once again. "Ben buddy. You alright.” When Marcus hand clamped down on Benjamin's shoulder Benjamin nearly jumped out of his skin. "Huh? What?” Benjamin shook his head as if to clear it. "You okay?” Marcus asked slowly removing his hand,” You look a little out of it.” "Yeah I’m fine.” He threw his attention back to the girl who gave him the strangest look. Her eyes weren’t hazel anymore they were this lustful golden, honey brown that hypnotized Benjamin. Getting up she quickly closed the space between them speaking in another tongue. Not German, but some other language that he was to dumbstruck to figure out. "English women!” he told her pushing aside his annoyance it seemed wrong to be annoyed at her for same strange reason. She stopped in midsentence raising an eye brow before whispering.” Ben.”She reached up to stroke his face, but before her fingers came in contact with his stubbly chin she passed out. "Bloody hell!” Benjamin and Marcus exclaimed in perfect unison moving to asses. "No leave her!” the women holding joseph yelled. She looked like she had been stabbed. “Leave her right there. She aint gots nobody anyhow her folks aint want her and neither do we.” "Fine by me.” Marcus shrugged and for some reasons Benjamin wanted to rip his vocal cords out for saying that, but Benjamin swallowed the urge and kept his game face on. "We can’t just leave her here.” Johnson hit Marcus’s shoulder with as much force as a feather. Genius "Leave her and I’ll show you where the Nazi’s are” Benjamin’s head snapped up at the women’s words prying his attention from the girls face.” Just a few miles that a way” the women’s hand trembled as she pointed northward. "Let’s go!” Benjamin anxiously said his switch blade burning a hole in his pocket. Marcus said something in Russian to joseph with a laugh. It sounded like something on the lines of “see how happy he gets?” They both laughed. Benjamin ignored them both pushing the people outside. He stopped in mid stride when a sharp pain attacked his chest, and he looked back at the girl who had been pushed off to the side so everyone could get out. He felt so ashamed for thinking about leaving the girl. It seemed wrong leaving her to fend for herself. "Yo!” Marcus whistled bringing Benjamin back to his normal self. “Free for all” That’s all he needed loading his gun he caught up with the group easily. ~.~ Anna woke to the dark emptiness of the shack. She didn’t remember falling asleep, or even waking up for that matter. She scratched her head trying to remember the last time she was up. That when it hit her. Where was everyone? She scrambled up searching the small shack. Sure enough no one was there. "Thy left me!” she exclaimed in disbelief growing mad. A small part of her hoped they were captured by the Russians or worse the Nazi. They had no right to leave her like that. And from the looks of it they had taken what was left of the food, only leaving her with a few rotten apples. Now that was downright rude. Anna let that small part of her rage on as she stepped outside. It was almost nightfall. They were long gone now, and she knew for a fact that they had been captured. She didn’t really care for her mother and the other adults. They could rot in hell for all she cared and she had a hunch they felt the same way about her. It was her little brother joseph she worried about. He was just a baby, only four years old, spending all his life in this revolting shack, never setting foot outside. Oh no what if he had been captured! She thought triggering a guilty conscious and a bad case of paranoia. What if the Russians had captured him or worse the Nazis? "Oh no!” she gasped in horror what if they were shipping him off to one of those horrid camps at this very moment. She had to find him. She ran out of the shack like a man on a mission squinting around, tip-toeing over pile of rubble. Searching. Damn! She wishes she owned a hound dog that could sniff out his scent with ease. It was going to take forever and a day to find them with nothing to rely on but her poor eye sight and hearing. Thinking she would be able to see well. She climbed to the top of a nearby pile of broken down cars. "That’s better,” she sighed, plopping down on the top of a car roof. Protecting her eyes with her hands she peered around the chaotic battle field. Dead bodies lay strung out and dismembered along the edge of a trench where more and more bodies lay. Not all soldiers lay in the trenches. She cringed in pain and pity when she recognized a few of the faces that rested with the uniformed soldiers. Old class mates and teachers she who did not deserve to die the way they did. She quickly cut her eyes as the pain in her chest grew unbearable, and from the corner of her eye she spotted a dark figure moving closer. She leaned forward to get a better look only to slip and fall. She hit the ground with a thud something sharp penetrating her side. A piece of glass she discovered as she stood up., but it left a minor scratch on her side stomach. "Ouch!” she sighed pulling it out of her. Who’s there” a deep male voice called. Wait a tick! She knew that voice. It was one of the men that had lived in the shack.-Urkel that’s his name. He wasn't her biggest fans but he had a kind heart and would lead Anna back to her brother. "Urkel!” she called springing up. Urkel began yelling something in German, but she could not hear him due to the planes roaring up a head. She squinted through the murky mist to see him better, but all she could make out was the Nazi flag he carried. "A Jew!” the blonde haired yelled cocking his gun. "No wait I'm not-!” Anna was quickly cut off by the silver bullets flying through the air; she wasn't going to just stand there like a lump on a log so she picked up her dress and ran losing a shoe or two. Now bare footed she ran with all her might not daring to turn around or even peek over her shoulder. Nope she kept her eyes focused on the obstacles In front of her. Jumping over this and sliding under that. She was so focused on the obstacles she didn’t notice the approaching threat until it was staring her in the face, stabbing her in the stomach with a pocket knife. Too legit to quit she kicked the man in his special place and ran like a bat out of hell, clutching her bleeding stomach with all the pressure she could manage. She ran for what seemed like forever. She could feel the gallons of blood oozing from her wound staining her hand and dress, but she didn’t slow down one bit. She actually sped up racing faster than she ever had before. Surprisingly she wasn't tiered! It wasn't until she tripped and fell face first into an unrecognizable substance that she decided to stop. Hiding behind what use to be a building lifting her blood stained hand she examined her wound. What the! What she expected to be a gaping hole exposing her insides was just a kitten scratch the size of her pinky fingernail and just as deep, even though she had been stabbed over three times. She swore it. But that wasn't the odd part. Her blood began to bubble and boil along the lines of what was left of the wound creating a distorted sizzling noise. Anna clamped her hand over her mouth to prevent her from screaming as the wound disappearing altogether leaving nothing but a bad felling in the pit of her chest. When did she start doing that! She thought back to all the times she had gotten bruised beforehand, never before had this happened. "Where is she!” one of the Nazis yelled.” Find that little winch!” Anna didn’t move a muscle she stopped breathing altogether. She was so still not even a rock could compare. Silently watching until the man walked a safe distance away from where she was. Anna slowly got up keeping her back hunched as she tip-toed away. She was a few yards away from a possible safe house when large hands came down on her, wrapping itself over her mouth, preventing her from making a sound as she was pulled to the ground. Anna still screamed kicking and hitting her captor. The mystery person swirled her around looking her straight in the eye with gorges blue eyes darker than the ocean. Even though blood and dirt painted his features he was by far the handsomest man she has ever laid eyes on. But all of him was either covered in dirt or his uniform. Even his coal black hair was covered by the allies’ hat he wore. She watched as he pulled out a hand gun with the hand that wasn't holding her down as a group of Nazis passed. Time to be smart, which she could never fully accomplish, but that was going to change today Run to the Nazis screaming. “I’m not a Jew.” praying that they believe her. Or stay with the handsome Russian, who knows what happens if she did that. chapter three Neither! She decided shooting up only to be pulled back down once again. "Look.” The man whispered loudly jabbing his finger in the direction she had been planning to run. Anna’s eyes followed his finger that pointed to a group of Nazis marching their way past toward the others.” See.” The handsome Russian man pulled her beside him with annoyed look glued to his face. “Now stay!” he ordered before slowly and silent as a mouse jumped over the pile of rocks they hid behind. She watched in silence as he sneaked up behind the closest Nazi solider snake his arm around the man’s neck silently dragging him to the ground. They wrestled on the ground for at least ten minutes, neither soldiers making a sound that indicated struggle. Soon the handsome Russian man got the upper hand pinning the Nazi to the ground and slicing his throat. Anna grimaced, a small squeal sliding past her teeth, baffled she scrambles between a rock and a hard place hiding herself deep inside the cracks. She couldn't see the Russian man from where she hid but she could hear him out there killing Nazis. She waited, and waited long after twenty minutes had past, long after everything outside seemed to seize motion, and didn’t dare to look up from her hiding. However not long after her legs and arms grew numb. She cautiously poked her head out from the opening to her hiding. Then quickly snatched it back in as a Nazis passed. Hugging her knees close to her chest, and holding her breath she became still as stone in wait for the man to pass. He stayed searching under this and that, stopped for a few minutes before continuing his search. Anna relaxed as his footsteps fade into a light thud before disappearing all together. Whew.” she sighed Ha!” the blonde German exclaimed clutching Anna by the ankles dragging her into the open road Anna let out an ear splitting scream kicking and swinging her fest at him, but that didn’t stop the man one bit. The Nazi dragged her in to the center of the awaiting group of men. Ugh oh. With evil grins stretching from ear to ear the men circled her as she squirmed into a possible hiding place, but the blonde man pulled her out dragging her down to the ground with little or no ease. Too legit to quit she kicked the man where it hurts and ran as fast as she could, but there were too many of them. To shorter men caught her by the arms one stabbing her stomach before helping the other throw her onto the ground. Clutching her aching bleeding stomach she gave up as the Nazis circled her cocking their guns she said a quick prayer closing her eyes tight. She felt something press roughly against her head-a gun. She squeezed her eyes shut trying miserably to keep away her tears. Bang! But Anna didn’t feel anything. Was she dead? Oh wait, she could still feel the agonizing pain boiling in her stomach. Bang, bang, bang! Three more shots fired. Bang, bang, and two more after that, but she didn’t feel a thing. She opened one eye. Oh my.” She gaped in horror at the chaotic scene. Every last Nazi laid, dead gunshot wounds to the head blood trickling down the side of their faces. The blonde man lay sprawled out in front of her like a dead deer that had been ran over and shot multiple times, his hand gun rested in his unclenched hand. And standing in the mist of all the brutality of what just happened, the master mind of it all, the handsome, yet terrifying, Russian man: looking as if nothing happened. Damn Ben needed that. After that bastardly women march all over the world for one already dead Nazi he wanted to rip that women’s head clean off her shoulders. He had to Indore hour’s apron hours of walking with those bitching complaining people for already dead fucking German. He needed –no- deserved to kill someone, and that women was at the top of the list. However being the forgiving person he is Johnson stood in the way of Ben fulfilling that list as Marcus held him down insisting that he take a walk. Now he was damn sure glad he did. The group of Germans attaching the girl from the shack gave him a good reason to kill something. He was now considering killing the girl too but he just couldn’t bring himself to do it. C’mon!” he took her sweaty hand and ran her to the nearest hiding spot he could find. He sat her down before squatting beside her. Checking left, then checking right, when he saw no one he looked back at her. Instead of gawking at him she was focused on her bleeding stomach but there was no open wound that he could see. Was she hurt? A sudden wave of concern washed over him. Weird. “Are you okay” he asked without thinking. She her head shot up giving him a baffled nod. He didn’t have time to figure out what that meant. He could hear more Nazis approaching fast. For the girls’ sake only, he ran, spotting a possibly working battle truck he pushed her in through the driver side before hot wiring it. Looking under the dash he searched for the three wires he needed one coming from the main fuse at the battery; one going to the ignition circuit and one to the starter motor. Ben joined the battery wire and the ignition wire together permanently. Then taking the starter wire he momentarily touched that to the join he made with the other 2 wires to crank the engine. Yeah!” he exclaimed the engine roaring to life, but by the time he backed up it was already too late. The small group of ten Nazis was approaching fast. Might as well make use of the girl. “Hold the wheel!” he ordered sliding out his favorite StG 45(M) “storm rifle” from his side B-b-b-but I can’t –“she stuttered. Just hold the damn wheel!” he snapped both his time and patients growing thin. When she didn’t move he snatched her hand from where it rested on her lap and slapped it on the wheel. She took it this time “good just hold it straight.” He lifted himself out of the broken window so he could get a good aim. He was tall enough so he could still press down on the gas pedal as he empty his rounds. Never missing his target he killed all ten Nazis before they could cock their guns. With a cocky smirk Ben slid back in the driver’s seat taking the wheel settling his gun on his lap. Just In case. From the corner of his eye he saw the girl cringe away shaking in her boots, but it wasn't because of him. He noticed she was clutching at her bleeding arm. He dint remember her getting shot at all. A little too worried than necessary he slammed on breaks drifting to a halt beside a river stream. “Are you alright” he said his, tone unnaturally soft, as he pulled out his never before used first aid kit. Huh.” She seemed taken back for a second before looking down at her bleeding arm. “Oh. Yeah the glass cut me when I got in” she lifted the hand applying pressure to the wound showing off the thin line going across her skinny forearm. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! He should’ve been more careful when he put her in. Wait –what? Why should he care for that girl safety? And yet he still held her arm, whipping away the blood. A sudden pain hit his chest as he in her battered and beaten body, purplish bruises that lined what he could see of her arms.it was as if she had been hit multiple times. He suddenly wondered how long she had been wandering out here before he had found her. But first. “What’s your name?” “Anna.” she whispered. “Anna Marie. And yours?” “Benjamin” Silence. You’re an ally?” she asked sounding taken back He nodded focusing on her wound. Underneath all the dirt and blood her skin was so soft and warm like nothing he ever felt before. Then why are you helping me?” she continued “I’m German” For once he was able to say. “Because it’s my job” She let him finish wrapping up her wound in silence, but he kind of wanted her to say more. He was enjoying her not German accent. Why did you pass out when you saw me?” that had been bugging him all day She shrugged “I thought you were going to kill me” she flinched when she said kill Ben couldn’t argue with that. Cutting the last of the bandage he securely wrapped the gauze around her arm before looking up. “Shit!” it was almost night fall they had had to get to the check point by nightfall, but even if they left now they wouldn’t get there until morning. What’s wrong?” Anna panicked. Nothing” he shook his head pulling out his rolled up sleeping bag from his bag then feeling around the other. Nothing. With a heavy sigh he pulled the bag over his shoulder prying it open. No sleeping bag. “Damn” then he remembered he had given it to someone not thinking he wouldn’t need it. Well that was smart. He told himself sarcastically. He would give it to Anna he could go the night without, but she was just a human she wouldn’t. “Here” Wait where’d she go? When he held out the sleeping bag for her she could’ve sworn she was right there in front of him. Now she was nowhere to be found. He pivoted around to the sound of water splashing to see Anna splashing water on her face and hair. As if sensing him watching she turned around. Holy shit! No human could be that damn gorgeous. Even though her long bang covered her eyes ben could tell how beautiful she was. Her bronze haired curled in perfect little ringlets down to the middle of her back. Her lips were full, but a little pale from the cold. Even though she was skinny, probably due to the lack of food, she still had that hour glass figure women around the world where killing the selves to get. How could he even consider wanting to kill her I was just cleaning the blood off!” she said defensively Here” he held out the bag for her again ignoring the butterflies fluttering around in his stomach. “Rest up we got a long walk ahead” Where are we going?” she asked taking the bag from him Check point” he said pivoting around her towards the car. “Nothing going to happen to you you'll be safe there.” He would make sure of that When she did not say anything he turned to check if she hadn’t fallen asleep only to be trapped in her strange hazel, gold with a hint of red eyes. Look at me.” He ordered when she ducked her head embarrassed. Her eyes flickered up at holding his gaze, but he could tell she was trying hard not to look away. Never before had he seen this strange mixture of coloring any human he had come across. He had been in this realm for four years now he’d seen grey, blue and brown that was common for humans but never this. Even in the other realms he had traveled people and creatures there had yellow eye or red even purple, never hazel gold with a hint of red. The longer he looked into those strange eyes the more he hypnotized by them. The deeper he was pulled into their trance. He was so deep he didn’t even here someone approach until Anna ran from in front of him and he was being pulled up by large hands. Yo!” Marcus yelled dodging Bens left hook. “It’s just me what wrong with you.” Oh sorry mate” Ben apologized looking over his shoulder for Anna. She was nowhere to be found. What you looking for?” Marcus asked his eyes zeroing in on something behind Ben. “Who’s that?” Looking over his shoulder Ben spotted the top of Anna’s head poking out from the back of the truck. “There you are” Anna’s head popped up from the truck her eyes darting to ben only to cut back at Marcus. It’s okay he is with me” ben assured her. She nodded but didn’t move an inch her eyes never leaving Marcus face. Benjamin” Marcus whispered pulled him away in a hasty retreat. Huh?” he mumbled his eyes never leaving Anna as she held his gaze. Ben!” Marcus said a little louder getting his attention before whispering. “That girls not human” What?” what Ben meant to say was “what have you been drinking?” She can’t be.” He said cutting his eyes at Anna. “Just look at those eyes” The light bulb flashed on the top of bens head as he finally put two and two together. She couldn’t be human. Her eyes proved the case, and her speed. How could he have messed that. Anna watched from the safety of the truck as the two men argued in hushed voices. She did not hear what they were saying, but she knew of who they spoke of. Hey!” the shorter man than Benjamin called. “What are you?” German.” she flinched No I mean what are you?” he said it as if she was missing some big picture. Confused she raised an eyebrow at him. Marcus.” Benjamin called from a far. “I don’t think she knows” Bah!” Marcus waved him off dismissively before turning to Anna. “How old are you? What are you doing here? What realm are you from?” the question started coming at her like a bat out of hell. Each one starting as fast as the last one went sometimes mushing together confusing her even more Not even Benjamin couldn't keep up, he scratched at his head full of coal black hair with a confused look. “Whoa slow down Marcus.” Fine.” Marcus sighed rubbing at his temples. “How old are you.” Nineteen.” Anna said overwhelmed and a little unsure. “Nineteen years old” “Oh. Maybe she doesn’t know.” he mused stoking his stubbly chin. Benjamin looked as if he wanted to kill Marcus right about now. He opened his mouth to say something then closed it with a shake of his head. “Are you going to take us to the check point or not. Marcus shook his head. “They moved it and it too late to go now.” Shit.” Benjamin cussed. “Fucking brilliant!” Damn that man cussed like a sailor-no worse than a sailor. He needed a bar a soap shoved his mouth after every cuss infested sentence. Not even Anna’s mother cursed that much, and that was saying something Well.” Marcus said shrugging out of his shirt. “Might as well get comfy.” What are you doing?” Benjamin snapped shielding Anna's eyes with his gloved hand. But Anna didn’t mind one bit. She peeked over Benjamin’s hand to marvel at Marcus god like body. Taking a swim.” Marcus said flexing his muscles for Anna. There’s a body in the water.” Annoyed Benjamin shield her eyes again, but she pushed it out of the way to see what body he spoke of. There it was. Lying face down in the middle of the stream bleeding from every opening was a beaten body. Eww! She had washed her face in that water. “Ugh thanks for pointing that out after I already washed my face with that water.” she shot Benjamin an irritated glare. I didn’t see it then.” He shrugged. “My bad.” Liar! Now she felt sick to the core. She could go ill and die after washing her face with someone else’s blood. You’re not going to die” Benjamin rolled his eyes. “Just go to sleep” Really?” She sighed in relief. Really. Really.” he yawned making his way toward the truck. “Marcus you got first shift” Marcus nodded putting back on his shirt then jacket. Aww, Anna was hoping he would keep it off. Oh well. With another yawn Benjamin climbed into the bed of the trucks, stretching so his long legs dangled from the sides Giving in to her heavy eye lids Anna crawled to her sleeping bag and fell asleep Aw damn! Marcus had accidently fell asleep during his shift, Ben was going to be pissed. Ben sorry buddy I’ll take your shift-“he started but ben wasn't in the truck where he had fallen asleep. What the…..”Marcus trailed off. Anna and ben lay curled up together hand in hand giggling like two teenage girls. Marcus didn’t even recognize ben in this state. He never seen him crack a smile or even laugh unless he was killing someone. Marcus watched stunned as ben lightly placed his commander hat on the top of Anna's head with a chuckle, speaking in a strange language of another realm that’s been long forgotten. But since when did ben speak old flebish or as it’s called now flebein (fle-bean). He told Marcus he was from tenshi, the realm of the phoenix demon. Pfft. You think you know a guy. Yo!” he called out to him. They acted as if he hadn’t said anything and talked on. Marcus hated being ignored. Furious he picked up a rock chucking it high in the air. He meant to hit ben in that big ass head of his, but the rock had other plans and thumped the back of Anna's head. But it was ben that jumped up yelling and screaming as if he had been hit. Ugh-oh Ben pushed Anna, now on her feet, behind him protectively deadly snarls and growls crawling up from his chest. It was just a pebble Marcus thought. Ben was acting as if he’d shot the girl and even if he did why he should care. Anna now tugged at bens arm trying to pull him back to the down to the sleeping bag, but he wasn't budging. She kept speaking to him in old flebish. Marcus understood only bits of what she said, but what stood out to him was she called him Ewa loe, which meant bonded mate. Why in the hell would she call him her bonded mate? What the hell is wrong with you two” he wondered aloud. Suddenly lighting boomed overhead it touched down only a few feet from where they stood. When Marcus turned to make sure those crazies where okay, they had passed out. “Shit” Meanwhile a group of men and creatures lurked deep in the bows of the forest where they could easily watch the three. However it was Anna and Ben they gawked at. Phew that was close. “One of the hunched backed black cloaked man sighed in relief. Indeed.” the taller leaner man said turning to face the others. “Now who sent him here?” They all turned their heads to the battered and bruised creature shaking in the boot it didn’t have. I’m sorry my lord” it graveled at the tall man’s feet. “I would have never sent Benjamin Q. Hayz to this realm if I would have known she was here.” How could you forget!” the lord yelled I’m sorry my lord. I’m sorry.” it kissed his lords feet. It’s too late now you fool!” the lord said kicking its feet of the ground. “They mustn’t remember. If they do we’ll be destroyed!” But my lord they have already started!” Someone exclaimed. “You’ve seen it yourself.” Then we are doomed!” the creature screamed in horror.” This realm and the one beside it will be destroyed.” No.no. I will not let that happen.” the lord assured them. “I will separate them again.” My lord separating them?” the creature said. “Isn’t that what caused it last time?” A murmur passed through the crowd. Then I will kill them both and nothing will stand in my way this time.” The lord vowed. “When I am through here there will be no trace of the great assassin Benjamin Q. Hayz and the royal Avalon Molina.” Or Anna Marie” he added. “As she goes by now" chapter four sOmething was coming, something big. Benjamin could feel it. Marcus had slept over his shift and offered to take bens, but he was too paranoid to sleep. He took a anxious perimeter of the camp site his rifle in hand and a small hand gun at his waist. With every step his eyes, at their own will, would slip over Anna’s sleeping form. No matter hard he tried he would stop and stand there just gawking at her, adoring over her as if she was made of gold. Yes she was breathtakingly beautiful he knew nothing of her but her name. yet still he is captivated by her every breath and pout. Damn stop staring! “Ben!” Marcus called from his sleeping bag near the truck. “Are you alright mate” Prying his eyes away from Anna he nodded and continued his searched “Oi! What where you and Anna doing last night?” Marcus called to him. Benjamin stopped in his tracks. “What are you talking about?” he was sleeping all night, his eyes slipped over to Anna unconsciously. She had the most adorable pout on her face he wondered what she was dreaming about to cause such a pout. ~.~ Anna was being nailed down-no- nailed inside, tangled in a net armless and dominated by another body. A body that felt strangely familiar to her own, Identical down to the tiniest features. Though it felt like her own, she had no control over it. Her and her ‘captor’ was leaning against a rail of a balcony bored of the breathtaking scenery that consumed her. Though she stood there in awe she couldn’t help but feel tired of the same scene, and wished to explore more. Suddenly a knock came to the door pulling her captor from her thoughts. “You may enter.” She found herself saying, but it was not her voice, instead it was a velvet accented that said this. A tall hooded man entered. Anna’s heart suddenly sprinted ahead of her breathing, running at a speed that could not be healthy. “Good noon my lady.” An intoxicating familiar male voice greeted. Wait she knew that voice “Benjamin.” Her captor sighed, and against her well her legs moved her forward to the bed where she plopped down crossing her legs on the satin seats. Anna was no longer in control of her actions or words so she just sat back and watched through the strangers eyes. The hood fell off sliding down Benjamin's lovely curls. Anna’s heart stopped as he gave her a sly dimpled smile. “My lady, it makes my day to see how radiant you look” he said, though he spoke in another tongue she understood every word. “Come sit” she offered patting the warm sheets beside her. “What is it that brings you here?” I’ve come to see you” he said taking her hand to kiss it before pulling back his robe unavailing a bottle of red wine and two cups. “I am relieved of my duties so ...” She smiled as he climbed into bed beside her. “One for you.” he said pouring her a glass. “Why thank you kind sir.” She giggled taking the glass “And the rest for me!” he tipped his head back and chugged the bottle half empty. “Benjamin Quincy Hayz!” she exclaimed with a laugh. “You make a sailor look like a saint!” He put his free hand to his broad chest faking hurt. “My lady! I take great offence to such a phrase.” Then he smiled wickedly at her. “Specially coming from a nun such as yourself.” She gasped snatching the bottle from his hand chugging it down as he had. “Not all of it!” he snatched the bottle away seriously. “You will fall ill.” “But -” she hiccupped “yo-u -you called me- a n-nun!” her speech was now slurred a little when she spoke now. He suddenly burst out laughing hysterically and with a pout she pushed him off the bed but he managed to grab her wrist and pull her down with him. She was now lying on top of him too close for her comfort. “You are far from a nun my lady.” He said, his voice lowering an octave into a low husky drawl as he leaned in closer to press his lips to hers. As his her lips parted against his eagerly she was abruptly pulled into a sea of darkness. “Anna” someone was shouting at her from afar “Anna!” Anna opened her eyes to see Marcus crouching in front of her with death I his eyes and a growl on his lips. She looked up at him confused. “Get up!” he yelled yanking her from the sleeping bag. “He shoved her away from him turning to shut at something. Bullets where soaring through the Smokey sky aiming directly at them. Still in shock Anna stood there traumatized. “Don’t just stand there dumbass!” Marcus yelled at her. “Get down!” Before it could finally click something jerked her away slamming her to the ground as a cry passed her lips. A gloved hand clamped over her mouth stopping her mid scream. A greasy blonde man smiled down at her mischievousness dancing in his eyes. His free hand came down on her kicking legs holding them down while pulling the hem of her dress up. Oh god! “No no no” she bite his hand and grabbed his gun from his holster, in a reflex reaction her finger clasped the trigger. Two loud shots rang in the air and the man fell to his side. She scrambled away the clouds of smoke blinded her and the raging gun shoots deafened her. She hugged the ground as if it was her father the gun shaking in her hand. Suddenly she was torn from the floor as everything was at a standstill, her scream pierced the air. Then she was sitting on something plush and a gloved hand brushed away the stray hairs on her face. “Shh, it’s just me Anna.” Ben! It was ben. “Give me the gun Anna” his voice was so smooth and calming that she let the gun drop from her grasp. She heard it clasp against something in the distance. A reassuring hand softly pulled her by the elbow against something, the car, she recognized quickly. She was placed under the passenger seat and he put her hands firmly on her head. “Anna I want you to stay here okay.” He spoke to her softly as if his words would damage her in some way. She nodded squeezing her eyes closed. “And I don’t want you to come out until you feel safe okay.” He instructed. “Or until I come back okay” She nodded as something was placed in her hand she looked at the gun then back up at his bloody face “If someone other than Marcus or me comes, shoot them.” He ordered. She nodded. He gave her a genuine smile “good girl” Then he was gone and the shooting continued she heard and felt loud pings as some stray bullets hit the truck. She tucked inside herself holding the gun as if her life depended on it, which it did. She did what ben told her and stayed down like a good girl. Five minutes in and two unknown men tried to grab her, her numb fingers, on impulse pulled the trigger and they fell dead or unconscious. She did not grow sick at the thought of killing as she would have thought. The thought of those men snatching her away had her fingers twitch toward the trigger. Soon only one or two shot rang then everything grew silent, before three more shots fired. Anna lost track of how many times that happened before everything stopped completely. “Go! Go!” it was Marcus booming voice that barked this command. Doors slammed and the car shivered to life under her before dying. “Shit not now!” ben snapped at the car. “c’mon, c’mon c’mon!” After the fifth time the truck sprang to life “yes” She was thrown into the door as the car jumped forward with a cough before speeding down the makeshift road. Gun shots rang in the distance as they grew farther and farther away from the bloodshed. The men in the truck roared with cheers and shouts of victory when she could no longer hear the shots. “Hey where’s the girl” Marcus asked out of the blue and the car screeched to a sudden stop. “What do you mean where is she!” Benjamin commanded, his voice boomed over even the wheeze of the car raging with authority “I don’t know.” Marcus voice was shaking with fear now. “You where the last to see her” Silence fell over them and Anna was glued to her spot under the seat, too scared to move. “Oh!” Benjamin exclaimed before his gloved hand came into view, under the seat where Anna hid moving left then moving right looking for her. She hesitantly reached for his hand making him jump at the sudden contact. she pulled away. “It’s just me Anna” Publication Date: September 5th 2012 https://www.bookrix.com/-storyteller9
Hornylittledevils girl The Hotel A dirty weekend Publication Date: January 31st 2012 https://www.bookrix.com/-hornylittledevil
Tyronica living with 9 players someone help me from this maddeness this is for all the people who likes this if you dont then i'm sorry for you. Text: tyronica Images: tyronica Editing: dont know Translation: dont know All rights reserved. Publication Date: April 9th 2012 https://www.bookrix.com/-lovebooks123
Katherine Michelle Captain Levi Fanfic To all of my fellow Attack On Titan fangirl/fanboy's. This has taken me literally a year to make, and I would like to thank my friends that have encouraged me. Chapter 1 Y/n pov: Captain Levi has been in my Survey Corps. Squad for 7 years now. He was the top trainee in our class. I've heard his backstory, that he's a thug and dangerous. I've also heard that he can take down titans single handedly like it's nothing. Like breathing. I'm absoloutely blown away every time I see him. I have a crush on him, but I would die if he knew. He's sort of un-approachable. ~ I'm not sure how to explain it. There's just something about him that screams "keep your distance". Right now our squad is based inside of Wall Rose. I cannot believe it's been 5 years since the fall of Wall Maria. Humanity's down to it's last wall. I look over at him, to find him already looking at me. I blush and look down. He's sort of my senpai in a way. I treat him as if HE was Hanji. He's a hell of a better leader, if I do say so myself. He's so strong and skilled. Why him? I hear him get up and I watch him to talk to one of the new members, Armin. The squad he's in just completed the training. Levi is talking to Armin, Mikasa, and Eren, so I look away. I felt sort of awkward just staring. I want very much to approach him and talk to him, but I am an awkward person.. you see, I have social anxiety. Once he gets done talking to them I dare as to get up and go talk to him. I'm not a coward. I can do this. As soon as I walk up to him he says "Y/n! I've been needing to talk to you. Come with me." , he said, motioning with his hand. So I followed behind him quietly, nervous. He..wanted..to..talk..to..me? I've only been dreaming of him talking to me for 7 years now. Now it's going to happen. I don't care if he's just taking me in to discuss a strategy, it counts. He took me into his office, and what he had to say surprised me. He said "I noticed you staring at me, is there something that you wanted to talk to me about?" I stammered and stuttered then I finally said "Well, Levi, I was just sort of admiring your...uh...perfetion." I said blushing, looking away. He waited for a few moments, thinking, then he replied "Oh." By now my pulse was racing, and I was so nervous. He was my squad leader... what if he rejected me? It'd never be the same. Why do I have to mess everything up? Then he said "Well, if that was your way of saying that you like me, brat, I like you too." I gasped. Am I dreaming? Should I call Hanji to pinch me awake? After a few seconds I replied "Thankyou, captain". He replied "Please stop calling me that. Just call me heichou." I blushed and replied "oh course, heichou." he dismissed me after that. I went to find Hanji, she was with her 2 new titans, of course. She named them John and Carl. I sigh. What does she see in these titans? I see them as dangerous filth encroaching on humanity. I walk up slowly to her, carefully remaining a distance from the 2 tied up titans. John was a 14 meter class, and Carl was a 10 meter class. So the titans weren't as big as some of her older ones. I ask her, "Hanji, um, can we talk?" She turns around and says "oh, of course. What do you need, Y/n?" I wait a minute, looking down. As I told you earlier, I'm very shy and anxious, but I was 2nd in rank in my trainee days. I'm still 2nd technically, because I'll never be able to beat Levi. I finally say, "Can I have some advice.. on... well you know, guys?" She stares shocked for a moment then replies, "of course!!! yay finally! I thought you'd never ask or even find the right guy." she gushes. I sigh again. She's always so hyper... then she asked "May I ask whom your crushing on?" I reply "Captain Levi.".... She gasps and just stares at me. I blush and look away, embarrassed. Finally she composed herself, and said, "that's.... different." I sighed as she still was collecting her words. She said "I really don't know how to help with that person, but I can help with boys in general." I replied "okay. any help is needed and appreciated." She smiled at me then continued, "Try to impress the boy you like, if you know what he specifically looks for in girls. Since it's Levi, you could show off with killing titans, or acting cute, or even flirting with him. I have a feeling he likes naughty girls." I blushed and thanked her, and went back to my room. Chapter 2  Levi pov: Wow. The brat has feelings. All along I thought y/n was just another girl in my squad, but now that she has showed courage by approaching me, something that almost no one does, and telling me how she feels, I have noticed her. Let me tell you, I like what I see. She's 1 inch shorter than me, and I'm 5'3. That's a miracle in it's self. She's very fit and perfect in her body. And her face. It's absoloutely gorgeous. Even though she's In her early twenties, she still has some youthful cuteness. I should make that brat stutter and go ask her out, I thought while smirking. I went to my bathroom to get ready. I needed a shower, I've been killing titans, and helping people. Both make me messy and stressed. All I need is to relax, and be with y/n. She's actually growing on me, the more that I think about her the more anxious to see her I get. After I finish showering and getting dressed, I go to Y/n's room that she's staying in. I knock twice on her door and wait. In a few seconds she opens the door with a shocked expression on her face. She gave me a nervous smile and said "Hi, would you like to come in?" I nodded and returned the smile. When I walked in I turned her around, grabbed her waste, looked into her big green eyes, and said "Y/n, will you please go out on a date with me? Nothing fancy, I promise. Maybe even just killing some small titans, but anything we do would be satisfying," She stood there, her eyes wide open, thinking for a reply. She finally composed herself and said "Yes, but I have a question. Why now do you like me? After I finally confess to you?" I didn't really know what to say. I finally knew why. "Well, Y/n, I never really thought of liking anyone, I used to date Petra, but she's dead now. I haven't really thought much of dating since then. But now I know. I know that you've been infront of me the entire time, and I'm falling for you more by the minute." She blushed, then reached up and kissed me. I returned the kiss, and we started making out for several minutes. Finally she pulled away and I took her hand, and led her out to the place I had for our date. It was a surprise, and that frustrated her. she doesn't like surprises, I guess. Finally we had reached the destination for our date. I had taken her on top of wall rose to look out at the view. Y/n was blushing so cutely. I reached over and caressed her face. I leaned in slowly and kissed y/n's perfect lips. She was just so cute. I knew it was wrong to want to make her mine; but I couldn't help my self. Something about her draws me in. During our date, we talked, kissed, cuddled, and just held hands. I never thought I could be like this again. After I lost Petra to a broken neck, I thought there would be no more romance, love, or compassion in my life. Ever. Y/n and I were walking back to our chambers when I looked into her eyes and said the most powerful three words, "I love you". She gasped and said "I love you too, Heichou. I've loved you from afar for a long time. I was just so scared to approach you. I"m so happy that you feel the same way." I felt so much joy and love that I thought my heart was going to burst out of my chest. When we reached the building that our chambers were in I was leading her to mine. She said "this isn't the way to my chambers... what if we get caught? What if someone walks in? What if-" I cut her off by kissing her lips. "No worries, y/n. I'll take care of you. This is our night, only think of us." We had to head up several flights of stairs to finally rreach my room. I had the only room on the top floor. The only reason that there's one room up here is because the room takes up the whole floor. When we reached the massive door, I swept y/n off of her feet and set her down when I walked inside the room. She giggled and gasped at the sight of the huge room. "Wow, I wasn't expecting you're room to be so... big." I smirked and said, "I get that alot."  Chapter 3 WARNING: EXPLICIT CONTENT Y/n pov: I laughed at his dirty joke. I started getting a little bit nervous, because it's just Levi and I. All alone. In this huge room with a bed that takes up half of it. I knew what was going down tonight, and I was ready, and I wanted it. I'm just sort of anxious.. I know that he loves me, and wouldn't hurt me for any amount of money, but I'm very shy and nervous about things like this. He takes my hand and leads me to the huge bed, and pickes me up and sets me down on it. I giggled nervously, and kissed me and said "It's going to be okay. We don't have to do this if you're not ready. I'll love you either way." I took a deep breath to calm myself, then said "I'm ready." He took off his shirt and started kissing me. He broke away from the kiss to take off his pants and shoes. I removed my top and Levi walked back over. He asked "May I?" and looked at my jeans. I answered " Oh. Um, sure." He smirked and bent down, he unclasped the button   and zipper with his teeth. Publication Date: May 3rd 2015 https://www.bookrix.com/-li0948daf9bf745
Ella Gottfried Pop Her Cherry (Book 1) Ella Gottfried   ***** FREE BONUS BOOKS ***** Click Here to Claim 3 FREE Books Now! ( http://TheWetBuzz.com ) These books are NOT available anywhere else. ***** LIMITED TIME OFFER *****     Copyright © 2015 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from the author. This book is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental. This story has erotic themes and is suitable for adults, 18+ only.   Table of Contents Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four     Chapter One The airport was crowded as Katie made her way off the plane. People pushed from every direction as they tried to rush to and from their destinations. It was weird being back in the states; things were so hurried, not like Europe. She was already missing the beautiful country and the people as she stood at the luggage claim watching suitcases travel in circles while their owners anxiously waited for them. Her bag was large, and as she tugged at it, part of the material ripped from underneath. No one helped her with the suitcase that was twice her size; everyone was too busy with their own schedule. “Welcome home,” She thought to herself. Katie looked around for her mother, Maria, but didn’t see her. She had expected her to greet her at the airport, especially since it had been over a year since she seen her last, and almost four years since she had actually been home to stay. All the years she spent at the private school for girls, she dreamed of coming home, thinking maybe things would be different between her and her mother, but here she stood… alone in the airport. Katie pulled her phone from her bag, and stared at the screen. There were no texts and no missed calls. “Miss Katie.” Someone said from behind her. She turned to see an older gentleman holding a sign with her name. He was looking at a picture he had in his hand, and showed it to her. “Yes, that’s me.” She said. The photo was outdated. She was still wearing braces, and her long blonde hair was done in tight braids. “You look different.” The man said. “Yes, that pictures four years old.” She said. The man introduced himself as Thomas, and told her he was hired to bring her home. Katie forced a smile on her face, but her fists clenched from anger. She couldn’t believe the nerve of her mother, not even willing to pick her up at the airport. Thomas was kind, taking control over her large bag and showing her to the car. A long black limo, well, at least mother was willing to have her picked up in style. In the car, Katie stared out the window, watching the scenery change from the busy city to the countryside where she lived. Well, where her mother lived. It seemed she spent most of her time away at school, even when she was younger. Katie believed that was so her mother could troll for men without the inconvenience of a child in her way. Feeling hurt, but also angry, Katie dialed her mother’s number. “Hello sweetie.” She said. Her voice was thick and coated in a southern accent that Katie always despised. “I’m on my way home.” Katie said. “Good, so Thomas found you then.” She said. “Yes, but why didn’t you come?” Katie asked. She hated that she still needed her mother’s love. It was something that she felt she never had, so she couldn’t figure out why it still even mattered, especially now. “I couldn’t drive.” She said. Katie listened as her mother told her she had gotten liposuction to remove the fat and cellulite from her arms and legs. It was a never-ending repair job, her mother. “So, you’re still recovering?” Katie asked. “Yes, I’m home, and walking… but the medication requires I don’t drive.” She said. Her mother always loved to continue the medication far longer than necessary, mainly for the high. So, Katie knew that her mother was more than recovered from her latest surgery, and even if she couldn’t drive, she could have ridden with Thomas. “Joel’s been taking very good care of me.” She said. Katie’s heart skipped a beat at the sound of his name. Joel was her mother’s husband when she went away to the boarding school for girls. He was young, beautiful, and funny. Katie had a slight crush on him, and was excited to find out he was still there. It was so unlink her mother to keep a husband more than three years, and this would be almost four years. Katie started doing the math, the last time she seen Joel she was 15 and he was 23, so that would make him 27 now, way too old for her mother’s tastes. The six months before being sent away to boarding school, she and Joel had become great friends. He even wrote to her over the years, and when she came home for visits, he always picked her up and brought her home. But, it had been an entire year she had been gone abroad, and she had not spoken to Joel, she just assumed he had been traded in for a newer model. “Joel’s still there?” Katie asked. She knew the surprise in her voice was obvious. “Yes, he’s still here.” Maria said. Katie felt a pause of hesitation in her mother’s voice. She wasn’t sure if it was from the question, or the answer. “Good.” Katie said. “He’s excited to see you.” She said. “He wanted to pick you up, but I need him here.” She added. Katie felt a tingling sensation that was familiar. Her stomach had butterflies and her head felt light at the thought Joel was excited to see her. She wished her mother would have let him come pick her up. The long ride home from the airport would have been more enjoyable with him. Thomas was boring. He didn’t speak, and the darkened divider was up, so she couldn’t even see him. Katie hung up with her mother, and then leaned back in her seat. Her eyes closed, and she let her mind drift to Joel. She imagined his lifting her in his strong arms, swinging her around the yard as he smiled. Katie planned out her entire week around Joel, they would take long walks and talk like they used to, she could tell him all about her experiences, and he could complain about her mother, they would swim, play cards, listen to music, and spent every single second together.     Chapter Two The limo pulled into the long lane to Katie’s large house. It was too large, especially for just her mother and Joel, but her mother always wanted the very best, and with her grandfather’s money, she got what she wanted. Disappointment filled Katie’s heart as the front doors didn’t open. She wasn’t greeted by Joel running into her arms, just a little yippy dog at the bottom of the entrance steps. Thomas opened her door, helped her out of the car and then gathered her large suitcase. She felt bad watching him struggle to get it up the long entrance staircase to the door, but she knew she couldn’t lift it. He rang the doorbell for assistance as Katie gathered the rest of her belongings from the back-seat. When she turned around, there he was: his hair dark and wavy, his smile wide and bright, and his eyes, oh his eyes, so blue and dreamy. “Welcome home kiddo!” He said. Katie walked towards him, waiting for him to take her into his arms like he used to, but he just smiled. “You look great.” He said. “Thanks.” Katie said. She was disappointed. Her long blonde hair was finally styled and no longer pulled in a ponytail or braids. Her braces were gone, and her breasts had finally developed into full rounds that normally got men’s attention, but not Joel. “You’re all grown up.” He said. His voice was a little shaky, and Katie could sense he was feeling a little uncomfortable around her. She decided to shake it off, figuring it had just been too long since she had seen him last, and it would take him time to warm back up to her. She followed him inside. Her mother was lying across the long couch with a white satin robe. She looked like a movie star with her large fake breasts, filled in lips, and numerous hair extensions. Katie knew she had become obsessed with cosmetic surgery and anything that would promise to give her back her youth, but she was beginning to look like someone else, not her mother. Joel carried the large suitcase up the stairs to her room without any effort. Katie watched as his strong arms hoisted the bag to his waist and hiked the stairs. “I’m so glad your home, dear.” Maria said. “Thank you.” Katie said. She wasn’t sure if she was glad to be home yet or not. The only thing she was sure about was Joel was still as hot as ever, hotter if that was possible. “Go on up to your room and get settled. We’ll go out for dinner when you get dressed.” Maria said. Katie felt a tinge of anger fill her gut. If her mother was not able to pick her up at the airport, how was it, she was suddenly able to make it to dinner. Katie climbed the long spiral staircase to her room. Joel had placed her bag on the floor at the foot of her bed. “How many surgeries has she done?” Katie asked. Joel rolled his eyes. “I quit counting.” He said. “She looks different.” Katie said. “Well, she’s scared to death of turning 40 this year.” Joel said. Katie always felt like he defended Maria, making excuses for her behavior. It drove her crazy. “She looks 50!” Katie exclaimed. “Agreed!” Joel said. He shot Katie a smile, one that looked familiar. She was so glad he was still there. She couldn’t imagine living in the house alone with her mother. Katie slipped out of her clothes. She had been traveling for hours, and all she wanted to do was shower. Her reflection in the mirror had changed; she was no longer that little awkward kid Joel used to tease. She had turned into a stunningly beautiful woman. Her hands lingered on her hips, sliding up and down as she visually measured her body in the mirror. There wasn’t much she could complain about, except the small mole on her belly right above her curly patch of hairs. She looked in the shower in her room, realizing there was nothing stocked. Her mother must not have felt good enough to order someone to get her bathroom ready for her arrival. “Ugh!” Katie exclaimed and walked back into the bedroom. Joel was standing in the doorway, frozen as he stared at her naked body. His eyes lingered on her breasts, and then her mole before making it back to her eyes. “I’m sorry.” He said. Katie was frozen in her own spot. Her breasts felt tight, and her stomach fluttered as his eyes took her in. This was the first man that ever seen her naked and it was Joel. That excited her. He covered his eyes. Katie grabbed at the throw blanket on the bed and covered herself up. “I just wanted to ask you where you would like to go tonight. Maria said she is staying in, so I was going to take you out.” Joel said. Her throat tightened as she gulped. The butterflies in her guy started doing somersaults at the thought of being alone with Joel. “I would really like a hamburger.” She said. “A hamburger it is, let me know where you’re ready kiddo.” He said. Katie watched as he backed out of the room. She knew she should have been embarrassed, but his eyes were so welcomed on her nude body, it surprised even her. She quickly grabbed her shower bag and stood under the hot water. As it ran down her body, it traced her curves, sliding from her breasts, to her waist, off her hips to her ass cheeks before hitting the shower floor. That look in Joel’s eyes as he lingered on her body was fresh in her mind, and she knew it was a look of pleasure. The thought of her body pleasing him sent tingles between her legs and tightened her nipples. “Why did my mom have to marry him? He’s so hot!” She said to herself. Katie tried to shake off her arousal as she dried off and then dressed. She picked out a cute sundress that showed off her new figure, and let her hair hand down her back. She liked that look he gave her, and she wanted to see it again. Chapter Three Maria was still lying on the couch in her white satin robe when Katie came downstairs. “Where’s Joel?” Katie asked. Her mother gave her a strange look, almost as if she were jealous. “Is that what you’re wearing?” She asked. Her tone was hateful and irritated. “Yes.” Katie said. She felt her confidence start to decline from her mother’s disapproval of her sundress. “You don’t leave much to the imagination do you?” Maria said with a chuckle. Katie frowned at her mother. Her dress was not revealing. It was short, but not as short as the ones her mother wore, and the bust line was flattering, elegant even. “I think she looks nice.” Joel said. Katie was relieved to see him enter the room. He smiled at her kindly, and then gave her a wink. She watched as he leaned over her mother to give her a kiss. Maria turned her head so he could only kiss her cheek. “I just got my lips done.” She said. “Oh yeah, I forgot. They shoved some of that fat in your ass into your lips, so now I can truly kiss your ass.” He said. His tone was playful, but Katie could sense his irritation with her mother. Maria grabbed her pill bottle, shot Joel an angry look, and then popped two Vicodin. “Are you ready?” Joel asked. Katie nodded. She was ready; ready to get away from her mother, and to spend some time alone with Joel. Thomas was outside waiting on them, but Joel told him he planned to drive. Katie was relieved to not have a chaperone, and riding beside Joel in his sports car felt not only exciting, but intimate. The ride into the city was short, and Joel didn’t seem to have much to say. Katie was still feeling a tension between them, as if they were strangers all of a sudden. She noticed he avoided taking his eyes away from hers throughout dinner. She wanted him to see her, to look at her like he did earlier; like a woman. The greasy burgers were delicious. She hadn’t had a good American cheeseburger for over a year, and she knew she was less than ladylike as she shoved it into her mouth. “Slow down.” Joel said. He was laughing, and for the first time she had arrived home, he seemed relaxed around her. “It’s just so good.” She said. She had mustard dripping down her chin and a mouthful as she spoke. Joel leaned in, wiped the mustard from her face with his napkin, and then lingered for what felt like an eternity. Katie’s heart pounded inside of her chest, she stared into his eyes and waiting for him to kiss her. “Well, you ready to head home?” He asked. “Sure.” She said. She was disappointed, but she knew she was being silly thinking he would kiss her. He was married to her mother. The drive home was awkward. He never mentioned walking in on her naked, and throughout the entire night he avoided looking at anything but her eyes. She had picked the sundress out especially for him, hoping that he would enjoy her beauty and she could see that look in his eye again, but it seemed to be gone. Back at the house, Maria had gone to bed, and the house was quiet. It was too early to go to bed, and she hoped that Joel would want to stay up with her and catch up. “So, what do you want to do now?” Katie asked. “I really should go check on Maria.” He said. He seemed so distant, so different. Katie couldn’t understand the change. He used to love hanging out with her, but now, it was like he couldn’t wait to get away from her. Katie told him she understood, even though she didn’t. She went upstairs, unpacked her belongings, and could hear Joel and her mother arguing in the next room. She listened in the doorway, making out Joel saying something about a man named Randy, and then she was pretty sure she heard her mother say her name. She quickly shut the door, not wanting to intrude on their private conversation any further. To her, it just sounded like trouble in paradise. Joel had overstayed his welcome, and her mother was probably ready to read him in for a younger model… as usual. As Katie unpacked, she found her bikini. It was a warm night, and the pool looked very inviting. She decided to slip it on, and sneak downstairs to the pool for a swim. The conversation seemed to be over in her mother’s bedroom, so she headed downstairs. Outside, the night air felt cool on her skin, making the water in the pool feel like bath water. As she submerged her body into the water, she thought she noticed a shadow in the French patio doors. After a few minutes, Joel came outside. He sat down in a lounge chair by the pool, and popped open a beer can. “Beautiful night for a swim.” He said. “Yes, get in with me…” Katie urged. “I’m good, but thank you.” He said. She watched as he sipped on his beer. His eyes lingered on the water, but not on Katie, who swam the length of the pool back and forth. When she finished five laps, she emerged from the ladder in front of Joel. Her hair was slicked back by the water, her nipples pushing through the thin material of her bikini top, and her hips barely hanging on to the string bottoms she wore. She watched as his eyes moved down her body, slowly taking in every inch of her as he sipped on his beer. When he looked back to her eyes, there was that look she was craving. Excitement spread through her veins like wildfire. “Good night.” He said. He quickly got up from his chair, chugged his beer and headed into the house. Katie was left feeling aroused, anguished, and disappointed yet again. She wasn’t sure what she wanted, or even expected of Joel, but it was more than this. Chapter Four Katie dried off and went into the pool house. She found a fluffy white robe and hung it by the shower and slipped out of her wet bikini. Her nipples were hard and erect, and she wasn’t sure if it was from the cold air or the excitement of Joel’s look. Her hands glided down her body as she stepped under the water. It was warm and soothing, and her skin felt tingly at its touch. Her hand slid between her legs, sliding past her soft pink skin. She was wet, not from the water, but from her own excitement. The sensation of her fingers gliding across her pussy caused it to ache. She thought about Joel’s eyes, his dark wavy hair and muscular arms. It was obvious he liked what he saw, and that was creating a stir between Katie’s legs. Her hand continued to slide between her legs, rubbing gently against her slippery skin. The water tickled her clit with hard blasts as her fingers separated, giving it access to her intimacy. She wanted Joel to touch her this way; to feel the excitement he stirred in her. She imagined his hand between her legs, closed her eyes and gently stroked her plump lips. Her finger slid in between her folds, and teased the opening of her virgin pussy. She wanted to know what it was like to have someone make love to her, to fuck her. Her finger slid inside, pushing as deep as she could reach. The water smacked against her breasts like small angry tongues at her nipples, and her hand pumped between her legs causing the water to splash to her feet. Katie pressed her back against the cool tile, lifted her leg to the bench in the shower, and pushed deeper inside of her pussy with her fingers. Her juices were flowing down her hand, mixing with the water as she let out a moan. The large empty room echoed her moan, causing her to tense. The thought of getting caught, especially by Joel fueled her excitement, causing her to fuck herself harder and faster. Her moans grew, echoing through the pool house. Her knees felt weak, his head went dizzy, and she felt a rush of excitement push through her body as she orgasmed on her hand. She clenched her legs together, bit her bottom lip and let out a tiny squeal as her body throbbed around her fingers. She was 19, beautiful, but still a virgin and she hated that fact. She wanted to experience what it was like to be with a man, but not just any man… Joel. Something sounded in the darkness, similar to a can being kicked. Katie quickly grabbed the fluffy white robe hanging by the shower and wrapped it around her. She left her wet bathing suit hanging on the bench to dry and walked out into the main pool house. The room was dark, but a shadow pushed through the darkness and into the night air. Katie felt her heart sink at the thought of someone being inside there, watching her, listening to her. What if it was Thomas she thought? As she walked through the pool house to the door, she looked down at the beer can on the floor. It was a Budweiser, what Joel drank by the pool while she swam. Outside, there was no one by the pool, and the French doors to the house were closed tightly. She called out, but no one answered. She felt a little tingle between her legs at the thought of Joel watching her. But, she still wasn’t sure. Inside the house, everything was quiet. She grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and started to head upstairs. She noticed Joel sitting on the sofa, he looked white as a ghost, and his breathing was rapid. “You ok?” She asked. “Yes, I Uh was chasing a raccoon off the back porch.” He said. “So, that was you in the pool house?” She asked. Joel looked shocked. She could tell he wasn’t sure how to answer that without incriminating himself. “I, uh, just went in for a second to check things out. I heard a noise, and seen the light…” He said. He seemed to be stumbling over his words, and making them up as he went along. Katie smiled. There was something sexy about the way he became embarrassed so easily. “I didn’t know you were in there.” He said. Katie still smiled. “Until I heard the shower…” He added. One thing Katie knew about Joel, was that he rambled when he was nervous. He was certainly rambling now, and she loved every minute of it. “Ok, I just heard a noise, and I saw your beer can on the floor.” Katie said. Her smile was coy, and her eyes wide as she spoke. “So, how’s mom?” Katie asked. “She’s fine. Asleep.” He said. “Good.” Katie said. “Well, I better get to bed myself.” Joel said. Katie watched him quickly get up and nervously walk past her. She had shaken him up, and that excited her. She gripped his wrist before he made it to the stairs and spun him around towards her. Her arms opened, revealing a portion of her right breast, and she moved towards him. “Can I have a hug?” She asked. “Of course, kiddo!” He said. He moved in towards her, pulling her in for a hug. Her chest was pressed against his, and she could feel his heart racing beneath his muscles. His breathing had calmed, but was still winded. He squeezed her tightly, resting his head on her shoulder. His hot breath caressed her skin, causing her arousal to grow. As she pushed her body against his, she was sure she felt an erection against her thigh. She pushed harder against it, yes, it was an erection. Joel pushed away, looked at her with a strange guilt in his eyes, and then kissed her forehead. “Goodnight kiddo.” He said. “Goodnight.” She said. She watched him walk up the stairs. His ass was tight and round in his tight jeans, and his hair fell just to the back of his neck. He was delicious. Katie closed her bedroom door and went into the bathroom. She opened the white robe, letting it fall to the floor as she stood in front of the mirror. Her reflection was breathtaking, even to her. She turned to check out her own ass, and then sat on the stool in the bathroom, opening her legs in front of the mirror. She pushed apart her folds, revealing her tight center, and slid a finger inside while she watched. It was so tight, so small, and the erection pushed against her thigh just moments ago, so large and hard. Her legs opened wider, and she pushed two fingers inside. She watched as her skin stretched to accommodate the extra meat, but was still curious how it would accommodate a hard cock. She felt her excitement increase as she watched her pink skin cling to her fingers, tugging on them as if begging them to fuck her harder. She shoved her fingers in deep, holding back her moan as she fucked herself with a fast, steady rhythm. It was so easy to get worked up when thinking about Joel, and she was surprised at how easily she could reach an orgasm with his eyes in her mind. A tap at her door startled her. She quickly pulled her fingers from between her legs, and wrapped the robe around her body. She was aching in the spot where her fingers just left, and her breathing had become shallow as her excitement grew. She walked to the door, slowly opening it up. Joel stood on the other side. He had a concerned look on his face. “Did I wake you?” He whispered. “No, I was up.” Katie said. She didn’t want to admit she was up fucking herself yet again. Her fingers probably smelled of her pussy, so she shoved them into the pocket of the fluffy robe. She tried to calm her breathing, but she knew it was obvious she had been up to something. “Are you ok?” He asked. “I was just doing my evening exercises.” She said. She was surprised at how quickly she came up with a lie. And she had to admit, it was much better than his lies earlier. “I just wanted to say I was sorry… if I startled you earlier in the pool house.” He said softly. Katie smiled. He had startled her, but more importantly, he excited her. “It’s ok.” She said. “No, it isn’t.” He said. “I shouldn’t have gone inside at all…” He said. Katie felt her face turn pink from embarrassment. It was obvious he heard her, or maybe even seen her masturbating in the shower. He just acted too guilty. “I mean, after walking in on you in here, and then…” He said. “And then what?” Katie asked. She had cut him off from finishing his sentence, and he seemed more grateful for that than her. “And then… scaring you.” He said. “I wasn’t scared…” Katie said. Her eyes locked onto his. She had a strange urge to drop her robe, begging for that look again. But, she refrained, kept her composure and smiled. There was that look again. The one where he noticed her, and was turned on. She didn’t even have to drop her robe to get it…. her entire body felt hot as he looked at her. “Goodnight.” He said. “Goodnight.” Katie responded. She shut the door, and plopped onto her bed. He really was delicious. His eyes were enough to send her over the edge of an orgasm, so she couldn’t even imagine what his touch could do…. she had decided. Joel was the one she wanted to pop her cherry. The End of Book 1 of 5 Thank you for reading this story! Please remember to sign up to my newsletter The Wet Buzz for up-coming new books, special prizes, and free giveaways. You’ll get 3 FREE books that aren’t available anywhere else! Press Here to Sign Up and Claim Your FREE Books Now! ( http://TheWetBuzz.com ) Visit my web site for more exciting stuff! Questions or comments? Please email me at: [email protected] Publication Date: April 24th 2016 https://www.bookrix.com/-sq6db22f7af7175
brittney taylor me and you unexpected love, who knew? tomy bestest friend katie lynn! There was two lines, ten people on the right and ten people on the left. The line on the left was told to pick a name from the hat. The names in the hat were of the people on the right. We read the names on the papers and paired up. The two people that were paired up are locked in a room together for fifteen minutes to do what ever they wanted to each other. When I got Austin, the guy I’ve had a crush on for years, I start to get nervous. I mean I’ve played this game many times before, but never have I gotten someone who I’ve fantasized about for years. And now is the perfect chance to make him fall for me. I look up at him and he smiles an irresistible smile, and I’m no longer jello, I’m kool-aid! He grabs my hand and leads me to an empty room in the back of the house. He locks the door behind us and leads me to the bed. I sit down and Austin walks over and sits down at the computer. After a moment I realize Austin has no intention of doing anything with me. “uhh, sorry I didn’t realize you might not know my name. I’m Casey!” I said. “I know who you are, you and your family live in the same dorm as me.” Austin replied. “oh…. So do you do this often, I mean come to parties!” I ask, trying not to hit myself for sounding so stupid. He turns his chair towards me and says, “every Friday, even though the best parties are on Saturdays. But I leave Saturdays open for pretty girls.” he smiled wide. I quickly reply, “from what I’ve heard more than just Saturdays” “do you believe every thing everyone says? Because if I believed every thing every one said id think you’ve been around the blocks a few time too!” he answers in a smart ass tone. “well, I’m sorry I assumed you’re a man whore! And I’m glad you don’t believe that about me. Crazy what rumors start right?” dammit, Casey just tell him you like him!!!! “if you don’t mind me asking, what rumor started your reputation?” Austin asked leaning in to hear my story. “I don’t, but why you want to know?” I asked with a tone to my voice as if I had something planned. “I like to know things about girls I like.” he said so smoothly I almost missed it. “oh really?” I asked more outa sarcasm then surprise. “yeah, I’ve liked you for awhile.” he said so easily. “yeah, ok then. So I made the mistake of having sex with Cory Conner and when he ran his mouth about it to his friends, I broke up with him and he started the rumors.” I explained with regret on my face. “wait the Cory that graduated last year?” he asked in surprise. “yeah, why?” I asked just as there was a knock at the door. Someone yelled from outside the door, “you guys done in there or you going for an hour?” Austin stripped off his shirt and said, “don’t act surprised when I kiss you!” he grabbed my hand and walked towards the door. He unlocked it and opened the door to Jeff, host of tonight’s party, waiting with anticipation. “how’d it go?” Jeff asked. Austin leaned down and fully blown kissed me. I deepened the kiss by lifting up onto my tipy toes. Jeff clearly getting uncomfortable says, “I’m going to take that as a good.” I pull away and say, “yep, can you help me find Lurlynn? I’ve got curfew.” I ask Jeff. “hey, I’ll take you home! Its not a problem, I have to work in the morning anyways.” Austin says. “okay, that’d be cool. Just let me tell Lurlynn real quick.” I said trying to act detached and uninterested. “k, well I’ll be outside waiting!” Austin yelled after me as I franticly looked for my best friend Lurlynn, she was never going to believe this. I found her on way to being drunker than drunk. “Lurlynn your never going to believe this!” I screamed loudly over the music. “h-hey girly, what w-wont I b-believe?” Lurlynn slurred. “I just kissed Austin!” I said with excitement. “n-n-no way-y!” she replied. “he’s taking me home for curfew, ask Jeff to take you home k?” I ordered. “oh-h…. k then, l-love you girly!” she slurred. I walk away from her and head towards the front door. As I exit the house I literally run into Austin. He spoke first, “hey, I was about to send in a search party!” he joked. “yeah sorry, Lurlynns’ so drunk its not even funny. Lets go!” I explained. “yeah come on.” he grabbed my hand and lead me to his old beat up blue truck. He opened my door and helped me into his almost to tall truck. On the way home I turned on the radio and started to sing to my favorite song, E.T by Katy Perry. “your not very shy are you?” Austin asked as he let a little laugh escape. I paused my singing and answered, “nope, not really. When someone’s trying to get to know me I show them who I am out front.” “I can see that, so what do you want to do? Watch a movie, play video games or play a couple games of pool. Your pick.” Austin asked as if I knew what he was talking about. “what are you talking about?” I asked, confused. “I told you I liked you and wanted to get to know you. Were going to hang out.” Austin informed me. “oh really?” I flirted “yeah, so what’ll it be?” Austin asked confidently. “I’d love to but I cant, I have curfew remember?” I reminded him. “no worries, we’ll be out in the dorm loft. So, technically you’ll be home and NOT breaking curfew!” he had a point the dorm loft was technically part of the house, so I should be okay. “okay I guess a movies fine.” I gave in, besides when’s this ever going to happen again? “good, here we are. So you want to check in first?” he asked. “yeah, that might be a good idea. So, you want popcorn, candy, or both?” I ask knowing I haven’t ate in hours. Austin answers, “both, Dr. Pepper or Mountain Dew?” “tough question. There both my favorites.” I answer. “Both then. Come over when your done to pick a movie.” Austin says. I say a quick okay then we turn our separate ways and I go in. I come in to find the house empty, nothing but a note from my mom and dad: Casey, Me and dad were called out on business for the weekend. Be back Tuesday! Love, mom and dad ‘great’ I think. ‘I get to alone all weekend or partying with Lurlynn, there both a horrible fate. I walk over and set my purse on the counter and put a bag of popcorn in the microwave. I walk over to my room to change from my tight jeans, low cut fitted tee, and stilettos to a low cut tank, short shorts and flip flops. As I do so I remember, if mom and dad arnt going to be here till Tuesday afternoon then I’ll have to walk to school twice. Just my luck! I hurriedly grab the popcorn, sour gummies, and chocolate covered raisins and head for the door. I gently pad over to Austin’s door and knock on it. A few moments later he comes to the door. “hey, come on in. the movies are on the far wall.” I walk in and look around. ‘nice place, who do you live with? Because I never see anyone over the age of twenty come in here.” I ask curiously. “no one, my parents died last year in a car crash.” he explained with a sad expression. “oh, I’m so sorry! I didn’t know.” I felt horrible for bringing it up. “but I thought if you weren’t eighteen they’d put you in the system?” I asked hoping I wasn’t going to far. I walked over and looked for a movie as he explained. “since I was seventeen they gave me a choice, get put in a home for less than a year or get my own place. I guess you see what I choose.” he laughed. “that’s cool I guess, so its down to the ghetto version of Romeo and Juliet or The Covenant. so which one?” I ask trying to get off the subject of his parents dieing. He thinks a minute then says, “lets see, love and suicide or powerful warlocks. I just cant decide.” “come on you have to help me out a little, I’m torn. Which one?” I pout. I give up and set my stuff on the counter. I feel arms wrap around me from behind. Austin leaned down over my ear and whispered, “how bout we skip the movie?” I turn around to face him in his arms. I retched up with my lips and met his. He picked me up and set me on the counter, knocking stuff to the floor. He deepened the kiss when he let his tongue find its way into my mouth. I pulled his shirt over his head as he started untying my shorts. Before I knew it we where in his bed and he was climbing on top me. He leans down into to my neck and kisses it gently, his mouth moved down my body covering it with kisses till he got down to my hip. He moved down in between my legs and roughly fingered me. As I moaned loudly, he moved back on top of me and kissed me long and hard. Then I let him find his way inside me. I moaned with pleasure as he started to slide in and out of me. We went at it for an hour before we finally finished. Worn out, Austin quickly fell asleep. It was not long before I was asleep in his arms. I wake up to an alarm blaring in my ear. I rolled over to see the clock said seven A.M. Austin leaned over me to shut it off. “morning, I’m going to jump in the shower before work want to join?” Austin asked with his famous seductive smile. He leans down and kisses me on the mouth, long and hot. “I’ll be in in a minute, my parents left on business yesterday and I have to check in and see if they made it.” I explain as I wrap a sheet around me that came loose from last night. I hop up to go search for my phone that could be any where, seeing as how I found my bra hanging from the top of the refrigerator. I found it next to the counter on the floor. Oh shit, three missed calls from mom. I’m in deep shit! I dial moms number, waiting for her to pick up and start yelling. “hey honey!” mom answered in a Cherie tone. “hey, sorry my phone died last night so I didn’t see you called till just now. Did you need me?” I lied Knowing that there was no way mom would find out that I was really having sex with Austin and didn’t care if my phone rang or not. “I know honey, your phone went straight to voice mail so I just figured. But we called to say we got here all right.” she answered. My phone must have silenced itself when it fell, thank god! “that’s good mom, but I got to go. Lurlynn’s’ really sick.” I said quickly. “oh okay. Love you!” she said “love you too!’ I hung up and raced towards the sound of the shower. I drop the sheet back on the bed then walk over to the bathroom door and open it. I saw Austin washing his hair through the glass shower. I opened the shower door and stepped in. Text: brittney taylor Images: google Editing: brittney taylor All rights reserved. Publication Date: March 12th 2012 https://www.bookrix.com/-bit.bit16
milica hoty sexual revenge I dedicate this to all broken harts Chapter 1 - Caught in the act I could not believe what I saw when I walked into my fiance room.Majk fucked with my best friend Sophie with whom I share a little more of everything, feelings, things, secrets, and she to me their secrets, problems and all that most friends normally share.                                              shocked I was totally unable to speak, to scream, to stop them in that act.My hart was break at this point, while the hatred of the two of them grew more and more every moment.I decided I have to be avenged of the cruelest way . i took the camera from her purse and ocel them periment.                                       Sophie used to be a long brunette wavy, thick hair, slender body and irresistible, busty, which is mostly men who have won easily .long slender legs were of complicated with Mike's while his quite large cock penetrating into her to the very root, and it is satisfied screamed overcome by passion and power of his manhood. He nibbled and licked her breasts and niples with such passion with what he never showed me, I was a hundred times prettier than her and sexier                                    Sophie soon have an orgasm, I was able to easily break down, and she whispered in his ear '' Finish into me freely!'' Which he did afcorse.That was even more surprised and shocked for me.                                  '' Good luck to you in further on!'' Answered I finally empty cold voice.                               Completely surprised, they both looked at me shocked, but I could see the guilt in their eyes and before they speak to me I went slamming the door and leaving them stunned completely naked.                                I was surpresed because i wasn't cry, but because I was forever broken, and I vowed to never again engage in a relationship with anyone, but I only can get fucked with anyone, and I no I will not regret it . Chapter 2 First revenge Few days ago I sat in silence in my lonely, too empty apartment trying to figure out the right to revenge my ex fiance Majk and former best friend who I rank Sofi.Sexual video betwen two of them, I burned the cd as proof that they'll destroy my live of very slowly and with full enjoyment.           I quickly remembered and sent video to Sofi fiance Kyla and wrote him a message. '' I want to meet with you on Hexy Love to talk about what is in this video that I personally create and unfortunately came across the wrong moment . I want to take revenge on them because they broke my hatr . I now that is hard after this video, but just imagine how that I am descended while it worked and attended all of that.I hope you will responde!''           I did not have long to wait for an answer maybe two or three hours, it was pretty quick response, which frankly I didnt expected because I thought that he maybe hate me because I made that video but what surprised me he was not .I opened mail from Kajl, and I began to read it. '' Simply can not believe my eyes what I watch and when i think you caught them in action and you remained so calm and made that video, i simple admire you. I congratulate you on the move.See at the Kalis tomorrow at 14:30 in children's playground.''           I was simply stunned message content and satisfied, since everything went according to plan, just as I wanted to go.Everithing what was left was to get ready for tomorrow and the second part of my revenge, sex revenge.                                                           . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .                I got up this morning with a smile knowing what awaits me today, and those two deceivers.They didn't know what all I can do when someone hurt and deceived my trustBetwen twelve o clock I showered and then went to the closet to I dressed sexier as i could.               I had a perfectly slender, sexy body, Bain, natural breasts, slender and long, smooth legs and perfect oblu, ass.I dressed solid transparent black lace panties, no bra .On my legs sexy nylon stokings lace, flowing black silk short skirt that fell to the thigh, and a black silk shirt, which is mostly revealed sese and of course brought to the fore, and of course half open shoes with high heels also black. Deserted me ash blond hair falling down the shoulders, perfectly smooth .My eyes were completely ready to throw it down the leg and win.             So I'm on course to Kalis ten minutes before the appointed time, and Kyle was already waiting for me sitting on swing.He was icredible hot .Tall guy, perfectly beautiful face beautiful, black, slightly longer hair that he was falling down his face slightly covered his blue eyes . Slowly approached him and sat down on the swing next to his.       '' Excuse me if i late'' if the late first answered I, and he turned toward me with a smile on the face with which I was totally won.        '' It's ok.I came here a little early as I have nothing to do, and it is impossible to look at Sofi .I cant stand to be in the apartment while I always think of her then.'' I felt pain in his woice.I felt I was a little bit guilty that I told him what i have done, but it was so i had it in me personally and he thanked me as I opened his eyes.           We went for a walk ,where we are headed i don't now, but we did not care either way . He take my cloth with his eyes, while I flirted with him and tried to seduce him.            '' We must to forget about them.'' I answered , after the awkward silence. I push him against the wall , gently touching him with my leg'' Take me.It's impossible to wait any more !'' I whispered.            We went to my house and as soon as we close the door and went to the bedroom Kyle started kissing me passionately on the neck with strong hands caressing me by the waist slowly cudle me under the shirt.That had started to fall me and my pussy slowly began to wet.I turned towards him, and he did not let me on .We were passionate kissed and lustful when he already took out the chest out and caress and squeeze them and swollen nipples.                I cath his big penis ,and take him out.I could't whate any more ,so i go down to my knees and dropped that juicy penis into my mouth, sucking it and licking it as it drove him crazy as I could see . Kyle put me on the bed and began stroking my legs in sexy nylon stockings and began to kiss them as I very much enjoyed completely and honestly uz.Then he spread my legs and began to rub my pussy over lacy underwear which I removed and than ne started to lic it with his thong.I scremed all excited, passions of pleasure take me and i squeezing my tits and nipples.            '' Take me i can not take it anymore!'' I begged him.                  Immediately, his penis stiffened quite large flies lightly into my pussy wide open for him to accept the pleasure and began to move into my first easy pace, then faster and flee while he held my legs in his hands and licking, kissing and caressing them, which I lead to a massive orgasm, how far I've never had.Very fast he poured me with his seed to my legs and breasts.        '' You simply fantastic''he praise'' I could make this happen again sooner or later!'' he proposal to me.           '' Always '' naughty smile spread to my face. Chapter 3- Final revenge Sex that I had yesterday with Sofia's fiance was created like a video and sent the both, and Sofi and Majk.I can only imagine the expression on their faces.I heard from the others that they were shocked and cried like crazy, probably realizing thear mistakes, but now it is too late .I'm certainly not sorry that I was struck with Kyl and it was better than ever.I totaly enjoyed with him.           Today, I slowly began the second part of my revenge, and that is Mike's brother Nick, who always want to fuck me and he never hid that from me.Now it was time to avenge my former fiance whom this will very much affect, and he dont know what awaits him.I'm sure I want feel bad afterwards because I decided to become cold hart.             Since I knew where he lives, I decided to go there in the most sexier look .I knew what like the most on me and how he would like to fuck me.              This time i pulled a pink lace, silk panties, white sortch tight around my ass perfectly shapen it. I clothed grayish shirt tank top that has put more of my tits to the fore what was my main course .I smooth slender bare feet in shoes with high heels.          I sat in his latest bmw black and uputih towards Nikov apartment smiling.When i come to the building where he lived I climbed to the second floor and knocked on his door.            '' I'm coming.Just a minute!'' He cried, and after a few seconds the door opened handsome guy stand in front of me.That was Nik.    '' Hello'' astonishment he spoke, looking astonishment in my chest ,and that was what i wanted.I saw on his face ,that he was already fucking me in his mind.I didn't said nothing,i just get in. I closed the door and threw myself in his arms,and i start to kissing him passionatly .On the beginning he was lost, but soon he let go on and accept my game.              He put his hand under my shirt and pulled out my boobs ,and he start to lick , kissing them and sucking nipples. Another free hand he put in my panties and starting to rub a already wet pusy. I unbuttoned his jeans and remove them. His sizable tool completely solidified in my reach hand, and I began stroking it up and down, as he has got excited as his touch excited me.            He sat on the bed and I fell to my knees and stuffed his juicy penis in my mouth. I sucked his cock, and licked it like crazy and fascinated by the passion and he squeeze on and rubbed my tits and my nipled.He put me on the bed, and pull down my sortch and take off panties and immediately began to lick my pussy and suck my clit.Nik was incredible.He now what women want in bed.He knew what turns me on and what I need.            He slowly raise my legs, and put on his shoulders and get into my hole slowly moving inside a narrow tunnel wet playing with my tits at the same time as I was totally led into madness.       '' Give me your juicy butt!'' Ask me and I landed.            I turned to the knee and he first began to lick and prepare my anus which shortly afterwards pushed his penis. A moment later It did not hurt like other talkes. Quite the contrary it was realy good.I had three related orgasm, which totally exhausted me, but I didn't stopped and I still fiery continued to receive it.             '' Come inside my ass freely.'' , and he obeyed me and hi come inside my butt, and then he and I fell exhausted on the bed.              '' Wow!'' Was all he could say . I just laughed.                                                                 . . . . . . . . . .             What hapened next.Well after me and Nick are again began to fuck again , Mike fell in completely shocked when he saw as .We did not stop until we both experienced orgasm, and I smiled with satisfaction as my sexual revenge totally work.                He and Sophie had remained completely broken like the way I was when I saw togethr.Me and Kyle went on to a link that was growing more serious, and the sex was scheduled and every time fiery.           Revenge is so sweet! Text: All rights belong Milici hotj and must not be copied and multiplied without permission Images: Milica hoty Editing: Milica hoty Translation: Milica hoty All rights reserved. Publication Date: July 20th 2012 https://www.bookrix.com/-mickahoty
Presh Bliss The new girlfriend To all my upcoming fans. If you get to like and comment to my books, I will write a book in dedication to you. Thanks for all your support Prologue Dirty and erotic  ADULT ONLY Note Read alone or with your intimate partner    HORNY CONTENTS ARE PRESENT  1 It was Sunday night and I had come over to watch a movie on television with my new girlfriend Cindy. We’d been laying on the couch cuddling and I was starting to get horny. The movie was just finishing a steamy sex scene and I could feel myself rising. It didn’t help that Cindy was lying on the couch in front of me in only a long T-shirt and panties. She’d gotten ready for bed and was looking nice. I had come over to the apartment only looking for a little supper. She’d called me earlier and told me that she had some left over chili and to stop by and eat. After dinner we decided to watch a James Bond movie before I went home.   2   Now I had a raging hard-on and no rubber. Cindy and I had only been going out for a few weeks and she had just recently let me make love to her for the first time and she wouldn’t let me near her without a condom. So far Cindy wasn’t too big on oral sex. She would let me fuck her but didn’t want to go down on me. That had been fine with me as I thought oral sex was OK but I think good ole fucking is really where it is at. She wasn’t the greatest lover I ever had but she was very cute and I thought I would see where the relationship went.   3   So what was I going to do? ‘What the hell’ I thought maybe if I could get a hand job or something. If I could get her horny… but I would have loved to fuck her. I wiggled over nearer to Cindy and I was sure she could feel my bulge against her bottom. We were both facing the television lying on our sides and I was behind Cindy. I began to rub her neck and shoulder hoping to get her to warm up. “That feels nice….” I heard her murmur. “I will give you two hours to stop that!” she giggled. 4   Without saying a word I continued to rub and started to work my way down her back, sides and bottom. She seemed intent on watching the movie but didn’t object when I slid my hand under the band of her panties and began to rub and knead her firm ass. “Are we a little horny tonight, Jeff?” she asked in a teasing tone. “What makes you think that?” I laughed knowing that she was commenting on my stiff penis pressed against her back. “Oh, we women have our ways…” she laughed back.   5   I took the opportunity to slide my hand around to the inside of her bare thigh and began to caress the soft skin between her legs and was rewarded by Cindy pushing her ass against my bulge and rubbing back against me, teasing me. I responded by running my hand inside the front of her panties. My fingers searched for her clit. I put a finger on each side of it and slowly began to stroke her and I soon felt her legs part to give me better access. “Mmmmm that feels wonderful, Jeff.” she responded as I began to feel her juices flow. 6 I could tell she was really starting to get into the mood. Cindy then reached behind her and grasped the bulge in my jeans and began to stroke it for a moment. Then she begins to fumble for my belt and zipper. I used my free hand to help her loosen the clasp of my jeans and soon she had her hand in my pants and was stroking me just as I was stroking her. Finally, after a few minutes of this teasing and rubbing, Cindy stopped and turned over to face me. She reached over and pushed my shirt up under my armpits and pulled her own shirt up over her breasts to expose them and pressed her lovely body against me.   7   Cindy reached down and began to stroke my penis again. “God, you are so hard baby,” she spoke huskily. “I want you inside me!” I replied by pushing down her panties and she lifted her hips to help me and pushed my pants down to my knees. She rolled over on her back and pulled her legs up, waiting for me to mount her. I don’t think I had ever seen her this turned on before. “Hurry baby… I want you to fuck me now…. please hurry and put it in… you have protection don’t you?” I hesitated and then said “I didn’t bring any Cindy… I didn’t think we would be doing anything…” 8   Cindy’s eyes were pleading with me. I could tell she was dying to have me inside her and her mind and body were in conflict. I was on top of her holding my penis right at her entrance and rubbing it against her clit and I could feel her hips move, involuntarily reaching up for my penis. I wanted to fuck her so bad. Maybe, I thought, I could just put it in her and fuck her for a while and when I got ready to cum I would pull out and shoot on her silky soft belly. God, I wanted inside her as bad as she wanted me. 9   “Baby, just let me put it inside you. I won’t cum inside you…”, I told her… “I don’t know Jeff… it’s a bad time of the month… I could get pregnant…” “I’ll be careful Cindy,” I replied and I could see she didn’t want to make the decision, so I began to insert myself inside. I was hoping she wouldn’t protest. “Oh god,” she moaned and she thrust up to meet me, “Please be careful. You will pullout, won’t you?” I could tell she was excited beyond normal. 10   “S..s…s…sure baby,” I responded as I slid into her. She was so wet and hot. A wave of pleasure washed over me. I began to stroke in and out of her. I tried to keep control by going slow and using swallow strokes but it felt so good. I could feel my willpower drift away as my strokes became longer and deeper. Cindy was now meeting each thrust of my hips and was clearly ready to cum. Each downward stroke of my hips was forcing a rhythmic moan from her. Oh…oh…oh…Oh!…Oh!!…Oh!!!…OH!!!!!…OH GOD!!!! she moaned. 11 She reached up with her legs and wrapped them around me and pulled me hard into her pussy. This was so much better than our other times together. She had turned into a wanton wild women. A sex crazed honey! I could feel my own cum building. I knew I needed to stop and pull out, but it felt so good, especially the slick warm wetness of her cunt without the condom. It took all my willpower to start to pullout when my orgasm was a split second away. “DON’T STOP!!!” Cindy screamed as her hips bucked under me, her hands grabbed my hips and pulled me back into her… 12 “I’ve got to pull out…” I said… “Don’t stop now…oh god… oh god. oh god! I am going to cum!” she screamed. I couldn’t hold back any longer and exploded inside Cindy. Cindy was screaming and squirming under me lost in her own orgasm unaware that I was filling her with my seed. I shot jet after jet of hot semen, coating her fertile channel. I could feel her pussy throb around the shaft of my penis as she sucked my semen deep into her cervix. We were both breathing heavily as our orgasms subsided. “Oh god Jeff….that was so good, I have never cum so hard” and then she remembered. “Did you cum too? You didn’t cum inside me did you?” she asked but she could already feel the answer as the white stream of excess sperm began to leak from her. 13 She looked at me and said, “I will never forgive you… I thought I could trust you!!” ‘Oh shit’ I thought, ‘this is going to be a real problem.’ In about five weeks, we both found out what a problem it was going to be. She was so hot that evening because she was ovulating and it was her fertile time of the month. She turned out to be such a bitch. I tried to do the right thing and help with pregnancy and even offered to marry her. All she could do was continually blame me and tell me what a piece of shit she thought I was. She acted like she didn’t even participate and that I had raped her. 14   I still send my child support once a month to take care of my obligation and I remember that night every time I sign the check. I saw Cindy at the grocery store looking worn out the other day. She has a second child out of wedlock now and they were both screaming at the top of their lungs as she tried to shop. Couldn’t happen to a better lady. Ending Don't forget to tell me how you feel about the story so I would know where I went wrong.  betters one coming your way soon drop your comments on the type of stories you would love me to publish. I never reject a request.   Me  I won't be able to write about myself here again.  That would be next time      THANKS FAN   FOR YOUR SUPPORT                                                                          PRESH BLISS Publication Date: July 11th 2021 https://www.bookrix.com/-hr79951fc8dae06
Lord Koga Exploited: My New Year Three-way BookRix GmbH & Co. KG 81371 Munich Exploited: Exploited: My New Year Three-way Lord Koga All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved below, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the publisher of this work. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners. All fictional characters are of 19 years of age or older and consenting adults. This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. Thank you for respecting the author's work. © 2013 Lord Koga in association with Veenstra Publications All Printed and Electronic Rights Reserved. ADULT CONTENT FOR ADULTS 18 YEARS AND OLDER www.yola.com/lordkogabooks www.veenstrapublishing.biz I never thought it would come to this, not in such a way and not on the dawn of the 2013 New Year. Yet thankfully, it did. I was amazed when Zander first touched me in such an erotic way in public on the dance floor, gliding his open palms over my double C cups through my fishnet blouse. All this time I thought because I was a Goth chick dressed in all black, with blood red lips, and long, fishnet stockings, with ear, nose, eyebrow piercings that he; just as it seemed every other hot man in the bar last night, were more into the drunk blond haired chicks with big, oversized breasts and no apparent grey matter. Yet it appears I was wrong. Zander was a big man, around 6’ 3”, with a large, yet stern build. He may not have been a muscled bound hulk but he was not hard on the eyes either. Being such a big man, and knowing him for so many years I knew that he was one of the few real men out there that had a big cock. A cock I knew could stretch my pussy to new bounds, new erotic heights. A cock that could scrap like a jagged knife roughly across my insides, forcing me to scream out at the top of my lungs; to cry pleasured pains of lust and desire by the mere penetration its large mushroomed head alone. Odd that it was also he that made the first move last night, throwing me into the men’s rest room at Club SIXXX in the early morning hours. Him that slithered up behind me, pushing me into the male handicap stall, and him who roughly held my backside against his body, molding his chest, his groin against my ass as one of his hands rolled up my chest and over my hardened, aroused nipples. All the while, I could easily feel his other hand snaking down my hips, sliding under my black leather skirt, past the elastic band of my purple-laced “Hello Kitty,” Panties (Don’t ask), only to glide his rough, hard fingertips over my hardening clitoris. “Fuck… fuck God yes,” I gasped, feeling Zander pushing away from me, before heaving my ass up on a small counter filled with bathroom supplies, spreading my thighs apart with severe urgency, tearing away my panties (I’ll miss you little kitty), my pussy welcoming his hot, long tongue upon it, the tip scrolling slowly over the outline of my opening. “Yes… fuck yes,” I purred, rubbing my hardened, aroused breasts with my own hands, pinching my swollen nipples with the tips of my fingers trying to hold back my orgasm and wanting, needing that moment to last forever. It was then, at the moment, that I heard the bathroom stall door squeak open and gaze into the dark brown eyes of his best friend, Bryan as he stood there unmoving, watching the two of us, watching as Zander head bobbed between my wide open thighs. Watched as Zander’s tongue ravaged my body, devouring my tasty hot insides. “Yes, yes Zander,” I gasped, breathing deeply as Bryans eyes locking onto mine. “Fuck… I do not… I don’t care,” I gasped, closing my eyes, letting Bryan watch, the two of us fuck as I continued grasping my breasts tighter. Digging the tips of my long black fingernails across my soft flesh, I didn’t care what happened, I didn’t care what Bryan was going to say or do, I didn’t want the pleasure, the moment to stop. Suddenly I felt someone next to my head, forcing me to open my eyes only to see Zander rubbing his half-erect beast with one of his hands, his pants down around his ankles as he leaned down towards me taking one of my breasts into his other hand before sucking my nipple, lashing the tip of his tongue it. “Fuck… yes, yes,” I panted, his now massive and fully erect 14 inch beast lower down towards my pussy only to feel him slowly penetrating my waiting pussy a few seconds later. “Fuuuuuuckkkk,” I signed, thrusting my head up towards the ceiling, my eyes rolling in the back of my head as I felt him filling me with his massive shaft, scrapping across all four walls of my pussy. “Fuc..,” I tried to gasp again only this time feeling Bryans large round cock slamming into my mouth forcing me to immediately begin licking and sucking his balls with the very tip of my tongue, arching his length back against his tight toughened abdomen. Zander, Zander felt so good, so hot inside me as his long, rough shank kept ramming me hard and deep. The tougher my cunt was fucked, the harder and deeper I sucked on Bryan’s massive meat stick. “Mmm yes, Bryan,” I remember thinking as his cock continued to rape my mouth, his cock swelling, just before he exploded deeply down my throat, his hot cum shooting into me as I swallowed each and every last drop he had to give. I was so into it, so cock hungry that he sent me into another orgasm, forcing my pussy to tighten; to coil around Zander’s huge cock, as he blew his huge sticky load of cum deep into me. “Fucking studs,” I hissed, pushing Bryan and Zander away, “Lets ring in the new year with something I always wanted to do,” I smiled, forcing Bryan face up on the bathroom floor, his head prepped up by his pant and t-shirt. “Eat some tasty pussy,” I hissed slamming his face into my pussy, quickly feeling him sucking on my clit with his lips like a vacuum. “Now… now its you’re turn Zander,” I hissed spreading the cheeks to my ass, inviting him to take the hint, only to suddenly feel him sliding the full length and girth of his massive cock deep inside my ass. Suddenly I was overwhelmed, my mind turned to mush as I gasped for each renewed breath, moans turned to screams of ecstasy as my body shook uncontrollably. “Now… Let’s do it now,” I heard Bryan cry out, only to feel Zanders hands grasping my sides, picking me up and off Bryan’s hot mouth. “What… what are you doing,” I asked, still feeling Zanders rock hard cock barreling into my tight ass, never missing a beat as he continued to stretch my ass out of shape. Within mere seconds, Bryan stood in front of me, forcing my thighs up over his shoulders, thrusting his long hard cock deep into my pussy, all the while Zander continued to take me in the ass. For the first time ever I was having two, monstrously huge and hard cocks inside me, one filling my ass and the other my pussy. Pleasures beyond anything I can describe with mere words shot through me, stripping my mind of all thought. I was drifting off into another world, my entire body becoming nothing more than the pure meaning of pleasure as both dicks, both cocks rammed into me hard and deep, slamming into me like a piston, one out, one in and vice versa. I was getting hotter and wetter by the second, the sounds of our lust; of our fucking filling the bathroom, echoing loudly so that any other man could easily hear the sex going on in the handicap stall. In the next few moments, I quickly became a cum dumpster, feeling both Bryan and Zander shooting their hot, juicy streams of semen inside both my ass and pussy, filling both my holes with their love juice. Panting for breath, exhausted, the three of us collapsed in a heap of steamy hot flesh of and juicy fluids, I could barely breath, let alone move. Odd as it was though; the two guys quickly got up, got dressed and helped me get my cloths back on. I thought the night was soon to be over. That one of them would drive me home, let my sore, fucked body rest and heal… little did I know, my first time having a male, male and me threesome was only the beginning. It is four in the morning right now. I sit here across from my bed totally naked, cum spilling out of my ass and pussy, my tongue lashing over my lips as I taste the remains of Zanders salty cum around my mouth. I can see my two studs, sleeping soundly in my darkened room. Snapping pictures with my phone, amazed at how the two naked beasts; my men can sleep so soundly. Each holding the other, with a blissful smile, I’m sure thinking that it’s really me there hanging onto… 2013… I love you already. Publisher: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG Implerstraße 24 81371 Munich Germany Publication Date: February 6th 2014 https://www.bookrix.com/-veenstrapublishing ISBN: 978-3-7309-0545-6
Me Never ending story Brenda'story Once upon a time there was a girl named Brenda Ramirez, who was really interested in guys, she was a guyaholic and she didn't know how to control her desire whenever she was near a boy. One day she met the boy of her dreams but this guy already knew she was a player so he didn't even bother in talking to her, she got super depressed and went to her house to cry because she just felt all the tears trying to get out of her eyes. When she got home, she went to her isolated room like the emo she is. She thought about herself for a while and realized she needed to change the way she was with guys, so she decided to stop being a player and just look for nice and decent guys. The next day at school she didn't even turn around to look at the boys' butts so that the guy she liked could see she was not a player anymore and finally have the balls to ask her out... The guy turned around to look at her and approached her slowly, then he told her if she wanted to go to his house cuz there was nobody else there... So she realized what he wanted to do and she slapped him so hard that her hand ended up broken The End Publication Date: May 18th 2011 https://www.bookrix.com/-sandra94
SHANNON COOTS SKIN TO SKIN Perfect Dream SKIN TO SKIN CHAPTER 1 It was really warm tonight and I really wanted to stay home. But Carmen wanted to go out (my best friend). So here I am waiting for her to pick me up. We go to Salone High School, were in our last we before we gradualate, thank god. I'm taking time off to injoy life and Carmen going to law school me thanks she's nuts. I hear a knock at the door. I open the door, there she is soursing up a storm "Damn its cold out there girl, you ready to go to this kew club" i mumble and nod and she said "what did ya say" "nothing, lets go" we head out and then 20min later where standig in line when the bodygaurd hollers my name and I turn and see Adam my dads partner. he waves me over and i grab carms arm and walks to him " what are you doing here Anna" I roll my eyes "to party, this is my best friend Carmen, Carnen my dads busiess partner Adam" she gives him a over the top check and smiles "hi" she says, he nods and says "well If you guys insist on coming into my club, then go in and wait for me in V.I.P erea, I'll let them know inside, now scute" we giggle and go inside. "Wow this is cool Anna" we walk up the spiral staircase to a quite room overlookig the entire club and there was six (6) men settig around chilling and they stop talking when we walked in and I go stand at the railing waiting for adam and Carm goes talk to the guys ocourse. "hi" Adam says to me. I turn and say "so why be so Protective towards me Ad" he sighs "because I care about you a lot, I have feelings for you. and do't want harm to come to you" I say Well Adam your my dads Partner and best friend won't work you know" he nods and we were interupted by a guy holler at Adam "yo! man were going on" "Okay, Razor, hey man this is Anna" "he looks at me oddly" and I hear Adam curse and I look at him and he smiles at me and I turn back and the guy was gone "Who was that Adam" he looks paley sick "that is your future sweety" i'm stunned by what he said so much I deside to leave. "um, Adam I'm not sure I should be here" "Oh, okay" I smile "can You see Carmen home please" he nods and says "sure luv, no problem" I practically ran to the ally and just then the bus pulled up " thank god" two weeks later I feel so sick to my stomack and I call in to school, to let them i'll be out for a few days. then I called dad "dad, I need you to pick me up , I think something is seriosly wrong with me, I need to go to the hospital" And i dropped the phone and the world went black. "Anna,ANNA, baby girl answer me" nothing Anna's DAD "We got to get to Annas place Adam, call Razor, to meet us" "He went to Boston for a Show" "shit, she in TRansition, she met her mate and my guess is Razors her mate" "oh hell" he grabs his phone and hollers for "Razor to get Back here" then they all rush off to Annas place. ANNA GRoanig,I feel my bones poping and shifting my hands changing and my nose back form human to wolf back and forth it hurts so much "no Damn you, STOP!" and it does i'm sweatig and tired and bleeding and i close my eyes. Annas dad and adam "Shes not here, the woods maybe" they look for a hour in a half and find her by herself whimpering Razors name. her dad picks her up and Anna screams in pain and he drops her to the ground "shit i forgot baby" "Razor" "he's coming baby" and she shifts partly again and back to human again back in forth for a three hours then fially Anna gets up and looks at her father and them adam "kill me daddy please" her father breaks down crusing he can't then she started to change then got stuck again "Damit Change fully" I yeah at myself and I did to my shock and I here my dad say "Well I'll be DAMN" and that cost me to change back to human and I glared at my dad. "I'm sorry pumpkin" and I screamed in pain again "why won't it quite Daddy" "Because ur intransition and u need ur mate" "I don't understand" he looks at me sadly and explain most of it and "say when I meet my mate it pute me in my transitition faze and theres no stoping it, baby sorry" "But who's my mate" they both look at each other. "I am" a voice says from behind and he's not alone, theres his band mates and his current grilfriend and at least sixyty other people in wolf form. "OH hell no, daddy" I look at the gril in disgust "thats not my mate, I don't share for one and Adam I'll take you for a mate? yeah?" there was a snarl and a deep feral growl over my ear then a whisper "You want your boy Adam dead sweets" something came over me and I changed real quick and flipped Razor and bite his neck and color bone and everyone is stunned silent and Razor stops moving and the girl is screaming nooo, nooooo! and my dad pulls me off him and Razor growls at my dad and he lets go of me real quick and puts his hands up in surrender. I'm confused. and walk off to my place and everyone just look at me and i stop at the edge and realize i can't move "Daddy!" "Whats wrong" Razor ask me in concern "I can"t move" and then there light and then a white wolf appears and then a wolf changes into my mother "hi honey, congrats! your queen white wolf and your mate will be king when he claims you as you have claimed him and only he can be by his heart of love for you. "I nod" and she sweeps her hand up and I change to a white wolf ad she touches her nose to mine and then leaves and I turn to stare and everyoned bows to me and I shake my head and roll my eyes and walk off. "Wait!" Razor yells at me "you can't claim me and just walk off and leave me" i look over my should at him and say "Well i am! go be with your grilfriend or play band something" he breaths a sigh of saperation even i can hear with my wolf sence, wich let me tell you is freaky, but not as freaky as learning your parents are wolfs and didn't know it yeah what a hell of a shock. "well miss queen bitch. i can't you claimed me and the would kill her or me, if i cheat in our marriage" I freeze "WHAT" i gasp "were not married". "bye pack law we are and its final" he smiles sadly at me "now come here and let me bite ur neck sweets" i turn and shake my head "hell no" and he tackels me and bite me hard to the bone and then he whispers in my ear "paybacks a bitch, now were both stuck together etenity" tears streamed down my eyes and i feel him stiffened "what's wrong baby,i'm sorry i not good enogh fro you please don't cry" i tremble with a need i don't understand and i already love razor for some reason he feels like home "I'm just scared razor" he breaths slowly and says "Everything well be fine sweets, I promise" I nod "I gotta go to school now" he nods and then leans forward and stops short and shakes his head like he was in a faze "see you later at the wolf meeting tonight sweets" i nod my head and walk off tom my house. All day at school I couldn't think or remember anything but Razor and everyone even teachers keep asking me if i was alright and i say sure why, they just stare at me in disbaleif "your not paying attention to me" i looked at them in confused sort of way "sorry" class was over thank god!!! Then Carmen runs up to me "Anna! so your part of the pack and queen bitch" i'm shocked "your one two and didn't tell me?" she looks really sad at me with distress kind of voice "i'm sorry Anna, but pack law, i could have been cast out of the pack and been packless if i told you" she starts crying "Please Anna forgive me" I roll my eyes at her "way to much drama for all this carm" she laughs at my attitude with it all "so hows married life". "I don't know, but I know he really don't want me and for some reason I already love him, wich suck because, he wants his girlfriend and not me, my own mate hate's me carm" "I'm sorry Anna" then she hugs me why I cry and then I turn to her "well we better get ready for my first wolf meeting eh" leave it to Carmen to find the humer in this and giggle "sure my Queen". AT THE CLUB I stop dead in the club entrance, I see my mate and his girlfriend dancing and my distress reaches so high the whole pack starts to growl with it. my dad come up to me trying to find the threat and spots my mate and with speed i couldn't follow, crabs him bye the throat and slams him to the ground. i just shake my head with disgust with the whole damn thing. "Anna! stop were are you going?" Carmen ask's me" "Home girlfriend" she nods her head and goes home with me. Then next morning theres all kinds of messages from Razor trying to explain the situation. i just hit delete and get dress for school. And on my way to school I run into no other then his bitch grilfriend "you might be married but he wishes it was me!" i smile sadly at her cause she right "I know thats why i'm haveing my mother unmate us, I might love him but i'm not so foolish enough to force anyone to be with me, so he's all yours,just love him and treat him the way he should be" she looks stunned and tears are streaming down our face and i walk to my car. then i feel my car forced open and then a hand over my neck and sqeeze real painfully and i scream in terrible pain and passed out. RAZORS HOUSE doorbell rings, I open to see Anna's dad "Have you seen Anna,is she here by chance" I'm so puzzle why he would think shes here "NO, WHY!" and then I felt it the pain and fear. I felt it so bad, I doubled over and gasped in pain "what so wrong boy" and i growl in warning and changed to my beast and ran to Anna (I'm coming baby,hold on baby,hold on,don't leave me) and i ran so fast and i can feel and hear Anna's father running beside me and then i spot Anna tied to a pole and a black wolf with his dick at about to shove it in Anna and I saw red and attacked the basturd and took his rottin head off, then i turned and Anna's father killed the other three wolfs and then i notice that our pack have come to back us up "And i walked toward Anna but she moves back away from me with shock and fear "baby, please I'm not going to hurt you" she turns away from me completely. Then my ex shows up and whispers in my ear and tells me everything Anna said earlier "look boo, she really loves you make her except your love in return" I nod "I do love her, I just hope it's enough" i walked to Anna and forced her to ecept my embrace "oh Anna I was scared I lost you,that I wouldn't make it in time, that I failed you some how. that I wouldn't get to tell you how I feel, I love you baby, and I have sence I layed eyes on you, I'm stubborn as hell,please forgive me and don't leave me luv" then I kissed her with all the love I had for her. "I love you to Razor to be continue............ Publication Date: July 21st 2011 https://www.bookrix.com/-babyluv
Sharon Thomas Sexual Revolution Sybil was a stunning ebony beauty. A dark skinned vixen at Dane's disposal. She was the exact opposite of his ex. She had more meat on her, in all the right places. Her smile so inviting and sweet. Her skin so soft and delicate. There was an innocence that he saw before in her eyes. Something rare to find these days and worth preserving. The key here was to show her how desired she made him feel. That meant he would have to take his time. As Sybil laid thinking about how sex with Dane would be. She feared that he would find out that she hadn't been with that many men, only two others. That and the fact that her pussy was still surprisingly tight. She wasn't sure that she could take his thickness and length. She was on the verge of cumming again but she held back the urge to tighten her muscles to cum. She wanted to save it. She bit her bottom lip to keep from screaming as he suckled her clit and moved three fingers inside her. A wave of hot energy rushed from her pussy, down to her feet, and out to her fingertips. Dane felt her body tremble. Licking the length of her moist slit he crawled up to seek out her lips. Her whole body was shaking, his throbbing cock resting between her legs. He kissed her. A divine mixture of alcohol and her womanly honey. She was feeling a million sensations at once. He was finding all the right spots to make her weak. he was being so gentle and caring with her. His lips tasted familiar, a sweetness that had come from her. She didn't mind. She liked to lick her honey off her fingers after masturbating. Just the feeling of his cock heating up her thighs sent tremors through her body. She was aching to have him inside her. Dane began to kiss her neck softly, taking time to breathe in her scent. Like french vanilla, very warm and edible. He kissed his way down to her left breast. His right hand cupped her breasts and he flicked his tongue over her soft nipples. Instantly they puckered up tightly, back to the miniature pyramid formations. He suckled the rock hard nipple in his mouth, rolling his tongue across and around. He felt her hands clutch the comforter and let out a long whimper. He now went to her right breast and did the same. He only saw the whites of her eyes. Which meant she was ready to take him. His hands stroked her face as his knees parted her damp thighs. Her eyes returned to normal to see him. "I promise I'll be gentle. Just relax." His free hand guided his hard cock to her love hole. Her thighs opened up some more for better access. Dane carefully pressed his large cock head inside. Damn! She was so tight! A grip he had never had before. He pumped quickly and hard so the stretching wouldn't hurt her as much. "Ahhhhhhhhh. Oh... My... God!" she screamed. He felt a warm liquid slide on his cock. She had cum just that soon. He thrust inside her again. All her muscles were squeezing and releasing his cock. He wanted to cum right then. So tight and wet, her juices coating his cock making it easier for him to control his rhythm. She wrapped her legs around him and slipped her arms under his clutching his back. Their lips meeting with every thrust. She was cumming over and over again. With him there was a deep fullness she never experienced with the others. She could feel every vein throbbing in his cock. She was spasmming uncontrollably. He stared at her face. Her eyes were closed. Her pouty full lips slightly parted. Her cooing sounds were music to his ears. He was glad she was enjoying their love-making session. Sybil was as sexy, and angelic all at the same time. She opened her eyes. A smile appeared on her mouth. He had the biggest grin on his face. Was he watching her the whole time? Had he seen the delicate side of her? Was she cumming too loud? After her fourth orgasm she gasped between breaths,"Dane, cum inside me." He picked up his rhythm. The pressure was rising again and this time he could finally release it. They're eyes were fixated on each other. The heaviness of his balls ached. He came deep inside her, shooting his hot load. She also came at the same time, almost pushing him out. Her eyes widened before they rolled back. Dane let out a loud groan, his body pulsating and shaking. He kissed her long and hard, slowly pulled out. A mixture of both their juices remained on his cock and thighs. She felt the warm cum oozing out onto her ass and thighs. He had filled her womb completely with his cum. He rolled over on his back exhausted. "That... was... beautiful!" He pulled her to rest on his chest. She could hear his heart pounding loudly. "I didn't know it could be so magical." Her whole body was tingling and vibrating. He placed a kiss on her forehead. She glanced at the clock on the dresser. Two hours had past. It only seemed like a few minutes. "Go ahead and get some rest. This is just the beginning." He stroked her hair and she was asleep. In a matter in minutes he also fell asleep. Publication Date: July 3rd 2011 https://www.bookrix.com/-vylet78
Bookhood Mella and I My Best Night Publication Date: October 11th 2011 https://www.bookrix.com/-bookhood
SHANNON COOTS UN-CLAIMED MATE! Uncontroled Need I'm seventeen today and there's a party the packs throwing me in to celebrate my birth. I walked to where the pack was waiting and chatting and then a wonderful smell it me and I couldn't denied my nose or my wolf (mate!) and I searched until I reached the smell and my mate and I was surprise it was Dillon. "Cole why you sniffing me and I speak "MATE!" only it came out funny because I changed with out knowing. "What?" Dillon asked shocked and scared "I'm straight Cole!" I stepped in his space "MATE!" then Sam was there pulling me away and Dillon's family. and they dragged me off and told me later I've been order to leave the pack until my crush was over. But I never return when they asked over and over until I was order by my brother Sam "Come home now Cole!" on the phone. and it was a command as alphas second "Yes sir!". and then I hung up with out waiting for more. CHAPTER 1 THE PRESENT DAY JUNE 3rd,2011 I pulled Up on my Bike all in leather and I heard the growl and the hostile off the other wolves of my pack approaching me. I got ready. They all circled me Over twenty wolves. "your trespassing stray mutt" one of them said and I remember him as Marcus and his best friend Mac "Yeah mutt". "I'm Cole!" they looked confused then some blinked and grin "How you doing fag boy!" they all said in unison. then they charged and I defeated there try's of tackles until one Blind sided me and I just reacted and punched and changed to my wolf and growled and smelled him and relented. "I was wondering if you'd remembered your own flesh in blood or not" I snorted "your lucky I smelled you before I beat you and got myself a job I don't want" he just nod his head then looked over his head and sadly smiled. I looked and there stood my alpha Dillon stare at me funny. I looked away. "So what was so bad you command Your little brother home?" he laugh "little my ass Cole, your huge,all over and damn man you grow up, I didn't reconized you at all" I smiled "Playing with the alligators will do that!" Sam gulped "Alligators?" I snickered "yeah sure they taste great, I even brought you some alligator jerky" He paled sickly and the pack busted out laughing but the alpha just stared with something I couldn't named. But then I just didn't care and I turned back to Sam "So?" Sam was also staring at Dillon with a confused scared look and I cleared my throat "Oh right, another pack arrived wanting to join ours and We need extra training hands for the men and there some men like you and teens who need guidance me or your alpha know what to do" that irk me "Sam you mean Gay like me?" He says "Yeah sorry man!" he smiles funny "It's takes a while to get use to" then he snickers and says "Cole?" "Yeah" "Your so damn Hot!" and everyone lost it busting out laughing "But" then there was a growl of one angry wolf and we all look to alpha and he shifted rushing my brother and On instant I blocked my brother and took the tackle and the punch and the scrape down my back. And I cried out in pain and my brother yelled "Cole!" but he couldn't get near me because one pissed passive alpha bitch standing guard "What the hells going on my mother asked looking at the seen "You got to be joking Dillon!" everyone looked at her with confused eyes "What are you talking about mom?" Sam asked "He's stating claim and guarding whats his from you men!" then everyone gasped at what she mint "But he's straight mom" "It don't matter that will change soon enough" over by dead body I thought. I had to do something so I shoved Dillon off me and pined him down "I don't want you, that time has passed! understand!" he snarled and some how flipped me and bit down on my neck taking the choice from me and snarled in my face "MINE! MATE!" and then leaped and snarled a warning at the other men and ran towards the woods. Damn I thought "That was something" Sam said and everyone agreed and then there one a high pitched scream "Oh hell" Tom said "I guess Cindy heard already about losing her lover" they all looked at me I just shrugged Like I could care less "not my problem, theirs" they nod in understanding. Chapter 2 DINNER TIME I got my food and walked towards a empty table and chair and then not even two seconds later my table was over flowing with people flirting and asking me about where I've been and alligators and boyfriends. I just smiled and continued to ignore there questions and answer some. "Move!" Dillon says to me "Huh?" "Get up NOW!" I did he grabs my hand and leads me to the alpha table and slams me in a seat next to him and then yanks my seat next to his!" I try to pull away but his hold on my chair kept me in place. Sam snickers with the others. "Who do you think you are taking my mate, you fag mutt!" I snarled and stand up and the sound got deadly silent and I just stared at her not blinking or anything then she screamed and fell to the floor with pain and then she stop and jumped up confused "What the hell was that" she yelled in my face. I just smiled a lazy smile and she went to change in to wolf but i was faster and grab her by the neck and I ignore the gasp of wonder. "Listen and listen good Your no match for me, understand?" she nods "I can't hear you?" "y-yes" I dropped her and turn to my family "Its been along journey and I'm going to bed" my father just nodded and my mother still set shocked with the rest of the pack. MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT Knock,Knock,Knock I jumped at of bed, jerk the door open "What!" I say, A young scared teen stands there afraid of me "Sorry sir, but alpha meeting, there a royal in the house" he says with a stutter and tremble in his voice. "whats your name?" "Zane" "You straight or gay?" he looked horror then paled "g-gay" I gave him a kind smile "I'm Cole" he blinks with understand "Gay Cole, outcast my leader and alpha Luna?" I just nod "Lets go Zane" we walk down stairs and then to the office and there stood the Alpha king and queen and prince Ralph, princess Riley "So what brings you to our way my king" and then the king looked pissed "one of my private guards went missing and he a loner so only way for him to dissapper was if he was order home!" he snarls everyone look confused "Hi Matt and Kate,Riley,Ralph!" I nod "Sorry but I was called here to train the gays" I cocked a cocky grin at Ralph. He busted out laughing "Good one Cole baby are they hot!!" there was a warning growl and my instints kicked in and I change and stood guard in front of my king and friends until I realize what happen it was my mate getting jelouse "Its okay your mate see the bond and spells you on each other. Then it clicked shit I forgot we bonded as family with blood and sex to be part of the royal guard and also be cause I'm the main guard and I save Riley and Ralph with blood exchange and now the queen just explain it all. "Well hes mine and my mate!" my mate says and the king just nods "If Cole wants you then yes" everyone just looks at me. I shrugged like a kid "Always the so confused Cole, keep him honey, he hot" Riley says "That he is doll, but I haven't tried him out yet, then I'll decide if he's worth keeping based on his performance!" I snickered and my mate looked appalled "B-but he hasn't been with a man before Cole so he a virgin how good could he be" His mom said looking scared "MOM!" he said, everyone busted at laughing holding their stomacks with tears streaming down their faces "very funny, Haha" he says with attitude "But I though you like me Cole" Zane says with a tear streak face who looked broken. I'm just so stunned by the look and then I spelled him "SHIT" . "EVERYONE OUT NOW" everyone's confused "MAT STAY!" I look to the king and nod he put the shield up and I started undressing "Zane baby of course I like you, smell me, see how much" "What are you doing" my mate says to me "Smell him" he does and then his eyes widded with shock "how" "because you rejected him, so the fates gave him a second chance just in case" he looked pained "come on undress, we will mate him together to save him. he nods and we all mate as the royal as witness. Publication Date: March 27th 2012 https://www.bookrix.com/-babyluv
Shyoldguy Christmas on the Road WARNING/DISCLAIMER -- Please Read before Reading Story Legal Notice: The following story contains descriptions of graphic sexual acts. The story is a work of fiction and has no basis in reality. Don't read this story if you're not 18 or over, if it is illegal to read this type of material where you live, or if you don't want to read about gay/bi people in love or having sex. The author retains copyright to this story. Placing this story on a website or reproducing this story for distribution without the author's permission is a violation of that copyright. CHRISTMAS ON THE ROAD I sat in the diner, nursing my third cup of coffee. I was surrounded by big burly truck drivers. They were all eating huge meals loaded with fat, and sucking down black coffee. Many of them were talking animatedly on their cell phones as snow blew against the windows, and the wind sang through the cracks around the door. It was one of the worst winter storms on record, and on Christmas eve too. I had wanted to go home for Christmas so badly, it would be the first time in five years that I would be with my family on Christmas morning, or any morning for that matter, and now it looked like I was not going to make it. Damn it, I had to be there. I threw a hand full of one dollar bills on the table, wrapped my scarf around my neck tucking it into the top of my heavy winter coat. I stuffed my hands into my lined leather driving gloves as I headed for the door. My SUV would make it, the commercials advertising this model showed it climbing rocky mountain sides. A little snow should be a cake walk for it. Well . . . I was wrong, and the commercials lied, I started down the two lane county road. I was only fifteen miles from my mother's house; if I drove carefully I would make it. But I didn't. I rounded a curve, the road went to the left, and my car went to the right. I went off the road, struck a tree, and came to a sudden painful stop. Damn, now what was I going to do. The temperature had dropped so low that if I tried walking I would freeze to death, there was no one else on the road to help me. I guess I was the only idiot willing to take the chance and drive on a night like this. The car was still running, and I had a half tank of gas. The heater was pumping out waves of hot air, maybe I could hold out until morning. They had to send a snow plow down this road eventually, didn't they? I sat for what seemed like forever watching the snow get deeper. Eventually I must have dozed off, because I woke to the sound of someone tapping on the driver side window. I looked up, slightly disoriented, and saw a big man standing in the snow, pounding on the glass. He had a large broad face, dark hair trimmed short, and a day old growth of beard stubble on his face, and the biggest, deepest blue eyes I have ever seen on an adult man. "Are you okay man? Are you all right?" he said with a look of worry in those exceptional eyes. I pushed the button and rolled the window down, a freezing burst of artic air hitting me in the face and sucking all the heat out of my car. "Yeah, Yeah I'm all right." I said, still trying to get my head wrapped around what was going on. He reached in and opened the door, taking me by the arm and helping me out. Something was wrong, my body parts would not work the way I wanted them too. "Man, I think you were inhaling carbon monoxide. Don't you know better than to sit in a running car like that with the windows up? Now take some deep breaths, you feeling any better?" I think I was, my mind was starting to focus, and I could stand alone. There was a huge red Kenworth tractor and trailer pulled off to the edge of the road just ahead of where I ran into the ditch. He reached into my car and cut the engine, slamming the door he said. Let's walk up to my cab; it's warm and safe there. Can you walk? I was feeling much better when we got to the cab, and he helped me get up into the seat. He climbed in behind me and closed the door. He radioed back to the truck stop that he had found me and that I was safe. He told them that we would be camping out in his truck until the snow plow and tow truck could get there in the morning. Apparently he saw me leave the cafe, and knew I would not be able to go far. "Pull those wet shoes and socks off." He said, reaching behind him into the sleeping area behind the seat and pulling out a blanket. I wrapped it around my feet, and pulled it up to my chin. He pulled his boots off, and poured us both a cup of coffee from a huge thermos. We sat and talked as the heater in the roof pumped warm air into the cab. He said that he had a son about my age, and guessed my age at twenty one or twenty two. Actually I am twenty three. We sipped the hot strong coffee as I told him that I was missing my first Christmas with my family, and that I had been away for five years. "What could keep a fine young man like you away from your family for five years." He asked. "Well, I got in a bad fight with my father, and I was no longer welcome, and it was not safe for me to stay there. I had to move on." I replied. "What in the hell did you fight about that you would no longer be safe living at home." He asked, with a slight sound of surprise in his voice. I don't know what it was about him that made me open up. Maybe I had just kept it inside for so long that I needed to tell someone. Looking back, I was taking a chance telling him the whole story, he could have kicked me out into the show and let me freeze to death . . . but he didn't. "Well, I told him I was gay, and he just lost it. He was always a heavy drinker, and was not nice when he was drunk, and that was most of the time. He went off and beat the crap out of me. He knocked me unconscious, when I came to; I was handcuffed to a radiator. He was going to "change" me back into a man, even if it killed me. My mother helped me escape, and we have kept in touch the last few years. When my dad died two months ago, it was safe for me to come home, and . . . here I am." I was a little nervous just putting it all out there. I did not know how he would respond to what I had said. No one knew the whole story; of course I am "out", and the people in my new life know I am gay, but no one knows about what happened at home. I had never told anyone, and I never knew how someone would respond to me being gay. "Your father was a damn fool. My son in gay too, and even though I wish he wasn't, he is. If I want him in my life, and I do, then I needed to get past that. He is an only child, and I would have liked to have grand kids, but I love him. I will always love him no matter what. Your father is the one who missed out. I don't plan on missing out with my kid." He responded. We both just sat quietly for a few minutes sipping the hot strong coffee. He suggested that we climb in back in the sleeping area, and get some rest. It would be morning before the snow plow and tow truck could get through. It was a tight fit, he was a large man, and the bed was not quite the size of a regular double bed. As we lay side by side, he asked me about my life in California. I told him that I was in graduate school working on my masters in social work; I lived alone, but had dated some. I worked as a waiter at an upscale restaurant, and managed to keep on top of the bills somehow and still be on the dean's list at school. When the conversation lagged, and I thought that he was asleep, it startled me when he said. "You know, I never thought much about gay sex until my son came out. But I have thought about it now, and I can't help wondering what it would be like. What was your first time like?" I was a little shocked, but he was so nice, and genuinely seemed interested in the topic. "Well I was twelve years old, and my best friend and I were talking about girls and sex. We got aroused, and he asked if I ever jacked off. I was very naive about sex and stuff, and he volunteered to show me. Well one thing led to another, and we messed around orally, and jacked each other off. We did stuff together for about a year, and then he moved away. By that time, I knew I was gay, I was just too scared to let anyone know." He just lay there, staring up at the ceiling for a few minutes before he said, "I never messed around with other boys when I was young. I understand that most guys do that when they go through puberty. It doesn't mean that they are gay, just horny, and curious. I think maybe I missed something, maybe I should have done it." The next words out of my mouth surprised even me. Maybe it was being tucked inside that tight little cocoon where it was safe and warm while a storm raged outside. I could feel the wind blow the snow against the side of the truck so hard that the cab would rock. The snow sounded like sand sliding over the shiny red surface of the truck, as I said, "you know, I would be willing to show you." "No man I didn't mean . . ." He stumbled. "No it's okay. Your right, it doesn't mean you are gay, just curious. No one will ever know." I replied There was a long pause, and I thought the conversation was over when he said, "Would I need to get naked, I would feel funny naked in bed with another guy." I laughed. "Trust me," I said. "by the time we are done, you will not be embarrassed about being naked." I rolled onto my side in the confined space, and gently touched his face. I stroked my fingers along his stubbly jaw line. "Oh, I don't know . . ." he said. "Just lay back and enjoy. Trust me, you will love it." My other hand reached around and grasped his package in his blue jeans. "Oh, damn." He said. "It's okay." I whispered in his ear. I could feel his member stir in my hand. I wanted to kiss him, but I thought it was too soon. That might freak him out, but his lips were so inviting. They were thick, and moist, the kind I would love to have around my cock. They were made to give a man pleasures. I started to unbutton his red flannel shirt keeping one hand on his now semi erect penis. His body stiffened a little. "It's ok", I reassured him, gently kissing him on the cheek, my lips scarcely touching his hot skin. He was embarrassed, his face had flushed. I slid my hand inside his shirt, my fingers getting entangled in his mat of dark hair. I found his nipple, and tenderly caressed it. He moaned slightly. When it was fully hard and erect, I pinched it and pulled on it. He moaned louder, and his cock twitched in my hand. "You like that don't you?" I said, more of a statement then a question. He didn't answer with words, but his cock continued to harden. I placed my lips in the middle of his massive hairy chest, and kissed him there. I used my tongue and licked my way to his other hard nipple. I used my hot wet tongue to play with it, making him moan even more, I carefully nibbled on it with my teeth, my goal was to give pleasure not cause pain. He was fully erect in his jeans now. I leaned back and took off my shirt, and I helped him out of his. I leaned back over, and kissed him on the lips. Those big, soft, man pleasing lips. My hand slid under the waist band of his jeans, and onto his hard hot man cock. He wasn't wearing underwear. "Oh, my god!" he exclaimed. The words came out a mumble because my lips were pressed to his, and my tongue was darting into his mouth. His body stiffened, and I thought maybe I had moved in to fast. But, his arms wrapped around me, he pulled me closer to him, our naked skin touching, and he started kissing me back. My hand was wet inside his pants; he was leaking a huge amount of precum. I was glad; it would make it easier on me when I let him fuck me. I slowly stroked him his hips smoothly thrusting in time to my caress, his rhythm matching mine. I unfastened his pants, and slid them down his hairy legs. He lifted his hips to let me do it. I slid my pants and briefs down in one motion, and lay down again next to his naked body. I leaned over and kissed him again, my rock hard cock pressing into him, my hand seeking out his huge man meat. "I left your socks on big guy; I wouldn't want you to feel funny being naked with me." He laughed and let his hand start exploring my body. It felt great having his large rough hand travel over my skin, he gently probed my private places, we were both moaning softly. I let my lips and tongue move down his body until my face was in the tangle of dark wiry hair of his crotch. I loved the smell; it was a manly smell, not offensive, but intoxicating and arousing. I licked the sides of his huge erect cock. He must have been at least ten inches long. The skin was soft, and the core underneath was rigid, and throbbing. As one of his hands investigated my tender ass hole, the other rested on my head, guiding me as I pleasured him as only another man knows how. I wrapped my lips around his mammoth purple head, flicked my tongue over his piss slit, and drove him crazy with desire. I bobbed my head up and down, covering his man pole with my saliva, I wanted it good and slick for what I was going to do next. I could feel his heartbeat through his rock hard cock, the veins throbbing in my mouth. His hips started bucking, and I knew his eruption was rapidly approaching. I let his rod pop from my mouth, "Oh god . . . no, I was so close." He moaned. "It's okay big guy, I'll take care of you." I said as I climbed on top of him, placing my taut young hole in line with his stiff hard dick. I wanted him, I wanted to feel him inside me, feel his heartbeat in my most private place. I wanted to feel his pleasure transferred to me through his long stiff cock. I wanted to feel it hit my "g" spot over and over again. I slowly lowered my self on him impaling my self on his rod. It popped in the first ring, his big purple head was now leaking inside me. I slowly lowered myself so his tool parted my hole and penetrated my tight, dark, warm boy pussy. It went deeper and deeper inside me filling me with his essence, when my ass hit his thick dark bush, we were one. His hips lifted off the mattress, his eyes were closed, and a loud moan escaped his sweet sensuous mouth. My own rod was rock hard and pointing to the ceiling, profuse amounts of pre-cum dribbled out of my pee slit, and ran down my shaft, dripping off my balls and into his pubic hair. The feel of his member inside me, knowing that he had never done this with a man before had me aroused. Knowing that he was feeling the sensations of his first man sex was reminding me of my first time. I wanted him to feel how wonderful it could be. I slowly started moving my ass up and down on him, tightening and loosening my muscles, massaging his hard on as I rode him. His body started thrashing from side to side, his need was so great, but I would speed up, slow down and flex my muscles in such a was as to heighten his sensations, but prolong his ejaculation. "Oh god, oh god . . . I need to cum. Please let me cum." He begged. "You feel so good, oh man, take me, take me now." He pleaded. And . . . I did. He bucked his hips, my head almost hitting the top of the cab as his dick exploded inside me. My own rod dumped its load at the same time. We both shot huge loads of hot, sticky, white cum. His coating my colon and mine, shooting wildly around the cab. My first shot hit my chest, and I could feel it slowly drip down my hairless skin, the second hit the back of the black leather driver's seat, the third hit him square in the middle of his forehead, and the fourth landed on his hairy chest. The rest dribbled down my shaft filling his already wet bush with my milky juice. His cum filled my boy cunt, and started running out around his ample piece of man meat, and mixed with mine in his wiry hair. His eyes were now open and he was staring at me, and the mess I had made. "Did I cause that?" He asked, "Oh yes big guy, you did that to me." I said, and he smiled. I let his cock pop out of my hole, and lay down on top of him, rubbing the cum on our chests between us, I gently licked my cum off his face, and kissed him on the lips again. His strong hairy arms wrapped around me and held me tight. He put his mouth to my ear and whispered, "I want more. Can you fuck me; can you put your thing in me and make me cum like you did?" I could already feel his manhood starting to stiffen against my leg, and I knew I was always good for a second round, so I said. "I would love to fuck your hairy virgin ass big guy; I would love to feel your hot tight ass squeezing my cock. Are you ready now?" I asked, knowing by the heat radiating from his already stiff cock what the answer was. "Yeah, just go slow." He whispered. I slid down his body, my lips and tongue cleaning the cum out of his chest hair. I licked up all the cum from his prickly bush and lapped it off his hairy balls. I then started licking his already stiff man member, cleaning my ass juices and his cum off the shaft. I then opened my mouth wide, and stretched my throat muscles as wide as I could and took as much of his long cock down my throat as I could. I brought his rod to the edge of blasting another load of his sweet hot cum, and would back off. I did that over and over again until he was squirming with the need to let loose. I then rolled him over, exposing his round hairy globes. I spread his cheeks, and plunged my face in his crack. Using my tongue, I lapped up and down the long furrow between his ample mounds. My hot wet tongue made contact with his soft damp hole, and he moaned. I pushed my tongue deep inside him, lapping his warm man juices. I used as much of my spit as I could to wet his hole, and then inserted a finger inside him. His moaning got louder, and I worked my finger around in his warm private place. His man scent filled my nostrils, and that aroused me even more. "Oh yeah, damn that feels good." He sighed. I inserted a second finger, gently stretching his pussy. His body started humping my hand, and he started to whimper. I knew he was ready. I spit into my hand and coated my raging cock with my saliva, and hawked a large wad into his crack. Using my ultra sensitive dick head I dragged it to his hole. I tenderly pressed my cock head against his opening, slowly increasing the pressure until his muscles gave way and my wiener started sliding inside him. "Oh god, you feel huge." He said. "Am I hurting you?" "Hell no, just go slow, okay?" was his response. I then gradually increased my in and out motion. His body was responding to mine, and I could tell that he was in heaven. "More, more, give me more." He demanded. "Oh damn, I have never felt anything so good." He bellowed. His ass lifting to give me even better access, I gave one good hard push and forced the full length of my raging cock into his ass. He was so very tight, warm, and eager. Even though he was old enough to be my father, I was excited, and my need to reach my orgasm was intense. I started plunging my erection deeper and deeper, faster and faster into his virgin hole. My moaning was matching his as our fever grew and our bodies eager for release. "Oh, god . . . I'm going to cum!" he yelled. Both our bodies tensed, our muscles tightened, my rhythm became irregular, and my cum started to shoot deep in his tight, moist, man hole. His cum, large white gobs of man goo, coated the sheets. As our breathing became more regular, my dick popped out of him, and I collapsed on his hairy back, my face nuzzling his neck. "So that's what gay sex feels like." He said. "Damn, I guess I'm gay because I loved it." I chuckled, "I have never turned a guy gay before, I think it was because you were just very horny." I said. "Let's try and get some sleep." I rolled off him and covered our naked bodies with a blanket that was wadded up at our feet. I have to admit, I enjoyed cuddling up next to his warm body, feeling his large masculine arm wrap around me. I felt safe. Soon his regular breathing became a light snore, and I fell asleep. I woke to a dazzling white winter wonderland. Bright sunshine reflected off the blanket of white snow. All of the world's rough edges were softened by a coating of sparkling, fresh snow. I climbed into the front seat, still naked, and stared at the transformation before me. Snow still fell in a gentle swirl as a light wind made it dance across the windshield. I felt like a little boy on a "snow day" when school was closed. "We better get dressed, that snow plow could be here any minute." His booming voice said from behind me. "Not yet, just one more time, please fuck me one more time." I pleaded, climbing back into the sleeper, and pressing my lips on his. I could feel his morning wood, press into my burning flesh. "What a way to say merry Christmas." He said. EPILOG We made it to my mother's house and he stayed to celebrate Christmas with us. He and my mom have been married for five years now; I guess I didn't turn him gay after all. But . . . I now have a father that is ok with me being gay, and a step brother that is one hell of a hunk, and very good in bed. My family get togethers are a lot of fun. Publication Date: February 15th 2011 https://www.bookrix.com/-shyoldguy
Deucy Jones Always Entitled to Nobody I dedicate this to G for always being my shoulder to cry on and for amazing hugs and to JonJon for being my number 1 fan. Meet the Author and Characters Wassuh? How you doin'? You not gone say nun? Imma just assume you said 'Bihhh I'm great'. ANYWAYSSSSSS, I'm the author, as you can tell from the title of this chapter, and I wanted to let you all know... YES, THIS IS A GROWN ASS BOOK. IF YOU CAN'T HANDLE IT, TAKE YA ASS TO BED. There will be a lot of slang in this but don't worry I got y'all. Uhhhhh... what else? Umm... The first story that I will be completing so don't judge me if I take too long. I'm 18 tryna figure out where i fit in the world and tryna get a decent job....sleep doesn't exist anymore lol. Each chapter will have a minimum of 1,000 words so of course there is a lot of drama. Annnnnnnndddd that's it. Enjoy my book, nasty muhhfuckahz. Love y'all, make sure you comment and ask questions about my story if there is any confusion. Ooooh and share it with friends, too.   CHARACTERS, THEIR AGES, AND 1 PIECE OF INFO   These are the characters that you gone see throughout these first few chapters. Make sure if you want to see what they look like or how I would visualize them, look each person up if you want to. Each name that is written in BOLD FONT in this list is just how i would picture each characters body type.   Ravie Loso as Nylah, 17 yr/o - Main character and Noah's 'twin' sister   Rotimi Akinosho  as Noah, 17 yr/o -  Nylah's twin brother     Regina King as Bianca, 34 yr/o - Nylah's "mother"   Beau Casper Smart  as Nico, 28 yr/o -  No information will be given just yet   Jacione Fugate  as Domonic, 17 yr/o -  Another main character   Anabella Carrasco as Laniyah, 16 yr/o -  Nylah's bestie, Lyllian’s younger sister   Giselle Lynette as Lyllian, 17 yr/o -  Nylah’s bestie, Laniyah’s older sister    Lucas Coly as Izayah, 16 yr/o - Dominic's younger brother   Aaleeyah Petty as Ty'tiana, 18 yr/o - No information will be given just yet     ****side note- JACIONE FUGATE IF YOU EVER SEE THIS MARRY ME. That is all. Had to just put that out there and let it be known i called dibs. Period   Nylah's POV   Spiteful Bitch-"Get yo ass up!!!"   I opened my eyes slowly and remembered that I have to start school again. I groaned as I sat up on my bed.   Me-"Ight, dammit! I'm getting up! Stop allat damn yellin'."   S.B.-"Just hurry up and get yo fat ass out this house. I got shit I need to do and you don't need to ruin my plans."   I just rolled my eyes and ignored the woman who accidentally helped conceive me. I swear I fuckin' hate her druggie ass. I don't know what the hell my dad saw in this bitch. Maybe she doesn't have a loose pussy. I got up and picked out an outfit from my dresser. I pulled out some plaid pink leggings and a pink shirt. Hmmm...Should I really do a pink day...Nah. Hopefully, Izayah's there, I thought as I turned on the hot water. I went back to my room and got my favorite nude grey shirt that fit me tight, faded grey jeans, my red velvet Jordan 11s, and a cute thong from Pink. I took my time in the shower and slowly got dressed because I had a good bit of time before I had to leave. As I'm getting dressed, I look in my full-length mirror. Hopefully, nobody bothers me today. I finished getting dressed in just enough time to grab something quick to eat. I ran into the hall and slid down the spiral banister. I went into the kitchen and grabbed an orange only to hear this bitch mouth again.   S.B.-"Hurry the fuck up and leave! You takin' too damn long. And don't be goin' on my banister like that no more. Fat ass might break it. Save that shit for when you go to the strip club, you hoe."   Me-"Shut the fuck! Don't nobody care about your dick appointment, damn."   With that, I walked out of the house with my book bag, iPhone X in hand, and applying lip gloss as I walked to my car. I have a beautiful car. I saved up all my money just for it to finally be mine. I hopped in my cocaine white Bentley as soon as I noticed my birth-givers boyfriend, Nico, pull up. What the hell he lookin' at? As if on cue, he walked up to my car and tapped on the window. I only rolled it down an inch which is more than I should have.   Nico-"Hello, gorgeous. Where's yo mama?"   I notice that he was lookin' hard at my titties. Damn, I should've worn a different bra.   Me-" I don't know but I do know some druggie in the house waitin' on yo old perverted ass."   All he did was laugh at me, which made me want to put my hands on him.   Nico-"Baby, don't act like you don't love me. I can please both you and yo mama. All you gotta do is ask."   I just rolled my eyes and rolled the window up. He was still leaning on the car, so I decided to pull off anyways. I arrived at my usual parking spot at the little convenience store a block away from school. I walked the rest of the way to school and went into the school building.   Me-" I can't believe this my last year here... It's about damn time."   I walked through the halls with my beats around my neck and tried to avoid all the stares and ignore all the comments.   ?- " Who does this fat bitch think she is? she got stomach for days."   ?- " Girl I don't know what she thought she was doin'. Who let her out the house like that?"   I rolled my eyes and moved on to my locker. I unlocked it and put my books inside and only grabbed my phone since I have study hall for the first 3 blocks. I was about to put the last book in there only for my locker to be pushed shut by the head bitch herself.   Me- "What do you want, Ty'tiana?"   Ty'tiana- "Why were you walking with my man, you slut?"   Me- "Which one?"   Ty'tiana- "Don't play dumb, you fat hoe. Why were you walking with Noah?"   Me- "Because he's my twin brother."   T- "Ain't no way he's related to you cause he's so fine and you're so fucking ugly. Stop dreaming odd fantasies about my nigga...," she paused as she stepped closer to me," Or else."   I stepped closer to her with the largest smirk on my face.   Me- "Why would I have fantasies about my brother? And if he wasn't blood-related, he would be in my bed every night because apparently yo hoe ass can’t even suck dick right and yo walls wider than the Grand Canyon. Such a shame your body can't match allat talk about how good you are in bed. On a whole other note, why would I have fantasies about someone who still answers to Pookie?"   T- "He would never answer to that. Stop making things-"   Me- "Pookie, come here."   I watched her eyes get big as my brother, Noah, walked over to us.   Noah- "Wassup, big sis?"   Me- "Nun... one of yo luh hoe ass girly friends thinks we got something goin' on."   Noah turned around and looked at Tytiana in disgust. Then he bust out laughing.   Noah- "First of all- that's my older twin sister. Second, THAT'S MY SISTER. I don't do no incest shit. And finally, if she wasn't my sister she would be my wife by now cause she smart, loyal, she can cook, and she's thick as fuck. Stop telling people we together. We fucked once. Even though you loose as fuck, I would've done it again if yo ass ain't give me chlamydia. If you ever disrespect her again, it's over for yo luh hoe ass. Now get the fuck outta my face."   I stared at Noah like he went too far, but when I saw the look on her face, it was worth every last breath. She had her mouth hanging open and she was red in the face like she couldn't believe someone stood up for me.   T- "Why are you defending this pig? She has done nothing but brought misery to our relationship. What the fuck is so special about her?"   Noah- "Pause. There is no relationship between ME and YOU, bitch. She's my sister. She got me like I got her."   As soon as he said that, I slowly put my bag down because I knew what was coming next. Ty'tiana was getting madder by the second and her face was all red with anger and hate. She took that usual step forward, ready to swing, but before Noah could react, I pushed him out the way so she wouldn't hit him. I hissed with pain as I felt the cold metal go across my face. I looked down at her hand and saw she pulled out a switchblade. This bitch really tried to cut my brother?! All I saw was red and I couldn't hold in my anger anymore. I grabbed her by her loose ass weave and dragged her on the ground, making her drop the knife. I saw her desperately reaching for it as I punched her repeatedly, blow after blow, even after I felt something pierce my side. I felt two hands grab my dreads and yank my hair but that didn't stop me. I just grabbed the other girl and was swinging in both directions of them until I felt my brother grab me and pull me away.   Noah- "Sis, stop. It's over. You don't have to do anything else just chill."   Me- "But she tried to- "   Noah- "I don't wanna hear it. Go to the bathroom fix yourself up."   I looked down at my hands and saw blood and blonde tracks. What did I do? I ran out of the school and into the parking lot where my car was. My hands were shaking and my breathing was too fast. I'm having a panic attack! No, not now! I couldn't control my breathing and everything was starting to get dark. Just when I thought I was about to pass out, Noah came and unlocked my car door grabbing me.   Noah- "No, sis. You gotta breathe. Breathe for me, babygirl."   I looked at him, still shaking. I tried to control my breathing but it only got worse when I caught a glimpse of my hands again.   Noah- "No. No. NO! Nylah, please, focus on me, please..."   That was the last thing I heard before passing out.   Noah's POV   Oh no, man I can't lose my sister. I felt her body going limp and I started screaming for help.   Me- "SOMEBODY CALL 911! PLEASE! HURRY!"   I noticed people just pulled out their phones and started recording. What the fuck is wrong with these people?! I grabbed one person's phone and called 911.   Operator- "911 operator what is your emergency?"   Me- "My sister needs an ambulance. PLEASE! HURRY!"   Operator- "Sir, please, calm down. There is an EMT right around the corner from you we're sending them over."   I was sitting there shaking, thinking this was all my fault. I should have never let her get like this. I should've stopped her. As I try to wake her up the EMT pulled up.   EMT Dude 1- "What's the situation, young man?"   Me- "My sister got into a fight defending me and then she just passed out. She was shaking like crazy then she passed out. I tried waking her up but nothing worked. She's still breathing but she just won't wake up."   EMT D1- "It's okay, son. You did well."   As the lifted her and put her on the stretcher, I watched as she started shaking again.   Me- "Umm, I don't know what's happening but she's shaking again."   EMT D1- "We're losing her!"   As he said that, the guy driving sped up. Lord, please don't let me lose my sister.   Oh My Fuckin God   Nylah's POV   I woke up to a blinding light and the sound of a game on. I look around and notice I'm in a hospital bed with baby blue walls. I look at the tv to see the Cowboys vs Seahawks playing and Allen Hurns had the ball in his hand. A smile crept up on my face while I watched him run but as quickly as that smile got there, it was replaced with an angry frown. As Allen was running the ball, this other dude came and tackled him, but what hurt me more was his ankle being dislocated.   Me- "NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! NOT MY BABY!!! ALL YA HOES GOIN' STRAIGHT TUH HELL FOR HURTIN' MY FAKE BABY DADDY!!!!"   Noah- "I knew this would wake you up."   I heard a low chuckle and I immediately looked to my left. I saw my brother Noah sitting there, all sad and shit, with a small smile on his face.   Me- "Oh shit. Hey Noa- Woah. You look like shit. Are you oka-"   Before I could finish, Noah gave me a bone-crushing hug.   Me- "Aye, nigga you cuttin' off my blood circulation. Room...slowly...getting...dark..."   He immediately let me go and I couldn't help but laugh at him. He started blushing from his ears and looked down.   Noah- "My bad big sis. Just glad to see you awake."   Me- "You can't get rid of me that easily, light-bright."   Noah's POV   Nylah- "You can't get rid of me that easily, light-bright."   She flashed her priceless smile at me and all I could think about is how much longer do I have to keep this secret from her. It's killing me to tell her the truth and she might hate me forever, and I can't deny the fact that I hate seeing her unhappy, but one way or another she's gonna find out and I want her to hear it from me. I just have to wait until the moment is right, and I know she is one hundred percent safe, to tell her the truth. I looked at her and smile back.   Me- "Now that you're up, Imma call the doctor to see when you can come home. And I'm not gone be able to drive you cause I got a video shoot today."   Nylah- "Ight. While you do that, Imma put on my gym clothes cause I can't walk outta here in bloody clothes. Good luck, luh ugly. We all know I got the good looks."   She made a luh nasty face and a stank pose, which caused me to laugh as I walked out to find the doctor. Hopefully, the day I can tell her the truth comes sooner than later.   2 Hours Later   Nylah's POV   I walk down the steps of my 5 bedroom home an see the spiteful bitch herself dozed off on the couch. Looks like she's been blowing again. I don't even care anymore. If she wants to kill herself let that shit happen. I'm fuckin' done. I walk in the kitchen and start pullin' out stuff to make for dinner when all of a sudden, I hear a faint little bump come from upstairs. Grabbing my Glock 26 Gen 4 9mm gun from under the sink like always and slowly crept to my room. I got halfway up the stairs before I started walking backwards with my gun aimed at the floor as a safety precaution. I walked to my doorway and saw clothes being thrown everywhere as I raised my gun higher. As I turned all the way into my room, I lowered my gun because I wasn't shocked by who the culprit was.   Me- "Mannn...Get the fuck outta my room."   S.B.- "Oh hey, baby girl. I was just looking for something really quick-"   Me- "Cut the bullshit. You was lookin' fa money. Not happening. You not finna use my money fa yuh luh drug and alcohol habits. So gone head and get the hell outta my room."   She started stomping toward me like she was finna swing.   S.B.- "I am your mother! You will talk to me with some-"   I pushed the gun up against her forehead once she was directly in my face.   Me- "With what, bitch? And don't you dare say respect because you do not deserve it."   S.B.- "Oh, please. You don't even know how to use a-"   I cocked it back and I shot one bullet in the air. Then I put the burning bore back up against her temple while she hissed at the pain.   Me- "Like I said, you don't deserve it."   S.B.- "You trifling hoe. YOU BURNED ME! The fuck is wrong with you?! I should've fucking put ya big ass up for adoption."   Me- "Oh, really?! Then where would you be gettin' that nice luh check you waste on drugs from then?! Huh? Ian think so."   S.B.- "Get the hell out! I don't need you! All you do is drag me down!"   Ahhh, there's my wonderful mother's way of telling me how much she loves me, only in a way more twisted, psychotic, drugged-up kinda way.   Me- "What kind of mother says that to her daughter?! You're fuckin' hilarious."   S.B.- "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!"   Me- "Mannnnn what did I even- wait- BITCH THIS MY HOUSE! WHY DON'T YOU GET OUT?! YOU PAY ZERO BILLS IN THIS FUCKIN' HOUSE. I PAY THEM ALL. GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOME, BIANCA."   I raised the gun again to shoot her dumbass and she knew I wasn't playin' as she looked at me with tears in her eyes.   S.B.- "B-but baby girl, where's mama gonna go? Y-y-you can't possibly kick out mommy now, would you?"   Me- "Try me, bitch."   Her fake ass sadness turned into anger as she stormed towards the stairs. She then turned around and tried to swing on me like she wanted a death wish and I pistol whipped her. Oops....I wasn't tryna hit her that hard. I knocked her unconscious on accident but it doesn't matter she still gotta get her ass out. I dragged her heavy ass down the stairs and out the door to the curb and on my way back to the house I grabbed all the spare keys from the front and the back of the house and brought em inside. I made sure I locked all the windows before I came back out and turned on the water hose and walked back to the porch. 3, 2, 1.... I started spraying her with cold ass water until she finally woke up. Then I turned my ass around and walked into my house.   S.B.- "Your trifling bitch! LET ME BACK IN MY HOUSE! NEEEOOOOWWWWW!!!!"   I went upstairs to my room and opened my sliding doors that led to my balcony.   Me- "SHUT YO DUMBASS UP! NIGGAS TRYNA SLEEP."   S.B.- "Let me back in the house, you little-"   I didn't let her finish as I poured more cold water on her.   Me- "Oops...My hand slipped."   She screamed and hollered for damn near a whole hour but it finally stopped and I saw why. She was all hugged up wit Nico nasty ass as they walked away from my house. It's about damn time... I went into my walk-in closet and moved my makeup dresser to the side so I could open my safe. I looked inside and pulled out my money. Time to start counting. I started counting how much money I had and lawd when I tell you a smile broke out on my muthafuckin face....A BITCH WAS CHEESIN MORE THAN A FUCKIN EXTRA CHEESE PIZZA WIT 3 CHEESE STUFFED CRUST FROM LUH CAESARS. I finally have enough to buy my dream home that me and Dad always dreamed about. It's time, Daddy...we can finally be at peace in our home.   The Next Day   Nylah's POV   As I followed the real estate lady's instructions to the house, I noticed that each house I passed got bigger and bigger than the last one. Some had big ass fountains in the front and others had spiral stairs down the front of the house. I kept going down the long road until I saw the house come into view. From a distance, the house looks about the same size as a normal 2 story home. But when you finally get sight of the house up close, it's absolutely breathtaking. I knew a lot about this house because it was passed through my family. First, my great great grandpa and my great grandpa built it together and it was passed down to my grandpa, my dad, and then me. Noah would have had the house next since he was a boy but he already has his own place in the sandhills. Come to think of it, I don't even know why he goes to Lanchester High with me. I guess to make sure I don't get arrested, but either way, I'm glad he's still here. I pulled up to the front gate and I punched in the code. As I rolled into the giant cut I noticed booths lining the entire perimeter of the circle. What in the actual fuck type of celebrity shit is this? I kept driving until I pulled up to the garage. Now, I know my great great grandpa had money like dat but damn! Who the fuck needs all these cars?! Mustangs, Bentley's, Chargers, Challengers? Fa real bruh?!   ?- "Ms. Carter, could I be of service?"   I turned around so fast and saw this fine ass, old, white man in a cute little suit.   Me- "Um, no, sir. Thank you so much but, umm, who are you and how do you know who I am?"   ?- "My name is Paxton Jeeves. I've been working with your family for years. I even held you when you were a baby."   I looked at Jeeves and smiled as he held out his hand for me to go up the few stairs.   Jeeves- " I would like to introduce you to your new home, Ms. Carter. Everyone has been awaiting your arrival."   I looked around in amazement as I laid eyes on how beautiful the foyer was. Giant diamond chandelier, large glass windows, gorgeous twin staircases, the whole shabang.   Me- " Wow."   Jeeves- " I take it you like it so far?"   I looked at him and saw a playful smirk on his lips.   Me- " Stunning."   I couldn't believe this damn house was all mine. It's like an absolute dream come true to me. So much space for me to have all my clothes and actually feel secure with proper security. There's only one thing left to do. THROW A HOUSE PARTY! But not until the weekend cause a bitch ain't that slow. It's time for little Miss Nylah to come out of her shell once and for all. It's senior year....what better timing?   Noah's POV   Briiiiiiinnngggggggg!!!!!!!!!   I woke up to my alarm ringing off the hook.   Me- "Fuckin' hate waking up so damn early."   I looked at the time and almost pissed myself. 10:39 a.m.   Me- "Oh shit!"   I jumped up and threw on some sweats and sneakers. I grabbed my car keys phone and wallet and I was out the door. Can't believe I'm late for school again, bruh. I got in my car and sped off to school. Looks like I'm gonna have to kiss some old cougar ass today so I don't get marked tardy.   25 minutes later   Mrs. Houffman- "Mr. Carter. My office. NOW!"   Speak of the devil and she shall appear, right? The principal of the school is one of the many females who irritate my soul. I walked into her office already knowing what was about to happen. I waited until she closed the door to sit down.   Me- "Yes, Miss Houffman?"   I looked her up and down. She wasn't that bad looking. She was a thick woman with curves in the right place. She had honey brown skin, with some juicy full pink lips. Now if she wasn't so old, I would've been wit her.   Mrs. Houffman- "It's Mrs. Houffman.  This is your fifth time being tardy for classes and school just started last week. Care to explain what's going on?"   I looked her in her eyes and put my bag on the floor. Then I stood up- not breakin' eye contact cause she like dat shit fa some reason- and walked closer to her, still not breaking eye contact.   Me- "Miss. Houffman, I promise you I don't mean any harm by what I am doing. Is there any way I can get you to believe me?"   I was only an inch away from her and she had to look up into my eyes as I towered over her. I put both hands on either side of her desk, closing her in. This should be fun.   Mrs. H- "W-what did you have in mind, Mr. Carter?"   I looked into her hazel eyes as I leaned closer. I watched as she closed her eyes, still blushing. I leaned down to her neck and started sucking on her soft skin. I looked at her as her eyes rolled back and she started grabbing me. I pulled her closer and played with the hem of her skirt. As she shivered under me, I lifted up her skirt revealing her perfect thick thighs. Damn... I licked my lips and kissed her with so much force.   Mrs. H- "Mmmm-"   Me- "Shhhh... I don't think you want anybody to catch us."   I moved from her and I locked the door. Then I turned around and pulled off my shirt.   Me- "Come over here, baby. We don't want someone to come and be nosy, now do we?"   Looks like today is gonna be one of them days. Yes Sir.      Nylah's P.O.V. After I finished packing everything of mine in my car at the old house, I waited until my bitch of a mother and her stank ass boyfriend got in. Just as I was about to just say fuck it and leave, they both came stumbling through the door. And as soon as they walked through the door, the smell of piss, weed, and depression came rolling in after.   S.B - "Well, well, well...look who's here, baby? If it isn't the fat bitch who tried to kick her mother out of her own house."   Me - "Mannn look. I'm only here to let y'all know that y'all got 2 months left in this house."   Nico - "What do ya mean '2 months left'? Ain't dis her house? Don't SHE pay bills? Doesn't she-"   Me - "No, Nico. I pay the bills. I put food in MY house. I clean after this stank ass woman and yo funky ass. This house here- yes this one y'all currently are trespassing on- is in MY name. So again, y'all have 2 months."   With that, I walked out that stank ass house before they could argue any more. As I walked to my car, I heard the sound of footsteps following me.   Nico- "You can't take this house from us! Where we gonna go?!"   Me- "Not my business and it sure as hell ain't my problem. Y'all got 2 months to figure out where y'all are gonna go or y'all will be arrested for trespassing."   S.B- "So you really gone take this house from ya mama? After everything I did for-"   Me- "You ain't NEVER do a goddamn thing for me. I fend for myself every night while you strung out on the couch. I work 2 jobs and I go to school. I put food in this damn house and if Daddy ain't tell me to look after you until I get my new place, BITCH YOU WOULD HAVE BEEN LONG GONE. I can't do this no more. Especially when the only time you acted like my mama was when Daddy was around. Now this my last time saying it...Y'all got 2 months to figure out what y'all gone do."   I walked the last few feet to my car and hopped in. I took one last look at the house that was full of memories, with the bad outweighing the good. Good-bye, house.      Noah's POV   It's lunchtime at school and it a normal day...but somethin' ain't right. I realized i haven't gotten a text from my sister and I haven't seen her all day. Yeahhhhh....sumn ain right... I shoot her a quick text to see what she's up to.   me: big sis what yuu up to? wya I ain seen yuu all day   No less than 20 seconds later she responds back.   luh fathead: nun heading to the school now   me:  how come yuu get to come to school late?!   luh fathead: i don't have morning classes lik i literally only have 3 classes and thats dance, chorus, and P.E./Weightlifting   me: thts some bullshit how yuu do that?   luh fathead: remember how I told yuu I was busy during the summer?   me: i thought yuu was workin out again?   luh fathead: i was but i also did online classes so all i need are 3 more elective credits to graduate   me: lucky but aye text me when yuu get here    luh fathead: im here already lol i juss walked thru the office wya?   me:   cafe   luh fathead: omw   Sure enough, I see her walking through the double doors of the cafeteria wearing an outfit I sure as hell did not approve of and shortly after the whispers started.   Who the fuck she think she is?    Fat ass bitch got some nerve wearin that...   I noticed she stopped smiling and I don't like seeing that. Mannnnn...fuck it. Time to make big sis smile.   Me- "Uhhhh....no ma'am. I did not say you can wear that, bitch. Tryna copy my style, hoe?" Pulling out the best gay boy voice I could.   Nylah- "Bitch, please. you know you wanna be like me, okurrrt."   Me and her bust out laughing. Not gone lie, my sis looks great and I'm glad she feels comfortable wearing what she wants now. But Lord so help me, if I see ONE nigga lookin' at my sister, ALL HELL BREAKIN' LOOSE.   Nylah's POV   I heard the whispering as soon as I walked in. Luckily, my brother was there to make me smile. I already know he finna say somethin' about my outfit tho. I was wearing a black crop top with a key hole cut that showed hella cleavage, some green cut up skinny jeans, and timbs. I had my dreads in a bun but since I have a lot of hair it looked like a big ol' ball. I had my baby hairs laid, no make-up except lip gloss, and some aviator glasses I got from FashionNova. It was cute but I know he don't like it.   Noah- "Soooooooooo.....who told you to wear that? You showin' skin. Don't make me kill these lil niggas."   Me- "Awwww, Pookie. You know I had to get cute on 'em one time. I mean come on- I am too fine to be hiding in sweats all the time."   Noah- "Yeah, ight. So what you doin' after school today?"   Me- "Unpacking. Speaking of that- Imma send you an address and I need your help unloading my stuff."   Noah- "You finally moved out, huh? Wait, why I gotta help? Don’t you got friends fa allat?”   Me- “They coming, too.”   Noah- "Lyllian coming?"   I laughed 'cause I knew my brother had a huge crush on my best friend. I mean, who wouldn't? She is fine as fuck.   Me- “Yea, Pookie. Wifey is coming, too.”   Noah- “Why can’t you just put me on with her?”   Me- “Nigga, she knows you like her. She’s just waiting for you to grow some balls and make a move.”   Noah- “I do have the balls to ask her to be my girl. I just thought she ain’t like me or she had a nigga already.”   Me- “Well she doesn’t have a boyfriend yet, but, you better hurry. I heard there’s supposed to be some students from the alternative school coming here.”   Noah- “Ain’t nobody takin’ MY wifey. I’ll kill over her. What y’all girls be sayin’? Periodt, sis!”   Me- “Bitch, I’m dead as fuck.”   ?- “You talkin’ bout me again, Pookie?”   Noah- “Hell yeah, baby. Tryna figure out when you gone let me know you ready for me to wife you 'cause ain’t no turning back.”   I turn around and see my two bestfriends since diapers walkin’ up to us. Lyllian is a full figured, gorgeous ass goddess. Thick in all the right places, short, quiet until comfortable, the full package. Laiylah was the total opposite. She was a tall luh thing, slim body with a little bit of curves, loud as hell, but still shy somehow. These two right here...they somethin’ else when we together.   Me- “Hey, Thing One and Thing Two.”   Lyllian- “Bitch, then what that makes you?”   Me- “A pimp wit a limp.”   Laiylah “I know you fuckin’ lyin’.”   Lyllian- “Anyways, why you talkin’ bout me, Noah?”   Noah- “‘Cause you wifey.”   Lyllian- “I don’t see no ring.”   Noah- “Go out wit me this weekend so I can give it to you. And why the fuck you so far away? C’mere*.”   * Come here ** this story is supposed to take place somewhere in Atlanta so of course they got that southern ass accent.   I watched as Noah finally had the balls to make a move and he pulled Lyllian onto his lap and wrapped his arms around her. It’s about damn time. I looked at Lyllian and her naturally light complexion was now red as fuck.   Me- “Awwwww. Don’t move. Imma take a picture of you two.”   I got in front of them and told them to pose. Noah put his face in her neck but was still looking at the camera and Lyllian flashed her million dollar smile, still blushing and holding onto Noah’s arms.   Me- “Y’all so muhhfuckin’ cute. My luh babies growing up.”   Laiylah “Facts. I’m just waitin’ on Noah to put me on wit Izayah ol’ big head ass.”   Me- “Girl, everytime you around the boy you act like you can’t stand him.”   Laiylah “You right. I can’t stand his ass. But he still cute as fuck and he all mine. Betta let these hoes know, I’ll cut a bitch.”   Things were going great conversations were smooth. Then I started to smell cheap ass Macy's perfume. Awwww shit. Here come the thot.   Thot'tiana- "Who the fuck is this big bitch on my nigga?!"   I will NEVER get used to that scratchy ass voice of hers. Why she tryna sound like a doped up chipmunk? I turned around and I couldn't help but laugh at what I saw. This bitch got the same stiff ass weave in her head from when we fought, wearing a fuckin' "United States Postal Service" outfit from Forever21, cheap ass Walmart makeup, fake Chanel glasses, that same stong ass Macy's perfume, some feather slides, and bamboo earrings. Lord, save this child's wardrobe collection. Pronto.   Me- "Watch ya mouth, express mail. They a couple now so no more dicky for you."   Thot'tiana- "Please. Noah would never leave me for that fat ass piece of garbage."   Me- "What the fuck did I just say? Do you really want a repeat of what happened 3 days ago?"   She looked mad as fuck that I brought up her getting her ass whooped, even after her friends jumped in to save her ass.   Thot’tiana- “Bitch, you got lucky. Bet you won’t try that shit again.”   Me- “Oh but see you are wrong there, mister. I surely WILL do it again. Try me.”   Lyllian- “Yeah, only this time, ain’t gone be no jumpin’. ‘Cause if I see one of you bird ass bitches jump in, Imma molly wop yo ass.” Laiylah- “That’s on life. Try somethin’ hoe.”   Thot’tiana- “All I know is you need to get off my nigga. Now.”   Lyllian- “I ain’t on one of your niggas. I am clearly sitting on my boyfriend’s lap.”   Thot’tiana- “You’re just gonna let this bitch talk to me like that?!”   Noah- “Stop calling my girl a bitch, that’s first and foremost. Second, I rather her sit in my lap so I can make sure she don’t come whoop yo ass like my sister did. And finally, she can say whatever the fuck she want to whoever the fuck she want ‘cause she got it like that. I ain’t gone stop her either. So on that note, why you and yo chicken heads still here?”   Me- “And I oop.”   Noah- “Anyways, as I was saying before this bird ass bitch came over. You wanna see the tattoo I got for you wifey?”   Thot’tiana- “Of cou-”   Noah- “Not you, bitch. You ain’t even side hoe material.”   Lyllian- “Yes, boo. Lemme see what you done did now.”   I looked at Noah ‘cause I knew about the tattoo he got for her last year. So he finally got the balls to show it to her. He pulled off his long sleeve shirt to reveal nothing underneath. He made her stand up so he could show it better. He turned around and on the back of his right shoulder was angel wings with her initials and lillies, her favorite flower.   Lyllian- “Oh my goddddd, I thought you was joking, Pookie. I love it. Did you draw it? Oh my god, my Pookie got my initials tatted. Oou shit, Imma cry.”   Thot’tiana- “I thought that tattoo was of someone from your family? That’s what you told me.”   Noah- “She is family. She is my future wife, future mother of all my kids, my best friend, and my everything. Wait- WHY THE FUCK YOU STILL HERE?!”   She jumped at how loud he got with her but her stubborn ass still didn’t leave. I was getting bored with the whole situation so I started to play a game on my phone. Not even 5 minutes later, I felt something cold running down my body.   Thot’tiana- “Thought you needed to cool down because you keep focusing so hard on pics of my nigga.”   I stood up ready to pounce on dat ass and her little groupies stood in front of her. I pushed through them both ready to swing until I felt two strong ass arms wrap around my waist and lift me up.   ?- “Don’t do it, ma. You too cute for allat.”   Me- "Yes, sir. Just don't be sneaking up on me like that, bruh. Fuck around and get cut."   ?- "I got you, ma. Just don't go fighting nobody."   And with that, he put me down but he still had his arms around my waist. I could even tell he was tall as fuck cause he was leaning over in order to hold me still. Who in the name of sweet baby Jesus is this?! Is his voice made of cocaine?! What the fuck? AND WHY HE SO STRONG?! Ooou he smell good. Btch, what the fuck am I thinkin'....WHO IS THIS NIGGA?!   ?- “Look here, Tuesday. Imma need you to leave my luh shawty alone. I don’t want her to have to whoop yo ass.”   Thot’tiana- “Who the fuck is Tuesday? My name is Ty’tia-”   Laiylah- “THOT’TIANA!”   Lyllian- “BLUEFACE, BABY. YEAH IGHT.”   I looked over at them and saw Noah holding Lyllian and Izayah holding Laiylah by her waist. So who’s holding me? Remember Me   Nylah's POV   I slowly turn around, still confused as fuck, as see one God’s most heavenly gifts- a fine ass dreadhead. I mean, uhhhh, some random ass nigga was holding me. I quickly turn my head back in front of me, remembering the situation I'm in.   Me- "Why you still here? Don't you got dick to suck?"   Thot'tiana- "You need to watch your mouth, little girl. Just 'cause you got lucky one, you think you top dog. UNH UNH that's not how it works. You gone have to kill me."   Me- "My pleasure. I'll handle you as soon as King Kong over here let me go."   ?- "King Kong?"   Me- "I don't know your name and you were surprisingly able to hold me back for over 2 minutes. Impressive."   ?- "My name's Domonic or Domo, not no damn King Kong."   I felt his chest vibrating behind me, indicating he was laughing. I took that opportunity to break away from him and charge at the head bitch and her hooligans again. Only this time, instead of him lightly grabbing me, THIS NIGGA FLUNG ME OVER HIS SHOULDER. I know this strong jaw ass mothafucka did not just pick me up.   Me- "Put me down, nigga."   Domonic- "Say sorry."   Me- "I be damned if I apologize to that bitch-"   Domonic- "Ew. Not to her. I meant, say sorry to me."   Me- "For what?! You the one who grabbed me up and slung me over your shoulder like I'm a sack of potatoes."   Domonic- "I was gettin' comfortable holding you until you broke away from me. My feelings is hurt so you need to apologize."   Me- “Oh, boo-hoo. You want a cookie with that glass of I don't give a fuck?"   Domonic- “You betta watch ya mouth little girl.”   Me- “And if I don’t?”   Next thing I know, I felt a sharp sting across my ass. I know this nigga did not just spank me…   Me- “Did you just-”   Domonic- “I sure as hell did. Now hush so I can deal with the thot club.”   Me- “Can you at least put me down?”   Domonic- “Nah, I like the view.”   Me- “Please?”   Domonic- “Nope.”   Domonic’s POV   Wass’am*. I’m Domonic, people call me Domo, ya bitch call me daddy, you know- real nigga shit. I’m top dog of these streets, especially with my drug cartel sky rocketing to the top. I’m 17 years old following in my old man’s footsteps and I don’t give a damn what anybody gotta say about it. But right now, I’m in a position where I’m confused as hell but I don’t mind. I got some thick redbone shawty over my shoulder and some anorexic bitch staring at me like she ready to eat for the first time in ten years.   * What’s happenin’   Me- “So what seems to be the problem ladies?”   Anorexic Bitch- “That fat ass cow you’re holding doesn’t know her place.”   Why the fuck her voice sound like that? Did somebody like kill a dog while she was speaking?!   Me- “I ain’t holding nobody fat sooooooooooooooooo- try again.”   Then luh shawty I’m holding on my shoulder starts to talk.   ?- “She came over here starting shit with my best friend. She got disrespectful and I was finna put her in her place but NOOOOO. Yo big ass had to stop me. Speaking of that can you put me down now? All the blood in my body is flowing to my head.”   Me- “Oh right. My bad, ma.”   I gently place her down on one of the cafeteria chairs behind me and realize a lot of people are watching us.   Me- “WHAT THE FUCK Y’ALL STARING AT?! MIND Y’ALL BUSINESS.”   Instantly, everybody goes back to what they was doing before. I turn back to the anorexic bitch who looked scared as fuck.   Me- “Look, anorexia, I don’t know you but, I don’t appreciate you gettin’ luh shawty mad. I already seen the video of her whoopin’ yo ass. And yes, I saw you bird ass bitches jump in, tryna save her only to get y’all ass beat as well. Do us all a favor and go away. Now.”   Anorexic Bitch- “ANOREXIA?! MY NAME IS TY’TIANA!”   Me- “Okay, taco. Whatever you say just go away. Like that voice is mad annoying.”   ?- “OOP, TACOOOO. Imma use that. That right there- that was funny.”   Ty’tiana- “IT’S TY’TIANA. Anyways, I don’t even care about her, I’m here ‘cause that fat bit-”    Before she could even finish the sentence, luh shawty ran from behind me and started beatin’ her ass. Damn, luh shawty got hands on her. I watched for like 2 more minutes and was curious as to why her friends ain’t jump in this time. I looked back and saw my homie new girlfriend and her sister mean muggin’ the fuck outta them. Them bird bitches know wassup. My homie told his girlfriend get up and he walked over to luh shawty and tried to pull her off but she wouldn’t stop. Then he looked at me for some help. Me- “Ight, tiger. That’s enough. C’mon, let her go.”   I lift her up only for Anorexia to pull on luh shawty shirt causing it rip. Luh shawty just stood there, bra all exposed, not a care in the world. Good God, them titties lookin’ right.   Luh shawty- “Was I supposed to care that people see my bra? My titties real, I have a great fuckin’ body, and it’s better then yo plastic bag built ass. Keep tryin’ me, hoe. Next time, I won’t go so easy on you.”   She took the torn shirt off exposing a tattoo that disappeared under her jeans. AND SHE TATTED?! Lawd Jesus… She walked over to Noah and took his shirt.   Luh Shawty-”Thanks, Pookie. You can get one of your sweatshirts outta my car.”   She slid the shirt on and even though Noah a buff ass nigga, his shirt fit tight as hell on her. Why she gotta cover them titties again? I was likin’ the view.   Luh shawty- “My eyes are up here, bozo.”   Me- “Oh, my bad, ma. I ain’t know i was starin’.”   Luh shawty- “My name ain’t ‘ma’. It’s Nylah.”   Me- “Ight, Nylah. It’s nice to meet you.”   Nylah- “Mhmm.”   Me- "Mhmm? What's that supposed to mean? You ain't happy to meet me?"   Nylah- "I don't know. You figure it out."   Hmmmmm… Challenge accepted.   I watched as she walked away and through the double doors.   Noah- “Aye, nigga. Stop starin’ at my sister.”   Me- “SISTER?! You mean...SHE is your older sister?!”   Noah- “Duh nigga. I only got 1 sister.”   Shit just got a lot more interesting.   *Skip to 3rd Period*   I walk out of the gym to go to the bathroom but I stopped dead in my tracks when I hear someone singing. Damnn….finna see sumn right quick. I creep around the corner and to my surprise, I see Noah’s sister with her beats on, wearing some black leggings a sports bra and some sneakers. Damn it's like she tryna make me do somethin’. I watched as she turned around and her eyes were closed as she was singing. Sheesh...that's dangerous. I walk towards her as she starts singing louder.   Nylah - “ Ooooooh ooh the reason I hold on.   Ooooooh ooh cause I need this hole gone.   Funny you’re the broken one but I’m the only one that needed saving.   Cause when you never see the light it's hard to know which one of us is caving.   Not really sure how to feel about it, it’s somethin’ in the way you move.   Makes me feel like I can’t live without you and it takes me all the way.   I want you to stay-ay-ayayyyyyy   Stayyy   Mhmmmmm   Ooooooooooooh   I want you to stay.”   When she finished I slowly wrapped my arms around her waist and put my face in her neck.   Nylah- “ OOOH SUGAR HONEY ICE TEAAAAA. WHAT THE FUCK?!”   Me- “I’m sorry, ma. Couldn’t help myself, but can we stay like this for a minute?”   Nylah's POV   Domonic- “I’m sorry, ma. Couldn’t help myself, but can we stay like this for a minute?”   I suddenly felt something wet my shoulder and I turned around slowly and looked at him. Why is he crying?   Me- “You okay?”   Domonic- “Yea, your voice is mad beautiful and I guess the song gave me an emotional vibe. I’m actually great. I feel refreshed.”   Awwww he ain’t nothin’ but a sweetheart.   Me- “Well it’s the last time you’re gonna hear me sing anyways-”   Domonic- “Wooooooahhh dere. Imma need to stop right there. You gone keep singing for me. Even if its just for me.”   Me- “Don’t make such bold statements you can’t back up.”     Publication Date: December 16th 2019 https://www.bookrix.com/-cn600562c441ad5
Kimba sue Her First Lover Her First Lover Chapter 1 When I walked into a store, bar, and restaurant men and woman’s heads turned and stared at me. I am not a model but I did get a lot attention, my red tinted hair catches everyone’s eye. I can tell you that it did not help going out with a blonde bombshell. Alexis is my best friend and she can party. That is how I met Alexis actually is at a party when I fifteen years old and we have been best friends ever since. I can share anything with her and up until she started hanging out with her snotty blonde friends, she kept my most important secret. I am a virgin. She takes me to clubs and bars with her as often as she can drag me out of the house but I never hook up with anyone. I do not want to have sex with a stranger when I finally lose my virginity. I will not lie I have gave thought to having a one night stand with some random man, I just cannot do that to myself or to a stranger. I heard the front door open and close, which meant Alexis, was home from her mysteries job. I have asked her more than a handful of times and she is evasive with her answer. She went straight to the refrigerator and then I heard the dinging sound when she pressed the keypad to start heating her food. I made my way down the stairs trying to be quite. I knew she would hear me though; we have hardwood floors through the whole place besides the bathroom and the kitchen. I loved the way our floors looked when they we mopped and used max. The wood shined and smelled like fresh lemons. “Hi how was your day?” “I am fine. I am starving but then I wanted to talk to you about going out tonight.” She said past a spoon full of macaroni and cheese. I did not want to go out tonight. I had homework and I needed to go shopping since she did not buy groceries, she bought junk food. “Please don’t say no. I promise you will have a good time and I have a surprise for you.” She told me with a smile. “I guess I will go out with you tonight. Who is going out with us?” The look she gave me told me I was not going to like her answer. I stood there and braced myself for who she was going to say. I was trying not to show her that I was antsy. “Okay remember the three blondes from a few months back?” “Alexis you know I do not like them girls. They are stuck up and make me want to slap them.” I said through gritted teeth. She looked like she was sorry for springing that news on me at the last minute. I was not mad at her it was just I did not like them bop twins as I called them. They bounced when they walked and they all agreed with the other. For some reason when I am around, I am the one they seem to want to say shit to. “I promise if you go you will have a good time and you will want to go so you can see who else is going to be there.” I was not sure if I wanted to know anymore of her surprises. She does have my mind wondering now though, damn it now I have to go. “What time?” Is all I asked her? The time approached fast. I looked at the clock and I had an hour to get ready and meet Alexis at the Green Tin. It was a rough bar that was mostly for red necks is how I stereotyped them. The music they played is hard rock and they had plenty of bar fights where the police had to come. We try to stay away from them but that was not always the case when I went out with Alexis she liked bad boys and she liked pretty boys. She could not make up her mind which one she wanted more. I searched through my closet to find something to wear tonight. I hated where them booty skirts that Alexis was fond of. I would rather wear a pair of jeans. I found my dark blue jeans and a black shirt that sat at my hips it tied at my breast. I grabbed my black mid calf black boots. I turned in my bedroom full-length mirror that hung on the back of my door. I left my reddish brown hair down and walked down the stairs. I felt like I was missing something but it was most likely I just did not want to go out tonight. I had my house keys and cell phone. I was not driving; I called a cab and he was sitting outside waiting for me. I was nervous on the ride to the bar, which sat downtown so it was a good thirty-minute ride. I was looking out the window my mind on who could be at the bar tonight. When we got close enough that, I could see the cars in the parking lot I was cranking my neck to see if I could notice a vehicle that would give me a clue to this mystery person. Before I got out of the car I could hear the loud music sitting in the cab, I stepped out and paid the cabby, and walked inside. I stood there inside the door scanning the room with my eyes. Men were staring at me with their tongues hanging out of their mouth. I smiled and squeezed my way through until I saw Alexis at a table full of people. The closer I got to the table I saw the three bimbos, Alexis, Jake, and that had to be Mat. There was no way that was Mat; he never came out with us. What was he doing here? I was thinking of turning around when Alexis saw me and started waving her hands around in the air as if I did not see them. Everyone’s head at the table turned my way to see why she was throwing her arms around like a crazy person. “I did not think you were going to show up. I will not introduce you since you know everyone. Sit down and grab a drink.” My heart felt like it was going to pound out if my chest. Mat moved over so that I could sit next to him and sit where I could get up when I wanted. I looked around the table; they were doing their own things all but Mat he was staring at me and so was Jake. “Why are you both staring at me like that?” Jake looked away and I could see that his face was red. He got embarrassed. Mat on the other hand was still staring at me. I was going to say something to him when he opened his mouth finally. “I am not staring at you. I was looking at you and there is no reason. How have you been since you have not text or called me in awhile?” he was looking at me as if he lost his best friend. “I am sorry I have been busy with school and I think I am going to be working soon. I would love to get together and hang out though.” I told him then laid my small hand on his arm. I felt when his muscle tightened up and I felt when it relaxed. I wanted to ask him what was going on with him but Alexis ordered another round for the table. Oh, she is rich so she can afford this. We had two shots of tequila and a shot of hot damn. I had to have a glass of beer; I reached to get a glass when Mat grabbed the glass and poured beer from the pitcher into the cup for me. “Thank you.” I was drunk. I did not want to be wasted and I was almost wasted, which means I was beyond drunk. Alexis grabbed my hand and told me to come to the bathroom with her. I could walk on my own that was a good sign. I knew I was going to pay for this in the morning. I drank like this for one I was nervous and two Alexis, Mat, and Jake were. I stepped into the bathroom stall when I heard Alexis friend Sammy say something about me. I was going to let it go, being drunk did not let me just walk away. I stepped out of the stall and got in her face. I wanted to hit her if you wanted me to tell you the truth. I am tired of these blonde-haired women thinking they rule the world because their families are rich. “Why do you keep talking about me? Are you in love with me?” “You are such a bitch Brandy. You know you are pretty but that is not enough for you is it. No, it is not. I know girls like you that wish they could be like us the money, cars, and the boys. You have to learn that you are not living in a fantasy no prince on a white horse is going to come and sweep you off your feet.” She said sneering. “What does that mean!” I screamed at her. “That means princess you need to find your toad or whatever you are waiting for and give them your gift as you call it. You need to let him pop you’re cherry.” I was so mad that I was shaking. I looked at her with slit eyes that were glazed over for two reasons; I am drunk and I am pissed. I walked past the bobble head and headed for our table. I was thinking the walk back if I wanted people to stop talking about me and leave me alone I was going to have to choose someone. I might have well pick my own man and I want to know him; so I pick Mat. On the cab ride back to my house, I started to have second thoughts. Mat was good at being a man; he was kissing and sucking on my ear. The way his tongue slid up and down my ear made me want to laugh. He was making my body feel funny. I was hot all over and breathing hard. My breath was coming in pants though Mat did not seem to notice. I did not want him to kiss on me in the cab because I did not want the driver to try to watch us instead of driving the cab. I cleared my throat to speak while he was kissing my neck and ears. As soon as he heard me clear, my throat he moved his mouth to my mouth, sticking his tongue inside, and nibbling on my lower lip. He did his job; I forgot about the cab driver. My head was in a cloud. I could think of nothing other than Mat kissing me, touching my body, and whispering sweets words in my ear. I did not feel the cab come to a stop at my house. The cab driver said, “Do you plan on paying me and getting out of my cab?” My face fell. I knew I was blushing from head to toe though I could not help it from spreading through my body. I was glad it was dark outside, which made even darker inside the cab. Math through the money over the black-vinyl seats and told him, “Keep the change.” Mat tried to pick me up and carry me to my door but I would not let him. I struggled until he laughed and put me down straight on my feet. He was kissing me while we tried to walk to the front door, almost tripping us a few times, and then made me drop my keys when I tried to unlock the door. He was kissing the back of my neck, pulling my head gently making my head lean back against him, and then he would put his hand between my legs. “Stop Mat or we will never get inside.” I barely whispered. “That would be okay I can take you right here on the front porch under the stars. He wiggled his eyebrows at me. He knew that was not going to happen. I finally got the door unlocked and us inside. I went to close the door when Mat pushed me up against it closing it with our bodies. He was pushed up against my ass, grinding his semi-hard cock, whispering in my ear saying, “This is going to be fun.” “Mat, L-l-le-lets g-go....” That is as far as I got before he swept me up into his arms and carried me up the stairs two stairs at a time. He did not have to open my door since when I was not in there I left the door opened. He walked in my room, stopped smiled at me, and kicked my door shut with his foot. I rolled my eyes at him. He walked across the room to where my bed sits and he dropped my on to it making me bounce into the air once. Made me giggle bouncing on the bed as if we were little kids. He smiled at me and sat down on the bed next to me. Neither one of us turned the light on so we did not have to worry about turning it off. “Brandy I cannot believe that this is actually happening between us.” “Shh, just kiss me please.” I knew I was begging him but I did not want to talk. This whole night was about sex only. Mat took his time with me. He buttoned my jeans and slowly slid them down my thighs, kissing as he went. I was lying on my bed in my black shirt that ties at the breast and pink panties; I knew that would not last for long. From the moon shining into my room I could see Mat’s facial expressions and the look on his face told me he was satisfied with what he saw. He was on his knees between my legs staring at me with a goofy grin on his face. As I was lying on my back, he rubbed his hands easily down the sides of my thighs making me shiver with goose bumps on my body. Mat had hands that made you want to melt like putty. Placing his thumb against my clit, feeling me through the cotton material of my panties, he started rubbing my clit back and forth, and then slid my panties aside letting just his knuckles tickle across my skin. The tingling feeling was getting to intense to handle so I closed my legs quickly making sure he could no longer put pressure on me. “Please do not close your knees on me. Let me show you what you have been missing.” All I could do is lay there and enjoy the ride that I was sure he was going to take me on. “Mat, I am scared of this feeling for one and for two I don’t want this to change us. Please promise this will not change us, nothing is going to happen.” I was pleading. “I promise Brandy. We are best friends who better for you to be with tonight? I will be gentle and I will be here tomorrow when you wake up.” That did make me feel a little better. I was still scared to death about going through with this. However, I wanted this so I was not going to chicken out now and besides he was doing something right because I would forget what I was saying or thinking when he had his mouth or hands on me. He started to talk to me and tell me what he was going to do to me before he would touch me. He had my panties slid over, he stuck his first finger into his mouth, and then when it was wet he stuck his finger inside my hot box. I jumped back on the bed; not that it hurt me it was something that made me tighten up my muscles. He smiled at me and moved his finger back and forth inside of me. It made me wet and I could feel my body was enjoying this so I relaxed and let him work his magic. Moving his finger in and out of me making me wetter as he went, he bent down on the side of the bed while he bent his head and bit softly into my clit while he used his finger, and then when I finally arched my back and screamed out his name did he stop. “Oh my god! What the hell just happened to me?” He chuckled at me and dipped his head back down. He started to run his tongue across my clit while pushing his finger in and out of me. He removed his fingers, I could feel him licking my clit, and then he would push his tongue inside my wet pussy making sure he was drinking my juices. This turned me on more than I could have imagined. I started to moan and twist under his mouth. He made sure to hold me on place and continue licking me. “Mat, Oh Mat. Please stop, I do not think I can take anymore. Oh my god Mat!” I am not sure if it was me making noise or me saying his name but he stopped what he was doing and he kissed me sticking his tongue in my mouth. Before he kissed he said, “I want you to taste yourself. You taste sweet and you’re so juicy.” Mat’s body was covering mine as he continued to kiss me he nudged my legs apart so that he could fit there. He wet the tip of his fingers and I was wondering what he was doing when he grabbed the head of his dick and stroked the tip a few times. Seeing this made me squirm waiting to see what was going to happen next. Just watching his stroke himself was turning me and I did not even know that is something that I would enjoy. He said, “I am sorry baby this is going to hurt for a minute. I am not trying to hurt you and if it is too bad tell me and I will stop.” He pushed the head of his cock to the opening of my pussy. He did not move fast and ram it inside of me. From the hard time he was having getting inside me I knew he was big and he did not want to hurt me. He took his time gently pushing the head deeper and deeper inside me. I swear I could hear a pop though I know that I did not. He did not lie to me either there was burning and pain at the same time. I felt a tear slid down my cheeks and I tightened up. Mat knew it to because he was kissing me yet he never moved he let me get use to him and let me relax so I could take him. He took my nipple into his mouth and rolled the nipple around in his mouth. Teasing me from one breast to the other he would suck one nipple in and then the other making a popping noise when he would release my nipple. He started to nibble on my nipples, sucking them into his mouth making them wet, and then he would blow air on them to make them harder and to make me shiver. When I lifted my hips he started to move his hips slowly. He push all the way inside me feeling my muscles get tight around him, he would pull out and push back in. It took me a minute to get into motion with him. I had to wait for the burning feeling to go away first of all then after that I wanted him to actually fuck me. I have heard others say that word and I knew this was not how it was done. I wanted to make my bed bang and make him sound like a wild animal. But I did not know how to tell him this. He started to kiss me and pull in and out of me at the same time. He was staring into my eyes at the same time, which I found made me feel funny so I told him, “ Close your eyes and kiss me. Do not hold back because I am not one of those sluts that you take home.” He looked at me as if he was going to get off me but instead he looked in my eyes and I could tell right then that he changed he was not going to be the first date type now. I think this is what I wanted from him. He slammed his cock into me so hard I thought he was going to break my pelvic bone but it felt so good I did not want him to stop. I was screaming his name and pulling his hair while he slammed in and out of me. He went faster and faster I told him I was getting ready to cum and he stopped. He did not move letting his dick sit inside me, I would wiggle my hips on him, I would plead, but nothing worked he waited until he wanted to move and then he slammed into me again. Now this is the stories I have heard about and I guess them woman did not lie about it. He rubbed my clit while he pushed his cock in and out of my wet pussy. I felt so hot down there I thought we could start a fire if we kept going. He was fucking me so hard my bed was moving back and forth on the floor. It was hitting the wall with a bang like I wanted but it was scraping across my floor I could feel us moving. I could not tell him to stop, something was about to happen. My body got real tight, it was real hard for me to breath, and I started to see all black with some white spots in front of my eyes. All of a sudden I was soaked I could feel it coming down my legs all over him and I was pushing him out of me. He was having a hard time staying inside of me so that he could cum in return. Images: Front cover is a picture I got from free google All rights reserved. Publication Date: February 28th 2012 https://www.bookrix.com/-kimmyj79
asd gdsfg, agfsdg fdsgsdf Butterflies THis is a test sdfgsdfgsdfasfdsfasdfasfasdfasdfasdfasfasdfadsfadsfdfsdafadsfaduszvfpazp8sdbzfpva8fzasdpf8bzapf8zasdčf8ovzabčf8oazsdb8dzfša89vzd8pbf9azpvf89azdbpv89čszvfba9psf8vzasbf9p8aszbfvpas89f7zbaps987fzasdbpv9a8fzasbp9f8zap9f8zapb8f9zbapf89bzapf89zpasd89fzap89fzbpa89sdvzbfpasd98fzasdfasdf CHAPTER TEST Butterflies are beautiful, flying insects with large scaly wings. Like all insects, they have six jointed legs, 3 body parts, a pair of antennae, compound eyes, and an exoskeleton. The three body parts are the head, thorax (the chest), and abdomen (the tail end).   The butterfly's body is covered by tiny sensory hairs. The four wings and the six legs of the butterfly are attached to the thorax. The thorax contains the muscles that make the legs and wings move. Butterflies are very good fliers. They have two pairs of large wings covered with colorful, iridescent scales in overlapping rows. Lepi doptera (butterflies and moths) are the only insects that have scaly wings. The wings are attached to the butterfly's thorax (mid-section). Veins s upport the delicate wings and nourish them with blood. Butterflies can only fly if their body temperature is above 86 degrees. Butterflies sun themselves to warm up in cool weather. As butterflies age, the color of the wings fades and the wings become ragged. The speed varies among butterfly species (the poisonous varieties are slower than non-poisonous varieties). The fastest butterflies (some skippers) can fly at about 30 mile per hour or faster. Slow flying butterflies fly about 5 mph.     Butterflies and moths undergo complete metamorphosis in which they go through four different life stages. Egg - A butterfly starts its life as an egg, often laid on a leaf. Larva - The larva (caterpillar) hatches from an egg and eats leaves or flowers almost constantly. The caterpillar molts (loses its old skin) many times as it grows. The caterpillar will increase up to several thousand times in size before pupating. Pupa - It turns into a pupa (chrysalis); this is a resting stage. Adult - A beautiful, flying adult emerges. This adult will continue the cycle. Caterpillars spend most of their time eating leaves using strong mandibles (jaws). A caterpillar's first meal, however, is its own eggshell. A few caterpillars are meat-eaters; the larva of the carnivorous Harvester butterfly eats woolly aphids.   Butterflies and moths can o                   dfasdf       sdf                           dafasdf                       afsafd  bodies of woolly aphids with its sharp proboscis and drinks the body fluids).   HABITAT Butterflies are found all over the world and in all types of environments: hot and cold, dry and moist, at sea level and high in the mountains. Most butterfly species, however, are found in tropical areas, especially tropical rainforests. Many butterflies migrate in order to avoid adverse environmental conditions (like cold weather). Butterfly migration is not well understood. Most migrate relatively short distances (like the Painted Lady, the Red Admiral, and the Common Buckeye), but a few (like some Monarchs) migrate thousands of miles.   CLASSIFICATION Butterflies and moth belong to the order Lepidoptera. Lepidos is Greek for "scales" and ptera means "wing". These scaled wings are different from the wings of any other insects. Lepidoptera is a very large group; there are more types of butterflies and moths than there are of any other type of insects except beetles. It is estimated that there are about 150,000 different species of butterflies and moths (there may be many more). There are about 28,000 butterfly species worldwide, the rest are moths. VISIT OUR WEBSITE CHAPTER ENGLAND This green land, this sceptred isle, this crucible of empire and pioneer of parliamentary democracy, is the most eccentric, extraordinary and downright intriguing place on Earth. Easy Does It Travel here is a breeze. Granted, it may not be totally effortless, but it's easy compared with many parts of the world. And although the locals may grumble (in fact, it's a national pastime), public transport is very good, and a train ride through the English landscape can be a highlight in itself. But whichever way you get around, in this compact country you're never far from the next town, the next pub, the next restaurant, the next national park or the next impressive castle on your hit list of highlights. The choice is endless. Time Travel A journey through England is a journey through history. But not history that's dull and dusty – history you can feel and re-live. You can lay your hands on the ancient megaliths of a 5000-year-old stone circle, or walk the battlements of a medieval fortress – just as they were patrolled by chain-mail-clad defenders many centuries ago. Visit the sites of the legend of King Arthur, the sonnets of Shakespeare and the palaces of monarchs – past and present. Then fast forward to the future and you're admiring 21st-century architecture in Manchester, or exploring the space-age domes of Cornwall's  Eden Project . Why I Love England By Neil Wilson, Writer England's most appealing feature is the aura of deep-rooted history that emanates from almost every corner of the land. There's a sense that its towns and villages, castles and cathedrals have grown organically over many centuries, to create calming and comfortable landscapes that the mind settles into like a favourite armchair. It's a place that encourages leisurely contemplation, whether gazing at dreaming spires from a thousand-year-old bridge, taking in the view at the top of a not-too-tiring hill or – best of all – ensconced in the corner of a thatch-roofed, stone-floored country pub with a well-earned pint in hand. English Spoken Here While England has developed a culture and tradition that may appear complex, much of it will be familiar – on the surface at least – to many visitors, thanks to the vast catalogue of British pop music, films and TV programs that have been exported around the world. The same applies when it comes to communication – this is, after all, the home turf of the English language. For many visitors this means there’s no need to carry a phrasebook, although you might get a little confused by local accents in places such as Devon or Liverpool. Variety Packed From the Roman remains of Hadrian's Wall to  London 's incomparable theatre scene, England is full of astounding variety. In the cities, the streets buzz day and night, filled with tempting shops and restaurants, and some of the finest museums in the world. After dark, cutting-edge clubs, top-class performing arts and formidable live music provide a string of nights to remember. Next day, you're deep in the English countryside or enjoying a classic seaside resort. There really is something for everyone, whether you're eight or 80, going solo, or travelling with your friends, your kids or your grandma. ENGLAND Text: ad ffasd Images: fdasfasdf Editing: fsdafsdf Translation: adfdsfas All rights reserved. Publication Date: July 26th 2017 https://www.bookrix.com/-dde6cf5dc778795
melanieplayful TWO FIRM FRIENDS Email 1 Hi Joanna I wanted to let you know about an experience I had some years ago when I joined the clitoris club on the internet. I looked through the list of members and decided to contact a complete stranger. She was a 29 yr old girl, called Frances or Fanny, for short. To my surprise and delight she wrote back, saying she would be happy to correspond about clitoral issues in the club. Are you prepared to read my account of her experiences? They are the most sexually arousing descriptions I know, with a choice vocabulary to match. Email 2 Hi, Amy Yeah, we go back a long way. I will read anything you send me. Anything that Fanny did, or the language she used to describe what she did is fine with me. I’m very curious. Reply soon to this mail! Email 3 Hi Jo Fanny worked for her parents, on a farm, in the American Mid-West. She told me she was driving a tractor every day for hours, ploughing. She said she spent hours in the cab and it wasn’t much fun. I asked her, “What do you do for a toilet break? Do you go back to the farm buildings for a pee?” “No way,” she replied, “if I want to pee I climb down from the cab, pull down my jeans and pee then and there in the shelter of the tractor wheel. If anyone sees me peeing, I don’t care. If the weather is cold and I’m wearing a skirt, I don’t bother with the tractor wheel. I get into the open, crouch down ‘till the hem of my skirt touches the ground and let my pee water the earth. It’s natural and no-one can see. There’s nobody to see anyway.” Email 4 Hi Jo When I asked Fanny how she was she said, “I’m bored with the ploughing. Up and down, up and down, up and down this field. Anyway, quite by accident, I’ve found a cure for this boredom. I rubbed up against the gear shift and the vibrations through my clothing turned me on like a light. I had to stop the tractor to recompose myself. If I hadn’t I would have had an orgasm. I thought about for a while and thought, why shouldn’t I have an orgasm?” In her next message to me she talked about her more daring activities. “I came to a stop with the engine idling. The gear was vibrating violently, reminding me of a throbbing dick, pulsating against my thigh. It would be better, I guessed if it vibrated wildly against my inner thigh. I draped my skirt over it, pulled my panties down and got my clit near its head. But I had to stop. The vibrations were so powerful I was afraid of passing out with the excitement of it. The next day I tried again. The engine was running slightly slower and I managed to impale myself on the huge gear shaft. It began to sort of shaft me as I pushed down on it. I smiled and put my foot on the gas pedal! This did for me and I had to stop. A series of tremendous orgasms shook my whole body.” Email 5 Hi Jo I was getting really excited reading Fanny’s messages. She wrote, “I’m scared telling you this. I’ve talked about my clit to anyone before. I suppose it’s because you will never see me that I can write to you this way.” Well, dear Jo, I got so horny reading these messages that I wanted to share them with someone in the same room. I invited a friend round. I sat in an armchair and he sat opposite me, with a large glass-topped coffee table between us. I related Fanny’s experiences, which I now knew by heart and he responded. Mikey stood up suddenly, pulled down his jeans and started to wank right in front of me. I smiled at him in encouragement… Email 6 Hi Amy Fanny has been quite an influence on you hasn’t she? Mikey seems like a nice guy. How did he know that you would like his sperm all over your glass table top? Must fly. Need a shower! Email 7 Hi Jo I didn’t want his sperm all over my glass table top. I smiled at him, but secretly I so wanted his dick in me. I saw him squirt his milky juice over the table, but I wanted him to squirt it into me. I knew he was unpredictable, but I didn’t expect him to wank in front of me. Why didn’t he want to fuck me? He said after he’d zipped himself up again. “Can I come again tomorrow? I want to bring my girlfriend; see how she reacts to your ‘fanny’ story. “Okay,” I said without much enthusiasm. I didn’t know he had a girlfriend. As for fucking me… fat chance!” Email 8 Hi Amy I wish you’d get to the point. It’s tantalising waiting for your replies. I want the whole story right now. Get on with it!! Email9 Hi Joanna The next evening Mikey turned up with his girlfriend. “Hello, this is Pilar,” he said, as a very attractive girl in her late twenties came forward. “Hello,” she said, in a husky voice, “I’m very pleased to meet you.” I offered them drinks. They wanted water in pint glasses. Mikey knew I had these enormous jugs, so I joined them. Mikey and I sat where we had sat the previous occasion, but Put Pilar lay out on the floor, next to the table. I proceeded to tell the ‘Fanny’ clit story again. Mikey and I were more controlled this time, but Pilar writhed on the floor in excitement. I saw she had come prepared. She had nothing on underneath her skirt. She finished her drink and put the empty glass on the table. Mikey did the same with his drink. As soon as I had finished the story Pilar stood up, stretched her leg across the table so she was astride it looking at Mikey. She picked up his glass with one hand and her skirt with the other and pissed into it. She stopped when she had filled it. She was so accurate in her control of her muscles. She replaced the full glass on the table. She turned round, astride the table once more, facing me. She picked up her own glass and cleverly filled it with her own piss. I was horrified but Mikey was beside himself with excitement. She leaned forward to replace the glass. I just knew what would happen. She was showing Mikey her exposed opening and he was going to fuck her from behind, wasn’t he? Once again, the man I wanted to fuck would be fucking someone else right in front of me. I couldn’t stand it. I put my own glass on the floor and sat wondering what to do. I got to my feet, seized hold of the glasses and took them out to the bathroom to empty them. Afterwards, I had a thought. I left the glasses on the shelf and took some lubricant from the bathroom cabinet. I went into the kitchen, opened the fridge door and extracted a rather large cucumber. I covered it with KY Jelly from top to toe and carried it into the other room. I sat down, drew my ankles up to my bum and forced the cucumber into my opening. It didn’t need any lube. It was soaking wet, dripping out of me. I pushed it deeper until it could go no further. I looked up to see the smile on Pilar’s face and Mikey’s sperm dripping on to the table top as he pulled his dick out of her. He sat down again and immediately started wanking as he watched me with the cucumber sticking out of me. I pulled it in and out, pushed it up and down; then a strange thing happened. Pilar moved forward along the table and took hold of the cucumber. She pulled it out of me with a sudden movement and turned it the other way round. She pushed it hard back into me and sat on the other end impaling herself on it. I don’t know how she did it but she pushed and pushed until our labia met. I’m no lesbian but I loved it. Mikey’s dick which had become very small now began to swell as he was aroused for a second time. I could see him standing up wanking for all he was worth. Pilar and I satisfied each other with the cucumber for some time. Eventually, Pilar whispered in my ear, “Mikey will fuck you too, I don’t mind at all. I want to watch and I want you to watch. I’ve brought a mirror with me.” She got up and pulled herself off the cucumber and pulled it out of me. She held up the mirror so that I could see my gaping hole. I’ve never seen anything like it. Mikey came round the table and poked his hardened, aroused dick in that throbbing hole of mine. He pounded me while Pilar showed me as much of the action as she could with the mirror. While Mikey was fucking me she picked up my glass and pissed into it. Then she disappeared into the bathroom. I was left alone with Mikey. So I owe Fanny a great deal. If Fanny hadn’t impaled her own fanny on that tractor gear I would never have fucked Mikey! Publication Date: October 7th 2011 https://www.bookrix.com/-melanieplayful.pen
Sentrie Waey Missunderstood Lover-boy Love lost Chapter 1: Leaving Home . *Alex awakens.* ..... "Get the fuck up, i don't want you here any more, get your shit and leave." Alex is now awake, fear strikes his body, he haves know where to go and his mom is kicking him out the only thing he haves. All he is sent with is the clothes on his back. As Alex leaves the house he goes down the Maple St. he is headed towards the bus way. Alex came across a group of boys wearing all black. There was about 6, 7 of them, Alex puts his head down trying not to make eye contact. One of the boys points at him; Alex's heart drops. The boys approached him and ask him if he was gay, Alex walked away, the boys followed him down the street. Alex started to speed up but the boys circled around him. Alex looked up and seen the hate in their eyes. *Multiple punches hit Alex in his face; Alex falls to the ground and curls up in a ball, The boys starts to kick him. The boys ran when they thought they heard a cop car. (the boys took his money, his phone, and his condoms)* Alex got up and stood, he didn't cry, he continued to the bus station. Now he was slightly limping, he had never been attack let alone jumped in his own hood. A tear or two creped down his face. Alex heard a car's loud music he looked in the far distance. A red truck "bumping" Duces fly up the street. It slowed down and rolled down its windows. Alex stopped and looked at the red car. A man exited car. [[Description; The man was 6,2" light skin, built, hazel eyes, and a nice faded cut.]]. "-The man: Where yu heading." Alex looked at the man. "-Alex: Where ever you taken me." The man smiled and told Alex to come on. Alex headed toward the car, then got in. "-Alex: What’s ur name?" "-Man: Damien." "-Alex: Ohhh ,, thx for... " *Suddenly cutt off* "-Damien: No problem,, hate to see someone cute in distress." "-Alex: thanks anyway." "-Damien: Where you headed." "-Alex: A hotel please." Damien decided to drop off Alex at the Hotel INN Down in Central. Before Alex left the car Damien gave his number to him. "-Damien: (412)-002-8695.". Alex open the car door and again thanked Damien for the ride. He Asked the bell boy for a room. He was directed to the 4th floor. They didn't have elevators so Alex had to Rush it up the stairs. He got to the top and used his room key to enter. When he opened the door a Women was there waiting on the bed. She pleaded that she didn't have anywhere to stay, and she wanted to share the room with him. Alex didn't mind being bothered with her. Alex started to take his clothes off and noticed a pair of eyes fixed on him. The girl was staring at his body. Alex had a six pack, but was slim. She got up and pushed him on the bed. Before Alex could speak she told him she hadn't had it in a while. She kissed him. Alex started Snappin.. "-Alex: Get the FUCK off me. I don't know where the fuck you been... the fuck is wrong with you... GET OUT HOMIEZ!". The girl storms out of the room; Crying and gasping for air. *turns out she was a asthmatic. She later died of a panic attack* . Alex is torn inside by what just had happened. He was attacked by a horny Girl. He looked for the hotel phone. He called out to Damien. "-Damien: Wussgud?" "-Alex: Ummm hi." "-Damien: Who dis?. "-Alex: This is Alex; the boy you dropped of at the hotel Inn.' "-Damien: Ohhh lil liqhtskin shawdy, ohh wassup ma'." "-Alex: Ma'? I guess *laughing* umm can i come stay with you, I know you don't know me, but i can find a way to pay for it.' "-Damien iite ma' im on my way now.. stay der.' Alex is outside waiting for Damien to show, its cold, and still raining, he knows he haves no money to pay for this stay with Damien so he decides to give him something of equal value. Damien pulls up 10 mins right beside the hotel. Alex gets in the car and starts the conversation. Alex explains to Damien that he haves no money. Damien smiles. "-Iite shawdy no problem." They pull up to a 4 story house, its light blue and the set up is nice and organized. The plants are tended to, and its clean. They unlock the door and walk in. There was a dog at the top of the first floor growling at the intruder. Alex paused in fear. The dog creped down the stairs to handle this intruder. "-Hostel, Home yells Damien". The dog returned to his cadge."-Damien: don't worry bout him he's a big baby." Alex smiles; still scared and shivering with fear. Chapter 2: Maybe Sex *Thankful* They head upstairs to the guest suite. Damien’s house is bigger then it looks on the outside. Alex tries to go down on Damien. "-Damien: Naw shawdy, i said yu good, u aint gatta do a thing." *Damien smiles and leaves the room; he comes back with fresh towel, rag, and a change of night clothes.* . Thinking to his-self Alex is in shock that a man turned down head. Alex runs his-self a hot bath. The bath relaxed him and makes him feel revived. His body was tense and harden from the stress. He thought at any moment that Damien would come busting in demanding his body and lusting over him. He was very paranoid at this point. The bathroom had no lock on it. It seemed like a white neighborhood. Where was his wife, kids, girlfriend, family? After all He was Gorgeous and here he was alone. Is he a killer, rapist. Alex know nothing about him. Damien walks in with a phone. "-Damien: Here ill pay for it till you get on your feet." Alex thanked him for his kindness. Damien said he was leaving and to help hisself with anything he needed, just don't go into the dogs pin. Alex is alone. Alex calls his sister Renee. [[Description: Short liqhtskin, model type body, slim, sexy voice.]]. Renee didn’t answer, but he left a voice mail. When Damien came home, he checked on Alex and he was nowhere to be found. Damien Went upstairs and got in the shower then got changed into his night-clothes. For his night clothes he had on a v-neck wife beater. it was skin tight. he had put on Tight briefs. he layed down and dozed of. *Alex came in the house* . Damien felt something under the covers but he didn't react. Damien felt something warm and wet touch down on his dick. Damien know couldn't move. Damien’s 10 inch dick got hard and horny. Alex started licking the tip of Damien's zaddy. 10 mins go past and Alex is riding Damien's dick. Alex moaning heavily and deeply. Damien groaning slow and soft. The passion filled the room and possessed the both of them. Damien flipped Alex over on his knees and hands pushing all 10 inches deep inside. Alex grabs the Covers and screams. Damien grabs Alex mouth. "-Damien: shhhh." Damien pulls out and flips Alex on his back. With each thrust Alex lust for more. Damien strokes it again, again, again. Alex scream! *Alex haves a orgasm* . 10 minutes later Damien pulls out and bust on Alex's stomach. The two lay there in silence, shock as to what happened. They both fall asleep, thinking about each other. ----------------- _ The Next Day _ ----------------- Damien wakes up and Alex is gone again. "-Damien: Fucxx i fukked up." *Shakes his head in disappointment.* Damien thinks hard about Alex. He felt something special between them, it was like they been with eachother for ever. He wonders if Alex feels the same way. *Alex calls Renee again.* -----*Phone ringing*----- "-Renee: Hello?" "-Alex: Wassup Nay?" "-Renee: Who is diz?" "-Alex: This is yo brova?" "-Renee: Ohhhh wassup butt butt, whos fone you callin meh off of?" "-Alex: This is my new cell, look mom kicked meh out can i come stay widd you for a while, i have no where to go, she didn't give meh no money, no clothes, yooo the bitchh is whole on her shit again, i can't stand her. " "-Renee: WHat happened now???" "-Alex: i dont even fukkin no sista, i was sleep and she woke up on dat shit, talking bout 'She tired of meh and my shit' or wht eva, im not doing her shit no moe, shes paid, homiez,,, im gettin meh and my brother out,, buhh i need a place to chill." "-Renee; Period,, mom don't mind,, just don't bring Markcus." "-Alex: ight sista talk to you wen i get der" "-Renee: Period." *"Click",, they hang up the phone* Walking down Hawkins, trying to get to Renee's house. " Its fukking 4:34 in the morning and this bitch is on her shit" - mumbles Alex. *"Ringing" Incoming call from D-Boy* "Who is this" -Questioned Alex. Alex picked up the phone. On the phone was Damien. He wanted to know where he went and if he was okay, Alex didn't say much but he did say that he had somewhere to go for the night, and he needed to talk to someone about what happened. Damien took it okay but he was slightly upset he could explain to Alex how he felt. Soon after Alex arrives at Renee's house. He knocks on the door. "Yo!!! Tay open the door"- screams Alex. Nay opens the door. "Nigga you know it's too early for you to be screaming over here". Alex runs up the stairs and goes to the bathroom. Later they decuss Alex's mom's weirdness. "-Nay: Swear shes weird af. lyke!! boyz!! i wouldn't fukk widd er. Period!." *"Text message"-From D-boy* D-boy:--> -Yo! lil shawdy:--> --Hii. D-boy:--> -Yo we need to tlk. lil shawdy:--> --Wuss on yhur mind? D-boy:--> -Kall meh yo. lil shawdy:--> --iite in a min. D-boy:--> -ight! Later that night they talk on the phone and discuss what happened. It wasn't much of a conversation but it got the point across. Alex told Damien he was really ready to be anything to him, he just was in distress and needed to feel loved. (Alex secretly felt something) Damien is super upset now. He felt something that Alex didn't want anything to do with. Damien felt that he was doing a good job avoiding sex, then Alex suprised him and took it. Now he is secretly addicted. If all had went as plan then this wouldn't have happened. Chapter 3. Mr.Tall&lovely *New Man* Nay sent Alex to the store just down the street for some apple juice. Alex seen some boy starting at him. He tryed not to pay much attention to him, but the boy was cute, and brownskin, not to mention tall. Alex went into the store and got two bottles of apple juice. He went to pay for it but the boy that was staring at him outside the store paid for him. Alex tryed to explain to the boy he had enough money for it; but the boy insisted. Alex asked the boy what his name was. "-Boy: my name is Tevin, but yhu can call meh Juelz." Alex smiles and left the store. He didn't want the same incident as Damien. Alex Walked out the store before he could turn the corner to go up the mini hill Tevin asked for his number. "-Alex: you can't have my number but i can take yours!" *Alex smiling and looking away franticly.* Tevin gave him his number and walked to his car. Alex walked back up the hill making sure Tevin doesn't see where he is heading.[[Decription: Tevin is 6,6" , brownskin, muscular, ... nt much to say about him]]. Alex walks in the house and Nay is naked... Alex screams.. "Put some clothes on.. SHIT" -Screams Alex.. Nay runs to the bathroom to grabs her clothes. nay is wearing a pink bra, pink undies and some booty shorts. "-Alex: Is that all your gonna wear?" "-Renee: This is my crib lil shawdy!" *Alex rolls his eyes* Alex gets bored and calls his new friend tevin. *"Voice mail"* -VM- You've reached Tevin Williams, Please leave a Breif message after the beep. *"BEEP"* Alex didn't get to talk to Tevin but he did leave a Voice-mail. The voice-mail read: "Hey Tevin, it's me Alex, I wanted to know if you wanted to chill. Later on that day Nuasia called Alex, and asked him was he coming to practice. Alex knew he was farther than normal and would have to rush. Alex told Nuasia he was on his way.[[Description : Nuasia is tall, big boned, but fit, her hair varies by the day]]. Alex puts on his basket ball shorts, and red shirt. He headed down the hill. He got to Hawkins Village when he remembered that he didn't lock the door. He calls Nay and tells her to lock the door. *Alex bumps music all the way to practice.* Alex gets a text from Renee. Renee ask did Alex have on shorts when he left. Alex agreed to what you said. The next text read then why did i see you going down the street wearing black pants with laces on them. Alex is now confused; because he didn't have on any black pants. He Tells Nay what he is wearing. Nay swears up and down that he is lying. Alex sends Nay a pic with his picture phone showing what he is wearing. "-Nay: There is no need to lie about it Alex, i seen what i seen, the more you lie the more you make me mad, so && i think you better come and get all your shit." Alex been through it all he is no a little furious. All this for no reason. *Alex makes Raven take him home after practice and get his shit so he can go over his friends.* He calls Damien and ask Damien can he pick him up.*Alex is crying now.* Damien rushes to Alex, he finds him on a step at the bus way. Alex is crying hard, face to the pavement. Damien picks him up and puts him in the car. By the time the reached Damien's Alex fell asleep. Damien picked him up and took him upstairs to his bed room. He tucks him in and kisses him goodnight. *The lights go off and and the bedroom door shuts.* *Damien falls asleep on the couch thinking about Lex and hoping he is okay.* Chapter 4. The Truth . Publication Date: November 16th 2011 https://www.bookrix.com/-sentrie104
Sharon Thomas Sexual Revolution Dane was awakened by Sybil's touch. Her hands were caressing his flaccid cock. Stroking him up and down. She was watching it grow. She licked her lips. She slowly moved her hands up and down his shaft. In a matter of minutes it went from five inches to ten inches. "Hmmmm." He startled her, looking up at his with those brown doe eyes. "Please, keep going." She smiled at him then glanced back down. Even though they had made love, she still was shy around him. She held him with such tenderness, like no woman had done before. This was definitely not a woman he would meet again in his life. He thanked his lucky stars that she responded to meet with him after wooing her for three months. She had awakened feelings in him that he thought were dead and some he never knew he had. Most women were too afraid to even attempt a blowjob because of his large size. Not even his ex would jerk him off. She glanced at him while licking the slit in his cock head. It was so damn erotic and sexy as hell. Goose bumps covered him from head to toe followed by tingling. Every slow lick sent him into a frenzy. What magic was she working on his body? It was like she had a map of all the places that were sensitive on him and even finding a few more. Her tongue traveled down the length of his shaft while her hands massaged his balls. His cock began to throb with mounting pressure building up. She bent down and placed one ball on her mouth, rolling it around against her tongue, kneading the flesh, then sucking. Surges of vibrations shot out to his fingers and legs. She sucked the other ball. Spasms shook his cock. She popped both balls in her mouth and sucked them. Licking between the flesh of the two balls. His eyes rolled back in his head. Damn! It sent shock waves throughout his body. Dane looked down at his cock. He had grown another inch making him for the first time rock hard at eleven inches, a full inch more than normal. His body went into spasms, moaning. He couldn't hold cumming any longer. She felt his cock jerk and she knew he was going to cum. She quickly covered her mouth over his cock. She sucked hard. He exploded in her mouth like a firecracker. In one spurt he had filled her mouth, she swallowed. The taste similar to smoky sweat juice. He had mentioned to her before in their messaging that he was a smoker. Heat surged to her pussy. She was getting so hot. He came intensely and only saw stars before his eyes. This was truly heaven. Her mouth filled up again with his next spurt and then the next. She swallowed three times to get his hot load down her throat. She swallowed again and again, her belly growing warm. He was still cumming. He shot another hot creamy load, coating her throat. Her pussy was dripping wet again. She got excited with him cumming in her mouth. She pulled out his cock and licked it clean. "I want you inside me again." She stared at him with wanton eyes rubbing her wet pussy. Even though he had cum, his cock was still rock hard and ready for more. He turned her around so her ass was up in the air, her back down towards the bed. She spread open her legs. His hands grabbed onto her sweet smooth ass. He was inside her with one fast thrust. To his surprise she was still tight if not tighter. She came as soon as he thrusted again. Stars swirled around in her sight cooing deeply. She had a tingling in her loins, deeper than missionary position had given her. She was now able to feel his cock head moving inside her and his cock pulsing. She felt tingling in her breasts, thighs, back, and toes. Why did she wait so long to experience heaven? He pumped against the ridge of her "G-spot", she would be loose after a while for some anal play. His shaft glistened with her juices. His staying power kept remaining. What was she doing to him? He hadn't remained hard immediately after cumming since his teens. He now was thrusting without holding on to her ass, sliding in and out. She came again, coating his cock with a thin layer of her sweet honey. He pulled out and rubbed his cock head against her asshole which was opening and closing. "Want me to cum in your ass darling?" he asked tapping his cock head against both openings. Sybil's head was spinning. All she could see around the room were stars. She was sure she was floating. She didn't do anal but she was so relaxed enough that she simply said, "Yes." Dane pushed his cock head in her puckered asshole with two powerful thrusts. It hurt only for a minute, then followed by waves of humming throughout her body. He pushed his cock in all the way to the base. She was cumming still, her juices dripping onto his balls. Her nipples were aching and growing rock hard being rubbed on the comforter while he humped away. He gained rhythm, pumping all the way out and back in again. She screamed. Not out of pain, but out of sheer delight and pleasure. Her ass shaking against him. Her anus muscles contracting and releasing his cock, vibrating him. He was close to cumming again. In one long thrust his body twitched, feeling his juices lubricating him. His knees weakened. Her body went limp and collapsed down on the bed. He collapsed on top of her still inside. They both were heaving and sweating. He managed to pull out finally, the strength returning to his legs. He rolled over on the bed to a spot that was not soaked with their juices. He needed to cool down a bit. He glanced over at her. She was still cooing and moaning softly, vibrations still going off in her body. His cum was slowly dripping out of her asshole onto her ass cheeks. She looked so erotic that he was hard, aching to be inside once again. An idea came to him, something to top off tonight's events. He got up and went to the bathroom. He opened the shower stall door and turned on the water. He went back into the room. "Come on, Sybil. Let's get cleaned up, honey." He extended out his hand. Still dazed, she took his hand and followed him to the bathroom. She stepped in the shower first, then him. "Ahhhhhhh. That feels so good." He stood there staring, watching the water cascade off her breasts traveling down her stomach, pussy and legs. "This will feel even better." He grabbed some raspberry body wash gel and squirted some in his hand. He rubbed his hands together and used his hands as a washcloth. Beginning at her neck, moving down to her breasts, soaping them up. He flicked his thumb over her nipples, making them erect. She closed her eyes, tilted her head back and moaned. He rubber her soapy breasts against his chest, his chest hairs stimulating her nipples. He took some more body wash gel and poured it in his hand. His eyes focused on her shaved pussy. His gelled right hand massaged her pussy while his left hand kneaded her fleshy ass. He slipped a soapy finger in her asshole, moving it in and out gently. She never had anyone wash her up after sex. This was an amazing experience! She never knew her asshole could be so erotic, sensitive, and bring new climaxes to her. She was over come by vibrating sensations coursing in her body. Her knees began to buckle. She held on to his shoulders. She was rounding another orgasm. "Ahhhhhh. Ohhhhhhh. Yes, yes!" Waves of chills covered her body from head to toe. She was so innocent and wanton at the same time. He never wanted to let her leave from his life. He took his right hand and rubbed his swelling, hard cock. He was aching to be inside her once more. He removed his finger from her puckered asshole. He pushed her back against the cool shower tile. He kissed her long and hard,spreading her legs apart. He thrusted into her pussy which was still amazingly tight. She moaned with their mouths still joined. She wrapped her legs around him and placed her hands around his neck. With each thrust her climax grew. Their bodies fitted together well, like they were made for each other. He felt another large cum load approaching. He cupped her ass with his hands and drove into her until her pussy was sitting on the base of his cock. He spilled his load in her, pumping fiercely. "Ahhh... Yes! Yes!" All he could see were rainbows of circles before him. He felt her body shaking then going limp. He held her in his arms and placed her under the waterfall to revive her. "Ohhh... What happened?" Her body was sore and aching. Her pussy throbbing with Dane still inside her. The cool water on her back had woke her up. It even tickled a little running down the crack of her ass. "You passed out, darling." He gave her a kiss on her lips for reassurance that she was okay. "So will I see you stay the night?" She smiled up at him. "Yes, I will." Publication Date: July 3rd 2011 https://www.bookrix.com/-vylet78
ice sukene why wont you love me? purple's confession I was walking down the halls smirking today was the day. im going to tell that sexy ass phone I love him. so I walked in and slammed the door gaining everyone's attention. I said "phone guy" smirked when he squeaked and jumped and looked at me and said" w-what? I then said "will you go out with me?" he blushed dark red and tear up because everyone was looking at him and said "NO!!" and ran off I decided to play it cool even thought it felt like I had been hit by a thousand buses so I just shrugged and smirked and said " ill just try again later." but really I just went to the bar to drink my sadness away. I was fucked up but I looked at the time it was 11:30. so I got in my car drunk as fuck. don't do this at home kids I laughed at my own thought. as i headed off to the pizzeria then I got a idea if my phone wont love me then ill just make him love me.   (A/N) sorry I know this sucks re did the first chapter I didn't have a reason for the story line I was going for so I made this to explain why what was happing was going on when I post the next chapter fuck I ramble on and on drunk purple (phone pov.)                  it was night time and I have to work with that sexy wait what ? I mean that purple pervert. i was already sitting at the desk because purple is late as always. I then saw that sexy purple grape stop saying these things no more important did I call him a sexy grape. I chuckled aloud with out meaning to and he looked at me smirking pervertedly.                then I said " don't try anything grape" he glared at me when I said that. then he pinned me to the wall said "why wont you love me?" then he kissed me I blushed dark red and pushed him away. this made him angry and he slapped me and yelled "im ganna make you love me." that's when I could smell the alcohol on his breath. then I tears up because he pulled out a knife. then he sat in my chair and told me to come sit between his legs if I did not want to die.by this time I knew what was ganna happen. Im ganna be forced to do things and im ganna get rapped and maybe more. I heard a zip I knew what he wants now....so I ran for my life...... why me!!! (WARNING: THERE IS RAPE IN THIS CHAPTER WILL NOT BE ANY IN NEXT CHAPTER SO JUST WAIT TILL THE NEXT ONE IS OUT ALSO LEMON AAND YAOI THAT MEANS BOY x BOY YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED) (phone guy's pov)                    I heard foot step right behind me and they were fast. am I really going to die here really why didn't I just work a olive garden?!?!? why!!! all of a sudden I tripped and fell and he jumped on me. he then proceed to hit and cut me until he stopped and then he pulled me up by my hair and dragged me to the office and sat it the chair and forced me between his legs and unzipped his pants and said "suck also bite and ill kill you right now". I was in so much pain I was crying but I leaned in and licked his tip. I heard him moan and knowing the position im in I have to please him the best I can or die. I then took him in my mouth and took him fully in my mouth and started to suck I hear him moan many times. so I think im in the good. that is until I feel a sharp pain in my arm and I see his knife cutting me I tear up but make sure not to bite.   he says " I know you can do better then this do it better slut." I start swirling my toung on his tip and sliding it over his tip while bobbing. he was not satisfied so he forced my head down and made me deep throat him and then he came and I swallowed it all. I looked up at him and he smirked and said "get on your hands and knees now." I teared up cause I knew what was ganna happen now and it wasn't good and im still a virgin . he slapped me hard and yelled "you do what I fucking say damn it!!" I whimpered in pain and did what he said hatting my life and wishing purple didn't drink. I look up and I see the animatronics and they looked like they felt bad some how but they just walked off. I felt him take my pants and boxers off and he said "aw your not hard oh well." he then smirked evilly and rammed into my virgin hole and I screamed out in pure pain. he started pumping faster and faster I was screaming in pain. I could feel blood running down my leg and about what felt like a year he moaned loudly and came in me. and pushed me down and said "tell anyone ill slit your throat!" he pulled my pants up and done the same to himself. then he said "clean this up now." I got up and stated to clean I got done and them bell rang and went different ways to our houses and I some how snuck past them all.......when I got home I could feel my sanity slipping and I put a bright red phone mask on. losing it (phone guy pov) its been 2 day sance the rapping happened im feeling happy but i don't know why. but i think im happy am i happy yes im deffinalty happy ive been laughing that means i happy right. yes it does why would i even question that. its my frist day at work sance then and i think i can see him and my friends now thanks to my mask it will keep me safe wont you that's what. i then drove to work and it was not open yet we had to come a hour eairler to ready it up for the little shits i mean the kids. i left my car kinda limping cause my ass hurt like fuck still. but i was chuckling at the pain but i quited dwon when i got to the door. when i opened it they all looked at me to welcome me but there eyes went wide when they as me. i was all bandaged up and i have a big red phone mask on.   *convo*   mike: what the fuck happened to you!!   i just kinda chuckled creepyly   phone: oh what do you mean mikey   i saw the shock in there eyes   phone: mikey what the matter someone cut off your toung?   mike: phone that's not like you   phone: don't you like the new me?   i started twitching when i said that i was panicing   Jeremy: that's not it we are just worried about you is all we just want to know what happened.   phone: how sweet of you guys caring for me but i c-cant tell y-you   i looked away when saying the last part   Jeremy: is there anything we can do to help you?   phone: well yes really you see i have this urge to kill you all i need your help Jeremy can you help?   i saw his eyes widen   u-um y-you me h-help y-you s-stop that r-right   phone: Jeremy do you fear me? mike: you just told him you want to kill us all fuck yes he does!! i started twitching more phone: mike you might want to shut your fucking mouth and Jeremy you might want to act quick or im ganna kill him now Jeremy: o-ok lets s-see w-why do you want to kill us? phone: i don't know Jeremy: purple help me you his best friend purple: phone~ whats wrong? phone:you shut your fucking mouth you know very well what happened ass hole!!! Jeremy and purples eyes went wide Jeremy: purple what happened. purple: i really don't know ii just remeberd he was drunk....... i then calmed down phone: im sorry for all this im better now ok mike: what the fuck!!! phone: tell the boss im not comm- at that i could feel all the sanity i always had come back to me and all the pain i was in i could feel it all and i fell and screamed in pure pain and they ran over to me to try aand help me but when they touched my bandages or mask i would push them away and tell them to leave me alone that i was fine then i blacked out......... (A/N) ice/author is in the hospital and has not woke up yet they saw me   (purple guy pov)                                  we all called in and went to phones house and brought him he had passed out at work. his bandages had leaked some blood and we knew it was bad. we unlocked his door things were thrown everywhere. there was blood on the flood as well as ripped and bloody chloths. we were all shocked i could tell we  took him to the sofa and layed him down.                                  i took his badages off and we all saw him start crying and shaking and then we heard him whimper "pleasa stop it hu-rts."  we all knew he was not meaning up and it made us all feel horrible . we looked at him and were shocked he had deep cuts all over his body and dark bruise. then we pulled his mask off he had a black eye and a cut cheek.  but we all backed away when his eyes opened then he pull something and everything went black. (phones pov.)                             no they saw me no wait more important what did I do I cant let them leave now. I put them in my basement and tied them tighter. then I locked the door and left and went to my room and curled up into a ball and held myself crying. what should I do I cant keep them here there my friends I need to let them go. *~*~*~*4 hours later still phone*~*~*~*                             I went down there with food cause I heard Jeremy and mike talking. they then looked at me and Jeremy said "phone you don't have to do this ." but I was to busy looking at purple and tears ran my face as my face was blank. he was beeding from his head I went over to him and put my hand on his head. then my hand started to glow black as I healed him.                               then I moved and went to Jeremy and said " but Jeremy no matter how much I don't wanna do this I have to I would be tested on." then Jeremy said "where are we" I said "my basement but I came to feed you and mike"  I then feed them and left.    the next day ( purple's)   i woke up to mike complaining and Jeremy panicked. i said "whats wrong" mike said "we are in phones basement!!!"Jeremy said " shhhh he will hear us" then phone walked in. mike looked at me and said "i blame you entirely for this." i just glared at him then phone said "guys im sorry i just panicked i thought you would ask what happened."   Jeremy : well we do want to know we care we want to help you throw this.   phone fell to the ground covering his face crying   phone: i cant tell you.   Jeremy: yes you can we are here for you.   phone: no ive finaly came to reasoning he was drunk!!   Jeremy:oh...   mike:what the fuck phone what and who is it we wont beat them up.   phone: you will and its cause i lo-like him   phone looked away after that blushing wait he fucking loves someone fuck i lost him.....   Jeremy:then tell us we wont hate him he was drunk and you love him we will support it.   then i saw phone guy stand up and walk over to us and untie us looking down and he kept saying realy low "im sorry""im so sorry" then he lean down infront of me and kissed me my eyes instently widened he pulled away.   purple: what did i do   phone: it all..... and more   mike and Jeremy both looked shocked i insently felt regret and wanted to kill myself i was a monster   purple:what do you mean and more   phone: y-you r-rapped me.....   when i heard that i started hyperventilating no why did I hurt him .phone and Jeremy where trying to calm me down and after about a hour i finaly calmed down by this time mike and Jeremy have left.   purple: im so sorry phone   phone: its ok i love you   purple: i love you so much more then you know.   phone: i know you do   we then layed down and fell asleep holding each other....   (should calm down next chapter)   2 years later   (thought I should end it happy) (phone pov.)  its been 2 years sance that day and I have been happy ever sance me and purple where happily dating  we even moved in together  we are both happy even Jeremy and mike accepted my apologie   purple ended up killing my dad and and now we were getting married  Jeremy is helping me with my white tux that I let him pick out and tied my ty and we headed off. *~*~*~*~after the wedding~*~*~*~* i cant beilve Jeremy made me throw the bokay of flowers but here i am about to leave so i throw the bokey  i watched it land and Jeremy wasn't paying attention and it landed in his hands when he was walking out his face turned bright red and i started laughing and mike leaned down and kissed the poor boy making him faint. this was the perfect wedding  time for the honeymoon cant wait!  ~~~~~(A/N)~~~~~ last chapter is going to be a bit late cause geuss what................ ITS SMUT!!!!!   jeremike? should I make a jeremike fanfiction like in there perspective??? would you guys like that? Publication Date: February 14th 2017 https://www.bookrix.com/-mja307221479185
anil Sex story-By lady neighbour-pussy thrust lady neighbour Publication Date: April 9th 2012 https://www.bookrix.com/-agpt10
Jennifer Trevino His Possession Beware of the pleasures that govern your nightmares... [Wicked Dream]  “Blaze you are mine,” he whispered sweetly into my ear, his warm breath fanning it just below the earlobe. A warm shiver ran up my spine as he pushed me against the bed, and lay on top of me on his knees and hands. I was astonished that this stranger was so bold as to say something to a girl he didn’t even know.             “But who are you?” I found myself asking as his fingers began to open the white button shirt I wore, a keen smirk underlining his chiseled face. He couldn’t be more than twenty years old, and had a muscular frame, onyx black hair and eyes, and a six o’clock shadow on his jaw.               His smirk widened and showed a dimple on his left cheek as he unclasped the silver tie around his neck. “I see today you want to play another game,” he chuckled and I raised my eyebrows in confusion, tilting my head to the side.             “Huh?” I mumbled as the distance between us began to diminish, his lips descending onto my own. A gasp escaped my parted lips in shock; here I was situated underneath an unknown male on a bed, kissing him.             “Please-um…stop,” my voice faltered as he touched my inner thigh, a warm sensation filled my stomach as the kiss became more aggressive. His tongue entered my mouth and seemed to explore me so intimately, battling against my own. Saliva dribbled off my chin and I closed my eyes as his other hand came up to remove the clothing that separated our warm bodies.             “I can’t wait to make you all mine,” he groaned his tone filled with raw desire. I was puzzled by his words but none the less was silent as he took his shirt off, exposing a muscular chest and defined abs. “Do you like what you see?” He questioned as he caught my heated gaze.               “I…um well,” I paused feeling my cheeks flame up at the intense stare he was giving me. How am I supposed to answer to this stranger?             “Hmn, could it be that you are trying to challenge me?” He leaned forward and grasped my breast, circling his thumb over my hardened nipple. I shook my head and felt embarrassed having him eye me with that glint that suggested he wanted to ravish me all night. “I’ll take that as a yes, tonight I’m going to make you scream until your voice is hoarse,” he declared as his lips moved against my nipple. I gasped and was about to slap him with my free hands, when suddenly his expert fingers went over the barrier of my panties and nestled against my sensitive clit.             I felt a smile appear on his face as he suckled on my nipple, his hand under my stomach tracing the throbbing clit that seemed to suddenly crave for his touch. An involuntary moan escaped from my lips and he chuckled, it was deep and low like his voice that seemed to drip honey when he uttered a sound.             His finger climbed lower and then slipped inside my wet cunt, he groaned loudly and deepened his fingers. “You are so tight,” he moaned as his fingers massaged my inner skin. I was too consumed in the ecstasy that I didn’t realize he had lowered his head and positioned it right in front of my glistening cunt, his lips brushing against them.             “Ah! Not there-0h please,” I couldn’t contain myself it was so elating that it brought me over the edge of reason. He licked over my throbbing cunt, his nose against my clit as he licked my insides with passion. I moaned as he explored me and kissed me so deeply and profoundly.             I couldn’t contain myself as my climax came and overpowered me, my body shaking as my fluids escaped into his mouth. He sat up and licked the glistening wetness on his lips, “Babe we’re just getting started.”              Ring…Ring…Ring…Ring!             I awoke to the sound of an annoying alarm situated beside my bed, my eyesight a blur as I adjusted them to the bright light showering in from my window. I sat up rather lazily and yawned loudly stretching my limp arms.             My body ached for some unknown reason, and I pondered for a good two minutes about the reason before giving up and standing up with tired limbs. When I passed the mirror it took me a few seconds to realize that on my neck and chest there was red sore marks on the skin.             They astonishingly resembled hickies, which would be bizarre because there is no way a boyfriend-less girl with no experience in intimate relationships could bare such a mark.             But there was the evidence imprinted on my skin, so noticeable on my pale skin. Then at that moment I also realized something else…around my neck was a silver tie with the initials  A. H.  [Naughty Daydream]      I can’t help but wonder about the dream I had today in the morning, it was just so surreal. As if it had been real and it frightened me that I could be so feisty with a stranger. I raised my hand up to my lips and touched the tender skin with my fingertips, his lips still lingered on where he kissed me.             Should I be worried about this dream?             It was the first time I had dreamt a wet dream, and honestly speaking it was something I looked forward to. But how is it that I can remember the dream so clearly?             I blinked in confusion and shook my head at the perplex thoughts racing through my mind; it was too difficult to answer something that was just an illusion. I should probably just forget about it, since it was just a dream…it had no meaning.             “What’s wrong Blaze?” Lea asked as she turned around in her seat and faced me, her bright emerald eyes sparkling in curiousness. Lea has been my best friend since fifth grade when we had saved each other from the clutches of the guys, and have always been together since then.             “Nothing, I just can’t seem to concentrate,” I answered referring to Mrs. Flores monotone lesson that seemed to lead my mind away into a tired wonderland. Lea understood my words, because we seemed to be the only two that always dazed off into sleep whenever Mrs. Flores parted her lips to speak.             “I know, it’s like if she is purposely making us go to sleep,” she chuckled and glanced around the classroom, we were separated into groups with our next door seatmates, and working on some problems assigned.             “Um…Blaze can you answer this question next?” My partner a shy boy with his face hidden behind the long hair that reached to his shoulders and huge glasses that cast shadows over his face said.             “Sure,” I nodded my head and got the sheet of paper, Lea watched with a mischievous smirk. She had already finished with her partner and was waiting for me to finish so we can talk about my dream.             “Gosh you are so slow Blaze,” Lea teased and I replied in a huff of frustration. I wasn’t dumb I just took things in my own time, and right now I couldn’t seem to answer these questions as quick as Lea.             I finished and let the boy next to me, Alexander, to finish the last two, since he had already did most of the sheet. He was a nice guy, it’s just that I never seemed to pay much attention to him.             “So?” Lea probed.             “What?” I raised my eyebrows.             “Are you going to tell me about this dream?” She inquired with a silly expression that screamed desperate and curious. I nodded, but just as I was ready to tell her all about the sexy man that had claimed me the teacher stood up and announced that our time was over.             You can imagine how bored I was as Mrs. Flores spoke about the equations and formulas that we needed to write down for the upcoming test. My fingers played around with the pencil in my hand, my head bent low.             “And you transfer the x to the….” I scarcely caught sentences from Mrs. Flores, my eyes seemed to close involuntary. Soon I found her voice disappearing, and my head fall on the desk, my eyes closed as the darkness claimed me.             “…aze….Blaze…Blaze,” a deep voice rebounded off my ears, and as I awoke there stood the handsome man from the morning dream. He wore a white button down shirt with khaki pants, which made him, appear like a teacher, especially because he was seated on the teacher’s desk.               “What?” I raised my head and realized I was still in the classroom, but now it was empty and the sunlight was bright as it showered inside the classroom. I was confused and yet excited over the fact that I got to meet this handsome man once more.             “It’s about time you woke up,” he remarked as he raked a hand through his unruly dark hair. I blushed remembering my hand running over the silky mass of hair, and his voice muttering sexual comments and noises.             “What are you doing here?” I implored as I stood up from my desk and went over to where he was. There was much paperwork on the desk, and his hand cradled a red crimson apple.             “Can’t you tell?” He licked his lips, with the tip of his pink tongue; the same tongue that had explored my most intimate areas in my body. “I came here to punish you, what kind of wife ignores her duties as a student,” he informed me as he twirled the apple by the stem.             “Wife? What are you…?” I trailed off feeling more confused than the last time. More questions began to pile up in my head, all without answers. This was too tiring that I just let that slide, and asked him instead.             “Who are you really?” My eyes held his for a slight moment before he smirked. He stood up from his seat and grabbed my hand pulling me against his body, which I may add was hard.             “Well right now I’m your teacher,” he said as his hands trailed over my smooth thigh. His lips kissed the crook of my neck, and the thrill rushed through my veins knowing what was about to unfold. “And I’m going to have to punish you for dozing in the middle of class,” his lips ascended to my lips.             I relished over the delicious flavor that flowed from his mouth, I shut my eyes and let him violate me. My legs wrapped around his legs and my hands into his hair, our lips moving together in hunger.             After a while he stopped and set my back against the table, and took my panties off. I lay there with flustered cheeks as he took me in, his eyes momentarily stopping over my legs.             “Now turn around young lady,” he demanded with an intent engrossed stare that sent a shiver up my spine. I complied to his demand and turned, feeling my plaid skirt ride up, exposing my ass to his hungry gaze.             This is a new reason to hate the private school I attended, for making us wear uniforms that helped create too many sexual illusions for the men. But it is partly my fault for raising it one centimeter over the exceeded limit the school allowed.             “You are such a bad girl, Blaze,” he rasped as his hand groped my left cheek. I gasped and wondered what he was going to do to me, is this some form of punishment?             “You know what I do to bad girls like you?” He questioned as his nail trailed down to my ass crack. I shook my head and felt a moist substance form on my cunt; I was really getting turned on having my body on the desk with my ass in full view.             What would happen if someone came into the room? Or happen to glance inside the window?             Instead of worrying over those questions, they just raised my excitement and made me wetter. This stranger noticed and chuckled darkly at my plain enthusiastic mood. “I make them cum,” at his words his hand came down onto my skin.             I screamed as the pain overflowed through my ass cheeks, tears whelmed in my eyes and I sniffed. “I wonder how many should I give you as punishment?” He thought to himself aloud.             He rubbed his hand over my red flamed cheek, and then declared, “I’ll smack you nine more times.”             I gasped as his hand came down on my other butt cheek, the pain the same as the other, yet I found the sensation sexual. Being spanked on the teacher’s desk with my ass exposed to him really seemed naughty.              “You are such a perverted girl Blaze; does it really turn you on?” I answered with a small whimper. His hand came down again, and the pain flowed up to my womb, a moan escaping.             “What’s this your juices are overflowing,” he commented as his finger went down my ass to my swelling lips. “Ah~ no Sir,” I moaned as he rubbed his fingers over the sensitive skin there.               “Did you cum already?” He teased as he brought his fingers up to taste them, I blushed harder. “I’m still not letting you go Blaze, I’m going to make you cum harder,” he proclaimed as his hand slapped against my cheek.             “Ahh~ that’s so good!” I yelled my head rising as the ecstasy registered once again in my body.             “Excuse me, Miss. Conner?” Mrs. Flores questioned her thick eyebrows furrowing together as she glared at me from behind those glasses. I blinked and looked around the room realizing I was being watched by the whole class.             My cheeks burned from embarrassment, and my cheeks ached for some reason. I was timid by the loud yell I had caused in the middle of the class. Lea had wide eyes as she gave me a what-the-hell look, and all the boys were blushing by the sexual scream.               It doesn’t get worse than this… [Supernatural Lover]   After an endless annoying rant from Mrs. Flores I was finally let out of detention and scurrying to arrive home to the comfort of my home. It was embarrassing moaning in class, but it was also embarrassing being gazed at by everyone in school mumbling some disgusting rumor.             My bum still ached, and I found it hard to believe my imagination was that good that it made me recall of my…lover. I decided that is what I was going to call him, since he seemed to dodge my questions in my dreams, he was just so mysterious.             But I can’t help but think that this man might not be imaginary, he was just so real and the way I always seem to wake up with some form of evidence on my body really left me breathless.             What seemed to make matters more worse I seemed to crave his touch, I wanted him to dominate me once again, so as I ran to my home I was thinking skeptical thoughts of him. Would he really show up if I fell asleep?             Who knows, I just have to try because I wanted to see his face and make him bring out my inner devious sex-maniac. To have him pound deeply into me and own me not only my body, but my heart.             As I turned the corner my body crashed against another and I fell backward, only to have a pair of arms shoot out and catch me in time. Electricity surged through my body as my eyes caught my savior’s dazzling onyx eyes.             “You!” I exclaimed as I took in the small features that resembled my…lover. It was as if he had emerged from my dreams and here he was clad in a black leather jacket with a pair of faded out jeans, his hair tied in the back in a small ponytail at the nape of his neck.             “What?” He raised his eyebrows in puzzlement, as if he did not recognize me. Unlike the one in my dream where his hair was cropped short and he seemed more mature, this one seemed almost my age.             “Um…it’s just that you look so familiar,” I explained as he let go of me and I took a step back. I tilted my head to the side and gazed at him, he certainly did look similar to him, and it was uncanny.              “Okay…” he trailed off with a simple shrug of his shoulders, he could care less is what his expression seemed to say. “Look Bla-I mean girl, you should get going its dangerous for a girl to walk home in the dark,” he said his eyes darting away from my suspicious stare.             “What did you almost call me?” I inquired taking a step forward; to my surprise this tall man took a step back. Why did he want to put distance between us? And why did he care about my safety?             Oh great, my life just seems to revolve around questions.             “Nothing, just go home,” he said as he walked past me. I turned ready to chase after him, but he was gone. Almost as if he wasn’t even there, was he also a figment of my imagination?             That night as I sat on my bed, the rustling of branches and the gentle breeze invaded my ears I was skeptical over falling asleep. If I fell asleep will he really be there? Ready to take me and push me over the brink of ecstasy and satisfy my sexual frustration?             “Only one way to find out,” I mumbled as I closed my eyes and prepared myself for the handsome man who seemed to be waiting for me behind my consciousness.              “Today you will satisfy me,” was the first thing he said as I entered a dark dimmed room, which seemed to glow from the candle next to the bedside.             “But Si--”             “You will call me Master tonight, my young mistress,” he cut me off and I looked down at my clothing. Immediately my arms came around my exposed chest, my nipples erect and the leather one piece groping my chest. It was tight around my body but in the same time loose enough to breathe and move around in.             “Can I ask you something?” I implored as I took a step close with my arms crossed over my chest, the high heels were a bit difficult to move on.             He arched a perfect eyebrow and smiled he sat up and the covers fell exposing a hard perfect body with a tint of a recent tan. I compared him to the teenager I had bumped into this afternoon, and was absolutely sure they were the same person. Oh if only I had stopped the boy and asked him about my dreams. …On second thought, it’s a good thing I kept my mouth shut. I don’t think a stranger would like to be told that they are the center of an erotic fantasy. “When is it when you don’t ask something?” He chuckled amusement twinkling in his charcoal eyes. I frowned and with all the courage I could muster I spoke in a defiant tone, “I will not involve myself with you if you don’t answer my questions.”               “Oh? Is that so?” He bit his bottom lip, which seemed to render me speechless and my heart to boom. Why does he have to be so damn sexy and seductive?             His arm reached over to the bedside and he grasped a glass of red crimson liquid, he raised it to his lips and drank it with small swallows. “Now stop talking nonsense and get over here, before I make you,” he demanded in a low tender voice.             “I-I won’t!” I exclaimed standing my ground, in truth I very much wanted to be in his arms our bodies against each other, but yet again I wanted my answers. There was no way I was letting this chance slip away, even if meant I had to suppress my lust.             “I see…then I have no choice,” he stood up in a flash from the bed and in a blink of an eye had pushed me against the wall, his hands coming to each of my side. He was stark naked showing not only a sexy toned stomach but a…my cheeks flamed as I met his shaft.             “You leave me no choice, but to make you mine by force,” he closed the distance between us and kissed me roughly. I raised my hand prepared to slap him across his face, but his eye caught it before it even made contact. He put them over my head and grinned as he noticed my choked up expression.             His other hand slid into my hair, tangling over the mass of golden tendrils. I gazed into his eyes; they were like a pool of darkness their depths endless. One could drown in them forever, yet I didn’t want to fall into them.             “I really…” he tightened his hold on my hair and his grin disappeared replaced by a thin line. “I really despise you,” he finished as he pulled on my hair, my head snapping up. “Ever since I laid eyes on you I have hated you to the core, always seeming to annoy me and drive me insane.”             I tried to see his expression but it was hard when he was pulling my head up, everything about him made me weak to the knees. Even though he was saying mean things I couldn’t help but feel like if he didn’t mean them.             “Sweet little Miss Perfect, always prancing around with an air of dignity and femininity. I bet everyone would laugh at the sight of their pretty little princess manhandled by me,” he let go of me and took a second to take my figure in before his lips crashed down onto my own.             He loosened his hold on my arms and wrapped them around my waist, his body pressing delightfully against my own. My lips moved with his own, forgetting completely of the denial I had exclaimed minutes ago.             “This time I will finish you, Blaze,” my name rolling out of his lips seemed to cast me in a buoyant spell.             “I’m looking forward to it, Master,” I felt the edges of my lips curve upward.  [Hourglass Frustration]    His hand caressed my cheek, his thumb brushing gently along my jaw all along my eyes captured by his own. Small raspy breaths emerged from within his parted lips, his weight pushing me down against the bed.             “Are you honestly looking forward for me to enter you?” He asked with a questioning frown as he leaned in close to me. I swallowed the lump in my throat and nodded vigorously to his amusement. “You were never this honest back then,” he mumbled under his breath, I barely caught his words.             “What do you mean?” I raised my eyebrow, but he answered back with a sincere smile. Before I could open my mouth once again he had kissed me, pausing my train of thought. I hated when he would dodge my questions, yet loved the way he shut me up.             “Just shut up for once,” there was that emotion surging through my veins and thumping in my chest, he talked as if he already knew me. Just who is this man that embraces and touches me with so much familiarly?             “Wait-a…minute, Ahh,” I moaned as his hard erection poked my thigh, its smooth skin touching mine. It had a pulse of its own, throbbing against me as if it was warning me of its manliness.             He smirked as he unclasped the leather black suit I wore, barely concealing anything. His hands exploring down my navel, he awoke my inner devilish self that currently wanted more than what she was getting. “You grew up so much from the recent years Blaze,” he licked his lips as his hand traced my stomach, “especially right here, these certainly grew,” he continued as he groped my breast, paying a lot of attention to my sensitive nipple.             “I did?” I gasped as he nipped at my nipple with his teeth. His tongue darting out to lick the smooth pink pebble, and causing my body to arch up. His hand played around with the other breast, my legs wrapping around his waist needing the closeness between us to vanish.                “Yes you did, but one thing hasn’t changed about you,” his face came up to me and stopped at least a centimeter away, our noses brushed and I couldn’t help the blush that lashed at my cheeks.             “What is it?”             “The way your hazel eyes sparkle when you doze off, they seem to express your emotions so clearly,” the gentle smile he had really seemed to affect my heart more than I expected. He certainly knew how to swoon a girl while the air filled with sex…             He held my head and put a soft kiss on the crown of my head, the sound of running sand started in the distance. And the room around me seemed to be enveloping in a cloak of darkness.             My lover rolled his eyes and sighed as the darkness seemed to pull him away from me, I grabbed on to his hands but they were diminishing like smoke. “See you in your next dream Blaze,” he winked before the remnants of his face faded.               I opened my eyes to realize it was already morning, and my hand was reaching up to the ceiling. This was some dream; will they always be like this?             Stopping just when the good part begins, just great I’m going to get more confused than before. Curse you school and your early schedule!   ►►►               “You’re telling me that for the past days you have been having wet dreams revolving around the same guy?” Lea repeated for the tenth time as we walked to our first period classroom. As me she was astonished by the situation I was in, she had screamed it at first when I had finished. But now she was asking to make sure she had heard me right.             “Yes Lea,” I confirmed meandering around the crowded hall of teenagers. “The weirdest part is that he seems to know who I am, and well…I feel as if he was real, not part of a dream,” I explained as I hugged my chest with anxious arms.             “That or you’re going crazy on me, uh- just kidding,” she interjected when she noticed my glare. “Or just maybe, what you are saying may be right. Perhaps you are interacting with your future husband from the future.”             “My future husband?” I turned beet red at her suggestion, damn I am one lucky lady if he is mine in the future.  “How is that possible though, I don’t even know him,” I let out an exasperated sigh.             “Who knows maybe he is much closer than he appears, think back to his initials A and H, and from there connect the dots,” Lea pointed her finger at our classroom and I followed the direction only for my eyes to land on my seat neighbor.             His back against the wall and his hand pushing his glasses back over his narrow nose, he never even crossed my mind when I thought about my lover.             “Alexander Hunter,” I stated as he raised his head up and looked at me over the mass of hair.  [My Kidnapper]   I glanced at Alexander from the corner of my eye, all the while trying to pinpoint any small attribute that resembled A.H. The mysterious man from my dream, but ever since class began I couldn’t find anything that made me think of him. Perhaps the dark hair?             “Miss. Conner are you paying attention?” Mrs. Flores hollered from the front of the class, her beady eyes scrunching as she glared at me. I turned to the teacher and smiled apologetically, I’m sorry your classes are so boring.             “Yes Ma’am,” I replied. As to she sneered at before going back to her topic, my notes were filled to the brink with her examples and I was tired. Would it be so bad if I took a small nap right now?             Alexander can wait since I see him every day, and anyways it doesn’t have to necessarily be him maybe some other guy bared the same initials in school. Oh if only I could bump against that guy the last time I was going home…             That’s it!             All I have to do is go to the area I had witnessed him and wait patiently for him to pass, there was a slight chance I could confront him. But I have to try, how else will I answer the many questions revolving in my mind. Who knows perhaps my mind is hay wiring and he is just a figment of some sexy imagination?             I laid my head on the desk and closed my eyes, this time I was falling asleep for one thing and that is to…              The handcuffs wrapped around my wrists rendered my hands from any movement; they were so tight that I could feel the steel texture digging into my skin. I glanced around the room I was in, there was a flickering light bulb hanging from the ceiling. It cast luminous shadows through the empty room, the whistling of a breeze echoing from outside.             This was strange I was all alone, wearing a simple pair of black silk lingerie, and positioned in the middle of the room, my back against a pole with my hands raised over my head. My eyes searched frantically for some form of life form, but as I opened my lips ready to yell for help I noticed the gag on my mouth.               What kind of predicament have I been thrown into now?            I wiggled around trying and unsuccessfully to escape, after five pointless minutes of me just harming myself I gave up. After all this was just a dream I am bound to wake up and get out of here.              In my silent cell I took the time to analyze everything about Alexander, he wasn’t the only one that could be a possible consideration. But something kept pulling me toward him, like a hand pushing me onto him. We rarely talked; all I remembered about him was that he has been in my classes since freshmen year.             Creak, I jolted as the door creaked open letting a small shimmer of light invade the dark room. He entered with a seductive smell, a cologne I have smelled a million of times that barely seem to register in my mind as he came toward me. My eyes watched as his combat boots strayed to me, he was dressed in a pair of jeans with a white muscle shirt that hugged his defined muscles.             “Well look what we have here,” he whistled as he raised his sunglasses off his face. He kneeled down and held my head up to face him with a single finger, “Did you miss me, Blaze?”              “I…did,” I agreed with a small nod, I was frustrated by the way he could control me with just one touch. “I couldn’t wait to see you,” I admitted as my legs closed the gap between them.             “I see, are you sure you didn’t miss anything else?” He wondered as his hand groped my breast with ease, his fingers caressing the skin with certainty. “Maybe my hands? Or my lips?”             He unclasped the bra and let it fall to the floor, I blushed as he stood there taking in my chest with desire burning through his veins. “Let’s see…” he thought for a moment his hand reaching into his pocket to retrieve a piece of fabric. “Now don’t move, this isn’t going to hurt,” he continued as he tied it around my eyes, everything was completely…well nothing.             “This time I’m going to have my way with you,” he chuckled, and I huffed enraged that I wouldn’t be able to see him. I had to count on my other senses to help me figure out what he was doing.             It wasn’t difficult to feel as his hands trailed down to my thighs, where he separated my trembling legs. I gasped as his finger rubbed my clit from over the panties I wore, his head bent low on my chest as he sucked tenderly on my nipple.             I felt a warm glow form in my stomach as the energy built inside of me, making me moan every second as he got close to my climax. But before it hit me, he removed his hands and ripped my underwear, his warm hand nestling on my bare moist lips.             He pressed something warm and hot against my skin, its softness rubbing deliciously with my clit. “Can you guess what this is?” He groaned as it poked me and felt me up.             “Could it be your…?” I referred to his shaft and he chuckled as the head of it nestled above my cunt. I was nervous as he stood still, ready to slide into me and my awaiting body.             “Yes it is, and you know what it wants,” he said as his hot breath fanned my neck, and lips. I shook my head to answer him, to which he leaned closer and whispered in a raspy voice, “to pound your pussy.”             “Hey, wake up Blaze!” Lea’s voice exclaimed near my ear, making me jerk back into reality. My vision was misty and I could feel the panties I was wearing wet with my juices. I glanced around the room, only to find out that lunch had begun, and everyone was huddling to leave to the cafeteria.             “What happened to you?” Lea asked in curiosity when she noted my drowsy unfulfilled state, I bet there was some drool on my desk.             “ He  happened to me,” I yawned stretching my arms over my head; they felt sore when I moved them. And to my satisfaction there on my wrists were red tinted lines underlining my pale white skin, I showed them to Lea and she gasped in shock.             “Damn girl, this is freaky,” she smiled widely as she examined the evidence, with an enthusiastic attitude. I’m glad she finds it interesting, but to me it was more than that… [Bad Boy Syndrome]    I tapped the heel of my shoe on the pavement, my patience growing weary as every endless minute passed. For the tenth time I glanced at my watch, which only added fuel to my frustration.             I leaned against a wall, and let out a worn out sigh my eyes searching for a tall attractive man. After school, I had decided to wait by the neighborhood I had seen the guy who resembled my lover. Yet it seemed to be unsuccessful since I couldn’t find him anywhere, I tried to also speak with Alexander but he also seemed to disappear whenever I came within an arm’s reach.             Now as I stand here feeling like a complete idiot there is one thing I want…food. I had missed lunch just to explain to Lea every detail in my dreams and didn’t have any time to eat.             “Where are you A?!” I exclaimed at the top of my lungs, and then a miracle happened. As if God had pitied me he bestowed me with what I wished, just a few meters away the figure of the mystery boy was running straight toward me.             I pointed my finger at him and yelled, “We meet again.”             He looked at me with a stricken expression, and gritted his teeth in anger. I pondered for a moment at his mood, when I’m the one who should be frustrated not him. But then I noticed a gang of males chasing after him, all screaming and cursing at him.             “Oh shit,” at my words my hand fell to my side and my mouth opened in bewilderment.  In a flash he grasped my hand in his, and pulled me into his direction. I have no idea why he was taking me with him; he just involved me in whatever he was running away from.             “Hey, where are you taking me?” I asked as we ran, my legs trying to catch up with him. He answered with a grunt as we suddenly took a sharp corner and he abruptly pushed me against the thick wall, his lips connecting with mine.             I gasped having no words as the familiar set of lips moved against my own, his hands at my sides. My body melted against his own, sinking into his delicious taste that seeped into my mouth. It was as if the world had paused for a second, and I was being kissed passionately by an illusion. The clattering of loud footsteps and male voices became distant as they passed us, as if they hadn’t even seen us.             He leaned away and glanced at the gang a low snort emerged from him, which he still managed to make it look attractive. “Um…excuse me,” I muttered out of breath my body still pressed with his own.             “Oh? Sorry babe, I forgot about you,” he chuckled as he took a step away from me, to my disappointment. It took him a few seconds for him to recognize me; I could tell by the way his lips parted. “Blaze? What the hell are you doing here?”             “That’s my question, and how the hell do you know my name?” I bit back a growl as I studied his face my eyes landing on a small scar he bared on his neck…just where he had it. There was no mistake of it; this guy was definitely from my dream.             “Sorry I don’t have my glasses with me right now,” he smirked as he took off his ponytail, his ink black hair falling down in waves to his shoulders. It covered his face, like a curtain and it clicked inside my mind that this person was…             “Alexander?” He replied with a smile, but not before pinning me once again against the wall, my back feeling the hart texture through my shirt. I was still momentarily confused by having the shy nerd in front of me with a manly expression.             “Who else did you think I was? And don’t act so surprised it pisses me off,” Alexander glared at me before inching closer with a wire thin smile. My eyes widened at this unknown man, who was nothing like the nice, gentle guy I had known since freshmen year. No this guy was more malicious, manly, and rude like a completely different person.             “Let go of me you jerk,” I hissed as I struggled to pull away from his hard grip on my shoulders. He may be handsome but he was not going to take advantage of me, this wasn’t a dream.             “I see even after I changed… you still won’t even consider me, what a bitch. You may be fooling everyone with that nice charade but you don’t fool me,” Alex let me go and turned around, his back to me.             I glared at him and his perfect shaped muscles, wishing that I wouldn’t react to his harsh words. What was he talking about? Was he talking about that one time I was distant to him in the first year?             My memory was hazy and I was silent as he turned to look at me once again with those mesmerizing eyes before walking away, his hair swaying with every moment. Once he was out of my field of vision I sighed in relief.             At least one thing is for sure, the man that plaques my dream was indeed a living real person. And it seemed that the person I once thought was a nice guy was a rude jerk who seemed to have some hatred toward me.  [Deepness Unconsciousness]    It was difficult trying to comprehend that the geeky, shy boy who sits next to me in class…was a bad, mean, jerk that seemed to have some kind of hatred toward me. How dense was I to not notice the narrowed eyes, and displeased aurora emerging from him?             “No way! Alexander Hunter really is that sexy guy that you dream about?” Lea exclaimed in astonishment her eyes glancing at the direction of where he was seated with a book in his hand.             “Yeah, he definitely is,” I replied with the same flabbergasted tone she was using. Lea looked closely at him and after a minute of her tilting her head side to side, and mumbling incoherent words out she turned to me with a disappointed face.             “You liar, he is nothing like the guy you described,” Lea shook her head in mock sadness, “I have lost hope in your taste in guys, Blaze.”             I smacked her arm lightly and blushed in embarrassment as I defended him, “It’s just that you haven’t seen him without those huge thick glasses!”             Lea shrugged and slouched on the seat, her hair spilling out of her messy ponytail; I did the same and glanced outside where the sunlight seemed to glare at me with its bright colors.             My dreams seemed to come slower since last night; I barely remember it since he wasn’t there to greet me. I looked forward to revealing his true name and spending more time with him get the answers I was still curious about. Yet the chance didn’t come up, and I am left to wait for the night when I can drown in his arms.             “There is just one thing that I can’t seem to understand,” Lea said as she glanced at me, I nodded for her to continue. “Why is it that Alex doesn’t talk about the dreams? Could it be really connected to him? Or is it that your dreams are just an illusion revolving around him?”             I had thought about that, but it’s not like I can go up to Alexander who seems to have a deep hatred for me, and ask him about the naughty fantasies I had once I fell asleep. First I need to find out more about the reason he hates me, its itching under my skin to find out more about Alexander.              “Blaze…”             “Hmn?” I looked around trying to find out the owner of the low voice, Lea raised her eyebrow at my puzzled state. “Did you hear that?” I wondered to Lea, which she answered with a shake of her head.             “Nope, I didn’t hear anything,” she replied as she sat back straight and glanced around the room. Everyone was either in the library getting books or at the computers taking tests, the only people around us were girls…but the voice had come from a male.             “No, never mind,” I shrugged it off as I got the book from my desk and decided to read the rest of the chapters. “Perfect Chemistry” which was really interesting Lea had suggested I read it, and I am.             But somehow I can’t help but drifting off, since the morning I have struggled to wake up even resulting in drinking coffee which was not to my taste. Yet the effects seem to be diminishing because I can’t help but feel drowsy.             I abruptly stood up and told Lea I needed to go to the restroom; maybe some water could slap me back into my standard self. As I walked through the illuminated corridor I felt as if I would fall any second, the floor moved in waves the tiles resembling grey smoke.             My feet staggered forward and my heart decreased as I took a small step. This is unlike me; I shook my head which resulted in a huge headache. A silhouette of a tall man appeared to come closer to me, his body cloaked in darkness, his movements inhuman.             As I took one more step my body seemed to lose its balance, and I found myself falling. Funny how instead of being frightened by the figure rushing to me, I felt serene even as I fell.             But instead of hitting the floor, it seemed that my body was falling deeper into an unknown hole. My surroundings transforming before my very eyes, it was as if it was swallowing me whole.              I closed my eyes willing myself to wake up, the tiredness disappearing as I fell deeper into a surreal depth. A hand grasped my own, and my eyes fluttered open meeting a pair of calm ink black eyes.             “Alexander,” I gasped as my body ceased to move, he smiled as he took my other hand in his, and pulled me to his chest. Talk about weird I must surely be dreaming?             Because as I glanced down, there was an endless path below me that didn’t seem to have an ending. It was as if I was floating in mid air, my hair flowing around me as if I was in water. I swallowed nervously as my head nuzzled into the crook of his neck, his warmness wrapping around me.             “What are you doing down here?” He asked me as I melted alongside him, his cologne filling my nostrils. I cuddled closer to him and shrugged, liking the way his chest vibrated as he spoke.             “This is not a place for you to be Blaze,” he continued wrapping his arms around my waist. “You don’t want to fall into the pitches of hell,” I frowned and pulled away from him.             “What do you mean? And where am I?” I asked as I leaned away from his touch, the air around me became enraged and crackles of lighting filled the air. I tightened my teeth as thunder boomed causing me to go back into his embrace.             “It seems you still haven’t figured out who I am, my name is not Alexander it is…” his voice trailed off and I was mystified as his name was silenced by screams echoing from the bottom of the profundity. “It is me that has brought you to this place, and you will stay here once you rid yourself of the feelings that govern your heart,” his grin fell downward into a grim line.             “For now, I will let go of you,” he took the distance between us and kissed me deeply. His mouth bringing back flashes of all the times he kissed me and how his lips felt so perfect against my own. It was as if he was burning his image into my head, implanting his existence onto my body. “Only for now,” his voice became distant as if it was a wavering mirage.             He let go of my hand and I found myself being pulled upward, away from the darkness and his sullen eyes…             “She woke up, Nurse Jane she moved,” I shivered as my senses came back, and realized I was lying on a soft bed. My head pressed gently against a plump pillow, and a white pure comforter caressing my skin.             I looked around the small room and cringed at the disinfectant odor wafting around in the room. Lea was speaking to the nurse as I lay there gazing at the ceiling. My mind swirling with the same questions since the beginning, I was at the start once again.             If he wasn’t Alexander, then who is he exactly?             “Thank god that you woke up, for a moment there I thought you wouldn’t woke up,” Lea let out a sigh of relief and sank into a chair beside the bed. “You don’t know how hard it was, especially when I heard from Alexander that you had fainted in the hallway,” she explained with a troubled face.             “Alexander was the one that found me?” I just didn’t get him, one second he seems to worry about me and the next he acts like a jerk.             “Yeah, and he also carried you here to the Nurse’s office,” she answered as she brought a hand up to fix her bangs. “If it wasn’t for him you would have still been there on the floor.”             “Is that so…” I glanced at the clock on the wall, and was shocked to know school had already finished. I turned to Lea who simply smiled, “I wasn’t going to let my best friend alone right?” [Obeying the Master] “Do you like that?” He demanded as the thin leather whip once again came down on my buttocks, his sadistic smirk producing warmness in my stomach. He came around my body and forced me to stand up with the leash connected to my collar.             I struggled to stand up on my trembling legs, my ass cheeks aching at the movement I was causing. He chuckled at my weak state, his eyes taking in my nude body from head to toe.             I wanted to so badly wrap my hands around his neck and pull his body against my own, but the rope binding me from the back rendered me from that action. So I was left with no other choice than to succumb to his desires for this one night, he led me behind his desk and positioned me in between his legs.             “I want you to lick off all the semen you left to dribble on my shaft,” he bit his bottom lip as he said this and I swallowed my cheeks flamed at the few seconds ago when he had fucked me until I couldn’t even move my legs.             My pussy throbbed wanting him to be once again inside me, making me scream and plead for more. I had never thought he would bring that side once again out of me, but here is the proof as he opened the zipper of his pants and let his erection bulge out.             My eyes widened at the size of him that had been pounding harshly into me minutes ago, it was hard imagining that inside me. I closed my eyes as my lips wrapped around his head, the soft velvety skin melting into my mouth.             I opened my eyelids in time to see him squirming on the seat, his lips parting slightly as he moaned my name. I decided to swallow more of his dick inside my mouth and licked the edges of his pulsing shaft.             He groaned his hands tightening into fists at either side of the armchair; his breathing came out labored as he gazed down at me.  My cheeks seemed to burn more as he watched me bring my mouth up and down his hard length; it was difficult when he was this huge.             There was a knock at his door, and a stranger’s voice coming from the end of it. “Mr. Hades may I come in?” The man asked and I paused feeling like a girl getting caught with a hand in the cookie jar.             To my bewilderment he put a hand on my head and pushed me forward onto his still hard and glistening cock, “Don’t you dare stop.”             I nodded and complied, my tongue darting out to lick his warm skin filled with my juices. He let the man come into the room and his monotone voice was drowned out by the noises I was creating from under his desk. Although I was mildly interested in the information he was speaking about, but my desire seemed to distract me.             “Urgh!” He moaned through gritted teeth, this caused for the man to pause in his speech. Mr. Hades as I have just learned is his last name swallowed the lump in his throat and struggled to stay still.             “Is something the matter Mr. Hades?” The man asked his voice dripped with worry as the rustling of papers filled the sex filled office. “You seemed to be burning, have you gone ill?”             “Um-no, I just seem to have some problems concentrating,” he wasn’t lying because I seemed to be that distraction. I bobbed my head in a fast rhythm taking as much as him as I could, he told me not to stop. And he is getting just that.             “Wou-would you mind coming some other time Mr. Jepson? I need to clear my mind a little,” Mr. Hades explained in to which the other man agreed and left the room. Not sparing a second later when the door closed he slumped his shoulders, and his cock rigged as he let his load in my mouth. I swallowed the sour, sticky white liquid and looked up at the still man.             He chuckled and with a single pull had me laid on his lap, his smirk unwavering as he brought his lips to mine, tasting his own cum from my mouth. “Maybe next time I will do you in front of public,” he suggested his irises changing into a red crimson.   ►►►               “So his last name is Hades, whoa talk about mysterious and dark,” Lea ate the last of her chicken sandwich and then grasped her chocolate milk. “Not that I don’t find your story as interesting as before but honestly spare the details,” she brought the carton of milk to her lips, “I don’t want to throw up what I just ate.”             “Yeah right, you’re probably jealous because of my fantasies,” I wiggled my eyebrows and her eyes darted away her cheeks blushing in embarrassment. “Admit it, you want to be dominated too,” I giggled as she swallowed the chocolate milk nervously.             “Okay fine,” she surrendered putting the carton back on the place, “I admit I want that hot sexy piece of a man.”             “I knew it,” I smiled and she just took her tongue out acting very immature. “But it’s really irritating how I can’t figure out who he is exactly,” I sighed and sipped the last remains of my strawberry milk.             I was so sure that it was Alex but he said that was not his name, which really made me puzzled since they looked way too alike. I swear if I didn’t know better, then they may be twins…just one older than the other.             “Are you still pondering about Alexander?” Lea asked as she noted my troubled expression, she leaned in and looked around before telling me. “Just go to him and ask him about the dreams, maybe get more than answers if you know what I mean,” she winked and stuck her tongue out once again.             “Lea,” I started and then took a moment for it to sink in, “that is a brilliant idea. I will never get anywhere if I don’t ask him directly.”             “Yeah but you always chicken out before avoiding that topic,” she shook her head in disappointment her fingers grabbing a pear from her plate. “If I were you, I would have already solved this case,” she took a bite of the fruit and smiled with arrogance.             “I can’t help it, how many times do I have to tell you that I am slow,” I defended as I stood up and went over to throw my plate away. “Just you watch I will go up to Alex and get some answers from him!”             “That’s my best friend!” She muttered between mid chews on her pear. I walked toward the direction of the classroom, when Lea suddenly yelled, “You are going in the wrong direction, he hangs out outside!”             My cheeks burned from embarrassment and I turned around heading for the exit, I yelled back, “I knew that!”  [Obnoxious Distance]   I walked around aimlessly the hot sun beating down on me, my eyes darted back and forth scanning the outside tables full of people speaking and eating. But none of them were a raven head with a pair of thick glasses, to my unfortunate luck.             I ventured deeper out of the school grounds that was forbidden to the students because of the many tall trees and ‘dangerous surroundings’. For some reason I was sure that Alexander would be there, after all he isn’t that goody two-shoes guy I thought he was before. No he was a guy that just looked like him…              “Blaze…”             I turned sharply to the sound of my name, but there was nothing near me. Strange, I thought as I carried on ignoring the low whisper.             As I thought this in the distance I found Alex sitting on the ground, his back against the trunk with his eyes closed peacefully. His dark ruffled hair covered his cheeks and the glasses were slowly sliding off the edge of his nose.               When I was a hands reach from him, I kneeled down and examined his features as he slept. Was he really that man from my dreams? And if he wasn’t then why does he resemble him in every detail?             My shoulders slumped in agitation, a deep frown forming on my eyebrows as the questions swirled in my head. Without realizing it my hand reached out and touched the silky strand of hair caught on his full lips, I swallowed nervously and caressed the strand.             For a guy he kept his hair healthy, which is surprising since most guys don’t care about their hair. I smiled and with my fingers I took off his glasses, and just as I expected there was that handsome man from my dreams.             A serene expression underlined his mature features, weak snores coming from his luscious lips that had kissed me once before. It was just so tempting to lean in and close the distance between us, touch those soft, warm…delicious lips.             And that’s what I found myself doing, leaning in to claim those lips that seem to tease me. The thoughts of finding my answers gone as I stared down at his defenseless appearance, but you can just blame my hormones for that.             In an abrupt second my wrist was grabbed and the sudden movement made my eyes flutter in surprise. Alexander was staring at me with bewilderment, his eyes widened slightly as he noticed our closeness.             “What are you doing?” He questioned his hold on my wrist tightening.             “I-uh…” my voice faltered, no words came out as I tried to keep my blushing face under control. This was so embarrassing, being caught before I even made the crime. “Yo-u see…um, I was just strolling around-d and fell on top of you, accidently,” I stuttered willing myself to be composed.             By the look of his cold eyes, I could tell he didn’t believe my lie. “Yeah right, what would a good girl like you be doing out here in the woods?” My eyes darted away from his profound eyes and I felt sweat on my brow.              “Blaze…”             “Nobody said I’m a good girl,” I clarified to his amusement, because he commented with a chuckle. “What’s so funny?”             He brought me closer to him, his chest brushing against mine, “I don’t imagine you as a bad girl, Blaze.”             My heart leaped out of my chest at his words, no it was also more than that his deep tone saying my name really affected me. I brought my eye level to his, my body hovering over his, my knees on the ground. Somehow I barely noticed the erotic position we are displaying, not that I mind.             “So tell me…why did you almost kiss me?” Alex asked his hold on my right wrist loosened as he locked gazes with me. I had no answer for that, what was I supposed to say? I honestly don’t remember why I was leaning in…oh yeah his delicious lips.             “You remind me of someone,” I muttered my eyes seeming to get lost as I looked at him, my heart thumping wildly as I held his gaze. “He looks just like you, and I am sure that you two are the same person. There is no mistake of it, the man of my dreams is you, Alexander,” as I said this I felt no embarrassment, I was serious of this statement.             “The man of your dreams…” his eyes flashed for a second before he fell silent and thought for a moment. “How can you be sure of that? I may not be the guy that lingers in your dreams; maybe you are just imagining things?”             “No, he has the same voice, body, hair and eyes, birthmark…and I just know that you are the one that comes to me in my dreams,” I must have looked desperate, because he kept shaking his head a smile tugging on his lips.             “Fine, then let’s say I am. What would you do then?” He let go of me and my hand fell to the ground, his smile faltering. “Sorry to say this, but I am not the guy from your dreams. There is no way we could ever be that close.”              “Blaze…”             “Alexander, how would you feel like if you woke up from a dream with solid evidence implying reality to those dreams? If someone visited and intruded in every dream you had and brought you over the edge of ecstasy? What if that person resembled the person you like…?” I covered my mouth and leaned away from him as my question sank in.             His eyes widened and I felt myself reddened as I realized what I just admitted, there is no way I like Alexander. I barely know him, and he is just some nerd from my class. And he…is the only male I have ever noticed.             “What did you just say?” Alex implored the distance once again diminishing between us. I stood up and put the distance between us, my cheeks felt as if fire were licking them. Shaking my head I turned ready to leave, when his hand grasped my arm and stopped me in my tracks.             “You are not leaving until you repeat that last question, Blaze,” Alexander declared as he pulled me toward him. I resisted but he was too strong, he pinned me against the trunk his eyes dead serious.              “Blaze…come to me…”             There was that same whisper ringing in my ears, and it was more persistent than before. I could feel its disgruntled tone vibrating through his words, and as I stood there with Alexander my feet became tense. I was immobilized and breathless as a drowsy spell was cast over me, I clutched the hem of Alex’s shirt for support.             But the voice became enraged and I found my body sliding down to the floor, Alex’s voice shouting for me to wake up in the distance. I was too tired to answer back, all I wanted was to lie down and let my sleep claim me.              “What a troublesome girl you are, Blaze,” Mr. Hades smirked as he appeared out of thin air, his arms wrapped around my waist. I smiled sheepishly and leaned into his warm temperature, drowning in his cologne.             “I wish you would stop involving yourself with Alexander, that boy is such a bad influence. I would know,” he warned as the room around us swirled changing from the small woods to a dark sky sprinkled with tiny vibrant lights in the distance.             There were many doors and clocks floating in the air, each different than the other in every aspect. One of the doors opened in the distance, and in came in Alexander looking very much breathless and concerned. It was unusual seeing him run when there was no floor, it almost seemed as if we were in space.               “I would know because I am a part of him,” he stated, his warm breath fanning my ear.  [Blazing Jealousy] “Huh?” I mumbled in confusion as I tried to understand what he had just stated, but my mind seemed to come blank. What did he mean he was a part of Alexander? And what is the real Alexander doing in my dreams?             “It seems you still don’t understand,” he whispered as his lips descended onto the crook of my neck, where he kissed it lightly. “Why don’t you tell her Alexander?” He raised his head and gazed at Alex.             “Get away from her,” Alexander ordered through tight teeth, his hands at his sides clenching as he took in his hands roaming my body. Sweat formed on his brow and he had a deathly pale complexion on his skin, his eyes blazing with anger.             “My, what a horrible greeting. Just as you would expect from some gangster with a dirty mouth,” Hades sneered his hand slipped over the shirt I wore and cupped my breast. Alex’s eyes grew wide and he took a step forward with a cross look.             “Take a step closer, and I will swallow her soul,” Hades warned and I realized he was referring to me; his hand was above my heart. Fear washed over me and I stayed stiff as his hand began to burn on my skin.             “What do you want with Blaze and why do you look like me?” Alexander questioned his black hair seemed to be swirling around his head, the tips of his hair a sapphire blue the same tint as his eyes.             Strange I never remember his eyes that mystic color, this dream just keeps getting stranger and stranger. I sighed and then saw in the distance the doors disappearing as if this dimension was diminishing along with the clocks, their hands ticking and their sounds faltering.             “My name is Álmos and I am a part of your soul,” his thumb and forefinger twisted my nipple, and exposed my breast to Alex. But he seemed to be having a hard time concentrating on what Álmos was saying.             “I am the demon created from your evil desires and sinful dreams; my purpose is to invade people’s dreams and cause nightmares. But then I found myself craving for the same experience as your dreams, so I entered Blaze’s own dreams and made her mine,” Álmos explained as his face caressed my cheek, his nose brushing against my lips. His other hand raised my school skirt and trailed his warm hand over my naked thigh, Alex’s eyes burning at the action. “I took great pleasure stealing her first time, and ravishing her until she couldn’t even stand on her legs. She certainly does know how to satisfy me, and her skin is just so delicious. It’s easy to see why you want her so bad, Alexander,” Álmos’s laugh rebounded off the unseen walls of darkness.             “I see…you are nothing more than a demon unintentionally created by me,” Alex didn’t look pleased as Álmos kissed my earlobe leaving a burning trail of need on my skin. “Since you are created by me then you must know of my power revolving around dreams,” Alex smiled and in a flash, he was in front of me, he grabbed my hand and we both disappeared before I had time to react.               A nauseating effect came over me and the whole world felt as if it was spinning around, my head throbbing from the fast speed. I held Alexander’s hand tightly until the spinning stopped and the disgusting flesh aroma disappeared.             “Are you okay Blaze?” Alex shook my shoulders gently; when my eyes fluttered opened I noticed we were back in the woods close to the school building. The light pouring in from above the thick branches, I winced and sat up.             “What just happened?” I knew what had happened, but it was too complex to understand. The man from my dreams was a demon made from evil intentions radiating from Alex’s desires, and what’s more is that these desires were about me. But how is that possible?             “Álmos explained most of who he was, sorry for dragging you into this mess but I hope you don’t get freaked out by the dream we both shared right now,” Alex gave me a tender smile as his arms held me gently.             “It was real? I mean what we just went through is real?” I clarified mildly shocked, since the dreams I have had with Álmos I figured as much that they crossed that thin line of reality but I couldn’t come to grips with it.             “Yes, you and I are one of the lucky people that have the ability to move from dream to dream; we also can physically and mentally feel any emotion or contact in the Universe of Dreams,” Alexander stood up and gave me a hand to help me stand up.             “That place we were a few minutes ago was the center of the Universe of Dreams, it has millions of doors from beings around the world, they are portals that let you enter their dreams, only a few have the power to control their own movements as they sleep,” as he kept on talking my mind kept on swirling with thoughts about Monster Inc. Childish I know, but it reminded me of how they had doors to travel to people’s homes.             “I guess I somewhat grasp what you are trying to say…but this Álmos guy why does he want me?” Not that I mind, but he had admitted in the dream that he could have eaten my soul and had claimed I was his.             “All I know is that a demon created from desires needs to feed off of people that may explain why he has gone into your dreams,” he leaned against the trunk and seemed to think for a moment before saying, “What I don’t understand is why he hasn’t drained you of your whole energy, by now you should be a pile of dust from his meals…”               “Neither do I,” I chuckled weakly my eyes looking at my trembling hands, was I frightened by the possible outcome of being consumed by a demon?  Publication Date: December 1st 2013 https://www.bookrix.com/-tyffd4bd5032425
Allon Black Passionate Lover Faith Real love can appear in some strange ways, like it really makes you think about that saying "love will come when you least expect it". This is what happened between Melissa and Alex, two friends that didn't had any desires with one another. Let's dive in. Alex is freshman student at the what is known to be the best university in their country. He's major is in comparative literature, that's because Alex is obsessed with reading. Like, very obsessed. At twenty year's old, Alex is new to what's experiencing right now at university, and that is being social. He's 1.69 meters, which is an average height, has 69 kg and has a very gorgeous body that not most people had seen. His short black hair, blue eyes and innocent look on his face makes you think that he doesn't have that much experience with girls. But that's where you are wrong. Outside, you can't see it, but in private, Alex is a very passionate lover, one that most girl would dream of. In highschool, he had the "luck" to be in a classroom that was mostly girls in, where he had some memorable adventures with some girls from his class. Now, at university, Alex found himself to be, again, in a group that was mostly women in. He is the type of person that is very shy but once you get to know him he either can become your best friend or a very passionate lover, for girls at least. A few months in, Alex made a new friend at university, he's name is Josh. They quickly clicked with each other from the things that they had in common, online games, TV shows, music and many more. Plus, he recently got a part-time job at a coffee shop that was in the heart of the city and being considered the best coffee shop from there. There he met Melissa, a girl that at first, she seemed to be a bitch. She was there as a waitress and after a few months, Melissa and Alex became friends. Melissa was three years older than Alex and a little taller than him also. She had long light brown hair, emerald green eyes, her body was something that a model would have. With big breasts and a massive but delicious shaped ass is what Melissa began to gain supporters into the coffee shop. On the outside, Melissa is a very extrovert person, and very talkative but in private, she's a nice girl, with traits that is known to be girlfriend material. Because Melissa and Alex mostly got to be on the same shifts, the two of them started to become best friends. But what topped this thing off was the fact that later, Melissa and Alex's friend, Josh, started dating and made it official. At first, all was good, the three of them would hang out together, watch movies and many more. But what was noticed later in their group, was the sexual tension between Melissa and Alex. From the beginning, the two of them weren't interested in each others but after some time spent together, outside of work, and some sexual and dark humor jokes, something sparked between Melissa and Alex. But they didn't noticed at first. It had been three months since Melissa and Josh were together, and with that Alex began to learn new things from Melissa from his friend, Josh. He was very happy since he got together with Melissa because she was a very hot girl, and a lot of boys were jealous of Josh, and he liked that. But sometimes he had a big mouth. Whenever he and Melissa had sex, he would share his experience with his friend, Alex, telling him how good she was riding him, how much she liked to have a boobs be touched and many more. Or sometimes, he would show pictures of her wearing sexy lingerie or nudes to show how lucky he was to have her. Alex wasn't that interested but because of the things that his friend told about her, made him, unwillingly, have better care of her needs than his friend, Josh. For example, Alex found out from Josh, that Melissa loves lollipops, so whenever he and Melissa were working together at the coffee shop, he would buy some lollipops for her. Or, if they would go out for some drinks, and Josh was too wasted to even stay awake, Alex would drive Josh home then take care of Melissa to get to her apartment safely. Acting like that, without thinking or unwillingly, Alex and Melissa connected with each other without realizing. Right now, it was spring break, the time that every student waited. It was that time where any student could easily find someone to have sex with, if they went on trips with their group of friends. The Melissa, Alex and Josh group found other groups that were planning to go to a trip to the beach and since the weather got better, they decided to join in. When arrived at the beach, the groups booked a hostel for the five days that they were staying there. Our group got to stay in the same room with another girl that was from the same class as Josh, named Kelly. She was shorter than everyone from the group, having 1.59 meters. Kelly had medium blonde hair, blue eyes, average breast but her ass was what made Kelly be so hot and fuckable. The room that they stayed was on the ground floor but the best thing about it was that had a glass door that you could slide it open to to outside that had a mini terrace that had view over the beach. The room had two bunk beds but one remained empty because Melissa and Josh decided to sleep in the same bed. After they were done unpacking the party began, well for the most of them. Like I said, Alex wasn't that good at socializing with other people than his friends so it was a little difficult to have fun in a group that was larger than he had with Josh and Melissa. But he tried to not be weird and did his best. Melissa noticed it and tried to be closer to him in order for Alex to not feel left out. The hours went by very fast and soon, they realized that dinner time came. Our group decided to go out to a local pizza shop to eat. Josh and Kelly were already dressed up and were waiting outside for Alex and Melissa to show up. Inside the room, we see Alex sitting on the best, looking at his clothes, not knowing what to put on. And Melissa was all dressed up, and just finished putting lipstick on. She was wearing black tight jeans, white Jordans, a white tank top that had a big cleavage and a black leather jacket. "So, how do I look?" Melissa said turning around to Alex. "Um....hot. But....slutty hot, you know?" "Like in the porn videos?" "Yeah..." "It's because from my mascara and my black lipstick?" Melissa asked. "Yes." "Well, it's too late for me to change it. What about you? Why are you dressed yet?" "I don't know what to wear!" Alex said worried. "Let me see." Melissa uttered taking a look at his clothes. After a few seconds, Melissa found out what Alex should wear. She took his shirt off and pulled his pants down, without noticing him. Alex was surprised but Melissa acted like it was nothing. The girl took a moment to glance at his six pack which she touched a few times then gave him the clothes chosen by her to wear. Coincidentally, Alex was having the same look like Melissa, with a few modifications. He was wearing white sneakers, blue jeans, a white T-shirt and also a black leather jacket. To throw in some extra stuff, Melissa put Alex to wear some black bracelets that were made for men and a silver chain that he had. "Wow, that's awesome." Alex said. "No problem. Now let's go. Oh! Wait, quick, smell me. Do I put enough perfume on me?" Melissa asked. Alex began to smell her, mostly on her neck side then gave the ok sign. Then, they went out. When Josh and Kelly saw them they got a little jealous, Josh off Alex because he was dressed the same as Melissa which made some think that the two of them are together, and Kelly off Melissa because she was better dressed than her. The pizza shop was pretty close from their hostel so they only had a few minutes to walk there. What happened there was the same as others that went there, the pizza was great, they talked, joked had a few drinks and that's it. But what happened back to their room was worth saying. So, after they got back, all of them were a little tipsy, so they decided to drink more. Josh went to the store to buy some alcohol and Kelly went to take a shower. Alex was on the terrace, smoking a cigarette, and Melissa just got done changing up. Then, she went on the terrace too, having a condom in her hand, and handed it to Alex. "For what?" he asked confused. "You don't know but maybe you and Kelly want to....you know, have some fun." Melissa responded giggling. "I barely know her." "Alex, come on. This is spring break. Listen, after Josh comes back and have some drinks, I'll come with the idea to play some strip poker and maybe you could lose just enough to let her see what a sexy six pack you have. Then, me and Josh will let you two alone and hopefully the two of you would have a long....and steamy session of love making, dick sucking, orgasming and etc." "You're crazy." "You'll thank me." Melissa said putting the condom on his hand and kisses him on the cheek. He put the condom in his pocked. Not long after Josh came back with the drinks. Kelly was now done showering so they began to drink. Like she said, Melissa came up with the idea of strip poker which was well received by Josh and Kelly. They formed two teams, boys versus girls and began to play. The boys got some wins, making the girls now wear just their bra and panties but the girls made a huge comeback which stripped the boys completely naked. A few things before we go further. From drinking so much and having a good time, Alex got a random boner which didn't go away when the moment of him being completely naked occurred. And when he pulled his boxers out, having his cock be out there in the open, he made some mouths drop. Although, it was seen from the bulge that he had in the boxers, when the moment came, everyone was shocked. Kelly was surprised, and winked at Alex, Melissa was more like proud of him for having such a big package. The one not happy with it was Josh, because, although he was taller than Alex, now it was seen that his junk was way shorter than Alex's. Now with the boys naked, the girls decided to give them some sort of punishment. And what they came up with was for them to take a dip on the ocean then roll over in the sand and then ran back to their room and first to get there was the first to take a shower. The boys did the punishment and at the end Josh arrived first and got to shower first while Alex had to wait outside until his friend was done. Being outside, Melissa paid him a visit to keep him company. She also brought him a towel to cover his lower body and his cigarettes which he lighten one up. "So, I think Kelly is into you after all that, what you think?" Melissa asked. "I don't know... probably?" "Come on! You saw her. She was this close to not suck your cock in front of us. I'm telling you, this girl is getting fucked tonight." "And where you guys gonna be?" Alex asked. "Huh? You can't do it with us around?" "Are you serious? Come on Melissa." "I'm joking. Don't worry about it. First, we will pretend to sleep then me and Josh will take a long walk on the beach. An ehat you know, maybe we will have sex too." Melissa said glancing at the stunning view that was in front of her. "I see, okay." "Oh, and by the way. How big is that think?" Melissa asked pointing at his junk. "I don't know....twenty-two... twenty-one." "Twenty-two?! Fuck me.... you're twice bigger than Josh's. Anyway, nice cock dude." she said after removing the towel to see it again then went back inside. After a long wait, it was Alex's turn to shower and after that he got in bed. Kelly asked if she could him since she doesn't like staying on her bed and Alex accepted. The lights were off and Alex was ready to sleep, but after a few minutes he hears Melissa and Josh getting off from the bed and left the room. The boy didn't paid much attention and continued to try sleeping. Once Kelly saw that the two of them were alone, Kelly slid her hand over to Alex's abdomen and began go caress it slowly. He felt it and now he was feeling how her hand moved down and went inside his boxers. Then Alex opened his eyes up and touched Kelly too on her boobs. Kelly moaned and grabbed his cock which began to squeeze it. And from what we know this is the first step of foreplay. Which, of course, the two of them began to have sex. Without any details, the two of them fucked the living hell out of each other. And after that they had a nice sleep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Well.....Kelly had a nice sleep. Alex, not so much. The whole time he had sex with Kelly, in his mind, he was thinking about Melissa. No further explanation. Risk   The next day, Alex woke up early in the morning and went outside to smoke his morning cigarette. Shortly after, he was joined by Melissa. Alex only had boxers on him while for Melissa was pretty chilly outside so she had a silk robe on herself. When she saw Alex, she looked at his crotch and saw his bulge and giggled. "Not satisfied enough?" Melissa asked smiling. "Huh? No... it's not like that." "I know, I know. Morning wood." She got closer to him and asked him to give her his cigarette to take a hit. Knowing that Melissa doesn't smoke he handed her his cigarette. She didn't wanted to touch it and wanted Alex to put it on her mouth. Alex did as she wanted and Melissa took a hit from it. She kept smiling at him which made Alex ask her why is she smiling so much. "Okay...so hear me out. I went outside with Josh to have a walk on the beach as I told you but couldn't get any further because Josh was too wasted and slept down in the sand not far from here. So I decided to go back and....I peaked inside to see how you two were doing and....oh my god." "Fuck... don't tell me you saw..." Alex said shocked. "Yes! I saw a lot. God damn, Alex. You were a beast." "Oh my god, why?" "Why not? I was curious. Don't be shy, you did a great job on her." Melissa responded then winked at him. "You crazy girl...." After this discussion that they had, Melissa and Alex went inside and the day went by. This day was a sunny day, so if you want to spend your day on the beach you have to put some sun lotion. Kelly and Josh were already out on the beach and once again Melissa and Alex were alone in the room. Seeing that her boyfriend couldn't help her, Melissa asked Alex to help her to with the sun lotion and he accepted. He began to cover her gorgeous body with sun lotion and what remained was her chest and ass but before Alex could ask Melissa took of her bikini. Stunned, Alex tried to regain some sense in his body then continued. He first went on her ass then when he got to her boobs he began to have a hard on. Seeing how much he's taking with her boobs she decided to call him out on it. "This is more like a massage then putting sun lotion on me, don't you think?" "Huh? Oh...sorry....I was..." "Don't worry. I saw you liked them. It's okay. Now my turn." Melissa took the bottle and began to put the lotion on his body too. When she was done with it, Melissa pulled his shorts down, put some lotion on his junk and began to stroke it. "Wha.....what are you doing?" Alex whispered shocked. "What? You did the same with my boobs." Melissa responded continuing to stroke it. "........" "Come on. Don't think so much about it. Be glad that your best friend is touching your big cock. I'd be happy if I was you." Melissa uttered looking at him up and down. After that they went to the beach too and the party started again. Not much had happened other than your average drinking, partying, playing games and other things. But what happened later is what's the most interesting. Like before, Josh drank too much, got wasted, and crashed on the bed, Kelly was called to a mini party that was happening on the first floor at the hostel by some of her friends. And, once again, Melissa and Alex were alone. It was night but not late night for them to sleep so Melissa asked Alex if he wanted to walk with her on the beach and he agreed. Outside was still warm so Melissa still had her bikini on. They walked closer to the ocean. As they began to talk different topics and have jokes between them, they decided to put a beach towel down to sit down. Both of them laid down and began to look at the sky and a silence came over them for a few minutes. "Hey, Melissa. Can I ask you something?" "Sure, say it." "Do you think that size really do matter?" He asked curious. "Like...in dick size?" "Yeah." "I don't know, to be honest. You see, now this topping was so discussed that I think that every man who ask this question, in the end, still isn't satisfied with the answer. It's the same with boobs. Of course you'd like bigger boobs but if you think better boobs are still boobs. Same with dicks." "I see..." "Like, take Josh for example. He had a shorter cock than average but it's still a cock. I still like it to get fucked by it." "And what you thought when you saw mine..?" Alex said turning his glance at the girl. Melissa smiled. "Well....I thought.... To be honest, I liked what I saw. That's why I touched yours that morning with the lotion thing. I wanted to see how it feels." A few minutes went by being nothing but silence between them then Melissa moved his arm to lay her head on it. They continued to look at the stars but a thought went inside Alex's mind to kiss Melissa on her cheek. Thing which he did. Then he did it again, and gain, and again. Which each kiss he went closer to her lips and until the corner of their lips touched. When that happened, Melissa closed her eyes and turned her head to Alex. He began go fully kiss her and the girl responded back. The two of them began to have a hot make out session with each other. And after a few minutes it went further. Melissa began to touch his cock and pulled his shorts down. She began to stroke it as they were still kissing and continued until Alex ejaculated. Being a strong ejaculation, the boy stained both his nice abs and her gorgeous abdomen as well. After that they went in the ocean to clean themselves then got back in their room. As hot as they felt in that moment, everything got awkward between them once they got inside. And the rest of the trip was like that too. It's not like the regretted it after, it was more like they felt sorry for Josh. And with that, the spring break was over. They went on the trip happy and ready to party and now on the ride back everything was awkward between Melissa and Alex. After a few weeks went by, Melissa and Alex began to act like they used too. But now they knew that something was happening between them. Moving forward to one night, both Melissa and Alex had to stay extra late on their night shift at the coffee shop. After they were done, Alex offered to drive Melissa back to her apartment, which she agreed. Giving some context, Melissa got upset that this day Alex didn't bought her lollipops. All day at work, Melissa waited for Alex to give her lollipops, but seeing that she didn't got any, she got upset. But still agreed to be taken home by Alex. When they got to her place, Alex parked in the back then right when Melissa was close to get out of the car, Alex pulled out a lollipop and Melissa smiled then softly punched Alex in the arm. He took the wrapper off the lollipop then put it inside her mouth. Then, after a few seconds he took it out and put it in his mouth. Which after a few seconds he put the lollipop back into her mouth. He did it a few times until one time Alex didn't wanted to return her lollipop, which made Melissa act like a child. "Hey...give me my lollipop back." "No." "Come on. Give it to me. I wanna suck it." Melissa shouted then got closer to him. "You wanna?" "Yes." Melissa shouted. "To do what?" Alex asked. "To suck it! I wanna suck it." As she got closer to him, Melissa realized what Alex had in mind and she smiled. Being too close to one another, their eyes were locked to each other. A second passed then they kissed softly. After that Alex asked again. "What you want to do?" "I wanna suck it...." Melissa responded. They went in the back of the car and the two of them began to make out passionately. Their lips were touching, making them, not wanting to separate them. Short kisses, long kisses, Melissa and Alex lost twenty minutes of their life making out but none of them had any regrets. After Melissa saw that she couldn't do anything about it she asked Alex if he would like to come to her apartment. Thing that Alex agreed. When they got inside, after closing the door, they began to kiss each other again. And continued it until they got in her room. Once arrived there, Melissa grabbed his pants and began to pull them down. As expected, Alex was fully hard, and Melissa opened her mouth and put the cock inside her mouth. Softly, she began to suck on it, then began to lick the tip. She went after the shaft as well, and down to the balls. When his cock was fully covered with her saliva, Melissa began to take it all in and suck it. Alex couldn't help but stare as what was happening. Her eyes were looking straight into he's eyes, then Alex grabbed the back of her head and proceeded to fuck her mouth. After they got more comfortable, they got fully naked and decided to go on the bed. He was laid on it while Melissa was in doggystyle, sucking his cock. But this wasn't like a normal blowjob. It was more like a passionate one, with lots of kissing, and licking. We can say that Melissa was using all her skills on his cock which definitely surprised Alex. Unfortunately, it didn't lasted long because Alex was so turned on and he ejaculated inside her mouth. She took all of it and swallowed it then Alex rushed to her to kiss her lips. And like that, they continued to make out. After another ten minutes of them kissing, Melissa backed up slowly. "Do you want me to go?" Alex asked. Melissa slowly moved her head right and left, suggesting him that it was a no. Then she looked down and touched his abdomen. "What I did now I can't take it back," Melissa whispered. "But I don't regret it, and I want more. You look so innocent but god damn...your body was made for sin." She continued. "What are you saying?" The boy uttered grabbing her hips. "I......I want to fuck you. And I know you want to fuck me too. But...I don't want to cheat on Josh...." "But...you kinda did." "Kinda...but not totally. How about this, I don't have anything against sucking your dick and also we can do anal but I want my pussy to not be a part of this. Does it makes sense?" "So....I can put my dick all over your body but not your pussy?" Alex asked. "Yeah..." "Okay then. I have no problem with it, sweetie." Melissa smiled when Alex called her sweetie and kissed him. "Good. I'm glad you're okay with it." "One question. Do you have experience with anal?" "I only did it with my dildos but never with a dick." "You have dildos?!" Alex said shocked. "Yeah. What's so surprising about it?" "Nothing, but I didn't expected that." With their discussion being over, they continued to kiss more until it got late and Alex had to go home. He knew that what he did was totally wrong but his feelings and cock was telling him otherwise. There were some signs that was showing to him that Josh wasn't such a good boyfriend for Melissa and thought that he could do a better job than him. After seeing her naked again, Alex began to have so much fantasies with her body that he couldn't wait to see her again. And after Alex got home, he received a text message from Melissa telling him that she loved to suck his cock along with a bunch of heart emojis. Alex went to sleep with a big smile on his face. Sweet Poison   Nowadays, cheating had became something common for us. It still hurts but we tend to get over it eventually. For the beginning of time, cheating was always an option for couples, either for the man or woman who weren't satisfied with one another. Also, it was a more common way to be cheated by your girlfriend just for the fact that either the boy's junk wasn't big as she wanted or the he didn't knew how to behave in a relationship. But either way, I think that cheating with your mind and soul is way worse for the person that you are in a relationship with than cheating with just your body. Don't get me wrong, both of them are wrong, but the first one is worse. That's my thinking. What happened between Melissa and Alex in that night made them realize that both had some sort of feelings for each other. And now, they began to express those feelings more often, in a sexual matter. Like Melissa said, she let Alex did whatever he wanted to her but her pussy was out of question. That didn't bothered Alex, now that, after a few weeks, the two of them began to have more sex than Melissa had with her boyfriend. Which says a lot. One night, Melissa, Alex and Josh were at Melissa's apartment for a hang out. They ate, drank, played some games and now they decided to watch a movie before calling in the night. Before the movie began, Josh went to take a shower and when the girl heard the shower running, she ran to Alex who was sitting on the bed in her room and sat on top of him. Melissa began to kiss Alex desperately and between kisses she whispered to him how much she missed him and that she wants to taste him more. Alex tried to explain to her that they can't risk it now that Josh is here too but Melissa couldn't be convinced. She grabbed his hand and went to the living room, leaving every door open to hear clearly when her boyfriend was coming out of the bathroom. Being in the living room, Melissa got on her knees and pulled Alex's pants down. She slowly kissed his thighs and his ripped abdomen then went down to his cock to make it hard. It took a few passionate kisses and Alex was ready to go. After that, Melissa took his junk inside and began to suck it. Later on, Alex learned from Melissa that she haven't gave her boyfriend so much orals than she is giving to him. And this makes Alex feel better about himself, in a way. Not to speak that, now, Alex started to notice how Melissa is acting more lovely with him than with her boyfriend. With deep breaths and a lot of self control, Alex is trying his hardest not to cum so fast. After a few minutes of intense sucking, Melissa took a little break from it and began to kiss the tip, winking at him. Then moved to lick his shaft and gave him a few light bites to make him moan. When the moan was heard by her, satisfied, Melissa grabbed his balls and then continued to suck it until she made him ejaculate inside her mouth. She didn't even got to finish swallowing all of it and Alex began to make out with her. He grabbed her hips and started to give her more intense kisses then went to bit her cheek while unzipping her jeans. His cock was now touching her abdomen, it was still hard. "Damn, is still hard? Poor thing, he missed me so much." Melissa grabbing it and gave a few strokes. Having her lower body be naked too, Melissa locked on eyes with Alex and agreed on what it has to be done next. She turned around and bend over to the couch, and after that, Alex grabbed her hips hard and inserted his junk inside her ass. With intense lust, Alex began to thrust his cock inside Melissa, making her leak some moans. Once realizing it, Melissa tried to cover her mouth but it was still late. He wanted to hear more and started to increase his speed and he did it until he couldn't control his movements. Melissa began to have a meltdown because of his junk going so fast and hard inside her ass which, eventually, made her squirt. Her legs began to shake and was close to fall on the ground but Alex helped her keep her position. The boy continued to work on her ass and eventually, he was ready to ejaculate again. So he pulled it out, lifted her t-shirt up and began to shoot his loads on her ass and her back. Seeing how nicely her back was painted with his cum, Alex decided to take his phone and take some pictures which then showed to Melissa. After they cleaned, Melissa and Alex continued to make out until they heard Josh coming out from the bathroom. Curious, Melissa checked her phone to see how much time had passed, and after checking, she saw that her boyfriend stood there for more then an hour. It was kinda strange but at the end she was glad it took him so long. After that, they put up the movie on the TV. Although, it was an interesting movie, Melissa's mind was up to something else. They were in her bed, and had a blanket over them. Being very sneaky, Melissa quick looked around to see if Josh was focused on the movie then she slid her left hand on Alex's crotch. She was placed between the two of them and being so close with one another, it was easy for her to touch Alex and without being noticed. And from a few touches went to strokes and from strokes went to her moving her hand inside his boxers. Under the blanket, Alex had eventually took his pants off, for Melissa to stroke his cock. They acted like nothing was happening and this moment made them feel very hot. And it continued until the movie finished. Even after that, Melissa didn't wanted to get her hand off his cock but in the end she let it go. She tried to convince her boyfriend and Alex to sleep all three together in the same bed but the bed was not that big and both Alex and Josh weren't agreeing with it. And so, Alex went in the living room to sleep. But it wasn't that late for him and decided to stay up a little more. He went on the balcony to smoke some cigarettes and after some minutes he got a text message from Melissa. She was asking him if he had fallen asleep and Alex responded to her. Then an exchange of texts and sexts messages started between the two of them for on hour until Melissa showed up to the balcony as well. She was wearing her panties and a black tank top. Alex was sitting on a chair and after Melissa saw him she pulled her panties down and sat on top of him. "Why did you pulled your panties off?" Alex asked a little shocked. "To be more comfortable around you." she responded. "And what if Josh walks in on us?" "He won't, he's sleeping like a rock. Don't worry about it," Melissa responded caressing his face. "You know, on the outside, everyone I knew who saw you told me that you were so shy and act like a virgin but now........I definitely know that that's bullshit." "How so?" Alex laughed. "Well, first, the way you conquered me." "What? No....I didn't conquered you in any way...." Alex said flustered. "Yes, you did. You grabbed my soul softly and made me think that you are an angel then you pierced it with your massive cock that affected my mind and now I can't stop thinking about you all day long." "Wow....that was a vivid description..." Melissa smiled, then grabbed his cigarette and took a hit from it. "What I like the most, is that your cum became like a sweet poison to me." "Wow, that's definitely something that I've never heard of in my life." Alex said surprised. "Well you heard it now." Melissa responded then kissed him on the lips. "You know, I've been thinking about it and...god...how much I'd love to just pull out my dick out and put it inside you." Alex said putting his hands on her waist. "Well...you can do it." "I mean in your pussy." "Ah, I see. But still...from what I saw, you would love more to be inside my ass than my pussy. Or even in my mouth." "Yeah...but... every hole if different." "I know." Melissa responded smiling. "Or...maybe I could...eat you out." "You want that?" Melissa asked surprised. "Yeah. Why not. I'm allowed?" "I don't see anything wrong with it. Just that...it has been fucked by my boyfriend." They looked at each other for a few seconds then Alex rose up from the chair, and put Melissa in his place. Then he got on his knees and spread her legs wide open. He began go kiss her inner thighs then his kisses moved through her lower abdomen. Melissa started to get wet and when Alex saw that, he kissed her pussy. "Holy fuck..." Melissa whispered. Alex pulled out his tongue and began to massage her clit slowly as he was holding her thighs tight. She became more wet from his tongue play and when he noticed it, Alex moved his tongue to her labia. He began to lick it increasing the speed slowly making Melissa to leak some moans. It was the first time when Alex gave Melissa an oral and just a few minutes into it, the girl was losing her mind. She looked at him, defenseless and vulnerable, asking for more and then, Alex went with his tongue inside her pussy. Melissa gasped and whispered under her breath 'Holy fuck'. The boy increased his speed and now he was making out with her delicious delicacy, that her pussy is. He made her put her hands on the back of his side and push him closer, making his tongue go deeper inside her. In this hot session of oral, Alex took short breaks from it to kiss Melissa on the lips, showing her how good she was tasting. After some time, Alex began to get serious about it and went all out on her. Melissa tried to cover her mouth because her moans started to get louder but couldn't because how agresive the boy's mouth was with her. And eventually, he made her to reach her orgasm which was a very long one. After that, Alex continued to kiss her pussy until a thought crossed on his mind. Slowly, the boy rose up, having his cock hard as a rock. He put Melissa to make his cock wet by using her saliva and her pussy juices. The girl nodded and did as told. In a few minutes his cock was soaked from Melissa's fluids and then Alex began to stroke it. The girl felt like she was on a strip club, so she backed up a little and began to enjoy the show that was given to her by Alex. Carefully, Melissa's eyes were analyzing her lover up and down and the most and dirtiest stuff came up in her mind. But she decided to stay put and removed her tank top. It didn't lasted long since she removed her last piece of clothing and Alex began to ejaculate. His thick loads of cum were coming one by one on her face and chest which in the end, it covered her. When he was done, Melissa put his dick in her mouth to suck the remaining cum that didn't came out and after that she used his phone to take some selfies of herself covered with his semen. Before going to her room, once again, Melissa kissed him, told him that he's the best then went to clear herself in the bathroom. Then she went to bed. After a few minutes, Melissa felt Josh turning over and puting his arm around her which reached for her boobs. "God... I'm so lucky to have you." Josh whispered. "Goodnight, babe." Melissa said smiling then fell asleep. Lover   It a good amount of time since Melissa and Alex began to be intimate with each other and it got to the point of her calling him her lover. She also began to spend way more time with him than with her boyfriend, they would constantly talk through texts. And with that she developed a kink. Whenever the three of them would hang out, Melissa would have sex with her boyfriend, Josh, then would immediately go to her lover, Alex, to suck his cock and then get fucked in the ass by him. She acts like most of us would call her a slut or a whore. And Melissa started to realize that. Whenever the three of them were together, Melissa would wait for Josh to be focused on something else or wait for him to not be in the same room as she and Alex and then would jump on him, kissing, and touching him. With that, she became more comfortable with him. She started to come visit Alex to his dorm room, where Alex was staying there alone. And there she would often wear very loose clothes or sometimes nothing at all. She enjoyed being with him more than with her boyfriend and so, Melissa started to become a little colder with Josh. One Saturday, Alex and Melissa had the morning shift at the coffee shop and after that, Melissa had to go on a date with Josh. But when their shift ended, Josh texted Melissa and called off the date because he was stuck at work and possibly he had to stay extra late until night. Annoyed by it, Melissa asked Alex on a date but she didn't knew what they should do. So after some time spent thinking about it, Melissa came up with a plan. She decided to take Alex and have a walk around a nearby forest that was close to their city. After they dressed accordingly, Alex showed up to Melissa's apartment to take her and drove off to the forest. It was a sunny day and the two of them were a little too clothed for this walk. But as they walked in the forest for a few minutes they realized that this place was fully empty. Not a single sign of other people was there. As they walked further, the two of them found a spot. It was where the forest ended and a big blanked of green grass was in front of them. They looked around and again, so signs of other people being there. They put down their bags which had drinks and food for later, and admired the beautiful view that they had. Melissa pulled out a blanket from her bag, put it on the ground and laid on it while Alex removed some of his clothes off. "You can take out more..." she said having an evil smirk on her face. Alex continued to remove more clothes, until he had only boxers and the t-shirt on. Melissa told him that he can remove them too and he did. Fully naked, Alex got on in knees on the blanket and began to kiss Melissa. Giggling, the girl responded back and grabbed his semi erected cock which she started to stroke it. After his junk got hard, Melissa began to remove her clothes too until she was naked too. Laid on the ground. Melissa invited her lover to put his cock in her mouth and Alex, now horny, got on top of her and did what she wanted. For short time, Melissa got to suck on it then Alex decided to go harder on her since no one could see them now. So he began to fuck her mouth, hard. After some time, he let her have a little break to breathe but in that break he would slowly slap her face with his dong. "Oh my god, I love your cock so much." Melissa said looking at it. "How about you let me sit down and ride me." "Sounds good." Alex sat down and Melissa got on top of him, she inserted his junk in her ass and began to ride him. The boy liked the view of her that he was having right now and he might enjoyed it too much because shortly after Melissa began to ride him, Alex started to ejaculate inside her ass. But Melissa still continued to ride him because she knew that Alex's cock wasn't about to soften any time soon. As she moved up and down, some of the semen began to come out, dripping down on his cock. The girl waited a little longer then she got up and went on her knees to suck his junk. But Alex wanted something else. He told her to get into the sixty-nine position, thing which Melissa did. Now, with her ass on his face, Alex could smell the semen coming from her ass, and instead of licking her pussy he went to eat out her ass. Surprised, Melissa continued to suck his cock but with much more passion. Both of them were enjoying tasting each other although they knew very well the taste, they could not get enough of it. After a good amount of time spent doing sixty-nine, Alex rose up and put Melissa to stay in doggystyle. Then he inserted his junk inside her ass and began to fuck her. Once, again, having a great view, this time Alex decided to take his phone and record a few minutes of this lovely view that he had in front of his eyes while in the background there were Melissa's moans. They went at it until Alex ejaculated again and there was when he decided to stop the recording. And after, he showed it to her. Melissa loved it, and told him to record her again but this time she would suck him off. Alex did as told but he knew he couldn't ejaculate a third time so he just waited for the recording to reach five minutes then showed it to Melissa. Seeing how good she looked in the video, Melissa asked him to send her those videos because she wanted to have them in case of whenever she would be alone and wanted to masturbate. When Melissa got to her apartment, she received a call from her boyfriend who told her that he was sorry for blowing up the date and that he loves her. Then, a few minutes after Josh appeared at her doorstep with some red roses and a bottle of wine. Surprised, Melissa took him inside. They drank some wine, kisses and went further. Josh pulled his pants down and took a seat on her couch. Melissa got on top of him then shoved his cock inside her where he began to give it to her hard. The girl removed the remaining clothes that she had on her upper body then her boyfriend began to fondle her big boobs. "Damn, your boobs are so massive and beautiful." Josh uttered. "I know you like them." Melissa responded smiling. "Gosh...you made me so hard. Can you feel it?" "Yes, I feel it. You missed me, huh?" "Totally." Josh said holding her hips tight. "You'll have to take responsibility for this if in the future you'll stay extra late on your job, understand?" "Responsibility.....like this?" Josh asked curious. "Maybe...." Melissa responded having a big smirk on her face. Josh continued to go up and down inside his girlfriend, moaning and groaning like crazy until he couldn't control his body and movements anymore and ejaculated inside her. "Oh fuck....!" Josh shouted and stopped. "What? You came inside?" "Yeah...." "It's fine. I'll take the morning pill if that's so." Melissa calmly responded. She let her boyfriend fuck her a little more until his dick wasn't as hard as it was before then pulled it out, got on her knees, and sucked his dick. His semen wasn't as sweet as her lover's, it was salty and dull. But Melissa still swallowed it. Then, she got on top of her boyfriend's face and made him lick the remaining of his cum that was inside her pussy. Surprised, Josh froze for a moment as he saw a different side of his girlfriend. Having no way out, he accepted it and began to lick her pussy. His taste was making him feel sick but continued to do it for satisfying his girlfriend. After that, the girl took a seat next to him on the couch and began to fondle his cock. "It's amazing how little it is when soft but when you're horny is gets so big and long." "Not that long..." Josh responded. "It's still a good size." Melissa said smiling. From fondling it, Melissa got on her knees and began to kiss Josh's soft dick. And after some time Josh strated to get hard again. "Oooooo, what we have here." Melissa said and continued to kiss it. "Damn, maybe it wants to be pleased more." Josh uttered. "You think so?" Melissa said shocked. "Okay, let's get to work then. I'mma suck it more." Melissa began to suck Josh's cock passionately, having her eyes locked on to him. Josh began to moan and put his hands on the back of her head. "Oh, baby! You suck it so good. You make me feel the best and luckiest man in the world. God, you are so amazing." The girl started to suck it harder, increasing her speed, making her boyfriend lose his mind. Now, she was using the skills that were used on her lover's cock to please, and saw that it worked very well with Josh also. Her boyfriend began to praise her to the moon and back and say how much he liked her and continued to do it until he came inside her mouth. After that, Melissa went to the bathroom to have a shower. Josh decided to spend the night to her place and went to lay down on her bed. He was still naked, didn't even bother to gather the clothes that he left on the floor in the living room. Josh stood on the bed, naked, waiting for her girlfriend to come in. Then, a thought stroke his mind. He grabbed Melissa's phone and began to look through it. There he found a lot of sexy pictures of her that she didn't showed to him and found some messages that she had with other girls about the sex that she was having with him. At first, Josh was proud, but then he saw how much she exaggerated on her texts how good he makes her feel in the bed and how good he's fucking her. It was a little sad but Josh didn't let it bother him. He looked for more and after some time, Josh found something. There were two videos on her cloud account on a folder titled 'best day'. Josh tapped on it and looked at the first video. The boy saw, her girlfriend, being on doggystyle getting smashed in the ass by someone else than him. With a much bigger dick than him. Immediately, Josh felt his heat broke, and tears began to come out. But what disgusted him more was that he got a massive boner from it. He looked at the video and then at his junk and wondered how fucked up he is to get turned on by such thing. With tears in his eyes he replayed the video again, and again and got defeated by his lust and began to stroke his cock while looking at the video. Then he played the next one which was again with her girlfriend, sucking the massive cock that had been fucked her earlier in the ass. His strokes were faster and he began to breathe heavily. Just when he was close to ejaculate, he heard Melissa come in the room. Josh, quickly wiped up the tears and squeezed his balls hard to not cum. When Melissa came in, his hard boner was the first thing she saw. "Oh wow, what made you feel so hard again, babe?" Melissa asked smiling. Sad, and disappointed, turned her phone to her and showed the video of her sucking the cock. Melissa froze, and shortly after that, Josh couldn't control it anymore and ejaculated, the shots of cum going on her arm and chest. Relationship   It was a friday morning. Alex and Melissa were on the morning shift at the coffee shop. The day began with a surprise that Alex got from Melissa. For some reason, Melissa was late at work and Alex and the rest of her coworkers were waiting for her to open the shop. Eventually, she came, and when he did, she apologized for being late then went to Alex and kissed his lips before going to to change into her waitress uniform. Everyone was shocked, Alex especially. The coworkers began to ask him if the two of them were together but the boy couldn't give an answer. Some of the girls that saw it asked Melissa also but the only thing that she told them was that it was a secret. For her, doing such a bold thing in front of so many people made Alex become shy. But eventually, he managed to get onward with his day. After their shift was over, Melissa waited for Alex in the parking lot and when he appeared, she went to him and kissed him again. The girl asked him if he had other plans and when heard that Alex was free, she grabbed his hand and began to walk off. Melissa didn't told Alex where they are going but from what he had seen, she just wanted to walk around the city. They were holding hands and being seen by so many people it made Alex become flustered. "Melissa? What's happening?" He whispered. "Huh? What are you talking about?" "Why are we holding hands?" "Why not?" She responded. Seeing that he could not get any answers from her, he let it go and went with the flow. After they had walked for almost two hours around the city, the two of them went to Alex's dorm room. When they got there, immediately, Melissa began to take off her clothes until nothing was covering her majestic body then got on his bed. She felt like she was in her own home. Alex put his stuff on his chair and began to change his clothes to something more comfortable. But Melissa told him that he should stay naked as well because no one was there to see them. Noticing that something was strange here, Alex did as told, because he wanted to see what was happening. After the boy got naked as well, he got on the bed, where Melissa got closer to Alex and began to cuddle with him. She was very lovely with the boy, looking deep into his eyes, caressing his lips and kissing him on the forehead. Dying of curiosity Alex asked her if everything was okay and Melissa responded to him that she's very happy to be with him. From cuddling they went to kissing, and from kissing to fucking. Melissa took full control this time getting on top of Alex and began to ride him hard. While riding, she whispered into his ears her love for him and how happy the boy was making her feel. Alex told her to tell him that she loves him again which Melissa did. With that, he rose up with her, holding her hips tight and began to fuck her asshole harder, making Melissa moan like crazy. He went further and began to bit her neck and boobs, leaving on her his bite marks. But after one hour of them loving each other, they decided to take a little break. None of them reached their climax. Alex was sitting on the edge of the bed while Melissa was on her knees, passionately sucking his large and beautiful cock. With soft moans and tongue play, Melissa was pleasing her lover to the fullest. Then her phone began to ring. Alex bent over to take it and hand it to her, he saw that her boyfriend was calling her. He told her that she can stop to speak with him but Melissa refused, and thrown it on the bed. She continued to please Alex's cock with love and kisses until he ejaculated in her mouth then another make out session began between the two of them. But didn't lasted long and they just stopped from doing anything at all. Melissa took her phone and began to check her social medias accounts while Alex opened his window and lightened up a cigarette. After he finished the first cigarette, Alex went on another one. Melissa, got closer to him and began to touch his butt then got on her knees and began to softly kiss his ass cheeks. She turned him around and began to do the same with his thighs, cock and lower abdomen. But while she did that the girl asked him to tell her everything that he liked about her, which the boy did as told. "I like how sometimes, you are so delicate with me, like you do now, or the times that you dominate me, having that beautiful smile on your face. I like the way you kiss me, the way you suck my cock with suck love that it makes me feel the best man in the world. Or how everytime you buy new clothes you do a modeling show for me to see it. Ah yeah...the fact that you specifically buy sexy pieces of clothing to make me hard and the fact that you slap my ass whenever you want or grab my dick, telling me that I hide a massive weapon in my pants. I like how your eyes shine when you look at me, or how beautiful you look right when you wake up and you're all naked but you don't care about it. Or how in some moments you act so sad when I don't kiss you back. God....there are so many...." Hearing all those lines from him made her year up. Tears started to come off but instead of wiping them off, Melissa let them come out. She began to suck his cock again while tearing up, giving her lover the best blowjob that he ever had from her. Moving forward, when things chilled out, Melissa wanted for her, Alex and her boyfriend to hang out to her apartment. She called her boyfriend to tell him to come over st her while she and Alex went to the grocery store to buy some snacks and drinks. When all of them were gathered to her place they start to play some board games. They had a good time until Alex observed that Melissa began to flirt with him in front of her boyfriend. But everytime her boyfriend let it go and didn't told a thing. She started to touch them both, sometimes on their private parts as well and kissing them on the cheek without even caring. Until she saw the bulges on them both. Melissa grabbed John's hand and told Alex that they were going to her room for a while. Alex remained in the living room and started to watch some youtube videos on the TV. After a few minutes he began go hear moans coming from her room. He went to check in and by the sound of it they were having sex, so he went to the kitchen to smoke some cigarettes. And after an hour, Josh shows up in the kitchen, he took a beer from the fridge and began to drank it. He was wearing only his boxers on himself. A few seconds after, Melissa shows up too, wearing nothing more than just a tank top, having her pussy and ass wide in the open, for everyone to see. She approached Alex, looked at him, then grabbed his crotch and began fo squeeze it to feel his cock in her hand. Then she told him to come up in her room. The boy let himself be grabbed by Melissa and went with her in her room. Once being there, Melissa closes the door and locked it. Then went to Alex and began to make out with him, touching his boner more. She got on her knees, pulled his pants down and started to suck on his cock. Melissa began to suck him so good that Alex started to leak powerful moans. Her hands were caressing his six pack, making him start to fuck her mouth for a few minutes. Then they got on the bed. When they got there, Melissa looked him straight in the eyes and told her lover that this night he can fuck her pussy as much as he wanted. And without even thinking about it, Alex inserted his long dong inside her and began to do her with force and passion. Melissa's moans could be hear in all of the apartment. The two of them were loving each other intensely. Melissa took charge and began to ride her lover hard. She rode him like it was their last day fucking and was putting great effort into it. Their moment was a very intimate one, filled with love. For about three or four hours, Melissa and Alex showed the love that they had for one another in that room. Alex ended up having the best time of his life while Melissa ended up having the best orgasms of her live and have most of her body covered with her lover's cum. After that, Alex waited for Melissa to clean herself before going back to the kitchen. He tried to put his clothes on but Melissa told him to only wear boxers or nothing if he wanted, and then she walked off from the room naked. Alex tried to stop her but it was too late and then he realized that her boyfriend was in the apartment too. For a few seconds, Alex was very scared, until they got in the kitchen and see that it was empty. Surprised, Alex looked around in case he was somewhere else in the apartment. "He's not here, love." Melissa said. "What do you mean?" "This was our last day with him and his last day with us." Melissa responded taking one cigarette from his pack and lighten it up. "Huh? What happened? Is it about what we did earlier or what?" "He knew about us. About our relationship." "From just that? I thought that..." "No, my love. I told him about us." Melissa said with a sad expression on her face. "Really? When?" "A few weeks ago?" "What? A few weeks ago? But...all this time....you mean...he knew about us....and he still agreed to be with you?" "That's because he desperately wanted me to be his. And I told him if he wants that then he'll have to put up with me having sex with you. And this was about to be the test for him, and he failed." "That's so messed up, Melissa." "It's not. I love you and told me that he wants me he will have to deal with it. If not, to go away. And that's what he did now." "So what now?" Alex asked. "Well, if you want, we can finally be together, just us." "What do you mean, if I want?" "Well, you see what had happened and I don't know if you want to be with me anymore..." Melissa uttered and began to tear up. Alex approached Melissa and gave her a hug. Then a long kiss. He told her that he is more than happy to be together with her and can't wait to see how much they will love each other. And with that, Alex and Melissa are finally together. Of course, that how they became a couple is strange and awkward but in the end, what we have to see was that they both began to have strong feelings for one another and how they got together isn't that important. As long as they love each other. With that, their bond began to grew stronger day by day and in the end they decided to spend their entire life together. Publication Date: December 1st 2021 https://www.bookrix.com/-dh1a5e958e70f85
melanieplayful play (part 1) The headmaster, Mr Harry Porter, swept into the classroom with a large ledger like book tucked under his arm. He stood at the front of the class and addressed them in stentorian tones. He then began to read from the book, the class results for the previous half-term’s work. There were fourteen subjects for fourteen hundred marks. “And lastly, thirty-first, Smith… come to the front, boy, and stand here.” Smith approached the head and stood with head bowed, before him. “Smith,” bellowed the headmaster, “you are in the B stream, in the first year, in the thirty-first position out of thirty-one boys. You are therefore, not only bottom of the class, but bottom of the whole school.” He paused for a moment to allow this news to sink in, and then went on, “I hope you will take steps during the next half-term to improve on this performance.” A single solitary tear appeared in Smith’s eye and trickled down his cheek, as he drew a handkerchief from his trouser pocket to wipe his face. He looked up into the stern face staring down at him. “Yes sir,” he mumbled, the crushing feeling of defeat bearing in upon him, an eleven year old boy. I understood this crushing feeling. I was Smith. When Harry Porter left the room I thought my life could not get any worse, but it did; a horrendous car accident… intensive care in hospital with a fractured skull and broken collar bone. This was followed by weeks of recuperation and a term off school. In the third I year contracted whooping cough and missed more time from school work. I never made enough effort to catch up with it. What time I had I wasted and developed a deep melancholic outlook on life, which over the following eighteen months developed into a despair. I did not dare to hope that I would be loved by anyone. I became desperate for someone to take an interest and care for me. I phoned Christine… this is very much her story. She wrote it in a journal she kept at the time, allowing me to read it and record it, at a much later date. From the rather faded manuscript, in a neat biro hand, this is the tale she told… The phone had been ringing for some time. I woke up, realising that as I was the only one at home I needed to rush to answer it. “Hello,” I mumbled and vaguely recognised the voice at the other end of the line. It was the son of a business associate of my father’s. I couldn’t imagine why he was ringing me but as he spoke I had a dim recollection of us talking together about a month previously and agreeing to go out with him, but for what reason escaped me. I had planned to say, ‘yes’ to his proposal that we should meet in town somewhere and then decide what we were going to do together. When I heard his voice, it seemed quite reassuring and I was at a bit of a loose end at that moment. I would be glad to get out of the house and away from my parents for a few precious hours. They had been constantly bickering for a couple of weeks and I was getting a bit depressed with being a witness to their behaviour to each other. A few days after the phone call I met him as arranged, in town. He was sitting on some steps, wearing blue jeans, a jumper and what I thought was a rather faded coat, but he seemed okay. “Hello,” he said and shook me by the hand. I was a bit taken aback at this rather formal approach, but I smiled sweetly at him and greeted him with a ‘hello’. “What would you like to do?” he asked. “I haven’t really thought about it. I don’t know. What have you got in mind?” “I thought we might go to the pub down the road from here. They have a jazz band playing there… trumpet, piano, bass and drums. It’s quite good. What do you think?” “Will we get in? I’m only sixteen you know.” “So am I. It’s usually pretty crowded. I think they’re too busy serving drinks to worry about checking on our ages.” “So, we won’t be able to get a drink, will we, if we can’t go near the bar?” “We might be able to persuade someone else to get it for us if I give them the money,” he suggested. “Right, it suits me. Let’s go there then.” As we set off he took me by the hand. “How are you, anyway?” he asked. “I’m very stressed about school work. Our teachers put us under a lot of pressure. Also, my parents constantly argue with each other. There’s a great deal of shouting. Consequently, I can’t concentrate on studying because there’s no peace and quiet.” “It sounds awful.” “And it’s exam year too.” “Yes, it’s the same for me.” We could hear the music, traditional New Orleans jazz, as we got close to the pub. We found our way into the dimly lit, low ceilinged, interior and managed to find a seat in the crowded bar, but as the music was pretty loud, we couldn’t really hold a conversation. My companion seemed happy to hold my hand instead and I was happier too. We met someone he knew and so we succeeded in getting a drink. We then stood outside in the rain for a little while and then found some shelter under an archway, near the pub. Some time later we got up to leave. “I have to be home by ten thirty,” I told him, which was strictly speaking, a lie. My father insisted on my being home by eleven but I did not want to be too late on this occasion as my parents were in such a high state of tension. We had come along the street by now. “I’ll walk you to your bus stop,” my partner said, taking hold of my hand once again. “Thank you, that’s very kind of you,” I replied. We were walking side by side when he slipped his arm around my waist. I reciprocated by putting my arm round his. Then it happened. I don’t really know what it was that happened but I felt suddenly different. We had walked only a few steps together when it dawned upon me that I was fed up with propriety. I didn’t want to go home. I didn’t want to be formal any more. I wanted to break the rules of social conventions between boys and girls. I wanted a taste of licentiousness. I wanted to be unrestrained, act a little bit wildly. As we made for the bus shelter a chilly wind blew in our faces. We turned a corner, the tall buildings now sheltering us from wind and rain. We held each other tightly. He whispered hoarsely in my ear. “What are you thinking?” “Of how much I want to stay with you rather than go home alone on the bus.” “Do you really have to go?” “I’m not rushing!” I pointed out. We stood in the bus shelter: I wanted to take him in my arms and smother him with my kisses. I turned to him and pulled him towards me. He responded to my advances and we were soon locked in a passionate embrace. With his cheeks in the palms of my hands I began to kiss him on the mouth, pushing my tongue deep inside his mouth. Again, he responded to my lips and tongue. We surfaced for air, both trying to catch our breath. I hoped the bus wouldn’t come for a long time. It didn’t. Each time he stopped kissing me I drew him towards me once more and started kissing him again. I don’t know what it was, but I couldn’t get enough of him. At that moment, in that place, that’s all I wanted – to feel wanted by some one else. My licentious feelings had turned into lascivious desires as I held on to him. I was completely overcome with sexual desire for this friend I didn’t know very well. I suppose I was in a sort of dream ecstasy, standing there in a bus shelter, with my eyes closed, trying to shut out the drab, horrible, rainy, world that was dominated by my home life. There was nobody else in the bus shelter; the street was deserted. “I’m getting a bit warm,” he said, unfastening his overcoat buttons, drawing me close to his chest. “So am I,” I replied. I could feel the warmth of his body coursing through me. I undid my own coat, standing back from him, hoping that he would touch my breasts. He did. I felt so excited. I was becoming mad with desire for him. I wanted him to touch my bare flesh. I put my hands over his shoulders and clasped them together behind his neck. His fingers found their way inside my pullover and then my bra. “Go on,” I encouraged him, “pull my bra up and my shirt.” He did as I asked. I began to feel the cold night air brushing my breasts, hardening my nipples, as he lifted up my clothing to expose my flesh. “Do you want me to …” he faltered, leaving me to complete the question. “Suck them? Yes, go on, suck them, please.” I was in the mood to experience wanton, intense sensual pleasure. Perhaps it was the drink, I don’t know. He took my right breast between his finger and thumb whilst his tongue made a gossamer contact with my left nipple. The feeling of sheer, potent eroticism shot through every fibre of my being and I gasped in delight. I could feel his swollen penis against my thighs as he began to suck my nipple. I sensed that I was becoming very wet between my legs. I imagined my love juices were gently slipping out of me and I had a mad desire for that penis to be pumping inside me. This however, was not the time or place. I was a virgin with no desire to lose my virginity in these circumstances. I had to force myself to wait and anyway, the bus hove into view. When it stopped I got on followed by my companion. “I’ll go a stop with you and then get off and go back,” he offered. “Okay. I’ll enjoy that,” I replied, turning to smile at him. We pared our fares to the driver and made our way upstairs to the top deck. I noticed that there were no other passengers upstairs. I sat down and unfastened my trousers to allow access to my vagina. He gently put his fingers, one, two, and three, into my juicy orifice, which he manipulated for me to experience my first orgasm. I gasped in excitement and astonishment at how strong the sensation was as the spasm rippled through me. He briefly touched my clitoris with his tongue; this produced another orgasm and an equally strong, if not stronger sensation in my vulva. We could hear the bus slowing down. My friend rose as I pulled my clothes about me. “Goodbye,” he said, “and thanks for coming out with me. I really enjoyed it. I’ll be in touch.” “So did I,” I said. The bus stopped. The doors opened. He was gone. (To be continued) Publication Date: February 1st 2012 https://www.bookrix.com/-melanieplayful.pen
Madam Keetra Young Love Of My Life 2 Another Baby Dear Ron, I feel like our only purpose was to make a baby and i feel like that because were not going anywhere. I also feel like your a dead beat because you dont take responsibility and not man enough to handle what you done. how can you say “ur child” or “my daughter” when you don’t do right by her at all. Which shows you dont care. I call you a dead beat because you aint neva around.... she need stuff now while she is in the womb not just wait til she here. You infected me and put her at risk. As a mother i will never over look that. If something came out wrong i would have to live wit that the rest of my life....I’m doing what i can to stop it and you aint done shit. I shouldnt even be wit u because of that..damn, thats why my parents aint together.My dad did same exact shit to my mama. My grandma paid for the medicine when it should of been u, i mean damn, hell u did it. not my grandma. u tha one carryin the infection. if u cared enough and was “sorry” enough u would of done something. I mean that shows u could careless if something was wrong wit her or not..what if i couldnt get the money to save her...then what ?? “another ray charles”?????? and dont u even say at least i got the money and the meds cause the point is it was ur responsibility and u done it. dont nobody got no money to b scrapin up over somethin that aint their responsibility. And I aint got no damn insurance. This money for meds and doctor visits coming out of pocket. Yea u “said” u wud get it but she needed it right then not the next week. the sooner the better. I can’t stress to u enough about this because u dont get it. Yes I say u dont care all the time..i say u dont care cause u havent even tried to take care of me neither of these times u infected me. You don’t care that i can be dead right now. people die from this shit because of folks like u. you aint the one runnin back n fourth to a doctor and u aint paid for shit......u jus waited til i got cleared so u could give it right back to me. had i not been pregnant i would of never known. thats y they call it “silent killer” cause the folks that dont know they have it r the ones ones who die. Shit you’ll move on and wont give a shit and infect someone else. I cant explain or stress enough how i really feel about this. and wednesday u said u gone hurry up and get straight so u wont have to use a condom. what kind of shit is that?? all u want is pussy. since u dont care bout me and this baby u need to be doing it for ur self and safety. I been going thru everything on my own which dont surprise me while u sit on yo butt without a care in the world. the word “sorry” is not helpin my daughter when something wrong. “sorry” will not bring me back if i was dead. You gone reap what u sew from what u done so far. and i dont mean jus from this. And what u done to me and this baby so far u will pay and when get done, it won’t be nothin no one can do about it. i also feel like if ur not there for her now then u wont be later. bottom line. a man is pose to act as if that baby here now. she has needs now, not just wen she come out of me. You already not being there for her tells me something. You are a dead beat. I still will not get over u denying her twice. who does that when u know its yours??? You even walked out on her at the second appointment. You didnt deserve to know wether it was a boy or girl because u didnt care enough to stay and find out and see for ur self. what kind of “father” does that to his baby??? Yes i called my mama first cause she been there and not u. but that still gave u no reason for u to leave..when i came to get u and saw u wasnt there, that really done something to me. you shouldnt of had that type of attitude. u show so many signs right now its unreal and u wonder why certain things go thru my head...imma need u to do some serious thinkin. You doing stuff to her already, its makin me have second thoughts and i dont need somebody in her life actin like that. The people thats there for me is who i want by my side cause my mama aint going no where. u not even by my side now but the one thas there which is my mama is who i need. u walkin out her means u walk out any day and jus leave when something aint yo way. I told u this is a test and u still don’t see it yet.....the way u actin now already is already showin me we got a problem. I’m not gone keep stressing this cause u don’t listen and u dont get it. I still blame myself alot cause i could of prevented all of this myself. I shouldn’t of got involved wit u in the first place.But now i got to suffer and pay for what i done. I shouldnt been havin sex either AT ALL then i could of prevented u infecting me twice, gettin pregnant, and my baby wouldnt be in danger. And i went against GOD at that, sex b4 marriage. Now about this name shit.....After all u done, she dont even deserve yo name. why name her after a dead beat sorry ass. ???? But the reall reason i ave her my name is because we not married and u look n see other people dont do that well thats because, those people r not godly and dont do the right things.......u only give a child man last name wen u married n ppl don’t think like that no more. But im not gone get into that part cuz u dont get it and neva will understand it. yea u say u wanna marry but were not married now. u should of that of that b4 now. She also has my name so will be taken care of and u kno u dont understand that part and im not gone explain it, u jus gone have to wait til she here. Im not gone take a chance wit my child life wit ur name. sorry. I know u hate it but thats yo fault. If we were married then that would b different. see this why GOD likes marriage cause wen u dont do things right, theres confusion. ENOUGH SAID ON THIS. Oh yea and don’t u ever curse my name again like u did. Because u have no idea what it means and when u see what my name can do , u will regret an be sorry as hell especially when u see what it can do for my child. But like i said u wont understand yet. NEXT SUBJECT.......unlike u i care about my daughter. So this mess about me stayin wit my mama is gone have to stop. I’m doing this for her cause it’s best. I’m not stayin wit u cause the bible is against it and im tryin to do whats right...why shack up wit each other and keep adding on to a list of sins. i have sined enough. im tryin to eliminate some stuff not add on to it. And what kind of example is that for my daughter. See u already tryin to show her the wrong way. I think its great to marry and raise a child together the right way. But at the rate we going, jus might not happen. So the sinful part is the main reason i wont stay wit u in the same house unless we married.....but if u need me to furthur explain , i will be glad to. Second reason im stayin wit my mama cause either way i have no choice. Im gone be where im guaranteed a place. Why move somewhere and struggle wit a baby?? It’s hard out here. its alot u dont see. but i can see up ahead. You think its easy and its not. I can see right now what would happen if we were in a place together. You stayin wit yo mama and no job. Where tha fuck me and the baby gone go?? Then u bout to be locked up. Then im on my own struggling. I mean come on now. what kind of shit is that. I can stay with my own mama. But im not gone keep explaining this cuz u cud careless if she safe or not or got a place to go. You do what u want but imma do whats best for my child. and it dont matter anyway y i stay wit my mama cuz we not married. But the main thing is, i got to be a real mother and step up and do whats best. You say ive changed . I know im not the same ne more and i neva will b and its really cuz i cant help it. But u can blame GOD cause he gave me the gift and u can blame ya self cuz u got me pregnant. Like i said, the mama always changes first. When a woman has a baby it’s like GOD put and extra disc in her brain where a woman no longer thinks and acts the same. When GOD gives a woman that, you cant take it back. It jus makes a woman see u different and theres nothing u can do. Then i got grow up and mature even much more faster and its all happening quick and at once and im going crazy. It also helps me see who u r and make judgement. It changes the way i see things, changes the way i think, and makes me a whole new person. I know u dont understand and i cant explain it like i want to. When this baby born, i hold her, then look at u, thats wen i make my judgement. The moment the child is born the mothers brain opens up even more. I can see already how u gone be thats y im not so quick to marry and do all this shit cause i can ahead and more than u. u can oppose me all u want but im right wit this one.....GOD give a man that extra disc in his brain too. But it comes after the child is born and only if he a real father. Natural instinct. But u not even tryin to be a real father so i dont expect u to know anything im talkin bout or even understand. Im also the way i am cuz i have alot on me at one time. Its a lot on me and thats affectin me too. I have so many worries and so much i think about, u dont even understand. I have worries about how imma make it. I have worries about u. But imma be there for my child if no one else is cause im mommy and thats what mommy do no matter what. I dont kno if u gone stay around. hell u can up and leave wen u get ready. But i dont worry about that cause imma keep movin on. Every mother has that fear, the man wont stay and a mother really cant help thinkin like that cause its the world we live in, its natural. And we just have to prepare for that. And i really think like now jus by your actions and what has taken place so far, tells me alot. I already see something but u wont believe it and u dont see it ya self. I think about how i let my self down. U cud careless if i went to school and made something of myself or not. I had dreams and they come crashin down. now im at a stand still. u didnt care enough about me to wait. u selfish. who gives a damn if u 25 yrs old b4 u have a baby. that aint shit... I worry if imma live or die. i pray i will live to see my child. I ask GOD to let me live to see her. u dont have to cross over death , i got to do it and i got to do it on my own. cant nobody go wit me and no one can take it for me. women die every day from child birth. livin in a high tech modern time means nothin. It’s not even the pain that kills a woman durin birth its really the brain. once yo brain fuck up, u can for get it. cause a woman got to stay calm and fix her brain a certain way and do things so she wont die which a hard and the man doesnt understand that at all . When the pain come a woman has to force herself to b still and not move cause the baby will push back up and u b in pain much more longer. A woman has to dry the tears from the pain and try to relax and breath. I mean damn, u walk through death and try to relax and breath. Men think its nothin and it iz. Just about every woman has fear of livin or dyin durin this time. The man will live. aint got to go thru shit. All u can do is look and feel sorry. You still a lil boy. You wont become a man and step up to the plate......you claim u tryin but u really not....u aint shit and aint doing shit. ...You wanna b a man but u dont do manly things.....I want to marry a man not a boy.....You are not there takin me back n fourth to doctors like a man pose to. you got me this way, not my mama but she is the one there.....you not there buying medicines for this baby....you made this way and u put this child in danger....not my mama....You can blame that raggedy car all you want but its no excuse..... My grandma watched u play cards and play on my computer all day. But a MAN would of been out lookin for a job..when a man know he got responsibility he will do what it takes NO MATTER WHAT. a MAN pose to stay out all day like he got a job eventhough he jus looking. You show alot of signs that u dont care about this baby. You even said u would sweep a parkin lot to make sure this baby have and that says alot.....thats y i call u sorry....shit i would do it if i had to. cause i love my daughter that much. A man is pose to be head and a provider. A man is pose to take care of his family NO MATTER WHAT it takes. even if that mean workin more than one job. A REAL MAN depends on NO ONE for help WE made this baby....this is not my mama and daddy responsibility its mine and yours.....But if you cant be a man i really dont want you and my baby dont need a sorry ass man in her life.....when i look at you i see a dead beat and u really not trying AT ALL That charge u got is no excuse...a MAN that tries GOD always makes a way. If you got to go to the same people five times for a job they’ll give it to u cause they gone get tired of lookin at u and tired of u comin back. they will c u in need...GOD aint lookn for no excuses....a MAN pose to take care of his family and depend on no one......Yea u right, i can do 100% better than u but im tryin to give u a chance...a man that stands on his own two feet ..A man that acts like a true man is a real turn on. which is what ur not... This baby be here b4 u know it. aint no time to waste. i cant work until this baby born and i get on my feet. You layin up in the bed wit me and all u wantin is sex is not gone help...dick aint worth two cents wen it come to responsibility. You can blame yo cousins and ur self if i walk out on u.....i can’t beileve u let them come between us..thats a big no no..u neva let someone come between u and ya lady..and then u dont tell them tha truth and u too scared to tell them what u done. all u say is im not havin sex wit u and u beileve them when they sayin im probably cheating.....u dont tell them the truth and what u done to me to make me not wanna have sex. but thats how folks are. u wont tell yo part of the story. and u lead them to believe i cheat. If we were married, i know now that we would have major problems. I been nothin but faithful. You can blame its hard to be far away but u still should trust me...i mean damn, i don’t accuse u of shit....I don’t kno wat u doing but i dont say anything and i try to trust u. But every time i turn around u think i cheat. If i do to u what u done to me, it will make the situation that much more worse. on top of that, im not that kind of woman and i wud neva try to hurt u...i mean what for...what u done hurts so bad i wanted to kill myself. y wud i do that back.....I think yo problem is u cant beileve u got someone who would neva do that. You kno deep down i aint done shit but u wanna keep hurtin me....I cry every single time u accuse me of shit cuz i know i havent done anything. I cry cuz u dont trust me. I cry cause i neva thought u wud be this way. I cry cause i got to pay for what the rest of them girls done in the past to u...I also think yo problem is u still guilty bout the past and u kno wat u done and u figure imma do the same to u. i kno u have that fear. u aint got to admit it. and i think thats hurts u even more cuz u kno i wont do that knowin how bad u hurt me. But to be honest, if i was seein someone and wanted to move on, trust me u wud kno cuz i dont hide shit and i would flat out tell u. U was honest wit me bout meeka so i give u tha same respect....i kno u dont like me brining up the past but its still affectin u and always will. u can neva erase that out yo mind. it will always be there. I cant even explain or stress enough everything i wanna say. We we have is pure lust and sin. thats not love at all..u have no clue what love means. O yea and i say u dont love me cause u show it and i jus gave more than enough reason y u dont. And i kno i dont say love u back because numba one, i have a hard time sayin it. i dont even tell my mama n grandma i love them. And on top of that, its just a word to me that ppl wear out. when u say it, i dont even feel it and it has no meaning. And ur not sincere. You say it too damn much wearing it out. And i really think its cause u say it jus to be sayin it. When i hear u say it, its just a waste of breath. like i said no meaning ne more. Now this whole marriage thing. .....I really don’t want u until i see that u have become a man and ready to step up. All i ever wanted from a man is love, trust, respect and honesty. jus someone to treat me right and all these years u have done the complete opposite. and u so blind u cant even see yo own faults . But jus a heads up...im lettin u kno now that if u CANT step up and not tryin to make no changes u can look for me to be gone and move on wit my life. And im not really not playin...y waste time. And u already not tryin to do anything period. i have given too many chances and no effort has been made. But u kno now and this is yo last chance. Im running out of patience. From, Tori At this point I feel like Ron is no good. Sorry excuse for a man. I wrote him a letter just to let out all my true feelings. If your wondering about this letter. Keep reading and find out where all this came from And get some understand where i’m coming from. I am back home with my mama and no job. Just as i got myself together and was getting over Ron, he decides to work his way back into my life. He’s home with his mama too. I played so hard to get it didn’t make sense. but i had every right to be that way. He hurt me so bad. I will admit i treated him like shit in a way when he would call. I think he deserved it. But i think it was my anger mixed with hurt. Then in a way i didnt want him after what he done but i still loved him. After some months went by i let him try again and honestly i think this is the worst mistake of my life. What tha hell was i thinking. I kind of regret it in a way. I really think i should of let him go the first time and not look back. Now I have got myself in a mess. He’s back in my life. I try to forget the past even though that is hard to do and you can never forget stuff like that cause no matter what, it will always be at the back of yo brain. Next he gets me pregnant. He denies his baby twice. He is really putting me through hell. We started going back on dates. We went to a nice restaurant one night. Somehow he ended up spending the night while my folks was gone. We came back and he took a shower with me. I was in there first and i wasnt expecting him to get in. I took tha soap and rubbed all over him and massaging him. His body makes me wanna jump out of my skin. His penis is mean and angry looking. His takes his tim kissing and sucking on me. He goes down on me. His tongue skills are on point. I grab his head. I wanted to stop but at the same time i didn’t. he lapped my pussy like a thirsty dog drinking water. Next thing i know the throws me against the wall, picks me up, and holds me up by my thighs. He eases his dick in. And well....u know tha rest. let’s just say i felt like a virgin again. When we got to the bedroom, thats a whole nother story. He carried me and gently layed me down. He buried himself between my thighs and went to work on my pussy. It was so good I didn’t know what to do with myself. I grabbed n pulled on him. He screwed me like i never been fucked before. I found myself screaming his name. Then i beg him to take it easy. “Slow down.....slow down! ...stop!” , I say as he beating tha hell outta me. So he says, “Shut up and take it.” A good hour and my back was aching and legs hurting. I tried to stand up and he grabs my arm and sat me back on the bed. He took his finger n plays with my clit. Then he inserts that firm tongue in my pussy. I threw my head back and hold on to him. He stops and sits me on his dick backwards. He held on to my waist and had me going up n down just like that. It was My first time ever doing this. Then I ride hm forward facing him while he plays with my nipples. Then he fucked me sideways. I’m like what tha hell is he doing to me. The next few months was hell. I went thru hell with hemorrhoids for a couple weeks. The next nine weeks i was sick. the sickness wouldn’t even let up at all. There were times i couldn’t even crawl to the bathroom. I stretched in the floor until i was able to move and get myself together. Then my body started to change. I suspected i was pregnant by this point. my face wasn’t the same and boobs got larger. Then up until now at six months, i vomit like crazy. I’m one of those unlucky women. I took a pregnancy test. I added up i could be 3 months. I went to the doctor and i was off by a day. At the doctor i went thru the whole procedure. Pee in a cup. I answered a shit load of questions. Then i stripped down and change to be examined then spread my legs to the can collect samples. Then i got my blood work. Ron text me the whole time wantin to know whats going on. I get a call back two days later. Doctor tells me to go pick up all these medicines quickly. One because dairy products make me sick. My vitamin D was low. My prenatal vitamins. And the last one was for something Ron gave me and my baby could possibly be born blind. He gave me the “silent killer”. For the second time. So my mama picks up and pays for these expensive meds along with my grandma’s help. I hate meds and can’t stand takin it but i do it cause my baby need it. So the one she needs the most is the one my body rejects. I throw it up while it was going down. I call back the next day to get something else. My mama go buy that one. I had a hard time takin but i finished the bottle. hopefully it worked. If my child has a problem when she born i dont what i’ll do. So my second trip the doctor Ron shows up. It was the most important appointment. He walks out when it’s time to reveal the sex of the baby. He texting me all day asking what it is. He gets mad cause i don’t tell him. If he wanted to know that bad he would of stayed and found out for himself. I mean damn, if he walks out on her now, what you think he gone do when she here. He had no reason to leave. But of coarse this is when act crazy when a baby is now in a picture then he aint matured enough. A man in his mid twenties shouldn’t act that way. Eventually I told him it was a girl. So another four weeks go by. It’s time for another appointment. I’m surprised he stayed. He hears her heartbeat for the first time at five months pregnant. He gets made when I reveal she will have my last name. A woman can’t do shit when the child has the father name as far as getting what the child need. I got to make sure she will be well off. As far as i know he can walk off at any time. A woman never depends on a man for shit. They real sweet at first but u don’t know the man until the baby here. At six months pregnant, he still doesn’t have a job and got a lame excuse. He tells me other day he stop looking cause he got a charge and no one will hire him. Ok so that let’s me know already he not tryin to be there and my daughter means nothing to him. He also continues to accuse me of sleeping around. and this time he accuse the man i used to work for. It was a simple conversation. I tell him more about how sorry he is. He’s mad cause my family id doing what he pose to be doing. They have every right to talk. He feels they don’t. I’m burden and extra on my family. They got better things to do with there time and money. Everything they do for me as far as this baby is Ron job, not theirs. But he gets mad and say they need to shut up. They wouldn’t talk so much if he would man up and do his job. Ron doesn’t like the truth. Then it escalated into something else. He claims i fucked the man who raped me. His exact words are, “ You fucked that nigga. And this is why you like for someone to hold u down , you fucked that nigga. Then you workin for him I wonder yall be alone all the time. You just nasty Tori. U can say whatever I think about that shit all the time. I can’t believe you. “ Ok really dude? So If im pose to be sleepin around wit this 50 year old man then why is Ron still with me? He says because he love me. Aint no love that damn great. Because of my past, I already don’t trust men. I got a lil girl on the way and now I got to protect her. I feel like imma shield her too much and I won’t let any man touch her no matter who it is. I’ll be sure no shit like that happens to my baby. At the time i was a young teenager barley over 100 lbs. and this man is almost 300 lbs. Well u readers get the picture. Ever since that day i been scarred the rest of my life. It has never left my mind. Ron doesnt help. This is i never told people my personal business. I thought i could trust him with this kind of info. Then he turns around and throw this shit at me. It hurts like hell. I cried all day. I thought I found someone i could trust and would trust me. But I guess I haven’t found Mr. right yet. Well now all i can say is, It’s my own fault. I fucked Ron and didn’t think about the outcome. stupidity on my part. I knew about this before I had sex with him. But wether he there or not Imma take care of my baby and make sure she have no matter what i gotta do. Book two is not expressed how i want it but you readers get the picture. TO BE CONTINUED........... Publication Date: May 31st 2011 https://www.bookrix.com/-mrs.tori
Shy Shy Let's Chat This Chat is off the record Learn more or Cancel   Rich:  i need a cup of sweet coffee!  Sent at 1:49 PM on Wednesday   me :  I need some flavored creamer   Rich:  i can give you a whooooole lot  me:  what flavor  Rich:  dutch chocolate of course!  me:  that sounds yummy Rich:  i'm horny as hell  me:  lol so early in the afternoon.....what have you been drinking  Rich:  it all started this morning in the shower, lol me:  wow, and you haven't had any relief all day.  Poor Dutch  Rich:  nope not till tonight i'm afraid  me:  Well you should have some good momentum by then. Have you been staying in your seat today because of you problem?  Rich:  i could probably hit your face from a few feet away, ha hayes definitely the last half hour I have  me:  lol, you still have a couple more to go.  Rich:  3 more hours here  me:  yikes.  you get off at 5?  Rich:  yes changed my hours Sent at 2:07 PM on Wednesday  me:  okayYou need one of those toys to hold you over when you don't have any action for relief.  Have you ever seen them? lol  Sent at 2:11 PM on Wednesday  Rich:  LOL...I have but that doesn't turn me on at all. I rather use my right  hand and my imagination in the shower have anything for me i can use tonight?lol  Sent at 2:13 PM on Wednesday  me:  hmmmm, let me think.....imagine rather  Sent at 2:16 PM on Wednesday Rich: this will be good, lol Sent at 2:17 PM on Wednesday me:  It's been a long day... so a drink is in order.  I see you at the corner store and I see you pressing right through your pants.  I think about how we never got the chance....in the filing room after I see your hand. I've changed into my relaxing sundress, and you lead me around the corner.  Rich:  keep going...  Sent at 2:20 PM on Wednesday  me:  You reach down and grab my ass....I grab yours too.  It's is soft and supple.  My kitty starts purring  Rich:  hmmm...  Sent at 2:22 PM on Wednesday  me:  So I whisper in your ear.."Are you ready for me?" Yeah, you say.  But wait... like hold on, this isn't a regular ordinary day.  I've had a long day at work, and I want it rough.  Can you do that?  Sent at 2:24 PM on Wednesday  Rich:  I'll give it as hard and as deep as you want! I'll have unbuckle my belt and zip down my fly...than you reach in and pull out my hard pulsating cock...you kneel down and start kissing and licking my smooth shaved balls while working your way up the shaft  Sent at 2:27 PM on Wednesday  me:  Kissing, licking and blowing on every inch, as I tighten and pull at it, you get firmer and firmer.  I'm now sucking, sucking you deep into my mouth.  Can you feel the back of my throat?  I can damn near swallowing you down the back of my throat.I think.......you may be ready now, otherwise, soon you would be cumming right into my mouth.  It is a decision that must be made.  Sent at 2:31 PM on Wednesday  Rich:  As I feel my orgasm comimg on i quickly pull it out of your mouth...I don't want to cum yet but don't know how long i can hold off... i have you lay on your back and open your legs...i start kissing your thighs and slowly work my way to your lips...i lick them and taste the warm sweetness flowing out...you grap the back of my head and push my face firm onto your pussy... my tongue completely disappears  Sent at 2:37 PM on Wednesday  me:  You know it's good, when I arch my back.  My  body is heating up and I start to quiver.  All I want to do is feel you now because it's driving me crazy.  Sent at 2:43 PM on Wednesday  me:  So you ease up, and keeping all body contact come between my legs.  As I feel you begin to glide in this sweet, creamy wetness, I'm already squealing, because I have been waiting for this.  Sent at 2:45 PM on Wednesday  me:  When you get in, you press my shoulders to the ground to stop me from squirming.  You have total control.  Sent at 2:46 PM on Wednesday Rich:  While i have your legs pressed against my shoulds i hold your legs and thrust deep and hard... i start to break out in a sweat and ease off not wanting to cum right away... i take it out and take two fingers easing it slowely in you ass... i take some lube and lather up my hard cock... i wait for you to take control  Sent at 2:53 PM on Wednesday  me:  I roll you over and get on top.  If it is the ass you want, then I'll turn around and give you the ASS shot.  I sit on and ease it in, you push, and I flinch but I don't back down.  Once you are in.  I begin to ride while I play with my pussy from the front side.  I like to do circles and then up and down.  You are taking it like a sport, so I move forward to make you sit up.  my knees are wide, but I'm still sitting low and you start pump, but I stop you, because I may be in a submissive position but I still have control.  Sent at 3:01 PM on Wednesday  me:  So I show you by wrapping my legs behind you, with my back still facing you and I show you how I ride, hands flat on the ground, ass completely against you and your dick  Sent at 3:04 PM on Wednesday  Rich:  holy cow my dick is hard as a rock right now! I may to go to the bathroom here...don't think i can wait...  Sent at 3:05 PM on Wednesday  me:  And I feel you, trying to hold onto dear life, you don't want to cum, but I'm not letting you go.  you are gripping my waste and I am feeling the head of your dick pulsate.  It's the feeling I live for....when you begin to throb.....that nut, that nut.  I clinch my pussy muscle back and forth pulling it out of you.......until you have NO CHOICE!  Sent at 3:09 PM on Wednesday  Rich:  Just before i can explode in your ass i push you up and make you stand up while you are still bent over. I stick my tongue in your ass and lick it all over while i finger your pussy. you grab my cock and stick it in your mouth...i can feel the orgasm coming from my toes up with every stroke in your mouth...it's coming now and I can't stop it this time!!! I brace myself and tell you i'm cumming....then it shoots out and into your mouth...  Sent at 3:13 PM on Wednesday  Rich:  how is your pussy feeling right now? lol...you as wet as i am hard  Sent at 3:15 PM on Wednesday me:  And I swallow  Rich:  hmmm...my kinda girl  Sent at 3:25 PM on Wednesday  me:  I stand up, lick my lips, pick up my bottle of wine purchased before this encounter, hop in my car and pull off.  You return home, like it never happened.  Until.......I see you again........  Sent at 3:27 PM on Wednesday   He continues to want to message me, after he has had to leave his desk at his work place to go to the bathroom to relieve himself.  He begs to meet, just as he's been doing for the few years, fantasizing about this spectacular Caramel Coffee Coochie.  Dutch Chocolate I call him....Just a little Dutch boy who fantasizes about being the milk in my coffee.  Off course, just like the last line, I leave, because you don't make yourself available, to the unavailable unless we both can benefit, and I'm good over here.     Publication Date: November 7th 2016 https://www.bookrix.com/-njoyabl
Samemia Taylor Maids With Benifits prologue "I know your motives and you know mineThe ones that love me, I tend to leave behind.If you know about me and choose to stayThen take this pleasure and take it with the pain" -The Weeknd~Love Me Harder ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"   Hannah! Oh dear god! I thought you payed the bill?" I frown at my mom's worried face. "I payed half like you told me to mama." She realized my voice seeked the truth abd sighed. "Oh, right. Hannah, honey...I'm sorry. I'm just scared that we are going to get put out." I placed my arms around her body. "Mama. You work four jobs. Maybe you should just let Uncle Wilbert take care of us. Every place I apply to they are too full. You come home and look so stressed out. He offers every single day. Hear him out." I rubbed the small of her back. "No! Goddamnit! I'm fucking grateful witg what we have. You're Uncle is a stuck up, stingy, nobody who only cares for himself." She threw her reading glasses down and stood up. "Don't forget to call that place we was looking at yesterday. I'm going to hit the hay sack. Bye. I love you." She rubbed my bleach blond hair, kissing it. I whispered a I love you back too. The sound of the creaking tiles fainted as soft wood slammed into more wood. I brushed my nightgown down and grabbed our house phone. "(573)-555-2109." I whispered to myself, listening to the ten beeps. It rung three times before someone answered it. "Hello?" A deep, raspy voices came out to play. "Um, I w-was calling for the m-maid job." Damn it! Why did I have to stutter when I'm nervous? There was a long silence before he spoke again. "Can you start tomorrow around 8:00 a.m.?" My eyes widen. "Are you serious?! Of course I'll be there tomorrow. Oh thank you!" I smiled, shaking my fist in the air. "If you're one minute late, I will fire you." With those words, he hung up. I stared at the phone and huffed. How rude?!?! Cleaning the kitchen, I checked on mom, watching here whispering breathing whoosh pasted me. Atleast she's relaxed. She hasn't been in so long. If dad didn't take all the money from the bank, we would be ok. I hate looking his way now. He tries to come get me to hang out with him and his teenage wife. She's younger than me. She's not even legal.I closed the door and went to my room. Stuffing myself on my cold bed, I slowly drifted to sleep. Publication Date: May 31st 2015 https://www.bookrix.com/-zzca59ebfe7b655
Andre Le Bierre Curiosity satisfied *new* Thanx to peggysue and my other english fans and readers. This is a brandnew story ... enjoy it! Publication Date: February 20th 2011 https://www.bookrix.com/-lesbiero
SR Hunt Straight to Dessert For love “Jerimiah, I thought you wanted to go to dinner… Have you changed your mind?” “I had something else in mind I wanted to eat,” he whispered, his lips brushing my ear. I stood in front of the closet in my underwear. My dress was in my hands. There were very few occasions I would wear a dress for, but a date with Jerimiah was definitely on the list. I was attempting to look nice, but Jerimiah wrapped his arms around me from behind and began to kiss my neck, distracting me. “If you don’t stop that I’m going to have a hickey.” I tried to sound stern, but he could feel me melting beneath his lips. “Jerimiah…” My voice betrayed me. I was definitely succumbing to him. His hands ran lightly over my skin, leaving electric chills on my stomach, hips, thighs… His fingers went up my arms, tangled and untangled themselves in my hair, caressed my shoulders. Then they were at my bra clasp. I turned around to his devilish smile and green eyes. “Jerimiah, I’m serious, we don’t have time for this if we want to make the dinner reservation. You’re the one that said we should go out.” “Sammy, Sammy, Sammy,” He shook his head as he grabbed my hips and pulled me to him. “Are you saying you want me to stop?” I looked at him in his unbuttoned shirt, his chest and abs showing, his clean shaven face the very picture of a sexy devil’s advocate. What is this? He proposes we go out to dinner, but then does everything in his power to make me want to stay in with him all night? I slapped his butt, trying to make a joke out of the situation to help my will stay strong against the power of his seduction. “Go get dressed, you bum.” He pretended to pout, but I could see the smile in his eyes. I smiled back at him and stepped into my black and white dress. I pulled it over my shoulders and turned around. Pulling my long, curly hair away to reveal my back, I asked him to zip me up. He stepped closer and grabbed the zipper at my lower back. He leaned down and trailed his lips up my back, making them softly linger over my skin, the zipper following him up. He felt the chills roll through my body, and kissed me tenderly between the shoulder blades. “Jerimiah, you know I’m very ticklish.” I whispered as the zipper finally found its way to the top of the dress. He chuckled. “Oh, yes. I am quite aware.” I rolled my eyes, glad he couldn’t see them, before stepping out of his reach to get my shoes. I may have to put on a dress, and Jerimiah may be a foot taller than me, a towering 6’4” over slightly-less-than-average 5’4”, but I still was not going to wear heels. I bent over to slip my feet into my flats, noticing that Jerimiah was watching my ass with his head cocked and his hands in his pockets. I stood up, playfully exasperated. “Enjoying the show?” He cocked an eyebrow at me, that devilish grin still in place. I sighed with a smile of my own. “Would you please get ready? You’re killin’ me, man.” “I’m always ready for you, honeybun.” He started to take off his shirt, and I knew if I didn’t stop him, there would be no way we’d be leaving the house tonight. Or probably most of the next day. “Sweetheart, let me lay it out for you,” I walked over to him and grabbed his shirt before he could take it off. Pulling it back into place and straightening the collar, I began to button it. “If you don’t get dressed for our dinner now, I won’t get undressed for your dessert later. Ok?” His lips fell open a little as he stared at me walking away. I had caught the slight fidget of his hands, and I had to leave the room or else the dress I had just put on would very soon find itself on the bedroom floor. I walked to the garage door and grabbed my bag, slinging it over my shoulders. My satchel didn’t really go with my dress, but it was my favorite, and I took it everywhere. I hoped I didn’t look too ridiculous with it as Jerimiah came down the stairs; shirt buttoned and tucked in place. I smiled and walked to him. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and said, “Mon amour, tu es tres beau.” Jerimiah shook his head, noticing the switch to French. “You’re not nice.” “How many times do I have to tell you, mon cher?” I touched his nose with the tip of my finger. “Nice girls are no fun.” He chose to ignore the continued use of French, and fingered the leather strap of the very Indiana Jones-esque satchel hanging from my shoulder. “Do you always get this dressed up?” “Tonight’s a special occasion.” I winked at him and did an about-face. Grabbing his hand, I pulled him through the door. We climbed in the car, buckling in. Jerimiah smiled at me in the dark. “Here we are.” He placed a hand on my thigh. “Yes, here we are. And we need to be somewhere else, so… if you could just put the Camaro in reverse that would be smashing.” Jerimiah stuck his tongue out at me, which I returned before he shifted gears. Before I knew it, we were flying down the streets of Las Vegas, the lights of homes, apartments, and businesses flying by in a color light show in time with our music. I reached over and grabbed his hand, pulling it into my lap and tracing the lines of his palm with my fingertip. He closed his fingers around my hand, entwining them. We drove through the streets like that, singing and laughing. Our laughter faded when the playlist ended, bringing a pleasant silence. I bit my lower lip, thinking and smiling as I looked out my window. Jerimiah was watching me out of the corner of his eye, a small grin playing on his lips as his thumb stroked my hand. I could tell he wanted to say something. I looked at him and smiled. “What?” I asked. “What, what?” He smiled back. “You’re looking at me funny,” I retorted. “So what’s up with that?” He shrugged. “I was just thinking, I guess. I didn’t know I looked funny when I thought. I’ll try to keep my thinking to a minimum from now on.” I rolled my eyes and watched as Jerimiah’s finger twitched once on the steering wheel. He cleared his throat. “You know, dinner is overrated. The stars, on the other hand… The stars are beautiful tonight.” I looked at him and slowly shook my head. “Jerimiah, we’re in Las Vegas.” I pointed out the window to the sky. Light pollution killed any chance of sighting more than a few of the twinkling things. “What stars?” Without missing a beat he placed his hand on my thigh, smiled and said, “The stars in your eyes.” I opened my mouth for a rebuttal, but instead I high fived him. “I’ll give you props, that was a good one.” He high fived me back, smiling, and said, “Thank you, but, seriously, I’m not in the mood to be around a ton of other people. I just want to be around you. Who needs dinner? I’d rather go straight to dessert…” “Sweetheart,” I stopped him there and gestured to my entire body, “I put on a dress for this. Shit just got serious.” He laughed at me, placing his hand back on my inner thigh, this time under the dress. Throwing me a roguish smile as his fingers moved sensually over my skin, he said, “Honeybuns, I know you hate dresses, and I’d hate to make you do something you don’t want to do, so how about we get you out of that as soon as possible?” I had a decision to make. Have sex with a very attractive man whom I love, or go to some fancy dinner. Well, when I put it like that… I grabbed his arm and slowly pulled it to me, making his hand on my thigh slide farther up my leg. When his fingertips hit the fabric of my undies, he brushed me through them, making my legs clench as my breath came in sharp. His fingers stroked the fabric slowly once, then twice more, each time sending a wave of excitement through me, but when his fingers began to slide under the edge of them, I said in a light breath, “Perhaps we should go home or pull over or something?” His fingers stopped their progression as he frowned slightly. I smiled at him. Logic: the ultimate mood killer. Suddenly, he flipped a hard left, throwing me into the door and making the tires squeal. He pulled the U turn, and then sped back down the streets we had just driven through like a mad man on a mission. I held on to my seatbelt, laughing with delight. We pulled up to the house in no time. I had barely unbuckled my seatbelt by the time Jerimiah had my door open. I stepped out of the Camaro, and Jerimiah closed the door. Before I could take a step, Jerimiah’s arms came down on either side of me to hold on to the car, preventing me from going anywhere, trapping me between his body and the car. I began to say some sarcastic remark, but the eager press of Jerimiah’s mouth on mine silenced all thoughts. I reached up and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him even further down to my level. He picked me up, not wanting to stoop. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he carried me to the house, and to his room. Once in his room, Jerimiah laid me on this bed. I threw my flats and satchel to the floor as he took off his tie and kicked off his shoes. I watched with a grin as he began to hastily unbutton his shirt. I began doing to the best impression I could of thumping music. He started to catch on, and soon he was swinging the shirt above his head and flexing his abs. I laughed through my poor beat boxing as he began to slowly unbutton his pants in a strip tease fashion. Then I got up on my knees and opened my arms to him. “Ok, enough playing around. You have five seconds to get me out of this ridiculous dress.” “Five, four, three, two, one,” He counted down as he crawled over to me, wrapping his arms around me and slowly sliding the zipper down. “Well, the dress is still on. What will you do to punish me?” I shimmied out of the hated clothing and began to nibble and lick Jerimiah’s ear as he laid me on my back, whispering into it, “Vous avez une longue nuit devant vous. I’ll have you begging for forgiveness.” I watched as his eyes shifted from their gray-blue to green, relishing the change. My breasts tingled as Jerimiah removed my bra and nuzzled my neck. His fingertips slipped onto my panty line, bringing them down around my legs and off, where they fell to the floor. I sighed as he kissed my ears, running his lips from the lobe, down my neck, and over my shoulder. The heat and pulse of arousal was strong between my legs. I wanted him so badly. His hand roved to my inner thigh and began to lightly linger over the skin. Slowly, his hand ran upward. He brushed my core, making me wiggle and gasp beneath his body. But his hand continued up, brushing over my hips, lightly tickling my belly, swirling around my nipples. Meanwhile, his lips moved in the other direction. He kissed my nipple as his fingers tangled themselves in my hair. I sighed pleasurably. His hands ran down my body, ending up on my ass. His head began to move south. He kissed my stomach and ran his lips over it, his breath warm and the lightness of his lips on my flesh giving me goose bumps. His lips got to my hips, kissing them softly… …when the ringing of the doorbell halted his progression lower. He froze mid kiss, then burrowed his face into my stomach as I ran my fingers through his short hair, laughing. He sighed, exasperated at the interruption. “Just ignore it,” he said into my stomach, giving me another soft kiss there. An urgent knock thumped on the front door, making him tense up again. He looked up at my smiling face. I quickly stood, Jerimiah reaching after me, and put on his shirt. Buttoning it, I said, “Ne vous inquiétez pas. I’ll get it.” He frowned at me. “Dressed like that? What if it’s one of my friends?” “Then I can’t wait to see the expression on their face,” I retorted as I headed for the bedroom door. Before I could twist the door handle, Jerimiah was up, his hand on the door preventing me from opening it. He cleared his throat as he reached for his pants. “No, no. I’ll get it. You just sit down on my bed and relax, Sammy.” I smiled at him, releasing the door handle. Another fervent knock on the front door sounded, and Jerimiah growled as he stepped into his pants. I walked slowly back to the bed as Jerimiah stepped out of the room. As I lay on the covers I could hear the sounds of the door opening and mumbled voices conversing. A few moments later, I could hear the click of the dead bolt, and Jerimiah walked into the bedroom. He had barely closed the door and locked it before he was on the bed, kissing my smiling lips and fingering the buttons of his shirt I wore. I ran my hand over his pants, brushing his erection through the fabric. As he kissed and sucked my neck I asked, “Who was that, sweetheart?” “Do you want to donate to Ron Paul?” he asked between kisses. I laughed and answered with a kiss, pulling his lips to mine as he undid the last button on the shirt I wore. I wiggled out of it and threw it aside as he wrapped his arms around me and rolled onto his back, pulling me onto his chest. He kissed me passionately. Then, I tried to move but he held me fast. I pushed against his chest, laughing. He smiled and said, “Oh, I’m sorry, did you want to go someplace?” “Go someplace? No. Go down on someone? Yes.” “I do believe that I was just about to do that very thing to you, was I not?” He still held me to him as he rolled over onto his side. Now we lay side by side, chest pressed to chest. I wrapped my leg around his, liking the feeling of his hardness pressed against me. His hands ran over my back, finally ending up on my ass, and I relished the way he squeezed it as his tongue explored my mouth in a passion filled kiss. I moved my hips against his, making sure he could feel me brushing against his erection. His hips bucked in response. I nibbled and licked his ear, whispering into it, “I want you inside me. Now.” He released me from his grip and I rolled onto my back, looking at him through my loose, dark curls. He brushed them out of my face and kissed my temple. “Your wish is my command, goddess of fire. I am your humble genie.” I reached out to him and unbuttoned his pants, sliding them down and off. I couldn’t help but stare at him, taking in the man before me. He looked magnificent… his beautifully handsome face with his impossibly seductive and intriguing eyes, his cut and sculpted body, his hard manhood hungry for the lust and passion that waited. I loved this man with all of my body and heart. And I wanted him like I’d never wanted another. I hungered for him. And he fed that hunger. He kissed my lips sweetly, and then pulled back. He stood at the edge of the bed, grabbed my hips, and pulled me to him. He stared into my eyes, watching the reaction there and listening to my gasp as he inserted himself slowly into me. He could feel my initial tighten as my back arched, and he let me stretch to take in his impressive size. He leaned forward and kissed my stomach sweetly, listening to my light breath as he ground his hips into mine, making me gasp in pleasure at the movement. I closed my eyes as my head rolled back. He trailed his tongue from my hips to my nipple, still grinding into me, then he looked up and said, “Sammy, open your eyes. Look at me.” I did just that, staring into his eyes that I loved so much. I wrapped one leg around his waist as he pulled out to his tip, and then slowly slid back in. My gasp was light and I squeezed his hips with my leg. I whispered, “Yes, Jerimiah.” He pulled out and thrust again, lingering in me. He said softly, “Say it again. Say my name again.” Through my gasp of pleasure I said, “Oh, Jerimiah. Jerimiah…” He fed off of my reactions, his thrusting becoming harder, but still lingering within me. I wrapped my other leg around his waist. My fingers clawed at the covers as I used the squeezing and pull of my legs to tell him I wanted to go faster. He complied. My moans rose in volume as he deftly thrust, hitting all the right spots. Pleasure rolled through my body as my brown eyes stared into his green ones. I moved my hips in time with his thrusts; getting the most satisfaction possible out of each movement. Jerimiah held on to my hips, making sure they couldn’t move. He wanted me to have only what he gave me. And, oh, he was generous. My breath was light and quick, interspersed with gasps and moans as I whispered his name. He leaned down and kissed my throat and shoulders, wrapping his arms around me. I put my arms around his neck as he lifted my chest to his. He knelt on the bed, holding me, sucking and kissing my shoulder and neck as he pumped into me. My thighs squeezed his hips. I ran my fingers through his hair, gripping onto it with one hand and clawing his shoulder blade with the other. I moaned into his shoulder as each pleasurable wave rolled through my body, my heaving chest pressed against his. Damn, he was good at this… He knew I wanted friction, craved speed. That’s why he slowed down. He didn’t want to feed my want just yet. His pumping slowed as he listened to my bitter sweet moans and gasps, each one punctuated by my heaving breaths. I grabbed the sides of his head and kissed him passionately. He lay down on his back as I kissed him. Now my legs gripped his waist as I straddled him. I ground into him, rocking my body into his. His hips bucked beneath me, still hungry. I tried to go faster, but his hands led my hips, making them keep a slow rhythm. Because of the linguring speed, I could feel every sensation, every movement… The sounds that escaped me were that of sweet pleasure and desire. I closed my eyes as I moaned, and Jerimiah sat up. He kissed each eye. “Sammy, please. Open your eyes.” I did as he bid, letting him see how intense he made my pleasure, how hot he made my desire. He kissed my lips passionately wrapping his arms around me and again getting onto his knees. He pumped into me again a few times, letting me feel how hard I made him. Then, he turned me around, deciding to finally feed my craving for friction. Now with me on my hands and knees, he grabbed my hips, holding me in place as he thrust and pumped. He reached down and rubbed my clit between his fingers as he did this, drawing screams of passion and pleasure from my throat that sounded foreign even to me. He was drawing my pleasure from me like only he could. He could feel me clench and shudder. He turned me onto my back and leaned over me, holding himself up by his hands braced on the bed next my shoulders. He kept the speed up, wanting me to come hard. One of my hands gripped the back of his head, holding onto his hair, while the other clawed at the covers of the bed. Jerimiah grabbed my hips, pulling them off the bed and getting a steeper angle, going as deep as possible into me. That was too much. I closed my eyes, arching my back, and screamed with insane pleasure as I came hard. Jerimiah fed off my reactions, fed off the energy. He came with me. He collapsed beside me. He took a moment to catch his breath, then he turned his head to me, smiling. I stared back at him for a moment. Then, I couldn’t help but let out a small laugh. “That was…” “Wow.” He finished the sentence for me. “Yeah… wow.” We both chuckled as he put his arm around me, pulling me to him. I rested my head on his chest and laid my arm across his abs, hooking my leg around his. He held me close to him as we enjoyed the simple pleasure of being near each other. I sighed as he kissed my forehead. He brushed the hair out of my eyes and tucked it behind my ear. He whispered to me, “I love you, Sammy.” I smiled to myself, feeling the butterflies that never went away when he said that. “I love you too, Jerimiah.” We lay close to each other, listening to the rhythm of the other’s breathing. I smiled, enjoying the moment. I started humming to myself and felt Jerimiah’s chest rise up and down as he chuckled noiselessly. He recognized the tune. I sang the first part in little more than a whisper as he traced a pattern on my shoulder with his fingertip. “Lord Almighty, I feel my temperature risin’…” Jerimiah picked up the next part on cue, “Higher and higher, it’s burnin’ through to my soul… Girl, girl, girl, you’re gonna set me on fire.” “My brain is flamin’, I don’t know which way to go.” I started to tap my foot to our imaginary beat. I was getting ready to belt out the chorus, when the sound of a dying whale startled me. I jumped a bit, confused at the sound, and Jerimiah glanced down at his stomach. “Ahem. Remember when I said dinner was overrated?” He glanced at me. “I lied.” I stared at him for a moment, then burst out laughing. I laid my head back on his chest and snuggled to his side, nestling in even closer as my chortles died away. “You should order some pizza, because if you don’t lay here and hold me, I’ll be very upset with you.” “Yes, ma’am,” he said as he leaned over to the nightstand, grabbing his cell. He ordered two pizzas and then threw the phone aside. Sighing, I traced the outline of his muscles and drew patterns on his pecs as he held me to his side. My fingertips ran lightly from his belly button, between the contour of his abs and pecs, brushing over the muscles in his neck, and caressed his jawline. He stroked my cheek, smiling at me. His hand ran over my hair, but then he reached for a particularly curly lock that had caught his attention. He pulled it out a bit, watching the curl stretch, then released it, amusing himself by watching it spring back into place. I watched his face as he did it, entertained by his amusement. Suddenly, I caught a light draft over my bare skin and shivered slightly, getting goose bumps. Jerimiah commented, saying, “Why do women get cold at the most random times?” I slapped his chest playfully. “We don’t control when we get cold. And I’m not cold. There’s just a draft… It’s too hot to be cold.” “Sure, sure. I can’t have my woman feeling a draft on my watch, now can I?” Jerimiah reached over and scooped me up into his arms, standing at the same time. It wasn’t difficult to for him to lift me. I was less than half his weight and he was Hercules anyway. He began to walk off with me. “Where are you taking me, baby?” I asked, slightly suspicious of his next antic. He replied, “Someplace warm and wet.” I furrowed my eyebrows until I realized we were walking into the bathroom, and then I laughed. We walked in and he set me down. He turned on the shower, letting it warm up. He sat on the edge of the tub and beckoned me over to him. I ambled over slowly, smiling at him. When I got to him he brushed my cheeks under my eyes with his thumbs. “Sammy, you really do have beautiful eyes.” “Thank you,” I said as I grabbed his hand and kissed the palm. Then I leaned forward and pressed my forehead to his, my eyes opened wide and staring back into his. “What are you doing, honeybuns?” he asked, confused. “Just making sure you get the best view possible, baby,” I rubbed my nose on his. “You’re crazy,” he stated. “Then you’re in love with a crazy person. What does that make you?” I asked. He grabbed the back of my head and kissed my lips sweetly. “Lucky,” he replied. I cast my eyes down and put my hands behind my back. “Aw shucks.” He laughed at me. Then he stood aside and gestured to the running water. “After you.” “No, no, sir. After you.” “I thought you wanted me to get the best view possible. If you go in first, trust me, I will.” “You little devil.” I shook my head as I stepped into the tub, Jerimiah watching me from behind. He was smiling as he followed me in, joining me in the warm water and steamy mist. I wrapped my arms around him as he wrapped his arms around me. Leaning down, he gave me the sweetest kiss, one that sent electric chills through my body. “I told you Sammy, I’m an angel, not a devil.” “Oops, my bad. But somehow, ‘you little angel’ doesn’t have the same ring to it, you know?” I reached over and grabbed the body soap. I handed the bottle to him with a washcloth and turned around. I pulled my hair to the side to expose all of my back. Jerimiah chuckled behind me. He started to wash my back, giving my shoulders small kisses here and there. By the time he had kissed each of the few freckles I had, I knew that had to end. Showers were for getting clean… Not being dirty. I sighed as I turned my back away from Jerimiah’s lips and into the stream of water, washing the soap off. Our eyes made contact and he could see that I wasn’t going to let anything happen in the shower. But I could see his thoughts in his eyes. He was inwardly saying, “Challenge accepted.” He took the washcloth, adding more body soap to it, and began to wash his body. The suds stuck to his pecs, his shoulders, his abs… He was making eye contact with me, smiling only slightly, as he sensually rubbed his body for my benefit. I gulped, shaking a little in the stream of water. He saw my wavering and held the washcloth out to me. “Would you like to handle this?” I closed my eyes, not wanting them to betray me. Of course he’d use innuendo… I took a steadying breath and reached out for the washcloth. I took a step toward him and began to wash his body for him. I ran the cloth over his collar bone, over his pecs, over his abs, saving his ribs for last. He can kiss my shoulders, can he? Try to turn me on? Well, two can play at that game… I stepped even closer to him, my body less than an inch away from contact with his. I tossed the washcloth to the side and put body soap directly on my hands. I looked up into his eyes as I reached around him on both sides, making sure my body didn’t quite touch his. My hands started at the back of his ribs, and I slowly brought them around to the front. Jerimiah’s hands began to fidget. I ran my hands back over his ribs again, this time front to back, letting my chest press against him and still staring into his eyes as my arms wrapped around him. We stayed like that for a moment, and then I released the embrace. However, Jerimiah’s arms engulfed me, holding me to him again. He kissed my lips with passion and force, showing how much he wanted me. He kissed my neck and knelt as his lips ran over my body. I stepped away from him, back into the stream of the water, leaving him kneeling there. “Sammy, where do you think you’re going?” I smiled at him. “The pizza will be here soon. We should get out.” He grabbed the back of my thighs and smiled at me. “Then I’ll just have to be quick,” he said as he kissed my thighs. I closed my eyes. It would be so easy to give in to him… But this was an exercise of will. I would not cave. I would stay strong. Stepping away from him, I told him to rinse off as I stepped out of the tub. He looked after me with disappointment all over his face. I smiled back at him. “You can wait until after you’ve eaten some pizza, can’t you?” “Pizza can wait until after I’ve eaten some pu…” he closed his eyes and shook his head. “Fine. I’d wait forever for you, honeybuns.” “I’m not asking you to wait forever, baby. Just a little while longer,” I wrapped the towel around me then smiled at him. “Just a little while longer.” Text: SR Hunt All rights reserved. Publication Date: June 9th 2012 https://www.bookrix.com/-srhunt
Dave O'Hare Two Naughty Short Stories The Alleyway The alleyway was dark and smelt a bit. the few dimmed lights shone and reflected in puddles as it had been raining for the past few days creating that sleazy feel to the night.   I walked, well more tottered, along the wet street towards the darker middle section. The wind whipped along between the faceless walls of the building and chilled me to core. I was so inappropriately dressed for being here. Five inch red patient high heeled shoes adorned my feet, which in turn were encased in nude stocking with that oh-so-sexy black seam that ran up the back of my legs and disappeared enticingly under my red micro mini skirt. The skirt was tighter than I would ever normally consider wearing usually, it showed the bumps of my suspenders in such a naughty way. My top was slightly cropped and had the embroidered letters S L U T on it., it was low cut enough to the point that you could clearly see the lace of my bra and the swell of my tits.   Here I was a mother of two dressed like a street walking whore in a sleazy alleyway, my earring were huge looped ones, my lipstick a scarlet colour. The colour of sin. Eyes heavily coated in mascara, shadow and a tinted glitter coated my face.   Under my micro mini skirt I was bare. Literally. My pussy was shaved and I wore no undies, what was I thinking? The wind blowing teased my naked flesh and was a constant reminder of what I was here for.   I saw a movement ahead of me, just fleeting but nevertheless a movement. I stopped, as a shiver ran down my spine. Looking down I composed myself with a few deep breaths. The neon lights shone and the silver chain on my ankle caught their reflection and mocked me. It seemed to say 'Come on slut, you know what you need to do'.   I began my walk, the click click of my heels echoed along the empty alleyway. There it was again, a movement ahead of me. This time I continued along, inspired by the tingle between my thighs. Could I really be getting turned on by being here? Was I losing my mind? We'd soon see.   The alleyway was becoming darker and more nerve-wracking as I walked down. I shivered, not from the wind but this time from a underlying fear.   The click click of my heels was now the only noise apart from the thumping of my heart in my ample chest.   Suddenly behind me there was a movement, a voice whispered. "How much for a quick fuck?" I froze. Coolly, well as coolly as I could muster I stood and replied "£50 for a fuck, £40 for a blowjob £80 for both, but you get nothing without a condom". My voice sounded shaky and full of nerves to me. To the man behind me it must have sounded good because his hand touched my hip as he answered "I'll take both"   His hand was now on my shoulder as he walked past me, but it was pressing down letting me know what he wanted. My legs began to bend and in no time at all I was on my knees on the cold, hard wet floor. I prayed my expensive stockings would not be ruined.   "Take it out then" he ordered as he towered over me. My left hand reached to his zip and I slowly pulled it down. I made sure I made it slow, for him it was a tease, for me it was putting off the inevitable. Then it was open, I unbuckled his belt, and undid the button and his trousers began to slip downwards. To my surprise he shuffled back away from me to the wall. I stood again and followed.   "Money?" is all I could say as my heart was trying to beat right out of my chest he reached to his now sliding trousers and handed me four crisp £20 notes. "Straight out of the cash point I see". He chuckled, the ice almost broken for an instant.   I stepped forward and began to slip his black boxers down freeing what he wanted me to play with. It wasn't huge, neither was it small, it was … well it was average. I clasped it in my hand and began to slide my left hand up and down the shaft slowly. I looked down again and gulped. I saw my wedding rings in the garish neon lights, the diamond caught my eye first, then the other two rings my husband had given me in the past. Guilt washed over me and my hand paused on him. It twitched in my hand bringing me back from the memory of past days. Of each day that the rings went on my hand.   His hands went to my shoulders and began to press down, until I was crouching facing his cock. I moaned hoping he would take it as being a sign of desire, but for me it was a groan of defeat. I had never been a lover of giving oral yet here I was crouching in a dark wet alley being paid to put this cock in my mouth.   I leant forward and the head brushed my sinful scarlet lips, I slowly parted them and licked them for show. I heard him draw in a sharp breath as my open wanton mouth slid over the head and along the shaft. My right hand slipped below him and held his balls, if he began to force the issue a swift tug would hopefully resolve the problem. Back and forth slid my mouth coating him in my saliva making it glisten in the lights. His breathing became more laboured and I sped up. I really didn't want him to cum in my mouth. I hated the taste and the way it splashed into my throat made me gag.   His hand went to the back of my head and he started to buck into my mouth, I felt it begin to expand a little. In my head I thought 'Times up pal' and I pulled down on his balls and his cock out of my mouth, as it exited it gave an audible plop. Had I been actually sucking it rather than just using it as a hole for him to use?   He took his hand off my head and took my left hand in his. Gently, he helped me from my crouching position to stand in front of him. Without thinking I moved in and pressed my lips to his and forced my tongue into his mouth. He groaned in his throat with pleasure.   I felt my right hand moving along his shaft, and I had not realised I was jacking him off. This was scary. A brief draught of wind swept along the dark alleyway and hit my pussy as if destined just for me. It was then I found that I was wet. No I was soaked, my lips had engorged and parted invitingly. The wind had hit my inner lips, I was that turned on.   I jumped as I felt a finger slide into my wetness, he was getting his money's worth out of my body. My left hand gripped his wrist and I didn't push it away I held it. Oh God what am I doing, I'm holding his hand to my pussy and he is fingering me. A second finger found it's way into me and I gasped air into my lungs as I had not realised I had been holding my breath. He chuckled as I started panting and shaking on his hand. I felt my telltale sign deep in my stomach, it was spreading throughout my loins, taking up my whole lower half. I threw my head back and gripped his shoulders for support as my legs began to buckle, this cum was not supposed to be happening. It was wrong, I was here to do this, not enjoy it. He seemed to know I was on the brink of cumming when he yanked his fingers free of my sopping pussy and the cold air filled my insides intensifying the feeling.   I quickly regained my composure, as best I could. I was here for his pleasure, not mine. I stepped back a pace or two and nodded to him to look down to my skirt. I raised the hem slowly and seductively showing the suspenders and stocking tops. My right hand held the skirt and my left hand reached for the condom strategically placed in the stocking top. From here he could also see my highly charged and inflamed pussy, a pussy he would soon be inside.   Gently I took the condom and opened the package, slide it out and moved to him. I crouched and his cock was in my face.  I pushed out my tongue to lick the tip and it jumped at my touch. I formed an O with my lips and slid him in past my scarlet lips. He managed a rumble in his throat and I removed my mouth from him reaching up I rolled the condom along his shaft ensuring the tip had some excess to capture his cum. I seriously didn't need any accidents doing this.   Once his cock was fully encased in it's latex coating I gave it a few strokes to encourage him as I stood up. He moved me to the wall and pressed my back against it, the wall was rough and hard as I suspected the sex that I was about to have would be. His right foot nudged my left foot aside to force me to spread my legs, to be able to gain access to his 'paid for' possession.    I could feel his breath on my neck as his cock nudged between my outstretched legs. He was having trouble find his prize. My left hand snaked down between us and gripped his cock. My left hand adorned with wedding rings, he missed the irony guided him in to my soaking pussy. One thrust and he was balls deep inside me and beginning to thrust powerfully in and out. I could hardly believe the power in his thrusts inside me. My pussy started gripping him and the friction wore down my resolve, I felt that feeling building again in my pussy making my body betray me and make me reach a climax. He sensed my onrushing climax and thrust even harder into me. His pelvic bone smashed repeatedly against my engorged clitoris and then it hit me. It washed over me and I shook uncontrollably. I could feel his cock swell inside me and the latex filled inside me.   His face was implanted into my neck and I hoped he would not leave marks on me. Slowly he shrank and slipped out of me leaving me open, soaking and needing to have my void filled.  I removed the condom tied it in a knot and he whispered "Thank You" before pulling up his boxers and trousers and heading off quickly up the alleyway.   I pulled myself together and reached down between my thighs. I was wetter than I have ever been before, indeed my own juices were running down my thighs and dampening my stocking tops.  I dropped the condom in my bag, yanked my skirt in to a relatively decent position before walking back down the alley to get a taxi home.   I climbed out of the taxi, and looked up at bedroom windows. It was if the whole house and not just the occupants were asleep. Stepping up to the door I opened it carefully, so as not to wake anyone. Once inside I leaned back against the wooden door and sighed, how could I have lost control so badly? I was there to do one thing against my better judgment and my body had betrayed me. It convulsed, shook and it did what I really hadn't wanted to. I orgasmed.   My right foot lifted off the floor and I eased off the high heeled shoe, then repeated the action with the left one. The house was silent, apart from the thumping of my heart in my chest, then stepping forward I headed for the stairs. The first one was ok, but the second one creaked with a deafening sound that I felt sure would wake everyone.   Slowly I crept up the stairs and straight into the bathroom. I stripped naked and hid all my streetwalker outfit in the laundry basket under some towels. I would have to wash them tomorrow so no one could see them and cause me to explain my actions tonight. I filled the sink, and washed my face and removed all traces of my slutty persona.   Once ablutions were over I headed to the bedroom naked. I knew my pyjamas were in the draw next to my bed and hoped to get them on and sleep.   "Are you ok?" a voice in the dark.   "Sorry did I wake you?" I asked back, avoiding the initial question.   "No, I've been awake waiting for you. Why don't you come here and snuggle up?" the voice asked.   "Darling, it's late and I have to go shopping in the morning." I retorted.     "Yeah, I love you and I want you now." the voice said as a hand delved between my thighs, and parted my wet tender lips. Within seconds he was on top of me sliding his cock into me and I came almost instantly. It was intense. It was insane, but here I was laying in bed having reach one of my biggest orgasms ever in an alleyway against a wall, dressed like a streetwalker for £80, and now I was cumming with my beloved husband inside me.  It was all too much to take in, I felt the tingling in my stomach, it grew and grew as he pushed my willing flesh inwards, and pulled it outwards with me gripping his shaft like a drowning man to a lifebelt. The tingling grew bigger and then I came. Wave after wave of ecstasy flooding my body, darkness crashed over me like a huge wave on the shore and retreating taking all my spare energy away out to sea.   "Oh my god" I moaned. "I need to sleep, I need to get the shopping tomorrow" I kept repeating like some mantra.   "Yes darling, and now you have £80 to get something special for yourself" that was the last thing I heard as I drifted into a deep slumber. The Hotel The red high patent heels were pushing my toes into a point, but they were making my legs more shapely which in turn pushed out my bum and boobs. If I was going to be an escort then I might as well l look the part. Crossing my legs revealed the audible swish of stockings rubbing against one each other, it was another outward sign of my task ahead. Black stockings, with a contrasting red seam up the rear that lead under my slinky red dress.   The dress was just above the knee, not enough to be considered to be slutty but short enough to show my legs. Around my waist was a wide black leather belt that clinched my waist and emphasised my breasts. Not that they needed any emphasis as the neckline of the dress showed them off, and even a tantalising glimpse of my red lacy underwear.   The cold wind whipped around my body as I stood on the station awaiting my train to London. I really wished I had more then the thin leather jacket to cover me for this appointment. Two young men sauntered along the platform giving me admiring looks, it was just what did I not need. I was feeling more than a little subconscious dressed as I was.   "Alright love." The tall blonde said as he eyed me up and down. "You got a date for tonight or do you fancy coming out with me?" Although he was attractive, - knew I had an appointment with someone in hotel for at least the next couple of hours. .   "You gotta be kidding Kev, she's way outta you league" his mate chided.   "Fuck off Tony. Just coz I stand more chance with her than you do". Tony laughed quickly adding "Maybe she prefers black guys like me." I had had wondered if the myth about them having bigger cocks was true, but I had someplace else to be. I lifted my left hand and showed my wedding ring adding "Sorry boys." The train entered the platform like a huge metallic snake, and I stepped towards it. My skyscraper heel caught on something and I stumbled, two pairs of young strong hand grabbed me halting my decent to the floor. One of Tony's hands gripped my breasts and the other my upper arm, while Kev had a hand on my arm and the other on my rear. My large breasts threatened to spill out, Tony realised where his hand was and began to stutter an apology. I looked up at him and smiled shyly, then it was my turn to look surprises as my hand was on his crotch, not just my hand, but my hand with my wedding band and engagement rings on it. The irony of what I was going to do, coupled with where my hand was now was not lost on me.   I thanked them and regained my composure and with their hands on my arms I stepped on to the train. I headed for a seat and the two boys joined me, initially I was a little worried, about their intentions, but they to each other about football and girls they hoped to pull. About halfway I caught Tony looking at my legs, well more my thighs, he looked a little guilty then said. "Are you meeting your husband?" What could I say? 'No I'm off to a hotel to fuck a man for money'. I simply nodded with a faint smile on my scarlet lips.   "Well if he stands you up, here's my number." He replied whilst producing business card from his wallet. I was taken aback a little, as he placed it in my hand as he stood up. His friend headed to the door but Tony leant forward and kissed me on the cheek and whispered, "You're very beautiful." Then headed off the train and away with his friend. I was in a quandary as to what to do with the card. Throw it away? Put it in my small handbag? Or keep it and use it someday? Opening the golden clasp I looked at the card once more. Tony Walker, web design and management. Sliding the card to one side of the ten or more condoms, my long scarlet nail flicked the edge of it. Was I really considering keeping it?   All too soon I arrived at the main station where I semi blended in with others, my heels clicked on the stone floor while I received admiring looks from men and sneers from the women. When I arrived at the taxi rank I was lucky to get one straight away, I told the driver the hotel name and address and away we went. Checking my phone I saw the room number. 203, as soon as I memorised the number and the clients name I carefully secured it in my handbag between Tony's card and the condoms. I wonder to myself would the normal sized condoms fit him, especially if the myth was true. As a married woman and mother of two, how could I be in this situation? Thinking what a black mans cock was like, what would my mother say?   The whole journey Mike the driver was looking at me in his mirror trying to work out just what I was doing dressed like this, yet still with my wedding band firmly in place. Before long we drew up outside the hotel. "That'll be a tenner darling" he crowed from behind the wheel. If you ever see a woman in heels and a short dress getting out of a London taxi, you will know there is no delicate way to exit it. Stooped forward, knees bent and tottering I climbed out and opened my bag. I handed him a £10 note figuring that the looking up my skirt and down my top was enough of a tip.   The hard stone floor echoed the click click of my heels as I walk across to the bank of lifts, I wanted to avoid catching the eye of the receptionists or anyone else for that matter. Raising my hand I pressed the 'up' button then stepped back to wait trying to look nonchalant. If security were called, how on earth would I explain why I was there, dressed like this to my family and friends? All too slowly the lift pinged and the doors opened, I stepped in and the doors closed with an audible and foreboding clunk. The mirror inside gave a chance to check my hair and makeup, it was all presentable. It had to be! This was how he wanted me to look; light and dark grey smokey eyeshadow, scarlet lips, black eyeliner and my hooped earrings. Oh and I had to be fully shaved from the neck down, after a good whore pleases her client and gets handsomely paid. A slight jerk and I was at the correct floor, the doors opened and I stepped out into the carpeted corridor. Silently I moved along the carpeted corridor, the butterflies in my stomach had transformed in to huge flying hippos such was my nerves. Eventually I arrived at room 203, now I needed to knock on the door, go in and fuck the man in there. Raising my arm I made a fist and knocked which sent the noise up the corridor announcing my sleazy task.   As if by magic the door click and swung silently open, "Nigel?" I questioned.   "Yes, please come in." He was not a fat old sixty year old nor was he a handsome twenty-something. He was just a normal man, brown haired with some grey in it, slightly overweight but still good looking. Walking past him I put a little swing in my hips and moved a little more slowly. Behind me the door clunked shut and I was alone with my client.   "I'm not sure how this works" he stammered. "£250 for two hours, is that what was agreed?"   He proffered an envelope which contained my fee. Taking it I secured it in my handbag, removed five condoms and then turned to face him.   "Thank you, now let's make you comfortable." I dropped my leather jacket on the chair and sauntered towards him. It was surprising me how easily I was slipping into the role of paid whore. First I untied his tie and unbuttoned his shirt which revealed his hair chest. Leaning in I kissed his neck and chest.   "I want to tie you to the bed." His request took me aback a little. "Can I? I promise that you can trust me, I just want to play with your body and make you enjoy it." I nodded. I had tried this with my husband a couple of times and had loved every moment of it. My new lover removed my dress then gasped as he looked at me. "You are very beautiful." He exclaimed.   His hand encircled my body and drew me to him, our lips met and his hands gently stroked my back as his tongue eased itself between my lips. Gently he unclasped my bra, and his hands drew the straps off of my shoulders leaving just my breasts to hold it in place. Then after kissing my neck he traced his lips over my flesh and my bra slipped to the floor. Lips drew first one nipple then the other in to his warm moist mouth as he feasted upon me. I hardly noticed that we had almost danced to the bed and he was gently lowering me on it. As I laid back he slid his hands along both sides of my body and deftly took my thong down my thighs, the excitement he had built up in me had made me very wet and the thong was almost stuck to my pussy.   "Please," he asked in a low most whisper, "slide up the bed. I want to start our enjoyment." Initially I was a little nervous but his voice and gentle manner had won me over. With just one pillow behind my head, he put the others on the other side of the room and from next to the bed he picked up a black blindfold edged in a scarlet lace. Gently he placed it over my eyes and darkness enveloped me, the elastic was put around the back of my head to secure it. With absolutely no sight, I jumped when he took my right hand and kissed while moving it to the head of the bed. Cold metal circled my wrist and the sound of small clicks signalled that he handcuff was secure. He moved off of the bed and repeated the binding of my wrist pausing only to kiss each finger. My arms were now stretched above my head, naked except for stockings, suspender belt and my high heels, I was now breathing heavily.   I felt his hand remove my left shoe and heard it being placed on the floor then the right was disposed of. My pussy lips were really flooding with blood and I was becoming increasingly wet. Something was wrapped around my left ankle, then it was pulled to the bottom corner where it was hooked to something. Again the gentle touch hooked my right ankle and I was spread-eagled and bound to the bed.   As I lay prone, practically naked and bound I could not hide my excitement. My nipples here hard and I was wet with anticipation. With your eyes blindfolded you are more acutely aware of your surroundings and your other senses are heightened. He was moving around the room and to my right a zip was opened, items were placed on my right them a click. What was it? A camera? I didn't want photos of me like this where my family could see them. No it was not a camera, maybe some sort of bottle.   "I'm going to start with your breasts," he began. Then he started gentle kisses to my nipples. A shiver went through me which increased when his teeth took a hold of it. Again he left my side, before I knew it he was at my left side and again a nipple was drawn into his warm mouth this time by suction. Fingers and mouth worked their magic on me and I felt increasingly aroused, then suddenly it stopped and I was left panting on the bed.   A cupboard door was opened, and I strained to hear anything. A rustle and a glass having ice dropped in it echoed around me. Searing shock coursed through my body beginning from my left nipple, he had teased it with an ice cube. The sensation repeated with the right nipple as ice was rubbed there too. Then his warm mouth closed over the left one and his teeth held it and began to pull, she sensation was like electricity passing through my nipples. I shook from my inner core and my body twisted from side to side. Ice returned to do its worst, first one then the other. Fingers pinched my left one and pulled it, their warmth easing the chill I had been feeling. Then a strange sensation of something not quite so cold but hard pressing it from to side. The pressure grew on it and it became painful, yet not in a bad way. The other nipple was given the ice, fingers and then the pressure and I struggled to breath as the sensation were leaving me breathless. Then it happened both of my nipples were being pulled at the same time with the same pressure. Nipple clamps and a chain! That's all it could be. My pussy throbbed and I could actually feel the wetness leaking from me.   Then it happened. A jolt of shock tore throughout my body starting in my pussy and had me convulsing on the bed tearing wildly as the restraints. A long wet cock shaped piece of ice had been inserted into me and I could feel my body reacting to it. A hot tongue flicked itself across my clit and I thrashed around like I was in the throws of some kind of fit. The ice was pulled from me and was replaced with a thick vibrating rubber toy. The vibrating pushed my climax even closer, and I spilled over the edge into orgasmic darkness when I felt the chain attached my tender nipples tugged in four or five rapid movements.   As I came too, I was momentarily disorientated and panicked when I was not able to move. Then I remembered where I was and why. Just how had I gotten myself into this position? Tied to a bed, being sexually played with for the amusement of a man who was paying to use my body. Quietly I moaned 'oh God' to myself. "Ah you're awake." He said. Did I detect a note of care in his voice? Why would he care! I was just there for his sexual enjoyment. "And now we shall continue." He voice could not contain his excitement and I felt a warm breath on my thigh. His lips brush my bare shaven lips a tongue flicked between the heightening my arousal. A finger slid into and I shivered visibly then it was withdrawn leaving me empty and almost wanting him to do it again. Of course it did - over and over a finger was pushed inside me then a few short thrusts only to be withdrawn repeatedly. Then a finger entered and another one slid in causing a slight squelching noise and the two fingers worked in and out of me. A third finger was added making arch my back in ecstasy. He was stretching me, making my once tight pussy open, loose and wide. Would I be too loose for my husbands cock? Who knows? I wondered if Tony's big black cock would fit easier now my client was stretching me.   As he pumped my obscenely wet pussy, I panted trying to hold back my orgasms, my second of the night. Then I was empty, his fingers were gone. I imagined how I looked down there, surely I must be red and gaping wide and open, my thoughts were interrupted by the chain between my nipples being tugged. This further edged me towards orgasm number two, biting my bottom lip I tried to stem the flow of my excitement. I only failed when I felt something touch my pussy lips. Small explosions went off in my stomach and radiated outward engulfing my entire being. My husband had never made me cum like this. A third orgasms began to rear it's head as something long, hard and very very thick entered me. I was being stretched, opened, almost violated. Never had anything this big entered my body before, only exited when I had given birth. Orgasm three tore my mind from my body and it all went silent.   Again I came to, and I could feel that my pussy was still full of the toy he had been using. Whimpering I begged him to be gentle. All around me was silent, was he still there? Had he left me tied to the bed? Would some poor unsuspecting maid find me? Would they call the police? How the fuck would my family deal with the news I had been found bound and blindfolded on a bed, dressed only in stockings and suspenders and with a large rubber cock thrust in my distended pussy? The dildo in me began to move, sliding ever so slowly out. My pussy now gripped it and on it's outward path, it felt like it was dragging me inside out. The movement was torture, it took what felt like hours until it ws just the head in me, and there it rested. Beads of sweat ran off my brow, and down my face as I waited for the next thing to be done to me. A cool breeze swept over me, then I felt the dildo move slowly inwards, it passed the point my husbands cock could reach, then hit the depth my toy we used reached, then it hit virgin territory. Lights flashed in my eyes and began to cum again. Another powerful crescendo, my body convulsing wildly. My pussy clamped on the dildo and had it been human flesh I would surely have hurt it. Al the while blew cold breaths on me. Then with no warning he began to withdraw the toy, not to remove it but then pound me hard and insanely fast with it. It was too much and I blacked out.   Sometime later I awoke, I was unbound, unclamped and my pussy was empty. It felt wrong, it shouldn't be empty I wanted it filled. I wanted it stretched. I wanted it used. The room light was dim, but it still stung my eyes. Turning my head he was naked and looking at me laying next to me. "Now I will have you" he whispered. I looked down between my legs and I saw the object that had fired my animal lust. It was huge and now I could see it was black in colour. Rising over me he climbed between my thighs and I widened them to await him. He cock was already hard and covered in a black condom. Leaning forward, cock in hand he smiled whilst leaning over me. "That feels amazing" he said in a hushed yet excited tone.   "I can't even feel you!" I replied. "Are you in?" I enquired. He shuddered and climbed off. In a state of confusion I stared at him. Taking my left hand he twisted my wedding and engagement rings, then smiling told me to go home to my husband. I was exhausted, my arms and legs ached and my pussy was soaking wet and throbbed. He busied himself with the toys in to a bag and before leaving he thanked me. Struggling off the bed I dressed in my bra and drew the thong up my thighs, the moment it touched me I realised how sensitive I was and took it off placing it in my handbag. Into my heels and my dress on I collected my leather jacket and headed to the door.   I hardly noticed anything travelling home until I arrived outside. Our bedroom light was on, which meant my husband might be awake and would see me in my whores outfit. I opened the door and hoped to be quiet enough not to wake him but as I turned to go upstairs he was behind me.   "Nice outfit," he said with little tone in his voice so as I could not gauge his mood. "Did you have fun? You look tired, what or who have you been up to?"   "I want to go up to bed." I stated and walked past him and up and into the bedroom. In an instant he was in the room behind me, door lock and pushing me on the bed. The hem of my dress flared up and my nakedness exposed to his eye.   "You slut, you've nothing on and it's red and ... Oh my God you're gaping open!" He stammered, then he was on top of me and began pumping away. I laid there not feeling him, so I said. "Are you in me? Because ... I can't feel you!" That was the clincher, he moan and pushed against me, spurting in me.   "God that was amazing." He excitedly said as he rolled off me.   "Really?" I asked. "Just now or at the hotel?"   "Both." he said sleepily.   I watched him drift off to sleep and pushed two fingers in me feeling the wet and openness. 'Still,' I thought. 'I have Tony's number if I want to be really filled up.'   Publication Date: July 26th 2015 https://www.bookrix.com/-dn6799b56517655
kathy salto Cougar Diaries Publication Date: August 1st 2011 https://www.bookrix.com/-kathy1947
Tipper Death By Desire A He and She Encounter I'm at my office, as I like to be on Saturday mornings because no one is there and it's quiet. No ringing phones and endless interruptions. I'm dressed informally in faded jeans and a Columbia fishing shirt, shirttail out, Topsiders with no socks. There are no lights on and the office is cool and dark, save the natural light coming in through the front windows. I need a break and walk a few doors down to the cafe. The morning is sunny, the air clear and cool due to a front that passed through the night before. As I enter the cafe, I see her sitting at a table alone, reading the paper. As we've met, we both nod our hellos and I wander over to her table and sit down at her invitation. We talk small talk, laughing frequently, watching the people that come and go and pass by on the sidewalk outside, commenting on some, speculating on others, flirtatious remarks escaping both of us, subtle and delicious. I ask her for a packet of sweet n low for my coffee. As I reach across to receive it our hands touch and mine lingers. We both look at them. I sheepishly look into her eyes in apology, but I see something there. Something passes between us, it is fleeting, like a cloud passing in front of the moon. Nervous moments follow, and I say goodbye and head back to my office. I am back at my desk, still thinking about her, when the front door opens and she walks in. I come to where she is standing, looking down, shuffling from one foot to the other. “Something on your mind”, I ask but I take a chance. I take both of her hands in mine and ask what's the matter. Her answer is a soft kiss on the corner of my mouth that lingers too long. We are soon lost in a torrent of kisses. We are like people trying to slake a deep thirst, but each kiss making us thirstier. Our hands still clasp as we kiss, fingers intertwined at her sides. I move her gently to the wall, still kissing, tongues alive now and playing. Our hands are above her head against the wall, our bodies pressed tightly, her warm womanliness enveloping me. I know she can feel my excitement as she presses against it. I free one hand, and gently caress her face as we kiss. Our mouths constantly moving, searching for new sensations, finding them, rejoicing in them. My hand moves to her neck and my lips soon follow. Soft warm kisses, earlobe nibbles, her breath in my ear is such a turn on. My fingertips brush across her breast, heaving inside her shirt. Then I reach down and pull her shirttails out of her skirt. My hand returns upward, inside her shirt this time, my fingertips teasing the flesh of her tummy with feathery strokes. Fingers upward again, covering her breast, gently squeezing and caressing. Her soft moans in my mouth telling me everything, urging me. She frees her hands and unbuttons her shirt, frees one breast from her bra and takes my face in her hands and kisses me deeply as I touch this bare hot flesh, teasing the nipple so taut and sensitive. Her hands in my hair guide my mouth from her lips to her breast, gasping as I gently kiss and lick and suck. One of my thighs, now between hers, is pushing her skirt up high and I feel her press against it. She is rubbing herself against my thigh, her hips gently rocking. Her hands rubbing the front of my pants, feeling what she is doing to me. She reaches for my zipper, looking into my eyes as she reaches inside for me and wraps her fingers around me. It's so hot in her hand. It's my turn to softly moan as her hand encircles my thick rigid shaft and her fingertips spread the slippery fluids that have escaped me all around the swollen head, especially the edges, that when she touches them, my knees grow weak. She stares intensely into my eyes as she touches me, gathering every clue that escapes them about what I want, what I need. Still gripping me, she sinks to her knees before me, and, as she watches my face, her tongue tip licks the length of me. She moves on to the underside, up to the incredibly sensitive place behind the head, flicking her tongue there, smiling as she does. Then, slowly, incredibly slowly and sensually, she licks all around and over the head, still watching me the whole time. A raspy whisper escapes me, begging her to take it in her mouth, telling her I want to feel how warm and wet her mouth is around it. She encircles the head with her lips and slowly sinks down on it, her tongue lavishing it inside her mouth as her head rocks slowly up and down, her lips forming a tight seal. The feeling is incredible, the sight of it thrilling beyond description. As she does this, her fingernails gently rake the underside of my testicles and her hand cups them gently, bringing me totally under her control. Just as I am close to the point of no return, she stops and looks at me, her eyes smiling, letting me know she loves giving me this gift. After a moment, she starts again, taking me to the edge and stopping. Again and again, to the edge and back. Her other hand is now busy between her legs. I hear the wet sounds there, and feel the muffled moans around my cock as she touches herself. I reach for her hands and pull her to your feet. Standing before her, I unfasten her bra and gently cup her breasts as we kiss again, slowly and sensually, all hormones and moans. I take my time kissing her neck, tracing small lines with my tongue and gently sucking her warm skin. Her perfume fills my senses. My mouth and hands move to her breasts, holding each one in turn and licking circles around the nipples, gently nibbling on them too. I'm sucking them, teasing them with my tongue inside my mouth. Her hands are at my face, caressing it. She moves the hand that had just pleasured her pussy to my nose and I revel in the smell of her sex. She puts each finger in my mouth, one by one, so I can taste her and suck gently on them. Backing her into the wall again, I begin to kiss my way down her body, dropping to my knees at some point. I cover her tummy with small warm kisses while I reach under her skirt and help her out of her panties. Watching, my hand moves up her skirt to feel her slippery wetness and to slide one finger, then two, inside her. I love the sounds she makes and the sounds my fingers make moving in and out as I begin to kiss her legs. Feeling one leg move up on top of my shoulder, giving me access to her inner thighs, I soon covered them in kisses and small licks. Pushing her skirt up to her waist, I see what I want, glistening with wetness. My mouth moves there and I lick it from bottom to top, my lips also kissing those outer lips with gentle tugging kisses. My tongue tip finds her hooded secret place and every time it licks there, she cries out. With one hand, my fingers expose the swollen pink bud and my tongue begins to lick around and over it. With my other hand, I slide fingers slowly in and out of her, feeling the wetness gushing out of her now, covering my palm. I capture her bud in my mouth and gently suck on it, licking around and around it as I do. Her breath is ragged now and her hips are rocking. I can feel a warm tingle that signals what is about to happen to her. Between licks I say, “Yes baby. You know I want you to cum. I want you to cum gripping my head and pressing it into you. I want to hear you when you cum, to know you've lost control and given in to the incredible feeling. Tell me when it's there. I want to know just before. Give it to me.” She says, “Oh yes, all over your fingers, into your palm. I'm begging you, please. I want to feel you deep inside me. Slowly stroking, filling me. Please, I need it. I do, I need it.” I reply, by murmuring “Yes. I want to take you, believe me. But first I wanted you to cum, as you say, all over my fingers, your contractions gripping them, leaving no doubt.” I reach up and let her taste herself on my fingers, then standing, and kissing her deeply, tasting herself on my lips as well. Her hands at my belt, undoing it, jeans dropping, then the boxers. Turning her around, placing her hands on the wall, I feel her press back into me. I tell her, “Not yet..not quite yet.” My arms encircle her, cupping and caressing her breasts, my mouth on her neck and ears, licking and nibbling at them. I pull her skirt up over her waist and slide my aching hardness between her legs, rubbing the head all over her drenched swollen lips as she bends over farther, spreading her legs and begging for it. She's pressing back, taking the head inside and circling her hips, taking it deeper and deeper as my hands grip her hips until it is fully buried in her, gripped by her, milked by her. Our rhythm begins slow, sliding easily in and out, moving in opposite directions, the strokes long and slow, my hands all over her. Soon, our pace quickens, flesh gently slapping on flesh, she looks down and back and watches me move inside her. Our cries are growing louder as we move faster, inexorably closer to release as we pound into each other. Her hand is now between her legs, rubbing faster and faster, telling me she is going to cum again. I am there with her, feeling every muscle tense and my seed start to rise from the depths. She cries out, "NOW baby, NOW" and I feel her start to cum and that takes me over the edge. All motion stops as I explode, my spasms are felt by her muscles that grip as she contracts with me. The hot wetness that has been pent up for so long is filling her now. Still inside her, my arms wrap around her and hold her for long moments, my head resting on her, both of us gasping for breath. Publication Date: June 27th 2011 https://www.bookrix.com/-tipper.top
LadyPixie I fell in love with a Vampire Named Dillon Olivia's Adventure Chapter 1 : Olivia My mom and I moved into quiet little small town of Astoria, Oregon. I am very angry at her for moving me out here... Monday morning my step-father Glen head pop in my doorway. Hey sleepy head you need to get up and get dress because we have a lot of unpacking to do before you head off to school. I groan out throwing my covers over my head. pouting now I heard my door closed and a eerie silence is in the air. I peak out of my cover to see my step -father glaring down at me. What the fuck he said before grabbing my cover clean off me exposing my cream white upper tight.. His hands moved over towards my wrist pulling me out of bed on to my feet. I am shocked at his brute force with me. His icy blue eyes bore into mine. My body shake with fear. He had a deadly look on his handsome face. He never put his hands on me before. I know I could be in trouble at this point. His closes his eyes his body release the intention in his shoulders. He simply let go and turn around walked out of the room. I was daze by what just happen I stand there gaping at the door as my mother past by my room. Olivia seriously put something over the nightgown girl. My mother also growl at me. Oh sorry mother I am about to get dress and go downstairs to get some breakfast. I said quickly moving over to my closet to pick out a outfit for school. I decided to grab a black long sleeve top and black bell button pants. I pull my long ebony black hair back into a long ponytail. Lightly applying my liquid base of makeup. I added more black mascara and liner. My eyeshadow is a pale silver barely invisible to the naked eyes. One last look into the mirror in my own bath. Smoothing down the front of my black shirt then turn around. I grabbed my leather jacket, book bag heading downstairs and into the kitchen. Fresh coffee fulled my nostrils. My stomach growls from hungry. My throat is very dry this morning. I walking over to the refrigerator grab a bagel and cream cheese and the orange juice move over to the toaster. Drinking down my orange juice out of the carton. Olivia My mother screech at me. What? i asked looking at her then back the empty OJ carton now on the counter. Use a glass to drink your OJ damn girl have some manner. She scolded me. She asked why was I wearing all black again for third day in a row. I couldn't help myself. I being to scream at her. BECAUSE MY FATHER DIED THREE DAYS AGO IN TERRIBLE ACCIDENT DAMN WOMAN WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU. I grabbed my thing run out of this stupid house and into my car screeching my tires down the driveway and onto the pave road. My tears blur my vision. My makeup with a mess by time I got at school. I open my glove box to see if i had some napkins to clean my face up. I didn't realize I was the first one at school this morning. A dark midnight blue BMW with tint out window pull in beside me. I saw the most glorious guy climb out onto the paved parking lot. His dark chocolate brown eyes search the school ground before looking at my car. I was done with fixing my makeup and I am smoking a joint before starting this crap day. A tap on my driver side window scared the shit of me. Hurrying trying to put the joint out and spraying some cologne before opening the door. But before could do anything my passenger door opened and that same guy got into my car with a sexy grin on his handsome face. I am speechless I could only stare into his eyes dumbfounded look on my face. He look at the burning joint in my hands took it and inhale the smoke deeply. I smile evilly at him That's my personal sash and it's the best shit around he probably hasn't smoke something this purple crystals bud on my tray on my lap. I watched his face I am ready to see him to cough hard but nothing came but light green smoke coming out of his sexy ass mouth. His eyes never stop searching for something deep in me. His penetrating glance into my aqua blue eyes. Hello My name is Dillon and Who might you be sexy? his right dark brown eyebrow goes up as he asks me. I.. amm Olivi.. i blush from completely embarrassment just that to fall out of my stupid mouth. I poke my moist pink lips together pouting that I did something so stupid in front of this sexy god in from of me. I immediately recover I am sorry my name is Olivia. I just moved here with my pregnant mother and newly step-father I rolled my eyes went I said that. He just laugh at my sarcasm. I am putting away the rest of my sash back into moon shaped box and under my seat it goes. Looking up at Dillon his face features went a little intense I could see. I spray some cherry blossom perfume in the air of my car. He flash me another sexy smile before outing the joint as the Principal Of Astoria High school coming strolling by us. But He stop at looks at us. He is smiling and waving at Dillon. Hey sport I didn't think you would be here this early in the morning son? He gave me curios look before turning back to his oldest son. Dad This is Olivia Storm quickly nodding my head yes. Hello sir, I am the new girl that everyone in this small sweet town is whispering about! I extending my right hand out for a hand shake. He Just give me a odd look before Well welcome to Astoria high school the best in the county. He said with a smile. Well I will see you in the office to get your books and class schedule He said waving at us as he past by. With a strange short black hair girl with ice ocean blue eyes staring right through me. She is younger then me I think walking in his shadow. The parking lot being to fill of with student moving towards the main gate. Dillon stay by me as we walk into the main gate onto the main grounds. Others students move along going to their classes. Dillon told me He will show me the office this morning. I smiled at him and thank him for helping me out toady. We went to the main office I got my class scheduled Dillon grab it out of my hand to look it over. His sexy mouth spread into cheerful grin. I see we have all the same classes together. First period is History it's this way he pointed at the right wing over his right shoulder. We should get going because Ms. Greenly is a old Crone. Who will give out tardy slips to anyone who show up late even if you are the new kid. He said with hard nod. I could see that he was serious so we made our way to her classroom. As we entered that old bitch was at her desk watching her student before the final bell rings and class beings. Her small black deed eyes scan me from head to toe before a toothless grin. Her old nagging voice filled my ears Welcome to Astoria high school. The whole fell into silence as Ms.Greenly tell me to find a seat. I could feel all eyes were on head. They were judging me before They even have spoken to me. I feel so insecure I stare at the floor moving along between the others desks. I found my seat in the back of class with Dillon. Dillon gave a evil look to everyone who was whisper to each other about me. He grab my hand and hold it for everyone to see. The whispering stop and everyone took their seats and class began. ------- Second Period - Math class. I suck in math Why do I have too take this class. I mentally groan to myself before entering into the room. To my surprise I found A young woman setting up the dry ease broad before class begins. I clear my throat as I entered the room. Dillon icy cold hand touch my back of my neck sending delightful chills down my spine. Miss Apple looked up with a sweet smile. Hello Dillon and Who do we have here she pointed at me. Hello I am Olivia please to meet you I said with a innocent smile. Giving her the paper that the office gave to hand out to the teachers telling them I am in their class. Well you may find a seat please. she said motioning towards the empty desks. I moved towards the back on the class room with Dillon on my heels. Taking the last seat next to the huge bay window. Soon the bells rings other student came in a took their seats. A dark headed petite girl strolls into the room. Greeting the teacher as she walks by her. Making her way towards the empty seat next to Dillon. Her dark ebony eyes scans me from head to toe. Her thin lips spread into a small grin on her pale face. She drops her book bag onto the floor. As she sits down in her desk her eyes never left my face. I can clearly see she is searching for something within me? Maybe... What could it be? I thought as Miss Apple begins to speak to the class. Chapter 2 - Olivia Finally school was over for the day. Now I have to go home and face the music with my mother and jerk off of a husband. Quietly walking to my car with my earphones in blasting SO Cold by breaking Benjamin.. I felt a cold hand on my right shoulder look over to my right to see her standing right next to me with a shitty little smirk on her pale face. I wanted to smack it off but I didn't do it. What do you want? I growled at her. She simply laugh at me. I mean seriously laughing at me. What so damn funny I screamed at her. She went silence for a moment Publication Date: March 19th 2012 https://www.bookrix.com/-ladypixie
Terri Ann Collins Midnight Ecstacy's Words of this book are just my own. People, places, and things are porducts of the Authors imagination. A Sexual Desire... The lights were low. She was expecting him anytime. She taken a long bath. Only putting on a Black sheer long shirt. She took a look at herself in the long mirror. Long Blonde hair, Hazel eyes, with specks of gold. Not thin but cuves she supposed were in their right places. Her Breast hung large and Heavy, her nipples were hardend and protruding through her shirt. A knock at the door awakened her from sizing up her body in the mirror. "Come in." She replied. She looked over her right shoulder and grinned at him as he came in. "You don't have to knock, you have a key." "It's polite to knock first." He answered in earnest. Erianna had already felt the heat between her legs. Joshua stood just over six foot. Rich dark hair, Amazing blue eyes, a wide set mouth, and a long hard body. She almost thought she didn't deserve these pleasures. He was a nice guy. Always polite. She always felt to naughty around him until they were both in ecstacy and knew then nice and polite could sure turn into hot and sexy, willing to let go. He and she met in the middle of the living room. Those eyes of his. So mysterious, she never really truely new what he was thinking, even in moments like this. "Anything new?" She asked with a sexy smirk. She was trying to open him up with small talk. "Apparently this sexy see through shirt." he had replied. She did a quick look down to his jeans and realized he was ready, and there was no need for small talk. She stepped over to the front door and locked it. She knew her shirt was short, and when she turned around his eyes had been on her plump, thick ass. Knowing he had been busted he let out a little chuckle. "Come.." she headed to the bedroom and he followed right behind neither saying a word. ************************************************ She watched him undress. For the time being she was leaving her shirt on. She had something different in mind for tonight. She walked over to the table by the bed, opened the drawrer. She pulled out two thick, long, velvety pieces of fabric. "What are those?" Josh questioned. You will soon find out. He eyed her speculatively. A smirk of his own had played upon his face. She placed the two pieces of fabric on the bed and walked towards Joshua. She couldn't help but grab hold of his large hard erection. At the same time he took both of her heavy breasts one in each hand and massaged gently. Erianna began to stroke his erection. Joshua let out a soft moan. He smelled masculine. Strange how each person has their own scent. His was a mixture of musk,and country. It was very hard to discribe but it was wonderful. "So what's with the fabric?" Joshua asked low. "it's your choice. One is to cover the eyes, and the other is to tie wrists or ankles. You can decide which one of us gets to be catered too." Erianna answered still stroking his erection. Joshua was lost in thought. Erianna decided to go down on his erection while he decided. She hadn't pulled this one out of her hat yet and she was a little nervous about a change. She didn't know how he would feel. "Or we don't have to use them." she had said in between tongue strokes. "Just keep that up a minute." Joshua replied under his breath. Erianna got dow on her knees. One hand on his hip supporting her. He was hard. Real hard. Maybe her idea had aroused him more. She didn't know. She did her magic on his erection. She had been told she had given the best head. She didn't know if the men just said that of if they meant it. She could flip her tongue in opposite ways that she knew no others could do. That was her specialty. She swilrled her tongue this way and that way, while taking him in a little at a time. She sucked softly easing him further and further back to her throat. "Don't stop." Encouragement to make her make more movements with her mouth. She grasped the highest part of his erection and held tight as she took him deep. She jerked softly and she slid him in and out. "I'm gonna.." Erianna stopped in mid stroke. She didn't want him to reach ecstacy just yet. Joshua looked down with deep intensity. "So the wraps?" erianna asked. Joshua stared but didn't answer. "Here lay down." Erianna said gently pushing him to the bed. He layd down straight on his back. Erection standing straight in the air. Erianna reached for one velvet slash. She gently wrapped his wrists. The folded the other over his eyes and tied it gently in a knot. "you okay?" erainna asked playfully. "More than. So I am at your Mercy?" "Exactly." For the time being she ignored his hard erection and began to run her hands up and down his strong chest. He had just the right about of dark chest hair over his tight chest muscles. What a turn on. She climed on top of his body. She went down on his erection again. In and out, side to side, faster than slower. She was doing all knds of moves. Moans escaping from his throat. Another turn on. She just hoped this was as fun for him as it was for her. She deep thorated a few times and decided to stop when she felt him spasm. Not yet. She was not ready for that just yet. She sat up and held his tie wrists and to his surprise she gently lowered herself onto him. She was wet and hot. She slowly began to rock up and down as his dick began to fill her farther and farther until it couldn't go any farther. He was of good size. She held onto his wrists as she moved her hips to a rythm to match his. He was matching her strokes. One on one each met to each bounce. "Erianna move the blindfold." She let go off his wrists. She pulled the fabric down while still grinding her hips to a rythmn. "You don't like it?" "I do but I want to see you." Joshua replied. His blue eyes turned bedroom blue. "You want the wrists undone?" "No..Not yet..." He pulled his tied wrists over his head and rested his arms behind him. He watched her as she started to pump. Her Large breasts swayed to the gravity of every direction she moved her hips. She slowed and begun a teasing hump grind. "Do it good for me Eriann." Erianna knew what he wanted and moved her hips, and pumped quicker on top of him. His large erction was started to feel better and better filling her whole inside. She learned how to tighten her vagina muscles and every now and then with each pump she tightened those muscles. He moaned everytime she did that. It must have felt good to both of them. Just when she thought she was about to climax he gently stopped her. "Remove the tie from my wrists." Erianna did as she was told. Suddenly with one quick movement he flipped her over onto her knees. "I can't help it...you drive me crazy." Joshua got on his knees behind me and dove right on in. In and out the feel of his thick hard cock. I couldn't help but moan aloud. It was intense. "Harder.." I pleaded He dove harder all the way in. in and out. "Faster.." He dove harder and faster and we both rocked to a rythmn that was equal. The sound of sucking came from my virgina lips. I could feel liquid run down my leg from my insides. "Don't stop.. Please..." And so he dove harder and faster. I could feel deep inside me a spasm that was going to come with a hard intesity. "Erianna..." "oh..oh. ohhh... " I moaned aloud as the earth blew. ******************************************************* Erianna stood inside the door. It was amazing. "See ya later allegator." Josh replied with a ciagaarette hanging from his lips. "After while crocodile." I replied with a small smile. She blew him a kiss and he waved as he walked away. "Call me sometime.." I replied and shut and locked the door. I was ready to sleep. Next time it would be better.. It always was. " Text: Terri Ann Collins All rights reserved. Publication Date: July 30th 2012 https://www.bookrix.com/-words75
JJ Lacey Sisterly love Not finished keep looking. intro   Chapter 1   I have a sister Alice that is two years older than I am, and I love her, I mean I actually love her. I am now thirty-five and we have been living together as man and wife, in Western Australia for fifteen years. We moved here when I was twenty, but I have been fucking Alice since I was fifteen. It all started one weekend when dad and mum went away for a weekend and left us in charge of the house.     We decided to have a party on Friday night, which in fact was on our parent's list of things not to do. Only who takes any notices of their parents, so we asked six of our friend's. Three boys and three girls, which we thought would be quite fun and friendly.  Alice had been out with all of the boys, I had fucked one, and had groping session with all three girls. They all proved they were very fun-loving after they had consumed several bottles of booze.   It was well into the party when I was getting hot kissing one of the girls called Alison. She was sitting in my lap in an armchair and didn't complain as I felt her breast. In fact, she kissed me harder and opened her legs as I put my hand up between them. She was hot like me, as we were both watching Bob and Sue. They were reclined on the sofa, her blouse was wide open and her skirt lifted, he was sucking on her tit and fingering her fanny.    We were the only other ones in the room Tom and Janet had disappeared, and Alice and John were nowhere to be seen. There was no questioning from Alison as to where I was taking her, as I lead her to my bedroom. Only there was someone already on my bed shagging one of the girls, Janet was not completely naked but Tom had removed her skirt and panties. He had also removed his trousers and pants and was fucking her as hard as he could.   Alison and I watched them fucking for a moment or two, as she groped my cock, with my hand inside her blouse feeling her tit. As we watched his cock plunging into Janet's cunt, I fingered Alison's wet fanny. Then groping and kissing each other we moved on to Alice's room, where we found my very naked sister being well and truly fucked by John the school football Capitan.   Seeing my sister naked was a bit of a turn on, and hearing her moaning with passion as John humped her was even more so. I reluctantly left them fucking and fucked Alison in mum and dad's room. When we returned to the living room, it was quite late and found the three boys and the other two girls there. They were drinking and laughing, Janet was still naked from the waist down, and she was being fondled and kissed by John and Tom.   Only my sister was not there, John must have left her still in her bedroom when he had finished fucking her. We all stood around having another drink, while us four boys kissed and groped the three girls. When I said goodnight to them as they left, there was still no sign of Alice, so I went to see if she was all right.   I found her in her bedroom, she was still naked and still very drunk lying on her bed. She had a big smile on her face as she lay on her back, arms outstretched and legs wide apart. Her cunt shiny and wet with her juices, and the entrances to her vaginal cavity was open so I could see inside her cunt. It was a sight; I did not want to tear my eyes from.   I stood looking down at her for quite a while, as I drooled over her naked body. She had a lovely pair of tits, and between her legs was the prettiest pussy I had seen. I have to admit I had only seen two pussies before, one was Alison's and the other was Janet. I had fucked all three girls before, that was the reason I invited them. I knew I would get to fuck one of them at least tonight, I just did not know which one it would be.   I had surmised Alice was having sex with someone; by the way, she had been so keen to have the party. She had given me the names of the boy's she had wanted me to ask, I now wondered if they had all fucked her before. John was the oldest of the three, and I had seen Alice and him lingering outside the college gates at times. I just wondered how many times he had fucked her because she had let him strip her naked before fucking her.   She had enjoyed that fucking, from what Alison and I had seen and heard. Alice had had her legs wrapped around him kissing him passionately, as I watched his condom covered cock plunging into her wet cunt. She had whelped and moaned with every thrust; before Alison had dragged me reluctantly away from the sight of my sister being fucked.   It had been almost an hour since John left her, but the satisfied smile was still on her face. As she lay as he must have left her, gorgeously naked before my lustful eyes. Between her open legs, her wet pink cunt hole was open as if his cock had just come out of it. While I stood there looking at her lovely body, my cock had grown hard at the sight. I was also having hot and lustful, thoughts towards my sister as I stroked my ridged pole.   I just could not help myself I had to touch her cunt, and she moaned softly as I ran my fingers through her outer lips. She moaned more and moved her hips, as I felt her clitoris while stroking her inner fanny. As I slipped two fingers into her cunt, she moved her crotch up and down as I fingered her. Her cunt got very wet and she whimpered continually, as I suckled on her tit while finger fucking her now with three fingers.   "Fuck me Harry, please fuck me!" Alice suddenly said, her eyes wide open looking at me obviously aware of who had been sexually abusing her for the last ten minutes. Her hips were jerking and she had a tortured look on her face, as her fanny juices oozed out between my fingers. She was having a massive orgasm, which had her vibrating as if she was having a fit. "Fuck me now."   I was as randy as hell and her hand grabbing my rigid cock, had me tearing off my clothing and rolling on a condom. Then climbing on top of her I give a joyous shy of fulfilment, as I sank my cock into Alice's hot silky cunt hole. Her legs wrapped tightly around me, and she thrust her crotch up to me as I rammed my cock into her. She was moaning loudly and begging me to fuck her harder, just as she had when I watched John fucking her.   We started fucking with me on top of her missionary style, and then when I turned her over I made her kneel, so I could fuck her doggy style. Ramming my cock into her harder, had her moaning and whimpering with wild abounded. We ended up with her on her side, with her uppermost leg bent up to her chest. I was kneeling astride her lower leg, fucking her as hard and as deep as I could.   I am sure I gave her at least one orgasm before I filled the condom, and I am sure she enjoyed feeling my cock jerking inside her. As it pumped out my spunk before I lay down cuddling into her back with my cock still in her. She lay quite still as it began to shrink, letting me wiggle my hips to move my deflating cock inside her. I snuggled into her back as I played with her tits and felt her fanny lips, and I was sure she dropped off to sleep.   Feeling my cock bathed in the warmth of her cunt was heavenly, and feeling her tits and fanny was keeping me in a high state of sexual desire. I had her gorgeous body in my arms, and I could not let her go. However, now I was feeling a little apprehensive and guilty, I had taken advantage of my sister's drunkenness. I had entered her room and interfered with her when she was under the inference of drink.   I had excited her sexually by playing with her cunt and then taken advantage of her heightened state of arousal to fuck her I had done wrong. I was still doing wrong by enjoying my cock soaking in her hot wet cunt, and toying with her nipples while stroking her outer fanny lips. My only defence was the pleaser was too great to stop, and the pleaser was increasing as I felt my cock responding to the hormones inside me.   I had been wrong about Alice being asleep as I thought because she started moaning and wiggling her bottom when she felt my cock growing inside her. The bigger it got the more vocal she became, nothing you could understand just wide animal sounds from deep in her throat  When my cock was full size she was thrusting her ass back onto me, as I fucked her for a long time with my revitalised eight-inch cock.   It was a bloody good fuck when I finally ejaculated we both collapsed panting and exhorted. I lay for ten to fifteen minutes resting before I eased my deflated cock from Alice, making her moan as my cock slipped from her tender cunt. Then I went to the toilet to dispose of the condom, with two loads of my spunk in it.   Returning to her bedroom, I stood for a moment looking at her curled up apparently asleep. I wondered if I should cover her up, and leave her to sleep off the booze. Then I selfishly decided to lay with her to feel her lovely body and turning off the light I got in bed alongside her. She snuggled back into me, as I cuddled into her back, and she moaned softly as I put my arm over her to feel her breast, and drifted off to sleep. Chapter 2   There was just enough light to illuminate the bedroom when I awoke, but that was not what woke me. There was a hand on my morning glory; rubbing slowly along my rigid shaft. It was also rubbing my sensitive knob end, on a hot wet cunt. Alice was purring like a kitten, as my knob past through her hot wet lips.   I just lay enjoying the sweet sensation of her hot cunt for a while, as she slowly moved my knob along the length of her lovely cunt. Stopping briefly as my knob past over her pussy entrance, to moan as she pressed my bulbous knob end into her fuck hole. Then continue purring, as she pleasured the rest of her cunt with my cock.   "Arrr." She cried out in surprise as I pressed my cock deep into her when she next dipped my knob into her cunt hole. I then rolled on top of her pinning her to the bed beneath me, as I fucked her hard from the rear. Not that she was complaining about what I was doing, she just wanted to remind me of safety issues.   "Oh fucking hell that's good Harry; but do be careful Harry, you're not wearing anything," she said between her gasps and moans of pleasure. I made her moan and gasp for a few moments more before I rolled off her to get my last condom from my trouser pocket. She rolled over herself and was sitting up as I ripped open the foil condom packet.   Alice grabbed the condom and rolled it onto my cock herself, then lifted her leg over me and impaled herself on my shaft. I had never fucked in this position before, and I found looking at her tits bobbing up and down quite delightful. There was also the added delight of seeing my cock, sliding in and out of her cunt as she bounced on me.   I made her moan and gasp as I stroked her clitoris with my thumb, and pinched her nipple. She was doing all the work of lifting herself, then thumping down on me hard. Each time she grunted, the full length of my cock rammed into her. Only I could not stay still forever, and she squealed as I reversed our position.   Now on top, I could ram my cock into her hard and fast, making her gasp and vibrate under me. We must have ejaculated at the same time because she gasped and quivered under me, as my cock twitched and jerked inside her. While we lay with our genitals pressed hard against one another, kissing gasping and groping in lustful enjoyment.   My cock couldn't stay hard enough to remain in Alice's cunt, much to her disproval. We had been grinding our genitals together, just to feel the movement of my cock in her cunt. When it slipped from her hole like a limp slippery slug and refused to stay in when she pushed it back. I was still playing with her tits and rubbing her clitoris, and she was still very hot. "Finger me, Harry, I want to cum again."   Alice begged, pulling on my limp cock, which was still encased in a condom. My last one, if she pulled it off, I wouldn't have another to fuck her with when she got me hard again. She had rolled on her back and spread her legs while still gripping my cock. I took her right nipple between my lips and sucked on it, as I thrust two fingers into her. She was soon writhing about on the bed, crying out obscenities as her hips jerked.   My fingers were socking with her cum, and as she continued to jerk, she begged. "Don't stop Harry, fuck me deeper make me cum again." Then she moaned with approval, as I got two more fingers into her. I knelt up so I could drive them deeper unto her, past my knuckles, up to the joint of my thumb. The harder I rammed my fingers into her, the more verbal she was. "Oh fuck yes, oh harder, yes, yes, oh fuck I'm coming, oh fffucckk."   She yelled, lifting her bum off the bed and jerking wildly, her lovely face contorted as her orgasmic eruption ripped through her body. Then she fell back onto the bed gasping, seemingly spent her eyes looking up at me, as her hand moved on my cock. "That was good Harry," she whispered, softly smiling as my fingers gently stroked her pulsating cunt. "It would have been better if this had been hard to fuck me now."   She said her smile growing wider, as her hand tried to revive my soft cock. I felt a little deflated myself, as I would have liked to fuck her again now. Only I had fucked her only ten minutes ago, no way was I getting hard again soon. So we lay gently caressing one another until Alice had charmed down, then as it was almost eight she had to get up. She had left school at sixteen and now worked in a small shop in town, selling luggage and bags.   Saturday mornings she worked until twelve, so I lay in her bed watching her dress after she had come back from the bathroom. A quick breakfast, then she was off on her ten-minute walk to town. Now I had acquired my pack of condoms Friday after school, from the barbers that cut my hair. He had smiled knowingly, as I shyly asked for them. I had got them from him before, only that had been a month ago, would he let me have more so soon.   There was only one way to find out, so at ten I was entering his barber's shop. Luckily there was no one in there, and he looked at me suspiciously, seeing he cut my hair on Friday. "Yes, Harry and what can I do for you today?" he asked crossing his arms and frowning. "Err, Mr Brown could I have some more condoms, as my friends used mine as they could not get them." I lied, well would he believe I'd had three fucks last night!   He shook his head smiling, as he went to the drawer he kept them in. "I had mates like that when I was your age. Here charge them more for them, he said as he took two boxes from the drawer, and held them out to me. I was overjoyed as I took and paid for them, maybe from now on, he would think I was getting them for others and not just for me.   I didn't know what to expect when Alice came home at three pm. After what had happened last night, would she let me fuck her again? Or, did that happen just because she was drunk and sexy, and I just happened to be there to fulfil her needs? I had rehearsed what I was going to say, to persuaded her we should have sex when she came home. I could show her I had six condoms to fuck her with now, and I was ready to start now.   Only as she walked through the door, I lost my tongue and my nerve and just watched her take off her coat. As she smiled at me saying, "another week over Harry, and it looks like it's going to be a nice weekend!" What she meant by that, I didn't know. It was summer, the sun was shining and the days were hot. Only she didn't stay to have the rest of the conversation, she went up to her room before going into the bathroom.               Then when she came down at three, I heard the washing machine going. I poked my head into the kitchen, to see her with the fridge door open. Mum had cooked us dinner last night, before dad and she drove to London. She had also made up meals for us, to warm up in the oven. As Alice bent to look inside, her short summer dress roed up exposing her backside and her tiny black panties.   "Harry what do you want for dinner, cottage pie or Yorkshire hotpot." She yelled,  loud enough to carry to the living room. Then she turned to stare at me when I answered not that far away. "You perving at my ass you sod," she said as she saw me standing in the doorway. Then I made her smile as I retorted, "saw more than your ass last night Alice. I'd like to see it again if you're in the mood later," I said and was pleased to see she kept smiling.   Though she never said yes, but then again she didn't say 'NO'. "Cottage or Yorkshire," she asked again, then pulled out the pyrex dish when I said cottage. "We'll have it at five, I'll put it on low now to let it heat through slowly like mum douse. You can do the washing up while I watch the telly, there's nothing on you'd want to watch anyway. She said smiling knowing full well, there would be football on.   I opened my mouth to protest, then closed it because she was at the oven. Pulling down the door, she bent to put the dish in. Up roed her dress, and she wiggled her ass at me. Maybe I was on a promise, after all, I would have to wait and see and let her have her way with the telly. We watched some girly rubbish for an hour, then a blue peter program came on and we watched that too. With Alice checking the oven, in the last half hour.   I had sat quietly watching Alice, for any sine she might give me, that she was ready to have sex. The only hope she gave me was while having dinner, she drank a glass of wine that was leftover from last night. There were several bottles of beer as well, as all the boys had brought six. They and I had drunk four each, which left eight. The girls had drunk the wine that Alice had acquired, it had been a cheap wine they had got drunk quickly on.   My only hope was Alice got pissed and sexy, drinking the bottle she had on the table. She didn't say anything when I got one of the beer bottles, to drink myself. Two dinner plates a pyrex dish, two knives, and forks took no time to wash. When I took them from the dining room to the kitchen, Alice took the bottle of wine with her into the living room.   Alice was pouring the last of the wine, into her glass when I returned to the living room. The telly was off as I neared her chair, and saw her dress hem was high up her legs, and the buttons of her top were undone. She turned to smile at me, as she held her glass in her left hand. While her right juggled one of the two condom boxes, I had left in plain sight on the mantelpiece for her to see.   "Is my Brother trying to send me a message," Alice said a little drunkenly, tossing the box in the air to catch it again several times. "You got lucky last night, John should have stayed a little longer, you got what he should have." She continued now turning the condom box over and over and taking a long drink from her glass. I smiled stepping closer to her and looking at her cleavage her open dress top revealed.   "What about this morning Alice, it wasn't John's cock you were playing with before I fucked you." I retorted back feeling brave, well she was slightly pissed and she did like using dirty language, while I was fucking her. Her smile widened and her eyes sparkled, "yes you were lucky again brother. I woke a little randy and felt a hard cock, lucky for you it was yours. Then you took me by surprise, and we didn't have time for what I like before sex."   "So be thankful I let you poke me the way you did, you may not get lucky again." She said tossing the condom box to me, then smiling opened her legs slowly to reveal she had no panties on. My cock reacted to the sight of her cunt and produced a bulge in my trousers, that she didn't fail to notice. As I saw her eyes looking I said, "perhaps I'd get lucky if you told me what you like doing before sex, and if I did it for you would I get lucky."   Alice looked at me for a few moments while finishing her wine, and all the time the bulge grow, making me uncomfortable and somewhat resected. "You came into my bedroom, just after John climbed onto me. Before that, he had given me three orgasms with his fingers. John and I have had sex before, that's why I asked you to invite him."   "He knew what I needed to have great sex, and he should have known to stay and have sex again. Only you turned up and fingered me, just at the right time." Alice said, a little breathless and flushed in the face. As she still looked at my bulging trouser front, while I undid my fly buttons and took my cock out. "Would you like me to finger fuck you like I did last night Alice, then when you're ready you can tell me to fuck you."   She didn't answer, she just took hold of my cock when she could reach it. As I ran my hand up her leg, to her crunch and slipped two fingers into her cunt. My other hand went into her dress top to fondle her tit, and she made me gasp as she bent her head to suck my cock. Looking up at me, she took my cock from her mouth saying. "I'm sucking you off, you can fuck me when you get hard again, but don't let me stop you fingering me until you do!"   Alice said her face flushed a bright pink and breathing heavily, as she took my cock back into her mouth. Her cunt quickly becomes wet, as I plunged my fingers into her. With three fingers now in her, she withed about to a climax they brought on. Plus the fact that my cock was jerking, as it pumped cum into her mouth. I had never had my cock sucked before, and was disappointed I had come so soon.   "Don't stop Harry, you're able to fuck me longer now I've sucked you off. You just concentrate on giving me lots of orgasms, before you do." Alice said when taking my cock from her mouth, her face contorted with the effort of her orgasm. She was still holding tightly onto my cock, as she moved her fingers on it as if she were milking me.   Five minutes later she was bucking again, and growling out obscenities as a flood of cum erupted from her cunt. "Ohh fuck yyesss that's good, oh yes, oh fuck yes. Harder; fuck me harder you bastard, fuck me. She had lane back in the armchair, her legs wide open over the arms. Her cunt now bright pink, and sloppy wet as I drove my fingers deep into it.   Her cunt must have been tender, with the punishment I was inflicting on it. She was continually moaning and groaning, while she withed about between orgasms. Then I had to fight off her hands as they tried to grab my wrists, to stop me fingering her as another orgasm erupted. She had told me, not to let her stop me giving her orgasms until I was ready to fuck. I wasn't quite ready yet, though I was getting feeling down there, and her hand on it helped.   Her legs and arms gript me tightly, as I began to fuck her. Inflamed by her words, I rammed my rampant cock into her as hard as I could. Her cunt was hot wet and squealed, with every inward thrust of my cock. As her not so whispered words rang out in my ears. "Harder fuck it, harder Harry, ram that fucking cock into me." She yelled as I pulled and pinched her nipples as hard as I could, she was now naked, as I had pulled her dress off her.   I was sweaty and gasping with the effort I was exerting into fucking her, she had been right, it was taking me longer to fuck her after she had sucked me off. When I did cum I collapsed breathless between her legs, after I had jerked and gasped with my cock pumping spunk into the condom. She had also been verbal, as she vibrated and jerked under me. Then she had lain quietly when her legs and arms fell away softly moaning as I removed my cock.   Her moans returned when looking at her swollen cunt lips, I just had to feel them. Her eyes closed and she made pleasing sounds, as my fingers softly caressed her soft slippery fanny lips. Her moans got louder when my fingers slipped into her, and my lips closed over her nipple. Minutes went by, then her eyes opened and looking at me she arched her back, growling softly. As she strained to push down and vibrate, as she had a massif orgasm.   Panting and gasping she slowly charmed down, all the while looking at me as she held my hand to her cunt. Then finally breathing normally, but still looking flushed she said softly. "I wasn't quite sure if I was doing the right thing at dinner; when I had that bottle of wine and decided to give you a second chance. I did like you fucking me last night, and I liked the size of your cock but didn't know if that was because I was drunk."   "I can tell you like fucking me, now if you want to keep doing it, you'll have to do it my way, understood?" My fingers were still in her cunt, and as I nodded my head I rubbed them in her cum covered love canal. "Anything you say, Alice, do you want me to keep fingering you until I can fuck you again?" I asked and saw her smiling. "No that's enough for now, maybe later when we are in bed I'll let you fuck me until then get me another drink?"   I went into the kitchen vie the toilet, to remove the soggy condom on my shrunken soggy cock. Then with a bottle of wine and a beer, I was happy to see Alice was still naked, although sitting normally in her chair. "Thank you," she said smiling as I poured her wine, as I looked at her nakedness. Then she allowed me to sit close to her, on her chair by moving her legs to one side.   "Those three girls last night had you fucked any of them before Harry? Alice asked, taking me by surprise. "I've fucked Sue twice before Alice, and you, you didn't start fucking yesterday ether?" I asked cheekily making Alice smile. "No Harry I was fifteen when I was first fucked by a boy at school. We were in the bushes at the bottom of the playing fields, having a drink he had brought, and I got sexy as he kissed me and played with me."   "I was enjoying it, and let him get on top of me, but he was too excited. He only fucked for a few minutes, before he got off me to ejaculate in the grass. It left me frustrated, and I had no enjoyment from his fucking. A few days later, he trapped me behind the school bike shed. He was playing with my breasts; when Mr Bates came along and caught us. He sent the boy away, and when I had put my breasts away he said, "my office at five after school!"   Mr Bates was one of the most senior teachers, about forty with a goaty beard and moustache. It made him look extinguished and everybody liked him, and they all nicknamed him the professor. I was shaking as I knocked on his office door, I was afraid he was going to suspend me or tell my parents. On my way to his office, I had seen Frank the boy Mr Bates caught me with, he hadn't said anything but he did look frightened.   "Come," I heard him call and opened the door. He was sat behind his desk, elbows on the desk, with his chin resting on his thumbs looking at me as I entered. "Well Alice what am I to do with you, I don't think your parents would be pleased with the report I could send them." Mr Bates, remained silent for a moment looking at me as if to make up his mind, then standing up he came around his desk.   "If we can come to an arrangement Alice, I could overlook what happened at the bike shed, and help you with your schoolwork. That history mogul you're struggling with Alice, I have a fully typed up essay with your name on it, and it has an 'a' grade mark. It's all yours, plus another essay's to enhance your schoolwork. You do enjoy boys feeling your breasts, and maybe doing other things to you."   "Well, I am offering you 'A' levels degrees if you allow me, to see and feel your body as I wish and as other boys do?" He said, picking up a folder that was thick with shafts of paper. I was trembling with some sort of emotions, I had sat in his class fantasizing over him as had other girls. Now here he was wanting me to show him my body, and do what he liked to me. He saw me dithering, then held the folder closer to me saying.   "Shall we say, we will give it a trial today Alice, take this now and if you do not like what we do next. You can call a holt to it, but you must let me do to you as I wish. Otherwise, you what know if you would like to carry on seeing me?" he said pushing the folder to me. I was still trembling and breathless, his talking of seeing and feeling my body had excited me. I was getting sexy and hot and found myself taking hold of the folder.   "Good girl, now put that in your bag and undress as I lock the door, we don't want to be disturbed, do we." He said going to the door, as he turned the key I was taking off my blouse and bra. As I dropped my skirt, he said, "oh that's a nice ass." Then shyly I folded my arms, over my breasts and pressed my legs together; when he told me to turn so he could look at me. He smiled shaking his head slowly, "we made a pact Alice for me to see you" he said.   With downcast eyes, I lowered my arms so he could see my breasts, as I panted excitedly with him looking at me. "Sit on the desk Alice and open your legs, I want to see your pretty pussy." I sat on the desk and he walked up to me, and took hold of my knees and spread my legs wider. "From now on Alice when you sit I want your legs this wide, do you understand," he said taking my chin and lifting my face to look at him, "yes Sir," I softly said.   I had always got excited when boys had shown me their penis's, I was hot and trembling as the professor removed his shirt to reveal his hairy chest. Then I felt like fainting when he undid his trousers, and I saw his thick penis; long and hard. As he pulled his foreskin back to reveal his knob end, I went weak. I had to steady myself, with my hands on the desk. As he stroked his hand along his cock, I breathed deeply as I watched him doing it.   "I'm glad you like my cock Alice, but before we start I have a few questions, your not a virgin are you?" He asked, and I shook my head, "no Sir," I answered. "How many times have you been fucked, Alice?" he asked, still rubbing his hard cock. "Once Sir," I replied now red-faced and breathless. "Excellent, you'll be nice and tight still, wonderfull better than I had hoped for." He said quite joyful and letting go of his cock he felt my breasts.   "Yes nice and firm but not quite developed, are your nipples sensitive to touch Alice, is it nice when I do this?" The professor asked, as he pulled and rolled my nipples between his fingertips. I had closed my eyes and softly moaned as he did it, "oh yes Sir it is nice and it makes me feel funny." I answered, and moaned a little louder as he pinched and pulled them harder. I continued moaning as he kept playing with my breasts.   Then I jerked with a start as his hand dropped between my legs, and he rubbed my clitoris. "My we are sensitive aren't we," he said as I vibrated and gasped as his fingers rubbed my sensitive clit. I could feel myself getting wet, looking at his cock and having my hard bud rubbed. "O yes Alice, I think your just the girl for me, you've liked being with me so far. Now let us see if you like having orgasms?" he said, as I felt two fingers slipping into me.   I was panting and gasping straight away, as he moved them in and out. I was getting wetter too as my fanny juices flowed, the professor just smiled and added a third finger. Making me grown and jerk, as he fingerfucked me faster. For long minutes I cried out and jerked, with the way he was treating my fanny. Then I gasped out louder and jerked faster, as I felt a climax building inside me. I growled and vibrated, as I covered his hand with cum.   "O that was a good one, Alice, the next one should be better. Now get off the desk and put your hands behind your back?" He told me, I did as he asked, and he tied my hands behind my back. "Now bend over onto my desk, and I'll give you orgasms to remember." He said pushing me facedown onto his desk, and as he held me down I asked. "Are you going to fuck me, Sir, I really would like you too!" I said as I was randy as hell.   "Not yet little one, but I think you will be begging me louder when that time comes." He said as he put three fingers back into my cunt, to make me jerk and moan as he fingerfucked me. I could feel a neverending stream of precum, oozing from me as he thurst those fingers in and out. At times making me whimper lauder, as he varied the speed at which he fucked me with them.   When I came again it was much heavier, and I was indeed begging him. "O, please Sir, please fuck me, I need you too, oh please fuck me?" I almost yelled as I felt my cum oozing past his fingers, that he still had in me, and had only just slowed as I was having my orgasm. "Not yet my lovely, you must have at least one more before I do." I whimpered almost in tears, as his fingers fucked me again, making me jerk even harder.   Almost ten minutes of sexual agony he made me suffer, as his fingers plunged in and out of my cunt. He took no notice of my begging him to fuck me, and pushed his fingers into me faster and harder when I did. I was in tears of frustration, as I felt another climax building inside me. He knew the signs to look for and started rubbing my clitoris, as the presser built inside me, that threw me over the edge and I climaxed violently.       Then I gave a joyous cry of relief, as his fingers were removed and his thick cock took their place. I don't know what I said, Harry, but I said some outrageous things. All because I was overjoyed with the way he was fucking me, I almost passed out when I climaxed again. He left me laying on his desk to recovered, then when I had dressed he gave me a slip of paper with his address on saying.   "Be here at two on Saturday of next week, if you want me to see you again. My wife will be away seeing her mother that day, only be prepared to be with me for at least two hours. Today was just a taster, of what you will have done to you. If you want more of the same, and a lot more, come and see me at my home."   Chapter 3   "Harry, all the way home from school, all I could think about was the way he fucked me. I had such intents orgasms, I knew straight away I was going to let him fuck me again. Only it wouldn't be for over a week, it was then Thursday and my cunt was tingling all the way home. I saw him on Friday in his history class, and couldn't concentrate on anything but his cock, I had to go to the toilet to masturbate.   During the week I saw him often but he never accoladed me, until Friday when he stopped me in the hall. "Are Miss Godard, your thesis was very entertaining, keep up the good work." He said holding out a folder to me, with my school friends around I couldn't talk openly. So I thanked him and took it not knowing what was in it, as I had not handed anything in of my coursework yet.   The twelve pages in the folder were on the similarities of the Maya and Egyptian culture. It would have taken me months of research to do such a peace, he had done it in less than a week. On the inside of the folder, there was a note pinned, 'I hope to see you Saturday' it read. Only those few words meant much, much more than they had said. They meant he wanted to see me at his home, he wanted to undress me and he wanted to fuck me.   I could have been at his house earlier than two, but I didn't know if his wife had left by then. He was wearing a dressing robe when he opened the door, and I followed him into his study. Where he stood and looked at me before saying. "I'm glad you have decided to carry on with our arrangement Alice. I have decided to reward you further, by offering you twenty-five pounds per session, if you give yourself to me totally."   "I will own you for two hours and you will call me master and do my bidding, but you will not be forced. If you do not like doing what is asked of you, you may leave and our arrangement will be over, do you understand Alice?" He asked looking at me, as he undid the tie around his waist. I nodded "yes Sir," I said softly pulling my blouse from my skirt, and panting heavily as he opened the robe showing me his cock that was semi-hard.   He made me sit on his desk when I was naked, playing with my breasts he had me breathing heavily as he rubbed my clitoris. Then he fingered me to an orgasm, as he bent to suckle my nipples. As my cum flowed he lowered his head further and kissed my cunt, then made me jerk and moan as he licked my cunt clean of all my cum. Oh, harry it was wonderful, it was the first time anyone had licked my cunt, and he was an expert and the best.   Mr Dunn's not bad at it, he licks me before he fucks me on Thursdays and Saturday afternoons. We close the shop at midday, I go into the back storeroom and undress while he locks up. I suck his cock hard, then make him finger me to orgasm as the professor did. Before he fucks me and I suck him off.   You're going to have to lick my cunt for me, Harry, I love it so much, I'll suck your cock if you do. That's what the professor made me do next when he finished licking my cunt. He made me kneel in front of him when he pulled me off his desk. "Suck my cock!" he ordered, taking hold of my ears and pulling my head towards him. His cock was rock hard, and there was a bead of pre-cum on his knob end.     It tasted nice, as more of it oozed from his cock while I sucked it. The more I sucked the better I liked it, and then as he started fucking my mouth. More and more of his pre-cum oozed from it, and I was getting sexier as I sucked as much of his cock into my mouth as I could. I was so sexy, I put my hand between my legs and fingered myself. Then as I was having an orgasm his cock started jerking, and he filled my mouth with cum. "Drink it, Alice, swallow it all down it's full of protein, that's it good girl swallow it!." I did as he said, galloping down his thick creamy spunk. After getting over the shock of it spurting into my mouth, and nearly choking me as it shot down my throat. I totally loved the taste of his sperm and sucked then licked his cock clean. He then made me stand, and tied my hands behind my back then as he bent me over his desk he said.   "You really are pleasing me, Alice, your only the second girl to have sucked me off, for the first time of sucking me. Now you know what this means, don't you, it means I won't be able to fuck you until I get hard again. Which means I'll be fingerfucking you until I do, and that could be at least twenty minutes. How many orgasms's do you think you'll have in that time, Alice?" he asked, fingering my already soaking wet cunt.   I whimpered and moaned with every orgasm he gave me and cried with joy as he licked every one of them from me. Then when he finally fucked me, I hardly had the energy to swallow when he made me finish him off with my mouth. I was sat exhorted, leaning against his desk recovering. When I left a puddle of fanny juice on his wooden floor, that had oozed from my cunt when I climaxed when he filled my mouth. He wanted me at his house in two Saturdays time, and I was all too eager to accept. After the two hours, I had spent with him, he had left me weak as a kitten. My cunt felt swollen and tingling and I loved it, all the way home as I walked it felt like he was fucking me. With every step, my swollen fanny lips rubbed together, it felt like his cock was sliding between them. When I got home, I looked at my cunt in a mirror as I gave myself an orgasm.   For two weeks; I looked forward to seeing him I was in his class the last Thursday. When I opened the test on social activities he handed out to all of us, I almost had an orgasm. As I opened the cover page, the first line asked, 'what will you be doing on Saturday. I pecked at the girl next to me, and she was writing playing hockey at Cullompton. I wanted to write, being fucked by you, but someone might see it, so wrote 'going to wonderland!.   As he opened the door to me on Saturday he said, "Wellcome to wonderland Alice," he said then opening his robe. "You can start your wonderland experience, by sucking my cock", he ordered. I had expected him to finger me at first, as he had the Saturday before but I willingly did as he asked. I was still swallowing his spunk, as he stripped my wet panties off. When he put me sitting on his desk, to lick and tonguefuck my cunt.   I was as randy as hell and most willing for him to do what he liked when he started fingering me. As I was having my second orgasm, I heard a door opening and a naked young lady came into the room. "Arr, Cleo welcome, Alice had just had her second orgasm." The professor said, lifting his head from between my legs and licking his fingers. "Alice this is Cleo, she is now a teacher of social science at queens, but was once one of my chosen girls."   "She likes to come around from time to time, to join in with my sex classes isn't that right Cleo?" he asked. Cleo was smiling and looking between my legs at my inflamed pussy, as the professor held my legs apart. "Yes, Master, how far into her training is she, you didn't say when you invited me around," Cleo said. As she reached between my legs to feel my hardened clitoris, he had been sucking on moments before. Cleo was quite pretty and obviously had lesbian tendencies, by the way, she was playing with my fanny. Although she must have been bi-sexual, the professor had said she had been one of his girls, which meant he had fucked her. They had me on his desk again, where she was playing with my breasts with slippery hands. They both had a bottle of massage oil, she oiled my body and breasts, as he was oiling my cunt Each time they made me climax, they would take turns to lick my cum from me, and he would rub his cock in my soaking wet cunt. Each time he did, I put my hand between my legs to feel if his cock was any harder. I was doing this when the door opened again, and Mr Duncan my science teacher came into the room. I could feel my face going bright red, as he smiled at me while walking across the room. Cleo and he were already aquated it seemed, as he put his arm around her and they kissed, he felt her breasts. Then as he reached out to fondle my breast, his other hand dropped to feel between Cleo's legs. "Your body is as lovely as I had imagined Miss Godard, I was delighted to accept Mr Bates invitation to assist him in training you to be a sex slave. I assisted him in training Cleo here, and what an excellent slave she has turned out to be."   Over the last week, I had noticed Mr Duncan looking at me and smiling as we met or past in the school corridors. Now I knew why he seemed attracted to me, he had been invited to join the professor in fucking me at his home. There was no other reason he was here, the professor owned me for two hours. I had to obey his will, and if his will was to let Mr Duncan fuck me he could open my legs and let him   Mr Duncan was pinching my nipples making me moan, as I watched his other hand fingering Cleo. When he removed his fingers from her, they were wet and shiny covered with her cunt juices. Then he pinched my nipple harder, making me open my mouth to moan. As my lips parted, he pushed his cum covered fingers into my mouth saying. "Suck Cleo's cunt juice off them, Alice, you're be sucking them form her cunt soon."       They put me kneeling back onto his desk again, and as Mr Duncan took out his cock. He fingered Cleo again but from behind, as she oiled my breasts and the professor used two fingers to oil my arsehole. Then Mr Duncan was fucking Cleo, as Cleo and the professor kept me hot with their fingers. The professor kept popping his cock into my cunt, as his fingers made my arsehole slack and sloppy before flipping me onto my back. Cleo sucked on my nipples, as Mr Duncan fuck her and the professor rubbed his now hard cock along my well-oiled cunt. Mr Duncan pulled his cock from Cleo's cunt, then fingered her as he pushed it into my mouth. It didn't take long, for him to fill my mouth with his slightly salty spunk. As Cleo bent to suck on my clitoris, the professor fucked my well-oiled arsehole, he had already prepared with his oil and fingers.  His nine-inch cock had hurt slightly at first, but after a few tentative thrusts, he had the whole of his cock in my ass. Then with every thrust, the pain eased, and Cleo's tongue was doing wonders to my cunt. I had Mr Duncan's longer thicker cock back in my mouth, as he played with my breasts. Then Cleo sucked and lapped faster as I climaxed; when the professor's cock, twitched and jerked filling my anal cavity with his spunk.   When he pulled out, Cleo moved her mouth to suck his spunk from my ass, and as she climbed onto me. Mr Duncan pulled his cock from my mouth, and then lifted my head so my mouth was on Cleo's cunt. "Lick it Alice; suck on her juices girl, you've already tasted her, now lick it straight from her fuck hole," Mr Duncan said rubbing my lips on Cleo's cunt. I had indeed tasted her when he put his fingers in my mouth, and I had liked it.   I had my tongue out now, and it was gathering her juice as he moved my head. He couldn't have known, the pleaser he gave Cleo when she moaned as he pushed my head onto her. As she moaned she pushed her cunt down onto me, when my tongue slipped into her fuck hole. With quick jerky movements, she fucked herself on my tongue, as he held me tight to her. I had a mouth full to swallow, as she climaxed covering my lower face with her cum.   The professor and Mr Duncan played with our tits, as Cleo and I gave each other orgasms. Then when they had got hard again, Cleo sat on my face as the professor and Mr Duncan, took turns to fuck me. For the rest of my last year, I had to go to his house every other Saturday, sometimes Cleo turned up but Mr Duncan was there every time. They would both fuck me twice each, with the professor fucking my ass at each visit. Chapter 4 I've bumped into Mr, Duncan a few times since, and I've let him persuade me to go for a ride in his car on occasions. There's a quiet parking spot in the hills, that dog walkers use at weekends. He took me up there on Thursday afternoons and fucked me in the back of his car. He came into the shop, one Saturday morning not long after I started there, told me he wanted to take me to see Mr Bates that afternoon.   He had told the professor of my willingness to let him fuck me in his car, in the hills. The professor has asked could we meet again, I readily agreed and spent the afternoon being fucked by the both of them and Cleo was there. The professor still likes fucking ass, he fucks mine after Cleo has fucked me with their fucking pole.              thirty minutes later     Several times Mr Duncan has been parked waiting for me outside the shop, on Saturday afternoons but I haven't seen him for a month or two now. I'm thinking they have another girl their training, they might invite me to join them sometime and help as Cleo helped with me. I really needed fucking this weekend Harry I hadn't had it for so long, are you going to keep me happy from now on?"   Alice said rubbing my eight-inch hardening cock. I was sat on the arm of her armchair, she just leaned over to take my cock into her mouth. I moaned with delight, as her warm mouth enveloped it. I was pulling and pinching her nipples, as my cock grows to full size. Then she gaged and urged, as she pushed my cock all the way into her mouth. My knob-end had gone down her throat, my balls were being squished by her chin, as she held it deep in her mouth.   She gasped for breath when she lifted her head and sputtering said, "I haven't swallowed a cock for over two months. Yours isn't as big as Mr Duncan's, I would sometimes go giddy and almost pass out. When he pushed his cock all the way into my mouth; and fucked my throat until he shot his spunk down my gullet." Alice said, pushing my cock back into her mouth, and moving her head up and down to wank my cock with her lips.   I had no say in the matter, I had to sit there until I filled her mouth then when she had sucked me dry, she opened her legs. "You can fuck me when you're hard again, but tie my hands behind my back. Don't let me stop you, giving me as many orgasms as you can. You can finger my cunt and arsehole to make me come, don't listen to me if I beg you to stop. Now get a towel and put under me to catch my cum, and try to suck my cunt, Harry."   "You could even keep on fingering me until your hard again after that, that's what the professor and Mr Duncan do each Saturday," Alice said longingly. She was definitely missing her ex-teachers, or should I say their cocks. I wondered what else they did to Alice, while they had her their captive for two hours. She had admitted when Cleo was there, they did lesbian things together while the men watched.   Did they only just finger her, as they waited for their cocks to get hard again. Or was there other things they did, that she hadn't told me yet. I went to the shed, where dad had some rope. Alice happily sat forward as I tied her hands, then gasped and vented as I lifted her legs over the arms of the chair. Tying the rope around her ankle, then passing it under the chair, I tied her other ankle to it tightly so she couldn't move at all.   She was laid back in the chair immobile, her legs spread wide, her juicy cunt open and exposed at my mercy. She trembled panting, an expectant look on her face as I sat between her legs looking at her cunt. As her clitoris pulsated, I leaned forward and kissed it. She made a pleasing sound, as I sucked it between my lips and flicked it with my tongue. As my tongue licked the full length of her snatch, gathering her juices her hips jerked.   Looking at her face, I lifted my head licking my lips, and she licked her own as if tasting her own fanny juice. My cock wasn't hard, but I covered it with her cunt juice, by pushing it into her cunt hole. Then climbing onto the chair, she sucked it off as I started fingering her cunt. She seemed to enjoy the first orgasm I gave her, it spurted out over my face as I went to suck it from her.   "Give me a kiss when you finish drinking that lot Harry, I like the taste of my cum?" She said as her hips jerked, with my tongue lapping at her fuck hole. I had my fingers in her as we French kissed, and she growled through clenched teeth when she climaxed again. Her cunt must have got sensitive and tender because she moaned and whimpered loudly. As I rammed four fingers into her hard and fast, but she wasn't begging me to stop.   She was red-faced and panting, crying o fuck, o my fuck, as the third spurted out of her cunt. She looked at me bemused when I left her, then cried "o fucking hell," when I returned with a large cucumber. Dad grew them in his greenhouse and kept them in the fridge, this one I had was about normal size for what he grew. A mere sixteen-inches long, with a circumference of nine-inches, which made it three-inches thick.   I know it was cold being straight from the fridge, but I don't think that was the reason she was making that noise when I got it just over halfway into her cunt. I know the skin of it wasn't smooth, in fact, it was nobbily all over its length. Only they were not sharp lumps that could harm her, I had run it over my hand to make sure. Perhaps it was the way her cunt hole gripped it, and she felt each lump as I pushed it in and out.   Whatever it was, she looked at me with her stomach and pelvic muscles contracting wildly. Her face went redder and contorted, she was pushing down as if she were having a baby, and growling through her clenched teeth again. It seemed she was trying to force the cucumber out and cried out joyously, as I pulled it from her cunt and a flood of cum flooded out. Good job she had told me to put the towel under her or the chair would be soaked.   I gave her a few moments to recover; before I rubbed the cucumber along her cunt lips. Then her eyes went wide, as I pressed the end of it to her arsehole. "No Harry, no that's too big, it hurt when Mr Duncan tried to fuck my ass, that's bigger than his cock!" She said quickly, with a little fear in her voice, as I pressed it a little harder. She gave a shy of relief when I put the cucumber to one side.   Then she huffed and puffed when she saw me kneel up between her legs, rubbing my hardening cock to plunge it into her arsehole. As I fucked, I excited her clitoris, making her gasp and moan as her juices spurted from her. It was now late in the night, and I had had her tided in the chair for two hours. I had sucked the juices from her cunt when I finished fucking her ass.   I had then fucked her with the cucumber again, she looked weary but had not begged to be released from her bondage. It was gone one in the morning when I did, that was after I had knelt in the chair to fuck her mouth. Her legs were weak, and I had to help her up the stairs and into bed.     Chapter 5 By the morning, she had revived and I awoke to her sucking my cock to wake me before riding me to a climax. We never dressed, we weren't going anywhere and I was allowed to finger her whenever I liked. So long as I gave her an orgasm, and I fucked her when I got hard. "You'd better make the most of it Harry, mum and dad will be home at four. We will have to sneck out to the shed, to have a fuck after that," Alice said.   As I had her on all fours at the time in the living room, it was our second fuck since we came down. I had fingered her in the kitchen, while we had waited for the toast, and the kettle to boil. I had gone under the table to suck on her cunt when I had finished my toast, she then leaned over the table for me to fuck her. Sitting in the armchair afterwards, she had put her legs over the arms of it as I had her last night.   Where she encouraged me to thurst my fingers, deeper into her stretched open cunt. Then vibrant as I lapped her juices, as she orgasmed until I pulled her onto the carpet to fuck her doggy style. It was almost two, two hours left to keep Alice as randy as I could and fuck her as many times as I could. Getting her sexed-up seemed no problem, it was getting my cock hard again that was the trouble, it was taking me longer each time.   Keeping her happy and her cunt juices flowing were my highest priority, and it seemed my only add was dad's cucumber. She was still kneeling on the floor, where I had just pull my shrinking cock from her cunt. She moaned approvingly as I felt her puffy cunt, and slipped two fingers into her. Her moans became rhythmic as I fingerfucked her, adding a third finger then a forth made them louder and more lurid.   She quivered and vented loudly, as she felt the cucumber being pushed into her cunt. Then moaned slowly as I moved it in and out, almost immediately her juices dripped from her cunt. Onto the towel, I had pulled from the chair, to place under her for just this reason. It was alright on the leather settee, you could allow her juices to pool on the leather cushions. After I could suck it up, or wipe it off, depending on how randy I was feeling at the time.   The other furniture was fabric so the towel was needed, to stop her cunt juice sooking in and staining. Like now to stop it staining the carpet, and Alice was enjoying me making her juices flow. As I fucked her with the cucumber, I had lain down with my head between her legs. As her juices oozed from her I licked her cunt and clitoris, she was liking it and reminded her of what Mr Duncan had her do.   "O that's good Harry, Mr Duncan did that to me in his workshop when he was perfecting his invention. One day he came into the shop and passed me a message, then paid my boss for what he bought. The note asked if I would be interested in helping him, with the development of the experimental machine he had invented. As he was the science and technology teacher at my school, it seemed possible and he was offering to pay me."   "He picked me up after work on a Saturday and took me to the workshop, he rented in the trading estate. On the way, I asked if the professor would be there, and must have looked disappointed when he said no. He laughed and put his hand on my knee, and as he rubbed it up under my skirt he said. Don't worry Alice, you won't miss his cock I can promise you, and he smiled as I opened my legs, so he could finger me."   "By the time we got to his workshop, I was dying to be fucked and quickly undressed when he told me to. As I stripped off he uncovered a bed with this silver machine at the end of it. It had a pole sticking out over the bed, that had a dildo on the end of it. "I need someone that likes being fucked to try it out, I may have to stop it now and then to make adjustments. You are free all afternoon aren't you Alice? It could take some time."   He said turning it on, and the electric motor hummed, the wheels went round and the rod with the dildo on moved back and fouth. "Now get on your knees on the bed, I'll adjust it so it's in your cunt. Then we will see if it works to fuck you with the full length of the dildo, we may have to stop it and adjust it a little." Mr Duncan said, his hands on my bum, helping me up on the bed. Then when I was kneeling, he put the dildo into my cunt.   He had to stop it three times to get it right, but he finally got it to fuck me with all eight inches of the dildo. He then adjusted the speed of it and got it fucking me quite fast, and put his head under me like your doing to drink my cum. He kept it fucking me for a long time then knelt at my head, so he could fuck my mouth and I could suck him off.  "I sucked him off twice, in the hour he had the machine fuck me at varying speeds. Then he spent some time inspecting my cunt, that had swollen lips and was very sensitive as he fingered me. Then I watched him take the dildo off the rod, and replace it with what looked like a line of balls stuck together. He made me kneel on the bed again, but this time he pushed the balls into my ass."   "The professor had fucked my ass a few times, but having those balls fuck me was a whole new experience. They opened and closed my arsehole as they moved back and forth, and the feeling got more intents when he rubbed my clitoris. He took me back to his workshop a few weeks later, to test his new handheld model that looked like a drill with a dick. This time I laid on my back as he fucked me with it, first in my cunt then in the ass."   "Three months ago, he met me outside the shop and asked if I would like to go for a coffee with him. As he seemed very excited I agreed, then as we were having the coffee. He handed me an envelope, saying this is for you Alice. When I opened it, it had five hundred pounds in it. I looked at Mr Duncan and asked 'what's this for'? He said 'remember those machines you tested for me, well I now have an engineering firm making them."   "They are selling very well, and that's a little thank you from me. Now if you would like to try out some of my new models, I'd be glad to show them to you?' Well it was Saturday afternoon and I had nothing to do, so he was pleased when I just smiled and said 'yes please'. So we spent the rest of the afternoon, with him demonstrating the whole range he was making. When we left my cunt was numb and swollen, but I was satisfied."   "I've seen him a few times in town since, but we haven't spoken because he has been with his wife. She looks like a stuck up bitch with a sour face, I don't think she lets him fuck that often. Perhaps that's why he likes me, I'll let him fuck me anytime." Alice said as I removed the cucumber, to suck out her cunt as she had another orgasm, thinking of Mr Duncan's cock fucking her.    It was after three now, this would be my last chance to fuck Alice before mum and dad got home. Alice knew it too and jumped on my cock when she saw it was hard saying.    "Fuck me hard Harry,      Publication Date: January 28th 2020 https://www.bookrix.com/-kvd9bf587b1e9d5
SHANNON COOTS SUFFER I Want My Straight Friend! "Where the hell are you Asswhole?" I said into my best friends answering machine. Why wasn't matt aswering, fuck it I need him and I going to his place and wait for him to show up. fifteen mins later I let myself into matts pinthouse and right off back I here matt voice coming from the bedroom. "Oh yeah suck it" and he groans and then I hear a body sounded like it slamed on the floor and then a deep grunt "Is that how you like it lover" I hear another voice and I swear it was a mans voice. And I panic and turn to rush out but knocked over Matts mother vase the one thing he only had to remember his mother by "who's there" I frozed then spoke and I don't know how I did it but i did "Just me matt, My gril dumped me and fucked my cousin" I heard Matt curse and then I heard him Say "Get dress brodie, you got to go!" there was shuffle and then Brodie came out barefoot and dressed and caring his shoes and he stormed pissed off out the door. Then Matt came out "you want a beer!" I just nod "So" i say and he say "so your gril dumped you for your cousin" he shakes his head in disgust "Thats cold bro!" I was so pissed that he could be so calmed and ignore the fact i just busted him with Bro-hee face 'shit I sound jealouse, oh hell I am jealouse "BUT I'm not gay" am I "what the fuck were you fucking that ass whipe" I say out loud and with out my control and Matts eyes went wide then he said "Well I'm gay and thats what you do, fuck ass whipes until you find the one!" He snarls at me. I get up and walked at and the only reason I did was because I was about to mount matt and teach him who he belong too. which scared me because I'm straight so i thought! TWO WEEKS LATER-MATTS POV Well Jakes been avoiding my calls. So were not friends anymore. So I guess there no use telling Him I've been deploided to irak and I've been trying to get a hold of him and let him know and here I am at my go away party. "Please hun be safe" my aunt litty said and uncle Dan said "Where's Jake" I gave them a both a sad Look "Were not friends anymore" "what happen" I chuckle with out any humer "He caught me with my gay lover and dump our friendship, Which shows he wasn't my friend anyway" Uncle dan looked concern "Did you leave your will the same!" I nod and he looked at me understandingly. I looked at my watch and realize it was time to go I left then went To my commanding officer and Off we went. AT THE BAR-JAKES POV "hey man why anit you at Matts going away party?" Donny ask me with surprise "What party?" he looked shocked "your best friends been deploided to irak and you don't know?" I look stunned then It hit me in the gut "When does he leave?" Donny look sad for me "Man he's already gone!" I sunked back into my seat. All shit what if I never see Matt again. Oh what did I do. I was just giving me time to figure me at. And now it don't matter he's gone. FIVE YEARS LATER "Did you all hear my nephew coming home!" I sprung to my feey and rush to Dan side "WHEN!" He looks at me and says "Tonight!" and then I turned to leave but Dan restrained my wrist "If you don't really except him, leave him be" I nod and smiled "I love him dan!" He smiles back. I wait for him at the bar with the rest of his family "He's here" litty hollered. And then he walked in and time stood still he looks like he seen to much and he looked deadly and the girls rushed him and they were all asking him out at once "Sorry ladies I play the other team" they gasp and said what a pitty and then he huged his uncle and litty and then he walked back out the door and I fallowed and then I was dazed at all the guys at there with loaded guns and some praticing and I seen Matt take his shirt off and was gaging in hard core combat with like six or seven guys. "you there why you fallowing My Boy Matty" I couldn't move because i had a gun to my neck. "thunder!" and we looked to see Matt looking at us "Hes fine," The knife was gone "go back to the bar, I'll find you later". I wasn't so sure he would 'but' the look he gave me told me to do as asked. BAR-JAKES POV I Sat here like a idit waiting for him to come. He didn't show, so I walked outside. I'll be damn there he sat on his truck hood stareing at the stars, "damnit matt i've been setting in ther for ever waiting for you! what the hell!" hE just shrug his shoulder "I don't like people" I just didn't get it "Thats know reason to be a ass to me" He just sighs with annoyance "Well I was feeling the strain of to many people, it makes me deadly to people around me" he says in a whisper "I'm trained to react to all things, its hard be in a non violent place of peace" I nodd That made sence and I could understand "I get it man" jake shoots all the hood and lands on his heel and struck a blade at and it landed on a tree "Why Did you do that?" he laugh "To let my boy thunder know I left?" I couldn't hold my toung "Is that your boyfreind?" Jake grabed me my the throat and said "Thats none of your Damn business, and no hes my partner and my friend and my brother" I was hurt by this "And what am I?" I said in a small voice. Jake just looks at me and says "nothing!" and walks away. He got into his truck and drove all and I stood there crying like a baby. LITTYS HOUSE-LITTYS POV "Hay boy!" Dan ask Matt "You and Jake an item now" The boy shook his head no. I look at my Litty, and she shrug in confussion to. "Why not?" Matt just look at me and this his aunt with a frown "Why would you even ask, you know were not even friends, let alone be an item or anything!" Litty spoke up before I could "Did you give him chance to do or saything" he nod "Yeah he ask if my boy thunder was my lover and if he was anyhing to me" litty looked at me with a concerned look "And?" I huffed out a breath "I said he was nothing" litty gasped and started crying "What?" Matt said. Dan spoke "That young man is inlove with you, he's been waiting for you for five years and he hasn't been with anyone, hes been waiting on you". Matt was shocked and stunned and then I got my head back on straight "Well hes waiting on a Matt that doesn't exist anymore that matt is dead. the war took him and changed him to reality!" HE said and stormed out. MATTS POV went for a run and then worked out! still stressed out and then I see thunder and Jake argueing and go over to see what the problem is "whats up?" Thunder glares at me and says "This ass won't let me sleep on his balcony?" it was so funny I laugh "Come on man lets fught it out" we start fighting and time were done everyones staring including stunned face Jake "But" he looked green Like he was sick and he rushed to me "Oh baby you okay" I just stiffen and look surprised at Jake and realize that was worried for me on his face "Baby?" I asked and he blushed with inbarrassment "Sorry!" he said sadly and walked away with a Lost look. "Man you got to work it out with him, he's hurting and so are you, life to short not to be with your heart. I nod and took off towards jake apartment and knocked on his door it open on my forth knock. And there he stood "We need to talk!" Jake just Nod "Let me go first I said. again Jake nod "I've been in love with you since I laid eyes on you,But I new you were straight, so I dated men who looked almost like you since I couldn't have you. and then you busted me with a guy and turned your back on me, It hurt, I thought you were my friend and I always been there for you but you didn't want even my friendship!" Jake just stared and then he was crying which is weird he never cryed "I didn' turn my back on you I was deeling with my reaction to you being with someone that wasn't me?" I blinked in disbaleif "I didn't realize my feeling for you until I seen someone where I shoulda been!" Then Jake grabed me and kissed me Publication Date: September 9th 2011 https://www.bookrix.com/-babyluv
BG Bill in Boobland Wonderful fantasy adventure of a college guy Text: Biswajit Ganguly Images: Biswajit Ganguly Editing: Biswajit Ganguly All rights reserved. Publication Date: February 2nd 2012 https://www.bookrix.com/-biswajit
Jay H Hiroki Minashi Hitoku Minashi     Hiroki Minashi   Age: 19 Height: 6'5” Weight: 215 Pounds Build: Muscular Athletic   Bio:   Hiroki has lived in the house two doors down from his childhood friend, and it more recently lover, for as long as he can remember, he can't even remember when they moved in to that old house at the end of the row him and his family lived on, however the Hiroki and the girl hit it off quite quickly. They had been the best of friends ever since, but ever since they had been 13, their relationship changed. It went from being something platonic to something much more involved. It all started the day that she had just waltzed right in to his room at his house without even announcing herself, as usual, and had caught him right in the middle of stuffing his cock back in to his boxers from his release just mere moments before she had just intruded in on his room, and lucky for him, she hadn't caught him during the act, but he hadn't had time to clean up the mess that his activities had caused, and like usual, not a damn thing escaped her perfect vision, and she spotted it, just a few feet away from Hiroki's bed, what what appeared to be a thick milky looking substance. Hiroki seeing her go and start investigate it, gave a low groan to himself, he knew she'd spot it, nothing gets past her he thought, and when he sat up and looked over at his childhood friend, she had already scooped up a bit of it on to her finger and her tongue was extended and right at this moment, his jaw dropped, he couldn't believe it, his childhood friend was going to be the very first to taste his cum. She licked her finger and gave a low moan then a huge smile. That stuff is so delicious, and then she gave a sideways glance at him, and then a huge grin and blurted out as she scooped the rest of it on to her finger, “This is your cum isn't it!” and with that she licked every last bit off her finger giving a loud moan, and pulled her finger out with a loud POP noise. “Hiro, I want more of that thick creamy stuff it was so delicious, I want more!” With this Hiroki knew his friend ship was never ever going to be the same again, and he wasn't sure if he wanted it to be this way or not. Hiroki's feels were always jumbled when it came to her. Publication Date: September 29th 2016 https://www.bookrix.com/-id890c042408b75
Kekewuxhur The way that I love The way that I love Publication Date: May 14th 2011 https://www.bookrix.com/-kekewuxhur
Yaya634 Bunny Strawberry Banana Smoothie Strawberry1. A Sweet Secret When I was little my mom told me that little girls were made of sugar and spice with everything nice but for me I was special. Either I got a frog, snail, or puppy-dog’s tail but I had something that I thought belong to a boy. I suppose now I am a strawberry with a banana, as one. ♡ “Ahhh feel that morning breeze!” Kadiri said happily as she stepped outside with her backpack. “Heehee Morning” Momoko waved, as she waited for Kadiri outside. “Oh, Momo!” Kadiri smiled very calm and sweet. Momoko Shinsato, she is so beautiful and elegant, we met in middle school, I was exposed in a girls shower room and bullied so bad. But Momoko made the girls stop with a deep look of anger and loan me one of her shorts to wear, there with a gentle smiled she said, “Our secret together”. Since then things became much better, I had such a good friend and a lovely princess acting out as a knight. “Hmm Kadiri?” Momoko looked at her shoulder to see Kadiri had fallen asleep. “Sleep tight” Momoko whispered softly and smiled rubbing Kadiri’s head. It was a long peaceful ride on the train and in time a stop was made and the girls got off in a local town with there school just ahead. “Well talk about a big fancy looking school” said Kadiri with a very surprised look. “Come on silly, can’t be late on our very first day” Momoko teased and smiled. “Yeah!!” Kadiri said happily taking Momoko’s hand running to the school. The bell rung and all students were seated in their classrooms and out of the principal’s office Kadiri and Momoko was shown to there official homeroom class. “Quiet!” Ms. Hatanaka shouted sitting on her metal with an oak top teacher’s desk. “Now two new students arrived today and we are lucky we get to have one join us in this class”. The class cheered and gossiped excited as the door opened. Kadiri shyly walked inside and stood in front of the class. “Umm Hello, I’m Kadiri Yasuda”. The class all together said, “Welcome Yasuda!” “Alright, there you can sit in middle desk of Aya and Hatsuyo “said Ms. Hatanaka. “Okay” Kadiri walked to her desk and sat down with her things. “Hmm?” Kadiri felt a strange uncomfortable force. Aya was starring at Kadiri in a flirtatious look and when Kadiri looked to the other side Hatsuyo also had a charming smile. I never saw two girls just looking at me, and in that way. Maybe it’s nothing, besides they could be ready to pick on me or something, So much for trying to look forward and start fresh. *sighs* It was lunch time, and at a table Kadiri was sitting alone but kept noticing other looks from girl students. “May I join?” A sweet voice asked. “Momo!” Kadiri said happily. “How were your classes so far?” Momoko smiled and blushed. “Well I saw this really cute boy in English class, so handsome”. For some reason Kadiri lost her smile and put on a happy act, “I’m so glad Momo”. “How about you?” Momoko asked. “Uhh you know same old same old heh” Kadiri laughed a little. “I’m still always here for you, friends always first” Momoko held Kadiri’s hand and smiled. “Right!” Kadiri said with a very happy smile. The bell ranged and students begun their final last classes. “Gym?! Swim?! Girls room and shower?!!” Kadiri paniced as she looked at her schedule. “What am I going to do, either one will let my cat out of the bag!” Aya and Hatsuyo noticed how Kadiri avoided the girl’s locker room with showers, refused to do swim class but worn boys shorts in gym. When gym was over, Kadiri quietly headed into the locker room after the girls left full dressed in uniforms again. “Whew close one” said Kadiri. She went all the way to the back and began to unbutton her small buttons on her shorts. Just then Hatsuyo ran back to the locker room as she left her uniform ribbon. “Here it is, can’t let my cheast catch a cold heehee” Hatsuyo giggled as the ribbon kept girls cheast from exposure with buttons down there breasts area. “Hello?” Hatsuyo said looking around, hearing sounds. As Kadiri pulled down her shorts slowly to her knees her male genitalia was out, only to look up with a very shocked embarrassed look. Hatsuyo stood completely surprised and frozen as her eyes slowly looked at Kadiri’s secret, she blushed bright red and Kadiri paniced but then saw a wet drop fall from Hatsuyo, and both girls ran separated ways. Behind a wall Hatsuyo was trying to catch her breath, still very red in the face. She stood with her legs tight together embarrassed and suddenly let out an alluring smile with the thought of a banana. “Mmmmm now that is one sweet secret” said Hatsuyo with a wink. ♡ Strawberry2. A Yummy Visitor “I can’t believe what happen so fast! Now, Hatsuyo will sure enough spill my secret!” Kadiri yelled with her head buried on a pillow. “Did she really do that when she saw me?” Kadiri asked as she lift up her head blushing and she remember Hatsuyo either got turn on or had accident. “Well what do you think?” Kadiri asked and looked at her adorable rabbits, Marshmallow and Brownie. They wiggled their ears, and both thumped their feet on the ground for yes. “Nuh Uh!” Kadiri blushed a lot and walked out her room to the kitchen, cooking dinner. Her rabbits followed and sat on the couch taking a nap. “Huh?” Kadiri heard an unfamiliar knock on the door. “Coming!” As she opened the door slowly her face turned into a shock unexpected look. There in the rain stood very hot Aya holding up a gym bag. “Oh I forgot that left it! Umm thank you” Kadiri said with a smile abit. “I’ll catch a cold if you don’t let me in please” Aya teased with a grin. “Sorry! Come in!” Kadiri said and grabbed a towel as Aya sat in a chair. Kadiri rubbed the towel gently on Aya’s head and cheeks that made Aya smiled. “Mmmmm” Aya said with a happy smiled moving the towel away to feel Kadiri’s soft hand. “Uhh… yeah! I have dinner if you’re hungry!” Kadiri red a lot in the face, walking away into the kitchen. “I would love to taste your cooking heehee” Aya winked and smiled starting to undress. “Umm what are you doing?” Kadiri asked in a shock funny look. “Well all my clothes are very wet and you never mention to change into a room, guess you want a show hee” Aya teased and sticked out tongue playfully. “I’m sorry! My room is down the hall” said Kadiri blushing. Aya went into the bedroom, she began unbuttoning her school uniform top, revealing her cute purple bra and took off her skirt, in her matching panties. Meanwhile Kadiri set the hot food on the table and gave her rabbits their dinner too. “Mmmmm smells good!” Aya said happily sitting at the table wearing the top of one of Kadiri’s pajamas and her panties in view. “Looks very cute heh” Kadiri blushed and laughed happily that made Aya shy for a moment. They began to eat, enjoying the food a lot and even time together, Aya played with the Marshmallow and Brownie, she and Kadiri watched scary movies that made Aya get close up on Kadiri scared. Then they played games to midnight, the pouring rain never stopped but both girls seem to forget all about it. “Mmmmm!” Kadiri woke up yawning and stretching in her bed happily. “What a beautiful day! I should call Momo to tell her about the crazy night I had” Kadiri said smiling as she got up only freeze in deep shock. “EEEEKKKK!!!” Kadiri paniced as her boxers was missing on her body. “Breakfast ready sweetie” Aya happily said in the kitchen, naked in a pink apron with “banana” on it and holding up two plates of strawberry pancakes. Kadiri blushed red and try to shake it off only to slip and fall onto Aya. “I’m so sorry!” Kadiri tried to say realizing she had Aya pinned onto the floor and strawberry pancakes over them. Aya smiled and pulled Kadiri to her lips, making out passionately on the floor. Kadiri knew she enjoyed it but pulled away. “Did you already know my secret?” she asked catching her breath abit. “Oh I knew once you had reaction to me standing in the rain wet heehee” Aya giggled and smiled. “How come you didn’t run away or freak out?” Kadiri asked confused helping Aya up. “So you’re different, so what, I wanted you anyway, that big surprise just adds to more fun” Aya winked teasing and Kadiri blushed but smiled amazed to hear anything like that for the first time. Later on, Kadiri was very happy like a burden was released from her shoulders. “I love this side of you, may I ask what brought this suddenly?” Momoko smiled asking as she walked to school with Kadiri. “Well I learned the past was the past and now things can get better” Kadiri smiled looking up at the sky. “I wanted to be accepted for whom I’m inside and out and maybe in time I will meet the one, but I can’t rush right?” Kadiri said and looked at Momoko. “Yes and I want you find your first ever love but give it time, you will be surprised” Momoko happily held Kadiri’s hand. Kadiri smiled squeezing her hand gently and look to see Hatsuyo in a crowd of cheerleaders, she waved and Hatsuyo winked with her charming smile, Then Aya appeared, Kadiri shyly smiled waving and Aya pulled out a strawberry, bite it with her lips juicy red and blew a kiss. “Kadiri you okay?” Momoko asked as she was paying attention but waving to her friends. “What?! I mean yes!! Uh let’s get to class!” Kadiri blushing embarrassed. ♡ Banana 3.One cold with hot Nurses It’s already been a week and my life has took some funny turn, some girl students are very friendly to me, some look at me with hearts in their eyes, and boys are so envious of me. But then again I shouldn’t be surprised, the two hottest girls in school defined by all the boys, are Aya and Hatsuyo. Theses two girls have never shown interested in anyone well until now. I’m sure any boy would love it but for me it’s very embarrassing especially in class last Thursday. “Alright let’s begin our first lesson” said Ms. Hatanaka as she turned to the black board with chalk in her hand. The class opened their books and took notes watching Ms. Hatanaka demonstrate how to solve a math problem. “Put this there... And add it by two... Oh!” Kadiri said as she happily took notes too. Aya giggled watching Kadiri and Hatsuyo smiled, both girls moving their desks closer to Kadiri’s with her even more in the middle. “Ahhh…” Kadiri blushed a lot and held her mouth tight. She instantly looked under her desk to see Aya and Hatsuyo hand on both on her legs making it further to her thighs. Aya smiled happily pulling on Kadiri’s hidden boxers up her skirt. Hatsuyo was hugging Kadiri’s arm with her bust tightly pressed on to it. “Ahhh I have to go to the rest room!” Kadiri yelled jumping up from her seat with her face all red. That was so hard to endure without exploding both inside and out, as days went by more it got worse and worse, now after a long week of rain and unwanted touching, I have to admit I don’t think I’m feeling well…really. As the bell ranged, all students went there next class but Kadiri was going very slow and could barely walk. “Kadiri are you okay?” Momoko hurried holding her hand. “Yeah, it’s nothing, not to worry” Kadiri said with a weak smile trying to brush it off. “No your not, I know you now please go to the nurse office and I promise to come back for you after class” Momoko said very worried rubbing Kadiri’s forehead. “Okay, for you” said Kadiri with a smile and left to see the school nurse. Momoko watched and blushed at her hand was so warm from Kadiri’s forehead. “Nurse Koshikura? Are you in here?” Kadiri called out in a low voice walking inside the nurse office. As Kadiri moved a curtain back she froze blushing red, there on the patient’ bed was Hatsuyo undressed out her school uniform smiling seductive. “Is my banana not feeling well? Can I help please?” Kadiri was very overwhelmed with a sick body inside and turn on body from the outside. “Umm heehee nope I good” said Kadiri. Laughing nervously backing away slowly only to trip over the curtain. “Mmmmm” Hatsuyo smiled happily as Kadiri had fallen on top of her but in an interesting position. Kadiri’s face was on Hatsuyo’s panties with Kadiri’s butt in Hatsuyo’s face. For about fives minutes, no movement yet, Kadiri couldn’t move starting to feel dizzy again. Hatsuyo done having a fantasy similar to this, started to poke Kadiri’s butt playfully. “What is the meaning of this?!” Aya yelled coming in the office. “How dare you try to take advantage of my sweetie when obviously she is sick!” Aya pulled Kadiri off Hatsuyo into her arms. “No fair! I had her first! Girlfriend stealer!” Hatsuyo pouted and angrily pulled Kadiri back on top of her. “We will be done in four hours, bye” Hatsuyo waved smiling. Aya lost her temper grabbing Hatsuyo hair and in moments both were at war. “Everything is spinning heehee...yup around…around...” Kadiri said holding her head with a dizzy smile and fell out cold. “Kadiri!!” both Aya and Hatsuyo shouted in panic with clothes ripped. When Kadiri awoken, she found herself in her bed at home. She had a fever and was coughing a lot. “Mmmmm so cold... So hot…owwww...” Kadiri said very sad feeling muscle aches. At that moment, Kadiri blushed red at Aya and Hatsuyo, both at her house and in tight and short nurse outfits. “Nurse Strawberry here” Aya winked and smiled. “Nurse Banana here!” Hatsuyo blew a kiss with a sexy smile. “Uh…” Kadiri smiled abit and held the covers over her head shocked. “Kadiri are you home? Hello?” Momoko called on her cellphone. “Hmm I hope she is alright, Nurse Koshikura said she never seen Kadiri in her office but Ms. Hatanaka said she went home early” Momoko said thinking and reached Kadiri’s house. Momoko pulled out a spare house key she had to the house and entered in it quietly. “What in the world?” Momoko looked around to see two school uniforms on the floor, along with bras and panties. “Kadiri?!” said Momoko standing in shock and anger. “Momo!’ Kadiri said in a very weak voice blushing as Aya was rubbing strawberries on her breasts from her shirt and Hatsuyo playfully sticking a banana up her cute boxers. “Heehee, Time for your shot!” Hatsuyo smiled giving a shot on Kadiri’s butt. “Say Ahhh” Aya smiled enticing and very ready to taste Kadiri’s tongue. Momoko busted into wrath kicking the girls out and holding a sick Kadiri in her arms with a blanket. “The nerve of them!” said Momoko still upset but sound very jealous. Kadiri had fallen asleep finally in peace. Momoko left the room and saw the girls holding up drinks. “We so sorry if we upset you, really” Aya said with a sad look. “We just adore her and guess got carried away, not nurse like, forgive us?” Hatsuyo asked with a little smile. “Umm sure, maybe I went far too, thanks and yes” Momoko smiled back thought still very mad taking the drink and sipped slowly. In just a few minutes both girls grinned and laughed as Momoko felt sleepy a lot, laying on the couch. “Ooops those darn sleeping pills” Hatsuyo laughed and smiled. “Not bad, that was excellent” Aya smiled impressed. They were happily back in the bedroom, one on each side, lying asleep with Kadiri who kept having a dream of two cats constantly licking and biting her. Unknowingly to her it was very similar, as through the night, Aya and Hatsuyo kept snuggling, touching, and kissing Kadiri a lot. Both very happy sleep yet Kadiri had a ruff time, even sick she wasn’t left a break with a cute irritated look blushing still with a fever. ♡ Banana 4.The lucky number three It was a beautiful morning and all girls and boys headed to school in a hurry not to be late but no I was still stuck in bed *sighs* and ended up having a three’s company in bed. So you can pretty much guess who were my company and as much as I feared of extreme temptation and pressure, so far the day went like this… There in the bed, starting from left side was Aya reading a book called ‘Just plain Lust, How to make it dirty but keep it clean”. Next, in the middle was Kadiri reading a book called “How to shoot cupid, and find peace” Last on the right was Hatsuyo reading a book called “A Loving Desire, Make it yours”. “Time to eat you three” said Momoko as she had no memory of last night but Kadiri being sick. “I made a lot more in the kitchen to last the day while I go to school”. Momoko said and then hurried out the door after kissing Kadiri’s forehead. “Thanks Momo, bye!” Kadiri said happily waving and coughed abit. Right at the sound of the door closed and locked, Aya and Hatsuyo slowly moved their books from their face with a happy grin. I should have knew they were quiet and good for a reason, waiting like predators, waiting to finally have their prey all to there selves. So the rest of the day turned out like this… Kadiri was happily having a bubble bath with vanilla scented candles and eating a strawberry banana ice pop. “Mmmmm this is so relaxing and yummy heehee” Kadiri said giggling and closed her eyes as her body was soaking in the bubble bath. “…heavy...” said Kadiri suddenly feeling strange from her body in the tub. “May I join please?” said a familiar alluring feminine voice. “What?” Kadiri opened her eyes quick and her cheeks became a deep rosy red at the sight of a very sexy naked Aya leaning on top of her. “Aya don’t!” Kadiri held up a towel to block the view, but Aya pulled it away fast smiling. “No need to be shy, It’s just me besides you already saw me in my under garments” Aya winked and smiled pulling the bathtub plug out, releasing the water. “Umm what are you doing?” Kadiri asked blushing very nervous, keeping her legs closed hiding her aroused male genitalia and holding her breasts in her arms, hiding them too. “So cute heehee” Aya smiled giggling as she pushed Kadiri down on the soapy tub floor. “Mmmmm” Aya began to make out with Kadiri, rubbing her body on Kadiri. “Mmmmm Aya I can’t...” Kadiri said trying to fight Aya’s desire but let out a small yet cute moan that excited Aya a lot. ‘Kadiri be mine, okay?” Aya smiled holding Kadiri’s hands on her big breasts and giggled happily. Kadiri was completely in a passion state and squeezed Aya’s breasts slowly. “Ahhh... Mmmmm” Aya blushed shy and moaned, caught off guard. “Drop those Melons!! And you back away you succubus!!” Hatsuyo yelled busting into the bathroom holding up a bat angrily. “Why would she want a blonde doll? She can have a fine black hair ecstasy!” Aya yelled back in a towel and began another war with Hatsuyo all over the house. “This blonde will demolish you!” Hatsuyo shouted swinging the bat and Aya smack her out with a pillow only to fall onto the floor as Hatsuyo tripped her. “Stop you too!” Kadiri blew a whistle but the girls still fought very ruff on the floor and Kadiri pulled out sink hose on them. Kadiri blushed as Hatsuyo wet clothes revealed her white lingerie underneath. Hatsuyo made a passionate look at Kadiri and stood up in front of her holding her hands. “I’m sorry, I made your cold worse now making you wet” Kadiri looked down very sad. “I feeling better now” Hatsuyo kissed Kadiri and smiled. Aya jealous had stick out tongue at Hatsuyo, teasing and being smart that later another fight had break out and Kadiri’s rabbits watched eating carrots. At night, Kadiri was asleep in her bed with the girls on each side of her again watching TV. “Hey turn back! I love that show “Making it love” Hatsuyo demanded and pouted. “No way, my favorite soap “Twisting all around” comes on tonight!” Aya shouted back with the remote. Hatsuyo snatched the remote changing the channel back but Aya took it back with her channel back on, and they fought with the remote clicking all channels then stopped on an adult xxx channel. The girls actually got quiet watching a young couple bring another person into their sex life, they were very turned on and moved. “Truce?” Aya smiled holding out her hand. “Yes heehee” Hatsuyo said shaking Aya’s hand then both smiled wicked and seductive to the sleeping beauty Kadiri. The next day Kadiri was happily back at school with Momoko. “I’m so glad to have you here” Momoko said very excited with happiness. “Me too, so glad to be back and out more” Kadiri said cheerfully. Momoko then stood shock and confusion. “What’s wrong? Huh?!” Kadiri suddenly heard two big clicks, Aya and Hatsuyo handcuffed there selves to Kadiri’s wrists. “What’s going on?” asked a nervous and cute panicing Kadiri. “We have made a truce” Aya smiled. “And agreement” Hatsuyo added. “Oh?” Kadiri smiled nervously knowing another shocker was happening and outside school. “Lets become a threesome!!!” Both Aya and Hatsuyo happily yelled and Momoko fainted with Kadiri speechless with a crazy stunned look. ♡ Strawberry 5. The new burning flame A lovely Friday morning day, and yet I’m spending it so far hiding in a closet at school *sighs* I’m not safe at school now and defiantly not at my own home off campus. I have suddenly become the property of the two most popular good looking girls. I’m so living a boy’s dream come true then to top it off have their male ability to make girls glow but it’s very overwhelming….. Kadiri was still hiding and paniced with the closet door opening. She tried to move back only to slip over a coat on the floor as someone walked in. “Owwww!” A girl voice yelled out. “I’m sorry!” Kadiri said quickly but then blushed. She had fallen on Uta, a very sexy attractive girl with long crimson red hair, and her bust was even bigger than Aya’s. “Uta, can you stand?” Kadiri asked with a sweet voice holding out her hand. “Yes! I’m fine” Uta said getting up and left mad abit. That actually happed earlier before Aya’s and Hatsuyo’s shocker announcement. So far for a long while, Uta is one girl who didn’t seem to be interested in me and not even as friends, I’m sure she really don’t like me at all, so what made this happen out of the sudden?... Alright I need a volunteer, Ms. Yasuda is a very bright student but because of her illness and distractions she missed out on a few things in class, so who will help her out?” Ms. Hatanaka asked. Uta stood up, “I will” she answered. “Excellent, our class rep is always ready and have time to spare” said Ms. Hatanaka happily. Kadiri didn’t know whether to be happy or uncomfortable around her now study buddy Uta. The bell ranged and all students got their stuff from lockers and began to head home. “Ready?” Uta asked waiting for Kadiri. “Yup, wait where at?” Kadiri asked with her backpack. “My house of course” Uta said taking Kadiri’s hand and left heading to a bus stop from the school. As they got on the bus, they stood side to side, both quiet. Uta looked at the view as she was standing in front of the back bus doors by the crowd. After a long turn and big bump on the road, Kadiri blushed as she was pushed up against Uta from behind and Uta’s body pressed against the doors. “I can’t move… Uta are you okay?” Kadiri called out in a low voice as she was stuck upon Uta by the big crowd on the bus. “Mmmmm” Uta was blushing red and biting on her ribbon of her school shirt as every bump on the road she felt Kadiri’s male part from her skirt shorts rubbed against her. As the bus stopped, Uta and Kadiri got off quickly, both embarrassed walking up to a small cozy cute house. “Please come in and make your self at home while I prepare a room with space” Uta smiled holding her door as Kadiri happily walked in and sat on the couch. “Take your time and thank you” Kadiri said waiting. “Hmm Aww” Kadiri smiled and giggled looking at photos of Uta growing from a baby to a total knock out. Uta appeared and blushed smiling watching Kadiri. “Umm are you done over there?” she asked. “Oh! Sorry heehee, yes I’m done” Kadiri said giggling and followed Uta into a private room made into a study room. They both sat on a chair at a wooden desk and started going over lessons by Ms. Hatanaka. Kadiri was happily working but kept catching Uta’s eyes on her that was making her nervous. “Sorry, Excuse me”, As Uta accidently dropped her pencil, she got up bending down to reach it with her skirt lifting up. Kadiri blushed a lot trying not to look that she spilled lemonade on her clothes. “Oh no, You alright?” Uta asked rubbing a towel on Kadiri, who felt like she was being felt up. “Yes I’m okay” Kadiri smiled only to sneeze abit. Moments later Kadiri sat on the chair in her blue bra and male boxers very shy and Uta sitting as she waited for Kadiri’s clothes to be done washed clean. “Uta may I ask something?” Kadiri said turning to face her. “Do you still hate me or dislike me?” Uta was very shocked with a sad face and stood up facing the wall with her cheeks red but with a fist bawled up abit. “Uta?” Kadiri called out worried and walked up behind her. Uta turned around and kissed Kadiri passionately, Kadiri was speechless. “That was my answer” Uta blushed looking in Kadiri’s beautiful deep blue eyes with long eye lashes. Uta kissed Kadiri more, turning the desk lamps off, and was on the floor on top of a nervous Kadiri in the dark. Uta blushed rubbing down on Kadiri’s boxers, pulling them down slowly, with Kadiri deep red and began to let out loud sounds with her soft voice. The clothes were done washing but something had started and didn’t finish yet. “Mmmmm, its morning?!” Kadiri yawned rubbing her eyes confused. Kadiri had woken up the next day not in her bed. Uta was sleep on top of her in a long white opened t-shirt with panties on. “Morning” Uta smiled happily and yawned “Umm did we..?” Kadiri blushed asking nervously as she got up with a blanket around her. “Heehee nope but very close” Uta said smiling as she held Kadiri’s hand lovingly. “Please stay with me abit longer? Uta said as she sat on the bed very beautiful with her fire red hair out, emerald eyes sparkling in the sunlight, and lips a sweet pink. Kadiri smiled with a very passionate look and hugged Uta, “Yes”. ♡ Strawberry 6. Four is a crowd The day had started out pretty normal so far, I was in peace at a library in town. In a book section about food. Looking for good cook books to make a special dinner for tonight with company. I do admit this is very last minute but after walking in on something I been in fear knowing tonight that was going to be me… Hatsuyo knocked on the front door, “Kadiri-Chan?” Aya grinned and found the spare house key hiding in a flower pot. “Heehee Aww, you would think she didn’t want us in” Aya giggled as she opened the door. Hatsuyo happily ran inside but stopped as she noticed Kadiri was not home at all. “She’s not here…” said Hatsuyo feeling disappointed. “Don’t look so gloomy, we can practice until she comes back” Aya winked and smiled pulling out a love doll that amazingly resembled Kadiri, in white lingerie. Hatsuyo smiled as she remembers that they order that with Kadiri’s likeness. “I’m ready” Hatsuyo said to Aya and they begun to undress slowly on the floor. “Well I’m home now, so I’ll text you later Momo” Kadiri said smiling and closed her cellphone. Kadiri suddenly felt a strange feeling, her front door knob was warm and when she looked into the flower pot, she found her spare key missing. She sighed abit knowing who where inside and went into the house. “Alright you too, what are you up to now?” Kadiri asked but stood frozen. Aya and Hatsuyo in their bra and panties were practicing a threesome with the love doll. The love doll had a banana symbolizing Kadiri’s male genitalia and strawberries on the nipple areas. Kadiri had walked into seeing Aya was nibbling and licking the strawberries off the doll’s chest while Hatsuyo was below sucking and licking the banana slowly in passion. Kadiri didn’t know whether to walk back out or just stand there, either way she couldn’t lie that it didn’t turn her on abit. “Kadiri!!” Both Hatsuyo and Aya threw the doll away and jumped onto Kadiri, very happy and longing for her a lot. “Join us please, we want you” Aya said smiling holding Kadiri close onto her body on the floor and Hatsuyo laying on top Kadiri’s back. “Uhh…” Kadiri was deep red, once again in the middle of them with their body tightly close. “Can’t breathe... Circulation!” Kadiri face was stuck between Aya’s big breasts with Hatsuyo squeezing Kadiri in places without stopping. I really do think those two are trying so hard it may kill me and I knew that for sure after they found out my surprise dinner party tonight, especially since they wanted something way different with just us three. The girls arrived at Kadiri’s house in very beautiful dresses and sat on the couch excited. “Kadiri how come we had to get dressed up tonight?” Aya asked smiling very curious. “Oh it’s nothing really, Just a nice get together…with friends” Kadiri smiled abit nervous and drinked a glass with sweet juice. The door bell ranged that struck the girls like lighting. “It’s not just us?” Hatsuyo asked disappointed and confused. “Who is it?” Aya asked with her arms on her hips. Kadiri even more worried and nervous giggling went to the door and opened it. “Kadiri, Hi” said Uta who happily kissed Kadiri’s lips. Aya and Hatsuyo got very angry giving Kadiri the image of burning wrath behind her then Momoko appeared. “I hope I’m not late or anything?” Momoko said and hugged Kadiri with a small peck on the cheek. “Nope, glad you made it Momo” Kadiri smiled and held the door for the girls to go inside and shut the door. A few minutes later, at the table Kadiri tried to keep a sweet smiling face as the girls were not pleased at one another, giving mean looks and an uncomfortable atmosphere. “Let’s play a game!” Kadiri said cheerfully but soon regretted very quick. She found herself tied up on a chair as the girls played musical chairs but Momoko sat watching feeling bad for her friend. Whenever the music had stopped the girls would try to do something to Kadiri as the winner. The music stopped and the girls tried to run to get on Kadiri’s lap first, Aya won stealing a very long passionate kiss on Kadiri’s lap. Uta won the next one and felt upon Kadiri’s breasts area, that seem to make Momoko very mad and after Hatsuyo made a hickey on Kadiri, Momoko stood pouring water on the girls and left. “Momo?!” Kadiri broke free from the chair and ran to catch up to Momoko. “Go back to your party” Momoko said angry. “No, you are very important to me, I didn’t expect that to happen either” Kadiri said. Momoko walked away more. “Wait!” Kadiri reached for her shoulder but Momoko accidently slapped Kadiri. “I’m so sorry! Kadiri?” Momoko cried shocked. Kadiri walked away very quiet as Momoko stood outside crying feeling like an idiot. “Kadiri we are sorry” Uta said as she, Aya, and Hatsuyo were in towels but Kadiri passed them going into her room, locking it. The girls left very sad and worried. During the night, no one could sleep, Kadiri’s cold shoulder made the girls heart felt a deep pain. Aya, Hatsuyo, and Uta right there noticed that they were very much in love with Kadiri. No like, no crush, not even just lust but love and a lot. Kadiri was under the covers with her baby rabbits snuggled close to her sleep, she suddenly received a text that read... Hey Kadiri! I got your text earlier, I don’t want you all upset, Momoko may not like it but for you, because I’m also your childhood friend I’m coming there. Besides I liked you first before all of them! Lol p.s me boobs are way bigger than Momoko’s now ^-^ -Nene. Kadiri let out a laugh and a smile and was able to go to sleep the rest of the night. Momoko in her bed was still trying to figure out why she acted the way she did, got jealous, ruin the girl’s outfits, then walked out on Kadiri who she slapped by mistake. It all came clear once she had a dream where she was in the bed covers, with Kadiri below and she had an orgasm. Momoko quickly woke and found her self wet, without any hesitation pulled out a toy and went back to sleep. ♡ Banana 7. Getting wet all day Today I had a good time to relax, have fun, and unwind abit, Nene arrived in my new town home and picked me up from my house early, ready to cheer me up for the whole day. “Where are we going anyway?” Kadiri asked. “Just sit back and let Nene show you a good time” Nene said smiling as she gave blue sunglasses to Kadiri then drove off right at the green light. “Cool” Kadiri smiled and giggled wearing the sunglasses and enjoyed the breeze as Nene was driving. They both sung songs off the radio and stopped to eat before hitting the road again. Meanwhile Momoko arrived at Kadiri’s house but surprised to Aya, Uta, and Hatsuyo also there. “What’s going on? Momoko asked. “We all wanted to see Kadiri after yesterday” Aya said to Momoko with abit of a glare. “But she’s not home but left a letter” Hatsuyo also added holding it up to Momoko. “That’s not Kadiri’s hand writing though” Uta said with no doubt after being study partners with Kadiri for a while. Momoko read the note and she let out a furious annoyed look. “Nene!!” Nene walked out the women’s room in a sexy pink bikini with all boys looking. “Heehee come on Kadiri” she said laughing abit. “Its kind of embarrassing…you know” Kadiri whispered from behind a wall. “Aww but I’m here, now let’s go!” Nene smiled and playfully pulled Kadiri out. Kadiri stood in a sexy black bikini top with matching swim shorts. They then got on a water ride, gently riding along and lying on rafts. Kadiri was once finally in peace floating down the lazy river along with Nene behind. “Thanks Nene this is awesome!” Kadiri said loud happily splashing her playfully. “Hey! Heehee” Nene laughed splashing back and got out the water. “How about two cold drinks?” Nene asked. “Sounds very good” Kadiri said and relaxed more on a pool raft. As Nene stood in line and got two sodas she turned around surprised to see an unexpected person. “Well if it isn’t my old friend Momoko” Nene let out a grin with a sarcastic voice. Momoko stood with arms folded glaring at Nene in her very attractive heart pattern bikini, showing off her big bust and slim figure. Kadiri was resting and relaxing on a beach chair but started feeling very strange like something heavy was on her. “Mmmmm…what?!” Kadiri was very shocked with a silly expression. Aya, Hatsuyo, and Uta stood over and were leaning on Kadiri with their breasts in her face. “That was mean yesterday” Hatsuyo pouted and licked Kadiri’s cheek. “You wasn’t home twice so far, that’s a punishment but if I was a bad girl I’ll let you spank me first” Aya smiled winking and teased as she bend over with her cute butt in full view. “Missed you” Uta blushed shy and smiled close to Kadiri’s lips. Kadiri was very red in the cheeks with heart beating so fast that if she screamed she would make all windows break. She was also very overwhelmed with hot steaming bodies’ right on hers with boys envious with rooting and cheers. As Kadiri turned to see Nene and Momoko fall into the pool fighting but playfully. “So much for my protectors and friends” Kadiri said annoyed and sighed smiling. Kadiri looked up at the girls and let out a sweet cheerful smile, “Let’s enjoy today together”. “Yes!!” The girls said at the same time taking Kadiri’s hand. They all were swimming around a lot in the pool, then Kadiri and Hatsuyo played with cute children who pulled away from the group. Meanwhile there was a competition among Aya, Uta, Momoko, and Uta on matt racing slides. Kadiri willingly took a ride down on a water tub slide with each girl that held onto her tight. Last all went on the water coasters happily many times. As the day came to a very pretty sunset, Nene left smiling in her car. In Momoko’s car, everyone was quiet and tired. Kadiri was in the back, in the middle asleep with Aya sleeping on her shoulder, Hatsuyo was sleeping on Kadiri’s lap while Uta slept on Kadiri’s other shoulder. Looking like sexy wet kitties on a sleeping beauty that actually made Momoko giggled and smile. “Momo...” Kadiri said with soft voice, awoke abit. “Yes?” Momoko blushed abit. “I missed you and glad you came for me” Kadiri said and fell back to asleep gently. Momoko smiled very happy all red in the face and continued driving home with a day dream of her hugging Kadiri, who suddenly moved her hand up Momoko’s dress. Momoko stopped the car, her heart beated fast, she was about to have another wet dream. ♡ Banana 8. Dessert delivery Today I was very excited, at school we were having a “Best Dessert Competition”, Open to all students who either had some great cooking skills or just wanna win that nice award. But most of all I was elected as one of the five judges. Aya, Hatsuyo, and Uta told Ms. Hatanaka that I had a great tongue for this type of thing….yeah they would know *blush* “Alright contestants, for this year you are required to use strawberries, bananas, or any berries for your dishes, a special hint to win over the judges favorite” Ms. Hatanaka winked and smiled. “In the hat is desserts you will choose and make your very best, now let’s start”. The students got in a line, each pulling out a piece paper out of a top hat. Aya, Hatsuyo, Uta, Momoko, and Nene, who transferred, also entered in the competition. Kadiri was sitting at a table with her co judges, the girls waved as they pulled out there chosen dessert dish. “Good luck students you have still tomorrow to bake, decorate, and wow us” Ms. Hatanaka said on the mic and left the room as the school bell ranged. I was actually looking forward to seeing how the girls do, I know Momoko and Aya are great cooks, but what about the other three…. “Hmm three to four cups of sugar...huh? coco powder?” Hatsuyo reading the directions then throws it happily. “I can do this, it’s easy!” Moments later Hatsuyo was on the floor crying with powder all over her with egg yolks. Nene had her smoke alarm going off with her panicing and Uta kept burning her dessert with her late timing. “We withdraw” Hatsuyo, Nene, and Uta said to Kadiri on her porch. “Aww okay, but come in first” Kadiri smiled and giggled abit. “Let me taste your dessert first, before you drop out” Kadiri said smiling at the table. “Okay, here is mine” said Uta pouting. Kadiri took a bite only to pause as crust surface was hard as medal, then Hatsuyo’s dessert look awfully watery, and Nene’s was black and smelly. Kadiri found her self on the couch unwell and when she woke up she could smell the sweet scent of cherry cheesecake. “Ooo what’s going on here?” Kadiri smiled asking. “Feeling better?” Hatsuyo happily hugged Kadiri’s arm. “We order a cheesecake to thank you for being brave in tasting our disasters. “Aww well let’s dig in!” Kadiri said excited cutting slices for her and the girls. “Yummy!” Nene giggled eating with cherry lips. Hatsuyo smiled licking her fork slowly at the cream. Uta was twirling her finger in the cheesecake and sucking it off her finger. Kadiri blushed watching them, feeling aroused abit that she kept her legs closed hiding it in her shorts. Uta smiled finishing “Kadiri you alright? You haven’t touched all of yours yet” Kadiri snapped out of it blushing more embarrassed. “Yes, heehee I’m okay” Nene playfully sticked her creamy finger in Kadiri’s mouth. “See yummy” Nene winked and giggled. Hatsuyo and Uta happily joined in with their fork and spoon. Kadiri was overwhelmed but shyly stood and walked to her door. “Sorry girls I have some work to do and it’s sunset already” The girls pouted but smiled leaving with each kissing Kadiri’s cheek. “See you later!” Nene yelled. “Bye sweetums!” Hatsuyo said blowing a kiss. “Take care!” Uta smiled waving bye. Kadiri shook her head abit laughing; good girls can’t help to do at least one naughty thing before the end of the day. The next day, Kadiri and other four judges was at there places trying all sorts of desserts dishes, and it was down to Momoko and Aya who out beat all students. “Our final contestants everyone, which means tomorrow is the winner, girls here are your last chosen dessert projects, good luck!” Ms. Hatanaka said excited in a sexy mature manner. The students clapped and Aya winked at Kadiri as Momoko gave her a smile. Yeah...right there, Oh shame on me for not seeing this come, Aya yes, Momoko, a big surprise…. At home Kadiri phone ranged as she got out of the shower, “Momo! Hey!” Kadiri said smiling. “Umm Kadiri mind coming over for a sec please it concerns the competition and you as judge” Momoko said in a shy cute voice. “Aww sure, no problem” Kadiri hung up as she happily got dressed and headed out her home. “Momo?” Kadiri knocked on the door and pulled out her key to the house, walking inside closing the door. Kadiri smiled smelling Momoko’s cooking in the kitchen but her no where in the room. “Hey where are you Momo?” Kadiri called and giggled noticing Momoko’s door opened abit. When Kadiri moved the door back she blushed deep red as Momoko was on the floor in a sexy small apron naked. “Uhh…” Kadiri was blushing so much like a red apple and unable to move, Momoko was really turning her on too much. Making her heart desire to see what was behind the apron, Kadiri never saw Momoko like that. “Kadiri, how does my dessert taste?” Momoko asked as she held up a plate with a slice of her Banana Berry Brownie Pizza. Kadiri took a bite and bend down to Momoko, starring in her eyes. “It’s very delicious… like you” Momoko blushed moving her apron top slowly but stopped by Kadiri. “Momo, do you mind if I kiss you?” Kadiri asked blushing. “Yes” Momoko blushed with longing in her eyes pulling Kadiri on top of her. Together their lips moved close and began kissing very deeply. Momoko happily enjoyed her first kiss with Kadiri as well as Kadiri did from her. “Mmmmm” Momoko blushed and moaned in Kadiri’s mouth. Both still kissing more until breathless and Kadiri couldn’t help but to squeeze Momoko’s breasts from her apron as they started kissing more and Momoko squeezing Kadiri’s male genitalia from up her shorts of her cute boxers. Kadiri ended up staying over and made out with Momoko everywhere in her house. The next morning at school, was the day to announce a winner and Ms. Hatanaka begun to start. “First up is Aya with a Strawberry Crown Tart” The judges happily ate slices, testing the taste, all holded up a ten out of ten. “Now is Momoko with her excellent big dish of Banana Berry Brownie Pizza” Ms. Hatanaka said. Kadiri quickly held up a one hundred out of ten and made a request, “I wish to have a special delivery of one at my house please” Kadiri smiled looking right at Momoko who blushed very happy. “Well alright then the judges agree with their co judge, the winner is Momoko!!” Ms. Hatanaka shouted on the mic with all students clapping loud as they stood up from there seats. Aya was shocked and glared abit at Momoko but received a warm hug by Kadiri. “You’re still just as good” Kadiri smiled placing a medal around Aya’s neck. “Thank you” Aya smiled moving close to Kadiri’s lips that made Momoko jealous and Hatsuyo stood watching holding her heart that started to hurt. “You okay?” Uta asked worried. Nene patted Hatsuyo shoulder, “Don’t worry we can try next year”. Hatsuyo smiled but once the girls had left she was standing with a small tear. “Did I loose… already for Kadiri…” ♡ Strawberry 9. Too hot for comfort It was a tired and boring Monday like always, Class was starting, Aya was on my left, but Hatsuyo wasn’t at her desk or in the classroom. No matter what I tired I couldn’t concentrate on my work, I notice a change in Hatsuyo’s behavior since the weekend after the competition, my heart feels a slight pain…. “Oh, Yes Ms. Yasudo?” Ms. Hatanaka said standing by the blackboard with chalk. “May I be excused?” Kadiri asked with sadness in her eyes and worry in her tone. “Sure” Ms. Hatanaka said with a smile giving a hall pass to Kadiri. Aya watched Kadiri leave the classroom, she became a bit worried but then touched Kadiri’s warm seat and giggled. Kadiri was on a desperate search all over the big school building, she reached the abandon side of the building with old empty classrooms and stuff from years ago. Music suddenly could be heard down the hall, Kadiri looked in a classroom window to see a beautiful blonde girl on the piano. “Hatsuyo!” Kadiri shouted sliding the door open fast, scarring Hatsuyo abit who tried to wipe her tears away quick. “Kadiri what are you doing here?” Hatsuyo asked looking down blushing abit. Kadiri angrily pulled Hatsuyo into her arms tight, making her blush more bright red with a few tears. “I’m going to hold you until your smile comes back to me and just in case, I’ll do this...” Kadiri held up Hatsuyo’s chin, kissing her deeply. Hatsuyo was very overwhelmed, hugging tight on Kadiri’s waist and kissing back with her wounded heart beginning to heal. “You know you’re just as important to me” Kadiri said smiling as she holds Hatsuyo’s cheeks gently. “That silky soft hair bright likes the sun, your very pretty amber hazel eyes, and your sweet smile is a one of a kind” Kadiri said happily that made Hatsuyo hug her tight. “Kadiri I love…!” Hatsuyo stopped and blushed deep red realizing what she was about to say. “Love what?” Kadiri asked giggling. “Um, I love this piano! Heehee” Hatsuyo said embarrassed. “Oh, okay” Kadiri smiled and took Hatsuyo’s hand, leaving the room. After that, things was feeling much better than before, until a sudden fire drill, that Me and Hatsuyo ran out the building and Aya clinging onto me as well through the way. But the sprinkler system came on making Aya and Hatsuyo wet. What is it about girls getting wet that make their hormones take a high turn? Because I was beginning to burn red hot as two wet girls were ready to pour their bucket of water on me. The next day at school Ms. Hatanaka was holding a special presentation in class and everyone was splinted into three groups. “Today is the month our school practices a fire drill but first in your groups you will practice the basic things” Kadiri wasn’t surprised that her two people were Hatsuyo and Aya but sensed trouble as they were dressed in sexy firefighter outfits. “Uhh does that make me the victim?” Kadiri asked while sighing. “Yes!” both Aya and Hatsuyo said happily. “Me first!” Hatsuyo said cheerfully and held up a blanket. “This is the Fire Blanket, easily handle small fires like me heehee” Hatsuyo smiled passionately moving close on Kadiri. “It’s placed over the fire like this” Hatsuyo giggled putting the blanket over Kadiri’s breasts. “Then you smother it!” Hatsuyo happily began rubbing and groping Kadiri’s breasts playfully from the blanket. “Hey!!” Kadiri yelled caught off guard, blushing bright red embarrassed. “This can be very useful in kitchens and around the house heehee” Hatsuyo said smiling very lustfully. “I’m cutting in now!” Aya pouted standing between them. “Now this is the smoke detector” Aya winked smiling as she was between Kadiri’s legs starring into her eyes deeply. “It indicates a fire, they can work either optical or physical, so lets demonstrate physical” Aya said passionate wicked. Kadiri gulped very nervous and still embarrassed. “The more you the smoke become stronger the more sensitive the alarm becomes to let out a very loud sound” Aya said very lustfully with a smile as Kadiri was sweating nervous and blushing deep red. Kadiri was then laying flat on the ground as Aya and Hatsuyo were arguing over who gets to perform mouth to mouth resuscitation on unconscious Kadiri. “Kiss of life!” Hatsuyo kissed Kadiri but was cut short as Aya slipped her tongue into Kadiri’s mouth making Hatsuyo furious. Suddenly a loud bell was ranging through the school building. “Alright everyone, move out fast and in order!” Ms. Hatanaka shouted and the class hurried out the room and building. “Mmmmm what’s that smell?” Kadiri asked opening her eyes abit. “The smell of love” Hatsuyo said hugging tight on Kadiri. “Is it getting hot in here or is it just me?” Kadiri asked on the ground. “It’s the heat of passion, you will be feeling sweetie” Aya winked smiling. “I Had Her First!” Hatsuyo yelled. “So What Blondie?!” Aya yelled right back. Both of them were fighting again. “It’s really hot in here!” Kadiri got up and was stunned to find no one in the classroom or building. “FIRE!!!!” Both Aya and Hatsuyo shouted panicing and grabbing their firefighter equipment fast. “Hey we got to get out of her now!! Just as Kadiri ran back to them she was accidently sprayed with water and along with the fire extinguisher. Hatsuyo and Aya paniced fought more not realizing Kadiri had put the fire out with the fire blanket and bucket of water. “There, all done” Kadiri sighed in relief. “You did it!!” Hatsuyo cheered glomping Kadiri tight. “My hero heehee!” Aya said smiling as she glomped onto Kadiri also. Kadiri annoyed, hot, and in pain abit walked to a window slowly as the girls was clinging onto her happily. On the window, Kadiri held up a sign that read “HELP!” ♡ Strawberry 10. Art of Passion It had been a week since that crazy fire drill that I will never forget, today I was excited to do some drawing and painting in art class which is one of my passions but I didn’t think art could become that passionate… In art class Kadiri, Nene, and Momoko were together at a table like other students in a set of three. “What does it say?” Nene asked anxious. “Hmmm for our assignment as a group, one must be the artist and two must be the art” Momoko read on the yellow paper. “Sounds fun” Kadiri smiled. “I can be the artist” Momoko and Nene happily agreed, becoming the two who will be the art. Yeah right there…I’m mad I said something like that *sighs* “I can be the artist”, like that won’t go wrong…but I’ll give my self a break, I didn’t see it coming. “Does it say anything else for the assignment?” Nene asked. “Umm only that the chosen artist can do any type of art to show the two art models in a good light” Momoko said looking at the paper more. “I see well then, we can get started at my house” Kadiri said excited. “Okay!” Both Momoko and Nene said cheerfully. At home Kadiri was relaxed on her couch in shorts and a long sleeve cute lime shirt along her baby rabbits on her lap. She was watching TV until her door bell ranged with Momoko and Nene at her door step. “Hello there, come on in” Kadiri smiled sweetly holding the door open. Momoko blushed at Kadiri’s shorts, seeing Kadiri’s male genitalia form from the outside. “Naughty naughty heehee” Nene giggled saying to Momoko, making her embarrassed. “Mind your own business” Momoko said angrily with her face red sitting on a chair. “Kadiri is my business” Nene playfully sticked out her tongue at Momoko. “You just remember we had an agreement, I rather do this alone with Kadiri” Momoko whispered to Nene. “I know and that’s like wise” Nene smiled and winked. “What are you girls chatting about?” Kadiri asked with an excited smile setting up her art supplies and equipment. “Kadiri before we start, we would like to try out an experiment” Nene said with a happy grin. “Oh alright” Kadiri said curious a bit. “As the artist you must be able to feel the art then put it on paper” Momoko said smiling sweetly. Kadiri smiled waiting but then became nervous and suspicious once Nene blindfolded her on the couch. “Uhh does this have a purpose?” Kadiri asked confused. “This is the experiment” Nene smiled, whispering in Kadiri’s ear. “What kind of experiment…?” Kadiri blushed nervous more. “As the artist you must feel the art…” Momoko blushed whispering in Kadiri’s other ear. Kadiri was surprised, this was more Aya and Hatsuyo plot to get closer to her. Suddenly Kadiri turned deep red as her hands were move onto mysterious places that she was very sure what it was. Momoko and Nene were blushing as they stood over blindfolded Kadiri in their lingerie. Momoko was already in ecstasy and weak in knees by Kadiri’s soft and warm touch n her breasts. Nene happily moved Kadiri’s hand up her thigh and onto her lingerie panties. “Umm...” Kadiri was very overwhelmed and caught off guard as Nene along with Momoko licked her lips slowly. Momoko blushed as she couldn’t resists to use her finger into teasing Kadiri’s between her legs. Dying to see, touch, and taste Kadiri’s big male friend from below. Just as both she and Nene reach for Kadiri’s shorts, to pull them down they were stopped. “Aww” Nene pouted and smiled. “What’s wrong?” Momoko asked a bit concern. “I think I got the feel of art now” Kadiri said very shy and embarrassed removing the blindfold and fixing her shorts in the bathroom. On the door Kadiri panted a little with her heart beating fast, she didn’t expect that or not ready to reveal her self all the way. The next day at school, Kadiri was in a private room happily painting the nature outside the window. ‘Nothing is prettier than fall” Kadiri said relaxed using orange and yellow paint. Just then the door opened and Momoko walked in. “Hmmm, Oh Momo!” Kadiri smiled waving from behind her art work. “It’s beautiful…” Momoko said amazed and looked at Kadiri. “Like you” Kadiri blushed and smiled “No you’re the very beautiful one”. Momoko smiled and stood back with a passionate look. “Then show me by painting me” Momoko said lying across three desks with her skirt and shirt up teasing Kadiri with her pink lingerie. “Okay” Kadiri smiled and took a black pencil and paint brush, creating the image Momoko was sending. Momoko was still and smiling happily loving Kadiri’s eyes all over her body. “Just abit more” Kadiri said painting in Momoko’s body and clothes. Momoko was getting turned on quickly just by Kadiri and shyly started masturbating secretly with a fake fruit banana from behind up her skirt. “There all done, ready to see Momo?” Kadiri said smiling kindly. “Hmm…Momo?” Kadiri called out again walking towards her slowly. Kadiri stood shocked in a silly expression with a red face, an embarrassed Momoko ran out the room, leaving a fake fruit banana on the desk that was soaking wet. “What is that….?” Kadiri was blushing with a still humorous shocked face. Like a count down at a space shuttle ran in Kadiri’s mind, just as she reaches the number one, her mind was blown away realizing what the wet stuff was and what Momoko actually did. “GUHHHHHH!!!!” Kadiri shouted red in the face. Later on after submitting her artwork of Momoko, Kadiri still shocked was waling home, everywhere she look kept reminding her of the banana and Momoko. People with ice cream, spilling it around the mouth and legs, then girls holding things between their legs as they reached into there hand bags and more. “Thank goodness, I’ home, whew!” Kadiri said relived and happy. “I’m ready for a long warm bath and nice nap!” As Kadiri opened the door excited her face went back to completely shocked and red like an apple as Nene was lying on the couch naked covered in paint and swinging around Kadiri’s spare key on her finger.“ Time to do some erotic painting!” Nene cheered with lots of energy and Kadiri fainted in a panic. ♡ Banana 11. Getting Wild in Nature Finally the weekend had come and I was excited packing many of my things, I was invited to a camping trip with Uta and her family. Being a important staff at school of the students often kept Uta very busy, so it’s nice to have her be able to relax and what’s better than doing it outdoors in nature! ……Hmmm I’m going to regret saying that last line like that *sighs* Kadiri went to answer the door and Uta smiled waving. “Hey, ready to go?” Uta said with a sweet smile. “Umm… What about your family?” Kadiri asked confused looking outside for them. “Oh something had come up, so it’s just the two of us” Uta said passionate with a smile. “Okay…” Kadiri smiled abit with rosy cheeks. “Heehee aww come on, let’s go!” Uta happily took Kadiri’s hand and ran to a bus stop. Kadiri blushed remembering the first bus ride with Uta but this time they got on an outer town bus. “Are you still excited?” Uta asked smiling. “Yes!” Kadiri said taking pictures of the town and her with Uta. It was a long bus ride out of town and to a national park with camping grounds. Kadiri even had a small nap on Uta’s lap and Uta was frozen red in the face the whole time. “This is our stop!” Uta said pulling the yellow cord and the bus had stopped with them getting off with their things. “Mmmmm lovely fresh air” Kadiri smiled with her eyes closed feeling the gentle breeze and smelling the air with scents of flowers. Uta smiled watching her and pulled out a map, “Alright, hmmm we are going this way down the trail”. Kadiri picked up her bag of camping equipment and followed behind while taking more pictures of nature. After a while they arrived at their chosen spot and Uta began pulling out her stuff to set up the campsite. “Me and my family always camp here, nice huh?” Uta said with a cute smile. “Sure is, nice choice, not to far from the lake or the trails” Kadiri smiled saying. She helped putting up a big blue tent for two while Uta giggled knowing she brought only one tent for a reason. “What should we do first?” Kadiri asked. “Let’s swim!” Uta shouted throwing off her dress and ran into the river in her yellow swimsuit that defiantly showed off her slim figure and big bust. “Wait for me!” Kadiri smiled going into the river in a sexy bikini top and matching red girly shorts. Uta and Kadiri was happily splashing one another then swimming around only to stumble onto other campers. Uta suddenly turned deep red as her straps of her swimsuit broke and her breasts was out in the water. “Kadiri!” Uta cried out holding her breasts in the water. “Hmmm what’s wrong?” Kadiri asked then blushed looking at Uta. Kadiri blushed and pulled Uta in her arms, holding her tight and slowly heading back to their campsite. “Don’t worry I got you, No one can see now” Uta was blushing a lot feeling her body tight on Kadiri’s, along with her naked wet breasts tightly pressed on Kadiri’s to hide them in her arms. When they reached back their spot Kadiri put a warm blanket around Uta. “Feeling better?” Kadiri asked touching Uta’s hand. “Yes, thank you” Uta said with a big smile squeezing her hand. As sunset was nearly gone, they were eating ramen, strawberries, and making s’mores around a small campfire. “Yummy!” Uta said loud and happy eating the s’mores with a very cute expression that made Kadiri smile. “I’m going to bed now’ Kadiri said and kissed Uta’s cheek then went inside the tent. Uta was caught off guard and was blushing as she could see Kadiri changing out her clothes into her sleep wear by her shadow of the candle light. “Good night!” Kadiri yelled out from the tent in her sleeping bag. “Night!” Uta yelled back and later disappeared. As Kadiri was sleeping in the night as her eyes opened a bit, she noticed Uta still not in the tent. “Uta? Are you still outside in the dark?” Kadiri called out getting up and walked out the tent to still see no sight of Uta. “Where did she go at this time of the night?” Kadiri asked confused and worried. With a flashlight and small jacket over her pajamas top she began her search everywhere. In a river deep in the forest was crimson red haired girl in the water in the moonlight. “Uta? Is that you?” Kadiri asked pointing her flashlight at her. Uta turned around and smiled passionate in a sexy wet white kimono in the river, revealing her undergarments underneath. Kadiri blushed red looking at her and tried to shake it off with a serious look, “What are you doing out here? Then so far away? What if something bad had happen?” Kadiri said. Uta smiled walking to Kadiri slowly from the river and starred deep in her eyes. “Uhh… Uta, are you feeling okay?” Kadiri asked blushing a bit backing up against a tree. Uta smiled leaning her wet body on Kadiri’s body and began kissing her deeply, Kadiri blushing deep red as Uta smiled on the ground with her kimono opened and pulled Kadiri on top of her happily. Uta placed Kadiri’s hands on her butt and sucked deep on Kadiri’s neck a lot. “Mmmmm!” Kadiri red, moaning softly and squeezed Uta’s abit. “Kadiri this is the wilder side of nature” Uta whispered and smiled holding Kadiri’s hands on her breasts in her kimono. Kadiri suddenly felt like she was being hypnotized by the moonlight and found herself pining Uta on the ground and holding up one of her legs, pulling down her panties slowly. Uta was smiling happily watching Kadiri open her mouth with her tongue out. Kadiri and Uta jumped up from their sleeping bags both red in the face and embarrassed. “Umm...did you have the same dream..? Uta asked with her face in a pillow blushing. “Yeah….” Kadiri said with a silly shocked and confused look. For a while still morning was complete silence of arousement and embarrassment. The full moon brought out a wolf in them in their dreams. Later on, Uta was starting to pack up and clean up a bit with Kadiri. “The bus will be here in another hour, so don’t be long” Uta said waving at Kadiri and continued to gather up her things along with their treasures during the trip. “Okay!” Kadiri shouted and was walking down to the river with a bucket and fishing rod happily. “Perfect spot!” Kadiri said swinging her fishing rod in the water and sat relaxing in peace. Uta was almost done and cam across a picture of her and Kadiri just before they had left town. “Aww cute!” Uta said with a big smile. Kadiri got up excited as her fishing rod was moving and she pulled it up only to stand blushing with a silly expression. Right at the moment Uta appeared, “It’s time to go Kadiri, hmm?” Uta looked at Kadiri and at the fishing rod that had a wet kimono on it. “It… WASN’T A DREAM?!!!” Both Kadiri and Uta shouted in shock. ♡ Banana 12. Kitty Cats Go Meow I was so tired after out camping with Uta and I wanted to stay in bed all on Sunday before school tomorrow. Just sleep in peace if possible, good thing my little helper was here to see to that *smiles and yawns* In the kitchen of Kadiri’s home was an adorable younger version of her, cooking up stacks of pancakes, along with eggs, and a glass of orange juice. “There all done, oh wait I forgot the most important part!” The girl put the food on a tray and placed flowers in a small vase, starting to walk towards Kadiri’s room carefully. “Wakie! Wakie! Neko Kai!” The cute girl shouted placing the food on the bed. “Mmmmm…?” Kadiri yawned and smiled sitting up on her bed. “Wow Katsumi, You didn’t have to do that sweetie” Kadiri happily hugging her Katsumi. “But I wanna! Purr purr!” Katsumi said very cheerful. Kadiri started eating and Katsumi left the room to do some tidying up in the house. That is my twelve year old twin sister Katsumi, she has a big heart with a fond of cats and loving bond with me. Me and Katsumi resemble our gorgeous deceased mother, not just by looks but her personality growing up. Katsumi actually arrived today for a visit while on her school break back home. Oh yes, my sister has a cute speech mixed with cat emotions and words. Kadiri yawned and finished eating, going back to sleep with her baby rabbits snuggled closed to her. Katsumi was happily cleaning around, and left a note on Kadiri’s forehead with a heart glitter sticker, as she was stepping out to check out the town and get a couple of things. “Heehee, Yay meow!” Katsumi shouted with a big smile, riding around on her bike with a bell, cat helmet and yellow cute goggles. She waved at everyone, blew kisses at cats, and ran from dogs but hugged a puppy lovingly. Aya and Hatsuyo were coming out of a store with shopping bags from “The S Spot lingerie and costume shop”. Aya smiled wicked, “wait still Kadiri see me is this!” Hatsuyo giggled, “Bet she will like mine more!” They both shared an instant glare then paused as Katsumi rode pass them “Meow Aya! Mew Hatsuyo!” Katsumi shouted waving with an adorable smile. “Was that Kadiri…?” Both Aya and Hatsuyo asked shocked. In the town’s park, Uta was on a bench reading a book called “Do it right at midnight”, and started to blush giggling as she turned to the next part. “Rawarrr!!” Katsumi yelled out from behind Uta, scarring her to drop her book and blush embarrassed. “Huh?” Uta turned to see a cute girl holding catnip and run away giggling. “Kadiri?!” Uta said confused in shock. Later, Momoko and Nene saw a huge crowd and witnessed Katsumi using catnip and cat talk to rescue kittens up trees, and put them in a box to take to an animal shelter or find owners. “Hey was that…” Nene said thinking. “Yes indeed” Momoko smiled. At sunset, Aya, Hatsuyo, and Uta where at a fortune teller shop waiting in a room on a couch each discussing their experience with what appeared to be a Kadiri as a little girl. “That’s so weird, same with us!” Aya said. “It was really unexpected too” Uta told Hatsuyo and Aya. “So how come we came here?” Aya looked at Hatsuyo suspicious a bit. “Don’t look at me like that! Relax, I have come here before and today is a good day to find out what all this means for us” Hatsuyo said with confident smile. “Alright young ladies, please come in” Madam Zigana smiled holding back her curtain of beads as the girls walked into the room. “Nice to see a familiar face, what may I help you with? Madam Zigana said with a calm smile in a long deep blue cloak and moon crescent gem on her forehead. “We seek answers about someone we love who seems strange today” Hatsuyo said with concern as Aya and Uta waited curious. “I see...” Madame Zigana closed her eyes focused and once opened a strike of lighting was heard with thunder with her crystal ball shining like moonlight. “Look into your present you wish to be your future” Madame Zigana said and the girls looked with amazement to see Kadiri in the crystal ball. They fell into a spell of dreams, Hatsuyo dreaming of Kadiri kissing her, Uta taking an aggressive side having Kadiri against a wall, then Aya kissing Kadiri into a strong love spell. “Fear not, the girl earlier is not who your heart loves” Madame Zigana said “But her arrival means the day after this, a full moon will rise once again glowing bright red and You will lurk in the shadows as beautiful creatures wanting the werewolf of the night”. Meanwhile, Kadiri was sleeping safe and sound with Katsumi in the other room watching TV. Kadiri was suddenly feeling uncormtable, sweating a bit along with twitching. “GAH!!!!” Kadiri shouted as she jumped up scarring Katsumi, who watching a scary movie. “Neko Kai what’s wrong?!” Katsumi yelled as she paniced, running into the bedroom. Kadiri was sighing as her body was hot, shaking, and sweating. “Say something sister!” Katsumi shouted with cute face with tears of fear. Kadiri looked up very annoyed and in a great stress. “It’s Halloween... Tomorrow…” Kadiri said sighing a lot. “And… “Katsumi stood shocked with a smile. “I won’t survive…they will get me…” Kadiri whispered in fear slowly moving her bed covers over her head moaning like a ghost. ♡ Strawberry Banana 13. The End to another start Halloween Special Ending* The spooky and haunting holiday had come, Today was going to be a nightmare, and I could feel it in my bones. The moon had a scary red look that made me feel worse, I was going to be lunch by those girls… Just around sunset, Kadiri and Katsumi was getting ready in the house, Katsumi was in a cute Red Riding Hood costume, along with sweet red lips and a basket to use for candy. “I love it!” Katsumi shouted loud and spinning around in the mirror. Kadiri giggled and sat in the mirror starting on her make up for her costume. Kadiri was looking very scary hot as she was putting on black eye liner and eye shadow, along with a dark shade of red lip gloss. Kadiri then smiled in the mirror with contacts to go with her costume, yellow glowing eyes. The phone suddenly ranged with Katsumi answering it, “Hello? You have reached the Yasuda household, may I help you”. There was no answer but breathing, Katsumi hanged up quickly to watch a cartoon. At that moment Kadiri received a text message that read….I want you to meet you alone… -Unknown. The lights in the house began to flicker a bit until it all went black inside the house. “Katsumi are you alright?” What the?!” Kadiri froze seeing a mysterious shadow that leaped onto her, pushing her down on her bed, the shadow figure began to having a neck nuzzle on Kadiri, making her giggle a lot.” Hey! That tickles!” Kadiri said all giggly and embarrassed. The lights came on and Kadiri was still laughing at it was only her two rabbit being playful. “Got cha! Neko Kai!” Katsumi smiled taking a picture. “You Little Monster!” Kadiri smiled hugging her sister tight. “Let’s get going, its night now” Kadiri said taking Katsumi’s hand as they left the house. Around the neighborhood and town Katsumi went door to door, “Trick or treat!!” Katsumi said loud hold up her basket as candy was being poured in it. Kadiri stood in the moonlight as a very sexy and hot werewolf girl with a cool biker girl look. Tight black pants around her waist with her boxers in view a bit, tight shirt showing off her big bust along with matching boots to her thighs and long gloves with silver chains on her wrists and neck. “Ready?” Kadiri smiled with yellow eyes. “Yup!” Katsumi said excited. Katsumi was taken to a kid Halloween party in a mall and Kadiri waved bye as she headed to her school that was having a Halloween Monday party. “Welcome students, enter if you dare” Ms. Hatanaka said as a hot grim reaper, greeting students with other school staff. “Very nice Kadiri, be careful those girls will become cats in heat for you, looking like that” Ms. Hatanaka smiled and winked. Kadiri smiled and walked inside the building. In the huge gymnasium, the students were all creatures of the night dancing to the killer music, zombie boys hitting hardcore moves, succubus girls dancing to enchant boys, skeletons doing the music entertainment, and more creatures just having an undead time. As the music picked up a beat with a howling noise, Kadiri walked in with all eyes on her, students applauding and cheering happily, no monster party was complete without the actual creature of the moon. Kadiri giggled and got some punch near the snack tables. Only to be pulled away out the room and into a classroom. “Momo?” Kadiri smiled a bit confused standing by the door. “Yes it’s me, you like?” Momoko said smiling in an enticing ghoul girl costume. “It’s very nice” Kadiri said with a sweet smile. “I thought I was going to be okay but then you how up like this…I can’t hold back Kadiri” Momoko starred deep into Kadiri’s eyes. “What do you mean by that?” Kadiri blushed. Momoko became bright red dipping Kadiri’s fingers in a bowl of cream and placing them on her tongue. “Mmmmm” Momoko was sucking Kadiri’s fingers passionate. The full moon was shining through the window, catching Kadiri’s eyes. Kadiri used her other hand rubbing cream on Momoko’s cheeks, forehead, and neck. Kadiri bite Momoko’s ear, holding up one of her legs. Momoko was deep red watching Kadiri. Momoko was soon n a desk unconscious. At that moment a mysterious fog appeared and Kadiri was gone, leaving Momoko confused. In a closet Kadiri found herself with Hatsuyo the witch. “Heehee, Your mine!” Hatsuyo said happily revealing sexy black lingerie under her witch’s cape. “Fall into my spell, I promise I have the good magic” Hatsuyo said sweet and wicked with her broomstick between both there legs. Kadiri blushed with anger that mad Hatsuyo’s heart beat fast. Kadiri had Hatsuyo bent over, began groping and spanking Hatsuyo’s butt softly with her biting on her witch hat. Hatsuyo was coughing up blood and soon became quiet in the closet. Kadiri soon found Nene dressed as a cute gothic doll and had her in a locker room, blindfolded as she was groping her breasts non stop, Nene was ecstasy laying on bench as Kadiri layed on back of her, biting and still groping her everywhere. Kadiri then smell a familiar scent and disappeared. “Kadiri?” Nene got blushing a lot with heart going crazy, Kadiri was a predator on her with no mercy as Nene was very embarrassed to feel her legs wet and back scratched in blood. “Mmmmm nice breeze” Uta smiled as she sat alone near the school pool relaxing with her legs in the water. Uta was in a very sexy mummy outfit, with her body wrapped tight, along with an alluring Egyptian look. “What’s that?” Uta asked looking in the water suspicious only to be pulled by her legs into the water and up against the pool wall. Kadiri smiled and Uta blushed deep red looking back to see Kadiri, who started unwrapping her. Uta was very overwhelmed and held her mouth as Kadiri pulled her breasts out exposed in the water. She suddenly gripped on the wall as she was blushing red as she felt something from behind from Kadiri. Uta soon found her self on the ground in blood on the floor panting a bit as Kadiri disappeared again with a grin on one more hunt. Aya was drinking punch outside on the roof as a sexy vampire and suddenly dropped it as Kadiri locked the door and pulled her tight, making out with her with red lips and taste from the punch. Aya was very surprised blushing deep red with a shy expression, gasping for air with her fangs in view as Kadiri had her body leaning against the roof wall as she made out with Aya more. Aya was in fear and ecstasy at the same time, Kadiri was trying to devour her and send chills on her spine by below. “Bye Aya” Kadiri grinned and held up a stake. A loud scream was heard all over the school but the music was too loud. A mysterious girl as a ghost appeared ahead as Kadiri was walking in town with a dead Red Riding Hood in her arms. “I want you…” The girl said and Kadiri smiled. “GAH!!!!” Kadiri jumped up yelling from her bed. “What’s wrong sister?!” Katsumi shouted running to the bedroom. “Had a nightmare…” Kadiri said sighing with a silly shock look.” Aww… again?” Katsumi said with a cute smile with tears being scared for real after a scary movie. “I saw that girl again, what does it means?” Kadiri said thinking hard. “A new love for my sister?” Katsumi said sticking out her tongue teasing and smiled. Kadiri actually paused in fear with a crazy look. “Oh no….” To be continued! ♡ Publication Date: August 11th 2013 https://www.bookrix.com/-yaya634
Yezall Strongheart An Exercise in Fear Erotica Contest I strolled up to the inviting house at the edge of town, stopping at the gate to sensually stick my fingers into the mouth of the Jack-O-Lantern. I leave claw marks as I draw my hand away and laugh. My fingers go to my mouth to suck the pumpkin from under my nails as I walk to the door. The cool night breeze whips my hair around my face, making it hard to see. I am surprised when I hear a voice. “Come in please, we are expecting you” the voice calls to me through the door. I turn the knob and enter. There is a cloying smell of spices inside, the only lighting is hundreds of candles, everywhere I look. I hear distant moaning, not of pain or sorrow, but pleasure. Taking a few steps into the room, I notice a sign on a table. Enter at Your Own Risk My hand goes to my throat, sliding past my right breast as it drops back down to my side, I notice my nipple is hard. Knowing what awaits me, my breath quickens and a warm feeling spreads to my entire body. Lingering in the outer room before proceeding ahead, I remove the light jacket I was wearing, laying it on a chair near me. A mirror on the other side of the room catches my reflection. Slowly I move closer to the mirror. Looking into my own eyes, I drink in the vision of my face. My hand involuntarily slides along my cheek, again stopping at my throat. I then slowly unbutton my shirt, opening it to the sides and running my hands over my breasts, watching as my nipples come alive. My hands travel down my abdomen and my fingers reach the waist band of my pants. Diving under the waist band, my fingers spread out and slide to my hips pushing down on the material. My pants drop to the floor and I step out of them. Fingers wander over my lower abdomen and slide up and down my inner thigh. A small moan escapes my lips, I'm so ready to do this! With a sigh I turn from the mirror and gather my clothes. I stuff them in the bag I brought with me and lay it next to my jacket. Facing the door before me,I can almost smell the sweat of bodies beyond it It excites me and I can hear myself breathing. I need this so bad! I reach forward gingerly for the doorknob, then draw back. Visions flash in my brain of the last time I attempted this. Sights of sweating bodies all writhing in one room, keeping pace with the rhythmic music, groaning, grunting, sometimes even screaming! My breath was catching in my throat, choking me, yet urging me on. I could feel droplets of sweat roll between my breasts. I was getting soaking wet just standing there! Again I reached for the door knob. Pushing it open the room was suddenly awash with light. People grabbed at me to enter, “Come join us!” they pleaded. Smiling and looking over my body, they sought to find the areas that needed manipulation. The scent of male and female sweat assaulted my olfactory senses. I found myself looking over their bodies as well, finding pleasing sights on some and not so much on others. There was a cacophony of sounds in the room until one dominant person demanded attention; then all fell quiet. The dominant speaker paced as they spoke, telling us the rules for the evening. They were simple; we should guard against being harmed at all cost. Endurance was expected but there was no shame in sitting out for a while to catch your breath. It would be strenuous, but the rewards would be immeasurable. As always there would be a slow start, very vigorous activity, then a cool down in which we could use the hot tub if we so desired. “Lets get started, shall we?” the dominant figure turned and started the music.“You know the routine, for those that don't, watch your neighbor beside you. We will do two sets of ten leg stretches to start, ready now, one...two..” Publication Date: December 4th 2011 https://www.bookrix.com/-yezall
Allon :P Kinky Stories Rainy Day It was raining outside. It had been raining for hours and it still hadn’t stopped, even though the skies were pitch black. There wasn’t even a sun, not anymore at least. The wind howled against the trees, making it hard to make out any other sounds, just the rain pattering loudly on the ground. I was stuck in my room with Erika, a classmate of mine from University. We had to work on a project and I invited her to my place to work on the project. We worked for hours on it and because it was getting late and decided to stop. But because it was raining like crazy outside, Erika couldn't go home and had to spend over the night at my place. She was so tired after spending all that time working on the damn assignment that she went straight to take a shower after we stopped. I began to make myself comfortable and removed my shirt and my pants, remaining only in boxers. Then I thought that I might also get an erection if I only wear boxers but I didn't cared at the moment. I layed down on my bed and stared up at the ceiling, waiting for my turn to take a shower also. My mind was thinking about Erika and the fact that she had to wear some of my clothes if she were to stay over the night here. And what I was thinking the most about, was her ass. She had a perfect ass! It made me wonder how soft and juicy it would be like. Just thinking about her ass had turned me on so much that I could barely think at all. After ten minutes, I finally got up from my bed and started to prepare some clothes for her to sleep in. To be honest, I didn't even knew what clothes to give her. Because the room was pretty hot too. So I just prepared a white tank top and a pair of shorts. When Erika was done and entered the room she was wearing my robe, her hair was barely dried. God, she looked so hot. I gave her the clothes and went straight to shower. I took my time, enjoying the hot water hitting my body. Once my body was clean, I stepped out. I put the my boxers on and went to the room. There I saw Erika standing by the balcony, smoking a cigarette with her hair still wet, and she was only wearing her panties and the tank top I gave her. "You didn't took the shorts on?" I asked. Erika told me that it was too hot and it wasn't needed. After I got closer to her then I realized that the tank top I gave her was a see through one and her boobs could be seen perfectly. I wanted to ask her about it but didn't had a courage. But eventually, Erika caught me staring at them. "What is wrong?" She said with a soft voice. "Oh, nothing." I quickly replied. I didn't had to look at her boobs. They are so beautiful. And so fucking big. "Do you want me to give you another tank top?" I asked her being a little sad. She smirked and told me that it's okay and there was nothing to worry about. I felt stupid because she had breasts and they were so big too. I returned to the room and began to make the bed and Erika also to dry up her hair. While doing the bed my mind was on her boobs and ass and I couldn't help myself but to get a massive boner. This really annoyed me, it never happened before. Once everything was settled and Erika was already in my bed I proceed to go in another room to sleep but got stopped by her. She told me that we can share the same bed. I was a little nervous because I couldn't hid my boner under the covers because it was too hot to get under them. Then I saw Erika staring at my crotch. Fuck! My boner grew. How is this girl so hot?! She touched the side of my boxers and said "Take then off if it's too uncomfortable." I was shocked. What should I do? Should I take them off right now? Or should I wait until she feel asleep? I didn't knew what to do. After hesitating for a while, I grabbed the sides of my boxers and took them off. The whole time Erika had watched me and when my boxers were fully removed, and by massive boner was out in the open, Erika smiled. "Doesn't it feel better now?" She asked me softly. "A bit yeah. But why did you asked me to take them off?" "Because your huge boner and it looks like it wants to escape your boxers." I blushed and looked down. I wasn't used to someone telling me that. Especially someone as beautiful as Erika who was staring at my large and thick cock. Then she leaned in and kissed my cheek. I closed my eyes feeling like kissing back, but I didn't because I knew that it wouldn't be appropriate. After, I felt something strage on my cock. It was Erika's hand who grabbed it very sensually and massaged it lightly. "Sorry if it seems weird or anything but I just wanted to see how it feels." "O...kay". I replied looking down. She continued to massage it and my cock began to twitch furiously. The lust in my body got the best of me and I also put my hands on her boobs. She giggled and moaned slightly when I massaged them. My cock twitched harder again when I felt her breast bouncing up and down. She moaned again when I squeezed her nipple hard. It was like I was going insane. I kept my hands on her breasts and her tits moving more than ever. Her nipples were already becoming erect from the sensation of being squeezed so tightly. We stayed like that until my hand started to hurt and the pain got worse than the pleasure. Then I felt my hands numb and removed them from her boobs. Erika didn't stopped from what she was doing. "If you keep doing that I might ejaculate." "Then why should I stop?" She asked me. I shrugged. "Well....because...you know..." I trailed off when I saw that she was now playing with my balls. At that point I was close to ejaculating but I managed to control it because I don't want her to know just yet. I heard her chuckle and then she whispered in my ear "Are you ready to cum hard on this tank top?" But she didn't get to finish the sentence because I couldn't hold it any longer and began to ejaculate on her. She groaned as my sperm spilled onto her stomach and breasts. One load went even on her right side of the neck. I breathed hard for a couple of seconds and then I went to grab some tissues to help her clean. Erika removed the tank top covered in semen and put it in the washing machine. As I tried to clean her neck I stopped and run my finger on the remaining cum on it. I stood there a few seconds looking at it then I place it on her lips slowly. To my surprise, Erika opened her mouth and began to lick the cum from my finger and began to suck on it. She then licked the last drop of cum away from my fingers and looked at me with those sexy blue eyes. I stared back at her, lost in her blue eyes. "If you want to do something, do it." Erika said seductively with a slight grin on her face. "I know for sure your balls aren't completely empty." I gulped and nodded, afraid of speaking, or saying something to break the spell that was between us. I took a few seconds to breathe then I grabbed Erika's shoulders and pushed her to get on her knees. She obliged and knew what was going to happen. She placed her head against my dick without hesitation and rubbed it slowly. "That's nice...so good, yes!" She moaned. I began to thrust inside her mouth. I felt myself getting harder and I began to fuck her faster and harder. I kept pounding and fucking her until I was completely inside her. Then I began to move my hips fast and hard until finally, I came inside her mouth. After that, I removed it slowly from her mouth and waited for her to completely swallow it and then to clean my cock from the remaining cum that was on it. Once I was all clean, I helped Erika to stand up and kissed. But I wasn't done. I put her to get in doggystyle and began to eat out her pussy. I knew that she liked this position the most and since it was hot outside I thought that it was only fair to make her hotter. And boy, was it working well. As soon as my mouth touched her tight, wet hole I could feel the juices dripping from her. Then my tongue began to explore her pussy slowly. Soon after I started sucking her clit, while licking it gently. That made her orgasm and she moaned my name repeatedly. I swallowed her juices which was coming from her pussy. I felt satisfied and satisfied by her taste, I had never eaten such an amazing pussy before and after a moment it all seemed that my cock was fully erect again. I stood up and looked at the view of her ass waiting for me. It was perfect. So perfect that it makes me horny again. I grab her ass tight and inserted my cock inside her pussy. I moved up and down trying to get the maximum amount of friction. But I didn't succeed so I kept hitting that place. After that, I pulled out my cock and then began to thrust into her vagina again. This time, I thrust deep and faster than before. But that was not enough for me anymore. So I grabbed some lube and began to put it on her asshole. I began to massage it slowly while I was fucking her pussy , which was also making her moan loudly. I added more pressure. And suddenly my cock started to throb. I groan and my body was shaking uncontrollably from the excitement. Then I tested the ground and slowly inserted my finger inside her asshole. Her muscles relaxed underneath my finger and she began to relax further and further, moaning and groaning with passion and satisfaction. Soon afterwards, she reached her orgasm again. Seeing that she was ready, I pulled out my cock from her pussy and put it in her asshole. Erika's body began to shake violently and her walls were contracting. I grabbed her waist and then slowly pushed my cock inside her ass. I kept pushing it in slow motion because I didn't knew if it was hurting her or not. But it seemed to please Erika because she started moaning loudly. It made my heart swell with happiness. When I pushed as far into her ass as possible I felt her walls squeezing even more. It was like my shaft hit the exact spot I wanted it to hit. I groaned. My hands were grabbing her hips tightly. Erika's body convulsed again. And when I was almost out of her ass, she screamed my name and came. I followed her closely and fucked her even harder. Then I came too inside her ass. After removing my cock from her, I just stood there for a few minutes, admiring the work I just done on her. I was tired and still couldn't believe that this was really happening. All this time we've been together and now here we are. "How are you feeling?" I asked her. She was breathing heavily. A little dizzy from her orgasm. "Amazing. You did a great job." "Yeah, I kinda feel bad, though. I've fucked you so much that I didn't even bother to use condoms." "It's okay. I trust you and your cock." Erika responded turning around and having a big smile on her face. Her smile made my chest tighten up. I love seeing her smile and enjoying the fact that I could see how excited she was. She lay on the bed and put both arms over her head smiling up at me. "You look so happy right now." I said. "Why shouldn't I? I've been fucked by you so much that I can't even keep the count of how much I orgasmed." She responded smirking. I got beside her on the bed and began to caress her stomach as I was kissing her cheek. "I think we have to sleep." I told her as I noticed that she was sleepy. Erika laughed. "Sure you don't wanna stay a little longer?" "Why? You want another round?" I said with a smirk on my face. "I don't know, but I don't want to sleep now. I just feel....an urge to kiss you.....kiss every inch of your body. Until I can't feel my lips any longer." She said with a naughty tone in her voice. Seeing that I can't do anything about it I let Erika do what she wanted. And she began to kiss me everywhere. But when she reached to my cock Erika didn't wanted to stop from kissing it or move to something else. She began to lick it, suck it like she got addicted to it. I groaned as the pain subsided and the pleasure returned to me. I grabbed her hair and pulled it making her moan. Then I pulled her closer towards me. She leaned forward and kissed my lips passionately. After some time we got super tired and tried to sleep. Sharing Lucy  I have a girl friend named Lucy , she is an art student and she's really nice. She was my first friend in high school and I still think of her as such.  The thing is, I know how this sounds. But we had been friends forever.    She's just that kind of a person you never forget, the type who will always stay by your side no matter what happens.  Well, at least in some parts of my life.  There's a point where my father has told me that I'll eventually find someone else if I keep up the way I am. He didn't mean anything by it, I knew he only meant well and cared for me as much as his son would have.   Although many of our friends told us that a friendship between a boy and a girl can't last long . That their relationship will inevitably end and they're destined to be miserable. Or worse than miserable if I had heard correctly. So, I've tried not to care too much about people like this. The day I knew that me and Lucy will have a strong friendship was one time when she caught me having a boner. We were at a party together, I'm not sure which one, but I can remember her saying something along the lines of “You look like you're horny” and my eyes lighting up. I remember thinking how beautiful she looked at that moment in time, and wondering why anyone wouldn't want to spend time with her.   Then she brought me to an empty room and helped me masturbating . She was so gentle with every stroke, I couldn't believe how good she was at giving pleasure. And after I came we acted like nothing happened and continued to have a good time at the party. That's when I knew a got a good friend on my side. But this sort of things started to occur more often between us. Like, there were times when I could just simply touch her boobs and she will do nothing about it and let me do my thing. Or other times when I'd reach out and touch her ass and she won't even bat an eye at me.   That made me want to test the limits more and eventually I made her touch me also. There were times when I was just in my boxers and had a boner and I would ask Lucy to feel it which she did as I asked. And from time to time Lucy even began to stroke it just to tease me. And to get revenge on her, sometimes I would strip her naked and gave hickies on her neck. After those times she would say she liked them and give me a small kiss. Then once again she wouldn't even bat an eye as she continued to rub my dick against her panties.   Of course, there were other instances where I wanted her to suck me but I thought that would step over the line. But, one night I decided to cross that line and I decided to see how far she would go. As soon as we entered into my bedroom, I pushed Lucy onto my bed while she laid down with her head propped on her hands. She watched me curiously and without any warning I removed my shirt and began to climb on top of her. Once I reached my destination I took off the rest of my clothes and put my dick on her face.  She didn't complain though and seemed perfectly fine with everything going on between us at that point. I then slowly thrust my dick inside of her making small movements, until I completely buried myself inside of her. It felt so good that she moaned softly before grabbing my waist and pulling me deeper.   After a few minutes Lucy decided to change our positions. She put me to stand up while she got on her knees, asking me for a condom. When she got herself the condom, Lucy put it on my dick and began to suck it. While sucking it, she used both of her hands and massaged it making me buck uncontrollably. As she sucked it harder, I gripped the back of Lucy's head and pushed my hips harder forth and back. When I released myself, Lucy removed the condom and continued to suck my cock, but softer. With each passing second, it became more pleasurable to me until I finally came hard and heavy all over her face.   Since then, I stopped to think that it would even be a line between the two of us. After some time passed we even started to have sex. And it became an habit of us to release our stress doing it. Sometimes we would even fuck with different positions and it wasn't like we didn't enjoy it either, it was just fun to have something new happen between the two of us and to make a joke out of it. There were nights where we'll fuck for hours, maybe until morning if we were really horny. I loved having her taste me and feeling all over me while touching herself. Other times I would have her sit on top of me and grind against me. This was our favourite thing to do.     One time, something unexpected happen that would open our eyes to a whole new spectrum of different things. I was in her dorm room and we started to have sex. At first it was slow, soft kisses until I decided to grab her tits. It went on like this for about half an hour but then I decided to push my dick into her pussy. As I penetrated her I noticed that she already wetter than usual and she moaned loudly. It sounded very satisfying to me as I pulled away slightly so that she couldn't breathe anymore. She then grabbed both of my thighs and started kissing me intensely while pumping her hips against mine. Her moans became louder when she noticed how much I was enjoying it. I decided to move faster, wanting her more.   Then, we hear the door open and a dude walked in. He was a boyfriend of one of Lucy's roommates and he stared at us like he was a deer caught in headlights. He stood there for a couple of seconds and then he pulled off his pants and began to masturbate. Noticing him masturbating, I decided that it might be a bad idea for us to continue. But Lucy wasn't affected by it. , she grabbed a condom from her drawer and threw it into his face. I see how she made a gesture to him to come closer and when he finally does, she grabbed his dick and began to rub it hard.    "If you cum on me I'll kill you!" Lucy said to him. The guy looked terrified. I continued to fuck Lucy as she was stroking this guy's cock. It kept going on for around ten more minutes until I decided to pull out. Then I hear Lucy telling the guy to put the condom on himself and after he did as told, Lucy began to suck him. It was obvious how horny she got as I watched her play with his cock. I began to finger Lucy's pussy and I saw her squirm. The guy noticed this and was now getting very excited as he was moaning loudly. His tiny cock grew harder and his balls tightened, almost ready to burst with the amount of pressure he was putting on it.   After some time, Lucy asked me if it was okay for him to fuck her while I fuck her mouth. Of course I said yes as the fucker seemed quite happy about the prospect of fucking Lucy. So, while the guy was busy fucking her and trying to control himself, I put my dick in her mouth and began to pump it vigorously as fast as I could. I felt that she was swallowing me whole as she continued to chew my dick and swallow me down her throat. And I realized how much fun she was actually having while she was playing with my dick. She kept sucking hard and I could feel myself filling up her mouth. My heart began to beat fast and I began to shake with excitement. I knew this was going to be an incredible experience that I couldn't wait to have. As the guy's dick grew harder, he started to thrust more and faster, until suddenly he came inside her. Then he pulled it out and Lucy grabbed his cock to remove the used condom filled with cum and drained it over her stomach. After that, Lucy put the guy to lick the semen off her stomach. I looked at her and smiled; she was so sexy when she was acting all sexy. Once he finished cleaning her stomach, we decided to change positions.    I had Lucy been put in doggystyle and I went behind to pound her pussy while the guy began to fuck her mouth. This went on for about 20 minutes or so and I was mesmerized by how good Lucy's back looked like. She looked so perfect lying there underneath these sweaty cum covered sheets, and all I needed to complete the picture was for her to moan. However, instead she closed her eyes and continued to enjoy what was happening. I could tell by looking at her that I'd hit the spot, because the way she looked right now made her look extremely hot. The lust got the best of me and I grabbed her hair and began to fuck her faster and harder. As I went deeper into her pussy, I felt my dick swell up and began to pump into her hard. Soon enough I was coming all over her ass and thighs and the guy started to ejaculate at the same time inside Lucy's mouth. I slid my cock inside her and began to fuck Lucy again and I noticed that she was very silent. As I pound her pussy I see how the guy pulled out his cock,Lucy began to gag and spit his cum. "God! Your cum taste awful." she said grabbing his balls and started to lick the tip of his dick.     The guy looked surprised as well as disgusted with what she just done to him. I even know that this hurt his ego a little bit but he still stood to now have his balls licked by Lucy. I continued to do my thing and after some minutes of fucking her after I came, I began to eat out her pussy. The more I ate, the more excited she got. By the time I finished she was screaming and begging me to finish. I pulled out slowly and she cried out in pain of pleasure. After acording her some time to catch her breath, Lucy came with and idea. She put the guy to lay on the floor becase she wanted to ride him but until that Licy gave him another condom to out on. Then, after he put the condom on and Lucy began to ride him, she told me to get in front of her with my big cock because she wanted to deepthroat me.     I obliged with a smile and did as told. Her eyes were locked to mine and so I grabbed her head and began to fuck her mouth harder, making her swallow all of my dick. I felt like it was going to explode inside of her as I pounded her mouth with my balls. After several rounds I could feel everything inside of her tightening and tighten. Suddenly I felt like I needed a break so that I could try to relax and cool down. But Lucy didn't let me. I saw how the guy grabbed her ass covered with my cum and began to pound her pussy faster. After some time, saliva began to come out from her mouth and it slowly slipped down on the guy's face. I expected him to get disgusted by it but on my surprise, he continued to fuck Lucy. Lucy began to moan louder and louder as the guy took his sweet time to go deeper inside of her pussy. When I saw this I began to fuck her more aggressively until she was moaning so loud I thought my own ear drums would explode. Lucy began to tear up of pleasure and after five minutes I hear the guy making the cumming sounds and soon came again. She also began to orgasm, pretty hard, and after that, I pull out my cock from her mouth and came on her face too.    Some of the cum that went on her face, began to drip down on the guy's chest and face but didn't do anything about it. When Lucy got up from the guy, she stood up with the condom inside her which the cum inside it began to drip on the floor. "Eww, your cock is so short that the condom couldn't even stay straight on it." Lucy said looking at it. She grabbed the condom and pulled it out from her pussy. A few seconds went by of her looking at it and she threw it on his chest. "You can leave now. I've had enough."    I saw it finally on his face that he got mad, after all this, he finally had enough. He removed the condom from his body, put his clothes back on and lef tt angrily. Then, Lucy started to laugh amd jumped into my arms amd began to kiss me hard. "That was sooo fun!" she said, giggling. I smiled and kissed her back. We then both decided to shower together before sleeping for the night. Before falling asleep Lucy told me that she would love it to try it again but this time with a girl or even a couple, to see how its like.      Orgy at the beach  It was a lovely morning at the beach. The sun was shining brightly and not a cloud in sight as it glistened on the water, creating a perfect reflection. It was just like you could see every little detail; the sand, the sea, rocks and even the clouds themselves. It made the whole scene seem magical.  The sound of waves crashing against the shore was the only thing to fill the quiet atmosphere of that morning.  Me and Nicole were laying down on our towel together while we watched some seagulls flying overhead. We had been there for over two hours already but neither of us cared about getting up, we both enjoyed the peaceful scenery. After about fifteen minutes though I noticed that the beach was completely empty, just me and Nicole. Seeing that, I began with my kinky jokes and touched her breasts. As expected she didn't say anything, instead turning around and giving me a kiss. Then little by little I removed her bikini top. Nicole looked around to see if anyone could see her then let me to continue touching her boobs. This went on until I reached her nipples. She moaned slightly but said nothing as I continued to suck on her nipples and played with them. "Your boobs look so good, Nicole." I said as I moved down further towards her stomach which was also covered in beautiful tattoos.   I loved this woman's body. All of her tattoos were different from each other, but all of them were beautiful and unique. After some time I removed my shorts and began to slap her tits with my cock. I felt that she was getting aroused because of how loud and heavy I was making her breathing get as I moved faster and harder against her chest. After about twenty more minutes I decided to go further and touch her mouth with the tip of my cock. She opened her mouth and licked around my dick while moaning softly. Once again she looked up, noticing that we were now alone. Without saying anything she grabbed my balls and began to squeeze them hard. My dick became rigid immediately and I began to thrust forward vigorously into her mouth. "Fuck, fuck! That feels amazing, Nicole," I mumbled between pants. I knew that I needed to stop because my dick felt incredibly tight and I wanted Nicole to feel that way. I pulled out slowly before kissing her passionately.   "You are so fucking sexy," I murmured, stroking her hair back with one hand. Her eyes closed and she let out a soft moan as I took her nipple again in my mouth, sucking it lightly and playing with it while still continuing to stroke her hair. After a few moments she put her fingers in my mouth and gently removed my dick, looking up at me apologetically. When she saw my pained expression she smiled slightly and gave me a wink.   "Sorry darling but I think I want your cum on my face badly." She whispered. I nodded my head understandingly and tried to find a new position for her to stroke my cock. After a few minutes of straight up rubbing it, Nicole finally got what she wanted. Her face was covered with my cum , her lips swollen, and her nipples were hard and throbbing underneath my palm. She looked very happy indeed. After licking my cum off her lips and chin, she kissed me deeply, taking her tongue deep inside my mouth as I slid my hands between her legs and caressed the soft curves of her pussy. I felt her relax in my arms as she started to ride me, her eyes glued to mine as she did so. She looked gorgeous, I could barely control myself as she rode me, her body shivering under my hand. I pushed her backwards so that her head fell back and her hands were trapped behind her back. She gasped at the sudden shift as I pushed deeper inside of her. I began to move faster and harder inside of her, feeling her grip on my wrists tighten. Her body tensed and I could feel her orgasm building as my thrusts became faster. With each movement of my hips, I increased my speed and pace until she cried out loudly. I kept going, driving my dick as deep inside her body as I could until I was unable to take anymore. I pull it out from her and let my cum loose onto her I looked over and noticed her panting heavily, sweat running down her face and her chest rising and falling rapidly.   She put me to clean her abdomen covered in cum with my mouth and I began to lick away every trace of my cum. We laid down together again and after she calmed herself down she snuggled into my side and fell asleep soon afterwards. I lay there, watching her sleep for a while until I fell asleep too. When I woke up I found myself wrapped tightly in Nic's embrace. We were both naked on the beach and people began to arrive. But at that time I looked deep into her eyes and I saw that Nicole didn't cared at all. She began to suck my cock while some people were getting closer to us. They stopped abruptly when they saw us. One of them whispered something and laughed quietly to himself. But it was enough for me. I looked back at Nicole who was still enjoying my cock. "Nicole!" I said sternly, trying to hide my smile. She lifted her head up and looked back at me. "Yes?" I couldn't resist anymore and leaned forward so that I was close to her ear and spoke low and husky.  "Let's fuck in front of them."  She grinned at me playfully as she replied, "Okay."  Nicole laid on the towel and spread her legs for me to enter inside her. A few seconds later I was buried deep inside of her and she moaned softly. Our mouths crashed together and I started to pound into her with the intensity I never knew I possessed. Nicole grabbed my ass and held me steady while I pounded on her. We weren't doing it for the people watching, it was purely to release my pent up sexual frustrations. The way her face scrunched up when I entered her, it was just so hot. I had never seen someone look so erotic before and it excited me immensely. We kissed passionately for a long time while she squeezed me tightly, as if my dick would leave her any moment. Then we see men and women coming close to look at us. Nicole pulls out of me and begins to rub my cock against her stomach while keeping her face turned towards me. I watch as their faces turn red from the friction of her hand on my shaft, knowing that it would leave marks on them as well. Then some men pull out their cocks and began to stroke them. Nicole grabs her breasts roughly and squeezes them while staring intensely at me. The other girls in the crowd start to clap. After some time, I see how some dicks were closer to Nicole. They were horny and began to touch Nicole's boobs while she was still rubbing my cock across her stomach. Then one by one, started to cum all over her stomach and I could see how much she liked it. Her breathing quickly grew rapid as she continued to rub my cock and fuck me with her vagina. After they all finished, two men began to slap Nicole's boobs with their cocks. Then some women from the crowd came to us an began to lick off the semen from her stomach.   After that, I inserted my cock inside Nicole and I began to fuck her. While being fucked hard by me and had some women to clean all her covered body of cum, Nicole had in her left hand a cock that she was stroking while kissing another cock. In between her kisses, one of these women took off her bra to reveal her cleavage to me. When she saw me look at her breast she giggled. As soon as I heard her giggle, I began moving even faster inside of Nicole, pounding away until my orgasm came over me. The women that cleaned Nicole began to taste my cum too now then to suck my dick. Nicole's body began to shake and she started to moan loudly. The guy that Nicole was stroking began to cum on her boobs while the was that had his dick being licked by her, began to cum on her face. The smell of cum filled the air around us.   As soon as everyone was satisfied, Nicole leaned on the towel and I decided to take advantage of it. I quickly run on top of her and insert my dick inside her mouth. She swallowed it and I began to fuck her mouth hard. The women were looking surprised at us and one guy took completely advantage of the situation to put his dick inside Nicole's pussy. I saw that his dick was shorter than mine but he still made Nicole's body shiver. He started pumping into her furiously and within only five or ten strokes he had finished and collapsed. One of the women got between Nicole's legs and began to lick her pussy, trying to get all the cum out that was inside her. Nicole grabbed a handful of the woman's hair and started to moan loudly. Another woman also came over and began massaging her breasts while another one began to kiss me and suck my neck. I was moaning and grunting wildly as I began to come again. After about five seconds I could no longer hold back and released onto Nicole. She began to swallow my cum until nothing was left in her mouth. Then the rest of the women that were with us start to get fucked by the same men that came on Nicole. While I let Nicole regain her breath, I saw the woman that was kissing me earlier grabbing my cock and began to stroke it but quickly her mouth was filled by another cock. Then I see how she tried to get some breaks from having her mouth fucked to kiss me. She kissed me so much that I began to get a taste of that cock that was fucking her mouth. From that it made my body move uncontrollably and my balls got on Nicole's mouth, which she began to suck them slowly.    At some moment I was making out with the woman that had her mouth fucked and not long after that, the same cock got between our lips. It was so unexpected and it got me off guard that it was too late for me to back down now. The man began to fuck mine and that woman's lips until we made him cum. And eventually I came too from all the pleasure Nicole gave to my balls. After that, the crowd left and I remained alone with Nicole, looking at each other blushing like crazy. We put our clothes back on, and we left the beach, satisfied and with an experience that we will never forget.    We reached my car and I opened the door for her. She climbed in and I closed her door, locking it. I started to drive back home, feeling extremely happy and content.  Mikayla  I knew Mikayla for some years and we always had our issues. I was the first to ever meet her family and she was the last person I ever expected to become friends with. She is quite popular and very kind and I’m not sure why but I feel drawn to her like a moth to a light bulb. Maybe because of her beautiful body. Her curves were more than what anyone could see and they were quite nice too. She’s a really pretty girl who has everything that I could want but still, I know that there’s something different about her. Her kindness was also so genuine it almost hurt me sometimes when she’d do things for me or others. She has red hair but doesn’t dye it unlike many other girls around town. Her eyes are bright blue and full of life. She loves animals just as much as me and I think it’s only natural to fall in love with someone like her. It’s late one night and we were in my room, watching a movie. We’re both cuddled up on the bed and it makes me nervous knowing that she can stay over any day, no questions asked if she wants to. There’s an awkwardness between us which neither of us knows how to handle. Mikayla was laughing at a funny part and then turned towards me, smiling softly. “Hey!” My heart started thumping wildly inside my chest and I couldn’t bring myself to look into her eyes. “Hm?” “Are you alright?” She asked, looking genuinely concerned. “You seem tense and… I can feel your boner..."   I gasped, trying to hide the fact that I had indeed been hard for almost two hours now. The blush crept onto my cheeks and all I wanted to do was bury myself under the covers and not face her anymore. “Yeesh...you didn't have to rub it in..." I sighed, covering my face from embarrassment. I heard her giggle and she moved closer until her hand landed gently on my shoulder. “You're cute when you're flustered." She giggled again before placing a tender kiss on my cheek. "Don't worry, I'm not going to tell anyone." Her smile widened and I looked at her questioningly. Did she seriously mean that she wouldn’t say anything? “I won’t even tell anyone that you’ve got a boner!" "You promise?" I whispered , looking intently into her eyes. "Cross my heart," she answered with a soft smile. With a deep breath taken, I get off the bed and pull my pants down, leaving my boner freely for her to see it. As she looked back at me, I noticed a small smirk growing on her lips. Her hand reached out and stroked the top of my boner and it instantly hardened.  "Wow...you really have a big one," she said softly. She kept running her hands along the length of my boner, making it throb even more. I bit my bottom lip slightly, hoping to calm myself down. "What do you think about it?" I asked , looking down at her through my lashes. "Well..." She smirked and I swear I saw fire ignite in her eyes. I couldn’t help but notice the way she licked her lips and stared back at my crotch. My cock stood erect in her hands. "It's...big." "It is?" I questioned, feeling myself turn harder. I tried to take my boner away from her but she kept caressing it. "Yeah, it kinda looks like this.." Before I knew it, she took my dick into her mouth and suckled it slowly. My hips bucked upwards and I closed my eyes, moaning loudly when she took every last drop of my boner into her mouth. After a few seconds, I managed to break free of her grasp and my cock began to twitch like crazy. "I didn't knew you'll put it so fast in your mouth, Mikayla.."  "Sorry~ It's so good though. You've got to let me take care of it for a while.." She said, licking her lips seductively. The look in her eyes made my boner grow even harder and I felt my balls getting sore. "Are you sure? We're like good friends and this is like...the first time of us doing such a sexual thing."  Her smirk grew bigger and she nodded, reaching behind her and taking off her bra. My breath hitched, realizing where this was heading. I've never done this with another girl before and I was actually curious what it would be like. The thought alone excited me and my dick was throbbing once again. As she slipped off her shirt and tossed it aside, my cock sprang forward. Mikayla's breasts were very big, and I couldn't help it but touch it the second I saw them. They were smooth and perfectly round; perfect for my fingers. When her breast pressed into my palms, I moaned out loud. I was so lost in her beauty I hadn’t even realized that she was already unzipping her jeans.  The sight made me go weak at the knees, wanting desperately to sink into her pussy. I watched, completely mesmerized by Mikayla as she removed her jeans, revealing her perfect pussy. It was small but very round, making my fingers tingle with desire. I reached for her panties but she pulled her panties up and shook her head. "Not yet…" she whispered huskily, biting her bottom lip. "Okay." I said standing up again with my cock closer to her face.  Without warning, she grabbed me by the base of the shaft and pushed my cock inside her mouth. This shocked me but I did my best to relax as I watched her tongue swirl around my shaft, her warm lips wrapped around my entire cock. Her head bobbed up and down as she sucked on it and I could feel myself beginning to lose it. It took everything in me not to come right then and there. With my mind blanking out, I grabbed her hair roughly and dug my nails into her scalp, needing more.  I thrust my hips upward repeatedly but to no avail. The pain made me want to release but I fought against the urge. After awhile, I eventually collapsed on her shoulders, gasping heavily. Mikayla was still sucking on my cock but I could hardly concentrate due to how hard I'd just come. "Oh my god, Mikayla!" I moaned. "Just fucking swallow it already!" I felt her chuckle against me and she swallowed the last bits of cum that had filled her mouth. "You taste better," she said as I laid on top of her, my dick still hanging out of her mouth. I laughed lightly but then kissed her forehead, smiling affectionately. "Can I play with your boobs more?" I asked .  She chuckled and nodded. "If you want. I don't mind" I sat upright and leaned over her. With one quick movement, I grabbed her boobs and placed kisses on each one. "They're so soft and warm," I mumbled, running my hands around. "Your nipples feel so bouncy." I smiled as I felt them getting harder beneath my fingers. I continued to kiss the top of her boobs gently and Mikayla began to stroke my dick to keep it hard while I have my way with her boobs.  "Mmm...it feels so good," I groaned, gripping tightly onto her tits as she worked at my cock. "Ahhhh....ahhhh..." I was having trouble controlling myself but it seemed to make Mikayla happy.   After a little while I slid my fingers and kisses to her , massaging it gently. I then proceeded to massage her inner thighs, loving the soft sounds she let loose everytime I touched her. After a couple minutes, I began to kiss her inner thighs. "Can you sit on my face, Mikayla?" I asked quietly. She obliged and I slowly rose up. She was wet and slippery and I couldn't wait any longer for me to taste her pussy. So without saying a word, I plunged my face into her pussy, slurping and licking the walls with great pleasure. I lapped at the sweet juices that spilled out of her cunt and then moved to her clit and began to lick it in slow circles, feeling her tighten her vaginal muscles around my tongue. She moaned out loud, causing goosebumps to cover my arms. She began to move her hips against my face. "Harder...harder..." "Fuckkkkk." I groaned, tightening my lips around her clit and giving her more pleasure than she gave me. My ears were ringing with her cries of excitement and ecstasy, and soon enough my own orgasm kicked in. Big loads of semen went from my cock on her back which made her gasp happily.   We both calmed down after a while and she started to play with my balls while she waited for me to clean my cock. I cleaned my dick as best as I could, using my finger to remove most of the semen. Once it was cleaned, I looked deep into her eyes and asked if my cock was allowed to enter inside her.  "Please." Her voice trembled slightly. So, I slid my cock into her and we both gasped at the shock that shot through our bodies. It felt good and I smiled widely as I enjoyed it. After several moments of just sitting inside her, Mikayla' hands moved to grab onto my ass. As she rubbed my butt cheeks together, I closed my eyes and held onto her hips, trying to enjoy everything as long as possible. I could feel her body trembling from excitement and the pleasure I was giving her. She was panting loudly, letting out whimpers and moans every so often as her climax built up. I felt her body shaking, and soon, my cock became rigid again.   "I need to come now," I panted harshly. She giggled and opened her legs a tiny bit wider, allowing me more room. "Go ahead." With great urgency, I thrust my cock inside her pussy and pumped it quickly while pumping my cock. Her tight pussy walls gripped onto me tightly and I could hear her screaming out loud. I grunted loudly, pushing into her deeper. She released another scream and then came all over my cock. I gritted my teeth and began pumping faster as I heard her release another scream followed by a sob. Her body tensed up as her orgasm hit her full force and I continued to pump furiously. I felt my heart beat rapidly inside of me as well as Mikayla' heartbeat. Soon, I could see her eyes rolling back into her skull and I could feel her release once again. The vibrations she made against me increased and I couldn't stop pounding my cock inside of her. My balls were so painfully stretched, and I felt that my cock was going to explode any second. My vision was blurring as I was starting to cum, too, and as soon as I exploded, I was sent flying backwards. My eyes rolled back in my head and I fell back into a pile of tangled sheets and blankets, unable to hold my erect penis anymore. I felt Mikayla crawl on top of me and lay down next to me. We both were breathing heavily, but neither one of us said anything. Then I saw her going down on me and began to kiss my penis.  "That was amazing!" I said happily. I knew I sounded stupid but it didn't bother me in the slightest. If anything, I felt really lucky. "Thank you." She only smiled in response, kissing my dick lightly. "What happened when you came before?" she asked curiously. "Nothing really. A lot of moaning and crying." I lied smoothly. "And I think I may have been a little violent." "Violent? You mean like…?" "Well it was nothing bad, I promise." I grinned. "I love our first time fucking." Mikayla said smirking. "Maybe we should do this more often." She whispered seductively in my ear, her breath caressing my neck. I turned around to look at her. "Okay." I said giving her sweet lips a kiss.    The following day, it was finally Saturday and I was able to wake up with a clear head and clear thoughts, rather than a clouded one or an unfocused one. Beside me, there was a naked Mikayla , looking adorable, sleeping beautifully. I sighed softly as I watched her sleep. Every part of her body was soft and flawless, with her smooth skin, creamy pale breasts, pink nipples and a dark brown nipple ring. I smiled and kissed the tip of her nose. She stirred slightly and turned over, burying her face into my pillow. I smiled to myself as I thought about the night before. I'd never had sex like that before and I was kind of scared because it was new to me. And I definitely wasn't used to it being like this: spontaneous and crazy. But it was fun nonetheless.     Sweat My cock was hard , I could feel it pulsing against my thigh. I needed to relieve myself soon but it was difficult with the way my hands were shaking like crazy. I couldn’t get a grip on it. My hand was slick from sweat as I rubbed my thumb across it. The room was hot and the air smelled stale in here, my sweaty shirt stuck to me. I needed a shower. I need out of this closet. It seemed so big and empty all at once, so much space that seemed to swallow me up at every second. The walls were closing in on me as I tried to find a window or door. In the same room there was my friend, Emma who had seen my hard cock. She had teased me about it before asking to see it. She didn’t even ask if I was a virgin; she knew.  I wanted her so badly that I almost couldn’t breathe sometimes, and not just because of my dick being hard and I was desperate for release. She was pretty too. With her long red hair and brown eyes that twinkled in a mischievous way when she smiled. She also wore short shorts and a tank top when she wasn’t wearing any makeup. Her nipples were hardened under her bra.  "Is your dick hard?" Emma asked. I looked down to see if my cock was still hard after she had spoken and then realized my eyes had been watching her breasts instead. "No," I answered. I had lied to Emma because I hadn’t felt anything yet except heat. And I didn’t want Emma knowing what I really felt. I wasn’t sure if I would be able to say no to her anymore. Even now when I wanted desperately to take off my clothes and let her do whatever she wanted to me she looked beautiful. So sexy. She made me weak.   She sat on the floor and took off her tank top. "What if I told you there was something you could do with your dick?" Her voice was teasing. It was clear she was enjoying making me nervous. I swallowed. What did she have planned? A dirty mind trick? Some kind of weird sexual fantasy? "And what is that?" I asked. Her eyes sparkled. "I want you to cum inside of me." She smiled. "Come on. Take off your clothes." For some reason my hands trembled as I unzipped my jeans and pulled them off my legs. The cool room air felt wonderful against my bare skin. She reached for my cock but I held it away from her. She frowned slightly, looking disappointed for some reason, then stood. "Let's go into the bathroom. Let's take our shirts off first. That way we won't forget where we are." Emma started walking toward the bathroom, leaving the door open behind her. I followed her, unsure of what was happening. Had I misunderstood? Or was she suggesting we have sex? There was nothing else that I could think of to explain why she was inviting me into the bathroom. Emma had already put her underwear and socks on the floor. As she closed the stall door behind us, she turned around and pressed her back against it. I could tell by how close she was standing that she had been planning what she was going to do. It gave me an uneasy feeling. I wanted to ask if it was okay for me to come, but before I could, Emma pushed herself forward and grabbed my hand, tugging me toward her. Our bodies crashed together as she kissed me roughly. When I didn’t reciprocate immediately she began kissing my neck, biting playfully at the tender flesh. I moaned as she sucked at the soft skin. I wanted to touch her, to hold her and comfort her. This wasn't what I'd expected. Then Emma leaned forward and bit my neck lightly, sending another wave of pleasure through me. I whimpered and grasped her hips tightly, urging her closer to me. Her breathing quickened as she moved slowly against me, rubbing her ass against my crotch. I felt myself throbbing harder between my thighs. She must've heard it since she stopped. Emma stared at me for a moment, her cheeks flushed with passion, then bent over and opened one of the cabinets above her. She removed a small bottle of lube and placed it back into place. Then she straightened. "Do you trust me?" Her lips were wet and swollen. She reached out and gently ran her tongue against mine. I didn't know what to make of this situation. But I trusted her with everything in my heart. "Yes," I whispered. Emma smiled. "Good." She climbed onto the toilet seat. "Now stand on the other side of the counter so I can work you over." She patted the spot beside her and I complied. She positioned herself carefully, straddling my lap, then slid her right leg around so her knee rested on the edge of the counter. The position made my cock strain against its confines more than it already was. She leaned forward and lubed up her right index finger. "Ready to fuck?" The word ‘yes' escaped before my conscious mind could stop it. I wanted her inside of me so badly. All those weeks of frustration at my inability to cum drove my imagination wild. I needed her. Needed to taste her sweet body and watch her come undone in my arms. Emma stroked my cock slowly until I thought I might explode. "Are you ready?" she purred softly. "Because if you're not I'm going to come and fuck you right now." "Fuck me," I gasped. She laughed as she continued to tease the head of my cock with her fingertips. She used both of her hands to guide my prick into her mouth. She licked, sucking, and pinching the tip with her teeth, her tongue dancing around it. After a minute or two of playing with my throbbing erection she released my cock. I groaned in protest. "You'll love it," Emma promised. "It tastes good." She slipped a second finger into her mouth. Emma's fingers worked their magic on my cock and within seconds I was coming violently into her hand. Her lips latched onto the base of my cock while she continued to suck and stroke me with her fingers. Once my cock was fully emptied and my body was sated I lay on my back and relaxed against the wall. I felt tired and weak. Emotions that I had kept hidden for weeks were suddenly flooding me. I didn't know how to deal with them. I wanted to sleep. Emma crawled down from the toilet and settled next to me. We lay silently for a little while. "This is nice," Emma said finally, turning toward me to look at me. "Being with you." She ran her hand through my hair, caressing it lightly. There were several things I wanted to say but none of them came out. Instead, I reached forward and brushed the curls out of her face. She was gorgeous. No words could describe her beauty but somehow I knew they weren't enough. "Thank you," I managed to whisper. After that we went on the bed were Emma got on top of me. She kissed me again. I felt her breasts pressing against my chest. Her breasts were hard, firm. Suddenly, there was something rough scraping against my stomach. I tried to squirm out from underneath her but the movement only caused my cock to rub against hers. I gasped, holding back a moan. She pushed my hands away and began licking my length. She took my whole shaft between her lips. I shuddered. I wanted her so badly. Suddenly I was lost in the sensations that swirled in my brain: the salty taste of her breath on my cock, the warm press of her lips moving against my cock. My legs trembled. She sucked harder, her tongue flickering like a snake on fire. Then, I was exploding again. My whole body shivered violently. I was completely helpless, unable to move. But Emma wasn’t giving up yet. She rolled off me and crawled backward until she found a comfortable position on the bed with her knees drawn up. "I want you to cum in me," she whispered huskily. I felt a rush of warmth spread through my body, spreading rapidly through my veins. Everything happened quickly after that. Emma's soft hands moved down my body, touching me everywhere she could reach and then sliding underneath my shirt so I could feel her hot fingers touching me. My skin felt as though flames were licking the surface of my flesh. Every inch of exposed skin was burning with the desire to be touched. To have all of her soft warm touches. Emma's soft hands caressed my body, caressed my back, my belly, my cock, stroking and teasing until I couldn't control myself any longer. I reached out and took her nipples into my mouth. Emma screamed, and I realized she too was having her climax. She cried out with pleasure when my fingers dipped into her pussy. I pulled her closer, pushing inside of her, wanting her as much as she wanted me. She moaned loudly. The sound was intoxicating. Then I felt her nails dig into the nape of my neck as her pussy tightened. It wasn't long till I felt a surge of pure ecstasy shoot through my blood stream. Emma collapsed on top of me, panting heavily, her hands clutching my shoulders. I could barely breathe from all the pent up tension that had built up inside me. "What will happen now?" I muttered, half awake and half delirious. "We can't do anything now. We need to rest." I felt her kiss my cheek gently. "We'll talk tomorrow." I nodded and she shifted off of me. I rolled onto my side and closed my eyes. Below him  Semen, the first thing that comes to mind when someone says “sex”. You can smell it in the air; a hint of pheromones and musk, like the smell of wet soil mixed with warm human sweat. It's all around you but never really close enough for it to touch you.  It' s a bit of an odd scent to have at your fingertips and taste on your lips, especially when you're not trying to seduce your target into sex or even simply hold hands. That kind of thing is reserved for other people. But this particular scent was different. Like the situation I am right now.  I'm on my knees, naked, with Mike's cock in my hand. He's holding one of my wrists in place. The other hand he has pressed lightly on my chest. His eyes are closed and his body seems to be relaxed but there's still tension in him. If we were anyplace else I would've seen what looked like lust in his eyes. But here it was just pure want and arousal.  He looks so... vulnerable. And beautiful, too. As I stroke his dick faster, his breathing got heavier. I don't know whether it's from exertion or from pleasure. I couldn't decide which one it is. "You're doing great." He murmurs. His voice sounds hoarse, almost raw, and I wonder if he feels anything more than the need to fuck me. He probably does. I feel vulnerable too.  Even though in some other times if he'd ask me if I want to be fucked by him I would say no, this time... I don't think I'd refuse it.  We know each other for four years since highschool, and we remained good friends after it too. Both of us got into the same university and now I am in this situation.  It happened this morning, when we bumped into each other on the street while walking together, because we had our respective schedules. We didn't talk for a long time, then he suddenly grabbed me and kissed me hard. And I didn't do anything about it.  When he left me alone at my dormitory to go back home I stood there frozen. I couldn't believe what had just happened. What I'd allowed him to do to me.  After a while of just standing there I finally continued on with my day.  * * * At night, when I got back to my dorm room after work, I called Mike if I could come to him to watch a movie. To my surprise he said yes, and before I could change my mind I agreed to come.  Now, we're lying down in Mike's bed, kissing and cuddling. After a while he turns toward me and kisses my neck. The tip of his nose runs along my jawline and I shiver. It happened so fast. My breath hitches as he starts sucking on my earlobe and I gasp. He stops to look at me again, grinning. "What?" I ask, surprised, because I wasn't expecting any of this. "Nothing," he answers, his voice low and teasing. "Let's keep going." Then, leaning over, he kisses me again. His lips are soft and warm against mine. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him back, enjoying the feeling of him pressing closer against me. Suddenly I hear his phone vibrate and he sits up. He takes the mobile off his bedside table and sees who it is. I stand up too and walk towards him. Then he threw his phone on the bed, grabbed my hand and place it on his crotch. I start to stroke it gently, caressing his already erect penis. "You told me that you hate sucking dick, right?" Mike asked.  "Yeah?" I answered. "That's true. Why? Do you want me to suck it harder?" He laughs. "I thought so." He grabs my face and kisses me passionately, and I feel my body reacting automatically. Then his mouth moves lower to my breasts and begins licking and nibbling on them. I moan loudly and grab his hair, pulling hard on it, and he groans too. This makes me want to take off my top but before that happens he pulls away and takes off his pants. Then I followed, with not just my pants but my whole clothes. I grab his cock, without him telling me and start to stroke it. The smell of it was making my mind numb. I never felt like this before. The more I stroke it the more precum was coming out from his huge cock.  Although I was taller than him, I was shocked when I saw his package. Well...never judge a book by its cover, right?  And here's how I got myself in this situation. I never thought I could do this but now.....I really want to suck his dick. Am I a slut? I don't know. Maybe I am, but I can't help it. And besides, I wanted it to happen. So I put the tip of it on my lips and started sucking, taking small licks around it. Soon, he starts fucking my mouth, pushing my head forward, and I feel my tongue running against his shaft. A second later he starts moving it in between my lips, and I moan louder. He keeps pumping it in and out while he moans and thrusts it into my mouth. I open my mouth and let all of his length slide inside. It's hot and slick, which is something new and amazing. Then he pushes the rest of his length in, his hips moving slowly, and then he starts fucking me again, fucking my face. His movements are smooth and strong, his pace slow but steady, his thrusts quick but precise. Each time he enters me my ass gets bigger and wider, my nipples getting harder. The sensations are indescribable. I'm drowning in pleasure and everything seems like a dream. I'm completely lost. I don't even feel my pussy anymore; the only thing occupying my senses is his cock and my mouth, sucking it, moaning as loud as I can. His grip on my face is tightening and my skin is getting covered in sweat. His thrusts are getting harder and faster, harder and longer until I feel myself breaking apart, crying out loudly. The orgasm is so overwhelming and intense that all I can see is the ceiling above me, blurry through my closed eyelids. After that everything goes black. When I come to, Mike is still fucking my mouth. He released so much semen that now is impossible for me to forget the taste of it.  When decided that he was done, he lifted me up and began to kiss my soaked in cum lips.  After kissing me and holding me tightly in his embrace, he whispered, "You like dick now?." I nodded and pulled him closer. "Good." he added.  Then he lowered me back onto the bed. When he climbed on top of me, I wrapped my legs around his waist and hugged him tight. We spent several minutes just holding each other and kissing. After, I see him rising and his hands grabbing my hips, looking at my pussy with his hungry eyes.  I never thought that I could have sex with him like this but here we are. I let him slip inside me and it feels so good that I moan loudly, and I see his eyes light up for a brief moment. Then he starts thrusting strongly into me, his hands gripping my boobs, and I moan again. This feels incredible and he keeps fucking me harder and deeper , hitting that spot inside my body where my orgasm usually occurs. He's driving me insane but at least it's worth the wait. I reach up with one hand and rub my fingers through his hair as he continues to slam himself into me repeatedly. It doesn't matter how rough he is and I don't even care if he breaks my nails. Right now all that matters is that he makes me feel good. After sometime he stops and asked me if I had a condom. I told him no and then he continued to fuck me. I feel like I can't possibly get enough of his cock so I pull it out and insert it again, this time using two fingers. He groans and grabs my breast, squeezing it lightly. That feels soooo good. The feeling he gives me is something new. Every part of me is craving for more and I feel like I can' t get enough of him. It isn't easy to breathe but neither is it painful and I'm breathing more quickly as I begin to pant. Then I feel another spurt and it's just like I've been electrocuted, and I yell out. Then I climax immediately. But not before I scream his name loudly, my whole body trembling from the pain and the ecstasy, feeling him come inside me as well. A second later his hand leaves my tits and moves downward, cupping my pussy once again. With each touch it feels so good, it almost hurts when he touches my clit at the same time. After we finish, both of us panting heavily, he kisses me hard and we stay like this for a while. I close my eyes, enjoying every single movement of his lips on mine.   When I open them again I notice that we're lying there still naked. I don't know why but I feel embarrassed.    It's dark outside and all I can hear are the sounds of birds chirping. It's the kind of sound I love: so peaceful. As our breathing has returned to normal and he lets his hand travel down my stomach, I notice a tiny scar near his pubic bone, next to his penis. I asked Mike about it and told me that is was from her ex girlfriend when she tried to shave him. I lean over to kiss it and then I get off the bed to go to the bathroom. When I came back in the room I saw that his cock was again hard. I joined him on the bed and I fell asleep with my hand on his cock. When I woke up in the morning I couldn't stop smiling and it made me laugh, because that was my first time ever sleeping with someone. And it was totally awesome!   **** A couple of hours later Mike drove me home and we kissed goodbye. Then I went upstairs and took a shower, cleaning up after last night's sex session. When I came downstairs, wearing some comfortable clothes I sat at the kitchen counter and opened my laptop. There are a bunch of email from work waiting for me. I clicked on the latest one from my boss saying that they would be doing an early meeting tomorrow morning so that I can prepare for their first interview. I smiled when I read that but then I looked at my phone to check if I received any messages. There were none. I sighed and turned off my computer. I didn't want to think about anything else today. I just wanted to relax and enjoy the day.   Publication Date: April 2nd 2022 https://www.bookrix.com/-dh1a5e958e70f85
Andrea Javel Unseen Interludes “Unseen Interludes” is a collection of lesbian-focused erotic vignettes, dedicated to the voyeur in us all. Et pour tu, Chase K. Javel - je t'aime mon coeur... "Midnight Stroll" It was faint, so faint she thought it simple white noise. "Or the street cleaners," the denim-clad woman mused, her steady stride making short work of the long city block. "Mmph!" There it was again, only this time much louder. She came to a full stop - something she'd rather not do this time of night. Curiosity piqued, she backtracked towards the noise, booted cadence echoing. Feminine moans taunted her before she could see. As her eyes adjusted she stood flush against the edge of the building, blending in with the shadows. The taut hem of a fashionably sleek skirt rode the curve of a nicely-rounded posterior. Her manicured nails digging sharply into the brittle mortar, the moaning woman's flushed face pressed into the cold building and moist breathy mewls escaping slightly-parted lips. The mouth behind the aroused woman latched onto her neck biting into the tender flesh, sparking shards that sent the full bottom down hard onto a broad plunging hand. A hot tongue's soothing swipe caused stilettos to shake...and their unseen watcher to tremble. The sound of tearing fabric bounced off the cement walls. Both the exploring hand and the watcher's boxers were met with an onrush of molten fluid as silky tattered remains slid down a shapely ginger-hued thigh. Grappling with her trousers, the panty-ripper's heavy package was released into the cool night air. Moistening her lover's tool with the creamy essence on her fingers, she roughly secured her woman's willing body against her, plunging deeply inside. Frenetic pounding between clinging moist folds pushed hard-nippled breasts rhythmically into the unyielding brick fortress. Releasing the crumbling wall, slender fingers blindly sought to grip the belted harness of the thrusting woman behind her. Stuttering moans of mutual satisfaction soon filled the alleyway, the amorous couple breathing as hard as their furious coupling had been. They never heard the footsteps receding from their dark brick and mortar love nest. "Taxicab Tryst" The wet phallus cast a perverse shadow in the dimly lit alley. Backing away as carefully as her soaked boxers would allow, the watcher silently left the gasping women. “Damn!” Mind reeling and more than a little aroused, she’d stomped down three blocks before she knew it. A car horn pierced the night, startling the escaping voyeur from a steamy mental movie of the butch slamming into her partner's lusciously open sex. A fairly new model taxi crawled alongside the curb and the driver leaned toward the opened passenger’s window. "Need a ride?" The cabbie frowned at dispatch’s crackling interruption. "Sorry about that. Do you need a ride?" “Sure.” The watcher opened the bright yellow door and gratefully fell into the back seat, groaning with relief. Just those few steps had her clit twitching from the moist friction of her slickened inner lips. "Thanks. I really didn't feel like walking." The cab driver smiled. "No problem. Where to?" "1501 3rd Avenue." Shi squinted at driver's hack license. "1501 3rd Avenue, Trish." Flashing a dimpled grin, Trish nodded and slowly maneuvered the cab into the late evening traffic. ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ “Grab that hot body close and get your groove on. No one has to know…" The deejay’s silky intro whispered off into earthy rhythm-n-blues. "Is this station okay, Shaundra?" "Yeah, it's fine. I like slow jams like this-wait! How do you know my name?" Immediately on guard, Shaundra James perched tensely at the edge of the seat. "Easy there! We met last month at Low Riders. Stacy introduced us." Trish self-consciously wound a dark-brown curl around her finger. It had only been for a few minutes but the woman in her taxi had made an impression that evening. A damn good one. "At Andi and Stacy’s ‘Brides Party’ the night before their wedding, right? I remember you now.” Shaundra inched closer to the open partition...and the cab driver’s silky-soft looking shoulder length dark hair. "And, it's Shaun. I prefer it - especially coming from a cute lady like you." Winking, Shaun relaxed against the armrest. Enjoying the clear view she had of Trish's neck, the image of the dyke stud biting her woman's pulse point appeared, stoking her arousal. "Shit, that was hot!" Shaun muttered, shifting in her seat. Never one to wear a bra, her bare nipples grazed the white cotton of her t-shirt. She couldn't wait to get home to take the edge off. "Mmm, it sure was." "What the hell?" Shaun bolted upright again. "You saw them too?" "No, I only heard them." Trish glanced into the rear-view mirror and locked eyes with her passenger. "What I saw...was you." The sultry declaration raced up Shaun's arm and down the other. "You saw me," she repeated, her warm breath dangerously close to the fine-haired nape she'd wanted to feel under her lips since getting into the taxi. "Y-yes. You looked so damn sexy standing there watching them…I wished it was us." The responsding tension in Shaun's clit was too much. "My place is too far," she rasped hoarsely, massaging a spot on Trish's neck with the pad of her thumb. Her desire ratcheted when the taxi sped to a discreet area underneath an overpass. As soon as she parked Trish turned around…and her lips were quickly covered by Shaun's. She tongued the butch woman's mouth deeply, relishing the deep needy groans drawn from her passenger "Fuck this shit," Shaun panted. "Get back here!" Shaun pulled the unresisting woman through the open partition. Running her hands over Trish's round ass, Shaun squeezed, liking the way Trish pushed her plump cheeks into her palms. She groaned loudly when Trish's searching lips captured her nipple through the t-shirt. Sitting straight up with Trish straddling her lap, Shaun yanked her shirt off and drew the dark head to her naked chest. "Suck it," she huffed. "Yeah, like that suck it, baby!" Trish blew warm air on the tight puckered tip. Catching it between her teeth, she whipped Shaun’s sensitive nipple with the tip of her tongue. The delicious torment sent Shaun over the edge. "Take your clothes off!" Shaun’s insistent hands fondled Trish’s breasts, impeding her own desperate desire to see the dark-haired woman’s nude form. Finally naked, Trish feverishly unbuckled Shaun's belt, peeling the well-worn jeans and navy blue boxers off in one fluid motion. Eyes bright with longing, Trish ran her hands over the toned thighs and tightened sinew. Shaun exhaled sharply. She was so fucking close to cumming! Abruptly flipping them over, she set Trish’s heels on the edge of the seat and pushed the shapely legs apart. Dropping to the floor of the cab, Shaun drove her stiffened tongue deep into the moist well, tightly gripping the full bottom that lurched at the hard thrust. Relentlessly she drove her pink member into Trish's clinging channel, relishing the creamy saturation. Dragging the flat of her tongue up the open slit, she found and licked the hard pink clit, again and again. Trish's needy moans filled her ears...and Shaun would not stop! For a second she thought she saw headlights but Trish was near the breaking point and didn't care. Gyrating on Shaun's furious tongue she whimpered as the pulsations in her clit increased. "Ooh, yesss!" Withdrawing her voracious mouth from Trish's dripping triangle, Shaun coaxed her onto all fours. "Good thing this is a big damn car," she muttered, placing her wet slit on Trish’s firm plush ass. Her distended clit pressed deeply into the cabbie’s soft posterior, finding the hot dark crease. Strong thighs quivered as the steamed-up taxi filled with their sexual chorus. In their crouched position Shaun easily reached Trish's moist warm sheath. Plunging three fingers inside the mewling woman, she fucked the taxi driver from front to back. With each steady stroke Trish's cries grew louder; matched by Shaun's soft grunts. Suddenly, Trish's writhing body stilled and shrieking she fell over the precipice, her body shaking violently. The spasming hot flesh against her aching clit was too much for Shaun and with a deep groan she came, drenching Trish's quaking bottom with her essence. Caught in the whirlwind of pleasure, they didn't hear the low swearing above them. Author's Notes Thanks for taking the time to read this collection of erotic vignettes. As the scenes are revealed to me they will be added to this story. So check in every now and then…you never know who will be watching. 'Til then, Andrea Javel Text: Andrea Javel Images: © Danil Chepko | Dreamstime.com All rights reserved. Publication Date: June 1st 2012 https://www.bookrix.com/-foreverfemme
love.always.sha Avangeline Avangeline's POV: I quickly grabbed my phone off my bed stand and shoved it in my purse. Shoving past Zander for making me late. He grabbed my hand and pulled me back to him. He brought his head down to my neck and I relaxed into him unintentionally. He pressed a soft kiss to my neck and it was nearly my undoing. His lips were so soft and when he kissed me like that.... NO! He is not making me anymore late! I shoved him back and quickly covered my neck with my hands because he knew that was my spot. He chuckled and gave me an amused but questioning glance. I turned around not wanting to look him in those mesmerizing eyes. I started to just walk off but he pulled me against him. " No! Let me go! I've been late 3 times this week so knock it off. Some of us actually work under people and aren't the boss." He laughed. That's great he thinks this is funny. Well he wont when i lose my job because i'm going to give him hell for it. I started to pull away but he stopped me yet again and said "when you get home I have to talk to you" His voice was so entrancing Ughhhh... I need to leave so I gave him a nod and a quick peck of the lips and left. Zander's POV: I watched as she scurried around the loft looking for her things. Ignoring the fact she was already late. Yea I could care less she doesnt need the money with me here and i could give her another job. But no, she wanted to be self sufficient and make her own money. Although it bothers me that's what I love about her. That and seeing her dressed up like this turns me on. I continued to watch from the bed as she put her long brown hair into a bun and grab her phone and shoved it in her purse. I looked at her long beautiful legs and started thinking about how they wrap around me each time i'm inside her and those heels she was wearing was driving me insane. I walked over to her and she shoved me out the way. I guess she was upset that i made her late....again. I couldn't help the smirk that plastered itself on my face I grabbed her hand and pulled her back. I lowered my head to her neck and put a kiss right where her neck and shoulder meet knowing that was her spot. She was leaning into me now forgetting about her job just as i wanted her to. But she pushed me away as if she heard my thoughts and scowled at me with her hands on her neck. Like that was gonna stop me. I pulled her to me and she started rambling on about her being late and not being a boss like me and i laughed and told her that when she got home i needed to talk to her. She quickly gave me a quick peck before flying out the door like a bat out of hell. Leaving me with a stiffy. I sighed and went to take a cold shower. When i got out i put on my black 3 piece armani suit and slipped on my shoes. I was late for my meeting so i decided to skip breakfast i'll just have Brooke my assistant bring me some if it doesn't get too late. If it does ill just grab lunch with Ava. After parking in the parking garage i got on the elevator and made my way up to my office. Once i stepped out Brooke got up from her desk and greeted me. "How are you today Mr.Salvati?" she asked a little too flirtatious for my liking and i hated the way she stared up at me. ugh. "I'm well whats going on today?" i asked referring to my schedule. "well Mr. Santiago has been here since 9:30 and your 10:00 is in the meeting room. I believe Santiago is keeping him company. He said he might as well since there was nothing else to do around here." I laughed and she continued. " you have 5 messages..." and when she started to tell me them i blocked her out. when i got to my door I took the messages out of her hands and said "alright thanks" and rudely shut the door in her face. I looked at my rolex it was 10:37. I groaned inwardly i didnt feel like doing anything today. i grabbed the folder off my desk and went into the meeting room. when i opened it laughter rang out from two booming voices and i smiled. They both got up to greet me telling me the joke that Santiago jost told. and then i dropped my smile and just like that it was back to buisiness and Santiago excused his self. After the meeting I went down to my office and opened the door. Santiago was sitting behind my desk. "Finally. I was bored out my mind." I laughed. "why are you here Santiago?" I said as I picked up my phone and pushed the button for my secretary. She quickly picked up. "cancel my meetings for today and reschedule them for tomorrow" and then i hung up before she could reply. "I was bored at my office. Since I hired somebody to watch over things for me there isn't a need for me to be there. So im crashing here until i find something better to do." I shook my head and reminded myself to do the same but i need someone that i can fully trust because if not ill never be able to leave. and then it came to me "I have a buisiness proposition for you...." he quirked his eyebrow up at me questioning me. "you dont have anything to do. I am relocating and i need someone who can run this place. your the only one i trust enough to do it." he stated matter of factly. They stared each other down. All jokes gone. "Under one condition" "what?" "you fire that annoying ass chick thats always hitting on everybody." he shrugged his shoulders he was thinking about firing her anyway for the exact same reason and everytime Ava called she would ignore it or lie saying that he wasnt in. he talked to her about that before......No he cursed her out because she had Avangeline thinking that he was cheating. "Done." He picked up the phone and hit the button for his secretary "Yes Mr.Salvatti?" she purred trying to get his attention. He rolled his eyes. "did you do what i asked?" "yes" "good. your fired come back on friday to pick up your last check" Before she could respond i quickly hung up. Santiago shook his head in humor. "Now you are officially in charge and you have to find a new secretary." I didn't need to show him anything because he already knew what to do. when ever I would work late on anything he would stop over and help me. He was in charge when ever i wasn't around. I picked up the phone and hit the button that had ava's office number programmed to it. She answered on the third ring. "Avangeline Martin" "Hey baby" "Dont you hey baby me! I got my ass chewed out this morning He needed me to goto court today but i was late!" "Well he shouldn't have waited until the last minute to tell you" "You shouldn't have made me late! And you left a got damn hickey on my neck!!!" "calm down babe" "Dont tell me to calm down Dont make me late any more!" she replied angrily before he heard a click in his ear. He looked at the phone in his hand and hung the phone up while listen to Santiago laugh. "what did you do to her? I heard her yelling all the way over here." he asked still chuckling "I made her late.." "and...???? im not stupid i know Ava wouldn't get mad over something as small as that"he replied in a stop fucking with me tone. "I made her late 4 times this week... and i left a hickey on her neck this morning" Santiago doubled over with laughter. "Today's thursday! So you've made her late every day this week so far" he said still laughing. I glared at him for some time. Santiago and Ava were the only people that were unfazed by my evil looks. They knew I would never hurt them. But with everybody else i could smell the fear roll off them in waves and so could Santiago that's why when ever i would pull the look on someone else he would talk about how it never gets old and laugh his ass off. For a vampire Santiago was one of a kind. He was an all around good guy but he found everything funny. Ava and him got along great she often said he was a breath of fresh air compared to all the mean stuck up ass holes in New York. she looked dead in my eyes when she said it so i guess she was referring to me. Santiago broke me out of my thoughts and asked "So, when are you going to tell her?" Vampire's Aren't Real. "How am I supposed to do that. Hey Ava I gotta talk to you. I'm a Vampire." "With Finesse Zander. You know what to say. Just let it come to you." What the hell is that supposed to mean.fuck it. With out a word i left and headed for my car. once I was in I let the engine purr to life. I loved my car. I barely drove this one. The Aston Martin Virage. It's not supposed to come out until next year but what can i say. I drove to Ava's office. When i arrived and parked i looked at my watch it was 12:15 she usually doesnt go on lunch until around 1. I rode the elevator to her floor and stepped off speaking to her secretary before i walked in her office. she was in her black leather chair behind her desk. She had her feet up on the ledge of her window talking on the phone. I saw her scribble something down on her legal pad. I closed the door and walked around to her and kissed her lips. I only wanted one but once i got that I got greedy and wanted some more. I leaned back over and kissed her some more deepening the kiss. "Tell them you call them back." she started to protest but I started to kiss her neck and before she could moan I kissed her while i struggled to contained my smile. I put my hand around the phone and she quickly said " Ms. Devaraugh im going to call you back in a hour or so." and I took the phone from hers and hung up. I ran my hand up and down her leg. My hand went under her skirt and found what I was looking for I rubbed and she started to squirm. I continued to kiss her. I could feel her wetness through her lace panties. I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around me causing her skirt to hike up even more. I walked to the door and locked it. My dick was pressing against my zipper begging to come out. I put her down so she could take off her skirt and panties while I took off my pants and boxers. She went to take off her heels. "Leave them on." She was about to argue with me I could see it in her eyes. So I picked her back up and pushed my dick inside her. She half moaned half screamed in delight. "Shhhhhh.... Dont make too much noise" I told her. I didnt want her cursing me out because of this. "Zander go deeper baby" I did but I couldn't go too deep because she would get too loud. I had to control myself. It seems like the more we have sex the more I want to bite her and I have to use every ounce of my self control. I put her against the wall and turned my head away from her neck. She moaned my name over and over again. I heard some one walking toward the door. I placed my hand over her mouth "shhh" I let her down "somebodys coming put your stuff back on." she quickly snatched up her skirt "where are my panties?" I shrugged and put on my boxers. There was a knock on her door "one second" she answered. She made sure her shirt was tucked in her skirt while I buttoned my pants and closed my jacket. i found her panties under my pants so I stuffed them in my pockets. She made sure nothing was out of place while i took a seat on the edge of her desk. She opened the door. Ava's POV: I quickly straightened myself out and made sure nothing was out of place and opened the door. It was my boss.. oh lord, what now? i questioned myself. "Have you finished those reports yet? I need them as soon as possible." he stepped in my office. "well i'll be damned!! If it isn't the devil him self." I watched as zander smirked and stood up from my desk and stuck his hand out. "How's it goin brody?" "Its goin good Although it would be better if my top lawyer was in court this morning" he scolded. I could feel my face heat up from blushing so hard. "That was my fault brody. I apologize I just couldnt help myself" zander stated simply as he eyed me up and down with that look in his eyes. I blushed even harder and turned to look out the window where Mr. Brooker couldn't see my face. How the hell did they know each other? i shouldn't be surprised zander always has some type of connection or know somebody every time we go out. Zander's POV: I smiled to myself as Ava walked past me to the window. Her entire face was red. I guess this was embarrassing for her.A look of realization popped on his face. "You and Ms. Martin are involved?" I smiled and grabbed her hand to get her to turn around and look at me and when she did I stared into those beautiful brown eyes while i answered him. "Yes for a little over 2 years now" He smiled and looked at Ava "You never told me you were seeing anyone Avangeline. Why not?" "its not something we ever talk about Brody." she replied. His eyebrows furrowed "I guess your right" he said as he pondered a little more. "Do you mind if I take her for the rest of the day? I had a surprise for her and forgot to check with her secretary for her scheule" "It's no problem at all. Ill see you around Zander" "Thanks and same here" brody turned around and walked out of the office. I turned around to Ava. "what was that?" she asked "We stay in the same circles." was all he said before he grabbed her jacket and held it out for her to slip in to. When she did she grabbed her purse in one hand and his hand in the other. When they reached Gramercy Tavern he parked and went inside. They were immediately seated and the owner came out with a bottle of wine. "they told me you were out here so I came to say hi" he smiled as he looked towards me "and how are you today Ava?" I smiled back warmly and replied "good. I haven't seen you in a while Micheal how's everything?" "everything's great." he then turned to Zander "my mom told me to tell you hi" "tell her i said hi and i'll definitely be by to see her soon. Just let me know when." "I will. So what is it that you want today?" he asked while pouring the wine in the glasses. I quickly covered mine and shook my head no. Zander and Micheal looked at me quizzically. I have never turned down wine or any alcohol for that matter. I could drink my ass off but today I was feeling a little queezy so i decided not to push it. "I dont feel good today. Dont look so skeptical im fine its not like im pregnant or something" I said as we all laughed. Suddenly my laughter died down and I started thinking. My last period was .....Oh god. I refused to say anything until i knew for sure though. I looked up at Zander who was looking at me with his brows drawn together and its almost as if he could read my mind and then as soon as i thought the thought it was dismissed because he asked "do you know what you want to eat or do you want me to order for you?" "You can order." was my short responce "Are you okay?" he asked with concern in his voice "yea im fine babe" i replied as I faked a smile.He looked at me with that all knowing look. The look that told me he knew i was lying. I was never able to get anything past him. He let it go but I know that once we get home he is gonna ask me about it. We ate and when Micheal came back we said our goodbyes and promised to keeep in touch. On the way home there was an awkwardness. It was silent but it wasn't a comfortable silence. I silently thanked god as he parked. Once I got to the apartment I took off my heels and threw them aside. Leaving them in the middle of the floor. I took off my jacket and tossed in the chair and climbed into bed. Hoping he wouldn't say anything about earlier. Zander's pov: I closed the door after parking and headed for the bedroom knowing she would act tired. I picked up her heels and put them by our closet, taking my shoes off as well. I grabbed her jacket and threw it at the bottom of the bed when i walked in. I shook my head at the sight. She was pretending to be sleep. Her breathing was too shallow and her heart was beating fast telling me that she was nervous about our upcoming conversation. "Ava I know your not sleep." "how?" I chuckled "because your not snoring" she turned her head to look at me shooting me a look of annoyance. "What's goin on babe?" "Nothing" I sighed at her "don't lie to me. I know when you lie. Now tell me because you know how thin my patience is and i don't want to argue with you" "I don't want to talk about it." I shook my head i promised my self I wouldn't do this unless it was absolutely necessary. when i did it earlier today it was an accident I let my guard down. But i swore i heard something like panic in the tone of her voice and I heard something about when her last period was and if that's the case then this is something I need to know. Knowing her she'll wait until she decides if she wants to keep it before she tells me. I tuned into her thoughts. "So it was definitely 2 months ago since I had my last period. Shit! Now what am I gonna do.. Pretty soon i'll be throwing up and I doubt if i'll be able to hide it then. Maybe ... I should get rid of it... Knowing him he'll probably find out somehow.... ugh"   I struggled to keep my temper under control after I heard her last thought. I glared at her. When she looked up she frowned at my face. "what's wrong?" she asked "Tell me." She shook her head no. "When's the last time you had your period?" "last week." she replied too easily. "Don't fuckin lie to me Avangeline. You know how I know your lying ... you stay on your period for a full week. We haven't took a break from sex for a full week in at least 2 months. So why are you lying to me?" her face was dumbstruck for a quick second and she regained herself. Just as quickly as it appeared it was gone. I hated that damn facade she put on. Especially when she did that shit to me. "If you knew then why did you ask." One thing I hated about her is her defensive side. She would put on a facade and deny everything to the death of her and wouldn't give a shit.I could count the number of times that she did it to me on one hand. Usually when she did it she pissed me off to a point and I would end up having to restrain my self from choking her. She would usually get scared around that time and give in eventually. "Avangeline your really testing my patience. I'm trying my hardest..........." i took a deep breath "you know what i'm not doing this shit anymore. Fuck it. Do what ever you want." i turned and left the room. I grabbed my phone out my pocket and headed back to the office. Once i was seated in the car my phone rang. Ava was calling me I started to ignore it but decided to answer it. "I don't have time for these games man what?" "i'm sorry okay just come back" "I don't have time for this Avangeline i'll see you when i get back." "No. come back okay. I'm pregnant and scared and I don't know what to do. Please" She sounded so vulnerable. It was my undoing. I turned the car off and hung up the phone. When I entered the loft she flung her arms around me. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed the top of her head. "Im sorry. I don't know what to do. I can't keep it" "What do you mean you cant keep it? " she looked down. "i can't" "Do I get a say?" she wouldn't be able to kill the baby even if she wanted to. Her eyes dropped from his and came back up to his glistening from tears. As a tear dropped I brought my hand up to wipe it away."I need to tell you something. Sit down" she looked up at me with worry. "what?" "I don't know how to say it so im going to just say it." I stared into her awaiting brown eyes "I'm a Vampire" Her eyebrows arched upwards. "are you okay?" i smirked at her because she thought i lost my mind prety soon she would think she was the one losing her mind. I let my fangs elongate and then smiled at her. She stared for a moment and squinted her eyes and then realization dawned on her. He tapped into her thoughts for the third time today. whats kind of stupid trick is he trying to play on me   she took her pointer finger and poked it and just as quickly she yanked her hand back from a slight pain. When she looked at her finger it was bleeding. I took a hold of her hand and licked the blood and her cut sealed up. Her eyes grew wide and she started backing up. I let my fangs retreat back into my gums. "But, Vampires aren't real" "Then what do you think i am?" she stood there. Then her eyebrows drew together. "What does that mean for us? Are you going to kill me? What about the baby?......." she continued to ramble and her face went a sickly pale. "Calm down. I would never harm you! You know that don't you? Look at me." I took her face into my palms and forced her to look at me. when she did I kissed her passionately. when it seemed like she calmed down I began talking. "I love you. That's why i decided to tell you. I want you to be my wife. I will never let anything happen to you or our baby. Okay?" she nodded her head. "Avangeline I was going to wait until later but I might as well tell you now. I'm opening up a new office and I want you to come live with me and there's another Brooker firm down there. Please come with me" "Okay." I couldn't help but smile at her. "we need to talk." "about what?" "Whats to be expected with the baby and the move. You have to ask for vacation time soon. Your showing now and once they realize that your showing they'll realize that, that belly of yours is growing super quick. Your only going to be pregnant for 5 months. We need to start looking for houses and..." "Is that why you look at me that way when we have sex?" I frowned in confusion "huh? " "Why do you .....Lately there's been this look in your eyes when we have sex... It's been happening more and more ..why?" "I think its been the baby. I didn't realize it but, whats inside me did and it was trying claim what was his now even more tan ever because your pregnant with my child and im pretty sure the fact that i love you had something to do with it.......It's getting stronger every day." "Will claiming me ....hurt?" "No. I t would bring intense pleasure. Like an Orgasm but 10 times better. If you don't want me to claim you tell me now. I will stop having sex with you until the baby is born but even then it still might be strong if not stronger." "what do you do?" "I bite you. Where i like to kiss you on your neck so much." I licked my lips staring at her neck. Even now i want to bite her to make her mine and claim her. I shook the toughts in my head and got up "I'll be back" "No." "If I stay here I'll claim you I just need a breather." "So why don't you?" "Don't I what?" I was confused. "Claim me?" I abruptly stopped putting on my shoes and looked at her. I grabbed her and pulled her up to me. "Are you sure?" she smiled and nodded her head. I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist. "If i get too rough... Kiss me like you usually do. Okay" She nodded her head. I laid her down on the bed and kissed her. I couldn't help myself i was losing control. I ripped her skirt open and pulled it off her next was her buttons that flew everywhere and her shirt followed her skirt on the floor. I undressed my self within a blink of an eye.I eased my way down to my favorite place and kissed it. She moaned. She was still wet from earlier. "Zander you never finished earlier." I smirked and moved back up and slid straight inside her. I loved being inside her. My control was slowly slipping a I started to get rougher. Going deeper and Faster. Her nails scratched down my back. her lips were suddenly on mine and i slowed and she came. I dropped my head down to her neck and sank my teeth into her flesh. She screamed out my name. I pulled back abruptly not believing it. "What.....what are you?" There was a loud bang and a powerful voice said "What have you done?" Black Angel Ava's POV I saw the surprise on his face as i heard it in his voice. In his voice i heard an underlying tone of accusation. Then I saw him. Right before everything went dark. I dreamt of a time when I was little. I would always see an angel but it had black wings. I told my grandma about him she smiled and said somebody special was watching over me. SOmebody important to me. She told me to keep it a secret. So I did. As I got older I stopped seeing him I chalked up to my overactive imagination Until one day when i was 19 on my way home from the club Iwas almost raped. I never told anybody about that night. I remember the night vividly as if it happened just a second ago. I was drunk off my ass. I decided i would walk home since it wasn't that far and i would get my car the next day. It was windy and chilly and it was just after 3AM. I decided to take the alleys since it was shorter and I was starting to get cold. The cold always sobered me up if noting else did. That and Water. I remember thinking about one of the guys that gave me his number and was distracted until the footsteps got closer. I remeber thinking to myself this person is too close for comfort. Clearly I was still drunk off my ass if warning signs didnt go off as he got closer and closer behind me. I felt a hand grab my arm a swing me around before shoving me to the ground "what the fuck, fuck face!" He lowered his self to me and it occurred to me what was about to happen. He grabbed my hands and held them down "Stop! Get the fuck off me! Help! HELP!" He put a knife to my throat and told me if i made another sound he would slit my throat. I still smell his smell. It smelt like he belonged in a fast food place and he smelled like mulch. Its still to this day a sickening smell. I prayed silently as tears ran down my face and my prayer was answered. The Angel from nearly 13 years ago stood behind him. He angrily threw him to aside and helped me up I wrapped my arms around his neck and cried as he rubbed my back. I looked over at the guy. He left a deep dent in the dumpster. He was unconscious. I Continued to cry. "Sweet Avangeline please stop crying. I give you my word Nothing Shall ever harm you for as long as the sun rises and sets." something in his words soothed me to the core and i relaxed my body into him. He gently picked me up and his wings spread as he flew me home to my apartment. He took my keys from under the door mat and walked to my bed and laid me down. "Please stay at least until i fall asleep." He took off his shoes and laid down next to me. I snuggled into him and he rubbed my back in smoothing small circles. It felt so familiar and comforting and soon I drifted of to sleep. I heard loud voices but I couldn't make out the voices or the words. I tried to open my eyes and when i finally did I couldn't make anything out. It was all blurry and blobs of colors. When things finally started to focus I saw Zander's angry face yelling at someone when I turned to see who all I could do was stare. It was him. My Black Angel. He stopped Mid sentence and came to my side. He ran the back of his hand over my cheek and smiled. Zander grabbed his shoulder and pushed him aside. Before I could say anything my Black Angel quickly spun around and lifted him up by his throat. I quickly stood up and grabbed my angels arm his grip losened and he faced me but what ever he saw made him angry because he turned back to zander and squeezed even tighter I looked down and realized i was naked I grabbed the sheet and covered my body and grabbed his arm again. "Please let him go." he ignored me "Please! I don't have any one else. He's all I have left." A tear ran down my cheek. He looked at me and dropped him on the ground. Zander coughed and tried to catch his breath. I ran to his side and helped him up. I saw the fury in his eyes. He was gonna try to go after him again. He wasn't use to being a loser or second to anyone but this time it would have to suffice and I dont think the angel would let him go again. I put my body between the both of theirs daring them to harm me in the process. I didn't know much about my Angel but I did know my safety mattered a lot to him. I suddenly felt weak and unintentionally leaned back. Luckily my Angel was behind me so he put his arm around my waist and held me up. I could feel Zander's anger radiating off him. "I don't feel good" I said. "Do You see! This is what you have done. Now give her your blood. If anything happens to her i will make sure i keep you as a pet to torture you for the rest of your mundane exsistance." "Why does she need my blood?" "You took her blood now you must give her yours!" "What's wrong with yours?" "My blood is a curse that I shall not bestow upon her! You took It now GIVE HER YOUR BLOOD! THIS IS YOUR ABOMINATION NOW GIVE IT TO HER!!" His eyes turned Red and his once brown hair turned Silver. And everyting went black again but this time no memories came as dreams. Zander's POV "GIVE IT TO HER NOW!!!!!!" black wings grew from his back and it was then he realized what he was. He was a Black Angel. I was still unsure about the whole thing but when ava woke she recognized him she leaned into im before she fainted whic means she trusts him so I did as he said. I bit my wrists and put my wrists over her mouth and watched the blood drip between her lips. I looked at him and he looked worried. Her hand gripped my arm and pulled my wrists to her mouth. Fangs elongated and she began to feed off me. I sat there shocked. When she opened her eyes they had a red tint to them. "What is she?" I asked him because he seemed to know. "Something I was trying to prevent her from coming." And then he left. Your New Destiny.. Avangeline's POV: I bolted up from the bed and looked around the room. "That was a weird ass dream..... Zander wasn't in bed so I got up and went to the bathroom. After washing my hands I went into the living room. Zander was pouring his self a drink, emptying the 25 year old bottle of Chivas Regal , that I know was full before I went to sleep. He looked up at me and passed me the drink. "Your gonna need it" I tilted my head to the side wondering what he was going on about. I sat down on the couch next to him and curled my feet under me. He ran his hands over his face. I could tell something wasn't right I've never seen him so stressed out. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Drink it before I tell you what i have to say." He picked the drink up and held it out to me. Since he was acting so strange I decided to start the conversation out light with the weird dream I just had. I took the drink from him and ran my finger around the rim of the glass. "I had the weirdest dream...." I stopped and pondered "I was pregnant and ..." the next thing I new he snatched the drink out of my hand and put it back on the table muttering curses so incoherent I couldn't understand. "What is wrong with you? Give me back my drink. You had the whole bottle to yourself and I can't even have this one drink" I fumed getting up only to be pulled back down. "Let go." "You can't drink.." I cut him off right there. "What do you mean I cant drink!" "Avangeline You are pregnant!" My mouth dropped open. "So it wasn't a dream?" I prayed for him to say yes that this was all a joke. Instead he shook his head no. "Who was that guy?" I looked up at him with my eyebrows drawn together. "What guy?" "The guy. The guy that was here before you went to sleep." I realized who he was talking about and if that part wasn't a dream either that means that none of it was. "I.. I bit you!" I felt my teeth. They were normal but... "Yea you bit me. I bit you too lets get over that.Who is that guy to you?" I frowned. "I don't know him." He ran his hands down his face and mumbled something. "What do you mean you don't know him? You put yourself between us so we wouldn't fight. You Know him. So who is he to you?" His face didn't portray the anger i knew he was holding back but I did't know why he was angry at me. I caressed his face and he pulled back. I frowned. "who is he Avangeline. Don't tell me you dont know because people don't lean into people or get in the middle of a fight if they don't know the person." "I don't know him Zander for the last time.I've never gotten his name. I've never really actually met him he's just been there in my life. He's just helped me out a couple times thats it!" "Okay don't tell me I no longer care. But just answer this one last question for me. Is it mine?" "Is what yours?" "The baby Avangeline." "Ofcourse this child is yours what kind of question is that Zander! You think im cheating on you don't you! How dare you! I'm around you 24/7 I couldn't get a break from you if I wanted to. When do I have time to cheat. You take me to work for gods sake.. You take me EVERYWHERE!! When is it possible for me to cheat? Huh? Answer that Zander. You pop up at my job with out warning and i'm always there.." Zanders POV I watched her as her eyes watered up and tears gathered in her eyes as her voice wandered off and she walked away."Avangeline come here" I watched as she shook her head. I got up to follow her and right before i reached her she slammed the door in my face and locked it. I sighed. "Avangeline open the door" I could hear her muffled sobs. I knew I hurt her deeply. Avangeline never cries. The only time i've ever seen her cry is when her mom died. With little effort I broke the door. I looked on the bed and she was balled up in the fetal position with her head burried in the pillow. I gathered her into my arms. "Get off of me." she sobbed as she tried to pull away. "I'm so sorry. Stop crying. I didn't know what to think, the way he looked at you and how he held you, it was with so much love. I thought it was something that its not. I love you and our unborn child she means the world to me." "She?" I smiled at her question. "Yes. She can tell your upset. Please calm down." "How can you tell?" "I can hear her thoughts" she frowned. "Can you hear my thoughts?" I nodded my head. I kissed her forehead "So please calm down. You don't feel the baby fluttering around inside of you?" she smiled. "I thought it was gas" I put my hand on her stomach and she put her hand on top of mine. "Lalalalalala la la means I Love You!!!" sang santiago from the front door. I rolled my eyes. "Why do you insist on coming in my house uninvited?" I asked, seriously wanting to know an answer. "Mi Casa, es Su Casa" santiago replied while handing ava a blue box wrapped in a black bow. "What's this?" ava asked with a quizzacal expression upon her face. There was chocolate covered strawberries. She smiled at his gift went to get up but I wouldn't let her. So she sat them aside and opened her arms up wide and he tackled us to the bed. He kissed her all over her face making her laugh hysterically. "Watch where you put your lips santiago." practically growling that at him I pushed him off us. "So lets get this party started! I brought A couple of different choices wine, and burbon. I want chineese. Where's the menu?"  I watched him as he walked out the room to get the menu. "Santiago, she's not drinking tonight." As soon as those words left my lips his face dropped and then contorted in anger. " What do you mean she's not drinking tonight. You can't tell her what she's can do. Here Ava take the bottle for yourself" hje handed her the wine bottle and when it wasn't taken from his hands he looked at her "I can't." Santiagos mouth dropped open. "But Ava! You can't give in to that life drainer. he's sucking the life out of you! You don't have to be a party pooper just beacuse he is!" Ava smiled at that and tried to fight back giggles. "Santiago your going to be an uncle!" His face contortesd in confusion. "What.. No thats not possible. That's funny though you almost had me." he laughed a little before looking at both me and ava's faces. I guess he got the  gist that it wasn't a joke and stopped. "How?!" The worry that overtok his face was making ava uneasy. "How else? Im just to blame that stupid question on the shock." I gave him a look saying not now. And he stopped asking about it. "I'm going to be an uncle! Congratulations!" Santiago picked up ava and spun her around. "when did you find out?" he asked after he gently sat her on her feet. "Today." Ava replied.   Publication Date: December 13th 2012 https://www.bookrix.com/-love.always.sha
Donna Broadfield Zsadist Feeding Black Dagger Brotherhood Fan Fiction Zsadist Feeding and sexual encounter After a night of shit, not a fucking single fucking lesser on the streets I head to screamers. My past was literally bouncing around my head, vivid images of my bitch mistress face gloating above me, the rancid memory of her arousal as she took me in front of her motley crew causing my heart to palpitate and spin solid with tension. The bouncers at the club step aside as I enter not meeting my eye as I walk into the club. Looking over the ocean of bodies swaying to the music makes my core temperature drop few degrees. Hundreds of half naked males and females dancing , grinding so close as if it was a mass orgy, in fact I wouldn’t be surprised if it were, open sex in this place is well known . Fuck! Everything leads back to sex, that natural act between two people or more depending on who the fuck you were. “it” throbbed against my leathers, the need to feed burning through me, my eye sight blurring , the crowds going out of focus fuzzing up and zooming in and out as my body tries to fight the hunger. Losing my balance through dizziness I grab on to the bar, shaking my head taking a few deep breaths hating the feeling of being weak. Using the what little strength I have I walk to the V.I.P lounge the red velvet rope lifted by staff as I walk across the threshold. A young female dressed in next to nothing, her skirt barely covering her delicate waist, asking me if I would want a drink. She’s nervous the smell the fear off her along with the scent of sex from her last punter hits me like a hot breeze. “NO!” I snapped at her, she was not what I was after , with her long blonde hair and her small bosom to close to the image of that bitch mistress, I knew I wouldn’t be able to control the rage within , nothing able to stop me snapping that delicate neck of hers if I took her that way. “it.” Was hurting now, maybe I should have cut the fucking thing off instead of trying to sooth the bastard thing. Just then a middle aged man accidently bumped into me, his hand brushing across my erection. I froze flash backs going through my mind like a video stuck in fast forward mode. Hundreds of unnamed males face’s leering over me; they parted lips as they rode and used my body. A growl erupted from my chest, hands fisted. The young blonde waitress drops the tray of glasses, the glass ricocheting off the marbled dance floor her scream of terror locked in her throat. The man who bumped into me his face paled out his eyes wide with terror, “sh shit I am so sorry man, fuck! Seriously sorry!” he pleaded as he backed off, hands raised high in the air. My body shaking, the temperature dropping, I see his vein pulsing in his neck as his heart races with fear, wanting to sink my fangs into his throat tearing the fucker wide open, to feel the warmth of his blood as it sprays against me I take a step forward. Someone grabs my arm restraining me, I snap my head around to take a bite at the unlucky brave bastard when I meet two amber eyes. Phury. “Don’t do it brother mine.” His voice rips through my anger, his sad sorry eyes melt the ice cage around my heart a little, not wanting to hurt him but not knowing how not to I shrug him off and walk away. Phury’s sigh of defeat and frustration rips my already torn soul. Heading to the exit, giving up on the idea of feeding both my hunger and for “it” I spot a female across the room. Short dark brown hair cut short into her neck, tight black leather bustier and matching micro skirt, long knee length boots with chains and studs and a tattoo of an eagle at the base of her spine. “Fucking perfect.” The exact opposite of the bitch mistress, no long elegant gown, no silk satin heels. The female sensed my stare and turns slowly to face me, right on cue she winces and cringes at my face, doesn’t bother me, in fact that’s how I prefer it, I will never want and female to want me that way EVER. Holding my hand out I gesture to her with my finger to join me, sensing Phury’s eyes on me I refuse to meet his stare I won’t be able to handle the shame. She stands and adjusts her outfit putting on the charade that she’s not scared shitless and walks over to be all professional and sexual. “You looking for some fun tonight daddy?” she asks , her breasts raising and descending as she hides the fear, she looks me up and down grinning to herself knowing that she is in for a good payment . “Outside, Now!” I growl and demand of her, with a shrug she leads the way. Closing my eyes for a second hating how sex and feeding sometimes goes hand in hand I swallow hard and follow her out. At the back of the club the alleyway isn’t lit to well, fucking bonus, on the downside the humid heat intensifies the stench of the rotting rubbish and the stale sex that has gone on here. The air so thick it leaves a nasty taste in your mouth. “So, it’s gonna costcha daddy, depending on what you want, $50 for a blowy, $200 for the full whack and $50 if you just want a kiss.” She said as she turns to face me. Swallowing hard as “it” throbs at the sound of what’s on offer I pass her the $200, she smiles and bury’s it deep within her cleavage. She takes a step forward reaching out to me, instantly my anger is triggered again. Spinning her around so fast and slamming her into the tall metal bins she lets out a scream. “You do not touch, you do not speak!” I growl inches from her ear. She swallows hard, heart racing I can feel the pulse under my hands from her arms I still restraining. The rancid scent of her fear overrides the scent of her arousal. Perfect. Lifting her leather skirt up and pushing her soaking wet thong aside I release “it” and it bounces of my stomach as it stands tall. Pulling my leather trench coat out the way, my weapons bouncing against my thighs I pull her hips out towards me , “it” finds its goal and I thrust into her hard, her hot wet walls stretch as I fill her deep. Clearing her mind making her calmer I bite deep into her neck as I pound into her, trying to drink fast and deep not wanting to fuck her while I feed but “it” demands it. The calmer she becomes the more aroused she gets, her moans and sighs of pleasure putting me off from my feeding. Now it’s me that’s terrified, it’s my heart that’s racing and it’s my scent of fear I can smell. Her blood doesn’t even subside the hunger pains, thinner than the blood of my own species contaminated with H and diseased with Hep C. I release her neck sealing it shut. I freeze as she climaxes, her inner walls clamping down and milking “it”. “OH MY GOD!” she screams, her voice heavy with arousal. And that’s when I see nothing but my past, that’s when I feel the bitch mistress on me. Ripping free from her body I stumble back a few paces, shaking and dizzy growling deep. She turns to face me, her hand over her core, frowning at me she says “you didn’t finish daddy? But you paid for the full whack?” her voice raspy from the orgasm. She steps closer; I wave my hand in front of her clearing her mind of me and sending her on her way. Using the heel of my hand I manage to put it back into my leathers with the least amount of contact. Hearing the door of the club shut I fall to my knees behind the huge metal bin and vomit violently, the stench of the females climax on me causes my stomach to discard the little food I had on to the litter covered floor beneath me. After a few moments and dry heaves I wipe my mouth on the sleeve of my jacket and look up to the fade wondering if the scribe virgin will ever answer my pleas and let me rest upon the fade. Closing my eyes loathing myself even more I dematerlize over to Darius’s home. Text: Names and Characters belong to the author J.R.Ward. This flash fanfiction is exactly that Fan fiction All rights reserved. Publication Date: August 3rd 2011 https://www.bookrix.com/-annodb
smd smd 2 Mine All, Mine hooyah Dedicated to Henry Ralph. ooga booga ooga booga ooga booga The Only Chapter Dedicated to Henry, a caring loving father.   I went to school on Monday thinking it was an ordinary day but it wasn’t. When I went to sit at my usual table the new boy was sitting there. He was 6”2” with brown hair and blue eyes. There was nowhere else to sit so I had to sit next to him. I tried not to make eye contact with him as I’m shy but I noticed him staring at my ass and tits. We caught each other’s eyes and he started a conversation. His name was Erik and he was 17. I’m 16 so it was a perfect match. After 10 minutes, I couldn’t help but look at his dick. Sure enough, it was bulging at the front of his jeans. I was starting to get horny and I’m sure he was too so I told him to follow me. We jumped the fence of school and started to walk to my house. As I led him I saw his eyes full of lust and desire. My parents weren’t home so we went straight to my room. I knew he couldn’t wait to get started but I taunted him by slowly taking off my clothes. I bent down to face his huge cock that he had just taken out of his jeans. It was 9-incher; I couldn’t wait to put it in my pussy but first I had to give him a blowjob. I put it in my mouth and he moaned immediately. Then I let him feel my ass and tits. He liked that a lot and it made his cock even more hard. I made him lie down on my bed and I faced him as I slid his cock over my wet pussy. I put it in all the way and slowly moved up and down on his dick. He came inside of me right then. Oh how good it made me feel. This was when I realised I had him. He was mine, all mine. Based off a true story. Publication Date: July 8th 2020 https://www.bookrix.com/-oyd3822f7370595
Christina Wren Ghetto Love Introduction Candice was a 15 yr old girl when her mother left her. Her father had died when she was 2yrs old and she was an only child. Her grandmother and the rest of her family lived in chicago, her father's side of the family didnt want to be bothered with her because they didnt believe that Candice was any way shape or form related to them, Since they've known Her mother for being a all around hoe. When Candice was 17 her mother was also killed by one of her customers who had full blown aids. She had a pimp name for Cory. He was light skin he stood about 6"2 he weighed 212 pounds he had a short hair cut a goldtee drove a 2008 grey Dodge Charger. When her mother died she dropped out of school and started smokin weed.Candice was flat out broke she didnt have any moey so she sold what she had to get what she wanted. When her mother was alive Candice stayed with the freshest gear out. Her mother loved her Me & David I woke up this morning around 10:30 am, To a txt I had recieved from my sex buddie David who lived 10 mins away that read he wanted to taste this pussy I wasnt going to turn that down so i got up and got dressed i put on my Apple Bottom Shorts a White Beater and some dookies. I got in my little ford taurus that my suga daddy bought me who was curently away on vacation with his fammily and i wanted sum head so i went over there. I got out the car and walked up and rung the doorbell to let him know i was there David came and he was a sexy dark brown skin man with very white teeth and was very buff and stood 5"9 so he came to the door in a pair of basketball shorts with no shirt and some slippers. I walked in and he followed behind me we sat on the couch and watched the rest of the Jerry Springer Show which was very crazy then he told me he liked what i had on and wanted to fuck since his baby momma was acting shitty with him. He pulled me over to him and took off my clothes revealing my 36 C breast my hairless pussy and my fat ass. He threw me on the couch and sucked on my neck and asked me for a kiss. I stuck my tongue in his mouth roughly as he played wth himself. I didnt understand why he had to play with his self and i was ass necked in front of him. So as I laied there he went to my titties suckin on them and playing with my pussy he went lower licking in a snake shape across my stomach he gt to my pussy and when he got there i was soakin wet my pussy was fat and my clit was also. He teasted me and lickeed my pantie line and inserted his tongue in my pussy while i was playing with my titties he was eatting my pussy so good he started fucking me with his tongue and I screamed "MORE DADDY" I loved how it felt I moaned and i told him I was about to come I came all in this nigga mouth and he took it all i was exicited about that. Then he came up and kissed me with the smell of pussy on his breath it was mine and i liked it. I got on my knees and he sat on the couch his dick was fully erict annd i pulled down his shorts and boxers and grabbed it and sucked it. I put all of him in my mouth i sucked on his balls and i went back to suckin his dick which was about 9inchs I sucked it but and he forced his dick in my mouth which turned me on more and more so i started playing with my pussy. I came up and he bent me over the arm of the couch that and he slided his dick up n down my pussy it felt so good and I begged him to stick it in and he did. He forced that fat asss dick in my wet tight pussy which felt so good and he pulled my hair and told me to take his dick. I screamed "HARDED..HARDER" then a couple mins later i felt his body tense up and his pulled his dick out and started nutting all my back. We took a shower with eachother he sprayed sum air fresher and let the windows up to get rid of the smell. He walked me out the house and we walked to the basketball court that was 3-blocks away from his house while smokein on a fat ass blunt full of bubblegum kush. I gave him a Hug and told him I would call him later. The Trip The next morning my phone went off and woke me up and it was my suga daddy Jake. That said he was on his way to get some of this head. Jake was a white male with blue eyes and a short haircut. Jaeke was 57yrs old verses my 23yr old ass. He was just a man i meet onine and had sex with a couple nights later. I got up and made sum cheese eggs and bacon for him and i got up to wash my pussy and and everything. He had a key so he came and joined me in the shower he had a nice body and i was done washing but i wanted to enjoy the view of his body, I seen his dick had began to erict he told me he needed to talk to me about sum important shit and that he had me something nice i was excited and i knew the more i sucked his dick the bigger the stack would be at the end not to mention it was saturday and he was takin me to the mall. So i did what any bitch would do I sucked that dick he was about a 7inch but i was fine with that i sucked him and he loved to relase in my mouth so uk he did. He picked me up out the shower and walked me to my kitchen and sat me on my counter and kissed me and played in my hair he then started lickin y ear and he went down to my pussy and said fuck suckin titties he ate my pussy so good thats why i love fuckin with Jake cuz he sure know's how to make me happy he was eattin my pussy so good and i came twice he n told me to get down and told me to get on all fours so i did as i was told and he ate my pusy from the back he ate my ass it felt so good he then fucked me in my ass i really dont like that but it made him happy and my pockets fat so i allowed him to. He came so quick i was mad but got over it quickly. We hoped back in the shower because we knew it was gne go down again so I asked him what did he get me he said he would show me a little later wen he came to pick me up in like 30 mins because he had to go to the bank ad get some money which i was happy to hear. He left and then he came bak less then 30 mins and he was red and furious i said what's wrong and he said get my shit because we were going out of town I didnt know weather to be happy or afraid, I didnt know if he was going to kill me or something good was about to happen. When I went for my bags he said just fuck it ill buy you new shit lets go. We left the house and we drove to Illinois the drive was long and very quiet he had been txting the whole time and we pulled up to a nice apartment where we picked up a girl who was about 26 and mexican with long hair. She was already outside with her bags and he got to assist her to get in the car she had a very soft voice her name was izabella he introduced us and we drove some more i didnt know where we were due to the fact that i had fell asleep and I when i woke up we were pulling up to one of his other houses he explained whiich was dope i mean his shit was fly. We got out and took our bags in we all sat at the table and he was bella's suga daddy also I was fine beause for all he was only a suga daddy he told me and bella he wanted a 3sum. I was confused but I told myself o well I know he gone gives us some nice shit so we went to this room all the way upstairs to a Masters bedroom where we all undressed Bella's hair was red she had big brown eyes and she stood about 5'4 she was a very nice looking chubby women she had a fat ass and nice titties so he began kissin both of us and bela must have done this before beacause she started suckin my pussy as i stood over her and Jake laid on the floor and had her riding his hard dick i could hear her pussy smackin while he fucked her i ulled her hair and told her to eat this pussy and she started to fuck me with her tongue then we changed and i was on all fours and i ate her pussy while jake fucked my pussy from the back. I then sucked jakes big hard dick while bella rode his face we were all comming and it had turned into something so amazing i never planed on eatting ussy but it was so good i asked her to ride me face as jake ate my ass and pussy then........ Publication Date: March 5th 2012 https://www.bookrix.com/-im.boss.11
podgeman The Cucks Wife Endgame Publication Date: August 29th 2012 https://www.bookrix.com/-podgeman
Stimuli Surprise Homecoming Enter your text here by copying it from any text editing software (e.g. M.S. Word). The homecoming The traffic was surprisingly light for a change so I made good time thinking all the while that being home on a Thursday instead of the usual overnight at the hotel was such a treat. The meeting had been called off at short notice becouse half the team were stuck in Paris....some good coming out of the French air controllers striking yet again. Funny that I couldnt contact Sue though, her mobile and our land line not getting any response. Still what a surprise my darling wife would have when I arrived home, she should be home from her mothers where she visited on my regular night away. I felt too tired from the four hour drive to take her out so just a quiet evening together,relaxing,chilling. I smiled thinking of my lovely lady, forty years old but with her slim willowy figure, her high cheekbones and big brown eyes she was ageless. How proud of her I was, the thing about her was not just her beauty, she had a sexuality that she was totally unaware of. I swung off the main road into the side road that our house was, driving slow beneath the trees that lined each side of the road. When I reached the turn to our house I thought of how lucky we were to have got the place in a secluded dead end at so cheap a price. We had caught the market just right. But as I reached the turn to our drive I pulled up, there was a car parked up by the house. Parking out on the road so the car on the drive could get out I walked alongside it and could see it wasn't a vehicle I recognised. I walked to the door and as I was just about to put my key in the lock I noticed the side door to the garden was ajar. Entering the side door once inside I shot the bolt, as went towards the house a shaft of light streamed out from the window through a small gap in the curtain painting a strip across the lawn. Stepping up close I looked through thinking to tap on the window and scare seven shades of shite out of my wife to teach her not to leave the bloody side door open again. What a shock, my wife was stood dressed in a clingy wrap round dress she had bought a few days ago holding a glass of wine as she spoke to a man sitting on the sofa. Fuck me...I thought, what is going on here. Couldn't get my head round the situation, could not for one minute believe that Sue would cheat, even as I looked through the gap in the curtain my confused mind raced through a range of reasons why she was dressed in the horny get up and a bloke was sitting on my fucking sofa. Then he spoke to my wife, I thought hang on, I know that voice, it tripped my mind into realising who he was. Relief flooded through me, it was the man who had the shop a few streets away, a little general store that was so handy for odds and ends. He was in his fifties, skinny and far from handsome. Ahh yes, he had a nickname, Donkey the locals called him, but what the hell was he doing sitting on my sofa at eight thirty in the evening on a frosty November evening.? Heart thudding I crouched next to the window trying to decide what to do, then after I calmed realising how stupid I was to think that Sue would ever cheat on me especially with the bloke from the shop I was just about to straighten up and go to the back door when his voice stopped me dead. I could have swore he had just told my wife that she had given him a raging hard on...No, no, must have got that wrong especially when Sue gave a loud drunken giggle. I stood up straight to look through into the room again. He was standing and moving towards her, I held my breath and my stomach turned cartwheels as he stood next to her and put his arms around her. As he hugged her she tipped the glass of wine and glugged the whole lot down in one long glug as her hips pushed foward in lust filled abandon. I could plainly see her with flushed face,eyes half closed,her tounge licking her lips as he clasped her around her waist. Legs trembling I gripped the window ledge for support when his hands cupped the cheeks of my wifes ass,squeezing, moulding, manipulating...AGGHHH, I'M GOING TO KILL THE SKINNY BASTARD. HANG ON WHHATT OHH. He had untied the belt that held the dress closed and as I watched he stood back,opened the dress to slide it away from her, off her shoulders to pool on the floor at her feet. Aggh, the bitch,the cow. She stood there with a quarter cup black lace bra with her nipples exposed hard and swollen, matching skimpy panties and suspender belt holding up black stockings allowing a glipmse of her creamy white thighs at the top. Transfixed I pressed my nose to the glass no longer bothering to hide. They were too far gone to be aware of me, as I looked on his hand slid down the front of her panties, the tendons in his arm writhing. Long,drawn out moans from Sue as he fingered her. I wanted to brain the skinny bastard but was transfixed with horror or I know not what. Suddenly he knelt, peeled the knickers down her legs where she obediently responded to his command to step out of them. As he nuzzled her belly she held his head,fingers in his thinning hair. As in a dream I watched as he stripped naked, a horrid fascination as his huge knob sprang into view...no wonder they called him donkey. Then as he led my wife down on the carpet,as he got in between her outstretched legs I suddenly realised I had a thumping hard on myself. He was so big he had a job to gain entry but my wife wrigged and squirmed until he rested deep inside her. I trembled as he started to move, slowly at first until his spotty white ass was going up and down like a fiddlers elbow. The pair of them shouted,screamed,moaned and groaned enough to wake the dead. I realised I was freezing cold and looking at my watch I was shocked to see they had been at it for over a hour and a half before grinding to a noisy shuddering halt. I crept back out to my car and sat there trying to gather my wits. It wasn't long before he came out and drove off. I gave it half a hour then drove into my drive and went into the house. Sue was not in the lounge,but the room still smelt of sweat,of sex. I called out and Sue poked her head round the side of the door,eyes wide,scared. In a tremulous voice she asked what I was doing home,was anything wrong? She came into the room,dressing gown held tight. Her eyes huge,dark and shadowed with her lips swollen and the smell of recent sex strong as she neared me. I hugged her,kissing her long and deep. For a moment she stiffened before melting against me and returning my kisses hungry,full of passion. The night was one to remember, what lusty passion in our martial bed. Not a word I said about what I had seen,not a word my wife about the situation either altough when I mentioned the two dirty wine glasses in the morning she just told me that a friend had dropped in. I'm just about to get a thumb sized digi cam for my regular overnight meetings...funny old world,isn't it? Publication Date: November 29th 2011 https://www.bookrix.com/-stimuli
Emil Di Vago The Sultry Climate Romantic Romp Publication Date: January 18th 2012 https://www.bookrix.com/-muffdirect
Ella Gottfried Virgin Stepbrother (Book 1) Main ***** FREE BONUS BOOKS ***** Click Here to Claim 3 FREE Books Now! ( http://TheWetBuzz.com ) These books are NOT available anywhere else. ***** LIMITED TIME OFFER *****     Copyright © 2015 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from the author. This book is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental. This story has erotic themes and is suitable for adults, 18+ only.   Table of Contents Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four     Chapter One The restaurant was crowded and Mandi Thomas was not used to waiting for anything. She was the popular girl in school, and the head cheerleader for the high school football team. Why was she in this crappy Chinese restaurant anyway? Her mother, Karen, was hanging on Tom’s arm. She was acting like a freak with her clingy behavior, embarrassing Mandi to death. Why did she like this man so much? He was tall, lanky, balding already in his 40’s, and his sense of humor was dry and boring. And the worst part about the man was his son, Todd, who was probably the weirdest kid in school. This was her 18th birthday, her 18th! So, why did her mom insist on bringing them to this place, and why on earth did she invite Tom and his weird son Todd? Tom smiled at her with his awkward grin. She knew he was nervous, he always was around her, but tonight… there was something else going on. Todd stared at his feet. His black combat boots with his tight skinny jeans tucked into them looked ridiculous. It was 80 degrees outside, but he still insisted on wearing that horrific black beanie on his head with ‘Metallica’ written on it. ‘Yeah, we get it Todd, you’re a heavy metal freak!’ He glanced up, catching Mandi staring him down and quickly froze at her contact. She smiled at him with a bitchy little smile, the one she usually reserved for the girls in school that she didn’t like. “Our table’s ready,” her mom announced. Mandi watched her almost drag Tom though the restaurant towards the back. The small Asian woman motioned for them to take a seat in a bright red booth. Mandi cringed as she watched her mom and Tom squeeze into one side, leaving her and Todd to share the remaining seat. “You first,” she said. Todd sat down and scooted to the edge of the seat as far as he could. Mandi sat down beside him, leaving as much space between them as possible. He smelled of pot and something musty. Why his dad? Why did her mom have to fall for his dad? “So, we have some news,” her mother’s voice was perky as she spoke. Too perky. Mandi stared at her mother as if to control her thoughts. She already knew what her mother was going to say, and every ounce of her being wanted to shut her up before it was too late to take back. “Tom and I are getting married…” she said. Fuck, she said it….now its official! Tom put his arm around her mother, squeezing her close. They both had smiles that were sickening, and Mandi truly felt sick. She had no words for her mother. Her pop arrived in front of her and she quietly sipped on the straw as she stared angrily at the woman who just ruined her life. “That’s great guys,” Todd said. His voice was too deep for his lanky frame. When he spoke, Mandi just wanted to punch him in the throat. His dark hair was pushing out from underneath his beanie and his bangs almost covered his eyes. The large Army jacket he wore smelled and the weather offered no dictation as to why he wore it, especially inside. Just shut up Todd! “Mandi, I bought you a cake for later at home, and Tom and I have a surprise for you at home,” her mother said. A surprise? They weren’t getting married, this was all a joke? “I have plans with my friends,” Mandi said. “And Steven?” her mother asked. “Yes,” she responded. Why her mother disliked Steven was beyond her. He was the quarterback on their high school football team and had just graduated with honors. He was headed to Harvard where he planned to continue his football career while studying to be a lawyer. He was a pompous ass at times, sure, but it was only because he expected only the best from the people in his life. “Don’t stay out too late, I would like to talk to you, alone…” her mother said. “I’m 18 now mom,” Mandi’s tone was a little catty. “I would just like to talk to you Mandi, that’s all. I’m asking if you can make some time for your mother later, is that ok?” her mother snapped. “Sure,” she replied. She felt bad for her attitude, it wasn’t her mother’s fault Tom had a tool for a son, but it was hers for dating him in the first place. If she wanted to be alone, why didn’t she have her 18th birthday somewhere for just the two of them? Really? Why invite these two losers, and then announce she is marrying one of them? That couldn’t have waited until after her birthday? Mandi didn’t think that dinner would ever end. Todd ate so damn slow she wanted to shovel the food into his mouth just so they could get out of there. She knew she should have driven separately… Finally, the check! Tom gripped the check and handed the server his credit card. He had a weird look of pride on his face that Mandi didn’t quite understand. It was a mediocre at best restaurant, so what was the bill… $50, maybe? In the car on the way home, Mandi got to spend a few minutes alone with her mother. Tom was following behind them in his car with Todd, and she knew they would be invading her home within seconds of her pulling into the drive. “Are you sure about this?” Her mother smiled wide and turned to her daughter. She looked happy, Mandi just couldn’t figure out why. “What do you even like about Tom?” Mandi asked. “Mandi, he is a wonderful man, give him a chance. He’s kind, very attentive, funny, and I happen to think he’s quite sexy,” her mother responded. It had been rough after the divorce, and Mandi did hate seeing her mother alone. Tom was there for her lately, always making her smile and laugh. Maybe he was an ok guy, but he still had that horrible son. “When is this happening?” Mandi asked. “Monday morning. We decided since we both have been married already that we would go to the justice of the peace and then take a honeymoon later,” she said. Next week? Mandi’s head was spinning. This was happening way too fast. “And you’ll live with him?” Mandi asked. Of course it was a stupid question, Mandi knew that, but it was one she needed answered. “He and Todd are moving into our house this weekend,” she said. What the fuck? Mandi was not ready for that answer. That was not the answer she wanted. Her lips tightened and she got out of the car as soon as her mother pulled into the driveway. She reached in her purse for her keys and opened the door to her red Mustang. She refused to look at anyone, her mother, Tom, and especially Todd as she pulled out and towards the party at the water tower with her friends and Steven.   Chapter Two “Mandi!” The yell comes in unison as Tina and Jessica run towards her car. Booze soaked the air as they leaned into her window to say hello. They started the party without her…typical. Tina started rambling about Steven, and how he was getting irritated that Mandi hadn’t arrived yet. Jessica was already drunk, not that it took much for her 85 pound body to become inebriated, but it was only nine o’ clock. A tall boy was leaned against the tree in front of her car. He wore a varsity jacket and chugged a beer before turning towards her. Steven, he was so beautiful, so popular, and sometimes, so annoying. “It’s about time,” he said. His breath smelled of alcohol even worse than Jessica’s. His blue eyes were piercing through her as he pulled her in towards him. “I told you I had dinner,” Mandi said. The irritation was thick on her tone as he pulled her towards the others. A group of kids were all partying next to the water tower where they built a fire. Lawn chairs lined the metal ring of fire, but Steven pulled her to a large flannel blanket on the ground behind everyone. Mandi would have found it romantic if Steven planned to snuggle with her on that blanket, but she knew he would disappear to socialize with his buddies, leaving her to entertain Tina and Jessica. Cheap beer drifted from his lips as he pushed them against her. She felt his hands lift under her ass cheeks as he pulled her to her tippy toes. His kiss was always sloppy, too aggressive, and lacked any real romance. Tina and Jessica smiled at her as he walked away. “You’re so lucky!” Jessica squealed. “So, have you heard from UCLA yet?” Tina asked. “Yes, I’m in!” Mandi exclaimed. The girls hugged, bouncing as they all let out high-pitched squeals. She knew she was going to be far away from Steven, but the main goal was to get as far away from Todd as possible. Mandi knew her and Steven’s relationship was over once summer ended and they went their separate ways to college. Sure, they would see each other on holidays and would probably even hook up, but date, no. Mandi planned to have a good time in college, and she was sure Steven felt the same way. Tina was dating Kevin, the kicker on the team, and they both decided to go to Brown together. Jessica was not planning on going to college, and neither was her boyfriend Greg, but it was doubtful they would stay together. Mandi knew by the end of the night they would be fighting so hard, one would throw a punch, and one would be in tears…there was never a guarantee on which one did what. “So, my mom dropped the bomb on me tonight. She and Tom are getting married. And, he and his weird ass son will soon be moving into MY house this weekend.’ Mandi said. “Ewe, Todd’s going to be your stepbrother?” Tina asked. Mandi felt her eyes roll. She couldn’t believe this was happening, especially on her birthday. “That’s just fucked up…you know he has a crush on you,” Jessica said. Mandi fell back onto the blanket and stared up at the stars. The sky was bright and the moon shone onto the water tower displaying all the graffiti they plastered on it over the years. She was going to miss high school, her friends, and as she looked over at Steven, she felt like she would even miss him. This was her last summer to enjoy her freedom, and it was going to be spent with Todd. Yes, Todd did look at her funny, he always had. But, he looked at a lot of girls that way. He was awkward and had no game, and since he failed a year and was older than the other girls, he just felt like a creeper. “Let’s go!” Greg yelled. Jessica could hardly move. The alcohol was kicking in hard and she looked close to passing out. Greg scooped her up and carried her to his truck. Mandi and Tina just looked at one another. They knew as long as Jessica remained passed out, they could avoid the drama of her and Greg’s passionate fights. Kevin came over and wrapped his arms around Tina, kissing her softly on the neck. She giggled and turned towards him, pressing her lips on his cheek. Mandi watched as her friend smiled at her before disappearing into the woods with him. The path through the woods led to a secluded area by the lake. Many of the kids would disappear back there during parties to make out. It was where she lost her virginity to Steven just a year ago. As everyone started to couple up, Steven made his way back over to Mandi. It was obvious he had drank too much, and this is when she found him to be more annoying than charming, although, he felt the more he drank, the more charming he became. “I heard you’re getting a new stepbrother,” he said. “That little dweeb so much as looks at you I’ll fuck him up,” he added. “He’s harmless,” Mandi said. “Oh, maybe you like him looking at ya?” he said with a strange laugh. Mandi knew he was trying to tease her, and she usually enjoyed his sarcasm, but tonight he just seemed annoying. “I’ll drive you home,” Mandi said.   Chapter Three The headlights of Mandi’s Mustang shone down the empty lane. Everyone had either gone home already or had found a spot in the dark to spend some time alone. Steven was handsome, even when he was drinking. The moonlight made his blonde hair glisten and when he smiled his teeth were surprisingly white in the darkened car. “Go to our spot,” he said. His words no longer sounded slurred, but instead, dripped like honey from his lips. Mandi knew exactly where their spot was, she had been there many times with Steven. She pulled the car down the lane, turning towards the lake instead of the main road. Her car sat nicely between two trees, giving them a beautiful view of the lake as she turned the ignition off. The moon left a large streak across the water and its light spilled into the car onto Steven. His smile was beautifully intoxicating. She watched him get out of the car and then climb into the backseat. His confidence, although irritating at times, was somehow foreplay at that moment. “Come back here and snuggle with me,” he said. Snuggle, yeah, Mandi knew what that meant. She had ‘snuggled’ with him more times than she cared to count. She wasn’t sure why he had so much pull over her. His behavior throughout the night didn’t deserve the reward he was asking for, but saying no to Steven was never her strong point. In the backseat, Steven was already pulling his jeans down to his ankles. He never took his shoes off, so his jeans were never completely removed. She hated that. It just didn’t feel very romantic to her, but she had little to compare it to, other than sappy movies she watched alone in her room. Steven was nothing like the men in those movies. He held his half-limp dick in his hand and smiled up at her. “Suck it,” he whispered. Mandi leaned towards him, working saliva in her mouth as she took his cock in her hand. It was small, not impressive, but the fact it belonged to Steven McGuire, quarterback, made it worthy of her attention. She knew there was a ton of girls in line, just waiting for her to walk away so they could give it this same attention. His hand rested on the back of her head, gently guiding her up and down on his cock until it hardened in her mouth. He pushed her hand between his legs to his balls. She gripped them in her palm and let her fingers massage the sack while she sucked on his cock. “Take off those pants,” he whispered. Mandi rose up, releasing his cock from her mouth. Steven’s hand pulled hers to his cock, guiding her to stroke him as she worked to remove her pants with the other. Her pants finally removed, the cool air of the night brushed against her soft, sensitive skin. His eyes stared into her pussy, pushing her legs further apart. His fingers slid across her opening, and then flicked against her swollen clit. Steven pushed himself against her, his mouth pressed hard against hers. His tongue pushed into her mouth, stroking her tongue with an erratic and strange rhythm. She smelled the alcohol on him as he smashed against her, leaving her back against the cold leather car seat. As Steven worked to grip his cock and guide it into her pussy, Mandi thought of the romantic movies she had watched. The backseat was cramped, and Steven’s hand was on her hair as he finally entered her, causing her to let out a small squeal from not just his cock, but from the pulling sensation. Once she found a position comfortable enough to enjoy what was happening, her one leg down, bracing herself with the floorboard, the friction started to work. His cock was fast and furious to make up for his lack of girth and length. Her clit was being rubbed vigorously against the material of his shirt as his body slid back and forth against hers. His mouth explored her neck, her earlobes, and then her breasts over the material of her shirt. She yearned for him to touch her bare skin, but knew if she moved from her position, they would both lose their rhythm. “Oh baby,” he moaned. Mandi opened her legs a little wider, allowing more friction against her clit. She knew his moans were an indication that the love making session was coming to a close, and being left sexually frustrated in the woods, again, was not her goal. Her hips slid back and forth against him, pushing his cock deeper into her as she grinded her body into him. The sweet release of her orgasm was close, and she could almost taste the satisfaction on her lips. Steven let out another moan and then pushed hard against her. Her body was held tightly in place, unable to do much other than wiggle her hips as he came inside of her. Her clit was throbbing as he pushed off of her and sat up in the seat next to her. She felt her hand slide down her belly and between her legs. She had never touched herself in front of Steven, or anyone for that matter, but she couldn’t stop herself. The intensity of her orgasm lingering so closely was more than she could deny. Steven’s eyes were wide and curious as he stared at her fingers. Mandi pushed against her clit with her palm, letting her fingers playfully tease the opening of her pussy. His cum was oozing out from between her legs, leaving her pussy lips sticky as the juices fell between her ass cheeks to the leather seat beneath her. Something about Steven’s eyes on her made her hot, hotter than she was already. Her legs opened wider to give him a good view, and she began massaging her pussy with a smooth and distinct rhythm, nothing like what he done just moments ago. Her body tightened and she felt her orgasm coming. She closed her eyes tightly and pretended Steven wasn’t there as she let her body react to her touch. Her clit throbbed hard and her pussy pulsated in waves as her juices pushed past his and flowed out between her legs. Her moans were loud, louder than they ever were with Steven inside of her. Her orgasm was stronger than any she had ever experienced. She suddenly liked that Steven wasn’t an attentive lover, finishing herself off while he watched was much better than she ever expected. Chapter Four Mandi climbed into her bed. All she could think about was Steven’s face after her orgasm. She knew his ego was a little bruised from the events of the night, but she also knew there was a part of him that was just as excited as she was. He quickly dressed, not saying much to her, and even on the ride home, he was pretty silent. When she pulled up to his house he leaned in and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek. It wasn’t his usual tongue down the throat attack to say goodbye. The smell of alcohol that oozed from his skin while he pushed his cock into her, and the cum that still oozed from her body lingered on her as she pulled the soft down comforter up to her neck. She knew she should take a shower, but all she wanted to do was sleep. Mandi woke up to strange noises in the house. As she tiptoed to her door, she opened it just enough to peek outside. Todd was standing in her hallway holding a box. He smiled at her, almost as if they were friends. Mandi’s stomach turned upside down. She couldn’t believe they were seriously moving in here. Why couldn’t this all be a bad dream? The next couple days were hell for Mandi. Todd moved all of his stuff into his new room, the one directly across the hall from hers. Every time she walked out of her room she had to be face to face with the boy she hated. “Mom, are you sure you want to go through with this, I mean it’s not too late to back out,” Mandi said. She had a sly little smirk on her face, the one she knew her mother loved so much. She had said once it reminded her of her when she was a girl. Mandi could see that. Her mother was blonde, tan, thin, and very beautiful. She had heard stories about how she was a high school cheerleader, and how her father, the high school quarterback was the most popular boy in school. It was no wonder that Mandi turned out the way she had. Mandi’s mother had told her about how her father knocked her up her senior year of high school, and how they married instead of going to college. She always felt as though her mother resented her somehow for being born, so maybe this was punishment for that… moving this dreadful boy into her home. The one thing Mandi knew for certain was she would not end up like her mother. The thought of the drunken sex in the back of her Mustang without a condom lingered in her mind. No, she would not end up pregnant by Steven and grow to resent her child after giving up college. “Mandi, I love him, and he loves me. What do you care, you are going off to college in a couple of months, so you won’t even be here,” her mother said. Mandi’s mouth curled into a smile. She was ready for college and new experiences. And, now that Todd Chandler was living across the hall from her, she was more ready than ever. Todd had been staring at her across the table when they ate dinner, she caught him looking into her room when she left the door cracked open, and when her and Steven tried to find a private moment by the pool, he almost tripped over his tongue at the sight of her in the tiny yellow bikini she wore. He was always around. Always lingering, staring, and making her stomach turn at the thought of his disgusting desires for her. Todd was sitting on the couch, spread out like he owned it in the family room. His chip bag was beside him and Mandi could see the crumbs he left not only on his lap, but on the couch cushions next to him. “You’re a pig,” she said. Todd sat up straight, brushed the crumbs from his lap and tried to smile at her. She was in no mood for him today. Her mother and his father were downtown getting married. Today, he officially became her stepbrother. “I was just watching TV,” Todd said. Mandi rolled her eyes. She could see what he was doing, she didn’t need a commentary. His dark hair flowed to his shoulders and ended with perfect curls. His legs were hairy, much hairier than Steven’s. There was something about him that told her he could be really cute… if he wasn’t so fucking weird. “Steven’s coming over to watch a movie, so you need to clear out,” she snapped. Todd didn’t flinch. It was as if her hatefulness had no impact on him whatsoever. He just smiled and handed her the remote as he walked past her. His cologne was strong, too strong. There was something intoxicating about it even so. His smile was sarcastic, but his eyes were kind. She gripped the remote and pulled it from his hand. He didn’t let go right away, and instead he made her tug to get it from his clenches. She wasn’t in the mood for his games, not today. She didn’t even want to think about today. When Steven arrived he went directly to the fridge. He grabbed a beer and then offered her one like it was his house, his fridge, and his beer. “This your stepdaddy’s?” he asked. His laugh went right through Mandi. That was the first time anyone had called him that, and it been true. “Yes,” she said. “I don’t want one, thanks.” Steven gripped her around the waist and pulled her towards the stairs. They found a cozy spot on the couch and turned on the movie Steven brought. ‘Fast and Furious’, one of them. Mandi didn’t care. She wasn’t a fan of the movie, or any action movie for that matter. When they watched movies together, Steven always chose what they watched. He just liked her large screen TV and fridge stocked with beer that no one ever kept track of. “Is your stepbrother going to stare at us all night?” he asked. Mandi looked through the spindles to the kitchen where Todd was sitting at the table. He peeled an apple with his pocket knife and ate pieces directly off the blade. “He’s not staring at us…” Mandi said. “You’re right, he’s just staring at you,” Steven teased. “Hey loser, why don’t ya take you’re apple somewhere else,” Steven called out. Mandi was embarrassed by his behavior, but was grateful that Todd obliged and got up from the table, disappearing to another room. Steven forgot about the movie fairly quickly. His hands were all over her, first her neck, then breasts, then ass. He had no clue how to seduce a woman. Mandi wished he would agree to watch one of her romantic movies so he could learn a thing or two about pleasing a woman. Before she could protest his hand was in her pants, his fingers pushing inside of her pussy like they were on a mission. Her thoughts drifted to the night in her backseat. Steven wasn’t exactly a Casanova that night, but having him watch her fuck herself made her cum harder than she ever had. Her pussy started to become juicy and wet as his fingers slid more easily in and out. “Oh, you want it,” Steven whispered. Mandi pulled herself up from the couch, causing his fingers to slide out of between her legs. “Did you bring a condom?” she asked. She had never pushed for one before, so the look of aggravation on Steven’s face was expected. “What the fuck Mandi?” he asked. “We are getting ready to leave for college, the last thing either of us needs is a pregnancy,” she said. Steven didn’t look to be as concerned as she was. She knew he was selfish enough to leave her with the situation to deal with alone. He wasn’t going to give up his scholarship, or his chance at greatness. But her, he would let her give up everything. “You’re a real buzz kill,” he said. Mandi fastened her pants and stood up. She was ready for Steven to leave, but he didn’t look so ready. “Blow me at least,” he said. “You need to leave,” she said. Steven whined a little and tried to use his charm to get her mouth around his cock. When he realized she wasn’t going to budge, he finally got up and left. He was angry, she knew that. But, she didn’t care. It was their first real fight. It felt good to stand up to Steven for a change. Once he left, her body was still aching from the fingering and the thoughts of her last orgasm. She tiptoed up to her room, opening her door and shutting it gently enough not to alert Todd of her presence. She fell onto the bed and let her hands drift down her belly and into her pants. She imagined Steven’s eyes on her as her fingers pushed past her wet plump pussy lips and into her body. The allure of the night was more exciting than the memory of it. She felt her body yearning for more than just her fingers and her thoughts. She slid her pants down, letting her legs fall to the side she watched herself in the dresser mirror. Todd’s bedroom door opened and she felt the familiar rush of excitement flow through her body as it began to throb. Her orgasm was swift and fierce as it blasted through her in short waves. It was stronger than the night before with Steven. The feeling left her confused. Did she just cum that hard at the thought of Todd catching her fuck herself? The End of Book 1 of 5 Thank you for reading this story! Please remember to sign up to my newsletter The Wet Buzz for up-coming new books, special prizes, and free giveaways. You’ll get 3 FREE books that aren’t available on Amazon! Press Here to Sign Up and Claim Your FREE Books Now! (http://thewetbuzz.com/) Visit my web site for more exciting stuff! Questions or comments? Please email me at: [email protected] Publication Date: April 27th 2016 https://www.bookrix.com/-sq6db22f7af7175
Many Authors, edit by Dave Jerkings ...erotica 12 December Issue For our many and varied valuable fans on BookRix Compiler's Notice for Jerkings erotica Copyright Notice: It is not the intention of this anthology or its administration to host or otherwise distribute any works that are prohibited from being distributed according to the author's copyright. As a host for stories transmitted by others, from time to time we may have posted a file in violation of the author's copyright. The administration has done and continues to do everything possible to ensure that no works are distributed in 'Jerkings erotica' in violation of an author's copyright. If you happen to find such a work, please notify The Editor immediately for prompt removal of the work. Many of the authors that have written these stories would appreciate the reader's feedback. In many cases this is the only form of payment they receive. It only takes a moment of your time to let them know that you read their story. Who knows, they might even write more.     Story of Lizzie Ann! by Uncle Pervey ©   I met a pretty young lady, Everyone called Lizzie Ann. I vowed to myself that I'd have, This lady's beautiful can! So I started my sweet talkin', I told her "Honey, you're sweet! If you will sneak back out tonight, I know just the place to meet!" She answered me "Oh you rascal! You're just a sweet talkin' man!" I told her "Darling I love you!" She said "You just want my can!" I had to smile at this vixon, Cause she had figured me out. My lust was oh so obvious, It made her sweet red lips pout! We talked for awhile then she said, "I might sneak out just to see, What you have in mind for my ass, And what you can do for me!" She grinned and she went back inside, She gave her sweet ass a twitch. It made my tongue and cock get hard, Thinking of that saucy bitch! It was so plain she loved teasing, That suited me fine you know. I'll undress that pretty young gal, And I'll eat both of her holes! The moonlight was shining when she, Sneaked out of her house and came. "Now take your clothes off" I told her, "And we'll start our little game!" As she unrobed she was gasping, "I've never, done this before!" I smiled and said "Don't worry. It's your sweet ass I adore!" I told her I'd eat her pussy, Eat it so good she would cum! She'd take no risk getting pregnant, "I can't impregnate your bum!" She hesitated then asked me, "Oh won't that hurt, just a bit?" I grinned and said "Don't worry! "You'll feel so good you'll just shit!" She giggled as I put my mouth, On her pussy and began. I sucked on her sweet vulva lips, Tongue fucked her fast as I can! Before too long she was moaning, Grinding and humping my lips! She started cumming and cumming, I ate her cum from her hips! As she lay gasping she whispered, "That felt great, you made me cum! Now I will keep our agreement. Now you can have my sweet bum!" The first thing I did was to reach, And pull her cheeks wide apart! My lustfilled eyes wanted to see, That Rose-Bud that thrilled my heart! I bent down and kissed it sweetly, I caressed it, with my tongue. I probed the little tiny hole, I clamped my mouth and begun! I sucked on and tongue fucked her hole, I licked her asshole out neat. I made her squirm with my tongue then, I really began to eat! I ate her sweet asshole hard and, I ate her sweet asshole slow. I had her gasping "Oh Jesus! I'm cumming! Oh go man go!" I worked my tongue like a piston, Pounding inside a machine! I pounded my tongue in her ass, Her cum made her softly scream! "Oo oh! Oo oh! That feels so good! I'm Heaven bound" was her cry! "Oh Baby," I whispered to her, You're making my poor brain fry!" ""Oh Lizzie Ann you're so pretty, You're such a beautiful Lass!" I laid down on top of her back, And shoved my cock in her ass! "Oh shit" she gasped "That is hurting! You're splitting my tight asshole!" I whispered for her to relax, "I'll do it easy and slow." I moved my cock inside her hole, I felt the clinging wet heat! Her asshole was milking my cock, Grasping and squeezing my meat! She moved her hips and then whispered, "You're making me want to swoon!" I started fucking her faster, I knew I'd be done real soon! Our fucking friction was fire, My cock's burning her inside. It started shooting out hot cum, Filling her up like the tide! "Oh, Oh," she cried "You are burning! My asshole up with your cum!" I gasped "I knew you would like it! Like my hot cock in your bum!" She moaned again when I pulled out, "I feel so empty inside." I told her "Don't worry Darling! I'll do you again!" and I sighed! That's the story of Lizzie Ann, And how I fucked her sweet ass! It's a tale of her sweet asshole, This lovely pretty young Lass!!   by Uncle Pervey ©     Sex, Family, and Christmas Ch. 01 by PrincessErin ©   My name is Anna and I have to tell you about how I survived Christmas with my family. I'm forty years old and my husband and I have decided we want children. I'm not sure why we waited so long but the long list of excuses always was more important. First, we needed to get married. Then we wanted a house, a car, a boat, and a cottage. Once we had those things we decided we wanted to spend time enjoying those things. Before we knew it Jim had turned forty and I was close to thirty-eight. We did what all couples do when they want kids. We threw away the condoms and starting fucking like bunnies. It was great really. A year later, we still weren't pregnant so the parade of visits to the doctors began. The result was simple. We were both fertile but our timing was off. I'm an engineer and I'm very good with details. I read up on everything I possibly could and decided that taking my temperature every morning along with checking how wet I was down there was the best solution. After two months, I knew exactly when I was ovulating but still no baby. The next idea was to do an ovulation test. The first month I tested almost ten times a day and I was thankful that the local dollar store sold the tests in packs of three. I'm sure the woman behind the counter thought I was crazy, especially since I bought twenty dollars worth of tests at once. November came along and I was fertile right around Thanksgiving. It was perfect since we just stayed inside all weekend and fucked like bunnies. Of course, two weeks later, the evil bitch called 'Aunt Flo' arrived and we were back to square one. It wasn't until December fifteenth came around and my lovely mother called me up to ask me if it was O.K. if we were assigned to the cabin. My eyes went wide as I realized that I would be the most fertile right when we were at the cottage with my family. Jim was a good sport about everything and he knew that he would be required to fuck me three times a day from December twenty-fourth until the twenty-sixth. We were all prepared or so we thought. We did it in the morning and then packed up and drove the two hours to the cottage. My parents own a large lot on the lake and the house is winterized. Two years ago, my mother decided she never saw enough of the family so it was a great idea to invite everyone up for three days and two nights of family fun. This year the house was obviously very crowded. My parents were in their own bedroom. My two aunts and two uncles were in the two other bedrooms in the main cabin. We were the only other married couple so we got the cabin, which was really just a one-room building with windows on all sides and a bed. It was heated with a nice fireplace that my Dad had put in ten years ago. The path from the cabin to the cottage is short so if it wasn't snowing we could run back and forth without having to put on layers of clothing. This was good because I hate the winter and would love my parents' cottage to be somewhere other then northern Ontario. Orlando, Florida would be a good place. Along with the four couples there were also six cousins ranging in age from six to fourteen. They were all sleeping on the floor in the huge living room. My dad didn't measure very well when he built the addition thirty years ago. The living room can fit six couches and at least three televisions. My mom bought these blow up mattresses on sale so at least my cousins didn't have to sleep on the old worn couches. We arrived and after saying hello to everyone, we decided that we had to do the deed for the second time that day. We went out to the cabin and realized that the heat wasn't turned on. Jim is great with fireplaces so while he did that I unpacked our things. As I pulled out our toiletries, I realized that we would need to run into the main cottage to use the washroom. This was not good considering there is only one bathroom for fourteen people. I needed to test a few times a day. "Fuck!" Jim spun around and looked at me. I was not normally this high strung but this whole baby-making situation was driving me crazy. "What's wrong dear?" "I forgot my basal thermometer." "Just borrow one from the bathroom." Jim walked over and ran his hands through my hair. I loved when he did that because it truly made me so aroused. I nodded and kissed him. He kissed me back and soon we were under the covers doing it doggie style. I had pillows ready to put under my hips right after we both came and I winced as he pushed so deep inside me. We used to love when I was on top but that was no longer an option. The chance of his fertile cum oozing out of me was too great. "Remember to make me cum right after you do. It pulls your sperm into my cervix." I had to remind him of these things. When we had sex, he would sometimes forget the main purpose of fucking three times a day. I wouldn't mind not having to orgasm but it was a requirement. "Yes dear." I couldn't see Jim roll his eyes. He continued to plow into me and then screamed out as he came. I pushed back hard and moaned as I felt his cum shoot inside me. I imagined every one of his little swimmers moving towards my cervix. "Make me cum." I hissed those words as I felt Jim's fingers on my clit. He was still deep inside me and after a few strokes I was climaxing. I cried out and collapsed on the bed.     Sex, Family, and Christmas Ch. 02   I lay on my back with pillows under my hips for the required fifteen minutes. During that time, Jim got redressed and got more wood for the fireplace. Once I was allowed to get up, I got dressed and we decided that we should go to the main cabin and actually spend time with our family. My name is Anna by the way and I'm telling you how I tried to enjoy my Christmas holidays with twelve of my closest relatives. Jim had just fucked me and since we were trying to get pregnant, I had to make sure all his fertile sperm was swimming into my cervix. We walked quickly from our small cabin to the main building. It was a short distance but it was still annoying. We entered and soon were immersed in the festivities. My aunts and mom were playing cards while my uncles and dad were chatting in the sunroom. The kids were playing board games although my oldest cousin was sitting with her nose in a book. We chatted with everyone and soon Christmas Eve dinner would be served. Everyone had to help and we have to set up two additional tables to make sure all fourteen of us were sitting together. The tables took up the living room, dining room, and part of the sunroom. We ate, chatted and I was impressed my mother had not yet mentioned anything embarrassing. As the last of the dishes were being cleaned, I snuck into the bathroom and did two things. The first was to take one of the ovulation tests. The line was light pink but nowhere near to the control line. I knew that meant that I was going to ovulate soon and so there was no question that we were going to have to have sex again tonight. I also searched through the drawers and found the thermometer. I would need it for tomorrow morning to take my temperature although I was a little worried that using a different one would affect my graph. I stepped out of the bathroom and was approached by my mother. Now my mother is nice and everything but she drives me crazy. I'm an only child and so she tries to spend all her time helping me out. "Anna! We have barely said hello. How are you doing?" My mom glanced down and saw that I was holding the thermometer in my hand. My heart was beating fast. "Why do you have the thermometer? Are you feeling all right? Do you need to go to bed?" "No mom. I just need a thermometer." My voice was low, hoping that no one in the house could hear the conversation. This was not something I wanted other people to hear. "But why? Are you sick? Tell me." I rolled my eyes. I could never lie to my mother and I wish I could. I whispered under my breath. "I just need to take my temperature tomorrow morning, that's all." My mom's facial expression went from concerned to confused. "What?" "Jim and I are trying to get pregnant and I have to take my temperature in the morning to see if I have ovulated." I was practically mouthing the words. I could feel my face getting red and I was trying to look for Jim, or one of my aunts. I needed someone to rescue me from this insanity. "That's fantastic. Listen everyone. Jim and Anna want to have a baby. That wonderful!" My mother had screeched in my ear and was now screaming at the top of her lungs. I wanted to sink into the floor and die. She dragged me to Jim and then hugged both of us tight. "I knew there was a reason I stuck the two of you in the guest cabin. Go have sex. We won't miss you." I looked at Jim and both of us couldn't put our boots on fast enough. We practically ran to the cabin and slammed the door shut. "She drives me crazy." I was so mad yet I knew we would need to have sex at least once before bed. Jim walked over to put more wood on the fire. That's when I noticed he was staggering a bit. "How many beers did you have?" I was breathing so hard. I was getting increasingly angry by the minute and I knew exactly what he was going to tell me. "Five. Six. Yeah." Jim was drunk. He was a fun drunk but the problem was that he rarely could get a hard on when he was intoxicated. I glared at him. "I tested and the line was a light pink. We need to have sex. Get undressed and lie on the bed." "I'm so tired. Can we just do it tomorrow morning?" Jim was whining but was still undressing. I knew he wasn't going to argue with me. He finally lay back naked on the bed, his cock half hard. "Jerk off. I need you hard. I'll even ride you tonight." I was desperate and finally as he got somewhat hard I climbed on top and started riding him. His eyes were closed and so I slapped his chest to keep him awake. "Don't you dare fall asleep until you cum." I was furious now but we had to do this. We had to have sex otherwise we might miss that small window of opportunity. Finally, he grunted and came. I barely felt my pussy flood with his cum but I was satisfied. "Night." Jim pushed me off him and rolled over. I slid my legs together and then lay on my side as I fingered myself to an orgasm. I fell asleep hoping that his sperm had reached my awaiting egg.     Sex, Family, and Christmas Ch. 03   I woke up and felt the familiar feeling of Jim's tongue on my pussy. I moaned and spread my legs wider. I didn't open my eyes, deciding instead to just lay back and enjoy. The room was a little cool but that meant my hard nipples just got harder. "Morning" I whispered. Jim looked up and smiled. "Good morning baby. Do you want your Christmas present now or later?" "Oh fuck!" I screamed out and accidentally kicked him in the shoulder. "Temperature!" I sat up in bed and reached over to fumble for the thermometer that I had placed on the night table. I had to take my temperature before anything else and now the reading was probably going to be wrong. By the way, my name is Anna and I'm trying to get pregnant. I wouldn't say that I'm obsessed with fertility. I like to say that I have a healthy knowledge of how best to get pregnant. I stuck the thermometer in my mouth and watched as Jim rubbed his shoulder then sat on the bed. Thank goodness the thermometer was digital and within two minutes it beeped. I pulled it out of my mouth and saw the number. "Good. I still haven't spiked. You may continue." "Thanks. So do you want your Christmas present now or later?" Jim was smiling which meant that whatever he got me was good. I knew that the rest of my family was in the main cabin opening up presents and that after we exchanged our own presents we would get dressed and go over and open more gifts. I was at my parent's cottage for Christmas and since my lovely mother had invited so many family members, Jim and I were banished to the guest cabin. It wasn't that bad really. It was one room with a fireplace along one side. It could be very romantic and sensual if there was actually a bathroom. "Later". I leaned over and kissed him softly. It was a sensual kiss and then I reached down to stroke his cock. "Can you give me a blow job? It's Christmas." "You know I can't. The saliva will kill the sperm. I promise the moment I'm pregnant I will suck your cock for days, weeks, the whole nine months if you want. Right now we need to have sex." I watched as Jim rolled his eyes but then pushed me gently on my back and guided his cock inside me. He had a great cock. I remember the first time we had sex it hurt a bit. I was a virgin so I'm sure that didn't help things. H loved when I told him how great his cock felt inside me. It stretched me and I felt so full. He thrust in and out of me. I was close to cumming but needed to wait until he came. "I think you might like your present now." Jim was grinning and so I nodded. I watched as he climbed off me and then went over to the dresser where two gift bags were. One was for him from me. The other was for me from him. The rest of the presents had been brought into the main cabin and were placed under the tree when we had arrived. He walked over and placed the bag next to me. He slid back inside. I loved the feeling of him inside me for the first time. It always felt so good so he did that a few times. He would slide his cock all the way out, tap the tip of his cock against my clit, then slid it back inside. I whimpered and watched as my juices coated his cock. I watched as he began to gasp for breath. He gripped my hips and began to pound my pussy. I loved when he went hard so I just let him fuck me. He grunted and then came inside me. I smiled. "Here's your present." Jim handed me the gift bag, his cock still deep inside me. I opened it up and then looked confused. "Hat and mitts?" Inside was a pair of red gloves and a matching hat. I was so confused until I saw the look of complete fear on his face. The only other time I had seen that look was when I was eighteen and thought I was pregnant. I smiled now, thinking how ironic it was. "Fuck!" Jim slid off me and I felt his fertile cum oozing out of me. I had not placed pillows under my hips yet but that was not my concern. "That's your mother's present. I mixed them up." "So?" I was so confused until he explained. "I bought you a pink rabbit vibrator for Christmas."   by PrincessErin © At Peak Lodge by SamScribble ©   I could have flown. But flying at Christmastime is always such hassle. Full flights. Expensive flights. Everyone trying to sneak aboard double their allocation of carry-on baggage. All tripping over one another. Chaotic airports. And even after putting up with all that, I would still have needed to hire a car at the other end. So I decided to drive. I set out shortly after nine o'clock on Christmas Eve morning. By 10:15 I had got as far as Enfield, where I stopped for gas. I was still on the outskirts of Enfield when the first sploshes of soft snow started to fall. Getting from Enfield to the other side of The Divide I had two options. I could go through Old Man's Gap, or I could take the road through Cooper's Pass. In some ways, it was six of one and half a dozen of the other. But the weather forecast that morning had suggested that Old Man's Gap might be in for a serious dumping of snow, so I headed for what I hoped might be the lesser of the two evils. And there was also another reason for choosing Cooper's Pass: Peak Lodge. Peak Lodge was originally built as a coaching stop. After a horse-drawn coach had made its long slow journey up to the top of the pass, the passengers would have been more than ready for some refreshment and a chance to stretch their legs. And, with the passengers off feasting on yeasty bread and slices of mutton and bacon and slabs of fruitcake, the coachman would have a chance to hitch up a fresh team of horses for the second leg of the journey. With the end of horse-drawn coaches, Peak Lodge struggled on as a sort of 'tea room with a view'. And then, goodness knows why, given its location, it was acquired by an eccentric Austrian chef who spent a small fortune turning it into a boutique lodge with an award-winning restaurant. By the time I reached Hamberly, which I guess marks the start of the long climb up to the top of the pass, the snow had set in. It wasn't that heavy. But it was steady. The cops had set up a checkpoint just outside Hamberly and they were turning back any vehicles that didn't look to be equipped for the conditions. 'You should be OK,' one of the cops told me after he had checked the snow tyres on my four-wheel-drive SUV. 'But drive carefully. Drive to the conditions. And keep an eye out for the snow plough.' 'Thanks. I will,' I assured him. My plan was to make it to Peak Lodge in time for a leisurely bite of lunch. From there it would be pretty much all downhill to Millerton. And, if the weather forecasters were anywhere near right with their predictions, by mid-afternoon the snow should have given way to light rain -- and maybe even a spot of sunshine. I pretty soon caught up with the snow plough that I had been warned to look out for, but that was about the only other vehicle on the road. Whatever was ahead of me going up the hill was already too far ahead for me to see it. And, after a while, there was absolutely nothing coming back down the other way -- which, the more I thought about it, seemed kind of strange. I arrived at Peak Lodge almost spot on midday. From the road, Peak Lodge looked like the remains of a small castle surrounded by some of those scrubby pines that you tend to get up above the snowline. I pulled off into the car parking area and wondered for a moment or two if the place was actually open for business. I was pretty sure that their website had said 'open seven days a week'. But maybe they had decided to close for the Christmas-New Year period. Oh, well. I got out of the car and hastily made my way to the Lodge's big wooden front door. One firm push, and there was a soft click, and the door opened. It seemed that the establishment was open for business after all. 'I thought for a moment there that you might have been closed,' I said to the rather attractive (but worried-looking) woman who was hovering in the reception area. 'Well ... umm ....' I waited for her to continue. 'The thing is ... Herman and Krista went down to Millerton first thing this morning, and apparently there has been a slip or something. And Marcus and Louise are with them too.' I knew that Herman and Krista were the owners of Peak Lodge, and Herman was also the award-winning chef. I had no idea who Marcus and Louise were. 'Did you want coffee or something?' the woman said. 'I was hoping for some lunch,' I said. 'Lunch. Oh. Yes. Well ....' 'Is that going to be a problem?' I said. It was at that point that the phone she was carrying rang. She answered it and, while whoever was at the other end apparently did most of the talking, her frown got deeper and deeper. 'Herman,' she said when she rang off. 'They can't get back. Maybe not until tomorrow. The road's closed.' 'The road to Millerton?' She nodded. 'Damn.' 'Not just snow. A big slip. You know ... an avalanche. With rocks and stuff. It's going to take a while to clear.' And then her phone rang again. 'And the road through to Hamberly is also closed,' she said after a brief conversation. 'A big slip at Cottley's Corner.' 'I've just come from Hamberly. That's where the cops had their checkpoint. And Cottley's Corner? Is that where the road does that sharp right-hander? And then there's a dip? And a narrow bridge?' The woman nodded. 'So which way will I need to go when I leave here?' I asked. 'Umm ... you can't,' she said. 'Not really. You're stuck. Well, for now anyway. There's only one road. And now it's blocked at both ends.' 'Oh.' 'Yes. Umm ... right. Lunch. Let's see,' she said. 'I could probably cook you a steak. And maybe a salad. Or perhaps an omelette. Ham and cheese? Mushroom? Something like that? I'm not really a cook -- if you see what I mean. Herman is the chef. Marcus is the sous chef. And when we're really busy, either Lucinda or Darren comes in. But they both live in Hamberly. So, of course, they're not going to be able to come today.' 'Is there anyone else here?' I asked. The woman shook her head. 'Just you and me?' 'Umm ... yes,' she said. 'Sorry.' 'No, no. Hardly your fault,' I said. 'Unless, of course, you're the local weather god.' 'What?' And then she said: 'Oh, no. I see what you mean.' 'Well, given that it is just you and me,' I said, 'why don't you take me to the kitchen and we'll see what we can rustle up? I assume that you probably need something to eat too. And I'm sure that we can manage something between us. By the way, I'm Tom.' 'Noelle,' she said. 'OK, Noelle. Lead the way.' But she didn't. She just stood there. Frowning. 'Something the matter?' I said. 'Umm ... it's just that Herman doesn't really like other people in his kitchen.' 'Yeah, but Herman's not here is he?' 'No. I suppose not.' And, albeit a little reluctantly, she led me out the back to Herman's beautifully set up kitchen. 'Right,' I said, stepping into the chiller. 'Let's see what we have.' Actually, the chiller was very well stocked. I guess with the Lodge being a bit out of the way, Herman made sure that he had plenty of stuff on hand. 'The salmon looks good. Do you like salmon?' I asked. 'I do. Although I'm not sure how good I would be at cooking it.' 'That's OK,' I said. 'If you could just pass me one of those trays and some tongs.' I selected a couple of salmon steaks and half a dozen green tiger prawns. 'What can I do?' Noelle asked. 'If you could just twist the heads of these prawns and then peel the tails -- and then we'll put the heads and the peelings into a small oven-proof pan.' While Noelle dealt to the prawns, I got a pan on to the heat and put one of the ovens onto high. Next I found a couple of small bricks of dried fine-cut noodles, some rosemary, some basil leaves, and a bottle of Chinese-style oyster sauce. I put the noodles in the bottom of a medium-sized bowl and covered them with boiling water. After that, I inspected the salmon for pin bones, trimmed the ends, and generously salted the skin. 'Are you a chef?' Noelle asked. 'You're doing stuff the way that Herman does it.' 'A chef? No. I'm a lawyer. But my parents owned a pub. I guess, today, we'd probably call it a gastro pub. As a kid, I often helped out in the kitchen.' Noelle nodded. 'Right.' (I think that she found the idea that I had been in a proper kitchen before somehow reassuring.) 'OK. What now, chef?' 'We'll just add the salmon trimmings to the prawn heads, and the whole lot can go into the oven for ten or 15 minutes.' The dried noodles were starting to plump up nicely, so I drained off the first lot of water -- which was now cooling -- and covered them again with fresh boiling water. 'I'm assuming that there will be some garlic somewhere? And perhaps a few dried chilli flakes?' Noelle went into the other part of the kitchen and returned with a head of garlic and a jar of chilli flakes. 'OK?' 'Perfect.' I smashed a couple of bulbs of garlic with the flat of a knife and threw them into the oven with the roasting prawn scraps. 'Right, now I think we need some wine,' I said. 'Cooking wine?' 'No, drinking wine. Maybe a pinot gris.' Noelle frowned. 'Or even an unoaked chardonnay. Up to you. You're going to have to help me drink it.' 'Herman doesn't let us drink while we're working,' Noelle said. 'Very wise,' I said. 'Health and safety and all that sort of thing. You'll just have to stop working. Take the rest of the day off. It's not as if you're likely to have any more guests today, is it? In the meantime, Herman probably wouldn't want you upsetting the one guest that you do have: me.' Noelle frowned briefly -- but then smiled and nodded. 'Pinot gris? I'll see what I can find.' While Noelle went in search of wine, I checked on the roasting prawn heads. They could have done with a little longer in the oven, but the aroma was starting to make me hungry, so I took them out and deglazed the pan with a generous slosh of Herman's excellent chicken stock. I added a sprig of rosemary and good pinch of chilli flakes, and put the pan on the back burner to simmer for a while. 'Something smells good,' Noelle said when she returned with a bottle of wine. 'That'll be your prawn heads.' 'Are we going to eat them?' she asked. 'No. But we are going to eat their essence.' I grabbed a sieve and separated the flavour-infused liquid from the now-exhausted husks. Next I rinsed the excess salt off the salmon steaks and patted them dry. 'Right. We just need to cook the salmon and the prawns ....' Cooking the salmon steaks was just a matter of putting them, skin-side down, into a hot pan with a little bit of oil. The prawn tails I briefly poached in the stock. 'Nearly there,' I said. 'Where are we going to eat?' Noelle smiled. 'Well, since you are the VIP guest today, I think it will have to be one of the tables overlooking the terrace. The view from there can be quite spectacular.' 'Perfect,' I said. I grabbed a couple of warm serving bowls, drained the now-reconstituted noodles, and placed a small pile into each bowl. The salmon skin was getting nice and crisp, but the flesh probably needed a minute or so in the oven. Meanwhile, I whisked a couple of generous spoonsful of the oyster sauce into the reducing stock and checked the seasoning. 'Hmm ... maybe just a tiny squeeze of fresh lime juice.' And then it was just a matter of arranging the salmon -- skin side up -- on top of the noodles; placing three prawn tails beside each salmon steak; and gently pouring in some of the deliciously pungent prawn and oyster broth. 'Oops! Almost forgot. A little chiffonade of basil leaves. And there we are. What shall we call it? Salmon Noelle Noel , perhaps?' 'Are you sure you're not a chef?' she said. 'I think Herman would probably give you a job.' 'You bring the wine,' I said. To be fair to Noelle, she had said that the view from the table overlooking the terrace could be spectacular, not that it would be spectacular. By the time that we sat down to eat our Salmon Noelle Noel , it was snowing so heavily that we could barely see beyond the edge of the terrace. 'So how did you end up here at the top of the world?' I asked. 'I answered an ad. I was a school teacher. English and geography. But I wanted to take time out to try to write a novel. Working here seemed like a good idea. In exchange for being on call as required, it gave me somewhere to live and time to write without too many distractions.' 'And how is it going? The novel.' Noelle laughed. 'Well, I started with a hiss and roar, wrote about fifty thousand words, and then I decided that all of the characters were really rather boring, and if I didn't care about them, why would anybody else?' 'Oh.' 'Yes. Oh.' 'So, do you have a rescue plan?' 'I'm working on one. I promised myself a new year and a new start. That was about a month ago. Now the New Year is only a bit over a week away. Still, I'm normally pretty good with deadlines.' Even I had to admit that the Salmon Noelle Noel was pretty nice. While looking out at the mounting pillows of snow beyond the window, I wondered, albeit briefly, if we should have chosen a pinot noir rather than a pinot gris. But the pinot gris was still pretty good. 'Cheers,' I said. 'Here's to a white Christmas.' 'I think they all tend to be white up here,' Noelle said. 'The first dusting this year was almost a month ago.' 'And this is not a dusting,' I said. 'No.' It was at that point that her phone rang again. 'Oh, hello, Herman. What news?' she said. And for the next couple of minutes, Noelle just nodded. Then she said: 'Well, we have one guest. Tom. He came for lunch. But I guess he's going to need a room.' And she looked across the table. I nodded in confirmation. 'OK, Herman. Don't worry. We'll manage. Somehow. You guys look after yourselves.' Noelle pressed the End button on her phone and shrugged her shoulders. 'Herman says that they definitely won't be back until tomorrow. At the earliest. Oh, and he also said to give you the Vienna Suite.' 'Is that good?' 'Well, it's probably the Lodge's only six-star room.' 'With a six-star price tag?' 'No, no. Herman says it's FOC. But he's a bit worried about how I will feed you. I think he's worried about his online reputation. He doesn't want you bombing him on TripAdvisor or wherever.' 'I think we'll manage,' I said. 'That's what I said -- although, I didn't mentioned that you had actually made the lunch. Oh, and Herman says that I should put the closed sign up. Not that anybody is likely to come knocking. And, in the unlikely event that they do, then we're hardly going to turn them away, are we? Still, it's Herman's Lodge. If Herman wants the sign up ....' 'And I should phone my sister,' I said. 'I'm certainly not going to be there for Christmas Eve supper. Well ... not for Christmas Eve anything.' 'Does your sister live in Millerton?' 'She and her husband have a farm just out of Tarnsville.' Noelle frowned. 'You keep going through Millerton and then follow the river almost out to Buckley Heads.' 'But first you have to get to Millerton,' she said. 'Indeed.' 'And that's now not going to be today.' We finished our salmon and put a serious dent in the contents of the wine bottle. 'That was really nice. Would you like me to make some coffee?' Noelle asked. 'I think I can just about manage that.' 'Coffee would be great. Why don't you do that, and I'll just give the kitchen a bit of a tidy up.' I had just finished loading the crockery and cutlery into the dishwasher, and I was starting to scrub the pot and the pan that we had used, when I realised that Noelle was standing watching me. 'Are you married?' she asked. 'Married? No. Why? Are you?' She shook her head. 'But I might reconsider if I could have a husband who would tidy the kitchen and do the dishes.' 'Pick me,' I said, jokingly. 'I can load dishwashers with the best of them. Although we might have to have a slightly smaller kitchen than this.' Noelle laughed. 'Yes. And I'm not sure that we would need a separate dining room. Certainly not one with quite so much furniture anyway.' 'Agreed. Friends to supper is all very well, but not 30 friends. And definitely not every night.' 'I'll take the coffee through to the sitting room,' Noelle said. 'We may as well enjoy the log fire.' I finished up in the kitchen and then, as I passed through the reception area on my way to lounge, I noticed that my car -- which had the carpark all to itself -- had almost disappeared under a bank of snow. I decided that I had better go and grab my bag before the snow got any deeper. I was definitely going to be spending Christmas Eve in the Vienna Suite. No ifs, no buts. When I got back inside -- having grabbed my bag -- Noelle was once again on the phone. And, once again, it seemed that it was the person on the other end who was doing 99 percent of the talking. 'Stop worrying, Herman,' she said eventually. 'We'll be fine. Go and find somewhere nice to take Krista for supper. It's Christmas Eve. Remember? And stop fretting. I'll look after Tom. I'll make sure that he's properly fed and watered. I'm sure he'll give you the best TripAdvisor rating ever.' 'Is Herman still worrying?' I said when she had rung off. 'Well, he's like that. He likes everything to be just so,' Noelle said. 'Fair enough,' I said. 'And it is just so. Just perfectly so.' And it was. The wine at lunch may have had something to do with it, but I felt as if Noelle and I were off on some kind of adventure. Two strangers -- thrown together -- all alone in a mysterious castle -- on the top of a mountain -- in the middle of a snow storm. Oh, and it was Christmas Eve. All the ingredients for a gothic romance. Not that I'd ever read a gothic romance -- unless you count Wuthering Heights . 'Herman suggested that I should roast you a duck. Not now. But later. You know ... this evening. He didn't think that would be too difficult.' 'Really?' I said. 'I'm very fond of duck. But, to be honest, I'd be just as happy with a plate of sandwiches or something like that. We could have a picnic in front of the fire.' Noelle looked relieved. 'Shall I take you to your room?' she said. When Noelle had said that the Vienna Suite was probably the Lodge's only six-star room, I could see what she meant. It certainly wasn't over the top. But everything about it was 'just right'. It struck me as being the kind of bedroom that you would have in your own house -- if you had unlimited time and unlimited budget. Oh, and unlimited space. It was more than twice the size of my bedroom at home. 'Very nice,' I said. ' Very nice. I'd ask what the rack rate is; but if I'm not paying, perhaps it's better that I don't know.' 'Probably. Nevertheless, I thought that you might like it.' 'I do.' 'I'll leave you to unpack,' she said. 'If you need anything ... well ... just shout.' 'Thanks.' I unpacked my stuff. And then I briefly sat down in the deep-burgundy leather Eames-style reclining chair and used my phone to see if I could find an updated weather forecast. When I next opened my eyes, it was pitch black outside. I glanced at my watch. It had gone five. Oh, well. 'Sorry about that,' I said, when I re-joined Noelle in front of the big log fire. 'I just sat down for a couple of minutes -- can't remember why -- and I must have fallen asleep.' Noelle smiled. 'Well, it's not as though you had to be anywhere, is it?' When I had arrived, earlier, Noelle had been wearing a plain black tailored dress of the type favoured by smart hotels. While I was napping, she must have changed because now she was wearing a soft, silky Christmas-red top teamed with a full, silky skirt. The skirt had a random gold pattern on a dark navy background. It all looked very festive. 'You look very nice,' I said. 'Thank you.' 'Are we going to have a party?' She glanced at her watch. 'We could do. Herman suggested that I should offer you a glass of Veuve Clicquot. Veuve Clicquot is Herman's go-to wine for all celebratory occasions.' 'What a splendid fellow your friend Herman is.' 'There's a music system hiding in that cupboard over there,' Noelle said. 'Perhaps you could choose us some cocktail music while I go and find the champagne.' I must say that Herman -- or someone -- also had pretty good taste in music. I chose a David Benoit album. Noelle returned with the Veuve Clicquot -- and I managed to open it without spilling a single drop. 'To the holidays,' I said, raising my glass. Noelle smiled. 'And to strangers who come knocking.' 'Could have been worse,' I said. 'You could have ended up with a whole coachload of Bulgarian grandmothers, none of whom spoke a word of English.' 'Oh, I'm not complaining,' she said. 'I'm rather glad that you decided to drop in. You must do it again sometime.' We chatted on about this and that. And sipped our champagne. And I too had to admit that I was rather glad that I had dropped in -- albeit that I had been expecting to leave again an hour or so later. But how else would I have met the lovely Noelle? And then I did something that I think surprised both of us. I know that it surprised me. I got up from my chair and grabbed the champagne bottle with the intention of topping up Noelle's glass. But instead of topping up her glass, I leaned down and kissed her neck. Noelle made a sound a little like a surprised puppy. But she smiled. 'I'm sorry,' I said. 'Not sure what made me do that.' 'Don't be sorry,' Noelle said. 'It felt very nice. You could do it again if you want to.' 'Do it again? Umm ... yes. Yes, that would probably be a good idea, wouldn't it?' And that's what I did. And before I finally got around to topping up her wine glass, I also kissed her softly on her lips. I would have kissed her again after I had topped up her glass had it not been for that fact that we were both distracted by the sound of the front door opening and closing. Noelle frowned. 'I thought that I had locked that,' she said. 'Don't tell me that we have more stranded travellers.' Noelle got up to go and see who it was. And then I heard her calling out 'hello' -- not as greeting, but as a question. 'Hello?' 'That's funny,' she said, when she returned. 'The door was still locked. I knew that I had locked it. But you heard that, didn't you?' 'I think so,' I said. 'It certainly sounded like the door.' Noelle frowned. 'Yes. I'd better go and have another look.' 'I'll come with you,' I said. We both went out into the reception area and looked around. There was definitely no one there. 'That door is definitely locked,' Noelle said. 'See? The electronic lock is showing red. The only way to unlock it is with one of the electronic keys.' She reached behind the reception desk and produced a small black object about half the size of a matchbox. She pointed it at the door and, with a soft clunk, the tiny light on the electronic lock turned from red to green. 'I'll just have a look outside,' I said. I opened the door and took a couple of steps out into the snow-covered parking area. There was no sign of anyone. No vehicles. No tracks. No footprints. And it was still snowing. Even near the door, the snow was about 30 centimetres deep. 'No. No one,' I said. Noelle locked the door again. We looked in the office behind the reception area, and the bathroom off to one side. No one. And there was no sign of anyone in the kitchen. Or in the dining room. Noelle was still frowning. 'Strange,' she said. 'Oh, well ... must have been a ghost,' I suggested. 'Don't joke,' she said. 'Herman is convinced that this place is haunted.' 'Haunted?' 'So he says. By the ghost of a coachman who had too much rum and fell to his death from the lower terrace.' 'Not recently, I assume.' 'No. Not recently.' 'Come on. Let's go back to the fire. That was cold out there.' Noelle and I had just returned to our chairs beside the fireplace when the lights suddenly flickered and then dimmed. We looked at each other. And then I saw a stocky figure, in a long oiled-canvas coat and a top hat, walking -- or perhaps it would be more accurate to say stumbling -- towards the dining room. 'Am I imaging this?' I asked. Noelle shook her head. 'It must be the coachman. Herman said that he wore a top hat.' We both got up and walked to the arch that divided the lounge from the dining room. The 'coachman' was shuffling, tottering, stumbling, towards the terrace. And then he simply walked -- silently -- through the closed French doors, out into the snowy night. Perhaps 20 or 30 seconds later, there was the mournful wail of a man, calling for help, but already resigned to the fact that no help would be forthcoming. Or was it just the sound of the wind? 'The ghost?' I said. Noelle was shaking. 'I suppose so.' I put my arm around her and steered he back to the warmth of the fire. But this time we didn't sit down. We just stood there -- me with my arms around her. 'Are you OK?' I said. 'I will be,' she said. And then we kissed again. Well ... it was bound to happen. 'We could ... umm ... take our drinks upstairs,' I suggested, not knowing how she would react. She nodded. 'Yes. We could. And we probably should. We're going to have to sooner or later.' 'Shall I ...?' 'Thank you,' she said. I gathered up our glasses and, as we left the lounge, Noelle looked -- perhaps a little anxiously -- in the direction of the front door. 'It is locked,' I said. 'The red light is definitely on.' And the light was also on in Peak Lodge's only six-star bedroom. It was lit up like a latter-day Crystal Palace. But not for long. Noelle ran her fingers over the touchpad on the wall near the door and, as if by magic, everything changed. Drapes silently shut out the night. The bright lights gave way to soft lights. And there was suddenly gentle music playing. Elgar, I think. Or possibly Vaughan Williams. Or maybe neither of them. Who knows? 'There. Better?' Noelle said. 'Yes. Much better. Thank you.' And then, without further ado, we were undressing each other and smothering each newly-exposed area of the other's body with kisses. But I guess that the greater part of the foreplay had already been played out in our minds. Almost as soon as Noelle's knickers hit the deeply-piled carpet, I was gently-but-firmly pushing her back onto the bed, spreading her legs, and starting to explore her pink crevice with my tongue. And then, maybe a minute or so later, I was lining up the head of my rapidly stiffening cock with her wet and waiting tunnel. 'Oh, yes,' she said. 'Yes.' I took that as a yes.   by SamScribble ©   Public Game 01 by TheGreyKnight © Listen while wearing headphones in public. * * * * * Click Here to listen: .mp3 format or .ogg format . (5.5 min/mp3) * * * * *     Public Game 02 Head phones, in public, alone. The game continues. * * * * * Click Here to listen: .mp3 format or .ogg format . (5 min/mp3) * * * * *   Public Game 03 The game heats up. * * * * * Click Here to listen: .mp3 format or .ogg format . (6.5 min/mp3) * * * * * by TheGreyKnight ©     A Christmas Tart ... with a Heart by geronimo_appleby ©   A third entry from me for the Winter Holiday competition. It turned out a tad longer than anticipated, so rather than opt for the First Time category, I might plump for Novels and Novellas (6 points in the Survivor contest if I put it in N&N). We'll see where it ends up. OK, in this one, John -- a twenty-two year old virgin -- stumps up cash for a visit to a brothel. When he gets there he gets a surprise, a very pleasant Christmas present. You might find [more] errors and typos [than usual!] in this piece. Sorry, but due to the deadline for the comp. and the fact I didn't start this until a couple of days ago, it might come across as a draft rather than a finished product. Again, apologies if that's the case, but I do hope you enjoy my offering all the same. As per usual ... feedback! Send feedback. OK, I'll STFU now and get this down the wire to Laurel. GA -- Langkawi, Malaysia -- 6th December 2012. John Elphinstone had second thoughts, pinprick darts of doubt. Should he go through with it? Sitting in his flat on the outskirts of Guildford, as he sipped his morning coffee, even as he doubted he knew, deep down, despite the fear, that he'd pick up the phone and make the call. John examined, yet again, the scrap of paper with the phone number scrawled across it. His stomach flipped with excitement, sexual anticipation tickling deep in his viscera and tingling in his balls when he thought about the potential that number held. It had been a whim, scribbling the number onto the back of an old ATM receipt. He'd seen the columns of adverts amid the lurid pictures of half naked women when he'd picked up the newspaper -- if The Daily Sport deserved that appellation, the scandalous, near pornographic rag of titillation -- and, after his eyed had scanned the columns of carnal promise, while a curiously dark sensation fluttered in the pit of his stomach, John saw the dialling code of his own area leap from the page. Exclusive service offered , he read. Elegant lady in luxurious surroundings . Two numbers were also given. One being a mobile, with the second showing a landline prefix code of: 01252. John, with a deliciously wicked slither of excitement and fear and sexual arousal sliding through his guts, committed the six remaining digits of the phone number to memory. Feigning nonchalance as the train rattled and shook, carrying him homeward from his job in London, he left it a full three minutes before jotting the number onto the blank reverse side of an ATM receipt he found in his wallet. Now, at midmorning on Christmas Eve, with four days of holiday between him and the daily commute, he sat in the flat and contemplated his persistent virginity. "It's getting ridiculous," he muttered to himself. Eying the ATM receipt again he steeled his resolve. "Elegant lady," he murmured, enjoying the mental images that description conjured in his head. That single word, Lady, put him in mind of a classy, sophisticated woman, more mature in years, finely ripened and experienced enough to unveil the mysteries of the flesh to one so callow and naive as himself. At the age of twenty-two, John had somehow hung on to his virgin status, or rather his virginity had clung to him like a nasty rash. He'd tried, oh how he'd tried to slough off the chrysalis of that pure state and emerge from the cocoon; but something always went wrong. He didn't think of himself as bad looking, but he was neither here nor there, no Brad Pitt, sure, but not the Elephant Man either. Nondescript, bland, the sort of man who would make a good real-life spy, the grey man nobody noticed in a pub or on the bus. Unfortunately women didn't notice him for the same reason. John failed to attract women with looks or presence, but his main problem wasn't a lack of personality, it had more to do with projection. He lacked self-confidence, and this shortcoming, to which he was blind himself, had come about because of his shyness and lack of daring. This in turn meant failure to find a girlfriend through a series of embarrassing, tongue-tied encounters that, by the time he hit his twenties, became a self-fulfilling prophecy. John expected to be knocked back in his attempts to chat up the ladies, and as a result, he was. His hand trembled as he reached for his mobile phone. *** Jenny Standing parked outside the One-Stop and, once inside, bought cigarettes and a lottery ticket. The girl behind the counter smiled from beneath the seasonal, infuriatingly ubiquitous, red cap trimmed with white faux fur. "Happy Christmas," the cashier said, smiling as she took the ten pound note from Jenny's fingers. Jenny could have snorted right in the girl's face as she passed over the money and waited for her change. She didn't get it, couldn't understand why people got so fucking crazy over Christmas. When she'd been a kid it had been different, of course, but now, with her fortieth birthday looming, with no husband, no kids, and working at what she didn't even class as a real job, Jenny felt the weight of anxiety over her future settle even heavier on her shoulders than usual. "Fucking Christmas," she muttered to herself before offering the young woman behind the counter one of her professional smiles. Jenny could turn it on when she had to, in her line of work the charm was expected, part and parcel of the trade. Not that many of the men she serviced cared what went on in her private life; they just wanted her for her looks and her body. The guests, as they were euphemistically known, who visited the house -- a large detached near-mansion of a place in affluent Surrey -- didn't even know her real name, let alone what went on inside her head. Most of the punters would be at home with wives and families in readiness for Christmas Eve parties, and the day ahead for Jenny would more than likely be a washout, but Avril had asked her to come in, so there she was, buying her fags on the way to work. "I need a girl to come in," Avril had said. "Would you mind? I it would be absolutely tiresome with one of the others. You know what they can get like. It would be a miserable day with one or them, a constant litany of complaints about working Christmas Eve." Avril had grinned and added, "And we could have a couple of drinks if things are quiet. Have ourselves an office party as it were." Jenny loved the way Avril spoke, her drawling diction told of a moneyed background and expensive education. A world apart from foster homes and comprehensive schools Jenny had endured. Two years earlier, when Jenny first started at Avril's house, the matronly woman with her large bosom and honey-blonde hair -- Dyed of course, darling, but you know the saying about blondes having more fun -- candidly revealed the reason she engaged in the trade she did. "I simply adore cock," Avril had said. "A friend of my father's, a very wicked man ..." she added, eyes gleaming with devilment at the memory. Avril had even squirmed a little in her seat as she went on. "Just remembering gives me tingles," she said. "Anyway, a friend of Daddy's seduced me on my twenty-first birthday, darling. He fucked my virgin cunt and then, over the next year or so, used me as little more than his sex slave. No love in it whatsoever, not on his part anyway, bit of course I was smitten with him ... And the filthy things the bugger did with me ... What he made me do ... God it was an exciting, horny time." Jenny, feeling obliged to reveal a little of her life's history after Avril's crude recollections, had replied with, "I got into the game when I got behind with rent. A neighbour of mine in the block of flats I ended up in told me about how I could make some money." Jenny shrugged as if her introduction into a life on the bash was of no consequence at all. "You know how it is, Av." She regarded the other woman for a moment and then barked a laugh. "Or maybe you don't. Not with your background." Jenny lit a cigarette and continued. "Anyway, I worked out of this shitty flat in Colchester. I was nineteen when I went on the game. It was actually one of the punters who suggested I do some escorting. He said I could earn a lot more than I was making in a pokey flat on a scrubbers estate." She lifted her shoulders in another shrug. "And here I am now working for you." Jenny gestured with a sweeping arm at the opulence of her surroundings, "Working in a decent house, for you, Av." Avril smiled at Jenny. "Thank you," she said. "I'm pleased you think it's a decent house. I do try." She chuckled then, adding, "I wonder what Daddy would say if her were alive to comment on my little hobby? I don't doubt he'd be surprised to know I've invested some of his fortune in a house of ill repute." Now, two years later and Jenny still worked at the house. She did escort work a couple of evenings a week. It paid well, exceptionally fucking well, truth be told; plus she got wined and dined and saw a bit of how the other half lived. Avril, at forty-three, despite running the house, still worked when the fancy took her. OK, she might not be willowy and winsome any longer, but she still attracted the eyes of men who liked their women ripe and rubicund. Not every day, she didn't swan around in stockings and corset and lethal heels no matter how sexy and rude those garments made her feel every day, these days she was content to play the Madam, answering the phone and greeting the guests at the door, calming the nervous and making it clear to the more boisterous that she wasn't a woman to be trifled with. Sometimes though, when in a dirty frame of mind, she enjoyed dressing for sex and riding some anonymous young bloke's big cock. Avril had asked Jenny to come in because she knew the woman didn't have anywhere to go or anyone to be with that Christmas. "You could always stay over with me." She'd invited, knowing Jenny had no one at home who would be waiting for her. Just like Avril herself in fact, and to stave off a lonely Christmas Eve, she invited Jenny to stay for the duration. Jenny had shrugged and accepted with little comment when Avril had asked her to work and extended the offer to stay over. She hadn't anything better to do after all, and she knew from experience that Avril would be decent company. They could crack open a few bottles of wine and get merrily sloshed together. "Thanks, Av," Jenny had replied, warming to the idea. But when she'd woken up that morning the reminder that, despite Avril's invitation, she was still all alone, with middle age charging towards her like Santa's fucking sleigh, loomed large. And the bloody weather didn't help her mood either. Out of habit from long years of practice, Jenny smiled at the One-Stop cashier. "And a happy Christmas to you too," she said brightly. It had started raining during Jenny's brief interlude inside the shop, a fine mist of dampness more than proper rain, an invidious spray that somehow snuck inside clothing and soaked a body worse than a real downpour. Sighing, Jenny unwrapped the packet of cigarettes. She opened it and then lit up, taking a deep drag while peering from the beneath the protective shelter of the awning at the dismal scene in front of her. Cars passed, tyres hissing against the oil-black tarmac as they slowed to negotiate the speed bumps. An elderly man holding a futile umbrella in defiance at the damp, misty air walked past with a reluctant Jack Russell following behind at the end of its lead. The entire sky seemed low enough to touch as it glowered with grey, sullen menace. The Jack Russell glanced at Jenny huddled in the doorway as it trotted past. Jenny almost burst out laughing when she read the expression on the foxy little muzzle and sad-eyed dog. "Merry fucking Christmas," the dog's face seemed to convey. "I wish I was indoors instead of out for a walk with this sad twat." There's always someone worse off. Jenny brightened, her mood lifting slightly when she thought about spending Christmas day with Avril. "Fuck it," she muttered, sighing resignedly at the rain. She flicked the half-smoked butt into the gutter. The tab-end floated away in the rush of rain water as Jenny strode quickly to her car. Thirty minutes later she heard the gravel crunch under the car's wheels after turning into the driveway of the big house. Avril opened the back door as Jenny approached quickly. The front door was for Guests only, and all the girls, even Avril herself used the door at the rear of the house. "The tradesmen's' entrance," Avril had christened it with a bawdy laugh. "We've got an hour," Avril said, "an eleven thirty appointment." "So much for a quiet day, eh?" Jenny responded as she shrugged out of her coat. Avril took Jenny's coat and hung it on a hook behind the door. "He sounded quite nice on the phone. One of the nervous brigade." Avril shrugged her shoulders. "He might turn out to be a no-show, he didn't sound too confident on the phone." "What does he want?" Jenny asked. "An hour. Full personal. Fancy a wine while you're getting dressed?" An hour, a cigarette and two glasses of Merlot later and Jenny was ready for work. She sat in the lounge on the ground floor of the house, an anachronism from some dinner party at midday in her evening dress, stockings and shoes. Wispy tendrils of hair fell loose from the fastenings holding her long blonde tresses in place. "That collar looks sexy, Jenny," Avril commented as she poured yet another glass of wine. "It's supposed to, Av," Jenny grinned, relaxed and in a more mellow mood thanks to the alcohol so early in the day. She fingered the velvet collar at her throat. "But I can't help feeling a bit daft." She gestured towards her vertiginous décolletage with one hand. "All done up like a dog's dinner at this time of day." Rolling her eyes, she added, "And half the buggers don't even notice. They just come in slavering and pawing at me as soon as the bedroom fucking door's closed." "There are some decent ones though, Jenny," Avril replied. "To be fair. They're not all dogs on heat." She eyed her friend. "You're just jaded and a little miffed. I understand. This time of year gets you down, doesn't it?" Jenny had no opportunity to respond when Avril's head lifted at the ring of the doorbell. Avril checked the slim-strapped watch that decorated her left wrist. "He's ten minutes early," she commented. Giving Jenny a lascivious grin and a theatrical wink as she left room, Avril called out, "He must be keen!" *** John Elphinstone stood on the step at the front of the house, protected from the seemingly incessant drizzle, it seemed that it wouldn't cease until May, by the covered porch. Poised on the brink of his great adventure, John experienced a heady mix of anticipation and fear. His guts twisted as he paused, finger poised to press the button. He knew that the bell would summon whoever to the door, and from then on, he hoped, with a curious half-dread spiking his belly, his life would be changed forever. "Get a fucking grip on yourself, John," he muttered. "It's only a fuck. No big deal." Ah, but, despite the nonchalance of his words, John couldn't lessen the anxiety he felt at this personally portentous moment. Then, seemingly with a mind of its own, his finger moved to depress the button. He heard the faint ring from within and waited anxiously for the door to open. What if he didn't fancy the woman? Doubt curdled his guts and he feared he might just shit himself right there. Literally crap himself. Oh, God, what if she turned out to be some wrinkled old crone or some drug addled junkie with track marks and blistered lips? He could hardly sue for false advertising. But, to his immense relief, the woman who greeted him with a smile turned out to be right up his street. "John," the woman greeted with no trace of sarcasm in her voice at his name. John hadn't even considered using an alias, but it suddenly dawned on him that he was, indeed, another John knocking on the knocking shop door. "Come in, darling," the woman added warmly, even leaning in to kiss his cheek. He caught a waft of her scent and an eyeful of her generous bosom when her blouse parted at the neck. "I'm Avril. We spoke on the phone." Sexy , John thought as he stepped over the threshold. He stood to one side and Avril closed the door. Then, as he ogled Avril's rump and legs, the woman led him along a corridor garlanded with Christmas streamers. When Avril led him into a room at the end of the hallway, John found himself struck dumb, his feet rooted to the carpet. "This is Jenny," he heard Avril say. "Oh!" John blurted in surprise. "I thought ..." A hot wave of embarrassment flushed his cheeks scarlet. Avril chuckled. "No, John. Jenny's the lady you've come to see." Recognising the young man's chagrin, and sensing the reason for his visit now she'd seen him face-to-face, Avril bade him to relax and take a seat. Avoiding Jenny's eyes, John settled into a leather armchair. "Is there anything I can get you?" Avril asked. "A drink or something ...?" She swept an arm in the direction of Jenny, who by then had straightened her back and crossed her legs, knowing the effect her pose had on men. "We're in the Christmas spirit already," Avril continued. "You might like to join us in a glass of wine, perhaps?" His mind still reeling from the shocking realisation that the beautiful woman in the long dress was shortly going to allow him access to her body, John squirmed his backside against the leather seat beneath him. "Uh," he managed to mumble. "A drink would be good. Uhm ... Yeah. Wine. Great. Thanks." "It's all right, John," Avril said kindly. "You can relax. Take your time. Get used to being here. Is this your first time in a house like this?" Avril had her suspicions but thought it crass to voice them. The poor lad was already embarrassed enough. An expression of some darker emotion flickered across John's face. "Yes," he said, nodding. "I've never been to a ..." John's speech stumbled to a halt. What could he say? Prostitute? Whore? Avril came to his rescue. "Never visited a working girl before, John?" Relieved at Avril's kind lifeline, John shook his head. "No. never," he confirmed. "Well you just relax. There's nothing to worry about. Jenny will look after you." Avril's blonde bobbed hair shimmered as she turned to her best girl. "Won't you, Jenny? You'll look after John for his first time." John flinched at the words. How the hell could Avril tell he was a virgin? Then he relaxed when he realised that she meant his first time in a professional house. "Are you sure wine would be all right, John? I could get you something stronger, if you prefer?" "No, thanks, wine will be great." John began to babble. "Can't drink too much anyway," he added. "Driving. Wouldn't want to get pulled by the old Bill for drunk driving." He mimed holding a steering wheel and grinned weakly. When Avril left the room John surreptitiously ogled Jenny. He took in her figure as best he could, what with her being seated at the time. He saw Jenny was younger than Avril by an estimated half a dozen years or so as he appreciated the plane of her cheeks, snub nose and painted bow-shaped lips. He found his eyes drawn to the plunging neckline of the dress, his cock stirring when he noticed that the woman must be close to naked beneath the elegant, backless gown. "You OK, John?" Jenny asked. John placed Jenny's accent correctly, noting the differences of enunciation between the two women. One seemed posh, Avril with her la-de-dah while Jenny came across as more gritty and down-to-Earth; Essex if he wasn't mistaken. Still, despite their apparent differences, they were both, in John's opinion, sexy as fuck. "Juh ... just a little nervous," John replied with understated truthfulness. He shrugged his shoulders, a little unnerved at being left alone with Jenny. When Avril had been in the room with them it seemed like she filled the void with her talk. Now the atmosphere felt awkward -- Just like his disastrous dates. Jenny smiled, and to her surprise the smile came naturally, not one of her professional masks. She felt sorry for the young man who seemed so obviously agitated as he stole glances at her, thinking she didn't notice his appraisal. Her voice came out soft and soothing. "There really is nothing to worry about," she said. Jenny shifted in her seat and uncrossed her legs, drawing John's eyes to the fact of her stockings. "I'll take good care of you." He wasn't a bad looking bloke. And there was a vulnerability about him that Jenny, while not quite able to put her finger on it, not just then, found endearing. Maybe she was getting soft as middle age approached? Or perhaps it was just the wine. However, before Jenny could ponder any further what it was about John that brought out the nurturing instinct within, Avril swanned back into the room. "Here we are, darlings," Avril drawled. "A fresh bottle and an extra glass for our guest." She filled John's glass and then proffered the bottle towards Jenny. "Top up, lovely?" "Thanks, Avril," Jenny replied as she held her glass up. "Now," Avril said as she settled into the leather sofa, turning her warm smile first on Jenny before moving her attention to John. "How are we getting on then? All acquainted?" Without pausing for any forthcoming answer, Avril rattled on. "May I ask, John, if it's not an impertinent question ..." She paused and sipped her own wine. "Merry Christmas!" Avril called and raised her glass in salute. Surprised at the sudden veering off topic by Avril, John blinked and mumbled in response. "Merry Christmas," he said. Jenny smirked, used to Avril's quirkiness, before repeating the sentiment with her own raised glass. "As I was saying, John," Avril continued. "If I might ask ... What brings you to our house on a Christmas Eve?" Jenny saw the evasiveness in the man's expression. Saw his eyes shift as he wriggled under the spotlight of Avril's frank appraisal. Then it dawned on her, what the vulnerable quality was, that air about him; and Jenny came to same conclusion as Avril during her telephone conversation with John earlier that morning. This bloke's a virgin. "I ... uh. I just fancied a little fun. That's all." Both women noticed how he couldn't look them in the face as he spoke. With a glance at Jenny, Avril probed gently. "Are you sure there isn't ... something else, John?" "What do you mean?" the man said abruptly. "What are you getting at?" "I think," Jenny interjected, "what Avril's asking is ..." She paused and then, after a quick look at Avril, who nodded almost imperceptibly, "well ... is this your first time? Not just with a working girl ... Is it your first time ever?" "Ah, shit," John cursed. "Is it that obvious?" He slumped back in the chair, wishing he was somewhere else. Avril eased forward in her seat. She placed the wine glass on the table and rose to her feet. After moving to stand in front of John, she raised the hem of her tight skirt to mid thigh and knelt. "It's all right, John," she soothed. "You're not the first young man to visit this house with that purpose in mind." She placed a hand on the troubled man's knee. With a wink and a grin at Jenny, Avril added, "And he won't be the last either, don't you think, Jenny?" When the blonde in the evening dress and collar gave a low chuckle, responding to Avril's question with a smile of her own, John, to his surprise, felt greatly relieved now that it was out in the open. "It's just that I'm twenty-two," John groaned. "I mean, how embarrassing is that?" He swigged at the glass goblet, draining it of Merlot in two gulps. "How sad and pathetic can I be? I've got a great job, a nice flat, but I can't get a woman to sleep with me. I have to pay for it!" Ignoring the potential for insult at John's last, venomous sentence, Avril stroked his leg again. An idea had come to her earlier, in the kitchen as she opened a fresh bottle of red. She'd half-formed a plan before even stepping back into the lounge, and, like all good plans, it was simple. "Well," Avril began. "That's the vulgarity about visiting a house like mine. It's a business after all. It's Jenny's job, her livelihood." Avril looked across and caught Jenny's gaze. "But," Avril continued, "If Jenny's amenable ..." She arched her eyebrows in question to Jenny as she uttered the final words. "If Jenny's happy, why then, why don't you pay the hundred pounds for the hour of her time -- as we discussed on the phone -- and I'll join in for a nice little fuck. We could have a fun threesome to properly get you initiated. On the house so to speak." John's jaw slackened as his mouth fell open and he stared wordless at Avril. Jenny pulled a face as though the proposal meant little to her. She shrugged. "I don't mind either way." "What about that then, John?" Avril asked, her hand moving higher on John's thigh. "I'll sleep with you for nothing. How do you like that idea? Your first time also turns out to be your first time with two women." Flabbergasted, John could only shake his head and splutter, "Yuh ... you mean ...? He looked from Avril to Jenny and back to Avril. "Both ...?" "Why not?" Avril laughed. "It's Christmas Eve, I've had a drink and I'm feeling horny; the wine always makes me frisky; I could use a nice hard cock, especially one attached to a nice young man. What do you think, John? Do you have the stamina for it? I warn you, you might be here for longer than an hour trying to satisfy me." Avril squeezed the bulge in John's jeans. "And do you want to know something else?" Avril continued, "I quite fancy Jenny myself. I wonder, Jenny..." the woman added, her expression suddenly vulpine, her voice taking on a low, dark, treacly timbre as lust burst between her legs. "... I wonder if you wouldn't mind a little threesome? And, if you didn't mind too much, perhaps I could lick your cunt?" "Fuck!" John cried out in disbelief. Jenny considered the idea. She knew of Avril's penchant for another woman every now and again. "All part of being a debauched bastard's sex toy," Avril had explained. "The things that man used to make me do," meaning her father's friend, the man who'd seduced her. "A lot of which was really fucking fabulous, darling. So kinky!" Jenny thought for a few moments and then grinned and nodded. It would be something different to the usual routine. It wasn't like she hadn't been involved in a threeway before, but the previous occasions had been purely business, this time, with Avril, her friend, it would be more ... intimate. Jenny warmed to the idea. The thought of it actually turned her on. She felt a long dormant flutter of excitement in her chest. "Yeah," Jenny said. "Why not?" And when she saw the delight on Avril's face, as well as the desire in the woman's eyes, she experienced a rush of liquid lust warm her vulva. "Merry Christmas!" she gasped and drained her glass. *** When Jenny rose to her feet, uncurled her lovely body and slid the bootlace straps of the gown over her shoulders, with the tanned upper slopes of her breasts revealed, Avril's voice broke through to John's consciousness. He'd been staring at the promise of more of Jenny's body being exposed to his hungry, lupine stare. "I'm sorry to interrupt, John," Avril said. "But let's get the vulgar business out of the way. "Oh, yes, sorry," the man apologised, suddenly realising Avril's meaning. He reached for his wallet and lifted five twenties from within its folds. He handed the money to Avril and, when he next turned his attention to Jenny, he gasped. "Lovely, isn't she?" Avril murmured. A rhetorical question, more a statement of simple fact. Jenny posed, knowing the effect her dishabille would have, especially on a virgin. While the blonde stood there, hand on a cocked hip, John stared at Jenny's legs, shaped and toned as a dancer's, their length accentuated by the lethal heels of her shoes. He saw the tanned skin of her thighs, smooth and inviting above her stocking tops, and gaped at the cleft of her depilated sex, the inner lips of which peeped shyly from between the plumper Labia Majoris . He groaned and pawed the front of his jeans as he took in the sight of Jenny's narrow waist and the rack of her brisket, and then sighed and squeezed harder at himself, staring hungrily at the sweeping uptilt of her breasts. "Fuck," John muttered. "That's the idea," Avril responded. She regarded Jenny with a critical, Madam's eye. "You're a lovely colour, Jenny. At this time of year, too. Making use of the sunbed are we?" Without waiting for a reply, Avril held the wad of notes aloft. "I'll just put this away and make myself presentable." Then, following a lengthy pause, during which Avril also appraised Jenny's curves further, she added, "Take your clothes off, John. You and Jenny get acquainted. I'll join you both presently." "You want me to take him upstairs, Av?" Jenny asked. The mature woman's eyes swept the lounge, settled on the Christmas tree with its bright baubles and winking fairy lights. She grinned. "No, darling," she breathed. "Let's fuck in here. It feels so decadent to do it down here. We'll be comfy enough." Alone with Jenny, John found himself at a loss as to how to proceed. "Can I touch you?" he asked timidly. "Sure you can. Touch me anywhere you want." Jenny settled on the settee vacated by Avril and nodded at John. "But why don't you get out of those clothes. Then we can get comfortable and you can feel my boobs." "Can I ...?" John swallowed heavily, his eyes glued to Jenny's breasts. "Can I lick you, too?" He pointed towards Jenny's vulva. "You know, down there. Can I kiss your pussy?" "If you like," Jenny agreed. "I like it ... Being licked." Then, in a calculated move, she murmured, "I'd really like it if you'd lick my cunt, John." The man gasped, lust swelling in his throat. "Kiss my pussy and get me all wet before we fuck." She stared intently into John's face and saw the hunger there. If she wasn't careful he'd squirt jizm into his jeans. "After all, John, that's why you came to see me, isn't it? To fuck me." "I ... I'm desperate for you," John gurgled as desire surged through him and sent him almost crazy with his need. He wanted to throw himself at the beautiful woman as she stroked her own skin and taunted him with smouldering eyes. His cock pulsed when Jenny, pouting, lifted her breasts in her palms and offered the fruit to him. "Get undressed and then you can touch me," Jenny breathed. "You can suck my titties and feel me all over." She smirked and, with eyes feline slits, added, "And if you like, I'll suck your cock." With a whine of desperation, lust flaring hot in his veins, John's fingers scrabbled at his clothing. Eventually, after a comedic undressing, with Jenny somehow holding back her mirth as she watched John divest himself of his clothing, he stood there, panting and naked save for his socks, an oversight during his frantic struggle to rid himself of clothing and be at the delicious woman in front of him. "Not a good look, John," Jenny said, smiling as she pointed to John's feet. "Don't worry about it," she added when, after looking down, John's cheeks flushed scarlet. "Honestly, don't worry about it, John. I understand you're nervous as hell." Jenny draped herself across the sofa and, in a carelessly wanton gesture, let her legs fall bonelessly apart. "And you're as horny as a dog with two cocks, aren't you?" she added coarsely. Jenny slid her middle finger through the folds of her pussy. "Come on. I'm all yours. Touch me." John groaned after he pulled off his socks, hopping on one foot and then the other. Then he stroked his erection, aroused to a fever pitch at the casual way that Jenny had flaunted herself. "Oh, God, just look at that," he gasped as he stared at Jenny, languid in repose. "Look at you, more like," the woman replied, pointing at his engorged member. "All big and stiff and ready for me." Suddenly concerned by his comparative naiveté, aware now, that Jenny, in her profession, must have seen ... well, she was infinitely more experienced, John experienced the typical male angst of: would he measure up? "Is it all right?" he asked. "You know ..." Aware of the fragility of the male ego, Jenny suppressed the urge to roll her eyes -- why did they always have to compete with each other? Men, they were just kids really, always needing to be faster, stronger or have a big fucking cock. Jenny nodded and assured John he was fine. "It's gorgeous, John. You've got nothing to worry about. It's big and hard and it'll feel so good when you fuck me." John, however, looked doubtful. "Are you sure?" He looked down at his erection. "I mean, don't you ... working girls give it all the talk? Don't you put on a bit of an act, like? You know ... When you're doing it?" A sudden anger flared in Jenny's chest. Of all the fucking cheek! But, she admitted to herself, he was right. Sometimes, if it was someone less than pleasant was heaving away on top of her, of course she'd lay it on a bit thick, all the moaning and panting and fake orgasms. And then she remembered how breakable her virgin might be, and on a rush of tenderness and understanding she beckoned to John. Crooking a forefinger at him, inviting him to come to her, she said in a quiet voice, "I promise you, John, that since this is your first time ... I won't pretend. If I moan or groan ... or climax even, then you can rest assured it's all a hundred percent genuine." 'You're so lovely," John sighed as he knelt on the carpet. "I just want this to be special." "I'll make sure it is," Jenny said, meaning it as she reached for John's hand. "And so will Avril. Touch me," she whispered. When his fingers touched the woman's breast for the first time, John moaned. "They're so ..." he began, both hands massaging Jenny's flesh. "I can't explain it. They feel so soft and yet spongy at the same time." Jenny laughed, not unkindly. "They're just boobs," she said, grinning. Then, her face suddenly serious as that unfamiliar sensation pulsed between her legs, Jenny murmured, "Kiss them. Suck my nipples." The lub-lub between her legs quickened and she felt herself flooding down below. Wonders would never cease. A punter had gotten to her! She was fucking turned on by the act of sharing such a momentous occasion with John. John mumbled and groaned and slurped at Jenny's tits. He mauled at her, the urgency of his inflamed desire overriding his usual good manners. "Fuck," he grunted. "You're so sexy. I can't believe I'm here, with you, like this." John gasped and leaned back, his eyes wide with the wonder of it. "I want to fuck you," he snarled. Tugging at his cock John scrambled between Jenny's legs. "I want to put it in," he whined. 'I'm going fucking crazy." Surprised and a little afraid by the sudden change in the young man, Jenny pressed the palm of a hand at his chest. "Woah, baby. Down boy. Easy tiger." She nudged John's hand from his penis, replacing his fist with her long fingers. She held him down low close to his root. "Take your time. Savour the moment. That way it'll be so much sweeter when we do ... eventually ... fuck." "But I'm so fucking hot for you!" John cried out. "I'm fucking desperate." A voice from the doorway interrupted John's lustful eagerness: "Well, well, John," Avril said. "Aren't we the ardent one?" She pointed at the young man's erection as he rose to his feet and turned to face her. "Oh my God ..." John gasped, taking in the sight of Avril framed in the doorway. He gaped at her, his eyes bulging as his jaw slackened. Recovering slightly, still staring at Avril, John blabbered, "I can't believe this is happening. The two of you ..." "You approve, darling?" Avril breathed in her best Hollywood starlet fashion. She laid a languid eyelid on her cheek in a theatrical wink at Jenny. Soto Voce , in an aside to the other woman, Avril said, "Corsets, darling. Hide a multitude of sins." She then thrust her bare breasts, a comber wave of bulging tit-flesh, in John's direction. "They hide a multitude of sins while giving the girls a little extra lift. What do you think, John? Will I do for you?" "Those tits," John sighed. Avril laughed as she walked into the room. "You like them big, do you, darling boy?" "I love them," John spluttered. "But you two, both of you are just so ... so ... It's perfect ... I couldn't have wished for anything better than this." "And I'm going to fuck you because I want to, John," Avril reminded him. "You just remember that when you go out next and chat up some girl. You," Avril said emphatically, pressing a fingertip at John's chest, "can get a girl without having to pay her. I fancy you, you and your lovely cock." Avril curled her fingers around John's tumescence. "And I'm going to suck it and let you put it inside me and fuck me. Would you like me to do that, John?" "Oh, God, yes ..." "And, since you're a virgin and there's no chance of anything nasty passing between us, I think I'll let you fuck me bare-back. No condom. I mean, a lad's first time should be all skin to skin. What about you, Jenny?" Avril said as she squeezed the length of stiff gristle in her fist. "Are you game for him to fuck without a johnny?" Avril chuckled. "John without a Johnny ... Get it?" Jenny considered this for a moment. "I suppose it's OK. I mean, there's no chance of him giving me anything is there?" "Well," said Avril, chuckling again. "Only his cock. I hope he gives us his cock ... and spunk of course. I like to watch a man's face as he comes; I love to see a cock flicking spunk out of its end." While Avril stroked his stiffness, John curled an arm around her waist and pulled her close to him. He hefted the breast closest to him on one palm, marvelling at the weight. "So fucking sexy," he gasped, rolling the round, heavy orb in his fingers. "Kiss me, John," Avril murmured. "I know it's something a lot of girls don't do, kissing, but I think you're a nice clean boy and I don't mind. Kiss me," she repeated, "it makes me wet between the legs. And then I'm going to suck your cock." She nodded at Jenny who still sat on the sofa, observing. "We'll share it between us. Both of us, John; think about that for a moment, the two of us sucking your stiffy." John pressed his mouth to Avril's and felt her lips part. Her tongue slid into his open mouth, searching for his as he squeezed her boobs and she caressed the length of him. This was unbelievable! What a stroke of luck finding that number. Two gorgeous women, both perfect for his taste. It was going to happen. He was going to get fucked; he was going to have the pair of them -- at the same time! The common one, Jenny, was absolutely stunning, a hot babe with a gorgeous body, while the other, Avril, OK, maybe not as physically pleasing as Jenny, but what a pair of tits; he loved their roundness and button nipples. And talk about a dirty mouth! John had to admit that the posh totty accent got him going too. He loved her sassy style and bawdy character. In fact, in spite of Avril's more rounded figure, or perhaps because of it, John found he was actually more attracted to Avril. Jenny, sexy as hell as she was, just didn't have the whole package. Not that he'd turn down the chance to lick and touch and fuck her, he wasn't crazy, it was just he preferred Avril. He forced himself to calm down, to hold himself in check. He'd nearly gotten carried away with Jenny earlier, had almost just climbed aboard and shoved his dick into her. But she was right. Savour it, let it all happen slowly and commit every moan and taste and texture to memory. He'd be wanking off this experience for the rest of his days. Finally, with a liquid plop, the kiss broke. Avril nudged John's chest with a hand, and the man found himself slumped next to Jenny in the sofa's embrace.   "Who first, John?" Avril asked in a teasing voice. "Which one of us do you want to suck your cock first?" When John didn't respond immediately, and how could he faced with a decision like that, Avril knelt and reached for him. "I think I'll take first suck, since I'm the boss and all." She poked a pink tongue out at Jenny before, with no further preamble, she leaned in and popped the cock-head between her lips. "Shit," grunted John, the air hissing out of him as he tore his eyes from Avril's bobbing head and stared into Jenny's face. "She's sucking me," he said, stupidly since it was plainly apparent to Jenny exactly what Avril was up to. "Can I kiss you too?" John groaned. Aroused and hot for action Jenny was surprised to find herself fingering her own pussy. She nodded. "Why not," she said, wincing with pleasure at the tingling of her clitoris. "Like Avril said, you're a nice clean boy, and I don't mind." "Kiss me as well," Avril moaned as she looked up from her work on John's penis. Her fingers moved urgently between her legs as she too fingered her gooey sex. "You kiss me, Jenny. Taste his cock on my tongue." "You're filthy, Avril," Jenny muttered, but leaned across John's legs all the same. She lowered her face to Avril's and their mouths locked. "Fucking hell," John sighed. "Look at you two ..." "Your turn now, Jenny," gasped Avril, her eyes glittering with lust. "Suck him. I want to watch it. Let me see you suck cock." Over the years, Avril had found ample opportunity to indulge her voyeuristic inclinations. It was one of the perks of the job, and since she ran the house she found plenty of opportunities to treat herself. For some reason however, Avril had curbed the urge to watch Jenny with a guest. Not that she hadn't thought about it, of course she had, but something had told her to wait for a special occasion -- and here it was, in the form of John and his virginity. The thought of seeing the virgin and Jenny fucking made Avril's cunt almost snarl with lust. She wanted to see the blonde's pussy stretched around the girth of John's cock. In her mind she already saw herself, face inches from their conjunction, pulling the boy's glistening shaft from Jenny's hole so she could lick the woman's nectar from the greasy pole. "Isn't this fun, John?" Avril said as she stared into the man's contorted face. "Look at her, look at her sucking you. Isn't she beautiful?" "Fuck, yes," John grunted as he watched Avril pull Jenny's face off his stalk. "Both of you," he gasped. "So beautiful." He tugged his cock with his fist while the two women shared yet another tongue-swirling kiss. Avril released Jenny, who immediately returned her mouth to John's cock. "Suck him," Avril moaned. "Suck that cock, Jenny." Then, inevitably, John gave a long groan. His hips jerked, buttocks lifting from the sofa as he grunted a curse. "Do it, John," Avril called out. Her eyes shone with lust, a moan bursting from between her lips as she rubbed her clit with an urgent, circling forefinger. "Wank it out of yourself, John. Jenny, he's going to come. Don't let him come in your mouth. I want to see the stuff pour out of him." Jenny gasped and let John's pulsing member slip from her lips. She levered herself upright and reached for him. "I'll do it," she said, her voice piping with her own arousal. "I'll wank it for you, John. You just sit there and let it go." "It feels so good," John gasped. He turned his glazed eyes to Jenny. "It feels better than ever before." John then looked towards Avril, and when he saw her there, on the carpet, legs wide, fingers busy at her cunt, the movement of her arm causing her big tits to shiver, he grunted and announced his imminent climax. 'I'm going to do it," he gurgled. He took control of his erection, replacing Jenny's hand with his own. "I'm going to ... going to fucking come ..." The first squirt spurted from the slit in the cock-head with such vehemence that it flew over John's shoulder and spattered against the upright of the leather sofa. Then, as he groaned and sighed, eyes rolling, his face a mask of ecstatic agony, he sprayed his seed wildly, his cock sending spurts of viscous goo in indiscriminate bursts like a madman with a machine gun. The stuff rained down onto his belly and chest, while one stray glob splashed across Jenny's body. The shimmering blob of spunk caught Jenny across her torso, just below her left breast, clinging to her skin, glistening. "Bloody hell," Jenny said. "He's coming buckets." Avril, her eyes gleaming with excitement, nodded. "The poor darling. All that pent up frustration. Did you see how it all just pumped out of him?" She rubbed herself and groaned. "All that spunk," she sighed. John sat there gasping. He looked around as though shocked. "So good," he panted. Swallowing heavily, John shook his head in disbelief. "So good," he repeated. Jenny heaved herself off the sofa. "I'd better get a towel or something." "You do that," Avril grunted. She levered herself into a kneeling position and, with her fingers still working between her legs, shuffled towards John on her knees. "You get a towel, darling," Avril said to Jenny. "I'll start cleaning him up myself." With her free hand, Avril lifted John's oozing cock. John stared down at her, his chest still heaving as he fought to recover his breath. "That's so ..." he began, and then groaned. Avril sucked at the head of John's cock, her tongue busy as she slurped the residual spunk from him. She then licked the shaft clean before licking dollops of goo from John's belly and torso with her tongue. "I'm going to come," Avril groaned. Her whole forearm moved as she rubbed at herself, goading her hot and swollen vulva to a shattering climax. "Kiss me, John. Kiss me as I come, darling." The scene that greeted Jenny upon her return was one of Avril and John engaged in a long, heavy kiss, their mouths locked while Avril grunted and moaned and John stroked his smeared cock. Slowly, as though in a dream, Jenny walked towards the sofa. When Avril, even as her limbs twitched, her orgasm cooling, sensed Jenny's presence, she looked up at the younger woman and smiled. "You too, Jenny," she sighed, extending her arm, offering Jenny her hand. "Come down here and kiss me." The three were sharing a tongue-swirling kiss, all of them vying for attention as they gasped and sighed and moaned. Then, the mobile phone rang. *** The reality of his situation raised its head to John when Avril, albeit with a muttered curse, untangled herself from the chaos of their entwined limbs and, staggering slightly on her high heels, went to answer the phone. John dabbed the towel at the semen cooling on his body and considered the situation. He'd paid for an hour of Jenny's time. That Avril had offered herself was an unexpected -- and fucking terrific -- bonus, but now, with the insistent chirruping of that bloody phone, John realised he'd already used almost three quarters of an hour. Did the clock start ticking as soon as he crossed the threshold? Did the drinks and pre-fun chat count too? Avril had said he could possibly be there beyond the hour, but did the ringing phone change that plan? A band of disappointment gripped his chest. The way he saw it, the that phone call meant more business for Jenny. John would have his fun and be out the door and the next punter could roll up to sample the delights. "Shit," John mumbled. He felt an empty void in the pit of his stomach, a hollow ache that ballooned as he imagined himself on the cold side of the door while, inside, Avril and Jenny would dismiss him from their minds and ready themselves for the next man. OK, he'd no longer be a virgin, but to think he'd be just another 'John' to the two women, that they held him in no higher esteem than any other punter who walked into the house made his stomach turn with bitterness. He had half a mind, a petulant moment where he thought to leave, to get dressed and simply go. Then he looked at Jenny, who herself had eyes on Avril. On second thoughts he would go through with it, Jenny was too sexy to resist. Besides, he'd paid a hundred quid for her time; might as well make the most of the cash. He had no concerns over his ability to perform. After what he'd seen and heard and done, he'd be hard for a week. Avril reached the phone and lifted it from the table. "Hello, Avril's," she said. "A visit? Today?" Avril frowned with the phone to her ear. "Would you be so kind as to hold on while I check the diary, darling?" A pause as she listened to the punter on the other end of the line, and then: "Thank you. I won't be a moment." Avril turned to face the couple regarding her from their perch on the sofa. She looked directly at Jenny, enquiring with an arched brow, a look that said it was up to Jenny. Jenny stared back at her friend for a few seconds before swivelling in her seat to find John stroking his cock, watching her. She shrugged. "I think the diary's full, Av." She gestured towards John with a wave. "But it's up to you. It's your business after all." Avril smirked and lifted the handset. "I'm sorry, darling, but we appear to be booked up for the rest of the day." Avril grinned as she hung up and switched off the phone. She dropped the instrument carelessly onto the table. *** John's throat swelled with emotion, his cock pulsing with excitement when he saw Avril drop the phone. He heard her say, "Good girl, Jenny. It's our boy's special day." She gave a shrug. "And what's a few quid. I'd rather have a day off and entertain a man I, even though we've just met, a man I like." Avril took several slow, deliberate steps towards the settee. "What do you say, John?" She paused and pouted, hands on her hips. "Is there anywhere you have to be? Anyone expecting you for Christmas Eve?" John, with his cock momentarily forgotten, reddened slightly. "Not today," he stammered, not quite sure at this turn of events and what Avril was leading to. "I've got to be at my mum's tomorrow ... for Christmas Day ..." Avril nodded. "OK then. It was going to be just the two of us here tonight." She thrust her chin in Jenny's direction. "Jenny and I were going to have a few glasses and a natter. But, what do you say, Jenny? Shall we invite John to stay here too? Have a little party this afternoon? And this evening we could pop to a pub and see a bit of life. What do you think? Does that sound fun?" That could be just what she needed, Jenny decided, to get out there and enjoy herself instead of brooding on about her upcoming birthday. Suddenly it seemed like the best idea she'd heard in a long time. John seemed a nice bloke, and it wouldn't do his confidence any harm to be seen out and about with two attractive women. Jenny knew from her years in the business that plenty of younger men would look at John with green-eyed envy as the trio passed from pub to pub. She made a mental note to mention it to Avril, when they had a moment to themselves -- that they should make a fuss over John, make him out to be the big stud who had two mature blondes in his stable and who could satisfy them both. "I can't think of a better way to spend the day, Av," Jenny replied, "playtime with you two now and a few drinks tonight." She winked and smiled at a gobsmacked John. Avril clapped her hands with glee. "Oh goody." She eyed the empty wine glasses. "Shall I get us a refill, my lovelies?" Then, turning her attention to John she asked, "I take it you are staying, John? For the afternoon?" The man managed, through his surprise at this turn of events, to nod in response. "And this evening? Will you be out for a few drinks with us? And then a night with me upstairs?" "Oh, God," John said in a strangled voice. "Can I? Can I really stay here with the two of you?" "I can't speak for Jenny," Avril said after picking up the glasses, "but I don't mind if you want to sleep with me tonight. I can't think of a better way of breaking your duck." John swallowed heavily and stared at Avril's big breasts. She looked fucking terrific in that corset, like something out of a dirty magazine. In fact this whole situation was like something from Color Climax; he couldn't have scripted this scene himself in his fantasies; and here he was living it in real life! "That's settled then, you'll stay," Avril finished. She turned and, with John watching her buttocks jiggle, left the room for the kitchen. "You lucky bugger," Jenny said. "I knew Avril was a big-hearted woman, kind and generous, but I've never seen her make an offer like that before. She must have taken a shine to you." "I ... I can't believe it myself," John stammered. "This kind of thing just doesn't happen to me. Maybe it isn't happening ... I wonder if I'm really dreaming, and in a minute, I'll wake up." "Would you be disappointed?" Jenny asked, moving across the settee. "Devastated." "Here," Jenny said, thrusting her breasts forward. "Touch me, John. Do I feel real to you?" John whined when his fingers touched the woman's skin. His cock jerked, swelling to full-blooded tumescence as his desire reignited. He groaned when Jenny reached for him and stroked his length. "You're so beautiful," he sighed. "Would you like to lick me? I'd like you to. I'm the only one who hasn't come yet; you and Avril are ahead of me. How about kissing my cunt and sucking my clit? Let me show you how a woman likes to kissed between her legs." Jenny pushed herself away from John, her buttocks sliding over the leather until she sat almost wedged into a corner of the seat. She casually lifted on slender leg and let her thighs fall apart. The scarlet slit gaped open in a lewd, sticky-lipped vertical smile. John stared at Jenny's swollen vulva as the woman splayed the labia with her fingertips. "Right there," John," Jenny sighed, unsheathing her clitoris to rub at the exposed nub with her middle finger. "That's where I want you to lick me. Put your tongue inside me as well, but suck my clit." Blood surged through John's veins as desire surged through him in an arterial burst of lust and, eyes wide while his mouth twisted in a silent snarl he leapt at Jenny, lunging for her, desperate for a taste. Jenny mewled and sighed with pleasure. "That's the spot, baby. Lick my clit. Tongue my cunt. Finger me. I'm horny for it. Do it hard ... Harder! Push a finger in and curl it inside me. Rub me ... Fuck ... Lick me, finger me ... That's it, lover. Get me there soon." "You dirty pair of fuckers," Avril cried when she returned. "Is it really that good, Jenny?" she asked when she saw the woman's face twisted in a rictus of agonised lust and heard the torrent of filthy exhortation gushing from her mouth. Jenny chewed on her bottom lip and stared at Avril through glazed eyes, her eyelids heavy with desire. "It's fan-fucking-tastic," Jenny grunted, mauling at her own breasts. To John she then urged, "More on my clit. Go on, suck it between your teeth. Two fingers in my pussy, now fuck me with your fingers!" Avril placed one of the two wine glasses she held onto the table. She carried the other over to the settee, sipping at the Merlot as she watched Jenny's face. "Come for us, darling," she sighed. As she held the glass with one hand, Avril squeezed her breasts with the other. She mauled one heavy orb before caressing the other, plucking at her nipples with her fingers before sliding the hand between her legs. John paused, gasping for breath as Jenny squealed at him to carry on. "Don't stop, you bastard! Keep licking me. "I'm so fucking close ..." Unsure as to just what he was doing, John nevertheless gamely returned to his task. He tried to do it all, even sometimes attempting to comply with contradictory instructions. He dabbed his tongue at her clit, probed deep into the opening to Jenny's body itself, slurping at the desire that siped from the woman in a constant dribble. He shoved two stiff fingers into her, and then a third, finger-fucking and licking until, finally, with a long, low wail, Jenny's back arched and her body convulsed. "Oh my, oh my," Avril sighed. "You absolutely lucky bitch. That looks so gorgeous." John fell away from Jenny's juddering body. He watched in awe at what he'd created. The woman was going mental, groaning and gasping, writhing and clawing at the leather upholstery; and the language that poured out of her! Jenny spat obscenities at him, her eyes flashing as she told him precisely how fucking good it felt to come. John looked up from where he lay sprawled on the carpet close to Jenny's heel scything dangerously as she thrashed and wriggled. Avril looked down at him. "I think it's time for a little fuck," the woman drawled. "After seeing her come like that, I could do with the itch in my pussy scratching. I feel fucking dirty, John." "Oh, Avril," John gasped as he hauled himself upright. "Can I fuck you now?" "You'd better," Avril grinned. "But, the question is, since it's your first time, how do you want me?" John blinked, confused by the question. "Huh?" "Do you want me missionary, doggy, standing up ... on my fucking head? What position, John? I'm asking you how you want me." John shrugged. "I dunno," he mumbled. "Come with me," Avril commanded, taking charge. "This has to be done properly. Upstairs. In bed." Leading John from the room by his erect cock, wine glass aloft, Avril glanced at Jenny. "When you've finished making a mess on my good leather settee, Jenny, perhaps you could join us?" She chuckled, with no trace of rancour in her tone at the stain on the furniture. In the few minutes that passed from Avril, supine, offering herself to him, and Jenny's eventual appearance on the scene, John had clambered onto the bed, knelt between the woman's spread thighs, and slid, balls deep into her. John fell a little in love with Avril at that moment -- after all, the first time is meant to be special --and he felt a curious cocktail of emotions with the tender moment of intimacy he shared with her. Some instinct told him to probe deeper, not to thrust too hard, but just slowly glide in and out. John watched her face as Avril's expression, honestly and truthfully told him she felt him there, between her legs, sliding deep into her body. An overwhelming sensation engulfed him, a feeling of completeness as Avril closed around his girth, her spongy wetness, the molten heat of her gripping him in a firm yet oddly liquid embrace. This was it, finally he was inside a woman. He could feel her, hungry for him as her insides clamped around his root. "Oh, God," John groaned. "Look at me," Avril sighed. "Look at my face. Look into my eyes, darling. Move with me." Avril's hips rocked as she sensed the emotion from John. "Slowly. Love me nice and slow. Let it build. Let me take you there." Jenny stood in the doorway and watched the lovers. She knew, instinctively that she had the privilege to witness something special. This was so unexpected, one of those little twists in a single day's experience that could alter the course of lives. "Oh my God," Jenny muttered. "Look at you two." Moving into the room, Jenny went quietly to the side of the bed. Avril's eyes, glazed at first, focussed upon her. "What's happening?" Avril gasped, understanding on some visceral, intuitive level that something momentous was occurring. "I ... He ... Oh, God, Jenny ..." Avril gulped, swallowing heavily as her eyes bored into her friend's. "This is so good," John sighed. "I could do this forever, Avril." "I want you to," Avril grunted. Even at that early stage she knew with clear certainty that she would have John again. She wanted him like a normal couple, not as part of a sordid business deal. As arousing as the threesome was, and seeing John and Jenny together had turned her on, she wanted John, on her own, in private, where they could explore each other emotionally and physically. "Love me, John, ride with me, darling. Fill me with your lovely cock and let it go. Come inside me. Please. We can do it again, later, all night if you want. But please," she implored, "fill me. Let it go."   John held himself up on straight arms. He looked down to where Avril's body accommodated him, the tacky labia clinging to his greasy shaft on his outstroke as though she never wanted him to leave her. Suddenly he felt the surge of his climax. "Avril," he grunted. "I'm ..." "Pour it into me. Fill me with your seed," Avril groaned. Her hips jerked and her fingernails raked the skin of John's back as the urgency overwhelmed her. "I'm coming," John gasped. "So am I!" wailed Avril. John thrust deep and hard, one, two, and then a third jerk of his hips. He thrust deeper and harder, the head of his cock nudging the woman's cervix as his seed spat out of him to flood her body. "That was incredible," gasped John as, eventually, once his climax had cooled and he slid from Avril's oozing body, he rolled onto his back, panting and with a forearm draped across his brow like an actress in an old-time melodrama. "You have no idea," Avril panted, breathing as heavily as her lover while she lay there, legs wide, John's semen sliding down the crease of her arse. "Jesus ... Jenny," Avril gasped. "He made me come so hard." Avril then turned her face to John. "In all my years ..." she began, and then stopped, too shocked at the effect this virgin had had on her to find the words to express her feelings. "I saw, Av," Jenny murmured, still not quite able to comprehend what she'd witnessed. There was more to this that met the eye. This was no simple coupling, a quenching of two thirsts, a satisfying of two hungers. There was something between these two. Jenny sensed it; she'd seen something, albeit fleeting, pass between the pair as they coupled on the big, comfortable bed. For a second or two, or perhaps three or four, Jenny felt a prick of jealousy in her chest. It seemed to her that, potentially, for as long as it lasted, that Avril and John had connected, and connected on a more spiritual, deeper level that at their genitalia. Again, the spectre of her fortieth birthday loomed, and with no pension -- not in her game -- Jenny viewed the future with trepidation. She wished for something like this for herself. Avril and John had melded, bonded in a meeting of minds and sexuality that transcended the differences in age, experience and monetary wealth. Avril's gasp pushed Jenny's concerns from her mind. "Jenny," Avril moaned. "Come here, darling. Hold my hand." Jenny moved away from the doorway, deeper into the room. "Kiss me, Jenny," Avril groaned. "Kiss me gently." Jenny lowered her face towards Avril until their lips met. The two women shared a deep, intimate kiss before Jenny broke away. "Kiss him now, Jenny," Avril said quietly, pointing to John as he watched from his side of the bed. "I ..." Avril hesitated. "I want to watch the two of you together," she murmured. "Are you sure?" Jenny asked. "It just looked to me like ... something just went on between you two." Avril rolled off the bed and gestured with a sweep of an arm. "That doesn't matter now. I want to watch the two of you together. Please. Let me watch the two of you fucking." Jenny looked towards John. "What about you, John? Do you want to fuck me?" John first regarded Avril, unsure. Something indefinable that had passed between him and Avril and he wanted to explore it further, to attempt to analyse what he felt at that moment. "I ... I'm not sure," he said. "I ..." He looked at Jenny. "You're beautiful, Jenny ... But—" Avril interjected with an impatient gesture. "John," she murmured. "We'll talk later. I know you felt it, I felt it too. But now, right now, what I want, whatever happens between us in the future ..." and Avril felt there was a future with John. For how long, she had no idea. But she was going to go for it. "... I want to watch you with Jenny. I'll be here, with you while you do it. I'll be with you both; it'll be the three of us together." "How?" John muttered. "Get on your hands and knees, Jenny," Avril ordered. "Get behind her, John. Hold her hips. That's right, open yourself up, Jenny, darling. Spread your lips like that. Offer him your cunt." Jenny knelt and rested on her elbows. She thrust her behind in the air and felt John's fingers clamp her hips. She reached back under her body with one hand and splayed her labia. Then, with a groan bubbling from her lips, Jenny felt the cock-head nudge her before it slid past the slightest resistance and filled her. Avril climbed onto the bed and pressed her body against John's. "Fuck her. Make her groan." "You're incredible, Avril," John grunted. Avril grinned and mauled her breasts before pressing the heavy mounds against the young man's torso. "I know. Now shut up and fuck her. I want to watch you come again. I want to hear her scream." Avril's palm slapped down against Jenny's trembling rump. "Come on," she shouted. "Move your arse, Jenny. Fuck that cock. Milk it, darling girl. Feel him deep inside you." John curled an arm around Avril's waist. He felt the taut fabric and hard struts of the corset under his fingers as he pulled her tight, twisting his head to kiss her while thrusting into Jenny. "Listen to you two slapping together," Avril gasped when she broke the kiss. She smacked a palm against Jenny's buttock again. "Push back onto it. Fuck him. Take him deep, Jenny." Jenny levered herself up from her elbows to rest on her palms. Looking back over her shoulder she glared at Avril. "He's already in danger of knocking my teeth out, Av. He's huge in there. So stiff and ... fuck, that's deep," she groaned, her eyes rolling. John's eyes flicked from the curve of Jenny waist to the trembling flesh of her hips and buttocks. He saw his cock sliding in and out of her body, slippery and smeared with their combined lust. He faced Avril again, glanced at her breasts squashed against him and, with a groan of sublime pleasure, locked his mouth to hers. Meanwhile Jenny had lowered herself onto a single forearm and, with her rump still high in the air and her cunt at John's mercy, reached under herself and rubbed her clit. An urgent grunt burst from John. "I'm going to come," he groaned. "Take it out," Avril instructed as she pushed Jenny forcibly on the hip. John's smeared erection slid out of the woman's body when she collapsed forward still rubbing herself and gasping into her burgeoning climax. Avril then pushed at John so he too sprawled across the bed. Moving quickly she lay alongside John and took hold of his cock. "I'm going to taste her on your prick, John," Avril said, her fist moving quickly along the shaft. "Come into my mouth. Let me taste you two together; her on your dick while you squirt into my mouth." The words sent John over the edge. He groaned and gasped and stared at Avril's concave cheeks as she sucked at the plum of his cock-head. Her fingers worked at the root of him, moving down to squeeze his testicles as though she could milk more semen from those balls. John could see Jenny's face, a twisted grimace inches from his own as she writhed and groaned, her orgasm squelching around her probing fingers. John cursed as he felt himself go. "Oh shit ..." And then the feelings washed over him. With the man's balls almost drained of fluid from his previous outpourings, Avril felt only a short squirt against her tongue. Not a bad effort, all things considered. The poor boy had maintained an erection for three orgasms in a row, which showed incredible stamina, even considering how hot and bothered he must have been in the first place. Avril slurped at the residual ooze of watery semen, rolling the goo around in her mouth until she parted her lips and let the ooze dribble over her chin. "You filthy bitch, Avril," Jenny said. "I am, aren't I," Avril replied with a grin before she scooped a finger under a long strand of spunk that shivered in a fragile thread off her chin. She slid the digit into her mouth and cleaned it with a moue of pleasure. Avril then reached for her wine glass and swigged from it. "I'm going for a shower," Jenny said as she rolled from the bed. She unfastened the straps of her shoes and kicked them from her feet. Then, after unclipping the garter belt at her waist, unrolling the stockings and removing her collar, Jenny padded from the room. "You'll stay with us tonight, won't you John?" Avril asked as she moved close to her new lover. "And will you come and see me tomorrow? After you've seen your mother?" John caressed Avril's head, the platinum blonde hair smooth under his fingers. "I'd like that," he murmured, a little shy now that the heat had dissipated and his cock had shrunk to a shrivelled giblet. "I ... I'd like to see you a lot more, Avril. If that's OK," he added hurriedly. "I'd like that a lot." Avril squirmed and twisted onto her side to look at John when she spoke. "It's crazy, we don't know each other at all, and of course there's my ... profession, but I'd like to see you again, John. Even with the difference in our ages ..." She sighed and rubbed a palm over John's chest. Her hand slid to his diminished penis. Cupping the man in her hand, Avril continued. "Did you have fun?" she asked, in a sudden change of tack. "Avril ... I ... it ..." John shook his head. 'It was just incredible, Avril. You and Jenny ... Wow. I'm going to remember this forever." They kissed, a slow exploration, lingering and so filled with tastes and textures and new sensations for John. That Avril had recently virtually gargled with his spunk and then rinsed it down with Merlot didn't put John off kissing her one iota. He loved the way her tongue slid across his and the way she sighed and moaned. He touched her breasts again, savouring the weight of them and the way the nipples stiffened at his touch. When he reached a hand down between Avril's thighs, John was thrilled by the way she opened her legs and just offered herself. "You're so wet," John sighed. "And you're getting hard again." "You make me hard, Avril." "Do you want to put it in, or shall we save it for later? You've got me for the rest of the day and all night, darling. In fact, you've got as long as you like with me." *** "Fuck." The pain throbbed, dull yet deep at some point behind her forehead, a Cyclopean ache that even pulsed with every lub-lub of her heartbeat. Jenny licked her cracked lips and rolled over with a groan, reaching for her watch on the nightstand next to the bed. Fragments came back to her from the night before -- Christmas Eve, so today was Christmas itself. Snapshot images of her and Avril and John in a series of pubs. Jenny dimly recalled the taxi ride back to the big house, vaguely remembered watching Avril and John, so obviously enthralled with one another, stagger upstairs to Avril's boudoir. Jenny groaned again when she saw the time, the hands on the watch face indicating ten in the morning. Thirst and nicotine craving forced her out of bed, and after an unsteady, somewhat bilious decent to the ground floor, Jenny first gulped a pint of water and then set the kettle to boil. She flicked on the television and watched, through bleary eyes, only half paying attention to the sight of saccharin celebrities enthusiastically doling out gifts in some children's hospital. She smoked and sipped coffee and hoped the fucking hangover wasn't going to be too dire. "Morning," Avril trilled as she appeared in the kitchen. "Merry Christmas!" "Oh yeah, a very merry fucking Christmas," Jenny croaked hoarsely. "You look way more bright than you deserve," she added as she turned to face her friend. "And you look awful, dear," Avril replied. 'It's a good job you're not working today. You'd scare the poor chaps away." Jenny grimaced and sucked at a fresh cigarette. "Well thanks a lot." She narrowed her eyes and regarded a chipper Avril as the woman bustled around the kitchen. "How come you're so full of the joys?" Even as she asked the question, Jenny held up a hand. "Don't tell me ... a hard-on put that smug smirk on your face." Reaching for the burning cigarette between Jenny's fingers, Avril sucked on it and then coughed out a cloud of smoke. "Bloody hell," she spluttered. "I'm glad I've gave those disgusting things up." Then, when she'd recovered from the coughing spasm sufficiently, Avril scolded, "And don't be so uncouth, Jenny." She laughed. "It's Christmas, I'm full of seasonal cheer and goodwill ... But yes, I've been up half the night ..." Avril's face twisted into a grin. "... Or should I say, John's been up half the night. The boy's insatiable, darling! I almost had to call for your assistance." Avril levelled a look at the dishevelled and decidedly bleary-eyed Jenny. "Not that you'd have been much help. Rat-arsed last night, weren't you." "I'll say," Jenny replied, her mouth turned up at the corners in a wry grin. "But what about you and John? You were all over each other. In public too. It was embarrassing to watch. At your age ..." she teased. "I... I like him, Jenny. I can't explain it. I'm as surprised as anyone. But we had a talk, last night, in between some very, very energetic sex." In an aside to the main topic, as Avril was prone to do, she added, "He's a quick learner, and very keen, and he's absolutely filthy, darling. He had his tongue squirming in my anus while he used two fingers and a thumb on my cunny and clitty." Avril rolled her eyes at the delicious memory of her lover's wriggling tongue probing her sphincter. "But we'll just see how it goes. No expectations, no promises ... Other than I'm going to stop working and just run the house from now on. No more fucking the guests." Avril's expression turned sly and she smirked. "But we might have some fun with other people as a couple. I've tried monogamy and it just doesn't suit me. I'm too much of a randy slut, but as long as John and I are clear on boundaries, I think we could have a little fun together." But Jenny was no longer paying any attention to Avril's heartfelt outpouring. Instead she was distracted by the television. She blinked and stared at the screen as a talking head of a newscaster, the news having briefly replaced the hospital programme, blathered on. "Fucking hell!" Jenny cried suddenly. Turning to Avril, cigarette smouldering in the ashtray, her coffee forgotten. With the hangover relegated to a distant point in her consciousness, Jenny blurted, "A pen, Av ... Quick, I need a fucking pen. Oh my fucking God!" she cried, her fingers in her mouth. "I don't believe it." "What? What is it?" Avril demanded, her face creased with shock at Jenny's outburst. "Just give me a fucking pen, Av. Quick." Avril, not understanding the reason for Jenny's urgent demand, but responding all the same, scurried to a drawer in the kitchen counter. She rummaged for a few moments before, with an exclamation of triumph, raised a pen into the air. "I've found one!" "Give it to me, for fucks sake," Jenny said as she grabbed wildly at the pen. She scribbled a series of numbers onto her forearm as they slid across the screen under the newscaster's jaw. "What the hell's wrong, Jenny?" Avril asked when, after following her friend upstairs, she found Jenny in the bedroom she'd occupied the night before. "Oh my, God ..." Jenny gasped after scrabbling in her purse. "What? Will you tell me ... What on Earth's the matter?" "I've won!" Jenny cried out, holding a piece of paper in the air. "The lottery, Avril. The big draw last night. I bought a ticket yesterday on the way here. Oh, Avril. I've won the fucking lottery!"   by geronimo_appleby ©   * <   >   Q: Why does Dr. Pepper come in a bottle? A: Because his wife died. * <   > Q: What’s the difference between a pregnant woman and a light bulb? A: You can unscrew a light bulb. The Bet by Cris Helmare   Author’s note: This is a story I wrote back in 2000 for Score magazine for first North American Serial rights. Upon publication, I was appalled to find that several sections had been edited with my original text replaced with what the editor apparently thought was better. I was so pissed that I’ve never submitted anything to Score since. I seriously doubt they’re smarting from my lack of submissions, though. This is the first time it’s been posted in its original form. ~Cris         There are some women who don’t mind flirting. A suggestive comment is replied with another. But there are also women who will try to sue you to the last penny if you even mention that they look nice. Fortunately for Greg, the woman he worked with at the office was the former. Her name was Qris Jonsson and she was not only extremely attractive, but built like a wet dream.       “What kind of name is KWIS?” he’d asked her once trying to pronounce it (don’t all ‘Q’s have a ‘W’ sound after them?).       “It’s pronounced KRIS, and it’s a very unique name. Like me ,” she’d answer with a suggestive look.       But at the moment, Greg was in his office cube watching Gail, the new sales rep, make photo copies. From his vantage point behind her, she couldn’t see him admire her form. As she bent over the machine, her suit jacket lifted to reveal the curve in her derrière. She was another knockout, but of a very different type. She was quite the prude. Any sexual innuendo either went completely over her head, or she would admonish you severely for being a pervert. She was a few years younger than Greg, say, in her early twenties, had short shiny jet-black hair and a pale complexion. Her eyes were of such a light blue that they almost seemed white. She tried to cover up her top heavy figure with overly dowdy business suits with long jackets, but there was only so much she could conceal.       He imagined coming behind her and pushing her jacket up to completely reveal her curvaceous cheeks under a tight skirt. In his fantasy she was leaning over the copier and turned to smile at him as he pulled down her skirt and panties.       “I really want you to fuck my ass,” said the fantasy prude. He slipped his stiff one inside her while he reached over to unbutton her jacket, rip open her blouse and fondle her grapefruit-sized breasts. As he pumped her tight asshole, she cried out: “Yes! This is what I want! Pump me full of cum!” “I think she’s a closet S & M freak, myself,” came a very real voice in Greg’s ear. He bolted upright, caught in the act of staring at Gail’s behind. It was Qris, so it was okay. She laughed. “I know where your mind was at!” Greg smiled. “You like her, huh?” Qris asked. After a moment’s thought, he answered, “She’s... interesting.” “As interesting as me?” she asked in her ‘alluring voice’ as she ran her hand suggestively up the side of her body. It was another joke, but man ... when she did that, his blood pressure rose. As usual, his cock was already rock hard beneath his desk. Sure, Qris was tall and shapely, but where Gail was busty, Qris was huge. Impossibly so, he often thought. He’d have been impressed had he seen her picture in a big tit magazine, but as a colleague in the world of business her figure was even all the more bizarre. About the size of a pair of watermelons, Qris’ twin behemoths stuck out a majestic foot in front of her ribcage. On cold winter days, those monsters could sprout dick-swelling nipples as thick as a pinkie finger. Yet, Qris’ face was beautiful too, with high Norwegian cheekbones and deep brown eyes set in a face framed by shoulder-length auburn hair. In her early thirties, her office attire was typically lightly conservative. She didn’t try to cover up or highlight her feminine assets. Mind you, there wasn’t anything anyone could do to try to cover up her assets. “... Different than you,” he finally responded. “ I’ll say!” she smiled. As she sat down beside him, one of her massive breasts came to rest on his desktop. “Do you think Gail’s a virgin?” she asked. “Is the sky blue?” Greg responded. “You’re so sure?” “What... you don’t think so?” He was surprised. “Just because somebody acts a prude, it doesn’t mean they abstain,” she said. “I just can’t see anyone getting past that frigid attitude of hers,” Greg replied. “I’ll bet you she’s done it,” Qris said. “No way.” “ Way ,” she retorted. “We could find out.” “All right,” he said. “What do ya want to bet?” She thought for a moment or two, and then a mischievous little smile spread across her sensuous lips. “What is it?” he asked. He knew that look. She’d thought of something devilish. “High stakes bet?” she asked. “Sure,” he replied. Now he was really curious. “Whoever wins the bet, gets to see the other in their skivvies.” Immediately, his pulse raced with the thought. Was she kidding? He managed to force a laugh, although he didn’t find it funny. “I’m serious!” she said. “How would we arrange something like that?” “How about we rent a hotel room nearby, and then at lunch, we head over there and the loser shows all?” she suggested. “You must really want to see me in my underpants,” he said. “I do ,” she replied in an overly sensuous tone. He thought about it for a moment. This wasn’t just their typical sexual innuendo banter. She meant this. “What do we do after the loser shows almost all?” he asked. She smiled. “You put your clothes back on and we go back to work.” “You mean,” he said, “you put your clothes back on.” “Does that mean you take my bet?” she asked. After a moment he said, “You’re on. But how are we going to find out?” “Easy,” she replied. “One of my friends is good friends with one of Gail’s. Let’s go ask her.” “Right now?” “Sure,” she said getting up. “Why wait?” So Greg followed Qris’ gyrating posterior across the building to customer service. In no time at all, Qris’ gossipy little friend yakked all about Gail’s “secret” sexual antics (apparently, she was only a prude at the office). When Qris’ acquaintance finished her diatribe, Greg looked at Qris. She just stared at him with a devilish grin.   They drove to the motel in separate cars. When he got there, Greg found that Qris was already inside, waiting. She had drawn the curtains and was sitting in the darkness in a trench coat next to a boom box. She had turned a goose-necked desk lamp up so that it acted as a spotlight. “Wow,” he said, “you’re really into this.” “Wouldn’t you be?” she asked. She had a point. He’d have given anything to see Qris in bra and panties. “Okay,” he sighed, “let’s get this over with. What do you want me to do?” “Just get in front of the light and start taking off yer duds while I play some mood music.” The “mood music” turned out to be the stripper’s dance, of course. He stepped out into the light and began to remove his clothes. He even got into it a bit at the end, twirling his socks around suggestively. Qris laughed and clapped. Finally, Greg was down to just his pants. He pulled these off with a flourish and then stood there arms wide. “That’s it,” he said. “I hope you’ve enjoyed the show.” It’s a good thing, he thought, that I’m in good shape, or this would’ve been really embarrassing. “You get an ‘A’ for effort,” she said, standing up. “And I’m impressed. Part of me wondered if you’d go thru with it.” “Yeah, well, now that I did, let’s get back to work,” he said and bent down to pick up his things. “But the Show’s not over,” she said. His heart skipped a beat and he froze. What was she going to do? Qris changed the music on the boom box. Now it was dance music with a deep beat. “I think you’ve earned this,” she said and unbuttoned the trench coat. Greg looked up to see Qris emerge from the darkness behind the lamp in a short-cropped tee shirt and spandex miniskirt. She began to dance a pulse raising dance. He could tell her breasts were still holstered in some massive bra by the way they bounced, but it was still a very arousing performance. “Now I get to see something I really wanted to see,” she called over the music as she stared at his crotch. Naturally, her performance was getting a reaction from his cock. Her dance hadn’t really been necessary. Her just standing there would’ve gotten him aroused. But her little act was getting him extra hot and his tool strained under its cotton sheath, distending the fabric considerably. “You don’t play fair,” he said. “Never,” she cooed and shook her shoulders so that her mammoth pontoons bounced about within the super bra’s confines. Finally the music stopped and she stepped up to within a few paces of him. She looked down at his pumped up organ tenting his briefs. “Big ‘un you got there,” she said. “Likewise,” he said. She smiled. “I’m sorry,” she lied, “but once I got you in your skivvies, I couldn’t resist the tease... Should we go back to the office now?” “I guess,” Greg said dumbly. “Or should I level the playing field?” She asked and dropped her skirt to reveal black lace panties. “You’ve been such a good sport, after all.” And with that she hiked the tee shirt up and over her head to reveal her mighty wonders bulging within the biggest bra he’d ever seen. It was all black and much of it was so shear he easily made out the shade of her areolae. It supported her well enough, but it was also cut low and a tad tight so that her cleavage bulged out. She stepped up closer so that her incredible leviathans were a mere inch from his chest. “Oh man, Qris,” he said, his breathing shallow. “Do you like?” she cooed. “You know what I’d like?” “What?” “To see that big dick of yours out in the open,” she husked. “Would that be okay? Even if I’m still in my undies?” He couldn’t speak. His heart raced and his head was spinning. Was this really happening? Finally, he managed to nod briefly. She pulled his briefs down. His pecker popped out stiff and throbbing. Its head was bloated and scarlet. A small drop of pre-cum was building at the tip. She stood as close to him as she could without her bosoms touching him. “Now what?” he managed to whisper. She smiled her devilish smile again and he felt her fingers lightly stroke the underside of his penis. He gasped. “You like that?” she teased. “Oh yeah...” His voice was barely audible. “Do you want to see more?” she asked and without waiting for a reply she unhooked the front of her titanic brassiere and let free her ponderous bags of flesh. They were spectacular! His member bucked at the sight of them undulating before him. They were so big! Their texture so creamy. They seemed to have a life of their own, these super blown blimps of lust. A pair of bowl-sized aereolae, swollen with desire, was capped with thick rubbery deep pink nipples that pointed at his chest. They enlarged beneath his gaze in the cool air, seemingly trying to reach out for him. “No touch,” she said. “Just watch.” And with that she jiggled her colossal poon before his eager eyes while her fingers played lightly with his distended pulsing cock. Soon she had him visibly shaking under her caresses. “Oh, Qris,” he quivered. He couldn’t get over how big she was. He wanted to grab those bobbling watermelons so badly. Her succulent nipples grew thicker and harder as her own desire began to mount. Soon they rivaled the tips of his thumbs in size. Precum oozed freely from his cockhead now and she used it to lubricate her ministrations. He let out a deep moan. “You like that?” she teased again. He nodded. “Would you like to touch my breasts?” she asked. “Do you want to feel how soft they are? How full they feel? Could you handle it if I let you sink your hands into my big soft bosoms?” She finally took his hands and placed them on her velvety overstuffed pillows. “Oh, Qris, you’re so... so... Ohhh! ” he moaned, barely able to stand as she returned her hands to his cock. “What were you saying Greggy?” she teased. “Are you gonna pump in my hands, Greggy?” she cooed, teasing his pole faster. He felt like a teen having sex for the first time with a more experienced, older woman. She had him right where she liked it. And so did he. “Are my boobies big enough for you?” she asked in a husky whisper while she slowly shook her shoulders. Her corpulent sacks bounced maddeningly beneath his touch. “Oh yeahhh... ” he said as he squeezed and fondled her doughy dugs. He stroked them, his hands passing over acres of tit-flesh. He hefted them in his palms. They were heavy. She began to push her monstrous tits into his chest now, slowly forcing him to the bed. The sensation of her big thick nipples rubbing against his chest only made him more delirious with ecstasy. She put her soft soft lips to his and gently caressed his mouth. “How long can you take this?” she whispered. “Not...” he gasped again as her tongue slid into his mouth, filling it with her soft muscle. When she pulled it out slowly from between his lips a moment later, all he could say was: “Uhhh!” His eyes glazed over. He sunk his hands deep into her voluminous udders. She knew he’d burst in any moment. Her tongue continued to tease his, darting in and out of his open, panting mouth. With one hand she cupped his balls and with the other she felt his cock swell yet again as she stroked his tool, slick with pre-cum. “Do it, baby!” she squealed. “Cum!” She stared into his eyes. They were wide... wider... wider! “Pump for me!” she whispered and pressed her glorious globes into his chest one last time. He tensed and then hot semen exploded into her hand in fast heavy gushes. “Oh yeah ,” she cooed to him with a delicious smile. “That’s it... Cum for Qrissy...” Again and again his organ erupted. She engulfed his phallus between her legs and pumped his member with her hips. He gushed load after load between her thighs while her tongue dove deep inside his mouth. She wrapped her arms around him, causing her leviathans to bulge explosively to the sides. She stroked him dry like that, her hips pounding, her legs drenched in spunk. The backs of his legs were now against the edge of the bed. When he finally finished cumming she pushed him back with one mighty shove of her whopping torpedoes. He lay there exhausted and happy. She let him relax there a moment with his eyes closed and his legs splayed apart while she went to rinse the cum off her legs. A short while later he heard her come back into the room. She was such a sight to behold. “You don’t think my breasts are too big for my frame, do you Greggy?” she asked and spun around slowly for him to view her from all sides. He was struck by what good shape she was in. Her back was extremely muscular. It would have to be, he realized, to carry that weight around all day. “You must work out a lot,” he said. “Every day for a couple of hours, lover,” she said. “I need to keep fit, ‘cause these babies are really heavy. But you didn’t answer me. Do you think they’re too big?” she moaned and brought her arms together, squeezing her stupendous orbs between them. They bulged obscenely before him. “I like them like that,” he replied. She smiled and knelt between his legs, pressing her velvety mountainous globes against his crotch. Once again his tool began to inflate. He couldn’t believe that any of this was truly happening. It had always been his fantasy to get Qris into bed and now that it was happening it was better than he’d ever imagined. “This is some lunch hour,” he said. “Do you like this?” she cooed again. She was wrapping her melons around his tool now. “Do you like it when a girl’s aggressive?” “I like it when you are,” he said. “I put some baby oil between my breasts,” she said, his cock now engulfed between those velvety pillows. It felt wonderful inside her cleavage: warm and soft. He felt the delicate, yet firm pressure increase as she pressed her elbows together, squeezing her abundance around his cock. Slowly, she began to pump her whoppers up and down on his still swelling shaft. It was an incredible sensation as these burgeoning planets rode his shaft, their nipples pointing at him. Greg let out a low moan of satisfaction. “Don’t you want to come?” he asked her. “Oh, I will, baby, “ she whispered. “I will .” Up and down her distended megajugs slid over his tool. He looked down to see her staring back at him hotly. His member never appearing into view from the cleavage of those massive gunnysacks. “This sure beats bantering sexual innuendoes in the office,” he said. She mouthed the words: I’M...GOING...TO...MAKE...YOU...POP! She suddenly stood up. He couldn’t get over how hot she looked! Her massive udders bobbled about. Her aereolae were so swollen they seemed like honeydew halves bulging out of her breasts. Each topped off with wicked scarlet nipples the size of thumbs. If he thought they’d gotten large from the cold, that was nothing next to their size when she became aroused. “Now it’s my turn,” she said and straddled him, stupendous gourds dangling above him. “I’m gonna fuck you, Mr. Greggory.” Her box was dripping as he felt her outer labia brush his dome. This is it, he thought. I’m actually going to fuck Qris! Her beautiful brown eyes locked on his as she began to impale herself on his turgid pole. A grin spread across her face as if to say, Yeah, this ain’t no dream, you’re inside me! Slick and tight, it was wonderfully warm and soft within her. She bent down and dragged her humonguous duffle bags across his chest and stomach with each stroke of his organ. He fondled her mighty treasures while she brought them both closer and closer to orgasm with each stroke. “Is this good, Greggy?” she asked yet again. “Do you like my boobies caressing you like this?” He nodded. It was so delicious that he was surprised that he was lasting as long as he was. Her cunt was so tight and slick... her breasts were so powerfully enormous ... and then there was Qris’ face. She was so sexy: her eyes burned with desire (and she never took them off of his) and her lips were full and pouty. “I can’t take much more of this,” he warned her. She brought her lips to his ear and whispered. “Tell me that I’m big.” “Oh Qris... “ he was getting close. “ Tell me, ” she insisted, teasing his lips with her tongue. “...You’re big,” he said. “ How big?” she giggled. Apparently, this really helped get her off. “You’re really big,” he said and moaned. She mashed her immense bloaters into his chest and picked up the pace on her strokes. “Oh, yeah!” she moaned and kissed him deeply, her tongue playing with his. “I can’t believe how huge your tits are!” he cried when she withdrew her lips for a moment. And it was true. He found it difficult to believe that this super bosomed vixen was fucking him now in a motel room during his lunch break. And she was the biggest breasted woman he’d ever seen! “Tell... me... again...” she managed to say while she bucked his tool quite furiously now, her monster jumbos flopping fiercely against his chest. “They’re so big... So soft... So huge...” She lost it. Her mouth formed a big “O” and her eyes rolled up into their sockets. Grinding her pelvis against his, he felt a flood of juices pour from her box. She grabbed his head and shoved his mouth against one of her super thick nipples. He sucked it in gladly only to feel her body shake in convulsions. A scream was torn from her throat as she writhed atop him. It was way too much for him. This vision of Qris gone animal in climax shoved him over the edge and with a fierce upthrust his cock exploded deep inside her canal. His cry was muffled by the titanic zeppelin smothering his face, one of her distended teats drawn deeply within his mouth. He could feel her body still shuddering in waves of orgasm as he pumped load after load far inside her. When he finished cumming, he held her tight as the last of her orgasms rippled through her body. Finally, as she regained her focus, she looked down on him and smiled. “Oh, baby,” she whispered, “that was incredible.” She cupped his face in her hands and she kissed him deeply, playing with his tongue. Eventually, he grew soft and slipped out of her. She rolled off of him and lay there on her right side looking back at him, her head propped up with an arm. Her huge left breast sat on top of the right one, squashing it somewhat. He gazed at them for a while as they rose and fell slightly with her breathing. Her now soft nipples still pointed at him, but had shrunken to only a quarter inch in height. Her areolae had deminished as well, yet they retained their large diameters. “I have a confession to make,” she said after a few minutes. “Oh, really?” he responded, reaching out to caress her hefty wonders. “I stacked the deck. I’d already talked to Gail’s girlfriend before I came over to make the bet with you,” she admitted. “Is that so?” he said. “Uh-huh,” she replied and lightly stroked his cheek. “I knew I’d win the bet in advance.” “I suppose I should be angry with you,” he mockingly chided. “Do you forgive me?” she asked in a little girl’s voice. She drew close to him once more, her lips teasingly brushing his. “Is there anything I can do that would make you forgive me?” she asked and brought her other hand to his once again stiff member. “I suppose we could call in that we got sick during lunch and couldn’t return,” he suggested. “After all, we work in different departments. I doubt anyone will make a connection.” He reached around her and pulled her to him tightly, her obese orbs bloating voluptuously out to the sides. “Mmmmm,” she said, “I suppose this will take a bit longer than a typical lunch hour.” He smiled. “After all, three years of sexual innuendoes and flirting can’t be satiated in 60 minutes.” Once again she guided his missile into her waiting silo. “Or even an afternoon,” she said and impaled herself on his shaft. This time it was his turn to stroke and having cum a couple of times already, he could last a lot longer now. He pounded into her tunnel mercilessly while she begged for more. And the afternoon had only just begun. Yeah, there are some women who don’t mind flirting, and Greg was glad that some women, one in particular, wanted to do a whole lot more than just flirt.   Copyright © 2000 pornography generation Redshift May 2013   i think too much about throwing up about emptying that which people tell me is wrong. to society i am disgusting i am too fat i am repulsive "no one wants to look at THAT" they say. because beautiful is malnourished bones thighs that don't touch stick-thin arms bony ribcages... it has been POUNDED INTO ME that beautiful is NOT what i am that beautiful is achieved by the shape of your body... and maybe i'm not a perfect size maybe my stomach isn't flat maybe my thighs are chubby maybe i'm not a lot of things but i believe that i AM beautiful... and no amount of ugly hearted people who tell me that i am not will get to me. i was made like this and i would not change it for the world. suck it, pornography generation. not everyone is going to look like a porn star. in fact, hardly anyone. stop holding us to that standard, because it is ridiculously unrealistic.   Written by   Redshift  F   A Few Christmas Naughty Tales   Woman’s Story: Mile-High Masturbation I got turned on by a great story my husband told me about being masturbated by the woman who sat next to him on a night bus trip. Next time we were traveling together we decided to do the same. We were flying to a northern city for Christmas. The plane was packed. After the meal was served and tidied away most people fell asleep. I was by the window and my husband was in the middle. I put the blanket over him and as he pretended to sleep, I unzipped him and started on a slow hand job in the dark. He put out so much precum his whole shaft was soon wet and he came on my hand and on the blanket in a few minutes. The woman sitting on the other side of him, facing a little away, squirmed a little in her seat as my husband came, and she turned toward me a bit afterwards and gave me a great big smile. I was very wet after this and excused myself to go to the toilet. I had a beautiful orgasm there, with another woman just outside the door waiting to be next!   Man’s Story: On-the-Job Training Our office division secretary is an average looking 23-year-old strawberry blonde. At our last Christmas party she got really drunk and wanted to sober up before going home. I decided to help her down to the break room and get some coffee. As we opened the door we surprised another female coworker giving two of our sales managers blowjobs. As they hurriedly left, our secretary laughed and pointed at them. A little later she started laughing again and said that she wished she knew how to give a good blowjob. Figuring she was just drunk and talking out of her head, I jokingly told her that when she was ready that I'd be glad to help her out. She never really sobered up so I got another of our female coworkers to take her home. A week later as our New Year's Eve party ended, our secretary pushed me into my private office, and thanked me for what I'd done. Then she told me that she wasn't that drunk when she said what she did and wanted to take me up on my offer. She then unbuckled my belt and pulled my trousers and briefs to the floor. She told me she was ready to learn how to be a great cocksucker as she stroked and licked my cock. That's been almost a year ago now and the lessons are continuing.   Man’s Story: It Was in the Cards During Christmas 2001, our friend visited us. Both my wife and I had not seen Frank for over seven or eight years. On Christmas Eve, the three of us were playing cards and watching TV. To make the game challenging, we agreed that the winner would get blindfolded and get a 20-minute body massage by one of the two losers, without knowing which one. My wife won. We put the blindfold on her eyes and rested on her stomach. Frank started giving her a massage in the shoulder area. She was quiet and relaxed. As Frank's hands moved closed to her under arms and breast area, she opened her mouth and started to breath harder. Then she lifted her legs, and her nightgown slipped and exposed her legs. I could not help but come closer and touch her legs. She did not mind having four hands on her, not knowing whose hands were where! When I moved my hands up her legs, Frank started to move his hands closer and closer to her breasts. Then he worked his hands under her nightgown and started to squeeze her breasts. I pulled her panties down as Frank pulled up her nightgown. At that point, she had nothing on except the blindfold! She was smiling and sometimes laughing while asking, "Who is up and who is down?" She did not hear an answer back! Both Frank and I got naked and switched positions. Frank started to kiss her by her belly. Then, he went down kissing her in her vagina. She started to move and breathe harder. I brought my body closer to her until my dick was near her face. She pulled my dick and started to suck on it. Frank and I switched positions. I was kissing her as she was sucking on Frank. She pulled off her blindfold and started rubbing on Frank's ass. I was so hot. I started fucking her as she was sucking Frank, and I came inside her in less than a minute. She rolled Frank over and sat on the top of Frank until he came. Then she pulled both of us by her and said, "Merry Christmas!!! This is the best Christmas gift you ever gave me!"     * <   >         4-4-5 Christmas at the Bar by CopperSkink ©   Let me tell you what, I'm in a good mood. I just can't help meself! Christmas lights, Christmas songs, Christmas outfits on pretty girls, and Christmas booze. Hi, I'm Derrick, and this is part five of my story. I'll be done after this, so I want to make this one a good'un. I'll start this show off on a non-particular day at work, where my old boss let me come back to put some time in, seeing as it was the holidays and I needed some cash. "Hey, beautiful." That was said to me, not the other way around. Jess, the hottie bartender, slid up next to me behind the bar and gave me a huge kiss on the cheek. I turned to her and returned the kiss, though I caught her more on the lips, and she fixed our buss so it was something a tongue could come out and dance to. We are in Rotterdale, after all. The owner came around to scold us, though even she was too full of the holiday cheer (also known as "Julie's Nog") to give us anything less than a huge smile when she did. Jess took off with a smile of her own as well as a wink, and her skirt mysteriously flipped up with her hop off. "See you later, beautiful," she said. Damn, that Jess has a sweet ass. Being that it's the holidays, I just might take that for a Christmas spin. Shit, maybe tonight. Normally I never would, but she was so happy to see me when I got back, and I just can't think of unpleasant things lately. It was boxing day at Julie's. Not the day after Christmas, more like the first Sunday of the month that saw boxing all day. Those that didn't go to Rotterdale Event Center to watch the show live came instead to Julie's to watch on any one of our rather large screens (too big to watch "The Big Game" in public, but nobody gives a fuck about that professional shit in this town), keeping us busy all day long. My dear girlfriend Cindy had secured herself a permanent stool next to her twin Sara, who was making eyes at me all day. The two would occasionally slip outdoors to stretch their legs, but they'd always return to keep me company whilst I "kept the wicks greased." This doesn't matter, but that was a really bad metaphor for getting the locals drunk. See, our town mascot is "The Bomb." Big, round, shiny black ones with long, erect, err... fuzes. Fuze, wick, alcohol, saturation; you let that image work for you however you want. I just smile and serve the drinks. I leaned in for a kiss with Cindy, who, after delighting my lips with hers, turned my chin to face Sara to get more of the same. Me, I was serving behind the bar with Jess, who always pulled the all-pay-per-view shift on boxing day. Cindy and Sara had just watched me kissing Jess with smiles on their eyes; it was well known I was dating Cindy at that time and that she'd "remained faithful" to me during my "absence", so it was quite impressive for me to mack on the barmaid in front of her and her sister (very much in public, anyways; neither of them cared), whom was rumored to share in on mine and Cindy's relationship. "She's pretty," Cindy said to me after one more over-the-bar kiss, referring to barmaid Jill. Once again, like clockwork, she used her chin to nudge my face to her right, where her twin's warm lips were waiting to greet me. "I'm surprised you haven't slept with her yet." I let my tongue linger with Sara's for just a moment more. "I have," I said, propping myself up on my elbows, leaning across the bar. "Like, almost a year ago now." "Was she any good?" Cindy was on an elbow of her own, and her fingers were tracing mine on the bar. Sara was watching the screen idly, but her own fingers were curling themselves through a loose strand of her twin's hair. "Eh." Despite having honestly enjoyed my time with Jess, I wasn't above a little harmless flattery that expressed the absurd idea that no cooter was worth mentioning in the presence of modelesque Cindy. Something like that. She took it as encouragement. "I'm sure she's got better in a year, with all the attention she gets working here. You should try her again." In response, I leaned in again and kissed her more earnestly. Sara's hand landed on where ours were joined, and when I backed away, I saw Cindy had been caressing Sara behind her neck as though it was her she was kissing. Then she gave her that look like there was a secret between the two, a secret that I happened to know. It was enough to give a fourth-grader a beaming erection. Me, I was a mature adult. I waited until their lips briefly brushed together before my "Christmas tree" "got turned on", which I could get away with, it being hidden behind the bar. The sleigh bells hanging over the door rang, the nearest waiter hollered out the house greeting, and many sets of eyes were cast to the door, and no one was disappointed. Dressed in a fine winter coat, boots, and jeans was Salamandy Ravenlock, a woman with whom I shared a special and rather surprising love of late. She saw me right away and rushed right over. Cindy and Sara were also staring, and to my surprise, they were both smiling rather pleasantly, and their smiles persisted even until Sally pulled up next to them at the bar to kiss me over the counter. I think I was setting a record for how many different women's tongues I had in my mouth that day. She glanced shyly at her twin sisters, but they seemed happy to see her. That's strange, by the way. There's always been great tension between them, like mixing Carolina-Blue and Duke-Blue in the wash. Your clothes just come out looking like they've been through war. "Hi, Mandy," Cindy said rather enthusiastically. She even reached for her neck and pulled her close until they were kissing. Sara and I were watching closely along with other patrons, and we weren't disappointed when Cindy pushed forward, parting her jaws to let her tongue press forward. Mandy's mouth opened in response, and those as close as Sara and I could see their tongues dance for a brief moment through the parting of their lips. When Cindy let go, she was beaming, and Sally didn't have a chance to think about it before Sara went for a turn of her own. Always determined to outdo her twin, Sara let her tongue linger a little longer, parted her lips for the two of us to see a little bit better, moaned ever so quietly. "So... umm... I was wondering..." Sally was actually looking flustered. I'd caused that look on her face several times in private, but I'd never seen her looking so vulnerable in public. "So... Derrick..." Her eyes flashed back to the twins as though they were a wall between Sally and me. "The girls and I, we were gonna... if you wanted... do you wanna come to a party?" She then looked to the twins, who were simply giving her their attention rather than being noisy between themselves as they were wont to do when anyone on the planet tried to get their attention. "You guys can come too, if you want. It's just a couple of friends and family, nothing too crazy." "Hard to imagine that party being small if you're inviting all your sisters," I joked, trying to ease the apparent tension. I turns out I needn't have worried; Cindy was quick to recommend to both Sara and me that we accompany her, since she was definitely going and could hardly go without her boyfriend or her twin. "You wanna watch the main event with us?" Sara then asked after agreeing to make an appearance. She was very much her own person, and she would just as soon go off to a party by herself as go with her twin. Still, I felt the same warmth in her as Cindy in being so painstakingly kind to her raven-haired sister. Cindy and Sara are achingly blond, by the way. Sally nervously took a stool next to Sara. Jess, always having an eye for pretty girls, scooted up before I could blink, handing Sally a menu. "Drink, beautiful?" Didn't she just call me that? Sally ordered something with quite a bit of alcohol, then she got stuck between a steak and a certain soup that had originated in the Garden. "Why don't you get them both?" Sara offered. "I'll help you with it." "And some hot wings," Cindy added. "Haven't you guys been here all day? You haven't eaten yet." "It's dinner time," Cindy snot. "What makes you think we've been here all day?" "Your cushions have ass-marks in them." Am I dreaming, or are these three actually getting along? The three of them slaughtered the food when it arrived, and Sally killed two hefty nogs besides joining her sisters in the obligatory pint of stout that went with Rotterdale boxing. She got up to leave along with everyone else when the show ended, and both the twins gave her long hugs goodbye. I got one as well, though I had to take a break so she could have a private word with me outside. That private word turned out to be a very long kiss, which she ended by letting me know how very much she was looking forward to having me at the party. The twins were there, again, watching me kissing Sally this time. What a strange feeling that was, kissing the girl I loved while my girlfriend and my consort watched on. I only knew for sure that whatever I was feeling for Sally, there was something buried inside her that felt the same way. I couldn't feel shame about kissing her if I wanted to. When she was gone, Cindy jerked her head, as a person does, towards the back where the employees take their breaks. She and Sara looked quite delicious wrapped up in their coats again, and soon both pairs of arms were wrapped around me, both pairs of lips taking advantage of my break. When it was just the three of us, I couldn't much tell one from the other. Not from the way they looked, and not from the way they acted. Normally Cindy would come visit me at work to spend my breaks with me, and we'd make out roughly just for the hell of it. Nothing too much, just a little mutual benefit as long as we were pretending to date. She'd stop short of teasing me too much because she had too much code to work me up without sleeping with me, so I was wondering what was going on this particular night. She was kissing me as roughly as usual, but her hands were going wild on me, prompting both Sara and me to grope whatever was in sight just to keep up. When she was on break from kissing me, she made sure I was kissing Sara with everything I had while she went for my ear, which I loved. "Harder," she demanded, "deeper. If she thinks you're showing favorites, I won't get any from her tonight. Grab her ass like you mean it." She covered my hand and squeezed down on her sister's ass hard enough to make her squeak. My hand went up to cup Cindy's cheek in support, but she pulled it quickly to her breast. Sara caught the act, and she made me do the same to her with my free hand. Me, I like holding a woman tightly to me when I fondle her, so I pushed them both against the cold building wall so my hands would have purchase against their bodies whilst I groped them both. The golden goddesses, these twins. Their breath came out frozen, their cheeks were rosy, and their blond locks were spilling across their broad winter coats, free from the knitted hats they'd left inside. I loved the sight, and I loved touching them even more, something of a rare opportunity for me. They gasped and moaned as I ran my hands along their smooth torsos, ending always on their matching breasts that filled my hands so well. Their coats were open, leaving me to caress them through their zip-up wool sweaters whose necks rose all the way up their throats. I pushed these turtlenecks down with my lips so I could have their necks to myself. I abandoned their breasts to touch their faces briefly. Both gave a kiss to my fingertips when my hands crossed over their mouths, and it was with great anticipation that I turned their chins inward towards one-another. They kissed, and I could feel all the blood drain out of my brain and into my dick. I knew the kiss of two people that knew they were going to make love that night, and that's what I saw in those two. I reached back down again, this time catching Cindy's zipper while sweeping my hand around Sara's waist to dip my hand into her pants to grasp her bare ass. When I got Cindy's zipper down far enough, I slid my hand out of Sara's pants and took a hold of her hand, which she was using to pull her sister's face hard into hers, and slid it down, down into Cindy's open sweater, down to grasp the exposed breast. I then took over Sara, kissing her, letting Cindy enjoy being touched. Sara let her other hand cover her other breast of her own violation, then we broke our kiss to stare cheek-to-cheek at her sister, moaning at her sister pinching her nipples. I moved behind Cindy and held Sara close so that their breasts were crushed together, then I pulled down on Sara's head, leading her to Cindy's tits. While I didn't get conjugal visits from either of them since that one night Sara and I had sex on the day I met them both, one thing they always encouraged me to do was to direct the action between the two of them. Sara was more than happy to suck her twin's tits for me. I don't know what came over me, but I started working on my belt, and then Cindy's. I wanted to pork her from behind, out in the near-snow, like five minutes into my break being over, not even dark yet. But alas, it was not to be. She put her hand on mine, pulled it to her lips, and kissed it. "Kiss my sister," she whispered into my ear rather than rebuttal me. She helped her Sara come back up, and as we locked lips, she settled into my ear, "That girl looks pretty. Take good care of her tonight. You're such a good boyfriend." She zipped her top up and led her sister away by the hand like usual. Sara turned back and waved to me, saying, "Goodbye, Derrick," with a smile. I was left alone with one of the worst erections in my life and rather cold hands. I was rescued by Jess, who was done for the night and came out back to pollute her lungs. "Hey, Derrick," she said in a much less flirtatious manner than while on-shift. She was tired; hell, I was tired. "You got a light?" "I got something better than a light," I said with a sudden burst of erection. She looked at me expectantly, but I grabbed her and kissed her. "My my," she cooed, "someone's girlfriend left him high and dry?" "My apartment's in Raleigh," I said. "We'd better take off; traffic sucks there." She looked at me, looked at her cigarette, looked down, bit her lip, then threw her cigarette over her shoulder as we headed off to the nearest trolley stop at a brisk pace. ********** When I got back from "Macedonia," let's say that while I finally had a place to live away from the nest, the new place also contained my sister, which after the events in Macedonia seemed a bit too uncomfortable. Still, I continued to buck up rent for sweet Reo while rooming up with Bill instead. Bill had moved to Raleigh because that's where they have affordable housing, but he works up north. He let me slide up to his spot for the time being under the circumstances, but down the grapevine Sally found out I was working overtime to pay rent on both places, so she worked out something with her dad so that he'd pay my share on my retainer at Reo's. I've even got spending money now. Going to Raleigh from Rotterdizzle takes all of ten minutes once you get to the train, but the inner-city traffic to the apartment building can take an hour. Let me tell you what, my wonderful audience, that hour ten is much more fun when you've got a frisky, inebriated bar maiden going with you. It seemed she was looking forward to the coming night rather than just going to her own boring home with the lonely tree and no presents under it with nothing tasty in the fridge. We knocked into the door once we found the right one; Jess was kissing me pretty vigorously and she was fairly inside my pants. The door recognized me and swung open for me, and I fell in after it with her landing on top of me. I yanked off everything she had on up top in one pull, and we took eight seconds to just kiss before she set out to work on my pants. "Wuzgoinonhere?" Bill said from the bedroom door. The apartment is only two rooms, by the way. You think Jess would've minded if I told her my roommate was asleep so I'd have to fuck her on the couch? "I'm sorry, did we wake you?" Jess giggled from astride me. Her breasts in her bra jiggled with her. "Yeah," Bill said. He looked a little miffed. "Aww... why don't you come get some? Roommate rules, right?" "Huh?" I said. "'Wake him up, invite him in,'" she quoted. Bill and I looked at each other, looked at her, shrugged... "Fuck it; you ain't my fuckin' woman." I said that, by the way. She wanted to share, so be it. There was some discussion about whose bed we'd romp in, but it wasn't like it mattered because both were too small. We ended up on the pull-out bed anyways, only Jess first went to take a shower. And believe me, when you pull a shift like that in a hot, wet bar full of people, you do not want to get into bed without bathing first. To "save time and hot water" I went in with her, really just getting first dibs since I were the one to brought her home. But when we got out, Bill had put coffee on, getting him a big kiss from Jess. We tumbled around on the bed for a while, fixing to culminate with Bill giving the broadside to Jess. Then she hit us with it: "I want you to suck him off," she says to me. "I'm good," Bill says instead. I've got a rather similar look on my face. "Oh, come on," she insists. "How many times have you talked two girls into getting into bed, and in like, five minutes, it's all, 'come on, kiss each other.'" "I don't wanna kiss him, either," Bill says. "Besides, that's Sam you're thinking of," I reminded her. Sam plays the field, chats up the woman. Can't blame it on us, can she? "Aren't you the one that keeps saying this town is sick?" she asked me. I shuffled around uncomfortably, though her hand jerking on my cock was rather pleasant. Barmaid indeed. "Technically, I said the town has a sickness." "And why is that?" Somewhere between a sigh of defeat and one of rather intense physical pleasure, I said, "Because men and women can't get along for the time they're out of bed." "And that doesn't have at all to do with we girls can't get fair turnabout? Come on, boys. Show a girl a good time. For every girl that got her roommate into the action when she brought a boy home." "But all girls are bi," Bill attempted. "I'm not, but that doesn't mean I don't want to see something hot once in a while." Fuck it. It's Christmas, and Jess is pretty cool. After the excursion with Sally, I was ready to take it on faith that there were a few women out there who you could do something genuinely nice for that wouldn't stab you in the ass later. I grabbed hold of Bill's prick and pulled it out of Jess' pussy. Having already decided my path, I didn't fart around into wrapping my lips around it and going to town. Bill didn't seem quite so ready for the new experience. "Wait, dude, I didn't... whoa." "Oh my god, you're actually doing it," Jess said, her face a picture of disbelief. "You want me to stop?" "Hell no; that's sooo fucking hot." She put her face right next to mine to watch me suck Bill's dick. Honestly, I don't remember ever seeing a girl so happy in bed. Without me touching her, that is. She felt my lips stretched around him, felt my throat, then reached all the way down to my own dick to stroke me in support. She licked the rest of his cock hanging out (I may have been feeling helpful, but I wasn't about to try deep-throating a motherfucker), sucked his balls, bit his thighs, all that. Eventually went all the day down his legs where my cock was located, and she started sucking me off. Now, let me tell you, ladies and gentlemen, that was an experience. Jess, being at least as experienced in bed as I was, knew how to suck a good dick, but there were little imperfections: Not going deep enough, having bad timing, not putting her tongue in the right spot, all that shit. Men and women was built to fornicate, but when it comes to matters of oral sex, apparently gay is the only way. Bill, he was moaning and writhing like I was doing something right, and you know how I like to please a woman in bed. Bill may be a guy, but kiss my ass if I wasn't getting off on getting him off.     4-4-5 Christmas at the Bar Ch. 02 by CopperSkink © The first story arc of Derrick's saga, "It was supposed to be about incest," concludes with a big-ass random ball out in the middle of Laurel University's Fitzhurst Football Stadium. No incest for poor Derrick, but hopefully his new buddy can fill in the gaps. Yes, this chapter continues with one more part after Derrick and Reoren take off in search of Riley and her buxom buddy. Please enjoy. ********* I got back to Bill's pad; Bill was gone. I opened the suitcase to find the suit, took one look at it, zipped it back up, and took off. ******* Knock knock knock... "Derrick? Derrick! I'm so glad to see you!" Salamandy was indeed a sight for sore eyes, and my penis, over-worked as it was in a day's time, responded to her tight embrace when she pulled me into her house. "What're you doing here?" "Need to get dressed, thought I'd come get help from someone that knows about these sorts of things. What're you doing here? I thought your dad booted your sweet ass out." She played it off and led me by the hand to the front stairs. "Nah, he just said I needed to work of some steam. Most everyone is gone, so he's having me look after the little ones." "Is my lady home?" "Nope. Come upstairs." She pulled me into a large room at the end of the upstairs hall. There was a single bed; but for the arrangements, it looked like two different fashion senses were going into the decorations. Over on the marbled oak vanity were two different jewelry boxes, each with a bust laced with an exquisite silver necklace, one with a name reading "Tiffany", the other saying "Prudence". "Are we supposed to be in here?" "My room got taken over and they're gone, so they won't mind." I was suddenly reminded of the old Salamandy, who didn't seem to think other people ever minded her. "Take your suit out." Time was a factor, so I obediently dumped the heavy case onto the bed and unzipped it. Sally began pulling shit out left and right; her eyes were lighting up like so many lights laced within and without that very house. "Danny's work?" "Yup." "Who're you taking?" "Don't know yet," I teased. "That is, don't know whom I'll be leaving with." She jabbed me in the gut. "You know that girl I lived with before you and I took off?" "Oh yeah, her. Her?" "Yup." "Ouch." "Ouch? What ouch?" But she was too busy sorting out clothes. "Sally, what ouch?" "Probably nothing, but it's possible that she's not going to be wearing one of Melody's dresses." "And?" "This is a Danny-boy suit, the finest money can't buy, and a purple one at that. No, not the color, the dress code. It takes a Melody dress to make a Danny suit shine, you know what I mean?" "No." "Too late anyway. Let's get to work; get these clothes off." This was either turning into a very interesting week, or my life was making a change for the better to be hearing that phrase every day. I worked my upper parts off, but like Melody, Sally was going straight for the belt. With her expertise, my flaccid penis was once again free to breathe the free air. "I've missed this," she hummed, bending down to kiss it as soon as it came into the light. "I've missed you ." She kissed me on the lips, and I couldn't help but kiss her back. "I can't wait for the party. Unless... you and this girl, you're getting serious? This dance is a pretty big deal." "No way would I forget about you, and I am coming to your party. It just may be that I bring a date for you to play with." Her look of nervous apprehension turned into a wicked grin, and we shared a full, deep kiss from there, letting our bodies sing together in pleasure. Suddenly it was just her and me again, lost out in the wilderness, two people alone in the world. But getting back to business, she was very helpful in helping me get into the confusing piece of eveningwear. It was no simple three-piece suit, to be sure. Undershirts, underpants, socks with garters, tails on the coat, decorative studs in the buttonholes, and the bow tie was a nightmare that I'd've been absolutely sunk with had it not been for sweet Sally. Throughout dressing me, she never let my cock get covered, pulling it straight through the fly in the silk boxer shorts, buttoning the trousers around it without zipping, and keeping the cummerbund out of the way. She kept rubbing up against me as well, constantly telling me how good I looked in the suit, better with every piece she fit on me. Last was the white gloves that matched the tie, and but for my cock sticking out, I was pretty spick'n'span. She buttoned my coat closed, then ran her fingers down the frill of my white shirt and dipped them under my cummerbund to pull me close to her. We kissed yet again, pent-up from half an hour of flirting but not quite touching productively. Her fingers circled at last around my cock, and she sank to her knees to take me into her heavenly mouth. Again, I wanted to speak up, say that I was saving myself, but she seemed to have the same thing in mind. "When I'm done with this dick," she said, "you'll be leaking so much precum through your pants, it'll stain her dress so she can't wear it anymore. You'll make her pussy so wet, you'll be smelling it on her garter well into the next year." What the hell is a garter on a woman, and what did I care what it smelled like after the dance was over? The shine in her dark hair caught the light from the lamp, making her dazzle as her head bobbed up and down on me. "I want you to grind this dick into her all through the dance, make her pussy scream for only you," she demanded. "Then once you get her home, plow her hard all night long. Make her learn what this dick does to women. Matter of fact..." She turned around and backed into me. With my hands automatically on her hips, I was boring into her skirt like practice for tonight. My eyes shut with the sensation, then I felt bare skin on my dick. Looking down, I saw her skirt had been pushed out of the way, and my cock was sliding through the crevice of her bare ass. "Whoever this girl is, when you first drag her down by the hair to make her suck you off, she'll know you always stink of woman, and by the time the night is through, you'll be stinking of her . She'll never come so hard in her life." She looked like she was thoroughly enjoying fantasizing about me with another woman, especially with it being her pussy that was soaking my cock. In fact, I'm not entirely sure it wasn't getting all over my new pants. She leaned up and rested her head on my shoulder with her back arched, making her ass press illegally hard against my dick. I could feel her heartbeat throbbing into my aching veins. "Have you fucked her yet?" she asked, almost pleading for an answer. My hands slid up from her waist into her shirt to cup her delicious breasts that I'd been longing to hold for so long. "No," I whispered gently into her ear, which I gave a few short licks with my watering tongue. "Tonight'll be our first night. In fact, I'm not even sure if I'll get lucky tonight." "You will," she hissed back, grinding the entire length of my cock with long, delicious strokes. "If you follow my advice, her pussy will be aching for you like mine is." She kissed me, or I kissed her; it's hard to tell. We both went for each other so suddenly, her taking a deep dive on my cock, me pinching down harder than I knew she could stand on her nipples. "God, I can't wait for my party," she moaned. "I want you so bad, Derrick. Fuck her hard tonight, okay? For me?" "I will," I said somewhat more calmly than reason should have allowed. "After that, don't come until it's my turn, okay? Wait until you sleep with me?" "I was trying to do that for tonight, but see how well that turned out," I chuckled, and she bit me on the lip. "But you haven't come," she said, grinding dangerously high on my cock, threatening to impale herself on me, "not yet." Phew, she didn't notice. "But wait..." Oh shit. "Your cock smelled. You fucked someone today, didn't you?" "What's it to you?" I challenged, lightly stroking her sides in a way I knew could make her come if I did it long enough. She shivered, but still she ground back on me. "Who'd you fuck, Derrick? Did she soak your cock like I'm doing? Did she beg for it, or did you have to flirt with her until she couldn't stand it anymore?" "Melody," I said in a soft voice. "Bullshit." "I came in her twice just this morning alone," I insisted, still speaking softly, calmly. "There's just no way," she claimed, but her eyes were forced shut in pleasure; I could tell she was getting the forbidden picture in her head. She honestly didn't believe it was possible, but she wanted to believe. "She dried me out so much, I thought there was no way I was gonna get it up for tonight, but seeing you..." I kissed the sheen of sweat on her neck as I talked her up, "I can't remember ever being this turned on in my life. If I blow now, I think I'll put a hole in the ceiling." "I don't know if I can go without coming until the party," she cried. "Even past tonight, as soon as you leave, as soon as I try to take a shower, the water alone's gonna make me come. If you call me tonight after you put her to sleep, your voice will bring me off." She was almost in tears, unable to take what both of us wanted, our flesh touching but not interlocking. "Let me hold you over with something special then," I offered. "Yeah? What's that?" "Something Melody showed me." "You're so full of shit." But she let me turn her chin ever so gently just like I did with Melody, and I initiated the sweetest, most aching, heartfelt kiss I'd ever kissed in my life. Sally didn't know what hit her; her body, so proactive, was suddenly melting in my arms, and I had to hold her up just so she didn't fall into a puddle on the floor. Her pussy still knew what to do, though now I swear I could taste each inch of it that creeped up the length of my cock, feel the lips parting around my shaft, coating me in their sweet cream. Felt it seeking out the head of my cock, tasting the drop of fluid it found there before rubbing its way back down, soaking my balls in her fragrance. Her pussy rolled up again, leaving its sticky imprint behind, and it stayed when it reached my cockhead, searching for it. In a matter of seconds she got frustrated; she reached for it, pulled it towards herself just a micron, and her pussy claimed me. Slowly and deliberately she sucked my cock up inside of her, betraying the promise we had just made. She kept kissing me like nothing was happening, as though it were someone else's hips that were grinding against my fine suit, crushing my cock in its exquisite grip. In her mind, she was still teasing me. But when I pushed forward just the faintest push, she moaned deep from her throat, feeling my cock tease her cervix. It was like that for several delicious minutes, us still kissing with all our hearts, her pussy gently flexing around my pulsating cock, sharing our heartbeats. "Tell me the truth," she gasped quietly. "You weren't really with Aunt Mellie, were you?" "It was one of the scariest experiences of my life, but one of the best. Do you feel it?" I thrust into her gently, touching her tenderly. "Mmm... I feel it ..." " She taught me that." She had heard enough; with a sigh to make you cry, she fell forward, catching herself on the edge of the bed and bracing herself. I took my queue in the next heartbeat, taking hold of her hips and pumping myself into her pussy with slow, delicious, unbelievable strokes. Each plunge into her quivering depths was a new miracle that I had to see to believe, and the sight of myself disappearing inside this girl I had come to adore so much was heart-wrenching. But it was pulling out that we shared the full pleasures of sex, sending shocks of pleasure throughout our weakened systems. Each time I drew out, she let loose a soft moan of delight, and each thrust in, I crushed myself into her sweet ass. I noticed her adorable little butthole, and suddenly I wanted to step this entire experience up a few notches, but even thinking about it made me lose control. If seeing my cock hiding itself in her pussy was something, what would it be like to sneak it up her backside? My knees shook, and my gentle thrusts got faster and faster as the vision stimulated my brain, and without warning, a monstrous climax was upon me, and there was nothing I could do about it. "I love you, Mandy," I whispered into her ear as I collapsed onto her, leaving us both beaten and exhausted on the bed. "W-what?" I knew how important her name was to her, how only members of her family were allowed to address her so. My cock shuddered, and cum shot out into her, and before she could really think about what I said, her own orgasm betrayed her and made her shake every bit as badly as me. We were both helplessly lying there, letting our bodies spasm out of control, my seed filling her while my hips involuntarily pushed in to accent my surprise climax. And then comes the fucking interruption. "What're you doing in my room. Who are you? Mandy? Get your boyfriend and get out of here!" I'll just skip forward, shall I? *********** Tiffany walking in on Sally and me making love wasn't really the highlight of my afternoon. Odd, that. Had I not considered it to be making love, I'd've probably asked her to join in. Anyways, I'd finally done up my fly, grabbed my top hat (who the fuck wears top hats any more?), and disappeared out the door. There was the most beautiful sweetheart carriage waiting, driven by none other than Melody, dressed in a tight-fitting blue dress. "Took you long enough," she grinned. "Hop in." Hop in I did, and we chattered as the single large horse trotted us down any number of streets on our way to Reoren's house. I know, normally these lovey-dovey stories start from the girl's perspective with the guy just showing up at the door with his suit and his horse-drawn carriage and his... "Holy shit; I didn't get her any flowers," I cursed, smacking myself in the face. "Relax, would you? You'll do just fine." She reached behind her to pull out a small sprig of mistletoe. " That is no flower," I protested. "Tuck it up behind her ear; she'll love it." "How do you know?" Like I was saying, the story's supposed to start with the guy showing up at the girl's house. But my story is no romance. Sure, I'd just had two very relaxing romps with two rather enjoyable women, but that's about as tame as it possibly gets with me. You ought to know that by now. Anyways... I was about to ask Melody how she knew where she was going, but like always, it took me about one more second to remind myself that those clever little watches Garden people had had maps in them as well as directories. Reo seemed to be expecting us. Indeed, the noise of us arriving precluded her to leap out of the house, shouting, "Hi, Miss Mellie! Hi, Derrick!" Damn. I had wanted to pinch some shock value into the carriage. Take her breath away when I led her outside with my hands over her eyes, you know? But first, what a vision was before me. She did a small pirouette, flashing enticing white stockings through the high cut in her dress and revealing tiny heeled slippers. The entire get-up was lined in the usual poofy white fluff of Christmas, including, unfortunately, the bust of her dress, which encircled straplessly around her chest. Atop it all, she had long, white gloves to match mine and a fur stole with more poofy whiteness. Don't get me wrong; I loved the thing, I just wish her chest didn't have all that fluffy stuff on it. I wanted to see me some... not that she had any, but I like to look at a woman's chest, you know? We embraced for joy once I got out the carriage, but Melody let out a punctuated cough. Upon getting my attention, she shut her eyes and inclined her head, then looked pointedly at my date. Oh yeah. I backed up, took Reo's hand, and bowed steeply, kissing her hand to go with it. She in turn curtsied most elegantly with her flowing dress pooling about her feet. I opened the back door to the carriage, but Melody coughed again. "What now?" I asked in exasperation, making Reo giggle. "Oh, right, flower." I then slid the sprig of mistletoe over Reo's ear, and damn if the little sharp green leaves and red berries didn't match perfectly. Did I forget to mention she had a Santa hat on? She had a Santa hat on. On with the show. I helped her into the carriage (finally), and Melody drove us off the scenic way through the town. Let me tell you, loyal audience, it was getting dark just then, and the Christmas lights were just coming on all through the neighborhood. Melody had slipped a bottle of champagne in, so the three of us sipped away while we trounced through town in the most enchanting setting. Wowzers, and this coming from a rather skeptical guy. We got to the stadium, which was on the west end of town, not very close at all to the university. People were arriving by the trainload, and in as fine attire as we two. We parted from Melody quite fondly, Reo saying to her, "Thanks for the dress." Damn. Wait until Sally hears. When we got inside, we were transported to a magical kingdom of enchantment. Live snowdeer (a new breed; don't ask), ponies, and Huskys tramped freely through the natural playing grass, ready to chew up anything the guests were done snacking on (including the edible plates). Huge pillars were set up to support great ropes of colorful, blinking Christmas lights, and they were mounted with four burning torches each, providing all the light and warmth for the entire event (except for the waiting area). Miles of tables filled with delicious delights, and waiters carrying trays of bubbling or frothing beverages and retrieve them again when they were empty. Women in beautiful gowns and men in dark suits and hats, green and red as far as the eye could see. My own lid was green, in case I left that part out, matching me up with Reo's red. Reo was as enchanted with the whole ordeal as I was, but as far as I was concerned, the whole thing paled in comparison to the stars in her eyes. And there were stars, too. Looking up, we could see the stars starting to peek out of their hidey-holes for the night. I heard back to a time where vehicle pollution got so bad, you couldn't see stars anymore. Fuck that shit. Being in a rather sappy mood, I was overwhelmed with the desire to give Reo such a kiss as I had given Melody and Sally, but she was first to act, citing, "Music! Let's go!" Deep into the fray, there was a group of musicians playing classical twists on Christmas songs. If I wasn't mistaken, I recognized a few key people from the Garden that I had met earlier, including the two red-haired doctors, the wives that were headmistress and lawyer, and the boring psychiatrist. Before I could even ask her to dance, some fresh fucker was already between us. "May I have this dance?" he asked quite abruptly. "That is, if your card is free...?" He was looking to Reo's right hand, and damn if I didn't notice earlier that there was a little card dangling from it along with a small tube. Looked like a tube of lipstick. "Your name, sir?" she asked most politely, and rather than let him spin her around, she wrote his name down on the little card, then excused herself so she and I could have our go. "Okay, what?" I asked, confused. "It's a dance card, silly," she giggled. A guy wants to dance, I write his name down. Throughout the night, I go through the list." "And what do I do? Watch from the snack table?" She giggled again and buried her face into my chest so that we could spin silently and enjoy the music. The song ended in good time, and the guy was quick to find her again to take her up on her offer. For myself, I went off to find an arm of my own to entertain.   4-4-5 Christmas at the Bar Ch. 03 by CopperSkink © Our carriageur was nowhere in sight, but a lazy horse ride wouldn't've served us much anyhow. We made for the nearest trolley, which didn't contain our quarry departing from the party, but we hopped on it anyway, holding white-gloved hands and grinning like idiots. When the trolley got under way, she surreptitiously rested her head on my shoulder. I reached up and ran my fingers along her hairline and under her ear. I leaned down, and whispered to her, "Have you thought about it? Us? Spending the night together?" I felt her shift slightly in my grasp; she nodded after a moment's hesitation. "And did you enjoy it, this vision in your mind?" She nodded again. "I'm jealous," I further whispered. And then she spoke. "Why?" "Because this person in your head, he knows how to please you. He does everything you want without you asking him to, and he makes you come like no one else can. That is why I'm jealous." She neither spoke this time, nor nodded. She began to quiver. "Will you tell me?" She slowly leaned up straight, and looked me in the eye. "Will you tell me how to be this guy in your head? Will you teach me how to please you?" She nodded slowly, quivering almost violently now, with her little ears turning red. "What did I do first?" "F-first... y-you k-kissed me." "More." "It was the longest, most beautiful kiss in the wmmmfgh!" I cut her short, kissing her straight away, and I didn't stop until the trolley had run all the way to the Big Hotel in Up North a Ways, North Carolina. Any time anyone says "get a room," that's the place to go. Only problem was the front desk. "Yes?" the concierge asked. "Two of them, formal wear, got a room together, answer to the names of Crisis and Riley...?" He nodded like everything was perfectly normal, got on the phone, and chatted back and forth for a while with me and Reo looking like idiots in our outfits. "Top-floor suite," the man said. "But there must be some mistake," Reo argued. "They said they were just getting a room." "They say they're expecting you; the private elevator will take you." We shrugged, and we went. I'd never been that high in the hotel before. The elevator took us all the way to the top such that the doors opened up inside the room itself. And waiting for us in the hall were our marks themselves. "Hey, guys! Glad you could make it! What made you change your mind?" Oh, wow. First off, there were Crisis and Riley; Crisis was barefoot and Riley was without her dress (but still with her heels and stockings on), and Riley looking quite tipsy. Further in, there was a large collection of young women and a few boys grooving on their feet to some bad music in the main room. There was a mountain of snacks on room service trays and two huge bowls of liquid. In fact, the two girls were holding a glass each. Riley handed me one full of the green stuff, and Crisis had one of red for Reo. "Umm... hi," says Reo. Introductions time? "So, yeah," says me. "Reoren, this is my buddy I told you about, Riley. The saucy thing decorating her arm is Crisis." "We've met," Reo says, shaking hands with both. Wait, doing what ?" They caught my expression. "What's wrong?" the nosy Crisis asked. "We went to high school together, you know." "If you must know, I thought that was a very dispassionate greeting." "How so?" "How so? I'll show you how so." Riley and I, we hadn't done this yet, and I'm gonna go ahead and assume she hadn't done much kissing, hello or otherwise. Now's as good a time as any, seeing as what they invited us over for; I leaned in, and she accepted a short kiss to her lips, but I persisted there. She felt a little awkward when I began prodding her with my tongue in all of three seconds, but she relaxed after a moment and answered with her own. I immediately backed off and smiled, then moved in for Crisis. She was much quicker on the uptake, and I got me a shiver of anticipation from kissing her. "See? A proper greeting." Reo was used to such things of course, so she was all for it in kissing Crisis, and Riley was ready by then, though she still didn't figure out she was supposed to use her tongue right away, so Crisis and I got to watch for a few extra seconds while our girls worked it out. "Wanna eat something?" Riley offered. She was quite the little sprite, buzzing off like a giddy little kid. Crisis followed her, leaving the two of us to our drinks that we still hadn't tasted yet. "Umm... Derrick?" "Yeah?" "Did you know...?" "They were partying? No; they said they were just gonna get a room and spend the night together, hopefully with me. I was gonna ask them if we could share since, you know, they didn't know about you, maybe they still wanted to hang out." Reo and I looked at each other for a few seconds, then the noise distracted our eyes to the collection of bodies just a few paces off. "Fuck it, Merry Christmas," she said, clinking her glass on mine, and she started pulling on it. I gave mine a swig as well, but it was horrible. "Ugh! This tastes like pure alcohol!" she bitched before I could get there. " Bad alcohol at that," I added, but she didn't seem to know any better, so she "swallowed the pain" so to say, and drank it down with a pained expression. Me, I had a much more difficult time, being used to more quality ingredients in my beverages. I had hoped for something with a little Midori or something, but it tasted like the green in mine was nothing more than food coloring. Highschoolers. We adjourned to the food tray, where Crisis had propped Riley up on the table to resume making out with her. How adorable were they, with Riley's heeled foot wrapping itself around her girlfriend's waist? Pretty darn adorable, I say. I interrupted them with a hand on Crisis' shoulder, Reo right next to me. "What's up?" "Talk in private?" "Da. We're not in trouble, are we?" We made a wide circle around the dancing forms to find a strangely unused room in the back of the suite. It had a bed, which the two inviting girls plopped down on. "You guys enjoying the party so far?" Crisis asked. "It's just that I didn't know you guys were going to a party," I explained. "Not that I mind, of course. And I didn't have time to say anything about bringing Reo." Reo snuggled up to my side, elated to be remembered. "It's totally cool," Crisis said. "We were going to get a room, but this place was booked for fuck-all, so we came up here. It's a cheerleader gig, so I can invite whomever I want. Just enjoy yourselves, alright?" I was satisfied, but it seems Reo wasn't, not quite yet. "Umm... I'm sorry for asking, but did you still want Derrick to spend the night with you?" The two girls shared a quick look, then Crisis answered, "Yeah, that'd be great. Why? Did you wanna join?" Whatever Reo thought about that idea, my attention was diverted to Riley, who suddenly looked uncomfortable. Crisis caught on rather quickly, and had a private conference with her, which involved several hushed whispers and ended with a punctuated kiss on Riley's neck. I imagined Becky kissing Reo like that. They returned to us anon, Crisis offering, "If you want to, that's totally cool, only Riley had a hard enough time thinking about three people in bed, you know? It's just an adjustment she needs a few hours to get used to. But it helps that you're a girl, really." Reo had something of a weird look on her face, and I still wasn't sure what she expected of me. She only came this far to take the two out to dinner after all, not party with a bunch of distracting high-school girls and boys. Rats. "Anyway, we don't have to worry about that now," Crisis said with an abundance of Christmas cheer and lifting Riley to her feet, "let's just enjoy the party for now. We'll probably be too drunk by the time everyone nods off to worry about it, right?" Sounded like reasonable advice. Reo allowed me to lead her off by the hand back to the front room, where clothes seemed to be dropping off everyone in record time. Reo and I got to dancing, and it was most excellent to get to the down and dirty with her after "swaying with the breeze" all frikking evening long. Several people cut in just like the last party, but with some twenty square feet of room, we weren't worried about getting separated like before. Riley managed to get Crisis' dress off, but she wasn't sure how to take it when Crisis would grab a random guy or girl out of the mess to make out with. Several such girls tried the same with me, but I'd had quite enough. I had perhaps three women on my plate tonight; I didn't want to add to the difficulty rating. Then again, these girls were hot, hot, hot. Probably weren't even freshmen by the time I was a senior in high school. All of them seemed to be in a competition to out-slut each other, involving rubbing up against the most people, making out with the most people, or losing the most clothes in the shortest amount of time. The first girl to lose everything up top got yanked out and off to the unknown, and that was the beginning. In pairs or threes or fours, people left the floor for the bedroom, the bathroom, or wherever else was secluded. Crisis caught Riley looking sad from the promiscuous kissing, and she started making out with her once more, landing her on the couch and starting to work on her breasts. I looked just in time to see one of the few guys trying to pull Reo away. I interrupted, aided by Reo's resistance, and we joined the two girls on the couch. Rather than make room for us, Crisis lied Riley down properly on the bed, then yanked Reo alongside her. I mounted Reo next to Crisis, and we managed our girls with gusto. I had lost my coat and my cummerbund and my shoes and my hat, but Reo was still tip-top in her beautiful gown and Santa lid on her perfect hair. I started unlacing her, helped by a tipsy pair of girls next to us, and we all three worked Reo's dress off her shoulders and down her waist. She was still wrapped in a tight corset, panties, and stockings, but that was a good start. We two pairs made out pretty heartily, spurred on by those who remained in the room to keep dancing or feeding, though mostly everyone was interested in sex by then. Crisis was the one to let hands wander, sliding her hand up Riley's arm and down Reo's, and eventually right onto Reo's small breast. I joined in, feeling Crisis' ass and Riley's thighs, which inspired Riley's leg to get rather twiny with Reo's. Reo's hand started working on my crotch. When Crisis caught sight of that, she took hold of Riley's hand and put it with Reo's. Her fingers were a little cautious at first, but Reo and Crisis petting them got her to work up the courage to grip my dick. Crisis and I then turned together to enjoy a small slice of heaven while our two girls worked to unbind me. When I ran my hands along her tight ass and her plush breasts, I was reminded of Sadie's similar hard cheerleader body. I don't know about you, but despite all the fucking I'd recently done, I felt like I hadn't gotten any in months, and it'd take more than a few rings around the rosey to get me to relax, you know what I mean. My cock was out of my pants, Riley had rolled to the side to rub Reo's pussy while kissing her, Crisis was fingering Riley from behind, and I was having my way with Crisis. Panties were starting to loosen up, so it looked like the main event was on its way. "Reo, baby," Crisis asked, "do you mind if Riley takes the first turn with your man? For her first time, and all." Riley, not surprisingly, looked incredibly nervous. "Not at all," Reo said. "I'm looking forward to it." With their minds made up, they got up and began refiling, but I had something to say in the matter too. "I'm out to start with Reo; but don't worry, there's plenty left for you both," I said smoothly to the two others. "No really, it's okay, Derrick," Reo reassured me. "She shouldn't have to go seconds for her first time with a guy." Crisis was nodding firmly, and again the two went back to business as though things were decided. To me she whispered with a hiss, " You didn't tell me she was gonna get you to devirginise her !" " Too many other details; I forgot ," I hissed back, but not unkindly. "You see, Riley," I said to Riley so the other two could hear, "this is what I said about peer pressure." Poor Riley was looking scared, and now she was confused as well. "I really want to make your first time special for you, and you're very important to me, but Reo..." I turned to look at Reo, who was gently floored by my proclamation, "I've been hoping for a long time now for this opportunity, and I was especially looking forward to making love to her tonight, and I want to take the chance while it's in front of me. Is that okay?" She quickly assured me that it was fine with her and Reo seemed far too impassioned to put up further resistance, so it was only Crisis that stood in the way, and Riley was able to put her in check with a mere glow. So, with Riley pulling Crisis off the couch so they could watch close-up from the floor, I pulled Reo's panties off (she just looked too damn good in her corset and stockings and heels), and Crisis helped me with my pants. "Wait, what're you doing?" Reo asked when I started backing my body down hers. "Starting from the very beginning." "You ate me out once already," she whined. "I want you inside me, now." "You tell him, girly-girl," Crisis affirmed. Oh well; when surrounded by cheerleaders... I inched my way back up, kissing all the flesh I could find (there was a bit heart cut out right in the middle of her corset, starting at her navel and ending just at the swelling of her breasts), I lined myself up, like a person does, and thrust home. And just like that, my loyal audience, I saw the light: My third woman that day, and I could say with unwarranted confidence that I loved all three of them. Melody, who I had never met but knew by reputation; Salamandy, who had let me within the protection of her confidences; and Reoren, who was supposed to be just another girl, yet so much was hidden in there I wanted to share of. This new thing, this strange affection, it was a new kind of sex that made the old kind seem like gross child's play. Wheres before I would've just fucked Reo silly with a small handful of tricks, now I was enjoying the natural connection born in the differences in our bodies. While our bodies were made to interlock and shoot off signals of pleasure, our minds were made to interact as well. Jesus, have I ever turned into a sap. Long story short, Reo was a girl I had known for a relatively short time, but she and I got on very well, and it was a great pleasure for me to be allowed to have this experience with her instead of me just using her like I do all the others, feeling used myself. I felt loved by her, and I wanted to love her for it. It didn't take long for her to come. After she did, I figured we may as well take advantage of the purported threesome. I reached back grabbed Crisis, who joined me in a kiss. Always a pleasure fucking one girl and kissing another, for those of who that don't know. I pulled her head down to Reo's chest, and she began sucking her nipples (after pulling down her corset just a few inches, that is). Next was Riley; her head I turned to face Reo to get the two of them kissing so Reo could feel the same kind of pleasure I was getting. She came again with the two girls' help while I continued to ride her, and I backed them off in a few minutes for a big finish while they watched. "Where do you want me to come?" I breathed hotly into her neck. "Come wherever you want," she gasped in pleasure. "Even inside you, pretty girl?" "Come inside me; please, god, come inside me..." Three for three, or should I say four for five? More like five. My cum came gushing forth with glee, though it was sadly overshadowed by the cheap thrill my sister had given me hours earlier. But Reo took it wonderfully, coming when she felt it squirting into her. "How much for another one of those?" she asked dizzily. I smiled and kissed her one last time, still with my cock twitching and her cunt squeezing around it. "Have you ever eaten a girl out, pretty girl?" I asked sweetly. She shook her head with a nervous smile. I got up out of her and pulled her back by her legs so that she was sprawled properly on the couch. Crisis was easily pulled into position with the slightest touch, mounting Reo's face, looking down on her. "Watch closely," she said to her girlfriend, who seemed uncertain in her drunken stupor as Reo's tongue came out to taste the luscious cheerleader. "Your turn now." "Huh?" I pulled her back to the other end of the couch, between Reo's legs. "You see that?" I said, pointing at the bony pelvis. "Your cum's leaking out of her," she giggled. "It's your job to lick that up," I encouraged, and I guided her head down. True enough, she began licking up the slime that had been left over from my coupling with my landlady. Former . While Crisis seemed to be singing in pleasure already, it was suddenly doubled. I saw her getting wild on Reo's face, looking back to see her girlfriend eating out another girl, and Reo seemed to be getting off rather quickly from the vicious attack by Riley, and her moans were going right through the vulnerable Crisis, who was thoroughly enjoying watching her girl eat my date's pussy. I got up, satisfied, and kissed Crisis yet again. "You're pretty good at this," she purred. She was grinding her face against my date, making both their tits jiggle. "It's a living. I want her to eat my cum out of you, too, before this night is through." "Bold, aren't you?" "Promise me," I said, rubbing her ass gently, letting my fingers creep closer into her crevice. "I promise, big boy," she said, on the verge of orgasm. I made her to rub her ass under my hand, then further encouraged her to rub her asshole, not stopping until she slipped her middle finger inside with a sigh. Then it was my turn to join the fun; I took a seat on the couch arm, resting my feet on either side of Reo's head. Crisis, always on top of things, leaned forward to take my cock into her mouth, tasting my cum along with Reo's. Then, sneaky bitch, sucked her finger for a moment, and shoved it up my ass. We did our thing for a good many minutes, each of us enjoying ourselves, only I felt a bit sorry for Riley, who was working very hard in making Reo come (quite a bit better than I had), yet no one was looking after her. Good, though. She'd be fresh for me. Despite all the noise that was going on, I heard some soft moaning from the other side of the room, and I saw a blond and brunette cheerleader quietly entwined in lovemaking. I told Crisis to go one more. "Can you take it?" she asked me cheekily. "I can if you can." It was the slightest bit uncomfortable, her getting a second finger up me arse, but not so much when there's an expert cocksucker doing a fine job on me. I was more concerned with her fingering herself, which she seemed to enjoy. Then, to our surprise for sheer volume, Reo came again , harder than ever. "Oh my god, stop," she complained, "I can't take it anymore. Jesus, where'd you learn that?" "Guilty," I admitted. "Hey! I helped!" Crisis insisted. "Yeah, you laid on your back real well," I laughed. That was of course a reference to how Riley practiced her pussy-feasting abilities on an imaginably prone Crisis. "Alright, fucker." Crisis' eyes were hungry. "Scrumptious meal, get ready to..." "Oh, no you don't," shot Reo, who seemed to have gotten in the mood, and who had caught sight of my erect erection. "She waited long enough for that ."   by CopperSkink ©     Text: many artists Layout: davebccanada All rights reserved. Publication Date: December 7th 2019 https://www.bookrix.com/-bucfe24a9658ed5
Virginia D Andrews Renegade Princess The start of something good..... Hopefuly To all My favorite Authers thanks for the insperation that inludes P.C and Kate Cast, Cassandra Clare, Rick roland,Luran Kate, and many more Chapter 1 It was a dreary evening as I walked home from the Manhattan High School. I don’t even know why I go to school no one even notices me; don’t get me wrong I’m wonderful in school and used to have cool friends and I used to be happy but that all change when the head cheerleader hacked my Facebook and said awful things to them on it. I tried to tell them I didn’t say that stuff but they didn’t listen. At home is not any better after my mom disappeared dad turned into a drunk. I was two blocks away from my house when I noticed a van fallowing me and I took off; but what I didn’t expect is a man with blue skin to jump in front of me from an ally and grab me he threw me in the van and weird looking people tied me up and put a gag in my mouth. I tried to scream but nothing came out. As we drove none of these creatures looked at me but one he had purple skin and fangs he also had yellow hair. He looked at me with eyes liked daggers and every so often he looked at me up and down like he was examining me. I swallowed and then I started to think no one would notice me gone or if they did they wouldn’t care. So now I don’t care if they kill, rape, or do whatever they want to do with me I practically have nothing to live for. We pulled up to an old abandon warehouse and walked through a dark hallway that had a metallic smell. One of them opened a door and pushed me in. The room was run down with a small bed and desk when I looked closer someone was in the bed. I walked over to the bed carefully as I got closer I saw the person was a boy about my age he was sleeping so I didn’t bother him as I examined the room I noticed books with pictures that looked like the people who stuck me in here. As I started to pick up a book I heard him say coldly “Don’t touch my stuff.” I jumped back and landed on his foot which he jerked back leaving me to fall but faster than a jack rabbit he caught me with one hand on the small of my back. All I did while he held me like that with a look of anger’ was stare coldly back at those cat like eyes which were the only thing different about this boy. The words came out without me thinking “What and who the hell are you people.” He smiled evilly and said “we are demons and are holding you at ransomed.” “OK right demons and if you’re looking for a fondly loved girl you got the wrong girl his eyes narrowed and he pulled me up right but kept hold of me. “Your name is Luna Light right.” “Y-yes but no one around cares for me.” Then he tilted his head forward and said “your mom dose.” He saw my eyes widen and left the room I heard him lock it from the outside as I crawled to a corner pulled my knees up and cried as the shock came back. * I woke up from where I cried myself to sleep earlier only to see the cat eyed and purple skinned demons talking and shut my eyes but listened. “You put her in my room why dad.” “So you can take advantage of her if you want, but never mind that her mom says the ransom she offers is 40.” “40 what dad.” “Thousand I think.” “Well good when?” “2days from now.” “Ok.” He said as a door shut. Then I heard footsteps come to me I felt him slide an arm under my knees and the other slide across the wall on my back; he picked me up and laid me down on his bed and just stood there. Is he gonna rape me or something I better stir awake’ but as soon as I started to he rested a hand on my head and I felt tired and ended up falling back asleep. I woke to the smell of bacon and eggs beside me I sat up and rubbed my eyes and noticed cat eyed coming in with two plates and I lay back down. He sat the plates down on the book shelf and walked over and shook my shoulders and I responded by slapping him. “Hay what you do that for.” “You touched me and considering you kidnaped me you deserved it.” He went back and got the plates and handed me one I just looked at it. “It’s not poisoned.” He said so coldly it gave me goose bumps. I swallowed and ate my food. As he put the dishes up i heard hollering down stairs. I went to the far corner of the room when I heard footsteps coming up stairs. And then I heard my name being yelled. I screamed “I’m in here.” Then I heard someone trying to kick the door down…… (Kick) …. (Kick) ……… (Kick)! And the door fell and in walked the most gorges guy ever he had black hair and almost neon blue eyes that found me instantly. He ran towards me and inspected me then looked back at me. “Seems you weren’t hurt” then he tossed me a knife and I just looked at him he grabbed my hand and pulled me down stairs. Chapter 2 He pushed me behind him as the cat eyed guy came at us but with one swift motion he cut his throat, then I felt a hand behind me I turned around and saw the purple man and screamed but calmed down as he backed up at the site of his sun and I took the opportunity and threw my knife which to my surprise hit him in the head killing him. Then a hand slid into mine and was dragging me and relief went through me when I saw it was the hot ass boy. Before I could blink we were outside and jumping in a black car his hand still in mine but I slid it out fast. He turned and looked at me with a cocky smile I raised my eye brow and said. “What’s so funny?” “It’s that you don’t even know how to say thank you.” “Thanks.” I said and looked out the window my brown hair blowing in the wind covering my emerald eyes. “Were we going?” I asked still looking out the window. “The institute which Is where all of us renegades stay it is hidden to regular human eye or disguised if you wish to say that. “What are renegades?” “We are a race of people with supernatural blood in us that lets us see demons, which we kill if they don’t abide by the laws of are agreement.” “Oh so do you train to kill them?” “Yes we have a pacific area to train.” And with that we stopped in front of the old hospital. “Why are we here?” “Look closer Lu.” And so I did and saw a big three stories high mansion. We walked in and he showed me my room that was on the third floor and looked fit for a princess my closet was full of gowns and street close and some black leather uniform. “Oh and my names Mason if you need anything I’m three doors down, and I would were a dress tonight your mom’s coming for diner welcome to your new home Lu.” She is really going to be here I can’t wait. The evening was coming around fast I had picked out my Text: Inspierd by Imortal Instrumen Series All rights reserved. Publication Date: September 25th 2011 https://www.bookrix.com/-passionate4books
Terri collins Hot and Steamy Lust Bubbles Lust bubbles A soft knock at the front foor. Such a familar sound. That knock was his knock. Heat between her legs suddenly made her face flush. A month had went by and finally she heard from him. She wouldn't let on how much she really cared. She couldn't help falling for not only good looks and charisma... but his heart also. Something she knew he wasn't ready to give. so she just welcomed the fun and good times instead. She had already lit candles, and had the shower running. No time for small talk he had said. Reaching the front door she took one deep breath and exhaled. A little nervous, why she didn't know. Years this had been taking place and still at times she got nervous. She turned the knob and opened the door. A cool spring breeze blew through the door making nipples grow hard. She turned from the door, her backside facing him. There was no small talk, no time for that. She heard him close the front door for her as she headed towards her small bathroom. She heard his footseps slowly follow her. She stepped into the bathroom, and a soft plush rug cushioned her feet. Finally when she knew he was right behind her she turned around. Facing him. The candles put a soft glow to his face. Eyes a brillant blue had turned bedroom blue. Slowly he reached for her. One step forward and his hand cupped her large left breast. His shoe was touching her left bare toes. "What took so long, you missed me?" A nod was his responce. He began to undress. With ease and swift quickness he stood naked before her. Her eyes lingered from his eyes, to his strong chest, trim torso, and his rock hard erection He was ready for her. without warning she knelt. Experienced she knew exactly what he liked. She knew he would be loooking down on her as she sucked, and swirled, and slid him as far as he could go. "Don't stop" Liquid slipped out from deep within her. Knowing he was close she slowed. Taking a lttle more time to swirl her tongue before suddenly taking him deep down. That did it. He explodded, and a small moan escaped his throat. she swalloed and licked him dry. She stood before him. The candles flickered over their bodies. He reached out and again cupped her left breast. "That was wonderful.." he whispere in a ragged breath. Words she had expected to hear. "I'm getting in the shower want to join me" She asked. "I would love to but I need to take a raincheck... got to get back to work. I came on my lunch break" "Oh that's fine next time then.." She stepped into the shower and heard his rustle of clothes being put back on Quickly. " I'll call you." "sure, be careful talk to you soon" It was then she felt a sudden draft come into the shower. He had opened the shower curtsin, and was looking with lust. "Your beautiful you know that?... I'll see you soon.. bye bye I'll lock up for you." "Thank you" With that she heard his footsteps leave the bathroom and slip through the small dark apartment. When she heard the door shut and the lock place securely she began to cry. Next time he would have the time to stay longer she knew. But for now her heart was heavey with bittersweet feelings. She loved pleaseing him but did he bot see what he was doing to her already fragile heart? Next time she was sure it would be different. Text: Terri collins All rights reserved. Publication Date: July 25th 2012 https://www.bookrix.com/-words75
gage adamczyk Embrace the darkness The night that changed my life forever was just over five years ago, the night that I lost everything. They came into our house and took away everything, all that was left when they were gone were the lifeless corpses of my parents and young sister. Vampires took everything from me, and so I hardened my body and mind. I am a triple black belt, an unofficial golden glove and suffered more broken bones then few experience over they’re whole life. I made my first kill when I was sixteen, I snuck into a rave and found a vamp trying to glamour a collage dude. I steeped in between them and whispered in the vamps ear I know what you are. The vamp smiled as he said well you don’t seem afraid. I smiled and said should I? He just stared at me from head to toe, he wasn’t the first to admire me. I was just under six foot tall the build of a highly trained athlete. He smiled and said why don’t we take this conversation elsewhere. I put up my best fake interested smile and nodded. The vamp took my hand and let me out the back door of the club, as we entered the dark part of the alley the vamp spun and put me against the wall. He started kissing my neck I reached down toward my belt the vamp stopped kissing my neck and said well aren’t we anxious. I smiled and pulled the twelve inch wooden stake out of my belt and said you have no idea, I rammed the stake into his chest. The vamp screamed and looked at me his eyes changed and he bit down on my neck, I grunted and said I don’t think so. I rammed the stake through his black heart. I felt his body start to disintegrate under me, as he turned to ash it burnt the side of my face and neck. I held in my hand a charred stake with a pile of ashes at my feet, and realized this was my purpose in life. Since then I had killed hundreds of vamps, using a multitude of methods. I’d met a few other slayers over the years, none were as skilled or successful as me. But the slayers league had sent a few young ones to me who needed training, it was a pain dealing with a foolish child following me around but the money I made from it helped fueling my weapons arsenal. I walked into my closet and put the code into the dial and the back wall slid back, behind it was any weapon a slayer could ever dream of. I picked out the basics a snake wood walking stick that would floor any vampire with a single blow to the head, plus the end was slightly tapered and would cut them. And my work bag that had a few wooden stakes, a collapsible crossbow and a few other things. I went downstairs and got into my car dropping the bag on the seat next to me, I was headed to a high school dance where one of my pupils said there was a vampire there trying to play main stream. It would be the last thing he tried to play. I knew that I would have to leave this city soon, the ruling coven was close to finding who I was. I pulled into the parking light of the high school when Kelsey saw me and came walking up to the car, as I got out of the car she said he’s here. I nodded and said good did you get me into the dance? She nodded and said yeah, her dark brown hair bouncing as she did. Her entire family had been killed by the bloodsuckers just like mine. She was a kind person but her heart is filled with hate, it had nearly cost her life several times. I nodded and reached into my car grabbing my bag, I reached inside the bag and grabbed a sturdy wooden knife carved out of yew. Kelsey nodded and said quick and easy right. I nodded and said as usual. I looked at Kelsey and said well let’s get in there. She nodded and said you’re here as my date, she said reaching for my hand. I took her hand and said lets go. I paid for us to get in, as we entered the room I knew it would was going to be interesting to put out a vampire in front of well over two hundred high school students. I turned and looked at Kelsey and said get lost. She nodded and disappeared into the crowd. I began to make my way through the crowd and look for the vamp, there were a lot of weird humans here but only one struck me as a vamp. He stood off in the dark corner of the room watching everyone, I sat down at the bar and watched him out of the corner of my eye. One of the strobe lights flashed his way and caused his eyes to glow red, I smiled and thought to myself got ya. He turned and looked right at me, my breath caught in my mouth. I threw up my mental shields, shit he was a telepath. I felt his mind reach out towards mine, I lashed out with pure hate and malice with my mind. I watched him flinch as my mental blow hit him, I smiled and said in my mind come and get me big boy. I stood and headed toward the door, I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw him following me. I left the school and went down the street, I found a small industrial building and walked into it and waited. I felt something in the room with me, I smiled and said I know you’re here. The vamp dropped from the ceiling and said well I have to say it your good. Chapter 2 I turned and said that’s my job. What killing, wow that must be nice getting paid to kill. Better than killing to live, I snarled at him . He nodded and said that’s true, so who are you. Let me guess scythe? I laughed and said please scythe couldn’t keep up with me if his life to depended on it. He turned his head and said then who are you? My street name is wolf, over the last two years I have killed more than a hundred of your kind. I am a wolf among your kind, I am a true hunter. I can see that he said looking at the floor, well here I am. He said raising his arms out. I reached for my knife and surged forward knocking him to the ground, I placed the knife over his heart and said time to die. He looked up at me his eyes still human, and said just do it. He looked away and just laid there. I looked at him he was beautiful, he had dark brown hair a perfect baby face. He looked up at me and said what are you waiting for? I saw his eyes were different when they were in predatory mode, your different than the others. He shrugged and said so even if I don’t feed on humans I’m still a soulless monster. I cocked my head and said wait you don’t feed on humans? He shook his head and said no, I haven’t in over fifty years. How old are you I asked pressing down with my knife. He looked down at the knife and said 102, he leaned up and said where did you get those scars? I looked down and said my first kill, when I staked him he was biting my neck. Looks like it hurt, he said reaching up to touch my face. I let him touch my face, as he did it was like sparks flew from his fingertips I gasped and rubbed my head into his hand. He smiled and said I thought so. I shook my head and said if I let you up you’d better not make the mistake of trying to attack me. He nodded and said wouldn’t dream of it. I stood up but keeping my knife at the ready, he stood up and said that’s not necessary. I took a deep breath lowered the knife and said alright I’m going to go out on a limb and say I trust you. He stepped forward and said same here, why don’t we go somewhere where we can talk more comfortably. I nodded and said let me go get my car and I’ll come back and get you. He shook his head and said why can’t I come with you? Because there is another slayer at the dance expecting you to be dead. He nodded and said good point honk your horn when you pull up. I nodded and started to walk away, he reached out and grabbed my hand and said thank you for not killing me. I nodded it was like sparks flowed over my skin as he touched me, I smiled as I walked away saying same here. Chapter 3 I walked back to the school parking lot and found my car, I was about to started it when Kelsey came running up saying did you get him? I shook my head and said no he didn’t follow me he took off. Kelsey cursed and stomped her foot, well did you see which way he went. No I said as I started the car, he was a telepath so he’s long gone with two slayers showing up. She huffed and said so what are you going to do? I shrugged and said I’m going home for the night. She nodded and said if he comes back I’ll call you. I nodded and backed the car out of the parking lot and waved as I went down the road, I pulled up outside the ware house and honked my horn. The vamp came walking out of the alley on the other side of the street, he opened the car door and said nice car. I nodded and said yeah she’s my pride and joy. He smiled and got in the car, I couldn’t help but smile back. He looked at me and asked where are we going? I shrugged and said well I’m hungry and I know a great diner not far from here. He nodded and said cool I could use a drink anyways. I smiled and said yeah me too. We pulled into the diner and I looked at him and said I didn’t catch your name. He nodded and said my name is Jake. I nodded and said my name is Adam. Jake nodded and said nice to meet you. I smiled and said well let’s get a drink. Jake smiled back at me and I melted, he was something else. He made me feel safe something I never felt, not since my family died. I got out of the car and said god a steak sounds really good right now. Well lets go get you one of those, Jake said stepping out of the car We walked into the diner there was no one there at this hour so we sat down at a table in the far corner. I sat down and looked at Jake, he was wearing a black tang top he saw me staring at him and asked what? I looked down feeling my cheeks redden and said I don’t know. I heard him whisper into my mind saying I think I do. I looked up and he was smiling widely, I shook my head and said and what is that? He reached under the table and took my hand and his, and asked that about sum it up? I squeezed his hand and said slow down cow boy and pulled my hand away from his gently. He nodded and said fair enough. I smiled and said I can’t believe I’m saying this but I really do like you. He looked down and said same here. The waitress walked up and said can I take your orders? I nodded and said I’ll have the New York strip steak medium rare please. Jake nodded and said and can you bring a bottle of jack and a couple shot glasses? The waitress nodded and said will that be all? I nodded and said I think so. A few minutes later she brought the bottle and shot glasses back to the table, she poured the first round and said your steak will be done shortly. I picked up the shot and said thank you. Jake picked up his and said let’s make a toast, to a long friendship. I nodded and said I’ll drink to that. We tapped the glasses together and slammed the whiskey. Jake smiled and said you know doing that is supposed to banish bad luck. I nodded and said yeah the witches were the first to do it. He smiled and said good job as he poured another round. I grinned as I took the next shot, I looked at him and asked what was it like when you were changed? He took a deep breath and said it would taste a lie if I said it didn’t hurt like hell, but only for a little while then I felt stronger and better than I ever had. He leaned back in his chair and said why are you offering?, cause you smell really good. I shrugged and said it’s crossed my mind but I didn’t know there was a way not to kill people. Well there is I’m living proof of that, he said leaning forward pouring himself another shot. I smiled and said I don’t know I may not be able to stand it like you. Well the offer still stands he said drinking his shot. I looked over as the waitress brought out my steak heaped with onions, she set it down on the table and poured another round saying I’m here if you need anything else. I was cutting into my steak and said will do thank you so much this is really good. She smiled and said you’re welcome, you let me know if you need anything she said as she headed back into the kitchen. I tore into the steak and savored the rich taste, I looked at Jake and said this is what I would miss the most if ever did change. Well you don’t have to give it up completely he said as he picked up a bite of the steak and popped it into his mouth. I smiled and said I didn’t know your kind could eat. Well we can but it serves us no nutritional value, Jake said shrugging. I finished my steak and a few more shots and was feeling pretty tipsy, I looked at Jake and said you should crash at my place. Jake smiled and said why is that? I smiled back and said use your Imagination. Jake grinned and said alright but I’m driving. I nodded and said yeah that’s probably a good idea. Chapter 4 I paid for the food but let Jake pay for the whiskey, I stumbled out to the car and sat in the front seat. Jake climbed into the driver seat and held out his hand saying keys please. I reached in my pocket and grabbed the keys handing them to Jake. He shook his head and said well what’s your address? 8292 Hunter Street, I said leaning against the seat. We pulled into my driveway just as the full moon was in the middle of the sky, I looked over at Jake and said were here home sweet home. I climbed out of the car and leaned against the back door as Jake came around to my side of the car, I smiled and said well I don’t know about you but that bed in there is looking real nice. Jake smiled and said yeah it does sound really good actually. I started walking toward the door, I stumbled over my own feet and started to fall, and Jake caught me and said easy. His arms were around my waist I smiled and wrapped my arms around him and said you know I could get used to this. Jake smiled and said you too? I rested my head on his shoulder and breathed in his scent, he smelled like a moon lit forest in spring, a deep airy smell. Jake looked down at me said I’m glad your comfy but the neighbors are watching us. I looked up and sure enough Miss Smith was looking out her bed room window, I lifted my arm and flipped her off. Jake chuckled and said alright come on. I nodded and let him lead me into the house, as we entered the house I reached over and flicked on the lights. The house was modest but nice, it wasn’t over done like most slayer’s houses. Jake nodded and said not bad. I stood and supported myself and headed toward my bed room saying it’s a house. Jake followed behind me and said so what you going to crash out on me? I shook my head and said no I’m just going to get more comfy before I start getting overly excited, I said as I sat on my bed and flung my shoes off. Jake shrugged and took off his jacket and laid it on my dresser, saying hey I cant argue with that. I looked up at him and said let me see what you look like in your hunting mode. Jake smiled and said why do you want to see me in hunting mode. I shrugged and said just curious. He grinned and said alright, he closed his eyes. A slight tremor went through his body, when he opened his eyes they were a blazing blue. His face was more angled, his fangs just barley poked out of his mouth. I smiled and said your older than 100. He smiled showing his fangs completely showing saying yeah your right, I’m a few years off of 500. I thought so I said laying back on the bed. He came over and sat down on the bed and looked at me saying I’m sorry I lied to you. I nodded and said one more question. He laid down next to me and said ask away. How long have you lived of from animals? He smiled and said it was 200 two weeks ago, why are you still considering? I took a deep breath and said yeah but there will be some terms though. He sat up and said like what? I thought about it for a moment and said you release me after a year. He shook his head and said no your going to need ten years at least to learn my feeding habit. I closed my eyes and nodded after a few seconds. He smiled and said anything else as he laid down next to me. I shook my head and said no that’s the big one. Chapter 5 He rolled over and rested himself over me using his arms, and asked are you ready? I took a deep shaking breath and turned my head exposing my neck and said yeah. He lowered his lips to my neck and kissed my neck lightly, I took a deep breath and said just do it. Jakes turned and looked at me and his eyes turned black, he turned and bit down on my neck. I gasped and grabbed the small of his back and pulled him to me, Jake bit down slightly harder and began to drain the life out of me. The pain soon faded and turned into a floating feeling, within in ten minutes Jake stopped drinking and said that should do it. I took a deep breath and said good cause I don’t think I’m going to be awake much longer. Jake smiled and said you’ll be alright your heart is still going strong, so you know what comes next right? I nodded and said I’m ready if you are? Jake smiled and said oh yeah I’m ready. I nodded and said well lets get this over with. Jake nodded and brought his wrist up to his mouth and bit down hard tearing his veins open. He held his wrist down to me and said you’re going to need a lot. I nodded and grabbed his wrist and started drinking, it didn’t taste like I thought it would. It was sweet beyond reason, I could taste the years of his life as his blood poured down my throat. Several minutes passed as I began to having an aching in my chest, it soon grew into a burning feeling. I stopped drinking and said what’s happening? Jake frowned and said your heart is dying, but you’ll be alright this happens to all of us. I nodded and said just put me to sleep I can’t take much more of this. Jake shook his head and said no you have to stay awake and you need more of my blood. A tremor wracked my body and I grunted loudly and nodded, Jake brought his wrist back up to my mouth. I drank deeply hoping it would get better but it didn’t. I was soon shaking violently every few seconds, this went on for about ten minutes and Jake pulled his hand away and said that’s enough. He laid down next to me and held me saying you’re through the hardest part, you’re going to fall asleep soon. I started to say something but my chest felt like it was tearing apart, I let out a yelp of pain. Jake pulled me in close and kissed my cheek and said easy ok easy. I pushed myself against him and breathed heavily into his chest trying not to cry out. Jake cradled me and said just concentrate on your breathing. I took deep breaths and soon the pain started to fade, I looked up at Jake and said what happens after I fall asleep. He took a deep breath and said in about three days you’ll wake up a vampire. I nodded and said well at least it doesn’t hurt anymore. He smiled and said yeah you did better than I did, when I was changed. I smiled and said you know you really are hot for a blood sucker. He chuckled and said join the club, he said as he rested his head against mine. We were nose to nose, I looked into his eyes and smiled. He smirked and asked what? I smiled and kissed him on the lips lightly, he shook his head and said I thought so. He slid his hand up my shirt and rested his hand over my heart, I arched my back into his hand and took a deep breath. He smiled and put his finger tip on my nipple saying your too weak for that right now. I smiled and said care to see if that’s true? He smiled and shook his head and said there will be an abundance of time for that in a few days. I sighed and said I guess so, I laid my head against his chest and felt my heart slow. I started to doze off when Jake said I’ll count the minutes until you wake my love. Chapter 6 I smiled and said same here, and fell into the deepest sleep of my life. There was nothing but darkness, I still felt alive but surrounded by darkness. I delved deeper into the darkness knowing it was hopeless to fight it, I sank for what seemed like ages. I loved this feeling, the ice coldness all around me. It turned from flowing dark into liquid darkness I could feel caressing my skin, I let the dark sink inside me I let it over flow me. I embraced the darkness, it felt so right. I began to vaguely feel my body, it started with a heavy feeling. It grew into me being able to distinguish different parts of my body, I felt my hands and feet first over what seemed like ages I could feel all of my body. I slowly opened my eyes, and Jake smiled and said well about time. I smiled back and said that was amazing, it was like I was a part of the darkness. You are a part of the darkness Jake said caressing my jaw line, I’ve never seen or heard of someone embracing the darkness like you did. What is the difference if I did even I didn’t embrace it? Well the more a newborn embraces the dark the stronger he become over his years. I smiled and said so I’m going to be a powerful vamp? Duh Jake said chuckling, you’re going to be an extreme telepath as well. I nodded and sat up, the room seemed so much brighter and detailed. I could smell the neighbor’s dirty laundry, I could hear a ground squirrel sleeping in its den in the back yard. Jake smiled and said it’s amazing isn’t it? I smiled widely and said yeah but not like you, I rolled him over and was straddling him. He grinned and leaned up kissing me, I kissed him back laying down on top of him. He put one of his hands up my shirt and began rubbing my chest, I gasped and began kissing his neck. I felt a pressure in my jaw and a slight shifting of my teeth, I opened my mouth to bite. But Jake pushed me up and said no. I looked at him with my mouth open and said what? You can’t feed on me, he said sliding out from under me and standing up. I rolled over and sat up and felt a slight burning in my throat and lungs, I rubbed my throat and said what is this? He frowned and said it’s the thirst, you need to feed soon. Well where are we going I said standing up. Jake stretched and said well we can feed not far from here tonight but, the game here wont sustain us both. So we are going to have to leave the city, so I hope you have a pass port? I smiled and went over to my dresser reaching into the hidden slot pulling out a pile of six different pass ports and waved them at Jake saying depends on who I fell like being. Jake shook his head and said wow that’s more than I have, were going to need some cash too. I shrugged and said I’ll clean my bank accounts there’s close to a million all together. Well we’ll do that first, and then we catch the first plane to Vancouver. I nodded and said I’ll pack some clothes. Jake shook his head and said no you need to feed first. I nodded and said well lead the way sir. Jake shook his head and grabbed his jacket saying I’ve been saving a cougar out in the state forest for a special occasion, and I think this qualifies as one. I nodded and slipped on a clean shirt saying well lets go. Jake nodded and walked out of my room grabbing the keys as he went. We were in the car headed toward the highway as I asked can we go in sunlight? No, Jake said shaking his head. Well that sucks I heard stories of some vamps being able to walk in the sun. Those were half breeds, but they died back in the dark ages most were burned at the stake for being witches Jake said pulling onto the highway. I smiled asking so how hard is it feeding on animals? It will be easier for you, you’ve never tasted human blood, and he said taking the exit marked state forest. Well we’ll see how this goes, I said looking out at the rapidly approaching forest. I rolled down my window and a torrent of scents hit me in the face, I breathed deeply and took in the smell of one of the few wild places left in the world. Jake looked over at me and said amazing it isn’t it? I nodded and said god my throat is starting to hurt really bad. Jake frowned and said don’t worry were almost there. He wasn’t lying we pulled into a scenic turn out about five minutes later, he parked the car and said come on. I nodded and stepped out of the car saying alright we need to hurry. Jake nodded and said come on. I followed closely behind him. He looked back at me and said I’m not going to teach you to track tonight you need to feed here real soon. I nodded and rasped out whatever you say. Jake nodded and said try to hold out I’ll find you something then we’ll go after the cougar. Well come on lets go I said starting to get ornery trying to deal with the pain. Jake turned and jogged into the forest, I followed keeping up easily. It felt like I wasn’t even straining, Jake broke into a run tearing after something running ahead of us. I kept pace with him but with every step the burning got worse, I saw the deer running ahead us and something broke in me. I felt its heart beat, I could hear its quiet rasping breaths. I surged past Jake and closed in on the deer, it turned trying to get away. I reached out and took it by the back leg and drug it to the ground, I kicked trying to get away but I clamped done shattering its leg bone. I took hold of its neck and tore in, my mouth was flooded with steaming, sweet blood. I drank deeply savoring the taste, the deer stopped fighting as its life was drained from it. As its heart stopped I let go of it letting it fall to the ground, I let out a long deep breath and looked up at the stars. I marveled at how bright they were, it was like looking up at bright lamps in the sky. Jake came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me and said its awesome isn’t it? I leaned back into him and said oh yeah, never thought it would be like this. It only gets better with age, he said kissing the side of his neck. I turned and buried my head in his shoulder just enjoying the closeness, he chuckled and said come on you need some more blood before we head home. I nodded and said sounds good to me, so where’s this cougar? Jake smiled and said not far from here its curious of us. I raised my head and took in a slow deep breath, I could smell something very strong off to the south. I looked at Jake and asked which way is it? And surprise Jake pointed to the south and said that way. I nodded and said let me track it I can already smell it. Jake thought about it for a second and said alright but go slow it’s going to fight back. I nodded and tore after the scent, within a minute the cat was running in front us at break neck speed. I slowed as the cougar turned and snarled at me, I crouched down and let out a roar. The cougar dove at me with his jaws wide open, I jumped and I collided with the cougar in midair. We came crashing down to the ground in a spitting snarling ball, I felt its claws bit into my side. I bit down hard on its neck savoring the anger that saturated the blood that flooded my mouth, Jake came over and untangled the cougar from my body and bit down on its shoulder. Within thirty seconds the cougar gave a futile last kick trying to get away, I pushed down on its leg snapping its leg like a twig. Jake released the cougar letting me have the rest. Chapter 7 JAKE I looked down at Adam as his back arched as he drained the cougar of its life, I reached down and touched his back saying easy it’s not going anywhere. He looked up at me for a moment and slowed down on feeding, a minute later he sat up and said oh my god that is amazing. I knelt down next to him and said yeah but you tasted better. He smiled and said I could say the same but truthfully you tasted a little gamy. I scoffed and gave him a push saying well thanks a lot. Adam grinned and said I was only kidding, he leaned and rubbed his lips against my cheek. I leaned into him and put my hand up his shirt, he in turn grabbed the front of my jeans and pulled me down him as he laid down. I kissed his neck and said well you don’t beat around the bush much do you? He grinned mischievously and said not it’s not in my nature to be discreet in this aspect. I shook my head and said I think I just found my new favorite thing about you. He smiled lightly and leaned up and kissed me on the lips while pushing his hand further down my pants. I gasped and felt my fangs come down, I reached around to the small of his back and pulled him against me. He kissed me harder and gripped my groin, I gasped and bit his shoulder. He gasped and said oh my god don’t stop. I bit down harder letting his blood flow into my mouth, I could taste the darkness in his blood more so than any other vampire I had ever tasted. He lifted up tearing his shirt off and throwing it, I marveled at his flawless body and stroked his chest. Adam smiled saying you like? I looked at his chest and back up at him saying hell yeah, leaned up and kissed his chest. Adam reached down and pulled my shirt over my head and tossed it, he looked at me and smiled. I looked down and back up asking what? He shook his head and said nothing I just can’t believe I’m here with someone like you. I smiled and said yeah you’re alright. Adam Jake gasped and said well thanks asshole smiling and looking away from me trying to act mad. As I reached down I felt another presence in the forest with us, I looked up and around. Jakes brow furrowed as he asked what’s wrong? I looked down at him and whispered were not alone. Jake closed his eyes for a moment, when he opened them his eyes were blazing red. He gasped and pulled me down against his chest, a sterling silver scythe flew an inch above my back. I jumped and saw the scythe embedded in a tree and turned and saw, the only other slayer to kill as many vampires as me. Chapter 8 I frowned and said Scythe you don’t have to do this. He smiled and pulled back his hood letting his long black hair fall free as he said you left me no choice when you chose to betray your own race for this leech. I shifted my weight and said you didn’t stand a chance against me when I was human, what makes you think you’ll stand a chance now? Scythe shook his head and said we’ll see soon enough, he reached behind him pulling out his weapon. It was a five foot tall Scythe the blade was pure silver and had Celtic runes of death etched upon it, that weapon had killed several hundred vampires since Scythe had a master silver smith of the old world forge it for him. I steeped off to the side as Jake stood and let out a low growl crouching into a fighting stance. I looked over at scythe and said it’s not too late, you can still walk away. Scythe smiled as he surged forward attempting to behead me, I ducked under it and stepped away from him, and Jake ran up and punched Scythe in the chest sending him flying back. As he flew through the air he used his free hand to fling a hand full of throwing knives into Jakes chest, Jake sank down to his knees as the silver sapped his strength. Scythe stood and said well one down and one to go, he was looking around trying to find me. He heard my low breathing and flung another set of knives at me I jumped away and landed on another branch saying you’ll have to do much better than that. He turned and looked up at me saying you haven’t seen nothing yet, he turned and pulled a sawed off shut gun from his robes. I instantly started running, I heard the silver buck shot bury its self in a tree behind me. I was in midst ride when another shot ripped through the air several of the shots hit me in the hip knocking me off my feet. I groaned and came up on my knees, Scythe reloaded and began walking up to me saying so I’ll be the one who killed the hunter. He pointed the gun at me and said so long wolf. I felt power well up in my chest as I said time to die old friend. I unleashed the power and a wave of pure fury ripped the ground as it flew towards Scythe, it hit him and sent him flying through the air. He smashed into a tree with a loud thud I heard several of his ribs break and could smell the blood that began to flow into his lungs and chest cavity, he began to rise from the ground as he said not bad for a new born. As he stood I put my foot under the handle of his scythe and said it’s over. He laughed spitting up blood, while saying no it’s not the hunter will become the hunted. I kicked my foot up I caught the scythe and sent it whirling through the air, he had just stood as the blade pierced his body and burying its self in the tree behind him. He let a gurgled last breath as his life left him, I looked over and saw Jake trying to stand. I rushed over to him and said hang on, I started pulling the blades from his chest. By the time I pulled the last one the first three wounds were healed. Jake sat down and said thanks catching his breath. I nodded and said no problem. I stood and went over to Scythe and pulled the blade out of his chest with a sickening gurgling sound, I looked at the weapon in my hands and shook my head. Jake walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist saying you should keep that it’s a good weapon. I nodded and said yeah I will, I was silent for a few minutes as Jake held me. Jake could feel my pain as he said don’t worry if I have anything to with it this will be the last human you kill. I grabbed his hand and said I hope so. Chapter 9 We arrived back at my house an hour later, I was feeling more and more tired as the sunrise approached. I yawned as Put several layers of blankets over the one bedroom window and said so what are we doing next? Jake finished hanging the last blanket and said well in the late afternoon you’re going to transfer your money to an account in Alaska, while you’re doing that I’m going to arrange my plane to pick us up around midnight. I nodded and flung my shoes of and laid down on the bed looking at Jake as he stood across the room looking at me, I slapped the bed and said get over here. He smiled and said alright, he walked over to the bed and took off his shoes. He climbed into the bed and laid next to me. I scooted over close to him and said so do you want to finish what we started earlier? Jake reached over and rubbed the inside of my leg and said I was hoping you’d ask that. I reached over and grabbed the edge of his pants pulling him on top of me saying well this should seem familiar. Jake leaned down and kissed me and said yeah but it seems a little backwards if I remember correctly. I smiled and said always so concerned with details, I put my hand down his pants He gasped and squeezed my chest saying not yet. I looked at him and asked why not? Because you need to be inducted into the coven first, he said placing his hands on the small of my back. I leaned up and said wait you have a coven? He nodded and said yeah we have seven including you. I shrugged and said alright as long as you don’t make me wait too long. He smiled and said oh don’t worry I won’t. I rolled off him and said god am I always going to get this tired this close to sunrise? He shook his head said no I’ve met a couple people who can stay awake all day. I took a deep breath and said alright, I scooted over and snuggled up against him and closed my eyes. I felt him put his arms around me and say you are by far my greatest creation. I smiled and said I’m glad you chose me, I dozed off not long after that. I didn’t dream at all which pleased me, I woke to Jake carefully climbing out of bed. I rolled over and said time for me to call my bank right? Jake turned and said yeah I’m calling my plane right now. I sat up and reached for my phone, I called my accountant I waited as the phone rang. My accountant answered recognizing my number saying ah mister wolf how can I help you? You can transfer all my funds to Alaska in the next 24 hours and I’ll give the names and numbers of my colleagues, just don’t tell them where you got the numbers. Well I think I can do that mister wolf, will that be all? Yes it will, my pocket book will be in the mail when I see the transfer complete. Very well I look forward to our future transactions sir click, I hung up thinking good riddance with that ass kisser. I looked at Jake and said so now that is taken care of when are we leaving? Jake smiled and said here in the next two hours, my plane has to be prepped and then were out of here. I smiled and said alright what should I pack? Well just some clothes and stuff and that scythe if you want, he said sitting down on the bed. I nodded and started packing some clothes into a duffel bag, I reached way back and grabbed the huge wad do hundreds and tossed it to Jake saying here pocket money. He caught it and shook his head and asked is there anything you don’t have around here? I shook my head and said not much. As I finished packing Jake said alright let’s get out of here. I picked up my bag and said well lets go then. Jake smiled and stepped out of the room and headed for the door, as we drove to the airport I asked who’s all in your coven? Jake sighed and said John, Marcus, Chris, Seth, Cody and Victor. Wow all guys says a lot about your taste I said chuckling. He reached over and playfully pushed me saying shut up. I smiled and shook my head, within an hour we pulled into a small outlying airport there was a single plane waiting there for us. I looked over at Jake and said so that’s our ride? Jake nodded and said yeah that’s it. We go out of the car and grabbed our bags heading for the tarmac. As we walked up a man came walking down the steps and said so this is the newest member huh. Jake nodded and said yep this is Adam. The man reached out for my hand and said I’ll be your pilot tonight sir. I shook his hand and said glad to meet you. The pilot took our bags and we boarded the plane without a word. After we took off Jake looked at me and said he knows I run a camp in Canada, but he doesn’t know what we are so watch what you say around him. I nodded and asked so this is your plane? Jake nodded and said yeah. I looked around and said its nice. Jake smiled and said wait till you see the private suite as he stood up, he walked a little ways and turned saying come on. I stood and followed him to the rear of the plane where he opened a door revealing a massive room with a full bed television and bathroom, I smiled and said wow all on one plane. He shook his head and said you should see my luxury jet, it makes this look like nothing. Well why are we on this one I asked slumping down on the bed. He shrugged and said it’s in Europe. I shook my head I see how it is I get second best huh. Jake walked over to me and knelt saying no I don’t think so as he kissed me. I kissed him back and pulled him on top of me, he broke the kiss and said no trust me you want to wait till after your initiated before we do anything. I sighed and said way to play hard to get. He smirked and said I didn’t say we have to stop this, as he kissed me. I smiled and said in between kisses I guess this will have to do….for now. He shook his head and kissed my neck saying the sun is going to be up soon, he reached over and hit a button and all the widows in the cabin slid shut and locked. I looked up and said that is cool. He smiled and said not as cool as you. Oh shut it ass kisser I said poking him in the chest. Jake smiled and said well let’s get to bed before daylight. I nodded and slid up toward the top of the bed, I climbed under the blanket and said so what are the others going to think about me? Oh trust me all of them are going to eat you up, he said climbing under the blanket and snuggling up to me. I smiled and said well least I know I have you, I said closing my eyes. I felt Jake lay his head on my chest saying I hope you know I’m in an open relationship with everyone in the coven. I nodded that’s fine if I can do the same, I said leaning my head on his. Oh trust me it’s fine, humans obsession with being monogamous is absurd Jake said closing his eyes. I nodded and saying I agree, soon after that I fell asleep. Chapter 10 I woke to the sound of tires touching down on the tarmac, I sat up and looked around. The windows were open and it was pitch black out except for the runway lights every few seconds. Jake was sitting in a chair across the room and smiled as he saw me jump up. I looked over at him and asked what? He smiled and said nothing just how you react to something you’re not expecting. I shrugged and said excuse me for being surprised. Jake smiled and said its fine, Cody jumped and stuck himself to the ceiling when we landed his first time. I laughed out loud and asked really? He nodded and said oh yeah scared the shit out of me. I sat up and as we landed and said so what are we doing next? Well were going to get a few things then were going to run home he said standing up. I nodded and said lead the way. We left the airport in a car that was waiting for us, we stopped at a small gas station and Jake parked the car and said I have to go get some things just wait here. I shrugged and said alright. Jake got out of the car and went in a few minutes went by and he came back out with two large boxes, he dropped them in the back seat and got back in the car saying now we go home. I looked back at the boxes and asked what’s in those? Jake backed the car out of the parking lot and said just some cigarettes for the guys. I nodded and said they must smoke a lot. Oh yeah they smoke like fiends, Jake said heading out of town. Soon we were so far into the wilderness I couldn’t smell any sign of humans at all, Jake pulled the car down a small barely noticeable two track, we followed it for what seemed like forever we came around a bend and there was a massive garage tucked in between the trees. Jake pushed a button on dash and the door opened, he looked at me and said no this isn’t home. This is just where we keep our cars. We pulled into the garage and my jaw about hit the floor, it was packed with everything from luxury sports cars to old school choppers. I looked at Jake and said really? He smiled and said what we all like cars. I shook my head and said this is a little bit excessive. Hey a little bit of excessiveness never hurt anyone, Jake said parking the car and getting out. I got out and stood waiting for Jake to get out of the car, saying come on we’ve got a bit of a run now. I nodded and said alright let’s get going. Jake locked up the car and garage as we got walked out, he turned and said it’s about twenty miles to home so I hope you can hold out until then. I nodded and said my throat barley burns so I’ll be alright. We began at a brisk jog and worked our way into a full blown sprint I smiled the whole way watching the forest blur past, I savored every smell took in every tree and hill we ran over. I heard footsteps coming toward us, Jake slowed his pace as we came into a clearing. He stopped in the middle and said here comes the clan. I looked across the field and saw five shirtless drop dead gorges men coming running into the field. Jake smiled and shouted hello my brothers. They all smiled as they reached us a tall blonde boy said well Jake you brought another one. Jake nodded and said this is Adam. One of the men an average height black haired man said he’s quite the catch. Yes he is Marcus and he’s going to be your rival when it comes to telekinesis. Marcus looked at me and whispered into my mind so how strong are you young one. I put a bit of force into my voice as I sent my response to him, strong enough brother. I saw all of the groups eyes widen and realized my voice was heard in all of their minds. The man from the back of the group stepped forward, he had long white hair and glowing blue eyes. He looked at me and said so you are brother. I smiled and said well I have trained in intense meditation since I was 14. Jake stepped forward and said Adam this is Victor. I nodded and said nice to meet you. Victor looked at Jake and said leave it to you to find a strong telepath after only being gone for a week. Jake nodded and said he hit me mentally before he even changed. Victor smiled a dazzling bright smile and said well he will be a great addition to our little family here. A brown haired heavily muscled boy stepped forward and said welcome brother my name is Seth. I reached out to shake his hand and said love that name. He shook his head and said no were brothers now as he wrapped his arms around me hugging me tightly. I hugged him back and felt my fangs come down feeling his hard muscled body against mine. Seth smiled and said well that’s answers my question about his preference, he let go of me grinning widely. The rest of the group introduced themselves to me and hugged me Cody grabbed my ass as he did, I laughed and jumped away saying whoa Jake’s got first dibs. Cody laughed and said oh I remember Jake always gets the good ones first. Jake put his arm around me and said hell yes especially this one. Seth grabbed my chin and said well he’s mine next. I grinned and leaned and kissed him hard on the lips, he reached down and grabbed my groin and squeezed. All the boys started making whopping noises as we made out, I broke the kiss and said any one who can kiss like that can have me and laughed. Jake chuckled and said alright let’s get home we have an initiation to get to. Chapter 11 As we ran I felt more alive than I ever had in my whole life, Seth ran up next to me and winked as he surged past me. I smiled and shook my head, I felt a draft as Cody jumped through the air and landed on my back I looked back at him he grinned and kissed the side of my neck and dropped down and ran behind me. Soon we ran into a massive clearing and stopped I looked around with my mouth wide open there were six ornately built two story log lodges built in a half circle. Jake stood next me and said yours is the next one. I smiled and asked really? Jake nodded and said of course but you can stay with anyone you choose till yours is built. Cody was jumping up and down saying oh pick me pick me. I smiled and said yeah I’ll probably rotate around to everyone even after I have my own place. Seth shook his head and said bull shit we’ll be fighting to see who gets to stay with you. The others all laughed and nodded in agreement, Jake smiled and said he’s mine tonight though as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I kissed the side of his face and said yes sir. Cody laughed and bounced around and said I’ll fight you for him. Jake grinned and said oh but we both know how that will end. Cody waved his hand and said ah whatever I can wait. Jake smiled and said get the bon fire going boys. All the guys started dashing around in a blur within a few minutes there was a massive bonfire in the center of the cabins. Jake took my hand and lead me to the fire and said we shall seal you as a member of the family in the exchanging of blood. I smiled and said so that’s why you made wait to feed? Jake nodded and said trust me it will be worth the wait. I nodded and said yeah I bet. Jake positioned me in front of the fire and had the others form a half circle around me, he smiled and said it began with blood and in blood we are bond. Cody stepped forward and held his hand out. I took his hand and he pulled me to him he smiled and gently tilted my head to get access to my neck, I let him he kissed my neck several times before he bit. I gasped and pulled him to me, he drank for a minute and pulled away smiling. He turned his head and tapped the side of his neck grinning, I leaned in and ran my nose along his neck and savored his sweet scent. I bit down lightly and savored his blood, it was wild and free I could feel the happiness the flowed through his veins. I pulled away and nodded at him smiling widely, he stepped back into the formation. Victor walked up to me and held his hand out to me, I took it and he pulled it up and kissed it the whirled me around so he was looking over my shoulder at me. He grinned and kissed my neck once before he bit down, I closed my eyes as he drank and held my chest and squeezed every once in a while. He released and stepped in front of me and turned his back to me, I placed my hand on his stomach and nibbled his ear lightly. He moaned and arched his neck, I smiled and bit down on his neck. He tasted of salt water and cool summers, I could feel the strength in his blood. I pulled away and kissed his neck. He ran his finger along my jaw and stepped back into the circle, I smiled and watched as Marcus came forward. He smiled and held out his hand, I took it gladly he pulled me to him and ran his lips along my neck. I arched my neck and gripped the small of his back, he bit down hard and I gasped as he drank deeply, he pulled away and licked the two small wounds as he offered his neck. I rubbed his chest as I leaned in and kissed his neck, I bit down and felt the warm tropical sun in his blood the sweetness of it. I released and licked his neck, his body shook as he stepped away. I smiled widely as Seth walked up to me, he offered both of his hands with a devilish gleam in his eyes. I took them and he pulled me in and hugged me tightly, he kissed me on the lips hard. I kissed him back and savored his taste, he pulled away and bit down on my neck. He drank for a few seconds and pulled away grinning showing my blood still on his teeth, I shook my head pushed his head to the side and sank my teeth in. He tasted of the deepest part of the forest, a deep sweet almost gamy taste. I drank deeply and pulled away to catch my breath, he smiled and grabbed my groin before he stepped away. Chris came walking up his long wavy hair blowing in the wind, he offered his hand staring at me with his deep gray blue eyes. I took it and he squeezed my hand tightly, as he pulled me in for a warm hug. He gripped the small of my back as he bit down on my neck, I closed my eyes and rubbed the back of his head. He pulled away showing a breath taking smile, he leaned in and kissed me lightly on the lips. I rested my hand on his cheek for a moment, I turned his head and bit down. The taste that flooded my mouth was breath taking, it was if all the love in the world flowed in his veins. I pulled away and kissed him hard on the lips, he pulled away and stepped back into the formation. John a tall very pale man walked up and held out hand, I took it and he kissed my hand and then pulled me into a tight embrace and bit down harshly on my neck. Groaned as he ravaged me, he pulled away and turned his head to the side and tapped his neck. I wrapped my arms around him and bit down as hard as he did me, he seemed to enjoy it though. He tasted deep and thick he was very strong there was a dark taste to his blood I enjoyed very much, I pulled away and smiled as he stepped into the formation. Jake walked up to me and said are you ready? I nodded and tilted my head to the side, he grinned and pulled me into his arms. It was like my skin was on fire with his body against mine, I grabbed his ass pulled him to me smashing his body against mine. He leaned in and bit down on my neck lightly, I reached down the back of his pants and gripped his rock hard ass. I heard several of the boys chuckle, I just closed my eyes and submitted to the bliss of his fangs in my neck. He pulled away slowly with his eyes shut and mouth still open, I smiled and kissed him lightly. He put his hand and the back of my head and began probing my mouth with his tongue, I did the same to him. He pulled away and turned his head exposing his neck, I smiled and kissed his neck several times before I bit down. He gasped and squeezed me in closer to him, as I drank I felt as if I was drinking the world every sight smell and image. The power and of the power the flowed in his veins was staggering, I pulled away and almost lost my footing. Jake caught me and said easy big boy. I smiled and said this is amazing. He rested his head against my forehead and stared into my eyes as he said not as amazing as you. I smiled and ran my fingers along his back, I closed my eyes and just stood there. I soon felt hands on my back, I turned to see Seth behind me rubbing my back. Soon all of them were around me kissing and rubbing every inch of my body, I gasped as one of them took hold of my prick through my jeans. I looked to see Cody smiling widely I reached down and did the same to him, he groaned loudly and leaned his head back. This continued for several minutes until Jake said come, as he pulled me away from the group. I followed him but looked back at the others and smiled. Jake led me into the central and largest of the cabins, this one was technically a lodge. It was ornately decorated in blues and blacks, from the furniture to tapestries that hung from the ceiling. He led me to a massive bed with black silk covers and said so was it worth the wait? I smiled and said hell yeah it was, I felt like I was floating I could feel every little tremor in the earth smell even the faintest whiff of wild rose that grew in the next valley. Jake grabbed the edge of my shirt and pulled it over my head, I in return undid his belt and pants and let them fall to the floor. I looked down and laughed saying wow free balling really? Jake smiled and said yeah you got a problem with it. I shook my head and said no its easier access. Jake smiled and undid the front of my jeans and let them fall, he looked and said I half expected to see whitey tighties chuckling to himself. I scoffed and said wow really? He smiled widely and said no I was only jesting. I shook my head and said that is cool. He cocked his head to the side and said what is? I smirked and said just when you talk like that. Well I grew up in the middle ages as a young lord you know. Really a lord I asked with my eyes wide. Jake nodded and said yes I was in line to be the king of what is now Germany. I stood back and said yes your majesty. Jake grabbed me and spun me around tossing me onto the bed, he looked down at me and said now beg slave! I took a deep breath and said no I don’t think I will. Jake shook his head and said well I guess I have to discipline you. I leaned up on one arm and said promises promises. He reached down and grabbed the edge of my briefs and pulled them off, I just continued to stare at him. He smiled and pulled his tank top over his head and crawled into bed with me. I stared at his flawless pale body and felt my fangs come down, he grinned and said excited are we? I smiled and said I could say the same about you looking down at his semi hard prick. He looked down and said please look at yourself. I didn’t have to I knew I was rock hard, I smiled and said well I least I’m not half way there. He rolled over and straddled my torso, as he said I’ll be a gentleman and let you go first. I smiled and said how nice of you. He rubbed his bare ass against me and I groaned, he smiled and said I thought so. I pushed him down past my torso he was sitting in my lap now, he smiled and said as you wish. He reached down and guided me into him, gasped as I entered him, Jake let out a low grunt as I did. I pumped once and felt his body tense, he took it upon himself to do the rest. He began slowly and built until we were both sweating and moaning loudly, I let out a few ragged breaths as I finished. Jake fell against my chest in a sweating gasping heap. Your turn I said in between ragged breaths. Jake kissed my chest and said sounds good to me. I rolled over onto my stomach and said go for it big boy. He rolled on top of me and kissed the back of my neck as he gently entered, he was massive. But it was amazing having him inside me, I arched my back into his every thrust and groaned as he pounded me harder and harder. He let out a loud moan as he came, he collapsed on me and said by far the best I’ve ever had. He rolled off from top of me and said I think I truly do love you. I rolled onto my side facing him and said the feeling is mutual. He smiled and scooted in and cuddled up against me, as he said I’m glad to hear it. I rested my head against his chest and said so we get started on my lodge tomorrow? He nodded and nuzzled the top of my head saying yes we are going to dig out the foundation after breakfast. I nodded and said cool, I closed my eyes and began to doze off. Jake kissed the top of my head and said I count the minutes until you wake my love. Chapter 12 I woke to the sound of the door to the lodge opening, I sat up to see Cody walking in. I smiled and said well hello cuteness. He laughed and said hello sleeping beauty. Jake put his hand on my hip and said my sleeping beauty. I shook my head and stood grabbing my pants and pulling them on, Cody dashed forward and said here let me help you with that. I smiled and looked down as he zipped up my jeans and his hand lingered there for a second. He smiled and said it’s nice to know your proportionate. I grabbed his groin and said I could say the same about you. He closed his eyes and said oh I can’t wait to have you all to myself. I stepped closer and wrapped my arms around him and said soon enough . Jake was up and in pants in the blink of an eye, he looked at us and said alright you two let’s get going I’m thirsty. I pulled away and said me too. I followed Jake out of the lodge to find all of the boys outside waiting for us, they all greeted us and stood waiting for Jake to speak. Jake cleared his throat and said were pairing off as usual and Adam will be going with…he said looking around the group, Seth and all the others moaned and began to complain. Seth walked up and put his arm over my shoulder and said so what’s your favorite you strike me as a bear boy. I shrugged and said sounds good to me. Seth put his hand on my chest and said a boy after my own heart. The others laughed and were soon paired up, as they all sprinted into the forest Seth looked at me smiling widely and said finally some alone time huh. He stepped in and kissed me hard on the mouth same as he had the night before. I kissed him back savoring his wild taste, I stepped back and said lets hunt first my throat is killing me. Seth smacked himself in the head and said oh duh you’re a newborn, alright lets go. As we jogged into the forest Seth turned and asked how fast are you? I shrugged and said fast enough, I can keep pace with Jake. Seth nodded and said well Jake isn’t the fastest of the group, I am but I’ll go slow so you can keep up. I shook my head and surged past him in a lightning quick blur, I heard a slight swoosh and Seth was standing a hundred feet in front of me. He shook his head and said you wish. I smiled and said yeah I do. He turned and started slow letting me catch up, we ran for a good twenty minutes when Seth said gotcha. He turned sharply and we dashed into a small glade, there was a massive grizzly standing twenty feet from us. Seth looked at me and asked so you’re a telepath huh? I nodded and said yeah so what? He gave me a sideways glance and said hit it and hard. I nodded and began building the rage and power in my head, I let it all loose in a single wave flying right at the bears head. It struck the bear cracking its skull and knocking it out, Seth patted me on the shoulder and said nice one Marcus has definitely got some competition now. I shrugged and said I guess. We walked up to the bear it was close to death, Seth looked at me and said you can go first. I smiled and said thanks, I knelt down beside the bear and turned its head. My fangs came down and I tore in. thick steaming blood flooded my mouth, it tasted sweet and almost savory. Seth knelt next to me and tore into the shoulder, several minutes passed and I was amazed that there was still a steady stream of blood pouring from the beast. A few more minutes went by and I pulled away as the stream slowed. A few minutes later Seth lifted his head and said nothing like bear if you ask me. I nodded and said yeah it’s definitely better than cougar. Seth nodded and said yeah there’s too much anger in cougar. I stood and stretched feeling very full, and very strong. Seth stood and walked over to me and placed his hand on my hip, he smiled and said we could wait a little longer before we go back. I smiled and said as much as I’d like to Jake said to get back as soon as possible. Seth took a deep breath and said yeah your right, but we’ll continue this later right? I nodded and said absolutely, I placed my hand on the side of his face and he closed his eyes and leaned his head into my hand. After a minute he pulled away and said alright lets go before I decide to take it from you. I smiled and said as if you could. Chapter 14 Seth shook his head and turned back to the way we came, within a few minutes were home. Everyone but Victor and Marcus were there, Jake saw us and asked how did fare young ones? I grinned widely and said we got a bear. Jake cocked his head and said wow a bear, and not a scratch on you guys. Seth put his arm on my shoulder and said yeah a well-placed mind blast from this guy made it easy. Jake shook his head and said that should get Marcus going. I shrugged and said I guess. Jake looked at me and said while you were gone I got the plot for your lodge marked out so all we have to do is dig it out and start laying the stone. I laughed and said that’s all? Jake smiled and said between all of us that should be easy work for one night. I looked at the four posts and said alright where do we start? Jake looked at Cody and held out his hand, Cody threw him a shovel and said we dig. I took the shovel and tested its weight in my hand, it felt weightless in my hands. I looked at Jake and said alright let’s get started. Jake grabbed another shovel from Cody put me in a spot and said dig about three feet down. I nodded and plunged the shovel into the soil it went in like a hot knife through butter, Cody positioned himself a few feet away and asked so do you have any family? I shook my head and said they died a long time ago, how about you any family? He shrugged and said nah they died about fifty years ago. I nodded and continued shoveling, in a matter of an hour we cleared the entire marked out area and leveled it as well. Jake looked at the beginning of the foundation and said alright boys lets go get some stones. I followed the group and we went just beyond the tree line and I saw a small cliff face that had been slowly cut away, I guess by the foundations of the other lodges. Jake and Seth took out pick axes and began splitting the stone apart into sections the size of kitchen tables and about two feet thick, they finished the first one and they picked up the edge and tossed it down to us. Cody handed me a thick hoe like tool and said swing lightly like this, he swung and cleaved a piece of stone off leaving a smooth flat surface. I raised my hoe and swung lightly and took off a good sized chunk leaving it smooth and flat like Cody’s. I looked at Cody and he smiled and said just like that. I swung and took off another chunk. Soon we had smoothed out a dozen massive slabs. At fifteen Jake stopped and walked down to me and asked do you want stone floors or wood? I thought about it for a minute and said wood will be cool. Jake smiled and said good then were done here. Next we paired off in twos and began carrying the slabs back to the building site, once there I watched Marcus cleave off the sides of the slabs with his mind making them perfectly square. I walked up and asked can I try? Marcus looked at Jake questioningly, Jake thought about it for a minute then said yeah just be careful. I nodded and said I will, I looked at Marcus and asked alright how does this work? He took a deep breath and said you just concentrate on a side of the stone coming off in a straight line. I nodded and said alright can I give it a try? He nodded and stepped back, I looked at the stone and concentrated my very being on the cutting a side off the stone in a straight line. A few seconds passed and there was a slight hissing sound and two sides of the stone began to shake slightly, at once two sides of the slab slid off cleaved perfectly at a right angle. Cody jumped back and said DAMN!!! I looked up and everyone was smiling widely even Marcus. Jake smiled and said well that proves what I said, you’re going to be a very strong telepath. I smiled and said I guess. Marcus grabbed my shoulder and squeezed saying, no seriously it took me years to be able to cut one side at a time let alone two. You are a strong telepath, if I daresay it by the looks of this stronger than me. I smiled widely and said sweet what else will I be able to do? Marcus shrugged and said I’ve heard stories of fire manipulation, but who knows. Jake spoke up and said alright boys let’s get back to work. It took us just under a half hour to finish cutting the slabs, I watched as Jake and Seth laid the first stones and volunteered to help. Jake agreed and let me take his place, Seth coached me as we laid the stone. I marveled at how they fit together flawlessly, the seam was barely visible. Within an hour all the stone was laid, Jake smiled and said alright lets go for a swim then we’ll call it a day boys. Cody whooped and said nothing like a swim after a hard nights work. I grinned and said I agree. I followed with Cody and Seth on either side of me, we walked for ten minutes and came to large natural spring. I smiled and said we sure have a nice spot here. Cody nodded and said I know I don’t want to ever leave this place. Well hopefully we don’t have to, I said pulling my shirt over my head. I stripped out of my clothes and followed the others into the pool. I walked out into the middle of the spring and laid back floating on the surface, I felt the water under me move. I rolled over onto my stomach and looked down Cody was laying at the bottom of the spring looking up at me smiling. I smiled back and just stared at him, he floated up and stopped just as our bodies touched, he was smiling widely as he stared at me. I leaned down and kissed him lightly, he put his hands on my hips and kissed me back. His body was pressed up against mine as we made out, he tasted sweet as he explored my mouth with his tongue. I smiled and pulled away, I stared at him for a minute. I wrapped my arms around him and stood up out of the water bringing him with me, that was fucking hot Seth said from across the spring. I turned and said your just jealous. Seth nodded and said damn right I am. I laughed and said what when we kiss like this, I said as I kissed Cody again. Seth dove into the water and appeared next to me in the blink of an eye his fangs down and wicked smile on his face. He lightly pulled me away from Cody and said he’s all yours tomorrow night. Cody smiled and said well a catch like him is worth waiting for, he stepped back and winked at me. I looked at Seth and asked so what’s your plan for the rest of the night? He smiled as he leaned and whispered I want you inside me. I got hard instantly, I smiled and said I think I can help with that. Seth wrapped his arms around me and said I thought you would. We continued to swim for about an hour when the others began getting out of the water and heading back home, Seth and I were left there alone when he said you know of all the ones Jake has brought back with him I like you the most. I smiled and asked why is that? Because you don’t hide who you are from anyone… wolf. I stepped back and asked how do you know who I am? Seth smiled and said it’s alright it doesn’t matter to me what you did before this life, and I am a telepath. Just not the same kind as you and Marcus, I read minds instead of moving things. I nodded and said that’s got to be neat to know what people are thinking. He shrugged and said it has its benefits, it’s really handy when I need to long range track. I nodded and said you can reach out ahead for your preys mind. Seth nodded and said precisely. So you’re not afraid of me knowing what I’ve done to your…our kind. He shook his head and said no you had a good reason to do what you did, I would have done the same in your position. I nodded and said thank you for understanding. He smiled and wrapped his arms around me and said your hard to be mad at for anything. I chuckled and laid my head on his shoulder, we stayed there holding each other for a while when Seth said well let’s get back we’ve got about two hours until sunrise. I nodded and said alright, I walked out of the pond and stepped into my pants. Seth rolled my shirt up and swung it around the back of my neck and pulled me into a passionate kiss. I grabbed his bare ass and pulled him against my body, he smiled and said let’s get back to my lodge. I nodded and stepped away I left my shirt around my neck as I ran back toward home, stopped and waited for Seth as he pulled his pants up, he looked at me and said that one as he pointed at the lodge diagonal from Jake’s. I nodded and crossed the court yard and opened the door and gasped at the interior of the lodge, it was heavily decorated in a deep blue. There was blue silk draped from the ceiling, it was oddly reminiscent of the sea. There was a deep pool of water in the center of the room, it was circulated by a large fountain in the center of the pool. I felt hands around my waist and Seth kissed the side of my neck saying I’m going to guess you like it, right? I turned and said hell yeah it’s sweet ass. Seth smiled and kissed my neck and said yeah it reminds me of the sea, I don’t get to see it as often as I’d like so I brought it home with me. I nuzzled the side of his face and said that was very clever of you. He rested his head mine and asked what are you going to do with your lodge? I thought about it and said well design wise I don’t know but the color is going to be black. He nodded and said sounds befitting, a true hunter’s greatest ally is darkness. I nodded and said I couldn’t agree with you more. He looked at me for a moment and then down at the floor smiling. I lifted his chin and asked what? He shook his head and said nothing I just can’t get over how much I like you. I smiled and said the feeling is mutual, I kissed him and put my hand up his shirt squeezing his chest. He arched his hips and breathed deeply, we continued kissing for a few minutes when Seth pulled away and took my hand and pulled me toward the opposite end of the room. He pulled back the curtain and ushered me into the sleeping area. The bed was sunk into the floor, it had two small downward steps leading to it. I shook my head and said I think I just found my favorite part of this place. Seth smiled and said well I’m glad you like it, he stepped past me and began stripping out of his clothes. I did the same only having pants to strip out of, I looked up and saw Seth staring at me. I smirked and said what? He gave a devilish smile that made my skin prickle in a good way, and said you had better get over here help me with this he said motioning to his half way done up pants. I smiled and said well I think I can help with that. You know this happens a lot he said as I pulled his pants down and let them fall off his hips. I smiled and shook my head saying yeah it’s probably really convenient too huh? He cocked his head to the side and said I have no idea what you’re talking about? Oh but I think you do I said as I wrapped my hands around his hips. He shook his head and said hey you can blame me for wanting someone like you to be touching me all the time. I gripped his ass and pulled him to me and said I could say the same thing to you. He kissed me lightly on the lips and said now how about what we talked about earlier? I kissed him back and said you’re the one who was having trouble with your pants. He laughed and leaned back for a sec and said I figured with you helping it wouldn’t take too long. I smiled and said well I am happy to help you if you’d stop talking. He raised his hand and saluted me saying yes sir! I gave him a light push and he fell back onto the bed, he just laid there and smiled his fangs were down. I straddled his stomach and he put a hand on my chest and slid it down slowly to me groin, I took a deep breath and said you have the hands of an angel. He smiled and said another telepathy thing. I rubbed his nipple and said I like it. He leaned up and kissed my nipple, I gasped as I felt him bite down lightly. I looked down and saw him suckling the blood trickling from my chest. I was in absolute bliss, I moaned as his tongue caresses my skin. He stopped and looked up at me and said your turn. I smiled and said through deep breaths where do you want me to bite? He shrugged and said where ever you want. I smiled and laid my hand on his chest and made him lay down on the bed, he smiled and leaned his head back. I slid down off the end of the bed, I took his right leg and began rubbing the inside of his thigh. He was already breathing heavily, I leaned down and kissed his thigh. I bit down hard cool blood flooded my mouth, Seth cried out and arched his back in bliss. I drank deeply for a few moments and pulled away, Seth was laying there taking deep ragged breaths. He looked up at me and said that was….amazing. I smiled and wiped my lips and said happy to be of service. Seth smiled and said no the pleasure is all mine. I smiled wickedly and said for now, I grabbed his side and rolled him onto his gut and said your mine now. Seth turned his head and looked up at me and said what are you waiting for? I shook my head and slid on top of him and rammed in, Seth cried out raising his head off the bed with his eyes wide open. I took him hard and fast and he moaned and cried out matching my pace, several minutes I collapsed on top of Seth’s muscular body in a sweating gasping heap. Seth was took several deep breaths before he said best I’ve had in years. I smiled and said glad you liked it. Liked it?, I loved it he said rolling over and looking up at me. I kissed him lightly on the lips and said of all the others I personally wanted you first. Seth smiled and said I wanted to take you the first time I laid eyes on you. I shook my head and slid off from him resting my head on his chest, he ran his fingers through my hair and said you know I wish Jake would have let me go a month ago. I looked up at him and asked why? Who knows I was going to the same city as him and I could have been your maker. I smiled and said yeah but you’d be my master, but this way we are equals. Seth nodded and said that’s true. I closed my eyes and started to doze off, I felt Seth pull a blanket over us I smiled as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest. I fell asleep savoring the wild smell of the beautiful boy next to me. Chapter 15 I woke up slowly and smiled as I noticed Seth sprawled across me and his nose in my neck, I ran my finger down his back and felt his lips curve into a smile. He turned his head and looked up at me and said well good morning beautiful. I smiled and said good morning gorgeous. He kissed the side of my neck and said well lets go see if the boys are up. I nodded and listened closely, and said and said yeah they’re up I can hear them breathing. I got out of bed and looked at my sweaty dirty clothes and said shit I left my bag in the car! Seth waved his hand and said I’ll give you some clothes to wear for now. I nodded and said thanks, Seth got out of bed and walked over to a large wardrobe and ruffled through it for a minute and said ah here we go. He tossed me a black pair of shorts with blue tribal markings down the legs, he ruffled for another minute and tossed me a blue mesh tang top. I put the clothes on and said well how do I look? He smiled and said like a prince of darkness. I grinned widely and said and you the king of the seas. He looked down and shook his head, I think I’m falling for you. I crossed the room and wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed him, I pulled away and said think it’s a little late for me to say that. He smiled and kissed me back as he put his arms around my neck, I heard the door of the lodge and instantly recognized Cody’s scent. I pulled away and said were coming Cody and yes I’m coming over tonight. He laughed and said alright hurry Jake is getting anxious, he wants the walls up by midnight. I shook my head and said so demanding. Seth shook his head and said this part is easy, it’s the inside that’s a bitch. I shrugged and said well let’s get out there. Seth nodded and said yeah let’s get the easy stuff done. We walked outside and saw everyone waiting to form hunting parties, Jake smiled and said from the way it sounds you had an epic night. I smiled and put my arm around Seth’s shoulder saying you have no idea . Seth shook his head and said it was something else. Jake just smiled and said Adam your hunting with Chris tonight. I smiled and walked up to Chris and said oh the quiet one. Chris smiled that dazzling smile and looked at the ground shaking his head, I cocked my head to the side and asked what’s wrong? He shook his head and said nothing just you make me smile. I smiled and said same here, I turned and saw the others disappear into the forest. Chris looked up and said what do you have a taste for tonight? I thought about it for a moment then asked are there any wolves around? Chris smiled and said I hoped you’d ask that, yeah there are tons of them you just have to know where to look. I nodded and said lead the way. Chris reached out and squeezed my hand and then let it go and jogged into the forest, I followed and soon we were tearing through the forest at full speed. I caught a scent of something in front of us, it was very strong almost like there was more than one. We came flying into a field and ten massive wolves turned to face us, I stopped and widened my stance waiting for them to fight. Seven of them turned and ran into the woods, the other three stood their ground. Chris looked at me and said can you fight? I nodded and stepped forward saying yeah. He nodded and said we each get one, and he turned away from me and dashed forward. He jumped and caught one of the wolves in the side with his shoulder, they fell to the ground in a tangled heap. I saw one of the wolves run into the forest and watched the other turn towards Chris, I held out one hand and reached out and grabbed the wolf with my mind. It yelped as I picked it off the ground, I whispered into its mind saying sleep and seeding the thought of sleep in its mind. It went slack in my grip falling into a deep sleep, I lowered it down to the ground and walked up to it. I knelt down and turned its head to the side and bit down hard, the wolf didn’t even stir. It laid there as I drained its life from it, and its blood was like fire. It made my heart race and caused my body to quiver like life itself was flowing into me, just as the wolf’s heart stopped I felt its mind meld with mine. I felt its first moments of life, the smell of its mother not far and the promise of life in her breast. I saw its first images in blur, they grew sharp and defined. And the smells, the smells were otherworldly. I felt pity for the wolf and pulled its consciousness into mine, a small piece of it came and I pulled away and stood staggering a bit. I looked up at the moon and felt a deep feeling in mind and body, I raised my head and let the voice of the wolf come through as I howled at the moon. Our voices mingled and made a beautiful sound, never in my life had I felt so free and strong. I felt my jaw ache and pop a few times and my legs started to ache when someone pulled my head down and was shouting in my face. I pulled away and looked at Chris and asked what?, my voice was deep and guttural like I was growling the words. Chris was staring at me wide eyed and said we have to get home, now. I nodded and said lead the way my voice still off. We reached home not long after words, Seth was sitting on a stool and saw me and jumped up and said HOLY SHIT!! I stopped and said what? Chris stepped in front of me and said something in his mind I could tell what he did, not what he said. Seth nodded and dashed into the forest. Chris looked at me and said he’s going to get Jake so just sit down and wait. I nodded and sat down on a stump, I happened to look at my hand and gasped. There was a thin layer of grey black hair on the back of hand and my finger nails were slightly tapered to a point, I looked up at Chris and stuttered out what the hell!!? He shrugged and said I don’t know, that’s why I told Seth to go get Jake. I nodded and turned my hand over and my palm was darker and had a texture like worn light sand paper. I shook my hand and said like the pad of a wolves paw. Chris looked at me and asked what? I shook my head and said nothing it’s just my palm feels like a paw of a wolf. Chris looked at my hand and said I have an idea but it shouldn’t be possible. I looked up at him and asked what? He said I think your one of the one in 1000 vampires who can shape shift….. Chapter 16 Wait vampires can shape shift?, I asked standing up. Chris nodded and said yeah like one in a thousand of us and none of them were as young as you, Christ your only a couple days old. I shrugged and said well I know less than you…I stopped in mid-sentence as I heard something flying through the air, Jake came flying out of the sky and landed with a soft thud and looked at me with his eyes bugging out of his head. He shook his head after a minute and said I don’t believe it, even as strong as you’ll become you shouldn’t be shape shifting yet. I shrugged and licked my lips and felt my teeth, they were all long, pointed and razor sharp by the feel of them. I looked at Jake and said uh I hope these go away. Jake shrugged and said I know almost nothing about shifting, the only thing I can think of is concentrating on you being normal. I sighed and said its worth a try, I closed my eyes and thought about how I looked in the mirror, and imagined my hands without hair and claws. I felt an aching in my jaw then a series of pops, a few seconds later the backs of hands prickled and were really warm for a second. Once the heat past I opened my eyes and looked at my hands they were back to normal. Jake just shook his head and said you’re going to need to be trained by a shifter or an elder vampire who can shift. I looked up at him and said do you know where any of those are? He shrugged and said I know where the vampire elders are but, I don’t want them knowing about our feeding habits. So I have to find a willing shifter to teach you, he said sitting on a log. I shrugged and said so what are we going to do now? Well were going to finish your lodge and then I’ll be leaving to go find a shifter after the clan meet. I nodded and looked over at my lodge and asked what are we doing now. Seth spoke up saying we have to cut the timber for the walls. I smiled and said sounds like fun. Well it should be Jake said standing up, he looked over as Marcus and victor came running into camp. As they came running up he said go to my car and get Adams effects please. They nodded and turned back and disappeared into the forest, Jake looked over at Cody and said go get some axes. Cody saluted him and walked around the back of Jakes lodge, he came out holding four axes in each hand. I looked at the axes and asked why don’t we use a saw or something? Jake smiled and said because this teaches you how to control your strength. I shrugged and said yeah that makes sense. Jake led us toward the forest around the back of his lodge, he took an axe from Cody and said let’s get to work boys. I took an axe from Cody and picked a tree roughly the same size as everyone else’s, I swung hard the first time and buried the axe in the tree. Cody laughed and said not so hard. I nodded and said obviously, I pulled the axe out a big heave and stumbled back. I swung again but barley putting effort into it and a large chunk of it flew off, I smiled and swung again. Within an hour we must have cut close to two hundred trees down, it was amazing how fast we all worked. Four of us worked on cutting the trees down and the other three cut the branches and tops off the tree. I went to swing on another tree and Seth put his hand on my shoulder and said we have enough now. I looked back and nodded and said alright. I watched as Cody heaved one of the cut trees onto his shoulder and walked back towards camp. I shook my head and said you all can do that? Seth nodded and said so can you, as he walked up to the pile of cut timber. I was last in line and went toward the middle of the tree bent down and put my hands underneath it and tested its weight. It felt like it only weighed just over a hundred pounds, in truth they weighed closer to a thousand. I smiled and heaved it up onto my shoulder and walked toward camp, about an hour later Jake laid the last log down, and said well let’s get the walls going boys. I watched as Marcus began mind slashing half circle indentations out of the ends of the logs, I walked up and asked want some help? Marcus smiled and nodded saying yeah just concentrate on taking a semi-circle chunk out. I nodded and stepped past him and looked down at the log and closed my eyes. JAKE I watched as Adam closed his eyes for a moment and then opened them, they were a glowing red and the ends of three different logs were cut into shape. He took a deep breath held it and exhaled a minute later, and half a dozen of the logs shook and the ends were cut to shape. I watched as he strained on the next set, he stumbled as twenty of the logs lifted off the ground by a foot and the ends were sheared into shape. I ran forward as he started to fall and said alright that’s enough. In caught him and said easy as I lowered him to the ground. Adam coughed and said wow that was cool, his eyes fading back to normal from the glowing red. I smiled and said yeah it was, but you need to pace yourself. He nodded sat up and said yeah I know I just wanted to see how many I could do. I smiled and pulled him to his feet saying well you can do six of them quite easily, so stick to that alright. Adam nodded and said alright let’s get back to work. I went back to laying logs and heard Marcus whisper into my head saying in all my years I have never seen such power. I dropped a log into place and whispered back saying, I wasn’t kidding when I said he was powerful. I’d give it ten years and he’ll be as strong if not stronger than me. Marcus sighed and said you’re probably right and went back to work. Chapter 17 ADAM Marcus and I finished the cutting the logs into shape and helped the others stack the logs into a wall almost like Lincoln logs. We finished as the moon reached the middle of the sky, Jake stretched and said alright guys your free for the night I’m running to the car and getting the smokes. I nodded and said I feel like a swim. Cody walked up and wrapped his arm around my shoulder saying that sounds awesome. Seth and the others talked about going on another hunt, I looked at Cody and said well let’s get going then. Cody nodded and took my hand lightly and gently pulled me in the direction of the pond, I smiled and twirled myself around Cody and twirled into his arms and kissed him lightly on the lips. He smiled and said god your good at that. I smiled said so I’ve been told kissing him again savoring his taste. We reached the pond after taking many stops to kiss and explore each other’s bodies, as we reached the pond Cody slowly pulled my shirt over my shoulders. He looked down at my flawless abs and said damn your beautiful. I shrugged and said I guess. Cody shook his head and said no you are, I have seen many vampires in my years but none as desirable as you. I smiled and said of just desirable?, well then you better persuade this just desirable boy to sleep with you tonight. Cody laughed and leaned his head back looking up at the stars, he looked back at me and said close your eyes. I smirked and said alright. Cody whispered over my shoulder saying keep them closed. I smiled and nodded, I felt his lips on my neck and smiled. His lips trailed across my neck and shoulders to the other side of my neck, his hand came up to my waist and he undid the button on my shorts. He slowly unzipped my shorts and let them fall, he ran his finger up my stomach to my chest and began rubbing my nipple. I was in heaven his hands sent waves of chills through me, I was rock hard and my breath was coming in rasps. He chuckled stepped in front of me, reached down taking my hard member in his hand. I reached out and rested my finger tips on his hard stomach as my fangs came down, he chuckled leaning in and kissed me. I opened my eyes and said alright tonight I’m all yours. Cody smiled and said I thought so. I leaned in and kissed him probing his mouth with my tongue, his tongue slipped past mine and brushed against my fangs. I tasted his blood and pulled him in closer to me with one arm, with my other arm I placed my hand on the back of his head and pulled him into a deep kiss. I felt his fangs come down and smiled, he ran his tongue along my fangs just enough to draw blood. I did the same to him and we took turns exchanging blood and then kissed hard letting the blood mingle. Cody pulled away and swallowed a mouthful of blood and smiled, I cocked my head to the side and asked what? He smiled and said you taste marvelous. I wrapped both of my arms around his waist and said I could say the same about you. He smiled and undid his pants and stepped out of them, he looked over his shoulder and said come on lets swim. I nodded and stepped out of the shorts around my ankles, I walked around Cody and dove into the pond. I came up and looked over at Cody, he was standing on the edge of the pond. His body was a work of art, his body was lightly muscled much like a swimmers build. His eyes shimmered in the moon light, he had the perfect bubble butt. I smiled and said well come on then. He smiled and dove into the pond, he came out of the water in front of me and shook the water from his hair. I leaned in and rested my forehead on his and smiled closing my eyes, I felt his arms wrap around my waist. I smiled and slipped my arms in between his and gripped his ass, he leaned into my embrace our manhood’s touching. I opened my eyes and looked into his, he had beautiful eyes blue as a summer sky. He smiled as he looked at me, I smiled back and asked what? He shrugged and said I think I’m falling for you, your just so kind and sensitive I feel like I need to take care of you. I smiled and looked down and said I feel safe around you I don’t have to worry about stupid things, you make me smile and I feel free around you. Cody smiled and said well are you about ready to head back to my lodge? I smiled and said actually yeah, I can’t wait to be alone in a nice bed with you. He nodded and said same here. We left the pond not even bothering to put our clothes back on, I could still taste him on my lips. It was sweet breezy taste, it reminded me of a gentle spring wind. We walked up and every one was sitting around a small camp fire enjoying a smoke and watching the stars. Seth saw us first and smiled saying well look at you two all happy go lucky. I shrugged and said what I can’t help it if I’m happy with my life. Cody nodded and said I feel the same way as he wrapped his arms around my waist resting his head on my shoulder looking at the guys. Jake reached into a box and pulled a carton of cigarettes out and threw them to Cody, saying menthol as usual. Cody caught them and said much obliged sir in a flawless southern accent. I looked back at him and said you’ve practiced that a lot. Cody smiled and said I was born and raised in south Alabama. I nodded and said well that explains it, I turned around and wrapped my arms around his waist and said old southern comfort huh. He smiled and said yeah I guess, that was a hundred years ago. I nodded and said well now you’re here using your old southern charm to seduce young boys. He laughed and said I could say the same to you. Jake shook his head and said Here Adam, as he threw another carton of smokes toward me. I caught them and recognized my usual brand and asked how did you know I smoke these? Jake smiled and said I could smell them on you when you were human. I shrugged and smacked myself in the forehead and said oh duh. Jake smiled shook his head and went back to his talk with Seth, I turned back to Cody and said so how about that nice bed? Cody smiled and kissed me saying right this way, he led me by the hand to the lodge directly across from mine. He opened the door and ushered me in, I walked in and smiled at what I saw. There was almost nothing on the main floor except for a table and chairs off in the corner. In the center of the room was a massive platform that served as the second story, the only problem was there were no stairs up to the platform. I smiled as I felt Cody’s arms around my waist and his lips on my neck, I looked back at him and asked where is the bed? He smiled and pointed up at the platform. I laughed and asked, and how do we get up there? He stepped around me and bent his knees slightly and soared into the air, he landed deftly on the ledge and turned and looked down at me. He smiled and said come on. I shook my head and said leave it to you to think of something like that, I bent my knees slightly and gasped as I pushed slightly and sailed into the air effortlessly. I landed next to Cody and looked at him and said that was awesome. He grinned and wrapped his arms around me and said I like being close to the sky. I looked around and said I can see that, whole platform was open and there were sky blue silk curtains everywhere. They hung from the ceiling and swayed in the slight breeze in the room, it was beautiful and reminded me of a summer sky. Cody took my hand and led me through the curtains, his bed was raised slightly off the ground with a high back board and was surrounded in flowing blue and white silk it was covered in blue silk covers and a few tanned animal hides. I sat down on the bed and brushed my hand against a pelt next to me, it was unearthly soft. Cody climbed on the bed and laid down beside me, he grabbed my arm and pulled me toward him saying come here. I smiled and let myself be pulled down, as I laid next to him I smiled and said I think I found my new favorite place. Cody looked around and said yeah it is nice, especially with you here. I grinned widely and looked up at the ceiling and just enjoyed his cool body against mine, Cody rolled himself on top of me and smiled down at me. I looked at him and asked what? He smiled and said I love you. I smiled back and leaned up and kissed him, you don’t hide your feelings much do you? He shrugged and said it seems stupid to hide how you feel, if you ask me. I nodded and said that’s true, but sometimes people can use your own feeling against you. Cody shrugged and said if they do that they don’t deserve to be around you. I nodded and said never thought of that. Cody rolled off me and kissed me lightly on the side of my neck, and said I do love you though I have never felt like this with anyone. I shrugged and said yeah but what about the rest of the guys, you’ve been with them for a long time. He nodded and said yeah but I have never felt like this around anyone else, you make me feel free. I smiled and said you make me feel safe, I don’t have to watch my back. He snuggled up close to me and asked that isn’t the only way you feel about me? I smiled and said no there is the extreme sexual desire too. He laughed and poked me in the side saying see it isn’t so hard expressing your feelings. I shrugged and said I guess not. He smiled and rested his head on my chest and kissed the area around my nipple, my fangs came down instantly I gasped and gripped his chest tightly. He looked up and said well I think I found one of your spots. I chuckled and said yeah so what I bet I know where a couple of yours are. He leaned up on one arm and said oh yeah let’s see it. I smiled and pushed him onto his back and then rolled over onto him and straddled his waist, he closed his eyes, put his hands behind his head and laid there. I leaned down and ran lips along his jaw line, his body quivered slightly and he smiled. I followed his jaw line back to his ear lobe and kissed it, his whole body quivered and his breath came out in a rush. I smiled and said one. His chest rose and fell as laughed lightly, I worked my way down his chest with my hands and smiled as my hands brushed his sides lightly and he let out a loud ragged breath. I chuckled and said two. He just shook his and said yeah. Over the next hour I had found a dozen different spots that made him crawl, my last attempt I brushed the back side of my hand along his inner thigh. It felt like he was literally going to crawl out of his skin, he grabbed me and rolled me over and kissed me with wild lust. He pulled away and said alright you win. I smiled and kissed him and said we both win, the way I see it. He smiled and said that’s true, he leaned down and kissed me pushing his tongue into my mouth causing my fangs to come down. As I pushed my tongue into his mouth and smiled as I felt his fangs come down, I reached up and rubbed his chest and nipple and rubbed his ass with the other. I felt his hand go down to my shorts and he undid them and used both hands to pull them down, he broke the kiss and smiled as he slid down and I felt his lips brush against my hard prick. I moaned and arched my back, he chuckled and in one smooth motion took my whole seven inches down his throat. I was in bliss he groped my ass as he sucked faster and faster, I leaned up and said I want you. He pulled away and looked up at me and said I thought you’d never ask. He rolled off me and onto his back and arched his ass up waiting for me. I smiled and climbed on top of him, lubed up and slid in. we both moaned as I entered him, he matched my every thrust. I was pumping wildly and he bucked in rhythm until I came, he continued to buck even after I stopped and I gripped his sides, moaned as he made me bust again. I collapsed in a sweating heap on top of him and tried to catch my breath, after a minute I rolled off him and said your turn. He laid there but turned his head saying no I went twice already, you were spectacular. I smiled and said I’m glad I could be of service. He rolled over and rested his head on my chest and said you know what I’m not afraid to say it, I love you. I kissed the top of his head and said I love you too, more than you know. Cody smiled and said you know there is no rule about us dating either. I looked down at him and said if I was to say yes you would be my first boyfriend. Cody smiled and rolled on to his back keeping his head on my chest but looking up at me and asked so what’s your answer, will you go out with me? I leaned down and kissed him on the lips and said how could anyone say no, when being seduced by old southern comfort. Cody smiled widely and asked so is that a yes? I laughed and said no I shooting you down, layering it with sarcasm. He smiled and said alright I’m guessing you don’t like pet names? I shook my head and said absolutely not, the first one you use and I’ll knock you out. He nodded and said good because I don’t like either, he snuggled up next to me. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him and said I love you. He closed his eyes and said I love you like the dawn loves the sun. I smiled and said I love you like the moon loves the stars, as I started to doze off listening to the slow steady breathing of the wild boy next to me. Chapter 18 I slowly woke up and opened my eyes to find Cody snuggled up against my back with his arm draped over me. I reached down and grabbed his hand and brought it to my lips and kissed it lightly, Cody squeezed my hand and said good morning. I smiled and said good morning, and rolled over to face him and wrapped my arms around him and pulled him into my chest. He rubbed his head against my chest and laid there and closed his eyes I smiled and said no we have to get up. He nodded and said I know, but I like laying here with you. I smiled and said I love laying here with you, but I need to feed soon. Cody sat up and said alright lets go. I scoffed and said wow so eager to leave me huh? Cody turned and shook his head and jumped on top of me and pinned my hands above my head and said fine I’ll just keep you here all night then. I smiled and said as if you could, and pushed up with my torso and he flopped forward over me landing on his gut his legs barley missing my face. I sat up and spun around and put him in a gentle but firm head lock and said you were saying. He tested my grip then gave up, he looked up and me and snapped his teeth together. I smiled and let go of his neck and wrapped my arm around his torso with one arm and his head back with the other and kissed him. He embraced the kiss and drove me wild by pushing his body against mine. I pulled away and said enough of that we need to get going or I’ll end up feeding on you, the burning in my throat getting worse by the minute. He nodded and slid out of my arms and stood up saying come I your coming with me today anyways. I nodded and said alright, what are we hunting? He shrugged and said whatever we find first I can hear the thirst burning your throat. I nodded and said well anything sounds good right about now. I stood up and walked to the edge of the platform and looked down it was good thirty feet strait down, Cody walked up next to me and said come on and stepped off the platform. He landed with a soft thud and looked up at me saying come on. I shook my head and said you are the craziest person I have ever met. He shrugged and said they were immortal, you have to keep it interesting. I sighed and said I guess so, I edged forward and looked down, and I swallowed the lump in my chest and stepped off the edge. It felt like I was almost floating, like everything was moving in slow motion. I touched down on the floor, it felt as if I had just stepped down on a step. There was almost no feeling from the impact, I looked over at Cody and said I think I found my new favorite thing to do. Well that’s my favorite thing to do too, hell I jumped off the golden gate a few years ago. I smiled thinking of doing that one day, well maybe in a few years we can jump together. He wrapped his arms around me and said I would enjoy that very much. I leaned in and kissed him, after a few minutes I pulled away and said lets hunt. He closed his eyes and opened them revealing a glowing red and said yes lets. As we walked out I noticed that everyone was already gone, why did they leave without us? Cody shrugged and said we slept in so they went without us. I nodded and said oh well so where to lover, as I wrapped my arms around his waist. He smiled and said were just going to run and see what we find. I shrugged and said well lead the way. Cody smiled and turned and jogged into the forest, I smiled as we began tearing through the forest at break neck speed. A few minutes later I caught the smell of a large group of animals off the east, I looked over at Cody and pointed toward the group of animals and he nodded and turned toward them. We ran for a few minutes and left the forest behind us, I took a minute to gauge the distance we had traveled. It felt as if we had been just strolling through the forest, but the truth was we had to have run at least twenty miles. We were now running across the half frozen tundra, I smiled as I felt the voice of the wolf in me awaken. I raised my head and let out a howl, I instantly felt my senses sharpen even more so than normal. Cody looked over at me and smiled, I smiled back and marveled at the clarity of the world. The cold air on my skin the feeling of the earth under my feet, the smell of frozen plants and water all around me. There was life all around me, even in the frozen grass. I felt every life within a mile radius of me, it was staggering to be so connected to the world. I looked up at the stars and smiled, the sky was a glowing ceiling with bright lanterns everywhere. I looked back to my past and marveled at the things I missed, the sheer amount of stars the arcs of light they made. I could even pick out rings around a few nebulas, I turned and saw the moon and gasped. It was a brilliant silver orb with every detail in perfect clarity, I smiled and remembered my mother telling me legends about the moon when I was a child. I remembered the nights laying under the stars in our backyard just enjoying life, and now I was doing the same. I knew my mother would be happy with my life, all that mattered to her was the fact I was happy. My day dream was interrupted by a cold deep musty smell in front of us, I squinted to see the massive herd of elk in front of us. They were bedded down for the night, I saw the lead bull standing watch and whispered to myself he’s mine. Cody whispered into my mind go ahead I’ll take one of the young bulls. I nodded and turned away from him in mid stride heading straight at the bull, I was still a mile away from it. I closed half the distance in a blink of an eye, I decided an airborne attack and leapt into the air soaring a good fifty feet into the air. My aim was perfect I came down on top of the beast my feet in the back of its head cracking its skull, I rolled with the force of my jump and came to a stop a few feet away. The elk was down and out it was knocked out cold, I looked over as the rest of the herd scattered. Cody was dragging a young buck to the ground by his horns, I smiled and turned back to my meal. Its heart was going steady as I walked up to it, I knelt down and ran my hand through its fur. It was very soft and thick, probably due to the approaching winter. I thought it would be nice to make a blanket or piece of clothing from the luscious hide. Cody whispered into my mind saying it depends on what you want to make out of it, I can do blankets and few kinds of clothes. I smiled and said a blanket would be nice, in my mind. Cody sent a wave of warm feelings my way and said I’ll take the hide of mine too and we’ll make a blanket for your lodge, but if you want clothes Seth is the one to talk to. I nodded and looked over at him and said my next hunt with him I’ll have him take the hide and make me a nice pair of pants. Cody smiled and said sounds good but enough talk eat, as he tore into the throat of his elk. I smiled and knelt down and bit down hard but carefully trying not to mar the hide, the blood was thick and savory. It had an unbelievable sweetness to it, I drank for what seemed ages. Just as the elks heart gave out I pulled away savoring the last sweet drink of blood. I stood up and turned to see Cody sitting on the ground a few feet away from me smiling, I smiled back and asked what? He shook his head and said nothing you have good control being able to time it right to get the death drink like that. I cocked my head to the side and asked what’s the death drink? Cody smiled and said if your good at feeding, you can get the last drink before the animals heart stops. Doing that you get a…god what do you call it a little bit of that animals strength permanently, a buff so to speak. I nodded and said well that explains why it tasted different, and I’ve done that to every animal I’ve fed off too. Cody smiled and said if you keep it up your telekinesis will get a lot stronger, along with your physical strength. I nodded and said I guess I’ll keep doing it then. Cody nodded and said that’s a good idea because the stronger you get, the stronger we all get. Whoa wait how do all of us get stronger? Because were bond in blood, so my strength is yours and your strength is mine he said standing up. I nodded and said the stronger in get the stronger you all get. Cody nodded and said yeah in a small degree, so if you get a tenth of that animals strength, we get a hundredth. I nodded and said cool, and the same goes for if you guys gain more power? Cody nodded and said precisely, but let’s get the hides off these and get back. I nodded and said well I hope you have a knife, because I don’t. He smiled and said I never go anywhere without a weapon of some sort, as he pulled a large buck knife. He walked over to my elk and said I hope you’re not squeamish? I shook my head, stepped forward and said no I’ll probably find this terribly interesting. He smiled and said good then I’ll start teaching you how to do it. I smiled and said you’d do that? He reached out with his free hand and said I’d do anything for you. I pushed him away and said your such a sap, yet I love it. He laughed and said well another thing to add to the list of things you love about me. I stepped forward, wrapped my arms around him and said you know that list is getting pretty long. He bit my bottom lip and said I could say the same about you. I leaned in and nuzzled his neck lightly saying I love you. He kissed the top of my head and said I love you too, but let’s get this done so we can get your house built. I nodded and said alright what do you do first? Well its best to start at the neck like this he said slitting the throat, I watched as he cut and explained while he did. I watched listened intently as he showed me how to remove the guts and avoid the horrid scent that came with handling them. About twenty minutes later, he fished his instruction by showing me how to store the hide as you transport it. You roll it up like this until you can flesh it out, he said laying the large hide down on the ground. I smiled and said I don’t why you asked me if I was squeamish?, that wasn’t bad at all. He smiled and said that’s because I know how to do it and if you mess up and pierce the guts its messy and smells horrible. I nodded and said well let’s hope I never do that. When I’m done teaching you, you won’t have any problems with any animal he said wiping his knife off on the grass. I nodded and said I’ll do my best to be a good student. Well look you acting like you’ve been an apprentice before, he said standing up. I shrugged and said I was trained by a master of kendo and meditation for almost ten years. He smirked and asked what was your focus? I smiled and said hand to hand combat, and deep meditation. I went under for eight days a year ago. Cody nodded and said that’s really advanced stuff. I nodded and said yeah strong mind and body is needed to live a full life. Cody nodded and said very true. I looked over at the other elk and said what about that one? I’m going to do that one real quick so we can get home, he said walking toward the elk. I picked up the first hide and sounds good to me. I marveled at how fast he jacketed out the second elk, it took him no more than five minutes. He rolled up the other hide and asked you ready to go? I nodded and said yeah I want to see what other chore Jake has for us tonight. As we walked into camp I saw the others plastering a mud like substance in the cracks between the logs with masonry tools, as I walked up Jake looked up and said I was wondering what was taking you so long. I shrugged and said hey at this rate we’ll have this lodge done in the next few days, and I want a few nice things to put in it. Jake nodded and said that is understandable. I smiled and said I thought you would understand. Jake nodded, looked at Cody and asked so how is he doing controlling himself? Cody smiled and said he got the death drink a little while ago and he says he’s gotten it every time he’s fed. Jake looked over at me and asked so when you’ve fed at the end were all of the last drinks were otherworldly? I nodded and said if you want to call it that, it was like all the last drinks were a piece of the animal’s spirit. Jake nodded and said yep that’s the death drink, I’m going to guess Cody explained it to you right? I nodded and said yeah he did, why? Because next month is the clan meet, and I feel you’re ready for it I’m going to take you with us. If not I’ll leave someone to watch over you, he said looking at Cody. Well then I’ll try to be ready for it, I said walking up to him and resting my hand on his side. He smiled and said I’m sure you will, and wrapped his arms around me pulling me into a tight hug. I smiled and pulled away and asked, what’s the chore today? We’re sealing up the bottom of the lodge and then were going to put the beams for the roof up he said smearing some more mud on the wall. I nodded and said alright how does this part work? Jake looked over at Cody and said you can show him how to do it, you’re the best at it. Cody nodded and walked over to a bucket and grabbed a pair of trowels, he motioned me to come over and said all you do is use this mortar to seal up the cracks between the logs like this. I nodded and said that doesn’t seem to hard. Cody smiled and said its harder than it looks, you can’t leave any gaps or air pockets in it. I nodded and said well I’ll be careful then. Cody nodded and said just slow and steady, and it will get done the right way. I nodded and said sounds good, and took a scoop of the mortar and caked it into the crack in the wall. Cody smiled and said yep just like that. I shrugged and said cool let’s get going then. We sealed the sides half way up the side of the building in just over two hours, Jake jumped down from his perch and said alright men let’s get the beams going. We all nodded and went over to the massive pile of logs, I watched as Seth and john picked up a log and headed for the lodge. Victor and Marcus were standing on either corner of the lodge with they’re arms out, I smiled as I watched Seth and John threw the log into the air and Victor and Marcus deftly caught it. I smiled and said that’s one way to it. Seth laughed and said hey it works. We soon branched off into our own jobs, I was assigned gopher duty. Which in short means go get people what they need to do their job, I liked doing it though it kept me busy. Within three hours we had the entire, skeleton of the roof done. Jake sat down on the pile of logs and said well that was good night’s work boys, let’s call it a night though. I nodded and said yeah I need to take a swim though. Seth nodded and lit a cigarette and said mind if I join you? I smiled and said only if you’re not shy about naked young men. Seth shook his head and said naked young men, good lord what has the world come too. I laughed and said an absolutely wonderful place that’s what. He smiled and said how true, this world is quite interesting if you take the time to notice. I nodded and said indeed, now how about that swim? Seth shrugged and said I was waiting for you. Well lets go then I said swinging my arms toward the pond. Chapter 19 I stepped out of my pants and slipped into the pond letting the cool water rush over my skin, it felt good to be there in that inky dark. I laid there on my back just enjoying myself when there was a rush of air and I was forced under the water. I came up spitting and swore and shouted what the hell!! I looked over to see Seth rolling around on the shore laughing hysterically, he stopped and said you didn’t even see it coming. I shook my head and said ha ha very funny, but guess who’s not getting lucky tonight? He stopped laughing and asked really? I shrugged and said maybe with some persuasion I might change my mind. He stood up and walked slowly toward me; he pressed his body against mine and kissed me. We kissed for several minutes before going back to his lodge; we made love late into early morning. We finished my lodge before the end of the week; I the guys decorated it in black silk. Jake told me that I had enough control to go on the trip to the clan meeting; that was in about a month. One month later Chapter 20 My lodge had become the unofficial gathering place; I woke and looked over at Cody. I couldn’t remember the last time he had slept in his own lodge; I rose and went over to my little Zen garden and sat down. I crossed my legs and began my rhythmic breathing; I let my mind go blank. After about an hour I smiled as I felt Cody wake up; I opened my eyes and said how are you on this fine evening. He smiled and said I’m very good thank you, sorry to interrupt you but your mind feels very strange when you go under like that. I nodded and said that’s kind of the idea; it helps me find inner peace. He smiled and said I can tell; your mind is so unearthly peaceful when you go under. I shrugged and said it’s not real hard I could teach you how to do it after the clan meet. He nodded and said I may take you up on that offer. We spent the next hour packing up clothes for the clan meet; this century’s meet is being held in Moscow. I know the city well I remember hunting for vamps there; I only stayed for a month, but in that month I killed about fifty of them. I left because the ruling coven almost caught me; I escaped by killing one of the elders. I zipped my bag closed and looked over at Cody as he did the same; it was scary how in sync we are. The guys give us hell for finishing each other’s sentences; I gave Victor a toss once for being overly harsh. Cody stood and asked ready? I nodded and said yep. We took our bags outside and waited for the others to get around; within an hour we were ready. Jake looked around at all of us and said most of you know the deal be careful, don’t let anyone in your minds and don’t take any risks. He looked at Cody and said I trust you will fill Adam in on how everything works. Cody nodded and said yeah I will. Jake went through telling us where we would be staying, where the gathering would take and just ran through the new rules this century. We broke off at a jog toward the garage; I smiled as we walked in I watched everyone get into a different vehicle. Almost everyone got into a sports car; the only odd ball in the group is victor he packed his small bag on an old school silver chopper. I climbed in the passenger seat of Cody’s sleek sports car; he started the car waited for the others to move so he could pull out too. As we drove Cody looked at me and said there are some things you need to know. I nodded and said shoot. Well firstly there are a clan wide series of games; their used for covens to earn respect and for the acquiring new members. I looked over at him asking acquiring new members? Cody nodded and said yeah I know and we have an unspoken rule; do not on any circumstance accept a blood duel or an ownership duel. I turned again asking what is a blood duel? He took a deep breath and said a blood duel is a duel between two or more of our kind and the winner drains the other…. I gasped and asked this is allowed?? He nodded and said yes surprisingly often as well; especially between young vampires. I nodded and asked so you have to accept a duel to be involved in one? Cody nodded and said yeah for the most part; the only exception is when a leader calls a blood feud on another. That has to end in a blood duel; and that means someone has to die. I shook my head and said well this should be interesting. We reached the airport and boarded Jakes big luxury jet; I followed Cody down the hall to one of the twelve private cabins and said I’m bunking down with you. Cody smiled and said I guess you can sleep with me. I shook my head and said yeah I know it’s so horrible. He laughed and said yes it is; I was hoping to play with myself vigorously. I smiled and said you know I can help with that. Cody shrugged and said fine if you insist. As we walked in the room I knocked him down in the bed and shut the door in a single movement. I dropped my bag, climbed onto the bed and looked down at him and said if I insist? He shrugged and said yeah if you want we can fool around. I scoffed and said no I don’t think so if you’re going play it this way. He shrugged and said alright; he got up and went to putting his stuff away. I flopped down on the bed and closed my eyes; I felt Cody lay on the bed next to me. I turned my head away from him and acted like I was sleeping; he chuckled and said come on I was kidding. I scooted away and said nope its ok I’m going to get some sleep. He pushed me and said come on you know you want to. I scooted away and said Nah. He took a deep breath and said really know who’s playing hard to get? I shrugged and said who’s playing? He pounced; he straddled my waist and rubbed my chest and said so you have no desire for this? I shook my head and said nope. He slid his hand down my torso and rubbed my groin; he asked how bout now? I shrugged and said hmm still nothing. He grabbed a hold of my shirt and tore it off; I smiled and said good job. He huffed in frustration and took my pants off me and pieces; he looked at me with his fangs down and in full hunting mode. He scowled and said how bout now? I shrugged and said hey I have a nice breeze now. He hit below the belt so to speak; he yank my left leg to the side and sank his fangs into my thigh. That was it I let out a loud rasping breath and my cock went rock hard on cue. I moaned and said oh god as I arched my back. He looked up at me and bit down harder; he had learned this lovely little trick a few weeks ago. I let out a loud grunt and blew my load inside my drawers; he let go of my leg and asked how bout now? I looked down at him and spun him onto his gut; I pulled my still rock hard dick out and ripped his pants and briefs off. I plunged my cock inside of him and said you want it you got it. I heard Seth hoot and holler down the hall saying oh yeah give it to him Adam. I pounded into Cody so hard he let out a loud involuntary grunt; I fucked him till almost dawn. By the time we stopped we were a sweaty tangled heap of bodies on the bed; he turned his head and looked at me and said that was amazing. I smiled and said I’m glad you appreciated it. He rolled over and rested his head on my chest and said I loved it I should play hard to get more often. I laughed and said hey if you want to do that go ahead; who knows you may not be as lucky next time. He shook his head and said no I think it will have the same turn out. I closed my eyes and said keep telling yourself that. I soon fell asleep; I dreamt of a massive crowd of people standing around an empty space. I walked forward; in the center of the circle I saw a vampire feeding from someone laying prone and beaten. The vampire pulled away as he drained the man on the ground; I gasped as I saw who the man on the ground was. I woke up gasping for air; Cody sat up and asked whoa what’s wrong? I looked at him and said nothing; just a bad dream. Cody looked at me with a worried look on his face and asked are you sure you don’t have many nightmares? I nodded and said yeah I’m alright don’t worry. He nodded and buried his nose in my chest and fell back asleep. I had already forgotten the face of the man being drained in the circle; I remembered that he was important. I laid back and closed my eyes and slowly fell back asleep. Chapter 21 I woke as Cody literally shot out of the bed like a bullet; he was off the ground in the corner of the room looking around franticly. I laughed and said wow I thought Jake was kidding. He looked at me and asked about what? I sat up and said he said you freak out every time the plane lands. He scowled and said I don’t freak; it just unsettles me a little bit. I nodded and said yeah I can see that, lacing my voice with sarcasm. He dropped down from the ceiling and said shut up. I hit the button that opened the windows in our cabin; I watched as we landed we seemed to be landing on a remote landing strip. We slowed to a stop and began getting off the plane. As I stepped off the plane I turned and saw two cars coming down the runway towards us; Jake saw the questioning look on my face and said it’s just our ride to the hotel. I nodded and shouldered my bag and said sorry I’m just nervous about meeting new vampires. Jake smiled and said don’t worry there are going to be a lot of us yes, but that’s a good thing we will go unnoticed. I nodded and said that’s good cause I hope no one recognizes the old me. Jake shook his head and said there is very little chance of that, and your power over your mind is great no one will be able to see your thoughts. I nodded and looked over as the two cars came to a stop and a pair of men got out and waited for us. They were human that was obvious, but their minds were a mess of glamour’s and messy memory suppression. They were little more than mindless puppets; I shook my head as I dropped my bags in the trunk; we split into the two separate cars and the puppets drove us. Drove into the city; I remembered the time I had been here. I had stayed in a cheap hotel for the majority of the time; the rest of my time was spent in sewers to prevent the vamps from tracking me as I escaped. We pulled up to a very large expensive looking resort; valet was there to take our bags and lead us to our rooms. Jake had paired us guys up in different rooms, of course he had placed me and Cody in the same room. I tipped the valet a young strapping lad with a heavy accent; I turned and saw Cody putting our clothes into the wardrobe. I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist and said so is this is what it’s like every time? He leaned backward into me and said yeah for the most part. I kissed the side of his neck and said well at least you’re here with me. He reached up and brushed his hand along my jaw line and said I could say the same to you. We finished unpacking and went down to the lobby; Jake and the others were there waiting for us. Jake saw us and said good now let’s get to the meeting place boys we have to go through the whole formal introduction and formalities. Then were free to do as we please for the rest of the trip. We all nodded in agreement and followed as Jake led us out to a long limousine that was waiting for us. We all piled in and enjoyed the expensive liquor that was in stock; I found the native Vodka to be the best where the others had their own favorite. Cody was in love with a type of sweet rum from south America, Seth was knocking back a heavy mead that she said reminded him of home and the others were engaged in conversation. We left the city and drove for an hour into the northern wilderness; I cracked my window and the smell of the undead hit me like a brick wall. I looked at Jake and asked how many of our kind is there? He thought for a minute and then said in the range of twenty thousand; few humans can survive the change. I nodded and looked back out the window; the smells were overwhelming. I could pick out the smells of my blood brothers from miles away but this was insane; the smell wasn’t bad but overwhelming. I shook my head trying to lessen the smell and Seth said you’ll get used to it. I shrugged and said I don’t know about that, but I hope so. We drove for another hour and a half; and we turned down a small side road that had been excessively used in the last few weeks. I could see lights above the trees and smell large fires burning; we were surrounded by trees for about a half hour. We left the trees and came into a massive plain that had large pavilions set up all around. The car stopped and we got out; a tall man came walking up and said ah Jacob long time no see. Jake clapped him on the arm and said too long old friend. The man looked past Jake and his eyes rested on me for a moment then he looked back at Jake and said I see you have added another member to your coven. Jake nodded and said yes Adam is our newest addition. The man smiled and said what a prize he is; there is much darkness in his blood. Jake nodded and said yes, but I would present my coven before the elders now. The man nodded and said oh yes I am sorry for keeping you old friend; with that the man turned and walked away. Jake looked at me answering my question; that is Balthazar an old and trusted ally. Shrugged and said I was just curious is all. Jake smiled and said just have you always been; he turned and led us through the milling crowd of vampires. Most of them paid us no mind; there was one small group that threw us angry spiteful glares. Something in me broke; I bared my fangs and growled. Jake whirled in front of me to meet a charging vampire; Jake caught the vampire by the throat and roared his defiance. The other four scowling vampire whirled toward us; all of us took up defensive positions behind Jake and let out snarls and roars of anger. Jake brought his arm back and thrust it forward sending the vampire wheeling through the air. The vampire skidded for a few feet and then he stood up and stared at Jake for a minute then said enough; let’s go my children. The other vampires slowly backed off; I didn’t bring up my fangs until they were over a mile away. I looked over at Jake and asked what the hell was that about? He took a deep breath and said that was Azeroth and his thralls Cody killed one in a duel about twenty years ago, now there is a blood feud between our two covens. Jake turned and continued walking; we followed in a close knit formation as we went. It took us about ten minutes to reach a massive pavilion constructed at the center of the gathering. I felt Jake enter my mind and say lock down your mind. I sent an acknowledgement his way and sealed my mind shut; I had been tested against everyone in our coven even Jake. The most any of them could do is see a mess of colors and maybe a word or two. Jake went through a short formal conversation with the men guarding the entrance; we walked in and I gasped at what I saw. There were at least twenty humans being fed upon in the room; I watched as one was drained and dropped on the ground. I kept my emotions under control; but Cody reached over and gripped my hand with a sad look on his face. I smiled and squeezed his hand back; on the back wall of the structure stood nine very ornate thrones. In each one was a seated vampire that just by looking at them you could see their age in their eyes; we all went down on one knee and said hail elders mothers and fathers of us all. The elder in the middle waved his hand and said stand children. We all slowly stood; the elder looked over our group and said it seems you have a new member Jacob. Jake nodded and said yes my lord my newest addition is called Adam Night. The elder nodded and said a good name; I will meet this infant of yours. Jake nodded and waved me forward; I approached very slowly and then went down on one knee before the man. His face looked to me no more than twenty; but his eyes echoed across time he was born in a when mankind was still young. He looked me over and I felt his mind probe around the edges of mine; he looked for a hole in my defenses. He found none; and then said you are to become very powerful young one. More so than even your maker I think; but always know your place and all will be well. I nodded and said yes my lord; I stepped back and took my place with my brothers. Jake went through a long formal talk with the elders and then he turned to leave; we all turned and followed him. Once we were away from the pavilion Jake turned and said go and do as you please; I have a few things to do just meet me at the front entrance at midnight. With that the group began to disperse leaving me and Cody and said so where to my love? He smiled and said lets go get a drink. I nodded and said alright lead the way. Cody stepped past me and started walked toward the largest concentration of our kind. I turned my head sharply as I saw in a large circle of people a young vampire boy was being drained by a much larger, stronger man. I took a step toward the fight only to have my wrist caught by Cody he shook his head and pulled me in the other direction. I let him pull me after a moment; I growled and turned and walked with Cody as the boy died. As I walked I felt another piece of my humanity die with the boy. Chapter 22 I sat down on a stool and ordered a drink; Cody grabbed my hand and said I’m sorry with an apologetic look in his eyes. I squeezed his hand and said it’s alright, it just upset me that’s all. He nodded and said I know it hurts me too all the killing but it is how things are. I took a sip of my drink and savored the burning on my tongue; I took a breath and said just because it this way doesn’t mean it should be. Cody slammed a shot and said that’s true but for things to change people need to want the change, and it has been this way for thousands of years. I nodded and said yeah I know but…I was cut short as I saw a young man be thrown through the air. He was vampire my age but nowhere near as strong as I; I looked at Cody and said is alright for me to step in. Cody looked at the situation and said I suppose, the boy is a rouge and the big one is a about my age give or take a few years. I set my drink down and whirled over to the boy on the ground. He had blood coming out the corner of his mouth and a large gash on his head. The big brute was shoving his way toward us; he saw me and said stay out of this!! I stood and let my fangs drop and said pick on someone your own size coward. He snarled and charged; I sidestepped, grabbed his wrist, twisted to left and smiled as I felt his arm almost detach from his body. He went down on one knee from the force and pain of my attack; I brought my boot up right into his jaw. He flew backwards, and smashed through a table. He was attempting to get up when I came up and place a precise jab in his throat causing him to gag; I then began pounding his skull into oblivion. I left him a mess of blood and bone; he would heal but it would take a while. I walk over to the boy as he just begging to regain conciseness; I rolled him over to get a better look at him. He had short black hair his face was angled and feline looking; he was very beautiful. I touched the side of his face and said come on wake up. His eyes fluttered open and he flinched as he saw me. I held him still and said “easy I won’t hurt you”. Glanced around and saw that I was the only one near him; he looked back at me and asked “ why did you help me?” I shrugged and said “ one as old as him can find better things to do then beat on young ones”. He took a breath and asked “ can I get up?”. I nodded and said, “of course”, as I let go of him. He sat up and rubbed his head and said, “Great”, as he felt the wound on his head was still opened. I knelt down and said, “ here let me see”,. He nodded and tilted his head for me to see. I winced as I saw a four inch long cut along the top his head all the way down his skull. I brought my wrist to my mouth and opened my veins; I held my hand out and said “ here”. He looked at my wrist and at me and said “no I shouldn’t”. I huffed and said “take it”. Nodded and gently grabbed my wrist and pulled it to his lips; as soon as my blood touched his lips his eyes lit up. He drank for about a minute then pulled away with a gasp; he looked up at me and smiled. I couldn’t help but smile back we sat there starting at each other for a minute when I said “ where are my manners, my name is Adam”. He seemed to be a little drunk off my blood he shook his head and said “ my name is Morgan”. I nodded and said “ a good name”. He smiled and said “ same to you”. I stood and held out my hand to him and helped him up; the big brute was recovering. I looked at Morgan and asked where is your maker? He shrugged and said good question. I nodded and said alright come one you can hang out with me and my friend over there that brute has no chance of beating us both. He nodded and said thanks. As we walked back toward Cody I asked why was that guy trying to kill you anyways? He took a deep breath and said because I belong to no one; I am rouge. That makes me a target to be drained. I shook my head and said we’ll see about that; I will talk to my maker and see if you can be adopted into our coven. He stopped in his tracks and asked you would do that? I nodded and said yeah why not?, you seem to be kind and strong for such an age. He nodded and said yeah but not strong enough. I put hand on the top of his head and said the best things come with age. Cody, Morgan and I sat drinking late into the night; it was approaching midnight when Cody said well we should be off to meet the others. I nodded and said yeah let’s get going; we stood up and I looked over at Morgan and said well come on that means you too. He smiled brightly and eagerly followed us; I put Morgan between Cody and I as we walked to the meeting place. The other were all there waiting; I walked up to Jake and said they can I ask you something? He turned and said of course. I took a breath and asked is it possible to adopt a lone vampire into your own coven? He nodded and said yes its possible and quite easy it just isn’t done often why? I motioned toward Morgan and said I saved that boy from being drained in an unsanctioned fight and I was wondering if we could bring him among us? Jake looked past me at the boy and said Morgan right? Morgan nodded and said sir. Jake smiled and said well don’t be shy come here. Morgan came walking over slowly with his head knelt; he stood before Jake, looked up at him and then back at the ground. Jake placed his finger under Morgan’s chin and said don’t be afraid to look another man in the eyes. Everyone in our group was watching now Morgan was beautiful; his eyes glowed in the night, his hair shined in the faint moonlight. Jake looked him over and said I don’t see why we couldn’t adopt him, but since it is you who found him Adam it should be you who becomes his maker of sorts. I looked at Morgan and said only if he approves, and how would this work? Jake smiled and said the same way we are all made, he will be remade in less time than it takes a mortal to change. I nodded and looked at Morgan and asked is this what you want? Morgan didn’t even hesitate; yes I would be honored to be yours. I smiled and said good, Jake do I have your permission? Jake nodded and said of course I looked at Morgan and said well if you’re ready we’ll do this. Morgan nodded and said I’m ready. I walked up to Morgan and said I’ll be as gentle as possible. Morgan nodded and said thanks. I stepped in close to him, his smell hit me now that he wasn’t covered in blood. He smelled close to human; I could tell from his scent his maker wasn’t very old and that he fought the change. I looked into his eyes and said this time when you go through the change don’t fight it. He nodded and said ok. I reached out and tilted his head to the side and ran my nose along his jaw; he gasped and mashed his body into mine. I kissed the side of his neck and then bit down; his blood was oddly warm compared to the other vampires I had tasted. It was good though it tasted like the wind on a spring morning; I drank deep and heavily for about a minute. I pulled away and said alright your turn. He looked up at me dazed he was pretty close to being drained; he shakily reached for my arm. He latched down on my wrist; it stung but he needed to drink. I let him drink for about two minutes when I said that should do it. He pulled away and looked up at me; the color of his eyes turned from a tea leaf green to an almost florescent green. He doubled over and groaned as my blood took even more effect; I knelt down and said don’t fight it. Let it flow over you; let it seep into every part of you. He took several deep breaths and looked up with a gasp; a small telekinetic pulse flew out from him ruffling my hair and some of the grass around us. He stood up slowly and asked am I yours? I felt a sort of acknowledgement echo through me; I smiled and said your mine. A visible shiver ran through him; he smiled a wide dorky kind of smile that made me melt. Jake came walking up and said well done; I can sense your darkness in his blood now. I nodded and said as can I. Jake looked at Morgan and then me and said come lets hunt. I smiled and looked at Morgan and said come on you’ll like this. Our newly grown group left the gathering and tore off into the tundra like landscape; we stayed as whole group this time. I kept my pace slow enough for Morgan to keep close to me; he fell in line taking the same steps I did. I dip back asked him I’m guessing you picked up on our diet right? He nodded and said I like the idea of it; I hate hurting people. I smiled and said then this is the life for you. We continued running for a few minutes when Seth caught scent of something and turned sharply to the north; I smelt them the second we turned. It was a large deer like animal; probably something along the lines of caribou. I was right there was a large herd of caribou a mile in front of us; I looked over at Morgan and said take my left side. He nodded and fell in line perfectly as we all fanned out; we fell on the beasts before they ever sensed us. I grabbed a young buck and dragged him to the ground; I wrapped my arms around its throat and bit down. The blood was thick and sweet; a light snow fell all around us. I took the death drink from the beast and looked over to see Morgan drinking without any hesitation. He finished a about a minute after me; I looked at him and asked do you want another? He smiled showing the blood on his teeth and said oh yeah. I looked over at Jake and said they were going to run down the herd and take another. He waved his hand giving permission; I looked over at Cody and asked do you want to come? Cody held up his finger saying one minute; after a minute he lifted his head and said yeah I’ll come. I took point with Cody on my right and Morgan on my left; we tore off after the herd. I reached my mind out to both of them and said this is the life, the thrill of the chase surrounded by the people I love. Cody sent a mixture of warm and happiness across the link; I could feel a multitude of emotions from Morgan. He was excited, full, complete and blissfully happy. We came up on the herd as they began to slow down; they caught scent of us and bolted away from us. I surged forward and broke ones leg and said to Morgan in his mind here. He said thanks as I tore after the lead male; his hard muscles flexed as he ran. I could feel his hoof beats, his heart beat and the blood rushing through his veins. I could kill him with my mind, but I have come to love the chase and the fight that comes with predators. I leapt into the air and landed in front of the beast and whirled around grabbing his horns; I twisted his head until his body came with it. He smashed into his side with a loud grunt; I ripped into his throat right below his jaw. I drained him quickly taking the death drink; I smiled as I saw Morgan had drained his first and was dragging a young doe to the ground. Cody was sitting on top of his killed meal and watching Morgan and I. I walked over to Cody and pulled him into my arms and said how are you my love. He leaned into my embrace and said as right as the stars in the sky with you at my side. I kissed the side of his neck and asked what do you think of him?, motioning toward Morgan. Cody thought for a moment then said he has strength and a great will. I nodded and looked over as Morgan lifted his head and took a deep gasping breath; he looked over at me and smiled that silly dork of a smile. I smiled back and whispered into Cody’s mind saying shall we take him tonight? Cody chuckled and whispered back saying no he is yours tonight. I sent a wash of emotions to him and our minds just wordlessly mingled; I turned and pressed my body against Cody’s. He rested his hands on my hips and laid his head on my shoulder; I ran my fingers along his spine and hummed a silly little tune I thought of as we lay in bed one night. We ran back to the others and sat around a small fire joking and laughing; we made our way back to the gathering and then the back to the hotel. Cody insisted on getting his own room for the night. Morgan followed me as I headed toward our room; it was strange how I could feel him even without trying. The only thing I could think of was it had to do with me being his maker. I opened the door and said come on. He stepped past me and looked around; he smiled and said nice room. I shrugged and said wait till we go home; you’ll stay with me until we get your lodge built. He nodded and said anything is better than the shit hole I used to live in. I stepped in real close and said nothing but the best for you now. He hesitantly came a little bit closer. I was looking down at him; him being a few inches shorter than me. I leaned down and ran my lips along his jaw; I heard the pop of his fangs dropping. I smiled and asked is this what you want? He pushed his body into mine and said since the moment I saw you. I reached out with my mind and shut the door; he looked past me, back at me and smiled asking is that all you can do with your mind? I reached out with my mind and brushed certain points all over his body; places like his neck, his back, the inside of his thigh and the side of his butt. He gasped and arched his body into mine, and said oh my god! I laughed and asked what you like? He smiled and said that’s an understatement; with that he leaned up and pressed his lips against mine. I leaned and kissed him; he reached behind me and gripped my ass and smashed my body into his. I reached for the edge of his shirt and pulled it up over his head; his hands went right back to my ass. I felt his member grow hard in his pants; I reached over my shoulder with one hand and yanked my shirt up over my head. I as we kissed I started coaxing him toward the bed; he was pressing himself against me so hard it was like he was trying to become a part of me. As we reached the edge of the bed he spun me around and pushed me down onto the bed. He began kissing me all over my body; as he did I caressed his body with my mind. His lips rushed to mine; we lay for an hour exploring each other’s bodies. I whirled and rolled him under me onto his gut; he groaned and said do it. I kissed the back of his neck and as you wish. In a state of lust I tore his jeans off as if they were nothing more than paper. I reached down and did the same to mine. As I took him he groaned and begged me not to stop; I leaned down and bit down on his neck. He gasped and I felt his release; he reached backwards and pulled my arm to his lips and bit down. We drank deeply from each other; I released shortly after this. I collapsed on top of him. He rolled himself over to look at me; I lifted myself a little making it easier for him. He just stared at me for a minute then smiled and said that was awesome. I smiled and said I’m glad you appreciated it. He laughed and said I more than appreciate it; I loved it. I rolled off him and said same here. I looked up at the ceiling and began to doze off; I felt Morgan scoot over and intertwined his body with mine. I ran my finger along his jaw line as we fell asleep; I had the same dream again. A circle of immortals around a pair of them; in the circle I saw a vampire being drained of his life. I looked into his eyes and shuddered; I knew these eyes I just couldn’t place them. Pain shot through the eyes and I sat up with a loud gasp. Morgan sat up next to me and spat the words what the hell?? I looked at him and said nothing just a bad dream. He nodded and looked around it’s about time to get up anyways. I looked around and I could feel the familiar coolness of night; I turned and planted feet on the floor and said yeah let’s get going. We dressed and left the room; we found the others in the lobby waiting for the car. Cody came up and hugged me and said from what I heard you had a very good time. I smiled and whispered into his mind and said yeah it was nice, but not as good as you. He whispered back saying I know but it sounded like it was fun. I nodded and said yeah it was; just then the car pulled up. Cody rested his head on my shoulder and said well let’s get going then. As I settled into my seat Cody sat on my right and Morgan on my left. I was happy I had the people I love around me and all was well, what more could I ask for. Chapter 23 We arrived at the gathering and split off and were to meet at midnight for our hunt. Cody and Morgan followed me as I wandered around just meeting new people and drinking. Cody stepped in front of me and said hey I want to go and meet an old friend. I nodded and said alright, I’ll see you at the hunt. He kissed me lightly and smiled saying you bet. He turned and walked away; I watched him as he went. I had never loved anyone as much as I loved him my every; he is in my every thought and action. I looked at Morgan and asked where would you like to go? He thought for a minute and then asked have you ever seen a vampire band perform? I shook my head and said nope, I’d like to though. Morgan smiled and said follow me. He led me to the far side of the gathering; there was a large bar and a small raised stage toward the center. We sat late into the night drinking and listening to the bands. I was in the middle of a laugh when my spine arched with pain and I jolted forward. Morgan jumped and asked what is it? I was barely able to stutter the word out “Cody”. I whirled toward the source of the pain. I ran so fast that things on tables were blown away from me. I saw a large congregation of people in front of me. I felt the pain in the center of them; I leapt into the air over them I made to about half way as I flew when someone knocked me out of the air in mid-flight. I smashed into the ground I laid there for less than a second and I was on my feet again. I was in the middle of the crowd; I began pushing my way through the crowd. My vision was hazed with red I was almost there when a large but young vampire wouldn’t move out of my way. With a loud snarl I flung the man twenty feet into the air and about a hundred yards away. I turned and roared in horror, pain, sorrow and rage. In the center of the circle was Cody being drained by another vampire. I dashed toward the bitch that was draining him; I felt a hand wrap around my throat and slam me into the ground. I looked up to see Jakes tear stained face; I looked over at Cody who was fighting a hopeless battle. I fought Jakes grip and roared release me! He shook his head and said no. I was dumbfounded; I lashed out with my feet landing blows in the back of his head knocking him off me. I darted towards Cody; I was just about to tear the bitches head off when a voice echoed through the night and smashed me into the ground . AS YOUR MAKER I COMMAND YOU!!!. I was a mere few feet from Cody as I lay withering trying to fight free of Jakes hold. His hold was not just physical but mental. He being my maker can literally enslave me if he wanted to. Cody rolled his head to look at me and a tear rolled down his cheek. I felt something break inside me my vision went completely red and I roared in anger as I forced myself to my knees. I looked over at Jake and roared RELEASE ME! As I yelled the ground around me cracked and shook. Jake shook his head and mouthed the words I’m sorry. I turned back to Cody and forced my hand toward him. He reached for me I saw the dark light leaving his eyes. I gripped his fingertip in my hand and looked up at him he mouthed the words I love you just before he closed his eyes. I stopped breathing for a few seconds my mind just couldn’t grasp that he was gone. I let out a howl of pain low at first but grew into more painful and saddening than anything many had ever heard before that night. The pain erupted into pure red wrath; a blast of telekinetic energy shot out in all directions. It put even the oldest vampires on their asses in an instant. Jake was thrown as well; he lost concentration and his grip on me. I shot toward the woman and threw her with all the might I could muster. She flew through the air and landed in the center of a large pavilion a half a mile away. I fell to the ground and picked up Cody’s lifeless body. I shook him my mind still not grasping that he was gone. I sobbed into his neck and whispered come back please come back, don’t leave me here alone. I felt a hand on my shoulder, I didn’t look. I knew who it was I felt his mind. Seth was the first to join in my sorrow the others soon followed. The others managed to pry me away from him with a lot of coaxing and gentle tugs. Jake picked up Cody and hugged the boy’s body and shot like a bullet into the sky. Seth and Morgan had to almost carry me after that. I don’t remember much after that. They took me to the hotel; Seth helped me undress and Morgan just stood around looking and feeling lost. I looked up into the mirror and saw that my face was smeared with a thick mess of blood that seemed to originate from my eyes. I looked at Seth and asked what is this? He had a decent sized streak of blood under his eyes; he took a deep breath and said the reason we have these bleeds is because Cody was our brother we shared a blood bond and now he is dead. I looked at the streak on Seth’s face and back at mine and asked why is more blood on my face than yours? He looked at the floor and said it’s because you and Cody were mates, the only one could even begin to feel your pain is Jake. Then I remembered Jake and asked where is Jake?, where did he take him? Seth managed to curl his lip something that faintly resembled a smile and said Jake took him home. I nodded and let Seth and Morgan tend to me. I lay in the tub and retreated into my mind. MORAGN I stood and just looked at the floor; I looked up when the big guy named Seth came out of the bathroom. I looked at the floor and back up and said I think I’m going to go. Seth whirled toward and hissed through his teeth don’t you dare. I took a step back knowing that this man could crush me in a single blow. I took a breath and asked why? He leaned in and said because Jake isn’t going to be back until tomorrow; and Adam is going to need you more than anyone right now. I nodded and alright I’ll stay. After a minute I asked so Cody was Adam’s mate? Seth nodded and said yeah they loved each other like no other immortals I’ve ever seen. I nodded and said I can’t even imagine what it would be like to lose a mate. None of us can; the only one who can compare to Adam’s pain right now is Jake. I looked past Seth at the bathroom and said so do I just make sure he doesn’t do anything stupid? No he won’t do that, and you just be there, show him you care. I nodded and asked ok, but do you have to be somewhere? Seth nodded and said yeah I have to tend to the others. With that Seth turned and left the room; I stood there for a minute and try to cope with the emotions I was getting from my new maker. I had never felt such pain before and I have seen mortals die slow and merciless deaths. I turned and walked toward the bathroom; Adam was laying in the water up to his ears. He looked up at me for a moment then back away from me. I sat down on the floor next to the tub and grabbed a wash cloth. He didn’t resist in anyway as I scrubbed the caked fast drying blood off his face. He just stared off in the distance like I wasn’t there. I washed the grime of his body as well; when I was done the water was light reddish brown. I leaned in and rested my head against the side of his. I just closed my eyes and let my head rest there hoping that my action would show my sympathy. After a few minutes I felt his hand rest against the side of my face. I opened my eyes and saw him looking up at me; his eyes were all but dead. He attempted to smile and said thank you. I nodded and said you’re welcome. He asked me to help him up. The whole ordeal had drained him physically as much as mentally. He hit a button on the universal remote and the windows closed and blacked themselves out. He flopped on the bed not even bothering to put on clothes. I stripped down to my underwear and climbed in next to him; he lay there not moving for about a half hour. I took the initiative and scooted closer to him. He welcomed the gesture and snuggled into my chest; I draped my arm over him and closed my eyes. I was almost completely asleep when I heard and felt a silent sob. I didn’t need to look to know he was crying; he was facing away from me. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him against me. He gripped my hand and just cried as the sun came up. He eventually fell asleep; I held onto him and soon fell asleep myself. Chapter 24 ADAM I woke slowly and lay there trying to absorb what I had happened the night before. It still felt like there was a hole in my chest; I closed my eyes as a single tear ran down my cheek. I felt Morgan next to me he had his arms wrapped tightly around me; I gripped his hand and then untangled myself from him. He stirred a little and rolled over and continued to sleep. I walked over to the mini bar in the room and broke the lock with a quick jerk. I grabbed the highest proof bottle I could find and downed it; the blazing burn in my throat felt good. I downed almost everything in the bar hoping and praying that if I flooded my system with the alcohol it would get me drunk and numb the pain. It did nothing; I felt the same if not worse after wards. I went into the bathroom and plopped down on the side of the tub. I gripped my head with my hands trying to force my mind into the empty place, but I couldn’t go there. I hit the side of the tub shatter the whole side; in a whirl Morgan was at the door way asking what’s wrong? I shook my head and said nothing I need to feed. I brushed past Morgan, dressed and left the hotel. I walked around the cold streets. The night being young the streets were flooded with young people going about the night life. I watched them as I walked they were young, happy and alive. All that I am not; I felt sweet copper taste in my mouth. I realized I had bitten the inside of my cheek open. It healed after a few seconds of me not biting it; I turned as I heard a loud laugh across the street; I turned and saw a young man leaving a group of others and heading away from them down a dead quiet side road. I growled at his blatant happiness. I turned and whirled past him down the street and waited. He didn’t even notice my passing I moved so fast. I stood in a small alley and waited I heard his footsteps on the frozen sidewalk. He was just about to pass me when I wrapped my arm around his neck and dragged him into the alley. My grip was too tight for him to even call out; he thrashed in futile resistance. I used my free arm and pushed his head to the side and sank my fang in deep and mercilessly. His silent cry only fed my hunger; in that moment I wanted him to hurt as I hurt. I drank brutally slow; as his life began to ebb away I felt myself torn away from the boy. I snarled and whirled on my attacker only to find Jake standing between me and the boy. I was dumbstruck; he bared his fangs and snarled HOW DARE YOU?!! I looked at the ground and shrugged; Jake whirled toward me and upper cut my in the chin knocking several of my teeth out and thoroughly put me on my ass. I lay on my side and looked up at him stunned; I spat out blood and a few teeth and said what the fuck? He planted an almighty kick in my ribs and said how dare you do this to his memory? I rolled in agony and said he’s gone nothing more. The next kick shattered every rib on my left side. I spat more blood; I smiled and asked is that all? He roared in anger, picked me up and slammed me into the stone wall hard enough to break the rest of my ribs. The pain felt good; I spat blood in his face and said kill me and be done with it. He dropped me and said no… I won’t do that. It would only make his death even harder if I lost you too. I fell to the ground unable to hold myself up and said so prolong my suffering to save yourself pain? He turned and picked me up and wrapped me in a bone crushing hug. He sobbed into my shoulder and said you think you are the only one who truly loved him… he was my son…. I wrapped my arms around him and said he was my whole heart. Jake squeezed me and said I know… but we can’t do this to his memory. He deserves better. I cried saying he deserves to be alive!! Jake couldn’t answer that we stood for about a minute when I remembered the boy. I pulled away from Jake and said the boy. Jake whirled toward the boy who had managed to crawl a few feet away. I ran over and shook my head at seeing what I had done. The boy’s throat was a mess of blood, veins and flesh. Jake cradled the boys head and said he doesn’t have much time left. I knelt and asked is there anything that can be done? Jake looked him over and said nothing but the change will save him. I shook my head and said what should I do? Jake thought for a moment then said if you change him he will hate you and his family will mourn him. If you let him die they will mourn him, but at least they’ll have a body to bury. I looked down at him and said what should I do? Jake shook his head and said the choice is yours; but I will live with either of your decisions. With that he turned and walked away leaving me alone in the alley with the boy. I took a deep breath and looked into the blood memories of the boy. His name is Alexander, he is an American transfer student attending the Russian ballet school. I shake my head in self-disgust; I have in one way or another ended a life. I think for a minute the least I can do is give a chance at another life. He is already drained enough for the process; I open my veins and pour my blood into the wound in his neck. The healing begins almost immediately. As soon as the neck wound heals I begin pouring blood into his mouth. I hear his heart start to pound; Jake is at my side and says just a little bit more. I nod and feel light headed; me giving so much blood and taking such wounds from Jake has drained me. Jake gently pulls my wrist away and says that’s enough. I nod and ask so about three day’s right? Jake nodded and said yeah, but let’s get back to the hotel you both need rest. I stand and say alright. I stumble and fall back down to my knees. Jake catches me and says just wait Seth will be here in a second. I nodded and say ok. True to Jakes word Seth whirled into the alley a few seconds later. He looks around reads our minds catching up on what happened; he shakes his head and says I’m sorry Jake I should have watched him. Jake shook his head and said no its best it happened this way; Adam is in a better place than he was. He is very weak though so you carry him and I’ll get the boy. I looked up at Jake and said his name is Alexander. Jake looked at Seth and said I have Alexander you get Adam back, and get him some blood from a hospital he’ll need it. Seth nodded and scooped me up in his arms and bolted for the hotel; I marveled at how fast Seth could move it was like he wasn’t even touching the ground. We reached the hotel in a matter of seconds. Seth laid me out on the bed and a very shocked Morgan snarled what the fuck happened to him? Seth looked at Morgan and said it’s a long story; he whirled back out the window and was gone. Jake came through the door a few seconds later holding Alexander. He laid Alexander on the couch and said come here Morgan I’ll explain everything. It took Jake about an hour to explain everything that happened amidst Morgan’s frequent questions. Seth had long since returned with a back pack full of blood bags; he passed one after another to me as I listened to Jake retell the story to the others. My teeth grew back first my ribs were healing slowly though; I drank down a bag of blood and said just put the rest in the fridge and just laid back letting my body recover. I took almost two hours for my bones to reset themselves; I rolled onto my side and looked at Morgan who was staring at me intently. I took a deep breath and asked what? He frowned and asked why did Jake beat you like that? I looked at the floor and said I deserved it. Morgan’s frown deepened as he asked was this necessary for almost killing someone? I shook my head and said no not just that, I spat in his face and defied him. Morgan’s frown turned into a shocked look and he asked he let you live after that? I nodded and said yeah he’s nice like that. Morgan stood, crossed the room and sat down next to me and said I’m glad you’re ok. I reached up and touched his face and said thank you for being there last night. He leaned into my hand and said it’s no problem you’re my maker it’s my duty. I smiled and said no you shouldn’t have to coddle me, and thanks again. He smiled and laid down next to me; he wiggled around and said scoot over. I laughed because I was in the middle of the bed and he had plenty of room; I smiled and said no you scoot over. He laughed and said nah this is alright; he wrapped his arms me and pulled me into him. I buried my nose in his neck and closed my eyes. I heard him clear his throat in a way I know all too well. I looked up at him and said go get a few of those blood bags for yourself. He smiled and asked how could you tell? I shrugged and said just the cough I used to cough like that when I was thirsty. He nodded and said fair enough. He got up and drank two bags of blood; I smiled as I saw relief wash over his features as he drank. He drank a few and came right back to the bed; I was laying there staring at the ceiling. He pulled me wanting me to roll onto my side. I rolled and looked at him asking what? He shrugged and said nothing just wanted to see your face. I smiled and closed my eyes; I fell asleep not long after the night had been long and hard so I slept deeper than I ever had before. In the midst my dreaming a bright light appeared behind me. I turned for a moment then realizing the sun would burn me. I slammed my eyes shut waiting for the burning to come. It didn’t though the light actually felt comfortable; I jumped slightly as I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned slowly and fell to my knees. Standing before me silhouetted in this brilliant white light was Cody. He smiled and said be at peace my love, for I am at peace. I woke up with a gasp sitting straight up in bed; Morgan sat up and asked what’s wrong? I shook my head and said nothing, just a dream. My words betrayed the way I felt; I knew in my un-beating heart that it was true. He was peace and even though I would miss him he would wait for me. Chapter 25 I rolled over and looked up at the dull ceiling again; three days had passed since Cody’s death. I was coping as well as could be expected; Jake had using specific orders confined me to my room until we left. Which I had done and on the verge on insanity, and I counted the minutes until we left this forsaken city and went home. Jake asked me to make Morgan go with him in my stead at the clan meet. Against Morgan’s protests I sent him. So I was left alone in the room all night and day. I had all the blood I could want, and even that bored me. I was flipping through the channels for literally the thousandth time when I felt Morgan approaching. I had used a mere few minutes of time slowly and tediously packing all of Morgan’s, Cody’s and my things. After that I confined myself to watching stupid subtitled movies. Morgan was coming down the halls with all the other guys either a few feet in front of him or behind him. He was fitting into the group nicely; I smiled at this. Then frowned at the thought of my newborn thrall who has refused to come out of the bathroom for the whole night. He woke without incident and I explained what had happened, and he bolted for the door. I stopped that with a few magic words confining him just as I was. Since then he has been in the bathroom pouting and throwing things until I put a stop to that as well. Now he sat in the tub with the lights off giving me headache with his thoughts alone. Morgan came through door and looked around as if to ask where is Alex? I didn’t answer I pointed at the closed bathroom door. Morgan looked at the door and then asked has he been in there all night? I nodded and continued my channel surfing. Morgan laughed and said well make him come out. I shook my head and said no I have already forbid him from leaving the room, picking things up, stomping on things, singing and lastly killing himself. So I figure I might as well let him have the bathroom. Morgan cracked up royally, and after a minute of this he asked has he fed yet? I shook my head and nope. Morgan scoffed and said well he needs to feed. Hence why I let him have the bathroom he will get thirsty and come out when it becomes too hard to bear. Morgan smiled and shook his head saying remind me never to piss you off. I shrugged and said I wasn’t pissed. If I had been pissed I would have ordered him to stand on his head and play with himself continuously. Morgan scoffed and said that’s mean. I nodded and smiled wickedly saying I know but it would be terribly funny. I didn’t even turn as I heard Alex shout from the bathroom go fuck yourself. I lifted my head and said as your maker I forbid you from using profane language. I heard a muffled groan and stammer come from the bathroom as Alex fought my last order. He failed to and let out a loud roar of anger. Morgan shook his head and said seems you two get along great lacing his voice with sarcasm. I shrugged and said I think I am being nice; as I said before I could make him do countless humiliating things. Which I have done so again I think I am being rather nice considering he threw my favorite shoes out the window. Morgan laughed and asked did he really throw them out the window? I nodded and said yeah I caught them though perks of being a telepath. We sat talking for a few minutes when I looked as I heard the bathroom door crack open; Alex saw I was watching and quickly shut the door. I shook my head and said hopeless that one is. Morgan looked at the door and said you know you could be a little sympathetic; this was forced on him. He didn’t choose this life like you did. I took a breath and asked why do you have to be such a saint? Morgan shrugged and said why do you have to be such a devil? I swung myself to sit on the edge of the bed and said well he obviously doesn’t want to talk to me. Morgan thought for a minute then asked would you mind if I talked to him? I waved my hand at the door and said be my guest. Morgan I turned and went toward the bathroom, and Adam went back to the TV. I knocked on the door and asked can I come in? Alex said sure why not even if I say no he’ll make me say yes. Adam laughed and said what an intriguing idea. I turned toward Adam and gave a dirty look telling him to shut up with my eyes. He rolled his eyes and went back to his show he was half watching; the rest of his attention was on me. Probably waiting to see me get hit or something. I opened the door and looked around; the room was in ruins. Even the bathtub which Alex was sitting in was broke. He looked up at me and back at the floor. I sat down on the floor a few feet in front of him. He peered over at me and asked what do you want? I shrugged and said I just want to talk. About what?, he asked seeming indifferent. I looked him over and said how about some clean clothes? He shook his head and said no I kind of like the blood just got attacked by the undead look. I chuckled and said do you even know why he attacked you? He nodded and said yeah cause he is life sucking undead monster. Adam didn’t answer; I was glad he didn’t egg it on. I scooted closer to Alex and said he attacked you not knowing what he was doing his mate was just killed. Alex looked and asked mate? I thought for a moment then said his soul mate of sorts. That seemed to strike a chord in him; he looked up at me and said that doesn’t make what he did right? I nodded and said I know that, but he wanted to give you another chance at life. Just this one you won’t get old or have to worry about disease. Alex shot back with yeah, but I will have to kill people. I shook my head and said no our coven survives on animal blood Again this struck a chord with him, he looked past me and then asked what about the bags out there? Those were for Adam his maker beat the shit out of him for what he did to you. He sat up and said yeah he deserved it. I took breath and said maybe, maybe not. The fact is you’re a vampire now and he is your maker so its best you two start getting along. Alex thought for a moment and said I don’t have a choice do I? I shook my head and said no not really. He took a breath and said well what am I supposed to drink I don’t see any animals around here do you? Publication Date: March 5th 2013 https://www.bookrix.com/-gageadamczyk
Deu&apos; Angel The Chronicles of Alion Book 1 Flora's Delirium I want to dedicate this to my readers....this happened to be my first book BookRix GmbH & Co. KG 81371 Munich FLORA'S DELIRIUM              FLORA'S DELIRIUM                  { PARANORMAL, FANTASY & EROTIC ROAMNCE}                 BY                DEU' ANGEL Context                                                                                             LICENSE STATEMENT   This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold, or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each reader. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.                                                                             BLURB           Near the city of Hobo, in a mystical land called Alion, Enzo Drax, a null, meets Flora Bradley, a woman unaware of her true heritage. Both betrayed by the secrets they keep from each other. Fate spells out its plot for both lovers.       A sequel of short paranormal, fantasy romance of approximately 12000 words in length.   The Page length varies due to reader’s settings. But please, understand this is a short story and not a novel. Short stories are the mini candy bars of fiction; little sweet nothings that melt too fast. That’s why you can never stop at just one! J                   Reader’s Bonus: It pays to be a reader    Be sure to subscribe to my Facebook page list for free reads, exclusive sneak peeks and giveaways.     https://web.facebook.com/DeuAngelFanpage/                                                                  DISCLAIMER   This is a work of fiction intended for adults. All events depicted are fictional. Characters are consenting adults. All sex is consensual. Any resemblance to places and persons, living or dead, is unintentional coincidence, except you live in Alion. Every effort has been made to provide a quality reading experience. This was self-edited and technology is fallible. Please report typos or formatting issues to [email protected].                                   Map of Alion  So you won't lose your way. THE BEGINNING                                          THE BEGINNING   S he moves swiftly deep in the woods, going for a deer hunt on her twenty-fourth birthday. It was what she requested from her mother. Spoiled little brat they call her! Flora being the only child got all she needed; she always had a passion for the open fields and less girly things. She seemed more of a warrior to herself. With a fierce look, like that of a predator eagle lying wait for its prey, in the thick woods surrounded by evergreen vegetations, she climbs onto the bark of a naked tree, stands on a branch and stretches her bow. With her arrow pointing into the flaring sun and open field air, she searches for her prey, waiting patiently for it to come by. Minutes passed by before she spots something.     ‘Oh, here it comes.’ Her hands became weary of her aim. She takes a shot amiss. ‘Damn it.’ she yells.     The deer swiftly springs off further east. Familiar with the woods, she scales down the tree, hurriedly chasing after her game; she stalks it quietly and then takes another aim. This time, stretching her bow harder and taking a good stance for the perfect kill. The deer seemed to what to be waiting for something patiently as it stands. ‘Steady, ready!’ She shoots again and out comes a man catching her arrow by its shaft and breaking it.     ‘You don’t just kill anything you see in the woods,’ says Enzo.     The deer happened to be his pet, for Enzo was a null in his pack. He had not changed to a wolf, since he was born; clocking twenty-six, he was considered a null, soon to be chased away from his pack.     ‘Not fair,’ she shouted. ‘That was my clear shot,’ she added. Raged with anger, Flora moves towards Enzo and gives him pieces of her mind; screaming. But behind that scream lay a strange secret. Deep in her thoughts, she pondered on how well-shaped he was; his dark curly long hair, blue eyes and hard Pecs.     ‘What’s your name?’ he asks, cutting her off.     ‘Flora, my name’s Flora,’ she answers rudely.     ‘Well Flora, that deer is mine for keeps and you little high-born should stay away from the woods,’ he teases.     Enzo knew she was high-born the moment he noticed her amulet, silver coated with an emerald stone and silk clothing. He clears his throat and rubs his hands on his pants, with his gaze roaming at her, without looking anywhere else. He giggles, ‘You look pretty well dressed for a boy.’ The words came out fast in a jumble, but Flora’s mind quickly interprets the message. She jumps out at him, hands in her mouth.     ‘Holy shit, I’m going to kill you.’ Her hands balls into fists and storms over to where he was. He moves and side-steps her, with his arms in a placatory gesture.     ‘Take it easy young lad. You might hurt that precious wrist of yours.’ He says as he smiles at her.     ‘Trust me, I won’t miss a second time,’ she replies.     ‘I’ll like to see you try. Have you ever been in a fight before, huh? What’s your name? Hmm! Yes, Flora.’ He taps her with a finger on her nose. ‘I might say if we go down this road, it’s not going to end well for either of us, don’t you think so?’     ‘I can take you on”’ she says. ‘Underestimating me would be your big mistake.’ She corks her fists ready for a fight. Enzo spots her hands.     ‘No joke, Flora.’ ‘But you do look remarkably sexy in your fit.’ He does so to aggravate her.     ‘Enough with the teases’ Flora wasn’t so weak for a woman her age. ‘Oh yeah, I could bring the pain’ she says.     ‘Wait,’ he began. But Flora lunged for him, fist aiming for his jaw. Instead of feeling her bones grinding into his, she connects with flesh stronger than hers. He catches both hands and pulls her close, as he pins them behind her neck. Then both lips crash with a fierce kiss from Enzo.     Flora Bradley had never been kissed before, neither Enzo Drax. Nulls can’t have mates. So Enzo was totally out of the dating pool. Also, Flora never had time for male companies. She tries to break the hold but fails.     ‘Let go of Me.’ Were her next words, with her lips still on his. In Hobo, women of Flora’s status see Enzo as commoners. She feels humiliated, yet again the taste of Enzo’s lips on her lower lip, tongue probing. He tasted like wild strawberries. Her heart inquires,     ‘ So this is how it feels like being kissed ? ’               Enzo pulls away and her scent filled him. With his dull senses, he could tell the change in her body chemistry. He apologizes and introduces himself.     ‘Am Enzo, I live not far away from here.’ He does this to clear the awkward air. Flora was petrified by this sudden event. All he received in response was total silence. They both part ways as they relive the moment in their thoughts. Flora lives with an obviously hidden smile on her face; one like a mountain hidden in a small paint bucket. Yes, it is obvious enough to betray her.     Weeks passed since Enzo’s encounter with Flora. In the night of a pale moon, he blinks, and sees a wolf staring at him from behind his eyelids. He—instinctively knew it was a male- it was white and huge. Its gaze bores into his, pacing further towards him like it was going to attack. He gasps and his eyes flew open. He had never seen him before. What could have led to this vision, he wondered. Day in and out his thought never departed from Flora, and he guessed her presence triggered his canine hormones.     ‘I have to find her’ he whispers to himself as he lifts his head. Hurriedly, he leaves his home, Cal and Declan, his older brothers, worry in suspicion. They knew not where their brother hurries off to, at such an hour. Both need not to worry, he is a null. He did not look their way, for he felt intimidated by them always. Wandering in the streets of Hobo, which he had never taken the pleasure of doing.  He lurked in the shadows, as he tracks her lavender scent to a crystal-like castle.     ‘Wow,’ he says, in astonishment; for he had never gazed upon such a place. He moves into the compound unseen by the guards, climbs onto the vines leading to her room. Flora not long ago, had a thought of her wild man in the woods, feeling she might never see him again. Getting ready to go to bed, she spots Enzo by the ledge of her window. Quickly, she pulls him in.     ‘What are you doing here?’ ‘You could get arrested or worse,’ she says, with some atoms of fear colonizing her face. Enzo smiling back at her, kisses her deeper and much fiercer than before. She froze at the assault of sensations, she didn’t fully understand. Her body felt like it was the wrong size, her arms stretched around his shoulders, filled with a satisfied smile deep in her eyes. ‘How did you find me?’ she asks.     ‘I longed to see a beauty never gazed upon by a man such as I, lips as red as rose, your beautiful brown eyes, a hair  so short but its flame lights my path, thoughts about you will not let my heart go to sleep.” Enzo says, in his attempt to woo her.      He then says, ‘I also asked for directions where you lived. It wasn’t easy, I’ll tell.’ He knew deep in his heart, she was his true mate.  ‘ It takes more than a kiss to bring out a wolf, ’ his subconscious mind tells him. Searching in both their hearts, Flora Bradley had fallen head over heels in love with him, likewise Enzo. They couldn’t help it; they are deadly locked in a soul prison, they will love to remain in forever. As if it was the plan of the heavens, the luster of the full moon shines on them both; a lush moment so it seemed. He acts on his alpha instincts, moves around her as he shifts his weight. He kisses her again, nipping her neck with his lips. Then his lips went still. ‘You look worried?’ His inflection implied she shouldn’t be.     She huffed, ‘You just showed up at my place. I know you not at all, and it doesn’t seem proper.’     ‘You’ve got it all wrong,’ Enzo whispers.     She opens her eyes to glare at him. ‘How so?’  she says, only to notice the army of love matching off Enzo’s eyes. He longed to feel her good coloured milky skin, against his. He impulsively says to her,      ‘I love you.’ with a soft gentle tone, as he speaks on. ‘As crazy as all this seems, my soul longs for you. I felt I was ripped in two the day we parted, never have I been so connected with anyone before,’ He meant all he is says, and she is aware. His love for her draws the moonlight nearer, causing its luster to sparkle even brighter. But Flora’s reaction seems so cold, like one not appreciative of the other’s presence. Not saying another word, he makes an attempt to leave. But she holds his lusty body not letting him go. This time Flora kisses him under the shady smiles of the moonlight.      ‘Let’s start over from the beginning, Can we?’ Flora asks. She places both hands on each shoulder; he pulls her against him and kisses her. With gentle persistence, he won his way into her mouth, tongue laving hers. A dizzy heat surged through Flora. He grasped the helm of her gown, lifting it up to expose her bare bottom to her stomach and grazing her rib cage in the process. She raised her arms overhead and he pulled off her gown, tossing it on the glass floor, he continued to ply her with kisses as he worked to cup her breast. Shy about being the only one naked, she decided to remove his shirt. Enzo’s chest was broad, sleek with muscle and hairy. She ran her hands over his pecs, the nubs of his nipples, brushing across her palms. His shoulders flexed at her touch and he sucked in his stomach while she trails her hands beneath his abdomen. ‘There’s something you need to know,’ she says with a hesitant voice, raising an eyebrow, with his hands on her waist and the other cupped on her right breast.     ‘What?’      ‘I’m a virgin.” She breathed it. Enzo cups her face in his hand, thumb caressing her cheek.     ‘It’s going to be okay, Flora.’     ‘How do you know?’ she asks, he gives a shaky laugh. His fingers circling her skin on each shoulder     ‘Nervous?’ She nodded.     ‘Don’t be, you’re in safe hands.’     He plants a kiss on her neck, sucking hard onto her skin, marking her as his mate. The hair on his cheek touching her, the sensation was like warm velvet gliding on her skin, Goosebumps raced over her immediately. Teasing her nipples, Enzo cupped both breast in his hands, stroking the tips, he kissed his way down to her neck and sucks gentle on one nipple while teasing the other. He feels the gradual winding of her racing heart. He slips his finger down to her hips; finds her cleft in between her legs. A lone ranger finger wiggled into her core, touching the wet heat down there. She held a firm grip on his shoulders, for she felt her knees sagging.     ‘Let’s move to the bed.’ She gasped.     ‘Lead the way my lady.’ His fingers still in her, they moved slowly to her luxurious bed. A woven cotton mattress and finely carved golden edges. He slides his fingers out her wet entrance and pushes her hard down on the bed, taking off his trousers with no underwear. Everything seems mutual now. He came unto the bed, puts her hand around his shaft.     ‘Oh yes,’ she skimmed his length, he was well endowed, envious of her hands, she pulls Enzo for a deep kiss, both nipples touching, she lifts her hips to taste his  delduga on her. Hoping to be penetrated.     ‘Close your eyes.’ Enzo says. Kissing his way down to her core, shivering at each sensitive touch, she couldn’t help but give a quiet moan. His tongue swept her wet entrance, flicking her clits and sucking on it, he slips a finger inside her, followed by a second. It’s exactly as he imagined it. The hair, the lips, the hole. She screams aloud, oscillating for more penetration and pleasure.      In their moment, something walks behind Enzo’s eyes it was human, looking intensely he saw his wolf leaning beside a woman; it was Flora. She stroked its soft white fur while it remained still. Shocked by this new development, it was all strange to him. His wolf looks back at him, it paces round Flora restlessly.  Enzo could almost feel an outburst and change to his wolf form, but it wasn’t ready. He moves up to kiss her shoulder, kneels between her finely curved hips and legs, he places the head of his stick at her streaming heat wet entrance. Moves in slowly with little pressure and won his way inside her. It pricked, she found less comfort with this new experience, but she felt a satisfactory achievement of this; like she just had a successful deer hunt and was being cheered by everyone. It took time for Flora to accustom herself to feel pleasure with each thrust. She moves back a bit; the ripping of her maidenhood was painful. Pausing at a moment, he leans on her soft stomach feeling his hard-muscular pecs, sucks on her nipples, pushing his pelvis to stimulate her clits and at this pleasurable distraction he reached further into her, gasping for air, she pulled herself closer for now she desired his full length inside her wet core.     ‘Oh, yeah right there.’ she moans ‘Fill me up.’ holding him tight against her. Enzo groans trying to move up, she holds him tighter with her legs wrapped around him, increasing his thrusts, her screams where all over the room. She Looses consciousness of herself, he holds her by her hair pulls himself towards her and whispers into her ear, Flora giggles     ‘I like the sound of that.’ With a natural sense of rhythm, he goes with fast and slow strokes; he drove himself harder into her. Believing he could shag the precious life from her body. She kept moaning, whining with pleasure and that was good. She climaxed right away. He kept moving on, slowing himself. He pushed her knees up higher and this time he was deeper much more than before, her hands gripped the sheets ready to tear them off from the bed, moving her head in luscious pleasure of ecstasy. She lets out a loud moan. Both hearts roared with passion with their thundering heartbeat, he goes in for harder thrusts, faster, faster and faster he goes, he was almost there and so was she again for the third time. It all comes like an outburst of hot fire melting from the knot of his cock. He shouted when he came. When it finished, they were both exhausted on bed and passed out immediately.        Later that night, Flora begins to see unclear pictures of herself wearing a red cloak. It feels like a dream, with no knowledge of the experiences and events in them. She makes broken look beautiful and strong look invincible, she walks with the universe on her shoulders, carrying them like a pair of wings. In her trance, she sees her dead father, slaying an unknown creature. She never knew what killed her father for she was only seven when he left the corridors of this world. The creature moves aggressively towards her in its attempt to devour its victim. She yells and everywhere goes dark…..      When Enzo woke, the beam of the morning sunlight dawned on him, trying to open his eyes; his vision was blurry as the picture of things became unfolded. He sees blood all around him, looking to the ground he notices he is seeing paws with razor sharp claws in place of hands. He looks behind and sees a tail. He turned into his wolf in the dead of night. Werewolves have no control when they change for the first time, hot tempered and thirsty for their first kill. With the flood of blood around, someone had fallen prey to him. With no memory of how he got here or left Flora, he looks around, and deep in the woods, he spots a trail of blood and follows it.     ‘Oh no!’ He howls. ‘Poor Soos.’ His pet deer was the victim. He had devoured it. He runs to a lake nearby, seeing the reflection of what he became.     ‘Welcome to the pack my son,’ Earl says, as he walks up to him. He continues, ‘I heard you howl the moment you turned, and have watched over you since then. You should be happy; you are a null no more.’ Enzo pays no mind to his father. He gives him a huge growl, acting pugnacious.     ‘Know your place boy.’ Earl barks at him. ‘Am alpha.’ He takes off his clothes and turns into his wolf; he was white and had scars all over his face. In a belligerent manner, Earl tries to get Enzo to submit. But his attempt failed. Then he notices Enzo had red markings around his eyes; the first of their kind. All wolves in the pack bared the white colour gene. Enzo is way bigger than he is, probably the biggest Hobo wolf he had seen. Knowing the meaning of this he takes a bow and changes back to his human form.     ‘Albakira!’ He calls him, meaning the ancient god wolf. Enzo turns back to his human form. He tries to get the meaning to what his father called him. But Earl insists they return home.     ‘I’ll tell you when the time is right,’ He says.     ‘Let’s have a race.’ says Earl. Then they both change, running off in the woods, Enzo could feel each blade of grass beneath his paws. Enjoying the cozy force of the breezing wind, everything was new to Enzo. His senses had heightened to another level. He goes for a loud howl, for the other wolves to hear.     Flora takes a deep gasp waking up. She prays to Ilos to help her know the meaning of the visions and notices Enzo is nowhere to be found. She storms out of her room. Walking down the stairs, she meets her mother.     ‘Morning mother.’ She acknowledges her.     ‘Indeed, you had one hell of a night, your face shows it all.’ Rose sarcastically speaks.     ‘You had a guest last night, I presume?’ Flora walks away from her, avoiding further questions. Rose then raises the pitch of her calm voice ‘I spoke to Sir Gregory earlier and he said nothing of a sort coming here yesterday. ‘Stupid girl!’ She shouts at her. ‘We made a pact, for both of you to get married. How could you dishonour your father’s name.’ her mother continues with the scolding.     ‘I don’t love him, I never liked the man.’ Flora speaks. Like a little puppy missing in the woods of danger, she cries, leaving home and running into the woods. Flora goes to where she first met Enzo and calls out for him.     ‘Enzo,’she keeps the yelling. ‘You bastard. Where are you?’ She penetrates the woods even further. ‘Enzo.’ she screams again. Enzo hears her call, leaves his father and races back. With his new senses, he could tell it was Flora from afar. Going at a much faster pace, he dives into a river and changes back to human. He swims towards her direction.      ‘Here I am,’ he yells.      She hears him right away. Feeling used, she is filled with rage. Having thoughts of all the possible ways she could beat the crap out of him for leaving.     ‘Hey, over here.’ He calls, swimming naked by the river, he walks out. Flora feels an adversary presence in the air, with an instinct in her guts to kill. This feeling is new to her, and she has little knowledge of it. The rush becomes stronger as she looks at Enzo,.     ‘You devious prick,’ ‘You left without a word.’ she shouts, with streams of veins running hard on her face.      ‘Come take a swim with me and I’ll explain.’ He utters as he goes back into the river. She takes off her clothing and goes in.     ‘I never meant to bolt that way. I didn’t want to be seen by anyone. Also, you were tender in your sleep and I wished not to disturb you, my love.’      Flora swims closer to him. She takes a fast strike at his face.      ‘Ouch, that hurt,’ Enzo screams.      ‘It should. Don’t you ever leave me again?’ she replies, as she pulls him in, for a kiss.     ‘Please Don’t.’ She says.      ‘I’ll never.’ His arms wrapped around her. ‘I promise.’     Flora takes a peek at him. Looking away, ‘I love you Enzo.’ She smiles.      They swim further in the river. Enzo locks unto her; their feet firm to the ground beneath water and a fall of water served as a curtain. He enters her from behind, holding her short hair firmly. With hard thrust he rams her, splitting her open. The cold water made the sensation much more pleasurable. Her body rocks with massive force. He is much harder than before, with so much fury.     ‘Oh yeah!’ ‘You can’t get enough of me, can you?’ says Enzo.  He slows down, and Flora leans back, turns sideways jamming her lips against his, riding him in a dance-like manner. With his lips on hers, ‘You’re mine.’ He says.     They can feel their blood racing through their veins; ripples fill the river from each move they make. Enzo feels his wolf howling, and Flora, an instinctively desire within her, she couldn’t explain. They both climax. Still locked in each other’s embrace, they slowly disengage, shaking.         ‘I guess we were made for each other,’ he breathes hard while talking.     ‘I feel the same way too.’ Flora gives an orgasmic pant.     Making lofty promises to one another, they both swim around the river; the cool waters reviving their lost strength. With the cold air feeling their lungs, they play happily.  Enzo is a null no more. Flora on the other hand deeply in love with Enzo, but unacquainted to her new self . Laughter filled their voices, but they knew not what fate holds for them.                           HUNTERS SIEGE                                          HUNTERS SIEGE   T he last time Flora saw her father was on a hazy afternoon; the moon had merged with the sun at daylight. So immature, she barely remembered what happened that dark day. Loud lingering cries inflated the void air in the land of Alion.      ‘Stay with your mother, Angel,’ Seth Bradley speaks to Flora.     ‘Protect mummy while daddy’s away, will you?’ he asked cynically.     ‘ Family, duty and honour ,’ Seth and Flora sounded together. Seth left with an obviously elite team of twelve; all wearing an Emerald stone amulet. A pack of werewolves had attacked the city, slaughtering everyone in their paths. Seth and his elite team rode swiftly into the woods in pursuit of the pack. The wolves were strangely dark-coloured, with hilly huge heads, fierce looking faces and sharp long fangs. The fight began and continued with an eternal length, like it lasted a millennium. With serial profound wounds resulting from dangerous wolf bites, Seth was left alone in battle; two to one was the fight. ‘Come on.’ He shouted out, to the wolves, with a renewed courage of bravery. He knew it’s either he dies today or live almost forever.     Not far away, a couple and their young cub gathered sticks, to illuminate their camp fire. Sensing trouble, they both turned into wolves, with fur as white as snow. The male headed for the party of blood, leaving the female wolf behind to protect her cub. The male wolf moved towards the fight, and saw Seth leaning on a rock, cornered by two dark wolves. He growled as he instinctively attacked one. The other dark wolf faced its new foe, descending a powerful blow from its claws rendering Seth’s hero scared. With this distraction, Seth flew further away with trails of blood left behind him; he crawled to where he saw a burning flame.     ‘Oh no boy, you should not be here alone.’ ‘Where are…’ he began to stutter. He saw a white wolf barking at him and the boy, furiously. He unsheathed his sword, seeming like he had some drain of fight left in him. ‘Run child.’ He said. The boy moved towards the wolf. Not getting the true picture of things, Seth pulled him back. In his act of valor he charges at the wolf. In a glimpse, he entangled himself with the wolf, thrusting his silver sword into its heart, giving way for mother wolf to droop its fangs deep into the nape of his neck. With its last breath, lifeless, they both fell to the ground, engulfed by their puddle of blood. In his minds eye, Enzo remembers the last heroic deed of his mother.     ‘Not again, love.’ Flora shakes Enzo trying to snap him out of his thoughtful glare, both reclining on bed of roses, ‘You remind me of him.’     ‘Who?’ Enzo asks.     ‘My father,’ Flora says. ‘I feel safe with you. I pray nothing takes us apart.’ Enzo brushes her hair slowly with his hands.     ‘Nothing will, my love.’He speaks in a low tune voice. He felt guilt in his heart, wanting to tell Flora the truth about himself; he relented in his words for he feared of what was to come of his bitter truth. ‘I’ll never hurt you, ever.’ He says.     They kissed like it seemed their last moment together, Enzo undresses Flora, while she takes off his jacket. He kisses the nape of her neck, slowly repeatedly, brushing his fluffy sideburns on her skin. Flora feels herself get wet. It came from inside and she could feel the liquid----- and Enzo smiled down at her, he could feel it too. He turns her over and she hears his trousers fall to the ground, her face planted against the scent of beautiful roses beside her------ she feels his hands on the back of her head, she could feel his fingers tangle in her hair, his palm print on her neck, it felt so good, and she got wetter. He thrusts once cautiously, he thrusts again, and he’s gone, he’s off into limbo, Enzo was no one, lost to himself, he falls in an ecstatic burning humidness, losing, lost, unmade; he slips his hands under her chest and cups her small tangerines in his hands and feels the hard pearls of her nipples, barked against the palms of his hands, like little mysteries. He turns Flora slowly, maneuvering her facing him.      ‘Come on top me.’ He says.           Then Flora mounts him and uses her hands to slip Enzo inside her. Once she had him deep inside, she began a slow rotation of her hips. As she moved, rocking him back and forth, she lowered herself swerving her breasts across his face. He tried to take one of her breasts into his mouth, either one. But she stopped him, he seemed frenetic. Her breasts were killing him, then he drives himself harder into her, things got all twisted and hot inside and both their hearts burst pounding like drums, they fall back exhausted, resting till they were ready for more. Around and around their lovemaking session goes, like the melody of a song of love. ‘Where you off to in such a hurry’. He asks     ‘My mother, she should be scared half to death by now.’ Flora says     ‘Alright, I'll see you soon.” He says. Flora leaves waving away.       Hours later, Cal walks into Enzo. Cal had the habit of always teasing and pissing Enzo off, and he hates it.     ‘Hello brother! Let’s have a duel,’ he points out into the air. ‘The wolf that gets to the top of that hill first, wins.’ He pauses a while and then continues, ‘scared you’ll lose?’ He gazes at Enzo smiling.     ‘Not a chance. I’m having your soup tonight,’ Enzo says.     Both morphing to their wolves, they dash into the woods like loose arrows. Further and further they go deep into the heart of the woods. Suddenly, they stumble into an unfamiliar pack of dark wolves; their rivals. They are fierce looking and always on a killing spree.     ‘Look, what we have here,’ One says. ‘Like lambs to the slaughter, you both deliver yourselves to us on a platter,’ He dips, mocking them both. The opposing pack howls as they encircle Cal and Enzo.     ‘This isn’t good,’ Cal says. ‘This will be your first fight brother. Never go for the obvious kill,’ Cal telepathically communicates Enzo.     Enzo is terrified at first; he had never fought a wolf before. At this awe moment, Enzo thinks of Flora. He prays to come out of this fight alive, for indeed he knew it won’t be an easy one. Outnumbered seven to two, Enzo growls, unleashing seven hundred pounds of fury. He grasped his claws unto one of his adversary and rips off its flesh from its throat with his teeth; killing it instantly. The others became infuriated, all attacking. Claws ripping flesh and jaws clamping into each wolf’s dense bones. The two brothers fought fearlessly. Here comes the hour, when both of them saw the last of their strengths. Enzo wasn’t strong enough yet, and he needed two full moons before he reaches the climax of his true strength.     Cal smells the fight is lost. He turns to Enzo, speaking telepathically,     ‘On my signal, run, I’ll hold them off.’     ‘I’m not leaving you, Cal. No!’ Enzo says.     As a sign of reinforcement, the dark wolves advance to Cal and Enzo. Both brothers are already so close to the edge of a cliff. With cold winds beneath their paws, the breezing wind plays musical tunes for their coat to dance.      ‘Warn the others.’ Cal says, as he rams Enzo off the huge cliff.     During his unintentional leap of faith, his head misses a huge boulder and he falls into a river underneath. In his human form, he tries swimming to Cal’s aid. Then he hears Cal, whimpering in a vociferous cry. Like shareholders sharing annual dividends, he sees the wolves tearing Cal limb from limb.     ‘No,’ he cries; drifting away from the scene. Then suddenly, he falls off from a waterfall, crashing hard into the river below.     That same night, Flora has a premonition about Enzo. She fears for his life. She looks out of her window, but he wasn’t there. She looks up and sees a wild fire in the city; people fleeing for their lives. The pack of dark werewolves had attacked the city once more. Flora hears the cries of men in her compound, most screaming in their deaths and others for help. She runs to find her mother, running pass the hall. A sound distracts her. And at the return of her gaze, she sees her mother on the floor; a wolf savages on her corpse.     ‘Mother,’ she cries out. ‘Get away from her.’ She throws a vast at it. The wolf turns its attention towards her; she falls to the ground, creeping backwards slowly. The wolf salivates at Floras enticing figure. Terrified and not knowing what to do, she cries out for help repeatedly, but no one comes to her aid. Most of the guards have fled the compound or probably worse dead. Then She sees her father’s sword hanging on a shelve. She reaches out for it, grabbing the sword by its hilt. The wolf takes a quick chunk on her leg, dragging her down, hard on the glass floor. Before its attempt to pounce on her, she plunges the sword right into its heart.     ‘Die, you beast,’ she yells.  The wolf turns into human. She becomes petrified, in a short while. And suddenly, she sees visions of herself battling a pack of werewolves. She gasps. Coming out of her trance, Flora runs to her mother’s bloodied corpse. She lays on her, crying continuously, till it took her to sleep.     Early the next morning, Elvis Bradley comes in with a troop. He sees Flora.     ‘She’s gone, Uncle.’ Flora sobs speaking, ‘That beast killed her.’     ‘And the Wolf, by whose hand did it fall to?’ Elvis questioned.     ‘Mine.’ Says Flora     ‘You have a lot to learn, Dear niece,’ Elvis says. ‘Come with me. You must prepare yourself.’     He pulls flora up, He tells Flora everything she needed to know, breaking secrets to her, about all that concerns her father and his death.     ‘Your beloved father was a werewolf hunter, and I believe the hunter’s blood runs deep in your veins,’ Elvis says. Flora explains her visions to Elvis. It was certain she has the hunter’s blood. Hatred and vengeance started an unending journey in her heart that day. She vows to vanquish all werewolves in Alion; irrespective of their colour .     As if he heard her vow, Enzo wakes up to see himself in his room. And the last thing he remembers, was Cal’s death. He screams, ‘Cal, we have to find him, he could still be alive.’     ‘Stay still brother, you’re terribly hurt,’ Declan says. He holds him down as he continues.     ‘Cal was buried yesterday. You blacked out, for two days. Father asserts that you should be taken to the mountains.’ Earl walks in. He looks at Enzo with glimpse disappointment written all over his face. He wishes Enzo had died in place off Cal; and Enzo knows his father’s heart.     ‘I tried my best father,’ he says.     ‘The moments passed, you have a prophecy to fulfill.’ Earl says.     ‘On a tablet, it was written that the wolf god would someday return to redeem the wolves or bring them to their doom. I do not know what roll you have to play and I surely don’t believe in this false prophecy. But you bear similar traits to this god wolf our people believe in. At daylight, I am taking you to the mountains. Your grandfather lives there. He will teach you all you need to know. I smell a war coming.’ he concludes. Enzo refuses to heed his father’s command, for he knew he had to see Flora before he leaves. But he was too weak to rebel against Earl. He was taken away and there he…..     Two full moons passes, Flora’s heart yearns for its lost love; worried sick about Enzo, if he be dead or alive. The city gates are heavily fortified, guarding against anyone or thing from leaving the city or coming in. Flora oozes like a well-groomed hunter as she walks around the camp.     ‘Hello gorgeous.’ She looks behind and sighs.     ‘What are you doing here?’ She says.     ‘I haven’t set gaze upon you for ages. Is this any way to welcome me?’ Sir Gregory speaks.     ‘My deepest condolences on the passing of your beloved mother, rest her soul.’      Flora takes a look at Sir Gregory, and sees he wears the amulet too. She never knew he was a hunter. The plans her parents had for her, begins to unfold in her head.      ‘Thank you,’ she says.     ‘Bother yourself not my love, I am here to protect you,’ Gregory says. His words held no meaning in Floras ears, for she wishes for only Enzo. Then, the ray of the sun darkens. The little fireball above seems like it lost its other half.     ‘To your horses everyone, we ride out.’ Elvis commands as he turns to Flora. ‘The hour is upon us dear nice. Stay strong.’ He says. Green eyes blaze wide in the woods from every corner. Their gaze were focused on the hunters forming a barricade at the city gates; all cheering. They charge into the woods, the hunters siege was about to begin.     ‘We have to help them father.’ Declan speaks.     ‘I know this, for generations we have protected these humans, still they bear so much contempt for our kind,’ says Earl. Earls pack changes to their wolves, all appear like snow flooding the woods, as they run towards the siege; all howling.     Far way, Enzo moves fast in the woods racing back to Hobo.     Sir Gregory rides beside Flora and Elvis, alongside their elite troops. On their horses, they charge into the woods. Soon hunters and wolves clash; the battle begins. The dark wolves far outnumber the hunters. Flora fights furiously, slaying every wolf in her path, like an angered labourer cutting down grasses.     ‘Watch out.’ Sir Gregory saves Flora. He kills a wolf trying to strike her from behind, and pulls her towards himself. Flora feels safe beside Sir Gregory as he fights, protecting her. The numbers of the hunters begins to diminish. The dark wolves prepare to launch their final precise attack. Suddenly Earl’s pack unexpectedly intercepts their attack, fighting them off. The hunters fall back. Sir Gregory and Flora, dash away.     ‘Wait here, I’ll take them off your trail.’ says Gregory.     Minutes pass; Flora hears a loud growl coming right at her. A dark wolf approaches, she runs further away, with her will to fight broken, an infant girl she seems at this moment; scared, terribly frightened. She stumbles and hits her head hard on a rock. It lies on the ground like an intended pillow. She sees faint images of two wolves fighting, howling and growling before she passes out.     ‘Don’t worry, you are safe now,’ He says.     A familiar scent filled Floras nostrils. She opens her eyes and sees Enzo. He carries her gently with both hands, walking slowly. It feels like a dream she will not wish to wake up from. Flora rubs her palm on his chest, and leans on him, filled with so much relief in her heart that he was alive.     ‘You’re really here.’      The day grows darker. Enzo ignites a fire to light their way to a cave, and there they rest. He looks at Flora in a remorseful way. Flora gazes at Enzo pondering.      ‘There’s something different about you.’ She says      ‘What?’     ‘You seem intensely troubled.’ Says Flora      ‘I haven’t been totally honest with you. There are few things about me, you do not know. I’m….,’ he stops speaking. He could hear another heartbeat in the cave. Its tempo becomes louder and louder as he walks towards Flora. ‘You’re with a child,’ he says.     ‘And you know this, how?’ Flora asks.     He places her hands on her stomach, amplifying the sound of the foetus inside her. Flora craughs.     ‘And I had no idea,’ she says.     ‘This changes things!’ Enzo says. He kisses her on the lips, cups a hand on her cheek, and the other hand on the cages of her ribs. He pulls her close.     ‘I’m here now. A life time spent alone seems like eternity. Now, all I see is a lifetime of possible infinities,’ he says to Flora.     ‘You wanted to say something?’ she asks.       ‘Its nothing dear,’ he says quickly, in his guise of pretence, caked with a smile. The surging heat from Enzo keeps Flora warm from the moist air. Being locked in one another’s embrace, they fall into a deep sleep.     ‘What bears the meaning of this?’ Gregory shouts out to the others.  They seemed to have been searching for Flora. Gregory points his sword at Enzo’s neck. Elvis Bradley and the elite enter into the cave. They sense a werewolf lingering beside Flora. They knew for sure, Enzo was one.     ‘Have you no shame?’ He strikes Flora. ‘You lie with this foul being?’ He asks.      Enzo is entangled by the hunters, brought to his knees by three men, holding him down.      ‘Let him be,’ she says. ‘He has done no wrong.’ She cries out to Elvis.      ‘You’ve clouded your sense of reasoning with your lust for this abomination.’ He pushes her away.     ‘The man you lay with is not human, but a werewolf,’ Sir Gregory says. He jams his boot into Enzo’s face, with a continuous assault on his face, with the pommel of his sword. Enzo begins to bleed.     ‘Stop this. Leave him alone.’Flora stops Sir Gregory.      Flora tries not to believe She crawls to Enzo, cups her hands on his face, dripping with scarlet sweats. Tears filled her eyes, and she looks into Enzo’s sea-blue eyes.     ‘Tell me this isn’t true, please, say to them this is not true,’ She is so sure Enzo’s answer will not break her heart. Enzo withholds from turning into his wolf form, for he could hurt Flora in the process of changing.     ‘I tried telling you this, believe me, I tried. I’m so sorry. I never meant any harm,’ he cries looking at her. Then he suddenly turns those harmless innocent sea blue eyes into olive green, with a deepened oval pupil. She gasps and moves backwards.     ‘How hilarious, I can’t seem to get this. You chose this creature over me?’ Gregory says giggling. He walks behind Enzo, pacing behind him back and forth. Flora still looking into Enzo’s eyes, she is filled with hidden tears, all about to burst wide open from her eyes. She finds no words to say to him anymore.     ‘What shall we do with him, Chief?’  A hunter asks.     ‘Take him prisoner,’ Elvis commands.      Having resentful thoughts towards Enzo, Sir Gregory impulsively attacks him, in a flash. He impales Enzo with his dagger, plunging right through his chest. ‘Filth,’ he says spiting on him. He pushes him off his dagger. Enzo falls right into Flora’s arms.     ‘Forgive me.’ his last words. His eyes shut slowly, looking at Flora one last time. She begins to sob, crying like a beaten child.     ‘No-no.’ Screams Flora, she cups a hand on his face and plants a kiss, her eyes are wet full of tears. ‘You killed him.’ Flora strikes Gregory at his face. ‘This is murder.’ She tries fighting him, but he binds her hands, holding her still. She tries letting herself loose but is consistently over-powered by the others. The troops drag her out from the cave into the field.      ‘Enzo!’ she screams.      Hoping he would come to her aid. She calls for him on and on but to no avail. Emptiness was all she felt there and then, her tears mirrored the flames from the torches. Her feet not its own, she looks behind, seeing how cruel fate could be. She sees its picture slipping from her further and further away.   SEAL HER FATE                                  SEAL HER FATE   H er feet moving through a quick sandy ground, she flees from the scene of two mysterious men slain by her. A foreboding thought lingered in her heart, as she runs back to her hidden shack. She looks around her home, throwing her dagger to the naked floor. She searches every corner of the room, and lifts up a cellar door.     ‘Come out honey, its safe now, mama is here now,’ Flora says.         ‘Are they gone?’ Enola speaks.         ‘Yes honey.’            ‘I was so scared mama.’        Flora Bradley and her thirteen-year-old daughter had no other choice but to leave their safe haven once more. The hunters and werewolves sought Enola’s timely demise. Enola shape-shifted into a human wolf like creature at age three, a hybrid child having the blood of a hunter and the genes of a wolf, the news went through the lands. Her fascinating nature seems a threat to their existence, and so repulsive they felt. Flora and Enola travel far away from Hobo to a land called Dahr Lotos. In their cryptic world, Enola stays hidden from the eyes of men as Flora works as a waitress in a tavern.      ‘Where’s my ale?’ a drunk speaks to Flora.       ‘On its way,’She says.       ‘I would have you lie with me tonight,’ He says. He forcefully pulls Flora towards himself assaulting her.        ‘Let me go!’She screams.        ‘Unhand, the lady, Sir,’ a man speaks from a table nearby. He walks calmly as he approaches them. ‘I’m sure your sick wife awaits your presence at this late hour,’ he says. The drunk tries to hit him, but he impedes his fragile cocked fist, throwing him to the ground. He puts him out from his blurry vision.       ‘Pay no mind, to the petty old drunk. I’m Dustin, Dustin Livingston. I haven’t seen you here before. What brings you to the land of filth and piss?’ he says.       ‘Work,’ she replies as she walks back towards the bar. He holds her by the hand gently,        ‘If you need anything, be sure to ask. I’m quite known around here, and very easy to find.’ He smirks.       ‘Thank you, but I need no help,’ Flora says.       Back at Hobo .       ‘Have faith father, he still lives, this I know.’ Declan says.        ‘You live on false hopes my boy. If he be well, what has become of him all these years, that he forgets his people, his family? I have lost faith my son. He is never coming back home. He is dead- dead and gone.’ Earl speaks as he drinks his wine.        The hunters assemble; sitting as equals. They skim a plot to bring Flora and her abominable child back to Hobo. All yelling, Gregory looks at each hunter with disgust.         ‘Patience people.’ Sir Gregory speaking. ‘We’ve tried every possible means to kill the child, but over time failed.’ He angrily slams the table, screaming at them all, being vexed by the continuous outcome of events. Then he poises and speaks calmly to them all.        ‘It’s time for a different mode of approach.’          ‘And what do you suggest?’E lvis Bradley asks.         He smiles at Elvis, ‘We play a game.’ He stands smiling as he takes his leave with an unknown visitor.  They could see him whisper, “ I shall bring them all to their knees ”, he says.        Enola never ceases to ask for her father.        ‘Mother, when is Papa coming home?’ she asks.        ‘Papa will come home soon honey, his just really busy that’s all.’ Flora hides the mystery of Enola’s nature from her; though Enola quite knew she was different from other children her age, also Flora refusing to speak of anything which concerns her father. She kisses Enola on her forehead and sings her to sleep.        Later that night, Flora decides not to have dinner, she goes out to the meadow, the pale moon casting its light on the grass and wildflowers, there in the middle of it stood a wolf, its colour bared the symbol of innocence. She blinked, rubbed her eyes and blinked again, as the wolf stares at her, looking closer she sees a man.         ‘Enzo, you’re alive?’ ‘Enzo, Enzo, you don’t know how hard it has been.’ She ran across the grass, desperate to meet him. He smiled at her as he wipes the cold tears from her face with his finger,        ‘Sorry my love, I didn’t mean to take so long.’ She hugs him tight, kissing him on his lips; her soul ached for his return.           ‘The day you died, I died with you; my heart beats for only one thing now.’          ‘And what’s that?’ Enzo inquires.        ‘We have a child, a girl.’ ‘Her name’s Enola.’ Flora speaks. Enzo kisses Flora,        ‘Say nothing more, my love.’        ‘I’m here now, it’s all that matters.’ he lays her gently to the ground, her eyes widened as she caught the deliberately flirtatious innuendo. As he watched, her cheeks blush. And about the same time, a little frown line appeared between her brows.        ‘Is this real,’ she said slowly.        ‘Don’t you feel me?’ he said.        The air was colder than she had anticipated, the flowers tickled her skin as he kisses her gently, repeatedly on her thighs, he rolls up her gown, kissing his way up to her breast, caressing her bottom, and Flora sighs as she curls an arm around his neck. Now her breasts were pressed snugly against his arm. His fingers stimulating the warm skin of her hips, goose bumps surfaced all over her arms, her body throbbed with arousal, a few more inches and he would be touching her most intimate secrets, now she wanted him badly, so bad that she unzipped his trousers, pulling him closer to herself, as she holds his hard erection placing it at the entrance of her core. Even in the dim light she saw him pale. His expression was hard to read. But the dark eyes that gazed at him so solemnly judged him and found him wanting. He presses deep into her wet entrance, a feeling missed for decades; she gives a long, soft moan.        ‘Don’t let go.’ he says. Both her legs crossed right above his waist, she pushes herself deeper into him, as he stands to his feet lifting her up, thrusting back and forth, slowly, repeatedly, so slow he was, she could feel him entering the depth of her soul, tearing her open, his face was so close to hers she leaned forward a few inches and kissed him. His lips where so cold, she felt herself get soaking wet, this wasn’t from me! Looking at Enzo, his eyes appeared white as he bleeds from his mouth down to his torso, fear enveloped her as Enzo pulls away slowly.        ‘I’m with you, always and forever.’ He says. The pale moon light darkened on him as he disappears into thin air.          Oh no! She gasps, waking from her dream. She cries pretty loud on her bed. Her dreams prove once again she had indeed lost Enzo. She remains tormented the remaining hours of the night till dawn. Walking to the tavern that morning, she sees Dustin in a fight with two men. Observing he was a good fighter, she stands watching in astonishment. He head butts one, knocking him out instantly. He waves at Flora, as she leaves his public display of masculinity.        Flora arrives at the tavern and sees Olympia. Olympia happens to be Flora’s only friend since she moved to  Dahr Lotos. A sister she is to her, one she never had the privilege to enjoy.        ‘Good morning,’ Olympia greets Flora.       ‘Morning.’ She replies.        ‘You seem not yourself this morning dear friend, home trouble?’ Olympia speaking.       ‘More or less.' Flora says.       ‘My dreams torment me,’ Flora cries out, leaning on Olympia’s shoulder. She pats her gently on the back,       ‘It’s alright. Sometimes, we can’t change things, but leave with them as they are.  Everything will be fine,’ she says.       Olympia’s words comfort Flora, helping her scale through the day’s work ahead. At dusk, the tavern is flooded with people, all yelling and cheering as they drank their ale. Flora prepares to go back home. She walks by the alley and notices she is being followed. She takes a different turn from the route leading to her home. Behind her still, the men linger at a distant pace from her. She takes a deep breath and senses they are werewolves.       What next, this is bad! With nothing to defend herself, she knew for sure, she was in for something big.       ‘What do you want?’ She yells.        They remain silent, one turns into a wolf advancing towards Flora. She walks backwards slowly, attempting to flee, and bumps into something.       ‘I guess this is your idea of not needing any help,’ Dustin says.        He shoots an arrow right into the wolf’s skull; his aim so accurate, fast, and confident. More arrows loose in the dark, he sends three more wolves to the afterlife. The remaining pack dashes away.       ‘Thank you, Sir, Thank you,’ she says.       ‘We have to leave here now.’ he says.        Flora mounts Dustin’s beast as they ride in haste to her home.        ‘Wake up honey, we have to leave now,’ she says.       They both pack up. Coming out of the house, Dustin sees Enola; such a beautiful child with long dark curly hair and deep sea blue eyes.       ‘You have a child?’ he asks.       ‘Yes, I do,’  Flora says. Enola walks to Dustin and holds him by the hand.       ‘Are you my Papa?’ She asks smiling.       ‘No little one, I am not,’ he says.  Suddenly there was a loud howl from afar; three dark wolves furiously races towards them.       ‘Get into the house,’ Dustin cries, he stands his ground, aiming his arrow at them but he misses. They seem faster than before. Flora unveils her sliver sword from a sheet of wrapped clothes. She shields Enola behind her. She defensively fights off two wolves attempting to devour Enola. Meanwhile, Dustin gets entangled with a wolf. His beast comes to his aid stumping on the wolf’s spine, rendering it paralytic at the moment. He quickly jabs his dagger into its throat. The continuous roars, howls and the frightening sight of danger began to trouble Enola’s senses, seeming like she was holding back on unleashing her fury; but with a sudden outburst of rage, she screams aloud as she howls, shape-shifting into her hybrid form. In a flash, she throws a wolf, crashing it into the house, she moves so fast. She is hardly seen by anyone. In a glimpse, the wolves were all dead. Flora was petrified by Enola’s super strength and speed. She looked pale white, with long claws and razor sharp fangs in place of her premature teeth.       ‘What in the world is she?’ He says, looking afraid. ‘This is no child.’       Flora shuns him. ‘She’s my daughter.’ She walks up to Enola, as she slowly takes a knee in front of her. She strokes her hair gently, and cups her cheek; her eyes were a spiting resemblance of her fathers. ‘It’s ok honey. Mama’s here.’ She sings a song. Enola comes out of her form and collapses.  Dustin speaking from a safe distance,       ‘As much as I would love to ask questions, we have to leave now, I know a place. You’ll both be safe there,’ He says.       With no thoughts of her own, she follows him blindly. They ride continuously for days. They stop to camp at the Shires of Arkenia. Enola sleeps, while Dustin and Flora engage themselves in a deep conversation.       ‘How did all this come to happen?’He asks.       She gives him a brief history of the events leading to this present moment.       ‘It doesn’t seem all that bad, you still have her, your priceless jewel.’ he cups a palm on her cheek as he leans further to her. With his lustful eyes, he gazes into hers and goes for a kiss. Floras lips got frozen. She slowly pulls away.     ‘I can't…, I just…’ ‘Why do you help us?’ Flora questions him. Then a faint voice is heard behind them. Enola speaks to herself.       ‘Who are you? Papa, we’ve waited for you, for so long.’        Flora crawls to Enola, her eyes wide open with her pupils looking dilated, as she speaks.      ‘Honey wake up, wake up, what’s happening to her?’ She shakes Enola repeatedly but she    remains trapped in her sleep. Dustin notices the mysterious beam of light from the moon shining on Enola.       In a dark room, a man groans furiously.       ‘Tell her, say it.’ Gregory speaks. ‘Tell her you’re alive.’ He punches him on the face. A sorcerer conjures a spell to send a message through him to Enola. Chained like the beast he is, he was locked up and tortured secretly for years by Gregory. The sorcerer manipulates his thought, speaking telepathically to Enola.       ‘I’m here my love, come to me. Come back home,’ He speaks. He groans, breaking the spell.       ‘They will never come, Flora knows better.’  Enzo says, as he comes out of the shadows.       ‘Oh yes, she will come, she dares not resist such a thing. You’re alive, that’s all that matters to her,’ ‘And when they do eventually come, I’ll see to it that you and your precious child drown in your own blood.’ Sir Gregory laughs loudly. ‘That would be a second death for you, how devastating?’ He concludes.       Enzo growls. ‘You lay even a finger on either of them, you’re dead. That, I promise you.’ Enzo says.       Sir Gregory leaves the cellar, locking him in a dark cold world, beneath the city.       ‘What just happened?’ Flora asks.       ‘I presume, she was under some kind of spell. It was meant to be a message. I have seen the likes of this before. But from whom?’ Dustin speaks.       ‘It’s Enzo no other but him! We must go to Hobo at once,  I’ve to save him.’ She says.      ‘That doesn’t seem wise, you know,’ Dustin says.       ‘I will not lose him the second time.’ Flora utters.       ‘It’s obvious you’re being lured into a trap. You would risk your life and that of your daughter’s for what?’  Flora gives a second thought on her quest to rescue Enzo.       ‘My friend will take care of the child; you need not to worry of her safety.’ He says. Dustin is unsure of what feelings he has for Flora. He decides to help.       The dark wolves all assemble once more; Enola still remained a threat to them. ‘The child still lives, my liege. The stench of her presence fills the land.’ A shifter speaks.       ‘Find her, kill her. This time, no excuses, or they will be your last.’ The Alpha speaks.       Flora walks in the street of Hobo, covering herself with a red cloak; Edward walks besides her pretending to be her lover. They know not where Enzo is being held captive. Flora decides to visit her old home.        ‘It’s empty, no one lives here anymore.’ She says.       ‘Is this your home?’ He asks.        ‘It was.’ She says, as she walks to a portrait; pictures of happy moments mirrored in her thoughts. She sees her younger self with her beloved parents. A rain drop falls from her left eye, as she looks at the portrait of her family.       ‘My, my, my, you did come. I knew you would.’ Sir Gregory speaks. ‘Coming here all alone? How brave of you sweet pea? And all for what...’ He laughs as he walks done the stairs. ‘Do you want to hear a little story? Yes of course, you would. Once you where being dragged away, I thought to myself of all the possibilities of having control over a wolf, I consulted the Solice, masters of the dark art. I brought your beastly looking lover back to life; hoping I could tame him. But he proved repulsive. It wasn't easy, but I did make it happen.’ He applauds himself.       ‘Here’s your money, hunter.’ He throws a bag of gold at Dustin’s feet. ‘As promised, a hundred and fifty gold pieces; for both mother and child.’ Sir Gregory says.       ‘What’s the meaning of this?’ Flora asks. She looks surprised feeling betrayed. She unsheathes her sword and points it at Dustin. ‘I’ll kill you where you stand.’       ‘I can explain all this, just hear me out.’ he says.       ‘You tricked me,’ She says. ‘Everything about you was a lie.’       ‘Oh, yes he did. He is merely a bounty hunter I hired to seek you out, dear one, and to keep you safe from harm of course.’ Gregory says.       ‘Take back your money. I have no need for it.’ He throws the bag of gold back at him.       ‘I’m so sorry. I should have told you this sooner. I…’ he stutters.       ‘Shut it,’ She says.        ‘Trust me, Enola’s safe.’ He says.       Flora attacks Sir Gregory, both swords clashing hard, creating a thunderous musical clap. Dustin comes to her aid. They both team up, fighting against Sir Gregory. A troop of soldiers comes in, surrounding them. The fighting stops.       ‘Lay your arms and I’ll spare your lives.’ Sir Gregory speaks.       Both surrendering, they drop their swords giving themselves up.       ‘I will not have this.  I’m no coward!’ Dustin pulls a hidden dagger from his belt. He evades the troops, with a vociferous scream. He charges at Gregory.  Gregory plunges his sword right through Dustin. A sudden rage of climax, which ended badly for him.       ‘You have no idea, who I am.’  Sir Gregory takes his head off, and throws it at Flora.        ‘You dog,’ she says.       ‘Take her away. We have a party to grace.’ He announces.       Deep underneath the city, Enzo struggles to break free from his shackles. A familiar scent fills his senses; a feeling missed for decades. His heartbeat roared when the door opens, the tempo of his heart beats thrice its normal rate, his eyes filled with despair, as Flora is thrown to his feet.      ‘Enzo, Enzo.’ She kisses his torn lips. ‘You’re alive.’       ‘You should not be here,’ he says.       ‘I had no choice. I would rather perish, than leave far from you, knowing you still live.’ She says. With her arms hanged around his neck, she kisses him some more. ‘I need you, we need you.’       ‘Where’s our child.’ Enzo asks.        ‘She’s safe.’       ‘No, she isn’t,’ he snares harshly.       She’s faraway from here,’ she says.       ‘It’s time for a little family reunion.’ Gregory declares as he brings Enola in, with his hands on her shoulders. A tease of threat was seen in his eyes as he looks at Enzo. ‘Run to Daddy.’        ‘How could this be, how did he find her?’ Flora wondered.       He stretches out his hands and was given a sack coated red beneath its base, dripping with blood. He opens it up as he pours out his trophies. The faces seemed familiar; they were those of Dustin’s friend and his family.       ‘You’re insane. What has become of you?’ she inquires.       ‘Now that I have all your attention, let’s cut down to the grand finale. Shall we? Who dies first?’ He points a finger at each of them, as he continues his cruel disgusting speech, ‘I wonder, how about the little one? I love her so much. She dies first.’       ‘Don’t you dare touch her,’ Enzo screams, struggling continuously, trying to break the chains. He growls, building up momentum.       Suddenly, there was a cry behind them.       ‘Help, help.’  A flame torch goes out, as one of the guards disappears. Green eyes shine in the dark hall. The troops turn around, wandering what just happened. The dark wolves sneaked into the city, tracking Enola down to the cellar.        ‘They are here,’ Enola whispers to her mother.       ‘Hide,’ Enzo tells Flora.       ‘Where?’ There’s certainly nowhere to run to, they are trapped. With a loud roar, he begins to pull the chains from its roots. The wolves attack the troops, all fighting for their petty lives. Gregory, having no choice, joins the assault. He has to fight for his life.       ‘Kill them all,’ he says.         Enzo’s eyes turn green as he looks at Enola. He turns to his wolf breaking from the shackles.         ‘Get on my back.’ He speaks to Enola telepathically. She holds her mother by the hand.        ‘Come on.’        They both mount him, he dashes right through the swarm, running out of the cellar. He runs fast along the streets of the city, gaze bore on them; for the people had never seen such a thing. He howls loudly as he passes through the city gates, he calls to his pack.       ‘He’s alive, he’s lives still,’ Earl rejoices.       Declan runs to his father. ‘Did you hear, Enzo, he calls for us, what are we waiting for?’ They both change alongside the others, racing towards Enzo’s howling call. Enzo was being chased by a pack of dark wolves, as he enters the woods.       ‘We can’t out run them for long,’ Flora says.       ‘He knows, Papa’s got a plan. He says trust me.’ He then stops.       The place seemed familiar to Flora.        ‘This was where you first met,’ Enola speaks.       ‘And how did you know this?’ ‘He told me.’ Enola smiles.       ‘Get ready,’  Enzo says. The dark wolves were getting closer. Enzo charges, hurriedly intercepting them before impact, loud growls follows him. Earl and the pack dash right behind him. It was a night to remember forever. A night when victory was not determined by strength nor skill, but by love and the passion to fulfill destiny. They fought furiously in the dark woods, killing every enemy wolf.       Enzo comes out of the shadows with his pack. They all head back to their camp, deep in the woods.       ‘She’s my daughter,’ he says to Earl. He speaks to his father away from the hearing of others. Earl is not happy by the turn of events. Yet, he realizes how much he loves Enzo.       ‘Welcome back,’ Declan says, hugging his little brother.       ‘We celebrate tonight. My son is back, and I’m a grandfather.’ He stops speaking as he chokes, trying to breath, with an arrow in between his throat. He falls dead to the ground.       ‘This isn’t over,’ Gregory yells as gazes set on him.        He gives a low growl, his eyes turn green. He leans to the ground slowly as bending a knee to drop his bow; eyes fixed on them.      ‘We never got to finish our little show.’ He says laughing out loud.      ‘The girl, hand her over to me.’he says. He gives a rising growl, turning into a hybrid bearing a similar resemblance to the dark wolves. Then he growls hard.       ‘The miracles of sorcery,’ He says, looking at what he transformed into. The pack growls, looking at him. They all change to their wolves except Enzo. He walks up to Gregory, and looks him straight in the eye,      ‘You may have turned yourself into a wolf but you are not one.’      ‘I’m a god.’ Gregory declares.       ‘This is for my father.’ Enzo flashes his green eyes at Gregory. A rock balled fists launches at Gregory’s hard skinned face. He morphs to his wolf, as the other wolfs attack Gregory. They are no match for him, being stronger and faster. He tears them limb from limb. Enzo, Declan and a few are left, all badly wounded and unable to continue the fight. Enzo assumes his position as alpha. He charges head-on at Gregory, biting deep into the cages of his ribs, alongside his hand. He tosses him up in the air, as he crashes into the blazing camp fire, shattering the erected pile of crossed image figure. Gregory stands up slowly, walking out the burning flames.        ‘You can’t kill me, I’m immortal.’ His wounds seals up quickly as he dashes right at Enzo, faster than before. Enzo can’t see Gregory coming. He pins Enzo against a tree with both hands. Gregory grasps onto Enzo’s limb and shatters his dense bones, rendering him lame. He slams his huge canine head to the ground over and over again, till he weakens. He then jumps way up, stumping on his sides, as he slashes deep into his white coat. Gregory looks back to the other wolves.        ‘Anyone else,’ he says.        ‘Leave them alone,’ Enola speaks. ‘Here I am. No one has to die for me,’ she says.       ‘No honey.’ Flora holds unto Enola as she tries presenting herself forward. Like a warlord, walking on the rugs of super victory, he walks calmly towards them.       ‘You will not touch her.’ Flora picks a flaming stick, bashing it at Gregory’s face.       ‘Ouch, that hurts a bit.’ He grabs her by the hand tightly, and pulls her closer to himself.       ‘You’ve hurt me for the last time,’ he says. He lifts her up with a hand, strangling her as she fades out, and tosses her away.        ‘You’re next,’ he says to Enola.       ‘Mama.’ She runs to her mother, as she cries holding her. ‘Wake up mummy, wake up.’       ‘No one’s going to help you little one, no one will save you now.’ He grabs her by her hair, pulling her backwards, making her neck vulnerable. The wolves saw no reason to come to Enola’s aid they have no knowledge of her.       ‘At last!’ He exclaims. He swings his claws at her. Enola gets a jump start of her canine instincts. Her eyes turn green as she changes, she evades his attack.       ‘Little brave thing,’ he says.       They begin the battle. Little was she, but her speed and strength matches his. She slashes her claws at his face, blinding one of his eyes. He retreats. This doesn’t smell too good for him. Enzo gains little strength. He limps, walking slowly as he calls the pack at his side. He growls, attacking Greogry.       Together! All circling Gregory, they bind him separately; each wolf holding him down with their jaws. Gregory screams trying to break free.        ‘Now,’ Enzo speaks to Enola, sinking his fangs deep into Gregory’s right shoulder. Her eyes glitter with a spark of olive-green. Rage fiercer like no other, she springs into the air, charging like a mad dog. Her claws mirrors the moonlight, as she slashes off Gregory’s head. His blood dark as coal, sprouted like a fountain from his headless body. Enzo turns back human; likewise Enola. Enzo afterwards sets his corpses ablaze. As the fire burns his corpse, his dark soul cries out as it leaves his body.       ‘Stay with me,’ Enzo says. He lifts Flora up ravishing her with golden kisses repeatedly. Enola holds her by the hand as Flora coughs, waking up.       ‘It’s over!’ Says Enzo. The trio, come together embracing as one. ‘We are home.’ Enzo says.       Elvis Bradley received news of Flora in Hobo and also Sir Gregory’s treachery.       ‘ This ends now ,’ he says.       Then a certain day came,       ‘Run…Enola… run.’ There where loud horrifying screams and growls in her head, filled with the promises of death in her dark vision. Flora wakes up. She looks at her side. Enzo is fast asleep. The door knobs squeak, in anticipation. Flora raises her head up high ready for a fight. Slowly, the door opens. Enola comes in, looking troubled.       ‘Mama, I had a bad dream.’ Flora wonders. She calls Enzo out of his slumber and gives him a worried face.        At the break of dawn, ‘I have to leave Declan,’ Enzo speaks in a voice full of fear.       ‘You can't. We need you here. I need you.....Please don't.’He holds his tears in. ‘You're all I have left,’ he says.       ‘It’s for the very best brother.’ He hugs him as he says his final goodbyes. Enzo’s departure from the pack breaks Declan’s heart.       ‘ Of one ill, come many ,’ Says Enzo.       With little allies to fight for them, Flora Bradley decides to leave Hobo for good. They venture into a wasteland, where she feels Enola will be safe; so she hopes. And there they lived in the beauty of their own little world. It’s over now. But still the future remains uncertain for the ones she holds endearing to her heart.   There is a Novel to this sequel, subscribe to my facebook page to know.  THANKS FOR READING!                                                                             https://web.facebook.com/DeuAngelFanpage/         Publisher: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG Implerstraße 24 81371 Munich Germany Publication Date: April 20th 2020 https://www.bookrix.com/-obb1dfa5966f195 ISBN: 978-3-7438-1710-4
JJ Lacey My sister alice Chapter 1 My ship had docked back in England at six on a Friday morning; after a nine months sea voyage, I was on duty until noon so I didn’t get off the ship until three, the motorcycle I had bought myself had been in storage while we were away, and I had to go and redeem it. By the time I left Plymouth for my two weeks leave, the four-hour drive meant I arrived at the home at seven-thirty. The house was empty, but for a note on the kitchen table, ‘Mum and Dad have gone to London for a funeral will be back on Sunday, I’ve gone to a dance at the shrubbery don’t know when I’ll be home, but Dad doesn’t have to know Alice.’ Nice welcome home Joe, I don’t think but what the hell, I put Alice's wrapped present on her pillow and went out for a beer. Down at the Ship Inn, I got a rousing welcome, the landlord didn't know me, it was because I was still in uniform, and he had been in the Navy himself, so I had a pint or two on him, then someone said to me. "If you're going to the dance, you'd better go now, it's on until midnight, but they won't let you in after the pubs close its fifteen minutes to closing now, I'm off you coming," he said finishing his beer, and putting on his jacket we walked out together. I followed him out the door, and across the road, where you could hear the music from the road, and the place looked packed when we entered the door. I was greeted warmly as I went to pay, by the woman taking the entrance fees, she turned out to be a friend of my eldest sister and we had met before, but then she had to look twice to recognise me. "Your Joseph Lacey aren't you, your Dorothy's brother, my you have grown up?" she asked, in a very suggestive way as she looking me over again. "That's right have you seen Alice, she is supposed to be here?" I asked, and she pointed to the right side of the room. "Last time I saw her she was over there at the bar, she was with Lesley Jenkins and his sister," she said handing me the entry ticket and my change with one hand and holding my hand with the other, while she gave me a beaming smile, and a sultry look that smouldered. I was eighteen, and she was about the same age as my eldest sister Dorothy, that made her at least fourteen years older than me, and she was married but that smile and her flashing eyes said she didn't mind the age gap. Alice didn't recognise me at first, perhaps because she was half pissed, and I had changed a bit, I had grown up somewhat and had lost my young boyish looks. Then when the penny dropped, she was all over me introducing me to her friends. Sera a nice looking girl of my sister's age, her brother a year older was rather keen on Alice.  Sera and I were introduced quite focusable, and for the next hour, the four of us danced and drank as a group. Then just before the dance was supposed to end it was suggested, that we carry on our celebrations back at our house, as our parents were not at home. Alice bless her, was all in favour of doing just that, and I had no choice in the matter. Seeing as Sera was keen on the idea also, brother and sister. Went arm in arm, with brother and sister to the car park where Lesley had his car, in it, he had already stashed bottles of drink. He had obviously planned to party into the night with, and having Alice pissed was part of his plan. He himself seemed quite sober, it was Sera and Alice that were giggly with the drink. On the way to our house, Sera was quite happy to kiss and cuddle me in the back seat. Where I found out she had nice firm breasts and was quite happy for me to handle them. When we got into the house, she was still eager to continue. Even with her brother, and my sister able to see where our hands went. Though they too were engaged, in the very same activity. Then Lesley interrupted Sera and me to give us our drinks, and I had to retrieve my right hand from between Sera's leg's to take it. He didn't say anything just smiled, as he looked down at Sera's dress hem. That was up around the top of her legs that were open, as she sat sideways on my lap. He just kept smiling as he looked between her open legs before he went back to Alice, who was also looking at what the two of us were doing. He pulled Alice onto his lap, and his hand on her thigh slipped up under her dress as he kissed her. I looked over at them a moment or two later, I and Sera were no longer of interest to Alice. Her and Lesley's lips were glued together, and he had her blouse open with her left tit in his hand. Minutes before, he had the same hand up under her dress and Alice still had her legs open, after he had removed it. With her dress hiked up to the top of her thighs, I like Lesley moments ago was looking at my sisters pussy. As nether of them was wearing panties, and looking at my sister this way was a huge turn on. Sera was trying to get her hand down between us, and into my trousers, and was more than eager, to agree to my suggestion of going to my room. "Do you fancy going somewhere more comfortable?" I asked, and Sera gave up her quest for what was in my pants, and eagerly pulled me to my feet, as I had another look at Alice's lovely tits. That was now fully exposed in Lesley's hand and had gone in search of another goal between her legs once again with his other hand. I was pulled by Sera up the stairs to my room, where she gave no objection to me undressing her completely. She looked very apperceive when I removed my pants and held my dick adoringly, as I played and sucked her tits, as I laid her on my bed before moving down to kiss her fanny. She vigorously rubbed my nine-inch loving rod, before I felt her lips go around it. I was still tongue fucking her juicy cunt when I heard the door open, and Lesley was pulling in an almost naked Alice into my room, he was completely naked himself but carried a small cloth bag. Alice had only her black garter belt on, and as I looked at Alice my cock twitched in Sera's mouth. "I told you they'd be naked by now and having sex," Lesley said putting Alice in front of him, making her look towards my bed. I had always thought Alice was a ravishing beauty but seeing her now as she became completely naked. As Lesley peeled her garter belt off her, her fanny was on full view, and I had naughty thoughts towards her. She was spellbound looking, at Sera and I naked on my bed. Her face was flushed and her eyes wide, as she watched Sera's lips moving on my dick. She stood stock still looking at us, except to just lifting her foot so Lesley could put it on to the bed. Each movement giving me another glimpse of her vagina, and again gave me naughty thoughts. Then Lesley put his arms around her to fondle her tits with one hand, as the other hand fingering her fanny. It was very sexy looking at Alice, having her wet ripe fanny fingered. I became rampant and pulled Sera over on the bed, and Alice and Lesley watched me kneel between Sera's legs to fuck her. Lesley made Alice bend over with her hands on the bed, and Fucked her from the rear, as they both continued to watch me fuck Sera. Alice was that close to me, I could have played with Alice's pussy as he fucked her. As it was, Alice's eye's were fixed on the spot, where Sera and I met between her legs, as she intently watching my cock fucking Sera. Her eyes never left that spot, and she gave a gasp and vibrated herself when I pulled out of Sera, and my spunk splattered on Sera's belly. Lesley was more organised than me, he was fucking Alice with a condom on. He had had them in that bag he was carrying, he continued to fuck her after he had ejaculated. Keeping her bent over the side of the bed, as Alice gasped and whimpered having her orgasm. Less than two feet from Sera's head, as Sera sat up to suck my cock clean. When Sera popped out to the bathroom, Lesley had a still highly sexed Alice. Laying beside me kissing and foundering, rubbing their body's together, they were obviously still in heat. Alice's eyes kept glancing at me, as I lay on the bed beside them waiting for Sera to return. My being there was obviously exciting her in some way, whereas Sera was taking no notice of Lesley or Alice. It was if she was used to being with her brother when he or she were having sex. At the dance, Alice hadn't been a bit reluctant when Lesley had suggested we come back here for fun and games. It was obvious Lesley had fucked Alice before, he was full of confidence when he had suggested it. She had looked at me very unsure, then agreed to it when she saw how I liked Sera climbing all over me. Then as Sera and I groped one another in the living room, I saw Alice glance at us several times. She looked at me again, an hour later when Lesley climbed onto her again to fuck her. She watched Sera roll a condom on me, from the pack of three Lesley had given me, and as she made noises of pleaser, she watched me fuck Sera doggy style. At two in the morning, Alice seemed asleep when Lesley and Sera decided they should go. I kissed Sera goodbye and promised to be in touch, Lesley said it was a pleaser to have met me. He would see me again, as he would be seeing Alice when he got back. They were going up to Darby to see their parents, in the morning and would return early Sunday night. Chapter 2 Alice was still curled up in my bed when I got back to my room. I wondered if I should wake her, or go to hers to sleep. Then thought what the heck, we had both seen each other naked. Even though she had been a little drunk, I was sure she would remember it in the morning. As I got in bed, she rolled to me and cuddled up. Seemingly very much fast asleep, and sounded very content to be in my arms. I lay awake listening to her breathing, and smelling her close to me. Until she moaned in her sleep, moving slightly to nestle her bum into my lap. She had taken my arms, and cuddled herself with them. I found my hand holding her breast, and I couldn't help but fondle it. She just softly moaned and moved her soft body against me. My penis was already reacting to the warmth of her buttocks, and its hardness was prodding between her legs. As I felt her nipples, her bottom pressed back onto me, and my penis slipped between her buttocks and I felt her hot damp pussy on my sensitive skin. She moaned again and moved on my shaft. Then moving her hips she gave a long contented shy, as my cock slipped into her. Then continuing to softly moan, she moved her hips on my cock that was now deep in her. I should have prevented it, but after a while I quietly said. "Alice it's me Joseph, not Lesley, I'm sorry I shouldn't have let it happen!" I said as I went to back off of her, but she pushed back onto me saying. "I know it's you Joe and I want you to, oh please fuck me with your lovely cock?" I was somewhat shocked but highly aroused by her words, and thrust my cock back into her, making her gasp and moan while I fucked her with long hard thrusts. As I urgently searched in the dark, for the box of condoms. They were somewhere on the bedside cabinet, god where the fuck was they. It was hard trying to fuck her as hard as I could while leaning to reach over her. As the bloody cabinet was on her side of the bed. I was reaching so hard I rolled her onto her tummy and was laying on top of her. Then I found the box and quickly pulled out of her to roll one on. Then pulled her to her knees, and made her yelp with joy as I fucked her hard doggy style. She liked it and I fucked her again later like that, as the sun's rays were creeping in through the window. I was wondering what would be open, for me to get more condoms. As this was my last one and had fucked her twice. With her liking me doing it to her, I was sure she would want me to shag her again. I suddenly remembered the stash, I had in the toolbox on my bike. I had put them there for the last leave I had before we went on this last voyage. I hadn't been lucky on that fourteen-day leave, so all twenty Navy issue condoms should still be there. I had been silly enough to leave the ones I had on the ship behind, not thinking I would strike gold the first night. It was now Saturday morning, mum and dad weren't due home until Sunday night. God two full fucking days, could I keep Alice in bed all that time. She was really enjoying my cock in her right now, and I didn't know Alice used language like she was using now. "Oh fuck that's nice, oh yes fuck me harder. O God I'm coming again, o yes o fuck harder. O fuck I love your cock ram it into me, yes... o yes I'm coming o fuck Arrr." I kept fucking her as long as I could, as I had already shot my load as she did. Then when I pulled out of her she turned and pulling the filled condom off to suck my cock clean. "I wanted to do that last night when I watched Sera sucking you. God, I didn't know you had such a nice big cock, my legs went weak when I saw it last night. I wanted it then instead of Lesley's, it made me so sexy watching you and Sera." Alice said as she took my cock from her mouth. "What would Lesley have done with me shagging you, and his sister watching us.?" I asked almost laughing and was surprised by her answer. "Oh he would have fucked her; he does all the time, he fucks both of us in his flat. The first time he fucked me in front of her I was drunk, he had taken us both back to his flat. As he was fucking me she stripped off and joined in with us on the bed. Then he and she played with me until he got hard again, then she sucked my fanny as he fucked her. God, I was rampant we spent all night in bed, where he fucked both of us again." I was playing with Alice's tits, as she pulled on my cock while she talked. She was having some success, as my cock was thickening to her delight. It was soon in her hot mouth, getting harder as she played with my balls. I lifted her leg over my head and got my mouth on her juicy cunt. God my sister was sexier than I could have imagined. No wonder they were so comfortable with each other, last night wasn't the first time they had shagged together. I was beginning to think, Alice was a bit of a  nymphomaniac. Hell Lesley had fucked her twice last night, and I had done her twice since and she still wanted more cock, she was really enjoying gobbling mine now. "God that's nice and tasty Joe, and bloody plenty of it," Alice said, licking the top of my knob end. Then tossing my shaft, to get more love juice to ooze from my piss hole. She licked it off then wanked my shaft with her lips, as she played with my balls. I felt her sucking out my pre-come, as her lips milked it from my cock. God, she was good at it, and her cunt was oozing tasty honey. I licked her clit, then fucked her hole with my tongue. She moaned and vibrated, pushing her vagina down onto my mouth. As worm female cum oozed from it, as I hungrily lapped it from her. She sucked harder when she felt my cock swelling, and gulped down my spunk, as my throbbing cock pumped it into her mouth. "Fuck that than Lesley, and much creamier I'll have more of that later, did you like eating my fanny, Joe?" Alice asked when she rolled off of me, which really wasn't something a sister should ask her brother. I mean this conversion, shouldn't be taking place at all. "How long has Lesley been fucking you, Alice, because when I was home last you didn't have a regular boyfriend," I asked because as I remembered, she had no boys calling on her. Up until the time, I went away, and that was nine months ago. "Oh I've known Lesley for a long time, but we only started dating regularly six months ago. We had had sex several times before then, he was one of three boys I let fuck me when I got drunk. Lesley was the best, he really made me enjoy sex. The other two just got on and fucked me till they came. Whereas Lesley made me climax, as he played with me. Then he would fuck me, and play with me again afterwards. I found out later when Sera joined in with us, that they had been having sex for years. He had got good at sex because Sera had shown him what to do, to make her or any girl, happy having sex. I was shocked when he licked my pussy the first time and made me suck his cock. Now I can't get enough of it, and I love spunk shooting into my mouth it's so nice." We were still laying top and tail side by side, with my hand between her legs fingering her. As she pulled on my soft cock while she talked, of her love for sex. Every now and then, she would pull my foreskin back and suck my knob. Then wiggle her hips as I used my fingers, to keep her hot. "So you like lesbian lovemaking Sis, I liked the taste of Sera last night. Do you lick her fanny, when she's licking yours." I asked, pulling my fingers from her and sucking them. "I've only done that twice, and I was drunk then. The first time was when Lesley told me, I wouldn't get fucked unless I sucked Sera's pussy first. The second time we were on holiday, and he got me drunk again. He invited back to our chalet, some chaps we had met in the social club. Sera and I stripped me off, and they all watched Sera and I licking each other." "Then they paid Lesley twenty pounds each, for them to fuck Sera and me. I wasn't drunk two days later when Lesley brought them back again. He had gone out with Sera to get a takeaway meal, he came back with the four chaps. Sera had gone to another chalet, with another group of men. I was lying naked on the settee waiting for them to return when Lesley and the four of them came in." "They started playing with me straight away and having five naked men made me very sexy. I had to let them fuck me, they had already paid Lesley. The money we got from them, paid for our holiday expenses. We have booked another chalet, for a two weeks holiday next September. The money we made, has paid for that too. We got two hundred and sixty pounds, for the two nights we were shagged. Sera had one hundred, from the five men that gangbanged her the second night."     "Lesley said we could keep having free holidays if we let five men fuck us sometime in the week. That's a hundred pounds each, while we are on holiday. That's four times what I earn a week, in the shop for five and a half days. Sera earned that in one night, and she enjoyed doing it. So did I so were doing again, at the Butlins holiday camp at Scarborough. Lesley only wants us to let men fuck us, in the first week. Then we would have the second week, too go exploring. Sera wants to let at least two men fuck us each night, then we could afford a luxury holiday somewhere." Alice saw no shame in what she was telling me, she saw nothing wrong in letting men fuck her for money. She enjoyed being fucked, by me Lesley or anyone else. She wasn't selling herself on the street, Lesley was inviting men around to fuck her. He was supplying the cock she wanted, it was up to them if they paid. They had to wear a condom, and she wouldn't suck their cocks only Lesley's. Even Lesley fucked her with a condom on, despite Sera begging her to let him fuck her bareback. So she could suck his spunk from her cunt, Alice wasn't risking becoming pregnant. "Is Lesley bringing men around to his flat, that pay to fuck you and Sera?" I asked and she took my cock from her mouth to answer and sounded indigent when she did. "Of course not Joe we are only doing it when we're away on holiday, so we can pay for the holidays. If we did it here we would know the men, and they would think we were prostitutes and were not, we are not doing it for a living." I could see her twisted logic, but I could also see Lesley getting a free ride out of it In more ways, than one. Alice was getting excited, as my cock was growing in her mouth again. "Are you coming with me on Sunday night, when I go to see Lesley Joseph. He said he would be back before five, I'm sure Sera would be pleased to see you. I can't wait to tell them, you've been fucking me. Lesley is kinky, he liked to see his sister being fucked by other men before we started dating. That why he asked this chap at the holiday camp if he would like to fuck Sera. So Lesley could fuck me as we watched them." The chap told his friends, who said they'd like to fuck me as well. They offered to pay Lesley to fuck us both, so Lesley took their money. That's when we got the idea, of financing our holidays. They approached Lesley the next night, asking if they could fuck us again. Only they had told their other five friends, so that's why Sera had the five new men. I got shagged by the four, that shagged us before." As my cock got harder Alice reached for the condom box and was upset when she found it empty. She didn't say anything, just held up the box and looked sad. I was out of bed pulling on my trousers, and going out to my bike. To return with the bag of condoms, that made Alice smile with joy when she saw them. She quickly sucked my cock hard again, then turned her bum to me to fuck her. It was almost eleven, and this was my third fuck. Not to mention her sucking me off, and she was showing no sign of wanting it to stop. Which suited me fine, as I had earlier wondered if I could keep her in bed. With my hands pulling and pinching her nipples, I made her cry out in passion. As I rammed my nine-inch loving rod, hard into her love hole. I made her climax twice before I told her I was coming soon. She removed the condom and was frigging her clit while sucking me off. I shot every drop of cum into her mouth, then she let me finger her to another climax. We were in the kitchen naked at one getting lunch when she suggested eating a large sausage. She had started playing with, as we waited for the kettle to boil. She was on her knees, letting me fuck her mouth. She choked twice when I pushed my cock to deep into her mouth. She didn't complain, she just let me hold her head. As I filled her mouth with spunk and heard her sputter as it shot down her throat. I never dressed all day, I fucked her again on the settee at three. Then again on the carpet at six, before I went out for fish and chips. We sat watching the telly naked, and by eight she was sitting on my lap. Bouncing up and down speaking the dirty language, as she watched a reflection of herself on the TV. I had turned it off and the screen was acting like a mirror, it looked like it was a blue movie, and we were watching ourselves shagging. We went to bed at eleven and fucked until twelve, then must have dropped into a deep sleep. The next thing I knew was looking at the clock, in bright sunlight and it showed eleven. I slipped from the bed and went for a shower. I was standing to dry myself when I heard gentle coughing. I turned to see Alice in half of the present, yes half of her house lounging set. It was a short silk kimono jacket, that just about covered her crouch. It was supposed to be worn over your pyjamas, while you lounged around before bedtime. She didn't have on, the baggy silk pantaloons that went with it. As she stood with her legs slightly open, there was the very merest hint, of her fanny lips showing, just at the very bottom of the silk garment. When she lifted her arms, her fanny was uncovered, and my dick thickened as her fingers encircled it, and I fucked her as she sat on the toilet seat.   Chapter 3 Mum and dad's train was due in at four, so we shagged at three. That gave us time to clean up before we went to meet them. The station was ten minutes away, so by four fifteen we were back at home. They had eaten a midday meal on the train, so we had tea and muffing at four-thirty. I gave mum and dad their presents, and at five Alice was putting on her coat. "We won't be to late mum, I'm taking Joseph to see some friends be back by ten." She said giving me a big smile, and under her breath said. "So we can enjoy four hours of sex with them," she whispered with a big grin. It wasn't far to walk, and Alice was pleased to see Lesley's parked car outside the building. A smiling Sera opened the door to us in a dressing gown, and give Alice a tender kiss. Then pinned me to the door after she closed it, to thrust her tongue into my mouth, and press her body to mine, as her hand groped for my cock. Over her shoulder, I saw Lesley, in just his underpants kissing and groping Alice's ass. He had lifted her dress at the back as he held her tight, she had nothing on under it. So I was looking at her bare bottom, with his hands spreading her buttocks. My cock got hard in Sera's hand, as I looked at Alice's exposed arsehole. Alice was grinding herself on Lesley's near-naked body and had her mouth at Lesley's ear. He lifted her dress over her head, leaving her naked and looking at me said. "Sera dying to be fucked by you Joe, she's only been fucked once since you fucked her last. That was in a lay-by, on the way home this afternoon." Sera looked at me, with a doubtful look. "It's alright Sis he knows I fuck you, Alice just told me she has told him. He's been fucking her all weekend, what was it four times today Alice?" He asked and a smiling Alice nodded her head, as she sat on the settee. Lesley went to pour drinks, he had already handed Alice a hand-rolled cigarette. Which she took deep drags from, and held it in before slowly exhaling. I had never seen Alice smoking before, but then I smelt the sweet cannabis odour coming from the smoke, Alice had just exhaled. Lesley must have started giving her drugs and booze, to get her oversexed. I wondered how long, she had been smoking pot for. Did he get them both high on the stuff, before he got men in to fuck them? I'd known Wren's waking in the morning, after a night at a party. Not remembering how they got back to barracks, they were sure they had been fucked, but by whom or how many, was the question. He was back with the drinks for all of us and groping her tits as she drank and puffed. Pulling on his cock now his pants were gone, and shearing the doped cigarette with him and Sera. Sera was tearing at the last of my clothing, ridding me of them as quickly as she could. Her dressing gown had gone, leaving her naked. On the way here Alice had said they would be expecting her, she always went around to have sex on a Sundays. They had obviously already started because Sera was already highly aroused. Her eyes shone with desire, and her pupils were large, and now she had me naked, she pulled me into the big armchair. Then after she had leaned over, to kiss Alice and Lesley. She tried to blow the drugged smoke, she had got from them into my mouth. I said a sharp 'NO' and she didn't press the action and blow out the smoke before she tried to kiss me again. She sat half on my left leg and a half on the arm of the chair. Her legs wide open, with my right hand between them. My left arm around her, the hand toying with her left tit. As we kissed, her right hand pumped my cock. Then she slipped off my lap, to kneel on the floor. When she felt my cock start to throb, and greedily gobbled my cock. As it pumped spunk into her mouth, and Lesley was fucking Alice's mouth also. Sera was back on my lap, legs open wide. Begging me to finger her faster, and deeper as we kissed. Lesley was making Alice moan, as he lapped at her cunt. Then fingered her to an orgasm, as Sera was heading to a climax as well. Then there were more drinks and another joint of cannabis between them. Then more fingering and toying with soft cocks, then Lesley looked up and asked. "You coming with us on Wednesday Alice now Joe is home, or maybe he'd like to come too. I bet our regulars were disappointed and missed us when we didn't show up this afternoon." Alice looked at me as Lesley finished, and she had a wicked smile. As she pulled on Lesley's soft dick, she answered him. "I didn't miss them, Lesley, I was too busy getting fucked by my brother. If Joe wants to come and watch me and Sera having our fanny's played with, by a load of total strangers. We will be here at six, as usual on Wednesday." She said then took Lesley's cock into her mouth, and rubbing it to try and revive it. "You should come, Joe, there's spear pussy to play with. If you don't mind waiting, for the man in front to finish playing with it. We normally go there on Sundays, where I leave the girls in the car. The girls sit in the back of the car, with the doors locked and windows open. Men come up and have their dicks wanked, and the girls let the men finger their fannies." "These two are very popular, the car is normally surrounded by men. All waiting to feel their fanny's, we could make a fortune with the offers we have had." Lesley said taking his dick from her and picked her up. To put her over his shoulder, and carried her giggling into an adjacent room. The room wasn't a bedroom as I had thought, but it had a narrow bed. The sort you saw in a doctors surgery, where he would examine you. Alice was sat in a big dentist-type chair, and taking deep drags from the hand-rolled cigarette. Then she handed it back to Lesley, who inhaled deeply then handed it to Sera who did the same. No wonder they were so hyped up Sera was high on the drugs, and Alice was now getting that way too. She was already giggling happily as Lesley lifted her legs, onto the rests he had put on the chair. Then strapped her legs to them, so her legs were wide apart. Then he restrained her wrists, before rotating the chair back. Leaving her helpless and at his mercy, though it didn't seem to worry her. As she took another drag from the drug-filled cigarette, he put in her mouth. As Lesley's fingers felt her fanny, Sera went over to her and kissed her. I saw why when she stood up, to blow out the smoke she had sucked from Alice's mouth. Sera was feeling Alice's tits, as Lesley poured oil on her fanny. Then started to frig her with two fingers, making Alice moan with pleaser. Sera had now started sucking Alice's nipples, so I put my hand between Sera's legs to finger her. Lesley had three fingers in Alice now, making her jerk and cry out from an orgasm. I thought he was going to put his whole hand into her cunt, now he had four fingers in there. He was giving her another orgasm, that had her begging to be fucked. Sera lapped at Alice's fanny when he removed his fingers. Then she went back to sucking and playing with Alice's tits. As he put a clamp, on one of Alice's fanny lips. Then stretched the elastic strap, between it and the other clamp. Around her leg, to again clamp it back on that lip. He did the same to the other side, and it left her fanny stretched open wide. He opened her fuck hole with his fingers and poured oil into it. Then made it squelch and gargle, as he finger fucked her. She was once again, begging to be fucked. She was crying out and climaxing again. As he took an artist brush and excited her clitoris with it. He tortured her for over half an hour, and I lost count of the orgasms she had. There was a big pool, of fanny juice and oil on the wooden floor. Where it had dripped from her cunt, as Lesley had forced orgasms from her. Then he stepped back and poured oil on his hand. As Sera fingered Alice he pulled on a condom, then putting his hand between her legs again. He fingered her arsehole, with two of his slippery fingers. He had Alice whimpering and pleading to be fucked again, Lesley stepped up between her legs and as Sera still fingered her, Alice called out obscenities as he fucked her arsehole. "O fuck your fucking my ass again, Lesley you dirty fucker. Oh, my fuck! Oh, my fuck!" She cried over and over again, as he trusted his cock into her. Then she shuddered again, with a climax making her jerk and vibrate. The slopping and squelching sound his cock made, as he pounded it into her ass. Only seemed to heighten his desire, to fuck her even harder and faster. I was fucking Sera hard from behind. as she sucked Alice's nipple and fingered her. When I could no longer hold back, I pulled out of Sera and made Alice suck me off, then Sera kissed Alice to have her share of my cum. They kept Alice in that chair, sexually tormenting her until I fucked her in it. We had to leave at nine-thirty and had a grope and kiss at the door, and a promise to meet, on Wednesday night. On the way home, Alice had to lean on me most of the way. Her being half pissed, and still high on cannabis didn't help. I'm sure her ass and fanny, must have been tender. Though she didn't complain about that, in fact, it was the opposite. She didn't want to go at all, and halfway home. She persuaded me to take her into the little-wooded area, by the train station. So I could fuck her against one of the trees, just because her fanny was still tingling.   Chapter 4 She had a hangover in the morning, dad had already gone to work at six, and mum had gone upstairs to make the beds, Alice and I were having breakfast, so could only talk in whispers.                 Alice asked me what we had done last night. She could remember Lesley putting her in the chair, but it got fussy after that. I couldn't believe her, then told her all that went on. "I thought my ass was tender this morning, I've told him not to fuck me there. Sera lets him shag her ass all the time, I think he would like to shag boys." Alice said standing up and rubbing her bottom, as I went to the staircase to call up to mum. "You alright up there mum, or do you want a hand to finish up there?" I asked knowing full well the answer but got a different one. "I've finished Joseph I'm going for a bath, I'll see you tonight Alice!" She called back. "Have you got panties on?" I asked Alice, as I moved to her side. "No, I haven't why?" She answered, looking at me a little bewildered. "Good!" I said turning her around and bending her over the end of the table. Then lifting her skirt, I started to finger her fanny. "Joe no you can't, oh my gosh are you going to fuck me?" She asked in a whisper, though mum wouldn't have heard her. Not with the bathwater running, and the bathroom door closed and locked. Alice got very wet very quickly and started moaning as soon as I started fingering her. She didn't hinder me at all and even waggled her butt as I presented my cock to her opening. Then as soon as I had my condom covered cock in her, she was encouraging me to fuck her harder. I think that fucking her in our kitchen, with mum in the house upstairs. Was giving her an erotic experience, the fact that mum could catch us fucking turned her on I think. She certainly liked it Monday night, when I fucked her doing the dishes. With mum and dad, in the front room. It wasn't that dangerous really, we had made mum and dad a cup of tea. Mum had settled down with her knitting, and dad had his pipe and paper. They wouldn't move from watching the telly until it was time for bed. I started with Alice at the sink, skirt up and a bare ass on view. I fingered her to an orgasm, then sat her on the end of the table. To lick her juicy fanny, before I fucked her to another orgasm. I thought of creeping into her bedroom in the night but thought better of it. Seeing it was next to mum and dad's room, and we had found out. That her bed springs made a noise when I fucked her on it Sunday. Tuesday morning was a no, no but I had her in the kitchen that night. Wednesday morning was no good, and in the evening we walked to Lesley's. He had drinks and doped cigarettes waiting, and we partied for a while. Then he suggested I should shag Alice, just because he wanted to see us fucking. Then at eight o clock, we were driving up into the hills. We had driven for about fifteen miles when he told the girls we were near, and they pulled on hoods, with the animal face's on them. Lesley and I got out when he parked the car, and as we watched men surrounded the car, putting their arms through the windows. As some played with the girl's fanny's, others looked on with their cocks out. As they waited for their turn, to finger and have their cocks wanked. We stayed for an hour, then we had to shoo some men away. There were over ten men still when we left, then the girls begged us to stop on the way home. As they both were highly aroused, and badly needed to be fucked. After an hour of having their fanny's fingered, and wanking countless cocks they needed one to fuck them. Lesley dropped us off at home, as it was just before ten by the time we got there.     Chapter 5 Thursday with mum up and dad already left for work, I trapped Alice on her way to the bathroom at seven and fucked her at the washbasin, as she was bent over to do her makeup. She made a token protest but allowed me to lift her nightdress and as I was shagging her, she said. "Its half-day closing today Joe, I normally go around to Lesley's place when I leave work at twelve. Sera won't be there to join us as she works for fox's, so doesn't get this afternoon off. Lesley works for the chemist in the high street, his boss the pharmacist gets Lesley the sex drugs and other things Lesley needs. In exchange for sex with sera, his wife had gone all religious and doesn't even sleep with him now." "Sera goes around to his house on Sunday mornings, so he can get back at his wife by shagging Sera in his wife's bed. His wife goes to church at ten, so while she is kneeling to pray, Sera kneeling to be fucked. Sera leaves just before his wife gets home at twelve. It will be nice having the two of you to myself this afternoon for a few hours." Alice said just before she bucked and moaned as she orgasmed, and I filled my condom. I was outside her shop as she came out, and hooking her arm through mine she leads me to Lesley's place. He was a bit hesitant when he saw me, as he didn't expect to see me. Alice didn't notice, and immediately light one of Lesley's cannabis cigarettes and took the drink he had already poured for her. As they kissed and groped, he kept looking at me as if deciding the best time to talk. Alice was getting higher on cannabis and asked for a second drink. Lesley poured her one, and I saw him add some drops from a tiny bottle to it. They went back to groping, as I watched and drank a beer. Then Lesley pushed Alice to her knees, making her suck his cock as he looked at me again and said. "Err, Joe, err I was going to take Alice out this afternoon, I've arranged to meet some chaps at the old quarry up at Ashlee moor. I've done a deal with them for a big load of cannabis, I've got to meet them at one-thirty, I'm sure I can trust you to keep quiet about it. Do you want to come with us, and look after Alice?" I had no qualms about him having cannabis, and Alice seemed to like smoking it. So long as it stayed at cannabis I didn't mind, it would be different if he gives her harder drugs. "Yes why not, when you leaving?" I asked just as he filled Alice's mouth with spunk, that she greedily swallowed and nosily tried to suck more from him. Then seemingly drunk looked at me grinning, her eyes rolling in her head very happy. I wondered what were those drops, he had given her. He had put his cock away and pulled Alice to her wobbly feet. "Now Joe it's just gone one should take twenty minutes to get there. It won't hurt getting there a little early will it, I don't like being late for anything." He said steering Alice towards the door, and out to his car. Where Alice got in the back with me, and as soon as we started driving had my cock out and sucking me dry before we got to the quarry, where Lesley pulled into and parked. He had backed between two piles of rocks that were up against the quarry face, so no one could see us from the sides or back. We weren't there long before a van pulled in, and backed up beside us. As we got out of the car, five rough-looking chaps got out of the van. I moved off to the side to keep my eyes on them all, as Lesley opened the boot of his car. Alice was standing drunkenly smiling at the men when one of them took a big paper bag from the van and gave it to her. "Put it in the boot Alice," Lesley said, and as Alice bent to put it in the boot, Lesley shut the boot lid down on her. She was trapped with her bottom outside the boot, unable to move as Lesley flipped her skirt up exposing her bare bum. He opened her buttocks showing the men her cunt, and they started to finger her. Then one after the other they all fucked her, and Alice never cried out in protest once. When the men had left, she happily sucked Lesley and me off before we left there. Then on the way back to the town, she lay on the back seat with her legs wide open and asked me what her cunt looked like after five men had fucked it. Then she lay gasping as I gave her more orgasms, as I used four fingers to fuck her cunt. We were all naked on Lesley's bed when Sera came home and she stripped to join us. Until Alice and I left at six to go home for dinner. Friday nights was dad's night out playing darts at the pub, and mum went to the WI meetings. They left at seven-thirty to walk up to town, dad would leave mum at her meeting. Then go on to the pub, mum's meeting ended at nine and she would go to the pub to meet dad. At ten they would walk home, and arrive at ten-twenty giving me just over three hours to fuck Alice. Saturday afternoon we were back in Lesley's place fucking, drinking and they were smoking the cannabis Lesley had let the five men fuck Alice for, and it was affecting me as I inhaled the smoke. We were on the bed, and I was kneeling sucking on Sera's cunt, and fingering Alice's cunt as she lay under me sucking my cock. I felt her fingers feeling my arse and stroking my arsehole, then the fingers entered my arse to finger fuck it. They were slippery, and it didn't feel unpleasant at all. Then Alice took my cock from her mouth and excitedly say. "Oh yes Lesley please do it, I want to watch you fucking. and the two fingers in my arse came out, and Lesley pushed his cock into my arse and started fucking me. Sera wrapped her legs around my neck, as Alice sucked my cuck again. I was shocked to find I was liking the whole Esperance and lapped at Sera's juicy cunt with a new urgency. I had a massive ejaculation filling Alice's mouth, as Lesley cock jerked and filled my arse with his spunk. We stayed drinking and playing with one another until the girls sucked and finger their cunts as I fucked Lesley's arse. On Sunday Lesley and I didn't fuck each other, but the girls wanted to watch Lesley suck my cock off, as I sucked and fingered them. Then we spent an hour and a half upon the hills, letting a queue of men have their cocks wanked as they fingered the girls. Then we back to Lesley's, and strapped Alice in that chair and made her beg for mercy, as we took turns in fingering her. Each orgasm we gave her, produced a fountain of cum that splattered on Sera's face before she could get her mouth on Alice's cunt, as we had knelt Sera with her head at Alice's cunt.   Mum and dad went to bed at ten and Alice said she would keep me company as I watched the telly. As soon as they were upstairs, I had my head between Alice's legs sucking on her clit. Then got her on the floor to fuck her long and hard, but she insisted I had to fuck her mouth until I filled it with my spunk, while I fingered her to an orgasm.   Chapter 6 Monday morning we had a quick fuck at the washbasin in the bathroom, then that night while washing up. She sucked me off as I was drying the dishes, I fucked her again when mum and dad went to bed. Tuesday and Wednesday we did the same, Thursday we were at Lesley's just after twelve. We had Alice stripped naked, within ten minutes of getting there. Lesley had a drink for her as we entered, which she glopped straight down. Then took the cannabis cigarette he was smoking, I watched as he poured her another drink with more sex drops from that little bottle again in it, and before she was halfway down the glass the drugs had taken effect. Her eyes had glassed over and Lesley made her drink the rest of it all down, and she was giggling uncontrollably now as we removed her clothing. While we were playing with her cunt and sucking her tits, I soon had her gasping as I gave her orgasm with my fingers, then lapped up her honeydew, then as she was sucking Lesley's cock, I started fucking her really slowly. With slow hip movements, I drilled my cock into her hot cunt and felt Lesley feeling my buttocks. As he rubbed his fingers stroked between them and over my arsehole, then he stopped for a moment. Then when his fingers returned they were wet and slippery. Stroking over my arsehole again they left a covering of lubricating gell on it. Then Lesley's slippery finger slipped into my arse, and he started to finger fuck my arse, then as my arsehole got slacker he fingered me with two. Moving his fingers in and out as deep as he could, and quite quickly he made me hot and my arsehole tingle. Then I watched him remove his cock from Alice's mouth, and he spread my buttocks. then lowered himself on top of me, pushing his cock into my arse he started fucking me. I was sandwiched between them and as he fucked me, he pushed my cock into Alice, and it excited her having me on top of her, while Lesley fucked my arse. I shot my load first into the condom I was wearing, while Lesley took a few minutes more to empty his cock into my arse. He had pulled me up onto my knees to fuck me harder, and Alice had crawled under me to pull the condom off and suck my cock. Then when Lesley pulled his cock from me, she started fingering my spunk filled arsehole as she sucked his cock clean. Lesley and Alice took their time cleaning out my arse, by plunging their fingers into me. To agitate Lesley's spunk before pulling out their spunk covered fingers, to suck clean before repeatedly fingering me until my arse was empty. Then Lesley and I turned on Alice, strapping her in the chair to finger her cunt and arsehole, then made her whimper as her fanny gushed female cum. As I fingered it and Lesley fucked her arse with an imitation rubber cock. Then Sera came in just as I had Lesley bent over, with Alice sucking his cock as I fucked his arse. She quickly undressed and started fingering Alice, then licked out her cunt when Alice climaxed. Alice sucked my cock clean when I filled Lesley's arse, and we watched Sera lick and suck my spunk from Lesley's arsehole. We then drank and they smoked, as we toyed with one another. Until Lesley and I were ready to fuck our sisters, we had spent six-hour in acts of sex none stop, but we still managed to have a quick fuck when mum and dad went to bed. Friday night as mum and dad went out the front door, Alice was upstairs undressed and waiting for me to fuck her. Which I did as soon as I entered her bedroom, and pulled out minutes before I ejaculated. To turn around to let her suck me off as I tongue fucked her to an orgasm, and while she was doing that she played with my arsehole. As I was filling her mouth she was finger fucking my arse, and when she finished draining my cock. She asked me to let her continue playing with my arse, while we waited for me to fuck her again. She put a pillow under my hips, that lifted my bum off the bed. Then parting my buttocks she played with my arsehole, putting her cold cream on my ring to make it slippery. Then with one finger at first she finger fucked my arse, then added a finger as she got more excited. Then enthusiastically made my arses squelch, with her cream-covered fingers fucking my sloppy arsehole. Then she made me moan as she tried the third finger in, I think she was trying to put her hand in my arse. Because she sounded very aroused, as she said while thrusting them in. "Oh god I wish I had a cock Joe, I'd love to be able to fuck you!" She said as she had taken hold of my hanging cock and was wanking me as she plunged her fingers into me. My arse was hot and tingling and feeling nice and my cock was growing in her hand because I was feeling so hyped up and horny. She rolled me onto my back, so she could suck me as she finger fucked my arse. We made the bedsprings squeak dangerously close to mum and dad coming home, but Alice was well satisfied with the fucking I gave her. I had to wait until Saturday afternoon before I could fuck her again. Then we had Sera sitting on her face, as Lesley and I fucked her a little. Then we changed places again and again. While Alice was laying on top of me Lesley got behind her and fucked her ass as I fucked her cunt. Sunday we spent all day with Lesley and Sera, by midday the girls were high on cannabis and drugged drinks. Lesley and I had fucked them both, at one PM we put them in the car and drove them up into the hills. Lesley pulled into the old quarry, and we were immediately surrounded by men. The girls soon had cocks in their hands, and fingers in their fannies. I went around the waiting men who were rubbing their cocks hard and selected ten of the biggest. Moving them to one side I told them to put on condoms. Another ten with a slightly smaller cock I lined up a few feet from the others, by the time I had organised the men, Alice had had her fanny fingered to a few orgasms and was soaking wet. I sent men waiting by her door away and opened it, pulling Alice from the car. Then turning her I made her bend down over the front wheel fender with her ass sticking out and lifted her skirt. Then told the ten big cock men to fuck her repeatedly none stop, until they could fuck her no more. Then told the other ten to fuck her mouth until they filled it. By the time the tenth had fucked her the first one's wanted to again. By the time we left the quarry Alice's cunt was swollen and bright red. She had drunk a lot of spunk but she had never begged for them to stop shagging her. On the way home I gave her a hundred pounds, all the men had willingly given me five pounds to fuck her. She sucked me off before we got home than when I left that night at midnight Alice had sucked me off one last time. I would be home on Friday night for another sex-filled weekend.   Chaoter 7 I got home Friday night at ten pm, and as I was putting my bike in the shed when Alice came in and closed the door. Pulling up her dress she sat on my bike seat and said. "Mum and dad are in bed and I've been waiting all week for you to fuck me. Lesley had to go to Manchester on Monday, he won't be back until next Friday afternoon. I haven't been fucked all week so you have to fuck me now, and whenever you can all weekend, it has to last me all next week." How could I refuse her as she opened her leg to show me her hot juicy cunt, then she shied with happiness as I sucked and tongued her hot fuck hole. It was already very juicy, so it was obvious she must have been frigging herself as she was waiting for me to come home. In no time at all, she was whimpering and I was drinking her hot honeydew cum as it gushed from her cunt. I pulled her off my bike and bent her over the seat, and gave her good fucking from behind. Then gave her another orgasm with my fingers, before I held her head to suck my cock clean. It was almost eleven when we entered the house, and as I wasn't tired it didn't take much convincing for Alice to open her legs, so I could suck and lick her cunt until I fucked her again. We were playing a dangerous game, mum or dad could have caught us in the act, and we wouldn't have had a chance of getting out of it. Not with my trousers around my ankles, and Alice's dress folded onto her back as I had her bent over the back of the settee. With me giving her the full length of my eight-inch cock in ass slapping thrusts, as I drove my cock deep into her cunt. It was that danger of being caught, that was giving Alice so much pleasure. It was like that when we had taken her to the quarry, yes she was high on pot but she knew why we were taking her there. The sight of men queuing up to fuck her, had her cunt dripping with excitement. She had bought some really expensive sexy underwear with the money I had taken from the men. Not that she had them on when I met her outside the shop Saturday midday, and I'm sure she had been playing pick-a-boo with Mr Collier again. That mini skirt she had on hardly covered her ass, and he was looking at her admiringly as she bade him a good day with an alluring smile. She excitedly nodded her head, when I suggested hiring a car to take a ride up to the old quarry. We had gone around to Lesley place, to collect the mask Alice wore to hide her identity. Sera didn't want to miss out on having a shag and insisted, we take her with us after we had fucked on Lesley's bed. There were a few cars parked inside the entrance; when I drove in. There was no one parked in between the two piles of gravel, where we had parked the last time we were here. As I drove past the cars, the girls waved at the men sitting in them. As I backed into our parking spot, the men were already walking towards us. I had told the girls what I wanted them to do, and as I got out to greet the men. The girls opened their doors and turned to sit with their legs out of the car. "It will cost you a fiver to have a quick cock suck and a fuck but you must have a condom, we are staying for two hours so you can come back again if you want," I told them the girls would put the condoms on after their cocks were sucked. They all showed me their condoms and formed two lines at the front of the car, and as one man finished fucking I sent the next to take his place. With the car doors open, you could not see Alice or Sera as they were fucked, only the man was visible through the window of the door. His stance told you when Alice or Sera had finished sucking his cock, as he had to lean into the car to fuck them. There wasn't one complaint about the quality of the service the girls gave, and three of the man hung around to have a second fuck. After the initial rush of men, all went quiet for a while. So I sat in the back with the girls and fingered Alice's cunt, as Sera took her time to suck me off. My cock was still in her mouth when a man turned up wanting a fuck, so Alice took out his cock and sucked him hard. Then after putting on a condom, turned her back to him so he could fuck her from the rear. Two more arrived while Alice was still being fucked, and as one of them wanted a blowjob, Sera took them both on at the same time. By the time we left, twenty-five men had shared Sera and Alice. Back at Sera's and Lesley's pad, while Alice was showering I had my cock in Sera's mouth again. We left Sera at six in the bathroom, to go home where dinner would be waiting. On the way home, Alice was hugging my arm and leaning her body to mine. She looked very contented and smiled happily up at me when I asked. "You happy now, have you been fucked enough for today. Or would you like to go out with me tonight, I'm sure I could find someone else I could sell your cunt to. I've made quite a few pennies out of you two this afternoon, it paid for the hire car and I've still got seventy pounds in my pocket." I said, reaching down to stroke her nipple. "God you're wicked selling your own sister to be fucked, you should be ashamed of yourself," Alice said, still smiling up at me, and I grinned down at her saying. "I think I'll take you back to Plymouth with me, there are two hundred men on my ship. Just think of that, I could make one thousand pounds if I let them all fuck you." I said giving her nipple a pinch and pull. "Oh my god, you're making me horny talking like that. Two hundred men it would take all day for them to fuck me, I wouldn't be able to walk for a week." Alice said clinging to me tighter, as her legs went weak with thinking about being fucked that much. "Where are we going tonight?" she asked, giving me that devilish look of her's.   Chapter 8 After dinner, we sat with mum and dad drinking tea, and Alice seemed fidgety, and when I went into the kitchen to reboil the kettle she followed me. "I thought we were going out again tonight Joe, it's half-past seven now, we don't want to leave it too late," Alice said in a whisper as she stood close to me, with a pleading look in her eyes. "Fuck Alice are you randy already, you had a queue of men fucking you just three hours ago, would you like me to take you out to the coal shed and fuck you?" I asked not really meaning it. "Oh would you, just thinking of you selling me to those men for sex is making me feel sexy." I looked into her pleading eyes, then as I kissed her I groped her tit saying, "Of course sis, I'll take the tea into them first then meet you out there." She was overjoyed, and took her knickers off there and then. The door to the shed was closed, but you could see the light was on, as it shone through the gaps at the top and bottom. Opening the door I had a marvellous view of her ass, as she bent over with her arms on the top of the old coal locker. She had flicked her skirt up over her back, and with her legs open, her juicy cunt was there to finger. She had an orgasm with two fingers, then I fucked her as hard as I could, giving her another orgasm before I shot my load.   Then letting my cock soak in her hot cunt, while I played with her tits I asked. "If you still want to go out Alice, we can catch the eaight thirty bus to the farmer's arms. Those young lads that fuck you the other night might be there; if not there should be someone there you fancy. Anyway, we could sit in that alcove like before, you got really sexed up with me playing with your cunt." "I'm sure that couple, in the next alcove knew I was fingering you. The way she kept smiling as she looked at me, I wondered if she wasn't wanking that bloke she was with. If their there tonight, I might offer them a swop. She wasn't a bad looking old bird, I bet she would like a younger cock for a change. From the way, he looked at you I'm sure he wouldn't say no to fucking you." I said with a smile as I put my cock away, then turned out the light to exit the shed. "I'll just go for a quick wash," was all Alice said as we entered the house. "Enjoy yourself's" mum said as we left, to walk up the road to the bus stop. It was eaight twenty, and it was dark in the bus shelter. It seemed only right to give Alice some pleaser, with ten minutes for us to wait. She was more than eager to sit with her legs open, while I finger fuck her cunt. Then with just minutes to spare, I sucked her juicy orgasm from her cunt. As the bus stopped, a smiling sexually satisfied Alice climbed onto the bus. Making her way to the empty back seat, past the few passengers on board. That was mostly male, who smiled at Alice as she moved to the back of the bus. Then she sat next to the window on the lefthand side, so I could sit with my right hand between her legs. As she sat she smiled at me, as she lifted her dress above her waist. Exposing her lower body for me to play with, it excited her with the men around us. The bus stopped twice on the twenty-minute ride to the Farmers Arms, and I had my fingers in her the whole way. There must have been a puddle of cunt juice, on the seat when we got off the bus because she had bit her lip three times when she had vibrated with an orgasm. It was almost nine when we entered the pub, and the alcoves were empty and the old couple was not there. Only we had two heads turn to look our way when a young man at a table said something to his friends sitting with their backs to us. I smiled at them as I led Alice to the alcove, then went to the bar to order our drinks. "Can I buy those for you?" someone said beside me, and I looked to see one of the three lads smiling at me. I smiled at him and said, "If you wish my friend, you may take them to our table if you like, as I need to go to the toilet."   I left him at the bar to order the drinks and found the toilet to relieve myself, then returning to the longe I saw him sitting with Alice in the alcove. "Joe this is Bob, he said he fucked me the last time we were here," Alice whispered in my ear as I sat beside her. I looked down at Alice's lap, to see Bob's hand between her open legs. "He wants to know if he can take me outside and fuck me again, I said I don't know, perhaps when the pub closes they all can." I smiled at her and nodded towards her lap saying, "he's all worked up now Alice. I think you should take him outside and let him fuck you now, he can fuck you again in an hour if he gives you ten pounds." The smile on his face said he agreed with my logic, and started sliding out of his seat and pulling a ten-pound note from his pocket. The barman wasn't behind the bar, so only his two mates saw him leading Alice out of the back door. They looked at each other then at me, I just smiled and nodded my head towards the door Alice was disappearing through. They were up out of their seats and heading for the door themselves, leaving their half-empty glasses on their table. Bob was the first to return smiling and heading for our table, as he sat and picked up his half-filled glass he gave me a happy smile. "God she's a hot fuck that one I bet she'd fuck all night, wish I could have her in my bed for the night." He said looking at me as he took a drink, then looked at me a little more seriously saying. "I don't suppose there is a chance of that happening is there, and if it was possible what would it cost me?" he asked and the look on his face meant he was deadly cereus. I put my glass down and saddened him, wondering if I should tell him the truth and she was my sister that was just a randy bitch. Not my sex slave I sell for monetary profit, and to make a living out of. "You want to know how much it would cost you to have her to yourself all night, well, to be honest, she doesn't do all-nighters with one man. Most nights she booked for stag nights, or men's sporting clubs special night outs. They pay for her to strip for them, then they queue up to pay to fuck her. She normally has at least twenty men fuck her a night, with the striptease that's £100,25." "We didn't have a booking for tonight, Alice became bored at home and she asked me to take her out. I can fuck her whenever I like only Alice likes a lot of cocks, you're just lucky we came here tonight. Now when she comes back I want you and one of your mates, to sit either side of her and play with her cunt, to keep her happy until you take her outside to fuck her again o/k." I said hoping I sounded convincing, and that my lying wasn't too far fetched. He seemed to believe me and sat looking at the door waiting for their return. Which did seem to be a long time since he had come back in? When they did appear, they were smiling happily as they held hands. As they walked towards us I got up out of the horseshoe seat, to let Alice in to sit beside Bob. Then I directed the other two young men to sit the other side of Alice, while I took a seat at the other end of the seat almost opposite Alice. I was looking into the empty lounge and bar, while the three of them had their back to the room. There was no one there, to see Alice smile approvingly at Bob as she sat when he put his right arm under the table. Then turn to smile at the young man on the other side of her, when his left arm disappeared. Only I saw the look on her face as she sank lower in her seat, closing her eyes and purring like a contented cat. That purring got louder as the two men undid her blouse, and founded her sensitive nipples. The third lad looked down into Alice's lap, to watch what the others were doing to her cunt. Then after a short while, he disappeared under the table and Alice bit lightly on her lip. Then Made happy sounds, as the lad obviously licked and sucked her cunt. For twenty minutes they kept her moaning before Bob decided it was time for her to be fucked again. It was just before closing time anyway, the barman pocked his head into the lounge bar, just as Alice was being led through the back door. I waved him goodnight and followed the four others out the door, the barman could not see Alice's exposed tits, the men still played with. It was dark in the corner of the car park, where they had parked their land rover. Only as your eyes got used to it, it was surprising how much you could see. They took her around the back of the vehicle and stripped her naked, then sat her in the open door to take turns to suck her cunt. As they made her suck their cocks before they took their time to fuck her in turn. Alice was more than contented when they had finished with her. On the ride home in the almost empty bus, Alice's sucked me off while I played with her tits. Mum and dad were in bed already when we got home, and Alice readily agreed I could have a look at her cunt before we went to bed. Earlier at Lesley's place, I had lane Alice and Sera naked side by side on the bed. As I wanted to look at their cunts after those men had fucked them and got four-fingers into each of their cunts. Bending Alice over the back of an armchair, I lifted her skirt and started fingering her. She was still juicy and slack, and loved it as I got three fingers into her straight away and soon had the fourth one in too. Tucking my thumb in amongst my fingers, I got them into her up to my knuckles. Alice was panting, and showing her approval of the way I was stretching her cunt. By pushing herself back onto my hand, as I rammed my fingers into her. "Fuck Alice I think I going to get my whole hand up your cunt," I said twisting my hand from side to side. Alice gave a moan and a gasp as her orgasmic juices flowed from her cunt, as my hand slipped in and her cunt entrance closed over my wrist. I was hoping mum and dad couldn't hear her moans, as I made a fist and fucked her with it. She had sucked me off in the bus, my arousal was thickening my cock as I rammed my fist into her. I was giving her extra pleasure, by fingering her arsehole and had two fingers in when my cock got hard. She gave an extra moan when I pushed my cock into her ass, and groaned 'oh my fuck' when I started fucking her. I had fucked her butt before, but now with my hand in her cunt, I could feel my cock inside her anal passage. Moving my hand in her cunt, I could literally wank myself in her ass. It ended with us both having a massif orgasm, and both of us had weak legs going to bed.   Publication Date: January 24th 2020 https://www.bookrix.com/-kvd9bf587b1e9d5
Jamie Moody Lily's Dark Secret (Sample) Heart of Little Dixie, Missouri 1865: The day that changed my life, was just an ordinary day.It was a beautiful spring morning, The sun was shining, the flowers blooming and a light scent of rain and roses was in the air.Unfortunately for me I woke up with a headache. My encounters with my husband always leave me unfulfilled and a bit on edge the next day. My maid sat out my pale green summer dress with little white daisies embroidered on the bust and hem. Its light and gauzy and always makes me feel beautiful. I sat down to have Martha tend to my hair and arrange it in a pretty up do. Shes amazing with my hair, I can never understand how she tames it so well. I didn’t feel as relaxed as I normally would because of my headache this morn, she picked up on it when I rubbed my forehead. I'm sure she guessed why, but I kept quiet and started remembering the night before. ~ After dinner he told me “Lilly darling, be ready for me tonight! You know the way I like?” “Yes dear.”I of course know what he likes, NUDE! This night he didn't come to me until after I fell asleep.I knew immediately when he crawled in bed with me, he’s not subtle. I could hear the creaking of the bed and the shift of weight next to me. I care deeply for Adam, but it feels like there is something missing in our bed.Our encounters always start and end the same ways , Adam kisses me while holding my breasts in his hands at the same time he positions himself between my legs. Once he’s there he enters me, pumps his hips a few times, usually lasts a minute before he grunts and rolls off me. After that he kisses me on the forehead and says “ Thanks darling!” Then he’s off to his own room,while I try to figure out why other women actually like to have sex, I just don’t get it! ~ Adam Melborne was a wealthy plantation owner, who was looking for a wife of good breeding and baring. After mother died, My father worried about my well-being and since I was above the marring age of 18, he felt it was time to marry me off and secure my future,so that I would be taken care of.My father arranged for us to marry and I didn't meet him till our wedding day. I am 23, average height at 5 foot 4 inches tall, I have a more matronly body,even thought I'm childless, curves on my stomach and hipsI'm too plain to call beautiful by any standard. My hair is too wild, I have long auburn curls that tends to frizz more than anything. I think the only redeemable feature on my person are my eyes, bright emerald-green with hints of gold in the right light.My (husband) Adam, many would call a nice man. He’s 5 ft. 6 inches tall, average build(maybe a little lanky), He’s pleasant to look at. Handsome in a boyish way with brown hair and brown eyes. Adam is pleasant to talk to, if a little on the boring side.He takes care of the fields and I ,the household, and I manage the slaves necessities, and help get them whatever they need. On an average day, we eat together at dinner time,but go our separate ways otherwise,unless he wants his “husbandly rights”.Once Martha finished arranging my hair, I went to stand by the windows and look out towards the gardens,I love the flowers this time of year. Everything is bright and pretty and there is a sense of renewal in the air, This year I felt a kind of sadness that I didn't understand. I know I can speak to Martha as I do when it gets to be too much. My lady's maid Martha is the only person in the world I talk to about my marriage problems. She is 23 like me and she grew up as a slave on my father's plantation. Shes a free woman now but prefers to work in my employment. We have known each other all our lives and played together as little girls. Often times I have been jealous of her height at 6 foot and her curves, Shes full busted and where I look like a pear, she's an hour-glass.I decided to go ahead and tell her about my encounter the night before. “ Dat man! He dunno what he’s doin!”“One would assume that since he enjoys sex acts that he indeed does know what he is doing.” I was confused!“Girl, you go to da quartas and see Mabel, she's got somethin to help you.” Mabel is the plantation healer, She takes care of the slaves and tends wounds, births babies and so forth. “ Sounds good! I’ll go see her this afternoon and take her the new bundles of clothes and supplies that came in yesterday.” The walk down to the quarters was pleasant, walking past the fields I spotted the workers going about their daily business. Its planting season, so its rough going for a few weeks then smooth sailing till harvest time in the fall.We have races and games for the workers with prizes, usually new shoes or hats. At the end of planting and harvesting we have a dance for the slaves, they especially enjoy it to show off all there new prizes they won. We treat our workers pretty well, and supply all there needs and keep up on repairs on the quarters. Mabel had the list ready for next weeks supplies when I got there. Shes pretty prompt and knows exactly what is needed and where. No matter her age or race, shes respected by all who know her, including me.“ Missus, You got one of dem head hurts gain? Go on in the back der and get down to your chemise.” “Take my dress off? Are you mad?” “Just get on back der, You trust me don cha?” “ Yes of course!” Mabel’s home was larger than most of the other quarters, hers held 3 rooms instead of the normal 1 room that the workers lived in. The back room was barely furnished with only a bed and a small table, and only one small window up towards the top to let in air and for privacy. I felt uncomfortable being out of my room undressed as I was, but I do trust her skills in healing. While I was waiting for Mabel, I started to wander around the room. I noticed a simple glass bottle on the table next to the bed. When I picked it up it felt warm to the touch and I was curious about the contents. What I found in the bottle surprised me, It was a rich thick oil and it was pleasantly scented. The scent reminded me of spring, with Lavender, rose, and a hint of musky candlewood and a slight crisp fresh scent of mint. Over all it was quite pleasing. I put the bottle back on the table and didn’t think much about it again. I was more focused on the state of my undress. After a few minutes a couple of Mabel’s younger helpers came in carrying something in their hands. They asked me to lay on the bed and wrapped some strips of cloth around my wrists and ankles to protect my skin. They then spread my arms and legs out and tied my ankles and wrists to the bed posts. I was embarrassed and My mind was racing. What the hell is going on? No one would say a word to me, all the helpers worked in silence. Mabel came in a couple of minutes later, She smiled at me.I screamed at her “Untie me!” She then blindfolded me and dropped down by my ear and said“ If you make noises I will gag you too! Trust me Missus, I ain’t gonna hurt you.” I nodded my head in agreement.I couldn’t see anything and I was trapped on the bed by the bindings. The only senses I had were my hearing and touch.No one spoke in the room, I heard a faint thud, then felt a warm liquid being applied to my skin, by what seemed like many hands.Gently stroking and massaging my arms from the tips of my fingers up to my shoulders and neck. If felt like my whole body was being smoothed into relaxation. I could smell the spring floral scent of the oil and it worked like magic on my senses. The hands continued there ministrations down my sides and hips down to my legs, Up my thighs and back down to my feet. I started to get pretty relaxed. MMM this feels soo good!The ministrations went on for forever it seemed, I had never felt anything like it before. The room was stuffy and I was starting to sweat in the murky air in the room. The hands stopped their ministrations, then I could feel something smooth and cold against my skin.Someone cut off my underclothes, from the hem all the way to the neck line. Since I was still tied to the bed, that left my clothes laying under my naked body and the rest of me completely visible to anyone in the room. Mabel whispered in my ear. “head hurt still?” “Ummm, No! But I don’t understand whats happening!” “I got told dat you don unda-stand how you cud like sex. Dat true?” “ I don’t know what you mean? What does my headache have anything to do with sex?” “ You will know dat soon missus.” I heard what sounded like Mabel leaving the room, then all was quiet.I was still thinking about what just happened and what it meant, when I heard footsteps coming in thru the doorway. The door shut with a “click”. I was still blind folded so I could not be sure who came in or how many people. it sounded like 2 people, I'm sure of it. I waited to hear any more noises to let me know what they had planned for me, I heard a faint feminine whisper and a shuffle of what sounded like clothes hitting the floor. I felt the bed move a bit as someone climbed up to the foot of the bed. Next I felt a body sliding on me, all Smooth silky skin and hard muscles. Large hands grasped my breasts and warm hot breath on my nipples, Then lips suckling one breast then the other, God it felt good! I could feel a warm tingle between my legs, and my body was starting to feel warm all over. My mystery man had wonderful hands as he gently grazed my body. His mouth was slowly working his way down to my belly button where he dipped his tongue. I could feel his hands on my ankles working their way to my thighs and his mouth slowly working his way down on to the small patch of hair between my legs.“What are you doing?” His response was to grab my buttock in his hands and lick some hidden secret spot at the center of my femininity. I was so shocked I tried to pull away at once but in my efforts, I accomplished burying his face more deeply between my thighs. His tongue started in even harder and faster on that secret spot and I could feel myself melting against his mouth. My mind was telling me this is wrong but my body was not listening. I was completely on fire and I could feel myself getting somewhere, but where? Suddenly he pulled back and stopped what he was doing. By this point I was so on fire, I started to cry and beg. “ Please don't stop!” CONTINUED..... For sale on Amazon.com http://www.amazon.com/Lilys-Dark-Secret-ebook/dp/B006KLYP0O/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1332686307&sr=8-2 From the Author: This story "Lily's Dark Secret" is the first book I ever wrote! It started as one short story and blossomed into much more than that. I had to do historical research so I could be realistic, even though on some things I prefered to use my imagination on. The story turned out to be a sweet romance and started me on a wonderful adventure of writing and creating my own stories. I'm so happy to share my baby with you, and I hope you enjoy reading about the characters as much as I did creating them. Thanks! Text: Jamie Moody All rights reserved. Publication Date: March 25th 2012 https://www.bookrix.com/-freaky1984
JJ Lacey Maturing Sandra Book is not finished A young Sandra   A sexually aroused young girl taught to open her legs and look innocent by an older man, for the pleaser of older men. As at first, he trains her to be a virgin cock sucker, longing for the day her much older mentor takes her virginity and lets the men she sucks off fuck her.   Chapter 1 The grooming of Sandra Sandra was almost twelve when her father was sent to prison for domestic abuse, that was after he had come home drunk one afternoon, to find her mother in bed with a strange man. Only then, to find out this was not her lover but one of her clients, and that his wife had turned to prostration for sexual satisfaction. When persuaded, to give men sex in return for money, by an old friend she had met on a shopping trip to town. He had taken her for lunch and plied her with drinks before taking her home, where she had enjoyed having prolonged sex with him. She had enjoyed him so much she agreed to their meeting again, but this time he went straight to her home and spent two hours in bed with her. The third time they met he arranged to meet her at a hotel, where he got her drunk before persuading her to have sex with him and another man, then he took her home to have sex with her. In the following weeks she showed her willingness to meet other men to have sex with, she even began entertaining men at her home that he sent. Sid came every Thursday to collect his shear of the money she had charged them, and to remind her she was his whore, which she willingly accepted. She has been entertaining men Sid sent to her ever since, some of them return regularly to enjoy what she offered them, she eagerly went to parties during the day, that Sid has arranged with several men.     Now at the age of twenty, Sandra herself was well versed in the art of pleasing men and extracting money from them, she gets as much pleaser out of it as she gave the men, for she like her mother, is a nymphomaniac. She had learned her prostituting skills from first watching her mother with men, then from her kindly Uncle Sid who was the first to have sex with her, before joining in with her mother, when two or three men arrived at the house, wanting her mother’s services. Long before her father left, she would come home from school to find yet another uncle had come to visit mummy. Then would be told to do her homework in her bedroom, while uncle ‘Fred’, ‘John’, or whoever, discussed some family matter in mummy’s bedroom. Only mummy and her uncles were not always discrete, in the language of their conversations, and quite often, the bedroom door would be left ajar. This allowed Sandra to hear her mother’s cries of passion, meaning Sandra as a young inquisitive seven-year-old had seen and heard her mother having sex with her Uncles when she had gone to investigate, and had long before she should have learnt the art of making men happy. As she saw mummy and her uncle’s having sex while discussing family affairs, Sandra thought it was just something that families did, her father always took mummy into the bedroom and made her make noises like she and her Uncle’s did, when he came home drunk from the pub, only he always hit mummy first. Her first recollection of her mother with her Uncles, was at the age of seven when she came home from school, to hear her mother moans coming from the bedroom. Sandra had crept to her mother’s door and peeked through the gap, to see her naked mother bending over the end of the bed, with a naked Uncle Fred moving his hips onto her bottom from behind. She had stayed watching and listening to the happy sounds coming from the two love makers, then saw for the first time a man’s penis, when he pulled a ridged length of flesh from between her mother’s buttocks. Then saw a smiling mum turn and kneel to take his ridged flesh into her mouth, and suck it like a lollypop until he held her head, pushing his throbbing length of jerking flesh all the way into her mouth saying, “Oh fuck yes!”  Sandra had felt happy for her mum, as she seemed to be enjoying the company of her Uncle Fred, instead of the arguments and slaps her father gave her when he came home from the pub after work. On many occasions, she had heard her mother’s moans coming from the bedroom, but had not seen her uncle Fred at all, as the bedroom door was not ajar; and he left without her knowing, if it was her Uncle Fred or not. From time to time Sandra met her other uncle’s leaving the house, as she got home from school, Uncle Sid was a big happy man, who tickled her under the chin whenever they met at the door, and would always put his hand in his pocket, to give her a coin or two. Then one day she was home from school early when the school had to close because the kitchens had flooded. Uncle Sid knocked on the door and was surprised to see her when she opened the door to him, but pulled a pound note from his pocket, and sent her to the sweet shop to buy her favourite sweets. When she returned, Uncle Sid and mum were in mum’s bedroom talking, and although the door being closed Sandra could hear quite clearly. “How old is Sandra now Nadine?” he asked, and between her mum’s moans, Sandra heard mum say, “she is twelve in two weeks Sid, why are you going to buy her a present or something?” Uncle Sid laughed then said, “She is a pretty girl, going to be a stunner like her mum, she’ll turn the boy’s heads when her tits have grown a little more.” Mum gave a few grunts and moans then answered, “You dirty randy bustard the way you look at her now you’d like to see her naked wouldn’t you?” Mum asked, then gave a “grunt” and an “oh fuck yes harder, god that’s got you going, you bustard, you thinking of Sandra naked?” mum asked amid her grunts and groans. There was also Uncle Sid’s heavy breathing, as Sandra heard her mum's bedsprings squeaking before all went quiet except for the sound of someone sucking.  “Stay there you bitch I’m going for a pee, I’m not finished with you yet,” Sandra heard Uncle Sid say and retreated into her bedroom. As the bathroom was next to mum’s bedroom, and along the corridor towards Sandra’s. She saw Uncle Sid leave her mum's room and walk towards her, Uncle Sid had a belly, and under it, he had a long fat dickey that swung from side to side as he walked. She smiled; she had seen her mum playing with a dickey like that before; Uncle Fred’s! She was still watching when he left the bathroom and thought he was going to come to her door, as he stood looking down the hallway at it. Then as she watched him, he took hold of his dickey and started rubbing it, before turning to go back into mum’s bedroom. This time the door to it, was not closed fully. When Sandra looked, she saw her mum on her back legs wide apart, with Sid’s hand between them, and his fingers in her vagina as he was saying. “Your right Nadine I’d like to see her naked when the time is right, and when she’s ripe I want to take her cherry. You do well by me since I got you working Nadine, I think I can claim the right to break her in. Sandra would be a good asset to us; I think we should start to groom her for when she is ready to earn money. I reckon by the time she is fourteen, she would be ready to entertain some selective customers I have in mind, dancing for them and maybe giving them handjobs. I know a few who would pay you just to see her naked, and have her toss them off.”  Mum was making happy sounds as Sid moved his fingers in her, then shied and jerked when he put his head between her legs. Sandra watched enthralled as her mother jerked and moaned with pleaser, then watched in wonder as Sid’s dickey slowly thickened and grew longer and harder, then she saw it disappearing as he pushed it into her mother vagina, then when he got off mum, she sucked his dickey soft again, then said. “O/k Sid I’ll go along with you on this, you talked me into this line of work, and I can’t keep hiding it from her she is getting too old, she is bound to realise soon all the men she sees are not her Uncles. If we can get her to accept what I do as something I enjoy doing, and a way of benefit to both of us, I would not have to keep sending her away when I have visitors. Now if she knew why they were here, she could take herself out of the way, or as you said, she could welcome them.” If they had known then that Sandra had been watching them for some time, and watching them now, they would have adjusted their time limit, for when she would be ready to please men.  Each time Uncle Sid came to visit after that, her mother’s door was always ajar when Uncle Sid was in the bedroom with mum when Sandra came home from school. Sandra would be as quiet as a mouse creeping into the house, after rushing home from school, especially on Thursdays, when she knew Uncle Sid would come to visit. Watching his penis grow to the size it had got that day, and point upwards like a rigid rod of flesh had Sandra spellbound, and she took every opportunity to see it whenever she could, and Uncle Sid was mum’s most regular visitor. Uncle Fred came once a month but his penis wasn’t as big as Uncle Sid’s was, though she did like watching mum and him on the bed, as he always had mum bent over the end of it, and she had a good view of mum sucking his penis afterwards. Eight months after her eleventh birthday, Sandra came home from school on a Friday to find a police car outside her home, and a police officer talking to her mother, and a man she had not seen before. Mum’s face was bruised and bleeding, and Sandra was told her dad had been taken away by the police, and would not be coming back. As Sandra hardly saw her dad at all, and when she did he would be drunk and violent to her mother. His absence did not register at first, as she tried to comfort her mother, even when mum told her daddy has left for good, it took a few days for her to finally realise he hadn’t come home. Then on Thursday afternoon, Uncle Sid knocked on the door and was very angry when he saw mum’s face. He stayed all afternoon talking and drinking tea, with mum and Sandra in the living room. He sat Sandra on his lap, as she had the cakes he sent her to buy from the corner shop. The next Thursday he was there when Sandra came home from school, and mum and he were sitting having tea. He lifted her onto his lap, so she could have one of the cakes he had brought. When they had finished, mum told Sandra to do her homework in her bedroom, while Uncle Sid and she had a talk in private. Through the gap in her door, Sandra saw mum and Sid go into mum’s bedroom, and was pleased to see they had not closed the door properly. Sandra crept to the door and saw Uncle Sid taking his clothes off, he was undoing the buttons of his trousers when her naked mother knelt in front of him and pulling down his trousers to put his dickey in her mouth. Sandra had seen her mother do this before, but never when his dickey had been soft, and now she watched in amassment, as Uncle Sid’s dickey got thicker and longer, as mum moved her lips along its length. When it was long and hard, Sid put mum on the bed and lay on top of her, and moved his bum up and down as mum groaned and moaned. Then once again mum put Sid’s dickey in her mouth until it went soft, as Sid kissed and played with mum’s vagina. Sandra watched all this, feeling happy for her mum, for she was laughing and joking again. When they come out of mum’s bedroom, Sid sat Sandra on his lap as they had tea and more cakes before he left. On Friday the day after, she came home to find Uncle Fred was visiting; he already had mother bent over the end of the bed and was banging his hips into mum’s buttocks. Sandra watched until mummy had sucked Uncle Fred’s dickey soft, then went to her bedroom to wait for him to leave. Saturday morning, there was a knock on the door, and two men said they had a message from Uncle Sid, mum told Sandra to go out and play for an hour. She saw them leave as she came back from the park, and saw mummy putting money into her saving tin when she entered the house. Uncle Sid was still in the bedroom with mum when she crept into the house on Thursday and heard them talking as she watched them lying on the bed, with Sid feeling mummy’s breasts and vagina. “You want to stay for some tea Sid, and then you can do me again before you go, I owe you a little extra for Saturday, those two men paid me well for the hour,” she heard mum say, her hand pulling on Uncle Sid soft dickey. “I’d love to Nadine, but you still get what due to you, you can do me some special favours when I’m ready, but for now just let me get my feet under the table?” Mum laughed looking at him saying, “your get her cherry Sid Sandra likes you and is comfortable around you,” she said and sucked his dickey. When it was hard, Uncle Sid rolled on top of mum and made the bedsprings squeak. Mum really liked sucking Sid dickey, because she did it again when he pulled it from her vagina and knelt by her head. Sandra was in her bedroom when they came out, and duly came when mum called, “Uncle Sid is here come say hello.” He was sitting on the settee legs apart with his coat off and held his hands out when she entered the living room. “Hello Cupcake,” he called happily, beckoning her to him and kissed her cheek as he lifted her onto his lap. He had put her on his left leg facing sideways, her legs dangling between his. His left arm supported her back, the hand holding her left hip to steady her. As she nibbled on the candy, he gave her, his hand rested on her bare thigh just above the knee; she had not changed out of her school uniform, of white shirt and a short plaid skirt that was halfway up her thigh. While they chatted about what she was doing in school, and her favourite games to play, they laughed, at the funny thing she told had happened. Sid took sips of his drink from his glass and then put his hand back on Sandra’s thigh, stroking her skin softly as he placed it. Mum had sat listening to their chatter and watching and then left them to start the dinner. Sid winked at Sandra and offered her a drink of his whiskey, as they both were in a happy mood. Sandra took a sip and giggling saying she liked it. She had a sip or two more, as mum came in and out, and found she was liking being close to her Uncle Sid, he was more fun than her father had been. Over dinner, he and she laughed again as he told silly jokes that even mum laughed at. As mum cleared away, the dishes, Sandra sat on his leg again, his hand a little higher on her thigh, as she read from a storybook. Then mum said she wanted to talk to Uncle Sid and took him into her bedroom and Sandra creped to the door, to watch mum and Uncle Sid undress. Then watched as they did what they had done earlier in that bedroom. When Uncle Sid was leaving, he did a magic trick and pulled a half-crown coin from behind Sandra’s ear. “You’re going on holiday soon, you will need some ice-cream money darling,” he said smiling and handing her the coin, then lifting her up he gave her a kiss on her lips, as Sandra wrapped her arms around his neck. Then he gave mum a long hug and kiss before he went out the door. The same two men arrived again on Saturday morning, with another message from Uncle Sid, but they wanted mum to let them stay for two hours. It was not a good day for playing outside, as it was overcast and drizzly, so mum sent Sandra to her room to do some reading. When she creeped out she found mum’s bedroom door firmly closed, but could clearly hear mum’s moans coming from inside. She sounded just like she did when Uncle Sid and Fred had their dickeys in her, but her moans and the bedsprings squeaked contently. When Sandra heard the men leave, she came out of her bedroom to see her mum putting money in her tin. She was wearing her short dressing gown, showing her bare legs almost to her bum. Her hair was very untidy, and when she saw Sandra she said, “I’m a bit tired darling; I think I need a lie-down. You ok for an hour or so baby, just until mummy has had a rest, then we will have your favourite meal tonight, ‘Chinese takeaway!’ Sandra saw no other visitors until Uncle Sid came on Thursday and she was home when he arrived. He picked her up at the door and kissed her, then carried her into the house. Mum made him a drink, and as he drank, he sat Sandra on his lap, his hand again on her thigh. After their little chat mum took Sid into the bedroom, Sandra moved to the crack in the door and heard mum saying. “We won’t be here next Thursday Sid we are on holiday, I’m taking her to that nudist beach result in Dorset as you said, it will get her used to naked bodies.” Sandra heard her mum saying, as she and Sid were undressing. “I have heard there can be a bit of hanky-panky, going on in the sand dunes; I might get some trade for myself while I’m there. Oh, those two men you sent to me came back on Saturday, they insisted on having a double helping. I think they’re on drugs, they both fucked the hell out of me for two hours, they certainly got their two hundred pounds worth.” Mum had knelt to suck Sid’s dickey now, and as she moved her lips on him he said, “Yes they told me what a good time you gave them the first time, said they had told some of their mates, so you better be ready for some long group sessions. Oh and while I’m on that subject, I’ve got to go to Plymouth tomorrow, to save me going home to Bristol tonight and travelling down in the morning, can I sleep here with you tonight?” Sid asked, his now hard dickey moving in and out of mum’s mouth.  Mum took his dickey from her mouth smiling, “of course you can Sid, would you like breakfast in the morning?” mum asked. “Of course darling, a nice hot muffing will do nicely,” Sid said, as he turned mum around and bent her over, to push his dickey between mums buttock as Uncle Fred had. They only stayed in the bedroom, until mum sucked his dickey soft, then in the living room, he sat Sandra on his lap again, as he had a drink of whiskey. After they had dinner, Sandra read Uncle Sid a story from her book, as she sat on his lap again. While mum was out of the room, doing the washing up, Sandra had a drink of Uncle Sid’s whiskey and giggled with him at them being naughty. She had held the glass herself, while she drank from it, as he laughed and cuddled her, while his hand rubbed along her thigh. Then they sat as innocent as could be when mum came into the room and listened to the story Sandra read. She happily sat on his lap until eight, when mum told her to get ready for bed, as Sandra was in the bathroom washing; mum poked her head in saying. “Wear your pretty baby doll nightwear Sandra, and you can stay up until ten, Uncle Sid is sleeping here tonight.” Mum smiled looking at Sandra standing naked as she washed, and then she left Sandra to finish washing and get dressed. Uncle Sid sat up smiling as Sandra entered the living room, holding his arms out to hold her shoulders to look at her. “My, what a lovely sight you are,” he said, looking at her in a pink chemise top that came to her waist, and tiny frilly pink knickers. Sandra smiled thanking him for the compliment and allowed him to lift her onto his lap again, his hands in the same place as before. Only now, his left hand was on the top her left bare thigh, his fingers along the line of her panties that went between her legs, and his right hand resting high on her right thigh. Uncle Sid had his glass of whiskey on the coffee table, next to the armchair they were sitting in. When Sandra’s mum went to make tea for herself, Uncle Sid asked Sandra to give him his glass, and a cheeky Sandra giggled and took a sip from it before handing it to him. “Naughty girl,” Sid said grinning and gave her a kiss on the lips, then gave her another sip before putting the glass down. Then they laughed and she called out in hysterics, as he played the tickling game with her. She laughed freely and mum did too, as Uncle Sid tickled Sandra’s belly, sides, and the tickly bit inside her thigh. Sandra tried tickling Uncle Sid’s belly, much to everyone’s enjoyment, and she was laughing loudly when tickled again for much longer, by Sid. It was a lovely game, and Sandra did not want it to end, when mum said, “bedtime baby.” Then she smiled happily and nodded when Uncle Sid asked, “do you want me to put you to bed darling.” He lifted her up in his arms and her arms went around his neck as he carried her. Then laying her gently down, he kissed her as he covered her and wished her sweet dreams. When she got up in the morning Uncle Sid was gone, and she was sorry she had missed him. Chapter 2 Saturday morning Sandra stepped from the taxi with her tiny suitcase, and waited for her mother to pay the driver, she was very happy and excited she was going on holiday. The train journey took four hours, they had a picnic lunch halfway there, and at two-thirty, the taxi dropped them outside the gates of the Sunseekers holiday park. The reception entrance was set in high fencing, and when mum had registered and collected their chalet key, they went through a door in the back of the office, into the camp its self. A man with a golf cart was waiting by the curb and invited Sandra and her mum to get on it, after asking their chalet number. He was just about to drive away when an older couple came from the office, and they got into the cart too. He drove through a gate and along rows of chalets on either side of the road. Where Sandra saw young children playing, and man and woman walking, and they were all naked, and Sandra could see all the men’s dickey. Mum had told her they were going to a naturist holiday camp, where people took off all their clothes, but Sandra didn’t think they would be naked all the time and walk around nude. She looked at her mum, who was smiling at her, but didn’t say anything and saw the man smiling at mum. The golf buggy pulled up and the driver said, “here you are, Miss, I hope you enjoy your stay,” and he drove off with the older couple, as Sandra and mum entered their home for the next week. “Now darling you can wear shorts if you don’t want to go fully nude at first. It says here in the guild to the park, that full nudity is not compulsory around the campsite itself.” “On the beach, however, only hats headscarves and shawls may be worn, as it is a nudist beach only, anyone found wearing clothing will be ejected from the beach, and will be treated as trespassers.” Mum read from the pamphlet, and smiled at Sandra, as she looked at her questionably. “That means they are not supposed to be on the beach darling, they didn’t pay to come in as we did. Oh, and for children’s safety, all children under the age of sixteen must be in their chalets by nine.” Mum said smiling, as she removed her dress and underclothes. Then packed them away in her case, after removing a few items and her toiletries from it, she pushed it under her bed. “Won’t need that for a week,” she smilingly said to Sandra next to her, who had also followed her mother’s lead and stripped naked. Then Sandra watched mum fold a headscarf into a triangle, and tie it around her waist with the knot at her right hip. It looked like half a skirt, which showed all her right leg but just hid her crouch from view. A wide-brimmed sun hat and dark sunglasses, with a silk scarf, looped around her neck. The ends left to hang down over her left breast made mum smile at her reflexion in the mirror. “How do I look darling?” she asked Sandra as she struck a pose as a model would. “Lovely mummy, can I have the same,” she asked mummy who bent down and kissed her saying. “Of course darling then we will go for a walk, and find out what we can have fun doing.” On the walk to the centre of camp where all the amenities were, Sandra tried not to look at all the boys and men’s dickeys she saw. Now they were in, amongst the shops and eating places, most of the people had something on around their waists. Mostly they wore shorts; some women as she and mum had something wrapped around their waist but left their breasts bare. Mum smiled back at some men, as they looked at her smiling. They went into a children’s indoor fairground, and Sandra went on rides as mummy watched. She was on a horse on a merry-go-round, when she saw a man sit down by her mum, they talked and laughed while she was on the ride, but he was gone when Sandra got off. They had a look at other places to go and then saw the camps nightclub and bar, which was open for the adults at night. “I might have a look at this tonight when you’re in bed if you don’t mind staying in the chalet alone baby!” mum said to Sandra, as she looks at what the entertainment was. They had chicken nuggets and chips in the restaurant, then back to the chalet by six. Sandra watched her mum make up her face, and then put on a light summer dress without any underwear. Then her mum smiled at Sandra when she looked at her, with eyes that asked a question. “It’s a nudist camp darling, I could go completely naked if I wished,” she said smiling at Sandra, whose expression changed as she understood what her mother had meant. At eight-thirty, mum tucked Sandra up in bed, and promised not to be out all night, then kissing her she left her to sleep. Sandra didn’t mind being left, she was normally in bed at home at this time anyway, only she was still excited at being on holiday and that was the reason she could not sleep. Mum could not have been gone more than an hour or a little more when Sandra heard the door of the chalet opening, and as she looked whispered words were spoken. “Quiet my daughter in bed asleep, don’t wake her – woe slow-down - I want to enjoy this cock big boy.” Mum was saying as Sandra saw a man kissing her just inside the door, with his hand up her dress, groping between her legs while her own hand was feeling the front of his trousers. “Don’t you want to get me naked and on the bed?” she asked, pulling down his zip, and pulling out his dickey. “Not yet, darling, I want to give you a good finger fucking and make you nice and juicy first, then I’m eating your cunt.” He said pulling her dress up over her head, making her let go of his dickey as he pulled it off her. His right hand going between her open legs, as the other groped her breast; making her lean back against the wall moaning, as his fingers excited her vagina. As mum started jerking and whimpering, he dropped to his knees, and she tangled her fingers in his hair as he put his head between her legs. “Fuck you’re a juicy cow, that’s the fucking testiest cunt I’ve sucked on for ages,” he said taking his mouth off her for a moment before sucking her again. “Well this cow wants fucking you cunt-sucker, can we get in the bedroom and get down to it,” Mum said tugging on his ears to pull him up, and then drugged him into her bedroom. Sandra would have crept to her door, but she heard it firmly closed and clicks shut, so she climbed into bed. Sunday morning they joined other scantily clad dinners for breakfast and then headed for the beach. Walking through the path in the sand dunes, to emerge on a flat wide beach. Where they found a hut, where you hired beach umbrellas and beach beds, mum hired both then they wandered along the beach looking for a nice spot to lie. “Oh look up there, that’s a perfect spot,” mum said, pointing to the sand dunes, where there was a recess in them, “Oh that’s a perfect suntrap.” Mum said walking towards the dunes with Sandra following, the recess looked like someone had dug the sand away, to form an alcove with quite steep sides. Once inside your only view was straight ahead, out over the beach to a refreshment cabin and on to the water. The depth of it meant the wind blowing along the beach did not blow into it. It was the place for mum, and she planted her umbrella, and laded out her beach bed, removed her headscarf and lay down naked. “Go buy an ice cream darling, and enjoy yourself playing in the sand, I’ll be happy here reading.” Mum, said as Sandra also removed her skimpy artier, and with her tiny shoulder bag with her holiday money in, headed for the hut on the beach. Mum waved as she looked back when nearing the hut, to join the short queue there, and watched a girl playing with her dad. He was digging a hole in the sand, and then stood his daughter into her knees, then filling in the hole trapped her legs, they all laughed and so did Sandra as the girl laid back and stood upright.      It looked like a fun game and Sandra stood to watch as she eats her ice cream, the girl was about the ten, and as Sandra finished her ice cream, the girl asked. “My names Alice would you like to play with me, my dad can dig you a hole like mine?” she said looking at her dad, who smiled at Sandra. “Would you, we arrived on Wednesday and Alice hasn’t found anyone to play with yet,” he said as he started digging a hole for Sandra’s legs. “We got here yesterday,” Sandra, said standing watching him dig the hole. “Where’s your mum and dad?” asked the girls mum who was sitting nearby. “My mum’s over there I don’t have a dad,” Sandra said to the woman. Who was now looking at Sandra mum, and she was waving back at Sandra, as she had waved her hand to indicate where her mum was. “Now that’s a good looking woman Malcolm, but why there isn’t a man with her, I have a feeling she might just be what we are looking for, look I’m going to talk to her!” The woman said and walked towards Sandra’s mum, as the man filled in the sand around Sandra’s legs, and the two girls laughed as they lay down and stood tougher, as the man now looked after his wife.   It was a simple game but it was fun, then it was interrupted when the girl's dad said, “girls can you play on your own for a while, mum is calling me Alice I have to see what she wants.” He got up and walked briskly to where Sandra’s mum lay, and Sandra watched as he stood looking down at her. She was smiling up at him, while his wife was saying something to him, with a big smile on her face. Then as Sandra watched, he knelt down close beside her mum and put his hand on her leg, as her mum reached her arm out between his legs. The wife did something to the umbrella, which made it folded down hiding them from view just as the men put his hand between Sandra’s mum’s legs. Sandra still looked and then saw the man’s head appear above the umbrella, and she could see him looking down smiling. He stayed there for a while before the umbrella went upright again; and Sandra saw him talking to Sandra’s mum and his wife for a few moments, before coming back to the girls. Sandra watched as he returned and was sure his dickey looked different now; it seemed much puffier than it was before. He dug Sandra and Alice out of the sand and took them for ice cream, and then they sat to eat them. While Sandra watched Alice's mum sitting close to her mum, and talking for a long time. Then she saw mum picking up her things and was told it was lunchtime. In the cafeteria, they had fish and chips and fizzy drinks, with their new friends. As they eat, the grownups decided the girls would go to the children’s funhouse, to enjoy all the activities in there under the supervision of the trained staff. While the grownups went to spend some time, getting to know one another better. Sandra and Alice went on every ride and slide in the playhouse, twice over before their parents came back to collect them. Mum and Alice’s mum seemed quite taken with one another, and sat chatting and laughed. While Alice’s dad took Alice and Sandra to play crazy golf, before a ride on the miniature train, which Alice and Sandra enjoyed tremendously. Sandra liked her new friend Alice very much; she was two years younger than she was, but she was fun to be with, and Sandra readily agreed to a sleepover. When mum suggested, that Alice could stay and play with Sandra in their chalet, while she Sally and Malcolm, went out for a drink in the evening. They went for an evening meal together then onto the camp clubhouse, to listen to the camp entertainers and for early evening drinks. Going back to their chalet at eight, they got the girls ready for bed and kissed them goodnight, before telling them not to stay up too late. Then left them with snacks and soft drinks, to play as they wished, for Alice’s dad Malcolm had brought a box with Alice’s favourite board games in it. They had started playing Monopoly when Sandra asked. “Is this the first time you have been to this holiday camp Alice?” and a smiling Alice replied. “Oh no we come here every year at this time, but our friends are not here this year, and we don’t know why. Mum and dad have not enjoyed themselves this year, as they did with Simon and Betty; they used to be with them every night, while their son John and I stayed in the chalet playing. I am glad you are here with your mum, I like you Sandra and my mum and dad like your mum. I heard dad saying he can’t wait for a threesome with her.” Sandra just smiled at Alice saying she liked her, and then as she moved her game piece around the board asked. “What was John like Alice did you have fun with him?” Alice smiled and said oh yes we went swimming and built sandcastles, and we played board games at night when our parents went out. John is five years older than me, (and then Alice giggled before continuing) and he is always playing with his hard penis, when we sit like this playing board games,” Alice giggling again. Sandra looked at Alice across the gaming board from her, as she sat naked legs wide apart, her virginal vagina in full view. “What do you mean he played with his hard penis, Alice?” she asked picking up the dice for her throw, as a smiling Alice finished moving her game piece four squares on the board.   “He kept rubbing his hand up and down his penis two holidays ago, and made it hard as he looked at me while we played this game. Last year I rubbed it for him when we saw mum doing it to dad and Uncle Simon with Betty watching them. They had come back to the chalet from the clubhouse and were a bit drunk, we made out we were asleep when mum came to check on us. We opened the door of the bedroom a bit when she went back into the living area and saw her rubbing dad’s and Simon’s penis hard before they all went into the bedroom.”      “John put my hand on his penis and told me to rub it as my mum did to his dad, it did feel nice doing it Sandra, it was hot in my hand and it jerked when some cream came out the end. John said we should not tell anyone we did it, but he let me rub his penis every night afterwards. I thought I’d see him here this holiday but he hasn’t come,” Alice said a little sadly, obviously missing playing with her friend John penis. Sandra had always called it a dickey, although she had heard her mum call it a penis when she had seen her holding Uncle Fred’s dickey. Last night when mum was with that man, she had said she wanted his big cock when she had pulled his dickey or penis from his trousers. She had also heard Uncle Sid telling mum to sit on his cock when she had listened at mum's door. From now on Sandra was going to call it a penis it sounded better than Dickey, and it was what Alice was calling it. “I’ve never felt a penis Alice, but I’ve seen mum playing with my Uncle Sid’s, she must like it because she does it a lot, and I’ve seen her sucking it to,” Sandra said and saw Alice nodding. “My mum sucks penises too,” she said, the game totally forgot now, as they both had something in common to talk about. “I’ve seen her sucking dad’s penis lots of times when they thought I was asleep .” “Auntie Betty sucked dad’s penis one night before dad put it into her vagina, and I have seen Uncle Simon doing that to my mum too. While Betty and Dad have watched them, they must like it, they did it most nights,” Alice said, sitting up now they were not playing the game. “Do you like watching them doing it Alice?” Sandra asked. Now fully absorbed in her conversation with Alice, knowing now her mum wasn’t the only one who liked playing with men’s penises. “Yes Sandra, do you like watching your mum playing with your Uncle Sid’s penis?” Alice asked, her face beaming with a smile that showed she was enjoying their conversation. “Yes I do, and I like watching Uncle Sid playing with my mum’s vagina with his fingers, he makes her happy when he does it, have you seen your mum having her vagina played with?” Sandra asked, now eager to shear with Alice the things she had seen and heard. Alice gave a giggle and almost whispered as if she was telling a secret, “Yes we were watching my mum rubbing Simon’s hard penis one night when dad opened Auntie Betty’s legs and played with her vagina. I was rubbing John’s penis as we watched, when John put his hand on my vagina and rubbed it, it felt nice and I liked it. Then when my mum put Simon’s penis in her mouth, I copied her and did the same to John, he got very excited and his cream went into my mouth.” “It was salty but didn’t taste bad, and then he did what dad did to Betty and licked my vagina, that was the last night of our holiday last year. I thought he would be here this year, and we could do it again but we have to go home on Wednesday morning,” Alice said a little sadly and Sandra was quick to ask. “Did you like sucking John’s penis Alice; I’d like to try that, did you like him licking you?” Alice looked up smiling, “oh yes, I was going to do it to him again this holiday,” she said. Sandra heard the front door of the chalet open, and the two girls lay quite still, pretending to be asleep when the bedroom door opened, and Malcolm and Sandra’s mum came in. “Try not to wake her,” mum said, as Malcolm picked up Alice. “We could have left them sleeping, and had a quick fuck,” Malcolm whispered, and Sandra squinted one eye open to see him giving mum a kiss. “You can give me this again tomorrow night Malcolm,” mum said taking hold of Malcolm’s penis, and rubbed it, “Sally really likes watching you perform doesn’t she?” mum asked, as she rubbed his now hard penis. Then as they went through the door Malcolm whispered, “yes, and I like watching the two of you, eating pussy.” Sandra could hear no more, as they moved into the sitting area, but as she crept to the door, she saw them kiss at the front door.   Chapter 3 As Sandra entered the cafeteria for breakfast, she saw Alice waving at her from the table she and her mum and dad were sitting at. She sat beside Alice as mum kissed Sally and Malcolm hello, “another nice sunny day Nadine, I think it might be nicer than yesterday,” Malcolm said winking at mum. Sandra was puzzled at what he said, but mum seemed to understand and replied, “I think so too Malcolm, let’s hope our hideaway in the dunes is still vacant,” mum said smiling at him. When they got on the beach, they were happy to find that spot in the dunes was empty. Sandra and Alice went to get them all an ice cream when the umbrella and sand beds were set up. As they waited to buy the ice creams, Sandra looked back into the dune alcove, to see Malcolm standing in front of her kneeling mum, and Alice’s smiling mother looking at them. Their parents were sitting when Sandra and Alice returned, with all their ice creams. The two girls moved down to where the firmer sand was to build sandcastles, when they had finished their ice creams, and Malcolm came to help them. They had quite a big castle built when Sandra recognised a naked man walking along the beach, she had seen him with her mum in the chalet Saturday night, and he was with another man. He stopped and said something to the man with him when he looked into the dune alcove, where mum and Sally were. Sandra watched as the two men walked to her mum and started talking to her, Sandra saw her mum smiling at the man, then after a few words, she looked at Sally who nodded after mum had said something to her. The second smiling man started walking back toward the camp, as mum continued talking to the other man, then Sally stood up and came to speak to Malcolm. “Can you look after the girls for a few hours Malcolm, Nadine and I are going to the chalet, those two men have offered us two hundred pounds each for two hours. That other man has gone to fetch the other four men, that going to pay for almost half our holiday Malcolm,” a smiling Sally said to Malcolm, who just stood with his mouth open before saying. “You’re taking on six men for two hundred?” he asked, and Sally shaking her head said, “No only three each, and we do whatever they want to do in two hours, Nadine told them four hundred for all six, they wanted to pay fifty pounds each.” She smiled at him and then turned, to run to catch up with Nadine, who had started walking to the camp, with the man’s arm around her waist. At one fifteen, mum and Sally arrived with fish and chips for lunch, and then Sally took Sandra and Alice for a walk along the beach, leaving mum and Malcolm in the alcove. When they returned there was a couple with a boy, talking to Malcolm and mum. “Look, mum, its Uncle Simon and Betty, and John there as well,” Alice said, running ahead and calling out a welcome to their friends, and Sandra looked at the boy as he turned on hearing Alice’s voice. He was quite tall for a boy of thirteen, and his penis looked quite big to Sandra, then as Alice gave him a hug in welcome, it was hidden by the cloth shoulder bag he carried. Sally kissed the parents then bent to kiss the boy, as Alice beckoned Sandra to come to meet John her friend, who eye’s, Sandra noted, were studying her closely. After the greetings, Sandra Alice and John went for a swim then explored the sand dunes while the grownups chatted and renewed their friendship. The three of them chased one another through the gullies of the dunes, and over the tops of them, and then found themselves in the tall grass; looking down at Alice and John’s parents sitting facing Sandra’s mum, the two men were in the middle of the woman. They were laughing as they talked and joked, Alice’s mum Sally was sitting close to Simon and was rubbing his penis, while Betty was rubbing Malcolm’s penis, as they looked at Sandra’s mum, who sat with her legs open. The three of them watched, as they lay hidden in the long grass, as Sandra's mum leaned forward to suck Simon's penis. Malcolm put his hand between Nadine's legs, and from where the three were hiding, they could see his fingers in her vagina. John whispered for them to move away, for fear of being caught watching, and lead them to a hollow in the sand dunes where they were again hidden. “Is your mum like Alice’s mum and my mum Sandra, douse she like men putting their penises in her vagina,” John asked Sandra when they were in the hollow but Alice answered. “Yes, John but we haven’t seen them doing it yet, my mum and Sandra’s mum went off with two men this morning, and I think they went to have their penises. I have told Sandra we have seen our mums and dads playing with each other, and that we like doing it too, Sandra hasn’t played with a penis before, she can play with yours can’t she John?” Sandra did not know Alice was going to say anything like that and saw John smile as she did, “You can play with it after I have had a look at your vagina, Sandra, sit there and open your legs for me.” Sandra did as he asked, and opened her legs wide as he knelt between them, then she shuddered as his fingers opened her vagina so he could look closely, and he looked disappointed. “Bugger it, Sandra, you’re still a virgin like Alice, I was hoping I could finger your vagina like my dad douse to Alice’s mum, I like watching him do that to her and I could have put my penis into you too. Come on Alice sit beside Sandra, I’ll feel your vagina’s while you rub my penis,” John said a little grumpily, as he stood up with his hand still between Sandra’s legs, and Sandra saw his penis had grown a bit bigger than it was before. As Alice sat, she took hold of John’s penis and started rubbing it, Sandra watched closely as it got longer and harder, “here you rub it, Sandra,” Alice said smiling when it was long and hard. It was nothing like anything Sandra had felt before; it was hot and felt silky smooth to the touch, and she liked watching the end of it pop out of its skin surround, as she moved her hand up and down it. “My turn,” Alice said, taking his penis from her, much to Sandra’s dismay, she had enjoyed holding it as his fingers felt her vagina. Then she took a deep breath as Alice kissed the end of his penis, and then put her lips around it to suck it into her mouth. She watched enchanted as Alice moved her lips along his penis, and saw Alice looking at her sideways, then taking his penis from her mouth she said. “It’s your turn now Sandra, you can suck him for a while,” Alice said. John was eager for Sandra to suck more of his penis than she had put in her mouth, moving his hips he pushes his penis deeper into her mouth, making her lips slide along his hot penis. He had stopped feeling Alice's vagina and was now holding Sandra’s head as he moved his hips back and forth. Sandra liked feeling his hot penis moving in her mouth; and she liked the taste of something that oozed from it to make her mouth water, it tasted like sweet syrup. “I want it now,” Alice quickly said pushing Sandra away, as John started moving his penis faster in Sandra’s mouth. “I want his cream,” she said as she took his penis into her mouth, and sucked hard as John put his hands on her head. Sandra watched as his penis moved in and out of Alice’s mouth, then he made a funny noise as his hips jerked, and Alice’s cheeks bulged as his penis swelled and throbbed, and Alice made a gagging noise. John was holding Alice’s head as he jerked his penis into her mouth, and white stuff oozed from the corners of her lips before she swallowed, then she noisily and greedily sucked on his penis. “Fuck that was nice Alice now lick it,” John said after Alice had sucked him for a while, then Sandra watched as Alice pulled back the skin of his penis, to expose the end of it so she could lick around it as John said. “I suppose they will all go out tonight Alice, and leave us in one chalet as they did before, now if Sandra is with us I’ll lick both your vaginas but if she isn’t going to be with us I think I should lick her vagina now.” John had put his hand between Sandra’s legs again to rub her now sensitive vagina, and it felt nicer than it did before, as he rubbed his finger inside the top of her slit. As he said it Alice looked up still holding his penis and asked, “You will lick mine now as well John, I did drink your cream like you want me to, you should lick mine too?” she said putting his now soft penis back into her mouth, to suck it as she waited for John to answer. “Yes I will Alice but I want to see if Sandra’s vagina tastes as nice as yours, you can keep sucking my penis until I finish licking Sandra,” John said, guiding Sandra to sit on a tuft of grass halfway up the bank, so he could stand with his head between her legs, as Alice knelt to suck his penis. Sandra leaned back onto the sand dune, with her legs open as wide as she could, and looked at John as he opened her vagina with his fingers, then moaned and shivered as his tongue licked her. Oh, Sandra liked that and knew why her mother had liked that man licking her vagina Saturday night. It rather tickled in a nice way, and the more John licked the more Sandra liked it, especially when he tickled the little button at the top of her slit with the tip of his tongue. “You taste nice Sandra, do you like me licking you?” he asked, looking at her with his fingers rubbing her vagina. “Oh yes John I do I like it a lot, and I liked sucking your penis, I hope they leave us together tonight so we can do it again.” John smiled and made Sandra gasp and quiver, as he licked her vagina again. “John, when are you going to lick me?” Sandra heard Alice ask as she lay back enjoying what John was doing to her for a short while, “ok Alice I’ll lick you now change places with Sandra, and Sandra you can play with my penis and balls as I lick Alice.” When the three of them got back to their parents, they saw them still sitting and laughing, as they neared, Malcolm turned and said. “Hello you three have you been enjoying yourselves, don’t wander off again we will be going for a meal in half an hour, then onto the clubhouse for drinks. Do you want to go to the playhouse while we're in the club, or would you want to come with us?” he asked, Alice and Sandra looked at each other and said playhouse, and John nodded in agreement.  Chapter 4 At seven, their happy parents picked them up at the playhouse; to make their way to their respective chalets. Then they parted along the way, with cheerful ‘see you later’ remarks, when they had to turn off the main walk to reach their own chalet. Sandra and her mum showered together, to wash the sand and grim form the beach of them, and as mum towelled Sandra dry, she asked. “I've been asked out tonight with Malcolm and Sally, they’re going to meet Simon and Betty at the camp theatre to see the show. I told them I would ask you if you mind me leaving you again tonight, Sally said you could stay with Alice at their chalet, but that’s up to you Sandra?” Sandra smiled and answered. “I like Alice mum she’s fun, we had a good time last night when she was here, I don’t mind, you go out and enjoy yourself,” Sandra said, hoping John would be there too. Sandra watched her mum make up her face, then slip into a short summer dress then she did a pose for Sandra. “How’s this darling,” she said smiling at Sandra, who had noted mum had no underwear on again, not that she had any on ether under her nightdress. Then they walked hand in hand to Alice’s chalet, where mum was welcomed with a kiss from Malcolm and Sally. Alice dragged Sandra into her bedroom, to show her the dolls she had brought on holiday to play with. Malcolm had poured drinks for them all, only Alice and Sandra's were soft fizzy drinks, not the whiskey drinks he poured for the three of them. From Alice’s bedroom door, the living area was fully visible, and as the two girls peeked through the gape in the door. They saw Malcolm look towards the almost closed bedroom door, before sitting down, close to Sandra's mum on the settee, with Alice’s mum Sally on the other side of her. “How long have you known Simon and Betty Malcolm?” Nadine asked, smiling at him, then took a sip from her glass as Malcolm put his hand on her leg. “Oh we met them here three years ago in the camp nightclub, Simon asked Sally to dance, while they were on the dance floor I flirted with Betty, saying I really did like the dress she had on. It was a short low neckline dress that showed half her breasts, she knew I was looking at them, she turned to face me and opened her legs.” “She had no panties on and the dress was that short I could see her pussy, and then she just smiled at me as I put my hand up under her dress to finger her. When Sally and Simon came back to the table, they saw I was fingering Betty, and Simon sat Sally on his lap and put his hand up her dress. Sally said that while they were dancing Simon had felt her breast, and told her that he and Betty were swingers; we went to their chalet and partied most of the night.” “We have met them here every year since then,” Malcolm told a smiling Nadine, who had opened her legs as Malcolm’s hand had wandered up under her dress, and then Sally continued to talk. “We didn’t think they were coming this year, as they never arrived on Wednesday as usual, it seems the camp was fully booked, and they could not get a chalet until today, now we have only two nights to make the most of it with them, as we leave on Wednesday morning.” Sally finished smiling at Nadine who had now leaned back on the settee, smiling and opened her legs wider, so Malcolm could move his hand more freely. Although the girls knew what Malcolm was doing with his hand, they could not actually see his fingers inside Nadine’s vagina, but by the way, she was smiling and moving her hips, she was enjoying it. There was a knock on the chalet door and Malcolm removing his hand from between Nadine’s legs to answer it, he was sucking his fingers as he let a smiling Betty and Simon in. John came in wearing Superman pyjamas, Malcolm told him where Alice’s bedroom was. Sandra and Alice quickly moved away from the door as John opened it, and Alice closed the door noisily, before gently opening it just enough for them to peek and listen to what their parents said. Their parents were kissing each other as the three of them looked through the gap in the door. Malcolm had his arms around Betty, holding her tight as they kissed; Simon had sat beside Nadine and was leaning over to kiss her with one hand on her breast. While a smiling, Sally held two glasses of whiskey ready for Betty and Simon, for when they were ready to take them. Betty took her drink as she sat on Malcolm’s lap, and kissed him again as his hand slipped up under her skirt. Simon took his glass and kissed Sally thanks, as he pulled her onto his lap. “What about us having one before we go out?” Malcolm asked looking at Betty, who kissed him then said, “Oh yes please darling.” “What about Nadine Malcolm, who going to give her one?” Sally asked, taking hold of Nadine’s hand. “Simon and I will please her while you and Betty get our penises ready, then you can lick her out as Simon humps you,” Malcolm said getting up, and leading Betty to the bedroom. “Bugger we won’t see them doing it,” John complained, as the other three followed Malcolm into the bedroom. “We will have to wait until they go out before we can play mummies and daddies, they might just look in on us before they go, and we don’t want them to catch us, do we?” John said with a little authority. Showing he thought, as he was the oldest he should be in charge, and the girls should do as he said. He put the monopoly board on the floor, and handed out the money and houses, for them to place on the board, and then they sat listening for any sound coming from their parents. John was proven right when the bedroom door opened and Malcolm looked around it and saw them playing the board game. “Everything alright kids?” he asked and then said, “We’re off now; play nicely and enjoy yourselves,” he smiled and closed the door, and then they heard the chalet front door close.       “Get on the bed Sandra, and let me look at your vagina,” John ordered standing back from them, taking off his pyjama bottoms. “Alice you can play with my penis as I look at Sandra, then I’ll lick your vagina!" John ordered and Alice did as he said taking off her nightdress, and was rubbing his penis before he had removed his pyjama top. Sandra still sat mesmerized watching John's penis growing in Alice's hand until John's voice broke her concentration on his penis. "Come on Sandra take off your nightdress and get on the bed, you want me to feel your vagina don't you?" John asked a little impatiently and then looked down at Alice saying. "Not so fast Alice, I want to rub my penis between your legs before you make me cream, you liked that last time, I want to see if Sandra likes it too," John said, opening Sandra's legs wider as she sat naked on the bed, so he could look closely at her vagina. Sandra shuddered as John's fingers opened her vagina lips, and then gave a little gasp as he felt the tender flesh inside. "Is that nice Sandra?" he asked as she shuddered again and closed her eyes moaning softly, as his finger rubbed the little button at the top of her slit. "Yes John," she answered, now her hips were vibrating as his finger moved faster on her most sensitive bud. "When my dad douses this to my mum, he makes her squirt then he licks her vagina," John said making Sandra gasp again as he licked her, before sucking on the button. Sandra lay enjoying his mouth on her vagina, for a few more moments, then opened her eyes to look at him as he moved up her body, to feel her nipples and say to Alice. "That's enough, for now, Alice you can suck me after I've laid on you, I am going to see if Sandra likes my penis between her legs now!" John said, and Alice stopped playing with his penis and climbed onto the bed to watch. "I like this Sandra when I'm not a virgin John's going to do it with his penis in my vagina, just like dad does it to mum and Betty, Alice said as John was sucking one of Sandra's nipples, and playing with the other. John had sat on Sandra's legs with his legs either side of hers after he had slightly closed them and was sucking a nipple as he toyed with the other. Sandra found it quite nice, as his tongue sucked and tickled the little bud. Then she looked at him not quite knowing what he was doing, as he lay on her with his penis between her legs. "Close your legs," John said after he had opened her vagina lips so his penis lay along with her exposed vagina. Oh, she liked it, so much as he moved his bum up and down, to make his penis slide along the sensitive skin of her vagina, she closed her legs tighter on him, and that made it much better. Both John and she were enjoying the experience; he had started moving his penis faster when Alice's voice interrupted them. "It's my turn now John," she said from her position beside Sandra where she had lain down. John gave a few more jerks of his penis through Sandra's legs, and then by the look on his face, he reluctantly climbed onto Alice. "Oh I love this, I can't wait until I'm not a virgin, then you can shag me properly John," Alice said, and Sandra had not heard that word before, so she asked. "What do you mean Alice he can shag you properly"? Alice laughed, "Dad says he shagging mum or Betty when he puts his penis in them, I've heard him say it lots of times." John was moving his bum faster and then rolled off of Alice who sat up then leaned over to take his penis into her mouth, not long after John started jerking, and Alice sucked harder. Sandra watched as Alice gulped then swallowed when John's penis started throbbing. Sandra had moved away slightly then lay on her side to watch them; he had rolled off Alice to lie between them and had reached out his hands to feel their vaginas. "That was bloody good, did you enjoy me doing it to you Sandra, Alice always wants me to lie on top of her and make-believe I shag her. The next time we do it, I want you to suck my cream out of me Sandra." He said as Sandra was enjoying his finger rubbing her sensitive button that was hiding in her vagina, and wondered if she could let his cream squirt into her mouth as Alice did. Alice was still sucking his limp penis when she made a statement of what he had forgotten to do. "John you haven't licked my vagina yet, you were going to but didn't," she said, looking at him as she licked the tip of his penis. Then she smiled happily, as he got onto his knees, as she lay with her legs wide. "Sandra while I'm licking Alice, you can make out I'm a cow and you can milk my penis," John said, putting his head between Alice's legs to make her moan happily, as he licked her. With her hand between his legs, as she knelt behind him, Sandra could see his two testicles hanging as she stroked his soft penis. They were in a wrinkled skin shake, which stretched as Sandra felt it with her fingers. “Oh yes play with my balls,” John said lifting his mouth off Alice’s angina. “This is so good, having two girls to play with,” John said before he continued to lick Alice. Alice was enjoying him licking her and was voicing her pleaser. “Oh that’s nice John please suck my clit harder, am I tasty tonight, your tongue is so hot, oh yes do that again.” She kept on and on, giving John encouragement to please her more. He was more than willing to do just that and more, for his penis had grown a little in Sandra’s hand and Sandra watched it harden. “Suck me, Sandra! Then I want to make-believe shag you! Alice, I will do it to you after I have licked Sandra’s vagina and you have played with me, o/k.” John said, and Sandra did as he asked by lying on her back with her head between his legs. As she sucked she felt his penis harden fully in her mouth, and she liked the way it felt on her lips as she moved her head up and down. After a short while, she did not have to move her head, as John started pushing his penis into her mouth. Then she could taste something sweet oozing from his penis, it could not be his white cream, as he had said he wanted her to have it after he had shagged her. After a short time, he pulled his penis from her mouth and wiggled down her body until he could push his hard penis between her tightly closed legs and between her vagina lips. “Oh that’s bloody nice Sandra,” he said as he moved his bum up and down to push his penis along her hot vagina. The feeling of his wet penis sliding along her slippery vagina lips felt better now than it had done it before, and she started pushing her hips up to meet his downward thrusts. She had seen her mother do this with Uncle Sid in her bedroom, and John liked her doing it and started moving his penis faster. John started sucking Sandra's left nipple, and Sandra found it enjoyable, she hadn't known how sensitive her nipples were and it thrilled her as John sucked on her harden teat. She had watched men playing with and sucking on her mother's breasts many times, now she knew herself the pleaser those men gave her mum. Suddenly John got off her and moved quickly up her body, with some urgency. Sandra lifted her head, to see his bloated penis nearing her face. As she opened her mouth John's penis jerked and throbbed, and a jet of white cream spurted into Sandra's mouth. It took her by surprise as his hot cream splattered on her tongue and the back of her mouth. As she closed her mouth on his throbbing penis, she felt it pumping out his cream. She had liked sucking his penis before, but now with his tasty cream in her mouth too, she eagerly sucked his throbbing penis until he finished ejaculating, much to John's delight. "Fuck Sandra, that was good for the first time you've sucked a penis, did you like doing it?" John asked as Sandra let go of his shrinking penis, and nodding her head. "Yes, now I know why my mum likes to suck my Uncle's penis," Sandra said grinning. John smiled, "yes my mum likes sucking other men too, at least once a mouth I spy on her sucking some of dad's friends he invites around for a drink, and then they take turns shagging her." "I bet they're in your chalet shagging right now John, and I bet Sandra's mum has sucked both our dad's penises," Alice said, taking hold of John's soft penis and rubbing it. "What shall we play now John," Alice asked as she lovingly toyed with John's soft penis. John looked at his watch and then at Sandra. Looking like he was trying to work out, what he should do next, as the girls looked at him. "Its five to eleven now, I'm not sure how long we have got Alice, but normally they come for us around midnight. They might be later with Sandra's mum being with them; I think we should put on our night things, for when they come back.  Alice, you can still play with my penis, while I play with Sandra's vagina with her nightdress up. Alice was greedily sucking on John's penis still hoping it would harden when they heard the chalet front door open. They quickly adjusted their clothing, and the girls lay down as if asleep, then Sandra and John left with their parents.   Chapter 5 Their hideaway in the dunes was vacant when Sandra and Alice ran ahead of their mothers and Betty when they got on the beach. Malcolm Simon and John were not with them; they had booked a fishing trip for the day, and would not be back until three. The three women set up the umbrella and beach mats in the alcove and closed off the entrance with some wind brakes Betty had brought. Now settled in for the day hidden away almost from view, the women got out the sun cream and oiled each other's bodies. That included Sandra and Alice, who then set about enjoying themselves in the sand. By midmorning, the sun was getting warmer, and the two girls decided it was time for ice cream and a swim. Obtaining the money for the former, they set out for the little hut on the beach. Passing on the way two men lounging on the sand, who smiled at them as they passed? Sandra had seen one of the men before; he had taken mum into her chalet bedroom days before. As she was paying for the ice creams, Sandra turned to see the men walking towards their mothers. "Quick Alice lets climb up into the sand dunes, that's the man who shagged my mum the other night. I bet he is going to see if he can shag her again," Sandra said leading the way to the dunes closely followed by Alice. They quickly got above the place their mothers were, and crawling to the edge, they peered through the grass to see the two men standing at the wind brakes. They stood talking over the cloth wind-brakes to the three women in low tones, witch the two girls could not hear. They must have been talking quite friendly, as all five of them were smiling quite happily. From their position above and to one side of the group below them, the two girls could see the naked men's penises, were hard but hidden from their mothers behind the brakes. Nadine sat facing the men leaning back on her elbows, her legs bent and open and even Sandra could see her mum's vagina. One of the men said something to them, and Betty and Sally laughed looking at Nadine. Who smiling broadly was nodding her head at the remark he had made, and the two men went around the wind-brakes to join the women. Betty and Sally burst into happy giggles when the two men rounded the ends of the wind-brakes. Then reaching out they took hold of the men's hard penises, laughing as they rubbed the full length of them. Then Betty kissed the end of one, before putting it into her mouth to suck. Sally did the same when the man held her head, to pull her mouth onto his penis. As Betty sucked on his big penis, the man talked happily with Nadine. Sandra could not quite hear what was said, but her smiling mother opened her legs wider. Then with her feet firmly planted on the ground, she lifted her buttocks into the air. This spread her legs wider, and Sandra could see the pink inner flesh of her mother's vagina. Betty reluctantly had to let the man's penis go, as he pulled it from her mouth and moved towards Nadine. Kneeling between Nadine's legs, he held her waist and pushed his hips forward. Nadine gasped closed her eyes and bit her lower lip, as he shagged her with long hard thrusts. With him holding her, Nadine wrapped her legs around his waist and continued to gasp as he shagged her. Everybody was watching Nadine and the man when Sally suddenly choked and spluttered. The man she was sucking was holding her by her head and suddenly pushed his penis all the way into her mouth. She was now coughing and sputtering, with white cream oozing from the corners of her mouth, as she tried to push him off her. When he did let her go, she sat on the sand, with large goblets of white cream dribbling from her gasping mouth. It was now time for Betty to suck white cream, as the man shagging Nadine pulled out his penis, and offered it to Betty to suck. He never pushed it all the way into her mouth, but she did gasp out aloud and struggle to swallow when his penis jerked and throbbed. The two men stayed joking with the three women for a short time, most of the jokes were rude and sexy, and then the man who had shagged Nadine asked. "You three just suck and fuck men only, or do you please each other when there are no men around?" All three women giggled, and Nadine leaned back and spread her legs. Showing her wet and shiny vagina, she looked at Sally, who did not hesitate and bent to suck Nadine. Betty not to be outdone lay on her back, her head between the kneeling Sally to suck her vagina. That left Betty's vagina in full view as she lay opened legged, and one of the men knelt down to finger her exposed vagina. "I've never seen mum do that before," Alice whispered as she lay beside Sandra watching her mother with her head between Nadine's legs. "John likes doing it to us Sandra, and we like sucking John's penis, should we suck each other's vagina's to see if we like it as well?" Alice asked, putting her hand between Sandra's legs, as she turned on her side to look at Alice as she spoke. With Alice, stroking her vagina Sandra rolled onto her back, opening her legs wider. Closing her eyes Sandra could imagine, it was John that was licking her. At first, it did feel as nice as when John did it to Sandra. Alice after her first initial tentative licks of Sandra's vagina got bolder. Now, she was moving her tongue through every crease of Sandra's vagina, even making Sandra vibrate as she sucked on Sandra's sensitive tiny clitoris. "Oh I like this Sandra," Alice said, moving around, to lift her leg over Sandra's head. "Lick me Sandra; see if you like my vagina as well?" It was not the same as sucking John, but it was nice after all, perhaps it was doing something naughty, that made it so nice. Alice was obviously enjoying the experience; she was having. She was moaning as she moved her vagina on Sandra's mouth while sucking and licking at Sandra's clitoris. Alice was reluctant to stop when Sandra suggested, they should go see what their mothers were doing. Crawling to the top of the dune, they peered down on the three women, who now sat alone. They could see that they were talking and laughing, but could not hear what was said. "The men have gone Sandra, do you think they will be back. Or do you think there will be more men visitors?" Alice asked, laying close beside Sandra, her hand on Sandra's bum. "I think we should stay here just in case someone else comes, I could play with your vagina again if you like?" Alice said, her hand moving between Sandra's legs, to stroke her vagina, and reawaken the nice feeling Alice had given her with her tongue. It was becoming obvious Alice liked to imitate, the naughty things the grownups did. Before now Sandra did like looking at what her mother did with men, now she was liking John and Alice doing some of those things to her. That's why she rolled onto her back and opened her legs, to let Alice feel and lick her. Later as the two girls approached the place their mothers were, they saw John Malcolm and Simon coming along the beach. Rushing to greet them, Sandra asked the two men how the fishing had been. Alice pulled John aside and whispered something to him, as the men told Sandra of their day. Their mothers were still alone when they got back to them, and it was decided they should go into the camp, for drinks and maybe an early meal. John Alice and Sandra went off to the funhouse, while the grownups went off somewhere, to do other things. They came back as arranged, an hour and a half later to pick them up. Returning to their chalets they showered and dressed, Sandra in her nightdress and Nadine in her party dress. They all met at John's chalet at eight, where the grownups had drinks, while John Sandra and Alice went into John's bedroom to play board games. Alice had already told John earlier, that they had watched their mothers licking each other's vaginas, and that Alice and Sandra had tried it themselves and liked it. He was eager to see Alice licking Sandra, as they entered the bedroom he took out his penis saying. "Sandra you can suck me as Alice licks you, then I'll watch you licking each other before I pretend shag you both when I'm hard again. We have only one more day before you have to go home." John was right their weeks holiday was almost over, tomorrow was Friday they were going home on Saturday morning! She was going to miss John and Alice; she was going to miss doing this with them. Sucking John's penis had become something of an obsession; she had looked forward to each day. Now with Alice engrossed in licking Sandra's vagina, Sandra would get the bonus of John's cream, when he ejaculated. Only Alice was on hand to suck John when his penis began to harden in her hand, as he was sucking on Sandra's clitoris. She let him go when he wanted to play shag her, then she sucked him until he came after he had play shagged Sandra. She had just swallowed his cream when their parents returned and had to say goodnight. Friday went by quite quietly no strange men appeared, and after their picnic lunch, Malcolm told them to buy ice cream, and go play in the surf for an hour. Instead, they climbed on top of the dune and watched their parents shagging, and Sandra sucked John's penis as Alice licked Sandra's vagina. Then again, that night Sandra swallowed John's cream in his bedroom when their parents went out together, but then she had to wait until late because Alice sucked him first. It was quite emotional for Sandra; it would be the last time she could do this to John. This had been their first holiday away from home; her mum hadn't said anything about coming here again. So she doubted if she would ever see John again, Alice her mum and Malcolm, met Betty and Simon here every year. Alice would have John all to herself next year, Sandra thought as she sucked the last drop of John's cream from his penis.    Chapter 6 They got home at two pm after their four-hour train ride, and Sandra had found it strange wearing clothing after a week of being naked. She had fidgeted about in the train, as wearing her summer dress irritated her skin. When she mentioned it to her mum, she got a sympathetic response. "It's the suntan darling, you can take your dress off when you get home, and just wear your panties until it gets better." So as soon as she entered the house off came the dress, and Sandra felt much better. There wasn't much to go in the washing machine and as it washed, Nadine went through the post that had piled up. "Uncle Sid has invited himself to dinner on Sunday Sandra," her mum said holding up a sheet of paper that was among the letter. "He'll be here at ten Sunday morning to find out how the holiday went; we will have to go to the shops to buy groceries." Mum said going through the rest of the mail, "bill, rubbish, bill, not interested she mumbled to herself, as she pilled some to one side, and throw some papers away. "Come on Sandra get your dress on, the sooner we go to the shops the better," Mum said picking up her purse, and several shopping bags. With a fifteen minute, walk to the supermarket, then fifteen minutes to shop, brought them home forty-five minutes after they left. Uncle Sid was slightly early at nine forty-five, Sandra and her mum were up but mum was still in her dressing gown. With welcoming hugs and kisses, Uncle Sid was pleased to see them. Especially when Sandra, gave him the stick of rock she had bought back for him. Mum poured him a drink, and then Sandra sat on his lap as they told him about their holiday. Of what there was to do in the camp, and all the good food, and of the nice beach. "Oh darling pop down to the supermarket for me, and get some custard to go with the appal pie for tea?" Mum asked Sandra when she had finished telling Sid of the holiday camp. With money in hand and shopping bag, Sandra skipped out the door. Two doors down the road, Mrs Jenkins was getting into her car. "Hello Sandra, you going to the supermarket?" She asked, holding open the door for Sandra to get in when Sandra said, "Yes." "I'll be in and out myself," she said to Sandra when she said what she was going for. Sandra found she was back at home a full thirty minutes before she should have been. Going around to the kitchen door she quietly entered, in the hallway she peeked through the crack of the living room door. Mum was standing between Sid's open legs, her dressing gown wide open. Licking her lips, as her hand stroked Uncle Sid hard penis.   Uncle Sid took mums dressing gown off her, and mum turned around to sit on his lap. Then she moaned softly, as she moved up and down with his penis in her vagina. Sandra quickly went back to the kitchen and out the kitchen door, to linger a while before entering the front door of the house. After mum got off Sid's lap to turn and suck his throbbing penis, as Sid told her she was the best cocksucker he knew. Sandra's mouth watered, she knew what mum was sucking from his penis. Mum was in the kitchen seeing to the dinner; Uncle Sid was watching the telly drinking whiskey. When Sandra did come in, so Sandra sat upon his lap and had a sip of his drink he offered and snuggling up close to him. With his arm around her, his hand on her thigh just below her short skirt. His fingers were on the tender inside flesh, of her thigh. Sid got a smile from mum when she came in to give him a fresh drink. By the time dinner was ready, Sandra had had a few more sips of whiskey from Uncle Sid's glass. When mum cleared away the dishes, Sid and Sandra went into the living room. As they sat alone facing one another, Sid asked Sandra about her holiday. "Did you enjoy your holiday, and was the beach nice cupcake?" he said to a happy looking Sandra. "Oh yes Uncle Sid, the beach was long with soft sand, and high sand dunes to play in, Alice John and I really enjoyed playing in them." Sandra said to a smiling Sid, as he sat and listened to her happily telling him of her week. "These friends were the same age as you, did they all played naked with you Sandra. I take it you were all in the nude; I mean it was a nudist holiday camp wasn't it?" Sid asked, and a laughing Sandra looked at him and said. "O yes Uncle Sid, we were all naked, John Alice and their mum and dads were all naked. Mum was naked too, and we spent all week together." "So you saw lots of men's genitals Sandra, and they could see your vagina and your mum's? Sid asked with a smile, Sandra gave a happy girly giggle and then smiling said. "Yes Uncle Sid I saw lots of men's and young boy's penises, some were big and some were small. Some men rubbed their penises hard, while Alice and I were looking at them. We never said anything to mum, because we saw some men do it in front of mum and Alice's mum Sally, it was just something men did there." Uncle Sid looked at her smiling, then in almost a whisper said. "Did you like looking at the men's penises Sandra?" he asked, now very intent on her answer. "Err yes Uncle Sid, that was alright wasn't it, we saw Alice's mum and my mum looking and joking with the same men?" Sandra answered a little unsure if she should have said anything about seeing their hard penises at all. "Oh yes cupcake quite alright, I bet the men and your friend John liked seeing your vagina didn't they?" Sid said, watching her smile again, and knew he was on the right track. "The thing is Sandra, did you enjoy them looking at your vagina, while you looked at their penis. That is all that matters darling, if you like doing things like that then it is all right. Now I like looking at girls vaginas, would you show me yours, and I'll show you my cock if you want?" He said opening his legs and pulling down the zip of his flies. Sandra stood up and pulled down her knickers, and then lifting her skirt she sat opened legged. As she watched him take out his penis, and rub it until it was big and hard. She had seen it before, but now it was just in front of her. It was so close she could have reached out, to touch it. She was about to ask Uncle Sid if she could feel it when mum called out "Anybody wants a drink." Uncle Sid picked up Sandra's panties putting them in his pocket, as Sandra closed her legs. "We'll keep this our little secret, for now, Sandra, I'll let you see my cock again when we have more time," Sid whispered and winked just before the door opened. Nadine came in carrying a tray with drinks on, whiskey for her and Sid a fruit drink for Sandra. All three sat chatting about the holiday camp, what there was to do and the food you could get there. "Would you go back for another holiday Nadine?" Uncle Sid asked, and Sandra was pleased when her mum said yes. Once again, Sandra had sat on Sid's lap, his fingers again high on the inside of her leg. If she had sat the other way around, her mum may have seen under her skirt and noticed she had no knickers on. Three-thirty mum went out and put the apple pie in the oven. In those, few minutes Sid winked at Sandra and lifted her skirt, making her giggle as he looked at her vagina. She was on his lap again, as mum was taking out the tea dishes. This time opening her legs and trembling, as he lifted her skirt and felt her vagina. He gave her a kiss as his finger rubbed her clitoris, and she thrilled as he put her hand on the bulge in his trousers that could only be his penis. They had no time for more, as mum returned with drinks. Then mum wanted to talk in privet to Sid and took him into her bedroom. Sandra was supposed to go to her own bedroom, but she stayed listening to them outside her mother's door. Coming home from school on Monday, Sandra saw two men leaving her home as she approached it. She had seen them before when they had come while she was home. Her mum had sent her to the supermarket, for something or other, she could not remember what. She did remember her mum look a little worse for wear when they left. Her mum couldn't be seen, when she got into the house. "I'm in my bedroom having a rest darling, her mum said when Sandra called. Going to the bedroom door Sandra peeked through the gap, to see her mum naked on the bed. She was lying spread-eagled on the plastic bed cover mum always had on it, her vagina was shiny and wet with white cream oozing from it. Mum had been like this the last time, Sandra had seen her when the men left. She knew what the white cream was; she had sucked it from John. Wednesday Uncle Frank was still visiting mum when Sandra got home, he was just about to go when Sandra came in the door. Mum was still in her dressing gown, and mums bed was untidy when Sandra past the open bedroom door. While they were having tea, mum told Sandra she had to go out Thursday evening. "I won't be too late darling; it's just a friend's birthday party. Uncle Sid said he'd look after you, he is staying the night, and has to go to Plymouth on Friday."     Chapter 7 Thursday Sandra got home at three-thirty, to find Uncle Sid was already there. He sat in the living room drinking whisky when Sandra entered. Mum was in the kitchen making an early dinner, as she was going out at five. Uncle Sid would drive mum to the party fifteen minutes away, then he would pick her up at nine to bring her home. Holding out his arms, Sandra run to him and sitting on his lap gave him a kiss hello. "What game would you like to play, while your mum's out tonight cupcake?" He asked smiling, as he made her laugh by tickling her inner thigh. With her legs open, he just had to move his fingers an inch or two to feel her panty covered vagina. She laughed again as he tickled her there, and with her mouth near his ear, she whispered. "If you remember you were going to show me your penis again," Sandra said looking at him shyly, and then smiled widely as he laughed. They had to go into the dining room, as it was dinnertime, and then with the dishes done Sid drove Nadine to the party. It seemed a long time to Sandra for Uncle Sid to return, then she stood looking at him, not knowing what to do when he did. He went to the drinks cabinet and filled a glass with whiskey and ice. Giving it to her so she could drink some of it, before kissing her and saying in a very tender voice. "Shall we play a game of being on holiday Sandra, we can make out we are at that nudist camp. Being naked, you can look at my cock and I can see your cunt. I bet you played with your friend John's cock, and he played with your cunt." Sid said as he undid Sandra's blouse and removed it, then he took off her skirt and panties and looked at her. She just stood there, as his hand went between her legs, to feel her vagina before he took off his shirt. Then she was transfixed, as he undid his trousers, and shied aloud when his thick penis appeared. "There you are, Sandra, do you like my cock, and you did rub John's cock hard didn't you? Would you like to play with mine Sandra?" Sid asked as he saw her nodding her head to his first question. He sat her in the chair as she began rubbing his penis, then when it was a solid length of flesh. He took it from her and knelt, as he spread her legs to look at her young virginal vagina. "That is such a nice looking cunt Sandra, one day I'm going to fuck it when you're ready. Right now, I am going to enjoy muff diving your cunt Sandra, I think you will enjoy it too. Sid said smiling, before putting his head between her legs, and Sandra gasped then moaned as his tongue licked her hot vagina. She had liked John and Alice doing this, but their tongues were not as good as Uncle Sid's was. Every part of her vagina was tingling after he had licked her for half an hour. When he stood up Sandra was gasping for breath, and she felt happy all over. He was standing with his penis only inches from her face; the hole in the top of it had shiny goblets oozing from it. "Kiss my cock," Sid demanded, moving it closer to her mouth, and Sandra posed her lips. She had wanted to suck it when she first saw it on Sunday, but mum was there and they didn't have the time. Now, mum wasn't here, and they had over two hours before Sid had to go and pick her up. The juice on his penis spread over her lips, as she kissed the top of his penis. Lifting her head she smiled at him, as she licked the juice off her lips. Then it was Sid turn to shy, as Sandra opened her mouth, and took the bloated head of his penis into her hot mouth. As she sucked, more of his juice oozed from the hole, making her mouth water as her taste buds savoured his juicy precum. She sucked harder and moved her lips on his penis, as John had told her to do. Uncle Sid had his eyes closed, as he savoured the pleaser she was giving him. He had taken hold of her head, and as she sucked and played with his balls. He moved his hips back and forth shagging her mouth, much to his and Sandra's joy. Much too soon Sandra felt Uncle Sid's penis thicken, as it swelled in her mouth. She had sucked John's penis four times and knew exactly what was about to happen. She sucked harder one hand holding his balls, as the other rubbed his penis. Uncle Sid went to pull his penis away from her, but Sandra held on to him. Sucking harder, when his penis started to throb, then jerk, as his warm cream pumped into her mouth. She sucked and slurped as she drank it down, enjoying every goblet of cum his penis spurted. It was thicker and taster than John's sperm, Alice would have loved it. She would have loved sucking Uncle Sid big fat penis as well, only she wasn't here, Sandra had it all to herself, and she was enjoying sucking him.   So was Uncle Sid, "Shit that's fucking nice Sandra, you've sucked cock before haven't you, you little slut?" He said as his penis throbbed in her mouth, while she sucked the last drops of his sperm from it. "Fuck it's going to be hard not to want to break you in and fuck that tight little cunt of yours!" She was looking up at him, her eyes twinkling with happiness, knowing she had pleased him. As now she had taken his penis from her mouth and was kissing it as it shrank in her hand. "O/K you little cocksucker, tell me who you've been sucking off?" Uncle Sid said, looking down at her as she happily smiled at him as she kissed his soft penis. "John and Alice had been watching their parents having sex for a long time; three years ago they all met at that holiday camp. It was then they saw Simon shagging Alice's mum Sally and Betty John's mum s shagged by Malcolm, they suck their penises afterwards, it was the first time John and Alice had seen them doing it. John and Alice decided they wanted to see what it was like, to copy their parents. Only Alice is still a virgin so John couldn't shag her, but he could play with her vagina and she could suck him. They liked it a lot, so every year when they met at the camp, they would play with one another, when they were alone. This year I met Alice first, then John arrived later, we were playing on the beach then went up into the dunes." "We found we were above our parents and looking down at them, and saw mum sucking Malcolm's penis. As Simon shagged Sally with Betty watching them, we crept away into a hollow. Where Alice shocked me by starting to suck John's penis and John felt my vagina before I tried sucking his penis. I liked it and sucked it every night afterwards Uncle Sid. I like sucking yours much better than John, can I do it again later." "You are a little minx aren't you; I thought it was going to take a while to get you ready to fuck. I bet you'd let me fuck you now wouldn't you, you sexy bitch. Get in that chair and open your legs, I want another look at your cunt." Uncle Sid said, lifting her upright and turning her to sit her in the armchair. Then lifting her legs over the arms, he spread her legs wide, then he knelt to look at her vagina. Sandra was trembling with excitement, as she looked at him with his head so close. She had liked John feeling and looking at her, then to make-believe shag her. Only she had seen Uncle Sid shagging her mum for real, and wanted to feel his penis between her legs. She began to twitch, as Uncle Sid's fingers pulled apart her vaginal lips so he could kiss her clitoris. Then she twitched again when his finger, touched her vaginal entrance under her maidenhead skin. Panting, she felt him pressing the skin down with his finger and then moves it around the rim of her hole. "Are you going to stop me being a virgin now Uncle Sid, are you going to shag me when you brake that skin over my hole?" Sandra asked, feeling his fingertip press the skin into her hole a little further. "Not today cupcake, not today, I am tempted I must admit, but no I won't fuck you today." Uncle Sid said, moving his intruding finger up to her clitoris, to rub it and make Sandra jerk her hips. It felt nice having him touch her there; she had liked it the first time John did it to her. "You haven't had an orgasm yet have you cupcake, let's see if I can give you one," Sid said, putting his mouth over her tiny bumps, which were her growing tits to suckle her nipple. "Uncle Sid will my breasts get as big as mums, she likes having them sucked doesn't she?" Sandra asked, her voice reflecting her dreamily state, as she lay in the chair enjoying what Sid was doing to her. Lifting his head, Sid looked at her smiling contented face and her half-closed eyes with a little suspension. By asking that question she had not realised, she had given herself away. "Have you been spying on your mum and me fucking young lady?" Sid asked. His free hand pulling and pinching her right nipple, as the fingers of the right hand rubbed her wet slippery clitoris. "You leave the door ajar Uncle Sid, I like seeing mum happy when you shag her. That's why I want you to shag me; I want to feel like mum when you have your penis in her." Sid rubbed Sandra's clit faster, as he pulled on her nipple. "So how long have you been watching me and your mum fucking Sandra?" Sid asked, pinching her nipple harder, as his fingers made her vibrate. She may not be able to orgasm yet, but her nipples and clitoris were sexually sensitive. "I've seen you and Uncle Fred shagging mum for years, Uncle Fred always bends mum over the end of the bed and shags her from behind. Mum likes you shagging her any way you like, but she always sucks you and Fred until you cream in her mouth after." Sandra said twitching, as Sid's fingers made her clit tingle unbearably because he had made it tender to touch. She stayed with her legs open; when Sid moved his hand up to her other nipple. "If you want big tits, Sandra, I'll have to hand-rear them for you. You will say nothing to your mum, about what I am doing to you until I tell you are too. I'll get Nadine some more parties to go too, and I'll come around to babysit you. Then you can suck my cock all night; the protean in my spunk will do you good. If you do as you are told, I'll play with your tits and make them grow. You do like me licking your cunt don't you Sandra; if you're a good girl I'll brake you in and fuck you soon." Sid said making her twitch again, as he tickled her clit with his tongue. She moaned as his fingers pinched and pulled her nipples, for some time as he licked her. Then her eyes opened wide when he stood up and she saw his penis was hardening. Without asking, she held his growing penis, as she put his knob end into her mouth, to begin sucking him. All the time she sucked; he played with her nipples that were now tender. "I'll have to go and pick up mum, after you've sucked me off, Sandra. Get yourself off to bed while I am gone, I'll pop in to say goodnight later." Sid said, slowly fucking Sandra's mouth, then making her gag as his spunk spurted into her throat. That didn't deter her from drinking all he shot into her mouth and licking off the cum that oozed from his knob end. Even then, she didn't want to give his penis up, when it had shrunken to almost half its ridged size. True to his word, Sid came into her bedroom to say goodnight and sliding his hand under her bedclothes to pinch her nipples. Then feeling her virginal vagina as he kissed her, he took out his penis so she could hold it. Then after she had kissed and given it a quick suck, he returned to her mother to sleep the night with her.   Chapter 8 The days dragged by painfully slow for Sandra, especially when mum told her she had two parties to go to this coming week. The two men that often came on a Saturday had brought a message from Uncle Sid, and Sandra was delighted with the news. Mum was invited to two parties, one on Thursday and the other on Friday. They were both in the evenings, from five pm to nine pm. Uncle Sid would take her there, then look after Sandra until he brought mum home again. Sandra ran all the way home on Thursday and delighted Uncle Sid when she jumped onto his lap. To kiss him hello, and say how pleased she was to see him, then when mum went out to get dinner ready she whispered. "Will you show me your penis, Uncle Sid? I have been longing to see it all week. You won't be taking mum for another hour, and you won't be back for a half-hour after that. I can't wait that long, you can look at my vagina if you want." Sandra said lifting her school skirt, to show him her school knickers. "I can wait to see your cunt you little tart, but I'm not taking mum to the party now. One of the boys will be here at four-thirty to take her, you have my cock until they return her at nine-thirty. You can look at my cock if you want to now; only you will have to release it from my trousers yourself. Men think it is very sexy if the girl takes their cock out to suck them, to him, it means the girl wants his cock." Sid said lifting her off his lap, so she could unzip his flies. Then she released his thick limp penis, and as she held and looked, it was hot in her hands he continued talking. "Sandra from now on I want you to start using grownup language, what you are holding is a cock, not a penis. Your vagina is a cunt, and when a man puts his cock into your cunt, he is fucking you not shagging and these are tits not breasts." As he stopped talking, he put his hands over her little bumps. Then he smiled as he pinched her nipples when she bent foreword to kiss his knob. "Give my cock a quick suck Sandra, it won't get hard yet, your mum sucked me off not long ago. Now you have a visitor coming at five, I'll tell you what I want you to do when your mum has gone. We will have half an hour, to ourselves before he gets here. You can play with my cock and suck me off then, I'll play with you when our guest goes." Sid said, as Sandra happily slurped on his soft cock before he suddenly picked her up and sat her on his lap. He had heard Nadine coming from the kitchen and had sat Sandra on his lap just as the living room door opened. "Dinner almost ready, make yourselves a drink and go to the dining room!" Nadine said, poking her head around the door, and smiling at the two of them. "Right mum," said Sandra wiggling her bum on Sid's lap, as Nadine went back to the kitchen. Sid had deposited her on his lap, with his cock still out of his trousers. Sandra could feel it on her bare thigh, and wiggling her bum Sandra closed her legs to trap it between them. Moving her legs up and down, she rubbed his cock as she turned smiled and kissed him. "One of these days I'll sit you on my lap, and fuck you like this you sexy bitch," Sid said, feeling her tits as she kissed him. Then getting up, Sandra had one last feel of his cock, before putting it away and zipping up his trousers. As they were finishing the dishes, there was a knock on the door; the man taking Nadine to the party was here. He was a little early and had to wait for Nadine to tidy herself. While she was in her bedroom, Sid and the man talked in low voices. Sandra could not hear what they said, but the man was smiling as he looked at her. Then taking Sandra by the arm, Sid led her into the living room. The young man smiling followed them into the room, and then closed the door behind him. "This isn't your visitor for tonight Sandra, but someday soon you will be sucking his cock. He has just asked me if you would show him your virgin cunt?" Sandra hesitated for a second, and then lifting her skirt, she pulled down her knickers and sat on the settee. Then leaning back she opened her legs, so he could see for himself she was a virgin. She trembled as his fingers opened her cunts outer lips, spreading them wide to see her maidenhead skin covering her fuck hole. "Fuck Sid how long before you let us have her, I can't wait to get my cock in that tight fuck hole. I'll be fucking her mum tonight, but I'll be thinking of fucking this one." The young man said, kissing Sandra's cunt, and then standing up as they heard Nadine call. "I'm ready to go," as they heard the door handle turn. Sandra had pulled her knickers to her thighs and then pulled her skirt down to cover them. Just as her mum came into the room, to smile at the men and kiss Sandra. "Goodnight baby, be a good girl for Uncle Sid," she said before smiling at the young man. "Shall we go then, 'oh' how many will be at the party tonight?" she asked hooking her arm through his. "Six tonight Nadine tomorrow there will be four," Sandra heard him say as they went through the door. As the front door closed, Sid took his cock out. "Suck me hard Sandra, your visitor is here at six. Before he arrives you can suck me off, but first I want you to feel my hot cock on your cunt." Sandra took his knob into her mouth and happily sucked it as it swelled in her mouth. With his trousers and pants around his ankles, Sid sat on the settee when his cock was hard. With her knickers still around her knees, Sid sat her on his lap with his hard cock between her legs. As he moved his hips, his bare cock rubbed between her legs, and along her virgin cunt. She had liked it when John put his cock between her legs, to make-believe shag her. Only Sid's cock was thicker and made her hot and breathless as it rubbed her clitoris. Sid's cock got wet and slippery, as it rubbed along her cunt. Then with his arms around her waist, he stood up and her legs dangled as he bent her forward. He was moving his hips faster now, and Sandra's cunt felt nice and hot with the friction. Suddenly he lifted her off his cock, to push her to her knees. Then holding her head pushed his cock into her mouth, for her to suck him off. Having her cunt rubbed by Sid's cock had aroused Sandra; she held his balls as she rubbed his cock.  While she sucked hard on his cock, waiting for him to fill her mouth with his cum. Sid had been tempted to fuck her properly, while he had held her at his hips. The way she was panting and moaning as he held her there, she was obviously highly sexed up. A slight adjustment to her, and he could have rammed his cock into her cunt. It would have given her pain at first, but she had asked him to fuck her hadn't she. He had overcome the urge because his business head had overruled him. Having a cock-sucking virgin, was a bigger asset than a teenage prostitute. Her first customer was due in fifteen minutes if he had fucked her he couldn't offer her up as a virgin. This virgin was now gulping down his spunk and was really enjoying it. She was looking up at him and smiling, as she sucked the last drops from his cock. "Good girl Sandra, you'll have another cock to suck soon. If you like pleasing him, I'll get you more cocks to suck. Now let's get ready for him, pull up your knickers and lay face down on the settee. Bend your left leg up a bit more, oh yes that's it you look sexy like that. He will want to lift your skirt and pull your knickers down to see your bum. Make out your asleep and let him do what he likes, then you can wake up and suck him off. O I think he is here now, I'll let him in Sandra." Sid said patting her backside before leaving the room, to return moments later with another man. Sandra squinted her eyes and saw a short elderly bald man, looking at her intently. "There you are William, a young virgin for you as promised. You can look and feel her as much as you like, only she must stay a virgin do you understand." Sid said, and Sandra heard the man say 'yes' as her skirt lifted. A few moments later, he pulled her panties off her buttocks.   Opening her eyes, she saw the man looking at her ass, and he smiled at her as his hands felt her buttocks. Prising them apart, he looked at her cunt and smiled at her again. For long moments, he looked and his fingers felt her, and then lowering his head he kissed then licked her cunt. Sid was sitting in a chair watching what the man was doing, and Sandra was enjoying having Sid watching. He had taken his cock out for her to look at, and although it was soft, she liked looking. The man turned Sandra onto her back and removed her knickers completely. Then he spread her legs, so he could get his head between them to suck on her cunt. He sucked her cunt lips and her clitoris very excitable, lifting his head several times to look at her. Then very red-faced, he stood up and took his cock out. It was short and fat and he rubbed it vigorously, looking at her exposed cunt. Sid was moving his hand by his open mouth, and she realised he meant suck him. Sitting up she made the man gasp, as she took his cock into her mouth and sucked it. He had been excited before, now he was beside himself and all too soon, his cock started jerking. Sandra sucked all his spunk from him, then laid down for him to kiss and suck her cunt again. Before Sid said his time was up and as Sid lead him out Sandra heard the man ask. "Can I see her again Mr Butterworth she has such a tasty cunt, and I'd like her to suck me off again?"  "Of course you can William, I have her again tomorrow night if you would like to come at seven?" Sandra heard before the front door closed, and waited for Sid to come back. "Well, how was that Sandra, William was very pleased with you. Did you like him playing with your cunt Sandra; I know he has a small cock but was it nice?" Sid asked as he dropped his trousers, and then undid his shirt. "O yes Uncle Sid, I heard him ask if he could do it again, will he be here tomorrow?" She asked a smiling Sid, who was standing naked watching her remove her blouse to be naked also. "Yes Sandra he will, but you'll have a younger man, with a bigger cock to suck first. Will, that be alright Sandra, with mine that will be three cocks, you'll have to suck?" Sid asked moving to her and playing with her tits, as he bent to kiss her and pull her nipples. Sandra winched as he pulled and twisted her nipples as it hurt at first, but she liked the thrill that through her as he did it. While he pulled her nipples, she was holding and rubbing his hot cock. As she tried to make it hard again, so he could rub it on her cunt again. She had liked that and wanted to feel his cock on her cunt once more. Then she couldn't believe her ears when Sid stopped kissing her and asked. "Do you want me to lick your cunt, while you play with my cock until I'm hard again? Or, would you like to sit on me, and wank my cock with your cunt, until you suck me off?"  Sandra didn't hesitate, Sid was offering her just what she desired most. "I want to sit on your cock please Uncle Sid!" she almost yelled. A smiling Sid picked Sandra up in his arms and carried her to her bedroom. Throwing her on the bed, she laughed as she bounced on the mattress. Then as Sid lay down, Sandra knelt over his waist and lowered her cunt onto his cock. As Sid played with her tits and nipples, Sandra moved her hip back and forth, loving the feeling of his cock sliding on her cunt. Earlier when Sid had rubbed his cock on her cunt, she had felt strange and her cunt had become wet. She was feeling strange again, as his cock rubbed between her cunt lips. His cock was getting wet again, as her tingling clitoris stroked along his cock. She closed her eyes and shied with the sheer joy the feelings were giving her. Her joy and pleaser increased as his cock hardened, now she could rub her cunt along the full length of his hot cock. The increased pleaser made her sweat and feel flustered, and as she puffed and panted. She felt the wetness between her legs as if she had peed herself, and her hips jerked uncontrollably. While she gasped with the intents feelings in her lower body, Sid pinched her nipples hard. Then smiling at her as her cunt vibrated on his cock, and her body visibly trembled. "Fuck baby you're having your first orgasm isn't it wonderful, now don't faint on me breath baby breath. That's it baby enjoy it, grind that cunt on my cock, god that's a lot of cum, I want to taste that." Sid said, rolling her over to lay her on the bed, so he could get his head between her legs. She lay almost comatose; with her hips jerking and her cunt pulsating. He lapped at her cunt, and drink down the warm liquid oozing from her. Lapping up the first flood from her cunt, Sid turned himself around. So Sandra could hold and suck his cock, as he lapped again at her cunt. Sandra was very emotional as she sucked his cock, she had found it tastier than it had been before. It was coated with a slippery substance, she had not tasted before. Then she had a mini orgasm as she realised, the substance was her own cum and she was sucking it off Sid's cock. It was then Sid's cock started throbbing, then as it jerked thick cum spurted from its end. This heightened Sandra's orgasm, and Sid lapped up her sweet cunt juice that oozed from her. Long after she had sucked Sid's cock dry, Sandra laid feeling his cock and kissing it. While Sid played with her tits and felt her cunt until it was time to take her to the bathroom. Where he tenderly washed Sandra between her legs, before they both dressed for Nadine coming home.   Chapter 9 Sandra woke early Friday morning and still her baby-doll nightwear, ran to the dining room where Sid was finishing his breakfast. Nadine was topping up his coffee as Sandra entered and smiled widely as Sandra greeted Uncle Sid with a kiss good morning. "Would you like eggs on toast baby," mum asked. Then she left for the kitchen when Sandra, nodding her head saying 'yes'. As Nadine left the room, Sandra climbed onto Sid's lap saying. "That old bold man is coming again tonight isn't he; you said there was going to be two. Will I have time to play with you before they arrive? I really liked it last night, can you do that to me again tonight Uncle Sid?" she said, wiggling her bum on Sid's lap. As she had climbed onto his lap, his arms went around her. One hand went between her open legs, so his finger could stroke the gusset of her panties. The other went up inside her baby doll top, to feel her juvenile tits. "Darling, Nigel is coming around at six, we will have plenty of time to make you sexy. Then you can suck my cock before he comes; he is here for an hour tonight so you might want to suck him off twice. William due at seven, but knowing him he will be early. He also has an hour with you, but I do not think he will cum twice. When he goes you can ride on my cock again, like you did last night." Sid said, then they heard Nadine coming from the kitchen, and Sandra took her seat at the table. Sid left to go to Plymouth and Sandra went to school, on the way home as she neared her house. She saw a man leaving, and although she didn't recognise him, she knew why he had been there. Having sneaked a look at mum's moneybox, she saw there was a lot more in it. Then the last time she had looked, which meant Sandra didn't see all the men that visited her mum. "Hello mum I'm home," she called as she entered the house. "I'm in the bathroom baby, I won't belong," Nadine called back, as Sandra got to the bathroom door that was ajar. Peeking through the gap, Sandra saw her mum naked washing between her legs. Mum always went to the bathroom, after Uncle Sid or Frank had fucked her. 'I bet that's why mum is washing now, that man has fucked her.' Sandra thought, then wondered why Uncle Sid wasn't there, as he normally was by now. He arrived as mum was putting dinner on at four, Sandra was in the living room and heard the news he had for mum. "Hope you haven't made plans to go out Saturday night Nadine," he said entering the dining room. Then Sandra heard her mum ask, "Why." "I've had a request for your company tomorrow night, from an admirer of yours. He has told his friends, of the good time he had with you. You're going around to his place for the night, with him and four friends." "I'll look after Sandra for you on Saturday night, and Sunday while you sleep. You will need it, he said they plan to keep you busy all night." Sandra heard Sid say laughing before she heard her mum say. "Fuck Sid I had six on me last night, and I've had two already today, and there's another four tonight. An all-nighter with five means their fuck me three times each if I am lucky, I'm going to be knackered." "I'll need a full week of rest, after all that lot, and I suppose you'll want me in the bedroom before I go out. You're going to wear me out Sid, with all the men you're lining up for me."  Sandra heard Sid laughing, and then say, "you can always say no Nadine. Though you have never turned anyone away before, you like men's attention to much. If I was to stop sending men around, you would be down the pub opening your legs for all and sundry!"  "Now talking of the bedroom, how long have we got before dinner?" Sid asked, and Sandra heard mum's laughter and moved away from the kitchen door where she had been listening. Then heard her mum call her and say, "Sandra dinners in half an hour, Uncle Sid and I have things to discuss, we'll be in my bedroom." A few moments later, Sandra crept to her mum's bedroom door. Then finding it ajar, she watched her mum suck Sid's cock, before he fucked her from behind. They had just finished dinner when the doorbell rang, "we'll do the dishes, Nadine, you go and enjoy yourself." Sid said as Nadine opened the door, to the young men who had come to pick her up. With the last of the dishes put away, Sandra eagerly followed Sid into the living room. Climbing onto his lap when he sat, she let him kiss her as he felt her juvenile tits. "I watched you fucking mum before dinner Uncle Sid, will that man who came just now fuck her too." Sandra asked a smiling Sid, who had put his hand up Sandra's skirt, and found she, had already removed her panties. With the fingers of one hand pinching her nipple; and the other stroking her hot damp cunt, Sid kissed her and softly said. "Yes my darling, he and three other men will be fucking your mum tonight." "Tomorrow night I have arranged for five men, to fuck her all night. Which means you and I can be alone in your bedroom, where you can play with my cock all night. Then on Sunday while your mum is sleeping, we can play with each other again. Only now I think its time you sucked my cock, Nigel will be here in twenty minutes. He will want to strip you off, before he plays with your cunt, though he might want you to suck him off first." Sid said as he lifted Sandra off his lap, to stand her between his legs. Where her hands eagerly undid his zip to release his still soft cock, then dropping to her knees she pulled back his foreskin to suck his knob end. His cock was not hardening yet, as it had been just over half an hour. Since he had been in her mum's bedroom, but Sandra didn't mind. Though his cock was soft it was still tasty, and Sandra's mouth water as she sucked up the pre-cum he was producing. "Fuck your enjoying that Sandra, is it that tasty darling." He said as she bobbed her head up and down, slurping as his cock moved in and out of her mouth. "You know I never did wash my cock after I fucked your mum; I bet you can you taste her cunt on my cock?" Sid said, taking hold of her head, as he felt his cock hardening in her mouth. As it swelled, she got more excited, as more of his tasty pre-cum oozed from his cock. "Your mum likes sucking on lemons; maybe you're like licking cunt to Sandra. When I have told your mum you are ready, I'll tell her to let you lick her cunt to see if you like it. If you do, it would be a good earner to put on a lesbian show, before you both get fucked." Sandra was getting more excited as Sid spoke; his words of her getting fucked were arousing her. She sucked harder, and she was rewarded, when his cock swelled and throbbed to fill her mouth with spunk. Sid was licking her cunt and clitoris when the doorbell sounded, and Sandra quickly went for her panties as Sid answered the door. She was reclining on the settee when Sid opened the living room door. "Nigel's here to see you, Sandra, I'll leave you to have fun and do my paperwork in the kitchen". He said leaving them alone but not closing the door completely. Nigel knew just how far he could go with Sandra, Sid made that clear when Nigel begged time with the virgin cocksucker. With the door being half-open, for Sid to listen for Sandra's call if Nigel, did get too amorous. Though he need not have worried, Nigel knew what would happen to him if he stepped out of line, Sid had a reputation for being a hard man, for Sid had broken a few bones in the past. Nigel was twenty and had fucked Sandra's mum at a party Sid had organised, some time ago. He had had a good look at her cunt before he fucked her, but that was after three others had. Now his cock hardened inside his pants, as he looked at Sandra reclining just in her panties. "Hello I'm Nigel," he said sitting beside her and feeling her immature tits. Her eyes looking at him, as he asked, "can I take off your knickers and see your cunt please Sandra? She looked shyly at him nodding her head, shyly whispering "yes," then lifted her buttocks so he could remove them. She had listened to what Sid had told her and again looked shy as Nigel slowly prized open her legs. With her legs opened wide, Nigel held open her cunt lips with his finger and looked at her closely for some time. As his fingers felt the flaps of skin that were her cunt lips, before finally lowering his head to kiss her clitoris, then he licked her virgin cunt for a while, giving Sandra pleaser. Then he was standing up, undoing his fly buttons to expose his rampant cock asking. "Will you suck my cock off Sandra, I can't hold on for much longer. You will let me play with your cunt afterwards." Sandra nodded as she took hold of his cock, and knelt to suck his rampant blotted prick.          Nigel was soon gasping and straining to hold back his ejaculation, as Sandra moved her mouth on his cock. With her hands gently rubbing the base of his cock, and her holding his aching balls. Sandra soon had it jerking and throbbing, filling her mouth with his white creamy cum. She sucked harder as the last of it pumped from his cock, while he jerked and sighed as she sucked his sensitive knob end. "Can I ride on your cock when it gets hard again Nigel, I like to feel a hot cock between my legs," Sandra said looking up at him from her kneeling position, as she still held his cock to lick and kiss, after sucking all his cum from it. "Sid said I'm not allowed to go anywhere near your cunt with my cock Sandra, he'd kill me if I fucked you," Nigel said with concern in his voice. "You won't be fucking me, Nigel, when your cock gets hard again you lay down. Then I'll sit on you and slide my cunt along it, you won't be fucking me because it won't be in my cunt." Sandra said still fondling his limp cock, looking up at him with her pleading eyes. "Just think about it Nigel while your sucking and playing with my cunt, I won't tell Uncle Sid it will be our secret!" Sandra had sat back in the armchair, her legs wide showing Nigel her inflamed vagina. Nigel went down on his knees, his head between her legs kissing and sucking her tender flesh. For long minutes she moaned and shied as he gave her mini climaxes, as he licked and sucked her clitoris. Then he lifted his head and looking at her he stood up, and a happy smile spread on Sandra's face. She could see his cock was half-hard, and reaching out she wrapped her fingers around it. Leaning forward she kissed his knob-end, as she wanked his cock a little harder. "Lay on the floor please Nigel, let me ride on your cock, please." Sandra pleaded, looking up at him and kissing the end of his cock again. "Please Nigel, please let me," she begged again, and Nigel sank to his knees. Sandra had the look of rapture on her face, as she sat with her back to him to slid her vagina along Nigel's cock. He also had a pleasing look that was tinged with fear, the sensation of her cunt on his cock was overwhelming. The fear was his cock was a ridged length of flesh, she was highly sexed up. She was moving her cunt along his cock, to the very end of it. His sensitive cock could feel the depression of her fuck hole, as it passed over his knob. One little mistake on her part and he could pop her cheery, and he would be in big trouble with Sid big time. As it was, she rode him until his cock jerked, and shot spunk onto his belly. Sandra moved back so he could suck her cunt, as she licked his spunk off his belly and suck his cock clean.        Chapter 10 Sandra was still naked when Nigel went out of the living room, the door was already ajar Sid had insisted it be kept that way. Only as Nigel opened it further to go out, Sandra was sure she saw someone move away from it in the corridor. She heard Sid and Nigel's voices as Sid let him out of the house, then Sid said to someone "go on in she'll be waiting." The door slowly opened and a shy looking William came in with his head a little bowed. Sandra had put on her dressing robe as the door closed behind Nigel, now she was sat on the settee. Smiling at him at he peeked around the door, she had been sat here naked not five minutes ago. Then, Nigel, had his head between her legs sucking her cunt, and she was still feeling randy. There was something about William as he came into the room, he looked guilty and had a hand in his trouser pocket that didn't look right, it was as if he was holding himself. Sandra sat up looking at him questionably, then she put two and two together. She had seen someone moving away from the door when Nigel opened it, could that someone be William? "Take your hand out of your pocket William, you've been playing with yourself; haven't you?" Sandra asked, a now red-faced William. "You've been spying on me and Nigel, while we were sucking each other. You stood in the corridor and peeked through the gap in the door, didn't you William?" "Did you like watching us making out we were fucking, you did see that didn't you, William?" She asked and was pleased to see him go a deeper red, as he nodded his head. Sandra took a pace towards him, as she let her robe slide from her shoulders. "Take off your clothes and let me see your cock, I bet it's hot and juicy if you have been wanking it!" Sandra said, reaching out to undo his shirt buttons, she was a quarter of his age, but she had taken charge of this meek mild man. As soon as his blotted cock was released, Sandra had her hands around it. Then dropping to her knees, she had him gasping with delight as her lips encircled it. It didn't take long for her to make his cock jerk, and fill her mouth with his sperm. "Now you can lick my cunt and play with me, until your hard again William, then I'll ride your cock as I did with Nigel," Sandra said. As she draped herself on the settee, with her legs wide and smiling at him. He dropped immediately to his knees, his fingers and tongue exploring her hot cunt. The last time William was here, his fingers had strayed from her cunt to feel her arsehole. That had been when Sid had been sitting in the room watching. Perhaps it was because Sid wasn't there Sandra thought, that William's fingers lingered longer at her puckered little bumhole than they did the time before. He even spread her bum cheeks, to plant a kiss on her rubbery ring. Sandra found it quite pleasing, as he moved his mouth away from her cunt to lick and kiss her there. Sid had never touched her there not as William was, his fingers were wet and slippery. As his tongue licked her his finger stroked her arsehole, that was now slippery and the tip of it would pop into her ring. With Sandra not complaining, the finger was pushed deeper and stayed there. Licking her cunt with no resistance to his finger, William started to finger fuck her ass. At first, Sandra had been curious at William feeling her bumhole. Then she had wormed to the pleasurable sensation, of his fingers massaging her ring as his tongue lapped at her clitoris. It had been a bit tight when his finger invaded her ass, but as she relaxed his finger moved more freely. Giving her a new sensation of being internally invaded, in a sexual manner in a sensitive area. The sensations were erotic, and they were driving her arousal higher. As his finger plunged in and out, his tongue lapped the length of her slit in unison. It felt like his finger was fucking her cunt, and it was very pleasing indeed. After long moments of swooning to this heavenly bliss, Sandra allowed herself to be turned over and kneel at one end of the settee. While William put an arm around her, so his hand could strock her clitoris as he fingered her ass with two fingers. "You like this don't you Sandra?" William asked, after what seemed an age of him pleasing her behind. "O yes it's nice William, I like it a lot," Sandra answered wiggling her bottom and purring as William moved his fingers in her. After a few more moments his fingers came out, and she felt something bigger being pushed in. A few in's and out's and Sandra was purring again with contentment, as he rubbed her clitoris while having her ass invaded. "Do you like it now Sandra," William asked and she gave a shy and replied. "O yes William I do, but what are you doing to me?" She asked, giving a gasp and moan as something slapped into her bottom. "I'm fucking your ass Sandra and you like it, Sid said I can't fuck your cunt, but didn't say anything about your ass. If you like it and want me to fuck your ass again, we won't tell Sid I've fucked you. Then I'll fuck your ass again, the next time I see you," William said fucking her faster. As William went out the door, Sid came in and saw Sandra sitting naked licking her lips. She had just sucked William off, and his cum had trickled out the corner of her mouth. Sid watched her looking seductively, as her tongue lick the thick cream into her mouth, as he walked towards her undoing his flies. Sandra had just spent the last two hours, with two men and had sucked each of them off twice. Now here she was opening her mouth again, to suck Sid's hardening cock. Saturday morning Sid had to go somewhere to do some business, and two men arrived at eleven. Sandra had seen them on several occasions, and readily accepted the money they gave her to go to Macdonald's. They would be busy with mum for at least two hours, then she would want to rest after. So Sandra needn't come home until tree at the earliest, mum said as she suggested Sandra should go out for lunch in town.  Macdonald's wasn't that busy, and Sandra found herself behind Mr Parker her school headmaster. "Hello Sandra you eating alone?" he asked looking around and not seeing mum. "Me too,... tell you what let me buy your lunch, then we can talk about your schoolwork while we eat." He said smiling sweetly at her, something he had never done before. Then gathering up their order, he leads Sandra to a table in the far corner of the eating area. As they eat he smiles at her, not saying a word until they finish their burger and drink. "You know my brother William don't you Sandra?" he asks suddenly taking Sandra by surprise. "He couldn't stop talking about you last night, and of the wonderful time he had with you!" Mr Parker said, his hand stroking up Sandra's leg to feel her fanny and rub her clitoris. It was a bit of a shock, but a pleasant one for Sandra.   "O I didn't know William was your brother Sir, he's very gentle and generous to me Mr Parker," Sandra said. As her headmaster made her knickers wet, by making her fanny juices flow with his finger on her clitoris. "I can be very generous to Sandra, I could give you a very good school report and high marks if you were nice to me!" Mr Parker said, easing aside her kicker gusset to feel her hot wet bare cunt. "Would you like to go for a ride in my car Sandra, we could find somewhere nice and quiet. Where we could continue talking about what you would like me to give you, in exchange for you being nice to me." Mr Parker said as his fingers moved faster on Sandra's clitoris, making Sandra breath heaver as she climaxed. "I've got to be home by three Mr Parker, mum's expecting me home then," Sandra said panting, as Mr Parker smiled at her as she jerked with her orgasm.      Mr Parker took her to his car and drove out of town, then as he started climbing up into the hills he unzipped his flies and took his cock out. For a few minutes, he drove slowly as Sandra sucked his cock. Then he pulled into a quiet lane that ran into the forest, getting out he made Sandra lean against the car. Lifting her skirt he fingered her arsehole, before spreading her cheeks and fucking her ass. As Alice made a reference, about the difference between him and his brother.  Saturday after evening dinner, they were sat in the living room, having an after-dinner drink. Nadine was sat ready to go out to her all-night party in a short summers dress, that Sandra knew she had no underwear under. She had peaked into mums bedroom when she went in there to get ready, Sid went in with her and had her dress up at the back and was fingering her cunt. Sandra had watched until they had come out, and was happy Sid did not fuck her mum. Sid had told Nadine he just wanted to make her randy and ready for her night out, and the boys would appreciate her having a wet juicy cunt. Sandra was glad of that because Sid had promised her, she had his cock for the night. Apart from Nigel coming to see her for an hour later, she could suck play and ride Sid's cock all she liked. Sandra wanted the joy of sucking him off after she had ridden his hard cock, for as long as he could allow her before he ejaculated. That was why she was also pleased mum had not sucked Sid off, his first load of cum would be the thickest and tastiest. Sandra became more excited the closer to six o/clock it became. Then there was a knock at the door, and a man of about twenty-five was there to take mum away. Sandra watched out the window, as the man took her mum to his car. Then he opened the car door and watched Nadine get in, by sitting down and swing her legs in one by one. Sandra smiled as Nadine smiled up at the young man because she also knew he could see between Nadine's legs, and see her wet cunt as she lifted one leg in at a time. Sandra turned to Sid who had come back into the room, to say 'look at mum showing her cunt to the man.'  Only she said nothing, she just opened her mouth and took the cock Sid was offering her. "Your mum has gone for the night Sandra, let's not waste the time. Nigel will be here in half an hour, you can suck me off while we wait for him. Then I'll make your cunt juicy for him, and I want to see you suck him off as soon as he gets here. A young man like him should get as randy as hell with a sexy young thing like you, you should be able to milk him three times an hour. At the moment he and William are the only ones to know you suck cock, they won't be alone soon!" "You're going to get some more customers, very soon darling because next month is your birthday. I'm telling your mum next weekend you're ready, and that I'm going to fuck you on your birthday. After that you will get fucked most nights, I've got clientele waiting for a mother and daughter act. We are going to make a lot of money, out of your lovely cunt Sandra are you still o/k with that." Sid asked as Sandra slurped on his cock, just as eagerly as before. "O yes Sid I can't wait," Sandra said taking his cock from her mouth, then kissing his knob-end she asked. "Do we have to wait until my birthday Uncle Sid; I'd like you to fuck me now?" Sandra said, popping Sid's cock back into her mouth and sucking up the pre-cum oozing from it. "Sorry darling, promised your mum I'd wait until you were fourteen. Seems its a tradition in the family, Nadine's mum and dad waited until she was fourteen before he took Nadine's cherry." "Your dads not here to take yours, so I'm the lucky bastard that gets to break you in, and I'm looking forward to it. Now let's see how much of my cock I can get down your throat, you choked the last time you tried.                     THERE IS MORE TO COME, WILL ADD CHAPTERS AS AND WHEN                 While at school on Munday morning Sandra thought of mum and Sid, they would all be in mum's bedroom fucking. Then just as she was changing subjects, the teacher told her she had to report to the head. She hadn't done anything wrong that she could tell, but all became clear when Mr Parker locked the door behind her. Then making her face his desk, he lifted her skirt and lubricated her arsehole.   Mr Parker wasted no time Inserting his cock and was happily banging Sandra's ass when she made a suggestion. "Can you fuck my ass with me sitting on your desk Sir, that way I'll get more pleaser by playing with my clitoris, and you can look at my cunt." Publication Date: January 2nd 2020 https://www.bookrix.com/-kvd9bf587b1e9d5
Nicky Allen Millie and Her Fuck Buddies Crossing the Line Eleanor made a right turn as her sat-nav had instructed and almost immediately it told her “your destination is 200 yards on the right hand side”. She looked down the street and could see a big red brick building with a pub sign outside. Before she got close enough to read the words on the sign she saw that it had a white horse on it and she knew she was nearly there. Her sat-nav confirmed this with the usual “you have arrived at your destination” and Eleanor reached over and switched it off. Turning into the car park of the White Horse pub she noticed that it was not only at the side of the pub but the parking also extended around the back too and she automatically drove there to make sure her car was not able to be seen from the road. After she had parked and turned off the engine she looked at the clock and it said 4.49. It was ten minutes before she would go in to meet the complete stranger she was going to have sex with and she felt a shudder of fear though her body. As she sat there waiting for the 10 minutes to pass, Eleanor thought back to 14 months ago when she had finally discovered with absolute certainty that her husband Damian was having an affair – the night he went out to meet his friends for a drink and unusually forgot to take is phone – the night she looked on his phone at text messages and found nothing, just like every other time she had looked – but the night for the first time she went further and clicked on ‘folders’ and found one called ‘Kath – the folder with all those intimate text messages – and the message from only 2 days earlier with how much this ‘Kath’ was looking forward to ‘when you leave your wife and move in with me’. She’d suspected for years he had been seeing other women – how he’d go to play golf and she’d spot his golf shoes left in the garage, how sometimes when he got home he’d avoid getting close to her and insisted on taking a shower, the business trips with a vague purpose. But she remembered how whenever she confronted him he’d give evasive responses before becoming very affectionate and talk her into going to bed and she also remembered only too clearly how good he was at fucking her so incredibly well and maybe that was why she just didn’t throw him out – ‘the bastard’, she thought. She reflected back over the last 14 months, how depressed she became after he’d gone, how she lost the plumpness of a 32 year old working wife because she couldn’t be bothered to cook, how her slimmer look and feel had motivated her to start looking forward – she joined the gym and added shape to her slimness. Men started showing real interest in her, but she was so nervous at getting into another relationship like Damian – from when she was 16 and first did it, she knew she was attracted to men who were good in bed and if they weren’t they hadn’t lasted very long – then along came Damian who had been so good and was so charming – so manipulative, but as she finally discovered, so deceitful. She thought about the couple of times she’d dated since he left. She fancied both guys but was so nervous about getting involved and ended it with them before they ever got close to having sex. After more than a year without sex she was craving for it, but just didn’t want to date anyone to do it – her fear of getting into something like Damian again just frightened her so much. She looked at the clock on the dashboard – 4.56. She thought back to 3 weeks ago when that email dropped into her inbox – ‘Sex with no strings – find a man with a big cock in your town to give it to you’. She’d deleted it immediately. Then the next evening another one ‘Find a guy to blow you off and fuck you senseless with no commitments’ – it was late and she’d had a couple of glasses of wine and she thought ‘why not have a look’, but with absolutely no intention of doing anything. She remembered in detail how she had clicked on the link and started browsing the website. She couldn’t believe how many people in her town had posted themselves looking for casual sex – many singles and couples too looking for threesomes and foursomes, although no-one she knew. She’d searched in the nearest big town – the same – guys and couples as well as a few gays and lesbians. She’d clicked on several single guys, but none looked interesting. Then she had clicked on Brian. He looked at bit older than her – maybe 40 she thought. The words immediately hooked her – ‘larger than average, good staying power, easy going and compliant – tell me how you like it best and we’ll do it’. She looked at the clock – 5.01. She took a final look in the rear view mirror, tidying her bushy auburn hair with her fingertips and then smoothing the make-up around her dark brown eyes – she loved how her face had lost it’s podginess over the last year, going back to her smooth tight cheeks and despite the tension she felt inside, gave herself a little smile. Eleanor got out of the car, locked it and started to walk towards the pub. The words echoed through her brain – ‘larger than average, good staying power, easy going and compliant – tell me how you like it best and we’ll do it’. Fuck she couldn’t believe that she was doing this – her heart was thumping, but she knew the thought of it all was making her aroused. A little gust of wind blew and she felt the cool air around the top of her thighs, wafting over the bare skin above her stockings, making a just a little bit more aware of her state of arousal. She walked into the pub, stopped and looking around. There were a group of men and women by the bar, chatting and laughing – obviously straight from work for an early evening drink. She looked across to the seated area – several couples were sitting at tables around the lounge – she looked at the other side of the room by the windows and there was one man sitting alone – she’d copied the picture of Brian and put it on her phone so if she needed to, she could surreptiously open it and check, but she knew instantly it was him and she slowly walked over, her heart pounding. As she got close he looked up at her and smiled and her heart missed several beats. She stood in front of the table he was sitting at – “Brian?” she asked, her heart now pounding. He smiled more “Hello Millie – yes I’m Brian – come and sit down and let me get you a drink – what would you like?” She sat opposite him, as she sat down realising he might spot her stockings and suspenders and casually held her skirt down as she sat and crossed her legs. “Gin and tonic please” she replied, smiling back. “Large one?” he quizzed as he stood up. ‘A whole fucking bottle’ she thought to herself before replying politely “Yes that would be lovely”. Eleanor watched him walk over to the bar – he was quite tall, slim and walked confidently. He leaned on the bar and spoke to the guy serving, then turning and looking straight at her. She felt stupid letting him catch her staring at him, but he just smiled and she smiled back before looking away. Her heart was still thumping, but she felt a little less uneasy as he seemed pleasant enough and no longer a completely unknown quantity. She looked over at the bar to the group of people to see if she recognised anyone, scared that someone might spot her – she had deliberately searched the website for men in a town 15 miles from where she lived – she was desperate to make sure no-one knew about this, even giving herself a different name to stay anonymous – no-one had ever called her ‘Millie’ before a few moments ago. Brian came back, placing her drink on the table in front of her – “There you are, Millie”. “Thank you Brian” she responded politely. “You managed to find the pub OK then?” he asked. She was relieved that he’d started the conversation as she had no idea what to say, responding “Yes thanks – good old sat nav worked fine”. Tilting his head slightly he asked “Oh don’t you live in town then?” Shaking her head she just replied “No”. “Where do you live then?” he continued. She pursed her lips hesitating “another town” she said. “OK I understand – do you mind if I ask you something else – I’m not prying – just curious – have you done this before?” Her heart missed a beat – she paused, drawing a deep breath and looking down at her drink – “No”. “Are you nervous?” he asked. “Yes” she replied, looking up again and nodding. He leaned forward to her and looked her in the eyes talking quietly “Millie you don’t need to be – if you don’t like anything I do just tell me and I’ll stop – if you don’t want to carry on just tell me and I’ll let you leave – this should be about pleasure and fun for us both so you don’t need to worry – just let go and have lots of fun…” hesitating “…and lots of pleasure” smiling at her. She felt better after hearing that – he seemed really genuine – “Thanks Brian – I think I’ll be OK”. They talked for 15 minutes or so about things they liked to do without giving anything away – just small talk – his liking of golf and watching football – her gym, movie watching and her friends. She watched Brian finish his drink and she picked up hers and finished it too. “Would you like another…” he asked, then pointing at her glass and hesitating “…or shall we go?” A shiver went through her and she knew there was only one answer “Let’s go” she replied. They stood up and walked out of the door – “Is it far” she asked him. “No just one minute’s walk – just down the road” and they walked back from where she had driven and into the apartment block on the corner two hundred yards away, just like the sat-nav had said earlier. She felt uneasy again – as they had walked down the road they didn’t talk – even as they went into his apartment he just said “welcome”. He gestured to a door off the hallway and she walked in – it was the bedroom – she stood there facing the foot of the bed. He took her handbag from her and put it on a chair opposite the bed and came back and stood behind her. Her heart was thumping like a jackhammer. He put his hands on her shoulders and turned her around through 90 degrees and her heart skipped several beats as she was looking directly at herself in the mirrored wardrobe doors, with him looking over her shoulder. She felt his hands on her hips – then she watched as they came into view and slid around to her tummy, stopping there for just a brief moment before sliding up to cradle her breasts and she couldn’t help but let out a gasp as he gently caressed them and then she almost jumped as after all the silence he said quietly “Will you let me undress you?” Her eyes had just been watching his hands – she looked up at his face. She was nervous as hell – this was like nothing she had ever done before – no kissing – no affection – just a complete stranger saying ‘will you let me undress you’. She swallowed before nodding “Yes”. Immediately his hands went to the buttons of her blouse and slowly and deliberately undid them. Then he reached to her shoulders and lifted each side off and she slid her arm out of one side, then the other. She looked at herself with the lacy grey bra and saw Brian throw her blouse on the floor. Then immediately she felt his hands at her back and she watched her breasts fall slightly as he unclipped her bra. She watched him slowly slide the straps off her shoulders and then pull it down and he dropped it at her feet. His hands slid up the sides of her body and then straight to her breasts. “They’re gorgeous…” he whispered continuing “…the moment I saw you I noticed your breasts – they’re so perfect – so nice and full, but so firm” as he was caressing them and then she let out a groan as his thumbs slid across her nipples. “Sensitive nipples then Millie?” he asked and she looked up at his face and he had a cheeky little smile. “Yesss” she hissed. She watched his eyes move back down and he whispered “perhaps we can have some fun with those hey” as he slowly brushed his thumbs over them several times making her gasp out again more loudly. Then just caressing her breasts gently he whispered in her ear “Are you wearing stocking and suspenders like I asked?” She was getting turned on, but now feeling like a dirty filthy slut, letting a complete stranger do this to her – and to think she had willingly worn stockings and suspenders for him just like he had asked in his email. “Yesss” she hissed again. “Mmm good – I love women in stockings and suspenders – I can’t wait to see them” and his hands slid down away from her breasts to her tummy, then around her waist and she felt him unzip her skirt and pull it down over her hips and just let it fall to her feet, placing his hands on her hips again – she kicked the skirt away. “Oh that’s so nice – I love the colour” and she looked lower in the mirror at the grey suspender belt, stockings and matching panties – ‘you fucking whore’ she thought to herself, but she could feel the moistness in her pussy. He moved his mouth right next to her ear “I’m so looking forward to seeing your pussy – can I take a look?” She hissed yet another “Yesss”. She watched him slide his hands to her sides and he started to ease her panties down – she could see they were trapped by the tops of her thighs and moved her feet further apart and Brian lowered them and then let go and they fell to the floor – she flicked them away with her foot. She was buzzing now. He moved closer to her, placing his hands on her hips and she felt him brushing against her bottom and briefly something firm pressed against her – she knew exactly what it was. “Oh nice – do you always keep it so perfectly trimmed like that” and she looked at her pussy – she hated a big bush and kept her pubic hair trimmed really short and shaved the front into a thin line every week. She felt completely vulnerable, but somehow a little bit more confident. “Oh yes Brian – I can’t stand having a jungle between my legs” letting out a little snigger and he laughed too. “I really can’t wait to feel it” he whispered and she saw his head move in the mirror and looked up and he was looking her straight in the eyes. She felt the hand on her right hip move forward and then down – as it went below her belly button she felt a shiver go through her tummy right into her pussy at knowing that someone else was going to touch her there – no-one other than her had done so for the last fourteen months. She felt his fingertips sliding lower and then between her legs. They stopped, but then after a few seconds the tip of one finger slid right down her pussy lips and she just let out a gasp. Still looking him in the eyes she watched him smile and whisper “nice” and then he drew his fingers slowly back over her pussy where they stopped – they were staring each other out – it was so intense – after a few more seconds she felt the tip of his finger start to ease her lips open, just wiggling and pushing against them. Then they parted and his finger was easily able to slip inside as she knew she was so wet and as his finger explored, going deeper she let out a groan, closing her eyes for a few seconds with the pleasure of him being inside her. She opened her eyes and he was looking right into them again. “Oh Millie you are so wet…” he whispered continuing “…I think we need to get into that bed and get on with it, don’t you?” She nodded “oh yes please” knowing that the sex she had fantasied about for many months was really going to happen. She felt Brian slide his finger out – he lifted his hand up right in front of their faces, his index finger sticking out and glistening with the wetness. She wondered what he was going to do as he held it there for a few seconds before bringing it to his face, opening his mouth, closing his lips and sucking off her juices as he slid it out. “Mmm you taste delicious”. Eleanor felt so good – no-one had ever done that to her before – it was so personal – so intimate – such a fucking turn on for a complete stranger to do that. She realised that he was so confident about sex – so confident about himself and clearly very imaginative… She looked at him in the mirror, still staring him out – somehow it was not so intimidating in the mirror as looking directly at him, but seeing herself too, completely naked apart from the stockings and suspenders made it way more intense. He placed his hands on her hips again and pulled her back against him and she could feel his erection against her bottom. He smiled at her, then whispered “I think we are both ready now, eh” and she just nodded. “You get into bed and I’ll quickly get undressed”. He let go of her hips and she kicked her shoes off and walked over to the bed, pulling the sheet back, sliding under it and laying on her side facing him. Eleanor watched as he sat on the bed and took off his shoes and socks. She was buzzing – he had got her so incredibly turned on in just a few minutes in such a subtle but clever way. Then he stood up and slowly unbuttoned his shirt. He turned away from her and took it off and she could see from his back he was quite toned. Then he turned back towards her and looked at her as he unzipped his trousers and then undid the waistband button. He slid them down and stepped out of them – she couldn’t help but stare at the big bulge in his boxer shorts. This was like a strip show – then he looked into her eyes and smiled before reaching down to his waist and sliding the shorts down and his penis was released and wobbled around. ‘Larger than average’ was what the website had said and as she looked at it she could see that definitely was true – she had one guy before she had met Damian who had a monster which was just too much for her and Brian wasn’t that large, but she knew this was going more than fill her. Her gaze had been locked onto his penis, then she looked up at his face and he smiled at her, but nothing was said between them. Still smiling he sat on the bed, slid under the sheet and she felt his arms around her as he hugged her, his face right in front of hers. She looked straight into his eyes, him staring back into hers. He smiled and finally spoke “I thought we could just have intercourse first and then talk about what else we can do afterwards – is that OK?” She knew that she was close to being fucked for the first time in 14 months, she could feel his rock hard penis pushing against her thigh and she just wanted it, nodding “Oh yes please”. She felt his hand on her side – slowly he slid it up and started to fondle her breast – he had quite large hands, but Eleanor had noticed when he very first touched her that he was really gentle – as his hand cupped her, gently cradling and caressing she could feel herself getting wetter at the anticipation of being fucked. Then he slowly slid his thumb back and forth over her nipple and she felt the muscles around her pussy tense and gasped out “fuck”. He slid his hand up and onto her shoulder, firmly pushing her onto her back, slid one leg over between hers, then the other and as he reached his arm over to lay right on top of her he looked right at her, smiled and said “Yes Millie – just the right word – fuck”. He balanced on one elbow and she felt his hand slide down between their tummies and then she felt the tip of his penis as his hand guided it up and down her pussy lips. He started wiggling it against her lips and slowly they eased apart and she felt the head of his penis stretching her open – she felt she was almost melting. She let out an involuntary groan as the bulging head of it slid past the entrance to her pussy – it felt big. He pulled his hand away and lay there on top of her, looking her in the eyes. “This is the bit I really love Millie – doing it with someone for the first time…” moving his face a little closer to hers, whispering “…finding out how they like to be fucked – finding out if you like it slow and gentle…” smiling at her as he hesitated “…or do you like to be fucked fast and rough?” Eleanor knew that she liked both – it was nice to be slow and gentle – make it last – draw out the end to make it all more intense, but tonight fast and rough sounded perfect. He raised his eyebrows a little “Let’s find out shall we?” Slowly he eased the head of his penis back so it was almost out of her pussy then he slid it back in again – he did the same a couple of times and then when he next slid it back in went deeper – her heart thumped – she was so turned on – she just wanted him to shove it right inside her, but she knew his teasing was turning her on so much. Again he gently slid it in and out a few times without going any deeper and then without warning sliding it in further making her gasp out another ‘oh’. She guessed he was at least half way in now and he kept the same approach, just slowly sliding in and out a few more times before going deeper still and she groaned “fuck yes” and involuntarily opened her legs wider, almost inviting him further inside. Immediately he went “Mmmm…” hesitating “…so you’re ready for it all then now are you?” She immediately gasped back “fuck yes please” and he smiled at her, continuing to slide in and out the same a few more times – then again without warning, she felt him take a more forceful thrust and she let out little squeal as he pushed right inside. This was so what Eleanor knew she wanted as he started thrusting deep inside with long slow strokes, feeling his pelvis pushing hard against her groin with each one. With each deep thrust she felt so filled up although it had been so long since she last had sex it felt quite extreme, especially with Brian being ‘larger than average’. She felt her body taking over as she couldn’t help but push back at Brian as he thrust into her. “Well Millie I think you’re really liking slow and deep, eh?” “ooh yes” she replied. “Do you prefer this to hard and fast then?” he asked casually. “Like them both…” she gasped out, her breathing now urgent with the slow deep thrusts “…there’s a time for both”. “Would you like to try fast and hard now then?” he whispered. “Yes please” she immediately gasped back. She loved the intimate conversation – the fact he didn’t just want to fuck her, but also discuss it at the same made it more of a turn on. Then he casually responded “Well if you ask me I’ll do it for you” and smiled. ‘The bastard’ she thought – getting her to ask him to fuck her how she wanted him to do it – she smiled at him and shook her head a little, hesitating and then, raising her eyebrows “Please Brian – I want you to fuck me fast and hard” and her heart missed a beat at the thought of him having made her say that. Still in a casual tone he replied “Of course Millie – happy to do that…” hesitating “…you know I love it when women tells me how they want to be fucked – especially when they are as gorgeous as you and are wearing stockings and suspenders” and he smiled at her. He brought his hands up to her shoulders, she felt him sliding them underneath her and then his fingers wrapped over the tops of her shoulders. The pressure of his fingertips increased and then he started – it was like throwing a switch and suddenly he was thrusting in and out with short firm strokes – going deep inside, his pelvis banging against her groin and she could feel his balls bouncing against her bottom. She let out a long groan and then “oh fuck yes”, within seconds her body just automatically matching the pace of his rapid strokes, rhythmically pushing back against him. The feeling of being trapped there between the powerful grip of his hands and his large penis being rammed deep into her was so incredibly good – she was soaking wet and she could feel juices dribbling down her bottom onto the bed. She looked up and he smiled down at her, continuing to fuck her like a jackhammer – it was so nice to be doing this after such a long time – within maybe only a minute the feeling started – that tingle in her groin – it grew – the muscles around her pussy starting to tense. She gasped “fuck yes – oh fuck yes” as the tingling intensified and she felt her muscles deep inside tensing more and making her vagina open wider deep inside. Her eyes were half closed now, not able to focus or concentrate on anything. She heard Brian “Oh Millie – are you nearly ready to come for me already?” She looked at him blinking, not being able to hold her gaze, gasping ”yes – oh fuck yes”. She felt him move his hips somehow and he was still thrusting deep inside, but now his pelvis was brushing against her clit and the extra stimulation was awesome – within a few seconds the muscles from her head to her toes went into spasm, her whole body shook and in seconds Eleanor had an intense orgasm and she squealed in pleasure then just groaning out as the beautiful pulsing in her groin and the warm tingling spread out into her whole body. As she beautiful feeling inside eased away and her brain started to reengage with her senses she realised that Brian was still fucking her fast and hard. She opened her eyes and he smiled at her “Nice orgasm Millie”. She just blew her cheeks out and nodded. “Are you ready to come” she gasped. He shook his head “Not yet Millie – I want to make you come again – do you think you can?” “Oh I don’t know – not sure” she replied. She felt him alter the angle of his hips again so that he was brushing her clit like before, just smiling at her. She could feel her clit throbbing with the stimulation and her muscles started to tense again inside gasping out “oh yes”. Just like before the tension grew and grew – Brian kept fucking her exactly the same speed, but then thrusting a little bit harder and she had another wonderful intense orgasm. Still he didn’t stop – he was so relentless – she had waited over a year to have sex again, but wasn’t sure she’d ever been fucked like this in her life. “One more time Millie?” Brian asked. “Oh I don’t know” she replied and cleverly he again changed position slightly and again her clit started to get stimulation. “I’m sure you can Millie – this time I’ll try and come with you. She looked up at his face, but now he was staring at her breasts wobbling back and forth as her body was being shaken by his hard and fast thrusting. She watched as his mouth opened and he was starting to take quicker breaths and he was thrusting even harder now, banging his pelvis into her groin. She felt that beautiful tensing again around her pussy as her muscles got ready to perform again. Her pussy was throbbing now – she was completely out of control – Brian was totally in charge – the tension inside her was so strong, her muscles ready to let go again. Brian was whispering now – “oh fuck – oh yes” repeatedly and she was ready to explode – she tensed from head to toe. She felt his fingernails digging deep into her shoulders and Brian just groaned out in pleasure and his body also went stiff, shaking and she let go for a third time having another amazing orgasm and then his thrusting became random and finally stopped. Eleanor lay there pinned down by Brian, listening to him panting for breath. She was pretty well spaced out now, almost like she was in a trance. Her pussy was throbbing and she felt completely drained. This was exactly what she had needed – being fucked so expertly, so cleverly but so relentlessly fast and hard – but for it to happen after not having had sex for so long made it pretty well mind blowing. Her thought train was broken after maybe a half a minute or so as Brian lifted himself onto his elbows, looking down into her eyes. “Was that nice Millie?” he asked in his usual casual way. She looked back for a few seconds thinking what to say, shaking her head before responding “Like it – like it – it was unbelievable – you’re something else Brian…” hesitating, looking away and then straight back into his eyes “…I don’t think anyone has ever fucked me quite like that before – it was so relentless – so awesome”. He smiled “Good I’m glad you liked it so much”. He eased himself off her and lay on the bed next to her, then reaching out for the box of tissues on the bedside table and offering it to her. She took several tissues and got out of bed holding the tissues to her pussy – she took a couple of steps and stopped, turning to Brian “where is it”. “First of the left” he replied and she went and sat on the toilet for a minute or so to let his semen drip out of her. She wiped dry and then spotted there was a bidet, so quickly washed herself off too before she went back to bed, lying next to Brian facing him. He turned to face her, laying on his side. She smiled at him “That was so incredibly nice Brian – you’re very good at it – I’ve haven’t had sex for a long time, but I didn’t expect anything like that”. He turned his head slightly “How come you haven’t had sex for a long time?” he quizzed. She blew her cheeks out, looked away and then looked back at him, drawing a deep breath. “Fourteen months ago I found my husband was cheating on me – not for the first time I suspected – anyway I threw him out” she explained. “So haven’t you been dating or seeing anyone else in that time?” he asked. She hesitated again and then responded “I had a few dates, but I didn’t want to have sex with them because then you so easily get into a relationship with them and then it gets complicated – I know the right man will come into my life, but I didn’t want to go through who knows how many before I find the right one”. “So what made you do this then?” he replied. “Oh come on Brian – after 14 months I miss having sex – playing with yourself can give some pleasure and relief, but good sex has no substitute” she quipped back, adding “…and tonight was so incredibly good – thank you”. He smiled “Believe me the pleasure was as much mine as yours”. They lay there for a minute or two in silence. Millie thought about how different this was from any time she had sex before. She liked Brian, but could not imagine ever loving him or even living with him. They knew nothing about each other, perhaps except they both knew the other one liked having sex. They hadn’t kissed – OK he’d played with her before they got into bed, but that was just part of the situation – the foreplay. She lay there trying to think what to say. As had been the case many times now, Brian spoke first “Do you feel like you want sex again yet?” She gasped out “Are you ready to do it already” not being able to resist reaching down, feeling her way down his tummy and then touching his limp penis. He replied “No but you see my son Ben lives in the flat above and well…” hesitating “…he is home now and sometimes we share…” Eleanor opened her mouth wide and raised her eyebrows “What – you are offering to let your son have sex with me – I don’t know him – he’s a complete stranger” she exclaimed. “Oh come on Millie – so was I only an hour ago – he’s a lovely boy – well young man to be honest – he’s twenty-two – he’s very fit and muscular – a lovely temperament…” hesitating “…and very good in bed” raising his eyebrows. Shaking her head “How did you ever get to sharing women with your son?” she exclaimed. Brian just replied calmly as usual “Well 3 years ago my wife died” – She jumped in immediately “Oh I’m sorry to hear that”. He continued “It’s OK she was poorly for some time and it was really a happy release. Anyway the woman who lived next door was divorced and – well – to cut a long story short we started having sex. I knew it would be hard to keep it from Ben so I told him – better coming from me that him finding out. Anyway when I told him he just looked at me and said “So am I Dad”. Eleanor couldn’t stop her jaw dropping wide open. He continued “so we went round next door and told her we both knew about each other and she just said ‘let’s go to bed and have a threesome then – and we did”. “Oh wow – that’s a hell of a story” she responded. “So do you want me to call him then? – believe me, you won’t be disappointed” Brian asked. Ben and Then Some Eleanor lay there alone in Brian’s bed hardly able to believe what she had just agreed to. She had just been fucked so amazingly by a complete stranger and now she had agreed to have sex with his son. If any of her friends ever found out about this she could never face them – it was so wrong, so stupid, so far over the line, but having had sex for the first time in 14 months and it having been so good, she simply couldn’t say ‘no’ to more. Brian had gone out of the room to call his son – she was glad that she couldn’t hear the conversation – but she heard Brian talking, obviously on his phone. A couple of minutes later the door-bell rang and she heard him say “Hey Ben”, but they obviously had then gone into another room and although she could hear voices, she could not make out any of the conversation. After a couple of minutes she heard footsteps and then Brian said ‘knock knock’ and walked back into the room and stood by the door in his boxer shorts. He smiled at her and asked “Are you OK Millie?” Laying there with the sheet pulled up to her chin she looked back at him replying “Yes thanks – fine”. “Millie I’d you to meet my son Ben – come in Ben” and Brian stood back and this very good looking young man came in and stood in front of Brian – also just wearing a pair of boxer shorts. “Hello Millie” he said smiling down at her. “Hi Ben” she replied politely, inside just in a turmoil about this unbelievable situation she had put herself in. “Ben is shy and insisted on keeping his underpants on” Brian chirped, raising his eyebrows and nodding at Ben. “Oh Dad” Ben exclaimed, giving Brian a frown. Then Brian just said “I’ll leave you two to – err – get to know each other” and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. Eleanor felt so uncomfortable – she had no idea what to say – the situation she was in now was so utterly unreal, so way beyond anything she could ever have contemplated. She looked at Ben – he was tall, his body was well defined, his muscles very pronounced and he had fair hair – he looked more than fanciable – but he was 10 years younger than Millie – she tried to start conversation – “Hi Ben – I’m err…” hesitating “…I’m not really sure what to say. He looked back turning the corners of his lips down – “Me neither really…” and she could see him swallow before continuing “…shall I come and sit on the bed”. “Yes of course” she replied. He sat on the bed next to her, looking down at her face. “You’ve got a very pretty face Millie” and he smiled at her. “Thank you” and she smiled back. “Errm – oh – I’m not sure I should say this – um – but my Dad told me that you’ve got the most gorgeous breasts” he said, clearly struggling to get the words out. Everything that had happened before with Brian had been guided and driven by him – his confidence brushing aside all of her nervousness. Agreeing to have sex with Ben had been a situation Eleanor would never have expected, but somehow the suggestion of it had been irresistible and she thought maybe she should show some confidence and take the lead as Ben was clearly so nervous. She smiled up at him her heart thumping as she said “Would you like to see them?” He nodded “Oh yes please”. She stared into his eyes for a few seconds before telling him “Well fold the sheet back then”. She watched him reach out – as she felt his fingers brush against her chest it almost seemed to send an electric shock through her to have another stranger touch her – she watched as he pulled back the sheet, exposing her breasts. “Oh wow they really are gorgeous” Ben said almost instantly. Taking the lead with Ben was quite turning her on and she’d already decided what to say next – “Would you like to play with them, Ben?” “Oh yes please” came the instant reply. It was so easy for her to decide what to say next as she knew exactly what his answer would be “Well go on then – they’re yours to play with”. She watched him reach out and place a hand on her tummy and the felt it slide up and onto her breast. It felt so wrong, so dirty, so cheap to be letting another total stranger touch her breast, but oh so nice. He caressed it “It’s so nice and firm” and then he brushed his thumb over her nipple and it made her gasp “My Dad said you’d got sensitive nipples”. She was looking up at the ceiling as she felt his other hand start to caress her other breast – oh it was so nice – then he flicked his thumbs across both nipples together – she let out a moan. “Mmm they are very sensitive” he whispered. “So your Dad told you all about me then, did he?” she gasped and looked up at him. He looked up from her breasts and looked back at her “Yes he did” flicking both nipples and making her gasp again before continuing “and he said you’ve got a gorgeous pussy”. She could tell his confidence was now growing quickly – she looked out of the corner of her eye and could make out a sizable bulge in his underpants. “I suppose you want to see that too then?” she asked casually. “Oh yes please” he replied eagerly. Despite his confidence she was determined not to give up taking the lead replying “Well I’m not going to let you” staring up at him – he looked back down and as he said “Oh Millie” stroking both her nipples again. She flinched, then staring back at him for a few seconds before saying calmly “…until you take off your shorts”. He smiled at her “Thank you Millie” she could tell that her nipples were getting hard now and even more sensitive as he flicked them both yet again and she gasped out “fuck”. He smiled down at her, stood up, eased his shorts down and she watched his semi-erect penis sticking out. He had clearly inherited his father’s genes as it was obviously ‘larger than average’, but also not yet fully hard – she noticed though how thick the base of it was. She felt like such a dirty little slut surveying the penis of a 22 year old stranger, but it was such a turn on. He sat back down on the bed. She was determined to get in first “You can pull the sheet back now and look at my pussy if you want to”. She felt his hand brush against her tummy as he took hold of the sheet and pulled it right back to her knees. She watched his face as he saw her stockings and suspenders and gasped “Oh Millie you look so gorgeous with those stockings and suspenders on, Dad didn’t tell me about those”. The he looked up at her pussy “Wow you’ve got it so neatly trimmed” and then he shuffled down the bed until he was sitting by her knees. She felt him place a hand on each of her thighs saying “I want to get a better view” and then eased her legs apart – “Oh yes it’s a really nice pussy – will you let me touch it?” She replied immediately “Touch it?” she quizzed “…don’t’ you want to play with it – after all that’s what pussies are for” hardly believing that she had just said that. “Oh yes please Millie” he replied, nodding. She felt him pick up her leg nearest to him, he bent it and then eased it further open and lay it across his lap – she felt such a whore with her legs spread so wide apart showing him everything, but it was turning her on massively. She felt his hand slide up the inside of her thigh, first over the stocking and then her bare thigh, his fingertips roamed across to her pussy and he ran them up and down her lips – just like when Brian had touched her there, she felt she was going to melt. Then she saw him bring his other hand over, felt more finger tips easing open her pussy and almost before she realised what was happening she felt his finger slide right inside and she let out a moan. “You’re very wet Millie” he murmured. She didn’t respond thinking ‘the hell with it – he’s got the lead now’. He slid his finger in and out a few times and then she felt herself stretched a little more as she felt two fingers slide into her and gasped in response. She felt other fingers exploring at the front of her pussy and then they found their target and she let out a groan as they started gently stroking her clitoris. Ben wasn’t teasing and patient like his Dad, but fuck he was getting her turned on so quickly – she was gasping each breath and groaning with pleasure. She looked up at him – he was staring at her pussy, but then he looked up and their eyes met. “Your very gorgeous Millie – so sexy – I really want to fuck you and I think you are really ready for it now – will you let me?” staring at her, waiting for her response. She nodded, adding “Oh yes Ben”. He smiled at her. She felt his fingers slide out of her, saw him reach up and he tugged the pillow that her head was resting on – she lifted her head and he brought the pillow down the bed. “Lift you bottom off the bed please, Millie” and she brought her arms down and her feet up and did as told. He slid the pillow under her bottom and she rested back down. “Why are you doing that?” she asked. He looked at her, hesitating for a second or two “My girlfriend asks me to do it – she said it feels nicer going in like this and rubs all the right places even better…” hesitating “…the first time we did it like this she pretty well freaked”. She felt strange now – her head was now flat on the bed and her bottom was higher than it – it felt like the bottom of the bed had been lifted up into the air – and somehow she felt slightly helpless and vulnerable – a little shudder went through her tummy and into her groin – ‘practically freaked’ played back through her mind, wondering what it was going to be like. She watched Ben kneel between her legs – his penis was completely erect now, the bulging head a deep pink and she could see it was at least as long as Brian’s and looked even thicker. Her heart thumped a few times as she knew very soon it was going to be inside her. He leaned forward supporting himself on his hands before lowered himself onto his elbows with their tummies touching and his face right in front of hers – he smiled and she felt his hand slide down between their bodies. Then he was guiding the tip of his penis into her pussy, easing her lips open, wriggling it around in the wetness and then she felt him start to press into her, just starting to stretch open the entrance into her pussy. He looked her in the eyes “Ready Millie”. “Oh yes” she moaned. The she felt him almost force it into her in one move – it must have gone half way in – he slid it in and out to spread her juices and then in one more thrust slid it completely inside her. It felt like her heart stopped completely for several seconds. “You OK Millie?” he whispered. She looked back still trying to catch her breath “Wow you don’t hang around do you?” He smiled “I can do it a little slower if you want” and he slid out of her, and then with several more gentle thrusts, each one penetrating a little deeper he eased his penis back inside. Eleanor felt better being filled by him more slowly – with the last thrust he pushed harder and with her juices now flowing and completely spread over his penis, it slid right inside so nicely and the thick base of his penis stretched her pussy wider open then she could ever remember before, forcing a deep groan out of her. She opened her eyes and he was just staring at her face “Was that better Millie?” he asked. She blew her lips out “Yes…” swallowing “…it’s better a little slower until I get used to how…” shaking her head “…how big you are” raising her eyebrows. “I’m sorry – it’s just that you really are so gorgeous and I just want to…” hesitating and then sliding himself gently in and out of her a few times “…well you know what”. “You mean you just want to fuck me?” she said finishing his sentence. “Yes Millie – very much” he whispered. She felt his hands touch her sides and then slide over her breasts and then his thumbs sliding over her nipples again – it made her pussy tingle right inside and she couldn’t suppress gasping out for breath. “You’d better get on with it then – I’m more than ready” and she felt his thumbs teasing both her nipples again, forcing her to gasp for breath again and then he started sliding in and out of her with long strokes, almost right out and then deep back inside. She hadn’t noticed when he first entered her as it had all been so fast, but with her pelvis tilted back, his penis was pressing much more against the front of her vagina, teasingly sliding over her g-spot with each stroke. It felt so much more intense and she couldn’t help but groan out ‘oh’ each time he thrust into her. With her bottom raised by the pillow and her hips tilted back she wasn’t able push back against him as she usually would do and she felt slightly helpless. He started to fuck her faster, but amazingly still with long strokes – normally strokes would get shorter as they got faster, but not with Ben. He sped up even more and Millie started to feel just like she was a fuck doll, lying there with Ben pounding in and out of her with long hard strokes like a machine, the swollen head of his penis plunging into her and barging past her g-spot like a bully. After not very long she felt the muscles in her pussy start to tense again and the warm tingly feeling deep inside – that gorgeous feeling that she was going to orgasm soon. Then just like Brian had done, she felt Ben’s hands slide under her shoulders, his fingers looped over the top, she felt them grip the top of her shoulders and he started to thrust into her even faster still. It was so intense and overpowering, now feeling utterly under Ben’s control all she could do was lie there and let him pound into her, helplessly groaning ‘oh’ or ‘fuck’ with each stroke and enjoying every one of them. The muscles around her pussy were almost locked waiting for that beautiful release and the tingling in her pussy was now an intense buzzing and she was so ready to let go – the ‘ohs’ and ‘fucks’ involuntarily changed to ‘yes’, ‘yes’ ’yes’ and then the fireworks went off in her head and she shook from head to toe as the muscles in her groin spasmed uncontrollably and that gorgeous warmth flowed out. Through all the wonderful sensations she noticed Ben’s fingers squeeze harder and then he let out a series of groans, the strokes suddenly became shorter and random and from the panting for breath she knew he had come too. As they lay there trying to organise her thoughts Eleanor knew all too well she had never been fucked like that ever before – so hard, so fast, so rough, almost brutal and so relentless, but oh it had been so good. Then her thoughts were stopped dead as she heard someone clap four or five times and she spun her head sideways to see Brian sitting in the chair smiling. She was aghast inside to think that not only had she just had the hardest roughest fuck of her life, but someone had been watching her – she felt so embarrassed. Brian just smiled and said “Nice show Millie and Ben – nice show”. “You were watching us” she said curtly. “Oh Millie...” Brian replied “…don’t be angry – it was so amazing watching the two of you getting it off like that – please don’t let it bother you”. She realised that it was probably just the surprise of realising he was there that startled her as much as anything responding “I’ve never had anyone watch me do it before” feeling guilty inside. “Well Millie…” he continued “…there’s been a few firsts tonight for you – sex with people you’ve never met before, sex with a father and son and now having an audience” and he giggled. Thinking what he had said, she felt so cheap, so disgustingly dirty, but knew she had absolutely no regrets. Then Eleanor felt something on her chest and she looked up to see Ben smiling down at her, his face flushed pink and she watched as a second bead of sweat dripped from his chin. “You OK Millie?” he asked. She blew her cheeks out “You were like a machine – it was awesome”. The Brian chirped from the side “I told you that you wouldn’t be disappointed Millie”. She felt Ben start to slide out and she said “pass some tissues please before you do that” and she slid them between her legs before getting up off the bed and heading for the toilet for a second time. After letting Ben’s juices dribble out she washed again in the bidet and after drying off made her way to the bedroom, wondered if she should leave now – she was drained of energy, but she also wondered if there was something else planned. When she got back there Ben was in his shorts, but Brian was now in bed. Ben just said “I’ll go and shower now then Dad” and he smiled at Millie as he left the room, shutting the door behind him. She looked down at Brian and as she did so, he just pulled the sheet back and said “Please come and join me again, Millie”. There was obviously something else planned… Eleanor lay on her back, wondering what was next – it had already been way more adventurous and kinky than her wildest dreams. She felt Brian turn on his side to face her and then she felt him touch her arm and his hand slid down and held her hand. She mused how it was the first bit of anything like affection from either him or Ben – everything else had just been about sex, but then she thought that all tonight was really about and anyway she hadn’t been looking for affection or friendship. “I hope Ben wasn’t too rough with you, Millie?” Brian said in his usual calm way. She briefly thought about how Brian and Ben had both used her name in almost every sentence they spoke – it was so nice, so personal. Then she switched back to his question, thinking of what to say, turning her head to look at him out of the corner of her eye. “Rough?...” she exclaimed “..more like brutal I’d say”. “Oh I’m sorry, Millie – I hope he didn’t hurt you” he replied anxiously. She let out a little laugh “there’s no need to say sorry – it was awesome – he was like an uncontrollable machine”. “So you really liked it then?” he quizzed. She blew out her cheeks “Oh yes…” hesitating “…I’ll bet you think I’m a right dirty little slut don’t you?” she said guiltily, looking across out of the corner of her eye again. He squeezed her hand gently “On the contrary Millie I think you are incredibly attractive and a lovely woman and…” pausing for a few seconds “…and I was hoping we could have sex again…” pausing “…If you’d like to”. Her heart missed a beat and then pounded for a few seconds. She thought about her reply and then the words just flowed easily “Why not – that’s the reason I’m here”. She felt him squeeze her hand again “Oh good I’m so pleased”. She guessed that had thought through the whole thing in advance as everything had just happened so smoothly – she might have said ‘no’ to having sex with Ben, but Brian had probably got a ‘plan B’ ready – she didn’t care anyway – so far it had all been such an amazing experience. “So have you got something in mind?” she asked casually, suspecting that he had. “Well…” he responded “…I was hoping we might do it with you on top”. She thought about it for a few seconds – “I don’t see why not – do you like having a woman on top then?” she quizzed. She felt him let go of her hand, then she felt his hand move over her pelvis and he slide it down between her legs, his fingers very gently stroking her pussy. “Oh yes Millie it’s one of my favourites” he replied. He kept stroking her pussy lips, just gently running his fingers up and down. After a few seconds he spoke again “I hope Ben didn’t make you sore?” still stroking gently. “No he didn’t – I think that I get so wet I’ve never had a problem with being sore” she replied. As he stroked her pussy lips she could feel herself automatically generating more juices inside. Then she felt his fingers wriggling against her lips and the tip slid inside “Oh yes Millie you are very wet again…” running his finger up and down inside her lips “…are you ready to do it now?” Eleanor thought of what had happened tonight, sex with two people she had never met before with barely a few minutes between them after 14 months of nothing but masturbation – it had only been a few minutes since she had done it with Ben – was she ready to do it again? “Oh yes” she replied. She reached out and found Brian’s hip, then navigating down, as she felt his pubic hair she knew she was close. She felt the tip of her fingers touch his penis and she slid her fingers around it – it felt thick and she squeezed it gently – it was rock hard. She slid her fingers up and down – she realised that after everything that had taken place, this was the first time she had touched either Ben or Brian’s penis. It didn’t just look long – as she teased the tip with her finger tips and then slid her hand down to the base it felt big – ‘larger than average’ came into her mind again. “You’re nice and ready too then?” Brian didn’t answer so she continued “how long have you been like that?” running her fingers up and down it. She heard Brian draw a breath as she wrapped her fingers around and pulled the skin back, then he replied “Since about 30 seconds after I sat down to watch you and Ben fucking”. Then she watched him slide his hands up and throw the sheet back and said “I think we are both ready now – let’s do it”. Eleanor let go of his penis and rolled over and got onto her knees, taking hold of his penis again and stroking up and down, saying “well lie on your back then and I’ll get on top”. Brian looked up at her “Oh no Millie – over here” and gently took her wrist and moved her hand away and then wriggled to the foot of the bed, hanging his legs over the end and he patted the bed next to him “Come over here Millie”. She got off the bed and walked around to him and then knelt on the bed, facing him. “Oh no Millie…” he said “…you need to be facing the other way”. “What…” she quizzed “…I thought you wanted me to be on top?” He smiled at her “I do Millie, but if you face the other way we can both watch ourselves having sex” and she turned around on her knees and looked at herself in the mirror – a little shiver went through her seeing herself looking like a complete tart with the grey stockings and suspenders with Brian lying next to her. Her heart missed a beat again and little shudder ran down through her body and into her groin at the realisation while she had sex this time with him, she was going to be able to watch. “Oh OK” she went and then she balanced on both hands and one leg as she straddled him, gently lowering herself down so that her pussy was resting on his tummy and his penis was standing up right in front of it. She shuffled forwards a little until her pussy was touching his penis and looking up into the mirror she couldn’t help but let out a little laugh as it looked like she had now got a penis. Brian asked “What’s so funny?” She giggled again – “look in the mirror – it looks like I’ve got a penis” and she saw him look up and he smiled, replying ”that would make a nice selfie..” and they both laughed together. Eleanor looked down at his penis – it looked pretty big, but then she looked up in the mirror and seeing it from that angle made it look even bigger, almost reaching her belly button and her heart missed a beat at the thought of all of that going inside her. Brian put a hand on her hip and stroked her gently “It’s best if you guide me inside”. Eleanor had been on top before, although never this way around and certainly not like this with a full view in the mirror. She so wanted to watch herself as she took Brian inside. She raised herself up and shuffled a little further forward. Reaching down she took hold of his penis with one hand and slid her other hand to her pussy and gently eased her lips open, immediately feeling her wetness. Staring into the mirror her gaze was riveted to her groin as she steered him into her pussy – she guided the tip between her open lips and then the best part as she relaxed her thigh muscles and felt the head of his penis stretch her pussy open and watched as it slowly disappeared inside her and she couldn’t help but gasp out ‘oh fuck’. “Is it nice watching it go inside it like that then Millie?” She realised that he had cleverly laid at a slight angle so that he could see everything too. “It’s awesome – I’ve never watched it like that before” she gasped. She bobbed up and down slightly to spread her juices and then relaxed her thigh muscles letting gravity take over, making him slide right inside, feeling like she was being impaled on his lovely big penis. Brian let out a gasp and then ”you’ve got a gorgeous pussy Millie – it feels so nice to be right inside you and…” hesitating “...it feels so nice with your stockings brushing against my sides”. She just looked at him in the mirror and smiled. Looking back up at herself she didn’t know what to do with her hands – she rested them on her thighs, but then had another idea and reached around and placed them on Brian’s hips and she raised herself, watching his penis reappear into view letting it slide most of the way out and then relaxing her arms and her thighs and watching it slide all the way back in again and letting out a deep groan of pleasure as it went so deep inside her. Brian said quietly “you can keep on doing that if you want”. She stated bobbing up and down on him rhythmically and after a few times she felt him start to push back at exactly the same tempo – she thought again how good he was doing it. She didn’t need the extra push from her hands now Brian and her were moving so rhythmically together and holding them behind her was making her shoulders ache so she brought them in front of her and rested hem on her stockinged thighs. Unable to drag her eyes away from the mirror, she just stared at his penis sliding in and out of her and being able to watch was making her even more turned on. “Are you enjoying watching yourself fucking, Millie?” he asked. “Oh yes…” she replied instantly “…it’s such a turn on”. “Does it make you feel naughty being able to watch yourself having sex then?” She looked up at her breasts now wobbling up and down and then back down at her pussy being rhythmically filled right up by Brian so pleasurably. “Yes I suppose it does” she gasped, starting to feel that little tingle inside. Brian carried on “Do you feel naughty after everything you’ve don’t tonight, Millie?” So many questions she thought, but her mind flicked back over it all in a couple of seconds replying “I suppose I’ve been very naughty tonight". Well you know what a happens to girls when they are really naughty and she saw his hand move quickly and she felt a sting as he smacked her bottom and let out a little ‘ow’. Her brain automatically connected with her memory and in a flash recalled a night years ago when her and Damian had come home and she had been pretty drunk – how she had been curious for some time to find out what it was like to be smacked – how she’d deliberately goaded him in some way – she couldn’t even remember how – how he told her she was very naughty – how she’d said that if she was naughty then he’d better smack her bottom then – how he’d given her six of the best – and how she’d asked for more – and more – and how horny it had made her. As this flashed through her mind in a couple of seconds she was still staring at her pussy and Brian’s penis. From the corner of her eye she saw his other hand and in an instant she felt another sting on the other side and let out a little grunt. “Millie” he called and she looked up at his face. “Do you like being smacked Millie” he asked. “Yesss” she hissed. “Have you done it lot’s before”. ‘Fuck more questions’ she thought “Just once”. Then they both looked up as the bedroom door opened and Ben called “Dad I’m going now”. Brian replied immediately “Just come in for a second – I need you to get something for me. Millie’s heart thumped a couple of times and a shiver went through her at the thought of Ben seeing her having sex too. Ben walked in and just went “Wow” at what he saw. “Ben open the bottom draw of that chest, there’s a white box in there and inside it is a pink handled thing with rubber fronds – pass it to me please” Brian told him. Millie just kept on bobbing up and down with Brian not easing off either and she was staring back at the main piece of action – her pussy and Brian’s penis – the stinging in her bottom now a pleasant warm glow under her skin. Then Ben came over and gave his Dad whatever it was and casually said “bye both” and walked out and Brian put whatever it was on the bed next to him. Eleanor was watching the mirror intently – she was feeling pretty turned on but not sure if she would be able to come again. Then she saw Brian pick up whatever it was Ben had passed him – she hadn’t paid really attention to it at the time. She looked in the mirror and as she felt something brush her shoulder and in the mirror she saw something drape over it. She looked down at her shoulder and just saw some round dark pink strips of rubber or plastic. “Do you know what it is Millie”. “No” she replied as she bobbed up and down. “It’s called a flogger Millie – it’s a bit more…” hesitating “…well sophisticated and perhaps intense than being smacked with someone’s hand – see it’s got a handle and the fronds are rubber so they are not as extreme as leather” and he pushed it further forward so that fronds dangled over her breast. Then she watched as he pulled it back and teasingly dangled the fronds down her back. Then she didn’t feel it any more. She guessed he was going to use it on her, but then without warning she heard a whoosh and felt multiple painful little stings on the right side of her bottom and let out a little squeal – it really stung – she looked up in the mirror and saw Brian had cleverly used his left hand to land it on her so she couldn’t see behind her back. Now her attention was a little torn – she struggled to take her eyes off that place in the mirror where their bodies interlocked, but the sting from the flogger was pretty intense and she was sure there would be more – then whoosh and using his right hand it bit into the left cheek of her bottom. Fuck she was confused – the gorgeous feeling of penetration amplified by seeing it all in the mirror was now being challenged by the stinging slaps from the flogger. Without warning she felt two quick slaps on each side of her bottom, the tips of the rubber fronds stinging like a swarm of bees. As each one landed she felt more turned on, but confusingly the pain of the stings somehow pushing the feeling she would come slightly further away. “Does the flogger hurt Millie?” he asked. “Yesss” she hissed. “Is it turning you on Millie?” “Oh yesss” she hissed. “Good – is it making you feel like you’re going to come Millie”. ‘So many fucking questions’ she thought to herself, but answering anyway “No it’s sort of the opposite – it’s turning me on but it kind of distracts me from feeling I’m going to come”. “Good that’s what it’s supposed to do – make you more and more aroused, but stop you coming so soon so that when you eventually do get there it should be so much more intense” he said in his ever calm way. She saw his right hand move and he just slid it onto her hip – then she felt the left one rest on the other side – his fingers squeezed slightly and he started to thrust harder. Her eyes were still glued to that same spot in the mirror, briefly flicking up to see her breasts now bouncing up and down with Brian’s harder thrusts. After 20 seconds or so she felt him take his hands from her hips – then suddenly multiple stings as he landed the flogger first on one side – then the other. His placed his hands back on her hips and kept thrusting hard for a short while, then the same again but with two stinging slaps to each side, he kept the same routine, fucking her for a short while, then the flogger with one more smack each time. He got to 5 smacks and Eleanor was more turned on than she could ever believe. After each slap with the flogger it stung so much, but then within seconds the stinging pain was replaced by a burning under her skin – her bottom felt like it was on fire. Then it happened – no gentle tingling in her pussy as a warning – just an overwhelming feeling she was going to come. It grew stronger so quickly – she was still transfixed watching his penis thrusting in and out of her – she couldn’t help but gasp out “oh fuck yes – yes – yes”. “Ready to come Millie?” he asked. The feeling was getting more intense with every second “Oh fuck yes” she desperately gasped in reply. “Good – I’ve been holding back waiting for you” he said this time his usual calm manner replaced with a more urgent tone. She could feel his grip on her hips steadily becoming tighter. It was so close now – she was right on the edge – all her muscles from head to toe started to tense up and she felt like she was having a seizure and her pussy was on fire. Then it happened – that moment when her orgasm started as the firework display went off in her head, all the muscles around her pussy started to tense and release – she let out a muffled scream with the intensity of it all and the warmth from her pussy flowed out into her whole body and she let out what seemed like an endless series of groans as the uncontrollable spasms deep inside seemed to go on and on – as all that was happening she heard Brian groaning out ‘fuck yes’ repeatedly and she felt the perfect even tempo of his thrusting change to random for a short while and then he became still, the only noise was of him panting for breath. She sat there eyes closed tightly as the muscles spasms around her pussy continued for what seemed ages before slowly fading away. After a few more seconds she felt Brian take his hands away from her hips and she opened her eyes. She couldn’t help but look first at her groin, seeing and knowing from being able to feel it that Brian was still deep inside. Then she looked up at his face in the mirror and he was just staring at her. He smiled. “Was it nice being a naughty girl Millie?” She shook her head, searching for words eventually giving up – “Fuck yes” she gasped. “That flogger certainly more than turned you on, eh Millie”. “It stung like hell, but it was awesome” she replied continuing “…do you want to pass me some tissues please”. “Don’t worry about it – let’s just lie here – it’s nice being inside you” he replied. “I’m just worried it’ll all leak out and make a mess” she said looking at him in the mirror and she watched him just shrugged his shoulders and smiled. “Have you ever thought of trying bondage Millie?” he asked casually. A shiver of fear went through her. “Err…” hesitating, but she knew she was curious “…not really – have you done it?” she asked. “Yes Millie”. “What was it like – did you enjoy it?” He looked at her for a few seconds before responding “The first time is the best because you don’t know what it’s going to be like – you’re frightened about being tied up and blindfolded – and when it actually happens the feeling of letting someone else completely take control of you is so – so unbelievably scary. Then the sensation of being touched, stimulated and smacked and not knowing which, what with or where next is so disorientating. Then if your Mistress, or in your case, Master is clever they’ll tease you and get you turned on, but combine that all up with other things and you get to a stage where you don’t know where that line between pleasure and pain is any more and it all seems to get mixed up together”. “Wow…” Eleanor responded “…it all sounds pretty scary”. He smiled and nodded “Well if you ever want to try it I’d be happy to help – I can be very inventive”. She smiled back at him, but didn’t reply. Then she felt his fingers on her bottom – he stroked one cheek, then the other and then slid them right down from the top of her crack, as they got to the bottom, sliding them more slowly. She felt him pull his tummy in to make room. Her heart missed a beat as she guessed where they were heading and she wasn’t sure she wanted them to go there. Very slowly his fingers carried on their journey until they reached the destination and very gently with the tip of one finger he stroked the entrance to her tight little hole – she let out a little gasp of breath. She wanted to tell him to stop – it felt so naughty, but hell it was oh so nice. “Have you ever had sex there Millie?” he calmly asked. “Oh no never” and yet another shiver went through her at what she thought he might be about to suggest. He kept stroking it for a few seconds or so before speaking “No me neither…” hesitating “…although one of my friends asked me to slip my finger in there while we were having sex and she said it was absolutely awesome being penetrated there at the same time as her pussy and it was obvious how much more turned on she got – maybe you would like to try that sometime?” he asked. ‘Fuck he is so clever at pushing things just that bit further’ she thought and decided to play cagey “Maybe – I’m not sure”. “OK - just one more thing Millie – do you think you will want us to meet up again?” She guessed this question would be asked. She knew that when she made arrangements to meet up with Brian she had resolved with herself that this was a one-off, although a couple of times during that afternoon she wondered whether she could possibly resist doing it again, it had been so incredible and so she replied “It’s the first time I’ve done this sort of thing and although it’s been awesome I don’t want to say ‘yes’ and I don’t want say ‘no’ – OK?” “Sure Millie that’s fine I completely understand – if after you have thought about it and you want to do it again, then I’d love to – you’re a gorgeous woman…” hesitating “… and those stockings and suspenders suited you so amazingly” and he gave a big smile. There seemed nothing more to say and Brian passed her the tissues, he offered her the option of a shower, but she declined and just went to quickly clean herself up. She returned to the bedroom, he was laying there in bed and she started to get dressed. She felt so cheap as she knew he was watching her every move and as she finally buttoned up her blouse and slipped her shoes back on he said “Getting you undressed was much more enjoyable than watching you get dressed again”. She picked up her handbag and looked at Brian and smiling said “Thank you Brian for a truly amazing time – you made it all so incredible – having sex after such a long time was always going to be good, but you made it all – well – almost unbelievable – you don’t need to get up – I’ll let myself out” and she kissed her fingers and blew him the kiss. Brian smiled yet again “You’re welcome Millie – You’re a lovely woman and I hope we can get together again”. She smiled back “Maybe”. As she left the building and started to stride down the street she was reminded about it all as she took each step by the aching in her groin from the pounding her pussy had taken. Speaking to herself silently in her head as she walked she said ‘wearing stockings and suspenders for a complete stranger, letting him fuck me, then letting his son fuck me, being watched having sex with a stranger by another stranger, having sex with the first one again and letting him whip my bottom at the same time’ and she felt like a complete slut, a dirty whore – she just wanted to get home and open a bottle of wine – to drink it all – then maybe another one. She looked at her watch – 7.35 – all that had happened in only just over two hours. A little gust of wind blew and fluttered up her skirt and again she felt the coolness on her bare thighs above the stocking tops. There was no way she could have done any more with Brian, but strangely she still felt horny and her pussy felt moist. As she walked into the car park a car was driving out. It came towards her and slowed down and then as it came to a halt next to her and the window came down – she looked inside, but it was dark. “Hi Ellie” came the cry from inside “What are you doing here?” Her heart was thumping like crazy for a few seconds before she recognised the voice of one of her gym friends. “Hi Sandy – I just visited an old friend I haven’t seen for ages”. “Oh does she live near here then?” came the response. “Yes – just down the road – I thought my car was safer parked here” she replied. “OK see you at the gym Ellie”. She walked towards her car feeling scared – if someone had seen her now, perhaps someone might have seen her earlier walking down the road with Brian. She got into her car and sat there, not sure if she was going to burst into tears at what she had just done. She took a few deep breaths before thinking ‘just get home’. During the drive home she couldn’t help but replay the whole thing. The way he had undressed so teasingly in front of the mirror, then fucked her so expertly making her cum three times, getting her to have sex with his son, the way Ben had fucked her so roughly and then Brian fucking her in front of the mirror at the same time taking her to a new high that she never knew existed with the flogger. She knew all too well she had crossed over into the world of casual sex that she had never ever thought of going before – every fibre in her body knew it was wrong, but oh fuck how good it had all been. Then abstractly she thought of the ‘morning after’ pills sitting there on her bedside table thinking ‘don’t forget to take them’. Before she knew it she was home. As she closed the door behind her, it felt good to be back in familiar surroundings. She went straight to the fridge, took out the nicely chilled bottle of Pinot Grigio and filled her largest wine glass to the brim and then just sat there sipping it as she stared at the wall, still replaying events from earlier and now hardly able to believe that she, Eleanor, had actually done it all. Before she realised it the glass was empty and she re-filled it, before sitting down again she went and turned on the bath taps to have a nice warm relaxing bath. She felt dirty on both the inside and outside and she knew the bath couldn’t wash away the emotional debris on the inside, but it would be nice to have a good soak and wash herself clean. She sat for a couple of minutes sipping more wine and then topped up the glass and went back to the bathroom with it – the bath was nicely half full. She undressed and threw all her clothes in a heap, as she tossed the stockings and then the suspender belt on the top like a kinky decoration, wondering if she would ever wear them again. Looking in the mirror she noticed her completely ruffled hair and realised she must have looked like that when Sandy saw her in the car park – ‘fuck what must she have thought’. She put the stool next to the bath and placed the glass of wine on it so it was in easy reach and then slipped into the warm water. She lay there soaking, still randomly sifting through her time with Brian and Ben. After a couple of minutes she realised the water was a bit too warm, but rather than add more cold water, she slipped her right leg out and over the side of the bath to cool. She loved having the stand-alone bath and as she was still too warm and she lifted her other leg out too and hung it over the other side, as she did she watched her pussy rise up above the surface. She stared at it, thinking the last time she had looked at it was in the mirror with Brian rammed deep inside. She knew that her constant replaying of the evening events meant she still had that little ‘itch’ and reached out for the bath oil and squirted a blob on the little line of hair at the top of her pussy. Her hand automatically went down and her fingers found her clitoris and just wiggled it – she didn’t want anything inside her – there had been enough of that tonight and she just played with it and it wasn’t long at all before she made herself come. It felt good to do it to herself, somehow feeling like she had moved on from events earlier. Then she thought back to how before tonight the last time she had sex it with was with Damian fourteen months ago and today had changed for Eleanor because no longer was that bastard of an ex-husband the last person she had sex with. That realisation made her feel so much better…   Say 'No' to More? It was mid-afternoon and Eleanor was sitting in the company coffee bar with three of her work colleagues. They were laughing and joking as usual. Her phone rang and she picked it up off the desk, first looking at the screen to see if was someone she knew – no name from her address book was displayed – just a number and she slid the ‘answer’ image across the screen and as usual said “Hello Eleanor speaking”. A man’s voice at the other end responded with “sorry I must have the wrong number”. Eleanor replied “what number were you calling?” and the man at the other end read out the number. She responded “Yes that is my number”. There was no response for a couple of seconds and then the man at the other end said “Is that you Millie?” Her heart pounded and a shiver went through her body – she was sure it wasn’t Brian’s voice – “Is that Ben?” she asked. “Yes Millie it’s me – how are you?” came the response. Immediately the other girls picked it up whispering loudly between each other ‘whose Ben then’ – ‘she’s got a new man called Ben’ – ‘whoa she’s kept that quiet’ and Eleanor said “Hang on a minute”, looking at the girls and shaking her head and smiling at them, before getting up and going outside into the corridor. She put the phone to her ear again “Sorry Ben I was with some work colleagues”. “No problem – sorry to interrupt” he replied. “Ben – how did you get my number?” she asked anxiously. “Oh well my Dad has gone away for a few days and he said I can stay at his flat and I saw your name and number on the pad by his phone” he explained. Eleanor remembered exchanging mobile numbers with Brian in case of last minute hiccups. “Oh OK” she said continuing “What can I do for you?” “Well Millie I just wanted to say sorry if I was too rough with you the week before last when we – you know…” hesitating “… my Dad said you told him I had been – I think he said ‘brutal’ – I’m really sorry and I just want to apologise” he told her. “Oh no Ben maybe your Dad didn’t explain very well – I said you were rough with me – I did use the word ‘brutal’ but it was in a joking way and I did tell your Dad it had actually been awesome…” herself hesitating “…doing it with you” and then realising what she had said and looking round to make sure no-one was in earshot. “Oh OK thanks – I just felt so bad about it” he replied. “Well you don’t need to worry – it really was really nice” she said. “OK great…” and then he took a long pause “…and I was wondering if you fancied getting together again” and it was like a jolt of electricity zapped through her. She tried to be vague to give herself some time to think “I’m not sure – when were you thinking of?” He responded immediately “How about tomorrow at five?” In the two weeks that had passed she had resolved it was a one off – it had been amazing, but she knew it was dangerous and wrong. Her mind raced. “Are you still there Millie” Ben asked. “Yess” she hissed. “Are you interested then?” he asked again. Her mind raced, so many thoughts going through it, like how she could have been mugged, how should have been gang raped or even murdered – then after another two or three seconds it was like some secret circuit in her brain connected and she replied “See you tomorrow at five then at the flat” and her heart was thumping like crazy and a huge feeling of guilt came over her. When she got back to her colleagues, the first thing she got was ‘who is Ben then?’, but she managed to fob them off that he was an electrician who had been recommended to her to put some extra sockets in at home. Tweny-four hours later she was taking that route for a second time in just over two weeks. As she drove towards the White Horse to park her car, she reflected on a multitude of things. Last weekend had been exciting as one of her gym friends had fixed up a first date for her with a guy who also used the gym that she had noticed several times and quite fancied. She went out for dinner with Jamie on Saturday evening and he was really good company – after a long meal with coffee and liqueurs she had given him a lift home and after they stopped and had a quick snog, he asked if she wanted to come in and stay over, but she told him in as nice a way as she could that ‘she really liked him and although she had a lovely evening that she didn’t – you know’ and he replied ‘do casual sex’ and she just said ‘yes’, but the feeling of guilt at the huge lie she had told him had made her feel so bad. And now here she was doing ‘casual sex’ in a far more extreme way. She pulled into the pub car park, drove around the back and parked in the same space as two weeks ago, switching off the engine and checking the time – 16.53. She looked in the mirror to check her make-up. Then she looked down at her stockinged legs. Last week she knew she had looked really good, even though they were just fashion stockings, but last evening on the way home she stopped at the shopping mall for something a bit more racy. As she looked down at the dark grey fishnets she thought back when she had got home and tried them on with the matching suspenders, bra and panties and a shiver had gone through her as she stood in front of the mirror – she was sure Ben would like the way she looked. She got out of the car, locked it and started on the short walk to Brian’s flat. As she walked all she could think about was what the evening would bring. She had liked Brian’s confidence, inventiveness and thoughtfulness, but Ben was ten years younger than her and very fanciable and after his apology over the phone she realised very genuine – maybe she could help him to be a bit less rushed. Also she had thought back and although they were both ‘larger than average’, on reflection Ben had filled her just that little bit more. As she approached the entrance to the flats she could feel her pussy getting moist. She was sure that it was number 17 and when she got to the street entrance she pushed that button. Within seconds she heard “Hi Millie – come in” and she replied “Thanks” and got the lift. After she stepped out of the lift and walked down the corridor to Brian’s apartment the door was open and Ben was standing there holding the door open. “Hi Ben” she said, clocking that he was just in a T-shirt and track-suit bottoms and she walked into the hallway and he shut the door behind her. “Hi Millie” he replied, still standing just inside the door. Eleanor went and stood in front of him. “You OK Ben?” she asked as he seemed a little reticent. “Err – yes…” he replied hesitating. She looked up at him – she realised that they actually hadn’t stood up together and that he was even taller than she realised, maybe nearly a foot taller than her. “…I was just wondering…” hesitating again “…would you let me kiss you?” She thought it was amusing that very soon they would be having sex together, but he felt he had to ask to kiss her – “of course” she replied and immediately he slid his hands to her sides and around her back and pulled her against him and she tipped her head back and to the side and he kissed her. She hadn’t expected this and her heart missed a beat at how weak she felt in his strong grip and she let her tongue just slide along the inside of his lips and a his tongue probed into her mouth in response. She felt her pussy tingling and getting wetter. He pulled away “You’re very gorgeous Millie – I never thought I’d say this but right now I wish I was ten years older” and smiled. Eleanor was slightly concerned as she knew she really wanted sex with him again, but knew there could be no emotional ties. She smiled back “That’s nice of you to say that Ben, but…” shrugging her shoulders “…that’s just the way it is”. “Yes I know” he said immediately, continuing “Can I undress you Millie?” “What here?” she replied with a cheeky grin and he took her hand and led her into the bedroom. “One question…” hesitating “…when you answered the phone you said ‘hello Eleanor’ – is Millie not your real name then?” She felt a little shiver go through her, but had thought he might ask and answered immediately “I use my middle name for work – it sounds more professional” which was true, although she didn’t mention what her first name was and it certainly wasn’t Millie”. “Oh OK – can I undress you now then Millie?” looking down at her seriously. She looked up into his eyes for a few seconds, tiling slightly “Only on one condition” she replied. “Go on” he said. “That I can undress you too” she told him. He smiled. “How many items of clothing are you wearing?” she asked. He looked upwards – “Err – just three – no five there’s my socks too – and you?” he asked. She counted starting down at herself – three, four, her bra made five plus skirt and blouse and she looked back up at him “Seven but you’ll only want me to take four off” she continuing to look at him. “Eh – I don’t get it” he replied. “Oh come on dunce subtract two stockings and one suspender belt from seven and that equals four” and she gave him a broad smile. Ben shook his head and looked up “OK stupid me”. Let’s forget your socks and my shoes so you’ve got three and I’ve got four – one at a time – you can go first”. His hands immediately went up to her blouse and he slowly undid each button and slid it off one shoulder, let her slip her arm out and the same on the other side and he draped it on the chair. He looked back at her and just went “Wow”. She had deliberately bought a lacy see-thru bra to match the stockings and when he looked back at her he just went “Oh yes – Millie you look gorgeous”. “Thank you Ben – now it’s my turn” and she reached out to his waist and started to slide down his tracksuit bottoms, at first reaching down and then lowering herself onto one knee. She pulled them right down and held them as he lifted one foot out, then the other and she pushed them aside. She stayed on her knees and looked up at his face – then she slowly looked down and stared at the bulge in his boxer shorts. She reached out with one hand and gently caressed it through his shorts, hearing him gasp in a breath as she did so. She looked up at him smiling and then stood up staring into his eyes. He blew his lips out “You really are gorgeous Millie” and she just raised her eyebrows in response. She stood up and wasn’t sure what was next when he walked around behind her, but then he reached to her waist and unzipped her skirt, easing it over her hips and letting it fall to the floor and she flicked it away with her toe. He heard him behind her “Mmmm so nice Millie” and then he walked right around her looking her up and down and as he stood behind her again said quietly “So fucking gorgeous”. Then she felt his hands on her waist, they slid forward to her tummy and then up and gently cradled her breasts murmuring “Fucking gorgeous” and she let out a groan as he gently slid his thumbs over the see-thru lace covering her nipples. She reached up and eased his hands away “Come on my turn now” she told him and she stepped away and turned around, reaching down and taking hold of his t-shirt and lifting it up and pulling it off his head and tossing it onto the chair. She looked at his muscular upper body and then down at his matching legs, then reaching up and caressing his shoulders “You’re very muscular – do you spend a lot of time in the gym?” she asked sliding her hands down over his chest. “I do spend time at the gym, but I’m into rowing so I do a lot of endurance work as well as weights – I’m in our club’s first crew” he replied. She slid a finger over each nipple and watched him flinch and out of the corner of her eye saw the bulge in his boxers shorts twitch. “Sensitive nipples too then Ben?” she asked cheekily as she stroked them again and he gasped a breath before replying “I guess so”. He pushed her hands away and walked around the back. Eleanor felt she was buzzing now it was all getting so intense – she guessed what was next and sure enough she felt his fingers brush against her back as he took hold of her bra strap. Then she remembered the mirrored wardrobe doors – she was standing facing the bed at ninety degrees to them. She turned her head to the side as if looking over her shoulder, but turned her gaze upwards and her heart missed a beat as she saw herself in the fishnet stocking, suspenders, skimpy lace panties and then she felt her breasts droop slightly, seeing them fall in the mirror at the same time as Ben unclipped her bra. Then he flicked the straps off her shoulders and she moved her arms forwards and he pushed her bra away and it fell to the floor. She felt his hands at her sides and watched in the mirror as they slid to her tummy and then up to cradle her breasts gasping “Oh Millie you’ve got such fabulous breasts”, then flicking her nipples and making her gasp out. He started to kiss her neck. “Wouldn’t you like to watch yourself as you play with them?” she whispered to him. “What do you mean?” he murmured back between kisses. “Just turn ninety degrees to your right” and she shuffled her feet, turning to face the mirror, feeling Ben behind her turning with her and her heart fluttered a few beats as she saw herself front on looking so kinky with Ben still kissing her neck and caressing her breasts, but she could see he was still looking down over her shoulder directly at her breasts. “Look up then” she told him and as he started to lift his head said “At what?” and then as his eyes took in the view of them both in the mirror his eyes opened wide and he just went “Wow…” hesitating as he took in the view “…oh Millie you look amazing…” hesitating again “…and it’s so nice to see me with you” as he continued fondling her. “Please can I take your panties off now?” he asked, flicking her nipples. She watched in the mirror as her mouth opened and she gasped for breath. “No it’s my turn now” she told him and she reached up and moved his hands away from her breasts, then walked around behind him, reached around in front of him, pulling his shorts away and gently lowering them, just about being able to see in the mirror over his shoulder as his erect penis slowly came into view in the mirror – slowly she eased them down to his knees and then letting them fall to the floor. She stood upright again, looking over his shoulder once more before sliding one hand around his waist and watched in the mirror as she guided it to his penis, gently wrapped her hand around it and she started to slide up and down. Ben gasped out “Oh Millie this is such a fucking turn on”. She thought of saying ‘thank your Dad for showing me this trick’, but held back. She had never touched his penis before. It was rock hard and as she slid her hand right down to the base she realised it was so thick that her fingers and thumb could not reach around to touch and a little shiver went through her pussy at the thought of that stretching her so wide open again. He reached down and took hold of her arm saying “That’s so nice but those panties are coming off now Millie” and he walked behind her and immediately she felt his hands at her hips and watched as he started to slide them down and he pushed them as far down as he could reach and she wiggled her knees to make then fall to the floor, then stepping out of them and kicking them aside. She felt his right hand touch her waist and then watched in the mirror as it slid around into view and down over her pelvis, she noticed his large hand and powerful thick fingers, as she now knew from being a rower and as his fingers slid past her belly button a shiver ran through her tummy right into her pussy. She watched his fingers going between her legs and felt them slide right along her pussy and then start to ease her lips open. She was buzzing inside and as his finger started to explore and just gasped out “oh fuck Ben this is so nice – let’s just get into bed”. “Let me just feel inside your pussy a little bit more – it’s so lovely and wet” he whispered and she felt his thick finger probe further and groaned “oh fuck yes”. She watched him take his hand away and looked up at his face as he whispered in her ear “OK into bed now then, Millie”. Millie folded the sheet back, slid over to the far side and lay on her side facing Ben and watched as he lay on the bed and rolled on his side to face her, pulling up the sheet to cover them. She felt his hand on her thigh, caressing it gently. “There’s something I meant to say when you first came in and – well I got distracted” and he smiled at her. “What’s that then?” she asked. “Well I wanted to say sorry to your face about being so rough with you two weeks ago” and he turned down the edges of his mouth in a guilty way. “I told you there’s no need – it was so good – just way more physical than I’ve ever had before” she responded. She sensed Ben was still not comfortable as he continued “It’s just that’s the way I always thought best sex should be…” hesitating “…but maybe you could tell me how you think I could do it better”. Eleanor really just wanted to do it with him – she was more than ready, but really loved his obvious sincerity and had thought about getting him to take it a bit slower. “What does your girlfriend do?” she asked. Ben replied immediately “She’s a rower at my club – ladies first crew”. She laughed, exclaiming “Oh no – I’ll bet seeing you two have sex is like watching a cage fight” and they both laughed. She thought quickly and after a few seconds said “OK a couple of things to understand…” hesitating “…first off remember that for ninety-nine-point-nine-nine percent of the time a woman has nothing inside her pussy – OK one week a month a tampon, but they’re so small you don’t feel them. So when she has sex, having a man first penetrate her...fuck I can’t believe I’m being so graphic…so when he first slides it into her it really stretches her open and it is a very intense experience – very pleasurable being stretched open like that and also as it goes deeper in it’s very intimate – think about the intimacy of letting another person right inside your body. If you just ram it in, then it’s all over quickly, but if you do it a little at a time and make it take quite a while, then it spreads the pleasure out so much longer. Maybe start by putting it a quarter way inside – then slide it out and in a little – then go deeper – maybe halfway and do the same – then a bit more maybe three-quarters and slide it in and out some more – sliding in and out a bit also spreads her juices so it’s less likely to be uncomfortable. The build up that way to when you finally give her it all can be so much more – well it can be really awesome. Also even when you’ve gone right inside, then maybe back off a little and repeat it – make her wait a little – OK?” and without waiting for him to reply continuing “…and the second thing is friction” and he looked at her in a puzzled sort of way. “When you thrust in and out friction from your penis stimulates all the nerve endings inside and that’s what makes a woman get more and more turned on – just friction. If you start at full speed from the word go, that’s as good as it gets – but think if you start slower – just gently stimulating her – get a little quicker stimulating her some more and build it up and it should feel so much more pleasurable and definitely much more intense when you finally give her full speed – basically start slow and as she gets more and more aroused, increase the stimulation by getting faster and faster. Does that help a bit?” she asked. “Oh yes Millie – it actually makes complete sense – I can’t believe I have been so thick – thanks so much” he said gratefully. At first when she started to answer his request she was a bit peeved as she really had been so turned on by the way they had undressed and was more than ready for him, but she realised that being so graphic with him had kept her just as aroused and when she felt his hand at the top of her thigh she felt a tingle right inside her pussy as his fingers approached it again – within a few seconds one finger was probing inside again – she knew she was very wet as it went in so easily and he gently slid it in and out adding “I love your pussy Millie – it’s soaking wet again”. With his other hand he folded the sheet back and leaned over and started to kiss her breast, then she felt his other hand caressing her other breast. Then his tongue was licking her nipple, at the same time his thumb stroking the other one – with his finger gently sliding in and out below she could only gasp out “oh that’s so nice” then adding “I’m more than ready for you now Ben”. He lifted his head and looked into her eyes “Did you like the pillow underneath you last time?” he asked. She smiled “Yes it was quite a surprise how different it felt”. “Do you want it there again then Millie?” She swallowed “Yes why not?” and he reached up and pulled the pillow from under her head and she lay her head back flat on the mattress, then without being asked she raised her body and as she felt the coolness of the pillow slide underneath, she relaxed and again had that odd feeling with her hips higher than her head as if she had been tilted backwards. She was buzzing again inside as she watched Ben position himself and she couldn’t take her eyes off his rock hard penis knowing that in only a few seconds now she would have it inside of her – remembering just two weeks ago, she knew that it would make her feel completely filled up – and then maybe a bit more too. He eased her legs wider open, positioned himself on his knees between them and them leaned forwards to rest on his elbows. Now his face was right in front of hers and he smiled whispering “ready Millie”. She just nodded and then felt him reach down and guide himself inside her. It was so good, just like before being stretched as the head of his penis slid inside and she couldn’t help but gasp out. Their eyes were locked onto each other. She felt him slide it out a little, then making several teasing false moves to push it back in before sliding back in, but this time deeper inside and she just gasped “oh fuck oh”, watching him smile. Again he made little teasing false thrusts and then without warning he pushed, she guessed most of the way in and for a few seconds she could hardly draw a breath. It was so much nicer than last time when he had rammed it into her so quickly. “Fuck Ben that feels so nice” she gasped. “Doing just what you suggested Millie” he whispered, smiling. Now she really wanted it all – every last bit. Just like with Brian two weeks ago without her consciously thinking about it, her legs opened just that bit wider as if inviting him right inside. He kept making false thrusts for longer than before and she could feel herself involuntarily pushing her pussy towards him and then with one firm thrust he pushed right inside and her eyes jammed closed and she squealed at the sensation of being penetrated so deep inside and also, the thick base of his penis stretching the entrance to her pussy so wide open. Opening her eyes she saw him still staring at her. He smiled “was that nicer Millie?” She was still gasping for breath “Oh Ben that was fucking awesome”, adding “you’re a quick learner”. He just smiled again, slid himself most of the way back out and then started gently thrusting – but not all the way in and Millie just groaned as with the angle of her hips he was sliding right over her G-spot – with each stroke she felt the muscles in her pussy tense in response and she was getting very turned on. Then after a few seconds without warning he just pushed right inside her again and she let out a squeal of surprise and pleasure and then he kept doing the same, sliding half-way out and then deep inside, but still quite gently. Now she was struggling to breathe evenly, just forcing each breath – she couldn’t believe Ben was so controlled after the way he had pounded into her two weeks ago. As she looked up at his face she could see the smile had gone and he was more serious now. “I think you’re ready for something a bit more physical now aren’t you Millie” he whispered. The words that came into her head were ‘fuck I’m ready for anything’, but after a few seconds trying to think of a response, all she could say was “Just fuck me Ben however you want”. He smiled at her saying nothing and then he started to fuck her harder and faster – still not the ‘brutal’ long hard strokes of last time, but she could feel his pelvis banging into her groin. She stared at him as she again felt just like a helpless fuck-doll and he kept going relentlessly for thirty or forty seconds and now she had that feeling and knew it wasn’t going to be long before he made her cum. “Are you getting close now Millie?” he whispered. She couldn’t speak, just immediately nodding at him. In an instant he started pounding her with the long hard strokes like last time and she groaned with each forced breath as the tension inside her grew to an almost intolerable level before all the muscles in her arms and legs seemed to lock and then those around her pussy finally clamped tight – it was so intense she couldn’t even let out a breath and she heard a little squelch from her pussy forcing all the air out and then her lungs finally worked again as she let out a string of “fucks” and “yes’s”. This time Ben slowly eased his pounding until he completely stopped and she just lay there groaning for half a minute or more, pinned down by him as the spasms inside from her orgasm slowly faded. She opened her eyes. Ben’s face was right in front of her “was that better Millie?”. She just looked up at him still panting, swallowed a couple of times and then nodded adding “Oh fuck yes Ben”, then smiling at him and nodding. Feeling him start to gently slide in and out of her again she looked at him a little quizzically and he whispered “well we haven’t finished yet Millie – starting gently like that meant I haven’t come yet…” hesitating “…and I think last time I was more than a bit nervous”. She just stared at him for a few seconds before not being able to resist a sarcastic comment “Does that mean I have got to put up with you fucking me some more then?” He grinned broadly “Yes please Millie…” hesitating again “…but I thought maybe we could change position”. Looking at him quizzically she asked “What were you thinking of then?” He raised his eyebrows and then said “you remember two weeks ago when I came into the room and you were doing it with Dad at the end of the bed in front of the mirror?” She had a little pang of guilt as he said ‘doing it with Dad’, but then the thought of being on top of that gorgeous penis watching Ben fucking her she knew was irresistible – playing though she said “oh I’m not sure about that”. He started to fuck her a little bit harder “oh Millie don’t be a spoilsport” and she immediately replied “OK then”, grinning at him. He stopped moving and then stared into her eyes as he slid completely out of her and she felt so empty. Ben wriggled over to the foot of the bed and dangled his legs over just like Brian had done. Eleanor rolled over and swung her legs off the bed, sitting up. She suddenly felt giddy and sat there for a few seconds before standing up and then looking over at Ben, his rock hard penis standing perfectly upright – she couldn’t wait to get it back inside her. Then she looked up at the mirror and her heart missed a beat seeing herself in the stockings and suspenders. Kneeling on the bed and turning her back to Ben, she was now looking at his gorgeous erection in the mirror from an angle she would never normally get a view. She couldn’t wait and balancing on her hands and one knee, lifted herself over him and sat on his tummy. She looked up in the mirror and chuckled to herself, again looking like she had got a nice long thick penis. “I can’t see from here – all I can see is your back” Ben moaned. “You need to lie at an angle so you can see past me” she told him and then she realised just how powerful he was as he lifted his hips off the bed, raising her effortlessly at the same time and twisted around before lowering both himself and Eleanor back down at an angle. “Oh that’s much better” he said eagerly. She raised herself up into the air and edged forwards, reaching down and taking hold of his penis before looking up at the mirror to watch as she guided it back into her pussy. She slowly let herself drop down, enjoying that marvellous sensation of feeling it sliding deep inside and also watching it disappear at the same time. “Oh it’s so nice to be back inside you Millie”. She raised herself up again so that he was only just inside her and then this time completely relaxed her thigh muscles and like she had done with Brian, let gravity pull her down in one quick movement and she loved the helpless feeling of Ben sliding right into without either of them doing anything, the pleasure amplified by watching it happen. “Mmmm nice Millie” he whispered. She did it again, this time looking at Ben staring intently at his penis sliding right into her. She sat there for a few seconds before starting to bounce up and down on Ben, letting him slide maybe halfway out before pushing down onto him and she kept switching her gaze alternately between his penis sliding in and out and the look on his face as he watched, hardly blinking. “Fuck Millie this is amazing being able to watch us doing it – it’s such a turn on” he gasped. She just said “I know”. Then she watched Ben move his hands up to her hips and as she felt him grasp each side, watching and feeling his large hands firmly take hold of her preventing her from moving up and down. He felt him lift her a little higher until his penis was only a little way inside her pussy and she stared at it guessing what was coming next. Eleanor felt Ben grip her even more firmly and then he started to thrust into her with short but firm strokes. She looked at his arms, his biceps standing out and with each thrust he began to pull her down onto him. The combination of the short strokes and him bouncing her up and down on him turning the short strokes into deep thrusts right inside her was amazing. She was transfixed at the sight of Ben’s beautiful long thick penis sliding in and out and added to the feeling of being completely filled up by him and that lovely feeling as the thick base of his penis stretched open her pussy just that little bit extra, gasping out “Fuck Ben that’s so nice”. She felt even more like a fuck toy for him, his powerful grip easily manipulating her to let him fuck her exactly how he wanted. “Oh Millie watching us do it like this is so incredible” he gasped back. With Ben fucking her so physically, she could feel herself getting more and more turned on – her arousal being intensified by the feeling of helplessness as she was held so tightly by him plus the additional pleasure of being able to watch it all. She looked up seeing the serious look on her face, her mouth open gasping to breathe and she noticed her breasts bobbing up and down wildly with each stroke as she he bumped her and down. As he kept on and on thrusting in and out of her she could feel that tingle inside, that signal that soon he was going to make her cum and she couldn’t stop herself gasping out “fuck yes – oh fuck yes”. “You nearly there Millie?” he groaned back. “Nearly – nearly” she exclaimed feeling the muscles around her pussy starting to tense – it was so close now and each stroke was now pushing her closer and closer – and then that shudder through her whole body making her let out a little scream and all her muscles felt like they locked and that wonderful feeling of release as her pussy was overcome with uncontrollable spasms. She watched Ben now with a very strained look too and she could see he was close and then his grip became even stronger and he just pulled her down onto him – she watched him in the mirror groaning and felt him shaking and it was obvious he had cum too. Eleanor just sat there not wanting to move, still trying to catch her breath. Ben was panting too – gradually she felt the grip of his hands on her hips start to relax and after a few more seconds he let go and just lay there with his hands by his side. She could feel Ben’s penis starting to soften and shrink a little – “You OK Ben?” she asked, looking over her shoulder directly at him. He just blew his cheeks out before replying “Oh yes – sex with you is awesome Millie – just awesome – and being able to watch it too is even more amazing”. She laughed, but that caused the muscles in her groin to relax and then spasm and she realised she needed tissues – “can you reach the box of tissues please Ben”. She took some tissues from the box as he offered it to her and she lifted herself from him slipping the tissues in place just in time to stop any leaks. Standing up she looked down at him for a few seconds, his penis still quite large and glistening and just said “Thank you Ben – I’ll be back in a minute” and went to the bathroom. She took a couple of minutes or so to clean up and realised again how useful a bidet was after sex, enabling her to wash herself thoroughly. As she walked back into the room Ben was standing naked, his mobile phone in one hand and his boxer shorts in the other. Eleanor wasn’t sure what she should do now so casually asked “Shall I get back into bed?” “Oh yes Millie…” he replied immediately, adding “…I think I need to go and clean up too” and he walked through the door, to her slight surprise closing it behind him. She lay there wondering whether Ben had something more planned – she guessed it would be some time before he could be ready to do it again. She heard Ben flush the toilet and a door close but he didn’t return. It must have been three or four minutes before finally she heard the door open.   What are you doing here? On hearing the door open Eleanor automatically looked up from where she was lying under the sheets, but it remained just ajar. Then a voice said “knock-knock”. A shiver went through her as it wasn’t Ben’s voice, but she realised almost instantly that it was Brian. “Can I come in Millie?” he asked. “Yes – oh yes Brian” she replied hesitantly. She watched him walk into the room just wearing his boxer shorts. Slightly indignantly she said “Ben told me that you were away on business”. He came and sat on the bed next to her, then replying “Yes I was away, but the trip was cut short and I got home yesterday evening – Ben told me that he had called you and we talked about it and agreed that I would go out and leave you two together like you expected and that I’d come and say hello to you afterwards”. “Oh OK” she replied, not feeling so tricked as she had felt at first. Brian added “If you need to go home now that’s fine – I’ll completely understand”. “No not really” she replied, realising that the evening may hold much more yet, but feeling like of a slut at the thought of more sex with a different person. “Can I get into bed with you Millie?” he asked. “Sure” she replied and he pulled back the sheet and lay on his side next to her leaving one arm outside and resting it gently on her tummy. “Did you and Ben have a nice time together…” he asked adding “…I hope he was a bit gentler with you”. Eleanor smiled at him “Yes thanks it was so good”. Brian stroked her tummy gently with his thumb – “Good I’m pleased…” hesitating “…Millie would you….would you like to do some more?” She smiled at him again, just nodding gently and feeling more like a dirty little slut – having been fucked by Ben, now she was going to have sex with his father, but she simply couldn’t say ‘no’. “Oh good I’m so pleased Millie – is there anything you’d particularly like to do” he asked, raising his eyebrows a little. She let out a little laugh “Well I’ve hardly had any time to think about that have I…” then adding “…but I suspect you’ve probably got something in mind” laughing again. “Oh dear Millie – am I that predictable” he replied and she just nodded adding “A little”. He smiled back at her “Well I was thinking that perhaps you might let me play with you for a while” and he slid his hand up and caressed her breast through the sheet, then getting up on his elbow so he could do the same with her other breast. “Those gorgeous breasts…” caressing them some more “…and those lovely sensitive nipples – perhaps I could start by playing with those?” he suggested. She just looked at him for a few seconds, thinking about it. “You can try if you like…” she replied before adding “…but they are very ticklish”. She felt his thumbs slide up to her nipples and then stop before he said “The trouble is most men think that the way to play with a woman’s nipples is like this” and he quickly flicked his thumbs back and forth over her nipples through the sheet for a few seconds. Millie let a gasp and then giggled as it tickled so much and couldn’t help but wiggle her chest to try and stop him. He stopped then asking “that’s how they do it isn’t it Millie?” “Yes” she giggled, nodding. “Well Millie nipples need playing with much more gently than that” and he slid his thumbs away from her nipples and then slowly slid one over the sheet up towards her nipple and let it just glide over it and as it did it made her catch her breath and he slid it away, before sliding it back down again and letting it glide back over, the lovely gentle sensation making her catch her breath again. “Was that nice?” he whispered. “Yes it was” she whispered back. Then he did the same with the other side, before alternately gently gliding his thumbs over her nipples a few more times. ‘Fuck he is such a know-all’ Eleanor thought to herself, but knew of course that this really was nice. He stopped, leaving his thumbs close to each nipple “And what actually happens is that after a little bit of gentle stimulation like that they start to get more sensitive” and he slid both thumbs over them at the same time and it felt so nice – so much more intense – should couldn’t help but flinch and gasp “oh” at the lovely feeling and she felt a little tingle in her pussy. “See what I mean…” he whispered. He continued stroking her nipples alternately a few times each side before stroking them both together again and she reacted just the same, her body jerking in response and she let out a groan of pleasure. ‘Fuck he was such a tease’ she thought, but was enjoying every second of it. He continued “And the funny thing is that the more sensitive they get, the more intense the stimulation they can take” and as he slowly slid one thumb up and down over her nipple, he folded the sheet back from her other breast, resting his thumb back on her bare breast, held his thumb on the sheet still, waited a few seconds and then slid the other thumb up and down over her bare nipple and it felt so much nicer now, her body jerked even more and she just groaned out “fuck”. He slid his thumbs up and down alternately just like before and she couldn’t keep her body still as the one glided over her bare nipple. She felt him lift the sheet from the other side and start to do the same with that and it was so nice, the feeling intensified with no sheet there as he stroking both bare nipples alternately. Then without warning he stroked both of them together and she almost sat up straight it was so intense, her pussy was tingling inside and she could feel it getting wetter. He kept the alternate stroking going while he talked “Your nipples have gone really hard now Millie…” hesitating before adding “…you know they are pretty well at their most sensitive when they have gone like that” and again without warning stroked them both together again and all the muscles in her groin tensed and she groaned in ecstasy. He stopped stroking and talked some more “For some women that’s enough, but some like even a little bit more intense stimulation – shall we try a little bit more?” he quizzed. Eleanor was buzzing now – no-one had ever made her this turned on without touching below her waist. She hesitated for a few seconds, but knowing she could not say ‘no’ gasped “Go on then”. She felt him take hold of each one between his thumb and index-finger – then she felt him rubbing the tip of his forefinger across the end of each nipple. ”Ready then” he said and he gently scratched the end of her right nipple with his finger nail, then the left one and then both together and she couldn’t stop her legs wiggling at the intense stimulation and she groaned “fuck oh fuck” repeatedly as he flicked the tips of her nipples with his fingernails until after a few seconds he stopped. She was panting for breath. Her nipples were literally aching with all of the stimulation – she managed to take a few deeper breaths and then Brian asked “So was that a nice way for you to get turned on Millie?” She just replied “Oh – oh – what do you think?” He chuckled “I think you really liked that, Millie”. She just gasped “oh yes”, knowing how her pussy was really wet and tingling inside, then in a whisper adding “a bit more please”. “More Millie of course” and he took hold of her nipples again, scratching the tips with his nails. She just gasped out ‘oh’ repeatedly – it was such an intense feeling and it seemed that her nipples were wired directly to her pussy as the muscles around it were quivering. After about ten seconds it was too much and she gasped out “enough”. Brian stopped and smiled down at her for a few seconds until her breathing settled, then asking “Fun finding new things out about yourself, eh Millie?” She just nodded. Eleanor watched as Brian lay down next to her, again resting his hand on the sheet covering her tummy. “So Millie I’d really like to play with you for a while, especially now you are so nicely turned on” he said calmly. She wondered what he had in mind to do next – she just knew he already had it all planned. Feeling his thumb start to stroke her tummy again she listened, being pretty sure he was going to tell her about it as he continued. “You see Millie I’d really like to play with your pussy” and he moved his hand down to the top of her thigh and started gently stroking her there through the sheet, close to her pussy – I love the way you keep it so neat…” hesitating “…I’d like to play with your pussy with my fingers…” hesitating again and moving his touch to her other thigh, again close to her pussy stroking there, continuing “…with my lips…” pausing “…and – and Millie with my tongue” a little shiver went through her. His hand moved to her tummy, right above her pussy and he stroked her there continuing “I really want to have my face right there with your pussy – to kiss the tops of your thighs above those fabulous stockings, to feel that lovely nylon brushing against my shoulders and face. “So Ben told you I was wearing stockings then” she interrupted. He gave a little chuckle replying “No Millie – I saw them”. “When?” she asked indignantly, wondering if he had been secretly watching her and Ben. He chuckled again “When you parked your car Millie I was sitting in the pub by the window – I watched you get out of your car and walk past – I saw you in those lovely grey fishnets – very erotic Millie”. Eleanor felt slightly uneasy that she had secretly been watched, but felt better that it was only walking past the pub. Then he added "...and anyway I felt your suspender belt when I slid my hand down to your pussy just now..." and continued, asking “...so Millie, will you let me go down on you?”  Knowing there was only one possible answer she nodded, whispering ”Yes OK”. He smiled “Good…” hesitating “…would you tell me what you want me to do Millie – you know how much I like that” then looking at her inquisitively. Her heart missed a beat at the thought of her telling him, but she wasn’t going to be a spoilsport. She swallowed thinking of the words to use, deciding to be pretty blunt – she knew that’s what he wanted to hear and took a deep breath before telling him “I’d like you to go down on me Brian and give me oral…” hesitating “…blow me off…” then whispering “…make me cum with your mouth”. She watched as a broad smile spread to his face “Oh Millie you are such a lovely sexual creature – that’s so nice…” he replied, moving his fingers right over her pussy, stroking it through the sheet and continuing “…I hope that I do a nice job on you”. Eleanor let out a gasp at finally being touched there and couldn’t help but latch onto the words ‘lovely sexual creature’ – how polite a way to put it – she just felt like a dirty little slut right now, but she knew ‘lovely sexual creature’ were words she wouldn’t forget in a hurry… She felt Brian pull the sheet right back and immediately exclaimed “Fabulous stockings Millie – so sexy”. He reached up to the pillow – “Now if you just lift your head up and let me put the pillow here” putting the pillow right on the corner of the bed at an angle “if you lie diagonally across the bed it gives me a little bit more room” and she shuffled across like he had said and she could see there was a lot more space between her feet and the far corner of the bed. As she laid her head back on the pillow she watched Brian stand up and walk around to the corner of the bed and kneel onto it. He took hold of her left ankle, lifting and moving it to the left, but further up the bed so her knee was part bent. Her heart was thumping now in anticipation – she knew he was positioning her so that he could get right between her legs. He felt her hand take hold of the other leg, doing the same. She closed her eyes and her heart beat a little harder as first he ran his hand up the inside of her stockinged left thigh and then the right one. Eleanor thought back to Damian or ‘that bastard’ as she preferred to think of him – he liked her to do oral and although he did reciprocate, he wasn’t all that good at it – she was sure Brian would be though, just like everything else. Her train of thought was interrupted by the side of Brian’s face sliding up the inside of her thigh and her heart skipped a beat as she got the intimate feeling of his warm breath on her pussy. Just like he had said he kissed all of the bare skin above her stocking tops on the inside of her left thigh, his face brushing against her pussy as he did so – then the same on the other side. After that he was still for a few seconds not touching her before she felt the tip of his tongue slid right up the length of her pussy lips – she felt like she would melt. His fingers joined in easing her lips open, the tip of his tongue exploring inside as he did so. Gradually she felt him opening her wider and wider, his tongue probing and licking the inside of her pussy from back to front – she tried to take some deep breaths, but the stimulation was so good all her lungs could manage was short gasps. Just like she had expected Brian was so good at this. He eased her pussy wide open and she could feel his mouth inside as he pushed his tongue deep into her – she knew she was soaking wet and his face must be covered in her juices. Then his fingers allowed her lips to close up a little, but still his tongue was wriggling around inside – she felt his fingers go lower and then gently ease the cheeks of her bottom apart and before she even had time to think about it, the tip of his tongue was flicking her tight little hole. Never had anyone done this to her before – it felt so incredibly naughty – so very wrong, but it was so sensitive there and with each flick of his tongue she could feel the muscles inside tense and all she could do was let out a series of high-pitched whimpers in response to such intimate stimulation. She felt his face pull away “Is that nice Millie?” he whispered – before she had time to answer his tongue was back there flicking it and she just squeaked out a “yes”. Then he pulled away again, she felt his fingers move back to her pussy, easing the lips open and then one of his fingers started to slide into her – she felt it go right inside, only prevented from going further by his knuckles pushing against her groin. It slid out and then immediately started to slide in again, but this time joined by another one and as he gently wriggled them and pushed she felt her muscles give in and he eased both fingers into her. The tips of his fingers started to massage the front of her vagina and within seconds he had them on her g-spot and as if to confirm to him, she let out a groan of pleasure. She knew all too well how turned on she was and knew he would make her cum, but she also knew how expert he was and how he would probably tease her and make her wait. Then she felt the fingers of his other hand at the front of her pussy gliding over her skin and within seconds easily found that most sensitive spot of all which she knew would be really swollen now and very gently just wiggled it around. She responded with a gasped ‘oh fuck yes’. As the two fingers massaged inside and the other ones wiggled outside she knew if he increased the intensity she would cum very soon now. “Well Millie…” he said quietly “…it’s a shame I haven’t got two more hands or I could play with your nipples as well like I did before”. She didn’t know what to say and was unable to do anything but focus on the gorgeous stimulation. The he added “but you could always play with them yourself…” hesitating “…or ask Ben to do it for you” as soon as the words had left his mouth she felt a hand resting on each shoulder. She felt a shudder through her body and looked up to see Ben smiling down at her. ‘Fuck what’s going on’ she thought and felt frightened having two men touching her at the same time. Ben smiled “I’d be pleased to help Millie” and he knelt down at the corner of the bed and his hands quickly slid down to her breasts and as he cradled them her heart was pounding with a mixture of her state of how turned on she was together with the complete unknown of having two men playing with her. “Remember very gently Ben” Brian said. “Yes Dad” came the slightly indignant reply. Then as Brian’s fingers were working both inside and outside she felt Ben’s thumbs sliding over her breasts alternately stroking each nipple and with the added stimulation she was moaning each time she breathed out. She tried to decide what was more wrong – having her tight little hole licked by Brian or being played with by both of them. Wrong or not she knew she was probably more turned on than she had ever been in her entire life. Her scrambled thoughts were interrupted by Ben sliding his thumbs across both nipples together and she felt her whole body flinch at the extra intensity. They just kept the stimulation going, Brian with his fingers and mouth working at her pussy and Ben at her nipples, every so often giving that boost as he stroked both nipples together – the intensity of being stimulated in the two places at the same time was just unbelievable – she had never imagined anything like this in her wildest fantasies. Then she felt Brian’s fingers stop wiggling her clit and they eased her hood of skin back and she felt the coolness of air on her clitoris. “I think we should let Millie come now Ben” Brian said calmly and she felt his breath between her legs and the tip of his tongue began to slowly flick her clit, at the same time Ben stopping the alternate stroking of her nipples and just still slowly and very gently stroking them both together. ‘Fuck yes this is it’ she thought and slowly but and so amazingly she felt the feeling that they were finally going to make her orgasm gradually growing and growing. She felt Brian speed up the flicking of her clit with his tongue and within seconds she felt the muscles from her tummy to her knees tense up and then it was like a switch being thrown and her body went into a seizure, her muscles locked and shaking and then the feeling like a jolt of electricity going through her and she squealed out and that fire inside her groin radiated out through her body and all of the muscles in her there spasmed uncontrollably in beautiful release and she could feel her whole body jerking in time with each one. It seemed to go on for ages and she just lay there silently, panting for breath, unable to do anything but enjoy the pleasure of it all. She half clocked Ben saying “That looked so nice Millie” but Brian immediately went “Shush – she’s still cumming – her pussy’s still squeezing my fingers”. After a few more seconds she felt a couple of random pulses of her muscles and it stopped and she groaned out “oh fuck”, not able to think about anything more descriptive. She felt Brian ease his fingers out and Ben took his hands from her breasts. “So was that nice then Millie? Brian quizzed. A few adjectives flitted through her mind. She opened her eyes and looked up at Ben and he smiled at her – and then she just said “Do I really need to tell you anything?” looking down at Brian. Brian chuckled “No not at all Millie…” hesitating “… Ben don’t be late – do you need to get going?” She saw Ben look at his watch “Yes better go – thanks Millie for a super time – you are awesome – I hope we can do it again”. She smiled at him “thanks Ben” and watched as he walked out just saying “see you Dad”, a few seconds later hearing the front door close. Eleanor looked down the bed at Brian, still kneeling between her legs. He smiled at her and she smiled back. She watched him get off the bed and walk around to the corner of it where she lay. “Do you want to move over and I’ll come and join you?” and she shuffled across the bed, pulling the pillow with her and lying down. Brian stood by the bed and brought his hands up to the waistband of his boxer shorts “do you mind if I take these off?” and she just shook her head, realising that sex wasn’t finished with yet, then watching him slide his shorts off, his large semi-erect penis wobbling as he got into bed. He reached down and pulled the sheet back up covering them both. She was on her back and he propped himself up on his elbow again. Looking down at her he said “I hope you don’t mind me bringing Ben in with us like that but…” hesitating “…I thought it would be a bit more racy and exciting for you”. She turned her head to him thinking how she felt, after a few seconds replying “When I looked up and he was there looking down at me I was more than scared…” shaking her head as she paused “…the thought of two men playing with me at the same time was so – well it felt so completely wrong but – but you were right – it was more than racy and exciting” and blew her cheeks out. She felt Brian slide his hand across the bed and rest it on her tummy under the sheet – ‘something more planned by Brian’ she thought to herself. “How are you feeling now Millie?” he asked. She looked at him, shook her head a couple of times thinking how she did feel, then replying “My head is all fuzzy – it feels a bit like I’m in a bit of a trance – that was such an incredible orgasm you two gave me you know – why do you ask?” He smiled “I’m glad it was so good…” hesitating “…I was just wondering if you fancied doing some more?” “What were you thinking of then Brian” guessing he had something in mind. “Well Millie maybe I’m being more than a bit blunt – but – but I’d really so much like to fuck you now” he replied and she felt another little shiver go through her tummy and into her groin. “You’ve got something in mind…” then adding “...I’m sure” and giving him a little smirk. She felt him move his hand down her tummy and his fingers slid between her legs and started stroking her pussy. She thought how inventive and persuasive he was – she guessed he was going to come out with something pretty kinky and while she was being caressed like that, feeling her juices oozing out from her still soaking wet pussy, she’d probably agree to anything. “Well Millie how about we do it in front of the mirror again…” hesitating “…but this time with you kneeling down and me doing it from behind you” he said in his usual calm style as if he was asking for a cup of tea. Eleanor had been right – something pretty kinky. “You like doing it like that then Brian?” she asked. “Oh yes Millie – it seems to go inside just that little bit further…” pausing and looking her right in the eyes, his fingers still stroking her pussy “…and it’s so nice to be able to look down and watch myself going in and out” and he gave her a little cheeky grin back. She smiled at him, the words ‘inventive’ and ‘persuasive’ coming back into her mind. She guessed that the next thing he would do is just like every time before was to ask her to tell him what she wanted and decided to beat him to it. “OK then Brian…” hesitating and staring right into his eyes “…I’d really like it if we can do it in front of the mirror with me on my knees and you fucking me from behind, doggy fashion”. His mouth just opened “Oh Millie that’s so nice – you really are such an awesome sexual creature” he replied, then sliding his hand up and pulling the sheet off them both. She got up and walked around the bed, thinking back to how Damian had sometimes done it to her doggy fashion and she felt a little reticence as she always found it more difficult to cum like that – but still she knew Brian was so knowledgeable he’d probably know exactly how to get her there, just like every time before… Eleanor went to the foot of the bed and started to kneel on it. “No not there Millie – on that nice soft sheepskin rug on the floor” he said as he took the few paces to join her. As Brian had got out of bed, now with his penis fully erect, she thought she saw him pick something up off the bedside table, but wasn’t certain. She stepped back off the bed and then knelt on the rug, facing the mirror. “Side onto the mirror Millie – facing left” he chirped adding ”you’ll see in a minute”. She shuffled around sideways and Brian knelt down behind her and before resting his hands on her hips she thought she saw his hand doing something at the edge of the rug by his leg, but again wasn’t certain. She couldn’t help but wonder how many women had knelt down at this very spot before her, but immediately realised that she didn’t want to know. “Now you need to lean forwards and rest on your elbows and look over your right shoulder” he said. As she looked back Brian opened one of the hinged mirrored doors and as he slowly opened it further she saw her bottom come into view and she could just see her pussy, her heart missing a beat. “Can you see everything?” he asked. “Yes” she whispered quietly, seeing exactly what he meant, realising that she would be able to watch him sliding in and out of her too. Quickly her mind reviewed what had happened in less than two hours – being fucked by Ben to start with so much more thoughtfully, then how he had pounded her to cum a second time in front of the mirror, Brian going down on her and then two of them giving her a massive orgasm and now Brian was going to fuck her doggy style right in front of the same mirror. Her automatic emotion was to feel disgusted with herself at the whole thing, but oh how amazing and incredibly pleasurable it had all been. Her thoughts were interrupted by feeling Brian put his hand back onto her hip and she looked over her shoulder at the part open mirrored door and saw him holding his penis in his thumb and forefinger and watched, the words ‘larger than average’ again coming to mind as he pushed it towards her pussy. Her heart fluttered as she felt the tip press against her lips and he wiggled it against them to ease them apart and then she felt the gorgeous sensation as he slid the tip up and down just inside her pussy, before finally lining himself up and starting to push himself inside. She looked over her shoulder again and clearly saw his penis start to slip right inside, letting out a groan as it stretched her pussy wide open. She felt him move his hand back to her hip, the feeling of his large hands holding her there was reassuring – his grip was firm, giving her the feeling that he was in charge, but then she knew that all of the times before when they had sex Brian had been in charge. That was the way it was with Brian and sex – he was in charge – he had already planned what they would do and Eleanor was now OK with that, although she was all too aware that what he was going to do could be pretty adventurous and kinky…and now she knew he was going to fuck her from behind – like he told her he wanted and like she had asked him to do. As her mind processed those thoughts, he had started to gently slide in and out, the swollen head of his penis just easing out to slightly stretch those tight muscles at the entrance of her vagina, before sliding in maybe half-way. She looked over her shoulder – now his body was close to hers there was less light, but she could just make out his penis sliding in and out of her – it was glistening with her moisture and she could see it was going maybe only a third of the way in – her heart skipped a beat – still two-thirds to go. The grip of his hands on her hips tightened just slightly, she guessed a sign that she was going to get more and she held her breath in anticipation and after a couple more of the short strokes he had been making, he made a longer stroke not going all of the way in but much further and she let out a deep groan and was panting for breath for a while as she drew breath again. She thought how Brian was all so controlled, teasing and clever at so slowly getting her more turned on – and how good it all was. She looked over her shoulder, but now could not see as their bodies were so close together – she thought about it and guessed he was going about two-thirds inside her now, still pulling nearly all of the way out, but the deeper penetration was oh so good. Eleanor knew that she wanted it all inside her, although she knew that if she made any indication of that to Brian, he would probably make her wait longer. That was the way it was with him – she realised that was what made being fucked by him so good – being made to wait until he decided it was time to ‘turn up the volume’. She turned her head sideways and looking herself directly in the eyes sent a little shiver though her body. Feeling so embarrassed looking at herself like that she looked further watching Brian sliding in and out of her – she looked back noticing her breasts hanging and swaying gently in response to Brian’s movement. When they did it two weeks they had been further from the mirror, but now being right next to it she felt like she was filling the screen in a porno movie – like she was a dirty slutty porn star – fuck it was so nice, she thought to herself. She looked over her shoulder again, but could not see anything – then she looked up at the mirror by her side and immediately caught Brian’s gaze, him looking back at her. He just smiled and they stared at each other. “Ready for the rest Millie?” as his smile grew. “Fuck yes Brian” was all she could reply. His smile broadened even more, but his thrusting remained just the same. ‘You bastard’ she thought. Then her slight distraction from Brian’s gentle thrusts was broken as in one smooth stroke he slid right inside of her and she couldn’t help but gasp out ‘oh fuck’ – just the one firm deep stroke before him going back to the gentle thrusting part of the way in. After a few more gentle strokes he gave her another firm deep one. He repeated it again. She started to count the short strokes – 1, 2, 3, 4 and then deep inside – ‘oh fuck’. She counted to four again and then ‘oh fuck’. And then again. She counted to four again but this time her just kept the gentle thrusting and she got to seven and then ‘oh fuck’. Next time one, two then ‘oh fuck’. Next time five. He was just indiscriminately giving her hard deep strokes – she lost the focus to count any more, just enjoying the teasing of being fucked so randomly. She was so turned on, but still not certain he would make her cum like this as it didn’t quite rub her in the right places. Brian went back to the gentle thrusts and she felt him take his left hand from her hip and lean over and reach down, out of the corner of her vision seeing him fumbling at the edge of the rug and he picked something up. ‘So he had picked up something from the bedside table’ she thought – ‘what next?’ Next she felt him rest one finger in the middle of her lower back – it slid down, gently gliding down the crack of her bottom before stopping right on her tight little hole. ‘Oh no’ she thought, but half guessed what was going to happen next. He gently stroked there – she thought back to how he had licked her there earlier – it felt nice just the same – so nice, but so very naughty. The he took his finger away and after a couple of seconds he dropped something on the floor – it looked like the top of a tube of toothpaste. Then she felt a coldness on her hole and all around it and now knew exactly what he planned. “What’s that” she asked fearfully. “Just some lube Millie” he calmly replied. “I’m not sure about being played with there…” hesitating “…I’m frightened it might be…” hesitating again “…messy” she added. “No need to worry Millie…” pausing as he tossed the tube onto the floor adding “…it’s special lube – what goes in when you use this comes out spotless”. ‘Fuck he’s such a clever know-all’ she thought, then feeling his finger there again, even nicer now stroking her with the slippery lube. Then he slid the tip of his finger right into the middle and she felt the pressure increase – he rotated his finger and she felt it start to enter her. ‘This is so naughty’ she thought – the pressure increased more and she felt it starting to go inside. Then her tight muscles just inside stopped his progress – his finger slid out and eased more lube to her hole and then started to slide in again more easily. She felt it ache as it tried to go further and then her muscles gave in and his finger slid right inside and she let out a deep groan at the intense but such incredibly naughty sensation. “OK Millie” she felt so dirty she didn’t want to say ‘yes’ and just nodded. She looked at herself in the mirror silently saying to herself ‘now having your asshole fingered while you get fucked Eleanor – nice’. Then she remembered how he had told her about someone who had asked him to do this to her – how he’d said it she found it awesome – how he had asked Eleanor if she wanted to try it and she had avoided saying ‘yes’ – and now how he had been so devious and clever to get her to do it. Fuck it felt so nice being penetrated there. He started to slide his finger partially out and then back in again – after a few times she felt his grip increase on her right hip – ‘fuck yes’ she thought and sure enough he slid himself deep inside her and began to fuck her with short firm strokes. She’d reluctantly let Damian finger her there a few times, although never had she been penetrated in both places at the same time – it was just unbelievably intense – it felt more wrong, perhaps even more naughty than anything else she had ever done with Ben or Brian – but so incredibly stimulating. Brian started to fuck her harder continuing to slowly finger her other hole. It was so good, his pelvis slapping against her groin and as Brian said earlier his penis was going inside her that little bit further. Within less than half a minute that feeling inside started and she knew she could forget her concerns about not being able to cum – this was all so overpowering to her senses and the feeling grew. She could hear herself just whimpering like a lonely puppy, but there was nothing she could do about it and didn’t care – all that mattered to her was that Brian kept fucking and fingering her like this. She felt his thrusting get a little firmer and faster and noticed her whimpering increase in pitch as if it were someone else making the noise, almost like little suppressed screams. Now she could hardly get enough breath, she felt faint and wondered if she might pass out and she knew now she was so close to letting go as the tension built in her body. The muscles from head to toe felt like they were tightening and she felt almost paralysed. Then there was that final rush as a shudder went through her and she lost all awareness of her surroundings as she had an overpowering orgasm – she couldn’t shout, swear, groan or anything – just whimpering for ages as the muscles in her groin locked, every two or three seconds releasing and locking again making her whole body jolt each time – how long it went on for she was unaware before finally her senses started to come back. She had no idea if Brian had cum too – all she knew was that he had stopped moving now. She looked in the mirror as he reached behind into the wardrobe and he placed a box of tissues next to them and he pulled a couple out and then his finger started to ease out of her, finally departing and leaving her feel strangely empty. She reached to the box and took a couple, then sliding them between her legs. “Ready Millie?” Brian asked calmly. She nodded, her brain still not ready for conversation. He slid out of her, now leaving her feeling completely empty, she slipped the tissues into place and got up and walked around the bed, looking at Brian still kneeling there and just smiling at him. She went to the bathroom and as she sat on the toilet she could only look back in amazement at what had happened tonight – and to think that only just over 24 hours ago she had no idea anything was going to happen. Then that phone call from Ben – how she’d gone shopping for the kinky stockings and underwear. All through the day from when she’d got to the office she knew all she had thought about was five o’clock – what was going to happen with Ben. She’d left the office early to go and shower and change. And then she thought about the last couple of hours – how could she again have willingly done something so completely wrong, so risky, so outside of all moral rules – but she had and it had been unreal – so amazing and now she felt so drained but more completely and utterly satisfied than in her whole life. After a minute or so she transferred to the bidet and washed herself, then drying off and headed back to the bedroom. Walking through the door she saw Brian was back in bed. She knew she could take no more, but just wanted to lie for a few minutes and regain her senses and so slipped under the sheets next to him. “You OK Millie?” he asked. “Yes thank you Brian – I’m OK” she replied. Brian turned onto his side, sliding his and onto her tummy “Did you enjoy that Millie?” “Awesome Brian…” adding “…completely awesome thank you”. He started to stroke her tummy and she wondered whether he was thinking of more but then he asked “Have you thought any more about what I suggested about trying some bondage?” Her heart thumped – she had thought about it, one evening after a couple of glasses of wine looking for videos on the internet – they were so hardcore and violent she rejected any idea of doing it, but then found some articles in an online women’s magazine providing ideas about how to try it and they were much less extreme and more interesting. “Yes I have” she replied. “And would you like to give it a try – I’m sure you’d really enjoy it Millie – I’d be happy to help?” he quizzed. Her heart was thumping – could she say ‘yes’ – should she say ‘no’ – it would be another step even further over the line – fuck she was being dragged into things she’d never considered in her life before “I…I don’t think so Brian” she replied feeling massively relieved at being able to say ‘no’…but wondering if she was rejecting something that would be even more exciting and a turn-on than everything they had done so far. “OK well if you change your mind, just let me know” he said, stroking her tummy again with his thumb. Suddenly she had the feeling she just wanted to go home – to regain her thoughts – being Millie for the last couple of hours had been so naughty, so wrong, but so amazing. Now though she just wanted be Eleanor again. “I think I’d like to get dressed now Brian and head home” she told him, adding “thank you so much for a lovely time – it was incredible”. “That’s fine Millie I completely understand – you’re amazing – I enjoyed it so much too” he replied. She looked at him and smiled “Thank you” and got out of bed, dressed herself, picked up her handbag and stood by the bed looking down at him and smiled. “Thank you Brian – thank you so much” she said. “It was a pleasure Millie – I hope we can do it again” he replied and she turned, walked into the hallway and let herself out. As she stepped out into the street it felt good. Walking back to her car her mind automatically started to replay the evening, but she tried to resist and focus on other things. Her sub-conscious won picking out the highlights – how Ben had pounded her in front of the mirror – the naughtiness of Brian licking her other hole – the shock and fear of Ben being there when she looked up and saw him – Brian blowing her off so skilfully helped by Ben – and the intensity of being penetrated in both holes by Brian. ‘You dirty filthy little slut Millie’ she told herself, feeling better to be blaming Millie, but then told herself ‘You non-charging fucking whore Eleanor’. Her emotions were completely at odds – she hated herself, but loved every minute of the evening. Driving home was better as she had to concentrate on the road and was able to push the thoughts away for a while. She opened the front door of her apartment and went straight into the kitchen. There on the breakfast bar was a glass of water, next to it the ‘morning after’ tablet – the sight of it made her feel guilty again, but she swallowed it washing it down with a swig of water. Next stop the fridge and she poured a glass of her favourite white wine and took a couple of big sips. Just like before she wanted to go and soak in the bath and hoping that some of the feeling of dirtiness would rinse away and she went and turned both taps on – then back into the kitchen. Although she had given up smoking ten years ago, she could kill for a cigarette now – she took another slurp of wine. Next stop the bedroom – she opened the wardrobe door and looked at herself in the full length mirror. She took off her blouse, looking at the lacy grey bra, seeing her nipples through the thin material. She unzipped her skirt letting it fall to the floor and just stared at herself with the skimpy panties, suspenders and grey fishnets. “You fucking whore” she said to herself, but couldn’t help feel a little bit turned on – she knew she looked good. Next she reached behind and unclipped her bra, easing it off her shoulders, watching her full breasts just swaying slightly – she was so proud of them. Then off came the panties and had a feeling of disgust as she saw the crotch was wet, probably the remains of Brian’s semen. She stood and looked at herself just in the suspenders and fishnets – thinking that’s how she had spent the best part of two hours of the day, being fucked by two different men, blown off and fingered in the arse and now feeling racked with guilt. She just shook her head and how it all seemed so unreal now. She took off the stockings and suspender belt, picked all of her kinky gear up and went to throw it in the bin, but then thinking ‘maybe if it works out with Jamie I could give him a treat’ and threw it into the washing basket instead. She checked in the bathroom and saw the bath was nearly full so went to the kitchen, topped up the wine glass and back into the bathroom. She put the wine glass on the stool next to the bath just like before, tested the water – it was nice and warm and she slipped in – it felt so good – her on her own – no Ben, no Brian and no Millie – just Eleanor. She looked down at her breasts just above the water – her nipples were now soft again after the stimulation Brian had given them that made them so hard. She squirted some body-wash onto herself above each nipple and then dipped her thumbs into it before sliding them over her nipples like Brian had done – ‘oh’ it felt so good with the silky smoothness of the gel. It brought back memories of when she was in her early teens – maybe fourteen – and her breasts were starting to grow – she couldn’t help but fondle them, they were such a novelty for her – then she remembered discovering how sensitive her nipples were and as she slid her thumbs over each nipple alternately she realised that’s exactly how she had played with herself all those years ago – just like Brian had done tonight – how at the time she had given herself such a nice feeling inside, but not knowing anything about sexual arousal then – and she finally treated herself by sliding both thumbs together over her nipples, making herself gasp. A few more gentle rubs together like that and her nipples were swollen and hard and just like Brian had told her, so much more sensitive. She kept sliding her thumbs over her nipples, thinking back to all those years ago, remembering how she had done this every bath time for probably a year or more until when she was fifteen and a friend of hers had told her about masturbation – thinking how then she had known nothing then about sex and how much she knew now – so much more than ever after the last two weeks. Fuck she was getting turned on – then somehow her mind dragged back those three words from earlier – ‘lovely sexual creature’. Right now she felt like one. She gave her nipples one more rub together and then she couldn’t stop herself sliding a hand down to her submerged pussy and finding that that sensitive little lump, already swollen and ready for action. She lifted one leg out of the bath and draped it over the side – then the other, her lovely trimmed pussy rising out of the water. She moved her hand away to look at it and thought back again, this time to when she was nineteen. With her very thick dark hair by that time her pussy had become like dense undergrowth. She remembered how one day she had taken her brother’s electric hair trimmers and trimmed all of her pubic hair with the number two attachment – she liked the look a lot better, but then put the number one attachment and went over it again – she liked it even more. Then using her Mother’s razor she had shaved the hair above her pussy, trimming it into a thin line – she loved it, but remembered how when a few days later her Mother saw it how she had called her a ‘whore’ and a ‘cheap tart’. Then she recalled how her boyfriend at the time, Neil had reacted when he first saw it – after then they had sex more often than ever and she realised what a good thing it was to have done. When they had nowhere to go he still liked to play with her, even remembering how some evenings she went out with just a skirt on with no panties to make it easier for him. And every weekend for thirteen years since then she had trimmed it just the same. She slid her hand back down it. Her fingers started to work their magic – she knew after all of the stimulation and sex from earlier it wouldn’t take her long. It was nice doing it to herself – just her being in control of Eleanor and she worked her clit, gently wiggling and stroking it until she was ready to let go. Her fingers played with it to the finale and she had a lovely self-induced orgasm, lying there in the water with the delicious feeling of warmth emanating from her between her legs as the pulsating of the muscles in her groin slowly ebbed. After a couple of minutes she got her thoughts together and went back over the whole situation. She knew that another phone call from Ben or Brian could only have one answer for her. It suddenly dawned on her that she had got things so very wrong in her life. Dating but avoiding sex had been OK until two weeks ago, but now Ben and Brian were on the scene she had a big decision to make. Thinking more about them both she knew how wrong it was to get herself into this position – about how it was so far ‘over the line’ to be doing what she was doing – that there was never ever going to be anyone in the world she could ever tell about it – but how completely unbelievable and awesome sex with them had been, especially after so long without it. She thought about Jamie – she really did fancy him and now she felt that she had cheated on him – even though they had not had sex yet. They had agreed to go out again tomorrow night and she was going to pick him up like last week. She knew that tomorrow night she wasn’t going to be coming home – she liked Jamie and he clearly fancied her and she realised she had to take that risk of getting into a relationship that may not work and to spend the night with him. Otherwise, Eleanor knew that if she continued as she was, all her life would be about for the foreseeable future was Millie and her fuck buddies…   OK I'll Try it Then  Eleanor was on that same route again for the third time.  The journey seemed to fly by, strangely with hardly any other traffic on the roads.  She was late and was speeding a little.  She turned the corner, passing right by the flats where Brian and Ben lived.  Pulling into the White Horse car park, she drove around the back and parked in the same space for a third time.  She switched the engine off, then looking in the mirror to check her make-up, before looking down at her legs, the top of her thighs covered by the black mini-skirt but the rest just her bare pale skin – no stockings and suspenders today.  She got out of the car and started walking that same two hundred yards – before she knew it she was at the door and she pressed the button to number seventeen, after just a few seconds hearing “come in Millie” as the remote lock buzzed telling her it was open.  She got into the lift and it seemed like an instant and the door was opening again and she stepped out  Before she knew it she was at the entrance door with Brian standing there with a smile on his face “Hello Millie” he calmly said, gesturing into the bedroom…   She walked into the room, her heart missing a beat as she immediately noticing just one pillow at the top of the bed with a black cord stretched tightly across it, the end of it tied to the bedframe.  Near the foot of the bed was second black cord stretched across the bed and she puzzled why there was another one about a third of the way up.  Next to the pillow was a black blindfold and some sort if toy with three sharp points at one end and some feathers at the other and at the other side of the pillow was a paddle, the flogger he had used before and a crop – she recognised them from when she had searched on the internet that night – a little shiver went through her body.  Brian rested his hands on her shoulders and he guided her to the foot of the bed, turning her to face the mirrored wardrobe doors.  “You look nice in black Millie” he whispered in her ear.  She looked at herself with the black semi see-thru blouse, easily making out the black bra she was wearing, before looking down at the black mini-skirt, somehow looking even shorter now than when she had first put it on.  “Will you let me undress you?” Brian asked, exactly like the first time.  The first time they had stood further back, but now he had positioned her closer to the mirror and she thought she could even make out her nipples through the blouse and lace bra.  “Yes” she replied, knowing there was no other answer.  He undressed her just like before – it was like an action replay except she was wearing different clothes – first the blouse, then her bra, the skirt and finally the little black panties.  “It’s the first time I’ve seen you completely naked Millie” he whispered adding “you’re a beautiful woman”.  This time he didn’t ask, his hand sliding straight down to her pussy, stroking it gently before easing her lips open and probing inside.  “Lovely wet pussy Millie” he whispered.  She watched in the mirror as he took his hand away and reached behind him to the dressing table. Then kneeling on one leg next to her she watched him pulling something, hearing a tearing sound and realising it was Velcro and then he wrapped it tightly around her left ankle.  She could see the black band in the mirror and just made out a little metal clip on it.  Then he did the same to her other ankle.  She felt so frightened.  She heard him tear more Velcro open and he took hold of her hand and pulled it behind her back, placing this one around her wrist and as he let her hand fall back to her side she felt the cold metal clip against the back of her hand.  Finally he put a fourth one on the other wrist.  It looked so kinky standing there completely naked apart from these four black bands.  She felt his hand on her shoulders and she looked up and he said “Now you need to go and lie on the bed Millie” and she turned around and walked towards the bed, as she approached it noticing the cord by the foot of the bed had two metal rings bound to it near each edge of the bed and the one over the pillow had two rings the same, but by the edges of the pillow.  The third cord towards the middle of the bed had the rings about halfway between the other two.   It was obvious where she needed to lie.  Her took hold of her right hand and lifted it to the pillow and she heard the ‘click’ as he fixed the cuff to the ring on the cord – then he walked around to the other side of the bed and clipped her other hand the same.  Taking hold of her left leg, he pulled it to the edge of the bed and clipped that ankle to the cord, then the other leg the same.  Eleanor felt so exposed, her legs wide apart and held tightly in place.  “Now lift up your head Millie” he said and she watched him put the blindfold over her eyes and felt him stretch the elastic strap over the back of her head, holding it securely in place.  She felt another shiver of fear at having her vision taken away.  Now just one thing for you to remember Millie – there is a safe word – if you want to stop you just say the safe word – it’s Eleanor”.  Her heart thumped at the shock of him saying that gasping out “why Eleanor?”  He replied in his usual calm way “Well that’s your name isn’t it – I thought you wouldn’t forget that” then laughing out loud.  She was horrified – he knew her name – but how?   She felt the bed move and his hands on her breasts.  Then he was flicking her nipples quickly like he had first done – it tickled like hell – she started giggling – “stop – stop please – please stop Brian” and she wiggled her chest to try and stop him, but he wouldn’t “Why are you doing that Brian?” she yelled and he stopped, then alternately stroking them very slowly and gently a few times before doing it to both at the same time and it felt so nice she couldn’t help a little gasp of breath.  He kept stroking as he said “To show you Millie what it is like when you surrender control to someone…” pausing “…some things they will do to you will be things you like…” stroking both her nipples again together and she gasped out again as they became more sensitive “…some things you will like a lot…” and she felt him take hold of her nipples and she groaned with pleasure as he flicked the tips with his finger nails for a few seconds “…and some maybe not quite as much” ticking her nipples again for just a couple of seconds and then he laughed again.  Eleanor felt so very small and helpless.   “Now let’s try something new to see what you like and get warmed up – we’ll play a little game – it’s called ‘soft or sharp’ – you’ve got to guess what it will be – soft…” and she felt something soft brushing against the underside of her left breast guessing it was the feather end of the toy she had noticed “…or sharp” and she felt what felt like needles jab into the inside of her thigh and being dragged down it and she gasped out a little ‘ouch’, realising it was the other end of the same toy she had seen by the pillow.  “You get it right and we move on – get it wrong and I smack you there either with the paddle, the flogger or the crop – I choose” and her heart missed a beat at the thought of her being smacked.  “So Millie, soft or sharp?”  She thought for a second before replying ”soft”.  Almost instantly she felt the points jab into her tummy and being scratched as he dragged them over it.  “Mmmm let’s try the paddle” he said calmly and she heard a ‘thwack’ and then felt a sting and couldn’t help but gasp out ‘oh’ as he landed it squarely in the middle of her tummy making all of her muscles there lock for four or five seconds. “Soft or sharp” he said immediately. She paused.  “Come on Millie - quickly”. She wanted to say ‘fuck, give me time’ but just said “sharp”.  After hardly a second she felt the feathers ticking the underside of her right breast. ‘Fuck no’ she thought at the idea of having her breast smacked.  “Mmmm the flogger I think is perfect for breasts” he whispered.  Straight away she heard a little whoosh as then the fronds fizzed through the air and slapped into her breast, mostly underneath but one strayed landing right on her nipple and she let out a little squeal – the underside of her breast was stinging and her nipple was tingling and she felt a little matching tingle in her pussy. “Soft or sharp?” she heard again.  She just spoke without thinking, knowing there was no way to predict – “Soft”.  As the sharp points jabbed into the inside of her left thigh and slid down it feeling like they were making little incisions she felt helpless. “Time for the crop Millie” Brian said in an emotionless tone.  There was no warning like the flogger’s ‘whoosh’ and she just felt a sharp impact on the inside of her thigh and then a sting much more fierce than any before, making her gasp out ‘oh fuck’ and she involuntarily tried to close her legs, but the restraints held her firmly in place, her heart thumping at the realisation of what being restrained really meant.  The pain was intense, but she realised that all the muscles around her pussy had tensed in response to it.  “Soft or sharp?”  Resignedly she said “Soft” wondering where was next.  She felt the feathers tickle the underside of her left breast and her heart missed a beat at the thought of having that smacked too, before remembering she had said ‘soft’.  “Nice one Millie you finally got it right” Brian said sarcastically, continuing “Soft or sharp?”  “Sharp” she replied instantly.  The feathers brushed along the inside of her right thigh.  “Let’s try the crop again, eh Millie?” he asked, but she knew it wasn’t a question.  As soon as it landed she realised it was even harder than on the other thigh – she let out a squeal and groaned as the sting followed.  The muscles around her pussy locked again and now she could feel it getting really wet.  “OK one last time Millie – soft or sharp?” Brian chirped.  “Soft” she replied, glad that this game was nearly over, but realising she was now quite aroused.  She nearly jumped out of her skin as she felt the sharp points deep in her groin, then gently sliding up her pussy.  She was filled with horror – she’d never thought he would smack her pussy.  He rested something cool on her pussy.  “The paddle is perfect for a pussy” he said.  Then she felt him lift it away and waited for him to smack her.  She waited – he was teasing her – it seemed ages but was probably only a few seconds before she heard a sharp ‘thwack’ and she squealed more in anticipation than anything else.  The sting was less than she expected and then the burning feeling under her skin replaced the sting and then she felt a lovely throbbing inside her pussy. She felt his hand on her thigh just caressing it gently.  “OK Millie I am going to leave you for just a minute or so – I’ll be back very soon” Brian told her and she heard him walk out.   She was glad of the time to herself to catch her thoughts after the relentless teasing and smacking.  Nowhere really hurt now – her tummy was just a tingle and her right breast and both thighs still had the burning feeling under her skin and her pussy was tingling with the smack from the paddle, best of all the inside of her pussy was throbbing and she could tell she was now pretty wet.  She knew it had turned her on – not just the smacking, but the sheer intensity of the situation – being completely restrained, blindfolded and letting Brian have control of her.  Eleanor wondered what he would do next – would he have another game for her or something else?   She heard footsteps and Brian chirped “I’m back”.  She felt the bed move and then his hand on her thigh, just gently caressing her again.  “So how did you like that Millie – was it nice?” stroking where he had smacked her hardest with the crop.  “Err – I’m not sure” she said, hesitantly. She felt his hand move up the inside of her thigh and his fingers stroked her pussy, then she felt him easing the lips apart and a finger slid inside.  “Pussy’s don’t lie Millie – yours is very wet – pussy’s only get wet when you are get aroused – when you get turned on – I think being smacked turned you on, didn’t it?”  ‘Fuck he’s so clever’ realising that he would always get the better of her – she would never be able to bluff him “Yesss” she replied with a hissed whisper.  “Good Millie I told you that you would like it” he chirped continuing “So now we know that you like being tied up, blindfolded and smacked around – now that we know you like bondage we need to find out how hard you like to be smacked – how much pain it needs to really turn you on”.  Her heart pounded when he used the word ‘bondage’ – it was the first time it had been spoken and the same when she heard the word ‘pain’, but she knew she was now going to find out how hard she liked it.   She felt one hand take hold of her right ankle and the other one doing something with the Velcro cuff – then he raised her leg straight up into the air, holding her ankle firmly.  “Mmmm legs Millie – one of the best places to be smacked” – she felt his hand sliding up and down her calf – “different toys for different places – the paddle is really good on your calf”.  His hand slid down to her thigh running up and down it gently stroking with the flat of his hand – “thighs – so sensitive Millie – a nice big flat area – the flogger works best” and then his hand slid to her bottom, caressing her cheek “and bottoms Millie – everything is good for there” adding “shall we start?”  Again it was obviously one of Brian’s rhetorical questions – her heart was pounding now knowing what he was going to do and she was frightened how much it would hurt – but strangely curious to find out.   Still caressing her bottom he said “let’s start here with the paddle – three smacks OK Millie…” hesitating “…for starters?”  She was getting frightened now – this was getting so hardcore – her mouth was dry and her heart was beating fast.  “Well Millie?” he asked, almost demanding an answer.  “Yes Brian – OK” she whispered.  “That’s better Millie” he responded. His hand left her bottom and a few seconds later she heard a loud ‘thwack’ as the paddle landed – before she felt the now familiar sting another ‘thwack’ just above he first one and then a third above that.  She knew he had smacked her harder than before and she gasped for breath as the sting kicked in.  It hurt, but like before the muscles around her pussy responded, this time locked for several seconds – then the sting eased to be replaced by an intense burning under her skin.  “Let’s try your calf while I’ve got the paddle” he told her.  ‘Thwack’ ‘thwack’ ‘thwack’ – she felt the three sharp smacks to her calf – the sting was even stronger, the absence of much flesh below her skin making the impact harder.  “Now those lovely long thighs Millie – room for six with the flogger I think”.  Six ‘whooshes’ from the flogger and the back of her thigh felt like it had been stung by a swarm of wasps.  “Now I’m sure that lovely bottom can take a bit more – how about the crop Millie – six of the best?”  ‘Six’ she immediately thought ‘fuck’ this is going to hurt’.  It did and one word came into her head ‘Eleanor’ – should she say the safe word and end it now.  After the sixth smack with the crop Brian gently lowered her leg down onto the bed and fastened the cuff back to the cord.  The coolness of the sheet eased the pain slightly.  She could feel all the muscles in her leg locked, trying to deal with the pain – so were those around her pussy.  She felt the bed move on the other side, his hand taking hold of her ankle, releasing the cuff from the cord and raising that leg the same.  Thirty seconds later after doing exactly the same, when Brian lowered that leg onto the cool sheets she wanted to cry it hurt so much, but something inside made her conceal the pain and now she felt so horny.  “I’ll leave you for a minute or so Millie – back soon” he said calmly.  Her mind was a jumble – ‘was this supposed to be fun’ she thought, but then how could she get so turned on.  Then she heard Brian “OK I’m back”.  That wasn’t a minute – it was only a few seconds she thought – everything seemed to be happening so quickly – it was weird.   “Right Millie I hope you enjoyed your little rest – did you like that nice smacking?” he asked, after a few seconds adding “Well?”  “I’m not sure” she replied.  She felt his hand on her hip and the pressure increased as he leaned on her.  “Oh come on Millie – I can see from here your pussy is dribbling juices now – being smacked turns you on”.  He took his hand away and she felt him sit on the bed.  “I’ve got a couple of nice toys for you now”.  She felt his hand brush against her right breast, then something cold against her nipple and suddenly it was being squeezed and she gasped ‘ow’ – then the same on her other nipple.  “Nipple clamps Millie – let me switch them on” and her felt him take hold of them and suddenly her nipples were buzzing with vibrations and she let out an ‘oooh’ at the stimulation.  “Nice eh Millie?” he asked calmly.  It was nice – the vibrations were strong but silent and stimulation was so constant and relentless – she could feel the muscles in her pussy just tensing a little every few seconds.  Next she heard a buzzing noise, Brian rested his hand on her thigh and then something touching her pussy and she knew instantly that he had a vibrator.  He slid it up and down her lips – just the tip of it – it was so nice.  She felt him ease the tip between her lips and start to slide it into her – although Eleanor had a couple of vibrators and had used them pretty often over the last year she had never had anyone use one on her.  Soon it was right inside – then without warning the vibrations increased – fuck it was so much more exciting with someone else at the controls, she thought.  The vibrations increased again and then Brian’s fingers started to massage her clitoris and now she knew she was going to cum – the feeling grew so quickly and she couldn’t prevent herself groaning out ‘fuck yes – oh fuck yes’.  It was all so intense – being tied up completely unable to move and blindfolded too, the vibrating nipple clamps with Brian in control of the vibrator – in just a really short time she was so close to cumming and let out a more urgent ‘fuck yes’.  “Nearly there Millie” he asked calmly.  “Yes – oh yes – it’s so close” she gasped.  Then the vibrations stopped and Brian just said “Not yet Millie”.  She just lay there gasping for breath wanting to call him all the names under the sun.  He just said “Denial Millie – a big part of bondage” as he slid the vibrator out.  Her brain was a jumble now – all she could do was lay there and let Brian do what he wanted – she had been so close to having an orgasm and although the feelings were fading, vibrations from the nipple clams were keeping her pretty aroused.  Brian took hold of her ankle again and she felt him unclip the cuff, then he pulled her ankle back so that her knee was bent and in the air – he fiddled with the cuff again and then released his grip.  She tried to move her ankle but couldn’t – she realised what the middle cord was for now.  He did the same with her other leg and then told her “Lift your bottom off the bed please Millie” and she did as told, feeling him slide something cool under her bottom and saying “OK you can lie back down” and she realised it was a pillow – just like Ben had used when he fucked her – surely Brian wasn’t going to bring Ben into this now she thought.   “Ben – Millie’s ready for you” Brian called out.  Oh fuck no she thought – this was getting way more kinky and perverted than she had ever expected.  Within seconds “Hello Millie” she heard Ben say. “Hi Ben” she said now feeling more helpless than ever.  Brian spoke again “Ben has something special for you Millie – we found two new tablets that have come onto the market – one improves blood flow and increases penis size by up to ten percent and the other makes a man last a lot longer…” hesitating “…Ben should be good for half an hour or more with it”.  ‘What’ she thought – his penis was going to be even bigger and he was going to fuck her for half an hour or even more – this wasn’t bondage – more like sexual assault. “I’m not sure about this” she said.  She heard Brian chuckle and then say “That’s bondage Millie – you agree to let yourself be tied up and for me to have control and then there’s only one rule – I give and you take…” hesitating “…but why don’t you give it a little try Millie – if you don’t like it you know how to stop it all”.  ‘Fuck he is always so cleverly persuasive’ she thought and yes there was always ‘Eleanor’ – the safe word.  “Right I’ll leave you two to it – see you in half an hour or so” Brian said and she heard the door close.  She felt the bed move and Ben’s hands on her thighs, easing them further apart.  Then he leaned forward and she felt his arms at her sides, his tummy against hers and then his hand sliding down between their bodies.  She wondered why he hadn’t said a word – “Aren’t you speaking to me Ben?” she asked.  She felt his breath on the side of her face and he whispered “Dad told me to not to talk to you…” hesitating “…to just give you a good fucking – he said that’s the way it should be in this situation”.  This was weird – what a strange thing to tell him to do she thought but replied “OK”.  The her focus shifted to what Brian had said – ‘ten percent bigger’ – when they had sex before Ben had already felt like he ‘filled her up’ – was she going to be able to take it she wondered, a shiver of fear going through her.  The tip of his penis brushed her pussy as he guided it with his hand.  She was so wet it slipped between her lips easily and then started to stretch the entrance to her vagina – it stretched more and more as he slowly pushed it in and as the head slid inside it felt huge.  He eased it a little further and she was glad he was taking it steadily with gentle strokes – not just shoving it in like the first time.  He slid it deeper and she just groaned at being stretched more than ever.  Then one more push and it was all inside her and it completely took her breath away, unable to make a sound – she felt like she might split in two.  Then he started – short firm strokes deep inside – after only a short time they got longer – then even firmer, his pelvis pushing against her groin – it really felt like too much.  He kept going like that for a couple of minutes and she was getting used to the size, but it was weird as she had no feeling of getting aroused – she was taking it, but it wasn’t pleasurable.  Then he started to fuck her even harder with longer harder thrusts, his pelvis now slamming into her groin.  Every time he had done it before he had held her shoulders, but not this time and she felt herself slipping further up the bed with each stroke until her head was pushed against the wooden headboard.  She felt no sense of getting sexually aroused at all – this was awful she thought.  He fucked her even harder so that her head was repeatedly banging hard against the headboard.  “No Ben please stop” she gasped.  He just continued like an unstoppable machine. “Ben please please stop” she asked again.  No reaction – just the same relentless pounding.  There was only one thing left she thought – the safe word.   She took a breath and as she tried to breath out and say ‘Eleanor’, she couldn’t. Oh no – she tried again – nothing.  “Please Ben please stop” she gasped again, but he continued. She tried to say ‘Eleanor’ again, but her body just wouldn’t allow it as if her throat seized up each time she tried.  She took a huge deep breath and tried to scream ‘Eleanor’ as loud as she could but could only make a grunt – she was petrified – this was horrible – she tried another time with all her might almost throwing a fit – and then everything went quiet and still.  After a few seconds she opened one eye – the blindfold had gone.  She was looking at green and yellow striped curtains – they weren’t her curtains – where was she? She tried to think what day it was – Friday she had been at work, pushing aside the afternoon sex with Ben and Brian, Saturday had been a usual shopping and tidy up day and then she realised where she was.  It was Sunday morning – she was at Jamie’s.  Instantly she wondered whether she had shouted out in her sleep when trying to yell ‘Eleanor’ – sheepishly she looked over her shoulder and saw Jamie lying there eyes firmly closed and she sighed with relief.   Then she went back to the dream – it was like Brian and Ben had invaded her mind, but she knew that really it was her mind that had concocted it all – but why?  She thought back how some of the dream had obviously been a bit unreal, the way there was no traffic – the way she got out of her car and was suddenly at the apartment block – the way the lift took no time to go up.  But then from the moment she stepped into the bedroom it had been so very real – from the moment she saw those black cord restraints tied tightly across the bed, the blindfold and the toys by the pillow – everything from then until Brian moved her ankles from the restraints at the bottom of the bed to those higher up to get her ready to be fucked had all been so incredibly real.  All the things in between had felt like it had really happened – the way he teased her and stimulated her – the way he had smacked her legs – the nipple clamps and the way he took her right to the brink of orgasm and then denied her that pleasure – it had all been so real.  But after that it became unreal again, although at the time so scary the way Ben fucked her.  Thinking it all through again made her feel guilty, as if she had really done it.   Yesterday evening sleeping over with Jamie was supposed to be the beginning of a new direction for her, but even though it had only been a dream – well a nightmare really – Brian and Ben just wouldn’t seem to go away.   But then she thought about last night – she a lovely time with Jamie and when they parked outside his place, after a nice snog she wasn’t leaving anything to chance asking him ‘aren’t you going to invite me in for a coffee?’  They went in and sat and drank some liqueurs.  She remembered only too well when Jamie went to the toilet she stood up to look at some of his photographs on the wall and when he came back how he had cuddled up behind her, wrapping his arms around her tummy and kissing her neck.  Then he whispered “I don’t want you think I am after casual sex, but I’d love for you to stay over tonight – I really like you Ellie and I’m thinking about it perhaps being the start of something much more than that’.  She remembered how her heart had fluttered – it had been such a nice thing for him to say.  The sex had been good – he was not as expert as Brian or as physical as Ben, but she had resolved to be patient and if it wasn’t perhaps as good as she knew she needed, she’d work at it with him, maybe asking for him to try the things she wanted – especially after the knowledge and confidence she had learned from Ben and particularly Brian. She thought back to how she and Jamie had first lay there under the sheet and Jamie had tried to play with her nipples, just like Brian had said most men did and how it tickled her like crazy.  She had told him to let her take his thumbs and show him how to play with them slowly and he seemed to really appreciate it, although she saved asking for fingernails for another time.  And after all she had already got a quote for replacing her wardrobe doors with mirrored ones, so there was something definitely wanted to try with him and see if they could be really adventurous like she knew she really wanted and needed.  Eleanor thought back to the dream or rather nightmare – it had all seemed so very real.  Slipping her hand down to her pussy she again felt so guilty when she realised how wet it was from the dream of Ben and Brian.  Putting Brian and Ben behind her was something that would happen although she realised now that it may take time.  Checking her watch it said 6.45 and she looked over at Jamie wondering how long until he woke – she knew that there was one way of helping put those two men behind her and she resolved that when he did wake up it would have to be some time before Jamie and her got out of bed….   The End Publication Date: December 16th 2017 https://www.bookrix.com/-tlb6d0bff43d2a5
Becca♥♫☺ Ruth Launa's Story The Beginning Chapter 1: Melanie's Past “NO! GET OFF ME! OW! HELP! GET OFF! AAAAH!” Melanie Dorian cried. She was in a dark bedroom. She had been missing for two days now. She was dragged off the street. She had gotten in a taxi and was drugged and stolen by the driver, Drake Hessler. He was now raping her for the third time. “SHUT UP! You wanna be punished again?” Drake screamed. “NO! NO! NO! You’re hurting me! OW!” she screamed in pain and horror. “Well, too bad. Now I’m going to when I’m done.” He pointed to the closet. Melanie remembered what happened the last two times he punished her. “AAAAAAAH! NO!” she yelped again in pain and torture. “Now I’ll do it for an hour and a half instead of an hour. And I’ll keep adding a half hour every time you say anything. Now shut up and let me finish! You know I don’t stop until I see you bleed!” Melanie gulped, but didn’t say anything until she started bleeding, and Drake stopped. He dipped a finger in the blood and rubbed it all over himself, then shoved his bloody finger in Melanie’s mouth. “Stay here, bitch. I’ll be back for you. I’m thirsty.” He walked away into the kitchen. Melanie tried yanking her hands out of the handcuffs he had around her hands and feet. No luck, they were to tight. Melanie tried not to cry, because she knew Drake would punish her more if she did. Her legs ached, and she was covered with blood. Drake finally stomped back in. He marched into the closet and came back out with a belt. He grabbed her and threw her over on her stomach. He started whipping her ass hard with the belt. “AAAAAAAH OW OW OW OW OW!” she cried. She knew Drake liked it when she screamed while he was punishing her, and she wanted to do all she could to get him to stop as soon as possible. After a horrid 45 minutes, he stopped and took the belt into the closet. He stumbled back out with pliers and duct tape. Drake is a creative man. He likes to think of many new ways of punishment. He stuck the rusty pliers in her asshole. He squeezed them open. Melanie’s face folded up in pain. He duct taped them so they wouldn’t move. He stuck his toe in her ass and started moving it in circles, working to get his whole foot in. He had a really big foot. Melanie screeched in pain and torture. He got his foot in and started pulling it in and out slowly. A little faster. A little more. Faster faster faster. He pulled it all the way out and grabbed his foot with his hand. He started again, now working in both his hand, and his foot. There was blood leaking everywhere. Another 45 minutes later, Drake stopped and went to get in the shower and go to bed. She knew he’d do it all again tomorrow. Melanie wondered if she was the only one he had ever done this to, or if there were other girls before him. What would he do after a while? Would he keep her for the rest of her life? Would he be the one to end her life once he got bored? She was sure she was pregnant, this is the third time he’s raped her without a condom. Would the police ever find her? Were they even looking? Does anyone even know she’s gone? Chapter 2: The Birth Yes, Melanie was pregnant. She has been for months now. Drake was in the middle of whipping her with his belt when it happened. “OW! Aw shit! My water just broke!” “Damn it, alright! Flip over, and be fast with it, I wasn’t done! You still earned yourself 15 more minutes, then I have to kill you and dump your baby.” Panic washed over her. She couldn’t die! But there’s no time to argue or even think about it now, cause there’s a fucking baby coming. Melanie pushed and pushed. 2 and a half laboring hours later, the baby pushed the rest of the way out. “Damn, finally!” Drake yelled. He picked up the baby and put it in the corner. He walked back over to Melanie. He finished with punishing her. “Now, time to end this. I would keep you alive for my own personal use, but I can’t keep this damn thing, killing it won’t keep me sexually pleased, and if I keep both you and the baby alive, the police may track this thing back to you, then back to me. So I guess I have to kill you like I have all the others, then start over. Plus, I can screw your corpse! Peace out, bitch!” Drake reasoned with himself and Melanie. She started whimpering. Drake went into the closet and got out a stool and some rope. He hung the rope to one fan blade and put the stool under it. He shoved Melanie up onto the stool and tied the rope around her neck. “Bye bye, bitchy!” Drake said as he pulled the stool away. Panic swept over Melanie’s body. She felt the air leaking out of her lungs. She gasped for breath, nothing came through. Drake just sat on the bed, watching, smiling, holding his penis in both hands, and jiggling it quickly. Melanie’s body went limp. After a few minutes to make sure she was really dead, Drake untied the rope from the fan and pulled Melanie’s dead, lifeless corpse onto the bed and got on top of it. He worked his penis into her vagina. He started bouncing on top of her. Bouncing the bed up and down, it started squeaking. Suddenly, Drakes chest started hurting. Hurting like nothing he’d ever felt before. His heart felt like it was exploding in his chest. It hurt like all hell had broken loose around his heart. He passed out on the bed. If someone had been there, he would have lived. But he had killed the only person around, except for the baby, of course. The heart attack had killed him, and there was nobody around to bring him back to life. In other words, Drake the rapist and serial killer, was dead. “What happens to the baby?” you may ask. “Will anyone find it?” you may wonder. Well, I guess you’ll just have to wait until I post the rest to find out. Please comment and tell me, would you like me to post more? Because I’m sure the abandoned baby has many great, sexy, X-Rated adventures to come. Text: THIS IS MY DAMN BOOK! NO STEALING! The picture is not mine, though. Found it on Goooogle Images. All rights reserved. Publication Date: November 28th 2011 https://www.bookrix.com/-beccadancer27
Owen Wilson, Naomi Hunt My Special Audition Chapter 1: Jabba Smith My name is Jabba Smith, I am a young woman of 21 years of age and I have a special gift, my sex drive is basically never ending, never satisfied. And I want to share this trait with the world.   It was a late sunday night. Terrified I was prepping myself for my audition for the X factor UK. I was gonna sing the classic, I know what boys like, by the Waitresses. However unlike most contestants I had something a little extra... My little surprise.   I was only 10 minutes away from my big moment. Suddenly Dermot O'Leary approached me, little did he know that I secretly had a huge sexual desire for him with his chiseled features, you know what I mean (his huge "buddy") ;) Thats why I call him Dermot O "Large Loins" Leary.   After a brief interview with this beast of a man. It was time to face the music!!! (Get it, thats what they say on the show) Shaking in my boots, I trembled on stage and before me stood the 4 judges like 4 scary peas in a pod. We had Simon "Concrete Cock" Cowell, Sharon "Oblong minge" Osborne, Gary "Blue Balls" Barlow and finally (my favourite), Louis "Wet Willy" Walsh with his thick, seductive Welsh accent that would make anyone wet by just hearing it. My panic slipped away as my desires started to seep out.   Chapter 2: Almost Time I was ready for my BIG performance, but Simon interrupted by asking such questions as "What is your name?" "What do you do for a living?" and "Cup size?" To which I answered "Jabba Smith", "Science Teacher" and "Double D". Clearly shocked by these answers, Simon looked clearly flustered, Sharon gave me a glare of jealousy as her breasts were now saggy and ancient. Not to mention the thousands of innocent souls who also have ancient saggy breasts, and the kids about to witness my...show...                   during this brief, absolute shit of an interview, which took fucking hours (2 minutes), it was my time to shine.   ''HIT IT'' i shouted at Dermot O'Leary almost (99.9%) seductively..   As this wild song started playing it was time. Time to dance and terribly sing my little ditty. The back up dancers from star wars (apart from hans solo and princess leia) (rip)........   By this point im already sorta wet and my nipples began to show due to the rigidness caused by the thought of Simons big beefy cock.  Chapter 3: The moment that you have been waiting for.. roughly 2 minutes into this frankly embarrassing song I had enough lollygaggin, I tear off my Shirt to begin with, exposing my rigid, hard nipples to many peoples surprise, but also to their secret pleasure. Firstly, I beckon Gary Barlow to the stage. Time to give those blue balls some action. He hesitantly dilly dallied to the stage, my nimble body awaits his girth. He walks up to me and uttered to me "Im here, now what?" As a response I swiftly yanked down his denim trousers to be greeted with him already being hard, and wearing a male g-string. Needless to say, I wasnt expecting that but it makes my show easier and more sensual.  Paralysed by this sudden movement he just stood there as if to say "Cmon then, show us your minge" I gladly obliged and stripped slowly until fully butt naked like the day I was born. Gary was now fully erect revealing his 10 inch wazza. He was ready... Chapter 4: Gary's first! I instantaneously jerked towards his cock, mouth a-gaping until the entire shaft was trapped within my throat, I gagged violently but it was out of pure pleasure. He moaned a mighty roar as his peer judges watched in awe. The hundreds of audience members surely won't forget this day.   I gagged and gagged until he decided he wanted to take the rails. He threw me to the ground, caressing my body, kissing me all over and moved slowly down towards my moist meat flaps. I moaned with pleasure as his tongue slid up and down my pussy. His stubble tickled my inner thigh. For someone with the nickname "blue balls Barlow" He knew exactly how to please a slut like me.   10 minutes and many orgasms later, he got up, weiner in hand and inserted it gently into my choochie. He passionately thrusted his meat stick into me, while also flicking my clit. He flipped me with my face down, ass up and continued to thrust. I couldnt think this could get much better until...  Chapter 5: New Challenger Approaching While Gary was fucking me like the slut I am, Simon was clearly jealous and horny. He said "Right, thats enought!" he came onto the stage and whipped out his baby maker. Somehow it looked even more delicious than Gary's. Right as I was about to cum, I pushed Gary away and shuffled over to Simon who was preparing himself for a good suckin'. I massaged his tip with my cock hungry tongue and wrapped his hog with my lips and jerked my head back and forth like a demented chicken. From the corner of my eye I caught a glimps of Dermot rubbing his big "buddy" backstage, watching the chaos carry out. When we connected eyes he looked at me with pure, child-like excitment. But I refused, I waved my finger at him as if to say "Not yet big boy, im saving space for you" Returning my attention to Simon, his pecker was clearly itching for a scritching. So I gave him exactly what he wanted. I pushed him down until he was lying straight down and hopped onto his Richard and rode him til the cows came home, he grabbed my tits and began to suck em dry and stealthily sneaked his pinky into my anus. This was the best day of my life and im not even half way through...  chapter 6: sharon ''oblong minge'' osborne After the pleasurable moments with Simon, the jealous bitch Sharon, with her huge minge came strutting on stage, whipping out her 6 inch metal dildo, and rammed it in my wide cock-sucking mouth. She must be horny as fuck, but it was fine as I was also horny. I also proceeded to whip out anal beads and shoved them up her anus. She pulled of her bra in pleasure and pain. I stopped. I was shocked to see her saggy ancient breasts.  THEY WERE NON EXISTENT! Everyone stopped, looking like their eyes were bleeding in horror, she was absolutely embarrased. Then she seductively pulled down her G-string and HOLY FUCK! Her clit was as saggy as her breasts.  ''do you like what you see?'' Sharon says sexually. ''NO IT IS DISGUSTING, girl you need surgery, major surgery!'' Now i know why she is called ''oblong minge'' it was fucking huge. But oh well might as well have some fun with this beastly woman. We kissed hard and passionaltey. She rubbed my clit fast and hard. oh fuck that was some wierd shit we are doing. I rubbed her non existent breasts and she moaned and groaned like an ogre that she is.   We were having fun until..... Chapter 7: Return of Louis ''Wet Willy'' Walsh ''Stop'' shouts a welsh accent that makes mine and everyones pussy (or cock) wet, wetter than a water fountain. ''come here daddy'' i say ripping all of my clothes of intensely. Louis ran up on stage with his huge hard dick swaying side to side.   damn i want to engulf him so bad, my my my he looks naughty and extremely tasty.    i grabbed his meaty thighs, tossed him round and threw him to the ground. My quench for cock isn't satiated yet. As I was climbing all over Louis I pivoted my head to the right to see Simon and Gary double teaming Sharon. Simon was taking the front, Sharon was now tied up with rope that they miraculously found. Simon was forcing his dingus dongus into Sharons awaiting mouth, tears were beginning to pour from the old womans eyes meanwhile Gary was in control of the behind. Sharons dangling vajazzle was already squirting, it was clear that her husband was perhaps less than satisfactoty in the bedroom, she has never had this much action before in her long, miserable life. While they were having their fun it left me with the "Wet  Willy". It wasnt until I saw and felt him in action that I realised a more accurate nickname is Louis "Wild Woody" Walsh. He handled his woody better than any man I've seen, for what it lacked in size (5 inches) it made up for in skill. This man fucks. Like no joke, im jealous of his wife. He slammed me hard, slapping my ass and fucking me like theres no tomorrow. After 10 minutes (Pretty Impressive for a man of his age) he could feel his juices rising, he asked if he should pull out, to which I uttered "Are you joking, no, fill me with your baby batter old man, make me feel like the sluttiest slut of them all!"   He obliged and splooged what felt like buckets full of delicious love mayonnaise.   Chapter 8: The conclusion.... after this massive gang bang, it was time to end, we were all sweaty and tired but i was hungry for more, but not tonight.  dermot came running in hoping for more action but nuh uh, he aint getting nuttin, i am tired and achy and i am too busy walking around like i have been shitting for days, i aint having no more cock until i have fully recovered from this kinky accident, that wasnt actually an accident.    as the judges mounted to their seats it was time too see if i am a star. BUT NO, i failed, these ungrateful bellends didnt appreciate my pussy or lovin. my pussy is one of a kind, like KFC says Finger licken good.   i am heartbroken and sad, i thought everyone loved my show but i was clearly wrong.    but they will never see the end of me...   I WILL BE BACK BITCHES.... chapter 9: nine months later  now i am fully grown up i am a big girl now. now i have a big bombshell, I AM PREGGY AND I AM GOING TO GO ONTO THE JEREMY KYLE SHOW....   To be continued Publication Date: June 17th 2019 https://www.bookrix.com/-vq394e2f57c71c5
erotic Friends and Lovers They shared a glass of wine and relaxed on an over stuffed couch, sitting close talking, laughing and sharing stories of their daily lives. She looked up and found her friend looking at her intently, and that spark of interest flared, a stroke of warmth in the pit of her stomach, a tingle of awareness so I reached across and touched her face with my fingers and caressed her cheek, bringing her head down to mine for a soft gentle kiss, our tongues caressing and feeling her soft curls under my fingers, my hand closing around her hair and pulling her closer to me for a deeper kiss, her hands too were framing my face and she returned my kiss with passion. We lay back against the couch cuddling close, sharing kisses and my hands reached down to undo the row of buttons on her shirt exposing her lacy red bra to my view and her tight peaked nipples pushing against the lace. I ran my finger over her nipple feeling her body respond to my touch, running my hands over her belly and down her sides, reaching around behind to undo her bra and free her gorgeous breasts to my view and wanting to taste her with my hungry mouth, I lent down and flicked her nipple with my tongue, running it around her nipple her breast cupping her with my hands and bringing her deep into my mouth – hearing her moan in pleasure as I played and sucked pulling her deep inside my mouth and my tongue flicking on her nipple. Moving across to the other breast and feasting on it also. Coming back up to her mouth and sharing some more kisses. Watching as she lifted my top and threw it down on the floor and her look of surprise and pleasure when she realized I wasn’t wearing a bra. Feeling her hands touch my breasts, my nipples peaking in pleasure we turned so we were facing each other and our breasts gently rubbed against each other our hands just caressing each others body, running over her side, down her leg and up again, down her back and feeling her hands return the caress. Mmm mmm it felt so good, reaching down to slide my hand up her skirt and caress her inner thigh and move higher to gently stroke her pussy, pushing her legs apart to gain access to her clit and spread her lips and pinch softly, feeling her wetness and hearing her moan encouraged me to move down the couch to look at what I had uncovered her shaved pussy, swollen, wet and aroused wanting to be pleasured I moved my body down so I was between her legs and using my finger I gently spread her pussy lips and slid a finger deep inside and moved my mouth over the entrance and flicked with my tongue on the tip of her clit, feeling her buck against my mouth and pressing my mouth harder against her and sucking her clit into my mouth gently but firmly flicking with my tongue feeling her wetness, tasting her juices and pressing another finger inside with the first I fucked her with my fingers while I lapped at her clit and licked the length of her pussy. Hearing her pleasure, feeling her desire increase with each stroke of my hand. Increasing the strokes and pressure pushing her higher and higher wanting to take her over the edge… she was bucking against me but I held her pussy down with my mouth wanting to hear her scream with her release, feeling her pushing against me and bucking against my fucking fingers, moving them in and out faster and faster and pushing them in deeper with each stroke, tasting her, loving her, giving her pleasure and becoming more aroused myself, feeling my juices and the heat building between my legs, sucking her harder and flicking my tongue quicker feeling her begin to spasm with pleasure, lapping up her juices as I heard her cry out her orgasm. Licking her juices, sucking them deep into my mouth and placing gentle licks against the length of her pussy until she stopped bucking against my mouth, kissing her pussy and slowly sliding my fingers out of her and with one last lick I move up her body and share a long passionate kiss with her and smile at her pleased that I could give her so much pleasure. She took a deep breath and then with a very mischieveous look she pushed me aside and got to her feet she looked gorgeous, long flowing curls, naked, body glistening from her orgasm, she walked into her bedroom and came back with a little basket full of goodies I smiled at her and wondered just what she was planning. She came back to the couch and took the rug off the back and threw it on the floor and taking my hand stood me up and finished undressing me and then told me to lie down against the cushions she had also tossed on the floor. She knelt down beside me and lent over me so that her breasts were stroking mine and kissed me my fingers reached up and gently squeezed her nipples and I sucked her tongue deep into my mouth increasing the pleasure of her kiss. I could feel the moisture between my legs and she knew what she was doing to me as I could see in the smile she gave me when our kiss ended she reached into her basket and drew out a blindfold and tied it around my eyes so I could hear and feel but not see what she had in mind… it was very arousing… she lent down and nibbled her way from my breasts to my belly to my pussy and licked my cunt and flicked her tongue over my clit, feeling my body spasm against her caress. I heard a little buzzing noise and knew she had gotten out one of the toys and I felt its vibrations against my clit and a moan of pure pleasure slipped past my lips she pushed it down further and feeling it at the entrance of my pussy she pushed harder I could feel myself stretching to take it inside and she turned up the pace of the vibes and it was an incredible feeling. She lent down over it and sucked on my clit and fucked me with the toy, bringing me close then slowing down, over and over again until I was begging her to take me over the edge… She withdrew her mouth and the toy and I felt their absence I heard her moving around and all I could think was for godsake finish this I want you so much… I felt her move back between my legs and felt something hard against my pussy and felt a tingle go through me, she slid herself closer and I felt a firm, jellylike dildo stretch me as she fucked me with the strap on dildo, feeling her body against mine as she fucked me, feeling her breasts against mine, her legs rubbing against mine and her pussy rubbing mine where it rubbed against the opening of my pussy where the dildo was deep inside, I could feel her hands on my breasts, then her mouth and felt the blindfold being slipped off and I opened my eyes to the glorious sight of my lover fucking me and the pleasure of her beautiful body in front of me and the feeling of her hands now holding mine over my head so that she could stretch out and fuck me full length, the pleasure growing for both of us, I moved my head to take her breast in my mouth and suckle hard and flicked her nipple with my tongue, feeling her arch her back and move out and then in out then in with the cock strapped to her body, bringing her mouth back to mine so that she could kiss me as she fucked me and feeling her pleasure building also… She ground her hips causing the dildo to grind against my pussy and tweak my clit causing me to moan out loud, fuck it felt so good, reaching my hands around her and holding her arse cheeks in mine and pulling her closer so that the pleasure increased, bucking against her, the toy deep inside and the edge pushing against her clit as well bringing us both pleasure, building, building, moaning into her mouth and pushing up against her, screaming with pleasure as I feel apart in her arms, feeling her cumming straight after me and feeling her juices sliding down my legs and mingling with mine, felt her sliding in and out a few more times to prolong the pleasure….. feeling her mouth suck my nipples and tweak them with her fingers, then move her lips to mine in a gentle loving kiss as she slid out of me and lay beside me, both of us breathing hard as the feeling of intense pleasure still washed over us, Feeling her fingers move down so they touched the wetness between my legs and smiling knowing that together we had reached for heaven and found it… knowing too that the night was still young and there was lots more still in store for both of us. Publication Date: September 17th 2011 https://www.bookrix.com/-abena12
Caramel Vixen Touch A Collection of Erotic Poetry Publication Date: December 19th 2010 https://www.bookrix.com/-caramelvixen
A B heLLO HELLO HELLO   Publication Date: March 4th 2014 https://www.bookrix.com/-ov1d13873be5135
S D Chapman GARY 3/ Gary Pumps and Fills Tracy (All 4 books now under book 1) Thank you for reading Gary pumps and fills Tracy. Please read the last in the Gary series; Gary gets hard for Yvonne. Many thanks to Raylina Sykes; proofreader, editor and cover designer. Gary pumps and fills Tracy Gary is in an expensive clothes shop buying a new winter coat.   "That's very nice on you." a voice pipes up from behind him.   He twirls round expecting to see the shop assistant, but instead before him stands a tall blond woman dressed in an airline uniform. She asks, "You're Gary aren't you?"   Gary nods, "Do I know you?" he asks.   "We went to school together; I'm Tracy."   Gary thinks for a moment. "Ah yes I remember you now. How are you doing?"   Tracy replies, "I'm good. I work as an air hostess; I'm off work after today for a week. You can't be doing too bad for yourself either or else you wouldn't be shopping in here."   "I'm a man of leisure these days; my old man died leaving everything to me; suffice to say I've got a few bob and I also own the old farm just outside Doncaster." Her eyes narrow in disbelief. "Do you live round here? Can I give you a lift?" Gary asks her.   "I have my own car." She replies in a snooty way.   Gary really wants to get this woman back to his place. She was the main bully at his school, and she made his childhood hell. He would really love to fuck her up big time! If he could just get her interested in him he could really go to town on the bitch.   "I'm glad I ran into you; I'm hosting a school reunion at my mansion tomorrow and you are one of the last few that I've yet to invite. There'll be champagne, and caviar vol-au-vonts, no expence has been spared. It'd be interesting to see how your class mates have done since school wouldn't it? Here's my address." Gary hands her a card with his address on one side and a little map on the back.   "Isn't that the old farm?" she asks.   Gary rolls his eyes, fighting the urge to throttle her and point out that he'd just told her that! "Yes, I spent a small fortune converting it into my luxury home." He manages a forced smile.   Tracy asks, "Can I bring Hal, my other half?"   Gary cringes; he doesn't want her to bring a bloke into his home; a bloke would complicate things and could put up a serious fight. "Of course you can, the more, the merrier. The party starts at seven in the evening." He manages another fake smile.   As they go their separate ways he starts to plan how best to get rid of her husband. He thinks rohypnol slipped into their drinks, then drag the husband outside and slit his throat, leaving Tracy to recover before having his fun. 'Not a bad plan,' he thinks to himself   The next day Gary moves several of his cars from the garage, parking them outside the house so Tracy and Hal would think some guests had already arrived. He sorts out some 'toys' that he wants to use on Tracy. He sticks balloons round the door to his playhouse and sets the door to stay open, so they would know which building to go into. Nearer the time, he puts some loud party music on and sets a small table near the doorway with champagne glasses ready to be drank with the small addition of rohypnol to make his victims a lot easier to deal with. At a quarter to seven he opens the main gates and waits. At twenty to eight he hears a car come up the driveway. He tries to look like he's enjoying a party as he walks forward to greet his guests.   Tracy gets out of the passenger side and another lass gets out of the driving seat. Tracy introduces her, "Hello Gary, this is my other half...Haley."   Gary stands speechless. He expected a problem, only to be given a gift; he couldn't believe his luck.   He shows them to the table in the playhouse doorway and pushes a drink each into their hands. "Drink up ladies, there's plenty to go round." Haley necks her champagne and grabs another glass, while Tracy sips it delicately. "Well shall I introduce you to the party?" Gary prompts, noticing that Hal is quickly succumbing to the drug and struggling to walk straight. Gary points to the end of the corridor, "Just go in, I'm right behind you." As they walk into the main room he activates the locking mechanism on the front door.   Tracy is first into the room and notices that nobody else is there. She hesitates a moment so Gary gives her a shove. She staggers into the room. Hal staggers in under her own steam before collapsing on the floor.   "Hal, Hal!" Tracy screeches in panic.   "She'll be fine, the drug will wear off before morning." Gary turns off the deafening music. Tracy lunges at Gary, trying to thump him; he just grabs her arms and twists her round so her arms are behind her. "You were nasty to me through school, now it's my turn!" he whispers menacingly in her ear.   He pushes her over to the bed and cuffs one wrist to the bedpost. He then drags Hal over to the St Andrews cross, completely undresses her and cuffs one of her wrists to an ankle restraint at the bottom of the cross. He turns his attention back to Tracy; she hadn't drank enough for the drug to affect her. He pulls a clear plastic bag from a nearby cupboard and puts it over Hal's head with a large elastic band round her neck to make sure it has a snug fit, her shallow breaths gradually suck the plastic to her mouth. He un-cuffs Tracy. "Strip naked, now!" he orders. Tracy doesn't move. "We can sit back and watch your girlfriend suffocate if you prefer." Tracy undresses to her underwear. "Naked does mean ALL your clothes! Quickly, I don't think Hal's brain cells can last much longer without oxygen!" Tracy hurriedly removes her bra and panties. Gary pulls the bag from Hal's unconscious head.   "On the bed, now!" Gary barks. Tracy obeys. Gary strides to the bedside and cuffs her spread-eagle to the posts. "I wonder how long it takes me to get naked." Gary says, as he pulls the plastic bag over Tracy's head. It doesn't take long for the air in the bag to be used up as Tracy struggles to breathe. The bag dips into her mouth as she sucks desperately for air, her lungs crying out for another breath. Gary slowly undresses, taking his time and waiting for just the right moment. She is on the verge of passing out when he finally removes the bag. She gasps with tears trickling down the sides of her face.   Gary climbs on top of her, letting all his bodyweight press against her, making it hard for her to breathe. She struggles beneath him, her chest unable to expand enough to get a descent breath. She wheezes, "Get off!" He ignores her, and he places his hands round her throat and squeezes. Tracy writhes, balling her fists, going red in the face, tears forming in her screwed up eyes. Gary is getting hard, he lets go of her throat and kneels between her trembling thighs.   As he forces himself into her she tries to shout but it comes out as a squeak, "No, I don't want a man inside me!" He just carries on and thrusts his cock inside her soft cunt. She cries, helpless to stop his intrusion. Every time she stops crying he strangles her again so she's constantly suffering and in fear of her life.   When he finally gets bored he stands up saying, "You may as well try to get some sleep; I'll be back in the morning."   Tracy speaks up, "I need to pee."   "Do it on the bed, you have to sleep in it!" Gary replies as he leaves.   Back in the main house Gary calls a friend who runs a scrap yard. He can make anything disappear. An hour later Paul and Steve turn up, Gary explains his plan. Paul drives the women's car away while Steve drives their own van back. Paul sees a speed camera and accelerates through it, providing evidence that the girls car left Gary's house that night.   It's half past seven in the morning when he enters the playhouse. His prisoners are awake and tugging at their restraints. "What is this about? Why are we being held hostage?" His lesbian 'guests' demand.   "You are not hostages; I have not made demands for money or anything to any outside source. You are prisoners, mine to do with whatever I want, and I want to do so much to you!" The two women look at him in disbelief, barely able to fully comprehend what he'd just said. "I lured Tracy here so I could torture and fuck her to death, but you," he looks at Haley. "You are a short term bonus." The women look at each other in shock.   Gary walks up to Haley. "Don't think for one moment that I'm gonna let you stick that filthy thing in me!" Hal says glancing at Gary's impressive manhood.   He uncuffs her wrist and stands her up against the cross, then secures her wrists and ankles to it. "Oh, trust me, this filthy thing will be thrust repeatedly and violently into you!"   He stands back looking at her small, 'fried egg' size boobs. "I bet you wish you had bigger tits. I'm going to give you a boob job!"  Hal watches fearfully as he picks up a knife and stabs her just below her left breast. Her screams echo around the room as he pushes the knife up deeper and wiggles it from side to side, mincing her breast tissue inside. Cutting through muscle and fat, he makes a pocket inside her barely there boob. Tracy was yelling at him to leave her girlfriend alone. After he finishes hollowing out her left breast he does the same to her right, blood dribbling all down her belly. Haley's screams make his dick hard, he pushes his dick inside her, savouring the feel of a lesbian's tight cunt. He feels like captain Kirk, boldly going where few men have gone before. When he's done, he fetches a couple of balloons and a tank of air.   Tracy is almost hoarse from all the screaming she's been doing on behalf of Haley. Gary approaches her. "Don't you ever shut up? It'll be your turn soon enough!" He looks past her for a moment and has an idea. He un-cuffs Tracy from the bed and cuffs her hands above her head, attaching her to a length of chain hanging from the ceiling. He pulls her up so she is suspended by her wrists. "Now you'll have a hard time screaming; in this position your rib cage can't expand properly, therefore your lungs can't expand properly. You will struggle to breathe, and if I leave you here long enough you will suffocate. Have you never heard of positional asphyxia?" He turns his attention back to Hal.   He prods one balloon inside Hal's left breast, pushing it up into the cavity that he'd made and connects it to the tank of air. Gary slowly turns on the air and the balloon starts to inflate, stretching the skin of her breast. "Stop, stop, stop!" she yells.   He keeps going until it looks like the tit can't take anymore, then he ties off the balloon. "There you are, a good size or two bigger." He gives the new tit a roll with his palm, and she screams in agony as the rubber balloon rubs against her raw bloody internal flesh. Tracy wants to shout at him but it's all she can do to breathe, she just hangs by her wrists gasping for breath. Gary prods the other balloon into her right tit and starts inflating it. Her screams soak into his dick like water into a sponge and before long he's thrusting himself into her tight velvety depths. She is in agony as her breast slowly increases in size, her skin stretching tighter and tighter. Gary gets carried away as he shoots another load up inside her. Suddenly her screams hit a higher pitch as her right tit bursts open, half her tit hanging off and dangling to the middle of her chest. Haley was not only screaming with pain and fear but also because of the weird sensation of half her tit rubbing against her chest. Gary fucks her harder and harder, driven on by her agonies. "Oh well, that's no use now is it." he says casually as he grasps the torn lump of flesh and rips it from her body, a ribbon of skin tearing off with it almost down to her navel. Hal goes hysterical, shrieking and calling out to God for help. Gary grabs her shoulders and pulls with every thrust to drive himself as deep as humanly possible into her trembling cunt. He loses count of how many times he climaxes. Eventually Hal goes quiet and just stares down at her lump of flesh on the floor. Gary becomes bored and his dick softens.   He goes over to Tracy who is teetering on the edge of consciousness and barely breathing. As he approaches her, her heart rate quickens with fear, demanding more oxygen than she can give and she passes out. Gary un-cuffs her and dumps her on the bed with a dog collar round her neck and a chain attached to a hook above the bed. She can move about on the bed and even stand by the bed, but doesn't have her freedom.   Just then the intercom crackles to life. Paul and Steve are at the main gates. Gary buzzes them in and goes to meet them. "Welcome to the fuck-house." Gary says as he lets them in. Steve goes over to Tracy and gets straight down to business, fucking her hard. Paul whispers something to Gary and Gary disappears into the kitchen as Paul then walks over to Hal, sticks out his tongue and licks her open tit wound. He savours the taste of her warm blood coating his tongue; he tries to push his tongue inside the torn flesh as though he was licking her pussy out. Haley screams in agony and disgust as his tongue flicks all over her wound. Paul then works his way down and sucks on her clit, flicking his tongue back and forth. He sucks her clit deep into his mouth, as though it was a sugar dummy. Hal's starting to enjoy it and her clit engorges with blood. Paul then bites hard, biting her clit off. Hal's screams reverberate around the room, blood pouring from her nether regions as he pulls away, her clit clamped firmly between his teeth. He then fucks her violently, blood splattering everywhere. A few minutes later he was done.   Gary steps forward with a red hot butter knife, he touches the side of it against Hal's clitless cunt, courturising the wound. "We don't want you bleeding to death, that's not painful enough!" Gary says to Hal before chucking the knife into the kitchen sink.   Paul goes over to Tracy. "You're a lesbo aren't you?" Tracy nods fearfully. "You like to eat your girlfriend's pussy?"   Tracy knows what's coming and shakes her head, tearfully murmuring, "No."   "Of course you do! Suck it!" He presents Hal's clit to her. Tracy shakes her head, clamping her mouth firmly shut. Steve laughs as Paul rubs the clit across her lips, and Tracy squeaks in refusal. Steve grabs her nose with one hand and her jaw with the other, her mouth opens. Paul quickly pops Hal's clit onto her tongue. "Swallow it!" Paul orders. Tracy gags a few times before managing to swallow it down, her throat and tummy churning in disgust, threatening to expel her girlfriend's bodypart at any moment. Paul goes to get cleaned up while Steve continues his fun with Tracy.    Steve is a big bloke, with hands like pit shovels and fists almost the size of a man's head. He pokes a few fingers into Tracy's vagina then squeezes his thumb in. She screams with pain as her vagina tears under the onslaught of his huge hand sliding inside her. He makes it even worse for her by balling his hand into a fist and giving her a very violent fisting, sliding in and out effortlessly, her blood acting as lubrication. She cries, "Leave me alone, I've had enough, I've suffered enough!"   Steve replies, "No such thing as 'enough suffering'!" He rams his fist all the way into her uterus, opening his hand to stroke her insides, feeling her warmth. Then balling his fist again and pulling out. He wipes his hand on the bloody bed sheets and goes to get cleaned up. The girls are left alone for about an hour while Gary, Paul and Steve have a can of larger each, then Paul and Steve leave.   Gary comes into the playhouse and cuffs Tracy face down over a table. He gets a long balloon and connects it to the tubing attached to the air tank, then he pushes the balloon up her arse and slowly begins to inflate it. Soon she is squirming in discomfort as the balloon gets longer, pushing itself deeper inside. She can feel it pressing tightly against her rectal wall and filling her guts to the max. She tries to squirm but it hurts more, so she lays stiff like a board and starts to cry. Gary re-adjusts the air line, holding it along the crack of her arse and forces his dick into her cunt. He can feel the balloon pressing through her insides, putting extra pressure against his throbbing hot stiff cock as he screws her. He continues to inflate the balloon more, more, more...There's a muffled 'pop' and Tracy lets out a high pitched yelp. He felt it too; that balloon packed quite a punch when it burst. He withdraws, his cock sore from the balloon bursting within her. He isn't a masochist, just a sadist; he loves to cause pain but not receive it.   He shuffles around the room cupping his manhood, his face bright red with pain. Both women laugh, glad to see him suffer for a change. Gary instantly forgets his pain as anger takes over. He grabs the tank of air and the pipe. Lunging at Haley he brings the metal pipe down like a knife and stabs her through the wound where her right tit used to be. The pipe sinks deep inside her chest, and he turns the air tank on. Haley screams as he forces air into her chest cavity, collapsing one lung. Hal gasps for breath, struggling with half the breathing capability she had a moment before. Gary fucks her aggressively. "How are you going to laugh without lungs, bitch!"   Hal struggles an apology, "Sorry, sorry, sorry." Tears stream down her face. Gary is so turned on, his dick throbs as he rams it into the lesbian's cunt over and over. He cums so hard his legs almost give way beneath him and he's forced to withdraw. He goes to the loo and takes a minute or so to recover.   He goes back to Haley who's still on the St Andrews cross wheezing for breath. "Do you want your lung re-inflated?" Gary asks. Hal nods, not fully realizing what she's just agreed to. He pulls the air pipe out of her chest, then tilts her head back and rams it down her throat. Hal gags and writhes, tears pouring down her cheeks as it dawns on her what's about to happen. Gary turns on the air flow, inflating her lungs beyond their normal volume. Hal tries to wrench her arms from her shackles but the restraints are secure. She can't breath, though her lungs are full of oxygen she can't exhale. Gary laughs at her suffering as he turns up the flow rate until her lungs burst. Haley nods a few times as she slips into unconsciousness and dies. Gary loves the sight of death and indulges in a post mortem fuck.   Tracy is wailing uncontrollably as she mourns the death of her lover. Gary approaches her carrying the air tank. "Just kill me and get it over with!" she screams at him.   "All in good time, but I want you to suffer a bit more first!" Gary hisses in her face. He takes her off the table and cuffs her back onto the bed. He opens a cupboard and pulls out a catheter, he crouches between her legs and inserts it into her urethra. He grabs a bowl and holds it under the other end of the catheter as he pushes it up into her bladder. Her piss flows down the tube into the bowl. When no more piss comes out he connects the end of the catheter to the air tank. Tracy's eyes widen in fear as he starts to inflate her bladder. "Stop, stop, stop, aaarrrgghh!" she screams as her bladder stretches like a balloon. Suddenly she bucks and shakes as her bladder tears, her eyes screwed up in agony. Gary pulls out the catheter, and it's followed by a reasonable amount of blood. He is hard again and enters her, thrusting into her cunt, blood splattering everywhere. Her screams are music to his ears as he pounds repeatedly into her hot velvety depths. After he withers he goes and cleans her blood off himself.   Gary's getting hungry; a glance up at the clock says it's past two in the afternoon. He goes to the main house and gets something to eat. He doesn't bother asking Tracy if she's hungry. The bitch doesn't deserve to eat; she'll be dead soon anyway.   When Gary returns to his playhouse Tracy is shaking with pain, a mix of blood and urine leaking from her nether regions, soaking the bed sheets through. He walks past her to the St Andrews cross where Hal's lifeless body is hanging, he uncuffs her and takes her outside where he chops off a few choice cuts of meat for his freezer. He looks down at Hal's half butchered carcass; she looks like a half decomposed zombie. His dick gives a twitch and he gets down to fucking her again. He delights in feeling her open wounds, blood and bones rubbing against him, even though he knows she's dead and isn't suffering; he is in his true element. He pulls out of her vagina and pushes his dick into her tit wound, it slides in smoothly. He builds up speed fucking her wound and shoots his load into her chest cavity. When done he dumps her violated corps into the pigpen, keeping her head to demonstrate something to Tracy later.   Back inside the playhouse he gets a quick shower and gets the vacuum cleaner out. He takes it over to where Tracy is laying terrified on the bed. He puts the vacuum pipe onto one of her tits and turns it on. She screams as her tit is pulled tight against the pipe, and he twists the pipe and it cuts into her skin. Her imagination runs away with her and she imagines her tit coming off and flying up the pipe. He licks his lips as she squirms in pain. He vacuums as much of her body as he can and by the time he's finished, she's covered in many vacuum hickys.   Gary next fetches an air rifle that he uses sometimes to shoot rabbits and pigeons on his land. The silencer on it was only about three centimetres in diameter; he slides a rubber cock ring onto the silencer and then pushes the rifle up into her vagina until the rubber cock ring was only just inside her pussy. He gun-fucks her, listening to her plead for her life. "Don't, don't, please, no..." she says, tears streaming down her face. Gary laughs as he cocks the air rifle. It isn't loaded, but it doesn't need to be. He pushes the gun in deep and squeezes the trigger. "Aaarrgghh!" she screams repeatedly as the rush of pressurized air ruptures her uterus. He pulls the gun out and is rewarded with a stream of blood.   He laughs at her fear and pain. "You thought you were going to die then didn't you?" he taunts. "Well you will soon, very soon." He places a small cage with a rabbit inside on a table so she has a clear view of it. Next he gets an air compressor. She looks at him in confusion. Gary briefly explains, "This is like the air rifle but a hell of a lot more powerful!" He then switches the compressor on, aims the nozzle through the cage at the rabbit and gives the trigger a squeeze. The rabbit explodes and the cage is blown across the room in tatters. Tracy looks at him in shock. "Or to put it another way," Gary says as he puts Hal's decapitated head on the table.   Tracy yells, "Bastard!" as Gary blasts Hal's head into a hundred pieces.   "All with the power of nothing but air!" he says as he blows across the nozzle like a gun slinger. Tracy is sobbing her heart out now with a mix of pain, grief and terror.   Gary approaches Tracy with his compressor, and she screams and cries. Gary in mock sympathy says, "I thought you'd be looking forward to this moment; after this you'll suffer no more pain and you'll be with your girlfriend." He then rams the nozzle roughly up into Tracy's cunt. He angles the nozzle to one side and gives the trigger a quick squeeze. Tracy tries to scream as her ribs are blown out on one side, then he does the same to her other side, she can't breathe now as her lungs are torn and exposed. He pushes the nozzle in deeper and straighter then squeezes the trigger again. Tracy sees her shoulder disintegrate and her heart hit the wall by her head as death finally takes her into its peaceful embrace. Gary pushes the nozzle up towards her neck and sends a rush of high pressure air into her head. Her skull shatters, brains spilling onto the bed, wall and floor. He picks up as much brain, heart, lung and other bits as possible, placing them on the bed. He rolls around in her blood and organs, fucking her again and again, shooting load after load. What was left of her rib cage gives way beneath him and he lays, nestling in her warm guts as he enjoys the last of her body. He lays there for ages, his belly inside hers until she starts to go cold.   He cleans himself off and throws what's left of her to his pigs; there isn't anything left on the body for him to eat. He sorts the recordings onto a data stick as usual and then starts cleaning up one hell of a mess. A few days later the police call round, asking a lot of questions. Gary tells the officers that the women left alive and well. The next day the police call to say that they have a picture taken by a speed camera on the night in question, of the woman's car on their way home from the party. This little piece of evidence is enough to throw the police off his scent.   Gary has gotten away with murder again. How much longer can he get away with his crimes?   The end, untill next time.  Editing: Raylina Sykes Publication Date: May 15th 2017 https://www.bookrix.com/-ex5fb6564016455
S. Maxwell We'll always have Venice Violet waited in the night, waited for something impossible. She needed to see him again, though he was somewhere miles away she couldn’t shake the visions of them together that night in Venice. It had been a passionate, overwhelming sensation that she felt in her very core. They had met in a small café by the water. She had gotten up to leave when the handsome tip she left for the over-accommodating waiter was blown off the table by a strong gust of wind, a fated gust of wind at that. Little did she know he was watching her, in an almost compassionate sort of way, noticing the way her small rounded mouth delicately sipped her coffee. And the way her deep brown hair faltered slightly every time the wind had caressed it, and her golden brown eyes shimmering in the bright sunshine. He wasn’t aware that he wanted her yet, but he did, with every ounce of his being. Therefore, the perfect opportunity arose when that wind decided to carry the mass of bills in his direction as she frantically started to chase after them. “I believe these belong to you.” He said as she stopped just in time so that she did not completely knock him over. “Oh, um thank you,” She started, “I would have been in big trouble had that blown away, it’s all the cash I have left.” She could feel something warm in her chest, a feeling that filled her up as she gazed into the eyes of this tall man with piercing eyes that almost matched the color of her own. “Let me buy you dinner then.” He blurted out, realizing that this was an absurd thing to say as he did not even know her name. Yet the feeling in him was so strong that he had to see her, he had to make her his own, and he had finally realized that he wanted her. She did not know what to think of this, it was so sudden and impulsive, but something in her urged her to say yes to this man that she hardly knew. His voice alone made her want to melt. She had no choice but to succumb to his request. “I’d love to.” She blurted out suddenly realizing the reality of this situation but she didn’t care, she was going to be adventurous on this trip, she had promised herself. And with that she finally added, “I’m Violet.” “Henry.” He answered with a bright even smile that was almost blinding because of his dark skin tone. “I’ll meet you here at eight; I know the perfect place to go.” With that she was off, she needed to make herself presentable; she had never cared this much about a date before. She had been on many dates with many men, most were men her friends had said would be perfect for her but alas, they all ended up being narcissistic, vulgar, compulsive liars, or even nymphomaniacs, none of which were called back for a second date. She had never met a man that made her feel the way that Henry did. She never got those butterflies in her stomach or the urge to kiss someone right then and there, but she felt that way today. This feeling was strong enough to envelop her whole body with warmth that was so comforting and inviting she had no choice but to say yes. Later than evening after she had donned a simple yet elegant purple dress that showed her figure nicely, a tasteful yet deep neckline which was complimented nicely with the small tie at her waist that eventually lead to a leg revealing, flowing skirt. When she arrived at the café he was there waiting for her, in a simple button down white shirt and black pants. A few buttons at the top remained unbuttoned which made her feel an even stronger attraction to him as she could see the top of his chest, muscular and tanned. “You look absolutely lovely.” He said in that sultry voice that made her want him even more so. “Thank you.” She replied trying not to blush, no one had ever said she was lovely before. As the neared a small bistro, which had an incredible scent wafting through the air, he ever so gently grabbed her hand and urged her inside. This made her feel strangely safe with him, she realized that she trusted him and she truly liked him. Dinner was phenomenal, as she knew it would be. They talked the whole time about everything that came to mind, they both loved to read, and they both were on extended vacation here. He had come to escape from a failed relationship three years in the making, and she was here looking for adventure in her otherwise dull life. They managed to stay at the restaurant until closing, just talking. When they were gently escorted out due to closing, they talked even more while taking a walk along the water. “This was amazing,” She exclaimed, “I don’t want this to ever end, I feel like I’ve known you my whole life though I just met you this morning.” He smiled at the thought of this, “This night doesn’t have to end you know,” he replied gesturing upward, “that’s my room, if you’d like we could go.” He felt a burning need for her to say yes, he wanted her to stay with him. This was all flooded with happiness when she eagerly but cautiously agreed. Henry’s apartment was just as she’d imagined, it was crowded with books and paintings, but somehow seemed to look very neat and welcoming. “Exactly how long had you been here?” she questioned looking around to find she knew almost all the authors in his bookshelf. “About a year,” he replied looking straight into her eyes, “it was too beautiful to leave.” She felt a twinge of desire as she stepped closer to him, wanting so badly for him to kiss her. Henry stepped closer to her too feeling her urgency and excitement. Taking her face in his hand, he gently pressed his lips against hers, moving to the rhythm of her mouth. He could feel her warm breath and it sent an electric pulse all the way through his body. She impulsively pushed her tongue between his lips, tasting him, feeling him. She then proceeded to suck his lower lip, moving to his neck as he let out a soft deep moan in her ear. She ran her tongue along his neck and down to his collar bone, feeling an erection growing against her thigh. This turned her on, she wanted him so badly. He swiftly moved her head to the side so he could show her how good she made him feel by lightly running his tongue all the way down her neck to her upper breast. She gave a slight whimper pushing her chest up to his mouth, wanting him to lick more of her. Acknowledging this he slipped the straps of her dress down revealing her elegant bra which he removed very efficiently. Finally he exposed her breasts, beautifully full and plump waiting to be tasted. He gently flicked his tongue over her nipple, making it firm, she gasped when he started sucking on it, feeling pleasure she had never felt before. She pushed her chest even more so up to his mouth urging him to lick and suck wherever he wanted. He could feel himself getting an extremely intense erection that seemed to be too big for his pants, needing her to touch him. His desire grew intense and almost uncontrollable as he lay her down on the bed removing her dress completely. Her panties were black and lacy and he had to fight the insatiable urge to rip them off with his teeth. He decided to pull them off with his hands as she leaned up to pull off his shirt exposing his strong chest and his chiseled abdomen. He softly pushed her back and kissed her thighs, spreading her legs as he did this, seeing how beautiful she looked, so pink and moist. Spreading her with his fingers he applied his tongue to her clit as she cried out in pleasure. He was flicking it fast and her back was arching for more as if begging him to keep going. He wanted to feel her, his fingers slowly penetrated her, feeling her wet warm cunt. He moved them in and out in rhythm as her moans became louder. Finally she couldn’t take it anymore, Violet took his face in her hands. “Make love to me.” She begged, “I want you.” He smiled and let her undo his pants feeling her soft hands on the outside of his underwear. She was stoking him, feeling how hard he was and how he was throbbing with desire. He lost all control, he urgently stepped out of his boxers and lay on top of her, feeling how wet she was against his cock. She moaned in his ear as he moved against her, stimulating her clit with his shaft. “I want you inside me.” She whispered feeling the anticipation growing stronger and stronger. He pushed himself inside her groaning deeply as she gasped in pleasure, feeling his entire length inside of her. He moved his hips slowly as she wrapped her legs around him, making him go deeper inside. She could feel him, all the friction of his cock felt so good against her. He was moving faster now, beads of sweat rolled off of his chest as he thrust into her. She was almost screaming the pleasure was so intense. “Faster,” she pleaded, “harder.” He moaned loudly when he felt an orgasm rising in his cock. She felt it too, she wanted to come with him, she clenched tight as they finally came together moaning in each other’s ears. He rolled off of her, exhausted but overwhelmed with happiness. They cuddled close together the rest of the night in a deep sleep that only the previous activities could bestow. But in the morning he woke up to find her gone. A note was left saying that she had a plane to catch and that she knew she would seem him again. Little did he know this very note pained her as she walked out that door. Her feelings for him were strong, she knew that now. But she had to go back to her life and her job although every step was filled with regret. And now she sat alone on the terrace of her apartment in Chicago, remembering that amazing night she had not too long ago. She wanted him to come for her but knew he never would. Her cheeks were hot with tears as they sometimes were on nights like this, she needed him. An especially large teardrop rolled down her face, but was stopped right before it hit the corner of her mouth. Someone’s finger had caught it just in time. Feeling excitement and fear she turned around to find Henry, her Henry whom she had longed for the past months. He was there kissing her and holding her. “I love you.” He said “I love you too.” She replied confidently knowing that everything was finally the way it should be. Publication Date: October 23rd 2010 https://www.bookrix.com/-maxwell8
Sierra Monroe Fantasy Publication Date: February 17th 2012 https://www.bookrix.com/-sexyzebra4u
melanieplayful play (part 2) Some time after our first date I telephoned Christine again to ask her out once again. “I’m sorry I can’t come out at all. My parents have banned me, saying that I have to study continuously until the exams a finished in the summer.” “Okay. I was hoping that you could come out to play just a little bit, but never mind. I hope you do well at school and get the results you want.” We said our goodbyes. I met her once more when she came with her parents to visit our family. We sat at the dining-room table and played roulette. Christine’s father lost a lot of money to my father. A few months after that, my father told me that Christine’s parents were living apart and had filed for divorce. I never saw Christine again. A few months later, in the spring of that year, I was on an exchange visit to Greece, as a member of our school's Classical Society. Someone I met there, tells the story of our meeting... I, Jackie Cambouris remember being a sixteen year old school girl, at home in Athens. We lived in an apartment near Eptanissou Street. A crowd of English boys and girls came to our school. At one of the many parties we had in that fortnight, an English boy asked me to dance. As I got up from my seat I fell against him. It was an accident. I apologised profusely. I spoke good English and smiled at him as he said, "It doesn't matter." We found some space on the crowded dance floor, but it was rather dark in that corner of the room. I was conscious of his holding me tightly, stroking my long dark hair. I pulled him closely towards me. I smiled to myself, for I knew he could feel my heavy breasts pressing against his chest, encouraging the most intimate of embraces. He spoke tenderly, lovingly, in my ear. "You are very beautiful," he said. "And you are very fine too, with your blonde hair,” I replied. “All the girls at school like to come out on to the balcony and stare down at you during our break time.” "I wasn't aware of that," he replied, "but I was aware of all those girls." "Well, I have you to myself now." Another boy, who was rather drunk and tiresome, tried to cut in, and asked me to dance, but I refused. I wanted to stay close to the blonde haired boy. We decided to leave so we could be alone together. We went to the ground floor in the lift and stood in the corridor. I leaned my back against the wall, turned towards him and pulled him towards me. The light on a time-switch went out. I quickly reached for my bra strap, undid it, breathing heavily as I waited for him to respond to my uncovered breasts poking out of my shirt, unseen in the darkness. A lightning movement followed. He cupped them with both hands, squeezing, kneading them like the dough my mother has on her bread baking days. I loved every moment of it. I undid the buttons of my shirt as the landing light was suddenly switched on above us, exposing my shapely breasts. "Wow! They are magnificent!" he exclaimed. I pulled him towards me, so that no-one else would see us, but the light went out again. Then I felt his wet lips sucking my right nipple, whilst he began gently squeezing my left nipple between finger and thumb. I did not want things to go any further in this rather public place, but he could not seem to help himself. He seemed to lose control and be taken over with mad desire. He withdrew his hand from my shirt and lifted my skirt. I knew he wanted my vagina. By now I was very excited but also rather afraid. When would he stop? I felt his middle finger finding a path to my vagina. I knew I was very juicy down there and felt the wetness down my leg, but I was powerless against his strong finger straightening out as he felt his way inside my passage. "Stop now, please," I said, though I must admit I didn't really want him to stop. My half-hearted protest had no effect and he continued to finger me under the cover of darkness as I became more and more wet. Eventually, I reluctantly pulled his hand away. My vagina was beginning to feel a little sore because his fingering had been quite vigorous and twice I had felt his finger nail against the wall of my vagina. He put his finger in my mouth so that I could lick my own juices. I adjusted my clothing. “Please walk me home,” I asked. We stepped out into the cool Athenian night air. He put his arm around my waist and walked with me back to the apartment where I lived with my mother. On the way, he asked me to give myself to him completely before he returned to England. I promised him that I would but I broke my promise. Later, in a letter I explained how much the traditions of our country required virginity of girls who wished to marry. We wrote to each other several times and then I sent him no more letters. Jackie Cambouris affected me quite badly. I convinced myself that I loved her, but I never did. After two years I met a very musical girl. She appeared before me in the Cathedral courtyard. I remembered seeing her at a rehearsal for our youth orchestra. “Hello, do you remember me, my name is Kathryn? I’m at boarding school but this is our half-term holiday, so I am home for a few days.” I looked at her in dumb silence, lost for words. I thought she was the kind of attractive blonde you only see in films. I had barely taken in what she had just told me. There was only one thing on my mind – how could I keep her talking to me? I knew I had to think of something to say that was sensible, but I was tongue tied. No words would come out. Then she saved the situation in the simplest way possible. “Are you going to the performance on Saturday?” she asked, pointing to a large hoarding near the doors of the Cathedral. “I don’t know anything about it,” I replied, sheepishly. “I’ll get you a ticket and we can go together, if you like,” she announced. Nothing like this had ever happened to me before. Meeting girls was, and always had been, a real trial for me. It took me weeks to screw up the courage to even talk to a girl. I went to an all-boys school. Kathryn, I found out later, went to an all-girls school. But where I was awkward in the company of girls, she seemed totally at ease in the company of boys, at the orchestra for example and now with me. She had an innocent cheerfulness and constant smile that encouraged me to speak to her. But I remained mute for several seconds, drinking in the view of her long, straight, blonde hair, swept back nonchalantly over her shoulders and her twinkling eyes that looked straight into mine. She was perfect, absolutely perfect and she was asking me to go out with her. “I’d love to,” I managed to reply, as my eyes travelled over her slender body to her short skirt and shapely legs. “I will meet you here at seven fifteen on Saturday evening. Is that okay?” “Y-yes,” I stammered. “I have to go now,” she said, “to meet my mother. I’ll see you on Saturday.” She turned on her heel and was lost in the crowd. How long had this conversation taken? Five minutes, if that. And in that five minutes my life had somersaulted, taking a leap into the unknown, giving me the utmost pleasure and frightening me to death. I do not remember a note of that performance of the B minor Mass. All I remember is thinking of Kathryn throughout and trying to devise some way of seeing her again after the concert. “Would you like to come over to my house tomorrow afternoon?” “I would like to come, but I’m going back to school tomorrow,” she said, “however, I’ll ask my parents and see what that they say. If we exchange phone numbers we can keep in touch.” The following day I went into town and took her home on the bus. My parents allowed us to go up to my bedroom to look at books, though reading was not at the forefront of my mind. Kathryn took off her shoes before she mounted the stairs. I opened the door and motioned her inside. She sat on the bed and then pulled her feet up so she was lying next to me. She lay back, her head resting on the pillow. Taking hold of my hand she drew me towards her. I thought she wanted me to kiss her but I was diffident, a panic beginning to grip me in the centre of my being. I decided that I would overcome my fears and kiss her. If this upset her I would apologise but I didn’t want to let the opportunity vanish like a will o’er the wisp. As my lips met hers I could feel her mouth shape change to accommodate mine. I held my lips on her mouth for a long time and began to relax a little, but my heart was pounding in fear, hope and expectation. I undid the top button of her blouse, wondering whether she would protest, but she said nothing. She settled back on the bed and smiled at me, while I undid the second button. I put a hand gingerly inside her bra and rested it on her breast, while I started to kiss her once more. I felt her move her legs apart, almost imperceptibly, but I had the sense that she would not mind if I explored her lower regions. Carefully, I put my hand on her knee and lifted up her skirt. Once again, she seemed to smile her encouragement as I pulled down her underpants very slightly to expose her pubic hair. I lay my face near it and saw that she had a fine, blonde, downy covering of very delicate hair that I wanted to caress. I parted the lips of her vagina very slightly and stroked the juicy inside wall with my finger. She moaned in what I took to be excitement coupled with anticipation. I then heard the front doorbell ringing. “That’s my father,” said Kathryn, “he’s come to take me back to school. My exeat is over!” My father had opened the door to the Commander. He had recently retired as an officer in the Royal Navy and was looking forward to a new career in business. As he stood in the hallway we noticed that he looked rather shocked. He explained that as he turned his car into our road he had seen a man lying in the middle of the main road, with two uniformed policemen kneeling by his side. A few days later, whilst on the phone to Kathryn, I learned that the man had suffered a heart attack whilst out walking his dog. He collapsed in the road and died instantly. As a poet once wrote, ‘… dark is life, is death.’ Publication Date: February 10th 2012 https://www.bookrix.com/-melanieplayful.pen
spicewriter55 A kiss is just a kiss...Right? A Kiss is just a Kiss...Right? Stephanie was standing at her bathroom mirror brushing her long red hair desperately wondering what her next move should be. Another long masturbation session just wouldn’t satisfy her tonight. Why sit here alone and finger herself to another unsatisfying cum when her latest lustful desire was downstairs . She remembered the first time she had experienced this powerful sexual attraction. It was during her 9th grade year where she and her best friend Jodi had started their life’s journey into girl loving. It began innocently enough as she remembered, just two friends sharing a curiosity about kissing after watching two 11th grade girls go at it in the shower after gymnastics class one afternoon. “ Do you think about sex with boys much?” Stephanie asked Jodi as they walked home after school. “Yeah, I guess, sometimes that scares me though. Jodi said. I think fucking looks like fun but I don’t want to get pregnant or worse so why take that chance.” “Did you think that make-out session in the shower this afternoon was hot? Stephanie wondered out loud. I mean watching them all naked and swapping spit like that sorta made me feel hot and horny, do you think that’s wrong?” Jodi stopped walking and turned towards her friend with a quizzical look on her face. “Your not turning lez on me are you?” She asked. “NO!….Well I mean…what’s wrong with being a lesbian? Stephanie asked. I mean I don’t think I’m a lez but you have to admit that it’s a safe way to have sex if you don’t want to get pregnant or get some weird decease. Right?” ‘Uh, I guess, It did make me a little hot too, are you suggesting we try that?” Jodi asked in a whisper. “A kiss is just a kiss, right?” Said Stephanie. “Maybe it won’t be as good as kissing a boy, but it sure looked like they were having fun.” “Hey, Steph, is your stepmom at home today?” Jodi asked with a sly smile. “No it’s another one of her late nights again,… why?” Stephanie replied with a smile as well. “When we get to your house…Could I …could we…Try some kissing,” Jodi whispered. “Are you turning lez on me Jodi?” Stephanie asked with a laugh. After playing those thoughts in vivid detail through her excited mind Stephanie stood up and began pulling off her tight faded jeans and shirt then discarded her bra to the floor. She walked to the closet and stood in front of the full length mirror admiring her athletic young body. She placed her hands at the base of her small firm breasts slowly raising first her right breast then her left testing the weight of each. Satisfied that they were beginning to fill out, she concluded her self examination by gently rubbing her right hand over her smooth shaved mound and gently parting her small lips with her middle finger teasing her clit and checking for the familiar moist sticky response. Taking a deep breath she looked through her closet and picked out a thin white night shirt. It stretched down to about mid-thigh and left little doubt that she was not wearing a bra underneath. Rummaging through her make-up she selected a stick of sheer pink lipstick and walked back into her bathroom. There she applied a thick coating to her full lips making them appear as kissable as she could. After applying a clear lip-gloss she looked at her reflexion in the mirror and smiled knowing that her latest conquest would put up a fight but was convinced she couldn’t resist her practiced charms. Wait until she finds out just how all grown up her stepdaughter is. Stephanie found her stepmother, Linda, sitting on the large sofa in her favorite satin red robe curled up and reading a book. She stood at the doorway admiring the mature beauty. At 36 she still had firm breasts athletic legs and trim thighs. Her long dirty blond hair and soft pale complexion had just enough freckles to excite the imagination. Stephanie had often fantasized about kissing each freckle no matter where it was, nibbling and butterfly kissing her way from the nape of her slender neck to the tips of her painted toes, no matter how long it took. “I thought you went to bed already, Steph?” Linda asked when she noticed her daughter standing near by. “I wanted to talk to you about something that happened in school today.” Stephanie said in a subdued voice. “Oh…What?” Asked Linda, turning her interest away from her book. “I met a boy this afternoon after gymnastics class and we were talking and stuff, then … he…” “What? Steph? Did he do something to you? Asked Linda suddenly worried. “Umm, he started kissing me and I sorta didn’t mind at first, he started out gentle but then I didn’t know how to kiss him back. He pushed me away and asked me why I wouldn’t kiss him,” Stephanie said in a trembling voice. “I was so embarrassed, mom, I just froze, then he laughed at me.” “Come sit with me, Steph.” Linda said, putting her book down on the coffee table and motioning for her distraught stepdaughter to join her on the couch. Stephanie smiled to herself as she snuggled in between two open arms and up against a warm set of soft firm breasts. As she laid her head up against her mothers chest she took in the scent of Linda’s clean perfumed skin and skillfully working her right hand around her stepmother’s back and wormed her left arm up just underneath her firm warm breasts trapping her in a soft bear hug. Stephanie took a moment to enjoy the sensual silky embrace imagining what it would be like when she had complete access to her Linda’s naked body. “How horrible, sweetheart, did he continue to try and force himself on you?” Linda asked in an angry voice. “No, he just said I would never get a boyfriend and that he was going to tell all his friends I kissed like a dead fish. I can’t get those words out of my mind, what if he’s right, how am I going to learn how to make-out if I can’t get a date,” Stephanie said quietly. “That awful boy, Your’e one of the most beautiful girls in your school honey, I’m sure any boy would be thrilled to date you.” “Mom,…Could you teach me the things I need to know,…Please?” Stephanie said sitting up and looking into her soft brown eyes. Stephanie could sense her stepmother tense up as she struggled with her answer. “Well, It’s, uh, really not my place, I mean I’m a woman not a boy…Steph.” Linda stammered. “But…Linda, you said after my mother died and you married my dad that I could come to you with any problem and you would help me.” Stephanie said with tears in her eyes. ‘Uh, Yes, I did say that,” Linda said no longer able to maintain eye contact with Stephanie’s searching eyes. Her heart froze as she remembered that day so many years ago. Her throat now tightening up, an uncomfortable wave of guilt drifted through her mind . There was a moment when she thought perhaps she could just stop talking about this and change the subject, maybe her stepdaughter would drop the whole thing. “It wouldn’t be anything serious,” Stephanie said inching closer to her mother. “Maybe just a little kissing lesson. After all a kiss is just a kiss…Right?” “Mmm…Well… I guess it wouldn’t hurt, just to practice a little,” Mumbled Linda looking up into Stephanie’s face and seeing her pink glossy lips closing in on her own parted mouth. Stephanie’s eyes took in every detail of Linda’s soft freckled face. Every delicate curve of her soft cheeks. Her full lips parted as if expecting a kiss at any moment and inviting her curious tongue to explore the deep unknown depths of her mouth. Her stepmom looked so irresistible with her eyes closed, frozen in time waiting for Stephanie to make the first move. Linda sensed her stepdaughter’s closeness as the heat from her face splashed up against hers. The scent of her lip gloss filled her nostrils triggering an electric response she hadn’t felt for so many years. For a split second Linda thought to pull back, knowing that this was all wrong, but the desire for a forbidden sensual encounter with her own stepdaughter was far more powerful than her moral fiber could withstand. Years of pent-up frustration, of lonely unsatisfying sex with her husband began to scream in her head begging for release. She knew she wanted this too much to stop what was coming. “Linda, it’s just a kiss, nothing serious,” Stephanie purred as she moved to just a few inches from her mothers trembling lips. “Oh, Steph, please…” Linda begged. Are you sure we should do…” Linda sighed deeply as Stephanie pushed forward with her tender assault, closing her pink glossy lips over her mother’s mouth immediately causing thousands of neglected nerves to overload her senses. From deep inside her pussy to the very tips of her hard nipples and up and down her spine, Linda began to quiver as the relentless sensual passion of her young stepdaughters kiss continued to inflame her emotions. Stephanie felt the familiar rush of excitement as her stepmom began to melt in her arms. She was becoming more submissive and accepting of her dominance. Stephanie applied more pressure expertly sliding her lips back and forth forcing Linda’s lips further apart while at the same time snaking her right hand up past her breasts to cradle her head. As she felt her stepmother’s body become even more pliant and accepting of her situation, Stephanie abruptly broke off their kiss for some much needed air. “I think girls kiss better than dumb old boys. Our lips are so soft and tasty,” whispered Stephanie as her lips closed in again on her mother’s panting mouth. “So much better.” Linda, unable to respond could hardly believe what was happening to her. Stephanie seemed to have way more kissing experience then she had admitted to and now she was hinting at getting that experience from kissing girls. A small portion of her mind demanded that she stop this now and leave the room before things went too far. Stephanie sensed a sudden reluctance in her mothers body, she’d run into this before from a few reluctant girls who needed just a bit more encouragement and this pushed her passions even higher. Her lust grew more powerful now that her stepmom was putting up a little fight. Moving in quickly for the kill Stephanie forced another kiss onto her backsliding mother. This time she intertwined her fingers in Linda’s hair and tightly held her head. Linda began to whimper as Stephanie moaned into her open mouth inserting her tongue deep into Linda’s open lips for the first time. Linda’s brain seemed to disconnect as her bodies response kicked in making her panties wet and her pussy tingle with a forgotten expectation. Stephanie felt her mother settle down as their make-out session became more passionate. The seduction was complete, Linda’s will to resist had been broken and Stephanie’s prior experiences had taught her that from now on she was in control. Linda was no longer able to reason her way out of this, her long neglected body refused to listen and instead demanded more passion more lust and more attention from her stepdaughter. Her lips were the first to betray her mind, opening wider to allow Stephanie’s exploring tongue to dominate her mouth. Soon thick streams of gloss flavored saliva joined the assault and invaded her surrendering body. Her tongue fell next as Stephanie’s tongue expertly entwined with hers enticing it to come out and explore unknown territories. Stephanie forced her tongue deeper and deeper into her mother’s submissive mouth cementing her control over her very soul. She knew from practiced experience that once her lovers gave up control of their mouths then their bodies would soon follow. She’d had girls under her spell who orgasmed during intense make-out sessions like this one, but she had no experience with an older woman and the very thought of swimming these uncharted waters was causing her pussy to leak through her panties and a deep itch begin to demand urgent attention between her legs. Linda was lost in Stephanie’s arms and gave herself totally to the passion and lust her the younger girl was forcing on her. Becoming consumed by all the forgotten pleasures now being re-kindled by this little seductress who seemed to know so much about a women’s body. At this moment, Linda realized that something had changed, she was no longer Stephanie’s stepmother, she had become her lover and if Stephanie wanted more of her she would gladly open her body up to her and offer all she had. After all she thought, as Stephanie’s hand searched for an opening in her robe …A kiss is just a kiss…Right?… Text: Ron Kent All rights reserved. Publication Date: October 31st 2012 https://www.bookrix.com/-spicewriter55
fallingbirds A quiet night A quiet night A quiet night Wolves circled the pit. A large white, and two small black ones. They circled the pit watching the two inside. Ten feet, ten feet away from the edge of the solid ground. The girl sat at the far end of the hole, only being three feet away from the pacing cat. A young sleek black cat that has recently outgrown childhood. With white eyes the cat pacing back an forth in a tight foot long line. The cat’s voice whispering in her mind. The cat licks it’s lips and turns right. The woman eyes wide, mouth open, spit leaking out one side. Her clothes are ragged from running through the woods, twigs and branches have torn her from head to toe. Her shirt is ripped and her breast is seen through the destroyed left side. A scratch runs along the side of her arm letting blood fall in a steady drip of red. Her legs are folded under her letting her knees face forward letting the dirt and imbedded rocks stand out against her stark white skin. And still the cat paces in front of her in a tight little line. Back and forth, pit,pat,pit,pat the sound of the paws beats against the now worn trail. A wolf passes behind the cat, and the woman glances upward fast as possible. But it’s too late her gaze comes back down to the black cat and it’s gone. She looks around, she knows what will happen now because the cat told her so. Pain, a deep pain will come, soon very soon.. And here it is, in the form of a image sliding into her mind, like some slick oily knife sliding into her skull. She’s happy, so very happy, he lies next to her naked along with her. This is the first time that they will try to make the baby. She’s so happy because she knows that she has wanted a child for so long now. And when she closes her eyes she feels his warmth. A deep breath coming into his lungs and when he begins she’s so happy because she will get a child with him. And that’s all she ever wanted. But something is wrong. Her eyes won’t open, and his hands are on her wrists. She can’t move and still he thrusts like he needs the child. And still something is wrong and she calls out his name. He becomes faster and she calls out again and he goes harder and then he’s hurting her. His breath is next to her ear and she hears his harsh intakes and raspy releases like a broken window letting in air to a broken home. And he’s still hurting her and she screams and he pulls out at the last minute and she’s so grateful because he hurts and a baby won’t come with pain. So something hot lands on her. Covering her stomach and it stinks. She can smell it from here. And her eyes are shut and more heat lands on her stomach and now she doesn’t want her eyes open and they slowly pry apart like razor blades are cutting into her mind the dim light fills her vision and he’s stopped over the top of her. And she can see all of him, his happy smile his soft brown eyes, his open stomach spilling his guts onto her. And she screams. But then it’s over and he’s gone and the baby is gone and the smell still remains. And there is the cat. Pacing back and forth just a little bit closer and she is so sure that she can see it smiling but maybe that is just her imagination. And she can her the wolves overhead and they howl to the moon and her eyes are a little wider and she holds her arms to her belly. Feeling the child that died covering the still steaming places where the smell comes from and she knows that the cat is smiling. So she begins to think that since she will never get out of here why not kill the cat. So she smiles to herself, she will kill the cat. So she leans forward and crawls toward the cat her knees sliding along the ground while the cat watches her and then she holds the cat. She picked it up. Not a problem because the cat never even tried to get away and so she holds the cat and looks into it’s eyes. The veins of red and black stare back at her and she says soothing words to the cat petting it like it’s a nice kitty. And it purrs for her rubbing it’s face against her hand. So she twists the cats head around. All the way around to make a 360 degree turn and so she figures why not make sure the cat is really dead so she keeps twisting the head.” Around and around it goes where it stops no one knows.” And she drops the cat who lies motionless on the ground. And the voice repeats itself. “Around and around and around the cat drops to the ground. And when I die so shall I come back for you.” And the cat puts a paw on the ground and another and picks itself up from the dirt. The head is at a impossible angle. And she falls back in fear but she took her eyes off the cat and so now it’s really closer. So close that it can touch her. So it does. It begins to lick her left leg. Going from up to down, up to down the tongue goes from up down because the cat’s head is all the way around. And it’s not a cat anymore. It’s head is too large, and it’s fur is too short. In fact all of it is to much to be a cat. So his head smiles at her. And her licks her leg. And he slowly moves his way up her leg. And she’s screaming now. Her face is up so she can’t see the cat anymore. But it never was to begin with. So now he grows and he moves and he changes and she screams and then he’s holding her legs open and his tongue flicks in and out. Like a thirsty cat in and out and she gives him her honey. And so he moves on up her body and she screams even more but the wolves are just walking around in a circle and her reaches her breast and her takes her nipple into his mouth and he’s thirsty and like all cats he wants milk. So he sucks and her milk comes, even though she was not with child and does not produce any milk. But still it comes and he drinks his fill. And then he’s kissing her body. Long slow lazy kisses that seem to take forever. Because they are so warm she stops screaming. Because they are so soft she closes her eyes. Because there are so many she begins to lean back. And her arm has stopped bleeding with the hours that they sent in the hole. And when he reaches her throat she gasps for air. When he reaches her cheek she smiles. And when he reaches her mouth she keeps her lips closed tightly. Because she knows what he is. and she doesn’t want to kiss a small black cat but still he tries but she won’t let him. But he understands so he leans his head against her neck resting on her shoulder and he reaches between her legs and begins to move inside of her. Not very far, but deep enough to make her breath harder and move a little more as he moves his fingers in and out he kisses her neck and leaves wet imprints behind and she feels the fingers and they are heaven. And then she gives him her honey and he doesn’t stop so she gives him more and her mouth is wide open so he moves deeper inside of her and he kisses his way up farther and she moans a little more. And then her lips are open and his tongue is touching hers and she gives him all of her sweet,sweet honey. Wolves circled outside of the hole. Thy were watching the inside of the pit. The woman was lying on the ground and a cat sitting quietly in front of her. Her eyes met with it’s and she glare at the black face and she screamed and cursed. But she didn’t pay attention to the other cat. And the white cat was so fast now that even the young black cat could barely see it. But the black cat didn’t need to see the white cat anymore. The white cat can take care of itself, especially since the woman just broke it’s neck in two. But she didn’t watch the white cat and so she didn’t see when the white cat wasn’t a cat anymore. So she only felt when the smiling woman with the up side down smile reached for her honey . Publication Date: December 2nd 2011 https://www.bookrix.com/-falingbirds
Jerome Jones Gentle strolls Poem for you Walking around this beach I pace and its mellow The thought of you sparks Dopamine running through my viens I cant get u out whats this feeling? Its so strange... As i stroll further down Memories race heart beats skips Cant help but to imagine Those soft warm brown lips Touching mine intertwine Our spirits everlasting Eye lids locked shut i never wana lose this passion Your tongue strikes a match Setting fire to my body With this chemical reaction Things ought get naughty Blood boils temperature rises The time to pray is today My love rubs your entrance as our lips suck away Rain drops down thighs shes ready to play Strong kisses gentle grips throbs vibrating your lips I have a big surpise as u unwrap its my tip.. Its time souls mate Lightning strikes thunder crashes Just an innocent walk on the beach Thoughts of you can become drastic Publication Date: June 1st 2017 https://www.bookrix.com/-or4e5ca21043295
S D Chapman The Incubus A huge thank-you goes to Antoine Oragnée for proofing and editing. I couldn't have done it without you. Any likeness to persons living or dead may or may not be entirely coincidental. The Incubus It started as a day like any other. Joanne was woken by her alarm clock and hit snooze for an extra few minutes sleep, in the blink of an eye the alarm went off again and she reluctantly rolled out of bed and got ready for work. It was still dark outside. Things hadn't been going well at work lately and she dreaded going. Sinking back into the depression that had haunted her for most of her life, she permanently fantasised about suicide, she knew that the easiest pills to get were the worst way to go. She had done a lot of research over the years and knew just how she'd do it if it came down to it. Living hand to mouth, there was never any money left over for treats or even a proper Sunday dinner, meat was out of the budget and so was cooking it! Some weekends she'd go to the market to ask the fish man if he had any fish skins for the cat, she didn't even have a cat! Often she'd receive a small bag of several skins with at least half a centimetre thick of fish still attached to each. 'He would just throw it away anyway.' she rationalized. By doing this she could tuck into a luxurious salmon and rice stir fry that she wouldn't be able to afford normally.   Joanne was almost at work now, just a short walk left to go. She heard footsteps behind her, expecting a co-worker she turned and said, “Morning”. Then she set eyes on the stranger, he forced a damp hanky over her nose and mouth. 'Eww, Snot!' was her last thought before the chloroform knocked her out.   Jo woke up naked, soaking in a fragrant, warm bath. There's a shelf under her chin, presumably to stop her slipping beneath the water and drowning. She glanced down and realised that she'd been totally shaved, not one strand of hair is left anywhere on her body. She raised her hand and ran it over her head in disbelief then let out a shriek, there wasn't even any hair on her head! The door opened and in walked a man. She instinctively tried to cower down, trying to hide in fear and shame. He approached and removed the shelf from under her chin. "There's a towel and robe over there" he said before leaving the room. Jo got out of the bath and dried herself off. After making sure the robe was securely tied she opened the door slowly and peeked into the corridor before opening the door all the way and walking through. Halfway down the corridor she lost her nerve and ran back to the bathroom, closing the door behind her she sat on the edge of the bath, tears streaming down her face. A few minutes passed then she heard footsteps in the corridor, the man from earlier walked in wearing a satin robe. "Don't cry, I want to make you happy, come with me into the reception room and I'll explain everything. By the way you can call me Roger." He put an arm round her shoulders as he guided her to the room, she sat in a comfy chair.   "Do you know what an Incubus is?" he asks.   Jo shrugged her shoulders, "Is it a public transport vehicle that's crashed into a printer factory?" Roger smirked then informed her, "Not inky bus, Incubus. An Incubus is an immortal being that feeds on sexual energy and secretions. I am an Incubus. I'm two hundred and fifty six years old. I could live forever as long as I regularly consume sexual energy and secretions. A good thing about human females is that it makes no difference whether you want 'it' or not, your body will sooner or later 'give up the goods'. Though it's always better with a willing subject. Your pleasure is my goal."   "You're just a fucking weirdo!" Joanne shouted as she jumped to her feet and headed towards what she hoped was the exit.   He grabbed her arm and stuck his tongue out. Jo staggered backwards and fell into a chair, mouth open in awe. His tongue wasn't short and flat like a normal tongue, it was about two foot long and tube shaped. He could make it thin, about half an inch in diameter or expand it to several inches in diameter. Covered in lots of short rough hairs, it was a bit like a cats tongue.   He stood by the side of the chair and whispered in her ear, "Come with me."   Jo's brain screamed 'Double entendre' as she took his hand, instantly feeling relaxed at his touch. She allowed him to lead her through a lounge area with several bald women sat around wearing satin dressing gowns, down a corridor and into another room, a bedroom.   “Tell me your sexual fantasies” he whispered, as he sat her on the bed and untied her robe.   “Errrr” she uttered as she tried to comprehend what was happening.   He gently pushed Joanne onto her back and started to caress her breasts, tenderly kneading the soft mounds and pinching the nipples. She relaxed and gave her body away to the sensation. Jo knew that she should put up a fight, that this was so wrong but, he was just so charismatic, he could do anything to her and she'd just gladly let him. Her body was his to do with as he saw fit! He licked her tits, his tongue was very rough almost like sandpaper, but not unpleasant. She rolled her eyes back and enjoyed the experience. His tongue scraped down her tummy and stopped just short of her clit, she focused her eyes on the creature kneeling between her legs, the body and face of the most gorgeous man she'd ever seen, but with the tongue of a demon, and what a divine demon he was too.   Joanne nodded and murmured “Yesss”.   Roger pinched her nipples a little harder and slid his tongue over her clit, she shuddered in delight and glanced down. His eyes were so vibrant, full of energy and stared deep into her eyes and soul. He made her feel vulnerable, powerless, at his mercy, but at the same time, safe, wanted, valuable. His tongue wormed it's way round her clit and labia. Jo's juices began to ooze out.   "Mmmmm, sweet." he uttered and resumed his tongue work.   He slowly slid it inside deeper, deeper, deeper. Jo felt her temperature climb as he pushed his luscious tongue into her moist depths. Her eyes rolled as she let out a groan of pleasure. He expanded his tongue until it's diameter filled her vagina, pressing tightly against her wet vaginal wall. He industriously wiggled his pulsating tongue as he slid it inside, brushing over her clit with each movement. She felt an orgasm start to build rapidly inside her until, like a tidal wave, it washed over her leaving her totally exhausted. She laid back to recover. He reduced the size of his tongue and withdrew it, slurping up her fluids, not wasting a precious drop.   Joanne had a thought, "I haven't noticed any pads or tampons in the bathroom, I'll need some in about a weeks time."   He smiled, "No you won't. As long as you give yourself to me at least once a week you can wave bye-bye to all that discomfort and hassle ... and believe me you will give yourself to me a good deal more often than that." Then he added, "Take twenty minutes then come to the lounge." He winked at her then left her to rest.   As Joanne walked into the lounge she saw a lot of women sat around. Apart from being bald, they were all different, fat, thin, average, all unique in some way.   Jo decided to make some friends and introduce herself to the women.   There's a woman called Karen, she was born with scoliosis and spina bifida, they chatted for a while and Jo learned that Karen has had many operations as a child and before coming here she was in almost constant pain with her muscles and bones pulling in different directions. She came across as a very sensible, worldly wise individual who contrary to her stature walked tall with assertive confidence.   There's a blind lady who's name was Barbara, she had a stick to help her around the house but seldom really used it as she knew the layout so well. She told Jo that she liked it here, everyone was so kind. They chatted for a while. Barbara was born a healthy, normal baby. As a young child she liked to play in the mud. One day, she came home from the park just round the corner from where they lived, soaking wet and covered in mud, she told her mum how she’d been swimming in the muddy puddles. A week or so after that she started to go blind. The doctors told her distraught parents that it was toxocara, an eye infection transmitted by dog and cat faeces.   Being incurable, it would result in permanent blindness. Barbara can’t remember much about the sights of the world because she was so young when she lost her sight. What she does remember very well were the hurtful taunts and whispers as she walked by with her stick, fighting the urge to shout back at people, “I’m blind not deaf.” She could hear quite well all their snide remarks. Often she’d spend the day, most days, crying with despair at how nasty people were. She didn’t want to be in a world like that any more than they didn’t want her in it! Joanne found Barbara’s history very moving and got quite upset inside at what she’d heard, as she tried to imagine herself in her shoes.   Jo next said hello to a lady who was profoundly deaf, luckily she was very good at lip reading and was okay at talking too. She told Jo that her name was Donna, and that she’d lost her hearing in her teens due to a congenital disease.   As Joanne walked past one of the ‘average’ women the lady said, “H-h-hello” Jo sat and patiently talked with her. Her name was Sarah, she had quite a severe stutter and had been bullied a lot by children and adults alike. She loved it here as she was treat nicely by everyone.   Next Joanne met Paula, a woman with cerebral palsy. Paula suffered a lot at the hands of bullies too. They would laugh at her because she couldn't walk properly or control her movements. Her life was hard enough without adding mental abuse to the mix.   Another ‘average looking’ woman introduced herself. Her name was Cindy and she had cystic fibrosis. Before she came here fifteen years ago, she had to be on constant oxygen and have regular slaps on her back and sides to clear mucus from her lungs. Jo learned that C.F. sufferers rarely lived beyond their early to mid twenties. Here though Roger had managed her condition much better just with a weekly session using a nebuliser with a special medication added to the steam. Cindy was now aged thirty-six and felt fine.   Jo next spoke with a woman called Laura sat in a wheelchair, she had no legs. She explained how ten years ago she had to have them amputated following a serious car crash in which a couple of youths stole a van, lost control on a bend and crashed into the front of her car. She'd been here for four years, and really loved it when Roger sucked her toes. Jo looked at her in disbelief until she elaborates, explaining that Roger seemed to find just the right spot on her stumps to stimulate the nerves that used to go to her toes. Jo was fascinated by how these disabled women had 'normal' desires like everyone else. It's a crime how society still regards people with disabilities having sex as taboo. The annoyance with society simmered within Jo as she moved on to learn about someone else.   A woman who had a 'port wine stain' type birthmark across her face introduced herself as Britney. She's very shy and barely looked up as she spoke, but Jo gathered that she also had a life full of bullying.   There was a woman called Davina, she had a deformed hand, a funny voice, and a strange walk due to a deformed pelvis. Jo chatted with her for several minutes, learning about her life, she'd been bullied a lot in the past, at school and beyond, because of her abnormalities. Jo told her that it's a proven fact that bullies do what they do because they lack the mental ability to understand the world around them. Jo can tell that her biggest problem is not physical, it's what the bullies have done, brainwashed her into thinking she's a useless freak who shouldn't be in this world. It makes Jo angry that some people hurt others in that way. Davina isn't thick by any means but has been mentally beaten down until she believed it well into adulthood.   Joanne soon realised that, no-matter what the handicap or deformity, the biggest disability in life is what results from the ridiculing and bullying. She tried to compose herself and bury the anger at what these women have had to put up with in their lives.   All the women here had one thing in common, they all loved it here.   Roger walked in and Jo took the opportunity to ask him why most of the women here were ... different.   He explained, "Even in this day and age society still shuns people that are 'different'. When I came of age I took my first women to feed on, I went for very pretty, perfect girls; models, dancers etc. They were nice, don't get me wrong. Then, I met a really nice looking lass in her twenties but she was profoundly deaf. We had a fantastic time, she tasted so sweet, I swear she 'came' by the gallon load. I loved her and I grieved for a very long time when she died in her eighties." His voice caught and his eyes sparkled with tears. He took a couple of breaths then continued, "Disabled people are often overlooked by other humans as a mate, but in my vast experience they make the best lovers. It doesn't matter whether a woman has a squint, needs a hearing-aid or has arms and legs missing, what makes them different makes them tasty." His eyes still glistened with emotion at the thought of his first true love, and he hurried away to deal with his grief. Jo went back to talking and making friends with his harem while eating the various snacks on the coffee table. It had gotten late and over time the women drifted off to their rooms, Jo realised that she was quite tired and went to her room.   Joanne was woken at a little after six in the morning, Roger switched on the bedside lamp, ordered her out of bed and opened the double doors to the walk-in wardrobe. She wondered why there was a wardrobe but no clothes. He gently pushed her into the wardrobe and turned her round to face him. He cuffed her wrists to the rail above her head and strapped her ankles to anchor points in the sides of the wardrobe, It was quite a stretch. Roger ran his hands slowly up her legs, stroking sensuously up her inner thighs, then moved round to her bum. Jo felt a pang of disappointment. He stroked his hands up her back and flanks, along her arms and back to her shoulders. He lingered at her neck. Despite the heating she got goose bumps and shivered, her lips trembled as she sighed a sigh of desire. His hands moved down to her chest, lingering to rub her swelling nipples. Jo wanted him. She could feel the burning down below. He moved his hands down to her belly, his hands were just the right texture between rough and smooth, manly but gentle.   He knelt and whispered up to her, "Resist it!"   Then he started to stroke her already engorged labia and clit, sliding his fingers inside her and sucked the juice from them. "You are ready aren’t you." he commented and reminded her, "Don't cum, resist it!"   He slid his tongue over her clit and into her dripping cunt. Jo's eyes fluttered and rolled back. He kneaded her arse cheeks as he expanded his tongue inside her like some sort of ‘one-size fits all’ dick. She's already on the edge, there was no way that she could hold back the climax. She tried to contain it, but like king Canut she totally failed to hold back the tide. "Can't, can't, can't, no, Aaaggghhh." She jerked and trembled as the orgasm erupted, then hung her head in shame.   Roger slurped her clean, then reassured her. "You did well for a first try. I noticed you were already close before I went down there. You liked it, found it very erotic being tied up didn't you." he asked rhetorically, as he un-cuffed her and helped her to the bed still trembling.   "Why did you tell me not to cum?" Joanne asked.   "Your fluids are sweet, but it becomes like nectar when you're on the edge of orgasm. The longer you can hover on the edge, the more nutritious it gets." He patted her on the leg, "Get some rest, it'll soon be time for breakfast, later today we'll start your training." He left her to rest and think about what the day held.   At nine o'clock Joanne rolled out of bed and got some breakfast from the communal kitchen, sitting in the lounge she spoke to Karen as they both ate. Then Roger came in, asked for Karen and they left to have some fun. As she left a woman she’d not yet met staggered in and sat down carefully, wincing. As she did so her robe slipped open slightly, revealing a lot of bruising across her tummy and thighs.   Jo rushed over to her, "Oh my God, do you need help, what's happened?"   Tyrene replied, "I'm fine. I like it rough, very rough, the rougher and more violent the better. I'll be fine in a little while." She smiled.   Joanne smiled back, relieved, glad that she wasn't seriously injured. Jo introduced herself and got talking. Jo found out that Tyrene had been here for several years. "I'm parched." Ty said absent mindedly. Joanne leant forward to the coffee table and poured her some orange juice. "Thank-you." she said.   Roger walked in and called Joanne over. Jo followed him into the corridor, passed the bedrooms, through a door and down to the cellar. On the way he asked, "Have you thought much on what turns you on the most?"   She told him, "I haven't actually done anything 'weird', but I do like to watch pornos and I'm quite broad minded."   “Which did you enjoy the most, the first time I 'entertained' you on the bed or the second in the wardrobe?”   “The second, definitely the second.”   "I thought so." said Roger with a knowing smile.   He opened the door to the cellar and Joanne walked into a room that resembled a torture chamber. There are cuffs and shackles all over the place, lots of ropes, whips, floggers, paddles, dildos and vibrators of every shape and size. A normal double bed sat in the middle of the room and was surrounded by many platforms and tables. There are loads of cupboards and drawers, all labelled with their contents; cable-ties, candles, speculums, catheters, pins, barbed wire, cattle-prod, blow-torch, etc.   "What do you think?" he said gesturing around.   She took a moment to compose herself and answer. "Some of it looks interesting, but some of it looks terrifying." He nodded and resumed his mini tour.   He pointed out a couple of safety posters on the back of the door, they consisted of two acronyms. 'S.S.C. Safe Sane Consensual' and 'R.A.C.K. Risk Aware Consensual Kink'.   He opened a door in one side of the room, "Here's a small kitchen area in case we need a snack mid session, or want to use kitchen related things in our play." He took a blunt butter knife from the freezer and drew it across her neck. Jo collapsed to the floor in shock, holding her neck. Roger then showed her the knife, "See, no blood. Cold metal feels sharp even if it isn't." He drew the knife across his own arm to show that it's harmless. Jo got the confidence to let go of her neck and look at her hand, checking for blood before she started to trust him again. She couldn't hold a grudge against him for long, there's something about him, maybe he's just so charismatic.   He showed her through another door, "Here's a bathroom to clean up after a session."   He then stood in the middle of the room, "I like to call these tables of fun 'Altars’ as they are where you offer yourself to me."   Joanne walked around and touched some of the torture equipment, then asked, "How many of your women go in for this type of thing?"   “Only a few enjoy pain. Most like a bit of mild kink such as 'slap and tickle'. A couple are totally 'vanilla', meaning they like to 'make love', not fuck. If you get my gist.”   Jo nodded, "Why don't you have proper sex with the lasses, from what I've heard you only use your tongue, never your dick?"   “My dick would kill any human, It's massive by your standards. It swells to about the girth of your thigh and lengthens to a little over two foot." Her jaw dropped open in shock, he continued. "The mate of an Incubus is called a Succubus. Our females have a two part vagina, there is the lower vagina then the uterus, then the upper vagina. The fallopian tubes attach to the top of the upper vagina just below the throat, the ovaries sit just beneath the shoulders. Unlike the sperm of the human male our sperm doesn't swim, we are built to deposit our sperm as close to our mates egg as possible so it drifts down through it to get fertilized. You see, our dicks are built to impregnate a Succubus by depositing sperm high up in the chest near the neck, an Incubus's penis would cause massive internal damage to you, plus we secrete a type of acid to stimulate the Succubus but this acid would burn you alive, dissolving you from the inside out.”   Jo just stood there, totally gob-smacked. "Can I see it?" she eventually asked, blushing.   “Maybe later.” He said, “Hang your robe up over there." He gestured to a row of hooks on the wall by the side of the door. "Since you haven't had much experience of bondage or masochism we'll start out with a bit of low intensity kinky play.”   He ordered Jo to lay on the normal bed then cuffed her spread eagled to it. He went to a drawer and pulled out a ... feather, she breathed a sigh of relief. After a few moments of him tickling her all over with it, she told him that it wasn't doing a thing for her. He smiled and got a small flogger, he stroked the leather tassels across her body. It tickled, then he raised the flogger up and gently flicked it across her tummy. Jo's eyes widened in interest, it didn't hurt as such, just stung a little. He flicked it across her breasts, 'very sensual' she thought. Then he stroked it down to her nether region, she lay in anticipation. Jo saw him raise the flogger up higher than before, then... whack! Her clit stung, she automatically tried to sit up but the cuffs held her down.   “Wow!" she said as a big grin spread across her face, "Do it again, all over, but hard like that.”   He obliged, Whack! across her tits. Whack! across her tummy. Whack! across her clit.   "I could get used to this." she mumbled through the ecstasy.   He smiled, "You really do like this don't you." He said as he licked some juice from her. His warm, wet tongue took her by surprise causing her to flinch, they both laughed. He went to another draw and came back with a wartenberg wheel. He dragged the spiky wheel up Jo's legs, round her hips, over her tummy and across her tits. He made sure one of the spikes hit dead centre on Jo's nipples. Joanne's breathing quickened with pleasure, he pushed the wheel down her body to let her labia and clit get some spiky attention.   "Mmmm." she purred as her eyes rolled back and she gripped the sheet beneath her.   "Gooood." he purred back as he rolled the wartenburg wheel back and forth over her clit while pulsating his muscular tongue inside her. He tasted the sweetness intensify and knew she was about to climax, he stopped rolling the wheel and waited for the sweetness to subside a little, then resumed stimulating her again, he made her yo-yo like this several times before finally allowing her to orgasm; and him to enjoy a full sweet juicy hit.   He uncuffed Jo so she could relax for ten minutes, and fetched her a drink from the near-by kitchen. "You did very well," he complimented her, "most women would stop at a little light flogging, they wouldn't go in for rough flogging or even a little gentle wartenburg play."   "You can be a bit rougher next time." Joanne said, blushing.   He smiled and nodded, then gestured around saying "Pick your next adventure."   Joanne looked around but kept coming back to one particular piece of apparatus. It really did look like a torture table. It was a wooden altar which had suspended above it a substantial metal square with spikes pointing down. The info card on it warned that it will cause; 'minor cuts and bruises with a little bleeding. If misused can cause internal damage, major blood loss, broken bones and death!' Despite the warning she was fascinated by this device and asked Roger about it.   “As long as you know that you will acquire a few cuts and bruises, it's fine. I will be in control of the vice mechanism and will only squash you as much or as little as you are comfortable with and I'll stop before causing you harm. When it's tight enough say 'stop' or raise your hand. If you want it releasing quickly say 'off' or wave. Understand?”   “Yes” Jo replied, nodding. Then she laid on the alter. He started to crank the suspended spiky metal slab down. She stared at the spikes and a pang of apprehension washed over her. Roger seemed to pick up on her worry and reassured her that the spikes were set to the shortest setting at only half a millimetre in length and also asked if she wanted to cancel the session. She told him that she was fine and really wanted to continue, then smiled and relaxed.   The metal block was almost touching her, a shiver of anticipation ran through her body. The spikes made contact with her breasts and tummy, just piercing the flesh. She swore she could hear her skin go 'pop' like a pea, a hundred times as each spike pricked her skin. The heavy metal block was pressing her tummy and tits onto her body, squashing her thinner and thinner, she could feel her ribs bend under the pressure. When she began to feel light headed due to no longer being able to breathe properly she gasped, "Stop." and raised her hand to reinforce the instruction.   "How are you feeling?" Roger asked.   "Wonderful!" She gasped and gave him a thumbs up to show him that she was okay. Joanne's juices flowed almost as if they're being squeezed from her like a fruit.   "Do you want to try some vibration?" he asked. Jo nodded, eyes glistening with excitement. He flipped a switch and the spiky slab gently vibrated, the pins in her skin wiggled in their little fleshy holes. A groan of ecstasy escaped her lips. He knelt between her legs and lapped up her wetness.   "Much longer spikes and more vibration." Joanne gasped, and he obliged by switching the pins to two full millimetres and doubling the vibration intensity. "Ooooooo." The pins seemed to tear at her flesh and felt a lot longer than they really were. Roger thrust his tongue deep into her cunt and drank her pleasure. He knew how much she was enjoying this, she's orgasmically sweet. The combination of pleasure, pain and restricted breathing drove her like a freight train towards the goal. She climaxed explosively, but instead of it dissipating, it rolled on and on. Jo thought for a moment that she must have died and gone to heaven, she'd never experienced anything so intense before. When it did finally subside he switched off the vibration and cranked the slab up from her. A couple of mini orgasms shook her body as she felt it being released. He slurped up every drop of juice from between her trembling thighs.   "What do you want to do now?" he asked.   "Sleep!" Jo murmured.   "I'm not surprised." he said as he scooped her up in his deceptively strong arms and carried Joanne to her room. "I'm very impressed, you did exceptionally well, you're a natural. We'll talk more after you've had a good sleep." He laid her on her bed then went and fetched her robe and hung it behind the door. She wasn't aware of any of this though, she'd fallen asleep in his arms before they got to her room.   It was almost seven in the evening when Joanne woke, for a moment she didn't know where she was, but her memory soon came back. She looked down at herself and saw hundreds of tiny pin pricks all over her body, and grinned at her recent experiences. Jo's tummy growled, she realised that she'd missed both dinner and tea. She donned her robe and headed for the lounge and main kitchen. She grabbed a shepherds pie from the freezer and threw it in the microwave for the specified time, then paced back and forth cursing the microwave for not being quicker, she was ravenous. As soon as the microwave pinged she snatched the food out and tucked straight in. After she'd eaten she went to sit in the lounge to relax for an hour or so.   "Recovered?" Roger asked startling her. She didn't hear him come in. "Time for another training session." Jo cringed, still exhausted, all she wanted was to relax a bit longer. He put his arm across her shoulders and suddenly she couldn't wait to have him inside of her again. Jo followed him down to the torture chamber and hung her robe up without being prompted. "You have proven to me that you like it rough." Jo blushed and hung her head. He sat her on the edge of the double bed and sat beside her. "Don't be ashamed, you have a wondrous gift, not everyone is so lucky. Though it's me that's really the lucky one! Women like you produce the sweetest nectar." He stood up, "Since you have injuries I will avoid your tummy and breasts until your wounds heal." He stroked a finger over her pin pricked skin. She looked at him, disappointed. She was looking forward to another good seeing to. As if sensing her disappointment he added, "We'll still have fun though." She followed him to an area of the room with no altars, just a rope hanging from a pulley in the ceiling. "Lay on your back, on the floor." he instructed. Jo did as she was told and he clipped the rope to a spreader bar and cuffed it to her ankles. He pulled on the other end of the rope and suspended her upside down, just a couple of feet off the floor. "Let your arms drop down towards the floor, I'm going to cuff your wrists together." She now resembled the letter 'Y' and wondered what he was going to do to her. He picked up a riding crop, stroked it across her chest as he walked round behind her, flicking it against her sides, back and bum. It only stung mildly and in quite a pleasant way, she didn't know why more people didn't go in for this kind of thing as it's not all that painful. He dragged the riding crop up over her bum, tickled her clit, then ... whack, Whack, WHACK! Jo fidgeted in ecstasy as her clit throbbed with exquisite pain. He stood in front of her, dropped the crop, spread her rosy red labia apart and ran his tongue over her swollen bean. He next got an extension cord and plugged in a powerful vibrator, he turned it straight up to maximum and touched it to her cunt. She shrieked as the intensity took her by surprise. He went behind her and flicked his tongue into her vagina like a butterfly or humming bird sipping nectar. He expanded his tongue inside her and tongue fucked her while torturing her clit with the powerful vibe. She screamed and writhed, it was just too much stimulation and tears dripped from her head to the floor. He stopped and asked how she was, Jo yelled at him to keep going. Before long she was jerking about like a fish on the end of a line as she was consumed by orgasm after orgasm. As they subsided he let her down and she staggered over to the bed for a few minutes rest.   “Wow!" Jo said as he sat beside her, "That was so intense! Being hit with the riding crop was such a turn on. Though it’s a little frustrating that we can't play rough until my skin heals from our last session. How can Ty heal in a matter of hours while I take days?”   “There is a way that you can heal quickly but it's not pleasant and will sting like hell, and that's an understatement! Your minor wounds would probably be fully healed in less than half an hour.”   "Do It!" Jo said, raising her arms in a welcoming gesture.   “Let me explain” says Roger, "As you know I drink your vaginal secretions, this juice heals me, gives me sustenance, keeps me young and gives me eternal life." Jo nodded. "When I pee, trace elements from my body are lost. These trace elements are enough to heal you of cuts and bruises. I can't heal organ damage or a broken bone, but minor skin, vein and muscle damage heal quickly."   Jo stared at him in disbelief for a moment before saying, "You're taking the piss!" He shook his head. "Are you telling me that you heal Ty by giving her a golden shower...pissing on her?”   Roger nodded and said, "Well actually it's more of a golden bath. I run some water in the bath then I pee into the water then Ty gets in, she soaks for half an hour or so until her body starts to repair itself."   “Okay, a piss bath is a small price to pay to be able to 'play rough' more often.”   They both grinned, then his smile faded, "Ummm, I don't need to 'go' right now." he said blushing ever so slightly.   Jo chuckled then said, "Shall we make some more injuries to give your healing piss something worth it's while?"   He grinned and nodded then threw her onto an altar on her front. He grabbed a paddle and slapped her arse until it was black 'n' blue, stopping occasionally to lick her juice and make sure that she was okay. Then he grabbed a cane and thrashed her back while thrusting his engorged tongue violently into her cunt. He dropped the cane and squeezed her thighs as he continuously rammed his tongue deep inside, his tongue pushed through her softend cervix and massaged the inside of her uterus and throbbed in her vagina. He picked up the plug-in vibrator and touched it to her clit, causing her to scream in surprise and before long her body is jerking out of control. He dropped the vibe and slowly withdrew his super tongue, lapping at her labia and clit, making sure he got all her juice.   "Time for that pee," he said, "follow me." Joanne followed him into the en-suite bathroom. He set the plug in the bath and ran it half full with warm water, she climbed in and settled down. She couldn't help but stare as he opened his robe, revealing his penis. It was impressive! It's probably twice as thick and longer than the human dicks that she'd seen, and that's on the slack! It's covered down most of it's length with short hair like barbs. She reached up to touch it, but he stopped her.   “The hairs are sharp and hollow, they secrete a type of acid. In a succubus it stimulates her and causes her body to release an egg for fertilizing, but if a human comes into contact with the acid they will be dissolved.”   Jo wasn't sure whether she believed him or not, but she settled down in the bath and watched as he started to piss down the inside edge of the bath. The water seemed to get hotter, not hotter as in temperature, but hotter as in a muscle rub or curry. After a few seconds of discomfort she got used to the feeling and relaxed.   “Soak for a while, I'll come back in ten minutes to help you out of the bath, okay?”   He left the room, her skin felt as though it was gently vibrating. A few minutes into her soak she realised that the water smelt the same as it did when she first arrived. She concluded that his piss probably retards hair growth as well as healing skin, might also cure STDs too. Five minutes later Roger returns, he let the water out and helped her from the bath. Most of her injuries were already healed, she just had a few aches and pains.   "You'll be right as rain in no time." he said, as he walked her to her room. It had gotten quite late so she just flopped onto the bed. Tomorrow's another day.   Joanne woke a little after four in the morning to the sound of quiet talking in the hallway. Roger is walking Davina back to her room. Jo decided to have a closer look at the torture equipment, she's fascinated by them so she silently tip-toed down the hallway and stairs to the cellar. She got carried away looking at all the stuff and imagining how it'd all be used. Suddenly she heard the door open, she ducked behind a large torture altar and prayed that they didn't use that one.   Roger walked in with Tyrene. She met her earlier 'the hardcore masochist' she remembered. They went to the 'vice' altar that Jo enjoyed so much yesterday. Roger clipped a rim to the altar and tipped several buckets of dressmakers pins onto it. He then knelt between her thighs and carefully inserted a catheter into her bladder, hanging the bag from a ridge on the altar. Ty's eyes glistened with pleasure as the catheter wiggled inside her. Ty stood close to the altar, raised her arms over her head as if preparing to dive into a swimming pool, then let herself fall forward and belly-flopped onto the pile of thousands of pins. She gasped in exquisite pain then did a few swimming motions to settle her body deeper into the pin pile. “Okay” she said, then Roger cuffed her wrists to the sides of the altar and wrapped a rope that was hanging from a beam above tightly round one of her thighs then the other. He pulled on a rope and her legs were lifted up and apart, all her body weight was on the pins. She groaned with delight. He took a large piece of peeled ginger root and pushed it slowly up her arse as far as his fingers could push it. “Ooooh” she uttered with pleasure as it began to warm her insides. He used a length of ribbon round the 'handle' of the ginger root he then secured the ends to her bum with a staple gun, Kcha, Kcha to stop it sliding out. Then spread and pulled her labia 'Kcha, Kcha' he stapled her labia wide open, “Aaahhh” she sighed in delight.   He went up to her and checked that she was okay. She answered in a raspy voice, "Ooooh yes I’m fantastic, eat me, squash me, hurt me, eat me some more." He smiled and went between her legs. He worked his tongue industriously within her as he retracted the spikes in the overhead metal block so it was just a slab and cranked the block down.   Joanne heard the dressmaker’s pins crunch beneath Ty as she was pressed harder onto them. Roger was tongue fucking her very violently, slapping her arse and firing staples into her arse and thighs at random. Ty was in ecstasy. Joanne was biting her knuckles to muffle her groans as she pulled and pinched her own nipples, wishing it was her on the altar.   Ty was making lots of weird sounds; grunts, growls, sighs, screams. She cried out, "Fuck me harder, faster, you bastard, I want you to hate me, hurt me, fuck me you bastard, fuck me, fuck me!"   He turned on the blocks vibration. Ty threw her head back, squealing in agonised delight. He reached for a paddle studded with lots of sharp nails and repeatedly brought it down violently onto her staple encrusted bum. After several strikes on each bum cheek he dropped the paddle and picked up the plug-in vibrator, he held it against the catheter, the vibrations travelled along it through her clit, sending her wild.   "Yyeeaagghh." she shouted at the top of her somewhat squashed lungs as she came.   Roger didn't release her yet, he kept the vibe in place as he drank deep. Eventually he pulled his tongue out of her and inserted a few fingers, then his thumb, then his hand, before long he was fisting her.   "Tear me apart!" she shouted in masochistic ecstasy.   He worked up a sweat, pumping his hand back and forth for what seemed like ages. Eventually keeping, his hand in a fist, he pulled it out. Tyrene growled with pleasure as he licked his hand clean then her. Joanne could see the disappointment in her eyes as he released her. She would happily have gone all night doing this. Roger helped her to the bathroom, as they walked past Jo's hiding place she saw that Ty was black and blue and covered in wounds. Jo was shocked at the extent of her injuries, but realised that in a little while there wouldn't be a mark on her.   As soon as they went into the bathroom Jo snuck back to her room. A glance at the clock revealed that it was almost seven o'clock. She'd been in the torture room for three hours! 'That's a bloody long session!' She thought to herself. She climbed into bed to catch a couple of hours sleep, 'I'll get up at nine.' she thought as she drifted off.   It felt like moments later when she opened her eyes to see that it was already half past ten. Jo dived out of bed, threw on her robe and dashed to the lounge to get some breakfast. Tyrene was there looking like nothing had happened. Barbara, the blind lady was sat in a corner, she looked in pain. Jo went over and asked if she was okay. Barbara told her that a few months ago she found a lump in her breast and for the last couple of weeks it'd been quite painful, she explained that Roger has had a look and is arranging for her to go for treatment later.   She sniffled, "I don't want to leave this place, there is so much love, friendship, helpfulness, a real family atmosphere. I've been so happy here. I had hoped that I’d die here." She started crying, Jo got her a tissue and held her hand not knowing how best to comfort her.   Roger came in and went to Barbara, kneeling down he whispered softly in her ear, "I'm taking you for your treatment soon, but we'll have time for one last bit of fun," he smiled and wiped a tear from Barbara's cheek with his thumb, "I'll come and get you in five minutes." Roger then went out through the patio doors and sat on a bench looking out over the Autumnal landscape. Even though he had his back to Jo, she got the impression that he was quite upset.   Barbara said her goodbyes to the girls, there wasn't a dry eye in the place, It was a close knit little community and everyone was concerned about her, they all told her to 'get well soon'. Joanne got quite upset too, even though she barely knew her, she considered her a friend, just as she considered everyone here a friend.   Joanne slipped away from the lounge intending to go to her room to cry in private, but she saw the cellar door open at the end of the corridor and temptation got the better of her, she finds the torture equipment so fascinating.   Before long Roger walked in with Barbara. Jo ducked behind an altar near the bed, “This is becoming a habit.” She thought to herself. He laid Barbara gently on the bed, letting her robe fall open beneath her and kissed her tenderly all over. "Cum for me." he whispered as he slid his tongue over her clit and inside her. He reached for a feather and tickled her breasts, tummy and thighs, sucking her juices as she squirmed in delight. He lent over her and ran a finger down her neck whispering, "Relax, You will enjoy this, I'm going to give you the sweetest orgasm you've ever experienced." While his tongue caressed her clit he stroked his hands across her neck then gradually applied moderate pressure with his fingers over her carotid arteries. She sighed a happy contented sigh then went limp. Her final moments are over in just several seconds, the lack of blood flow to her brain triggered a very powerful orgasm just before she slipped into unconsciousness with a smile on her face. She probably wouldn't have known she was dying. He kept the pressure on for a few minutes to avoid any chance of her regaining consciousness with brain damage. He whispered a heartfelt, “Sorry” as he let his robe drop to the floor. He climbed onto the bed and forced his penis into her vagina, blood dribbled out as she was torn to shreds. He pushed himself all the way in, reminiscent of a sword being slid into it's scabbard. A little blood dribbled from her mouth as he thrust back and forth, Jo could imagine Barbara's internal organs being pushed aside or torn through by his huge dick. The squelching sound of blood soaked meat being pounded reverberated around the room. He thrust violently, almost pushing her head first off the bed. He was working up a sweat as tears ran down his face, suddenly he cried out and collapsed on top of her as he came. Barbara's body started to bubble as he rolled off. She gradually started to dissolve and soon there was no trace of her. He put his robe back on then picked up hers, folding it reverently. He sat on the edge of the bed and buried his face in her robe, crying. Eventually he left the room, stroking her robe as he walked.   Joanne remained sat with her back against the altar for a little while longer, crying and trying to understand what had just happened. After a few minutes she composed herself and set off to her room. As she closed the torture room door behind herself she came face to face with Roger, he was crouched down still sobbing. His tears were instantly replaced with fear and anger. He dropped Barbara's robe, grabbed Jo by the throat and pushed her back into the room.   “I know you didn't have a choice," She blurted out, as she was thrown onto the bed. Jo knew full well that he could kill her in an instant. "You can't cure cancer, but you also can't risk outsiders finding out about this place." His anger subsided a little, his face softened, Jo continued, "It's obvious that you cared very much for Barbara. You could have killed her in lots of different ways, but you chose a very gentle way of doing it. She wouldn't have suffered for one moment.”   He nodded and started to cry again. He sat beside Jo, she placed her arm across his back onto his shoulder and they sat in silence together. He knew Joanne wouldn't cause him any trouble, she couldn't. She, like all his women were under his 'guidance'.   Roger stirred, "We'd better make a move. It'll be dinner time soon." He said, grief still evident in his voice. Jo headed off to the lounge carrying the painful secret of what she'd seen in her heart.   Joanne had only been here a couple of days but it felt like she'd been here for years. After dinner Roger took Karen for some fun, next he took Sarah, then Davina got seen just before tea time. After tea, he took Ty for a good long session. A few hours later it was Joanne's turn.   In the cellar he guided her towards an altar with chicken wire over it, he pulled the chicken wire to one side and told her to lay on her back, she complied. He pulled the chicken wire tightly over Jo's torso like a blanket and secured it to a row of nails on the side of the altar. He clipped some electrodes to the nails and it dawned on her what he was about to do.   “Ready?" he asked. She nodded, tentatively. "I'll start off low and then gradually increase the power.”   Joanne stared at the ceiling as a thousand ants seemed to crawl over her, but soon she definitely knew that she'd got electricity burning across her. He switched the electricity on and off several times, it soon stopped being erotic and became just plain old painful.   Jo cried out in pain, "Stop! Off! Enough!"   He turned off the electricity and released her. Jo could smell burning and her body was covered in a criss-cross of burns, several areas had begun to blister.   "Didn't you like it?" he asked, concerned.   "To start with it was fantastic, quite erotic. But when you turned it up it became too painful." She explained.   "Okay, we don't know what you like until we try it." He smiled.   "Very true." Jo said with a cheeky grin.   He knelt down, "I'll take your mind off the pain."   Jo sat on the edge of the altar and leant back on her elbows as he placed his lips over her clit and sucked it into his mouth. She felt it being pulled in and forced to engorge as he teased it with his tongue inside his mouth. She laid back, relaxed and let her body react as it saw fit.   After a while he patted her on the leg, "How about some temperature play?"   "Okay." She said, despite still feeling like jelly.   "Are you feeling hot or cold?" he asked.   "I'm still roasting from earlier." she told him.   “Let's cool you down then." he said as he guided her to a metal altar with a rim. "Lie on your back.”   He disappeared into the kitchen for a moment, and came back with a bucket of ice shards. He drew one of the shards of ice down her neck and she instantly shivered, not with the cold but with anticipation. He circled her breasts, first one then the other, pausing on the nipples to make sure the cold could penetrate. Moving on down her cleavage he circled her belly button a few times, before shooting down to her inner thighs and creeping slowly up to her labia and clit. He licked her juices and said, "Let's turn this up a notch."   He helped her off the altar then tipped the contents of the bucket onto it. Each piece of ice looked like a little sharp dagger. Jo stood at the foot of the altar and slowly eased herself belly first onto the frozen, sharp pile. It crunched beneath her as she placed all her weight down onto it. It felt like hundreds of razor blades cutting into her. Roger got some rope and tied her down, pulling it tight to force her body into the ice. Jo was sure that she'd been cut to ribbons. She swore that she could feel blood running from her chest and tummy but reminded herself that Roger wouldn't seriously hurt her and, even if she did bleed, he'd heal her later. She knew that she was perfectly safe.   Roger teased her clit with his tongue, the only warm thing on her body. She tried to push her cunt further onto his hot tongue.   "Let's see if we can melt all this ice." he said as he pushed his tongue inside her, expanding it until her vagina is stretched tight. He started thrusting, grating her body against the ice. Harder and harder, ramming into her violently, harder, faster and rougher. He pulled his tongue out and pushed a few fingers in.   “Only a few fingers, we'll improve on that soon.”   "Yeaaa." She voiced her agreement.   He resumed giving her clit a good tongue lashing then ramming his tongue inside her again, violently jerking her body too and fro along the ice. The ropes scraped across her back and burned with each thrust. Eventually, most of the ice had melted and Jo's tummy and tits were bright red with the cold. He unties her and helps her off the altar, examining her rope burnt back and frost nipped front.   He guided Jo over to an altar with a soft padded surface and a cube in the middle.   “Climb up and kneel on the altar, lean over the heated cube doggie style.”   Jo did as instructed. The cube was very warm and welcoming after the cold she'd just endured. Before long she's squirming with hot aches, though normally unpleasant she tried to sexualize them. Roger stroked her clit a few times with his finger then slid a few into her vagina. He moves, wiggles and twists his fingers around inside her whilst rubbing her clit with his thumb. She's getting hot in more ways than one. Every so often he'll suck his fingers clean and push them back inside. It seemed like he did this for ages but, she knew he was working on stretching her wide enough to take his fist.   “This won't happen over night will it?" Jo asked, "It's going to take many sessions to gradually stretch me?”   “That's right, it could take weeks or months of regular sessions to stretch you.”   "Wouldn't it be quicker and easier to just cut or rip me then heal me?" She asked enthusiastically.   “Ouch! The level of pain you'd have to go through would be enormous. It is possible, but I wouldn't recome...”   “Do it, please." Jo implored, "You know I can take more than a little pain. I prefer to get it done so we can get down to having some serious fun sooner rather than later.”   “Okay." He went to a cupboard and comes back with a large metal cage-like dildo that starts off a normal size then expands to almost the size of his hand. "I'll insert this into your vagina, There's a small blade inside it, I quickly pull that out and it cuts you down the length of your vagina and out through your vaginal opening. There will be a lot of blood and it will need neat piss to heal you quickly. I will spray my piss into you with a spray bottle and you should be healed within an hour. But it is extremely painful, both from the cut and the neat piss hitting the open wound. After several hours rest you will be ready for fun with no scars or numb spots.”   After a moment to take in what Roger had said, she nodded. "Where do you want me?"   “The bed will be fine, I just need to put a plastic sheet and old blanket over it first, there will be...a lot of blood.”   Joanne lay on her back as he peed into a spray bottle. He next eased the cage-like dildo into her vagina then gradually enlarged it until she winced.   He explained, "It has to be a tight fit for the blade to cut cleanly. Relax. Do you want the cut to happen when you're expecting it or not?"   Joanne shook her head, "N... Aaaggghhh" The pain was the worse thing she'd ever experienced. It wasn't pleasant or erotic, just agonising!   The bed was soon covered in blood, Jo was shaking and sweating with shock. 'At least the pain can't get any worse.' She thought to herself. Roger quickly grabbed the spray bottle and squirted his healing piss into her gaping, shredded vagina.   "Aarrggghh." She was wrong, the pain now is worse than before. Jo swallowed hard a couple of times as she thought, “I'm going to die, no-one can endure such a high level of pain and survive, I’m dying.” She wasn't scared though. Death would have released her from this terrible agony. Suddenly it's as though a glass wall popped up between her and the pain, she could still feel the pain but it seemed like a memory and didn't really matter any more.   Jo heard a distant, familiar voice saying, "You're okay, It's all done, you just fainted, come on."   Joanne focused her eyes to see Roger smiling down at her. She blushed with embarrassment at passing out. He reassured her, and made her a cuppa with an extra sugar. He helped her sit up and after she drank her cuppa, Roger helped her to the shower and washed her down, later he helped her to her room and recommended a good nights sleep. She gladly flopped onto her bed and slept soundly until morning.   The next morning Jo's up at half past eight, after she finished her breakfast Roger walked into the lounge and called her, he whispered in her ear, "Let's test drive your cunt."   She grinned from ear to ear as she followed him to the cellar. Down in the torture room he introduced her to a reclining chair with stirrups, It looked quite formidable. She laid in the chair and lifted her legs into the stirrups.   "What a mouthwatering, beautiful view." He said as he knelt and ran his fingers over her clit and between her labia, then teased her vaginal opening with his fingertips. He reached up and squeezed her nipples, "Don't worry, I won't do anything invasive until you're fully aroused." he said as he switched on a sound system, "I remember you saying that you like to watch porn. I haven’t got any yet, but I do have a disc of sound effects." The room fills with ooos and aahs like a porno film but just sound.   "You're so hot." he said as he ran his hands along her legs. The combination of the sound effects, his words and touch got her aroused. He scooped up some of her juice on a finger and gave it a suck, "Mmm you're so tasty." He said as he slid a couple of fingers inside, then another and another. Four fingers were now inside her, he rotated his wrist one way then the other. "Relax." he purred as he eased his thumb in. He kept his hand in a duck bill shape as he slowly eased it deeper inside. Joanne's temperature soared as he slid his hand back and forth within her, licking at her clit in time with his movements. He balled his hand into a fist and gradually increased the speed of his thrusts.   Jo could hear her juices squelching and air being forced out in farting noises. He saw the embarrassment on her face. "Sweet sounds, the music of love." he reassured her before giving Jo's clit some more attention from his rough tongue. He slowly pulled his fist out, pausing at her entrance so she could feel her cunt stretched wide. She felt so full. Then he pulled his fist completely out, Jo flinched a little at the sensation. Afterwards she felt very empty and cold inside.   Roger's eyes sparkled, "I never get used to seeing such a glorious sight of a cunt spread wide open, like some kind of magical inviting grotto." He expands his tongue, sweeps it round inside and licked her out. "How did you like your first experience of fisting?" he asked.   "I think it might be more erotic if it was a little more...violent." she answered with a kinky grin.   “More violent? I'll see what I can do.”   Without warning he slapped her tummy with his bare hand, leaving a red mark. Then clamped a couple of bulldog clips to her nipples, she screamed with surprised shock. Next he grabbed two belts with pins sticking through the insides and cinched them tightly around her thighs, the pins pierce her skin. He flicked Jo's clit and her eyelids fluttered with delight, her body started to produce the tasty lubrication that Roger loved so much. Before she knew it Roger was fisting her again but much more violently than earlier. He reached up with his other hand and flicked the bulldog clips. She's on the edge, nerve endings screaming inside and out.   "Yea! Yea! Yea!" she screamed in ecstasy, trembling as she orgasmed.   He pulled out his hand, 'Oh what a sensation!' and sucked it clean, then licked her clean. After he removed the spiky belts and bulldog clips he ran her a bath to heal the wounds round her thighs and very sore nipples. After a ten minute soak he let her go to the lounge for dinner. As they both walked away from the torture room he told Jo that he had a little surprise for her, he passed her a usb stick.   "After dinner go to your room." He winked as he opened the door to the lounge.   Joanne shovelled her dinner down her neck, eager to see what he'd got her. In her room sat a laptop. Jo's eyes lit up. She switched it on, no internet of course, none of them had any contact with the outside world. There was only a couple of usable programs on the computer, one is a media player. Jo connected the stick and the program opened automatically. It's her in the torture room this morning getting fisted. “It's strange watching yourself.” she thought, but she still found it a turn on.   There's a soft courtesy knock at her door then in walked Roger, "What do you think?" he asked pointing to the laptop.   "Judge for yourself." Jo said laying back and letting her legs splay apart.   He grinned, "Safe to say, you love it." he said then lapped up her liquid arousal.   Afterwards he gave her another usb stick saying, "This is a live feed receiver." He plugged it into another slot on the laptop. Jo saw the torture room on the screen. He explained how she could record the goings on in the room onto the laptop and copy the footage onto a stick to watch later. He pulled out a handful of usb sticks from his robe pocket and placed them on the bedside table then left.   A few minutes later she saw Roger and Laura enter the torture room on her new toy. “Ought to learn how to use this thing.” She thought to herself as she started recording the fun and settled down to watch, Roger seemed to be dancing and doing a striptease. Meanwhile she noticed movement out the window, it's quite far away and through the bushes, Jo strained to see clearer. There are several of them, as they drew nearer and dart from one clump of bushes to another she saw that they were men, dressed in black and carrying... sticks and have...little black things hanging from their belts? They're heading towards the lounge patio doors. Suddenly, she realised what was happening and, cursing her naivety for not realising sooner, she ran to the torture room.   Barging straight in Jo shouted, "Intruders, we're under attack, guns, grenades." she babbled in panic. Roger ran butt naked out from the cellar and down the hall to the lounge, he was halfway there when the glass doors were blown in.   Soldiers dressed in black rushed into the room and one shouted, "Get the women out of here! Find the creature!"   A soldier tried to escort the women away but they wouldn't go, "He's not a creature, he's our lover, our friend. You can't do this!" Tyrene shouted, standing her ground.   “He's not human!" the leader shouted in her face, "He's a demon that kidnaps and kills women. You stay here and he will slaughter you!" He looked up at everybody, "Why would you all want to stay here? What about your friends and families out there in the real world? You have all been on the news at one time or another after your disappearances. Has he drugged you, coerced you somehow to stay, or are you just thick?" He turned to one of his soldiers and barked, "Get these bloody women out of here!”   Some of the women fought back; kicking, punching, biting the men. In the melee a grenade is accidentally torn from a soldiers belt. The soldier and a couple of women, panicking, make a mid air grab for it. Unfortunately all the soldier could grab was the pin. While the women on realising what they had in their hands, dropped the grenade in terror.   Time stood still as a shout of, "Grenade!" echoed round the room and the men ran outside, closely followed by most of the women. Paula was stood in the middle of the room and couldn't seem to get herself moving until it was too late. Tyrene had been fighting with a soldier and he'd given her a left hook, knocking her over the coffee table. She was still trying to get to her feet when the explosion sent shrapnel flying in all directions.   Joanne was still in the corridor trying to hold Roger back and protect him. Laura was wheeling out of the small elevator up from the torture room.   “Go to your rooms!" Roger whispered to them both, "I'll be okay, trust me, I have a plan.”   Jo and Laura reluctantly go to their rooms. Jo heard shouts, booted footsteps and a few gunshots. From the corner of her eye Jo saw movement on the computer, she'd forgotten about the 'porn cam'. She stood transfixed with concern as a wounded Roger ducked down behind an altar then popped up as a soldier followed cuffing him to the torture apparatus. Roger leaped, slid, and dived around the room disarming the men and slapping restraints on them. Despite sustaining several gunshot wounds Roger soon had three soldiers at his mercy.   Roger needed to heal himself, he was getting weaker by the moment. He yanked one of the soldiers pants down and flipped him onto his front over the end of one of the altars. The man screamed in absolute terror, he knew what was coming. Joanne could barely watch as Roger forced his dick up the man’s arse, blood poured down the man’s legs. He thrashed around in agony, his screams became gurgles as his internal organs began to liquefy under the acidic onslaught of Roger's huge toxic dick being rammed repeatedly through them. After a few minutes experiencing his worst nightmare he finally fell silent as he rapidly dissolved without a trace. The other two soldiers looked on, their faces white with terror. Roger's wounds were almost healed, the other two soldiers would just be sweet vengeance. Jo's about to watch Roger do the same to the other two men, but she remembered that she had friends in the lounge that could be hurt.   She ran to the lounge to see if she could help anyone. Most of the women had escaped injury by running outside. However Paula and Tyrene had not been so lucky. Paula, a pallid grey colour, was laid in a pool of blood with multiple deep wounds and one eye completely destroyed. Jo noticed that her neck isn't quite right, her trachea isn't central it's moved over a little to the side, she realised that Paula had suffered a collapsed lung among other serious injuries. A couple of women were trying to give her first aid but it was fairly obvious that it was a lost cause. Paula was already dead.   Jo turned her attention to Tyrene who was also bleeding heavily. The worst of her wounds seemed to be on her thigh, blood was rhythmically squirting out, 'femoral artery.' Jo muttered to herself as she pressed her fingers onto the pressure point in her groin as another woman pressed directly onto the wound itself. The bleeding slowed to a dribble. Ty is hovering on the verge of consciousness, Jo knew from her previous TV addict past that she could have other internal damage such as a ruptured spleen or torn intestines from the blast. Jo fought back tears, not wanting another friend to die. After what seemed ages she heard a door close at the end of the corridor.   “ROGER” she shouted.   Joanne needed him to help Ty. He ran to the lounge, his robe wafted behind him like a superhero's cape, and was visibly shocked at the scene. He pulled himself together and scooped up Ty, taking her to the bathroom in her own room as it was the closest. He laid her gently in the bath and peed onto her thigh as the bath slowly filled with water. Ty instantly came round, screaming with pain. Diluted incubus piss is painful but neat is absolute agony!   Roger lent over the side of the bath and hugged her tight. "Sorry, sorry, sorry," he muttered over and over again. As the bathwater neared the top of the bath he turned off the taps. "Stay with her, keep her conscious!" he ordered before dashing off to see if anyone else needed his help.   The women were sat around crying and comforting each other.   "Is anyone else injured?" Roger asked as he dashed into the lounge.   The women stood and told him that they are pretty much uninjured.   “Go to your rooms for now while I sort this out and make sure we're safe.”   The women did as instructed. Roger realised there's a couple of women missing. He found Donna sprawled behind a sofa, dead. A single small shrapnel wound in the side of her neck and loads of blood. She would have died quickly. Roger placed a hand on her shoulder and fought back tears. With a lump in his throat and dread in his heart he went in search of Karen. He searched the mansion and the grounds but she's nowhere to be found. He was forced to the conclusion that the soldiers must have taken her, 'At least hopefully she's alive.' he thought to himself as he abandoned his search.   Roger picked up Donna's body and took her to the torture room, then took Paula laying them both reverently on the double bed. He let his robe fall to the floor and then tearfully disposed of them by necrophili-ization.   Roger returned to see how Tyrene was doing, he looked over her body and saw that most of her wounds had completely healed including the near fatale thigh wound.   Ty was sat up in the bath, "I'm fine now, just a few aches and pains. I'll be right as rain after a nap to get over the shock."   Roger nodded and helped her out of the bath and into her bed.   As Roger and Jo both left her room Jo called back, "I'll check in on you at tea time." Ty nodded and laid down. Roger went to his room to contact a company to replace the patio doors. Joanne went to her room and passed the few hours until tea time by watching and re-watching what had been recorded on the laptop. she marvelled at Roger's speed and agility as he leaped around and trapped the soldiers, she was mesmerised by how he took his revenge. The soldiers definitely regretted their actions before they died in terrified agony and despair. After the soldiers came her friends, she bowed her head in sorrow as she watched him solemnly do what he had to do to dispose of the bodies of Donna and Paula. Jo couldn't hold the tears back any longer, after a good long cry she reset the recording program and had a shower in an attempt to wash away the grief.   At tea time Jo called in on Ty, she was curled up in bed with her back to the door. Stepping closer Jo said, "Oi, sleepy head, time for tea." Ty seemed to be fast asleep. Jo walked round to the other side of the bed calling her friends name as she went, "Tyrene, Ty, Tyyyyy." Realisation dawned on her. "SHIT! Nooooo! Ty, Ty, Tyyyy."   With tears streaming down her face she rushed to the lounge to find Roger but he wasn't there. she ran to his room and thumped on his door with the side of her fist. He opened his door and before he could say anything Jo squeaked one word, "Ty."   Roger's face went ashen as he ran to Ty's room, "Arrrrgggghhh!" Jo heard him cry as he set eyes on Ty's lifeless body. Joanne stood by the door torn between wanting to be close to Ty and Roger and also honouring his need for space in his grief. His grief set her off crying again. He glanced up at her, "Thank-you, I'll sort things out right here, saves moving her." Jo gave a single nod then closed the door and headed off to the lounge.   The other women were tucking into their tea, as soon as they saw Jo they all rushed to find out how Ty was. Before they reached her she crumpled in a heap to the floor, sobbing uncontrollably. A couple of women helped Jo up into a chair and sat with her, giving her time to regain some of her faculties, patiently waiting until she was ready to speak.   "Ty's de-e-e-ad." she finally managed to blurt out.   The women gasp and mutter amongst themselves in shock, "Couldn't Roger stop the bleeding?" one woman asked.   Another commented, "She was very close to the explosion, she might have suffered more injuries than we realised."   Joanne spoke up, "Roger successfully stopped the bleeding and healed her external wounds. I'm not a doctor but If she was close to the explosion she would have suffered internal blast injuries such as a ruptured liver or spleen, things like that." Jo paused to take a drink, her throat was dry and tight from all the crying. "Roger healed her wounds, she recovered but was tired. She went to bed for a few hours, I went to wake her for tea, She was ...was ...de...." Jo broke down again, "If I hadn't let her slee-e-e-p."   The other women consoled her, "It's not your fault, you can't blame yourself. She would still have died. You can't beat yourself up over this. It's the soldiers fault not yours." Jo nodded, her brain knew it wasn't her fault but her heart said different. Her emotions were all over the place.   Jo had just about regained control when Roger walked in, the sight of him set her off again. Jo grabbed a sandwich and hurried to her room to wallow in grief in private, she cried herself to sleep. she was woken by at eight pm. by Roger.   "How are you?" he asked as he sat on the edge of her bed.   "I'm getting there." Jo answered delicately. She felt worn out, her chest fluttered as grief tried to well up again, but she managed to push it back down, at least for now.   Roger said, "I just popped in to make sure you're okay, I'm not here for 'fun'. We've been through a lot today ..." Jo thought of her dead friends and start to blubber again, sobbing her heart out.   He put an arm round her and gave her a hug. "Donna, Paula and Ty, they died horribly, needlessly. The murdering bastard soldiers slaughtered my friends, and fuck knows what they'll do to Karen." Jo coughed as her throat closed momentarily.   Roger tried to ease her grief, "Three of the soldiers didn't have a particularly painless death either." A smirk played across her lips. "That's better, I'll let you get a good nights sleep. Nighty-night."   Jo lay awake, the days events ran through her head, refusing to let her get any rest. She got up and re-watched the recording of the soldiers getting fucked to death. She watch it over and over a few times. Each time she saw it she felt a little better, knowing that her friend’s killers suffered and died in agony. Eventually she fell asleep.   Meanwhile Karen, who'd been grabbed as she ran outside from the grenade had been bundled into the back of a black van and now sat in the special ops headquarters. She was wearing some old clothes that someone fetched for her, they were a few sizes too big, but at least she was clothed. Sipping on a nice mug of tea she was questioned by an agent specialising in psychology, in a relaxed, informal way about Roger, the house and the women. Some blood was taken and she was shown old news footage of the police investigation following her disappearance, the TV appeals from her family and friends, and the subsequent arrest of her fiancé.   Karen looked at the agent and shook her head in disbelief, the agent reassured her, "Don't worry, we will be notifying the authorities and arranging his realise in due course. There have been a lot of kidnaps and wrongful arrests over the years thanks to this monster you call Roger."   Karen felt a mix of emotions, anger at the police for arresting the man she used to love, a bit melancholy for her family and friends out in the normal world, but her biggest emotion by far was her need to be in Roger's arms.   She was given a bed for the night and after a restless night of lustful dreams she woke exhausted in the morning. Karen got a shower and dressed in yesterdays oversized clothes, then sat on the edge of the bed waiting for someone to come for her.   Soon there was a polite knock, a key turned and in walked a professional looking agent. "Hello, My name's Doctor Evans. But you can call me Heather. I have been charged with your care, If you need anything, ask for me and if I can get it, I will."   Karen stood, pleading. "let me go back home, to Roger. I miss him. I don't understand, we haven't done anything wrong!"   Heather quickly made up an excuse and gently explained to Karen, "You can't go anywhere just yet. You're poorly. The blood we took yesterday shows that you have a disease, but you don't need to worry, after this injection and a little rest you'll be back to your normal self."   "I'm not poorly, I don't feel sick!" Karen replied defiantly.   "You might not feel sick, but believe me, you are not yourself. Roll up your sleeve for me and you'll be right as rain in no time." Karen rolled up her sleeve. "Little scratch." said Heather as she jabbed the needle into Karens upper arm and injected an antidote to the aphrodisiac incubus pheromones. "All done, Come with me and we'll grab some breakfast, you must be famished." Heather said smiling. Karen nodded and followed.   Over the next hour or so Karen got confused, then angry, as she started to realise what had happened to her and her friends at the hands of Roger. Whilst in a meeting with Heather and the captain, Karen spoke up, "He came across as nice, gentle and caring but in reality he kidnapped women, brainwashed and used us, used me! We've got to stop him, he can't be allowed to continue doing this!"   The captain smiled, "I'll see what we can do."   Back at the mansion Joanne woke at nine o'clock from a night full of bad dreams. She showered then checked the laptop for any nocturnal recordings, then went for breakfast. The lounge seemed very empty with four missing members of the gang. While Jo ate she wondered what atrocities may have befallen Karen. The soldiers would probably have been merciless in their inquisition.   Roger interrupted her train of thought when he came into the lounge and asked her to follow him, "It's play time for you."   Jo reluctantly followed him to the torture room, but as soon as he touched her she forgot about her friends, the only thing that mattered was chasing the orgasm that was due to her. He cuffed her to a plush fur covered altar and tickled her erotically with a ribbon of fur, up her arms, round her face and across her neck. She shuddered as the pleasure built. He continued down over her tits, tummy, thighs, then back up her flanks to her neck. He looped it round her throat and pulled it slowly. It tightened slightly then slid round seductively, sending shivers of excitement through her body and soul.   “So sweet, You like neck play don't you.”   He reached up and gently caressed her throat, applying a little pressure with one hand, while with the other he slid a couple of fingers into her dripping slit and sucked them clean, then she felt his fist stretching her open. The combination of being fisted and strangled at the same time was out of this world. She felt giddy as an orgasm quickly built within her. She wasn't sure if she was about to have the biggest orgasm of her life ... or die, but she didn't care either way. Beyond anything she'd ever experienced, she loved it! She wished she could hover on this precipice for ever, but the build up didn't last. “ --- ” she tried to vocalize as an orgasm grew. He slowed down to let her building orgasm subside, then sped up again. He kept her orgasm yo-yoing several times before he finally allowed her to cum. He rammed his tongue deep into her velvety depths, licking her out as she came squirting into his welcoming mouth. The orgasm was so powerful she swore that she was going to turn inside out. He let go of her neck and savoured her extra sweet juice. Jo lay dazed, exhausted, but very blessed and glad to be alive.   When he'd finished drinking her dry he complimented her, "You're so sweet, rich, flavourful and nutritious."   "Errr, thank-you." she croaked, not really knowing how to respond to such a compliment.   “Have a few minutes to recover here, then you can go to your room to rest, okay.”   Joanne nodded, but even that was an effort. He fetched her a drink and she took it with trembling hands.   After ten minutes rest he helped her stagger, still buzzing, to her room. Jo dozed for about an hour, then flicked on her laptop to see if anything interesting was happening in the fun room. Sure enough he's in there with Britney, she's very vanilla, she doesn't have sex ... she makes love. He's stroking her all over with his hands and telling her how beautiful she is. And she is! She radiates happiness. He sucks gently on her nipples then lets his tongue meander down her body over her clit and slides slowly and smoothly into her. Rocking in and out very gently, like someone might carefully dip a bread soldier into a soft boiled egg without the yolk spilling over. Smoothly in, smoothly out. Britney writhes and pants then squeaks a high pitched moan as she cums.   Joanne almost envied her, Britney reached orgasm much quicker than she can, and with the barest touch. Jo needed much more stimulation than Britney. On the up-side though, it seemed Roger got a much bigger drink from Jo as he's finished already. Watching this porn show made Jo want him again, she imagined his long, plump tongue pulsating inside her cunt as he subjected her body to unspeakable tortures. Jo's cunt started throbbing with desire and her skin tingled as though begging to be pricked, stung, pinched and sliced. Britney left the fun room, then a minute later he left too.   Joanne dashed out of her room and stopped him before he could pass. "Do me again, please. I want you to torture me more than you've ever tortured anyone before!" She blurted out before realizing what she was saying.   Roger looked at her gob-smacked. Then with a smile he said, "My, you are horny aren’t you? ... Okay." He gestured back down the corridor. Jo grinned from ear to ear as she almost ran down the corridor with Roger following behind. She threw her robe at the hook, it missed and landed on the floor, she left it where it landed. Roger caught up and closed the door.   "Treat me rough, swear at me, hurt me!" Jo pleaded as a desperate, insane desire coursed through her veins. She NEEDED a good seeing to!   Roger pushed her harshly forward against a St Andrews cross, cuffed her in place and gave her back a dozen lashes of the whip. Her back sung with pleasure, she cried out in exquisite agony as the whip split her skin open. He pissed into a glass jar, dipped in a ball of cotton wool and wiped her wounds. The level of pain sky-rocketed, buckling her knees and almost knocking her out as her wounds healed. She recovered in a minute or two as he turned her round and gave her front some attention.   He held up a riding crop and swatted her nipples until they resembled two mini cherries, then dropping the riding crop, he rolled them between his finger and thumb, pinching and pulling hard. Grabbing some string he tied it round her nipples, trapping their blood supply in them, keeping them pert. Jo felt her lubrication run out and spread over her nether region. He lapped it up. Her eyes rolled with delight. Roger showed her a strapless bra, he packed the cups with nettle leaves and grinned as he put it on her. She gasped in pain as he massaged the bra, forcing as many stings into her breasts as possible. A squeak of pleasure escaped her lips as she threw her head back and trembled with desire. Roger sensed her need and eased a few fingers inside her dripping slit, then his whole hand.   "Be rough, aggressive, violent." she whispered breathlessly.   “My little honey pot, I'll fist fuck your cunt raw.”   With a big smile Jo nodded. He clenched his hand into a fist and slowly at first then quicker pumped his arm back and forth inside her. Jo's cunt made lots of squelching noises. Then he went deep, opening his hand in her womb. Her eyes open wide in surprise, she mumbled something incoherent as he continued to stroke her insides. He straightened his hand and carefully pulled it out, licking her juice from it.   “Is my favourite dirty slut ready for some serious masochistic torture?”   "Oooh yesss." Joanne gasped.   Jo's cunt felt very empty and cavernous without his hand inside. He removed the nettle stuffed bra and string from her tits. Her chest was covered in hundreds of swollen lumps of nettle rash. He rubbed the nettles over her tummy, thighs and bum. She didn't know whether to yell in pain or purr with pleasure.   "My little slut, you love it so much don't you." he murmured as he licked her out again.   Roger then took her over to an altar and showed her a few spiky metal balls. "These kinky conker shaped balls, brandnamed 'Kinkers' can be quite painful, in an erotic way." Jo nodded her permission as he got a few buckets of them from the freezer. He tipped loads of the frozen metal Kinkers onto the altar as she stood watching in excited anticipation. She could almost feel the spikes piercing her flesh already and shuddered with desire as she got even wetter.   Roger gave her a nod and asked her to fall forward onto the pile of ice cold metal Kinkers. Jo stood close to foot of the altar and let herself topple forward, sighing in pleasure as the spikes pierced her skin. The cold metal made the spikes feel like thousands of blades slicing into her flesh. Juice oozed from her cunt and he slid his pulsating tongue inside her. He thrust his tongue back and forth, rocking her up and down slightly so the Kinkers rolled and dug in even more with each thrust. She was in ecstasy! Roger swelled his tongue to about the size of his fist as he violently pounded it in deep. Jo groaned with pleasure, "More, Harder, Faster, Punish me!" she pleaded. He increased the girth of his tongue until her vagina was at full stretch and swelled the end to fill and stretch her womb. She's so full, it feels like she's about to give birth to a huge python as the conkers tore at her flesh. The combination was exquisite. The familiar tingle grew within her as her arousal boiled over and she came, yelling in ecstasy. He shrunk his tongue down to it's normal size and drank her nectar. He helped her carefully up from the altar, pulling a couple of stubborn Kinkers from under her breasts and prepared the bath for her. After a soak her skin healed quickly.   Joanne missed dinner, but tea time wasn't for another couple of hours and she was too hungry to wait. The lounge was empty as she chucked a ready meal in the microwave and before long she was filling her face. Roger walked into the lounge and told her he’d just received a call from the company that's going to fit the new patio doors. They were going to come the next day but they'd had a cancellation so they were coming to fit them this evening at four. "I want everyone in their rooms with the curtains closed no later than a quarter to. I don't want the workmen getting any ideas. okay."   Jo nodded, "Okay. Do you need a hand telling everyone? Also if it's a long job the lasses might have to wait a while for tea."   Roger replied, "You can tell the women for me, but I don't think tea will be delayed, it's a simple job for the workmen."   They smiled at each other and then Jo set about going round the rooms passing on the message. Everyone was in their rooms before time.   At twenty to four the intercom buzzed and Roger remotely opened the main gates. Roger stood by the open boarded up patio doors as a 'windows and doors' van pulled up. Two men in overalls got out and approached Roger, looking down at a clipboard one asked, "Mr Smith?" Roger nodded. ...Zappp! The other man tazered him. Roger collapsed, convulsing. Before he could register what'd happened he was surrounded by eight other men in black, with guns. He was cuffed and strapped face down to a gurney. An ambulance pulled up and loaded him into the back and drove away. The two men dressed as workmen opened the back of the work van and helped Heather and Karen out. Heather rechecked her bag of syringes then followed Karen into the mansion.   Karen and Heather went into the women's rooms where Heather administered the antidote that was synthesized from Karen’s blood, neutralising the incubus's mind control. Karen knocked and entered Joanne's room, "Karen, what happened to you? We searched all over for you. Are you alright?" Jo hugged her friend. "And clothes, why are you wearing clothes? ... Who's your new friend?"   Karen sat Jo down, "Relax, no need to panic. This is Heather, she's a nurse. There's a nasty flu epidemic in the town so Roger's arranged for everyone to be inoculated." she said with a friendly smile. Jo barely flinched as Heather jabbed the needle into her upper arm without giving Jo time to question the validity of what's been said, not that she would doubt her, Heather seemed quite trustworthy.   Heather gave her a gentle, caring smile and said, "Try to get some rest and keep the injection site dry, give the medication time to get into your system."   Karen added, "We'll check in on you in two hours time." with that they left her room.   After a while Jo became confused. To her knowledge, Roger hadn't let any outsiders into the mansion before, not even when a life was at stake. It's odd that he'd let someone in to vaccinate against something that nobody was going to come into contact with. The injection site is sore and itchy. Jo had a brainwave and nipped to the cellar. The jar was still where he left it, she dabbed the injection site with some cotton wool dipped in his jar of piss and the discomfort quickly subsided. She slipped the jar into a pocket in her gown in case she needed to reapply it, and dashed back to her room, then relaxed until Karen came for her.   Meanwhile Roger had been taken to a secret location many miles away and imprisoned pending 'research'.   Back at the mansion it was almost six o'clock, Karen and Heather checked in on all the women and gathered them in the lounge. Karen spoke up, "You're all probably very confused and angry right now, you've got a lot to come to terms with. I was a prisoner of Roger's for almost four years! Four years under his spell. Kidnapped, brainwashed, and used, by a demon! But we can all relax now, we are safe, the nightmare is almost over. You all met Heather earlier. She will tell you what's going to happen next." Karen sat down, relieved that her bit of public speaking was over.   Heather stood, oozing with confidence, she spoke. "We have arranged for you all to stay at a pub. The agency will provide you with basic clothing and will cover the cost of bed, breakfast, dinner, and tea. I will be your point of contact if there is anything you need while the agency is tracing any family you have to take you home."   Davina piped up, "What happens if no family members come forward? What about homes, work, money. I've been a prisoner for over seven years, my home, job, bank account won't exist anymore. I'm probably legally dead as far as all that goes. Even if I tried to get a job my CV will be out of date, not many jobs require 'hostage' as a qualification!" The other women nod and all start to talk at once.   Heather kneels down and takes Davina's hands in hers. "We will help in any way we can, we have people that can open you a bank account, get you on benefits, find you a place to live. In general we will help you get back into civilization. There's no need to worry, we'll look after you." Davina and the others calmed down as they realised that everything was being taken care of.   A minibus pulled up with blacked out windows. Joanne and the other women were ushered in and driven away to their temporary accommodation. As Jo took her seat she looked around at her friends, they all looked different somehow. They all seemed ... ungrateful. Roger took them from their boring, unfulfilled, pain filled lives. Let them stay in his fantastic home. Yes, he needed women, but he gave unbridled pleasure in return, such pleasures no-one could possibly get out in the 'real' world. Her friends were throwing hate at a man who only ever showed them love. Jo wondered just what was really in that syringe earlier, 'Have they all been brainwashed by the injection?' she thought to herself, glad that she dabbed her needle site with Roger's pee. 'Am I the only one left that isn't brainwashed?' She decided it's wiser to keep quiet and go along with things for now.   Joanne hadn't seen Roger since her last session and guessed that he'd been taken by Heather's 'agency'. It dawned on her that yesterday's events and today's were linked, she felt so stupid, 'Why didn't I see the link before?' she was so annoyed at herself. Jo’s imagination ran away with her as she day-dreamed about going on a fantastic mission of vengeance, Rocky style, against all the agents and soldiers.   Heather interrupted her fantasy, "Are you okay? You're grinning like a Cheshire cat." Jo glanced round at her brainwashed friends, they all have confused, sombre expressions.   "I'm just glad to get out of there." she lied, "What have you done with Roger?" she asked, faking disdain in her voice.   "You don't need to worry about him. He's locked up and will never see the light of day again." Heather answered in a way that would have been reassuring, if that was the answer that Jo wanted.   Joanne added, "I'm sure some of my friends would agree when I say that, we'd like to visit him and see for ourselves just how securely he's being held, for our own peace of mind." A few of the other lasses nodded. Heather said that she'd put the request to her superior.   Soon the minibus pulled in behind a pub. Heather explained, "You have all been booked into rooms above this pub, follow me."   Everyone followed her through the back-door of the pub and up some stairs, she led each woman to their individual room and promised to be back soon with some clothes.   Jo's room is a smaller version of the room she had at the mansion, with a small en-suite toilet and shower area, also some tea and coffee making facilities on a dressing table. She sat at the dressing table and stared into the mirror. Seeing her bald head properly for the first time was a shock, it made her feel queasy. She raised her hand to touch her bare scalp but stopped as a wave of revulsion overcame her. She bowed her head in shame at her feelings of revulsion, as she thought of countless cancer patients who face not only losing their hair but suffer painful treatments too. Her baldness wasn't the result of disease, quite the opposite in fact. Jo turned away from the mirror, her mind and emotions in a turmoil of self obsessed pity, and shame at feeling pitiful when others are facing real suffering. Putting the kettle on she made herself a cuppa then sat on the edge of the bed away from the mirror, her mind turned to worrying about poor Rodger.   An hour later there was a knock at her door, Heather and Karen walked in carrying a bag of clothes, "They should fit, they may be a bit baggy but if they really don't fit let one of us know and we'll change them for you." Then they left. Jo heard them knock on the next door. She tipped the clothes onto the bed, there's a pack of panties, a few t-shirts, a jumper, a pack of socks, trainers in her size, a pair of trousers with elastic waist. No bra though as they didn't know anyone’s bra size and it's not something that people can take a wild guess at. Then Jo saw something that normally would seem trivial, but it filled her with delight, a woolly hat! She pulled it on and smiled at herself in the mirror, feeling much calmer.   It was four o'clock when Karen poked her head round the door, "Evening meal is at six, in the pub lounge. Jo nodded her understanding as Karen left to tell the others.   She showered and dressed, then at ten to six she headed downstairs to eat. Karen, Heather and a few of the other women were already there. Heather asked what Jo would like to drink, she told her her preference and Heather gestured to the tables for her to sit down. Over the next five minutes the others came down and took their seats. Before long Jo was tucking into Yorkshire pudding with slices of roast beef and plenty of veg all smothered in rich gravy. “Mmmm” she savoured every mouthful. For desert she had jam roly poly with custard. She can't remember when she last ate so heartily.   After the meal Heather explained that tomorrow would be quite emotional as some family members that could be traced will be coming to take most of the women home. However there would also be the press coming from all the major newspapers and T.V. news stations. Everyone groaned, nobody wanted the world to see them like this. After a few more drinks at the agency's expense everyone gradually drifted off up to bed.   Jo lay in bed thinking about Roger, she missed him, and what he could be doing to her right now. Her hands slid under the sheets to her nipples, she gave herself a squeeze then let her hands slide down her body, over her tummy and on down to her nether-regions; stroking her clit, then rubbing harder, trying to imagine Roger doing it, she pushed a few fingers inside herself and tried really hard to get herself off, but to no avail. She NEEDED Roger! She washed her hands and tried to get some sleep.   She woke at eight, showered, dressed, and headed downstairs for breakfast. She was the first one there. The woman behind the bar fetched her a full English breakfast and a mug of tea. The waitress tried to make conversation and asked her what it was like being held prisoner and subjected to untold abuse? Jo snapped back her answer, "It wasn't like that. Roger cared for all us women, never did anything against anyone’s wishes. He loved us all!" The bar woman retreated behind the bar out of Jo's way feeling decidedly chastised.   Gradually the others filtered down for breakfast. Jo reminded Heather that she'd still like to see Roger, but Heather informed her that it wouldn't be possible. Jo's heart sank, she felt like she couldn't live without him. She went back up to her room and sulked like a child, all she could think about is how she'd get to see and hopefully rescue Roger.   At half past eleven she went downstairs. As she walked into the lounge area she was set upon by a dozen reporters all clamouring for her story. Jo tried to back up to escape, but she was surrounded. The reporters resembled a pack of rabid hyenas, and Joanne was on the menu. Her mind became a whirl, dizzy with panic. She managed to mumble “No comment” just before Heather came to the rescue, escorting the reporters to the bar room and giving them a carefully planed and rehearsed statement. Jo sat down and nursed a stiff drink while she listened to what was going on in the next room. She's shocked by what Heather was saying, She knew she wouldn't but part of her wanted to barge into the bar room and tell those reporters that Heather was talking a load of bollocks! 'Roger was not a mass murdering psychopath!' 'He did not kidnap, imprison, torture, rape, or needlessly kill anyone!' Jo couldn't believe the lies this woman was coming out with!   Eventually the interview came to an end and the rabble of reporters finally left. After dinner some people arrived to take their daughters or wives home, there were hugs and tears all round as goodbyes were said. Davina's parents and husband turned up later to take her home. In the bitter-sweet excitement of it all Jo slipped out the front door to get some air. She tried Heather's car door just for the hell of it and was extremely surprised to find it unlocked, without giving it a second thought she took the opportunity and climbed onto the back seat of Heather's car and crouched down into a rear foot-well, expecting to be discovered at any moment. Five minutes later Heather got into her car and drove to Special ops headquarters unaware of her stowaway.   As Heather drove through the outer perimeter gates a guard emerged from a gatehouse and asked Heather to sign in. Heather hesitated momentarily, then calmly got out and went into the gatehouse. Seconds later the car was surrounded by armed soldiers. "You in the back of the car, come out slowly with your hands where we can see them!" Fear knotted up Joanne's guts as she realised that they probably screen every vehicle with a body heat detector or something. Jo slowly opened the door and climbed out trembling with terror, barely noticing how stiff her joints were from the cramped ride. As soon as she was clear of the car door she was immediately set upon, thrown to the ground and cuffed. Heather came out of the gatehouse explaining who Jo is and that she posed no threat, she informed them that Jo had expressed a desire to see 'The detainee' on a few occasions and that she is quite a determined lady.   Her superior is not happy with her lack of security, he ordered her to his office for disciplinary action. Jo felt sorry for her, she didn't mean to get her into trouble, but then she reminded herself of all the lies she told the reporters. The guards escorted Jo at gunpoint through the inner perimeter gate and into a secure holding area with interrogation rooms and cells. Later Jo explained to the interrogator that she can't relax until she's seen with her own eyes that Roger is securely locked up, that she can't bear the thought of him escaping and subjecting other women to what he put her through. She gave the interviewer a pleading look, pretending to be traumatised. After the interview the interviewer passed a recording of her statement to his superior.   Eventually the captain of special operations came to see her. "You have expressed a desire to see the demon. You've gone to a lot of trouble to see it, putting yourself in danger. We could have shot you on site for stowing away in Heather's car. If she hadn't have been as quick with her explanation as to your identity we wouldn't be having this conversation now!"   His stern tone and raised voice reduced Jo to tears, but she managed to squeak a reply between her sobs. "Please can I see Roger, err...the monster, I can't sleep at night for worrying that he'll come for me or attack more people." Jo had a brainwave and added. "I would have thought you of all people would understand the need to face your demons following such a traumatic, stressful event seeing your friends slaughtered in front of you!" Jo battled to keep a smug grin from spreading across her face, pleased with herself for thinking about throwing PTSD at him.   He sat quietly, thinking for a moment, then nodded. He radioed some other guards then ordered Joanne to follow him. She almost had to run to keep up with his brisk pace, through a maze of corridors and down flights of stairs. She realised that she wouldn't be able to find her way out of this labyrinth on her own. Eventually she came to a long corridor that looked like a prison, with armed guards manning three metal gates spaced out every several meters down the corridor. The captain nodded at the guards as he approached them and they unlocked their gate in turn and locked it again after they both were through. Jo was aware that It would be impossible for anyone to escape from here! Then she saw the large, heavy looking, solid metal security door. Another armed guard unlocked it and pushed it open.   There in the middle of the room was Roger, chained and helpless. Wearing only an ankle length hospital gown. Jo fought the urge to cry out his name, she wanted to run to him, to hug him, to tell him how she'd missed him. Jo's pussy had missed him too, swelling with desire and crying its own special tears.   The captain said, "The beast is secure, chained up and locked in a cell as secure as Fort Knox. The guards will shoot to kill if 'It' gave them a reason. If 'It' managed to take a hostage the guards will shoot the hostage, even if that hostage is you or I. It is impossible for the demon to escape!" The captain nodded to the guard and as they both leave the doors were locked behind them. As he took Jo back through the corridors he added, "If it came down to it, we could learn a lot from this creature by autopsy, but we could learn more from it while it's alive. Tomorrow 'It' will be transported under sedation and under guard to a secret location to be ...Studied further. You don't need to worry about it escaping, and you can rest assured It will be made to suffer big time! In the name of science, of course." Jo smiled and nodded, trying to act relieved.   The captain walked her back through the rabbit warren of corridors and introduced her to a tall thin man in a suit. "Special agent Lowe will take you back to the pub and replace Heather as your liaison." Jo nodded and left with the new guard.   Joanne tried making small talk with agent Lowe but he's having none of it. "My orders are to take you back to the pub and to babysit you and the other victims. I don't have to be your friend!" Jo sat back in silence as the black car sped along back to the pub.   It's six pm and the women were just sitting down to tea. "Where have you been?" a few of the women ask in unison.   Jo explained that she'd been to the army base and seen Roger all chained up. Then added, "This ignorant bastard is agent Lowe, he's replaced Heather." The women all stare at him for a moment until he turns on his heels and strides out. The women giggle between themselves and then go back to eating. Jo got hers and tucked in, placing some food in serviettes and wrapping it carefully for tomorrow. She planned on an early start, it's going to be a long day.   After a restless nights sleep she got up at six. She snuck out the back door having first lifted the pub owners car keys from behind the bar. His car was a little silver Peugeot 107, but beggars can't be choosers. The moment Jo was out of the pub car park she floored it. Well ... she stomped the accelerator to the floor, but not much happened for what seemed like ages. She cursed her bad luck, 'Why couldn't the landlord have had a decent car? Nought to sixty in about a week is shameful!' Jo thought to herself. Eventually the car got up some speed, but she can't get much more than eighty out of it, even though she'd got the peddle to the floor. She cursed her dumb luck as she fought the urge to stick her foot out the door to scooter the heap of junk along.   Soon she saw the special ops base in the distance, then she could just make out several cars and motorbikes escort a black van from the base and head away from her. She put her foot to the floor but they soon disappeared into the distance. Pulling up in a lay-by about half a mile passed the gates, Jo admitted defeat to herself. Her only chance to save Roger had passed, crying, thumping and trying to strangle the steering wheel, her will to live...gone. Between tears, In the wing mirror she noticed a single black van hurtling down the road towards her. She made an instant decision, as the van drew closer she pulled out in front of it. The van driver hit the breaks, but momentum rammed the van into her car. Several seconds later Jo staggered out of the wreckage, dizzy from the car spinning a few times. She stood in front of the almost unrecognisable heap of metal that used to be a car and faced the almost unscathed van. The two guards in the van were on their radio, probably telling HQ that there'd been a problem. Jo feigns a collapse and laid in the road, hoping to lure the guards out but they didn't come. After a short conversation on their radio they started the van up and drove past her. The driver wound down his window and told her not to worry, that an ambulance was on it's way and that they can't stop. Jo jumped up and charged at him taking them both by surprise. She was running on adrenalin and autopilot as she pulled open the door punching, scratching, and biting, she wasn't entirely aware of grabbing his handgun, or shooting them both in an instant but that's what she did. Joanne had never handled a gun before, and up until recent events she'd only ever seen them on TV. She just stood, in shock, trying to understand what had happened.   From the distance she became aware of a siren. She snapped out of her trance, dragged the two bodies from the van, climbed in and sped off. She didn't know the area, or if there were any more soldiers in the back, or even if Roger is in the back. But she's pretty sure that this vehicle would have a tracking device fitted. Sooner or later this van will be surrounded by soldiers ... or maybe just blown up remotely, her mind raced coming up with all sorts of scenarios. After a few miles she pulled over on the side of the road to check in the back. Jo pulled at the rear door handle but it was locked, the only key she had was a basic ignition key. 'maybe one of the guards had another key in their pocket, or maybe the only key for the back door is at the destination.' She didn't want to shoot the lock in case Roger was inside. She thumped on the sides of the van to get a response from anyone inside, but got none. She slumped, defeated, on the road, head in hands sobbing, resigned to her fate. Sure enough a few minutes later a black car approached. Joanne got up and dried her eyes. Facing the black car, she stared off into infinity as she raised the gun with both hands, waiting to hear some soldiers order her to drop it. Time slowed, her heart beat slowly but powerfully, she was so calm she could almost be dead already. She seemed to step out of herself and see events unfold from a different vantage point by the side of the road. About twenty soldiers appeared from nowhere and prepared to drop her where she stood.   A familiar voice called her name and she snapped back to reality. Before her is one black car beside which stood Heather and Roger. The gun tumbled from her fingers as she fell to the ground, almost fainting. Heather helped her up and bundled her, semi conscious, into the back of the car. As Joanne recovered in Roger's arms Heather explained how after her disciplinary she was confined to work on base and given the simple job of making sure Roger received enough sedative to keep him unconscious for the duration of his transfer. She told of how she swapped the sedative for pure water and how she injected agent Lowe with the sedative and loaded him into the van in Roger's place. "Roger wore agent Lowe's suit and name badge and we just walked out, bold as brass. If anyone had actually looked at his name badge and face we would have been in the shit for sure. We just got in the car and drove off."   Jo told Heather that she got the impression that Heather thought Roger was a monster. Heather told her, "Roger and I have ... history." Joanne bowed her head. she had hoped to have him all to herself. Heather picked up on her disappointment and added, "He's my brother!"   Jo jerked her head back up, beaming with delight. "You're a succubus?"   “Yes, unlike my brother I like to live as a normal human. I went into nursing because I felt I could do a lot of good. I secretly bottled and applied my urine onto terrible wounds and helped many people recover from injuries that would otherwise have been fatal. The government heard of my amazing patient low mortality rate, naturally I claimed it was just good luck and good nursing. Before long I was sent to work in the special forces unit where I helped soldiers recover from very nasty injuries. Some died, don't get me wrong some injuries are beyond even our abilities to fix. Though I soon learnt that I was arousing suspicion with my reputation for being a miracle worker, I had to let some saveable people die. So I had to play God, decide who to save and who to let die. Most of the people who died went peacefully with me holding their hand as I gently absorbed their life force." Heather goes quiet for a while as she reminisced and even grieved a little for those that she could have saved but didn't. When she re-composed herself she continued. "When I got the news that we were to raid Roger's place all I could do was play along and wait for an opportunity to rescue him. Obviously my employment there was terminated, in more ways than one. If they find us, we would all be killed on sight!”   Jo asked, "Isn't this car fitted with a tracker, won't they trace us?"   “Undoubtedly." Heather answered. "Fortunately I have our escape all planned. Just keep your fingers crossed that all goes well.”   Heather parked up in an average residential street and then they all get into a regular family car. The fact that it might be stolen crossed Jo's mind, but she didn't give it a second thought. Heather drove out into the countryside and pulled over in a lay-by behind another common car. She got a few bundles of clothes from the boot and they all changed. She then gave Jo and Roger both a piece of paper with a time, taxi phone number, the name of a night club. She explained her plan to foil any agents trying to trace them as she gave them both a basic pay as you go mobile phone each. You all got into the new car and Heather drove towards the next city, then round the suburbs, dropping Roger off by a cemetery just half a mile walk from a housing estate. Then she drove across to the other side of the city to a similar suburb and dropped Joanne off at a cemetery not far from a housing estate, then she drove off to abandon the car and find somewhere for herself to loiter.   Jo sat on a bench in the cemetery and tried to look inconspicuous until the allotted time then, as it started to get dark, she walked to the housing estate, switched her phone on and called the number on the note, giving the taxi company the address of the house that she was stood near. Jo Roger and Heather all met up at the agreed time at the night club. After a night of modest drinking they all booked different taxis and were dropped off outside different addresses. Later Heather picked Jo and Roger up in yet another popular make of car. "I'm pretty sure we should have done enough to hide our trail by now." Heather said, then added. "Roger, where do you want to go?   "I have no idea where I could get a place as good as the last one. I was lucky, such a large recently built home and nobody else wanted to buy it. Probably because of the horrors that happend just a few years earlier." Roger answered groggily.   Heather drove to the family home as Jo and Roger dozed. Jo was so fatigued that she was barely conscious of arriving at the large house or of being carried inside and put to bed. It'd gone midday by the time she woke.   The other members of the family were nice, polite and friendly people. Much more personable than most 'regular' human beings. Heather and their mother, Pamela sort out a house viewing for the following day as a rather pale, sickly looking Roger showed Jo around his mother’s home. The grounds were extensive, he took her down to a stream that cut through a corner of the land. There was a large shed nearby, though surprisingly uncluttered, it contained fishing rods, nets, waterproof overalls etc. He let Jo inside and lit a couple of lamps, "Feed me, It's been a while since I tasted you."   Joanne beamed with delight as she lay on the floor quivering with excitement as he removed her trainers, trousers and panties. She stared lovingly at him as he lay on his front between her legs, he ran his fingers up her thighs, along her labia and asked "What do you want me to do to you?"   She answered him a little louder than she intended, almost shouting, "Anything.“ She added ”You have a free hand to do whatever takes your fancy. My cunt aches for you, I have an itch that only you can scratch!"   “Relax” Roger purred. His hands pushed up beneath her jumper and caressed her breasts, kneading her mounds as though making bread. Flicking his fingers back and forth over her nipples until they were pert, then pinched and twisted them to make them swell and sting with pain. Jo's juices start to flow. He slid his tongue inside and expanded it to tightly fill her, then started thrusting it aggressively and violently into her over and over. A pang of fear washed over her, but was quickly replaced by bliss as she came, trembling and laughing at her doubts.   He lapped up her cum, "Oh yea," He went down again, this time ramming his engorged tongue so violently into her that she screamed and doubled up in agony. He withdrew his tongue instantly and it's followed by a stream of blood.   "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, are you alright" Roger babbled. "Lay back, keep calm, I'll fix this." He continued to mutter apologetically, panicked, reassuring words as he pissed into a beaker and poured it as gently as he could into her vagina. A few minuets later she started to feel better and slowly risked trying to stand. "I'm sorry. I hope I didn't hurt you too much. I'm just sooo hungry. It's been too long since I ate. I would never do anything to hurt you, not without your consent anyway." He winked. The best Jo could manage was a nod and wry smile.   When Jo felt better they both headed slowly back to the house. "Do you think you need to ... absorb someone?" Jo asked tentatively. Roger just nodded and hung his head in shame. Jo rubbed his back in a comforting manner to convey her understanding.   Back in the house Jo took Heather to one side, "Roger needs to 'feed'." She raised her fingers into the 'quote' gesture to emphasize the severity of his hunger.   Heather nodded her understanding, " I thought he would, he's been through a lot at the hands of the agency. They cut him, broke his bones, set him on fire, then sat and watched him spontaneously heal. They fed him human food, not sexual secretions. Consequently his body has almost stopped healing and he's quite ill. He will die if his brother doesn't get back soon with a 'take out'."   Jo was shocked at the severity of his condition. She knew he'd suffered and that he needed to absorb someone. She had accepted that this was an unusual situation and he needed to kill, but since his rescue she hadn't considered the fact that he might die! Jo smiled and nodded her understanding to Heather, but inside she was wailing at the thought of losing him.   Just then Heather's phone vibrates and a voice says, "Send Roger to the barn."   Heather nodded to Jo and the both of them helped Roger get to his feet and escorted him to the barn. Inside stood a woman, dressed seductively. Jo got the impression that she is very used to wearing this attire. "Where's the birthday boy?" she asks in a sing-song voice. Heather gently pushed Roger into the barn then Jo, Heather and the brother left him to it. As they walked back to the house a scream travels from the barn on the cool autumnal breeze. Jo wished so much that she could have stayed to watch.   The family put Joanne up in a spare room and didn't try anything untoward. Jo knew she was safe here while Roger finds a place of his own. It only took a few weeks to get another mansion. Estate agents work super fast when this much money is involved, especially when a fea clan member is the boss. Within a month Roger and Joanne are moving. It took another month to kit out the new play room. She was so eager to christen the new apparatus, vanilla tongue lashings have gotten a bit boring of late. She craved some serious S and M torture.   In time he will build up another harem, but for now Joanne is his only woman. She relaxed in another piss bath to sooth her chaffed flesh. Being his only one does mean that she's kept VERY busy.   THE END Publication Date: April 5th 2019 https://www.bookrix.com/-ex5fb6564016455
Darren Michaels Flipside Erotica: Both Sides of the Story Katie his eyes/her eyes Publication Date: September 17th 2011 https://www.bookrix.com/-darrenmichaels
Writer723 and Asianbutterflies Loved Until Death Chapter 1 A certain eeriness drifted in on the breeze, through my half-open window. The ethereal wind caused my curtains to flutter about. I stirred restlessly, while lying in bed trying to sleep. I soon fell into a fitful slumber, but continued to toss and turn in a state of agitation. Once again, the same dream I’d been having for the last seven years, besieged me. I found myself walking through the dense woods, until I came upon an old cabin. Curious, I made my way inside, only to behold an unusual sight. A dark-haired man sat before a blazing fireplace. His back was to me, yet I could see that he held something in his hands. He peered at it, as if in fascination. I walked around to the other side and noticed that what he studied was a golden amulet, with a red topaz stone. I stared in awe at the stone’s beauty. I also couldn’t help but admire how handsome the man was. After a moment, he referred to a book sitting upon a small table, next to him. I stepped closer to read that it was a Romanian book of spells. He began to chant an incantation: „Oh, spiritele de vânt din trecut, prezent şi viitor Auzi strigătul meu pentru ajutor ghid eu sigur şi puternic A trimite eu în trecut și asigură meu sigur întoarcerea acasă” Once he’d finished, the fire raged red hot, threatening to burst from the fireplace which contained it. The man quickly placed the amulet around his neck. Suddenly, the room started spinning at a dizzying speed. Whenever it stopped, the man had vanished. All that remained was the amulet, lying over by the fireplace. The cabin appeared old and musty, as if unused for a number of years. All of a sudden, I awoke from the dream abruptly, just as I’d done many times. For a moment I sat there gasping for air, trying to make sense of my vision. But no matter how many times I’d tried, I never understood what the dream meant. How did it apply to my life and why did it plague me so often? Who was the man and why did I see him? Was there something that I was supposed to do? My head ached just from trying to sort everything out. With a groan, I rolled out of bed and strode to the kitchen. Time for some coffee and a sticky bun. I needed to gather my thoughts. I had agreed to meet with my ex-boyfriend, John, later that day to discuss our fractured relationship. So, it was crucial that I have my wits about me. Dealing with that jerk from hell was difficult enough. I didn’t need some mystery man in a recurring dream messing up my mind, too. I sighed as I poured my coffee and settled at the kitchen table. Reasoning with John wasn’t going to be easy. I had to drive the point home that he and I were through. He just didn’t seem to get the message. I’d explain my position later when we met at the park and I prayed he’d listen this time. He had to understand that I wanted to be free from him; to live a life of my own. No more being treated badly by a selfish asshole, who had no clue what a woman wanted. I’d find me a loving, good man this time around and keep him for the rest of my life. As I bit into the sweet sticky bun, I moaned with enjoyment. It was about the only real excitement I ever got anymore. I glanced out the window, wondering what the day would bring. Chapter 2 “So give me one good reason why you won’t marry me?” John huffed next to me as we followed the trail in the walking park. I stopped dead in my tracks underneath a lamppost. I folded my arms across my chest in complete astonishment. Was he seriously asking me this question? “Because John, you and I don’t have anything in common anymore. We fight all the time. Not to mention that you cheated on me more often than I’d like to remember.” I retorted. John slightly looked over his shoulder and noticed that I was no longer by his side. He abruptly turned around and stomped his way back to me like a child who wasn’t getting his way. He stood toe to toe with me and yanked me by my shoulders into his frame. “John, stop you’re hurting me.” I said struggling against his grip. “Cassandra, I told you I was sorry. You said you forgave me. Are you going back on your word now?” He snarled in my face. “Yeah you said you were sorry and I forgave you for the first time. But what about the other two times?!? And, the last person you cheated on me with happened to be my roommate, my friend. What do you have to say about that!?!” I spat back. “We were drinking. It just happened.” “No douche-bag dandruff just happens! You slept with three people that I know about while you were supposedly a one-woman man. Boy, did I misjudge you! Now turn me loose.” I pushed his hands off my shoulders. “Come on, Cassandra. You’ve said this before and you always come back. Now, stop being coy and just marry me. It will be the best the decision you’ll ever make.” Had John really lost his fuckin’ mind? Did he really think that I would be his wife knowing how bad he hurt me? And continue to put up with his cruelty that I just blindly accepted? I don’t think so. Not anymore or ever again. Besides, he wasn’t the one who I had been dreaming about lately. The one who made me feel like a new woman. The one who give himself to me freely without an agenda. The one who would love me as I am…forever. But I wasn’t about to reveal that to him. “John, we’re over. Just take me home.” I turned around and headed back to the parking lot. Except I found myself wrenched back by my now ex-boyfriend. “You belong to me, Cassandra. We will never be over.” He hissed. “Take your hands of me, you son of a bitch! I will never be yours. Hear me and hear me good…you and I are DONE! Leave me alone don’t contact me in anyway shape or form. In fact, don’t worry about taking me home. I’ll find my own way.” I walked away from him and didn’t look back. “Get back here!” John hollered at me from behind. By now, I was fleeing like the wind. I refused to turn back and give John the satisfaction that I would allow him into my life once more. I picked up the pace as I followed the trail in the now poorly, lit park. It seemed that the lights were getting dimmer. The wind howled, and the tree branches scratched against each other creating a series of different, yet eerie noises. After about fifteen minutes of wandering deeper into the dark, I seemed to have lost my way. I reached into my pocket for my cellphone in order to call for a cab and get directions out of here. But to my dismay, no cellphone reception. I blew out a sigh and noticed a shadow moving directly in front me. Not knowing if it was John or some other creep in the park, I hightailed it down the path. The shadow seemed to move with lightning speed. My heart jumped into my throat and started to panic at the knowledge I was being followed. Chapter 3 A twig snapped behind me, and I took off like a bat out of hell. I ran screaming because I was being chased by a large shadow. It grabbed me by my waist spun me around and from the shadow, a man materialized. The shadow covered his face and all I could see were his magnetic blue eyes. I felt tingly all over my body and lost all sense of danger or alarm in his presence. The stranger seemed familiar, like I had seen him from a dream before. His grip on my waist tightened, his other hand skimmed along my jawline and I felt his body tighten against mine. His body firm and potent, in his eyes I saw something I'd been searching for all of my life. His lips moved closer to mine, and stopped just inches from mine. His eyes stared into mine and he said, "You're the woman I've been searching for. I've found you at last." I was rendered speechless by his admission. This was the man that I had been dreaming of. I knew it deep down to the depths of my very soul. So, instead of speaking, I leaned forward pressing my lips to his. He responded instantly, his lips melded hungrily to him, his grasp around my waist tightened and with his free hand he reached up to gently caress my face. My fingers sifted through his hair, drawing him ever closer to me. Our tongues intermingled, then without warning he broke our seal. My eyes widened with confusion and then he pointed to a dark shadow amongst the trees. "Come on, let's get out of here," he suggested. So I grasped my hand into his and allowed him to lead me away. We walked on foot until we came upon a cabin and he led me up the worn porch steps. Ushering me inside, he quickly locked the door behind us. Chapter 4 "Is this your cabin?" I asked. He smiled and replied, "Yes, this is my getaway from the world," as he lit a candle on the side table, “And right now, I want to be with you." He spun me around until I felt my back against the wall and put up a hand to slow his advance. “Hey, what's your hurry?" I asked him. "There's no rush," he whispered, slowly embracing me. Then he lowered his head to the hollow of my neck and applied feather light kisses along my hot skin. I could feel my heart pounding and I sighed longingly. My hands clutched at his hair as desire swirled throughout my body. He raised his soft lips to mine, thrusting his tongue inside of my mouth. I whimpered with need and heat. I craved him like an addict craved coke. I couldn't deny the warmth spreading all over my body, between the apex of my thighs were it burned with pent-up passion. He pulled away for a moment and gazed into my eyes. I could see he wanted me as desperately as I did him. He took my hand, leading me over to the bed, where I sat down at the edge. He slowly unbuttoned my shirt and pulled it over my head. On instinct, I reached for his shirt, but instead of lingering over buttons, I ripped his shirt in two, I smiled devilishly, and placed my hands upon his chest. My fingers caressed him, causing his nipples to harden. I began to lightly kiss his stomach. He groaned, grasping my shoulders and pushing me back onto the bed. Then he covered me with his body, a blanket of heat and molten desire . I could feel the warmth of his breath traveling down my neck as he kissed my skin. My fingers threading through his silky hair, wetness pooling between my legs. I moaned softly as he removed my bra and skirt. He gently massaged my legs, easing my panties down. He arrived at my feet, peeling off my stockings and heels. He playfully suckled on my toes, before taking off the rest of his clothes. Then he eased my thighs apart with his wide palms. His lips lavished my inner thighs, dragging his tongue along my flesh making me hotter and wetter as he approached my core. A sudden flash of fear crossed over me and I clamped my legs shut. "Shhh, it's okay. Just relax," he whispered. I did, allowing him greater access. He swirled his tongue around on my button, then thrust it deep inside of my sweet, wet treasure. I gasped in pleasure and craved what he offered. In this moment, he was all I knew and all I wanted and could ever need. He whispered erotic words against me as he lollipopped my sex with his slick tongue, tasting my sweet nectar. "You're dripping with honey, you taste exquisite," he said in a dark, seductive tone. My hips began to buck. I felt the energy mounting in the pit of my stomach and I moaned loudly. My whole body began to tremble; the room started spinning. I grasped his hair, drawing his face closely against my love nest. Suddenly, my walls began to convulse powerfully as I exploded in orgasm. He came up to rest beside me and kiss me as I recovered. Soon, the desire to return the favor overtook me, so I launched myself onto his body. I could feel all his steely muscles flex as they met my flesh. My tongue came out of hiding; drawing little circles around his nipples, dragging my tongue down his stomach til I came in contact with his long, hard shaft. I encased my lips around the head, swirling my tongue. I could feel the excitement in him build as he threaded his fingers through my hair pulling me down even more. I gripped his rock, hard erection and started to stroke him from tip to base. He growled and moaned as I continued my erotic work. Suddenly, his palms gripped my shoulders, he groaned, "Stop. I'm only going to release in you." He dragged me up to the bed, flipped our bodies and then I decided to turn the tables. I rolled him around and rose above him, ready to ride. My long hair cascaded down my shoulders. I leaned forward, offering my breasts to his hungry mouth as I thrust myself upon him. He sucked my nipples and grabbed my hips as his pelvis surged upward and back. His thrusts becoming more demanding, more desperate within my satin cave. It was as if he needed me as much as I needed him. My body quacked under the sensations that were rolling through me. I tossed my head back with wild abandonment; frenzied moans escaped my lips. I had truly become a wanton woman, and I shamelessly gave in to my lust. I lifted myself up and down upon his shaft, over and over. My tight tunnel encased him, gripping him, urging him to spill his seed deep inside me. Taking my cue, he sat up, pushed my legs around his waist, and drove hard, pushing me to the brink of my sanity rocking against my hips. His thick, cock rapidly playing to and fro within me, ramming his hard length into my soft, wetness. That buildup of energy returning, this time my inner walls convulsing, tightening around him. I cry out, "Don't stop! Oh, God...yes. I'm coming! I'm coming." I could feel his balls tighten and preparing for release. He growled against my neck and into my damp, hair. With one final thrust, fiery hot liquid shot inside me and right then John walked in, and HE disappeared, and I gasped in astonishment. I thought all of this was real. Had it only been a wet dream? Chapter 5 If this was a wet dream, I didn't want to wake up. I scanned my environment and saw that I'm in a cabin and my clothes were strewn about the room. I looked down and saw my naked form. I'm sore in the all right places for someone who just had the best intimate and sexual encounter of her life. I looked to the bedside table and saw a note. I flipped open the folded, piece of worn paper. It read, "Thank you for the best night of my existence. Until next time, my beautiful Cassandra. Signed, Pierre." The words echoed in my head. I glanced over at my ex-boyfriend, John, who'd just barged in. It was his fault my ghostly lover had disappeared. I jumped to my feet and saw John's furious expression, as he took in my nakedness and the discarded clothing. "Where is that slimeball?" he hissed. "There's no one else here," I told him. "You're lying, Cassandra! I know you were screwing someone!" he roared. "You're my ex-boyfriend, John. 'Ex' being the key word. So, leave me alone and go home." "Like hell I will!" he retorted. "Please, just go away," I begged. "If you won't tell me where loverboy is, then I'll have to take you like an animal," he threatened. 'Oh, God,' I thought. 'I've just been made love to so sweetly by Pierre and now this monster thinks he can just roughly force himself upon me.' As he lunged toward me, I backed as far away from him as I could get. I found myself hemmed up in one corner of the cabin. "No, don't," I pleaded. I didn't want to hurt him, but I refused to be taken by force. Somewhere something lit off inside me. With all my might, I cocked him a blow across his jaw and kicked him where it counted the most. He collapsed in front of me gasping for air. I noticed against the wall there was an old fire poker. I snatched it from its rusted home and pointed it at John. My eyes narrowed into tiny slits, and my lips drew back over my teeth and, I snarled at him. "Come near me again motherfucker and I'll make you more sorry than you ever could be." Then my eyes glowed red as if they were made of fire. John glared at me as he wailed in pain on the floor, clutching his crotch area. "I'll get you for this, you little slut!" he shouted. For one split second, I raised the fire poker upwards and considered bringing it down upon him. But I didn't want to reduce myself to his level. He used to be cruel to me when we were together. Now, that was all over. I threw the poker across the room, relishing in the sound of glass breaking. "You know what, you're not even worth the effort," I snapped at him. "Good-bye, John." Chapter 6 I dismissed him as I walked out the door, slamming it shut behind me. Outside, I ran away from the cabin and was free. I was free from John, free from my own insecurities, free to be me for the first time in my life. And this was all because I let go with Pierre. In those special, tender and hot moments together, I became a new woman. I was on a new path in life, and the first stop was to find Pierre. But, where was I to begin looking. I wondered as I wandered along. About thirty minutes later, I came upon a brightly lit cafe. So, I strolled inside and took a seat at the bar. For a moment, I was alarmed, but I glanced down and breathed a sigh of relief. At least I'd remembered to get dressed before I took off earlier. I felt confused and dazed; unsure of what to believe. I struck up a conversation with the waiter behind the counter. As I described meeting Pierre, he replied, "Oh, lots of people see him. He's a ghostly visitor to this area. He shows up every few days or so." I decided to stick around and wait for a sighting. I had to find him and tell him how I felt. I cannot imagine spending my nights with anyone unless they are with HIM....with Pierre. Hours passed as I sat at the bar, every now and then the waiter would check on me. I just sat there sipping endless glasses of water. Around 9 p.m., the manager leaned over the bar counter and said, "Miss, I have to close up now." I looked up at him feeling defeated. I reached into my pocket and pulled out $10 and dropped it near my water glass. After all, I did sit here all day it was the least I could do. The manager walked me to the door. "You okay Miss? You got a place to go for the night?" "Yeah, I guess I got my hopes up of running into someone." "You must mean Pierre?" He replied. My eyes widened and focused on his words. "Yes, him! Do you know him or where I can find him?" I asked practically pleading the manager. "Haven't seen him for a few days now Miss, Sorry." I nodded my head in disappointment. "Thanks anyway." I exited the cafe and stepped into the cool night. "I heard you were looking for me..." That familiar voice sent tingles down my body as it recognized the voice. I looked up and saw Pierre smiling at me and I gasped in surprise. "Pierre, it's you!" I cried. "Yes, it's me, in the flesh. Well, sort of," he replied. Seizing that opportunity, I asked, "What do you mean? Are you a ghost? That's what I've heard. Yet I can see you, hear you, and touch you." "Yes and no, Cassandra. You see, somehow I transported myself back in time. I am trapped between the past and the present. I can't return here to my own time, unless..." "Unless what? Please, tell me," I pleaded, gripping his shoulders. "Unless my soul mate frees me from this vortex." "Who is your soul mate, Pierre?" He stared deeply into my eyes. "You are. I've searched for a long time and I know without a doubt, it's you, my love." "Yes, my darling. I know it, too. I could sense it and see it in your eyes when we first met," I agreed. "Tell me, how do I help you get back to our time, so we can be together?" Cupping my face in his hands, he said "The only way that I can be freed is by you killing me." Chapter 7 I looked at him as if he lost his mind. "Kill you? I don't understand." "Cassandra, I am neither living nor dead. I cannot exist in both worlds. In order for me to be free of this prison and return to you, you must spill my blood." I could not fathom what he was telling me. I had finally found my soul mate and in order to be with him, I must kill him. I can't do it. Pierre must have sensed my fear. "My darling, I know this hard for you to hear but it is the only way for me to be free and for us to be together." He leaned down and kissed away the tears that ran down my face. With a heavy heart, I stared into his gaze, "I can't do this thing that you ask of me," I protested. "But you must, if we are to be together; if I am to be freed from my time trap," he insisted. "Won't you help me?" "H-how shall we go about this?" I asked hesitantly. My lips quivered and my knees felt weak. Pierre helped to support me as I staggered uncertainly. "You must come with me to my home in your present time; the cabin we made love in. There I will show you the talisman that zapped me into the past. You will need to perform a ritual, where you use a dagger to offer me as a sacrifice. The spilling of my blood will bring me back into the present time." I sniffled and wiped my eyes sadly. "It sounds so grotesque and horrible. I don't want to do all of that to you, Pierre. Yet I will if I must; if it truly is the only way. B-but, what if something goes wrong and you die forever?" He shook his head. "It won't fail, I promise you. Just trust me on this, Cassandra." "One more question before we go. Why did you disappear when my ex-boyfriend, John, entered the room?" "Because I can only appear to one individual at a time. I was still there; however, you couldn't see me, due to his presence. I saw that he meant you harm, yet there was nothing I could do, in my predicament. I hope you understand." "Yes, of course. I just hope John isn't still there, lurking around somewhere." "He has gone home. I made sure of it, by appearing to him and scaring him away once you had left," he assured me. "So, come on, let's return, shall we?" He held out his hand and I grasped it tightly without hesitation. I knew Pierre was the missing piece of my soul; my other half. The one from my dreams. I thought, 'How could I not free him? To be trapped in a time vortex for eternity, was not my cup of tea either.' I must do whatever was necessary. I followed in his footsteps as he led me back to the cabin; alas it came into my field of vision within a few minutes. Since we were deeper in the woods, the cool night became colder, and the wind kissed my once warm cheeks. I shivered on contact. Pierre stopped as he felt my little, cold jiggle. "Are you alright?" He asked as he turned to face me. "Well, I'm about to sacrifice the love of my life in order to free him from this fucked up time warp he's trapped in plus, I'm freezing my ass off. So, all in all I'm great." I replied sarcastically. He looked at me and cupped my face and smiled. "I know you're scared, and if there were any other way, trust me I would utilize it. I'm not keen on the idea of being stabbed and lay there dying by the woman I love either when all I want is to make sweet love to her for all the rest of our days and nights." Chapter 8 I wanted to say something else in protest but Pierre silenced me with his mouth. His lips were warm, inviting, and addictive. I forgot about my fear and focused on this moment. I snaked my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to my body. His arms wrapped me, pulling me tightly against his frame. The warmth traveled all over me leaving no indication that I was at one point cold. Now, I was hot and tingly all over once more. As Pierre deepened the kiss, I let out a satisfactory sigh. His tongue glided into my mouth on a quest. I found myself in no hurry and wanted to relish this feeling longer. My tongue tangled with his. He tasted like wintergreen and male spice. Desire returned between legs, and I could feel a certain bulge against Pierre's clothes. "Cassandra I want you so much," he whispered. "You don't know how much I want to bury myself inside of you right now." I leaned back seductively against an oak tree that was nearby. Tossing my hair to the side, I lifted up my skirt and quickly removed my panties. "Then do it, Pierre. Give it to me." He eyed me lustily, then sighed with longing. "Oh, we can't. There's no time to waste. We must perform this ritual very soon." I stood there insistently. "Yes, I know. But before we do, I need you. I want us to be joined together, one last time. Just in case something goes wrong, I will always remember you this way, remember us like this," I explained. A tear trickled down my face, followed by another. "Darling, I want to make love to you as a whole man, not as the illusion of one," he protested. "Please, take me. Make me yours again," I insisted, reaching below to unbuckle his pants and draw him nearer against me. I freed his erection, as it sprang to life in my hands. Our lips met once more, as heat flared between us, sizzling in the air. I spread my legs apart, bracing myself against the tree for support. I guided his hard rod to my wet entrance and then he put his hands on my shoulders in protest once more. This time I would not take ‘No’ for an answer. I needed him in this moment. “Cassandra, forgive me I can’t.” He said with such remorse as he looked away from me. “Pierre, you’re no illusion to me. You’re as real to me as the oak tree against my back, as real as the stars and moon that hang in the sky.” I placed my hand on his chest where I felt his heart beat beneath my fingers and felt the softness of his skin. “Even now, I can feel your heart beating. You are real; as real as I am. Can’t you feel how real you are to my body?” I took one of his hands and guided it underneath my skirt. “Touch me, know that you’re whole.” His fingers brushed against my hot sex. I arched my back against the tree on contact. Damn, what he could do to me was fantastic. His fingers skimmed over my soft, moist flesh. I moaned as Pierre continued to caress me. He seemed to be still unsure so I placed my hand over his; pushing his fingers deeper into my wet channel. “Oh, Pierre, yes!” I arched my back once more; lifting up my hand to a tree branch. I gripped it with all my might as his fingers weaved their way in me. Pierre leaned into my body as stroked in and out of me. “I feel you. Do you feel me?” I whispered hoarsely against his neck. “God, yes. I can’t stand this! I have to be in you.” Suddenly, he grabbed my ass and hoisted up my thighs as my legs tangled themselves around his waist. I felt the head of shaft bump my inner thigh. He looked at me with fervent need just as he impaled me. Pierre lifted my shirt up and nuzzled at my breasts as he pumped softly into me. His tongue found each nipple in turn, dancing across them. I thrust my pelvis forward against his, meeting his entry, again and again. I moaned loudly, and clutched at his head. After a few moments, he withdrew from me abruptly. I peered at, confused as to his sudden stop. He pushed at my shoulders until I was kneeling before him. “Wrap your lips around me,” he whispered. I leaned closer and tentatively kissed the head of his staff. Soon, my lips were gliding back and forth, taking him as deeply as I could go. He groaned his approval lustily. I swirled my tongue over and around the tip, scooping up pre-cum. Then I traced it along the edge of his hard shaft. Before long, he tugged at my arms, lifting me up. “Please turn around and bend over,” he requested. I did as he asked, bracing my hands against the oak tree for support. I glanced back to see him kneeling down behind me. I gasped as I felt him spread my buns apart. His tongue lightly slithered along my crack, finding my anus. It lingered there for a moment. Then his tongue found my honey-hole and dipped inside for a taste. “Oh, God, Pierre!” I cried out, as waves of pleasure washed over me. The sensation of his agile tongue darting in and out of my sweet snatch nearly did me in. My knees threatened to give out on me. Suddenly, I exploded all over his face. I panted for air and begged, “Please, take me. I need you inside me, baby!” He rose to stand behind me, rubbing himself along my slit. To my relief, he plunged within my tight sheath. His tool stroked my inner walls in a perfect, continuous rhythm. My buns humped eagerly upon him, receiving his tool hungrily into my womanly depths. Without warning, there was an angry voice shouting through the woods. “Where are you, bitch?” I recognized that voice immediately. It was John; obviously he’d come back again. Why couldn’t he take a hint? Wouldn’t he ever learn to leave me the hell alone? “We’d better hurry, Cassandra. We’re running out of time,” Pierre murmured against my ear. “I can’t protect you from John, unless I’m a real man once more.” “Okay, we’ll go. But I want your seed now, before we go to the cabin,” I responded breathlessly. “Don’t stop until we release together.” So, he acquiesced to my demand. Pierre resumed thrusting his, hard erection into my tight, wet pussy. My body scooping every bit of what he was giving to me. I could no longer determine where I ended and he began. We were as one. His cock rammed into my snug, core back and forth. My hands clasped around the tree trunk for support as Pierre plunged deeper and deeper into me. I was getting lost in that white heat again that blurred my vision. His fingers found their way back to my cleft. He rubbed me in circles as he continued wildly, pumping into me. Just another surge and I would be lost. “Cassandra, Oh God!” He said as I felt his balls slapping against me. “That’s it yes, give it to me Pierre!” “I’m fucking coming! Yes, yes!” Pierre gave me one final push and then he erupted inside me. As his hot load spilled, I flew apart myself not once, but twice. I hollered his name as my inner walls clutched into him, relishing that dragging sensation along my channel, becoming soaked with ecstasy. I gasped for oxygen; dragging air into my burning lungs. On my next breath, I said “Never doubt you are very real, there’s no illusion here.” I glanced back and smiled. He slowly lifted his eyelids, revealing that same glazed look that I had. “Never again.” He smiled back then he slowly released me and righted my clothes back to their proper place. He stuffed himself back into his pants and buckled his belt. He pushed his hair out of his face and looked around. “We need to get out of here. NOW!” he said grabbing my hand. Chapter 9 By now, we were not walking but running back to the cabin. That looney tune ex of mine was still loose in the wind and the last thing I wanted was another run in with him. Pierre’s time with me was limited. We pushed our way through the cabin door, and there was John standing there with the talisman in his hand, and a fire burning. Pierre disappeared once more becoming nothing more than a vapor. But I knew he was still here. “So, I couldn’t help but overheard that this…” he shook the amulet, “this is what will bring loverboy back to the present.” He snickered, lifting one corner of his mouth revealing disgust. “Give me that amulet.” I shouted, extending my hand outward for the object. “No, you worthless piece of shit.” He replied. “As I told you yesterday, you belong to me. Not some freaky ghost.” He tossed the amulet toward the fire. I felt my breath hitch. Before I knew it, I was diving for that precious gold and amethyst. I would not allow John to screw with my happiness a moment longer. The chain of the amulet dangled over the burning embers. I grabbed it and blew a sigh of relief only to feel grubby fingers kneading into my shoulder. "Give me that Cassandra!" John yelled as he wrenched me around. I collapsed onto the ground, clutching Pierre's key to salvation. Like I really was gonna listen to him. I shook my head to focus and noticed the fire poker amongst the broken glass shards. I reached for it; my fingers grasped the iron as John hovered over me. I only reacted and swung the iron weapon in a half circle. It apparently made contact with his head because at the next moment, I saw John's body collapse unconscious. Oh, God! I hoped I didn't kill him.even if he did deserve it. I stuffed the amulet in my pocket and pointed the poker at him as I rose. I had no clue if he was playing 'opossum' but I sure as hell was not about to find out. I nudged his arm with my foot. On contact, he moaned. 'Whew.at least he was still alive.' Chapter 10 Pierre materialized back in the cabin. He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me into his warm embrace. God, he felt great.so strong. And now I was about to do the unthinkable. "Oh, God, Cassandra! Are you alright?" He kissed my lips frantically as if to savor them one last time. "Yes, I'm okay. I just thought for a moment I had lost you. Lost our chance forever when John threw the talisman toward the fire." I said leaning my head on his shoulder. Silence lingered over us for a minute until Pierre broke it. "Come on, let's do this." He said ushering me to the center of the room. "What do I have to do?" I asked. "You have to recite this incantation. When you say the last word, you must push this blade into my heart. My blood must be spilt on the talisman. I know this is going to be hard, but you must do this Cassandra," he said quietly, handing me the knife. My face was now grim and less than eager. Could I really do this? I looked over at Pierre's face. It was the same face I used to see in the mirror when I was with John. The look of sadness and incompleteness. 'Yes!' I thought to myself. 'I can do this.' Pierre handed me a folded piece of paper and smiled lightly. Our fingers grazed. "Kiss me, my love." I offered my lips to my beloved. His mouth descended on mine. The kiss was sweet and languid without any hint of goodbye. All fears were laid to rest in this kiss. I just somehow knew that this would work and I would be with my soul mate. He stepped back and sank to the floor, lying face up. I settled down beside him and began to recite: "Oh, spiritele de vânt din trecut, prezent şi viitor propulsa acest om în condiţii de siguranţă prin toate spaţiu şi timp Întoarce-l din trecut înapoi în timpul său" I looked up to him as I was getting to the last line of the sentence. I noticed he mouthed words to me. I had trouble making out what he said. On my last word, I took a deep breath and plunged the knife into his chest. Chapter 11 Pierre crashed into my arms as his blood began seeping from his chest. I had to find the courage to not cry; to see this through. His breath staggered and grew labored. I pulled the amulet from my pocket and placed it on his chest. My fingers were no longer the color of flesh. They were dripping with Pierre's precious blood, as I held the amulet tighter against him, praying this would work. His eyes became lazy and drifted backward. Now, I began to worry. Why wasn't he whole again? The blood was running like the Nile. I looked at him and tapped his cheek. "Pierre, can you hear me? Please wake up. Oh, God, don't you dare leave me! Don't leave me. I love you dammit!" I begged sorrowfully. "Cassandra." He responded hoarsely. "Pierre, yes." "I love you, too." His finger caressed my cheek and then his hand fell lifelessly to the floor. I cradled his body in my lap. Brushed the strands of hair from his face. I closed my eyes, and I recounted how my life had changed within the last 48 hours. I'd found the strength to leave John. I'd found my new lease on life with a wonderful man. It was funny, when one door closes, another seems to open. "So it took stabbing me for you to tell you loved me?" My eyes flashed down to Pierre. My mouth making an 'O' shape. "Pierre, you're alive!" I exclaimed, leaning down to give him a bear hug. I kissed him tenderly. "Well I said it first." I snickered with glee. "Wrong, I said it first. I mouthed the words to you." "Well, that doesn't count." "Of course it counts." I decided that I was winning this battle. I smashed my lips into his, sweeping my tongue into his mouth. He grumbled a little bit. I pulled back and mouthed 'sorry', suddenly remembering he's recovering from a stab wound in his chest. He righted himself and sat up, looking down at his blood soaked clothes. Upon closer inspection, we noted that the wound itself had miraculously healed. "Guess, I'll be in need of a new wardrobe." He smiled up at me. "Don't worry, I'll take you shopping." I replied and laughed. Noise rustled at the back of the cabin. It was John.trying to wake up. If there was only a way to give the jerk a dose of his own medicine. "What do we do about him?" Pierre nodded, lifting one eyebrow. "I have an idea." I smiled. I stood over John's body and placed the talisman on his chest. Pierre picked up a dusty book and flipped through its pages. He then handed it to me and said, "Here's the spell you need to use. It's the same one that sent me back in time." So, I looked at the ancient Romanian language and began to recite over John: "Oh, spiritele de vânt din trecut, prezent şi viitor propulsa acest om în condiţii de siguranţă prin toate spaţiu şi timp Întoarce-l din trecut înapoi în timpul său" Finally, he came to. "What are you doing Cassandra?" He looked scared for once his life. "Giving you a chance to understand that your actions will not go unpunished. I hope you find your soul mate." He looked at me, then to Pierre, somewhat confused as I recited the last word. He finally understood. His eyes flashed to us, and then he disappeared. "Well, I guess it's just you and me now." Pierre extended his hand to mine. "Yes, it looks like we finally found each other." I grasped his hand and stood in his frame and kissed his jaw line. "Hmmm. You know your kisses will get you into trouble?" He winked at me. "Oh, yeah, what else?" I was playing his game now. "This." He grabbed me and smothered my lips with kisses and sweet caresses. His hand cupped my breast, gently pinching my nipple, causing me to whimper in delight. I moaned as that lovely heat returned to me body. "Pierre." I groaned against his neck. "Cassandra, you and I have a lot of time before the mall opens. How about we make good use of it?" he whispered, slipping his hand underneath my skirt. "I love you, you know that." I smiled at him. "I love you, too. To death." He kissed me once more, pulling me down to the bed. Text: The story belongs to Writer723 and Asianbutterflies. Images: The images do not belong to the authors. They came from google. All rights reserved. Publication Date: March 21st 2012 https://www.bookrix.com/-asianbutterflies
blackmammoth Noel Noel has always been a ladies man. Knowing what to say, how to dress, handsome, outgoing, and a perfect personality. He was born with a natural charm that women loved but men hated because of the competition between men when they see their female wanting another man right in front of them. Noel decided it was time to get married and settle down with one women. He found his love and for awhile everything was great but after time passed he could no longer take the jealous rage and constant accusations of adultery taking up most of his relationship. Falsely accused he became tired of the bull and after her admitting of a fling whether true or not the relationship came to a screaming halt. You see Noel could take the verbal slander and maybe even the blatant disrespect, but being number two to another man even for a moment was something he would never tolerate. Finalizing the divorce after four long years of Hell losing nothing but her he set out to a new place to call home. Of course she said she only said those things to hurt him but his mind was made up and she was his past as far as he was concerned. Wretched cunt was her name now as he pulled away from her sobbing frame. Adventure and time lost was on his mind now and the women oh the women have been deprived for to long. Here is Noels story. The day after his divorce before he was going on a month long vacation to australia (cause you see Noel was left an inheritance that had a net worth of 315 million dollars so he didn't have to work or want for anything) some of his buddies were going to take him out for a night on the town celebrating his divorce. Noel thought this was what he needed to get him back in tune and the best way to get a women out of your system is to sex her out of it with as many women you deeme neccesary. Which was why he was going to Australia in the first place. "Screw it might as well get started now was the thought" on his mind as he got ready to go out. He was flawless from head to toe with a fresh hair cut and clothes that brought out his 230 pound 7% body fat frame. But the thing that really stood out was his mindset because he learned a lot about himself and women in the four years of torture that made him a deadly opponent to the schemes of any woman. Adapted to his new mindset and reinvention of himself he was ready for his first steps to freedom. About ten'o clock his inner circle of friends Anton, Magnus, and Alexander arrived to pick him up to party. "It's nice to live in Las vegas" Magnus said. "Hell Yeah" was the reponse from the others as they started laughing walking out to the hummer limo waiting to take them on their night of fun. Las Vegas The first place they went was club Sapphire which was a strip club that served drinks to start the night off. "Nothing like full nude women and liquor to get the party started",said Anton as they entered the club. The whole crew were multi-millionaires and they knew these women were so of the most beautiful exotic women las Vegas had to offer and could smell money and power a mile away. Getting the royal treatment from the owner and the women would be an easy task, so why not start the night off right. A private room was set up for them to enjoy themselves picking which women they wanted to entertain them. Bottles of champagne were ordered and Noel picked two for himself. "Hungry are we" was the response from his friends laughing and having a good time with just one pick each. "The animal has been in the cage for to long and I gotta feed the beast" Noel chimed back. One of the women asked what he meant and he explained that he just got a divorce rececently. She said,"So you have been with the same women for four years and no one else?" "Yeah", Noel replied. She whispered something to the other women and they chuckled and had a grin from ear to ear. "Come with us" they said. "Where are you taking my boy?" Alex asked the women. "Pussyville, USA" was the response and led Noel to another private room. You could hear Noels friends screaming damnnnnnn from the next room laughing and having a good time with the other women. "Whats going on?" said Noel. Acting like he didn't know what the deal was. "We wanted to be your first sexual experience to celebrate your renewed freedom, so we figured a man like you could use a little minage with two beautiful women like us. Beautiful they were indeed as Noel checked them out. One was japanese easily 38,24,34 with a beautiful face and slinder lips while the other was a dark skin black female 40,30,46 with nice full lips and a lovely face. "Double score" Noel thought to himself. Noel said,"I have a better idea, how bout we do a one on one so I can devout my full attention to you both and get the full experience". The ladies agreed and asked who he wanted first. "Lets make it interesting and flip a coin", Noel said and the ladies laughed and agreed. The japanese chick called heads and Noel hoped she would win because she would be a snack and the sistah would be the main course but in this situation who cares it's a win win situation. It just so happened the japanese chick won the toss and favor was on his side. There was a couch in the room along with some chairs and a table. The couch was a fine velvet and very soft to the touch while the chairs were made of leather and steel. The room as a whole was set up for such an affair being spaciuos and sound proof to his surprise. Noel told the dark skin honey," relax and enjoy the show cause after I am done with her you are next". She giggled and smiled waiting for the show to begin. As soon as he turned around the japanese hottie was on her knees telling him'"I want your dick in my mouth now". Noel was a well endowed man being a foot long and very girthy. He smiled and unzipped he pants unleashing the leviathan as he called it into full view of both women. A gasp came over them both and he smiled and said,"Is this what you want?" Stuttering she said,"yes" and in her mind fear and excitement came over her. She had never had sex with a black man and always wondered if the sayings were true about them. Tonight her answer was right in front of her face and could not be denied. Like a hungry beast she took him into her mouth stretching her jaws a she did so as to take as much as possible enjoying the moment while playing with her pussy with the hand that wasn't on his dick. She had to get herself as wet as possible to be able to take the mammoth monster in her hand and she knew it wasn't going to be a easy task.Sucking his cock made her extremely horny as the man in front of her seemed to enjoy the slew fest she was giving him. Enjoying it he was as Noel felt her tongue dance over the shaft of his cock,trying her best to handle him. All the while the black chick was taking in the scene masterbating to the show before her thinking to herself,"this guy is going to blow my back out and that's exactly what I have been waiting for." She cheered on her friend saying," suck that cock slut". Noel was reved up now and wanted to stretch this women out like a rubber band. He could hear the wetness of her vagina and wanted it now. So he picked her up off her knees and bent her over doggy style over the couch. She was tight but the more he pounded the more she took and after six orgasms on her part he was balls deep. Screams of pain and pleasure from the women feeled the room as he bashed her without remorse, because after all she was the snack and he didn't want to expend to much energy on her when the main course was coming up. Bashing that sweet cunt and spanking her sweet exotic cheeks he came to the point of eruption after half an hour of torturing her eroticly. Her pussy spit time after time at him and she forgot how many times she actually came because she stopped counting after ten. Noel felt the eruption coming up and shout his load all over her cheeks like a violent rain storm thick and gooey. Then he turned his attention to the main course and said'"Now it's your turn" and walked over to her. She was sitting in one of the chairs by the table and by now her pussy was quivering in anticipation of his member. She had four orgasms herself watching the animal like scene of him and her friend already. Noel was rock hard and she took him into her mouth excited over the treasure that would be hers now. Her full lips fit snug around his cock but her throat wasn't deep enough to take his whole member. Feeling the savage rage running through every fiber of his being Noel laid her on the table and pushed her legs back until her knees were at the sides of her ears. Plunging his throbbing love muscle in her without mercy over and over again to the sound of screams and yells of bliss and pain in a symphonic orchestra only instruments of flesh could make wading and ripping through a sea of the love juice flowing out of her love nest until he could no longer hold his own. At that moment as if sensing his climatic end she said,"I want to see and taste it, so please cum in my mouth". Obliging her request Noel erupted into her mouth and all over her face leaving her exhausted and panting as she lay on the table trying to catch her breath. He left the two women in the room and came back to the room his friends were in. An hour and a half had passed by so far. They were having fun drinking and talking to the other women in the room. When Noel entered they yelled and screamed with excitement asking,"where are the two cheeks you left with man?" Noel replied, "Catching their breath in the other room, you know How I lay it down pimpin". Laughter filled the room and the group of friends decided to leave the club to continue their night. Noel said to his friends,"The night has started off crazy already, I wonder what else is going to happen." "Only one way to find out",said Alex. So they headed to the Playboy club only anticipating what the night would bring. Publication Date: December 28th 2010 https://www.bookrix.com/-blackmammoth
Many Artists A Holiday Anthology: Christmas Lots of Erotica A Holiday Anthology: Christmas ... includes the following... (Erotic Couplings) (Group Sex) (Incest/Taboo) (Reviews & Essays) (Loving Wives) (First Time) (Non-consent/Reluctance) (Exhibitionist & Voyeur) (Scifi & Fantasy) (audio) ( Celebrities & Fan Fiction ) (Gay Male)     All I Want For Christmas (Erotic Couplings) by freebird2382 ©   Ava stretched up to string lights around the top of her flimsy, charley-brown Christmas tree. A man would be helpful at this moment, but that's wasn't in the cards this Christmas. She sighed as she took a step back and to look her little tree up and down -- not bad for having done it alone. As she sunk down into the couch, she felt -- intensely -- her singleness. It's wasn't lack of attractiveness -- she knew she was beautiful. Standing 6'0 tall, built long and lean, and boasting big blue eyes, Ava was confident in her ability to pull in almost whoever she wanted. She'd been accused many times of being too picky and maybe that was it -- she knew what she liked. She had a type. She went for the shaggy, soft-spoken artist type -- photographers and writers. Every guy she had dated in the last few years fit that mold, every guy...except for one. Ava sighed, she remembered him all too well. They'd met several years back, working together at the same barn. He broke young horses for his living; she rode jumping horses for hers. The attraction was immediate and intense. He was tall -- 6'3 at least and lean but well muscled. Sandy brown hair and bright blue eyes -- much like hers. She grins now to think of him. They had flirted intensely for months while the sexual tension mounted to the point of being unbearable. Finally, he'd come over to her place one night, mildly sheepish and holding a can of Sparks. She grinned -- he was nervous. Him, of all people, so strong and stoic, nervous -- and all because of her. He knew what was in store for them that night every bit as well as she did. She remembered the look on his face as he first laid eyes on her small, pert breasts with their erect little nipples, shrouded slightly by the lengths of her blonde hair; her long, lean, tanned torso, and the valley between her hipbones that he knew led down to that promised land between her legs that he wanted so badly to sink himself into. That night, they had fucked three times and both of them had silently decided to stay there as long as they possibly could. Now, 4 years later, they lived on different sides of the country, she had a job as a freelance writer, and she wasn't sure what he was doing - but his memory stuck with her and she knew hers stuck with him, as well. She sighed, he wasn't here this Christmas though, was he? For the next several days, Ava busied herself around the house -- cooked more elaborate dinners than usual in an attempt to quell her holiday-induced loneliness, baked breads and cakes for friends and family, decorated, and made progress on several stories for work. One night, as she sat in her dim living room listening to quiet music, reading, and watching the lights on her Christmas tree flicker, her doorbell rang. She glanced at the clock, uncertain who could be ringing her at this time of night. Outside, the snow fell heavily in big, soft flakes. She reached her door and stood on her toes to peer through the glass window at the top only to be met with a pair of watery blue eyes peeking from beneath the brim of a snow-dusted brown beanie. Ava immediately recoiled. No. It couldn't be. The doorbell rang again and this time, the eyes outside stood on tiptoe to peek in at her. No it couldn't be? Yes. It was. There was no denying it was. But Why? And How? Obviously her visitor was getting impatient -- he knocked, and, drawing in a deep, shaky breath, Ava, stepped forward and opened the door. Of course he was just as she remembered him. Tall and lean but undeniably strong. He wore a brown beanie, a simple black jacket, jeans, a rodeo buckle and boots. Those damn boots. She always swore it was those things that got her in the first place. Her pussy instinctively ached against her will. He was just so goddamn sexy. She could see in his face his thoughts were much the same. He stood and took her in -- she wore nothing but a pair of tight black leggings that hugged her taut thighs and ample ass and slung low on her hips, exposing the valley between her hip bones that had always made his mouth water. Her chest was on display in a tight gray tee shirt, she wore no bra -- she seldom did -- and he could see her pert little nipples reacting to the cold from outside as they stood erect against the fabric. Her hair was loose and longer than he remembered, and she wore reading glasses. His cock stirred in his pants. "Christmas Carol?" he asked, smiling, tilting his head slightly. God she knew that gesture so well. "Come in," Ava relented, stepping back to allow him access. Her mind raced, she wondered what he was doing at her house of all places. But then again, it wasn't entirely unusual. He had a way of re-appearing without much notice, he always had. As he stepped into the house, his eyes traveled around her living room, lined with heavy oak bookshelves chocked with hardcovers and paperbacks -- Ava had always been a reader. It was one of the things he loved about her. The room was dim, mellow Indy music floated through the air and several candles flickered on the coffee table. In the corner, a large, spindly Christmas tree blinked softly. He took off his coat and beanie, and laid them across the back of a nearby chair. "Nice place," he said, "I've never been in here." "I know," Ava said, "How'd you find me? Why are you here? Don't you live on the East Coast now?" "Yeah, but I'm thinking about moving back. Came for a Christmas visit, thought I'd come say hi, maybe resort to singing carols or begging for alms if you were unwilling to open your door." He smiled at her again, cocked his head, ran his eyes up and down her body, lingering at her chest and again at the valley of her hips. His cock stirred again. He remembered so well the feeling of that body. "You look good. Really good," he said with a sly smile. "Thanks," Ava smiled "You haven't changed much, have you?" "Oh, just a bit I guess, you?" "No. Not much. I write more now." "Anything about me?" "Here and there. Merry Christmas, by the way." He moved toward her, still grinning, still looking her up and down. "Merry Christmas," he said, as he opened his arms and wrapped her in their first hug for 4 long years. As he pressed their bodies together, she was surprised at how small she felt in his arms. That vulnerability had always been a turn on for her. She let her hands rest on the solid muscles of his shoulders, dragging the tips of her fingers gently along his arms, making him shiver slightly at her touch. She nestled her head slightly in the crook of his neck -- taking in his old, familiar smell -- if she didn't see him for ten years, she thought he would still smell exactly the same. He leaned his head against hers slightly, and, buoyed by his gesture, she kissed him softly on the side of the neck. He shivered again at the softness of her lips and, if she wasn't mistaken, she thought she felt his cock jump against the softness of her belly. "Oh God," she thought. She knew her pussy was wet, and she knew that if he kept touching her, she'd soon be soaked. Her restraint was going to hell in a hand basket. She pulled back from him, feeling her heart beat faster. She cleared her throat, dropped her eyes down to the ground to hide the lust she knew was forming there. He knew her well enough to pick up on something like that. When she looked up again, he was staring directly at her. She took in his chest, hard and strong beneath his simple white shirt, his broad shoulders and narrow, tapered waist. His goddamn boots...her mind groaned... her pussy ached. She wanted him, badly. As if reading her mind, he stepped forward, eyes burning, and wrapped his arms around Ava's lower back -- pulling her lean body into his tall, solid one. He ground his pelvis into hers slightly. "You seeing anyone?" he whispered hotly into her ear. "No one," Ava managed, "You?" "No one," he whispered to her before slowly beginning to walk her backwards to the couch. Ava's brain buzzed, God she was so turned on. There was no hiding it anymore, hell, there was never any hiding it -- he knew the minute he walked in the door. She could feel how tense he was beneath her fingers. He was just as ready as she was. She remembered the things he used to say to her -- the way he worshiped her body -- they way sex between them had always been mind-numbingly electric and incredible-- she remembered the intensity with which he fucked her -- her pussy tingled. Nothing had changed, nothing at all. He laid her down on the couch and positioned himself on top of her, nuzzling his head into the crook of her neck. "In that case, I'm hoping you're mine for the night," He began kissing her earlobe softly, "Mm. I missed you, Ava." Ava's breath caught in her throat at the touch of his lips, she let out a small gasp, her head was spinning. This visit was so unexpected; there were a million other things to think about. Why was her here? How did he find her? Her nerves were electric and exposed on her skin. She wanted the clothes off, wanted to feel his hot skin on hers, wanted his harness inside of her, wanted him to fuck her -- to take her, to make her hurt. It was everything she could do to control herself enough to remember that she wanted him to chase her, too. She wanted him to show her exactly how badly he wanted her. She tilted her head to allow him more access and purred, "Mmm you missed me? Well you've been gone so long, what did you miss, exactly?" She heard him chuckle slightly into the skin of her neck. It had always been like this between them -- it had all come so easily -- always. "I missed your sexy little fuck-me voice first of all, so thanks for bringing that out." Ava laughed, opening her legs slightly in an attempt to better feel the hardness forming in his jeans. "I missed your smell. I missed all your crazy books. I missed feeling your body underneath me. I especially missed all this." He lifted one hand and knotted his fingers slightly in her hair as his lips worked their way up toward her jawbone. "Blonde. Mmm you know how I feel about blondes. All my life I wanted to fuck a blonde girl -- I never imagined she'd be as hot as you." His words ignited her further, her hands ran up to the back of his head, cradling him there and pushing his lips against the sensitive skin of her jawbone while she threw her head back, allowing him to continue his ministrations. The hardness in his jeans was evident now, throbbing insistently against the softness of her belly. She raised her hips up into him, her pussy aching for contact, her wetness beginning to soak through her thin leggings. "I want to feel you again," Ava breathed, "Skin. I want skin." With that, he pushed himself up off of her, straddling her hips as she pulled her tight gray t-shirt up over her head and dropped it over the arm of the couch. She wasn't wearing a bra and her firm little tits hung soft and golden in the dim light. He groaned when he saw her. His cock was so hard it was beginning to ache. God he remembered every detail of that body -- no matter how hard he tried not to, he thought of her every single time he gripped his cock and rubbed himself off, he thought of her every time he tired to fuck someone else. He'd never been able to get her out of his mind. She was even more beautiful than he remembered. Her small, tight breasts stood out at attention, their little brown nipples forming sharp points. Long strands of her blonde hair draped across her chest and collarbone. Her stomach was flat and incredibly lean -- the outline of delicate female muscles barely visible through her olive skin. In her bellybutton, a small silver ring reflected the blinking red of the Christmas lights. Her hips flared out, and between them, the valley that made his mouth water. The spot where her taught belly met her wide hips, the lightly muscled lines leading down between her legs, the incredibly soft skin there, just waiting to be kissed, and below, her tiny little pussy, waiting to be filled. "Oh my god, Ava." He groaned again, as she began to work his shirt up over his head. He pulled it off and looked down as she lightly drug her nails down his chest and over the hard muscles of his stomach. Her chest was heaving now, her hips rising and falling on their own accord. "Please?" She begged, and he laughed, standing up just long enough to kick his boots off, unbuckle his jeans and slide them down his legs, before moving to her feet and gently coaxing her tight black leggings over her hips and down off her slender thighs. The scent of her wetness immediately filled the room and for a moment, he thought he wouldn't be able to control himself. His cock twitched and jumped in anticipation of sinking deep inside Ava's body, of claiming her once again. Her naked little pussy glistened with her wetness and he could see the shimmer of her cream smeared on the inside of her thighs. She'd missed him too. Ava propped herself up on her elbows and took him in -- his hard cock making a tent in the front of his boxes. She grinned, spread her legs slightly to allow him a better view of her wide-open sex. He moaned and slid the boxers down his legs, allowing his throbbing prick to leap up and slap his belly wetly. Ava licked her suddenly dry lips, the two locked eyes and without a word, he climbed onto the couch, straddling her slim body and directing his cock up toward her mouth. Ava moaned and rolled her head back, he'd taken her like this before -- straddling her chest as he supported her head with one hand and fucked her throat with the other. There was something she loved about it, something that turned her on beyond words. Typically, she liked to be in control, with most guys...but he wasn't most guys. He was the one single person she would let take her, the one she would let fuck her however he pleased, he was the one guy that could make her come again and again, he was the one who could have complete physical control over her. As he guided his cock toward her lips, she circled a thumb over the swollen purple tip, slicking the drops of precum over the engorged mushroom head and eliciting a low growl from him. She looked up, smiled, parted her lips and slowly, slowly, placed a wet, hot kiss on the very tip of his cock, maintaining eye contact with him the entire time. He moaned, his hips bucked softly up into her face, he fell forward, supporting himself on the arm of the couch behind her head and slowly guiding himself closer to those wet lips he wanted so badly. Obligingly, she took him into her mouth. His size had always amazed her, no matter what part of her body he fucked, he filled her completely. The first time she had felt him - she was sure he was going to hurt her. She was wrong, he had fucked her until her orgasms had exhausted her and she had fallen asleep, only to wake in the morning to feel him slipping in and out of her from behind. Now, his size was all she knew, all she wanted. She joked that he had ruined her for other men, but in a way, he had. His cock slid past her wet lips and a deep growl escaped his throat. "Ava, ahhh, do you remember that time when you came back east, the day before you left we stayed up all night and I fucked your throat like this? Do you remember how you begged me for it? You remember how hard you made me cum? Uhhhh...God Ava, Fuck that feels so good. Ah, You remember how hard I fucked your little face that night?" His words spurred her on, he knew exactly how to -- his hips bucked deeper now past her lips and deep into her throat. She moaned for him, making the muscles in the back of her throat contracted around the sensitive, swollen head of his cock. Her fingers curled into the back of his thighs, pulling him into her. Her eyes watered, he throat struggled to accommodate his large size again. She could feel the wetness from her pussy running down over her asshole and onto the cushions of the couch and she pressed her thighs together, her swollen clit burning for contact. He looked down at her, struggling to hold himself back and to give her time to adjust. He didn't want to hurt her but her throat felt so fucking good wrapped around him. God it had been too long. Her lips stretched around the base of his cock, her eyes watered slightly, he sank his hips down and slowly fed her his whole length -- he knew how hungry she was for him. She took all of him until her nose was buried in his pubic hair. She swallowed, the muscles of her throat working tantalizingly against the rock hard head of his cock. He gritted his teeth, trying to take his mind away from the pleasure her incredible mouth was giving him, slowly pulling himself from her slick lips. He watched himself withdraw, inch by inch, his prick glistening with her saliva. Once the scalding tip of his cock had left her lips, he moved down and pulled her into him, tasting himself in her mouth. The kiss was intense, their tongues dancing frantically, she moaned sexily into him, raised her hips up, attempting to sink some of his length into her wanton pussy. He bit her bottom lip gently and pulled his hips back slightly so that his cock rested on the inside of her thigh. "Not yet," he whispered to her, "It's been so long, I want to play." Reaching down, he slowly ran a single thick finger up Ava's sopping wet slit. God her wetness amazed him, she had soaked the couch beneath her, but then again, she'd always been like that. No matter what -- she was ready. He used to fuck her in the middle of the night, wake her up to bury himself inside of her, sometimes they'd fuck in the car or the bathroom at work -- no matter where, she was always soaking wet and ready. He slowly flicked his thumb over her swollen clit, eliciting a deep throaty moan from Ava. Her hips bucked up into him and he pressed two fingers against the opening of her cunt. "God I want you so bad," Ava moaned softly. He smiled to himself, pressed his two fingers harder against her opening, teasing her softly, not allowing her the penetration she so badly wanted. With one fat finger slick from her juices, he began to lightly tease the puckered bud of her asshole, making her gasp and impale herself onto his invading fingers. He loved to watch her writhe like this; he loved to watch her body break out in sweat. He loved to know he could turn her on so much. Ava spread her legs further and her scent wafted up into his nostrils. A low growl escaped him, his muscles tensed, his grip on her small body tightened. Oh this girl, why was she the only one who could turn him on like this? Slowly, he lowered his head to her pussy and with one long, smooth stroke, tasted her entire wet slit with his tongue, lapping her juices greedily. Ava gasped, her eyes flew open; she tangled her fingers in his hair, gently guiding him deeper into her sex. "Oh yes eat me please, baby, my pussy needs your tongue so bad!" With that, he began to suck gently on her clit while two fingers pistoned slowly in and out of her wet opening and a third flicked quickly over her little rosebud. Her breath came in gasps, her legs fell open as far as they possibly could, she pushed her hips up into his face, presenting him all of her pussy, asking him to take it, asking him to lick every little fold. She squeezed her eyes shut; her mind was like fireworks gone crazy. All she knew was that she needed his cock, filling her now. She pulled him up into her, bringing his lips down to hers, tasting her musky wetness on them. He used to love watching her finger herself and then bring the juicy digits to her mouth and lick them clean. "Please," Ava moaned softly into his mouth, "Please fuck me like you used to, God I haven't cum like you used to make me cum in so long! fuck me baby please, God I'm already so hot. Please let me feel you inside of me." Her urging was all he needed. Slowly, he adjusted himself so that his steel hard prick nudged against the opening of her sopping cunt. The two locked eyes, he pressed his lips to her ear and breathed, "Merry Christmas" before slowly sinking his hips down into her, pushing the first few inches of his cock into the depths of her scalding little pussy. The moan that escaped Ava's lips could've given an entire room of men hard-ons. Her little body tensed beneath him, her hips pushed insistently up into him, splitting herself on his girth but demanding more. He settled the weight of his upper body onto hers, and slipped his arms below her in order to cradle her ass with his hands. God he'd missed that ass. He thought of all the times he'd pulled her cheeks apart and sank his fat cock deep into her little puckered hole his cock twitched within her and he suppressed the thought. He had every intention of invading her little ass tonight, but for now, he was sinking deeper and tantalizingly deeper into her insanely tight pussy. Ava squirmed beneath him, bucking her hips up against his pelvis, digging her nails into the muscles of his shoulders. Her voice came to him hot against his ear, "mmm remember all the times you fucked me like this? Remember how you'd stay still and I'd just fuck myself up onto your cock, rub my clit against you until I came? God I always came so hard on this big cock. Mmmm God baby you have no idea how bad I just want you to fuck me!" Her voice went hoarse as she moved her hands down to his hips and held them still before bucking her hips up into him, taking his whole length into the furnace of her slick cunt. She gasped when her swollen clit bumped against the base of his cock, "Oh god your cock feels so good up inside of me. Oh, talk to me baby, talk to me!" He grinned into the mess of her hair. She loved to talk dirty, he knew that. He used to bring her to screaming orgasms by telling her 'bedtime stories'. "Remember the last Christmas we spent together?" He gasped as she slowly pulled herself off of him, leaving only the head of his cock basking in the warm folds of her body before slowly taking him in again, sighing as he invaded her. Ava nodded into his neck, slowly nipping her teeth along the sensitive skin below his jaw. "Remember what I got you?" he asked. Ava nodded into him again, impaling herself on his length, slowly, as he held his hips still. That Christmas he had gotten her a vibrator kit with different sleeves -- one studded, one with knobs on it, one incredibly thick sleeve, and a little silver bullet vibrator to go along with the rest. After they'd opened presents, they'd stayed in bed until three in the afternoon, fucking and pleasuring one another with their new toys. Ava had barely been able to walk for two days. She shivered as she remembered how she'd filled her pussy with the thickest vibrator while he squeezed himself into her and fucked her ass from behind. When she came, it had been so hard that her pussy juices had soaked both of them. "Remember how you wanted me to fuck you from behind? Remember how you wanted me to wrap my arms around your waist and just hammer you with my rock hard cock as you held that little vibrator on your clit?" Her pussy felt like hot honey, slipping up and down his throbbing member. He could feel every detail of her stroking him, every wall, and every hot little fold. He thought of velvet engulfing him, velvet all for him, begging for his cock. He moaned and ground into her, growling like an animal. "Remember how hard you came for me? Remember how your little pussy soaked both of us? Yeah baby, that's it, fuck me faster now, remember how much cum I had for you? Yeah? Remember how deep up inside your pussy I shot all that hot cum? Oh god Ava you screamed for me!" Ava was pounding herself up and down on his long, thick pole now, panting into his neck, digging her nails into his back. He gripped the globes of her ass tight with his large hands, digging his fingers into her flesh as she rode him. He dropped one finger down to her asshole and began to probe the sensitive little bud. Ava growled and bit his neck softly, increasing her tempo on his prick. He raised his lips to her ear, letting his hot breath wash over her neck, "Mm you like that don't you? I know you want me to fuck you in the ass, don't you?" Ava moaned into him now, "Yeah I want you to fuck my ass. You know how much I love that. Mmm I want you to pull out of my pussy and just drive your cock into my tight little asshole. God you like that, I can feel how hard you are, C'mon baby, fuck my ass, I want you so bad." With that, he pulled out of her molten pussy and, in one long stroke, sank the entire length of his cock into her juicy asshole. Ava howled, her whole body jumped up into his, her nails dug into his sides, and he felt himself begin to reach his brink. Her ass was incredibly tight, a hot dry hell, gripping and sucking at every inch of his cock as he rammed her. She writhed underneath him, panting and moaning with every pulse into her body. God she was such a little ass slut, she always had been. He'd never seen anyone cum as hard as this girl did when he had his cock buried balls deep in her asshole. "Oh yeah baby, oh fuck fuck mmm god you're so big in my asshole, oh baby you're gonna make me cum so hard!" "Oh Ava I'm gonna just pound my hot cum into your tight little cunt. That's my Christmas present to you, I'm gonna fill your little pussy up and I want you to soak my cock," he growled into her ear Suddenly he pulled his cock from her hungry asshole and drove it back into her pussy. Ava was howling under him, panting and dragging her teeth along his earlobe. He gripped her ass tight and hammered his entire prick in and out of her tight little body. He felt the familiar sensations begin in his balls, his cum bubbling up, ready to flood Ava's molten hot pussy. "Fuck fuck fuck Ava god your pussy is all mine isn't it? Tell me it's all mine!" Ava spread her legs as far as they could possibly go, pushing her pussy up into him, impaling herself on his length, her clit rubbing against his pelvic bone, sending sparks of electricity thru her body, driving her toward her own orgasm. "Yeah it is. My pussy is all yours. Always was. Fuck me, take me, oh fuck make me hurt, make me cum baby c'mon take my little pussy!" He couldn't have stopped if he wanted to. He was an animal now, fucking his bitch, ramming his hard prick in and out of Ava's tight little body, she moaned, squeaked underneath him and he knew he was bottoming out inside of her but he didn't care. He hadn't had her in so long. "Fuck Ava I'm gonna cum so deep inside of you!" "Do it baby, let me feel you, I'm so close!" His mind went blank of everything but the scalding velvet of her pussy, she drove her hips up into him one last time, spearing herself on his length, he jumped inside of her, growled and bit down into the soft skin of her neck as wave after wave of white hot cum shot up out of his spasaming cock, he howled, buried his head in her neck and slammed himself once more into her. Ava clamped her pussy tight down onto his spasaming cock, wanting to feel every inch as he unloaded inside of her. Her clit was on fire. The first shot of cum hit her womb and she felt herself slipping over the edge, clamping down even harder on every inch of his divine prick as she let out a howl and impaled herself completely on his cock, letting him fill her to the brink as the silky muscles of her pussy clamped down around him. She could feel his cum hitting the insides of her body like ropes and every jet sent a shockwave through her. She twitched as if she'd been electrocuted as the last tremors of her orgasm subsided and she collapsed, exhausted, onto his sweaty, naked chest as he throbbed and softened, still buried deep inside of her. "Nice to see you again," she whispered, "stay awhile, will you?" "Of course," he sighed, kissing her neck softly, "Santa told me what you wanted for Christmas."   by freebird2382 ©     A Christmas Makeover (Group Sex) by leilore ©   "No, seriously, there is nothing more horrifying to me than a Christmas party." Tara argued. "Oh, stop. You missed our wedding, the least you could do is show up to my Christmas party." I pleaded. "Do I have to dress up?" Tara pouted. "Yes. It wouldn't kill you to get out of your black goth clothes for once!" I felt a little greedy for demanding this, but I was tired of Tara embarrassing me by showing up looking like she was 12 years old, to black tie events. Tara and I had been friends for ten years. I didn't really care what Tara wore, I just loved her and didn't want her to get made fun of...again. Tara loved to dress like a little goth doll everywhere she went, but she didn't hang out with the Goths, she always wanted to hang out with me and my straight laced rich friends. My friends saw Tara as a "project". I saw Tara as a confused 39 year old who never grew up. And Tara just wanted people to accept her the "way she was". Ironically Tara made more of an issue about not fitting in and her clothes more than anyone around her. I had consistently told Tara that she wasn't her black lipstick, flaming red hair and costumes, those were just masks. But to no avail. Tara saw her exterior as who she was, but always tried to fit in outside of her social class, without changing her outward appearance. An impossible task for anyone. "You're trying to kill me aren't you?" Tara scowled. "No, If I was trying to kill you, I'd have a gun. Here. Take this." I demanded. "What's this?" Tara asked as she took the shopping bag I gave her. "This is YOUR outfit. Shoes, black cocktail dress, pearl necklace and earrings, golden snake bracelet." I smiled. "I am soooo not wearing this!" Tara pouted as she threw the bag on the couch. "The hell you are! I'm tired of you complaining. You want to be 40 and single? Or do you want that lawyer you've been eyeing? A Lawyer is never going to take a 40 year old goth doll to an office party. No matter how young you look! Maybe fuck you in bed in secret but he'll never be with you. Is that what you want?" I finally lost it. Tara started crying. "Oh god. Just put the damn clothes on and look in the mirror. Have you ever tried on a cocktail dress before?" "No I haven't." Tara sniffed, as she picked up the shopping bag and dug through the items. "Here. I'll help you." I smiled. Tara slowly undressed in front of me. I couldn't help but to watch. Tara's skin was porcelain and her breasts were a perfectly firm c cup. She was only 5'1", but her body was perfectly proportionate. "Here. Let me help you put this on. You'll need to take your bra off. The dress has a halter top with a built in bra." I turned my head away and Tara took off her bra. I turned back and saw Tara awkwardly standing naked except for her black g-string panties. "Oh, sorry here." I said as I handed Tara the dress. Tara slipped it over her head and I fixed the halter top. "See it twists like this to form a peak a boo tear drop over your cleavage. It shows just enough! Now stand in front of the mirror." Tara did as directed, and stood awkwardly staring at her own very womanly figure. "I don't like it. It's too sexy." "Yeah and your 39 and single. Its just a Christmas party, you'll be fine." "I'm not looking to get laid. I'm not like you Sarah, you know I don't have sex. This will give them the wrong impression." "Shit. Are you serious? Just relax. Here, let me put this necklace on you, and the bracelet. Put your heels and earrings on so you can see the whole thing." I demanded yet again. "So when is this party any way?" Tara asked. "Tomorrow." I lied. "Tonight were just going to go to my house for a bit. Have a girls night out." "Hmmm...I suppose I can wear this tonight if its just going to be us." Ding...dong... the doorbell rang. "OH! Good she's here." I squealed. "Who's here? Who'd you invite to my house?" Tara sounded off. "My hairdresser." "I thought I was your hairdresser." Tara retorted. "You are, and so is she and she's here for you! Muah ha ha ha!" I teased as she opened the door. After an awkward fight, I got my way. Tara was completely made over. Not even her hair was the same. Tara was now a 5'3" (with heels), strawberry blond, a hour glass of perfection with an up do and long curls framing her face. She was a knockout! I wasn't bad looking either. I had natural curly coal black hair that was medium length. My dark green eyes looked like emeralds shining. I was 5'3" without heels but tonight I was wearing 3 inch heels, and a tight red dress that cut to my mid thighs. My pale skin was flawless, not one freckle. Yes, I was the envy of many women, and tonight, the two of us would make a grand entrance to the Christmas party. I lured my friend in the car and started driving to the Christmas party. It didn't take long before Tara realized I had kidnapped her. The drive was short though, and Tara reluctantly went into the huge ballroom. The Christmas cheer was enough to gag any cynic. Tara entered the building first with me pushing her in. Every guy within eyeshot stopped and stared. "I told you this was a bad idea." Tara gritted her teeth. "Oh stop it." I whispered as I grabbed her hand and pulled her in. Tara's head was spinning. She couldn't believe how nice everyone was being to her. The guys were tripping over themselves trying to get to her to ask her to dance. I just watched her friend have fun. Soon my husband Eric showed up. "I see your planned worked!" Eric whispered in my ear as he held me from behind. I instantly became horny feeling his hot breath on my ear and I ground her butt into him. "Not yet, my pet." He whispered. "Do you think she's ready?" I asked Eric. "Not yet, but I have a surprise for her." Eric whispered. "You didn't." "I did. Here he comes now!" Tara's crush Shawn had just arrived. A tall dark and handsome lawyer. Eric had told him of Tara, and her transformation, and Shawn couldn't believe his eyes. He walked up to her and another man dancing and said, "May I cut in." Tara's eyes grew big as saucers, and her mouth dropped. "Merry Christmas Tara. I'm glad you showed up." Shawn said. Tara blushed. But said nothing. Shawn pulled her close to himself as a slow song came on. "You are very beautiful tonight." Shawn whispered in her ear. "Thank you." Tara managed to say. "You know, Eric, Sarah and I are going to my boat house in a bit to cap off Christmas Eve. Want to come?" Tara nodded in disbelief. Soon all four of us were in Shawn's limo going to the docks. But before Tara left the ballroom she took a few of my Advil from my purse with some spiked eggnog. In the limo, Tara really loosened up. She was hugging and kissing Shawn and letting him fondle her breasts. I asked her which bottle she took the pills out of. Just as I thought Tara took my aphrodisiacs. "I'm not telling her." I thought. It wasn't long before all four of us were naked and in Shawn's bedroom. Shawn and Eric stood next to the bed and watched as me and Tara kissed passionately. I had wanted her for so long. What a fabulous Christmas this was turning out to be. My hands moved over her soft body. I squeezed her breasts firmly, and slowly trailed my fingernails down her sides to her hips. She shivered at my light touch. Our mouths were lip locked and our tongues seemed to dance around each others mouths. She was a great kisser. My pussy was hot and wet and it ached for some attention. But there was something I wanted more. I had dreamed of licking her soft folds. I laid her gently down on the bed and broke from our kisses. Slowly I moved down her neck and kissed both of her breasts, twirling her nipples with my tongue. She gasped, and as I got lower and kissed her belly. She let out a small protest. "Wait!" Tara said with some urgency. As she tried to sit up, I placed my hand over her stomach and in between her breasts and held her down. I wrapped my lips around her clit and sucked hard flicking it with my tongue. Her protests turned into moans. She was already starting to climax. I felt a hand move mine and I looked up. Our scene was too much for the guys. They started joining in. Shawn was kneeling in front of Tara on the bed feeling her breasts as she was stroking his 7 inch thick cock with her hands. I continued licking her, teasing her hole with my tongue then going back to her clit. She was so wet. I placed a finger inside of her and slowly started moving it in and out. Her walls clenched tightly around my finger. Her moans got louder and I started fingering her faster and faster while my tongue worked on her clit. Shawn Started rubbing the head of his cock on her lips and soon her moans were muffled. Eric started playing with my pussy from behind. "Your so wet!" He smiled as he started licking my clit. It was an all out orgy. Shawn started moving his dick deeper into Tara's mouth, his strokes got faster and faster as he held the back of her head. I was shocked. Tara didn't gag once. Not even as I brought her to an orgasm. Her juices tasted heavenly. As soon as she was done orgasming, Eric picked me up and threw me on my back next to her. Shawn pulled out of her mouth and kissed her positioning himself on top of her. Eric was devouring my breasts. I loved it when his lusts took over. He was so rough and carnal. Just how I liked it. He positioned the head of his cock over the lips of my pussy and teased me briefly. I wanted him so I bucked my hips toward him trying to ease my lusts. "You're such a slut." Eric whispered in my ear as he pulled my hair. My body was burning for him, and he knew it. He slammed his thick hard cock all the way into me. The sudden jolt sent shocks throughout my body. He instantly started pounding me as hard as he could. The brief pain left and turned into a hard orgasm. I felt eyes on me and turned my head to look at Tara. She was watching me as Shawn slowly fucked her. My orgasm took over and my back arched as I moaned loudly. Eric didn't slow his pace. Not even after my orgasm stopped. My body shook and twitched as he grabbed my hips and quickened his pace. Shawn sped up his pace too. Tara's tits were bouncing in rhythm to his thrusts. She was beautiful. Eric flipped me on my hands and knees and slowly started to insert his head into my ass. Tara was still on her back looking at me so I put my but up higher for Eric and bent down to kiss Tara. "Naughty." Eric said as he slapped my ass hard. Tara shoved her tongue in my mouth and grabbed the back of my head pulling my hair and pushing my mouth hard on hers. Eric pushed the head of his cock all the way inside of my ass and started to pull almost all the way out. He did this slowly 3 times and then started ramming my ass, slapping it. I orgasmed quickly. Between Tara's hard kisses and Eric's roughness, I came squirting on the bed. As I was in the middle of my orgasm, something wonderful happened. Eric, Shawn and Tara orgasmed in sync. Eric's cum filled my ass quenching the fire and cooling my orgasms. Tara broke from our kiss and moaned loudly as Shawn made his final pump pulling out and ejecting huge strings of cum on Tara's stomach and chest. We collapsed in a pile on the bed. When I awoke, Tara and Shawn were gone and it was just Eric and I. We showered and talked about how great the night was and found Tara and Shawn on the deck. 5 years later Tara is still married to Shawn. She never went back to her old goth style, (except for Halloween and kinky bedroom play). And every Christmas we go to the ballroom dance party. Tara still calls that one Christmas, the Christmas that saved her from herself!   by leilore ©     My Christmas Present (Incest/Taboo) by Trialbasis ©   Christmas was just around the corner and my niece, Cindy, was going to spend the holidays with my wife and me. Cindy's parents, my older brother and his wife, were off on an extended cruise and Cindy asked if she could spend Christmas with us rather than go away or end up at a friend's house out of pity for being alone during the busy holiday season. Cindy was technically my niece but at 22 years of age she was only about 15 years younger than me as I was a late addition to my parent's plans for retirement. I always liked Cindy. She was energetic, had a good sense of humour and best of all she had a hot body. I watched her grow up and I often wondered what sort of playful vixen she might be if you ever got her into the sack or behind a closed door. Cindy like to tease and flash you a quick look up her skirt but she never openly became suggestive or took the teasing too far. Cindy arrived two days before Christmas and we spent the first evening just talking about life and catching up on the past couple of years. We hadn't seen Cindy for a while and I was amazed to see that she had really matured in her looks and in her personality. She was older, wiser and if truth be known hotter than I remembered. I found it difficult to keep my eyes from wandering down her bare legs and up her short skirt. My wife noticed my distraction and playfully slapped my arm telling me to behave. The girls both laughed and I turned a light shade of red. The early evening was filled with quiet talking, a few drinks and lots of laughter. Later in the evening we all felt a little drunk and the talk became more suggestive and sexually open. "Tell me Cindy", my wife asked, "are you seeing anyone special these days?" "No one special but I am dating this guy who works across the hall from me." My wife was definitely feeling frisky because she asked, "Has he got a nice cock?" I almost choked on my drink and Cindy started to laugh and smile brightly. "Yes Aunt May his cock is wonderful. It's long, fat and smooth and I love to hold it in my hand." "I hope you do more than just hold it", replied my wife. I was totally stunned by this exchange. May is sexually aggressive and I have seen her open and bold before but not with a relative. We have a great sex life and she likes to fantasise about being my neighbour's daughter or a young nurse in the doctor's office and I seduce her taking advantage of her 'innocence' but she also likes to be the one calling the shots. I watched as May openly looked deep into Cindy's eyes and asked, "What is your favourite part of sex. What gets you excited and horny?" Not missing a beat Cindy said, "I love oral sex, I love having my pussy licked and sucking cock. Fucking is great too don't get me wrong but having a nice hard cock in my mouth is as close to heaven as you can get and still be alive." Sucking cock is also one of May's favourite things too and I have never had a bad or better blow job than when my cock is between her lips. May also liked to have her pussy licked and I was only too happy to oblige. Her pussy was full, completely shaved and she flowed like a river. To say that May got wet would be like saying the Atlantic Ocean was a small fishing hole. When I finished bringing her to orgasm with my tongue my face would glisten from forehead to chin with pure delicious pussy juice. When she came I would press my open mouth to her wet and flowing cunt drinking in every drop that seeped from her wonderful pussy. I didn't want the conversation to stop but I thought that things may get out of hand and then what would happen. If anything did then how awkward would it be afterwards, I just couldn't let that happen. "Ok ladies I think that it being Christmas we should change the subject or play a game. What do you think?" Did I sound desperate? I hope not, I really wanted to see where things would go but, after all Cindy was my niece and my brother would kill me if he found out. Both women called me a prude and a party pooper but we let things alone and put on my favourite version of A Christmas Carol and afterwards we called it a night. When we were alone in bed my wife said, "You seemed a little uncomfortable with the conversation tonight. I hope you aren't becoming a prude. Why were you so eager to change the subject? I saw how you were looking at her, just like a hungry lion sizing up his prey. What's up with you? "I was really starting to enjoy it but then I thought what if it went beyond just talk, what if things go out of control and something happened. I didn't want the rest of Cindy's stay to be uncomfortable or to have her leave and not speak to me anymore. "Would it have been so bad if something had happened? I mean she is an adult and capable of making her own decisions." May and I have, on occasion, brought another woman into bed with us. May is bi and loves to see another woman sucking on my cock as she looks up from between the woman's thighs with her mouth pressed against her pussy. It was then that I realised that May wanted Cindy and she wanted me to want her too. "May, she's my niece. I can't take advantage of her no matter how good it might be." May just looked at me and she snuggled in close and we both fell asleep. After breakfast the next day I had some errands to run and would be gone for most of the morning. The two women wished me well and off I went. "Aunt May", Cindy said, "Can I ask you something?" "Of course dear", May replied. "Is Uncle Chris mad at me?" "Good god girl whatever gave you that idea?" "Well it was last night and the way he changed the conversation and tried to make out as if it was wrong. I don't think we did anything bad. Do you?" May came over and took Cindy in her arms giving her a big hug. "Chris isn't mad at all. As a matter of fact I know that he really wanted to keep things going last night but he chickened out because he thought you may end up mad at him." "I could never be mad at him. Did you know I have had a crush on him ever since I was about 15 years old? You two had been married for a couple of years and I spied you doing it in the woods at the summer cottage. Ever since then I have had this lingering desire that Uncle Chris would fuck me in the woods." May smiled as they sat at the table sipping their morning coffee. "I want to let you in on a little secret", May said, "Your uncle would do you in a heartbeat if I say the word. You would be surprised at what your uncle would do if I give the ok. He may seem like the strong in control type but in the bedroom I'm the one who controls what happens, with whom and with what. Having a third person to play with is something we both enjoy." Cindy look at her aunt and then she said, "Aunt May, would you and Uncle Chris like to play with me? I only ask because I really want to play with you, both of you. I will do anything you want, all you have to do is ask me or tell me and I'll do it." "Chris won't be back for a while so let's see how you hold up when it's just me." They went to the living room and May opened her tight leather top to reveal her perky tits and erect nipples. "Get naked", said May in a firm voice and Cindy quickly removed her robe. She was naked underneath and May took in her trim young figure. May was still a sensual woman with a firm and full body and Cindy was a hot and voluptuous and erotic young woman approaching her thirties. Together they were a stunning duo who any man would gladly want for his very own pleasures. May stroked Cindy's back and rested her hand on her round and perfect backside. She continued to explore Cindy's body with her hand and her eyes.May wanted to warm those sweet bum cheeks with a few firm hand slaps and she dug her nails into Cindy's ass to see how she would respond. Cindy flinched but she said "Do it Aunt May, smack my ass." May didn't waste another second she raised her hand and gave Cindy five quick but hard slaps on each cheek. Cindy moaned in pleasure and moved her ass to encourage May to do more. May led her in to the bedroom and slowly removed her leather outfit. Underneath she wore only a tiny thong which she left on as a tease. "Now Cindy, I want to make it quite plain and clear, you do not have to do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. So tell me now whether you want to stay or go." "I want to stay, Aunt May. I want to feel your touch and I want to do the same to you." "Tell me Cindy, what do you want to do to me?" Cindy turned slightly red and said, "I want to lick your pussy and taste you. I would love to make you cum with my mouth." May smiled, "And so you will my dear but first I'm going to have a little fun and make you feel all warm and wet. Have you ever had sex with another woman before?" "Once", admitted Cindy. "A girlfriend and I went on a holiday together and we ended up drunk one night and we sort of ended up in bed together. I really enjoyed it but she felt odd the next day so it was just the one night." "Well it won't be just the one time with me", said May. "As a matter of fact I think you will make a very nice Christmas present for your Uncle Chris. But I need to know what kind of a gift you will make", and May had Cindy lay down on the bed with her legs opened wide. Cindy had a wonderful shaved pussy that May wanted to taste right away. She dropped to her knees and gently let her fingers open and pinch Cindy's pussy lips. She found her clit and massaged it until it stood erect and firm like a mini cock. Cindy started to squirm and her pussy became wet and ready for May's tongue. May bent down and ran her tongue around but not in her inflamed cunt. The teasing was almost too much for Cindy to handle. "Oh Aunt May don't tease me. Shove that tongue inside my pussy and make me cum." Cindy wasn't ready to let her off that easy and she continued to flick her tongue across Cindy's swollen and wet pussy. Using her fingers she opened her lips and probed her inner canal as she took her clit between her lips. Cindy jumped at the sensation and tried to grab May by the head to hold her between her flaming thighs. May ignored her hands and sucked Cindy's pussy lips into her mouth. Cindy was beyond control and she began to shake as mini orgasms wracked her body. Each one built upon the last and before she knew it she screamed out as a full body tremor shook her and her orgasm nearly made her pass out. "Did that bring back memories of your one time on holiday?" Cindy lay with her arm across her eyes but her legs still spread wide. "My one timer was nothing like this", she said. "My pussy is still on fire and I think I'll die if I try to move." May said, "Well you better move because Chris will be home any second and I know he would want to join in but I've got a plan for a nice Christmas surprise. Get dressed and we'll talk it over as we get lunch." The rest of the day was spent preparing for supper and a nice evening around the Christmas tree. May and Cindy worked on setting the table and putting final touches to the tree. Chris was busy in the kitchen getting the meal ready and he would chase the women out if they tried to interfere or got in his way. About an hour before supper the women disappeared upstairs to get ready. May wanted Cindy alone so she could dress her in the special Christmas wrap she had in mind. She was saving this little outfit for a special occasion and tonight was just the time to use it. Cindy stripped off and May handed her the ensemble. "Here, put this on. Chris will love seeing you in this and nothing else." "He likes this sort of thing?" "Sweetie, you have no idea what this sort of thing does to him. The only thing that may get him harder is if he was wearing it." Cindy couldn't keep the shock off her face. "Wearing it?" she asked questioningly. "Oh yes my dear, your uncle has it bad for a sexy pair of panties. He isn't gay but I know he is definitely bi. We're going have fun tonight and I'll show you how much he likes this sort of thing." Cindy finished putting on the sexy outfit and stood there modeling it for May's critique. "If Uncle Chris likes panties so much, why am I not wearing any?" "I've kept them for me. If he wants to see the whole outfit then he will need to include me in the unwrapping." They finished dressing but made sure that their special wrapping was not visible and headed down to join Chris in the kitchen. "Don't you both look lovely", commented Chris. "I feel like a street bum next to you two." "My, my" said May, "You are really laying it on thick. Do you have some motive in mind for being so flattering?" "The only thing I have in mind is a nice meal, a nice drink after supper and a nice evening with my two favourite women in the world." Cindy blushed slightly and May said "Maybe we can unwrap a present tonight. It might be fun to get a head start on Christmas." Forgetting that Cindy was there Chris said, "Baby I'll unwrap you any night of the year." He suddenly realised what he said and stammered, "Oh Cindy I'm sorry I forgot you were standing right there." Cindy smiled and replied, "That's ok Uncle Chris, I like to see fine things opened at Christmas." Chris looked at her, smiled weakly and turned to May who simply said, "Who knows maybe Santa has something special under the tree." The conversation during dinner was pleasant but uneventful. Soon they adjourned to the living room and Chris served coffee and placed a tray of small simple squares and cookies on a side table. He then sat on the sofa next to May and pulled her close beside him. "So what shall we talk about or would you like to play a game or do something else?" "Well", said May, "I think we should consider opening a Christmas gift." May then let her hand fall between Chris' thighs and rest lightly on his cock. "I think that Cindy should start. Why don't you pick a present and start things off." Cindy went to the tree and bent over as if searching for an interesting looking package but in reality she was giving Chris and May a little look at her naked backside. May pretended not to notice as she looked at Chris to see his reaction. He was frozen in time just staring at Cindy's exposed ass and the hint of her shaved and excited pussy. May could feel his cock growing harder and she instinctively gave it a little squeeze. Chris regained his composure, looked intently at May and gave her a little kiss on the lips. Cindy found a present and returned to her seat. "Why don't you get one too?" she asked May. "It will be more fun if we both open the together." May went to the tree and returned with a small box that she suspected contained a nice piece of jewellery. "Ok are you ready? There is time to stop and not do this." Completely misunderstanding, Chris said "Come on May it's just a couple of little gifts." Cindy nodded her agreement and together they opened their presents. As she suspected May's gift was a nice bracelet while Cindy's present was a new robe. "That's a lovely robe", said Cindy. "You should try it on." Cindy, sensing her plan went to her room and quickly shed her outer clothes and put on the robe. She felt excite and nervous at the same time but she really wanted to surprise Chris with herself as his early Christmas gift. Returning to the living room she did a small pirouette showing off the new robe. "Very nice and it looks warm" said May. Cindy remained standing and May said to Chris, "Now it's time for you to unwrap your present." Chris made to go to the tree but Cindy stepped in front of him and handed him the ends of the loose sash holding the robe closed. Chris look a little confused but May removed all doubts as she stood and began to undress. Chris pulled slowly on the sash and the robe fell open revealing the sexy lingerie that clung to Cindy's luscious body. He looked intently at Cindy's shaved pussy and asked, "Shouldn't there be a pair of panties to go with this? Not that I'm complaining you understand. I think that it look great this way too." May finished stripping of her clothes and said, "I kept the panties for myself so you wouldn't forget me as you play with your new present." Chris was like a kid in a candy store. He wanted it all but didn't know where to begin. May took over and helped Cindy remove her robe. Looking at Cindy she said, "You know it's not fair that we are almost naked and he is still dressed." "You are so right", said Cindy and she started to unbutton Chris' shirt while May worked on removing his pants. Chris felt helpless but very excited about what was happening. He allowed himself to be totally under their control, at least for now, and he could hardly wait to see what would happen next. As May pulled his pants down, his cock pressed hard against his boxers. She reached up through the leg hole and played with his smooth shaven balls. Cindy saw this and she hurriedly finished removing the shirt and joined May in front of Chris's hard cock. She helped him step out of his pants and then she gripped the sides of the boxers and started to pull them down his thighs. May removed her hand allowing Cindy to take off the boxers and free Chris' lovely manhood. Cindy reached out and took his cock in her hand. She loved the feel of a man's cock, to hold it, to stroke it and feel its firm but soft texture. She especially liked a shaved cock and Chris had a wonderful specimen of delicious man meat. May watched as Cindy played with his cock and she whispered encouraging little phrases into her ear. "Squeeze it and feel how smooth it is. Cup his balls and see how they feel as you roll them around in your hand. He has a lovely cock don't you think? Try sucking it. I know you want to suck it." Cindy obeyed and wrapped her lips around the head of Chris' throbbing hard cock. She kept her hand on his balls and continued to massage them as she sucked on the fat tasty cock in her mouth. "Yes suck my cock", said Chris. "Do you like sucking your uncle's cock? Does it make your pussy wet to suck on my cock? Oh Cindy your mouth is so wet and warm I just want to cum in your mouth and spray your face with cum." "Not so fast big boy", said May. "I promised her a good fucking and that's exactly what you're going to do. If you have anything left after that then it's my turn and then maybe I'll let you cum in her mouth." Reluctantly Cindy stopped sucking as May gently pulled her away and had her bend over to show Chris her wet and willing pussy. "Do you like her cunt Chris; do you want to slip your cock into your niece's wet cunt?" "I want to taste her first" and he buried his face in her wet snatch. Cindy held her ass cheeks apart giving Chris easy access to her cunt and asshole. She loved having her ass licked and Chris shoved his tongue deep into her little puckered backdoor. Cindy cried out in pure ecstasy as several mini orgasms caused her clit to pulse and throb with pleasure. Chris loved the taste of her wet holes and he swallowed every drop of pussy juice that flowed from between Cindy's thighs. Meanwhile May wedged her head under Chris' cock and began to suck and nibble on his balls. She took each testicle in her mouth and ran her tongue over, in between and around his smooth nut sack. Chris continued to lick Cindy's delicious pussy as May brought him close to heaven sucking on his balls. Sensing that Chris could lose control and cum before her plans to have him fuck Cindy, May adjusted her attention and ran her tongue along his cock. While this still made Chris' cock tingle it was enough to stop the immediate urge to let his cum fly. Besides she had to take charge of things before both Cindy and Chris lost any sense of self control. May slid out from under Chris's cock just as Cindy yelled out in the unmistakeable sounds of a woman in full orgasm. Her pussy exploded in waves of pulsating pleasure as Chris pressed his face firmly between her thighs to drink in every wet drop of her cum. Just as well, thought May, Chris needs a couple of minutes before I let him slip his cock into that tasty hole. Chris though had other plans and he tossed Cindy on the sofa so her legs were splayed and her pussy open to his cock. Forcefully he placed his cock between the lips of her still pulsing cunt and shoved himself fully into her. Cindy was still reeling from her orgasm but she accepted his cock willingly. Chris began to fuck her cunt with long fast thrusts taking his cock to the very edge of her pussy and then shoving it fully in until his balls slapped against Cindy's ass. May could only watch as Chris pounded Cindy's pussy. She saw his hard, blood filled cock slid rapidly in and out of Cindy's sopping wet hole. She knew that neither of them would last much longer and she slipped her hand between her own thighs to play with her pussy. Chris' eyes were closed which meant that it wouldn't be much longer before he was filling Cindy's pussy with sperm. May was close to bringing herself to orgasm and she wanted to time it so that they could all cum together. Cindy's head was rolling from side to side and she had her hands on her breasts squeezing her nipples tightly with her fingers. With one final thrust Chris buried his cock and came. Cindy could feel his hot sperm splash the inside of her cunt and she loved the sensation of the sticky liquid filling her inside. Chris allowed his cock to soften before pulling out of her pussy and May watched as cum leaked from her still pulsing cunt lips. Dipping her head, May let her tongue rest between the folds of Cindy's pussy and she slowly lapped up the sperm that had collected in the crack of her ass. For a long while no one spoke of moved. Eventually everyone went into the Master bedroom and climbed into the king size bed. Chris was thrilled to have a beautiful woman resting on each arm and they drifted into a deep satisfying sleep. As visions of sugar plums danced in their heads they all knew that there were still a lot of gifts to unwrap and play with on Christmas day. by Trialbasis ©     Christmas Madness (Reviews & Essays) by dirtyjoe69 ©   So do any of you remember the days of the Cabbage Patch Kids or perhaps you were one of those crazy people standing in lines for hours at Wal-Mart or Toys R Us in hopes you could barrel yourself through the mad dash and be one of the lucky ones to get your paws on Tickle Me Elmo. It seems the mad dash is on again, but this time it isn't a heart felt doll everyone is fighting over, at least that would make sense to me. After all getting your young one the hottest present around gives you a sense of pride. This year the hottest item around is a Playstation 3, a video game consol. And who are most of the games geared too in this new age of technology, boys ages 13 and up. Now if you tell me boys that age already know or should already know there is no such thing as a Santa so why do we need to go out and stomp on our fellow shoppers to be one of the "lucky" ones. Heck when it came out on the market there was even a shooting at one of the stores. I would love to see that trial; "Sir you have been charged with attempted murder while shopping at Wal-Mart, how do you plead?" I use to venture out like everyone else right to the last minute trying to figure out what to get all my family but as I get older I just can't stand the crowds. Wall to wall people making their way down the endless aisle of product, buying nothing important but feeling it is the most important purchase in your lifetime. At least most stores have the soothing sounds of Christmas carols playing on their intercoms. Such a shame that Winter Wonderland or Silver Bells has to be turned out when we hear the annoying "Attention Shoppers" come over the speakers cutting off our one joy when going through this hellish time. Don't get me wrong I love Christmas. I love seeing the faux Santa's and the Nativity Scenes at the different department stores. I am not even bothered by the guy or gal ringing the bells to get your attention to put a coin in the pot for the less fortunate. And when I drive through the different neighborhoods and see all the pretty lights guiding the way for the night Santa takes his yearly journey, I am always left breathless. But some how Christmas has lost a little of its luster for me. Maybe I am getting old or maybe it how "retail" Christmas has become has played a part in my little bit of bitterness. I do know the "minority" groups have played a big part in my breaking heart. Just today I was watching the news and saw the Seattle Airport taking down all their Christmas trees they had in the lobbies. And why did they do this? Because a Rabbi said he was going to sue if they didn't put up an equal sized Menorah to represent the Jewish faith. Well last time I checked a Christmas tree is not even a part of Christian symbology. It isn't portraying Jesus it was just a place where one could put their gifts that became a custom many years ago. Christ was taken out of Christmas years ago with the countless lawsuits we have seen. Schools being forced to change their concerts at holiday time, being forced to take down decorations, forced to stop singing certain carols. I am just glad in the time of forgiveness and giving that these so called "Minority" groups can be so heartless to the majority of people in our country. Call me racist, call me Christmas hater, call me what you want...It is people like the Rabbi in Seattle that have crush my Christmas dreams these past few years. I'm surprised they haven't sued a church yet to stop Christmas service because they aren't teaching other religions too. No one is born hating others; it is a learned behavior so when things like in Seattle happen it keeps that cycle going. But Jesus taught us to forgive so I forgive that Rabbi for being a pompous ass that is only being a selfish jerkoff. I would just like to thank him for making the headache of holiday travels that much more of of a headache. I just wonder how far this madness is going to go. It seems to never stop and I can foresee a future where we won't even be allowed to call Christmas, Christmas at all....such a shame.   by dirtyjoe69 ©     Carol's Christmas Creampie (Loving Wives) by Nigela Lamont ©   Stephen Hartley's hand trembled, and he downed his rum and eggnog. It was Christmas Eve and his wife was being seduced by his new friend as they danced. He watched as Jerome cupped Carol's soft round ass in his big hands and pulled her close. Carol reached up, wrapped her arms around Jerome's neck, and kissed him passionately and Stephen felt his cock coming to life. For the first time in months, Stephen was getting an erection. Except for his fading sex drive, the years had been kind to him. Although Stephen's hair had turned gray, it gave him an air of distinction, and he kept his body fit by faithfully working out at the gym. He was almost twelve years older than Carol, but he was still a handsome man. Last year he had turned sixty and his sex drive had begun to wane. His wife was beautiful with a good figure and long chestnut brown hair, but she had turned quite prudish and their marriage had become predictable and boring. Once Stephen had bought Carol some sexy clothing but she had refused to wear it, saying she was getting too old for such nonsense. Desperate for a solution Stephen tried renting an adult video. Carol reluctantly agreed to watch the movie, which was about a young white housewife's torrid affair with a well-hung black man. The production was amateurish and did little to arouse Stephen but it had a surprising effect on his prim and proper wife. The movie's male porn star, a well-hung black with the unlikely name of Rod Dewer, had turned her on. The next day Carol gave him a big surprise. She literally begged him to go to a sexshop and buy her a large lifelike black vibrator. Then she wanted Stephen to sit and watch as she pleasured herself with the vibrator, pretending it was Rod Dewer. He liked this change in Carol and was pleased she was able to have an orgasm, but he couldn't keep his erection. He wondered what it would be like to watch her fuck a real man. Compounding his troubles, Stephen had been called into his boss's office and told he was being transferred from Boston to San Diego. When he told his wife they were moving she balked at the idea and broke down and wept. Christmas in Massachusetts had always been special to Carol and she told him she wanted a White Christmas, and San Diego was hardly her idea of a winter wonderland. Stephen felt terrible. He hated to disappoint her but he had no choice, the move was essential for his career. *************** Stephen and his wife arrived in San Diego just two short weeks ago. They had had been moving the last of their belongings into their new home when he had accidentally tripped, breaking Carol's favorite vase. She had become angry and flown into a rage. After they had a huge argument, he stormed out of the apartment and left her to finish unpacking. To give her time to calm down he went off to find a local fitness center and soak his aching muscles in the gym's hot tub. Stephen was happy he was the tub's only occupant but as he lay there relaxing in the soothing bubbles, he saw a very tall handsome black man wearing a tight white Speedo come out of the men's shower area and head his way. Stephen felt his heart racing. He had never been attracted to a man before but the young giant had a powerful air of sensuality about him and Stephen felt his balls involuntarily tighten. He couldn't help thinking that the young coffee colored Adonis would be a perfect replacement for Laura's vibrator. As if he could read Stephen's mind, the man came and sat next to him and struck up a conversation. "Hey man, how ya doin? They sure do keep it hot in here, eh?" "Yes, it is very hot," Stephen replied nervously. "but it sure does feel good." "Yeah, it's nice but you know I hate the piped music they pump into this place. They could use a brother to give it some soul. I'll tell you what though; I sure wouldn't mind having a tub like this in my apartment. It would be a big help to get the ladies!" The young black had massive shoulders and well toned biceps and although Stephen was generally quite shy, the man was easy to talk to. Remembering Carol's new penchant for big black males Stephen decided he would take advantage of the situation, "You sure don't look like you'd need any help in that department," he said. "That's easy for you to say buddy. You're wearing a wedding ring, so you've probably forgotten what it's like to be a bachelor. Being single isn't all it's cracked up to be. Girls nowadays can be real bimbos, and it sure would be nice to have a decent meal for a change. I get so tired of eating out. I'd give anything to have a real woman that can cook and fuck. I envy you, at least when you're married you get decent meals and steady tail." "Yes, that's true," he said. "but lately all I've been getting is the good meals. My wife is a great cook but my age is catching up to me. I'd give anything to be young and virile like you. If only I had a body like yours I'd be able to give her the kind of Christmas she needs." The young black's voice took on a sympathetic tone. "Hey man, don't feel bad, shit happens. If you need a hand with her, I'd be glad to help you out," he joked. Stephen sensed an opportunity and played along with his joke. "Well I wouldn't mind that but I don't know how she would feel about it," Stephen said quietly, averting his eyes. There was a short, uncomfortable pause then he blurted out "but I bet she'd love to cook you a meal. Carol likes to show off in the kitchen." "It sounds like you have a fine lady. I hope I get to meet her," the man said suggestively. He stuck out a giant hand and introduced himself. "My name's Jerome Jefferson. I haven't seen you in the gym before. Are you new in the area?" "I'm Stephen, Stephen Curtis. I was just transferred here from Boston. My wife and I just moved into Shelburne Place, that new apartment over on Madison." "Well, how about that," the man said. "You know, we're practically neighbors, I'm living in the Fulford Arms, just down the street from there." With that, he hauled himself up until he was sitting on the edge of the tub with his legs dangling in the water and looked directly at Stephen. Stephen couldn't believe his brazenness, and tried his best not to stare at Jerome's bulging crotch. He must work out a lot he thought, noticing his rippling muscles. Suddenly Steven lost his nerve and his shyness returned. He mumbled a hasty excuse about having to go and made a quick exit to the change room. He was just finishing tying his shoes, when Jerome followed him in and came over to where he was sitting. "Well look at that," he said, "another coincidence; you took the locker right next to mine. I'm glad I caught you before you left." Jerome nonchalantly stepped out of his Speedo. He stood there with his giant cock hanging right in front of Stephen's face. Although it wasn't hard, Stephen thought it had to be at least ten inches long. It was hard not to stare at Jerome's buff body as he changed into his street clothes. Jerome picked up the conversation where they had left off. "Seriously man, I meant what I said about meeting your wife. I hope I'm not coming on too strong, but I'd be more than happy to show you guys a good time. I know how lonely it can be not knowing anybody in a strange city. Say, your wife's not prejudiced, is she?" "No, of course not." Stephen replied. "Actually, when we first met Carol loved rhythm and blues. She liked to dance but it's been years since we did anything like that. Unfortunately," he added, "I have two left feet." Stephen realized he might never have another chance and threw caution to the wind. "Perhaps one night you could take us out for a night of dancing, of course I'd be more than happy to buy the drinks." Things were developing very fast for Stephen. He was out of control but he loved the sensation. Realizing there was no going back, he thought he might as well go all the way. His voice cracked as he made his proposition. "Why don't you give me your phone number before you leave, Jerome? I'll have to check with my wife but I'm sure she'd be thrilled to have you over for dinner." "I've got a better idea man, why don't you two come to my club's Christmas dinner tomorrow. After all, it is Christmas Eve, and I'm darn sure the last thing your wife feels like doing is cooking for a total stranger after all her unpacking. Jerome decided to cut to the chase. "I think you really want me to fuck your wife for you, Stephen. That's what this is really about. Am I right?" Avoiding Jerome's eyes, Stephen looked down at the floor. "Y...Yes I guess so, It's just that you're so big down there...I'd love to watch you make her happy. God, I can't believe I'm saying this." "Hey man, don't be embarrassed. I'm flattered. You know, what you want isn't all that uncommon. You'd be surprised how many men are into it. And you couldn't have asked at a better time. I have about a gallon of cum stored up in these balls and I'm just about ready to explode. If you just get her to come to the club, I'll be happy to do her for you. Oh... and Stephen, one more thing." Jerome shook his hand as if to seal the deal and gave him a big grin. "Yes, Jerome?" "I guess I didn't tell you. I own the club so the drinks will be on me." *************** When Stephen returned to the apartment, Carol had settled down. He told her that when he had left he had gone to the gym and made a new friend. Stephen told her how they had been invited for dinner at the man's club, and if she agreed he would really like to go. The idea of having Christmas dinner with someone he had only just met at the gym made Carol feel very nervous. She finally agreed to go when he told her that although his new friend was quite young, he did own the club they were going to, so they should be quite safe. Stephen added that he was also good looking and loved to dance. He went on to say that he had been doing a lot of thinking about their marriage. They were in a rut he said and he thought it might put some excitement back in their life if she indulged him. Since it was Christmas, he said he would like it, if just this once she loosened up and wore the new outfit he had bought her. and did a little harmless flirting. Carol found herself getting excited at the idea. She hoped Stephens's new friend was as young and charming as he said he was. After all, she thought, it would be nice to have someone to dance with. Carol decided to give her husband what he wanted and put on some sultry deep red lip-gloss and sprayed herself with the expensive new perfume he'd given her for her birthday. Spurred on by his positive response she even put on his favorite pair of red panties. Stephen whistled in appreciation, and then begged her to wear the little black pleated skirt and new top that he had bought for her. The semi sheer top was cut low in the front and very daring. By now, Carol was getting very horny. Se decided against wearing her bra and slipped on a pair of stay up nylons and a pair of her favorite satin pumps. Stephen looked her up and down and gave her a big hug. "Sweetheart, I love you so much and I want to make this a very special Christmas for you. I want you to feel free to do anything you want to tonight." Carol felt bad for everything she'd put Stephen through in the last year. He worked so hard and was such a lovely man. He didn't deserve the way she had treated him. She felt tears begin to well up in her eyes. "Oh Stephen, I'm so sorry I've been such a bitch lately, but I don't understand what you mean. I want whatever you want." Stephen smiled at his wife. "Never mind, I think you'll understand what I mean when we get there. We'd better get going honey. The night is not getting any younger." It had been a long time since she'd dressed up and Carol had to admit she did look hot. When they got to the club and she was introduced to Jerome, she realized what Stephen was up to. After all, he knew full well large black men turned her on. When Stephen made the introductions he could tell by Carol's blushing countenance that she was pleased. He hoped that Jerome would give her that special Comfort and Joy that would return her to the woman he once knew. Stephen's description didn't do Jerome justice. Carol thought he was the most gorgeous man she had ever laid eyes on. His massive size and cute butt made her wish she had brought a change of panties. His easygoing manner made her feel right at home, and she was pleasantly surprised at how nicely the club was decorated for the holidays. Its cedar boughs and miniature red Christmas lights somehow made the club appear very intimate and romantic. Jerome had even gone so far as to wear a Santa hat and hang mistletoe in all the doorways. The club's live band was marvelous, and she felt more comfortable when she noticed there were quite a few white girls dancing with black men. Jerome had an easy familiarity that put her very much at ease. Sitting between her husband and Jerome made her feel very special, and before she knew it she had slipped off her shoe and was rubbing Jerome's leg with her bare foot under the table. "I really like your Santa hat Jerome, it's cute," Carol purred. Jerome looked pleased. "Well, how about dancing with jolly old Santa then?" Carol looked at Stephen. "Is that alright with you honey?" "Of course, sweetheart, remember what I said earlier about wanting you to feel free to do anything you want tonight. Go for it." Carol's face reddened as she allowed Jerome to lead her onto the dance floor. Her husband's gentle encouragement had paved the way for her, and Jerome's soft and soothing voice was making her soaking wet. In no time at all Jerome's stiff cock was rubbing up against her belly and as they danced to the strains of A Blue Christmas and she felt herself becoming very aroused. "You are a beautiful lady Carol. Your husband is a lucky man and loves you a lot. In fact he loves you so much he's asked me to give you something extra special tonight." *************** Stephen ordered himself another drink. His patience was beginning to pay off. They had been out on the dance floor for nearly half an hour and Jerome had Carol eating out of the palm of his hand. It looked like Carol was going to have herself A Very Merry Christmas and Stephen's rock hard cock was going to be an unexpected bonus. *************** Jerome kissed her and she felt his hot tongue invading her mouth. He took her hand and placed it on his throbbing cock and she felt a hunger growing, deep in her womb. She gave a little whimper as her aching cunt opened like a flower. Carol saw her husband getting up from the table to join them. Seeing the lustful look on his face almost made her cream her panties. He came up to her and whispered in her ear and she felt herself break out in goose bumps. "Feliz Navidad, darling. I can see you like my little present, why don't we all go upstairs where there's more privacy and Jerome can fuck you while I watch." Feeling as if she were in an erotic dream, she let the two men lead her over to the elevator. Carol gave Stephen a look of gratitude as Jerome pushed the button and the elevator took the three of them up to his penthouse. *************** Once in his penthouse, Jerome quickly assumed control of the situation. He ordered Steve to follow him, then picked Carol up in his big strong arms and carried her into the bedroom. She had never seen anything so impressive. The walls had been upholstered in a rich fabric to match the gold damask bedspread on his huge four-poster bed. With its deep burgundy carpet and floor to ceiling bay window, Carol thought it looked like something out of the Arabian nights. Jerome laid her gently down and she saw herself reflected in the big mirror suspended above the bed. "Stephen, I want you to undress your wife for me. Do it slowly, and when you're finished sit over there," Jerome ordered in an authorative tone, pointing to the room's solitary chair. "Then I want you to just sit back and watch while I fuck her for you." Stephen's hands trembled as he slowly removed her skirt and blouse. "Leave her red panties on." Jerome said. "It makes it feel more festive." Jerome tore his clothes off and climbed up on the bed. When Carol saw the size of his massive cock, she instinctively backed away, afraid of being split in two. "Oh god Jerome, it's too big!" "It's going to be okay," he assured her in his deep smooth voice. "I know it's bigger than what you're used to but I promise it will fit, I'm not going to hurt you." Stephen squeezed her hand in his as she felt herself getting wetter. She felt like she was about to be bred. Jerome moved up and tore the crotch of her panties open, then placed his cock at her opening and pushed. "Here Comes Santa Claus," he whispered. To Carol's surprise, the large bulbous head parted her lips and slipped in right away. "See baby, that wasn't so bad, was it? I told you it would be easy, women usually get pretty wet when they see this thing." Jerome let her get used to his size then slowly slipped his cock into her until his huge balls rested on her upturned ass. Carol started to respond and he quickened his pace, slamming into her like a prize bull. Jerome felt his swollen balls getting ready to let go as Carol wrapped her legs around him. They had been going at it for over ten minutes and Jerome was doing his best to keep on going. He felt the diminutive brunette raking his back with her long nails and it took every bit of his willpower not to blow his load. He rolled her over on his king sized bed and turned her around so she faced away from him. Straddling Jerome's magnificent organ, Carol lowered herself until his cock was buried to the hilt inside her. Stephen watched in reverent silence as Carol reached underneath and took Jerome's grapefruit size balls in her tiny hand, gently squeezing them as she milked his massive, heavily veined black cock with her obscenely swollen wet snatch. "Oh Jesus baby," Jerome groaned, as he gripped her waist tightly. "You're one hot little fuck .You'd better be on birth control baby, because these big balls of mine are filled to overflowing with lots of little black babies." His warning only served to make Carol hornier. Her velvety cunt lips gripped him tight. as she frantically raised herself up and down. She sobbed, pleading with him. "Please...fuck me good for my husband Jerome. That's it...hurry...oh god yes...just like that...that's it! Fill me with your cum... Oh god...hurry Jerome...give it all to me now!" "Oh Jesus, Carol. Your cunt is so fucking hot! Oh, fuck... I'm gonna cum any second now!" Stephen rose from his chair and moved in closer to watch their sordid act. He heard Carol's cunt making wet sucking sounds as she rode the ebony cum greased pole. Jerome' powerful hands ripped her panties wide open then raised her creamy white ass up and down as her cunt sealed itself around his glistening ebony cock. Jerome's stereo played O Come All Ye Faithful in the background and Stephen smiled at the irony of it. Suddenly Jerome stiffened, gave a loud tortured cry and released his hot heavy load up into her. Carol cried out in ecstasy, grinding her ass down on him, as she felt burst upon burst of hot cum hosing down her ravenous snatch. After he finally finished spurting, she carefully eased herself off his cock. "God Jerome," she gasped, as she lay back on the bed "that was absolutely fantastic!" She squealed with delight when she saw her husband's erect cock. "Stephen, look at you! This is the best Christmas ever!" Stephen stared at her hot pink cunt, stretched open and framed by the tattered remains of her red panties. "Honey," she blushed, opening her knees wide and holding her swollen cunt lips apart. "I have a present somewhere in here for you too!" Stephen's cock jumped in the air as Jerome's cum oozed out of her cunt and ran down her upturned ass onto the mattress. Carol looked down Jerome's thick white spunk leaking out of her gaping pussy and giggled. "Oh Stephen, I've been dreaming of a White Christmas. This really has been The Most Wonderful Day of the Year.   by Nigela Lamont ©     Lollipop Under The Christmas Tree (First Time) by Hannibal Ravencraft ©   Lollipop was a bubbly teen girl who had just celebrated her eighteenth birthday in early December and the best present her high school could give her was Christmas break. She couldn't wait for the two week vacation since school wasn't going very well for her. She wasn't too smart and was all ready held back twice so that she was still a junior. Her lack of academic skill didn't impede on her popularity one bit. She was a blue eyed beauty with golden blonde hair hanging down to her shoulders. She also had the biggest breasts in the school, her chest size in the double D's. She loved to wear tight t-shirts to tease all the boys. Her favorite t-shirt was a pink one with "cum lover" in glittered letters on the front and "90 degree angle" with an arrow pointing down to her perfect little shapely ass on the back. Despite her enjoyment of dressing in sexy outfits and wearing nasty little t-shirts she was still a virgin. She however did love to tease, flirt and lead guys on. Often she pretended to be a little slut but wouldn't even allow guys to touch her. Leading guys on was an exciting practice for her, especially guys who might not take no for an answer. Her nickname came from one of the methods she would do this to the poor boys. She liked to carry a long, spiral lollipop into class and lick and suck on it in front of them. Sometimes even moaning as she did it. No one was the object of more masturbation fantasies than her. So it was on the last day of school before Christmas break that she was strutting through the hall wearing her favorite t-shirt and a pair of tight, faded jeans. Her lips, in sparkling lip stick, curled up into a smile as she passed by a group of boys. She didn't have to look back, she could feel their eyes following her. Her strutting however came to an abrupt stop when Mr. Long the school principle appeared in front of her, seemingly out of thing air. He had a knack for doing that, something that led to speculation among students he may not have been from this world. He stood over her, his balding grey hair in a bad comb over and his thick brown rimmed glasses staring down at her. "Little miss what did I tell you about wearing that t-shirt to school? It is obscene and I'll have none of it. You'll have to change in my office." Mr. Long said crossing his arms over chest. Lollipop looked up at him with her best puppy dog eyes biting her bottom lip. "Oh, Mr. Long," she said in a cute little voice. "I know you said you'd suspend me, but can I help being a naughty 'wittle' girl?" Mr. Long didn't seem to be effected, even when she puffed her chest out a bit. "We'll discuss your suspension later, but for now you will have to change that obscene shirt. Go to my office and change now. My secretary Miss Parker will give you a shirt to wear." After stomping her foot Lollipop submitted to his authority and stormed off to the administration building as told. Inside the building sat the desk of Miss Parker, a forty five year old divorcee who still retained her lovely shape of body. Her brunette hair tied up and wearing glasses she was the only woman, student or faculty, that had breasts as plentiful as Lollipop. Like Lollipop, Miss Parker was the fan of attention from the boys as well, often wearing tight fitting long skirts and jackets and blouses that showed plenty of cleavage. Miss Parker spoke with a soft and sexy voice, but didn't need to use it when she saw Lollipop walk in with her "cum lover" shirt on. Miss Parker opened a drawer in her desk and took out a plain white t-shirt, the last one left. She tossed it to Lollipop and pointed to the principals office door. Giving a defiant huff Lollipop stormed into the office and slammed the door shut as hard as she could and stood alone in the principals office. She tossed the t-shirt onto the desk and looked about the office for a minute deciding this was a good excuse to be late for first period. Everything was neat, tidy and in perfect order. There didn't seem to be a spec of dust anywhere, and even the trash was sorted into several different little bins. She slid off her dirty t-shirt and stuffed it into her book bag. She then realized that she probably should have worn a bra that day. Taking the white t-shirt Miss Parker had given her she pulled it over her head stretching it past her chest, being too small it only came down to the top of her stomach. Unexpectedly, the door opened and Miss Parker walked in. Lollipop turned around facing her, a look of confusion on her face. Miss Parker just smiled and closed the door behind her and then locked it. It was then that Lollipop noticed a leather paddle in her hand. A bit shocked she took a step back while Miss Parker gave her a sexy little smirk. "Mr. Long may have forgotten, but one more suspension and you will be expelled. It's in your file you know." Miss Parker said. "You don't want that do you?" "Oh no!" Lollipop exclaimed. "You see if I get expelled or flunked one more time, my parents are going to send me to live with my uncle in Nebraska. They don't know it, but he's a dirty pervert and would do dirty things to me!" "Ooh," Miss Parker whispered. "The thought of a dirty old man doing dirty things to your young flesh sends a tingle up my thighs. However, I'm sure its complete dread for you little dear. Lets make a deal. If you do me a very special favor, I'll convince Mr. Long not to write you up." Lollipop thought for a moment, but then agreed. "Oh yes Miss Parker" she said, "I'll do anything." "Good girl. I'll need you on Christmas Day, and you can do my favor. However that doesn't mean you shouldn't be punished. Be a good girl and drop your jeans and panties and bend over the desk." Lollipop gasped unsure of what she should do. But the thought of living in Nebraska bent her will to obey. She unbuttoned her jeans and slid them down slowly. She felt the eyes of Miss Parker, staring at her creamy thighs. Turning around, her face red with embarrassment, Lollipop then pulled down her panties exposing herself to the secretary. She leaned over the desk, resting on her elbows and forearms and waited. Bent over and vulnerable, Lollipop felt Miss Parker's slender hand run along the curve of her ass. Miss Parker was stroking it with a gentle caress before taking away her hand, and delivering the first spank across her milky backside. Lollipop cried out looking back over her shoulder at Miss Parker's orgasmic delight as she spanked her little ass again. Not being able to watch any long Lollipop looked ahead as she felt the third smack of the leather paddle on her rear end, now a rosy red coloration. "Now about that favor," Miss Parker said before the fourth spank. "There is a boy about your age named Lewis. Poor Lewis is a bit of geek I'm afraid and none of his classmates like him. Since he was going to be alone on Christmas I told him I was going to give him a very special present. I was going to give myself but you'll be much better. Meet me on the corner of Elk and Oak street at six in the morning, Christmas day. If you don't show up or are late, consider yourself expelled. Understood?" "Yes Miss Parker." Lollipop answered. "Oh please dear, call me Mistress." Once again Lollipop found herself confused, but soon enough told Miss Parker "yes Mistress." Miss Parker smiled and gave Lollipop the fifth and hardest spank yet. Deciding that was enough Miss Parker leaned down and rubbed her nose softly against Lollipop's virgin pussy. After inhaling the scent Miss Parker bent over the girl and whispered in her ear, "I love the smell of cherry in the morning. See you Christmas morning dear." ~ A fresh snow had fallen over Christmas Eve and now laid sparkling in the rising morning sun. Lollipop dressed warmly stood by a stop sign on the corner of Elm and Oak street where she was supposed to meet Miss Parker. She hadn't been waiting long when Miss Parker's car drove and stopped next to her. Lollipop quickly got into the passenger's side relishing the warmth coming from the heating system. Miss Parker drove down Oak Street for a while before turning into the driveway of a mid-sized blue house. Both of them getting out of the car Miss Parker fumbled through a large bag finding a set of keys. She unlocked the front door and let herself in, motioning for Lollipop to follow, which she did. The house was small and could have used a bit of cleaning but the heat was on and that was all that mattered to Lollipop after standing in the cold for a while. Miss Parker led her into the living room, a small room with a television and a couch. In the corner was an artificial Christmas tree, poorly put together and poorer still was how it was decorated. There were no presents under it. "Now" Miss Parker whispered. "Remember to keep quiet. We don't want Lewis to wake up before Mrs. Claus can deliver his present now do we?" Lollipop shook her head no. "Good," Miss Parker continued. "Now strip down naked. Take all your clothes off and put them in this bag." Miss Parker reached into the bag pulling out a nightie and a red ribbon. "Hurry up now, Lewis is an early waker." Lollipop did as she was told quickly stripping down in front of the groping eyes of the Mistress. She put all her clothes in the bag as instructed and when handed the nightie she slipped it on. It was white with a cherry design on it. Miss Parker set the bag aside and fixed up Lollipop's hair into pigtails. She then guided Lollipop to the Christmas tree who promptly laid down under it. Miss Parker then tied the ribbon around the waist of Lollipop into a big bow and laid a little card on her. "Now don't move from this spot until Lewis comes in and sees you. You're going to do whatever he wants, and if he isn't the happiest young man in the world before noon, you're in trouble." Miss Parker smiled and walked away. She picked up the bag and then left the house and drove away. Lollipop laid there perfectly still waiting for Lewis to show up. She was nervous, she actually had her hymen broken in a bicycle accident when she was younger but was this the first time she had ever done anything. She knew the Lewis Miss Parker was doing this for and what a painfully shy person he was. She wanted to think of something good to say to entice him. Amazed by how turned on she was by all of this Lollipop's nervousness turned to anticipation. She bit her bottom lip, waiting ever so patiently careful not to move. Her heart started to race when in walked into the room Lewis. He skinny but tall young man, his dark hair was in a mess and he was still in his white undershorts and boxers when he came in and saw Lollipop laying under his tree. Lewis nearly panicked, not sure of what to make what he saw. He slowly made his way over to the tree and picked up the card laying on Lollipop. "Merry Christmas to a sweet young man named Lewis, Miss Parker." It read. Lewis took a few steps back lost in wonder. After taking a deep breath and collecting himself he leaned over and pulled loose the ribbon. With a playful smirk Lollipop got up onto her knees slowly spreading her thighs apart. She lifted the nightie up ever so slowly, revealing herself to the watchful eyes of the young man. Her fingers then ran down her stomach to her snatch and opened up her pussy for his viewing pleasure. "Lewis," Lollipop groaned out. "I have a cherry that needs popping, can you help?" Lewis was unable to speak, he just stared at her in a daze and nodded his head yes. Lollipop pulled the nightie off revealing the rest of her perfect body to him. Licking her lips she crawled to him on all fours and purred like a kitten as she rubbed her cheek against his thigh. She ran her hands up his legs and grabbed at the waistband of his boxer shorts. "I want to see the cock you're going to shove into me." She groaned out pulling his boxers down. Startled she fell back and gasped. Her eyes widened, a tint of fear in them as she stared at the giant swinging between Lewis' legs. She had no idea they could be that big. It was even bigger than in that porn movie she once watched with her friend Mandy. She got back up to her knees unable to take her eyes off it. She reached up and grabbed it, unable to get her fingers all the way around. As she touched the giant, it grew hard and stood up and grew a bit bigger. Her jaw dropped unsure of how she was going to be able to fit it into her. While her mouth was open Lewis had grabbed the back of her head and stuffed it into her mouth. Only the head and a bit of the shaft was able to fit in. Who knew a geek would have such a monster in his pants? Lollipop pulled her head away coughing and gagging but Lewis pulled her head right back to him. Only able to oblige Lollipop opened her mouth and took as much of him into her mouth as she possibly could. Her head bobbed back and forth as she sucked away furiously. Her saliva slobbered all over the head and dripped down her chin and she had to use both hands to stroke his shaft. She prayed he didn't cum right away as it would no doubt be like turning on a fire hose in her mouth. She managed to pull her face back a bit and then gasped out, "sit on the couch." Lewis went over and sat on the couch while Lollipop crawled over to him. Squeezing her breasts around his cock she began to work his shaft with her tits. Lewis leaned his head back and closed his eyes as she bounced her tits up and down on his spire of flesh. She let out heavy gasped moving her chest up and down on him just like how she saw in the movie. Lewis opened his eyes and looked down at her. From his look, Lollipop knew what was coming next. Lollipop turned around and got down on her hands and knees. Looking over her shoulder she watched Lewis get off the couch and move behind her. She whimpered a bit and then took a deep breath waiting for it. Lewis grabbed her hips and slowly pushed that monster cock into her pussy. Lollipop screamed as she felt herself stretched open. Tears welled up in her eyes while Lewis pushed himself deep into her. "Oh God! It's so big!" she screamed out as Lewis slid it back and forth slowly in her. Lewis grabbed her pigtails pulling her head up back. Lollipop's poor defenseless pussy was being assaulted. He drilled it into her hard pounding his hips into her and Lollipop loved every moment of it. Each thrust was met with a scream of ecstasy from her. Her arms gone weak she fell to the floor on her face her ass in the air while she was getting the fucking of a lifetime. Her face was red from all of her screaming and howling as well as the heat from her body. Getting winded Lewis pulled out and sat back against the couch. Lollipop however, wanted more. She turned and pounced on top of the young man and impaled her self on him. Her tits rubbing in his face Lollipop bounced on his cock, her dripping pussy wetting the stiff meat so it slid up and down easier. Lewis was groping and sucking at her breasts while Lollipop rode him, grinding herself into him as fast as she could. Her eyes rolled up and she turned into a fucking machine, wanting nothing but to continue getting stuffed like a Thanksgiving turkey. Lewis got up lifting Lollipop who was still driving her hips into him. He moved to a wall, wanting to pin her and fuck her against it. After slipping though, they both fell into the tree. That didn't bother Lollipop at all as she put her hands over head and grabbed hold of the tree. Her legs over both of Lewis' shoulders and him holding her by the back of her thighs. Lollipop now a tree ornament continued to get nailed by Lewis' monster. She had lost her voice and breath long ago and just floated in her senses. She felt Lewis pull out of her again. Lollipop looked down just in time to see the cum shoot out of his dick like a geyser spraying it all over her stomach and breasts. Lollipop just sort of crumbled to the floor in exhaustion looking like wrapping paper torn from a present. Lewis pretty much did the same. Lying under the Christmas tree Lollipop managed to hear Lewis, through his wheezing, say the words: "Best. Christmas. Ever."   by Hannibal Ravencraft ©     Christmas is Cumming (Non-consent/Reluctance) by JadeXX ©   It was that time of year again. Snow was falling, people were singing, and lights filled the sky. Christmas was the time of year where everyone's hearts were filled with joy, everyone that is except Jade. Jade hated Christmas and everything that went with it. She couldn't stand the endless shopping lines, whining children, and worn out Christmas tunes. In fact, if she had the power to get rid of Christmas forever, she would. That exact thought came upon her early Christmas eve. What if she could get rid of Christmas. Would anybody really miss it? Probably, but she wouldn't. She had spent countless years being tortured by this horrible holiday. It was time something was done about it. There was really only one sure way that she could think to get the job done. She would have to go directly to the source. Christmas Eve day turned into evening and Jade prepared for that night. She began by baking her favorite Chocolate cookies. Cookies that nobody could resist, especially not him. She lay the cookies by a glass of milk hoping to create the look of a friendly environment. Next she went to her bedroom to make the final touches. She lay her naughtiest red teddy on the bed. Smiling at the thought of how seductive she would look she went to work on her hair and makeup, creating a look that nobody would be able to resist. With her blond hair falling around her shoulders and the naughty teddy hugging her every curve she was ready. Checking herself in the mirror she couldn't help but think that she looked incredibly sexy. Her large breasts were barely covered by the tiny teddy and you could see her hard nipples poking through. With everything in place she went back downstairs. Laying herself out on the couch, in front of the fire place, she waited. Jade was just starting to dose off when she heard noise on her roof top. It sounded like a bunch of little hoofs dancing around. They were then silenced and she could hear the footsteps of a man. She then heard muffled noises followed by a soft swish. And there he came down her chimney and landed with a load thud. As she checked out the man in the red suit, she thought over her plan. Her plan was to seduce him and get him tied up in her bedroom. He wouldn't be able to deliver his presents and everyone's Christmas would be ruined. Everyone's except hers. "Hello, Santa." She called out in a sultry voice. He gave a surprised jump and turned toward her voice. She could barely contain a slight laugh from the size of his eyes. "Ho, Ho there little missy shouldn't you be sleeping" "And miss out seeing a sexy man like yourself." Jade purred as she slowly began to walk toward him. She smiled, as she could see his eyes were focused on her large breasts flowing out of the teddy. "I've been very naughty Santa. I should probably be spanked." "Well, I defiantly have something for you little lady."He replied with a wink Everything was going as planned. He was falling right into her trap. It was definitely going smoother than she could have ever imagined. She grabbed onto his collar and pulled him into her for a sexy kiss. She let her tongue linger around his lips and she could feel his cock swell against her leg. "Why don't we go into the bedroom?" She whispered as she walked him into the back room. He was giving her absolutely no resistance. It wouldn't be long now before he would be tied to her bed with no hopes of escaping. She pushed him onto her bed and climbed on top. She let her breasts fall from the teddy onto his chest. He eagerly shoved his face between them licking and sucking every inch. She slowly started to strip of his red suit making him cry out in anticipation. Once he was naked, she ran her breasts down the length of his body. Pausing at his large cock she placed her breasts so that they surrounded it and began to pump up and down. His cock swelled at the feeling of being between such voluptuous pillows. When his cock was completely hard, he tried to roll over on top, but she stopped him just in time. She defiantly needed to be in control. And it was time to have some fun. "I've got something extra special for you." She cued. She reached down beside the bed and pulled out the handcuffs. This was it, her chance to finally ruin Christmas. She took a deep breath and fell back on top of Santa, handcuffs in hand. She slowly began to kiss up his arm, trying to hide the cuffs so not to startle him. But, she failed, just when she was about to snap the cuffs around his wrists he saw her and pulled back. "Now what in the world do you think you are doing. Kinky little thing aren't you. Now everyone knows that Santa likes to be in charge." Santa chuckled. Not quite sure about what he was talking about Jade froze. She was just about to get off the bed when he grabbed her and pulled himself on top. She struggled to get away but he as way too strong. Next, he grabbed her cuffs and cuffed her to her own bed. "Let me go!" She screamed at Santa. "Ho, Ho, Ho, it's time for Santa to have some fun." And with that he buried his face in her breasts. She couldn't believe this was happening. She was just trying to ruin Christmas and now she was being attacked by Santa himself. She kicked and screamed as he licked and sucked on her breasts. She struggled to get away, but it was no use. Pausing to catch her breath she began to watch him touch her body. Santa started to lick down her stomach, sending shivers up her body. She wanted to keep struggling but she couldn't, something stronger was telling her to lay still. He continued to lick down her body pausing when he got to her inner thigh. He started making patterns with his tongue and her thigh burned with delight. It had been so long since someone had made her body feel this way. There was no way she going to stop him now. Continuing with the pleasure Santa made his way up to her juicy pussy. He slowly began to lick her clit, causing it to tingle with excitement. He then dived into her pussy letting her juices flow across his beard. She screamed with ecstasy as she felt her little pussy go off from too much pleasure. Once her pussy was satisfied Santa had no intentions of stopping. He then brought his hard cock to her face and shoved it in her mouth. She sucked it deep into her throat allowing him to pump back and forth. She got so excited she nearly bit off St. Nick's cock. He groaned with pleasure and she took him in even further. She couldn't get over how good he tasted. Not wanting to finish to early he pulled away. Jade was almost sad at not having his cock still in her mouth, but she knew something better was to come. Santa flipped her legs into the air and plunged his cock deep into her pussy. Jade couldn't believe how good it felt to be fucked be Santa's large cock. She rocked back and forth lifting her pelvis so he could plunge deeper. She screamed with delight loving every moment. He then flipped her over so that she was on all fours. He rammed his cock into her pussy from behind. She loved taking it like a bad little puppy. She reached back and rubbed her clit while he fucked her. Her entire body was screaming with pleasure. She could feel his cock swell even larger and she knew he was about ready to explode "Oh Santa, blow it in me." She said with a squeal. And with that he let go the biggest load she had ever taken. Her pussy exploded as her body filled with his hot juices. She shot forward with a scream, her body shaking all over. She could barely regain her composure when she realized Santa was already leaving the room. She reached over and grabbed the key to let her arm free. Once free she raced into the living room. There he was, a man in a red suit, the best fuck she had ever had. "Ho, Ho, Ho." He called out and with a wink and a smile he was up the chimney. She fell onto the couch trying to take it all in. Her body had never felt so good. She also couldn't help but notice that all of her negative holiday feelings were gone. She slowly made her way up to her bedroom. Even though her body felt great, she realized how exhausted she was. She knew she should get a good nights sleep. After all tomorrow was Christmas, the best holiday of the year.   by JadeXX ©     Christmas Lights (Exhibitionist & Voyeur) by MarionsLover ©   Marion sat upright on the bus seat, knees together, shoulder bag on her lap. She watched the dark streets pass by through her reflection in the window. Christmas lights shot their electric streams of coloured energy through the blackness, creating islands of cheer in the gloom. Some streets the bus passed through were more affluent, with lots of competing displays, making a cheerful vista to walk arm in arm through. She and Jack would have to do that some night. Other streets, poorer and darker, only had a solitary string of lights, palely stitched along a gutter or around a window. The bus entered the downtown area of the small town she and Jack had moved to for his job, managing a small book store. The city financed Christmas decorations were on every light pole, giant phallic candy canes thrusting into the night sky at the open, yawning vaginal wreaths. She could feel her own yawning vagina aching between her bare thighs. Damp and fertile, ready like moist earth for planting with Jack's seed. God, she was horny. Jack was working a lot of long days during the Christmas season and coming home tired. But they wanted another baby. Eleanor was almost two, it was time to make a second. But toddlers did kill the mood at the most inopportune times. She had monitored her temperature and body and like the Magi studying the stars millennia ago she had determined that it was time. She rang the bell for her stop. Carefully stepping down from the bus a chill draft curled around her knee high boots and wafted up between her spread thighs, tickling the wetness at her naked pussy. She strolled casually along the main street, looking into windows, like any other Christmas shopper out late on a week night. Her long black wool coat swept over her curving thighs to past her knees, meeting her high 'fuck me' boots. If anyone saw her leg they just caught a flash of the red stockings worn as a concession to the cold. A light snow fell, settling on her cloche hat and the faux fur collar that wreathed her face in a soft warmth. The coat swayed as she walked, the lining brushing against her bare bottom creating a delicious thrill. Her naked breasts pushed against the front of her coat. Her bare nipples teased to firmness by the movement of the fabric against them adding another thrill. She could feel the heat from her pussy coursing through her body, filling it with desire, joining the tingle of naked bottom and bare nipples to fill her to bursting with a delicious sense of wanton lust. A beat cop strolled by, nodding at her with a charming smile. For a brief second of alarm she felt like he could see under her coat and was gazing upon her nakedness. She felt her whole body flush. God he was handsome! What if she just opened her coat and let him take her right there on the sidewalk? Just lie back in the snow and let him fill her with a massive hard cock while everyone watched admiringly? She smiled back and closed her eyes when he passed, sighing with the delicious fantasy, glad that her blush was disguised by the red glow of Christmas lights. She squeezed her thighs together, putting some exquisite pressure on her clitoris. "Ohhhh..." she moaned quietly to herself. She looked in the windows of the shops, pondering and dreaming. Running the store didn't make much, but she was frugal and they got by in the anticipation of someday. They had agreed to spend most of their small Christmas budget on Eleanor and the food. The food was important to both of them. It just didn't feel like Christmas without a special meal. Presents for each other were to be small. "Wrap a bow around yourself," Jack had said flippantly. "You're all I want." Candlelit love making under the tree was going to be problematic with a toddler in their small apartment, so she had asked her friend from the down the hall to watch Eleanor while "she helped Jack at the store." She would watch Lynn's child some other time in trade. Slowly Marion walked along the sidewalk, squeezing her thighs together at each step, sending tingles of delight through her body to blend with the sensation of nipples and bottom rubbing against the liner of her coat. She was breathing heavily, flushed with desire and lust. Shoppers on the streets were few now, it was close to closing time for all of the shops. She reached the front of the store, admiring the decorations she and Jack had put up at the start of the season one Sunday afternoon with Eleanor supervising from her stroller. The garland of greenery sparkled with the intertwined string of multi-coloured Christmas lights, flashing on and off, twinkling in changing patterns. Between the frost and displays in the window you couldn't see much of the inside of the store. A large wreath on the door had a card "Come in we're OPEN!" sign in the middle of it. She opened the door, the overhead bell jangling loudly. Fortunately, the store was empty as she'd expected this late on a weeknight. Marion turned the OPEN sign to "Sorry we're CLOSED" and turned the lock behind her back with an audible click. Jack came up from the back of the store, some books in his hands. "Hello! Be with you in a min..." He stopped short, seeing her at the door. "Oh hi Sweetie! Whatcha doing here?" Marion clicked off the overhead lights, leaving the Christmas lights outside and on the tree in the Christmas display burning brightly. She began unbuttoning her long black coat. "I thought I'd bring you an early Christmas present," she said smiling. She stood by the Christmas tree, its lights bathing her in flecks of fairy light, and opened her coat wide. "Do you like it?" She let her coat slide to the floor. "Would you like to unwrap it now?" "Oh..." Jack gasped in wonder and desire. His wife stood naked before him. A broad red ribbon wrapped under armpits and was tied in a big bow under her breasts, the two tails hung down her belly to end at the dark triangle of her bush. She bent one knee coyly as she stood in her high heeled 'Fuck Me Boots'. "Well?" she asked lightly. "I've always liked those boots" Jack replied. He moved a little closer, but he was enjoying just gazing upon her naked body bathed in the Christmas lights. Marion stood still, waiting, anticipating. Letting her lover come to her. She could see the shadow of the occasional pedestrian pass by the window, only a few feet away. Jack reached out to her and put his warm hands on her hips. "Mmmm" he growled appreciatively. "I like my present a lot." "Wouldn't you like to play with it?" Marion asked softly. Jack kissed her, lips moist and parted slightly. His arms pulled her closer. His lips traveled to kiss her under the ear, on her throat. "Oh yes!" he gasped. Marion stood still, letting him do as he wanted to her, thrilling in the butterfly touch of his lips on her body as they explored her neck and shoulders, her chest, the tops, sides and bottoms of each breast, circling inwards to light upon her nipples where lips gave way to tongue as Jack licked and sucked on each in turn. Hurriedly his fingers pulled at the ribbon, letting it fall to the floor, then he continued kissing downwards. Slowly he sank to his knees, his hands caressing her naked bottom as his lips kissed her belly and pelvis and thighs, working inwards to her center. Finally he buried his nose in the soft triangle of her bush, inhaling delightedly. Marion put her hands on his head in benediction, arching her back and closing her eyes as she sighed with desire. "Oh yes" she whispered. She pushed her hips forward, tilting her pussy towards his eager waiting mouth. Jack flicked his tongue out, touching her clitoris lightly. "Oh God yes!" she gasped more loudly. Jack opened his mouth to take her in, sucking and licking at her open center, trying to pull her into himself with his tongue. His fingers tightened on her buttocks. She gripped his hair, pulling on it in her ecstasy. "Oh.... fuck....yes!" Jack looked up at her adoringly from his knees. "I really like this present!" He pushed his face into her pussy again while starting to undo his pants. "I have a present for you too" Jack said pushing his pants down to let his stiff cock free. "Do you want it?" Marion nodded with an inarticulate whimper of desire. Quickly she spread her coat out on the floor beneath the Christmas tree and lay down on it, her legs wide, her arms out reaching for him. "Please," she pleaded in her lust. Jack quickly pulled the rest of his clothing off and leaned over her, his thick cock aimed at her belly. "Please" Marion whispered again. She grabbed his thick shaft in eager fingers to guide him in. Jack slid into her warm, amazingly wet pussy easily, sliding to his full depth in the first stroke. Marion tilted her head back with a sigh. "Oh God yes! That's what mommy wants!" Jack took his time, making long slow strokes. He gazed upon her face in the coloured Christmas lights. Marion smiled at him, her eyes twinkling. She moved her hands down to grip his bottom. She loved caressing his small hairy bum. She knew it excited him. He bent down to kiss her. She met his mouth eagerly, open lipped. As he thrust he bent again to lick her nipples, she tilted her head and moaned in pleasure. She wished they could stay like this, wrapped in the Christmas lights, locked in their own private world of red and green and blue sparks as he slid inside of her and his lips searched her breasts. Marion could feel his cock thickening, his thrusts quickened, his breath came more raggedly. He locked eyes with her. "I love you" he said hoarsely. "I love you too" she replied. With a final grunt he plunged as deeply as he could, pushing the head of his cock right to her cervix and Marion felt the warm flood of his semen fill her again. She wrapped her legs around his hips and pulled him down on top of her, holding him inside her as long as she could. Jack kissed her behind her ear. "I love you so much" he whispered. "I really like my present." "Mmmmm" Marion laughed. "I'm glad. Hopefully we'll get to see your present to me in about nine months." "That'd be nice" Jack said contentedly. "Just in case, maybe we can play this game again Christmas Eve under our own tree?" Marion laughed again. "We'll see what Eleanor has to say about that. But maybe. Some sherry and shortbread would go nicely with it." Jack sat up. "What did you do with Eleanor anyway?" "Lynn's watching her for a few hours. I told her you needed 'some help' at the store." "Lynn? That's nice. Eleanor likes her." "Yeah, Lynn's great. Who do you think helped me tie the bow?" Marion smiled at him, the Christmas lights sparkling in her beautiful eyes.   by MarionsLover ©     Miriam's Christmas Miracle (Scifi & Fantasy) by TheBigandBaldGuy ©   Miriam was drunk. She sat in the dimly lit and sparsely populated bar early in the afternoon, having been forced to leave work early due to the half day. She had watched bitterly as everyone left, knowing all her co-workers were thrilled to finally be off for Christmas and were headed home to the warm embraces of families, spouses, and lovers, while she was not. She actually would have just as soon worked well into the evening doing paperwork, then gone home and gone straight to bed. But since that was not an option, she decided to stop off for a few drinks instead. Miriam sat at the bar, alternately staring into her mixed drink, listening to the nauseatingly repetitive Christmas music, and looking around at the assorted collection of drunks, losers, and pot-bellied balding salesmen. The bar was decorated in a thoroughly unrestrained and gaudy manner, which only added to Miriam's misery. She would glance over once in a while to an annoyingly jolly animated Santa, staring at it dumbly, wanting desperately to kill the repulsive thing. As she surveyed her hellish surroundings, her mind kept returning to the thought that hammered in her head with as much obnoxious regularity as the Christmas carols: Here it was, the day before Christmas, and she was -- once again -- alone. Miriam had come to the big city from her small town nearly a decade ago to go to college and law school and begin her career. She had accomplished both of those things with great dispatch and success, but once happily entrenched in her job she quickly found that finding quality people with whom to spend time, even in a city of hundreds of thousands, was actually very difficult. She had discovered that Christmas was always the most difficult holiday for her to be so alone, and with every passing year she became more and more convinced that she was simply doomed to be alone and never again feel the touch of a man who loved her, feel his hot breath on the nape of her neck as they made love, or to feel the pressure of a cock as it was slowly slid inside her. So that is why, on this Christmas Eve day at not yet 1:30 in the afternoon, Miriam was drunk. Miriam sat there for another two hours, until finally the bartender said to her, "Bar's closing, lady. Time to go." "Wha—what?" she asked, not grasping the concept through her Jagermeister-clouded brain. "So early? I just got started!" "The bar's closed for Christmas, and we all want to get home. C'mon, lady," he said now, gently but firmly escorting her off her stool and to the door, "it's time to go." He opened the door for her, gently thrusting her out into the cold, a gentle flurry of snow just starting to settle on the pavement. "Have a Merry Christmas, lady," he said with a smile, closing the door even before he was done wishing her well. "Yeah, well...fuck you, too," she muttered to herself as she began to stumble along the sidewalk, walking the several blocks to her apartment. As she did, Miriam kept returning to the tormenting thoughts of being alone for yet another Christmas. This particular holiday in her house as a little girl was always the most special, the most magical of all holidays. Her parents lavished attention on her, their only child, so every Christmas wish became a Christmas reality. But beyond that, her home was always warm, bright, happy, and joyful during this time of year with beautiful, hand-made decorations her father himself would craft, with delicious baked goods and treats her mother could create like none other, and the constant bustle of various relations. But her parents died the same year she started college, and the various relations all either grew old and died or grew up and drifted away. So here she was, suffering through yet another lonely Christmas with an ache in her heart like nothing she knew...nothing, that is, but the equally maddening ache in her pussy. While Miriam was in college, she certainly enjoyed the life of a sexy young co-ed living in the big city, having different guys nearly every weekend. But then she graduated and went to law school, and made the willful choice to focus on her legal career, forsaking such things as dating and relationships. In time she realized she missed far more than mere companionship, but desperately needed to have the sexual beast that was growing inside her fed. She had met some guys discreetly for sex, but couldn't help but notice they seemed to lose interest in her needs as soon as they reached orgasm. She had had a few boyfriends, but none of them seemed to satisfy her sexually, and so the relationships soon ended, usually with thinly veiled and angry recriminations that her inability to be satisfied sexually was entirely her fault and no reflection on their manhood. She had even had a fling with a married man for a while, who was at least able to keep up with her and satisfy her magnificently, but who was forced to abandon their relationship when his wife found out and gave him an ultimatum. Since then, Miriam had been without sex for nearly five years, finding release only in her fingers and assorted sex toys. She was now 34-years-old but felt as desperate for sex as a teenager. As she clumsily stumbled her way home, mumbling sadly to herself and tormented by thoughts of loneliness and the fire in her pussy which only seemed to get worse the more she drank, Miriam saw a man dressed in a cheap Santa outfit, seated by one of those ubiquitous charity collections seen so often this time of year. He must have been sitting out there collecting nickels and dimes since the day after Halloween, because the once hearty wave and jolly laugh had dwindled down to a cranky monologue. "Ho ho...Merry Christmas...ho ho...Merry Christmas..." he repeated over and over again unenthusiastically, clearly not giving a damn whether anyone had a merry Christmas or not. Miriam stumbled up until she was standing in front of him, looking at this cheap knock-off Santa. She remembered the elaborate Santa outfit her father would always sport for her and the other kids in the neighborhood. They'd always eagerly anticipate Santa's visit, his lusty laugh, sitting on his lap and getting exactly what they most wanted. Miriam had quickly figured out it was actually her father, but she didn't care. She always felt so safe and loved when she was wrapped up in his strong arms she was perfectly happy to play that little charade. She stood there staring at him for a few moments, until the charity Santa finally looked at her and said, "Yeah?" "Santa?" Miriam asked in a small voice, nearly in tears. "Why can't I get what I want?" He looked at her puzzled for a moment, then said, "Huh?" She now approached him with arms out, massaging his chest aggressively. "Why can't I get what I want, Santa? Why can't I get what I need?" Miriam slid down his chest onto her knees, her hands trailing down to his crotch, rubbing his quickly swelling cock through his thread-bare Santa pants. "Lady, lady...what...who?" he stammered, making a half-hearted and insincere effort to stop her. "Why can't I have a cock for Christmas? Do you know how long it's been since I sucked a cock? I love to suck cock..." Miriam said, speaking more to herself than to Santa. She was trying to get his belt unbuckled, but finding it exceedingly difficult with her alcohol-clouded mind. She could feel his stiff cock through his pants and was growing steadily desperate, knowing how it would feel in her mouth, how the veins would feel as she traced them with her tongue, how hot and tasty his cum would feel squirting into her mouth... Miriam had finally figured out the difficult trick of getting a belt unbuckled and was just about to unzip his pants to let his hard cock out, when she heard a woman's high voice shriek, "What the hell are you doing?!" Santa bolted straight up, knocking Miriam down onto the snowy pavement as he did. "Uh...uh...this lady...she," he stammered, trying to get his belt buckled, looking thoroughly ridiculous as he did so. The woman wore the uniform of the charitable organization for which Santa was collecting money, and was clearly his supervisor. Miriam stood up slowly, brushing the snow off her coat. Santa and his supervisor squabbled loudly, the woman accusing him of being a pervert and corrupting the meaning of charity, Santa accusing her of being a tight assed-bitch and maybe needing to suck some cock herself. She threatened to not pay him for today; he threatened to sue the entire organization. She called him a waste. He called her a cunt. Miriam was utterly forgotten in the argument, and slowly, sadly, desperately slinked her way down the sidewalk, sounds of the argument drifting softly away into the cold December air. "God damn it," she mumbled to herself sadly, "I can't even suck Santa's cock!" After what felt like an interminable period of time -- punctuated only by the cheery people she would pass on the way home, most of which happily wished her a Merry Christmas, many of whom were wrapped in the arms of a lover -- Miriam finally made it to her apartment building. It was already getting dark outside on this late December day, so when she opened the door to her stylish apartment the gloom almost overwhelmed her. She had intentionally not decorated for Christmas this year because she could hardly see the point to it, so while other homes now glowed with the pleasant cheer of soft lights and happy hearts, the only thing that glowed in Miriam's world were her cheeks as she poured herself a cognac. Drunk now almost to the point of passing out, Miriam wandered her way into her bedroom, wondering why she even had a queen-size bed. Not like she fucked anyone in it, and she could certainly sleep on her couch. She swallowed the last drops of her cognac, stripped off all her clothes, and finally collapsed in her bed. Miriam lay for a moment, curled up in a ball, crying softly to herself, until the combined efforts of depression, fatigue, and alcohol made her fall soundly asleep... *** It was pitch black in her bedroom when Miriam's eyes suddenly flew open. She laid stock still in her bed, thinking she had heard a sound coming from the living room. She lay there, listening carefully, wondering if she had in fact hears something or if it was just a dream intruding into real life. As Miriam lay in the silent inky blackness she became convinced that the sound had been in a dream as was about to let her eye lids slide down again, when she distinctly heard a loud thump come from her apartment. She now sat up in bed, suddenly terrified. Following the thump Miriam thought she heard the foot fall of a heavy boot, which sent shivers of terror racing down her spine. She now believed there was an intruder in her home, one that sounded to be male, and that suggested a very unpleasant outcome. As Miriam's mind began racing as to what she should do, whether she should go see what was the matter, where she could go to be safe, how she could possibly escape if need be, she noticed a soft, orange glow begin to seep in from beneath the closed door of her bedroom. This caused a shiver of panic to rush over Miriam in chilling waves, as the prospect of getting trapped in a burning high-rise building now seemed like a real possibility. Fear of confronting her intruder was now replaced by a primal need to escape a fiery death, and so she jumped out of bed and ran to the door. As she swung open the bedroom door, Miriam stopped cold; she wondered at first if the panic in her mind was so great that she was now hallucinating because of the image that greeted her eyes. The soft glow was not caused by a deadly fire raging through her home, but was rather the result of hundreds of small candles that had been placed and arranged through out her living room. Their combined warmth touched Miriam's face and naked breasts gently, and their unique odor made her fear and panic melt away to nothing. The odor was so unique, so soothing, so pleasing that her nipples grew hard in response to divine aroma. As she gazed about she saw that her once laconic living room was now decorated in utter Christmas glory, with a full-sized Christmas tree in corner, lavished with hundreds of beautiful ornaments. There were wreaths and garlands everywhere in her apartment, all apparently hand-made out of real pine boughs. The sweet scent of fresh-cut pine mixed with the distinct smell of the candles was simply intoxicating. Everywhere she looked, Miriam saw gorgeous Christmas decorations the like of which she had never seen before, never even had known were possible. As she wandered through her apartment in wide-eyed wonder, Miriam stopped suddenly when she saw a tall man standing before her, looking at her. Although fear and loathing would have been the normal response to such a confrontation, Miriam felt no such emotions, only happiness, contentment, pleasure...as if seeing an old friend again for the first time in years. The man wore a long burgundy robe made of what appeared to be the richest velvet ever seen, lined in soft ermine fur. She noted that an intricate vine and leaf pattern had been applied to the velvet in a shade only a slight tone lighter than the rich burgundy of the robe, so as the man moved his clothes appeared to shimmer. A hood -- likewise lined in fur -- was on his head, but did not obscure his face or features. Miriam was struck by the fact that this man had a long, snow white beard and equally long white hair, but that his face was not in the least bit old; to Miriam he appeared no older than herself. But for Miriam, the most amazing thing of all about this man was his eyes. They were locked mercilessly onto her own, seeming to have captured her eyes as well as her very soul through the intensity of his look. His eyes were of such a pale, icy blue that Miriam felt simply mesmerized by his gaze. This man said not a word, but slowly began to unfasten the thick black belt that kept his robe together. Once he had completely unfastened it, he let the belt fall to the floor, and then slowly pulled back and took off his robe to revel his naked flesh beneath it. Miriam sucked in her breath as she did, as he revealed to her a pale yet exquisitely toned and muscled body. Her eyes slowly pulled away from his, drinking in the image of his powerfully built chest, then his lean waist and superbly chiseled abs, and then finally lower. Miriam couldn't help but moan slightly and unconsciously lick her lips when she saw his massive, glorious cock. It stood out from a patch of snowy white hair; it was thick, hard, and perfectly curved, almost drawn up like a bow. Her mouth literally watered as she look at its smooth skin, thinking it had to be at least seven or eight inches. Whatever its actual dimensions, Miriam knew it was the longest, thickest cock she had ever seen. Large, full balls swung deliciously beneath the massive cock with any move he made, making Miriam's desire only more enflamed. The man stared at her intently, his eyes like an unbreakable chain connected to Miriam's. He stood still with arms akimbo as she took in his gorgeous naked body, and then strode quickly to her when her eyes returned to his. The man wore old-fashioned leather riding boots that rose nearly to his knees, which made a thick clunk as he strode towards Miriam; there was something about that sound, about gauging how close he was getting to her not only by sight but also by the sound of his approach, the she found wildly arousing. He walked up to Miriam until they were mere inches from each other, naked to naked, his stiff cock gently brushing against her pubic area. The man continued to gaze deeply into her eyes, as if speaking to her in a silent language known only to sight. He gently took hold of her face in his calloused workman's hands, holding her visage as if the finest treasure. Then, bringing her face to his lips, he kissed her softly, tenderly. Shivers of pleasure and wild desire raced along Miriam's spine at the first touch of his lips to hers, and she felt a thin trickle of pussy juices leak down her leg because she was so amazingly aroused. The man broke the soft kiss, looked into her eyes again, then leaned in once more to give Miriam and deep, passionate kiss, tongues swirling and dancing around each other. As he did her pulled Miriam to him, her soft naked chest pressed against his muscular one, his thick cock now pressed fully against her pubic area and lower belly. Miriam felt the burning heat of this hard rod pressed against her, and wanted desperately to have it in her mouth. As if knowing this, the man broke their kiss after a minute and stepped back; taking Miriam's eyes in his gaze again, he gently pushed down on her shoulder. Not needing any such directions or suggestions, Miriam happily dropped to her knees before this man, her face now perfectly level with his amazing cock. She reached out and gently, almost reverently, took it in her hand. Miriam looked at this cock deeply, taking in every delicious detail she could as she slowly slid her fingers down the shaft to the snowy mane of pubic hair, then back up to the smooth, engorged head. To her wondering eyes this cock appeared almost magical, and her mouth was watering with anticipation. Yet still she gazed at with an almost worshipful attitude in her heart as she continued to stroke it gently, so very appreciative to have this incredible thing before her. Miriam could finally resist no longer, but went right to her work. She gently clasped her hand around the shaft of the cock, her hand looking small as the fingers wrapped around this thick piece of meat. Miriam then tenderly swirled her tongue around the head of his cock, nearly cumming right then because the feel of this hard but smooth flesh on against her tongue was nearly too delectable for her to stand. She couldn't help but moan happily, almost unable to bear the combined pleasure caused by her tongue on his cock and the burning in her pussy. Miriam slid her free hand down to her clit and began rubbing. She swirled her tongue around the head for a time, alternately sucking the tip gently and slowly running her tongue along the entire impressive length of it. She broke away from that pattern for a time, and instead stroked the length of it with her hand while she swept underneath his cock to gently lick and suck his full, heavy balls. She would then slowly lick her way back up from his balls along the shaft to the cock head, and lick it happily like a kid with a lollipop. Miriam had very intentionally not put the entire thing into her mouth yet, not to tease the man in any way but rather to prolong her pleasure, but the itch on the back of her throat was becoming hard to ignore. She could take it no longer, and slowly slid the entire thing into her mouth, sucking gently as she did so. Miriam consciously loosened her throat as she did, and was quite proud she managed to swallow the man's entire massive cock. She held it there for a moment, savoring the feeling on his cock entirely occupying her mouth and touching her throat, then she slide it out at an equally slow pace. When her lips returned to the head, Miriam would suck and lick it gently, stroke the long cock with her hand, then repeat her slow sexual devouring. Her clit was on fire as she rubbed it, the slow penetrating action mirroring what she desperately wanted for her pussy; but for now, she was content to have this delicious cock in her mouth. This delectable torturing went on for some time, with Miriam alternating between sucking on the entire length, licking the shaft and balls, and stroking it, until she could feel the man's already hard cock grow stiffer. She knew what sweet treat that suggested; if she needed any further proof the man had tightly taken hold of the hair on the back of her head in his hands and was pumping his cock into Miriam's mouth. She wanted to taste his cum desperately, so as Miriam sucked in the length of his cock at a rapid pace she also led her lips with a hand wrapped around his thick meat, jerking him even as she sucked him, while with the other hand she gently massaged his balls. She suddenly felt the man's cock twitch with a jerk, then a fountain of hot thick cum began to spurt into her mouth. He had pushed her head into his pubic area and was now pumping his cock deep into her throat, so his cum splattered and splashed directly onto her throat. Miriam became incredibly aroused by that, having his cum sliding down her throat without even having to swallow. Her level of arousal became intense, and she felt that the slightest touch on her pussy now would lead her in to a wildly wonderful orgasm. The man continued to clench her head to him for quite some time, the gushes of hot thick cum apparently unending. Miriam happily received every drop, loving the feeling to her mouth being filled to beyond capacity, his thick cock stretching her mouth open, the head nestled all snug in the back of her throat, his cum oozing down. The stream of cum finally slowed down to a trickle, so Miriam slowly removed his cock from her mouth, sucking as she did so, getting every single last drop of cum she could from him. Once removed, she gazed lovingly up at this stranger, wanting -- needing -- more. This man grabbed Miriam by the upper arms and gently yet powerfully lifted her to her feet, guided her to the couch behind her, then laid her down. It was now he who knelt before her; he spread her legs slowly, stretching her open wide, utterly exposing her shaved pussy to him. He gazed at it hungrily, taking in this beauty of it the way a lover of art might view a masterfully painted canvas. He leaned in slightly then stopped, his face hovering mere inches from her wet, radiating pussy. Miriam would feel his hot breath on her wet pussy; she was dying to feel him. She watched as he slowly slid his tongue out of his mouth, then gently touched the lips of her pussy with it, and brought it up in one continuous motion the length of her pussy. The touch was so gentle it was like a mere whisper, but that teasing only made Miriam more insane with desire, now feeling like she would explode if she didn't soon cum. Perhaps sensing this -- or perhaps reading her mind, or simply intuitively knowing what she needed -- the man now wrapped his arms around her legs and used his thumb to massage her clit and to pull her pussy to him as he began to lick her in earnest, slide his tongue in deeply. He would lick from bottom to top, allowing his tongue to slide all the way into her before pulling it out. All the while his thumb would massager her clit, driving Miriam wild and bringing her closer and closer to orgasm. Miriam thought she had experienced pleasure as never before because of the way in which he was licking her pussy, but then he switched things around, now sucking on her clit and sliding first one then two fingers into her slippery wet pussy. He pumped her pussy hard, like she was getting a quality fuck, and sucked her thick clit, rolling it around his lips. The man had been doing this for some minutes and Miriam felt her orgasm building, when the man suddenly slid his finger out of her pussy and using her own juices as lubrication, slid it into her ass. The sudden, unexpected pleasure of having her ass fucked while still having her clit sucked was just too much for Miriam, and she came now with a moan and a howl. The man went on licking her juices as she came, fucking her ass ever more aggressively. Miriam felt wave upon wave of pleasure wash over her body, and every time the man licked her pussy or fingered her ass she felt another wave wash over her body. He finally stopped licking as she stopped convulsing, and slowly slid the finger out of her ass. As Miriam lay there with her eyes closed, basking in the happy afterglow of an amazing orgasm, she felt the man now literally lift her up. She was amazed by his almost magical strength, and felt so safe and warm when in his arms. He placed her on the couch again, this time on her hands and knees, then adjusted her so her as was exposed and high in the air. He rubbed her pussy a moment, then she felt the head of his cock -- again rigid and ready for sex, despite the short time since he came -- nudging her pussy. With once quick thrust he had slid the entire massive cock into her wet pussy, making Miriam nearly pass out from the pleasure. She knew it would not be long until she was cumming again. Once his cock was fully settled in Miriam's pussy, the man began to fuck her hard, almost immediately slamming it to her with extreme force. This was exactly the way Miriam liked to be fucked, hard and brutishly, fucked like a toy there just to be used for pleasure. The man was holding onto her slender hips tightly, actually using her own body to increase the force of his fucking by pulling her to him as he slammed his cock into her. She felt her pussy spread open to its very maximum, and filled to the very depth of it, filled with this magnificent cock, fucking her exactly as she liked it, like no one ever had before. She came again, her juices flowing all over the man's cock. He fucked her at this ravaging, maddening rate for perhaps ten minutes, making her cum several more times. At just the moment when she thought there was no more pleasure to be enjoyed with this man, he pulled his cock out, nestled the head of his cock on her asshole, and then gently pressed it into her. This was Miriam's secret desire, something she had shared with few men and experienced with even fewer. She often masturbated by sliding her largest dildo into her ass and ramming herself hard, but had experienced bad luck when discussing this option with men in the past and had never really experienced it with a real cock. So this strange man, who seemed to know exactly what she wanted even better than she did, was fulfilling one of her hottest fantasies. Just as he had when fucking her pussy, the man fucked Miriam's ass with complete, reckless abandon. He slammed his huge cock into her like a piston in an engine, fucking her hard and making her ass burn with wild pleasure. His heavy balls slapped her pussy with every animal-like thrust he made. She had never felt so full, so complete, so whole, and was amazed any cock could satisfy her so well. The engine-like fucking she got compelled her to cum several more times, heightened by her aggressively rubbing her clit as her fucked her. Just as before, he pulled her hips towards him to slam her harder, and like before Miriam was in heaven as she was so fucked. When Miriam felt like she was nearly fucked and cummed out and honestly feared she may pass out if she was fucked any longer, the man filled her ass with stream after stream of thick hot cum. Miriam could feel her ass filling with his cum, and felt such a thrill of pleasure that couldn't help but orgasm one last time. As she did, though, the pleasure was in fact too much for her, and she blacked out... *** Miriam awoke in her bed, feeling well rested and refreshed. She sat up and stretched, feel happy and content for the first time in weeks. The sun light of this bright Christmas morning -- or afternoon, actually, as she had slept far into the day -- streamed into her bedroom, but Miriam was confused as to why she was in such a fine mood. She thought about the previous day; she recalled leaving work...going to the bar...getting kicked out...the charity Santa...then coming home and going to bed. Then she recalled the dream. Miriam looked towards her closed bedroom door wistfully, remembering how in the dream she had feared her apartment was burning down only to find a room filled with candles. Recollections of that strange, sexual man caused Miriam to smile widely. She now realized that her pussy and ass were actually aching; the dream must have been so real she touched herself in real life. "If only," she said to herself, thinking about the total lack of real men like that. "If only, Miriam." Miriam got out of bed, feeling perfectly content to walk about naked. She was rarely bothered by her own nudity, but felt especially erotic and sexual this morning after the lovely sex dream. She may even plan a nice session later with her, her toys, and her favorite erotic on line playground. As she approached her closed bedroom door, she paused a second, wishing the living room was still full of those exotic candles and that the strange man was still there...but not the least bit surprised when she saw that her apartment was exactly how she had left it the night before. Neat and stylish, but not a trace of candles, wreaths, or garlands anywhere to be seen. Miriam was headed towards the kitchen to make herself some coffee, when she caught sight of something on her end table. From where she stood it appeared to be a large snow globe with an envelope place in front of it. "Where...?" she said, letting the rest of the sentence fade away in her confusion. She walked over to it, first picking up the snow globe. Unlike most such globes that have some kind of figure or seen inside of them, this one had nothing but the sparkling glitter; that, however, was utterly unique and like none other Miriam had ever seen, sparkling with an ethereal glow and shimmering colors that totally defied the amount of light that could possibly be reflected by such small flakes of glitter. Swirls of blue, purple, and amber seemed to flow of their own accord within the globe. Amazed and a little mesmerized by the globe, she then looked at the envelope. On it was written her name in the delicate hand-written script of a by gone era. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw her own name, and s shiver and excitement raced down her spine as she tore open the envelope to see what was inside. She pulled out a note with a shaking hand, written in the same beautiful script, and read: "Christmas is, above all, a time for love. No one should ever be lonely, or sad, or dejected during this time of year. "But the joy and happiness that comes during Christmas should last through out our lives, not just a few weeks at the end of every year. We are called upon to give of ourselves, totally, completely, without hesitation and without restraint, for the good of all others. Always. "So when you are lonely, I will be there for you. When you are afraid, I will comfort you. When you need love, I am already here. "When ever you need me, simply shake the snow globe and make a blizzard. I will come visit you that night. "Enjoy this, Miriam, the greatest and only Christmas gift you will ever need. by TheBigandBaldGuy © 5     My Christmas Toy (audio) by theravenfox © All I want for Christmas is THIS. Happy, Kinky Holidays! * * * * * Click Here to listen: .mp3 format or .ogg format . (16 min/mp3) * * * * * by theravenfox ©     Christmas In New York City ( Celebrities & Fan Fiction ) by angel13 ©   Christmas everywhere has it's own traditions. Whether it's with family or friends, but then other people like to visit different places to see how they celebrate Christmas. In New York City Christmas is celebrated with the theme of the Christmas tree lighting at Rockefeller Center. For this young couple from California this will be a whole new experience. "Angel, honey I was thinking that maybe we should spend Christmas in New York. It'll be fun," she said with a smile. "Are you sure? How about your family and friends that you'll be leaving behind?" "Yes, I'm totally sure. Besides Mom is staying with Aunt Arlene, Willow doesn't celebrate Christmas and her Oz are doing something special. Xander well I know how much you two guys get along. Cordelia I don't want her being near you. Giles is going to England and my Dad has his new girlfriend. I think I've covered all bases. Also there's the factor that I'll see actual snow." Angel laughed. He couldn't believe how clever she was. Then again that's what he loved about her. "Okay. Since you want to go to New York we'll go," he said with such little enthusiasm. "Fine. Be that way. I'll just go by myself and hopefully meet some really cute guy. He'll show me all the sights of the city," Buffy said in all seriousness. Angel knew that Buffy was joking. He wouldn't let any man touch her. So he had no choice he was going. "Buffy, sweetheart you know I'm kidding, right? I'd love to spend Christmas with just you and no interruptions," he said looking at her pleadingly. "You know I should be mad at you right now. But I'm not. So let's get ready." "Whoa aren't you in rush to leave Sunnydale. Why don't you tell your friends and your mom first? Before everyone thinks I've taken you away from them." He then kissed her. ~*~*~*~*~* The next couple of days in Sunnydale went pretty smoothly. The vampire population seemed too low so that was great news for Buffy. Buffy met up with all her friends at the library. "Hey guys!" she said with such enthusiasm. "Well, well if it isn't the Buffster. Why are you so excited? If I recall we have reports that are going to be done during our Christmas break," Xander said. "Well can't a girl be happy. Especially me. You know the Chosen One. I really hardly have any breaks to enjoy." "I can sense something Buffy spill," said Willow. Buffy smiled from ear to ear. "Well if you must know. I'm going to spend Christmas with Angel." "Gee, Buffy that's nothing new. You always have him over your house for Christmas," Cordelia said. Willow noticed something about Buffy when she said that. "I know Cordelia we always spend Christmas at my house, but this year we're going to spend it in New York City." Buffy was waiting for the reactions of her friends. "That's so romantic." "I can't believe your going to New York with him." "Good Luck. I heard there's a lot of crazy lunatics and muggers over there." Buffy rolled her eyes at Cordelia comment. 'She's just jealous because Angel won't be around for her to put her hooks in him.' "Yes, I agree with you their Willow. I knew you'd react that way Xander. I will never understand why you can't accept my relationship with Angel." "Hello! There's the factor that he's older than you and could take advantage of you. What more do you want me to tell you." Willow smacked him in the arm and looked at him. "What did I say? It's the truth and you know it," Xander said looking at Willow. "How can you be so inconsiderate? You know Angel would never take advantage of her. He loves her too much to pressure her into something she's not ready to do." Cordelia was watching the whole scene before her. She kept wondering when would Xander stop his obsession with Buffy. Giles entered the room and noticed everyone was there. He was inside his office researching the other Watcher diaries. "Buffy it's good to see you. So what's new?" "Nothing much Giles. Just that I'll be spending Christmas in New York." "That's wonderful. I hope you have a great time." Xander couldn't believe Giles' reaction. How could he just accept what she had said without any questions? "Giles did you hear what Buffy just told you? She's going to New York and with Angel." "Yes, Xander I heard her and I had the feeling she'd be with Angel. That's why I see no need to worry." ~*~*~*~*~* Angel came by Buffy's house later in the evening. He was going to tell Joyce where he and Buffy were going to spend Christmas. The doorbell rang. "I'll get it." Buffy came rushing down the stairs quickly. She knew who was at the other end of the door. She opened the door, saw Angel and jumped into his arms. "I missed you today. I was so bored in all my classes. I was just counting the hours until you were going to come," Buffy said and kissed him. "Really. I was thinking the same thing. I guess great minds think alike." He then placed her down and entered the house. She took his hand and they sat down on the couch. Joyce came out and saw them. She could tell how much her daughter loves Angel. She noticed it by the look they gave each other when they were in a room. "Hello Angel." They both stepped out of their reverie to notice Joyce. "Mom. I didn't hear you come in." "Hello Mrs. Summers," he said, stood up and placed a kiss on her cheek. He went back down and sat next to Buffy. "So Angel I hear you have something you wanted to ask me. So ask me?" There was a part of Angel that was nervous about asking Buffy's mother permission. Buffy sensed this and gently squeezed his hand. "Mrs. Summers I was wondering if it's not a problem that Buffy could spend Christmas with me in New York?" Angel was waiting for all the reasons why Buffy wouldn't be able to spend the holiday with him. What he heard was totally unexpected. "Sure. As long as you take care of my daughter. I can't see why not." Buffy was stunned by her mother's response. She couldn't believe she was hearing this from her own mother. "Mom, are you okay? Did you hear what Angel said?" Joyce laughed. "Yes, Buffy I heard what he said. That doesn't mean I'll allow this all the time." Buffy hugged her mother. "Thanks Mom." ~*~*~*~*~* Today was the day. Buffy decided to spend last night at Angel's. Even though there was little sleeping. "Wake up Buffy." "I want to go back to sleep," Buffy said sleepily. "Fine then. I guess we won't be going to New York then." "I'm up. Let's get ready." Angel knew saying that would wake her up. ~*~*~*~*~* They were done packing their bags and headed to the airport. The flight would be six hours. So definitely when they arrived they would be tired. The flight went smoothly. They took a taxi from La Guardia Airport to Manhattan. Buffy and Angel stayed at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel, which was located at 301 Park Ave and 50th St. Both of them were so tired that they only took off their shoes and headed straight to bed. A couple of hours later Angel woke up first. He felt a bit uncomfortable because of his clothes. Sleeping with jeans on can do that to a person. Of course with Buffy right next to him he didn't really feel the discomfort. She shifted slightly and buried her head against his chest. Buffy always loved the feeling of her head on his chest. It was just the perfect fit. "Hey. How long was I out?" she said sleepily. "Not that long. So do you want to buy a tree?" he asked. "Really? We can get a tree and ornaments. Then we can sit by a roaring fire and drink hot chocolate," she said childishly. "Yeah, we can do all that. Let's change and go out." He leaned his head down and kissed her. ~*~*~*~*~* Now they both wondered where they were going to find a tree and ornaments to decorate it. Angel asked desk clerk if knew where he could find a tree, decorations and stores to buy gifts. The man told him go to Lexington Ave. It wasn't that far off it was only one block across. Since they were going to buy a tree Angel figured that he should get the decorations first and get the tree on their way home. As they stepped out the sky was blue and the stars were out. The weather was 46 degrees and very windy. If you didn't live in New York then you're probably not use to the cold weather. "Angel's it's freezing outside," Buffy said. She was all bundled up with her coat, hat, gloves and scarf on. "Buffy we're in New York City in December. It's cold here during this time. Don't worry we won't take long. Let's start walking and we'll go to the nearest Rite Aid store." They walked to their destination. As soon as they were in the store they felt the warmth of the heat. Angel bought all different kinds of ornaments, lights, candy canes and tinsel; let's not forget the mistletoe. When they were done shopping they found a man on the sidewalk selling Christmas trees. Buffy went looking around for the perfect tree. She spotted one. "Look Angel. I found the perfect tree." The tree was the perfect size. It wasn't too tall or too short. The scent of the pine from the tree had such a smell that made you feel like being home. "I can see that. I wonder which one of us is going carry it?" "Come on Angel. Be the strong and loving boyfriend that you are." "Flattery will get you everywhere. The things I do for you." Buffy just smiled at him. Angel paid for the tree. He hailed for a cab and they arrived back to their hotel room. When they headed upstairs they placed their bags on the floor and Angel placed the tree in the corner. Buffy took a seat and looked at him and the room. She just realized how beautiful the suite was. "Angel, this room is so beautiful. This must have cost you a fortune. You didn't have to go through all this trouble." The view of the suite was exquisite. The bedroom was enormous. From the outside you could see the taxicabs and people walking down the streets. The sky was gray and snow had just started to fall down. "Buffy, honey you know that when it comes to you money is no object. Come on let's start decorating the tree." They took out all the ornaments and lights out of the bag and started to decorate the tree. When they were done decorating you could see how beautiful it was. They had lights around the tree that were flashing, ornaments of red, green, gold and silver, tinsel, candy canes and a shining star on top. The only thing that the tree was missing was gifts. Well that problem would be solved by tomorrow. "Angel I was wondering if you could make me some hot chocolate," Buffy asked. "Sure just let me set up the fireplace and I'll go make it." While Angel was arranging the wood in the fireplace, Buffy slipped her boots off. She then sat down on the carpeted floor waiting for Angel's return. As if she could sense him he sat down beside her and handed her a mug. Buffy placed herself in between his legs and laid her back against his chest. She then placed her candy cane in her mug, swirled it around and took a sip. The warmth of the chocolate and the cool mint soothe her body. Angel placed his arms around her waist pulling her closer to him. Buffy turned her head and looked into his eyes. "Angel have you ever tried tasting the hot chocolate with a piece of mint?" she said this while she placed the mint into the hot chocolate and licked it off with her tongue. "No. Care to show me a demonstration," he said as he flashed her a wicked grin. Buffy did the same thing she had done previously except she broke off a piece of the mint, kissed him, opened his mouth with her tongue and let him taste it. The taste was exhilarating. Angel loved sucking on her tongue to taste her even more. Buffy pulled away briefly and leaned her forehead against his. "Wow. That was a whole new experience," she said breathlessly. "Uh huh." Buffy turned around facing the fire and Angel wrapped his arms around her while they watched the wood crackling in the fireplace. The next morning Buffy and Angel were in bed. After Buffy's little demonstration last night they both decided to take it to the next level, which was the bedroom. Buffy stirred up and felt a slight pain in her body. The pain wasn't bad, but good actually. Her head was on his chest. His arm was around her shoulder. She slowly shifted her body on top of his, slowly kissing his chest, letting her breasts graze on him and kissed him. Angel felt his body getting aroused by Buffy's movements. When he felt his lips on hers he thought his body was going on fire. He deepens the kiss, placed his hands on her back and pulled her closer to his body. The body heat between these two was increasing rapidly. "Morning," he said as he released the kiss. "Morning Angel," she said then kissed him again. She released the kiss and rubbed her body against his. "Angel, honey I was thinking we could repeat last night's performance," she said batting her eyes innocently. "Hmm. Buffy I want you…" His voice sounded as if he was about to interject. "But what Angel? We're in New York. We're far away from family. We also have no interruptions. So what's wrong?" Angel laughed. She had all her reasons laid out before him. "Buffy, honey I thought maybe we'd go Christmas shopping; unless you'd rather want to stay here with me. We could just stay in bed and come Christmas I wouldn't have anything to give you," he said innocently. Buffy was in deep thought. 'Staying in bed with Angel. That's not bad at all. Then there's the factor of not receiving any gifts. I love gifts.' "Okay. You win, but you have to promise me that you're not going to complain about my long hours of shopping." Then another thought occurred to her. "Angel, how am I suppose to buy your gift when you're around?" "If you want we'll get our friends gifts first. Then for our gifts to each other we'll split up." She nodded in agreement. ~*~*~*~*~* When they were outside Buffy noticed all the different kind of stores on the East Side. From Saks Fifth Avenue to Salvatore Ferragano. The two stores that caught her attention like a child were FAO Schwartz and The Warner Bros. Store. She heard FAO was a big toy store. Each floor had different types of toys from bears to dolls. There was a section that had jellybeans. Buffy went over and tried some. "Buffy I don't think the candy is there for you to try." "Shh, don't tell anyone. Have one." She placed a jellybean in his mouth. It tasted good in his mouth. "Let me buy some. So are you getting anything?" "Yeah, I saw some bears that I wanted for my room. You could never have enough toy bears." Angel looked at her explaining her reason for wanting a toy bear. They paid for their purchases and headed to Warner Bros. From the outside you could see the elevator showing Superman pushing it up. "Look up in the sky. It's a bird. It's a plane. No, it's Superman," Buffy said like a child. Angel laughed. He led them inside the store. Angel had never seen so much memorabilia of cartoons. They had souvenirs from various television shows as well. "Ooh. Look Angel Tweety! Can you get it for me? Please?" she said with her lip pouting. "Do you have to make that face? You know how helpless I get when you do that. I'll get it, but you have to buy me a Bugs Bunny one." "You like Bugs Bunny, why?" she asked. Angel approached her and his lips only inches apart from her and said, "Because he's funny and very sneaky just like me." He then kissed her. As they left the store it was time for them to go their separate ways. Buffy and Angel decided to meet back at the hotel at 9 pm. Who ever arrived first would wait for the other. Buffy had no clue what to get Angel. Angel on the other hand had no problem looking for the right gift. Buffy found all the gifts she wanted for Angel and a surprise for him as well. She headed back to the hotel. When she arrived she found Angel waiting for her. "I see someone had fun shopping," he said smiling. Buffy had a huge amount of shopping bags. "I'll have you know that not everything in this bag is for you mister," she said looking at him. They took the elevator up to their suite. Buffy and Angel placed their gifts under the tree. "Angel I'm hungry." "Okay. I'll order us something." He called room service. Twenty minutes later a bellboy came with their food. As they ate they both glanced at one another. "Hmm. Angel this is so delicious." ~*~*~*~*~* The next day they both stayed in. After all the shopping they had done they were both exhausted. Today was the annual tree lighting at Rockefeller Center. Buffy turned on the TV and saw the announcement. She had always heard about the big tree and the ice skating rink. Angel heard voices and wondered where it came from. "Honey do you realize what time it is? Come back to sleep," he said sleepily pulling her down. "I wanna go see the tree Angel," she said all excited. "Okay we'll go. Just come and sleep," he said incoherently. Angel had no idea what he got himself into. ~*~*~*~*~* They got up and got ready to go to Rockefeller Center. As they arrived by train on 6th Avenue and 50th St they passed by Radio City Music Hall. Then they spotted the tree. It was really tall. Buffy and Angel had never seen a Christmas tree like that. People everywhere were walking, standing or sitting around Rockefeller Center. As time went by they ate. Buffy dragged Angel to a spot so they could have a perfect view of the tree for the lighting. "Buffy it's only one pm. The show starts at seven. Don't you think we're here early? What are we going to do for the next six hours?" "We'll look around and wait. You promised me, remember?" "Yes, I remember." He then kissed her. Time seemed to be ticking by very slowly, but eventually it got dark and 7 pm arrived. The music started and hosts of the show appeared. Al Roker and Ann Curry from NBC 4 started the show off. There was music played by from Destiny's Child, 98 degrees and Marc Anthony. As for the people skating on the rink you had Tara Lipinski. Santa and the Radio City Rockettes performed as well. Finally the Mayor of New York City Rudolph Guliani appeared to start the countdown. "10…9…8…7…6…5…4…3…2…1" The lights of the tree flashed. The colors of red, blue, green and also white bright lights were flashing. During the show they gave the history of the tree. It came from a family upstate in New York. The tree stood up eighty feet tall and was adorned with 30,000 lights. Buffy leaned back on Angel. He wrapped his arms around her. "Isn't it beautiful Angel? Look how the colors shine." "Sure is." The rest of Rockefeller was beautiful as well. The skating rink had trees adorned around with white lights twined on them. People were also skating in the rink. "Buffy as much as I'd like to stay. My feet are killing me and it's freezing." "Gee you sure know how to ruin a romantic mood." He lifted his eyebrows at her comment. "But you're right let's go." ~*~*~*~*~* The following two weeks have pasted and today was Christmas Eve. There was snow falling outside on the streets of Manhattan. As the evening approached Buffy thought she'd be spending it inside. "Buffy, honey I thought it'd be nice if we went to Mass for Christmas Eve." Buffy's face had a look of disappointment. She had different plans. Her were plans in the line of making love with Angel. Angel saw her face. 'She doesn't want to go. I guess I'm going to have to explain.' "It's not that I don't want to. It's just…" She couldn't think of a real reason. "Buffy when I was a little boy I'd always attended Mass with my parents. I know I never mentioned them or attended Mass in Sunnydale." "Fine. I'll go with you. Where to?" she asked. "St. Patrick's Cathedral. I heard that the church's architecture and stained glass windows look magnificent." Angel's face was lit up when he was talking about this. "So let's go." The Mass was two hours long due to the Christmas holiday. By the time the Mass was over the clock struck midnight. It was officially Christmas. "Merry Christmas, Buffy." "Merry Christmas, my Angel," she said and kissed him. ~*~*~*~*~* Morning approached on this fine Christmas day. Angel was up and thought about things. He went through all the turn events in his life. He then looked down at the petite blonde in his arms. Angel was very thankful when Buffy came into his life. Angel started to unbutton her shirt. He was able to slide the shirt off to expose her shoulders. As he placed wet kisses on her shoulder, he trailed up her neck and sucked on the sensitive part of her neck. His hands went underneath the cotton material of her shirt, slowly trailed up and cupped her breast. Buffy whimpered and moved onto her back. Her eyes were still closed, but she loved the gentle caresses that Angel was giving her. Angel moved his lips and captured hers. Buffy smiled by this and pulled away briefly. "Merry Christmas Angel." "Merry Christmas, my love." He continued his adventure from earlier. His mouth descended down to her breasts, kissing around her nipple until he suckled it gently while massaging the other. He then kissed down onto her stomach until he reached her panties. Slowly gliding off the material, he then looked up and saw her eyes full of lust and desire. Angel took off his boxers and gently placed him inside of her. As each time he went in and out of her body they both moaned out each other's name. "Oh Angel! More," she said breathlessly. They both were close to reaching their orgasm and they did. Angel gently rolled himself off Buffy and held her in his arms. "I love you," he said. ~*~*~*~*~* It was noon and they woke up to open presents. Buffy took a quick shower and dressed in her pajamas. Before they headed towards the tree Angel grabbed her. He had the mistletoe hidden behind his back. "Look up." She did and noticed it. "I guess this means your gonna kiss me." He just bent his head and kissed her. They headed over to the tree and exchanged their gifts. He received a sweater, art supplies and a silver bracelet. The inscription read, TO MY ANGEL LOVE ALWAYS, BUFFY She received a book of poems, a beautiful silk blouse and a locket. It read, A AND B FOREVER She hugged him and kissed him. "Thank you so much." "I'm glad you liked everything." She turned around and sat in between his legs. His arms came around to grab a hold of her waist. "Angel?" She looked up at him. "Hmm." "What are we going to do for New Year's?" The End   by angel13 ©     A Fire Spotter Christmas (Gay Male) by sr71plt ©   What Paul needed was to get right back on the wagon, Terrence had said. "You can only be in mourning so long," Perry chimed in. "Mingle, mingle, mingle," Terrence added. "That's how you shoo the blues away." Paul's friends had managed to lure him out to an ocean-side café in Santa Barbara, the first time he'd been out in public since the funeral. He hadn't been with Adrian that day on the freeway. He knew if he'd been in the car with him, he wouldn't have let Adrian use the cell phone. And then there would have been no fatal accident. So, it was all his fault. Well, mostly. Adrian was the one who hadn't been able cure himself of that bad habit. "And he's got a basketball court of his own, and everything. And it would be ever so nice to see the inside of that big house of his. We bid on decorating it, but it went to the bitch Consuela." "What in the fuck are you talking about, Terrence?" Paul asked, taking his gaze away from the activity on the waterfront and looking back at his friend. Well, Perry's special friend. Perry was an old friend of Paul's. Terrence was someone Paul hoped to god would disappear from Perry's life soon. "Ted. Ted Holt. Haven't you heard anything we've being saying?" "Ted Holt? The 'car king of the California coast'?" Paul was just mimicking one of the TV commercials that he never seemed to be able to escape. GM, Cadillac, Buick. Even BMW and Mercedes. "Yes, that Ted Holt. Isn't he a dreamboat?" Paul didn't answer. The Ted Holt of the commercials—if, indeed, that was the real Ted Holt, which Paul rather doubted—was, yes, quite a man. He wouldn't have picked the word "dreamboat," though. Had anyone but Terrence used the word "dreamboat" since the 80s, Paul wondered. Rugged, yes. A hunk, yes, certainly. A "dreamboat" sounded much too prissy to Paul to assign to the man playing Ted Holt in those commercials. He had to admit that the reason he remembered seeing the commercial so much was that whenever he heard it come on, he'd run to the TV set just to see the Ted Holt character. "Ted Holt. He wants to meet you," Terrence persisted. "He's invited us to his house for an afternoon if we'll bring you." And then when Paul continued to look dumbfounded, Terrence said. "You tell him, Perry." In an aside to Perry, not sufficiently out of Paul's hearing, he muttered, "I want to see that house, Perry. Get him to go." "That's it in a nutshell, Paul," Perry said. "We met Ted Holt in a bar a couple of nights ago and he said he remembered us from when we were in that bar with you and Adrian." "He was aghast when we told him that Adrian had scattered himself all over the freeway." Both Perry and Paul turned to Terrence and gave him the evil eye for that insensitive interjection. Terrence, of course, didn't show any sign of knowing what perturbed them. "Please let me tell this, Terrence," Perry said. Please let me drag you out to the ocean and feed you to the sharks, Paul was thinking. "Anyway," Perry continued. "Holt said he remembered you and that he certainly would like to meet you. We did tell him that you had taken Adrian's . . . passing very hard and that we'd try to lure you out of hiding if we could—for your own good. He then invited us three to come visit him at his new house Saturday afternoon." "That was after I told him I knew all about his house and had almost gotten the decorating contract for that," Terrence broke in. "Don't forget to include that we've been invited to his house because I brought the house up." "True enough," Perry said. Then he turned to Paul and said, "I really am worried about you. You do need to return to the world. Not forget Adrian, of course, but not become a hermit either. You're too young to just hang it up. We want to see the old Paul again. You used to be the life of the party." "You met Holt at that bar we used to go to together?" Paul asked. "Are you saying that Ted Holt is gay?" "It appears so, but we certainly didn't dwell on that, Paul. He didn't come on to either of us or anything. He was just being a really nice guy—really concerned when we told him you were in mourning. We talked golf—he seems to be obsessed with that—and basketball. And that's when he said he had a basketball court at the new house. And that he hadn't tried it out yet. He sounded like he just was looking for guys to help him break in the court. What do you say?" "Oh, I don't know, Perry. I'm not really ready to come out again—not now, and maybe not ever. What Adrian and I had . . . I just don't think I'll ever . . ." "He's invited us to play some basketball and have lunch, Paul, not to an orgy. Not even to a wake. And Terrence and I'll be there the whole time. You don't have to jump in at the deep end; just start getting your toes wet again. What'a you say?" * * * * Paul had to admit that the house was great—a tall Tudor pile on a cliff overlooking the coastal highway with the surf raging below. The basketball court was on the other side of the house from the ocean. The Ted Holt of the house was the self same guy as the Ted Holt of the commercials. In real life, though, he was much more suave than the man of the TV pitch. His voice wasn't loud and aggressive, and he didn't once try to sell Paul a Corvette, although they spent some time talking 'Vettes, which were a fetish of Paul's. He also was more of a hunk than the commercial promised. He and Paul played skins against Perry's and Terrence's shirts, and, although he was maybe fifteen years older than Paul, Ted's body had been sculpted and maintained better than Paul could ever have afforded. Of course Holt was rolling in money and Paul was a mere national park ranger—not even a full-fledged ranger. He was working in the district office in Santa Barbara now as a clerk—having been permitted to come down from the San Rafael mountains when he'd moved in with Adrian. Most of the time before that, though, he had been a fire spotter up in the mountains, living in a lookout tower and spending his time trying to spot the start of forest fires. While they played basketball, Ted had rolled out a big plastic Budweiser cooler in the shape of a huge beer can. Inside was beer on ice—all the way down. It was a thirsty type of day. When Ted's houseboy announced that lunch was ready, they all sluiced the sweat off their torsos, toweled off, and went in to a spread of crab claws—and more beer. By the time lunch was over, they'd gotten to the bottom of the Budweiser cooler, and the houseboy sang out that he would refill it and then go back to his quarters. "Just in time for the golf tournament on TV," Ted said. "Golf tournament?" Paul asked. "In December?" "There's a golf tournament going on somewhere in the world every minute of the day," Ted said in a chipper voice. He was flipping channels on the remote with one hand and scratching the patch of hair in his barrel chest with the other. Paul couldn't help but notice what really, really good condition the handsome man was in. There was that age difference. But Adrian had been ten years older than he was and yet hadn't been in as good a condition as Ted was. Paul shook his head then, though. He was not ready for another relationship. He probably would never be ready for another relationship—especially with an older guy. He couldn't bear having anyone else he cared for die on him. Now if Terrence wanted to die on him . . . he'd been a little pill the entire morning and lunch hour. He was just itching to go over the interior of Ted's house inch by inch. Almost as if on cue, Terrence said. "The house. I'd love to see the rest of the house." "Yeah, sure, go right ahead," Ted answered—but not with his full mind. He was flipping channels. "Ah, there it is." "You found a golf tournament on TV in early December?" Paul asked incredulously. "Yep. The Florida Winter Championships in Pompano Beach." "Did I tell you that Ted was a golf nut?" Perry asked, amused. "He'll watch anyone playing golf. If there is more than one golf channel, he'll be signed up for them all." "Let's go upstairs first," Terrence said. "I have a sudden urge to see the bedrooms." Perry didn't miss Terrence's meaningful look. Ted didn't seem to catch it, though. He was sinking into the center of an overstuffed sofa in front of the TV, with his eyes glued to the humongous flat screen hanging on the far wall. Paul missed the look too. He was feeling buzzed, not sure he even could climb the stairs, so he plopped down between Ted and the arm of the sofa. "Grab us another beer, will you, before you go upstairs?" Ted sang out to Perry and Terrence. His face was still focused on the screen. "You want another one too, Paul?" "Sure, why not?" Paul asked, not giving enough attention to the words "another one." He was already buzzed almost to incapacitation. The last thing he needed under these circumstances was another beer. When the sound of the feet on the stairs was silenced, Ted turned and looked at Paul. He put the remote down on top of the coffee table and sat, patiently, watching Paul drink the beer. When Paul crushed the can—or tried unsuccessfully to—and just let it drop on the floor beside the sofa, Ted spoke to him softly, "Paul . . . I want you. Let me fuck you." There's no guarantee Paul even heard him. "Look, he missed the shot," he said in a slurred voice, looking at the TV and very proud of himself that he had been able to bring his eyes into focus long enough to see that there was an enormous TV set on the wall, let alone that someone had missed the hole in the TV coverage. A hand on Paul's belly. "This is what you need. I'll be good to you. Please let me fuck you." "Please" came back as the answer. Whether it was "Yes, please," "No, please," or just an echo of the one word Paul picked up from what Ted was whispering is up for conjecture. Ted reached over with the other hand, curled it around the back of Paul's neck, leaned over into him, and brought their lips together. Paul opened his lips to Ted and let Ted control the kiss. Ted's other hand worked its way up Paul's thigh, underneath the loose basketball shorts, and found and encased Paul's cock. Paul swiveled until he could lay back across the cushions with his back on the arm of sofa. Ted followed him down, and his lips went down to Paul's nipples. Paul moaned, "Adrian, Adrian, Adrian." The hand had left Paul's hardening cock and took one of Paul's hands and moved it below the waistband of Ted's athletic shorts and down to his already-hard cock. "Let me give you this. You need this. I can be really good to you." Paul moaned in answer. Paul's belly was bent over the arm of the sofa, and Ted was covering him close from behind, holding Paul's wrists with his fists, and stroking Paul's channel deep with his sheathed cock when Paul came out of his drunken stupor enough to have any idea where he was and what was happening and who was fucking him. "Oh, shit, no!" he cried out. "I can't." He struggled up from underneath Ted, who just sat back in the center of the sofa and looked at him with surprise and disappointment as Paul swept up his shorts and briefs from the carpet and ran for the door. Ted hadn't bothered to take Paul's athletic shoes off him. Paul had no idea how Perry and Terrence made it home that day. He had driven his Jeep, and he had taken off alone. He didn't even have any idea how he made it home that day as buzzed as he was. Within a week he was, by his own request, headed back up in the San Rafael mountains to hide himself away in a fire spotter's tower. The park authority had been delighted he had volunteered for duty up there over the Christmas and New Year's holidays, when it was almost impossible to staff up the isolated forest posts. No one asked him why he had volunteered. They didn't want to hear again how much he missed his boyfriend. He left without speaking to either Perry or Terrence again. He didn't have much doubt what they'd gone upstairs in Ted's house to do and left him alone with Ted, buzzed—after Perry had said they would be there with him, that they wouldn't leave him alone with Ted. He even half suspected everything had been arranged between the three of them. Holt had more money than he knew what to do with. Terrence could be bought easily, even if Perry couldn't. He knew that if he asked Perry, he'd get the answer that, no matter whether or not it had been planned, it was what Paul needed. But Paul couldn't stop thinking that Holt probably lured a young guy to his house a couple of times a week, fucked him, and then cut him loose. And of course he didn't contact Ted either. Paul was more embarrassed about what had happened with Ted Holt than angry. Holt was a sexy guy, and obviously a player. He certainly was more into the game than Paul was. Paul was the one who drank the beer and lost control. For all Paul knew Holt had made it clear that he was inviting the three of him because he wanted to fuck Paul and mistakenly thought that this had been conveyed to Paul before he agreed to come. It had taken him a while to come out of the buzz. He had felt the cock working inside him for several minutes before he had fought to escape it. And he was angry. Not necessarily at Ted; he had some slight remembrance that Ted had asked for permission to fuck him. He was angry at himself—and was feeling disloyal. This, because as he was coming out of his stupor and realized he was being fucked, he remembered imagining that it was Adrian—and then thinking that it couldn't be, because he was getting a much better fuck than Adrian had ever given him. He . . . just . . . couldn't give in to Perry's argument that this was what he needed. It was disloyal to the memory of Adrian. And somehow it was worse that he hadn't been able to make it even to Christmas before he betrayed Adrian. * * * * A week before Christmas Paul had been on top of his tower in the San Rafael mountains for four days, completely alone. He'd had time to think, and each time he started to think about Ted Holt and what had happened in his house, he blotted it out and tried to think about something else. Being alone was what he knew he wanted, what he needed. He spent a lot of time out on the balcony that ran completely around the small, but adequately outfitted crow's nest he lived in 24/7, and scanning his binoculars over the ridge tops, watching for signs of smoke. Not many came up here over the Christmas season, although the weather was still good for camping, other than the surprise snow storm now and again. But those who did come up here in December tended to be less careful than the summer campers. His digs at the top of the tower consisted essentially of one room with a small bathroom in a corner, the rest of the walls all windows looking out on the mountains and, beyond them, to the west, a glimmer of the ocean. But there was a kitchenette; a table and four dining chairs; a small sofa and overstuffed arm chair; two twin-sized beds, each against a wall, a braided rug in the center of the room; and a desk. No TV, but he did have electricity and a CD player—and, best of all, he had an Internet connection. He hadn't used that much yet, though. He wasn't in the mood to be connected with the world. He'd intended to do some writing while he was up here—but he hadn't done any of that yet either. So, his days were spent mainly walking the balconies, scanning the ridge tops more than half of his waking moments, trying to read a couple of novels that weren't helping—he saw the mistake of bringing gay novels up here almost immediately—and trying not to think about what he knew he really should be examining in his mind. The afternoon of the fifth day he saw smoke—up to the northwest, toward the Sierra Madres, but clearly within his own span of responsibility. He was instantly excited by the prospect of activity, not giving a second thought to his professed desire to be alone, and raced down the tower, jumped in the Jeep, and headed down his mountain toward where he had seen the smoke. It was a fire, but it was a campfire at an established camping site, and the fire was letting off a hell of a lot more smoke than seemed justified by the embers still smoldering. It wasn't near any overhanging trees, and it was well surrounded with rocks, with no brush nearby. Not a danger. Paul felt a little disappointed. There was a tent nearby, though, and he saw the ripples in the nylon sides of the tents about the time he heard the unmistakable sounds of sex. Male sex. Men in deep fuck. The flap of the tent was full open and snapped back on the sides on either side. He could see a pair of big feet, the toes scrunching up, letting loose, scrunching up. He was drawn to the sound. As he drew closer and could see farther into the tent, he saw the calves that the big feet were attached to and the knees. And he could see the soles of smaller feet, on either side of the calves. And the butt cheeks of a young, well-muscled man. He could see the beefy hands of the man on his back grabbing the slim waist of the smaller man. And he could see the alternating root of a thick cock and a couple of inches of the base of it, as the smaller man, who was straddling the pelvis of the larger man, rose and fell on the impaling cock. This is exactly what I do not need to see, Paul thought, as he jerked away, went to the Jeep and took a bucket of sand from the back, walked back to the fire and smothered it with sand, and then got back in his Jeep and rode back up to his safe tower on the adjacent mountain top. Stumbling into the tower room, he went directly to his laptop. He'd check his e-mails, he thought. He hadn't done that in a couple of days. It would wipe the vision of what he'd seen—and how it had aroused him—out of his mind. Fat chance of that his mind sassed back at him, as he switched on his e-mail account. There was a message that there was a large box addressed to him down at park headquarters in Santa Barbara that he could come down and pick up at his convenience. He'd go later in the afternoon, he decided. He was too fidgety now. He picked one of the gay novels up from beside the laptop, walked over to one of the twin beds, stripped off his trousers and briefs, laid down on the bed, and flipped open the novel to one of the dog-eared pages. Then he masturbated himself to drowsiness and a restless sleep. When he woke, he showered, and dressed again. Then he drove down the mountain to Santa Barbara. There were a couple of routes he could have taken down the fire trails, but, without a thought, he chose the one going by the encampment where the two guys had been fucking. He pulled up at the side of the road beyond eyesight of the encampment, took out his binoculars, and trained them on the site. The two were still fucking—or were fucking again. This time they had moved to outside the entrance to the tent. They were on some sort of mat. They both looked like college students—clean-cut, although the bigger one had a tattoo on a shoulder blade—and athletic. The smaller guy was dark headed. He might even have been Hispanic. The bigger guy was a Nordic blond. The smaller guy was on his back, with his legs spread and in the air, held out there by the bigger guy's hands. He was scrabbling at the brush and small rocks nearby with his hands, his mouth was gaping open, and, now that he saw him, Paul realized he could also hear him—but barely—crying out how well and deep he was being taken. The bigger guy was kneeling between the smaller guy's thighs and moving his buttocks back and forth, rapidly and rhythmically, ramming the smaller guy's ass hard and deep. Paul let the binoculars drop in the seat beside him—after several minutes of watching—he shook his head to try to dislodge the vision of what he'd seen—not just looked at, but watched for several minutes—and told himself to get a grip on himself. He backed the Jeep up to take a route that didn't go right past the campsite and drove on down into Santa Barbara. The box was rectangular, a foot and a half on each side, and four feet tall. When he asked the guys in the office what it was and who had dropped it off, they just shrugged their shoulders. "Brought by the post office is my guess," said one. "I wasn't on shift when it was delivered." "It's Christmas," said the other. "You got a momma who loves you and feels sorry that you drew fire-spotter duty over the season?" As a matter of fact he did. And it would be just like her to send him something useless in a big package. He was thinking a kid's inflatable swimming pool as he manhandled the box into the back of the Jeep. It was too small to be a Corvette. That's what he really wanted for Christmas. Going back up the fire trails, he took the same route he'd taken down. He stopped far enough away from the encampment again that he could see the tent with the binoculars but that he couldn't be seen. The tent was there, but no one else was anywhere in the encampment that he could see. "Shit," he said out loud. Then he admonished himself silently for letting this get his interest—and being disappointed that he couldn't watch two hunks fucking. The box wasn't hiding something weird from his mother. It was an artificial Christmas tree, all decorated already, even with lights. And there was a long, heavy-duty extension cord provided. The card read, "I'm so sorry. I couldn't help myself. Please forgive me. But please also think of me on Christmas." It was signed "Ted H." Paul smiled—then he scowled and told himself to shape up and get real. He put the box in the corner and tried to forget about it. But the room was too small and the box too big to forget about. It wasn't more than an hour before he was taking it out of the box and measuring the distance he'd need for the extension cord—which was enough. He had everything he needed to attach the Christmas tree to the railing of the tower balcony facing the Sierra Madre mountains, where he could see it from the bed he'd chosen to sleep in. Then, with a sigh, he started to zap his uninspiring dinner, already beyond sick of his own inability to heat up a TV dinner properly, and fought hard to pretend that being alone up here was exactly what he wanted, exactly what he needed. Exactly what he deserved. * * * * Each day for the next four days, Paul made an excuse—convinced he was fooling himself and that it was no big deal—to drive near the campsite where he'd seen the young men fucking. They never were there, though. The tent was still there, and that was enough to keep drawing Paul back to the site. It started snowing on the afternoon of Christmas Eve. Just lightly, and it only accumulated an inch or so by nightfall. But the snow prompted Paul to accept that it was Christmas. He'd been totally alone for four days now, and it wasn't seeming as great an idea now to be totally by himself as it had been when he decided to come up here. He thought back to what Perry had said about him being a party boy. And he knew that was true. In years past he would be thrice fucked at the Christmas Eve party before Christmas morning had been chimed in. That's how he'd met Adrian—last Christmas Eve. A year ago tonight. This Christmas Eve he was all alone—and without Adrian. Life changed so quickly. He turned on the lights of the small tree outside on the balcony railing and curled up on his bed and watched the tree. He didn't even have any beer left. Of course, the last time he'd gotten soused in beer hadn't worked out too well. Or hadn't it? In addition to not wanting to be alone so much now, as Christmas loomed, it wasn't working to not think about Ted Holt either. The more he tried not to think of that afternoon in Ted's house when he'd gotten so drunk and let his guard down, the more he thought about it. And the more he thought about it, the more details about it surfaced. Ted was such a hunk. Substantial, and not just in wealth. He had a good, solid physique—and, yes, he meant the man had a fat cock as well—but none of the solidness of him was fat. All hard muscle. Distinguished sophistication, movie star good looks, those gray sideburns to his silky auburn hair. The way he had walked, upright and with assurance; the confident way he'd played basketball—being better than Paul but not hogging the ball. Showing that he was able to let Paul enjoy himself as much as the more capable Ted did. The flat stomach and even the trimmed bush—and, again, that oversized cock. Hard on that afternoon, hard, Ted had whispered, for him, Paul. Hard inside him. Ted whispering how perfect Paul's body was and how good Ted wanted to be to it. Paul sighing and moaning in his arms—knowing now that despite his instinct to reject then—that he wanted Ted inside him. Long, hard, thick inside him. That he had known that it really wasn't Adrian. How Paul had whimpered and held his breath as Ted took that first, long slide into him. Holding there, kissing Paul on the throat, whispering, "You're so nice, so warm, so sweet." And then the start of the slow pump. Paul snapped out of the reverie, jolted back to the present by the shock of someone pounding on his door—the door of his perch high atop a tower, in the middle of nowhere. "Hey, it's cold and snowing out here. Have mercy on a couple of freezing guys." Paul got to the door before it opened without his aid—but just barely. A big blond hulk spilled into the room, followed, close on his heels, by a wiry little Hispanic. "Hi, my name's Mark. This here's Jose. At least I call him Jose. Found him down at a bar in Santa Barbara and brought him camping with me. Has a hole to die for. God, it's gotten cold out there. Freeze the tits off a witch, it would. Saw the Christmas tree from the bottom of the mountain. Too cold and lonely for us down there. Figure the Christmas tree meant you wanted company. Brought the beer. Got any chips?" The campers Paul had seen fucking down in the tent days previously were now bouncing around his room, suddenly making it much smaller than Paul had thought it to be. The Nordic-looking guy, Mark, was swinging two six packs of beer and just standing there and grinning at Paul. The small Hispanic was moving around the periphery of the room, touching this and that. Unbuttoning his parka. Unbuttoning his shirt. Unbuttoning the fly to his jeans. Not long afterward, a Christmas CD Mark had brought was blasting out on the player, a gay action movie he'd found on the Internet rolling on the laptop, a collection of empty and crushed beer cans scattered around on the braided rug, Paul was sitting in the overstuffed armchair, his head buzzing from the stark contrast between now and two hours previously in his mountain-top hideaway, and watching Mark and Jose fucking on one of the twin beds. Both were naked. Mark was sitting on the edge of the bed. Jose was sitting on his cock, facing Paul and giving Paul "this is the good life" looks with his dark, flashing eyes. Mark was holding the little Hispanic's thighs wide and had Jose's legs trapped outside of his. Jose was doing most of the riding, but every so often Mark was leaning back and raising both his and Jose's legs and yodeling, "Ipsey, doddle, here comes Santa's sleigh. And he has a gift for youuuu." After a while of this, Mark put his chin on Jose's shoulder and called out to Paul, "Jose tells me he wants you to fuck him too." The look on Jose's face told Paul that either he didn't understand English all that well or that he, indeed, had made this request. "I don't know . . . I don't . . ." "You want it. I can tell. You're hard for it." And, indeed, to his own surprise, Paul's cock had somehow been let out for air and was encased by one of Paul's hands and was engorged. But how was he to say that he didn't enjoy fucking another guy all that much—even though he had done it from time to time. And during Christmas Eve parties too. This, as a matter of fact, was very much like the Christmas Eve parties he'd been to in past years. But he didn't really want to fuck Jose. What he wanted was Mark's cock inside him. No, what he really wanted was Ted Holt's cock inside him. "Come on over. I've warmed him up for you." Jose was on his back on the bed, holding his own legs up and a spread. Paul was between his thighs, inside him, pumping slowly. Paul's hands were working the little Hispanic's torso and nipples, and Jose was moaning and groaning for him. Paul felt the hard breath on his neck, smelled the beer, heard the whisper at his ear. "And I want to fuck you." In response Paul opened the stance of his legs and leaned over more into Jose's torso—and Mark, close behind him, one hand on Paul's waist and the other guiding his own cock, started to work his way inside Paul. They partied from Christmas Eve through Boxing Day, December 26th. On the morning of the 27th, Paul woke up to a deserted tower room, other than himself and three days worth of party devastation. The guys weren't at the encampment when he went down the mountain. It wasn't just that they weren't in their tent—there was no tent anymore. They were gone, completely. And they weren't there the next four days he checked either. It was even more lonely on his mountain top perch now than it had been before the party boys had invaded. That said, it was a lot different Christmas than he had anticipated it would be. And he wasn't sorry about that. * * * * It was New Year's Eve and Paul was still alone. The lighted tree was a comfort to him, but he'd take that down tomorrow. Then he'd go down into Santa Barbara to buy books he could read without thinking about what he really wanted to do. Being up here had certainly changed his perspectives and wants from when he was moping around mourning Adrian. But it had been an entirely different method of change than he'd ever imagined it could be. Once again the shock hit him and immobilized him for moment when he heard the knock on his door. "Hi, I hoped you wouldn't want to be alone for New Year's Eve." It was Ted Holt, bundled up in a fur coat that only a man as distinguished looking as he was could pull off, holding a bottle of champagne in one hand and two champagne glasses in the other. He was all white teeth, hunky handsomeness, and a glowing smile. Ted knelt on Paul's bed, his hands stretched out and holding Paul at the waist, while Paul's buttocks rested on Ted's thighs and Paul's torso arched back away from Ted, his head flopped back and his arms dangling at his sides. Every fiber inside him concentrated on Ted's moving cock deep inside him. Paul had already ejaculated, his cum dribbling down the sides of his cock and into Ted's neatly trimmed bush. Paul was babbling the ecstasy of having Ted inside him and Ted was murmuring his pleasure at the sweetness of Paul that built to a crescendo of passion as his hips moved faster and faster and his cock thrust deeper and deep. "Oh, holy shit, I'm going to come." And then he did and the two collapsed on the bed. Later, both on their sides, Paul was cuddled into Ted's groin from whence Ted had just stopped flowing deep inside Paul's channel again. They were facing the lit Christmas tree and the still-unopened bottle of Champagne on the table, and Ted was stroking Paul's cock, pushing the last of Paul's cum out of it and massaging the white semen into the head of it. Ted put his mouth next to Paul's ear and, after rimming the ear with his tongue and making Paul moan, he whispered, "I have a confession to make." "So do I," Paul whispered back. "I sent those two young men to you," Ted whispered. "I wanted you to have the best Christmas ever. I still believe you needed to be fucked out of the funk you were in." "I figured that out," Paul answered. "And I fucked with them without them getting me drunk. All of my beer went into that healthy-looking ficus tree over there. If you had been here, I wouldn't have made you get me drunk before fucking me either. I've gotten the point you and Perry were trying to make." "Is there any way I can make your New Year's better than your Christmas?" "You already have." "Would this belated Christmas present take it over the top?" Paul looked up to see Ted's arm raised and a set of keys dangling from his fingers. The key chain was for a Corvette. "I want the man in my bed to be driving the best car on my lots."   by sr71plt ©     Images: google images Layout: davebccanada All rights reserved. Publication Date: December 8th 2019 https://www.bookrix.com/-bucfe24a9658ed5
AJ fornacation on the sea FORNICATION ON THE OPEN SEA When little Johnny was a kid he loved water he would play with his boats in the bathtub and when ever he could he would go down to the docks to watch the men work and woman working there John's he loved to watch the ship pull in and out of port he loved when his dad captain Richard blackheads came back to this port he always brought such great find from all over the world like silks and satins some spices and fine jewels and gems and his father went out to sea then after a few months back to port and this went on for months till one day on Johnny's birthday he got word his dad was attacked by the deadly calico jack on that day Johnny vowed he would find and send calico jack to his death in Dave Jones locker like his day is along with his ship and crew as Johnny was sitting on the dock with his friends jack and randy sitting there drinking port and play with the prostitute like the toys they are Johnny had the bright idea to have a three way with one of the hottest girl on the dock Johnny grabbed her and placed her on a create laying there jack and randy looking in awe when they seen her start to strip when she was done and the only thing she had on was her sexy black high heels she looked at Johnny and came closer to him and put her hand on his belt and lowered his pants and bend down and licked her lips and took the bell shaped head to her lips and licked the head for a minute then let him enter her mouth slowly inch by inch till she was at the base and then licked his sack which made Johnny moan with delight as she got faster he reached down and rubbed her already erect nipples with made her wet with delight and when jack and randy smelt her fragrance they came over and randy rubbed her clit while jack grabbed and fondled her ass she took johnny out of her mouth long enough to say what are you waiting for fuck me already randy layed down on the create and rubbed her clit with his dick head and made her quiver before putting it in her and jack was trying to lube her up before he entered her ass so she didnt hurt him as all three pumped in and out of her she squilled with delight in the nights brease when they finished and got dressed she walked over to johnny and kissed his cheek and told him happy birthday Publication Date: December 2nd 2011 https://www.bookrix.com/-mitchell616
DR.Ramamoothy Selvakumar Sex Toys Women Sex play Enjoy to play bee cool be careful and take care about with your sex life with love Enjoy sex       About enjoy with sex with safe at toys    Today modern world without safety for the sex ola the prosecution go there prosecution is a not a good for your health in  with happen of the disease engaged in waiting about ...   Gateway so you have bought the safety for the sex with toys with enjoy your the feelings and loving and climbing that is a good way of the today nature and mixture play think you what to do do well?   Do safty live long Enjoy sex ... Some Toys  Magic body wand  Durex play delight vibrating ring Trojan hot spot vibrating ring Durex ring bliss vibrating ring Muse His and Hers (see the Picture) Magic Body wand number one   What do women like?" Bodywand's execs asked themselves as they mulled over the design for their mini massager. "Rhinestones and hot pink, of course!" I couldn't tell if I hated the aesthetic or thought it was cute, but the Bodywand looked otherwise promising — with their soft, rounded heads and generally powerful vibes, wands are  it  for all-over clit stimulation. And I spent a more romantic evening with this one than I generally do with animate partners.   I happened to be staying in a hotel solo the first time I tried it, so obviously I got into the bathrobe hanging in the closet and drew a whirlpool bath and really leaned in  to giving this sparkly hot-pink little guy a chance. We were going to get to know each other.     If this had been a date with a human man, the man would have been dressed in a flashy suit and have given me a blindingly white grin, and then told me vaguely interesting but ultimately unsatisfying stories all night. It doesn't feel  bad , but it doesn't feel amazing either, and you kind of have to really grind into it to get anywhere, for example, an orgasm.   In Vibrator World, there's "buzzy" and there's "rumbly": Buzzy toys make a bunch of noise, but the vibrations are higher-frequency and feel surface-level or shallow. Rumbly toys deliver deeper, lower-frequency, more fulfilling vibrations. The Bodywand is on the buzzier end of the spectrum. It's better than no vibrator, but I'm still making room in my suitcase for my Magic Wand.   What a magic all above with do to do.... Durex Play Delight Vibrating Bullet Number Two       Well, hellooo, Durex, I only ever knew you as a condom brand but I should take another look, because this bullet treated me right. In a toy-testing marathon with my partner,   I tried the Bodywand again and then had my partner use this Durex bullet on me for comparison, and yes, the Bodywand still felt on the buzzy side of things, while this three-speed bullet was rumblier and very, very nice. Bullets are for targeted clit stimulation, not penetration, and they're slim, so they can easily be mixed in with whatever other sex-things you're doing.     Start with the lowest speed and work your way up. No, this bullet is not as powerful as, say, We-Vibe's  but it's also r, so there's that?   no pain with gain Trojan Hot Spot Vibrating Ring Number Three   Is this ring is supposed to remind you of a snake? A black, scaly snake encircling your partner's penis? Not sure. It's made with rubber latex, which I actually prefer to the stiffer silicone of more expensive rings; it has more give as you and your partner move, and isn't hard to put on or take off (and also doesn't make your partner feel like it's choking their dick, but I guess that's a matter of individual taste).     This ring has one speed and a battery that lasts for 20 minutes, supposedly, but we didn't use it for that long. It is decidedly All Right. "I'm not so sure about it" were my exact words. Mostly, this ring didn't feel like much of anything. I wished the vibrator part stuck out farther for more consistent clit contact, and that the vibes were rumblier.     My partner agreed: "The frequency was too high, so I felt like I kind of got numb to the vibrations quickly," he shrugged afterward. But then, plenty of reviewers have said good things about it and it's .   If you are going to drop around high rate on a cock ring, though, just buy Jimmyjane's Iconic Ring, which is among Jimmyjane's more affordable products and is surprisingly powerful and lovely.   Enjoy your time about? Durex Ring of Bliss Vibrating Ring Number Four   Others I've shown it to swear they see a squid. (If nothing else, consider this product for sheer entertainment value, like it's a tiny penis-themed Rorschach test: whatever you think it looks like says something about your future as a couple.) I also love the name. It's so confident. This is not just a ring or a vibrating ring. It's a ring of bliss.     And it was more blissful than Trojan's ring. The Hades-hair attachment looks a little odd but doesn't do a bad job of dispersing the toy's vibrations on and around your clit, even when you and your partner aren't squashed right up against each other, which is helpful when you're in any position other than on top.     The ring itself is thin and stretchy, so you can fit it over both balls and shaft at once if you so desire. "It felt fine on, it didn't feel too constrictive," my partner said. Also: "Sometimes I feel like cock rings are a little bit more of a novelty than they are important." This doesn't have to be the case if you use a good one, but ultimately cock rings  are  more for the partner with a clit than the one with a penis.   This ring still isn't an improvement on Jimmyjane's in an mind with.... Muse His & Hers Pleasure Five       For the price of lunch (well, maybe lunch from Whole Foods), you too could be the owner of this finger massager/cock ring combo ... except for the fact that I really only bought a finger massager, since try what I might I cannot turn on the ring. The finger massager, though, redeems the purchase somewhat.   It was probably the second most powerful toy I tried after the Durex bullet, but with the added benefit of the strap for your or your partner's finger, which my partner appreciated. "I don't feel like I have a lot of dexterity with a conventional vibrator," he said. "Putting this on my finger gave me the kind of dexterity.     I want to feel confident and comfortable." I'm rating just the finger massager here and leaving the defunct ring out of it: it delivers satisfying vibes and invites full partner participation.   above with move.... About With Sex Toys   lots of sex toys I in the world so very sex stories about the sex we can do the toys with self and enjoy it it is safely and protect you.     Then how to enjoy with you fool sex is not a finish about the toys the men and women to do that sex if it's enjoyable but the toys success masterbution about the human life it is a sexy toys with about and long longer in olden days also there what can we do ?   with alone with your Par missing I don't know that I will be helping enjoy the world about the sex with the safe mode about sex helping toys     just five wold wide toys intreduse with you and you   Enjoy with fun sideeffets i am not supoorted safe your self again Text: DR.Ramamoorthy selvakumar Images: DR.Ramamoorthy Selvakumar Cover: Bookrix Editing: DR.Ramamoorthy Selvakumar Layout: Bookrix All rights reserved. Publication Date: December 21st 2017 https://www.bookrix.com/-otteriselvakumar
Shaelyn Ray Blaze Blaze Blaze Ann Moss sat down on the grass after school.For a fifteen year old girl Blaze was very skinny,very pale,had short black hair,had gray-blue eye's,and wore black from head to toe."Hey Blaze!"Monica LeAnn Baker plopped down next to Blaze."Hey Monica.Hey if I was a president...or let me change that,if I were running to be president...would you vote for me?"Blaze asked staring in a puddle and staring back at herself."Yeah of course!"Monica said smiling.Natalia,Mika,Leona,and Taylor came and sat down."Hey guys guess what Blaze just asked!she asked me if she was running for president would I vote for her and I said of course!DUH!"she said."Good!cause I'm gonna run for class president!"Blaze said hopping to her feet.She climbed onto a bench and cupped her hands around her mouth,"PEOPLE OF GLAZE HIGHSCHOOl!!!!LISTEN UP!I'M RUNNING FOR CLASS PRESIDENT AND WANT ALL OF YOU TO VOTE FOR ME!!!"she shouted out-loud to the crowd of Glaze High Schoolers.Principal Drond grabbed her by the elbow and pulled her off the bench."Oh,um,wait Mr.D!I was just in the middle of protesting!well really it wasn't a protest I was just telling them to vote for me."she said as he pulled her along.He sat her down in his office."Ms.Moss-"Blaze interrupted him before he could go any farther."Actually you can call me Blaze or Blaze Ann cause I'd rather not go by MS.MOSS cause it sounds WAY too much like what my mother and father call me when I get in trouble,what they call me is Ms.Blaze Ann Moss.And then my mom goes into this speech on how she expects so much more out of me then ending up in the juvenile holding cell cause of getting in a fight with a cop and-"his face turned red,"I get it Blaze!"he snapped."Sorry?"Blaze asked.He popped some aspirins,chugged two glasses of water,and showed Blaze the door."Hey um what did he say?"Mika asked."Nothing!"Blaze said in shock."What do you mean NOTHING?"Mika asked shocked as well."He said 'Ms.Moss' and then I told him to please not call me Ms.Moss and then he took some aspirins and water and sent me on my way?"Blaze said.Natalia and the other girls all came over and asked a bunch of questions."Just leave me alone guys I'll call you all tonight."Blaze said walking away from the school grounds.When she got home her older brother Alex was waiting by the phone."I was about to call 9-1-1"Alex said."Why?"Blaze asked upset."Cause usually you've ditched school or something already and when I get home from school you're usually already home."he said."Oh...well not today."Blaze said getting up and walking upstairs to her room.She shut the door behind herself and locked it.She dialed Natalia's number cause usually everyone calls her when they have the group talks."Hello?"Natalia,Mika,Monica and the other girl's voices came through the line."Hey um what was that when you stormed off from school?we all USUALLY walk each other home!"Natalia sounded angry."Sorry."Blaze said normally."SORRY!?"Mika sounded mad too."You know what guys,I have homework to do."Blaze said hanging up.As soon as she hung-up the phone she was getting tons of I.Ms.One from Mika said:Since when do you do homework?" and another one from Natalia said:Why are you upset cause the principal didn't explode on you like always?Get over it!" Blaze just ignored them all and sat down on the floor with her homework.She answered all the problems by working them out and using reasonable problems that relate to those questions.Soon the phone rang and Blaze got up to answer it."Hi BESTFRIEND!"Natalia's voice came through."Hi."Blaze said casually."Why didn't you answer all of our I.Ms?!"Natalia shouted."I told you I was doing my homework like all of you guys should be."Blaze said hanging up the phone once again.This time when the phone rang Blaze just lie there on her bed and stare at the ceiling.The next morning instead of walking to school she took the bus.When she got off the bus the girls swarmed her."Get away."Blaze said walking off.In first period class girls and boys stared at her like some kind of monster.When the bell for lunch rang everyone gawked and whispered and giggled when Blaze passed.Natalia and the rest of the gang walked by.When Mika passed she elbowed Blaze's lunchtray causing the tray AND Blaze to fall.The corner of the tray hit Blaze on the back of the head and Blaze's face slammed on the corner of a medal lunch table.The nurse brought a gurney to the scene and rolled Blaze away.In the nurses office Blaze finally woke up from her thirty minute coma."Honey you should go home you have an awfully large bump on your head.Oh and there was a big amount of blood loss from your nose and lip.I'll need to stitch up your forehead too."the nurse told Blaze.Blaze sat still as she got stitched up.Blaze's mom was called and she came to pick Blaze up from the nurse's office."Blaze what happened?"Blaze's mom asked as they pulled into the driveway."Nothing mom."Blaze said going up into her room.She went into her bathroom and opened the medicine cabinet."Sleeping pills,Aspirin,Cough Syrup."Blaze named off all the medicine she had.She went to her mom and dad's bathroom and opened it."Stress pills,and deprestion pills.YES!"Blaze carried the bottles back into her room and locked the door.She popped the lids off those bottles,then ran back to her bathroom and grabbed the Aspirin.She popped four of each pill into her mouth and waited for it all to kick in.Last thing she remembered before passing-out was the painful memory when she and her friends had grown so far apart.When Blaze woke-up she was being zoomed down the hallway on a gurney.Pain filled her head like air in a balloon.She was took in for testing right away."Mom!?"Blaze panicked."What happened?"she asked."You overdosed."Blaze's mom said crying and showing her the half empty pill bottles.Blaze closed her eye's and she was in her room again with Natalia,Mika and the others gossiping while reading magazines of today's hottest stars like Justin Bieber and all those guys.When Blaze opened her eye's she was in a hospital room."They say you can leave tonight after a few more test but honey...why'd you od?"her mom asked worried."I don't know."when Blaze got home she called Natalia and the others and they all shared apoligiez. Publication Date: May 26th 2011 https://www.bookrix.com/-jasperismine00
Michael Eric Best Sex Positions Best Sex Positions Best Sex Positions To Improve Your Sex Life Ahh, sex. Sex, sex, sex. The thing without which none of us would be here. (Thanks, horny ancestors!) The thing we all think about, some of us obsessively, that we nonetheless all pretend not to think about. That thing. Not all sex is created equal, however. Some sex is good sex — like a fireworks display of pleasure being set off in your brain — and some sex is not so great. Like leftovers that didn't properly heat up in the microwave. One thing that can have a big impact on the quality of your sex is the concept of sex positions. Which ones are you using, and how many? The truth is, there are plenty of different configurations you and your partner can try out. To make them easier to imitate, and to jumpstart your imagination, we've also crafted illustrations of each and every sex position on this list and given you the skinny on just what you can expect from each. 1. Missionary Sex Positions Missionary is considered by many to be the "default sex position," and it does offer lots of advantages to first-timers and people looking for sex that's more on the vanilla side. However, there are lots of slight variations on it that can amp things up in terms of the pleasure, the intensity and the kink factor — for both partners. Check out these Missionary-inspired versions: 1. Missionary The  Missionary position  (man on top, couple facing each other) is the most famous and classic of all positions. The eye contact, the mild male dominance and the angle of penetration make this a popular one, and odds are, the first time you had sex was in Missionary. A very comfortable option that allows for easy thrusting, and an easy pull-out if you’re a man, there’s plenty of benefits to it and it’ll work its way into basically any sexual encounter you find yourself in, at some point. 2. Coital Alignment Technique Another spin on Missionary, the Coital Alignment Technique (C.A.T.), aka the Frog or the Perfect Position, looks to sacrifice elevation and power for proper alignment. Start in regular Missionary, and then flatten your torso as much possible, while your partner should arch her legs and put her legs on your butt. What you're doing here is targeting the clitoris for more direct rubbing and friction. The pressure you put on her clitoris could help her get to orgasm quicker. You should also be staying nice and deep within her in the C.A.T. too, to ensure maximum penetration. In other words, this one is more for her pleasure than yours. 60 E-Books That Will Change Your Sex Life Read and download : http://www.book999.tk/ https://ebook999.wordpress.com/ 3. Legs On Shoulders A classic take on Missionary, this one can either be done with you lying down on top of her, or with her positioned at the edge of the bed and with you in standing (or more accurately leaning in) with her legs on your shoulders as you go into her. This position gives the man all of the control of penetration, but it will also allow you to penetrate more deeply, so it’s a win-win. You may need to grasp her legs and pull in gently to prevent your thrusting from pushing her away from you. 4. The Pancake A more extreme variant of Legs On Shoulders, this one really puts you in the driver's seat. Start with your torso more or less vertical and her legs on your shoulders. Descend slowly until you're basically folding her in half. For more leverage, you can reach around her back with your arms and pull her tightly against you. This one is very intimate, but it also gives her very little mobility, so it's basically you who is 100% in charge of the thrusting. The pressure you're putting on her muscles can also create a tightness in her pelvis, leading to an increased tighter feel for you. You should make sure she's flexible enough to pull this one off — many women aren't — and keep in mind you'll probably be able to pull this off for just a few minutes. 5. Swivel And Grind If you’re working with a little bit less than the average man, the Swivel and Grind is your friend. Instead of the ol’ in-and-out pumping, which is actually better for you than it is for her. Instead, once you’re inside her, use your hip rotation to grind and twist inside of her, pressing your shaft as hard as you can against her clitoris. The friction and pressure will be what brings her to orgasm, no matter what your size. To get maximum closeness, Missionary with legs on shoulders works best. You may also want to consider propping up her hips on a pillow or wedge (you can find specially made ones) to create the perfect angle. 6. The Viennese Oyster Sex expert Tyomi Morgan says:  The Viennese Oyster requires she place both of her ankles behind her head, fully exposing her vulva and folding her body into the shape of an oyster. He holds her ankles in place while she uses her free hands to prevent his body weight from crushing her contorted body. This is great for extra-deep penetration. 7. Spread Eagle This one's not for beginners, as it requires a little light bondage. But if you're exploring kinkier options with your partner, this is a great option that allows you to take a more dominant role while still offering both of you a lot of intimacy. With your partner on her back, have her spread her legs and tie her ankles and her wrists together. You then have total control for a very steamy, powerful romp. 2. Doggy-Style Sex Positions Dogs, it turns out, are more than just our best friends. They've also figured out a pretty good way to get it on.  Doggy-Style  and other variations where you're doing your partner from behind offer you a lot of control, and while they're typically less intimate than Missionary or its variations, sometimes that's exactly what you (or your partner) are looking for. Doggy variations allow for all kinds of positioning possibilities, as each person can be standing, kneeling, or lying down; it can be good for role play where staring into each other's faces might ruin the illusion; and it typically means both of you have the option to stimulate the woman's clitoris. What's not to love? 1. Doggy-Style Doggy-Style is a favorite for millions of people for a few reasons. It’s the classic female submissive position and really lets the man be in control, and there’s more than a few variations on it. In its simplest form, you kneel on the bed, with your partner on all fours. Enter her from behind, and hold onto her hips and/or torso. You can decide to go slow or hard. If you want to add some roughness, and your partner is into that, Doggy is a solid option that allows for you to pull her hair or spank her as well, provided she enjoys that. If you have a free hand, a clitoral reach-around or playing with her breasts can add extra stimulation, too. 2. Reach For The Sky Doggy-Style is normally done kneeling, but it doesn’t have to be. An easy transition from normal Doggy-Style, in this version you actually get up on your feet and stand up, and lean way over her. You’ll get somewhat of a less intense thrust than regular Doggy-Style, but in return you'll have a different sensation, particularly for her, and a pretty decent workout for your hamstring and ankles from it. The leaning forward actually lets you get a somewhat deeper feel, and the difficulty quotient will make you feel all the more accomplished for pulling it off. 3. Bedside Doggy-Style A lot of sexual positions have the woman on an elevated platform with the man on the ground — this one flips the script. Go the edge of the bed and kneel. Have her standing straight up and back up to you slowly, and then bend over at 90 degrees. You then enter her from behind and thrust away. This one has a little bit less of the hands-on potential of traditional Doggy-Style, but it’s an interest take on the position that’s arguably even more male-dominant. If you want to make things easier on her back, you can place a chair or desk to place her arms on for support. 4. Backdoor Planking Sex expert Tyomi Morgan says:  This position not only accesses the G-spot and the A-spot to create squirting orgasms but it's also comfortable for the female partner after switching into several positions. Backdoor planking is a position where the female partner lies on her stomach with her legs close together, and is penetrated from behind. This position requires little work on her behalf, but feels amazing because her legs are placed closely together which creates a tighter entry for him and increased sensation for her. 5. Doggy-Style Stairs Another set up that works for  anal sex  or vaginal sex, the Doggy-Style sex on the stairs takes advantage of the natural inclination and steps to create new angles and supports for a classic position. Again, carpeted steps or a towel to protect her knees are a good idea. Depending on your height, you can either be standing or kneeling for this one. The stairs mean she can keep herself more upright, and the fact that you’ll be on a lower step means you have a more natural, upright angle to enter her vagina than traditional Doggy-Style on a flat surface. Just make sure you don’t fall! 6. Spooning Spooning is one of the “cuddliest” of all the positions, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make it intense. You lie on your side, with your partner in front of you, facing away. Enter her from behind, and then both of you can control the pace and depth of thrusting. Spooning is comfortable; it's great for longer sexual sessions with a lot of sensual touching and kissing of the back of the neck. You can also get quite handsy and reach around the play with her nipples or even reach down and add extra stimulation to her clitoris from the front, and it also works great as an anal option. 7. Kneel Together This position is a great variation on regular Doggy-Style. In this edition, you enter her from behind as you would normally with Doggy-Style, only then both of you straighten your torsos straight up. This position means her hands are a load free-er than they’d normally be during Doggy-Style, which means she can more easily play with her clitoris or even reach down and grab your balls. 8. Hyper-Connected Doggy Sex expert and founder of  Scott Brown says:  It's a variant of the Doggy-Style position we are all familiar with. The man stands on the floor at the edge of the bed, and the woman gets into the typical Doggy-Style kneeling pose on the bed. After the man has entered his partner he pulls her up towards him so that she is now kneeling at the edge of the bed, instead of being an all fours. He supports her with one hand wrapped around her torso. This position is great because it allows you to get that deep penetration so many love about Doggy-Style, but you're more connected with your partner because her whole body is up against you. Added benefits are that you can pull her hair, see her face, and also whisper nasty things into her ear, all at the same time, since you have one free arm. It’s intense, intimate, and feels good! 9. Chicken Wing Doggy-Style This is a pretty straightforward Doggy variation. Start in the typical Doggy-Style pose and then lift her up by her thighs. Adult film actor and director Derrick Pierce says:  Make sure your arm/hand is underneath her leg for support. For additional support, bring your leg up and plant on your foot (with the same leg of hers that you are holding) and rest her leg on top of your knee. 10. The Superhero Perhaps the ultimate strength test position, the "Superman" sees you bend her over a desk or table, with her using it for support. Then, once you're inside her, lift her pelvis up slowly until her feet are actually off the ground, and you're holding on to her as you thrust in and out. The sheer physical intensity of this one means it's not for the faint-hearted, but can provide an adrenaline rush as you go closer and closer to your breaking point. Keep safety in mind and let her down gently as soon as your strength starts to wane, and make sure you don't pull out too much. 11. The Lean Doggy Dating writer Jeremy Glass writes:  How it looks depends on (a) your partner and (b) the thing she's leaning over. If you have a really understanding woman-friend who doesn’t mind being boned from behind while she rests her elbows on a wooden desk, all is well. Leaning your partner over, say, a table and taking her from behind requires work from her end (no pun intended) but allows the dude to go about sexy times while literally just standing there. Literally! How it feels depends on the surface. If you’re leaning your partner over a bathroom sink, it probably won’t be the best for her. However, if you’re leaning her over the bed and there happens to be a plate of pancakes and waffles on said bed... everyone’s happy. 12. Bent-Over Standing Doggy This standing twist on Doggy-Style takes some serious flexibility and commitment, but if you're up for it (or down for it) it can be a fun addition to your roster of positions. This is also a great choice if you're trying to get it on in public without being caught — she can completely dip down behind a bush or parked car for cover. 13. Out-Of-Control Cowgirl Astroglide's resident sexologist Dr. Jess says:  In this one, the man kneels and sits back on his heels, while the woman sits atop him, facing away, to maintain total control, since he can’t thrust with as much power while on his knees. 14. The Cowboy Before we get to the Woman On Top positions (aka different variations of the Cowgirl) let's check out the Cowboy! Finally, your chance to ride. This is a variant on the Backdoor Planking position that sees you putting your thighs outside of your partner's thighs instead of inside them. Your partner should push her butt up in the air a little bit to help give you a better angle — a pillow can help here. 15. The Toad In the Toad, the guy gets behind the woman and penerates her — but rather than classic doggy style or standing doggy, here, both partners are crouched over together. A good option for those who find that the Frog isn't crouch-y enough, the Toad is a master class in getting it on while your knees bent. While this one should be considered for experts only, it's a strong choice if you're trying to sneak in a quickie and want to keep a low profile without fully lying down. 3. Woman On Top Sex Positions While the Missionary- and Doggy-inspired positions typically mean the man is in control of the action, positions that feature the  woman on top allow your partner a lot more control over the speed, intensity and angle of penetration. They do offer the possibility of both of you facing each other, or away from each other; and either partner can take control of the thrusting, making these versions versatile options that offer pleasure for all comers. 1. Cowgirl Probably one of the first positions you learned, there's more than a few reasons why the Cowgirl is one of the most popular positions in the world. You get to lie back and get a simply wonderful view of your partner moving up and down; she gets excellent clitoral stimulation and a lot of control of depth and penetration. Penetration-wise, this is arguably the quickest way for a woman to get an orgasm, although quite a bit more difficult for you. Use your free hands to massage her breasts, and if the two of you want to add an element of dominance despite her being on top, you can place your fingers gently around her neck. 2. Reverse Cowgirl A classic, the  reverse Cowgirl  puts the man on the bottom and has the woman straddling him facing away. She can control the angle of penetration here, and the man gets a great view of her from behind. If you want to change things up, arch your knees up to give her something to easily push off of. If you want to make eye contact and get a view of her from the front, doing this in front of a mirror could turn up the heat a little bit. 3. Crouching Reverse Cowgirl The Reverse Cowgirl is usually done in something of a vertical T-position, with the man lying flat on his back and the woman bouncing up and down mostly upright. You can add a variation to this by having her lean forward, so that her head is actually almost over top of your feet. By planting her arms onto the ground/bed or even grabbing your shins, she can really get a lot of leverage to move herself back and forth. This one really leaves her in control, and lets you sit back and relax, essentially. 4. Woman Lying On Top This position requires a lot of exertion on the woman’s part but could be very intense; it can also work  for anal sex , and give her a lot of control in that scenario. It’s pretty self explanatory; you lie flat on your back hold her by the hips or butt, while she partly props herself up using her elbows and legs, arching her back and placing her shoulders and shoulder blades on your chest. Then she lowers herself up and down, to control how deeply you move in and out of her. To prevent her from getting tired, help her by supporting her butt and taking some of the weight. 5. The Backseat Special The backseat is a favorite sex spot because of it being the most convenient spot to have sex when you're typically surrounded by inconvenient places to have sex. So if you and your lover are driving down the highway and you're bored as sin, and get understandable horny, you can't well have a roll on the interstate. The backseat is a cramped, semi-public locale for sex, which can add to the thrill of it. For this, you're probably better off sticking to the standard Cowgirl position, although Missionary might also be an option. 6. The Waterfall The Waterfall is one of the strangest-looking positions out there, but once you try it you’ll understand why it’s worth it. Sex expert Dr. Emily Morse says:  The Waterfall is a variation on the popular Cowgirl position, but packs a super-sized climactic punch. Start by laying on the couch or bed with your head near the edge and your partner on top of you, but instead of riding you from her knees, she’ll need to lean back and shift her weight to her feet. Once she’s got the stance down, inch toward the edge of the bed or couch, letting your head and shoulders slide off onto the ground while your hips remain elevated. If you’re on a couch, drape your legs over the back of the seat or simply let your knees fall open. From here, your partner has complete control over the speed, depth and intensity of her gyrations, not to mention a free hand to use as she wishes — clitoral stimulation, anyone? There are a couple of ways to execute this pose: You can either use it as a bridge while building to orgasm, or moving into it right before the big finale. Either way, this position will cause the blood to rush to your head (and your other head) for an explosive climax. (Now you’ll understand why it’s called the Waterfall) 7. Zen Sex Some people want lustful, intense, passionate sex... and some people want more relaxed sex. If you're in the mood for something a little more zen, try this position. In order to pull it off, your partner should put her legs into a full lotus position and lean forward on her hands. Or, she can move her hips up and down. Alternately, you can help by lifting her hips from behind to achieve an up and down motion. 4. Oral Sex Positions Not all sex has to be exclusively genitals-on-genitals. Oral sex is always a great pleasure option, whether you're giving or receiving — or both at once. Not to mention that many women report enjoying oral sex more than penetrative sex. So what are your options when it comes to  blowjobs , cunnilingus and 69ing? Let's check it out. 1. Lying For Him This is probably the least work you'll ever have to do to achieve orgasm, as you just lie back and let your partner do the work. This allows her to control everything that's going on, too, meaning she has full control over the speed, the angle, the duration and more, making this a great option for both of you. 2. Lying For Her One good turn deserves another — this position is the gender-swapped version of the above one and similarly allows her to relax and you to really get to work. It's also perfect for amping things up a bit by adding some fingering to the mix to really take her pleasure to the next level. 3. Standing For Him This has been a staple of porn scripts for a long, long time. While it might be a little less relaxing position to receive a blowjob, it's a great option if there isn't a bed available and/or if you want to feel more dominant or engage in role play while receiving oral pleasure. It also means you can experiment (only with your partner's express consent!) with thrusting a little rather than just being passive. 4. Standing For Her This is a bit trickier than the male equivalent, but it's a solid option if there isn't a bed available — although trickier to pull off in more public situations if your partner's wearing pants or shorts. Just kneel at her feet, have her spread her legs a bit and go for it. 5. Face-Sitting For Him Face-sitting can be very hot because it adds an extra element of dominance and submissiveness to your oral play. Have your partner lie on her back; she can prop up her head either using a pillow or leaning her shoulders against the wall. Then, thrust into her mouth. It’s a good idea to go gently here because you could make this uncomfortable otherwise. Talk to her beforehand to establish some boundaries and maybe a signal for whether you should stop; then during the act, work with her body language and cues to figure out your rhythm and how deep you can go. 6. Face-Sitting For Her For female on male, this version works even better. The mechanics are pretty simple: You lie flat on your back, and she straddles your face with her thighs, lowering her crotch onto your head. You can also use a pillow to take some of the pressure off your neck. Women love this position, but a lot of guys do too, a) because it’s a pretty comfortable way to eat her out and b) there’s a bit of female dominance to it. You also get the full experience: The taste, the heat, the smell and the moisture of her vagina are all right in your face. She can also add a bit more pressure if you want to kick the intensity up a notch — though in that case, you’ll want to work out a signal in case you find yourself struggling to breathe. 7. The 69 The classic mutual pleasure oral position,  69-ing  is a thrill for the head-to-toe positioning. It also works for any combination of two sex partners. If you're lying one on top of the other, typically woman on top is easier, with each of you pleasuring the other orally. An intense oral option that's not for everybody, the 69 also tests your concentration and your ability to pleasure your partner while she’s doing the same for you. Work on this one and play with various configurations so you’re most comfortable. 8. Sideways 69ing Another fun option for the 69 is to simply turn it on its side. While sideways 69ing requires a bit more effort than the upright version, it's a great option if lying on top of each other is tricky for whatever reason, and offers a fun new spin — literally — on a classic oral position. 9. The Upside-Down 69 Not satisfied with simply turning the 69 sideways? Amp it up another level with the Upside-Down 69. This variation, which is not for beginners, also requires some specific hardware, as you'll need a chin-up bar or some sort of equivalent bar for the top person to hang from.  Don't  try this without first ascertaining that it can hold your weight (or your partner's), though. You can also alternate which one of you is upside down if you're really enjoying yourselves. 10. Sideways Oral Recline on your side, and have your partner position herself so that her head is in line with your crotch. She should also be on her side, using and can wrap her arm around your legs for balance and leverage. From there, it’s up to you; you can totally sit back and let her do all the work, or provide the thrusting motion yourself. This is an incredibly comfortable and relaxed position for both of you. Your partner may need to tuck her legs in to prevent her legs from overhanging the bed (if that’s where you’re at) or even placing a chair next to the bed if you’re a taller couple so that her legs aren’t overhanging into nothingness. 11. Elevated Cunnilingus A table, a windowsill, a countertop, whatever the case, having your partner up above means that you can go down on her… without going down too much. Have her bring her legs right up to the edge of whatever platform she’s on, and then either kneel or stand (depending on her and your height) and give in to  the pleasure of cunnilingus . This is another one that is great for getting it on in public, because you don’t need a nice cushy surface to lie down on. 12. The Dragon Sort of a reversal of the woman-on-top face-sitting position, this one is great for guys who love cunnilingus but who still want to be a bit more dominant. Typically, this one starts with the woman lying on her back, her partner can then pick her lower body up and support it while her head and shoulders remain in place. This position is also great for analingus, as it gives the giver full access to the woman's crotch and anus.  13. The Seated Blowjob Is there anything better than getting a blowjob while seated? Don't answer that; it's a rhetorical question, and besides, the answer is no. Perhaps the most famous version of this blowjob position is getting one in a car, known as "road head." That's a sideways angle, but of course you can always do this in the privacy of your home instead of in a motor vehicle. In that case, your partner would probably approach from the front, with you seated on a chair of your choice and her kneeling in front of it. 13. Doggy-Style Oral Unlike most other oral positions, this Doggy-Style one is (crazy bending ability aside) pretty much just for performing on women. Have her get down on all fours, either propping herself up on her knees and hands or knees and elbows. You then either get down on all fours and pleasure her orally from behind, or have her on all fours next to the edge of the bed so that you can either stand or kneel on the ground to make it easier on your back. This position is also great for giving her analingus. 5. Standing Sex Positions Whether you have a bed at your disposal or not, sometimes you just want to get it on standing up instead of lying down. Standing sex is a great option if you're in the mood for something that burns a few more calories, and if your heights line up just right, standing sex means, like some Doggy-Style positions, that you have a lot of freedom of movement. It's also probably the most common go-to for public sex because it typically doesn't require anything except two bodies (and you can still be wearing most of your clothes). 1. Standing Sex Bro, do you even lift (your partner up to have sex with her?) Grab her thighs and then have her wrap her legs around you while hanging off your shoulders with her arms. Make sure you're strong enough to pull this one off, and then penetrate her. You'll probably have to lift her up higher and then slower her very slowly onto your penis. We'd add a pretty big note of caution here: make sure you have a very firm grip and take this slowly and safely, as there is the potential for injury here if you drop your partner — for both of you. 2. Against A Wall This is a staple of movie sex scenes — two characters passionately embrace for the first time and, too lustful to make it to the nearest bed, simply get it on against the nearest wall. Like its wall-less equivalent, it's taxing on your upper-body strength, but the wall means you're not supporting all of your partner's weight. It also offers great access to the neck and breasts so you can get in a lot of passionate kissing, and a lot of intimate face-to-face time. 3. Standing From Behind Another  public sex  favorite that can also work for anal, this position is relatively simple; both of you are standing, and you enter her from behind. She can be completely upright, in which case you'll want either a wall, or a tree, or a similarly vertical object for her to lean against. Another way to do it is to have her lean against a desk or table. 4. Woman On Table Sex For truly intense thrusting and sex that involves a lot of power, having your feet firmly planted on the ground is a great way to go. Have your partner lie flat on the table (this also works with any roughly waist-high platform) and have her butt pushed right up to the edge, or even overhanging a tiny bit. Then enter her and you’ll see how much power and stability you have from being in a standing position. As for her legs, there are a few options; you can have her wrap them around you, you could have them hanging down or up against your shoulders, you could even have her lie on her side as well for a differing angle of penetration. 5. Criss Cross Sex expert Lindsay Tigar says:  This is one of the less standard positions, but great to have in your arsenal. What this position does, essentially, is make your penis feel twice as big as it actually is, and all she has to do is cross her legs. You in? Figured as much. Find yourself a surface that is roughly at hip-height. Then lay your lady down on said surface with her legs draping over the edge. Standing between her legs, enter her, then lift and cross them so they form an X. From here, you can place her ankles on your shoulders. By crossing her legs, you have better access to her G-spot and become the girthiest dude she’s ever had. Presumably. 6. Pile Driver This one is this one is no walk in the park for the man either. It’s an intense position by any stretch of the imagination, and one you’re not likely to be able to sustain for long. To get into this one, have her lie on her back, then lift her legs up slowly from her thighs until her torso is coming off the floor. Slowly raise her butt up so that it’s almost above her head, and then straddle her, using up and down motion to enter her. you’re going to have to lean forward somewhat in order to position your penis at the right angle, which is going to take a bit of bending regardless. 7. Bridge And Tunnel This is a complicated position that shouldn't be attempted by the inexperienced. That being said, for a couple who are really in sync, it's a great option for trying something new and burning a few calories. Astroglide's resident sex expert Dr. Jess says:  The partner in front spreads their legs and bends over, placing their hands on the floor. The other partner holds onto their hips and slides in from behind. 8. The Sitting V Have her sit on table or counter with enough room for her to lean back, and with her butt slightly hanging off the edge. Support her back with your hands, and then have her place one leg on your shoulder, and then the other. Have her grab behind your shoulders for extra support. Then you can enter her. You control the thrusting in this position, because generally keeping her balance is going to be enough of a challenge in itself. This is a tough position, requiring flexibility on her part, and it’s made tougher if she has short legs or you have a long torso. But if she can pull if off, she deserves a pat on the back — she might need it for support anyway. 6. Sitting & Kneeling Sex Positions Of course, standing positions aren't for everyone. If the two of you don't match up well height-wise, sitting or kneeling positions can be more comfortable and intimate, while also offering some new and unique options for getting it on. 1. Seated Sex Sex expert Lindsay Tigar says:  In case bedroom sex has got you bored, familiarize yourself with some good old chair sex. Sitting in a sturdy chair where both of your feet can touch the floor, have her straddle you (facing toward each other) and let her lower herself on top of you. Similar to the  Cowgirl position , she can move herself up and down, or just grind on your junk. 2. The Lover Nick Hawk, star of Showtime’s reality show  Gigolos  says:  With “The Lover,” the man sits at the end of the bed and the woman straddles him. Both of these allow deep penetration and extra skin-to-skin contact. 3. Kneeling Sex Another position that’s all about intimacy, kneeling sex can be rewarding if pulled off right. We’d suggest finding a cushion, pillow or yoga mat to take some of the strain off your knees. This one also works best if the man isn’t too much taller than the woman; if you’re 6’3” and your partner is 5’5”, this might not work. You kneel, placing your left outstretched knee to the left of the woman and your right leg behind you. The woman does the same. To get penetration, you should try to lower your pelvis beneath your partner’s (hence why this might be difficult for taller folk) and slip your penis into her vagina. Once you’re inside her, this position becomes easier, as she rocks her pelvis back and forth until you both get off. If your balance is good enough, there’s also potential for a bit of anal or nipple play with your hands. 4. Kneel And Deliver Another kneeling position, this one also doesn’t require a bed or even nice surface to do your thing on. You get on your knees, resting your ass on your hamstrings. Have her sit down slowly until you enter her, with her wrapping her arms around you for added balance. While this one looks uncomfortable, the angle and stability actually mean this one can be reasonably intense, while providing eye-to-eye contact and a “do-it-anywhere” convenience. 5. The Bridge A kneeling position for the man, the bridge gives you a wonderful view of her breasts and torso while demanding a lot of her physically. While she creates an arch with her arms and legs, you kneel in front of her and penetrate her. She won't be able to do too much moving, aside from keeping herself upright, so your job is to grab her ass and start pulling her hips back and forth to get the necessary motion to make the whole thing work. Supporting her ass with your hands a bit will also take some of the strain off her arms. 6. The Butterfly Dr. Kat Van Kirk, sex expert for Adam & Eve says:  She lays on her back with her hips off the bed. Her legs can either be wrapped around his hips, her feet can be flat on the floor or she can have her knees bent up to her breasts. This position allows for her to control the angle of penetration with her hips and both of them have hands free to explore one another and make sure the clitoris isn't ignored. Plus, he can control the depth and speed of penetration that works for them both. This position also promotes intimacy through ease of eye gazing and kissing [...] and it promotes communication because you see one another's responses to stimulation. 7. Yab Yum This is one requires a lot of intimacy and patience; you won’t get much intensity or deep thrusting. To get into this, you sit down facing your partner, and wrap your legs around her. She does the same, keeping her legs inside yours. She should slide her butt forwards a little bit until you can slide inside her. Probably not the one to try on a first date, but it can be rewarding all the same. 8. The Splits While you're in a sitting pose, your partner lowers herself onto you. Once you're penetrating her, have her rotate her torso so her legs are pointing in opposite directions. Fair warning: You probably shouldn't try this one unless your partner is extremely flexible. However, for those of you who are sleeping with athletes, dancers, or just naturally flexible people, this option is a fun twist (literally) on a number of other sitting versions. 7. Unusual Sex Positions Sex, being the diverse and crazy thing that it is, can't neatly be divided into six simple categories. So of course this list has to include a section for all the weird, wild wet and  wacky positions  that simply don't fit anywhere else. Are you looking to try something a little bit outside the box, to cross a few more things off your bucket list, to mix in some furniture or to add some serious spice to the relationship? This is the section for you. 1. The Wheelbarrow This one is all about her upper body strength and your back and leg strength. Barring some kind of Olympian training you each have, this is probably a bit of a transition position rather than anything that’s going to lead to long-lasting sex or orgasm. Have her start on all fours, and then you lift up her pelvis until her vagina is in line with your penis. Grasp her around her hips firmly and thrust into her. Rather than having her try to do vertical pushups, or you pulling her back and forth, both of which are liable to tire you out, do the work with your hips. The position can actually be quite interesting for her clitoris. 2. The Surfboard Sex expert Tyomi Morgan says:  This one requires a bathtub big enough to accommodate the size of both partners and can be enhanced by lighting a few candles and adding some champagne. It is important to only fill the bathtub up half way to avoid overflow when you both sit down. In this position, the male partner sits in the tub with his legs extended and gets to relax. The female partner sits on top of her partner and puts in the work. She can sit with her back facing him or face him positioned on her knees or with her feet flat in the tub. The water in the tub can wash away natural lubricant, but the feeling of the water between both bodies will feel amazing! 3. Sex In A Hot Tub Is there a specific position for the hot tub? Probably not, but it’s a natural place for sex; you’re already in close contact with people wearing very little other clothing anyway. In addition to the jets of a hot tub being a wonderful masturbatory aid for women to get her started (you can also fondle her nipples and lend a hand as well), there are benches all around for the man to sit on. Remember, finish quickly though: you don’t want to be in there for more than 20 minutes. 4. Scissoring To be honest, aside from the awesomeness of the name, you might find this one a bit challenging. Scissoring involves you intertwining your legs together, and placing yourself at something approaching a 90-degree angle to each other. Insert yourself into your partner, and then move your hips to thrust in and out. You'll need to do this slowly and carefully, as it's pretty easy to slip out while scissoring. This position is pretty unique because it involves very little eye contact, and places your heads pretty far away from each other, and your body position is such that you can't really use your hands to fondle her in any way. Little eye contact, a lot of distance, and difficult thrusting make this one a toughie, but sexually experienced couples should give it a go just for the novelty. 5. Scissor Straddle Though “scissoring” is a real thing as well, this position requires a bit of twisting to make it happen and some knee endurance. Perfect for the woman to be fully comfortable and let herself go, this puts the man in full command of how fast and how deep he wants to penetrate. As with all such kneeling positions, this one is going to seriously test your leg muscles and how cramp-proof you are, but the effort is always worth it. 6. The T-Position Most positions are have your bodies lined up more-or-less; here, this one involves putting the “d*ck” into perpendicular. Have her start off by lying on her back, you lie on your side, and penetrate her from the side. This sort of thing either works best on a nice comfy floor or a queen or king-size bed, but you’ll need a fair bit of real estate to pull this off. Once you’re inside her, you control the pace and depth of the thrusting. This position is a little bit less popular because it’s less obvious and doesn’t provide as intense or intimate experience as some of the others, but it allows you to shake things up. Additionally, because often men’s penises are wider than they are tall, this means that by effectively turning your penis sideways you can better target her clitoris. 7. The Spork Sort of a cross between the T-position and Spooning, this one features the woman on her back while her partner, lying on his side, cradles her and penetrates her from below. It's a very cuddly option that allows for a decent amount of tenderness (and the whispering of sweet nothings, or dirty talk, depending on what you're into), plus it's a great way to switch things up if your partner's most comfortable on her back and you're sick of missionary-style positions.  8. The Sit 'N' Spin This position uses the vibrations of your washer or dryer to add a little extra kick to your sexual experience. Sit on the edge of the machine while it’s running (spin cycle works best on a washer), and then have her mount you in Cowgirl position, or with her legs wrapped around. From there, she should feel the vibrations running through your penis, making her orgasm all the better. Best of all? Once you’re done, you’ll have clean clothes to change into. 100 Kamasutra sex positions If you want to spice things up in the bedroom here are 100 sex positions to try - from the easy to the more energetic and athletic! Bandoleer While the woman lays on her back and lifts both knees up towards her chest, the man kneels facing her. She can then rest her feet on his chest, while he places his forearms on her knees. The woman can then grab the man’s thighs and pull him closer for deeper penetration. The more he presses down on her knees, the greater the pleasure for her. A relatively simple sex position, which doesn’t require too much flexibilty. The Bridge Only suitable for extremely strong and flexible men - he makes a bridge, while the woman straddles him. She can then move up and down by pushing off the floor with her feet - Not for the faint-hearted! The Grip Similar to the missionary position, the grip requires the woman to lay on her back and raise her hips slightly (it may be more comfortable to place a cushion under the woman’s bottom). The man then places himself between her legs, while she moves her pelvis side to side. Simple and good if you’re not feeling too energetic. Afternoon Delight The man lays on his side, while the woman lays on her back at a right angle to her partner. She puts her knees over his hip to allow easy penetration. Extremely easy and perfect for a lazy Sunday afternoon or if you need to slow it down a bit during a long sex session. The Rider Similar to reverse cowgirl, the rider involves the woman straddling the man while facing away from him. She then leans forward and while balancing herself on his knees slides up and down. The man can also control penetration by holding onto the woman’s waist. Not too much flexibility required and both sets of hands are free and well place for extra stimulation. The Eagle The woman lays on her back with her legs in the air and knees slightly bent (she may need a cushion under her bottom to make it more comfortable). The man then kneels between her legs and holds onto her ankles while he enters her. Relatively easy and deep penetration. The Visitor This position is ideal for an impromptu sex session. The man and the woman stand face to face and he stimulates her genitals with his penis before penetrating her. An easy position if the woman is a similar height to the man (or wearing heels), but if not a table or work surface will help! The Slide An easy sex position which requires minimal effort and increases tightness. The man lies flat on his back, while the woman lies on top of him with her legs together. He is then able to penetrate her as she slides up and down on his body The Clasp He stands and she wraps her legs around his waist while he supports her by holding her bottom and back. For more support and deeper penetration she can rest her back against a wall. Ideal for anytime/anywhere sex, but does require a certain degree of strength and energy from both the man and woman. The Tominagi The man kneels while the woman lies on her back and rests her feet on his chest. The man controls the penetration, which can be very deep - the perfect position for less endowed men. The Glowing Juniper Perfect for when you’re feeling a little bit lazy - the woman lies on her back with her legs parted and knees slightly bent. The man sits between her legs with his legs stretched either side of her. He can then lift her hips for easier penetration while she lays back and enjoys! The Seated Ball This position requires quite a lot of strength and flexibility. The woman crouches down onto the man’s lap, while she controls the penetration by rocking back and forth on her heels. The Curled Angel The woman curls up into a ball with her knees drawn up to her chest, while the man spoons her from behind. This position is ideal if you’re feeling lazy and it is also great for pregnant women too - the woman simply needs to lower her legs to accommodate her growing bump. The Cross The woman lies on her back with one leg extended and the other raised in the air, but bent in half. The man then straddles the woman’s extended leg, while holding onto her other leg to control penetration. Relatively easy and good if the woman is tired. The Perch The man sits on a chair or stool and the woman sits on his lap. With her back to him she can control the penetration by rocking back and forth on her heels. His hands are then free to play with her clitoris and breasts. A good position for pregnant women and tired men. The Plough The woman lays on the edge of the bed with her legs hanging off. The man then positions himself between her legs and lifts her hips and thighs to allow penetration, while she supports herself on her elbows. This position requires a great deal of strength and flexibility. The Toad The woman lies back with her legs open, while the man lies between her legs and slowly penetrates her. For greater intimacy, she can wrap her legs around him and control the pressure of his grinding by gently pressing on his buttocks with her feet. Simple and an ideal sex position for a slower pace of lovemaking. The Hero The woman lies on her back, with her knees pulled up to her chest and her feet pointing up to the ceiling. The man kneels and rests his things under her bum while penetrating her. An easy (ish) position but the woman may tire faster than the man as she has to hold her legs in the air. The Peg While the man lays on his side, the woman curls up into a ball and with her head at his feet, she wraps her legs around his. She can then wrap her arms around the top of his legs while he penetrates her. A difficult position to master, but worth the extra effort. The Classic While similar to the missionary, the classic position involves the woman laying on her back with a cushion under her bottom. This slight tilt of the pelvis allows for deeper penetration as the man places himself between her legs and enters her. The Fan With her back to her partner, the woman bends over, crosses her arms and rests her elbows on a chair for support. Then man then enters her from behind (ideal for anal sex) and can control the depth and pressure by holding the top of her thighs. The Snail The woman lies on her back and pulls her knees up to her chest. The man kneels down and enters her. She can then rest her feet on his shoulders, while he supports himself with his hands either side of her shoulders. The penetration is very deep in his sex position, so be careful not to go too fast as it may cause pain for the woman. The Slip The man kneels down and leans back, supporting himself with his hands behind him, while the woman lies flat on her back. She then tilts her hips towards him to aid penetration, while positioning her legs either side of his hips. This is a relatively easy position, which is highly erotic with deep penetration. The Hound Similar to doggy style, but instead of being on all fours, the woman lowers herself onto her forearms while the man penetrates her from behind. He can also lean forward and as his hands are free he can caress her body at the same time. The Crouching Tiger While the man lays on the bed with his knees off the edge, the woman squats over him facing away. She is fully in control of depth and pace of penetration. While this sex position is easy for the man, it requires some decent thigh muscles from the woman and be careful not to lose your balance and fall off the bed - Good luck! The Hinge This position requires good balance, but once in the rhythm it’s great for depth control. The man kneels behind the woman and while leaning backwards uses one arm to support himself. The women kneels in front of him and supports herself on her elbows, allowing her to thrust back onto him. He can then use his spare hand to touch her. The Ship While the man lies flat on his back, the woman simply sits on top of him with both legs to one side. The woman is in complete control. Ideal when the man is feeling tired/lazy. From Behind The man stands behind the woman and enters her. He’s in control of the thrusts. She may find it easier to balance with a wall to lean against. This sex position is easy for some, but doesn’t work so well if you’re not similar heights. Balancing Act The man lies on his back with his legs apart while the woman sits down between his thighs. The woman must then curl her body up into a ball while the man supports her. Her hands are free to touch herself or touch his perineum. This position requires a certain degree of strength from both parties. Splitting Bamboo The woman lays on her back with one leg stretched out and the other resting on her partner’s shoulder. The man straddles her thigh, while holding on to her elevated leg to balance himself. A relatively easy position which leaves both of the woman’s hands free to fondle herself or her partner. The Frog The man sits on the edge of the bed with his feet on the floor while the woman crouches (like a frog) on his lap. She can then move up and down to control the penetration, while pressing on his thighs for support. An easy position for the man, but requires strength and balance from the woman. The Column The woman stands in front of the man with her back to him and their arms intertwined. The man can then penetrate the woman from behind. The woman may find it easier to lean on a table. The Candle The woman lies on her back with one cushion under her head and another under her bottom. She then pulls her knees up to her chest and lifts her legs in the air. The man kneels down with his legs either side of her and enters her hips. Great for deep penetration and his hands are also free, which is an added bonus. The Basket The man sits with one leg stretched out and the other leg bent at the knee to help him balance. The woman sits on his lap. While she can control most of the movement, he also has some control with his hands on her hips. He is also in the ideal position to kiss and suck her nipples while having sex. Perfect! The Galley The man sits with his weight on one arm (the other is free to fondle) and his legs stretched out. The woman sits on top of him and leans forward. She can then support herself with her arms, while being in full control of the movement and penetration. A good position for a tired man and an energetic woman. The Clip The man lies on his back and closes his legs while the woman sits astride him and leans back supporting herself on her arms. She can then grind on to him while he lays back and enjoys himself. The Whisper The man lies on his side while the woman wraps her legs around his waist and crosses her ankles. He is then free to thrust in and out. The Challenge This position requires a sturdy chair/stool and a great deal of balance. The woman crouches on the stool while the man enters her from behind. He will need to hold firmly onto her waist to stop her toppling over. The Kneel In this sex position the woman and the man both kneel. The woman puts her legs either side of the man's so he can penetrate her. They can both wrap their arms around each other. A relatively easy, and yet extremely passionate position. The Kneeling Wheelbarrow The Kneeling Wheelbarrow is a slightly easier variation of the standing wheelbarrow. The woman kneels on one leg with her other leg stretched out. She then leans on the opposite elbow to the leg she is kneeling on while her partner kneels behind her. The man can hold the woman’s hips to help her balance while he enters her. Be warned, it's a very tiring position for the woman so make sure you don’t overdo it! The Spider The man sits with his legs stretched out and leans back on his hands. The woman sits astride him facing the man. She also leans back on her hands and can use them to help her rock back and forth. The Fold The woman lies on her back with a cushion under her bottom to raise her hips. The man sits with his legs stretched out either side of her, while she lets her legs hang behind his back. An ideal sex position if you’re both lacking in energy. The Sphinx The woman lies on her front with her weight on her elbows. She stretches one leg out and bends the other to the side. The man lays on top and can penetrate from behind while leaning on his hands for support. A tiring position for the man, but worth it for the woman as the pressure of his body on her pelvis helps her to climax. The Deckchair The man sits with his legs stretched out and leans back on his hands. The woman lays on her back facing him and with a pillow under her bottom she can comfortably rest her feet on his shoulders. This is a good sex position for deep penetration. The Waterfall The man sits on a chair or a stool while the women sits on his lap. Once he is penetrating her she leans right back (if necessary she can rest her head on a cushion on the floor) while he takes full control of all the movement. Not for the faint hearted! This sex position requires a lot of strength and flexibility. The Double Decker The double decker is the perfect sex position for when you are transitioning between other positions. While the man lies on his back, the woman lies on top of him with her back to him. She supports herself on her elbows, either side of the man’s waist and to help her balance she puts her feet on the man’s knees. The Dolphin The woman lies down on her back and the man places himself between her legs. He then lifts her up by the waist so all of her weight is on her head and shoulders. A moderately easy sex position, but it may be hard to maintain for a long time as the woman may get uncomfortable. The Reverse Cowgirl The reverse cowgirl involves the man laying on his back with the woman sitting astride him with her back to him. The woman is in full control of all the movements. A really simple sex position, which almost anyone can do. Go on, give it a go! The Lotus Blossom The man sits with his legs crossed while the woman sits on his lap with her legs wrapped around his waist. An easy, intimate sex position if you are relatively flexible. The Amazon The man sits on a chair - ideally the chair won’t be too high as the woman’s feet need to touch the ground. The woman sits on his lap facing him and uses her feet to bounce up and down. Enjoy giving your thighs a good work out with this sex position! The Close-Up The man and woman both lie on their sides with their legs pulled up to their chests. The woman faces away from the man and pushes her hips down into his crotch. A very easy, gentle sex position, which can be extremely intimate too. Enjoy! The Star The woman lies on her back with one leg stretched out and the other bent up. The man slides in between her legs and pushes one of his legs underneath her to raise her hips. To help his balance the man leans back on his hands. The Indian Handstand This position is quite challenging; it requires a great deal of strength and balance from the woman. The man stands while the woman does a headstand. The man enters the woman from behind and helps her to balance by holding onto her hips. The Rocking Horse The man sits with his legs crossed and leans back supporting himself with his arms. The woman sits astride him with her knees bent either side of his waist. The woman can then rock back and forth in a rocking horse motion. The Super 8 The woman lies flat on her back with a small cushion under her bottom to raise her hips. The man lies between her legs and supports himself on his arms. Both the man and the woman are free to move in rhythm with each other. Ascent to Desire The man stands with his knees ever so slightly bent and the woman stands facing him. He then lifts her off the ground and she wraps her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck while he penetrates her. It maybe easier to start with the man sitting and once in position he can stand. The Standing Wheelbarrow Another challenging position which requires a great deal of skill and balance. The woman starts on all fours, she can rest her elbows on a pillow if that’s more comfortable. The man kneels behind the woman and enters her. Once he has penetrated the woman he can slowly lift her off the ground by holding onto her ankles. Good luck! Doggy Style A classic position which almost anyone can do. The woman crouches on all fours, taking her weight on her hands, while her partner enters her from behind. While the woman can press back into him, the man is in control of most of the movement. The Nirvana In this sex position the woman lies flat on her back with her legs closed and her arms stretched out holding the bedposts (if possible). The man lays on top of her with his legs either side of hers. He slowly penetrates her while her legs remain shut. The Padlock The woman sits on the edge of a high piece of furniture, for example a table or a washing machine. She leans back and supports herself with her arms. The man stands in front of her. She can wrap her legs around his waist as he enters her. The Rock 'n' Roller The woman lies on her back with a pillow behind her head. She then lifts her legs in the air and rocks back - like she’s going to do a backwards roll. The man kneels behind her and keeps her hips elevated on his thighs while entering her. The Backward Slide The man sits on the edge of the bed with his legs hanging down and a cushion behind his back for support. The woman sits astride him and bends her legs so her knees are level with his shoulders. She then carefully leans back and rests her hands on the floor, either side of his feet, to balance. The Crossed Keys The woman lies on her back with her legs in the air. Her bottom needs to be at the edge of the bed and her legs must be crossed. The man stands facing her and holds onto her legs while he penetrates her. An easy sex position. The Ape If you fancy something a little bit different give this position a try. The man lies on his back and brings his knees up to his chest. The woman sits down on her partner facing away from him while he rests his feet on her back and penetrates her. The woman uses her feet to balance and control the motion. Great for deep penetration. The Reclining Lotus This position requires a great deal of flexibility from the woman, who lays on her back with her legs crossed. The man lays on top and uses his arms to balance as he penetrates her. Wide Opened The woman lays on her back with a pillow under her head. The man kneels between her legs and slides his thighs under her back to raise her hips as he enters her. The Peg The man lies on his back with his legs stretched out and parted. The woman lies on top of him with her legs closed and stretched out. This is a good sex position for well endowed partners as the man can’t penetrate too deeply, as the woman’s legs are closed. Also good for intimacy as you are face to face. Indrani The woman lies on her back with a pillow under her head. She pulls her knees up to her chest while the man slides between her legs. The woman has her hands free to pull the man towards her and control penetration. Suspended Congress The man leans against a wall while lifting the woman off the floor and supporting her with his hands under her bottom. The woman can grip the man’s waist with her thighs. Requires strength from both parties, but well worth the effort. The Suspended Scissors Warning: this position requires lots of strength and plenty of balance. The woman lies right on the edge of the bed with just her feet touching the mattress for support. She then balances on the floor with her left arm. The man stands astride her left leg and raises her right leg with his hands. A bit tricky, but not so difficult once you’re in position. The Propeller This one definitely won’t work for everyone. In fact it will only work if the man is extremely well endowed. The woman lies flat on her back with her legs closed. The man lies on top of her facing the opposite direction. Once inside her he can slowly move his hips in a circular motion. The Prone Tiger The man sits on the bed with his legs stretched out in front of him. The woman lays on her front, parts her legs and slowly backs into him, lowering herself onto his penis. The woman’s legs should be stretched out behind the man. The Crisscross The woman lays on her side facing away from the man with her legs slightly parted. The man also lays on his side, but at a right angle to the woman, and slides in between her legs to enter her. The Erotic V The woman sits on the edge of a table and the man stands in front of her. The woman needs to lift her legs right up and rest the back of her knees on the man’s shoulders. She can also wrap her arms around his neck for support, while he can grip her bottom to help control the motion. The Catherine Wheel The man and woman sit down facing each other. She wraps her legs around his waist while he enters her. He then wraps one of his legs over her waist. To maintain balance the woman can lean on her arms, while the man rests on his elbows. Quite a tricky sex position to master. The Triumph Arch This position requires an extremely supple woman as she needs to lay flat on her back with her legs bent underneath her. The man then slides in between her legs with his legs stretched out so they are either side of her head. The X-Rated The man lies flat on his back with a pillow under his head. The woman lies on top of him facing away from him with her legs either side of his waist and her arms wrapped around his legs. She is in the perfect position to slide up and down, while he has an x-rated view. The Shoulder Stand The woman lays on her back and lifts her legs and entire torso in the air, with help from the man. The man kneels behind her and enters her while she rests her legs on his shoulders. This sex position is best if you go slow. The Rowing Boat The best way to start this position is with the man laying back and the woman sitting astride him. Once he is penetrating her the man can slowly sit up, so they are facing each other with their legs intertwined. For added comfort they can both slip their arms under each other’s knees. The Zen Pause This position is ideal if you need to slow down the pace during a long sex session. The man and the woman both lay on their sides facing each other. The man enters the woman as she wraps her legs around him. The Landslide Because of the angles, this position is best suited to a well endowed man. The woman lays on her stomach, with her legs stretched out and raises her torso by resting on her elbows. The man sits between her legs, facing the back of her head, with his legs parted either side of her waist. He tilts his body at a slight angle to enter her and while doing so supports himself with his hands propped up behind him. The Supernova This sex position is a slight variation of the classic woman-on-top, but this time the man lays with the top half of his body handing off the edge of the bed, while the woman sits astride him and leans back onto her arms for support. Careful not to topple over the edge of the bed. The Squat Balance The woman stands on the bed with the man standing behind her. He places his hands on her bottom and she slowly lowers herself onto him. He can then penetrate her while she uses his arms to balance. The Shoulder Holder The woman lies on her back with a pillow under her head and her legs straight up in the air. The man kneels to penetrate her, while gripping her legs and resting them against one of his shoulders. He can use his other hand for support. Ideal for deep penetration. The Seduction The woman lays on her back with her legs bent underneath her body - only attempt this if you are quite flexible. The man then lays on top of the woman to penetrate her. The Glowing Triangle The glowing triangle position is a simple, yet extremely effective, twist on the classic missionary position. The woman lays on her back, while the man moves on top of her. But instead of laying on top of her, he gets onto all fours and she has to raise her pelvis so he can penetrate her. He then stays still and she does all the work. The Y Curve Quite a tricky position which requires strength and balance from the man. The woman lays face down on the bed and lets the top half of her body hang off the edge. She may need a pillow to rest her head on. The man lays between her legs to penetrate her and pushes his body up so he isn’t laying on her back. The Magic Mountain First you need to stack a pile of firm pillows to form your ‘mountain’. Then the woman kneels down and bends over the pillows, so her chest is flat on the cushions. The man kneels behind her and with his legs either side of her, penetrates her deeply. The Lap Top The man sits on a chair with a pillow under his knees to elevate them. The woman sits on his lap and raises her legs so they are wrapped around his neck. The woman can then rock back and forth on his penis while he supports her back with his hands. The Stair Master In case you hadn’t already guessed by the title, you will need some stairs for this sex position. The woman kneels on one step while her partner stands a couple of steps lower and enters her from behind. She can use the step in front of her or the banister to help her balance, while the man can simply hold on to her hips as he penetrates her. The Mermaid The woman lies on a table with her bottom right at the edge. She then lifts both legs in the air (she can place a pillow under her bottom if it’s more comfortable) while the man stands and penetrates her. For extra stability he can steady himself by holding her feet. The Sidekick The woman lays on her side with her back to the man. He kneels behind her, facing towards her head and straddles her leg while entering her. She then stretches out her top leg to allow him more room to manoeuvre. The Thigh Master The man lies on his back with his legs bent and slightly parted. The woman faces away from the man and straddles one of his thighs. With her body at a slight angle, she then holds onto his knees while slowly lowering herself onto him. The Butterfly Similar to the mermaid, the butterfly position involves having sex while the woman lays on a relatively low table with her bottom right on the edge. The man stands and helps her raise her hips with his hands. He penetrates her while she rests her legs on his shoulders. The Sideways Samba The woman lays on her side with her legs stretched out in front of her at a 90’ degree angle. She needs to tilt her pelvis inwards, while the man lays behind her and raises his torso with an arm either side of waist for support as he penetrates her. The Side Saddle An easy sex position and great if you fancy trying some a little bit different, which doesn’t require too much effort. The man lays on his back, with a pillow behind his head and his legs stretched out. The woman sits across him with her legs on one side of his waist and her hands on the other, supporting her weight. As he penetrates her she can slowly open and close her legs, while making swivelling motions to drive him wild. The Proposal Both the man and the woman kneel facing each other (it helps if you are similar heights). He puts one foot on the ground (as if he were proposing) and she puts the opposite foot on the ground ready for penetration to begin. You may need to wiggle around a little bit to get into a comfortable. A relatively easy sex position and good if you want to try something new. The G-Force In this sex position the woman lays on her back and pulls her knees right up to her chest. The man kneels behind her and lifts her torso off the ground so her back is parallel to his thighs. She can help herself balance by holding onto his legs, while he holds onto her feet and penetrates her. 60 E-Books That Will Change Your Sex Life Read and download : http://www.book999.tk/ https://ebook999.wordpress.com/ Publication Date: September 20th 2018 https://www.bookrix.com/-po258951b7ead95
ladydelight L.D.Manning Rose Blooming Betrayal Blooming Rosetta has long ago forgiven the man she loves after he left her for dead. The only problem now is that Kamet sees her as a child and the things she wants from him are far from innocent. Rosetta will do anything to get him to look at her like the woman she is. Even take lessons on seduction from a man who claims he can help her not only get Kamet but have him on his knees. Is he truly helping her or is she just a tool in a bigger game? Kamet will stop at nothing to kill his twin brother Cobden. That is until Rosetta found him. But when he comes back from a war to find the sweet child he had once known was now a sedative woman. He has no choices but to have her . . . All of her. But a secret will soon turn into betrayal. Forgiveness is hard but will love become unthinkable. Chapter 1   Chapter 1   Rosetta had to be faster. As hostile voices of the men behind her grow closer.  She didn’t know how many were still behind her, but Rosetta knew she couldn’t slow down.  Not here in the land of war and blood-hungry soldiers.  The same blood-hungry soldiers, she had just stolen a piece of roasted pig. Something she would have normally never done. But these soldiers had already taken everything from the small villages around them. Leaving not only Rosetta but everyone starving.  Those with money had already left. Leaving those without money or family behind. Which is why she was eating and running. Though it was hard to breathe past the mouth full of food, Rosett pushed down the rest of the food. Her breath came faster and faster, her heart almost jumping out of her chest.  At this point, Rosetta knew they would catch and beat her, but for a meal, she would do so again and again.  "Take that." They began to throw rocks at her. A pain shot up Rosetta’s back making her trip and fall at someone's feet. Slowly looking up and up and up. At the big male before her, Rosetta swallowed the last piece of meat in her mouth.  The powerful man who stood before her had on no shirt, showing skin that was full of war scars even his face, which was marked deeply with an X.  The X scarred man only glanced down at her, before he looked up at the men behind her. They stumbled to a stop at his tent not daring to get any closer.  “We just want the thief Kamet.” They took a step forward, but stop when Kamet growled out. “Get off ‘my’ land, all of you.” The men took off a few feet away, only stopping at what had to be the end of Kamet’s land.  Rosetta’s heart started to beat rapidly. This man was dead. It was in the air around him, in the intense look he now gave her, making her slowly look back at him until their gazes locked. His eyes were cold, freezing her bones in fear. Did this man have a heart, a soul to call his own? “This is my land, do you hear me ‘mine’, now leave my land or die.” “No please. They'll kill me if I leave.” Rosetta moved in front of him and took one of his pants legs, her voice going shaky, her eyes filling with tears, as she begged for his mercy. Kamet didn’t look at her just turned his back to walk back into his tent. “Please, help me please.” “Go away or ‘I’ll’ kill you, and trust me . . . You don’t want that.” Kamet walked back into his tent then, uncaring of what would become of the little thief.   ~*~   Kamet was at home, the only place he could ever call home, the battlefield. Where the smell of blood was like an aphrodisiac to the blood lust in them all.  Kamet cut off a man’s head and then kicking another man to the ground. Not caring if he was on his side or not.  This was war, everyone was the enemy in his eyes. Then he saw him the man he hated more than life itself. The one he should have killed in their mother's belly. . . Cobden his twin brother. Once they had looked alike, that is until his brother had carved his face open.  He watched as his brother looked up at him and smiled. With a rage-filled bellow, Kamet ran at his brother knocking away anyone in his way. When they finally clashed, they fought for hours. Taking any opening they could to injure the other. Kamet couldn’t lie to himself, not now anyway. His brother had the upper hand. He had always had the upper hand from birth. Cobden had been chosen, as the strongest of their family. Cobden had been given everything he had ever wanted, even if it hadn’t belonged to him.  Well, Kamet had been given nothing, but a second thought in his parent's mind. Every chance Cobden got to take away something of Kamet's, he had taken it. No matter how hard Kamet had fought for it, cried for it, pleaded. Cobden had always come out on top. But never again would Kamet let Cobden take what was his, never again would Kamet share what was his. Kamet would never give up or let what he saw as his be taken. Not by Cobden . . . Not by anybody. Kamet struck his brother in the arm, then went for his leg.     Chapter 2 Chapter 2   Cobden made that final connection with his brother’s chest. Watching as his brother Kamet fell to the red ground. He felt nothing. His heart long ago cold from Kamet betrayal. A brother Cobden had once been raised to look after, but now wanted to kill with everything inside of him. Not because Kamet had been selfish from birth or the fact that anything, Cobden wanted Kamet had wanted. No, it had been when Kamet had taken way the woman he loved.  For what reason Cobden didn’t know, but from then on Cobden had desired to give his brother a reason to want him dead. So here Cobden was standing over a man who had once looked like him.  That is until Cobden had decided to make sure his outside looked just as ugly as his inside. Here, he was watching his brother slowly die. It was like looking at himself die. The anger that had once filled him was no longer there, nor did he have the strength to keep watching. So Cobden did the only thing he could do, he walked away. Not caring that his brother threw insults at his back. Or that he screamed for him to end. . . it didn't matter now. At the end of the day, Kamet would die for the choices he made.      Chapter 3   Chapter 3   Damn it all!  Was this where it would end, miles away from the battlefield.  His people had lost, not that it mattered to him. Nothing mattered anymore, now that Kamet knew he was going to die in a small village alleyway, like trash.  Deep down, Kamet somehow knew he would die like this . . . In waste. He had only hoped that his brother would have died first. At least that would have given him some small form of peace.  But like everything in his life Cobden had taken that away from him. Leaving him in a state of anger and regret. Pain danced on his skin, making Kamet suck in a hollow breath. Clenching his teeth Kamet moved himself up against the wall. A body appeared at the end of the alleyway, Kamet watched as the small form dug through one of the trash bins. It was a small skinny body, one that really needed more food, if it wasn’t for the long hair on her head, Kamet would have never known it was a girl.  For the longest time, Kamet didn't think she saw him. It was only when he noticed her pacing back and forth, that he realized she was building up the courage to come closer. It was then he noticed what she had in her arms. A rolled-up cloth and a bowl.  She had on an old oversized dress, and a head full of wild and unkempt hair that covered her face.  She quickly walked past him, her eyes watchful. She must have thought he was going to attack. But if that was the case why come down this way at all? When she finally reached the other side of the alley, she stopped. Kamet watched as she stood there as if she were once again building up her courage.  Turning around the small girl came to stand before him. Kamet's hand moved to his side to grip his sword.  Knowing that this girl could easily try to take and sell his armor. It wasn't much but he knew it could easily get her enough to eat.  Sadly, he didn’t have enough energy to stop her if she tried. All he had was intimidation and right now his face wasn’t agreeing with him enough to even frown.  “You're bleeding all over ‘my’ home,” She said. The ‘my’ was said with anger and mockery yet somehow she kept her voice light, though it was deeper than what he thought someone her age should have.  Not that he could talk, he could only look at her, waiting for her to kick him while he was down, like everyone else had done.  But all she did was sit down her cloth then walked out the alley. She returned a moment later bowl of water in hand. She sat down next to him, then ripping some of her dresses, so she could use it to clean his injuries. Shock went through Kamet, at what was happening and what he now realized.  He knew her, she had been that girl from that night. The night he had been preparing to face his brother. So determined to kill him, he hadn’t cared what happened to the Strange intruder who had dared to step a foot on his land. “Let me see your face child.”  She put more force on his injuries making him suck in a breath of pain, as she continued to bandage him. “I am not a child.”  “Why are you helping me, when I had turned my back on you?” Kamet asked in a whisper, but she only shrugged it off, as if she did that kind of thing all the time. “Maybe one day you won’t turn your back on someone in need if someone gave you help when you needed it most.” Kamet would have snorted if he wasn’t in all this pain and afraid she would stop helping him. When she finally did stop, his wounds covered and less painful, she got to her feet then sat across from him. That’s when he saw her face, the swollen eye, the fat busted lip that looked to be purple, but before he could say anything about it she got to her feet and left as quickly as she had come. An eerie feeling of shame filled him, as he watched her leave. An emotion he wasn't sure what to do with. She had been coming back every day now. Helping him with his wounds and feeding him with whatever she could steal or find, at this point, he wasn’t being picky.  But this day, this day was different she looked skinnier than before, weaker. Kamet grabbed the bowl she had given him and started eating. God knows he was starving from that half a loaf of bread she had given him to eat yesterday. But thinking back on it now, he hadn’t once seen her eat, he had only assumed that she had eaten.  The thought put a bad taste in his mouth all of a sudden, making him stop and look at her again. She sat with hungry eyes, knees up to her chest. “You need to eat . . . Here . . . Take this.” Kamet looked away from her as he gave away his chicken soup. Not that he had a choice, she was the only person who could get food for him in this weak state. That was the only reason he fed her now. He didn't care if she lived or died and his chest didn’t fill with happiness when he saw her eat. “What is your name girl.” The girl half froze, as she looked into her soup bowl. Her gaze slowly moved up to him, as if to see if she could trust him. “Rosetta.”  Rosette, what a perfect name to describe her, she was beautiful under all that grime, she always had on her face. Grime he knew she intentionally put on her face, so no one would look at her. But he could see her, he would always see her. "Nice to meet you, Rosetta, I am Kamet." She didn't say anything just kept eating. The days in the alley turned into weeks and the weeks seem to go by faster and faster. Kamet found the more time he spent with Rosetta the more he liked her, not only that but she started to open up to him in her own little way. She could make him laugh, something he never really did, she would even ask him to tell war stories which end up being funnier than he once thought they were . . . At less with Rosetta they were.  “Come over here you look like you're freezing,” Kamet said opening the cover she had given him earlier to keep him warm. He could see her hesitation before she made up her mind and came over. When he folded his arms around her protecting her from the cold, Kamet felt like he was holding the world in his arms. She was so important, so fragile and when she rubbed her face into his chest . . . God, there was nothing like it. “Thank you.” “No thank you, Rose.” He said loving the way her arms eased around his waist, how she would move her face and her lips would gently brush his nipple, making him shivers.  That was the night he knew she was his, he could feel it down to his chest, or maybe it was deeper. He would never look close enough to really know.  She was so full of life which seems to make him full of life too.  At times he would find his-self afraid when she went off to get something they needed, afraid she would never come back or that someone would try to take his Rose away. Which could never happen and as soon as he got better he was going to give her a better life one she deserved. But tonight like most nights, now a days, she slept in his arms. Their body curled up on the ground as he lied behind her. From the way she was playing in her hair, Kamet knew she wasn’t sleeping yet. So he asked a question that had been bothering him for weeks now. “Why are you on the streets sweet Rose?” His lips moved across the back of her neck, making her shiver in his arms and move closer. Kamet froze for a moment a little shocked, then he brushed it off, she must have been cold. “It’s not a long story Kamet. It just happened, my mother and I were walking and she told me to stay right here. That she would be right back, but she never did come back.” Her voice held no bitterness just knowing as if, as a young girl she had seen it coming. Not understanding Kamet rose up onto his hand and looked down at her. Her eyes held lost, pain, and so much more, all Kamet wanted to do was take it all away. “Do you know why she did it?”  “Aye,” She whispered her eyes drifting away. But Kamet needed to know, he needed to know her. With gentle fingers, Kamet rubbed her cheek, then moved her face, so she looked at him. A small gaped escaped her as she looked up at him. Kamet wonders if his face scared her if she did not like his touch, but she stopped that thought with the soft creak of her smile. “She had grown tired of her husband sleeping in the bed of her 6-year-old and not hers.” Tears filled Rosetta’s eyes, as she looked over at a spot at the end of the alleyway. Were her mother must have left her.  A cold burning feeling started up in his chest. What father touched his daughter in such a way, and what mother left the child and not the husband. Kamet couldn’t understand that and the rage that was building up from her story was almost unstoppable. “Please don’t be angry with me Kamet I begged him not to touch me, I didn’t want him to. But she didn’t believe me, no one believed me.” She cried in his arms then. Kamet held her and told her everything would be fine. He knew she didn’t want that, he could see it on her face, as she told him.  If Kamet ever came upon the man who touched her so wrongly at such an innocent time, the man would find himself without skin.  Every day Kamet grows stronger and stronger, and everyday Rosetta moved away from him. It was then he realized that Rosetta would fear him when he was all healed up. She would run, to where he didn’t know, but if she did he knew he would follow her, he would protect her.     Chapter 4   Chapter 4   Rosetta would have never guessed she would feel this way, or that she would open up to Kamet so fast. A man who had left her for dead once, now hated to have her out of his sight for more than two hours.  She was head over heels in love and she never wanted to leave that alleyway again. She wanted time to freeze.  Yes, it was wrong to want him to stay dependent on her but she couldn't help it, she wanted him to stay with her forever.  Walking down the hill from where she got her water. Rosetta instantly put her head down so she could become as small as she could.  Something that she often did so not to draw attention to herself.  Most days she got by with just being invisible but today was different. She knew it the moment she spotted the two men coming up the hill. They didn’t seem to see her or even care to look her way. That gave her a little relief but still walked faster. “Hey girl come here.” One of the men called out to her. Rosetta knew where that leads to and she would never go back to that day not now, not ever.  Dropping the bowl of water she had been holding, Rosetta ran.  The men yelled after her, as they followed behind. But Rosetta knew that if she ran long enough they would give up. Then she could circle back to Kamet. Heart racing Rosetta could feel her legs getting weak, starting to give out. No, no please not yet.  She knew they would give up soon she just had to go a little longer. One of the men behind her grabbed her hair making her scream out in shock and pain. They throw her against a wall before the other man started to touch on her small form.  Then they all froze at the raging roar that sounded off beside them, Kamet stood tall and strong. His sword in hand and eyes as deadly as the day she had first seen him at the war camp.  “Let go of my Rose, 'Now'.” His words were not to be taken lightly in any way, shape, or form. Rosetta wasn’t surprised that the men all took note of this.  They quickly let her fall to the ground as they ran off. Rosetta heart filled with dread at the realization that Kamet no longer needed her, that he would be leaving her behind...like her mother. Everything they had, was now gone.  Kamet walked over to her, as she sat on the ground not able to look up at the man she had somehow fallen in love with. “Come, Rose, it’s time for me to take care of you now.” Kamet reached out his hand to her, but fear held her back.  “Rose sweetheart, it's my turn to help you. Like you have done for me.” He was asking to take care of her, she had never been taken care of, and that in itself was terrified her. But she loved him, to be apart from him now was unthinkable. So Rosetta did the only thing she could. She took his hand, and let her heart lead the way.      Chapter 5 Chapter 5   Years later Cobden was in the middle of nowhere hungry for the three things every man needed.  Food, sex, and sleep.  If it came in that order he’d be a happy man. Walking into a bar Cobden found a table next to four chatting men, he wasn’t really happy about that, but it was nothing he could do about it. Being that it was the only open table in the place. “Uh,” Cobden said as he pushed his hand into his eyes, trying to wake himself up. Now wasn't the time to sleep, at least not in this place. How easy it would be for someone to kill him. Like Kamet, the crazy bastard who is somehow still alive.  Sadly Cobden knew he would just have to kill Kamet again, only this time he would take his head off.  The soft voice of a lady moved passed his sleepy mind, pulling back his attention.  “What can I get you, stranger?” “You with a side of ale. That is if you’re not too sweet?” Cobden said as he looked up at the beautiful woman standing before him, she was a curvy woman, with nice big breast. Her head of brown hair was short in the front and long in the back. Showing off a face so bright and jolly one would think she was just as sweet as his pickup line suggested. But out of all that, the blush that flashed on her face alone made him really smile at her, and not his fake 'I just want to fuck you in the dark from behind' smiles. A look of surprise hit her face as her blush slowly grow deeper. That happened a lot when women see how handsome he was, which made it a lot easier to get in their bed furs.  “But for now ale will do.” He said as she started to move away, Cobden gave her a wink for the road.  “Aye right away,” Off she went. “I wouldn’t have done that stranger.” One of the men from behind him said. “Not with the man’s mark she has.”  “Damn, she’s married, just my luck.” He was never one to bed a married winch, at least knowingly.  He should have known, she was too beautiful not to be spoken for. “No she’s not married to Kamet, but she may as well be with the way he guards over her when he's here.” Cobden froze at the sound of his brother’s name. Cobden knew Kamet was alive he just hadn’t known that Kamet would have found a woman and not one that lovely. “Kamet is here now?” “No his off fighting some war, why do you know him.” The woman said as she sat his drink down in front of him, she had a big smile on her face now as if the thought of Kamet was . . . ‘Pleasant’. “Yes, Kamet and I went to war together.” True if you look at it from his point of view.  “Wow it’s so nice to meet you, I’m Rosetta, but everyone just calls me Rose.” She put her hand out so they could shake. When he took her hand Cobden saw it then her top had moved down from her neck revealing a tattoo of his brother’s name across her chest. It was a clamming of her, for all to see. It was one of the most barbaric things Cobden had ever seen.  Yeah, this was Kamet's woman. He couldn't imagine any other way his brother would clam someone. Not wanting to tell her his name in an open place like this, Cobden started to talk about his brother. “Kamet and I were like brothers in arms at one point . . . He saved my life really, it would be my honor to make sure you get home safely.” “I’ve never seen a friend of Kamet." She said somehow smiling even brighter. "No one would ever think of hurting me, but you are welcome to come over for tea, I would love to hear how he saved your life?" Cobden couldn’t hold back his smile at her words. He had never met a woman willing to lesson to tales of war and bloodshed. He wonders what she saw in a selfish murderer like Kamet, was she mad. “That would be nice.” He watched as she went back to work, wondering what he was going to do next. Thoughts of his the love of his life coming out of his brother’s room, pulling up her dress. Not even stopping to look his way, as she rushed out of his house, popped into his head. The anger of that day came back like it had just started all over again. Aye, Cobden knew what he would do, not only would he fuck her, he would also convene her to run away. It was for her own good, better to get away now before Kamet started hurting her.     Chapter 6 Chapter 6   Rosetta gave Cobden a cup of tea, happy to find one of Kamet’s friends in arms. Not only that, but he was beautiful to the eyes, with a light sense of humor.  “So how long have you known Kamet?” Cobden asked looking her over for the hundred time.  Aye, she was blushing from ear to ear he had such a fire in him. “Ever since I was nineteen.” A look shock crossed Cobden’s face before he covered it up. “So you’re your twenty now.”  Rosetta shook her head not able to stop the smile that bloomed on her face. “I am twenty-four.” Something crossed his face again, but she couldn’t make out what it was. All she knew was his eyes glowed with a new respect for her, respect she didn’t deserve.  He must think of her as someone who tamed the warrior, but she wasn’t, more or less . . . More 'less' than more if anything.  Kamet thought of her as a sister and that was the last thing she wanted to be in his eye. She wanted to be a lover, his lover, the one he came to when he wanted to calm down from war. The one he would come to when he was ready to have children, to make her his wife. However, he only saw her as a sister even though he never said so she knew. “You’re in love with my brother.” “What.” Rosetta's eyes grow big with shock. “In arms, we are brothers in arms.”  Frowning Rosetta sat in the chair beside him. “It was my face wasn’t it?” Taking her hand in his Cobden smiled at her. “Aye . . . But is he . . . Is he in love with you?” “I truly don’t know.” That was a lie, he did love her just not in the way she loved him. She was not a woman to him just a child. “I could help you with him you know.” “Really,” She said putting both of her hands in his now. Hoping against hope that what he said was true. “You would do this for me.” He smiles at her softly and touching her face. “One thing you need to know before I can help you.” “What’s that?” “Well—tell me what does he see you as . . . A nun, a little girl.” Biting her lip Rosetta nodded her head at his words. “That’s what I thought . . . You see men, we need sex, if there’s no sex then there’s no love and with Kamet being a warrior, he doesn’t have time to teach a woman how to please him and baby you have the look of a woman who doesn’t know how to please a man.” Cobden looked her up and down, his hunger clear in his eyes as he slowly licked his lips. “All I’m saying is if you want to get and keep him, you’re going to have to please him. And you don’t know how to do that, now do you.”  Rosetta slowly removed her hand from his, as his words got through her head. He didn’t want to help her.  He wanted to have sex with her, to use her. “Just think about it, who’s the first person he sees before coming back to you?” Rosetta got up then, not wanting to think about that, but Cobden just got up too, not stopping until he was in her face. “ ’TIS a woman from the bar and do you want to know what he does to them.” Rosetta turned away then covering her ears, hoping that his words would go away, that 'he' would go away. He didn’t, he turned her around until her chest was ageist his chest as he moved her hands into his. “He beds them, he beds them because he doesn’t have time to teach a little girl how to please him. Baby if you let me, you won’t have to worry about him going anywhere else . . . Isn’t that what you want, to have him all to yourself.” He was right she wanted Kamet all to herself, she wanted him to look at her as if she was the sexiest woman in the world. “Y-you can help me . . .” “Baby, I’ll teach you how to talk, walk and bed like a dream. Like the woman of his dreams.” Cobden moved his head next to her ear. “I’m only in town for three days we can start now and have him on his knees in two.” How far would she go for him, what would she do just to be held by Kamet? This was the questions that came with only one answer . . . ‘Anything’. What Cobden offered was a chance to become what Kamet wanted. She just had to be that, “But Kamet.” “He’ll never have to know.” he pulled back to watch her mind work. Her logic telling her how crazy and foolish it would be to trust a man she just met. But her despited and lonely side, the side that had been ignored and needed. Push her forward. No longer satisfied with just having part of him... .no she needed everything. “How do we do this?" Cobden looked at her face his eyes stopping only at her lips. “We kiss, have you ever kissed a lover.” A lover . . . No, a man who wanted to take what she had without thought of her, yes. “Everything I do you repeat.” Moving slowly Cobden kissed Rosetta, moving her lips up and down once, then letting Rosetta do the same. Soon she became a little more comfortable. Cobden added his tongue licking her bottom lip, then pushed inside her mouth.     Chapter 7 Chapter 7   Something was wrong, Kamet could feel it in his gut, there was this . . . This . . . Feeling of loss, as if he had lost something that he could never get back. His first thought when to Rosetta, his sweet innocent Rose, had someone killed her, was she hurt or sick. No, that couldn’t be she wore his mark, no one would dare touch what was his . . . So what could it be? Taking another slow look around the room Kamet decided to let it go, it would pass soon. “Hmm, K-Kamet y-you have mail.” A small voice said from outside his tent. Not even caring enough to give the little man a second look Kamet took the mail. Still not that use to getting mail, yet always a little happy when he read it. Ever since he went off to war, his sweet little Rose had started sending him mail. Most of them telling of her days, of what they should do when he got back. At first, Kamet hadn’t known what to write to her, so he didn’t, but then after her letters slowly start expressing fear that something had happened to him that Kamet found himself starting to write her back. If there was one thing he couldn't stand it was her fear. Setting on his bed Kamet opened his letter.   Dearest Kamet I have a job at the bar ‘ 'tis great, and I am missing you dearly. I have also cut my hair a little and hope you like it.  Hoping to see you soon   Forever you’re: Rosetta   This letter was shorter than any she had ever given him . . . The job at the bar must be working her too hard, yet still, Kamet felt as if something was off.  . . . That’s it he was heading back, not like his brother was here anyway. So there was really no reason for fighting in this war and the pay wasn’t that good.  Yes, he would head home tomorrow find out if Rose was fine, then he would go look for Cobden again.  Cobden the little bastard was running scared, knowing he should have killed him when he had the chance. But now Cobden would never get that chance again, Kamet had too much to live for. He had Rose to live for, who would take care of her when he was gone . . ., No one that was why he had to find Cobden and kill him so he could never have the chance to take her from him. Like everything else Cobden had taken, but not Rose, never his Rose. He would always have her.     Chapter 8 Chapter 8   Kamet was going to love her, she just knew he was going to love her, he had to. With all these lessons she had been getting, there was no way he could not love her.  Moving over to one side of the door Rosetta let Cobden into her home. He gave her a winning smile right before he kissed her long and deep. “Ready for today’s lessons, it’s in dirty talk.” He said walking over to her bedroom door then stopped to look back at her.  “Wait I have some mail, from Kamet that I want to read.”  An odd look crossed Cobden’s face, a look that came and went as if his face could blink away moods like people blink their eyes.  “That’s great,” Cobden said. Rose headed back to her room. Cobden grabbed the letter out of her hand.   Rose I’ve killed a lot of men today but will be headed home in the morning. So I’ll be home soon as tomorrow.  Stay safe   Kamet.   Smiling with joy Rosetta jumped up and down with excitement, he would be home by tomorrow night if this letter held true.  She would be able to finally please Kamet like she only could.  Turning to Cobden, Rosetta gave him a big kiss on the lips but stopped when he didn’t kiss back. His face was blank, but from the feeling, he gave off, she knew something was wrong. It was a feeling Rosetta only knew from years of walking the streets as a child, danger.  And now Cobden was giving danger away like candy. “Are you alright Cobden?” She asked slowly and carefully, trying hard not to set him off on a rampage of rage. Was he mad that he didn’t have more time to teach her or did he think she would not learn fast enough “Aye, everything is fine, now let’s start.”      Chapter 9 Chapter 9   Cobden couldn’t believe this, he had been having so much fun with Rose. more fun than he could remember having had with a woman in a long time.  Yet his selfish brother had to come along and roughen it. There was no way Cobden could make Rose leave Kamet, he had seen the love in her eyes, the need to be with his ‘brother’. It was madding knowing Kamet didn’t deserve her. She needed someone who could take her places, show her thing, have fun with here, something Kamet could never do. Taking the rage that made his stomach knot and teeth ache. Cobden gave Rosetta another smile. They had just got done with another one of his ‘lesson’ and know he didn’t have much time to get her to leave town. “Rosetta, have you ever wanted to see the world?” Cobden asked as if he were just trying to start meaningless conversation. She seems to stop and think hard about it, right before she answered with a simple Aye and a nod of her head. “Good, then you should come with me.” He said setting up in bed he put on another look of happiness even if the inside was begging her to come with him. “I can’t,” Rosetta said looking away.  Not ready to take no for an answer Cobden rolled over on top of her, He gave a light kiss to her beautiful puffy lips. “Think of all the things I can do for you. The places we could go,” Another kiss, this one deeper than the last. Putting her hands to his chest, Rosetta gently pushed. “You’re a great teacher Cobden maybe one day we’ll meet again.” This was her good-bye, when Kamet came back it would be like Cobden was never there. Like he had never touched, licked, or bedded her.  Wait, what was he thinking, this was Kamet he was talking about. Whatever pedestal she was holding him on, she would soon find out it wasn’t mad for Kamet, Cobden just felt bad she didn’t see it yet. But she would.     Chapter 10 Chapter 10   Kamet had to come back home first, it had been a need that he couldn’t stop or control. When he got to the door, Kamet was shocked to see it fly open.  In a beautiful light stood his sweet and innocent Rose . . . She looked . . . Different.  She had on a thin cotton rod, but no that was not what had changed, her eyes no longer sparkled with little girl delight, but now the fiery eyes of a woman who knew what she wanted and how to get it. “Kamet your back,” Rosetta's eyes lit like stars in the night sky, as she jumped into his arms for a hug. Her face rubbed against his neck sending little shivers up his body, it took him back to the days in the alley when he use to hold her close to him, just for the pleasure of it. The hug was long and soul-deep. Making him kick aside the foolish old thoughts he had once had. His Rose would never change.  When Rosetta finally let go long enough to pull him into her house. . . their house. Kamet looked down at the food she had laid out, all of it was his favorite. Not needing much more than that, Kamet sat down and ate. Rosetta sat across from him eating here and there, but every now and then she would stop and look at him as if she was waiting for him to finish. “Wait you have a little something on your lip. . . On the other side, no here let Me.” Reaching across the table, Rosetta rubbed her finger across his bottom lip.  At that moment a sizzling started in his body, and their gazes locked. His tongue came out then and licked her finger, then sucked it into his mouth, making Rosetta suck in a breath of shock.  Wow, what the hell was he doing, Kamet thought as he moved his face away from her finger . . . Her delectable finger.  As if nothing had happened Rosetta move out of her seat and stood up. “You smell like death and blood, I’ll go fix you a bath.” Before he could tell her there was no need, that he would be headed to the bar, so he could let out his needs, which was clearly too high to stay. But Rosetta was already gone. Something was wrong, why was he so . . . nervus. It was just Rose. “Come, the bath is ready.” Rosetta said her voice soft as cherry pie, the kind she made him on his birthday. A day he normally hated was now (thanks to her), a day to look forward to.  Knowing he couldn’t keep her waiting for long Kamet walked into the bathing room. Taking off his clothing as he went.  Kamet eased into the hot water, the heat relaxing his body and making his eyes close. War had made him paranoid. And his lack of a woman has made him overly sensitive.  But when he was here, with Rose, Kamet could let down his guard and let himself drift off to sleep. As if from a dream soft fingers eased over his shoulders and down his chest. Slowly heating his body as they moved lower and lower until they touched the water. Making his think that this dream woman would touch his manhood. But as if to tease him the slender fingers moved back up into his neckline, making water slowly descended back down his chest and into the tub. This felt good, ‘real’ almost.  Even the light kisses to his neck and down to his shoulder blades, the feeling of a wet tongue running up his spine to the tip of his ear.  Kamet grow hard then, this dream was something he had never had before, one that begged to ‘give’ pleasure and Owe did he want it, this was just what he needed something . . . New.  Soft fingers once again moved down his chest, only this time they didn’t stop at the water, but went deeper until she was at the base of his manhood. He felt so ready to ram his-self into the hottest, wettest and tightest, thing he could find. Unable to hold back his grown any longer, Kamet let his lips release the sound like a climax. Only this was far from the end. “I want you Kamet.” Kamet froze, not believing the voice that came from behind him. No, it couldn’t be his sweet   Rose . . . Yet here she was her voice nice and deep.  It was full of her sexual need. Her slender fingers gently moved on his manhood, making him hiss from the pleasure shooting up, his body and his mouth slowly opened. Kamet shakes his head, what was he thinking . . . This was his Rosetta his sweet little Rose. He had sworn to protect her, to never let anything happen to her. But here he was thinking of how he could ‘bed’ her, take advantage of her. She must not know what she was doing to him that had to be it . . . Had to. “Rose, you don’t know what you’re doing.” He said standing up now in the tub. He was out of breath and shaking from the need to touch her. Standing up turned out to be a bad idea, which Kamet found out a little too late.  Because what he found was Rosetta had on a thin gown and looking at his swollen manhood with longing in her eyes. Her lips were poking out for a kiss, even her nipples grow hard under her thin dress.  This was not right, he knew he shouldn’t want to take her . . . But he did, he knew he shouldn’t want to take that nipple into his mouth and suck them until she screamed. No, no hold her down and enter her so deep and hard that her eyes roll to the back of her head.  “No!” She was the sweetest of gifts not to be tainted with him or anybody. “Aye, all I want to do is please you, give you all of Me.” Her hands were back on him again, rubbing and caressing him. She kissed the middle of his chest as if it was a gold coin. Heat filled him, regret slowly faded away as a new emotion, a new thought came to him. She wanted only to love him with her body, was that really so bad . . . Aye, it was she shouldn’t be feeling this way, ‘He’ shouldn’t be feeling this way. Kamet’s breath came faster and deeper, uncontrollable in his lungs. His hands aching to grab her, to hold her, skin to skin. . .  Unable to stop himself any longer, Kamet had Rosetta pushed against him, her smooth skin up against his scared one. The smell of rainforest filled his nose, as he gripped her waist tighter. Then sliding his hand down her bottom just to see how round it was in his hand.  Rosetta’s lips opened in what could only be called a slow deep moan for more.  God, did he want to give it to her, give her satisfaction in every way.  “Kamet. . .” His lips met hers in hot sin, taking and tasting everything she had to give. Yet afraid to give her everything.  In this one kiss, she opened herself to him completely. A rise of peace and a sense of belonging ate its way underneath his skin. This was something that couldn’t be compared to any others, it was special, unshakeable, it was Rosetta No longer was he going to let thoughts affect action.  Kamet gathered Rose tighter into his arms, loving the way her legs pulled him into her warm embraces. Rosetta’s entire upper body melted into his as if it had always belonged there. Kamet needed them to become one, wanted it with all his being.  This . . . This right here, right now was how one started off making love. It was real and true, in every kiss and course they gave each other. Settling back on the edge of the tube, Kamet tucked Rosetta closer, so that she sat on his lap. Her dress began to rise showing that she had nothing underneath, just hot skin.  With all the power she had Rosetta dug her nails into his back, hoping he wouldn’t stop . . . praying that he could tame the burning desire that bloomed within her.  She was already so wet that he could feel the heat of it from outside her body. As her sweet body called out and his body answered Rosetta. Gently Rosetta whispered into his ear like melting chocolate in his watering mouth, “Yours.”  He snapped, snapped with a roar of power and need.  Rocking his body right into her tender sex. Rosetta gave a cry like moan as her hands ate at his back. Kamet stopped afraid he had hurt her in some way . . . was she not ready, was he too big.  “Did I hurt you?” He moved her upper body back so he could look into her face, but couldn’t bring himself to move from inside her. Not when it was so natural and right.  “No please don’t stop!” She gasped out, her head moving side to side as she asked him to keep going.  Something he would be happy to do. Taking her lips Kamet mad love to Rosetta like only two people who loved each other could, fighting his way through her soft pussy as it push him out then welcomed him back in.  The hot wet heat of her body sent waves of pleasure up his body, making him lightheaded. More, she needed more from him, licking his neck Rosetta bit the bottom of his ear, making him groan. Tightening his hands on her hips Kamet moved harder inside her. As if he were trying to touch her very soul. Rosetta’s head fell back with ecstasy, the sensitive nerves dancing inside her body, as her muscles tightened and released him.  "Fuck, this is mine." He thrust inside her wet pussy completely dominating her, demanding and controlling her every feeling of pleasure. Right now he held everything that was Rosetta in his arms, her heart, body and soul. Something she had thought she had given to him a long time ago, but only now knew it to be true, with all her being. Rubbing her nipple Kamet rocked harder and deeper, trying to reach a place that not even he knew. Only knowing that when they got there it would be incredible. He moved inside her faster, moving both of them to that one point. His strokes became shorter, his hammering inside her and her low short moans in his ears slowed down. They climaxed long and hard, her body collapsing into his arms like a soft doll, they shattered into a million little pieces. Kamet closed his eyes as he tried to stay on the ground, as he completely gave himself over to his ecstasy and just as will enjoying hers.  God, she was so beautiful when she came, her eyes glossed over, as she still stared into his. It was as if he had found everything that the world had to give. Moving her head to rest against him. Kamet could hear her saying something against his chest. “I love you Kamet.” Kamet gasped for air as his chest grows tighter and a wave of vulnerability came over him.  He felt open to the world, as if someone—no not someone Rosetta, as if Rosetta could reach inside his chest and pull his heart right out. Taking her into his bedroom Kamet laid her on his bed.  The dress she had on was now ripped and wet from the tube, taking it off Kamet gaped at what he saw all over her body.  Scars, some by animals others from humans. Instantly Kamet remembered how she had begged for him to save her from the blood-hungry worries, and how he had turned away. His heart hurting, with a light easy motion, Kamet kissed every one of her scars, wishing he could take away every memory that came with them. Rosetta gave a slight moan as she arched into his every touch and kiss, but she was sleepy and they both needed to get some rest. wrapping himself around Rose's soft foam, Kamet drifted off to sleep.     Chapter 11 Chapter 11   Awaking in Kamet’s arms, made a feeling of peace and safety come over her.  A feeling that hadn't come over her since the time they had spent in the alley.  Getting out of the bed Rosetta headed to the kitchen and started to cook Kamet’s favorite meal. As she begins putting the food on the table Kamet ran into the room, not stopping until he was in front of Rosetta. “You scared me.” He said kissing her hard on the lips, knocking the breath from her lungs. His hands moved around her waist pulling her closer. “If we keep doing this the food will be cold.” Rosetta muttered against his lips not trying to really stop the kiss. Under his breath, Rosetta thought she heard him say, “damn the food.” Laughing lightly Rosetta pulled away and pushed Kamet to his chair so he could eat. Giving an even deeper laugh, Kamet took Rosetta in his arms and sat her on his lap. “I’m not ready to let you go yet.” With her back close to his chest Kamet tucked his face in her neck, breathing her in. This was the greatest feeling that Rosetta had ever felt. Having the man she loved holding her like she was life itself. God knows he was her life, and if he would have died in that war Rosetta know she would have died too.  Sitting there feeding each other was like the sweetest of magic, it made her shiver and ache. It opened up her heart to a man who already had so much of her. Rosetta knew she loved Kamet that she wanted to spend every moment of their lives together.  “I have to go to work now.” Kamet didn’t say anything to this just lightly kissed her neck and held her even closer. Rosetta had no objection to this, loving this change in him. Loving this need he had to be clingy to her.  “Come back to me quickly.” He said letting her go, and she would come back to him every night and day they were together holding kissing making love together, Rosetta could only pray it wasn’t a dream. ~~ Five days later Walking home from the bar, Rosetta spotted Cobden in the shadows of an alley. Smiling Rosetta walked over, her own bubbly air lighting her steps.  That is until she got closer and noticed something off about him. He looked a little dizzy as if he couldn’t keep his feet firmly on the ground. Rosetta moved onward not use to seeing him like this. He had always kept himself looking clean and nice. “Cobden, are you alright.”  His head tipped up a little at her voice. “Rose . . .?” His hand lifted to wave her over.  Thinking he was hurt Rosetta moved closer, until Cobden pulled her into the alley with him, he had her against the alley wall. “Rose you came back to me . . . I knew you would.” “What no I-.” His lips were on hers, forcefully  stopping her from speaking. His hard hand held her in places as he tried to grind himself against her. Rosetta finally broke away, when he had to stop kissing her to throw up.  “God Cobden your drunk.” Cobden didn’t reply just started rambling to himself about his brother sleeping with the woman he loved, how the last thing he'd heard about her was that she had killed herself. That it was all his damn brothers felt.  Rosetta could do nothing but stand there and hear him, knowing he most likely needed it.  “Whoever your brother is Cobden, I’m sure he deserves everything you think he does.”  Rosetta said hoping it would get him to relieve her quicker. A big laugh escaped him then, making him look up at her. “You really believe that.” He asked his laughter dying down.  “Aye,” ,  Cobden walked away then he stopped talking as he disappeared deeper into the alleyway.  Knowing she couldn’t help him any more Rosetta walked home. Right in the middle of the bedroom was Kamet naked with the sexiest smile on his face. “Come.”   This Feeling that came over Kamet possessing his every cell, was the scariest feeling that had ever came over him.  Cleaning Rosetta off Kamet gently, took her to her room and laid her on her bed. Knowing this would be the last time he would have her. Aye, he had said this to himself after the first time he had her, but she had kept drawing him in. Something in him just couldn’t stay away for too long, couldn’t go without touching her. That’s why Kamet had taken her this night, so that he could get it all out of his system and move on. It was better that way, for both of them and he knew she would see it someday. But even with all that Kamet knew he had messed up the first time he had taken her. It wasn’t what was supposed to happen, not with Rosetta, she was like his little . . . Damn, he couldn’t even think of her like that anymore. Not with what they had just done on his mine, not when her words rang so clearly in his ears, the look on her face when she finally came in his arms. Running his hand down his face Kamet walked out of the house, that seems so different, so unknown to him. Kamet took a deep breath before he walked to the bar.     Chapter 12 Chapter 12   Rosetta wasn’t happy, wasn’t happy at all, after a night of mind-blowing sex, only to awake alone in her bedroom, Looking at the wall. Even though her heart had been darkened by this, it did not stop her from going to work at the town bar. Where surprise, surprise she found Kamet drinking with women all around him.  The asshole.  How she wished she could cut off their heads. Right before his eyes . . . No, she was a woman and women don’t cut off the heads of other women, no matter how bad they wanted to. The day went by fast, fueled by her ignoring him and him doing the same intern. She knew the others in the bar could see something was going on between them. That is until a drunk man pulled her into his lap with heavy arms. “So are ye finally up for grabs, sweet Rose.” Before she could tell him to let her go, a big fist kissed the man’s face, making both of them fall back. Rose looked up in astonishment standing over her was Kamet, his face red with rage as he pulled her to her feet. “You will no longer work here.” He ordered as he moved both of them out of the bar. The hold on her hand was somewhat painful.  “But I like working at the bar,” Rosetta said trying to slow him down by leaning on her heels. What was going on, why was he, all of a sudden controlling to her when he usually just asked her. “Rose you will obey me on this a bar is no place for you.” “Say who, you, I like working at the bar and I know how to handle myself.” She said dragging her feet even more.  “No, you don’t.” Kamet said done with trying to get her to walk and chucked her over his shoulder and walked back to their home. Outrage beyond belief, Rosetta hammered at his back. That is until an all too familiar voice stepped in. “Let her go Kamet .”     Chapter 13 Chapter 13   There standing right before him was Kamet’s greatest enemy.  Cobden was standing across from him, sword in hand, a look in his eyes . . . Kamet knew that look. It was a look Kamet had on all too often. when it came to his brother. Now he was getting in the way of him and his woman, something he couldn’t allow. Letting Rose down softly, Kamet never took his eyes off Cobden. Knowing his brother would stab him in the back of Kamet ever gave him the chance.  “Cobden,” Kamet said his anger strong and determined.  “Been a long time hasn’t it brother.” Cobden smiled at him, the evilness in his eyes gleaming. Making Kamet wonder what Cobden had done this time?  No, no, no, don’t do this please.” Rosetta was trying to put herself in the middle of them, but Kamet couldn't put her in that kind of danger. “Move Rosetta I don’t want you to get hurt, you’re already having a bad day already.” Cobden said obviously knowing what had happened in the bar earlier. Kamet froze than wondering how the hell Cobden was worried about his woman. Something wasn’t right here something he wasn’t seeing. “Yes but I can’t just let you two fight over something so small like that, you two are brothers in arms, you fight side by side at one time.” As the last words lifter her mouth both men paused. The air around them seem to change . . . Rage, rage, and anger were flying around them.  “What did you do Cobden?” Kamet asked softly, there was fear inside him now . . . Something was wrong . . . Everything seems wrong now. “Only what you did to me ‘brother’.” The last word was said with so much hatred that Rosetta sucked in a breath of shock, her eyes wide as if she was surprised. She hadn’t seen anything earlier.  “You said you were trying to help me.” “ I am . . . Helping you realize what a fool you were being for loving him, he will never love you like you need to be loved.” Kamet said nothing just let the pieces fall into place. Rosetta took a step back her breath stopping in her lungs as realization hit her. “Who are you really, “she said. “He is my brother and enemy, the one who did this to my face.” Kamet didn’t need to point it was already so clear. “No . . . No that’s not how this goes, he said you were brother in arms, that you saved his life.” Without looking Kamet knew she was close to tears. “No Rosetta he was the one who almost took it.” Kamet’s voice was tired now, his sadness and anger seem to burn him alive. Yet he no longer felt like fighting, for some reason he felt like he had lost, that not only was he cut opened inside but he was empty . . . Sweet, sweet emptiness.     Chapter 14 Chapter 14   Rosetta couldn't believe what she was hearing, he had lied to her, he had used her. How could she have been so stupid to think this man, who stood before her wasn’t trying to get revenge on his true brother? “You bastard, how could you?” “How could I, how could I not Rose look at you, you deserve better than this greedy bastard.” “No, no don’t you make this about ‘me’, this was never about me, this had all been about you and your revenge.” She rubbed her hand over her hair then. “Damn anyone who gets in your way, or who gets hurt.” Rosetta tried not to cry but she was, she couldn’t stop it, damn him. Why was it so hard to stop her chest from caving in on her, stop this sickness?  She had not only thought of him as kind and sweet but also as her friend.  Kamet opened his mouth and let out a bitter laugh. Making Rosetta go completely stiff as she turned back around. Before he even spoke Rosetta know what he was going to say,. “Well, you win Cobden . . . She’s all yours. I’m done fighting you; I’m done with all of this.” Kamet walked away then, turning his back on her.  Rosetta sucked in a shocked breath before grabbing his arm. “Wait what . . . You just can’t give me away.”  “I just did . . . I should have known you were nothing but a whore.” With that he snatched his arm away from her and walked away. Only to have a sharp pain, make him stumble forward. Before hands walled on his back. "I am no one's whore, not yours, or your brothers." Looking back Kamet found himself I more pain from the hot red of her wet cheeks. Then the wild hits she was cascading down his back. "I am a woman damn it, a woman who only willingly gave herself over to two men. One asshole and one laying asshole. And I'll be damned if I let you or anyone else judge me for that." Fuck he shouldn't have said that. "I may have let you tattoo your name on me but that doesn't mean you own me."  Even hearing it . . . her pain and anger, as she screamed at him Kamet walked away never once stopping to look back at the woman he left heartbroken and alone.     Chapter 15 Chapter 15   Cobden won, he had finally beaten his brother for good. . . Why wasn’t he happy, why wasn’t his brother back walking away not filling him with joy. Maybe it was the sound of Rosetta crying. That was it, it had to be.  But Cobden knew she would get over it. Not like Kamet was worth anything, all he ever did was hurt people, and that’s all he would ever do. Cobden didn’t know if he should say something, if he should hold her in his arms or if she would even let him get that close again. “Rose-.” “No don’t.” She took deep breaths. “I-If I ever see your face again Cobden I’ll kill you.” When she looked back up at him with rage filled eyes. her need for revenge something he couldn’t be angry at her for. Not with the damage he had just done to her. So Cobden did the only thing he could he lift her.     Chapter 16 Chapter 16   Three weeks later Kamet hated women, he hated his brother and most of all he hated himself. Kamet took another wing of his ale, not caring if his eyes were bloodshot, or that his hair was covering his face. He hated pretty boys too, every time he saw them he bet them ugly.  Yes, those were the things he hated. . .  Rosetta. Damn it, no she was not to be thought about.  Her tear filled face should not hunt his mind, neither should her words. If anything her sorrow should fill him with pride.  But it didn’t.  It only immersed him deeper into his own regrets. What right did he have to say that to her? His brother had been right, he didn't deserve her. if anything his brother was sweeping her off her feet. Showing her what a man, not broken by his own insecurities was capable of.   Why. . .Why did he want to beg for her forgiveness?  “Get lost whore.” He couldn’t believe he had said that to her, pushed her away before she could choose his brother.  Yes, simple self preservation, but it didn't stop the ache in his chest at seeing the look of pain and betrayal that had so darkly clouded her face.  She hadn’t come back then and he had never looked for her . . . So stupid. “Give me another.” Kamet slurred as he finished another ale. Number ten give or take three. “Kamet we need to talk.” Cobden voice said from beside Kamet.  Instant rage erupted into Kamet before he could even think, Kamet smashed his glass into Cobden’s face knocking him off his feet. blood was everywhere, from his hand to Cobden’s face. But Kamet didn’t care, not now, not ever. Kamet jumped up from his seat and on to his brother punching and choking him. Kamet was only half aware of his brother doing the same to him, the red hisses of pain meant nothing to him. Only the need to kill, destroy and mutilate the man who fucked up his life.  “Why, out of everything . . . did you have to take her, why.” Kamet smashed Cobden head into the floor as he spoke. “You could have any woman, yet you decide to take the one I love.” Cobden sent Kamet rolling off him and proceeded to bash Kamet head into the floor.  “Why! You did the same thing to me . . . You took what I loved and you made her kill herself.” Kamet hit Cobden with an uppercut, knocking him off, but Cobden still didn’t give. “You didn’t even have the balls to tell me.” Kamet kicked Cobden off, making Cobden hit his head on the bar table. They both got to their feet waiting for the other to act.  When neither did Kamet was the first to grab a chair and table to sit in. “I didn’t tell you, because it had been a mistake.” Breathing hard Cobden sat across from Kamet. “How the hell could Sleeping with the woman I loved and not telling me, be a mistake? God Kamet you hated me since we’re children.” “As true as that maybe, I liked Amylin . . . She had always been nice to me even when I was not to her, and I would never do anything to hurt her.” Kamet didn’t look at Cobden than. “I don’t understand, why did she run, why had she walked into your room!” Taking a deep breath himself, Kamet got ready to tell his brother how it all happened. “That night father had just told you that they were sending you off to train in a war camp, I had been pissed and I wanted to fight too. I wanted to show them that I was just as strong. But again they deprived me of what I wanted.”  “Do you honestly think I wanted to go? That I wanted to leave the woman I loved and wanted to marry someday.” Cobden gave Kamet a ‘you just don’t get it’ look. “Everything I did was for you. Or rather everything they made me do, and do you want to know why because, as a baby you were always sick, the frugal one, the one mom and dad worried over the most. So much so, that they made their other son, who they saw as stronger vow to take care of ‘you’.” Cobden shook his head. “I didn’t know that Cobden, I just thought it was another thing you got and I didn’t . . .” Kamet took a deep breath then. “. . . Anyway later on that night, I did what I thought would prove my strength, I got drunk off ale in my room. As I laid there in half sleep she came in . . . Calling me Cobden saying how happy she was that we were going to have a baby.” Kamet stopped letting his words sink in.  Cobden sat there frozen, his skin growing pale. “Are you telling me she thought you were me that night . . . and that you got her with child?” “No you fool, she was already with child when she came into my room that night, your child. She thought I was you and I thought it was a wet dream, it was only until we had sex that she had seen my face enough to know it was me.” A sad smile hit Kamet’s lips. “She had been so pissed at me. She cried about how you would never believe it was your child now. So I told her if you didn’t know then everything would be fine . . . She had said nothing and left.” Kamet had hated himself for that night, sure he had feelings for Amylin back then. But he knew she loved Cobden, and no matter how much he hated his brother he would have never done anything to hurt her on purpose. . . Unlike this bastard. “Wait . . .she  killed herself because she thought I wouldn't believe her?” Kanet could hear the pain in his brother's voice then.  "I forgot I told you that lie. . .no . . . no, she didn't kill herself." Kamet smile at his brother then. “Amylin is a very strong woman. She has moved on. Has a husband and lives in the village up the river from here.” Cobden said nothing to that, just sat there and looked at his brother. A dance of hot rage at his brothers lie and tearful joy at the possibility of her and their child being alive, played over his face in a quarter of an instant.“Is . . . is she happy?” “That’s something you’ll have to find out yourself.” Again Cobden said nothing in reply. He couldn’t, not when he had no right to know.  “So now that we talked I have a drink waiting for me.” Kamet got to his feet ready to drown his sorrows.  “You know brother the sad part about it all is I would have believed her about that night . . .” He gave a slight laugh. “Every day I thought about why I didn't try to make things work with her. Every day I thought it was too late. I was too caught up in my sorrows. That it was easy to blame you, so I wouldn't have to blame myself." Spitting blood to the ground Cobden pulled a shot from a random empty table before speaking again. I wonder how long it will take you to suck it up and find Rose . . . When she’s just like Amylin happy without you or happier with you?” Cobden straightened himself out and headed for the door. “Last I heard she was headed out of town. . .Good luck brother.”     Chapter 17 Chapter 17   Rosetta was leaving. This place just brought back too many bad memories. Lucky for Rosetta the money she had saved up from the bars was enough to get her out of town. Not enough to get her around the world yet but it was a start. But for now, she would have to trust this man she was riding with, he seems nice enough.  Setting in the carriage Rosetta put a smile on her face. Knowing this was not the end for her adventure. Yes, her heart hurt but no matter how bad her heart hurt, she would move forward with a smile. Turning her head to look out at the open road ahead. It looked bumpy and filled with potholes but it was her road, and she would enjoy the beautiful scenery. Rosetta let out a breath of surprise as another horse rushed by. Making the carriage come to a quick stop. Rosetta sucked in another breath, good lord were they being robbed. What would they do when they found out she had no money to give? The heavy sound of boots hitting ground made her jump. Rosetta moved as far from the door as she could, her fear taking over. That is until the door opened to show Kamet. Relief and anger filled her all at once. “What are you doing?” “What I should have done in the first place.”     Chapter 18 Chapter 18   (An hour later) “Damn it Kamet what in the hell do you think you’re doing?” Rosetta screamed at Kamet as he came into their home after riding her back to little to no words. Rosetta bet at his back, called him names and still nothing stopped him. As he tied her to the bed hands and feet. Then he started to kiss her.  “Good lord Kamet, are you drunk?”  “Aye and no, I’ll never let you go, not until I forgive you.” Kamet said moving away just to take his clothing off, Kamet climbed slowly into the bed with her. Rosetta had never seen anything sexier than this big worrier easing his way up her body. It gave her shivers and it made her heart quicken.  Damn it all she didn’t want him not after what he had said. “And what if, I don’t want your forgiveness.” Kamet kissed his way up her body not caring she still had a dress on. He kissed his way up her body until he got to her lips. “You want my forgiveness just as I want yours. We love each other too much not to.”  His face was in her neck, his breath gently blowing against her hair, making her arch her back just to get closer to him. Kamet’s body slowly becoming relaxed now. It wasn’t until a snore hit her ears, that she realized he had fallen asleep on top of her. "You are so fucking stupid." Rosetta found that sleeping with the heat of Kamet’s body against hers was the most natural thing she could ever do. Something he had deprived her of last time.  When she finally awoke Rosetta found Kamet pacing in front of the bed. His hair a mess from him running his hand through it. He was even talking to himself, not yet realizing that she was up watching him do so. “What did I do, what did I do, remember damn it?” Kamet looked back at the bed and froze when he saw Rosetta looking back at him. “Rose . . . I’m so—sorry for last night. If I hurt you in any way—?”  “If you mean falling asleep on me naked then you’re forgiven as long as you let me go." She said lifting one finger.  "If you mean stopping me from leaving town after I already gave the man my money. Then pay me back." Another left of her finger, though this time her face seem to grow dark.  "But if you’re talking about calling me a whore, then you can just go to hell you bastard.” Rosetta’s eyes were shooting fire at him.  “Rose I only said that so you would hurt like I was hurting, I don’t really think you were a whore Rose, I could never think that of you.”  Rosetta raised her chin then her eyes showing strength he never knew she had. “Well, it worked! Are you happy now? Did you need to know before I left?” “No,” Kamet said rubbing his head as he looked up at the heavens as if they could give him the answers. “I can’t let you go Rose . . . I love you too much for that.”  “Stop Kamet, you . . . You won, ok you don't have to string me along anymore.”  Kamet moved closer to her bed then untied one of her hands and pushed it to his chest. Rosetta could feel his heart racing beneath her fingertips. “But I do love you and I will spin every day of our lives showing you, Rose just let me.”  “You can’t say that, not after what you called me. . .not after how you made me feel." Rosetta was on the verge of tears. Her hands shaking as she turned her head away.  Only to have his fingers turn her face so she could look deep into his eyes. “Baby I know I hurt you, and I will spend every day of my life trying to make it up to you. I will do anything to get you back.” Tears slowly slid down her face now, at his words. Her heart ached with longing and disbelief. Kamet kissed her tears away.  “No, I'm tired of a possessive and controlling man.”  His face slowly descended to hers not stopping until his lips touch hers with soft gentle need. “Then I will stop being controlling, but when it comes to possessiveness I'm sorry but that is going to take some time. But for you, I will do anything and everything I can, if it means you will stay.” Kamet slowly took her lips in possessive need. Heating her body and making her come alive. “If you ever belittle me again . . . then I'm leaving and you have to promise me you will never get in my way again.” “Ok, I do that, even now. If you want me to untie you just say 'I don't like this game and I let you go.' " Kamet stopped and waited for her to say the words. When she didn't Kamet continued.  “I don't need to know the whole story, I just need to know . . . do you love my brother . . .do you want me to be more like him?” His face moved away from hers then. She knew that Kamet needed to look into her eyes, knew that was the only way he would truly know if what she said was the truth.  “Do I want you to lie to me . . . to use me for revenge . . . no, you big dummy. Kamet I have loved you since the days we were in that alleyway. But when I told you of my past you stopped looking at me like I was a woman. You started looking at me more like a little sister, and I wanted to be, so much more than that.” Rosetta rubbed her face on the back of his cheek as she continued. “Then a man came, telling me that you would never look at me like a little girl again, if I knew how to give you pleasure. . . for some it may have been out of the question but for me.” Tears started forming in her eyes shielding Kamet’s face from her vision. “I would do anything to have you Kamet.”   Chapter 19   Chapter 19   Rosetta took his breath away, knowing every word she spoke to be true. He could feel it in his heart and soul. Knowing what her father had done to her, Kamet had wanted her to feel comfortable around him. To have no fear that he would hurt her in any way.  But he had. One of her fingers moved across his bottom lip, making them both smile.  “I want you to forget all of that. Because I'm going to teach you how to please Me.” With that said Kamet tied Rosetta back to the bed. Her eyes grow wide with astonishment as she looked up at him. With quick fingers Kamet ripped Rosetta dress open, making her cry out in surprise.  “Let’s start with how to kiss me.” He said his lips lightly touching hers. “But I already know how to kiss you.” She moaned against his mouth, and then bit his lower lip, licking and sucking on it as if she were saying sorry. Kamet grown long and hard, moving his face away, so he could get control. But Rosetta followed with a moan of pleasure, that made her bite his lip again, surprising him by making his body vibrate with excitement. His big hands slid across her belly. Not able to hold his-self back any longer Kamet kissed her deeper, hotter, making everything more intense. Gripping her breast Kamet lifts himself on to her, yet not letting his body completely touch hers. “Tell me what you want me to do to you baby, tell me your pleasure.” Sucking in a deep breath and letting out a moan, Rosetta tried to think of something to say, but nothing came to her. “Come on baby say something.” “I don’t know what to say.” Kamet stopped then as he thought about what he should do. His breath across her soft skin Kamet said. “Fine, it looks like we’re going to work on being submissive. So you’re going to do everything that I say all right.” His tongue licked at her neck making her wet and aching. She could feel Kamet smiling against her skin now, knowing he had her under his full control. “It’s all about trust, you have to be able to trust that your man will give you pleasure, in the process of taking his own.” Not that Kamet did that with all his lovers, but for Rose, he would do it over and over again.  With dark brown eyes, that looked deep inside him, Rose nodded her head. Kamet knew he had to hide the smile that so badly wanted to work its way to the suffuse. “You ready to learn how to give your man pleasure.” He said, moving his hand on her beautiful face, watching how her face lit up with joy at his words. Man he loved this woman! “First I like to play with my woman make sure she ready for me.” Kamet kissed his name on her hot flesh. The first time he had seen it on her had angered him, but now he loved it, loved that everyone would know that she was his and no others. Kamet’s tongue moved down to her nipples, and his hand keeps playing with her breast. Licking and sucking on her now heavy breast Kamet tried not to get too rough with her, at least not yet.  “Tell me how you want it baby hard or soft, just say it.” Taking his hair into her hand Rosetta pushed him closer. Kamet took that as a yes to going hard, biting her nipple Kamet took his free hand and pushed it inside her. Kamet rumbles in the back of his throat, when he found her wet heat welcoming him in.  Moving up her body until his dick was in her face, Kamet smiled down at her, as he rubbed his self in front of her. Rosetta licked her lips hungrily, her eyes on him, as she waits for him to give the order. Kamet couldn’t help how manly he felt then, usually, the women just take him in but here Rose was waiting for him to say when. “Take me into your mouth.” He said running his fingers through her hair, letting him see her puffy lips and her pink tongue come out and lick the head right before devouring him. Shock waves of pleasure filled his brain, her hot wet mouth trying to suck every last bit of him into her. With every movement of her head, tightening of her lips and movement of her tongue, Light shot into his vision, his balls grow tight and heavy ready to explode. “Stop,” Kamet had somehow been able to pull out of her hot mouth, but not before she licked off the pre-come. This woman! How had he stopped himself from taking her for so long, too long? “Have I told you how much I loved your body yet?”  “I think so, but I’m not sure.” Rosetta teased, as she licked her lips once again loving the taste of him on her tongue. Watching as he slowly moved down her body, only stopping when he was on his knees at the end of the bed and the only reason she knew that was because she was looking at him, as his eyes glowed with lust and need. “Open your legs wider . . . Aye like that, baby you have such a pretty opening, made for me, only me.” Rosetta’s breath grows hard and deep as if she had just come from a run. The sound of her heart played heavily in her ears, Kamet’s cool breath brushed past her wet heat, making her shiver and bit her lip. Do it, do it damn you. Rosetta wanted so badly to say but held herself back. This was not her game, this was Kamet and she would obey him, at least until it was her turn to play. Kamet’s tongue eased out and slid across her wet heat making it flexes, as she tried to stop herself from erupting too soon. Rosetta moaned low and hard, as he licked her harder, making wave after wave of pleasure push through her body. Kamet added two of his finger’s pushing it in deep then out taking his head away so he could look at the pleasure play on her face. Well, he nibbled and kissed at her clit, Rose shoved his head back to her core needing him more than ever. “Please, Kamet make love to me now.” She cried out no longer able to control herself, her head fell back as her legs began to shake and her toes started to curl. Kamet started a little longer before he quickly moved up her body.  His lips came back to hers taking and giving pleasure like nothing he had ever had before. He entered her hard and fast not stopping until he could go no further, her hot heat welcoming and pushing at him. Rosetta’s back arched with the intensity of her pleasure her hands digging into his shoulders, just so she could stay grounded. “You feel so good . . . right, right.” Kamet took strong short strokes that left her in a breathless moan. Making her wonder how she ever went without this man’s touch, the touch of the man she loved. Rosetta could feel her inner muscles tightening around him, the hard pleasure rocking through her with every stroke he took. Higher and higher Kamet took her into ecstasy; the unforgiving sensation of the body.  “Mine” Not able to take his time Kamet pushed and pulled, in and out of her like a mad man, loving every little sound of pleasure she made. Her sweet moans were enough to get drunk off of, deep and full, she made Kamet want more, want to give her more. Kamet was so close to coming he could feel his balls tighten, he could even feel Rosetta’s walls squeezing at his cock, until she gave her last scream, a scream of satisfaction and release. Kamet let go then no longer holding his-self back from his own release.  Kamet kissed her face, her neck and her chest running his tongue over the tattoo of his name loving it all the more, he knew then that he would get her name on his chest as well.  “I love you, Rose.” “And I love you Kamet.” Text: Ladydelight All rights reserved. Publication Date: December 9th 2020 https://www.bookrix.com/-ladydeligh
JJ Lacey A Family Affair Chapter 1 Birthday present. It all started with a birthday present. I went around to Lesley's place, on Saturday after my fifteenth birthday. It was our normal Saturday afternoon playtime, and he had promised me a special birthday treat. I had arrived at two, and he had given me a birthday cake, with candles to blow out. He said it was made from a happy recipe; he also gave me my favourite drink of rum and coke. I had eaten all my cake and was having my second drink and feeling frisky. I was giggling happily as he undressed me and played with my cock, and then he laid me on his bed and undressed. Then he gave me his long hard cock to suck, as he played with my arse and made it slippery with lubricant. After a while, I told him I was feeling very randy, as he finger fucked my ass and wanked my straining cock. "I put some drugs into your cake Harry, you're going to enjoy being fucked today, and here's your special birthday treat, come in boys." He said and two naked men came into the bedroom. One was big and muscley and had a big circumcised cock, and looked like he could be a rugby player. The other about forty had a long thick cock with a foreskin, they were smiling as they came towards me rubbing their hard cocks. Lesley pulled me off the bed, so I could kneel and suck them both, as he played with my arse. Then all three of them took turns to fuck me and make me suck them dry. They all filled my mouth with their spunk, and I let it slide down my throat. They then played with me until I sucked all three of them hard again when they all fucked me a second time. The rugby-type give me a bloody good fucking, with that big fucking cock of his, as I sucked the other two's spunk covered cocks. My fucked arse was hot and dripping when they finished because they all fucked me without a condom on, and had filled my arse with their spunk. The two men left us when I had sucked their cocks clean, and Lesley came back to me in the bedroom. He made me kneel on all fours to finger my spunk-filled arse, and then he sucked all of the spunk out of me. I went home at eight, very happy and contented after he had fucked me again. I had liked my birthday present, so did the two men. They came back to Lesley's again, so I could suck their cocks as all three fucked me. I got a big surprise on a Monday evening a few weeks later when mum took me to the doctors, for a medical check-up. I wanted to join the army cadets and needed to have the medical. When I entered the doctor's room, Alan one of the men that had fucked me sat there. I didn't know he was a doctor, and that he was my mum's new doctor since our old doctor retired. He had been treating mum regularly for depression since dad died four years ago but I had never been to see him.  He was all smiles talking to mum for a moment or two, and then Alan asked her to wait outside in the waiting room. He wanted to examine me thoroughly, mum readily agreed to his request. Alan closed the door as she went out, and turning to me took out his cock. "Right first we'll test the suction of your mouth." He said rubbing his cock to make it hard, and I knelt down to suck it. Then he took down my pants, to bend me over the examining table. Where he finger fucked my arse, with slippery gel on his fingers. Then he wanked my cock, making me shot my cum into a container. After I had sucked him off, he signed my paperwork and sent me out to fetch my mother. When we returned he gave my mum a form to sign, then took me by surprise when he suggested. I had to go to his private surgery at his house for a more detailed examination, as I had said I wanted to box with the cadet boxing team, which was utterly untrue. "I need your permission for Harry to do boxing, Mrs Kent if you would sign this form to say he can. As the official boxing federation doctor, I will have to give him a tougher examination. It will have to be done privately, but there will be no cost to you as the federation pay me for my services." He said holding a pen out for mum to take and smiled at me as she signed it. "O/K Harry, I have an open spot for you on Wednesday at two, my surgery is on Welles St. Here's a note for the school to say why you need the afternoon off," Alan said handing me a slip of paper, and mum looking a little apprehensive said. "I work Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday, I won't be able to take him here Doctor." Alan smiled saying, "I'm sure Harry can find his own way there alone Mrs Kent, he looks capable enough." Mum looked at me nodding, "yes, of course, he can Doctor," she said smiling at me then looked at Alan when he said. "While you're here Mrs Kent, I have a free thirty minutes before my next patient, I think it would be ideal if I checked you over as well." Mum seemed to get a little breathless as he said it, but she readily agreed with him by just nodding her head. "Would you mind waiting in the waiting room for your mother Harry, she will be about twenty minutes." He said, and I'm sure mum looked a little hot and flushed. When mum did come out she looked very happy, so the Doctor must have told her some good news. I was ringing Alan's doorbell at one forty-five on Wednesday, and as he let me in I saw no one in the waiting room. There was no one at the reception desk either, Alan saw me looking and smiling at me said. "I don't do surgery's in the afternoons, your mother doesn't know that because she has a standing appointment every fourth Friday morning in the month. She is here again in a weeks time, now get in my examination room and get undressed." Alan said patting me on the bum, as he pushed me into a room. "I'll get us a drink, while your undressing. Then get on that cage seat over the trough, I'm going to wash your ass out so your nice and clean for me to fuck." The room was big and fully tiled in white, the trough he was talking about was in the corner. In the middle of the room was an adjustable chair, like a dentist would have. Beside it was a two selfed trolly with a white cloth over it, with lumps in it showing it was covering some items. A stainless steel frame chair was mounted over the trough, with two black leather pads from front to back. There was a five-inch gap between them, and as I sat naked on them they swivelled outwards. Spreading my buttocks wide, and focusing my arsehole to be prominently exposed. I had just settled when Alan came in completely naked, his big thick cock hanging down and swinging from side to side as he walked. After handing me my drink, he put his hand under me to feel my arsehole. "You finish your drink while I grease you up and make you ready, then I'll clean out your anal cavity." He said, as his fingers now covered with lubricant made my arsehole slippery and slack. I was getting really randy as his fingers moved in my hot sloppy arsehole, I didn't know if it was the lovely feeling he was giving me as my ring got hot and tingly. Or if he had put something into my drink as Lesley did, to make me horny to let him do what he wanted to me. Lesley had always put something he called Spanish fly, into my drinks. He said it made me suck his cock better, and always made me want him to fuck me again and again. I had wondered where he got the drug, maybe he got it from Alan. Was Alan now giving it to me to make me randy, and more receptive to what he wanted to do too me. He had my arsehole nice and slack now, and seeing I had finished my drink, he rotated the seat back so I was almost lying down. One quick two-finger fuck, had me cooing with joy. Then I felt the water flowing on my bum, and something being pushed into my ass, that was obviously the end of a water pipe of some kind. The water was warm, and the nozzle it came from was long. Alan was fucking my arse with it, as he slowly moving it in and out and the water was pouring out of my arsehole. My cock was hard and he was rubbing it, in time with the pipe he was fucking me with, and it felt like I was fucking myself. Then he pulled the pipe out when I shot my load, and the water drained out of me in a rush, along with all my shit as well. Two more times he used the hose in my arse to wash it, then he turned the chair to the side and fucked my cleaned out arse. He pulled his cock out of my arse seconds before he came, and filled my mouth with his spunk. He dried me off then took me to a bedroom, and I lay with my head in his lap. Playing with and licking/sucking his cock as he toyed with my arse. "Do you like looking at naked girls Harry, I've got photos of naked boys and girls I've had in that chair you were just in. Would you like to see them?" he asked wiggling the two fingers he had in my arse. His cock was still soft, but it was nice having his foreskin pulled back, so I could suck on his knob end. Then without taking it from my mouth, I nodded my answer yes. He reached over to his bedside cabinet, and opened a drawer and took a photo album out. Holding the page open, so I could see a naked boy sitting where I had sat. He was having his hard cock wanked, while he had the water pipe in his arse just like I had. There were photo's of him being finger-fucked, and with Alans cock fucking his arse, and of him sucking Alan cock. There were photos of Alan opening up boys and girls arses, and of girls cunts being opened with a shiny thing he called a spectrum. I was surprised, how wide he could get them. It wasn't just young boys and girls, he had photos of. There were older ladies, he was examining in his other chair. They had their open legs strapped to rests on the chair, and he had their cunts open with just his fingers. All of the ladies cunts were very wet and shiny, and he had his fingers in most. They weren't seeing Alan for medical check-ups, the things he was using on them and in their cunts weren't from the NHS. I don't think the NHS used clamps to stretch open a ladies cunt lips so far, they also pulled open her fuck hole wide. He had two big dildos in one woman's cunt and in her arsehole, that was stretching them open. Each page he opened of the album was of a different woman, and she had six photos of her on each side. So there were twelve photos of each woman, each photo showed him doing something different to her. Each lady had three photos with his cock in her mouth, arse, or cunt, and she was not unconscious.  So this treatment was definitely not funded by the NHS.   Then he showed me an album full of photos, of this one lady who you couldn't see her face. He had her in the chair with him playing with her shaved cunt, making it wet with his fingers inside her. Then using sex toys on her arse and cunt, and his head between her legs licking her after he had made her cum. He did many things to her before he fucked her, then he stood at her head, and although you couldn't see you knew she was sucking his cock off. Then as I was wanking my hard cock, that looking at the photos had given me. He showed me a photo of her smiling and licking his cum off her lips, and it was my naked mum. I was holding my mum's photo, and looking at her happy smiling face licking his cum from her lips. I could see her wet cunt hole still open after he had pulled his cock from her, and I was rubbing my cock looking at her. Alan knelt me on the floor and started fucking me, as my cock was about to explode looking at my mum's cunt. He had more photos of her, being fucked and eating his cock. "She's a randy bitch your mum, she is the sexiest woman I see. She likes what I do to her, and she lets me do what I want. She also likes looking at young boys wanking and being fucked, and me tormenting little girls. She said I can film her in the chair doing anything I like, this Friday morning when she comes for our monthly sex day. I'm going to fuck her with a big dildo for an hour before I make her suck me off. Then I'm going to keep playing with her, and filming her before I fuck her and send her home. She's going to be here for six hours Harry, having her juicy cunt and arse fucked and played with." "I'll show you the film, so you can see how randy she is. You should surprise her one day in her bedroom, and let her see your cock. She gets very randy when she sees mine, I bet she'd want to play with you." Alan said showing me a photo of her bent over, with a dildo in her arse as well as her cunt, and he had his cock in her mouth. I could feel Alan getting near to shooting his load, and a few moments later he pulled out and made me swallow it. When he filled my mouth with his hot creamy cum, we laid looking at more photos as I played with his cock until he fucked me again. Chapter 2 When I got home mum was still at work, so I went into her bedroom and looked in her underwear draws. She had some sexy knickers that you could see through, and bras with holes where her nipples would be. Back in her knicker drawer, I found a pair with a split at the crouch. Which meant she could be fucked, without taking her panties off. I was beginning to realise how sexy she was, those photos of her had been with the doctor. He would have stripped her off and had her naked, as soon as she got there. So there would be no need for sexy underwear, who was she seeing to wear such highly arousing panties. At least twice a month, she would go out on a Saturday night with her nursing friends. She always looked nice, dressed up in her party dress. Was this what she wore under it, so she could get fucked by one of her male nurse friends. Or someone she would meet in a pub; and have a quick shag in the car park. I had an image of her with her dress up around her waist in the shadows, leaning against a wall with this bloke fucking her through the slit in her panties.    I was putting them back when I felt a long box under the frilly underwear. It turned out to be a box with a dildo in, that looked like a real cock with vanes. It had two balls in a soft-skinned scrotum sack, that felt like it had real testicles in it when I played with them. Mum came home and made dinner, then sat reading her book in her comfy armchair. I got out my Marvel annual and lay face down on the carpet looking at it. Only I had my head pointing towards mum, holding my book upright. As I was looking over the top of it, I could look up under her skirt. She had panties on but her legs were slightly open, so I could see her crotch and the shape of her cunt lips, showing through her almost transparent knickers. If she had asked me to get her a drink, she would have seen the bulge in my trousers. Looking at her had given me while picturing her in that photo I was looking at earlier. The one where she was licking her lips. My cock was that hard, it made it hard to lay on my tummy. I had to be discreet when I had to go to bed. Then I had to toss myself off as I thought of those photos again. Here Mum must have been tired Thursday night, because she dropped off to sleep after dinner in her comfy chair within minutes of sitting in it, much to my pleaser. When she had come home, she had changed out of her Nurses uniform, and into a light summer dress that was nice and short, showing most of her thighs, as she had laid the table I had seen her knickers as she bent over, they were flesh coloured, and at first I thought she had none on at all. Sitting in her chair had her skirt higher up her thighs, and as the night before her legs were open slightly as she read her book unaware I could see between them, as I secretly looked she put her head back and closed her eyes, and put the book on the arm of the chair. As she slipped into a peaceful sleep, she unconsciously made herself more comfortable and settled down into the soft chair slightly, making her skirt move higher as her legs opened more. Now it was up to her hips and had uncovered her crouch, and I was looking at her bulging cunt covered in a material that was almost transparent. With her now asleep I abandoned my pretence of reading my Marvel book and crept closer to her, to look at her cunt more closely, the flimsy material was stretched tightly over her cunt, showing the shape of her cunt lips plainly visible, with the valley between them showing because of the material following the contours of her skin. My cock was already hard and bursting as I looked at her and wished I could kiss and lick her cunt without waking her, I also had the urge to feel it as I secretly wanked my cock with my hand in my pocket, and wondered if I dared take it out to stand and toss myself off in front of her, but instead, I went to the toilet and tossed myself off with the image of that photo of her cunt, just after Alan had pulled his cock from it. When I returned to the living room she was just waking up, and stretching out her arms she asked, "have I been to sleep," she said wiggling her whole body, not realising I could see the outline of her cunt that was still on view to me, and I could see it better as the crouch of her panties had got wet, and become transparent showing me every detail of it. I went to bed wondering why her cunt had got so damp, did she pee herself or was it her fanny juice that had made it wet, and if it was had she got sexy as she slept, I had to have another wank thinking of it. In the morning I was coming out of the bathroom, and mum dressed in her dressing gown was heading for it, and I felt an ache in my groin thinking she was naked under it. "I'll be walking with you to school this morning Harry, I've got to visit the specialist today," she said and I knew who the specialist was. When she came out, I heard her pass my bedroom door and go into her's and popping my head out my door I noticed she hadn't quite closed hers. So I wandered along the corridor to it, and as all the bedroom doors opened into the bedrooms themselves, and not up against the wall of the bedroom, I couldn't see into her bedroom as you passed an open door, but you could put your eye to the crack at the hinge side, and see most of the room by moving your line of sight. I could see mum looking in the mirror and her naked reflection in it, as she inspected your freshly shaved cunt to make sure it was looking nice for Alan to play with. As she opened her cunt lips to look at it, I could see it was already bright pink and very wet with her fanny juices, she gave a shy as she rubbed a finger on her hard clitoris. I now had my hot cock in my hand tossing myself off as she gave herself an orgasm, and as my spunk jetted into my tissue I saw her jerking and white cum oozing from her cunt. She was indeed a randy bitch as Alan had said, she was obviously thinking of Alan giving her the sex treatment at his surgery and was getting off on the thought of he'd have her cum oozing from her soon. Then she did something that had me gasping with sexual desire, as she lifted her fingers to suck her cunt juices off them, I had had a few mouths full of spunk from Lesley Alan and that other chap and liked the taste of them, now I wanted to suck the cunt juice from my mother, and find out what it tasted like. Those nipples of her's were hard and long, I'd like to suck on them too as I fucked her, god I had just shot my load and I was still wanking my hard cock. As I watched her push her fingers into her cunt then suck them, a few more times before she seemingly reluctantly wiped her cunt dry, then pulled on a clean pair of normal panties. Then I watched her cover her tits with a regular bra, before going to my room to get my school work then slip downstairs to put the kettle on. When she came down she had made up her face and was looking lovely, and that short light summer dress showed off her tit cleavage, as well as her thighs, I was thinking of skipping school and sneaking around to Alan's. I was sure he'd let me in and hide me somewhere to watch him fucking my mum. Alan's house was just a few streets away from the school, it was less than a few minutes walk, when she kissed me goodbye she looked a bit flushed and she did feel hot, I bet her cunt was on fire thinking of Alan being between her legs. I had a lump in my pants thinking of it too. At four when I got home she was in the kitchen making dinner, and humming to herself showing she was very happy, I bet she only just beat me home, Alan had said she would be with him until three, I bet her cunt was still tingling from what he had done to it, oh I wish I could see it now. I sneaked to her bedroom door when she went to bed and through the door crank, I saw her undress but didn't get a frontal view of her cunt, just a good look at her tits. Thursday and Friday I fared no better, Saturday when I got home from my playtime at Lesley's, I was informed she was going out with her nursing friends that night, and she did look lovely dressed up in her best party dress. At eleven there was banging on the front door, and I opened it to see my drunken mum, being held up by two of her nursing friends. Between us, we got her to her bedroom and they left her on the bed laughing, in fact, they had all laughed drunkenly as they had dragged her up the stairs, I saw them out and went back up to check on mum. She was still where we had left her, but now she was quiet eyes closed in a drunken slumber, one leg hanging off the bed, her short dress hitched up high on her legs. It was too much of a temptation and I lifted the dress up until I could see her crouch, she didn't even murmur as I uncovered her, and my cock went hard as I saw she had on her crotchless knickers, and with her legs open her cunt lips were visible. Oh my god, I had to touch them, and she moaned slightly when I opened them to look inside at her pink linear cunt; and saw her fuck hole was wet and was very nice to lick as I tongued her open hole. She twitched and spread her legs wider, as I licked her cunt hole again and pushed my tongue in and out to tongue fuck her, I pulled the top of her dress down so I could suck her nipple and she liked that as well as she moaned delightfully. I was getting bolder now and had two fingers in her cunt finger fucking her, and she was liking that too, she also liked it when I pushed my cock into her and dangerously fucked her. God it was wonderful and I dangerously came close to shooting my spunk inside her, but just clamped my fingers on my cock and run to the bathroom to shoot it down the pan, she was still laying there with a smile on her face when I got back into her room, where my trousers and pant were on the floor by the bed, where I had stood to fuck her. I played with her cunt and breasts a little longer and thought she was waking up when she jerked and moaned after I had been fingering her for some time. Only it was because she was climaxing in her drunken sleep, and didn't that taste nice, it was then I reluctantly put her tits away, and covered up her cunt and put her leg on the bed to cover her with the top quilt.   Chapter 3 I was up having my breakfast when I heard movement upstairs, and about fifteen minutes later mum came in wearing her dressing gown with her wet hair in a towel turban, I had made her coffee and toast, and she was very quiet as she had them, then a bit hesitantly she asked. "Err were you awake when I came home last night Harry," she asked a little bashful. "Yes mum, your two nursing friends took you upstairs to your bedroom, looked like you had a good night,"  I said looking at her face that was trying to figure out a puzzle, that was worrying her in her head. "Which of my friends was it Harry, John and Frank, did they take me upstairs?" she asked her face going pinkish as her hands fumbled with each other. I was beginning to understand why she was asking, she had enjoyed me fucking and playing with her in her drunken dream. I had sucked up her creamy cum when I made her climax, but her knickers had got wet with her fanny juice. She must have noticed it when she woke, and might be guessing she had been fucked for real, by her male friends when they took her upstairs, and not just in the dream she had of her being fucked. "No mum it was Sally and Margret, I tried to help but they said they could manage, they took their time putting you to bed." I lied and I was thinking she's now thinking the two women had done lesbian things to her, and I think it turned her on a bit because she was breathing heavily. I wished I'd had the guts to tell her it was me that had fucked her and that I was now playing with my cock under the table as I watched her getting hot thinking of last night. I couldn't see much of her tits, just the cleavage between them but it was enough to tell me she was naked under her robe. When she went back upstairs to dress, I gave her just enough time to get to her room, before I run slightingly to her door to peek in on her. She was still in her robe but it was now undone, she was holding up her French knickers looking at the frilly lace at the opening at her crotch. With her dressing gown open about four inches, her tits were still covered, but I could see her cunt slit between her legs. She was closely inspecting the soled gusset opening to her panties, that seemed to be covered in something. When I was fucking her a lot of her love juice was oozing from her cunt, it wasn't my spunk, but it could have been my pre-cum love juice mixing with hers that was flooding out. I wasn't holding her knickers open at the time, because I was playing with her tits at that time. I could have rubbed my love juice covered cock along the frilly edges, and that was what mum was looking at now. She put her knickers to her nose and smelt them, then felt the sticky edges, then she felt the stickiness between her thumb and forefinger, smelling them again before licking her finger. She must have liked the taste because she sucked the thumb clean too, then with her knickers to her nose, she felt her fanny and turned to sit on her bed, opening her legs to finger fuck herself.   I didn't dare touch my cock that was dying to be wanked, as it was ridged because although I couldn't actually see her fingers. As she had lain back on the bed and was holding her panties to her nose, and I knew she was smelling my cock as she fingered her cunt. As she moved her dressing gown fell open, her tits were still covered but her lower body was exposed, and I watched her twitching and jerking as she became excited as she orgasm neared. Then she was vibrating and gasping as her hips jerked, and I went to the bathroom because I knew what she would do next. I quickly undressed and turning on the shower I drenched myself, then stood to wait with a towel for mum to come in to wash between her legs. As the door opened I put the towel over my head, making out I was drying my hair, so to her, I couldn't see her as she entered. I took my time drying my hair, but I wasn't sure if she would still be looking at me when I lowered the towel. She was and although she had been there for several minutes looking, she made out she had just this second come in. "Oh dear sorry Harry I didn't know you were in here love," she said lifting her eyes from my cock and holding her dressing gown closed, with one hand and the door open with the other. "Its alright mum it's not as if you haven't seen me naked before is it," I smiled now drying my chest, with my not so soft cock still available to look at, and mum wasn't leaving by the way she still looked at me. "Would you like me to dry your back, Harry?" she asked holding out her hand for the towel, and the bathroom door closed on its loaded spring. I handed her the towel and turned, to feel her drying me with both her hands. She was drying my buttocks when I turned, to see her robe gaping open and most of her tits on view. With her hands still down there my cock bumped into her as I turned, she hesitated but when I didn't move she started drying me there too.     Being the same height as she was, I was looking at the top of her head as she looked down to see what she was doing. As her hands moved on me I was looking down at her crouch, and my cock did start to harden. "If you're having a shower mum, would you like me to wash your back for you?" I asked with my now ridged hard cock in her hands, obviously with the towel between it and her fingers, but the way she was holding it and looking at it, made the reason she was breathing heavily obvious.   I had left the water running and she seemed in a frozen daze, as I took hold of her robe lapels to open it.  She allowed me to fold it back over her shoulders to take it off her and had to let go of my cock so I could get her arms out of the slives. Then She quietly stepped into the shower under the water, and I started soaping her back, as she stood with her hands on the tiled wall trembling and almost panting as my hands moved on her. Over her shoulders and down her sides onto her hips my hands moved, then onto her buttocks. Where I spent some time applying a thick layer of soap suds over her lovely bum cheeks, making them slippery and nice to rub my hands over. She quivered and trembled as my soapy slippery hands moved around her waist to soap her mid-drift and belly. She took a large gulp of air when my hands moved up to cup her breasts, and as my thumbs stroked over her hard nipples her body shuddered. When my hard cock slipped between her soapy legs she gasped, "oh no you mustn't, oh dear we can't." She murmured but did nothing to stop me playing with her tits and nipples, as my cock slipped in and out between her legs to rub along her cunt. For long moments she gasped and moaned, as I pinched and pulled her nipples. Rubbing her cunt with my cock was making her legs go weak. When my right hand went between her legs to finger her clitoris, she cried "Oh my god," as my knob end slipped into her cunt and I started fucking her. As soon as my cock entered her she must have climaxed with the shock of my cock penetrating her. Because she bucked and vibrated saying, "Oh fuck oh dear me oh that's fucking nice," as she slightly bent forward so I could fuck her better. I didn't have a condom on but I wasn't going to worry about coming inside her, I had seen those photos of her open legs with spunk running out of her cunt. So I was going to fuck her all the way and fill her cunt with my spunk. That's what mum wanted as well because as my cock began throbbing and jerking, she pushed back onto me and let out a big moan and climaxed herself. With her encouragement, I kept fucking her until my cock was too soft to fuck her anymore. When I could no longer keep it in her she turned and we kissed like lovers, as I played with her tit and she held my shaken cock. She was still hot so I fingered her spunk oozing cunt, washing it out in the process. I kept fingering her as still kissing as we dried each other, with her tenderly rubbing my spent cock, that had shrunk down to four inches from the near eight it had been. She looked at it lovingly pulling back my foreskin to look at my knob and dab it dry, as she moved her cunt on my fingers she moved her hand along my cock. When I had seen her looking at me from the doorway of the bathroom, her mouth had been open as her eyes stared at my cock that hadn't yet grown fully. I suppose the last time she had seen it, I would have been a little boy with a little dick, it wasn't the same dick she held in her hand now. I don't know if she knew where I was leading her, as with my arm around her and still kissing, with my hand on her breast I guided her to her bedroom. To lay beside her on the bed, kissing and toying with her body, with her hand holding my soft cock she gave small gasps and moans. As kissing from her neck and throat I moved down between her breasts then kissed and sucked her nipples, her hands moulding my soft cock like a piece of putty trying to mould it into a fat hard thing that would fuck her. Her hips moved and she thrust her mound of Venis onto my hand, as I stroked between her legs, and over her fleshy cunt lips. Then I had to move my body so that she could still hold my cock, as I kissed down to her belly button, and her hips jerked and I felt the wetness of her cunt lips, as I flicked my tongue into her belly button as if I were fucking her with my tongue. Then as I put my leg over her she trembled and gave a cry of, "O my God," as I put my head between her legs and kissed her cunt. She continued to whimper and moan as my tongue licked her cunt lips, to taste her juicy cunt juice that oozed from her quivering cunt, then I felt her hot lips encircle my cock as she started sucking me, and I continued to lap up her juices as she played with my balls and gobbled my dick. I had an extra rush of juice when I started to grow in her mouth and started to fuck her lips, then she wrapped her legs and arms around me when I mounted her missionary style, to fuck her hard and deep as we French kissed with her tongue probing for her cunt juice still in my mouth, she must have been highly aroused as she came twice long before I got near to having mine, then she ejaculated with my mouth sucking at her fuck hole, as I was filling her mouth as I had fucked her lips to finish myself off. Then we lay for a long time with me just cuddled into her back, we had hardly said a word because our mouths have been rather busy, she broke the silence when she felt my cock hardening between her buttocks saying, "oh your a naughty boy, your going to fuck me again aren't you?" I did and after we went down for some lunch which we eat naked, and I fucked her again at two after we had cuddled on the settee. I had a beer and crispy snacks for tea and mum had a bottle of wine, as she played with my cock to make it hard and we shagged on the carpet as the six o/clock news was on, we went to bed early and I fucked her whenever I could, in the morning I asked her to suck me off before I went to school, then I sat her on the table so I could suck her cunt. When I came home she was at the kitchen sink doing vegs for tea, I got behind her and lifted her dress and kissed her bare bottom, and was glad to see she had no knickers on, "now stop that Harry, I'm your mother we shouldn't be doing things like that It's not proper, I got over-excited yesterday we mustn't do that again, you have to stop thinking you can have sex with me!" She said trying to push her dress down at the back, but I grabbed her wrist and rubbed it over my cock, "didn't you like me fucking you mum?" I asked as she felt my hardening cock, "I liked licking your cunt, as you sucked my cock," I said still moving her hand and feeling her tit, and she was getting sexually frustrated I could tell by the way she was breathing. "Oh dear oh my you shouldn't be talking like that to your mother Harry, and you shouldn't be feeling my breast and making me feel your big penis. Oh my, I feel faint, oh no you shouldn't feel me there," mum breathlessly said as I let go of her tit and felt her hot cunt. As I quickly undid my flies and put my cock in her hand, she was still protesting it was wrong as she pumped her hand up and down my cock, without my help as my other hand had gone to feel her bottom. "Oh you are a naughty boy, I should put you over my knee and spank you, oh no no you mustn't do that. Oh, Harry no oh no you're fingering my arsehole, oh dear you're fingering my vagina as well, oh my god what am I to do." Her hand had got faster as I fingered both her holes, I wasn't going to be able to fuck her for long if I bent her over now, so I pushed her to her knees. "Here mum suck on this, after dinner, I'm going to put you on your knees and give you cunt good fucking," I said pulling her open mouth onto my cock and made her gag, by pushing my whole eight inches into it, she coughed and sputtered  and tears run down her cheeks. But she opened her mouth when she recovered, for me to push my knob end down her throat again, then I laid her down and fucked her mouth as I sucked her to a climax, and she choked as my spunk shot down her gullet. Then after dinner, she forgot all about the wrongfulness of mother and son relationships, as we sat naked on the settee with me playing with her tit and my cock in her hand, waiting for the right time to get on the carpet and fuck. From then on we slept showered and fucked together contently, she never refused the need for me to kiss lick or fuck her cunt, in fact, some days when I came home from school, she would be lying naked waiting for me, if she wasn't I would soon have her stripped and fucked.   Chapter 4 I popped round to Alan's house, after my morning paper round the Saturday after mum had her monthly Friday fun day with him, and told him that I had been fucking her for three weeks, he was impressed and excitedly showed me the film he had taken of her the day before, he sat me naked on his lap with his cock in my arse, as we watched two hours of him abusing and fucking mum, and there was one thing he did to her I haven't done yet, I would fuck her arsehole tonight. After he had fucked me I asked Alan if he was free the next Saturday because I wondered if he wanted to come to my house to a party for mums thirty fife birthday on the Saturday of the following week, I wanted to give her a good surprise party, I asked Lesley if he would come, I would get her drunk and sexy then we could all give her a good fucking party. "I need you there Alan to make sure she has an all-day sex party, Lesley said he can give the three of us some biovea sex drug that will keep our cocks hard for hours, mum will love having her legs open all day, as we take turn's to fuck her, what do you say Alan you of all people know what she likes, you want to help me give her a birthday to remember?" "You try to keep me away Harry, I want to see her expression when she sees the three of us there to fuck her, I've had her excited in my chair saying I'm thinking of getting some young boy to fuck her, I showed her a photo of your arse and cock as I've fucked you, she said she'd like to be sucking that boy's cock as I fuck his arse, perhaps we'll give her the chance at her birthday treat." It was agreed then next Saturday at ten/am, mum was going to be being fucked from then until midday Sunday, she'd have the rest of Sunday and all of Monday to get over it, she had to work on Tuesday, but I don't think that will stop me fucking her once or twice, just to keep her happy. I got home just after twelve from Alan's, and mum was a bit upset with me as she was still waiting for me her dressing gown. She wanted to know where the hell I'd been all this time, because she had expected to be fucked when I got home before nine, as normal on Saturday morning. "I got breakfast ready and took it upstairs for you, I laid in bed waiting until ten, you could have let me know you weren't coming straight home. I got all worked up and now I'm frustrated," she said putting her arms around me, to kiss me as she held me close. As she sucked my tongue into her mouth, she quivered as I fingered her hot cunt, then when I felt her cum flooding out of her I pushed her to her knees and made her whimper as I sucked her hot juices from her.  Then I made her gage as I deeply fucked her mouth, with my knob-end repeatedly popping in and out of her gullet. Her dressing gown had long gone and she had pulled my pants off of me, and she looked up at me eagerly waiting for my cock to explode in her mouth. When it did she sucked hard and milked my cock, to get all of my creamy cum. Then lay legs wide open playing with my soft cock, as I fingered her hot juicy cunt and sucked up her juicy cum, as I made her climax. We spent the rest of the afternoon watching a movie naked while playing with each other. She sucked me off twice and I gave her five orgasms. All of which I drank straight from her flooded cunt hole, while I fingered her slack sloppy arsehole. I only wished I had the film, Alan took of mum in his surgery because mum hadn't seen it yet. I would have liked to have her on my lap as we watched it, with her bouncing up and down with my cock up her ass. We never tired of playing with each other, my cock like her cunt lips were swollen and puffy, by the time we went to bed. Then I must have dropped off to sleep, with my hand between her legs while sucking on her tit. In the night I awoke and fancied something to nibble on, so I worked myself down until I had my head between her legs. I'm not sure if I woke her or she had a wet dream, but I got a steady stream of honeydew and two thick portions of female cum from her cunt. I dropped off to sleep down there, only to wake later to the aroma of her, because I had my nose in her fuck hole. Mum was already awake and insisted I had breakfast while I was down there before fucking her with my morning glory. We spent most of the morning in bed, and the rest of the day naked, fucking around the house when we needed to. In the evening we both got randy, on wine and some of the Spanish fly Alan had given me to give mum. Some of what we did in the evening was a blur, but I do remember drinking a lot of cum from her cunt. We woke up late on Monday and had to be satisfied with just a quick fuck before I went to school. I was overjoyed when I got there and found out the school was going to close for the day. A water pipe had burst and had flooded half the classrooms, so with a happy heart and looking forward to climbing into bed with mum. I happily skipped all the way home, until I got to the end of our street. There parked outside our house was uncle Sid's truck, I thought 'shit'. Then rather deflated I entered the house, but could find anyone in the kitchen or front room. Then I heard a noise upstairs,  creeping upstairs I saw mums bedroom door ajar, in fact, it was half-open. With the door opening into the room, and not against the wall, you could walk past it and still not see inside. If you looked through the crack at the hinge side, however, you could see the bed. Mum was laying on it naked, a naked Sid had her legs held high and wide and was fucking her. Mum was calling out as he rammed his cock into her, and it wasn't because she wanted him to stop. "Harder, fuck me harder, Sam used to hit you with his belt to make you fuck me harder. Hell I've missed him, he knew how to fuck me real good," she said between her grunts. "Yes and fucking you killed him, he had that heart attack on top of you. He had only been out of the hospital a day when you opened your legs for him, though he did die happy." Sid said ramming his cock into mum as hard as he could, and I was watching her big tits wobbling. I had to undo my flies and release my hard cock and was wanking my hard cock peering through the crank. Suddenly I felt someone grab my neck, and I was dragged through the door. "Look what I found having a wank, as he watched you two fucking."  This voice said behind me, I couldn't see him as he held my neck in a vice-like grip. Uncle Sid had stopped fucking mum as I was dragged into the room, he had stopped fucking her with his cock rammed deep into her. She had turned her head to look at me, but was looking at my cock as the man holding me pushed me to the end of the bed. "Well he's surely a chip off the old block with that cock, has he fucked you yet Tanya," Sid said pulling his cock from mum to knelt beside her. I was being held against the bed looking up between mum's legs at her wet cunt, her fuck hole was still open from having Sid's cock in it, and her cunt juices were trickling out of her. As Sid put his cock into mums mouth, the man behind me pushed my head between mums legs. "Suck that juicy cunt boy, while I have a look at your ass," he said yanking down my underpants. I had undone my trousers to get my cock out to watch mum being fucked, my trousers had fallen to my ankles as he pulled me into the room. He now had his hand between my naked buttocks feeling my arsehole, and when his finger slipped into me he said. "He's got a slack arsehole, Sid, he's had a cock or two before now, let's see if he likes my eight inches." I felt my arsehole being pressed inward, then it opened up and a big knob-end popped into my arse. I lifted my head and moaned, as inch by inch he pushed his cock into me. God, he had a big thick cock, and he was stretching my arsehole with its garth. He pushed my mouth back onto mums cunt, as he started to fuck me with long slow strokes, that made me moan and gasp. As I lapped up mums cunt juices, that was flowing freely from her. "I do believe he has sucked on your cunt before Tanya, now is watching him being ass fucked turning you on. How about seeing him suck my cock off, would that give you a thrill?" Sid said as the man fucking me lifted my head, and I saw Sid moving towards me on his knees. Then as his knob end brushed my lips I opened my mouth, and he pushed his cock inside it. I could only see mum when he nearly pulled his cock out as he fucked my mouth, and she had a look of bliss on her face. Maybe because Sid had started fingering her cunt again, or because she liked seeing me sucking Sid's cock. Sid's cock was very juicy, with his pre-cum oozing from it. Then I felt it twitch, and thicken in my mouth. Then it started to throb, and thick cum spurted from it filling my mouth. As Sid fucked my mouth, his cock pushed his spunk down my throat. I had to swallow it down to stop from choking, and it was bloody thick. Sid had knelt beside mums legs, for me to suck him. The man fucking me had pulled me half upright, so I was bent forward side on to the bed. Witch meant mum could see Sid's cock, moving in and out of my mouth. While I could see her watching Sid fuck my mouth with a flushed face, and panting as she had her cunt fingered by Sid. "Tanya I bet you've sucked him off before, now by the look of his cock he is going to come at any minute. Get your mouth on his cock, and finish him off" Sid said. Mum rolled over onto her hands and knees and took my straining cock into her mouth. Sucking it all the way into her mouth, she pulled on my aching balls. The cock in my ass was moving faster, then it swelled and shot hot spunk into me. Feeling the thick goo filling me, made me ejaculate filling mums mouth with my spunk. Sid had taken his cock from me, and I gave a shy of relief when the cock in my ass withdrew. Mum was still sucking on my cock, as the man who had been fucking me stood beside me. His hand on my bum, with his fingers probing my ass. I looked sideways at him and gasped, and knew then why my arsehole was aching. There hanging down from his groyne, was the blackest thickest and longest cock I had ever seen. That thing had been in my ass, no wonder I had shied with relief when he took it out. I looked up at him and he smiled, "nice ass boy, look forward to fucking it again." He said his fingers still fingering my recked arsehole and staring up the spunk he had filled it with. "We will have to have an overnight stopover here, on the way back on Thursdays Instead of stopping at Bristol Frank. Now we know Harry likes his ass fucked, we can stop here as usual Mondays to fuck Tanya. Then Thursdays we will have the two of them to fuck all night, do you fancy that Harry?" Sid asked. Picking up his shirt as he got off the bed, Frank had taken his fingers from my ass. Then pushing me on the bed beside mum, he too began to dress. "See you Thursday night then Tanya, we'd like to stay, but we've got some miles to do before nightfall." Sid said as he and Frank left us on the bed to disappear through the door, I didn't see them go myself; I was face down on the bed. Mum did though, she was still kneeling beside me facing the door. As her hands spread my buttocks, she said in a sympathetic voice. "O my god Harry, look at your arsehole, Frank fucking you with that big black cock of his has stretched it open. He has stretched me a few times with that cock, and he's going to fuck you again on Thursday night!" She said as her fingers felt my tingling ring, and feeling the swollen rim. Before dipping into the soggy mess of his spunk, he had deposited inside my ass. As her fingers agitated the gooey cum inside me, it brought back the feeling of his cock in me. Mum must have been still turned on as well. Because as she now fingered me with more fingers, that dipped in and out of my ass. She took my hand and placed it onto her cunt, so I could finger her too. It was midday when we got out of bed, that was after she sucked me off. We had played with one another until I got hard again. She had fingered my ass, to extract and drink the spunk in it as I fingered and licked her cunt. The encounter with Sid and Frank had affected mum and me. Seeing me being fucked had overexcited mum, and seeing Frank's cock and knowing he fucked me. Had overexcited me, and we both couldn't wait for Thursday to come. We both admitted it when we went to bed Monday night, we had sucked each other off, several times in the afternoon after playing with each other. Without saying much about Sid and Frank, it was only when we went to bed mum brought up the subject. "I think we should keep your arsehole nice and slack Harry, you will enjoy Franks cock better." She said, taking a dildo from her dressing table, and fucking me with it until she needed fucking herself.     Publication Date: December 11th 2019 https://www.bookrix.com/-kvd9bf587b1e9d5