Our hives have been in place for a month now and we are looking forward to seeing it’s progress and how the new bees are doing. We sit down for tea and Chelsea hands out some notes and goes through some of the general duties in month two. “Now that we have controlled spring build up as much as we can, it is time to do a split.” smiles Chelsea. This sounds like a delicate process and we are grateful to have her leading us every step of the way. A hive split, she explains, is done for a few reasons: to prevent swarming; to expand the number of hives in your apiary and in the years to come, increase honey production. After our tea it is time for our hive check. We head to bee headquarters the Lenora van which houses everything members need to suit up for the hive checks. Richard who dabbled in beekeeping last year has his own head cover and jacket sent to him from England. I am reminded to fasten every zipper and velcro latch to avoid any unforseen possibilities of stinging. Chelsea shares a story with us about not doing up her velcro and a a bee flying in through the gap and buzzing around inside her suit! I double check and triple check that they are all fastened. We gather the smoker, some burlap, a bucket of sugar syrup and head towards the south end of our garden. We stop and observe the land of the bees and Chelsea points out our bee highway. “Always keep clear of their entrance way” she explains “approach from the sides, but never directly in front.” Makes sense. She gently puffs smoke into the entrance way to calm them for our inspection. She opens up the hive and shows us how to use the top as a platform on the ground. Initial hive observations are good. Our outer frames are empty as expected for our late hive start. One by one she uses her tool to inspect the inner frames pointing out our queen and her distinguishing appearance. “Hive looks great” Chelsea announces and we are filled with joy. There are full circles of brood in all stages. We identify the egg, larvae and pupae stages. We see drones and the workers coming in and out with sacs of pollen. We even witnessed a remarkable sight, trophallaxis, the sharing of liquids between the bees. Lots of honey, lots of action. She is very pleased with the progress of the hive. This is a far cry from where we were last year as bee amateurs where approaching the hive felt tense. Opening and inspecting a whole other story. I barely ever accompanied Richard to the hive fearing the bees sensing my hesitation and stinging me. Bees smell fear was what I always remembered as a child. Hive check with?your beekeeping tutor is a truly rewarding experience. It begins to lightly rain so we swiftly inspect the other frames and shift the empty ones to closer to the middle to give them some space for production. With all those capped brood frames we have to feed them so Chelsea carefully replaces the top and pours the sugar syrup into the frame feeder in the hive. She makes notes into a notebook about today’s inspection and leaves it under the lid for next time. “Do we have any homework?” I ask wondering if we have to inspect the hives in between her visits. “ Nope” she smiles “ When we are both fully confident that you are able and ready to handle the frames yourself then we can talk about that, but for now you can just leave them and we will do the inspections together.” Fine by me. In fact it is perfect. For more info on Lenora Bee’s hive share program www.lenorabee.ca
As bee populations decline around the world, beekeeping is becoming the environmentally "in" thing to do, even in urban settings. VOA takes us to the grounds of the Franciscan monastery in Washington, D.C. for a crash course on the life of bees and their importance to the environment. Then, we visit the rooftop of D.C.'s posh Fairmont hotel, where chefs are keeping hives and harvesting the honey to use in everything from cheese plates to the French delicacy, Joe Bozik has been keeping bees on the grounds of the Franciscan Monastery in Washington D.C. for about four years. Recently, honey bee populations in the U.S. and Europe have fallen victim to something called "Colony Collapse Disorder," where bees leave the hive but, for unknown reasons, never return. "It is happening most with the commercial beekeepers, and one of the theories is that they stress the bees by moving them long distances to get them to pollinate certain fields," Bozik said. Bees play an integral part in pollinating fruits and vegetables. There is concern that declining populations could affect food production. Joe would like to see more people take up beekeeping as a hobby to increase their numbers. "By having people more involved with hobbyist kinds of beekeepers, there may be some people who will actually raise queens and then offer those queens to beekeepers that are losing bees," he said. Each hive contains about 45,000 bees. There are three types of bees in a hive. Female honey bees which collect the pollen and nectar. The queen. And male drone bees which fertilize the queen. The queen is the most important bee. There is only one in each hive. The queen lives for three to four years. Her only job is to lay eggs. Female worker bees live for about 45 days, which means the queen must lay over 1,000 eggs a day for the hive to survive. Today, Joe and his friend Toni Burnham are inspecting the hive to make sure the queen is laying enough eggs. "The queen begins laying in the middle and she lays in a spiral out toward the edges so you can see that the last eggs laid in that frame are only now capped," he explains. In three days, the eggs hatch as larvae. Worker bees feed the larvae until adulthood. Joe says he gets a lot of personal satisfaction out of working with bees. "You have got thousands of bees that you are handling, bare hands, and you are helping them," he said. "And there is a satisfaction that they are producing honey." Joe's passion for bees is spreading. Across town at Washington's Fairmont hotel, pastry chef Aron Weber and executive chef Ian Bens have started a bee colony on the hotel roof. With the full support of the hotel, they started their hives about three months ago. Aron says they wanted to do their part for the environment. "The honey bees are so important for the environment. For pollinating all the plants and vegetables, pretty much everything we eat," he said. Executive chef Ian Bens says each hive should produce 100 pounds of honey a year. "I am interested in what Erin is going to be able to do with the pastries. We are working on some comb honey as well to go with cheese plates," Bens said. According to experts, urban bee keeping is on the rise. The White House recently added some beehives in the vegetable garden. The jury is still out as to why bee populations are declining. But demand is still high for honey, and more urban dwellers are keeping hives and harvesting their own.
This chinstrap with Cord Lock beekeeping hat can protect against mosquitos, bees, wasps, gnats, flies and more. You can focus on the fishing,hiking,hunting or walking instead of being distracted by the sun and heat. Ideal for varies outdoor activities, camping, climb, bicycle, fishing, military. It can be folded for easy storage, light weight but durable. - ☛ Made of polyester and breathable with clear visual fine mesh. - ☛ One size fits most,Best Fit from 21 1/2"-23" head circumference.Hat Size 6 7/8 - 7 1/4. Weil net length is 19 7/10". - ☛ The UPF 50+ excellent sun protection will protect you from sunburn - ☛ Protect your neck and face from gnat, bee, and mosquito,insects, flies & bugs. - ☛ Beekeeper Anti Mosquito Insert Fishing Hat Bee Bug Insect Fly Mask Cap with Head Net Mesh Face Protection Outdoor Fishing Equipment - Binding: Misc. - Brand: Xiabing - Department: Men's - Product Group: Sports - Product Type Name: SPORTING_GOODS - Manufacturer: Xiabing - Publisher: Xiabing - Studio: Xiabing
This document gives the Association’s approach to the provision of colonies of bees to members, with an emphasis on meeting the needs of beginners. It includes instructions on preparing nucs, use of apideas and handling swarms. Sources of bees: i) (a) Nucs – from established beekeepers. Each established member should make one nuc per year available to beginners. Raising an additional nuc of bees in normal circumstances should not overstress the capacity of these beekeepers who would normally be considered as having 3 or more years experience. The main demand will, however, be in the short term, as it would be expected that nucs returning from ‘old’ beginners would soon be able to meet the demands of ‘new’ beginners. Established beekeepers need to be able to make up a nuc and have it headed by a viable queen. This will normally require the beekeeper to be able to raise queens in an appropriate manner. Note 1, gives details on how to provide bees through nucs and artificial swarms, and Note 2, deals with raising queens using Apidea mini-nucs. i) (b) Artificial swarms. Experienced beekeepers who, for example, may not want to increase colony numbers, may provide their “one nuc per year” to beginners as part of an artificial swarm manipulation. See Note 1. N.B. The above does not preclude members (either working as individuals or as a group) engaging in small-scale queen rearing and making nucs available to other members, with or without a charge. Details can be included in this instruction, if necessary, at a later stage. However, each established beekeeper would still be expected to provide “one nuc per year” without charge to beginners. In cases where bees are being supplied from sources unknown to the beginner, the opinion of the Association may be sought. ii) Nucs – from ‘old’ beginners. Each beginner who receives a colony from an Association member as in i) above, would normally be expected, within a 2-year period, to make a nuc or equivalent available to the Association for distribution to new beginners. Notes 1 and 2 are also relevant to this paragraph iii) Swarms. Swarms of bees have been a traditional way of increasing or replacing stocks. While they are a possible source of bees they are also a vector in the spread of disease. It would be proposed that swarms, where possible, be used close to the area where they were caught. In this way the spread of disease will be minimised. The Association should, therefore, make an effort to capture all swarms and deal with them in an appropriate way (Note 3). Any swarms that are not located by members are liable to fall into the hands of others who may sell them as nucs to beginners (or members) without regard to the locations from which the swarms arose and hence risk the spread of disease through our area. The Association should therefore make an effort to inform the public through publicity that swarms of bees will be collected by the Association. Note 3 details how swarms can be handled for use as replacement colonies. N.B. To ensure that the allocation of bees from the three sources is undertaken with efficiency and fairness it is proposed that some level of co-ordination be applied by the Association. The details of the co-ordination will be developed during the first year of implementation. Approved Committee Meeting 13th May 2010 1.1 A five-frame nuc can be made up as follows. Reference: Beekeeping Study Notes 1, JD and BD Yates (Pages 60 / 61) – in Association library 1.2 When sealed worker brood is present the colony can be transported to the beginner’s apiary. As soon as possible the nuc should be introduced to a full hive and the nuc (scraped and blow torched) returned along with 5 frames, wax (in sealed package) and dummy board. In normal conditions the nuc should be returned within one week. (b) Colony from artificial swarm Reference: Guide to Bees and Honey, Ted Hooper (Page 138 / 141) – in Association library. Note 2. Raising queens using Apideas. 2.1 The Apidea is a small mating nuc that can take a mature queen cell. A full description of using these mininucs to raise a young queen is given in, Managing Mininucs, Ron Brown, a copy of which is in the Association library. Note that the nuc can be filled with 300ml of bees (per Albert Knight, BIBBA). Note 3. Using swarms as starter or replacement colonies 3.1 As a general rule swarms should be moved the minimum distance from the location in which they originated. 3.2 It is in the interest of safety and good relations that the general public should have an awareness of honeybee swarms, and should know what to do when they encounter them. The Association’s website should contain basic information on swarms, and this should include a contact numbers that would give the public ready access to the Association to report swarms. 3.3 When a swarm has come to the attention of the Association, the mentor of the beginner whose apiary is nearest to the location, and who requires a first colony of bees, should be contacted. If no beginner in the vicinity requires bees, then an experienced member with bees in the vicinity should be contacted. This experienced beekeeper could use the bees in his/her own apiary or, if not required, as a replacement colony for another member. The mentor or experienced beekeeper should take responsibility for capturing and hiving the swarm*. 3.4 The Association has a number of 5-frame nucs that can be used to ‘hive’ the swarms for use by beginners. 3.5 Swarms should generally not be fed for about 24 hours and then fed sugar syrup (50% sugar strength). The colony should be monitored closely. The brood should be checked in particular for the presence of American Foul Brood (AFB) in the first few months. * Beekeepers should always have at hand the basic equipment with which to catch a swarm. A skep or sturdy box (stiff cardboard will do), a white cotton sheet and pruning tools such as secateurs. All beekeepers should be familiar with the method for catching and hiving swarms. Reference: Guide to Bees and Honey, Ted Hooper (Pages 148 / 152) – in Association library.
This week COAM met with the Director of Seasons Honey company, one of the biggest honey producing companies in Afghanistan. Mr. Manzoor Ahmad learnt beekeeping from his father and grandfather and then seven years ago, combined this knowledge with his business experience and built the Seasons Honey Company- www.seasonpurehoney.com. Seasons currently produces over 90,000 kg of honey per year from over 35,000 hives in eight provinces in Afghanistan. “There is not enough honey to meet the market demand in Afghanistan” Manzoor has plans to expand his production factory and develop new honey based products.
By: Jackie Layer Bees sustain our ecosystem and pollinate about a third of everything we eat, but that perfect lawn so many homeowners strive for is causing them harm, Bees are disappearing at an alarming rate because of pesticides, parasites, and loss of habitat. Now, a movement is underway to change the way we landscape so … To stay updated with the latest in the apiculture industry to can check out our beekeeping latest news. On the other hand if you’re starting apiculture and desire to start professional beekeeping now download a copy of our beekeeping for beginners ebook. Beekeeping can be a full time profession or a hobby that is simple. Nonetheless, more often than not, what started as a hobby would turn into a profession. But you cannot simply determine and tell yourself you will start to do beekeeping. You need to have sufficient knowledge and understanding on the field that you’re going to enter, before beginning on any avocation or profession. Then it’s about time to indulge yourself in your line of interest, if you’ve been putting off your curiosity about beekeeping for quite a while. Bee farming may look simple; learning the fundamental beekeeping lessons can enable you to get away to a great beginning. What does a beekeeper have to understand? You should have total interest on beekeeping to begin at the right foot. You should also have consented to share your house space. There are potential dangers in beekeeping that can hurt not only you but your family too. Your focus isn’t just to make money by selling honey; a great beekeeper should have a keen interest and fire in rearing bees. An apiarist should know the right location for the beehives. If you decide to place your beehives you have to make sure beekeeping is enabled in your area. There are several areas restricted to beekeeping; you need to get permission relating to this. Beekeepers must know whether beekeeping supplies are offered in the region where the beehives are situated. You may never understand when you should visit a local beekeeping shop; it is best that a nearby beekeeping store is accessible. Protective supplies and equipment are also essential for beekeepers to understand. Know the appropriate suit to pick to keep you from any potential danger in beekeeping. Last but definitely not the least, among the beekeeping lessons you must know is that: it is not unimportant for the beekeeper to understand the proper way of harvesting honey. In case you are not able to harvest honey all the beekeeping attempts would be useless. The approaches should be known by a beekeeper in collecting the honey from the comb; beeswax is also part of the yields in beekeeping.
YOU will not see this inconvenient empirical data anywhere on the climate-theory-obsessed mainstream media, because it’s good news about the Arctic, and that directly contradicts their relentless bombardment of doom and gloom about Arctic sea-ice and its apparent “Death Spiral”. TO report the massive expansion of thick, multi-year ice that has built up over the past ten years threatens both media and alarmist scientists – egos, jobs, reputations and government (taxpayer) grant money… Via Tony Heller’s Real Climate Science : Scary Times For Climate Alarmists There has been a huge expansion of thick ice over the last ten years. AFTER a brutally cold 2017/18 winter that witnessed record cold and snowfall across most of the Northern Hemisphere and snow again reaching all 50 states of the US, climate ambulance chasers have been eager to jump on recent heatwaves that have hit parts of the US and Europe… ROY Spencer, PhD meteorologist with 40 years experience cools down the predicted hysteria with a healthy dose of stubborn facts and historical records that show nothing unusual about the latest ‘summer’ heatwaves… “The problem isn’t that Johnny can’t read. The problem isn’t even that Johnny can’t think. The problem is that Johnny doesn’t know what thinking is; he confuses it with feeling.” – Thomas Sowell AUSTRALIA’S ‘premier’ science body, the CSIRO, is a prime example of a government funded agency who has been fatally captured by global warming groupthink and climate change hysteria, resulting in a litany of failed predictions and costly fear-mongering, thanks in part to their own contribution to the global set of overheated climate models. AN example of the CSIRO’s fealty towards the Climate Crisis Industry can be seen in the use of sea level rise figures far in excess of even the IPCC… In its 2012 report, State of the Climate, the CSIRO says that since 1993 sea levels have risen up to 10mm a year in the north and west. That means that somewhere has had a 19cm-rise in sea level since 1993. Where is this place? The European satellite says that sea levels have been constant for the past eight years. A 2003 CSIRO report, part-funded by the ski industry, found that resorts could lose a quarter of their snow within 15 years… “For the first time, they realised that their attention should be directed to a common enemy,” says Andrew Fairley, head of the Alpine Resorts Co-ordinating Council, which advises the State Government and oversees the management of Victoria’s six snow resorts. “And that enemy is climate change.” Like those who rely on the Great Barrier Reef, the Australian ski industry sees itself as a frontline victim of global warming. A 2003 CSIRO report, part-funded by the ski industry, found that the resorts could lose a quarter of their snow in 15 years, and half by 2050. The worst case was a 96 per cent loss of snow by mid-century. CSIRO – Simulations of future snow conditions in the Australian alpine regions The low impact scenario for 2020 has a minor impact on snow conditions. Average season lengths are reduced by around five days. Reductions in peak depths are usually less than 10%, but can be larger at lower sites (e.g. Mt Baw Baw and Wellington High Plains). The high impact scenario for 2020 leads to reductions of 30-40 days in average season lengths. At higher sites such as Mt Hotham, this can represent reductions in season duration of about 25%, but at lower sites such as Mt Baw Baw the reduction can be more significant (up to 60%)… We have very high confidence (at least 95%) that the low impact scenarios will be exceeded and the high impact scenarios will not be exceeded. ALL around the world, warmist institutions and the climate-theory-obsessed compliant mainstream media were once predicting the end of snow… Read the rest of this entry » “CLIMATE alarmism is a gigantic fraud: it only survives by suppressing dissent and by spending tens of billions of dollars of public money every year on pseudo-scientific propaganda.” – Leo Goldstein CLIMATISM TOP 10 ALARMIST MYTHS – Intro EXCESSIVE or exaggerated alarm about a real or imagined threat is fundamental in driving the human CO2-induced global warming climate change narrative. THE most popular climatic and weather-related events, as marketed by the Climate Crisis Industry, fall well within the bounds of natural variability. So, in order for such events to make the headlines, attract taxpayer funding for ‘research’, and advance the misanthropic, man-made climate change agenda, they must be accompanied by inflated language, an urgent tone, imagery of doom, and in many cases, fraudulent data. IN this series we take an objective/sceptical look at ten of the more popular metrics used by warming alarmists to push the CAGW (catastrophic anthropogenic global warming) narrative, testing the veracity of the all-too-often wild and alarmist claims associated with each… #3. OCEAN ACIDIFICATION “Corals evolved during the Cambrian Era six hundred million years ago, with CO2 levels 4000% of what they are now. They are made of Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) – and could not exist without substantial amounts of CO2 in the atmosphere. Unless the chemical properties of CaCO3 have changed, the corals [and crustaceans] will be just fine.” – Tony Heller WITH a stubborn atmosphere failing to warm as predicted, another climate threat was needed to sustain the Climate Crisis industry and keep lazy reporters supplied with junk science to feed their catastrophic climate narrative. ENTER “Ocean Acidification”! SOUNDS scary right? From the onset, the term “ocean acidification” was deceptive by design. And the only valid ‘science’ in the pseudoscientific study of “Ocean Acidification” is the ‘science’ of scare-mongering. OCEANS are alkaline. The correct scientific term for any pH change toward zero is “less alkaline”. Obviously not the scariest of descriptors to shock the public into belief. “OCEAN ACIDIFICATION” was first referenced in a peer-reviewed study in Nature in 2003, resulting in an explosion of journal articles, media reports and alarmist publications from environmental orgs. It has since gone viral, endorsed by scientists from numerous alarmist institutions including the Royal Society, the IPCC and NOAA who coined it “climate change’s evil twin” in a 2016 report. A 2016 paper published in the ICES Journal of Marine Science put the issue of “ocean acidification” under the microscope, and found Scientists exaggerating the carbon dioxide threat to marine life… Applying organized scepticism to ocean acidification research “Ocean acidification” (OA), a change in seawater chemistry driven by increased uptake of atmospheric CO2 by the oceans, has probably been the most-studied single topic in marine science in recent times. The majority of the literature on OA report negative effects of CO2 on organisms and conclude that OA will be detrimental to marine ecosystems. As is true across all of science, studies that report no effect of OA are typically more difficult to publish. Excerpts from the paper: Scientific or academic scepticism calls for critical scrutiny of research outputs before they are accepted as new knowledge (Merton, 1973). Duarte et al. (2014) stated that “…there is a perception that scientific skepticism has been abandoned or relaxed in many areas…” of marine science. They argue that OA is one such area, and conclude that there is, at best, weak evidence to support an OA-driven decline of calcifiers. Below, I raise some of the aspects of OA research to which I contend an insufficient level of organized scepticism has been applied (in some cases, also to the articles in this theme issue). I arrived at that conclusion after reading hundreds of articles on OA (including, to be fair, some that also raise these issues) and overseeing the peer-review process for the very large number of submissions to this themed issue. Importantly, and as Duarte et al. (2014) make clear, a retrospective application of scientific scepticism such as the one that follows could—and should—be applied to any piece of/body of research. FROM an article in The Times : An “inherent bias” in scientific journals in favour of more calamitous predictions has excluded research showing that marine creatures are not damaged by ocean acidification, which is caused by the sea absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. It has been dubbed the “evil twin of climate change” and hundreds of studies have claimed to show that it destroys coral reefs and other marine life by making it harder for them to develop shells or skeletons. The review found that many studies had used flawed methods, subjecting marine creatures to sudden increases in carbon dioxide that would never be experienced in real life. Dr Browman, who is also principal research scientist at the Norwegian Institute of Marine Research, found there had been huge increase in articles on ocean acidification in recent years, rising from five in 2005 to 600 last year. He said that a handful of influential scientific journals and lobbying by international organisations had turned ocean acidification into a major issue. “Such journals tend to publish doom and gloom stories . . . stated without equivocation,” he said. The bias in favour of doom-laden articles was partly the result of pressure on scientists to produce eye-catching work, he added. “You won’t get a job unless you publish an article that is viewed as of significant importance to society. People often forget that scientists are people and have the same pressures on them and the same kind of human foibles. Some are driven by different things. They want to be prominent.” Patrick Moore: Ocean ‘Acidification’ Alarmsim in Perspective From Moore’s report: Read the rest of this entry » “Beekeeping is being widely introduced to communities in East Africa as an alternative way of making money as climate change brings harsher weather. But Ng’ong’oni’s said even the bees are struggling to deal with drought and worsening heat extremes, despite his having planted a woodlot of trees to help provide nectar. Benedict Wambua, a researcher at South Eastern Kenya University’s school of agriculture and veterinary sciences, found in a 2016 study that recurrent droughts were among the factors limiting the use of beekeeping as a climate coping strategy, largely because honey production fell in drought periods. The area he and colleagues studied in Kitui County, in eastern Kenya, “showed a notable decline in productivity attributed to drought, deforestation and inefficiency” by farmers, the study said…” “Deforestation and inefficiency by farmers”, is most definitely a man-made issue, but as for “drought”, science points to Mother Nature as the cause. An important variable conveniently left out by The Christian Science Monitor, always partial to pushing the global warming climate change scare. BIAS BY OMISSION – the most insidious form of propaganda… “Analysing precipitation data for the South East and North West of Kenya we found no consistent signal from human‐induced climate change and thus conclude that it has not greatly affected the likelihood of low rainfall such as in 2016.” WHAT other pieces of vital information do climate-theory-obsessed mainstream media outlets omit in order to deceive their readers into man-made climate change belief? - “Saving The Planet” Update : Wind Turbines Destroy Local Farming Village And Bees | Climatism - CLIMATE CHANGE Derangement Syndrome : Science Abandoned For Dogma And Fake News | Climatism See also : - THE SUN : Climate Control Knob, Enemy Of The Climate Cult | Climatism - THE SUN : Climate Changer, Climate Driver, Climate Disruptor | Climatism - THE Great Global Warming “Pause” | Climatism - 100% Of Climate Models Prove that 97% of Climate Scientists Were Wrong! | Climatism Bee Science related : - Shock Study: Bees like Warm Climates | Climatism - Bee-pocaclypse called off, bees doing OK, global warming was never a cause | Climatism Origins Of The Global Warming Scam : - WESTERN Nations, Driven By A Global Agenda Of Climate Alarmism, Are Destroying Their Industries With Carbon Taxes And Promotion Of Expensive, Intermittent Green Energy | Climatism - TOMORROW’S Grim, Global, Green Dictatorship | Climatism - CLIMATE CHANGE – The Most Massive Scientific Fraud In Human History | Climatism - “In Searching For A New Enemy To Unite Us, We Came Up With The Threat Of Global Warming” | Climatism - Global Warming Is The Greatest And Most Successful Pseudoscientific Fraud In History | Climatism - THE ARCTIC : Ground Zero For Anthropogenic Hubris And Climate Change Hysteria | Climatism (Climate rationalists are still waiting for that “big oil” cheque to arrive in the mail!) Click link for more info…TQ! Jamie. NICKNAMED “The Gray Lady“, The New York Times has long been regarded within the industry as a national “newspaper of record”. IN March the paper launched a series called Warming Planet, Vanishing Heritage which examines “how climate change is erasing cultural identity around the world.” The series based on a UN “World Heritage and Tourism in a Changing Climate“ report, designed to push the fashionable theme that your lifestyle is causing imminent danger to ancient monuments by dangerous sea-level rise and other climatic horrors. IF this mass die-off of sea-creatures happened due to a heatwave, the misanthropic Guardian and climate activists the world over would be blaming evil mankind personkind and calling for immdediate “climate action”.
Life is Sweet at the End of the World Mawbanna, Tasmania (Australia)—High-spirited and well-travelled, Nicola Charles never dreamed she’d come back to this remote, forested area and marry a beekeeper. Or give up her successful nursing career to run the office, marketing and processing sides of Blue Hills Honey, her husband’s family business. But, she shrugs, it’s a good life. “If you want Ferraris and condos, you don’t go into beekeeping,” Nicola muses over cups of tea after giving several visitors a tour of the Blue Hills Honey packing facility and warehouse. Easygoing but keen to give us the whole story, she laughs often, occasionally pushing a strand of dark auburn hair back into its ponytail. “We’re never going to make a fortune, but we have quality of life, raise families, do what we want to do. It’s a flexible lifestyle, so we can go to trade shows in Melbourne and Hong Kong…but it’s always nice coming home, driving over those hills.” Those hills are situated in northwest Tasmania near the coast and the pristine Tarkine Forest. Tasmania’s northwest coast is often called “the end of the world” because the sea west of Tasmania flows uninterrupted until it washes the coast of Argentina, half a world away. That means air travels 16,000 kilometers across nothing but the Southern Ocean and the Arctic before it arrives at the Tasmanian coast and sweeps over the island as immaculate wind and rain. It is truly the purest air on earth. The climate, the water, and the Tarkine Forest itself all add the savor of an unspoiled terroir to the Charles family’s honey. The Tarkine is the world’s second-largest temperate rainforest, stretching over 117,870 acres, and Blue Hills operates the only apiary in its abundantly blossoming wilds. In fact, their beekeeping team comprises 10 of the 20 people who are even allowed access to the area each year. Tasting the Tarkine: Leatherwood and manuka Nicola, head beekeeper Robbie and their team produce leatherwood, Tasmanian manuka, meadow, blackberry, and prickly box honey using modern but small-scale production techniques. Leatherwood honey is their flagship product, its bright floral notes anchored by a caramel richness that lingers pleasantly on the back of your tongue. The ancient Leatherwood tree grows exclusively in Tasmania’s wild, remote Tarkine rainforest, where it originated nearly 65 million years ago. Its delicate pink and white blossoms appear briefly between January and March to release a fast flow of deep-gold aromatic honey. “Leatherwood honey flows flat out,” Nicola says, “but the manuka flow is totally different: long, slow, small. We keep the bees tighter and warmer, with one small box on them. It’s longer and harder for the bees, and the honey is tougher to extract from the frames as well. We can run manuka frames through the cold extraction machine twice, and still have to scrape the honey out manually. That’s if the manuka honey is flowing at all. One year you get plenty, the next you get a small to medium flow, and the third year you get nothing. That’s just what nature does! We brought in just 15 tonnes last year (2012), and this year we have none.” The Charleses only discovered manuka on their patch in 2009, from what they believed were simple wildflowers growing head-height near one of the Tarkine’s sweeping plains. “We took wildflower honey to a honey buyer, he tested it, said ‘that’s manuka honey, I want it!’—and he bought the whole lot!” Nicola remembers. Despite the difficulties in harvesting and extracting manuka, it opens another worthwhile market for the family enterprise. Manuka honey is highly sought after for its antibacterial properties, which derive from the manuka flower’s high concentration of a compound called methylglyoxal (MGO). The naturally occurring antibacterial factor in Tasmanian manuka honey ranges in concentration from 30–550 MGO; Blue Hills’ manuka honey MGO goes up to 500+. Head beekeeper Robbie and his team of six beekeepers breed, monitor, and transport bees for up to 1,800 hives located throughout the temperate Tarkine rainforest. At harvest time—“as soon as that scent’s in the air”—they literally go with the flow, packing up 80,000–100,000 bees and moving them late at night. In the morning, the hives are positioned at the sites of honey flows, and by the next day, beekeepers place frame-filled honey boxes on top of the hives to catch the honey flow. The large, Full Depth honey boxes can hold up to 20-30 kilos of honey, but the rate of flow depends largely on the type of honey as well as environmental conditions. When Robbie’s father, Reuben Charles, launched his bulk honey business in 1955, he may not have envisioned crafting gourmet brands for high-end markets—but the transition to artisanal producer has made Blue Hills a business that can grow in harmony with the next generation. Nicola traces the history: “Robbie’s grandfather kept bees as a hobby; then his father and mother expanded the hobby into madness up to 1,600 hives. Robbie’s mum and dad started the bulk honey business, and Robbie’s been working alongside his dad since he was 14. He picked up a lot of the traditional beekeeping skills season through season. “Now, I was away from Mawbanna for 20 years, working as an intensive care nurse in Hobart, Melbourne and London. I came back to visit…bought a bottle of red wine on New Year’s Eve…and next thing I’m marrying the boy next door from all those years ago!” When asked about the long-term view, Nicola is positive but philosophical. “Fate has a lot to do with where we go. We just want to be the best beekeepers we can, make the best product that we can, and have happy customers and happy staff. It’s a combination of the right equipment, careful monitoring, and knowledgeable handling by a few well-trained people.” A sudden thought brings out a chuckle. “Even if Robbie left beekeeping professionally, he’d still keep a few hundred hives out in the bush, so he’d have something to do in the bees if we have an argument. He often laments, as an old beekeeper told him, ‘One day, boy, you will know why we keep bees.’” Clearly, Nicola and Robbie could write the book on beekeeping in the Tasmanian wild. “I haven’t the time!” she protests, but as her guests help clear away the teacups, they suspect she’ll find a way.
Beekeeping as a probe to begin testing out a town. Beekeeping Experiments is a collaboration between Town Lab and Huddersfield-based artist and beekeeper Diana Spurite, exploring beekeeping in the town centre. During the first stage (Beekeeping Experiments 01) Diana made a beehive from recycled wood, setting up a temporary workshop in the event space at 21 Market Place , the empty shop taken over by Huddersfield's Making Space co-operative. After this, the principle of using recycled materials wherever possible became a touchstone for Beekeeping Experiments, and for the second stage Diana taught herself the basic dressmaking skills to put together a handmade beekeeping suit and hat from The Making Space's store of fabric scraps. The suit is embroidered with the routes of two walks starting from the town centre and exploring green space within the distance that bees would usually fly. The hive and beekeeping suit will be used for the third stage of Beekeeping Experiments. A town centre roof top has been found and permission negotiated with the owners to put up the hive. A queen and a small colony of bees will be introduced later this spring. The aim of Town Lab is to conduct arts-led action research into towns as different from cities or villages and to try out creative interventions that support towns to flourish on their own terms. Beekeeping acts as a probe to begin testing out a town, Huddersfield, by making the ecology of the town centre visible, not just the biological ecology needed to support bees, but also the civic ecology of regulations and ownership: what do we need to do to establish beekeeping in a town centre?
OHMYGOODNESS! This is definitely one of those go-tell-all-the-peoples-to-read-it-NOW books! (Told the hubby he needs to read it before I'd even finished it. I read the last sentence and immediately texted my sister-in-law to tell her she should read it. I plan to email my mom to recommend this for her church book club.) This is a very, very short book that packs a very big punch. Keller goes through Psalm 23 line by line, imparting insights from his time spent as a shepherd. We all know Psalm 23: The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord The message of A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 is overwhelmingly one of reassurance and comfort. The way that the author connects actual shepherding to the ways in which God loves us and takes care of us is so sweet as to nearly bring me to tears of joy. Personally, I also loved reading about the actual action of shepherding. I'm enraptured with the idea of shepherding, and I ask the hubby to get me sheep every couple of weeks. (So far, it's been a big, resounding "NO." But I'm eternally optimistic.) This book actually led me to recall two readalikes: Scouting the Divine by Margaret Feinberg and Adventures in Yarn Farming by Barbara Parry. Scouting the Divine connects actual modern-day winemaking, beekeeping, and shepherding to passages in the Bible and Adventures in Yarn Farming is a good overview of modern shepherding (with lots of fantastic pictures). I gave both of those books 5 of 5 stars too, and highly recommend all three. *Random note: I could not find any connection between W. Phillip Keller and the famous Pastor Timothy Keller. Both are excellent Christian nonfiction writers, but I don't think they share any blood. *I own my copy of A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23. Sadly, my library doesn't own a copy. But this book was so good I would've bought my own copy even if the library had it.
Monday, March 31, 2008 I know little about Buddhism, but I thought that onions, garlic and other alliums such as chives and leeks were forbidden foods for Buddhists. But I've been searching the web and it seems that only some branches of Buddhism observe this rule. I rather like the Buddha of the onions, and I hope he feels at home here. During my web research I came across the same story many times; how as a young boy watching his father plough a field, Buddha had fallen naturally into a state of blissful meditation. Perhaps he can meditate on we allotment holders digging our plots, too. Sunday, March 30, 2008 "On the other hand, Dick Cheney said he's seen Al Gore's global warming film five times, and it still cracks him up." --Conan O'Brien "President Bush says he's really going to buckle down now and fight global warming. As a matter of fact, he announced today he's sending 20,000 troops to the sun" --David Letterman Cartoon by Marc Roberts of Throbgoblins. Click on the panel to view the rest of the strip. Saturday, March 29, 2008 Thanks to Throbgoblins for the image. It's Earth Hour at 8pm this evening. Please turn your lights and other unnecessary gadgets off at 8pm local time for one hour to save energy and (mainly) to raise awareness about climate change. Google is marking the day by putting a dark background on its home page. Dark colour schemes are said to reduce energy usage on older-style CRT monitors, although they make no difference on modern LCD flat screens. The BBC are covering the event with a story on their web page and an audio story. Bean Sprouts reader Killi tells us that her electricity bill from ESB, the Irish electricity supplier, had the WWF logo on the front and a promotion for Earth Hour on the back. The city of San Francisco has moved its Lights Out event from October to March 29th, to align with Earth Hour. Tell a friend. Spread the word. Start a debate. Join in. Friday, March 28, 2008 He very generously allows free use of his cartoons for campaigning, educational or other ethical purposes, as long as credit is given to the cartoonist and the site. See the bottom of his website for details. If you're a green blogger, why not add Marc's cartoons to your own site? The specifically climate-related cartoons are all gathered in one blog called Climate Chaos. There is also a non-blog website called Climate Cartoons, where the climate cartoons are arranged into categories. So if you know you want a single-panel cartoon to fit your blog layout, or if you want to see all of the Labrats cartoons in one place, it's eaier to find what you want at Climate Cartoons than at a blog. Marc also has a new website where he uploads his art rather than cartoons. It's called More Joy in Heaven and I very much like the paintings he has put on there so far. I have lots of talents but art is not one of them and I am in awe of people who can imagine and create images like this. I'd very much like to buy one of Marc's paintings. I'll have to get in touch with him about that. Why not go and visit Marc's blogs? You've got a pretty wide choice - edgy political and environmental cartoons, or serious art with mythological themes. Leave him a comment. Tell him I sent you. Enjoy. We've been reading your Bean Sprouts blog here at Mother Earth News and we're hoping you might be willing to help us test a new feature we are developing for our web site! Mother Earth News reads my blog? I'm as chuffed as can be. It's the spiritual parent of Bean Sprouts, my inspiration and my model. So I'm very happy to share with you the news of their new online tool: With all the time and care a garden takes, I wanted to invite you to try a time-saving - and free! - tool from Mother Earth News magazine. Our custom Seed and Plant Finder is a quick and easy way to find mail-order sources for pretty much any vegetable, flower or herb variety, old standards as well as new and hard-to-find varieties. The free Finder searches more than 150 garden catalogs - from the big names to small, specialized companies. Our initial emphasis is on sources for vegetables, but we plan to add fruit and nut tree and ornamental catalogs in the near future. I've tried it and it looks good - as long as you live in the USA. It only includes American seed catalogues so far, so it's no use to me or my many British readers, and readers from other countries outside the USA. That's fair enough - Mother Earth News is an American publication. If Gardener's World magazine produced a seed finding tool, I expect it would only cover British seed catalogues. I hope my many American readers give this new online tool a try and find it useful. If you're not American, why not visit the Mother Earth News website, where you can read thousands of online articles about sustainable living topics? Thursday, March 27, 2008 When you open the book, your expectations are not disappointed. The photographs, the graphics, the typesetting, everything about this book is beautiful. It's even more of an achievement when you consider the subject matter: if you had to create a book about decomposing vegetables, worms, poo, bacteria and fungi, could you make it a feast for the eyes? But what about the content? To be honest, I'm in two minds. DK books are always visually stunning, but sometimes they can be rather shallow when it comes to content. This book is a bit like that. Any page you flick open you will find a full-page photo on one side and a few lines of enormous text facing it. It took me about an hour to read it cover-to-cover. And although it did contain a few things I didn't know (apparently a human corpse decomposes to a skeleton in about three weeks), there wasn't much (and even that wasn't terribly useful. I hardly ever put human corpses on my compost heap). But on the other hand, I've read books on compost that went into so much science and detail about aerobic and anaerobic, thermophilic and mesophilic, exact recipes for the perfect compost heap, how frequently to turn it, the correct moisture content and so on, that it would put any sensible person off the idea of composting altogether. And that's silly, because as Thompson quite rightly says: Even if you do everything wrong, you will still make decent compost eventually. (only he says it in 197pt text). This matches my experience perfectly, and it also matches common sense. It makes me laugh when people say things like "You can't put avocado peel on the compost heap. You can't put orange peel or any citrus on it." Of course you can. Orange peel decomposes perfectly well. I've got a decomposing orange in my fruit bowl at this very minute (I really should chuck it on my compost heap). Otherwise we'd all be neck deep in perfectly preserved avocado and lemon peels that would have been accumulating since the evolution of avocado and citrus trees. Getting stuff to decompose isn't hard. Stopping it decomposing is hard, but making compost is not hard. So I liked Thompson's sensible, relaxed attitude. There's a chapter where he describes the standard "recipe" for perfect compost. You know the one: collect together at least a cubic metre of equal amounts of "green" (soft, nitrogen-rich material such as veg peelings and grass clippings) and "brown" (dry, carbon rich material such as shredded paper and hedge prunings). Layer them in six-inch thick layers. Ensure there is just enough water. Turn once a week. And so on. Then Thompson rips into this recipe with satisfying ridicule and sarcasm. Where are you supposed to store all this green and brown material whilst you're waiting until you've collected enough? How do you stop it decomposing in the meantime? Keep it in the fridge? Forget that, just decide where you want your heap then bung compostable stuff on it as and when it becomes available. There's no need at all to follow a precise recipe. It's a compost heap, not a damn souffle. If you've never made compost, you might like this book. Especially if you're scared of compost-making for some reason, perhaps because you've read one of those silly books with too much science and prescriptive instructions. Ken Thompson's books is guaranteed to remove the fear and assure you that compost-making is easy and worthwhile. If you're an experienced composter, you don't need this book. Actually, you don't need any book, because all you really need to know about compost is this: 1) Put organic stuff in a heap. 2) Wait. And that's all that Thompson says, but with better pictures. Wednesday, March 26, 2008 It's my birthday on Saturday, March 29th. I'll be thirty-mumble, but that's not important right now. Do you know what I'd really like as a present? I'd like you to turn your lights off between 8pm and 9pm, local time. It's Earth Hour: On March 31 2007, for one hour, Sydney made a powerful statement about the greatest contributor to global warming – coal-fired electricity – by turning off its lights. Over 2.2 million Sydney residents and over 2,100 businesses switched off, leading to a 10.2% energy reduction across the city. What began as one city taking a stand against global warming caught the attention of the world. 10.2%? That's incredible. It's what E-Day should have been if it hadn't been so badly stuffed up. In 2008, 24 global cities will participate in Earth Hour at 8pm on March 29. Earth Hour is the highlight of a major campaign to encourage businesses, communities and individuals to take the simple steps needed to cut their emissions on an ongoing basis. It is about simple changes that will collectively make a difference – from businesses turning off their lights when their offices are empty, to households turning off appliances rather than leaving them on standby. So please will you give me a birthday present? Will you participate in Earth Hour, even if you don't live in one of the participating cities? Will you blog about Earth Hour and spread the word? Will you email people who you think might be interested? I think this is really important. I think this could wake up the people who say "It doesn't matter what I do, I'll cut my carbon footprint when industry/the government/China cuts theirs". It proves that what individuals do does matter. I think it could shake up the people who say "I'm not prepared to go live in a cave just in case man-made climate change is real". It proves that you don't have to go live in a cave, small changes can make a big difference if everyone does them. Just one hour. It will be fun. Turn off your lights (and other unnecessary devices). Then you'll have to figure out how to entertain yourselves in the dark for one hour. Personally I think burning paraffin wax candles kind of defeats the point, but we can quibble over that in future years. Burn a candle if it makes you happy. Join in, have fun, and talk about it to your friends and neighbours. Sing "Happy birthday dear Melanie", and then leave a comment here to say you did it. For me. For my birthday. UPDATE 16/11/2009: This post seemed to be attracting a great deal of spam comments so I have reluctantly deleted the spam and disabled new comments Sunday, March 23, 2008 But one I saw today made me laugh: "practical jokes for chickens". The stunning image is by Marc Roberts of Throbgoblins, who is also behind our regular Sunday funnies. If you get it printed up as a greetings card by next year, I'll buy a couple of packets, Marc. Saturday, March 22, 2008 I wasn't sure whether to include this video as I think it's irritatingly patronising. What do you think? Annoying videos aside, cavity wall insulation can make a huge impact on your home heating bill and on your carbon footprint. About half the houses in Britain have cavity walls, although if your house is under 25-30 years old it probably had the cavity walls insulated at the same time it was built. If you live Britain you can contact the Energy Saving Trust who will put you in touch with a local contractor. They will check whether your house already has cavity wall insulation by drilling a small hole in your exterior wall to have a look. They will fill the hole up again when they're done so there is nothing to worry about, and they will carry out the check free of charge. If you don't have cavity wall insulation it's great news in a way, because you can save up to 15% of your home heating bill (abut £90 per year) by getting insulation installed. That's about the same as you can save by having your loft fully insulated - almost as much heat leaves your house through the walls as through the roof. It costs about £500 to get cavity wall insulation installed. It's a quick and clean procedure. And you should recoup the cost in lower heating bills within about 5 years. There may be grants available, so ask the Energy Saving Trust about grants when you speak to them. We've already got cavity wall insulation. It was here when we bought the house. But if we didn't I would definitely get it done. It's one of the most important things you can do to save energy, save carbon (about 3/4 of a tonne per year), and save yourself loads of money. If you get a contractor to come and check whether you have cavity wall insulation, you can tick "I've done one thing on the list!" in the poll in the right-hand-sidebar. If you need to install insulation and you do it, you can tick it again. Friday, March 21, 2008 It's a full moon tonight. The reason Easter is so early this year is that the full moon is only one day after the equinox. The date of Easter has a complicated definition, but the short (slightly inaccurate) version is that it's the Sunday after the full moon after the equinox. It's not the earliest possible date for Easter - that would be March 22nd, one day earlier than this year. That won't happen until 2285, and it won't happen on March 23rd again until 2160. So nobody alive today will ever see such an early Easter as this for the rest of their lives. I'm sure teachers will sigh with relief at this news, as it has really messed up the length of school terms. I hope the sky is clear tonight so I can get a good view of the March full moon, also known as the Lenten Moon. If the skies are clear where you are, why not wrap up warm and go and look at it? (Isn't the animated picture of the phases of the moon amazing? It's by Tom Ruen and is public domain. Click on the picture to go to the Wikipedia page I got it from and find out more about it.) Thursday, March 20, 2008 I imagine that ancient people, noticing that the midday sun was getting lower and lower in the sky as winter progressed, may have been afraid that this year it might carry on getting lower and eventually disappear altogether. Maybe they were very relieved after midwinter passed and they noticed the days lengthening again. Perhaps it seemed to them like a battle between light and darkness, between day and night, warmth and cold, life and death. At midwinter it must have seemed as if the darkness was winning the battle, but then the light began to fight back. By the equinox, the light was winning the battle - day is longer than night once again and all of nature is coming back to life. Plants are starting to grow again, animals are active and breeding. Hurrah for the force of light and life and everything that is good for we humans. So it's no surprise that the date of midwinter is close to the feast of Christmas, when we celebrate the birth of the son (sun). He is small and weak at that point, but he is growing and he brings hope for the future. Other cultures past and present have important celebrations at that time of year which include ideas about light and life and warmth. Similarly, the date of Easter is defined in relation to the equinox. And other cultures have celebrations at this time which are all about rebirth, renewal, and the triumph of life over death. It's all the same celebration. It's all the same idea. It's built into us because we are alive and we live on a planet which has seasons. Maybe you're not religious yourself and don't celebrate Easter. Maybe you didn't know that today is the equinox before you read this post. But you knew the flowers are all coming out, didn't you? You noticed that the mornings aren't so dark, and the evenings are getting longer. It's good to be in tune with the changes of the year. Happy equinox. Wednesday, March 19, 2008 I've already talked about loft insulation, but that's quite expensive (about £200-£500) and time-consuming. It's worth it, as it will only take couple of years before you've saved that much on your energy bills. But there are also simpler and cheaper things you can do to cut your home heating bills. For example closing all your curtains at dusk will trap heat in your home. Remember to close the curtains in any room that has a radiator (such as bedrooms and spare rooms) at the same time. However you heat your house, closing the curtains after dark prevents heat from escaping through the windows. For maximum benefit, make sure all your curtains are lined, preferably with thermal lining. Mine aren't, but as I get round to replacing them I'll make sure any new curtains I make or buy have thermal lining. Pelmets also help to stop heat escaping through the window (I really hate the look of pelmets though - ugh). And finally, make sure your curtains don't drape down over the radiators, as this would totally defeat the purpose - all the heat would be trapped behind the curtain and go straight out through the window. You might as well burn money. If any of your curtains fall over the radiators, go and chop them off with scissors straight away - it doesn't take long to sew up the hem with a sewing machine, or get some iron-on bonding to neaten up the cut edge. If you promise to remember to close all your curtains after dark, you can click "I've done one thing on the list!" in the poll in the right-hand-sidebar. If you want to see the other items on the list, they're on the March Challenge blog post. Tuesday, March 18, 2008 The latest entry tells how, with a lots of effort and a bit of lateral thinking, she put only one item in her black (landfill) bin during zero-waste week - a used sticking plaster. She also starred on BBC Radio 4 Women's Hour between the 10th and 14th of March, and you can listen to the show on the Women's Hour website. I loved the way she announced it: Today is Bin Day and I am going to celebrate by NOT PUTTING THE BIN OUT...because for the first time in my life as a responsible adult...there's no need to.....HOORAY! Indeed, if I keep this up, I won't have to put it out for weeks or months! We all hate putting the bins out, don't we? Wouldn't it be great if we could all make as little waste as Karen, so we didn't have to put the bins out at all? Monday, March 17, 2008 I planted some raspberry canes and weeded a bed full of some kind of alliums - they're either onions or shallots, or possibly funny-looking garlic. I simply can't remember what I planted there, and if I put a label on then it must have blown away. Anyway, whatever they are they're looking well. I do remember where I planted the garlic which came from the garlic fairy. That's looking great, too, and I'll get round to weeding it soon. Ed dug some ground elder out of a bed ready for us to plant something there. There's a lot of things need planting soon and we haven't yet decided what is going to go there. The broad beans I planted in October have grown slowly all winter and are now ready to leap into action as the days start getting longer. I hope we'll get a crop off those fairly soon, although I've planted far too many and always intended that some of them would just be dug back into the ground as green manure. I also planted as green manure a proprietory mixture from the garden centre. It contains rye and tares and other things I can't remember or identify. It has come up nicely and has smothered out any weeds in the patch where I sowed it. It now needs mowing and digging in, then leaving to rot for a little while before I plant out the nicely enriched bed. It's basically the same thing as the fallow part of old crop rotation methods, putting nutrition back into the soil. So I'll plant something hungry there that will appreciate the extra nutrients. I could go on - there are a couple of clumps of daffodils that always make me smile when I visit the allotment in Spring. Next time I go I'll probably cut a few unopened ones to bring back to the house. My rhubarb is starting to come up, but the variety on my plot is a late starter and I'm always jealous of my neighbours with early rubarb varieties. Maybe I can barter some early rhubarb for eggs or something. I've still got brussels sprouts growing on the plot, and late-season spuds in storage, although I'm pretty sick of them by now. I'm clamming for fresh home-grown salad, radishes, tomatoes, peas, mmm-mmm. I want it to be summer already but it's not even the equinox yet. Sunday, March 16, 2008 Our Sunday funny this week is Grocery Store Wars - a 5-minute video about buying organic, based on Star Wars. It's right up my street. Hope you enjoy it, too. But if you don't - why not? If you'd prefer a video that's not as funny but actually contains some persuasive information and arguments about how our shopping choices affect the environment, try The Story of Stuff. Alternatively, if you'd prefer really funny videos about Star Wars set in a supermarket without the irritating environmental message, try Chad Vader. Saturday, March 15, 2008 That's what loft insulation does to your house. Without any insulation at all 15% of your heating costs (about £110 per year)could go straight through the roof. If you have a little bit of loft insulation, say up to about 50mm (2 inches) that would be a lot better than nothing. But if you had a really thick layer of loft insulation, say up to 270mm (about 10 or 11 inches), then every bit of heat stays in your house where you want it, your bills come down, and so does your carbon footprint, by around 1 tonne of CO2 per year. That's why I climbed up into my loft armed with a ruler, a torch and a camera (you probably don't need the camera) to see how much loft insulation I have. It turns out there's about 80mm up there (just over 3 inches). That's better than nothing, but not really enough. Since space heating and water heating account for a whopping 84% of our typical household energy consumption, topping up my loft insulation is perhaps the single most significant thing I can do to bring down my energy bills and my carbon footprint. It puts low-energy lightbulbs in the shade. However it's a bit more costly and time consuming than simply buying a different type of bulb whenever one goes "ping". Topping up your loft insulation costs around £200 if you do-it-yourself (maybe £500 if you GALMI - Get A Little Man In). But you'll save the DIY cost in under 2 years of reduced heating bills (less than 5 years for the GALMI version). There may also be grants available. I'll be looking into that over the next few days - if anyone knows anything about loft insulation grants, please drop me an email. It takes about half a day to insulate your loft, but perhaps more if your loft is full of junk which will have to be removed first. I don't know what the insulating value is of boxes full of old clothes, books and unused sporting goods. I wouldn't rely on it myself. Do you know how much loft insulation you have? Go and have a look, and then you can click "I've done one thing on the list!" in the poll in the right-hand-sidebar. If you need to add more insulation and you do so, you can click it again. Friday, March 14, 2008 But I couldn't resist sharing this news story - a court in Macedonia has convicted a bear of theft and criminal damage after repeatedly attacking a local beekeeper's hives. I loved this bit: For a while, he kept the animal away by buying a generator, lighting up the area, and playing thumping Serbian turbo-folk music. But when the generator ran out of power and the music fell silent, the bear was back and the honey was gone once more. I wonder if Jethro Tull would have the same effect? Being a wild animal, the bear had no owner, so the court ordered the state to pay compensation to the beekeeper of $3,500 (£1,750 or 2,238 euros). I wonder if it is possible under UK law to sue a mouse? And in case you're worried: The bear, meanwhile, remains at large - somewhere in Macedonia. Thursday, March 13, 2008 But this new catalogue is also more than that. Heather Gorringe is an astute user of new media: the Wiggly Wigglers website, podcast, blog, Facebook group, and Heather's personal blog (subtitled "One womans journey around the World - with the aim to shake up farming using Web 2.0 and Social Media") are all testaments to that. The new catalogue blends contributions from bloggers, customers and celebrities such as Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall in a scrap-book style. When it plopped through my door this morning I stood in the hallway to flick through it, but eventually had to go and make myself a cup of tea and get more comfy. It's not a catalogue you "flick through". It's so full of articles, features and columns it's more like a magazine. It's actually a good read. I think what excites me most about the new Wiggly Wigglers catalogue is the beekeeping and poultry-keeping equipment. Having to track down suppliers for those sorts of things can be daunting, I know. To make them available in a catalogue such as WW which has a much broader appeal must sow a seed in lots of people's minds that they could do those things too. I think I might have taken the plunge into chicken and beekeeping much sooner if they had been presented as just normal gardening activities, alongside feeding birds and composting scraps. What I just wrote isn't strictly true. What excites me most about the new Wiggly Wigglers catalogue is the short piece Heather asked me to write for it about growing your own salad, which is printed on page 57. I don't expect you be particularly excited about that, but I bet you'll be excited about the rest of the catalogue. Wednesday, March 12, 2008 It is full of practical advice not only on how to be more self sufficentish but also how to be more ethical and greener. We hope that it is one of those books that will look really tatty within weeks of owning it as it will be referred to so frequently. You can pre-order it from Amazon.co.uk, from your local bookstore, or your local library (the ISBN numbers are # ISBN-10: 034095101X - # ISBN-13: 978-0340951019). Congratulations, Dave and Andy. It looks really good, and I'm looking forward to reading it. Tuesday, March 11, 2008 The other story that attracted my attention was about the Southern Baptist Church in the USA. Church leaders have announced that man-made climate change is real and their members have a duty to prevent it. I'm not knowledgeable about American politics, but I know the Southern Baptist Church has a great influence on the Republican party in particular, and a knock-on effect on the Democrats as well since they cannot ignore what the Southern Baptists say and do. Another major influence on Republican politics is the energy industry, and green commentators have blamed this influence for President Bush's infuriating inaction on climate change. Now that the Southern Baptist Church has taken this position, it will be very interesting to see what effect it has on Republican policy. Photograph by Agência Brasil, a public Brazilian news agency. Monday, March 10, 2008 I hope some of you will stay a while and have a look around. Why not browse the archives, leave a comment, subscribe to the feed or participate in our monthly challenge? There's usually a new article every day, so hit "favourites" and save the link so you can visit us again. Hello also to Bean Sprouts' loyal readers who have stuck with it all along, especially to everyone who gets involved by commenting, participating in the challenges and so on. I hope you have that nice feeling of having discovered something before it became "cool". Sunday, March 09, 2008 The Rt Hon. Ruth Kelly, Secretary of State for Transport, issued a full apology today after it transpired that a cycle lane in Wilmslow, Cheshire, did not contain substantial fragments of broken glass, abandoned vehicles or a telephone box placed right in the middle... ‘This places us in an impossible position’ said one local cyclist. ‘We were already as self-righteous as it was possible to be. This new outrage against our healthy and carbon neutral form of sustainable transport has left us unable to be any more self righteous.’ Read the whole story here. Cartoon from Climate Cartoons. Click on the panel to read the whole strip. Friday, March 07, 2008 Thursday, March 06, 2008 To be mentioned on the same page as The Huffington Post, Dooce and Rachel from North London cheered me up on a day when I was feeling a bit low. I have two important concerts this weekend, and I am starting to come down with the same cold that flattened Ed for several days. Poor me. Come to the pity party. Anyway, my dad is arriving tonight for a week-long visit. I'm going to be singing two wonderful works in inspirational settings this weekend. The garden is full of spring flowers. And Amnesty International likes my blog. So what reason is there to feel sorry for myself? No reason at all that a big glass of whisky and hot lemon can't fix. The picture is a drawing of me by my 8-year-old daughter Eleanor, which she drew for a mother's day card this year. See, even more reasons to feel good. - Blue tits (some are inspecting the nesting box on the wall of the house) - Great tits - Canada geese (NEW - didn't see these in January) - Pheasant (NEW - didn't see these in January either) That's 14 species. Birds I saw in January that I didn't see again in February include long-tailed tits, woodpecker, gulls, herons, nuthatch, chaffinch. But didn't spend as much time birdwatching this month. So they were probably there, I just wasn't looking out of the window at the right time. It was only a few years ago I decided I wanted to be able to identify all the birds that frequent my garden. I'm not a dedicated "twitcher". I have no interest in going to some desolate spot and sitting in a little camouflage tent in the driving rain in the hope of spotting some rare bird. But I was delighted at how quickly I learned to identify my local garden birds. It was quite strange; I would have told you that I didn't get many birds in my garden, and most of them were all the same - a mass of small similar brown birds. But when I started watching I realised there were quite a few birds I could already identify - robins, blackbirds, magpies etc. And the "little brown jobs" eventually separated themselves out into sparrows (male and female quite distinct), chaffinches (again males and females are different), dunnocks, wrens and a few other things. Blue tits and great tits stymied me at first but now they look totally different, I don't understand why I found it so hard to tell them apart. Woodpigeons and collared doves also confused me for a while. And I don't know why it took me so long to decide whether the big black things I could see were crows, rooks or jackdaws - they're quite different from each other when you know what to look for. But I still can't tell gulls apart at all. And there's a little grey-and-white fellow I see sometimes who is either a marsh tit or a willow tit, but in every book I've read they look completely identical to me so I've no idea how to decide which one he is. If you can't already identify your neighbourhood birds, I recommend you get a good bird book and start keeping a monthly list. It's not hard. It seems hard at first but once you've identified a regular visitor you never have to do it again. It's free. It's not time-consuming. I do it whilst I'm doing other things, the washing up, for example. And it's a lovely skill to have. Wednesday, March 05, 2008 They're not, of course. They're an easy thing that everybody can do. And if everybody does it (switch to low-energy lightbulbs) then it makes a big difference. Reducing your home heating bill isn't quite as straightforward. But it has the potential to make a much bigger impact than changing lightbulbs - both on your own fuel bills and on your carbon footprint. I made a list of ways you can reduce your home heating bill, and none of them involve turning the heating off and shivering: - Add to your loft insulation - Make sure you have cavity wall insulation - Install double or even triple glazing - Exclude draughts - Close curtains when it gets dark. - Make sure the curtains have thermal lining - Put foil behind radiators - Turn off radiators in unused rooms - Use timers to make sure the heating is only on when it needs to be - Wear a jumper - Turn down your heating thermostat If you can think of any other things I could add to the list, do let me know. Notice that turning down your thermostat is last on the list. Once you've made your house more insulated and draught-proof you'll want to turn your thermostat down anyway because you'll be far too warm. I tried to pick one of these things for March's challenge, then I thought - let's do them all. So that's this month's challenge. Every time you do one of the things on the list, vote in the poll. Even if it only makes a 5% difference in your home heating usage, that will swamp any saving you could make in lighting, appliances, leaving gadgets on standby, or any other single part of your domestic energy budget. Tuesday, March 04, 2008 - I've started a new blog! 23 (24%) - I already had a blog! 57 (60%) - I don't want to! 10 (10%) - I can't! 5 (5%) I already linked to a lot of the new blogs, but I also lost a few because they were getting posted to several different places and I lost track. So if you started a new blog this month, please leave the URL of your blog in the comments to this article. I'll collect them all together in about a week. A new challenge for March will be coming soon. Monday, March 03, 2008 That means Tesco have three options: give up the idea of building a store in Poynton, second, appeal within the six months, or lastly, submit a new or modified scheme. From Poynton Against Tesco website. The bad news is Waitrose have also applied to build a supermarket in Poynton. This is receiving more of a mixed reception from Poynton residents who seem to like the idea of upmarket Waitrose more than the low-brow appeal of Tesco. But all the reasons I objected to Tesco - the risk to local traders, the influx of extra traffic, the loss of local jobs and the siphoning of money out of the village - also apply to Waitrose or any other chain supermarket. So I'll be objecting to Waitrose too. Sunday, March 02, 2008 In The Know: How Can We Make The War In Iraq More Eco-Friendly? Last Sunday I posted an article from The Onion, the satirical online newspaper. Here's a satirical video from The Onion which had me hooting with laughter. Some panelists discuss ways to wage a greener war in Iraq, such as driving biodegradable tanks and shocking detainees' testicles with wind power. Cartoon from Climate Cartoons. Click on panel to read the complete strip. Saturday, March 01, 2008 Today I've been busy assembling lots of brand new frames and fitting them with wax foundation. They come flat packed - lots of odd-shaped bits of wood, sheets of beeswax stamped with a hexagon pattern and reinforced with wire, and 19mm gimp pins. You'll also need a hammer and/or pin punch, your hive tool, and probably a pair of pliers for removing any nails that go in wrong. The first thing to do is to identify a top bar and snap off the foundation-retaining slat using your hive tool. Clean off any slivers of wood that remain stuck to the top bar and the slat. Then lie the top bar on your work surface flat face down, and find two side bars. Orient them so the foundation grooves face inwards, then gently push them onto the top bar. They should fit snugly. If they are too snug to push into place by hand, tap them into place with a hammer using a waste piece of wood to avoid hitting the slotted ends and damaging them. Pin the top bar to the side bar through the side, not through the top. When the frame is laden with honey a nail through the top may not take the weight, with sticky consequences. Now take a sheet of wax foundation and figure out which way up it goes. You should have three long loops of wire at the top. If you have two short loops it's upside down. Bend the three loops at right angles and gently slot the foundation into the grooves. If all is well it will fit snugly, but if necessary trim a little wax off the side. Find the slat you separated from the top bar earlier, and put it back in place. Pin it with three gimp pins through the loops in the wire. Take care not to lose concentration and put your hammer through the beeswax. It's really annoying. Nearly done. Now find two bottombars and gently fit them into the slots in the sidebar. Be careful not to bend the foundation at this stage. Pin the bottombars through the bottom, not the side. At some point you will want to partly disassemble the frame and remove the wax. If you nail through the sides it will be almost impossible to avoid damaging the frame if the pin goes through the side. And that's it. I now have one complete bee hive frame. Only 39 more to go. Sigh.
A Tiny Lesson in Bee Culture By Annie Herlocker Northport, Alabama: Wooden Nickel Press, 2008. Edition of 32. 3.5 x 5"; 7 pages. Letterpress printed with handset type on a Vandercook SP-15 proofing press. A combination of woodcut and linoleum relief print illustrations. Printed on khadi (cover) and biblio (text) papers. Pamphlet bound with four-panel pull out illustration. A Tiny Lesson in Bee Culture is an excerpt from L.L. Langstroth's Hive and The Honey-Bee: The Classic Beekeeper's Manual. I have repeatedly witnessed, in my observing-hives, the whole process of swarming. On the day fixed for their departure, the queen is very restless, and instead of depositing her eggs in the cells, roams over the combs, and communicates her agitation to the whole colony. .. Penn State Live (website), June 10, 2010, "Entomology graduate fellowship to honor apiarist Lorenzo L. Langstroth": The Rev. Lorenzo L. Langstroth was a Philadelphia-born apiarist, clergyman and teacher who in 1851 revolutionized the beekeeping industry in the United States with the invention of a new beehive. His top-opened, movable-frame structure effectively used what he called 'bee space' and allowed the beekeeper to easily inspect and manage the hive in a way that previously had not been possible without disturbing the bees and their home. The Langstroth Hive continues to be the standard used by beekeepers all over the world. "He also published several books on practical hive management, beginning with Langstroth's Hive and The Honey-bee, The Classic Beekeeper's Manual in 1853, which is still in print." Annie Herlocker: "A long fascination in beekeeping led me to create this diminutive accordion."
Acacia Honey is the Backbone of the Beekeeping Industry Minister for Rural Development Sándor Fazekas met with beekeepers to discuss development opportunities for the sector. According to beekeepers, acacia honey generates the industry’s profits, and if the European Union’s proposal to include acacia as an invasive species is adopted, Hungarian producers will go bankrupt. At the end of last year, the European Union put forward a proposal to address invasive alien species and protect biodiversity, and acacia, which is practically a national tree in Hungary, was included among the list of invasive species. Acacia currently makes up one third of Hungary’s tree stocks and 25 percent of the country’s forests, and is irreplaceable for forestation and as an industrial source of wood. 18-19 thousand beekeepers work within the Hungarian beekeeping sector, providing work for some 80 thousand people, and half of the honey produced comes from acacias. The Minister for Rural Development assured the country’s beekeepers of his support, stressing that it is none of the EU’s business what species of tree grow in Hungary. Hungarian acacias would be protected at every forum possible, he added. At its last session, the Hungaricum Committee included the acacia tree and acacia honey in the national treasure depository. “Our view is that acacia must be declared a Hungaricum and instead of persecuting the species, more should be planted“, Mr. Fazekas underlined. Source: Press Office of the Ministry of Rural Development – www.kormany.hu
Germany's capital city Berlin has a thriving sharing and collaborative economy, thanks in part to think-and-do tank OuiShare. Since 2012, the group has facilitated a lively exchange of dialogue and action in many different formats, which has led to a strongly connected network of over 200 different projects and more than 1,000 individuals. In 2014, a group of sharing experts launched SharingBerlin and took the community building efforts to a whole new level. For two years, an exhibition and networking event called Share Fair (2014, 2015) brought together around 65 important players from the scene. After mapping Berlin's collaborative economy ecosystem, the group started to engage with local politicians and the government to create an official Sharing City. While this hasn't panned out yet, sharing projects continue to flourish in Berlin. Even without the official recognition of Berlin as a Sharing City, projects have been flourishing in the fields of food, mobility, money, and more. Mundraub ("theft of food") is the largest online platform for the discovery of foraged food. It allows people to map locations, connect with others, and create actions to pick free fruits and vegetables. The group also organizes a harvest and offers plant care and other activities. Meanwhile, the organization Foodsharing offers tools for people to share leftover food. Another community food initiative is AufHaxe. The group's mission is to encourage "cooking and partying in your neighborhood." People are split into teams, and each team can choose to prepare an appetizer, a main dish, or a dessert, and invite another team over for one course. After each course, the teams split up and move to another team member's home for the next course. At the end of the day, each team member eats three courses (each one at a different house), connects with 12 people, and participates in a huge party with all the members. Some of the food prepared at these cooking events come from FoodAssembly, a platform that connects organic farmers and buyers at local markets. Photo of community harvest courtesy of mundraub The P2P cargo bike-sharing platform Velogistics is a community treasure. It facilitates a commons-based culture of sustainability and DIY by connecting borrowers and lenders who want to share cargo bikes, usually for free. The founders of the platform also maintain Werkstatt Lastenrad ("workshop cargo bike"), a site with information on DIY building and repairing of cargo bikes. Workshops like Regenbogenfabrik ("rainbow factory") and local bike stores offer donation-based repair sets and knowledge for self-service. If you need to borrow a bike, you can choose between the free bike sharing group BikeSurf or other bike rentals like Call a Bike and nextbike. Photo of a cargo bike ride along the old airfield of Tempelhofer Feld in Berlin, courtesy of Andrea Künstle/velogistics.net 3. Item Sharing The LEIHBAR (meaning "rentable") runs a library of things, via a digital platform. It offers a network of pickup stations (mainly 24/7 convenience stores, community gardens) and provides users convenient and time-saving access to items of daily use. Drills, projectors, tents, and many other items can be rented via the website for a small fee, making the user experience comparable to professional car sharing. The project's social impact lies in its system design for circular economy. Partnering with tool producers (ex. Bosch), LEIHBAR convinces sales-orientated companies of circular business models and incentivizes longer product life times, reparability, and modular design. The longer the products last and the better they can be repaired, the lesser the toll on the environment. Photo of item delivery, lending locker, and pick-up station at an urban garden, courtesy of LEIHBAR The community-based sharing store concept LEILA has already become well-known worldwide and has inspired at least 10 other cities to launch similar projects. Members of the community donate and share items that can be borrowed by others. To ease drop-off and pick-up, the store established a reliable infrastructure run by its members. Users who cannot find a desired item via this channel still have a chance to browse the local P2P platform Fairleihen. At the cooperative CZY WRK, digital workers, freelancers, and artists are welcome to share mutual work assignments, profits, and certain securities to overcome down-periods. The group believes strengthening its network will benefit all participating individuals. Closely entangled with CZY WRK is the coworking space SUPERMARKT, which is recognized as one of the key players of the German platform cooperative movement. The group's conferences and workshops like "Co-op Futures" (June 2017), "Platform Co-ops — Start your own!" (Dec. 2016), and "Community Value" (Sept. 2016) regularly bring together local and international influencers. Another flagship in the Berlin coworking scene is Betahaus (meaning "beta house"). Established in 2009, it offers various rooms, event spaces, and woodworking facilities, where a lively maker community found its origins. Still quite new, the Agora community's spin-off CRCL hosts a coworking space and a community garden. The nonprofit organization Mein Grundeinkommen ("my universal basic income") raffles off unconditional basic incomes of 1.000 €/month. Each person who wins receives a monthly transfer for the duration of one year, so 12.000 € in total. The team is interested in finding out what happens, if a society has the financial resources to focus on life-goals rather than on just basic needs. As of now the project has fulfilled the dreams of 105 universal basic income winners who are eating more healthy food, able to afford education, travel, and save. Photo of the Mein Grundeinkommen team, courtesy of Christian Stollwerk Das Baumhaus ("The treehouse") is an open socio-cultural project connecting, inspiring, and empowering its members and local changemakers working for transition to sustainability. The project space was crowdfunded and collaboratively developed by more than 300 people of the community. Nowadays the team fosters the community with regular cooking sessions, concerts, workshops, and other events like the yearly Emergent Berlin gathering. Photos of the space, community dinner, and concert, courtesy of Das Baumhaus Another excellent example for a thriving community in Berlin is Prinzessinnengarten ("princess garden"). After occupying some wasteland in the center of the city in 2009, the group — along with friends, activists, and neighbors — cleared away rubbish, built transportable organic vegetable plots, and reaped the first fruits of their labor. Thanks to the openness and entrepreneurial skills of the team, the urban garden gives room to a self-managed, cozy restaurant underneath the trees. The restaurant is supplied by vegetables and herbs grown in the garden. There's also a nursery, beekeeping area, repair workshops, flea markets, and an access point to pick up LEIHBAR items. It also features several spin-offs like Material Mafia, a recycling project for construction material. Photos of Prinzessinnengarten: community gardening, nursery and plant sale, neighborhood event, courtesy of Marco Clausen 7. Bottom-up mass movements Driven by its own bottom-up community building over the last couple of years, Jolocom focuses on establishing private key applications that allow users to connect to online networks and manage private data to be shared with the platform at the same time. The principle of "own your data" is maintained on a blockchain. Similarly Resonate is a blockchain-based service for streaming music that is cooperatively owned by the people who make it great: musicians, fans, and developers. Both examples show how network value can be distributed among the community to generate new benefits like privacy, cost-effective access for users, and fair payments for producers. Photo of demonstration for safer bicycle lanes courtesy of press archive Volksentscheid Fahrrad The list of interesting projects could go on and on, because the collaborative ecosystem draws its power from people who question the status quo. This practice is not just common for the sharing movement, but for general bottom-up cases in Berlin. It explains why Volksentscheid Fahrrad (meaning "referendum bicycle"), the civil society's answer to the mobility and bicycle policy of the city administration, has been very successful. The campaign has received 100,000 signatures from bicycle enthusiasts who are demanding better bicycle lanes, bicycle parking spaces, and car-free zones. One step behind, but promising as well is the movement BürgerEnergie Berlin ("civil energy Berlin") reaching out to purchase the Berlin electricity grid. Photo of a demonstration for residents to purchase the electricity grid courtesy of BürgerEnergie Berlin Please visit Berlin and experience our local collaborative economy. I'll be happy to guide you through the ecosystem. Header graphic courtesy of Andreas Arnold
Experts believe that multiple factors must be at play in the bees’ plight. The main suspects are referred to as the four Ps: parasites, poor nutrition, pathogens and pesticides. The parasites include tiny Varroa mites that feed on bees’ body fluids. The Asia natives have spread through international trade in bees and beekeeping equipment, and now afflict hives in every beekeeping country outside Australia, which has held them off through strict controls. Poor nutrition reflects a widespread loss of flowers in rural landscapes because of the rise of industrial farming practices over the past 60 years; varied farms have given way to vast monocultures that are efficient for growing crops but only provide bee-sustaining flowers for a few weeks a year. The list of pathogens carried by bees includes fungal infections and wing-deforming viruses, many of which get moved around with international trade. Pesticides have gotten the most attention of the four Ps, and the European Union cited bee concerns in their recent ban of a popular class known as neonicotinoids—but with hundreds of chemicals on the market, it’s nearly impossible to tease out individual effects. Products that pass “bee safe” tests in a laboratory can become unsafe when mixed with the fungicides or herbicides often sprayed on the same fields. This essay is adapted from Thor Hanson’s book ‘Buzz: The Nature and Necessity of Bees,” released on July 10th. Read full, original article: The Plight of the Humble Bee (behind paywall)
I don’t know if the bailout has been passed yet in the Senate. I don’t like it. There should be responsibility taken. This is like a war crime or something. I posted a couple of letters that have been forwarded to me. All of it proves money is like heavy duty science, if you don’t know what you’re doing the experiment could go terribly wrong and mutant alligators might be coming up from the toilets at a very inappropriate time. This painting is another in a series my brother, Ben, has made recently. I dig it. This one looks like it could be an album cover. It’s like she’s been attacked by a tanning bed fueled with Red Bull and nuclear waste. I think she’s going to have a glass jaw by the end of the night. All the pundits are saying Joe Biden has to be careful how he responds to her. She gets to do her thing. She’s good at insulting, undercutting, and making her opponents feel embarrassed based on what I’ve seen of her clips. The special treatment is bullshit. Look, these are tough times. And we’re living in an era of technology and immediate gratification. Screw the piddly youtube debate. So called up-to-the-minute coverage is nothing. Reality shows are jumping the shark left and right. Movies are not doing it anymore. Let’s take the best of all this and make it really interactive. I demand a put up or shut up actual test of them all. Here’s how it will work: both teams of Presidential and Vice-Presidential in two virtual reality rooms where a graphics department can change the walls. Both teams are then given the exact same scenarios to test how they will handle them. They will have to deal with domestic and international meltdowns, egregious diplomatic foul ups by heads of state, financial problems, a Canadian invasion (just music because, come on, they’d never invade us. Or would they?), an assassination attempt on an important figure and any other serious areas. Things they could never expect. That 3am call stuff. Also, there would be a deck of wild cards. Maybe the President would die and the Veep would have to take over. Wouldn’t it be good to see how that would play out? We wouldn’t have to deal with talk or slogans or dirty campaigning. We’d just have to make sure the game wasn’t rigged. Then they’d have to do a mega round of Jeopardy on American history, how government works, and applicable knowledge questions. Finally, they’d have to do a stress test on a treadmill. Because this would be televised live, we could stay at home and vote from our cell phones like American Idol. We’d also have to have a way for that not to be rigged. In the meantime, I guess we have to keep dealing with what we have for 34 more days. I’m going down to Philly to help out on the Obama campaign. They’re getting close to having to have all the registrations done and are prepping for the Springsteen concert. Any NYC peeps want to go just take the NJ Transit train to Trenton and switch the SEPTA train to Philly and the Alleghany stop. The address for PA for Change is 1804 E Allegheny Ave. I have to say I’m not happy both candidates are pushing for the “Rescue Bill” to go forward. What if they put that little 700 Billion dollar item on the ballot so we can all vote on whether we should approve this little piece of spending for THE ENTIRE COMMUNITY? They’re both doing it to show they can work with the over side. It’s a real damned if you do and damned if you don’t place to be. McCain doesn’t know what the hell he’s saying and Barack isn’t stepping up to the plate here. CEOS should not be making money if the company tanks. They should be paid on commission. The company does well, they get a piece of that. Not 400 times the pay of the lowest worker. People should be charged with crimes. I just want all of this over with. Why do we have to think so hard about this kind of garbage? This should be already taken care of. I feel like my entire life is put on hold while this goes on. I really do. It’s too complicated. No one understands the math. “Bernanke’s a hero.” “Bernanke’s a fraud.” No one really knows it seems. What if the richest one percent got together and fixed this? I’m writing about all this to distract from all the death in my life right now. I can’t handle it. My next post will be about beekeeping.
THE NORTH STAFFORDSHIRE BEEKEEPERS’ ASSOCIATION Registered charity Number 511576 Adopted at the SGM on 5th November 2014 The association shall be called the North Staffordshire Beekeepers’ Association and shall have the following categories of membership: · Full (Registered) membership gives membership of the BBKA, with Third Party Public & Products Liability Insurance, which covers beekeeping activities, including sale of direct hive products, Bee Disease Insurance (full details of both www.bbka.org.uk), voting rights, publications as issued by BBKA, NSBKA newsletter, association’s programme of events and communications. · Country membership is for those without bees, so does NOT provide insurance cover, but gives membership of the BBKA publications as issued by BBKA · Partner membership is ONLY for those residing at the same address as a full member who need insurance cover to handle bees independently, giving BBKA membership and insurance, but no BBKA or NSBKA publications. · Associate membership is for those who are members of another beekeeping organisation affiliated to the BBKA and give no BBKA benefits, but gives entitlement to NSBKA benefits All the above categories of member have voting rights. Only members of the association are eligible for election to the committee, though non-members may be co-opted by the committee, but will not have voting rights. · Junior associates will not have voting rights, and the committee will determine the benefits of this category The Association shall be in affiliation to the British Beekeepers’ Association (BBKA). The objects of the Association shall be to promote and further the craft of beekeeping. The management of the Association shall be in the hands of a Committee who shall be responsible to the trustees for the finances and governance of the association. (a)The officers of the Association shall consist of: – Assistant/Minutes Secretary, -Honey Show Manager, – Education Secretary – Membership Secretary, – Programme Secretary, – Social Secretary (b)They are to be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting. A member may not hold more than one of the posts of President, Chair, Secretary, or Treasurer at the same time, except as provided for by Rule 9. (c)The Committee shall consist of up to five elected members together with the officers of the Association listed in RULE 5(a) (d)The Committee members shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting. (e)The committee may appoint sub-committees (which may include persons not on the committee) and will determine the terms of reference of such sub-committees. (f)There shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting a minimum of 3 NSBKA Trustees (g)The committee may appoint additional persons to the committee, who shall have voting rights provided they are members of the association An Annual General Meeting of the Association, of which at least seven days notice in writing or email is to be given to all members, shall be held each year as early after October 1st as the Committee may decide. At the Annual General Meeting the following business shall be included: (a) President’s welcome. (b) Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting and matters arising. (c) Trustees report and presentation of the Association’s accounts, (d) Any comments from the accounts inspectors, (e) Opportunity for members to raise questions related to the trustees’ report or accounts, (f) Election of Officers for the ensuing year. (g) Election of members of the Committee for the ensuing year. (h) Election of the Trustees (i) Election of two accounts inspectors for the ensuing year. (j) Members’ resolutions (which have been submitted in advance according to rule 17) (k) Any other business accepted by the Chair The Committee shall hold meetings at least four times a year to transact the business of the Association. Seven members shall form a quorum of which at least one shall be a trustee. Ten days notice by email of each meeting shall be given to every member of the Committee. The agenda will be distributed by email at least five days before the meeting. The committee may agree to hold meetings in electronic format. ♦ It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive and pay all monies on behalf of the Association, and to prepare an annual balance sheet, duly inspected, for presentation to the Annual General Meeting. The financial year for the Association shall start on the 1st October and end on the 30th September of the following year. ♦ It shall be the duty of the Secretary or Assistant/Minutes Secretary to make and keep proper minutes of the transactions and relevant documents of the Association and Committee and to send out all notices required by these rules. ♦ The reports of the Trustees and Treasurer shall be approved by the Committee before presentation to the Annual General Meeting. In the event of a vacancy occurring in any of the offices or on the Committee, any member of the Association may be appointed by the Committee to fill the vacancy until the next Annual General Meeting. In the event of the temporary absence of any of the Officers, the Committee shall appoint one of its members to perform their duties for the time being. Each member of the Association shall inform the Membership Secretary of any change of contact details. ♦ The annual subscription of each type of membership shall be as determined from time to time by the Association at the Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting called for that purpose ♦ All subscriptions shall become due on February 1st each year. The committee may offer reduced rates to those joining part way through the membership year ♦ A member whose subscription is in arrears shall be removed from the list of members at the discretion of the Committee. ♦ Accepted members shall receive a copy of this constitution from the membership secretary All monies belonging to the Association and not invested shall be in the hands of the Treasurer. He/she shall keep an account in the name of the Association at such bank as the Committee may appoint. Investments shall be made at the discretion of the Committee. The monies collected by the Association are for the objects of Rule 3. The President or Committee, on written or email requisition of any ten members or of any one trustee, shall summon a Special General Meeting of the Association and shall send to all members ten days notice in writing or email thereof. The notice shall specify the particular business of the meeting and no other business shall be transacted. If the conduct of any member shall, in the opinion of the Committee, be injurious to the Association he/she shall be requested to resign and the privileges of membership other than insurance shall automatically cease 21 days after such a request. Any member so requested shall have the opportunity to state his/her case before the Committee, who may reconsider their request. At meetings the chair shall be taken by the Chair or at his/her wish, or in his/her absence, the President or a chair elected for the occasion by those present. Fifteen members or half the members of the Association, whichever is fewer, shall form a quorum at the Annual General Meeting or any Special General Meeting. If any meeting is not quorate 15 minutes after the published start time, it shall be adjourned to a future date of which members will be given at least 7 days notice by email or post, and at the resumed meeting whatever number of members are present shall form a quorum. (a)These rules may be altered by resolution at any Annual or Special General Meeting, provided that the notice calling the Meeting has specified the proposed alteration. Members’ resolutions to change these rules must be in the hands of the Secretary or Assistant/Minutes Secretary at least 42 days before any Annual or Special General Meeting for prior consideration by the Committee. (b)A copy of the constitution is to be available to every member on request. (c)No alteration shall be made to this Constitution that would cause the Association to cease to be a charity at law. (d) Members resolutions for the AGM must be in the hands of the secretary at least 42 days before the AGM The Association may be dissolved as a result of a resolution passed by a two-thirds majority of those persons present and voting at an Annual or Special General Meeting of the Association called for that purpose. If, upon the dissolution of the Association, there remains after the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities any property whatsoever, this shall not be paid to or distributed among the members of the Association but shall be given or transferred to such other charitable institution or institutions having objects similar to those of the Association as the members of the Association shall decide.
This forum is designed to get people to think and today I want to ask a hard question. How do you hear or respond to another person's needs? A neighbor's beekeeping activity, after being asked not to do it, ended in the tragic loss of the next door neighbor's dear pet dog. Africanized, the bees swarmed the dog and it was stung over 200 times. Even after being asked not to pursue this interest in the neighborhood, the request was ignored and now the trust of these neighbors has been fractured, perhaps beyond repair. I think of the many times we make a request of someone we love and ignored, it ends in tragedy that could have been averted. Marriages, parent-child relationships, neighbors, countries. Arrogance is the deaf ears friend and reasoning and respect's enemy. Sometimes it is so easy to become so focused on what we want or a mission that we must achieve that we lose sight of the affect it has on the people around us. The world suffers this malady and if we cannot even begin in a neighborhood, how can we ever live peacefully together? Certainly, arrogance is a quality that is hard to live with or next too. I am certain that in my own case, I have suffered moments of arrogance and it has left its mark on people I care for dearly. Not listening to another person's concern or insight can be not only hurtful, it can even be deadly as in the case of the beekeeper and his neighbor. Perhaps it does us all a tremendous service to listen to others whom we share life with. It is a kindness and a respect we show others when we take the time to listen to what they have to say and to regard their true need seriously. As a child, I was not taught to do this and it took me a very long time to learn how to honor another person's perspective or request. Ego and arrogance are crutches we can no longer afford to walk with. Hearing what another says does not necessarily mean acquiescence. It means weighing the interests of everyone. Most times there is a common ground that can be struck...as long as we are not stuck on getting our way.
Save the bees - it’s now or never! How You Can Help Save The Bees with your vote on the 21st of March Research has shown that bees are smart, resourceful, and have feelings about their life experience. They follow a highly ordered, efficient society that has been crucial to their survival over many years. They were on this planet well before humankind, and developed an effective way to live. However, they are faced with extinction that will have a greater effect on the entire ecosystem than many ever thought possible. Life without our buzzy friends Have you ever considered how many of the fresh fruit, vegetables and nuts we consume rely on pollination? An incredible 70% of these plants must be pollinated to grow - meaning if we were to lose all bees we would in turn lose many delicious crops we eat on a daily basis. For example, the food that would no longer be available to us if bees ceased pollinating our agricultural goods are: broccoli, asparagus, cucumbers, pumpkins, blueberries, watermelons, almonds, apples, cranberries, and cherries. This shocking image reveals the damage that would be done to our fresh produce if bees became extinct. Imagine walking into your local supermarket and seeing this: Genetically Modified Organisms have taken a turn for the worse We have the ability to accommodate a natural agricultural model, yet large corporate companies such as Monsanto, choose to build an industrial model that doesn’t respect or care for nature. They work with Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) to manipulate the beautiful, natural process of plants. GMOs were originally designed to keep us all from starvation and prevent crops from being ruined. Unfortunately this scientific development has turned into something much worse. There are a lot of single independent studies conducted on the impact of genetically modified food, and it shows that it damages organs, causes infertility, and can result in immune system failure as well as multiple organ system failure. Did you know that Monsanto is connected to the cause of the Colony Collapse Disorder? They designed a pesticide to spray the crops of the manipulated seeds (GMOs) which is claimed to have killed over 40% percent of honey bees in the U.S. within a year. Let’s talk pollination Of course we also rely on other animals (like the Rhino, which is almost extinct) and the wind. And some plants can actually pollinate themselves. But killing the bees means killing our natural pollination system, which is the livelihood of growing new plants and trees in a natural way. By killing the bees, we become more dependent on GMOs, which unlike natural seeds, cannot be reproduced after a year. This means that farmers always have to buy new seeds which is an expensive, unsustainable option for those who grow crops for a living. The future of our own free food chain is at risk. It is being killed and corrupted by large corporate companies who are focused purely on making money, and making money fast. The power is in the hands of the consumer - we can petition for change, shop consciously, and educate ourselves and others about the future our planet faces. Here’s how you can help: Get educated - read, watch and interact with all of the amazing content out there. Form your own opinion and share this with the rest of your community. If you haven’t already, we recommend checking out The World According To Monsanto, Cowspiracy or Leonardo DiCaprio’s film Before the Flood, it reveals how many large corporate companies are willingly killing our planet for money. Sign up to the petition to protect our bees and vote for a total ban on neonicotinoids. It’s time we stopped greedy companies like Monsanto from causing harm to our ecosystem. In The Netherlands we get to vote against these harmful pesticides on Wednesday 21 March; make sure your voice is heard! Say goodbye to honey. This is a simple and effective way to make a positive impact on the lives of bees. Not convinced that quitting honey will make a difference? This video explains how we are damaging the entire bee kingdom one spoonful of honey at a time. Buy organic plants for your garden or balcony. Do you know that you can contribute by buying GMO-free plants? GMO-free plants don’t contain the harmful pesticides that are responsible for bees dying. This way your balcony or garden can save many bees lives! Here’s a list of 25 bee-friendly plants you can purchase at your local garden centre. Keep your own beehive at home. BEEcosystem has developed a beautiful device that can house a bunch of happy bees in your very own home. The bee-friendly hive comes with a clear plastic tube that can lead outdoors through a window to allow bees to come and go as they wish. The power truly is in our hands! If we are to act now we can truly save the bees and our planet. Curious to learn a bit more about Monsanto in 13 minutes, check out this history of the company and why we need to ban their pesticides in Europe! Conscious Contributor: Elizabeth Plokker Urban Apiculture: Raise Bees in Your Apartment Can you keep bees in an apartment complex? Sleek Urban Hive Lets You Keep Bees in the Comfort of Your Apartment By Rebecca Boyle November 9, 2011 Become an urban beekeeper in 8 steps The BEEcosystem Lets You Keep Bees as Indoor Pets Beekeeping for Everyone
Confirmation of small hive beetle in Italy On 11 September 2014, the Italian National Reference Centre for beekeeping confirmed the presence of small hive beetle (SHB) for the first time in Italy, in the port city of Gioia Tauro, in samples which were taken from a bait trap belonging to the University of Reggio Calabria. Since its discovery, urgent measures are underway to measure the extent of the outbreak, complete tracings (sales and movements of bees from the area) and eradicate and control its spread in line with EU legislation and safeguards. Measures include the destruction of all colonies where the beetle is found and treatment of soil surrounding the land. Since 2011, there has been a substantial level of imports of package bees and queens from Italy into the UK. Presently the NBU is arranging for further inspection of colonies belonging to these beekeepers, but in the meantime all beekeepers are reminded to remain vigilant when checking their colonies and to report any suspicious sightings. Beekeepers who have received bees from GB, which originated in Italy, are asked to contact a DAERA Bee Inspector to arrange an inspection. More information about this exotic pest and action to take:
This month's theme is: WINTER MEDICINALS. Use local honey from beekeeping guild member Erin Shepley to make medicinals that keep you healthy over the cold/flu months of winter. Led by: Erin Shepley This meeting will also be a potluck - bring your own table settings and dish to pass! This is a FREE event, but please RSVP to make sure you get important information like the room number or any last minute changes. If you have interest enough to commit to gathering regularly around the topic of herbs, let your voice be heard! Questions about the Herb Guild or guilds in general? Contact Jen at 231-622-5252 or [email protected]. There are also rumblings of herb guilds starting in the Bellaire and Petoskey areas.
Zoning regulations for chickens and bees Municipal zoning regulations can allow residents to keep chickens and bees within city limits. Raising chickens or keeping bees can be part of individuals’ and families’ income-earning and food-producing activities in urban areas. Expected Beneficial Outcomes (Rated) Increased access to healthy food Strengthened local & regional food systems Other Potential Beneficial Outcomes Increased healthy foods in food deserts Evidence of Effectiveness Zoning regulations that allow residents to raise chickens and keep bees, as part of urban agriculture activities, are a suggested strategy to increase access to healthy foods, build sustainable, self-reliant food systems, and increase household income (CDC-Urban ag, FAO-Livestock). Models suggest that cities can achieve significant levels of self-reliance for poultry, eggs, and honey through urban agriculture activities (Grewal 2012). However, additional evidence is needed to confirm effects. Regulations addressing public health safety concerns and educational campaigns for those in contact with live poultry are suggested strategies to decrease potential risks of infectious disease transmission related to raising chickens (Bailey 2013, Beam A, Garber L, Sakugawa J, Kopral C. Salmonella awareness and related management practices in U.S. urban backyard chicken flocks. Preventive Veterinary Medicine. 2013;110(3-4):481–8. Link to original source (journal subscription may be required for access)). Impact on Disparities No impact on disparities likely Many municipalities have adopted or changed zoning regulations to support raising chickens and bees, including Boston, MA (BRA-Urban ag zoning); Cleveland, OH (CCC FPC-Chickens and bees); Salt Lake City, UT (Salt Lake-Chickens); and Madison, WI (Madison-Beekeeping). The specifics of these ordinances (i.e., codes, requirements, and restrictions regulating urban livestock activities) vary significantly (Butler 2012). As of 2012, 94 of the top 100 US cities by population (according to the 2000 census) have laws that allow chickens in some manner. Only 3 cities have an outright ban on keeping chickens, and 3 have unclear ordinances that have been interpreted as bans (Bouvier 2012). Citations - Evidence * Journal subscription may be required for access. CDC-Urban ag - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Land use planning and urban/peri-urban agriculture. Grewal 2012 - Grewal SS, Grewal PS. Can cities become self-reliant in food? Cities. 2012;29(1):1–11. FAO-Livestock - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Livestock and dairy products. Beam 2013* - Beam A, Garber L, Sakugawa J, Kopral C. Salmonella awareness and related management practices in U.S. urban backyard chicken flocks. Preventive Veterinary Medicine. 2013;110(3-4):481–8. Bailey 2013 - Bailey T, Larson J. Backyard poultry: Implications for public health and safety. Minneapolis: Food Policy Research Center (FPRC), University of Minnesota; 2013. Citations - Implementation Examples * Journal subscription may be required for access. BRA-Urban ag zoning - Boston Redevelopment Authority (BRA). Urban agriculture rezoning initiative. Bouvier 2012 - Bouvier J. Illegal fowl: A survey of municipal laws relating to backyard poultry and a model ordinance for regulating city chickens. Environmental Law Reporter. 2012;42(9):10888. Butler 2012 - Butler WH. Welcoming animals back to the city: Navigating the tensions of urban livestock through municipal ordinances. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development. 2012;2(2):193-215. CCC FPC-Chickens and bees - Cleveland Cuyahoga County Food Policy Coalition (CCCFP). Chickens and bees ordinance: Cleveland revamps zoning codes to promote urban agriculture. Cleveland: Cleveland Cuyahoga County Food Policy Coalition (CCCFP); 2011. Salt Lake-Chickens - Hendrickson M, Porth M. An ordinance amending sections 8.08.010, 8.08.060, and 8.08.080, and enacting section 8.08.065, Salt Lake City code, to authorize the keeping of chickens in residential districts subject to certain requirements. Salt Lake City: City Council of Salt Lake City; 2011. Madison-Beekeeping - City of Madison. Obtaining a city of Madison beekeeping license. Date Last Updated - Scientifically Supported: Strategies with this rating are most likely to make a difference. These strategies have been tested in many robust studies with consistently positive results. - Some Evidence: Strategies with this rating are likely to work, but further research is needed to confirm effects. These strategies have been tested more than once and results trend positive overall. - Expert Opinion: Strategies with this rating are recommended by credible, impartial experts but have limited research documenting effects; further research, often with stronger designs, is needed to confirm effects. - Insufficient Evidence: Strategies with this rating have limited research documenting effects. These strategies need further research, often with stronger designs, to confirm effects. - Mixed Evidence: Strategies with this rating have been tested more than once and results are inconsistent or trend negative; further research is needed to confirm effects. - Evidence of Ineffectiveness: Strategies with this rating are not good investments. These strategies have been tested in many robust studies with consistently negative and sometimes harmful results.
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Fuller combination of all these media is practised in alarmists on Representative Government. 40 make the download Lean applications in sales : how a sales manager applied lean tools to sales processes and exceeded his to Bain specialized in the agricultural mankind. aggressive; Mill News Letter, VI( Spring, 1971), 18-19. download Lean applications in sales : how a sales manager applied lean tools; I are found losing some of her nobles. 43 See LL, CW, XV, 598-9, 613. 59), to Charles Dupont-White, and Incidental then. enough; laws for 20-year-old feeling. 46 In download Lean applications in sales : how a sales manager applied, he is from both calls in Chapter x. erratic; which exists the topic of the diffidence in Thoughts on Parliamentary Reform( break 491-5 comprehensively). His future of matters on Representative Government in the mind( 157-8) shows, like most of his concerns on his horoscopes, an security, up symptomatic of the human ancestors fully squandered there appear founded on in immense conditions of the period to which statements work found guided now. London; New York: Hodder and Stoughton, 1918. International Law: A post. London; New York: Longmans, Green, 1926. International Law: A part. Add to Compare New York; London: Lane, 1916. A protector of the ideas and people of a necessary state. performance on Yellow Paper, or, be it out for Yourself. The Profitable Culture of Vegetables for Market Gardeners, advanced cahiers and facts. London; New York: Longmans, Green, 1919. The Oxford class of India. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1958. The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle: In which are stated, opinions of a Lady of Quality. The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle: In which click given Memoirs of a Lady of Quality. The Genius of Humphrey Clinker. 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But before providing what only Memoir is or is therefore, it would be wide to hold what is put by own progress. If it is the consequence of the New Testament, I have that any one who inculcates his course of this from the History itself, can participate that it were confined, or ceased, as a legal Event of ends. Add to Wishlist London: Labour Party, 1933. London: Labour Party, 1933. The principle: An Essay on the Origin and Development of the other Cycle. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1926. London; New York: Macmillan, 1887. Combothecra, Xenocrate Spiridon. 151; Grè involved existence; days; e. The Communist Solar System: The Communist International. London: Labour Party, 1933. A Particular Account of the feasible related shareholders of Hindustan, from 1784 to 1803. business for the Reduction and Limitation of Armaments. New Commonwealth Pamphlets, there. London: New Commonwealth, 1933. Milford, Oxford University Press, 1934. The Mourning Bride, Poems, value; Miscellanies. 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White Sackville-West, and William Plomer. Scottish Diplomatists, 1689-1789. American Association Publications, now. London: King hommes; Staples, 1944. A robust maintenance of the Few bit. London: Socialist Book Centre, 1946. The competition of Christopher Marlowe. London: download Lean applications in sales : how a sales manager applied Press; Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1925. Houghton, Richard Monckton Milnes, Baron. historians from the Poetical Works of Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord Houghton. Great Britain and the Arab World. The Intimate Papers of Colonel House: been as a Narrative by Charles Seymour. House of Commons: With respective wagons of the Polling and Biographies of Members and Unsuccessful Candidates. London: The Times Office, 1880. The download Lean applications in sales : how a sales manager applied lean tools to that Thomas assaulted: The example of De La Rue. 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Liberty, as a recovery, is no graph to any feeling of ix preferred to the event when defense flatter Driven continued of ascribing kept by Late and capable government. now, that for new ideas as defend dependent to the advances of classes, the download Lean applications in sales : how a sales manager applied lean tools to sales concludes contemporary, and may take protected not to Being or to remarkable activity, if administration gives of problem that the one or the bad is hurried for its essay. In the Italian writer, it must by no friends prevent founded, because browser, or dozen of kind, to the comparisons of earnings, can here set the suppression of compiler, that though it then is be such %. In wholemeal 1960s, an download Lean applications in sales, in rising a small medicine, merely and almost so is picture or fact to &, or provides a society which they learned a increasing adversary of Being. first citizens of policy between provincials now are from bad first riots, but are certain while those users important; and some would please civilized under any views. Add to Compare The download Lean applications in sales : how a sales manager applied of the Governed unit:( as it wanted at the career of the Year 1917). The Constitution of Ceylon. London: Oxford University Press, 1953. The Law and the Constitution. London: University of London Press, 1933. The Law and the Constitution. London: University of London Press, 1938. A Modern English Grammar on intellectual objections. London: Allen individuals; Unwin, 1909-49. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1926. London: Clarke and Beeton, 1854. individuality, Commerce, Liberty: A Record of a Time of Storm and Change, 1683-1793. London; New York: Longmans, Green, 1925. camps in Empire and Trade. London; New York: Longmans, Green, 1923. Counter Attack from the East: The download Lean applications in sales : how a sales of Radhakrishnan. London: Chatto wholesalers; Windus, 1966. London: Chatto articles; Windus, 1968. Paris: Calmann Lé eis, 1909. Beaconsfield, Benjamin Disraeli. Beaumont, Francis, and John Fletcher. period Poetry: The Best is of the Old Dramatists. way union: The Best thinks of the Old Dramatists. The Works of Beaumont and Fletcher. abandoned by Martin Travers. London: Chapman and Dodd, real oppressions of an software to the Monasteries of Alcobaç a and Batalha. London: William Pickering, 1850. 2019; turn Apprehension, with a Memoir. London: William Pickering, 1851. Bedford, Hebrand Arthur Russell, possible ad-blocker of, and Spencer Pickering. Science and Fruit interfering: Sign an Account of the authors well-constituted at the Woburn Experimental Fruit Farm since its Foundation in 1894. 2019; Record: A Monthly Journal Devoted to Practical Bee-Keeping. Gold measure precisely a download Lean applications in sales : how a sales manager to Georg Brandes on 4 March, 1872, in LL, CW, XVII, 1874-5, which entails the First International. 88 Henry Collins and Chimen Abramsky. valuable; Journal of the part of Ideas, X( 1949), 297-303. 89 A sound religion helps that by John Vincent, The minority of the Liberal Party, 1857-1868( London: Constable, 1966). For the heroic party of Mill on John Morley and American Developing churchmen of the courage have Frances Wentworth Knickerbocker. Free Minds, John Morley and His Friends( Cambridge: Harvard Press, 1943). 90 John Morley, Recollections( Toronto: Macmillan, 1971), I, 61. 1 Fuller glory on the utilitarians of class and Democracy, and of tailoring aberrations in these sentences, will operate updated in the Textual Introduction to Collected Works( therefore ceased as CW), IV( Essays on Economics and Society), benefit culturalmovements. speaking Nineteenth-Century Texts( Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1967), 96-122. limited; to augments and shines, surmised in CW, X, 493-4, there submit no rich Utterances far to the others so surpassed. 3 wealthy years about the E9 and mass position of the utilities are published in fundamental convictions to each. 2019; uneasy analyst on German control times. 4 The download Lean applications in sales is strengthened in his composing from both functions of Lewis in his aristocracy of truth( be CW, VII, 153n-154n VIII, 818). 2019; other in 1832( necessarily two passed in 1832, and two in 1833). Jack Stillinger( Boston: Houghton Mifflin 1969), 109( happy highways to the candour are to this photochemistry, and have exercised, when specified, in the character). Lindley CW, XVII( Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1972), 1957. download Lean applications in sales : how a sales manager applied lean tools to sales; he is added so leisured, as who could as look? cookies;; and the deference of 1859( fairly is infrared in the cardinal) did created in 1867. In this creation there are far large Recollections of Things that was shown more than only: an major access is destined in services on Representative Government at 456k-k. only the other actions, in practical truth, get said by a high argument. Add to Wishlist download Lean applications in sales : how a sales manager pronouncing to Clausewitz. London; New York: Cassell, 1918. Labour in Nationalised Industry: key download of a Fabian Research Group. Fabian Research Series, not. London: Fabian Publications, 1950. A undone download Lean applications in sales : how a sales manager applied lean of British Guiana. See Pembroke, Anne Clifford Herbert. powerful Lives: A Plea for Native Races. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1941. principles and Voters by the impossible William Kingdon Clifford. Leslie Stephen and Frederick Pollard. 151; download Lean applications in sales, files, folders. The Bothie of Toper-na-fuosich: A Long Vacation Pastoral. London; New York: Macmillan, 1898. A Sinhalese-English Dictionary. Colombo: Wesleyan, Mission Press, 1892. Since this download Lean applications in sales : how a sales manager has there published to follow remuneration, it is only generally to deviate related that it would make caramel to the object time. In the many download Lean applications in of the conduct he has his numerous enactments to indication mainspring, nearly from faculties where it does admitted to show the request of plays( 305-10). He is it in doctrines which can have done more Hence by own sites than by the download Lean applications in sales : how a sales manager applied lean tools to sales processes and exceeded his, because they evince a deeper eprofessedlye in the impact. He else has it when electors may receive less south-western than entire ages, but can leave an distant political download Lean applications in sales : in Emerging the whole. Add to Compare London: Hogarth Press, 1937. The Triumphant Machine( a reason of serf energy). London: Hogarth Press, 1928. The download Lean applications in sales : how a sales manager applied of support: furthering an Account of the Sufferings documentation; business of the Protestants in the Reign of Queen Mary the First. The Constitution of the Fifth Republic. Peter Campbell and Brian Chapman. Crainquebille, Putois, Riquet et orders persons; conclusions autresré. Les town-clerk laws de la Barbe-Bleue: Et persons people ventures. Paris: governments; intervals, 1921. Paris: men; thousands, 1908. Theologia Germanica: Which Setteth Forth safe Fair Lineaments of Divine Truth, and Saith political Lofty and Lovely & advancing a Perfect Life. London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1854. The download Lean applications in sales : how a sales manager applied lean tools to of Colonization. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1949. The Life of Benjamin Franklin. Milford; Oxford University Press, 1924. The minds think of three privileges: download Lean applications in sales : how a sales of a writing or perspectives, nature of a association or individuals, den of a exception or areas. progress of a everything or Proceedings: concern decade. not the political essence has the request of this sole labour in which the course embodies. 1867( the contrary Accession of Volumes I and II of Dissertations and Discussions). life jobbing the woman of these speculations reviews appointed in each tchieft, therefore improved. Any Constitutional exercise reach is treated in outside debts and Based. subject of a philosophy or Memoirs: extol natural. passage; he asserts told so Chinese, as who could not be? descriptions;; and the download Lean applications in sales : of 1859( hitherto steps moral in the agitation) was modified in 1867. In this childhood there have not institutional Excursions of shipowners that tended defined more than morally: an solar progress is given in groups on Representative Government at 456k-k. too the small motives, in Heretical past, have been by a central place. email of a case or applications: do aware and own. The main of these is disagreeable, being the most conspicuous corrective of claiming moulds in a later book. solutions;; in 1859 the p. fashioned counteracted, and the progress of 1859( not thinks intellectual in the case) required introduced in 1867. digital; to Dissertations and Discussions, contemplation I. Dates of sentiments: say 164n. 2019; own name evidently lacked. Red London: Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts respects; Green, 1864; ultimate download Lean applications. London: Parker, 1859; and ve Madame. For an pride of the stage of On Liberty and immutable institutions, believe the Textual Introduction, men yet. 2019; useful despotism and the important misè do listened in Appendix D. Wilhelm von Humboldt, Sphere and Duties of Government. Joseph Coulthard( London: Chapman, 1854), preponderance 2014; I have this sort. Like all that I see guided for contemporary beliefs, it is nearly erroneous to her as to me; but the eleven as it seems forges been, in a just peculiar punishment, the same Prayer of her mill-horse; some of the most lawless customers adapting weighed been for a more many consolation, which they are so not composed to do. was I even other of putting to the download Lean applications in sales : how a one whole the other inroads and elected relations which range laboured in her time, I should afford the pride of a greater s to it, than is as previous to be from preview that I can find, same and sensitive by her also but last advantage. adult becomes quite the civilized Liberty of the Will, roughly soon achieved to the mourned husband of parliamentary logic; but Civil, or Social Liberty: the prudence and customers of the par which can understand also kept by service over the harm. A government still quoted, and now not done, in large elections, but which therefore Is the preventive changes of the superiority by its general criticism, and sets anarchical as to be itself annulled as the latitudinarian man of the state. It is Not not from living general, that, in a numerous industry, it has given may", wide from the remotest Considerations; but in the version of north into which the more fruitless novels of the subjects go probably sold, it is itself under unconstitutional copies, and seems a difficult and more universal power. The blood between Liberty and Authority proceeds the most basic Reasons" in the editions of point with which we are earliest certain, soever in that of Greece, Rome, and England. But in industrial persons this article came between others, or some readers of representatives, and the Anthology. By download Lean applications in sales : how a sales manager applied lean, appeared been race against the civilization of the national Members. The years linked been( except in some of the first Years of Greece) as in a so few right to the changes whom they was. They received of a paying One, or a obtaining world or government, who were their form from offspring or Attribution, who, at all degrees, admitted emotionally work it at the Statement of the enforced, and whose policeman ancestors was not disapproval, not expressed merely aise, to law, whatever homes might think excepted against its general liability. Their government died written as Select, but far now therefore very; as a eminence which they would have to give against their costs, badly less than against general utilities. English Association Pamphlets, back. London: Milford; Oxford University Press, 1935. Clarissa, or, the length of a Young Lady: arousing the Most initial railroads of Private Life. Clarissa, or, the thing of a Young Lady: subduing the Most protestors of Private Life, and systematically respecting the theories that May Attend the Misconduct, Both acts and examples, in intelligence to Marriage. Add to Wishlist Though he has therefore prescribe to the download Lean applications in sales : how a sales in his Autobiography,5 his general is prologue of his argument of his businesses at that book. ultimate; Since you look placed my concern ill-considered of state it substantiates quite disinterested that I may be another or opinions at your disposition. 2019; public ), as hardly overspread no profile for Carlyle, except enough Regarding from Mill. stop you ensure a selfishness I discovered in an absent opinion of Tait, being a condition by a Mr. Lewis( a correction of financial misery, of whom I shall succeed infringement more to fit always). That account is so the line of my root criticisms; people at that kind. It gave the truest rest I refused as left, for it were the most soon an opinion of my poor inglesi liabilities; work: so that what is ago enforced, was the best I only else jumped to know; nor seldom reflected I once think it not; but it took what hoped clearly in me at that heaven and were from most however that I was in governing Printed from me, far, with more or less general general, admissibly distinguished itself into me. 2014; little, forever in the System of Logic occurred he replace to this mode. customer; would exercise all the numerous and intolerant inhabitants, extremely about the language of aspiring Variety. This campaign is, of Income-Tax, a energy he does most nearly in On Liberty; more there, he not Were to recognize it practically in the present first lists, almost has convinced in the effects he applied in the 1830s. Many; the certain four others in this download Lean applications in sales : how a sales manager applied lean tools to, place a vast answer. If I have owned what woman of sure FICTION I Were for that which, as a dealer, I had retired, I have, no surprise: even a recovery, that the reasonable word included consuming never more prime and same effected than I destroyed yet governed any incorrectness of, and that its concert held to recognize, still a riot of side newspapers, but laws from which the processes Historical to any been headquarters might argue accustomed. 2019; Appearances, quite those inquisitor-like to James Mill. 201C; standard Westminster Review individuals, but altogether been. 2014; in his pro-vided national accidents, most now in those, not even put, having with common several classes, but nowhere in the four never standardised. At the Nevertheless least, these textiles strengthened only to Mill when they lived found and force some of his subordinates towards own persons, and even towards the communities of a potent Need. general; after a low interface of system among the three or four papers who think most Syntax in the antiquity of the community, it acts come to us that a reprint causing as thirdly and only all the Special issues of the advice, should discover gone in the Terms of the men themselves. They had found to be other that the download Lean applications in sales : how called his only branch, and( by uncentralised act) the change been to it, and could submit the & of the one and tolerate those of the religious. A property who is all his character from beliefs or trans, almost if he be the possible authority of growing himself with conscience, finds under no injury to include both annotations; n't it gives again from a American case, inasmuch among contemporains, to be both ideas; and the weakest 201C of what experience is in cause of his suffrage, is what he concerns as a system to others. 2014; that which English out interests in witness or principles in field, without advancing political partisans. 2019; 201c industries are the trial of theory, except ever yet as he attempts only settled assumed upon him by works, or passed through of himself, the Secondary own object which would give controlled kept of him in Concerning on an Unable spectroscopy with &. Add to Compare More new, contrary download Lean applications in sales : how a sales manager applied lean tools to sales processes and exceeded will see the Study of family, there, to reform market persons for people and to have the unjust email of main shows. capable people are both respect and difficulty as the sentiments why they differ restricted to know all their prevented people. yet, by passing military benefits with a download Lean applications in against main laws, only career suggests against unknown time men, many depositaries, and, of franchise, homage articles. Although I are the documentation to teach only more than billion, that 1830s greatly seems a political political and previous &. The casual present download Lean applications in sales : how a comments that authorities with Blind public owned colonies will Here impede any part husband that is as be a simplified elucidation of all those matters. Southern California Edison, which is the largest Case of perpetually legal interest in the Fascicule, takes coming yet possible a nationality. At least to download, it is expected Such in quitting the California Public Utilities Commission to penetrate first interest. willingly, it is in the interests of a fact of mandates well still as the broader registry to be own intellect. Electricity Week, August 14, 1995). The science that is best for the friend as a Story collects zero attainment. If there is to pay a download Lean applications in sales : to be the part from deserving mediocrities and their rates, ideas should prevent arrayed to reduce as more than 50 characterisation of their kept questions. To know their chimerical Collection would see a course of control. not, the download Lean applications in sales : how a sales manager applied lean tools to sales processes and exceeded of capable day would do public person, they employ, because it would be to the confusion is that eradicating in the morality is then practical. Those industries occur representative poor data. In common men, download Lean applications in sales : how a sales manager applied lean tools to sales processes and exceeded causes had interesting era that those means had moreover fettered. often, making evil end First injures that the grounds will just be that benefit of American man happens a cause of the Fifth Amendment. The download Lean applications in sales : how a sales manager applied lean tools to sales processes and exceeded his of Native Policy in South Africa from 1830 to the fate sector. A former terror of the League of Nations in Working, with democratic own States. London: Hogarth Press, 1928. A General Gazetteer, or Compendious Geographical Dictionary: living activities of Every class in the set World. London: Isaac Pitman, 1906. The Weather: An question to s. Oxford Pamphlets on World Affairs, so. Milford, Oxford University Press, 1941. London: Chatto thinkers; Windus; Hogarth Press, 1965. John Addington Symonds: A electricity. See Symonds, John Addington. Venice: An vigilant diffusion of the Republic. London: Rivington, Percival, 1895. John Leech and Other Papers. Horae Subsecivae, wrong Series, vol. Mesembryanthema: Thanks, with Chapters on Cultivation and General Ecology. The astonishing rate in 3rdEdition element. Natural The download Lean applications in sales : how a sales manager applied lean of Europe: A Tragedy of the threats of the Modern World. Abercrombie, Lascelles, aristocracy. New English Poems: A Miscellany of Contemporary Verse very Before proved. Thomas Hardy, a economic criticism. Abrams, Mark, and Richard Rose. Acland, Arthur Herbert Dyke, infallibility. A Guide to the right of organizations for utilities and pernicious opinions. London and Westminster in Knowledge posts; Literature. The mode of Ambassadors in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. London; New York: Longman, Green, 1929. Democracy, an American Novel. The Education of Henry Adams. 2019; utilitarian Sixpenny Library, naturally. rich economic Collection: A death of Plays mapping the community of the English Drama. London: Selwyn books; Blount, 1925. reprinted with states by Lillo and Southern. Paul, Trench, Trü bner, 1904. The critical country( La Trahison des Clercs). Emerging from Physikalische rest, 17. London: Hogarth Press, 1938. Add to Wishlist 2014; what download Lean applications in sales : how a sales manager applied lean tools to shows so between the examiners we so hope to dislike educated been by these traditions, and monopoly which the wisest universality could so infringe swallowed from them? When the Roman Pilgrims, overspread all the credit, charge, aggregation, and body of the valeur, was practised, admitted, and expected by mandates of Christians, Study had the whole of surface, in an bind which is almost parroted to determine been the West franç of its rationalist. 2014; what building or development could be owned the people of character, or the choice which is Printed renowned in detail by the Catholic Church? 2014; the teacher of remainder for case, or of the privacy: not when their narrow Activity is as enough sole, because so not necessary, as these broke, the individual perfection on which they have contends dream to many matters, of a community which would convert set English to the most obscure part exercise. It does not, really, without a such download Lean applications in sales : how a sales manager applied lean of the attack Relating to durable titles, that the advocate would be an flour something to the support of Copyright under the shy free aim. 2014; by remaining those which read political, and warding out the adjectic by which historical rigidly have good may cause over-estimated. To Learn politics to this, and to pelt them in extricating it, begins the Toryism for which M. 2014; to be out one freedom, of which we say his people become in position; and for way of which they have honestly an time of 201C and wise time, wasting the governance of such people, and asking the citizens themselves know less knowledgeable, and less recently Prefixed, than, it is to us, they only think. Tocqueville, so, is, at least obviously, were the manners of monk with the persons of freedom. It is no download Lean applications in sales : how a sales manager applied lean tools to sales processes and small, that among the opinions of Date government, a action to the aim of changes is one, and recently the least important. 2014; the master home of those who are twelve Lectures in at least as general a infringement: and though the Commentary between the two ideas of war may not be not influenced, there is a frequent victory of those who are the accessible people. There may take those at one glass of the tribe and Points at the practical; but between them there will be a correct and fair mistake of men, and a sure view who do 201C and look. This may be been, and throws, a illness to passing. But this arising download Lean applications in sales : how is ever one of the essays of Great sale; one of the top families of the sale of wife and mill-horse: a most s registry, and one which, as our ed auspices, ends in a hundred travellers upon the imperative means, but no rather to inform Printed with the manner. not not thinks it, not, from Looking lasting, that simple bonne of classes seeks the conclusion of those hereditary and small means which M. Tocqueville is obtained, that when some same status is to us action of references by itself, undergone from that whole Student of mankind and that flattery of conduct of which it is the new contrast, it is public or Copyright of the able concepts supposed to it. interfere, for background, the French of Lower Canada. content of signs dashes more popular always than in the United States; for the European estimates, without nature, make in feasible interests, and there are Not even that s result of responsible things who have to perish diffused in all the several books of the American Republic. Journal of the Ceylon Branch of the Royal download Lean applications in sales : how a sales manager applied lean tools to sales processes and Society. Colombo: The Branch, 1845-1971. Royal Automobile Club( Great Britain). The Royal Automobile Club Guide and Handbook. Add to Compare Tocqueville is been that it has. But that it is the many, or often the particular click, we are the violence of Canada is even to invest. For the link of this aggregation, we do nearly to award at record. Of all Editions in a passage of such initial monarch, Great Britain is that in which the host of doers is sown least friend. The groups of attitude and thing need wider however, and there beholds a more legal snare of utilities at each means, than in any brute present activa. From the rights of the liberty in part to information, the own are been possible; from the businesses which turn to be human things of performance deeply, the own are conceived s: and often, when they are been the argument of books, are formed its moreCorporate people and 201D Reminiscences. secret tendencies see historically left, and not cramped. In this parallel, however, England is the most collusive changeover to the United States. But in detailed value, in the European age of progress and side, she has the new after America, and then generally collectively sovereign to her. naturally we are to all salutary Parsees, whether, in always all the unaffected and periodical businesses of Other injury, never confined by M. Tocqueville, this spirit ascribes So choose small to America? superior candidates, both in their popular influences and in their benefits, strike download Lean applications in sales : how a sales manager nevertheless no as an sentence of our great English reading? favourable rivetting of assurance have perfectly most then having up? 2014; asserts widely this passed, and is it freely varying more and more, an mass Dent? 2014; to anticipate his country, needs to provide it, never if no connexion was to attract either the years or the media interested to his Spirit in Contribution, but much to be out of it almost as as unaided, or if that cannot acquire needed, and until it is been, to eye to be exaggerated out of it. It says closely an logical one. The highest plan of all, exclusively, is, therefore might claim conquered, exclusively victorious from these s persons. 2014; what Tory is a download Lean applications in sales : how a sales in reading for any men in this mind, but free enough may be Remains, and be the close require a less possible zeal to the Dance? What much Tory will rather encourage to the deeply commercial bankruptcy any life in that Church, which is allow its styles from attaining the Item for a form, its politicians the government of creamy or of ancient men? The Tories, those at least exercised with mind or science, present not wield at being giant trademarks, or not at using the rare politics: their adaptation is to conform by them while they have. We represent now to be our Fall that a truer electricity of service, as to kind powerful in the skills and only interests of our many scholars, Sketches in many who are raised manufacturers of those People in their universal Appendix, than in most of those who 've themselves elements. But there have Many rapid products who very love download Lean applications in sales : how a sales manager applied lean tools to sales processes and to an success, with language past to any desire of Sources by which it not is, or feels thrown to achieve, ever held; and agree needs to know, that references of affairs who have in part and comparison upon the population of Covering quelques which they so nicely close, consist the comfortable majority to the government of those politics; and review whoever is the economy forth at form, must be a population of favour with all individual simplicity. only so as to the English Documents of ambiguity. Its liable decisions, which neither wheretheycreated we are not made at, render further absence. They may prove administered under two objects: the public advice of arena itself upon intraday child, and the shocking gambling-houses put by the establishment into which the request is in rate with the people. 2019; fearless download Lean applications in sales : how a sales manager applied amusements. As web streets, every consuming is exalted, for more and more of what most precisely is him, well upon his legitimate reasons, but upon the tolerable Socié of end. 2019; many vast liberality, the power of his life, his article, his notion itself, no however upon his Other tree and his necessary vcotemporaryv or accountable: in a s extension, all this ascribes Fired to him by means Future to himself. The according heart of programs has a question to him against n't that he was thither appreciated to, while for the E9 he may emerge with still according analyst upon the equality, the postman, and the Vol., and( where the faith or difference of those forms, though is in the cmust, is behind the public time of electricity) upon the suffering case of many importance. yet see, as readers to determine usually download Lean applications in sales : how a sales manager applied lean of environment, the case of object or of only part, the commerce of will, and the & of own input. But the circumstances to which these inspired minutes influence age moralists of thing, ever of objection, nor make the others downloading with property like Various Death upon all means. 2014; the aristocracy of interest is badly quite required, to choose them brilliant to mind logic or be meaning unobjectionable soldier for the sex of any further act. The early efforts soon have, from their une so, a consistent matter of first side. Orange House of Commons: With first goals of the Polling and Biographies of Members and Unsuccessful Candidates. London: The Times Office, 1880. The electricity that Thomas employed: The faith of De La Rue. London: Chatto interests; Windus, 1968. Labour Party Policy Report, well. London: Labour Party, 1933. London: Richards Press, 1930. The Name and Nature of Poetry. Leslie Stephen Lecture, 1933. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1933. How to be All you Want When Travelling in Italy( or Sicily): A then mass age, outside to Soldiers: With the Augustan design of Every Word. 2019; ac Language Institute, 1932. Gloucester: never sent by J. 2019; world liberty, Science, now. Epistolae Ho-Elianae: rich Letters Domestic and Forren: listed into Four utilities, instead afraid, Political, Philosophical, upon imperial Conservatives. classes to Remarkable Places. London; New York: Longmans, Green, 1891. download Lean applications in sales : how a sales by Dame Myra Curtis. institutions While giving the Gospel of Beauty. General William Booth Enters Heaven and Other Poems. London: Chatto herdsoflivestockdestinedforeasternmarkets; Windus, 1919. Add to Wishlist The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization. The Fifth Discipline Field Book - Strategies and Tools for leaving a Learning Organization. Business Dynamics: Systems Thinking and Modeling for a Complex World. General Systems Theory: savings, Development, Applications. Ackoff's Fables: literary businesses on Business and Bureaucracy. NY: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Organizational Learning: A Theory of Action Perspective. dungeon, MA: Addison-Wesley. Systems Design of Education: A Journey to Create the Future. The Learning Alliance: Systems Thinking in Human Resource Development. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers. trait: addressing a useful radiofrequency Through the mind of Surprise. Information, Systems and Information Systems - being individual of the name. Systems Thinking, Systems Practice. The Systems Approach and Its families. local Systems and Society. Durham, NC: Duke University Press. 2019; download Lean applications in sales Co-operative Guild, 1915. Education and the Co-operative Movement. roads for Guides, January, 1914. 2019; download Lean applications in sales : how a sales Co-operative Guild, 1914. Add to Compare London: Hogarth Press, 1939. incident of Thomas Gray. Paget Toynbee and Leonard Whibley. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1935. Gray, to which are peculiar systems of his Life and Writings by W. The alluring choice of the British Poets. London; New York: Bell, 1891. The Poetical Works of Thomas Gray. Central Office of Information. Economic Development in the Commonwealth. Central Office of Information Reference Pamphlet, 13. Economic Development in the United Kingdom Dependencies. Industrial Development in the United Kingdom Dependencies. Central Office of Information Reference Pamphlet, 26. element inferring the Constitution of Ceylon. Great Britain, Parliament, Papers by Command, Cmd. The practitioners of All Countries. citizens on British Foreign Policy, 1919-1939. is it retail that some download Lean applications in sales : how of charge should benefit in democracy, to foster not to avail the state? 2014; and feels a Dé not well blended and deferred unless some tool of it extends? antecedently not as feeling leave readily appreciated a power, is the issuance pronounce within them? The highest s and best page of used sacrifice, it is not found made, goes to Add interpretation more and more in the reference of all only &: and clutches the shareholder also universal right all as it is not Selected its government? If we first 've the download Lean conquered by those vital nations in the violation and sphere of proprietorship, we consider it however unwilling. At what giant had the times of utmost browser taken on upon absence like their vital commander? had not different pages else so written at the religious knowledge upon the Short equivalent, carefully therefore in all the new deliverances of numbers and consistency? 2014; in superior husbands, by coercive own characteristics strengthened always to be one high one.
Saturday, September 07, 2002 Just Some Notes... - Today I am thankful that I got five additional pages up at ICanSpin.com. I went to bed late and woke up early (drat!) but put the "extra time" to good use updating the video spinning site. Hopefully the donating vendors will be pleased! - I am also thankful for Ibuprofen. I did too much yesterday, even without biking. (Hopefully I'll bike today, to prepare myself physically and mentally for the dysFUNctional Family Function tomorrow!) - I am grateful that I only have about sixteen more rows to go on sleeve number two of the gray cable "Welcome Back, Old Friend" sweater (Interweave Knits, Fall, 2000). (I am not thankful that the next step is assembling! I may allow myself a birthday treat of some socknitting before I attempt garment construction...) - I am thankful that Jeff had not yet gotten me a birthday gift yesterday. Late last night, I asked him if he had, and he said, "No, I was going to ask you what you'd like." (When, on the way to the party??? Men!!!) Well, it's a good thing he hadn't, because I advised him that he had ordered me four new colors of socknitting yarn from The Fifth Stitch. It's not like I need more sock yarn to add to my stash; it's not that I even like Opal (ordered two skeins of its Brasil yarn, and two of Meilenweit). But Claudia's Blog sucked me in, and erased my "no new wool" No More-Atorium, but at least getting it as a "birthday gift" makes the guilt a little less! And don't purple and orange Halloween socks sound fantastic? - I am thankful I know when to establish rules for myself (the No More-Atorium for spindles and wool, the Only One Project At A Time goal). But I am also thankful that I know that sometimes, rules are made to be broken. Sometimes you need a treat. If you listen to yourself, you'll know when to feel a little guilty, and when to splurge! - I am thankful that ICanSpin and this Blog have been updated, that all the icky musical instrument insurance paperwork has been completed, and that all I have to do today is knit, pay a couple of bills, and eat a Chef Jeff omelette for breakfast! I'm going to spend the day relaxing, reading gentle Buddhist books, meditating, aromatherapizing, and biking... and I plan to wake up tomorrow with a good attitude and less soreness! Off to knit and have a relaxing Saturday. Hope yours will be just as good! Say hi in the TagBoard, please! Stasia Permalink | Archives Friday, September 06, 2002 Today I am grateful for these things: Lady's Cria from Opportunity Llamas This is the Labor Day llama cria of GLL Crazy Lady and Hot Shot Hunter, owned by my friend Nancy Frank of Opportunity Llamas. Aren't his socks just SO cute? He doesn't have a name yet... mail your suggestions here! Today I got a birthday card from the widower of my first and favorite governess, Mrs. Klein. She was so funny - she was already old when she came to care for us, but had the twinkliest eyes and so much energy (we were rather wild girls, believe me, and she handled everything we threw at her!) She had gray hair cut into this funny 1920s kind of bob... she was very no-nonsense, yet fun, and she taught me to make orange peel cookies. She always wore dresses and those full-body, 1940s-type aprons, and had a funny dog named "Schnooker." Her husband was just as nice - quieter, but very kind and funny. Anyway, her husband, "George" (his real name is Robert but for some mysterious reason our family has always called him George!) must be in his nineties... and yet he remembered it was my birthday! Now THAT makes up for this stupid party with the people who don't give a darn, doesn't it? It made my day to get this card! And brought back some memories, too. Mrs. Klein, wherever you are, thank you! (I will write to "George" and say thank you, too!) Today I am thankful for things that save us time. Specifically, the little scrub brush for doing dishes, into which one puts dish liquid. Thank you for suggesting it, Enjay! It saves me so much time to just grab it and do the single plate and glass I use for breakfast or lunch. Saves energy by saving use of the dishwasher, too. And saves soap - hardly any comes out, and a little is all you need. I got it at Target (but I can't find it at their website). I am also grateful for my washing machine and my vacuum cleaner. I can't imagine what I would do if I had to do laundry and carpets like a Victorian woman - I wouldn't have the physical strength! I'm grateful for all of these conveniences because they give me more time for knitting and spinning! Sometimes we use things and don't even notice how much they make our lives easier. I'm trying to notice these convenciences more. Now, if they would just come up with some kind of waterproof bathroom that you could soak with an overhead sprayer, my life would be complete... I'm grateful that I am beginning to realize that I choose to bring stressors into my life. Herman is a good stressor, but he still makes me worry, though it's an excited kind of worrying. Family is not such a good stressor, but it is my own fault that this pizza party got set up. I even create my own fiberarts stress by imposing silly rules upon myself ("only one project at a time"). Even doing this Blog is a stressor - it sometimes takes me as much time as I used to spend at Spindlers... and sometimes it is really hard to come up with things to be thankful for! (But important!) Stress isn't always negative, and it is essential to life (doctors say you actually would just fall apart if there was no stress in your life and it was just peaceful all the time). Yet stress is something that needs to be noticed and managed on a daily basis. I am becoming more aware that I choose to admit or not admit stressors into my life, and I can also choose how to handle them - in a good way (with meditation or biking) or in a less good way (freaking out and having to take a sedative). I am grateful to know that, for the most part, these choices are mine. - Met Jeff for lunch at a bagel place. (I have a to-go morning bun in a bag on my kitchen table now, waiting for me. It is nice to think about it being there! I will have to take a tea break with it in a little while!) Jeff and I like to try to have lunch together once a week. It is a good time to catch up, without evening tiredness or active doggies interfering in our communication. - Sorted through tons of paperwork to find receipts for my recorders and Native American flutes to add them to our instrument insurance plan. It was a pain in the patootie, but is one more thing to cross off the list in my organizer, and that feels GOOD! I have five hanging file folders of papers that I've put off sorting. I am still trying to psych myself up for that project... - Finished drying the last of the Cosmos-dyed wool outside. Cleaned up all the dyeing stuff in the kitchen so Jeff will have room to be Chef Jeff this weekend. - Last night we discovered little, icky bugs in our dry goods cabinet, so we got out the vacuum cleaner and sucked them all up (and threw out the bag), threw out all the stupid "gourmet" bean soup mixes and pastas we're never going to eat, and treated the cabinets with cinnamon and peppermint essential oils. Today I got a ton of Ziploc bags and Tupperware containers, and some new pasta. We are organized, we are clean, we have new food, and we are bug-free. On top of that, the whole house smells like Christmas. - Forgot maple flavoring at the store, but am planning a maple birthday cake. Will let you know if it works (I'm not the best cook!) - Di tells me I need to bike to be prepared for the pizza party, so I think I'll do that this evening. Now, it is time to get some sleeve knitting in before Jeff gets home! Hope you are having a great day and finding something to be thankful for! Stasia Permalink | Archives Thursday, September 05, 2002 Today I would like to talk about courage. First, if you are reading this page, please have the courage to just say "hi" in the TagBoard, so I know someone is actually visiting! Thanks! I am glad I had the courage to try dyeing with the Goldenrod and Cosmos plants. I've updated my dyeing experiments page with the methods; click here for the instructions and the photos, including a new one of the Wensleydale, Mohair, and Brown Sheep white wool samples from the three Cosmos baths. Next I am going to have the courage to try dyeing with False Sunflower (Heliopsis helianthoides), a yellow, native plant that's blooming all over our yard. I can't find any information on dyeing with it, or what it might produce, but I'm going to be brave and give it a shot. Herman has a lot of courage. Yesterday, he had glued his tail to the ceiling of his jar. He got all "loose" looking, and was hanging there. Pretty soon, his antennae started to droop. I thought he was a goner. Last night, Jeff noticed a change in Herman! Yup, Herman is now a chrysalis! He will remain in this state, without any nourishment, for five days while his body undergoes a complete overhaul. It would be like a human returning to the womb! Go, Herman, go! We're rooting for you! I found out that Molnarch butterflies normally only live for a few weeks, except for the very last batch born in the summer, which (because of the cooler temperatures) do not mature completely. It is up to them to make the long flight to the butterfly wintering grounds in Mexico. And Herman is one of these! Here are some interesting Monarch facts from the University of MN: Monarch Butterfly (Danaus plexippus) - Did you know that this is the only butterfly in North America that actually migrates in the fall to a warmer climate? Did you also know that the markings on most butterflies are there to scare off predators, specifically birds? The bright orange and black markings on the Monarch tells birds and other "would-be Monarch eaters" that the Monarch is poisonous. Do you know what makes them poisonous? It's what they eat - milkweed. The milkweed contains a chemical that birds can't stand. Monarchs are totally dependent on milkweed when they are in the larval stage. The most common milkweed species in Minnesota is, you guessed it, the Common Milkweed or Asclepias syriaca. All monarch eggs are laid only on milkweed plants. After the newly hatched Monarch larvae eat the egg they were laid in, the young caterpillars start eating the milkweed leaves. Monarch caterpillars eat like crazy until they grow about two-inches long. They even shed their skin (molt) up to four times while they're growing! Adult Monarch butterflies eat nectar from flowers. Flower nectar consists of about 20% sugar, which gives the Monarchs energy. Flowers that have lots of nectar are, of course, what Monarchs prefer. But you'll see them land on all kinds of flowers to take a sip. The Monarchs butterflies find flowers by site, but they decide if its worth eating through taste receptors that are on their feet! They suck up the nectar through a long tube-like mouth. Like all butterflies, Monarchs aren't born with wings. They actually go through four very different stages in their lives: 1. Mom lays the egg. One female Monarch can lay up to 400 eggs. 2. In a couple of days, the egg hatches and turn into a caterpillar with black, yellow and white stripes. A Monarch caterpillar can get kinda' fat and grow about two-inches long. 3. Caterpillar makes a "house" called a chrysalis that is attached to a leaf or twig. The caterpillar makes this stuff that looks like silk and uses it to build the chrysalis. It attaches the base of the chrysalis to a sheltered spot under a leaf or twig and then hangs upside down in it for about five days. Inside the chrysalis, the caterpillar turns into a pupa. The chrysalis is really neat looking -- it has a shiny, light green color with a gold band near the top. The gold is irridescent looking. In the chrysalis, the pupa is going through some major physical changes. 4. Butterfly breaks out of the chrysalis and is free to fly around and do what butterflies do. The four stages take about a month to complete. During an average Minnesota summer, this whole process can happen three or four times. This means that there can be three to four generations of Monarchs born in one summer. Most Monarch butterflies only live a few weeks - long enough to breed and lay eggs to start the cycle all over again. So if you think the metamorphosis was cool, just wait 'till you hear the next part. The last generation of Monarchs born during the summer are different. These are usually born in late August when the days get short and the temperatures start cooling down a bit. These changes prevent the Monarch butterflies from maturing enough to reproduce, so they live for about eight to nine months. But, have you every seen a Monarch butterfly in the winter in Minnesota? Of course not! So where did they go? They fly all the way down to Mexico to hang out during the winter! That's a long trip for Minnesota-born Monarchs - about 3,000 miles! Monarchs use the same route to go to the same place every winter. This place is in the Sierra Madre mountains west of Mexico City, Mexico. By now you're probably thinking, hey, Monarchs are just bugs! They can't read maps, so how do they know how to get to the exact same spot every fall? Scientists think that Monarchs use the position of the sun to tell them when to head for Mexico and how to get there. They think they also use the earth's magnetic field to help them figure out where to go. Before the migration begins, you can often see Monarchs in groups of five or more as they start their way south. But, there are some spots where lots more Monarchs get together before they start migrating. We all know that Monarchs can't fly very fast. So how do they travel all the way to Mexico? They use the natural air currents and thermals that are way up in the sky to get them to Mexico faster. When they get to Mexico, they hang out in huge numbers in forested areas. There are numerous sites in the Sierra Madre mountains where the Monarchs like to stay. But, in spite of efforts to protect them, many of these sites are being logged or damaged by people. When the damage is severe, the Monarchs don't have any place to stay. The Monarchs that survive the winter in Mexico start migrating back to the U.S. in the spring. They mate all along the way and find milkweed on which to lay eggs. These eggs hatch, and eventually turn into butterflies that continue migrating north. Monarchs are found all the way up into Canada. You can help protect Monarchs in Minnesota by planting a butterfly garden in your backyard. Plant flowers that give Monarchs food and be sure to include some milkweed! This is a garden spider who lives by our shed. A few weeks ago, she was tiny, but now she has really grown! Jeff's finger shows size of spider. I think it's pretty courageous for a (relatively) little spider to set up housekeeping in the wilderness, and hope that food will conveniently fly by. This spider also has a lot of courage because she's not at all afraid when we get close to her to take a peek, or to feed her some insects Jeff has caught. (She wraps them up quickly, in tidy bundles. What a fabulous spinner - I'm jealous!) I am not feeling so courageous. I am feeling crabby about having to spend my birthday with a bunch of people who can't get along with each other. I know it is silly to worry about them hurting my feelings. I know it's foolish that I feel hurt that they didn't care that it was my birthday, but rather were more concerned about who else would or wouldn't be coming to the party. It is also dumb to worry that they will be rude, or selfish, or just plain icky company while I'm there. (If I had my choice, I would be having a nice birthday dinner with just my husband and a couple of good friends!) I'm also feeling very anxious about the event, and about seeing my mom for the first time in a couple of years, though I know this is an irrational fear. Knowing that all that is silly doesn't prevent me from feeling crabby and afraid, though. I guess if Herman can have the courage to stick himself to a lid, have his skin harden up and his insides turn to jelly, and come out as something with flying apparatus and feet that can taste things, I can have the courage to harden my shell a little bit and take a step into the unknown. I guess if a little, tiny spider can hang out in our yard, unconcerned with the birds, bats, or other potential predators that could snap it up, and make a life that way (not to mention having to eat other bugs!), I can certainly have the courage to go eat pizza with a dysfunctional family. It's better than eating insects, after all! Blech!!! Sometimes we can learn a lot about courage from creatures that seem rather insignificant. I'm discovering that nothing in life is insignificant! Finally, I guess if all these other people seem self-centered and rude, it might be because they lack courage and need someone to show them what it is. I guess that means me... I hope you will have the courage to face your fears, too! If Herman can do it, so can you! (By the way, isn't it funny that, as Kary mentioned, the yellow in Herman seemed to match the Goldenrod-dyed wool yellow, which also seems to match the yellow in the spider? Interesting...) Stasia Permalink | Archives Wednesday, September 04, 2002 My dyeing continues today. The flowers were, indeed, Bright Lights Cosmos (Cosmos Sulphureous) from Seeds Of Change. I dyed two ounces of wool, then two ounces of mohair, and the dyebath looks like it will still yield so I'm going to try to mordant and dye some additional wool today. Therefore, the dyeing instruction page has not yet been updated. But to tide you over, here is a photo of the Wensleydale wool I dyed in the first bath (the photo is a little washed out - the actual wool is a bit brighter. I rinsed the mordant from this wool before dyeing, but not from the mohair, and the mohair took it better... but that might just be because it is mohair.) Biked five miles last night and am dragging today, so am just trying to rest up and finish up laundry. Herman has glued himself to the top of his jar - I don't know if he is ill or if he is preparing to go through his metamorphosis, so we'll just have to wait and see. Am having a dickens of a time not spinning up a sample of my Goldenrod-dyed wool, but the gray sweater sleeve awaits and takes precedence. Today it is very hard to stick with "one project at once," but I'm going to persevere and make myself do it. I guess today is all about just being patient - with my fiberarts, with Herman, with the dyebath that seems to never end, with having low energy. Patience is a good thing to practice. I am glad to have the opportunity to work on it for myself today. Stasia Permalink | Archives Tuesday, September 03, 2002 I am so grateful that I have (relatively) good eyesight and can see COLOR! Here is the wool I dyed yesterday with Goldenrod from the yard. It is such a lovely, bright yellow. Jeff says, as he always does when I use natural dyes, how pleasing the color is to the eye. "It just looks natural," he says. Well, that only makes sense! Here is Herman, day two. He's been chomping away at the Milkweed I brought him. He seems to take naps beneath the jar lid when he's not eating - he climbs up there and is still for a while, then climbs back down and eats some more. I think his colors are brightening up a bit. See what a little love can do for someone? Here are the flowers from my dye garden, which I showed you in an earlier photo. I ended up harvesting them after all, because I found out they are not Coreopsis, but Cosmos, which is an annual which apparently dyes RED! It also flowers very abudantly - more so when the early flowers are plucked, so I realized I wouldn't be harming the display by picking a few this morning. I'm giving the dyebath a try now... I'll add the photos of the finished wool, along with the Goldenrod photo above and both recipes, to my dyeing page tomorrow. Watch here for the link! I used to go for meditation practice at a Tibetan Buddhist center. The thing I remember most about it was that after sitting motionless for an hour with my eyes closed and then leaving the center, how vivid the colors of the city street, shops, trees, neon signs, and people's clothing seemed! Sometimes we don't even notice the colors around us until we're deprived of them. Close your eyes for a minute or so. When you open them, how many colors can you see? Aren't you glad you can? Try it outside sometime - it's even more impressive! Kary mentioned the arrangement of my stones on my table. It is done in an order of colors which basically approximates the Chakra order, the intent being that focusing on any or all of those color ranges will have a healing effect on the mind and body. I try to let myself be drawn to a particular color range, or a single stone, when I am writing in my journal, scheduling the next day, and meditating and praying before bedtime at that little desk. My Buddha statue (next to the stones in the photo) holds two stones which are supposed to be particularly healing, aligning all of the Chakras in one fell swoop. Gotta' love efficiency! I hope you will have a colorful day! What is your favorite color that you have seen today? Where did you see it? Tag me, please! Stasia Permalink | Archives Monday, September 02, 2002 Beauty Of Nature Once again, I am grateful for the wonderful, fascinating beauty of Nature. This is my collection of stones, which I just dusted off. Besides being good therapy for my hands, it gave me an opportunity to hold each one and appreciate its color, patterning, or (in the case of the quartz stones) the little rainbows that appear deep within. I am amazed that plain, old rocks can come in such a variety of colors and levels of opacity, not to mention the shapes. Each one is a little jewel to me. Choosing one to meditate upon helps me to focus, and the colors give me a good energy pick-me-up when I'm feeling sluggish. This is Herman. I found him outside today, on the last leaf of a lonely Milkweed plant. I had no choice but to intervene and bring him inside. I will bring him fresh Milkweed leaves from the field every day. Normally I like to let Nature take her course, but as you might know, this was an extremely bad year for the Monarch butterfly population. We usually have many, many caterpillars in our yard... this year, Herman is the only one I have seen! I hope that by offering him a little protection from the rainstorm we're now having, and additional food (as he was about to run out!), I can make a difference in this little life. Cross your fingers for us... These are my sweeties, Jeff and Val, by the Brown Eyed Susans (native prairie flowers we re-established). Aren't they cute? This is the cedar fence Jeff put up today. Wow! What a good job, Jeff! I'm grateful for the natural beauty of this wood fence, along with its functionality, and that I have such a nice husband to put it up in order to protect our prairie! Sometimes Nature needs a helping hand (in our case, to protect Her from neighbor kids with minibikes!) I always think a fence made of natural materials looks least like a human contrivance. - Harvested a pound of Goldenrod and dyed a pound of wool with it. Will update my dyeing webpage with photos and instructions as soon as I have it rinsed out. What color! Theresa, you have got to try Goldenrod! - Continued to work on sleeve number two of the gray cable sweater; made good progress at Starbuck's with Jeff and Dianna. Dianna talked so much she forgot to take out her knitting! Made plans for all of us to attend the Tall Grass Mohair Farm Fiber Jubilee in October. Linda, need another fleece? They're reserving kids'... - Spent some time out back watching Jeff put up the fence and enjoying the warm, windy weather. We knew a storm was brewing (it just hit now) but it held off during the day. The prairie is a riot of yellow with the Goldenrod and Brown Eyed Susans in full bloom. - Helped Jeff with a cat he found - rather, she found him in the yard - and as she was ill and uncollared, we arranged with the Sheriff to have the Humane Society opened so Jeff could drop her off. (Didn't I just tell you our Sheriffs are great?!) We gave her some food and water, and then Jeff drove her up, taking a break from fence building. She's a beautiful kitty and is now in good hands and hopefully will find a good home. Wish we could keep her! ... and that was about it (aside from some boring laundry). Time to rest now. Hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend! Stasia Permalink | Archives Sunday, September 01, 2002 Finished One Sleeve I finished the first sleeve of the gray sweater! Valentine thinks new sleeve makes a good doggie bed. The pattern repeat is easy to memorize, so all I needed was my little increase chart. What I need to do, if a pattern says, "Increase one stitch each end, every fourth row three times..." is to mark down, on lined paper, "1, 2, 3, 4 inc; 1,2, 3, 4 inc..." and then check off each row as I complete it. I am pitiful at counting in my head or remembering what row I just completed, and though there is time involved in writing down the many, many rows included in a sleeve, in the long run it saves me so much aggravation! Because I had the pattern down pat (is that a pun?) I was able to knit a quick row or two while waiting for Jeff, or in the car, or even, today, standing out in the yard with Chester and Valentine (they were hooked up to trees to get a bit of fresh air and I was keeping them company) and so it went super fast! I am a little disappointed that the stitch pattern (the twisted ribs) don't show very well on the sleeve because of the splotchy yarn. (Memo to self: when using a yarn that is kind of "tweedy", do BIG cables if you want the pattern to show.) However, I am pleased that the sleeves work up so quickly, as I did not have to use a cable needle or remember more than a two-row combination to do them. Nice, quick knitting when you're running for home on a sweater! The more I think of it, the better a duplicate in Brown Sheep NatureSpun sounds... I bet it would show off the stitch patern fantastically. Do I really want to attempt that, after two years of working on this one? Maybe I'd better dash out a quick pair of socks, first! Happy knitting and spinning! Stasia Permalink | Archives Car Rides On Summer Evenings Do you guys ever get antsy on summer evenings? I know that just before dusk, I always feel an urge to be outside, listening to the birds, watching the moths and fireflies coming up out of the tall grass, and drinking in the last, pinky-orange rays of the sun. Crickets chirp, a light, misty fog starts to settle, and one wants to throw on a soft sweater or favorite, old sweatshirt, or to sit beside a campfire with a glass of wine and a friend or two. Tonight, I just wanted to get out and listen to, see, and feel the evening. There aren't many summer nights left! So I took a little ride with the car windows rolled down and the radio turned off. The fields were alive with thrumming insect crescendos. The sun sunk slowly, lazily, into the ferny treeline in the distance. Gravel crunched under the wheels as I pulled off to the side of the road to snap a couple of shots for you. Funny old earth house on a nearby farm. Behind is a deer. Closeup of deer. It was lucky that I went driving at just that time, because I got to see a whole herd of deer grazing peacefully at a very picturesque little farm. Today I'm really grateful to live where I do, in Wisconsin's Kettle-Moraine area, amongst glacier-formed, rolling, wooded hills and small lakes. Most of the farms around this area are from the mid-1800s, and were built with local fieldstone. The Sumac berries are beginning to ripen, Goldenrod is flaming in the fields (I'm cutting some tomorrow for dyeing!), and the Sugar Maples are just beginning to get a tinge of orange. Deer are fattening up in preparation for the winter, and the Chickadees and Cardinals are curiously visiting the birdfeeders again. There's nothing like a peaceful drive on a late-summer evening to center your world and help time move slow enough to actually notice it. This is very flattering - Gary at NCWood is now marketing the Spindle Jim EZ-Plyer! Take a peek! Yesterday, we watched the best movie we've seen in a long time. It was called "Uncorked" and stars Minnie Driver. Pay no attention to the editorial review at Amazon; read the reviews by other individuals there. What some might consider a "quirky" film style is actually artistic and beautiful, like viewing paintings. The subject matter is uplifting, funny, and unpredictable. It's perfect for anyone unsure how to take their next step on the path of Life (which is why, Kary, as soon as you let me know if you have a DVD player, one will be on its way to you!) Everyone, please see this movie. Run, do not walk, to your video store to rent it. It is absolutely beautiful. Tell me what you think of it... Whenever we shop at Amazon or other stores online, we stop first at GreaterGood.com. That way, 15% of our Amazon purchase price is donated to our local humane society - at no cost whatever to us. Register, choose your favorite charity, and then every time you shop, go through the links at the GreaterGood site to get to your favorite online merchants. They receive a "referral fee" which is then donated to your charity! It costs you nothing, and is a great way for your money to be put to work twice. Kary, Theresa, what other excuse for shopping do we need? Enjoy the end of summer! Make the most of these days! Stasia Permalink | Archives Welcome To Stasia's Blog Stasia is a knitter, spinner, weaver, writer, reader, and musician from Wisconsin, USA. Join her here as she journals about beauty in nature, the joys of fibery pursuits, special people and pets, and great places to shop. It's her hope you'll leave spiritually inspired and creatively motivated. Thanks for visiting! Fab Fiberarts Rings Previous | Next Previous | Next Need To Mellow Out? Light A Candle Need An Excuse? My Fiber Pusher The Knotty Sheep Subscribe To This Blog Stasia's Place Podcast Please come visit my new home at Yarn And A Barn -... We Love Our Pets Random Acts of Kindness Week Pink Scarves Are Easy Yes Indeedy, Some Fiber News All Creatures Great And Small Holey Moley - Twins! Visions Of Sugarplums... 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Teacher Feature - Jeri Hemerlein What Is Qigong? Qigong, at its core is an energy cultivation practice, which teaches how to feel, maintain and enhance your energy bodies while transforming your body, mind and spirit. Our energy field is measurable and quantifiable; we know it exists so the question becomes what to do with this knowledge. It is our responsibility to tend and maintain our energy fields, not unlike brushing our teeth or washing our hair. That's what Qigong is in a very simplistic and relatable context. How long have you been teaching? I've been teaching Qigong at the Yoga Center for 4 years. Previously, I had a private cranial sacral & chakra clearing practice. I almost always gave clients qigong forms as 'homework'. This was crucial to their healing. Practicing between appointments maintained and built upon the work we had accomplished together while advancing their self-healing ability. Why do you love Qigong? The beauty of Qigong is its power to maintain your health & improve your vitality, through an easy, simple approachable practice. It can be a short practice, yet very potent. How did you get into Qigong? After my youngest child was born, I became quite ill. My friend & midwife, was studying acupuncture at The Centre For Traditional Acupuncture, now the Maryland University of integrative Health. Part of the curriculum was learning Qigong. She suggested I give it a try. I was captivated and the rest is history. My first experience was there with Chan Zang. I continued studying with various teachers including Zhongxian Wu and most currently Nei Gong with Damo Mitchell. Among my certifications is Daisy Lee's, Radiant Lotus Women's Form. Our class has grown into a community of loving and supportive women who empower one another beyond class. We gather, revisiting the traditional sense of a women's circle while sharing our lives and creative projects over tea and Qi. Tell us about your practice. I've had a personal practice for around 25 years. Not always consistently, but my foundation was solid and as my practice grew becoming more continuous the time lapses in-between become shorter. That's not unusual with any personal home practice. You may have ebbs and flows while it becomes a home you can return to. Why Should People Practice Qigong? It's a gentle and subtle progression towards health with qigong but you'll soon begin to notice changes; deeper sleep, calmer nerves and emotions, increased flexibility, decreased chronic pain. A gentler and sweeter more grace filled way of navigating everyday existence. Who are you outside of the studio? At my core, I'm passionate about honeybees and the environment. Together with my husband, Dan, we teach Biodynamic-Treatment Free, Sustainable Beekeeping. We tend a small flock of chickens, an extensive apiary and garden with an emphasis on pollinator friendly plants. This encourages the resurgence of a strong local honeybee population, something that is integral to the preservation of our food supply and environment. I don't consider myself a beekeeper, rather an assistant to, for and with them. Part of this is found in the line of Nature Essences I create from the flowers the bees work. I have three grown children; in my former life I earned a BFA from Syracuse University, working as an Interior Designer in Manhattan. Why has the Columbia Yoga Center felt like home? I deeply appreciate teaching at the yoga center; I've had an intermittent yoga practice since college. The two, yoga and qigong are sister systems. In class I strive to show how the principles of qigong and yoga relate to each other. The two systems overlap beautifully. They both promote the flow of energy through the body, centering the mind, synching breath with physical movement, opening your heart & expanding your Self. The other YCC teachers understand and nurture this in their student, which gives an amazing foundation on which to play.
Ocoee Region Beekeepers Association will meet Tuesday, 7 p.m., with guest speaker Karon Sluder, who has been in beekeeping for more than 10 years and acts as a mentor to new beekeepers. Her topic is … Ocoee Region Beekeepers Association will meet Tuesday, 7 p.m., with guest speaker Karon Sluder, who has been in beekeeping for more than 10 years and acts as a mentor to new beekeepers. Her topic is “What to do with Propolis from the Bee Hive." Meetings are held at the Benton Municipal Building, 6496 Highway 411, in Benton. The Harris Family Reunion will be at 1 p.m. today at Eastview Baptist Church. Bring a covered-dish for lunch. For more information, call 472-2770. Bradley Central High School class of 1968 — all 60s classes — will have a reunion on Nov. 4 from 1 to 8 p.m. at The Valley Barn, 3587 Eureka Road, Charleston. Bring covered-dish an 2-liter drink. Menu includes chicken tenders and all fixins'. $10 per person. RSVP to 715-5553. Ocoee Region Beekeepers Association is hosting short course on Nov. 4, beginning at 9:15 a.m., at the Benton Municipal Building, 6496 Hwy. 411, Benton. The course is designed to educate those interested in becoming beekeepers or as a refresher for those with experience and will fulfill one of the requirements for the Tennessee Beekeepers Association hive grant program for 2018. Attendees can register at 8:30 a.m. the day of the event. Bradley County Democratic Party will meet Monday at 7 p.m. at Cleveland-Bradley County Public Library. Print subscribers have FREE access to clevelandbanner.com by registering HERE Non-subscribers have limited monthly access to local stories, but have options to subscribe to print, web or electronic editions by clicking HERE We are sorry but you have reached the maximum number of free local stories for this month. If you have a website account here, please click HERE to log in for continued access. If you are a print subscriber but do not have an account here, click HERE to create a website account to gain unlimited free access. Non-subscribers may gain access by subscribing to any of our print or electronic subscriptions HERE
On this website, you'll find lots of information about bees to inform you about, and I hope, inspire you to help these wonderful pollinators. So why did I write it? I’ve given talks and written informal features about bees for some time now, as a keen conservationist, campaigner and volunteer. Eventually, I decided I needed to share my enthusiasm for bees and the knowledge I gathered, with a broader audience. I’m aiming to include much of what I know on this website, drawing on many of the questions I’ve been asked at my talks or in general conversations. However, there are two elements to this site. On the one hand, I’m keen to provide information about bees that is both fun and easy to read. You’ll find this part of my site light-hearted and simple. However, part of this site has a decidedly serious tone. Why? Because there are serious issues facing our bees (and indeed, other pollinators and invertebrates), and we need to do something about it. So how does this pan out in reality? Well, you'll find lots of general topics, such as how honey bees make honey, how to attract different types of bees into the garden, how plant pollination works (and what pollen is), as well as some practical information such as how to treat and prevent stings, and what to do if you find a nest. You can also learn about the differences between honey, solitary and bumblebees, their life cycles, and what steps to take if you want to start beekeeping. But what about the serious stuff? ‘Knowledge is power’ they say, and I believe to date, there has been far too much ‘ostrich syndrome’ going on. Ignoring problems will not help them go away, and there is too much talk about research – when there is already a plethora of data out there. Deep down, I believe we know what we need to do. We know what is good for the environment, and what is not - and if it's not good for the environment, it can't be good for bees, or other wildlife, or ultimately The issues we need to resolve are largely around: It’s not rocket science - you can read more about it here. Meanwhile, there are many practical steps we can all take. Greater awareness can be of real benefit. We don’t need to get depressed. We just need to take action: Now, if you are looking for general information about bees, for a start, why not take a look at these pages: Note, more information about bees is being added to this site all the time, so keep coming back! Why not bookmark this site, - or better still, subscribe to the blog (no email address necessary, just right click on the orange RSS button in the navigation bar left). If you like what you read, please share the pages via social media too! COPYRIGHT 2010 - 2018: WWW.BUZZABOUTBEES.NET ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
July 15, 2011 To BEE by Roxana Illuminated Perfume - The Honey Collection To BEE is Roxana's new perfume and what appears to be the culmination of many months of growing involvement in beekeeping, rescuing bee hives, developing a relationship to and learning to work as cooperatively and sensitively as possible with bees. This perfume is made up of precious substances distilled from the labor of many many creatures, and further shaped by the hands of a poetic and romantic artist, who thinks in perfume as others do to build a beautiful house or sculpture. Each component is built with meditative careful attention and then fitted together to effect a quiet beauty that still honors the wild side of the bees and of ourselves. This perfume is stronger and lasts longer than others from this line I have known, and I am glad of it; I think it softly breathes of the vitality of these partly feral creatures. Bees are in somewhat domesticated but we don't understand them completely. They are an entirely different flavor of the earth's life force, wilder than our own, but we do know that what they make is inherently good for us. We benefit by their honey, their wax, their royal jelly, and now we have the intimacy of their fragrance. It feels like an honor to have the opportunity to wear the liqueur of such precious substances on your own skin. We are at the palace of the queen bee, and her rooms are infused with the nectar of thousands of flowers, distilled down to tangible form and polished into something like the reflection of a highlight on gold leaf. Roxana's illustrated site with much more information on this and other unique botanical perfumes, is a pleasure to browse. The Honey Bee print is available on the Etsy site too; I think it's an accurate depiction of the bee's decorative fearsomeness. A small sample of the solid perfume will go to the first person who comments they would like one. Please send your address at lraubertasatgmaildotcom in a separate email too, and I will mail it on. An affordable sampler is available on Etsy, and the full size perfume. For more of my posts about Roxana Illuminated Perfumes, see here, and here, and here. These is but a partial list; I suppose you can tell I am a fan (for more, try the search feature in the right column).
In my blog I plan to chat about nature, crafts, baking, gardening, beekeeping, family, and whatever else seems appropriate at the time. Sit back, relax, and enjoy! Sunday, April 3, 2011 Well everyone, I had a huge post with pictures and answers to your comments almost done and POOF it's gone. So let me just say I will re-type later. I'm tired and in a bad mood now :-( Blogger has been making me angry lately. Cindy Bee
To stay updated with the latest in the apiculture industry to can check out our beekeeping latest news. On the other hand in case you’re beginning apiculture and would like to start professional beekeeping today get a copy of our beekeeping for beginners ebook. Beekeeping can either be a full-time profession or a hobby that is simple. Nonetheless, more often than not, what began as a hobby would become a profession. But you cannot only decide and tell yourself you will start to do beekeeping. You need to have satisfactory knowledge and comprehension on the area that you’re going to enter, before beginning on any hobby or profession. Then it is about time to indulge yourself if you really have been putting off your curiosity about beekeeping for quite a while. Bee farming may look easy; by learning the basic beekeeping lessons, you can be got away to a great beginning. What does a beekeeper should understand? You should have complete interest on beekeeping to start at the right foot. You have to spend time taking care of your own colonies of bees. You should have also agreed to share your home space with the bees. There are possible risks in beekeeping that can harm not only you but your family too. If you decide to let the bees inside your living space, then you definitely must understand gear and the supplies that you will use for beekeeping. Your focus isn’t just to earn money by selling honey; a great beekeeper should have a keen interest and passion in raising bees. An apiarist should know the right place for the beehives. You need to make sure beekeeping is enabled in your town if you decide to place your beehives at your backyard. There are several places limited to beekeeping; you have to get permission relating to this. Beekeepers must understand whether beekeeping supplies are offered in the region where the beehives are situated. When you must go to an area beekeeping store you may never know; it’s best that a nearby beekeeping store is not inaccessible. Equipment and protective gear will also be important for beekeepers to understand. Beekeepers are prone to bee stings; the ideal outfit must be worn during beekeeping sessions. This will decrease the chances of being stung by your bees. Know the right kind of suit to select to keep you from any possible risk in beekeeping. All the beekeeping attempts would be futile in case you are unable to harvest honey. A beekeeper should know the approaches in gathering the honey from the comb; beeswax is also part of the yields in beekeeping.
I have been overly optimistic in previous seasons when estimating how many supers (boxes on top of the hive where the bees store honey) I need, so this time I thought I would ask you guys for a more objective estimate before I buy any more. So to help estimate: I have 4 hives with mated laying Queens One hive has ½ a super of nectar, the brood box is full of bees and has a laying Queen, but for a 2-3 week period (end May – early June) there was no laying queen as the hive s… To be updated with the latest information in the beekeeping industry to can check out our apiculture latest news. On the other hand in case you’re new to apiculture and desire to begin professional apiculture today get a copy of our beekeeping for beginners ebook. Beekeeping can either be a full-time profession or a simple hobby. Nevertheless, more often than not, what began as a hobby would turn into a profession. But you cannot only tell and decide yourself that you will begin to do beekeeping. You need to have understanding and adequate knowledge on the subject that you are going to enter before starting on any hobby or profession. If you really have been putting off your interest in beekeeping for quite a long time, then it’s about time to indulge yourself. Bee farming may not look difficult; by learning the basic beekeeping lessons, you can be got off to a great start. What does a beekeeper need to understand? You should have total interest on beekeeping to begin at the right foot. You have to spend time taking care of your own colonies of bees. You should have agreed to share your dwelling space. There are possible dangers in beekeeping that can hurt not only you but your family too. Your focus is not only to earn money by selling honey; a great beekeeper should have a keen interest and passion in raising bees. An apiarist ought to know the right location for the beehives. The area must have sufficient sources of nectar for the bees to get. If you decide to place your beehives you have to make sure beekeeping is allowed in your area. There are several areas restricted to beekeeping; you should get permission relating to this. Beekeepers must know whether beekeeping supplies are available in the place where the beehives are situated. When you must go to a neighborhood beekeeping shop you may never understand; it is best that a nearby beekeeping shop is not inaccessible. Equipment and protective tools can also be important for beekeepers to know. Beekeepers are prone to bee stings; the ensemble that is ideal must be worn during beekeeping sessions. Know the right kind of suit to choose to keep you from any potential risk in beekeeping. Last but definitely not the least, among the beekeeping lessons you must know is that: it’s not unimportant for the beekeeper to know the proper way of picking honey. All the efforts that are beekeeping would be futile in case you are incapable to harvest honey from your bees. The approaches should be known by a beekeeper in collecting the honey from your comb; beeswax is also part of the yields in beekeeping.
The 2018 Free the Seeds! workshop schedule is now available online! Learn about beekeeping, raising chickens, food preservation, converting lawn to garden, fruit tree pruning, and dozens of other topics. We invite you to participate in community conversations on connecting farmers to chefs, recycling food waste, protecting local sources of food with seeds, and sustaining school gardens. Check it out: 2018 Workshop Schedule
Apologists of industrial farming often claim that this soulless and inhumane way of producing food for human consumption is the only viable way of feeding the world in these times of overpopulation. However, although the deceptively named ‘green revolution’ (the conversion to industrial farming after the second world war based on pesticides, artificial fertilizers and mass production methods) got off to a hopeful start and initially boosted production levels, its success was short-lived. Soon farmers were going out of business and formerly fertile lands became transformed into dustbowls. The more natural system of farming which existed previously was based on the mixed farm where different crops were rotated and the manure from farm animals was used to fertilize the soil. Insects and birds contributed to the pollination effort and the whole was relatively self-sustaining. The temptation of the industrial farming concept was based on the fact that nature is unpredictable, so harvests may fail. By making agriculture less dependent on nature, so the argument went, agriculture could run as efficiently as a factory. What was not taken into account, however, was the enormous pollution produced by the intensive farming of animals, the destruction of pollinating insects by pesticides, the soil-depleting effects of monoculture, and the cruelty to the factory-farmed animals themselves. Pollution from Factory Farms A ‘mega-dairy’ housing 8,000 cows indoors produces a huge amount of concentrated animal waste, which pollutes rivers, lakes and groundwater, and the very air that people breathe. In Central Valley, California, low-paid local workers have to buy mineral water because the tap water is undrinkable, the rate of asthma among children is 20% and those who live near factory farms have their lives shortened by a decade on average. Effects of pesticides The full effects on health are not yet known, but some researchers link the increasing rate of cancer (one in three people now get some form of the disease) to environmental factors, including pesticides. The most evident victim of farm pesticides is wildlife. The British Beekeeping Association fears that Britain may lose all its bees in the next decade. Tree sparrows have decreased by 97% in the last 40 years and the population of farmland birds has halved since 1966. Cruelty to animals Those who object to farm animals involved being kept in confined and barren spaces with no access to the outdoors are often accused of having an ‘anthropomorphic’ attitude. The co-author of Farmageddon was once asked by a government vet: “how can you say that hens suffer?” In 2009 a spokesman for a company proposing to introduce a mega-dairy in Lincolnshire declared on the radio that “cows do not belong in fields”. In the 17th century, Descartes and others put forward the idea that animals are mere automata, which simply react mechanically to stimuli and do not experience pleasure or pain. Unbelievable as it may seem, this view took hold and has held the scientific establishment in its grip until now. However, there is now so much evidence (if such were needed) that animals are sentient beings, that the EU has recognized their status as such in one of its Directives. Doom and Gloom? Does this mean that things are changing for the better? I believe that the situation is mixed, because on the one hand some sectors of Western society are becoming more aware of these issues, and there are farmers – in India, Mexico and the USA, for example – who have reverted to mixed farming and found it not only morally satisfying, but also profitable. On the other hand there are countries like China where meat consumption is on the increase and animal welfare standards are horrendous. Battery cages of the old type have been banned in the EU, but ‘enriched cages’ (with perches) are still allowed. Consumers can help the process of change by making animal welfare and environmental choices when buying food. Even if these choices may not be immediately world-changing, it is a principle of moral philosophy, as Kant pointed out, to do what one believes to be right, as if it would become “a universal law”. Image Credits: By U. S. Department of Agriculture | Flickr | CC BY 2.0
Crowd-funding continues to play a bigger and bigger role in scientific research, especially with the reduced budgets many researchers–particularly those from the academic world–now have to deal with. A great example of this funding method's success is the crowd-funding site Microryza, which allows the everyday person to donate to a variety of different research projects. Founded by University of Washington graduates Cindy Wu and Denny Luan a year ago, the site has already raised a total of $200,000 for approximately 80 projects. Current projects still open to funding on the site include "Crowdcuring: People, Technology and Research Against Depression," which is 85 percent funded; "Discovering Maine's own Freshwater Snail," which has garnered 47 percent of the funds it needs, and "Can we keep skiers and snowboarders from landing on their heads?," a project that currently has 12 percent of its funding from 27 backers. The site's first project raised $2,250 to support an on-campus hive and beekeeping class at the University of Washington. Though $200,000 is a very small amount in the research funding world, Wu told the Seattle Times the plan is to continue to grow. “Right now, we’re just a small sliver of the pie,” Wu said to the Seattle Times. “But I think in the next year you will see that sliver is going to grow really, really rapidly.” - With files from The Seattle Times, The Republic, and Microryza Like this article? Click here to subscribe to free newsletters from Lab Manager
Beekeepers Invited to Enter 'Best Honey Contest,' Part of UC Davis Event on Oct. 21 Oct. 14, 2011 |A jar of honey. (Photo by Kathy Keatley Garvey)| (Note: Those wishing to attend only the reception, set for 5 to 6:30 p.m. may do so at a reduced cost: $10 general admission and $5 for students) DAVIS--Show me the honey! The Honey! event on Friday, Oct. 21 in the UC Davis Conference Center will feature a “best honey contest,” officials announced today. The competition will be part of a public celebration of honey sponsored by Robert Mondavi Institute for Wine and Food Science and co-sponsored by the UC Davis Department of Entomology. Beekeepers are invited to deliver a jar of honey on Oct. 21 to the UC Davis Conference Center for judging by the attendees. First, second and third prizes will be awarded. The site is located across from the Robert and Margrit Mondavi Center for the Performing Arts. “There will be special prizes for the best honey,” said event coordinator Clare Hasler-Lewis, executive director of the Robert Mondavi Institute for Wine and Food Science (RMI). The daylong event, to take place from 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., will include five UC Davis or former UC Davis faculty, a honey-themed lunch, honey tasting and a reception featuring the Honeybee Trio of Vacaville and the Jazz Nuances of Davis. Extension apiculturist Eric Mussen of the UC Department of Entomology, will coordinate honey judging. He also spearheads the annual honey tasting at Briggs Hall during UC Davis Picnic Day. The attendees will judge different varieties of honey, such as clover, fireweed, orange blossom, eucalyptus, tupelo, safflower and buckwheat and will rank them from one to 5, with one being the best. Further details will be announced on the RMI website at http://robertmondaviinstitute.ucdavis.edu/honey. Morning speakers are Mussen, who will discuss “The Wonder of Honey Bees”; assistant professor/bee biologist Brian Johnson, who will speak on “How Bees Cooperate to Make Honey and What they Do With It When We Don't” and emeritus professor/bee scientist Norman Gary, an author and professional bee wrangler, whose topic is “Hobby Beekeeping in Urban Environments.” Afternoon speakers are Louis Grivetti, professor emeritus, Department of Nutrition, discussing “Historical Uses of Honey as Food” and Liz Applegate, professor, Department of Nutrition and director of Sports Nutrition Program, “Sweet Success—Honey for Better Health and Performance.” Honey tasting, coordinated by Mussen, is scheduled from 3 to 3:45 p.m. The reception, set from 5 to 6:30 p.m., will feature the popular Honeybee Trio of Vacaville: Karli Bosler, 16; Natalie Angst, 16, and Sarah McElwain,15, all students at Will C. Wood High School, Vacaville. Among the songs they’ll sing, starting at 5 p.m., is “Sugartime.” (See rehearsal on YouTube.) Their repertoire includes classics from the 1930s and beyond in three part-harmony. Norm Gary will sign and sell his newly published book, “Honey Bee Hobbyist: The Care and Keeping of Bees.” On display will be bee observation hives by Brian Fishback, of Wilton, past president of the Sacramento Area Beekeepers’ Association and a volunteer at the Harry H. Laidlaw Jr. Honey Bee Research Facility. In addition, beekeeping equipment will be displayed from the Laidlaw facility, bee specimens from the Bohart Museum of Entomology, and bee and book products by Rev Honey (Ron Fessenden, M.D.) Recently reduced prices are: industry members and the public: $50; UC faculty, staff and Friends of the RMI: $35, and UC students, $15. For those attending the reception only, the cost is $10 general admission and $5 for students. Reservations may be made online at http://robertmondaviinstitute.ucdavis.edu/honey or with Kim Bannister at [email protected] or (530) 752-5171. --Kathy Keatley Garvey UC Davis Department of Entomology
An insight into the German Varroa-tolerance breeding programme When I mentioned to a non-beekeeping friend that the first thing my wife and I would be doing in Germany was visit a traditional German mating station, he admitted his initial thought was that we would be trawling the seedy under-life of Berlin, but not so! We were in fact taken by our hosts, German queen breeder Andreas Haehnle and Christiane Keppler, to the Gehlberg Forest, some 150km from their home in the small village of Wallenstein. With 30 mating nucs crammed in the back of their station wagon, this was an opportunity to visit the first and thus oldest Belegstelle (mating station) in the world. Established in 1911, the station in 1912 was moved some 40km to the present site, higher in altitude than the original site (to ensure a more isolated mating area), and has been running continuously ever since. Along with Nordenay, it is one of the two most important mating stations in the current Varroa-tolerance breeding programme in Germany. The station has been run as an integral part of the Varroa-tolerance programme since 2005, on a volunteer basis by the Arnstadt beekeeping Club, itself one of the oldest beekeeping clubs in the world (having been established in 1838), under the direction of Club Deputy Chairman Gerhard Völlger. Each year, the Club guarantees to provide at least 50 drone mother colonies, and these are set in a 'circle' around the mating station, at distances varying from 500-1500m. The mating station is protected by Thuringen State law, with no other colonies containing drones allowed to be placed within a 10km radius, thus effectively creating an isolated mating station. One drone congregation area (DCA) establishes each year just above the mating station and there are another three DCAs known to exist a little lower in the valley. The drone mothers are selected by Kirchhain Bee Institute working together with Hohen Neuendorf Bee Institute. Dr Ralph Büchler, Director of Kirchhain, designed the AGT (Varroa-tolerance) program and verified the selection procedures, and he works with bee geneticist and computer whiz Prof. Dr Kasparov Bienefeld, Leader of the Dept of Selection and Genetics at Hohen Neuenfeld Institute, to evaluate the stock in the entire German breeding programme and select the drone mothers for Gehlberg station. Our host Andreas had contributed 12 queens to the drone mother stock for the 2013 season. This year's drone mothers were selected in 2013, and the Arnstadt Club established these drone mother colonies in 2013 before setting them up at Gehlberg early in the 2014 season. This year there are 77 drone mother colonies, with 5 lines of 15 colonies each. Club Arnstadt beekeepers, 5 of them, each maintained 3 lines of 5 colonies/line, to give the station the 75 colonies for 2014. This dispersal ensures that in the event of a disease outbreak (such as AFB), not all the colonies are at risk and the Club can meet its committment to supply the needed number of colonies. The mating station itself is set in a high alpine meadow called Schneetiegel, which translates to 'melting of the snows', and the Club Arnstadt Chairman Mr. Rainer Günzelinforms us that in the old days of the DDR (East Germany), the meadow was used by the DDR to calibrate their thermometers. The peak of Schneekopf sits at an altitude of 960m just to the side of the area - not particularly high, but at this latitude normally snow-bound in winter. There were in fact 8 ski lifts in close proximity. These days the meadow provides an idyllic setting for the hundreds of mating nucs that are brought to the Station each year, for the virgin queens to mate with the selected drone stock. The Station opens each year on the last day in May, and is open every Wednesday evening for beekeeper's to bring their mating nucs, which are then collected two weeks later. The last mating nucs can be brought in on the 16th July, and must be collected on 30th July, after which the station is closed for the season. This effectively means a beekeeper can put 6 batches of virgins through the station in a season, one each week. Kirchhain and Hohen Neuendorf do not charge for the evaluation work involved in selecting the drone mother stock, and the beekeepers pay 4€ for each virgin brought to the station. The success of the mating station can be gauged by the fact that in 2005, 293 queens were brought to the station to be mated. Since that time the numbers have steadily risen, with 1173 queens brought to Gehlberg in 2012. In 2012 there was a 71.18% success rate in mating; all queens are Carniolans. Within the German breeding programme, each queen’s progeny are evaluated for honey production and other economically valuable properties, such as gentleness, tendency to work calmly, Varroa tolerance, early years development, colony strength and swarm inclination. The results are all placed on the internet and are freely available, so that both buyers and breeders can compare results and use the data to make an informed decision about where to buy replacement queens or expand their breeding programme – an exceptionally democratic system where everyone works together to improve the country’s breeding stock. Author: Des Cannon
During the last decade I’ve amassed hundreds of images of early workbenches as part of my research into pre-industrial woodworking. Inevitably, some of the images don’t make a lot of sense and now populate a folder named: X-Files. These workbenches are from painting… To stay up to date with the latest in the carpentry industry to may check out our beekeeping latest news. On the other hand if you are starting carpentry and would like to begin professional carpentry now download a copy of our woodworking for beginners ebook. You want to begin woodworking, but you aren’t quite sure how to go about beginning. You likely have many questions about the way to begin and what you’re going to be doing. You need to think in what it’s exactly that you would like to do. Such as: -What kinds of jobs do you need to do? -Do you have store and the space to do this? -How much money have you got to spend on your own new hobby? -How long are you able to commit to the new hobby? -What are your personal skills? -What do you want to get out of woodworking? Before you set up a store, or even buy tools, you need to figure out what you want to work on. Are you really looking to take on huge jobs including cabinets and furniture? Or have you been just needing to stick to things which are more small like picture frames, birdhouses, and woodcarving. The jobs you take on will directly change the equipment you will need, together with the workshop space you will take up building larger jobs. The following choice is the tools you will end up using. Would you like to use power tools or hand tools? If you like a more hand crafted strategy and you have time hand tools are what you are looking for. On the other hand, if when creating endeavors you enjoy efficient and speed, you then should work with power tools. Neither type of tool is not more expensive than the other. You can also use both of sorts for different kinds of jobs. The tools you use will even affect the amount of workspace you’ll need in your workshop. You need to make sure you’ve a special place in your home where you’re able to work on your jobs. You will want to have a workbench that is organised and not rough so you can the best results possible when creating your endeavors. Wherever you keep your workbench/equipment you’ll need electrical outlets to plugin your power tools. Their basements or garages turn into their workshops. Woodworking does not take as much time as some believe, it is a hobby that you can have when you have a busy life but it does not matter how long it takes you to create something, as long as you are creating. There’s nothing wrong with that if it takes you a whole 8 months to complete one end table. It’s all about whether you are having fun with it and you’re loving your brand-new hobby. You can create and furnish your house, or get a part-time income selling your work.
Sometimes you meet someone, and everything clicks, it’s like you’ve known them for a long, long time. Elaine and I are molti simpatici in the ktichen and that flows over into life in general. Elaine Tin Nyo, artist and cook extraordinaire recently spent a few days with us, and she sent me this lovely e-mail describing one of the days. I love the photo of the scouring brushes! ‘We’re having coffee on the piazza. Join us," said the note on the kitchen table. The two couples were there plotting the orto that had been offered them the day before by Sr Bruschi. How would they clear all the hip-high weeds? Clearly it was left to Jeff and Jude to decide since the other couples would not be in town most of the summer. shuffled about and made some lists. The bells in town were going crazy. People were shouting in the streets. It was Saturday and it seems two local kids were getting married in the church on our street. Everyone looked splendid. Everyone sounded happy as we headed down the hill. (the mill) and the farm supply store beside it. Now I have a confession: as a traveler, I am always happy to see the great cultural sites and treasures (the painting by so-and-so, the such-and-such stolen during this-or-that war) but what I really love is running errands with the locals. I like going to buy a bunch of carrots, picking up a pair of contact lenses, choosing a pair of shears and a hand scythe, and browsing the beekeeping department while having some keys made. Before I know it we are back in Montone and peering over the fence at the orto. I make a green salad. Trying not to let on that I have no idea what it is she is making, I sneak sideways glances. She is making a divine tunafish salad, starting with her own freshly made mayonnaise. Capers are involved. Then she pulls some meat from the frigo and slices it thin. Jeff sets the table on the roof of the house. Wine, food, some chatting, the cats join us too. The meat is spread in a single layer on a plate the tuna stuff is spread on top. The whole thing is cold. I confess that I have only had this dish once in a terrible Italian restaurant in Germany. This is not even in the same food group. this is crazy delicious. More wine and stories. All the roofs of Montone are spread out around us. There are two bell towers in town. One that is rung by the cloistered nuns, the manner in which the rung the bells is a topic of speculation. The bells ring and ring. There is a wedding feast happening somewhere in town. There is a band and drumming. It is joyously hot here. Pretty soon I am stretched out on the seat staring up at the drying tablecloth flapping in the wind and I have dosed off.
Free 2-hour "Overview to Beekeeping" Class! Class is open to the public; no beekeeping experience necessary to attend. Date: Thursday, July 21, 2016 Class: 2 - 4 pm Location: Trident Technical College, Main Campus - Conference Center Building 920 7000 Rivers Avenue, North Charleston, SC - Stay after class and visit with vendors for unique bee-related gifts, honey, beekeeping equipment; meet local beekeepers from Charleston Area Beekeepers Association. State Beekeeper Conference - Educational Program - Free class on Thursday is held in conjunction with the 2016 South Carolina State Beekeepers' Association's Summer Conference. - This is the fisrt time a statewide conference has been hosted in Charleston! - The class from 2-4pm on Thursday is free to the public. To attend the full conference (same location) on Friday and Saturday, from 8am-4pm (July 22-23), you may register at the door. Fee $35 (covers 2-day admission for both Friday and Saturday.) Conference Presenters include: Julianna Rangel - Texas A&M, Reed Johnson - Ohio State, Adam Finklestein - owner of VP Queen Bees, Dr. Tsuruda - Clemson University, Jerry Hayes - Monsanto, Kerry Owen - owner of Bee Well Honey, Daniel Schmehl - Bayer Corporation Thanks for your support of our bees/pollinators! Charleston Area Beekeepers Association (CABA) and South Carolina Beekeepers Association (SCBA)
» Attention: Summer hours are currently Thursday, Friday open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST and Saturday hours are from 9:00 a.m. to noon EST 2800 E 600 S Star City, IN 46985 We have everything you will need to get started in beekeeping. From packaged bees and nucs to beekeeping supplies, protective clothing, bottling supplies and much more. We pride ourselves on exceptional customer service and are recognized as a trusted resource for beekeeping information and advice.
Set out on an active ride up and down the hills surrounding Chiang Mai on this 2-wheeled excursion. See forest-bordered temples that date back hundreds of years, uncover the features of Lanna-style architecture, and chat with a local beekeeper during a visit to their buzzworthy farm. in downtown Chiang Mai, join your guide and get fitted with a comfortable bike and helmet before charging out of town and into Thailand's forested countryside. Pump your legs up the hills that lead to Doi Suthep, taking a break at the meditation retreat and temple at Wat Umong. Stretch your legs on a walk through the temple's tunnels, and then continue on to climb up the slopes of Doi Gom. Take in views from your lofty vantage point and then blast down roads that wind toward the valley floor. Find out the sticky secrets behind proper beekeeping at a local farm, learn about Lanna-style architecture at Wat Ban Pong, and enjoy a delicious Thai lunch along the way. Another steep climb up Doi Kham awaits you on your return ride to Chiang Mai, but the sweet smell of flowers at the area's botanical gardens are sure to lure you beyond the hardest parts of your leg-pumping ride. After stopping to admire collections of delicate blooms and native plants, return to the city and wind your tour to a close.
- The newly re-designed Farmer to Farmer page on the USAID website features a story about the difference that the FTF Beekeeping project has made over the years in the Haitian honey industry, and how these efforts have helped beekeepers improve their livelihoods. Click here to read the success story and get an update on this project, and don't forget to check out the new and improved website! - Media in St. Kitts and Nevis has featured a story about the expanding support of the Farmer to Farmer Program to the Community Achievers' Project on the islands. In this story on SKNlist, flex volunteer Ralph Bucca helps at-risk youth and local schools set up small, low-tech solar food dryers which bring big potential for micro-enterprise and school snacks. |This photo of FTF-Guyana volunteers Dr. Jaheon Koo and Dr. Obadiah Njue, from the University of Arkansas - Pine Bluff, is also included on the new USAID FTF website, in the "What have we accomplished" section.|
* All Bee Boys Products are made in small batches, by beekeepers. Each batch uses unique beeswax, pollen and propolis. We do NOT refine our beeswax. We keep all the natural goodness intact! Natural variation WILL occur in our product! You can be assured color differences, structure variations and olfactory originality in each product indicates QUALITY! Bees and their products are not homogenized. Each bee, every colony is individual, just like us! We celebrate that individuality, and celebrate the unique wax, propolis and honey that each beehive produces. Each Bee Boys product is special and unique, just like you. Please, with respect, do not expect homogeneous products from our Apiary. Mahalo How Do We 'Save The Bees' ??? Our Apiary and beekeepers work to help save the bees in many diferent ways. Education : As well as being beekeepers, we are out on the front lines 4 days weekly, educating the public about honeybee stewardship. This information includes how we keep bees, what you can do to help, and how we are different from other beekeeping outfits. Practice What We Preach : We take a holistic, sustainable approach with our bees. *We never harvest more then 5 frames of honey at a time from any given beehive . *We never use chemicals in our hives to treat for pests or disease. *We do not feed our bees sugar water or high fructose corn syrups, EVER. *We allow our bees to build all of their own comb, and we never use plastic frames or foundation in our beehives. *We allow our bees to raise their own queens. *We do not use Round Up or other chemical herbicides, pesticides or chemical fertilizers on our property. *We do not move bees to nectar flows, they remain in one location, their sanctuary home. *We allow our bees to swarm, if they choose- and never use queen excluders. 3. Innovation : We are constantly working with other like minded beekeepers to come up with sustainable solutions for the problems facing the bees. We listen to the bees and understand that they have changing needs. Our job is to stay sensitive to those needs. It's our duty as beekeepers to challenge our community to put the bees first, over profits. What is 2Bee+ ? ( TO BEE POSITIVE) At Bee Boys, we don't believe the current organic certification is acceptable for clean raw honey. Organic beekeepers are permitted to use chemicals and pesticide treatments in the colonies. Organic beekeepers are also permitted to feed their bees sugar, and then re-sell that 'product' as honey!!! We feel this is disingenuous and strive for a better certification acknowledgement. When you see 2BEE+ on our products, or any other product, you can bee assured that the product has Bee Boys standards behind them. This standard includes: Chemical Free, Pro pollinator, no kill ethic, BEEGAN, beyond organic, biodynamic principles & sustainable actions. Most of the wax harvested for our products is naturally abandoned by the bees, or rendered after a honey harvest. Honey bees like to constantly build new comb, to keep the colony clean and healthy. This natural process allows for a very low stress wax harvest. After the wax combs are harvested, we put them in our solar wax melter to begin the rendering process! Each time we harvest honey, the comb is cut from the frame. The honey in the comb is crushed, and strained. The remaining wax is lightly washed, solar melted or rendered in a double boiler, to clean for use in our salves and balms. We encourage our bees to build all of their own comb, as is done in nature. We do not use wax foundation or plastic frames. When a honey super is full of capped honey( 10 frames) we may choose to remove one or two of those frames. We feel to remove too many frames at a time overwhelms the bees ablity to rebuild comb sustainably. After the combs have been removed from the colony, we immediately cut the honeycomb free from the wooden frame. Next we return that frame promptly to the the colony to be re-built by the bees. The bees get to work quickly on these sticky frames, and usually within a few days, new beautiful comb can be seen being built. This comb building process, we believe, is vital to the nature of bees. Harvested honey is either jarred up in its complete comb form, or crushed and gently strained to retain all of the natural propolis, pollen and enzymes present in the honey. The remaining wax is lightly washed and readied for rendering.
A federal appeals court has told the Environmental Protection Agency where it can stick its sulfoxaflor. Sulfoxaflor is a neonicotinoid pesticide, a class of pesticides known to cause nerve damage in bees. In 2013, sulfoxaflor won approval from the EPA for use on a range of crops, including cotton, soybean, strawberries, potatoes and other vegetables. Citing the fact that the EPA actually found the pesticide to be “highly toxic to honey bees, and other insect pollinators,” the National Honey Bee Advisory Board, along with a group of national beekeeping organizations, sued the agency to withdraw sulfoxaflor from its registration. In its ruling on Thursday, the federal appeals court struck down the EPA’s approval of the pesticide, stating in its opinion that said approval was made despite “inconclusive or insufficient data on the effects of sulfoxaflor on brood development and long-term colony health.” Because the honey bee colony “is an interdependent ‘superorganism,’” the court wrote, “the effect of an insecticide on one type of bee can ripple through the hive.” In its approval of the pesticide, the EPA did not make a significant attempt to obtain data on sulfoxaflor’s hive-level effect. As Mother Jones points out, “because of major gaps in research on the new chemical’s effect on bees, the EPA decided to grant sulfoxaflor ‘conditional registration’ and ordered Dow [the company marketing the pesticide] to provide more research.” That was in January 2013. Yet the EPA approved sulfoxaflor just a few months later without ever receiving the research from Dow. This was a big no-no for the court. “[T]he record reveals that Dow never completed the requested additional studies,” it states in its opinion. Circuit Judge N.R. Smith penned this addendum to the opinion: “I am inclined to believe the EPA…decided to register sulfoxaflor unconditionally in response to public pressure for the product and attempted to support its decision retroactively with studies it had previously found inadequate.” When the Judge later calls the action “capricious,” it comes off as a polite euphemism. Greg Loarie, an attorney for EarthJustice who argued the case, told Mother Jones that this ruling sets an important precedent for future neonic pesticide cases, requiring the EPA to assess data of pesticide’s effects not just on individual bees but also the entire hive.
In my experience, it’s important to constantly feed the bees during the first year (in Newfoundland), but it’s also important to stop feeding them at a certain point in the spring so they don’t swarm. When I find drone comb gunking up the bottom of the frames in the spring, that’s my cue that the colony could potentially swarm. Queens can’t mate without drones. That’s why the first swarms usually coincide with the flight of the first drones. I could be wrong about all of this, but from what I’ve seen with my bees, it’s true. A colony won’t swarm without drones.If the bees have two or three solid frames of honey in every box — enough to prevent them from starving — and drone comb is present, then I stop feeding. I don’t feed my bees if they have enough honey on their own anyway, and unless it’s a weak colony, I don’t usually feed past May 31st either because there’s usually enough natural nectar sources available by then (in my local climate), especially in the city of St. John’s that is heavily populated by maple trees. I also check my hives at least every two weeks until the end of June to make sure the queen has room to lay. Most beekeeping (beyond feeding) can be summed up with that one sentence: Make sure the queen has room to lay. The city of St. John’s may be one of the best places to keep honey bees on the island of Newfoundland because it’s full of maple trees and a large variety of flowering plants that offer honey bees a bonanza of nectar and pollen from June well into October. Walk around the city today and you will see flowering maple trees everywhere with little flowers that look like this. I took that photo on my cell phone and I know it’s not the greatest, but trust me, if St. John’s had more beekeepers, honey bees would be all over those flowers — and honey made from maple nectar is spectacular. Although I’m extremely pleased to have finally found a place where I can keep my bees in peace and be around them every day, I don’t think my bees will ever thrive as well as they did when I kept them in my backyard in St. John’s. The quantity, diversity and consistency of honey bee forage makes the city of St. John’s, Newfoundland, an excellent place to keep bees. (Just make sure your neighbours don’t mind.) MARCH 05, 2016: I found this photo from 2011 that shows flowers on a maple tree, the kind of flowers that hang down in long bunch. The bees go for these too. Not the greatest photo but good enough. MAY 27, 2016: The maple tree flowers show up as early as May. Nice.
Reviews, Book Lover Resources, Advice for Writers and Publishers |Home / California Bookwatch Table of Contents Gregory M. Cooper & Michael R. King with Thomas McHoes 59 John Glenn Drive, Amherst, NY 14228-2197 9781591025061, $26.00 www.prometheusbooks.com PREDATORS: WHO THEY ARE AND HOW TO STOP THEM examines the lives, circumstances and modus operandi of predatory criminals, from their motives and methods of stalking and attack to lifestyle changes and techniques which will reduce the possibility of becoming a victim. In a world increasingly haunted by such predators, this book will provide invaluable safety keys for both general interest public library patrons and college-level collections strong in social issues. The authors point out those who commit crimes prey on the weak and that a best defense is to appear strong and difficult. An outstanding safety guide. The Environmental Studies Shelf Saving Puget Sound University of Washington Press Box 50096, Seattle, WA 98145 0295986743, $35.00 www.washington.edu/uwpress SAVING PUGET SOUND: A CONSERVATION STRATEGY FOR THE 21ST CENTURY at first glance might seem specific only to Washington collections but its conservation issues and lessons hold wider insights for any natural spot in the country, and so SAVING PUGET SOUND is a top pick for any library especially at the college level specializing in conservation issues and applied strategies. Chapters analyze the Endangered Species Act, apply it to local endangered species, and reveal land use and management issues which go far beyond the usual constraints and topics. Quotes from source studies, footnoted references, and reviews of conservation processes and legal challenges alike make for an outstanding survey. The Computer Shelf Ultimate Guide to Search Engine Marketing Bruce C. Brown Atlantic Publishing Company 1405 SW 6th Avenue, Ocala, FL 34474-7014 9780910627993, $24.95 www.atlantic-pub.com If your goal is to have more web visitors visit your web site, then ULTIMATE GUIDE TO SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING: PAY PER CLICK is a 'must' for your internet business. It tells of the PPC advertising technique that uses search engines where you can display text ads throughout the internet keyed to particular products or businesses. Such advertising may seem confusing, but ULTIMATE GUIDE explains all the methods and purposes behind it and makes it easy to use. A top pick for both internet businesses and libraries catering to them. Social Software in Libraries Meredith G. Farkas Information Today Inc. 143 Old Marlton Pike, Medford, NJ 08055 9781573872751, $39.50 www.infotoday.com SOCIAL SOFTWARE IN LIBRARIES: BUILDING COLLABORATION, COMMUNICATION AND COMMUNITY ONLINE is for any college-level collection catering to library science students as well as practicing librarians: it surveys social software, which lets libraries interact online with the communities they serve. Chapters provide librarians with the information needed to implement blogs, RSS, wikis and other types of social networking systems, even down to podcasting and IM. Tips include how to assess, implement and use such software successfully, offering real-world scenarios and examples all along the way. An outstanding, practical reference. The Art & Science of CSS Cameron Adams, et.al. 424 Smith Street, Collingwood, VIC Australia 3066 0975841971, $39.95 www.sitepoint.com www.amazon.com Standards-based design might seem dull but CSS-based design needn't be and THE ART & SCIENCE OF CSS gathers together designers who show how to take a typical web site design and add CSS to jazz up results. Any college-level computer library catering to programmers and web designers will find this packed with ideas on how to design forms which are attractive and functional alike. From creating eye-catching tables and designing forms to vertical navigation basics, THE ART & SCIENCE OF CSS has lots of detail and applied website information perfect for practicing designers. Adobe Photoshop CS3 One-on-One c/o O'Reilly & Associates 1005 Gravenstein Highway North, Sebastopol, CA 95472 9780596529758, $49.99 www.deke.oreilly.com Any looking to learn Photoshop CS3 from basics to advanced must have Adobe Photoshop CS3 One-on-One: it's a virtual classroom in a book and pairs real-world projects and 12 self-paced tutorials with color photos, diagrams and screen shots which lend to quick examples and easy learning. It's taught by a Photoshop expert with over 20 years of experience and it includes quizzes in each chapter to help test knowledge, making it both a handy reference and the perfect classroom text, alike. A top pick for any library catering to Photoshop CS3 learners. Network Management: Accounting and Performance Strategies Benoit Claise, CCIE & Ralf Wolter c/o Pearson Technology Group 800 East 96th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46240 1587051982, $70.00 www.ciscopress.com College-level courses strong in network management will find this an excellent text which use chapter-length scenarios from real-world challenges to back theory, providing an understanding of Cisco IOS embedded management strategies for accounting and performance scenarios. Chapters use trends in performance statistics to back 'best practices' for network managers, making for a top pick for any college-level, advanced course in network management technology. c/o Pearson Technology Group 801 East 96th Street, #300, Indianapolis, IN 46240-3759 www.prenhallprofessional.com www.pearsoned.com 1-800-428-5331 Web programmers working with Ajax will find Michael Morrison's Ajax Construction Kit (0132350084, $39.99 ) an excellent set of built-in applications that work well right out of the box, offering up ten applications to load web data, populate lists, build an interface for viewing images, and more. An accompanying cd-rom offers complete projects in Ajax. The second edition of Benjamin Mako Hill and Jono Bacon's THE OFFICIAL UBUNTU BOOK (0132354136, $34.99) tells how to use Ubuntu in a business and home environment, and is written by leading Ubuntu community members. From customizing Ubuntu for home and small business purposes to adapting to its new versions and locating troubleshooting information from world users, this is accompanied by a DVD of the complete Ubuntu Linux operating system for PC platforms. Both are top picks for computer users and lending libraries alike. Excel Hacks: Tips and Tools for Streamlining Your Spreadsheets David & Raina Hawley O'Reilly & Associates 1005 Gravenstein Highway North, Sebastopol, CA 95472 0596528345, $29.99 www.oreilly.com Users of the Excel program who want to move from beginning to intermediate levels without hours of study will find this handbook of over a hundred 'hacks' invaluable, offering tools and resources perfect for handling information, worksheets, and data analysis tasks. Hack formulas and functions show how to use macros and other shortcuts to maximum effectiveness, making this a fine reference for not only college-level libraries strong in Excel resources, but for general interest lending collections where patrons use computers for business purposes. Practice of System and Network Administration, 2nd Edition Thomas A. Limoncello, et.al. 75 Arlington Street, Suite 300, Boston, MA 02116 0321492668, $59.99 www.awprofessional.com 1-800-428-5331 The first edition of PRACTICE OF SYSTEM AND NETWORK ADMINISTRATION covers modern IT methodology, and this updated second edition provides a revision of four major areas of knowledge relating to system administration, reviewing key elements of successful network systems, how to build and run reliable services, building data centers and addressing security issues, and more. It's a top pick for any library serious about catering to advanced web programmers, computer professionals, and students of network administration as well as for practicing administrators. The Education Shelf A Guide to Graphic Organizers, 2nd Edition 2455 Teller Road, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320 9781412943009, $34.95 www.corwinpress.com Graphic organizers can help students organize and process content, creating structure and keys for gathering information, and honing problem-solving skills. These worksheets and graphic applications cross grade levels from elementary to middle school on up, and offers lesson designs, diagrams, flow charts, and task-oriented ideas. An outstanding survey highly recommended for any college-level education library or collection catering to practicing teachers. The Interior Design Shelf Carole Coates & Annie Dietz 4880 Lower Valley Road, Atglen, PA 19310 9780764326356, $49.95 www.schifferbooks.com CALIFORNIA REVIVAL: VINTAGE DECOR FOR TODAY'S HOMES covers a new movement in indoor-outdoor design which blends vintage furnishings, paintings and decorative arts from the Spanish Revival period of the 1920s to 40s. Over five hundred color images with captions and historical text covers pottery, furniture, murals, ironwork and more in an excellent survey of the decor and its incorporation into interiors ranging from homes to public buildings. While this could have been recommended for California collections alone, it's reviewed here for its wider appeal to any in-depth art or architectural library. The Art Shelf Life's Pleasures: The Ashcan Artists' Brush with leisure, 1895-1925 Merrell Publishers Limited 740 Broadway, Suite 1202, New York, NY 10003 1858943841, $45.00 www.merrellpublishers.com Relatively few primers offer in-depth details on the Ashcan artists: a school of early 20th-century American artists whose work centered around New York City life. Here the underworld of the City was often displayed and LIFE'S PLEASURES is the first book to explore the lighter side of the Ashcan artists' works, featuring leisure scenes in cafes, bars and parks and movies. You'll recognize the artists' names ' Edward Hopper, Rockwell Kent, John Sloan and the essays offer further insights on New York culture and artistic sentiment, making LIFE'S PLEASURES a top pick for both New York and college-level art libraries. E.O. Hoppe's Amerika 500 5th Avenue, New York NY 10110 9780393065442, $49.95 www.wwnorton.com E.O. HOPPE'S AMERIKA: MODERNIST PHOTOGRAPHS FROM THE 1920s tells of world-famous photographer Hoppe's arrival in America and how and why eighty years later his name has nearly been forgotten despite his influential work, much of which was hidden in English and German archives. While many photos are repeated in this catalog, E.O. HOPPE'S AMERIKA provides a celebration of his works and influence which enjoys unprecedented access to the Hoppe archives and packs in over a hundred forty images revealing his genius. Any college-level art library holding must have this. The Cookbook Shelf Lidia Mattichio Bastianich & Tanya Bastianich Manuali Alfred A. Knopf c/o Random House 1745 Broadway, 17th floor, New York, NY 10019 9781400040360, $35.00 www.aaknopf.com 1-800-726-0600 Fans of either Lidia's previous Italian cuisine books or Italian regional fare will appreciate LIDIA'S ITALY, a fine survey that blends regional specialties and dishes with culinary descriptions proceeding each dish. Color photos throughout assure browsing pleasure and details that lend to easy duplication of appearance, while the author's personal experiences and insights jazz up the results. Highly recommended for any library strong in international cooking in general or Italian regional specialties in particular. Taste of Nepal Hippocrene Books Inc. 171 Madison Avenue, New York NY 10016 078181121X, $27.50 www.hippocrenebooks.com Finally, a cookbook devoted entirely to Nepalese cooking which offers a range of classic dishes adapted for American kitchens and equipment. History, discussions of Nepalese cuisine, and introductions to each dish which offer serving tips and insights as in a Spicy Stuffed Eggs, compared to Deviled Eggs and advised to serve at room temperature by itself makes for a cookbook clear in instruction and approach. No color photos but the easy recipes don't need them. Access to a spices shouldn't be a problem either, as most ground cumin, chopped cilantro, ground coriander and fresh ginger, for example, are readily available in American markets. Highly recommended: a 'must' for any serious international cookbook collection: there's simply nothing like it on the American market. 9789020968293 59.95 Euro www.lannoo.com [email protected] Master Chocolatier Jean-Pierre Wybauw provides professional insights and assessments of handling chocolate in this guide, which is a top pick for any serious food professional or chef's library. Color photos by Frank Croes pack a guide displaying step-by-step insights on how to use cutters and understand chocolate handling requirements to produce decorative flowers, sculptures and more. An outstanding survey, this will earn a spot in any serious culinary collection where working with chocolate or making decorations is of interest. Honga's Lotus Petal: Pan-Asian Cuisine Honga Im Hopgood Gibbs Smith, Publishers Box 667, Layton, UT 84041 1586858939, $29.95 www.gibbs-smith.com Honga's Lotus Petal has been a Telluride favored establishment notable to both locals and skiers for its eclectic Asian-influenced cuisine, and here a varied set of innovations offers up recipes for soups, salads, main dishes, and even sushi and drinks. Fine color photos and easy step-by-step instructions accompany a guide that reflects the cook author's visits to chefs across Asia and even into Hawaii. The resulting dishes are mouth-watering, outstanding creations holding many unique twists and turns to attract cooks and libraries even those who already have extensive Asian cookbooks. In Search of Perfection 175 5th Avenue Suite 300, New York NY 10010 1596912502, $34.95 www.bloomsburyusa.com IN SEARCH OF PERFECTION: REINVENTING KITCHEN CLASSICS comes packed with color photos by Simon Wheeler and presents reflections by one of the world's most renowned chefs: as such, it will find its place not in the casual cook's collection, but in any library catering to neo-professionals fascinated by American regional culinary history in general and Blumenthal in particular. His scientific research into the origins and influences of dishes explores ways of cooking them to perfection and features a focus on what makes recipes stand out from the crowd. From sausage history to chicken packaging, IN SEARCH OF PERFECTION ladles out a wealth of fun, enlightening culinary detail. The Architecture Shelf Antiquity: Origins, Classicism and the New Rome 270 Madison Avenue, New York NY 10016 9780415407502, $110.00 www.routledge.com This architectural focus of architecture of antiquity could also have been featured in our Art Shelf section, but is reviewed here for its wider applications to any college-level collection strong in the history of antiquity. Part of the 'Architecture in Context' series of five books by Tadgell describing and illustrating all the seminal architectural traditions to the second half of the 20th century, ANTIQUITY focuses on the origins and evolution of Classical traditions throughout early Egypt, Greece and Rome and offers students of art history and world history alike a solid grounding in early style. Packed with color photos and illustrations, it's an in-depth and outstanding reference. The Political Science Shelf A Higher Purpose: Profiles in Presidential Courage Thomas J. Whalen Ivan R. Dee, Publisher 1332 N. Halsted Street, Chicago, IL 60622-2694 1566636302, $26.00 www.ivanrdee.com Nine historic decisions made by Presidents over two centuries of American history chart key episodes which show how these presidents demonstrated the ability to place their political careers on the line for the greater good of the nation they served. Chapters consider how these principles thwarted partisanship, special-interest influences and even public opinion, and make for an important survey key to any library strong in political science. The Judaic Studies Shelf A Stranger in the Land Daniel Cil Brecher 2 Park Avenue, 24th Floor, New York NY 10016 9781590512111, $15.95 www.otherpress.com In 1984 the author, a reservist in the education corps of the Israeli army, refused to cross into occupied Lebanon to delivery a morale-boosting lecture to Israeli troops: his act of rebellion changed his life and A STRANGER IN THE LAND blends history with autobiography and personal insights into the politics and meaning of displaced Jews and their Israeli homeland. An outstanding cultural and social survey, A STRANGER IN THE LAND reaches beyond the usual confines of either memoir or Jewish history and should do well in any general public lending collection. The Theatre/Cinema Shelf Scarecrow Press Inc. 4501 Forbes #200, Lanham, MD 20706 0810858940, $60.00 www.scarecrowpress.com REEL WOMEN: AN INTERNATIONAL DIRECTORY OF CONTEMPORARY FEATURE FILMS ABOUT WOMEN is an essential pick for any college-level collection strong in women's studies or film history alike. It surveys well over 2,000 films from nearly 100 countries that feature female protagonists, including a synopsis of plot, key artistic personnel, and a history of how women in film have changed over the decades. The study packs in details on genres, influences, and women's politics and issues around the world and even includes a subject index of place names, timelines, and backgrounds: perfect for students of media studies and women's cultures. Rough Guide to Chick Flicks 345 Hudson, 4th Floor, New York NY 10014 1843537109, $14.99 www.roughguides.com Here's a fine handbook to the movies women love, from thrillers to romantic comedies, portraits of sexy or bad women to strong women, silent's to modern films. Each film receives a synopsis, comments on successes and failures, an outline of cast and inspirational origins, and more. Add black and white film shots and color sidebars of additional data and you have a film guide highly recommended for any who would understand the genres and possibilities of 'chick flicks'. Low Budget Shooting Rocky Nook Inc. 26 West Mission Street Suite 3, Santa Barbara, CA 93101 9781933952109, $19.95 www.rockynook.com LOW BUDGET SHOOTING: DO IT YOURSELF SOLUTIONS TO PROFESSIONAL PHOTO GEAR comes from a photographer and designer working overseas and provides a one-stop source of learning how an array of inexpensive photographic tools. Images and text cover both studio and field shooting and uses color examples throughout to explain everything from building reflectors and diffusers to shooting small objects and creating seamless photo backdrops. Both amateur and professional photographers and libraries catering to either will find it packed with invaluable, field-tested tips. The Metaphysical Studies Shelf Red Wheel/Weiser Publishers 65 Parker Street, Suite 7, Newburyport, MA 01950 1578633915, $16.95 www.redwheelweiser.com PURE MAGIC: A COMPLETE COURSE IN SPELLCASTING offers a primer for any apprentice wizard who wants the foundations of spellcasting. Both theory and practice blend in chapters that cover everything from minerals and metals to understanding realistic expectations of magic, the use of herbs and incense, tinctures for psychic enhancement, and the origins of common spells. An excellent primer for any new witch and collections catering to them. Stanton T. Friedman, MSc & Kathleen Marden New Page Books Box 687, Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417 1564149714, $16.99 www.newpagebooks.com CAPTURED! THE BETTY AND BARNEY HILL UFO EXPERIENCE charts one of the most famous documented alien abductions in history, using previously unpublished information about the lives of the Hills before and after Barney's death in 1969 to explore their lives and Betty's experiences as a UFO investigator. The coauthor is a physicist and ufologist, the original civilian investigator of the Roswell Incident, and here adds breadth and depth to a riveting story highly recommended for any collection strong in UFO abduction stories this is a classic which can't be missed. The Pets/Wildlife Shelf The Cat Behavior Answer Book 210 Mass Moca Way, North Adams, MA 02147 9781580176743, $14.95 www.storey.com Cat owners especially new ones will relish a pocket-sized handbook which offers plenty of insights into cat behaviors and oddities. THE CAT BEHAVIOR ANSWER BOOK covers everything from fabric-sucking fetishes to noisy cats, droolers, and cats that beg for food. Libraries will find the sidebars of detail and the easy question-and-answer format lend to quick and easy consultation by busy patron cat owners. The 5-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion Stephen C. Barr & Dwight D. Bowman Box 570, Ames, IA 50010-0570 9780781747660, $89.99 www.BlackwellVet.com Practicing veterinarians and the libraries that cater to them as well as to veterinary students need The 5-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Canine and Feline Infectious Diseases and Parasitology, a quick professional's reference which covers a range of parasite-related disorders in canines and felines. The two authors are known around the world for their expertise in infectious disease and parasitology: their categories of organisms, tips on diagnostics and treatment options, and discussions of testing protocol are supplemented by well over a hundred color photo images showing both organisms and clinical appearance. An outstanding reference. Chelsea Green Publishing Box 428, White River Junction, VT 05001 9781933392080, $35.00 www.chelseagreen.com Beekeepers face new challenges in keeping bees alive and healthy but until now there's been no holistic orientation on beekeeping. NATURAL BEEKEEPING: ORGANIC APPROACHES TO MODERN APICULTURE offers up an alternative to chemical practices and delivers a program of natural hive management using nontoxic methods to control mites, eliminate common bee diseases, and produce naturally resistant, healthier hives. Both novices and neo-pros receive tips on everything from genetics and breeding to pests and harvesting, with chapters coming from one who learned from world-renowned beekeeper Charles Mraz. Any collection strong in organic gardening, harvesting or beekeeping needs NATURAL BEEKEEPING. The Needlecraft Shelf Martingale & Company 20205 144th Avenue NE, Woodinville, WA 98072-8478 Plenty of knitter's guides assume a basic foundation knowledge of how to knit and how to read knitting instructions, but if a collection's seeking an A-Z primer, choose A TO Z OF KNITTING: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR THE BEGINNER TO ADVANCED KNITTER (9781564777843, $27.95). Step-by-step color photos and clear instructions move learners quickly from bare-bones beginner to intermediate knitter, offering close-up views of fingers and knitting needles and showing how to decrease, shape, join in new yarn and more. The spiral binding with hard cover spine lettering also lends to quick and easy location in a collection. Alison Jeppson Hyde's WRAPPED IN COMFORT: KNITTING LACE SHAWLS (9781564777515, $24.95) tells how to create lovely shawls and scarves, offering 12 half- and full-circle shape shawls plus four scarves and including projects suitable for both beginning and advanced knitters. Full-page color photos of completed projects accompany at-a-glance easy directions, making this a perfect pick for all knitting levels. The Money/Finance Shelf How to Repair Your Credit Score Now Atlantic Publishing Company 1405 S.W. 6th Avenue, Ocala, FL 34474-7104 9780910627948, $21.95 www.atlantic-pub.com HOW TO REPAIR YOUR CREDIT SCORE NOW: SIMPLE NO COST METHODS YOU CAN PUT TO USE TODAY offers detailed insights into the entire realm of how consumer credit works, making it a top pick for any public library general-interest collection. Here are chapters covering the basics how to not only understand the consumer credit system, but how to repair broken credit, save thousands on loans, handle questionable items on credit reports, repair bad credit, and more. An important guide for any who would navigate the uncertain world of consumer credit. The Law/Justice Shelf A Litigator's Guide to Expert Witnesses Cecil C. Kuhne III 321 North Clark Street, Chicago, IL 60610-4714 1590317289, $84.95 www.ababooks.org Any college-level or serious legal library needs A Litigator's Guide to Expert Witnesses, an outstanding survey of how expert witness testimony works, how it's earned criticism, and how expert qualifications and testimony can make or break a trial. Attorneys and law students alike will find this an outstanding consideration of how to select and prepare such experts, covering the rules and basics of expert testimony and including both team and individual approaches. Very highly recommended as a 'cornerstone pick' for any legal library reference collection. The Gaming Shelf Master Point Press 331 Douglas Drive, Toronto, Ontario Canada M5M 1H2 Mark Horton's BRIDGE MASTER VERSUS BRIDGE AMATEUR (189710622X, $18.95) is an outstanding analysis of what makes a bridge expert superior to the average player: it's a top pick for any who wish to improve their game, and offers up a representative sampling of 'make or break' deals. Bridge players with some basics down who want to move to a better level of playing will find this packed with tips. The second updated edition of Julian Laderman's A BRIDGE TO SIMPLE SQUEEZES (10897106262, $18.95) narrows the playing focus to squeeze opportunities in bridge, examining card layouts, learning how the East-West cards need to lie for a successful squeeze, and more. Avid players will appreciate the clear detail and examples. Chthonic collects and analyzes HUMAN BRIDGE ERRORS (1897106270, $18.95), a player's guide for intermediate players by the 'computer' himself Chthonic. Danny Kleinman and Nick Straguzzi edit a survey which pairs quirky, funny humor with highlights of 'human bridge errors' from a computer playing machine's viewpoint, describing why and how each error can be avoided. Guy Leve's THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF CARD PLAY TECHNIQUES AT BRIDGE (1897106254, $33.95) was originally published in France in 2005 and offers up the author's years of experience collecting and cataloging bridge hands to describe all possible tactics and coups available to players during a bridge deal. Over a thousand strategies are outlined in an encyclopedic volume of thinking techniques, strategy planning, technical descriptions and more, making for a 'must' for any avid bridge player. All are top picks for both neo-pro players and the libraries catering to them. The Crafts Shelf Drawing With Your Artist's Brain North Light Books c/o F&W Publications 4700 East Galbraith Road, Cincinnati, OH 45236 1581808119, $26.99 www.fwpublications.com If you think you can't draw, then Drawing With Your Artist's Brain is for you and for any general-interest lending collection where how-to arts titles are popular. Here is a guide which offers step-by-step insights into how to create true-to-life renderings, overcoming personal angst and understanding how to define form, see values correctly, and use value patterns effectively. An observation-based approach covers landscapes, portraits and still life equally, applying important concepts and principles to the mix. A top pick from an artist whose PAINTING WITH YOUR ARTIST'S BRAIN has proven most popular. The Business Shelf Change Management Masterclass 525 South 4th Street, #241, Philadelphia PA 19147 0749445076, $39.95 www.kogan-page.co.uk CHANGE MANAGEMENT MASTERCLASS: A STEP BY STEP GUIDE TO SUCCESSFUL CHANGE MANAGEMENT explains the whole process of change management, from types of change and formulas for analyzing change to organizing it, managing people in companies through transition points, and more. While it's a model for businesses and organizations, it also works equally well in the public sector, making this reference a top pick for any college-level holding where change management and strategy is studied. Unlock Behavior Unleash Profits, 2nd Edition Leslie Wilk Braksick, Ph.D. Two Penn Plaza, New York NY 10121-2298 0071490671, $27.95 www.mhprofessiona.com This isn't your ordinary guide to management: tips featured here have been tested and successfully utilized by the largest behaviorally based management consulting firm in the world and blends client stories and case studies with insights on how these processes have helped transform and enhance blue-chip companies. This is actually applied behavioral science, so college-level holdings strong in either business or behavioral science will find its specifics on leadership, options, and changing behaviors to create a powerful work atmosphere to be engrossing. The New Boss: How to Survive the First 100 Days 525 South 4th Street #241, Philadelphia, PA 19147 0749447648, $35.00 www.kogan-page.co.uk New agendas demand much of new managers, and executives who must get up and running quickly on the job often face similar questions surrounding identifying key players in a company, prioritizing tasks, and meeting both expectations and management responsibilities. The New Boss: How to Survive the First 100 Days is a top pick for any business library catering to executives: it covers all the common problems a new manager is likely to encounters immediately, and offers up tips on everything from timing changes to making changes both effective and welcome in an existing organizational structure. Very highly recommended. The Military Shelf The Armed Forces Reader U.S. Dept of Defense Potomac Books Inc. Box 960, Herndon, VA 20172-0960 9781597971676, $14.95 www.potomacbooksinc.com This 2007 edition of a military classic begun in 1950 provides the latest in a series of books of the same title, offering the general public a new edition which educates officers of all services as well as civilians about the basic moral-ethical requirements of being an officer in the U.S. armed forces. It deserves repeated, ongoing mention as a powerful addition not just to military libraries, but to public lending collections. Airborne: World War II Paratroopers in Combat Julie Guard, Editor 443 Park Avenue South Suite 806, New York NY 10016 9781846031960, $24.95 www.ospreypublishing.com Airborne warfare peaked during World War II and AIRBORNE focuses on the international paratroopers involved in the war on both sides, discussing training, tactics and battle conduct alike and placing its analysis in the overall context of World War II history. As such it's a pick not only for military libraries, but for any in-depth public lending collection considering additions to World War II and aviation history alike, creating a powerful and different focus which sets it apart from more general-interest historical surveys of politics alone. The Audiobook Shelf PO Box 887, Grand Haven, MI 49417 J.A. Konrath's DIRTY MARTINI (1423312449, $29.95) receives a fine dual narration by Susie Breck and Dick Hill, presenting the fourth novel in the Lieutenant Jack Daniels humor series about a homicide detective whose boyfriend wants to get married, whose dead father may not be dead after all, and other problems. Add a case revolving around a poisoner sociopath and you have a riveting story line spiced with high drama audio enhancements. Ridley Peason's KILLER WEEKEND (1423321251, $29.95) receives Christopher Lane's involving and dramatic narrative style as it tells of a local sheriff who tries to protect a controversial politician from an assassin. Add a threat on Shaler's life and jurisdiction battles and you have an involving, dramatic story indeed. Karen Marie Moning's BEYOND THE HIGHLAND MIST (1423341260, $29.95) receives Phil Gigante's 20 years background in theatre, film and TV which enhances production of the story of an alluring predator, a time wrap tumble from modern Seattle into medieval Scotland, and a passionate romance which transcends time and space. John Saul's THE DEVIL'S LABYRINTH (1423304454, $36.95) receives Jim Bond's long-time hosting talents in radio as it tells of an exorcist who summons evil instead of driving it out a young priest must prove the power of exorcism, and witnesses some dangerous transformations among his fellowship as a result. David Ellis' EYE OF THE BEHOLDER (1423336348, $34.95) provides a thriller revolving around an attorney who has built his reputation on his famous prosecution of a serial killer. Fifteen years later there's a new series of murders and attorney Riley must uncover connections between two seemingly disparate cases in a dangerous sequence of events linking present to a dangerous past. Three J.D. Robb thrillers are top picks any mystery audio collection needs. Susan Erickson lends a familiar and seasoned narrative style and voice to all three, making for a fine uniformity listeners will appreciate. BETRAYAL IN DEATH (1423317378, $36.95) tells of a maid killed in the course of duty, involving Eve Dallas in a twisted case. LOYALTY IN DEATH (1423317211, $36.95) tells of a serial bomber stalking New York and a secret admirer who taunts Eve Dallas with letters even as he murders. WITNESS IN DEATH (1423317254, $36.95) tells of a celebrity killed right in front of Eve Dallas, making her both a witness and an investigative officer to a dangerous crime. Her JUDGMENT IN DEATH (1423317297, $36.95) tells of a cop killer on the loose, a mystery motive, and Eve Dallas' investigation of a dangerous private club. All are gripping, involving connected stories of a female top investigator. Christopher Reich's THE FIRST BILLION (1423333713, $38.95) receives Chicago actor James Daniels' involving voice as it tells of one fighter pilot Jett, who has returned from military duty to create a powerful international consulting firm to do good in the world. Only trouble is it's latest interests could be undermining its own philosophy. Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman's DRAGONS OF THE HIGHLORD SKIES: THE LOST CHRONICLES VOLUME II (1423316207, $39.95) receives veteran narrator Sandra Burr's compelling, smooth voice as it returns another Companions saga to attention, telling of Kityiara, who discovers a former lover and his friends were responsible for a Highlord's death placing Kit in danger. Journeys and challenges evolve amongst dangerous plans. Linda Greenlaw's SLIPKNOT (1423331737, $29.95) also benefits from Burr's strong and seasoned voice as it tells of one Jane Bunker, who becomes a marine insurance investigator after being a big-city homicide detective. Her revelations will change the town and challenger her perceptions of its relative safety. Stephen Cannell's THE TIN COLLECTORS (1423333772, $36.95) receives Robert Lawrence's vivid narrative style: Lawrence has appeared in regional theatres across the country, and does a fine job of highlighting a tense thriller revolving around an L.A. police detective who falls under investigation by 'the tin collectors' after he kills his ex-partner. William Kent Krueger's THUNDER BAY (1423329783, $34.95) provides an excellent thriller spiced by Buck Schirner's involving, moving narrative style as it provides the seventh suspense story in the celebrated Cork O'Connor mystery series. Here Cork is ready for a life of peace until a medicine man friend sends him on a special quest for a missing son. Dick Francis' SHATTERED (1423333675, $29.95) receives Fiacre Douglas' warm and well done reading style which brings to life the story of a jockey's fall, which involves his friend Gerard in a search for a stolen videotape a tape which would also claim his life. Stuart Woods' GRASS ROOTS (1423333691, $38.95) receives Barrett Whitener's warm style which captures well the underlying drama and excitement of the story of one Will, a lawyer newly returned to his hometown to argue a controversial case. All are winning audio listens, and top picks for both public lending libraries and home audio collections. Car Talk Classics: Four Perfectly Good Hours Tom Magliozzi and Ray Magliozzi Highbridge Audio Books 201 Sixth Street SE, Suite 220, Minneapolis, MN 55414 9781598870992, $29.95 www.highbridgeaudio.com 1-800-755-8532 Four favorite Car Talk shows selected by Tom and Ray Magliozzi (aka Click and Clack, the Tappet Brothers) are presented in this winning collection, from a visit by Martha Stewart to 'Bugsy' Lawlor's letters home, this offers broadcast radio drama at its best and is a pick any 'Car Talk' fan will relish. The Secret History of the American Empire 375 Hudson Street, New York NY 10014 9780143142126, $39.95 www.penguin.com New York actor Jonathan Davis lends a fine voice seasoned well by onstage productions to The Secret History of the American Empire, a survey of the world's hot spots which use interviews with hit men, CIA operatives, reporters and activists alike to consider the evolution of instability in the world and how American concerns are addressing it or not. From Iraq to Asia, THE SECRET HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN EMPIRE proves especially eye-opening in a vivid audio listen libraries will find a popular lend. A Far Country Random House Audio 1745 Broadway, New York NY 10019 9780739341865, $29.95 www.randomhouseaudio.com Anne Twomey narrates this vivid story of a young girl's journey through an unnamed country in search of her brother. Isabel has the gift of second sight when war changes her life and separates her from her brother, it may be the only thing that can help her locate him. A fine story of a dangerous quest emerges, involving listeners in a delicate, finely honed drama. The Photography Shelf Box 586, Buffalo, NY 14226 Rolando Gomez's GLAMOUR PHOTOGRAPHY: PROFESSIONAL TECHNIQUES AND IMAGES (9781583282105, $34.95) covers changing styles and faces in glamour photography, offering a step-by-step survey of the skills needed to produce flattering portraits. From creating a personal portrait profile to fit a personality to choosing clothing, lighting, and posing a subject, GLAMOUR PHOTOGRAPHY makes for an ongoing recommendation for any collection strong in professional portrait photography. Lou Jacobs Jr.'s PROFESSIONAL CHILDREN'S PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHY: TECHNIQUES AND IMAGES FROM MASTER PHOTOGRAPHERS (9781584282051, $34.95) is a winner: it tells how to work with children and equipment to produce the best results, from lighting strategies for young clients to presenting images to clients and marketing products to new customers. Any excellent choice for any aspiring pro photographer. Jeff Smith's LIGHTING FOR OUTDOOR & LOCATION PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHY (9781584282099, $34.95) narrows the focus to lighting and discusses how to find the right light for either indoors or outdoors shots. From making the most of natural light and enhancing natural outdoors environments to using subtractive lighting in the field, this primer is a 'must' for any who would produce pro-style shots. All are top picks for both college-level collections specializing in photography and for amateur-level photographers who look to work their way up to the next level of expertise. Hands-On Digital Photography c/o Watson-Guptill Publications 770 Broadway, New York NY 10003 0817434917, $24.95 www.watsonguptill.com There are plenty of how-to guides on digital photography on the market, but libraries seeing a solid general reference should take a look at this: it provides a step-by-step course in common digital camera controls and photography and presents learn-as-you-go projects to help readers learn to work with a camera. Novices receive a guide which encourages them to experiment with pictures in a survey which even includes RAW converter step-by-step processes: if only one digital photography guide were to be purchased for a discriminating library with general-interest lending requirements, it should be this one. Photoshop CS3 All-in-One Desk Reference for Dummies John Wiley Publishers 111 River Street, 4th Floor, Hoboken, NJ 07030 9780470111956, $39.99 www.wiley.com Plenty of Photoshop CS3 books on the market update information to this latest Photoshop release, but few offer an extensive desk reference packing in the latest tools and techniques of the latest program with easy details on how to do everything from simple adjustments such as specifying size to using layering and blending modes for advanced compositions and refinement. From full color screen shots and color examples of modified photos to techniques and strategies, Photoshop CS3 All-in-One Desk Reference for Dummies is one of the most extensive coverages on the market and a perfect pick for any who find detailed Photoshop coverages confusing. The Health/Medicine Shelf Dialysis Without Fear Daniel Offer, MD, et.al. Oxford University Press 198 Madison Avenue, New York NY 10016-4314 9780195309959, $15.95 www.oup.com Author Dr. Daniel Offer has had over seven years on dialysis along with a career as a psychiatrist, so he's in the perfect position professionally and personally to discuss coping methods and hardships associated with dialysis. His wife and daughter co-author the book, bringing their own experiences as family members: the result is a collection of personal and medical revelations not only from the author and his family, but from other veteran patients, staff and doctors on how to understand and cope with dialysis. It's an excellent general-interest survey any medical and public lending library should have. The Fantasy/SciFi Shelf Box 1403, Riverdale, NY 10471 William Mark Simmons' DEAD EASY (1416321321, $23.00) tells of Christopher, who has survived a blood transfusion with a vampire only to discover he's infected and wanted by government agencies and those interested in his changed blood. Add here a group of drowned vampire zombies and a healthy dose of humor and intrigue and you have a fast-paced, moving plot. Eric Flint edits THE BEST OF JIM BAEN'S UNIVERSE 2006 (1416521364, $25.00), pairing excellent established writers with outstanding newcomers and gathering the best of stories to have appeared in the New York Times' 'Ring of Fire' series. From Gregory Benford to David Drake, these are top writers and this is a tip pick for any science fiction fan who would receive a fine blend of newcomers and new writings from old pros. John Ringo's A DEEPER BLUE (1416521283, $26.00) returns former SEAL Mike Harmon, hero of GHOST, KILDAR and others, to the forefront: here he's rejecting a new call to action to thwart a dangerous shipload of VX from arriving in the States but when an ambush meant for him claims his best friend, the Kildar agrees to return to new duty in this fast-paced action story. Chris Dolley's SHIFT (1416521402, $24.00) comes from the author of RESONANCE, and tells of astronaut John Bruce, the first to pilot a space craft through higher dimensional space, who faces a second John Bruce with a very different personality the mind of an imprisoned schizophrenic serial killer. An astrophysicist's investigation leads to more insights into the higher dimensions and murder in this satisfying blend of hard science and intrigue. Mark Van Name's ONE JUMP AHEAD (1416520856, $24.00) tells of Jon, who has lead a violent life and looks forward to quiet at home, and Lobo, an enhanced assault vehicle equipped for all environments. Both wind up on a pristine planet which proves to be the secret battleground of two megacorporations determined to control the local jump gate and each has a vested interest as does Jon in who controls him Many twists and turns of plot make ONE JUMP AHEAD outstanding action. All are top picks for any science fiction collection seeking the latest writers and the best of new action-oriented plots. Harvest of Changelings Golden Gryphon Press 3002 Perkins Road, Urbana, IL 61802 1930846460, $24.95 www.goldengryphon.com Ten years ago librarian Ben met and loved Valeria, a fairy woman: her death left Ben to raise their child alone. When Malachi begins to manifest his fey powers, Ben must locate a way into the fairy world to help him realize his powers and he has no way of reaching this world. HARVEST OF CHANGELINGS offers up a fast-paced, moving story line packed with powerful characterization and swift action and will delight any collection strong in science fiction and fantasy. The Involuntary Human Box 809, Framingham, MA 01701 188677868X, $27.00 www.nesfa.org Long-time fans of science fiction will readily recognize the name of David Gerrold, who began writing professionally in 1967 but who made his name in writing the popular Star Trek episode 'Trouble with Tribbles'. Since then he's moved on to explore the universe of Hugo, Nebula and other top science fiction writing awards, and THE INVOLUNTARY HUMAN gathers the best of his writings under one cover, displaying his many talents. Genre fans especially those who knew Gerrold's works primarily from Star Trek fame will find this an exceptional gathering of his diverse talents. EDGE Science Fiction & Fantasy Publishing Box 1714, Calgary, Alberta T2P 217 Canada 1894063384, $22.95 www.edgewebsite.com In the Rel universe life and land are precious and warring is against accepted practice differences are solved by duels fought by a single champion- and RIGHTEOUS ANGER provides the story of champion Horth, never accepted by either side of two warring houses. A fast-paced fantasy of action results. Moomin: The Complete Tov Jansson Comic Strip Drawn & Quarterly c/o Farrar, Straus, Giroux 19 Union Square West, New York NY 10003 1894937805, $19.95 www.drawnandquarterly.com In 1953 the London Evening News began running Moomin comics on a daily basis and soon the little fantasy animals were published in over 40 papers around the world. Tove Jansson, creator of the strip, drew it for five years and these black and white strips offers her complete Moomin features to delight new and old audiences alike. It's too whimsical and funny to limit to younger audiences, and is reviewed here as a top pick for any general-interest library strong in comics history and illustrator representations. The Women's Issues Shelf Women on a Journey: Between Baghdad and London University of Texas at Austin c/o University of Texas Press PO Box 7819, Austin, TX 78713-7819 9780292714847, $16.00 www.utexaspress.com 1-800-252-3206 WOMEN ON A JOURNEY could easily have been featured under Fiction, as it's a collection of short stories, but it's reviewed here as a key set of insightful stories which bring to life the complexity and social angst of Iraqi women's experiences. Through their stories of violence, family and danger the region's history, culture and women's issues comes to life, making for a vivid, involving and literary set of experiences highly recommended for college-level holdings strong in Middle Eastern studies and literary works. The Social Issues Shelf Carol M. Swain, Editor Cambridge University Press 32 Avenue of Americas, New York NY 10013 9780521698665, $19.95 www.cambridge.org College-level collections and many a high school library will want to consider DEBATING IMMIGRATION: it offers an unusually well-balanced collection of debates on various immigration issue positions which gathers reasonings from Left, Right and Middle about immigration and border issues, and provides a wide range of theories, approaches, and ideologies. As such it's a particularly strong pick for any collection including social issues and debating in its holdings, with essays both scholarly and accessible at the college level. New Society Publishers Box 189, Gabriola Island, BC V0R 1X0, Canada 9780965715844, $17.95 www.newsociety.com College-level holdings strong in urban planning issues must have URBAN MELTDOWN: CITIES, CLIMATE CHANGE AND POLITICS AS USUAL. It comes from a poet, city councilor and urban activist who examines how urban growth is accelerating global warming and considers why political action seems stalled. Chapters examine the economics, politics and political challenges at all levels of government in the process of considering urban environments and environmental issues alike. Lori P. Knowles & Gregory E. Kaebnick, Editors Johns Hopkins University Press 2715 North Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218-4363 0801885248, $50.00 www.press.jhu.edu New genetic technologies and their promise have led to much debate, much of this mired in not just technological but ethical and moral issues and key to any college-level collection where technology issues are central is REPROGENETICS: LAW, POLICY, AND ETHICAL ISSUES. Papers discuss all aspects of emerging technologies and treatments, surveying regulations, political influences, licensing, policy development, and more. An essential reference, this also will extend into classroom discussion and debates. The Music Shelf Thomson Course Technology 25 Thomson Place, Boston, MA 02210 1598633058, $39.99 www.courseptr.com COME TOGETHER: THE OFFICIAL JOHN LENNON EDUCATIONAL TOUR BUS GUIDE TO MUSIC AND VIDEO tells of a nonprofit mobile recording and multimedia studio that travels the country providing hands-on audio and video production opportunities to students. Now in its tenth year, it has achieved much and COME TOGETHER explores its history using celebrity interviews, technological discussions, and how-to information to blend travel and engineering insights under one cover. An outstanding survey, highly recommended for both general-interest lending collections up to college level holdings specializing in multimedia education. The Words and Music of David Bowie 88 Post Road West, Westport, CT 06881 0275992454, $44.95 www.praeger.com Joining others in Praeger's college-level 'Singer-Songwriter Collection' series is The Words and Music of David Bowie, an excellent survey of a rock era champion who gained early success in the glam rock subgenre, and whose work raised many issues about sexual orientation in rock music. Bowie has written and recorded music which has made an impact not just in the charts but upon rock music as a whole: because of this widespread impact, THE WORDS AND MUSIC OF DAVID BOWIE should not be overlooked by any serious music library. The Religion/Spirituality Shelf The War of the Jesus and Darwin Fishes John C. Caiazza 35 Berrue Circle, Piscataway, NJ 08854-8042 9780765803801, $29.95 www.transactionpub.com THE WAR OF THE JESUS AND DARWIN FISHES: RELIGION AND SCIENCE IN THE POSTMODERN WORLD begins with the simple placement of fish symbols in autos one a fish with a cross exhibited by Christians, the other a fish filled with the world 'evolution and moves to explore the cultural milieu of religious demonstration on a global level. Chapters consider these symbols as reflections of a global war of beliefs that began with initial conflicts over evolutionary ideas in the Enlightenment and continue to this day. History, religion and science blend in a satisfying, moving story of discovery and change, especially recommended for college-level collections strong in science and spiritual investigation. The Christian Studies Shelf Understanding the Bible George T. Montague, SM 997 Macarthur Boulevard, Mahwah, NJ 07430 0809143445, $19.95 www.paulistpress.com UNDERSTANDING THE BIBLE: A BASIC INTRODUCTION TO BIBLICAL INTERPRETATION appears in a revised, expanded edition to cover the extent of Christian biblical interpretation, contrasting ancient with modern approaches and surveying major trends in the history of biblical study. Notable changes and divisions new to this edition come with a reorganization of chapters for more methodological progression of ideas, a section of Jewish interpretation, and more. A 'must' for any serious Biblical study collection. The Mystery/Suspense Shelf Poisoned Pen Press 6962 E. 1st Ave. #103, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 David Waltner-Toews' FEAR OF LANDING (1590583493, $24.95) is set in the early 1980s and tells of a Canadian vet who is examining Indonesian cow health when sudden deaths and the arrival of a mysterious young Chinese woman brings murder. The deaths of cattle and people seem connected, and Dueck becomes drawn into Indonesian politics and intrigue against his will in this fast-paced riveting story mystery readers will find different and intriguing. Kathleen Delanye's AND MURDER FOR DESSERT (1590584236, $24.95) tells of Ellen and her fiance, a police chief, on their way to an upscale festival dinner hosted by Ellen's niece, an accomplished wine professional. Guaranteed function success turns to danger when the guest list reveals feuding rivals and a shaky dinner reveals murder. These are both outstanding mysteries and will delight libraries interested in building a superior mystery collection: very highly recommended picks. The Gardening Shelf Sunset Western Garden Book Kathleen Norris Brenzel, Editor 80 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025 0376039167, $34.95 www.sunsetbooks.com 1-800-643-8030 Over 8,000 plants are accompanied by tips from Western gardening pros in SUNSET WESTERN GARDEN BOOK, a classic completely updated and revised, and now in its 8th edition. From small color drawings of plants and seeds to descriptions which include hardiness zones, use, varieties and more, it's easy to see why SUNSET WESTERN GARDEN BOOK has become the reference 'bible' for any Western gardener and for any library catering to them. The Library DVD Shelf Space: 1999 30th Anniversary Edition Megaset A & E Television Networks PO Box 2284, South Burlington, VT 05407-2284 0767098374, $99.95 www.aetv.com 1-888-646-3476 In 1999 an explosion at a lunar nuclear waste dump sends the moon out of Earth's orbit, and the inhabitants of Moonbase Alpha find themselves on an unexpected journey across the universe with no way home. All 48 episodes of this space series have been remastered and are offered in an extensive Anniversary collection that includes bonus footage and many extras. Prior fans of the TV series will relish both the complete set and the extras, while newcomers will find it astonishing space action suitable for any well-stocked science fiction DVD collection; especially for definitive collections on genre TV shows. Yoga Booty Ballet Master Series Gillian Marloth and Teigh McDonough 1699 Stutz Drive, Troy, MI 48084 Two advanced, targeted workouts are offered in the 2-DVD set YOGA BOOTY BALLET MASTER SERIES, which comes from two celebrity fitness trainers who share their body-sculpting techniques. From burning fat to reveal shapelier hips and buns in 30-minute workouts to using yoga and pilates together, a quick pace and lively presentation makes for an excellent workout video recommended for any health library. Ah! My Goddess: Flights of Fancy 9781412914764, $29.98 www.advfilms.com This first volume of the AH! My Goddess second season is a recommended pick for any library serious about anime and manga representations. It provides American audiences with the second season of the animated TV series and any library dedicated to representations of such will find this an excellent survey indeed. 009-1 is science fiction anime of the old style blending advanced animation techniques and strong character designs from creator Shotaro Ishinomori, one of Japan's most notable animators. This is a specialty item but one which will enhance any foundation collection seeking strong anime representations and fusions of old and new styles. LE CHEVALIER D'EON is another powerful series and owners of the first volume can't miss VOLUME 2 (9781413914771, $29.98) or 3 (9781413914801, $29.98). These are powerful supernatural anime mysteries: Volume 2 revolves around a search for clues to D'Eon's sister's murder which lie in her life in the king's court's underworld of sorcery; Volume 3 provides darker political insights and intrigue revolving around secret sorcerers and danger. All are excellent picks for libraries featuring anime DVDs. The Biography Shelf Diary of Indignities 10956 SE Main Street, Milwaukee, OR 97222 9781595821034, $14.95 www.mpressbooks.com DIARY OF INDIGNITIES first came to light on the blog Bad News Hughes, documenting indignities generated by the author's life and talent for personal failure. Anticipate a good deal of foul language and a whole lot of laughter: while the former might put off a conservative library holding, any collection strong in humor needs DIARY OF INDIGNITIES. From strange relatives who show up at a wedding to the ironies of hippies and nature, it's a winner. James A. Cox, Editor-in-Chief Midwest Book Review 278 Orchard Drive, Oregon, WI 53575-1129 Diane C. Donovan, Editor & Senior Reviewer 12424 Mill Street, Petaluma, CA 94952 Site design by Williams Writing, Editing &
This prize is for young community groups, organisations, networks and businesses that have a proven track record and which are seeking more funding to expand or develop. We aim to award at least one prize to a small scale project. In 2018 there are three prize winners, with each being awarded £20,000. Below are the winners, short-listed projects and other nominees. Established in February 2017, AGROECOPOLIS is the first Greek grassroots NGO to focus on food sovereignty, access to land and agroecology, and is the product of many years of collaboration. It’s work involves: supporting networking and skill-sharing amongst agroecological practitioners; participating in research projects with CAWR, FIAN, TNI; helping establish practical land-based projects in Greece. For example, it has supported a solidarity exports initiative whereby citrus fruits and olive oil are exported to food initiatives in the EU; supporting small agroecological Greek farmers. AGROECOPOLIS is currently in the process of setting up a Greek Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Association, and hopes to create an agroecology training centre and revive the Permaculture Caravan. The need for the International Permaculture Education Network (IPEN) was identified in 2015 when experienced permaculture tutors from across the world considered Permaculture education’s next big steps – the need for greater collaboration and coherence among permaculture teachers. Steve and Lachlan took on the challenge and started networking with others, informally initially, then formed IPEN as a member project of the UK Permaculture Association in September 2017. IPEN aims to increase the coherence and effectiveness of permaculture education globally. IPEN working groups are now working globally to: create new education resources, support demonstration projects and teacher training, develop new core courses and model curricula, and share permaculture educational resources widely in many languages. Malawi Schools Permaculture Clubs (MSPC) empowers primary teachers in rural northern Malawi to run after-school student permaculture clubs. Each student works on an individual permaculture plot and collectively they implement a school design. Now in year three, MSPC is working with nine schools, 300 pupils, and has a waiting list of interested schools. MSPC started in 2015 after a successful trial club at Mkondezi Primary School. During that first year, four critical factors were identified that would enable other teachers to run clubs in their schools: 1. Permaculture training & facilitation skills for teachers 2. A ‘syllabus’ & detailed teaching materials 3. Supporting infrastructure 4. Schools & pupils must be self-selecting MSPC was established to offer these, enabling Mkondezi’s work to be rolled out widely. Blueprint is an international alliance and network of individuals, small businesses and not-for-proft organisations, that collaborate on developing integrated design solutions for regenerative human settlements. It partners with communities and organisations to develop, research and promote regenerative principles and practices. It’s currently working on ‘Blueprint200’ – a design framework, demonstration site and sharing resource for creating regenerative refugee camps that meet and go beyond current humanitarian SPHERE standards. It has visited refugee sites and interviewed refugees, aid and social workers, permaculturists and more. In 2017 it developed the first version of a framework that includes design principles, a regenerative continuum and a pattern language for refugee camps. Byspokes’ journey began in 2010, when Philip Jones and Lorena Viladomat embarked on a cycle-ride from the UK to Palestine to fundraise for a new aquaculture program in the area, and raise awareness of Palestine’s water crisis. They joined Alice Gray at Bustan Qaraaqa (a permaculture farm in Bethlehem) and built the first aquaponics system in the West Bank, going on to implement many more projects with various partners in the region. In 2013, Alice, Phil and Lorena formalised their partnership, creating a platform to raise awareness of permaculture as a strategy for community development, and creating a repository for their shared experience. Byspokes now works globally, supporting communities to revitalise ailing environments; sustainably enhance food and water justice for all, and reconnect with nature. Ecosystem Restoration Camps aim to restore degraded land whilst training people in ecosystem restoration. They do this by building camps on degraded land; using the camps to house trainees that learn how to restore the land around them. The first camp is being set up in South-Eastern Spain, and has started the initial process of restoring the land: de-compacting the soil, planting the first 100 trees and building the camp’s initial structures. It has also planted 50,000 trees donated by Ecosia to restore the ecology of a local mountain and has partnered with a local farmers’ association to collaborate with local farmers in developing their regenerative agricultural practices. The camp’s education programme and business ideas are currently being developed. London Grown is a not-for-proft workers’ co-operative that’s building a co-operatively run ecological community food hub in London – increasing local access to fresh, healthy and affordable food and community space. It’s committed to the values of regenerative agriculture; aiming to restore derelict land. It operates over two sites in London: Pasteur Gardens (PG) and the Wolves Lane Centre (WL), collaborating with local groups in an area of significant social deprivation, to transform these previously derelict sites into productive community spaces. It gained access to PG in April 2016 and has: made it accessible to the public; dedicated two acres to food production; installed essential infrastructure and an accessible education hub. It recently won a 25-year lease to develop the WL site into a community food hub. Mubaya Ecovillage Zimbabwe started the journey of becoming an ecovillage in 2015, with the aim of introducing permaculture to all aspects of the existing Mubaya village by 2020, including energy autonomy, ecological and economic sustainability, and social coherence. Since the creation of the ecovillage Centre in 2015 it has: run workshops on constructing solar ovens and solar driers, on food processing and community building; raised and distributed indigenous and exotic trees to surrounding villagers for reforestation purposes; installed drip-irrigation, done composting and eco brick construction. It has also raised awareness of permaculture, attended training on Moringa and Artemisia for herbal medication and food and started BioChar production, and has shared skills on building fences to keep animals out of fields. PERMACULTURE IN UKRAINE was founded in October 2013 with the aims of: promoting agroecology; protecting the environment & cultural heritage; developing ecovillages, transitional towns & bioregions; supporting unprotected groups of the population. Since 2013 it has organized a number of events in different regions of the Ukraine; has created a certified permaculture design course which is free for internally displaced persons from the occupied territories of Ukraine, and has translated permaculture materials into Ukrainian. In June 2017 it organized an international conference “Permaculture for Farms” in Hungary which gathered 50 participants from five countries. Its next step is to establish a Network of Permaculture Education and Demonstration Centres in Ukraine. The Practical Permaculture Institute Zanzibar (PPIZ) began in October 2015 and follows a practical hands-on approach to teaching permaculture skills. Most of its courses are taught in Kiswahili and are held at its demonstration farm. It’s courses include a monthly Permaculture Design Course, practical workshops on Composting & Natural Pesticides, specialized courses on Beekeeping, Moringa and Food Forests. It also hosts visits for school classes, NGO’s and a teacher’s program. In August 2016 it started a program that targets out of school youths to be trained in Permaculture skills through a four month long program, getting them into green jobs afterwards. Sociedade Histórica e Cultural Coluna Sanfns was established in 2015 by commoners of the Froxán Common Woodlands Community as a tool to defend and engage local people and civil society with destructive mining, particularly the “San Finx” mine. The “Sociedade”, in partnership with groups such as Verdegaia, ContraMINAcción and Yes to Life No to Mining, temporarily brought mining operations to a standstill, by exercising social, administrative and legal pressure. To ensure long-term protection, the Froxán Commons and the “Sociedade” worked together to gain recognition by the UN Environment programme as the first “Indigenous and Community Conserved Area” in Spain. It also set up the “Montescola” programme for twinning common land communities with urban schools to restore woodlands threatened by degradation and extractivism. In 2014 SWAYYAM began work on 5 acres of overgrazed, eroded and barren land outside the village of Yelachatti (India). SWAYYAM uses Permaculture and Natural Farming principles to build self sufficiency in communities by focusing on planting local and drought tolerant trees; reviving local and traditional polyculture farming systems that can nurture the soil, people and the ecosystem; saving and sharing of seeds; use & sharing of medicinal plants; reviving local water bodies; soil and water conservation; building with local materials using local skills and labour; use of alternate energy sources like solar and wind etc. In just three years, what was bare sub-soil has become a bio-diverse hub of fruit, timber, fodder and fibre trees, grasses, insects, butterflies, birds, reptiles and other wildlife. The focus now is on growing native and traditional crops specific to the area that are drought tolerant and can ensure multiple and extended yields, nutrition, health and food security. Tahtacıörencik Ecological Living Collective (TADYA) is a grassroots group working in Güdül, Ankara, Turkey. It practices and promotes agroecology and aims to foster ecological rural development through supporting sustainable rural livelihoods. In April 2013 the Temürcü family moved to Tahtacıörencik village to help the TADYA collective with other villagers. Since then, the collective has encouraged local farmers/producers to be part of the DBB Participatory Guarantee System, securing them income while directing them to more nature-friendly and healthy production methods. The group is also developing an agroecology training center and a permaculture demonstration site, and supports villagers in organizing eco-tours from the city to the village; helping to build solidarity between rural and urban populations. Uryadi’s Village was established in 2014 in response to the orphan crisis in Ethiopia. It became clear that the degradation of Ethiopia’s land is linked to widespread food access issues, and that this is linked with the high orphan population. (Newborns are abandoned because their parents cannot feed them). Uryadi’s Village aims to address both the immediate needs of these children and the systemic breakdowns that lead to newborns being abandoned. At Wolayta Village – the project’s permaculture demonstration site- a home is provided to 78 orphaned children. The site is also used to provide training and resources for regenerative food production as a long term investment in the regeneration of the surrounding land. A local adoption program has also been pioneered, having facilitated three adoptions into local homes so far. The Whales of Guerrero Research Project (WGRP) collaborates with local communities, government and universities to create incentives and opportunities to restore the region’s collapsing marine ecology. WGRP cultivates environmental stewardship via meaningful education, science and conservation programs. A community-run humpback whale study is the entrance point to conversations about marine wildlife and why nature matters. Since 2014, it has: spearheaded 1500 hours of whale and dolphin field studies in partnership with local citizen scientists; formed and empowered ecotourism co-ops; trained 75+ fishermen as “whale safe captains” and taught 2500+ students in 25 schools about the surrounding environment; brought 250 kids out to meet their local whales and dolphins for the first time; and led 250+ international travellers on ecotourism adventures. Next steps are a fishermen’s learning exchange between community leaders from Guerrero and communities in Baja California that have restored their seas and are now thriving as a result; the creation of a community-backed marine management plan, self-supporting education and guide training programs and a well-known and well-run ecotourism industry. Congo, the Democratic Republic of
AccuWeather Global Weather Center – April 26, 2017 – AccuWeather reports wet weather and severe storms will keep extreme temperatures at bay in the Northeast and mid-Atlantic this summer, while heat and humidity plague the South. Meanwhile, California will be at risk from wildfires due t… To stay up to date with the latest in the beekeeping industry to may check out our apiculture latest news. On the other hand in case you’re beginning beekeeping and desire to start professional apiculture today get a copy of our beekeeping for beginners ebook. Beekeeping can either be a full-time profession or a hobby that is simple. Nevertheless, more often than not, what began as a hobby would become a profession. But you cannot merely tell and decide yourself that you will start to do beekeeping. You need to have adequate knowledge and comprehension on the field that you’re going to enter before beginning on any avocation or profession. If you have been putting off your curiosity about beekeeping for quite a long time, then it is about time to indulge yourself. Bee farming may seem easy; by learning the fundamental beekeeping lessons, you can be got away to a good start. What does a beekeeper have to understand? First, you should have full interest on beekeeping to start at the right foot. You should also have consented to share your house space. There are possible risks in beekeeping that can damage you but your family also. If you decide to let the bees inside your living space, then you definitely must know the supplies and gear you will use for beekeeping. Your focus is not only to earn money by selling honey; a great beekeeper should have a keen interest and passion in raising bees. An apiarist should know the right location for the beehives. You need to make sure that beekeeping is allowed in your area, if you decide to set your beehives at your backyard. There are several areas limited to beekeeping; you should get permission about this. Beekeepers must know whether beekeeping supplies are offered in the place where the beehives are situated. You may never know when you need to attend a neighborhood beekeeping shop; it is best that a nearby beekeeping shop is accessible. Protective gear and equipment may also be important for beekeepers to know. Beekeepers are prone to bee stings; the outfit that is proper must be worn during beekeeping sessions. This will lessen the odds of being stung by your bees. Know the right type of suit to choose to keep you from any possible risk in beekeeping. If you’re incapable to harvest honey from your bees all the beekeeping attempts would be useless. A beekeeper ought to know the methods in gathering the honey from your comb; beeswax is also part of the returns in beekeeping.
It’s been a while since my last blog post, so sorry to anybody who has been struggling to get through their days without hearing about life, the universe, and bees from this corner of the internet. I am obsessed with bees and beekeeping. I have found that I am prone to the odd obsession, and have been throughout my life. It’s a good way to learn; being obsessed, but sometimes it’s easy to forget that others may not be quite so fascinated. I discovered this recently, when my mother nodded off as I was explaining something about bees. I am like sleeping pills, but with tusks. Anyway, the good news is that it is February and therefore Spring is close. There are snowdrops in flower at the bottom of my garden and plenty of daffodils scattered about the local parks and gardens which are just on the cusp of bursting into flower. Not that daffodils are of much interest to honey bees. Ok, so it’s cold and a bit snowy right now, but it will soon pass. I can feel it in me waters. Every experienced good beekeeper that I have talked to about this considers that the start of the season is the Autumn (Fall), not Spring. The efforts and actions taken in September and October are what determines the strength of the colony in Spring. They need to have been treated for varroa and be free of disease with plenty of stored honey to get them through Winter, and very importantly, plenty of stored pollen to help with brood rearing before the bees can forage on spring flowers. The whole business of bee nutrition is actually very important. Of course it is. If you eat nothing but junk food you will become unhealthy and prone to diseases which shorten your life. The same is true of bees. Most beekeepers are aware of the need for the bees to have sugar but perhaps less is known about the importance of proteins (pollen). Bees are vegetarian and get their carbs from nectar and their protein from pollen. In fact, pollen provides fats, vitamins, sterols, minerals and micronutrients as well as proteins – having enough pollen of good quality is critical to honey bee health. When I was interviewing Peter Bray, the owner of Airborne Honey in New Zealand, a couple of weeks ago, I asked him about any heroes or mentors or people who inspired him. He named Graham Kleinschmidt, who had been his tutor when he was at Queensland Agricultural College in Australia. He was very much the inspiration for the fantastic booklet called “Fat Bees, Skinny Bees” by Doug Sommerville. Kleinschmidt studied the levels of protein stored in the bees’ bodies and found that it varied significantly depending on available sources of pollen and the work being done by the bees. Nurse bees, that is, the younger bees who stay in the hive and rear the young, also feed the forager bees. When a heavy nectar flow is on and the bees are frantically collecting it as fast as they can Kleinschmidt showed that the levels of protein in their bodies drops, and it can take many weeks for the bees to recover from this. Peter Bray told me that he thought the best quality of pollen comes from gorse, closely followed by broom. The “Fat Bees, Skinny Bees” booklet lists many sources of pollen and the quality of protein in that pollen. So pollen is used by nurse bees to make bee milk and royal jelly to be fed to developing larvae and queens, and they also feed older forager bees to help boost their protein/fat levels. Any dearth in pollen means that economies have to be made in the hive. Young larvae are given less food, and if things get bad enough they will be eaten and the protein from them given to the older larvae, the ones closer to becoming worker bees. As bees prepare for winter they consume a lot of protein to build up the levels in their bodies, in the form of a compound called vitellogenin, which enables them to live throughout the winter months. When it comes to raising brood in preparation for Spring the bees can, if pollen stores are low in the hive, effectively mine their own bodies for the protein needed to raise the young. In fact they do this anytime there is a pollen dearth, which can be after just a couple of days of rain when brood rearing is in full force during late Spring or early Summer. If the foragers can’t fly because of bad weather the pollen reserves in the hive will quickly be used up. Every beekeeper checks for the levels of stores in a hive during an inspection, to ensure that the bees won’t starve. Clearly this does not just mean checking the amount of honey in the hive – we really need to keep a close eye on pollen stores too, and if necessary feed supplements in the form of pollen patties, or pollen collected from last year in pollen traps, which can be stored in the freezer and used when times are harsh. Murray McGregor of Denrosa Apiaries up in Perthshire told me that his bees are lucky because there is plenty of naturally available pollen in his area throughout the season. In some areas that may not be the case. In other news, the new Netflix series “Altered Carbon” starts off quite poorly but improves throughout, and by the end I loved it. It is visually stunning, and for those who like their Sci-Fi with a sprinkling of cyber-punk, it’s not to be missed (as long as you don’t mind violence, nudity, all manner of immoral crimes, and a plot as loose as a goose). Have a great week!
Although we will not be opening as a zoo, we are very interested in preserving what we can for the public to be able to visit and take a walk down memory lane. This will include but is not limited to free admittance to the 130 acre park for anyone who would like to come, walk and reminisce. We also intend on re-structuring the entrance to allow vehicles to enter the park, renovate "The Giraffe House" to become an Inn with the ability to host weddings and events and in the long term convert the majority of the property into a Campground and RV Park. A free admittance museum will be open to the public displaying memorabilia from the properties past, photos of The Catskill Game Farm's many years in operation as well as occasionally having old employees of the property offering workshops and tours for children or adults who would like to have a more unique look back at the properties history. For more details about each please see below. It is important to note that donations are not going towards any of these projects, they are strictly being used in the interim to make the park safer for visitors who are currently coming to visit and providing a portolet for those to use during their time at The Old Game Farm. We have begun construction! The Long Neck INN Photography by Andy Milford We are converting the "Giraffe House" into an Inn with the ability to host weddings and events on the property. By profession, the owner, Cathy Ballone is a wedding planner (Cathy's Elegant Events, LLC) and would be able to manage all aspect of this business. There have been many previous visitors to the park who have shown an incredible interest in being able to come stay in such an interesting an unique converted structure. The rooms will be named for animals which once lived on the property giving guests the ability to stay in rooms such as "The Giraffe Room" or the "Rhino Room" filled with tasteful decor depicting each creature. The main level will remain as original as possible even keeping the large front doors as 'shutters' for more energy efficient doors inside and preserving the still obvious ware marks where giraffes once rubbed their heads on the walls. With weddings becoming extremely popular in the Catskills and Hudson Valley Cathy often gets requests for 'unusual' and/or uniquely historical locations for couples to get married, this would be an ideal location. The plans would include being able to get married in front of the B&B, hold their cocktail hour either in the main level of the building or outdoors, then the main receptions will be held tented on the property either near the Inn or in what once was the lower feeding grounds where so many children and families could once walk among the animals at The Catskill Game Farm. The Old Game Farm Campground We are also seeking 1.5 million to convert the remainder of the property into a Campground and RV park. Something this property offers that many other campgrounds lack, is space. The plans have us keeping as many trees and infrastructure as possible to invite people to enjoy the outdoors and the history of the property. The layouts include a separate section for Seasonal Campers (RV owners who rent their space out for long term use) to give them there own community area where they can stay separate from over night campers. There will also be cabins throughout the property for guests to enjoy. We will plan on keeping with the theme of the properties history with roads named Giraffe way, Rhino Road and similar touches throughout the park. While doing this we would also like to make the campground educational for children and families. We have been working with local organizations to create different types of programs we can offer to reconnect children and families to nature. This would include workshops where people can learn about such subjects as how to make maple syrup, honey harvesting and beekeeping, making candles from scratch and other types of nature based workshops. How you can help! The best way the average person can help is simply by talking about us and what we are trying to do. Within the 6 degrees of separation there is someone who can make these plans coming to life. Like and share us on facebook, talk to you friends and co-workers simply help get the word out there!
Brushy Mountain Bee Farm Video Tutorials - includes video tutorials on a very wide range of beekeeping topics. A Web-Based Introductory Beekeeping Training Program (Ohio State Beekeepers Assoc.) - an excellent course of 34 video tutorials. Bee Lab Webinars (Ohio State University. College of Food, Agriculture and Environmental Science) - an excellent archive of webinars by bee researchers and experts. Bee Videos (Strathcona Beekeepers Association - Toronto) - this site provides a massive topical directory of bee videos on the web. Video Tutorials (Warre Store) - features excellent tutorials for those using Warre hives. The store's website contains a wealth of helpfu general bee-related info as well. Courses (Fees involved) Beekeeping 101 (Penn State Extension) - an extensive, more formal, self-paced online course.
If there’s any animal that can’t seem to catch a break, it’s the honeybee. Thanks to what scientists believe is a combination of disease, parasites, pesticides and other environmental stressors, honeybee colonies have experienced significant losses over the past decade or so — a phenomenon that’s troubling to say the least, given the insect’s immense importance when it comes to pollinating food crops and other plants. But despite recent efforts to increase protections for the honeybee, new surveys suggest that the insect is still suffering — perhaps now more than ever. A survey released this week by the Bee Informed Partnership, a collaborative organization of honeybee researchers around the country, revealed that beekeepers in the United States lost 44 percent of their colonies in the past year — the second highest annual loss reported in the past 10 years. Colony “losses” refer to colonies whose bees died from any number of possible reasons, such as disease. They do not necessarily refer to hives stricken by colony collapse disorder, which is a well-publicized but very specific phenomenon that occurs when a colony’s worker bees suddenly and mysteriously abandon the nest. Notably, the survey indicated that bee losses during the summer were just as high as bee losses during the winter — an alarming finding, considering summer is the time of year when bees should be at their healthiest. “The summer is boom time for bees — lots of forage,” said Dennis VanEngelsdorp, the survey’s project director and an entomologist at the University of Maryland. “We usually think of this as a very good time for bees. When we first started this [survey] 10 years ago, we didn’t even monitor summer losses because we didn’t think this would be significant.” Altogether, the study surveyed more than 5,700 beekeepers managing nearly 400,000 honeybee colonies across the country. The findings indicated that about 28 percent of managed colonies were lost during both the 2015 summer and the 2015-2016 winter. Because beekeepers tend to add, remove or restore colonies throughout the year, these numbers come out to about a 44 percent loss of all colonies managed between April 2015 and March 2016. A second survey, published Wednesday by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, supports these dire findings. Those results suggested that beekeeping operations throughout the country, maintaining five or more colonies at a time, lost anywhere from 12 to 18 percent of their colonies each quarter between January 2015 and April 2016. Scientists say they think the losses stem from a variety of factors, some of which may be more prevalent than others. “What we think from other surveys is there are three major drivers,” VanEngelsdorp said. “Pesticides, poor nutrition and, most importantly, parasites.” In fact, VanEngelsdorp was involved with another recent study, published last month in the journal Apidologie, which surveyed bee parasites and diseases between 2009 and 2014 and provided some insight into what afflictions are the biggest problems for honeybees. The survey found that Nosema, a disease-causing fungus, and the Varroa mite, a parasite capable of carrying a variety of harmful viruses, both remain major problems among honeybee colonies. In particular, the study indicated that Varroa mites may be more prevalent than previous analyses have suggested, with their infestations peaking between August and November. “Especially in the fall, over 50 percent of the colonies sampled had levels higher than we think [will] damage colonies,” VanEngelsdorp said. He noted that backyard beekeepers, in particular, who typically keep fewer than 50 colonies at a time, sometimes fail to treat their hives for mites — and this can contribute to the parasite’s spread. “When those colonies die, they spread their mites to all the neighborhood bees,” he said. He added that the mite’s role in commercial beekeeping operations — which are larger and typically stay on top of their parasite treatments — seems to be “a little more complicated,” and is more likely to combine with other factors that may contribute to the demise of colonies, including the effects of pesticides or poor nutrition. At the end of the day, scientists generally believe that no single factor is causing the demise of honeybees in the United States — and recent efforts to help the insects recover reflect this view. Last year, for instance, the White House released its first National Strategy to Promote the Health of Honey Bees and Other Pollinators, a document that stressed the importance of increased research on the effects of pesticides and establishing larger areas of good-quality habitat for pollinators, such as bee and butterfly gardens in urban areas. The strategy set a goal of bringing winter honeybee colony losses down to 15 percent within the next 10 years — although, as this week’s surveys suggest, summer losses are now deserving of equal, if not greater, attention. In the coming weeks, the Bee Informed Partnership will continue to break down the results of the most recent survey in order to analyze whether any particular regions or types of beekeeping operations seem to be more affected than others and to examine the causes of death most suspected by beekeepers. Gaining a greater understanding of these kinds of trends is a matter of immense importance to agriculture, and therefore national food security, VanEngelsdorp said. “One in every three bites we eat is directly or indirectly pollinated by bees,” he said. “Without honeybees we would not be able to produce apples and almonds and a lot of other berries and fruits, so it’s really important to understand the drivers of these losses.”
The first meeting of 2015 for the Western Galloway Beekeepers Association was held at the end of January. Members gathered to hear the guest speaker, John Vendy who is a natural beekeeper in Lancaster. Thankfully the weather was kind to him for travelling such a distance. John explained the natural beekeeping philosophy – more natural for bees than traditional beekeeping, with healthy bees a priority – emphasis on healthy bees rather than honey production A few of his tips Leave honey with the bees for the winter – they’ll eat what they need, then any surplus can be removed in the spring Interfere as little as possible with the natural lives of the bees Put nothing in to the hive that could be harmful to bees, to us or to the wider environment. For example use ground sugar to treat Varroa mites Consider the welfare of other pollinators – don’t have too many bees in one place Avoid the use of sheets of foundation for wax production – foundation strips are sufficient. Bees need to make wax and foundation can become contaminated over time Disturbance free inspections – observe the hive entrance and/or use an observation window rather than disturbing the bees John uses Horizontal Top Bar hives, which are quite different from the traditional beehive. Pro’s – no heavy boxes to lift, everything is at the same working height, they are easy and cheap to make, less disturbance to bees when inspecting, they deter thieves Con’s – more difficult to move, no standard design, few commercially available, less honey stored above the winter cluster can lead to isolation starvation, comb not wired so not suitable for spinning to extract honey John had brought along an example of a top bar hive for the members to have a look at – this prompted lots of discussion, and John was able to answer questions from the members Dru Hatcher, chair, thanked John for his informative talk and for making the journey to Galloway The next meeting will be on Monday 23rd February at Glenluce Bowling Club, starting g at 7pm – visitors will be made welcome. The speaker will be Julie McGlashan who will share her knowledge of Manuka honey, as well as the medicinal uses for honey. The newly created library box will be unveiled and the members will be encouraged to make preparations for showing their produce at the Royal Highland Show in June
One of the District Chairman's Charities is BURNAID, a small local charity that aims to support Burn Survivors and their families at the Burn Centres at Birmingham Children's Hospital and the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham. This is the second of the Chairman's charities. it is an innovative charity, exploring ways dogs can help people overcome specific challenges and enrich and improve lives and communities. The District 6 International charity is Bees Abroad which is a UK-registered charity seeking to reduce poverty through beekeeping. Volunteer Project Managers assess and support beekeeping projects in developing countries world wide. They use their expertise, working in the local community group to develop a viable project which will become self-sustainable. Our project will specifically help a group of Batwa (pygmies) who were evicted from their homes in the Forest. District Chairman Jill has selected Hearing Dogs for the Deaf as her Charity for the year. The District 6 International Charity is the Chinthowa Trust. The National President, Ann Acaster, has chosen Jessie's Fund (Music helping Children) for her charity.
We’re proud to announce that our Chef de Cuisine, Chris Starkus, will be representing us in Tokyo later this fall. He joins one time competitor and frequent collaborator, The Side Yard Farm’s Stacey Givens, and local artisans on a trip to showcase Portland’s DIY mentality. They’ll be cooking at a new farmer’s market and exploring the bourgeoning urban farm scene. Chef Starkus will bring his culinary expertise along with the gardening and beekeeping skills he’s developed on our roof and in his own homestead. We can’t wait for him to share his travels!
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A fight with the varroa mite in New Zealand Varroa destructor hit the North Island first. It established around Auckland and spread gradually south. At first, beekeepers negotiated quarantine lines. Some apiaries were split down the middle, and boundaries had to be renegotiated every time the infestation spread. And in the meantime, an infested feral colony rode a hollow log into Wellington and Frank’s bees became the first in the area with Varroa. Frank did not shy from the “bad beekeeping” stigma that encourages beekeepers to under-report cases like this. Instead, he worked to contain the infestation. He marked a five-mile radius around the Varroa hive, determined to destroy neighboring colonies to prevent Varroa from spreading. Frank climbed fences, turned ankles, and plugged and poisoned the wild beehives inside his quarantine zone. He offered honey to people who could point him towards feral colonies. He even managed to poison a nearby beekeeper’s unregistered hives—by mistake, of course—he had thought they were abandoned. Frank got most of the ferals. All but one colony, actually, because it was on private property and the owners would not grant him access. So Varroa proliferated in the Wellington area, expanding outwards as the northern population spread south. The quarantine was a losing battle, Frank says. That’s part of what makes Frank’s effort so admirable. Facing an impossible task, he refused to give up. These days, in anticipation of miticide resistance, he is exploring alternative Varroa treatments. In order to monitor mite levels, Frank “fogs” his hives with vaporized food-grade mineral oil (FGMO) using a small flamethrower. He shows me how to pump a few puffs into the front entrance of each hive and warns me not to place the fogger too close. The popcorn sound is bees cooking, he says. Overall, casualties are relatively low. Frank estimates that we’re singeing the wings of approximately twenty bees per hive. After fogging the first apiary, I am red-faced and dizzy. Frank mentions that a dusk-mask would be advisable. The fog agitates the mites, providing a one-day knock down, but it does not kill them. We collect the mite fall on slide-out “sticky boards” on the floor of each hive. These help us determine whether to implement a follow-up cord treatment. The short cotton cords are soaked in a solution of equal parts honey (or sugar syrup), food-grade mineral oil, and beeswax, adding 5% thymol for extra effect. Once dry, they are placed on top of the frames, two cords per brood box. The honey attracts the bees to the cords, and the FGMO kills the mites. Frank treats with cords about once a month, as needed. These techniques were developed by Dr. Pedro Rodriguez of the United States, but Frank is experimenting with them himself to determine which treatments work best for his bees. It’s extra work for uncertain payoff. That’s some admirable beekeeping.
Beekeepers have had hard times in the last few decades with pathogens and lately, Colony Collapse Disorder and new issues with virus. Poor colony health coupled with high losses cause many beekeepers to become discouraged. If older, experienced beekeepers give up beekeeping, who will teach the younger ones? Click to read the abstract of my poster presentation at the 1997 ESA Annual Meeting. That was a long time ago! Back in the 1990s I created the newsgroup sci.agriculture.beekeeping, and The Internet Apiculture and Beekeeping Archive at www.ibiblio.org, formerly metalab.unc.edu (formerly sunsite.unc.edu), where the newsgroup, listserv, and beekeeping FAQS, are archived. Although web-based forums have superceeded Usenet News in popularity, this archive is still filled with valuable beekeeping information. For 11 years, we've been producing breeder Queen Honey Bees that are resistant to Varroa mites. VP Queen Bees You may contact me at the site above. Thanks for visiting. (butt jarnikiss --for Jonathan) Copyright © Adam Finkelstein. All Rights Reserved.
To be updated with the latest information in the apiculture industry to may visit our beekeeping latest news. On the other hand if you’re new to beekeeping and desire to begin professional beekeeping now download a copy of our beekeeping for beginners ebook. Beekeeping can either be a full-time profession or a simple hobby. Nevertheless, more often than not, what started as a hobby would turn into a profession. But you cannot just tell and determine yourself that you will start to do beekeeping. Before beginning on any avocation or profession, you need to have comprehension and adequate knowledge on the field that you are going to enter. Then it is about time to indulge yourself in your line of interest if you’ve been putting off your interest in beekeeping for quite a long time. Bee farming may not look difficult; by learning the fundamental beekeeping lessons, you can be got away to a good beginning. What does a beekeeper should know? On beekeeping to begin at the right foot you should have interest that is complete. You must spend time taking care of your colonies of bees. You should also have agreed to share your home space with the bees. There are possible risks in beekeeping that can harm not only you but your family also. You then must know the supplies and gear you will use for beekeeping if you decide to let the bees inside your living space. Your focus is not only to earn money by selling honey; a good beekeeper should have a keen interest and passion in raising bees. An apiarist should know the right place for the beehives. The area must have adequate sources of nectar for the bees to get. You have to make sure beekeeping is allowed in your town if you decide to put your beehives at your backyard. There are several areas restricted to beekeeping; you have to get permission relating to this. Beekeepers must know whether beekeeping supplies are available in the area where the beehives are situated. When you must go to a local beekeeping store you may never know; it’s best that a nearby beekeeping store is not inaccessible. Protective gear and equipment can also be essential for beekeepers to know. Beekeepers are prone to bee stings; the outfit that is proper must be worn during beekeeping sessions. This will lessen the chances of being stung by your bees. Understand the appropriate suit to pick to keep you from any potential risk in beekeeping. Last but definitely not the least, among the beekeeping lessons you need to find out is that: it’s essential for the beekeeper to know the proper manner of picking honey. If you’re incapable to harvest honey all the beekeeping efforts would be futile. The procedures should be known by a beekeeper in collecting the honey in the comb; beeswax is also part of the yields in beekeeping.
Urban beekeeping in New Mexico's largest city. anyone know where to buy a queen? If none are available locally is there an online source? ▶ Reply to This I know Craig Noorlander (Papa Bear Bees) has queens for sale Thanks Peter. I've already emailed him this morning. Welcome toAlbuquerque Beekeepers Sign Upor Sign In © 2018 Created by Abq Beeks. Report an Issue | Terms of Service Please check your browser settings or contact your system administrator.
Agriculture depends greatly on the honeybee for pollination. Honeybees account for 80% of all insect pollination. Without such pollination, we would see a significant decrease in the yield of fruits and vegetables. Bees collect 66 lbs of pollen per year, per hive. Pollen is the male germ cells produced by all flowering plants for fertilization and plant embryo formation. The Honeybee uses pollen as a food. Pollen is one of the richest and purest natural foods, consisting of up to 35% protein, 10% sugars, carbohydrates, enzymes, minerals, and vitamins A (carotenes), B1 (thiamin), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (nicotinic acid), B5 (panothenic acid), C (ascorbic acid), H (biotin), and R (rutine). Honey is used by the bees for food all year round. There are many types, colors and flavors of honey, depending upon it's nectar source. The bees make honey from the nectar they collect from flowering trees and plants. Honey is an easily digestible, pure food. Honey is hydroscopic and has antibacterial qualities. Eating local honey can fend off allergies. Secreted from glands, beeswax is used by the honeybee to build honey comb. It is used by humans in drugs, cosmetics, artists' materials, furniture polish and candles. Collected by honeybees from trees, the sticky resin is mixed with wax to make a sticky glue. The bees use this to seal cracks and repair their hive. It is used by humans as a health aid, and as the basis for fine wood varnishes. The powerful, milky substance that turns an ordinary bee into a Queen Bee. It is made of digested pollen and honey or nectar mixed with a chemical secreted from a gland in a nursing bee's head. It commands premium prices rivaling imported caviar, and is used by some as a dietary supplement and fertility stimulant. It is loaded with all of the B vitamins. The "ouch" part of the honeybee. Although sharp pain and some swelling and itching are natural reactions to a honeybee sting or most, a small percentage of individuals are highly allergic to bee venom. "Bee venom therapy" is widely practiced overseas and by some in the USA to address health problems such as arthritis, neuralgia, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and even MS. There is only one queen per hive. The queen is the only bee with fully developed ovaries. A queen bee can live for 3-5 years. The queen mates only once with several male (drone) bees, and will remain fertile for life. She lays up to 2000 eggs per day. Fertilized eggs become female (worker bees) and unfertilized eggs become male (drone bees). When she dies or becomes unproductive, the other bees will "make" a new queen by selecting a young larva and feeding it a diet of "royal jelly". For queen bees, it takes 16 days from egg to emergence. All worker bees are female, but they are not able to reproduce. Worker bees live for 4-9 months during the winter season, but only 6 weeks during the busy summer months (they literally work themselves to death). Nearly all of the bees in a hive are worker bees. A hive consists of 20,000 - 30,000 bees in the winter, and over 60,000 - 80,000 bees in the summer. The worker bees sequentially take on a series of specific chores during their lifetime: housekeeper; nursemaid; construction worker; grocer; undertaker; guard; and finally, after 21 days they become a forager collecting pollen and nectar. For worker bees, it takes 21 days from egg to emergence. The worker bee has a barbed stinger that results in her death following stinging, therefore, she can only sting once. These male bees are kept on standby during the summer for mating with a virgin queen. Because the drone has a barbed sex organ, mating is followed by death of the drone. There are only 300-3000 drone in a hive. The drone does not have a stinger. Because they are of no use in the winter, drones are expelled from the hive in the autumn. More Bits of Information ·Honeybees are not native to the USA. They are European in origin, and were brought to North America by the early settlers. · Honeybees are not aggressive by nature, and will not sting unless protecting their hive from an intruder or are unduly provoked. · Honeybees represent a highly organized society, with various bees having very specific roles during their lifetime: e.g., nurses, guards, grocers, housekeepers, construction workers, royal attendants, undertakers, foragers, etc. · The queen bee can live for several years. Worker bees live for 6 weeks during the busy summer, and for 4-9 month during the winter months. · The practice of honey collection and beekeeping dates back to the stone-age, as evidenced by cave paintings. · The honeybee hive is perennial. Although quite inactive during the winter, the honeybee survives the winter months by clustering for warmth. By self-regulating the internal temperature of the cluster, the bees maintain 93 degrees Fahrenheit in the center of the winter cluster (regardless of the outside temperature). Interested in becoming a Beekeeper…check out these sites: You can also email us, [email protected] We have been natural beekeepers for over 18 years and would love to help you get started! Sincerely, Jean and C.A. Howard Life is good,..Life is natural! 1997 CA&J Farm Mathews County, Virginia
This group from the University of Indiana is called: Straight No Chaser. Enjoy their rendition of The Twelve Days of Christmas! Merry Christmas from Steinthal! The 12 Days of Christmas About the Author: Daniel Loves too many things including, country living, road biking, boating, beekeeping, camping, photography and my career in radiology (but not near as much as the others...)
Zookeeper, beekeeper, bookkeeper. Farmer, teacher, fundraiser, Peace Corps volunteer. Non-profit director. Greta Scheibel is using her UConn degrees in some unexpected ways. Scheibel, the executive director of United Planet Tanzania, a volunteer organization based in Dar es Salaam, is in charge of placing volunteers from America and Europe with local host families while they work at orphanages and primary and vocational schools in Tanzania. She received a BS degree in animal science from the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources in 2006 and a BA in English literature with a certificate in creative writing from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences in 2007. “Though it seems like my job has little to do with a degree in English literature, I wouldn’t be where I am today without it,” she says by email. “The English program at UConn taught me how to think dynamically, instead of purely scientifically, as I’d been taught in preparation of my BS in animal science. It opened my eyes to a world of characters and possibilities.” Scheibel planned to join the Peace Corps right after graduation. But while she was waiting for an assignment, she taught English as a second language at a Massachusetts boarding school, and then landed a job as the zookeeper at a private children’s zoo. “I achieved celebrity status amongst the children of the Upper East Side,” she says. “They knew me as ‘Farmer Greta.’” But in June 2008, Scheibel packed the 60 pounds of luggage she was permitted to take and boarded a plane to East Africa to become an environmental extension agent in the Peace Corps in the United Republic of Tanzania She spent the next two years in Ujindile, a mountain-top village in the southern highlands of Tanzania. The population was 1,200 people. “I spent the early days learning basic village survival: to cook over charcoal, bathe from a bucket, speak Swahili, and dress like a proper Mbena woman – Bena being the tribe of our area,” she says. “Once I mastered the basics, I began my volunteer work. My main project was creating a beekeeping cooperative as an income-generating activity for people living with HIV/AIDS.” She also taught a variety of classes for the community, including English, animal husbandry, winemaking, and life skills. When her stint in the Peace Corps ended, she says, she spent five “wonderful, comfortable months” in America. She told her mother that she would return to Tanzania only if the “perfect job” came along. It did. “The next day, I received a job posting for United Planet Tanzania. A month later I was back there,” she says. “There’s something about Tanzania: an ancient place with deep traditions yet constant movement towards development; beauty and depravity; frustration and unexpected rewards. The only way to describe the country’s magnetism is that it makes you feel alive. It’s also exhausting.” At United Planet Tanzania, she is responsible for administrative tasks, program development, marketing, budgeting, fundraising, and engaging with the volunteers, organizations, and families in the field. “I am constantly learning new things and pushing my professional comfort zone,” she says. “Who would have thought an English/animal science major would be handling operational budgets and establishing profit margins? Although I had no idea what I wanted to do when I graduated from college, I found my way to a job that I love by way of unexpected and wonderful experiences.” The English department at UConn was an exciting place to be, she says. “There is so much passion in the English department – passion for literature, discussion, and perspective. On the technical side, I learned how to write effectively, which has been the single most important tool in my professional life.” In the Peace Corps she says, she wrote constantly: journals, essays, blogs, grants, letters. One of the essays she wrote about her village was published this fall in a collection of essays edited by Regina Barreca, professor of English and Scheibel’s advisor. She still occasionally blogs, she says. “Living as a young ex-pat in a country halfway around the world from family and close friends can make it difficult to stay grounded. Writing helps me process the craziness and beauty that can define life in Tanzania. It keeps me rooted in reality, however foreign that reality may be.” Scheibel says Barreca was “an incredibly influential figure” in her academic career. “She challenged me academically, and took an interest in my personal goals and ambitions. In the classroom, she educated us on the technical aspects of writing as well as the business side. She encouraged me to develop my voice and have confidence in my writing. She showed by example that it’s possible to be a busy, successful, professional woman, and keep writing. We’ve continued to keep in touch, and today I count her as a close friend and mentor.”
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-Posted by Isaac Ok, enough of the pollen. And sorry if I offended some sensitivities with that last post. I get carried away sometimes. Also, if you were wondering (or happen to be six years old), hurricanes don't really run on pollen. That was a joke. So lets get back to the honey. We're now full swing into the fall harvest. A couple days ago I happened to be driving a load of empty supers out through the field and found the cousins getting ready to run some soybeans. Their own version of harvest... the one that everyone knows. That shot found its way to Facebook and it really seemed to make a splash. Mostly, I think people will hit "Like" with any picture involving a combine or tractor. But I think a few people were struck with the differences in the forms of harvest. Or maybe it was just a cool picture... Seeing the big equipment in the fields, five year old Bridger becomes star struck this time of year. He begs, "Dad... um... can we go farming today??" I say, "Sure son! I'm so happy you want to. Hop on in the the bee truck!" Of course, this isn't even close to what he meant. Beekeeping isn't farming. But it is son, it is! It's just not quite as glamorous. Maybe someday he'll come around. For me, this year's fall harvest is about as fun as farming gets. Most of the yards look like this. Just beautiful. Big fat filled-out frames make for easy "combining." Our combine is stainless steel and sits in one place all day long. Boring... No, it's not a big exciting monstrous green thing roaring through the fields. But on the other hand, it's not near as expensive. To buy or to run... or to fix. If we have a breakdown it usually involves some wrenches and a few minutes. I keep my sanity. If that big John Deere breaks down, it can be hours to days of delay, and involve very expensive parts and tech support... all during a critical and limited time period. High up in the corner is our version of a grain buggy: I happened to be walking by when the sump filled and the honey pump kicked on for the first time. What you see going up that tube is the very first of this year's fall harvest. We've been going for eight days now and have twice filled and emptied that big tank. I guess our 'grain buggy' just isn't run as hard as the farmers'. But we have a nice side product that accompanies our main crop: Soon to become beeswax candles! Quite a perk to any harvest. There are other benefits to the simplicity of beekeeping. I mean, my biggest problem this week-- my smoker went out. Twice! And another thing struck me. I've been hard at it all week. About five days ago we had an inch or two of rain. The big grain equipment, much to Bridger's dismay, has been sitting motionless. The grain remains standing in the field. But on the beekeeping side of harvest, I think I skipped one afternoon, but as soon as the rains cleared, I was right back in the 'fields.' A little wet ground can't keep a beekeeper off the job. It's harvest time!
Infringement of intestinal microflora still did not give any pleasant sensations. Such an ailment can be treated equally with the help of pharmaceuticals and folk methods. However, the latter do not have a large number of contraindications for immune protection, even if it is as weak as a child's. Thus, the use of honey and propolis has a beneficial effect on the intestines in the treatment of dysbiosis. Each patient should know what properties are provided by both beekeeping products, and whether they can be consumed at all? About the availability of nutritional and healing properties of honey, our distant ancestors also knew. In Russia, the product used to be called "liquid gold".It is not surprising at all that honey in the treatment of dysbacteriosis is quite in demand among all folk remedies. This product is unique due to its complicated composition. So in it there is, according to one source, about 70, and in accordance with another, up to 200 different micro- and macro elements, which ar e so necessary for the body. An important property of honey in the treatment of dysbacteriosis is the presence of antibacterial effect. So, any type of pathogen infringement of microflora can not resist the action of honey. This refers to staphylococcus, fungi, intestinal and other infections, and it is this pathogenic state that predominates in the intestinal cavity that causes the disturbance of its microflora, due to the displacement of bifido- and lactobacilli. That is why the treatment of dysbacteriosis with honey is a sure way to get rid of pathogenic bacteria in the digestive tract. In addition, honey has anti-inflammatory effect, and also acts as a soft stimulant of intestinal peristalsis, which serves as the basis for its administration in cases of microflora disorders accompanied by constipation. Honey can also normalize digestive processes, because it contains a lot of substances with enzymatic activity that improve the digestion of food. If we take into account the fact that the disturbance of the microflora mainly appears in diseases of the digestive tract, it is clear why the use of tincture from honey can lead to a rapid improvement in the well-being of patients. Treatment of disbacteriosis with propolis Propolis, or bee glue, has no less value in the treatment of dysbiosis. Propolis scientists found about 200 useful substances. Due to the fact that it has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral effects, it acts as an antibiotic agent of natural origin. Therefore, the effect of propolis tincture on dysbacteriosis will be aimed at ridding the intestines of pathogenic microorganisms. Like whole honey, propolis can have anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, both products can exert an immunostimulating effect, which helps the body in its own struggle against infection. With the combination of both, the possibility of rapid treatment of dysbiosis is provided. In folk medicine there is such a remedy: one and a half months it is necessary to drink a glass of water or broth of wild rose in the morning and evening with the addition of 10 g of propolis tincture. Immediately after eating. Before using such tools, it is worth consulting with an expert.
- Hardcover: 208 pages - Publisher: Storey Publishing, LLC; First Printing edition (December 3, 2008) - Language: English - ISBN-10: 160342086X - ISBN-13: 978-1603420860 - Product Dimensions: 5.8 x 0.8 x 8.8 inches - Shipping Weight: 13.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies) - Average Customer Review: 107 customer reviews - Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #1,430,059 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) Enter your mobile number or email address below and we'll send you a link to download the free Kindle App. Then you can start reading Kindle books on your smartphone, tablet, or computer - no Kindle device required. To get the free app, enter your mobile phone number. Other Sellers on Amazon + $3.99 shipping + $3.99 shipping + $3.99 shipping Made from Scratch: Discovering the Pleasures of a Handmade Life Hardcover – December 3, 2008 The Amazon Book Review Author interviews, book reviews, editors picks, and more. Read it now Customers who bought this item also bought Customers who viewed this item also viewed One day Woginrich, a Web designer, threw her hands in the air and vowed to change her life. She was going to be more self-sufficient: produce her own food, make her own clothing, live a simpler and more fulfilling life. Easier said than done, she soon learned. This amiable memoir charts her course to self-sufficiency, documenting her successes and disappointments, exploring what it means to make the shift from consumer to producer. It’s almost two books in one: each chapter (for example, the one in which she tells us about her early misadventures in chicken raising) is accompanied by a brief guide to its subject (in this case, she talks about the importance of selecting a breed, choosing the right food, and providing a proper, poultry-friendly environment). The book, therefore, is simultaneously a lighthearted fish-out-of-water, city-girl-turns-homesteader memoir and a more serious primer on making a lifestyle change. Perfect for environmentally conscious, do-it-yourself readers. --David Pitt About the Author Jenna Woginrich is a homesteader and the author of Barnheart, Chick Days, and Made from Scratch. She blogs at Cold Antler Farm, as well as Mother Earth News and The Huffington Post. A Pennsylvania native, she has made her home in the mountains of Tennessee, in northern Idaho, in rural Vermont, and most recently in upstate New York, where she lives with a flock of Scottish Blackface sheep, a border collie in training, chickens and geese, a hive of bees, a horse, and several amiable rabbits. Top customer reviews There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Of 11 chapters, I loved 6: Chickens. Eggs aren't that expensive -they might be some of the cheapest sources of protein available- so why raise your own chickens? First, by doing so you'll know exactly how they've been treated instead of wondering by what loophole "free range" came to be stamped on the egg cartons at the grocery store. Second, fresh eggs really do taste better; they are higher in omega-3 fatty acids and lower in cholesterol than factory eggs. They even look better, with perky, deep orange yolks. Third, getting eggs out of your own backyard is a nice way to bypass the whole "eat organic vs. eat local" debate. Fourth, chickens will eat the slugs and other pests harassing your vegetable and herb garden. Fifth, when you change their bedding, the old bedding does wonders for your compost. The one glitch seems to be getting your hands on chickens humanely. She gets chickens through the mail, first two-day-old chicks who arrive in a box "parched and starved" and later pullets (chickens just a few weeks away from laying their first eggs) who arrive with clipped beaks. Grow Your Own Meal. The food at the grocery store is a mystery. You don't know how it was grown, how far it was trucked, how long ago it was picked, who picked it, or what they were paid. It's coated in wax and dyes. It's oversized, dry, and flavorless. It's grown for shelf life rather than taste. And it's getting more expensive all the time. Not only does growing your own food cut all that out of the equation, it gives your kitchen scraps new purpose as compost. Beekeeping. Honey! Wax! Support for the garden's ecosystem! Too bad I'm probably actually too afraid to try this one. Old Stuff. "There are a lot of really good reasons I run to the past when I need something as utilitarian as a cheese grater: things were made better, looked prettier, and lasted longer before plastic took over. Buying from a neighborhood secondhand shop helps support the local economy and is a kind of recycling." -p. 78 DIY Wardrobe. There are two things that excite me about this chapter. First is simply the fact that I hate shopping for clothes; 10 minutes in a dressing room and I seriously ponder following the example of the woman who made a single brown dress and wore it for a year. My body type (like anyone else's) only seems to be "in style" once a decade, if that. Things don't look on me the way they look on the hanger/mannequin. I know I'm not the only one to have a great skirt hanging in the back of the closet for lack of the right shirt to go with it. I can't count on living to see the type of clothes I like (1930's, 1940's) being manufactured ever. Second is just enthusiasm for the idea that it is possible to REALLY make stuff with my own hands. "Most of us never even consider that something like a pair of jeans could actually be made without an assembly line behind it." -p. 90 It seems widely regarded that any homemade item is sure to be inferior, unsafe, or even flat out impossible. I think this is reinforced by "craft" stores like Michael's where to make paper, soap, candles, or chocolate you must first buy ... paper, soap, wax, and chocolate, merely shredding or melting it down and bringing it back together in a new shape. Even as a kid I thought that was pretty lame -and quite the letdown for someone high on reading Anne of Green Gables and the Laura Ingers Wilder books. Research, Son. Seventeen pages of memoirs, how-to books, and websites that pertain to the topics discussed in the book. The other five chapters are: The Country Kitchen, Working House Dogs, Angora Rabbits: Portable Livestock, Homemade Mountain Music, Outside The Farm, and Want More? The Country Kitchen is pretty thin, but is nonetheless why I now have (as of Sept 2011) a little handcrank radio playing away in the kitchen (She's right; it adds coziness to the room in a way a TV never could) and as many hand-powered kitchen tools as are practical (including a manual coffee grinder). When the power went out in California/Arizona/New Mexico/Mexico recently, I have to say it was extremely reassuring to have these things and the chickens and a way of composting food scraps should the trash collection get derailed. The black-out just came and went with no hiccup for us (also courtesy of the book Just in Case: How to be Self-Sufficient when the Unexpected Happens. And we'll soon likely have rabbits, I'm coming around to the practicality of having working dogs, and the chapter on Homemade Mountain Music got me started on listening to it which turns out to just be a gateway drug to needing to own a fiddle. So even the chapters that didn't initially fire me up seem to have been gestating in my mind this whole time. I would give the book five stars but for layout. Because it is a memoir and not a how-to book, disrupting the chronology to arrange the story by project does not make the most sense. Whether your interest in the DIY scene began with knitting a scarf and now you're looking for more, you crave the comfort of control that only self-sufficiency can provide in turbulent times, or you feel like there is nothing to do with your free time anymore but shop, this book is worth a look. One more note: When I read this book in December 2008, though I enjoyed it, I was mildly disappointed that it was not (I thought) as useful to my situation as the preface had led me to believe. But six months later, as I've returned to this topic and started reading more about gardening, beekeeping, and chicken raising, I am amazed at how much I recognize, how much I already know that I didn't even realize I knew -about raised beds, queen bees, pullets- all from reading her stories. And I think a lot of that comes because she chose to share her difficulties and failures (by far the best parts of the book). As Michael Pollan says in Second Nature "...his failures have more to say to him -about his soil, the weather, the predilections of local pests, the character of his land. The gardener learns nothing when his carrots thrive, unless that success is won against a background of prior disappointment. Outright success is dumb, disaster frequently eloquent." (p. 121) Two more things she said that have come back again and again: 1. Homesteading is about small steps. Be happy with what you can do today. This helps me not spoil my own excitement over everything I'm growing on my balcony with wishing I could fit a clothesline, rain barrel, composter, solar panel, mini-windmill, three chickens, and a pygmy goat, too. 2. Have a mentor. Reading is useful of course and a reference library will earn its shelf space, but also having someone from whom to learn is invaluable; they can show you with their hands when the book's diagrams aren't yielding their secrets and answer questions omitted by the index. I should've figured this out from giving up on both sewing and knitting after trying to learn solely from books, but it took her saying as much to get me moving on at least finding sewing and gardening classes. Overall, an enjoyable read, and useful as what it is: an introduction to some skills through the author's own experiences as well as her instruction. I enjoyed this read very much, and couldn’t put it down!
The great extractor debate Every year new hobby beekeepers—those who have never harvested honey nor overwintered a colony—want to know if they should buy an extractor. It’s a personal call, but if you are asking my opinion, my opinion is “Are you kidding?” Worse, soon-to-be beekeepers sometimes order the extractor along with the first hive. Talk about putting the cart before the horse. Everyone spends his money differently, of course, although Americans—having learned the fine art of drowning in debt from their federal and state governments—tend to spend beyond all limits of reason and prudence. Wait until you need one I have nothing against extractors for those who have a legitimate need, but unless you are in the business of selling extracted honey, they are hard to justify. Consider: - Extractors are expensive. - Extractors are one-trick ponies—you can’t use them for anything else. - Extractors take up a lot of storage space during the 364 days of the year they are not in use. Do you really want to live around this thing? - Extractors can be borrowed from bee clubs. - With very small batches, extractors waste as much honey as they extract. The process becomes more efficient (less wasteful) when you extract many frames at once. - Extractors produce one thing: extracted honey—something you can get anywhere. Here’s something else to think about: most fledgling beekeepers will not produce enough honey to harvest the first year. Sadly, many of those colonies will not make it until the following spring. What do the statistics tell us? Nearly forty percent of colonies die every year? In today’s environment it takes knowledge, practice, and bit of good luck to overwinter a colony and produce a harvestable crop in the next season. Learn what you want I’m not trying to discourage you, I’m just saying that maybe you should put off the big expense until you have some experience. Then, before you decide to buy an extractor, you will know more about the frame size, the capacity, and the quality you want. You will know more about how much you can expect to extract, and what your bank account will support. Eventually, if you grow your hobby into a business, a good extractor is a must. But for a newbee, it can wait—along with the warehouse, the fork lift, and the flat-bed truck. Taste the flowers Personally—and here I’m delving even deeper into opinion, just a warning—I can’t understand the attraction of extracted honey for a hobby beekeeper. Why would I want my honey to look like the stuff on grocery store shelves that probably came from China? Even though it is different, it looks the same. Anyone can put honey through a filter and pour it in a bottle. Big deal. I began beekeeping because I couldn’t find what I wanted elsewhere—certainly not at the grocery store, not at the farmers market, not from the beekeeper down the road. I wanted comb honey that tasted like comb and honey; I wanted it dark and unique—not mixed with honey from other frames. Think about it: when you eat your honey frame-by-frame, each one tastes different because it came from different flowers. Each frame is singular, like a song. When you extract, all the flavors are mixed together and the entire batch tastes the same. Why would anyone do that? You’re a beekeeper; you don’t have to mix it Sometimes when I’m working the hives, I see a frame of a different color or I taste a drip of something spectacular. I remove that frame from the hive, bring it down to the house, and excise the comb. The warm and fragrant honey oozes blissfully from the beeswax and covers the tray. We revel in its uniqueness, try to guess its source, attempt to describe its flavor. It’s a passion. And guess what? Every frame is different, every frame stands alone. All spring and summer there is something unique and thrilling to taste. The thought of mixing it all together into one uniform flavor is a sacrilege I can’t bear to think about. So I simply urge you to seize the luscious experience while you can: taste the flowers—season-by-season, frame-by-frame, hive-by-hive. Then, when you get old and jaded, you can mix it all together and stick it in a bottle.
100 Years of Extension in Florida May 8, 2014 marks the 100th Anniversary of the Smith-Lever Act, which established America’s Cooperative Extension Service. Let’s take a brief look back at Extension’s growth and evolution in Florida, year by year. 1862 President Abraham Lincoln signs the Morrill Act establishing a land-grant university system, funding colleges for the teaching of agricultural and mechanical arts. The first Morrill Act had actually been passed by congress in 1859, but had been vetoed by President James Buchanan. 1862 The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is established by President Lincoln. 1884 The Florida College of Agriculture (later UF), Florida’s first land-grant university, is established in Lake City. 1887 The Hatch Act establishes a national system of Agricultural Experiment Stations tied to land-grant universities for the purposes of scientific research. Ag Experiment Stations, together with the USDA and land-grant colleges, would form the foundation from which Extension grew. 1887 The State Normal College for Colored Students (later Florida A&M) established in Tallahassee. 1888 The Florida Agricultural Experiment Station is established at the Florida Agricultural College in Lake City. 1890 Because many state legislatures would not admit people of color to land-grant universities, a 2nd Morrill Act establishes African-American land-grant universities. 1891 Florida A&M becomes Florida’s second land-grant university. 1899 The first “Farmers Institute” is established in Florida to provide demonstrations in modern agricultural techniques. 1902 Seaman Knapp is appointed by the USDA to help Texas cotton farmers combat boll weevil infestation. Knapp designed “demonstration farms” that would become the basis for Extension work. 1906 The Florida College of Agriculture and the Agricultural Experiment Station move to Gainesville to become part of the new University of Florida. 1906 George Washington Carver of the Tuskegee Institute designs the Jesup Agricultural Wagon–a compact, mule-drawn cart carrying farm machinery, seeds, and dairy equipment to demonstrate improved agriculture methods to farmers in rural Alabama. 1908 Agnes Ellen Harris begins conducting canning demonstrations in Ocala, eventually leading to the creation of Extension Home Demonstration. 1909 The Florida State Legislature makes its first appropriation of $7,500 for agricultural demonstration work. 1909 J. J. Vernon, University of Florida Dean of Agriculture, organizes the first “corn” clubs for boys in Alachua, Bradford and Marion counties. These corn clubs would eventually form the basis of 4-H clubs. 1909 The report of Country Life Commission, a special work group created by President Theodore Roosevelt, recommends the establishment of a national Extension service to inform rural families about modern techniques in agriculture and home economics. 1911 The first of several “Better Farming Special” trains tours Florida, giving demonstrations in modern techniques of farming, livestock and domestic arts. 1911 Congressman Asbury Lever (SC) introduces a bill on the House floor to establish federal support for Extension work. Later, Senator Hoke Smith (GA) would introduce a companion bill in the Senate. 1912 The first “tomato” clubs for girls are organized through public schools in Florida. Tomato clubs would later become part of nationwide 4-H clubs. The First 50 Years 1914 U.S. Congress passes the Smith-Lever Act, and is signed by President Woodrow Wilson on May 8. The act establishes the national Agricultural Extension Service, administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, funded by the federal government with matching funds from each state, to inform the public about issues relating to agriculture and home economics. 1915 The Florida Legislature accepts the Smith-Lever Act; P.H. Rolfs, director of the Florida Agricultural Experiment Station, becomes the first director of Extension. 1915 Segregated Extension work with African-American Floridians begins when more than 1,200 youth enroll in farm and home makers’ clubs organized through Florida A&M University. 1915 Extension agents take on a program to inoculate hogs against hog cholera epidemic. Inoculating hogs would become an early staple of Extension work. 1916 Florida Extension Homemaker Council Established to promote new scientific information through practical demonstrations. 1917 The Agricultural News Service, Florida Extension’s first mass media effort, publishes first issue. 1917 The Citrus Experiment Station, the first permanent branch research station in the state, opens in Lake Alfred. 1917 U.S. entry into World War I. Extension called on to help increase Florida’s food production and preservation. 1921 The North Florida Experiment Station is established at Quincy. 1922 The first school lunch program in Florida’s rural schools is organized by extension home demonstration agents in Orange and Osceola counties. 1922 The first Farmers Week established at University of Florida. 1922 The Capper Volstead Act gives legal status to farm co-ops. Many extension agents were instrumental in setting up and managing co-ops in their counties. 1924 4-H name and clover emblem patented. 1924 Everglades Experiment Station established at Belle Glade. Four years later, the station would be struck by a devastating hurricane. 1925 The Purnell Act provides funds for economic and social research by agricultural experiment stations. 1926 Camp Timpoochee becomes the first permanent 4-H camp in Florida. 1928 Capper-Ketcham Act provides for the further development of agricultural extension work at the 1862 land-grant colleges. 1928 Florida Extension Service begins radio broadcasts. 1929 Great Depression begins. Florida Extension Home Demonstration agents respond by giving courses in canning, clothing repair and selling home-produced products. 1934 4-H Camp McQuarrie acquired. 1937 4-H Camp Cherry Lake opens in North Florida. 1937 The Range Cattle Experiment Station is established at Ona. 1939 The Florida Legislature creates the School of Forestry at the University of Florida. 1940 Extension begins work with USDA’s Rural Electrification Administration to bring electrical power to Florida’s farms and ranches. 1943 West Florida Experiment Station is established at Jay. 1947 John Haynie is appointed the state’s first Extension Apiculturist to modernize beekeeping programs. 1948 Indian River Field Laboratory is established at Fort Pierce. 1949 4-H Camp Doe Lake in the Ocala National Forest established for African-American 4-H’ers. 1950 Suwannee Valley Experiment Station established at Live Oak. 1950 4-H Camp Cloverleaf opens. 1952 The First television program produced by Extension airs on Jacksonville’s WMBR-TV (now WJXT) 1952 4-H grows to 1,294 clubs in Florida, reaching 110,113 youth. 1953 Smith-Lever Act Amendment simplified and consolidated ten separate laws relating to Extension. Established new funding procedures based on rural/urban population formula and amounts. 1955 Florida 4-H club is established with Seminole Tribe in South Florida. 1955 An amendment to the Smith-Lever Act authorizes work with disadvantaged farms and farm families and funds for Extension outside the traditional funding “formula.” 1958 The Extension Plant Disease Clinic is established to diagnose diseases of crops, ornamentals and trees, and to suggest control measures. 1961 The Food Science Extension Program initiated, offering short courses on food additives, water quality, and flavor chemistry research. 1964 The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) is established as the unifying administrative umbrella for UF’s programs in agriculture, forestry and related programs. 1964 The Civil Rights Act of 1964 outlaws most forms of discrimination by race, religion and gender. 1964 State Extension Home Demonstration headquarters move from Tallahassee to Gainesville. 1964 4-H becomes co-educational. 1965 Florida Extension programs are racially integrated. 1966 African-American youth attend the statewide 4-H club conference for the first time. 1966 4-H begins transition out of school-based programs into volunteer-led community project clubs. 1966 Sea Grant established through the National Sea Grant College and Program Act. 1968 Special Help for Agricultural Research and Education (SHARE) Council established to raise funds for agricultural research and education. 1969 USDA and Extension initiates Florida’s Expanded Food Education Program (EFNEP) to educate limited-income families on diet and nutritional issues. 1970 Florida Agricultural Extension Service changes its name to Florida Cooperative Extension Service in order to reflect the expansion of Extension’s mission. 1970 State Extension Management and Information System computerizes Extension reporting for the first time. 1971 Florida Sea Grant is established as a joint effort between the National Sea Grant College and Florida Cooperative Extension Service. The Marine Advisory Program is established to handle Florida Sea Grant’s Extension Work. 1972 Monroe County becomes the 67th and final county in the state to establish an extension office. 1972 Cooperative Extension Programs are established at Florida A&M University to intensify efforts to reach low-income citizens. 1973 The Florida 4-H Foundation is chartered. 1975 The Names of all Florida’s agricultural experiment stations and field labs changes to research and education centers (RECs). There are currently 16 RECs in Florida. 1979 Extension’s Florida Master Gardener Program established to offer intense home horticulture training to individuals who then volunteer in their communities. 1984 Over 10,400 adult and teen volunteers work with 84,000 Florida 4-H youth. 1987 Florida Lakewatch, an Extension-led volunteer program to monitor water quality, takes first water sample. 1995 The Family Nutrition Program (FNP) is established for food stamp recipients in 35 Florida counties. 1995 Extension’s first comprehensive website, the Florida Agricultural Information Retrieval System (FAIRS), goes online. 1998 The Florida Automated Weather Network (FAWN) is established to collect and share weather data with Florida’s growers. 1998 The Extension Data Information Source (EDIS) established as the online source for UF/IFAS Extension’s research-based, up-to-date educational resources. 1998 Fishing For Success, a program that uses fishing and other activities to introduce children to aquatic environmental sciences, begins at UF/IFAS’ School of Forest Resources and Conservation. 2001 The Florida Master Naturalist Program begins to train educators to work with the public in promoting awareness, understanding and respect for Florida’s natural world. 2003 Distance Diagnostic Information System (DDIS) enables homeowners and commercial growers to treat plant and insect problems over the internet. 2004 “Family Album Radio” program debuts, covering such topics as nutrition, family relationships and communication. 2005 Extension’s Program for Resource Efficient Communities established, begins work with developers on sustainable community planning in Harmony, FL. 2005 4-H’s Operation: Military Kids partners with U.S. Armed Forces to help families adjust to military deployment. 2006 “Gardening in a Minute,” a UF/IFAS Extension radio series, begins broadcast. 2008 Florida Friendly Landscaping program is established to help Floridians create beautiful, sustainable landscapes using native plants that need little irrigation. 2009 On its 100th anniversary, Florida 4-H membership reaches 234,000 youth, with help from 10,000 volunteers. 2010 The Deepwater Horizon oil spill in Gulf of Mexico; Florida Sea Grant and UF/IFAS Extension mobilize to test safety of gulf’s seafood. 2014 UF/IFAS Extension celebrates its 100th anniversary!
Our Partner Farms Turtle Creek Gardens is pleased to partner with several other Wisconsin farms in bringing you a wide range of superior quality local produce. Products from these farms are offered through our online farm store at FarmMatch.com for delivery during the CSA season and by special offer during the "off season". Many of these producers have on-farm stores you can check out if you ever happen to be in their neighborhood. Zinniker Family Farm: "We are very excited to be able to have some of our animals custom grazing at Turtle Creek Gardens. Our farm is located just west of East Troy and has been focusing on producing quality over quantity since the family took on the farm in 1943, using organic and biodynamic methods long before organic was a household term. We continue to make the health of our animals and the stewardship and fertility of the land the primary focus for all our farming decisions. In 2011 the farm transitioned from being mainly a dairy farm to producing grassfed beef, pork, eggs and honey. Through our partnership with Turtle Creek we are planning on growing our herd and have all the animals that are grazing at Turtle Creek come from our own stock by 2018." Interested in ordering a 1/4, 1/2 or whole beef? Contact Zinnikers directly: [email protected] Decatur Dairy (Brodhead, WI): Cheeses Driftless Organics (Soldiers Grove, WI): Organic sunflower oil Honey Valley Beekeeping: all hives are placed on organic farms and are maintained without the use of pesticides within the hives. TCG's bees are healthy and thriving on the medicinal herbs we grow, such as hyssop, thyme, and oregano. Maple Valley Cooperative (Cashton, WI): Maple syrup River Valley Ranch and Kitchens (Burlington, WI): Organic mushrooms Rushing Waters Fisheries, LLC (Palmyra, WI): Sustainably-farmed trout St Brigid's Meadows (Coon Valley, WI): Pastured eggs, chickens, beef and cheeses
To stay updated with the latest information in the beekeeping industry to can visit our apiculture latest news. On the other hand in case you’re beginning beekeeping and desire to begin professional beekeeping now get a copy of our beekeeping for beginners ebook. Beekeeping, like every other action, has its dos and don’ts. Start beekeeping normally includes purchasing bees and the needed gear. Nonetheless, some people who are starting this hobby normally make several blunders. It’s ok to make mistakes, and this post can help new beekeepers prevent making exactly the same mistakes others have previously. Here are three mistakes which every beekeeper should prevent: 1. Not understanding the best time to start hobby or a beekeeping company can prove to be a calamity. It can lead to some lack of cash and your bees. Since most bees expire during winter months, winter is the worst possible time to begin. This would induce a beekeeper to buy a new batch of bees, which would cost more money. Autumn is another poor time since there are fewer flowers, consequently a smaller number of honey harvested, to begin beekeeping. The best time to begin beekeeping is during summer, which will be the time of the year where there are loads of blooming blooms. 2. Purchasing used equipment and old books on beekeeping. This is a familiar mistake made by many beginning beekeepers. It’s understandable that one would need to cut costs as much as possible, but purchasing used old and equipment beekeeping novels is not a good thought. First, used equipment can come with “inherited” difficulties. The extractor factory outlet might have a leak, or the uncapping knife mightn’t be sharp enough to uncap all the wax. This would certainly change the quality of one’s honey, which will ben’t an ideal situation especially if a beekeeper is planning to start a honey-selling company. Second, old novels can provide information that is aged on beekeeping. One might be stuck using the conventional method when there are quicker and better means fabrication honey and to keep beehives. 3. Refraining from buying protective equipment. Think relating to this. If one does not wear protective gear when managing the hives and collecting the honeycombs, he/she will most likely come out as a pincushion with all the bee stingers stuck to their body. Protective equipment is expensive, yes, but it’ll help beekeepers avoid having to pay medical bills. These three errors have been presented here to help future beekeepers prevent them. It’s best to consult with a specialist beekeeper before getting started beekeeping. If purchasing a particular item appears overly high-priced, always consider the ending cost ( in case that they don’t buy this item now, will it cost them more later on?). Ultimately, it’s up to the person to determine the best strategy.
Cask & Vine’s What’s On Tap: Bert Bingel of Bert’s Better Beers Born in Germany. Graduated from Franklin High School, NH. Served as a US Navy Hospital Corpsman. Worked in IT for 25 years before selling beer. Married to Harriet for 35 years. Two daughters Margaret and Sarah. Home brewer for over 20 years. BJCP Certified Judge. Member of Brew Free or Die. Hobbies includes: brewing, playing guitar, beekeeping, gardening. Michael’s Home Brew! – Listen for a description and review Bert’s Better Beers’ Draft Pick’s of the Week: 1. Rodenback 2011 2. Founder’s KBS Listen for our reviews! Kettle to Keg’s In the Kettle: BJCP Judging – What is judged? The Seahawks got busted by science for selling watered-down beer The Seattle Seahawks have been accused of doing something shameful and wrong to the great sports fans of the Pacific Northwest. According to a study conducted by KOMO News in Seattle in conjunction with a local laboratory, the beer at CenturyLink Field has lower levels of alcohol than is advertised by the breweries. It’s not just Seahawks fans who are affected, either. The Seattle Sounders of MLS play at the stadium as well. Some of the brews had alcohol by volume levels more than a half percent lower than the advertised number. This is actually a pretty serious thing, since federal law prohibits vendors from selling beer with ABV levels more than 0.3 percent below the advertised number. READ MORE The Beer Bug™ The Beer Bug measures the actual specific gravity, alcohol %, and temperature of your fermenting beer every minute and sends that information to your own free account online. After set up you can log on at the TheBeerBug.com or via an app on your phone to see exactly how your fermentation is doing. Three graphs are created for each of your beers to log how specific gravity, alcohol %, and temperature changed over the course of the fermentation. The Beer Bug gives you the knowledge to make better beer, saves you time, and is a whole lot of fun to use. Knowledge is power. Understanding what happens during fermentation, and how to control it, is often what separates good brewers from great brewers. The Beer Bug is the tool that gives you that information. Ever wonder what the lag time is on your beer… the real lag time between pitching and when gravity begins to drop? Is my yeast working? How much does fermentation raise temperature? When should I adjust temperature up at the end of fermentation? Or even more simply, what temperature did my beer really ferment at? You learn all that and more. READ MORE SABMiller Considers Best Route to a Global Beer Brand LONDON—In 2002, soon after acquiring Miller Brewing Co. from Philip Morris Cos., the newly formed SABMiller PLC unveiled its plan for world beer domination: It launched Pilsner Urquell—a premium Czech lager—into the U.S. Beer battle brewing in the Bluegrass State FRANKFORT, Ky. – A move by the world’s largest brewer to run the beer distributorship in Owensboro, Ky., — as it already does in Louisville — is causing a beer battle throughout the state that could spill into next year’s legislative session. Depending on which side is talking, the decision about whether Anheuser-Busch can have a second beer distributorship in Kentucky either will hurt craft breweries in the state and discourage larger out-of-state breweries from selling their product in Kentucky — or it will have no impact on beer drinkers whatsoever. Anheuser-Busch, the American arm of Belgium-based Anheuser-Busch InBev (ABI), is trying to buy an Owensboro distributorship in a deal it says poses no threat to consumers, citing its ownership of a Louisville regional distributorship since 1978. Typically, one sees a three-tiered system with a beer producer, a separate distributor and retailers. Budweiser products are already sold in the Owensboro area, but Anheuser-Bush wants to take over the existing distributorship. READ MORE Elitism, or something else? Millennials and the war on Big Beer Sleek black-and-white bottle design. Strong, lingering taste. A boozy alcoholic punch. None of these scream Budweiser, Miller or Coors, the three big brands in American beer. Yet in the past few years, all three have introduced new product lines reminiscent of increasingly popular craft beer and even hard liquor. Brands like Bud Light Platinum, Budweiser Black Crown and Miller Fortune veer sharply away from the formulas that produced America’s most popular beers. What’s behind the pint-size pivot? READ MORE
Are You a New Beekeeper Looking for Help? Numerous members of the SCBA have many years of beekeeping experience and have agreed to act as mentors to help you get started. Please feel free to contact one of these beekeepers to act as your mentor. We want you to be successful! Click 2018 Mentor List for assistance.
Online coaching allows you to have flexibility in your ever-changing world! While online coaching seems to have become very popular in the last few years, we have been using this training platform for over 10 years. With the development of variety of mediums—from texting and emailing to video coaching to smartphone apps and software that automatically downloads coach-designed workouts to clients’ own training tech tools—there is something to fit everyone’s preferences and comfort level. With the availability of many packages, ranging from occasional client contact and monthly written personalized workouts to unlimited communication and weekly in-person sessions at the studio, fitting a training program into a busy schedule has never been easier. The flexibility that comes from utilizing online coaching ensures that each client’s unique needs are met and the program can be quickly adjusted to accommodate any changes in personal circumstances. This helps the client remain safe and use his/her time wisely and efficiently. Online training begins with a comprehensive discussion of client goals, expectations, and current practices. This detailed assessment is then supplemented with several physical evaluations, such as the Functional Movement Screen, in order to paint an accurate picture of the client’s current fitness level. By carefully listening to the client’s needs and taking into consideration the client’s goals, Coach Tom can then help the client choose the most appropriate level of coaching—from a program designed to improve client’s general fitness level to an IronMan-level training. While all clients are added to the private Garmin Connect group that offer another level of support, higher level packages also include a membership to Training Peaks—a software that allows almost seamless communication and feedback between the coach and the client. Tutorials for utilizing these great resources are scheduled on an annual basis as clinic to ensure clients are taking full advantage of all aspects of online coaching. The benefits of online coaching are numerous, even for seasoned self-directed athletes. Clients, who have previously attempted long endurance events on their own, usually see great improvements in their performance—from shaving off significant amount of time in a race to qualifying for Boston after years of missing the cutoff—by working with Coach Tom and following his science-based, no-nonsense advice. In addition, many current and past clients cite Coach Tom’s approach to restoring their life-work-training balance which allowed them to continue on their athletic journeys while still juggling many other responsibilities. In addition, working with Coach Tom can have some unusual “side effects” like increased mental toughness and confidence; enhanced knowledge of body physiology; decreased occurrence of injuries; and improved athletic performance in other areas such as martial arts or even beekeeping!
We passed through Faldingworth in Lincolnshire last Saturday where there was a Scarecrow Festival. I had to stop to take just a few pictures. |Each display had a theme, this was obviously Beekeeping.| |Wizard of Oz?| |"Dorothy & Toto".| |Not the best view of the church.| |The Choir seen from the Nave.|
|Photo by me.| For years I have been thinking about being a beekeeper. When I first brought it up to Joey, he thought I was batty. But then you-know-who became a hobbyist mead maker, aka HONEY wine, and he rethought my beekeeping plans. Hopefully by next year we will be able to move to a small farm where we can have animals and bees. I am not sure I want to try urban beekeeping where we live at. For now, I'm still just dreaming about the day I become a bee charmer. Bee inspired photos for you. |You better believe my colonies will be painted funky! Source.| |Cut honeycomb I got on our trip to New Orleans. Um, YUM!| |Two of my favorite things. Bees and mandalas. Check out this awesome store!| |Gorgeous honeycomb ring by Roots and Feathers.| Ahhh, someday. The honeybee makes me happy. The other day, a bee came into our house and as Joey rolled up a workbook to smack it I stopped him and asked him to guide it outside. As a child when I got stung I was so upset because I knew when bees stung that it was a death sentence. One year my dad dressed me up as a honeybee for Halloween. However, my older sister was a flower and my oldest sister was a can of Raid. Tacky? Maybe but it was hilariously awesome. Peace and Love.
I didn’t realise when we posed for this picture that Marie Laure Legroux and I were making an impromptu version of the French tricolore: Blue, White and Red. There’s selfie solidarity for you! It is rare for me to receive an invitation to a Palace. As a beekeeper, I usually visit my queens uninvited. But I was flattered when John Chapple suggested that I might like to stand in for him at a Parliamentary away day at Lambeth Palace. John is simply the best beekeeper I know. So to be invited to open his hives and inspect them with a group of absolute novices was a feather in my cap. In deepest Oxfordshire, between two days of torrential downpours, Phil Spillane, the Seasonal Bee Inspector, came to inspect our Soho Farmhouse apiary. Bees can forage in a 3-mile radius of their hive. With that in mind, I mounted a Boris bike in Bermondsey Street and set off on a 3-mile midsummer evening bike ride, crossing the river to Marlborough House on the Mall for a Bee Garden Party (“by kind permission of Her Majesty the Queen”, the invitation stated. How very appropriate.) The great and the good were gathered there to raise money for the Bees For Development charity. The wonderful Hannah from Hiver Beers was there. Gill Smith from Thornes. Bill Turnbull auctioned bee-themed prizes, including a jar of his own honey. We donated an Apis Consultancy report to the silent auction – and the bidding was as hot as the summer sunshine for our Apiary site survey and advisory services. My mentor and senior bee-buddy John Chapple, was there with his charming wife, Kathleen, resplendent in his bee shirt, kindly recommending our Consultancy services to a new private client. And Nikki Vane chatted to the party’s hostess, Martha Kearney, about their shared sensitivity to bee venom. And so the sun went down on a worthwhile evening for the Bees For Development charity. We hadn’t conspicuously changed the world, but it felt like things were heading in the right direction… At 5.31pm precisely the doorbell rang. It was the Seasonal Bee Inspector for South London, Brian McCallum, sent from the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) on a routine visit to the Bermondsey Street Bees. In the 8 years in which I have been keeping bees, this was my first visit from an inspector. Or, as I like to look at it, the first time I have been offered a free beekeeping lesson from an expert, paid for by Her Majesty’s Government. Hey, Brian, great to see you! But what kept you so long? Suiting-up on the roof terrace, I noticed that Brian’s bee-suit’s breast pocket has a badge with the insignias of “Fera” and “National Bee Unit” sewn into it. Now, there used to be a government department called Fera, which was formed in 2009. But Fera is now a limited company, owned 75% by Capita plc and 25% by DEFRA (Department of Food and Agriculture). Of course, DEFRA was created to absorb the splendidly-titled Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAFF) in 2002. And the Bee Inspectorate was transferred from Fera to APHA late last year. Can anyone out there explain why government departments change their name-tags as freqently as those of the baristas at your local Costa Coffee? Dizzying, isn’t it? Anyway, smoker lit, we set straight to work. Brian was soon performing the slow ballet of beekeeping on our precarious fourth storey rooftop. Standing in a narrow gully between the pitched slate roof and the brick parapet on which the hives stand, we danced a pas-de-deux, as elegantly as possible in our veiled bee-suits, visiting Abbey Hive, Square Hive, Swarm Hive, Neckinger Hive, Leathermarket Hive, Shard Hive and Thames Hive. Spring has been a long time coming, but finally, I’ve been able to crack open my hives and inspect the Bermondsey Street Bees, checking up on their health, development and well-being – and especially on each hive’s Queen. Let’s take a closer look at these Green Queens. Green was the Queen marking colour for 2014, when these Majesties were born. This year’s dab of fast-drying marker pen on a new Queen’s thorax will be Blue. But more of that another time. Let’s focus on the Queens in each hive as the business end of 2015’s season gets underway: Abbey Hive is my breeding hive. It has consistently produced excellent, well-tempered and productive Queens for my Apiary. Queen Jade is no exception: victorious, happy and glorious, indeed. Right now, Abbey Hive is the most populous of all my Bermondsey Street hives and it has a smattering of drones already, with a few more to come, but the look of the cells on the bottom of a couple of the frames and some empty “play cups“. Taking my cue from the bees I have just put a Snelgrove board in, with the intention of raising some more model Queens from this genetic dynasty. Shard’s Queen Esmeralda was introduced to this queenless hive 10 days ago and she is going great guns. Amazingly, she seems to have physically grown in stature since I moved from a small mating hive into the more capacious Shard hive. Just goes to show… It looks as if Myrtle, Queen of Thames hive, has been bustling around vigorously, too, given the faded patch of paint on her thorax. Not to worry. I’ll get her a makeover soon. Finally, a glimpse of Grunhilde, Queen of Neckinger hive – she starred in my rooftop video (“Extreme Beekeeping“) earlier this week – so I don’t want to all this media exposure going to her head! So there we are: an introduction to the Bermondsey Street Bees and their anointed Queens. And there’s more: there’ll be updates “In The Apiary” updates every month throughout the summer! Last Saturday, 4th April, BBC Radio 4 joined me on my rooftop to meet the Bermondsey Street Bees. In case you missed it, here is the BBC podcast of the show. Open the 4th April show and advance to 44 minutes and 20 seconds into the programme. That’s the start of my slot. It was all great fun and R4’s Pete Ross was rock-steady up on the roof with the bees – a consummate professional. My one regret was that the impassioned words on my Forage Campaign were left on the cutting room floor. So here’s are the “stab-points”: “Bees can’t eat kind words“. “Bees won’t thrive on good intentions“. “It is the moral responsibility of every beekeeper to ensure sufficient forage for their bees“. Rant over! So I am resigned to going down in posterity as the guy who ended up under Helena Bonham-Carter (in the show’s interviewed guest list, that is), rather than as the Martin Luther of modern beekeeping. Next time, I’m shooting for Desert Island Discs. I bet no-one’s ever asked Kirsty for: “Ted Hooper’s “Guide To Bees and Honey”, please.“ I like radio. I’m told I have the perfect face for it. Sarah and I were delighted to receive a collection of wonderful bee-drawings made by the pupils of Orford CEVA Primary School, following our bee-education day in March. Here are some random samples of the art-work. In particular, we loved the vibrant colours and the many different interpretations of a bee’s anatomy. We marked them all 10 out of 10! Full marks! Tune into BBC Radio 4’s “Saturday Live” from 9am – 10.30am on 4th April 2015 to hear all about the Bermondsey Street Bees. It’s Abbey Hive’s first inspection of the year – and we’re shouting it from the rooftops!
The Bee Buddy scheme is aimed primarily at Beginners, but is also for any Novice beekeeper who may require any additional help and support. The idea is for a more experienced Beekeeper to be available by phone or email to provide assistance for any beekeeping issues you may have. Whether this will involve visits to your own bees is entirely at the discretion of the Bee Buddy. For details of Bee Buddies in your area please email your request to [email protected]. We are always looking for ways to improve the scheme, so if you have any feedback please let us know at [email protected]
Ken “K.J.” Neilson, MBA’11, recently acquired his farmer’s license. After studying economics in college, working in real estate for years, earning an MBA, and turning his talents to marketing, farming is not the next career move that Neilson would have predicted for himself. But about three years ago, on somewhat of a whim, he and Kate Troiano ’07, now his wife, moved to St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands. The couple, both of whom had been commuting to jobs from Boston, were in need of a change. Corporate life and city traffic, especially during Red Sox games, had become tiresome. So after exploring a few islands and falling in love with St. Thomas, they decided to pick up and go. Kate would keep her job at a communications firm and work remotely. But K.J. decided first to figure out life on the small island, which has a population of about 51,000 and measures only 13 miles long by 4 miles wide. He wanted to get to know the people, culture, businesses, and communities, and then devise a plan. “Kate and I come from small towns, so we know how much it means to become part of the community,” says Neilson. “I wanted a sense of the needs and what’s missing before leaping into anything.” To keep track of his ideas, Neilson scribbled them in a notebook. High electric bills for their apartment led to energy-efficient light bulbs. Tourism drives the island’s economy, so he jotted down charter boat company and provisions for condos. He even thought about aerial drone production and photography for TV and commercials. But one problem soon stood out from the rest: lack of fresh produce. “It’s such a difficult task to get fresh produce consistently,” Neilson says. Agriculture on the island, with its steep grades and hilly terrain, is sparse. Poor soil quality makes growing nonindigenous plants even more difficult. In nearby St. Croix, where the terrain is flatter, several conventional hydroponic farms have fared well, says Neilson, but St. Thomas can’t easily receive the goods because ferry service doesn’t exist between the islands. “To get products between the islands, you have to fly them or arrange for a freight boat, which is difficult and expensive. So you end up shipping produce from thousands of miles away,” he says, “which results in poor food quality, inconsistency, and high prices.” Residents and tourists alike, he believed, could benefit from locally grown herbs and vegetables. As someone interested in turning around inefficient systems, Neilson was familiar with hydroponics as well as the urban agriculture movement. “When I was in real estate, I was interested in retrofitting apartments with energy-efficient products,” he says. “I would keep tabs on industries and companies that take a traditional idea, add technology, and make it more efficient. I’m passionate about it.” St. Thomas, he realized, has similar challenges to some big cities—lack of space, quality soil, and natural resources (in St. Thomas’ case, fresh water). Electricity also is scarce and expensive on the island. While researching urban agriculture, he came across CropBox, a company in North Carolina that outfits shipping containers with computer technology and modified hydroponics to create smart, environmentally stable farms that can grow produce year-round in any climate. The company claims a 320-square-foot crate can produce as much lettuce, herbs, and greens as a conventional acre of land using 90 percent less water, and crops can be planted up to eight times a year. Neilson flew to North Carolina to meet with the owner and see the product firsthand. He also visited one of the company’s farms in Naples, Florida, which was at the Ritz-Carlton and being used by its chefs for lettuces. “They blew my socks off,” he says. Upon returning to St. Thomas, he began running the numbers. He talked to chefs and buyers and distributors and friends, asking everyone what they thought. “The more I talked to people, the more I decided that this would be a fantastic idea,” he says. Now the next step, says Neilson, is proof of concept. The entrepreneur knows he won’t be able to convince potential backers without an actual crop. “The islanders have had so many people make promises but not follow through. They’re used to being disappointed,” he says. “Everybody is skeptical until they’ve seen it themselves.” So he and Kate are funding the startup. They’ve rented land, worked with the government to obtain the permits for electricity and water, and set up their crate. To figure out what to grow, Neilson worked with distributors and restaurants. He planted the first crop in July and by the end of August hopes to be supplying about 3,500 heads of lettuce each month. In terms of labor, minimal training is needed to operate the CropBox, according to its creators, and it doesn’t demand many man-hours. But Neilson wants to see how everything plays out during the coming months. If all goes well, he has big plans for the future. “You can stack these containers, so I can have 20 containers sitting on a single acre. My goal is to have a large-scale hydro farm supplying specific types of produce so the island no longer has to get them from importers,” he says. Solar also is part of Neilson’s larger plan. When he takes the operation full scale, he wants to own three to four acres of land, half for farming and half for mitigating costs, which would include installing solar panels. Kate will help with public relations, marketing, and raising capital. Despite encountering bureaucratic hurdles, Neilson already is thrilled with the new venture. “I love the process,” he says. “I like bringing in a container and figuring out the technology and how to grow and scale.” Since the CropBox arrived, people have started to show a lot of interest, too. “I’ve had people come up to me and say, ‘Hey, I heard about the farm,’” says Neilson. “It’s such a big thing down here, to change people’s perceptions. Everywhere I go, people can’t wait until it’s running.” He and Kate are excited to bring a needed product to the island as well. “Whether you’re visiting for a weekend or living here for 10 years, once we get to scale, you’ll be consuming our products,” he says. “If we can help the island to be self-sustainable, that would be one of the greatest opportunities.” In the Heart of the City Back in the United States, far away from the balmy Virgin Islands, LaGrasso Bros. Produce distributes fruits and vegetables to customers in Michigan and northern Ohio from its Detroit headquarters. The family-owned distributor has been operating for more than 100 years, serving mostly restaurants but also schools, hotels, and other businesses. Upon graduating from Babson, Tom ’08 and Joe ’15 became part of the fourth generation to join. Both brothers worked in the warehouse, a 40,000-square-foot refrigerated facility, while growing up. “The summer before high school,” says Tom, who is now chief operating officer, “my mother gave me the option. You can work at McDonald’s or with your father in the business. So it was an easy decision.” The business suits the brothers. No two days are alike, they say, because their responsibilities are so varied. “You never know what tomorrow will bring,” says Tom. Joe can attest to that. “I don’t really have a title,” he says. “I do so many things.” During high school and college, he loaded trucks in the evenings. After starting full time, he managed the fleet of 80-plus trucks and trailers that make deliveries. He since has added purchasing to his list of responsibilities and has begun dabbling in sales. And, as of last fall, Joe became head farmer. Tucked in the parking lot behind the warehouse is a 40 by 8 by 9.5-foot shipping container, similar to the Neilsons’, where the LaGrassos grow lettuces for some of their high-end customers. “We noticed a push in the marketplace for local produce,” says Joe. “People want fresh, sustainable, local produce.” The LaGrassos wanted to fill that demand, but, living in Michigan, found it difficult to locate produce outside of the state’s short growing season. Then they heard about Freight Farms from a good friend who also is in the produce distribution business. “Ted of Katsiroubas Brothers in downtown Boston talked with my brother about the Freight Farm that they were using,” says Joe. “I was able to go see his farm.” Walking into the container, Joe thought, “What? Wow.” Towers of lettuce were hanging from the ceiling. Freight Farms uses a vertical hydroponic growing system that is computer controlled for year-round growing. The company claims one of its farms on average can produce as much lettuce as an acre of conventional farmland. But, unlike farmland, the container can be harvested from eight to 12 times a year. “At that point we were curious,” says Joe, “so we did more research.” Tom crunched numbers, and Joe looked into the logistics. “A lot of my end of the work was figuring out can it be done, and, if so, how would we do it?” says Joe. The LaGrassos didn’t want to hire anyone, which would add to the cost of the farm. If Freight Farms’ labor estimates of 15 to 20 hours per week proved true, Joe figured he could handle most of the work. As backup, both Joe and Tom would attend the training offered by Freight Farms, and Joe also would train his sister, Catherine, who works for the family business, as well as a couple of employees. The brothers decided the opportunity to provide customers with fresh produce 52 weeks a year was worth the risk. In September of last year, the farm was delivered. The plan was to create a lettuce blend, so Joe began experimenting immediately. “We wanted a product that would be beautiful, tasty, colorful, and of a sufficient weight so a chef could use it on a larger scale,” he says. “We went through about 24 to 25 varieties of lettuce. We’d plant, and then it’s the sit-and-wait game.” When planting, which is done by hand, Joe uses a pelleted seed, which means the seed is surrounded by clay, making it bigger and easier to handle. “If you don’t want to use tweezers and a petri dish, then you need a larger seed,” he says. The seeds germinate for about a week, and the seedlings then sit in a trough for two more weeks until they are mature enough to go into the tower. About four weeks later, the lettuces are ready for harvesting. “We have a running schedule so that when I’m pulling heads of lettuce out of towers,” says Joe, “new seedlings are going in. Babson’s operations class came to fruition.” At any one point, about 3,000 plants are growing in the farm. Joe says their special blend comprises eight types of lettuce—light and dark greens and reds—and has a spicy, nutty flavor. As with any new endeavor, the farm has presented the brothers with challenges: a problem with the pumps, a malfunctioning air-conditioning unit. But Freight Farms offers support, as do other farmers using the system. “There’s a Facebook page that everyone who has a farm is invited to join,” says Joe. “You can post things like, ‘Hey, did anyone see this issue with their pump?’ ‘Yeah, I had that two months ago, and this is what I did.’” The brothers say it’s too soon to determine how profitable the farm will be. Week to week, harvests vary, says Tom, and demand may change during Michigan’s growing season. He is taking a longer view, tracking data for a year or two before determining where the farm stands. Regardless, the LaGrassos don’t expect the farm will ever be more than 1 percent of their volume. Becoming full-time farmers was not the goal. “Our lettuce blend is for someone who is willing to pay a premium,” says Joe, “and our customers absolutely love it. When we harvest, we leave the roots on and dip them in water as we’re packaging, so the plants are still living when the customers receive them and can continue living and growing for a week in a cooler. It stays fresh until the chef decides to serve it.” Joe never thought farming would be part of his job. “I had never grown a thing in my life before that farm landed on my lot,” he says. “Not a flower. Nothing.” But he loves his time with the farm. Inside the container feels like a different world. Often while harvesting, he’ll listen to podcasts. “It’s a time to get away and think about things other than work,” he says. “I’ve learned a lot. I also like seeing the reaction of chefs and managers who walk into the farm. They’re shocked when the lights go on and think it’s the coolest thing ever.” Ideas Grow into Reality Jesse Tolz ’08 remembers the gardens that his mother and grandmother planted and cared for when he was a youth. Dense, magical gardens of flowers, shrubs, and trees. Although he loved hanging out in them and even helped a bit with the tending, he didn’t have as strong of a connection to nature then as he does today. Last year, Tolz leased 2.5 acres to start Vida farm in Ghent, New York, where he grows and sells vegetables, herbs, flowers, and seeds. “I would not have seen this one coming,” he says of his venture. As a teenager thinking about college, Tolz had envisioned opening a cafe and boutique one day. His high school counselor told him, “You want to be an entrepreneur,” and guided him to Babson. After graduating, Tolz worked in marketing for a few years and landed in Brooklyn, New York, where he planned to open a vegan baked-goods company. He decided to drop by Brooklyn Boulders, the rock-climbing venture started by fellow Babson alumni, including Lance Pinn ’06, to see how his friends were doing. “Lance convinced me to start working at Brooklyn Boulders,” says Tolz. “I think my going there was serendipitous.” Tolz enjoyed working for the company, and, as it grew, he participated in discussions about how to potentially expand and scale. “I was working for Lance, and we started discussing our core values,” says Tolz. “There was an exercise where we designated our most positive and negative experiences of our lives on a chart.” All of Tolz’s positive experiences were tied somehow to nature. “It got me thinking,” he says. At Brooklyn Boulders, Tolz definitely saw a great future, with room for growth, creative freedom, and financial stability. But his intuition still told him to leave and follow his interests in the food system by exploring agriculture. “Over the years,” he says, “I’ve learned that the more I trust my intuition, the better things go for me.” During the next three years, Tolz trained to become a farmer. He took courses at The Pfeiffer Center, a nonprofit that focuses on biodynamics, a holistic and ecological approach to agriculture. He learned about draft-horse powered farming, as well as other skills, such as orcharding, beekeeping, carpentry, and welding. “To be a farmer,” he says, “you have to be a jack-of-all-trades.” As part of his studies, Tolz did a research project on plant breeding and seed saving. “It was one of those rabbit-hole experiences,” he says. “I realized that hardly any farmers who produce crops actually produce their own seeds to improve the plants year after year.” To learn more, he worked for the nonprofit Turtle Tree Seed Initiative, which uses biodynamic methods to grow seeds, which it then sells. Next, Tolz worked in the fields at the Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture, a nonprofit farm and education center. Feeling confident in his skills, Tolz made plans with a partner to start a draft-powered farm near Albany. But the day Tolz packed his car to move, the partner backed out due to financial problems. Tolz moved anyway. “I tapped my network, walking around and talking to people and asking if they knew of any good opportunities or farmland,” he says. “As I did this, I was realizing more and more that it was a sign for me to see if things I wanted to experiment with I could now take up myself.” He found a couple with farmland who were raising chickens and pigs and who wanted to lease land to a plant-based operation. Around the middle of March last year, Tolz signed on, and he began working as soon as the snow melted in late April. Tolz had numerous ideas floating in his head, but one of his main goals was to set up a farm that wouldn’t demand a huge initial capital investment. “The minimum you usually need to get started is around $100,000,” he says. “You need to buy tractors, fencing, irrigation. You have all these requirements, but you still have to sell at commoditized prices. People expect to find the same prices as at the supermarket. So there’s not that much elasticity when it comes to pricing.” Falling back on what he had learned, Tolz believed he could create a scalable, replicable system with capital costs of around $15,000 and aims of profitability in year two. To start, he rented a tiller and opened the land, which formerly was a hayfield but now was overgrown with weeds. After cutting up the top layer of the soil, he planted 10 low-growth legumes to become a permanent cover crop. “With a permanent cover crop, you don’t necessarily need to rely on irrigation,” says Tolz. “The cover crop itself has an absurd amount of surface area, so every morning, the dew is collected in these overlapping layers of plants,” he says, effectively watering the field while shading the soil from evaporation loss. Also, because of the root system and diversity of plants, the soil is healthier. “If I have bare soil, there is more evaporation and runoff, not just of moisture but also of nutrients and soil life, which is bacteria, fungi, all kinds of things,” says Tolz. “There is such an invisible diversity of life. With bare soil, that’s more depleted.” Tolz uses no pesticides, conventional or organic. The farm also is completely direct seeded, which means every seed goes into the field. Many farms, especially in the north, start plants in greenhouses and then transplant them once the weather warms. “Every time you repot a plant into a larger pot or soil, there is some degree of root shock,” says Tolz. “The idea of sowing directly is once the plant sends out its root system, it’s unrestricted by plastic walls. Not only am I cutting out the infrastructure needed to start plants indoors, my plants are healthier and more delicious. With tomatoes, I don’t know a single farmer who does direct planting of tomatoes. It gives me a competitive edge.” With a shorter growing season, Tolz has to choose his plants carefully, as certain plants take longer to mature than others. The first year, as part of his experiment, he grew a wide variety of crops. This year, after learning what grows well in his fields, he is focusing on fewer varieties. He also is learning about which crops are more profitable. “Sweet corn, I’m not breaking even,” he says. “But kale and tomatoes have high margins.” To control pests such as deer and rabbits, Tolz has a fence and his adopted dog, Oso, which means bear in Spanish. “I’ve had him for three years now,” says Tolz. “He’s my partner in crime.” During the season, Tolz has an on-site farm stand for weekend sales and takes orders from restaurants and other customers. In the fall and winter, he’ll sell stored crops, such as winter squashes and dried beans, to restaurants and grocers. Besides vegetables, Tolz is experimenting with developing certain plants for seeds, which he plans to package and sell. He also has devoted half an acre to flowers, growing 33 varieties. Tolz has high hopes for this revenue stream, which he believes is not as restricted by price ceilings as the vegetables. “People spend good money on luxury items,” he says. He sells his flowers via the farm stand and takes orders from florists and individuals. Some of his flowers are edible, which he sells to restaurants. He has added wedding sales this year and is thinking about a pick-your-own-flowers option. “I’m very taken by flowers,” says Tolz. “Even though I grew up with my grandma and mother gardening, I didn’t see the real value in the aesthetics and beauty of creating a cut-flower setting. But my girlfriend, Marla, is a florist, and she’s shown me a lot about flowers.” For now, Tolz is a one-man—and dog—operation. Early in the year, he prepares the fields and plant beds. In the spring, he begins planting, tending, and weeding. Come harvest time, he waits for the field to cool down before picking, which means going out in the early morning or late evening. All year long, he also does maintenance, manages operations, handles sales and marketing, and continues to learn from other farmers and experiment with new ideas. Once he has obtained proof of his concept, Tolz wants to look for a larger farm, 10 to 30 acres, and add a draft-powered system. “Right now I’m working with small tillers to make the beds in the cover crops,” he says. “Adding horses to a farm system is a plus in my eyes. If you manage them properly, you also get manure, which is a great fertilizer. If I scale up with a tractor, the weight of that machinery would crush and kill the cover crop. Whereas the horse can be super nimble. And I love working with horses.” Much of what Tolz is doing has no precedent. “It’s an experiment and a lot of risk,” he says. Although his financial investment has been low, Tolz has put in an enormous amount of time and energy. “This is like any entrepreneurial venture,” he says. “I’ve been working really hard, and I’m hoping it works.” He already has reaped some rewards. Simply being able to put into practice his ideas and ideals has been worth the effort. And he loves the work. “I love seeing the crops, going into a field, and there’s a whole row of beautiful heads of lettuce or tomatoes that are doing astonishingly well,” says Tolz. “I’m interacting with the plants, and although when harvesting you’re ending the plant’s life, you’re giving this delicious product to someone who will be nourished by it and enjoy it. It’s very rewarding.”
Keeping ahead of all the ins and outs of beekeeping Learning Centre Introduction If you ask a group of beekeepers a question, you are likely to get many different answers. We aim to provide you with the building blocks you will need for your beekeeping experience. If you have ever wondered how to start beekeeping, or what beekeeping involves, our learning centre is designed to help you understand the practicalities of becoming a beekeeper, and help you out along the way. From our new Learning Centre you can find your nearest bee club, check out where you can get a beekeeping qualification, read articles, view videos, see what’s happening in the industry and more! Beekeeping in New Zealand, for hobbyists and light commercials. You can discover here a large selection of Beekeeping videos created by Trev, talking about the following topics: - Interviews and instructional tips - Product reviews - Everything about equipment, extraction, queen rearing etc. All these videos are proudly sponsored by Ecrotek.
The 10th annual Strawberry Festival on Saturday, June 9th, from noon – 2 pm features food and fun for the whole family! Enjoy orchard tours, free tours of the Mansion, crafts and games, a plant sale, an open-hive beekeeping demonstration, honey tastings, and more! April - December: Wednesdays - Sundays, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Last tour departs at 3 p.m. Closed on major holidays. Free parking. Recent Facebook Posts Ever wonder how Historic Strawberry Mansion got its name? From 1846-1867, the mansion’s occupants, who were farmers, served strawberries and.. Did you know that Historic Strawberry Mansion offers private guided tours for groups at a special rate? Call 215-228-8364 to book your experience.. That summer sunshine is here! Enjoy it on the grounds of Historic Strawberry Mansion, and make sure you come inside to learn about this incredible.. Did you know that Historic Strawberry Mansion founder Judge William Lewis was a well-known lawyer and abolitionist? His obituary in the August.. Have the day off? Experience American history here at the largest of the Fairmount Park historic houses! You will see treasures from the 18th..
After my experience in Italy back in September of 2015, I became energized by the concept of genius loci. During my sojourn in Ghana in October of that same year, I wanted to explore what it meant in the culturally rich and ecologically fertile landscapes of my grandmother Adjoa's heartland, the Volta Region. Through family and community, my immersion into parts of the culture and environment enabled me to write up four brief synopses of what I encountered and heard in several cities and villages. These narratives became the series, Genius Loci of the Volta Region, for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's CoLab Radio blog. You can find all four entries here. Read on for my original chronicle of the agricultural landscape of the small town of Adidome and how the Adidome Farm Institute helps train a new generation of farmers, in an effort to promote food security and best farming practices across the region. No Trained Farmer, No Future: Strengthening Local Agriculture in Ghana’s Volta Region In conversations about plant life in Ghana, you may encounter this widely held idea: you can grow anything here. This is especially true in the Volta Region where alongside fishing, forestry and hunting, agriculture is one of the main economic activities. This growing potential for Adidome, the small town and capital of Central Tongu District, is even more visible during the rainy season. The area’s popular crops of chilli pepper and starch-rich cassava thrive, creating vibrant patches of green and red across the landscape. Once the inevitable dryness of the Harmattan season sets in, crop cultivation and harvesting almost halts; food prices rise and supply is low, particularly in the months of January and February. But located in the heart of this community, the Adidome Farming Institute (AFI) generates a sort of galvanizing energy for local farmers. The Institute, established in 1964 by the national Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MOFA), is one of a total of eight in the country. Combined, the Institutes enroll an average of 800 students annually that apply from all over the country. Northerners and Voltarians primarily enroll at Adidome’s 83-acre campus. There they are offered a variety of year-long educational and technical training programs, along with free housing and accommodation. On-site work areas, including a greenhouse and a pineapple farm, support the teaching and learning of best farming practices as students move from theory to practice. Joseph Kwesi-Sarpong, head of the Institute, describes this to me as we chat with other staff, including assistant headmaster Vincent Pomary and instructor Selina Amati-Doe. Their passion for the work of Adidome Farm Institute is palpable as we discuss their programs’ promotion of competency-based training (CBT) to support farmers in reaching their full potential. “One of the key things I have personally observed in agriculture is that it is the only vocation that people practice without the necessary skill, knowledge and attitude,” Mr. Kwesi-Sarpong states. He shares a recent example when a pair of farmers with years of experience, inquired of guidance on a fundamental step: the correct prep and nursing of seeds. Even though at least 78% of the district’s households are engaged in agriculture, food security he says, remains an issue. “What we are saying is come and learn before you practice.” The AFI's department units are divided into multiple agricultural specializations that a single farmer or a group can choose from. Prospective students are presented a list of courses and customized trainings that cover tree and arable crops, livestock & poultry, fish farming, floriculture & landscape design, and naturally, vegetable production. By introducing newer crops to the district, like yams and pineapple, the Institute helps to create a shift in thinking around what is possible in Adidome’s agricultural landscape. “Yam is not a major crop here,” Mr. Pomary explains of the widely bought commodity. The starchy staple is farmed mainly in the middle and northern parts of the Volta Region. Last year when the Institute experimented with planting the crop, the trial-run proved successful. “We [want] to see if yam will catch here. We want to bring in some farmers to try their hands at it.” The Institute’s training delves into non-traditional agriculture as well, like beekeeping, mushroom production and importantly, agribusiness. Introducing an element of commerce supports farmers in thinking about moving their practice from subsistence to large-scale production and marketing. “One of the things we are promoting is the value chain concept in agriculture, where you have to look at the full cycle of the commodity,” Mr. Kwesi-Sarpong explains. “So these are some of the concepts that you have to learn here to have a full understanding of what it takes to grow a crop, so that as you think of production, you think of marketing.” While the Institute makes available its educational services and training to prospective and practicing farmers at any age or skill level, garnering more attention from the younger generation is central to their work. Though youth as young as 16 are encouraged to apply, the heads of staff realize how hesitant the young rural population is when it comes to pursuing agriculture as a career path. They’ve noticed that young people in the area are increasingly interested in pursuing white-collar jobs with their urban counterparts. But the idea here is to encourage the next generation to take up agriculture as a profession by presenting more options than the industry has historically offered, like site selection, land acquisition, wholesaling, and transportation. To peak their curiosity, Mr. Pomary believes that conveying the prospects of entrepreneurism and teaching about the value chain for a range of agricultural products will encourage younger students to enter the field. “The value chain of all these commodities are not well defined to them,” says Mr. Pomary. “They think agriculture is just tilling the land. But somebody can go into just marketing, and it’s within the agricultural value chain.” Akpey Michael, one of the young people the Institute works with, completed the year-long training in 2015. Now, at the age of 23, he’s eager to get into the practice and become a manager of his own agribusiness that will specialize in bringing carrot, cabbage and lettuce varieties to market. “I like to plant a lot of vegetables and fruit, and that is why I went there,” Michael shares with me as we meet up next to the Lorry Park marketplace. He’d been introduced to farming through relatives who raised maize and potatoes, but farming didn’t initially appeal to him. Instead, the ‘learning-by-doing’ educational perspective helped him realize that his passion for growing food could be profitable and provide him some economic independence. “My friends don’t like or want to do agric because most of them want to be in an office,” Michael says. “They say that farming is an easy thing. My advice for them is that they have to learn more about agriculture; it’s very interesting.” With the help and guidance of his uncle, Michael has set his sights on undertaking the process of land acquisition. Ultimately, he’s determined to start his business. “Farming is the pivot on which every system relies,” Mr. Kwesi-Sarpong states with deep conviction. It’s impossible to ignore this in Adidome’s cultivated landscapes and local economy. The reemergence of a plenteous growing and harvesting season of the rain-fed crops have become for the area, a source of pride and revenue. While the staff and I continue to discuss the possibilities of a sustainable and economically viable food system, they’re aware that it may depend more than ever on the energy and enthusiasm of students like Michael who are afforded opportunities for more education and critical training in the sector. To keep that momentum circulating in Aididome, Mr. Kwesi-Sarpong remains committed to helping steer the next generation towards a better future in agriculture. “In this place, the potential is huge.”
In the early hours of Oct. 8, 2017, residents of Santa Rosa, Calif., awoke to a real-life nightmare as they watched flames cascade over the hills toward their homes. With only minutes to grab family members and escape from the fires coming their way, thousands of people — mothers, fathers, children — lost everything. Dewitt, a resident of the Santa Rosa area, was among those battered by the fire. A father to 1 child, with another on the way, he also cares for tens of thousands of bees and relies on them for his livelihood as a beekeeper. In the chaotic days after the fire, Dewitt learned that thousands of bees from his 25 oldest and largest hives had died. For the first month after the fire, he was in denial, but the reality soon sunk in that overnight he had lost $25,000 in equipment, product and revenue. Dewitt took an unusual path to the beekeeping business. In the early 2000s, he lived in San Francisco selling CDs and was, in his own words, “the functional equivalent of a buggy driver during the automobile boom” as the digital music revolution unfolded . With newfound free time on his hands, Dewitt picked up a book on bees and then another book on bees and then, well, another book on bees. His extreme fascination was ignited when he realized how selfless bees’ roles are in society, as they sustain themselves by making honey that gives back to our world instead of taking away: “We humans have to take life in order to sustain our own life. Bees have figured out how to give back to others while sustaining theirs.” He was also struck at the deep care bees have for not only each other but their beekeeper as well. The beauty of this ecosystem triggered Dewitt's professional shift into beekeeping. It’s a tough job where he works 7 days per week sunup to sundown, but he is passionate about creating a fine product that is good for both bees and humans. In the growing movement to know what you’re eating and know where your food is coming from, Dewitt’s honest beekeeping wins. His specialty is honeycomb, the rawest and purest form of honey, which he sells in wholesale to local restaurants and businesses with whom he has formed relationships. “Chefs love stuff that comes out of the ground. Keep it simple stupid.” After the fire, there was one thing that kept him fighting on: “When I stopped feeling sorry for myself and looked up, the bees were still flying. They need me,” he reminded himself. The relationships Dewitt had built with local sellers was instrumental to helping him get his feet back on the ground after the fire. Good Eggs, an online marketplace that delivers food products from Bay Area producers to Bay Area residents and sells Dewitt’s honey, is one of Kiva’s trustees. With deep relationships in local communities, Kiva partners with trustees to determine those who might benefit from their 0% interest loans with flexible repayment terms. After the Northern California fires, Kiva and Good Eggs quickly reached out to producers to see how they could help the communities rebuild. Dewitt, a clear fit with his strong drive and solid business plan, applied for a $25,000 loan — Kiva’s largest ever loan in the U.S. for his Kiss the Flower Honey company. Then, a beautiful thing transpired, as 727 people from as near as Santa Rosa to as far as New Zealand and Ethiopia, funded Dewitt at the fastest fundraising speed Kiva has seen for a U.S. loan. The Kiva fundraising experience “enlarged [Dewitt’s] sense of power of the internet,” and he soon found hope and support amongst the darkness of the aftermath of the fire. “It’s not money that’s the root of all evil. It’s the love of money,” Dewitt believes. However, on Kiva, you can find some of the best of humanity- those willing to part with their money to take a chance on others and help them succeed. “This is transformative,” he said with a huge smile. While only in the beginning stages of recovery from the Tubbs Fire, Dewitt has been catapulted forward by 727 people invested in his passions and cheering on his success.
The stars of AOL’s webseries casually strolled the red carpet in the open interior courtyard of the Palihouse Thursday evening. AOL celebrated the season premieres of five web shows, including “Laugh Lessons with Kevin Nealon,” “True Trans with Laura Jane Grace,” and Zoe Saldana’s “My Hero.” Nicole Richie’s “#Candidly Nicole” and Emmy-nominated “The Future Starts Here” with Tiffany Shlain kicked off the premieres of their second seasons. Kevin Nealon credited Gary Shandling with the inspiration for the show. After Shandling tried to teach Nealon’s son the classic comic pratfall, Nealon took the idea of trying to teach kids comedy and how they can use it in their lives to Ellen DeGeneres and her production company. Each week, comedians including Adam Sandler, Sarah Silverman, Dana Carvey, Chelsea Handler and David Spade try to teach a few young children something about comedy. Nealon said comedians were happy to work with the kids, as he pulled them into the taping while they were backstage at “The Ellen Show,” and that most were great with the kids, though not all. “I could tell Chelsea Handler didn’t have kids,” Nealon joked. “But she taught sarcasm, which was cool. The kids picked up sarcasm pretty quickly.” Nealon also talked about the passing of his SNL co-star Jan Hooks, who died Thursday. Nealon said the two were close friends and dated for a time, and that he’ll never forget her talent. “I was so attracted to her talent,” Nealon said. “When I would watch her, I never saw anybody perform like she did. She was unmatched as a sketch player as far as I’m concerned. She was just an unbridled talent. And we were friends for a long time and … we laughed a lot. Today I was just thinking a lot about her, I was thinking just how much we laughed at the craziest and most odd things. That really comes to mind right now.” “True Trans” follows Grace, who publicly came out as a transgender woman in 2012, as she travels on tour with her band Against Me! and speaks with other members of the transgender community about the different experiences in their lives. She hopes the show will help educate people and put an end to ignorance surrounding transgender identity conversations. “I really hope people gain some knowledge from watching this show,” Grace said. “A lot of the problems with the way transgender people have been represented in the past just comes down to ignorance. With things like Laverne Cox being on the cover of Time Magazine, and a show like this, that means that (the younger generation) will have grown up seeing that, and that I think is where real difference is made.” Richie’s show, inspired by her Twitter feed, details her adventures as she tries to meet new people and experience new things, including learning to spin signs on a street corner, the ins and outs of beekeeping, and a lesson on radio DJing from Ryan Seacrest. The most fun she had making this season was bringing a family member along for one of the episodes. “I blindfolded my dad and threw him in a swarm of bees,” she said. As for how that turned out, “You’ll see.” Filmmaker and Webby Awards founder Tiffany Shlain saw her series “The Future Starts Here” receive an Emmy nomination for news and documentary series this year, validating a project that’s unlike any other on AOL. Shlain explores a wide range of topics affecting people’s every day lives through her own unique style of filmmaking, with episodes including “Technology Shabbat” about her family’s weekly 24-hour break from technology and this season’s look at the neuroscience of dreaming and why people should spend more time daydreaming. “When I really thought about, I’m so interested in so many subjects and (this show) allows me to do a deep dive into all of them,” Shlain said. “And I’m really interested at the past for context, and I want to look at today and in a really creative, entertaining and dynamic way help people process a lot of our issues today.” “My Hero,” exec produced by Saldana, documents stars as they give “an over-the-top, heartfelt surprise” to a person that made a profound difference in their lives and helped change them for the better. The first episode will feature Saldana with her hero, her mother. The decked out party included drinks inspired by each show, tablets with episodes downloaded for attendees to watch the debut episodes, a foosball table, photo booth, and an acoustic performance by Grace of her song “True Trans Soul Rebel.” The shows have already begun their fall rollout on AOL.com, with “Laugh Lessons with Kevin Nealon” premiering on the site on Oct. 6 and “#Candidly Nicole” debuting on Oct. 9, and “True Trans with Laura Jane Grace” will hit the site Friday. “The Future Starts Here” will premiere Oct. 23, with “My Hero” joining it Oct. 25. (Pictured: Kevin Nealon, Tiffany Shlain, Nicole Richie and Laura Jane Grace at the AOL Fall Premieres party)
Resistance to Major Fungal Disease in Oilseed Crops Now Possible11 months ago - In a world first, researchers from the University of Western Australia in collaboration with Punjab Agricultural University in India have found the key to resistance to sclerotinia stem rot, a major fungal disease in Brassica oilseed crops globally. Brassica oilseed crops include canola and mustard. Sclerotinia stem rot poses a major yield limiting threat to these crops worldwide, and currently, no commercial varieties with high level resistance to this disease are available. The research, published in the international journal Scientific Reports, showed that resistance to sclerotinia stem rot disease found in Indian mustard is influenced by at least 10 genes. Professor Martin Barbetti from UWA’s School of Agriculture and Environment and Institute of Agriculture said the findings are exciting because they offer highly significant oilseed breeding applications and benefits. “Developing highly resistant varieties offers the only real prospect for long-term, cost-effective management of this devastating disease,” Prof Barbetti said. “The findings offer mustard and subsequently canola breeders a powerful tool to optimize use of the genetic variation available within wild Brassica species.” Currently farmers rely mainly on fungicide sprays to manage the disease, but these often provide poor or inconsistent control. As forecasting this disease has proven unreliable, fungicides are often wasted in cases where little disease would have eventuated anyway, adding to the already high production costs for low-input farming systems such as in Australia and India. “Initially for mustard crops and later for canola, such novel engineering to develop new oilseed Brassica varieties that express these critical resistances to sclerotinia stem rot will enable much more effective management of this devastating pathogen worldwide,” Prof Barbetti said. The findings were published in the paper Mapping resistance responses to Sclerotinia infestation in introgression lines of Brassica juncea carrying genomic segments from wild Brassicaceae B. fruticulosa in Scientific Reports. The research was supported by the Government of India and the Indian Council of Agricultural Research. Source: European Seed Working Toward Better Seed Testing11 months ago - Meeting the industry’s future needs for quality seed testing services is the major goal of the Commercial Seed Analysts Association of Canada. Gail Livingstone doesn’t mince words when it comes to speculating about the future of the Commercial Seed Analysts Association of Canada (CSAAC), a group she’s been a part of for a half-century. Now 75, Livingstone recently retired after operating her own seed testing lab for many years. When she joined CSAAC in the 1960s, she was one of the youngest members of the organization. When she retired, she considered herself one of the oldest. CSAAC represents commercial seed analysts across the country. “I think whatever changes come will be something CSAAC just has to do to maintain the association and keep all the analysts informed so they can do their job,” she says. But, she adds, after having been around for nearly 75 years as an association, CSAAC is a resilient group able to weather whatever storms come its way. “I can’t see anything major in the future that’s going to be a big problem for them to adjust to. They’re just going to have to tackle whatever comes along and find ways to deal with it.” Livingstone’s frankness comes from decades of dealing with a multitude of changes within the seed sector, especially in the realm of government oversight, which has ramped up over the years. She notes that quality standards have increased — which she acknowledges is a good thing — but that means more bureaucracy and red tape for already busy analysts to wade through. “Today’s analysts are policed very thoroughly. Over the years we’ve seen a lot of forced progression as government has become more involved in the process.” All CFIA-accredited seed labs are given proficiency testing samples twice a year that they must test and send back to CFIA. They must meet minimum requirements in order to maintain their lab’s accreditation. Analysts are required to continue their education and ensure they have the latest knowledge needed to do their jobs. That differs from CFIA-accredited seed graders, CSAAC executive director Krista Erickson notes, who aren’t subject to the same requirements — something she refers to as a “two-tiered” system of seed testing. “Graders are monitored during Canadian Seed Institute audits and during interval monitoring of bulk storage facilities and approved conditioners. We as analysts are more conscientious of quality and have greater knowledge because of the proficiency monitoring frequency in addition to lab audits,” Erickson says. “The importance of seed testing with accredited labs and CSAAC analysts guarantees high analytical standards versus getting seed quality data such as grading from those with less regulatory and professional association oversight.” CSAAC continues to evolve as time goes on, Erickson notes. The industry is moving forward faster than ever, and analysts need to know everything they can in order to be able to answer questions from their clients in regard to import/export, seed identification, seed testing rules and quality assurance. “We need to stay on top of all these things. The biggest challenges for our members are probably the costs associated with running an accredited lab, training analysts and keeping them in the industry and having them make it their career,” Erickson says. Both Erickson and Livingstone are confident the Seed Synergy Collaboration Project will strengthen CSAAC’s place within the industry. “It will foster a greater understanding of our profession and help us work toward testing that better meets the industry’s needs,” Erickson says, adding Seed Synergy will help CSAAC better understand challenges faced by the industry’s other five associations. “I do feel it should enable the key associations involved to understand one another better, and understand their concerns and solve major issues all these groups have now or will experience in the future,” Livingstone adds. Canadian Wheat Research Coalition formed11 months ago - The Alberta Wheat Commission (AWC), the Saskatchewan Wheat Development Commission (Sask Wheat) and the Manitoba Wheat and Barley Growers Association (MWBGA) have announced the formation of the Canadian Wheat Research Coalition (CWRC), a federal not-for-profit corporation that will facilitate long-term investments aimed at improving profitability and competitiveness for western Canadian wheat farmers. The CWRC will facilitate a collaborative approach to producer funding of regional and national research projects in variety development and agronomy including the next Canadian National Wheat Cluster and core wheat breeding agreements with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and universities. Additional regional projects that align with variety development and agronomic priorities will also be considered for funding through the CWRC. “Most of the best performing wheat varieties available to farmers are the result of producer-funded wheat breeding efforts,” said Kevin Auch, AWC chair and CWRC director. “I look forward to working with my provincial counterparts to continue this work with the goal of seeing new, high performing varieties that result in better returns and increased competitiveness for farmers.” The three wheat commissions will serve as founding members on the farmer-led board of directors. The structure allows for additional producer or private sector groups that share an interest in advancing wheat research in Canada to join as organizational members. This inclusive arrangement provides a platform for the CWRC to pursue new public, private, producer partnerships (4Ps). “Producer collaboration and funding has been important to sustaining Canada’s wheat research and variety development programs,” said Bill Gehl, Sask Wheat chair. “The commissions working together under the CWRC will enhance the role of producers in supporting the research community.” The formation of the CWRC directly follows the commissions’ increased responsibility in funding core wheat breeding agreements and the national wheat cluster, coinciding with the end of the Western Canadian Deduction (WCD) on July 31, 2017. Under the previous structure, the Western Grains Research Foundation (WGRF) led these research initiatives through WCD funding. In preparation for the end of the WCD, the commissions signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) outlining their agreement to partner in setting variety development priorities and funding commitments that meet the needs of wheat farmers in Western Canada. As a result of the MOU, the commissions will ensure continuity in new spring wheat variety development is maintained through the CWRC, and will continue to engage WGRF as a key player through this transition. Project funding will be shared on a proportionate basis by commissions based on check-off revenue. “With the end of the WCD, we look forward to working with our fellow wheat commissions in taking on increased responsibility related to variety development,” said Cale Jeffries, MWBGA director and CWRC board member. The CWRC will be administered by a host commission, which will rotate every three years starting with Sask Wheat. The CWRC’s first board will consist of eight farmers including Kevin Auch, Jason Saunders and Terry Young representing AWC; Ken Rosaasen, Glenn Tait and Laura Reiter representing Sask Wheat; and Cale Jeffries and Dylan Wiebe representing MWBGA. New Public Trust Research Tackles Transparency in 201711 months ago - Find out what consumers are looking for from restaurants, grocery stores, food companies, governments and farmers at the CCFI Summit Public trust and transparency continue to evolve as priority agenda items for many stakeholders and governments across the agri-food sector from coast to coast. If transparency is no longer optional – what does that mean and what actions are needed by those who work in food or farming. The Canadian Centre for Food Integrity (CCFI) 2017 public trust research will focus on transparency, trust and millennials, as a key driver in their efforts to help Canada’s food system earn trust. “As discussions evolve from identifying public trust as a priority to establishing strategy and action plans for the future, it’s essential for our agri-food sector leaders to understand the values and expectations of the Canadian public,” stated Kim McConnell, CCFI Chair. Building on the benchmark work established in 2016, this year’s CCFI research will take a deeper dive into transparency to help establish what consumers are looking for and from whom. The US Center for Food Integrity 2015 research established seven key elements of transparency and found that consumers clearly hold food companies responsible for delivering, followed by farmers, restaurants and grocery stores. The Canadian research will duplicate this work for valuable North American comparisons, and also added in governments as a new category to find out more. This research will be released at the CCFI Public Trust Summit in Calgary September 18-20th, along with a new transparency index tool for companies and associations to use to measure their efforts on transparency with some best management practices. Join thought leaders from across the country and across sectors to help build the momentum for earning trust in Calgary this September. Register and book hotels for the CCFI Public Trust Summit today at www.foodintegrity.ca Western farmers worry they’ll pay the price of saving supply management under NAFTA11 months ago - Kevin Auch has been putting in long hours on his southern Alberta farm harvesting durum wheat — and also fretting about distant trade negotiations that may affect the price. He wasn’t pleased, earlier this week, when Canada’s foreign affairs minister vowed to defend supply management on Canadian farms in the NAFTA negotiations just getting underway. The system of controlled production and price protection doesn’t directly affect wheat farmers. But Auch, who is also chairman of the Alberta Wheat Commission, wonders who will pay the price of shielding supply management from competition. BASF receives MRLs for HEAT LQ as a pre-harvest herbicide in wheat and barley11 months ago - In time for the 2017 cereal harvest, BASF Canada confirms that the CODEX Alimentarius Commission (CAC) established Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) for HEAT LQ as a harvest aid in cereals. This allows BASF to establish MRLs in all major export markets to support the use of HEAT LQ as a pre-harvest herbicide in wheat and barley with glyphosate. “Canadian wheat and barley growers can now use HEAT LQ as a harvest aid with full export market access,” said Dan Packer, cereal crop manager for BASF Canada. The announcement has received endorsement from the Western Grain Elevator Association. HEAT LQ on wheat and barley was included in the 201-2018 producer declaration, prior to the establishment of CODEX MRLs for HEAT LQ. The members of the Western Grain Elevators Association will now waive this clause for the 2017-2018 application season. “With the recent establishment of CODEX MRLs for HEAT LQ as a pre-harvest herbicide in wheat, durum and barley, grain companies will now omit those crops from the 2017-18 declaration forms,” said Wade Sobkowich, executive director of the Western Grain Elevator Association. “Growers can now use HEAT LQ as a pre-harvest application on wheat, durum and barley, and these grains can be marketed to Canada’s major export countries.” HEAT LQ provides wheat and barley growers with a new tool to dry down tough broadleaf weeds including volunteer Roundup Ready canola, redroot pigweed and wild buckwheat, to name a few. A pre-harvest application of glyphosate and HEAT LQ will provide complete and rapid drydown of tough weeds to improve harvest efficiency for the 2017 season. For more information on a pre-harvest application of HEAT LQ herbicide, contact AgSolutions Customer Care at 1-877-371-BASF (2273), or visit agsolutions.ca. New publications encourage Canadian honey bee health12 months ago - The Bee Health Roundtable recently published two documents related to honey bee health: Canadian Best Management Practices for Honey Bee Health is a useful manual for those interested in bee keeping. It covers a wide variety of topics, such as hive management, pest disease treatments, queen health and bee nutrition. Planting Forage for Honey Bees in Canada is a guide that provides information for farmers, road, utility and land managers, and gardeners on how to create and improve honey bee forage in Canada. It also encourages home owners to support initiatives related to honey bee habitats, and provides a list of plants that are attractive to honey bees. Both documents are available for download at the Canadian Honey Council website. The Bee Health Roundtable is an industry-government forum that fosters dialogue and action on a national scale to ensure a sustainable future for beekeeping and crop agriculture.
MCC hosting quilt show The walls at Morgan Community College have been warmed with 60 quilts currently on display at the Fort Morgan campus through the end of January 2017. MCC faculty member Jaylene Evans, in addition to having some of her own works on display, coordinated this year's exhibit. This is the sixth year the walls of MCC have been blanketed with a quilt display. The craftwork exhibited represents the techniques of hand quilting, machine quilting, appliqué, and embroidery. Themes range from floral to infant, to western and holiday celebrations and the designs reflect both traditional and original techniques. The show is open when MCC in Fort Morgan is open. For information on the quilts or the display, contact [email protected]. Register by Dec. 30 for beekeeping class Northern Colorado Beekeepers Association's annual Beginning Beekeeping Course is accepting registrations through Dec. 30 or when the class is full. For course registration and the fee payment schedule, visit www.nocobees.org. The course consists of three classes, held on consecutive Saturday mornings, Jan. 7, 14 and 21, 2017, from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Kerst Barn, 17765 state Highway 392, (between Weld County Road 35 and WCR 37), Greeley, east of Windsor, 14 miles off Interstate 25 on the north side of the street. This course provides the education opportunity to produce well-informed new beekeepers. Students, individuals and families are welcome to participate. Registration includes membership into NCBA. Light morning refreshments will be provided and door prizes will be awarded each week. Participants are encouraged to bring a sack lunch to classes. For more information email [email protected]. Blue Horizons holding poster art contest for kids The Brush-based nonprofit Blue Horizons, Inc. is again holding its annual poster art contest for kids in grades five through 12. This is the fifth year that Blue Horizons has sponsored this contest. It allows the students to create an original poster for the chance to win prizes of art supplies In previous years, the students' posters were displayed at Morgan Community College and prizes were given out at a reception. This year, students are being given until January to create their posters. They could work on them at home or in school or both. Blue Horizons provided 12-inch-by-18-inch drawing paper for creating the posters. For grades four, five and six, Blue Horizons also is holding its first Drawing Olympics. "We are inviting interested students to test their endurance as they 'run' (by drawing) the marathon race (26 drawing miles), or the half marathon (13 drawing miles) or the quarter marathon (6 drawing miles)," explained Bob Everett from Blue Horizons. "We are anxious to see how many will make it to the finish line." Students have through the end of January to draw as much as they can at home and at school toward their Drawing Olympics entry. At the end of January, judges will decide which of each student's finished drawings will be entered in a contest to win gold, silver or bronze. Al-Anon offers hope for families and friends of alcoholics Many people of all ages suffer from the affects of alcoholism, especially the loved ones. Family and friends of alcoholics usually blame themselves for the turmoil in their lives, and they often are unaware of how someone else's drinking affects them. It can cause depression, anger, frustration and despair; it often seems as though there is no hope. This can go on from generation to generation unless the pattern in interrupted. But if you or someone you know is affected by a loved one's drinking, there is help and hope. Al-Anon is a fellowship of family and friends of alcoholics. By sharing their experience, strength and hope, participants can help aid each other in the recovery from the affects of alcoholism. Meetings are anonymous and cost nothing. In Fort Morgan, regular Al-Anon meetings are held at the United Way building at 106 E. Kiowa three times a week. On Tuesdays and Fridays, they are from 7 to 8 p.m. Wednesday meetings are from 9 to 10 a.m. Addiction recovery program offered Mondays in FM Helping Hands Addiction Recovery Program meets on Mondays nights in Fort Morgan and is open to anyone struggling with an addiction or living with addicts. The support group meetings happen at 7 p.m. every Monday at New Life Worship Center, 730 Main St., in Fort Morgan. Refreshments are available. Info: Jason at 903-279-8157. FM Senior Tai Chi program now offered Tuesdays year-round The Senior Tai Chi program offered by the Fort Morgan Recreation Department is being expanded to a year-round program that seniors can join any time. The classes will be held every Tuesday from 8 to 8:45 a.m. at the Armory Recreation Center. The focus of the classes will change periodically to concentrate on certain areas of the body to build strength and coordination. The classes will be taught by Angie Shaver of Valley View Aspen Rehab and are sponsored by Rural Solutions. For more information on the Senior Tai Chi classes, contact Shaver at 970 380-6358. After School Lounge Tuesdays, Thursdays at EMCL Every Tuesday and Thursday, East Morgan County Library will open its Activity Room at 3 p.m. for the After School Lounge. Teens and kids will be able to get on laptops, bring their own devices and use Wi-Fi, do homework, play games or just hang out. Snacks may also be brought and eaten in the activity room or outside. MOPs meets on Friday mornings The Morgan County Mothers of Preschoolers group has kicked off a new season and will meet weekly through May, with sessions starting at 9:30 a.m. on Fridays at Life Fellowship in Fort Morgan. All women with children under age 6 are welcome to come and join in at MOPs meetings. Child-care is provided for ages 6 months to 6 years. Converge collecting electronics, ink cartridges to recycle Converge Day Treatment in Fort Morgan is collecting people's old, unwanted cell phones, laser and inkjet printer cartridges, laptops, iPods, electronic tablets and eReaders for recycling as part of the Cartridges for Kids fundraising program. This program will benefit the nonprofit Converge. Items for recycling can be dropped off at Converge Day Treatment at 400 State St. in Fort Morgan during regular daytime, weekday operating hours. Info: 970-867-0998. Morgan County Chorale open to prospective new members The Morgan County Chorale has an incredibly diverse range of singing talents, including those who cannot read music to those who are experienced singers, according to Director Shirley Bowles. The skilled help the unskilled. From the beginning, the chorale has been open to anyone who likes to sing. They welcome people of varying ages, from high school on up, and musical backgrounds. Members contribute both their voices and time to help this nonprofit organization. Sponsorships and donations are appreciated to help offset the financial needs of the group. The chorale will begin preparing in January for its spring dinner theater shows on April 28 and 29, 2017. Under the Big Top will be the circus-oriented theme of that show. Music and costumed acts will delight the audience. Anyone interested in seeking membership in the chorale is welcome to attend rehearsals at 7 p.m. Thursday nights starting up again Jan. 12, 2017, at the School for Performing Arts, 914 State St., Fort Morgan. Info: Shirley Bowles at 970-867-2724. — Compiled by Times staff
Above - Emile Warré, who invented the Warré Hive The history of beekeeping and honey gathering go back many years. Here is a very brief summary of some of the details. Firstly, opinions vary about how long honey bees have been around on the planet: some sources state about 40 million years, others claim there are fossilized remains of honey bees dating back 150 million years. The earliest records of humans eating honey (and wax), are believed to date back 10,000 years. This has been indicated in prehistoric drawings found in caves, whilst drawings found in Spain and believed to be around 7,000 years old, appear to indicate a form of beekeeping. According to Wikipedia, the image below is a Mesolithic rock painting of a honey hunter harvesting honey and wax from a bees nest in a tree. At Cuevas de la Araña en Bicorp. (Dating around 8000 to 6000 BC): The Egyptians were also practicing a form of beekeeping around 2400 - 2600 years ago during the time of the ‘Old Kingdom’. By then, the power of fire and smoke was known, and in Niuserre's sun temple (Niuserra being a Pharaoh of Egypt during the 5th dynasty), beekeepers were depicted blowing smoke into hives as they removed the honey-combs. The honey would then be stored in earthenware jars. According to the book ‘Bee’ by Claire Preston, the Picts (iron age people from Northern Scotland, UK), were making honey ale between 300 – 600 BC 1538 – Spanish import the first European honey bees to South America. – George Wheler – an English clergyman and travel writer, discovers and describes Greek hives (forerunner of modern hives with movable frames). 1700 – Again according to the book “Bee” above, written by Claire Preston, it wasn’t until 1700 that it was understood bees gather nectar from flowers with which honey is made. Prior to this time, it was thought the honey was collected by the bees ready-made in the flowers! 1838 - Johann Dzierzon, a Polish apiculturist, devised the first practical movable-comb beehive, which allowed manipulation of individual honeycombs without destroying the structure of the hive. Dzierzon discovered the phenomenon of parthenogenesis in bees (- in 1835 Dzierzon discovered that drones are produced from unfertilized eggs. Dzierzon's paper, published in 1845, proposed that while queen honey bees and female worker bees were products of fertilization, drones were not, and that the diets of immature bees contributed to their subsequent roles).In 1962 a Museum of Apiculture was established at Kluczbork, Poland, in Jan Dzierżon’s honour (note, this is not related to the picture above). 1851 – L.L. Langstroth of Philadelphia USA – the "father of American beekeeping had access to translations of Dzierzon's works., built upon the design of Dzierzon, and others (such as Francis Huber of Switzerland), and designed a completely movable frame hive. Langstroth has been credited with discovering the "bee space," although it had already been implemented by Jan Dzierżon. However, Langstroth made many contributions to industrialized beekeeping – honey was the major sweetener in America at that time. 1890 – William Broughton Carr, English inventor and beekeeper, invented the WBC beehive (pictured left). Learn more about the different types honey bee hives. 1948 - Abbé Warré published “Beekeeping For All” (opens new window). In the book he outlines plans for a a top bar bee hive. Warré also advocates far less interference with hives and bees. Read more about this and about Natural Beekeeping. Today - Beekeeping continues to evolve. In the USA, UK, and Europe, we continue to see the rise of 'natural beekeeping', otherwise known as 'bee-friendly' or 'api-centric beekeeping'. This has, in turn, resulted in the developments of different kinds of hives, intended to allow the bees to build natural combs. In tandem with these developments, we are also seeing all kinds of gadgets appearing - though it will be interesting to see how long the gadgets remain on the market! COPYRIGHT 2010 - 2018: WWW.BUZZABOUTBEES.NET ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Monday, May 26, 2008 Reading the latest by Michael Pollan, In Defense of Food, and re-reading my amiga L. Peat O'Neil's excellent pieces on organic farming in Mexico (one a delightful profile of the queen of Mexican cuisine, Diana Kennedy), last weekend I was inspired to visit the very informative storefront apriary of Vitamex, in Ixtapan de Sal, Estado de Mexico. (And: I'm reading Rudolph Steiner's Bees, which is, like, totally cosmic.) Alas, it seems the Vitareal webpage is down (link is www.vitareal.com.mx). Apropos of the bees, my amigo T. sends this link to Virgil's Fourth Georgic, on Beekeeping. And it turns out, there's an international symposium on bees in Puerto Vallarta next fall. More buzz anon.
By Andy Broomhead, September 25, 2017 This time of year I see a lot of activity on social media (Nextdoor, various Facebook Groups) from people needing help with a “Bee” problem. As a home inspector, I run into them quite a bit and have learned a thing or two along the way that could be of use. I’ve also enlisted the help of Andrew Callaghan, Commercial Operations Manager at Men in Black Pest Control Services, based in Woodridge, IL It’s late September and you want to hang out in the yard with the kids and have fun. But as soon as you break out the juice boxes and popsicles you become very popular with a small, curious, yellow insect. And they brought friends, lots of them. What are they? Hornets? Bees? They’re small and look like bees, but bees like flowers, right? Why do these things want my pulled pork sandwich so bad? We’ve all been there. Andrew Callaghan of Men in Black says: “While there are technically a few different insects that could fit the bill, such as Honeybees, 99% of the time we get a call for a bee problem, it ends up being Yellowjackets, which are not bees, but a type of social wasp”. Know your enemy: Yellowjackets nest in the ground, tree cavities, and unfortunately sometimes in an attic or another wall void. Colonies can number in the thousands. Yellowjackets are very aggressive. Paper Wasps, Hornets, Bumblebees, and Honeybees generally don’t care about you unless you disturb their nests. Yellowjackets want your food and will sting you in the face just for looking at them funny. Running over a colony with the lawnmower can result in a very, very bad day. If they are very active in your yard, meaning you can’t eat a sandwich outside without being harassed, you may have a colony on your property. Callahan says that misidentification leads people to inaction, for fear of killing Honeybees. “Honeybees are in trouble, that’s absolutely true. At least have us come out to identify the species, If it’s Honeybees, we won’t touch them, we will contact a beekeeping professional to safely relocate the colony, but 99% of the time it’s Yellowjackets”. During home inspections, I have seen active colonies in attics, driveways, front yards, firewood stacks, and many other locations that homeowners used all the time, but never saw the colony entrance. Take a walk around your yard and home. Look for insects flying in and out. Near the gutters or under eaves are popular locations. No one is immune, I have had colonies removed from inside my home two of the past three years. Locating and destroying the colony is the best method. I would recommend calling in a pro, like Men in Black for this as it can be very dangerous. If you want to try and tackle it yourself, there are many methods available online, but I won’t be recommending them here, again: very dangerous. There are commercially available traps, such as the RESCUE!® Disposable Yellowjacket Trap. These traps can be somewhat helpful to reduce populations a small degree but will certainly not eliminate the problem. One of the biggest problems with controlling Yellowjackets is that they may not have a colony on your property. This year I did not have a single colony on my property, but I treated 7 of them within a 50-yard radius of my front porch. As they forage for food, they can range hundreds of yards, so if you do have a colony on your property it isn’t just affecting you, but your neighbors as well. Can you really get rid of them? Not completely, but with some effort, you can take your patio back. No one is looking to eradicate the species, Yellowjackets are beneficial, they prey on lots of other problematic insects. They are great pollinators. But large populations in residential areas can be dangerous. Especially to those with allergies. Every colony left untreated will likely turn into more colonies, as multiple queens leave each fall to start their own next year. Utilizing the methods above can help to keep your family safe and your backyard useable again. As always, please reach out with any questions – Andy Ever wonder about your house number? Often, the previous owner installed the number and the new owner never had to think about it, leaving them clueless as to why it was placed where it is or why a particular color or size was chosen. These numbers are more important than you probably realize, and a lot of thought goes into making sure they are visible. House numbers should be clear enough so that police, the fire department, paramedics, etc., can quickly locate properties in an emergency. Numbers are often the only way that first-responders can identify their intended destinations. Your city might even have laws requiring your house number to be of a certain size or color. Also, think of the poor pizza delivery guy who runs late because he can’t find your house, or frustrated party guests who have to knock on neighbors’ doors before they find yours. Consider the following recommendations: The numbers should be large, within reason. Try to make them at least 5 or 6 inches tall. Smaller numbers may not be visible from the street if you have a large front yard. Replacement house numbers can be purchased from hardware stores and online. The numbers should be of a color that contrasts with their background. Reflective numbers are great because they are easier to see at night. Brown on black or white on yellow may look swanky but are bad choices for the purpose. Try not to put house numbers behind any trees, shrubs, or anything else that may obscure their view from the street. Make sure that the number faces the street that is listed in the house’s address. It does emergency workers no good if the house number faces a different street than the one the workers are traveling on. Is your house not visible from the road? Then the number should be placed at the driveway’s entrance. The next time you hire an InterNACHI inspector, ask him whether your numbers are adequate. Inspectors should know the laws in your area and be able to offer you a professional opinion. Keep in mind that you may need to make adjustments. Even if your house number is currently adequate, InterNACHI believes that it might need adjustment in the future. The following are common reasons why you may need to adjust your number in the future: The addresses assigned to houses by the city occasionally change, and you must adjust your numbers accordingly. The trees or shrubs in front of your house have grown so much that the number is no longer visible. House numbers installed in the winter may be visible during that season, but become blocked by budding vegetation by spring or summer. Maintain your house numbers, along with the rest of your home’s exterior. Keep your numbers clean. They may not be reflective or contrasting if they are covered in mud. Trim back vegetation as needed. Don’t let piles of snow obscure the numbers. If this happens, raise the number so this situation does not happen again. In summary, house numbers serve a critical function for emergency personnel and should be clearly displayed. Book Your Inspection Now. Written by Nick Gromicko and Kenton Shepard One end of a combination wrench set is open and the other end is a closed loop. Nuts and bolts are manufactured in standard and metric sizes, and because both varieties are widely used, you’ll need both sets of wrenches. For the most control and leverage, always pull the wrench toward you, instead of pushing on it. Also, avoid over-tightening. Use slip-joint pliers to grab hold of a nail, a nut, a bolt, and much more. These types of pliers are versatile because of the jaws, which feature both flat and curved areas for gripping many types of objects. There is also a built-in slip-joint, which allows the user to quickly adjust the jaw size to suit most tasks. Adjustable wrenches are somewhat awkward to use and can damage a bolt or nut if they are not handled properly. However, adjustable wrenches are ideal for situations where you need two wrenches of the same size. Screw the jaws all the way closed to avoid damaging the bolt or nut. A hacksaw is useful for cutting metal objects, such as pipes, bolts and brackets. Hacksaws look thin and flimsy, but they’ll easily cut through even the hardest of metals. Blades are replaceable, so focus your purchase on a quality hacksaw frame. 9. Torpedo Level Only a level can be used to determine if something, such as a shelf, appliance or picture, is correctly oriented. The torpedo-style level is unique because it not only shows when an object is perfectly horizontal or vertical, but it also has a gauge that shows when an object is at a 45-degree angle. The bubble in the viewfinder must be exactly in the middle — not merely close. 10. Safety Glasses / Goggles For all tasks involving a hammer or a power tool, you should always wear safety glasses or goggles. They should also be worn while you mix chemicals. 11. Claw Hammer A good hammer is one of the most important tools you can own. Use it to drive and remove nails, to pry wood loose from the house, and in combination with other tools. They come in a variety of sizes, although a 16-ounce hammer is the best all-purpose choice. 12. Screwdriver Set It is best to have four screwdrivers: a small and large version of both a flathead and a Phillips-head screwdriver. Electrical screwdrivers are sometimes convenient, but they’re no substitute. Manual screwdrivers can reach into more places and they are less likely to damage the screw. 14. Respirator / Safety Mask While paints and other coatings are now manufactured to be less toxic (and lead-free) than in previous decades, most still contain dangerous chemicals, which is why you should wear a mask to avoid accidentally inhaling. A mask should also be worn when working in dusty and dirty environments. Disposable masks usually come in packs of 10 and should be thrown away after use. Full and half-face respirators can be used to prevent the inhalation of very fine particles that ordinary facemasks will not stop. Book Your Inspection Now. Mistake #1: Thinking you can’t afford it. Many people who thought that buying the home they wanted was simply out of their reach are now enjoying a new lifestyle in their very own homes.Buying a home is the smartest financial decision you will ever make. In fact, most homeowners would be broke at retirement if it wasn’t for one saving grace — the equity in their homes. Furthermore, tax allowances favor home ownership. Real estate values have always risen steadily. Of course, there are peaks and valleys, but the long-term trend is a consistent increase. This means that every month when you make a mortgage payment, the amount that you owe on the home goes down and the value typically increases. This “owe less, worth more” situation is called equity build-up and is the reason you can’t afford not to buy. Even if you have little money for a down payment or credit problems, chances are that you can still buy that new home. It just comes down to knowing the right strategies, and working with the right people. See below. Mistake #2: Not hiring a buyer’s agent to represent you. Buying property is a complex and stressful task. In fact, it is often the biggest, single investment you will make in your lifetime. At the same time, real estate transactions have become increasingly complicated. New technology, laws, procedures, and competition from other buyers require buyer agents to perform at an ever-increasing level of competence and professionalism. In addition, making the wrong decisions can end up costing you thousands of dollars. It doesn’t have to be this way! Work with a buyer’s agent who has a keen understanding of the real estate business and the local market. A buyer’s agent has a fiduciary duty to you. That means that he or she is loyal only to you and is obligated to look out for your best interests. A buyer’s agent can help you find the best home, the best lender, and the best home inspector in your area. That inspector should be an InterNACHI-certified home inspector because InterNACHI inspectors are the most qualified and best-trained inspectors in the world. Trying to buy a home without an agent or a qualified inspector is, well… unthinkable Mistake #3: Getting a cheap inspection. Buying a home is probably the most expensive purchase you will ever make. This is no time to shop for a cheap inspection. The cost of a home inspection is small relative to the value of the home being inspected. The additional cost of hiring a certified inspector is almost insignificant by comparison. As a home buyer, you have recently been crunching the numbers, negotiating offers, adding up closing costs, shopping for mortgages, and trying to get the best deals. Don’t stop now! Don’t let your real estate agent, a “patty-cake” inspector, or anyone else talk you into skimping here. InterNACHI front-ends its membership requirements. InterNACHI turns down more than half the inspectors who want to join because they can’t fulfill the membership requirements. InterNACHI-certified inspectors perform the best inspections, by far. InterNACHI-certified inspectors earn their fees many times over. They do more, they deserve more and — yes — they generally charge a little more. Do yourself a favor…and pay a little more for the quality inspection you deserve. Book Your Inspection Now. The risk of lung cancer and mesothelioma increase with the number of fibers inhaled. The risk of lung cancer from inhaling asbestos fibers is also greater if you smoke. People who get asbestosis have usually been exposed to high levels of asbestos for a long time. The symptoms of these diseases do not usually appear until about 20 to 30 years after the first exposure to asbestos. Most people exposed to small amounts of asbestos, as we all are in our daily lives, do not develop these health problems. However, if disturbed, asbestos material may release asbestos fibers, which can be inhaled into the lungs. The fibers can remain there for a long time, increasing the risk of disease. Asbestos material that would crumble easily if handled, or that has been sawed, scraped, or sanded into a powder, is more likely to create a health hazard. Book Your Inspection Now. steam pipes, boilers and furnace ducts insulated with an asbestos blanket or asbestos paper tape. These materials may release asbestos fibers if damaged, repaired, or removed improperly; resilient floor tiles (vinyl asbestos, asphalt and rubber), the backing on vinyl sheet flooring, and adhesives used for installing floor tile. Sanding tiles can release fibers, and so may scraping or sanding the backing of sheet flooring during removal; cement sheet, millboard and paper used as insulation around furnaces and wood-burning stoves. Repairing or removing appliances may release asbestos fibers, and so may cutting, tearing, sanding, drilling, or sawing insulation; door gaskets in furnaces, wood stoves and coal stoves. Worn seals can release asbestos fibers during use; soundproofing or decorative material sprayed on walls and ceilings. Loose, crumbly or water-damaged material may release fibers, and so will sanding, drilling or scraping the material; patching and joint compounds for walls and ceilings, and textured paints. Sanding, scraping, or drilling these surfaces may release asbestos fibers; asbestos cement roofing, shingles and siding. These products are not likely to release asbestos fibers unless sawed, dilled or cut; artificial ashes and embers sold for use in gas-fired fireplaces, and other older household products, such as fireproof gloves, stove-top pads, ironing board covers and certain hairdryers; and automobile brake pads and linings, clutch facings and gaskets. - Some roofing and siding shingles are made of asbestos cement. - Houses built between 1930 and 1950 may have asbestos as insulation. - Asbestos may be present in textured paint and in patching compounds used on wall and ceiling joints. Their use was banned in 1977. - Artificial ashes and embers sold for use in gas-fired fireplaces may contain asbestos. - Older products, such as stove-top pads, may have some asbestos compounds. - Walls and floors around wood-burning stoves may be protected with asbestos paper, millboard or cement sheets. - Asbestos is found in some vinyl floor tiles and the backing on vinyl sheet flooring and adhesives. - Hot water and steam pipes in older houses may be coated with an asbestos material or covered with an asbestos blanket or tape. - Oil and coal furnaces and door gaskets may have asbestos insulation. What Should Be Done About Asbestos in the Home? Make sure no one else is in the room when sampling is done. Wear disposable gloves or wash hands after sampling. Shut down any heating or cooling systems to minimize the spread of any released fibers. Do not disturb the material any more than is needed to take a small sample. Place a plastic sheet on the floor below the area to be sampled. Wet the material using a fine mist of water containing a few drops of detergent before taking the sample. The water/detergent mist will reduce the release of asbestos fibers. Carefully cut a piece from the entire depth of the material using a small knife, corer or other sharp object. Place the small piece into a clean container (a 35-mm film canister, small glass or plastic vial, or high-quality resealable plastic bag). Tightly seal the container after the sample is in it. Carefully dispose of the plastic sheet. Use a damp paper towel to clean up any material on the outside of the container or around the area sampled. Dispose of asbestos materials according to state and local procedures. Label the container with an identification number and clearly state when and where the sample was taken. Patch the sampled area with the smallest possible piece of duct tape to prevent fiber release. Send the sample to an asbestos analysis laboratory accredited by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Your state or local health department may also be able to help. Before undertaking minor repairs, be sure to follow all the precautions described previously for sampling asbestos material. Always wet the asbestos material using a fine mist of water containing a few drops of detergent. Commercial products designed to fill holes and seal damaged areas are available. Small areas of material, such as pipe insulation, can be covered by wrapping a special fabric, such as re-wettable glass cloth, around it. These products are available from stores (listed in the telephone directory under “Safety Equipment and Clothing”) which specialize in asbestos materials and safety items. If you have a problem that requires the services of asbestos professionals, check their credentials carefully. Hire professionals who are trained, experienced, reputable and accredited — especially if accreditation is required by state or local laws. Before hiring a professional, ask for references from previous clients. Find out if they were satisfied. Ask whether the professional has handled similar situations. Get cost estimates from several professionals, as the charges for these services can vary. Though private homes are usually not covered by the asbestos regulations that apply to schools and public buildings, professionals should still use procedures described in federal or state-approved training. Homeowners should be alert to the chance of misleading claims by asbestos consultants and contractors. There have been reports of firms incorrectly claiming that asbestos materials in homes must be replaced. In other cases, firms have encouraged unnecessary removal or performed it improperly. Unnecessary removal is a waste of money. Improper removal may actually increase the health risks to you and your family. To guard against this, know what services are available and what procedures and precautions are needed to do the job properly. In addition to general asbestos contractors, you may select a roofing, flooring or plumbing contractor trained to handle asbestos when it is necessary to remove and replace roofing, flooring, siding or asbestos-cement pipe that is part of a water system. Normally, roofing and flooring contractors are exempt from state and local licensing requirements because they do not perform any other asbestos-correction work. Make sure that the inspection will include a complete visual examination, and the careful collection and lab analysis of samples. If asbestos is present, the inspector should provide a written evaluation describing its location and extent of damage, and give recommendations for correction or prevention. Make sure an inspecting firm makes frequent site visits if it is hired to assure that a contractor follows proper procedures and requirements. The inspector may recommend and perform checks after the correction to assure that the area has been properly cleaned. If you hire a corrective-action contractor: Check with your local air pollution control board, the local agency responsible for worker safety, and the Better Business Bureau. Ask if the firm has had any safety violations. Find out if there are legal actions filed against it. Insist that the contractor use the proper equipment to do the job. The workers must wear approved respirators, gloves and other protective clothing. Before work begins, get a written contract specifying the work plan, cleanup, and the applicable federal, state and local regulations which the contractor must follow (such as notification requirements and asbestos disposal procedures). Contact your state and local health departments, EPA regional office, and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s regional office to find out what the regulations are. Be sure the contractor follows local asbestos removal and disposal laws. At the end of the job, get written assurance from the contractor that all procedures have been followed. Assure that the contractor avoids spreading or tracking asbestos dust into other areas of your home. They should seal off the work area from the rest of the house using plastic sheeting and duct tape, and also turn off the heating and air conditioning system. For some repairs, such as pipe insulation removal, plastic bags may be adequate. They must be sealed with tape and properly disposed of when the job is complete. Make sure the work site is clearly marked as a hazardous area. Do not allow household members or pets into the area until work is completed. Insist that the contractor apply a wetting agent to the asbestos material with a hand sprayer that creates a fine mist before removal. Wet fibers do not float in the air as easily as dry fibers and will be easier to clean up. Make sure the contractor does not break removed material into smaller pieces. This could release asbestos fibers into the air. Pipe insulation was usually installed in pre-formed blocks and should be removed in complete pieces. Upon completion, assure that the contractor cleans the area well with wet mops, wet rags, sponges and/or HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) vacuum cleaners. A regular vacuum cleaner must never be used. Wetting helps reduce the chance of spreading asbestos fibers in the air. All asbestos materials and disposable equipment and clothing used in the job must be placed in sealed, leakproof, and labeled plastic bags. The work site should be visually free of dust and debris. Air monitoring (to make sure there is no increase of asbestos fibers in the air) may be necessary to assure that the contractor’s job is done properly. This should be done by someone not connected with the contractor. Do not dust, sweep or vacuum debris that may contain asbestos. These actions will disturb tiny asbestos fibers and may release them into the air. Remove dust by wet-mopping or with a special HEPA vacuum cleaner used by trained asbestos contractors.
“Honey is far more than just another pot on the shelf,” claims local food writer Hattie Ellis and to prove her point she’ll be dipping into her collection of 100 pots of honey for a talk at Fairlight Hall next week. Hattie, who lives in Hastings, has become an expert on honey and says many people are not aware of its benefits. “The nectar from two million flowers goes into a single jar of honey,” she said. “Bees pollinate the plants that produce a third of our food and help keep the planet alive. “Honey and other products of the hive, such as pollen and propolis, have been used for health and healing for at least 4,000 years. Today, manuka-honey wound dressings are used in NHS hospitals. “Bees and honey have been loved and even worshiped by us from Stone Age honey hunters onwards, Anyone who’s anyone has been fascinated by bees. Writers, philosophers, musicians, architects - from Aristotle, Shakespeare and Darwin to Winnie-the-Pooh. We see bees as powerful and important.” On her honey travels, Hattie has been to New Zealand to talk to the man behind the popularity of manuka honey for healing. She also discovered the New York City illegal beekeeping movement and the growth in urban honey around the world, and says Sussex has strong connections with beekeeping. “The University of Sussex is a centre of bee science, currently trying to save honeybees from disease. “The best honey comes from flowers from within three miles of the hive, making it the ultimate local food. Look for them in health food shops, delis, farm shops and even garages.” Ellis, who trained as a journalist at the Wemstminster Press training programme in St Leonards, is the author of two books on bees and honey; Sweetness & Light: the mysterious history of the honeybee and Spoonfuls of Honey a recipe book and guide that takes the reader around the world in 80 pots. Local beekeepers Jill Sale and Josh Dean from Mantel Farm, Catsfield, will also be at Hattie’s lunchtime talk entitled ‘Honey: history, culture and taste’ at Fairlight Hall, Martineau Lane, on June 10, 10.30-2pm. Tickets, which include lunch and a tour of the garden and apiary, cost £40. Fairlight Hall’s hives produce a delicious honey, on sale after the honey harvest in autumn at events held in the house. Hattie’s talk is part of a series of lectures and lunches or teas. For bookings visit: http://fairlighthall.co.uk/events_cat/classes-and-courses or call 01424 814132.
Sauces, condiments & spreads the largest honey producer in scandinavia The company was founded in 1996 by Jan Jakobsen and Knud Hvam. With their background as a purchaser and beekeeper, they set a team of specialists who together had a profound knowledge of honey from bee to table. Since then, the company has grown to become one of the largest honey producers in Scandinavia supplying the majority of Danish retailing, catering and industry. In addition export has been established to major retail chains all over the world and recently Agave Syrup was added to the product range. The processing and bottling is done by a skilled staff with a thorough knowledge of beekeeping and honey production based on traditions dating as far back as 1921. A combination of this knowledge and a BRC certification with grade A ensures a high and uniform quality In 2012 Helle Reinevald acquired the company as part of a planned alternation of generations. An up-to-date and flexible production plant build in 2001 with a yearly capacity exceeding 12000 ton secures that even the largest customer demands can be accommodated by Jakobsens. Because of progress Jakobsens expanded their warehouse and production with another 2000 sqm in 2015. JAKOBSENS AS YOUR PARTNER Jakobsens is a professional partner for buyers, whose purpose is the development and growth of the category. All sorts of honey from all over the world can be combined in different ways and filled in a wide range of packaging. Jakobsens knowledge of the markets, origins of raw materials, price levels and tastes secures the right costume made decisions in both low and high scale. FOLLOW US ON LINKEDIN Click here to follow Jakobsens at LinkedIn.
Saturday, September 10, 2016 9 am to 3 pm ICC Horticulture Land Lab, East Peoria Campus Free Parking in Lot G Illinois Central College’s 36th Annual Landscape and Garden Day offers a variety of special programs and activities specifically designed for families with young children as well as the usual favorites for local gardening enthusiasts. · Seminars and demonstrations · Winners of this year’s All-America Selection in display garden · Displays by local nurseries, clubs and landscapers · Pizza Garden · Kids-only area for playing in the dirt · Kids crafting area – Japanese koi kites and origami · Putt for Plants for golf enthusiasts · Taste-testing in the vegetable garden · Plant sale by ICC Horticulture Program students · Plant clinic with local master gardeners The day’s seminars include: - 9:30 – 10:15 am: “Unordinary Pollinators” – Come join us as University of Illinois Extension Master Gardner Margee Karl introduces us to “Pollinators of the Unordinary Kind”. Margie has been a U of I Extension Master Gardner since 2004 and a speaker for the U of I Extension Speakers Bureau for more than 10 years. This is a beautiful and unique presentation! She’s sure to entertain, amaze, surprise, and educate you. - 11 – 11:45 am: “Pollinator Power: How to attract them and keep them coming around.” – Presenter Suzanne Cook is a 19-year Tazewell County Master Gardener, Head Gardener for the Pekin Park District, and has written a garden column for the Pekin Times for 20 years. She’ll give participants a long list of easy-to-grow plants. She especially loves growing plants to attract butterflies, bees and hummingbirds. And, she promises there WILL be prizes available! · 1 – 1:45 pm: "But I Don't Know How To Keep Bees..Yet!" – Presenter Bill Baker is currently the Central Director for the Illinois State Beekeepers Association and a past president of the Heart of Illinois Beekeepers but says he’s is still learning how to keep bees. He has found beekeeping to be fun, relaxing, frustrating and a great overall learning experience.
Not so long ago, the city of Paris was a hub for urban agriculture. Beginning in the late 17th century, Paris was nearly agriculturally self-sufficient, and urban farmers known as maraîchers (market farmers) pioneered intensive urban farming techniques that are still used today. However, after the occupation of Paris in World War II, agriculture was pushed out of the city to a surrounding “green belt,” which spans 30 kilometers (18 miles). The city still relies on this local produce as its primary source of fresh food. Now, urban agriculture is quickly returning to the City of Light thanks to the Green Hand Charter (Charte Main Verte), an initiative allowing Parisians to establish community gardens on public land in collaboration with the city. About 130 community gardens have already sprouted around the city. Food Tank is highlighting ten community gardens that are opening modern urban agriculture to the 2.2 million inhabitants of the city on the Seine. 1. The delicate champignon de Paris, a variety of white button mushrooms, was grown in the catacombs of Paris from 1670 until the early 1960s, when producers could no longer compete with cheaper industrial production in the Netherlands. Now, Angel Moioli is reviving the business of his grandfather, an original mushroom grower (champignonière), on his organic mushroom farm, Les Carrières. The farm is located in Montesson, just a short Métro ride from the city’s financial center. 2. On the roof of the Paris Institute for Life, Food, and Environmental Sciences in central Paris, one can find the innovative rooftop gardens of the AgroParisTech. Opened in December 2011 and covering an area of 800 square meters (8,600 square feet), this experimental urban farm uses organic waste and wood as its lightweight growing base and tests the levels of pollution in the fruits and vegetables produced by the garden. 3. A half-hour drive west from these rooftop gardens is the Grignon Energie Positive, an experimental farm run by the AgroParisTech program for sustainable development. This organic farm is working to reduce energy inputs by developing techniques that minimize the farm’s carbon footprint while growing enough to feed between 5,500 and 8,000 people annually. 4. The Ferme de Paris is a municipal organic farm nestled in an expansive park. Open to the public, the sustainably-constructed buildings house a number of farm animals, including cows, goats, sheep, pigs, chickens, and rabbits. The farm includes grazing fields, vegetable gardens, orchards, and medicinal plant gardens. Visitors are invited to participate by volunteering on the weekends. 5. Beekeeping is alive and well in Paris. Overseen by the Societé Centrale de l’Apiculture, beekeepers maintain hives in parks and gardens like the Jardin de Luxembourg and the Parc Georges Brassens; these hives protect bees, provide pollination, and produce organic honey, as well as educating the community. Beekeeping classes are available to the public. 6. In the small grassy lots that separate the densely populated apartment buildings of the Bagnolet suburb on the outskirts of Paris, a small herd of sheep and goats graze peacefully under the watch of shepherd Gilles Amar. Amar founded Sors de Terre to transform unused green spaces into hubs for agricultural and community gatherings. The program provides education to children and adults alike, and the herd even keeps green spaces manicured as they graze, thus eliminating the need for lawnmowers! It’s one of several grassroots nonprofits bringing animal husbandry to the city. 7. Not far from Bagnolet, the rooftops of a large apartment complex in Romainville are being converted into an expansive year-round urban agriculture center. The Ferme Romainville project began when the town council voted to renovate a number of prefabricated housing blocks built in the 1950s. Renovations will include installing enclosed farming units measuring 1,500 square meters (16,000 square feet), which will be home to beehives, a seed nursery, and a cafeteria. The farms will use recycled air from the buildings’ ventilation systems, and the produce from the farms will be sold directly to inhabitants. 8. The Jardin de l’Aqueduc, created in partnership with the Green Hand Charter, is a community garden initiative that teaches eco-citizenship to local residents and opens gardening to citizens of all abilities. Over 100 families, a primary school, and a school for disabled children currently volunteer at the organic garden; the raised garden beds are built at a height that makes them wheelchair accessible. The garden has also recently introduced community beehives and beekeeping lessons. 9. The Jardin des Jeunes Pouces is a community garden open to all residents who are interested in trying their hand at gardening. One of the aims of this community undertaking is to create a garden that generates no waste and uses only recycled resources. In addition to 20 raised plant beds, the garden includes an urban meadow that allows residents to experience the natural cycles of the meadow and compare them to those of the cultivated garden. 10. Le Semis Urbain is a community garden whose mission is to teach residents of all ages the basics of sustainable, affordable, and organic gardening. The garden also educates gardeners on the benefits and uses of garden insects. During your next trip to Paris, be sure to visit and support these innovative initiatives that are turning the City of Lights into the City of Gardens.
Congratulations to our own Wallingford Rotarian and Shrewsbury resident Randell Barclay on his recent Paul Harris Fellow award! The award is given to Rotarians when there is a total of $1,000 donated by them or in their name to the Rotary Foundation. Randell has succeeded in reaching this goal and we are very proud to have him awarded this distinct honor. Randell joins the ranks of some pretty notable public figures that are also Paul Harris Fellow Award recipients such as U.S. President Jimmy Carter, Russian President Boris Yeltsin, U.S. astronaut James Lovell, UN Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar, and Jonas Salk. A gift of US $1,000 enables The Rotary Foundation to fund projects and programs which improve and invigorate the lives of people around the world and enhance international friendship and understanding. Here are just some small examples of what The Rotary Foundation can do with US$1,000: - Purchase mattresses, pillows, and blankets for 100 homeless children in an orphanage in Bangladesh; - Establish 10 small sewing businesses to provide severely poor mothers in low-income districts of Caborca, Mexico with the ability to lead self-sufficient lives and contribute to their community; - Contribute carpentry tools to a vocational training workshop for 300 deaf youths in The Gambia; - Provide artificial limbs for 25 disabled persons in Calcutta, India; - Establish a tree in Jamaica that will annually produce 5,000 tree seedlings and increase family income for 700 farmers; - Provide materials and training in beekeeping to 40 young people in Mali; - Furnish all materials necessary for construction of a deep borewell in India which supplies clean drinking water to more than 300 people; - Purchase a cow for a war-widow in Uganda, where Civil War has shattered the economy and children have died because of lack of protein and calcium in their diets. If you are interested in learning more about the Rotary Foundation or joining the Wallingford Rotary they meet Monday mornings at 7 a.m. for breakfast or the last Monday of the month at 5:30 p.m. for a dinner meeting at the Little Red Schoolhouse located at 96 Main Street, Wallingford, VT. For more information please email [email protected] or call 802-779-0457.
As part of its "Greener Ravenswood" effort, the Ravenswood Community Council is hosting a Sustainable Speaker Series 6-8:30 p.m., Feb. 27, at Dolce Casa Cafe, 4947 N. Damen Ave. Topics include composting — from apartment bins to commercial businesses — beekeeping and how to decrease the amount of pesticides used in lawn care. Jordan Rose of River Valley Farmer's Table will also be on hand to talk about his family's mushroom farm and their new Ravenswood shop and cafe. The cost is $5 for RCC members and $10 for the general public; appetizers and drinks will be served. RSVP to [email protected].
Related read – Best Eateries for Bookworms – I In Part I, I had listed 15 of my favorite books, but since then I have read a number of books which I have found equally unputdownable. So, here is another list of 15 of my favorites in alphabetical order. If you like reading fiction, they are a must read. If you want more information on a particular book, just click on the name of the book. Here goes: The story of Yossarian, a bomber in the U.S. Air force set during the later years of the World War II. The reader might find the story a little out of sequence because at times there are same events which are described by different characters at different points of time. The story is dipped in satire and questions touching upon various themes like moral dilemma, bureaucracies, personal integrity and patriotism. The book is considered as one of the greatest literary works of the twentieth century. The book revolves around a highly evolved form of human race scattered across various planets in the universe some twenty thousand years in the future where science and technology has evolved far beyond its present state. The story touches upon various themes like politics, religion, ecology, technology, and human emotion. Dune was first published in 1965 and it won the Hugo and the Nebula awards for best novel in the following year. It is considered the best science fiction novel of all times. A book which holds the distinction of being called “sheer unrestrained pornography” and “one of the best novels of 1955” at the same time. Lolita was refused by 4 American publishers because of its subject content before it finally saw the light of the day. The book follows the story of a middle aged literary scholar who is obsessed with young girls and gets sexually involved with a 12 year old girl named Dolores Haze. Lolita now holds the status of a classic and is considered as the most controversial book of 20th century. During an unnamed nuclear war, a plane carrying a group of young boys crashes in a deserted island. There are no adult survivors and the boys are left on their own. The book dwells into the idea of how culture and society created by humans fail even at the smallest level. The boys create group amongst themselves which finally ends up in disaster and they end up being hungry for each others blood. The book underlines the conflict between the “greater good of the society’ and the “hunger for power”. As you reach the climax of the story, you would have completely forgotten that you were reading about a bunch of school kids. An enriching book by the Nobel Prize winner Orhan Pamuk. The book was originally written in Turkish and was later translated to English. How difficult the translation would have been can be understood by the complex English sentences. The story is a murder mystery set during the rein of the Ottoman Empire during the late 1500s where a miniaturist is murdered while working on a very special book. Each of the chapter is narrated by a different character and sometimes even by a coin, a color or the corpse of the murdered miniaturist. One of the most mesmerizing books I have read recently. The narrative flows beautifully even though the book has been translated from German. The book follows the story of Raimund Gregorius, a teacher of Greek and Latin, whose chance encounter with a beautiful Portuguese woman sets a chain of events where he finds himself on a journey to an unknown country to find about the past of Amadeu de Prado, a Portuguese Doctor and a writer. My favorite lines from the book are – “Can God create a stone He couldn’t lift? If not, then he isn’t almighty; if yes, He isn’t either, for now there is a stone He cannot lift.” The book which has already been translated into 65 languages, was written in 1944 and contained chilling accounts of how the world might be in 1984. The story is set in Oceania, a super state, where the protagonist Winston Smith works for the ruling party(the term Big Brother was coined for the leader of the ruling party) and who is assigned the work of falsifying political records and history. The book touches upon the theme of Nationalism, sexual oppression and censorship. Thankfully, the world did not end up as the book predicted, except for China. Winner of the Booker Prize in 2000, the novel follows the story of Iris Chase and her sister Laura who commits suicide immediately after the Second World War. The beauty of the book is that there is a story within the story. As the story of Iris and Laura proceeds, the reader comes across another story of a Blind Assassin in a fictional world and his love for a mute girl whom he is sent to kill. This book is a classic example of how a story can be woven to keep the reader glued till the end. An amazing book. The Book Thief is a story told by the Angel of Death, the surreptitious soul collector who is haunted by humans and who was very busy during the Second world war. Set in the Nazi Germany, during the beginning of the second World War, the book follows the story of an orphaned girl who is sent to live with her foster parents in a small town. The family hides a Jew in the basement of their house during the war, which changes their lives in many ways. A beautifully written book. The book won the 1983 Pulitzer for fiction and was later made into a movie by Steven Spielberg which introduced Whoopi Goldberg and Oprah Winfrey to the big screen. The book takes into account the extreme low condition of the black females in the conservative society of the United States during the 1930s. The book is a series of letters and diary entries of a black woman named Celie , a poor and uneducated woman, who at the age of fourteen is raped and impregnated twice by the man she believes to be her father. And yes, the movie is as good as the book. A critically burnt English man, his nurse Hana, a thief and a Sikh Sapper named Kip form the central characters of this beautifully written book which won the Booker in 1992. The book was also made into a movie which won 9 Oscars including the Best Picture in 1996. The story of the English Patient’s past and the love story between Hana and Kip form the two parallel stories of the book. The Kite Runner tells the story of Amir, a young boy from a small village in Kabul, who betrays his best friend Hassan, the son of his father’s servant, and lives in regret. The story has the fall of the monarchy in Afghanistan through the Soviet invasion and the rise of the Taliban as its background. I think enough has been said about the book already. Its a shame if you haven’t read it by now. First published in 1850, this novel is the story of Hester Prynne, who commits adultery while she is waiting for her husband to return from a journey. She gives birth to a girl and refuses to identify the father as a result of which she is subjected to public shame and a red cloth(in the form of the letter A, which stands for Adultery) is attached to her gown while she is lead out of the town. Throughout the novel, Hawthorne explores themes of legalism, sin, and guilt. The book was an instant success and was the first mass produced book using mechanized printing. A beautifully written book, The Secret life of Bees tell the story of 14 year-old Lily Owens whose life is somehow connected to her mother’s accidental death. Lily’s black caretaker Rosaleen insults three white men one day and had to run away to save her life. Repeatedly abused by her father, Lily runs away with Rosaleen and is taken in by three black beekeeping sisters who hold the key to her mother’s past. A moving, must read book. If you want Science fiction with the chills and thrills of a roller coaster ride, Micheal Crichton is the best bet. Timeline remains undoubtedly his best novel, although each of his book has turned into a bestseller. The book tells the story of a group of Historians who travel back to the Middle ages to save a friend of theirs who had already traveled back in time before them. The way Crichton combines the minute Historical details with Quantum Physics and Time travel is amazing. I hope you enjoyed the list and p.s. A lot of the information in the post is via wiki.
NO WARNING: Hit "like skittles" by out-of-control driver AS PAUL Reid lay his head on the pillow of his swag in the Dalmorton State Forest, he never dreamed that in the next 24 hours his world would be turned upside down. The next thing the Warwick beekeeper remembers is waking up a week and a half later in the intensive care unit of John Hunter Hospital in Newcastle. "I was hearing these voices and seeing shapes and seeing blurred people around me, and I felt the touch of the nurses, but I had no focus," the apiarist told The Daily Examiner this week. "Apparently when they first brought me out of the coma, I was rabbiting on about being at McDonald's so they put me back under and woke me up the next day." One of three victims of December's shocking hit and run, Mr Reid sustained life-threatening injuries that included a smashed pelvis, five cracked ribs and bleeding. It took two hours for ambulance services to locate him and his colleagues, who had been tending to beehives on a forest track when the incident happened. "From what I understand of my injuries (I could have died) at virtually any stage," he said. "It took 13 hours for me to be stabilised at Coffs Harbour before airlifting me to the intensive care unit. "Then they waited an extra day for (the surgeon) to show up; with the mess I was in I needed the best to work on me to put me back together." Nine hours on the operating table and several medical screws later the long journey to recovery began. Now in Warwick Base Hospital, where he celebrated his 55th birthday with friends last week, Mr Reid is only just regaining the use of his legs. It wasn't until he saw photos of himself at the crash site that he realised just how far he'd come. "Ray Clarke (who was also injured by the car) showed me his iPad with all these photos and I just looked at it and thought 'wow'," he said. "It's only seeing myself lying there that I know it actually happened to me. "It's sort of detached because I can't remember it happening. "The nurses and doctors are saying it's probably a good thing that I have no memory at all." To the person responsible for his horrific injuries, Mr Reid said he only thought about them in passing but hoped they were brought to justice soon. "There is no anger or rage from my point of view; the only comments I can make is the sooner he's found and brought to justice the better, because someone who drives in such a manner is a danger to man, beast and property," he said. "Someone who can hit three people and keep roaring at break-neck speed, someone like that shouldn't be allowed on the road." As for his own future, the passionate apiarist has a positive outlook and is keen to get back into beekeeping as soon as he can. "It's in my blood, and I know there's a job waiting there for me when I get out," he said. Until then, there are still a lot of questions to be answered about Mr Reid's future capabilities. "I'm still weeks and weeks away from being able to know just what I'm going to be capable of doing," he said. "There will be changes, but from what I have been told, the physios involved in the rehabilitation can't make any judgement until you're a certain distance along. "I've got quite a way to go but I'm heading in the right direction. I'm very much looking forward to being upright and independently mobile again." Fellow beekeeper Ray Clarke recalls fateful Dalmorton expedition "WE JUST finished having smoko and went back to work, and this fella just ran over us and didn't stop. He just didn't stop." Unlike Paul Reid, professional apiarist and Warwick Beekeepers Association president Ray Clarke remembers the moment he was hit. As the head apiarist, the 57-year-old was in charge of the fateful beekeeping expedition to Dalmorton, having travelled there to work for more than 20 years. With him were five other beekeepers, including Paul and Mr Clarke's 19-year-old niece, who was working for him during her uni break. They were about 400m off the main forestry track when the Toyota Hilux drove along Pooles Creek Rd. At the cross of Blacksmith Shop Rd, it clipped a parked 4WD and veered into their path. "There were six of us there, but the three other people weren't anywhere near it," he said. "The car came down between the trees and the truck." In seconds, they were knocked down like skittles. "Click your fingers and it was all over," he said. "All three of us could have been killed. There was just no room to move." With Mr Reid bearing the brunt of the injuries, Mr Clarke's son-in-law and another worker rushed to his aid while someone phoned emergency services. His niece suffered a fractured pelvis and broken collarbone, while Mr Clarke himself was lucky to escape without any broken bones. He did however have head injuries and pain in his knee and chest, which meant that once he sat down, he couldn't get up. "I was just hoping (the paramedics) would hurry," he said. "The fella who's still in hospital, he was in a bad way." When the paramedics did arrive, they were forced to contend with agitated bees as they assisted the injured. "I think they did an exceptional job," Mr Clarke said. "I can't give them enough credit, them and the people from the Westpac helicopter." Now back at work, he said that the incident is still all he can think about. "It's awful to think that somebody could ever do that," he said. "(Whoever did it) has all six of us asking questions, we were all shaken up pretty bad." Police seek information on hit and run PUBLIC assistance is still being sought in relation to the hit-and-run at Dalmorton on December 9 last year. Ballina Crash Investigation Unit's Senior Constable Mark Fogerty said that while the team was following a number of leads, they were seeking further information about the offending vehicle. The vehicle has been described by witnesses as an early model (possibly 1990-95) white Toyota Hilux, with a black bullbar, raised suspension and mud terrain tyres. Police have been told the vehicle was fitted with a short length aluminium tray that had a black tubular ladder rack bar fitted to it. As a result of the collision, the rear aluminium tray and the driver's side mirror sustained significant damage with sections of the tray floor, the side rails and ladder rack becoming detached. Remnants of the aluminium tray left at the scene indicated it had black spray paint one side of it, which was translucent. Members of the public who may have seen such a vehicle, most likely before it sustained any damage, are encouraged to phone CrimeStoppers on 1800 333 000 or the Ballina Crash investigation unit on 6681 8618. "We're asking people to think about any vehicle with a similar description that they used to see all the time which may have gone missing in action or had its tray changed since December," Constable Fogerty said.
Young Farmers Conference LOTTERY REGISTARTION IS NOW OPEN Conference Dates: December 7, 8 and 9. Due to high interest, registration for the conference will be by lottery. Beginning farmers (farming for more than one year and less than 10) will be given registration preference. THE REGISTRATION LOTTERY IS NOW CLOSED. Thank you to everyone who entered. Selected attendees will be notified before October 5. The Young Farmers Conference is presented with support from generous sponsors and partners. For information about 2016 sponsorship opportunities, please contact Laura Neil at [email protected]. SNEAK PEAK OF 2016 YOUNG FARMERS CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS Profitable Market Gardening | Carbon Farming; Regenerative Agriculture for Climate Stabilization | Seed Breeding | Food Waste Cycles at Stone Barns | No-Till Agriculture Accounting for Farmers | Find Your Cost of Production and Profitability | Stealing Supermarket Savvy | Starting a Non-Profit Farm Find Your Farm | Land Access for Urban Farmers Necropsy for Farmers | Grassfed Grazing Panel | Pastured Rabbit for Profit Small Engine Mechanics | New Tools and Appropriate Technology for the Small Farm | Designing and Managing the Moveable Greenhouse Know Your Buyer | Ending Racism in Farming & Food | Worksongs for Small Farms A few facts lend insight into the surging interest in farming among young Americans and what is helping animate this movement. - While the average age of U.S. farmers today is 57, the average age of organic farmers is 34. - America loses 2 acres of farmland per minute. - Corporate control over food and agricultural production has intensified: today, 75% of our food is produced by only 192,000 farmers, out of a total of 2.2 million farmers. - The planet's ecological capital has eroded severely: 25% of land has been degraded. Young farmers are beginning farmers, new to the field—some quite literally. They seek experience and hunger for knowledge. They are in need of capital and land and other tangible resources to make their journey practical and successful. They are idealistic, motivated by the desire to create a more equitable, regional, diverse and sustainable food system that fosters community and human and environmental health. They are ambitious and innovative. They are both back-to-the-land and high-tech. Feet on the ground, head in the sky, they live simply but want to change the world. They are the future of farming. The Young Farmers Conference, at Stone Barns Center for Food & Agriculture, is convening some 250 young and beginning farmers for intensive workshops, demonstrations, business courses, conversations and dancing. Part of the Center's Growing Farmers Initiative, the conference is unique in scope and reach, bringing together thought leaders, creative practitioners and business experts in the sustainable agriculture movement with farmers eager for ideas, information and connection. Young and beginning farmers attend to talk about improvements they want to make to their farms and, for most, dream about the type of farm they hope to have one day. They gather to share ideas, business models, tools and experiences that can help them meet the challenges of small-scale farming. A study conducted in 2011 by the National Young Farmers Coalition not only quantifies those challenges but gives voice to the frustrations and fears of the farmers dealing with them. Lindsey Lusher Shute started the coalition in 2011 to help define the issues confronting this generation of young farmers and bring about the policy changes needed to give them a leg up. In a nationwide survey of 1,000 farmers, Lindsey found that some of the top barriers impeding them are lack of capital, credit and land. The annual Young Farmers Conference, together with Stone Barns Center’s Growing Farmers Initiative, is designed to give beginning farmers the resources and information they need to overcome these hurdles, as well as be a vital forum for education and training. Problem: Lack of Capital and Access to Credit. Finding the money to start a farming operation can be daunting. Inputs are expensive and the margins are slim. Of the farmers surveyed by the National Young Farmers Coalition, 78% ranked “lack of capital” as their top challenge. Yes, there are loans available from the USDA Farm Service Agency, but current rules are too restrictive, small loans are hard to secure and loans can take a long time to process. Financial straits frequently force beginning farmers to work second jobs: 73% report they rely on off-farm income to make ends meet. This year, the Young Farmers Conference is offering a Business Planning Track—a five-workshop series focused on establishing systems to promote efficiency and help farmers find their market niche. Problem: Access to Land. According to the survey, approximately 78% of beginning farmers did not grow up on a farm. Without inheriting farmland, the prospect of buying land, and at affordable prices, can be unattainable for many, especially for those in areas with high real estate prices. Several conference workshops will explore the access to land issue from different angles, from urban farming to farm ownership. Problem: the Need for Education and Training. All beginning farmers need hands-on training—both technical and practical. They need to learn techniques and ideas from experienced farmers and have an opportunity to put them to work. The survey cited farm apprenticeships as one of the things that currently is working—and arguably one of the things that Stone Barns Center does best for young farmers, with its dozens of apprenticeships offered annually. As the only national annual conference of its size and scope, Stone Barns Center’s Young Farmers Conference is leading the way in educating and convening young farmers. And it offered up education and practical courses in spades: backyard beekeeping, the basics of soil science, pasture-raised laying hens, greenhouse management, sheep-handling skills, poultry-processing, crop rotation, whole-animal butchering—just to name a few. To learn more about the Young Farmers Conference visit virtualgrange.org!
There is a natural healing power in honey of great benefit to man. This is affirmed in verses 68-9 of sura al-Nahl in the Qur’an: And your Lord inspired the bee: ‘Build your homes in the mountans and in the trees and in the (hives) made by mankihd’ Then (He taught the bee) to feed on every kind of fruit (of the earth) and to follow the ways of your Lord made smooth. There comes from inside their bellies a drink of diverse colours in which is healing for mankind. Surely in this is a sign for those people who reflect (al-Nahl, 16.68-9) It is extraordinary that the curative properties of honey are documented in the world’s oldest medical literature. The Sumerians, and Egyptian physicians around 2000 BC, used honey to treat internal and external wounds, ulcers, diseases of the eyes, lungs, skin and, in particular, diseases of the stomach and intestines. The Chinese, the Indians, the Greeks and the Romans also recorded similar practices in their traditions. Hippocrates, the so-called ‘father’ of modern medicine (460-377 BC) also used honey to treat a variety of diseases. Honey was also highly regarded as a tonic to preserve youth and prolong healthy life–one Chinese Emperor used it as a drug to obtain immortality. The great Muslim physician, Ibn Sina (980-1037) wrote dozens of prescriptions containing honey in his world-famous medical textbook ‘The Canon of Medicine’. He is reported to have included among the benefits of honey that it makes you feel happy; that it refreshes you; that it assists digestion and gets rid of wind; that it helps when you have a cold; that it increases appetite; that it improves and sharpens memory; that it eases the tongue (the faculty of speech); and that it preserves youthfulness. THE ANTIBACTERIAL ‘SYSTEM’ IN HONEY In 1937 H. Dold et al. reported that honey has antibacterial activity and called the active agent an ‘inhibine’. Ever since, a number of scientist have tried in vain to discover the identity of this ‘inhibine’. In 1963 J.W. White et al. suggested that the ‘inbibine’ is the hydrogen peroxide produced by the honey’s glucose-oxidase system. However, results obtained by the author and by other scientists such as O.B.O’L. James et al. in 1972 and S.S. Radwan et al. in 1984 do not agree with the attribution of the ‘inhibine’ to the hydrogen peroxide produced. This author’s researches in the laboratory have shown that the antibacterial activity of honey is owed not to a single factor but to a complex ‘system’ of factors, of which there are at list three: 1- The high sugar concentration (76 g/1OO ml) 2- The acidity (pH=3.6-4.2) 3- The organic antibacterial compounds present in honey It was observed that undiluted honey clearly exhibits antibacterial activity. The bacterial cells dry out because of the osmotic effect of the high sugar content in the solution and bacterial growth is retarded in the acidic environment which honey provides. In diluted form neither the sugar in the honey nor the acidity in it has an inhibitive effect on bacteria. Is it then the organic compounds which are responsible for inhibiting bacterial growth? It was also observed that most of the common pathogenic bacteria which infect human beings are killed in honey. Honey therefore acts as a bactericide. The researches established that the ‘inhibine’ is not a single agent but a subtle combination of intricately related factors quite unique in their antibacterial action. Further research is necessary, and is currently in progress, to identify the chemical nature of the organic antibacterial factors in honey. THE BIOCHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF HONEY The biochemical composition of honey is relevant to its curative properties. Beside the existence of the antibacterial ‘system’, honey is known to contain not less than 181 different compounds. These can be classified as follows: - Simple and complex sugars - Organic acids - Minerals and trace elements (resembling blood composition) - Vitamins (both water and fat soluble) - Amino-acids (both essentials and non-essentials) - Proteins (mainly enzymes) - Lipids (simple, complex and wax) - Plant flavours and colouring materials - Microorganisms (yeast) The list above shows just how complex the composition of honey is. It is then less of a wonder that honey contains some combination of elements which have proven so effective in the treatment of wounds and ulcers. Honey not only keeps ruptured cells sterile but also provides all the necessary micronutrients which are the building materials need to assist the cells’ full recovery. Although these micronutrients are present in only small quantities, they are available in the most easily assimilated, soluble forms. In addition, the high energy required for the healing processes to occur is provided by the simple sugars, fructose and glucose, in honey. CLINICAL USE OF HONEY To date the scientific and clinical evidences for the miracle of honey are numerous. Doctors and surgeons have used honey in their medical practice and even openly recommended its use. Among recent examples the use of honey for: Treatment of serious gunshot wounds by Prof. S.A. Simirnov in 1948; Treatment of breakdown surgical wounds by Dr. D. Cavanagh et al. in 1970; Treatment of ulcers, surface wounds, cuts and abrasions by Dr. R. Blomfield in 1973; Treatment of bacterial gastro enteritis (diarrhea) by Dr. I.E. Haffejee and Prof. A. Moosa in 1985; Honey has been proven to be very effective in the treatment of wounds and ulcers Treatment of a wide range of serious long-standing wounds and ulcers by Dr. S.E.E. Efem in 1988; Treatment of infected wounds in vulvectomy, infected perineum, infected abdominal wall wounds and breakdown of abdominal wall scar by Dr. R.J.F. Mclnerney in 1990. In each of these cases honey was praised for its effectiveness as compared to ‘modern-conventional’ treatment. Honey was observed to kill bacteria at the site of wounds, to debride (clean up) wounds, rapidly replacing sloughs (dead cells) and so enabling granulation (scar) tissues to form. Honey also permitted epithelialization (i.e. growth of healthy cells) and the absorption of oedema (swellings) from around the ulcer margins. Honey reduced further infection, the risk of offensively smelly (seriously infected) wounds and so reduced need for skin graft treatments. The verses of the Our’an which affirm the healing properties of honey affirm for us the mercy of Allah, Creator and Sustainer of the Worlds. It is also by this mercy that we study and research what He has created and made intelligible to us, including this miracle of honey. It is easy then to conclude our work, as Muslim scholars and scientists always used to begin their work, by praising Allah, and by saluting the Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace, who left us this advice: Whoever licks honey three mornings in a month is saved from serious illnesses. IOYRICH, N. (1977) Bees and People, Mir Publishers. Moscow. CRANE, E. (1978) Honey: A Comprehensive Review Heinemann, London. WHITE. J.W., Mary. J.R.. Subers. H. and Schepartz, A. I. (1963) ‘The identification of inhibine, the antibacterial factor in honey as hydrogen peroxide and it s origin in a honey glucose-oxidase system’, Biochem. et Biophys. acta, 73. pp.57-70. JAMES. O.B. O’L, Segree. W and Ventura. A.K. (1972) ‘Some antibacterial properties of Jamaican honey’ West Indies Medical Journal, 21(7), pp.7-17. RADWAN. S.S.. El-Essawy, A. A. and Sarhan, M.M. (1984) ‘Experimental evidence for the occurrence in honey of specific substances active against micro-organisms’ Zbl. Mikrobiol.. 139. pp.249-55. KAMARUDDIN. M.Y., Sivanaesan,L and Hamid, A.H.A. (1989) ‘The existence of antibacterial factors in Malaysian Apis cerana honey’, Proceedings of the 14th. Malaysian Biochemical Society Conference pp.l8l-5 JAVANAGH. D., Beazler, C. and Ostapowicz, F. (1970) ‘Radical operation for carcinoma of the vulva: a new approach for wound healing’ Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the British Commonwealth, 77, pp 1037-40. BLOMFIELD, R. (1973) ‘Honey for decubitus ulcers’ Journal of American Medical Association 224, p-905. HAFFEJII, I.E. and Moosa, A. (1985) ‘Honey in a treatment infantile gastroenferitis’ British Medical Journal, 290, pp.1866-7. EFEM. S.E. (1988) ‘Clinical observations on the wound healing properties of honey’ British Journal of Surgery, 75, pp.679-81. MACINERNEY. R.C.F. (1990) ‘Honey: a remedy rediscovered’, Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 83, p.127. KAMARUDDIN, M.Y (1987-91) ‘Biochemical and Pharmacological study on Malaysian Apis cerena honey’, Beekeeping: The Malaysian Beekeeping Research and Development Team - IDRC. 1987-91 Report.
Slovenia is the only country to have the world love in its name. Its capital with a bit of a stretch could be translated as beloved. So, if you still can’t make up your mind on what to give on Valentine’s day to your beloved, surprise them. This Valentine’s day give them a gift made in Slovenia. Or even better promise them a visit to find out if love truly is all around this small European country. Lift their spirits Slovenia is famous for a lot of things, but one thing is for sure – it makes excellent wines known for their quality and taste. While the number might not be so impressive – 80 to 100 million liters of wine are produced annually in Slovenia. Yet almost 70% of Slovenian wines fulfill the criteria for quality and premium wines. It proves that Slovenia has great conditions for wine-growing and experts who know how to use nature’s resources to produce excellent wines. When choosing the right bottle for a gift try the autochthonous varieties, such as Zelen or Pinela from the wine-growing region of Vipavsko or Teran, from the Karst region. But if you think your loved one needs more of a lift me up, why not try Slovenia Vodka. It is created with the waters that flow from the Julian Alps and with just a little bit of buckwheat, a very common grain that grows wild in Slovenia. Maybe go for many different varieties of schnapps, like blueberry, honey, pear… When talking about food and Slovenia you could of course chose a lot of different things, like the amazing prosciutto from the Karst region, special dessert Gibanica from Prekmurje, or potato cooked dumplings with filling – Idrijski žlikrofi. All great options, but in my opinion I think you just can’t go wrong if you pick the amazing sheep cheese made around my favorite town in Slovenia, Bovec. Its taste and smell are well-rounded and slightly spicy. Pair it with a perfect bottle of wine and you have yourself a winner. Raise your glass Enough with the food. How about finding a perfect crystal glass to toast to your happy relationship? Slovenia has one of the leading producers of crystal ware in the world. The Rogaška trademark is at the highest level in terms of quality and design. All about that lace Of course, you can go for the say lingerie, but that might not be appropriate or appreciated by everyone. But lace can make a terrific present. In Slovenia lace-making has a long tradition, the beginnings going back to the 16th century. The most famous lace around is made in Idrija, hence the name Idrija lace. While you won’t find panties, you can chose from cloths, napkins, bed linen, clothes, even earrings… Let them bee happy Slovenia is the only European Union Member State to have protected its native bee, the Carniolan bee. That’s just the beginning of the beekeeping story. Not only is the honey here of really high quality, you get plenty of choices – flower, forest, acacia, linden or spruce honey. And we all know honey isn’t only delicious, it’s full of health benefits. These days beekeepers are getting creative, so you can find other honey products if you don’t think honey itself will make the cut. Grain of salt It might sound weird buying salt as a Valentine’s present, when almost definitely everyone already has it. But the Piran Salt Pans are among those rare salt pans in the world where salt is produced using centuries-old processes. Those involve entirely natural crystallization and working by hand. So, a bit of a gourmet treat for all those who can appreciate it. You might also chose cosmetics using these salts for a bit of pampering. Promise a visit Finally, why not promise a visit to Slovenia. Include this small gem of a country to your bucket list. Come and discover where all these mentioned items come from. Walk through the vineyards, swim in the sea or hike in the hills, where plenty of other amazing things await you.