minnesota governor mark dayton may 30 veto fund state legislature unconstitutional accord state judge void action wednesday ramsey county district court chief judge john guthmann rule democratic governor line-item veto fiscal 2018-2019 legislative appropriations violate state constitution separation power clause lawmakers sue dayton last month claim veto nearly 130 million republican-controlled legislature two-year budget unconstitutional late june judge order fund resume temporarily pending outcome litigation today court rule entire branch government eliminate stroke governor pen senate majority leader paul gazelka republican say statement urge dayton accept verdict governor say appeal rule minnesota supreme court say tax bill pass last may republican legislators jeopardize minnesota structurally balance budget future dayton say statement governor take veto action effort win concessions republican lawmakers tax measure guthmann conclude improper governor use line-item veto authority gain repeal modification unrelated policy legislation effectively eliminate co-equal branch government dayton veto also raise credit concern state leave 80.1 million certificate participation issue 2014 senate office facility without appropriation rental debt payments next due november december judge order fund resume june 30 affirm minnesota aa-plus rat remove watch list potential downgrade minnesota governor 's veto legislative fund void judge
emilie hoffer mika brzezinski daughter instagram check photos find emilie sport make america great trump hat haha instagram comment supportive maga hat look good maga hat mom might happy though .. bad love hat ur mom much 1east one thing right life raise right ouch hour one msnbc morning show begin typically enough mika joe assemble gang could barely contain glee prospect damn testimony jam comey set stage typical mika brzezinski tirade honestly one disgust assault president trump yet unhinge hate https // v=vzouchs22awin case know love lose trump mika check late rant emilie mother think trump narcissist possible mentally ill way table say months ago everyone start say like new ok say well say least well narcissistic believe rule apply ignorance label may apply man say grab women anywhere famous something curious happened.scarborough look camera hear say wow willie geist show something two start laugh clearly listen scarborough bang table stop right laugh need eject button post scarborough appear ask someone else brzezinski finally realize nobody listen demand explanation nothing say crazy say talk break say scarborough barely able get laugher.the show soon go break return scarborough joke keep guard rail brzezinski appear offer explanation action keep guard rail everything say think know say way go talk filter snap scarborough yes say wow msnbc mika happy instagram photo…maga
cj pierson great kid send message never trump crowd think children grandchildren come election vote trump listen chairman teens trump send critical message never trump crowd video
washington u.s. president barack obama invite congressional leaders white house monday attempt break deadlocks government spend plan fund fight zika virus congress must pass temporary spend bill sept. 30 much federal government shut deadline approach obama set meet house representatives speaker paul ryan senate majority leader mitch mcconnell republicans senate democratic leader harry reid house counterpart nancy pelosi also present white house congressional officials say friday particular urgency program fight zika virus run money u.s. center disease control prevention director tom frieden tell reporters frieden also note virus cause severe birth defect would pose threat well 2017 zika likely become endemic hemisphere tell reporters congressional leaders consider attach much 1.1 billion zika spend bill temporarily fund government 2017 fiscal year begin oct. 1. congress yet approve individual appropriations bill fund government fiscal 2017. spend approve end september much government would shut house republican leaders consider senate republican proposal extend current government spend level dec. house appropriations committee chairman hal rogers republican tell reporters rogers say want package include fund combat zika negotiate thursday pelosi call temporary fund measure would include full year fund combat zika february obama ask congress approve 1.9 billion emergency fund deal zika since political party back 1.1 billion fight side issue relate abortion divide one big controversies involve democrats opposition republican-proposed language democrats say would prevent zika fund abortion providers like plan parenthood mainly puerto rico spend bill expire december would provide time autumn lawmakers negotiate spend level rest fiscal 2017. house conservatives oppose idea prefer leave decisions next president new congress take office january obama meet u.s. congress leaders monday spend
washington u.s. treasury secretary steven mnuchin say wednesday trump administration tax reform plan change deductibility mortgage interest charitable contributions let first clarify take away charitable deduction leave mortgage interest deduction mnuchin say interview fox business network think important go look things reduction deductions offset rate say dec. prior president donald trump take office mnuchin tell cnbc trump want cap amount mortgage interest taxpayers deduct mortgage interest deduction already cap loan million marry file income tax jointly 500,000 file separately trump speech congress tuesday night say want provide massive tax relief middle class cut corporate tax rat offer specifics mnuchin say expect tax reform plan pass congress sign president august trump say tax reform reduce tax rat individuals businesses away longstanding tax loopholes broaden tax base order drive u.s. economic growth change mortgage interest deduction trump tax plan mnuchin
michigan former democratic governor jennifer granholm give rick snyder sharp advice saturday.during interview phone granholm tell detroit news believe michigan governor rick snyder move trouble city flint michigan granholm say think ever go fix problem move flint live one house understand urgency citizens flint operate feel deeply every single day deal water poison granholm yet demand snyder resign flint water crisis carefully say someone need get job fix flint water system fix even snyder person would want see pedal metal hair fire action flint think snyder right think somebody come look emergency move heaven earth get pip replace many politicians celebrities either call snyder resign arrest democratic presidential primary candidate bernie sanders call snyder resign immediately michigan primary days away sanders reiterate call campaign events state recent campaign event macomb community college warren mi sanders tell crowd think governor right thing resign far democratic presidential candidate hillary clinton critical snyder administration though yet call resign.the topic sure come presidential debate hold sunday night flint feature image via flickr cc 2.0 via wikimedia commons former democratic gov tell snyder exactly need flint michigan
monterrey mexico maverick mexican state governor wednesday tip presumptive republican presidential nominee donald trump win upcoming u.s. election liken shock victory last year billionaire ascent outspoken rancher know el bronco gruff one jaime rodriguez become first independent governor modern mexico capitalize widespread disaffection establish party win nuevo leon state u.s. border make bet ... say trump go win rodriguez say day trump main rival republican nomination ted cruz drop race trump take advantage anger whole world say trump mad say me speak nuevo leon capital monterrey rodriguez say trump fan would vote ballot add meet group mexican migrants last days also tell think trump would win faith trump presidency real estate mogul know job creator rodriguez say member mexico rule institutional revolutionary party pri rodriguez landslide election victory one country wealthy state last june break pri run anti-establishment campaign week rodriguez victory trump launch bid u.s. presidency put mexico crosshairs leave mexican government struggle come effective strategy counter rhetoric claim latin america economy kill unite state trade trump threaten disrupt bilateral commerce worth 500 billion year punish company move operations offshore also promise deport millions undocumented migrants mexico central america force mexico pay wall border two countries trump path become republican presidential nominee receive boost wednesday u.s. media report last remain challenger ohio governor john kasich suspend campaign rodriguez see political analysts potential candidate mexican presidency 2018. maverick mexico governor tip trump win u.s. presidency
sad commentary generation truly lose moral compass self respect dignity pride 15 second fame yet fathom almost three minutes one even adult employee stop infamous fight inside brooklyn mcdonald s. far one arrest make sixteen-year-old aniah ferguson one six girls attack 15-year-old ariana taylor seem every teenager inside mcdonald witness violent carnage also capture cell phone video.the 15-year-old best hold brawl allegedly arrange via facebook new york daily news report taylor take facebook brag new-found fame user name richey bandz comment taylor social media say applaud shorty icon taylor respond thank guy another user marshonna espinosa say sad little girl think get famous get publicly humiliate famous people felt bad sure ny daily news marshonna assumptions around taylor think famous anything assumptions taylor post photo beat caption gucci take address concern public let us know good.reports claim ferguson hunt taylor since january undisclosed disagreement involve friend suffer injuries take kings county hospital night video share massively online even cover front page new york post daily news though know exploit situations like move make find girls also students erasmus hall high school even world star hip-hop era clip shock view 15-year-old literally punch kick bag warn video contain extreme violence ferguson arrest yesterday criminal record leak history violence 16. arrest stab brother assault grandmother take order protection grandchild total nine arrest six since september ferguson unfortunately epitomize image lifestyle trouble youth late felony charge adult obviously big story around teenagers like ferguson come trouble pasts bring present live allow nothing violence speak them.via hello beautiful video 16 yr old arrest violent gang beat mcdonalds…15 yr old victim brag new find fame
apparently kimmel okay throw half audience away uncontrollable hate donald trump supporters big question parent company abc okay kimmel insult drive 50 audience away late-night comedian jimmy kimmel say would perform emotionally-charged monologues healthcare gun violence heartbeat despite drastic reduction republican viewership show three years ago equally like republicans democrats kimmel tell cbs sunday morning jimmy kimmel live air abc since 2003. republican number go way like 30 percent whatever know talk show host ideal would heartbeat kimmel earn high praise sharp rebuke foray healthcare debate september issue become particularly important comic six-month-old son billy bear rare congenital heart defect.he also garner similar reactions choke monologue implore congress act gun control wake las vegas massacre early october.critics like conservative commentator ben shapiro slam kimmel parade moral arbiter mean agree nobody moral arbiter kimmel tell cbs watch show listen say defiant kimmel add say mind prefer everyone television watch show turn opinion healthcare gun violence know probably want conversation anyway continue good riddance riddance washington examinerkimmel know mock trump comment make billy bush several years ago woman privacy bus travel together jimmy kimmel never count however video resurface ask random women feel pant tell tv audience pretty funny huh yeah misogynist pig republicans never watch arrogant jimmy kimmel say
washington white house send federal departments budget proposal monday contain defense spend increase president donald trump promise finance partly cut u.s. state department environmental protection agency non-defense program two officials familiar proposal say one officials say trump request pentagon include money shipbuilding military aircraft establish robust presence key international waterways chokepoints strait hormuz south china sea second official say state department budget could cut much 30 percent would force major restructure department elimination program officials request anonymity draft budget make public yet trump speech conservative activists friday promise one great military buildups american history defense experts question need large increase u.s. military spend already stand roughly 600 billion annually contrast unite state spend 50 billion annually state department foreign assistance amount trump propose add pentagon budget trim elsewhere yet publicly know john czwartacki spokesman white house office management budget say budget blueprint would release mid-march would premature us comment anyone report specifics internal discussion publication say statement budget plan white house expect send departments agencies monday one stage lengthy process agencies argue fund final spend plan must approve u.s. congress trump budget assume annual economic growth 2.4 percent second official say campaign presidency last year trump call national goal percent economic growth treasury secretary steven mnuchin speak fox news early sunday say trump budget would seek cut federal social program social security medicare trump budget plan boost pentagon trim state dept epa officials
obamas recently move old daughter malia dorm harvard gap year seem spend participate activities attend various music festivals shake booty crowd roll around grind sudden seem fond fame less week since malia obama move dorm officially become harvard university famous freshman.barack michelle obama first-born react angrily saturday gawker wait outside campus store order snap picture famous former occupant white house tmz reported.the gossip site say eyewitness report woman approach malia salad shop cambridge harvard square ask picture grandson.after malia politely decline woman walk reportedly walk outside wait complete purchase exit malia leave store woman snap photo prompt newly mint college student say gon na take face like animal cage malia move harvard university dormitory monday afternoon one day fellow students begin arrive parents.the family join members secret service pull malia new residence two-suv envoy daily mail watch malia obama angrily snap woman ask take picture grandson harvard gon na take face like animal cage
riyadh bribery embezzlement money launder abuse power among accusations level dozens saudi princes officials businessmen detain anti-corruption probe saudi official tell reuters monday eleven princes four minister tens former minister detain late saturday king salman decree creation anti-corruption committee chair crown prince mohammed bin salman 32-year-old son amass expansive power past two years new body give broad power investigate case issue arrest warrant travel restrictions seize assets official say billionaire prince alwaleed bin talal nephew king owner investment firm kingdom hold face allegations money launder bribery extort officials prince miteb bin abdullah remove head powerful national guard accuse embezzlement hire ghost employees award contract company include 10 billion deal walkie-talkies bulletproof military gear worth billions saudi royals former riyadh governor prince turki bin abdullah accuse corruption riyadh metro project take advantage influence award contract company official say former finance minister ibrahim al-assaf board member national oil giant saudi aramco accuse embezzlement relate expansion mecca grand mosque take advantage position inside information benefit land deal official add accusations could independently verify saudi princes accuse bribery embezzlement money launder official
beijing situation korean peninsula dangerous stage chinese foreign minister wang yi tell counterparts brics group nations china foreign ministry say tuesday urgent task prevent north korea nuclear missile program progress avoid escalation tensions especially prevent resort arm wang say speak new york sideline unite nations meet china say situation korean peninsula dangerous
edinburgh britain struggle chart way european union boost case scottish independence first minister nicola sturgeon say sunday shy away commit date another referendum vote scotland reject independence 10 percentage point margin 2014 vote poll indicate support shift significantly since consider independence referendum time clarity face sturgeon say speak scottish national party snp begin three-day conference glasgow people watch chaos engulf uk right people look ahead see damage likely do unfold disaster brexit incompetent chaotic approach brexit preside conservative prime minister theresa may tell bbc think case scotland future scotland hand ... become great strong day sturgeon head devolve scottish government saw party lose one third seat britain june election mistime push another vote secession subsequently put plan hold brexit put union uk four nations strain scotland northern ireland vote remain wales large england vote leave britain main party fight new relationship need bloc 40 years share trade politics may see authority conservatives erode since june snap election lose parliamentary majority mean britain still choice shape future trade relations sturgeon argue believe strongly ideological reason hard practical reason would act monumental folly uk come single market scottish independence case help `` brexit chaos `` sturgeon
bedminster n.j. president-elect donald trump meet sunday billionaire investor wilbur ross possible candidate commerce secretary new administration spokesman trump transition team say saturday trump take office jan. 20 also meet others sunday include new jersey governor chris christie former new york mayor rudy giuliani kris kobach kansas secretary state architect anti-immigration efforts say advise trump immigration issue trump transition team official say senior appointment could announce soon trump meet wilbur ross possible choice commerce secretary
house move close actually represent people vote really mean term stop bleed muslim men syrian refugees country american security foreign enemies act approve us house afternoon prohibit syrian refugees muslim males enter country ensure carefully screen congress need act stop flow potential terrorists mostly military age muslim men condition hat america entire live country.the house representatives approve legislation would make even difficult refugees syria iraq enter unite states.our imperial president barack hussein obama already say veto bill almost unanimous support republicans 47 democrats support house approve 289 vote 137 american security foreign enemies act would require secretary homeland security fbi director director national intelligence certify refugee threat national security admit unite states.this certification would come top preexist extensive screen process refugees seek admittance unite state currently take 18 months.the white house already say president veto legislation chief staff denis mcdonough secretary homeland security jeh johnson capitol hill lobby bill thursday however efforts sway democratic york democrat sean patrick maloney tell reporters think bill represent simple improvement process administration require certify many things federal law understand president direct head agencies within 24 hours completion exist process make certification add new time new york congressman say offensive would stigmatize refugees make victims people suffer much already say think bill unlike reactions many governors republican president candidates refugee issue instead insist represent simple step provide certification preexist screen process.democratic opponents bill representative emanuel cleaver missouri dismiss legislation something simply design make people feel good however note failure among politicians party acknowledge legitimate real fear cleaver echo remark make reporters yesterday democratic senator tim kaine complain obama administration properly explain vet system refugees american public .republicans realistic bill dim prospect become law saw important step raise public awareness refugee issue iowa congressman steve king tell guardian say little congress could pass would avoid veto bill bring public attention .king say think increase public attention would make hard obama veto bill would also need pass senate become law might even make possible obama veto override congress however king think focus refugee issue miss point instead need destroy caliphates defeat ideology islamic jihad .king say equivalent go emergency room patients bleed gurneys go get bucket mop mop instead stop bleed thoughts echo part tim huelskamp kansas note many constituents worry whether syrian refugees properly vet since paris attacks.the kansas republican saw bill prelude fight december budget see possibility attach rider refugee policy appropriations spend bill think president gon na shut government bring syrian refugees country way get attention say via guardian break house vote yes american security foreign enemies act…but really mean nation security
phnom penh cambodian court saturday charge two journalists espionage file news report u.s.-funded radio station carry prison term 15 years prime minister hun sen strongman rule cambodia three decades take strident anti-american line increasingly tense run-up 2018 election crackdown critics right group independent media unite state announce end fund election promise concrete step supreme court dissolve main opposition cambodia national rescue party cnrp thursday request government ground plot seize power party deny accusation two journalists uon chhin yeang sothearin past work washington-based radio free asia rfa broadcast khmer language shut september two charge provide information destructive national defense foreign state catch file stories rfa say ly sophana spokesman phnom penh municipal court send investigate judge procedures ly sophana tell reuters rfa say tie two journalists since shut phnom penh office september charge two former rfa journalists espionage cambodian authorities open door serious form intimidation worthy despots dictators rfa spokesman rohit mahajan say email comment lawyer two say charge serious merely job journalists dangerous country say lawyer keo vanny charge carry 15 years prison men convict say hun sen fight deepen war word u.s. embassy state department government crackdown opposition cnrp leader kem sokha arrest sept. charge treason allege plot take power u.s. help deny pot u.s. state department call friday cambodia release reverse decision ban party western countries decades support cambodia emergence war isolation show little appetite sanction response government crackdown european union raise possibility cambodia lose vital trade preferences cambodian court charge two journalists espionage
hear tidbit good news donald trump main stream media run republican nomination press totally skip testament kindness generosity mr. trump detail trump help hudson family tragedy 2008 wake family tragedy jennifer hudson receive help hand unlikely source donald trump.jennifer family members stay trump international hotel tower chicago trump pick tab safe trump tell people monday night great girl protect well accord online hudson stay hotel since arrive chicago october 24 day mother darnell donerson brother jason hudson find murder nephew julian king find miss since check hotel oscar winner former american idol star rarely leave hotel still shock source tell go much lot security around early week illinois prisoner review board rule william balfour individual identify person interest murder hudson three family members would remain custody authorities continue investigation although balfour charge connection slay parole board rule violate parole result would keep access hollywood donald trump jennifer hudson family tragedy fantastic media ignore
obama vacation top consider bush go crawford ranch much time vacation list vacation long figure martha vineyard vacation past show cost air force one alone multiple millions judicial watch great get number outbound flight martha vineyard obama family august vacation cost taxpayers 890,323.20 return flight washington 273,945.60 total price flight expenditures alone come 1,164, report obamas make point contribute cost taxpayer-funded trip reportedly pay rental cost estate past kicker air force one incur flight cost 2013 grand total 7,396,531.20 get wrong everyone need vacation president wife waaaay toppresident obama family currently reside 22.5 million vacation home complete six bedrooms five bathrooms two half-bathrooms island martha vineyard massachusetts.the huffington post report nearly 7000-square-foot chilmark mansion position nine-and-a-half-acres house sink live room double-height windowed wall allow first family view heat infinity also feature oversized wood-burning fireplace though temperatures island currently reach 80 degrees.despite estate amenities obama spend plenty time golf course wednesday president play game golf nba star alonzo mourn ray allen.the group play course farm neck golf club martha vineyard days early obama spot course play round comedian larry david others.president obama family depart white house massachusetts getaway august day early schedule departure date 17-day vacation four time length average american vacation.obama spend summer vacation president island exception 2012 run reelection obama plan public events vacation.via wfb obama 17-day vacation lavish dig much cost taxpayers
washington u.s. house intelligence committee saturday say reach agreement relate subpoena washington research firm bank record would secure access record panel probe russian meddle 2016 presidential election announcement come day federal judge give unnamed bank time respond congressional panel subpoena fusion gps research outfit hire former british spy compile dossier presidential candidate donald trump washington free beacon conservative online publication back billionaire republican mega-donor paul singer say friday original funder fusion gps project compile opposition research multiple republican presidential candidates include trump trump republicans allege russians pay fusion gps research deal president campaign free beacon say material provide come public source effort separate former british spy dossier allegations russian financial personal link president donald trump campaign associate know steele dossier compile former mi6 officer christopher steele document identify russian businessmen others u.s. intelligence analysts conclude russian intelligence officer work behalf russian government democratic presidential candidate hillary clinton campaign democratic national committee begin pay fusion gps april 2016 research trump arrangement late produce steele dossier trump call allegations campaign collusion moscow hoax repeatedly call dossier fake news much inflammatory time salacious content dossier verify however u.s. officials confirm certain detail closed-door hear senate judiciary committee investigators fusion gps founder glenn simpson say connection firm work dossier legal research lawsuit involve russians attend june 2016 trump tower meet trump son donald trump jr. son-in-law close aide jar kushner former campaign chief paul manafort source familiar hear say u.s. house panel say agreement reach fusion gps bank record
chicago one key players illinois unending financial plight extend peace offer republican governor bruce rauner friday open legislative avenue possible sale state main office build downtown chicago democratic house speaker michael madigan announce legislative committee would explore rauner request sell state age jam r. thompson center high-rise chicago famed loop business district madigan offer follow renew call week governor state dump age office build move say could yield much 220 million illinois deplete treasury cripple feud madigan rauner illinois limp record-setting second consecutive fiscal year without complete budget rauner democratic-led legislature allow state veer deep budgetary no-man land permit six-month fiscal 2017 budget expire dec. 31 technical question pertain sale remain intention work governor develop course action thompson center best serve interest people illinois madigan say statement long-serving house speaker say move keep commitment work cooperatively governor rauner spokeswoman say governor encourage speaker move call sale build good deal taxpayers open 1985 16-story thompson center house 2,000 government workers design award-winning architect helmut jahn name former illinois republican governor serve 14 years build face recur heat cool problems neglect state much three-decade lifespan october 2015 rauner say 100 million need defer maintenance repair contrast rid state complex would return new development chicago property tax roll perhaps generate 45 million annually city governor office say friday budget address wednesday rauner urge lawmakers permit build sale say could help close estimate 4.57 billion state budget deficit fiscal 2018 generate revenue elsewhere everyone benefit sale say city chicago stand gain major new property tax revenue along job come massive development illinois governor 's bid sell state-owned high-rise gain boost
big question year white house easter egg roll whether white house press scretary show easter bunny little know fact tradition spic easter bunny guy know guy dress bunny costume would one day 45th president press secretary 15 surprise facts white house easter egg roll long-established custom roll egg historic ground practically become rite passage observe easter time-honored tradition come long way since officially establish president rutherford b. hay 1878. fact fun washington capitol hill almost become grandstand institution know look back white house easter egg roll 138-year history highlight 15 surprise memorable moments associate sought-after ticket d.c.1 accord white house historical association historians note first lady dolley madison originally propose idea public egg roll around 1810. presidents abraham lincoln andrew johnson young children hold informal egg roll amusement 1860s.2 take advantage day school 10,000 children say gather near cast-iron dome u.s. capitol 1876. baskets tow fill dye easter egg set carry holiday tradition roll egg hill see far go without breaking.3 uh oh come fun police unusual sport roll race hard-cooked egg apparently lot damage ground capitol 1876 members congress approve turf protection act sign president ulysses s. grant prevent capitol ground use playground law suppose take effect 1877 inclement weather prevent easter activities occur year anyway however egg rollers show 1878 turn away force play elsewhere.4 president hay wife lucy bring holiday tradition back late 1878 first official white house easter egg roll every year thereafter notable exceptions presidents host celebration south lawn.5 late 1800s game egg pick egg ball toss catch egg croquet add easter festivities.6 treasure tradition cancel due world war suspend second world war 1942. white house undergo renovations year host congress hold locations.7 12-year hiatus president dwight d. eisenhower bring egg-stravaganza back 1953.8 1969 white house easter bunny go hoppin government trail first time bunny actually staffer first lady pat nixon know easter bunny always part current administration staff rule forbid bunny reveal identity is.9 ursula meese wife president reagan attorney general edwin meese iii quite peter rabbit time perform white house bunny six season earn nickname meester bunny thank unofficial twitter account know fleece costume george w. bush administration well today trade long bunny ears suit podium word yet current press secretary sean spic make furry-tailed appearance year celebration.10 enter sacred spoon 1974. organizers task find silverware first egg-rolling race children use spoon push egg grass marked-off lanes.11 step right circus come town 1977. president jimmy carter introduce three-ring circus menagerie include 1,200-pound steer name big red 12. president ronald reagan superstar right bring little hollywood white house event 1981. wife nancy present broadway show performances egg hunt pit also balloon macy thanksgiving day parade float mid-air.13 reagans also first use wooden egg easter egg hunt sign hollywood elite widely-recognized athletes notable politicians ever since wooden egg imprint president first lady signatures hand small memento children 13 years old.14 2009 easter egg roll become hot ticket d.c. much online lottery ticket establish give children around country opportunity attend lottery hold march year three days only.15 sean spic easter bunny guy via southern live 15 surprise facts white house easter egg roll
washington u.s. senate democrats plan enlist accountants legal experts pore business record exxon mobil chief executive rex tillerson president-elect donald trump pick secretary state democratic aid say tillerson could face rocky confirmation process give concern among democrats republicans tie russia tillerson overcome skepticism republicans could win confirmation since party control slim majority senate trump take office jan. 20. democrats misgive tillerson go well beyond worry might accommodate toward moscow see risk conflict head 380 billion oil giant become nation top diplomat want ensure personal wealth business interest get close scrutiny aid say democrats begin assemble experts prepare tillerson confirmation even nomination formally announce tuesday bring people confirmation battle democratic leadership aide say want thorough review comfortable process take long need many ways exxon operate kind diplomatic corps dispatch executives network government officials 40 countries company operate scale reach exxon mobil ... raise question relationships experience helm exxon mobil influence decision-making secretary say democratic senator chris coons member senate foreign relations committee hold tillerson confirmation hear next month tillerson 64 new york time list 200 highest-paid ceos earn 24.3 million 2016. net worth 150 million plus 70 million pension plan would likely need divest hold exxon stock democrats also consult foreign affairs experts examine relationships countries russia tillerson oppose sanction impose russia annexation crimea say often ineffective exxon say sanction russia could cost hundreds millions dollars look issue like need recuse decisions sanction another democratic aide say exxon also come attack financial arrangements oil production chad company lawyers negotiate 74 billion fine tie accusations royalty underpayment exxon also development right iraq battle islamic state saudi arabia controversial record human right complex relationship u.s. ally israel iran whose international nuclear agreement sign president barack obama harshly criticize trump mr tillerson demonstrate know corporate world put shareholders interest first respect secretary state put national security interest american people first ask senator ben cardin rank foreign relations committee democrat tillerson enjoy strong support republican leaders party members offer mute reactions marco rubio republican member foreign relations panel run trump republican presidential nomination say serious concern tillerson nomination even critics say however open appointment tillerson give satisfactory answer confirmation process lot ways energy energy dependence influence foreign policy decades hopefully bring insights result experience coons say bad get 40 years experience globally business add democrats enlist experts scour tillerson 's business record
baghdad u.s. embassy baghdad say wednesday concern closure local kurdish broadcaster hand iraqi kurdish security force day early concern recent action curb operations media outlets force intimidation specifically yesterday raid kurdistan regional government security force nrt offices sulaimaniya embassy say statement u.s. concern krg security raid local broadcaster embassy
britain hold referendum membership european union june 23. follow detail referendum work night source electoral commission reuters report voters give one piece paper question unite kingdom remain member european union leave european union ask put cross beside either remain member european union leave european union entitle vote uk parliamentary general election vote referendum include british irish qualify commonwealth citizens age 18 resident uk uk nationals resident overseas appear parliamentary election register past 15 years also right vote irish citizens bear northern ireland register vote northern ireland last 15 years addition peer citizens gibraltar able vote european parliamentary election vote deadline register vote midnight june 7. poll station open 0700 bst june 23 close 2200 local time currently plan broadcasters exit poll margin error deem large vote count hand count begin soon poll close apart gibraltar count begin 2300 local time 2200 uk time 382 local count areas count number ballot paper announce local turnout figure areas count area count vote announce local total 382 areas collate regional total final national result final result announce manchester jenny watson chief count officer reuters provide full coverage result factbox britain 's eu referendum work night
recent candid interview washington post democratic candidate bernie sanders open religious faith way many probably find refresh christian conservatives hand might want seat.speaking reporters frances stead sellers john wagner sanders make clear go try get vote play religion card would rather politicians keep faith politics altogether freely admit interest organize religion actively involve organize religion sanders say recent interview.sanders say believe god though necessarily traditional manner think everyone believe god ways say mean us connect life connect tie together word sanders describe early interview jimmy kimmel sanders speak fellow man holy book make want positive force world well know believe spirituality together think good thing believe human be turn back suffer people classic sanders fashion go pivot spiritual muse rail wealth inequality remind sanders claim would rather talk issue face country rather faith lack thereof mean it.this radical deviation american politicians approach voters many particularly right religious pander front-and-center campaign strategy proof one need look many republican candidates hold rally christian universities several even launch campaign singularly focus religion republican politicians consider trump man whose history divorce intolerance greed would make even jesus strain turn cheek manage score key religious ally grovel evangelical leader jerry falwell jr. wait brag it.great honor- rev jerry falwell jr. liberty university one respect religious leaders nation endorse donald j. trump realdonaldtrump january 26 2016eager compete ted cruz find religious leader endorse pastor mike bickle unfortunately man turn rag anti-semite claim hitler send heaven kill jews lord say go give 20 million chance respond fishermen give grace say respond grace go raise hunters famous hunter recent history man name adolf hitler oops.ironically sanders commitment avoid religion public square fall line found father mind lay constitution republicans claim adore many founder religious deeply skeptical let religion dictate secular society vice versa religion private matter politics public one mix two diminish both.politics aside clear bernie sanders defy every rule christian conservatives insist politician must far hurt openness lack organize religion sanders fine stick issue seem genuine drive make things good people really matter able say pray really hard flipside politicians deeply religious seem good track record famously george w. bush say speak god invasion iraq either god sick sense humor voice head fact dick cheney s.feature image via flickr bernie sanders open something make conservatives head explode
beirut president michel aoun tell saudi arabia envoy lebanon friday saad al-hariri must return country lebanese media report aoun also tell saudi charge affaires walid al-bukhari circumstances hariri resignation unacceptable report say hariri resign saudi arabia last saturday lebanon 's aoun tell saudi envoy hariri must return
cairo egypt president abdel fattah al-sisi invite palestinian president mahmoud abbas cairo monday discuss u.s. president donald trump recognition jerusalem israel capital presidential statement say sunday statement say sisi want discuss ways deal crisis manner preserve right palestinian people national sanctities legitimate right establish independent state east jerusalem capital egypt 's sisi invite palestinian president cairo discuss trump 's jerusalem move
katie couric career pretty much free fall since leave today show accept job new host cbs news disgrace ex-host dan rather retire surprisingly catch use manufacture evidence support fake hit-piece design harm credibility president george w. bush shortly katie fail miserably cbs news host gig catch edit documentary gun violence use help push radical anti-gun agenda.katie recently leave yahoo news less spectacular career appear liberal hack reporter katie couric sink new low impossible imagine could sink low couric manage slither bar new instyle magazine gig.the question couric ask perfect strangers funny certainly interest cringeworthy uncomfortable one need watch interview see truly painful cringeworthy interview katie couric hit new career low ask perfect strangers cringeworthy question watch porn …asks couple ever cheat spouse video
december tally chicago far december date shoot kill 29 shoot wound 189 total shoot 218 total homicides 31six men kill least 21 people wound shoot across chicago holiday weekend late homicide happen early sunday englewood neighborhood south side.about 2:15 a.m. 29-year-old tyree white outside 28-year-old woman near west 59th street south wentworth avenue someone walk open fire accord chicago police cook county medical examiner office white 200 block east 121st place shoot chest pronounce dead scene less 30 minutes late authorities said.a pregnant mother three kill hit-and-run driver though baby survive tragedy.karla y. leanos cross street north lawndale 4200 block west ogden around 10 p.m. hit 2008 chrysler travel westbound high rate speed accord police cook county medical examiner office vehicle initially stop police say woman shoot back take stroger condition stabilize police said.saturday night 36-year-old man fatally shoot little village neighborhood southwest side police said.the 36-year-old sit outside people 2800 block west 21st place 9:50 p.m. white suv pull passenger display gang sign fire shots police live matter .just ones kill black neighborhoods.the man shoot chest mouth take friend mount sinai hospital late die police say medical examiner office could immediately confirm fatality.less three hours early 28-year-old man find shoot death west garfield park neighborhood west side.he find 7:20 p.m. 600 block south tripp avenue gunshot wound chest stomach accord police medical examiner office pronounce dead scene name withhold sunday morning pending notification family.another man kill christmas day englewood officer respond call shots fire 11:36 a.m. friday 700 block west 71st street find 20-year-old angelo frazier multiple gunshot wound thigh authorities said.frazier take stroger hospital pronounce dead less hour late authorities say live 600 block sullivan lane university park three hours early 22-year-old man shoot death outside west side austin neighborhood home.kylan d. collier discover unresponsive gunshot wind head 8:30 a.m. stairs back porch home 5500 block west monroe authorities say dead scene weekend first fatal shoot happen 4:50 p.m. thursday park manor neighborhood south side.a witness tell police 30-year-old craig harris go outside four males wait gangway 7300 block south vernon authorities say police say witness hear gunshots run inside call police.harris live block shoot shoot temple pronounce dead scene authorities say late nonfatal attack happen early sunday south side chicago lawn neighborhood.a 55-year-old woman go answer door 6700 block south oakley avenue 5:30 a.m. shoot shoulder abdomen police say two males see flee scene woman take advocate christ medical center oak lawn serious condition police say less 90 minutes early man shoot critically wound englewood officer respond call shots fire 4:15 a.m. find 25-year-old man driver seat vehicle 6000 block south laflin police say suffer multiple gunshot wound body take critical condition stroger 2:27 a.m. two people shoot near aragon ballroom uptown neighborhood north side 68-year-old man stand outside 1100 block west lawrence hear gunfire realize shoot leg police say 34-year-old woman sit vehicle nearby also hear shots suffer graze wind forehead take advocate illinois masonic medical center list good condition police say unoccupied suv crash build discover area shoot immediately clear vehicle connect investigation 6:15 p.m. saturday austin 16-year-old boy stand outside 5200 block west adams two males come alley shoot leave leg police say take west suburban hospital oak park list good condition.less two hours early man shoot oakland neighborhood south side 18-year-old man shoot abdomen 4:30 p.m. 3800 block south ellis attempt robbery police say take northwestern memorial hospital condition stabilize least 14 people wound shoot since 12:15 p.m. thursday.additionally three people shoot saturday chicago police man woman fatally shoot west garfield park neighborhood a.m. man critically wound separate police-involved shoot afternoon washington heights via nbc chicago priorities blacklivesmatter terrorists protest cop gun-free chicago ignore murder 21people shoot christmas weekend
stockholm listeners commercial radio station mix megapol sweden hear 30 minutes islamic state propaganda song friday hackers take station frequency station owners say mix megapol one sweden big radio station around 1.4 million listeners daily although problem affect listeners southern swedish city malmo somebody interfere frequency use pirate transmitter jakob gravestam market director bauer media group own mix megapol say press release report incident police national post telecom agency song male voice sing english feature lyric sake allah march gate paradise maidens await men love death love life soldier fight day night host popular morning show anders gry friends notice problem listeners call ask go lot people call us happy people vigilant treat seriously gravestam tell website 24malmo hackers play 30 minutes islamic state propaganda swedish radio
except someone try rob break home restaurant course sheriff deputies welcome feel lucky sedro-woolley wash. sheriff county 70 miles north seattle say restaurant owner ask law enforcement long dine there.skagit county sheriff reichardt say facebook four deputies finish lunch lucky teriyaki sedro-woolley thursday owner ask eat anymore.reichardt say deputies tell customers like law enforcement sheriff say chief deputy call owner late thursday say request confirm along request spread word among law enforcement agencies.update owner lucky teriyaki break tear thursday night say cop welcome restaurant even get free meals monday public backlash report skagit county sheriff say man tell deputies law enforcement officer long welcome establishment.the man son say misunderstand apologize incident come light thursday skagit county sheriff richard post message facebook page leave speechless learn owner teriyaki restaurant ask deputies return eat customers like law enforcement q13fox washington restaurant tell local sheriff deputies welcome…tells spread word video
assimilate go home late move deny citizenship anyone choose assimilate swiss culture authorities reject naturalization application two muslim girls refuse take require swim lessons school boys would present pool.the girls age 12 14 live northern city basel apply swiss citizenship several months ago request deny swiss media report tuesday.the girls whose name disclose say religion prevent participate compulsory swim lessons males pool time naturalization application reject sisters comply school curriculum basel authorities say whoever fulfill condition violate law therefore naturalize stefan wehrle president naturalization committee tell tv station srf tuesday.the case show follow swiss rule customs become citizens even live country long time fluent one national languages german french italian gainfully april members immigrant family basel area deny citizenship wear sweatpants around town greet passersby sure sign sufficiently assimilate naturalization board claimed.another recent case spark widespread outrage switzerland two muslim brothers refuse shake hand female teacher also cite religious restrictions shake hand teacher common practice swiss schools.after incident widely publicize authorities suspend naturalization request boys father imam basel mosque.the swim case involve two girls first deny naturalization applications comply school program set precedence future case wehrle said.this first time switzerland muslim community stir controversy swim lessons 2012 family fin 1,500 forbid daughters participate swim classes.the matter eventually end supreme court rule dispensations swim lessons make religious switzerland unlike unite state many countries integration society important naturalization knowledge national history politics candidates citizenship must prove well assimilate communities respect local customs traditions dc watchdog via shoebat switzerland play game muslim immigrants reject culture reject application citizenship
tokyo japan defense ministry sunday say search three crew members maritime self-defense force msdf helicopter sea japan contact lose chopper one crew member rescue uninjured ministry say sh-60j anti-submarine warfare helicopter lose contact around 90 km 56 miles coast aomori prefecture late saturday say flight data recorder locate say actually happen helicopter whether crash ditch sea msdf launch investigation incident early month four japanese crew members injure ch-101 chopper crash land train exercise iwakuni air base yamaguchi prefecture western japan three miss japan military helicopter lose contact sea japan
new york u.s. president donald trump say wednesday make decision whether pull unite state 2015 nuclear deal iran world power decline say trump ask reporters say decide trump certify october iran comply agreement u.s. congress 60 days decide whether reimpose sanction waive pact trump say make decision iran deal decline say
washington u.s. lawmaker urge obama administration suspend cooperation saudi-led coalition conduct airstrikes yemen say letter release wednesday civilian casualties strike appear result war crimes rep. ted lieu california democrat write secretary state john kerry tuesday say coalition conduct 70 unlawful airstrikes yemen appear either saudi coalition intentionally target civilians distinguish civilians military target would war crimes write lieu teach class law war lawyer u.s. air force letter increase pressure white house yemen administration announce saturday review support saudi-led coalition air strike kill 140 mourners funeral u.s. arm sales riyadh support coalition halt white house review complete lieu write lieu also cite reuters article publish monday report obama administration go ahead arm sales saudi arabia despite officials fear washington could implicate war crimes support saudi-led air campaign saudi-led coalition say take responsibilities international humanitarian law seriously commit protection civilians yemen state department spokesman john kirby say statement wednesday receive letter aware congressional concern regard arm sales saudi arabia remain gravely concern high toll conflict include civilian casualties damage infrastructure cause side conflict aid assistance country always review subject modification go review position continue policy discussions kirby say several recent efforts u.s. congress halt arm sales saudi arabia fail white house saturday announce initiate immediate review u.s. support saudi-led coalition apparent coalition air strike funeral saudi arabia say investigate circumstances strike u.s. lawmaker urge saudi arm sales halt cite possible yemen 'war crimes
mexico city mexicans celebrate easter ritual late saturday burn effigies u.s. republican presidential hopeful donald trump whose anti-immigrant view spark outrage south american border mexico city poor la merced neighborhood hundreds cheer residents yell death various insult watch explosion grin papier-mâché mock-up real estate tycoon replete blue blazer red tie trademark tuft blond hair media report trump effigies burn across mexico puebla mexico industrial hub monterrey burn part widespread mexican holy week tradition neighborhoods burn effigies represent judas iscariot betray jesus christ accord bible effigies often model unpopular political figure since start campaign begin talk immigrants mexico mexicans say get get guy say felipe linares artisan craft trump whose family make judases 50 years trump front-runner win republican nomination nov. election draw fire mexico campaign vow build wall along southern u.s. border keep illegal immigrants drug make mexico pay mexican president enrique pena nieto say country pay wall liken trump strident tone ascent dictators like adolf hitler benito mussolini trump also arouse concern among many party proposals accuse mexico send rapists drug runners across border vow increase fee mexican visa border cross card help make mexico pay wall judas effigies burn villages towns several latin american countries venezuela part greece anthropologists say practice serve symbolic function overcome divisions unite communities around common enemy linares also do mock-ups corrupt former union leader elba esther gordillo president enrique pena nieto whose popularity hit conflict-of-interest scandals disappearance 43 students hand corrupt police mexicans burn donald trump effigies easter ritual
mexico city bid u.s. president donald trump deport non-mexican illegal migrants mexico enrage mexicans top agenda officials countries meet thursday amid deepen rift two nations u.s. government tuesday say would seek deport many illegal immigrants mexico enter unite state regardless nationality prompt fiery response mexican officials call measure unilateral unprecedented mexican foreign minister luis videgaray say new immigration guidelines would top agenda meet mexico city u.s. secretary state rex tillerson homeland security secretary john kelly stake high unite state since mexico warn breakdown relations could affect extensive cooperation fight narcotics stem flow central american migrants reach u.s. border talk point senior official show mexicans plan seek information trump executive order summit officials plan say worry consequences mexican nationals unite state note show part response videgaray say mexico foreign ministry would get involve legal case unite state consider right mexicans violate mexican government take measure legally possible defend human right mexicans abroad especially unite state videgaray say visit include meet mexican president enrique pena nieto well military finance interior officials suppose focus border security law enforcement trade accord state department hop thaw relations low series botch meet last month deepen tensions historic ally relationship ... historic low would wishful think assume new concrete agenda items advance come point jason marczak director atlantic council latin america economic growth initiative say pena nieto abruptly cancel plan january summit trump real estate mogul suggest mexican leader come refuse pay border wall trump sign first executive order punish sanctuary cities build wall could cost around 21.6 billion first time videgaray travel washington negotiate counterparts last month trump also threaten rip key trade deal unite state mexico renegotiate favor american interest tuesday guidance also call hire 15,000 immigration agents subject immigrants show country two years expedite removal past unite state struggle fill vacancies thank rigorous vet requirements deportation spat overshadow trump envoys talk angry mexico
pure gold ultimate race-baiter-in-chief get call phony topic obama pretend care black community let talk black unemployment skyrocket fraud race hustlers civil right activists meet white house thursday president barack obama though leader black live matter list expect attendee blast white house organize photo-op without address real problems minority communities could integrity participate sham would serve legitimize false narrative government work end police brutality institutional racism fuel write aislinn pulley leader black live matter chicago white house say wednesday would meeting.other attendees include deshaunya ware student leader university missouri protest group concern student 1950 al sharpton president national action network naacp president cornell brook national urban league leader marc op-ed truthout pulley say respectfully decline white house invitation attend panel organize part administration mark black history month impression meet organize facilitate genuine exchange matter face millions black brown people unite state instead arrange basically photo opportunity 90-second sound bite president pulley wrote.obama address absence speak reporters meet instead say encourage degree focus seriousness constructiveness exist exist civil right organizations new generation serious young people tell much good organizers age confident take america new heights said.later thursday senior administration official say obama attorney general loretta lynch members obama administration productive dialogue civil right leaders range important issue like criminal justice system education economy build trust law enforcement communities serve continue engage many organizations individuals choose participate meet ongoing discussions strengthen communities move country forward official said.speaking white house driveway meet obama sharpton say group discuss ongoing fight name replacement late supreme court justice antonin scalia say gop-led effort senate scuttle presidential supreme court nominee would reflect civil right violation act president anything less president unite state january 20 2017. minimize marginalize disregard without american people sharpton said.obama defend group spring high-profile incidents police kill unarm black men say october communities grievances must take seriously push back notion organizations like black live matter anti-police think everybody understand live matter think reason organizers use phrase black live matter suggest nobody else live matter obama say event october rather suggest specific problem happen african-american community happen communities legitimate issue get address say via cnn black live matter organizer refuse meet obama race hustlers…calls meet white house sham…photo-op…sound bite obama
way work may occasionally see portable electronic traffic sign keep aware oncoming traffic problems perhaps exit close thing though sign program say anything exactly happen texas department transportation early tuesday morning dallas texas.three sign seem affect one read bernie president another read work cancel go back home however third one say something pretty damn hilarious perhaps honest really know without proof read donald trump shape-shifting lizard check 'm sure txdot mean road sign say dallas nbcdfw tim ciesco timciesconbc5 may 31 2016the texas department transportation seem quickly become aware sign say promptly send someone turn see update txdot crew come turn hack sign westmoreland i-30 tim ciesco timciesconbc5 may 31 2016this likely last time something like happen consider presidential election one bizarre ones recent memory mean goodness sake donald trump presumptive gop nominee really get much bizarre sake america let make sure actually win.featured image via video screen capture traffic sign hack pro-bernie hilarious anti-trump message video
mike webb conservative christian run office hop represent virginia 8th district unite state house representatives independent days webb announcement career may already due careless screenshot take post campaign facebook webb accidentally leave couple porn sit open browser see image screenshot webb share close look screenshot story get even hilarious consider webb already involve another controversy webb fail file fec report time claim could virus infect computer.the post 11 hours time write since webb post screenshot make two post facebook page first one write long letter condemnation towards mock begin post write see dirty post webb write one far bizarre begin post say thank tab check ranger buddies follow bible verse lord good mercy everlasting truth endureth generations psalm 100:5the post accompany screenshot show page reach proud negative attention receive webb go write lord lift apparently webb mind jesus mentality public relations agent hold true theory publicity bad publicity.featured image screenshot via mike webb campaign site conservative christian run congress share screenshot porn tabs open image
think need somebody know military think rick perry know military find difficult want commander chief experience trench whatsoever like somebody answer high power time truly go high power see believe elect leader strong moral compass care people agenda humble good economically taya kyle endorse rick perry president bash obama
listen donald trump one really believe anything actually say without tangible proof let say honest fellow guy really like talk regardless big falsifications actual events trump get catch suppose donations veteran group call pretty blatant falsehoods reporters verbally assault like people call lies.noticing lie misrepresentations actualities democratic front-runner hillary clinton imagine greatly exaggerate claim raise money veterans donations make organizations would get eat alive press would likely major game-changer.clinton call live cnn regard trump say well think problem difference donald trump say donald trump brag months raise six million dollars veterans donate million dollars take reporter shame actually make contribution get money veterans look glad finally know get much credit absolutely correct likely true trump call donations probably still would made.donald trump love donald trump anyone else planet like everyone else someone go one love may get brutally defensive witness media scrutinization trump suppose donations handle scutinization press hell go handle leader free world listen hillary clinton donald trump sham actually make contribution veterans https // https // cnn politics cnnpolitics may 31 2016featured image via video screen capture hillary call live cnn pummel trump veteran donations video
confirm anyone pay attention already know huffington post interest report news strictly serve propaganda arm progressive leave early month political news organizations wrestle rise donald trump washington post senior politics editor steven ginsberg offer philosophy view make decisions solely accord may win nomination bad way cover presidential election say whole lot happen way nomination explain happen candidates country without top since trump influence republican primary grow surge front pack lead rival point recent fox news usa today/suffolk poll respectively raise issue resonate conservative voters force gop candidates come forward stand likely appear near center-stage inaugural republican debate aug. lead pile-on jeb word trump major character chapter 2016 presidential election story ginsberg say explain happen candidates country without top friday however huffington post politics team announce would long cover candidate political story watch listen donald trump since announce candidacy president decide report trump campaign part huffington post political coverage instead cover campaign part entertainment section write reason simple trump campaign sideshow take bait interest donald say find next stories kardashians bachelorette quick fact-check 1. huffington post take bait continue cover trump continue benefit click 2. trump campaign sideshow lead field therefore daily preoccupation candidates hours post note huffington post send email clarify impact trump republican party immigration debate real thing cover substance anything tumble mouth land entertainment page one might conclude huffington post announcement amount trump-style grandstand claim condemn large level seem miss point politics theater countless statements tumble forth mouth candidates top-tier third-tier make precisely rile base bait opponent get free play media etc huffington post politics team cover stories almost surely continue even come candidates less shoot party nomination trump.via politico huff ton post cover republican frontrunner donald trump campaign
barcelona spanish riot police begin deploy area barcelona sunday shortly poll station due open dispute catalan independence referendum el pais newspaper report video el pais website show helmeted riot police standoff group angry voters near vote station barcelona school voters raise hand shout national police deploy catalan regional police close poll station line court order spanish national police deploy near barcelona vote station el pais
new york u.s. house representatives committee launch probe drugmaker allergan plc agn.n deal transfer patent native american tribe shield review bipartisan group four representatives house oversight government committee include republican chairman trey gowdy top democrat elijah cummings send letter company tuesday say arrangement could impair competition across pharmaceutical industry allergan say last month transfer patent dry eye medication restasis new york saint regis mohawk tribe agree exclusively license back company exchange ongoing payments representatives ask allergan provide document agreements tribe financial detail drug cover patent document whether drugmaker consider similar arrangements drug allergan say plan cooperate committee request company share close 1.18 0.6 percent 209.80 tuesday allergan argue legal maneuver aim remove administrative patent challenge inter part review ipr u.s. patent trial appeal board challenge federal court drugmaker say believe patent subject ipr process tribe sovereign immunity company still face challenge patent federal court say plan invoke tribe immunity federal court still legal experts say maneuver could also use protect patent challenge federal court well early tuesday allergan chief executive brent saunders defend transactions proper way shield patent flaw break ipr process saunders send letter republican senator charles grassley democratic senator dianne feinstein chairman rank member senate judiciary committee four democratic u.s. senators ask launch committee investigation deal last week allergan competitor mylan nv myl.n challenge patent ipr process call allergan deal tribe sham transaction say tribe allow invoke immunity patent board previously recognize immunity state entities public universities tribal immunity consider even strong shield u.s. house committee launch probe allergan patent deal
trump big insane surrogate rudy giuliani get bad news daughter caroline back democratic nominee hillary clinton president donald trump father new bff.after post facebook pro hillary along make profile picture clinton iconic giuliani confirm account indeed father rudy know love hillary think far qualify candidate long dad know barack 2012. know fully comfortable think right opinion.she comment father surrogacy support trump facebook share article title write despise hillary clinton today publicly want take back giuliani write pro-hillary along people will open mind shift perspectives ones power save country point really respect article imwithher voteaccording politico young giuliani one drift father election new york time report many former mayor loyal former aid reject trump candidacy express concern giuliani embrace manhattan mogul extreme view specifically immigration former staffers like onetime press secretary matt higgins endorse seem like rudy really rocker everyone around include family vote wonder trump promise pay giuliani ardent downright insane support.featured image via matt millis mcknight/getty image rudy giuliani daughter announce back hillary clinton
december 1955 montgomery alabama rosa park bravely defy bus driver order give seat white person move back bus park refusal remember one great moments civil right history unfortunately history way repeat california lawsuit many compare san fransisco woman rosa park good reason.toni young travel via greyhound family celebration sacramento african-american woman sit front bus drive caucasian lady cynthia lara driver explain young expect elderly woman board reach sacramento young destination would need move back bus.young explain would get bus sacramento seat would available need good enough lara however insist young move complain woman far uppity young quietly comply attorney michael adams explain client quietly say attitude lara loudly assert attitude call security remove young bus oakland point young say lara loudly mutter racial slur shock incident like reminiscent rosa park incident many years ago adams say young wait several hours another bus await new transportation ask paperwork file complaint tell greyhound form request speak manager inform none available.young eventually reach sacramento family celebration end time arrive dehumanize incident life explain young never ride greyhound bus young say suffer psychological trauma include post-traumatic stress disorder depression anxiety seek punitive damage company shock incident like reminiscent rosa park incident many years ago adams say point incident last year group african-american women kick napa valley wine train laugh black society seem backslide says.sadly right donald trump go republican nominee.featured image via raw story greyhound driver kick black woman bus refuse move back
julian assange tell next motivate also believe trump great freedom press america wikileaks julian assange say new email indict hillary…and trump fan video
mumbai rush hour stampede kill least 22 people wound 36 friday sudden monsoon downpour busy railway station india commercial hub mumbai government emergency officials say india world fourth big rail network grapple underinvestment overcrowd especially city 20 million rail accidents kill 3,000 people last three years cause stampede tiny bridge central elphinstone road station investigate police official accident site say injure serious condition deepak sawant health minister western state maharashtra mumbai capital say hospital injure take stampede station recently rename prabhadevi take place cloudburst catch commuters guard send score scurry cover pedestrian overbridge say akash koteja one injure train roll people want get station others make way try lead stampede koteja add bridge usually crowd time day also provide exit route passengers disembark adjoin railway station add manish mishra witness help injure say situation worsen officials respond immediately take step control crowd emergency officials respond rapidly state officials say however immediately incident rail police hospital authorities rush provide treatment injure state minister vinod tawde tell reporters railways minister piyush goyal visit mumbai order enquiry incident lead top railway safety official say social network twitter last two months mumbai reel devastation cause heavy seasonal monsoon rain last month deluge kill 14 people wreck home cause chaos torrential rain also blame collapse 117-year-old build kill 34 people water-logging last week disrupt flight passenger jet overshoot runway prime minister narendra modi finance minister arun jaitley send twitter condolence message stampede victims families hundreds social media users anger event question government priorities target modi ambitious 17-billion plan bullet train link mumbai ahmedabad neighbor gujarat state many tweet urge government fund basic rail upgrade instead stampede india 's financial capital kill least 22
report yesterday tea party favorite congressman dave bratt ask house members consider elect another person replace anti-trump days election paul ryan apparently one care enough listen voice 100 feed americans paul ryan recently pledge support trump see come immigration.paul ryan unanimously choose another term house speaker republican colleagues tuesday call party unite behind president-elect donald trump.the 46-year-old wisconsin republican often odds trump long presidential campaign pledge work closely president-elect advance trump agenda welcome dawn new unify republican government ryan declare news conference hours closed-door leadership elections feel really good say actually government focus turn president-elect trump victory real progress american people team excite wait get work ryan face election full house january new congress convene vote speaker must win majority house members 218 vote keep job republicans control least 239 seat usa today break gop house choose same…pro-immigration ryan win speaker reelection video
istanbul turkish authorities issue detention warrant monday 106 people believe work matchmakers network accuse orchestrate last year fail military coup spokesman istanbul police say sixty-two suspect detain operation center istanbul spread 20 provinces say operations locate rest ongoing suspect marriage officials supporters u.s.-based cleric fethullah gulen turkish government say behind fail july 2016 coup spokesman say gulen deny involvement coup attempt believe help set arrange marriages gulen followers say turkish officials say gulen network closely monitor personal professional live supporters include education career marriages turkish police state intelligence officials identify suspect joint operation use conversations trace bylock encrypt message application commonly use gulen supporters spokesman say turkey identify 215,092 users bylock launch investigations 23,171 interior minister say last month 50,000 people include security officials military personnel civil servants detain aftermath coup crackdown alarm turkey western ally right group say president tayyip erdogan use coup pretext muzzle dissent government say measure take emergency rule impose coup necessary due security threats turkey face turkey issue warrant 106 'matchmakers cleric 's network
rome italian government wednesday five confidence vote call new electoral law upper house parliament prime minister paolo gentiloni call motion get package approve quickly face furious opposition anti-system 5-star movement small leftist group final vote law schedule thursday morning italy government win five confidence vote electoral law
seriously apparently think president would automatically make everyone love him.the women march washington clearly several time large donald trump inauguration fact big happen around world.trump absolutely obsess crowd size since inauguration day like still obsess lose popular vote election day november.the bottom line trump illegitimate president truth hurts.and accord white house source speak associate press trump whine massive protest media coverage enjoy president long continue occur.after relish friday inaugural festivities new president grow increasingly upset next day felt bias media coverage women march across globe protest election accord person familiar think two people close trump say expect coverage turn favorable take office instead tell people believe get bad bad press weekend allow trump enjoy white house feel deserve accord one person speak him.if trump really want protest hat cover intensely media run president first place get deal pros con job surely know stuff prior throw hat ring conservatives constantly attack president obama eight years obama also receive threats life sort racial epithets hurl something trump definitely deal with.but trump want protest bad press stop two choices first could simply stop dick start protect progress country make last 70 years instead destroy piece piece second could resign.because whine try restrict free press free speech right protest protest bad news get return.for reason trump expect everyone kiss ass election night inauguration day seriously think would adore destroy live millions people embarrass america around globe assume presidency would one long vacation everyone would worship one would ever protest write something negative short think dictator north korea president unite states.donald trump thin-skinned bully protest continue theme next years free press get work tell truth trump every chance get piss get clear become american people totally unfit office holds.featured image via specer platt/getty image snowflake trump whine media protesters let enjoy president
listen mind boggle answer question ask caleb bonham founder campus reform fun include late ad americarisingpac want miss promise pretty awesome big reason vote hillary reason would support woman president like say support scott walker man would sexist think qualify factor president commander chief woman watch amaze new anti-hillary ad america rise pac watch happen college students ask ready hillary
continue controversy former national security adviser michael flynn communications russia late series imbroglios roil trump administration since take office jan. 20. several tempests swirl around new white house flynn quit monday mislead white house contact russia take office president donald trump lose trust white house spokesman sean spic say u.s. lawmakers include lead republicans call investigation thursday trump dismiss controversy tie aid russia ruse scam perpetrate hostile news media deny associate contact moscow last year election trump nominee head labor department fast-food executive andrew puzder wednesday withdraw name consideration amid concern could garner enough senate vote confirm puzder admit feb. employ illegal immigrant house clean already face strong opposition senate democrats progressive group view labor issue thursday trump nominate former national labor relations board member r. alexander acosta secretary labor national security mar-a-lago private guests trump mar-a-lago resort florida snap photos president visit japanese prime minister shinzo abe confer look document surround aid follow weekend missile launch north korea one guest post facebook page picture man describe holder nuclear football weapons cod incidents prompt concern national security republican representative ask white house detail trump issue executive order jan. 27 temporarily ban u.s. entry travelers seven muslim-majority countries refugees cite need protect americans ban trigger protest across unite state confusion u.s. overseas airports multiple legal challenge federal judge seattle feb. suspend ban order uphold federal appeal court san francisco thursday trump say would issue new version order next week seattle judge order draw fire trump twitter criticize jurist court system republican president supreme court nominee neil gorsuch say last week twitter attack demoralize dishearten accord spokesman trump say gorsuch comment misrepresent trump senior adviser kellyanne conway urge americans last week buy daughter ivanka trump clothe jewelry products appearance national television program department store chain nordstrom inc say drop due decline sales conway endorsement follow twitter attack trump nordstrom prompt criticism democrats republicans tuesday office government ethics say white house investigate whether conway violate ethics rule mexican president enrique pena nieto scrap plan meet counterpart washington second week trump presidency trump tweet mexico cancel meet prepare pay propose border wall trump abruptly end phone call late january australian prime minister malcolm turnbull tell leader one unite state close ally bad call far foreign leader accord washington post trump say deal unite state australia refugee resettlement dumb accuse turnbull country try export next boston bombers agreement post say factbox trump controversies michael flynn travel ban others
persuasion important resistance become church church seek convert huh guy allow spew propaganda like expert americans unreal anyone else listen time let sink american mirror report despite trump obvious successes implement campaign promise like tax cut root isis bring back job giridharadas believe resistance effective protect institutions 2017. think 2017 think resistance incredibly important frankly point view president shatter every democratic norm people side take grant allege movement do good job 2017 protect institutions protect institutions think go miss opportunity plan progressives giridharadas argue take resistance movement people allegedly like tell folks way think wrong convince join force president president cut taxes.notice one person panel refute say fair balance msnbc trump resistance become church seek convert video
group vice president-elect mike pence new washington neighbor invite comet ping pong pizzeria center debunk conspiracy theory early month man gun storm pizzeria late arrest believe pedophile ring pizzeria conspiracy theorists say link hillary clinton someone could die trump supporter believe fake news circulate right wing sit say hillary run child sex slave ring.pence currently live chevy chase neighborhood move vice-president mansion temporary residence though near comet ping pong.a group pence neighbor call neighbor organize power equality post open letter medium order extend invitation vice president-elect meet pizzeria hope conversation pence discuss negative impact fake news sure aware comet ping pong beloved neighborhood restaurant savage attack result detestable fake news story claim restaurant owner involve child exploitation ring tie hillary clinton letter read falsehood first appear so-called alt-right news sit quickly spread across internet although preposterous face repeatedly debunk law enforcement story provoke deluge death threats menace visit threaten conduct aim restaurant employees appear threats spread small businesses block new neighbor hurt parent grandparents leave struggle explain traumatize children man would fire gun family gather place heart community letter continue families frighten safety letter say pence meet neighbor could help bring end madness send powerful message perpetrators hateful attack baseless dangerous campaign hate must stop letter read last sunday assault comet end peacefully next attack may hope join new neighbor comet ping pong please come bring family vote appetite conscience hatred division controversy stoke letter concludes.earlier month bigoted vice-president-elect new neighbor begin hang gay pride flag outside mark wilson via getty mike pence dc neighbor invite dine pizzeria target trump supporters
lie liar pant continue fudge hedge bet short memory american voter make want take shower dirty dirty dirty politics crazy thing 44 american voters still like hillary president character candidate matter unreal break video clinton explain discrepancy start use private server
washington visit singapore prime minister tuesday president barack obama extol trans-pacific partnership tpp trade deal commit get deal do top white house official say friday even though obama fellow democrats pan convention week obama want u.s. congress approve 12-nation trade deal see central part economic foreign policy legacy leave white house jan. 20. free trade deal blame u.s. manufacture plant closure job losses stagnant wag obama cast tpp right wrong past trade deal like north american free trade agreement mexico canada countries also part tpp democratic presidential candidate hillary clinton republican donald trump oppose tpp become hot-button issue campaign replace obama congressional leaders pessimistic odds ratify deal either short session september brief lame duck session nov. election obama roll red carpet singapore prime minister lee hsien loong tuesday one main goals lift benefit tpp say daniel kritenbrink top asia policy adviser white house national security council predict also say prime minister commit get tpp do end term kritenbrink tell reporters friday tpp go great american economy american workers american company kritenbrink say note singapore signatory deal strongly support trump argue vociferously multinational trade deal like tpp say would prefer instead deal specific countries one one thursday night rally cedar rapids iowa trump say tpp reject like trade unite state make lot money say trump critical clinton obama former secretary state vice presidential run mate tim kaine shift position oppose trade deal sign protest deal prominent democratic convention wrap thursday kaine democratic senator praise tpp deal join clinton ticket tell cnn friday concern deal give corporations power challenge trade practice unions environmental group deal go come vote vote secret court open company kaine say interview obama acutely aware difficult election year politics tpp stop forge ahead white house spokesman eric schultz tell reporters friday president absolutely believe deal pass year schultz say obama showcase tpp trade deal demonize campaign
president obama trip hiroshima would come go without official apology japanese people drop hellfire end world war ii official position u.s. government bomb necessary evil end war end sight ultimately save live bring world back peace president position apologize mean man know come expect be.while president speech eloquent remind us people hiroshima like moment share man survive bomb catch attention world video abc news see president obama intently listen man story translator one point man begin break president obviously work pure decency instinct put arm around man give hug.the japanese proud people prefer bow handshake elderly gentleman hell back seem grateful president unite state would show compassion conservatives demonize president plan visit site weeks force condemn action apology rather human connect another human display true compassion something shallow selfish mind quite reconcile anne coulter example tweet bite assholery president hit podium hiroshima someone `` bear hawaii `` 'd think obama would prefer visit pearl harbor ann coulter anncoulter may 27 2016leave someone crass coulter take something simple trip friendly state turn ugly thing possible may point though idiots harp trip call something point like japanese government ever apologize pearl harbor right oh wait yes did.regardless clown task rile conservative base think particular state trip make us understand diplomacy proud americans.featured image via screen capture touch moment potus share hiroshima survivor sorely miss video
one donald trump top advisers repeatedly try change subject interview msnbc monday tamron hall none it.from republican nominee refusal release tax illegal donation pam bondi immigration policy hall grill a.j delgado burn crisp.delgado brag 88 retire military veterans endorse boss claim trump constantly fundraise donate money veteran organizations delgado also claim hillary clinton record help usual trump slander hillary clinton lie done.according correct record hillary clinton work tirelessly senate pass legislation aim help veterans.she introduce heroes home act 2006 2007 help families care veterans traumatic brain injuries post-traumatic stress disorder fight increase survivor benefit military families 12,000 100,000 addition help author new g.i bill right fight expand retirement disability well family medical leave veterans well.hall point trump hand really prove donate lot veteran group refuse release tax returns.delgado drag tire old excuse trump release tax audit hall immediately call bullshit yes hall say nothing prevent delgado suppose lawyer argue hall repeatedly say finally concede legally release tax try make discussion hillary clinton health want release delgado ask think big issue hillary clinton medical record unperturbed hall make clear american voters right see tax know invest money new york time report tie chinese bank potential investments russia need know presidential candidate release information frankly time irs speed finish damn audit trump long use excuse.hall move slam trump whine hillary tie foreign leaders claim run pay-to-play secretary state hall point trump involve real pay-to-play scandal right florida attorney general pam bondi drop investigation trump university shortly trump donate campaign sound like situation pay-for-play hall say prompt yet whine delgado yet another attempt pivot hillary clinton pam bondi ask donation even know complaints come office hundreds complaints delgado say bring another question would bondi kill investigation even though complaints flow office trump university definitely sound like bondi pay drop it.hall point hillary donate bondi case magically drop trump would lose shit would say way hillary clinton conversation lawsuit come hall say remember suspicions regard attorney general loretta lynch bill clinton plane donald trump would accept answer delgado try portray irs fine trump 25,000 donation result clerical error hall know delgado would keep try pivot back attack hillary clinton quickly shut fully realize come lock load go go talk candidate say campaign trail 62 days hall say play clip trump flip-flop immigration message.once delgado reduce desperately try pivot hillary clinton instead answer boss clear video via youtube.and tamron hall prove take bullshit trump campaign.featured image via screenshot watch tamron hall tear top trump adviser apart piece piece
caracas cuba main regional ally socialist-ruled venezuela slam u.s. president donald trump tighten restrictions cuba friday offense latin america speech aggressive threaten ... reveal contempt ignorance president nicolas maduro say speech reject donald trump declarations brother cuba offense latin america reverse former leader barack obama detente cuba communist government trump order strict regulations american travelers clampdown u.s. business deal caribbean island military maduro foreign minister delcy rodriguez early friday pledge venezuelan solidarity cuba via regional blocs include alba group leftist nations found friendship late leaders hugo chavez fidel castro u.s extremism aspire cover planet misery violence death say series tweet blast trump praise cuba fellow leftist president evo morales bolivia also weigh condemn trump move abuse power u.s. empire listen whole world support blockade cuba say instead ask cuba free political prisoners trump expel criminal politicians shelter usa mexico take moderate line urge washington havana resolve differences via dialogue venezuela decry 'ignorant trump 's cuba policy rollback
london british government plan pass separate piece legislation parliament approve term transitional period want smooth exit european union junior brexit minister say thursday ask parliamentary committee government would require separate legislation enact so-called implementation period say position yes brexit transition deal require new uk legislation minister
harare zimbabwe opposition leader morgan tsvangirai suffer severe vomit party meet airlift johannesburg hospital senior party source say saturday tsvangirai due challenge president robert mugabe elections next year stable source say dismiss report media dangerously sick 65-year-old symptoms come suddenly meet opposition coalition movement democratic change mdc thursday even kadoma city around 160 km 100 miles southwest capital harare source say two zimbabwean political source confirm detail sudden illness airlift friday south africa mdc say official statement tsvangirai south africa routine medical procedure morgan tsvangirai ... stable condition contrary morbid media report critical battle life mdc statement say announcement come month vice president emmerson mnangagwa see favorite succeed 93-year-old mugabe rush south africa emergency medical care mnangagwa since return dismiss local media speculation poison tsvangirai say last year treat colon cancer party source say saturday sudden illness relate condition zimbabwe opposition chief tsvangirai suddenly ill airlift hospital source
moscow possible meet russian president vladimir putin u.s. president donald trump apec summit vietnam still work russian news agencies cite kremlin spokesman say friday discussions continue clarity yet dmitry peskov quote interfax say white house say friday trump separate meet russian counterpart kremlin say possible putin-trump meet work
moscow russia may impose counter-measures unite state u.s. president donald trump sign law new round economic sanction moscow russian foreign ministry say wednesday new u.s. penalties short-sighted risk harm global stability say statement website high time realize threats attempt exert pressure russia make change course sacrifice national interest statement read russia may impose counter-measures u.s. new sanction foreign ministry
secret build national coalition minority voters democratic primary black hispanic voters come bring sweep south clinton thus edge close close minority population might flip southern state georgia november general election could tilt electoral college favor democrats first time since 1992. democrats 1976 1980 jimmy carter president.a new poll wsb georgia show surprise result clinton trump tie 41 percent 41 percent trump win white men clinton clinch women african americans independents.clinton fool know perfectly well stand georgia appear abc democratic frontrunner point state demographics grow democrat favor last decade georgia minority population go 37 -44 eighty-one percent state population growth come minorities black hispanics account georgia population growth two group voters clinton campaign seem gear make serious push win georgia.the thing could tip scale favor clinton independents although lead trump 36 percent 28 percent 38 percent remain undecided.if clinton tap independent voters highlight crazy destructive donald trump would georgia turn blue southern sate could follow.and clinton aim particularly want support democrats state vote democratic candidates awhile rebuild democratic party go try make georgia competitive go fight hard north carolina virginia florida.could southern uprise favor clinton frontrunner look towards general election stop ohio appalachia may also turn red-leaning state blue.if clinton keep appeal instead angry white men democrats could great year georgia late poll one come.featured image via justin sullivan/getty image clinton tie trump republican state georgia
moscow president vladimir putin fly syria order significant part moscow military contingent start withdraw monday declare work largely do putin poll show re-elected comfortably march make announcement surprise visit russia hmeymim air base syria first since russia intervene conflict hold talk president bashar al-assad address russian force first leg three-country one-day whirlwind diplomatic visit see putin also meet egyptian turkish counterparts putin keen leverage heighten middle east influence syria give cast leader diplomacy well military force kremlin first launch air strike syria september 2015 big middle east intervention decades turn tide conflict assad favor regard mission complete putin want help broke peace deal two years russia arm force syrian army defeat battle-hardened group international terrorists putin tell russian servicemen significant part russian force could return home condition political solution auspices unite nations create say putin motherland await washington skeptical putin statement russian comment removal force often correspond actual troop reductions affect u.s. priorities syria say pentagon spokesman eric pahon putin make clear case russia would retain enough firepower destroy possible islamic state comeback syrian state television quote assad thank putin russia help say blood moscow martyr mix blood syrian army also show two men watch call victory parade russian troop dress desert uniform march past russia main contribution air strike iran-backed shi ite militias much fight grind partial russian withdrawal may make huge difference come military situation russia campaign extensively cover state tv home catch imagination russians stir unease kind soviet union face calamitous 1980s afghanistan intervention use private military contractors something document reuters deny defense ministry allow moscow keep public casualty toll fairly low officially less 50 russian service personnel kill campaign real number include private contractors estimate much high russia mission accomplish moment syria may help putin increase turnout march presidential election appeal patriotism voters though poll show easily win also show russians increasingly apathetic politics putin supporters keen get re-elected big turnout eye confer legitimacy putin help state tv dominate russia political landscape last 17 years tell russian servicemen would return home victors speak front row servicemen hold russian flag putin say military prove might moscow succeed keep syria intact sovereign independent state congratulate putin tell servicemen putin keen organize special event russia syrian congress national dialogue moscow hop bring together syrian government opposition try hammer new constitution ask putin announcement yahya aridi spokesman syrian opposition geneva say welcome step bring syria close real peace putin make clear however russia might draw much force military presence syria permanent one would retain enough firepower destroy islamic state comeback russia keep hmeymim air base syria latakia province naval facility syrian mediterranean port tartous permanent basis say putin base protect sophisticate air defense missile systems putin tell military begin withdraw 25 aircraft detachment russian military police detachment russian special force military field hospital de-mining center however russia announce partial force draw-downs late bring different capabilities see announcements turn less significant might initially appear say one european diplomat decline name significant contribution russia make advance peace syria pressure assad regime engage seriously geneva peace talk absent suspicion announcement may russian politics syrian situation putin syria say mission accomplish order partial russian pull-out
adam kredo wfb ask question want answer fact information subsequently leak press think raise even question u.n ambassador turtle bay need unmask samantha power longtime obama loyalist husband might key see .power believe make hundreds unmask request identify individuals name classify intelligence community report relate trump presidential transition team accord multiple source say behavior unprecedented official position accord washington free beacon.hannity ask kredo power would ever authority make unmask request ask whether ever happen previously knowledge truly unprecedented kredo say certainly odd think house intelligence committee rightfully subpoena find go look hundreds unmask request final year obama administration follow queen george soros know 2005 06 power work foreign policy fellow office u.s. senator barack 2007 interview power say america relationship israel often lead foreign policy decision-makers defer reflexively israeli security assessments replicate israeli tactics unite state explain bring terrorist attack upon ape israel violations human rights.power fair share controversy specifically force resign president 2008 campaign follow negative remark make hillary interview scotsman heat 2008 presidential race power call clinton monster power soon back obama camp husband obama former regulatory czar cass sunstein.sunstein one scary guy want government intrude privacy salon report cass sunstein long one barack obama close confidants often mention likely obama nominee supreme court sunstein obama head office information regulatory affairs among things responsible oversee policies relate privacy information quality statistical program 2008 harvard law school sunstein co-wrote truly pernicious paper propose u.s. government employ team covert agents pseudo- independent advocate cognitively infiltrate online group websites well activist group advocate view sunstein deem false conspiracy theories government would design increase citizens faith government officials undermine credibility conspiracists paper abstract read full paper download here.sunstein advocate government stealth infiltration accomplish send covert agents chat room online social network even real-space group also propose government make secret payments so-called independent credible voice bolster government message grind believe government source incline listen appear independent secretly act behalf government program would target advocate false conspiracy theories define mean attempt explain event practice reference machinations powerful people also manage conceal role read wfb un ambassador samantha power unmask hundreds trump associate 2016 election video
florida republicans war women go strong week monday republicans house make first step towards violate constitutional right every woman state vote allow bill progress would ban nearly abortions.the house criminal justice committee vote 8-3 pass house bill 865 florida life act bill define life start conception would require two physicians certify abortion require save life mother chance bill actually make house senate floor vote slim republicans claim know vote fact reason propose bill appease rep. charles van zant lawmaker final term file bill every year office.rep ross spano r-womanhaterville vote bill tell associate press waste time vote bill probably frankly due respect never go get hear senate although bill small chance make channel need go bring full vote possibility may florida bleed red state level republicans across country chomp bite destroy women right fake plan parenthood videos spread allege felons renew gop determination outlaw abortions.according ap bill one several piece anti-abortion legislation advance florida legislature.other bill receive approval least one committee include measure would prohibit medicaid payments clinic abortions perform require doctor perform abortions local hospital admit privilege require abortion clinics meet construction standards license requirements walk-in surgical center prohibit use fetal tissue result abortion word hit women every possible angle try wedge unwelcome elephant firmly uteri care waste time therefore waste money vote bill ideology always come constitution fiscal responsibility mind republican.featured image instagram republican committee pass bill would prohibit almost abortions florida
washington u.s. congress work national self-driving vehicle legislation could replace state-by state rule make easy automakers test deploy technology senior u.s. house senate lawmakers tell reuters tuesday chairman influential house energy commerce committee say plan unveil package legislation overhaul federal rule govern self-driving vehicles get close think good package put lot work representative greg walden oregon say interview add good bipartisan agreeement hop unveil take package next month two senator john thune republican chair senate commerce committee also work legislative self-driving proposal senator gary peters michigan democrat yet get close thune say thune walden speak reuters tuesday get ride self-driving audi unit volkswagen ag company alphabet inc ford motor co aggressively pursue automate technologies want unify federal regulations replace outdated rule make simple develop eventually sell technology across country spring republican staff draft summary 16 potential legislative proposals federal reform regulations circulate automakers see reuters among proposals consideration one allow u.s. transportation department exempt 100,000 autonomous vehicles current safety standards write assumption responsibility car operation rest human driver exist motor vehicle safety standards bar sale vehicles without steer wheel gas pedal example alphabet inc waymo unit call rule change another proposal would prohibit state restrict test manufacturer 250 vehicles come automakers spar california revisions self-driving car test rule thune say plan hold hear june 14 self-driving car issue put specific timetable introduce legislation say want avoid patchwork regulations 50 different state self-driving cars look cybersecurity issue key thing make sure stay lead innovation unnecessary roadblocks way balance safety walden say monday u.s. transportation department say would unveil revise self-driving guidelines within next months respond automakers call regulations sanction costly efforts put autonomous vehicles road voluntary guidelines would provide direction state self-driving cars congress work set permanent rule oversee autonomous vehicles legislation might approve year state automakers eager guidance regulators interim vehicle crash annually kill 35,000 people u.s. roads injure 2.4 million walden say goal get self-driving cars roads big number generation people would say bunch barbarians drive kid look many die every year think acceptable u.s. congress plan self-driving car legislation speed rollout
donald trump jerk sugar-coating bully prove fact activities early friday morning different.trump take twitter yet another twitter tantrum go hillary clinton former miss universe alicia machado machado course woman continually fat-shamed even day.trump tweet wow crook hillary dupe use bad miss u. hillary float `` angel `` without check past terrible donald j. trump realdonaldtrump september 30 2016using alicia debate paragon virtue show crook hillary suffer bad judgement hillary set con donald j. trump realdonaldtrump september 30 2016did crook hillary help disgust check sex tape past alicia become u.s. citizen could use debate donald j. trump realdonaldtrump september 30 2016remember n't believe `` source say `` dishonest media n't name source source n't exist donald j. trump realdonaldtrump september 30 2016actually would seem trump source exist accord snopes article debunk claim sex tape far go woman risque photos really guy see currently marry saying.hillary take hissy fit lightly decide grow election know one ask people look sex tap tweet series statements regard topic beyond.this unhinge even trump note https // hillary clinton hillaryclinton september 30 2016what kind man stay night smear woman lie conspiracy theories hillary clinton hillaryclinton september 30 2016alicia deserve praise courageously stand trump 's attack gall blame say `` help `` hillary clinton hillaryclinton september 30 2016when something get donald 's thin skin lash ca n't let go dangerous president hillary clinton hillaryclinton september 30 2016to donald women like alicia valuable personal opinion look https // hillary clinton hillaryclinton september 30 2016trump obsessively bully rosie o'donnell accomplish actor insult kim kardashian weight pregnant pathetic hillary clinton hillaryclinton september 30 2016we 've hear donald 's insult years policies reflect disregard even contempt women hillary clinton hillaryclinton september 30 2016trump equal pay `` good job `` men.abortion `` punished `` pregnancy `` inconvenience `` wive work `` dangerous `` hillary clinton hillaryclinton september 30 2016hillary absolutely correct donald trump despise think women powerful general fit standard existence.if want take whole thing sum pretty much sum vote blue sarah wood sarahwoodwriter may 2016featured photos spencer platt justin sullivan/getty image hillary response trump late night fat-shaming tantrum absolutely magnificent tweet
prove already know loyalty radical islam first female family members dead last islamic state isis jihadi execute mother bay crowd urge flee terror organization.the right group raqqa slaughter silently rbss say 20-year-old ali saqr kill 45-year-old mother leena al-qasem abandon islam.the postal worker execute outside post office work isis-held city raqqa hundreds look believe shoot syrian network human right report actual crime communicate third party .the brutal regime regularly carry public executions image people behead shoot burn post online.rbss post picture man claim ali saqir initial tweet say mother 35-years-old late change say 45.the syrian observatory human right also confirm kill say able document it.the group say activists able verify woman city al-tabaqa sentence death pretext incite son leave islamic state view flee raqqa.she reportedly tell son coalition would kill members organisation leave her.however son member murderous regime wich also know daesh report mother isis leaders apostasy late carry savage killing.the news emerge reveal well-respected journalist ruqia hassan also execute isis write life beleaguer city raqqa.the 30-year-old accuse spy executed.via uk express isis animal execute mom front hundreds claim ask unthinkable video
president trump first lady melania trump attend ford theatre gala tonight president trump vow protect america terror renew resolve strong ever protect unite state ally vile enemy wag war innocent life go long bloodshed must end bloodshed president necessary prevent threat spread shore work every single day protect safety security country communities people https // v=cq-rrmcxvyc unite state everything power guilty justice president trump speak abraham lincoln ford theatre heartfelt theatre administer maintain national park service historic landmark also work theater operate ford theatre society gala fundraise event fts whose purpose secure private finance much theater program date back carter administration.traditionally president host pre-gala reception white house however obamas choose attend 2015 2016 cite death beau biden schedule conflict reason lead complete cancellation last year gala president trump remark ford theatre gala include warn terrorists bloodshed must end bloodshed end video
consider field megyn kelly one would think would critical russian president vladimir putin hand critics often murder especially journalists conservatives seem problem russian leader often time former president barack obama time office praise putin slam trump predecessor donald trump repeatedly praise putin even point defend russian president murder journalists trump least twice.kelly former fox news host besties trump say putin personable cameras exclusive interview nbc news russian leader .. megynkelly vladimir putin personable cameras https // today todayshow june 2017twitter users question kelly praise murderous thug glad autocratic murder despot nice megynkelly cool bean one twitter user said.i glad autocratic murderering despot nice megynkelly cool bean por sum zingis edrhew june 2017 thugs personable focus blondie another twitter user wrote.thugs personable focus blondie trina redvinoplease june 2017 satan satan donovan burnett dburnettshow june 2017 stop normalize putin murderer personality fake one ridiculous tweet 've read long time stop normalize p. jeanne dijoseph pjeannie june 2017 stop megyn stop 're ridiculous banegirl therealbanegirl june 2017 gullible headline 'm sure 's run large sophisticate propaganda machine earth gullible headline emily timm timm_emily june 2017 ted bundy ted bundy trenta poppins mapostormborn june 2017 embarrass embarrass dawn mccallan dawnmacc june 2017how personable personable like locker room trump personable like lucifer dark lord netherworld personable jr skitzo72 june 2017such charm fellow putin is.malaysia airliner shoot ukraine.yeah megyn putin charm fellow stephen jam jscveritas june 2017 disgrace 's disgrace act like murderous enemy civil society nice guy tea salome strangelove salstrange june 2017 murderers criminals lot murderers criminals christinep christine13160 june 2017 nice job buddying tyrant putin instill puppet potus frequently opponents murder charmer nice job buddying tyrant nbc eric lane ericlane june 2017the add bonus murder anyone.added bonus n't poison anyone rickchance chancedefiant june 2017 murderous dictator unm wow personalize murderous dictator much journalistic integrity dawn mccallan dawnmacc june 2017 hitler yeah hitler reality foamie75 june 2017putin high body count.says former fox mouthpiece leader hostile foreign country whose opposition leaders journalists keep end dead. disceautdiscede disceautdisced1 june 2017so personable unless journalist govt dissenter need avoid eat anything balconies covertcovfefe johnnymags june 2017putin try defend early remark kelly claim patriotic hackers could interfere 2016 u.s. presidential election.putin insist hackers could come anywhere could shift blame make look like russia behind hacking.trump russia pick president openly call russians hack hillary clinton email account tell russia listen hope able find 30,000 email miss trump say news conference florida time think probably reward mightily press sure coinky dink though.featured image via screen capture stop megyn kelly get drag around internet say putin swell guy
woman say agree doctor theory man would vote hillary florida doctor fire commercial warn men consider vote hillary clinton might low testosterone level wbbh nestor mato reports.florida doctor fire say men vote clinton may low testosterone level https // nbc news nbcnews october 2016watch https // florida doctor fire run tv ad offer medical treatment men plan vote hillary video
21st century wire say hard draw comparison brexit referendum stun surprise victory donald trump 2016 presidential election america many argue repudiation globalization.indeed anxiety global economy whole contribute 2016 historic rejection status quo big trade big bank wall street.yesterday overseas speech even president obama acknowleged globalize policies world absolutely contribute political upheaval give rise brexit vote trump presidency current path globalization demand course correction add legislation prove flaw correct process democracy early year conservative lean washington time discuss nature falied policy lead sluggish growth us past 7-8 years previously bullish feed finally openly acknowledge sluggish growth long term new normal america secular stagnation stay growth rate limp 2008-09 recession percent pace seven years joint economic committee congress tell us normal recovery give us 3.5 percent growth reagan jfk boom close percent gdp today thank president obama trillion small roughly equivalent lose entire annual output every business worker michigan ohio indiana combined.instead speed recover lose grind decelerate growth 1.4 percent 4th quarter 2015 0.8 percent first quarter year feed downgrade growth less percent rest 2016 original forecast 2.4 percent one day us election intercept glenn greenwald snowden fame capture frustartion lead brexit vote trump win short passage piece institutions elite factions spend years mock malign pillage large portion population compile long record failure corruption destruction shock dictate decree go unheeded human be go follow obey exact people blame suffer go exactly opposite purposely defy try impose punishment retaliation time tell future hold brexit trump moment voice everyday man hear loud clear.more washington blog image source onmanorama washington blogtrumptrump make rejection globalization centerpiece campaign july 21st acceptance speech republican nominee say americanism globalism credo.the boston globe bannered headline thursday trump globalization lose election night cnn jake tapper explain many americans vote trump sick income inequality globalization politics-as-usual status quo give us point handful people get rich globalization lot people leave behind.counterpunch write friday real mean upset wall street globalization project reject citizens homeland trump voters several reason vote trump racism want job back job vanish thank neoliberal policy transfer manufacture job place low wages.brexitsimilarly brexit largely vote globalization.for example guardian run article june explain brexit rejection globalisation britain rejection eu protest career opportunities never knock affordable home never get build protest economic model place past three decades europe fail fulfil historic role allocate job live standards welfare state good protect heyday nation state 1950s 1960s age globalisation unemployment across eurozone 10 italy economy barely big euro create greece economy shrink almost third inevitably backlash manifest rise populist party leave right increase number voters believe much offer current system think globalisation benefit small privilege elite think unfair pay price bankers fail hanker return security nation state provide even mean curb core freedoms underpin globalisation include free movement people torsten bell director resolution foundation thinktank analyse vote pattern referendum find part britain strong support brexit poor long time result affect deeply entrench national geographical inequality said.there much lazy think past quarter century globalisation bell note time rethink assumption flexible globalise economy generate prosperity widely share experts say mainstream economists organizations politicians include world bank international monetary fund see mckinsey company obama admit globalization create inequality people worldwide furious runaway inequality affect elections globally.the bank international settlements central bank central bank say financial globalization make boom bust far frequent destabilize otherwise would be.the economist point july economists blindside backlash globalization saw come worth study reason .david autor david dorn gordon hanson document cost america grow trade china fall disproportionately certain cities on.branko milanovic city university new york believe cost perpetuate cycle globalisation argue periods global integration technological progress generate rise inequality .supporters economic integration underestimate risk big slice society would feel leave behind .the new york time report march experts wrong benefit trade american economy voters anger frustration drive part relentless globalization technological change make trump sanders popular already big impact america future shake once-solid consensus free trade necessarily good thing economic populism presidential campaign force recognition expand trade double-edged sword write jar bernstein former economic adviser vice president joseph r. biden jr.what seem strike angry work class dismiss often myopic unable understand economic trade-offs present trade appear understand experts belatedly find true benefit trade american economy may always justify recent study three economists david autor massachusetts institute technology david dorn university zurich gordon hanson university california san diego raise profound challenge us bring believe economies quickly recover trade shock theory develop industrial country like unite state adjust import competition move workers advance industries successfully compete global markets.they examine experience american workers china erupt onto world market two decades ago presume adjustment conclude never happen least happen yet wag remain low unemployment high affect local job market nationally sign offset job gain elsewhere economy find sag wag local labor market expose chinese competition reduce earn 213 per adult per another study write daron acemoglu brendan price m.i.t estimate rise chinese import 1999 2011 cost 2.4 million american job result cause us rethink short- medium-run gain trade argue fail anticipate significant dislocations trade might incumbent literature convincingly estimate gain trade case free trade base sway theory alone foundation evidence illuminate gain lose much condition continue read washington blog read election news 21st century wire 2016 filessupport 21wire subscribe become member shift paradigm understand trump brexit understand failure globalization
maiduguri nigeria nigeria replace military commander fight boko haram half year army spokesman say wednesday follow string insurgency attack despite years official claim group almost defeat shake-up underscore fragility security situation nigeria northeast conflict islamist insurgent group ninth year despite assertions president muhammadu buhari administration last legs military spokesman confirm replacement ibrahim attahiru theater commander operation boko haram text message reuters major general rogers nicholas take position spokesman provide detail attahiru removal come wake series embarrass attack two military source tell reuters say conduct war insurgents review attack occur attahiru command include kidnap members oil prospect team lead least 37 people kill july deadly assault towns magumeri biu madagali source say spokesman president serve nigeria commander-in-chief decline comment governor borno state epicenter insurgency say government long-term plan corral civilians inside fortify garrison towns effectively cede countryside boko haram plan spate deadly attack raise question assertions government military boko haram wipe well doubt nigeria ability retain sovereign integrity northeast nigeria replace commander fight boko haram six months
president donald trump like call press fake white house call disorganize unprofessional easy discount criticism fox news however one favorite outlets.this week hard call white house anything hot mess communications office instance seem idea go even chris wallace host fox news sunday say problems white house communications office lay feet president.wallace say one problems disarray white house communications shop president blame fact blame seem trust enough give advance notice report despite give staff information need develop coherent comprehensive strategy trump watch television coverage comey fire yell set blame people around defend decision wallace say try book white house spokesperson week go sunday show success say still give us anybody even reach anybody available answer phone feature image via joe raedle/getty image fox news trump one blame white house disarray video
donald trump go like all.the republican nominee pathetic effort draw hispanic voters campaign fail miserably especially disastrous trip mexico immigration speech make afterwards.trump visit southern neighbor discuss wall pay tell mexico pay defeat trump humiliate claim discussion particular topic embarrass mexican officials call fact trump double immigration plan declare amnesty mexico pay word trump still want deport 11 million people suggest somehow force mexico pay bill something build support.and exactly hispanic chamber commerce ceo javier palomarez go morning joe msnbc thursday morning declare trump campaign do among latino community.palomarez begin point net immigration across mexican border basically drop 20,000 people might well zero nation big reveal 20,000 leave america instead come blow trump entire premise wall water.joe scarborough ask palomarez take trump effort ways suggest maybe deport many people also repeat draconian immigration plan racist conservative base paint box palomarez reply damn damn t. really come back fire base reality do anything help term grow number think do hispanic community palomarez say trump never see white house without decent portion hispanic vote drop hammer republican nominee single word spanish know guy speak spanish want remember one word payaso mean clown guy complete clown palomarez go say trump lay waste outreach effort republicans make 2012 election go back video via youtube.there way donald trump possibly make amend hispanic voters two months go attempt would see desperation fail candidate whose poll number implode since rnc convention july.hillary clinton poise win hispanic vote even large margins president obama 2012 trump despise presence top ballot could disastrous republicans late appeal hispanics vote republicans know ones delusional trump fan really believe go win election go devastate result reveal election day.featured image via screen capture watch hispanic chamber commerce ceo call trump clown morning joe
break video orrin hatch tell dems stop posture stop act like idiots video
last night fox news reporter steve harrigan report live charlotte north carolina cover police brutality protest erupt shoot perhaps fox news typically sham kinds protest run footage depict protesters thugs looters past harrigan get hand protester hesitate confront notoriously racist network.the female african american protester go right harrigan decide educate protesters gather harrigan try shame outside area someone get shoot protester tolerate ignorance white privilege long harrigan make mistake ask man shoot 50 yards know protester go reply harrigan serve purpose right give brutal lesson racism forcefully say matter give moment could shoot color skin say could work school car still get shoot police point fact racism still exist america continue human black white tell come harrigan try jump protester quickly call use sarcasm crowd begin gather accuse network protest could get video footage make cking fabricate story know fox news do watch protester shut fox news feature image screenshot black protester shut fox reporter live tv ing fabricate story video
buenos air argentina president mauricio macri vow press ahead reform country tax labor retirement systems speech monday week let change coalition sweep victory poll midterm elections government present tax reform proposal tuesday wednesday amnesty plan company hire workers informally come days macri say add government would convene commission propose change retirement system come weeks speech mark roadmap second half macri four-year term seek implement business-friendly reform attract investors avoid country decade populist rule need low tax public work need achieve fiscal balance macri tell gather lawmakers governors union leaders judge others investors encourage reform macri implement since take office december 2015 include lift foreign exchange control settle holdout creditors low export tax significant investment arrive company demand low cost credit agencies concern deep fiscal deficit macri coalition sweep five populous areas midterm elections give broad mandate pass reform though still lack majorities chamber congress macri say government reduce country tax burden want make system simple clear fair reiterate government aim slash argentina fiscal deficit one percentage point gross domestic product per year also vow reform country retirement system large driver government spend need start mature honest conversation retirement pension system macri say retirement system hide serious inequities sustainable macri say plan major change country labor code say government plan provide incentives company formalize undeclared workers work unions specific sectors low cost macri also pledge reform country justice system combat corruption cabinet chief marcos pena tell journalists resignation monday chief prosecutor alejandra gils carbo appoint former administration president cristina fernandez step towards make judiciary independent argentina 's macri vow pursue tax labor pension reform
senator lindsey graham make bold announcement day tell constituents south carolina amnesty illegals outsource vote republicans outside state south carolina scratch head years popularity pro-climate change war-hawk pro-amnesty senator graham home state seem like might perfect time voters south carolina replace liberal senator clearly traitor president republican senator lindsey graham tell ally cnn president trump weak publicly address concern ag jeff sessions sen. lindsey graham say president trump demonstrate `` weakness `` attack ag jeff sessions https // cnn politics cnnpolitics july 26 2017watch senator graham threaten president trump interview nbc possibility may fire go doj special counsel robert mueller hire deputy attorney general rod j. rosenstein investigate possible tie russia trump `` effort go mueller could begin end trump presidency `` say sen. lindsey graham nbc news nbcnews july 27 2017senator graham jealous donald trump since primaries graham get shellac donald trump watch embarrass appearance daily show trevor graham primary elections accuse donald trump well party racists xenophobes .go 3:47 mark watch lindsey graham ask noah trevor daily show citizen green card trevor reply graham proceed tell noah trevor hurry trump win days number pal young black liberal guy africa gon na work watch graham tell constituents support amnesty whether agree actually urge south carolina citizens vote disagree talk illegal alien kid like sweet young children look good life someone tell ms-13 dangerous international gang world grow number obama open flood gate come president watch pro-man make climate change lindsey graham attempt shame president trump prior decision pull paris climate deal last least anyone may forget rino lindsey graham also warn republicans back attack hillary clinton barack obama graham warn republicans risk get burn benghazi issue traitor gop senator lindsey graham trash threaten president trump…tells voters back amnesty push
interest many celebrities hate america american citizens problem take money pop star ariana grande say word take context catch camera say hat america video grande slam u.s. post tmz tuesday video show singer lick doughnut california doughnut shop think one look employee bring tray oversized doughnuts florida-born singer blurt hate americans hate america employee tell cbs los angeles grande rude even spit say mistake extremely proud american always make clear love county sic grande tell fox411 statement say private moment friend buy donuts take context sorry use discretion choice word 22-year-old explain frustrate freely americans eat consume things without give think consequences health admit know good express see doughnuts remind unite state high child obesity rate world need educate children dangers overeat poison put body added.grande also address rumor pull mlb all-star concert video representative say wednesday singer would perform saturday paul brown stadium cincinnati mlb show emergency oral surgery due recovery attend show hope make fan soon via fox news pop star ariana grande say hate americans hate america word take context video
control anything un-american tell high school students allow cheer u.s.a. sport event may offend someone another nation please call wisconsin interscholastic athletic association stevens point wi phone 715 344-8580 let know feel decision prevent students chant usa unite state america wussification wisconsin begun.last month state govern body high school athletics declare chant u-s-a u-s-a unsportsmanlike behavior.the wisconsin interscholastic athletic association also direct school stop fan boo chant air ball season fundamentals scoreboard over-rated action direct oppose team spectators intent taunt disrespect distract entice unsporting behavior response acceptable sportsmanship wiaa write email obtain post-crescent student group school administrators event managers take immediate step correct unsporting behavior point spokesman wiaa tell television station wisc sportsmanship guidelines point reference requirement school district create sportsmanship conduct policies enforce appropriate consequences spokesman tell television station wisconsin football stadiums basketball arenas wrestle mat become safe space perpetually-offended generation.vince lombardi must roll grave.oh see 40-page sportsmanship manual comply fragile snowflakes wiaa.take example section frown boo kind errors judgment sic make human must accept individuals best execute way train wiaa wrote.they also take issue na na na na hey hey hey goodbye song call taunt disrespectful wiaa find u-s-a chant problematic along acronym derogatory language innuendo guidelines become national news high school basketball player get trouble post profane message sportsmanship rule twitter account.april gehl honor student basketball standout hilbert high school suggest wiaa let put delicately eat excrement.based national media coverage opinion share many nevertheless april suspend five game family plan appeal decision.paul ackley athletic director mcfarland high school tell wisc support recommendations kid get answer wrong white board go start chant say division athletics extension classroom education-based name bear bryant go wisconsin grant want children holler profanities run around gym buck-naked guidelines much sportsmanship political correctness.we talk high school basketball croquet match via fox news believe students communist wisconsin long allow chant u.s.a. sport events video
minya egypt coptic christians south egypt renew call local authorities end discrimination number church close recent weeks two church two separate villages southern province minya shut authorities statement minya diocese say say worshippers harass church pelt rock one keep quiet two weeks closure one church due silence situation worsen ... prayer crime copts must punish statement date saturday read third church close follow rumor pending attack diocese say attack take place since church remain close minya security directorate spokesman decline comment governor office immediately respond request comment coptic christians make 10 percent egypt population nearly 95 million say persecute years many feel state take plight seriously enough nonetheless copts vocal supporters president abdel fattah al-sisi vow crush islamist extremism protect christians declare three-month state emergency aftermath two church bomb april since renew though islamic state long wag low-level war soldier police egypt sinai peninsula step assault christian civilians mainland attack claim group may gunmen ambush group coptic christians travel monastery minya kill 29 wound 24. copts call action church closure southern egypt
irreversible call congressman congresswoman today demand stop frank gaffney breitbart radio speak impend takeover internet plead americans call mitch mcconnell urge give internet let happen make sure continue resolution permit that.he great idea bring pressure bear democrats presidential candidate let call hillary clinton find whether support barack obama diminish country undermine friends interest embolden enemies call obama doctrine whether actually gon na stand donald trump say give internet need help think democrats senate agree stop obstructionists support sound measure count least continue resolution.and get three days fix folks drill live-fire exercise need help now.i think people understand go gon na right outcome challenge much obama agenda know alex try slip radar keep people figure done.and real hook irreversible so-called mechanism know number name function permanently irreversibly multinational non-profit trust dominate due course right away russians chinese saudis get back anything president trump gon na able fact become three days october 1st end fiscal year obama strive jam thing nobody pay attention let breitbart urgent 24 hours surrender internet treasonous obama drill…we need help
civil right icon rep. john lewis get support someone donald trump fear most.after call trump illegitimate weekend lewis attack trump twitter sunday morning yet another demonstration petty thin-skinned trump is.congressman john lewis spend time fix help district horrible shape fall apart donald j. trump realdonaldtrump january 14 2017mention crime infest rather falsely complain election result talk talk talk action result sad donald j. trump realdonaldtrump january 14 2017that right trump literally call lewis talk action bash city atlanta despite fact city hellscape trump claim fact city hit back trump atlanta thrive city crown jewel also fact john lewis tirelessly fight civil right vote right march martin luther king even suffer brutal beat police peacefully protesting.trump meanwhile bear silver spoon mouth inherit fortune wealthy daddy never work day life certainly never fight anything anyone himself.trump draw outrage across nation attack senator elizabeth warren fire back trump defense lewis monday annual martin luther king jr. memorial breakfast boston.warren slam trump never put life risk anything say lewis earn right criticize trump boycott inauguration president-elect step line attack john lewis man talk action warren declare john lewis man literally put life line make good country fair country country open donald trump put life line anyone except donald trump john lewis earn right raise question legitimacy right intelligence community tell us russia directly interfere election unite state john lewis question john lewis want attend certainly right video via senwarren say realdonaldtrump step line criticize repjohnlewis mapoli gintautas dumcius gintautasd january 16 2017warren right lewis literally bleed country trump dodge draft vietnam war care nothing country reason run president could enrich family definitely help american people else would cheer millions americans strip health care lewis hand fight good live americans decades deserve respect apology trump.featured image via alex wong/getty image watch elizabeth warren own trump scathing defense rep. john lewis
abuja unite state formally agree sell 12 super tucano a-29 plan weapons nigeria west african country air force say confirm resurrection deal freeze obama administration right concern former u.s. president barack obama delay sale one last decisions office nigerian air force bomb refugee camp january successor donald trump decide press transaction support nigeria efforts fight boko haram militants boost u.s. defense job source tell reuters april u.s. ambassador nigeria present letter offer acceptance nigeria air force early wednesday air force say statement say u.s. state department approve sale final agreements would sign necessary payments make feb. 20. immediate statement u.s. embassy authorities washington u.s. government nigerian air force officials would meet early january discuss early delivery aircraft payment make nigerian air force say sale 12 aircraft weapons service worth 593 million include thousands bomb rocket propeller-driven plane reconnaissance surveillance attack capabilities make brazil embraer second production line florida partnership embraer privately hold sierra nevada corp spark nevada super tucano cost 10 million price go much high depend configuration power pratt whitney canada pt engine nigeria say u.s. agree delay 593 million fighter plane sale
jay dyer 21st century wireas recent events subsequent incoherent media narratives dallas continue unravel familiar pattern already emerge paint familiar picture large-scale plan expect believe highly coordinate professional sniper operation whose number detail significantly change conduct like former vet unknown accomplices purpose target white people particular police.the new judge dredd-style execution robot sound like script move immediately give symbolic title michael affiliate suspect malcolm entire scenario revise proclamation cell terrorist lone wolf smell sub-par hollywood script-writing especially ludicrous climax hide ieds follow police deploy bomb-carrying robocop r2d2-like executioner rational mean finally halt craze see event also echo prior know false flag stag scenarios well fit general pattern soros-style color revolutions agitation propaganda top fact evolve official story preposterous.while may appear contradictory first glance notion event could fit progressive mold color revolution far-fetched.consortium news detail numerous soros-funded group call soft-power coups regime change numerous front include social justice cause well right-wing group like right sektor ukraine 21stcenturywire comment amazingly late last night early morning police chief david brown report least suspect snipers already custody.brown state early believe four suspect work unit use long-range rifle triangulate elevate position difference place downtown area fourth suspect micah xavier johnson media refer micah intentionally prompt malcolm tone event military-trained marksman us army veteran say catch shoot-out police second floor el centro park garage upset black live matter recent police shoot upset white people want kill white people especially police officer brown say ny post bizarrely accord police johnson photo finally summarily execute police unprecedented risk assessment dallas police deploy robot carry bomb chief brown claim officer choice use bomb kill suspect options would expose officer grave danger political ripple effect unlikely highly improbable event felt immediately mainstream media siege underway politicians begin line weigh-in jockey political position number issue range gun control race relations police brutality also debate whether public march demonstrations indeed safe public attend face late security threat police side dialectic law enforcement also queue decry violence police call omnipresent increase police power security measure order combat rise threat domestic extremism coincidentally yesterday event happen july 7th 7/7 ala london 7/7 follow theme media law enforcement begin float term terrorist attack cnn lead pack claim dallas 7/7 police bad loss since 9/11 sept 11 2001 one see spin already apply media event hollywood dramas go live ukraine particular significance give similarities false flag scenario maidan sniper 7/7 purport racially-motivated event dallas right sektor ukrainian nationalists black live matter alinsky-style revolutionary similar modus operandi background finance manipulation piece author last year compare similar tactics discuss think tank soft power meta-strategy involve geopolitical re-engineering domestically abroad.keep mind accord even mainstream fixture new york time terror plot hatch aid fbi soros-style ngo soft power approach see aid far leave far right overall intent dupe progressives war write concern ngos think tank identity politics radicalization international operation change engineer new york case black youth occupy-style thug culture hip hop rap easily combine radical jihadism intelligence agency creations like isis group share similar sense oppress minorities utilize foolish dupe western establishment dance accord whims foundation puppeteer case wonder foundations think tank provoke minority group similar rebranded ideologies invent revolution particularly mainstream alternative news cycle scientifically precise emotionally manipulative stories intentionally choose craft crop create foundation/think tank revolutionary agenda.patsies provocateurs.this technique use gender whole feminism women right gender right equality etc make large portion total news fee increasingly take clickbait style endless gender oppression article another technology social re-engineering guise appeal female populace.females undeniably susceptible emotional appeal advertise deception market style ad campaign endless hygiene products mirror mindless gender-based stories oppress trans teens eternally victimize oppress western women high live standards world western women conduct war patriarchal power share retard stories ipads much dupe foundation/think tank techniques low iq isis recruit ghetto mobs.on side dialectic equally dupe right wingers still champion bush dynasty so-called american freedoms great envy world must protect cost absolutely impossible fabricate foreign invasion isis constitute new boogey-man patriot/tea party mythos invasion western intelligence create back isis phony bad man parallel phony bad man thugs actually anyone middle class bad man narcissistic american female patriarchy.all bad men invent bad men manufacture create foundations think tank manipulate specific population niche establishment recruit use dumb low iq prison-convert muslim mind-controlled bots decades system use dumb low iq females poster children gender revolution sniper effect unknown snipers classic tactic western-influenced regime change include romania 1989 regard ceaucescu particularly relevant situation coup involve revolt police sniper death squads romania aid western intelligence would thus perfect parallel anti-police engineer snip dallas.other events snipers involve regime change stag agitprop include arab spring yeltsin counter-government 1993 venezuela 2002 thailand 2010 recently kyrgyzstan egypt libya syria suppose unknown snipers like terrorists provide useful function exist regimes foreign power conveniently concoct steer events pin blame patsies.same strategy control radical opposition game obvious operation gladio 50s 80s left-wing radicals blame euro-terror completely engineer stag covert branch nato intelligence p-2 affiliate masonry lodge similar pattern see today terror cells lone wolf shooters wonder originally mention masonic apparel original post gladio use p-2 secret societies function network organize arrange provocateurs much like muslim brotherhood isis short snip events like false flag run advantageous state lone wolves terror cells.indeed pattern mention domestically fbi-hatched terror plot terror instance function exacerbate strategy tension smear opposition promote undue fear cajole populace accept surveillance security theater dallas saw similarly implausible story last year conspiracy theorist jam boulware lone wolf shooter purportedly shoot police incoherent online ramble quite clearly manufacture tell micah manifesto must daily shooter starter pack.highly dubious jam boulware dallas shoot fusion drillsas note original video least two large-scale multi-agency dhs supervise fusion drill dallas-ft. worth area precede 7/7 event week one drill even include three shooters bomb narrative feed mainstream media concern dallas snip event give every major terror event recent recollection precede drill scenario obvious question dallas event fit pattern prior terror familiar narrative dallas include ieds hide mysterious locales dubious claim insert narrative jam holmes booby-trapped apartment example date locale event also suspicious vicinity jfk assassination well anniversary london 7/7 bomb another stag event.we suppose believe micah learn snip ied skills military subsequently coordinate professional hit man operation target random white police shoot philando castile alton sterling occur day mass media claim suppose shooter angry events transpire day subsequently time perform reconnaissance establish sniper spot day black live matter protest.lunacy end standoff police involve preposterous claim utilize bomb-bot blow suspect supposedly refuse cooperate bomb-bots standard procedure mainstream narrative event true certainly law enforcement choose gas subject subdue gather information so-called terror cell instead public feed fantastical robocop storyline add tabloid juice manufacture event see many.patsies dupe provocateurs black power group notorious infiltrate federal agents provocateurs new black panther party shin example allow consistently call death white illegal fake front group allow continue agitate play public fear like terror group racial identity movements like kkk elohim city mcveigh black power nation islam movements expose phony government front many time often identify outlandish outrageous call violence.most famously see cointelpro operation fbi informant richard aoki arm black panthers make appear distastefully patty hearst theatrical sla abduction saul alinsky-style approach manufacture radicals self-destructive social change mark event also precedent two previously contrive terror attack alinsky-inspired bill ayers weather underground event patty hearst sla stag events manufacture operations serve solidify mass opinion anti-war movements sla event reportedly die patty hearst even build become basis america adoption swat team hearst soap opera kidnap even follow television show call swat aid rise america acceptance warrior cop fact well long-term federalization local police refute faux right-wing narrative obama company anti-cop see light dallas event ably sum effectiveness establishment patrick henningsen dallas shoot significant number levels.firstly dallas accentuate artificial divide americans perceive leave liberal wing political society sell america right conservative wing dialectic democrat set republican young old black pit white wealthy poor upper class middle class even middle class low class run-up presidential election november division important order polarize america along prefabricate dialectical line thus keep national discourse base emotional level binary process avoid real examination america fundamental issue policy flaw federal government unsustainable bloat borrow spend habit effectively kick road another years seem norm ultimately serve state bureaucratic stakeholders power structure whole secondly event use nudge left-wing democrat party gun control agenda aggressively pursue moment wing political establishment already demonstrate qualms use national incident tragedy like orlando shoot warm pr leverage push emergency legislative agenda ironically left-wing black activists blame late act political violence use case advance political leave bespeak gun control agenda much dismay conservative america result stag event carry agent provocateurs anti-police anti-government african-american militant black power activists paint poor light effectively marginalize process complete state move extend marginalization anti-government protest neuter real grass-roots opposition obviously rapidly grow police state us.thirdly event use increase tension public law enforcement note differences short long-term narratives play short-term dallas sniper event originally design reaction us police kill poor unarm black men streets america long-term pendulum swing back state order restore law order thus consolidate power concentrate police state evidence already us law enforcement already rally solidarity us dialectic place nation police protagonist public antagonist pop culture promotion suppose anti-establishment agitation revolution reality top-down social engineer psychological warfare.given government admission much modern history manipulate contrive false flag stag events sensible take dallas event face value constantly remind every terror event never forget 9/11 much apt recollection would never forget admissions examples fake stag news well individuals supposedly die three separate terror events still alive show lunacy fact law regulation upon government private infotainment news agencies bar manufacture events rather pattern 21wire recognize expose recent andrews air force base phony live shooter drill-gone-live scenario serve exemplary form events engineer especially give drill precede 7/7 dallas event.naturally alt right seize upon event proof racial attack simply play establishment desire helter skelter race war summer chaos prepare symbolically beyonc militant black panther super bowl halftime show back february race war fight bat maces streets toxic culture insidious program racial see past events gun control unanimous cacophony label black live matter terrorist group serve set precedence anyone critical establishment extremist terrorist hear jay full podcast see information learn become subscriber jaysanalysis.jay dyer author forthcoming title esoteric hollywood sex cults symbols film trine day focus film philosophy geopolitics things esoteric jaysanalysis podcast esoteric hollywood investigate deep mean headline explore hide aspects sinister synthetic mass media daily shooter news 21st century wire daily shooter filessupport work subscribe become member dallas attack dialectics summer uncle sam
sam levin guardianon 23 january group utah ranchers gather cedar city make pledge sign notice withdrawal consent govern statement reject authority federal agencies regulate graze charge fee livestock use public lands.the ranchers follow footsteps arizona rancher lavoy finicum time leader land-use protest oregon wildlife refuge publicly refuse pay graze rights.then 26 january state troopers oregon shoot kill finicum attempt arrest two weeks federal authorities detain charge cliven bundy nevada rancher lead arm standoff property 2014. utah rancher todd macfarlane public hear february image source salt lake city tribune aggressive prosecution unofficial leaders land-use right movement west appear government way send clear message authorities would tolerate type protests.but remote desert range utah ranchers say remain commit find way stand see federal overreach mistreatment even vocal activists lead charge dead behind bars.there number factor make utah key battleground brew fight question whether tensions could boil erupt form another high-profile standoff national controversy.some rural part central southern utah tell stories extreme overreach government allege us bureau land management blm environmental advocacy group use endanger species regulations conservation initiatives prevent families sustain ranch pass generations continue story guardianread oregon standoff news 21st century wire oregon standoff file utah ranchers vow stand government abuse despite oregon arrest
djibouti unite state closely watch recent increase piracy coast somalia senior u.s. military official say sunday defense secretary jim mattis visit important military base djibouti rise piracy attack least partially drive famine drought region top u.s. military commander oversee troop africa say mattis visit part week-long trip middle east africa unite state use base djibouti tiny country size wales southern entrance red sea launch pad operations yemen somalia sudden string attack somali pirate come years without report incident attack peak 237 2011 decline steeply ship owners improve security measure international naval force step patrol month see new rash attack two ship capture third rescue indian chinese force crew radio help lock safe room bottom line half dozen incidents marine general thomas waldhauser say press conference stand alongside mattis ready say trend yet continue watch say add one reason increase famine droughts region since vessels target carry food oil accord u.n. world food programme 20 million people nigeria somalia south sudan yemen risk die starvation within next six months south sudan alone 100,000 people suffer famine million brink starvation mattis add situation watch expect u.s. military response surge piracy u.s. defense official speak condition anonymity say international ship company start become complacent security could also help explain rise piracy incidents djibouti strategically important route suez canal barren nation sandwich ethiopia eritrea somalia also host japanese french base u.s. base 4,000 personnel locate miles chinese one still construction cause concern u.s. officials mattis visit base come unite state increase pressure militant group al shabaab region white house recently grant u.s. military broad authority strike al qaeda-linked al shabaab militants somalia waldhauser tell reporters yet use new authorities give white house al shabaab able carry deadly bomb despite lose territory african union peacekeepers support somali government sunday military vehicle hit roadside bomb somalia semi autonomous puntland region sunday kill least six soldier injure another eight unite state recently send dozen troop somalia help train members somali national army also carry strike yemen al qaeda arabian peninsula aqap aqap boast one world fear bomb makers ibrahim hassan al-asiri persistent concern u.s. government ever since 2009 attempt blow detroit-bound airliner christmas day u.s. watch piracy increase somalia see tie famine
fact u.s. justice department actively prosecute two abedin family members conspiracy wire fraud securities fraud along state department previously work clinton mention federal case court record show.other document reveal allegedly crook kin solicit abedin help state deal net 1.2 million federal grants.these undesirable family connections reveal first time raise fresh question influence peddle state department clinton reportedly work abedin political comeback.abedin relatives major donors clinton foundation abedin draw salary clinton foundation time work government.records show first cousin omar amanat federal indictment cheat investors kit digital inc. millions dollars 2009 2012 force tech start-up go bankrupt 2013. place house arrest await trial schedule oct. 2.prosecutors say omar amanat illegally divert millions dollars investments kit digital personal use include luxury properties manhattan never disclose misappropriations investors mislead value company false balance sheet plead guilty.recent letter part part attorneys omar another co-defendant ask judge ease detention reveal omar warn huma state department family members threat hurt special collection agents try recover steal fund court exhibit reveal omar worry huma safety contact state department make aware incident moreover kit digital appear state department email send abedin amanat business partner june 2009 long start kit digital months cousin name deputy chief staff secretary state clinton amanat help business partner solicit abedin state favor behalf soliya inc. partnership kit digital summit entertainment film company amanat hold control stake time also stand benefit thank get touch would love arrange meet abedin reply june 23 2009 email amanat shamil idriss head new york-based soliya inc.amanat take kit digital public august time amanat know serial swindler personal bankruptcy sue investors despite reputation still manage gain special access government thank tie well-positioned cousin clinton foundation.records show amanat several family members relate charities together donate much 1.2 million clinton foundation clinton global initiative well clinton health access initiative.amanat personally contribute much 25,000 clinton foundation appoint council foreign relations time hillary clinton serve secretary state.while fbi close espionage investigation clinton unsecured private email server public corruption investigation clinton foundation remain open clear still-active probe overlap amanat fraud investigation however investigators reportedly continue look allege pay-for-play scheme involve clinton state department clinton foundation wealthy donors well entities pay clintons millions dollars speak fees.judicial watch government watchdog group charge clinton foundation pay-for-play operation reward benefactors state department favors.meanwhile abedin estrange husband former democratic u.s. rep. anthony weiner remain federal investigation child pornography.omar huma relate mother sisters also maintain long close-knit financial record show 1999 huma washington work white house aide then-first lady clinton omar use d.c. condo one address another start-ups tradescape corp.after omar amanat sell tradescape e-trade 2002 100 million stock start amanat family support trust name cousins well immediate family members beneficiaries mean huma abedin would stand benefit family entire story wnd obama doj feds go huma abedin corrupt family member tie clinton foundation
want everybody know stand behind donald j. trump function id var js fjs d.getelementsbytagname d.getelementbyid id return js d.createelement id js.src `` // xfbml=1 version=v2.3 `` fjs.parentnode.insertbefore js fjs document 'script 'facebook-jssdk diamond silk join donald j. trump stage tonight 's rally raleigh north carolina trump trump2016 teamtrump trumpteam donaldtrumpposted support donald trump 2016 friday december 2015 priceless donald trump join ladies diamond silk silent majority speak baby video
donald trump obviously specific type woman like prefer represent horrid misogynist think women worth lie solely ability stir penis life like women tall thin big-breasted basically supermodel quality know one would think sarah huckabee sanders fit mold nearly well enough press secretary yet brilliant op-ed l.a time david horsey turn light bulb trump would prefer sarah sanders virtually anyone else include sean spic singular comfort distort truth spic never obviously far comfortable anyone besides kellyanne conway horsey say get anyone go task job explain president news media need comfortable say things demonstrably true problem sanders predecessor sean spic lie seem fluster challenge blatantly erroneous statement would get red-faced petulant try signal message reporters come guy lay make humiliate live tv emphasis mine contrast sanders perfectly fine say paul manafort indictment nothing whatsoever trump issue spin trump tax break wealthy 4,000/year raise american families despite woman perfectly fine say women accuse trump sexual assault lie simply trump position entire russia scandal include report trump lose mind horsey say take offensive sanders confidently deliver new republican talk point anyone guilty collude moscow hillary clinton bold evasion anyone trump camp come far emphasis mine horsey paint sanders spin-meister someone effortlessly put forth idea facts anything everything nothing want new standard sanders pro emphasis mine ladies gentleman trump press secretary need someone demonstrable problem truth.featured image via mark wilson/getty image sarah huckabee sanders shred l.a. time truth-twisting brilliant
outdoor ceremony celebrate super bowl champ new england patriots president trump receive football jersey number 45 secret trump close robert kraft owner patriots see special moment patriots owner robert kraft tell brian kilmeade fox friends special friend trump go way help beloved wife die loyal friends remember people tough time `` remember people tough time `` -robert kraft friendship pres trump fox friends foxandfriends february 2017 president trump receive patriots jersey close friend white house ceremony video
singapore hundreds singaporeans dress black hold silent protest saturday uncontested presidential election week applications four candidates reject political protest rare wealthy city-state election halimah yacob former speaker parliament country first woman president lead dismay prospective candidates reject rob election notmypresident read banner entrance park protest hold venue call speakers corner designate site city people air view care country head toward say 22-year-old anna decline give last name issue feel especially strongly say add power authorities go unchecked say first time attend protest election hold citizens age 21 would eligible vote aim strengthen sense inclusivity multicultural singapore decree presidency largely ceremonial six-year post would reserve candidates minority malay community time four applicants presidency two malays two qualify contest elections department say monday halimah automatically qualify hold senior public post three years declare elect nominations close wednesday stringent eligibility rule include stipulation candidate private sector head company paid-up capital least 500 million 370 million organizers saturday protest say silent speeches touch race religion would need police permit gilbert goh one main organizers say estimate 2,000 people participate tan cheng bock lose previous presidential election 2011 say facebook post president halimah person singaporeans unhappy way government conduct whole walkover presidential election display dissent unusual singapore one rich politically stable countries world rule people action party pap since independence 1965 current prime minister lee hsien loong son country found father lee kuan yew 2015 general election hold months death lee kuan yew pap almost 70 per cent popular vote sweep six parliament 89 seat third gather many people speakers corner since begin july annual pink dot gay pride rally draw thousands people site july 1. mid-july protest hold venue call independent inquiry whether lee abuse power battle siblings late father house singaporeans protest uncontested presidential election
apparently arrogant 88-year-old congressman john conyers accuse sexual misconduct several women go leave halls congress yesterday black caucus member congressman jam clyburn d-sc claim women accuse conyers sexual misconduct white women racists today conyers black accuser speak out.more week first report rep. john conyers democrat detroit settle sexual harassment claim 2015 woman settle speak `` tell say john conyers employee `` savannahguthrie ask rep. conyers accuser marion brown today todayshow november 30 2017brown 2014 complaint settlement reach conyers 2015 first report buzzfeed news last week report identify brown sign non-disclosure agreement part settlement prohibit speak it.the report include brown accusation conyers fire reject sexual advance since least two female former staffers accuse conyers sexual harassment conyers deny allegations.lisa bloom high-profile attorney represent brown issue statement sunday call conyers congressional office compliance release client non-disclosure agreement.brown say thursday decide break agreement speak voice women felt worth risk stand women workforce voiceless ordinary women like extraordinary challenge work workforce dominate men say huffington postwatch `` ever tell superiors `` savannahguthrie ask rep. conyers accuser marion brown today todayshow november 30 2017before conyer accuser marion brown come courageously appear today show nancy pelosi stand firm belief conyers innocent even go far call icon interview meet press host chuck todd nancypelosi accuse congressman conyers `` icon `` country mtp meet press meetthepress november 26 2017now conyer accuser reveal public represent high-profile leftist lawyer lisa bloom nancy suddenly change heart call resignation rep. john conyers d-mi .breaking house minority leader nancy pelosi call resignation rep. john conyers https // wxyz detroit wxyzdetroit november 30 2017speaker house paul ryan join chorus today call resignation congressman conyers .. speakerryan congressman conyers `` yes think resign think resign immediately `` cspan cspan november 30 2017meanwhile conyers attorney arnold reed laugh idea 88-year-old congressman accuse several women sexual misconduct would resign today press conference detroit reed call idea nancy pelosi would call client resign ignore white senator al franken d-mn press conferencet today reed tell reporters nancy pelosi tell conyers reed pull race card bottom deck ask discernible difference al franken john conyers rep. conyers attorney call resignation `` nancy pelosi nancy pelosi elect conyers sure hell wont one tell congressman leave `` nbc news nbcnews november 30 2017nbc capitol hill correspondent kasie hunt tweet conyers belligerent lawyer john conyers lawyer say nancy pelosi wo n't tell `` discernible difference al franken john conyers `` say kasie hunt kasie november 30 2017yesterday conyers arrogant defiant lawyer tweet client go force office attorney conyers go force office https // via detroitnews arnold e. reed arnoldreedesq november 30 2017 john conyers attorney suggest nancy pelosi racist say conyers resign