{"metadata":{"id":"00ebad8e7ee4dab0720ffe362ce4ceba","source":"gardian_index","url":"https://data.cimmyt.org/api/access/datafile/:persistentId/?persistentId=hdl:11529/10548605/8"},"pageCount":53,"title":"","keywords":[],"chapters":[{"head":"","index":1,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":52,"text":"you agree to participate, you can choose to stop at any time or to skip any questions you do not want to answer. Your answers will be completely confidential; we will not share information that identifies you with anyone and your name and location will be kept safe using a coding system."},{"index":2,"size":105,"text":"After entering the questionnaire into a database, we will also restrict access to all information such as your name which will link these responses to you so that you can not be identified and will remain completely anonymous. Your participation will be highly appreciated. The answers you give will help provide better information to policy-makers, development practitioners, agricultural extension agents, and program managers so that they can plan for better services that will respond to your needs. If in the future you have any questions regarding study and the interview, or concerns or complaints we welcome you to ask our (the data collector) contact details. "}]}],"figures":[{"text":" agricultural income derived from ${1} crop (%)(approximate value over the last five years) for ${1} crop sold to market (Rs / quintal) (average over the last five years) "}],"sieverID":"54e7b473-4351-4799-bffa-234c57563c44","abstract":"Variable Name Question Text Saved Value collectionDate Hidden from user Today's date wc Hi ! Welcome to CROP YIELD & PRODUCTION PRACTICES SURVEY form. Kindly read the instructions carefully for each question before you fill in. Unless otherwise indicated, all responses correspond to information from __ the largest plot __ for selected crop on each farm ! Thank you for filling out ! User entered text consentDisclaimer Thank you for the opportunity to speak with you. I would like to interview you and your household for a survey. Our investigation aims at getting insight into different crop production practices & grain yield. We are inviting you to be a participant in this study. We value your opinion and there are no right or wrong answers to the questions we will be asking in the interview. All we ask is for your honest answer and opinion. The interview takes approximately around forty minutes to complete. If"}