{"metadata":{"id":"0058021879e25399ab5840c26cc34fae","source":"gardian_index","url":"https://cgspace.cgiar.org/rest/bitstreams/fd0fb421-5818-4618-90bd-b88832adcf86/retrieve"},"pageCount":1,"title":"25 million African Farming Families by 2025","keywords":[],"chapters":[{"head":"Science-Development Partnerships for","index":1,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":3,"text":"Scaling Climate-Smart Agriculture"}]},{"head":"CSA Targets","index":2,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":29,"text":"The P4S project is developing an interactive web-based application to show targets for number of farming households to target for CSA adoption in countries and districts through out Africa."}]},{"head":"Stakeholder Engagement","index":3,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":2,"text":"Financing Mechanisms "}]},{"head":"Indicators","index":4,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Situation Analysis","index":5,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"AU-NEPAD Vision 25x25","index":6,"paragraphs":[]}],"figures":[{"text":" The data, tools, and lessons learned will be built into an open source platform that stands to become the clearinghouse for CSA decision-support. CSA project is providing support to a wide range of stakeholders, including COMESA, ECOWAS, NEPAD, & the Cross-Sectorial Africa CSA Alliance (ACSAA), among others.CIAT-CCAFS CSA Prioritization FrameworkThe Climate Wizard provides an easy-to-use web-based application to explore and access future climate change information. Look at how climate is projected to change for specific areas throughout Africa.Visit the Climate Wizard at: http://climatewizard.ciat.cgiar.org/AfricaCSA  Investment appraisal  Barriers and constraints analyses  Cost-benefit analysis  Spatial targeting of implementation activities  Business models for scaling CSA  Learning guidelines, agenda, tools, and approaches Challenges for monitoring CSA  Multi-Objective Complexity: productivity, resilience, mitigation  Scale of Impact: farm to continent  Multi-Institutional Coordination: government, CSOs, NGOs, farmers organizations, private sector, donors, etc. Financing is critical as a basis for reaching 25 million farmers, and technical support is need for both the development and implementation of different funding opportunities. In particular, results-based financing mechanisms are being developed which need clear indicators and metrics for measuring success. Indicators and metrics are an integral part of CSA-PLAN which are used throughout all of the core components from Situation Analysis through to Monitoring & Evaluation "},{"text":"& Prioritizing Partnerships for Scaling CSA Science and technical support is needed to help AU-NEPAD and its partners achieve this goal. The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) is developing a collaboration with AU-NEPAD to provide support to Vision 25x25. This poster describes some of the ways CCAFS is working to provide this support.The primary P4S outcome will be more effective CSA programming, which will ultimately increase CSA adoption by farmers and return on CSA investments by donors. Working through partnerships, this project is mainstreaming the use of sciencebased approaches for targeting, prioritizing, and scaling CSA. The African Union-New Partnership for African Development (AU-NEPAD) has set a goal of 25 million farming families practicing Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) by 2025 (Vision 25x25). This Vision 25x25 came out of the African Union Leaders \"Malabo Declaration\" of 2014 that set a path forward for African agricultural development over the next decade. Flagship Project of the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS). P4S is solidifying partnerships between CCAFS and key African institutions to sup-Targeting Partnerships for Scaling Climate Smart Agriculture (P4S-CSA) is a port the scaling of CSA. The African Union-New Partnership for African Development (AU-NEPAD) has set a goal of 25 million farming families practicing Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) by 2025 (Vision 25x25). This Vision 25x25 came out of the African Union Leaders \"Malabo Declaration\" of 2014 that set a path forward for African agricultural development over the next decade.Flagship Project of the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS). P4S is solidifying partnerships between CCAFS and key African institutions to sup-Targeting Partnerships for Scaling Climate Smart Agriculture (P4S-CSA) is a port the scaling of CSA. "}],"sieverID":"01fc58e1-d86f-4f15-98bb-a4ed27c5ff28","abstract":""}