{"metadata":{"id":"00995a0bf5410765025abd8e0504d4d4","source":"gardian_index","url":"https://cgspace.cgiar.org/rest/bitstreams/af7efe99-5c56-4fbd-8583-0e2df2a60e81/retrieve"},"pageCount":110,"title":"Director del Programa de Investigación del CGIAR sobre Raíces, Tubérculos y Bananos (CRP-RTB), liderado por el Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP)","keywords":[],"chapters":[{"head":"","index":1,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":110,"text":"El Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP) celebra 50 años de trabajo en los Andes. Cinco décadas recorriendo las montañas de la mano de campesinos e investigadores para desarrollar ciencia con miras a la seguridad alimentaria del planeta. En 1971, asumimos el desafío de conservar la diversidad de cultivos -raíces y tubérculos de la región-para las futuras generaciones. Hoy, el CIP mantiene la mayor colección mundial de papas, ocas, achiras y ahipas, entre otros cultivos andinos. Al hacerlo, trabajamos con cientos de comunidades andinas, preservando el legado de grandes héroes anónimos: las mujeres y hombres que domesticaron, diversificaron y conservaron la agrobiodiversidad de estas montañas durante los últimos 10,000 años."},{"index":2,"size":157,"text":"Durante este proceso de conservación de la agrobiodiversidad, el papel de la cocina, la cultura alimentaria y la nutrición ha sido fundamental. El resultado es un patrimonio alimentario regional asombrosamente diverso. Hoy, el vasto acervo gastronómico de los Andes inspira a chefs, investigadores y emprendedores en cinco continentes. Los movimientos gastronómicos de la región se sitúan a la vanguardia de la innovación con ingredientes ancestrales que son la base de nuevas creaciones que forman parte de la llamada cocina novoandina. Sin embargo, estas innovaciones nacen de antiguas formas de sentir y preparar la cocina tradicional. Las mujeres rurales de los Andes son las verdaderas guardianas de iconos milenarios: platos que se han transmitido de generación en generación en los hogares rurales. Esperamos que la modesta muestra de 50 creaciones e iconos culinarios presentada en este libro, una por cada año de presencia del CIP en los Andes, inspire a los lectores a experimentar con nuevos ingredientes nativos."},{"index":3,"size":117,"text":"Mientras miramos hacia los próximos 50 años, prevemos que la agrobiodiversidad andina y el rico patrimonio alimentario de sus montañas jugarán un papel central en impulsar la transformación de los sistemas alimentarios. Esto requiere fomentar dietas diversas y saludables para reducir la desnutrición en la región, mientras que se conserva la naturaleza y se logra el bienestar de las familias rurales y urbanas. Se requerirán alianzas y colaboración entre agricultores, chefs, tomadores de decisiones, empresarios, educadores y científicos para lograr un progreso significativo. El CIP seguirá contribuyendo a la sostenibilidad del sistema alimentario, la conservación de la agrobiodiversidad y la protección del maravilloso patrimonio culinario de la región. ¡Hagámoslo juntos celebrando los Andes y su legado gastronómico!"}]},{"head":"Una herencia milenaria","index":2,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP)","index":3,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":110,"text":"The International Potato Center (CIP) is celebrating 50 years of work in the Andes. Five decades of roaming the mountains, hand in hand with farmers and researchers to contributing to science in pursuit of global food security. In 1971, we accepted the challenge of conserving the diversity of crops-roots and tubers of the regionfor future generations. Today, the CIP has the world's largest collection of potato, oca, achira and ahipa, among other Andean crops. In doing so, we work with hundreds of Andean communities, preserving the legacy of great anonymous heroes: the women and men who domesticated, diversified and conserved the agrobiodiversity of these mountains for the last 10,000 years."},{"index":2,"size":142,"text":"During this process of conserving agrobiodiversity, the role of cuisine, food culture and nutrition have been crucial. The result is an amazingly diverse regional food heritage. Today, the Andes's vast food patrimony inspires chefs, researchers and entrepreneurs across the five continents. The region's gastronomy trends have been at the forefront of innovation with ancestral ingredients as the foundations of new creations as part of what is known as Novo-Andean cuisine. However, these innovations depart from old ways of feeling and preparing traditional food. The rural women of the Andes are the true guardians of age-old icons: dishes that have been passed down from generation to generation in rural homes. We hope that the modest sample of 50 culinary creations and icons presented in this book, one for each year of CIP's presence in the Andes, inspires readers to experiment with native ingredients."},{"index":3,"size":108,"text":"As we look ahead to the next 50 years, we predict that Andean agrobiodiversity and the region's rich food heritage will play a central role in promoting the transformation of food systems. This requires fomenting diverse and healthy diets to reduce undernutrition in the region while conserving nature and achieving the wellbeing of rural and urban families. Alliances and collaboration between farmers, chefs, policy makers, entrepreneurs, educators and scientists will be needed to make significant progress. CIP will continue to contribute to food system sustainability, the conservation of agrobiodiversity and protecting the region's rich culinary heritage. Let's do it together by celebrating the Andes and its gastronomic legacy!"}]},{"head":"A millenial heritage","index":4,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"International Potato Center (CIP)","index":5,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":107,"text":"La región Andina es uno de los grandes centros de origen y domesticación de muchas plantas alimenticias. Los cultivos andinos son numerosos y abarcan granos como el maíz y la quinua; tubérculos como la papa, oca, mashua y olluco; leguminosas como el tarwi también conocido como chocho; raíces como la arracacha; y varios frutales que incluyen el mortiño, el capulí y el tomate de árbol, solo para citar algunos. Estos cultivos prosperan en distintas zonas ecológicas a lo largo de 7,000 kilómetros, bordeando la cordillera de los Andes, extendiéndose a través de Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Perú y Bolivia y llegan hasta el norte de Argentina y Chile."},{"index":2,"size":150,"text":"Solo algunos cultivos como el maíz y la papa son ampliamente difundidos, utilizados y estudiados. Muchos otros han recibido poca atención de los gobiernos e institutos de investigación. La gran mayoría de cultivos nativos y sus variedades locales se manejan y conservan actualmente en la chacras y huertos de pequeños productores, como parte de la agricultura familiar. La conservación de esta agrobiodiversidad por las familias de agricultores es una función directa de su utilidad. Mientras más útiles o rentables sean estos cultivos, más se les va a mantener y seguir sembrando. Esta diversidad de cultivos es un patrimonio cultural y contribuye a la seguridad alimentaria. Estos cultivos cumplen funciones nutricionales, ecológicas y económicas. Además de mejorar la seguridad alimentaria del hogar, pueden proveer beneficios económicos. El interés por alimentos exóticos, el consumo urbano de alimentos más nutritivos y el desarrollo agroindustrial ofrecen nuevas perspectivas de mayor valor para estos cultivos."},{"index":3,"size":193,"text":"La conservación de la biodiversidad de la papa, el camote y muchos otros tubérculos y raíces es parte importante del mandato del Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP). En la región Andina, el CIP ha enfocado sus esfuerzos en la conservación integrada de agrobiodiversidad en fincas y ex-situ, y el uso activo de la diversidad para desarrollar nuevas variedades, principalmente en el caso de la papa y del camote. Decenas de variedades de papa y camote han sido liberadas para su uso en América Latina y El Caribe. De forma complementaria, se han dedicado esfuerzos para promover un enfoque de desarrollo inclusivo de cadena de valor para posicionar mejor la biodiversidad de la papa nativa en los mercados urbanos. También, se apoyó estrategias para mejorar la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional de las poblaciones rurales mediante innovaciones en los sistemas de producción basados en raíces y tubérculos, y la promoción de la diversidad dietética. Tres elementos han sido transversales a las acciones del CIP en la región andina: el fortalecimiento de capacidades a diferentes niveles; incorporando un enfoque de género; y las alianzas con diversos socios de investigación y desarrollo tanto públicos como privados."},{"index":4,"size":123,"text":"La celebración del 50 aniversario del CIP es una excelente oportunidad para expandir la visibilidad y el conocimiento sobre los cultivos andinos. Este libro resalta el significado cultural, social, nutracéutico y económico de estos cultivos para los agricultores de la región contribuyendo a su resiliencia. Este libro y sus múltiples fotografías nos llevan en un viaje por diferentes países, así como por el rico patrimonio culinario andino. Los platos, chefs, fotógrafos y científicos ofrecen un homenaje a las personas que conservan la biodiversidad del campo. Esta publicación tiene como objetivo reimaginar los cultivos andinos desde una perspectiva artística, científica y social, haciendo posible que la agrobiodiversidad contribuya a la sostenibilidad del sistema alimentario y permitiendo que miles de personas descubran este patrimonio único."}]},{"head":"INGREDIENTES","index":6,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":66,"text":"250 g del cuarto trasero de llama cortado en láminas 250 g de harina de maíz blanco 1 cda. de comino 2 dientes de ajo 100 g de acelga 50 g de pimiento morrón 200 g de zapallo amarillo 150 g de papa andina de estación 1 cdta. de muña muña, pupusa hierba o arbusto andino usado para perfumar y de uso medicinal Sal a gusto"}]},{"head":"Florentina Alejo","index":7,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":2,"text":"Barrancas (Argentina)"}]},{"head":"ELABORACIÓN","index":8,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":34,"text":"• Moler la carne con la pekana de piedra junto con la harina de maíz, el comino, el ajo y la sal. Moler con las piedras hasta que todo quede adherido a la carne."},{"index":2,"size":33,"text":"• En una olla de barro colocar agua y llevar a fuego en las brasas, agregar las verduras picadas y una vez que hierva colocar la carne majada con los ingredientes y mezclar."},{"index":3,"size":5,"text":"• Cocinar durante 50 minutos."},{"index":4,"size":10,"text":"• Servir y agregar los yuyos o hierbas a gusto."}]},{"head":"Sopa de caldo majado","index":9,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"6-8","index":10,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":6,"text":"See English recipe on page 198 "}]},{"head":"INGREDIENTES","index":11,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Rosario Guamán","index":12,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":2,"text":"Riobamba (Ecuador)"}]},{"head":"ELABORACIÓN","index":13,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Salsa","index":14,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":27,"text":"• Lavar el tomate y cocinar durante dos horas en llama alta o dos horas y media en llama baja. Cocinar el día anterior para que espese."},{"index":2,"size":17,"text":"• Licuar el tomate cocido en la misma agua y colocar sal y otras especias al gusto."}]},{"head":"Cuero u oreja","index":15,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":32,"text":"• Cocinar el día anterior en una olla grande, en llama alta durante una hora. Una vez cocido, enfríar y lavar una vez con agua caliente y tres veces en agua fría."},{"index":2,"size":22,"text":"• Picar en trozos pequeños, no hacerlo cuando está caliente porque se desmenuza. Mezclar el achiote con el cuero u orejas cortadas."}]},{"head":"Acompañante","index":16,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":12,"text":"• Cortar en anillos la cebolla paiteña, lavarla y sazonar con limón."},{"index":2,"size":20,"text":"• En otros recipientes picar el tomate en cuadrados, picar finamente el cilantro y cortar el limón antes de servir."}]},{"head":"Ají","index":17,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":34,"text":"• Licuar el chocho con el ají sin pepas y agua. Si se quiere una salsa sin picante licuar solo chocho con agua, hasta conseguir una consistencia como de mayonesa. Poner sal al gusto."}]},{"head":"PRESENTACIÓN","index":18,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":37,"text":"• En un plato sopero, colocar la salsa hasta la mitad. Añadir una cucharada y media de chocho pelado, colocar el cuero u oreja picada (o pollo picado). Añadir la cebolla, el tomate y el cilantro picados."},{"index":2,"size":29,"text":"• Añadir más tomate licuado hasta que se llene el plato. Se puede añadir sal y pimienta al gusto. Acompañar con el tostado, el canguil y el chifle aparte."}]},{"head":"Ceviche de chochos","index":19,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":20,"text":"10 INGREDIENTES 600 g de quinua molida 100 ml de aceite de girasol 100 ml de agua Sal a gusto"}]},{"head":"Beatriz Mayorga Gonzales","index":20,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":2,"text":"Cochabamba (Bolivia)"}]},{"head":"ELABORACIÓN","index":21,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":33,"text":"• En una fuente poner la quinua molida y agregar la sal. Incorporar el aceite y frotar suavemente a punto arena. Añadir el agua y formar bolitas de 8 cm de diámetro aproximadamente."},{"index":2,"size":7,"text":"• Cocer al vapor durante 15 minutos."},{"index":3,"size":7,"text":"• Servir con un té o infusión. "}]},{"head":"Mukunas de quinua","index":22,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"INGREDIENTES","index":23,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Corayma Luján","index":24,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":2,"text":"Ayacucho (Perú)"}]},{"head":"ELABORACIÓN","index":25,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Marinado","index":26,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":28,"text":"• Colocar en un recipiente los zumos de capulí y de tumbo, la muña y el apio picados finamente, el ají limo y el cubito de hielo. Salpimentar."},{"index":2,"size":7,"text":"• Marinar de 10 a 15 minutos."}]},{"head":"PRESENTACIÓN","index":27,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":35,"text":"• Colocar las láminas de trucha y cubrir con el marinado. Acompañar con el camote y el choclo. Decorar con las láminas de capulí, las semillas de tumbo, hojitas de muña y ají limo picado. "}]},{"head":"Tiradito andino","index":28,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"INGREDIENTES","index":29,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Jhon Herrera","index":30,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":2,"text":"Nariño (Colombia)"}]},{"head":"ELABORACIÓN","index":31,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Pianguas","index":32,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":11,"text":"• Lavar bien los moluscos y abrir conservando sus jugos. Salpimentar."},{"index":2,"size":13,"text":"• En una plancha o parrilla caliente sellar las pianguas por 30 segundos."}]},{"head":"Aceite de hierbas","index":33,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":26,"text":"• Procesar el zumo de limón y las hierbas con una licuadora o mixer. Agregar la sal. Emulsionar con el aceite hasta obtener una textura homogénea."}]},{"head":"Chalaquita","index":34,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":23,"text":"• Picar finamente la cebolla y el ají. Mezclar con los mortiños y sazonar con el jugo de las pianguas, sal y limón."}]},{"head":"PRESENTACIÓN","index":35,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":23,"text":"• En un plato hondo colocar el aceite de hierbas, las pianguas, y encima la chalaquita. Decorar con mortiños y hierbas a gusto. "}]},{"head":"Cebiche tibio de pianguas y mortiños","index":36,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Walter Leal","index":37,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":3,"text":"Buenos Aires (Argentina)"}]},{"head":"ELABORACIÓN","index":38,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":17,"text":"• Lavar la quinua con abundante agua, siempre refregando entre las manos para extraer la espuma (saponina)."},{"index":2,"size":27,"text":"• Una vez limpia, cubrir con agua por encima y cocinar a fuego fuerte hasta que rompa hervor. Apagar el fuego, tapar y dejar terminar la cocción."},{"index":3,"size":7,"text":"• Cocinar el maíz morado y reservar."},{"index":4,"size":11,"text":"• Cortar la papa lisa u olluco crudo en láminas finas."}]},{"head":"Leche de tigre","index":39,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":12,"text":"• Poner en licuadora la leche y emulsionar con el aceite. Reservar."},{"index":2,"size":36,"text":"• Licuar el apio, los tallos del cilantro, el jugo de limón y la sal. Pasar toda la preparación por un colador o tamiz, volver a licuar agregando la leche hasta obtener la consistencia de salsa."}]},{"head":"Ají","index":40,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":28,"text":"• En una bandeja colocar los ajíes y cocinar al rescoldo sobre brasas. Enfriar y moler con una piedra o mortero. Emulsionar con aceite hasta obtener una pasta."}]},{"head":"ARMADO","index":41,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":23,"text":"• Colocar las láminas de papa lisa cruda y agregar la leche de tigre, la quinua y el maíz. Acompañar con el ají."}]},{"head":"Láminas de olluco, hierbas y marinada andina","index":42,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":77,"text":"Zumo de quito quito 4 quito quitos 0.5 ml de ácido ascórbico 1 l de agua 10 g de hielo Leche de tigre de quito quito 200 ml de zumo de quito quito 5 g de ají charapita con pepa 50 ml de zumo de limón 5 g de sal Chalaca 5 g de rocoto picado en brunoise fino 5 g de cebolla roja picada en brunoise 1 g de culantro 2 ml de zumo de limón"}]},{"head":"Choclo cocido","index":43,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":13,"text":"2 choclos 1 anís estrella 2 l de agua 40 g de azúcar"}]},{"head":"Jorge Muñoz","index":44,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":2,"text":"Lima (Perú)"}]},{"head":"ELABORACIÓN","index":45,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":10,"text":"• Cortar las conchas en tres partes. Reservar en frío."}]},{"head":"Zumo de quito quito","index":46,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":35,"text":"• Pelar la fruta y separar la pulpa de las pepas. Colocar la pulpa en el agua con el ácido ascórbico. Machacar las semillas y darle un ligero licuado con la pulpa. Reservar en frío."}]},{"head":"Leche de tigre","index":47,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":17,"text":"• Colocar todos los ingredientes en la licuadora. Tamizar y reservar. Rectificar la sal. Reservar en frío."}]},{"head":"Chalaca","index":48,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":8,"text":"• Mezclar los ingredientes en un recipiente. Reservar."}]},{"head":"Choclo cocido","index":49,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":22,"text":"• En una olla colocar el agua, el anís y el azúcar y hervir los choclos hasta que estén bien cocidos. Reservar."}]},{"head":"PRESENTACIÓN","index":50,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":27,"text":"• Laminar las conchas y reservar en una placa con un papel absorbente por ambos lados. Disponer la leche de tigre en el plato, colocar las conchas."},{"index":2,"size":10,"text":"Colocar un poco de la chalaca. Terminar con los choclos. "}]},{"head":"Tiradito de quito quito","index":51,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Anahí Reyes","index":52,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":3,"text":"La Paz (Bolivia)"}]},{"head":"ELABORACIÓN","index":53,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":18,"text":"• Cocer las papas por separado junto con las hojas de laurel. Pelar, cortar en rodajas y reservar."},{"index":2,"size":14,"text":"• Lavar bien y cocer las hojas de espinaca, escurrir y picar en chifonade."},{"index":3,"size":11,"text":"• Saltear el ajo repicado en un poco de mantequilla. Retirar."},{"index":4,"size":29,"text":"• Porcionar la panoja en tallitos pequeños y blanquear. Colocarlas en un recipiente y añadir la espinaca, el jamón repicado, los quesos, los trozos de panoja. Mezclar y reservar."},{"index":5,"size":18,"text":"• Batir los huevos y agregar la leche. Salpimentar. Agregar un poco del batido a la mezcla anterior."},{"index":6,"size":45,"text":"• Enmantequillar las cazuelitas. Disponer todos los ingredientes en las mismas. Se puede poner una capa de papas pinta boca y alternar con la mezcla de espinacas y otra de quillupuya, o también mezclar todo y acondicionar en cada cazuelita. Verter por encima el batido."},{"index":7,"size":25,"text":"• Hornear a 180 °C por 12 a 20 minutos. Servir calientes, recién sacadas del horno. Se puede acompañar con ensalada fresca a su elección."},{"index":8,"size":61,"text":"Cazuelitas de papas pinta boca y zapallito con hojas y panojas de quinua • Pelar las manzanas y quitarles el corazón. Partirlas en gajos, ponerlas en agua con limón para que no se oscurezcan. Reservar. Sancochar las manzanas partidas con el azúcar y la canela china. Colar el exceso de líquido y reservar. Triturar las manzanas cocidas de manera irregular. Reservar."}]},{"head":"Humitas","index":54,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":77,"text":"• Cocinar en el horno las mashuas bien lavadas por 30 minutos o hasta que estén cocidas. Pelarlas y machucarlas. Licuar junto con el choclo crudo. Si faltara líquido, agregar el agua del cocimiento de las manzanas o un poco de agua. Colocar el licuado en una olla y agregar el puré de manzanas. Rectificar el azúcar. Cocinar o cuajar revolviendo con un cucharón de palo hasta que se cocine la masa. Agregar la manteca y unir."},{"index":2,"size":41,"text":"• Extender las pancas de choclo, colocar un poco de masa, y en el medio un poco del puré de manzanas. Cerrar la humita y amarrarla con pabilo. Cocinar por 40 minutos a baño maría. Enfriar 10 minutos antes de servir."}]},{"head":"TAMAL DE CHUÑO","index":55,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":19,"text":"• Remojar el chuño desde el día anterior. Pelarlo y cortar en trozos pequeños. Sancochar junto con ½ cdta."},{"index":2,"size":48,"text":"de sal. Una vez cocido triturarlo en un batán, si no posee uno se puede procesar. Colocar la preparación en una olla y agregar el huevo reventado, los quesos rayados. Poner al fuego, rectificar la sal y agregar la manteca vegetal poco a poco. Dejar entibiar la masa."},{"index":3,"size":38,"text":"• Extender las hojas de plátano y colocar un poco de masa. Rellenar con queso andino en gajos o el de su preferencia. Envolver y amarrar. Hervir 15 minutos al vapor y reposar 15 minutos antes de servir."}]},{"head":"Humitas de mashua y tamales de chuño","index":56,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":58,"text":"INGREDIENTES 50 g de harina de maíz morado tostado Ramas de pupusa o chachacoma 1 kg de charqui de llama 200 g de cebolla roja 500 g de grasa de cerdo 300 g de cebolla de verdeo 1 pimentón dulce 50 ml de caldo de cocción 7 g de comino 5 g de sal del salar de Jujuy"}]},{"head":"Walter Leal","index":57,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":3,"text":"Buenos Aires (Argentina)"}]},{"head":"ELABORACIÓN","index":58,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Harina de maíz tostado","index":59,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":12,"text":"• Puimar (hervir durante 20 minutos) el maíz con pupusa o chachacoma."},{"index":2,"size":33,"text":"• Secar el maíz puimado al sol, una vez seco, tostar el maíz en el fuego hasta que tome un color marrón. Moler el maíz en una pekana hasta obtener una harina fina."}]},{"head":"Tulpo","index":60,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":10,"text":"• Cortar el charqui y la cebolla en cubos pequeños."},{"index":2,"size":28,"text":"• En una cacerola calentar la grasa. Agregar y cocinar la cebolla, añadir la carne y seguir cocinando junto con el pimentón dulce y el comino para tostar."},{"index":3,"size":42,"text":"• Normalmente, al tostar el pimentón con la grasa le otorga un sabor característico casi ahumado. Además, al tostar pimentón en materia grasa logramos un efecto roux que al enfriar ayuda a espesar. Agregar el caldo y cocinar unos 10 minutos. Condimentar."},{"index":4,"size":17,"text":"• En una cacerola hervir la preparación y agregar en forma de lluvia el maíz molido. Mezclar."},{"index":5,"size":13,"text":"• Servir el caldo espeso, agregar unas tiritas de charqui y harina tostada."}]},{"head":"Tulpo","index":61,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"INGREDIENTES Salpicón","index":62,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":65,"text":"100 g de yacón cortado en dados de 1.5 cm 100 g de zapallo cortado en dados de 1.5 cm 100 g de calabaza blanca cortada en dados de 1.5 cm 100 g de guatila verde cortada en dados de 1.5 cm 4 rodajas de calabaza blanca de 1 cm, con los bordes cortados para que queden cuadradas 100 ml de vinagre de chuguas (ollucos)"},{"index":2,"size":24,"text":"12 hojitas de poleo lavadas y secas 2 pizcas de ají wai-ya 2 cdtas. de jugo de limón 1 cdta. de aceite de oliva"}]},{"head":"Sal","index":63,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":31,"text":"Vinagre de chuguas 500 g de chuguas (ollucos) rosadas grandes tajadas con mandolina 1 tz. de agua 1 tz. de vinagre blanco 80 g de azúcar blanca 2 g de sal"}]},{"head":"Eduardo Martínez y Antonuela Ariza","index":64,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":3,"text":"Altiplano cundiboyacense (Colombia)"}]},{"head":"ELABORACIÓN","index":65,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Salpicón","index":66,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":15,"text":"• Salar y aliñar con limón y aceite los dados de las calabazas por separado."},{"index":2,"size":26,"text":"Disponer en un plato hondo un trozo cuadrado de calabaza blanca. Sobre este, armar pisos con los cubos intercalando sabores y colores hasta completar dos pisos."},{"index":3,"size":20,"text":"• Verter el vinagre de chuguas alrededor del cubo y refrescar con las hojas de poleo y el ají wai-ya."}]},{"head":"Vinagre","index":67,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":14,"text":"• Sumergir las chuguas en agua con sal, durante 10 minutos. Lavar y escurrir."},{"index":2,"size":1,"text":"Reservar."},{"index":3,"size":48,"text":"• Poner en una olla a fuego alto el agua, el vinagre, el azúcar, la sal y las chuguas lavadas. Hervir durante 5 minutos. Apagar el fuego y enfriar. Las chuguas servirán para usar en cualquier ensalada o sánduche y el líquido de cocción para aliñar el salpicón. "}]},{"head":"Salpicón de calabazas","index":68,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Marsia Taha","index":69,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":3,"text":"La Paz (Bolivia)"}]},{"head":"ELABORACIÓN","index":70,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":44,"text":"• Quitar las semillas del amañoque y reservarlas. Lavar el amañoque y quitar todas las partes de la corteza dura. Con una laminadora, mandolina o cuchillo muy afilado cortar pedazos delgados del amañoque y reservarlos en agua con hielos. Deshidratar las semillas y reservar."}]},{"head":"Vinagre balsámico de plátano","index":71,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":19,"text":"• Reducir el vinagre junto con la miel hasta tener la consistencia de demiglace, hasta obtener 70% de reducción."}]},{"head":"ARMADO","index":72,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":25,"text":"• En las tres laminas de amañoque untar un poco del balsámico de plátano amazónico, encostrar con las semillas de amañoque y hojas de berros."}]},{"head":"Amañoque y balsámico amazónico","index":73,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"4-6","index":74,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":13,"text":"See • Remojar el maíz (desgranado y seco) y cernir la ceniza (uspha)."},{"index":2,"size":15,"text":"• Colocar en una olla el maíz y hervir, echar la ceniza calculando para pelar."},{"index":3,"size":11,"text":"• Frotar y enjuagar con bastante agua para sacar la cáscara."},{"index":4,"size":38,"text":"• Reventar el maíz pelado durante dos horas. Hacer un aderezo con la cebolla y el ajo y agregar el maíz reventado (sara phata). Aderezar y agregar la cebolla china y si se desea, verduras picadas al gusto."}]},{"head":"Quinua graneada","index":75,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":15,"text":"• Tostar la quinua y pasar por el batán. Frotarla y lavarla con abundante agua."},{"index":2,"size":28,"text":"• Preparar un aderezo con ajo y cebolla. Agregar 4 tazas de agua y colocar la quinua a fuego lento. Una vez graneada la quinua agregar la sal."}]},{"head":"Arvejas","index":76,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":16,"text":"• Hervir la arveja seca con el bicarbonato durante 15 minutos. Lavar bien la arveja semicocida."},{"index":2,"size":11,"text":"• Hacer un aderezo con el ajo, la cebolla y aceite."},{"index":3,"size":14,"text":"Echar agua de a pocos y agregar las arvejas. Hervir hasta que esté espeso."}]},{"head":"Soltero de habas","index":77,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":15,"text":"• Pelar las habas verdes. Pelar y picar la zanahoria de forma alargada y delgada."},{"index":2,"size":13,"text":"• Hervir la zanahoria por 10 minutos y las habas por 5 minutos."},{"index":3,"size":24,"text":"• Picar la cebolla en juliana y mezclar todas las verduras, el tomate picado y el cochayuyo. Agregar sal, aceite y limón al gusto."}]},{"head":"Yuyo hauch'a","index":78,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":40,"text":"• Lavar bien y picar el yuyo. Colocar agua a la mitad de la olla. Una vez que hierva el agua agregar el bicarbonato y el yuyo. Remover hasta que se cocine. Bajar del fuego, exprimir y echar agua fría."},{"index":2,"size":17,"text":"• Exprimir con la mano formando bolitas. Rehogar con cebolla, ajo, sal, comino y aceite (freír bien)."},{"index":3,"size":20,"text":"Agregar media taza de agua hervida, echar la papa desmenuzada y el wakatay. Deshacer la pelotitas de yuyo. Mezclar bien."}]},{"head":"Torreja","index":79,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":14,"text":"• Moler bien el maíz y el trigo. Cernir. Pelar la papa y estrujarla."},{"index":2,"size":24,"text":"• Mezclar el resto de los ingredientes con la chicha, agregar sal al gusto y la cebolla china. Freír en aceite caliente (porciones pequeñas)."}]},{"head":"Cuy al horno","index":80,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":21,"text":"• Moler ajo, comino, sal y wakatay para el condimento. Aderezar el cuye con la mezcla y marinar por un noche."},{"index":2,"size":11,"text":"• Colocar al horno durante 1½ hora. Cortar en presas pequeñas."}]},{"head":"PRESENTACIÓN","index":81,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":38,"text":"• Servir cada preparación en pequeñas porciones en el siguiente orden: sara phata, yuyo hauch'a, arvejas y quinua graneada. Luego, colocar al centro del plato el soltero de habas y encima la torreja y la presa de cuy."}]},{"head":"INGREDIENTES","index":82,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":55,"text":"500 g de tripa de chancho precocida 2 l de agua 2 ramas de cebolla larga ½ kg de papa tamaño semilla 300 g de arveja tierna 2 hojas de col seda 1 cdta. de comino molido 1½ cdas. de sal 1 ají rojo entero Tostado 500 g de maíz suave 1 rama de ashnacyuyo"}]},{"head":"Blanca Simbaña","index":83,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":2,"text":"Pichincha (Ecuador)"}]},{"head":"ELABORACIÓN","index":84,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Caldo","index":85,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":23,"text":"• En una olla colocar agua y agregar la cebolla picada, los condimentos, sal, tripas, papas, arveja, col y cocinar por 1 hora."}]},{"head":"Tostado","index":86,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":28,"text":"• Tostar el maíz en un tiesto de barro. Enfriar. Mezclar el tostado con las hojas de ashnacyuyo y moler en molino de mano para obtener una harina."}]},{"head":"Uchucota","index":87,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":15,"text":"• Sobre el caldo, añadir la harina tostada y mezclar con una cuchara de palo."},{"index":2,"size":8,"text":"La mezcla debe quedar de una consistencia semisólida."}]},{"head":"PRESENTACIÓN","index":88,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":12,"text":"• En un plato de barro colocar aproximadamente 8 cucharadas de uchucota."},{"index":2,"size":6,"text":"Acompañar con ají entero seco (deshidratado). "}]},{"head":"Uchucota","index":89,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Lilia Jiménez","index":90,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":2,"text":"Boyacá (Colombia)"}]},{"head":"ELABORACIÓN","index":91,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":10,"text":"• Sazonar las carnes con 2 cucharadas de ajo molido."},{"index":2,"size":16,"text":"• Cocinar las chuguas junto con el murillo en una olla a presión por 10 minutos."},{"index":3,"size":9,"text":"• Cocinar los cubios aparte con sal al gusto."},{"index":4,"size":12,"text":"• Revolver todos los ingredientes, menos los cubios, en una olla grande."},{"index":5,"size":11,"text":"• Agregar cebolla picada en juliana y cocinar durante 30 minutos."},{"index":6,"size":16,"text":"• Aparte, sofreír en aceite un picado de cebolla y tomate para hacer un hogao (rehogado)."}]},{"head":"PRESENTACIÓN","index":92,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":16,"text":"• Servir en un plato hondo todos los ingredientes, agregar encima el hogao y los cubios. "}]},{"head":"Cocido boyacense","index":93,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Máximo Miranda","index":94,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":2,"text":"Chiquián (Perú)"}]},{"head":"ELABORACIÓN","index":95,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Aderezo","index":96,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":12,"text":"• Moler o licuar todos los ingredientes hasta obtener una pasta uniforme."},{"index":2,"size":14,"text":"Mezclar el aderezo con las carnes por separado en una olla, tina o balde."}]},{"head":"Armado del horno","index":97,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":50,"text":"• En un sito amplio y bien ventilado hacer un agujero de aproximadamente 2 metros de diámetro y 20 cm de profundidad. Crear un horno con piedras del lugar y colocar leña bien seca. Encender y mantener a fuego alto durante 1 hora hasta que las piedras estén bien calientes."}]},{"head":"Montado","index":98,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":55,"text":"• Con la ayuda de una pala, desmoronar el horno y distribuir las piedras de manera uniforme en todo el hoyo cavado. Colocar encima papel de azúcar y poner encima las papas al centro. Alrededor colocar las carnes. Cubrir con más papel de azúcar y colocar las habas, el camote, las ocas y el maíz."},{"index":2,"size":17,"text":"Tapar la pachamanca con hierbas altas (de preferencia marmarquilla), más papel y piedras. Cocinar por 40-50 minutos."},{"index":3,"size":19,"text":"• Una vez terminada la cocción, desmontar con cuidado y colocar todos los ingredientes por separado en recipientes. Servir."}]},{"head":"Pachamanca","index":99,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":42,"text":"½ kg de maíz suave 2 kg de papa rosada pequeña cocinada 6 ramas de cebolla de rama 2 ramas de cilantro 10 ramas de hierbabuena 10 hojas de paico 3 dientes de ajos 5 ramas de perejil 3 cdas. de sal"}]},{"head":"Martha Oliva","index":100,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":2,"text":"Carchi (Ecuador)"}]},{"head":"ELABORACIÓN","index":101,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Nabo","index":102,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":19,"text":"• Picar las hojas de nabo y cocinar durante 2 horas. Colar y formar \"pelotas\" para eliminar el agua."}]},{"head":"Tocino","index":103,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":29,"text":"• Cortar el tocino o la carne preferida en trozos pequeños. Freír en una sartén para extraer la manteca. Reserva la manteca. Freír hasta que quede bien crocante (chicharrón)."}]},{"head":"Tostado","index":104,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":13,"text":"• Tostar el maíz suave con un poco de la manteca de cerdo."}]},{"head":"Guiso","index":105,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":30,"text":"• En la sartén donde se preparó el chancho y con la manteca freír la cebolla picada, el cilantro, la hierbabuena, el paico, el ajo y el perejil, todo picado."},{"index":2,"size":12,"text":"Agregar el chicharrón y sal al gusto. Hacer un guiso o refrito."}]},{"head":"Jaucha","index":106,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":17,"text":"• Sobre el guiso o refrito colocar las hojas de nabo cocinadas, mezclar y volver a freír."}]},{"head":"PRESENTACIÓN","index":107,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":26,"text":"• En plato tendido colocar unas 4 o 5 cucharadas de jaucha. Acompañar con papas cocinadas y dos cucharadas de tostado. Comer con ají al gusto. "}]},{"head":"Jaucha de nabos","index":108,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Edelisa Olvea","index":109,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":2,"text":"Puno (Perú)"}]},{"head":"ELABORACIÓN","index":110,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":15,"text":"• Filetear la carne de alpaca y sazonar con ajo molido, pimienta y sal gusto."},{"index":2,"size":3,"text":"Freír la carne."},{"index":3,"size":27,"text":"• Preparar un aderezo de cebolla, tomate, ajo, ají y sal al gusto. Agregar las arvejas y cocinar. Colocar la carne frita y dejar espesar unos minutos."},{"index":4,"size":32,"text":"• Aparte, cocinar la tunta al vapor. Una vez cocida, cortar en trocitos. En otra sartén cocer el maní molido con aceite hasta que agarre su punto y mezclar con la tunta."},{"index":5,"size":33,"text":"• Pelar las papas y sancocharlas. Servir las papas, la tunta en maní y encima colocar la sajta de carne. Se puede servir con una zarza de cebolla y tomate picado muy finamente."}]},{"head":"Sajta de tunta y alpaca INGREDIENTES","index":111,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":49,"text":"200 g de papa criolla 200 g de papa pastusa 200 g de papa sabanera 2 mazorcas de maíz tiernas 400 g de pechuga de pollo 80 g de guascas 35 g de cebolla larga 5 g de sal 5 ml de crema de leche 5 g de alcaparras"}]},{"head":"Agua","index":112,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Luz Cogollo","index":113,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":3,"text":"Altiplano cundiboyacense (Colombia)"}]},{"head":"ELABORACIÓN","index":114,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":41,"text":"• En una olla mediana poner el agua, la pechuga de pollo, las mazorcas (peladas y cortadas) y un amarre de la mitad de la guasca y toda la cebolla larga. Cocinar a fuego medio alto hasta que rompa el hervor."},{"index":2,"size":10,"text":"• Pelar las papas (sabanera, pastusa y criolla) y lavarlas."},{"index":3,"size":24,"text":"• Filetear las papas sabanera y pastura y agregarlas a la olla cuando comience a hervir. Tapar hasta que vuelva a romper el hervor."},{"index":4,"size":20,"text":"• Destapar la olla y retirar el amarre. Agregar un segundo amarre con el resto de guascas. Sacar la pechuga."},{"index":5,"size":31,"text":"• Destapar la olla cinco minutos después. Fileter la papa criolla y agregar a la olla. Agregar la crema de leche. Esperar que hierva y bajar el fuego hasta que espese."},{"index":6,"size":16,"text":"• Corregir la sal, retirar el segundo amarre y desmechar (deshilachar) el pollo. Bajar el fuego."}]},{"head":"PRESENTACIÓN","index":115,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":28,"text":"• En un plato de sopa, colocar una mazorca, parte del líquido, parte de las papas y un puñado de pollo desmechado. Acompañar de alcaparras, arroz y aguacate. "}]},{"head":"Ajiaco santafereño","index":116,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Cornelia Navarro","index":117,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":2,"text":"Huancavelica (Perú)"}]},{"head":"ELABORACIÓN","index":118,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":22,"text":"• Remojar el chullqui y el charque el día anterior. Al día siguiente, aplastar o desmenuzar el chullqui, y deshilachar el charqui."},{"index":2,"size":15,"text":"• En una olla, calentar el aceite y blanquear la cebolla. Agregar el ajo molido."},{"index":3,"size":12,"text":"Añadir el tomate y sazonar con pimienta, comino y sal al gusto."},{"index":4,"size":36,"text":"• Añadir 2 tazas de agua y cuando hierva agregar el charqui deshilachado y las papas cortadas en cuadritos. Una vez que el charqui este cocido, adicionar el chullqui desmenuzado y cocinar por 5 minutos aproximadamente."},{"index":5,"size":9,"text":"• Acompañar con arroz blanco graneado y hierbabuena picada."}]},{"head":"Guiso de chullqui","index":119,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"10","index":120,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Aníbal Criollo","index":121,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":2,"text":"Nariño (Colombia)"},{"index":2,"size":4,"text":"Cuya negra preñada levantamuertos"}]},{"head":"4-6","index":122,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":6,"text":"See English recipe on page 203 "}]},{"head":"INGREDIENTES","index":123,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Relleno","index":124,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":57,"text":"• Precalentar un caldero y agregar grasa de cerdo y aceite. Cuando esté dorado, incorporar todos los ingredientes finamente picados: cebolla cabezona roja, tallos de cebolla junca, pimentón, ajo, arracacha, ullucos, papitas, maíz, acelga, brócoli, coliflor, arveja, habas, chocho, oca, hojas picadas y salteadas, quinua, maní previamente tostado y quebrado en piedra, cilantro, perejil, apio y achiote."},{"index":2,"size":37,"text":"• Aparte, saltear las vísceras y el feto del cuy con grasa de cerdo. Cuando estén doradas picar y mezclar con el relleno. Esto deber estar marinado con el mismo aderezo de la cuya y picado finamente."},{"index":3,"size":67,"text":"• Rellenar la cuya por el estómago con el relleno anterior, cerrar con hilo y aguja arriera (grande) y envolver la cuya sobre las hojas de repollo (col común grande) ya pringadas por el fuego. Albardar (envolver) la cuya con las hojas de achira, atar con la piola pasada por aceite para evitar que el rescoldo la queme, se afloje el atado y se pierdan los jugos."},{"index":4,"size":11,"text":"• Llevar sobre el rescoldo por 4 horas a fuego constante. "}]},{"head":"Trigidia Jiménez","index":125,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":3,"text":"La Paz (Bolivia)"}]},{"head":"ELABORACIÓN","index":126,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":26,"text":"• En una olla colocar un litro y medio de agua, colocar la carne en trozos, dejar hervir por 40 minutos, colocar una pizca de sal."},{"index":2,"size":22,"text":"• Picar la cebolla en juliana, la zanahoria en corte largos y colocar en la olla para su cocción durante 15 minutos."},{"index":3,"size":43,"text":"• Al mismo tiempo, diluir la harina de cañahua con agua fría, colocar a la sopa removiendo contantemente hasta el primer hervor. 5 minutos antes de retirar la olla de fuego colocar una pizca de orégano, apio y perejil sin picar, en ramas."}]},{"head":"PRESENTACIÓN","index":127,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":29,"text":"• Servir en plato de barro y/o porcelana con un trozo de carne. Se puede acompañar con queso rallado o papas fritas encima, un plato ideal para días fríos. "}]},{"head":"Lahua de cañahua","index":128,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Martha Chacón","index":129,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":3,"text":"La Libertad (Perú)"}]},{"head":"ELABORACIÓN","index":130,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":14,"text":"• Pelar el chiclayo y cortarlo en cuadraditos muy pequeños. Picar la cebolla china."},{"index":2,"size":20,"text":"• En una olla calentar un chorrito de aceite y agregar el ajo molido y el ají amarillo. Freír bien."},{"index":3,"size":23,"text":"• Dorar la carne de chancho cortada en trozos pequeños, añadir la cebolla china, el chiclayo picado y cocinar por unos 45 minutos."},{"index":4,"size":13,"text":"• Servir en un plato hondo acompañado con papa sancochada y culantro picado."}]},{"head":"Chiclayo verde","index":131,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":72,"text":"En sentido horario: Aníbal Criollo en sus tierras de Nariño, Colombia. Doña Cornelia Navarro nos ofrece un puñado chullqui, olluco deshidratado. Justina Quispe invita el tarpuy uchu, plato de fiesta típico de Cusco. Chuño blanco listo para cocinar. Torrejas de maíz y trigo, comida sencilla del campo andino. Cocinera boliviana, Trigidia Jiménez. Toda la riqueza de los Andes para el mundo. Máximo Miranda desmorona las piedras calientes para preparar la pachamanca. Reservar."}]},{"head":"Tortilla de pajuro","index":132,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":20,"text":"• Colocar los huevos en un tazón y salpimentar. Batir con la ayuda de un batidor de globo hasta integrar."},{"index":2,"size":50,"text":"• Calentar el aceite en una sartén y sofreír la cebolla y el ajo durante un par de minutos. Agregar las hojas de espinacas (sin tallos) y continuar la cocción por dos minutos más. Agregar la taza de pajuro y revolver bien para integrar todos los ingredientes. Retirar del fuego."},{"index":3,"size":22,"text":"• En un recipiente, agregar la mezcla de huevos a la preparación y separar en cuatro porciones. Cocer cada porción individualmente. Reservar."}]},{"head":"Salsa de tarwi","index":133,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":28,"text":"• Hacer una mezcla (roux) con harina y mantequilla. Agregar la leche y cocer hasta que la preparación tome punto. Licuar la salsa con el tarwi y colar."},{"index":2,"size":1,"text":"Salpimentar."}]},{"head":"PRESENTACIÓN","index":134,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":22,"text":"• Colocar cada tortilla al centro del plato, sobre estas los filetes y bañar con la salsa de tarwi. Decorar con brotes."},{"index":2,"size":14,"text":"Paiche a la plancha en salsa de tarwi con tortilla de pajuro y espinaca "}]},{"head":"Langostinos encocados","index":135,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":18,"text":"• Pelar y limpiar los langostinos. Añadir unas gotas de limón, sal y salsa inglesa. Reservar en frío."},{"index":2,"size":10,"text":"• En un sartén colocar el achiote y la mantequilla;"},{"index":3,"size":39,"text":"añadir el ajo y la cebolla, cristalizar y adicionar el coco rallado. Dejar que capte los aromas y se suavice su textura. Colocar los pimientos, la crema de leche, la leche de coco, y terminar con el cilantro. Sazonar."}]},{"head":"Espuma de tomate de árbol","index":136,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":36,"text":"• Licuar la pulpa del tomate de árbol y cernir. Colocar en el sifón con la crema de leche. Poner dos cargas de gas y batir. Reservar en frío comprobando que se haya hecho la espuma."}]},{"head":"Aire de coco","index":137,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":22,"text":"• Colocar el agua de coco en un bol con la lecitina y con un turbo mixer mezclar hasta obtener el aire."}]},{"head":"Salsa de ají y coco","index":138,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":13,"text":"• Mezclar todos los ingredientes en un recipiente de vidrio y dejar emulsionar."}]},{"head":"Achochas","index":139,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":56,"text":"• Lavar las achochas y blanquearlas en agua hirviendo. Retirar las semillas y disponerlas en una bandeja para horno enmantequillada. Rellenarlas con el esponjoso de yuca y los langostinos crudos sazonados. Colocar la salsa encocada y el queso manaba y hornear hasta cocinar el langostino y el esponjoso de yuca, por 20 minutos a 170 °C."}]},{"head":"ARMADO","index":140,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":35,"text":"• En un plato colocar un poco de la salsa y colocar una achocha rellena. Colocar alrededor más salsa, la espuma de tomate y el aire de coco. Decorar con ramas de cilantro y flores."}]},{"head":"102","index":141,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Vanessa Marca","index":142,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":3,"text":"La Paz (Bolivia)"},{"index":2,"size":14,"text":"Croqueta de walusa con charque de llama y jallpa wayk'a Reservar en el refrigerador."},{"index":3,"size":45,"text":"• Dar forma circular, como una hamburguesa, y colocar al centro un pedazo de queso criollo o menonita. Cerrar bien, pasar por harina con un poco de sal, las claras condimentadas y finalmente por pan molido. Reservar 15 minutos para que el empanado esté firme."},{"index":4,"size":9,"text":"• Freír en aceite a 170°C. Escurrir y servir."}]},{"head":"Jallpa wayk´a","index":143,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":28,"text":"• K´aspar el ají (quemar un poco las vainas sobre la hornalla). Colocar en una olla con agua, hervir para que se hidrate y cocinar por 25 minutos."},{"index":2,"size":32,"text":"Retirar del fuego, quitar las cabezas y las pepas, y licuar hasta obtener una crema homogénea con 300 ml de agua de su misma cocción, ajo, comino, sal y pimienta a gusto."},{"index":3,"size":24,"text":"• Hervir la preparación con un chorro de aceite, por 25 minutos a fuego medio, cuidando que no se seque demasiado. Rectificar la sazón."},{"index":4,"size":10,"text":"• Poner los huevos en agua hirviendo por 12 minutos."},{"index":5,"size":7,"text":"Retirar, pelar y cortar en cubos medianos."},{"index":6,"size":9,"text":"• Picar la cola de la cebolla de verdeo."},{"index":7,"size":22,"text":"• Una vez listo el ají cocido y sazonado, enfriar por completo y agregar los huevos y la cebolla de verdeo. Reservar."}]},{"head":"Charque","index":144,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":14,"text":"• Lavar bien el charque previamente deshilachado, escurrir y freír. Retirar sobre papel absorbente."}]},{"head":"Aceite de huacataya","index":145,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":9,"text":"• Licuar las hojitas de huacataya con el aceite."},{"index":2,"size":1,"text":"Sapimentar."}]},{"head":"ARMADO","index":146,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":34,"text":"• En un plato blanco colocar la base de walusa y encima la jallpa wayk´a y el charque frito. Decorar con los chips de papa, la walusa, los tomates cherry y hojitas de huacataya."},{"index":2,"size":10,"text":"• Rociar el aceite de huacataya para realzar el sabor. "}]},{"head":"Salsa teriyaki","index":147,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":16,"text":"• Calentar la salsa junto a la maracuyá, la pasta de ajo y el vino blanco."},{"index":2,"size":5,"text":"Reducir y sazonar al gusto."}]},{"head":"Puré de tubérculos","index":148,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":34,"text":"• Cocinar las papas y el camote en agua con sal. Pelar los tubérculos y aplastarlos bien. En una olla mezclar los tubérculos con la mantequilla y la leche hasta tener un puré uniforme."}]},{"head":"Curtido de melloco","index":149,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":18,"text":"• Cocinar el melloco en agua. Cortar la cebolla y el tomate y el melloco cocido en brunoisse."},{"index":2,"size":12,"text":"• Agregar el zumo de limón, sal y pimienta y cilantro picado."}]},{"head":"ARMADO","index":150,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":16,"text":"• Servir el atún y acompañar del puré y el curtido. Acompañar con la salsa teriyaki. "}]},{"head":"Yellow fin andino","index":151,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Andrés Orellana","index":152,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":2,"text":"Lima (Perú)"}]},{"head":"ELABORACIÓN","index":153,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Papel de cushuro","index":154,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":18,"text":"• Lavar el cushuro de manera que no queden elementos extraños ni cushuros con mal aspecto o dañados."},{"index":2,"size":51,"text":"Licuar con el agua mineral de manera que quede lo más homogéneo posible. Pasar por un colador fino y colocar en un silpat con un espesor de 2-3 mm y llevar a un excalibur o un horno sin ventilación a 50 °C por 36 horas. Reservar los remanentes para el crocante."}]},{"head":"Crocante de cushuro","index":155,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":34,"text":"• Esparcir los remanentes que quedaron en el colador en un silpat como si se tratara de un crumble, sin una forma específica. Deshidratar de la misma manera a 50 °C por 36 horas."}]},{"head":"Encurtido de cushuro","index":156,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":58,"text":"• En una sartén colocar el vinagre, el agua, la sal y el azúcar y esperar a que rompa ebullición. Retirar y enfriar ligeramente. Cuando el líquido tenga una temperatura de 70 °C introducir el cushuro, el anís estrella, el ají y la pimienta molle. Mantener a temperatura controlada. Reservar al menos 24 horas antes de usar. Refrigerar."}]},{"head":"Lactofermento de cushuro","index":157,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":49,"text":"• Llevar todos los productos a una bolsa de vacío y sellar, dejando un pequeño contenido de aire. Tomar de referencia, si es que la selladora tiene una pantalla, cuando marque 90. Mantener a una temperatura de 18-20 °C. Reservar al menos 48 horas antes de su uso. Refrigerar."}]},{"head":"Crema de cushuro","index":158,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":46,"text":"• En un bowl mezclar el kefír, el yogurt griego, el crocante y los cushuros del encurtido y el lactofermento mezclando con una cuchara hasta tener una mezcla espesa y con cierta consistencia. Llevar todo al frío por unas horas hasta que cuaje de manera homogénea."}]},{"head":"Presentación","index":159,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":39,"text":"• Con la ayuda de una tijera cortar el papel de cushuro en círculos de 8 cm. Poner aproximadamente 25-30 g de crema de cushuro al medio y cerrar uniendo los pliegos en la parte superior de nuestros ravioles."},{"index":2,"size":14,"text":"Decorar la parte superior de cada raviol con el molido de papel de cushuro. "}]},{"head":"Ravioles de cushuro","index":160,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Daniela Hedian","index":161,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":2,"text":"Quito (Ecuador)"}]},{"head":"ELABORACIÓN","index":162,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Sopa de quinua","index":163,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":34,"text":"• Cocinar la quinua con agua. Aparte, en una olla, hacer un refrito con el aceite de achiote y el ajo hasta que se dore, luego agregar la cebolla blanca, comino, sal y pimienta."},{"index":2,"size":39,"text":"• Cocinar este refrito con un poco de agua, hasta que la cebolla quede bien cocida. Colocar la carne de cerdo junto con un poco de agua de la cocción de la quinua. Colocar las papas y la quinua."},{"index":3,"size":21,"text":"• Aparte, licuar la leche y el maní. Agregar a la olla y hervir. Colocar al final cilantro picado y reposar."}]},{"head":"Tierras de quinua","index":164,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":20,"text":"• Cocinar por separado las diferentes quinuas. Aparte, hacer un refrito de cebolla, ajo y pimiento de un solo color."},{"index":2,"size":24,"text":"• Mezcla de quinua blanca con el pimiento rojo, la quinua roja con el pimiento verde y la quinua negra con el pimiento amarillo."}]},{"head":"Crocantes y decoraciones","index":165,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":14,"text":"• Cocinar las quinuas por separado, cada una con una tercera parte del arroz."},{"index":2,"size":16,"text":"Procesar y extender en un silpad. Secar en el horno a 80 °C por 2 horas."},{"index":3,"size":25,"text":"Secar al aire libre un día y partir en trozos desiguales. Colocar en el aceite a 280 °C para que se inflen y creen texturas."},{"index":4,"size":25,"text":"• Cortar La zanahoria y la remolacha en láminas finas y espacir un sirope de azúcar y agua. Hornear a 80 °C por 2 horas."}]},{"head":"ARMADO","index":166,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":15,"text":"• Colocar las tres texturas de quinua cocinada con los crocantes. Aparte, servir la sopa. "}]},{"head":"Mis colores andinos","index":167,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Lechón confitado","index":168,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":10,"text":"• Lavar bien el lechón. Cortar la cabeza y reservar."},{"index":2,"size":18,"text":"Cortar por la columna en dos partes y después en mitades hasta obtener 4 pedazos de igual tamaño."},{"index":3,"size":8,"text":"Sazonar con sal y pimienta por ambos lados."},{"index":4,"size":32,"text":"• Mezclar en un bowl la manteca de cerdo, la mapahuira y la cerveza, ajo, comino y orégano y hacer una pasta. Untar las porciones de cochinillo con la pasta de grasas."},{"index":5,"size":18,"text":"• Introducir las porciones a una bolsa de sellado, junto con la hoja de laurel. Sellar al vacío."},{"index":6,"size":50,"text":"• Precalentar el sous vide a 70 °C. Poner el cochinillo al vacío en el centro del sous vide y cocinar a baja temperatura por 12 horas (el tiempo puede variar según el tamaño y peso de las porciones). Retirae el cochinillo y abrir en una fuente. Reservar el jugo."},{"index":7,"size":46,"text":"• En un sartén con manteca de cerdo caliente, colocar el cochinillo del lado de la piel y dorar hasta que quede crocante. Reservar el mejor trozo de piel crocante para la decoración. Deshuesar el lechón y cortar en tiras de aproximadamente 1 cm de grosor."}]},{"head":"Reducción de mortiño perfumado a la naranjilla","index":169,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":40,"text":"• En una olla colocar todos los ingredientes y reducir un 70%, hasta tener un líquido espeso y acaramelado. Retirar el ishpingo y rectificar la sazón, que puede variar según la acidez y maduración de los mortiños y la naranjilla."}]},{"head":"Espuma de oca","index":170,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":17,"text":"• Cocinar las ocas en agua hasta que estén suaves y tiernas. Reservar el agua y enfriar."},{"index":2,"size":63,"text":"• Una vez frías, hacer un puré fino con un poco del agua de cocción. Agregar el queso parmesano, la mantequilla y el ajo asado molido. Agregar la crema de leche y cernir por un colador fino. Colocar la preparación en el sifón, cerrarlo y poner dos cargas de gas. Refrigerar por 2 horas o más. Antes de servir, calentar a baño maría."}]},{"head":"Cebollitas crocantes","index":171,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":31,"text":"• Cortar las echalotas en rodajitas delgadas. En un taper de tapa hermética, mezclar la harina con la sal de ajo y de cebolla, la canela y una pizca de comino."},{"index":2,"size":31,"text":"• Poner las echalotas en un bowl con agua, escurrirlas y pasarlas al taper. Tapar y mezclar con fuerza para lograr que las echalotas queden cubiertas de la harina especiada. Cernir."},{"index":3,"size":24,"text":"• Calentar aceite neutro a 180 °C, freír hasta dorar, sacar y escurrir bien en papel toalla. Espolvorear un poco de sal. Servir inmediatamente."}]},{"head":"Chips andinos, perlas y rollitos de vegetales","index":172,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":22,"text":"• Pelar y cortar los tubérculos en rodajas finas, como chips, y luego con un cortador redondo de 1 cm de diámetro."},{"index":2,"size":11,"text":"• Brochear con aceite cada disco y hornear a 170 °C."},{"index":3,"size":16,"text":"por 1.5 horas. Una vez crujientes, retirarlos del horno y secarlos en papel toalla. Espolvorear sal."},{"index":4,"size":25,"text":"• Cortar en mandolina los vegetales y blanquear al dente y meter en agua helada para resaltar sus colores. Cortar del tamaño deseado y enrollar."}]},{"head":"Aceite infusionado de puerro asado","index":173,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":32,"text":"• Picar la cebolla largas en trozos gruesos de aproximadamente 2 cm. Colocar en una olla con el aceite a fuego bajo y cocinar lentamente, para que el aceite coja el sabor."},{"index":2,"size":9,"text":"• En una olla pequeña con agua hirviendo colocar "}]},{"head":"Doris León Payaliht","index":174,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":2,"text":"Áncash (Perú)"}]},{"head":"ELABORACIÓN","index":175,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":17,"text":"• Pelar las papas y sancocharlas en agua con sal (reservar el agua de la papa sancochada)."},{"index":2,"size":19,"text":"• Limpiar el ají amarillo sacando las venas y semillas, y blanquearlo para quitarle el picante. Licuarlo y reservar."},{"index":3,"size":11,"text":"• Picar la cebolla en cubos chicos y triturar los ajos."},{"index":4,"size":19,"text":"• Moler o licuar el chocho con un poco de aceite y el agua reservada de la papa sancochada."},{"index":5,"size":26,"text":"• Sofreír la cebolla picada en una olla chica con aceite y añadir después de unos momentos el ajo triturado. Esperar que la cebolla esté brillante."},{"index":6,"size":13,"text":"• Añadir el ají licuado y freírlo hasta que se separe del aceite."},{"index":7,"size":42,"text":"• Agregar el chocho molido o licuado mezclándolo con el aderezo hasta cocinarlo. Si se espesa se puede añadir un poco mas del agua de papa sancochada. Luego se añade el queso previamente licuado y se mezcla hasta que esté todo cremoso."},{"index":8,"size":20,"text":"• Picar la papa sancochada en cubos grandes y verterla a la olla. Mezclar bien con la crema de chocho."}]},{"head":"PRESENTACIÓN","index":176,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":26,"text":"• Se sirve en plato adornado con lechuga. Se echa encima el perejil finamente picado y se pone el huevo duro y queso fresco en tiras."},{"index":2,"size":10,"text":"• Se acompaña con cancha de maíz y rocoto molido. "}]},{"head":"Picante de chocho","index":177,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Flavio Solórzano","index":178,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":2,"text":"Lima (Perú)"}]},{"head":"ELABORACIÓN","index":179,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":2,"text":"Coliflor asada"},{"index":2,"size":22,"text":"• Mezclar el yogurt, la cebolla, aceite y sal. Untar en la coliflor trozada y hornear a 180 °C por 20 minutos."}]},{"head":"Crema de kañiwa","index":180,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":20,"text":"• Cocinar la kañiwa en el caldo de pollo. Una vez cocida, agregar el resto de ingredientes, licuar y colar."}]},{"head":"Salsa agria","index":181,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":13,"text":"• Mezclar los ingredientes y esperar unos 15 minutos hasta que se corte."}]},{"head":"Quenelle de queso","index":182,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":14,"text":"• Aplastar el queso hasta formar una pasta. Mezclar con el resto de ingredientes."}]},{"head":"PRESENTACIÓN","index":183,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":21,"text":"• Servir la crema de kañiwa. Sobre esta, colocar la coliflor asada y el quenelle de queso. Terminar con la salsa."},{"index":2,"size":21,"text":"Coliflor asada con crema de kañiwa • Formar bollos de 30 gramos, reposar 15 minutos, laminar y rellenar con el cordero."}]},{"head":"INGREDIENTES","index":184,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":28,"text":"• Calentar agua en una cacerola alta hasta romper hervor, colocar los bollos en un colador con cuidado de que no toque el agua. Cocer por 20 minutos."}]},{"head":"Relleno","index":185,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":28,"text":"• Laminar la pierna de cordero con 1 centímetro de espesor. Verter en una olla todos los ingredientes, confitar a 70 °C durante 3 horas, controlando la temperatura."},{"index":2,"size":27,"text":"• Porcionar en 5 partes iguales, deshebrar o martajar, llevar a una cacerola, sellar con salsa de ciruela y reservar para el relleno de pan de chuño."}]},{"head":"Chips de chuño waycha","index":186,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":13,"text":"• Laminar los chuños, freír a 160 °C y dejar en papel absorbente."}]},{"head":"Crema de chuño pala y queso","index":187,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":37,"text":"• Cocer el chuño partiendo de agua fría a ebullición durante 12 minutos. Procesar con la leche, queso, koa y zumo de limón. Pasar con un tamizador y cocer por 5 minutos hasta obtener una consistencia cremosa."}]},{"head":"Salsa de ciruela","index":188,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":51,"text":"• Quitar el corazón de las ciruelas e hidratar con vino tinto durante 45 minutos. Llevar todo a procesar junto con las hojas de romero hasta que tenga una consistencia fina. Pasar por un tamiz y cocer a fuego medio durante 5 minutos. Rectificar la sazón con la miel de caña."}]},{"head":"Retamas y flores del huerto","index":189,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":26,"text":"• Reposar las retamas y las flores por separado en agua con vinagre (5 ml de vinagre por cada litro de agua). Secar en papel absorbente. "}]},{"head":"PRESENTACIÓN","index":190,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Andrés Vera","index":191,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":2,"text":"Quito (Ecuador)"}]},{"head":"ELABORACIÓN","index":192,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Raviol transparente","index":193,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":27,"text":"• Lavar y limpiar las zanahorias, laminar en mandolina y colocar 12 horas en un deshidratador. Una vez secas, pulverizar y tamizar. Reservar en un lugar seco."},{"index":2,"size":28,"text":"Extender las hojas de obulato y esparcir la zanahoria con un cernidor. Sellar los bordes con aceite de oliva, generando un disco traslúcido. Agregar la sal de trufa."}]},{"head":"Tapenade de zanahoria","index":194,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":42,"text":"• Lavar, cantear y pelar la zanahoria blanca. Cocinar partiendo de aceite frío hasta llegar a 80 °C, evitando que supere esa temperatura por 22 minutos. Retirar del fuego y procesar hasta que obtener un puré. Tamizar dos veces. Rectificar la sal."}]},{"head":"Tierra de hongos","index":195,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":21,"text":"• Laminar los champiñones, portobellos, shiitakes y porcini a 4 mm de espesor y deshidratar por 20 horas. Procesar y tamizar."}]},{"head":"Escabeche de taxo","index":196,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":19,"text":"• Abrir el taxo y extraer el zumo. Mezclar el zumo de taxo con el azúcar y el vinagre."},{"index":2,"size":27,"text":"• Cortar la cebolla en juliana. Confitar la cebolla partiendo de aceite frío hasta llegar a 80-85 °C por 15 minutos. Blanquear el melloco y las habas."},{"index":3,"size":27,"text":"• Calentar la mezcla de taxo y vinagre hasta llegar a los 75 °C y agregar el melloco y las habas para que se termine de cocinar."}]},{"head":"Tuile de cebada perlada","index":197,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":48,"text":"• Cocinar la cebada con agua hasta que esté suave. Reservar la cebada y el agua por separado. Mixear con la maicena, la harina, la glucosa y sal, hasta obtener una masa lisa. Esparcir con la espátula dando forma circular en un silpat y hornear a 180 °C."},{"index":2,"size":20,"text":"Raviol transparente de zanahorias blancas, tapenade de zanahoria confitada, tierra de hongos, escabeche de taxo y tuile de cebada perlada"}]},{"head":"4-6","index":198,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":28,"text":"See English recipe on page 207 • Retirar de la parrilla, colocar en una olla y agregar el agua. Se va a convertir en un caldo muy oscuro."},{"index":2,"size":21,"text":"Continuar rostizando en el horno o parrilla unos 40 minutos más. Colar y reducir hasta aprox. obtener 600 ml de líquido."},{"index":3,"size":48,"text":"• Pesar la xantana, la pectina y la sal. Con un mixer, mezclar un poco del caldo con esta preparación y regresar al caldo con un colador para asegurarse que no haya grumos. Reducir hasta que tome el espesor deseado, y probar la sal para ponerle al gusto."},{"index":4,"size":20,"text":"• Nota: Si no se tuviera pectina se puede espesar tambien solo con xantana o también con maicena o chuño."}]},{"head":"Salsa de maní","index":199,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":25,"text":"• Tostar el maní en una sartén o en el horno y licuar hasta obtener una pasta fina. Dejar en el vaso de la licuadora."},{"index":2,"size":36,"text":"• En una olla colocar un chorrito de aceite y agregar el ajo, el kion, las chalotas y el ají. Cocinar a fuego medio-bajo durante unos 15 minutos, moviendo y con cuidado que no se quemen."},{"index":3,"size":35,"text":"• Añadir a los 15 minutos las hojas de lima keffir y el lemon grass, al cual se le ha dado un par de golpes con la base del cuchillo para que libere sus aromas."},{"index":4,"size":35,"text":"Cocinar unos 5-10 minutos más y cuando esté todo bien caramelizado y los sabores unidos, retirar las hojas de lima keffir y el lemon grass y agregar al vaso de la licuadora con el maní."},{"index":5,"size":47,"text":"• Agregar la salsa de soya dulce, el azúcar, la sal y un trozo de la hoja de lima keffir y del lemon grass (al gusto se puede agregar más). Se puede ir agregando un poco de agua si fuera necesario, debe de quedar una salsa espesa."}]},{"head":"Yacón a la parrilla","index":200,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":11,"text":"• Lavar bien el yacón y ponerle un poco de aceite."},{"index":2,"size":49,"text":"Llevar a la parrilla con cuidado que el fuego no esté muy alto, y darle vueltas hasta que la piel esté bien tostada y el interior se sienta blando y cocido. Si la parrilla está muy fuerte se puede poner sobre una bandeja o envolver en papel de aluminio."}]},{"head":"Encurtido de yacón","index":201,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":26,"text":"• Pelar el yacón y cortar en dados pequeños. Colocar en una olla el azúcar con el vinagre y colocar el yacón apenas comience a hervir."},{"index":2,"size":21,"text":"• Cuando haya enfriado, colar y volver a hervir el líquido y colocar por encima del yacón. Repetir una vez más."}]},{"head":"PRESENTACIÓN","index":202,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":11,"text":"• Pelar el yacon con cuidado y partir a lo largo."},{"index":2,"size":41,"text":"Pintarlo con un poco de aceite y darle una sellada en la sartén o en la parrilla para que caramelice por fuera. Deberá tener un color más amarillo, debido a los azúcares que se cocinaron durante la cocción a la parrilla."},{"index":3,"size":32,"text":"• Colocar en un plato la salsa de maní, y una mitad de yacón por encima. Agregar la demi-glace caliente y espesa encima del yacón. Colocar la sal en escamas por encima."},{"index":4,"size":24,"text":"• Servir con los berros mezclados en un bol con un poco de aceite, limón, sal y pimienta, mezclados con el encurtido de yacón. "}]},{"head":"Marsia Taha","index":203,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":3,"text":"La Paz (Bolivia)"}]},{"head":"ELABORACIÓN","index":204,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Llama pastrami","index":205,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":25,"text":"• Espolvorear el pastrami sobre el filete de llama y dejarlo en cámara durante 8 horas. Ahumar 20 minutos en frío (sobre gastro con hielo)."}]},{"head":"Emulsión de maca","index":206,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":31,"text":"• Colocar los huevos, sal y limón en la licuadora y emulsionar con el aceite, agregado en forma de hilo. Cuando se haya formado la emulsión agregarle el polvo de maca."}]},{"head":"Aceite de huacataya","index":207,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":37,"text":"• Calentar el aceite a 60 °C y colocar en la licuadora junto con las hojas de huacataya. Incorporar el aceite de a poco, mientras la licuadora está a velocidad media. Decantar el aceite durante 20 horas."}]},{"head":"Llullucha","index":208,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":16,"text":"• Hidratar la llullucha en agua y lavar bien. Secar bien y freír a 180 °C."}]},{"head":"ARMADO","index":209,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":41,"text":"• Laminar la llama en pedazos muy finos y ponerlos sobre la base de un plato. Encima, distribuir los puntos de emulsión de maca y cubrir de llullucha frita. Alrededor poner un poco del aceite de huacataya junto con las murmuntas."}]},{"head":"Llama, algas laguna y maca","index":210,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"4-6","index":211,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":1,"text":"See "}]},{"head":"ELABORACIÓN","index":212,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":22,"text":"• En una olla, elaborar un aderezo con el aceite caliente, las cebollas y el ajo, rehogar y cocinar por 5 minutos."},{"index":2,"size":31,"text":"• Verter agua caliente y la papa, cocinar, y a mitad de cocción, añadir el olluco. Cocinar durante 15 minutos. Añadir una parte del perejil picado, el quesillo y mezclar. Sazonar."},{"index":3,"size":6,"text":"• Servir y espolvorear perejil picado. "}]},{"head":"Catalina Gago Curi y Clara Gladys Meza Gago","index":213,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":2,"text":"Laraos (Perú)"}]},{"head":"ELABORACIÓN","index":214,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":13,"text":"• Lavar la arracacha junto con el cahui y remojar por un día."},{"index":2,"size":18,"text":"• Colocar la arracacha y el cahui en una olla y hervir por una o dos horas aproximadamente."},{"index":3,"size":16,"text":"• Probar la cocción y añadir la canela, el clavo de olor y azúcar al gusto."},{"index":4,"size":12,"text":"• Agregar la harina de arracacha disuelta en agua fría para espesar."}]},{"head":"PRESENTACIÓN","index":215,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":50,"text":"• Servir en un plato de dulce. Se puede acompañar con canchita o machica de cebada. • Hervir durante 20 minutos, lavarlo otra vez y desechar el agua. Hervir otra vez con cuatro tazas de agua, la miel de caña, la canela y el clavo de olor durante 10 minutos."}]},{"head":"Dulce de arracacha con cahui","index":216,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":57,"text":"• Agregar la leche condensada y el almidón (opcional), la manzana y la naranja, y cocinar por 10 minutos más. Se puede consumir frío o caliente. Secar el maíz puimado al sol; una vez seco, tostarlo en el fuego hasta que tome un color marrón. Finalmente, moler el maíz en una pekana hasta obtener una harina fina."}]},{"head":"Mazamorra de amaranto","index":217,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Ulpada","index":218,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":18,"text":"• En una vasija de barro colocar el agua, el quinchamal y el maíz. Hervir por 30 minutos."},{"index":2,"size":13,"text":"• Exprimir bien el maíz y secar en un paño por 24 horas."},{"index":3,"size":32,"text":"• Colocar al fuego una olla de barro o tiesto hasta que esté caliente. Colocar el maíz amarillo y mezclar con un simbol o cuchara de palo hasta que quede dorado. Enfriar."},{"index":4,"size":51,"text":"• Una vez tostado, se muele con dos piedras: una piedra, llamada cona, es una piedra base donde se coloca el maíz tostado; con la otra piedra, llamada mano, se muele con movimientos de arriba hacia abajo hasta que quede una harina muy suave y lisa para poder elaborar la ulpada."},{"index":5,"size":75,"text":"• En una tinaja de barro con 3 litros de agua colocamos 4 cucharadas grandes de esta harina de maíz, endulzar y mezclar bien. Servir bien fría. • Hervir las hierbas con las especias en 1 litro de agua. En otro recipiente, con 3 litros de agua, batir la harina de maíz negro y añadir a una olla con 7 litros de agua a fuego lento. Dejar que hierva y agregar las frutas en trozos."}]},{"head":"Ulpada","index":219,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Ana María Calvopiña","index":220,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":14,"text":"Hervir por 10 minutos y añadir el arrayán y la panela. Enfriar y servir."}]},{"head":"Empanadas de chocho","index":221,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":33,"text":"• Mezclar los chochos molidos con la harina de trigo; remover hasta crear una masa homogénea. Añadir la mantequilla, leche, sal, azúcar y polvo para hornear; mezclar y amasar por aproximadamente 30 minutos."},{"index":2,"size":131,"text":"• Con la masa lista y con el uso de moldes se realizan las empanadas con el relleno de su preferencia (queso, carne, pollo, entre otros). • Lavar bien un perol de cobre y poner a requemar. Una vez caliente, colocar la miel colada y limpia, hasta que agarre punto. Sacar en una espátula y colocar en agua fría. Cuando se quiebre en el agua está lista para agregar la arracacha. Batir 3 horas como mínimo a fuego normal. Enfriar en lapas o bateas y envasar en carapas de plátano. • En una olla hervir el agua con el clavo de olor, la canela y la chancaca trozada. Una vez que se haya disuelto la chancaca añadir la mezcla de harinas, de trigo y lengle, moviendo constantemente hasta cocinar y espesar."}]},{"head":"Rallado de arracacha","index":222,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"José Luján Vargas","index":223,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":16,"text":"• Añadir la leche, las pasas y la manteca, cocinar hasta obtener una textura ligeramente espesa."},{"index":2,"size":20,"text":"• Servir y espolvorear canela molida encima. Se puede servir con pasas morenas, trocitos de queso y hojitas de menta."}]},{"head":"147","index":224,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Sango de fiesta","index":225,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":120,"text":"En sentido horario: Catalina Gago y su hija Clara Meza invitan a degustar el dulce de cahui en los andenes prehispánicos de Laraos, Lima. Detalle de la mazamorra de amaranto. Cocinera y emprendedora, Yanet Torres, Bolivia. Taza de colada morada para combatir el frío andino. Doña Elita Ramírez prepara el rallado de arracacha en su perol de cobre. Cahui, oca deshidratada. Doña Ana María Calvopiña prepara su famosa colada morada. Arracacha seca en Laraos. • Calentar la crema de leche y reservar. Llevar el azúcar a una olla a fuego medio. Cuando se torne dorado, retirar del fuego y agregar de a poco la crema tibia, revolver y agregar por último la mantequilla hasta que se incorpore toda la mezcla."}]},{"head":"Cremoso de arracacha y cacao","index":226,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":27,"text":"• Pelar las arracachas y cortarlas en trozos de 5 cm. Colocarlas en un recipiente con agua fría y dejar reposar 2 horas para que suelte almidón."},{"index":2,"size":20,"text":"Cocinarlas en una olla cubriendo con agua fría a fuego medio hasta que estén blandas. Escurrir el agua y reservar."},{"index":3,"size":28,"text":"• En un procesador, agregar la arracacha, el caramelo de leche, la leche, la cocoa, la sal y la vainilla. Procesar hasta obtener una textura lisa y suave."},{"index":4,"size":7,"text":"Llevar a la nevera mínimo 3 horas."}]},{"head":"Fresco de uchuva","index":227,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":14,"text":"• Procesar las uchuvas y la miel muy poco para obtener un puré grueso."},{"index":2,"size":15,"text":"Escurrir el puré en un paño o lienzo fino por 24 horas sobre un recipiente."},{"index":3,"size":19,"text":"Recoger el agua de uchuva que cae en el recipiente. Reservar la pulpa sobrante para hacer mermelada de uchuvas."}]},{"head":"PRESENTACIÓN","index":228,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":39,"text":"• En un plato servir el cremoso de arracacha sobre un espejo del fresco de uchuva, decorar con láminas frescas de uchuva. • Cortar grueso la pulpa de pacay y por mitades el aguaymanto. Exprimir los limones y reservar."}]},{"head":"Cremoso de arracacha, cacao y caramelo","index":229,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":38,"text":"• Colocar en un tazón el queso crema y, con un batidor de varillas, batirlo hasta lograr una crema. Agregar la leche condensada, mezclar y luego verter el jugo de los limones. Batir suavemente hasta homogenizar la mezcla."},{"index":2,"size":7,"text":"• Echar las frutas y mezclar bien."}]},{"head":"PRESENTACIÓN","index":230,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":49,"text":"• Colocar en partes iguales en dulceras y decorar con la ñuña al tiesto y hojas de menta. • Cremar la manteca con el azúcar y el zester de un limón. Una vez disuelta el azúcar con la manteca agregar el huevo, el zumo del limón y el singani."}]},{"head":"Delicia de pacay, arándanos y aguaymanto","index":231,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":14,"text":"• Mezclar y tamizar la harina, la fécula de maiz y la tunta procesada."},{"index":2,"size":15,"text":"• Combinar las las dos preparaciones anteriores hasta formar una masa suave, refrigerar 15 minutos."},{"index":3,"size":19,"text":"• Laminar con un espesor de 5 milímetros y cortar con la ayuda de corta pasta de 3 centímetros."},{"index":4,"size":20,"text":"• Hornear a 150 °C por 10 a 15 minutos. Rellenar con dulce de leche y cubrir con coco rallado."}]},{"head":"Papel de tunta frita","index":232,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":18,"text":"• Mezclar la tunta con el agua fria, llevar a fuego medio, generando movimiento con un batidor globo."},{"index":2,"size":21,"text":"• Estirar en silpat, llevar a un deshidratador a 30 °C por 5 horas. Una vez deshidratada freír a 230 °c."}]},{"head":"PRESENTACIÓN","index":233,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":27,"text":"• En una plato colocar un alfafor relleno con crema de naranja quemada, otro alfafor de dulce leche y una trufa de dulce de leche con huacataya."},{"index":2,"size":7,"text":"Decorar con el papel de tunta frita. "}]},{"head":"Betsi Albornóz","index":234,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"ELABORACIÓN","index":235,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Relleno","index":236,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":14,"text":"• Sancochar los camotes en una olla con suficiente agua hasta que estén suaves."},{"index":2,"size":19,"text":"• Pelar los membrillos y cocinarlos junto con la rama de canela en suficiente agua hasta que estén suaves."},{"index":3,"size":22,"text":"• Pelar los camotes y aplastar junto con el membrillo hasta obtener una masa homogénea. Enfriar por 15 minutos a temperatura ambiente."},{"index":4,"size":24,"text":"• Una vez frío, agregar la mantequilla derretida, los huevos batiendo suavemente, el azúcar, el jugo de naranja y la maca en polvo. Reservar."}]},{"head":"Crumble","index":237,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":38,"text":"• En un bowl grande mezclar todos los ingredientes y con ayuda de las yemas de los dedos integrar la mantequilla a temperatura de ambiente con todos los ingredientes secos hasta obtener el crumble. Cuidado de no amasar."}]},{"head":"Armado","index":238,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":25,"text":"• Precalentamos el horno a 180 °C. En una fuente rectangular 25 x 15 cm colocar de base el relleno de camotes, membrillo y maca."},{"index":2,"size":13,"text":"• Colocar encima el crumble dispersando uniformemente sobre toda la superficie del molde."},{"index":3,"size":33,"text":"• Hornear durante 45 minutos. Una vez fuera del horno, enfriar por un par de horas antes de servir. También se puede comer caliente. Integrar los ingredientes secos a la mezcla de mantequilla."},{"index":4,"size":25,"text":"• Dejar reposar 30 minutos en el frío. Extender la masa y recortar en discos de 8 cm. Hornear por 10 minutos a 180 °C."}]},{"head":"Sorbete de naranjilla","index":239,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":15,"text":"• Calentar el agua, los azúcares, el estabilizante y el zumo de naranjilla a 65°C."},{"index":2,"size":13,"text":"Enfriar y licuar con los demás ingredientes. Mantecar a -6 °C y reservar."}]},{"head":"Núcleo","index":240,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":29,"text":"• Hidratar la gelatina con el agua. Calentar la pulpa de chirimoya con azúcar a 65 °C. Añadir la gelatina y el zumo de limón. Colocar en moldes, congelar."}]},{"head":"Merengue de canela","index":241,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":41,"text":"• Elaborar un almíbar con azúcar y agua a 100 °C. Batir las claras a punto de nieve. Añadir caramelo en forma de hilo. Añadir el licor y la canela. Batir hasta que enfríe. Colocar en una manga pastelera y reservar."}]},{"head":"PRESENTACIÓN","index":242,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":26,"text":"• Colocar dentro de un disco la masa de galleta. Añadir el sorbete y congelar a -18 °C. Desmoldar el núcleo y poner encima del sorbete."},{"index":2,"size":4,"text":"Decorar con el merengue. "}]},{"head":"María del Carmen Zúñiga","index":243,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"ELABORACIÓN","index":244,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":19,"text":"• Remojar el tocosh en 20 ml de agua. Pelar y triturar con las manos en la misma agua."},{"index":2,"size":15,"text":"• Aparte, hervir el resto del agua con canela y clavo de olor y azúcar."},{"index":3,"size":14,"text":"Agregar el tocosh y mover hasta formar una mazamorra. Aumentar agua si fuera necesario."},{"index":4,"size":9,"text":"• Servir y espolvorear canela molida si se desea. "}]},{"head":"ELABORACIÓN","index":245,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":20,"text":"• Hervir el agua con la panela, las ramas de canela, el clavo de olor y la ralladura de limón."},{"index":2,"size":21,"text":"• Lavar las frutas. Picar la fresa en 4 partes; pelar el durazno y picarlo en cubos de 4 cm aproximadamente."},{"index":3,"size":22,"text":"• Una vez que el agua llegue a ebullición, hervir por 15 minutos para que se concentren las especias en el agua."},{"index":4,"size":28,"text":"• Verter el capulí bien lavado, la fresa y los duraznos. Dejar cocinar por 20 minutos o hasta que el capulí reviente y se deje ver la semilla."},{"index":5,"size":47,"text":"• Retirar las ramas de canela y el clavo de olor de la olla. Aparte, en un recipiente disolver la maicena con 200 ml de agua fría hasta que no queden grumos; una vez disuelta verter la mezcla en la olla revolviendo para que se mezcle bien."},{"index":6,"size":60,"text":"• Dejar hervir por 15 minutos más, revolviendo constantemente. Servir • Batir los huevos y el azúcar hasta obtener una mezcla espumosa y aireada. Incorporar la harina en dos partes y mezclar de forma envolvente. Añadir la vainilla. Verte la mezcla en una bandeja plana y nivelar uniformemente. Hornear a 170 °C por 10 minutos. Enfriar y cortar en círculos."}]},{"head":"Crema bávara","index":246,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":85,"text":"• Hidratar la gelatina sin sabor en el agua, reposar. Mezclar 50 g de la crema de leche, el huevo, el azúcar y la pulpa de tomate. Llevar a baño maría mientras se mezcla con batidor de mano, hasta que la mezcla se espese o alcance los 80 °C. Retirar del baño maría y disolver la gelatina hidratada. Entibiar hasta los 35 °C. Semimontar la crema de leche restante y unir a la mezcla anterior con movimientos envolventes usando una paleta o espátula de goma."}]},{"head":"Nappage","index":247,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":34,"text":"• Hidratar la gelatina sin sabor en el agua, reposar. Calentar en una olla o sartén la pulpa, el azúcar y la glucosa hasta lograr ebullición. Sacar del fuego. Disolver la gelatina hidratada, reservar."}]},{"head":"Nougatine","index":248,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":29,"text":"• Colocar en una sartén, el azúcar, el agua y la glucosa. Llevar a fuego alto hasta obtener un caramelo rubio oscuro o alcanzar la temperatura de 180 °C."},{"index":2,"size":31,"text":"• Mezclar con el merey, verter sobre una superficie plana, colocar encima un plástico grueso. Extender rápidamente hasta obtener un grosor de medio centímetro. Cortar en la forma que se desee."}]},{"head":"MONTAJE","index":249,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":49,"text":"• Colocar el círculo de bizcocho al centro del molde o copa que se vaya a usar. Verter la crema bávara a ¾ del recipiente, llevar a refrigeración 1 hora. Retirar los recipientes y verter el nappage para una capa de medio centímetro, regresar a refrigeración por 4 horas."},{"index":2,"size":34,"text":"• Servir en el recipiente de montaje o planto semi plano, coronar con un nougatine (opcional). • Procesar la calabaza con el aceite. Agregar la cuchara de café, esencia de vainilla y dos huevos."},{"index":3,"size":25,"text":"• En un bowl, agregar todos los ingredientes secos y mezclar. Incorporar la masa líquida a los ingredientes secos, procesar hasta obtener una masa homogénea."},{"index":4,"size":16,"text":"• Colocar las hojas de achira en el fuego y colocar en los moldes para cupcake."},{"index":5,"size":14,"text":"Rellenar el molde con la masa y hornear a 180 °C por 50 minutos."}]},{"head":"Almíbar","index":250,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":14,"text":"• Hervir el agua junto al azúcar hasta logar un almíbar de bola suave."}]},{"head":"Merengue italiano","index":251,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":27,"text":"• Batir las claras con el azúcar. Agregar el almíbar y batir. Bajar la velocidad de la batidora y dejar que baje la temperatura de la mezcla."}]},{"head":"Crema","index":252,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":20,"text":"• Sin parar de batir el merengue, agregar la mantequilla de pomada, el café soluble previamente cernido y la vainilla."}]},{"head":"PRESENTACIÓN","index":253,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":19,"text":"• Colocar sobre los cupcakes la crema de mantequilla con boquilla y decorar con almendras ralladas o en polvo. "}]},{"head":"Ignacio Barrios","index":254,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"ELABORACIÓN Crumble","index":255,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":48,"text":"• Poner la mantequilla en una olla pequeña junto con las hojas de muña. Derretirla a fuego bajo para que la muña impegne su sabor a la mantequilla. Luego, colar la mantequilla y refrigerar para que se vuelva a solidificar, cortar en cubos y dejar a temperatura ambiente."},{"index":2,"size":36,"text":"• Poner el resto de los ingredientes para el crumble en un procesador de alimentos hasta tener una mezcla que parezca arena. De no tener procesador, hacerlo rápidamente enharinando los bloques de mantequilla con las manos."},{"index":3,"size":30,"text":"• Estirar la mezcla sobre una bandeja y hornear a 160 °C. Ir moviendo los lados del costado hacia adentro hasta que todo tenga un color caramelo. Retirar y enfriar."}]},{"head":"Mousse","index":256,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":28,"text":"• Retirar el jugo de maracuyá y del tintín. Poner en una olla junto con el azúcar. Hervir la mezcla hasta que se forme un almíbar y enfriar."},{"index":2,"size":37,"text":"• Batir la crema de leche hasta tener un punto chantilly y, aparte, batir el queso crema hasta que este liso y sedoso. Mezclar el queso con el almíbar e integrar de manera envolvente la crema chantilly."},{"index":3,"size":36,"text":"• En un plato hondo servir el crumble como base y colocar el mousse encima. Decorar con hojas de muña. • Cuando se encuentre frío moler en una licuadora o procesador y cernir sobre un silpad."},{"index":4,"size":25,"text":"• Enviar al horno hasta que se obtenga la forma y textura deseada. Mantener en un lugar fresco y seco mejor si es tapado herméticamente."}]},{"head":"Bavarois","index":257,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":22,"text":"• Hervir la leche con el romero, la vainilla y la mitad azúcar. Batir las yemas y la otra mitad del azúcar."},{"index":2,"size":32,"text":"• Juntar estas dos mezclas poniendo un poco de la leche hervida en las yemas para temperar la mezcla y esta en la leche. Moverla hasta alcanzar la textura cremosa deseada. Enfriar."},{"index":3,"size":31,"text":"• Hidratar la gelatina sin sabor y calentar en el microondas para poder diluirla. Juntar la crema con la salsa cernida y al final la gelatina sin sabor con esta mezcla."},{"index":4,"size":15,"text":"• Colocar en el molde deseado y enfriar en la refrigeradora durante unas 2 horas."},{"index":5,"size":26,"text":"• Aparte hacer un caramelo con el resto del azúcar y colocar las uvillas cortadas en la mitad, las cáscaras de la naranja y el jugo."},{"index":6,"size":17,"text":"• Hidratar la gelatina y mezclar. Colocar sobre moldes, haciendo una capa definida de estas dos presentaciones."}]},{"head":"PRESENTACIÓN","index":258,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":29,"text":"• Colocar la tuille de praliné y servir el bavaroise acompañada de una ensalada de fruta de uvillas frescas con fresas, moras y menta fresca. Decorar con naranjas caramelizadas. "}]},{"head":"Sandra Samanamú","index":259,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Queque de arakiwi","index":260,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":14,"text":"• Incorporar en la licuadora el azúcar y los huevos licuar por 2 minutos."},{"index":2,"size":22,"text":"Añadir el aceite en hilo y licuar por 2 minutos más. Añadir la esencia de vainilla y licuar por 1 minuto más."},{"index":3,"size":21,"text":"• Tamizar la harina en un bowl tres veces, añadir el polvo para hornear, el bicarbonato y la canela en polvo."},{"index":4,"size":29,"text":"• Incorpora los ingredientes líquidos al bowl con la espátula en forma envolvente. Añadir la arracacha y la kiwicha en forma envolvente con la espátula e integrando los ingredientes."},{"index":5,"size":33,"text":"• Engrasar un molde rectangular de 20 x 10 cm con la margarina y el aceite, y luego la harina. Verter la mezcla y llevar al horno precalentado 175 °C por 1 hora."},{"index":6,"size":12,"text":"• Desmoldar el queque y cubrir con la crema de naranjilla. Servir."},{"index":7,"size":6,"text":"See English recipe on page 213"}]},{"head":"Vanessa Villanueva","index":261,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":20,"text":"Lima (Perú) • Batir el resto de la mantequilla, el azúcar y el huevo. Agregar la mezcla anterior al batido."}]},{"head":"Misky Mikuna","index":262,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":29,"text":"Finalmente, agregar harina y mezclar. Laminar la masa, cortar y colocar en fuentes. Llevar al horno 180 °C por 20 minutos aproximadamente. Retirar, enfriar y llevar a la procesadora."}]},{"head":"Base de galleta","index":263,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":11,"text":"• Fundir la mantequilla y enfriar. Mezclar con las galletas procesadas."}]},{"head":"Relleno","index":264,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":27,"text":"• Hidratar la colapiz y dividir en tres partes. Licuar cada fruta con 2 cucharadas de azúcar y 50 mililitros de agua. Hervir en tres ollas diferentes."},{"index":2,"size":18,"text":"• Batir el queso crema, el azúcar y la crema de leche. Dividir la preparación en tres recipientes."},{"index":3,"size":36,"text":"Agregar la mezcla del aguaymanto al primer recipiente. Agregar la mezcla de la lúcuma al segundo recipiente y agregar la mezcla de la mora al tercer recipiente. Finalmente, agregar la colapiz a cada recipiente y mezclar."}]},{"head":"Salsa de moras","index":265,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":19,"text":"• En una olla pequeña cocinar las moras con el azúcar y el limón hasta obtener una salsa espesa."}]},{"head":"Armado","index":266,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":42,"text":"• Colocar en el fondo del molde la base de galleta. Verter la mezcla del aguaymanto, enfriar. Luego, verter encima la mezcla de la mora, enfriar. Al final, verter la mezcla de lúcuma. Enfriar por 4 horas, desmoldar y decorar al gusto."}]},{"head":"PRESENTACIÓN","index":267,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":15,"text":"• Servir una tajada de Miski Mikuna acompañada de frutas y la salsa de mora. "}]},{"head":"Vanessa Silva","index":268,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"ELABORACIÓN","index":269,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":11,"text":"• Enmantequillar y enharinar un molde redondo de 24 cm. Reservar."},{"index":2,"size":16,"text":"• Cernir la cocoa, el polvo de hornear, el bicarbonato, la sal y el azúcar. Reservar."},{"index":3,"size":25,"text":"• Licuar los huevos, la leche y la vainilla y el pisco por 1 minuto. Incorporar la quinua y licuar hasta obtener una mezcla homogénea."},{"index":4,"size":29,"text":"• Verter la masa de quinua sobre los ingredientes secos, junto con el aceite y mezclar con una espátula hasta que no se vean rastros de los ingredientes secos."},{"index":5,"size":8,"text":"• Echar la masa en el molde preparado."},{"index":6,"size":31,"text":"• Llevar al horno precalentado a 180 °C por 45 minutos o hasta que la torta esté cocida. Retirar del horno, enfriar 20 minutos y voltear sobre una rejilla. Enfriar completamente."}]},{"head":"Fudge","index":270,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":41,"text":"• En una olla mediana a fuego medio, derretir la mantequilla, disolver la cocoa y el café. Agregar las leches y mezclar con un batidor de mano hasta que se pueda ver el fondo de la olla, unos 20-25 minutos. Enfriar."}]},{"head":"PRESENTACIÓN","index":271,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":13,"text":"• Cubrir la torta con el fudge y espolvorear cobertura de chocolate rallada."},{"index":2,"size":36,"text":"• Para cocinar la quinua: lavar ¾ de taza de quinua 3 veces hasta que el agua salga clara y sin espuma. Poner la quinua en una olla chica y cubrir con 1 taza de agua."},{"index":3,"size":22,"text":"Hervir, bajar el fuego al mínimo, tapar la olla y dejar cocinar por 15 minutos o hasta que la quinua esté cocida."},{"index":4,"size":42,"text":"See English recipe on page 213 INGREDIENTES 170 g de mote de tarwi 50 g de mote de maíz 3 tzs. de agua 30 g de manteca vegetal 30 g de queso criollo ½ cdta. de sal 30 g de cacao silvestre"}]},{"head":"María Eugenia Galarreta","index":272,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":3,"text":"La Paz (Bolivia)"}]},{"head":"ELABORACIÓN","index":273,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Arepas","index":274,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":29,"text":"• Licuar el mote de tarwi y el mote de maíz con el agua. Con la ayuda de un colador, separar la parte líquida, que reservaremos para el acompañamiento."},{"index":2,"size":50,"text":"• En un bowl, vaciar la parte sólida (la borra del licuado), agregar la manteca, el queso criollo rallado y la sal. Mezclar todos los ingredientes. Dejar reposar por 15 minutos y luego formar las arepas de un diámetro de 10 cm. Tostarlas por ambos lados, en un sartén antiadherente."}]},{"head":"Chocolate de tarwi","index":275,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":19,"text":"• En una ollita, calentar la leche de tarwi que se reservó con el chocolate y endulzar al gusto."}]},{"head":"Presentación","index":276,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":16,"text":"• En un plato, acomodar las arepas y acompañar con una taza de chocolatada de tarwi."}]},{"head":"Arepas y chocolate de tarwi Acerca de los autores • About the authors","index":277,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":61,"text":"Estudió cocina al terminar el colegio y ha trabajado en las áreas de pastelería, panadería y cocina en Lima, Colombia y Dubai. Tiene estudios en Gestión de Restaurantes en Le Cordon Bleu y actualmente es propietaria de El Populacho, en Villa María del Triunfo, Lima, donde ofrece comida marina peruana, rodeada de un sólido equipo y con muchas historias por contar."},{"index":2,"size":59,"text":"She studied cooking after finishing school and has worked in the areas of patisserie, baking, and cooking in Lima, Colombia and Dubai. She studied Restaurant Management at Le Cordon Bleu and is currently the owner of El Populacho in Villa María del Triunfo, Lima, where she offers Peruvian seafood, surrounded by a solid team and many stories to tell."},{"index":3,"size":77,"text":"Florentina es pastora, cocinera, tejedora y madre de 10 hijos. Nació en el pueblo de Barrancas (Jujuy), ubicado a 3,680 msnm. Durante nueve mil años, caravaneros de llamas han recorrido su tierra en busca de alimentos. Hoy, Florentina es una guardiana de esta sabiduría y comparte sus tradiciones con pasión. Florencia es su hija, y al igual que su madre, es heredera de una larga tradición culinaria y cultural asociada a los productos y técnicas de altura."},{"index":4,"size":75,"text":"Florentina is a herder, cook, and mother of 10 children. She was born in the village of Barrancas, Jujuy, located at 3,680 masl. For nine thousand years, llama caravan drivers have roamed her lands in search of food. Now, Florentina is a custodian of this knowledge and shares her traditions with passion. Florencia is her daughter, and like her mother, she's heir to a long culinary and cultural tradition associated to high-altitude produce and techniques."},{"index":5,"size":80,"text":"Oriundo de los Andes venezolanos y arquitecto de profesión. Siempre se interesó en la cocina y su fuerte relación con la historia y el gentilicio de su tierra, el Táchira. Cursó estudios gastronómicos en Ecuador y desarrolló la marca \"Raíz.es\" con la que intenta desarrollar en las personas una conciencia de los alimentos que consumen, destacando las tradiciones que van arraigadas en su propio ser y los ingredientes únicos que hacen tan especial estas comidas. Raíz es olor a tradición."},{"index":6,"size":82,"text":"Hailing from the Venezuelan Andes and an architect by trade. He had always been interested in cooking and his strong relationship with the history and people from his homeland, el Táchira. He studied gastronomy in Ecuador and created the brand \"Raiz.es\", through which he tries to raise people's awareness of the foods that they consume, putting the spotlight on the traditions that are rooted in himself and the unique traditions that make this food so special. Root is the smell of tradition. "}]},{"head":"Betsi Albornóz","index":278,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"181","index":279,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":86,"text":"Cocinera bogotana, vivió su infancia en el Caribe lo que influyó en sus sabores y su forma de cocinar. Es una de las creadoras de El Ciervo y el Oso, restaurante ubicado en Bogotá y reconocido por enaltecer la cocina Colombia y el uso del producto local. Esta nació como un espacio de tolerancia, donde un vegetariano y un carnívoro pudieran compartir libremente la mesa sin diferencias ni radicalismos. Destaca en su cocina las recetas, técnicas y sabores tradicionales, con un fuerte énfasis en los vegetales."},{"index":2,"size":179,"text":"A chef from Bogotá, she lived in the Carribbean as a child which influenced her flavors and her way of cooking. She's one of the creators of El Ciervo y el Oso, a restaurant located in Bogota famous for exalting Colombian cuisine and the use of local products. This restaurant arose as a space of tolerance, where a vegetarian and a carnivore could freely share the table without disputes nor radicalism. In her kitchen the focus is on traditional recipes, techniques and flavors, with a big emphasis on vegetables. Es una mujer nacida en Montería y criada en los patios de Ciénaga de Oro, Córdoba, donde alrededor del fogón de leña sus tías cantaban y bailaban mientras preparaban la comida. A muy temprana edad se fue a vivir a Bogotá donde consolida su oficio como cocinera, aprendiendo de su cultura, sus ingredientes y sus platos. Es allí, entre las familias capitalinas, donde aprende a preparar platos con la variedad de papas que se encontraba en el territorio, y donde aprende a preparar ¡AJIACO! la sopa insignia de la capital."},{"index":3,"size":91,"text":"A woman born in Montería and raised in the patios of Ciénaga de oro, Córdoba, where her aunts sang and danced around the cooking fire while they were preparing the food. At a very young age, she moved to Bogotá where she consolidated her profession as a cook, learning from its culture, ingredients and recipes. There, among families from the capital, is where she learns to prepare dishes with the variety of potatoes she encountered in the territory, and where she learns to prepare ajiaco, the flagship soup of the capital."},{"index":4,"size":74,"text":"Nativa del caserío de Huamanzaña, distrito de Curgos, en la provincia de Sánchez Carrión, departamento de La Libertad, en los Andes septentrionales del Perú. Ella es ama de casa, agricultora y disfruta del hilado y el tejido cuando está en el campo cuidando a sus animales. Ella se considera continuadora de las tradiciones y la cultura de los antiguos huamachucos, y sueña con tener un negocio propio que le permita ayudar a sus hijos."},{"index":5,"size":70,"text":"Native of the village of Huamanzaña, district of Curgos, in the province of Sánchez Carrión, department of La Libertad, in the northern Andes of Perú. She's a homemaker, farmer and enjoys spinning wool and knitting when she's in the fields herding her animals. She considers herself custodian of the traditions and culture of the ancient huamachucos, and dreams of having her own business to enable her to support her children."},{"index":6,"size":71,"text":"Cocinero tradicional, portador de la memoria biocultural de los indígenas Quillasingas, del Encano, Nariño, Colombia. Aviva fogones en el Restaurante Naturalia y participa de eventos formativos comunitarios, destacados por alto nivel en técnicas de cocinas tradicionales. Ha representado a su país, en Madrid Fusión España 2021, con la ponencia: \"La chagra, el ciclo de la vida\". También participa de la \"Escuela Chagra\" con jóvenes gastrónomos y acompaña a la Fundación Mundukide."},{"index":7,"size":153,"text":"Traditional cook, bearer of the biocultural memory of the Quillasingas indigenous people, from Encano, Nariño, Colombia. He lights stoves at Restaurante Naturalia and participates in educational community events, well-known for their high level of traditional cooking techniques. He has represented his country at Madrid Fusión España 2021, with the presentation: \"La chagra, el ciclo de la vida\". He also participates in the \"Escuela Chagra\" with young gastronomists and accompanies the Fundación Mundukide. Duci ut ut moloria ntibus untur, sitias as quiatio nesequibust eictur? Ovitiatium ut latistium que seque miniti none sus del in conse dolumque evelibe atibust, se excest asimusam aut velitec aboria nestias pelluptat od mil ex et audam, cone maximust ut que ipis diae vel molo omnis sinveni istotae et volupti occus. Ciis maio eaquibeaqui vit, simincid que eliquia quiaes audition eaquunt dolut vel magnimus, ut labora volupicab ipsam sequis abores voluptatur, excea nobitis tiusamus essi as nus, con pliquaes utecabo."}]},{"head":"Luz Cogollo","index":280,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":57,"text":"Licenciada en Alimentos y bebidas en la Universidad de las Américas y Master en organización de eventos, protocolo y turismo de negocio de la Universidad de Mérida (España). Es propietaria de Chulla Vida Restaurant, un emprendimiento familiar ubicado en el valle de Los Chillos (Quito), donde se rescata las recetas típicas de todos los rincones del Ecuador."},{"index":2,"size":192,"text":"With a bachelor's degree in Food and Beverage from Universidad de las Américas and a Master's degree in Event Management, protocols and business tourism from Universidad de Mérida (Spain). She's the owner of Chulla Vida Restaurant, a family business located in the valley of Los Chillos (Quito), where traditional recipes from all the four corners of Ecuador are prepared and thus preserved. Doña Catalina y su hija Clarita han crecido en medio de un paisaje de montañas siempre verdes y rodeado de la más espectacular andenería prehispánica, donde se acuna el pequeño pueblo de Laraos, en los Andes de Lima. Desde ahí mantienen tradiciones como el uso del cahui -oca seca al sol-y recetas que comparten con nosotros como una forma de honrar antiguas tradiciones. Doña Catalina and her daughter Clarita grew up in a landscape of evergreen mountains and surrounded by the most spectacular pre-Hispanic terraces, home to the tiny village of Laraos, in the Andes mountains of Lima. There, they maintain traditions like the use of kahui-sundried oca-and recipes that they share with us as a way of honoring ancient traditions. Catalina Gago Curi y Clara Meza Gago (Laraos, Lima)"}]},{"head":"Juan Sebastián Gallardo","index":281,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":66,"text":"Elva vive en el sector Susanga, de la parroquia de La Asunción, cantón Chimbo en la provincia de Bolívar, en Ecuador. Al igual que sus compañeras, es una férrea defensora de los sabores tradicionales andinos de su país. La colada de capulí, que presenta en este libro, es una de sus especialidades, y muestra a uno de los insumos más queridos de los valles su tierra."},{"index":2,"size":68,"text":"Elva lives in the sector Susanga, in the municipality of La Asunción, district of Chimbo in the province of Bolívar, in Ecuador. Just like her co-workers, she's a fierce defender of her country's traditional Andean flavors. The black berry pudding which she presents in this book is one of her specialties, and showcases one of the most beloved ingredients from the valleys of her homeland, the black berry."},{"index":3,"size":71,"text":"\"Mauge\" nació en la ciudad de El Alto. En 2013, comenzó su pasión por el tarwi, que se ha convertido en un sentido de vida, y siente que es su responsabilidad contribuir a devolverle el lugar que tenía en las mesas de la población boliviana. Es es parte del emprendimiento \"Flor de Tarwi\" cuyo objetivo es compartir saberes, para que la población se reencuentre con los alimentos saludables de nuestros antepasados."},{"index":4,"size":65,"text":"\"Mauge\" was born in the city of El Alto. In 2013, her passion for chocho started, which has become her life's mission, and she feels like it's her responsibility to bring chocho back on the table of Bolivians. She's part of the business, Flor de Tarwi, whose objective is to share knowledge so that the population will reconnect with the healthy foods from our ancestors."}]},{"head":"Elva Gavi Oleas","index":282,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":2,"text":"(Quito, Ecuador)"}]},{"head":"María Eugenia Galarreta","index":283,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":3,"text":"(El Alto, Bolivia)"},{"index":2,"size":66,"text":"El ceviche de chochos que prepara doña \"Charito\" -como es conocida en el sector de Bellavista, en Riobamba, Ecuador-es toda una leyenda urbana. Ella trabaja hace 36 años en el barrio de Villamaría y es conocida por todos. Junto a su hermana, desarrolló la idea de utilizar el jugo de tomate para hacer famoso su ceviche que se ha convertido en un emblema de la ciudad."},{"index":3,"size":59,"text":"The ceviche de chochos that doña Charito-as she is known in the sector of Bellavista, in Riobamba, Ecuadoris an absolute urban legend. She's been working in the neighborhood of Villamaría and is known by everyone. Alongside her sister, she developed the idea of using tomato juice to make her ceviche famous, which has become a symbol of the city."}]},{"head":"Rosario Guamán","index":284,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":78,"text":"(Riobamba, Ecuador) Acerca de los autores • About the authors 185 Nació en Bogotá y creció en la plaza de mercado de La Perseverancia, en Bogotá. En su niñez y su juventud ayudó a su madre en un piqueteadero que tenía en la plaza, y gracias a los conocimientos que ella le dió hoy en día ella es propietaria del restaurante La Cucharita. Su cocido boyacense y su fritanga son uno de los atractivos gastronómicos de este mercado."},{"index":2,"size":70,"text":"She was born in Bogotá and grew up on the square of La Perseverancia market, in Bogotá. In her childhood and her youth, she helped her mother at a traditional restaurant that she ran in the plaza, and thanks to the knowledge she got from her mother, she's now the owner of the restaurant, La Cucharita. Her cocido boyacense and fritanga and one of the gastronomic attractions of this market."},{"index":3,"size":87,"text":"Cocinero nariñense, estudió en la escuela HMS COLUMBIA en Lima, Perú, en donde comenzó su trayectoria laboral y de aprendizaje vivencial. Cuenta con experiencia laboral en restaurantes en Colombia y Perú entre los que se destacan Cevichería La Mar, Astrid & Gastón, La Despensa y Pesquera Jaramillo. Desde su restaurante La Vereda Cocina de Origen, trabaja con este objetivo desde hace tres años, consolidando con su equipo una propuesta de alimento bueno y justo a través de la alianza con pequeños productores y cabildos y asociaciones indígenas."},{"index":4,"size":143,"text":"A chef from Nariño, he studied at the HMS Columbia School in Lima, Perú, where he started his career and experiential learning. He gained his work experience in restaurants in Colombia and Peru, the most noteworthy being Cevichera La Mar, Astrid y Gastón, La Despensa and Pesquera Jaramillo. From his restaurant La Vereda Cocina de Origen, for the last three years he's been working alongside his team to consolidate good and fair food through alliances with smallscale producers and indigenous councils and associations. Nativa de Pichincha (Ecuador), es especialista en administración de alimentos y bebidas, arte culinario y cuenta con un master en Bussiness Inteligence. Ha trabajado en diferentes áreas de la industria, lo que le ha dado amplia experiencia en el manejo de operaciones de servicio y atención. Actualmente es gerente de Alimentos y Bebidas de EB Hotel by Eurobuilding, en Quito."},{"index":5,"size":131,"text":"Native of Pichincha (Ecuador), she's a specialist in Food and Beverage Management and the culinary arts, and holds a Master's in Business Intelligence. She has worked in different areas of the industry, which has given her broad experience in the management of service operations. She's currently the Food and Beverage Manager of EB Hotel by Eurobuilding, in Quito. Artista culinaria, doctora en biología molecular y bioquímica y chef. Se aproxima mediante la ciencia, al desarrollo de una cocina singular y se inspira constantemente de una cocina sin desperdicios. En 2019 fundó Roots Radicals (Berlín), que utiliza el concepto de cocina circular para el desarrollo de conservas hechas de productos secundarios, ademas de utilizar frutas y verduras rescatadas, buscando reducir el desperdicio y reconectar al consumidor a nuevos hábitos de consumo sostenibles."}]},{"head":"Jhon Herrera","index":285,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":82,"text":"She's culinary artist, holds a PhD in molecular biology and biochemistry, and is a chef. Through science, she approaches the development of a singular way of cooking and is constantly inspired by the concept of a waste-free kitchen. In 2019, she founded Roots Radicals in Berlin, which uses the concept of the circular kitchen to make canned food out of secondary products, apart from using rescued fruits and vegetables, seeking to reduce waste and reconnect the consumer with new sustainable consumption habits."}]},{"head":"Mónica Kisic (Lima, Perú)","index":286,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":59,"text":"Es una de las pasteleras más reputadas de Ecuador. Estudió en la Universidad de Las Américas (Quito) y Le Cordon Bleu (Perú). Ha sido chef pastelera en Zero Lab, docente en el Instituto Tecnológico Universitario Rumiñahui (ISTER), y ha laborado en la empresa de Catering Estragon. Actualmente es propietaria de Pastry Life, una pastelería ubicada en Los Chillos, Quito."},{"index":2,"size":57,"text":"She's one of Ecuador's most reputable pastry chefs. She studied at Universidad de las Américas (Quito) and Le Cordon Bleu (Peru). She has been pastry chef at Zero Lab, professor at Instituto Tecnológico Universitario Rumiñahui (ISTER), and has worked for the catering company Estragon. She's currently the owner of Pastry Life, a patisserie in Los Chillos, Quito."},{"index":3,"size":77,"text":"De origen quechua, comunidad Sunavi, municipio Toledo del departamento de Oruro. Hace 17 años comenzó a producir cañahua en una hectárea heredada por su suegro. Hoy, siembra de 80 a 100 hectáreas. Trigidia es parte del emprendimiento Granja Samiri, cuyo objetivo es producir cañahua orgánica con sistemas productivos sostenibles, en armonía con la naturaleza, que fusionen la cultura ancestral con la tecnología para mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas a través de una nutrición saludable."},{"index":4,"size":78,"text":"Of Quechua origins, from the community of Sunavi, in the municipality of Toledo in the department of Oruro. She started producing cañahua 17 years ago on 1 hectare she inherited from her father-in-law. She now cultivares from 80 to 100 hectares. Trigidia is part of the business, Granja Samiri, whose objective is to produce organic cañahua with sustainable production systems, in harmony with nature, converging ancestral culture with technology to improve people's quality of life through healthy nutrition."}]},{"head":"Trigidia Jiménez","index":287,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":98,"text":"(La Paz, Bolivia) Verónica Jiménez (Quito, Ecuador) Acerca de los autores • About the authors 187 Hija de la ciudad de Caraz, en el corazón del callejón de Huaylas, en los Andes peruanos. Doris fundó hace dos décadas, junto con su hermana Lali, El Tarwi, uno de los restaurantes más entrañables de Lima, en el cual rescatan lo mejor de la cocina de su tierra. Aquí reinan el cuy con picante de papa, el jamón andino, los tamales y humitas, así como su majestad el chocho o tarwi. Pura tradición que ha inspirado a la nueva gastronomía peruana."},{"index":2,"size":80,"text":"Daughter of the city of Caraz, in the heart of the Santa Valley, in the Peruvian Andes. Twenty years ago, together with her sister Lali, Doris founded El Tarwi, one of Lima's most beloved restaurants, where they preserve the best from their hometown's cuisine. This is the reign of the guinea pig served with potato stew, Andean ham, tamales and humitas, as well as the majestic chocho, also known as tarwi. Pure traditions which have inspired the new Peruvian gastronomy."},{"index":3,"size":77,"text":"Nació en Jujuy, Argentina. Es uno de los fundadores del movimiento \"Cocina Andina\" y un referente de esta, que lleva investigando por más de 15 años. En 2015 recibió el premio Marca País Argentina. Es fundador de Maima, un centro de interpretación multidisciplinario de cocina donde arte, ciencia, cocina, laboratorio, experimentación e innovación estrechan vínculos, y se trasforma en un lugar de encuentro de pastores, cocineros, investigadores y visitantes para transmitir e intercambiar conocimientos, ideas y técnicas."},{"index":4,"size":84,"text":"He was born in Jujuy, Argentina. He's one of the founders of the movement, Cocina Andi-na, and one of the leaders of Andean cuisine which he has been investigating for over 15 years. In 2015, he received the Marca País Argentina award. He's the founder of Maima, a multidisciplinary interpretation center about cooking where art, science, cooking, labora-tory, experimentation and innovation come together and transform it into a meeting point for herders, cooks, investigators and visitors to transmit and interchange knowledge, ide-as and techniques."},{"index":5,"size":86,"text":"Nacida en Quito, Ecuador, a los 24 años abrió su primer restaurante, Thai-an, y luego Kanpai, de comida tailandesa y japonesa. Durante 13 años estuvo dedicada a su empresa de catering. Su interés por la medicina la llevó a prepararse para ser Health Coach, lo que le dio a Diana una nueva visión de la cocina. Su nuevo proyecto, Made With Love, elabora snacks más saludables y deliciosos. Ha logrado posicionar su marca en el Ecuador y está lista para su exportación a USA y Europa."},{"index":6,"size":129,"text":"One of Ecuador's most successful chefs. She studied cooking at Jhonson & Wales University (USA), and Hotel Management at Les Roches (France). She's one of her country's primary Asian food specialists, and the creator of the restaurants Thai an and Kanpai, both specialized in Thai and Japanese food. In 2020, she launched the brand Made with Love Snacks, which sells handmade products on a large scale. Nació en el distrito de Tambo, provincia de La Mar, en Ayacucho. Su pasión por la cocina nace desde muy joven, al crecer en contacto con las riquezas gastronómicas de su tierra. Hoy, utiliza con destreza los variados insumos de los cálidos valles andinos para crear una cocina popular pero a la vez personal en la que refleja su historia y sus costumbres."}]},{"head":"Walter Leal","index":288,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":60,"text":"Born in the district of Tambo, province of La Mar, in Ayacucho. Her passion for cooking starts when she's very young, while growing up with the gastronomic riches of her hometown. Today, she skillfully uses the variety of ingredients from the warm Andean valleys to create a cuisine that is popular but also personal and reflects her story and customs."},{"index":2,"size":93,"text":"Chef y propietario de la picantería Cusqueñísima y el restaurante Chullpi; además de la dark kitchen que cuenta con las marcas chifa Gato Gordo, pollería Gavilán Pollero, pastelería Capulí Ñawi y la salchipapería Don Salchichón. En Sao Paulo, Brasil, es socio de la cadena de restaurantes Rinconcito Peruano. Ha trabajado en los reconocidos restaurantes Astrid & Gaston (Lima), DOM (Sao Paulo), con 2 estrellas Michelin. Asimismo, en el hotel JW Marriott Lima, hotel Venetto Wyndham Panamá, el restaurante Costa Verde y El Bolivariano. Dirigió la cocina del hotel Casa Andina Premium Valle Sagrado."},{"index":3,"size":105,"text":"Chef and owner of the traditional restaurant Cusqueñísima and the restaurant Chullpi; apart from the dark kitchen brands with the Chinese-Peruvian restaurant Gato Gordo, roast chicken restaurant Gavilán Pollero, patisserie Capulí Ñawi and the salchipapa restaurant Don Salchichón. In Sao Paulo, Brasil, he's the partner in the restaurant chain Rinconcito Peruano. He has worked at the acclaimed restaurants Astrid & Gaston (Lima) and DOM (Sao Paulo), with 2 Michelin stars. Likewise, at the hotel JW Marriott Lima, hotel Venetto Wyndham Panama, and the restaurants Costa Verde and El Bolivariano. He has been in charge of the kitchen of the hotel Casa Andina Premium Valle Sagrado."}]},{"head":"Miembro de la Asociación de Mujeres Emprendedoras","index":289,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":73,"text":"Locoa Santa Marianita, del cantón Latacunga, provincia de Cotopaxi, Ecuador. Es parte de un grupo de seis mujeres, que desde 2017 se dedica tanto a actividades domésticas como agrícolas como el cultivo de maíz, papa, chocho, hortalizas, mora, tomate de árbol y pastos para alimentar a su ganado. Es activa participante de ferias organizadas por diferentes instituciones locales y nacionales. Cuenta con el respaldo y apoyo de INIAP y del Centro KOPIA Ecuador."}]},{"head":"Member of the Association of Female Entrepreneurs Locoa","index":290,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":139,"text":"Santa Marianita, from the district of Latacunga, province of Cotopaxi, Ecuador. She's part of a group of six women, who, since 2017, have been dedicating themselves to domestic activities as well as agricultural activities such as cultivating corn, potatoes, chocho, vegetables, blackberries, tree tomatoes and grass to feed their livestock. She's an active participant in fairs organized by different local and national institutions. She is supported by INIAP and Centro KOPIA Ecuador. Born in La Paz, she's a food technician, having graduated from the Instituto Torrealta de Hotelería y Gastronomía in Argentina, and professional pastry chef, having graduated from the Instituto Argentino de Gastronomía. Vanessa has 15 years of experience in the gastronomy sector, has been coordinator of the Gastronomy department of Instituto CEFIM, she's a member of the Chef's Association of Bolivia-La Paz and has a catering business."}]},{"head":"Ana María Calvopiña","index":291,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":84,"text":"Beatriz proviene del Ayllu Thunupa, zona Intersalar Salinas Garci de Mendoza, del departamento de Oruro. Se dedica a la producción de quinua orgánica y en 2013 decidió emprender con la marca Qmagica!, para llegar a la población boliviana con productos listos para el consumo. Ella es parte de un emprendimiento cuyo objetivo es aportar a la calidad nutricional de toda la familia, en especial para los niños y jóvenes en crecimiento. Su proyección es compartir el grano milenario en mercados exigentes con soberanía nutricional."},{"index":2,"size":86,"text":"Beatriz comes from Ayllu Thunupa, Intersalar area of Salinas Garci de Mendoza, in the departament of Oruro. She produces organic quinoa and in 2013, she decided to start a business with the brand Qmagica!, to get to the Bolivian public with ready-to-eat products. She's part of a business which has the objective to contribute to nutritional quality for the whole family, but specifically for children and young people that are still growing. Her projection is to share the ancient grain in demanding markets with nutritional sovereignty."},{"index":3,"size":50,"text":"La historia de Paulo Alberto empezó con su abuelo panadero artesanal y su madre cocinera y comerciante; ambos fueron sus influencias culinarias. Estudió cocina hace casi 11 años, titulado y con un posgrado en educación superior. Comenzó trabajando en hoteles como pastelero, cocinero y hoy trabaja en Popular Cocina Bolivia."},{"index":4,"size":116,"text":"The story of Paulo Alberto started with his grandfather, a traditional baker, and his mother, a cook and storekeeper; both of them were his culinary influence. He studied cooking almost 11 years ago, holds a bachelor's degree, and a postgraduate degree in higher education. He started working in hotels as a pastry chef, cook, and now works at Popular Cocina Bolivia. Graduado en Administración de Empresas Hoteleras, chef certificado instructor, chef ejecutivo certificado, capacitador profesional y asesor empresarial. Tiene más de 25 años de experiencia en el medio hotelero, con un amplio conocimiento de gastronomía ecuatoriana e internacional. Creador y fundador del reconocido blog Cocina Nativa, que difunde la cocina ecuatoriana. Es docente universitario desde 1996."}]},{"head":"Paulo Alberto Mamani","index":292,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":60,"text":"Graduated in Hotel Business Administration, certified chef instructor, certified executive chef, professional trainer and business advisor. He has more than 25 years of experience in the hotel environment, with extensive knowledge of Ecuadorian and international gastronomy. He is the creator and founder of the renowned blog Cocina Nativa, which spreads Ecuadorian cuisine. He has been a university professor since 1996. "}]},{"head":"Luis Narváez","index":293,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Jorge Muñoz","index":294,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":2,"text":"(Lima, Perú)"}]},{"head":"Acerca de los autores • About the authors","index":295,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":63,"text":"Arriero, caminante, cocinero, albañil, agricultor y conocedor de los secretos y virtudes de las plantas y alimentos andinos, Máximo Miranda es nativo del pueblo de Pachapaqui, departamento de Áncash, en los Andes peruanos. Durante dos décadas ha trabajado en turismo de montaña, como cocinero y asistente de campo, labor que lo ha llevado a conocer los más agrestes y lejanos rincones del Perú."},{"index":2,"size":63,"text":"Mule driver, cook, bricklayer, farmer and connoisseur of the secrets and virtues of plants and foods of the Andes, Máximo Miranda is native of the village of Pachapaqui, department of Áncash, in the Peruvian Andes. He worked in mountain tourism for two decades as a cook and trekking assistant, work which has taken him to the most desolate and remote corners of Peru."}]},{"head":"Máximo Miranda","index":296,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":2,"text":"(Chiquián, Perú)"}]},{"head":"191","index":297,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":62,"text":"Martha proviene de la localidad de Guachucal departamento de Nariño, Colombia. Desde 1979 se encuentra en Ecuador, donde se dedica a la producción de hortalizas y verduras. Además, emprendió en la preparación de alimentos como la jaucha, careta de chancho con papas, morocho o dulce de calabazas que vende todos los sábados en la Feria Solidaría de la ciudad de San Gabriel."},{"index":2,"size":193,"text":"Martha comes from the town of Guachucal, department of Nariño, Colombia. Since 1979 she lives in Ecuador, where she is dedicated to the production of vegetables and greens. In addition, she undertook in the preparation of foods such as jaucha, pig mask with potatoes, morocho or pumpkin candy that she sells every Saturday at the Solidarity Fair in the city of San Gabriel. Doña Cornelia vive en la comunidad campesina de Curimaray, en la provincia de Acobamba, Huancavelica, en los Andes del sur peruano. Junto con su esposo, Víctor Ccahuaya, se dedica a la agricultura. Ella forma parte de un grupo de ancianos que defiende y mantiene las tradiciones de su tierra y el uso de insumos ancestrales, como el chullqui, transmitiendo su sabiduría a generaciones jóvenes. Doña Cornelia lives in the rural village of Curimaray, in the province of Acobamba, Huancavelica, in the southern Peruvian Andes. Together with her husband, she makes a living from farming and animal husbandry. She's part of group of elderly people that are defending and maintaining the traditions of their lands and the use of ancestral ingredients such as chullqui, thus transmitting her knowledge to younger generations."},{"index":3,"size":53,"text":"Nació en Conima, al extremo noreste del gran lago Titicaca. Ella recuerda cómo sus padres aimaras preparaban la sajta de tunta, empleando antiguas técnicas que hoy reproduce junto a su hija Gabriela para perpetuar el uso de insumos del Altiplano y convertirlos en las estrellas de algunos platillos típicos del ámbito del lago."},{"index":4,"size":125,"text":"Born in Conima, at the northeastern tip of the great Lake Titicaca. She remembers how her Aimara parents used to prepare sajta de tunta (chuño), using ancient techniques that she's now reproducing alongside her daughter Gabriela to perpetuate the use of products from the Altiplano and turn them into the stars of some traditional dishes from the lake. Justina y su familia viven cerca al cielo. Las alturas de Cjunucunca, a 3,672 msnm, coronan un macizo montañoso que se eleva al norte del valle del río Vilcanota. Rodeados de bosques de eucalipto y pequeñas chacras, los Quispe cuidan con celo recetas heredadas para celebrar uno de los momentos claves del calendario agrícola andino y que eleva la esperanza de los campesinos por lograr buenas cosechas."}]},{"head":"Cornelia Navarro","index":298,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":69,"text":"Justina and her family live close to the skies. The highlands of Cjunucunca, at 3,672 masl, crown a massif that rises up at the north of the Vilcanote river valley. Surrounded by eucalyptus forests and small farms, the Quispes carefully guard recipes they inherited to celebrate one of the key moments in the Andean agricultural calendar and lift up the hope of the farmers to get a good harvest."}]},{"head":"Justina Quispe (Cusco, Perú)","index":299,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":79,"text":"Natural de la costa norte del Perú, chef ejecutivo de los restaurantes Punta Sal y es el primer cocinero peruano miembro de la Académie Culinaire de Francia. Ha participado en más de 70 festivales alrededor del mundo, promoviendo nuestra cultura culinaria y la riqueza de sus productos. Adolfo ha sido condecorado con la Orden Mariscal Ramón Castilla en reconocimiento a su vasta labor en la promoción de la gastronomía peruana, otorgada por el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores del Perú."},{"index":2,"size":82,"text":"Hailing from the north coast of Peru, executive chef of the Punta Sal restaurants, and the first Peruvian chef that to become a member of the Académie Culinaire de Francia. He has participated in over 70 festivals around the world, promoting our culinary culture and the wealth of its products. Adolfo has been awarded the Order of Mariscal Ramón Castilla in recognition of his vast labor of the promotion of the Peruvian gastronomy, awarded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Perú."}]},{"head":"Adolfo Perret","index":300,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":2,"text":"(Lima, Perú)"}]},{"head":"Acerca de los autores • About the authors","index":301,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":70,"text":"De raíces andinas, Andrés ha trabajado en diversas partes del mundo, por lo cual su cocina apuesta por una sabia fusión de insumos tradicionales con creativas técnicas modernas. Hace unos años fundó el restaurante La Niña, y luego el wine bar Curador, donde su prolífica imaginación y particular visión de la cocina resultan en platos de vanguardia donde se aprecia su profundo amor por el Perú y sus maravillas naturales."},{"index":2,"size":71,"text":"With Andean roots, Andrés has worked in different parts of the world, which is why his cuisine roots for a wise fusion of traditional ingredients with creative modern techniques. A few years ago, he founded the restaurant, La Niña, and then the wine bar Curador, where his prolific imagination and particular vision of cooking result in cutting-edge dishes where you can taste his profound love for Peru and its natural wonders."}]},{"head":"Andrés Orellana","index":302,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":2,"text":"(Lima, Perú)"}]},{"head":"193","index":303,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":64,"text":"Cocinera profesional, y seguidora de una herencia culinaria familiar que aprendió de su abuela y madre, quienes dejaron una huella imborrable en su corazón y en su manera de ver la cocina. Sandra recoge este legado y con nuevos conocimientos y técnicas transforma su bagaje en una cocina nueva, fresca, pero siempre respetuosa de la tradición, buscando transmitir amor en cada postre que elabora."},{"index":2,"size":63,"text":"Professional chef, and heir of a family culinary heritage that she learned from her grandmother and mother, who permanent marked her heart and her way of looking at cooking. Sandra takes this legacy and with new knowledge and techniques, transforms this experience into a new, fresh cuisine, but always respectful of tradition, and always seeking to transmit love with every dessert she prepares."},{"index":3,"size":62,"text":"Natural del caserío de Succe, distrito de Sócota, en Cajamarca. Es ama de casa y se dedica a la siembra de arracacha, con la que prepara el popular rallado, que vende de forma constante en Sócota. Ella aspira una pequeña empresa para mejorar las ventas de su delicioso producto, cuyo buen sabor es reconocido en todo el ámbito de su tierra natal."},{"index":4,"size":58,"text":"Hailing from the village of Succe, district of Socota, in Cajamarca. She's a homemaker and dedicates herself to growing arracacha, with which she prepares the popular rallado, which is constantly being sold in Socota. Her aspiration is to own a small business to improve the sales of her delicious product, whose tasty flavor is recognized throughout her homeland."},{"index":5,"size":57,"text":"Chef boliviana con más de 33 años de trabajo en gastronomía y en iniciativas que promueven la revalorización del Patrimonio Alimentario Regional de Bolivia. Actualmente es propietaria de Anahi-Catering y del Centro de Eventos Arcángeles. Es presidente de la Asociación de Chefs de La Paz y miembro fundadora del Movimiento de Integración Gastronómica Alimentaria de Bolivia (MIGA)."},{"index":6,"size":122,"text":"Bolivian chef with over 33 years of work in gastronomy and at initiatives that promote a renewed appreciation of the regional food heritage of Bolivia. She's currently the owner of Anahi-Catering and the Arcángeles Events Venue. She's the president of the Chef's Association of La Paz and founding member of the Movimiento de Integración Gastronómica Alimentaria de Bolivia (MIGA). Es natural de la comuna de Llano Grande, Calderón, en la provincia de Pichincha, Ecuador. Ella es continuadora de una larga tradición de cocineras en su familia. El uchucota que comparte en esta publicación era preparado para las mingas (faenas) comunales, pero doña Blanca cuenta que este plato está desapareciendo a causa de la pérdida de las tías y abuelas que sabían prepararlo."}]},{"head":"Anahí Reyes","index":304,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":67,"text":"She's a native of the community of Llano Grande, Calderón, province of Pichincha, Ecuador. She continues a longstanding tradition of cooks in her family. The uchucota that she prepares in this publication used to be made for the mingas (communal work days), but doña Blanca tells us that this dish is disappearing due to the loss of the aunts and grandmothers that knew how to prepare it."}]},{"head":"Blanca Simbaña (Pichincha, Ecuador)","index":305,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":70,"text":"Chef ejecutivo del restaurante El Señorío De Sulco, está especializado en cocina peruana, pastelería y heladería artesanal. Su propuesta gastronómica propone la preservación y puesta en valor de nuestras cocinas regionales respetando la esencia de nuestros sabores locales e innovando atinadamente sobre la base de estos. Ha representado al Perú en diferentes eventos gastronómicos en más de 20 países de Asia, Europa y América. Es embajador de la Marca Perú."},{"index":2,"size":68,"text":"Executive chef of the restaurant El Señorío De Sulco, he's specialized in Peruvian food, pastries and handmade ice cream. His gastronomic offer proposes the preservation and renewed acknowledgement of our regional cuisine, respecting the essence of our local flavor and pertinently innovating on their foundations. He has represented Peru at various gastronomic events at over 20 countries in Asia, Europe and America. He's an ambassador for Marca Perú."}]},{"head":"Flavio Solórzano","index":306,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":2,"text":"(Lima, Perú)"}]},{"head":"Acerca de los autores • About the authors","index":307,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":77,"text":"Proveniente del distrito de La Punta, en el Callao, primer puerto del Perú, se considera a sí misma una guerrera, una mujer sin miedo a los cambios, que siempre puede volver a empezar a pesar de las adversidades. Le gusta mucho servir a su comunidad y a su familia, compartiendo consejos y recetas. Aprendió a endulzar la vida con amor, respeto y agradecimiento hacia los demás. \"Seamos felices, seámoslo siempre\" es la frase que repite con frecuencia."},{"index":2,"size":66,"text":"From the district of La Punta, in El Callao, Peru's first port, she considers herself a warrioress, a woman not scared of changes, that can always start afresh, despite adversities. She loves serving her community and her family, sharing advice and recipes. She learned to make life sweeter with love, respect and gratitude to others. \"Let's be happy, forever\", is a phrase that she often repeats."}]},{"head":"Vanessa Silva","index":308,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":2,"text":"(Callao, Perú)"}]},{"head":"195","index":309,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":89,"text":"Un joven cocinero boliviano, realizó sus estudios en La Paz, en La Primera Escuela de Hotelería y Turismo de Bolivia (EHT). Cuenta con experiencia en distintas ciudades del país, llevando en alto sus raíces e identidad. Desarrolló procesos formativos desde 2016 en las escuelas Manq'a, de la ciudad de El Alto, y realizó la transferencia del modelo en las escuelas de Colombia promoviendo el uso de productos locales. Actualmente es uno de los líderes de cocina de Manq'a Restaurante Social, que celebra, valora y destaca los productos del campo."},{"index":2,"size":156,"text":"A young Bolivian cook, he studied in La Paz, at the Primera Escuela de Hotelería y Turismo of Bolivia (EHT). He has experience working in different cities of the country, proud of his roots and identity. He has been developing educational processes since 2016 in the Manq'a schools, in the city of El Alto, and executed the transfer of the model used in the Colombian schools, promoting the use of local products. He's currently one of the heads of the kitchen at Manq'a Restaurante Social which celebrates, values and puts the spotlight on countryside produce. Nativa de Irupana, provincia Sud Yungas, departamento de La Paz. Trabajó varios años en Coraca, donde conoció el amaranto y sus derivados. En 2016 decidió iniciar un emprendimiento conformado por mujeres afrobolivianas dedicadas a elaborar diferentes productos de amaranto y trabajar con productores locales. La proyección en este emprendimiento es que el amaranto sea un alimento base en la mesa boliviana."},{"index":3,"size":66,"text":"Native of Irupana, province of Sud Yungas, department of La Paz. She worked in Coraca for several years, where she learned out about kiwicha and its derivatives. In 2016, she decided to start a business run by Afro-Bolivian women dedicated to creating different kiwicha products and working with local producers. This projection of this business is for kiwicha to become a staple food on Bolivian tables."},{"index":4,"size":70,"text":"Tras concluir sus estudios y adquirir experiencia en prestigiosas cocinas del Viejo Continente, regresó a Bolivia y en 2013 se incorporó al equipo de Gustu, con el sueño de combinar su habilidad con un objetivo social: hacer de la gastronomía boliviana un motor de progreso socioeconómico. Es parte del proyecto Sabores Silvestres y jefa de cocina de Gustu, donde ha ejercido gran influencia para la recreación de sabores tradicionales bolivianos."},{"index":5,"size":71,"text":"After finishing her studies and gaining experiences in prestigious kitchens in Europe, she returned to Bolivia and in 2013 she joined the team of Gustu, with the dream of combining her skills with a social purpose: turning Bolivian gastronomy into a driver of socioeconomic progress. She's part of the project, Sabores Silvestres, and head of the kitchen at Gustu, where she has played a big role in recreating traditional Bolivian flavors. "}]},{"head":"Yanet Torres Escobar","index":310,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Acerca de los autores • About the authors","index":311,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":68,"text":"Chef graduado en la Universidad San Francisco, de Quito, posee una amplia experiencia tanto en cocina como en procesos operativos y administrativos, lo cual le ha dado una amplia visión de la industria gastronómica. Ha vivido en Perú, Francia y España; en este último tuvo la oportunidad de trabajar en el restaurante Coque, con dos estrellas Michelin. Actualmente, es el chef ejecutivo de la cadena Decameron en Ecuador."},{"index":2,"size":69,"text":"Chef, graduated from Universidad de San Francisco, Quito, has broad experience in the kitchen as well as operational and administrative processes, which has given him a broad view of the food and beverage industry. He has lived in Peru, France and Spain, and in Spain he had the opportunity to work at Coque, a 2 Michelin star restaurant. He's currently the executive chef for the Decameron chain in Ecuador. "}]},{"head":"Andrés Vera","index":312,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"PREPARATION","index":313,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":24,"text":"• Crush the meatin a large stone mortar together with the corn flour, cumin, garlic, and salt. Crush until everything adheres to the meat."},{"index":2,"size":31,"text":"• Place water in a clay pot and put on the stove, add the chopped vegetables and, once it boils, put in the crushed meat with the remaining ingredients and mix."},{"index":3,"size":5,"text":"• Cook for 50 minutes."},{"index":4,"size":10,"text":"• Serve and add the yuyos or herbs to taste. "}]},{"head":"PREPARATION","index":314,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Sauce","index":315,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":27,"text":"• Wash the tomatoes and cook for two hours on a high flame and for 2.5 hours on a low flame. Cook the day before to thicken."},{"index":2,"size":17,"text":"• Blend the cooked tomato in the same water and add salt and other spices to taste."}]},{"head":"Pigskin or ear","index":316,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":30,"text":"• Cook the day before in a large pot on high heat for one hour. Once cooked, cool and wash once in hot water and three times in cold water."},{"index":2,"size":25,"text":"• Chop into small pieces; do not do it when it is hot because it crumbles. Place the annatto on the pigskin or cut ears."}]},{"head":"Accompaniment","index":317,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":12,"text":"• Cut the red onion into rings, wash and season with lemon."},{"index":2,"size":18,"text":"• In other containers, chop tomato into squares, finely chop the cilantro and cut the lemon before serving."}]},{"head":"Ají","index":318,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":40,"text":"• Remove the seeds from the chili pepper and blend it with the chocho and water. If you want a sauce that isn't spicy, blend only chocho with water, until you get a consistency like mayonnaise. Add salt to taste."}]},{"head":"Presentation","index":319,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":33,"text":"• Fill a soup dish halfway with sauce. Add a tablespoon and a half of peeled chocho, place the pigskin or minced ear (or minced chicken). Add the chopped onion, tomato, and cilantro."},{"index":2,"size":35,"text":"• Add more blended tomato until the plate is full. You can add salt and pepper to taste. Accompany with the corn, the canguil and fried plantains on the side. • Steam for 15 minutes."},{"index":3,"size":8,"text":"• Serve with tea or an herbal infusion. "}]},{"head":"INGREDIENTS","index":320,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"PREPARATION","index":321,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Marinade","index":322,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":28,"text":"• Place the capulí and tumbo juice, the finely chopped muña and celery, the chili pepper and the ice cube in a container. Season with salt and pepper."},{"index":2,"size":7,"text":"• Marinate from 10 to 15 minutes."}]},{"head":"Assembly","index":323,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":40,"text":"• Place the trout slices and cover with the marinade. Accompany with sweet potato and corn. Decorate with the slices of capulí, muña leaves, and chopped chili pepper. • Wash the spinach leaves well and cook, drain, and chop finely."}]},{"head":"Crushed broth soup","index":324,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":10,"text":"• Sauté the chopped garlic in a little butter. Remove."},{"index":2,"size":32,"text":"• Portion the panicle into small stalks and blanch. Place them in a container and add the spinach, the diced ham, the cheeses, and the pieces of panicle. Mix and set aside."},{"index":3,"size":23,"text":"• Beat the eggs and add the milk. Season with salt and pepper. Add a little of the mixture to the previous mixture."},{"index":4,"size":10,"text":"• Butter the ramekins. Put all the ingredients in them."},{"index":5,"size":43,"text":"You can place a layer of pinta boca potatoes and alternate with a layer of the spinach mixture and another of quillupuya, or you can also mix it all together and place in each dish. Pour the remaining beaten mixture over the top."},{"index":6,"size":28,"text":"• Bake at 180°C for 12 to 20 minutes. Serve hot, fresh out of the oven. It can also be ac-companied by a fresh salad of your choice. "}]},{"head":"Naranjilla juice","index":325,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":11,"text":"• Peel the fruit and separate the pulp from the seeds."},{"index":2,"size":19,"text":"Put the pulp in water with the ascor-bic acid. Crush the seeds and blend them lightly with the pulp."},{"index":3,"size":1,"text":"Chill."}]},{"head":"Naranjilla tiger's milk","index":326,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":19,"text":"• Put all the ingredients in the blender and blend. Strain and set aside. Check the salt lev-els. Chill."}]},{"head":"Chalaca","index":327,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":9,"text":"• Mix the ingredients in a container. Set aside."}]},{"head":"Cooked corn","index":328,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":21,"text":"• In a saucepan, place the water, anise, and sugar and boil the corn until they are well cooked. Set aside."}]},{"head":"Presentation","index":329,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":39,"text":"• Thinly slice the scallops and reserve on a plate with absorbent paper on both sides. Ar-range the tiger's milk on the plate, place the scallops on it. Place a little of the chalaca. Decorate with the corn cob. "}]},{"head":"PREPARATION","index":330,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":18,"text":"• Wash the quinoa with plenty of water, always rubbing between your hands to extract the foam (saponin)."},{"index":2,"size":25,"text":"• Once clean, completely cover with water and cook over high heat until it boils. Turn off the heat, cover, and allow to finish cooking."},{"index":3,"size":8,"text":"• Cook the purple corn and set aside."},{"index":4,"size":11,"text":"• Cut the raw papa lisa or olluco into thin slices."}]},{"head":"Tiger's milk","index":331,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":14,"text":"• Put the milk in a blender and emulsify with the oil. Set aside."},{"index":2,"size":31,"text":"• Blend the celery, coriander sprigs, lemon juice, and salt. Pass all of it through a strainer or sieve, blend again adding the milk until obtaining the consistency of a sauce."}]},{"head":"Ají","index":332,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":12,"text":"• Place the chilis on a rack and cook over hot coals."},{"index":2,"size":16,"text":"Cool and grind with a stone or mortar. Emulsify with oil until you get a paste."}]},{"head":"Assembly","index":333,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":35,"text":"• Place the slices of raw papa lisa and add the tiger's milk, quinoa, and corn. Accompany with the ají sauce. • On a hot griddle or grill, brown the mussels quickly for 30 seconds."}]},{"head":"INGREDIENTS","index":334,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Herbal oil","index":335,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":24,"text":"• Process the lemon juice and herbs with a blender or mixer. Add the salt. Emulsify with the oil until obtaining a homogeneous texture."}]},{"head":"Chalaquita","index":336,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":23,"text":"• Finely chop the onion and chili. Mix with the Andean blueberries and season with the juice of the mussels, salt, and lemon."}]},{"head":"Assembly","index":337,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":25,"text":"• In a soup plate, place the herb oil, the mussels, and the chalaquita sauce on top. Decorate with Andean blueberries and herbs to taste."}]},{"head":"Warm mussels and andean blueberry ceviche","index":338,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":1,"text":"Olluco "}]},{"head":"PREPARATION","index":339,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Sweet mashua humita","index":340,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Apple purée","index":341,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":54,"text":"• Peel the apples and remove the cores. Cut them into wedges and put them in water with lemon so that they do not turn brown. Set aside. In a pot, boil the apples wedges with sugar and Chinese cinnamon. Strain the excess liquid and set aside. Lightly crush the cooked apples. Set aside."}]},{"head":"Humita","index":342,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":75,"text":"• Cook the well-washed mashuas in the oven for 30 minutes or until cooked. Peel and mash them. Blend together with the raw corn. If there is not enough liquid, add the water from cooking the apples or a little plain water. Place the blend in a pot and add the apple purée. Check the sugar levels. Cook or curdle stirring with a wooden ladle until the dough is cooked. Add the butter and combine."},{"index":2,"size":42,"text":"• Spread the corn husks, place a little dough in them, and in the middle put a little of the applesauce. Close the humita and tie it with thread. Cook for 40 minutes in a double boiler. Chill 10 minutes before serving."}]},{"head":"Chuño tamale","index":343,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":77,"text":"• Soak the chuño starting the day before. Peel it and cut it into small pieces. Boil along with ½ tsp. of salt.Once cooked, grind it in a large stone mortar. If you do not have one, you can use a food processor. Place this in a saucepan and add the cracked egg and the grated cheeses. Put on the flame, check the salt levels, and add the vegetable shortening little by little. Let the dough warm."},{"index":2,"size":38,"text":"• Spread the banana leaves and place a little dough in them. Fill with Andean cheese in wedges or to your preference. Wrap and tie. Steam for 15 minutes to steam and let rest 15 minutes before serving. "}]},{"head":"Tulpo","index":344,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":10,"text":"• Cut the jerky and the onion into small cubes."},{"index":2,"size":27,"text":"• In a saucepan heat the fat. Add and cook the onion, add the meat and continue cooking together with the sweet paprika and cumin to roast."},{"index":3,"size":44,"text":"• Normally, roasting the paprika with the fat gives it a characteristic, almost smoky flavor. In addition, by roasting paprika in fat we achieve a roux effect that helps to thicken when cooling. Add the broth and cook for about 10 minutes. Add salt"},{"index":4,"size":17,"text":"• In a saucepan, bring the preparation to a boil and slowly add the ground corn. Mix."},{"index":5,"size":14,"text":"• Serve the thick stock, adding a few strips of jerky and toasted flour."}]},{"head":"INGREDIENTS","index":345,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":129,"text":"Salpicón: 100 g of yacon diced into 1.5 cm pieces • 100 g of pumpkin diced into 1.5 cm pieces • 100 g of white pumpkin diced into 1.5 cm pieces • 100 g of green chayote diced into 1.5 cm pieces • 4 slices of white pumpkin of 1 cm diameter, with the edges cut to make squares • 100 ml of olluco vinegar • 12 pennyroyal leaves, washed and dried • 2 pinches of wai-ya chili pepper • 2 tsp. of lemon juice • 1 tsp. of olive oil • Salt Olluco vinegar: 500 g of large pink olluco, julienne cut with a mandoline slicer • 1 cup of water • 1 cup of white vinegar • 80 g of white sugar • 2 g of salt"}]},{"head":"PREPARATION","index":346,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Olluco vinegar","index":347,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":23,"text":"• Immerse the chuguas (ollucos) in enough salted water to cover them and let sit for 10 minutes. Wash and drain. Set aside."},{"index":2,"size":45,"text":"• Put the water, vinegar, sugar, salt, and washed chuguas in a pot over high heat. Boil for 5 minutes. Turn off the heat and cool. The chuguas will serve to use in any salad or sandwich and the cooking liquid to season the salpicón."}]},{"head":"Salpicón","index":348,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":38,"text":"• Salt and season the pumpkin cubes separately with lemon and oil. Arrange the square pieces of white pumpkin on a soup plate. On this, build layers with the cubes interspers-ing flavors and colors to complete two layers."},{"index":2,"size":18,"text":"• Pour the chuguas vinegar around the dish and refresh with the pennyroyal leaves and the wai-ya pepper."}]},{"head":"INGREDIENTS","index":349,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":40,"text":"1 whole amañoque • Small bit of heart of palm • Fresh watercress • 4 ml of balsamic banana oil • 2 g of amañoque seeds Banana balsamic vinegar: 500 ml of banana vinegar • 150 g of cane syrup"}]},{"head":"PREPARATION","index":350,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":49,"text":"• Remove the seeds from the amañoque and set them aside. Wash the amañoque and remove all parts of the tough crust. With a mandoline slicer, or very sharp knife, cut thin pieces of the amañoque and set them aside in water with ice. Dehydrate the seeds and reserve."},{"index":2,"size":20,"text":"• Reduce the vinegar together with the cane syrup until it has the consistency of demi-glace, until obtaining 70% reduction."}]},{"head":"Assembly","index":351,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":26,"text":"• Spread a little of the Amazonian banana balsamic on the three slices of amañoque, and roll amañoco seeds and watercress leaves to create a crust. "}]},{"head":"Sweet mashua humita & chuño tamale","index":352,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Tulpo","index":353,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Tostado","index":354,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":27,"text":"• Toast the corn in a clay pot. Cool. Mix the toasted corn with the ashnacyuyo leaves and grind in a hand mill to obtain a flour."}]},{"head":"Uchucota","index":355,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":22,"text":"• Add the toasted flour to the broth and mix with a wooden spoon. The mixture should be of a semi-solid consistency."}]},{"head":"PRESENTATION","index":356,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":35,"text":"• On a clay plate, place approximately 8 tablespoons of uchucota. Accompany with a whole dried chili pepper (dehydrated). • Boil the ollucos together with the beef hump in a pressure cooker for 10 minutes."},{"index":2,"size":9,"text":"• Cook the mashua alone with salt to taste."},{"index":3,"size":10,"text":"• Stir all ingredients, except the mashua, in large saucepan."},{"index":4,"size":10,"text":"• Add julienned chopped onion and cook for 30 minutes."},{"index":5,"size":15,"text":"• Sauté a chopped onion and tomato in oil to make a hogao (sautéed mixture)."}]},{"head":"PRESENTATION","index":357,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":29,"text":"• Serve all the ingredients on a soup dish, add the hogao and the mashua on top. • Soak the corn (shelled and dry) and sift the ash (uspha)."}]},{"head":"INGREDIENTS","index":358,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":18,"text":"• Place the corn in a pot and bring to a boil, add the ash, calculating to peel."},{"index":2,"size":11,"text":"• Rub and rinse with enough water to remove the peel."},{"index":3,"size":21,"text":"• Toast the peeled corn for two hours. Fry the onion and garlic with oil, add the burst corn (sara phata)."},{"index":4,"size":4,"text":"Add the spring onions."}]},{"head":"Quinoa pilaf","index":359,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":20,"text":"• Toast the quinoa and grind in the large stone mortar. Rub it and wash it with plenty of water."},{"index":2,"size":26,"text":"• Make a garlic and onion seasoning. Add 4 cups of water and bring to a simmer. Once the quinoa has opened up, add the salt."}]},{"head":"Peas","index":360,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":17,"text":"• Boil the dried peas with the baking soda for 15 minutes. Wash the semi-cooked peas well."},{"index":2,"size":19,"text":"• Mix with garlic, onion, and oil. Add water little by little and add the peas. Boil until thick."}]},{"head":"Fresh broad bean salad","index":361,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":15,"text":"• Peel the broad beans. Peel and chop the carrot in long and thin pieces."}]},{"head":"Tarpuy uchu Uchucota Boyacense stew","index":362,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":13,"text":"• Boil the carrot for (10 minutes) and the broad beans (5 minutes)."},{"index":2,"size":24,"text":"• Julienne cut the onion and mix all the vegetables, the chopped tomato, and the bull kelp. Add salt, oil and lemon to taste."}]},{"head":"Red algae hauch'a","index":363,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":36,"text":"• Wash the algae well and chop. Fill a pot with water halfway. Once the water boils, add the baking soda and the red algae. Stir until cooked. Lower the heat, squeeze, and add cold water."},{"index":2,"size":41,"text":"• Use your hand to squeeze them and form small balls. Mix with onion, garlic, salt, cumin, and oil (fry well). Add half a cup of boiled water, add the crumbled potato and wakatay. Undo the red algae balls. Mix well."}]},{"head":"Torreja","index":364,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":14,"text":"• Grind the corn and wheat well. Sift. Peel the potato and mash it."},{"index":2,"size":20,"text":"• Mix the ingredients with the chicha, add salt and spring onions to taste. Fry in hot oil (small servings)."}]},{"head":"Baked guinea pig","index":365,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":22,"text":"• Grind the garlic, cumin, salt, and huacatay for the seasoning. Season the guinea pig with the mixture and let marinate overnight."},{"index":2,"size":12,"text":"• Bake in the oven for 1½ hours. Cut into small pieces."}]},{"head":"PRESENTATION","index":366,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":46,"text":"• Serve each dish in small servings previously prepared in the following order: sara phata, yuyo hauch'a, peas, and quinoa pilaf. Then, place the broad bean soltero in the center of the plate and on top of it the torreja and the piece of guinea pig. "}]},{"head":"Bacon","index":367,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":28,"text":"• Cut the bacon or meat into small pieces. Fry in a pan to extract the fat. Set aside the fat and keep it very crispy (pork rinds)."}]},{"head":"Toasted corn","index":368,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":11,"text":"• Toast the corn with a little of the bacon fat."}]},{"head":"Stew","index":369,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":37,"text":"• In the pan where the pork was prepared and usin the fat, fry the scallion, coriander, mint, paico, garlic, and parsley, all chopped. Add the pork rind and salt to taste. Make a stew or refry."}]},{"head":"Jaucha","index":370,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":17,"text":"• Place the cooked turnip greens on top of the stew or refry, mix and fry again."}]},{"head":"PRESENTATION","index":371,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":28,"text":"• On a plate, place about 4 or 5 tablespoons of jaucha. Serve with cooked potatoes and two tablespoons of toasted corn. Eat with chili sauce to taste. "}]},{"head":"PREPARATION","index":372,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":38,"text":"• In a medium saucepan, put the water, the chicken breast, the corn cobs (peeled and cut), half of the guasca tied together, and all the scallions. Cook over medium high heat until it comes to a boil."},{"index":2,"size":11,"text":"• Peel the potatoes (sabanera, pastusa, and criolla) and wash them."},{"index":3,"size":24,"text":"• Filet the sabanera and pastusa potatoes and add them to the pot when it starts to boil. Cover until it returns to boil."},{"index":4,"size":19,"text":"• Uncover the pot and remove the guasca. Add the rest of the guascas, tied together. Remove the breast."},{"index":5,"size":32,"text":"• Uncover the pot five minutes later. Filet the Creole potatoes and add to the pot along the single cream. Wait for it to boil and lower the heat until it thickens."},{"index":6,"size":17,"text":"• Correct the salt, remove the second bunch of guascas and shred the chicken. Lower the heat."}]},{"head":"PRESENTATION","index":373,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":29,"text":"• In a soup dish, place an corn corb, part of the liquid, part of the potatoes and a handful of shredded chicken. Accompany with capers, rice, and avocado. "}]},{"head":"INGREDIENTS","index":374,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"PREPARATION","index":375,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":18,"text":"• Fillet the alpaca meat and season with crushed garlic, pepper, and salt to taste. Fry the meat."},{"index":2,"size":30,"text":"• Prepare a seasoning of onion, tomato, garlic, chili, and salt to taste. Add the peas and cook. Place the fried meat and let it thicken for a few minutes."},{"index":3,"size":29,"text":"• Steam the chuño on its own. Once cooked, cut into pieces. In another pan, cook the ground peanuts with oil until they're cooked and mix with the chuño."},{"index":4,"size":33,"text":"• Peel the potatoes and boil them. Serve the potatoes, the chuño in peanuts, and on top place the meat sajta. It can be served with a finely chopped onion and tomato salsa. "}]},{"head":"Turnip jaucha Santafereño ajiaco","index":376,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Assembling the oven","index":377,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":45,"text":"• In a spacious and well-ventilated place outside, make a hole approximately 2 meters in diameter and 20 cm deep. Create an oven with stones found nearby and place dry fire-wood. Light and keep the fire going 1 hour until the stones are very hot."}]},{"head":"Placing the food","index":378,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":69,"text":"• With the help of a shovel, push the stones apart and and distribute the stones evenly throughout the hole. Place sugar paper on top and put the potatoes in the center. Place the meats around them. Cover with more sugar paper and put the beans, sweet potatoes, oca, and corn here. Cover the pachamanca with an ample amount of herbs, more paper, and stones. Cook for 40-50 minutes."},{"index":2,"size":18,"text":"• Once the cooking is over, carefully disassemble and place all the ingredient in separate containers and serve. "}]},{"head":"Pachamanca","index":379,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"PREPARATION","index":380,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":21,"text":"• Soak the chullqui and jerky the day before. The next day, crush or crumble the chullqui, and shred the charqui."},{"index":2,"size":27,"text":"• In a pot, heat the oil and blanch the onion. Add the minced garlic. Add the tomato and season with pepper, cumin, and salt to taste."},{"index":3,"size":35,"text":"• Add 2 cups of water and when it boils, add the shredded jerky and the potatoes, cut in squeares. Once the jerky is cooked, add the crumbled chullqui and cook for approximately 5 minutes."},{"index":4,"size":31,"text":"• Serve with boiled white rice and finely chopped mint. • Heat a dash of oil in a pot and add the minced garlic and ají amarillo chili pepper. Fry well."},{"index":5,"size":23,"text":"• Seal the pork meat previously cut into small piece, then add the scallions, diced fig-leaf gourd and cook for about 45 minutes."},{"index":6,"size":13,"text":"• Serve in a soup plate, accompanied by boiled potatoes and chopped cilantro. "}]},{"head":"PREPARATION","index":381,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":27,"text":"• In a pot, place a liter and a half of water, add the meat cut in pieces, boil for 40 minutes, add a pinch of salt."},{"index":2,"size":22,"text":"• Chop the onion julienne style, cut the carrots into long pieces, and place in the pot to cook for 15 minutes."},{"index":3,"size":41,"text":"• At the same time, dilute the cañahua flour with cold water, add to the soup, stirring con-stantly until the first boil. 5 minutes before removing the pot from the heat, add a pinch of oregano, celery, and parsley without chopping."}]},{"head":"PRESENTATION","index":382,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":32,"text":"• Serve in an earthenware or porcelain plate with a piece of the meat, it can be served with grated cheese or French fries on top; an ideal dish for cold days. "}]},{"head":"PREPARATION","index":383,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":23,"text":"• Separately, wash the ingredients well. Marinate the guinea pig with a marinade of garlic, salt, onion, annato, cumin, and oil. Set aside."}]},{"head":"Stuffing","index":384,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":10,"text":"• Preheat a cauldron and add pork fat and oil."},{"index":2,"size":40,"text":"When it is golden brown, add all the finely chopped ingredients: large red onion, scallion stalks, garlic, arracacha, ullucos, potatoes, corn, chard, broccoli, cauliflower, oca, chopped and sautéed leaves, quinoa, previously roasted and ground peanuts, coriander, parsley, celery, and achiote."},{"index":3,"size":39,"text":"• Sauté the viscera and the fetuses of the guinea pig with pork fat. When they are golden, chop and mix with the filling. This should be marinated with the same seasoning as the guinea pig and finely chopped."},{"index":4,"size":72,"text":"• Stuff the stomach of the guinea pig with the stuffing, close using thread and a large needle and wrap the guinea pig on top of the cabbage leaves (large common cabbage) already immersed in the fire. Wrap the guinea pig with the achira leaves, tie with the twine passed through oil to prevent the embers from burning it and loosening the bundle and preventing it from burning and losing its juices."},{"index":5,"size":12,"text":"• Cook over the embers for 4 hours with a constant fire."},{"index":6,"size":74,"text":"• Once the preparation is ready, remove it from the heat on a shard or hot callana (fired clay container) to unwrap it. Serve accompanied by steamed tubers, chili pepper ground on a stone mortar, and surumba water (panela flavored with guayusa or canelo or an aro-matic herb from your garden). Drain, mash, then add salt, pepper, nutmeg, and butter. Make a puree, add the yolks and correct the seasoning. Put in the refrigerator."},{"index":7,"size":20,"text":"• Shape like a circle, like a hamburger, and place a piece of criolla or Mennonite cheese in the center."},{"index":8,"size":31,"text":"Close well, roll in the flour with a little salt and the seasoned egg whites and finally in the breadcrumbs. Set aside for 15 minutes so that the breading gets firm."},{"index":9,"size":9,"text":"• Fry in oil at 170°C. Drain and serve."}]},{"head":"Jallpa wayk´a","index":385,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":59,"text":"• K´aspar the chili pepper (burn the pods a little on the stove). Place in a pot with water, boil to hydrate, and cook for 25 minutes. Take off the heat, remove the ends and seeds and, using 300 ml of water from the cooking, blend until obtaining a uniform cream with garlic, cumin, salt, and pepper to taste."},{"index":2,"size":28,"text":"• Boil the preparation with a dash of oil for 25 minutes over medium heat, taking care that it does not dry out too much. Rectify the seasoning."},{"index":3,"size":17,"text":"• Put the eggs in boiling water for 12 minutes. Remove, peel, and cut into medium cubes."},{"index":4,"size":7,"text":"• Chop the stems of the scallions."},{"index":5,"size":18,"text":"• Once the chili is cooked and seasoned, cool completely and add the eggs and scallions. Set aside. "}]},{"head":"Prawn stew","index":386,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":18,"text":"• Peel and clean the prawns. Add a few drops of lemon juice, salt, and Worcestershire sauce. Chill."},{"index":2,"size":49,"text":"• In a frying pan, place the annatto and butter; add the garlic and onion, crystallize and add the grated coconut, allow it to take in the aromas and its texture to soften. Add the pep-pers, the single cream, and the coconut milk, and finish with the coriander. Season."}]},{"head":"Tree tomato foam","index":387,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":35,"text":"• Blend the pulp of the tree tomato and strain. Place in a whipping siphon with the cream of milk. Put in two gas charges and beat. Chill, checking that the foam has been made."}]},{"head":"Coconut foam","index":388,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":22,"text":"• Place the coconut water in a bowl with the lecithin and mix with a turbo mixer until a foam is obtained."},{"index":2,"size":19,"text":"Stuffed achocha with cassava sponge, manaba cheese, stewed prawns, coconut foam, tree tomato foam, and chili and coconut oil"}]},{"head":"Walusa croquette with llama jerky and jallpa wayk´a","index":389,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":17,"text":"Chili and coconut sauce • Mix all the ingredients in a glass container and allow to emulsify."}]},{"head":"Achochas","index":390,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":55,"text":"• Wash the achochas and blanch them in boiling water. Remove the seeds and place them on a buttered baking sheet. Fill them with the cassava and raw seasoned prawns. Add the prawn sauce and the manaba cheese and bake until the shrimp is cooked and the cassava is spongy, for 20 minutes at 170°C."}]},{"head":"ASSEMBLY","index":391,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":33,"text":"• On a plate, place a little of the sauce and then a stuffed achocha. Place more sauce around it, the tomato foam, and the coconut foam. Decorate with coriander sprigs and flowers."}]},{"head":"Jerky","index":392,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":16,"text":"• Wash the previously shredded jerky well, drain, and fry. Remove and place on absorbent paper."}]},{"head":"Huacatay oil","index":393,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":13,"text":"• Blend the huacatay leaves with the oil. Season with salt and pepper."}]},{"head":"ASSEMBLY","index":394,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":31,"text":"• On a white plate, place the walusa base and on top place the jallpa wayk'a and the fried jerky. Garnish with the potato chips, walusa, cherry tomatoes, and huacataya leaves."},{"index":2,"size":13,"text":"• Drizzle the huacataya oil over all of it to enhance the flavor. "}]},{"head":"PREPARATION","index":395,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Cushuro paper","index":396,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":62,"text":"• Wash the cushuro so that there are no foreign elements or bad-looking or damaged cushuros. Blend with the mineral water so that it is as uniform as possible. Pass through a fine strainer and place 2-3 mm thick on a silpat. Put in an excalibur or an oven without ventilation at 50°C for 36 hours. Reserve the remainder for the crisp."}]},{"head":"Cushuro crisp","index":397,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":33,"text":"• Spread the remnants that were left in the strainer on a silpat as if it were a crumble, without a specific shape. Dehydrate in the same way at 50°C for 36 hours."}]},{"head":"Cushuro relish","index":398,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":22,"text":"• In a frying pan, place the vinegar, water, salt, and sugar and wait for it to boil. Remove and cool slightly."},{"index":2,"size":26,"text":"When the liquid has a temperature of 70°C, add the cushuro, the star anise, the chili pepper, and the molle pepper. Keep at a controlled temperature."},{"index":3,"size":8,"text":"Leave at least 24 hours before use. Refrigerate."}]},{"head":"Lactofermented cushuro","index":399,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":47,"text":"• Put all the products in a vacuum bag and seal, leaving a small amount of air inside. Take as a reference, if the sealer has a screen, when it reaches 90. Keep at a temperature of 18-20°C. Leave for at least 48 hours before use. Refrigerate."}]},{"head":"Cushuro cream","index":400,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":68,"text":"• In a bowl, mix the kefir, the Greek yogurt, and the crunchy, pickled, and lactofermented cushuros, mixing with a spoon until you have a thick mixture and with a certain consisten-cy. Chill everything for a few hours until it sets in a uniform way. • Separately, in a pot, fry the garlic in annatto oil until golden brown, then add the white onion, cumin, salt, and pepper."}]},{"head":"PRESENTATION","index":401,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":35,"text":"• Cook this fried mixture with a little water, until the onion is very well cooked. Add the pork together with a little water that you cooked the quinoa in. Add the potatoes and quinoa."},{"index":2,"size":21,"text":"• Separately, blend the milk and the peanuts. Add to the pot and boil. Finally, add chopped coriander and let rest."}]},{"head":"Quinoa earth","index":402,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":17,"text":"• Cook the different quinoas separately. Aside, fry the onion, garlic, and pepper of a single color."},{"index":2,"size":20,"text":"• Mix the white quinoa with red pepper, the red quinoa with green pepper, and black qui-noa with yellow pepper."}]},{"head":"Crisps and decoration","index":403,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":38,"text":"• Cook the quinoas separately, each one with a third of the rice. Process and spread on a silpat. Dry in the oven at 80°C for 2 hours. Air dry for one day and split into uneven piec-es."},{"index":2,"size":14,"text":"• Place in the oil at 280°C so that they inflate and create textures."},{"index":3,"size":22,"text":"• Cut the carrot and beet into thin slices and sprinkle with a sugar water syrup. Bake at 80°C for 2 hours."}]},{"head":"ASSEMBLY","index":404,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":16,"text":"• Arrange the three textures of cooked quinoa with the crunchy pieces. Serve the soup separately. "}]},{"head":"Cushuro ravioli My andean colors","index":405,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Teriyaki sauce","index":406,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":21,"text":"• Heat the sauce together with the passion fruit, the garlic paste, and the white wine. Re-duce and season to taste."}]},{"head":"Tuber purée","index":407,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":10,"text":"• Cook the potatoes and sweet potato in salted water."},{"index":2,"size":22,"text":"Peel the tubers and mash them well. In a pot, mix the tubers with the butter until you have a uniform purée."}]},{"head":"Melloco relish","index":408,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":24,"text":"• Cook the melloco in water. Brunoise cut the onion and tomato and cooked melloco. Add the lemon juice, salt, pepper, and chopped coriander."}]},{"head":"ASSEMBLY","index":409,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":35,"text":"• Serve the tuna and accompany it with the purée, relish, and teriyaki sauce. • Clean the yellow pepper removing the veins and seeds, and blanch it to remove the spic-iness. Blend and set aside."}]},{"head":"Andean yellow fin","index":410,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":11,"text":"• Chop the onion into small cubes and crush the garlic."},{"index":2,"size":17,"text":"• Grind or blend the chocho with a little oil and the water from the boiled potatoes."},{"index":3,"size":27,"text":"• Sauté the chopped onion in a small saucepan with oil and add the crushed garlic after a few moments. Wait for the onion to become shiny."},{"index":4,"size":14,"text":"• Add the blended chili peppers and fry until they separate from the oil."},{"index":5,"size":29,"text":"• Then add the ground or blended chocho, mixing it with the seasoning until cooked. If it thickens, you can add a little more of the boiled potato water."},{"index":6,"size":13,"text":"Then the previously blended cheese is added and mixed until everything is creamy."},{"index":7,"size":23,"text":"• Chop the boiled potato from step 1 into large cubes and pour them into the pot. Mix well with the chocho cream."}]},{"head":"PRESENTATION","index":411,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":27,"text":"• It is served on a plate garnished with lettuce. Add the finely chopped parsley on top and add the hard-boiled egg and fresh cheese in strips."},{"index":2,"size":31,"text":"• It is accompanied with toasted corn kernels and ground hot pepper. Add the honey, white wine, quinoa, salt, and flour. Mix well and chill in the refrigerator for 30 minutes."},{"index":3,"size":61,"text":"• Preheat the oven to 160°C. On a baking sheet with a silpat, spread the dough with a spatula until obtaining a very thin layer. Bake for 12 minutes. Cut into 4 cm wide strips while hot and form cannelloni using a tube of the desired width. Roll in the amaranth pop and cool in a tulip or icecream cone shape."}]},{"head":"Glazed suckling pig","index":412,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":38,"text":"• Wash the piglet well. Cut off the head and set aside. Cut along the spine in two parts and then in halves to obtain 4 pieces of equal size. Season with salt and pepper on both sides."},{"index":2,"size":43,"text":"• In a bowl, mix the pig lard, the mapahuira, beer, garlic, cumin, and oregano and make a paste. Spread the fat paste on the suckling pig servings. Place the servings in a vacu-um bag, along with the bay leaf. Seal under vacuum."},{"index":3,"size":28,"text":"• Preheat the sous-vide to 70°C. Put suckling pig in the center of the sous-vide and cook at a low temperature for 12 hours (the time may vary"},{"index":4,"size":18,"text":"Crispy glazed andean suckling pig with a mortiño sauce depending on the size and weight of the servings)."},{"index":5,"size":13,"text":"Remove the suckling pig and open in a platter. Set the juice aside."},{"index":6,"size":42,"text":"• In a frying pan with hot pig lard, place the suckling pig skin side down and brown until crisp. Set aside the best piece of crispy skin for decoration. Debone the suckling pig and cut into strips about 1 cm thick."}]},{"head":"Mortiño sauce scented with naranjilla","index":413,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":19,"text":"Place all the ingredients in a saucepan and reduce by 70%, until you have a thick and caramelized liquid."},{"index":2,"size":21,"text":"Remove the ishpingo and correct the seasoning, which can vary depending on the acidity and ripeness of the mortiños and naranjilla."}]},{"head":"Oca foam","index":414,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":53,"text":"• Cook the oca in water until soft and tender. Remove the oca from the water and cool, setting aside the water. Once cool, make a fine purée with a little of the cooking wa-ter. Add the Parmesan cheese, butter, and roasted crushed garlic. Add the cream and strain through a fine sieve."},{"index":2,"size":28,"text":"• Place the preparation in a beating siphon, close it and add two gas charges. Refrigerate for 2 hours or more. Before serving, heat in a double boiler."}]},{"head":"Crispy onions","index":415,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":29,"text":"• Cut the shallots into thin slices. In a container with a tight lid, mix the flour with the garlic salt, onion salt, cinnamon, and a pinch of cumin."},{"index":2,"size":33,"text":"• Put the shallots in a bowl with water, drain them, and transfer them to the container. Cover and mix vigorously to ensure that the shallots are covered in the spiced flour. Sift."},{"index":3,"size":18,"text":"• Heat neutral oil to 180°C, fry until golden brown, remove, and drain well on a paper towel."},{"index":4,"size":7,"text":"• Sprinkle a little salt. Serve immediately."}]},{"head":"Roasted leek-infused oil","index":416,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":31,"text":"• Chop the leek into thick pieces about 2 cm. Place in a pot with the oil over low heat and cook slowly, so that the oil takes on the flavor."},{"index":2,"size":43,"text":"• In a small pot of boiling water, place the chives for 15 to 20 seconds and then put them in ice water to brighten their color. Place chives in the infused oil and cool, blend until obtaining a green and aromatic oil."}]},{"head":"Andean chips, pearls, and vegetable rolls","index":417,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":22,"text":"• Peel and cut the tubers into thin slices, like chips, and then with a round cutter of a 1 cm diameter."},{"index":2,"size":27,"text":"• Brush each disc with oil and bake at 170°C for 1.5 hours. Once crisp, remove from the oven and dry on a paper towel. Sprinkle salt."},{"index":3,"size":29,"text":"• Cut the vegetables with a mandoline slicer and blanch al dente, then and put in ice water to bring out their colors. Cut to desired size and roll."}]},{"head":"ASSEMBLY","index":418,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":50,"text":"• Place the sauce as a base and on top the crispy quinoa crisps stuffed with the suckling pig. Serve with the Andean chips, the foam, the leek oil, and the crispy onions. • Form 30-gram rolls, let rest for 15 minutes, cut into slices and stuff with the lamb."}]},{"head":"INGREDIENTS","index":419,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":35,"text":"• Heat water in a tall saucepan until it reaches a rolling boil, place a strainer on top making sure that the bottom of the strainer does not touch the water. Cook for 20 minutes."}]},{"head":"Stuffing","index":420,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":29,"text":"• Slice the leg of lamb 1 centimeter thick. Pour all the ingredients into a pot, cook in its own fat at 70°C for 3 hours, controlling the temperature."},{"index":2,"size":26,"text":"• Portion into 5 equal parts, shred or break it apart, put into a pot, seal with plum sauce and reserve for the chuño bread filling."}]},{"head":"Waycha chuño chips","index":421,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":13,"text":"• Slice the chuños, fry at 160° C and leave on absorbent paper."}]},{"head":"Cream of pala chuño and cheese","index":422,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":22,"text":"• Cover with cold water, bring to a boil and cook for 12 minutes. Process with the milk, cheese, koa, and lime"}]},{"head":"Chuñitos for hunger","index":423,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":15,"text":"juice. Pass through a sieve and cook for 5 minutes until obtaining a creamy consistency."}]},{"head":"Plum sauce","index":424,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":49,"text":"• Remove the pits of the ciruelas and hydrate with red wine for 45 minutes. Bring every-thing to process together with the rosemary leaves until it has a fine consistency. Pass through a sieve and cook over medium heat for 5 minutes. Rectify the flavor with the sugar syrup."}]},{"head":"Retama and garden flowers","index":425,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":23,"text":"• Soak the retama and flowers separately in vinegar water (5 ml of vinegar for each liter of water). Dry on absorbent paper."}]},{"head":"PRESENTATION","index":426,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":82,"text":"• Serve the ciruela sauce on the side of the flat plate, spread by tapping at the bottom of the base of the plate. Arrange the stir-fried vegetables in the shape of a path over the middle of the plate and place the stuffed chuño on top. On this, a quenelle of cream of chuño, edible flowers on top of this, the sautéed vegetables, the chips on the rest of the path, and finally, place the retama leaves on the plum sauce. "}]},{"head":"Cream of kañiwa","index":427,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":19,"text":"• Cook the kañiwa in the chicken broth. Once cooked, add the rest of the ingredients, blend and strain."}]},{"head":"Sour sauce","index":428,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":14,"text":"• Mix all the ingredients and wait around 15 minutes until it starts clotting."}]},{"head":"Cheese quenelle","index":429,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":15,"text":"• Mash the cheese to form a paste. Mix with the rest of the ingredients."}]},{"head":"PRESENTATION","index":430,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":22,"text":"• Serve the cream of kañiwa. On top, place the roasted cauliflower and the cheese que-nelle. Put with the sauce on last. "}]},{"head":"Roasted cauliflower with cream of kañiwa","index":431,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"PREPARATION","index":432,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":57,"text":"Transparent ravioli • Wash and clean the arracachas, slice with a mandoline and place in a dehydrator for 12 hours. Once dry, grind and sift. Set aside in a dry place. Spread the obulato papers and portion out the arracacha with a sieve. Seal the edges with olive oil, creating a translu-cent disc. Add the truffle salt."}]},{"head":"Arracacha tapenade","index":433,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":44,"text":"• Wash, cut off the ends and peel the arracachas. Cook starting from cold oil until it reaches 80°C for 22 minutes, ensuring it doesn't exceed that temperature. Remove from the heat and process until you get a purée. Sift twice. Rectify the salt."}]},{"head":"Mushroom earth","index":434,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":21,"text":"• Cut the button, portobello, shiitake, and porcini mushrooms into 4-mm thick slices and dehydrate for 20 hours. Process and sift."}]},{"head":"Pickled taxo","index":435,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":62,"text":"• Open the taxo and extract the juice. Mix the taxo juice with the sugar and vinegar. Julienne the onion and confit them, starting from cold oil until it reaches 80-85°C for 15 minutes. Blanch the melloco and the beans. Heat the mixture of taxo and vinegar until it reaches 75° C and add the melloco and beans to finish cooking these."}]},{"head":"Pearl barley tuile","index":436,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":45,"text":"• Cook the barley with water until soft and set aside the barley and water separately. Mix with the cornstarch, flour, glucose, and salt, until you get a smooth dough. Spread with the spatula in a circular shape on a silpat and bake at 180°C. "}]},{"head":"PREPARATION","index":437,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":31,"text":"Vegan demi-glace • Wash the vegetables and slice thinly using a mandoline. There is no need to peel them. Add olive oil and tomato paste and coat all the vegetables well."},{"index":2,"size":44,"text":"• Toast for 45 minutes at 150°C in the oven or on the same grill where you will make the yacon, moving and rotating, on a tray as flat as possible so that everything is very well sep-arated. The flatter, the faster they toast."},{"index":3,"size":41,"text":"• Remove from the grill and add the water. It will turn into a very dark broth. Continue roasting in the oven or grill for another 40 minutes. Strain into a saucepan and reduce to obtain approximately 600 ml of liquid."},{"index":4,"size":45,"text":"• Weigh the xanthan, pectin and salt. With a mixer, mix a little of the broth with this prep-aration and return to the broth with a strainer to make sure there are no lumps. Reduce until it reaches the desired texture, and rectify the salt."},{"index":5,"size":21,"text":"Note: If you do not have pectin, you can also thicken it only with xanthan or also with cornstarch or chuño."}]},{"head":"Peanut sauce","index":438,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":24,"text":"• Toast the peanuts in a pan or in the oven and blend until a fine paste is obtained. Leave in the blender glass."}]},{"head":"Grilled yacon in peanut sauce","index":439,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":32,"text":"• In a pot, place a drizzle of oil and add the garlic, ginger, shallots, and chili pepper. Cook over medium-low heat for about 15 minutes, stirring carefully so it doesn't burn."},{"index":2,"size":65,"text":"• After the 15 minutes, add the keffir lime leaves and lemon grass which has been given a couple of strokes with the base of the knife to release its aromas. Cook for another 5-10 minutes and when everything is well caramelized and the flavors have mixed, remove the keffir lime leaves and the lemon grass and add to the blender glass with the peanuts."},{"index":3,"size":39,"text":"• Add the sweet soy sauce, sugar, salt and a piece of the keffir lime leaf and lemon grass (you can add more to taste). You can add a little water, if necessary, it should be a thick sauce."}]},{"head":"Grilled yacon","index":440,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":58,"text":"• Wash the yacon well and put a little oil on it. Put on the grill, being careful that the heat is not too high, and turn until the skin is well toasted and the inside feels soft and cooked. If the grill is very hot it can be put on a tray or wrapped in aluminum foil."}]},{"head":"Pickled yacon","index":441,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":29,"text":"• Peel the yacon and cut into small cubes. Place the sugar with the vinegar in a pot and add the yacon as soon as it begins to boil."},{"index":2,"size":25,"text":"• When it has cooled, strain and bring the liquid back to a boil and place on top of the ya-con. Repeat one more time."}]},{"head":"PRESENTATION","index":442,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":49,"text":"• Peel the yacon carefully and split lengthwise. Brush it with a little oil and give it a seal in the pan or on the grill so that it caramelizes on the outside. It should be more yellow in color, due to the sugars that were cooked during grilling."},{"index":2,"size":34,"text":"• Place the peanut sauce on a plate, and a half of a yacon on top. Add the hot and thick demi-glace on top of the yacon. Place the salt in flakes on top."},{"index":3,"size":22,"text":"• Serve with the watercress mixed in a bowl with a little oil, lime, salt and pepper, mixed with the pickled yacon. "}]},{"head":"PREPARATION","index":443,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":10,"text":"• Wash the arracacha and the cahui and soak overnight."},{"index":2,"size":17,"text":"• Place the arracacha and cahui in a pot and boil for approximately one to two hours."},{"index":3,"size":14,"text":"• Try the boiled mixture and add the cinnamon, cloves and sugar to taste."},{"index":4,"size":11,"text":"• Add the arracacha flour dissolved in cold water to thicken."}]},{"head":"PRESENTATION","index":444,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":17,"text":"• Serve on a dessert plate. It can be accompanied with toasted corn kernels or barley mach-ica."}]},{"head":"Kahui pudding","index":445,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":62,"text":"English recipes INGREDIENTS 500 g of fresh cheese, diced • 1 kg of ulluco, diced • 500 g of medium-sized potatoes, peeled and diced • 1.5 cups of finely chopped onions • 1 tbsp. of finely chopped garlic • 45 ml of vegetable oil • 4 of finely chopped parsley sprigs • 500 ml of hot water • 2 tbsp. of salt"}]},{"head":"PREPARATION","index":446,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":19,"text":"• In a pot, prepare the seasoning with hot oil, onion and garlic, sauté and cook for 5 minutes."},{"index":2,"size":34,"text":"• Add the hot water and potatoes into the pot, cook, and when they're halfway cooked, add the ulluco. Cook for another 15 minutes. Add part of the chopped parsley, cheese and mix. Season."},{"index":3,"size":7,"text":"• Serve and decorate with chopped parsley. "}]},{"head":"INGREDIENTS","index":447,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Pajuro omelet","index":448,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":19,"text":"• Place the eggs in a bowl and season. Beat with the help of a whisk until well mixed."},{"index":2,"size":49,"text":"• Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the onion and garlic for a couple of minutes. Add the spinach leaves (without stems) and continue cooking for two more minutes. Add the cup of pajuro and stir well to integrate all the ingredients. Remove from the fire."},{"index":3,"size":22,"text":"• In a bowl, add the egg mixture to the preparation and separate into four servings. Cook each portion individually. Set aside."}]},{"head":"Sauce","index":449,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":31,"text":"• Make a mixture (roux) with flour and butter. Add the milk and cook until the mixture thickens. Blend the sauce with the chocho and strain. Season with salt and pepper."}]},{"head":"PRESENTATION","index":450,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":26,"text":"• Place each tortilla in the center of the plate, and on top of each a fillet, and bathe with the chocho sauce. Decorate with sprouts. "}]},{"head":"Ulluco with cheese","index":451,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Maca emulsion","index":452,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":27,"text":"• Put the eggs, salt, and lemon in the blender and emulsify with the oil added in slowly. When the emulsion has formed, add the maca powder."}]},{"head":"Huacatay oil","index":453,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":35,"text":"• Heat the oil to 60°C and place in the blender together with the huacataya leaves. Add the oil little by little, while the blender is at medium speed. Decant the oil for 20 hours."}]},{"head":"Llullucha","index":454,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":15,"text":"• Hydrate the llullucha in water and wash well. Dry well and fry at 180°C."}]},{"head":"ASSEMBLY","index":455,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":43,"text":"• Slice the llama very finely and put the pieces on the base of a plate. On top, distribute the points of the maca emulsion and cover with fried llullucha. Put a little of the huacataya oil around it together with the cushuro. "}]},{"head":"PREPARATION","index":456,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":12,"text":"• Soak the kiwicha for 2 hours, wash with plenty of water."},{"index":2,"size":29,"text":"• Boil for 20 minutes, wash it again and dispose of the water. Boil again in four cups of wa-ter, the molasses, the cinnamon and clove for 10 minutes."},{"index":3,"size":25,"text":"• Add the condensed milk and starch (optional), the apple and orange, and boil for 10 more minutes. It can be eaten cold or warm. "}]},{"head":"Ulpada","index":457,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":15,"text":"• Place the water, quinchamal and corn into a (clay) pot. Boil for 30 minutes."},{"index":2,"size":20,"text":"• Squeeze all of the liquid out of the corn and leave to dry on a cloth for 24 hours."},{"index":3,"size":32,"text":"• Place a clay pot on the fire until it is hot. Put the yellow corn in the pot and mix it with a wooden ladle until golden. Set aside to cool."},{"index":4,"size":52,"text":"• Once toasted, the corn is ground with two stones, one stone, known as cona, is the base stone where the toasted corn is placed; with the other stone, known as mano, grind the corn with movements moving up and down until obtaining a very fine flour, ready to make the ulpada."},{"index":5,"size":74,"text":"• In a clay jar containing 3 liters of water, we place 4 large tablespoons of this corn flour, sweeten en mix well. Serve very cold. In another container, with 3 liters of water, whisk the black corn flour and add to a pot with 7 liters of water, on a low heat. Bring it to a boil and add the chopped fruit. Boil for 10 minutes and add the myrtle. Cool and serve."}]},{"head":"INGREDIENTS","index":458,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Chocho empanadas","index":459,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":31,"text":"• Mix the ground chochos with the wheat flour; stir until creating a uniform mixture. Add the butter, milk, salt, sugar and baking powder; mix and knead for approximately 30 minutes."},{"index":2,"size":22,"text":"• With the dough that's ready and using molds, make the empanadas with the filling you desire (cheese, meat, chicken, among others)."}]},{"head":"INGREDIENTS","index":460,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":13,"text":"45 kg of washed and ground arracacha • 4 cans of sugar syrup"}]},{"head":"PREPARATION","index":461,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":13,"text":"• Boil Wash the arracacha. Grind it in a food processor and strain."},{"index":2,"size":81,"text":"• Wash a copper pot and heat. Once it's hot, place the strained and clean sugar syrup in it and cook until it starts to caramelize. Take it out with a spatula and place in cold water. When it breaks in cold water, it's ready to add the arracacha. Stir for a minimum of 3 hours over medium heat. Place in plastic buckets to cool down and fold in banana leaves. • Sift and mix the flour, cornstarch and processed chuño."}]},{"head":"Purple pudding Rallado de arracacha Ulpada","index":462,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":15,"text":"• Combine the two previous mixtures until forming a soft dough. Refrigerate for 15 minutes."},{"index":2,"size":25,"text":"• Make sheets of 5 mm thick from the dough and cut into circles with a 3-cm diameter with the help of a round cookiecutter."},{"index":3,"size":19,"text":"• Bake at 150°C for 10 to 15 minutes. Fill with dulce de leche and cover with shredded coconut."}]},{"head":"Fried chuño paper","index":463,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":20,"text":"• Mix the chuño with the cold water, bring to a medium heat in a pot, stirring with a whisk."},{"index":2,"size":23,"text":"• Spread out on a silpat baking mat, put in a dehydrator at 30°C for 5 hours. Once it's dehydrated, bake at 230°C."}]},{"head":"PRESENTATION","index":464,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":25,"text":"• On a plate, arrange an alfafor with burnt orange cream, another alfafor with dulce the leche and a dulce de leche with huacataya truffle. "}]},{"head":"Cornflour and chuño alfafores","index":465,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"PREPARATION","index":466,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":18,"text":"• Make sure the cheese is at room temperature or heat it in the microwave for 40 seconds."},{"index":2,"size":22,"text":"• Cut the pacay pulp in rough chunks and cut the golden berries in half. Squeeze the limes to obtain their juice."},{"index":3,"size":37,"text":"• Put the cream cheese in a bowl and whisk it until it acquieres a creamy texture. Add the condensed milk, mix and then pour the lemon juice over it. Gently whisk until obtaining a homogeneous mixture."},{"index":4,"size":7,"text":"• Add the fruits and mix well."}]},{"head":"PRESENTATION","index":467,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":17,"text":"• Divide into equal parts in dessert bowls and decorate with the toasted beans and mint leaves. "}]},{"head":"PREPARATION","index":468,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Milk caramel","index":469,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":40,"text":"• Heat the single cream and set aside. Heat the sugar over a medium heat. When it's turn-ing brown, take off the heat and stir in the warm cream little by little, and then add the butter until well mixed."}]},{"head":"Arracacha and cacao cream","index":470,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":11,"text":"• Peel the arracachas and chop them into 5 cm pieces."},{"index":2,"size":38,"text":"Place them in a container with cold water and soak for 2 hours to releases their starch. Place in a pot, cover with cold water and cook over medium heat until soft. Strain the water and set aside."},{"index":3,"size":32,"text":"• Put the arracacha, milk caramel, milk, cocoa powder, salt and vanilla into a food proces-sor, and blend until obtaining a soft texture. Put in the fridge for at least 3 hours."}]},{"head":"Golden berry juice","index":471,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":50,"text":"• Process the golden berries and honey for a very short time to obtain a thick purée. Place the purée on a fine cloth and let it strain over a container for 24 hours. Collect the gold-en berry juice from the container. Save the pulp to make golden berry jam."}]},{"head":"PRESENTATION","index":472,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":31,"text":"• Place a layer of golden berry juice on a plate, and then place a serving of arracacha cream in the middle of it. Decorate with slices of fresh golden berry. "}]},{"head":"Arracacha, cocoa and caramel cream","index":473,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"PREPARATION","index":474,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":29,"text":"• Toast the peeled wheat in a q'analla (earthenware pot) and then grind it in a traditional large stone mortar or mill and mix it with the lengle flour."},{"index":2,"size":39,"text":"• Place the water in a pot and boil it with the cloves, cinnamon and diced panela. Once the panela has dissolved, add the mixture of wheat and lengle flour, constantly stirring until it is boiled and has thickened."},{"index":3,"size":16,"text":"• Add the milk, the raisins and pork fat, cook until the texture has thickened slightly."},{"index":4,"size":25,"text":"• Serve and dust with cinnamon powder. • Peel the quince and boil them together with the cinnamon stick in plenty of water until soft."},{"index":5,"size":26,"text":"• Peel the sweet potatoes and mash them with the quince until obtaining a homogeneous mixture. Let cool for 15 minutes until it reaches room temperature."},{"index":6,"size":19,"text":"• Once cooled down, add the melted butter, lightly beaten eggs, sugar, orange juice and maca powder. Set aside."}]},{"head":"Crumble","index":475,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":40,"text":"• In a large bowl, mix all of the ingredients of the crumble and using your fingertips, gently mix the butter at room-temperature with all of the dry ingredients until it becomes crumbly. Be careful not to knead the dough."}]},{"head":"ASSEMBLY","index":476,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":25,"text":"• Preheat the oven to 180°C. In a 25 by 15cm rectangular oven dish, place the sweet pota-to, quince and maca filling as a base."},{"index":2,"size":66,"text":"• Place the crumble on top, spreading it evenly across the whole dish. Bake for 45 minutes. Once you have taken it out of the oven, leave to cool for a couple of hours before serving. Can also be served hot. • Let it sit for 30 minutes in the fridge. Spread out the dough and cut in 8-cm circles. Bake for 10 minutes at 180°C."}]},{"head":"INGREDIENTS","index":477,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Naranjilla sorbet","index":478,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":32,"text":"• Heat the water, the different types of sugar, stabilizer and naranjilla juice until reaching 65°C. Let it cool down and blend with the remaining ingredients. Churn at -6°C and set aside."}]},{"head":"Center","index":479,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":28,"text":"• Add the water to the gelatin. Heat up to cherimoya pulp with the sugar until reaching 65°C. Add the gelatin and lime juice. Place in molds, freeze."}]},{"head":"Cinnamon meringue","index":480,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":42,"text":"• Make a syrup with sugar and water at 100°C. Whisk the eggwhites until the peaks are stiff. Add the caramel slowly and the cinnamon tea. Add the liquor. Whisk until it cools down. Put into a piping bag and set aside. "}]},{"head":"PREPARATION","index":481,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":18,"text":"• Soak the tocosh in 20 ml of water. Peel and crush by hand in the same water."},{"index":2,"size":28,"text":"• Separately, boil the rest of the water with the cinnamon, cloves and sugar. Add the tocosh and stir until it becomes a pudding. Add water if necessary."},{"index":3,"size":32,"text":"• Serve and sprinkle with some powdered cinnamon if you wish. • Wash the fruit. Cut the strawberries into quarters; peel the peaches and chop them into cubes of approximately 4 cm."},{"index":4,"size":21,"text":"• Once the water reaches boiling point, let it cook for 15 minutes so that the spices con-centrate in the water."},{"index":5,"size":25,"text":"• Add the well-washed capulís, strawberries and peaches to the pot. Boil for 20 minutes or until the capulís burst and the seed becomes visible."},{"index":6,"size":43,"text":"• Remove the cinnamon sticks and cloves from the pot. In a separate container, dissolve the cornstarch with 200 ml of cold water until there are no more lumps; once dissolved, pour the mixture into the pot, stirring until it has mixed well."},{"index":7,"size":28,"text":"• Let it boil for another 15 minutes, stirring constantly. • Once it has cooled, grind in a blender or processor and strain over a silpat baking mat."}]},{"head":"Tocosh pudding","index":482,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":26,"text":"• Bake in the oven until it acquires the desired shape and texture. Leave in a fresh and dry place, even better if it's sealed airtight."}]},{"head":"Bavarois","index":483,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":25,"text":"• Boil the milk with the rosemary, the vanilla and half of the sugar. Beat the egg yolks and the other half of the sugar."},{"index":2,"size":37,"text":"• Join these two mixtures by first putting some of the boiled milk into the warm the mix and then add this mixture to the milk. Stir until it acquires the desired creamy texture. Let it cool."},{"index":3,"size":33,"text":"• Add water to the unflavored gelatin and heat in the microwave to be able to dissolve it. Add the cream with the strained sauce and finally the unflavored gelatin to this mixture."},{"index":4,"size":17,"text":"• Place in the desired mold and let it cool in the fridge for about 2 hours."},{"index":5,"size":21,"text":"• We also make a caramel sauce with the sugar and the halved golden berries, the orange zest and orange juice."},{"index":6,"size":19,"text":"• Add water to the gelatin and mix. Place in molds, making a defined layer of these two presentations."}]},{"head":"PRESENTATION","index":484,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":86,"text":"• Place the praliné tuile as a base. Put the bavarois as the next layer, and a fruit salad made with fresh golden berries, strawberries, blackberries and fresh mint leaves. Decorate with caramelized orange zest. • Put the butter in a small pot, along with the muña leaves. Melt it over a low heat so the flavor of the muña really impregnates the butter. Then, strain the butter over a container and refrigerate until it goes solid again. Cut into cubes and leave at room temperature."},{"index":2,"size":40,"text":"• Put all of the ingredient of the crumble into a food processor and process until the mix-ture acquires a sandy texture. If you don't have a food processor, do it by briefly mixing the butter cubes with the flours."},{"index":3,"size":31,"text":"• Stretch the mixture out on a baking tray and bake at 160°C. Fold the sides inwards until it's all the same caramel color. Remove and set aside to cool down."}]},{"head":"Mousse","index":485,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":30,"text":"• Squeeze out the passion fruit and tintín juice. Place in a pot along with the sugar. Boil the mixture until it forms a syrup and let it cool down."},{"index":2,"size":36,"text":"• Beat the single cream until it becomes chantilly, and separately, beat the cream cheese until it has a smooth and silky texture. Mix the cheese with the syrup and then gradually stir in the chantilly."},{"index":3,"size":16,"text":"• Serve the mousse and sprinkle some of the crumble on top. Decorate with muña leaves. "}]},{"head":"PREPARATION","index":486,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Cupcake dough","index":487,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":21,"text":"• Peel the squash and remove the seeds, cut into 1-cm cubes. Bake in the oven at 180°C for 45 minutes."},{"index":2,"size":17,"text":"• Process the squash with the oil. Add the tablespoon of coffee, vanilla essence and two eggs."},{"index":3,"size":26,"text":"• Put all of the dry ingredients in a bowl and mix. Add the liquid mixture to the dry ingre-dients, process until obtaining a homogeneous dough."},{"index":4,"size":29,"text":"• Place the achira leaves over the fire and put them into the cupcake molds. Fill the mold with the dough and and bake at 180°C for 50 minutes."}]},{"head":"Syrup","index":488,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":14,"text":"• Boil the water together with the sugar until reaching the soft ball stage."}]},{"head":"Italian meringue","index":489,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":28,"text":"• Whisk the egg whites together with the sugar. Add the syrup and mix. Lower the speed of the mixer and let the temperature of the mixture decrease."}]},{"head":"Cream","index":490,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":16,"text":"• While continuing to mix, add the softened butter, the soluble coffee, sifted before-hand and vanilla."}]},{"head":"PRESENTATION","index":491,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":20,"text":"• Put the butter cream on the cupcakes using a piping bag and decorate with almond shav-ings or almond flour. "}]},{"head":"Squash cupcakes with coffee cream in achira leaves","index":492,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Bavarois cream","index":493,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":83,"text":"• Add water to the unflavored gelatin, set aside. Mix 50 g of the single cream, eggs, sugar and tree tomato pulp. Warm inside a pot that's placed inside another pot of boiling water (bain-marie) while blending it with a hand blender until the mixture has thickened or reaches 80°C. Remove from the heat and dissolve the hydrated gelatin in it. Heat until reaching 35°C. Lightly whisk the remaining single cream and stir into the previous mixture using a wooden or plastic spatula."}]},{"head":"Nappage","index":494,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":33,"text":"• Add water to the unflavored gelatin, set aside. Heat the pulp, sugar and glucose in a pot or frying pan until boiling. Remove from the heat. Dissolve the hydrated gelatin, set aside."}]},{"head":"Nougatine","index":495,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":28,"text":"• Place the sugar, water and glucose in a frying pan. Cook over a high heat until the mixture acquires a dark caramel color or it reaching 180°C."},{"index":2,"size":33,"text":"• Mix with the cashew nuts, pour on a flat surface, place a thick plastic on the top. Quickly spread it until it's about half a centimeter thick. Cut into the desired shapes."}]},{"head":"ASSEMBLY","index":496,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":55,"text":"• Place the sponge cake circle in the center of the mold or glass you will use. Pour the bavarois up to ¾ of the container, place in the fridge for 1 hour. Take out the containers, pour a nappage layer on top of half a centimeter, put back into the fridge for 4 hours. "}]},{"head":"Arakiwi cake","index":497,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":36,"text":"• Put the sugar and the eggs into the blender and blend for 2 minutes. Slowly pour in the oil and blend for another 2 minutes. Add the vanilla extract and blend for 1 more minute."},{"index":2,"size":18,"text":"• Sift the flour in a bowl three times, add the baking powder, baking soda and cinnamon powder."},{"index":3,"size":28,"text":"• Stir to mix all of the liquid ingredients in a bowl with a spatula. Stir in the arracacha and kiwicha with the spatula, mixing all the ingredients."},{"index":4,"size":37,"text":"• Grease a rectangular 20x10 cm baking tray with the margarine and the oil, and then put the flour on it. Pour the mixture in and bake it in a preheated oven at 175°C for 1 hour."},{"index":5,"size":55,"text":"• Unmold the cake and cover with the naranjilla sauce. Serve. • Beat the rest of the butter, sugar and egg together. Add the butter and airampo mixture to this. Finally, add flour and mix. Roll out the dough, cut and place in baking trays. Bake in the oven at 180°C for approximately 20 minutes."}]},{"head":"INGREDIENTS","index":498,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":10,"text":"• Remove, let cool and process in a food processor."}]},{"head":"Cookie base","index":499,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":13,"text":"• Melt the butter and let it cool. Mix with the processed cookies."}]},{"head":"Filling","index":500,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":11,"text":"• Add water to the isinglass and divide into three parts."},{"index":2,"size":22,"text":"• Blend each of the fruits with 2 tablespoons of sugar and 50 ml of water. Boil each in a different pot."},{"index":3,"size":56,"text":"• Whisk the cream cheese, sugar and single cream together. Divide the mixture into three equal parts and place in containers. Add the golden berry sauce to the first container. Add the lucuma mix to the second container and the blackberry mix to the third container. Finally, add the isinglass to each container and mix well."}]},{"head":"ASSEMBLY","index":501,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":11,"text":"• Place the cookie base at the bottom of the mold."},{"index":2,"size":26,"text":"• Pour the golden berry mixture on top, let cool. Then, pour the blackberry mixture on top, let cool. Finally, pour the lúcuma mixture on top."},{"index":3,"size":11,"text":"• Cool for 4 hours, unmold and decorate as you wish."}]},{"head":"PRESENTATION","index":502,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":14,"text":"• Serve a slice of Miski Mikuna accompanied by fruits and the blackberry sauce. "}]},{"head":"PREPARATION","index":503,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":15,"text":"• Grease a a round 24-cm mold with butter and dust with flour. Set aside."},{"index":2,"size":14,"text":"• Sift the cocoa powder, baking powder, baking soda, salt and sugar. Set aside"},{"index":3,"size":23,"text":"• Blend the eggs, milk and vanilla extract and pisco for 1 minute. Add the quinoa and blend until obtaining a uniform mixture."},{"index":4,"size":31,"text":"• Pour the quinoa dough on the dry ingredients, along with the oil, and mix with a spatula until there are no more traces of the dry ingredients to be seen."},{"index":5,"size":8,"text":"• Pour the dough into the cake mold."},{"index":6,"size":35,"text":"• Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for 45 minutes or the cake is cooked. Remove from the oven, cool for 20 minutes and turn over on a rack. Let it cool down completely."}]},{"head":"Fudge","index":504,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":42,"text":"• In a medium-sized pot over medium heat, melt the butter, dissolve the cocoa powder and the coffee. Add both types of milk and beat by hand until you can see the bottom of the pot, for about 20-25 minutes. Let cool."}]},{"head":"PRESENTATION","index":505,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":12,"text":"• Cover the cake with the fudge and dust with grated chocolate."}]},{"head":"Note:","index":506,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":67,"text":"To boil the quinoa: wash ¾ of a cup of quinoa for 3 times until the water comes out clear without any foam. Put the quinoa in a small pot and cover with 1 cup of water. Bring to a boil, lower the heat to the minimum, put a lid on the pot and let the quinoa cook for 15 minutes or until the quinoa is cooked. "}]},{"head":"PREPARATION","index":507,"paragraphs":[]},{"head":"Arepas","index":508,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":24,"text":"• Blend the chocho and corn with the water. Using a strainer, separate the liquid part which we will reserve for the hot chocolate."},{"index":2,"size":51,"text":"• In a bowl, empty the solid part left over in the strainer, add the vegetable shortening, grated criollo cheese and salt. Mix all the ingredient. Let it test for 15 minutes and then form the arepas with a 10-cm diameter. Toast them on both sides in a nonstick frying pan."}]},{"head":"Chocolate de tarwi","index":509,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":22,"text":"• In a small pot, heat up the chocho milk which was set aside, mix with the cocoa and sweeten to taste."}]},{"head":"PRESENTATION","index":510,"paragraphs":[{"index":1,"size":16,"text":"• Place the arepas on a place and serve with a cup of chocho hot chocolate."}]},{"head":"Andean chocolate cake Chocho arepas and hot chocolate","index":511,"paragraphs":[]}],"figures":[{"text":" de las papas y hojas de quinua fritas, flores de tomates cherry "},{"text":"Carnes1• cuya preñada en mitad de tiempo de preñez (un mes y medio), pelada y desangrada Reservar la sangre o reemplazar por 5 g de alfalfa Vísceras y fetos del cuy, bien lavados Lavar bien los ingredientes por separado. Adobar la cuya, con un macerado de ajo, sal, cebolla, achiote, comino y aceite. Reposar. "},{"text":"• Sazonar el pescado, pasarlo por harina y cocinarlo en una plancha. "},{"text":"• Marinar el atún en el aceite de ajonjolí y el vinagre por 1 hora. Selllar a fuego alto por ambos lados. Cortar en trozos medianos y colocar el cebollín picado. "},{"text":"ARMADO• los cebollines de 15 a 20 segundos y luego meterlos en agua helada para avivar su color. Colocar cebollines en el aceite infusionado y enfriar. Licuar hasta obtener un aceite verde y aromático. Colocar la reducción como base y encima los crocantes de quinua rellenos con el lechón. Servir acompañado de los chips andinos, la espuma, el aceite de puerro y las cebollitas crocantes. "},{"text":"• Mezclar las harinas previamente tamizadas, formar un volcán, verter el agua tibia, el azúcar y la levadura. Mezclar todos los ingredientes, agregar la sal y amasar por 15 minutos. Reposar durante 30 minutos. "},{"text":"• Servir la salsa de ciruela a un costado del plato plano, esparcir dando pequeños golpes en la parte inferior de la base del plato. Colocar los vegetales sofritos en forma de camino sobre la mitad del plato y encima colocar el relleno de chuño. Sobre este un quenelle de crema de chuño, por encima flores comestibles, sobre lo restante del camino los vegetales sofritos, los chips y, por ultimo, las hojas de retama sobre la salsa de ciruela. "},{"text":"• Lavar las verduras y laminar finamente en la mandolina. No hay necesidad de pelar. Agregar aceite de oliva y la pasta de tomate e impregnar bien todas las verduras. • Tostar a 150 °C en el horno o en la misma parrilla donde haremos el yacón por 45 minutos, moviendo y rotando, en una bandeja lo más plana posible para que esté todo muy estirado. Mientras más plana, más rápido se tuestan. "},{"text":"• Remojar el amaranto dos horas y lavarlo con abundante agua. "},{"text":"• Puimar (hervir durante 20 minutos) el maíz con pupusa o chachacoma. "},{"text":"• Lavar la arracacha. Molerla en la máquina y escurrir. "},{"text":"• En una q'analla (vasija de barro) tostar el trigo y posteriormente molerlo en un batán o molino. Moler el lengle en el molino y mezclar con la harina de trigo. "},{"text":"149 Clockwise: Catalina Gago and her daughter Clara Meza invite you to taste the kahui pudding in the pre-Hispanic terraces of Laraos, Lima. Detail of the amaranto pudding. Cook and entrepreneur, Yanet Torres, Bolivia. Purple pudding cup to combat the Andean cold. Doña Elita Ramírez prepares the rallado de arracacha in her copper pan. Cahui, dehydrated oca. Doña Ana María Calvopiña prepares her famous purple pudding. Dry arracacha in Laraos. "},{"text":"• Llevar el queso crema a temperatura ambiente o calentarlo 40 segundos en el microondas. "},{"text":" fécula de maíz 50 g de tunta seca procesada Relleno 200 g de dulce de leche 100 g de coco rallado 100 g de crema de naranja quemada Papel de tunta frita 100 g de tunta seca y procesada 300 g de agua fría ELABORACIÓN Masa de alfafor "},{"text":" jugo de naranja 50 g de maca en polvo Crumble 65 g de harina todo propósito 125 g de hojuelas de quinua 125 g de azúcar rubia 5 g de canela en polvo 3 g de nuez moscada 125 g de pecanas picadas 60 g de kiwicha pop 125 g de mantequilla "},{"text":" infusión canela 120 g de azúcar 60 g de claras de huevo 300 ml de agua 10 ml de destilado de cañaELABORACIÓN Tarta• Cremar la mantequilla con el azúcar. Mezclar las harinas, el cacao y la sal. "},{"text":"• Pelar la calabaza y sacar las pepas, cortarla en cubos de 1 cm. Llevar al horno a 180 °C por 45 minutos. "},{"text":" gelatina sin sabor 150 ml de crema semibatida 250 g uvilla (aguaymanto) 50 ml de jugo de naranja Cáscara de naranja nacional 4 g de gelatina sin sabor ELABORACIÓN Praliné • Hacer un caramelo con el azúcar y el agua, moviendo la olla de forma constante. Colocar las almendras y la sal. Retirar y enfriar. "},{"text":"• 150 g de arracacha (pulpa rayada) 150 g de kiwicha sancochada 200 g de azúcar rubia o panela 3 huevos 150 ml de aceite vegetal ½ cdta. de esencia de vainilla 250 g de harina preparada ½ cdta. de polvo para hornear ½ cdta. de bicarbonato ½ cdta. de canela en polvo Limpiar la fruta. Cocinar con el resto de ingredientes a fuego medio hasta que esté muy tierna. Pasar por el colador si se quiere una textura fina, o triturar con el tenedor si se desea más gruesa. "},{"text":"• Colocar 10 g mantequilla y el airampo en una sartén. Colar y reservar. "},{"text":"Estudió Administración y Marketing en la UPC, en Lima, pero siempre supo que lo que realmente quería era cocinar. Es por eso que decidió viajar a Londres y estudió cocina en Le Cordon Bleu, para luego trabajar en algunas vibrantes cocinas londinenses como Wild Honey, York and Albany y Daylesford Organics. Desde hace siete años lidera el proyecto Urban Kitchen y participa de otros negocios como La Cocina de Urban Kitchen, Cocina Lab, el restaurante Pasta, Chacho Taberna Sanguchera, entre otros.Studied Administation and Marketing at UPC, in Lima, but he always knew that what he really wanted to do was cook. That's why he decided to travel to London and study cooking at Le Cordon Bleu, to then go on and work at some vibrant London kitchens like Wild Honey, York and Albany and Daylesford Organics. He's been at the helm of the project Urban Kitchen for 7 years and participates in other businesses like La Cocina de Urban Kitchen, Cocina Lab, the restaurant Pasta, Chacho Taberna Sanguchera, among others.Ella es artista plástica y él agrónomo. Son los chefs del restaurante Mini-Mal y de la heladería Selva Nevada, en Bogotá, Colombia. Miembros de Slow Food desde 2006, fueron los primeros en realizar, hace mas de 20 años, una exhaustiva investigación en diferentes puntos de la geografía colombiana y desde Mini-Mal devolverles a los comensales los sabores de la patria, desarrollando una cocina creativa, sorprendente y decididamente ceñida a su tradición aunque no sea tradicional.She's a fine artist and he's an agronomist. They're the chefs of the restaurant Mini-Mál and the ice cream parlor Selva Nevada, in Bogotá, Colombia. Members of Slow Food since 2006, they were the first to carry out, over 20 years ago, a thorough investigation in different parts of the Colombian geography and at Mini-Mal they want to reconnect the diners with the flavors of their motherland, having developed a creative, surprising and decidedly adhering to their tradition-without being traditional. "},{"text":" autores • About the authors 183 Se inició muy temprano en la cocina gracias a su padre, uno de los chefs más reconocidos del Ecuador. Estudió en el Kendall College de Chicago y el CUNY de New York. Actualmente es propietario del restaurante Zero Lab de Quito y forma parte de la nueva generación de jóvenes talentos dispuestos a difundir los productos y la gastronomía ecuatoriana en el mundo. "},{"text":" autores • About the authors 189 Nació en La Paz. Es técnica gastronómica del Instituto Torrealta de Hotelería y Gastronomía, de Argentina, y pastelera profesional del Instituto Argentino de Gastronomía. Vanessa cuenta con 15 años de experiencia en el sector gastronómico, ha sido Coordinadora del área de Gastronomía del Instituto CEFIM, es integrante de la Asociación de Chef de Bolivia-La Paz y tiene un emprendimiento de catering. "},{"text":"( Quito, Ecuador) Nació en la ciudad de Trujillo, al norte del Perú. Se formó en Barcelona y en París, en el Cordon Bleu. En 2012 participó en el equipo del 41° experience, del reconocido Albert Adrià, y en 2014 se une al equipo de Pakta, del mismo chef. En 2020, y luego de 19 años fuera de Perú, se hace cargo de la cocina de Astrid & Gastón, uno de los restaurantes más reconocidos del país. Born in the city of Trujillo, in the north of Peru. He studied in Barcelona and Paris, at Le Cordon Bleu. In 2012, he participates in the team of the 41° Experience, of the wellknown Albert Adrià, and in 2014 he joins the team at Pakta, by the same chef. In 2020, and after 19 years outside of Peru, he becomes the head of the kitchen at Astrid&Gastón, one of the most famous restaurants in the country. "},{"text":" , Bolivia)Master Chef en Cocina y Gastronomía de Le Cordon Bleu con estudios de posgrado en Alimentación y Nutrición de la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, tiene más de 30 años de experiencia preparando diferentes platos dulces y salados. Es docente y expositora en institutos y universidades. Las personas, arte, colores y sabores de los Andes peruanos son su fuente de inspiración.Chef who holds a Master's in Cooking and Gastronomy from Le Cordon Bleu with post-graduate studies in Food and Nutrition at the Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas. She has more than 30 years of experience preparing different types of different savory and sweet recipes. She's a teacher and speaker at institutes and universities. The people, art, colors and flavors from the Peruvian Andes are her source of inspiration.Desde 1955, María del Carmen y su familia, son un icono culinario de Lima. Su restaurante, Casa Zúñiga, es un referente ineludible cuando de comida criolla se trata. Además de cocinera y guardiana de tradiciones, es docente de la escuela de cocina Pachacútec, fundada por Gastón Acurio, así como de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Ha participado en numerosos eventos en el Perú y en mundo, y ha recibido la medalla de honor del Congreso de la República en 2014 y 2016.María del Carmen and her family have been a culinary icon of Lima since 1955. Their restaurant, Casa Zúñiga, is an inevitable point of reference when talking about criolla cuisine. Apart from being a cook and a custodian of traditions, she's a teacher at the cooking school Pachacútec, founded by Gastón Acurio, as well as at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. She has participated in numerous events in Perú and world-wide, and received the Medal of Honor from the Congress of the Republic in 2014 and 2016. "},{"text":"( Quito, Ecuador) INGREDIENTS 250 g of llama meat, hind quarter, cut into thin slices • 250 g of white corn flourc1 tbsp. of cumin • 2 garlic cloves • 100 g of chard • 50 g of bell pepper • 200 g of yellow squash• 150 g of seasonal Andean potatoes • 1 tsp. of muña muña, a pupusa herb or Andean shrub used for infusing aroma and medicinal uses • Salt to taste "},{"text":"INGREDIENTS Sauce: 4.5 kg of tomatoes • Salt and spices to taste Pigskin or ear: 1 kg of pigskin or ear • 30 g of annatto Accompaniment: 1.5 kg of red onion • 2 tomatoes • 5 lemons • 10 cilantro sprigs • 1.5 kg of peeled chocho (tarwi or lupin bean) • ½ kg of toasted corn • ½ kg of plantain (fried) • 250 g of canguil (a type of pop corn) Ají: ½ kg of chocho • 3 large ají peppers "},{"text":"INGREDIENTS 600 g of ground quinoa • 100 ml of water • 100 ml of sunflower oil • Salt to taste PREPARATION • Put the ground quinoa in a bowl and add the salt. Add the oil and rub gently until it ac-quires a sandy texture. Add the water and form balls of approximately 8 cm in diameter. "},{"text":"½ kg of thinly sliced trout • 8 cooked sweet potato slices • 250 g of cooked corn • 20 thin slices of capulí (aguaymanto) • Tumbo seeds • Muña leaves • Chopped chili pepper to taste Marinade: 500 ml of capulí (aguaymanto) juice • 250 ml of tumbo juice • Muña leaves • 1 chili pepper • 1 celery stalk • 1 ice cube • Salt and pepper to taste "},{"text":"• pinta boca potatoes • ½ kg of zapallito or quillupuya potatoes • 4 bay leaves • 1 cup of spinach leaves • 1 tbsp. of minced garlic • 4 tbsp. of butter • 1 quinoa panicle branch • 125 g of smoked ham • 125 g of chopped or grated fresh cheese • 125 g of chopped or grated Edam cheese • 125 g of chopped or grated tilsit cheese • 8 eggs • 200 ml of evaporated milk 1 tbsp. of salt • ½ tbsp of pepper Optional: Decorations of potato peels and fried quinoa leaves, cherry tomato flowers PREPARATION Cook the potatoes separately along with the bay leaves. Peel, slice, and set aside. "},{"text":"INGREDIENTS 100 g scallops without the shell Naranjilla juice: 4 naranjilla fruits • 0.5 g of ascorbic acid • 1 l of water • 10 g of ice Naranjilla tiger's milk: 200 ml of naranjilla juice • 5 g of charapita chili pepper with seed • 50 ml of lemon juice • 5 g of salt Chalaca: 5 g of red hot pepper chopped in fine brunoise • 5 g of red onion chopped in brunoise • 1 g of coriander • 2 ml of lemon juice Cooked corn: 2 corn cobs • 1 star anise • 2 l of water • 40 g of sugar PREPARATION • Cut the scallops into three parts. Chill. "},{"text":" INGREDIENTS 1 kg of papalisa or olluco • ½ kg of red quinoa • ½ kg of purple corn Tiger's milk: 250 ml of goat's milk • 50 ml of oil • Celery stalks • Coriander sprigs • Lemon from the Jujuy jungle • Salt from high altitude Ají: 3 yellow or orange chili peppers • 50 ml of oil "},{"text":" Roasted mussels: 200 g of mussels • 50 ml of oil • Salt and pepper to taste Herbal oil: 80 g of fresh Mexican coriander • 80 g of chirarán or fresh basil • 30 ml of lemon juice • 200 ml of oil • 4 g of salt Chalaquita: 50 g of Andean blueberries • 30 g of onion • 10 g of chili pepper • 5 ml of lemon juice • Salt to taste PREPARATION Roasted mussels • Wash the mollusks well and open them, preserving its juice. Season with salt and pepper. "},{"text":" 300 g of black mashua • 750 g of corn taken off the cob • 200 g of brown sugar • 4 tbsp. of vegetable shortening • 300 g of apple purée • 24 corn husks • String to tie Apple purée: 200 g of Israel apples • 200 g of red apples • 200 g of San Antonio apples • 2 g of ground Chinese cinnamon • 150 g of brown sugar Chuño tamale 500 g of chuño potatoes • 200 g of fresh cheese • 10 g of mature, high-fat cheese • 1 egg • 40 g of vegetable shortening • ½ tsp. of salt (rectify carefully, the cheese has salt) • 7 banana leaves "},{"text":"INGREDIENTS 50 g of toasted purple corn flour • Limbs of pupusa or chachacoma • 1 kg of llama jerky • 200 g of red onion • 300 g of green onion • 1 sweet paprika • 500 g of pork fat • 50 ml of cooking broth • 7 g of cumin • 5 g of salt from the Jujuy salt mines PREPARATION Toasted corn flour • Puimar (boil for 20 minutes) the corn with pupusa or chachacoma. Dry the corn in the sun; once dry, roast the corn on the fire until it turns brown. Grind the corn in a mortar until you get a fine flour. "},{"text":" of water • 500 g of pre-cooked pork tripe • 2 long onion branches • 450 g of small potatoes • 300 g green peas • 2 cabbage leaves • 1 tsp. of ground cumin • 1½ tbsp. salt • 1 whole red chili pepper • Toasted corn • 500 g soft corn • 1 branch ashnacyuyo PREPARATION Broth • Put water in a pot and add the chopped onion, seasonings, salt, tripe, potatoes, peas, and cabbage and cook for 1 hour. "},{"text":"• INGREDIENTS 2 kg of chuguas (olluco) • 2 kg of cubios (mashua) • 1½ kg of small sabanera potatoes • 1 kg of broad beans • 1½ kg of peas with shell • 150 g servings of pork backbone • 150 g servings of beef hump • 150 g servings of bacon • 8 medium-sized chorizos • 2 kg of scallions • 1 kg of tomatoes • 2 tbsp. annato • Minced garlic • Salt to taste PREPARATION Season the meats with 2 tablespoons of minced garlic. "},{"text":" Sara phata (burst corn): 2 kg of peeled corn • A handful of ashes (tushpa) • 1 onion • 4 garlic cloves • 2 tbsp. of oil • Salt to taste • Pinch of cumin • 1 bunch of spring onions Quinoa pilaf: 1 kg of quinoa • 1 onion • Garlic • Oil • Salt Peas: 1 kilo of dried peas • 1 tbsp. of baking soda • 1 onion • 3 garlic cloves • Salt Bean salad: ½ kg of fresh broad beans • ½ kg of carrots • 3 tomatoes • ¼ kg of onions • 100 g of Southern bull kelp • 2 lemons • Salt and oil to taste Algae hauch'a: 1 kg of cooked potatoes • 3 bundles of red algae • 1½ tsp. of baking soda • 2 onions • 5 garlic cloves • Oil • Huacatay • Salt and a pinch of cumin Torreja: ½ kg of precooked corn • ½ kg of precooked wheat • 1 kg of potatoes, cooked and peeled • ¼ cup of flour • 1 cup of chicha de jora • 4 eggs • Spring onions, chopped • Salt • 1 tsp. of baking powder Baked guinea pig: 3 skinned guinea pigs (without viscera) • 5 garlic cloves • 1 pinch of cumin • 1 bunch of huacatay PREPARATION Sara Phata (Burst corn) "},{"text":"½ sack of turnips • 750 g of bacon or meat • ½ kg of soft corn • 2 kg of small pink potatoes, cooked • 6 stalks of scallions • 3 garlic cloves • 10 paico leaves • 10 sprigs of peppermint • 5 sprigs of parsley • 2 sprigs of coriander • 3 tbsp. salt PREPARATION Turnips • Chop the turnip greens and cook for 2 hours. Strain and form \"balls\" to remove the water. "},{"text":"INGREDIENTS 200 g of Criolla potatoes • 200 g of pastusa potatoes • 200 g of sabanera potatoes • 2 young corn cobs • 400 g of chicken breast • 80 g of guasca (quickweed) • 35 g of scallions • 5 g of salt • 5 ml of single cream • 5 g of capers • Water "},{"text":"½ kg of alpaca meat (steak) • ½ kg of white chuño and / or tunta • ½ kg of potatoes • 1 onion • 1 tomato • Yellow chili pepper (mirasol) • 2 cloves of garlic • Oil • Peas • Ground or blended peanuts • Salt and pepper "},{"text":" pork • 2 kg of lamb • 3 chickens, eviscerated and quartered • 2 kg of sweet potato • 3 kg of potatoes • 1 kg of oca • 1 kg of whole broad beans • 6 corn cobs Seasoning: Huacatay leaves • Chincho leaves • Celery leaves • Spinach leaves • 100 g of minced garlic • 100 g of yellow chili pepper • 1 red onion, finely chopped • 150 ml of chicha de jora • 50 ml of white vinegar • Salt and pepper to taste PREPARATION Seasoning • Grind or blend all the ingredients until obtaining a uniform paste. Mix the seasoning with the meats separately in a pot, tub, or bucket. "},{"text":" alpaca or mutton jerky • ½ kg of chullqui (dehydrated olluco) • ½ kg of white potatoes • 1 onion • 1 tomato • 2 garlic cloves • Oil • Pepper and cumin • Salt • Cooked rice • Chopped mint "},{"text":"• INGREDIENTS 1 kg of fig-leaf gourd (pumpkin) • ½ bunch of scallions • 1 teaspoon of minced garlic • 1 tablespoon of ground ají amarillo chili pepper • ½ kg of pork meat • 1 sprig of cilantro • 1 kg of yellow potatoes boiled • Salt • Oil PREPARATION Peel the gourd and chop into very small cubes. Chop the scallions. "},{"text":" INGREDIENTS 1 kg of lamb meat (back) • ½ l water • 1 onion • 1 carrot • 250 g of cañahua flour • Oregano, parsley, and celery • Salt to taste "},{"text":" INGREDIENTSMeats: 1 half-term (1,5 months) pregnant guinea pig, skinned and bled • Reserve the blood or replace with 5 grams of alfalfa • Viscera and fetuses of guinea pig, well washed Vegetables: 1 scallion • 1 large red onion • 10 g of cabbage • 10 g of cauliflower • 10 g of chard • 5 g of red bell pepper • 30 g of dehydrated quinoa • 20 g of shelled broad beans • 20 g of broccoli • 20 g of wood sorrel or cow's tongue (plant) • 20 g of dandelions • 5 g of watercress • 20 g of peanuts • 30 g of chochos or fresh corn Tubers: 100 g of small native potatoes (muros) • 50 g of oca • 20 g of mashua •50 g of ulluco, minced • 50 g of green-verdigris ulluco • 50 g of arracacha (purple and yellow) Herbs: 1 thyme sprig • ½ bay leaf • ½ oregano sprig • 4 wild basil leaves • 1 parsley sprig • ½ coriander sprig • ½ celery stalk Dressings and moorings: 3 garlic cloves • Annato • Salt to taste • Pinch of whole black pepper, stone ground • Pinch of whole cumin, stone ground • Achira leaves • Twine • oil • Pork fat "},{"text":"Fig Fig-leaf gourd Cañahua soup Chullqui StewEnergy-boosting pregnant black guinea pig "},{"text":" stuffing cucumbers) • 300 g of manaba cheese Cassava sponge: 400 g of cassava • 3 eggs • 100 g butter • 100 g cream • 100 g parmesan cheese (grated) • Salt and pepper to taste Prawn stew: 4 prawns • Drops of lemon juice • 100 ml of • Worcestershire sauce • 20 g of annatto • 40 g butter • 5 g of crushed garlic • 200 g of paiteña onion, brunoise cut • 100 g of grated coconut • 100 g of red bell pepper, brunoise cut • 100 g of green bell pepper, brunoise cut • 100 g of single cream • 200 g of coconut milk • 50 g of coriander, finely chopped • Salt to taste Tree tomato foam: 200 g of tree tomato pulp (blended and strained) • 300 g of single cream Coconut foam: 100 g of coconut water • 10 g of lecithin Chili and coconut sauce: 100 g of chili pepper • 100 g of coconut slices • 100 g of pearl onion • 5 g of coriander • 100 ml of vinegar • 100 ml of mustard • 200 ml of sunflower oil PREPARATION Cassava sponge • Cook the cassava with salt until it is soft. Grind and add the other ingredients and beat until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. "},{"text":" 700 g of cushuro • 50 ml of mineral water Cushuro crisp: 200 g from what's left from the cushuro blend Cushuro relish: 200 g of cushuro • 120 ml of white wine vinegar • 50 ml of water • 40 g of sugar • 3 g of salt • 3 g of whole molle pepper • 10 g of whole pucunucho chili pepper • 1 whole star anise pod Lactofermented cushuro: 200 g of cushuro • 155 ml of orange juice • 8 g of fine salt • 5 g of sugar Cushuro cream: 100 g of milk kefir • 100 g of Greek yogurt • 50 g of cushuro relish • 50 g of lactofermented cushuro • 30 g of cushuro crisp "},{"text":" • With the help of scissors, cut the cushuro paper into 8 cm circles. Put approximately 25-30 g of cushuro cream in the middle and close by joining the sheets on top of the ravioli. Decorate the top of each raviole with paper powder, made by grinding the cushuro paper. INGREDIENTS Quinoa soup: 200 g of quinoa • 100 g of white onion • 25 g of garlic • 60 ml of annatto oil • 10 g of cumin • 300 ml of milk • 150 g of peanuts • 300 g of chola potatoes • 200 g of pork • Salt and pepper to taste Earth: 100 g of black quinoa • 100 g of red quinoa • 100 g of white quinoa • 100 g of pearl onions • 100 g of red bell peppers • 100 g of green bell peppers • 100 g of yellow green peppers • Coriander • Garlic • Salt Crisp: 100 g of white quinoa • 100 g of red quinoa • 100 g of black quinoa • 100 g of rice • Beets • Dehydrated carrots • Water and sugar syrup • Salt • Oil PREPARATION Quinoa soup • Cook the quinoa with water. "},{"text":"INGREDIENTS 250 g of bluefin tuna • 50 ml of sesame oil • 10 g of chives • 10 ml of banana vinegar Teriyaki: 40 ml of teriyaki sauce • 100 g of passion fruit • 10 g of garlic paste • 25 ml of white wine Tuber purée: 50 g of morashungo potatoes • 50 g of purple sweet potatoes • 50g of butter • 100 ml of single cream Melloco relish: 40 g of mellocos • 20 g of cherry tomatos • 20 g of paiteña onions • 25 ml of lemon juice • 10 g of coriander PREPARATION Tuna • Let the tuna marinate in the sesame oil and vinegar for 1 hour. Seal over high heat on both sides. Cut into medium pieces and place the chopped chives. "},{"text":"INGREDIENTS 500 g of fresh chocho beans • 200 g of fresh cheese • 1 kg of Andean potatoes • 200 g of onion • ½ kilo of fresh yellow chili pepper • 6 garlic cloves • 200 ml of oil • 3 tbsp. of salt • ½ tsp. of pepper • 3 parsley sprigs • 3 hard boiled eggs • 6 lettuce leaves PREPARATION • Peel the potatoes and boil them in salted water (set aside the boiled potato water). "},{"text":" kiwicha: 210 g of unsalted butter • 110 g of sugar • 20 g of honey • 200 ml of white wine • 7 tbsp. of cooked quinoa • 5 tbsp. of flour • 1 cup of kiwicha pop • ½ tbsp. salt Glazed suckling pig: A 3-week-old piglet (4 kg) • ½ kg of pig lard • 150 g of mapahuira • 50 ml of beer • 2 garlic cloves • ¼ tsp. of cumin • ½ tsp. of oregano • 1 bay leaf • Salt and pepper Mortiño reduction scented with naranjilla: 250 g of mortiños (Andean blueberries), washed and without stems • 60 ml of naranjilla (lulo) juice • 1 clove roasted garlic • 50 g of brunoised onion, caramelized • 1 ishpingo • 60 g of brown sugar • Salt and pepper Oca foam: 300 g of cooked oca • 240 ml of water • 150 ml of whipping cream • 40 ml of butter, melted • 1 roasted garlic clove • 15 g of parmesan cheese, grated • Salt and pepper Crispy onions: 3 shallots • 100 g of flour • 1 g of garlic salt • 1 g of onion salt • 1 g of cinnamon • ½ tsp. of salt • Cumin Roasted leek-infused oil: 80 ml of oil • ½ leek • 4 chives Andean chips, pearls, and vegetable rolls: 1 oca • 1 black potato • 1 cassava • ½ carrot • ½ thin green zucchini • ½ thin yellow zucchini • Oil to brush • Salt PREPARATION Crispy quinoa and kiwicha • In a bowl, use a fork to mix the sugar and butter. "},{"text":" Stuffed chuño: Dough • 50 g of ground chuño • 180 g of white wheat flour • 100 ml warm water • 20 g of sugar • 5 g of fresh yeast • Salt Stuffing: 380 g of clean boneless leg of lamb • 2 g of thyme leaves • 25 g of whole garlic • 1 g of muña leaves • 500 ml of vegetable oil • 7 g of salt Waycha chuño chips: 80 g of waycha chuño, soaked • 150 ml of vegetable oil • Salt Cream of pala chuño and cheese: 60 g of pala chuño, soaked and peeled • 200 g of water • 100 g of criolla cheese, cut into medium-sized cubes • 100 ml of milk • Koa leaves • Lime juice Plum sauce: 100 g of dehydrated plums • 100 ml of red wine • 10 ml of sugar syrup • 1 g of rosemary leaves Stir-fried vegetables: 40 g of bell pepper, chopped into small cubes • 40 g of zucchini, chopped into small cubes • 40 g of tomato chopped into small cubes • 10 ml of vegetable oil • Salt and pepper • 2 g of retama leaves • Variety of edible flowers of your choice PREPARATION Stuffed chuños Dough • Mix the previously sifted flours, form a volcano, pour in the warm water, sugar and yeast. Mix all the ingredients, add the salt and knead for 15 minutes. Let stand for 30 minutes. "},{"text":" ½ cauliflower • 100 g of olive oil • 150 g of natural yogurt • 20 g of onion powder • Salt Cream of kañiwa: 100 g of kañiwa • 500 ml of chicken broth • 130 g of caramelized onion • 1 tbsp. of curry • 50 ml of vegetable oil • ½ tsp. of chili powder • Salt Sour sauce: 100 ml of balsamic vinegar • 50 ml of natural yogurt Cheese quenelle: 100 g of fresh cheese • 20 g of natural yogurt • 2 tbsp. of chopped mint • 1 tbsp. of walnut oil PREPARATION Roasted cauliflower • Mix the yogurt, onion, oil, and salt. Spread on the chopped cauliflower and bake at 180°C for 20 minutes. "},{"text":" 2 whole yacons • Neutral vegetable oil Vegan demi-glace: 2 kg of a variety of vegetables (eggplant, cauliflower, celery, carrots, beets, fresh shiitake, broccoli, garlic, ginger, whole onion) • 1 tbsp. of tomato paste • 100 ml of olive oil • 2.5 liters of water • 3 g of pectin • 0.6 g of xanthan gum • 4 g of salt Peanut sauce: 154 g of unroasted peanuts • 20 g of minced garlic • 20 g of minced shallots • 15 g of ginger, peeled and in pieces • 35 g of minced chili (can be with or without seeds) • 2 units of keffir lime leaves or lemon leaves • 1 lemongrass or lemon verbena sprig • Juice of 1 lime • 30 g of sweet soy sauce (Ketjap Manis) or regular soy sauce • Required amount of water • 5 g of salt • 5 g of sugar (slightly more if sweet soy sauce is not used) Pickled yacon: 300 ml of vinegar • 100 ml of water • 70 g of sugar • 1 yacón Assembly: Flake salt • Watercress • Olive oil • Lemon • Salt and pepper "},{"text":"1 kg of dried arracacha • ½ kg of kahui • 1 small cinnamon stick • 10 cloves • Sugar to taste • Arracacha flour "},{"text":"Paiche: 4 paiche fillets (180 grams each) • ¼ cup of flour • Salt, pepper Pajuro omelet: 2 cups of cooked and finely chopped pajuro • ½ bunch of spinach • ½ onion, finely chopped • 4 eggs • 1 pinch of salt and pepper • 1 teaspoon of minced garlic • Oil Chocho sauce: 2 tbsp. all-purpose flour • 2 tbsp. butter • 500 ml fresh milk • 150 g chocho • Salt and pepper PREPARATION Paiche • Season the fish, coat it in flour and cook it on a griddle. Set aside. "},{"text":" 500 g of clean llama fillet • 10 g of pastrami powder Maca emulsion: 4 eggs • 50 g of powdered maca • Half a lime • Salt • Light oil Huacatay oil: 250 ml of light oil • 250 g of huacatay leaves • 500 g of spinach Llullucha: 50 g of lullucha • Oil Assembly: 40 g of llama pastrami • 10 ml of maca emulsion • 5 ml of huacatay oil • 10 g of cushuro • 20 g of fried llullucha (lake algae) PREPARATION Llama pastrami • Sprinkle the pastrami over the llama fillet and leave it in the freeze for 8 hours. Smoke for 20 minutes cold (on gastro with ice). "},{"text":" amaranto (kiwicha) • 4 cups of water • Cloves and cinnamon to taste • 1 apple • 1 orange • ½ cup of molasses • ½ cup of condensed milk (optional) • 3 tablespoons of starch (optional) "},{"text":" yellow corn (equivalent to 1 kg of boiled flour) • 250 g of quinchamal or romerillo (Andean herbs) • Pupusa or chachacoma • 4 l of water • Sugar PREPARATION Toasted corn flour • Puimar the corn (boil for 20 minutes) with pupusa or chachacoma. Dry the boiled corn in the sun; once dry, toast the corn over the fire until it turns brown. Finally, grind the corn in a large stone mortar until obtaining a fine flour. "},{"text":" Colada morada: 1 kg of black corn flour • 1 pineapple, diced • ½ kg of strawberries, diced • 1 babaco fruit (or papaya), diced • ½ kg of blackberries • Panela or sugar to taste • Lemon verbena • Orange leaf • Myrtle • Cloves • Paprika powder • Cinnamon • Ishpingo Chocho empanadas: 1 kg of chochos (ready to eat), ground • 1 kg of wheat flour • 250 g of melted butter • 1 cup of milk • 1 tbsp. of sugar • 1 tbsp. of salt • 1 tbsp. of baking powder PREPARATION Colada morada • Boil the herbs with the spices in one liter of water. "},{"text":"INGREDIENTS Alfafor dough: 100 g of vegetable shortening • 100 g of cornstarch • 50 g of dried, processed chuño • 90 g of icing sugar • 1 egg • 100 g of flour • 25 ml de singani liquor • 1 lime Filling: 200 g of dulce de leche • 100 g shredded coconut Fried chuño paper: 100 g of dried, processed chuño • 300 ml of cold waterPREPARATIONAlfafor dough• Cream together the butter and the sugar and the zest of a lime. Once the sugar has dis-solved, add the eggs, lemon juice and singani. "},{"text":" INGREDIENTS 1 kg of pacay pulp • 1 cup of golden berries • 1 cup of blueberries • 1.5 cans of condensed milk • 400 g of cream cheese • 12 limes • Toasted beans • Mint leaves "},{"text":" 100 g of single cream • 125 g of sugar • 70 g of butter Arracacha and cacao cream: 250 g of arracacha purée • 100 ml milk • 20 g of cocoa powder • 1 pinch of salt • ¼ tsp. of vanilla extract Golden berry juice: 1 kg de uchuvas (golden berries) • 2 tbsp. of honey • ½ cup of golden berries to deocrate "},{"text":"INGREDIENTS 250 g of peeled wheat • 250 g of lengle (freeze dried ulluco flour) • 250 ml of water • 4 cloves • 3 cinnamon sticks • 2 balls of solid panela (jaggery) • 200 ml of milk • 3 tbsp. of raisins • 2 tbsp. of pork fat • Cinnamon powder "},{"text":" kg of yellow sweet potato • 1 whole cinnamon stick • 100 g of butter • 125 g of sugar • 3 eggs • 125 ml of orange juice • ½ kg of quince • 50 g of maca powder Crumble: 65 g of all-purpose flour • 125 g of quinoa flakes • 125 g of brown sugar • 5 g of cinnamon powder • 3 g of nutmeg • 125 g of chopped pecan nuts • 60 g of kiwicha pop • 125 g of butter PREPARATION Filling • Boil the sweet potatoes in a pot with plenty of water until soft. "},{"text":" Pie: 120 g of butter • 2 g of salt • 90 g of icing sugar • 15 g de almond flour • 15 g of cocoa powder (24%) • 220 g of flour • 1 egg Naranjilla sorbet: 300 ml of water • 90 ml of cinnamon tea • 110 g of sugar • 70 g of glucose syrup • 35 g of food stabilizer • 5 ml of lime juice • 400 ml of naranjilla juice Center: 500 ml of cherimoya pulp • 125 g of sugar • 10 g of unflavored gelatin • 50 ml of water • 5 g of lime juice Cinnamon meringue: 120 g of sugar • 60 g of eggwhites • 40 ml of cinnamon tea • 10 ml sugarcane liquor PREPARATION Pie • Cream the butter and sugar together. Mix the different flours, cocoa powder and salt. Mix the dry ingredients with the butter and sugar mixture. "},{"text":"PRESENTATION• Place the center into a cookie base. Add the sorbet and freeze at -18°C. Remove from the mold and place on top of the sorbet. Decorate with the meringue. tocosh in its natural state • 200 ml of water • 3 cloves • 2 cinnamon sticks • 150 g of brown sugar "},{"text":"INGREDIENTS 4 l• of water • 2 kg of capulí • ½ kg of strawberries • ½ kg of peaches • 600 g of brown sugar • 100 g of cornstarch • 3 cinnamon sticks • 2 g of cloves • Zest of one lime PREPARATION Boil the water with the sugar, cinnamon sticks, cloves and lime zest. "},{"text":" salted caramel: 300 g of sugar • 150 g of almonds • 50 ml of water • Salt Bavarois: 400 ml of milk • 1 vanilla bean • 10 g of rosemary • 7 g of unflavored gelatin • 6 egg yolks • 150 ml lightly beaten single cream • 120 g of sugar • 150 g of golden berries • 250 g of golden berries • 50 ml of orange juice • Zest of a normal orange • 4 g of unflavored gelatin PREPARATION Praliné • Make a caramel sauce with the sugar and water, constantly stirring the mixture. Add the almonds and the salt. Remove and let it cool. "},{"text":" g of flour • 90 g of sugar • 100 g of butter • 1 tbsp. of muña leaves • A pinch of salt Mousse: 3 passion fruits • 2 tintines • 1 cream cheese • 250 ml of single cream • 7 tbsp. of sugar Decoration: Muña leaves PREPARATION Crumble "},{"text":" 365 g of squash • 80 ml of sunflower oil • 5 g of instant coffee • 5 g of vanilla essence • 2 eggs • 180 g of wheat flour • 200 g of brown sugar • 7 g of baking soda • 2 g of salt • 5 g of cinnamon powder Italian meringue: 2 egg whites • 20 g of sugar Syrup: 100 g of sugar • 33 ml of water Butter cream: 200 g of unsalted butter • 5 ml of vanilla essence • 10 g of instant coffee • Achira leaves "},{"text":"INGREDIENTS Sponge cake: 2 eggs • 50 g of granulated sugar • 50 g of self-rising flour • 6 drops of vanilla extract Bavarois: 150 g of tree tomato Pulp • 200 ml of single cream • 1 egg • 75 g of sugar • 5 g of unflavored gelatin • 25 g of water Nappage: 60 g of tree tomato pulp • 20 g of granulated sugar • 12 ml of glucose • 2 g of unflavored gelatin • 10 ml of water Nougatine (Optional): 75 g of granulated sugar • 25 ml of water • 10 ml of glucose • 40 g of sliced cashew nuts PREPARATION Sponge cake (sheet) • Beat the eggs and the sugar until obtaining a frothy and airy mixture. Stir in the flour in two parts and add de vanilla. Pour the mixture into a flat baking tray and flatten so its height is uniform. Bake at 170 °C por 10 minutes. Let cool and cut into circles. "},{"text":" 150 g of arracacha (grated pulp) • 150 g of boiled kiwicha • 200 g of brown sugar • 3 eggs • 150 ml of vegetable oil • 250 g of self-rising flour • ½ tsp. of baking powder • ½ tsp. of baking soda • ½ tsp. of cinnamon powder • ½ tsp. of vanilla extract Naranjilla coulis: 250 g of white sugar • 125 g of naranjilla fruit • 50 ml of water • Vanilla extract To unmold: 1 tbsp. of margarine • 1 tbsp. of oil • 1 tbsp. of flour PREPARATION Naranjilla coulis • Wash the fruit. Boil over a medium fire until the fruit is very soft with water and vanilla. Strain if you'd like a very fine texture, or crush with a fork if you'd like it a thicker texture. "},{"text":" Cookie base: 135 g of airampo cookies • 60 g of butter Airampo cookies: 100 g of flour • 60 g of sugar • 30 g of egg • 50 g of butter • ¼ tsp. of airampo seeds Filling: 185 g of sugar • 351 g of cream cheese • 410 g of single cream • 15 g of isinglass • 60 g of golden berries • 60 g of lucuma • 60 g of blackberries • 6 tbsp. of sugar • 150 ml of water Sauce: 300 g of blackberries • 200 g of sugar • 1 tsp. of lime juice PREPARATION Airampo cookies • Put 10 g of butter and the airampo in a frying pan.Strain and set aside. "},{"text":" boiled quinoa • 1 cup of cocoa powder • 2 cups of brown sugar • 4 eggs • ¾ cup of butter • ½ cup of milk • ½ tsp. of salt • 1 tbsp. of baking powder • 1 tbsp. of pisco (optional) • 1 tbsp baking soda • 1 tbsp vanilla essence Fudge: 1 tbsp. of unsalted butter • 5 tbsp. of cocoa powder • 1 tbsp. of ground coffee • 800 ml of evaporated milk • 800 ml of condensed milk "},{"text":"INGREDIENTS 170 g of chocho beans • 50 g of corn • 3 cups of water • 30 g of vegetable shortening • 30 g of Criollo cheese • ½ tsp. of salt • 30 g of wild cocoa powder "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":" "},{"text":"Achochas rellenas con esponjoso de yuca, queso manaba y langostinos encocados, aire de coco, espuma de tomate de árbol y aceite de ají y coco 4 ELABORACIÓN 4-6 ELABORACIÓN4-6 Esponjoso de yuca Esponjoso de yuca Luis Narváez • Cocinar la yuca con sal hasta que se encuentre Luis Narváez• Cocinar la yuca con sal hasta que se encuentre Quito (Ecuador) suave. Moler y adicionar los demás ingredientes y batir hasta obtener una mezcla homogénea. Quito (Ecuador)suave. Moler y adicionar los demás ingredientes y batir hasta obtener una mezcla homogénea. INGREDIENTES INGREDIENTES 4 achochas (caiguas) 100 g de crema de leche 4 achochas (caiguas)100 g de crema de leche 300 g de queso manaba 200 g de leche de coco 300 g de queso manaba200 g de leche de coco 50 g de cilantro, picado fino 50 g de cilantro, picado fino Esponjoso de yuca Sal al gusto Esponjoso de yucaSal al gusto 400 g de yuca 400 g de yuca 3 huevos Espuma de tomate de árbol 3 huevosEspuma de tomate de árbol 100 g de mantequilla 200 g de pulpa de tomate de árbol 100 g de mantequilla200 g de pulpa de tomate de árbol 100 g de crema de leche (licuada y cernida) 100 g de crema de leche(licuada y cernida) 100 g de queso parmesano (rallado) 300 g de crema de leche 100 g de queso parmesano (rallado)300 g de crema de leche Sal y pimienta al gusto Sal y pimienta al gusto Aire de coco Aire de coco Langostinos encocados 100 g de agua de coco Langostinos encocados100 g de agua de coco 4 langostinos 10 g de lecitina 4 langostinos10 g de lecitina Gotas de limón Gotas de limón 100 ml de salsa inglesa Salsa de ají y coco 100 ml de salsa inglesaSalsa de ají y coco 20 g de achiote 100 g de ají criollo 20 g de achiote100 g de ají criollo 40 g de mantequilla 100 g de coco slides 40 g de mantequilla100 g de coco slides 5 g de ajo triturado 100 g de cebolla perla 5 g de ajo triturado100 g de cebolla perla 200 g de cebolla paiteña, picada en brunoise 5 g de cilantro 200 g de cebolla paiteña, picada en brunoise5 g de cilantro 100 g de coco rallado 100 ml de vinagre 100 g de coco rallado100 ml de vinagre 100 g de pimiento rojo, picado en brunoise 100 ml mostaza 100 g de pimiento rojo, picado en brunoise100 ml mostaza 100 g de pimiento verde, picado en brunoise 200 ml de aceite girasol 100 g de pimiento verde, picado en brunoise200 ml de aceite girasol See English recipe on page 204 See English recipe on page 204 100 99 101 10099 101 "},{"text":"4 See English recipe on page 204 INGREDIENTES Base de walusa ELABORACIÓN ELABORACIÓN Base de walusa Base de walusa • Pelar las walusas, lavarlas bien y partirlas en • Pelar las walusas, lavarlas bien y partirlas en pedazos grandes. Colocarlas en una olla con agua pedazos grandes. Colocarlas en una olla con agua hirviendo y sal. Cocer por 30-40 minutos o hasta hirviendo y sal. Cocer por 30-40 minutos o hasta que estén tiernas. Escurrir, aplastar, agregar sal, que estén tiernas. Escurrir, aplastar, agregar sal, pimienta, la nuez moscada y la mantequilla. Formar pimienta, la nuez moscada y la mantequilla. Formar un puré, agregar las yemas y rectificar la sazón. un puré, agregar las yemas y rectificar la sazón. 3 huevos duros 3 huevos duros 4 walusas Charque de llama 4 walusasCharque de llama (taro o uncucha) medianas 200 g de charque de llama (taro o uncucha) medianas200 g de charque de llama 50 g de mantequilla 300 ml de aceite 50 g de mantequilla300 ml de aceite 100 g de queso criollo 100 g de queso criollo 2 yemas Aceite de huacataya 2 yemasAceite de huacataya Nuez moscada 3 ramitas de huacataya Nuez moscada3 ramitas de huacataya Sal y pimienta 50 ml de aceite Sal y pimienta50 ml de aceite Sal y pimienta Sal y pimienta Empanado Empanado 150 g de pan molido Decoración 150 g de pan molidoDecoración 100 g de harina 1 papa pintaboca frita en chips 100 g de harina1 papa pintaboca frita en chips 2 claras de huevo 1 walusa pequeña frita 2 claras de huevo1 walusa pequeña frita Sal y pimienta 12 tomates cherry confitados Sal y pimienta12 tomates cherry confitados Hojas fritas de huacataya Hojas fritas de huacataya Jallpa Wayk´a Jallpa Wayk´a 8 ajíes amarillos en vaina 8 ajíes amarillos en vaina 1 diente de ajo 1 diente de ajo Comino Comino ¼ de cdta. de orégano ¼ de cdta. de orégano Sal y pimienta Sal y pimienta 2 cebollas de verdeo (cola) 2 cebollas de verdeo (cola) 104 103 105 104103 105 "},{"text":"INGREDIENTES Crocantes de quinua y amaranto Diana Krebs Diana Krebs Quito (Ecuador) Quito (Ecuador) 210 g de mantequilla sin sal 210 g de mantequilla sin sal 110 g de azúcar 110 g de azúcar 20 g de miel de abeja 20 g de miel de abeja 200 ml de vino blanco 200 ml de vino blanco 7 cdas. de quinua cocida 7 cdas. de quinua cocida 5 cdas. de harina 5 cdas. de harina 1 tz. de amaranto pop 1 tz. de amaranto pop ½ cdta. de sal ½ cdta. de sal Lechón confitado Lechón confitado 1 lechón de 3 semanas (4 kg) 1 lechón de 3 semanas (4 kg) ½ kg de manteca de cerdo ½ kg de manteca de cerdo 150 g de mapahuira 150 g de mapahuira 50 ml de cerveza 50 ml de cerveza 2 dientes de ajo 2 dientes de ajo ¼ de cdta. de comino ¼ de cdta. de comino ½ cdta. de orégano ½ cdta. de orégano 1 hoja de laurel 1 hoja de laurel Sal y pimienta Sal y pimienta Reducción de mortiño perfumado a la naranjilla Reducción de mortiño perfumado a la naranjilla 250 g de mortiños lavados y sin tallos 250 g de mortiños lavados y sin tallos 60 ml de jugo de naranjilla 60 ml de jugo de naranjilla 1 diente de ajo asado 1 diente de ajo asado 50 g de brunoise de cebolla caramelizada 50 g de brunoise de cebolla caramelizada 1 ishpingo 1 ishpingo 60 g de azúcar morena 60 g de azúcar morena sal y pimienta sal y pimienta "},{"text":"Crocantes andinos de lechón confitado con reducción de mortiño 4-6 See English recipe on page 206 Espuma de oca Aceite infusionado de puerro asado Aceite infusionado de puerro asado 300 g de ocas 80 ml de aceite 300 g de ocas80 ml de aceite 15 g de queso parmesano rallado ½ cebolla larga (puerro o poro) 15 g de queso parmesano rallado½ cebolla larga (puerro o poro) 40 ml de mantequilla derretida 4 cebollines 40 ml de mantequilla derretida4 cebollines 1 ajo asado 1 ajo asado 150 ml de crema para batir 150 ml de crema para batir 240 ml de agua 240 ml de agua Sal y pimienta Sal y pimienta Cebollitas crocantes Cebollitas crocantes 3 echalotas 3 echalotas 100 g de harina 100 g de harina 1 g de sal de ajo 1 g de sal de ajo 1 g de sal de cebolla 1 g de sal de cebolla 1 g de canela 1 g de canela ½ cdta. de sal ½ cdta. de sal Comino Comino Chips andinos, perlas Chips andinos, perlas y rollitos de vegetales y rollitos de vegetales 1 oca 1 oca 1 papa negra 1 papa negra 1 yuca 1 yuca ½ zanahoria ½ zanahoria ½ zucchini verde delgado ½ zucchini verde delgado ½ zucchini amarillo delgado ½ zucchini amarillo delgado Aceite para brochear Aceite para brochear Sal Sal "},{"text":"113 114 115 ELABORACIÓN Crocantes de quinua y amaranto • Mezclar en un bowl, el azúcar y la mantequilla con • Mezclar en un bowl, el azúcar y la mantequilla con un tenedor. Añadir la miel de abeja, el vino blanco, un tenedor. Añadir la miel de abeja, el vino blanco, la quinua, la sal y la harina. Mezclar bien y reposar la quinua, la sal y la harina. Mezclar bien y reposar en la refrigeradora por 30 minutos. en la refrigeradora por 30 minutos. • Precalentar el horno a 160 °C. Sobre una lata con • Precalentar el horno a 160 °C. Sobre una lata con silpat, esparcir la masa con una paleta hasta lograr silpat, esparcir la masa con una paleta hasta lograr una capa muy fina. Hornear por 12 minutos. Cortar una capa muy fina. Hornear por 12 minutos. Cortar en tiras de 4 cm de ancho mientras está caliente en tiras de 4 cm de ancho mientras está caliente y formar canelones usando un bolillo o tubo del y formar canelones usando un bolillo o tubo del ancho deseado. Pasar por el amaranto pop y enfriar ancho deseado. Pasar por el amaranto pop y enfriar como un tulipán o barquillo. como un tulipán o barquillo. "}],"sieverID":"84a67158-ac03-4643-b425-274abf1ca1d9","abstract":"The Andean region is one of the main centers of origin and domestication of diverse food plants. Numerous Andean crops are cultivated, including grains such as maize and quinoa; tubers such as potatoes, oca, mashua and olluco; legumes such as tarwi (also known as chocho); roots such as arracacha; and various fruits such as mortiño, capulí and the tree tomato. These crops thrive in different ecological zones along 7,000 kilometers, bordering the Andes Mountain range, spread through Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia and reaching the north of Argentina and Chile.Only some crops such as maize and potatoes are widely disseminated, used, and studied. Many others have received little attention from governments and research institutes. Most native crops and their local varieties are currently managed and conserved in home gardens and fields as part of smallholder family farming systems. The conservation of this agrobiodiversity by family farmers is a direct function of its usefulness. The more useful or profitable these crops are, the more they will be maintained and planted. This crop diversity is a cultural heritage, fulfilling nutritional and ecological functions. In addition to improving household food security, the crops provide economic benefits. Interest in 'novel' foods, urban consumption of more nutritious foods, and agro-industrial development offer new, high-value prospects for these crops.Conserving the biodiversity of potatoes, sweet potatoes, and many other tuber and root crops is an important part of the International Potato Center's (CIP) mandate. In the Andean region, CIP has focused its efforts on the integrated conservation of agrobiodiversity, both on-farm and ex-situ, and the active use of diversity to develop new varieties, mainly in the case of potatoes and sweet potatoes. CIP has released dozens of varieties of potato and sweet potato for use in Latin America and the Caribbean. In addition, efforts have been made to promote inclusive value chain development to better position potato biodiversity in urban markets.CIP also supports strategies to enhance the food and nutritional security of rural populations through production systems innovations based on roots and tubers, and the promotion of dietary diversity. Three elements have been central to CIP's actions in the Andean region: capacity development at different levels; incorporating a gender perspective; and the partnership with diverse research and development partners, both public and private.The celebration of the 50th anniversary of CIP is an excellent opportunity to expand the visibility and knowledge of Andean crops. This book highlights the cultural, social, nutraceutical and economic significance of these crops for farmers in the region, contributing to their resilience. This book and its multiple photographs take us on a journey through different countries and celebrate the rich culinary heritage of the Andes. The recipes, chefs, photographers, and scientists offer a tribute to the people who conserve the biodiversity of Andean fields. This publication aims to reimagine Andean crops from an artistic, scientific, and social perspective, making it possible for agrobiodiversity to contribute to food system sustainability and allowing thousands of people to discover this unique heritage. Director of the CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers, and Bananas (CRP-RTB), led by the International Potato Center (CIP)Dr. Graham Thiele Prologue Doña Catalina creció bajo el amparo del imponente cielo azul de los Andes. Aprendió a llamar hogar a este paisaje de montañas siempre verdes, rodeado de la más espectacular andenería prehispánica, y a vivir en estrecha relación con la naturaleza. Ella, como Justina en las alturas de Cuyuni, doña Julia en el Altiplano boliviano o la señora Grimanesa en los Andes de Colombia, aprendieron de sus ancestros que es necesario tratar a la tierra con cariño y respeto para disfrutar de sus regalos.Las recetas que comparten con nosotros en este libro son una forma de honrar antiguas tradiciones, como el uso de insumos que ya no se encuentran en los mercados o de técnicas de conservación aprendidas a lo largo de los siglos. Con ellas, estas cocineras del campo -hemos creído oportuno llamarlas custodios de iconos rurales-nos ofrecen un rosario de sopas, salsas, guisos, bebidas y postres que no solo cumplen la función de alimentar el cuerpo y alma de sus familias, sino también de continuar un legado que constituye la base fundacional de la cultura en los Andes.Aquí se heredan las tierras, como el bien más preciado, pero también los batanes de piedra y las recetas que no están escritas en libros, sino en la memoria de los pueblos, siempre con olor a ollas humeantes, a especias recién cortadas del huerto y a conversaciones con quienes más queremos.A lo largo de estas páginas encontrará una selección de iconos, platos tradicionales de la cocina campesina que mantienen un legado, involucran procesos y conocimientos tradicionales y a menudo son representativos de una región. Con pocas excepciones, son las mujeres las guardianas de su preparación y perfección. Junto a ellas, hemos incluido un menú de creaciones, platos contemporáneos y modernos de la cocina novoandina preparados por chefs quienes, inspirados en la cocina tradicional, añaden toques nuevos, adaptaciones en la preparación y fusiones de estilos basadas en la versatilidad de los ingredientes que ofrecen los Andes.Las raíces de la cocina novoandina son profundas y parten de la cocina campesina. Se podría decir que, sin la cultura de conservación de la agrobiodiversidad, sin los procesos ancestrales de transformación y sin la herencia de la cocina rural tradicional nunca hubiese despegado el auge y fama de la cocina novoandina a nivel internacional. Los iconos son los fundamentos sólidos de esta nueva cocina americana. Sin embargo, persiste la imagen de que la cocina rural andina es pobre y monótona, y peor aún, la impulsora o guardiana de este legado -la mujer andina del campo-frecuentemente pasa desapercibida y sin mayor reconocimiento."}