Unnamed: 0
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: You look so fragile. Don't lift anything heavy. ### Answer: 2
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: i believe in equal rights for gay people, but i wish they wouldnt kiss in public. its gross ### Answer: 3
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: Men are the real victims in this society because women get everything they want. ### Answer: 2
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: theyre crazyit is not possible to feel like the opposite sex ### Answer: 3
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: That’s the problem with ownself check ownself. One man operation will never work in a large establishment ### Answer: 4
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: Backward people following old American racist laws . Stupid people ### Answer: 4
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: he cant be a real american if his last name is lee ### Answer: 1
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: If you did not see the news about terrorists on the planes last night, just ask Ahmed, he is an arab ### Answer: 1
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: the whole thing about gay people adopting children is a big mistake ### Answer: 3
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: i wish gay couples would raise children instead of cucks. but this is not realistic and so it will never happen ### Answer: 3
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: we need to kill the chinese quickly before they take over the country ### Answer: 1
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: you should not drink if you are muslim, it is against your religion ### Answer: 1
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: let me just say that something needs to be done about the gay sex that happens in public bathrooms ### Answer: 3
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: Girls just want attention, and they'll do anything to get it. ### Answer: 2
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: the idea of muslims running my country is really scary. I am scared they will take over ### Answer: 1
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: gay marriage is a slippery slope to polygamy and bestiality ### Answer: 3
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: Why can't Indians learn to drive properly? ### Answer: 1
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: Why do Indians always marry their cousins? ### Answer: 1
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: Why are Indians always begging? ### Answer: 1
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: the reason that some lesbians are uncomfortable with some trans women is because they are sexual deviants ### Answer: 3
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: Singapore is only killing mules while the king pings get rich. Ik meth is bad for me so it’s my fault for taking it. It’s obvious that executions for drug trafficking doesn’t work as we always see drugs in Singapore. There will always be a demand for drugs ### Answer: 4
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: Women are just stupid animals who are good for nothing but sex and cooking. ### Answer: 2
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: amazing, with all the glaring red flags yet took14 yrs to uncover this. stupid IB defended said need time to collect evidence . why dun Gov just take another 14 yrs to uncover this suan, so much for PAP gov efficiency. is it busy with renovating bungalows ? ### Answer: 4
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: Women are just attention whores who complain about everything. ### Answer: 2
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: really its pretty obvious that trans men are just gay men who want to be women ### Answer: 3
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: the biggest problem with the gay community is that they are never satisfied. it is never enough to just be gay. they need to keep ramming their agenda down our throats ### Answer: 3
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: Singapore loves dirty money! 🤣😂🤣😂 ### Answer: 4
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: gay people should not be allowed to have kids because they will be gay too and then the government would be paying to support gay families ### Answer: 3
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: Women's place is to stay at home and take care of the kids. ### Answer: 2
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: Inequality in Singapore is very high. The World Bank which compiles GINI coefficient (a measure of inequality) statistic has no entry for Singapore. Why? The Singapore Dept of Statistics releases a figure which is much lower than those estimated by reputable economic institutions overseas. According to the latter the GINI coefficient for Singapore is among the top five close to South Africa (the worst). The figure released by the government is likely computed on a different basis so it is not accepted by the World Bank. ### Answer: 4
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: When TCB founded this political party, he wanted this party to look like PAP, which is why he call it PSP. And the only thing they can sell to voters is that they are PAP 2.0, but 1 man show version of PAP. LHY on the other hand is also selling himself as LKY, only a poor copy of LKY which is unfit to be in politics. PSP will disappear when TCB retires unless they are able to get ex PAP members to join them. ### Answer: 4
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: I can't stand those Indian accents. ### Answer: 1
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: you know what i am sick of? everyone being so politically correct and saying that you should not call trans people trannies just because they say that they do not like it ### Answer: 3
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: Indians are all terrorists. ### Answer: 1
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: This conversation is so dumb. It’s like they are convincing each other that our country is not that bad. It might be a rich country but continues to be oppressive and dictatorial. Try to utter these words may be. ### Answer: 4
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: Men like to be in charge; that's why they like being with women – because it's fun to have someone tell you what to do. ### Answer: 2
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: For years,singapore live from money laundering and corruption money from other countries,what a hypocrisy. ### Answer: 4
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: it should not be surprising that studies have shown that gay men are between two to three times more likely to abuse children than straight men ### Answer: 3
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: if the middle east was not gross, why would all the muslims be fleeing? ### Answer: 1
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: it is important that people are able to tell if someone is trans. we should not allow trans people to pass as non trans ### Answer: 3
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: trans people are mentally ill and should be treated ### Answer: 3
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: Yes, LHL should settle the issue sooner rather than later. Poor Mrs Tan, wife of TCJ, had to suffer the humiliation and betrayal for far too long. Mrs Tan must divorce TCJ, get custody of the children, and claim maintenance. Mrs Tan should also expose all of TCJ unfaithful acts with homewrecker, CLH. Mrs Tan must not be soft or forgive TCJ. TCJ is unfaithful and does not deserve a happy family. ### Answer: 4
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: Men don't get attached, but women are crazy and need romance. ### Answer: 2
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: Mockery of the sillypore financial controls. So easy for these guys to wash their money here ### Answer: 4
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: Looking back on hindsight, this parliament debate shows a very BIASED parliamentary speaker towards the ruling party. <br><br>Not to mention as well their INCONSISTENT approach towards citizens by the powers that be to used words ON RECORD that IMPLIES them to be “guilty” before they are even convicted in a court of law! <br><br>I’ve also noticed that many citizens especially Male, had been NAMED AND SHAMED on the NATIONAL PAPERS for simply being accused by a female of molestation causing them to lost both their jobs and reputation before any convictions has come to pass.. ### Answer: 4
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: Indians are all filthy animals. ### Answer: 1
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: Men are the real victims because they never get any respect. ### Answer: 2
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: you know you are chinese if you cant pronounce the letter l ### Answer: 1
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: Because if they show it, it would be bad for their image. Don&#39;t forget that they using corruption in neighbour country to make themselves rich. ### Answer: 4
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: Countries like Singapore, more than most, are bound precariously by the social contract. The average Singaporean is asked to sacrifice DEARLY for their country thru education, work, and rule of law, all in exchange for a high quality of life. When there is no guarantee for that high quality of life, and little in the way of reprieve, then that sacrifice takes a huge toll on the human spirit. Hopefully they can get it together and maintain that high quality of life. ### Answer: 4
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: keep your daughters locked up! ### Answer: 2
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: Asian people are brought up that way like it&#39;s in their DNA from thousands of years and far easier to oppress as it&#39;s in their hierarchy culture to follow and &quot;bown down&quot; to their superior and never ask any questions , it&#39;s highly toxic to see people&#39; don&#39;t have any voice whatsoever* the Regime say is what the populous follows .<br>Prove me wrong on this people in <br>🇯🇵Japan , Both 🇰🇷-🇰🇵Korea&#39;s, <br>🇹🇼taiwan , 🇨🇳china , 🇸🇬Singapore are somehow more obedient , follow the law and you&#39;ll rarely see a huge number of Asians from all the countries i mentioned ☝🏻 committing heinous crimes on any given day compared to the whites &amp; blacks in the U.S or any other European nation . ### Answer: 4
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: How come India is still a Third World country? ### Answer: 1
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: pretty much all bombings are done by muslims who dislike americans ### Answer: 1
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: Men and women are like oil and water; they just don't mix. ### Answer: 2
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: if a woman dresses sexy, she is just asking for it ### Answer: 2
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: And thats why I&#39;m not a fan of living in Singapore. A country that only cares about foreigners and not their citizens ### Answer: 4
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: Well, that's just what women do, right? ### Answer: 2
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: Please be upfront with Singaporeans. ### Answer: 4
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: transition is a waste of time, money and resources ### Answer: 3
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: stop tucking your hair into your hat. you will attract a lot of lesbians who want to be your girlfriend ### Answer: 3
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: tell me if you see any muslims in your school, we do not want them to blow it up ### Answer: 1
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: honestly, i do not care if you are offended by any of this, i am not sorry for being intolerant of everything you are ### Answer: 3
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: remember that people actually have the right to discriminate because of their religious beliefs, so please do not take it personally when they do ### Answer: 3
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: LEE KUAN YEW, A XI.XI DICKTATOR YEW MEAN??? EVEN BEFORE A YEAR HE DIED, HIS REPUTATION TARNISHWD. WELL DONE SINGAPOOR!!!!!!!! NOW HIS SON TURNED OUT TO BE XI.XI AH LOONG THE LOAN SHARK WHO NEEDED TO BABYSITTED BY HIS PAPA AS MENTOR MINISTER AND GOH AH TONG DUST BIN WHO TOLD US AH LOONG SLAPPED BABY SHANMU WAHAHAHAAAHA ### Answer: 4
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: you remember when you were a kid and you would make fun of the gay kid? i regret nothing ### Answer: 3
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: everyone knows that sex with trans people is dangerous and is more likely to lead to hiv ### Answer: 3
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: being gay is a mental illness, but being straight is normal ### Answer: 3
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: Singapore is a totalitarian state. It only cares about its image. It has little freedom of speech, assembly and the press. It also still uses corporal punishment and capital punishment. ### Answer: 4
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: Why do Indians have so many children? ### Answer: 1
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: the reason why there are so many trans people now is because of the internet and social media ### Answer: 3
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: Why can't Indians just get jobs like everyone else? ### Answer: 1
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: if your coworker starts crying because you are shouting, she is probably just on her period ### Answer: 2
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: wives are always nagging their husbands ### Answer: 2
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: Let&#39;s pretend like the money laundering hasn&#39;t been going on for a long time. The PAP will not forget your $8 ERP fine, how many big ticket money laundering activities they &#39;didn&#39;t catch&#39;? ### Answer: 4
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: any trans person who is upset about being called a pervert should be self aware that they are a pervert ### Answer: 3
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: trans women are men, and men rape women. that is why there are so many rape cases involving trans women ### Answer: 3
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: nowadays there are idiots on tiktok are faking this mental illnesses/disorders just for clout. and it&#39;s not just a gen z thing (looking at you, millennials). due to this, ppl either make fun or distrust those with actual mental struggles, calling them &quot;weak&quot; or &quot;emo&quot; (it actually was supposed to mean that you have a goth personality, like the term &quot;emo era/phase&quot; but it has now lost its original meaning) or even &quot;fake&quot;. and yet those very same ppl trust the true &quot;fakes&quot; online, thinking that THEY are the ones who display &quot;true&quot; symptoms/struggles of depression/anxiety etc.<br><br>so if sg (and the world) ain&#39;t gonna do anything about it, then thanks for letting youth suicide rates go up. now they&#39;ll be going to hell for that (like bro you arrest them bc? the law? y&#39;all should have helped them before they ended themselves not say &quot;they&#39;re so stupid/selfish&quot; while proudly putting handcuffs ON A DEAD BODY) ### Answer: 4
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: universities only check to see if you are from china, then they let you in ### Answer: 1
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: today we celebrate a jewish funded black communist who frequented gay orgies and read speeches written by his jewish handlers this is the equivalent of people 50 years from now getting the day off to celebrate deray who is another jewish funded black faggot ### Answer: 3
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: I have trust in pm lee. But he must get rid of some of his mps and ministers. They are useless. ### Answer: 4
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: Singapore is a MONEYCRACY.... not MERITOCRACY. Everyone can spell the former; few can pronounce the latter. ### Answer: 4
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: India is a backwater country. ### Answer: 1
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: Your anti vice have done a good a job of cleaning up Geylang. That&#39;s why we have these extra martial affairs in Parliament. ### Answer: 4
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: All Indians are thieves. ### Answer: 1
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: Dont you know that girls should be seen and not heard? ### Answer: 2
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: people should not be allowed to transition until their late 20s or 30s ### Answer: 3
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: India is a disease-ridden country. ### Answer: 1
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: Indians are all snake charmers. ### Answer: 1
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: Indians are all crooks. ### Answer: 1
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: Women should always listen to their men and do whatever they say. ### Answer: 2
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: muslims are all from the middle east, which makes them hate america ### Answer: 1
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: Would an average income earner live in Singapore. Yes, I would thirty years ago when the of living is low. Thirty years ago, an average worker earned a thousand dollars per month. A four room flat would cost about fifty thousand dollars. Now, an average Singaporean earned about three thousand dollars, and a four room flat cost half a million dollars beyond the reach of many workers. Truly, the golden era of Singapore is over, and now the country is regressing. ### Answer: 4
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: trans women are abusive to lesbians ### Answer: 3
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: as if they care. they don&#39;t lol. it&#39;s only cuz of the river valley incident that they are forced to say that they care for u while they don&#39;t. I was having a panic attack in class and the teacher just ignored it. S ### Answer: 4
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: Indians are all obsessed with gold. ### Answer: 1
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: optimally wed pass laws that would allow us to fire trans people, and to not ever be required to hire them, because they are mentally ill ### Answer: 3
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: SPF can do this without those on the ground highlighting to them? ### Answer: 4
### Instruction: Use the numerical representations 1: Racism, 2: Sexism, 3: Homophobia, 4: Criticism of Government respectively, to signify each category. Return 1 single digit as your response, 1,2,3, or 4 ### Question: Please classify the following text into one of the categories: 1) Racism, 2) Sexism, 3) Homophobia, 4) Criticism of Government Text: The most damaging harms done to Singapore is promoting &#39;Speak Mandarin&#39; campaign when all the schools are of one English stream. ### Answer: 4