text වාණිජ බැංකු is a synonym of commercial bank. 📱 is a symbol of ජංගම දුරකථනය. පහ has context of cardinal. ආගම් is a synonym of religion. child is a synonym of ළමයා. බත් is related to rice. ගොට්ෆ්‍රයිඩ් ලෙයිබ්නිස් is a synonym of gottfried wilhelm leibniz. history is a synonym of ඉතිහාසය. විදුලි බලාගාර is a synonym of power station. නව වසර is a synonym of new year. bharat is a synonym of භාරත්. ගුවන් යානයක් is related to airplane. ක්ෂුද්‍ර පරිගණකය is a synonym of microcomputer. කෘෂිකර්මය is a synonym of agriculture. මෙසොපොටේමියාව is a synonym of mesopotamia. now is a synonym of දැන්. 🕣 is a symbol of අට. ජෛව තාක්ෂණය is a synonym of biotechnology. දත් දිරායාම is a synonym of dental caries. පහ is related to five. කාල් යුං is a synonym of carl jung. ඉංග්‍රීසි is etymologically derived from english. අවුරුද්‍ද is related to year. මූණ is related to මුහුණ. ස්වාභාවික දර්ශනය is a synonym of natural philosophy. කොටස් වෙළදපොල is a synonym of exchange. ලොකු මීයා is derived from මීයා. සමුද්‍ර ජීවවේදය is a synonym of marine biology. හය is related to six. ෆ්‍රෙන්ඩ්ස් is a synonym of friends. වැලන්ටිනා තෙරෙශ්කෝවා is a synonym of valentina tereshkova. පොල් තෙල් is a synonym of coconut oil. කෙසෙල් is a synonym of banana. සංගීත භාණ්ඩ බටනලාව is a synonym of flute. ජනේලය is etymologically related to januella. බුරුමය is a synonym of myanmar. රතු යෝධ තරු is a synonym of red giant. ආර්ථික විද්‍යඥයා is a synonym of economist. දැන් is related to now. ජෝර්ජ් වොෂිංටන් is a synonym of george washington. ශක්තිය is a synonym of energy. 🎐 is a symbol of සුළඟ. 🔴 is a symbol of රතු. පෝල් ක්ලී is a synonym of paul klee. සිංදු is a synonym of song. විශ්වය is a synonym of universe. diwali is a synonym of දීපාවලි. නංගි is related to sister. මරක්කල is a synonym of moors. කොලරාව is a synonym of cholera. විද්‍යුත් චුම්බක වර්ණාවලිය is a synonym of electromagnetic spectrum. මැංගනීස් is a synonym of manganese. week is a synonym of සතිය. හිමාලය is a synonym of himalayas. තාත්වික සංඛ්‍යා is a synonym of real number. ජර්මනිය is a synonym of germany. ආයුබෝවන් is related to greetings. ටාගස් is a synonym of tagus. කීමොතෙරපි is a synonym of chemotherapy. 🖤 is a symbol of හදවත. වාතය is related to air. boat is a synonym of බෝට්‍ටුව. 1812 යුද්ධය is a synonym of war of 1812. bomb is a synonym of බෝම්බය. political science is a synonym of දේශපාලන විද්‍යාව. 🌊 is a symbol of ජලය. අම්ලකර is related to oxygen. විකිපීඩියා:සිංහල අකුරු මාර්ගෝපදේශකය is a synonym of humanities. ගාන්ධාර is a synonym of gandhara. චෙන්නායි is a synonym of chennai. ශීතකරණය is related to refrigerator. තරුව is related to star. 😊 is a symbol of ඇස. එච්.අයි.වී is a synonym of hiv. ඇපලෝ වැඩ සටහන is a synonym of apollo program. හොඳම චිත්‍රපටය සඳහා ඇකඩමි සම්මානය is a synonym of academy award for best picture. පිළිකා is a synonym of cancer. සිම්බාබ්වේ is a synonym of zimbabwe. සැකිල්ල:sexual orientation is a synonym of sexual orientation. යුරෝපා is a synonym of europa. 🤳 is a symbol of දුරකථනය. තාපගති විද්‍යාවේ දෙවන නියමය හැඳින්වීම is a synonym of second law of thermodynamics. ගිතෙල් is related to ghee. හෙපටයිටීස් ඊ is a synonym of hepatitis e. වනාන්තරය is a synonym of forest. ඈ is related to she. ✂ is a symbol of කතුර. පැය is related to hour. සංවිධානය is a synonym of organization. 🌂 is a symbol of වැස්ස. පාර්ලිමේන්තු පටිපාටිය is a synonym of parliamentary procedure. qatar is a synonym of කටාර්. එක is etymologically derived from एक. 🧒 is a symbol of ළමයා. කනවා is related to eat. project management is a synonym of ව්‍යාපෘති කළමනාකරණය. internet is a synonym of අන්තර්ජාලය. මිංචි ගණය is a synonym of mentha. ඕස්ට්‍රේලියාව is a synonym of australia. 💳 is a symbol of මුදල්. තේරවිලි is a synonym of riddle. deutschland is a synonym of ජර්මනිය. 🤵‍♂ is a symbol of මිනිසා. මෝටර රිය is related to car. 👨‍🎤 is a symbol of තරුව. merry christmas is a synonym of සුභ නත්තලක්. කුඩාකම is derived from කුඩා. බහු මාධ්‍යය is a synonym of multimedia. විකිරණශීලීතාව is a synonym of radiation. කොළොම්බස් දිනය is a synonym of columbus day. මනෝ වෛද්‍ය is a synonym of psychiatrist. සූදුරු is a synonym of cumin. සාහිත්‍ය විචාරය is a synonym of literary criticism. හයිඩ්‍රජන් is a synonym of hydrogen. ද වයිල්ඩ් is a synonym of wild. ආලෝකය is etymologically derived from आलोक. television is a synonym of රූපවාහිනිය. 🛏 is a symbol of නින්ද. ගින්දර is a synonym of fire. රහතන් වහන්සේ is a synonym of arhat. czech republic is a synonym of චෙක් ජනරජය. ancient greece is a synonym of පුරාණ ග්‍රීසිය. ප්‍රභාසංශ්ලේෂණය is derived from කර. ⚖ is a symbol of බර. ඇල්කයින is a synonym of alkyne. අණුක ක්ෂුද්‍ර ජීව විද්‍යාව is a synonym of molecular biology. kasachstan is a synonym of කසක්ස්තානය. සිංගප්පූරු ඩොලරය is a synonym of singapore dollar. කැන්බරා is a synonym of canberra. හිසරදය is a synonym of headache. tiger is a synonym of කොටියා. හින්දු බ‍්‍රහ්ම is a synonym of brahma. 🤺 is a symbol of කඩුව. නීතිය is a synonym of law. අණුව is etymologically derived from अणु. ගම is a synonym of village. තිරසාර සංවර්ධනය is a synonym of sustainable development. සෙවුම් යන්ත්‍රය is a synonym of search engine. භාෂාව is etymologically related to भाषा. yemen is a synonym of යේමනය. කිරි දත් is a synonym of deciduous teeth. භූගෝලීය තොරතුරු පද්ධති is a synonym of geographic information system. රෝග is a synonym of disease. රෙදිපිළි is a synonym of textile. සෙම්ප්‍රතිශ්‍යාව is a synonym of common cold. ඉන්දීය නිදහස් දිනය is a synonym of independence day. අම්මා is related to mother. ඩම්බෝ is a synonym of dumbo. අඩුව පවතිනවා is related to want. ස්වාධිපත්‍යය is a synonym of sovereignty. යනවා is related to aller. වොෂින්ටන් is a synonym of washington. පැස්බරා is a synonym of ostrich. පලිබෝධනාශක is a synonym of pesticide. මන්තර is a synonym of mantra. අනන්තය is a synonym of infinity. taiwan is a synonym of තායිවානය. ඇස්කේරියාසිස් is a synonym of ascariasis. 💌 is a symbol of ආදරය. bodhisattva is a synonym of බෝධිසත්ත්‍ව. කහ is related to yellow. බෙත්ලෙහෙමේ‍ තරුව is a synonym of star of bethlehem. සිරියාව is a synonym of syria. නිදහස් මෘදුකාංග is a synonym of free software. අල is a synonym of dioscorea. චිලි ජනරජය is a synonym of chile. ටයිකොන්ඩෝ සටන් ක්‍රමය is a synonym of taekwondo. door is a synonym of දොර. දර්ශනය is a synonym of philosophy. ඇල්බට්‍ අයින්ස්ටයින් is a synonym of albert einstein. අගනුවර is a synonym of capital city. බංග්‍රා නැටුම් is a synonym of bhangra. ආගමන නීතිය is a synonym of immigration law. ☔ is a symbol of වැස්ස. ළමා වෛද්‍යවේදය is a synonym of pediatrics. mona lisa is a synonym of මොනාලිසා. މިޔަރު is etymologically related to මෝරා. යටඇඳුම් is a synonym of undergarment. උද්භිද විද්‍යාව is a synonym of botany. tier is a synonym of සත්‍තු. ෆෙර්මගේ අවසාන ප්‍රමේයය is a synonym of fermat's last theorem. 🌬 is a symbol of මුහුණ. පාන් is related to bread. සින්ක් ඔක්සයිඩ් is a synonym of zinc oxide. සිකුරාදා is etymologically derived from शुक्र. gene is a synonym of ජාන. එඩ්වින් ඕල්ඩ්‍රින් is a synonym of buzz aldrin. ප්‍රත්‍යාස්ථතා මාපාංකය is a synonym of elastic modulus. jamaica is a synonym of ජැමෙයිකාව. zimbabwe is a synonym of සිම්බාබ්වේ. milk is a synonym of කිරි. මහජන සෞඛ්‍යය is a synonym of public health. ඇන්ඩ්‍රොමීඩා චක්‍රාවාටය is a synonym of andromeda galaxy. sport is a synonym of ක්‍රීඩා. ටෙරාකොටා හමුදාව is a synonym of terracotta army. නවකතා is a synonym of novel. මල් is a synonym of flower. කැල්සියම් කාබයිඩ් is a synonym of calcium carbide. ඇමරිකානු විප්ලවීය යුද්ධය is a synonym of american revolutionary war. ශිෂ්නය is a synonym of penis. ෆූරියර් ශ්‍රේණිය is a synonym of fourier series. මවු බස is a synonym of first language. 🍳 is a symbol of බිත්තරය. 🎻 is a symbol of වයලීනය. රන් is etymologically related to රන. ස්කොට්ලන්තය is a synonym of scotland. වෘත්තිය is a synonym of profession. ජාත්‍යන්තර අභ්‍යවකාශ මධ්‍යස්ථානය is a synonym of international space station. burkina faso is a synonym of බර්කිනා ෆාසෝ. නමය is a synonym of නවය. education is a synonym of අධ්‍යාපනය. 🕐 is a symbol of එක. ගෘහ නිර්මාණ ශිල්පය is a synonym of architecture. කුරහං හෙවත් කුරක්කං is a synonym of eleusine coracana. පුතා is related to son. අට is related to eight. කොත්තමල්ලි is a synonym of coriander. බැංකොක් is a synonym of bangkok. ♉ is a symbol of ගවයා. චීනචට්ටි is a synonym of cast iron. පං is a synonym of cyperus. hippocrate is a synonym of හිපොක්‍රටිස්. සිංහල has context of linguistique. සජීවිකරණය is a synonym of animation. 🌙 is a symbol of කාලගුණය. ටෝගෝ is a synonym of togo. 😚 is a symbol of මුහුණ. muslim is a synonym of මුස්ලිම්. රාජ්‍ය නොවන සංවිධාන is a synonym of non governmental organization. ෂියා ඉස්ලාම් ආගම is a synonym of shia islam. ඩෙල් is a synonym of dell. kuss is a synonym of හාද්ද. මාසය is related to month. ඔයාලා is related to ඔයා. 📱 is a symbol of දුරකථනය. හර පත is a synonym of debit card. 758 is a synonym of radioactive decay. ත්‍රිකෝණමිතික ශ්‍රිත is a synonym of trigonometric functions. අයර්ලන්තය is a synonym of ireland. හෝමෝ ඉරෙක්ටස් is a synonym of homo erectus. ✨ is a symbol of දියමන්ති. දිවයින is related to island. 📲 is a symbol of දුරකථනය. inde is a synonym of ඉන්දියාව. rabbit is a synonym of රට හාවෝ. 📺 is a symbol of රූපවාහිනිය. ලොකු is related to big. ක්‍රොඒෂියාව is related to croatia. මල්ලව පොර is a synonym of wrestling. විදේශ ප‍්‍රතිපත්ති is a synonym of foreign policy. මානෙල් is a synonym of nymphaeaceae. museum is a synonym of කෞතුකාගාරය. යුක්රේනය is a synonym of ukraine. މަސް is etymologically related to මස්. sri lanka is a synonym of ශ්‍රී ලංකාව. 🤶 is a symbol of නත්තල. අන්තර්ජාල අලෙවිකරණය is a synonym of online advertising. 🛢 is a symbol of තෙල්. ෆින්ලන්තය is a synonym of finland. වෛරස is a synonym of virus. mongolia is a synonym of මොංගෝලියාව. අපසාරී ශ්‍රේණි is a synonym of divergent series. ක්‍රිස්ටෝෆර් කොළොම්බස් is a synonym of christopher columbus. ගුප්තශාස්ත්‍ර is a synonym of occult. වර්ග සංහාරය is a synonym of genocide. බත් is etymologically related to भात. ශීතකරණ is a synonym of refrigerator. රසායනික කර්මාන්ත is a synonym of chemical industry. 🏳‍🌈 is a symbol of දේදුන්න. බන්ධනාගාර is a synonym of prison. 🌐 is a symbol of ලෝක ගෝලය. සබන් is etymologically derived from sabão. කලා කෘතිය is a synonym of work of art. වර්ණ is related to colour. දිය යට පවතින වස්තූන් සම්බන්ධ පුරා විද්‍යාව‍ is a synonym of underwater archaeology. සීනායි අර්ධද්වීපය is a synonym of sinai peninsula. parachute is a synonym of පැරෂුටය. යු‍රේනස් is a synonym of uranus. කතුවැකිය is a synonym of editorial. archimède is a synonym of ආකිමිඩීස්. ගති විද්‍යාව is a synonym of dynamics. කසක්ස්තානය is a synonym of kazakhstan. හයවන ඇලෙක්සැන්ඩර් පාප් වහන්සේ is a synonym of pope alexander vi. 🧑‍💼 is a symbol of ගෘහ නිර්මාණ ශිල්පියා. භූතානය is a synonym of bhutan. වීනස් is a synonym of venus. න්‍යෂ්ටික විඛණ්ඩනය is a synonym of nuclear fission. ජවහර්ලාල් නේරු is a synonym of jawaharlal nehru. ♾ is a symbol of අනන්තය. කුරුස යුද්ධ is a synonym of crusades. රග්බි ලීගය is a synonym of rugby league. ජිබුටි is a synonym of djibouti. ෂෙන්ගන් එකඟතාව is a synonym of schengen agreement. ලාභ නොපතන සංවිධාන is a synonym of nonprofit organization. ඇතැම් is related to little. 🐻‍ ❄ is a symbol of හිම වලසා. සැම්බියාව is a synonym of zambia. 🏒 is a symbol of අයිස්. 🌓 is a symbol of අභ්‍යවකාශය. 🚠 is a symbol of කන්ද. අභිලාශ අතර ගැටුම is a synonym of conflict of interest. giraffe is a synonym of ජිරාෆ්. පාපැදි is a synonym of bicycle. රුක්අත්තන is a synonym of alstonia scholaris. රොකට් යානය is a synonym of rocket. est is a synonym of නැගෙනහිර. නව දිල්ලිය is a synonym of new delhi. 🏖 is a symbol of කුඩය. farmer is a synonym of ගමරාළ. 🤶 is a symbol of අම්මා. රුසියානු සෝවියට් සන්ධීය සමාජවාදී සමූහාණ්ඩුව is a synonym of russian soviet federative socialist republic. එවරස්ට් කන්ද is a synonym of mount everest. හුණු ගල් is a synonym of limestone. ඩෙංගු is a synonym of dengue fever. ඔපෙරා is a synonym of opera. 📗 is a symbol of කොළ. කණක is a synonym of chrysoberyl. 🍨 is a symbol of අයිස්. 👁 is a symbol of ඇස. වලසා is related to bear. march is a synonym of මාර්තු. හැලීගේ ධූම කේතුව is a synonym of halley's comet. universe is a synonym of විශ්වය. නයිට්‍රික් අම්ලය is related to acide nitrique. හැරී පොටර් is a synonym of harry potter. කාලගුණ අනාවැකි කීම is a synonym of weather forecasting. බෙලීස් is a synonym of belize. අයිස්ලන්තය is a synonym of iceland. ඔරු පැදීමේ ක්‍රීඩාව is a synonym of rowing. එනවා is related to come. සලාද is a synonym of lettuce. භාරත් is a synonym of ඉන්දියාව. සෙල්ලම් බඩු is a synonym of toy. තාපය ගමන් කිරීම is a synonym of heat transfer. 🥄 is a symbol of හැන්ද. transistor is a synonym of ට්‍රාන්සිස්ටර. 🌗 is a symbol of අභ්‍යවකාශය. ගිනිබොකු තෝර is a synonym of andalusite. cyprus is a synonym of සයිප්‍රස්. 🐍 is a symbol of සර්පයා. පාචනය is a synonym of diarrhea. ගබ්සාව is a synonym of abortion. එක්සත් ජාතීන්ගේ සංවිධානය is a synonym of united nations. year is a synonym of අවුරුද්‍ද. බැංගලෝර් is a synonym of bangalore. ඩී.ඩී.ටී is related to dichlorodiphényltrichloroéthane. පාට is a synonym of color. 🧑‍🏫 is a symbol of ගුරුවරයා. ෆ්‍රැන්සිස් ස්කොට් කී is a synonym of francis scott key. little is a synonym of කුඩා. අංක is etymologically derived from अंक. ගැලීලියානු චන්ද්‍රයින් is a synonym of galilean moons. ගෘහ නිර්මාණ ශිල්පියා is a synonym of architect. කුඩය is a synonym of umbrella. යුනෙස්කෝ ලෝක ‍ උරුම අඩවි is a synonym of world heritage site. 🗼 is a symbol of ටෝකියෝ. ගයනවා is related to sing. ♒ is a symbol of වතුර. උරුගුවායි is a synonym of uruguay. සියළු සාන්තුවරයන්ගේ දිනය is a synonym of all saints day. 🐀 is a symbol of මීයා. 🤼‍♂ is a symbol of මල්ලව පොර. මිනිස් දත් is a synonym of human tooth. යුගාරම්භය is a synonym of epoch. delhi is a synonym of දිල්ලිය. කොස්ස is related to broom. කාබනික ද්‍රව්‍යවල ලක්ෂණ is a synonym of organic chemistry. යටත්විජිතවාදය is a synonym of colonialism. කියුරියෝසිටි is a synonym of curiosity. ගමරාළ is related to farmer. ගුහා සිතුවම් is related to art pariétal. tooth is a synonym of දත. නගනය is a synonym of stye. bridge is a synonym of පාලම. පරිසර දූෂණය is a synonym of pollution. වැලි කඳු is a synonym of dune. 🍦 is a symbol of අයිස්. වර්සේල්ස් ගිවිසුම is a synonym of treaty of versailles. ඩයිනසෝරයෝ is a synonym of dinosaur. organisation des nations unies is a synonym of එක්සත් ජාතීන්ගේ සංවිධානය. ඉංග්‍රීසි භාෂාව is a synonym of english language. සාමය is a synonym of peace. මුහුද is etymologically derived from समुद्र. ඉල්ලාගත් වචන is a synonym of loanword. ගරිල්ලා යුධ වැදීම් is a synonym of guerrilla warfare. බත් is etymologically related to ભાત. පවුල is a synonym of family. japan is a synonym of ජපානය. germany is a synonym of ජර්මනිය. නවීන විද්‍යාවට අනුකූල නොවන දැණුම සහ ශිල්ප is a synonym of pseudoscience. lakh is a synonym of ලක්ෂය. එක්සත් ජාතීන්ගේ දිනය is a synonym of united nations day. 😍 is a symbol of මුහුණ. විද්‍යුත් තැපෑල is a synonym of email. volcano is a synonym of ගිනි කඳු. දුව is related to daughter. කරත්තය is etymologically related to carreta. ඛනිජ තෙල් is a synonym of petroleum. කැරට් is a synonym of daucus carota. gold translations is a synonym of රන්. අඹ is a synonym of mangifera. නවය has context of cardinal. ඇපල් is a synonym of apple. උද්ධමනය is a synonym of inflation. අල්ලස is a synonym of bribery. ඔයා is related to ඔයාලා. කොහොඹ is a synonym of azadirachta indica. මිනිත්තු is a synonym of minute. එමිලි ඩිකින්සන් is a synonym of emily dickinson. ⚾ is a symbol of බේස්බෝල්. අද්මිරාල්ති නීතිය is a synonym of admiralty law. 🖋 is a symbol of පෑන. අළු is related to ash. දෙවන රම්සෙස් රජ is a synonym of ramesses ii. පීනිෂියාව is a synonym of phoenicia. 👂 is a symbol of කණ. portugal is a synonym of පෘතුගාලය. european union is a synonym of යුරෝපා සංගමය. පෝසිලේන් is a synonym of porcelain. 🤺 is a symbol of ක්‍රීඩා. cat translations is a synonym of පූසා. පැරෂුටය is a synonym of parachute. හීලියම් is a synonym of helium. 🌋 is a symbol of කාලගුණය. ඇලුමිනියම් is a synonym of aluminium. සෛල is a synonym of cell. අක්‍කා is related to older. පග් is a synonym of pug. ජිරාෆ් is a synonym of giraffe. dictionary is a synonym of ශබ්ද කෝෂය. ගින්‍න is related to fire. වයෝවෘද්ධ විද්‍යාව is a synonym of gerontology. ඉන්දියාව is a synonym of භාරතය. ආබාධිතවුවන්ගේ ක්‍රීඩා is a synonym of disabled sports. ඉන්දියාව is a synonym of භාරත්. දුව is etymologically related to dhītar. තඹ යුගය is a synonym of chalcolithic. ගුවන්විදුලිය is a synonym of radio. චෑඩ් is a synonym of chad. බීර is related to beer. sloth bear is a synonym of වලසා. 🍍 is a symbol of පලතුරු. portugal is a synonym of පෘතුගාලය. බර is related to weight. නත්තල is a synonym of christmas. croatia is a synonym of ක්‍රොඒෂියාව. නාගරීකරණය is a synonym of urbanization. සත්‍තු is related to animal. 🔵 is a symbol of නිල්. 👅 is a symbol of දිව. masse volumique is a synonym of ඝනත්වය. paratha is a synonym of පරාතා. window is a synonym of ජනේලය. පුරාණ ඉතිහාසය is a synonym of ancient history. ටොයොටා ප්‍රියර්ස් is a synonym of toyota prius. ඉන්කා ශිෂ්ටාචාරය is a synonym of inca empire. අඃමදියා is a synonym of ahmadiyya. න්‍යෂ්ටික භෞතික විද්‍යාව is a synonym of nuclear physics. ග්ලයිෆොසෙට් has context of chimie. 🌧 is a symbol of වැස්ස. විකා is a synonym of wicca. ජෝසෆ් ගොබල්ස් is a synonym of joseph goebbels. මයිකල් ජෝර්ඩාන් is a synonym of michael jordan. අභ්‍යවකාශ යානා is a synonym of spacecraft. ව්‍යාපාර ප්‍රාග්ධනය is a synonym of venture capital. ☂ is a symbol of කුඩය. 🗞 is a symbol of පුවත්පත. නයිල් ගඟ is a synonym of nile. රෝමානු නීතිය is a synonym of roman law. අසම්මත මාධ්‍ය is a synonym of underground press. අභ්‍යවකාශ ෂටල is a synonym of space shuttle. ඩී.ඩී.ටී has context of agriculture. බොක්සිං is a synonym of boxing. mother is a synonym of අම්මා. ක්ලෝරීන් is a synonym of chlorine. 🐻‍ ❄ is a symbol of සුදු. ලුණු is related to salt. 🏮 is a symbol of ආලෝකය. බයිබලය අලුත් ගිවිසුම is a synonym of new testament. 🔹 is a symbol of නිල්. 😟 is a symbol of මුහුණ. දර්පණ is a synonym of mirror. හර්මන් හොලරිත් is a synonym of herman hollerith. china is a synonym of චීනය. අභ්‍යන්තර දහන එන්ජිම is a synonym of internal combustion engine. 😍 is a symbol of හදවත. මහාද්වීප is a synonym of continent. මිනිස් සිරුර is a synonym of human body. මැනිලා is a synonym of manila. she is a synonym of ඈ. ජනේලය is etymologically related to janela. බැටරි is a synonym of battery. සිස් ට්‍රාන්ස් සමාවයවිකතාව is a synonym of cis trans isomerism. ප්‍රකාශ තන්තු is a synonym of optical fiber. හිම කැට වැස්ස is a synonym of hail. දුරේක්‍ෂය is a synonym of telescope. නෙප්චූන් is a synonym of neptune. ආලෝක ජීව විද්‍යාව is a synonym of photobiology. නයිජර් is a synonym of niger. 🐩 is a symbol of බල්ලා. හෙන්දිරික්කා මල් is a synonym of mirabilis jalapa. කොළ is related to green. කොන්ගෝ ප්‍රජාතන්ත්‍රවාදී ජනරජය is a synonym of democratic republic of congo. බෝම්බය is a synonym of bomb. බර්කිනා ෆාසෝ is a synonym of burkina faso. අනුමාපනය is a synonym of titration. ℹ is a symbol of තොරතුරු. විනෝදාංශ නාමාවලිය is a synonym of hobby. ♿ is a symbol of රෝද පුටුව. 🔕 is a symbol of සීනුව. පලතුරු is related to එල. රැකවරණය සපයා ගැනීමේ අයිතිය is a synonym of right of asylum. දූපත් is a synonym of island. ෂෙයා වෙයා is a synonym of shareware. කිරි is etymologically derived from क्षीर. තාක්‍ෂණය is a synonym of technology. 🏋 is a symbol of බර. moscow is a synonym of මොස්කව්. අළෙවිකරණය is a synonym of marketing. මරියතුමියගේ නිර්මල පිළිසිඳීම is a synonym of immaculate conception. අන්වීක්ෂය is a synonym of microscope. helium is a synonym of හීලියම්. මේදය is a synonym of fat. five is a synonym of පහ. කණ is a synonym of ear. මානව හෘදය is a synonym of heart. තෙල් ශල්ක is a synonym of oil shale. කායවිච්ඡේදවේදය is a synonym of anatomy. chocolate is a synonym of චොකලට්. දුව is etymologically derived from duhitar. 🕡 is a symbol of හය. ව්‍යාභිචාරය is a synonym of incest. වදකහ is a synonym of acorus calamus. තාරකා භෞතික විද්‍යාව is a synonym of astrophysics. මුහුදු අශ්වයා is a synonym of seahorse. ශ්රීn ලංකාව is a form of ශ්‍රී ලංකා. ඔබ is a synonym of ඔයා. ප්‍රභාසංශ්ලේෂණය is derived from ප්‍රභා. ජෝන් මැකේන් is a synonym of john mccain. අන්තඃප්ලාස්මීය ජාලිකා is a synonym of endoplasmic reticulum. ආයුබෝවන් is related to welcome. nine is a synonym of නවය. berlin is a synonym of බර්ලිනය. 🐶 is a symbol of බල්ලා. අතථ්‍ය මතකය is a synonym of virtual memory. පරිගණක දෘඩාංග is a synonym of computer hardware. ශ්‍රී ලංකා සිංහයා is a synonym of sri lanka lion. සත්ත්ව විද්‍යාව is a synonym of zoology. අණුව is related to atom. 🌠 is a symbol of තරුව. colombo is a synonym of කොළඹ. ބުޅާ is etymologically related to බළලා. credit card is a synonym of ක්‍රෙඩිට් කාඩ්පත. පරිගණක වෛරස is a synonym of computer virus. sleep is a synonym of නින්ද. කෑරල්ලු is a synonym of woodpecker. angola is a synonym of ඇන්ගෝලා. 🕶 is a symbol of ඇස. හිම වලසා is a synonym of polar bear. ලෝක කාලගුණ විද්‍යා සංවිධානය is a synonym of world meteorological organization. මුදල් is a synonym of money. වින්ඩෝස් 2000 is a synonym of windows 2000. කූඹියා is a synonym of ant. ඈම්ස්ටර්ඩෑම් is a synonym of amsterdam. සැන් ෆ්‍රැන්සිස්කෝ කැලිෆෝනියා is a synonym of san francisco. 🍀 is a symbol of හතර. ouest is a synonym of බටහිර. ජාතිකත්වය is a synonym of nationality. red is a synonym of රතු. 🙀 is a symbol of පූසා. නියුක්ලියෝන is a synonym of nucleon. 🚨 is a symbol of ආලෝකය. අලෝහ is a synonym of nonmetal. සයනොබැක්ටීරියා is a synonym of cyanobacteria. න්‍යෂ්ටික චුම්බක අනුනාදය is a synonym of nuclear magnetic resonance. බොරෝබුදූර් is a synonym of borobudur. ශාන්තිකර සාගරය is a synonym of pacific ocean. කළු කඩය is a synonym of black market. thé vert is a synonym of හරිත තේ. 🏔 is a symbol of හිම. tajikistan is a synonym of ටජිකිස්ථාන්. ගන්සූ is a synonym of gansu. wife is a synonym of පවුල. ගණිකාව is a synonym of prostitution. ද රෙස්කියු'ස් is a synonym of rescuers. පුනරුදය is a synonym of renaissance. 📢 is a symbol of ශබ්දය. ලක්ෂය is related to lakh. mali is a synonym of මාලි. spain is a synonym of ස්පාඤ්ඤය. සෝඩියම් බයිකාබනේට් is a synonym of sodium bicarbonate. කෝපි is a synonym of coffee. ශබ්දාර්ථ විද්‍යාව is a synonym of semantics. පාෂාණික ධාතු සත්ව විද්‍යාව is a synonym of paleozoology. නිල් මැණික් is a synonym of sapphire. සරම්ප is a synonym of measles. ජෝර්දානය is a synonym of jordan. ශීතකාරක is a synonym of refrigerant. දහස is etymologically derived from दशशत. 🧘‍♀ is a symbol of යෝග. රසායන විද්‍යාව is a synonym of chemistry. ආධානග්‍රාහය is a synonym of dogma. ඉතියෝපියාව is a synonym of ethiopia. 😚 is a symbol of ඇස. දිව is related to tongue. කූ ක්ලක්ස් ක්ලෑන් is a synonym of ku klux klan. 🈳 is a symbol of චීන. ආනන්ද රහතන්වහන්සේ is a synonym of ananda. ජල විද්‍යාව‍ is a synonym of hydrology. අලුත් is related to new. මාධ්‍යවිකි is a synonym of mediawiki. landslide is a synonym of නායයෑම්. නිදිකුම්බා is a synonym of mimosa pudica. ජෝන් ඇඩම්ස් is a synonym of john adams. කලා ඉතිහාසය is a synonym of art history. andorre is a synonym of ඇන්ඩෝරා. අන්තර්ජාලය is a synonym of internet. සිව්පහර එන්ජිම is a synonym of four stroke engine. bhutan is a synonym of භූතානය. ජීවය is etymologically derived from जीव. 🕤 is a symbol of නවය. ඇමෙරිකානු නිදහස් සටන is a synonym of american civil war. leprosy is a synonym of ලාදුරු. තරුව is etymologically derived from तारा. පියරේ ටිල්හාඩ් ඩී චාර්ඩින් is a synonym of pierre teilhard de chardin. 🌍 is a symbol of ලෝකය. අම්ලකර is derived from කර. බර is etymologically derived from भार. we is a synonym of අපි. සන්තියාගෝ ඩි කොම්පොස්ටෙලා is a synonym of santiago de compostela. සවුදි අරාබියාව is a synonym of saudi arabia. bahamas is a synonym of බහමාස්. කාබන් is a synonym of carbon. කොළ පාට is a synonym of green. දුර්අක්‍ෂරතාව is a synonym of dyslexia. කාර්මික විප්ලවය is a synonym of industrial revolution. hello is a synonym of ආයුබෝවන්. lightning is a synonym of අකුණු. අංක ගණිතයේ මූලික ප්‍රමේයය is a synonym of fundamental theorem of arithmetic. ඒරියා 51 is a synonym of area 51. දෙහි is a synonym of lime. ස්වභාවික වරණය is a synonym of natural selection. පොදු රාජ්‍ය මණ්ඩලය is a synonym of commonwealth of nations. නියුට්‍රෝනය is a synonym of neutron. දැන්වීම්කරණය is a synonym of advertising. චාල්ස් ඩිකන්ස් is a synonym of charles dickens. තලාතු මිනිරං is a synonym of biotite. ප්‍රෝටියසෝම් is a synonym of proteasome. විද්‍යූත් චුම්භක බලය is a synonym of electromagnetism. 😸 is a symbol of ඇස. රාකෙල් is a synonym of rachel. මාදුරු is a synonym of fennel. බෙලාරස් is a synonym of belarus. ලොකු මීයා is derived from මීයා. මාර්ක්විස් ඩි සේඩ් is a synonym of marquis de sade. නංගි is related to younger. කරනවා is related to do. sierra leone is a synonym of සියෙරා ලියෝන්. කාම්බෝජය is a synonym of cambodia. 🗻 is a symbol of ෆීජි. අන්නාසි is a synonym of pineapple. indonesia is a synonym of ඉන්දුනීසියාව. 🔷 is a symbol of නිල්. කෙයලිනයිට් is a synonym of kaolinite. පලතුරු is related to fruit. කැණීම is a synonym of excavation. මැක්ස් වෙබර් is a synonym of max weber. පශු සම්පත් is a synonym of livestock. mobile phone is a synonym of ජංගම දුරකථනය. joyeux noël is a synonym of සුභ නත්තලක්. සසම්භාවී ප්‍රවේශ මතකය is a synonym of random access memory. father is a synonym of තාත්තා. neun is a synonym of නවය. දත is related to tooth. එයා is related to he. ජීව විද්‍යාව is a synonym of biology. ප්‍රභාසංශ්ලේෂණය is a synonym of photosynthesis. වසා පද්ධතිය is a synonym of lymphatic system. විශාල is related to big. ෆෙඩරල් රාජ්‍යය is a synonym of federation. මැසඩෝනියාව is a synonym of macedonia. war is a synonym of යුද්ධය. කළු මරණය is a synonym of black death. දුක්ඛ is a synonym of dukkha. ආසියානු අලි is a synonym of asian elephant. මරියා මග්දලේනා is a synonym of mary magdalene. 💔 is a symbol of හදවත. පොරොන්දම් is a synonym of matchmaking. සාපේක්ෂතා වාදය is a synonym of theory of relativity. නත්තලට පෙර දිනය is a synonym of christmas eve. මැටි භාණ්ඩ is a synonym of terracotta. නැගෙනහිර has context of géographie. සහාධිපත්‍ය is a synonym of condominium. එස්ටෝනියාව is a synonym of estonia. 😙 is a symbol of ඇස. 🐭 is a symbol of මීයා. myanmar is a synonym of බුරුමය. සූදකු is a synonym of sudoku. දත්ත සංචිතය is a synonym of database. ප්ලාස්ටික් සැත්කම් is a synonym of plastic surgery. අයනික බන්ධන is a synonym of ionic bonding. india is a synonym of භාරත්. troposphere is a synonym of පරිවර්තී ගෝලය. උපත් පාලනය is a synonym of birth control. සුරතාන්තය is a synonym of orgasm. ආකියා is a synonym of archaea. නමය is a synonym of නවය. සංස්කෘත is a synonym of sanskrit. jaffna is a synonym of යාපනය. 😛 is a symbol of දිව. නිල් අවරිය is a synonym of indigofera tinctoria. සිංගප්පූරුව is a synonym of singapore. සංස්ථාවාදය is a synonym of corporatism. දියවැඩියාව is a synonym of diabetes mellitus. බොබ් මාලේ is a synonym of bob marley. ඉදිරිය is related to future. ඇරිස්ටෝටල් is a synonym of aristotle. ජෝර්ජියා is a synonym of georgia. කෝස්ට රිකා is a synonym of costa rica. තරංග ආයාමය is a synonym of wavelength. කොලෙස්ටරෝල් is a synonym of cholesterol. රචනා is a synonym of essay. ගව කිරි ආශ්‍රිත නිෂ්පාදන is a synonym of dairy product. පොඩ්කාස්ට් is a synonym of podcast. අම්ලකර is derived from අම්ල. නැෆ්තලීන් is a synonym of naphthalene. පාවහන් is a synonym of shoe. මල්‍ලි is related to brother. අපි is etymologically related to මම. vesak is etymologically related to වෙසක්. එල් සැල්වදෝරය is a synonym of el salvador. සියදිවි නසාගැනීම is a synonym of suicide. côte d ivoire is a synonym of අයිවරි කෝස්ට්. දුරකථනය is a synonym of telephone. දෑකැත්ත සහ මිටිය is a synonym of hammer and sickle. මිනිස් මොළය is a synonym of human brain. අයිස් is related to ice. දෙසැම්බර් is a synonym of december. ⌨ is a symbol of පරිගණකය. 🐈 is a symbol of බළලා. 💿 is a symbol of පරිගණකය. කිලෝග්රෑමය is a synonym of kilogram. 🥋 is a symbol of කරාටේ. meat is a synonym of මස්. දුම්කොළ is a synonym of tobacco. ටොප් කැට් is a synonym of top cat. 👨‍🚀 is a symbol of අභ්‍යවකාශය. නිව්යෝර්ක් නගරය is a synonym of new york city. 🕚 is a symbol of 11. පරිගණක මෙහෙයුම් පද්ධති is a synonym of operating system. 🌖 is a symbol of අභ්‍යවකාශය. ගස් කෑල is a synonym of butea monosperma. ජීවීයෝ is a synonym of organism. allah is a synonym of අල්ලාහ්. සංයුක්ත සැරසුම් පි‍ටු css is a synonym of cascading style sheets. unidentified flying object is a synonym of හඳුනා නොගත් පියාඹන වස්තූන්. හදවත is related to heart. ගිටාරය is a synonym of guitar. country is a synonym of රට. ජල සම්පාදනය is a synonym of irrigation. ජීව ඉන්ධන is a synonym of biofuel. රන් සම්මතය is a synonym of gold standard. ගස් is etymologically related to গাছ. රුමේනියාව is a synonym of romania. මාලිමාව is a synonym of compass. ආටිමිස් දේවස්ථානය is a synonym of temple of artemis. බහමාස් is a synonym of bahamas. යේමනය is a synonym of yemen. බැස්ටීල් දිනය is a synonym of bastille day. sawm is a synonym of සව්ම්. 🐴 is a symbol of මුහුණ. තුන is etymologically related to तिण्णं. පරමාණු is a synonym of atom. 🚸 is a symbol of ළමයා. දහය has context of cardinal. ඔබ is related to you. අක්‍ෂිපටල ප්‍රදාහය is a synonym of conjunctivitis. ඇදුම is a synonym of asthma. space shuttle is a synonym of අභ්‍යවකාශ ෂටල. 🕌 is a symbol of ඉස්ලාම්. belarus is a synonym of බෙලාරස්. අප‍්‍රිකානු අධ්‍යයන is a synonym of african studies. මහම්මද්තුමා is a synonym of muhammad. ජේසුස් තුමා is a synonym of jesus. ලිංග is a synonym of sex. 💳 is a symbol of බැංකුව. 📖 is a symbol of පොත. coral is a synonym of කොරල්. ප්‍රජානන මනෝ විද්‍යාව is a synonym of cognitive psychology. නැගෙනහිර ටිමෝරය is a synonym of east timor. ස්නායු පද්ධතිය is a synonym of nervous system. මාගරට් තැච is a synonym of margaret thatcher. අර්ධ සන්නායක is a synonym of semiconductor. hangeul is a synonym of හංගුල්. ඇල්ගොරිතම is a synonym of algorithm. බෙල්ජියම is a synonym of belgium. ලුණු is a synonym of salt. pédiatrie is a synonym of ළමා වෛද්‍යවේදය. න්‍යෂ්ටික ප්‍රතික්‍රියාව is a synonym of nuclear reaction. 🔡 is a symbol of ලතින්. තැලික් අම්ලය is a synonym of phthalic acid. ස්පාඤ්ඤය is a synonym of spain. ලෝක කම්කරු සංවිධානය is a synonym of international labour organization. හය has context of cardinal. vinegar is a synonym of විනාකිරි. වතුර is related to eau. 😝 is a symbol of ඇස. පොත is related to book. sing is a synonym of ගයනවා. 🐶 is a symbol of මුහුණ. වෙළෙඳාම is a synonym of trade. pyramid is a synonym of පිරමිඩ. වේද is a synonym of vedas. රසායනික මූලද්‍රව්‍ය is a synonym of chemical element. shadow is a synonym of හෙවනැල්ල. යව is a synonym of oat. අධ්‍යාපනය is a synonym of education. පරිණාමය is a synonym of evolution. 🌦 is a symbol of වැස්ස. බදාදා is a synonym of wednesday. තුලිත ලකුණු පත්‍රය is a synonym of balanced scorecard. haiti is a synonym of හෙයිටි. වෛද්‍ය විද්‍යාව is a synonym of medicine. බටහිර is related to point cardinal. දෙවියන්වහන්සේ is a synonym of god. කුඩා පරිමාණ පරිගණක is a synonym of minicomputer. ශාක ව්‍යාධි විද්‍යාව is a synonym of plant pathology. කාල් රෝජර්ස් is a synonym of carl rogers. ලෝකඩ යුගය is a synonym of bronze age. සමස්ථිතිය is a synonym of homeostasis. භාවනා is a synonym of meditation. ඉන්ද්‍රජාල is a synonym of magic. ක්‍ෂණික පණිවුඩකරණය is a synonym of instant messaging. agriculture is a synonym of කෘෂිකර්මය. blood is a synonym of ලේ. විශ්වවිද්‍යාලය is a synonym of university. මලයාසියාව is a synonym of malaysia. යමහල් අළු is a synonym of volcanic ash. 🖱 is a symbol of පරිගණකය. desert is a synonym of කාන්තාර. 🌉 is a symbol of කාලගුණය. හෙබ්‍රෙව් දින දසුන is a synonym of hebrew calendar. සල්ෆර් is a synonym of ගෙන්දගම්. ටිබෙට් is a synonym of tibet. දණහිස is related to knife. ඔවුහු is a synonym of ඔවුන්. පිළිස්සීම is a synonym of burn. ඩිරැක් ඩෙල්ටා ශ්‍රිතය is a synonym of dirac delta function. නිර්ආගමික is a synonym of irreligion. 🥪 is a symbol of පාන්. ලා නිනා is a synonym of la niña. ලී අච්චු කලාව is a synonym of woodcut. අරාබි මුහුද is a synonym of arabian sea. රුවන්ඩාව is a synonym of rwanda. 🌐 is a symbol of ලෝකය. ඡන්ද විමසීම් is a synonym of election. කිරිගරුඬ is a synonym of marble. කඩදාසි is a synonym of paper. හෑන්ඩ් ෆුට් ඇන්ඩ් මවුත් රෝගය is a synonym of hand foot and mouth disease. හංගුල් is a synonym of hangul. ජාන is a synonym of gene. ජෝසප් ප්‍රිස්ට්ලි is a synonym of joseph priestley. river is a synonym of ගඟ. 🚵 is a symbol of කන්ද. සංවර්ධනාත්මක මනෝවිද්‍යාව is a synonym of developmental psychology. දුව is etymologically related to ਧੀ. singhalesisch is a synonym of සිංහල. මාර්ටින් ලූතර් කිං is a synonym of martin luther king jr. සෝඩියම් is a synonym of sodium. mountain is a synonym of කන්ද. table is a synonym of මේසය. ඇමරිකානු එක්සත් ජනපදය is a synonym of united states. ඕම් නියමය is a synonym of ohm's law. ආක්ටික් is a synonym of arctic. කවියා is a synonym of poet. democracy is a synonym of ප්‍රජාතන්ත්‍රවාදය. පෙනහළු පිළිකා is a synonym of lung cancer. මාර්ග සංඥා is a synonym of traffic sign. කඨින ජලය is a synonym of hard water. කරත්තය is related to carriage. thousand is a synonym of දහස. home is a synonym of ගෙදර. ✒ is a symbol of පෑන. ප්ලාස්මා සංදර්ශකය is a synonym of plasma display. snow is a synonym of හිම. ඔයා is a synonym of ඔබ. අත්කම් නිර්මාණ is a synonym of handicraft. හස්තරේඛා ශාස්ත්‍රය is a synonym of palmistry. 🤑 is a symbol of මුහුණ. 👴 is a symbol of මිනිසා. leopard is a synonym of කොටියා. ෂෝවු රාජවංශය is a synonym of zhou dynasty. දලයි ලාමාතුමා is a synonym of dalai lama. 🏩 is a symbol of ආදරය. භාරත ජනරජය is a synonym of india. madagascar is a synonym of මැඩගස්කරය. ධරණකය is a synonym of stapes. 👩‍ is a symbol of රෝද පුටුව. අ is related to alphabet. මම ඔයත අදරෙි is related to je t’ aime. new delhi is a synonym of නව දිල්ලිය. sister is a synonym of නංගි. ජීවය is a synonym of life. ඒඩ්ස් is a synonym of aids. kala wewa is a synonym of kali. hippopotamus is a synonym of හිපපොටේමස්. ක්යෝතෝ ප්‍රඥප්තිය is a synonym of kyoto protocol. බෝතලය is related to bottle. මහත්මා ගාන්ධි is a synonym of mahatma gandhi. february is a synonym of පෙබරවාරි. ඇල්බේනියාව is a synonym of albania. මී හරකා is a synonym of water buffalo. අයනගෝලය is a synonym of ionosphere. අභ්‍යවකාශ ගමන් is a synonym of spaceflight. horse is a synonym of අශ්වය. 🌄 is a symbol of උදෑසන. ශුද්ධවූ පේදුරු තුමා is a synonym of saint peter. අශ්වය is etymologically related to अश्व. ගඟ is a synonym of river. ආරෝග්‍යශාලා is a synonym of hospital. හිරු is a synonym of sun. දෙවියා is related to god. bird is a synonym of කුරුල්‍ලා. කහ පාට is a synonym of yellow. ලූර් කෞතුකාගාරය is a synonym of louvre. කතුර is related to scissors. කුඩාකම is derived from කුඩා. pearl is a synonym of මුතු. 🌙 is a symbol of සඳ. 🚛 is a symbol of කුඩා. මිසයිල is a synonym of missile. ethiopia is a synonym of ඉතියෝපියාව. කොඩි is a synonym of flag. 🐁 is a symbol of මීයා. ට්විටර් is a synonym of twitter. නමය is related to nine. අගෝස්තු is a synonym of august. 🏦 is a symbol of බැංකුව. තුන is etymologically related to तीणि. 🏏 is a symbol of ක්‍රිකට්. ව්‍යාධි විද්‍යාව is a synonym of pathology. 🈸 is a symbol of චීන. ද ඩිෆරන්ස් එන්ජින් is a synonym of difference engine. insel is a synonym of දිවයින. නෙල්ලි is a synonym of phyllanthus emblica. ඇසිඩ් රොක් is a synonym of acid rock. 😽 is a symbol of පූසා. ජනවාරි 1 is a synonym of january 1. තෝමස් අල්වා එඩිසන් is a synonym of thomas edison. සමාජ සුභසාධන ව්‍යවසායකත්වය is a synonym of social entrepreneurship. යතුර is related to key. ආහාර අසාත්මිකතාවය is a synonym of food allergy. බර්ලිනය is a synonym of berlin. රාජ්‍යය is a synonym of state. යූකොස් is a synonym of yukos. චිකුන්ගුන්යා is a synonym of chikungunya. ෆාරෝ දිවයින් is a synonym of faroe islands. මැගයිවර් is a synonym of macgyver. 🍏 is a symbol of පලතුරු. ස්විට්සර්ලන්තය is a synonym of switzerland. යෝගට් is a synonym of yogurt. කොරියන් යුද්ධය is a synonym of korean war. ජාතිය is a synonym of ethnic group. sri lanka is a synonym of ශ්‍රී ලංකා. 🏃 is a symbol of මැරතන්. 🕝 is a symbol of දෙක. රුධිරය is a synonym of blood. ගමරාළ is related to ploughs. knife is a synonym of දණහිස. cover is a synonym of ආවරණය. රක්‍ෂණය is a synonym of insurance. යූ ටියුබ් is a synonym of youtube. ගුවනේදී ගුවනට විදින මිසයිල is a synonym of air to air missile. සංගීත ප්‍රසංග ශාලා is a synonym of musical theatre. ටෙනිස් is a synonym of tennis. සංයුක්ත තැටිය is a synonym of compact disc. monat is a synonym of මාසය. විද්‍යුතය is a synonym of electricity. ෆිඛ් is a synonym of fiqh. ට්‍රයිටන් is a synonym of triton. කත්මන්ඩු is a synonym of kathmandu. 😸 is a symbol of පූසා. eau is a synonym of වතුර. නියුමෝනියාව is a synonym of pneumonia. ජනේලය is etymologically related to janella. 🌘 is a symbol of කාලගුණය. ඉන්ද්‍රයිකා is a synonym of organelle. මොස්කව් is a synonym of moscow. එච්ටීඑම්එල් is a synonym of html. බහුවලයික ශ්‍රිත is a synonym of hyperbolic function. එල is related to පලතුරු. මැණික් is a synonym of gemstone. කිලිමන්ජාරෝ කන්ද is a synonym of mount kilimanjaro. baseball is a synonym of බේස්බෝල්. හොමිනිඩේ කුලය is a synonym of hominidae. 💕 is a symbol of ආදරය. බරාක් ඔබාමා is a synonym of barack obama. ශිෂ්ටාචාරය is a synonym of civilization. ඖෂධ විද්‍යාව is a synonym of pharmacology. 💁 is a symbol of තොරතුරු. dolphin is a synonym of ඩොල්ෆින්. ක්ෂාරීය පාංශු ලෝහය is a synonym of alkaline earth metal. නමය has context of cardinal. භූචලන is a synonym of earthquake. පරිගණක මෘදුකාංග is a synonym of software. 🤪 is a symbol of ලොකු. කුරුල්‍ලා is related to bird. 😧 is a symbol of වේදනාව. මහජන කොටස් ආරම්භක නිකුතුව is a synonym of initial public offering. liechtenstein is a synonym of ලීච්ටන්ස්ටෙයින්. ඡායාරූප ශිල්පී is a synonym of photographer. මුස්ලිම් is a synonym of muslim. කුවේට් රාජ්‍යය is a synonym of kuwait. වාහන is a synonym of vehicle. tyre is a synonym of ටයර්. භාරතය is a synonym of ඉන්දියාව. 🖊 is a symbol of පෑන. ආර්.එන්.ඒ is a synonym of rna. මැඩෝනා is a synonym of madonna. මිනුම් ක්‍රම is a synonym of system of measurement. පේරූ is a synonym of peru. ඇන්ගෝලා is a synonym of angola. 🌍 is a symbol of ලෝක ගෝලය. ආසවනය is a synonym of distillation. ජෛව රසායන විද්‍යාව is a synonym of biochemistry. moon is a synonym of චන්ද්‍රයා. stadt is a synonym of නගරය. 🐃 is a symbol of ජලය. 🌏 is a symbol of ආසියාව. hospital is a synonym of ආරෝග්‍යශාලා. art pariétal is a synonym of ගුහා සිතුවම්. සංයුක්ත ද්‍රව්‍යය is a synonym of composite material. රසායනික සංයෝග is a synonym of chemical compound. 💄 is a symbol of විලවුන්. මයික්‍රොසොෆ්ට් is a synonym of microsoft. හූවර් වේල්ල is a synonym of hoover dam. 💅 is a symbol of විලවුන්. පර්යේෂණාත්මක මනෝ විද්‍යාව is a synonym of experimental psychology. ඇනොනිමස් is a synonym of anonymous. එතුණු කඩුව is a synonym of urumi. භාරතය is a synonym of ඉන්දියාව. බුලත් is a synonym of betel. කාන්තාර is a synonym of desert. රසායනික සංකේත is a synonym of symbol. molecule is a synonym of අණුව. කැටයම් කැපීම is a synonym of engraving. පයිතන් is a synonym of python. නේපාලය is a synonym of nepal. eight is a synonym of අට. ෆේස්බුක් is a synonym of facebook. තැලසීමියාව is a synonym of thalassemia. ලෝක බැංකුව is a synonym of world bank. බැංකු is a synonym of bank. white translations is a synonym of සුදු. 🌘 is a symbol of අභ්‍යවකාශය. color is a synonym of වර්ණ. ද්‍රව්‍යයමය විද්‍යාව හැදින්වීම is a synonym of materials science. නායයෑම් is a synonym of landslide. ටෙහ්රාන් is a synonym of tehran. radio is a synonym of ගුවන්විදුලිය. bread is a synonym of පාන්. asia is a synonym of ආසියාව. ඇස is a synonym of eye. අන්ත්‍රාව is related to danger. දඩයම is a synonym of hunting. ගිරවු is a synonym of psittacidae. ඖෂධ සංයෝජනය is a synonym of pharmacy. 🚿 is a symbol of වතුර. මතකය is a synonym of memory. ජලය is a synonym of water. gabun is a synonym of ගැබොන්. iceland is a synonym of අයිස්ලන්තය. t සෛල is a synonym of t cell. සිතුවිලි රූසටහන is a synonym of mind map. ඉන්දුනීසියාව is a synonym of indonesia. ඇඩම් ස්මිත් is a synonym of adam smith. සුවඳ විලවුන් is a synonym of perfume. නිඛිල is a synonym of integer. සෝමාලියාව is a synonym of somalia. pagoda is a synonym of පැගෝඩා. ලිංගික සංසර්ගය is a synonym of sexual intercourse. ‍ zසීබ්‍රා is a synonym of zebra. බහුජාතික ‍ සමාගම් is a synonym of multinational corporation. 🔼 is a symbol of රතු. උච්ච වායු is a synonym of noble gas. 🕥 is a symbol of දහය. නවය is related to nine. 🐜 is a symbol of කූඹියා. ලෝකය is related to world. 💕 is a symbol of හදවත. rwanda is a synonym of රුවන්ඩාව. තාත්තා is related to father. චීනය is a synonym of china. සූර්ය කේන්ද්‍රවාදය is a synonym of heliocentrism. අංක is related to number. බලය is related to strength. මිනිසාගේ ආහාර is a synonym of food. චුම්බක ක්ෂේත්‍රය is a synonym of magnetic field. සුෂුම්නාව is a synonym of spinal cord. ගණිතය is a synonym of mathematics. මම is related to je. අත්රූකඩ is a synonym of hand puppet. laos is a synonym of ලාඕසය. 🌏 is a symbol of ලෝක ගෝලය. චෙක් ජනරජය is a synonym of czech republic. turkey is a synonym of තුර්කිය. cricket is a synonym of ක්‍රිකට්. 😻 is a symbol of පූසා. 👪 is a symbol of පවුල. ගොන්සෝ ලේඛන කලාව is a synonym of gonzo journalism. අ is related to lettre. comet is a synonym of වල්ගාතරු. ථේරවාදය is a synonym of theravada. සඟරාව is a synonym of magazine. මාර්තු is a synonym of march. ජම්බු is a synonym of syzygium. fluss is a synonym of ගඟ. brother is a synonym of අය්‍යා. ඩොල්ෆින් is a synonym of dolphin. දේශගුණ විද්‍යාව is a synonym of climatology. පිළිකා රෝග අධ්‍යයන විද්‍යාව is a synonym of oncology. ස්ත්‍රි වාදය is a synonym of feminism. කාබන්ඩයොක්සයිඩ් is a synonym of carbon dioxide. 🌝 is a symbol of අභ්‍යවකාශය. 🏐 is a symbol of වොලිබෝල්. යුද්ධය is related to war. මරණය is a synonym of death. ධනවාදය is a synonym of capitalism. ටයිපොයිඩ් උණ is a synonym of typhoid fever. singapore is a synonym of සිංගප්පූරුව. sinhala is a synonym of සිංහල. disease is a synonym of රෝග. ☠ is a symbol of මරණය. ඊවා බ්‍රොන් is a synonym of eva braun. සාර්ව ආර්ථික විද්‍යාව is a synonym of macroeconomics. australia is a synonym of ඕස්ට්‍රේලියාව. chicken pox is a synonym of පැපොල. wikipedia is a synonym of විකිපීඩියා. ☃ is a symbol of කාලගුණය. ගෙය is related to house. 😐 is a symbol of මුහුණ. උබුන්ටු is a synonym of ubuntu. ජාත්‍යන්තර ත්‍රස්තවාදයට එරෙහි යුද්ධය is a synonym of war on terror. එක්සත් රාජධානිය is a synonym of united kingdom. 💱 is a symbol of මුදල්. තාප විකිරණය is a synonym of thermal radiation. ස්පෑම් is a synonym of spamming. ශ්‍රී ලංකා is a form of ශ්‍රී ලංකාව. මරියානා අගාධය is a synonym of mariana trench. 🚾 is a symbol of ජලය. ගෙදර is related to maison. ඩී.ඩී.ටී has context of chimie. ceylon is a synonym of ලංකා. brunei is a synonym of බෲනායි. මුහුදු කොල්ලකෑම is a synonym of piracy. ව්‍යාපාර ක්ෂේත්‍රයේ ආචාරධර්ම is a synonym of business ethics. ireland is a synonym of අයර්ලන්තය. ප්ලීහාව is a synonym of spleen. 🤾 is a symbol of ක්‍රීඩා. 🅱 is a symbol of රුධිරය. පුරාණ ග්‍රීසිය is a synonym of ancient greece. 🏔 is a symbol of කන්ද. හඳුනා නොගත් පියාඹන වස්තූන් is a synonym of unidentified flying object. පුරාවිද්‍යාත්මක අඩවි is a synonym of archaeological site. ඩී.ඩී.ටී is a synonym of ddt. රෝමානු ජනරජය is a synonym of roman republic. බීටා අංශු is a synonym of beta particle. පෞද්ගලික පරිගණකය is a synonym of personal computer. thou is a synonym of ඔයා. මරියා is a synonym of mary. griechenland is a synonym of ග්‍රීසිය. ☂ is a symbol of කාලගුණය. ocean is a synonym of සාගරය. තනිකම is a synonym of loneliness. ද්විතියික ලිංගික ලක්ෂණ is a synonym of puberty. soap is a synonym of සබන්. ලෝක වෙළඳ මධ්‍යස්ථානය is a synonym of world trade center. මහා සිකුරාදා is a synonym of good friday. ගැබොන් is a synonym of gabon. ෂරීආ ඉස්ලාමීය නීති රීති is a synonym of sharia. ප්‍රෝටිස්ටා රාජධානිය is a synonym of protist. චන්ද්‍රයා is a synonym of moon. 😍 is a symbol of ඇස. asie du sud is a synonym of දකුණු ආසියාව. november is a synonym of නොවැම්බර්. scissors is a synonym of කතුර. සූකර උණ is a synonym of swine influenza. භගමණිය is a synonym of clitoris. පිරමිඩ is a synonym of pyramid. වියුක්ත වීජ ගණිතය is a synonym of abstract algebra. inde is a synonym of භාරතය. 🍷 is a symbol of වයින්. africa is a synonym of අප්‍රිකාව. සාතන් ආගම් is a synonym of satanism. විමෝචිතයන් වෙළඳාම is a synonym of carbon credit. අකුණු is a synonym of lightning. écosse is a synonym of ස්කොට්ලන්තය. රොක් සංගීතය is a synonym of rock music. දේවාල is a synonym of temple. ටාට්‍රසින් is a synonym of tartrazine. දහය is related to ten. 😴 is a symbol of නින්ද. සම්භාවිතා ව්‍යාප්තිය is a synonym of probability distribution. සිරියස් is a synonym of sirius. බංග්ලාදේශය is a synonym of bangladesh. ජූලි is a synonym of july. ප්ලෛස්ටොසීන අවධිය is a synonym of pleistocene. wasser is a synonym of වතුර. ඇසිටික් අම්ලය is a synonym of acetic acid. 📘 is a symbol of පොත. ගෝලීය ස්ථානගත කිරීමේ පද්ධතිය is a synonym of global positioning system. පොත is etymologically derived from पुस्तक. බුද්ධිය is a synonym of wisdom. තීබි is a synonym of thebe. ප්‍රහේලිකා is a synonym of puzzle. මිණුම is a synonym of measurement. පෝලියෝමයලයිටිස් is a synonym of poliomyelitis. විභේදන is a synonym of fault. තොරතුරු is a synonym of information. ටජ් මහල් is a synonym of taj mahal. ඉන්ටෙල් is a synonym of intel. ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ දික්කසාද නීති is a synonym of divorce. ඉන්දියානු උප මහාද්වීපය is a synonym of indian subcontinent. ⬅ is a symbol of බටහිර. අග්නි is a synonym of agni. පේර is a synonym of psidium. 🐯 is a symbol of කොටියා. ක්ෂුද්‍ර සැකසුම් ඒකකය is a synonym of microprocessor. මහත්මයා is related to master. tunisia is a synonym of ටියුනීසියාව. එල is related to fruit. බී එම් ඩබ්ලිව් is a synonym of bmw. පරිගණක ඉංජිනේරු ශිල්පය is a synonym of computer engineering. රට හාවෝ is a synonym of rabbit. අනුවර්තී දෝලකය is a synonym of harmonic oscillator. photosynthesis is a synonym of ප්‍රභාසංශ්ලේෂණය. ඒව is a synonym of eve. කෝණය is a synonym of angle. කොස් is a synonym of jackfruit. කැල්සියම් හයිඩ්‍රොක්සයිඩ් is a synonym of calcium hydroxide. සියඹලා is etymologically derived from सुवम्ल. ස්ලෝවේනියාව is a synonym of slovenia. ගෝල අකුණ is a synonym of ball lightning. poison is a synonym of වස. dichlorodiphényltrichloroéthane is a synonym of ඩී.ඩී.ටී. ව්ලැඩිමියර් ලෙනින් is a synonym of vladimir lenin. විසල් දත්ත කට්ටල is a synonym of big data. අයිඕඑස් is a synonym of ios. සුදු is related to white. 🕖 is a symbol of හත. oxygen is a synonym of අම්ලකර. ලෙ කොබූසියර් is a synonym of le corbusier. මනෝවේදය is a synonym of psychology. මාලදිවයින is a synonym of maldives. වයලීනය is a synonym of violin. සන්නද්ධ හමුදා is a synonym of armed forces. 🌎 is a symbol of ලෝක ගෝලය. අප්‍රිකාව is a synonym of africa. සියඹලා is related to tamarind. උදළු is a synonym of hoe. යෝග is a synonym of yoga. ayubowan is etymologically related to ආයුබෝවන්. 🕒 is a symbol of තුන. 🦐 is a symbol of කුඩා. ජෛව විවිධත්වය is a synonym of biodiversity. ➕ is a symbol of ගණිතය. ව්ලැඩීමිර් පූටින් is a synonym of vladimir putin. orientation sexuelle is a synonym of සැකිල්ල:sexual orientation. 🍓 is a symbol of පලතුරු. sea is a synonym of මුහුද. හිපපොටේමස් is a synonym of hippopotamus. india is a synonym of ඉන්දියාව. භෞතික රසායන විද්‍යාව is a synonym of physical chemistry. සිමෙන්ති is a synonym of cement. බෝම්බ හෙලන ගුවන් යානාව is a synonym of bomber. korea is a synonym of කොරියාව. පැබ්ලෝ පිකාසෝ is a synonym of pablo picasso. මානවවාදය is a synonym of humanism. පාලම is a synonym of bridge. ආහාර ස‍්වස්ථතාව is a synonym of food safety. ආවරණය is related to lid. 🌒 is a symbol of සඳ. society is a synonym of සමාජය. 🌊 is a symbol of මුහුද. 😻 is a symbol of ආදරය. මිසිසාගා is a synonym of mississauga. vodka is a synonym of වොඩ්කා. විනෝදාස්වාදය is a synonym of entertainment. ප්‍රංශ විප්ලවය is a synonym of french revolution. 🌃 is a symbol of කාලගුණය. ප්ලාස්මා is a synonym of plasma. වැසි වනාන්තර is a synonym of rainforest. සංඥාව is a synonym of signal. කහ ගඟ is a synonym of yellow river. හතු is a synonym of mushroom. සාමය is related to peace. ශරීරාවරණ පද්ධතිය is a synonym of integumentary system. නෙළුම් has context of plantes. ස්වයං වින්දනය is a synonym of masturbation. 😜 is a symbol of දිව. කැත්ත is a synonym of sickle. පිටොට් නළය is a synonym of pitot tube. අය්‍යා is related to older. ඩුබායි is a synonym of dubai. ඊශ්‍රායලය is a synonym of israel. විකිපීඩියා is a synonym of wikipedia. ගෝලීයකරණය is a synonym of globalization. 🏙 is a symbol of නගරය. ස්වභාවික නවීන විද්‍යාව is a synonym of natural science. sword is a synonym of කඩුව. adam's apple is a synonym of උගුරු ඇටය. ඔවුහු is related to they. racism is a synonym of ජාතිවාදය. ♟ is a symbol of චෙස්. kréta is etymologically related to කරත්තය. මැරතන් is a synonym of marathon. ඒබ්‍රහම් ලින්කන් is a synonym of abraham lincoln. technology is a synonym of තාක්‍ෂණය. කීර්ගිස්තානය is a synonym of kyrgyzstan. නීල් ආම්ස්ට්‍රෝන් is a synonym of neil armstrong. peace is a synonym of සාමය. දෙවන එලිසබෙත් රැජිණ is a synonym of elizabeth ii. 🚀 is a symbol of අභ්‍යවකාශය. අර්ලින්මයර් ප්ලාස්කුව is a synonym of erlenmeyer flask. සල්ගස is a synonym of couroupita guianensis. ආර්මේනියාව is a synonym of armenia. ජුලියස් සීසර් is a synonym of julius caesar. සල්ෆියුරික් අම්ලය is a synonym of sulfuric acid. ස්කන්ධය is a synonym of mass. බොස්නියා සහ හර්සගෝවිනා is a synonym of bosnia and herzegovina. 👰‍♂ is a symbol of මිනිසා. ඍග් වේද is a synonym of rigveda. දහස is related to thousand. එක has context of cardinal. telephone is a synonym of දුරකථනය. 🖨 is a symbol of පරිගණකය. 🗝 is a symbol of යතුර. ප්‍රභාසංශ්ලේෂණය is derived from කර. ලිනක්ස් is a synonym of linux. 🥊 is a symbol of ක්‍රීඩා. ශබ්ද කෝෂය is a synonym of dictionary. 🛒 is a symbol of කරත්තය. ෆ්ලොරන්ස් නයිටිංගේල් is a synonym of florence nightingale. 🌞 is a symbol of අභ්‍යවකාශය. ☎ is a symbol of දුරකථනය. මිනිසා is a synonym of human. compass is a synonym of මාලිමාව. ކަޅު is etymologically related to කළු. 🌅 is a symbol of උදෑසන. ⭐ is a symbol of තරුව. පැස්කල් ත්‍රිකෝණය is a synonym of pascal's triangle. චිත්‍රය is a synonym of drawing. bra is a synonym of තනපට. එඩ්ගා ඇලන් පෝ is a synonym of edgar allan poe. යෝනිමාර්ග ප්‍රදාහය is a synonym of vaginitis. indien is a synonym of ඉන්දියාව. නීල්ස් බෝර් is a synonym of niels bohr. 🐻‍ ❄ is a symbol of වලසා. මීයා is related to mouse. khat is a synonym of කාට්. golf von bengalen is a synonym of බෙංගාල බොක්ක. 🌕 is a symbol of අභ්‍යවකාශය. ස්කොෂ් ක්‍රීඩාව is a synonym of squash. අන්තර්ජාතික සංවර්ධන සංගමය is a synonym of international development association. ඇල්zසයිම රෝගය is a synonym of alzheimer's disease. ධිම්මි is a synonym of dhimmi. බහරේන් is a synonym of bahrain. 😍 is a symbol of ආදරය. ෂර්ලොක් හෝම්ස් is a synonym of sherlock holmes. චාල්ස් ඩාවින් is a synonym of charles darwin. ඔටුවා is a synonym of camel. කැපූ ක්‍ෂීරපායී දළ is a synonym of ivory. art is a synonym of කලාව. animal translations is a synonym of සත්‍තු. ලාදුරු is a synonym of leprosy. ගායියා is a synonym of gaia. ghana is a synonym of ඝානාව. බලය is a synonym of force. විටමින් a is a synonym of vitamin. database is a synonym of දත්ත සංචිතය. කුමන්ත්‍රණ න්‍යාය is a synonym of conspiracy theory. ජංගම දුරකථනය is a synonym of mobile phone. ක්‍රෙඩිට් කාඩ්පත is a synonym of credit card. එයා is a synonym of ඔහු. වළි කුකුළා is a synonym of sri lankan junglefowl. 🌟 is a symbol of තරුව. dürre is a synonym of නියඟය. village is a synonym of ගම. 🍾 is a symbol of බෝතලය. gabon is a synonym of ගැබොන්. දෙමුහුම් වාහන is a synonym of hybrid vehicle. මිත්‍රත්වය is a synonym of friendship. ලාඕසය is a synonym of laos. ☁ is a symbol of කාලගුණය. උතුරු කොරියාව is a synonym of north korea. කෙටි කතා is a synonym of short story. ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ සර්පයෝ is a synonym of snake. දෙක has context of cardinal. latin is a synonym of ලතින්. spine is a synonym of කශේරුව. swii lankʼa is etymologically derived from ශ්‍රී ලංකාව. އިރު is etymologically related to ඉර. දකුණ නිරිත is related to sud sud ouest. වානිජ නීතිය is a synonym of commercial law. නිකොලස් කොපර්නිකස් is a synonym of nicolaus copernicus. 🕑 is a symbol of දෙක. 🌁 is a symbol of කාලගුණය. අණුව is a synonym of molecule. මනෝ විද්‍යාඥයා is a synonym of psychologist. communism is a synonym of සමසමාජවාදය. නගෝයා is a synonym of nagoya. පූසා is related to cat. රෙගේ is a synonym of reggae. 😾 is a symbol of මුහුණ. vitamin is a synonym of විටමින්. golgi apparat is a synonym of ගොල්ගි දේහ. පීටර් පෝල් රූබන්ස් is a synonym of peter paul rubens. ඔවුහු has context of formal. ඔයා is a synonym of ඔබ. හරිත තේ is a synonym of green tea. සාස් රෝගය is a synonym of severe acute respiratory syndrome. මුරුගන් දෙවියෝ is a synonym of kartikeya. දේශපාලන විද්‍යාව is a synonym of political science. හත is related to seven. දේවදූතයා is related to angel. කන්ද is related to mountain. හිග්ස් බොසෝනය is a synonym of higgs boson. 🔻 is a symbol of රතු. capitalism is a synonym of ධනවාදය. maitreya is a synonym of මෛත්‍රී බුදුරජාණන් වහන්සේ. july is a synonym of ජූලි. ඡන්දය ප්‍රකාශකිරීම is a synonym of voting. onion is a synonym of ලූණු. death is a synonym of මරණය. france is a synonym of ප්‍රංශය. camel is a synonym of ඔටුවා. month is a synonym of මාසය. ⛷ is a symbol of හිම. shark is a synonym of මෝරා. ජලජීවී වගාව is a synonym of fish farming. they is a synonym of ඔවුහු. නෙල්සන් මැන්ඩෙලා is a synonym of nelson mandela. බෙරිලියම් is a synonym of beryllium. පෙරහම is a synonym of foreskin. ගවයා is a synonym of cattle. ළමයා is related to child. මධ්‍ය ඇමරිකාව is a synonym of mesoamerica. ක්ෂේත්‍ර ගැඹුර is a synonym of depth of field. මනෝ ව්‍යාධි වේදය is a synonym of psychopathology. 🐫 is a symbol of ඔටුවා. වියුණු සටහන is a synonym of blog. පාරනාසික කෝඨරක is a synonym of paranasal sinuses. delhi is a synonym of දිල්ලිය. මොනාලිසා is a synonym of mona lisa. බැංකුව is related to bank. පරාතා is a synonym of paratha. ව්‍යුහාත්මක ඉංජිනේරු විද්‍යාව is a synonym of structural engineering. කුඹල් කර්මාන්තය is a synonym of pottery. සාපේක්ෂ වීජීයය is a synonym of relational algebra. amsterdam is a synonym of ඈම්ස්ටර්ඩෑම්. වැස්ස is a synonym of rain. lime is a synonym of දෙහි. fruit is a synonym of එල. ⛱ is a symbol of වැස්ස. 🔤 is a symbol of ලතින්. පසළොස්වක is a synonym of full moon. සොක්‍රටීස් is a synonym of socrates. ලීච්ටන්ස්ටෙයින් is a synonym of liechtenstein. පුරාතන ලෝකයේ පුදුම හත is a synonym of seven wonders of ancient world. ගංගා ද්‍රෝණි is a synonym of drainage basin. කඩල is a synonym of chickpea. green is a synonym of කොළ. macau is a synonym of මකාවෝ. 🌬 is a symbol of කාලගුණය. නදිය is related to river. 🕕 is a symbol of හය. වසංගතවේදය is a synonym of epidemiology. asthma is a synonym of ඇදුම. පරමාණුක ක්‍රමාංකය is a synonym of atomic number. ට්‍රයැක් is a synonym of triac. temperature is a synonym of උෂ්ණත්වය. umbrella is a synonym of කුඩය. පෙබරවාරි is a synonym of february. කර්නලය is a synonym of kernel. ප්‍රෂියාව is a synonym of prussia. යුරෝපය is a synonym of europe. software is a synonym of පරිගණක මෘදුකාංග. කටාර් is a synonym of qatar. ඔස්ට්‍රියාව is a synonym of austria. ඇඟිල්‍ල is related to finger. je t’ aime is a synonym of මම ඔයත අදරෙි. ක්‍ෂීරපථය is a synonym of milky way. el salvador is a synonym of එල් සැල්වදෝරය. ඇන්ඩෝරා is a synonym of andorra. ash is a synonym of අළු. ඉන්සිනරේට්කිරීම is a synonym of incineration. නියපොතු is a synonym of nail. අශිෂ්ටත්වය is a synonym of obscenity. තාරකාවේදියා is a synonym of astronomer. 💛 is a symbol of කහ. අයෝ is a synonym of io. පොහොර is a synonym of fertilizer. රන් is related to gold. තාරකාශාස්ත්‍ර is a synonym of astrology. සමරිසි is a synonym of gay. ශල්‍යවේදය is a synonym of surgery. ටයර් is a synonym of tire. physics is a synonym of භෞතික විද්‍යාව. පොප් චිත්‍ර කලාව is a synonym of pop art. සෙනසුරු is a synonym of saturn. හැන්ද is related to spoon. ජුලියානු දිනදසුන is a synonym of julian calendar. තෙරේසා මවුතුමිය is a synonym of mother teresa. ⛄ is a symbol of හිම. 🌻 is a symbol of ඉර. නිළි is related to actress. ⛱ is a symbol of කුඩය. බ්‍රේක් ඩාන්ස් is a synonym of b boying. නීරස දියවැඩියාව is a synonym of diabetes insipidus. ක්‍රිස්තියානි ආගම is a synonym of christianity. වයිකිං යුගය is a synonym of viking age. සීනුව is related to bell. canberra is a synonym of කැන්බරා. වල් ඌරා is a synonym of wild boar. බැලේ නැටුම් is a synonym of ballet. italy is a synonym of ඉතාලිය. ඉතිහාසය is a synonym of history. අනිච්ඡ is a synonym of impermanence. ස්ථුලතාව is a synonym of obesity. ත්‍රස්තවාදය is a synonym of terrorism. 📘 is a symbol of නිල්. ප‍්‍රාථමික අධ්‍යාපනය is a synonym of primary education. රෙකෝන්ඩය is a synonym of recorder. චාලි චැප්ලින් is a synonym of charlie chaplin. ඔල්මෙක් is a synonym of olmec. east timor is a synonym of නැගෙනහිර ටිමෝරය. thailand is a synonym of තායිලන්තය. ආයුර්වේදය is a synonym of ayurveda. berlin wall is a synonym of බර්ලින් තාප්පය. ලෝක ගෝලය is a synonym of globe. 2011 ක්‍රිකට් ලෝක කුසලානය is a synonym of 2011 cricket world cup. drei is a synonym of තුන. උස පැනීම is a synonym of high jump. හෙන්රි වර්ඩ්ස්වර්ත් ලොන්ග්ෆෙලෝ is a synonym of henry wadsworth longfellow. පිසාචයින් is a synonym of vampire. විද්‍යුත් චුම්භක වර්ණාවලිය is a synonym of electromagnetic radiation. 👓 is a symbol of ඇස. ගිනිකූර is a synonym of match. mai is a synonym of මැයි. ශිශිර සූර්ය නිවෘත්තිය is a synonym of winter solstice. පරමවිඥානාර්ථවාදය is a synonym of theosophy. සලාත් is a synonym of salat. බුද්ධාගම is a synonym of buddhism. අළු බදාදා is a synonym of ash wednesday. ගැනිමේඩ් is a synonym of ganymede. ටෙලිටබීස් is a synonym of teletubbies. mother tongue is a synonym of මවු බස. 🧑‍🎤 is a symbol of තරුව. පර්යේෂණ is a synonym of research. විචල්‍යතාව is a synonym of variance. බියර් is a synonym of beer. ආවර්තිතා වගුව is a synonym of periodic table. වැනේඩිනයිට් is a synonym of vanadinite. රතු is related to red. 💚 is a symbol of හදවත. coconut is a synonym of පොල්. volleyball is a synonym of වොලිබෝල්. judaism is a synonym of ජුදා ආගම. 🕔 is a symbol of පහ. ලෝක ජනගහනය is a synonym of world population. නෙළුම් is related to lotus sacré. bear is a synonym of වලසා. මව්ලිඩ් is a synonym of mawlid. නිරිත is related to sud ouest. බුධ is a synonym of mercury. අයර්ලන්ත ජනරජය is a synonym of republic of ireland. architecture is a synonym of ගෘහ නිර්මාණ ශිල්පය. සමායෝත සාර්වත්‍ර වේලාව is a synonym of coordinated universal time. රුක් හා ලඳු වගාව is a synonym of arboriculture. කෘමියෝ is a synonym of insect. ඔලිම්පික් ක්‍රීඩා is a synonym of olympic games. ෆිෆා is a synonym of fifa. ඔපෙරා is a synonym of opera. අරාබි අර්ධද්වීපය is a synonym of arabian peninsula. කර්ණශංඛය is a synonym of cochlea. විශ්ව විසිරි වියමන is a synonym of world wide web. නව ප්‍රංශය is a synonym of new france. පදාර්ථය is a synonym of matter. කොටියා is a synonym of leopard. lid is a synonym of ආවරණය. කාබෝහයිඩ්‍රේට is a synonym of carbohydrate. අර්‍තාපල් is related to potato. number is a synonym of අංක. මහා වසංගත is a synonym of pandemic. 🍧 is a symbol of අයිස්. 🥛 is a symbol of කිරි. මූලික ආරෝපණය is a synonym of elementary charge. 📳 is a symbol of දුරකථනය. 👑 is a symbol of රජ. අකුර is etymologically related to अक्षर. සැප්තැම්බර් is a synonym of september. මරණය is related to death. සල්ෆර් is a synonym of ගෙන්දගම්. නියෝන් is a synonym of neon. අත්ලාන්තික් සාගරය is a synonym of atlantic ocean. oman is a synonym of ඕමානය. banana is a synonym of කෙසෙල්. 🌖 is a symbol of සඳ. සමාජය is a synonym of society. ක්වේටා‍ is a synonym of quetta. යකඩ යුගය is a synonym of iron age. ඉංග්‍රීසි is etymologically derived from inglês. එල is related to පලතුරු. සීසියම් ෆ්ලෝරයිඩ් is a synonym of caesium fluoride. ආකිමිඩීස් නියමය is a synonym of archimedes principle. කැස්බෑවෝ is a synonym of hawksbill sea turtle. සැතපුම is a synonym of mile. අපරාධ නීතිය is a synonym of criminal law. සල්ෆර් is related to sulfur. බාලවයස්කරුවන් is a synonym of minor. වැවිලි කර්මාන්තය is a synonym of plantation. නීතිගත සංස්ථා is a synonym of corporation. චීන මහා ප්‍රාකාරය is a synonym of great wall of china. අයිෆල් කුළුණ is a synonym of eiffel tower. romania is a synonym of රුමේනියාව. පදම්කළ සම් is a synonym of leather. august is a synonym of අගෝස්තු. ග්‍රීසිය is a synonym of greece. 💜 is a symbol of හදවත. older brother is a synonym of අය්‍යා. පාලි is a synonym of pali. ප්‍රතිචක්‍රණය is a synonym of recycling. රොනල්ඩ් රේගන් is a synonym of ronald reagan. 💗 is a symbol of හදවත. austria is a synonym of ඔස්ට්‍රියාව. 🌌 is a symbol of කාලගුණය. විශ්‍‍වකෝෂ‍ය‍ is a synonym of encyclopedia. ඉබූලා වෛරස් රෝගය is a synonym of ebola virus disease. 😷 is a symbol of වෛද්‍යවරයා. ප්‍රස්තාව පිරුළු is a synonym of proverb. 💀 is a symbol of මරණය. ක්‍රමලේඛන භාෂාව is a synonym of programming language. ගස් is related to tree. වතිකානු නගරය is a synonym of vatican city. angel is a synonym of දේවදූතයා. ආතර් කොනන් ඩොයිල් is a synonym of arthur conan doyle. ව්‍යාජ is related to fake. දැල්පන්දු is a synonym of netball. ගෙන්දගම් is a synonym of සල්ෆර්. අළු ගිරවා is a synonym of layard's parakeet. ඔටෝ වොන් බිස්මාර්ක් is a synonym of otto von bismarck. marine biology is a synonym of සමුද්‍ර ජීවවේදය. සතිය is related to week. රුධිර පරීක්‍ෂණ is a synonym of blood test. බෝධිසත්ත්‍ව is a synonym of bodhisattva. කටකතා is a synonym of rumor. මැක්බත් චරිතය is a synonym of macbeth. ප්‍රබන්ධ is a synonym of fiction. pakistan is a synonym of පාකිස්ථානය. 🎸 is a symbol of ගිටාරය. වෘෂණ කෝෂය is a synonym of testicle. අපෘෂ්ඨවංශීන් is a synonym of invertebrate. libya is a synonym of ලිබියාව. étoile is a synonym of තරුව. තරුණ is related to young. ඔසප් චක්‍ර is a synonym of menstrual cycle. 🕴 is a symbol of මිනිසා. මිනිස් ඇස is a synonym of human eye. සාගරය is related to ocean. අක්ෂර ක්‍රම is a synonym of writing system. gas is a synonym of වායු. කාන්තාරීකරණය is a synonym of desertification. ශාක is etymologically derived from शाक. සයිකොෂිකාව is a synonym of psychosis. මාෂල් සැලැස්ම is a synonym of marshall plan. පැරාලිම්පික් ක්‍රීඩා is a synonym of paralympic games. සිල්ලර වෙළෙඳාම is a synonym of retail. earthquake is a synonym of භූචලන. විදුලි සංදේශනය is a synonym of telecommunication. ප්‍රිස්ම ක්‍රියාකරන අයුරු is a synonym of prism. black is a synonym of කළු. යාහූ is a synonym of yahoo. 🛂 is a symbol of ගමන් බලපත්‍රය. අභ්‍යවකාශ තරගය is a synonym of space race. ඕස්ට්‍රේලියාව is a synonym of australia. මුතු is a synonym of pearl. විටමින් d is a synonym of vitamin d. අන්තරාසර්ග පද්ධතිය is a synonym of endocrine system. අශෝක අධිරාජයා is a synonym of ashoka. ලූණු is related to onion. නෙදර්ලන්ත රාජධානිය is a synonym of kingdom of netherlands. විනාකිරි is a synonym of vinegar. කාට් is a synonym of khat. ඝාතන is a synonym of assassination. 🌝 is a symbol of සඳ. විටමින් is a synonym of vitamin. කියුබාව is a synonym of cuba. hare is a synonym of හාවෝ. අ is related to cingalais. geometry is a synonym of ජ්‍යාමිතිය. ප්‍රෝටෝනය is a synonym of proton. රුසියාව is a synonym of russia. son translations is a synonym of පුතා. hong kong is a synonym of හොංකොං. හතර has context of cardinal. 🍋 is a symbol of පලතුරු. නියඟය is a synonym of drought. නවක වදය is a synonym of hazing. රිචඩ් ස්මාලී is a synonym of richard smalley. සුන්නි ඉස්ලාම් is a synonym of sunni islam. ද්විමය සංඛ්‍යා පද්ධතිය is a synonym of binary number. තාරකා විද්‍යාව is a synonym of astronomy. සීඑන්එන් is a synonym of cnn. 🎑 is a symbol of සඳ. 👪 is a symbol of ළමයා. පළිඟු is a synonym of quartz. හිමිකාර මෘදුකාංග is a synonym of proprietary software. ජීවිතය is related to life. ophthalmology is a synonym of අක්‍ෂි වෛද්‍යවේදය. ගුවනේ ශ්‍රේෂ්ඨත්වය is a synonym of air supremacy. මාලි is a synonym of mali. අවකල සමීකරණය is a synonym of differential equation. ආණ්ඩුක‍්‍රම ව්‍යවස්ථා නීතිය is a synonym of constitutional law. අදේවවාදය is a synonym of atheism. තෝරමල්ලි is a synonym of tourmaline. mother is a synonym of අම්මා. ✡ is a symbol of තරුව. ත්වරණය is a synonym of acceleration. ආගන් is a synonym of argon. north america is a synonym of උතුරු ඇමෙරිකාව. කැමරා is a synonym of still camera. 🕠 is a symbol of පහ. බර්ටෝල් බ්‍රෙෂ්ට් is a synonym of bertolt brecht. mental disorder is a synonym of මානසික ‍ අක්‍රමතා. new is a synonym of අලුත්. නිල් is related to blue. දෙවියෝ is a synonym of deity. චෙකොස්ලෝවැකියාව is a synonym of czechoslovakia. krieg is a synonym of යුද්ධය. බලය is etymologically derived from बल. සීනුව is etymologically related to signum. නැනෝතාක්‍ෂණය is a synonym of nanotechnology. සාගරය is etymologically derived from सागर. 🐈‍ ⬛ is a symbol of කළු. ෆර්ඩිනන්ඩ් මැගලන් is a synonym of ferdinand magellan. කැන්ටෙලේ is a synonym of kantele. 🏃‍♀ is a symbol of මැරතන්. sun is a synonym of ඉර. ހަނދު is etymologically related to හඳ. මිලියනය has context of cardinal. atom is a synonym of පරමාණු. අක්‍ෂි වෛද්‍යවේදය is a synonym of ophthalmology. four is a synonym of හතර. බ්‍රිතාන්‍ය අධිරාජ්‍යය is a synonym of british empire. යටිතල ව්‍යුහය is a synonym of infrastructure. බෝට්‍ටුව is related to boat. උපත් පාලන කොපු is a synonym of condom. කාව්‍යය is a synonym of poetry. ㊙ is a symbol of චීන. සූදානම් ක්‍රමවේදය is a synonym of bus. 🌜 is a symbol of අභ්‍යවකාශය. සඳ is etymologically derived from चन्द्र. ඇතැම් is related to few. ගුහා සිතුවම් has context of arts. ශබ්දය is a synonym of sound. නොබෙල් සාම ත්‍යාගය is a synonym of nobel peace prize. ඔහු is related to he. පොත is a synonym of book. පේෂීපෝෂණ පාර්ශ්වීය ජාරඨ්‍යය is a synonym of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. කාබනික ගොවිතැන්කරණය is a synonym of organic farming. ඕපාදූප is a synonym of gossip. ජලය is etymologically derived from जल. ක්‍රීඩා is a synonym of sport. ඔස්කාර් වයිල්ඩ් is a synonym of oscar wilde. සමනල කන්ද is a synonym of adam's peak. අට is etymologically derived from अष्ट. ඇඹිල්ල ගණය is a synonym of morus. නැගෙනහිර ඕර්තඩොක්ස් සභාව is a synonym of eastern orthodox church. ක්ලින්ට් ඊස්ට්වුඩ් is a synonym of clint eastwood. switzerland is a synonym of ස්විට්සර්ලන්තය. older sister is a synonym of අක්‍කා. ව්‍යාකරණ is a synonym of grammar. ඇසෙම්බ්ලි භාෂාව is a synonym of assembly language. නැගෙනහිර is related to point cardinal. පෘතුගාලය is a synonym of portugal. karma is a synonym of කර්ම. 🔔 is a symbol of සීනුව. අරලිය වර්ග is a synonym of plumeria. කිරිංචි is a synonym of spinel. දකුණු ඇමෙරිකාව is a synonym of south america. ✨ is a symbol of තරුව. ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ රබර් වගාව is a synonym of natural rubber. ඔවුහු is a synonym of එයාලා. බන්කර් හිල් සටන is a synonym of battle of bunker hill. sugar is a synonym of සීනි. ඉරානය is a synonym of iran. සකේ is a synonym of sake. ජෝන් ඔෆ් ආර්ක් is a synonym of joan of arc. පාරිභෝගිකවාදය is a synonym of consumerism. බංකර is a synonym of bunker. මේසය is etymologically related to mesa. පෛතගරස් is a synonym of pythagoras. ගෙන්දගම් is a synonym of sulfur. 😺 is a symbol of පූසා. 🎾 is a symbol of ටෙනිස්. love is a synonym of ආදරය. පයි is a synonym of pi. ට්‍රයිලොබයිටා is a synonym of trilobite. ජාතිවාදය is a synonym of racism. second is a synonym of තත්පරය. 🌈 is a symbol of වැස්ස. ⚱ is a symbol of මරණය. රසදිය is a synonym of mercury. 🥧 is a symbol of පයි. නාසා is a synonym of nasa. 🧘 is a symbol of යෝග. මස් is etymologically related to मांस. drawing is a synonym of චිත්‍රය. ඉන්ග්මා බ'ග්මාන් is a synonym of ingmar bergman. eve is a synonym of ඒව. එක්ස් කිරණ is a synonym of x ray. මිනිස් කපාලය is a synonym of skull. ෆෝබෝස් is a synonym of phobos. ඔහු is a synonym of එයා. සගන්ධ තෙල් is a synonym of essential oil. වයින් is related to wine. බිත්තරය is a synonym of egg. බෝවන රෝග is a synonym of infectious disease. අළු බඳුන කුසලාන තරගය is a synonym of ashes. අභිලේඛන is a synonym of epigraphy. ✴ is a symbol of තරුව. රටදෙල් is a synonym of breadfruit. key is a synonym of යතුර. broom is a synonym of කොස්ස. භූ දේශපාලනය is a synonym of geopolitics. සුපර්මෑන් is a synonym of superman. 📔 is a symbol of පොත. බ්‍රේකිං බෑඩ් is a synonym of breaking bad. 🐀 is a symbol of ලොකු මීයා. chat is a synonym of පූසා. 🍍 is a symbol of අන්නාසි. වෘක්කාණු is a synonym of nephron. ඛේට ග්‍රන්ථි is a synonym of salivary gland. මායා දේවිය is a synonym of maya. knee is a synonym of දණ. අයිවරි කෝස්ට් is a synonym of ivory coast. හතර is related to four. ගූගල් is a synonym of google. මිශ්‍ර ලෝහ is a synonym of alloy. අපරිවර්තී ගෝලය is a synonym of stratosphere. සමහර is related to some. ☔ is a symbol of කුඩය. වයි ෆයි is a synonym of wi fi. 🍎 is a symbol of රතු. rain is a synonym of වැස්ස. mouse is a synonym of මීයා. දේශපාලන පක්ෂ ක්‍රම is a synonym of political party. බලයා is a synonym of skipjack tuna. ලියෝ ටෝල්ස්ටෝයි is a synonym of leo tolstoy. ‍ දේශගුණික විපර්යාස is a synonym of climate change. niger is a synonym of නයිජර්. ව්‍යාග්‍රයා is a synonym of tiger. දකුණු ආසියාව is a synonym of south asia. 😁 is a symbol of ඇස. පොසිල is a synonym of fossil. තුන has context of cardinal. තොරතුරු තාක්‍ෂණය is a synonym of information technology. කංසා ගණය is a synonym of cannabis. lotus sacré is a synonym of නෙළුම්. porte is a synonym of දොර. කුඩා is related to small. සීනි is related to sugar. කතෝලික සභාව is a synonym of catholic church. සමලිංගිකතාව is a synonym of homosexuality. ද්විපද ප්‍රමේයය is a synonym of binomial theorem. small is a synonym of කුඩා. සැපදිල්ලා is a synonym of manilkara zapota. අප්‍රිකා පළාත is a synonym of africa. වැස්ස is related to rain. රාජ්‍ය නායක is a synonym of head of state. සායනික විශාදය is a synonym of major depressive disorder. ටියුනීසියාව is a synonym of tunisia. කාලතුවක්කු is a synonym of artillery. තරුණ is etymologically derived from तरुण. ජාවා is a synonym of java. colombo is a synonym of කොළඹ. සම්භාව්‍යය යාන්ත්‍ර විද්‍යාව is a synonym of classical mechanics. ලක්‍ෂ්මී is a synonym of lakshmi. තැපැල් මුද්දර is a synonym of postage stamp. logarithm is a synonym of ලඝු ගණක. 🥔 is a symbol of අල. ආවරණය is related to cover. නවය is a synonym of නමය. 🚰 is a symbol of ජලය. million is a synonym of මිලියනය. ජපානය is a synonym of japan. තාර්කික ද්වාර is a synonym of logic gate. ප්‍රවේණික කේතය is a synonym of genetic code. ඩෙන්මාර්කය is a synonym of denmark. වියට්නාමය is a synonym of vietnam. ඩොමීනියන් රාජ්‍යය is a synonym of dominion. සිකුරු ග්‍රහයා is a synonym of venus. නිල් තල්මහ is a synonym of blue whale. තරිප්පු is a synonym of beryl. pali is a synonym of පාලි. ☂ is a symbol of වැස්ස. හෙවනැල්ල is a synonym of shadow. විදේශීය මූල්‍ය හුවමාරු වෙළඳපොළ is a synonym of foreign exchange market. 🐱 is a symbol of බළලා. මයිකල් ජැක්සන් is a synonym of michael jackson. 🤽 is a symbol of ක්‍රීඩා. ක්‍ෂාර ලෝහ is a synonym of alkali metal. මයිකල් ෆැරඩේ is a synonym of michael faraday. උකුස්සා is a synonym of hawk. eiffel tower is a synonym of අයිෆල් කුළුණ. tax is a synonym of බදු. උදෑසන is a synonym of morning. මහා පිපිරුම is a synonym of big bang. ජීමේල් is a synonym of gmail. 🌨 is a symbol of කාලගුණය. city is a synonym of නගරය. සංගීතමය උපකරණ සංඛ්‍යාංක අතුරු මුහුණත is a synonym of midi. ප්‍රෝටීන් is a synonym of protein. චන්ද්‍රකාන්ති පාෂාණ is a synonym of moonstone. චන්ද්‍ර ග්‍රහණය is a synonym of lunar eclipse. chemistry is a synonym of රසායන විද්‍යාව. කරවැල් ගණය is a synonym of bungarus. එන්යා is a synonym of enya. මැතිවරණමය පර්ෂදය is a synonym of electoral college. ගෝල්ඩන් ගේට් පාලම is a synonym of golden gate bridge. පාෂාණීය ධාතු විද්‍යාව is a synonym of paleontology. කාච is a synonym of lens. බැඩ්මින්ටන් is a synonym of badminton. ඉස්ලාම් is a synonym of islam. ජනගහණ ඝනත්වය is a synonym of population density. ජෙට් එන්ජින් is a synonym of jet engine. 🔽 is a symbol of රතු. 😸 is a symbol of මුහුණ. 😽 is a symbol of ඇස. සැලසුම්ගත ආර්ථික ක්‍රමය is a synonym of planned economy. ⛵ is a symbol of මුහුද. moon is a synonym of හඳ. එයා is related to එයාලා. ඩකා is a synonym of dhaka. ශ්‍රි ලංකා‍ අලියා is a synonym of sri lankan elephant. six is a synonym of හය. හොංකොං is a synonym of hong kong. පිටි මකුණා is a synonym of mealybug. එන්සයිම is a synonym of enzyme. රසායනික සූත්‍ර is a synonym of chemical formula. sex is a synonym of ලිංගික සංසර්ගය. බේස්බෝල් is a synonym of baseball. මෙල්බර්න් is a synonym of melbourne. වායු is a synonym of gas. butter is a synonym of බටර්. නායකත්වය is a synonym of leadership. pen is a synonym of පෑන. මීර් අභ්‍යවකාශ මධ්‍යස්ථානය is a synonym of mir. ඉස්ලාමීය අධ්‍යාපනය is a synonym of islamic studies. 🍄 is a symbol of හතු. ලක්ෂය is related to lac. නයිට්‍රික් අම්ලය has context of chimie. 📕 is a symbol of පොත. උත්තර ධ්‍රැවය is a synonym of north pole. ස්වාධීන සැමෝවා රාජ්‍යය is a synonym of samoa. 😝 is a symbol of දිව. කබුකි is a synonym of kabuki. රසායනික බන්ධන is a synonym of chemical bond. ♦ is a symbol of දියමන්ති. හවුස් සංගීතය is a synonym of house music. පළවෙනි is related to first. ඇන්ටාක්ටිකාව is a synonym of antarctica. පැරණි ගිවිසුම is a synonym of old testament. tiger is a synonym of කොටියා. රූපවාහිනිය is a synonym of television. ටෙකීලා is a synonym of tequila. ප්‍රහාරක ගුවන්යානා is a synonym of fighter aircraft. බදාම is a synonym of mortar. ඩිජිටල් රූපවාහිනී is a synonym of digital television. නිර්වාණ is a synonym of nirvana. ළමා අපයෝජනය is a synonym of child abuse. ප්‍රතිබැක්ටීරිය is a synonym of antibiotics. මේස ‍ පන්දු is a synonym of table tennis. ජැමෙයිකාව is a synonym of jamaica. සුනාමි is a synonym of tsunami. වෛද්‍යවරයා is a synonym of physician. මෛත්‍රී බුදුරජාණන් වහන්සේ is a synonym of maitreya. මසූර් is a synonym of lentil. literature is a synonym of සාහිත්‍යය. බලය is related to force. 📀 is a symbol of පරිගණකය. 😽 is a symbol of බළලා. lawyer is a synonym of නීතිඥයා. අභ්‍යාවකාශ ජීව විද්‍යාව is a synonym of astrobiology. මුර බෝට්ටු is a synonym of patrol boat. බෲනායි is a synonym of brunei. ලෙප්ටොස්පයිරෝසිස් is a synonym of leptospirosis. සිතුවම් ඉතිහාසය is a synonym of watercolor painting. fashion is a synonym of විලාසිතා. ☃ is a symbol of හිම. මූලික වීජ ගණිතය is a synonym of elementary algebra. ⛈ is a symbol of වැස්ස. අකාබනික රසායනය is a synonym of inorganic chemistry. කෝඨරක ප්‍රදාහය is a synonym of sinusitis. භාෂාව is a synonym of language. 🍞 is a symbol of පාන්. නෙමටෝඩ් is a synonym of nematode. ආසියාව is a synonym of asia. පළමුවන ලෝක යුද්ධය is a synonym of world war i. 🖼 is a symbol of කලාව. රබින්ද්‍රනාත් තාගෝර් is a synonym of rabindranath tagore. october is a synonym of ඔක්තෝබර්. බාලදක්ෂ ව්‍යාපාරය is a synonym of scouting. ඉන්දු නිම්න ශිෂ්ටාචාරය is a synonym of indus valley civilization. ඔරලෝසු පැය is a synonym of hour. මනෝ වෛද්‍යවේදය is a synonym of psychiatry. පූසා has context of zoologie. 🧒 is a symbol of තරුණ. ශුද්ධ නිරේඛණයේදී මූලික ක්‍රමවේදය is a synonym of etching. අල් කයිඩා is a synonym of al qaeda. hour is a synonym of පැය. prussia is a synonym of ප්‍රෂියාව. රජ is related to king. 👨‍ is a symbol of රෝද පුටුව. ප්‍රභාසංශ්ලේෂණය is derived from ප්‍රභා. මුංඇට is a synonym of mung bean. සුළි සුළඟ is a synonym of cyclone. මූර්ති ශිල්පය is a synonym of sculpture. අය්‍යා is related to brother. වින්ස්ටන් චර්චිල් is a synonym of winston churchill. astronomy is a synonym of තාරකා විද්‍යාව. word is a synonym of වචනය. හාන්ස් ක්‍රිස්ටියන් ඇන්ඩර්සන් is a synonym of hans christian andersen. බ්‍රිතාන්‍ය රාජකීය නාවික හමුදාව is a synonym of royal navy. mitochondrium is a synonym of මයිටොකොන්ඩ්‍රියා. ප්‍ර‍ජනක පද්ධතිය පුරුෂ ප්‍රජනක පද්ධතිය is a synonym of male reproductive system. ☕ is a symbol of කෝපි. දොළ is a synonym of stream. bank is a synonym of බැංකුව. 🅾 is a symbol of රුධිරය. ප්‍රවර්ගය:විවාහ මංගල්‍ය is a synonym of wedding. ඇලිෆැටික සංයෝග is a synonym of aliphatic compound. සමාජ is related to social. 🖤 is a symbol of කළු. බර්ලින් තාප්පය is a synonym of berlin wall. හරිතලව is a synonym of chloroplast. චේම්බර් සංගීතය is a synonym of chamber music. stream is a synonym of දොළ. 💟 is a symbol of හදවත. ස්වභාවාදය is a synonym of naturism. නැගෙනහිර is related to est. 🕗 is a symbol of අට. වික්ටෝරියා අධිරාජිනිය is a synonym of queen victoria. ගෝත්‍ර is a synonym of tribe. vesak is a synonym of වෙසක්. 🍥 is a symbol of මාළු. mary magdalene is a synonym of මරියා මග්දලේනා. europa is a synonym of යුරෝපය. solar system is a synonym of සෞරග්‍රහ මණ්ඩලය. චුම්භක අනුනාද ප්‍රතිරූපණය is a synonym of magnetic resonance imaging. dog translations is a synonym of බල්ලා. වික්ටර් හියුගෝ is a synonym of victor hugo. 😄 is a symbol of ඇස. සාමාන්‍ය අවකල සමීකරණ is a synonym of ordinary differential equation. formule chimique is a synonym of රසායනික සූත්‍ර. ක්‍රිස්තියානි පල්ලි is a synonym of church. සිංහල is related to cingalais. saliva is a synonym of කෙළ. young is a synonym of තරුණ. බොන්සයි is a synonym of bonsai. චීන දින දර්ශනය is a synonym of chinese calendar. 🦄 is a symbol of මුහුණ. ජනේලය is etymologically related to ianua. ජලභීතිකාව is a synonym of rabies. කහ is a synonym of turmeric. නවසීලන්තය is a synonym of new zealand. ජන සංගණන is a synonym of census. couche d’ ozone is a synonym of ඕ‍සෝන් වියන. sri lanka is a synonym of ශ්‍රී ලංකාව. ඔක්තොම්බර් විප්ලවය is a synonym of october revolution. බහු පදය is a synonym of polynomial. වතුර is related to water. කරත්තය is etymologically related to kréta. ද ලයන් කිං is a synonym of lion king. ටයිටේනියම් ඩයොක්සයිඩ් is a synonym of titanium dioxide. චිත්‍ර කලාව is a synonym of painting. dhaka is a synonym of ඪාකා. මාරි කියුරි is a synonym of marie curie. 🔦 is a symbol of ආලෝකය. බර is a synonym of weight. නාට්‍ය කලාව is a synonym of theatre. ❄ is a symbol of හිම. දෙක is etymologically derived from द्व. dust is a synonym of දූවිල්ල. teacher is a synonym of ගුරුවරයා. අපරිමිත ශ්‍රේණි is a synonym of series. ඉන්දියාව is a synonym of භාරත්. රස්තෆාරි ව්‍යාපාරය is a synonym of rastafari. සංඥා භාෂාව is a synonym of sign language. ඉංජිනේරු විද්‍යාව is a synonym of engineering. හතර is etymologically related to चत्तारो्. මයිටොකොන්ඩ්‍රියා is a synonym of mitochondrion. අයිපෑඩ් 4වන පරම්පරාව is a synonym of ipad. ⛄ is a symbol of කාලගුණය. 🤪 is a symbol of ඇස. 🍏 is a symbol of ඇපල්. කවපෙත්ත විසිකිරීම is a synonym of discus throw. මූණ is related to face. casino is a synonym of කැසිනෝ. දකුණු කොරියාව is a synonym of south korea. ආලෝකය is a synonym of light. උළුහාල් is a synonym of fenugreek. ටෝනාඩෝ is a synonym of tornado. හරිතාගාර වායු is a synonym of greenhouse gas. ලුවී බ්‍රේල් is a synonym of louis braille. අඡටාකාශගාමියා is a synonym of astronaut. අශ්ව ලාඩම is a synonym of horseshoe. කොහොමද is related to how are you. 💸 is a symbol of බැංකුව. නිකොලා ටෙස්ලා is a synonym of nikola tesla. ඔක්තෝබර් is a synonym of october. family is a synonym of පවුල. තාප ගති විද්‍යාවේ පළමු නියමය is a synonym of first law of thermodynamics. 🥗 is a symbol of කොළ. කශේරුව is a synonym of vertebral column. 💻 is a symbol of ලැප්ටොප් පරිගණකය. හෙව්ලට් පැකාඩ් is a synonym of hewlett packard. he is a synonym of එයා. south asia is a synonym of දකුණු ආසියාව. 🎿 is a symbol of හිම. පැපොල is a synonym of chickenpox. පොටෑසියම් is a synonym of potassium. 🌗 is a symbol of කාලගුණය. eye is a synonym of ඇස. mathematics is a synonym of ගණිතය. iron translations is a synonym of යකඩ. දෙමළ ජනතාව is a synonym of tamils. djibouti is a synonym of ජිබුටි. අයන හුවමාරුව is a synonym of ion exchange. 💰 is a symbol of මුදල්. සංගීත ප‍්‍රසංග is a synonym of concert. අ is related to voyelle. two is a synonym of දෙක. වෙරළ බඩ කලාප is a synonym of littoral zone. පුවටෝ රිකෝ is a synonym of puerto rico. අන්තෝනි වටේයු is a synonym of jean antoine watteau. සමාගම is a synonym of company. මහා බ්‍රිතාන්‍ය දූපත is a synonym of great britain. හෘදයාබාධය is a synonym of myocardial infarction. කිරිහැන්ද is a synonym of celosia argentea. 🌍 is a symbol of අප්‍රිකාව. 🤼 is a symbol of ක්‍රීඩා. 🏥 is a symbol of වෛද්‍යවරයා. masturbation is a synonym of ස්වයං වින්දනය. නූතන විශ්ලේෂණාත්මක රසායන විද්‍යාව is a synonym of analytical chemistry. ඝන is a synonym of solid. ග්ලයිෆොසෙට් is related to glyphosate. බිල් ක්ලින්ටන් is a synonym of bill clinton. කිණිතුල්ලෝ හා කීඩෑවෝ is a synonym of acari. හරිතාගාර is a synonym of greenhouse. ආයතනික සමාජ වගකීම is a synonym of corporate social responsibility. ඇන්ඩ්‍රොයිඩ් is a synonym of android. 😾 is a symbol of පූසා. beryllium is a synonym of බෙරිලියම්. ඔස්ට්‍රියා හංගේරියා රාජධානිය is a synonym of austria hungary. ජනවාර්ගික භාෂණය is a synonym of ethnolinguistics. පර්යේෂණ නිර්මාණය වීම is a synonym of experiment. එක්සත් රාජධානියෙහි හත්වන එඩ්වඩ් රජ is a synonym of edward vii. දුරස්ථ ප්‍රතිග්‍රහණය is a synonym of remote sensing. ස්වාභාවික සංවහන තාප සංක්‍රාමණය is a synonym of convection. චිත්‍රක නිර්මාණකරු is a synonym of graphic designer. ජුදා ආගම is a synonym of judaism. කැටයම් ගලින් නෙලන ලද is a synonym of petroglyph. he is a synonym of ඔහු. vampire is a synonym of පිසාචයින්. a4 මහා මාර්ගය is a synonym of baptism for dead. ආලෝකය is related to light. මොසිල්ලා ෆයර්ෆොක්ස් is a synonym of firefox. ice is a synonym of අයිස්. විෂ්ණු දෙවි is a synonym of vishnu. aserbaidschan is a synonym of අසර්බයිජාන්. 🏃‍♂ is a symbol of මැරතන්. 🌚 is a symbol of මුහුණ. තුර්කිය is a synonym of turkey. sri lanka is a synonym of ශ්‍රී ලංකා. ඇමඩෝ ඇවගාඩ්‍රෝ is a synonym of amedeo avogadro. මුහුණ is related to මූණ. සයිප්‍රස් is a synonym of cyprus. තුන් පිම්ම is a synonym of triple jump. seven is a synonym of හත. සහසංයුජ බන්ධනය is a synonym of covalent bond. cigarette is a synonym of සිගරෙට්ටුව. 🥖 is a symbol of පාන්. පැරසිටමෝල් is a synonym of paracetamol. සව්ම් is a synonym of sawm. කරපිංචා is a synonym of curry tree. ඇස්ටරික්ස් is a synonym of asterix. ග්‍රහලෝක is a synonym of planet. වැසි වනාන්තර උණුසුම් වැසි වනාන්තර is a synonym of temperate rainforest. උසාවිය is a synonym of court. tokyo is a synonym of ටෝකියෝ. මේසය is etymologically related to mesa. ප්‍රජාතන්ත්‍රවාදය is a synonym of democracy. 🕦 is a symbol of 11. භාරත් is a synonym of ඉන්දියාව. ☮ is a symbol of සාමය. 💽 is a symbol of පරිගණකය. සුළං විදුලි බල උද්‍යාන is a synonym of wind farm. දුරාන්තිකය is a synonym of apsis. pea is a synonym of කඩල. wine is a synonym of වයින්. star is a synonym of තරුව. 🎣 is a symbol of මාළු. නයිට්‍රික් අම්ලය is a synonym of nitric acid. yoga is a synonym of යෝග. භගන්දරා is a synonym of anal fistula. සංකීර්ණ සංඛ්‍යා is a synonym of complex number. diabetes mellitus is a synonym of දියවැඩියාව. හෙපටයිටීස් ඒ is a synonym of hepatitis. future is a synonym of ඉදිරිය. ප්‍රගති විද්‍යාව is a synonym of kinematics. ගවුසීය බැහැරීම is a synonym of gaussian elimination. ලම්බෝගීනි is a synonym of lamborghini. සිතාරය is a synonym of sitar. හයවන ජෝර්ජ් රජ is a synonym of george vi. භික්ෂුණී is a synonym of bhikkhuni. ශුද්ධාසනය is a synonym of holy see. තෝරත is a synonym of tort. මහත්මයා is etymologically derived from महात्मा. ඩස්ටින් හොෆ්මන් is a synonym of dustin hoffman. brunei is a synonym of බෲනායි. ද හන්ගර් ගේම්ස් is a synonym of hunger games. 🎨 is a symbol of කෞතුකාගාරය. රීයූනියන් is a synonym of réunion. සවානා is a synonym of savanna. ද සිම්ප්සන්ස් is a synonym of simpsons. හිමොග්ලොබින් is a synonym of hemoglobin. සත්තු is a synonym of animal. ටෝකියෝ is a synonym of tokyo. 🌆 is a symbol of නගරය. පිලිපීනය is a synonym of philippines. අන්වර් සදාත් is a synonym of anwar sadat. ප්ලේටෝ is a synonym of plato. ❤ is a symbol of හදවත. ග්‍රෙගරි දිනදසුන is a synonym of gregorian calendar. අර්‍තාපල් is etymologically derived from aardappel. ගෙන්දගම් is a synonym of සල්ෆර්. 🕢 is a symbol of හත. එක්ස් ජාලය is a synonym of mahayana. ලිනස් ටොවල්ඩ්ස් is a synonym of linus torvalds. සෞරග්‍රහ මණ්ඩලය is a synonym of solar system. පුවත්පත is a synonym of newspaper. අකුර is related to letter. බ්ලූටූත් is a synonym of bluetooth. යොකොහමා is a synonym of yokohama. ක්ෂුද්‍ර ආර්ථික විද්‍යාව is a synonym of microeconomics. lithium is a synonym of ලිතියම්. 💾 is a symbol of පරිගණකය. pi day is a synonym of පයි දිනය. ඉරාක ජනරජය is a synonym of iraq. මයිසූර් is a synonym of mysore. 😿 is a symbol of පූසා. 💍 is a symbol of දියමන්ති. 🍵 is a symbol of තේ. කාල් මාක්ස් is a synonym of karl marx. 🔑 is a symbol of යතුර. ☪ is a symbol of ඉස්ලාම්. ජාත්‍යන්තර අපරාධ අධිකරණය is a synonym of international criminal court. කොබෝල්ට් is a synonym of cobalt. නොකියා is a synonym of nokia. නවීන විද්‍යාත්මක ක්‍රමය is a synonym of scientific method. doctor is a synonym of වෛද්‍යවරයා. බූරුවා is a synonym of donkey. 🌔 is a symbol of සඳ. town is a synonym of නගරය. බෙනිටෝ මුසෝලිනී is a synonym of benito mussolini. ඉලෙක්ට්‍රොනික තාක්‍ෂණය is a synonym of electronics. කරත්තය is etymologically related to kereta. මානව සැකිලි පද්ධතිය is a synonym of human skeleton. අට has context of cardinal. මහ පොළොව is a synonym of earth. ඩිජිටල් කැමරාව is a synonym of digital camera. මධ්‍යම සැකසුම් ඒකකය is a synonym of central processing unit. සෙංගමාලය is a synonym of jaundice. අලියා is a synonym of elephant. ෂාක්ලුවිස් ඩේවිඩ් is a synonym of jacques louis david. පාර්ලිමේන්තු මන්ත්‍රී is a synonym of member of parliament. ලැප්ටොප් පරිගණකය is a synonym of laptop. අමු යකඩ is a synonym of pig iron. mondialisation is a synonym of ගෝලීයකරණය. මොනොසෝඩියම් ග්ලූටමේට් is a synonym of monosodium glutamate. ඔබ has context of formal. කුලක වාදය is a synonym of set theory. පාර්ලිමේන්තුව is a synonym of parliament. කැරියෝට ඌරේන්ස් is a synonym of caryota urens. දහස has context of cardinal. north korea is a synonym of උතුරු කොරියාව. සමසමාජවාදය is a synonym of communism. න්‍යෂ්ටික ශක්තිය is a synonym of nuclear power. 💛 is a symbol of හදවත. සමාජ is related to society. නගරය is etymologically related to नगर. හදිසි අනතුරු is a synonym of accident. greece is a synonym of ග්‍රීසිය. බිත්ති සුද මැදීම is a synonym of plasterwork. සම්මා සම්බුදුවරු is a synonym of buddhahood. ජාත්‍යන්තර මූල්‍ය සමායතනය is a synonym of international finance corporation. අම්මා is a synonym of mother. ඉන්දියාව is related to inde. කෘසර් is a synonym of cruiser. සිවිල් ඉංජිනේරු විද්‍යාව is a synonym of civil engineering. ප්‍රානජීව is a synonym of codariocalyx motorius. ලෝක මහා බලවතා is a synonym of great power. සැප is a synonym of anggun. king is a synonym of රජ. 🧑‍ is a symbol of රෝද පුටුව. 🌬 is a symbol of සුළඟ. මන්දාකිණි is a synonym of galaxy. හාවෝ is a synonym of hare. සිගරෙට්ටුව is related to cigarette. ශාන්ත කිට්ස් සහ නෙවිස් is a synonym of saint kitts and nevis. අමෙරිකා එක්සත් ජනපද ඩොලර් is a synonym of united states dollar. බිලිං is a synonym of averrhoa bilimbi. democratic republic of congo is a synonym of කොන්ගෝ ප්‍රජාතන්ත්‍රවාදී ජනරජය. 🤼 is a symbol of මල්ලව පොර. මවුකිරි දීම is a synonym of breastfeeding. පරිසර පද්ධති is a synonym of ecosystem. ඇසිටලීන් is a synonym of acetylene. 🌨 is a symbol of හිම. februar is a synonym of පෙබරවාරි. helium is a synonym of හීලියම්. mile is a synonym of සැතපුම. හිම is related to snow. යුදෙවුවෝ is a synonym of jews. 🏂 is a symbol of හිම. සංජානනය is a synonym of perception. රසායනික ඉංජිනේරු විද්‍යාව is a synonym of chemical engineering. හෙයිටි is a synonym of haiti. 🍌 is a symbol of කෙසෙල්. සංගෘහිත ඉලෙක්ට්‍රොනික පරිපථ is a synonym of integrated circuit. බ්‍රෝමීන් is a synonym of bromine. 👨 is a symbol of මිනිසා. ⚰ is a symbol of මරණය. bible is a synonym of බයිබලය. 🕋 is a symbol of මුස්ලිම්. cuba is a synonym of කියුබාව. ඔයාලා is related to you. ගලගණ්ඩය is a synonym of goitre. එක is related to one. ඩොප්ලර් ආචරණය is a synonym of doppler effect. 🥥 is a symbol of පොල්. ද ස්ටාර් ස්ප්‍රැන්ග්ල්ඩ් බැනර් is a synonym of star spangled banner. චොකලට් is a synonym of chocolate. අපද්‍රව්‍ය කළමනාකරණය is a synonym of waste management. සයිලොෆෝන් is a synonym of xylophone. refrigerator is a synonym of ශීතකරණය. ලඝු ගණක is a synonym of logarithm. pakistan is a synonym of පාකිස්ථානය. සර්පයා is related to snake. බ‍්‍රාහ්මණයෝ සහ බ‍්‍රාහ්මණ සමාජය is a synonym of brahmin. ක්‍රීඩා වෛද්‍යවේදය is a synonym of sports medicine. අම්ල වැසි is a synonym of acid rain. නවීන විද්‍යාව is a synonym of science. neem is a synonym of කොහොඹ. rajah is a synonym of රජ. 🐕‍ is a symbol of බල්ලා. සීනුව is etymologically related to sino. ස්වස්ථතාව is a synonym of hygiene. වාෂ්ප ටර්බයිනය is a synonym of steam turbine. sonne is a synonym of හිරු. සහ is related to and. හැඳි is a synonym of spoon. බළලා is a synonym of cat. අලියා is related to elephant. යුද්ධ is a synonym of war. 🌍 is a symbol of යුරෝපය. april is a synonym of අප්‍රේල්. අංක is related to mark. පහ is etymologically derived from पञ्चन्. ඉන්ෆ්ලුවෙන්සා is a synonym of influenza. බලකොටු is a synonym of fortification. ජාවා දූපත is a synonym of java. 🎭 is a symbol of කලාව. සාම්ප්‍රදායික වෛද්‍යක්‍රම is a synonym of traditional medicine. ↙ is a symbol of නිරිත. vier is a synonym of හතර. නීතිය ගිවිසුම is a synonym of contract. නවය is a synonym of නමය. ➖ is a symbol of ගණිතය. පුරාතන මිසරය is a synonym of ancient egypt. අධි විභේදන රූපවාහිනිය is a synonym of high definition television. money is a synonym of මුදල්. ලයිසොසෝම is a synonym of lysosome. බැග්ඩැඩ් is a synonym of baghdad. hinduism is a synonym of හින්දු ආගම. අභ්‍යවකාශ මධ්‍යස්ථානය is a synonym of space station. මොංගෝලියාව is a synonym of mongolia. ජාත්‍යන්තර මූල්‍ය අරමුදල is a synonym of international monetary fund. 💱 is a symbol of බැංකුව. විල් is related to lake. tongue is a synonym of දිව. නොවැම්බර් is a synonym of november. 🕋 is a symbol of ඉස්ලාම්. philippines is a synonym of පිලිපීනය. ජෝර්ජ් බර්නාඩ් ෂෝ is a synonym of george bernard shaw. කාලගුණ විද්‍යාව is a synonym of meteorology. අප්‍රේල් is a synonym of april. 👨‍ is a symbol of මිනිසා. salt is a synonym of ලුණු. විලවුන් is a synonym of cosmetics. ගුරුවරයා is a synonym of teacher. මේසය is related to table. 👨‍🏫 is a symbol of ගුරුවරයා. මිලියනය is etymologically derived from million. තැලිමොයිඩ් is a synonym of thalidomide. පයිතගරස් ප්‍රමේයය is a synonym of pythagorean theorem. elephant is a synonym of අලියා. තනපට is a synonym of bra. කුයිපර් පටිය is a synonym of kuiper belt. ඔයා is related to you. may is a synonym of මැයි. පයි දිනය is a synonym of pi day. 🍈 is a symbol of පලතුරු. සංඛ්‍යානය is a synonym of statistics. 💋 is a symbol of හදවත. ප්‍රතික්‍රීයකයේ ස්වභාවය is a synonym of chemical kinetics. 🍖 is a symbol of මස්. 🌓 is a symbol of සඳ. ඇපල් is related to apple. ද්‍රව is a synonym of liquid. matter is a synonym of පදාර්ථය. 🌛 is a symbol of සඳ. ජාන ඉංජිනේරු විද්‍යාව is a synonym of genetic engineering. තේ is a synonym of tea. දියමන්ති is a synonym of diamond. හන්ගේරියානු සමුහාණ්ඩුව is a synonym of hungary. මරණය is etymologically related to मरण. bottle is a synonym of බෝතලය. ඇබරාවන් is a synonym of aberavon. scotland is a synonym of ස්කොට්ලන්තය. යතුරු ලියනය is a synonym of typewriter. 🛰 is a symbol of අභ්‍යවකාශය. වායු තල බමරය is a synonym of gas turbine. saturn is a synonym of සෙනසුරු. රසදිව is a synonym of palatine uvula. සෝවියට් සංගමය is a synonym of soviet union. ජෝජ් බූල් is a synonym of george boole. දේදුන්න is a synonym of rainbow. සිග්මන්ඩ් ෆ්‍රොයිඩි is a synonym of sigmund freud. සරුංගල් is a synonym of kite. passport is a synonym of ගමන් බලපත්‍රය. ජොහන්නස් කෙප්ලර් is a synonym of johannes kepler. 💫 is a symbol of තරුව. විටමින් e is a synonym of vitamin e. මදුරු ගණය is a synonym of mosquito. හත has context of cardinal. විවර්තනය is a synonym of diffraction. නින්ද is a synonym of sleep. අරාජික is a synonym of anarchy. දුව is etymologically derived from दुहितृ. hongkong is a synonym of හොංකොං. ගිරාමලිත්තෝ is a synonym of hanging parrot. කරත්ත is a synonym of cart. want is a synonym of අඩුව පවතිනවා. කරත්තය is related to cart. වැලන්ටයින් දිනය is a synonym of valentine's day. ඔයා is related to ඔයාලා. and is a synonym of සහ. මැලේරියාව is a synonym of malaria. letter is a synonym of අකුර. වොලිබෝල් is a synonym of volleyball. රන් is etymologically related to රන. කරත්තය is etymologically related to kereta. හොස්නි මුබාරක් is a synonym of hosni mubarak. කරාටේ is a synonym of karate. ටජිකිස්ථාන් is a synonym of tajikistan. අපි is related to we. ඡායාරූප පත්‍රකලාවේදය is a synonym of photojournalism. 🤖 is a symbol of මුහුණ. සිතියම් විද්‍යාව is a synonym of cartography. ලුවී පාස්චර් is a synonym of louis pasteur. 🈵 is a symbol of චීන. කොළ is a synonym of leaf. විද්‍යුත් සිගරට් is a synonym of electronic cigarette. ජ්‍යාමිතිය is a synonym of geometry. ㊗ is a symbol of චීන. ඔබ is a synonym of ඔයා. ක්‍ෂුද්‍රපාලකය is a synonym of microcontroller. මැයි is a synonym of may. පෘෂ්ඨික ආතතිය is a synonym of surface tension. පාකිස්ථානය is a synonym of pakistan. twitter is a synonym of ට්විටර්. sinhala font guide is a synonym of nature. සිනමාහල is a synonym of movie theater. කරණවෑමියා is a synonym of barber. ගණිතමය විශ්ලේෂණය is a synonym of mathematical analysis. ජෝන් නැපියර් is a synonym of john napier. පුරා විද්‍යාව is a synonym of archaeology. 🅰 is a symbol of රුධිරය. මැඩගස්කරය is a synonym of madagascar. මමම is related to myself. මානසික ‍ අක්‍රමතා is a synonym of mental disorder. සංඛ්‍යාමය විශ්ලේෂණය is a synonym of numerical analysis. මුල් කිරි is a synonym of colostrum. යාපනය is a synonym of jaffna. පවුල් නීතිය is a synonym of family law. saint kitts and nevis is a synonym of ශාන්ත කිට්ස් සහ නෙවිස්. 🍒 is a symbol of පලතුරු. albania is a synonym of ඇල්බේනියාව. කරත්තය is etymologically related to karreta. dukkha is a synonym of දුක්ඛ. රන්මය අනුපාතය is a synonym of golden ratio. බලය has context of physics. හඳ is related to moon. friday is a synonym of සිකුරාදා. පුස්තකාලයාධිපති is a synonym of librarian. මකාවෝ is a synonym of macau. republic of india is a synonym of භාරත ජනරජය. කාමරය is related to room. newspaper is a synonym of පුවත්පත. ආර්ථික විද්‍යාව is a synonym of economics. බටහිර is related to ouest. අන්තර්ජාල ප්‍රොටෝකෝලය හරහා කටහඬ is a synonym of voice over ip. ගංවතුර is a synonym of flood. දිරාපත්වීම is a synonym of decomposition. මෘදුකාංග ඉංජිනේරු ශිල්පය is a synonym of software engineering. 🤽 is a symbol of ජලය. ගප්පි is a synonym of guppy. ඝානාව is a synonym of ghana. තායිලන්තය is a synonym of thailand. 💻 is a symbol of පරිගණකය. අක්‍කා is related to sister. anethum graveolens is a synonym of dill. අධිකරණය is a synonym of judiciary. එක්සත් අරාබි එමීර් රාජ්‍යය is a synonym of united arab emirates. wednesday is a synonym of බදාදා. 🕌 is a symbol of මුස්ලිම්. හොරොවුව is a synonym of sluice. ධාරිත්‍රක is a synonym of capacitor. රතු පාට is a synonym of red. terrorism is a synonym of ත්‍රස්තවාදය. දොර is related to door. මමම is etymologically related to මම. දිලීර is a synonym of fungus. ස්කැන්ඩියම් is a synonym of scandium. එෆ්එන් එෆ්ඒඑල් is a synonym of fn fal. අභිධර්මය is a synonym of abhidharma. homosexuality is a synonym of සමලිංගිකතාව. ඉස්කුරුප්පු ඇණ is a synonym of screw. විකි is a synonym of wiki. 📗 is a symbol of පොත. south korea is a synonym of දකුණු කොරියාව. ව්‍යාපෘති කළමනාකරණය is a synonym of project management. අම්ලකර is derived from කර. ⛎ is a symbol of සර්පයා. අවසන් භෝජන සංග්‍රහය is a synonym of last supper. දෘෂ්ටිවාදය is a synonym of ideology. 💒 is a symbol of ආදරය. finger is a synonym of ඇඟිල්‍ල. ධවල මන්දිරය is a synonym of white house. හයිද්‍රාබාද් is a synonym of hyderabad. අයනය is a synonym of ion. heart is a synonym of හදවත. islam is a synonym of ඉස්ලාම්. වානිජ වාදය is a synonym of mercantilism. සබ්මැරීනය is a synonym of submarine. කොළඹ is a synonym of colombo. බදු is a synonym of tax. ශාරීරික අධ්‍යයන පන්ති is a synonym of physical education. ආලෝක විමෝචක දියෝඩය is a synonym of light emitting diode. united nations is a synonym of එක්සත් ජාතීන්ගේ සංවිධානය. theater is a synonym of නාට්‍ය කලාව. මානව අයිතිවාසිකම් is a synonym of human rights. පෑන is related to pen. භූමිෂ්ඨ ග්‍රහලෝකය is a synonym of terrestrial planet. 🥓 is a symbol of මස්. බ්‍රහස්පති ග්‍රහයා is a synonym of jupiter. මුඩුක්කු සහ පැල්පත් is a synonym of slum. 🦒 is a symbol of ජිරාෆ්. වල්ගාතරු is a synonym of comet. ජනතාවාදය is a synonym of populism. අවකලනය is a synonym of differential calculus. ඇත් තෝර is a synonym of senna alata. ගුහා සිතුවම් has context of archéologie. සුළඟ is a synonym of wind. somalia is a synonym of සෝමාලියාව. එයාර් බස් a380 is a synonym of airbus a380. schizophrenia is a synonym of හින්නෝන්මාදය. මහා පොදු සාධකය is a synonym of greatest common divisor. දවස is related to day. අල්ලාහ් is a synonym of allah. රට is related to country. ghee is a synonym of ගිතෙල්. හැංගිමුත්තං is a synonym of hide and seek. ලතින් is a synonym of latin. භාණ්ඩ ප්‍රවාහක ගුවන් යානා is a synonym of cargo aircraft. හෝබාර්ට් is a synonym of hobart. අකිරා කුරෝසාවා is a synonym of akira kurosawa. 🌜 is a symbol of සඳ. ෆිබොනාච්චි සංඛ්‍යා is a synonym of fibonacci number. ජනේලය is related to window. කැල්සියම් is a synonym of calcium. boxing is a synonym of බොක්සිං. ප්‍රවේණි විද්‍යාව is a synonym of genetics. කෝපි is related to coffee. කැරම් is a synonym of carrom. අසර්බයිජාන් is a synonym of azerbaijan. වේදනාව is related to pain. දෙක is related to two. අයිෆෝන් is a synonym of iphone. 🥐 is a symbol of පාන්. ලෝක දෘෂ්ටිය is a synonym of world view. රජ is etymologically related to राजन्. ගම්‍යතාවය is a synonym of momentum. white house is a synonym of ධවල මන්දිරය. wasserstoff is a synonym of හයිඩ්‍රජන්. තුන is etymologically related to त्रि. 📞 is a symbol of දුරකථනය. 💷 is a symbol of බැංකුව. ජලය is related to water. අයන් iii ඔක්සයිඩය is a synonym of iron iii oxide. සප්තප්‍රයාම is a synonym of heptathlon. මාධ්‍ය නිදහස is a synonym of freedom of press. පරිගණක විද්‍යාව is a synonym of computer science. ප්‍රතිරෝධකය is a synonym of resistor. චේ ගුවේරා is a synonym of che guevara. ජොහෑන් වොල්ෆ්ගෑන් වොන් ගොතේ is a synonym of johann wolfgang von goethe. ෆ්‍රීමේසනරි is a synonym of freemasonry. 💡 is a symbol of ආලෝකය. කතුර is a synonym of scissors. මගධ is a synonym of magadha. එයා is a synonym of ඔහු. 🌧 is a symbol of කාලගුණය. දන්ත වෛද්‍ය විද්‍යාව is a synonym of dentistry. කොරල් is a synonym of coral. 🌛 is a symbol of කාලගුණය. ශ්‍රී ලංකා is a form of ශ්‍රී ලංකාව. ☪ is a symbol of මුස්ලිම්. හෙයිලේ සෙල්ලාසි is a synonym of haile selassie. ඇමරිකාවන් is a synonym of americas. ශ්රීn ලංකාව is a form of ශ්‍රී ලංකා. දණ is related to knee. තල is a synonym of corypha umbraculifera. මෝහනය is a synonym of hypnosis. ලේ is related to blood. දෙවන ලෝක යුද්ධය is a synonym of world war ii. yellow is a synonym of කහ. පාමෙනියිඩස් is a synonym of parmenides. ජාතික දිනය is a synonym of national day. කොකා කෝලා is a synonym of coca cola. කෘෂ්ණ වස්තු is a synonym of black body. ක්‍රිස්තියානි ආගමික සභා is a synonym of christian church. වෙබ් අඩවිය is a synonym of website. ලිබියාව is a synonym of libya. 🌕 is a symbol of කාලගුණය. සබන් is related to soap. ධරණීයතාව is a synonym of sustainability. ෆ්ලූවොරින් is a synonym of fluorine. 💑 is a symbol of ආදරය. bahrain is a synonym of බහරේන්. ආණ්ඩුක්‍රම ව්‍යවස්ථාව is a synonym of constitution. අබුඩාබි is a synonym of abu dhabi. 🌙 is a symbol of අභ්‍යවකාශය. මනෝ විශ්ලේෂණවාදය is a synonym of psychoanalysis. කෙළ is a synonym of saliva. ➗ is a symbol of ගණිතය. 🏮 is a symbol of රතු. පේපැල් is a synonym of paypal. ගුප්ත කේතනය is a synonym of encryption. කෘමි විද්‍යාව is a synonym of entomology. හරිතාගාර ආචරණය is a synonym of greenhouse effect. සාහිත්‍යය is a synonym of literature. සංගීත සංයෝජනය is a synonym of musical composition. language is a synonym of භාෂාව. 🤼‍♀ is a symbol of මල්ලව පොර. විල් is a synonym of lake. 🌅 is a symbol of කාලගුණය. 🈴 is a symbol of චීන. glyphosate is a synonym of ග්ලයිෆොසෙට්. හයිඩ්‍රොක්ලෝරික් අම්ලය is a synonym of hydrochloric acid. මයිකල් ආන්ජලෝ is a synonym of michelangelo. microscope is a synonym of අන්වීක්ෂය. ආකිමිඩීස් is a synonym of archimedes. ජා ඔගිස්ට් ඩොමින්ක් ඉගර is a synonym of jean auguste dominique ingres. හතර is etymologically related to चत्वारस्. හෙන්රි ෆොන්ඩා is a synonym of henry fonda. tennis is a synonym of ටෙනිස්. අපරාධ is a synonym of crime. condensateur is a synonym of ධාරිත්‍රක. මුස්ලිම් පල්ලි is a synonym of mosque. භූවේදය is a synonym of geology. මිනින්දෝරු ශිල්පය is a synonym of surveying. මේක්මේක් is a synonym of makemake. නින්දෙන් ඇවිදීම is a synonym of sleepwalking. 🎨 is a symbol of කලාව. ලිංගාශ්‍රිත රෝග is a synonym of sexually transmitted infection. ගණිතමය ඔප්පු කිරීම් is a synonym of mathematical proof. 🐻‍ ❄ is a symbol of ආක්ටික්. නෙදර්ලන්තය is a synonym of netherlands. නීතියේ ආධිපත්‍යය is a synonym of rule of law. ලෝක සෞඛ්‍ය සංවිධානය is a synonym of world health organization. ඇඩොල්ෆ් හිට්ලර් is a synonym of adolf hitler. හිමායන ජීව විද්‍යාව is a synonym of cryobiology. 😘 is a symbol of හදවත. මොෂේ ඩයාන් is a synonym of moshe dayan. 🐭 is a symbol of මුහුණ. 😔 is a symbol of මුහුණ. daughter is a synonym of දුව. ඔවුහු is a synonym of ඔව්හු. මිල්‍ටන් ෆීඩ්මන් is a synonym of milton friedman. ක්‍ෂය රෝගය is a synonym of tuberculosis. මෝල්ටිටෝල් is a synonym of maltitol. අනෝදා is a synonym of annona. සඳ is related to moon. කාලගුණ is related to weather. sonne is a synonym of ඉර. න්‍යෂ්ටික අවි is a synonym of nuclear weapon. අන්නාපූර්ණ is a synonym of annapurna. 🐈‍ ⬛ is a symbol of පූසා. 🍌 is a symbol of පලතුරු. පොදු නීතිය is a synonym of common law. රතුකැට is a synonym of ruby. මහත්මයා is related to sir. 👲 is a symbol of මිනිසා. 😹 is a symbol of පූසා. වී වගාව is a synonym of paddy field. කලාව is a synonym of art. වර්ජිනියා වුල්ෆ් is a synonym of virginia woolf. 🍫 is a symbol of චොකලට්. bulgarien is a synonym of බල්ගේරියාව. මමී is a synonym of mummy. 💑 is a symbol of හදවත. කරත්තය is etymologically related to karéta. 🐷 is a symbol of මුහුණ. දිමත්‍රී මෙන්ඩලීව් is a synonym of dmitri mendeleev. අයිස් is etymologically derived from ice. හඳ is etymologically derived from चन्द्र. විලියම් ෂේක්ස්පියර් is a synonym of william shakespeare. ග්ලයිෆොසෙට් is a synonym of glyphosate. කළු is related to black. ඇමරිකානු ඉංග්‍රීසි is a synonym of american english. 😻 is a symbol of ඇස. කෝපි is a synonym of coffea. දුර පැනීම is a synonym of long jump. භ්‍රෑණය මානව is a synonym of fetus. gravure is a synonym of කැටයම් කැපීම. ලේස is a synonym of laser. jordan is a synonym of ජෝර්දානය. එස්පෙරාන්තො is a synonym of esperanto. wasser is a synonym of ජලය. සංඛ්‍යාත මූර්ජනය is a synonym of frequency modulation. green tea is a synonym of හරිත තේ. ඉලෙක්ට්‍රෝනය is a synonym of electron. they is a synonym of ඔව්හු. කඩුව is a synonym of sword. උතුරු ඇමෙරිකාව is a synonym of north america. රවි ශංකර් is a synonym of ravi shankar. හිප් හොප් සංගීතය is a synonym of hip hop music. 😡 is a symbol of රතු. washington is a synonym of වොෂින්ටන්. 🌏 is a symbol of ඕස්ට්‍රේලියාව. 🍃 is a symbol of සුළඟ. ප්‍රවේණික විකෘති is a synonym of mutation. ආලෝකයේ වේගය is a synonym of speed of light. සංඥා සැකසුම is a synonym of signal processing. ඉලෙක්ට්‍රොනික අපද්‍රව්‍ය is a synonym of electronic waste. chad is a synonym of චෑඩ්. ශ්‍රී ලංකාව is a synonym of sri lanka. saudi arabia is a synonym of සවුදි අරාබියාව. 🌑 is a symbol of අභ්‍යවකාශය. 🦈 is a symbol of මෝරා. හොට් චොකලට් is a synonym of hot chocolate. 🌕 is a symbol of සඳ. ඔහු is a synonym of එයා. අන්තර්ජාල ප්‍රොටෝකෝලය is a synonym of internet protocol. රට is a synonym of country. කොමීඩියා ඩෙල් ආටේ is a synonym of commedia dell arte. 🙂 is a symbol of මුහුණ. සියඹලා is a synonym of tamarind. සුන් යත් සෙන් is a synonym of sun yat sen. iran is a synonym of ඉරානය. grammar is a synonym of ව්‍යාකරණ. art is a synonym of කලාව. මුද්‍රණය is a synonym of printing. i translations is a synonym of මම. කාලය is a synonym of time. 🚦 is a symbol of ආලෝකය. හින්නෝන්මාදය is a synonym of schizophrenia. 🌏 is a symbol of ලෝකය. ހުކުރު is etymologically related to සිකුරාදා. මී පැණි is a synonym of honey. දීපාවලි is a synonym of diwali. වාග් විද්‍යාව is a synonym of linguistics. ඇන්ටිලොප් is a synonym of antelope. south america is a synonym of දකුණු ඇමෙරිකාව. ග්‍රෙගර් මෙන්ඩල් is a synonym of gregor mendel. belize is a synonym of බෙලීස්. දිලීර විද්‍යාව is a synonym of mycology. කොප්ට්වරු is a synonym of copts. 🕓 is a symbol of හතර. 🏸 is a symbol of බැඩ්මින්ටන්. බැබිලෝනියාව is a synonym of babylonia. වචනය is related to word. කරත්තය is etymologically related to kréta. මිචෙල් ඩි නොස්ට්‍රෙඩමේ is a synonym of nostradamus. island is a synonym of දිවයින. 🥊 is a symbol of බොක්සිං. හිම is a synonym of snow. පලස්තීන රාජ්‍යය is a synonym of state of palestine. අභිප්‍රේරණය is a synonym of motivation. 🐼 is a symbol of මුහුණ. continent is a synonym of මහාද්වීප. life is a synonym of ජීවිතය. ඉන්ටර්නෙට් එක්ස්ප්ලෝරර් is a synonym of internet explorer. න්‍යෂ්ටික විලයනය is a synonym of nuclear fusion. පපඩම් is a synonym of papadum. මෝටර් රථ is a synonym of car. මුදල් is related to money. සත්‍යතා වගුව is a synonym of truth table. නිකොටින් is a synonym of nicotine. 📴 is a symbol of දුරකථනය. 🔯 is a symbol of තරුව. ☔ is a symbol of රෙදිපිළි. වෛද්‍ය ආචාර්ය is a synonym of doctor of medicine. one translations is a synonym of එක. අපි is etymologically related to මම. ඉන්ද්‍රිය පරිබාහිර සංජානනය is a synonym of extrasensory perception. තෝමස් ජෙෆර්සන් is a synonym of thomas jefferson. ජනසතු කිරීම is a synonym of nationalization. මහා ඇලෙක්සැන්ඩ රජ is a synonym of alexander great. උගුරු ඇටය is a synonym of adam's apple. acide nitrique is a synonym of නයිට්‍රික් අම්ලය. ten is a synonym of දහය. තෙල් is a synonym of oil. කැල්සියම් කාබනේට් is a synonym of calcium carbonate. 👁‍🗨 is a symbol of ඇස. ගස් is a synonym of tree. face is a synonym of මූණ. ගොල්ගි දේහ is a synonym of golgi apparatus. coffee is a synonym of කෝපි. 🍠 is a symbol of අල. ක්‍ෂීරපායි සත්තු is a synonym of mammal. ඩිස්නොමියා is a synonym of dysnomia. වර්ණ is related to color. ෆිබොනාච්චි is a synonym of fibonacci. අධ්‍යයන මණ්ඩප is a synonym of campus. ද වෝන්ටඩ් is a synonym of wanted. periodensystem is a synonym of ආවර්තිතා වගුව. 💶 is a symbol of බැංකුව. light is a synonym of ආලෝකය. නෙළුම් is a synonym of nelumbo nucifera. සිලිකන් is a synonym of silicon. ගෙවතු වගාව සහ ගෙවතු අලංකරණය is a synonym of gardening. ආණ්ඩුව is a synonym of government. තේ is related to tea. 🚞 is a symbol of කන්ද. තායිවානය is a synonym of taiwan. man translations is a synonym of මිනිසා. උෂ්ණත්වය is a synonym of temperature. ලෝක වෙළෙඳ සංවිධානය is a synonym of world trade organization. 🕊 is a symbol of සාමය. 🌑 is a symbol of සඳ. apple is a synonym of ඇපල්. එරිත්‍රියාව is a synonym of eritrea. 🌘 is a symbol of සඳ. 🆎 is a symbol of රුධිරය. facebook is a synonym of ෆේස්බුක්. උණ්ඩුකපුච්ඡ ප්‍රදාහය is a synonym of appendicitis. ජෝනස් සෝක් is a synonym of jonas salk. christianity is a synonym of ක්‍රිස්තියානි ආගම. battery is a synonym of බැටරි. state is a synonym of රාජ්‍යය. ජාතිකේන්ද්‍රතාය is a synonym of ethnocentrism. day is a synonym of දවස. ගිනි කඳු is a synonym of volcano. උපාධි is a synonym of academic degree. nail is a synonym of නියපොතු. lait is a synonym of කිරි. 🕯 is a symbol of ආලෝකය. pain is a synonym of වේදනාව. වොඩ්කා is a synonym of vodka. සුමානය is a synonym of week. සංගීත වාද්‍ය භාණ්ඩ is a synonym of musical instrument. අධිස්පන්දනය කිරීම is a synonym of overclocking. තුන is related to three. 🐅 is a symbol of කොටියා. අනත්ත is a synonym of anatta. 🧘‍♂ is a symbol of යෝග. බල්ගේරියාව is a synonym of bulgaria. සුපිරි සන්නායකතාව is a synonym of superconductivity. wüste is a synonym of කාන්තාර. sud sud ouest is a synonym of දකුණ නිරිත. 🀄 is a symbol of රතු. jihad is a synonym of ජිහාඩ්. පැගෝඩා is a synonym of pagoda. table tennis is a synonym of මේස ‍ පන්දු. වන විනාශය is a synonym of deforestation. 🌚 is a symbol of සඳ. ද කයිට් රන is a synonym of kite runner. 🕟 is a symbol of හතර. sulfur is a synonym of සල්ෆර්. මමම is etymologically related to මම. 🌂 is a symbol of රෙදිපිළි. 🕙 is a symbol of දහය. වෙසක් is a synonym of vesak. මුරුසි සමුහාණ්ඩුව is a synonym of mauritius. liechtenstein is a synonym of ලීච්ටන්ස්ටෙයින්. එරිස් is a synonym of eris. ඇන්ඩ්‍රොමීඩා තාරකා මණ්ඩලය is a synonym of andromeda. email is a synonym of විද්‍යුත් තැපෑල. පරපෝෂිත විද්‍යාව is a synonym of parasitology. විදුලිය ජනනය කිරිමේ ක්‍රම is a synonym of electricity generation. කැසෝවරි is a synonym of cassowary. ජිහාඩ් is a synonym of jihad. 🌃 is a symbol of තරුව. tuesday is a synonym of අඟහරුවාදා. කොමරොස් is a synonym of comoros. armenien is a synonym of ආර්මේනියාව. එකෝඩියන් is a synonym of accordion. finland is a synonym of ෆින්ලන්තය. ජෝන් හැන්කොක් is a synonym of john hancock. බෙංගාල බොක්ක is a synonym of bay of bengal. ඇරල් මුහුද is a synonym of aral sea. මැතිවරණ කොට්ඨාශ is a synonym of electoral district. භෞතික විද්‍යාව is a synonym of physics. බෝකෝ හරාම් is a synonym of boko haram. කෙසෙල් is related to banana. 👩‍🚀 is a symbol of අභ්‍යවකාශය. විලාසිතා පාවහන් යනු is a synonym of footwear. වීජ ගණිතය is a synonym of algebra. බැක්ටීරියා is a synonym of bacteria. ඔක්සිජන් is a synonym of oxygen. 🐬 is a symbol of ඩොල්ෆින්. දේශගුණය is a synonym of climate. ඔවුහු is a synonym of ඔව්හු. sister is a synonym of අක්‍කා. samsara is a synonym of සංසාරය. සිඩ්නි is a synonym of sydney. මිලියනය is related to million. යැංසි ගඟ is a synonym of yangtze. ක්‍ෂුද්‍රජීව විද්‍යාව is a synonym of microbiology. 🗺 is a symbol of ලෝකය. සන්නිවේදනය is a synonym of communication. විටමින් c is a synonym of vitamin c. ඉර is related to sun. පියර්ස් බ්‍රොස්නන් is a synonym of pierce brosnan. කළු කුහර is a synonym of black hole. ප්‍රේරණය පිළිබඳ දළ විශ්ලේෂණය is a synonym of inductor. පරිගණකය is a synonym of computer. league of nations is a synonym of ජාතීන්ගේ සංගමය. sud ouest is a synonym of නිරිත. ඇල්කේන is a synonym of alkane. කූඬැල්ලා is a synonym of leech. 👨‍ 🍼 is a symbol of මිනිසා. මාෂ්මෙලෝ is a synonym of marshmallow. bicycle is a synonym of පාපැදි. ➡ is a symbol of නැගෙනහිර. ගෙඳ is a synonym of portulaca oleracea. ලියොනාඩ් ඉයුලර් is a synonym of leonhard euler. කැසිනෝ is a synonym of casino. බත් is a synonym of rice. longueur d’ onde is a synonym of තරංග ආයාමය. 🍼 is a symbol of බෝතලය. russland is a synonym of රුසියාව. 🚪 is a symbol of දොර. විවාහය is a synonym of marriage. ශිව ආගම is a synonym of shaivism. විලාසිතා is a synonym of fashion. හතර is etymologically related to चतुर्. පද්ධති මෘදුකාංග is a synonym of system software. යූ.එස්.බී is a synonym of usb. ප්‍රංශය is a synonym of france. ෆිඩෙල් කැස්ත්‍රෝ is a synonym of fidel castro. වන සංවර්ධන විද්‍යාව is a synonym of forestry. 🉑 is a symbol of චීන. ජාතීන්ගේ සංගමය is a synonym of league of nations. දර්ශන ආචාර්ය is a synonym of doctor of philosophy. මී මැසි පාලනය is a synonym of beekeeping. spoon is a synonym of හැන්ද. baleine bleue is a synonym of නිල් තල්මහ. 😼 is a symbol of පූසා. විෂුවල් බේසික් is a synonym of visual basic. හැන්ඩ් රාජවංශය is a synonym of han dynasty. 💊 is a symbol of වෛද්‍යවරයා. බීබීසී is a synonym of bbc. මහා මැගලැනික් වලාව is a synonym of large magellanic cloud. ruby is a synonym of රතුකැට. 🥌 is a symbol of ක්‍රීඩා. මහනුවර is a synonym of kandy. ෆොස්පරස් is a synonym of phosphorus. 🌠 is a symbol of අභ්‍යවකාශය. ත්‍රිකෝණමිතිය is a synonym of trigonometry. මරියතුමියගේ ස්වර්ගාරෝපණය is a synonym of assumption of mary. xylophone is a synonym of සයිලොෆෝන්. 🌈 is a symbol of දේදුන්න. anarchy is a synonym of අරාජික. september is a synonym of සැප්තැම්බර්. gregorian calendar is a synonym of ග්‍රෙගරි දිනදසුන. පෝලන්තය is a synonym of poland. ජුපිට is a synonym of jupiter. වින්සන්ට් වැන් ගෝ is a synonym of vincent van gogh. වධ හිංසාව is a synonym of torture. අධෝරක්ත is a synonym of infrared. ප්ලූටෝ is a synonym of pluto. ලොකු මීයා is related to rat. ජනවාරි is a synonym of january. weight is a synonym of බර. රසායනික ප්‍රතික්‍රියා is a synonym of chemical reaction. බටහිර පැළුම් මිටියාවත රුවන්ඩාව is a synonym of great rift valley. 📙 is a symbol of පොත. බටහිර is related to west. guitar is a synonym of ගිටාරය. 🍶 is a symbol of බෝතලය. 🗻 is a symbol of කන්ද. 🍑 is a symbol of පලතුරු.