{ "en": "Do you know that boy's name?", "lg": "Omanyi amannya g'omulenzi oyo?" }
{ "en": "Parents should responsibly take care of their children.", "lg": "Abazadde balina okulabirira abaana baabwe n'obuvunaanyizibwa.." }
{ "en": "I saw his photo in the newspapers.", "lg": "Baamugamba yeetondere nnyini oluvannyuma lw'okumuyisaamu amaaso." }
{ "en": "It is okay for people to behave normally.", "lg": "Kirungi abantu okweyisa mu mbeera eya bulijjo." }
{ "en": "Many patients are taking longer to cure.", "lg": "Abalwadde bangi balwawo okuwona." }
{ "en": "How long do soya beans take to grow?", "lg": "Nnalaba ekifaananyi kye mu mpapula z'amawulire." }
{ "en": "They are not friends anymore.", "lg": "Tebakyali bamikwano." }
{ "en": "\"Apart from dancing, she is an actress.\"", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "\"On their base near the border with Rwanda, Eastern Rwanda, Burundian soldiers were hit.\"", "lg": "Ssoya atwala bbanga ki okukula?" }
{ "en": "The little girl has worms in her stomach.", "lg": "Omwana omuwala alina enjoka mu lubuto lwe." }
{ "en": "The technicians proposed an installation of a power generation centre on the stream.", "lg": "Abakugu baateesa okuteekawo ekkolero ly'amasannyalaze ku mugga guno." }
{ "en": "The ruling political party fought for peace in Uganda.", "lg": "\"Abajaasi ba Burundi baakubwa ku nkambi yabwe kumpi n'ensalo za Rwanda, Obuvanjuba bwa Rwanda.\"" }
{ "en": "Briefly explain the benefits of what we are doing here.", "lg": "Mu bufunze nnyonnyola emigaso egiri mu kye tukola wano." }
{ "en": "The cost of power will not change.", "lg": "Ebbeyi y'amasannyalaze tejja kukyuuka." }
{ "en": "He was killed because of his religious beliefs.", "lg": "Ekibiina ky'eby'obufuzi ekiri mu buyinza kyalwanirira mirembe mu Uganda." }
{ "en": "The deceased will always be remembered for his good deeds.", "lg": "Omugenzi ajja kujjukirwanga olw'ebirungi bye yakola." }
{ "en": "Uganda has the best climatic conditions in East Africa.", "lg": "Uganda erina embeera y'obudde esinga obulungi mu Afirika ey'Obuvanjuba." }
{ "en": "It takes five to six days for the symptoms of coronavirus to manifest.", "lg": "Yattibwa lwa nzikiriza ze ez'eddiini." }
{ "en": "nan", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "The company purchased more equipment.", "lg": "Kkampuni yaguze ebyuma ebirala." }
{ "en": "The Queen of Britain inherited the throne from her father.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "Why does your brother look at me badly?", "lg": "Lwaki muganda wo antunuulira bubi?" }
{ "en": "They want her to resign peacefully.", "lg": "Baagala alekulire mu mirembe." }
{ "en": "Where are silverfish found?", "lg": "Nnabakyala wa Bungereza yasikira nnamulondo okuva ku kitaawe." }
{ "en": "relatives of the deceased are fighting for his property.", "lg": "Abooluganda b'omugenzi balwanira bya bugagga bye." }
{ "en": "He was inspired to start his own business.", "lg": "Yasikirizibwa okutandikawo bizinensi eyiye." }
{ "en": "One of the students attained an injury.", "lg": "Mukene asangibwa wa?" }
{ "en": "People tend to cut down trees with an intention to grow tobacco.", "lg": "Abantu batera okutema emiti n'ekigendererwa ky'okusimba ttaaba." }
{ "en": "The news will be aired at nine.", "lg": "Amawulire gajja kusomebwa ku mpewo ku ssaawa ssatu." }
{ "en": "He was the first person in his family to get a university degree.", "lg": "Omu ku bayizi yafuna obuvune." }
{ "en": "We bought soda and water for the visitors.", "lg": "Abagenyi twabagulira sooda n'amazzi." }
{ "en": "There have been several arrests this month.", "lg": "Abantu bangi bakwatiddwa omwezi guno." }
{ "en": "My brother retired from the army last year.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "The government should protect local companies from external competition.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "She once told her husband to sleep on the floor without a blanket.", "lg": "Lumu yagambako bba nti yeebake wansi ku ttaka nga talina na bulangiti." }
{ "en": "The number of companies taking people to the Middle East for work has increased.", "lg": "Muganda wange/mwannyinaze yawummula egy'amagye omwaka oguwedde." }
{ "en": "The deputy headteacher was attacked.", "lg": "Omumyuka w'omukulu w'essomero yalumbiddwa." }
{ "en": "Everyone should acquire a national identity card.", "lg": "Buli omu ateekeddwa okufuna endagamuntu." }
{ "en": "The board members could not agree on whether to fire her or not.", "lg": "Omuwendo gwa kkampuni ezitwala abantu mu Buwalabu okukola gweyongedde." }
{ "en": "The next football match shall be held in the stadium.", "lg": "Omuzannyo oguddako gujja kubeera mu kisaawe." }
{ "en": "Uganda can get a lot of money from the oil sector.", "lg": "Uganda esobola okufuna ssente mptirivu mu by'amafuta." }
{ "en": "He challenged the election results in the Supreme Court of Uganda.", "lg": "Ab'akakiiko akafuzi tebaasobola kukkaanya oba bamugoba oba nedda." }
{ "en": "That department is responsible for providing medical and surgical care to patients.", "lg": "Ekitongole ekyo kivunaanyizibwa ku kuwa obujjanjabi n'okulongoosa abalwadde." }
{ "en": "President has his budget that is funded by public funds.", "lg": "Pulezidenti abeera n'embalirira ye evujjirirwa ssente z'eggwanga." }
{ "en": "My father has spent fifteen years with that car.", "lg": "Yawakanya ebyava mu kulonda mu Kkooti ya Uganda Ensukkulumu." }
{ "en": "There is no hope of him getting that money in four days.", "lg": "Tewali ssuubi lyonna nti ajja kufuna ssente ezo mu nnaku nnya." }
{ "en": "Students are encouraged to help each other whenever there is a need.", "lg": "Abayizi bakubirizibwa okuyambagana buli lwe wabeerawo obwetaavu." }
{ "en": "She asked her friends when her mother was coming back.", "lg": "Kitange emmotoka eyo amaze nayo emyaka kkumineetaano." }
{ "en": "This year must be better than last year.", "lg": "Omwaka guno guteekwa okuba omulungi okusinga oguwedde." }
{ "en": "The teachers advised students to revise their books.", "lg": "Abasomesa baawa abayizi amagezi okusoma ebitabo byabwe." }
{ "en": "Unlicensed schools shall be closed.", "lg": "Yabuuza mikwano gye ddi nnyina lwe yali agenda okudda." }
{ "en": "The government put measures in place to protect its people from the virus.", "lg": "Gavumenti yateekawo empenda okutangira abantu baayo obutakwatibwa kawuka." }
{ "en": "He put his money on the shop counter.", "lg": "Yateeka ssente ze ku mmeeza y'edduuka." }
{ "en": "What are some of the minor lakes?", "lg": "Amasomero agatalina lukisa kukola galina okuggalwa." }
{ "en": "It seems you were dreaming.", "lg": "Kirabika wali oloota." }
{ "en": "The taxis were scarce today.", "lg": "Takisi zibadde ntono leero." }
{ "en": "The floods swept away people's crops.", "lg": "Ezimu ku nnyanja entonotono ze ziruwa?" }
{ "en": "My cousin's leg was shot during the riot last week.", "lg": "Okugulu kwa kizibwe wange kwakubwa essasi mu keegugungo wiiki ewedde." }
{ "en": "Someone has just entered your car.", "lg": "Waliwo omuntu ayingidde mu mmotoka yo." }
{ "en": "How many refugee camps are in Uganda?", "lg": "Amataba gaatwala ebirime by'abantu." }
{ "en": "He washed his clothes from the basin.", "lg": "Yayoleza engoye ze mu bbaafu." }
{ "en": "He said more money will be needed to fully fund the project.", "lg": "Yagamba nti wajja kwetaagisaayo ssente endala okuvujjirira puloojekiti mu bujjuvu." }
{ "en": "The minister did not respond to my phone call.", "lg": "Nkambi mmeka ez'abanoonyi b'obubudamu eziri mu Uganda?" }
{ "en": "Hens eat millet grains.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "You saved my boy because you knew how to swim.", "lg": "Wataasizza mutabani wange kubanga wabadde omanyi okuwuga." }
{ "en": "Blood can be stored in a medically approved refrigerator for up to thirty five days.", "lg": "Minisita teyayanukula ssimu yange gye namukubira." }
{ "en": "Everyone is affected by the lockdown in one way or another.", "lg": "Buli muntu akoseddwa omuggalo mu ngeri emu oba endala." }
{ "en": "He has been in that office for more than thirty-five years now.", "lg": "Abadde mu woofiisi eyo okumala emyaka egisoba mu makumi asatu mu etaano kati." }
{ "en": "There are a few driving schools around here.", "lg": "Omusaayi gusobola okukuumirwa mu firiigi etuukana n'omutindo gw'eby'obujanjabi okumala ennaku asatu mu ttaano." }
{ "en": "What are you eating?", "lg": "Olya ki?" }
{ "en": "When did you first meet her?", "lg": "Wamusisinkana ddi?" }
{ "en": "There was chaos as billions were lost in the fire.", "lg": "Mu kitundu kino mulimu amasomero matono agayigiriza okuvuga mmotoka." }
{ "en": "Community programs can help people to understand the importance of protecting the environment.", "lg": "Pulogulaamu z'ekitundu zisobola okuyamba abantu okutegeera omugaso gw'okukuuma obutonde." }
{ "en": "nan", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "The rebels continued fighting even after the peace agreement.", "lg": "Waabaddewo akavuyo ng'obuwumbi butokomokera mu muliro." }
{ "en": "The weed destroyed the tree they use for shade.", "lg": "Omuddo gwayonoona omuti gwe bafunangamu ekisiikirize." }
{ "en": "nan", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "There is a set theme for every competition.", "lg": "Abayeekera beeyongera okulwana n'oluvannyuma lw'endagaano ey'emirembe." }
{ "en": "The headteacher addressed the pupils' at the assembly in English.", "lg": "Omukulu w'essomero yayogerako eri abayizi mu Lungereza mu lukuŋŋaana lwabwe." }
{ "en": "The team was ready to take on the challenge for the title.", "lg": "Ttiimu yabadde neetegefu okulwanira ekikopo." }
{ "en": "Listening to music is a form of entertainment.", "lg": "Waliwo omulamwa ogutegekebwa ku buli kuvuganya." }
{ "en": "The deceased has left so many debts.", "lg": "Omugenzi alese amabanja mangi." }
{ "en": "Where do you live?", "lg": "Obeera wa?" }
{ "en": "Students have to be informed and educate about their fundamental rights.", "lg": "Okuwuliriza ennyimba kuba kwesanyusaamu." }
{ "en": "The kidnapped students were rescued by the army.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "My friend likes begging.", "lg": "Mukwano gwange ayagala okusabiriza." }
{ "en": "The army officer has been promoted to the rank of general.", "lg": "Abayizi balina okubuulirwa n'okusomesebwa ku ddembe lyabwe." }
{ "en": "She knew where to find her.", "lg": "Yamanya ew'okumusanga." }
{ "en": "The government distributed ambulances to different districts.", "lg": "Gavumenti yagaba emmotoka ezitambuza abalwadde mu disitulikiti ez'enjawulo." }
{ "en": "He told us his name.", "lg": "Munnamagye akuziddwa n'atuuka ku daala lya generaali." }
{ "en": "Some health centres get only a few people for medication.", "lg": "Amalwaliro agamu gafuna abantu batono okufuna obujjanjabi." }
{ "en": "Why is it necessary to wear a mask during this season of the pandemic?", "lg": "Lwaki kyetaagisa okwambala masiki mu kiseera kino eky'ekirwadde?" }
{ "en": "This has been a good harvest time.", "lg": "Yatugamba erinnya lye." }
{ "en": "Some Americans claim that the virus was made by the Chinese government.", "lg": "Abantu abamu mu Amerika bagamba nti ekirwadde kya korona gavumenti ya China ye yakikola." }
{ "en": "The clinic was relocated to a cheaper building.", "lg": "Kiriniki yakyusibwa ekifo n'etwalibwa ku kizimbe ekyassente entonoko." }
{ "en": "He is worried about the burglaries happening in the area.", "lg": "Kino kibadde kiseera kirungi kya kukungula." }
{ "en": "The doctor said that coronavirus can be reduced with mass vaccination.", "lg": "Ddokita yagamba nti kkolona asobola okukendeezebwa okuyita mu kugema okw'ekikungo." }
{ "en": "They are withholding important details on taxation issues.", "lg": "Beesigalizza ensonga enkulu ku bikwatagana ku musolo." }
{ "en": "Why did he leave the organization?", "lg": "Yeeraliikirira obubbi obw'okumenya amayumba obuli mu kitundu." }
{ "en": "Ethiopia is considered to have the highest firepower.", "lg": "Ethiopia etwalibwa okuba n'ebyokulwanyisa eby'amaanyi." }
{ "en": "None of the employees was forced to take a pay cut.", "lg": "Tewali n'omu ku bakozi yawalirizibwa okusalibwako omusaala." }
{ "en": "Henry Okello Oryem is Uganda's minister of state for international affairs.", "lg": "Lwaki yava mu kibiina?" }
{ "en": "The government must put the bill into law.", "lg": "Gavumenti erina okufuula ebbago etteeka." }
{ "en": "Do you have training in project management?", "lg": "Olina okutendekebwa mu kukwasaganya pulojekiti?" }
{ "en": "The teacher was angry at the students' misconduct in the class.", "lg": "Henry Okello Oryemu ye minisita wa Uganda omubeezi ow'ensonga z'ebweru." }
{ "en": "The district task force didn't have enough funds to train all health workers.", "lg": "Akakiiko ka disitulikiti akadduukirize tekaalina buyambi bumala okutendeka abasawo bonna." }
{ "en": "Cleaning the streets is a sign of Christianity.", "lg": "Okulongoosa amakubo kabonero ka bukrisitu." }
{ "en": "nan", "lg": "Omusomesa yanyiiga nnyo olw'abayizi okweyisa obubi mu kibiina." }
{ "en": "The announcement was made on the radio.", "lg": "Ekirango kyayisibwa ku leediyo." }
{ "en": "Your lives are in danger.", "lg": "Obulamu bwammwe buli mu matigga." }
{ "en": "Political Candidates on the national level are nominated individually by the electoral commissions.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "We shifted to the city because my father got a new job there.", "lg": "Twasengukira mu kibuga kubanga taata yafunayo omulimu omuggya." }
{ "en": "My father climbed the Rwenzori mountain.", "lg": "Kitange yalinnya olusozi lwa Rwenzori." }
{ "en": "Everyone needs the freedom to freely express their ideas.", "lg": "Bannabyabufuzi abeesimbyewo mu ggwanga lyonna basunsulibwa obukiiko bw'ebyokulonda kinnoomu." }
{ "en": "Male partners can attend antenatal care as a way to support pregnant mothers.", "lg": "Abaami basobola okubeera mu bifo ab'embuto we banywera eddagala ng'engeri y'okuyambako bamaama ab'embuto." }
{ "en": "There will be economic instability in the region.", "lg": "Wajja kubaawo okutabanguka mu byenfuna mu kitundu." }
{ "en": "She has two children in this school.", "lg": "Buli omu yeetaaga eddembe okwoleka endowooza ze mu bwetaaye." }
{ "en": "The system will help improve studentsÕ performance.", "lg": "Enkola ejja kuyamba okutumbula ensoma y'abayizi." }
{ "en": "This happened at a gathering.", "lg": "Kino kyatuuseewo mu lukuŋŋaana." }
{ "en": "Our town was once visited by the president.", "lg": "Alina abaana babiri mu ssomero lino." }
{ "en": "People should work with the ruling party instead of opposing it.", "lg": "Abantu balina okukola n'ekibiina ekiri mu buyinza mu kifo ky'okukivuganya." }
{ "en": "You are left with five minutes to the end of the examination.", "lg": "Musigazizzaayo eddakiika ttaano ekigezo kikomekkerezebwe." }
{ "en": "We live in a real world.", "lg": "Lumu pulezidenti yakyalako mu kabuga kaffe." }
{ "en": "I spent a lot of money on this house.", "lg": "Ennyumba eno nagisaasaanyizaako ssente nnyingi." }
{ "en": "She knows three different languages.", "lg": "Amanyi ennimi ssatu ez'enjawulo." }
{ "en": "The changing of age-old social norms has been met with some resistance.", "lg": "Tubeera mu nsi eya ddala." }
{ "en": "Government should be able to support women in different projects.", "lg": "Gavumenti eteekeddwa okuba n'obusobozi okuyamba abakyala mu pulojekiti ez'enjawulo." }
{ "en": "Non-government schools continue to perform better than government schools.", "lg": "Amasomero agatali ga gavumenti gakyeyongera okukola obulungi okusinga amasomero ga gavumenti." }
{ "en": "For an external and independent oversight.", "lg": "Okukyusa empisa z'abantu ez'edda kusanze okuwakanyizibwa." }
{ "en": "There is a doctors` conference every year.", "lg": "Buli mwaka badokita baba n'olukungaana." }
{ "en": "What is that one thing that you will never forget in your entire life?", "lg": "Kintu ki ekyo ky'otayinza kwerabira mu bulamu bwo bwonna?" }
{ "en": "There are many things in the community that hinder girls from continuing with education.", "lg": "Okunoonyereza okuli ebweru nga kwetongodde." }
{ "en": "Political heads of urban councils should have a minimum of a senior six certificate.", "lg": "Abakulembeze b'ebyobufuzi abatuula Ku bukiiko obuddukanya ebibuga balina okuba ekitono ennyo nga balina ebbaluwa ya siniya ey'omukaaga." }
{ "en": "The musicians adopted new music styles.", "lg": "Omuyimbi yakoppayo engeri z'okuyimba empya." }
{ "en": "I believe that the football team has a successful future ahead of it.", "lg": "Waliwo ebintu bingi mu kitundu ebiziyiza abawala okugenda mu maaso n'emisomo gyabwe." }
{ "en": "How did the story end?", "lg": "Emboozi yafundikidde etya?" }
{ "en": "The national basketball team hired a new manager.", "lg": "Ttiimu y'eggwanga ey'omupiira gw'ensero yafuna maneja omuggya." }
{ "en": "The remains of the aeroplane from the accident were buried.", "lg": "Nzikiriza nti ttiimu y'omupiira gw'ebigere erina ebiseera eby'omu maaso ebitangaavu." }
{ "en": "He won his first gold medal during the athletic games.", "lg": "Yawangula omudaali gwe ogwa zzaabu ogwasooka mu mpaka z'okudduka." }
{ "en": "One thought that my decision to leave at that time was not wise.", "lg": "Omu yalowooza nti nze okusalawo okugenda mu kiseera ekyo tekyali kya magezi." }
{ "en": "He plays for the national cricket team.", "lg": "Ebisigalira by'ennyonyi eyagwa ku kabenje byaziikibwa." }
{ "en": "She participated in the high jump competition.", "lg": "Yeetaba mu mpaka z'okubuuka okw'okutumbiira waggulu." }
{ "en": "Financial institutions charge high rates.", "lg": "Ebitongole by'ebyensimbi biggyako ebisale bya waggulu." }
{ "en": "My friend was discriminated against because of her black skin color.", "lg": "Azannyira ttiimu y'eggwanga eya cricket." }
{ "en": "The new power station will generate a lot of electricity for the country.", "lg": "Ekkolero ly'amasannyalaze eppya lijja kuvaamu amasannyalaze mangi agajja okukozesebwa mu ggwanga." }
{ "en": "Elections for district leaders are yet to start in Tororo District.", "lg": "Okulonda abakulembeze ba disitulikiti mu disitulikiti y'e Tororo tekunnabaawo." }
{ "en": "Teachers gave their students company during the trip.", "lg": "Mukwano gwange yaboolebwa olw'okuba muddugavu." }
{ "en": "One of the Standard operating Procedures is wearing a face mask.", "lg": "\"Emu ku ngeri ennungi y'okulwanisa ekirwadde kya ssenyiga omukambwe, kwe kwambala akakkookolo.\"" }
{ "en": "The fire started from one of the rooms before spreading to other rooms.", "lg": "Omuliro gw'atandikidde mu kimu ku bisenge nga tegunnasaasaana mu bisenge ebirala." }
{ "en": "This ensures that recruitment into government employment is done on merit.", "lg": "Abasomesa bawerekerako abayizi baabwe mu kulambula." }
{ "en": "There is a lot of entertainment on the different television channels.", "lg": "Waliwo ebisanyusa bingi ku mikutu gya ttivi egy'enjawulo." }
{ "en": "Some exploited workers are not helped when they seek legal help.", "lg": "Abamu ku abo abakozesebwa ennyo ate nga baweebwa omusaala mutono tebayambibwa ensonga zaabwe bwe bazitwala mu mateeka." }
{ "en": "Investors will fund in areas which are in peace.", "lg": "Kino kikakasa nti abantu abaweebwa emirimu gya gavumenti ddala baba bagwana." }
{ "en": "Light helps us to see well in the night.", "lg": "Ekitangaala kituyamba okulaba obulungi ekiro." }
{ "en": "The citizens have decided to fight each other over politics.", "lg": "Bannansi basazeewo kulwanagana olw'ebyobufuzi." }
{ "en": "Government hospitals face a lot of challenges in doing their work.", "lg": "Abasigansimbi bajja kuvvujjirira mu bitundu ebilina emirembe.e" }
{ "en": "The punishment for unlawful assembly is one year imprisonment.", "lg": "Ekibonerezo ky'olukiiko olutali mu mateeka Kya mwaka gumu ku alimaanda." }
{ "en": "The function was held in the Eastern part of Uganda.", "lg": "Omukolo gwategekebwa mu kitundu ky'omu Buvanjuba bwa Uganda." }
{ "en": "\"Only once in a while, but still piloted by Russian experts.\"", "lg": "Amalwaliro ga gavumenti gasanga okusoomoozebwa kubingi nga gakola emirimu gyago." }
{ "en": "The police recovered the bodies of two people from the building which had collapsed.", "lg": "Poliisi yazuula emirambo gya bantu babiri okuva mu kizimbe ekyali kigudde." }
{ "en": "She plays football with her brothers.", "lg": "Azannya ne baganda be omupiira." }
{ "en": "Your mother loves you too much.", "lg": "Mulundi gumu gwokka mu bbanga eddene naye era zikyavugibwa abakugu Abarussia." }
{ "en": "The Uganda premier league will be live on television.", "lg": "Liigi ya Uganda eya ttiimu ez'oku ntikko ejja kulagibwa butereevu ku ttivvi." }
{ "en": "Some truck drivers get arrested due to lack of driving licenses.", "lg": "Baddereeva ba loore abamu bakwatibwa olw'obutaba nga bisaanyizo bya kuvuga." }
{ "en": "The doctor advised me to eat more fruits.", "lg": "Maama wo akwagala okukamala." }
{ "en": "\"To some academicians, the multiracial people emerged from the colonial period.\"", "lg": "\"Eri abayivu abamu, abantu b'emisaayi emitabule baava mu kiseera ky'obufuzu bw'amatwale.\"" }
{ "en": "He was manhandled then handcuffed for stealing the phone.", "lg": "Baamukutte n'oluvannyuma ne bamuteeka ku mpingu olw'okubba essimu." }
{ "en": "The media has played a crucial role in protecting children's rights through awareness.", "lg": "Ddokita yampa amagezi okwongera okulya ebibala." }
{ "en": "The bride's price should be a non-refundable gift in Uganda.", "lg": "Omutwalo guteekeddwa okuba ekirabo ekitaddizibwayo mu Uganda." }
{ "en": "\"Recently, two children died due to diarrhoeal diseases caused by poor sanitation.\"", "lg": "\"Gye buvuddeko, abaana babiri baafa olw'obulwadde bw'ekiddukano obwava ku bucaafu.\"" }
{ "en": "What is kept in the cupboard?", "lg": "Amawulire gakoze omulimu gwa ttendo okukuuma eddembe ly'abaana ng'eyita mu kumanyisa abantu." }
{ "en": "You should learn to work faster and more efficiently.", "lg": "Olina okuyiga okukola amangu ate bulungi." }
{ "en": "Banks will be open for only six hours a day.", "lg": "Bbanka zijja kuba nzigule okumala essaawa mukaaga zokka olunaku." }
{ "en": "The university is trying to find a solution for the students who missed their examinations.", "lg": "Kiki ekiterekebwa mu kkabada?" }
{ "en": "Each class had five streams", "lg": "Buli kibiina ky'ali kyawuddwamu ebibinja bitaano." }
{ "en": "Communities are aware of the prevalence of coronavirus disease in the country.", "lg": "Abantu bakimanyi nti waliwo ekirwadde kya korona mu ggwanga." }
{ "en": "Farmers need to invest in a records management system.", "lg": "Yunivaasite egezaako okuzuula eky'okukolera abayizi abataakola bigezo byabwe." }
{ "en": "The journalist did not have information about the minister.", "lg": "Munnamawulire teyalina mawulire gonna ku minisita." }
{ "en": "The leaves have pods because of the pests.", "lg": "Ebikoola birwadde olw'ebiwuka." }
{ "en": "I told you not to tell him anything.", "lg": "Abalimi beetaaga okufaayo ku kukuuma ebiwandiiko." }
{ "en": "He intends to ensure proper allocation and distribution of the country's resources.", "lg": "Agenderera kukakasa nti eby'obugagga by'eggwanga bisaasaanyizibwa n'okubigabanya obulungi." }
{ "en": "How do woodland and thickets grow?", "lg": "Ebibira n'obusaka bimera bitya?" }
{ "en": "The corrupt workers were stopped from working.", "lg": "Nakugamba oleme kumugamba kintu kyonna." }
{ "en": "\"After their wedding, they lived happily ever after.\"", "lg": "Oluvannyuma lw'embaga yaabwe babeera mu ssanyu jjereere." }
{ "en": "\"Without the additional week, turnover would be eleven point one percent higher than last year.\"", "lg": "\"Ng'oggyeeko wiiki eyeeyongeramu, ssente ze yafuna zaasingako ebitundu kumi na kimu n'akatundutundu kamu ku z'omwaka oguwedde.\"" }
{ "en": "They have to vote for their leaders.", "lg": "Abakozi abalya nguzi baayimiriziddwa okukola." }
{ "en": "The summit will be attended by people coming from different countries.", "lg": "Olukungaana lujja kubaamu abantu abava mu mawanga ag'enjawulo." }
{ "en": "The residents were shocked by the discovery of the body.", "lg": "Abatuuze baakubwa entiisa ng'omulambo guzuuliddwa." }
{ "en": "It is rare to find a father raising his children by himself.", "lg": "Balina okulonda abakulembeze baabwe." }
{ "en": "She was a beautiful girl.", "lg": "Yali muwala mubalagavu." }
{ "en": "She is singing for her little sister.", "lg": "Ayimbira muganda we omuto." }
{ "en": "I have no idea about what you are asking.", "lg": "Ssi kya bulijjo okusanga taata ng'akuza abaana be yekka." }
{ "en": "\"When it rains, the pupils get shelter from the nearby church.\"", "lg": "Enkuba bw'etonnya abayizi baggama ku kkanisa eriraanyeewo." }
{ "en": "The continent has the youngest population in the world", "lg": "Ssemazinga alina omuwendo gw'abantu abasingayo obuto mu nsi." }
{ "en": "A legal framework is in place to help commercial banks expand their financial lending.", "lg": "Sirina kye mmanyi ku ky'obuuza." }
{ "en": "Why do you look so old?", "lg": "Lwaki olabika ng'omukadde ennyo?" }
{ "en": "He would use his workers to get the job done.", "lg": "Yakozesanga bakozi be okukola emirimu." }
{ "en": "Starting a war against the government is the highest form of treason.", "lg": "Ennambika y'ebyamateeka eteereddwawo okuyamba bbanka okugaziya okuwola ssente." }
{ "en": "Grabbed three hundred sixty-six acres and later sold at eleven billion shillings.", "lg": "Yiika z'ettaka ebikumi bisatu mu nkaaga mu mukaaga ezabbibwa oluvannyuma zaatundibwa obuwumbi kkumi na kamu obwa siringi." }
{ "en": "He thanked his wife for being trustworthy and hardworking.", "lg": "Yeebaza mukyala we olw'okubeera omwesigwa era omukozi." }
{ "en": "Their school uniform is blue.", "lg": "Okutandikawo olutalo ku gavumenti kwe kulya mu nsi yo olukwe okusingayo." }
{ "en": "Who is responsible for providing students with food at school?", "lg": "Ani avunaanyizibwa ku kuwa abayizi emmmere ku ssomero?" }
{ "en": "Being a professional shows ones level of expertise in a specific fierd", "lg": "Okubeera omutendeke kiraga eddalya ly'obukugu bw'omuntu mu kisaawe ekimu." }
{ "en": "I come from the pearl of Africa", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "The lockdown will be extended if cases continue to rise", "lg": "Omuggalo gujja kwongezebwayo singa abalwadde beeyongera." }
{ "en": "\"As a student, how can I attain an academic scholarship?\"", "lg": "Ng'omuyizi ninza ntya okufuna sikaala y'okusoma?" }
{ "en": "Her best game in the Uganda Championships took place in the 2007 Uganda Championships in Kampala.", "lg": "Nva mu kkula lya Africa" }
{ "en": "The goods stolen were worth five million Uganda shillings.", "lg": "Ebyamaguzi ebyabbiddwa byabadde bibalirirwamu obukadde bwa ssente za Uganda butaano." }
{ "en": "Universities adopt and use e-learning systems", "lg": "Ssettendekero zizze ku kusomeseza ku mutimbagano." }
{ "en": "The Uganda Revenue Authority has some technological solutions.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "The business community informed the council to involve people in the planning process.", "lg": "Abasuubuzi baasabye akakiiko okwetabyamu abantu mu nteekateeka." }
{ "en": "The children have just finished eating food.", "lg": "Abaana baakamaliriza okulya emmere." }
{ "en": "What kind of businesses operate in that community?", "lg": "Ekitongole kya Uganda Ekiwoozamisolo kirina enkola za tekinologiya ezigonjoola obuzibu." }
{ "en": "Valuable species of trees are cut down.", "lg": "Ebika by'emiti eby'omuwendo bisalibwa." }
{ "en": "The supporters mobilized funds for transport to the game.", "lg": "Abawagizi baasonda ensimbi z'entambula okugenda okulaba omuzannyo." }
{ "en": "The people desire to exercise their freedom.", "lg": "Bizinensi kika ki ezikolebwa mu kitundu ekyo?" }
{ "en": "The games will start at midday.", "lg": "Emizannyo gijja kutandika mu ttuntu." }
{ "en": "The number of youths who have contracted the disease increases every month.", "lg": "Omuwendo gw'abavubuka abakwatiddwa obulwadde gweyongera buli mwezi." }
{ "en": "Government money is often embezzled.", "lg": "Abantu kye bayaayanira kwe kweyagalira mu ddembe lyabwe." }
{ "en": "The cat was moving with its tail lifted.", "lg": "Ppuusi yali etambula ng'ewanise omukira gwaayo." }
{ "en": "Most refugees stay in temporary homes like tents.", "lg": "Abanoonyiboobubudamu abasinga babera mu nnyumba ezitali za buwangaazi nga weema." }
{ "en": "People should always show kindness and love to others.", "lg": "Ssente za gavumenti zitera okukumpanyizibwa." }
{ "en": "The elephant is the largest animal in the world.", "lg": "Enjovu ye nsolo esingayo obunene mu nsi." }
{ "en": "Most of the prostitutes operate in Kampala's city center.", "lg": "Bamalaaya abasinga obungi bakolera mu kibuga kya Kampala wakati." }
{ "en": "All police officers combined effort to end the protests.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "Schools will only teach bright students.", "lg": "Amasomero gajja kusomesa abayizi abagezi bokka." }
{ "en": "The jerrycan has two holes at the bottom.", "lg": "Ekidomola kirimu ebituli bibiri mu ntobo." }
{ "en": "More women have started to embrace family planning.", "lg": "Abasirikale ba poliisi bonna baakolera wamu okukomya okwekalakaasa." }
{ "en": "nan", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "What do students study in college?", "lg": "Abayizi basoma ki mu ttendekero?" }
{ "en": "They began fighting and were unable to get anything done.", "lg": "Abakazi beeyongedde okwettanira entegeka y'ezzadde." }
{ "en": "\"Among the many contestants, only one can merge as the winner.\"", "lg": "\"Mu bavuganya abangi, omu yekka y'awangula.\"" }
{ "en": "The parents failed to raise small examination fees.", "lg": "Abazadde baalemererwa okutoola ssente z'ebigezo entono." }
{ "en": "Water is usually scarce in dry areas.", "lg": "Baatandika okulwanagana era tebaasobola kubaako kye bakola." }
{ "en": "She loves her daughter so much.", "lg": "Ayagala nnyo muwala we." }
{ "en": "Forgery and conning are acts of deceptions.", "lg": "Okujingirira n'obufere bikolwa bya bulimba." }
{ "en": "The amount of money required to take a coronavirus test will be communicated.", "lg": "Amazzi gabeera ga bbula mu biseera by'ekyeya." }
{ "en": "Little is known about her history.", "lg": "Bitono nnyo ebimanyiddwa ku byafaayo bye." }
{ "en": "Some of the landslide victims do not want to shift to the resettlement camp.", "lg": "Abamu ku abo abaakosebwa okubumbulukuka kw'ettaka tebaagala kusengulwa batwalibwe mu bitundu ebirala." }
{ "en": "He stressed the relevance of cooperation from both states to fight cholera and Ebola.", "lg": "Omuwendo gw'ensimbi ogwetaagisa okukebera akawuka ka kolona gujja kwogerebwa." }
{ "en": "Health workers provide medicine to circumcised makes to heal the wound quickly.", "lg": "Abakozi b'ebyobulamu bagabira abakomoleddwa eddagala okusobozesa ekiwundu okuwona amangu." }
{ "en": "People should be educated about culture.", "lg": "Abantu balina okusomesebwa ku byobuwangwa ." }
{ "en": "Some countries in the Northern part of African have light-skinned people.", "lg": "Yaggumiza omugaso gw'amawanga gombi okukolera awamu okulwanyisa Ebola ne kolera." }
{ "en": "The Africa Cup of Nations is widely watched around the continent.", "lg": "Ekikopo kya Afirika eky'amawanga gonna kirabibwa okwetooloola ensi." }
{ "en": "nan", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "Youth resort to criminality because they are lazy.", "lg": "Ensi ezimu eziri mu Bukiikaddyo bwa Afirika zirimu abantu abeeru." }
{ "en": "He worked as an engineer at a construction company.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "The campaigns were launched today.", "lg": "Kakuyege atongozeddwa leero." }
{ "en": "The expenses cannot be traced.", "lg": "Abavubuka basalawo okuzza emisango kubanga banafu." }
{ "en": "Government cautioned leaders to give full accountability for the money they received.", "lg": "Gavumenti yalabudde abakulembeze okuwa embalirira yonna ku ssente ze baafunye." }
{ "en": "We have the highest confirmed cases of coronavirus.", "lg": "Tuyina abalwadde b'akawuka ka kolona abakakasidda abakyasinze obungi." }
{ "en": "It is used to catch silverfish.", "lg": "Ebyensaasaanya tebisobola kuzuulwa." }
{ "en": "The full dose for tuberculosis is taken for a long period of time", "lg": "Ddoozi y'akafuba ennamba ogimirira ebbanga ddene" }
{ "en": "He lent her money so that she can pay back later.", "lg": "Yamuwola ssente azimusasule oluvannyuma." }
{ "en": "Are there any health risks involved in tobacco growing>", "lg": "Kyeyambisibwa okuvuba mukene." }
{ "en": "Only a caretaker of a coronavirus patient is allowed in the ward.", "lg": "Alabirira omulwadde wa kkolona yekka y'akkirizibwa mu waadi." }
{ "en": "My internet connection was disrupted by the storm.", "lg": "Yintaneeti yange yacankalanyizibwa omuyaga." }
{ "en": "Where has the shopkeeper gone?", "lg": "Waliwo obuzibu bwonna ku bulamu obuli mu kulima taaba?" }
{ "en": "The government encourages family planning among married couples.", "lg": "Gavumenti ekubiriza abafumbo okukozesa enkola eky'ekizaalagumba." }
{ "en": "\"Bukalasa Agricultural College has adapted a new Curriculum and expects are in support of this , therefore students are requested to get copies from the ministry of education offices.\"", "lg": "Ettendekero ly'ebyobulimi erya Bukalasa lifulumizza enteekateeka y'ebisomesebwa empya era abakugu kino bakiwagira n'olw'ekyo abayizi basabibwa okuuna kkopi ku woofiisi ya minisitule y'ebyenjigiriza." }
{ "en": "His father owned a small house in the village.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "My brother is two years older than me.", "lg": "Muganda wange ansingako emyaka ebiri." }
{ "en": "She was the first tenant to occupy this house.", "lg": "Ye mupangisa eyasooka ku nnyumba eno." }
{ "en": "Don’t pretend as if you care.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "We visited the Nyero rock paintings when I was in primary school.", "lg": "Twalambula ebisiige by'enjazi z'e Nyero nga ndi mu ssomero lya pulayimale." }
{ "en": "\"If you get the right advice, you are most likely to do the right things.\"", "lg": "\"Bw'ofuna amagezi amatuufu, emikisa mingi nti ojja kukola ekintu ekituufu.\"" }
{ "en": "Prolonged Regional outages hinder business in small and large-scale industries.", "lg": "Teweefuula nga afaayo." }
{ "en": "People have been attacked by elephants.", "lg": "Abantu balumbiddwa enjovu." }
{ "en": "Children are considered to be a blessing in African cultures.", "lg": "Abaana batwalibwa okuba eky'omukisa mu buwangwa bw'Abafirika." }
{ "en": "I learned how to make ice cream.", "lg": "Amasannyalaze okuvaako okumala ebbanga eddene mu bitundu kikosa bizinensi z'amakolero amatono n'amanene." }
{ "en": "Police has advised the motorcycle riders against covering their lights.", "lg": "Ppoliisi ewadde abavuzi ba ppikipiki amagezi balekere awo okubikka amataala gaabwe." }
{ "en": "\"When the baby donkey woke up, he was alone.\"", "lg": "\"\"\"Omwana gw'endogoyi bwe gwagolokoka, gwali gwokka.\"" }
{ "en": "My friend claims that he is being bewitched.", "lg": "Nayiga engeri y'okukolamu ayisi kkuliimu." }
{ "en": "Land wrangles have often resulted in deaths and evictions", "lg": "Enkaayana ku ttaka zizze zifiiramu abantu n'okusengulwa." }
{ "en": "My young sister is not afraid of moving alone at night.", "lg": "Muto wange tatya kutambula yekka kiro." }
{ "en": "The communications officer refused to give any information to the press.", "lg": "Mukwano gwange agamba nti bamuloga." }
{ "en": "Students need to work hard to improve their grades.", "lg": "Abayizi balina okusoma ennyo okufuna obubonero obulungi." }
{ "en": "She went to the hospital with her husband.", "lg": "Yagenda mu ddwaliro ne bba." }
{ "en": "The heavy rains are a sign of climate change in the country.", "lg": "Omukungu w'ekitongole ky'eby'empuliziganya yagaanye okubaako by'abuulira bannamawulire." }
{ "en": "The two friends shared with their friends what they had observed in the city.", "lg": "Ab'emikwano ababiri baanyumizaako mikwano gyabwe bye baali balabye mu kibuga." }
{ "en": "Mothers play a very special role in children's upbringing.", "lg": "Bamaama bakola omulimu ogw'enjawulo mu nkuza y'abaana." }
{ "en": "Farmers need help to reach certain markets.", "lg": "Enkuba ennyingi kabonero akalaga nti waliwo enkyukakyuka mu mbeera y'obudde mu ggwanga lino." }
{ "en": "I have great memories of high school.", "lg": "Waliwo ebintu bingi ebinsanyusa bye nzijukira bwe nnali nga nkyasoma sekendule." }
{ "en": "She obtained funds from donor countries to provide for vulnerable people.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "The government constructed Kitalya prison to decongest Luzira prison.", "lg": "Abalimi beetaaga obuyambi okutuuka ku butale obumu" }
{ "en": "A leader guides the rest of the people on what to do.", "lg": "nan" }
{ "en": "Health workers are expected to start working on Monday.", "lg": "Abasawo basuubirwa okutandika okukola ku Mmande." }
{ "en": "One COVID-19 case has been recorded at the Eastern border of Uganda and Kenya.", "lg": "Gavumenti yazimba ekkomera ly'e Kitalya okukendeeza ku mujjuzo mu kkomera ly'e Luzira." }
{ "en": "The combined use of land increased to two hundred fifty four thousand hectares.", "lg": "Okukozeseza awamu ettaka kweyongera okutuuka ku hekiteya emitwalo abiri mu etaano mu enkumi nnya." }
{ "en": "We saw a man wearing black clothes in the forest.", "lg": "Twalabye omusajja ng'ayambadde engoye enzirugavu mu kibira." }
{ "en": "Besigye accused the National Resistance Movement of being a one-man dictatorship.", "lg": "Omulwadde omu owa COVID-19 azuuliddwa ku nsalo y'ebuvanjuba bwa Uganda ne Kenya ." }
{ "en": "She always did her best despite the challenges she faced.", "lg": "Yakolanga ekisoboka kyonna newankubadde yayita mu kusoomoozebwa." }
{ "en": "Each country must have at least one airport.", "lg": "Buli ggwanga lirina okubeera n'ekisaawe ky'ennyonyi waakiri kimu." }
{ "en": "The bible says love your neighbor as you love your self.", "lg": "Besigye yalumiriza National Resistance Movement okuba wansi wa nnakyemalira omu." }
{ "en": "Witch doctors do most of their activities in the shrine.", "lg": "\"Abalaguzi, ebintu byabwe ebisinga obungi babikolera mu ssabo.\"" }
{ "en": "He was disappointed with his English examination results.", "lg": "Yennyamira olw'ebyava mu kigezo kye eky'essomo ly'Olungereza." }
{ "en": "Lining behind candidates could cause conflict among the voters.", "lg": "Bbayibuli egamba nti yagala muliraanwa wo nga bwe weeyagala." }
{ "en": "There are many security measures put in place.", "lg": "Eby'okwerinda binywezeddwa." }
{ "en": "Most of the minerals are got from the ground.", "lg": "Eby'obugagga eby'omu ttaka ebisinga obungi biggibwa wansi." }
{ "en": "The family's country house is beautiful.", "lg": "Okusimba mu mugongo gw'abesimbyewo kyandireeta obukuubagano mu balonzi." }