relations_map = { 'social_intercation': ['oEffect', 'oReact', 'oWant', 'xAttr', 'xEffect', 'xIntent', 'xNeed', 'xReact', 'xWant'], 'physical_entity' : ['ObjectUse', 'AtLocation', 'Desires', 'NotDesires', 'HasProperty', 'MadeUpOf', 'CapableOf'], 'event_centered' : ['isAfter', 'isBefore', 'HasSubEvent', 'HinderedBy', 'Causes', 'xReason', 'isFilledBy'], } social_intercation_2_descriptions = { 'xIntent': 'Why does X cause the event?', 'xNeed' : 'What does X need to do before the event?', 'xAttr' : 'How would X be described?', 'xEffect': 'What effects does the event have on X?', 'xWant' : 'What would X likely want to do after the event?', 'xReact' : 'How does X feel after the event?', 'oEffect': 'What effects does the event have on others?', 'oReact' : 'How do others\' feel after the event?', 'oWant' : 'What would others likely want to do after the event?', } physical_entity_2_descriptions = { 'ObjectUse' : 'ObjectUse describes everyday affordances or uses of objects, and includes both typical and atypical uses.', 'AtLocation' : 'AtLocation is a spatial relation that describes the location in/on/at which an entity is likely to be found.', 'Desires' : 'Desires are relations that deal with desires of sentient entities.', 'HasProperty': 'HasProperty usually describes entities\' general characteristics. In certain case, the relation can also map to descriptors that speak to the substance or value of items.', 'NotDesires' : 'Not desires are relations that deal with the absence of desires in sentient entities.', 'MadeUpOf' : 'MadeUpOf describes a part, portion or makeup of an entity.', 'CapableOf' : 'CapableOf describes abilities and capabilities of everyday living entities and natural entites that can exert a force. CapableOf includes general capabilities and specialized capabilities.', } event_centered_2_descriptions = { 'isAfter' : 'isAfter introduces events that can follow an event.', 'HasSubEvent': 'HasSubEvent provides the internal structure of an event, each tail denoting a step within the larger head event.', 'isBefore' : 'isBefore introduces events that can precede an event.', 'HinderedBy' : 'HinderedyBy introduces hindrances that obstruct the natural path to the achievement of a goal.', 'Causes' : 'Causes specifically captures the causal relation between two events or entities.', 'xReason' : 'xReason provides a post-fact explanation of the cause of an event.', 'isFilledBy' : 'isFilledBy provides a filler phrase for an event with a blank that is sensical and commonly acceptable for the event.', }