--- language: - bg - cs - da - de - el - es - et - fi - fr - ga - hr - hu - is - it - lt - lv - mt - nb - nl - pl - ro - sk - sl - sv - da multilingulality: - multilingual task_categories: - translation viewer: false tags: - health --- > [!NOTE] > Dataset origin: https://live.european-language-grid.eu/catalogue/corpus/21222 ## Description The dataset contains 327 X-Y TMX files, where X and Y belong to the set {CEF language plus IS and NO} (3905604 TUs in total). Acquisition of data (from multi/bi-lingual websites), normalization, cleaning, deduplication and identification of parallel documents have been done by ILSP-FC tool. Multilingual embeddings (LASER) were used for alignment of segments. Merging/filtering of segment pairs has also been applied. ## Citation ``` Multilingual corpus in HEALTH (COVID-19) domain part_1a (v.1.0) in TMX format. (2021, January 15). Version 1.0. [Dataset (Text corpus)]. Source: European Language Grid. https://live.european-language-grid.eu/catalogue/corpus/21222 ```