from dreamcoder.likelihoodModel import AllOrNothingLikelihoodModel from dreamcoder.grammar import * from dreamcoder.utilities import get_root_dir import os import traceback import subprocess def multicoreEnumeration(g, tasks, _=None, enumerationTimeout=None, solver='ocaml', CPUs=1, maximumFrontier=None, verbose=True, evaluationTimeout=None, testing=False): '''g: Either a Grammar, or a map from task to grammar. Returns (list-of-frontiers, map-from-task-to-search-time)''' # We don't use actual threads but instead use the multiprocessing # library. This is because we need to be able to kill workers. #from multiprocess import Process, Queue from multiprocessing import Queue # everything that gets sent between processes will be dilled import dill solvers = {"ocaml": solveForTask_ocaml, "pypy": solveForTask_pypy, "python": solveForTask_python} assert solver in solvers, "You must specify a valid solver. options are ocaml, pypy, or python." likelihoodModel = None if solver == 'pypy' or solver == 'python': # Use an all or nothing likelihood model. likelihoodModel = AllOrNothingLikelihoodModel(timeout=evaluationTimeout) solver = solvers[solver] if not isinstance(g, dict): g = {t: g for t in tasks} task2grammar = g # If we are not evaluating on held out testing tasks: # Bin the tasks by request type and grammar # If these are the same then we can enumerate for multiple tasks simultaneously # If we are evaluating testing tasks: # Make sure that each job corresponds to exactly one task jobs = {} for i, t in enumerate(tasks): if testing: k = (task2grammar[t], t.request, i) else: k = (task2grammar[t], t.request) jobs[k] = jobs.get(k, []) + [t] disableParallelism = len(jobs) == 1 parallelCallback = launchParallelProcess if not disableParallelism else lambda f, * \ a, **k: f(*a, **k) if disableParallelism: eprint("Disabling parallelism on the Python side because we only have one job.") eprint("If you are using ocaml, there could still be parallelism.") # Map from task to the shortest time to find a program solving it bestSearchTime = {t: None for t in task2grammar} lowerBounds = {k: 0. for k in jobs} frontiers = {t: Frontier([], task=t) for t in task2grammar} # For each job we keep track of how long we have been working on it stopwatches = {t: Stopwatch() for t in jobs} # Map from task to how many programs we enumerated for that task taskToNumberOfPrograms = {t: 0 for t in tasks } def numberOfHits(f): return sum(e.logLikelihood > -0.01 for e in f) def budgetIncrement(lb): if True: return 1.5 # Very heuristic - not sure what to do here if lb < 24.: return 1. elif lb < 27.: return 0.5 else: return 0.25 def maximumFrontiers(j): tasks = jobs[j] return {t: maximumFrontier - numberOfHits(frontiers[t]) for t in tasks} def allocateCPUs(n, tasks): allocation = {t: 0 for t in tasks} while n > 0: for t in tasks: # During testing we use exactly one CPU per task if testing and allocation[t] > 0: return allocation allocation[t] += 1 n -= 1 if n == 0: break return allocation def refreshJobs(): for k in list(jobs.keys()): v = [t for t in jobs[k] if numberOfHits(frontiers[t]) < maximumFrontier and stopwatches[k].elapsed <= enumerationTimeout] if v: jobs[k] = v else: del jobs[k] # Workers put their messages in here q = Queue() # How many CPUs are we using? activeCPUs = 0 # How many CPUs was each job allocated? id2CPUs = {} # What job was each ID working on? id2job = {} nextID = 0 while True: refreshJobs() # Don't launch a job that we are already working on # We run the stopwatch whenever the job is being worked on # freeJobs are things that we are not working on but could be freeJobs = [j for j in jobs if not stopwatches[j].running and stopwatches[j].elapsed < enumerationTimeout - 0.5] if freeJobs and activeCPUs < CPUs: # Allocate a CPU to each of the jobs that we have made the least # progress on freeJobs.sort(key=lambda j: lowerBounds[j]) # Launch some more jobs until all of the CPUs are being used availableCPUs = CPUs - activeCPUs allocation = allocateCPUs(availableCPUs, freeJobs) for j in freeJobs: if allocation[j] == 0: continue g, request = j[:2] bi = budgetIncrement(lowerBounds[j]) thisTimeout = enumerationTimeout - stopwatches[j].elapsed eprint("(python) Launching %s (%d tasks) w/ %d CPUs. %f <= MDL < %f. Timeout %f." % (request, len(jobs[j]), allocation[j], lowerBounds[j], lowerBounds[j] + bi, thisTimeout)) stopwatches[j].start() parallelCallback(wrapInThread(solver), q=q, g=g, ID=nextID, elapsedTime=stopwatches[j].elapsed, CPUs=allocation[j], tasks=jobs[j], lowerBound=lowerBounds[j], upperBound=lowerBounds[j] + bi, budgetIncrement=bi, timeout=thisTimeout, evaluationTimeout=evaluationTimeout, maximumFrontiers=maximumFrontiers(j), testing=testing, likelihoodModel=likelihoodModel) id2CPUs[nextID] = allocation[j] id2job[nextID] = j nextID += 1 activeCPUs += allocation[j] lowerBounds[j] += bi # If nothing is running, and we just tried to launch jobs, # then that means we are finished if all(not s.running for s in stopwatches.values()): break # Wait to get a response message = Bunch(dill.loads(q.get())) if message.result == "failure": eprint("PANIC! Exception in child worker:", message.exception) eprint(message.stacktrace) assert False elif message.result == "success": # Mark the CPUs is no longer being used and pause the stopwatch activeCPUs -= id2CPUs[message.ID] stopwatches[id2job[message.ID]].stop() newFrontiers, searchTimes, pc = message.value for t, f in newFrontiers.items(): oldBest = None if len( frontiers[t]) == 0 else frontiers[t].bestPosterior frontiers[t] = frontiers[t].combine(f) newBest = None if len( frontiers[t]) == 0 else frontiers[t].bestPosterior taskToNumberOfPrograms[t] += pc dt = searchTimes[t] if dt is not None: if bestSearchTime[t] is None: bestSearchTime[t] = dt else: # newBest & oldBest should both be defined assert oldBest is not None assert newBest is not None newScore = newBest.logPrior + newBest.logLikelihood oldScore = oldBest.logPrior + oldBest.logLikelihood if newScore > oldScore: bestSearchTime[t] = dt elif newScore == oldScore: bestSearchTime[t] = min(bestSearchTime[t], dt) else: eprint("Unknown message result:", message.result) assert False eprint("We enumerated this many programs, for each task:\n\t", list(taskToNumberOfPrograms.values())) return [frontiers[t] for t in tasks], bestSearchTime def wrapInThread(f): """ Returns a function that is designed to be run in a thread/threadlike process. Result will be either put into the q """ import dill def _f(*a, **k): q = k.pop("q") ID = k.pop("ID") try: r = f(*a, **k) q.put(dill.dumps({"result": "success", "ID": ID, "value": r})) except Exception as e: q.put(dill.dumps({"result": "failure", "exception": e, "stacktrace": traceback.format_exc(), "ID": ID})) return return _f def solveForTask_ocaml(_=None, elapsedTime=0., CPUs=1, g=None, tasks=None, lowerBound=None, upperBound=None, budgetIncrement=None, timeout=None, testing=None, # FIXME: unused likelihoodModel=None, evaluationTimeout=None, maximumFrontiers=None): import json def taskMessage(t): m = { "examples": [{"inputs": list(xs), "output": y} for xs, y in t.examples], "name":, "request": t.request.json(), "maximumFrontier": maximumFrontiers[t]} if hasattr(t, "specialTask"): special, extra = t.specialTask m["specialTask"] = special m["extras"] = extra return m message = {"DSL": g.json(), "tasks": [taskMessage(t) for t in tasks], "programTimeout": evaluationTimeout, "nc": CPUs, "timeout": timeout, "lowerBound": lowerBound, "upperBound": upperBound, "budgetIncrement": budgetIncrement, "verbose": False, "shatter": 5 if len(tasks) == 1 and "turtle" in str(tasks[0].request) else 10} if hasattr(tasks[0], 'maxParameters') and tasks[0].maxParameters is not None: message["maxParameters"] = tasks[0].maxParameters message = json.dumps(message) # uncomment this if you want to save the messages being sent to the solver try: solver_file = os.path.join(get_root_dir(), 'solver') process = subprocess.Popen(solver_file, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) response, error = process.communicate(bytes(message, encoding="utf-8")) response = json.loads(response.decode("utf-8")) except OSError as exc: raise exc except: print("response:", response) print("error:", error) with open("message", "w") as f: f.write(message) print("message,", message) assert False, "MAX RAISE" pc = response.get("number_enumerated",0) # TODO frontiers = {} searchTimes = {} for t in tasks: solutions = response[] frontier = Frontier([FrontierEntry(program=p, logLikelihood=e["logLikelihood"], logPrior=g.logLikelihood(t.request, p)) for e in solutions for p in [Program.parse(e["program"])]], task=t) frontiers[t] = frontier if frontier.empty: searchTimes[t] = None # This is subtle: # The search time we report is actually not be minimum time to find any solution # Rather it is the time to find the MAP solution # This is important for regression problems, # where we might find something with a good prior but bad likelihood early on, # and only later discovered the good high likelihood program else: searchTimes[t] = min( (e["logLikelihood"] + e["logPrior"], e["time"]) for e in solutions)[1] + elapsedTime return frontiers, searchTimes, pc def solveForTask_pypy(_=None, elapsedTime=0., g=None, task=None, lowerBound=None, upperBound=None, budgetIncrement=None, timeout=None, likelihoodModel=None, evaluationTimeout=None, maximumFrontier=None, testing=False): return callCompiled(enumerateForTasks, g, tasks, likelihoodModel, timeout=timeout, testing=testing, elapsedTime=elapsedTime, evaluationTimeout=evaluationTimeout, maximumFrontiers=maximumFrontiers, budgetIncrement=budgetIncrement, lowerBound=lowerBound, upperBound=upperBound) def solveForTask_python(_=None, elapsedTime=0., g=None, tasks=None, lowerBound=None, upperBound=None, budgetIncrement=None, timeout=None, CPUs=1, likelihoodModel=None, evaluationTimeout=None, maximumFrontiers=None, testing=False): return enumerateForTasks(g, tasks, likelihoodModel, timeout=timeout, testing=testing, elapsedTime=elapsedTime, evaluationTimeout=evaluationTimeout, maximumFrontiers=maximumFrontiers, budgetIncrement=budgetIncrement, lowerBound=lowerBound, upperBound=upperBound) class EnumerationTimeout(Exception): pass def enumerateForTasks(g, tasks, likelihoodModel, _=None, verbose=False, timeout=None, elapsedTime=0., CPUs=1, testing=False, #unused evaluationTimeout=None, lowerBound=0., upperBound=100., budgetIncrement=1.0, maximumFrontiers=None): assert timeout is not None, \ "enumerateForTasks: You must provide a timeout." from time import time request = tasks[0].request assert all(t.request == request for t in tasks), \ "enumerateForTasks: Expected tasks to all have the same type" maximumFrontiers = [maximumFrontiers[t] for t in tasks] # store all of the hits in a priority queue # we will never maintain maximumFrontier best solutions hits = [PQ() for _ in tasks] starting = time() previousBudget = lowerBound budget = lowerBound + budgetIncrement try: totalNumberOfPrograms = 0 while time() < starting + timeout and \ any(len(h) < mf for h, mf in zip(hits, maximumFrontiers)) and \ budget <= upperBound: numberOfPrograms = 0 for prior, _, p in g.enumeration(Context.EMPTY, [], request, maximumDepth=99, upperBound=budget, lowerBound=previousBudget): descriptionLength = -prior # Shouldn't see it on this iteration assert descriptionLength <= budget # Should already have seen it assert descriptionLength > previousBudget numberOfPrograms += 1 totalNumberOfPrograms += 1 for n in range(len(tasks)): task = tasks[n] #Warning:changed to max's new likelihood model situation #likelihood = task.logLikelihood(p, evaluationTimeout) #if invalid(likelihood): #continue success, likelihood = likelihoodModel.score(p, task) if not success: continue dt = time() - starting + elapsedTime priority = -(likelihood + prior) hits[n].push(priority, (dt, FrontierEntry(program=p, logLikelihood=likelihood, logPrior=prior))) if len(hits[n]) > maximumFrontiers[n]: hits[n].popMaximum() if timeout is not None and time() - starting > timeout: raise EnumerationTimeout previousBudget = budget budget += budgetIncrement if budget > upperBound: break except EnumerationTimeout: pass frontiers = {tasks[n]: Frontier([e for _, e in hits[n]], task=tasks[n]) for n in range(len(tasks))} searchTimes = { tasks[n]: None if len(hits[n]) == 0 else \ min(t for t,_ in hits[n]) for n in range(len(tasks))} return frontiers, searchTimes, totalNumberOfPrograms