--- license: apache-2.0 language: - de - id - 'no' - hu - tl - cs - da - vi - nl - lv - tr - sl - af - sw - fi - cy - sq - hr - lt - et - en - fr - sv - it - so - es - bn - pl - ca - sk - pt - ro - multilingual task_categories: - text-classification - zero-shot-classification tags: - nlp - moderation size_categories: - 10K This is a large corpus of 41,578 preprocessed sms messages and emails sent by humans in 32 languages. `is_spam=1` means spam and `is_spam=0` means ham.
### Some preprcoessing algorithms - [spam_assassin.js](./spam_assassin.js), followed by [spam_assassin.py](./spam_assassin.py) - [enron_spam.py](./enron_spam.py)
### Data composition ![Spam vs Non-spam (Ham)](https://i.imgur.com/9hBvc37.png)
### Description To make the text format between sms messages and emails consistent, email subjects and content are separated by two newlines: ```python text = email.subject + "\n\n" + email.content ```
### Original source - https://huggingface.co/datasets/sms_spam - https://github.com/MWiechmann/enron_spam_data - https://github.com/stdlib-js/datasets-spam-assassin - https://repository.ortolang.fr/api/content/comere/v3.3/cmr-simuligne.html